mpm^f ^ 5L. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE OF THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY J/ FOR THE YEARS 1869-87. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. SYDNEY: CHARLES POTTER, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, PHILLIP STREET. 1895. ^ 5/ 5-1— 95-6 4 , - - - ^ , . , . . , **»*>■, CATALOGUE OF THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY, PART I :— Authors, Editors, or Reference. 1869—1887. ***' A [Abb *** {See JosEPHSON, J.] *** \Sie Hodson's Bay.] \_See PSALMANAZAR, G.] A. (.J. B.) \Jiee Young Victoria.] A.G. \See Mother's Grave.] AA (P. J. B. C. RoBiDE van der). Reizen iiaar Neder- landsch Nieuw-Guinea, ondernonieii op last der Regeering van Nederlandsch-Indio iu de Jaren 1871-72, 1875-76. MD 3 V 7 MD 3 V 8 ABBOTT (Rev. Edwin Abbott), D.D. Flatland : a Ro- mance of many Dimensions ; by " A Square." Sm. 4to. Lond., 1884. A 10 U 27 Francis Bacon : an Account of lii.s Life and Works. 8vo. Load., 1885. C 10 R 10 Sliakespearian Grammar for the Use of .Scliools. 8vo. Lond., 1872. K 11 U 17 8vo. 'Sgravenhage, 1879. {See Morris, D. F. van Braam.] AARON (Charles H.) Practical Treatise on Testing and Working Silver Ores. 12mo. SanFrancisco, 1876. A 9 P 36 AASEN (Ivar). Norsk Grammatik. 8vo. Cliristiania, 186-1. K 12 S 33 Norsk Ordbog, med Dansk Forklaring. 8vo. Cliris- tiania, 1873. K 15 S 28 AB.^LARDUS (Petrus). Opera omnia. {See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 178.] ABBEY (C. J.) The Englisli Church and its Bishops, 1700-1800. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887. G 5 P 1, 2 Siege de Paris. {See B 8 T7 ABBON OR ABBO (Cernuus). GoizoT, F. P. G., 6.] ABBOT (F. E.), Ph.D. Organic Scientific Philosophy: Scientific Theism. 8vo. Lond., 1885. G 13 Q 1 ABBOT (Willis J.) Blue Jackets of '61 : a History of tho American Navy. Sm. 4to. New York, 1887. B 1 U 9 ABBOTT (Charles C), M.D. Primitive Industry ; or, Illustrations of the Handiwork, in Stone, Bone and Clay, of the Native Races of the Northern Atlantic Seaboard of America. 8vo. Salem, 1881. A 1 W 22 ABBOTT (Rev. Edwin A.), D.D., and SEELEY (.T. R.), M. A English Lessons for English People. 11th thou.sand. 8vo. Lond., 1875. K11T4 ABBOTT (Evelyn), M.A., kc. Hellenica : a Collection of Essays on Greek Poetry, Philosopliy, History, and Religion. 8vo. Lond., 1880. J 2 S 5 History of Antiquity. {See Duncker, Prof. M.] B 14 S 25-30 ABBOTT (Francis), F.R.A.S. Catalogue of Plants under Cultivation in the Royal Societv's Gardens, Queen's Park, Hobart Town, Tasmania. 8vo. Hobart, 1865. MJ 2 R 13 Results of Five Years' Meteorological Observations for Hobart Town; with which are incorporated the Results of Twenty-five Years' Observations previously published by the Royal Society of Tasmania. 4to. Hobart, 1872. MA 1 Q 23 t ABBOTT (Capt. James). Narrative of a Journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow, and St.Petersburgh, during tlie late Russian Invasion of Khiva 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843. D 5 S 8, 9 Another copy. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. D5S 10,11 ABBOTT (Rev. J.), A.M., "Philip Musgr.we." Philip Musgrave; or, IMenioirs of a Church of England Mis- sionary in tho North American Colonies. 1 2nio. Lond., 1846. D3P37 Another copv. (H. and C. Library.) 12rao. Lond., 1846. ' J 8 P 16 171CG8S CATALOGUE OF THE Abb] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Abe ABBOTT (John S. C.) History of tlie Civil War in America. Illustratetl with Maps and Portraits. 2 vols. roy. 6VO. SpringtieUi, Mass., 1863-C6. B 1 U 17, 18 Anothercopy. 2vols. roy.8vo. Norw., Conn., 1883. Libr. ABBOTT (Samuel). Ardeniuohr among the Hills : a Record of Scenery and Sports in the Highlands of Scot- land. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 187G. D 6 T 21 ABBREVIATIONS. Dictionary of Abbreviations, con- taining nearly 2,500 Contractions and Signs. Sq. IGnio. Loud., 1886. K11S2 {ABD-AL-LATIF IBN YUSUF IBN MUHAISIMAD IBX 'ALl' IBN ALI ALS'AD (Muwaffik al-Din ABl- McHAMMAD), Al BAGD.VDf, Cnlled IbS AL-LaBBAD. Relation de TEgypte; suivie de divers e.xtraits d'Ecrivains Orientaux, et d'un Etat des Provinces et des Villages de I'Egvpte dans le \i\.' Siecle : traduit par M. Silvestre de Sacy. 4to. Paris, 1810. D 2 U 6 ABD-EL-KADER (Emir). Horses of the Sahara ; with Coniijientaries by. [Ste Daumas, E.J A 1 R 33 ABDULLA(BinAbdvlkadar), MuNSiii. Translations from the Hakavit Alxlulla, witii Comments by J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S. ' f>nd., 1874. C 3 Q 22 ABDU-R-RAHMAN (Nunu-D-Dix). Yiisnf .uidZulaikha: a PiK'ii), by " Jiiiiii." Translated from the Persian into English Verse by R. T. H. Griffith. 8vo. Lond., 1882. H 8 V 9 Persian Poetry. [See Robixsox, S.] ABDY (E. S.) Journal of a Residence and Tour in the Unite<'ltcr to Lord Brnughani and \'au,v, occonipnnied by an Anuly.Kis of a Bill for tho Iinprovo- infiiit of the Ijiw relating to tho Administration of lUcejiv^l Persons' EsUtes. 8vo. Lend., 1849. MJ2R19 Ix-ctureo on Painting, Ac. [Set Melb. Pub. Library, A-c. ] MA 2 V 11 [Ste Htatr All) t^uMTioN.] MF 1 (J 6 A'BECKKTT (Sir William), Chief Jiktuk of Vhtohia. DofMi Ihn I»ilatiiin to itM Moral and SiH-ial ElTfrt.M, a.s hitherto (Iovel. Lond., '"'*'•''• MM 1 U IH I>Ttiire dcliver.d Ufore the MendMTH and FriendH of llio MellKiurne Tulal Alry the " Aborigines Protection Society." 8vo. Lond., 1837. '" MA 1 R 17 Another copy. (Pam. 6.) Lond., 1837. MJ 2 Q 1 Report of Sub-Protector [E. L. Hamilton], 1874 [Govt. Gazette, S.A.] Fol. Adelaide, 1875. MF 2 U 2 Reports of the Aborigines' Protection Board, and Papers relating to the Aborigines of Australia. Fol. Melb., ifec, 1839-8^2. MF 2 U 2 Royal Commission on the Aborigines. — Report of the Com- missioners appointed to inquire into the Aborigines of Victoria. Fol. Melb,, 1877. MF 2 U 2 Superstitions of the Australian Aborigines. (MS.) (Pam. A.) Fol. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 2 U 1 Tenth Annual Report of the Church of England Mission of the Diocese of Melbourne to the Aborigines. 8vo. Melb., 1864. MF 3 P 15 Universal Destruction of Aboriginal Races by Colonizing Nations, and eventually of the New Zealanders ; the Cause of this Evil, and its sure Preventive. Addressed to the Right Hon. the Earl Grey, Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1847. MJ 2 Q 8 Vocabulaire des Dialectes des Aborigenes de I'Australie Svo. Melb., 1867. MK 1 Q 27 CATALOGUE OF THE Abo] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ack ABORIGINES' PROTECTION SOCIETY. Annua! Re- ports, 4tli and 6th, of the Alwrigines' Protection Society, pr«>ented at the Meetinf,'s in Exeter Hall; witli Lists of Officers, Subscriljers, Benefactors and Honorary and Cor- responding Members. 8vo. Lend., 1839-43. MA 1 R 1" Another copy. MJ 2 Q 3 Extracts from the Papers and Proceedings (Pani. 13). 8vo. Load., 1841. MJ 2 Q 3 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1841. MA 1 R 17 Fourth Annual Report, 1841 ; with Lists of Officers, Subscriljers, Benefactors, and Honorory Members. 8vo. Lond., 1841. MF2P17 Twelftli Annual Report of tlie Aborigines' Protection Society. 8vo. Lond., 1849. MF 1 R 4 Thirteenth and Fourteenth Annual Reports of the Al>'rigine.s' Protection Society, fvo. Lond., 1850-.'il. MF 1 R 5 Transaction.s of the Aborigines' Protection Society. \_See C!oLOXiAL Intelligescer, The ] MF 1 R 3-5 ABOUT (Edmoxd). Greece and the Greeks of the present day. 12mo. London, 1855. B 9 S 25 AliRANTES (.Mme. Lavra Permov Junot), Duchess d'. Memoirs of. 7 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1831-35 C 1 V 3-9 Memoirs of Napoleon- his Court and Family. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836. C 5 T 17, 18 ABU TALIB IBN MIH.\M.MAD ISFAHAXI Travels of Mirza Abu Taii-b Khan in Asia, Africa, and Euro[>o, during the years 1799-1803. Translated by Major Charles Stewart, M.A.S. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Broxbouni, 1810. D 9 T 30 ABYSSINIA AND ITS PEOPLE. \_See IIotten, J.C] ACADkShE DES SCIENCES (L'). Comptes rendus hnUlomadaires tle.s Seances de 1' Academic des Sciences. Tom.-j) 1-101. 4to. Paris, 1635-87. E ACADEMIE IMPIiRIALE (L'). Bulletin d.' rAca.^inie Impcrinle den Sciences de St. Petersbourg. II vols. fol. St. Pet.Tsburi;, IHOO-TO. E AfADEMY or NATIItAL SCIENCES (JF I'lllLA^ DELPHIA. Annual HeportK. (Pam.CI.) 8vo. Philad., 1X77. A 10 U 21 ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Annual Report.^ 1«6I, 1HG4, ISfiG; with an AddroMi on tlin PliyniolojfV', Utility, and Importance of Arrlimntiuition to Australia, di-livcred at this Annual Mri'tiiiif ftv.. Sydney, I, sr, |. MJ 2 Q 10 Hiilr« of th« Arrlimntiiuition .S.M-iely of New Houth WaleM. (Pnni. Dl) 8vo. Sydney, IM02. MF3I'll ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY OF VICTORIA. Establi-sliment of the Acclini;itisation Society of Victoria, Feb. 1860. (Pam. Cb.) 8vo. Melb., 1861. A16U25 First Annual Report. (Para. Dl.) 8vo. Melb., 1862. MF3 P 11 First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Annual Re- ports; with the Addresses delivered at the Mechanics' Institute, ^Melbourne, by His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., and Professor M'Coy. Svo. Melb., 1862-71. ME 1 Q Rules and Objects of; with the Report adopted at tlio First General Meotinij of tlie Members, and a List of the Otficers, Member.s, and Subscribers to the Society. 8vo. Melb., 1861-62. MF 3 P 11 Another copy. Svo. Melb., 1861. MJ 2 R 9 [See Zoological and Acclimatisation Society.] ACCLIMATISATION OF ANIMALS, kc, WITHIN THE UNITED KINGDOM. SOCIETY FOR. Fourtli Annual Report, 1864. Svo. Lond., 1864. MJ 2 R 7 ACCUM (Frederick). Chemical Amusement : a series of Experiments in Chemistry. 3rd cd. 12ino. Lond., 1818. A 5 S 2 Elements of Crystallograpliy, after the method of Haiiy. Svo. Lond., 1813. A 9 T 22 Treatise on the Art of Making Good and "Wholesome Bread. 12mo. Lond., 1821. A5S2 ACHEEN. Correspondence relative to the Relations between Great Britain and Aelieen, 1873. Fo). Lond., 1873. F 3C Q 13 t ACHESON (F.) Collection and Storage of Water. [Sec Victorian Government Prize Essays.] MJ 2 P 10 ACHILLI (Rev. Giacinto). Dealings with the Inquisi- tion ; or, Papal Rome, her Priests, and Jesuits, with Important Disclosures. 12mo. Lond., 1852. G10Q37 Another copy. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1852. G10Q38 ACHILLES TAT I US. [See Ilcliodorus and Scriptoros I'j-otici Graeci.] ACKERMANN (R.) History of the. Abbey Clun-ch of St. IVtors, Westminster. [See Comue, W.J B 15S6, 7t History of tlie Colleges of Winchester, Eton, and W^cst- minster ; with the Charter-House, the Schools of St. Paul's, Merchant Taylors, Harrow, Rugby, and the Free School of Clirist'a Ho.spitiil. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1816. li 19 T 9 \ History of the University of Cambridge, its Colleges, ll.'ills, and Public BuildingH. 2 vols. roy. 4to. Lond., IHir.. B19IM5, 16t History of tlu! University of Oxford. 2 vols. roy. 4to. Lond., ISI 1. I! 11 S 6, 7 t Microcosm of Lonclon. 3 vols. roy. 4to. l.oml., 1S08- 10. " I! l.S S6-8 \ Selections of < )rn.inicnts foi- (he use of Sniliitors, PaiTiters, CarvcrK, Modellers, itc. 3 v 1, 2 AD.VMS (John), L.L.D. Defence of the Constitiitiims of (iovi-rniiiiMit of the L'nited States of America, against tlie Attack of M. Turgot in his Letter to Dr. Price, Marcli, \"x. 3 vols. «vo. I^nd., 1794. B 15 R 15^17 ADAMS (J. C.) An Explanation of the Ob.scrved Irregu- Inritii-A in the Motion of Uranus. (Pani. 21.) 8v(i. Lond., 1H46. M.) 2 il 12 ADAMS (John yuiNrv). An Eulogy on tlin Life and ('hnmct\MS (HoiiKKT), "Alpha Ciii;cih." Song ..f die anil other Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1882. Mil I 1' IG ADAMS (Mawah Hoi.i.A!«i»). [St« (!rimm, II. ] (T, l' If, ADAMS (Prof. W. G.), M.A., &c., and DAY (R. E.) M.A. The Action of Light on Selenium. (Rov. Soc. Pubs., 4). 4to. Lond., f877. ' AllPSt ADAMS ("\V.H. D.wenport). Earth and Sea. [5«Fiouier, L.] A IG V 8 on tlie Sea ; or, the Story of the Britisli Navy, its l^ecisive Battles, and Great Commanders. 2 ^ols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 4 Q 25, 26 Famous Ships of the British Navy ; or, Stories of Enter- prise and Daring, collected from our Naval Chronicles ; and an Appendix on Iron-clad Ships, by N. Barnaby. 12mo. Lond., 1863. B 3 P 19 Good Queen Anne ; or. Men and JNIanners, Life and Letters in England's Augustan Age. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886. ' " B 6 P 21, 22 ADAMS (— ) AND FRANCIS (— ). List of Newspapers published in London. 4to. Lond., 1862. ]\IJ 2 U 3 ADAMSON (John), F.S.A. Memoirs of the Life and "Writings of Luis de Canioens. 2 vols 8vo. Lond., 1820. C3S15, 16 ADAMSON ("William). Adamson's Australian Gardener : an Epitome of Horticulture for the Colony of Victoria. 10th ed., revised and corrected by "William Elliott. 1 2nu). Melb., 1879. MA 1 P 8 Australian Gardener. [_See Smith it Adamson.] MA1P7 ADAMUS BREMENSIS. M. Adami Ilistoria Ecclesia- stica, continens Religionis propagatie gesta. Sm. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1595. G 5 P 4 ADAMUS SCOTUS. Opera omnia. [See Mir.NH, J. P., Series Latina, 198.] ADDEMAN (Josiita M.") ;\Iai\iial, with Rules and Orders for the use of tlie (ieneral Ass(>nd)ly, of the Static of Rlindi- Island, 1873-74. 8vo. Providence, 1874. l'^ 5 S 6 ADDERLKY (Rt. Hon. Sir C. B.), K.C.M.G., kc. Review of " The Colonial Policy of Lord J. Russell's Administration" ; by Earl Grey, 1853 ; and of subse- quent Colonial History. 8vo. Loud., 1869. MF 2 R 17 AHUIS (Wii.iJAM K.), AM) ARNOLD (Thomas), M.A. A Catliolic Dictionary ; containing .soiu(^ Aeeount of the Doctrine, Diseipline, Rites, Ceremonies, Councils, and R(?]igious < )nlers of tlie Cathnlie Cluncli. 8vo. Lond., 1S84. K I S 12 ADDISON (Charles t!.) Damascus ancl I'aliiiyra ; a Jcuirney to the East, with a Sketch of the State and Prospects of Syria under Ibrahim Pasha. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. 1) 4 U 42, 43 History of the Knights Temiilars, the 'renqile Cliureli, and the Temple. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1812. G 5 ti 8 ADDISON (G. R.) lialiii.iin tutions. (I'am. I )1.) I 2iiio its iMiinii'lpiilil V and I iisti Sydney, 1877. ' MK:tPI7 PllEE PUBLIC LIBRAllY, SYDNEY. Add] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [_ms ADDISON (Rt. Hon. Joskpii). A Biography ; l.y W. J. Courtliope. (Eiig. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lend., 1884. C 1 U 2 Cato: a Tragedy. (New Eng. Theatre). ISnio. Loiul., 1784. JI 4 P 25 Another Copy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre). 18mo. Lond., 1791. H 2 P 1 Another Copy. (Brit. Theatre). 12mu. Lond., 1808- HIPS Another Copy. \_See Brit. Drama, 1] The Drummer : a Comedy. (New Eng. Theatre). 12mo. Lond, 1771. H 4 P 22 Another Copy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre). 18nio. Lond., 1792. H 2 P 15 Another Copy. \_See Brit. Drama, 4.] Life and Poems of. [_See Chalmers, A., rwic^ Johnson, S.] Life of; by Lucy Aikin. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843. C 2 U 8, 9 Selections from Papers contributed to the Sjiect/ttor . Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by T. Arnold, M.A. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. O.xford, 1875. J 1 T 28 Works of, collected by Mr. [T.] Tickell. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1804. J 8 S 20-25 Selections from. [See Harlin, T.] MH 1 P 38 [See OviDius Naso, P.] J 15 P 29, 30 ADDRESS TO PARENTS, from the Teachers of the Independent Sunday School, connected with the Con- gregation of the Rev. C. Price, inviting them to send their children to a Sunday School. 12mo. Launceston, 1837. MG 1 P 48 ADDRESS TO PRISONERS. [See Browning, C. R.] MG 1 P 9 ADELAIDE [See South Australia.] ADELAIDE (Queen), Consort of William iv. Memoir of; by Dr. J. Doran. 8vo. Lond., 1861. C 5 Q 1 ADELAIDE OBSERVER (The). For 1844, 184(5, and 1857 to 1863. 3 vols. fol. Adelaide, 1844-63. ME } ADELAIDE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. [See Royal Society op South Australia.] MA 1 Q 17 ADELER (Max) [See Clark, C. H.] ADELUNG (Friedrich). Catherinens der Grossen Ver- dienste um die vergleichende Spraclienkunde. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1815. K 16 R 8 ADEIiUNG (JoilANN Christoph). Grannnatisch-kritisches, Wiirterbuch der hochdeutschen Mundart, niit bestiindiger Vergleichung der iibrigen Mundarten, besonders aber der Oberdeutsclien. 2e auflage, 4 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1793- 1801. K 16 S 20-23 Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde, mit dem Vater Unser als Sprachprobe in bey nalie fiinfhundert Sprachen und Mundarten. 4 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1806- 1817. K 12 S 21-24 ADLARD (Georc.e). Amye Robsait and the Earl of Lcycester; a Critical Imjuiry into the Authenticity of the Various Statements in Relation to the Death of Amye Robsart, and a History of Kenihvorth Castle; with Memoirs and Correspondence of Sir R. Dudley. 8vo. Loud., 1870. B 6 P 48 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. [See New South Wales and Tasmania.] ADMIRALS AND SEAMEN. [See British Admirals.] ADMIRALTY CHARTS. Relating to Australia. At. fol. Loud., 1802-73. MD 5 Q 12 J ADOLPHUS (John H.) History of England, from the Accession to the Decease of George in. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841-45. B 5 Q 37-43 Memoirs of Caroline, Queen Consort of Great Britain. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1821-22. C 5 T 3-5 Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. C 8 U 4, 5 ADRESS-BUCH DEUTSCHER EXPORT FIRMEN. 4 vols. R. 4to. Berlin, 1883-85. E ADVENTURES OF A GREEK LADY. [See Stephano, C] D 10 Q 40, 41 ADVENTURES OF A MOUNTED TROOPER in the Australian Constabulary ; by "William Burrows." 12mo. Lond., 1859. MD 1 S 53 ADVENTURES OF Mr. NEWCHAMP. Travels and Adventures of Mr. Newchamp ; by H. J. L. 8vo. Melb., 1854. MH 1 Q 4 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1854. MJ 2 R 19 ADVENTURES OF NAUFRAGUS. [See Horne, Mr.] D 5 P 13 ADVIELLE (Victor). Histoire de I'Ordre Hospitaller de Saint Antoine de Viennois, et de ses Conimanderies et Prieures. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1883. G 8 V 17 AELREDUS RIEVALLENSIS (Beatus). Opera omnia. [See MiGNE, J. P., Series Latina, 195.] iESCHYLUS. Aeschyli Fabulae. In Libro Mediceo mendose scriptae ex vv. dd. coniecturis emendatius editae. Cum Scholiis Graecis et brevi adnotatione critica curante F. A. Paley, M.A., etc. 8vo. Cambridge, 1883. H 8 V 20 Aeschylos Eumeniden, Griechi.sch und Deutsch mit crliiuternden Abhandlungen, von K. O. Miiller. 4to. Gottingen, 1833. H 3 V I ^scliyli Tragoedire Superstites et DeperditaruTU Frag- menta, ex llecensione G. Dindorfii. Editio .secunda emendatior. Greek Text and Latin Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1851. H 1 S 16, 17 Agamemnon of .3ti 1792, ini'ludiiig Aut'igraph I^ittiT.i, collectoil by (». ChaliiuT*. Fol. (.M.SS.; Africisl53(j 1792. B 19 U 7 t A'JANIPI'K (TiiK); a Monthly Journal of Miscellanoous Lit4»mturo. No. 1. (Pam. B). Roy. 8vo. Sydney, J ^'2. MJ 2 U 2 AG API DA (Vmss Ahtosio). Con<|wnHt of Granado. [Sm luvijc.i, W ] AGASSIZ (Mrs. Elizabeth Cary). Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz, his Life and Correspondence. 2 vols. 12nio. Lond., 1885. C 2 S 2, 3 AGASSIZ (Prof. Jean Louis Rodolphe), L.L.D. Contri- butions to the Natural History of tlie United States of America. Vols. 3, 4, 2 vols. imp. 4to. Boston, 1860-62. A 4 P 10, 11 t Etudes critiques sur les Mollusiiues fossiles. Rov. 4to. Neuchatel, 1840. A 2 Q 22 t Geological Sketches. 12nio. Lond., 1866. A 9 Q 32 His Life and Correspondence. Edited by Mrs. Elizabeth Cary Agassiz. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 2 S 2, 3 Histoire naturelle des Poissons d'eau douce de I'Europe ceutrale. Enibryologie des Salmones, par C. Vogt. Imp. 8vo. Neuciiatel, 1842. A 14 V 48 Planches [to the above]. Ob. 4to. Neuchatel, 1839. A 13 P 29 t Memoir of Hugh Miller. [See Miller, H.] J 9 R 9 Monographies d'Echinodermes vivans et fossiles. Roy. 4to. Neuchatel, 1838-42. A 23 R 33 } Nomenclator Zoologicus, continens Nomina Systematica Generum Aninialium tarn viventium (juani fossilium. 4to. Soloduri, 1842^6. A 15 T 8 Types of Mankind. [See Nott, J. C, and Gliddon, G. R.] A 2 P 19 AGASSIZ (Prof. Louis J. R.), and AGASSIZ (Mrs. Louis). A Journey in Brazil. 8vo. Boston, 1879. D 3 S 40 AGASSIZ (Prof. Louis J. R.), and (JOULD (A. A.) Out- linos of Coniiiarative Physiology, touching the Structure and Development of the Races of Animals. Edited and enlargedbyT.Wright,M.D. 12iuo. Lond., 1870. A14P63 AGATITIUS. [See Byzantin.e Hist. Script., 1.] B 9 U 1 AGE ANNUAL (The). A Political and Statistical Register of the Colony of Victoria, for the year ending 31st December, 1875. 8vo. JSlell)., 1876. MJ 2 R 10 AG(iAS (Radolpii). Loudon in the Reign of Queen Elizabotli : a Facsimile (reduced) of the Map by R. Aggas, 1560; by E. Weller, F.R.G.S. Shoot sm. fol. Lond., (n.d.) " D 33 P 4 t ACINCOURT [See D'Aoincovrt.] AGOHAUHUS (Manc^tus). Opera omnia. [Ste Mione, J. P., Series Latina, vol. 104. J AGRICULTURAL CALENDAR, Australia. 8vo. Sydney, 1836. MA 1 P 42 ACilUCl'LTUHAL SOCIETY oK ENGLAND (Royal). [See Royal AdRicui.TfUAi, Society of EN(iLANi>. | ACUICULTURALani. IIoKTICULTURALSOCIETY. Report of the Agricultural ami Ilorticultuiiil Society of New South Wales for 1829. (Pam. 33.) 12mo. Sydney, 1829. MJ 2(^21 AGRICULTURAL Report of the Commissioner of United States, [See United Statics.] E FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. Agr] Paut I : — Authors, Bditors, or Reference. [Ain AORICULTURAL RESOURCES OF VICTORIA. [_See ViCTOKiA.] MK 1 R 33 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF N.S. WALES. Anni- versary Addresses, List of Members, and Rules and Regulations, of the Agricultural Society of New South Wales, instituted on the 5th of July, 1822. (Ram. 33.) 12mo. Sydney, 1823-26. MJ 2 Q 21 Catalogue of Live Stock, Farm Produce, and Agricul- tural Implements, exhibited at the Society's Grounds. Parramatta. (Pam Dl.) 8vo. Sydney, 18G0. MF 3 P 1 1 Journal of, 18G9-71, 1874-75; edited by M. Lowe. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1869-75. ME 4 V Journal of; edited by J. Joubert. 3rd series, 1877. 8vo. Sydney, 1877.* ME 1 R Journal of. 3rd series. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MJ 2 R 14 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, WISCONSIN. Trans- actions. Madison, 1852-78. AGRICULTURAL WORKING UNIONS. On Self- supporting Agricultural Working Unions, for the Labour- ing Classes, shewing tlie means by which industrious men may raise themselves to a state of comfortable independence in Australia, with or without the assistance of the ruling authorities. (Pam. 10.) 8vo. Sndney. 1844. MJ 2 Q 2 AGRICULTURE IN S, AUSTRALIA. [See South Aus- TU.^LIA.] AGRICULTURE IN VICTORIA. [_See Victoria.] AGUILAR (Grace). Women of Israel ; or. Characters and Sketches from the Holy Scriptures and Jewish History, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1853. G 13 Q 9, 10 AHMOUY (Louis). \_See Chinese Question, The.] MF 3 P 21 AHMED KHAN (Syed), C.S.I. Life and Work of ; Ijy Lieut.-Col. G.F.J. Graham. 8vo. Edinb.,1885. C 3 U 37 AHN (FuANz), Ph.D. Elements of Dutch Grannnar, after Dr. Ahn's Method. 3rd ed., thoroughly revised. 12mo. Lond., 1877. K 11 U 1 Manual of French Conversation, for the use of Schools and Travellers. 12mo. Lond., 1878. K 11 V 31 New and Easy Method of Learning the Italian Language. First and second Course. Author's own edition. Tenth issue. 12mo. Lond., 1878. K 11 T 40 New, Practical, and Easy Method of Learning the French Language. First and second Course in one volume. 8vo. Lond., 1878. K 11 V 30 New, Practical, and Method of Learning the Italian Language. First and second Course. Author's own edition. Eleventh issue. 12mo. Load., 1881. K 11 T 41 New, Practical, and Easy Metliod of Learning the German Language. First and second Course in one volume. 8vo. Lond., 1877. K 11 V 24 AIIN {¥\ikm,)—conlinund. Practical Grammar of the (Jerman Language; witii a Grammatical Index and Glo.ssary of all the German Words. A new edition, containing numerous Additions, Alterations, and improvements ; by Daw.son W. Tui-ncr, D.C.L., and Frederick L. Weinmanii. 8vo. Lond.' 1878. K 11 V 23 AIxVZZA (G.) \_See Rinuccini, AuciiBisnop, G. B.] B 11 P38 AICHER (Otto), " Dodo Riciiea." Theatrum Funebrc, exhibens per varias scenas Epitaphia nova, antitjua, seria, jocosa. 4 parts, in 2 vols. sq. Bvo. Salisburgi, 1673-75. BUR 22, 23 AIKEN (P. F.) Memorials of Robert Burns and of some of his Contemporaries and their Descendants, with a Numerous Selection of his best Poems and Songs, and engraved Portrait, and Fac-Similes. 8vo. Lond., 1876. Ho R3 AIKIN (Arthur), F.L.S., kc. Illustrations of Arts and Manufactures. 12mo. Lond., 1841. A11Q9 AIKIN (John), M.I). Essays on Song- Writing ; with a Collection of such English Songs as are most eminent for Poetical Merit. New ed., with Additions and Correc- tions, and a Supplement; by R. H. Evans. 8vo. Lond., 1810. H 7 R 18 General Biography ; or, Lives, Critical and Historical, of the most Eminent Persons of all Ages, Countries, Conditions, and Professions ; by John Aikin, and others. 10 vols. 4to. Lond., 1799-1815. C 4 W 10-19 Memoir of; with a Selection of his J\Iiscellaneous Pieces, Biographical, Moral, and Critical; by Lucy Aikin. 2 vols. 8vo, Loud., 1823. C 1 V 17, 18 AIKIN (Lucy). Correspondence of W. E. Channing and Lucy Aikin, from 1826 to 1842; edited by Anna L. Le Breton. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 3 S 18 Life of Joseph Addison. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843. C 2 U 8, 9 Memoir of John Aikin, M.D. ; with a Selection of his Miscellaneous Pieces, Biographical, Moral, and Critical. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1823. _ CIV 17, 18 Memoir of A. L. Barbauld. [See Barbauld, A. L.] J 10 V 22, 23 IMemoir of Miss [Elizabeth Ogilvy] Benger. [See, Miss Elizabeth Ooilvy.] C 3 S 5 Memoirs of the Court of King Cliarles i. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. C 10 P 26, 27 Memoirs of the Court of King James i. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1822. C 9 R 3, 4 Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1818. C 5 V 11, 12 AIKMAN (James). History of Scotland. [See Buchanax, Geo.] B 13 Q 33-38 AILRED (S.) [See Scotland, Historia.ns of.] B 13 P 49 AINGER (Rev. Alfred). Charles Lamb. (Eng. Men of Letts.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. C 1 U 22 10 CATALOGUE OF THE Ain] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Alb AINSLTE (Hehbert), B.A. [S« Maitlaxd, E.] ISee Lamb, C] AIXSLIE (John), and GALBR^VITH (W.), M.A., kc. Treatise on L;intl Surveying. Kew and enlarged ed., embracing Railway, ililitary, ^Marine, and Geodetical Surveying ; with Geodetical Tables for Trigonometrical Surveying and Levelling. S\o. Lond., 18-49. AGS 22 Plates to the above. Ob. 8vo. Load., 1849. A 6 S 23 AINSWOHTII (R.) Latin Dictionary; improved and enlarged, by Dr. Thos. Morell ; revised by John Carey, L.L.D. 4to. Lend., 1823. K 16 S 12 AINSWORTII (W.) Analysis of a Narrative of a Voyage t'l the Reering's Stniit, under the command of Capt. F. W. Beechey, R.N., 1825-28. 8vo. Lond., 1833. MD 7 Q 46 AINSWORTH (Wm. Fhancis), F.R.G.S., etc. All Round the World : an Illustrated Record of Voyages, Travels, and Adventures in all Parts of the Globe ; edited by W. F. Ainsworth. 1st and 2nd series. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1872. D 9 V 1, 2 Tlie Eartli delineated witli Pen and Pencil ; or. Voyages, Travels, and Adventures, all round the World; edited bv W. F. Ainsworth. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., (n.d.) D 9 V 5 Lircs and Penates. [See Barkuk, W. B.] B 13 V 23 Resenrches in A.ssyria, Babylonia, and Chaldroa ; forming jMirt of the Lalxiurs of the Euphrates Expedition. 8vo. I»nd., l.><38. D 4 U 22 Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chnldea, and Armenia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S42. D5 R 31, 32 Trr.vels in the Track of the Ten Thou.sand Greeks; being a Goograplilcal and Descriptive Account of the Expe- dition of Cyrus. 8vo. Lond., 1844. B 9 S 30 AINSWORTH (W. H.) Ainsworth's Magazine No. 1, 1H42. (Pnm. 15.) 8vo. Lond., 1842. M J 2 Q f) AIUD (Thomas) [Set Mom, I). M.] AIRY rsrn (;k<.iw:k B.), K.C.B., kv. On the Tides at Malta. (U..y. S.M\Pubs. T).) 4to. I>ond., 1H78. AllPGt AITKMN (John-). The Cabinet ; or, tho Selected Heauties of Litenituro. 8vo. . I^ind., 1H3I. .] 1 _' K 24 AITKIiN (Pnop. W.) Public Health. [See ]\mikkh, PiioK. K. A.) A 12 P 45 AITKKN (W. C.) Birmingham Trades. Gun.s, Nails, I^kWh, WwKlncrcws, Railway Bolts and Sj)ik(!s, Buttoim, Pin», Ni'i.{ow, 1825. jl 7 1» 5 Life nnd IV^-mii of. [8tt I'mtn, 1., Chai.mkuh, A., and JoM^rxoN, H.] AKERMAN (John Yonoe), F.S.A. Coins of tlie Romans relatini; to Britain, described and illu.stratod. 8vo. Loud., 1844. A 13 S 10 Descriptive Catalogue of rare and unedited Roman Coins, from the earliest period of the Roman Coinage, to the extinction of the Empire, under Coastantinus Paloologos. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1834. A 13 S 11, 12 Tlie Numismatic Chronicle; edited by J. Y. Akerman. F.S.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839, 40. A 13 S 44, 45 ALABASTER (Henry). The AA'heel of tlie Law : Budd- hism, illustrated from Siamese Sources. 8vo. Load., 1871. GUT 29 ALACOQUE (Marie Marguerite.) Viede. [^^ Capefigue, J. B. H. R.] ALAN OF TEWKESBURY. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket. [See Chronicles, &c., of Gre.\t Britain and Ireland, 139.] ALANUS DE INSULIS. Opera omnia. [See, J. P., Series Latina, 210.] G A LASCO (John): his Earlier Life anadside Songs of Tuscany ; translated and edited by John, LLD. 4to. Orpington, 1885. H 5 V 7 ALEXANDER (Maj.-Gen. Sir James E.) Knt., kc. BuhH Fighting ; illustrated by remarkable actions and incidents of the Maori War in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1873. MD5R9 Exi>edition of Di.scovery into the Interior of Africa. 2 vol.s 8vo. Lond., 1838. D 1 Q 9, 10 Incidents of tlic Maori War, New Zealand, in 18G0-61. «vo. Lond., 18C3* MB 1 Q 25 L'Acndie ; or. Seven Years' Explorations in British America. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1849. D 4 P 1, 2 Notes on the Maories of New Zealand ; with Sugges- tions for their pacification and preservation. 8vo. I>.nd., 1865. MB 2 R 38 Sketches in Portugal during the Civil War of 1831 ; with obwrvations on the present state and future pros- pects of Portugal. 8vo. Lond., 1835. D 7 U 8 TmniuitlAntic Sketches, comprising Visits to the most inlrrifitiiig HceneH in North and South America and the W»-st. IndicH; with Noten on Negro Slavery and Canadian Einigmtion. U vols. 8vo. I^.nd., 1S3.'{. 1)3S13, 11 AM:.XANI)KU (W.) J.,hnny (iibb of GuHhetneuk, in the I'/irl-hof Pyk.-tiJIini. Iioy.,>EU ( PitoK. W. 1 ). ) Short Synopsis of the most E>u«-ntinl Poinlii ill J lawniiun Grammar. 12mo. Hono- lulu, iMCt. MK 1 p 19 ALKXANF)EU (Wm.i.iam Lini.sav), D.l)., Ac. Cydo" pmdiaof Biblical Literature. [Stf KiTTO, J.] K 4 S 15-17 ALFIERI (ViTTORio). Tragedies of. Translated from the Italian, by Charles Lloyd. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1815. H3P 12-14 Memoires de. \_Sce Barrikre, J. F., 26.] C 1 T 26 ALFORD (Hesry), D.D., Dean op Canterbury. Greek Testament ; with a critically revised Text ; a Digest of various Readings ; Marginal References to verbal and idiomatic usage ; Prolegomena, and a Critical and Exe- getieal Commentary. 5th ed. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1863-66. G 5 P 6-9 Life, Journals, and Letters of ; edited by his Widow. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1873. C 10 R 3 New Testament for English Readers ; containing the Authorized Version, with Mai-ginal Corrections of Headings and Renderings, Marginal References, and a Critical and Explanatory Commentary. 3rd ed. 2 vols, (in 4). Svo. Lond., 1872. G 5 P 10-13 The Queen's English; a Manual of Idiom and Usage. 5th ed., revised and considerably enlarged. 12mo. Lond,, 1878. K11U20 ALFORD (Lady Marion Margaret). Needlework as Art. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1886. A 8 R 36 ALFRED DUDLEY; or, the Australian Settlers. 12mo. Lond., 1830.* MJ 1 Q 41 ALFRED ERNEST ALBERT (Prince), Duke of Edin- BUROii, K.G.. itc. [5«f Edinburgh, Duke of.] MD 6 Q 10 ALFRED THE GREAT. Anglo-Saxon Version of Boe- thius. {Sec BoETiiius, A.^VI.T.S.] G 4 R 11 [History of the World] Anglo-Saxon Version, from the Historian Orosius. {See Orosius, P.] B 14 R 28 Life and Times of; by the Rev. J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 8vo. Lond., 1848. C 1 V 12 Life of King Alfred; by Dr. Reinhold Pauli ; edited by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., itc. Svo. Lond., 1852. C8T 1 Life of; by A. G. Knight. 12mo. Lond., 1880. C 2 T 1 Lif(^ of ; by Sir John Spelman, Kt., from tho original ]\1S. in the Hodlejan Lilirary ; witli additions, ; by Thomas Hearne, M.A. Svo. Oxford, 1709. C 2 U 6 Life of; with his Maxims, and those of his Coun.sellors; by Francis Steinitz. Svo. Lnnd., 1810. C5Q2 Proverbs of Alfred. {See Early English Text Soc, 8] E The whole Woi-ks of King Alfred tho Great; with Essays, Ac. Jubilee Edition. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Oxford, 1S52. B 5 V 19, 20 West-Saxon Version of (irogory's Pastoral Care. {See ICahlv IOngli.sii Te.\t Sor., 7] E AL(iAR (F.) Handbook to the Colony of Victoria (Australia). Svo. Lond., 1863. MJ 2 R 9 AL(!AR0TTI (Francesco), Count, F.R.S., kc Essay on Piiintinj;, written in Italian. TJino. Lnnd., 1764. A 7 P36 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 13 Ali] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [All ALI (Syed Ameer), M.A., etc. Personal Law of the Mahoiiinicdans. (According to all tiie Schools.) Together with a Comparative Sketch of the Law of Inheritance among the Sunnis and the Sliiahs. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F4Q 11 ALI PASHA. Life of Ali Pacha, of Jannina, late Vizier of Epirus, surnamed Asian, or the Li(jn, including a com- pendious History of Modern Greece. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1823. C 8 U 1 Life of Ali Pasha, of Tepeleni, Vizier of Epirus, sur- named Asian, or the Lion; by II. A. Davenport. 18mo. Lond., 1837. C 1 P 3 ALI-TCHELEBI-BEN-SALEH. \_See Cabinet des Fees, 17, 18.] ALIBERT (Jean Louis), Baron. Physiologie des Pas- sions, ou Nouvelle Doctrine des Sentiniens Moraux. Troisieme edition, revue et conside'rablement augmentue. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837. G 5 P 27, 28 ALICE (H.R.H. Princess). Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland : Biogra- phical Sketch and Letters. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1884. G 3 V 1 ALIPH CHEEM. [&e Yeldiiam, W.] ALIQUIS. [_See Henderson, Capt. — .] ALISON (Rev. Archibald), LL.B. Essays ou the Nature and Principles of Taste. 6th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1825. G 15 Q 13, 14 Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. \_See Jeffrey, Lord F.] G 13 Q 6 Sermons, cliiefly on particular occa.sions. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1814. G 5 P 19, 20 ALISON (Sir Archibald), Bart., D.C.L. History of Europe, from the Connuencement of the French Revolu- tion in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. 10 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1839-42. B 7 U 1-10 History of Eui-ope, from the Fall of Napoleon in 1815, to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852; with Index. 9 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1852-59. ■ B 7 U 11-19 Lives of Lord Castlereagh and Sir Charles Stewart, the second and third Marquesses of Londonderry. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861. C 8 S 44-46 Military Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. 8vo. Lond., 1848. C 7 T 39 Practice of the Criminal Law in Scotland. 8vo. Edinb., 1833. F 10 P 7 Principles of Population, and their connection with Human Happiness. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1840. F 10 P 9, 10 Principles of the Criminal Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edinb., 1832. F 10 P 8 Some Account of my Life and Writings : an Autobio- graphy; edited by his Daughter-in-law, Lady Alison. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1883. C 8 U 2, 3 ALISON (W. P.), M.D., &c. Outlines of Human Physio- logy. 3rd ed. 8vo, Edinb., 1839. A 12 T 4 ALL SERENE. Narrative of the Wreck of the Sliip AU Serene; by "One of the Survivors"; with a Preface Ijy the Rev. Thomas Smith. (Pam. Aa.) 8vo. Sydney, 1864. MD 1 V 9 ALL THE YEAR ROUND: a Weekly Journal, con- ducted by Charles Dickens; with which is incorporated " Hou.sehold Words." 64 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1859- 87. E ALLAN (James). New, improved, and authentic Life of James Allan, the celebrated Northumberland Piper ; including a complete Description of the Manners and Customs of the Gipsy Tribes, collected by James Thompson. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1828. C 6 P 1 ALLAN (Robert), F.R.S.E., &.c. Manual of Mineralogy, comprehending the more recent discoveries in the Mineral Kingdom. 8vo. Edinb., 1834. A 10 P 10 ALLARDYCE (Alexander). Memoir of the Hon. George Keith Elphinstone, K.B., Viscount Keith, Admiral of the Red. 8vo. Edinb., 1882. C 6 Q 29 AliLEGRI (Antonio), da CoRRECiCiio. \_See Corregoio, A. Allegri da.] C 8 V 2 ALLEN (Alfred H.), F.C.S. Introduction to the Prac- tice of Commercial Organic Analysis. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879-82. A 5 T 1, 2 Another copy. 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885-86. A 5 T 3, 4 ALLEN (A. P.) Ambassadors of Commerce. Illustrated by Sturgess. 8vo. Lond., 1885. J 1 U 9 ALLEN (C. Bruce). Cottage Building. (Weale). 12rao. Lond., 1870. A 17 P 29 ALLEN (C. B. AND E. E.) Cottage Building. lOtli ed., revised, and enlarged. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1886. A 17 Q 70 ALLEN (Charles Grant Blairfindie). Charles Darwin. (Eng. Worthies.) 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 2 Q 13 Colour-Sense; its Origin and Development: an Essay in Physiological -33sthetics. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 12 Q 33 Comparative Psychology. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 16 R 8 ALLEN (Chas. H.), F.R.G.S. Visit to Queensland and her Gold-fields. 8vo. Lond., 1870.* MD 5 P 20 ALLEN (E. Heron). Violin-making as it was and is. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 7 U 3 ALLEN (Henry B.) Useful Companion and Artificer's Assistant: a Complete Encyclopanlia of valuable Infor- mation, including thousands of valuable Recipes, Formu- las, etc. 8vo. New York, 1881. K 9 U 29 ALLEN (Robert). Public Schools of Rhode Island {See United States]. ALLEN (Rev. I. N.), B.A. Diary of a March through Sinde and Aftghanistan, with the Troops under General Sir W. Nott, k.C.B. 8vo. Lond., 1843. D 5 P 45 14 CATALOGUE OP THE AU] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [AU ALLEN (James). Allen's Twopenny Trash. A'ol. I. No-s. 2, 3. (Paiu. H.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1858. ME 3 R History of Australia, from 1787 to 1882. 8vo. Melb., 1882.* MB 2 P 41 Journal of an E.xperiraental Trip bv tlie Ladi/ Augxuta on the River Murray. 8vo. Adelaid'e, 18.53. MD 5 T 5 South Australian Almanack and General Colonial Direc- tory. 12mo. Adelaide, 1849. ME 4 P [5« alto SouTU Australian Magazine. J ME 3 R ALLEN (Joiix). Inquiry into the Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in England. 8vo. Lond.,1849. F 10P6 ALLEN (Joseph), R.N. Battles of tlie British Navy. New edition, revised and enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878-80. B 4 Q 1, 2 ALLEN (Lewis F.) History of tlie Siiort-horn Cattle ; their Origin, Progress, and Present Condition. 8vo. Buffalo, N.Y., 1883. A 1 S 7 ALLEN (Thomas). History and Antiquities of London : Westminster, Soutiiwark, and parts adjacent; continued to the Present Time, by Thomas Wright. 5 ^■ols. 8vo. Lend., 1837. B 7 P 16-20 History and Antiquities of the Parish of Lambeth, and the Archicpiscopal Palace, in the County of Surrey. Illus- trated by Engravings. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1826. B 5 V 22 Now and Complete History of the County of Surrey; comprising every Object of Topographical, Geolrfgioal, or Historical intei-est. Illustrated with Views from original drawings, by N. Wiiittock. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1831. B 4 U 20, 21 New and Complete History of tlic County of York, illustrated by a series of Views engraved on Steel, from Original I>rawings ; by N. ^\ hittock. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828-31. B 6 R 8-13 Anothercopy. 3 vols. 4 to. Lond., 1828-31. B 4 V 1-3 ALLEN (Timothy V.), A.M., M.D., Ac. Encyclopedia of Pure Materia .Mf.lica: a Record of the po.sitivc Eflbcts of Dnigs upon the Healthy Human Organism. 10 vols. roy. «vo. New York, rN76-79. K 2 P 8-17 ALLEN (William), F.l^.S. American Biographical and HinU>rical Dictionary. 2iid ed. 8vo. Boston, 1832. C 1 1 U 31 Life of; with Selections from his Correspondence. 3 vols. Hvo. Ixjnd., 1846-47. C 10 P 1-3 Memoir of; by the Rev. Jnmes Sherman. 8vo. Lond., 1«51. C 2 U 2 .^r-r,KN (caitv. w.), r.n., and Thomson (t. r. h.). Ml), it.'., .Narrativf! of tlin Kxpeditinn Nciit by H.M. 0..v.Tniiiirit to iIk- Rivi-r Niger in 1841, under the com- iiirind of Capl. H. I), I! V. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond,, 1848. D 2 T 13, 14 ALLEN (W. H.) Ixjcture on Protection. Political VAinvimy pro|K WKIdilT (Hkv. ti. N.), M.A. China, in a series of Views, displaying the Scenery, Archi- tecture, and Social Habits, of Ancient Emjiiro, drawn by T. Alhun ; witii historical and descriptive Notices by the Rev. G. N. Wright. 4 vols. 4to. Lond., 1843. I) 4 V 16-19 l''ranco Illustrated. Drawings by T. Allom; Descrip- tions by Rev. (J. N. Wrigiit. 4 vols, (in 2) 4 to. Lond., lH4.'i-i7. I) 6 V 1, 2 ALLON(Rev. Henhy). [S««Buzacott,Rev.A.] MD5P32 ALI/>TT (Roiikut). Engiand'H Parnassus ; or, the CJhoysost Flowers of our Modcrnc I'oets. \_Sce Park, T. PREE PUBLIC Library, Sydney. 15 All] Part I : — Author's, Udito7's, or Reference. [Ame ALLPORT (DouoLAs). Collections, illustrative of the Geology, History, Anti([uities, and Associations of Cani- berwell and tiie Neighbourhood. 8vo. Canibcrwell, 1841. ^ B G S 40. ALLWOOD (Rev. Robert), B.A. Lectures on the Papal Claim of Jurisdiction, delivered before the Members of the Church of England Rook Society, May and June, 1843. 8vo. Sydney, 1843.* MG 1 R 5 Reply to Lectures of. \_See also Duncan, W. A.] MJ 2Q2 AL-MAKKARI (Ahmed Ibn Mohammed). History of the JNIohammodan Dynasties in Spain ; translated by Pascual de Gayangos. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1840-43. R 17 R 6, 7 t AL-MAKRIZI ( \_See Makrizi. T. E. Ahmed Al-]. ALMANACH RELGE pour, 1836. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1835. E ALMANACH DE GOT HA. Annuaire Genealogique, Diplomatique et Statistique. 15 vols. 18mo. Gotha, 1871-85. E ALMON (John). Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham; and of the Principal Events of his Time; with his Speeches in Parliament, 1736-78. 7th ed., corrected. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond.,1810. C 6 S 16-18 Peerage of Ireland : a Genealogical and Historical account of all the Peers of that Kingdom. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1786. K 10 T 25, 26 ALPHA CRUCIS. {See Adam.s, R.] ALTERNATIVE (The): a Study in P.sychology. 8vo. Lond., 1882. G 13 Q 2 ALTHAUS (Julius), M.D. Spas of Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1862. A 10 P 15 ALTHORP (John Charles), Viscount, 3rd Earl Spencer. \_See Spencer, J. C, Viscount Althorp, 3rd Earl.] ALTONA. Provisorische Stadt. Ordnung fiir Altona. (Pam. F.) 8vo. Altona, 1848. " MJ 2 S 3 ALVAREZ (Father Francisco). Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia during the years 1520-27. [See Hakluyt Society, 1881.] E ALZOG (Rev. John, D.D. Manual of Universal Church History ; translated, with Addition,s, from the ninth and last German edition, liy the Rev. F. J. Palnsch, and the Rev. Tliomas S. Byrne. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1879-82. G5Q 11-14 AMARI (Michele). History of the War of the Sicilian Vespers ; edited, with Introduction and Notes, by F. L. G. Egerton, Earl of Ellesmere. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1850. B 12 Q 7-9 AMATEUR, UN. \_See Phtsionomiste.] AMBASSADORS (Famous). \_See Famous Ambassadors.] AMBERLY (John), Viscount Russell. Analysis of Religious Belief. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. G 5 Q 1, 2 AMELIA OF SAXONY (Princess). Social Life in Germany, illustrated in the Acted Dramas of the Princess Amelia of Saxony; tran.slated by Mis. Jameson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. H 3 S 23, 24 AMBROSIUS (Sanctus). Opera omnia. \_See Mione, J. P., Series Latina, 14-17.] G AMELIA GORST. {See La Fontaine, H J A.] J 1 6 T 1 6, 1 7 AMERICA. Amerika's Nordwest-Kiiste. Neuestc Ei-gob' nisse ethnologischor Reisen, aus den Samnduiigen der koniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Neue Folge. Roy. fol. Berlin, 1884. A 4 S 20 f Bucaniers of America. [See Buccaneers of America.] History of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its commencement to the end of theyearl778. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1779-85. B2P10-12 North-west Coast of; being Results of recent Ethnological Researches, from the Collections of the Royal Museums at Berlin; translated from the German. At. fol. Lond. (n.d.) A 1 P 5 t Travels in the Interior of. [_See Lewis, Capt. M. and Clark, Capt. W.] D 3 T 45 AMERICAN An. {See Palmer, J. W.] AMERICAN," An. {See Ames, F. AMERICAN, An. {See LoNGrELLOw, H. W.] AMERICAN ALMANAC, and Repository of Useful Knowledge, 1831-6. 6 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1831-36. E AMERICAN ALMANAC and Treasury of Facts, Statis- tical, Financial, and Political, for the years 1878-87. Compiled from official sources; edited by Ainswortli R. Spofford. 8 vols. 8vo. New York, 1878-87. E AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN AND ORIENTAL JOURNAL. 8vo. Cliicago, 1878-85. E AMERICAN ARCTIC EXPLORERS. Reports of Foreign Societies on awarding Medals to the American Arctic Explorers, Kane, Hayes, Hall. 8vo. New York, 1876. D 4 S 41 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE. Proceedings, 1873. roj. 8vo. Salem, 1874. E AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY (Dictionary of). {See Drake, F. S.] C U V 16 AMERICAN BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, kc; by W.Allen. 2nd ed. 8vo. Boston, 1832. C11U31 AMERICAN CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, under the direction of F. Leypoldt. Autlior and Title Entries of Books, July 1, 1876 ; compiled by Lvnds E. Jones. 4to. New York, 1880. ' K 4 Q 1 t Another edition. [With Appendix, 1876-79.] 2 vols. (in 1) 4to. New York, 1880. K 4 Q 2 t Another edition. 4to. New York, 1881.* K 4 Q 3 t 16 CATALOGUE OF THE Ame] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or lieference. [Amo AMERICAN CATALOGUE OF BOOKS— co»?;«m^(7. American Cataloi;rue, founded by F. Leypoldt, 1876-8-t: Books recorded (including Reprints and Importations) July 1, 1876 — June 30, 1884 ; compiled under the editorial direction of R. R. Bowker, by Miss A. I. Appleton. 1. Autiior-and-Title Alphabet. 2. Subject Alphabet, ic. Roy. 4to. New York, 188.5. K 4 Q's t AMERICAN CATALOGUE OF BOOKS (Original and Reprints). Published in the United States, from Jan., 1861 to Jan., 1871, with Supplement ; compiled and arranged bv Jas. Kellv. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1866-71. ■ ■ Libr. AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA (The New). A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge; edited by Geo. Ripley and Clias. A. Dana ; with a Supplement. 16 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1858-71. K 4 R 1-16 AMERICAN CYCLOP.EDIA (The); edited by George Ripley and Chas. A. Dana; with General and Analytical Index. 17 vols. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1883-84. K 4 R 17-S 8 AMERICAN ELOQUENCE: a Collection of Speeches and [See Mooke, Fr.\xk.] F 8 T 10, 11 AMERICAN ETCHINGS. [^wKoeuler.S.R.] A4RlGt AMERICAN HISTORY. Magazine of; with Notes and Querie.s. Illustrated. Vols. 1-lG. Sm. 4to. New York, 1877-86. E AMERICAN-INDIAN LIFE AND CHARACTER. Traits of; by " A Fur Trader.' 8vo. Lond., 1853. D 3Q 27 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION. Intro- ductory Discourses and Lectures, for 1830-35. G vols. 8vo. Boston, 1H31-3G. G 17 Q 38-43 AMERICAN IN PARIS (The). [See Sandeksox, J.] AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY, and of the History of the Fine Arts. Roy. 8vo. Baltimore, 1N8,5. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. 182G-28 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 182G-28. G 17 R 8-10 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. C.tiductcil by Profe.H.sors B. Silliman, J. 1). Dana, and others. 128 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1818 86. E AMEUFCAN L.\1)V, An. [5« -SVooi., II.J DaP39 AMERICAN LIHRARY ASSOCIATION. .I.muhuI and Otliciul Organ of. [See LiiiKAUV Jouknai,.] E AMERICAN LOUNfJER (Tiik) ; or, Ti.le.s, Sketches, and l/j-gcticls gathered in sundry JourneyingH. 8vo. Philad., 183a. J 9 P 4 AMERICAN .MEN (»F LETTERS; edife.l by CharleH J (uill.-y Warner. 2 vols. I2mio. Und.,1882. C I R 10, 41 I. Wiuliiiiju;!''!! Irviiivc ; l.y C'hnrlvn Dudley WiiriKT. a. Nii%h W'cUliT ; l.y Ilorncv K. ScikMct. AMERICAN ORATORY; or, Selections from the Speeches of Eminent Americans. 8vo. Philad., 1842. F 10 S 18 AJIERICAN PRESIDENTS' MESSAGES, Ac. [See United States.] F 5 T 18, 19 AMERICAN PRISON DISCIPLINE SOCIETY. [See Prison Discipline.] AMERICAN RAILROAD MANUAL. [S«e Vernon, E.] E AMERICAN REPORTS OF EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS, to ascertain the most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 1853-55. 12 vols, (in 13). 4to. Washington, 1855-60. D 3 V 23-35 AMERICAN STATESMEN. Homes of; with Aneedo- tical, Personal, and Deseriptixo Sketches, by various Writers. Sq. 8vo. New York, 1854. D 12 T 3 AMERICAN YEAR BOOK AND NATIONAL REGISTER. 8vo. Hartford, 18G9. E AMERICAN'S GUIDE (The). Comprising the Declara- tion of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, i^'c, of the United States. 12mo. Pliilad., 1835. F5S11 AMERIKA'S NORDWEST-KUSTE. [See America.] A 4 S 20 t AMES (FisiiEu). Influences of Democracy on Liberty, Property, and the Happiness of Society considered ; by "An American." 8vu. Lond., 1835. F 5 T 11 AMEZAGA (Carlo ue). Viaggio di Circunniavigaziono della Regia Corvetta Caracciolo (Comandante C. do Amezaga), negli anni 1881-84. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Roma, 1885. D 9 U 30, 31 AMHERST (William Pitt Amherst), Earl. to China. [See Ellis, Rt. Hon. Henry.] D 5 V 33 AMHERST (W. J.) History of the Catholic Emancipation. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886. G 5 P 17, 18 AMICIS (1<]dmoni)0 de). Morocco: its People and Places; translatccl by C. RoUin-Tilton. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1880. 1) 2 U 2 Sjiain and the Sjianiards. Tlie Guadalquiver Edition. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1885. D 8 V 20 AMIEL (Hen'ui Frederick). .loinnal IniinK' of 11. F. Amicl ; translated, witli an InlriKluctidn, itc, by Mrs. II. Ward. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 188.^^ C 2 H 1, 2 AMMTANUS MARCELLINUS. HniiKin History of, during the Reigns of the EmpcM-ors Coiislantius, Julian, Jovianus, X'alenlinian, ;ind Valeiis : translated l)y C. 1). Yonge, B.A. ; with a ( Index. 12mo. Lond,, 1862. 1! 12 V 22 AM(»l;^' (Mahtiia Raiicock). Domestic .•in'. Memoirs of; liy Mrs. Lsabella F. Romer. 12mo. Lond., 1853. C 3 Q 35 ANGUS (House of). House of.] [See Douglas and Ancuk, ANGUS (Joseph), .M..\. Tlic Voluntary System : a Prize Essay. 8vo. Lend., 1839. G 5 Q 9 ANIMAL "WOULD (The). An Advocate of Humanity Vols. 1-17. Pol. Lond., 1869-80. E ANLEY (Mis.s Charlottf.). Prisoners of Australia: a Narrative. 12mo. Lond., 1841.* MD 2 R 24 ANNA COMNENA. [See Bvzantkn.-e Hist. Scriit., 35.] B 9 V 1 ANNA d'A. — [See D'Almkida, Anna.] ANNAM:U FOR NOltDISK OLDKYNDKiHED. Udgivni! af dot Koii(i DES MINES. Ou Recu.-il do Meinoircs Kur I'cxploitation des Mincfi, et Hur Ics Sciences ct Ioh Arts. DeuxiAme, Hixi^me, Hcptiinie, ct liuitiinio sdries. 8vo. Parifi, 1827-87. E ANNALES DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. [See AuDouiN, Jean Victor.] E ANNALES DU MUSEE. [See L.vndon, C] A 7 U 21-36 ANNALS OF HORTICULTURE, and Y\>ar-l)Ook of Information on Practical Gardening, for 1849-50. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1849-50. A 1 T 4, 5 ANNALS AND MAGAZINE of NATURAL HISTORY, including Zoloogy, Botany, and Geology. 98 vols. 8vo. Lond., lf<3"8-86. ' E ANNALS OF OUR TIME. [See Irvinc, J.] ANNALS OF PHII,OSOPHY ; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, itc. ; edited by T. Thomson and Sir R. Phillips. 28 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1813-26. E ANNANDALE (Charles), M.A. [See Olilvie, J.] ANNE OF AUSTRIA (Queen of France). Married Life of Anne of Austraia, and Don Sebastian, King of Portugal ; by Martha W. Freer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864. CIVIO, 11 ANNE (Queen of England). CJood Queen Anne. [See Adams, W. H. D.] B 6 P 21, 22 History of the Reign of. [See Burton, J. H.] B6P23-26 Social Life in tlie Reign of. [See Ashton, J.] B 6 P 27 ANNE r.OLEYN (Queen). Anne P.oleyn : a Chapter of English History, 1527-36. By Paul Fricdmann. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 10 R 23, 24 Hi.story of two Queens : Catherine of Aragon, [and] Anne Boleyn. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873-74. B6P34-37 Memoirs of the Life of; by Elizabctli Ogilvy Benger ; witli a Memoir of the Author, liy Miss Aikin. 12ino. Lond., 1827. C3 S5 ANNEE GEUGRAPHIQUE (L), 1873. [See Vivien DE Saint-Martin, L.] E ANNEE (L) SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE, 1873. [See Fiouier, Louis.] E ANNIVERSARY CALENDAR, NATAL BOOK, AND UNIVERSAL MIRROR. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1832. I-; ANNIVERSARY DINNER (Australian). [See Aus- tralian Anniversary Dinner.] JMJ 2 S 3 ANNUAIRE DE LA MARINE ET DES COLONIES. 2 vols, 8vo. Paris, 1880-81. E ANNUAIRE DES DEUX MONDES. Histoire Gon.'u-alo dcs divers Etats. 1850-63. 10 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1S51-61. E ANNUAL BlOGliAPllY AND OIUTU.MIY, 1817-37. 21 vols. 8vo Lond., 1817-37. CUT 1-21 ANNUAL OF SC:IENTIFIC Dlf^COVERY. Year- book of Facts in Science and Art. 21 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1«50-71. E FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 21 Ann] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Ant ANNUAL RECOED OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. ISee Baird, S. F.] E ANNUAL REGISTER (The). Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad. l.'iO vols. Svo. Lend., 1758- 1886. E ANQUETIL (Louis Pierre). Histoire de France, con- tinudc depuis la Revolution de 1789 jusqu'a celle de 1830, par Leonard Calloi.s. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1838. B 8 V 7, 8 Histoire de France, continut'e par Marquis J. de Norvins, et conipletee jusqu'a la Revolution de Fevrier 1848. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1853. B 8 V 9-13 Precis de I'Histoire L^niverselle, ou Tableau Historique presentant les vicissitudes des Nations, leur decadence et leurs catastrophes, depuis le temps ou elles ont com- mence a etre connues jusqu'a la fin du xvill'^ siccle. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818-28. B 9 P 33-40 ANQUETIL-DUPERRON (Abr.\iiam Hyacinthe). Zend-Avesta. [Sec Zoroaster.] G 14 U 9-11 ANREP-ELMPT (Reinhold), Graf. Australien ; eine Reise durcli den ganzen Welttlieil. 3 vols, (in 2) 8vo. Leip., 1886. MD 3 T 20, 21 Die Sandwich-Inseln, oder das Inselreioh von Hawaii. 8vo. Leip., 1885. MD 3 T 19 ANSELM (Saint), Archbishop of Canterbury. Life of. [_See WiLKS, W. and M.] C 2 U 7 The Three Archbishops : Lanfranc, Anselm, A'Becket, by Washint'ton and Mark Wilks. 8vo. Lnnd., 1858. C 2 U 7 Life and Times of; by Martin Rule, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 9 S 25, 26 Opera omnia. \_See jMigne, J. P., Series Latina, 158, 159.] ANSON (Com. George), Lord. Anson's Voyage Round the World. \_See Voyages and Discoveries.] D 9 U 13 Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas under the com- mand of. [_See Thomas, Pascoe.] D 10 R 30 Life of ; by Sir John Barrow. 8vo. Lund., 1839. C 1 V 13 Reize naer de Zuidzee, met liet Scliip de Wager, onder liet opzicht van den Heere George Anson. Ondernomen in den Jaere 1740. 4to. Leiden, 176G. MD 7 P 31 t Reize rondsom de Werreld, gedaan in de Jaaren 1740 tot 1744, opgesteld door Richard Walter, M.A. Tweede Druk. 4to. Amsterdam, 1749. MD 7 P 30 t Another copy. Derde Druk. 4to. Leiden, 1765. MD 7 P 31 t Voyage round the World, in the years 1740-44; com- piled by Richard Walter. Illu.strated. 4to. Lond., 1748. MD 7 P 28 t Anothercopy. 12th ed. 4to. Lond., 17C7. MD 7 P 29 t Another copy, loth ed. ; compiled from his Papers, by Rev. Richard Walter, M.A. 8vo. Loud., 1780. MD 3 S 29 Anothercopy. 9th ed. 12mo. Dublin, 1790. MD 3 S 28 ANSON (Sir William R.), Bart., D.C.L. Law and Custom of the Constitution. Part 1. — Parliament. 8vo. O.NLford, 1886. F 10 S 8 Principles of the English Law of Contract, and of Agency in its Relation to Contract. 2nd ed. (Clar. Press.) 8vo. Oxford, 1882. F 3 R 18 ANSON (W. S. W.). {See Wagner, Dr. W.] J! 15 Q G ANSTED (David Thoma.s), M.A., A-c. The Ancient World ; or. Picturesque Sketches of Creation. 8vo. Lond., 1847. A 9 P 42 Elementai-y Course of Geology, Mineralogy, and Physical Geography. 2nd ed. Re-issue, with important Notes and Additions. 8vo. Lond., 1856-69. A 9 Q 11 Introductory, Descriptive, and Practical Geology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. A 9 R 4, 5 Physical Geography. 5th ed., with Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1871. D29Q7 Scenery, Science, and Art ; being E.xtracts from the Note- book of a Geologist and Mining Engineer. Svo. Lond., 1854. A 16 S 17 The World we Live in; or. First Lessons in Physical Geography. 25ththousand. 12ino. Lond., 1870. A29P12 ANSTEY (Christopher). New Bath Guide; or. Memoirs of the B-N-R-D. [Blunderhead] Family; with Cuts by Thomas Bewick. 12mo. Lond., 1804. H7P4 ANSTEY (John). Pleader's Guide: a Didactic Poem in two Parts ; containing " Mr. Surrebutter's" Poetical Lectures. 12mo. Lond., 1826. H 5 R4 ANTANANARI VO ANNUAL and Madagascar Magazine; revised and re-edited by the Rev. J. Siljree, Jnr., and Rev. R. Baron, 1875-85. 8vo. Antananarivo, 1885. E ANTIQUARY, An. Historical Charters. \_See London.] B5 V9 ANTELOPE. The Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Antehjx', East India Racquet, on the Pelew Islands, 1783. 12mo. Perth, 1788. MD 4 P 24 ANTHOLOGIA GR^CA. Ad fidem codicis olim Palatini nunc Parisini ex Apographo Gothano edita. Curavit Epigrammata in codice Palatino desiderata et annota- tionem criticam adiecit, Fridericus .Jacobs. CGr. et Lat.) 3 vols, (in 4) 8vo. Lipsia;, 1813-17. H 3 T 10-13 ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Anthropological Review [and Journal of the Anthropological Society of London, afterimtrds the Anthrooological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.] Vols. 1-8. 8vo. Lond., 1863-70. E Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-3 1870-71. [continued as Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.] 8vo. Lond., 1871. E Journal of. 1871-87. 17 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872-88. E ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. {See Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.] 22 CATALOGUE OF THE Ant] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or lieference. [Anv ANTHROPOLOGICAL REVIE\\' (The). [S^e Anthio- pological Institute of Great Critiiia and Ireland.] ANTHROPOLOGY. Journal of. [See Anthropological Institute of Great Bi-itain and Ireland.] Notes and Queries on ; for the use of Travellers and Residents in L'^ncivilized Lands. 12mo. Lond., 187-1. A 1 V 9 ANTI-JACOBIN (The) ; or, Weekly Examiner. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1799. F 5 U 21, 22 ANTIPHON. The Attic Orator. [See Jebb, Prof. R. C] C 2 V 7, 8 ANTIQUAIRES DU NORD. (SociKTii Royale des). Extrait des Monioires de la Societe Royale des Antitjuaires du Nord. (Pani. C.) Imp. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1859. MJ 2 S 1 Memoires, kc, de. 97 vols. 8vo. and fol. Copenhague, 1812-86. E Vestiges d'Assorbo et de Stihorg dccouvert par S. ]\1. Frcdtjric vii, Roi de Danemark. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1855. E ANTIQUARIAN CHRONICLE AND LITERARY AD- VERTISER (The). Roy. 4to. Lond., 1882-83. E ANTIQUARIAN MACiAZIXE and R1P.LTOGRAPHEH (The); edited by Edward Walford, M.A. Vols. 1-7. 8vo. Lond., 1882-85. E ANTIQUARIAN REPERTORY : a Miscellaneous A.sscm- blage of Topogi-aphy, History, Biography, Customs, and Manners; conipiled by E. and T. A.stlc; with Index. New ed. 4 vols. 4to. Lond., 1807-9. B 4 V 9-12 ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON (Society of). Archre- ologia; or, Mi.scelhineous Tracts relating to Antiquity; with Indexes. Published by the Society of Antifjuaries of London. 40 vols. 4to. Lond., 1779-188G. E ANTIQUARIES OF NEAVCASTLE-UPON-TYNE (Society ok). Archa'ologia ^liana ; or. Miscellaneous Tmctn relating to Antiijuity. 4 vols. 4to. Newcastle, 1822-55. B 2 U 13-16 Now Series. 9 vols. Kvo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1857-83. B5 U 10 ANTIQUAUILS (jF SCOTLAND (Society of). Arclue- ologia Scoticft ; or. Transactions of the Society of Anti- fjuarii-H of Scotland. 4 vols. 4 to. Edinb., 1792-1857. E ANTIQUARY An. [See Thom.son, R.] ANTIQUARY, Av. [See London.] ANTFQUITATKS CKLTO-NORMANNKVIv [See JoHNHTONK, Kkv. J.) I! | V 1 4 ANTFHCF.PTIC (Tiik); or, a Deinonstrulion of the Truth of Chrirttiutiity. 1 2iiio Edinb., 1829. (! 1(1 H 16 ANTI-HTATK aid ASSOCIATION. [See Tasmania.] ANTI-TRANSPORTATION U. the Colon Ich. (An Ad- drews in MS.] Fol. (n.p.n.d.) M J 2 U I ANTI-TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION. Report of the Proceedings and Financial State of the Association, formed at a Great Pulilic Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Colony, held in the Barrack Square, Sydnev, on the 16th Sept^ember, 1850. 8vo. Sydney, 1851. MJ 2 Q 10 Another copy. MG 2 Q 14 ANTI-TRANSPORTATION LEAGUE. Circular and Declaration of the Anti-Transportation League. 4to. Hobart, 1852. ^MJ 2 U 2 Inauguration of the Australian League, lield at the Queen's Tiieatre, Melbourne, on February 1st, 1851. 8vo. Melb., 1851. MF 3 P 5 Statement and Appeals of the Anti-Transportation League of Victoria to the People of (iieat Britain. 4to. Melb., 18G3. MJ 2 U 2 [See Teansportation.] ANTON (F. E.) Worterbuch derGaunerund Diebessprache. 3e auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1859. K 10 P 8 ANTONELLI ( La Vita Nuova di Dante Ali- ghieri. Imp. 8vo. Venezia, 18G5. C 3 W 10 ANTONINUS (Marcis Aurelius). [See Aurelius An- toninus, M.] ANTONIO (Nk'olao). Bibliothoca Hi.spana Nova, sive Hispanoruin Scriptorum qui ab anno md. ad mdclx.xxiv Florucre Notitia. 2 vols. fol. Matriti, 1783-88. K 22 Q 11, 12 + Another copy. 2 vt)ls. fol. Matriti, 1783-88. K 22Q15, 10 } liibliiithcca Hi.spana Vetu.s, sive Hispani Scriptorcs qui ab Octaviani August! JFjXci ad annum Christi MD llorucrunt. Curante Francisco Perc/.io J'ayerio, qui et prologum, et Auctoris vita; epitomen, et notulas adiecit. 2 vols, (in 1) fol. Matriti, 1788. K 22 Q 10 J Another copy. 2 vols. fol. Matriti, 1 788. K 22 Q 13, 14 | ANTONIUS LIBEKALIS. Transforniulidiiuni Congeries; cum Nofis (Juilielnii Xylandri, Abrahami Berkelii, Tiiomae Munckcri, et llenrici Vcrhoykii, accesserunt yl']sopi Fabula' aii(]Uot ijua' in TEsopearum cdid'onibus hauil IcLjuntur et Itabrii nonnullao ; curavit Ludnvicus llriin'iiis Trill licrus. 8vo. Lipsia-, 1791. .1 7 S 30 ANV.Mt I sniAILl. [See Pii.i'AV.] J 8 V 14 ANVILLE (Jean Bai'tiste .BouiuiUiciNON n') Geogra]ihi(iue de ritalie. 4to. Paris, 1744. D8 V 17 Antiipiite (icographique di^ I'lndo, et de plusiours autres contrces do la haute Asie. Paris, 1775. D 5 V 8 (Jonipendiuni of Ancient Gengr.apiiv. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1810. I) 12 T 1, 2 Edaircisscniens Gcograpliiqucs sur rAiuiciiiie Gaule, pn' cec; npivsla rlnilc de ri''iiuiire Romain en Occident. 4to. Paris, 1771. ' B 7 V 22 FREE FUI3LIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 23 Anv] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ara ANVILLE (Jean Baptiste Bourguionon d') — continued. Menioires sur I'Egypte, Ancienne ct Modoriio; .suivis d'uiic Description du Golfe Arabique, ou de la Mer Rouf^e. sm. 4to. Paris, 1766. D 2 U 12 Notice de I'Ancieniie Gaiile, tiree des Monumens Remains. 4to. Paris, 1760. B 7 V 23 APICIUS (CcELlus). De opsoiiiis et condimentis, sive arte Coquinaria, libri x, cum aunotationibus Martini Lister. 8vo. Lond., 1705. A 22 U 1 APJOHN (Lewis). Ricbard Colxlen and tho Free Traders. 8vo. Lend., 1880. F 6 P 19 APOLLONIUS OF TYANA. ArgonauticM. [^See Hesiod.] H 6 V 29 Life of; translated from the Greek of Pliilo.stratus, witb Notes and Illustrations, by the Rev. Edward Berwick. 8vo. Lond., 1809. C 10 R 6 APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Translations of ; by F. Fawkes. [See Chalmers, A.] Apollonii Argenautica. [^See Hesoid.] APONTES (Don Juan Fernandez) [See Calderonde la Barca, Don Pedro.] APPERLEY (Charles James), "Nimrod." The Horse and the Hound ; their various Uses and Treatment. 3rd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1863. A 17 U 6 Hunting Reminiscences. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1843. A 1 7 W 44 Life of a Sportsman. Svo. Lund., 1842. A 17 W 28 Ninu-od Abroad. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842. D 10 R 1, 2 The Horses and the Ilnund : tlioiv vnrion.i ITscs and Treatment. 3i-d ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1863. A 17 l^ 9 APPIAN OF AEXANDRIA. Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum Historiarum quM supersunt Grwce et Latine. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1840. B 30 V 4 APPLEBY (Brothers). Illustrated Hand-ljook of Machinery and Iron-work. 8vo. Lend., 1869. A 11 S 16 APPLETON (Miss A. I.) \_See American Catalogue.] K 4 Q 5 t APPLETON (Dr. Charles Edward) His Life and Literary Relics; by J. H. Appleton, M.A., and A. H. Sayce, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C G T 1 APPLETON (D.) & Co. Cyclopaidia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes, of Merchants, Bankers, Millionnaires, Bargain-Makers, &c., in all ages and countries ; edited by Frazar Kirkland. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1872. K4 S 14 APPLETON (John H.), M.A., and SAYCE (A. H.), M.A. Dr. Appleton : liis Life and Literary Relics. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 6 T 1 APPLETON (T. O.) A Nile Journal. Lond., 1876. Illustrated. 8vo. D 1 T 21 APPROACHING CRISIS OF BRITAIN AND AUS- TRALIA. Glance at tho Forerunners of the Crisis ; or, the Evils and tho Remedies of the Present Modes of Colonization, Emigration, and Tran.sportation ; by " Aris- tides." 2nd ed. 8vo. Molb., 1854. MF 2 S 7 APULEIUS (Lucius). Metamorp! of Apuleius : a Romance of the 2nd Century ; translated by Sir George Head. 8vo. Lond., 1851. J 16 R 12 Opera Omnia, cum Notis et Interpretatione, in usum JDelphini. durante A. J. Valpy, A.M. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825. J 13 P 1-7 Works of comprising tlie Metamorphoses, or Golden As.s, tho God of Socrates, the Florida, and his De- fence, or a Discourse on Magic. A New Translation ; to which are added a Metrical version of Cupid and Psyche ; and Mrs. H. Tighe's Psyche, a Poem in Six Cantos. 12mo. Lond., 1878. J 16 T 23 AQUINAS (St. Thomas), " The Angelic Doctor." Life and Labours of St. Thomas of Aquin ; by the Very Rev. Roger Bede Vaughan, O.S.B. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1871-72. C 6 S 28, 29 ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS. Translated, with Notes, by E. W. Lane. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1839-41. J 9 V 3-5 Thousand and One Nights. Tho Arabian Nights' Entertainments ; with an Introduction illustrative of tlie Religion, Manners, and Customs of the Mohamme- dans, by Jonathan Scott, LL.D. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. \_See Weber, H.] J 10 R 9-12 ARA(40 (Francois Jean Dominique). Biographies of Distinguisiied Scientific Men ; translated by Admiral W. H. Smyth, Rev. B. Powell, and R. Grant, M.A. Svo. Lond., 1857. C 8 S 37 Meteorological Essays; with an Introduction by Baron A. von Humboldt.; translated under the superintendence of Col. Sabine, R.A., kc. 8vo. Lond., 1855. A 3 T 6 Another copy. A 3 T 5 Popular Astronomy ; translated from the Original, and edited by Admiral W. H. Smyth, D.C.L., and Robt. Grant, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1855-58. A 3 S 6, 7 Popular Treatise on Comets; reprinted from "Popular Astronomy"; translated from the Original, and edited by Admiral Smyth, D.C.L., etc., and Robert Grant, M.A., &c. Svo. Lond., 1861. A 3 T 30 ARAGO (Jacques Etienne Victor). Narrative of a Voyage Round tlie World in the VmnU and Phijsicienne, Corvettes, commanded by Captain Freycinet, during the years 1817-20. 4to. Lond., 1823. D 10 T 30 Promenade autour du Monde, pendant les Annees, 1817-20, sur les Corvettes du Roi VUianie et la P/iiisicienne, commandoes par M. Frevcinet. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1822. P 10 R 37, 38 24 CATALOGUE OF THE Ara] Part I : — Aid /tors, Editors, or Heference. [Arc ARAGON (CoRONEL Don Yldefoxso de). Descripcion Geogratica y Topogratica de la Ysla de Luzon o Nueva Castilla. Con las particulares de las diez y seis Provincias 6 Partidos que conipreliende. Estados de la Poblacion dc Filipinas correspondiente a el Alio de 1818. 8vo. Manila, 1819-20. D 6 Q 7 ARAISH-I-MAHFIL. Ornament of the Assembly; literally translated from the Oordoo, by Major H. Court. Roy. 8vo. Allahabad, 1871. J Li Y 2."^ ARANY (John). Legend of the Wondrous Hunt ; with a few ^Miscellaneous Pieces and Folk-Songs ; trans- lated from the Magyar, by E. D. Butler, F.R.G.S. 8vo. Lond., 1881. H 5 R 2 ARBER (Edward), F.S.A., Ac. Books on America. {See Eden, R.] D Ifi Q LU Firet Printed English New Testament {See Tyndale, AV.] Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 155-1-1640 a.d. Yols. 1-4. -Ito. Lond., 1875-77. B 12 S 18-21 t 1. Detaileil Cash Accounts to 22 .July, l.")71. Summary Cash Aljstracts onward to 2 August, 159(5. 2. Entries of Books to 25 June, 1595. Entries of Apprentices anil Freemen. Calls on the Livery, and Fines to 2 July, .3. Entries of Hnoks to II July, 1020. Entries of Freemen to 31 Uecemljer, 1040. .Succession of Master Printers in London, 15S6-1636. 4. Entries of Books to 3 November, 1040. Calls on tlie Livery and Promotions to the Assistance to 31 December, 1640. {See Milton, J., and Sklijkn, J.] ARHII! (Lrlio). Storia Fiorentina. {Set Vahciii, B.] AHBLAY (Mme. France.s d'.) {See D'Aum.AY, i\lMK. FUANCE-S.] ARBUTHNOT (Sir Ale.xandeu J.), K.C.S.T., kv. Major (Jen. Sir Thomas Munro, Bart., K.C.B., of Madras: Selections from liis Minutes and other official Writings ; (slited, with Memoir, A-c, by Sir A. J. Arbuthnot. 2 voIh. Kvo. I»nd., 1S81. C 8 Q 44, 45 ARBUTHNOT (Dr. John). Miscellaneous Works of. 2nd e- fence of the Most Rev. Dr. Folding's usurpation of the title and dignity of Archbishop of Sydney and Metro- politan of New Hollaiul ; by a Lavnian. 8vo. Sydney, 1843. ■ MJ"2Q"2 ARCHBISHOPS OF DUBLIN, .Alemoirs of. {See D'Alton, John.] C 10 R 2 ARCHBISHOPS OF BREMEN. Histori.i Archiepisco- porum Bremensiuni. {See Lindenhrog, K.] B 2 R 13 ARCHBISHOPS OF CANTERBURY. Lives of; and Index, by the Rev. A\'. Far« Hook. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1860-84. G 1 Q 1-12 ARCHBISHOPS THREE: LaMfrinc, Ansclm, A'Bocket. {See WiLKs, A\'. and M.] C 2 U 7 ARCHDALL (Bi;v. Mervvn). {Set Ciihistian Evidence Society.] MG 1 P 3 ARCHENHOLTZ (.). M. von). History of the Pirates, Freebooters, or Buccaneers of America. Translated from the German, by George Mason, Es(|. 12mo. Lond., 1807. B M V 41 ABCill'^i! (.Ma.iou Imiwaud). 'J'ours in Upper India, and in Parts of tlic Himalaya Mountains ; witli Accounts of thi! Native Princes, ite. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. D 6 Q 25, 26 ARCHER (PiiOE. Thomas C.), F.R.S.E. AV0..I and its Applications (Hril. Mainif. Indust.) 12iiio. Lond., lf<7(>. A 17 S 37 Manufacture of Paper. (iiiit, M.inuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1M70. A 17 S 39 TEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 25 Arc] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Ari ARCHER (William Henky), F.I.A., etc. Facts and Figures; or, Notes of Progress, Statistical and Genera], for Australasian Circulation." 4to. Melb., 185S. MF 1 U 32 Noctes Catliolicit' : Lecture on Catholic Education and Civilization, Past and Present. 4th ed. 8vo. Melb., 1S5G. MJ 2 R 7 Progress of Victoria : a Statistical Essay. (Intercolonial E.xhibition Essays, 18G6.) 8vo. Melb., 1867. MJ 2 R 9 Progress of Victoria : a Statistical Essay. (International Exhibition Essays, 1872-73.) 8vo. Melb., 1873. MF2Q27 Another copy. MF 3 P IG Statistical Notes of tlie Progress of Victoria, from the Foundation of tlie Colony, 183.5-G7. 4to. Melb., 18G0-G7. MF 1 U 31 Statistical Register of Victoria, from the Foundation of the Colony; with an Astronomical Calendar for LS.'i."). 8vo. Melb., 18.54.* ME 3 T [_See Victoria.] ARCHITECT (The): a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Art, Civil Engineering, and P.uilding. 30 vols. fol. Lond., 1872-87. E ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES (Associ.vted). Reports and Papers read at the Meetings. Vols. 1-10. 8vo. Lond., 18.50-88. E ARCHIV FUR DIE ZEICHNENDEN KirNSTE. Mit besonderer Beziehung auf Kupferstecher-und Holz- schneidekunst und ihre Geschiclite. Intelligenz-Blatt zum Arehiv fiir die zeichnenden Kiinste. Jahrgang, 1855. 8vo. Leipzig, 1855. A 8 Q 24 ARCHIV FtJR MIKROSKOPISCHE ANATOMIE. 12 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1879-8G. E ARCTIC REWARDS and their Claimants. (Pam. 25.) 8vo. Lond., 1856. MJ 2 Q 13 ARCTIC MYSTERY (The Great). (Pam. 25.) 8vo. Lond., 1856. MJ 2 Q 13 ARDEN (George). Arden's Sydney Magazine, Sept. -Oct., 1843. ' ME 3 R Another copy. 8vo. MJ 2 R 18 Recent Information respecting Port Phillip and the pro- mising Province of Australia Felix, in tlie Great Territory of New South Wales; hy the Editor of tlie Port P/iillip Gazette, Melbourne. 8vo. Lond., 1841. MD 1 W 36 Separation Question; or, a Republication of the various Petitions and Memorandums prepared and adopted liy the Inhabitants of Port Phillip, relative to the necessity of erecting the Territory of Australia Felix into a separate Government, dependent on the Crown; with an Intro- duction and Statistical Appendix ; by the Editor of the Port PhUhp Gazette. 8vo. Lond., 1841. MJ 2 R 21 ARFWEDSON (C. D.) United States and Canada in 1832-34. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1834. D 3 T 38, 39 ARGELANDER (Friedricii). Sacram Memoriam Regis Avgvstissimi Divi Friaederici Gvilelmi iii. (Pam. O.) 4to. Bonn, 1859. J 6 U 10 ARGENSON (Marc Rene de Voyer), Marquis d'. Me- moires du. [_Se.e Barrhore, J. F.] ARGLES (Theodore Emile). ^Sm Grey, II.] ARXiUS (The). At. fol. Melb., 1848-5G. K ARGUS LIBEL CASE. Report of the. The Queen on the prosecution of George Milner Stepiien, v. [Edward] Wilson and [Lauchlan] Mackinnon, proprietors of the Anim. 8vo. Melb., 1857. MF 1 Q 1 Another copy. (Pam. 3G.) MJ 2 Q 23 ARGYLE AND GREENWICH (John), Duke of. Life of; by Robert Campbell. 12mo. Belfast, 1745. ClRl ARGYLL (George Douglas Campbell), Duke of. Geology and the Deluge. 8vo. Glasgow, 1885. A 9 T 40 lona. 2nded. 12nio. Lond., 1871. B 13 P 3 Primeval Man : an Examination of some recent Specu- lations. 12mo. Lond., 1869. A 1 V 4 Reign of Law. 8vo. Loud., 1867. G 13 Q II Unity of Nature. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A IG S 10 ARINGHI (Paolo). Roma Subterranea novi.ssima in qua post Antonivm Bosiv)n antesignanvni, Jo. Severanuni Congreg. Oratorii Presbyterum, et celebres alios Scriptores antiqua Christianorum et pr^cipue Martyrum Canneteria, Tituli, Monimenta, Epitaphia, In.scriptiones, ac nobilicjra Sanctorum Sepulchra sex libris distincta Illustraiitur. 2 vols. fol. Roma-, 1651. B 16 U 8, 9 t Another ed. 2 vols (in 1) fol. Paris, 1659. B 16 U 10 X ARIOSTO (LoDOVico). L'Orlando Furioso di. 4 vols. fol. Pisa, 1809. H 27 Q 14-17 f Orlando Furioso. 5 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1812-14. H 5 T 13-17 Orlando Furioso, translated from the Italian with Notes by John Hoole. \_See Chalmers, A.] Orl.-nulo Furioso, tvtto ricorretto, et di nvove fig\Te adornato. Al quale di nuouo sono aggiunti le Annota- tioiii, gli Auuertimenti et le Dichiarationi di Girolamo Ruscetli. La Vita dell' Autore, descritta dal Signer Giouarabattista Pigna. Appresso Vincenzo Valgrici. 4t-o. Venetia, 1558. H 6 S 1 Orlando Furioso; translated into English Verse from the Italian; with Notes by William Stewart Rose. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1823-31. H 8S 19-26 ARIST^NETUS. Love Epistles of. [Sf« Propertius.S.A.] ARISTIDES. \_See Approaching Crisis.] ARISTOPHANES. Aristophanis Comcedife cum scholiis et varietate lectionis. Recensuit Immanuel Bekkerus. 5 vols, roy 8vo. Lond., 1829. H 2 U 15-19 Aristophanis Fabulae Superstites et Perditarum Frag- menta. Ex recensione Guilelmi Dindortii (in Greek). 4to. Leip., 1869. J 11 P 18 f Comedies of; tran.slated into Blank Verse, with Notes, &c., by C. A. AVheehvright, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. H 2 S 5, 6 Comedies of Aristophanes; a new and literal Trans- lation, from the revised Text of Dindorf; with Notes and Extracts from thebestMetrical Versions, by William James llickie. 2 vols. 12ino. Lond., 1877-78. H 4 P 8, 9 26 CATALOGUE OF THE Ari] Part I : — AutJioi's, Editors, or Reference. [Arm ARISTOTELE.S. Analyses of Aristotles Logic. \_See Eeid, Prof. T.] Aristotle: a Chapter from the History of Science; with Life. \_Ste Lewes, G. H.] Aristotle's Psychology, in Greek and English; with Introduction and Notes, by Edwin "Wallace, M.A. 8vo. Cau.b., 18S2. G 4 R 24 Aristotle's Treatise on Poeti-y; translated, with Notes on tlie Translation and Original, and two Dissertations on Poetical and Musical Imitation, by Thomas Twining, A.M. 8vo. Lond., 181.5. J 6 U 7 Aristotle's Treatise on Rhetoric, literally translated ; with Hobbes' Analysis, Examination Questions, and an Ajipendi.x containing the Greek I)efinitions ; also the Poetic of Aristotle ; literally translated, by Theodore A. Buckley, B.A 12mo. Lond., 1872. J 10 P 37 Aristotelis Opera omnia Graece ad optimorum Exemp- hiriuni lidem recensuit, Annotationem oritieain, et novam Vei-sioneni Liitinaui adiecit Jo. Tiieoiihilus lUiiile. .5 vols. 8vo. Biponti, 1791-1800. J IC Q 29-33 Critical Examinations of Aristotle. [See Grote, (J.J Elementa Logices Aristoteleae. In usum Scholarum ex Aristotele excerpsit convertit illustravit Fridericus Adolphus Trendelenburg. Editio (juinta auction 8vo. Berlin, 18G2. ' G 16 S 21 Ethics and Piilitics; comprising his Practical Pliilosojiliy ; translated from the Greek, by Dr. John Gillies. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1813. G 13 P If), 16 The Etliics of Aristotle ; illustrated, with Essays and Notes, by Sir Alex. fJrant, Bart, itc. 3rd. cd. 2 vols. 8vo. Li, M.A. Hvo. I»nd„ 1881. (; 7 \i 25 Politics of; trnntlnlMl by Joweti. 2 voU. 8vo. Oxford, ARISTOTELES— co»rjji«erf. On the Parts of Animals ; translated, with Introduction ami Notes, bv W. Ogle, M.A., ito. Roy. 8vo. Lond 1882. ■ A 28 V 3 Poetics of Aristotle. [See Metastasio, P.] Politics and Economics of Ari.stotle ; translated, with Notes, Essay, and a Life of Aristotle, by Dr. Gillies; by Edward "Walford, M.A. 12mo. Lond., 1876. F 5 S 51 Politics of; translated, with Notes, by B. Jowett, B.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1865. ' F 1 Q 25, 26 The Organon, or Logical Treatises of Aristotle; with the Introduction of Porphyry ; literally translated, with Notes, Syllogistic Examples, Analysis, and Introduction, ))y Octavius Freire Owen, M.A. 2 vols. 12nio. Lond., 1853. G 16 P 2, 3 Polities of Ari.stotle; translated, with an Analysis and Crifical Notes, by J. E. C. Welldon, M.A., etc. 8vo. Lond., 1883. F 5 S 18 Rhetoric of Aristotle; translated, itc, by J. E. C". Welldon, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1886. G 7 T. 30 ARLINCOURT (Victou), Yicomte d'. [See D'Arlix- COURT, Victor Vicomte.] ARLOINC; (S.) Comparative Anatomy. [See Ciiauveau, A.] ARMAN (Ahhaiiam). Complete Ready Reckoner for the Admeasurement of Land. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1862. A 17 P 20 Key to Haddon's Arithmetic. [See Haddon, J.] Rudimentary Arithmetic. [See IIaddon, J. | Stepping Stone to Arithmetic, and Key. (Weale.) 2 vols, (ill 1.) 12mo. Lond., 1865-66. A 17 Q 7 ARMKNGAUD (Jean (!i;i!M\in Di'.sibk). Les Galeries Publiijues de rKuroiie, Unnu'. 2 vols. imp. 4to. Paris, 1856. A 23 P 11, 12 t ARMENIAN AND RUSSIAN VOCABULARY. Sm. ■J to. St. Petersburg, 1788. K 12 Q 11 ARM IT (Lieut. Roiiert IL), R.N. Light as a Motive Power; a Series of M(^teorological and llydrographical Essays. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875-76. A 3 S 20, 21 All.MITAGK (Im)WARI)), R.A. Lectures on Painting. Delivered to the Students of tiio Royal Academy. 8vo. Lond., 188.3. A 7 T 2 ARMITA(!I<: (Vaa,\ S.) Childhood of the English Nation, or the beginnings of English History. 12nio. Lond., 1877. * 15 3 P 29 ARMITAGE (T. R.) The Education and Eniploymont of the Blind : what it has been, is, and ought to be. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., IHK6. G 17 Q 9 ARMOUR (Jami;h), C.E. Iron and Heat, I'.eams. I'illars, Ac. (Weale.) 12nio. Lond., 1871. A 17 Q 18 Power in Motion. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond.,1871. A17Q18 FREE PUBLIC LIBllARY, SYDNEY. 27 Arm] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or lieference. [Am ARMSBY (Henry P.), Pn.D. Manual of Cattle-Feeding : a Treatise on tlio Laws of Animal Nutrition and the Chemistry of Feeding-Stutl's in their application to the feeding of Farm Animals. 8vo. N. York, 1880. A 1 Q 13 ARMSTRONG (A.) Land Act of 188-i (48 Vict., No. 18), intituled " An Act to Regulate the Alienation, Occupation, and Management of Crown Lands." Assented to, October 17, 1881;; with explanatory Notes. 1st ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1884.* MF 1 R 32 ARMSTRONG (Albert Stapleton), and CAMPBELL (G. Ord). Australian Sheep Hu.sbandry : a Hand-book of the Breeding and Treatment of Sheep, and Station Management ; with concise Instructions for Tank and Well-sinking, Fencing, Dam-making, ttc. 8vo. Melb., 1882.* MA 1 P 45 ARMSTRONG (Alexander), M.D., kc. Personal Narra- tive of the Discovery of the North-west Pas.sage, while in search of the P]xpedition under Sir John Franklin. 8vo. Lond., 1857. D 4 R 40 ARMSTRONG (Henry E.), Ph.D., etc. Organic Chemisty. 12mo. Lond., 1874. A 17 S 16 ARMSTRONG (John). Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A., and Johnson S.] ARMSTRONG (R.), C.E. Construction and Manage- ment of Steam Boilers. (VVeale.) 6th ed. 12mo. Loud., 1871. A 17 P 28 ARMSTRONG (Robert Aeciiibald), A.M. A Gaelic Dictionary, in two parts : I. CJaelic and English. II. English and (iiaelic ; to wiiich is prefixed, a New Gaelic Grammar. 4to. Lond., 1825. K 14 S 19 ARMSTRONG (Walteu). Raphael, his Life, A-c. [_See Mdntz, E.] Histoi-y of Art in Ancient Egypt. \_See Perrot, G. and Chipiez, C] Dictionary of Painters. \_See Bryan, M.] ARMSTRONG (William). Speech in Defence of. [See Sewell, R. C] ARMY (The). Abstracts of the Accounts of Commis- saries upon Foreign Stations, for the year ended 25th December, 1828 (as to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, for the year.^ 1826 and 1827). (Pari. Docs. 5.) Fol. Loud., 1830. MF 5 t Field Exercise and Evolutions of. 8vo. Lond. 1824. A 29 R 6 General Regulations and Orders for. 8vo. Lond., 1822. F 6 R 39 Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field Exercise and Movements of H.M. Forces. 8vo. Lond., 1808. F 6 R 38 ARMY AND NAVY CALENDAR for the Financial Years 1881-86 ; being a Compendium of General Infor- mation relating to the Army, Navy, ^Militia, and Volun- teers, and containing Maps, Plans, Tabulated State- ments, Abstracts, ka. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881-85. E ARMY LIST (The). Containing the Names of the Officers of tlio Army, Royal Marines, Militia, Yeomanry, Volunteers, and Colonial Militia and Volunteers. 12iuo. Lond., 1831-86. E \_See Hart, Lieut.-Gen. H. C] ARMYTAGE (Hon. Mrs.) Wars of Queen Victoria's Reign. 1837-87. 8vo. Lond., 1886. B 3 Q 27 ARNDT (Ernst Moritz). Eine Biographic. 18mo. Leipzig (n.d.) C 1 P 1 ARNE (Thcmas Augustine). Artaxerxe.s, an English Opera. \_See Artaxerxes.] ARNETH (Alfred), Ritter von. Maria Thercsia und Joseph II. \_See Maria Theresia.] Maria Theresia und Marie Antoinette. [See Maria Theresia.] Maria Theresia's erste Regierungsjahre. 3 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1863-65. C 9 T 21-23 Prinz Eugen von Savoyen. 3 vols. roy. Bvo. Wien, 1864. * C 10 V 34-36 ARNOLD (Arthur). Through Persia by Caravan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D 5 S 3, 4 ARNOLD (Mrs. Arthur). Old Rome and New Italy. \_See Castelar, Emilic] D 7 T 36 ARNOLD (Cecil). Index to Shakespearian Thought : a Collection of Passages from the Plays and Poems of Shakespeare, classified under appropriate lieadings and alphabetically arranged. 8vo. Lond., 1880. K17P33 ARNOLD (Sir Edwin), G.C.I.E. Griselda : a Tragedy , and other Poems. 12nio. Lond., 1856. H 5 T 11 Indian Idylls, from the Sanskrit of the Mahabluirata. 8vo. Lond., 1883. H 5 T 3 Indian Poetry; containing: — "The Indian Song of Songs," from the Sanskrit of the Gita Govinda of Jayadeva; two books from "The Iliad of India" (^[ahabhiirata) ; "Proverbial Wisdom" from the Shlokas of the Hitopadesa, and other Oriental Poems. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1884. H 5T8 India revisited. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 5 R 36 Light of Asia; or, the Great Renunciation (Mahabhinish- kramana) ; being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Prince of India, and Founder of Buddhism. 12mo. Lond., 1879. H 5 T 6 Marquis of Dalhousie's Administration of British India. (Vol. 1.) 8vo. Lond., 1862. B 10 V 28 Pearls of the Faith ; or, Islam's Rosary ; being the Ninety- nine Beautiful Names of Allah (Asmil-el-Husna); with Connnents in Verse from Various Oriental Sources (as made by an Indian ^Mussulman). 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1884. H 5 T 7 The Secret of Death (from the Sanskrit); with some Collected Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1885. H 5 T 5 Song Celestial; or, Bhagavad-Gita (from the Maiiabhiirata); being a Discourse between Arjuna, Prince of India, and the Supieme Being, under the Form of Krishna; translated from the Sanskrit Text. Svo. Lond., 1885. H 6 T 4 28 CATALOGUE OP THE Arn] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Arr ARNOLD (Edwin Lester Lixdex). Coffee, its Cultivation and Profit. 8vo. Lond., 18S6. A 1 S 23 Summer Holiday in Scandinavia. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D 8 R 45 ARNOLD (Rev. Fkederick), B.A., Oxox. Robertson of Brighton ; witli some Notices of his Times and Contemporaries. 8vo. Loud., 1886. C 4 Q 30. ARNOLD (Frederick), Juk. F.R. Hist. S., Jcc. History of Streatham. 8vo. Lond., 188G. B 6 S 42 ARNOLD (George M. Brock). \_See Brock-Arnold, G. M.] ARNOLD (IS.A.AC N.) Life of Abraham Lincoln. 3rd ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1885. C 5 S 19 ARNOLD (Prof. Matthew), M.A., Ac. Culture and Anarchy: an Essay in Political and Social Criticism. 8vo. Lond., 1869. F 10 P 14 Discourses in America. 8vo. Lond., 1885. J 9 Q 1 Essays in Criticism. 3rd. ed., revised and enlarged. 8vo. Lond., 1875. J 9 Q 2 Higher Schools and L'niversities in Germany. 8vo. Lond., 1882. G 17 P 20 Irish Essays and others. 8vo. Lond., 1882. J4P9 On the Study of Celtic Literature. 8vo. Loud., 1867. J 6 T 8 Poems. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. H 5 T 9-11 1. Kurly Poems. Narrative Poems, ami Sonnets. '2. Lyric ami Klcgiac Poems. 3. Dramatic ami Later Poems. ARNOLD (Richard). Customs of London, otherwise called Arnold's Clironicle ; containing, among divers otiier matters, the original of the celebrated Poem of the " Nut-brown Maid." Rejjrinted from the 1st ed. 4to. Ixjnd., 1811. B 15 R 4 { Another copy. B 10 11 17 t AUNOLI> (Rev. Tho.mas), U.D. Hi^tury of Rome. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18-10-45. B 1 1 V 5-7 Tiitrmluctory Lectures on Modi-ni History. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1860. ■ B 15 Q 3 Life and Correspondence of; by A. P. Staidoy, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lfjnd., 1844. C 1 V 30, 31 Anotlier copy. 5th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1845. CIV 32, 33 Second Punic War; being Chapters of the History of Uoino; with Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1880. B 12 P 10 Hi-Tnion.-i. 6 vols, Hvn. T/)nd., 1H45. (J 5 P 21- 26 \Stt TlllTVI)II)KH.] AUNf)LI) (Tilo.M.v.'.;, .M.A. iioowuif : a Heroic l'.,.'iii of thn Eighth Century ; with a Translation, Notnce. 2 vols. 8vo. Ixmd., 1876. (J 9 t^ 7, 8 ASHLKY (W. J.), B.A. Jaim-s and Phillip van Arll'.\UTICI!L^- I! ION I I'.W. Ivliled by Demclj iuK IJoiiJgej-. \'iil. I. Jan. April, |S,S(i. I{,i>v. Svo. Lond, jS.SC,. "lO ASIATIC .lOl'KN.M, (Tin:), .ind Munllily Uegister for Briti.sli and Foicign Inilia, Chiiui, and Australasia. 52 vols. Svo. Lond., 1824-45. E EREE PUBLIC LIBRAIIY, SYDNEY. 31 Asi] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or lleference. [Atk ASIATIC SOCIETY (Royal). Society.! [See Royal A.siatic ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. Asiatick Re- searches; or. Transactions of the Society, instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia; with Index. 21 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1788-1836. E Centenary Review of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1784- 1883. 8vo. Calcutta, 1885. E Index to Vols. 19, 20, of the Asiatic Researclics, and to Vols. 1-23 of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta, 185G. E Journal of. 49 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1832-78. E Useful Tables, forming an Appendix to the Journal of the Asiatic Society. Part 1. Coins, Weights, and Mea- sures of British India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1834. E ASKEW (Anne). Writings of. [&? Bkiti.sii Refohmeks.] ASKEW (John). Voyage to Australia and New Zealand ; including a Visit to Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Hunter's River, Newcastle, Maitland, and Auckland by a Steerage Passenger. 8vo. Lond., 1857. MD 1 W 41 ASMAR (Maria Memoirs of a Babylonian Princess, Maria Theresa Asmar (Daughter of Emir Abdallah Asmar) ; written by herself, and translated into English. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. ' C 2 T 6,7 ASPIN (J.) Cosmorama : View of the Costumes and Peculiarities of all Nations. 12mo. Lond., 1849. A 7 P 37 ASPINALL (Clara). Three Years in Melbourne. 12mo. Lond., 1862.* MD 3 P 2 ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES. [See Architectural Societies.] ASSOCIATION for Promoting the Discovery of the Inte- rior Parts of Africa. Proceedings. Vols. 1, 2 (aH pub- lished.) 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1790-1828. D 2 V 11, 12 ASTLE (Thomas), F.R.S., etc. Antiquarian Repertory, [See Antiquarian Repertory.] Origin and Progress of Writing, as well Hieroglyphic as Elementary; also, some Account of the Origin and Pro- gress of Printing. 4to. Lond., 1876. A 4 R 5 t ASTLEY (Thomas). New General Collection of Voyages and Travels ; consisting of the most esteemed Relations, which have been hitherto published in any Language ; comprehending everything Remarkable in its kind in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 4 vols. 4to. Lond., 1745-47. D 9 V 18-21 ASTON (W. G.), M.A. Sliort Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1873. K 12 Q 8 ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY (Royal). [See Royal Astronomical Society.] ASVAGHOSHA BODHISATTVA. Life of Buddha. [See Muller, Prof. F. M.] ASYLUM FOR THE BLIND. [Pioposals for an Asylum for the lilind.] 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 3 P 12 ATHANASIUS (Sanctus), Archbishop of Alexandria. Opera omnia. [See Mione, J. P., Series Gr«ca, 25-28.] Life of. [See Kayk, Rt. Rev. J.] ATHENE OXONIENSES. [See Wood, A.] ATHEN^UM (The). A Journal of Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music, and the Drama. 81 vols. 4to. Lond., 1828-85. E ATHEN.a5UM (The). A Journal Specially devoted to the encouragement of Australian Literature, Science, and Art. Fol. Sydney, 1875-71). ME ATHEN^US OF NAUCRATUS. Deipnosophistarum Libri XV ; supplevit nova latina versione et animadver- sionibus cum Is. Casauboni et indicibus instruxit J. Scliweighaeuser. 5 vols. 8vo. Argentorati, 1801-05. J 16 S 24-28 Animadver.siones in Athenaei Deipnosophistaa post Isaacum Casaubon conscripsit .lohannes Schweighacu.ser. 9 vols. 8vo. Ai-gentorati, 1801-05. J f 16 S 29-37 Isaaci Casauboni Aniraadversionum in Athenaei Deipnoso- phistas. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipsiae, 1796-1843. J 16 S 38-10 The Deipnosophists; oi'. Banquet of the Learned; literally translated, by C. D. Yonge, M.A. ; with an Appendix of Poetical Fragments, rendered into English Verse Ijy various Authors, and a General Index. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1854. J 10 P 2-4 ATHENIAN GAZETTE (The) ; or, Casuistical Mer- cury ; resolving all the most Nice and Curious Ques- tions proposed by the ingenious of either Sex. 2 vols, fol. Lond., 1690-97. J 36 Q 3, 4 I ATKINS (Edwa.hd), B.Sc. Pure Mathematics; including Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Plane Trigonometry. 12mo. Lond., 1877. A 10 R 25 ATKINS (Rev. T.) Wanderings of the Clerical Eulysses, described in a Narrative of Ten Years' Residence in Tasmania and New South Wales, at Norfolk Island and Moreton Bay ; in Calcutta, ]Madras, and Cape Town. 12mo. Greenwich, 1859.* MD 2 Q 13 ATKINSON (Miss Caroline Louisa Warini;). [See Calvert, Mrs. J. S.] ATKINSON (Edward). Distribution of Products ; or, the Mechanism and the Metaphysics of Exchange : Three Essays— What makes the Rate of AVages ? What is a Bank' The Railway, the Farmer, and the Public 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1885. F 6 S 19 What is a Bank ? What service does a Bank perform a Lecture. Economic Tracts No. 1. Svo. New York 1881. {Bound xvlih " Nohle's Spanish Armada".) ATKINSON (Prof. E.) Lectures on Scientific SuVjjects [See Helmholtz, Prof., H. L. F.] Treatise on Physics. [See Ganot, Prof., A.] 82 CATALOGUE OV TEE Atk] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or lleference. [Aub ATKIXSOX (Georoe Franklin). Pictures from tlie North, in Pen and Pencil : sketched duiins; a Summer Ramble. 8vo. Loud., 1848. " D 8 T 21 ATKINSON (Henry George), F.G.S., and :MARTINEAU (Harriet.) Letters on the Laws of ^Mail's Nature, and Development. 8vo. Loud., 18-51. G 13 Q 12 ATKINSON (James). Account of tlie State of Agricul- ture and Grazing in New South Wales ; including Observations on the Soils and General Appearance of tlie Country, and some of its most Natural Productions. 8vo. Lond., 182(1.* MA 1 Q 49 Account of Agriculture and Grazing in New Soutli Wales. Second edition, revised and corrected; to wiiich have been added some useful Data and Remarks derived from other authentic Sources. 12ino. Lond., 1841. MA 1 Q 52 On the E.xpediency and Necessity of encouraging Dis- tilling and Brewing from Grain in New Soutli Wales. 2nded. 12nio. Sydney, 1829. MJ 2 Q 21 ATKINSON (James). Epitome of the Art of Navigation ; or, a Short, Easy and Methodical Way to become a Compleat Navigator. 8vo. Lond. 1744. A 19 Q 27 ATKINSON (Dn. James). Character and Costume of Afghaunistan. (Plates.) [See Hart, L. W.] E.xpedition into Affghanistan : Notes and Sketches des- criptive of the Country during the Campaign of 1839 and 1840. 8vo. Lond., 1842. D .5 R 38 Plates to [the above.] Imp. fol. Lond., 1842. D 8 P 1 + ATKINSON (Jasper). Letter to a Member of Parlia- ment occasioned by the Publication of the Report from tlie Select Committee on the high price of Gold RuUion. 2nd ed. (Pani. 8) 8vo. Lond., 1811. F 13 R 21 ATKINSON (Joseph Beavington). Ovcrbeck : a Biography. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 3 T 4 Sch(jaw Reform. iiarrisUn-s, AttorneyH, Clients, and Law Costs. Bepriiil of Kemarks by Soloiiinn AtkiiiHon, Esf|., of Lincoln's Inn, Itarrister- iit-I.rfiw, on the Helatioiis existing between Jiariister, Attorney, and Client. 8vo. Melb. IH72. M h' I t/ 5 ATKINSON (TiroMAH Witmm). Travels in the Regions of Ihe rjijier and lyower Ainoor, and the KuHHJitn Ac.|iii.MitionH on the C'onlines of India luid China. 8vo lx.ii-l., IMOO. D 5 U 2. ATKINSON OIrs. Thomas Witlam). Recollections of Tartar Steppes and their Inhabitants. 8vo. Lond., 1863. D 5 Q 35 ATKINSON (W. N. and J. B.) Explosions in Coal Mines. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 9 V 11 ATKYNS (Sir Robert), Knt. Ancient and Present State of Glocestershire. Illustrated. 2iul ed. Fol. Lend., 1768. B5P25t ATLAS (The). Sydney Weekly Journal of Politics, Com- merce, and Literature. 4 vols. fol. Sydney, 1845-48. M E ATLAS (The). A General Newspaper and Journal of Literature. Vols. 10 and 13. Fol. Lond., 1831-32. E ATLAS INVESTMENT SOCIETY. The Rules and Regulations of the Atlas Investment and Building Society. (Pain 13.) 8vo. Sydney, 1858. MJ 2 R 5 ATTALIOTA (M.) [See BvzANTiN.r, Hist. Script., 48.] B 9 V 14 ATTEMPTS AT VERSIFICATION. [See Half-a" DozEN.] MH 1 P 10 ATTERBURY (Rt. Rev. Francis), D.D. Bishop of Roche.ster. Sermons and Discourses. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1723. G 16 S 5-8 ATTFIELD (J.) Chemistry: General, Medical, and Pliarmaeeutical. 8vo. Loiid., 1885. A5R15 ATTl DKLLA SOCIETA ITALIAN A DI SCIENZE NATrii.VLT. [See Societ.v Italiana di Scienze Natuhali.] E ATTIC ORATORS (Tiii;), from Anliphon to Isaeos; by R. C. Jelili, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. C 2 V 7, 8 ATTO VERCELLENSIS. Op(>ra omnia. [See iMicsn, J. P., Serif.s L.vtina, 134.] ATTWOOD (Georoe). Practical Blowpipe Assaying. With Woodcuts. Svo. Lond., 18S0. A5R1 Al'liARirr (Capit. G.) Grammaire do la Langue Anna- mite, piildii'e p.irordre de S I^xc. li> Alinistrede la Marino et (les Cdlonics. imp. 8vo. Paris, ISC, I. K 16S11 AUi'.l': (I!.) Hniicn illiistr.-iicl. [See Au(iK, E.] Al'r.h:!! (I'ctur), I\I.R.A.S. .and Progress of the I'.ritish I'uwcr in India. 2 vi>ls. Svo. Lond., 1837. B 10 V 26, 27 (Jliinii: an Out line (if i(s ( l(i\ iTiiiiii'iit,^, .■mil I'ulicy, .tc. ,Svo. Lond., l.-<3 1. I! li P .■(<> AURERTIN (.1. .).) Seventy Sv-La\vs for the Government of. (Pam. 31.) 8vo. Lond., i825. M.I 2 Q 19 Colony of the Australian Agricultural Company. \_See Harris, A.] List of Proprietors. (Pam. 31.) 8vo. Lond., 1828. MJ 2 Q 19 Plan of the Company. (Pam. 31.) 8vo. Lond., 1826. MJ 2 Q 19 Reports. 8vo. Lond., 1826-33. MJ 2 Q 19 Reports. 8vo. Lond., 1831-33. MJ 2 R 17 Reports. Svo. Lond., 1841. MJ 2 Q 2 Reports, 183-5, 1840, 1841. (Pam. Dl.) 8vo. Lond. MF 3 P 11 Statement of tlie Services of Mr. R. Dawson. [^See Dawsox, R.] AUSTRALIAN ALMANACS, for the years 1808-G9. 12mo. Sydney, Ac, 1808-69. ME 4 Q and R AT^STRALTAN AND NEW ZEALAND MONTHLY MAGAZINE. 8vo. Loud., 1842. IMF 3 R AI^STRALTAN ANNIVERSARY DINNER, in Com- memoration of the of tlie Australian Colonitw, held at the ■' Alljion," Aldersgate-street, London, on Tuesday, tiie 26th January, 18.")8. Sir Charles Nicholson, D.C.L., in the Chair. Speeches, itc. (Pam. F.) Svo. Lond., 1858. ^,\^ 2 S 3 AUSTRALIAN AL'XILIAUY CHURCH MIS^ SIONAltY SOCIETY. Report, 1836. Svo. Sydney, 1836. MG 1 Q 27 Rules, A-c. 12in... Sydney, 1834. .M(;iQ27 AUSTRALIAN AUXII>I.\I{V .MISSIONARY SOCIETY. [Su London- Mih.sionauy Sociiny, 1S39.] AUSTRALIAN I5AI5ES IN THE WOOD (Tm;). A True Story, told in RhyuK! for the Young ; by the .Auliior of " Little Jessie," Ac. Hvf>. I^md., 1H66. -Ml! IP 21 AL'STKAIJAN HAND OF IIhIM; I(I:VIE\V AND CHILDIiEN'S FHIEND. \ ,,l I. .\.,. 17. (I'am. G.) Hvo. Sydney, I H,-.0. .M E .! K AUSTRALIAN CIIURCHMAN (Tin;), and ReligiouH Intflligemer : a Wci'kly Record of Church and General News. 20 vols. Sydney, 1867-84. ME AUSTRALIAN CLUB (The). Rules and Regulations for the Government of. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 3 P 10 AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE. First Report of the Council. 8vo. Sydney, 1832. MF 3 P 14 AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. Prospects and Considera- tions of a Future for the Australian Colonies: a Pamphlet, by the "Unknown." 8vo. Hobart, I860. MF 1 Q 2 Tiiird Report of the Commissioners of Colonial Inquiry. (Pari Docs. 5.) Fol. Lond., 1830. MF 4 + AUSTRALIAN COLONIES ASSOCIATION. Report of the Permanent Committee to the Members of tlie General Association for the Australian Colonies, at their first Annual Meeting. 8vo. Lond., 1856. MF 3 P 7 AUSTRALIAN COLONIES GOVERNMENT BILL. A Bill for the better Government of Her Majesty's Australian Colonies. Nos. 1, 2. (Pari. Docs. ».").) Fol. Lond., 1849. ME 4 R t Copies of Correspondence on the subject of the Australian Colonies Government Bill, and the extension of the Elective Franchise in New South Wales. (Pari. Docs. 57.) Fol. Loud., 1850. MF 4 J AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION. Papers relative to the proposed alteration in the Constitution of the Australian Colonies, (Pari. Docs. 57.) Fol. Lond.,1850-56. MF 4 + AUSTRALIAN CROCHET-BOOK ; with new stitches. Dedicated to the Ladies of Sydney. Ob. 12mo. Sydney, 1859. MA 2 S'5 AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRACIES. (Social Science Review— Pam, A.) Fol, Lond,, 1803. MI 2 U 1 AUSTRALIAN DIAMOND DRILL Cf). Introductory Remarks, (Pam. On.) 8vo. Sydney, 1876. MA 2 V 14 AUSTHALIAN DICTIONARY OF DATES, Ac. [See H EATON, .1. IL] AUSTRALIAN DIOCESAN COMMITTEE. Catalogue of Books and Tracts in the Repiisitory of the Australian Diocesan Committee. 8vo. Sydney, 1838. MK 1 Q 13 AUSTRALIAN DIRECT STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY (The), via Panama. Incorpurntcd by Royal Charter, liearing date 24th June, 1 S53, (Pam, 30.) 8vo. Lond,, 1853. MJ 2 Q 18 AUSTRALIAN ERA (The), Hoy. Svo, Sydney, 1850-51. ME 10 P 3 t AUSTRALIAN FAMILY JOURNAL (The): Weekly Magaziiu^ of LitLarmontel ; written by himself : containing hisl Literary and Political Life, and Anecdotes of the Principa Characters of the Eighteenth Century. In two volumes. 5. The pleasant and surprising Adventures of Robert Drury during his Fifteen Years' Captivity on the Island of Mada- gascar ; written by himself. 6. Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah, in Georgia ; by George Whitetield, A.B. 7. Memoirs of the late Mrs. Robinson ; written by herself : from the edition edited by her daughter. A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke ; written by herself. 8. The Life of Edward, Lord Herbert, of Cherbury ; written by himself. Memoirs of Prince Eugene of Savoy ; written by himself. 9, 10. .Sketch of the Life and Literary Career of Augustus von Kotzebue ; with the Journal of his e.xile to Siberia ; written by himself. In two volumes. IL The Memoirs of Captain John Creichton, from his own materials ; drawn up and digested by Jonathan Swift, D.D. , D.S.P.D. Memoir of William (JiU'ord ; written by himself. The History of the Life of Thomas Elhvood ; written by himself. 12. Memoirs of Lewis Holberg ; written by himself. 13. Memoirs of James Hardy Vaux, a Swindler and Thief, now transported to New South Wales, for the second time, and for Life ; written by himself. 14, 15. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Edward Gibbon, Esq. ; composed by himself ; with occasional Notes and Narrative, by the Right Honourable John, Lord Sheffield. In two volumes. IG, 17. The Life of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine Artist ; written by himself. Translated by Thomas Nugent. In two volumes. 18. Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the Life of James Lackington, Bookseller ; written by himself. 19. The Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone ; written by himself, and extracted from his Journals. Edited by his son, William Theobald Wolfe Tone. 20, 21. Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelniina, Princess Royal of Prussia, Margravine of Bareith, sister of Frederic the Great ; written by herself. Translated from the original French. In two volumes. 22. The Diary of the late George Bubb Dodington, Baron of Melcombe Regis : from March 8, 1749, to February 6, 1761, with an Appendix, containing some curious and interesting Papers. Published from original Manuscripts, by Henry Penruddocke Wyndham. 23, 24. Memoirs of Goldoni ; written by himself : forming a com- plete History of his Life and \Vritings. Translated from the original French, by John Black. In two vohunes. 2o-28. Memoirs of Vidocq, Principal Agent of the French Police until 1827, and now proprietor of the paper manufactory at St. Mande ; written by himself. Translated from the J'rench. In four volumes. 29-32. Memoirs of Madame du Barri. Translated from the French. In four volumes. 33. Memoirs of William Sampson, an Irish Exile ; written by himself. To which is added a brief Historical .Sketch of the British connexion with Ireland, and some Observations on the Present Condition of America. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AN ENGLISH SOLDIER in the United States Army. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18.53. C3 P 1, 2 AUTOGRAPH LETTERS. Autograph Letters, Charac- teristic Extracts and Signatures, from the Corre.spon- dence of Illustrious and Distinguished Women of Great Britain ; collected and copied by J. Nethcrclift. Fol. Lond., 1838. C 1 W 2 Autograph Letters ; written by Royal and Distinguished Persons of Great Britain ; copied by J. Netherclift and Son. 4to. Lond., 1849. C 1 W 1 AUTOGRAPHIC MIRROR (The). [ and French.] 2 vols. fol. and 2 vols. imp. 4to Lond., 1864-66- C22R1-4 X AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY OF BRADFORD. Second Report, 1812. 12mo. Lond., 1813. MF 3 P 10 AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Reports, with a List of Subscriptions, Donations, itc. 12mo. Sydney, 1817-64. MG 1 Q 28, MJ2Q3and21 \_See also BuiTisii and Foreign' Bible Society.] A VAKATUSA ni Lotu : o Koya oqo Nai Vakadinadina, Kei Nai Vakavuvuli, Kei na Cakacaka dodonu ni lotu ; Kei Nai Valavala o so sa lesia ko Jisu me ia tiko e na nona lotu. 8vo. Viti, 1850. G 16 R 18 AVDALL (Johannes). History of Armenia. [See CiiAMicii, Fatiieu Michael.] AVE-LALLEMANT (Dr. Friedrich Christian Bene- dict). Das deut!3che Gaunerthum in seiner social-poli- tischen, literarisehen und linguistischen Au.sbildung zu seinem heutigen Bestande. Mit zahereichen Holz- schnitten. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1858-62. F 7 P 20-22 AVE-LALLEMANT (Robert). Life of A. von Humboldt. \_See LoWENBERG, J.J AVELING (Mrs. Eleanor Mar.\.) History of the Com mune. [_See Lissagaray, P.J AVELING (James H.), M.D. Yorkshire : History of Roche Abbey, from its Foundation to its Dissolution. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1870. B 15 T 12 t AVESTA. Religious Books of the Parsees ; from Pro- fessor Spiegel's tJerman translation of the original Manu- scripts, by Arthur H. Bleeck. 3 vols (in 1) 8vo. Hert- ford, 1864. G 6 P 4 AVISON (Charles). Essay on Musical Expression. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1775. A 7 P 18 AVONMORE (Viscountess). [_See Yelverton, Theresk] AWDELEY (Joiix). FraternityeofVacabondes. (Licensed in 1560-1, imprinted then, and in 1565.) From the Edition of 1575 in the Bodleian Library. Edited by Edward Viles and F. J. Furnivall. (New Shakespere Society, Series 6.) 8vo. Lond., 1880. E 49 CATALOGUE OF THE Axo] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Aze AXON (William E. A.) Annals of Manchester : a Chronological Record to tiie end of 1885. 4to. Mancli., 1886. B 5 V 7 Cheshire Gleanings. 8vo. Mancli., 1884. IJ3P18 John Ruskin : a Bibliographical Biography. {Bound xnth "Notes on Sheepfolds.") Svo. Lond., 1879. G 11 T 14 Mechanic's Friend. 8vo. Loud., 1875. A 11 P 13 AYERS (Sir Hesry). Australia Confederated. [Sue Jefferis, Rev. J.] AYLMBR (Joiix), Bisiiop of London. Life and Acts of. Strype's Historical Works. Vol. X. G2S19 AYMON (les qu.\tke Fils). {_See Qcatre Fils.] AYRE (Rev. J.) Tlio Treasuiy of Bible Knowledge. [S« Mausder's, S.] AYRES (Mrs. H. M E. Sharp). Mirror Painting in Italian Style ; a Manual for Amateurs. 8vo. Lond., 1866. A 7 Q 1 AYTOITN (William Edmondstouse), D.C.L. Ballads of Scotland. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1861. H 7 P 1, 2 Botlnvell : a Poem. 12mo. Lond., 1858. H7P3 Lilys of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1854. H 5 R 6 Memoir of ; by Sir Theodore Martin : witli an Appendix. Svo. Edinb., 1807. C 2 U 1 AYTOUN (William Edmond.stoune), D.C.L., and MARTIN (Sir Theodore), K.C.B. Book of Ballads; edited by " Bon Gaultier." Illustrated. 12th ed. Svo. Lond., 1874. H 7 P 36 AZEGLIO (Massimo Taparelli), Marquis d'. Recollec- tions of: translated by Count Alessandro Maffei. 2 vols. Svo. Loud., 1808. C 1 U 43, 44 TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 41 B Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bac B B . (Mme. C. DE la). [_See Calderon de la Barca, Mme. Frances.] B . (Mme. de). Memoirs of Rachel. \_See Rachel- Felix, E.] B. (G. 8.) [^See Study of Prologue and EpiLOfJUE.] B (J. A.) \_See Meta of Gaindara.] B (W. M.) Narrative of Edward Crewe. \_See Nar- rative.] B.K.S. Stanzas. \_See Leichhardt, Dr. L.] BABBAGE, (Charles), A.M., kc. Comparative View of the various Institutions for the Assurance of Lives. 8vo. Lond., 1826. F 10 R U On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. 2nd ed. enlarged. 12mo. Lond., 1832. A IIP 18 Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on some of its Causes. 8vo. Lond., 18:^0 A IG U 18 Table of the Logarithms of the Natural Numbers, from 1 to 108,000. Stereotyped. 2nd ed. Imp. Svo. Lond., 18.31. A 10 U 16 The E.xposition of 18.51 ; or. Views of the Industry, the Science, and the Government of England. 8vo. Lond., 18.51. ' F 10 R 13 The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise: a Fragment. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1838. G 6 P 24 BABBITT (Edwin D.) Principles of Light and Color; including among other things, the Harmonic Laws of the Universe, the Etherio-Atomic Philosophy of Force, Chromo-Chemistry, Chromo-Therapeutios, and the Gene- ral Philosophy of the Fine Forces. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1878. A 16 V 11 BABER (E. Cresswell), M.B. Contributions to the Minute Anatomy of the Thyroid Gland of the Dog. (Roy. Soc. Pubs. 3.) 4to. Lond., 1876. A 11 P 4 t BABRIUS. Mythiambics of Babrius. Edited, with Intro- ductory Dissertations, Critical Notes, Commentary, and Lexicon, by W. Gunion Rutherford, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1883. H .5 U 17 BACCHANTE, H.M.S. Cruise of. MD 2 V 21, 22 BACH (Alberto B.) Principles of Singing : a Practical Guide for Vocalists and Teachers. 8vo. Edinb., 188.'). A 7 P 19 BACH (Carl Phillip Emanuel). Letters of. \_See Wallace, Lady.] BACH (.Iohann Sebastian). His Work and Influence on the Music of Germany, 1685-1750; by Philipp Spitta ; translated from the German by Clara Bell and J. A. Fuller- ]\raitland. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884-85. C 10 R 14-16 BACHAUMONT (Louis). Memoire.s. [See Barriere, J.F.] BACHMAN (Rev. .John), D.D., &c. Quadrupeds of North America. [See Audubon, J. J.] BACK (Capt. Sir George), R.N. Narrative of the Arctic Land Expeditiim to the Mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1833-35. 8vo. Lond., 1836. 1) 4 R 21 Narrative of an Expedition in H.M.S. Terror, undertaken with a view to Geographical Discovery on the ArcticShores, in the years 1836-37 8vo. Lond., 1838. D 4 R 23 BACKER (Louis). [See Baecker, L. de.] BACKHOUSE (Edward). Early Church History, to the Death of Constantine ; edited and enlarged by Charles Tylor. 8vo. Lond., 1884. G 6 R 15 BACKHOUSE (James). Extracts from the Letters of James Backhouse, now engaged in a Religious Visit to Van Dieman's Land, New South Wales, ^Mauritius, and South Africa ; accompanied by George Washington Walker. Parts 1-10. 8vo. Lond., 1838-41. MD 1 U 15 Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1843.* MD 2 S 7 Narrative of a Visit to the Mauritius and South Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1844. D 2 S 20 BACKHOUSE (James), and TYLOR (Charles). Life and Labours of George Washington Walker, of Hobart Town, Tasmania. 8vo. Lond., 1862.* MC 1 R 34 BACKHOUSE (James), and WALKER (G. W.) Address to the Prisoner Population of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. 12mo. Sydney, 1837. MG 1 P 9 Christian Address to the Free Inhabitants of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. 12mo. Svdnev, 1837.* MG 1 P 49 BACKHOUSE (R.) Church and State ; or, the Gods of the Tenths a Changeable Tvrant. 8vo. Hobart (n.d.) MG 1 Q 29 BACON (Sir Francis), Lord Verulam. [A Biography]; by R. W. Church. Eng. Men of Letters.) 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 1 U 9 Account of the Life and Times of. Extracted from the edition of his Occasional Writings, by James Spedding. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. C 3 R 6, 7 Advancement of Learning; edited by W. A. Wright, MA. 2nd ed. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Oxford, 1873. G 16 P 35 Bacon, not Shakespeare. [See Thomson, W.] Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy. [See Wyman, W. H.] Essays ; with Annotations by Richard Whately, D.D. 8vo. Lond., 1867. G 12 T 29 42 CATALOGUE OF THE Bac] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bai BACOX (Sir Francis), Lord Yerulaji — coniitmeJ. Evenings witli a Reviewer, or Macaulay and Bacon. [See Speddixg, J.] Francis Bacon : an Account of liis Life and "Works, by E. A. Abbott, D.D. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 10 R 10 Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon, including all his Occasional Works, newly collected and set forth in chronological order, with a Commentary, Biographical and Historical, by Jas. Spedding. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861-7-2. C 2 V 17-22 Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning ; or, the Partitions of Sciences. Nine Bookes, written in Latin, interpreted by Gilbert Wats. Fol. Oxford, 1640. a 5 U .') Personal History of. From unpublished Papers ; by William HepwoVth Di.wn. 8vo. Lond., 1861. C 2 V 16 Political Allegories of Bacon. [See TnoMSox, 'W.] Promus of Formularies and Elegancies; illustrated and elucidated liy Passages from Shakespeare. [See Pott, Mrs. H.] Selections from the Works of. [See Montagu, B.] Shakspeare, not Bacon. [See Shakespeare, W.] Works of. 12 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1807. J 1 W 1-12 Works of; with a Life. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1826. J 7 T 1-10 BACON (George W.), F.R.G.S. Bacon's Guide to America and the Colonies, for the Capitalist, Tourist, or Emigrant. 8vo. Lend., 1870. MD 4 T 31 Life and Administration of Abraluuii Lincoln, presenting his Early History, Political Career, Sjieeches, Messages, Proclamations, Letters, (fee. 8vo. Lond., 1805. C 3 V 23 BACON (Henhy). Parisian Art and Artists. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. Boston, 1883. A.7 Q 30 BACON (Roger). [See Chronicles of Gt. Brit. 25.] BACON (Lieut. Thomas). First Tmpre.ssi(jns and Studies from Nature, in Ilindostan, from 1831-36. 2 vols. 8vo. I^.nd., 1H37. I) R 33, 3 1 BADKAir ((Jev. Aimm). Military History of Uly.sses S. (irant, from April, 1861, to April, lM65. 3 \ 13 Q 14 Practical Essays. Svo. Lond., 1884. G 13 Q 24 The Emotions and the Will. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1875. G 6 Q 21 The Senses and the Intellect. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1868. G 6 Q 20 Aristotle. [See Grote, G.] BAINBBIDGE-HOFF (Com. Willi.vm). [See Hoff, Com. W. B.-] BAINES (Edward). History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain. Svo. Lond., 1835. A 11 R 23 History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster; the Biographical Department by the late W. R. Whatton, F.S.A. A new, revised, and improved etlition, edited by John Harland, F.S.A. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1868-70. B 6 V 21, 22 Life of Edward Baines, late M.P. for the Borough of Leeds; by his Sou, Edward Baine.s. Svo. Lond., 1851. C 2 V 10 u CATALOGUE OF THE Bai] Part I : — Authors, Udifors, or Reference. [Bak BAINES (Thomas), F.R.G.S. Explorations in South-west Africa; being an Account of a Journey in the years 1861-62, from "SValvisch Bay to Lake N'ganii. 8vo. Lond., 1864. D 2 S 8 Gold Regions of South-eastern Africa : accompanied by Bio- graphical Sketch of the Author [by Henry Hall, F.R!g.S.] With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D 2 R 15 \_See Lord, W. B.] BAINES (Thomas). History of the Commerce and Town of Liverpool, and of the Rise of ilanufacturing Industry in the adjoining Counties. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1852. B 5 V 3 Lancashire and Cheshire, Past and Present : a History and a Description of the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time (1867); with an Account of the Rise and Progress of ^Manufactures and Commerce, and Civil and Mechanical Engineering in these Districts, by William Fairbairn, LL.D., etc. 2 vols. (in 4) 4to. Lond., 1870 B 10 P 10-13 t BAINI (Giuseppe). Memorie Storico-critiche della Vita e delle Opere di Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. 2 vols. 4to. Roma, 1828. C 2 W 19, 20 BAIRD (Charles W.), D.D. History of the Huguenot Emigration to America. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1885. G 5 Q 23, 24 BAIRD (Gen. the Rt. Hox. Sik Dav:d), Bart., G.C.B. Life of; by T. K. H..ok. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832. C 2 V 12, 13 BAIRD guenots. The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886. G 5 Q 25, 26 (Prof. Hexrv M.) History of the of the Hu- ts, 1515-74. 2vols.8vo. Lond., 1880. G 5 Q 27, 28 BAIRD (Rev. Jame.s), B.A. Emigrant'sGuide to Austral- asia. Australia : New South Wales, Western Australia, Soutli Australia, Victoria, and Queensland. 12mo. Lond., 1868. MD 2 Q 4 Anothercopy. (Weule.) 12mo. Lond., 18GS. A 17 R 14 Emigrant's Guide to Tasmania and New Zealand. (Weale.) 12mo. Lend., 1871. A 17 R 14 Management of Health. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1867. A 1 7 P 52 BATIU) (Kkv. RoriEiiT), D.D. Impressions and Experiences of the West Indies and North Amei-icii in 1S49. 2 vols. 8vo. Enii., 1K70. C 1 P 14 f BAIRD (William), M.D., itc. Student's Natural History: a Cj'clopaxlia of the Natural Sciences. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1858. A 15 P 18 BAISSAC (Jules). De I'Origine des Denominations Eth- niques dans la Race Aryane : Etude de Philologie et do Mythologie companies. 8vo. Paris, 1867. X 13 Q 3 BAKER (Anxe Elizabeth). Glossary of Northampton- shire Words and Phrases, with Examples of their Collo- quial Use, and Illustrations from various Authors ; to which are added, the Customs of the County. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1854. . K 12 P 23, 24 BAKER (Charles Jon\). Sydney and Melbourne ; with Remarks on the Present State and Future Pi-ospects of New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1845.* MD 4 S 2 BAKER (Daxif.l Ehskixe), REED (I.), and JONES (S.) Biographia Draniatica ; or, a Companion to tln! Play- ; containing Historical and Critical Memoirs, and original Anecdotes of British anil Irish Dranuitic ^^'riters. 3 vols, (in 4) 8vo. Lond., 1812. C 6 S 1-4 BAKER (G eoege). History and Anticiuities of the County of Northamjjton. 2 vols, (in 1) roy. fol. Lond., 1822-30. B 5 P 20 J BAKER (G.) ISee Liviu», T.] BAKER (Henry), F.R.S., itc. The Microscope made Easy; or, thcNature, Uses, and ^Magnifying Powers of the best kinds (if Microscopes deseriljcd. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1754. A 16 P 30 BAKER (Hknhv ]5ari'on). French Society, from the Fronde to the Great Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. B 9 P 4, 5 BAKER (.Joseph Bhogden). Hi-story of Scarbrough, from the Eailiest Date. With Illustrations, Maps, ite. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1882. B 5 V 5 BAKER (J. G.), F.L.S. Flora of ^Mauritius and the Sey- chelles : a Description of the Flowering Plants and I'Vrns of those Islands. 8vo. Lond., IS77. A 1 T 13 B.Mvl'>K (Sii! RiciiAUn), Knt. Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of th(^ Romans' Government unto the tliirtecnlh veav of the reign of Charles 11. Sm. fol. Lond., 1G70. ' B 19 S 14 + Animadversions upon " Baker' Chronicle." [_See Blount, T.] BAKER (Sir Samuel White), M.A., F.R.G.S. Albert N'Yanza, (ii-eat Basin of the Nile, and Ex]ilorationsof the Nile Sources. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1806. D 2 P 17, 18 ClypruR, aslsawitin 1879. 8vo. bmid, I S79. DOR 13 Eight Years in Ceylon. Newcilition \sith I Ihistrat ions. 8vo. Lond., 187"l. I) 5 Q 7 Ismailia: a Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the sujipri'ssion of the Shi\ c Trade. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond,, 1874. J) 2 P II, 12 Nil(^ Ti'ibutariesof Aliyssinia, and the Swunl I hinti r> of the Hann-an Arabs. 3rd ed. 8vo. L.nid., jSC.s. |) 2 1' 8 liilli- and the iloinid Iji Ccvlon. New eiiitioii, with Illus- trations. 8vo. Lond,, [>•',{. I) 5 {.I S rilEE PUBLIC LIBllAliY, SYDNEY. 46 Bak] Part I :■ — Atithors, Editors, or Reference. [Bal BAKER (Sir Siierston), Bart. International Law. [^See Halleck, IL W.J Laws relating to Quarantine of Her Maje.sty's Dominion.s at Home and Abroad, and of the principal Foreign States ; including the .sections of the Pul)lic Health Act, ISTr), which bear upon Measure.s of Prevention. 8vo. Lond., 1879. F 6 Q 23 The Office of Viee-Admiral of theCoast; being some Account of that Ancient Office. Sm. 4to. Lend., 1884. B 7 Q 39 BAKER (Thomas), B.D. History of the College of St. John the Evangelist, Camljridge; edited by John E. B. ]May(_)r, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1869. B G S 9, 10 BAKER (Thomas), C.E. Elements of Practical Mechanism and Machine Tools. (Weale.) 5th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1873. A 17 P 11 Mathematical Theory of the Steam Engine. (Weale.) 5th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1873. A 17 P 50 Principles and Practice of Statics and Dynamics, with those of Liquids and Gases. (Weale.) 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1869. A 17 P 11 Rudimentary Treatise on Mensuration and Measuring. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1878. A 17 P 6 Another copy. (Weale.) New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1884. A 17 R 8 Treatise on Land and Engineering Surveying. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1873. A 17 P 20 ISee Fenwick, T.] BAKER (Lieut. -Gen. Valentine), Pacha. Clouds in the East : Travels and Adventures on the Perso-Turkoman Frontier. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 4 U 44 W^ar in Bulgaria : a Narrative of Personal Experiences. With Maps and Plans. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879. B 13 V 15, 16 BAKER (William). Heads of the People. 2 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1847-48. MJ 1 V 5, 6 Another copy. 2 vols, (in 1) 4to. MJ 1 V 7 BAKEWELL (F. C.) Manual of Electricity, Practical and Theoretical. 8vo. Lond., 1857. A 5 S 47 BAKEWELL (Robert). Introduction to Geology, illu.s- trative of the General Structure of the Earth. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1815. A 9 R 21 Introduction to Geology, intended to convey a Practical Knowledge of the Science. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1838. A 9 R 22 Observations on the Influence of Soil and Climate upon Wool. 8vo. Lond., 1808. A 1 R 4 BALBO (Cesare). Sommario della Storia d'ltalia. 12nio. Torino, 1865. B 12 P 27 BALBOA (Vasco Nunez de). Lives of Vasco Nunez de Balboa, and Francisco Pizarro ; from the Spanish of Don Manuel Josef Quintana, by Mrs. Hodson. 12mo. Lond., 1832. C 1 R 6 BALCOMBE (T.) {_See PicKicKiNf:, G. F.] BALDAEUS (Rev. D.) Sliort Account of Jaffnapatam, in th(! Island of Ceylon. (Pam. 44.) 12mo. CoNjuiIjo, 1816. MJ 2 R G BALDRICUS (Dolensis Archiepiscopus). Opera omnia. \_See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 166.] BALDWIN (Ebenezer). Annals of Yale College, in New- Haven, Connecticut, from its foundation to the year 1831. 8vo. New Haven, 1831. tf 17 Q 37 BALDWIN (J.) The Book-lover. A Guide to the Best Reading. 12mo. Lond., 1886. J 1 S 40 BALDWIN (Capt. J. II.), F.G.S. The Large and Small Game of Bengal and the North-western Provinces of India. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1876. A 15 P 15 BALDWIN (William Charles), F.R.G.S. African Hunt- ing, from Natal to the Zambesi, from 1852 to 1860. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1863. D 2 T G BALE (John). [See British Refoemeks.] BALE (Manfred Powis), JI.Inst.M.E., &.c. How to manage a Steam-engine : a Hand-book for all who use Steam. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 11 Q 18 Saw-mills : their Arrangement and Management ; and the economical Conversion of Timber. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 11 R 7 Steam and Machinery Management : a Guide to the Arrangement and economical Management of Machinery; with Hints on Construction and Selection. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1884. A 17 Q 75 Stone-working Machinery, and the rapid and economical Conver.sion of Stone. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 11 Q 6 Wood-working Machinery: its Rise, Progress, and Con- struction ; with Hints on the Management of Saw-mills and the Economical Conversion of Timlier. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 11 R 8 \_See Richardson, W.] BAIiE (W. M.) Australian Museum : Catalogue of the Australian Hvdroid Zoophytes. 8vo. Sydney, 1884.* MA 2 T 27 BALFE (Michael AVilliam). His Life and Work; by Wm. Alexander Barrett. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 3 Q 16 BALFOUR (Surgeon-Gen. Edward), L.R.C.S. Cyclo- pedia of India. 3rd ed. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1885. D11Y4-G BALFOUR (Francis M.), M.A., ic. Elements of Embry- ology. \_See Foster, M.] On the Development of the Spinal Nerves in Elasmobranch Fishes. (Roy. Soc. Pubs. 2.) 4to. Lond., 1876. AllP3t Treatise on Comparative Embryology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880-81. A 14 Til, 12 46 CATALOGUE OE THE Bal] Part I : — AutJiors, Editors, or Beference. [Bal BALFOUR (Frederic Henry), F.R.G.S. Divine Classic of Xan-Hua. \_See Cikaxg Tsze.] Waifs and Strays from the Far East ; Ijciug a series of disconnected Essaj-s on matters relating to China. Roj'. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 5 U 7 BALFOUR (G. W.) M.D. [_See Casper, J. L.] BALFOUR (Sib James). Historical Works of. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825. B 13 Q 43-46 BALFOUR (John Hutton), A.M., Ac. Botany of the Bass Rock. \_Su Bass Rock.] Class-book of Botany ; being an Introduction to the Study of the Vegetable Kingdom. 3rd ed. ; with Additions and Corrections in the department of Organography. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1871. A 4 T 16 Introduction to the study of Pateontologioal Botany. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1872. A 5 P 16 Plants of the Bible. New and enlarged edition. 8vo. Lond., 188"). A 4 Q 20 BALFOUR (J. O.) Sketch of New South Wales. 8v(). Lond., 1845. ISll) 3 R 9 BALKWILL (F. H.), L.U.S., kc. iMechanical Dentistry in Gold and Vulcanite ; arranged with regard to the diffi- culties of the Pupil, Mechanical Assistant, and Young Practitioner. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 12 S 15 BALL (Charles). Historical Account of Winchester ; with Descriptive Walks. Roy. 8vo. Winchester, 1818. B 5 V 6 BALL (Charles). \See Stafford, W. C] BALL (E.) Father and Son ; or, tiie RoL-k of Charboniiiere: a Drama (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre). 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 20 BALL (Lieut. H. L.) Journal of. [See Piiii.Lir, A., and Hunter, Cai't. J.] BALL (John). Book-keeping. [See Hamilton, J{. G. C] BALL (RoiiERT Stawkll), LL.D., kc Elements of As- tronomy. l2mo. I^ond., ISHO. A 17 S 25 8tf)ry "f the HenvoM. Illustrated. Hvo. Lond., 1885. A 3 U 27 BALL (Samukl). Account of the Cultivation and .Manu- facture of Tea in China. 8vo. Lond, 1848. A1S21 BALL (T. FuEDKiiicK). C^uecn Victoria : Scones and Ini-ideiit.H of lier Life; and Roign. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 188C. C 5 R 30 BALL (V.), M.A., &r. Dinmond.s, Coal, and Gold of India ; tlieir MiKleof Occurrence and Distribution. TJuki. I/.nd., IHHI. [5m Mkdmcoit, H. I?.] A '.I I' .M BALL.M) .MINSTIIELSY OK SCOTLAND. Unn.antic and IliHtorical ; collnlud ai\d annotated. 8vi). (!|iih;;ow, 187L H 7 g 20 BALLAN (Joseph). Trial of. [Si'«Pir,r,oREET Murder.] BALLANCE (Hon. J.) New Zealand: the Financial Statement of the Colonial Treasurer ; made in Committee of AVavs and IMeans, 6th August, 1878. 8vo. Wellington, 1879." MF3P21 BALLANTINE (Jvmes). Life of David Roberts, R.A. ; compiled from his Journals and other Sources. Illus- trated. 4to. Edinb., 1866. C 1 W 24 BALLANTINE (William) Sehjeant-at-Law. Some Ex- periences of a Barrister's Life. 2 vols 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 10 U 40, 41 Old WorUl and the New ; l^eing a Continuation of his "Experiences." 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 10 U 42 BALLANTYNE (Rev. James). Homes and Homesteads in the Land of Plenty : a Hand-book of \'ictoria, as a Field for Emigration. 8vo. Melb., 1871.* MD 3 Q 37 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1872. MD 3 Q 39 BALLANTYNE (Robert M.) Hudscm'sBay; or. Every- day Life in the Wilds of North America. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1848. D 4 P 6 BALL.\NTYNE (Tuoma.s). Passages selected from the Writings of Thomas Carlylo. [See Carlyle, T.] Biographical Memoir of Daniel De Foe. [See De For, D.] BALLAHAT DISTRICT ALMANAC, 1864. 12mo. Ballaarat, 1S64. . ME BALLARAT MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. Annual Re- (jorts of the Committee of Management, 1861-63. 12mo. Ballarat, 1862-63. MF 3 P 15 Catalogue of Exhibition of Science and Art, opened on Thursday, August 6th, 1863. (Pam. 36.) 8vo. Ballarat, 1863. ' MJ 2 Q 23 Catalogue of (irand Auction Bazaar, in aid of the Funds. (Pam. 36.) 8vo. Ballarat, 1863. MJ 2 Q 23 BALLARAT EAST PUBLIC LIBRARY. Sixth Annual Report of the Connuittee of Management, also Rules of. 12mo. Ballarat 1S69. MF 3 P 15 BALL.MiAT TECHNOLOGICAL EXHIBITION. The Seventh Competitive Exhiliitinn ami Isxaniinations. 8v(). Ballarat, \Hl of Di-ess in Theory and Practice. 8vo. L..nd., 1S85. A 12 P 23 B.\LLINGAL (.IaME.s). History of the I'^Lfyptian Religion. [See Tikle, Dr. C. P. 1 HALLINGALL (James). Shi)iwrecks: llicir Causes, and the Meansof Prevention. Hvo. Melb., 1857. MJ 2 R 8 ItALLINGALL (William). Shores of I'ife. Iln. Edinb., 1H72. D H V 1 BALLOT IN VICT(JR1A. [See Victoria.] FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 47 Bal] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Eeference. [Ban BALLS-HEADLEY (Walteh), M.D. Dress with refer- ence to Heat ; being a Lecture written for, and published by the Australian Health Society. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MA 2 S 38 Homoeopathy, Past and Present. Svo. Melb., 1878. MA 2 S 38 On the Use of the Medical Thermometer. Svo. Melb.i 1877. MA 2 S 38 BALNAVES (Henry). [_See British Reformebs.] BALSAMON (Theodorus). Opera ouniin. {See MifiNU, J. P., Series Gr.t;c.\, 137, 138.] BALTET (Charles). The Art of Grafting and Budding. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. A 17 Q 58 BALTIMORE (Frederick), Lord. Tour to the East, in the years 1763 and 1764, with remarks on the City of Con- stantinople and the Turks. 12mo. Lond., 1767. D8R10 BALZAC (HoNOBB de). Contes Drolatiqucs. Droll Stories, collected from the Abbeys of Touraine. Translated into Engli-sh, complete and unabridged. Illustrated with 42-5 Designs, by Gustave Dor^. 8vo. Lond., 1874. Libr. Pictures of the French. \See Janin, J.] BAMBAS (Vaceslav). Die Formbildung der .slavischen Sprache, das ist : systematische Eiitwickeluug der gram- matischen und lexikalischen Fonnen aller slavischen Dialekte, mit be-sonderer Auszeichnung einer allgemeinen slavischen Mustersprache und paralleler Darstellung der griechischen und lateinis- chen Fonnen. Roy. Svo. Prague, 1861. K 16 R 9 Tvarosklad Jazyka Slovanskeho to jest : Systematicky vyvin graramatickych i lexikalnioh tvaruv vsech nareci slovanskych, se zvlastnim vyznaceniin vzorneho jazyka ^'soslovansk(•ho i soubezuym vykladem t\aruv greckych a latinskych. Roy. Svo. Praze, 1861. K 16 R 9 BAMPTON (Capt. ) Chart of Torres Stniit. [See Cook, Capt. J.] BAMPTON (Charles). Frank Leward : Memorials. Svo. Lond., 1884. C 4 R 13 BAMPTON LECTURES. An Examination of Canon Liddon's Bampton Lectures on the Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; by a Clergyman of the Church of England. 12mo. Lond., 1871. ' G 16 R 22 Eight Lectures on Miracles; preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford, in the year 1865, by the Rev. J. B. Mozley, B.D. Svo. Loud., 1865. G 15 R 23 BANARE (Lieut. A.) Instructions nautiques sur la Nouvelle-Caledonie. [See Ciiambeyron, Capt.] BANCROFT (Edward). Es.say on the Natural History of Guiana, in South America. Svo. Lond., 1769. A 14 S 36 BANCROFT (George). Hi.story of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States of America. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1882. B 1 T 12, 13 History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. 10 vols. Svo. Boston, 1854--74. B 1 T 2-11. BANCROFT (George) — continued. History of the United States of America. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Edinb., 1840. B 1 V 6, 7 1. From tlio Discovery of the Continent to the Peace of Aix-Ia- Gliapelle ; Ijy George IJancroft. 2. War of Independence ; liy diaries Botta. (Transluted by G. A. Otis.) BANCROFT (Hubert Howe). Brief Account of the Literary Undertakings of. Svo. Lond., 1883. K15P6 Histoi-y of the Pacific States of North America. Vols. 1, 2, 4-8, 10, 13-17, 22, 23, 24, 28. Roy. Svo. San Fran- ci.sco, 1882-86. B 17 S 1-T 6 1, 2. Central America, 1501-1800. 4-8. History of Me.Kico, l.-)16-1861. 10. Noi-th Mexican States and Texas, 1531-1800. l.S-17. California, 1542-1840. 22, 2:^. Tlie North-west Coast, 154.3-1846. 24. OroKon, 18^4-48. 28. Alaska, 1730-1885. Natives Races of the Pacific States. 5 \ols. Svo. Lond., 1875-76. A 2 P 20-24 BANCROFT (Robert M., and Francis J.) Tall Chimney Construction : a Practical Treatise on the Construction of Tall Chimney Shafts. Svo. Manche.ster, 1885. A3P1 BAND OF HOPE JOURNAL (The), and Australian Home Companion. Nos. 16 and 21. Vol. 3. Svo. Sydney, 1858. ME 3 R BANDELIER (A. F.) Archa?ological Tour in Mexico. [See ARCHiEOL. Inst, of America.] Historical Introduction to Studies among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico. Report on the Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos. (Archfeol. Inst, of America.) Svo. Boston, 1881. E BANFIELD (Thomas C.) WiUiam Tell: a Dramatic Poem. [See Schillkh, J. C. F. von] BANIER (Adbe Antoine). Mythology and Fables of the Ancients, explained from History. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1739-40. B 14 V 45-48 BANISTER (TiiOM.As). Australia visited and revisited. [See Mobsman, S.] Britain and her Colonial Dependencies ; and their Right to be Represented in Parliament. 8vo. Lond., 1844. MF 3 P 7 Memoranda relating to the Present Crisis as regards our Colonies, our Trade, our Circulating Medium, and Rail- ways. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1848. MF 2 T 4 Memoranda relating to the Present Crisis as regards our Colonies. (Pam. Dd.) Svo. Lond., 1848. F12P22 Two Papers on Popular Discontents. (Pam. Dd.) Svo. Lond., 1849. F 12 P 22 BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Third, Fifth, and Seventh Reports of the Directors and Auditors. 12rao. Sydney, 1852-54. MF 3 P 10 BANKING IN AUSTRALASIA. ISee Baxter, A. B.] 48 CATALOGUE OF THE Ban] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or 'Reference. [Bar B AXKS. History of Banks ; to which is added, a Demon- stration of the Advantages and Necessity of Free Competition in the Business of Banking. 12mo. Lond., 1837. F 1 P 29 BANKS (John). The Albions Queens : or, the Death of Marv Queen of Scots : a Tra<;edv. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1791. " H 2 P 1 BANKS (Rev. J.), M.A. Idylls of Theocritus, Bion, and Mosclms. \_See Theocritus.] BANKS (Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph), B.\rt. Memoirs, His- torical and Scientific of; hy George Suttor, F.L.S. 8vo. Parramatta, 185a.» ' MC 1 P 31 A Pamphlet containing a Sunmiary of the contents of the Brahourne Papers ; relating to the Settlement and Early History of the Colony [of New South Wales]. 8vo. Sydney, 1886.* " MB 2 U 3 {Set Cook, Capt. J., Hawkkswoeth, J., anA P.\rkix- 60X, S.] BANKS (R. N.) \See Newtow.v Free Libr.vry.] BANKS (Samuel Hawker). Ethical, Serio-Comical, and Satirical Essay in Verse, intituled "The Vision of Trutli." In two Parts. 8vo. Sydney, 1874.* :\IH1Q11 Letter from S. H. Banks, respecting " Vice and its Vic- tims." (MS. Pam. N.) 8vo. Sydney, 1877. MJ2P29 Vice and its Victims in Sydnej* : the Cause and Cure ; by "A Pupil of the late'Prof. John "VVoollev, D.C.L." 8vo. Sydney, 1873. MJ 2 P 29, a'nd 2 R 14 BANKS (AV. S.) Walks in York.-,hirc : Wakefield and its Neigldwurhood. With Map, and fifty-five Woodcuts. 4to. Lond., 1871. D 7 V 19 BANNATYNE (Georoe). Ancient Scottisli Poems, pub- lished from the MSS. of 15G8. 8vo. Edhib., 1770. llf)S9 Memoir of. \See Scott, Sin W.J BANNATYNE CLUB PUBLICATIONS. Chronicon dc Lanercost, 1201-1346. 4to. Edinb., 1839. E Black Book of Taymouth, with other papers from the Breadalbane Charter Room. 4to. Ediiil)., 1855. E Historical Olt.serves of Memorable Occurrents in C'liurch and State (lOHO-86) ; by Sir John Lauder, of Fountain- hall. 4to. ElMiH. 2 vol«. Hvo. Lond., 1839. C K U 4, 5 BANNISTER (J. T.) Survey of the Holy Lni.d ; its (Jeogrnpliy, HlMtory, and DoHtiiiy. 8vo. Bath, 1844. D P 27 BANNISTER (Saxe), M.A. British Colonization and Coloured Tribes. 8vo, Lond., 1838. MF 1 P 28 * Humane Policy ; or. Justice to the Aborigines of New Settlements essential to a due e.xpenditure of British money, and to the best interests of the Settlers. 8vo. Lend!, 1830. MF 3 Q 4 Letter to C. C. Clift'ord, Esq., Private Secretary to the First Lord of the Treasury. Fol. Lond., 1855. MJ 2 U 1 On Abolishing Transportation ; and on Reforming the . Colonial Office. In a Letter to Lord John Russell. 8vo. Lond., 1837. MF 3 Q 41 Another copy. • MJ 2 P 30 Statements and Documents relating to Proceedings in New South Wales in 1824-26, intended to support an Appeal to tlie King by the Attorney-General of the Colony. 8vo. Cape Town, 1827. " MF 2 P 20 BANTING (William). Letter on Corpulence addressed to the Public. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1869. A 12 U 26 BANVILLE (Theodore de). {See Fauciiery, A.] BAPTISMAL FONTS. Illustrations of. {See Comre, T.] BAPTISTA(J.) Annotationes. [Invnriosauthoresantiijuos.] (Bound with Puiliiin vitu'.) S. fol. Venotiis, 1496. C14R19 t BAPTISTA (Pedro Joao), and JOSE (Amaro). Journey across Africa. {See Africa.] BAR AND THE ATT( )RNEYS (The) ; by "Their Honors" Minos, yEacus and liliadaUKintluis, Justices of "The Court Below." 8vo. Mell). (n.d.) ' MJ 2 R 19 BARALT (Don Rafael Maria). Diccionario de Galicismoa 6 .sea de las voces, locuciones y fra-ses do la Lengua France-sa, que se han introducido en el liabla Castcllana nioderna, con el juicio crltico de las que deben adoi'tarso, y la eijuivaloncia Castiza dc las que no se hallan en este caso. 8vo. Madrid, 1855. K12Q9 BARANTE (Amable Guillaume Phospeu HuiuiiERE), Hahon de. Etudes Litteraires et Histiiriques. 2 vols. 12ino. Paris, 1S59. H 37, Y 4, 5 Histoiie des Dues do Rourgogne de l.uMaison de Valois (1364-1477). 12vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Ji 8 Q 1-12 R.MillAlii) {.kmAr.\), axd CoNTARlNI (Ammhocio). Ti'avels (ii Tana iuid I'crsin. {See 1 1 AKl.rVT SnciKTV, 48.] BAHIIAUM) (Mu.M. Anxa L.v.riTiA). Meiiu)ir, Letters, an BARKER (Sir R.) [See Lettsom, J. C] BARKER (William Burckiiarut), M.R.A.S. Lares and Penates ; or, Cilicia and its Governors. Edited by W. F. .iViiisworth, F.R.G.S., kc. 8vo. Lond., 1853. B 13 V23 BARKER'S TRADE AND FINANCE ANNUAL, 1886-7. 8vo. Lend., 1886. E BARKLEY (Henry C), C.E. Between the Danul)c and Black Sea ; or, Five Years in Bulgaria. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 8 P \^ BARKLY (Sir Henry), K.C.B. [See Acclimatisation Society of Victoria.] BARLEE (C. H.) [See Sydney O.vce a Wekk.] ilARLEE (Ellen). Victoria: a Land of Plenty. 12ni(). Lr,n Soulli Europe. 8vo. Ixind., 1886. B7T37 ritiiriatum of Pes-iimism : an Ethical Study. 8vo. Lond., \>^^2. GflRl!) B.VRLOW (Joel), LI..I). Life an.l Letters of .l,„l pKirlow, LF.,.1)., Poet, StateHUiaii, l'liiloho|ilirr ; with lix- tmcts from lii.s Works and hitheitu UMpublished Poem.s, by CharlcH Burr Twlfl. 8vo. New York, 1886. C 10 R 13 BARLOW (Peter), F.R.S. Treatise on the Strength of ^Materials, itc. ; arrantted and edited Ijy William Ilumber, C.E., kc. 8yo. Lond., 1867. A 11 U 18 [See Tredgold, T.] BARNABY (N.) Ironclad Ships. [See Adams, W. II. D.] BARNARD (Alfred). [See Sidney, S.] BARNARD (Frederick). Series of Character Sketches from Dickens, from ori;.jinal Drawings Ijy Frederick Bai-nard. Reproduced in Photogravure, by INIessrs. Goupil and Co. Atlas fol. Lond.,'^188L A 20 P 23 + BARNARD (Lieut. Frederick Lamport), R.N. Three Years' Cruize in the Mozambique Channel for the Sup- pression of the Slave Trade. 8vo. Lond., 1848. D 1 Q 21 BxVRNARD (George). Theory and Practice of Land- scape Painting in Water-Colours. 7th cd. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1801. A 7 V 12 BARNEBY (W. Henry). Life and Labour in the Far, Far West : being Notes of a Tour in the Western States, British Columbia, INlanitoba, and the North- West Terri- tory. 8vo. Lond., 1884. D 4 Q 43 B.VRNES (Barneisy). A Divine t'enturie of Spirituall Sonnets. [See Park, T.] BARNES (C. L.), M.A. Rock History : a Concise Note- Book of Geology, liaving special reference to the English and Welsh Formations. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 9 P 38 BARNES (Jo.siiua). History of that most victorious Monarch, Edward in, King of England ; with life of his most renowned son Edward Prince of Wales and of Acjuitain, sirnamcd llie Black Prince. Fol. Cam- bridge, 1G8S. B 15 S 10 + B.VRNES (Rev. R. II.), and BROWN (.M.uok C. E.), R.A. Cliarles George Gordon : a Sketch ; with facsimile Letter. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C2S18 BARNES (Rouert). Writings of. [Sec British Refor- mers, 11.] BARNES (W.) Glossary of the Dorset Dialect. 8vo. Dorchester, 1886. K 15 P 12 BARNKT (Donald I\IcKav). Trip with a (iovernment Surveying I'arty in Se.-ircii of a Horse Ti'ack from K.iloondia to the Jenolnn Caves. 8vo. Sydney, 1884.* MD 4 U 45 J!AliNI Another copy. 2nd ed. With coloured Prints. 8vo. Lond., 1810. MB 1 T 8 Life, Times, and Adventures of George Baiiington, the celebratedThicf and Pickpocket, embracing the whole of his History, and a full Acc(junt of all his extraordinary Feats, which procured him the name of "Tlie Prince of Thieves." Witli Engravings. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond. [1839] MC1P15 Voyage to Botany Bay; with a Description of the Country, Manners, Custom.s, Religion, itc, of the Natives ; to which is added, his Life and Trial. Svo. Lond., 1793.* MD 1 U 5 Voyage to New South Wales; with a Desciijition of the Country, th-md„ 1878. F G P 29 SevenAgcsofaVillugo Pauper. 8vo. Lond., 1874. F14Q20 Toys. (Brit.Manuf.Indust.) 12iiio. Lond.,187C. A17S39 BAltTOLI (Da\iello). DollTstoria dclla Compagnia di Giesv riMghilterra, Parte dcU'Evropa. Fol. Romn, 16G7. O 7 S 15 t BAPvTOLOZZI (Fravckhco), R.A. Bartolozzi and his Works; a Biographical and Descriptive Account of the Life and Cnn-er of ; by A. W. Tuer. Illustrated. 2 vr>lH. 4to. Ix>nd., 1«M2. (J r. \\ 1, 2 t \_Sh Ciiamukrlaink, .].] BARTON (Bern'aud). Poems and Letters; with a Memoir, edited by his Daughter. 12mo. Lond,, 1853. H 5 S 7 BARTON (Edmund). Opinion of Counsel on E.\.cise Duty on Beer. \_See Barton, G. B.] BARTON (Rev. Frederick George), B.A. Men for the Colony: a Lecture. 8vo. Kyneton, 185G. MJ 2 R 7 BARTON (G. B.) Literature in New South AVales. 8vo. Sydney, 186G.* MJ 2 R 24 Poets and Prose Writers of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 18G6.* MC I R 2 BARTON (G. B., and Edmund), Opinion of Counsel on Excise Duty on Beer. Fol. Sydney, 1887. MF 2 U 21 BARTON (W.) Report of a Trial upon an Indictment promoted by Captain Sir W. Edward Parry, R.N., Com- missioner for Managing tlie Colonial Ati'airs of tbe Aus- tralian Agricultural Company, and .a Magistrate, against the Accountant of that Company, in New South AVales. 8vo. Lond., 1832. MJ 2 P 36 BARTRUM (Mr.) Trial of Lieut.-Col. George Johnston. {See Johnston, Lieut.-Col. G.] BARTSCH (Adam). Lc Peintre-Graveur. Nouvellc iklition. 21 vols. 8vo. Leij.zig, 1854-70. A 8 P 1-21 Atlas [to the above.] 4to. Leipzig, 1870. A 8 U 14 BARY (Dr. a. de). [S« Di; Bahv, Dr. A.] BASCH & CO. Atlas of the Settled Counties of New South AVales. Fol. Sydney, 1872. MD 5 S 17 J BASIIFORD (.FoTiN L.), M.A. Elementary Education in Saxony. 1 2mo. Lond., 1881. (! 18 P 4 BASIIFORD (R. M.) Legislative iVIauual of the State of Wisconsin. 8vo. Madison, 1876, E BASILEWSKY (A.) Collection Basilewsky. \_See Dauckl, A.] BASILTUS (C.EsARiENSis Eriscopus). Oper.i Omnia. [_See MioNE, J. P., Series Gr/Eca, 29-32.] 15ASTLIUS (Seleuciensis Auciiiepiscopus). OpiT.i omnia [See MiiiNi;, J. P., Series CJk.eoa, 85.] ]$ASKEin'lLLK (Proe. W. M.) [^«f,v M mii.ison, Pnor. .J.A.J BASNAGE (.Jacques). Antiipiitez judaiques on Rcin.-u-iiues critiijues sur la Republiipic des Jlobreux. [See ("UNUUS, P.] BASS ((iEORfiE). [See Coi.i.iNs, I).] BASS ROCK : its Civil ,uid ICcdesiastical History, by liev. T. Macerie ; (Jeology, by H. Miller; Marlyrology, by Rev. .J. Anderson ; Zoology, by .1. J<'lemiiig ; liotany, by J. II. li.iifi.ur. 8vo. Edinb., ISIS. J 5 S 27 EllEE PUBLIC LIBllAUY, SYDNEY. 55 Bas] Part I : — Juthors, Editors, or Beference. [Bau BASSETT (F. S.) Legends of Sc-i aiul Sailors. 12uio. Lend., 1875. B14Q1:3 BASSETT (James). Persia, the Land of the Imams : a Narrative of Travel and Residence, 1871-85. 8vo. New York, 1886. D 5 Q 9 BASTIAN (Adolf). Die lieilige Sage der Polynesier. Kosmogonie und Theogouie. 8vo. Leipsic, 1881. MAI S6 Timor und undiegende Inseln. Reise-ergebnissc iiml Studien. Roy. 'Svo. Berlin, 1885. D 5 U 17 Zur Kenntniss Hawaii's. Nachtriige und Erganzungen 7.\x den In.selgruppen in Oeeanien. 8vo. Berlin, 1883. MD 5 S 3 BASTIAN (H. Charlton), MA., &c. Beginnings of Life: Origin, &c., of Lower Organisms. 2 vols. Svo. Lend., 1872. A 17 T 45, 46 Brain as an Organ of Mind. Svo. Lend., 1880. 2V 12 Q 38 Evolution and the Origin of Life. Svo. Lond., 1874. A 17 T 38 Modes of Origin of Lowest Organisms; including a Dis- cussion of the Experiments of M. Pasteur, and a Reply to some Statements ))y Professors Huxley and Tyndall, Svo. Lond., 1871. " A 14 S 13 BASTIAT (Frederic). Economic Sophisms ; translated from the 5th edition of the French, by Patrick James Stirling, LL.D., F.R.S.E. Svo Edinb., 1873- F 7 P 1 Essays on Political Economy. 12mo. Lond., 1875. F 5 Q 21 Harmonies of Political Economy ; translated from the French, with a Notice of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Patrick James Stirling, F.R.S.E. 8vo. Lond., 1860. F 10 P 19 QSuvres completes de. 7 vols. Svo. Paris, 18G2-64. F 5 Q 22-28 BASTIEN (J. F.) [_See Liger, L.] BATE (Rev. J.) {See Mahax, Rev. A.] BATE (J. D.), JiI.R.A.S. The Missionary's Vade-mecum: an Examination of the Claims of Ishmael as viewed by Muhammadaus. Lst .series. 8vo. Banaras, 1884. G6P31 BATE (John M.) Silk Cultivation : Plain and Practical Directions for Planting the Mulberry, and Treatment of the Silkworm. Svo. Sydney, 1864. MA 1 Q 7 BATES (Ellen and Mary Ann). Tlie Bates' Ciiildren: Father Dalton vindicated. Svo. Me!b., 1875. MF 1 Q 3 BATES (G. W.) Sandwich Island Notes; by "A Haole." Svo. Lond., 1852. MD 5 R 29 BATES (Henry Walter). German Arctic Expedition of 1869-70. [(See Koldewey, Capt. K.] Illustrated Travels : a Record of Discovery, Geography, and Adventure. 4to. Lond., 1869-71. D 9 V 3 The Naturalist on the River Amazons. 2 vols. Svo. Lend., 1863. D 4 P 23, 24 [(See Humbert, A., and Waebxjrton, Col. P. E.] BATES (Joshua). A Memorial of ; fj-om tiie City of Boston, Imp. Svo. Boston 1865-66. C 3 W 3 Presentation of a Bust and Portrait of Joshua Bates, Esq., to the Puljlic Lil)rary of the City of Boston. Imp. Svo. Bo.ston, 1866. C 3 W 3 BATES (W. H.) {See Presbyterian Tracts.] BATHGATE (Alexander). Colonial Experiences ; or, Sketches of People and Places in the Province of Otago, New Zealand. Svo. Glasgow, 1874.* JID 6 P 1 Waitaruna: a Story of New Zealand Life. Svo. Lond., 18S1. MJ 1 Q 10 BATHGATE (John), Judge. New Zealand: its Resources and Pi'ospects. Svo. Lond., 1880. MD 4 U 44 BATHURST (Ralpu), M.D., Dean op Wells. Life and Literary Remains of; by Thomas Warton, M.A., &c. Svo. Lond., 1761. C 3 U 8 BATHURST HOSPITAL. Report of the Bathurst Di.s- trict Hospital, for the year 18G8 ; with names of Sub- scribers, and Rules and Regulations, kc. Svo. Bathurst, 1869. MF 3 P 18 BATLEY (H. W.) Series of Studies for Domestic Fur- niture, Decoration, &c. At. fol. Lond., 1882. A 1 II 10 J: BATMAN (John). The Founder of Victoria ; by James Bonwick. 2nded. 12mo. Melb., 1868. MC 1 P .34 {See Capper, R.] BATTE (Leon). Le Raphael de M. Morris Moore, Apollon et Marsyas. Documents accompagnes de Pro- faces, de Traductions, de Notes et d'une Etude. Svo. Paris, 1859. A 8 Q 24 BATTLE ABBEY. Chronicle of, 1066-1176; now first translated, with Notes, and an Abstract of the subsequent History of the Establishment, by Mark Antony Lower, M.A. Svo. Lond., 1851. B 7 Q 2 BATTLE-FIELDS OF THE SOUTH, from Bull Run to Fredericksburg; by "An English Combatant." [T.E.C.] 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1863. B 1 Q 23, 24 BAUDIN (Capt. N.) Voyage de decouvertes aux Terres Australes. {See Fkeycinet, Capt. L.] BAUDOT (A. de). Eglises de Bourgs et Villages. 2 vols. imp. 4to. Paris, 1877. A 23 R 16, 17 % La Sculpture Fran9aise au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance. Comprenant environ 400 Motifs photographies par Mieuse- ment. Deuxieme edition. Roy. fol. Pari.s, 1884. A4R15J BAUDRY (F.) Grammaire compar^e des Langues clas- siques ; contenant la theorie elementaire de la formation des mots en Sanscrit, en Grec, et en Latin, avec references aux Langues Germaniques. Ire Partie: Phont'tique {all published). Svo. Paris, 1868. K 13 P 26 BAUER (Ferdinand). Digitalium Monographia. [See LiNDLEY, J.] BAUER (Dr. Heisricu). Vollstiindige Grammatik der neuhochdeutsehen Sprache. 5 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1827-33. K 12 Q 28-32 56 CATALOGUE OP THE Bau] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bay BAUER (Karolixe). Caroline Bauer and the Coburgs; translated and edited by C. Nisbet. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 3 S 1 Memoirs of: from the German. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 188-1-85. ' C 8 S 1-1-17 BAUERLEN CWilliam). Voyage of the i?ci/ii7o; an Ac- count of the Fly River Expedition to New Guinea : a Lecture. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MD 3 S 37 BAUERMAX (H.), F.G.S. Catalogue of Rock Specimens. ISee Ramsav, A. C] Text-book of Systematic Miiieralogv. 1 2mo. Loud., 1881. A 17 S 26 Treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron. 3rd ed. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 Q 24 BAUMBACH (Rcdolph). Frau Holde. 18nio. Leip., 1880. H 5 S 8 BAUMER (Prof. W.) [_See Workshop, The.] BAUMGARTEN (J.), Ph.D. Glos.saire des Idiomes Popu- laire.s du Nord et du Centre de la France. Touio 1 (nil jnMUhed.) 8vo. Paris, 1870. K 11 T 12 BAUMGARTEN (— .) [5e« Suetonius, Tranquillu.s, C] BAUTAIN (Louis Eugene Makie), I'Abbe. Art of E.xtempore Speaking. 5th ed. (Weale.) 12ni(i. Lcmd., 1872. J 6 P 5 BAX (Ernest IJklkokt.) Handbook (jf llie History of Philosophy. 12mo. Lond., 1886. G 13 R 17 \_See Kant, I.] CAXLEY (H. WiLM-s). M.D. Spain: Art Remains and Art Realities, Painters, Priests, and Princes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1875. 1) 8 R 20 BAXTER (A. B.) Banking in Australia, from a London Otiicial's point of view ; with some Remarks on oSlortgage and Finance Companies. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MF 3 Q f< BAXTER (C. E.) Talofa : Letters from Foioigti Parts. Svo. lyond., 1884. .Ml) 4 Q 25 I!.\.\T1:R (G.) [See Campiif.ll, J., awl Wii.mam.s, Rkv. .i.j liAXTER (Mils. Lurv E.), "Leader Soott." Lorenzo ( ihilxTti and iJonatello; with other early lta]ianScul])tors. (Great Arti.sts.) 8vo. Lond., 1H82. (" 3 T 32 Ilcnai.M.sance of Art in Italy: an Illustr.ilivl .Slcclih. Mvo. Lond., 1883. A K U 25 Sculpture, Renai-isance and M'pn. William). [Sec Brown, R.] BAXTER (Rt. Hon. William Edward), JI.P. England and Russia in Asia. 8vo. Lond., 1885. P 6 Q 25 Impressions of Central and Southern Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1850. P 8 T 29 BAYARD (Pierre du Terrail), Ciievaliku. History of Bayard, the Good Chevalier, sans peur et sans reproclic; compiled by the "Loyal Serviteur" ; translati-d into English from the French nf Loredau Larcliev. Imp. 8vo. Lond., l.'^S3, ' C 5 W 6 Right Joyous and Plea.sant History of the Feats, Gests, and Prowesses of the Chevalier Bayard ; by the " Loyal Servant." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825. C2U10, 11 BAYER (F. P.) [See Antonio, N.] BAYLE (Prof. Peter). Dictionary, Historical and Critical, of Mr. Peter Bayle. 2nd ed.; to which is prefixed the Life of the Author, revised, A'C, by [P.] Des Maizeaux. 5 vols. fol. Lond., 1734-38. K 22 P 5-9 | Dictionnaire, Historique et Critique. Hh ed. Revue etc., a\f'r la Vie de I'nuti'ur, ]iar [P.] Des Maizeaux. 4 vols. fnl. Amst., 1730. K 22 P 1-4 X Oeuvres Diverses de. 4 \(>ls. fcil. I,a llaye, 1727-31. J 28 P 36-39 } liAYLES (James C.) House l)raiMage and Water Service in Cities, Villages, and Rural Neighborhoods ; witli inci- dental consideration of Causes affecting the Healthfulness of Dwellings. 2nde(l. 8vo. N.York, 1879. A6U13 BAYLEY (Sin Edward Clive), K.C.S.T. The Hi.story of India as told liy its own Histoi'ians : the Local Muhani- niadan Dynasties^ (Jujarilt. Lond., 1886. B 10 1! 1 BAYLEY (F. W. N.) New Tale ,,f a Tub: ;ui Adveu- tui-c in; with llluslralion.s liy Licul. J. S. t'otton. I'mI. Lond., 1811. 11 22 S 23 } BAYLEY (John), F.R.S., Ac. Hi.story and Anticiuities of tlie Tower of London ; with Memoirs of Royal and Distin- guished Per.s(uis. 2 vols. 4to. Lmnl., 1825. H 6 V 19, 20 [See Cooper, C. P.] H.WLEY (Peter). Orestes in Argos : a Tragedv (Cum- berland's Hng. Theatre). l2mo. l/.n.l, IS29, 112 1^9. HAYLISS (WvKK). Wiiii.'s^ of An ; or, ilie Leg,.,„l ,,f I!ea\ltv. 8v,.. bind., I S76. A S J' 'IW FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 57 Bay] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Heference. [Bea BAYNES (Robert E.), M.A. Lessons ou Thermodynamics. (Clar. Press.) 8vo. Oxford, 1878. A 21 Q 2t BAYS (Peter). Narrative of the Wreck of the Minerva, whaler, of Port Jackson, New Soutli AVales, on Nichol- son's Shoal, 24' S. 179^ W. 8vo. Cambridge, 1831. MD 5 P 7 BAZ (Gustavo), .■vnd GALLO (E. L.) History of the Mexican Railway. Translated into English by G. F. Henderson. Fol. Mexico, 1876. ' A 23 P 31 J BAZELY (Henry Casson Barnes), B.A. Henry Bazely, the Oxford Evangelist : a Memoir ; l)y tho Rev. E. L. Hicks, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1886. 3 S 2 BAZILE (Humbert). ISee Humbert-Bazile, M.] BEACH (Alfred E.) [_See Science Record.] BEACH (Rev. W. R.), M.A. Visit of His Royal High- ness the Duke of Edinburgh, K.G., K.T., &c., to Hong Kong, 1869. 4to. Hongkong, 1869. D12R12t BEACONSFIELD (Rt. Hon. Benjamin Disraeli), Earl OF, K.G. Appreciative Life of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Beaconsfield ; with Portraits of his Contemporaries ; edited by Cornelius Brown, F.R.S.L. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 3 W 7, 8 Endymion. 8vo. Lond., 1880. J 9 S 2-4 England and France; or, a Cure for the Ministerial Gallo- mania. 8vo. Lond., 1832. F 6 Q 3 Home Letters, written by the late Earl of Beaconsfield in 1830 and 1831. 12mo. Lond., 1885. D 10 Q 33 Letters of Runnyraede. 8vo. Lond., 1836. F6S18 Another Copy ; with an Introduction and Notes l)y Francis Hitchman. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 2 Q 39 Lord Beaconsfield : a Biography ; by T. P. O'Connor. 12mo. Lond., 1880. C 1 S 12 Lord Beaconsfield : a Study ; by Georg Brandes. Autho- rized Translation, by Mrs. George Sturge. 8vo. Lond., 1880. ' C 9 V 13 Lord Beaconsfield's Correspondence with his Sister, 1832- 52. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 5 R 11 Lord George Bentinck: a Political Biography. 5th ed., revised. 8vj. Lond., 1852. C 3 S 9 Public Opinion and Lord Beaconsfield. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F 4 P 7, 8 Selected Speeclies of ; arranged and edited, with Intro- duction and Explanatory Notes, by T. E. Kebbel, IVLA. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882. F 7 S 18,19 The Rt. Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, M.P. : a Literary and Political Biography, addressed to the New Generation ; by Tiiomas Macknight. 8vo. Lond., 1854. C9V12 Tiio Rt. Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G., and his Times ; by A. C. Ewald. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 3 W 5, 6 The " Runnymede Letters" ; with an Introduction and Notes, by Francis Hitchman. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C2Q39 n BEADLE (J. H.) The Undeveloped ; or. Five Years in the Territories. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1874. D3S26 BEADLE (B.A.) ISee Africa.] BEAL (Rev. Samuel), B.A., kc. Si-yu-ki: Buddhist Re- cords of the Western World. {See Hiuen Tsiang.] Texts from the Buddhist Canon, commonly known as Dhamniapada, with accompanying Narratives ; trans- lated from tlie 8vo. Lond., 1878. G 15 P 11 Tiie Fo-Slio-Hing-T.san-King. [See Mcller, Prof. F. M.] BEALE (Lionel Smith), M.B., ifec. Life Theories : their Influence upon Religious Thought. 8vo. Lond., 1871. G 11 P 17 BEALE (Thomas). The Natural History of the Sperm Wliale ; to wliich is added a Sketch of a South Sea Whaling Voyage. 8vo. Lond., 1839. MA 2 T 17 BEAMISH (North Ludlow), F.R.S. History of the King's German Legion. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832- 37. B 9 R 14, 15 BEAMISH (P. T.) [See Broughton, W\ G.] BEAMISH (Richard), F.R.S. Memoir of the Life of Sir Marc Isambard Brunei. 8vo. Lond., 1862. C 6 T 5 BEAMONT (William). Annals of the Lords of Warring- ton for the First Five Centuries after the Conquest. (Chetiiam Soc, 86, 87.) 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1872-73. E BEANEY (James George), F.R.C.S. Clinical Lecture on Diseases of the Hip-joint : delivered in tlie Theatre of the Melbourne Hospital. (Pam. Ci.) 8vo. Melb., 1878. MA 2 Q 33 Constitutional Syphilis ; being a practical illustration of the disease in its secondary and tertiary phases; with Plates. 8vo. Melb., 1872. MA 2 S 13 Dr. Beaney's Vindication; with Reflections on the In- quest held upon the body of Mary Lewis. 8vo. Melb., 1866. MF 1 Q 1 Doctors Differ ; a Lecture, delivered at the Melbourne Athensum. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MA 2 S 38 Generative System, and its Functions in Health and 8vo. Melb., 1872. MA 2 S 14 History and Progress of Surgery : an Address, de- livered to the Medical Students of the Melbourne Hos- pital. (Pam. Ci.) 8vo. Melb., 1877. MA 2 Q 33 The Queen v. Beanev— Charge of Murder. [See Reeves, C. E.] Vaccination and its Dangers ; with Advice and Instruc- tion to Parents as to liow and wlien to Vaccinate. 12rao. Melb., 1870. MJ 2 P 31 [See Bailliehe, v. Be.\ney.] 58 CATALOGUE OF THE Bea] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bea BEARD (Rev. Charles), B.A. The Reformation of the 16th Century in its relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge. (Hibbert Lectures.) 8vo. Lond., 1683. G 7 P 11 BEARD (George :M.), A.M., M.D. New Cyclopsedia of Family Medicine. Our Home Physician : a Popular Guide to tlie Art of Preserving Healtli and Treating Disease ; with plain Advice for all the Medical and Surgical Emergencies of the Family. 1 vol. (in 2) roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1883. MA 2 S 52, 53 Practical Treatise on Sea-sicknes.s : its Symptoms, Nature, and Treatment. Enlarged edition. 4tli thousand. 8vo. New York, 1881. A 12 Q 46 BEARD (George M.), A.M., kc, a^h ROCKWELL (A. D.), M.A., kc. Practical Treatise on the Medical and Surgical Uses of Electricity. 8vo. New York, 1871. A5S46 Another copy. 3rded. 8vo. New York, 1881. A 5 T 25 BEARDSLEE (Com.m. L. A.), U.S.N. Experiments on the Strength of Wrought-Iron and Chain-Cables, including miscellaneous investigations into the phy.sical and chemical Properties of Rolled AVrought-Iron ; abridged Ijy William Kent, :M.E. 8vo. New York, 1879. "a 9 T 36 BEARDSLEY (E. Edwards), D.D., Ac. Life and Cor- respondencft of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Seabury, D.D. 8vo. Boston, 1881. " C 5 S 28 BEATON (Alfred Cii.\rles). Quaniitics and ^Ica.suro- nients : how to calculate them. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond,, 1871. A 17 P 58 BEATSON (M.\.t.-Ges. Alex.wdek). Tracts relative to the Island of St. Helena ; written during a Residence of Five Years. 4to. Lond., 1816. 1) 9 R 19 t BEATSON (Robert), LL.D. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Bntain, 1727-83. 6 \oIs. 8vo. Lond., 1804. B 6 y 36-4 1 Politicfil Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Iro- iaiid ; or, a Complete Register of the Hereditary Honour.s, Pulihi- Otlicps, and Persons in OlHce, from tlie Earliest PeriiKl.s to the Present Time. 3rd od., enlarged. 3 vols. Kvo. Lond., 1H06. K 19 R 5 7 ll«!gister of the British Parliament, ivwu ilii> Union in 170H. 3 vols. Hvo. Lnnd,, 1MIJ7. K 11 I! 2 4 BK.ATTfp] (Prof. J.^mkh), LLD. Elements of Moral Science; with a complete Index. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1817. G 6 R 34, 35 Life and diameter of Jumes Hay Reatlie. [Sw Beattii'., J. 11.) Life and Poems of. [_See BniTibii Pokt.s, 2, and Chalmers, A.J E-MWiy on the Nature and Iininutabiiitv of Truth. 9th cd. Hvo. Txind., 1H20. (! 15 R H The M in.Htrel ; or, the Progress of (tonius ; w i I li o( lier Poems ; to which are j)renxi(l .Memoirs of the Life of the Author, by Al<-xander Chalmers. 1 2mo. I.^.Md, IHH. JI 5 S 10 BEATTIE (James Hay), A.]\I. Miscellanies; with an Account of his Life anil Character ; by James Beattie, LL.D. 12mo. Lond., 1807. H5S11 BEATTIE (William), M.D. Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. C 10 R 36-38 Switzerland. Illustrated in a series of Views taken ex- pressly for this Work, by W. H, Bartlett, Esq. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1836. ' D 8 V 31, 32 BEATTS (J. M.) Municipal History of the Royal Hurgli of Dundee. 8vo. Dundee, 1873. B 13 S 7 BEATTY-KINGSTON (W.) [_See Kingston, W. B.-] BEAUCHA:MPS (Pierre Fhan^ois Godard de.) Funes- tine. \_See Cauinet des Fees.] BEAUCHESNE (A. de). Louis xvii ; his Life, his Suf- fering, his Death: the Captivity of the Royal Family in the Temple; translated and edited by W. Hazlitt. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. C 6 P 19, 20 Louis .wii: sa Vie, son Agonie, sa Mort: Captivitd de la Famille Rt)yale an Temple. Quatrienid edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Pari.s, 1867. C 10 V 40, 41 BEAUFORT (Daniel Augustus), LL.D. Memoir of a Map of Ireland, illustrating the Topography of that King- dom. 4to. Lond., 1792. D 6 V 7 BEAUFORT (Emily A.) Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines, including some stay in the Lebanon, at Palmyra, and in Western Turkey. With Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861. D 1 P 6, 7 BEAUFORT (I'^rantis). Kaiamania ; or, a brief Descrip- tion of the South Coast of Asia Minor, and of the Remains of .Vnliciuity. 8vo. Lond.. 1S17. D 4 U 25 BEAUFORT (Henry C), Duke of, and MORRIS (M.) Hunting. Svo. Lond., 1885. A 17 U 31 BE.Vl'i''()UT (Margaret), Countess of Rk'iimond and Dehhy. \_See Richmond and Derby, Countess of.] BEAUFORT (Rai'ha1!l Lkdos dk). Li^tters of George Sand. [^See Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A.] The Abbe [Franz] Liszt; the Story of his Life. 8vo. Lund., 1886. C 3 Q 31 BEAUFOY (Col. Mark), li'.R.S., Ac. N.uitical and Hydraulic Experiments ; with numerous Scientific Mis- cellanies. 4to. Lond., 1834. A 3 P 16 t liEAUJOINT (Jules). Secret Memoirs of Madame la Mar(iuise de Pompadour. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 8 U 44 BEAUM ARCHAIS (Pierre Auoustin Caron de). Beau- marchais and his Times : Sketches of Frencli Society in till! l(Sth (Jentury, from iini)ublished J)ocuments; by l^iouis de Lonicnie; translated by licniy S. ICdwaids. 4 vols. Svo. [ d., 1S56. C 3 Q 9-12 Thi^ iSarlier of Se\ illi' : .i ( 'oniic 0])cr.'i ((!und)erlaiid's Eng. Theatre). 12mo. L..nd., 1829. JI 2 Q 14 EllEE PUBLIC LIBllAEY, SYDNEY. 69 Bea] Paut I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Be6 BEAUMONT (Edouard). Jewel Art Studies: a Series of high-class original and suggestive Designs, specially prepared for Practical Working Jewellers. Roy. 4to. E(linl)., 1885. A 2 S 28 t BEAUMONT (Franci.s). Life and Poems of. [See Ghalmeks, a.] BEAUMONT (Francis), and FLETCHER (John). Works of; with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes, by Henry Weber, Esq. U vols. 8vo. Ediiib., 1812. H2S 12-25 Bonduca : a Tragedy (Bell's Brit. Theatre). 18mo. Lond., 1796. H 2 P 3 Another copy. \_See Brit. Drama, l.J The Chances : a Comedy ; altered by the late Duke of Buckingham (Bell's Brit. Theatre). ISmo. Lond., 1791. H 2 P7 Another copy (Brit. Theatre). 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P G The False One. [See Brit. Drama, 1.] The Maid's Tragedy. [See Brit. Drama, 1.] Philaster : a Tragedy (Bell's Brit. Theatre). 18mo. Lond., 1791. H 2 P 18 Another copy. [See Brit. Drama, 1.] Rule a Wife and have a Wife : a Comedy (New Eng. Theatre). 12 mo. Lond., 178G. H 4 P 18 Another copy (Bell's Brit. Theatre). 18mo. Lond., 1791. H 2 P34 Another copy (Brit. Theati-e). 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P (i BEAUMONT (Sir John). Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] BEAUMONT (Gustave de). Ireland, Social, Political, and Religious; edited Ijy W. C. Taylor. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. B 11 P IG, 17 L'Irlande, Sociale, Politioue, et Religieuse. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1863. B 11 P 14, 15 BEAUMONT (Gustave de), and TOCQUEVILLE (Ale.xis Charles Henri Clerel de). On the Peni- tentiary System in the United States, and its application in France ; with an Appendi.\ on Penal Colonies ; trans- lated by F. Lieber. 8vo. Philad., 1833. F 10 S 7 BEAUMONT (John), Histoi'ioal, Physiological, and Theo- logical Treatise of Spirits, Appai'itions, Witchcrafts, and other Magical Practices. 8vo. Lond., 1705. G13R33 BEAUMONT (Marie Leprince de). Contes des Fees. [See Cabinet des Fees.] BEAUREGARD (Gen. Pierre Gustave Toutant). The Military Operations of General Beauregard in the War between the States, 18G1-G5; by Alfred Roman. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1884. C 9 T 1, 2 BEAUTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES (The); or, Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive of each County. Emljellished with Engravings by John Britton and Edward Wedlake Brayli-y. 18 vols, (in 25) 8vo. Lond., 1801-16. D 9 R 1-25 1. Bt'llfonlsliire, lierksliiie, Buckingliatnijliirc. 2. CamliriilgCHliire, Chesliire, Cornwall. .3. Ciimberlanil, Isle of Man, Derbyshire. 4. DovonBhire, Dorsetsliire. .5. Durham, Kssex, anil (ihiuccstcrBhire. fi. Hampshire, Isle of Wight, HerefonlBliire. 7. Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Kent. 8. Kent. 9. Lancashire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire. 10-14. Lonilon ami Middlesex. 15. Monmouthshire, Norfolk, Northamjitonshire. 16. Northumberland, Nottinghamshire. 17. Oxforilshire, Rutlandshire. 18. Shropshire, Somersetshire. 19. Somersetshire, Staffordshire. 20. Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex. 21. Wiltshire, Westmoreland. 22. Warwickshire, Worcestershire. 23. Yorkshire. 24. North Wales. — Cambria, Anglcsea, Caernarvonshire, Den- bighshire, Flintshire, MontgomeryKhire, Merionethshire. 26. South Wales. ^Brecknockshire, (^'aermarthenshire, Cardi- ganshire, Glamorganshire, Pembrokeshire, Radnorshire. BEAUVOIR (LuDovic), Marquis de. Voyage autour du Monde: Australie, Java, Siam, Canton, Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco. Sm. fol. Paris, 1875. MD5P18t A Voyage round the World : Australia, Java, Siam, Canton. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870. D 10 Q 27-28 Another copy. MD 1 W 1, 2 Pekin, Jeddo, and San Francisco — the conclusion of a Voyage round the World ; translated from the French by Agnes and Helen Stevenson, 8vo. Lond., 1872. D 10 Q 29 BEAVAN (Hugh J. C), F.R.G.S., Iiuk Wilks. Hvo. Lond., 18.")8. C 2 U 7 Opera Omnia. [.SV<; Micnk, J. P., Si;iui:s Latina, 190.] BECKETT (Sir Ei.muni.), Haut., LL.D., Hakon (Jrim- TiKiui-K, fonner/i/ Edmuno Beckkit Dknihon. A Hook on liuilding. Civil and Ecclesiastical, with the Theory of Domes, and of the (Jreat Pyramid, and a Catalogut? of HJzes of Churches and other large buildings. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 2 R 23 Should the!cturi"H on Cliurcli Building ; with Home Practical RemarkH on Bells and Clocks. 2ii(l ed. Hvo. Lond., 1856. A 2 R 38 Riiflimenliiry Treulise on Clricks, Watches and Bells. (W.-ile.) Mil ed. l2mo. I>mrij,'inals at Woburn Al)l)ey ; with an Introduction, by l/jrci John lUissell. 3 vols. Svo. Tyinjnd,, 1849. A 8 R I Anothjnd., 1833. A12H32 IStt Palev, IU;v. W.J BELL (Clara). Egypt, Descriptive, Historical, and Picturesque. {_See Ebers, O.] Visit to Ceylon. \_See Haeckel, Dr. E.] [See Chesneau, E., and Spitta, P.] BELL (Duoald). Among the Rocks around Glasgow: a Series of Excur.sion-Sketches anil other Papers. 8vo. Glasgow, 1881. A 9 Q 21 BELL (Edward). [See Goethe, J. W.] BELL (Major Evans). Memoir of General John Briggs, of the Madras Army ; with Comments on some of his Words and Work. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C8V1 BELL (Sir Francis Dillon), C.B., K.C.M.G. Official Hand-book of New Zealand. [See Gisborse W.] BELL (Frederick A.) Industry and Commerce relieved and increased by means of Free Trade and Direct Tax- ation. 2nd ed., enlarged. (Pam. Ds.) 8vo, Sydney, 1866. MF3P17 1;ELL (IMa.tor-Gen. CtEORCe). Rough Notes by an Old Sdldiei-, during tifty years' service. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1867. C 5 V 27, 28 BELL ((Jeorcje Joseph). [See Bell, Mrs. M.] BELL (II. C. P.) Maldive Islands: an Account of the Physical Features, Climate, History, Inhabitants, Pro- ductions, and Trade. Sm. fol. Colombo, 1883. D 4 P 22 t BELL (Henry G.) Life of Mary Queen of Scots. (Const. Misc.) 2 vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1828-31. K 10 tj 12,13 Mv Old Purlfolio ; or. Tales and Sketches. 8\o. Lond., 1832. J 611 11 Selections of the Most Remark;vble Phenomena of Nature. (Const. Misc.) 18mo. Edinb., 1827. K10P51 r.ELL (Sir T. Lowtiiian), F.R.S. Principles of the Manu- facture of Iron and Steel ; with some Notes on the EcoiKimic Conditions of their Produclion. 8\o. Lond., 1881. A 10 P 16 BELL (Jacoii). and l'ii:uniaci'ii(ic;d Proces.sps .ind Products. [See LoNIi. I NTKIINAI'. Mxiilii., I8,'")l.] HEFJi (.Iamkh), Pii.I)., kv. Analysis ami Adulteration of Koods. Part 2. Milk, l?utter,, ("ereal Foods, I'rr-jiared Starches, itc, (Souili Kens. Mus.) 8\o. Lon.l., 18S3, E lil'lLfy (James Stanlslaus). of a Residence in l!ircassia, during the years 1837 311. 2 vols. 8vo. Fjond., IHlo. I) 7 U 35, 36 JMitla. [See Te.mphkv, (1. F. voN.] TREE PUBLIC LTBRAEY, SYDNEY. G3 Bel] Part I -.—Authors, Editors, or lieference. [Bel BELL (John). Briti.sli Thoatrp. IT, m,1s. 12mo. Loml, 1791-97. H 2 P 1-lG 1. Tlie Orphan; or, the Unhappy Marriage: a Tragedy; by Thomas Otway. The Albion Queens ; or, the Death of Mary, Queen of Scot.s : a Tragedy ; by John Banks. Cato : a Tragedy ; by Joseph Addison. 2. Gustavus Vasa, the Deliverer of his Country : a Tragedy ; by Henry Brooke. Pericles, Prince of Tyre : a Tragedy ; supposed to be written by Mr. William .Shakespeare. Busiris, King of Egypt : a Tragedy ; by Edward Young, LL.D. 3. The Twin Rivals : a Comedy ; by Mr. George Farquhar. Bonduca : a Tragedy ; altered from Beaumont and Fletcher, and adapted to the stage, by George Colman. The Chapter of Accidents : a Comedy ; by Miss Lee. 4. The Way of the World : a Comedy ; by William Ciougrevo. The School for Rakes : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Elizabeth GritEths. Edward and Eleonora : a Tragedy ; altered from James Thomson, and adapted to the Stage, l)y Thomas Hull. 5. The West Indian : a Comedy ; by Richard Cumberland. The Suspicious Husband : a Comedy ; by Dr. Hoadly. The Carmelite : a Tragedy ; by Richard Cumberland. 6. The Gentle Shepherd : a .Scots Pastoral Comedy, as written liy Allan Ramsay. The Mistake : a Comedy ; by Sir John Vanbrugh. The Amljitiou.s Step-Mother : a Tragedy ; by Nicholas Rowe. 7. The Chances : a Comedy ; as altered from Beaumont and Fletcher, by His Grace tlie Duke of Buckingham. Love Makes a Man ; or, the Fop's Fortune : a Comedy ; by Colley Cibber. The Busybody : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Centlivre. 8. Isabella ; or, the Fatal Marriage : a Tragedy, altered from .Southern. The City Wives' Confederacy : a Comedy ; by Sir John Vanbrugh. The Wonder a Woman keeps a Secret : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Centlivre. 9. The Royal Convert : a Tragedy ; by Nicholas Rowe. Merope : a Tragedy ; by- Aaron Hill. Tl'.e Double Dealer : a Comedy ; by William Congreve. 10. Oedipus : a Tragedy ; by Dryden and Lee. Medea : a Tragedy ; by Mr. Glover. The Miser : a Comedy ; by Henry Fielding. 11. The Gamester: a Tragedy; by Mr. Edward Moore- Amphitryon ; or, the Tv/o .Socias ; a Comedy ; as altered from Dryden, by Dr. Hawkeswortli. The Foundling : a Comedy ; liy Mr. Edward Moore. 12. Zenobia : a Tragedy ; by Arthur Murphy. The Plain Dealer : a Comedy : altered from William Wycherley, and adapted to the .Stage, by Isaac Bickerstafl'. Irene : a Tragedy ; by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 13. Phiedra and Hippolitus : a Tragedy ; by Mr. Edmund .Smith. The Rehearsal : a Comedy ; as iiritten by George, late Duke of Buckingham. Sir Hairy Wildair; being the Sequel of the " Trip to the JuViilee" : a ('omedy ; by (Jeorge Farquhar. 14. The Pro\'ok'd Wife : a Comedy ; by Sii' John \'anbrugli. The Funeral ; or. Grief aJa-Mode : a Comedy ; by Sir Richard Steele. Mariamne : a Tragedy ; by Mr. Fenton. 15. The Countess of Salisbury : a Tragedy ; by Hall Hartson. The Drummer ; or, the Haunted House : a Comedy ; by Joseph Addison. The C'landestine Marriage ; a Comedy ; by G. Colman and D. Garrick. 16. Timanthes : a Tragedy ; by Jolin Hoole. Cleonice, Princess of Bithynia : a Tragedy ; by John Hoole. Tlie Man of the World ; by Charles "Macklin. Mahomet : a Tragedy ; by the Rev. Mr. Miller. 17. Love in a Village ; a Comic Opera ; by Isaac Bickerstaff. The Beggar's Opera : a Comic Opera ; liy John tiay. The Fair Penitent : a Tragedy ; by Nicholas Rowe. 18. The Conscious Lovers : a Comedy ; by Sir Richard Steele. Every Man in his Humour : a Comedy ; by Ben Joiison, as altered by David Garrick. Philaster : a Tragedy ; as altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. BELL (John) — continued. 19. The Good Natuied Man: a Comedy; by Dr. (loldsmilh. Tlie Brothers : a Comedy ; by Richard Cumberland. The Minor : a Comedy ; by Samuel Foote. '20. Love for Love : a Comedy ; by William Congreve. The Country Girl : a Comedy ; altered from AVycherly ; by David Garrick. The 'I'ender Husband ; or, the Accom- plished Fools : a Comedy ; by Sir Richard .Steele. •21. All for Love; or, the World Well Lost: a Tragedy; by Mr. Dryden. Tamerlane : a Tragedy ; by N. Rowe. Tail- ored and Sigismunda : a Tragedy ; by Mr. James Thomson. 22. The Siege of Damascus : a Tragedy ; by John Hughes. Theodosius : or, the Force of Love : a Tragedy ; by Nathaniel Lee. The Revenge : a Tragedy ; by Edward Young, LL.D. 23. Oroonoko : a Tragedy ; by Thomas Southern. A Bolil Stroke for a ^Vife : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Centlivre. Lady Jane Gray : a Tragedy ; by N. Rowe. 24. The Hypocrite: a Comedy; altered from C. Cibber, by Isaac Bickerstaff. .Slie .Stoops to Conquer ; or, the Mistakes of a Night : a Comedy < by Dr. Goldsmith. George Barn- well : a Tragedy ; by (ieorge Lillo. 25. The .School 'for Wives : a Comedy ; by Hugh Kelly. The Fashionable Lover : a Comedy ; by Richard Cumberland. The School for Lovers ; a Comedy ; by William Whitehead. 26. Cymon : a Dramatic Romance ; by [David Garrick]. The Inconstant : a Comedy ; by (ieorge Farquhar. The Relapse ; or. Virtue in Danger : a Comedy ; by Sir John Vanbrugh. 27. The Old Batchelor : a Comedy ; by William Congreve. Henry II. ; or, the Fall of Rosamond : a Tragedy ; by Thomas Hull. False Delicacy : a Comedy ; by Hugh Kelly. 28. The .Spanish Fryar ; or, the Double Discovery : a Comedy ; by Mr. Dryden. The Distrest Mother : a Tragedy ; translated by Ambrose PhiliiJS, from the " Andromaque" of Racine. The Earl of Essex : a Tragedy ; by Henry Jones. 29. Pericles, Prince of Tyre : a Tragedy ; supposed to be written by Mr. William .Shakespeare. Busiris, King of Egypt : a Tragedy ; by Edward Y'oung, LL.D. The Rehearsal : a Comedy ; as written by George, late Duke of Buckingham. Albiua, Countess Raimond : a Tragedy ; by Mrs. Cowley. 30. Venice Preserved ; or, a Plot Discovered : a Tragedy ; by Thomas Otway. Zara : a Tragedy ; by Aaron Hill. Douglas : a Tragedy ; by John Home. 31. All in the Wrong : a Comedy ; by Arthur Murphy. The Recruiting Officer : a Comedy ; by George Farquhar. The Grecian Daughter: a Tragedy ; by Arthur Murphy. 32. Barbarossa : a Tragedy ; by Dr. Brown. The Lady's Last Stake ; or, the Wife's Resentment : a Comedy ; by Colley Cibber. The Jealous Wife : a Comedy ; by George Colman. 33. Alzira : a Tragedy ; by Aaron Hill. The Provok'd Hus- band ; or, a Journey to London : a Comedy ; by Sir John Vanbrugh and C. Cibber. Boadicca : a Tragedy ; by Mr. Glover. 34. The Mourning Bride : a Trageily ; by Mr. Congreve. Rule a Wife and Have a Wife : a Comedy ; by Beaumont and Fletcher. The Alehyinist : a C:omedy ; as altered from Ben Jonsoii. 35. The Double Gallant ; or, the Sick Lady's Cure : a Comedy ; by Colley Cibber. The Choleric Man : a Comedy ; by Richanl Cumberland. The Battle of Hastings : a Tragedy ; by Richard Cumberland. 36. The Careless Husband : a Comedy ; by Colley Cibber. The Country Lasses ; or, the Custom of the Manor : a Comedy ; by Charles Johnson. The Fair Quaker of Deal ; or, the Humours of the Navy : a Comedy : by Charles ShaJwell. 37. Eurydice : a Tragedy ; by David Mallet. FalstafTs Wed- diui' : a Comedy ; written in imitation of .Shakesperc, by W.°Kenrick, LL.D. A Word to the Wise : a Comedy ; by Hugh Kelly. 61 CATALOGUE OF THE Bel] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bel BELL (John) — continued. 38. The Fatal Curiosity : a Tragedy ; by George Lillo. The Refusal : or, the Ladies Philosophy : a Corned}' ; by CoUey Cibber. She Wou'd aud She \Vou"d Not ; or, the Kind Impostor : a Comedy ; by Colley Cibber. 39. i(). Cyrus : a Tragedy ; by John Hoole. The Earl of Warwick : a Tragedy ; by Dr. Franklin. The Natural Son : a Comedy ; by Richard Cumberland. The Roman Father : a Tragedy ; altered from Mr. \V. Whitehead. 41. Comus : a Mask ; by John Milton. The Maid of the Mill '■ a Comic Opera ; by Isaac Bickerstati". The School for Fathers ; or, Lionel and Clarissa : a Comic Opera ; by Isaac Bickers tafif. 42. The Constant Couple ; or, a Trip to tlie Jubilee : a Comedy ; by George Farquhar. The Gamesters ; a Comedy ; as altered from Shirley and C. Johnson. The Committee : a Comedy ; by the Hon. Sir R. Howard. 43. The Discovery : a Comedj- ; by Mrs. Frances Sheridan. King Charles I. : a Tragedy ; by William Havard. The Rival Queens ; or, the Death of Alexander the (ireat : a Tragedy by Nathaniel Lee. 44. Samson Agonistes : a Drajnatic Poem; written on the Model of the Ancient Greek Tragedy ; by Jolin Milton. The School for (Juardians : a Comedy ; by Artluir Murpliy. The Orphan of China : a Tragedy ; by Arthur Murphy. 45. Creusa, Queen of Athens : a Tragedy, by William White- head. The Brothers : a Tragedy ; by Dr. Edward Young. Albina, Countess Raimond : a Tragedy ; liy Mrs. Cowley. 40. Caractacus : a Dramatic Poem ; by W. Mason. Elfrida : a Dramatic Poem ; written on the Model of the Ancient Greek Tragedy; by William Mason, A.M. Lucius Junius Brutus ; Father of his Country : a Tragedy ; by Nathaniel Lee. BELL (John). Bell's New Pantheon ; or, Historical Dic- tionary of the Gods, Demi-Gofls, Heroes, and Fabulous Personages of Anti-3«. K 1 T 40 12 Life of the Bight Hon. (Jeorge Canning. Svo. I>ond., Lives of tlie most Eminent Literary and Scicntilic Men of (treat Britain. English Poets. (1/ird. Cab. Cyclo.) 2 vols. IHmo. Ixmd., 1839. K 1 S 17, 18 Memorials of the Civil War; forming the concluding volumes of the Fairfax [See Fairka.\ C0RKB.'iP0.M>KXCK.] Wayside Pictures through France, Belgium, .iimI II<,I- land. Hvo. I>^nd., 1849. DhTI.'i [See CiiAUCKR, T 1 1 (Jrannnar of the Pukkhto or Pukshto Language, on a new and improved -System, combining brevity with practical utility, and including Exercises and Dialogues, intended to facilitate the Accjuisition of the Colloquial. Roy. Svo. Loud., 1867. K 16 R 10 History of Cholera in India, from 1862-81 ; being a Des- criptive and Statistical Account of the Disease; together with original Ob.servations on the Causes and Nature of Cholera. With Ma])s, Diagrams, Ac. Svo. Lond., ISSr). A 12 U 20 Kashmir and Kashghar ; a Narrative of the Journey of the Emliassy to Kaslighar in 1873-74. Svo. Lond., 187"). D 5 S 1.5 Races of At',L;haiiistan ; lieiiij,' a liricf Account of the l'rincii)al Nations inliabiting that Country. Svo. Cal- .■uttn, 1880, B 1 P 5 BI;LLK\\' (.1. M.) [See Hakti:, F. B.J BELLOC (.Mme. J5ESSIK Ravnoii). [5rv A. Aslier. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840-41. ■ D 10 R 24, 25 BENN (Alfred William) The Greek Philosophers. 2 vols. 8vo. L(jnd., 1882. G 6 R 13, 14 BENNET (GEORfiE). Journal of Voyages and Travels. ISee TvEii.MAV, Rev. D.] BENNET (Hox. 11. (Ikey). [See Macquaiue, Ma.i.-Ges.] BENNETT (Ciiarle.s H.) The Fables of ^sop and others translated into Human N.ature. 4to. Lond., 1875. J 8 V 18 BENNETT (E. T.) [See Beechey, Capt. F. W.] BENNETT (FREDEHirK Debell), F.R.(J.S. Narrative of ii 'Whaling Voyage round the Globe, 18.3.3-36. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. MD 1 V 17, IS BENNETT (]>h. GEORfiE), F.R.S., kc. A Trii. to gucfns- land in search of Fo.ssils. (Pain. Cb.) 8vo. Svdn(>v, \x-,\. A 10 U 25 Acclimatisation ; its eminent adaptation to Australia : a Lecture delivered in Sydney. (Pam. 3G.) 8vo. Mclb., 1802. MJ 2 Q 23 Another copy. Another copy. (Pam. Cb.) MJ 2 R 7 A 16 U 25 Gatherings of a Naturalist in Austrnla.sia. 8vo. Jjond., 18G0.» MA 2 T 3 Notes on the Natural Histliograpiiii|ue .siir les I'ditionH den Klz<'virH les plus prccieuses ct Ics jiluH recherrliceH, prccedook to the Indu.stries of the British Isles and the United States. 12mo. Lond., 1882. F 1 P 37 Industrial Classes, and Industrial Statistics : Mining, Metals, Chemicals, Ceramics, Glass, and Paper. (Brit. Alanuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 41 Industrial Classes and Industrial Statistics : Textiles and Clothing, Food, and Sundry Industries. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12rao. Lond., 1877. A 17 S 40 London Water Supply : its Past, Present, and Future ; with a Map showing the Districts of the Water Com- panios. 8vo. Loud., 1884. A 6 R 36 Royal Relief Atlas of all parts of the World 2nd n\. 4to. Loud., 1885. D 33 Q 13 { BEVAN (MA.IOR H.) Thirty Years in India; or, a Soklier's R(>miniscences of Native and European Life in the Presidencies, 1808-38. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. D 5 R 19, 20 BEVAN (Rev. William Latham), M.A. Student's Manual of Ancient Geography ; edited by W. Smith, LL.D. 8vo. Lond., 1871. D 11 R 8 Student's Manual of Modern Geography, Mathematical, Pliysical, and Descrijitive. 3id ed. 8vo. Lond., 1872. D 11 R 9 BEVERIDGE (IL), B.C.S. District of BAkarganj : its History and Statistics. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 5 T 3 BEVERIDGE (Mitchell Kilgour). Gatherings among the Gum Trees. 12ino. Melb., 1863.* MH 1 R 25 BEVERIDGE (Peter). Of the Aborigines inhabiting the Great Lacustrine and Riverine depression of the Lower Murray, Lower Murrumbidgee, Lower Lachlan, and Lower Darling. 8vo. Sydney, 1883. MA 1 S 19 BEVERLAND (Hadrian). De Peccato Originali .sic nuncupato Dis.sertatio. 18mo. Lug. Bat., 1679. J 15 Q 11 [&« also Uchtmann, A.] BEWICK (John). Blossoms of Morality, with cuts designed and engraved. \_See Berquin, A.] BEWICK (Thomas). Bewick Memento ; with an Intro- duction by Robert Robinson: Catalogue, with Purchasers' Names, and Prices realised, of the scarce and curious Collection of Books, Ac, sold by auction, at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1884. 4to. Loud., 1884. K9P6t Fables by J. Gay ; illustrated by T. Bewick. \_See Gay, J. j Fables by W. Brown. With cuts by T. Bewick. \_See Brown, W.] Fabliaux, or Tales, by Le Grand. With Woodcuts. \_See Le Grand D', P. J. B.] General History of Quadrupeds. The Figures engraved on Wood by T. Bewick. 7th ed. 8vo. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1820. A 14 R 45 History of British Birds. Woodcuts by Bewick. 2 vols. 8vo. ' Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1826. A 14 T 20, 21 Junius' Letters. With Woodcuts liy Bewick. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1797. F 6 T 7-8 Life and Times of James Catnach ; by Charles Hindley. With Woodcuts by Bewick. 8vo. Lond., 1878. C10T21 Life and Works of Thomas Bewick ; being an Account of his Career and Achievements in Art, ic, by D. C. Thomson. 4to. Lond., 1882. C 3 W 9 Looking-glass for the Jlind. With Illustratious. [See Berquin, A.] Memorial Edition of Thomas Bewick's Works. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 15 T 9-11 1. British Birds : Land Birds. 2. British Birds : Water Birds. 3. Quadrupeds. 72 CATALOGUE OF THE Bew] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Bib BEWICK (TnoMAs)— con/i?Mt€f?. New Bath Guide ; or, Memoirs of tlie B-n-r-tl Family ; by Christopher Anstev. [Woodcuts liy Bewick.] 12mo. Lend., 1804. ' " H 7 P -1 New Family Herbal. \_See Tiiorntox, E. J.] Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry, from authentic ISIanu- scripts and old printed copies ; edited bv Joseph Ritson. [Woodcuts by Bewick.] 12mo. Lond., 1791. H8S10 Pretty Book of Pictures for Little Masters and Misses ; or. Tommy Trip's History of Beasts and Birds ; with a Familiar Description of each in Verse and Prose, written by Oliver Goldsmith. [Woodcuts by Bewick.] .Sm. 4to. Lond., 1867. J 10 S 3 The Seasons; by J. Thomson; embellished with Engravings. [Se« Thomson, J.] Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs. Illustrated. \_Sec Bloomlield, R.] Select Fables of ./IIsop and others ; with the Life of .. Lond., 1.S74. C 3 S 8 iitions on Metas- in I'rance and . A. (.'. HoMibel." C 5 T 12 j!l-;/.\ oil lilCZr; (Thkodouk I)k). I)e Vera j)ronun- tiationc Ormwe ct Latintu Lingua". 18ino. Genovae, 1-087. K lis -15 BEZOLD (Dli. Wn.iiKLM vos). The. Newca.stleupon-Tyne, 1 S 1 1 . ( i .'"i U H New Testament. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) (;iiy3 Psalter. 18mo. (n.p.n.d.)* (i 9 P 12 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRAUY, SYDNEY. 73 Bib] Part I : — Aiifhors, Editors, or Beference. [Bib BIBLES, lI'c. — continued. Arabic and English. Gospel of St. Matthew. 18mo. (n.p.n.d.) G 9 P 25 Armenian. Bible. 12mo. Stauiboul, 1862. G 16 R 7 New Testament. 8vo. (n.p.), 1819. G IG S 3 Benoali. Holy Bible. Roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1861. G 5 S 2-4 Bengali and Enolisii. New Testament. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Loncl.,1839. GUR3 Berber. Gospel of St. Luke. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 14 Q 6 New Testament. 8vo. Serampore, 1820. (i 3 P 10 Bohemian. Bible. BiVtlia Sacra to gest Biblj Swata. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Kyseku, 18.51. ' G ir* S 12 Breton. New Testament. Testamant nevez Hon avtron hag hor Salver Jesus Christ. 12mo. Brest, 1851. G 9 Q 37 Bulgarian. Part of Old Testament, Joshua-Job. 8vo. (np.) 1862. G 16 R 17 New Testament. 8vo. Bangalore, 1861. G 10 Q 21 Carsiiun. Now Testament. -Ito. (n.p.n.d) G 7 V 24 Carsiiun and Syriac. New Testament. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) G 5 U 1 Catalonian. New Testament. Lo nou Testament traduit en Llcngua Catalania. 8vo. Lond., 1835. G 16 R 2 Chinese. Bible. 4 vols. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 16 S 13-16 Chine,se and Mantchou. Go.spel according to St. Mark. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 5 U 25 Chinese Mandarin — Colloquial. New Te.stament. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 16 S 19 Cree. Bible. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1861-62. G 14 11 8 Creole. New Testament. Die Nywe Testament van ons Heer Jesus Christus. 8vo. Copenhagen, I8l8. G 8 U 20 Croatian. Bible. Sveto Pismo Staroga I Novoga Za\ jeta. Roy. 8vo. Pe.sti, 1868. G 11 T 27 Dajak or Dvak. New Testament. Djandji Taheta tuhan dan djuru-Salamat ikei Jesus Kristus. 8vo. NJelo, 1846. G 15 S 1 Danish. Bibelen eller den Hellige Skrift, indeholde det Gamle og Nye Testamentes canoniske Bciger. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1861. G 15 Til Duke op York Island. Gospel of St. Mark. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MG 1 P 43 BIBLES, &c. — continued. Dutch. Bible. Bijbel dat is de ganscho Heilige Schrift. Imp. fivo. Lond., 1859. G 3 V 10 Engadine. New Testament. II nouf Testamaint du nos Scgnor Jesu Christo. 18mo. Paris, 1836. G 9 P 35 English. Bible (Black Letter, " Breeches" edition). Fol. Lf^nd., 1583. G 37 Q 1 ; Bible (Douay Version); translated from the Latin Vulgatei diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in divers Languages. 8vo. Dublin (n.d.) G2R4 Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Eccle.siastes, anfl the Song of Solomon, according to the Wycliffite Version made by Nicholas de Hereford, about a.d. 1381, and revised by John Purvey, about a. d. 1 388. 1 2mo. Oxfoi'd, 1881. G 8 S 3 English Hexapla; exhibiting the Six important English Translations of tlie New Testament Scriptures. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) G 5 U 20 Exposition of the Book of Psalms; by Matthew Henrv. 8vo. Lond., 1866. G 16 P f3 Holy Biljle; containing the Old Testament and the New 18mo. Lond., 1743. G 9 Q 25 Holy Bible ; containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original Tongues. Roy. 8vo. Camb., 1831. G 15 T 6 Holy Bible; containing the Old and New Testaments. 8vo. Lond., 1862. G 15 T 5 [Speaker's Commentary.] Holy Bible, according to the Authorized Version (a.d. 1611); with an Explanatory and Critical Connnentary, and a Revision of tlie Translation, by Bisliiips and other Clergy of the Anglican Church ; edited l)y F. C. Cook, M.A., Canon of Exeter. (Suggested by tlie Speaker of the House of Common.s, the Rt. Hon. X. Evelyn Deni.snn.) 10 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1871-81. G 4 T 1-10 Review [of the above.] [_See Strange, G. L.] Holy Bible; being the Version .set forth a.d. 1611, com- pared with the most ancient Authorities, and revised. 8vo. Oxford, 1885. G 8 U 1 Holy Biljle ; containing the Old and New Testament.s, according to the autiiorized Version. With Illustrations l)y Gustave Dore. 2 vols. imp. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) G 29 P 10, 11 X Holy Gospels; translated from the original Greek, with Notes, &c., by AV. Brameld, ^M.A. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1863. G 7 V 16 New Testament; with a Commentary by the Rev. Charles Girdlestone, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1835-38. G 15 R 9, 10 New Testament for English Readers; containing a critical and explanatory Commentary by Henry Alford, D.D. 3rd ed. 4 vols.' 8vo. Lond., 1872. G 5 P 10-13 New Testament ; translated out of the Greek, and revised a.d. 1881. Roy. 8vo. O.xford, 1881. G 8 V 16 New Testament. With Engravings. 4to. Lond., 1883. G 5 S 1 74 CATALOGUE OF THE Bib] Pakt I: — Authors, Editors, or Bcference. Bib BIBLES, &c. — continued. EXGLISH AND GoOJURATEE. Gospel according to Matthew. 8vo. Surat,1840. 614 813 Eromant.a. Gospel of St. Mattliew. Matiyiiku nam Na\osavos ugi. 8vo. Lond., 1869. " G 10 Q 31 Esquimaux. Five Books of iJxwes. Moaesib Aglangit limo. Lond., 1841. G 16 R 2") Feejeeak. New Testament. Karisito. 8vo. Ai Villa ni Veiyalayalati vou i Jisu Lodoui, 1858. G 16 R 19 G 16 R 20 Another copy. 12mo. Yiti, 1853. Finnish. Bible. Biblia : Wanha ja Uusi Testamenti. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Stockholm, 1852. G 11 R 12 Flemish. Bible. Biblia Sacra dat is geheele heylige Schriftuer bedeyld in hetOude en Nieuw* Testament. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo." Brussel, 1838. G 14 R 9 French. La Bible. Tradiictinn Nouvolle, avec Introductions et Commentaires, par Edoiiard Reuss. 9 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1874-81. G 8 V 1-8 1. Preface et lutroiluction gi/n^'Tftle. Ancieii Teatamcnt- Pre- miere Pnrtie : Histoire (k-s Israolitea, ilepuia la Conquite de la Palestine jiisfiu'a I'Exil. (Livrea ilea Juges, de .Samuul, ct (lea Roi.s.) 2. Aiicien Testament- DeuxiJmc Partie : Les ProphMos. 3. A ncien Testament — Troisieme Partie : L'Histoirc Sainte de la Loi. (Pentateuque et Josui'.) 4. Ancien Testament- (iimtrit'^me Partie : Clirnnique Kcclesias- ticjue de Jeruaalem. Le Cantique desCantiriucs dit de Salomon. Recucil de Poesies Eroticiues, traduites de I'Hi/lireu, avec Intro- duction et Coinnientairc. Cinciuit-nie I'artie: I'uisie Lyrique. Le Paaiitier, les Ijinientations. Deuiiii'me idition. 5. Ancicn Testament — Sixi^mc Partie : Pliilo-sojiliie Roligieuse et Morale des Hi'lireux, Jol), les Provcrlies, rEccloBiasto, rKeclea- iastiquc, la Sapience, C'ontea Moraux, ISarucli, Manasse. Sep- tiemo Partie : Litteratiire Politi(iue et Pok'mique. Knth, Maccabees, Daniel, Kstlier, Judith, &c. C. Nouvcnu Testament— Premii'^re Partie: Histoire Evangi'liqiir. (.Synopse iles trois prennera Evangilca. ) ])euxi^me Partie : Histoire Apostolique. (Actcs des Apfitrea. ) 7. NoHvcau Testament— TroisiJme Partie : Les Epitres Paulin- ienncg. 8. Nouvcau Testament. Quatri^me Partie : L'Apocalypsc. ("in- quieme Partie : Ixjs Epitres Catlioliques. Sixi^nlc I'artle : La Tli*)ologic .Joliannique. (Evangile et Epitres.) 0. Talilo gen^ralo des Matii'^res, par (•. Paldcneperger. Ija .Sainte Bible qui contient I'Ancicu ct le Nouvcau TcBUinent. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1858. Gl.OXa F'ltP.vfH Basque. New TcHtament. Jesus Cliristo gure .launaron Testament Berrin. 8vo. Bayonan, 1828. G 14 Q 5 FnENcii AND German. New Testament and Psalms. 1«4G. 2 vols, (in 1 ) Hvo. liond., (1 14 K r. BIBLES, itc. — continued. French and Hebrew. La Sainte Bible ou I'Ancien et le Nouvenu Testament. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1858-59. G 16 R 3, 4 French and Piedmontese. Gospels according to St. Luke and St. John. Svo. Lond,, 1838. ' G 14 R 10 French and Turkish. Gospel of St. Matthew. 18mo. (n.p.n.d.) G 9 P 27 French and Vaudois. Gospels according to St. Luke and St. John. Svo. Lond., 1832. G 15 T 13 Gaelic. Bible. Leabhraichean an T-seann Tiomnaidh agus an Tiomnaidh Nuaidh. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1861. G 15 S 11 Georgian. Testament. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) G 5 U 9 German. Die Bibel oder die ganze heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments. 2 vols, (in 1) Svo. Coin, 1859. G 14 R 2 German and French. New Testament and Psalms. 2 vols, (in 1) Svo. Lond., 1846. (U4 R 5 German and Hkukkw. Bible. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1859. G 16 R 9, 10 Greek. Bible. Ta Tera Biblia. Svo. Kantab., 1862. G15S13 Greek Testament ; with critically revised Text, itc, by Henry Alford, Dean of Canterbury. 5th ed. 4 vols. Svo. Loud., 1863-06. G 5 P 6-9 New Testament. ISmo. Camb. (n.d.) G 9 P 29 Novum Testamentum Gra^ce; edidit Edvardus H. Hansell, S.T.B. 3 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1864. G 1 P 8-10 Old Testament. Vetus Testamentum Gra-ce iuxta LXX Interj)retes Textum Yaticanum Romanum Eniendatius editit Constantinus de Tischendorf. EditioSexta. 2 vols. Svo. Lepsiae, ISSO. G 10 S S, 9 Greek — Modern. New Testament. 12mo. Petrov., 1817. G 9 Q 36 Greenland. New Testament. 2nd ed. Svo. Budisime, 1851. G14Q7 Gl'.TARATI. Bible. 2 vols. Svo. Sural, 1S60. O 15 S 14, 15 Gospel according to Matthew (in English ami Oujurali). Svo. Surat, 1840. G 14 S 13 Hakka. The (!.,sp.>l of St. Matthew. Svo. Basel. 1866. O 15 T 15 IIarotee. New Testament. Svo. Serampore, 1821. G 3 P9 IIai'sa. Tiie (}ospel according to St. Matt lie w. 12mo. Lond., 1857. (1 16 R 1 PllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 75 Bib] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bib BIBLES, kc— continued. Hebrew. Bible. 8vo. Loud., 1861. G U R 1 Hebrew and French. La Saiute Bible. 2voLs. 12mo. Lond., 1858-59. Gir)R.S,4 Hebrew and German. Bible. 2vols. 12mo. Lond., 1859. G16R9, 10 Hindui-Nagni. Old Testament. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 2 T 17 Hindustani. Book of Genesis, in Dakhani. 12nio. Hertford, ISfi.?. G 9 P 40 New Testament. 8vo. Lend., 1860. G 14 Q 18 New Testament. Inji'l i Muqaddas. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1860. G 8 V 22 Old Testament. Kitab i Muqaddas yd ne Puriina aur Naya Ahd-Nama. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1860. G 8 V 22 HiNDUWEE. New Testament. 8vo. Lond., 1860. G 13 P 30 Hungarian. Bible. Szent Biblia. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Koszegen, 1852. G 15 S 7 Ibo. , Gospel of St. Matthew. Oku omma nke owu Matia. 1 2mo. Lond., 1860. G 9 Q 35 Indo-Portuguese. Gospel of St. Matthew. Evangelho conformo de Santo Mattheos. 8vo. Lond., 1851. G 14 R 6 Irish. Acts of the Apostles. 12mo. (n.p.n.d.) G 9 Q 21 Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. (Pam. K.) 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MJ 2 P 27 Gospel of St. Matthew. 12mo. (n.p.n.d.) G 9 Q 29 New Testament. 12mo. Lond., 1818. G 9 Q 32 New Testament. An Tiomna Nuadh. Roy. 8vo. Dublin, 1827. G 15 T 4 Old Testament. Leabhuir an Tsean Tiomna. Roy. 8vo. Dublin, 1827. G 15 T 4 Italian. Bible. La Sacra Bibbia ossia 1' antico e il nuovo Testa- mento. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1862. G 15 S 6 Italian-Maltese. Gospel of St. John. II Vangelio di nostro Signore secondo San Giovanni. 8vo. Lond., 1822. G 13 P 25 Italian and Turkish. Gospel of St. Matthew. 18mo. (n.p.n.d.) G 9 P 28 Japanese. Gospel of St. Luke. Imp. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 8 V 19 Jud.eo-Arabic. Gospels, ikc. ; Matthew, John, Acts, and Hebrews. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 11 P 24 BIBLES, S 5 Loochooan. Gospel according to St. Luke. Imp. Svo. (n.p.n.d.) ^ ^ G 5 U 24 Malagasse. New Testament. Ny Teny N'andriamanitra atso hoe tamenta ny Jesosy ICraisty. 8vo. Lond.(n.d.) G 10 Q 8 New Testament. Ny Soratra Masina amy ny Fanekena Vaovao any Jesasy Kraisty. 8vo. Lond., 1870. G13P8 Malay. New Testament. Kitab Alkudus ; iya itu Injil Isa Almasih Tuhan Kami. Svo. Singapore, 1853. G 2 R 20 New Testament, in Arabic Characters. Svo. (n.p.n.d.) G 14 Q 19 Malay — High. Gospel of St. John. Indjil Jang Soetji Terkarang Oleh Jahia, Rasoel Allah Soebhanah Wataala. 12mo. Batavia, 1873. G 9 P 12 76 CATALOGUE OF THE Bib] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bib BIBLES, Szc— continued. Malay — Low. Gospel of St. John. Kitab iiidjil Si)etji Jang tertoelis dari Johannes. ISmo. Batavia, 1873 G9P12 Gospel of St. Luke. Kitab indjil Soetji Jang tertoelis dari Loekas. 18mo. Batavia, "1873. G 9 P 12 Malayalim. Xew Testament. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 183-1: G 9 T 28 Malliseet. Gospel, according to St. John. 18mo. Lond., 1870. G 9 P 6 Maltese. Gospelof St. Matthew. L'EvaiigeliuImkaddes taSidnaGesu Cristu niin San Matteu. 18mo. Loud., 1870. G 9 P 7 Makdcuou. Testament. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 7 V 22, 23 Man.v. Bible. Yn Vible Casherick ny yn Cheen Chonaant as yn conaant noa. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1819. GUKH Maori. Bible. Ko te Paipera Tapu ara ko te Kawenata Tawhito me te Kawenata liou. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Banana, 1868. G 14 T 16 New Testament, Part of. Ko te Talii Wahi o te Kawenata hou o Ihu Karaiti te Ariki, to tatou kai Wakaora. Sm. 4to. Hirini, 1833. G 16 R 24 New Testament. Ko te Kawenata hou o to Tatou Ariki o te kai Whakaora o Tim K.uaiti. 18mo. Banana, 1862. G 9 P 47 Prayer-book. Ko te Pukapuka Inoinga, me nga Karakia HakaraniPta, me era Bitenga hoki o te Hahi o Ingarani. Sm. 4 to. Hirini, 1833. G 16 B 24 Psalms. Ko te Pukapuka o nga "Waiata. 18mo. Banana, 1862. G 9 P 47 Maratiii. Bible. 8vo. Bombay, 1857. G 15 S 16 Mar£. New Te.stament. Ekoiiejeu Kabesi ni dnkuj Jesu Keriso. 8vo. Lend., 1870. G 14 P 21 Genesis. Genese tusi Ima d.uio ni 8vo. Nongone, 1868. G 10 Q 35 Mayan. GoHpel of St. John. Li'ti u Ebaidielio Hcsu Cri/.to hebix Huan. 18mo. Ijond., 1869. G 9 P 8 MiCMAr. Gospel according to St. Mattiicw. 12ni.). C'liarlott(v t, L.WII Intcrp., C'li.ildaica', Syriacte, Arabica>, ./Ethiopica', Peisica', V^ulg. Lat. ; edidit Brianus Waltonus. 6 vols. Roy. fol. L(md., 1657. G 35 Q 1-6 | Biblia Sacra Polyglotta: Textus Archetypos Versionesque Prrecipuas al) Ecclcsia Antiipiitus receptas; necnon Ver- siones recentioros, Anglicanani, Germanicam, Italicam, Gallicam, et Hispanicam, complectentia. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1870. G 37 Q 3, 4 { Portuguese. Bible. A Biblia Sagrada, contendo o Velho e o Novo Tes- tamento. 8vo. Lond., 1855. G 14 Q 2 Pushtoo, or Afcjiian. New Testament. 8vo. Hertford (n.d.) G 2 R 21 Raratonoan. Bible. Te Biljilia Tajm Ba, koia te Korcroniotu Taito e to Koreromotu ou. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1851. G 15 T 7 Russian. New Testament. 8vo. Lond., 1862. G 10 t^ 7 Octatcuch. iHiii,,. Lond., 1861. O 9 P 15 Psalms. 8vo. Lniid,, 1862. G 10 Q 7 Samoan. Bible. O le Tusi Paia, o le Feagaiga Tuai ma lo Feagaiga fuu lea, UR I''aasaniiiaina. 8vo. liond., 1862. (} 14 R 16 Samogitian. New Testament. Naujas Istatimas Jezaus ChristauH. Sm. 4to Wihiiuj.-, 1816. G 2 P 27 FilEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 77 Bib] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Bib BIBLES^, itc. — continued. Sanscrit. Bible. 8vo. Calcutta, 18.5-2. G 9 T 20 New Te.stanient. 8vo. Calcutta, 1851. O 9 T 21 S.\NT.iLI. Gospel of St. Matthew. Matti c olakak Raska rea Sombat. 8vo. Calcutta, 18G8. G 14 Q 8 Sechuana. Old Testament. Bibela ea Boitsipho. 8vo. Kurunian, 1857. G 14 Q 4 Servian. Bible. Roy. 8vo. Belgrade, 1868. G 11 T 28 New Testament. 8vo. Berlin, 1857. G 15 S 10 Sesuto. New Testament. Testamente e ncha Yesu Kreste. 8vo. Paris, 1868. G 13 P 7 Psalms. Buka ea Lipesaleme. 8vo. Platberg, 1855. G 2 R 22 Sgau-Karen. Old Testament. Imp. 8vo. Tavoy, 1853. G 5 U 26 SiNDHI. Gospel of St. John. Ob. 18mo. (n.p.n.d.) G 9 P 13 Gospels and Acts. Sq. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 9 T 15 Singhalese. New Testament. 8vo. Ceylon, 1846. G 14 R 7 SiRENIAN. Gospel of St. Matthew. 12mo. St. Petersburg, 1823. G 2 T 22 Slavonic. New Testament. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 15 S 9 Slavonic and Modern Russian. New Testament. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 15 S 8 Spanish. Bible. La Biblia 6 el Antiguo y Nuevo Testaraento. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1858. G 14 R 4 Spanish Basque. Gospel of St. Luke. Jesu Cristorem evanjelioa Lueasen Araura. 18mo. Lond., 1870. G 9 P 9 Swedish. Bible. Bibelen: Gamla ocli Nya Testamentets. 2 vols. (in 1) 8vo. Stockholm, 1862. G 14 R 13 Syriac. New Testament. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) G 5 S 28 Old Testament. Vetus Testamentum Syriace; recognovit et edidit S. Lee, A.M. 4to. Lond., 1823. G 5 U 11 Syro-Chaldaic. Gospels. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) G 5 S 29 T.\.hitian. Old Testament, Parts of. Te Mau Buka a te Tahi pae Peropheta Ra. 12mo. Tahiti, 1833. O 10 R 6 New Testament. Te Faufaa Api, a to Tatou fatu e te ora, a lesu Mesia Ra. 12mo. Lond., 1853. G 16 R 5 BIBLES, ikc. — continued. Tamil. Old Testament. Roy. 8vo. Madras, 1860. G 5 S 2.5 New Testament. Roy. 8vo. Madras, 1860. G 5 S 25 Tartar. New Testament. Sanctum Evangelium scilicet novum Testamentum Jesu Christi. 8vo. Astraehani, 1818. G 14 S 14 Another copy. 8vo. Karass (n.d.) G 14 S 15 Telugu. Holy Bible. Roy. 8vo. Madra.s, 1857-60. G 5 S 43 Temne. New Testament. St. Mark-Revelations. 9 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Lond., 1867-68. G 9 Q 2 TiGRE. The Four Gospels of Jesus Christ. 18mo. Basle, 1866. G9 P 16 TiNNi. Gospel according to St. John. 18mo. Lond., 1870. G9P10 TONGAN. New Testament. Koe tolii oe Fuakava foou a ho tau eiki moe fakamoui ko Jisu Kalaisi. 8vo. Lond., 1860. G 14 R 14 Old Testament. Ko Tohi tabu Katoa : aia oku i ai ae Tohi tabu Motua. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1860. GURU Turkish. Bible. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) G 5 TT 13 New Testament. 12mo. Astrachan, 1825. G16R11 Another copy. 8vo. Paris, 1819.* G 9 T 2 Another copy. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G U P 22 Old Testament, in Greek Characters. 2 vols, rov- 8vo. Athens, 1838. G 15T 2, 3 Psalter. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 3 P 2 Turkish-Armenian. New Testament. 12mo. (n.p.) 1856. G 16 S 20 Turkish and English. Gospel of St. Matthew. 18mo. (n.p.n.d.) G 9 P 26 Turkish and French. Gospel of St. Matthew. 18mo. (n.p.n.d) G 9 P 27 Turkish and Italian. Gospel of St. Matthew. 18mo. (n.p.n.d.) G 9 P 28 Turko-Tartar. New Testament. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) Pentateuch. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) G 5 U 10 G7 V25 Welsh. Bible. Y BIbl-Cyssegr-Lan sef yr hen Destament a'r Newydd. 2 vols.' (in 1) Llund.,' 1871. G U R 15 Wendisii. New Testament. Ten Rowi Testament. ^\o. Choscho- busu, 1822. G 2 T 16 78 CATALOGUE OF THE Bib] Part I: — Authors, Uditors, or Beference. [Bic BIBLES, ic. — contimted. Wexdish-Hukgariax. New Testament. Novi zakon ali Testamentom. 12mo. Koszegi, 1848. G 9 P 20 Psalms. Knige Zoltarszke. li'mo. Koszegi, 1848. G 9 P20 Wexdish — Upper. New Testament. Rowy Testament aby .sakou naseheho knesa Jesom Krysta. 8vo. Budeschini, 1835. G 2 R 5 Y0RUB.\. Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians, ic. 12mo. Loncl, 1861. G 9 Q 24 Epi.stles of St. Paul to the Phillippians, Ac. 1 2mo. Lond., 1862. G 9 Q 23 Gospel of St. John. 12mo. Lond., 1861. G 9 Q 22 BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY (Society of). [See Records OF THE Past.] BIBLICAL STUDENT, A. [See Dlmas, Alkxaxdeu.] BIBLIOGRAPHER (The) : a Journal of Book-Lore. Vols. 1-6 sm. 4to. Lond., 1882-84. E BIBLIOGRAPHIA POETICA. [See Ritsox, Joseph.] BIBLIOPHILE FRAXCAI8 (Le). Gazette Illustrec des Amateurs de Livres, d'Estanipes et de haute curiositj. 7 vols. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1868-73. K 17 R 7-13 BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO POETICA. [See Griffiths, A. F.] BIBLIOTHECA ARCANA sou Catalogus Librorum Pene- tralium ; being brief Notices of Books tiiat liavc been secretly printed, prohiljited liy law, seized, an,itheinati.sed, burnt, or Bowdlerised ; by Speculator Moruiii. Vol. 1. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1885. E BIBLIOTHECA CURIOSA. Vols. 1-2G. 12mo. Edinb., 1883-85. E BIBLIOTHECA Ili:Bi:iaAXA. Catalogue of the Library of the late Richard Hebcr. 8vo. Lond., 1834. K 8 P 15 BIBLIOTHECA HISTORICA ITALICA, cura ct studio Societnti.s I»ngf) Historiae Ktudiis promovondis. Vols. 1-4 roy. 4to. .Mediolani, 1870-85. B 19 S 1-4 [ BIBLIOTHECA LINDi:.SIANA. Collations and Notes ; ))y Ludovic, Earl of Crawford and l!alcnrrps,LL.l).,F.K.S., F.1{.A.S. 3 vols. roy. 4t... L'.nd., 1883-84. E i!ii:l,loTIII-:CA SUNOEIILANIJIANA. Sale Catalogue of the truly important and very extensive Library of Printed Book.t known as the Sunderland or Blenheim Library. Roy. Kvo. Lond., l.'<8l. K ^» Q 1 BIBLOTHECAE BUNAVIANAE. [5«Cataloou8.] BinLrOTHKQI'K DES MK.MOIRES, rchitifsi^ I'llistoire de France. [See Bai(ki*;iik, J. F.] BIBLIOTHEQUE DU ROY. Catalogue des Livres imprimez de la Bibliothoque du Roy. 10 vols. fol. Paris, 1739-53. K 27 Q 1-10 9 BIBLIOTHEQUE ORIENTALE ; par B. d'Herbelot. La Haye, 1777-79. C 11 V 9-12 BIBLIOTHEQUES COMMUNALES du Haut-Rhin, Societie des. [See Societe des Bibhotheques Com- MUN'ALES.] BIBRA (F. L. vox). Schilderung der Insel Van Diomens- land, eiaer hochst luerkwiirdigeii brittischen Colonie in der Siidsee. 8vo. Hamburg, 1823. MD 3 T 1 BICHENO (J.) Signs of the Times ; or, the Overthrow of the Papal Tyranny in France. 3rd ed. Loiul., 1794. G 17 Q 20 BICKERDYKE (Johx) Curiosities of Ale and Beer- An Entertaining History. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.. 1887. B 15 S 7 BTCKERSTAFF (Isaac). The Hvpocrite : a Comedy. [See Cibbcr, C] Lionel and Clarissa : a Comic Opera (New Eng. Theatre). 12mo. Lond., 1786. H 4 P 29 Another copy (Brit. Theatre). 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 17 Another copy (Bell's Brit. Theatre). 12iiio. Lond., 1808- H 2 P41 Love in a Village : a Comic Opera (New Eng. Theatre). 12mo. Lond., 1782. ' 11 4 P 29 Another copy (Bell's Brit. Theatre). 12mo. Lond., 1791. H 2 P 17 Another copy (Brit. Theatre). 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 17 Another copy. [See Brit. Drama, 5.] The Maid of the Mill : a Comic Opera (New Eng. Theatre). 12mo. Lond., 1782. ' H 4 P 29 Another copy (Hell's Brit. Theatre). 18mo. liond., 1791. 11 2 P 41 Another coi)y (lirit. Theatre). ]2mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 17 Another copy. [See Brit. Drama, 5.] The Padlock : a Comic Opei'a (New Eng. Tlieatre). 12nio. Lond. (n.d.) II 4 P 29 An(jther copy. [See Brit. Dramn, .'').] Another eo])y. [See Farces, 4.] Tlie I'liiiii Dealer : a Comedy. [See WvOHEULEY, AV.] 'J'he Sultan ; or, a Peeji into the Seraglio : a Comedy. [Sec Brit. Drama, 5. ] Another copy. [See Farces, 3.] The Spoiled Child : a Farce (Cumberland's I'^ng. Theatre). 12mo. Lonrl,, 1829. II 2 tj 16 I!1CK KRSTAFF (Isaac) and FOOTE ,Samuel). Dr. Last in his Chaiiot. [See Brit, Drama, 0.] TREE PUJ^LIC LIBEARY, SYDNEY. 79 Bic] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Bin BICKHAM (George). The British Monarchy ; or, a new Choror,'raphical Description of all tlie Dominions subject to tlio King of Great Britain. Fol. Lontl, 17-48. D;3GQG{ BICKNELL (A. J.) Bicknell's Village Builder: Eleva- tions and Plans for Cottages, Villas, Suburl)an Kesi- dences, etc. Revised ed. Jni. 4to. New York, 1872. A 5 S 7 + Street, Store, and Bank Fronts ; containing twenty-two Plates (67 to 89). Wooden and Brick Buildings ; with Details. Roy. 4to. New York, 1884. A 2 U 4G ISee CoMSTOCK, W. T.] BICKNELL (C.) Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Riviera and Neighbouring Mountains. 8vo. Lond., 1883. ' A T) Q 8 BIDDULPH (Francis John). Letter addressed to the Rt. Hon. Lord Stanley, on the Pasturage of the Waste Lands of the Crown in the Australian Colonies ; with reference to a recent Regulation of Governor Hutt in Western Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1842. MJ 2 Q 2 BIDDULPH (Major J.), B.S.C. Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh. Roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1880. A 2 P 9 BIDPAI. [See Pilpay.] BIDWELL (CiiAS. Toll), F.R.G.S. Balearic Island.s. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 7 Q 12 Cost of Living Abroad ; compiled from olllcial Returns laid before Parliament. 8vo. Lond., 1876. F 5 Q 17 BIDWILL (John Carne). Rambles in New Zealand. 8vo. Loud., 1841.* MD 4 U 1 DIELENSTEIN (A.) Handbuch der Lettischen Sprache. Band 1. Lettische Gramniatik (all puhlished). 8vo, Mitau, 186.3. K 13 Q 2-5 BIGELOW (Melville Madison). History of Procedure in England from the Norman Conquest. The Norman Period (1066-1204). 8vo. Lond., 1880. B 7 Q 24 BIGGE (John Thomas). Report of the Commi.ssioner of Inquiry into the State of the Colony of New South Wales. Fol. Lond., 1822. MF 2 U 3 Answer to the Report on tlie State of the Colony. [See Macquarie, Maj.-Gen.] Report of the Commissioner of Inquiry, on the Judicial Establishments of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. Fol. Lond., 1823.* MF 2 U 3 Report of the Commissioner of Inquiry, on the State of Agriculture and Trade in the Colony of New South Wales. Fol. Lond., 1823.* MF 2 U 3 Return to an Address of the Honourable the House of Commons to His Majesty, for a copy of the Instructions given by Earl Bathurst to Mr. Bigge, on his proceeding to New South Wales. (Pari. Doe. 4.) Fol. Lond., 1823. MF 4 + BIGMORE (E. C), and Wyman (Charles W. H.) Bib- liography of Printing; with N(jtes and Illustrations. 3 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1880-86. K 8 P 31-33 BIGOT (Charles). Rapliael and the Villa Farnesina ; translated from the French, by Mary Healy (Madamo Charles Bigot). Roy. 4to. Lond., 1884. A 2 Q 21 t BIGOT (Mme. Charles), Mary Healy. R.ipliael and the Villa Farnesina. [See Bigot, C] BIGSBY (John J.), M.D. Shoe and Canoe ; or, Pictures of Travel in the Canadas. 2 vols 8vo. Lond., 1850. D 4 P 32, 33 BIGSBY (Robert), LL.D. Visions of the Times of Old ; or, the Antiquarian Enthusiast. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848. B 3.0 T 4-6 Old Places revisited. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1851. B 35 T 7-9 BILLINGS (John S.), M.D., k<: Principles of Ventila, tion and Heating, and their Practical Application. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 2 S 33 BILLINGS (Robert William). Architectural Illustra- tions : History and I)escription of Carlisle Cathedral. 4to. Lond., 1840. A 2 T 9 The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. Illustrated by Robert William Billings, Architect. 4 vols. 4to. Edinb., 1848-52. B 14 Q 8-11 J Anothercopy. 4 vols. 4to. Edinb., 1848-52. B14Q12-18+ Illustrations of the Architectural Antiquities of the County of Durham ; Ecclesiastical, Ca.stellated, and Dome.stic. Imp. 4to. Durham, 1846. B 17 S 9 * Illustrations of Durham Cathedral. 4to. Lond., 1841. A 2 T 13 BILNEY (TuoiiAs). Brief Account of. [See British Reformers, 12.] BINDLEY (Charles), "Harry Hieovek." Stable Talk and Table Talk. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1845. J 7 T 1 1, 12 BINDER (Prof.) [See Brutzkr, Prof.] BINDON (Samuel H.) Some Notices of Manuscripts relating to Ireland, in various Languages, now to be found in the Burgundian Library at Brussels ; with Fac-simile Illustrations, etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1847. B29S11 BINDON V. BERRY. [See Graham and Bindon.] BINGHAM (Hon. A. Y.) [See Brassey, Lady A.] BINGHAM (Hon. D. A.) Marriages of the Bonapartes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. B 8 P 8, 9 Selection from the Letters, kc, of the First Napoleon. [See Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor.] BINGHAM (Hiram), A.M. Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands ; or, the Civil, Religious, and Political History of those Islands. 8vo. Hartford, 1849. MD 7 R 27 Another copy. 3rd ed. revised. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1855. ■ MD 7 R 28 80 CATALOGUE OF THE Bin] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bir BINGHAM (Rev. Joseph), M.A. Origines Ecclesiasticje ; or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church ; and other Works. 9 vols. 8vo. Ln(l ed. Hvo. Ijond., 1877. A 1 1 T 20 l;l<)(;l!AI'HIA I'.RTTANNTCA ; or, llic Lives .,f the most Eiiiiiiciit I'er.sons who have tloiuishid in (Jreat JSritain and Ireland, from the Earbest Ages down to the Present Tiuies. 6 vols, (in 7) fol. Lond., 174 7 06. C 22 P 10 16 } Aiiotlier copy. 2nd ed., reviseTrTTO\ARY of the So.iely for the itifruHion of rsi'fiil Knowledge. ; erus). [See Cesnola, Major A. P. di.] [See AituNDAi.E, V.; Rritisii Museum; and Records oe the Pant.] BIRCH (Samuel). Thr .\,|.,|>tcd Cbild: ,i Musical Drama. [nglaiul of the ('ajiueliiri l'"riars, by Father Cvi>rien de (!amaehe; edited bv I'l-of. H. V. ^^■i^liam.s. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., IH4H. C 10 S 39, 40 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 81 Bir] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bir BIRCH (Rev. Thomas), 'D.D.—conlinnrd. Court and Times of James i; edited by Prof. R. F. William.s. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848. C 10 S 37, 38 Life of Henry, Prince of Wales, eldest Son of Kihj,' James i. 8vo. Lond., 1760. C 6 P 18 Life of the Hon. Robert Boyle. 8vo. Lond., 1744. C5 U 6 Life of the Rev. William Chillingworth, M.A. {_See CnlLLINGWORTII, ReV. W.] [^See TiiuKLOE, J.] BIRCH (Walter de Gray), F.S.A. Biographical Notices of Dr. Samuel Birch. \_See Birch, Du. S.] Cartularium Saxonicum: a Collection of Cliarters rolatin. ] BISMARCK-SCHONHAUSEN (O. E. L.) Prince von. Conversations on Colonial Matters. \_See Australasia.] Life of; Private and Political ; with Descriptive Notices of his Ancestry; by John Geo. Louis Hesekiel ; trans- lated and edited by Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie, F.S.A., Ac. 8vo. Lond., 1870. C 10 H 21 Prince Bismarck : an Historical Biography ; by Charles Lowe, M.A. ; with Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 10 R 19, 20 Speeches in the Upper House and the Cliamber of Depu- ties of tlie Parliament, on January 29 and February 13, 1869. Svo. Berlin, 1869. F 10 Q 19 In the Franco-German War. {_See Buscii, Dr. i\I.] BISSET (Andrew). History of the Commonwealth of England, from tlie Death of Charles I to tlio E.xpuision of the lying Parliament liy Cromwell. 2 vols. 8vo. Ixmd., 1H64 67. H 6 T 3, 4 Hi.story of the Struggle for Parliamentary (Jovernment in Enghuid. 2 voLs. 8vo. Lond., 1877. H 7 Q31, 32 MemoirHand Papersof Sir Andrew Jlitchell, K.B. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1850. C G U 10, 11 Short History of the English I'urli.uni'nt. 8vo. L'uid., 1882. I! .i K If, BISSET (RonEHT),LI>. I). HlHtoryof the Reign ofGoorge iii. 2nded. 6 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1820. l?6Pir)20 BTSSON (Capt. I'redkrick Siiiulkv DuMARicsy dk Catkrkt ). Our SchoolH and Colh'gCH. Vol. 1 foi- l!oy.s. Vol. 2 for Girls. 8tli ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Ix)nd., 1SH3 84. G l8Ci 3, 4 BITHELL (Richard), B. Sc, Ac. Counting-house Dic- tionary ; containing an E.xplanation of the Technical Terms used by Merchants and Bankers in the ^loney Market and on the Stock Exchange. 8vo. Lond., 1882. F14Q24 Another copy. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1883. K9T22 BIUNDI (Giuseppe). Dizionario Siciliano-Italiano. 12ino. Palermo, 1857. F 14 Q 25 BJORNSTJERNA (Count). British Empire in the East ; translated from the Swedish Language, by H. E. Lloyd. 8vo. Lond., 1840. B 10 T"18 BLAAUW (William Henry), M.A. The Barons' War, including the Battles of Lewes and Evesham. Sin. 4to. Lond., 1844. B 4 Q 22 BLACK (Adam). Memoirs of ; edited by Alexander Nicolson, LL.D. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. C 4 Q 3 BLACK (Adam and Charles). Atlas of Australia, with all the Gold Regions : a Series of j\Iaps from the latest and best Authorities. 4to. Edinb., 1854. MD 5 R 1 J BLACK (Charles Christopher), M.A. Michael Angclo Buonarroti, Sculptor, Painter, Architect ; the St(n'y of his Life and Labours. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1875. C 7 V 50 BLACK (Uavid). \\'audcrings and Fortunes of some German Emigrants. [Se« Gerstaecker, F.] BLACK (J.) Gas-fitting: a Practical Hand-book treating of every description of Gas-laying and Fitting. (Weale.) 12ino. Lond., 1886. " ' A 17 1! 2 BLACK (Piioi-. Jamks Gow.) [See Hutton, F. W., ((ik^ Ulhich, G. 11. '!'.] BLACK (John). A few Words on Interesting Matters relating to the Colony. 8vo. Sydney, 1843.* MJ 2 Q 4 BLACK (John). [_S(e Goldoni, C] BLACK (John). Travels through Norway ami Sweden. iSee Bucii, L. von.] BLACK (John R.) Young Japan. Yokohama and Yedo : a Narrativ(! of the Settlcunent and the (^ity, 1858-79. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880-81. 1) 6 S 32, 33 BLACK (.MiiHuicK A.), I'M. A. Progrossivo Policy of the Australian .Mutual Provident Society reviewed ; fogelher witii a compar.-itive abstriut of tlie ex]iiMiS(-s of Knglish, .\merican, and .Vustrulian Lif(^ Assuranci^ Institutions. 8vo. Sydiu^, 1878. MF 2 S 3 Another copy. MF 3 tj 1 BLACK (Neil), M.L.C. Portrait of. {See Manuscripts AND Pohtuaith.] liLAt'K (William). Goldsmith. (Eng. Men of Letters.) 12nio. Lond., lf<79. C 1 U 17 PllEB PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 8S Bla] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bla BLACK (William). Practical Treatiso on Brewing, based on Chemical and Economical Principles. 8vo. Lond., 1849. A 11 Q 2-2 BLACK BOOK (The). An exposition of Abuses in Church and State, ic 8vo. Lond., 18.35. F 3 S 19 liLACKBURN (Charles F.) Hints on Catal()f,'ue Titles, and on Index Entries ; with a rough Vocabulary of Terms and Abbreviations, chiefly from Catalogues, and .some Passages from Journeying among Books. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1884. J 2 U 19 r,LA(]KBURN (Henry). Academy Notes, 1882-85. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882-85. E Academy Sketches, including Various Exhibitions. Second year, 1884. 8vo. Lond., 1884-80. E Breton Folk : an Artistic Tour in Brittany ; with Illus- trations by K. Caldecott. 4to. Lond., 1880. D7V7 English Art in 1884. Roy. 4to. New York, 1885. A 7 S 5t Grosvernor Notes, 1885-86 : a Complete Catalogue. 8vo. Lond., 1885-86. E Harz Mountains. A Tour in the Toy Country. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1873. D 6 T 19 Randolph Caldecott : a Personal Memoir of his Early Art Career. Svo. Lond., 1886. C 10 S 12 Travelling in Spain. Svo. Lond., 1866. 9 D Q 22 BLACKBURNE (Edward). Life of the Rt. Hon. Francis Blackburne ; by his Son. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C8T5 BLACKBURNE (Archdeacon Francis). The Confes- sional ; or, a full and free Inquiry into the Right, Utility, Edification, and Success, of establishing Systemat- ical Confessions of Faith and Doctrine in Protestant Churches. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1767. G 2 R 9 BLACKBURNE (Rt. Hon. Fr.\ncis). Life of; by his Son, E. Blackburne. Svo. Lond., 1874. C 8 T 5 BLACKBURNE (Gertrude M. Ireland). Hon. Algernon Sidney: a Review. Svo. Lond., 1885. C 4 Q 45 BLACKET (W. S.) Researches into the Lost Histories of America ; or. the Zodiac shown to be an Old Terres- trial Map in which the Atlantic Isle is delineated. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1883. B 1 T 33 BLACK ETT (C. R.) The Food we Eat and how to Cook it. \_See Australian Health Society.] BLACKHAM (R. D.) [See Deacon, C. W.] BLACKIE (Prof. John Stuart), F.R.S.E. Altavona. Fact and Fiction from my Life in the Highlands. 1 2mo. Edinb., 1882. J 11 R 12 Horse Hellenicre : Essays and Discussions on some impor- tant points of Greek Philology and Antiquity. Svo. Lond., 1874. J 3 S 6 ■Scottish Highlanders and the Land Laws : an Historico- Economical Enquiry. Svo. Lond., 1885. F 10 R 9 BLACKIE (Prof. John Stuart), V.TI.^^.Vj.— continued. Self Culture : Intellectual, Physical, and Moral. 1 2mo- Edinb., 1S78. (! 13 Q 19 What does History teach? Two Edinburgh Lectures. 12mo. Lond., 1886. B 14 Q 18 [^See ^schylcs.] BLACKIE (W. G.), Ph. D., F.R.G.S. Imperial (Gazetteer : a general Dictionary of Geograpliy. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Gla.sgow, 1852-55. D 12 V 18, 19 BLACKLEY (Rev. W.) Diplomatic Correspondence! of the Rt. Hon. Richard Hill. [See Hill, Rt. Hon, R.] BLACKLOCK (Ambrose). Teatise on Sheep. Fifth thous- and ; with an additional chapter on the Management of Sheep in Australia. 18mo. Lond., 1841. MA IP 20 Another copy. Eleventh thousand. ISmo. Lond., 1848. MA 1 P 21 BLACKLOCK (Thomas). Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] BLACKMORE (Sir Richard), Knt., M.D. King Arthur : an Heroick Poem, in Twelve Books. Sm. fol. Lond., 1697. II 7 R 5 t Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A., and John.son, S.] BLACKSTONE (Sir William). Commentaries on the Laws of England ; with Notes by J. T. Coleridge. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1825. F 10 Q 4-7 Student's Blackstone : Commentaries on the Laws of Eng- land : aljridged and adapted by R. M. Kerr, LL.D., A'c. 8vo. Lond., 1874. F6Q11 BLACKWELL (Anna). [See Kardec, A] BLACKWOOD (Capt. F. P.), R.N. Directions for the Outer Passage from Sydney to Torres Strait, to a,ccom- pany the Chart of the Barrier Reefs. (Pam. 24.) Svo. Lond., 1847. MJ 2 Q 12 Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H.M.S. Fly. [See .Jukes, J. B.] BLACKWOOD (Rt. Hon. F. T. H.), Earl of Dufferin. [See Dufferin, Earl of.] BLACKWOOD'S BOOKS FOR EVERYBODY. Con- taining— 1. Tempest and Sunshine, by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes. 2. Who's your Friend, by A. W. Cole. 3. Ex- pedition of Five Americans. 12mo. Lond., 1855. J4R5 BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-137. Svo. Edinb., 1S17-85. E BLADES (William). Account of the German Morality Play, entitled "Depositio Cornuti Typographici" ; with a Rhythmical Translation of the German Version of 1648. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1885. H 1 S 1 Biography and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer. Svo. Lond., 1877. C 10 S 30 Enemies of Books. Svo. Lond., 1880. J 7 Q 45 Numismata Typographica ; or, the Medallic History of Printing. 4to. Lond., 1883. AlR12t Si CATALOGUE OF THE Bla] Past I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bla BLAEU (Jean). Le Grand Atlas ; ou, Cosmographie Bla\-iane, en laquelle est exactement descritte la Terre, la Mer, et le Ciel. 12 vols. at. fol. Amsterdam, 1663-67. D 21 P4-15 + BLAIKIE (WiLLi.iM G.iRDEx), D.D., .nd., 1HI3. H 22 S 24 { Life and IVius of. [_See Cualmehs, A.J BLAIR (W. N.), M.I.C.E. Building Materials of Otago and South New Zealand generally : Papers originally read at the Otago Institute, revised and extended. 8vo. Dunedin, 1879. MA 1 T 5 BLAKE (E. Vale). Arctic Experiences; containing Capt. Geo. E. Tyson's Wonderful Drift on the Ice-Floe ; a His- tory of the Pt]laris Expedition ; the Cruise of the Tiijress; and Rescue of the Polaris Survivors, to which is added a General Arctic Chronology; edited by E. V. Blake. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1874. D 4 S 34 BLAKE (Henry). \_See Letters "from the Irish Huai- LAKDS.] BLAKE (Mrs. Hen'ry.) [_See Letteus from the litisii HlOIILANDS. BLAKE (John F.), M.A., kc. Astronomical Myths, based on Flammarion's "History of the Heavens." 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 3 S 15 Monograph of the British Fossil Cephalopoda. Part 1. In. troduction and Silurian Species. 4to. Lond., 1882- A 1 Q 17 t BLAKE (Admiral Robert). Life of. (Eminent Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1849. C 7 P 45 [Life of] ; by D. Hannav. (Eng. Worthies.) 12mo, Lond., 1886. ' "^ C 2 R 3 BLAKE (S. Jex.) [See Jex-Blake, S.] BLAKE (William). Etchings from his Works ; by William Bell Scott. With descriptive Text. Fol. Lond., 1878. A4R17I Life of; with Selections from his Poems and other Writings, by Alexander Gilchrist. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 10 P 7-8 Poetical Works of, Lyrical and Miscellaneous; edited, with a Prefatory Memoir, by William Michael Rossetti. 12mo. Lond., 1875. H r> S 6 William Blake: a Critical Essav, by Algernon Charles Swinbunic. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond.,"l868. C 10 P 9 BLAKE (William P.) Notices of Mining IMachincry, and various Mechanical Ajtjjliances in, chiefly in the Pacific States and Territories, for ISIining, Raising, and Working Ores. 8vo. New Haven, 1871. A 9 U 32 Report on Iron and Steel (Vienna International Exhibition, 1873.) 8v,.. W.wli., 1876. A9U16 BLAKELEE(GEORfiEE.) Blakeleo's Industrial Cyclopedia: how to Make and how to Mend. 8vo. Now York, 1884. K 1 R 26 BLAKESLEY (Very Rev. J. W), M.A., Dean of Lincoln. Life of Aristotle, including a critical Discii.ssion of .soiMi^ t^lucHtions of I;it((rary History connected with his Works. 8vo. Camb., ls;i'.). C 10 R 5 BL.\KI';\VAY (Rev. John ItuicKUALE), M.A. History of Shruw.sbury. [See Owen, H. | FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 86 Bla] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or JReference. [Bla BLAKEY (Dr. Robert). Memoirs of; edited by the Rev. Henry Miller. 8vo. Lond., 187'J. C 5 S 3 BLAKISTON (Capt. J.) Twelve Years' Jlilitary Adven- ture in Three Quarters of the Globe. 2 vols. iSvo. Loud., 1S29. DOS 24, 25 BLAKISTON (Thomas W.) Five Mouths on the Yang- tsze ; with a Narrative of the Exploration of its Upper Waters, and Notices of the Present Rebellions in China. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1862. U 5 T 8 BLANC (Charles). Art in Ornament and Dress; trans- lated from the French, with Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A7R11 L'Art dans la Parure et dans le Vfetement. Sq. 8vo. Paris, 1875. A 7 S 27 BLANC (Jean Joseph Louis). The History of Ten Years, 1830-40. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844-45. B 8 R 10, 11 BLANC (L. G.) Vocabolario Dantescoo Dizionario Critieo o Ragionato della Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri. ■y ed. 8vo. Firenze, 1883. K 12 P 42 BLANCHARD (Laman). Life and Literary Remains of "L.E.L." [Letitia Elizaljeth Landon.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841. C 4 S 15, 16 George Cruikshank's Omnibus. [&« Cruikshank, G.] Poetical Works of ; with a Memoir ; by Blanchard Jerrold. 8vo. Lond., 187G. H 5 T 21 Sketches from Life ; with a Memoir of the Author, by Sir Edward Bulwer Ly tton, Bart. 3 vols. 1 2mo. Lond., 1846. C 4 Q 35-37 BLANCHARD (Sidney Laman). Yesterday and To-day in India. 8vo. Lond.. 1867. D 6 P 37 BLANCHE (Henry B.) Prize Essay on "Truth," for which the Gold Medal was awarded, at the late Intercolonial Exhibition, 1879-80. 12mo. Melb., 1880. MG 1 Q 39 BLANCHE (John F.) The Prince's Visit; and other Poems. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MH 1 Q 1 BLAND (Rev. Robert). Edwy and Elgiva, and Sir Everard; with other Tales and Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1809. H 5 T 19 Four Slaves of Cythera : a Romance, in ten Cantos. 8vo. Lond., 1809. H 6 S 8 BLAND (William). Experimental Essays on the Prin- ciples of Construction in Arches, Piers, Buttresses, ifec. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1867. A 17 P 38 Forms of Ships and Boats. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 P 18 BLAND (William), M.R.C.S. Correspondence between Dr. F. M'Crae and Mr. Surgeon Bland. [_See Maccrae, Dr. F.] Journey of Discovery to Poi't Phillip. [_See HoVELL, W. H., AND Hume, H.] BLAND (William), UM.C.H.—continwd. Letter from the Australian Patriotic Association to C BuUci-, jun., Esq., M.P., in reply to his Communication of 31st May, 1840. 8vo. Sydney, 1840. MF 3 P 1 Letter to His Excellency Sir Charles Augustus Fitzroy. 8vo. Sydney, 1849. MF 3 Q 5 Letters to Charles Buller, jun., Esq., M.P., from the Australian Patriotic Association. 8vo. Sydney, 1849.* MF 3 Q 5 Another copy. MJ 2 Q 14- Paper on the present Epidemic Scarlatina, read to some Professional Friends. 12mo. Sydney, 1841. MJ 2 R 17 Political Papers. 8vo. Sydney, 1838-42. MF 3 Q 18 Examination of Mr. .James Macarthur'a Work, "New South Wales; its Present .State and Future Prosijects." Expenditure of the Land Fund of New South Wales in tlieOolony, and principally on I'ldjlic Works, as a means of Promoting anialocts of I>)urenzo Mari|iicM, lidiambanc, Sofala, Telle, Senn, tjuel- limano, Mo.ollendt"n, Archdeacon of Murrey, and now into Enijlish by Rajihall llcjlUndsliead; and continued from ITiTl to 1585, hy others. Fol. Lond., 1585-87. B 16 8 7 t History and Chronicles of Scotland; written in Latin, and translated by John Bellenden, Archdean of Moray, and Canon of Ross. 2 vols. 4to. Edinb., 1821. B 1,3 S 1, 2 BOETIUS (Hector). [_See Boetiiius, II.] BOGLE (George). Narrative of the Mission of George Bogle to Tibet. [5e« Markiiam, C. R.] BOGUE (Adam). Steam to Australia, its General Advan- tages considered ; the different proposed Routes for con- necting London and Sydney compared. (Pam. 19.) 8vo. Sydney, 1848. MJ 2 Q 8 Another copy. (Pam. 21.) MJ 2 Q 10 BOGITE (David). British Painters of the 18th and 19th Centuries. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 8 U 12 BOHEMIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENT, A. [See Happy Delivery of a Legal Lady.] BOHME (Jacob). His Life and Teaching ; or. Studies in Theosophy; by Dr. Hans Lassen Martensen; translated from the Danish, l)y T. Rhys Evans. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 5 R 7 \_See Walton, C] BOHN (Henry G.) Catalogue of Books. 8vo. LfOT0N'). Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 1665-82. 8vo. Washing- ton, 1885. K 8 P 29 BOLTON (Solomon). Extinct Peerage of England ; con- taining a succinct Account of all tlie Peers whose Titles are expired; witli tiieir Descents, Marriages, and Issues, Offices inGovernmf'iit,and Memorable Actioiis,from the Conquest t<> the year 1769. Svo. Lond., 1769. K 10 S 12 BOLTON PUBLIC LTHRARY. Regulations for the Bolton Public Library ; with Catalogue of the Books. (Pam. 40.) 12mo. Bolton, 1791. MJ 2 R 2 BOMBAY. General Report on the Administration of \\iv Bombay Presidency for the year 1875-76. Roy. Hvn. Jtomljay, 1876. K BO.MBKT (L. A. C.) [See Beylk, Marii; II. | BOMHOFF (D.) Di.-ti.,h.iry of the and Dutch [and Dutch and English ) lyanguage ; to which is addi^d n Catalogue of the most usual l'rii|)CT Names iind a List of the Irregular Verbs. Rcvi.sed. Itli cd. 2 \oIh. I L'mo. Nininiegen, 1851. K II T :!r,_37 B03IPAS (George C.) Life of Frank Buckland ; with Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1885. C 5 R 9 BON GAULTIER. [See Aytoux, W.] BONAPARTE (Cii.\rles Lucies). American Ornith- ology. [See Wilson, A.] Conspectus Generum Avium, et Index. 3 vols, (in 1) roy. Svo. Leyden, 1850-57. A 15 R 4 Index ad Conspectum Generum Avium ; auctore O. Finsch. Roy. Svo. Leyden, 1865. A 15 R 4 BONAPARTE (Louis-Luciex), Prince. Parabola de Seminatore ex Evangelio Matthn?i, in lxxii Eurnpiva.s Linguas, ac Dialectos versa, et Romania Characteribiia Expressa. Svo. Lond., 1857. G 6 R 20 Specimen Lexici Comparativi omnium Linguarum Euro- pjearum. Sm. fol. Florence, 1847. K 3 S 5 f BONAPARTE (Lucien), Prince de Caning. Charle- magne ; ou, rEiiflise d^livrce : Poime epique. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1814. ^ H 5 V 21, 22 Memoirs; written by himself. Svo. Lond., 1830. C8T9 BONAPARTE (Napoleon). [See Napoleon.] BONAPARTE (Rol.\nd), Prince. Les rdcents Voyages des Niierlandais h la Nouvelle-Guinco. 4to. Versailles, 1885. MD 3 V 22 BONAR (Mr.) Thoughts, on board the CriT.tus, of England and Au.stralia. (Pam. 30.) Svo. Geclong, 1S54. MJ2Q23 BONAR (Andrew A.), and MacCHEYNE (R.M.) Narrative of a Mission of Inquiry to the Jews, from the Church of Scotland, in 1S39. 2nd od. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinl)., 1SI2. D 9 T 33, 34 BONAR (Rev. Andrew R.1 Last Days of Eminent Christian.s. 12mo. Lond., 1850. G 9 tj 13 BONAR (Jamus), ^\.\. ^Mallhus and his Work. 8vo. Lond., |HH.->. F 7 S 20 BOND (A. L.) The l\Iiller's Daughter; by Alfred Tcnny.soii. [See Tennyson, A. Baron.] BOND (G.) Brief Account of the Colony of Port .lackson in New South Wales: its Native Inhabilanis, Productions, Ac. 8vo. Southanq)ton, 1803.* MDIWS BOND (R.), AND M.'GBFOOH (W.) Handbook of the Telegni])!!. (Weale.) 1 2mo. L,,rid., I ,'^73. A 1 7 Q 27 BONTI'"A('l''i (Sain-i), Bcinifai', iinii l,ul ; ihre .•mgclsiich- sischen Korrespondentcn. I'Irzbischof \m\h Bebcn, von Heinrich llahn. Mvo. Leipzig, 1853. C 10 P EREE PUBLIC LIBHAUY, SYDNEY. 91 Bon] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bon BONN UNIVERSITY. Index Scholarum quae in Uni- versitate Frid. Guil. Rhenana, 1800, publice privatimque habebuntur ; praeoedit elogium L Cornell On. F. Cn. N. Scipionis. (Pam. O.) 4to. Bonn, 1860. J 6 U 10 Index Scliolarum, in Universitate Frid. (juil. Rlionana, 18.jy ; 2)raecedunt Porcii Licini de vita Terentii versus integritati restituti. (Pam. O.) 4to. Bonn, 1859. J 6 U 10 Inde.x Hcliolaruui iu Universitate Frid. Guil. Rhenana, 18.51)-60; praecedit disputatio de poetaruni testimoniis quae sunt in vita Terentii Suetoniana. (Pam. O.) 4to. Bonn, 1860. J 6 U 10 Index Soholarum in Universitate Frid. Guil. Rhenana, 1860-61 ; praecedunt in leges Viselliam Antoniani Cor- neliani observationes epigraphicae. (Pam. C.).) 4to. Bonn, 1861. J 6 U 10 Indicia quinque ordinum Universitatis Frid. Guil. Rhenanae de Litterarum certaminibus anni. 18.58-.59 facta, novaeque quaestiones anno. 18-59-60 propositae. (Pam. O.) 4to. Bonn, 1860. J 6 U 10 Vorlesungen auf der rheiuischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Uni- versitat zu Bonn, 18-59-61. (Pam. O.) 4to. Bonn, 1859-61. J 6 U 10 BONNARD (Henry E.) Report of the Executive Secre- tary on the Bordeaux International Exhibition of Wines, 1882. Fol. Sydney, 1884.* MA 2 Q 47 t BONNECHOSE (Emile de). Rt^formateurs avant la Re- forme, xV Siecle. Jean Hus et le Concile de Constance. Troisieme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1860. G 13 S 17, 18 BONNER (T. D. ) Life and Adventures of James P. Beck- wourth. Mountaineer, Scout, and Pioneer, and Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lend., 1856. C 3 R 5 BONNET (Jules). Lettres de Jean Calvin. [_See Cal- vin, J.] BONNEY (Charles). Letters to H. F. Gurner. [See Manuscripts and Portraits.] BONNEY (S. B.) Melbourne and Suburbs. Lithographed at the Department of Lands and Survey, Melbourne, by S. B. Bonney, September, 1876. (Map.) Roy. 4to. Melb., 1876. MD 5 S 15 + BONNYCASTLE (Prof. John). Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry ; with their most useful practical Applications. 2nd ed., corrected and improved 8vo- Lond., 1813. A 10 R 17 BONNYCASTLE (Lieut.-Col. Sir Richard Henry), Knt. Canada and the Canadians in 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846. D4P16, 17 TheCanadasinl841. 2 vols. Svo. Lond.,1842. D4P12,13 Newfoundland in 1842: a Sequel to "The Canadas in 1841." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842. D 4 P 14, 15 BONOMI (Joseph), F.R.S.L. Nineveh and its Palaces: the Discoveries of Botta and Layard, applied to tlie eluci- dation of Holy Writ. 2nd ed., revised. Svo. Lond., 1853. B 10 P 27 Egyptian Antiquities. [See Ahundale, F.] BONPLAND (Ai.\i£). Travels to the Equinoxial Regions of the New Continent. [See Humijoldt, A. H. A. von.] BONWICK (James), F.R.G.S. Australian Gold-digger's Monthly Magazine, and Colonial Family Visitor. Con- ducted by Mr. James Btjnwick, F.R.G.S. 12mo. Melb., 1852-53. MJ 2 P 30 Another copy. (Pam. 39.) 12mo. Melb., 1853. MJ 2 R 1 Bible Stories for Young Australians. 12mo. Geelong, 1857. MJ 2 P 34 British Colonies and their Resources : Africa. Svo. Lond., 1886. MD 4 Q 17 British Colonies and their Resources : America. 8vo- 8vo. Lond., 1886. MD 4 Q 17 British Colonies and their Resources : Asia. Svo. Lond., 1886. MD 4 Q 17 British Colonies and their Resources : Australasia. Svo. Lond., 1886. MD 4 Q 17 The Bushrangers ; illustrating the Early Days of Van Diemen's Land. 12mo. Melb., 1856.* MD 4 Q 9. Curious Facts of Old Colonial Days. 12mo. Lond., 1870.* aiB 2 P 7 Daily Life and Origin of the Tasmanians. Svo. Lond., 1870.* MA 1 S 12 Discovery and Settlement of Port Phillip ; being a His- tory of the Country now called Victoria, up to the arrival of Mr. Superintendent Latrobe, in October, 1839. Revised, at request, by W. Westgarth, Esq. Svo. Melb., 1856.* MB 2 P 1 Early Days of England. 12mo. Melb., 1857. MJ 2 P 34 Another copy. (Pam. 44.) M J 2 R 6 Early Days of Melbourne. 12mo. Melb., 1857. MJ2P34 First Grammar for Young Australians. 2nd ed. (Pam. 44.) 12mo. Melb., 1858. MJ 2 R 6 First Twenty Years of Australia : a History founded on Official Documents. Svo. Lond., 1882.* MB 2 P 4 French Colonies and their Resources. Svo. Lond., 1886. MD 4 Q 16 Geography for the L^se of Australian Youth. 18mo. Hobart, 1845. ilD 2 P 25 Geography of Australia and New Zealand. 3rd ed. 12mo. Melb., 1855. MD 2 P 25 Geography for Young Australians. 9th ed. 12mo. Melb., 1875. MJ 2 P 34 Grammar for Australian Youth. 12mo. Adelaide, 1851. MJ 2 P 34 Grammar for Australian Youth. 2nd Part. 12mo. Melb., 1868. MJ 2 P 32 92 CATALOGUE OF THE Bon] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Bop BONWICK (James), -E.V..C.ii.—conllnued. How does a Tree grow ? or, Botany for Young Austra- lians. 12mo. Melb., 1857. MJ 2 P 34 Another copy. (Pam. 44.) :\IJ 2 R 6 John Batman, the Founder of Victoria. 2nd ed. 12mo. Melb., 1868. MC 1 P 34 Last of the Tasmanians ; or, the Black War of Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1870.* MB 2 T 16 The Lost Tnsmanian Race. 8vo. Loud., 1884. MD 4 Q 14 Mike Howe, the Bushranger of Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lend., 1873.* MJ 1 8 36 The Mormons and tlie Silver Mines. 8vo. Lond., 1872- D 3 P 54 Notes of a Gold-digger, and Gold Diggers' Guide. 1 2mo. Melb., 1852. MJ 2 P 30 Port Phillip Settlement. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MB 2 T 19 The Resources of Queensland. With a Map of Queens- land, containing the recent Discoveries. 8vo. Lend., 1880.* MD 4 Q 12 Romance of the Wool Trade. 8vo. Lond., 1887.* MF1P4G Sketch of Boroondara. 12mo. Melb., 1858. MD1S14 Another copy. M J 2 P 30 Spirit of the True Teacher : a Lecture. 8vo. Melb., 1857. MG 1 Q 39 The Tasmanian Lily. Hvo. Lond., 1873.* MJ 1 S 34 Wcsleyan Methodism in South Australia. 12niii. Ade- laide, 1851. MJ 2 P 34 Western Australia : its Past and Future. Svo. Lend., 1885. MD 4 Q 15 Western Victoria : its Geography, Geology, and Social Condition : the Narrative of an Educational Tuur in 1 857- 12mo. Geelong, 1858. :MD4Q11 The Wild White Man [William Buckley], and the Blacks of Victoria. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1863.* MD 7 Q 5 William Buckley, the Wild White Man, and his Port Phillip Black Friends. Svo. Melb., 1856. MC 1 R 27 Another copy. (Pam. 29.) MJ2Q17 BOODLE (Rev. R. G.), M.A. The Life and Labours of the Rt. Rov. William Tyrrell, D.I)., first Bishop of New- castle, New South Wales. Svo. Lond., 1881. MC 1 Q 7 BOOK-LORE: Magazine devoted to OklTimc Literature. Vol. 1. 4to. Lond., 1885. E BOOK OF ELEfSANT K.VTRACTS, illustrated by eminent Artists. Sin. 4t.i. Edinl;. (n.d.) J 12 R 23 BOOK OF THOUGHT (Tiiu) ; or, Observations and Pa.ssage8 relating to Religion, Morals, Manriers, and Characters. 1 2nio. Lond., 1H42. G 10 Q 3 BOOKS For A REFERENCE LIliR.VRY, being Lectures on the WixAm in tlie Reference Department of the Free Public Library, Biniiingliam. 1st Serie."!. Svo. Lond., 1HK5. ■ J 9 V 24 BOOKWORM (Tue). Literary and Bibliographical Re- view. Edited and Illustrated by J. Ph. Berjoau. 4 vols, (in 2) roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-70. E BOOSE (J. R.) {See Roy.vl Colosi.\.l Institute.] BOOTH ( AnRAn.\M). Death of Legal Hope, the Life of Evan- gelical Obedience. 12mo. Mirzapore, 1853. MQ1P48 BOOTH (Arthur John), M.A. Robert Owen, the Founder of Secialissu in England. 12mo. Lond., 1869. C 2 Q 28 BOOTH (David). Au Analytical Dictionary of the Eng- lish Language. 4to. Lond., 1835. K 15 U 3 The Art of Brewing. Newed. 8vo. Lond., 1872. A11Q23 BOOTH (Edwin Carton), F.R.C.I. Another England. Life, Living, Homes, and Homemakors in Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 1869.* MD 3 11 31 Australia. Illustrated ; by J. Skinner Front, N. Cheva- lier, Ac. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1880.* MD 4 P 16, 17 t Homes away from Home, and the Men wlio make them in Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 1869. MF 1 Q 3 BOOTH (G.) [See Diodorus Siculus.] BOOTH (John). The Battle of Waterloo, kc, forming an Historical Record in the Campaign of the Netherlands ; by "A Near Observer." 8vo. Lond., 1815. B 8 P 41 BOOTHBY (Hon. Ben.tamin), Jud(;e. Minutes of Pro- ceedings of the Executive Council relating to the conduct of Mr. Justice Boothby ; together with Appendix. Fol. Adelaide, 1867. MF 2 U 11 BOOTHBY (Josiah). The Adelaide Almanack, Town and Country Directory, and Guide to South Austridin. 1 2mio. Adelaide, 1864.*" ME 4 P The Adelaide Almanack and I)ir«^ctory for South Aus- tralia, 1872; together with Official, Ecclesiastical, Legal, Banking and Mercantile Directory. Svo. Adelaide, 1872. ME 3 U Statistical Sketch of South Australia. Svo. Lond., 1876. MF 2 Q 23 BOOTY (P. G.) Common Law Procecduro Act. [See PiLCIlER, C. E.] BOPP (FuANz). Comiiariitivc Grammar nf the Sanskrit, Zend, (Jreek, Latin, LithuMiiian, Gothic, Gorman, and Sclavonic Languages; translated from tlu^ (ierman by Edward B. Eastwick, F.R.S., Ac. 3rd ed. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1862. K 16 Q 15-17 Die Celtischen Spraehen in iliriuii Verhiiltnisse zum Sai\s- krit, Zend, Griechischen, Tinteinischen, (lernianischen, Lilliauiscliiii mill Sluwist-hen. Ito. Merlin, 1S39. K 13 T 5 Die KaukiiHisihcn Gliedcr dcs indocuropaiachen S|iracti- Btamms. 4t<). Berlin, 1847. K13TS Glo.s.sarium Comparativuni Linguae Sanscritiic in ([iio onmes Sanscritao Radices ct Vocabula Ifsitatissinia (■x])licantur otcum Vocaliulis (iraecis, Latiiiis, (i('rnianin Public Library Reports, Rules, and Regulatioiis, 4c. Bvo. Boston, 1851-74. i; Bulletins of, 1870-72; and the Tosti Engravings. Hoy. 8vo. l}oaton, 1873. K 19 V 4 Bullotins of the liostou I'ul)lic Lil)rary. Nos. 4 31. .\pril, 1868 October, 1871. Imp. Bvo. BosUin, 1868-71. K B g 28 BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY— con<»iMec/. Bv-laws relative to the Trustees and Officers. Bvo. Boston, 1858.* J 2 T C Another copy. 8vo. Boston, 1865. J 2 T 6 Catalogue of Books of the Lower Hall of the Central Department. Imp. Bvo. Boston, 1873. K 8 Q 27 Catalogue of Periodicals in the Centiul Lilnary. Imp. Bvo. Boston, 1873. K 8 Q 27 Class List for Poetry, the Drama, kc. Lower Hull, ed. Imp. 8vo. Boston, 1870. K 8 Q 27 Class List for English Prose, Fiction. Lower Hall. 5t]i ed. Imp. 8vo. Boston, 1871. K 8 Q 27 Catalogue of Books, presented to the City of Boston by Edward Everett. Bvo. Boston, 1831. J 2 T 6 Catalogue of the Collection of Books and Manuscripts which formerly belonged to the Rev. T. Price, and is now in the Public Library of the City of Boston. Bvo. Boston, 1870. K 9 R 30 t Catalogue of the Public LiVn'ary of Boston Roy. Bvo. Boston, 1854-58. K 8 P 17 Catalogues of the Public Library of Boston, 1871-73, and Bulletin, 1868-74. 2 vols. imp. Bvo. Boston, 1868-74. K 8 Q 28, 29 Circular to the Patrons of the Bowditch Library. Bvo. Boston, 1858. J 2 T C Conditions for furui.shing Designs for a Building for a Public Library. Bvo. Bo.ston, 1855. J 2 T 6 Dedication Services of the Fellowes' Athenasum, and the Roxburg Branch, July 9th, 1873. Bvo. Boston, 1873. J 2 T 6 East Boston Branch. List of Books. First od. Imp. 8vo. Boston, 1B72. K 8 tj 27 Finding List for French, (ilorman, and It.ilian Books. Lower Hall. Imp. Bvo. Boston, 1871. K B t^ 27 Hand-book for Readers; with Regulations. First od., 1872. (Pam. K.) 8vo. Boston, 1872. MJ 2 P 27 Inde.\ to Catalogue of Books in the Bates Hall. First Sup- plement. Imp. 8vo. Boston, 1S6G. K 8 Q 29 Index [with lst-3rd Supiilcnicnt] to tlu! Catalogue of a portion of the Public Library arrangeil in tlic Lower Hall. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1858-60. ]\ 8 P 17 Proceedings at the Dedication of the South lioston Branch, May IG, IS72. Bvo. Bo.ston, 1S72. .1 2 T <; Proceedings on (he occasion of the laying the Corner stone of the Public Library. Bvo. Boston, 1855. .1 2 T 6 Public Library of the City of Boston ; Catalogue of Hooks in the Bates Hall ; Catalogtin of Hooks and MSS., wliich formerly belonged to the Hev. Thus. Prince ; Catalogue of liio Tosti Engravings, tlie gift of T. (!. .\]ii>leton, ICstp Roy. Bvo. Ho8tnd., |m06. C 2 U 21, 22 Life of Thomas T^iord Codirane, Tentii EnrI of Dundonald. {See I)t'Xi)f)NAi,i>, Earl of.] Romance of Trade. 8vo. Lf Norway, with the Principal Towns from th(! Naze, hy the route of ('hri.Htiana, to the niagnilircnt Pass of (he Swincsund ; from Drawings by John William Edy ; with Remarks and Ob.servations by AS'illiani Tooko. 2 vols. roy. foj. L-md., 1820. D 4 S 12, 13* BOYDELL (John ani. Jomiah). Jli.story of the River Thames ; by William Combo ; DrawingH by J. Farring- ton, engraved by J. E. Stadler. 2 vols. Lond., '-7!»^.-%. i! 14 U 12, 13; BOYESEN (Hjalmvr H.) History of Norway. Bvo. Lond., 1886. " B 2 R 14 BOYLE (Hon. Charles). ^Sce Bentlkv, R.] BOYLE (Charles John). Far Away ; or. Sketches of Scenery and Society in ^Mauritius. Bvo. Lond., 1867. D 1 T 13 BOYLE (Frederick), F.R.G.S. Adventures among the Dyaks of Borneo. Svo. Lond., 1865. D 4 U 13 Ride across a Continent : a personal Narrative of Wander- ings through Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond., 1868. D 3 Q 58, 59 Savage Life: a second series of Camp Notes. Bvo. Lond., 1876. D 2 R 11 To the Cape for Diamonds : a Story of Digging E.xperi- ences in South Africa. Bvo. Lond., 1873. D 1 V 2 BOYLE (iL\RY L.) Bridal of Melcha : a Dramatic Sketch. Bvo. Lond., 1844. H 5 T 20 BOYLE (Hon. Robert). Life of ; by Thomas Birch, M.A. Bvo. Lond., 1744. C 5 U 6 BOYLE LECTURE SERMONS. Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion ; being a collection of the Ser- mons preached at the Lectures founded by tlie Hon. Robert Boyle. 3 vols. fol. L.nd., 1739. tJ 39 P 2-4 | \_See Stackhouse, Rev. A.] BOYLE FAMILY (The). Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of the Illustrious Family of the Boyols, par- ticularly of the late eminently learned Charles Earl of Orrery ; by E. Budgell, Esij. 3rd otl. Bvo. Lond., 1737. C4S1 BOYNTON (Captain E. C), A.M. Hi.story of West Point, and its Military Importance during the American Revolution, and the()rigin and Progress of the United State.? Military Academy. Roy. Bvo. Lond., 1864. B 1 T 44 BOYS (Thomas Shotteh). Original Views of London as it is ; exhibiting its jirincijial Streets and characteristic Accessories, itc. With Historical Notices of the Views, by Charles Oilier. Imp. fol. Lond., 1842. D 5 Q 26 { R()"\'SE (Samuel). Life and Poems of. \Scc Ciialmuhs, A.J BOZ. [See Dickens, C] Bf)Z.M.\N (John Leeds). Sketch of the History of i\l;irvland dui'ing the three first years after its .sottlemeiU. Bvo." lialliniore, ISII, B 1 S 7 Bli.MiAZON (ir. L.) New Soiilh Wales General Town J )i rectory and Advertiser. 12mi). Sydney, IBI. 3. M ll. MIM I' ,s Pictorial lliusli'ations of Ni-w Zr.Mlanil. Hoy. Ini. | |., 1817. ■ Mil .' I' I { Another cojiy. I'l.l. Lond., ]H|8. MI)2P2} Another copy. Fol. I^.nd., 1849. MI)2P3} Kailwny Prncliee. Ist and 2nd Series; witli A])pendix. 3 vols. 4fo. I/md., 1838-40. A I I! I C f [See Wakkkiei.d, E. J.] BREHM (Dr. Alfred Edmond). Thierlehen Allgenieine kunde des Thierreichs. 10 vols. roy. 8vo. Leijizig, 1876-78. A 15 S 1-10 [See AYerner, C] BREHOLLES (J. L. A. HiiLLAUD). [See IIuillahd- Breholles, J. L. A.] BREMER (Fredrika). Brothers and Si-sters : a Tale of Domestic Life ; translated by jMary Howitt. Roy. 8\-o. New York (n.d.) J 9 Y 9 Homes of the New AA\^rld : Impressions of America ; translated by Mary Howitt. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18o3. D 3 R 58-60 BREMNER (Robert). Excursions in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1840. D 7 U 33, 34 Excursions in the Interior of Russia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839. ■ D 8 U 27, 28 BRENAN (Justin). Composition and Punctuaticm (Weale.) 5th ed. 12nio. Lond., 1868. K11T24 BRENCHLEY (Julius L.), M.A., &c. Great Salt Lake City. [See, J.] D 3 U 25, 26 Jottings dui'ing the Cruise of H.M.S. Curagoa among the South Sea Islands, in 1865. Roy. 8yo. Lond., 1873. MD 3 Y 28 BRENTON (Capt. Edward Peliiam), R.N., kc. Memoir of; with Sketches of his Professional Life, and exertions in the Cause of Humanity ; by his Brother, Yice-Admiral Sir Jahleel Brenton, I'.art., K.C.I5. 8yo. Lond., 1842. C 10 R 7 Naval History of Groat Ihitaiii, from the year 178.3 to 1836. New'ed., illustrated. 2 vol.s. 8vo. "Lond., 1837. B3S 1,2 BRENTON (VicK-AoMiKAi, Siu .1;i,). IMenioir of Capt. Edward I'dliaui lii rnton, R.N., i^'c. 8vo. Lnnd., 1842. C 10 U 7 BRERETON (Austin). Dramatic Note.s, 1885. 8vo. Lond., lf^85. JC Shakespearean Scenes and ( ''K'tcrs ; with descriptive Notes on the Plays. Roy. Itn. Loml., l.s.sC. il3P27; liREHEToX (Rev. C. D.) (ibservations on the Adndnis- ti-aticm of the Poor Laws in Agricultural Districts. 3rd ed. (Pam. 8.) 8vo. Norwich, 1S3-1. 1M3R21 P.HEHETON (Jons Le Gay), M.I>. H.-vnd ; and ,,tlicr Poems. 8vo. Sydney, 1886.* MM IP 10 Lecture on the action and use; of the Turkish Rath. (Pam. 23.) 8yo. Lond. (n.d.) ]M.I 2 Q 1 I Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1S65. Mill P. •(9 Triinnpli ..r Lnvc. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MIM I' 12 ]!KI''iSSLAl' (Prof. Maiicin II einrk'ii). ('(inqicndious lli'bi-i'w (Iranniinr. (W'cale.) 1 2mo. Lond., 1855. K 1 I T 22 ami IliKicw I )icl innai'y. (Wcalc.) l2nHi. Lnnd., I85(;. • ' K II T 23 lli'brewand I'higlish I )ictionary. I'.ililir.i] aiid Habliinical. (Weale.) 1 2mo. Lond., 1855. K 1 1 ']' 22 I FREE PUBLIC LIBEAEY, SYDNEY. ]03 Bre] Part I : — Authors, Uclitors, or lleferencc. [Bri BRETON (Lieut. William Henuy), K.N. Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Die- man's Land, during the years 1830 -.33. 8vo. Loud., 1833.* MD3T31 Another copy. '2iid ed., revised, with additions. 8vo. Lond., 1834.* MD3T3.5 Another copy. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1835. MD 3 T 37 BRETON DE LA MARTINIERE (J. B.) La Chine en Miniature ; ou, Choix de Costumes, Arts et Metiers de cet Empire. 4 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1811. D 5 P 22-2.5 BRETON (Nicholas). Small Handfull of Fragrant Flowers. A Floorish upon Fancie. [See I'auk, T.] Tracts of. [Set Brydges, Sir S. E.] BRETSCHNEIDER (E.), M.D. Notices of Mediseval Geography and History of Central and Western Asia ; drawn from Chinese and Mongol Writings, and com- jiai-ed with the observations of Western Authors in the Middle Ages; with Maps. 8vo. Lond., 187G. B 2 P 30 BRETT (Henry). Brett's Auckland Almanac, Provincial Hand-book, and Stranger's Vade Mecum for 1878. 8vo. Auckland, 1878. ME 3 T BREVOIR (Thomas). {See Shorter, T.] BREWER (Rev. Ebenezee Cobiiam), LL.D. Dictionary of Miracles : Lnitative, Realistic, and Dogmatic. 8vo. Lond., 1884. G IG R 43 Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1870. K17P26 Political, Social, and Literary History of Germany, from the Commencement to the Present Day. 8vo. Lond., 1881. B9Q26 Reader's Hand-book of Allusions, References, Plots, and Stories. 8vo. Lond., 1880. K 17 P 10 BREWER (Prof. John Sherren), M.A. Church History of Britain. {See Fuller, T.] Court of King James i. \_See Goodman, Dr. G.] Endowments and Establishment of the Church of England. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 188.5. G16R43 English Studies or Essays in English History and Litera- ture ; edited, with a prefatory Memoir, by Henry Wace, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1881. B C S 3G Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry viii ; arranged and catalogued by J. S. Brewer, M.A. 4 vols, (in 7) imp. 8vo. Lond., 1862-72. B 15 U 7-13 Reign of Henry vili, from his Accession to the Death of Wolsey ; edited by James Gairdner ; with Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. B 6 P 32, 33 BREWSTER (Sir David), M.A., kc. Letters on Natural Magic, addressed to Sir Walter Scott. 2nd ed. ; with Introductory Chapters, by J. A. Smith. 8vo. Lond., 18G8. A10R7 Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 18mo. Lond., 1831. C 1 P 33 Lives of the most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, etc. {See Shelley, j\1us. M. W.] BREWSTER (Sir David), M.A., kc—conlhmed. Martyrs of Science : Lives of Galileo, Tycho iJrahc, ami Kepler. New ed., witii Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 1 T 40 Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1855. C 9 Q 5, G More Worlds than One : the Creed of the Philo.sf)pher, and the Hope of the Christian. 8vo. Lond., 1867. A 3 S 24 Treatise on Optics. [Lard. Cab. Cyclo.] 12nio. Lond., 1851. K 1 U 33 {See Edinburch Journal of Science.] BREYDENBACH (Bernardus de). Sanctaru PcM-cgrina- tionu in Monte Syon ad venerandu Christi sepulchruz in Hierusale atqz in Monte Synai ad diuain virgine et martyreni Katiierina opusculu hoc contentinu per Petruni dracli cive Spirensem impssum Anno salutis nre Mcccccii. die xxiill. novebris, tinit feliciter. Sni. fol. Spire, 1502. D 5 V 1 BRIALMONT (Alexis Henri). History of the Life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington ; with Emendations and Additions, by the Rev. G. R. Gleig. 4 vols. 8vo. Lcmd., 1858-60. C 9 V 40-43 BRICKDALE (Charles Fortescue). Registration of Title to Land. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F 8 R 18 BRIDEL (Philippe-Sirach). Glossaire du Pat. Dorking, 1884. B 7 P 12 BRIGHT (T.) Agricultural and Tenant-Right Valuer's A.sslstaiit. 8vo. Lond,, 1MS6. A 1 P 2 BRIGHT (Walter). From Southern Climes. Svo. Lond., 1883. MD 2 V 30 RRIGHTWELL (Cecilia Lucv). Memorials of the Life of Amelia Opie ; selected and arranged from her Letters, Diaries, and other Manuscripts. 8vo. Norwich, 1854. C 9 P 1 :i r. I ! 1 1 ; ri" (Saint). Life of. [See Stokes, M', | llliiLL.\T SAVARIN (Antiiklmk). (iastrononiy as a Fine Art ; or, the Science of Good Living ; translated by R. E. Anderson, M.A. 8vo. Lnid., 1K77. A 12P31 RRINDWOOD (G. C. M.) Industrial Arts of In.lia. (South Kens. MUH.) 8vo. Lond., IKHO. K i;illNT(JN (PnoK. DANlia G.), A.M., .vc. Alioriginal American Authors and their Prcxhictions, thoHC in the Native Languages : a chapter in (lie llisloiy of Liternturo. 8vo. Philud., 18K3. I! IS.IC, Anx-ricun HeroMyilis : a Study in tlie Native RcligiiPtiK of the Western (.'ontinent. Kvo. Piiiiad., 1K82. GUP 10 Annals of the Cukdii. of Alii.r. Anier. Lit.) 8vo. I'hilad., iHM.'i. i! 1 S 1 BRINTON (PuoF. Daxiel G.), A.M. kv.—conlinned. Tlie Giiegiience : a Comedy Ballet in the Nahuatl-Spanish Dialect of Nicaragua. (Lib. of Abor. Amer. Lit.) 8vo. Philad., 1883. H 3 S 25 The LenapJ and their Legends: with the complete Text and Symbols of the Walam Olum. A new Translation, and an Inquiry into its authenticity. 8vo. Philiul., 1885. ■ A 1 \V 33 Maya Chronicles ; edited by D. G. Brinton, M.D (Lib. of Abor. Amer. Lit.) 8vo. Philad., 1882. B1T34 BRISBANE (General Sir Thomas Macdouisall), Bart., K.C.B. Copies of Royal Instructions issued to. [See Land Regulations.] Mean of Twelve Months' Meteorological Obervations, in the years 1822-23, at Parramatta, in New South Wales. [See Field, B.] New Soutli Wales Lease, granted in 1823. [See Manu- scripts, Ac] Reminiscences i_if ; Ijy the Rev. Will. Tasker. Printed for private circulation. 4to. Edinb., 1860. MC4Plt BRISCOE (John Potter). F.R.H.S., kc. Old Notting- hamshire : a Collection of Papers on the History, Anti- (juities. Topography, &c., of Nottinghamshire. 1st and 2nd series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881-84. B 4 Q 7, 8 BRISSON (Capt. Pieuru Raymond de). Narrative of the Captivity of M. Capt. de BrLsson in the Deserts of Africa, 1785. [See Pkhils and Captivity.] BRISSON (BARNADfi). [See Monoe, G.] BRISTED (J.) America and her Resources : a view of the Agricultural, Commercial, ]Manufacturing, Financial, Political, Literary, Mcnvil, and Religious Capacity and Character of the American People. 8vo. Lond., 1818. F 8 P 28 BRISTOL (C. C.) Bristol's Illustrated Almanac, D<70 and 1S7H. 2 vols, (in l)8vo. New York, 18C9~78. ME4P BHlSToW (Henry William), F.G.S. Catalogue of Rock Sjiecimons. Colours and Signs for Maps. [See Ramsay A. C] Glossary of Mineralogy. 8vo. Lond., 1801. K18P10 [See FiiiUiER, L., y Mas- singer. The Fatal Dowry; by Massinger and Field. The False One; by Beaumont and Flctclier. Bonduoa; by Beau- mont and Fletcher. The Rival Queens; by Lee. All for Love: by Dryden. The Orphan; by Otway. Venice Pre- served; by Otway. The Slonrning Bride; liy Congreve. Tamerlane; by Rowe. The Fair Penitent; by Rowe. Cato; by Addison. The Distressed Motlier; by Philips. Jane Shore; by Rowe. Lady .lane (irey: liy Rowe. The Siege of Damascus; by Hughes. The Revenge; by Young, (-ieorge Barnwell; by Lillo. 2. Zara; by Hill. Fatal Curiosity ; by Lillo. Arden of Fever- sham; by Lillo. Gustavus Vasa; by Brooke. Mahomet; liy Miller. Tancred and Sigismunda; liy Thom.=on. Irene; by Johnson. The Roman Father; by Whitehead. The Brothers; by Young. The Gamester; by Moore. Boadicea; by (ilover. Creusa; by Whitehead. Barbarossa; by Brown. Douglas; by Home. Isabella; by Southern. The Orphan of China; by Murphy. Tlio Countess of Salisbury; by Hartson. The Karl of Warwick ; liy Franklin. Zenobia ; by Murphy. The Grcci;iu Daughter; by Murphy. Matilda; by Franklin. BRITISH DRAMA {TuK)-conlinnprL .3. Every Man in his Humour; liy Jonson. Tlie Alchymist; by Jonson. New Way to Pay Old Debts; Ijy Massinger. The (ireat Duke of Florence; by Massinger. Rule a Wife ami have a Wife; by Beaumont and Fletcher. The Plain Dealer; by Wycherly. The Doulde Dealer; by Congreve. The Provoked Wife; liy Vanbrugh. Love makes a Man; by t'iblier. 'J'he Way of tlie World; by Congreve. Love for Love; Ijy Congreve. 'i'lic Constant Couple; by Fartpiliar. The Inconstant; liy Fanjuhar. She wou'd and She wou'd not; by Ciliber. The Careless Husband; by Gibber. The Double Gallant; by Ciliber. The Recruiting Ofiieer; liy Farrjuhar. The Beau.x Stratagem ; by Farcjuhar. 4. TIic Busy Body; by C'entlivre. The Wonder; by Centlivre. Tlie Drummer; by Addison. Bold Stroke for a Wife; liy Centlivre. Tlie Conscious Lovers; Ijy Steele. The Provoked Husband; by Vanbrugh and Cibber. The Susjiicious Hus- band; liy Hoadly. Tlie Way to Keep Him; by Murphy. All in the Wrong; by Murphy. The Jealous Wife; by Colman. The Scliool for Lovers; by Whitehead. The Clandestine Marriage ; by Colman and (4arrick. The Eng- lish Merchant; by Colman. The Brotliers; by Cumberland. The West Indian: by Cumlierland. She Stoops to Conquer; by (ioldsmith. The School for Wives; by Kelly. The Rivals; by .Sheridan. The Choleric Man ; by Cumberland. 5. The Cheats of Scapin; by Otway. The Country House; by Vanbrugh. The Contrivances: by Carey. The Devil to Pay; by Cofl'ey. The Beggar's Opera; by Gay. The Intriguing Cliambermaid; by Fielding. The Mock Doctor; by Fielding. Chrononhotontholy G. P. Bevan, F.G.S. 14 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1876- 77. A 17 S 28-41 Aci'.la, Alkalies, .Soda, Ammonia, ami .Soap ; liy Prof. Church. Agricultural Machinery ; Ijy Prof. Wrightson. Brass Founding, Tin Plate and Zinc Working ; by W. (iraham. Brewing, Distillery ; hy T. A. Pooley. Building Stones ; l)y Prof. Hull. Butter and Cheese ; by M. Kvans. Carpets ; by C. Dresser. Coal ; by A. Galletly. Copper .Smelting ; by .T. A. Phillip.?, (.'otton ; by I. ^VattB. Cutlery ; by F. Callis. Dyeing and lilcaching ; liy T. .Sims. Engraving ; by S. Davenport. Krplosivo (Compounds ; by W. M. Williams. Fibres and Cordage; by v. L. Simmonds. Flax and Linen ; liy W. T. Charley. Furniture and Woodwork ; by J. H. Pollen. (>as and Lighting ; by K. IL Patterson. (;lay Jolm P. Anioore. The Gamester : a Tragedy: by Edward Moore. The Roman Father: a Tragedy; by \Vm. Whitehead. Edward, the Black Prince: an Historical Tragedy ; by Wm. Shiidey. 15. Barbarossa : a Tragedy : by Dr. Brown. The Way to Keep Him : a Comedy : by Arthur Murphy. All in the Wrong : a Comedy; by Arthur Murphy. The Grecian Daughter: a Ti-agedy ; by Arthur Murphy. Know Your Own Mind: a Comedy ; by Arthur Murphy. 16. The Country Girl : a Comedy ; by David Garrick. The Jealous Wife : a Comedy ; by G. Colman. The Clandestine Marriage: a Comedy ; by G. Colman, and D. Garrick. The Countess of Salisbury : a Tragedy ; liy Hull Hartson. Douglas : a Tragedy ; by Mr. Home. 17. The Goodnatured Man : a Comedy ; liy Dr. Goldsmith. She Stoops to Conquer : a Comedy ; by Dr. Goldsmith. Love in A'illage : a Comic Opera ; by Isaac Biikerstatl'. Tlie Maid of the Mill : a Comic Opera ; by Isaac Bickerstaff. Lionel and Clarissa : a Comic Opera ; by Isaac Bickerstaff. 18. The Brothers : a Comedy ; liy Richard Cumberland. The West Indian : a Comedy ; by Richard Cundjerland. The Jew : a Comedy ; by Richard Cundierland. First Love: a Comedy ; by Richard Cundjerland. The Wheel of Fortune: a Comedy ; by Richard Cumberland. 19. The Earl of Warwick : a Tragedy [by J. F. Laharpe; trans.] by Dr. Franklin. The Rivals: a Comedy; by Richard Brins- ley Sheridan. The Duenna : a Comic Opera ; by Richard Brinsley Sheridan. The Belle's Stratagem : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Cowley. A Bold Stroke for a Husband : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Cowley. 20. The Dramatist: a Comedy; by Frederick Reynolds. The Count of Xarlmnne: a Tragedy: by Robert Jephson. Inkle and Varico : an Opera; by (i. Cohuan, the younger. The Battle of Hexham: a I'lay ; by George Colman, the younger. The Surrender of Calais: a Play; liy George Colman, the younger. 21. The Mountaineers: a Play ; by George Colman, the younger. The Iron Chest : a Play ; by (Jeorge Colman, the younger. 'I'he Hcir-at-Law: a Comedy; liy George Colman, the younger. Jolin Bull: a comedy; by George C'olmun, the younger. Tlie Poor Gentleman : a Comedy ; l)y (ieorge Cohnan, the younger. 22. The Castle of Andalusia : a Comic Opera ; by John O'Keeffe. Kontainlileau : aComic Opera; by John O'Keeffe. Wild Oats: a Comedy ; by John O'Keeffe. The Heiress : a Comedy ; by (icncral Burgoyne. The Earl of Essex : a Tragedy; by Henry Jones. 23. .Such Things Are : a Play ; by Mrs. Inchbald. Every One \\aM his Fault: a Comedy ; by Mrs. Inchbald. Wives as they were, and Maiils as they are: a Comedy ; by .Mrs. Inchbald. Divers' Vows : a Play ; by Mrs. Inchbald. To Marry or not to Marry : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Inchbald. 24. The Road to Ruin : a Comedy ; liy 'i'liomas Holcroft. The Deserted Daughter : a Conieily ; by Thomas ll TIIADE. Alist.a.l.s of tlio Evidence t;ik<-ii lii-fcirc tin: Select Coiiiinitlec! of tin; Jlmi.sfMif [/iiit<-(l to takn into con.siditriition tlie state of IIk; WiKil Trwie, under din'ereiit hc'iuls. Svo. Umd., 1828. MJ'jqi'J BRITTEN (Mrs. E. H.) The Tiutli ; or, liow Mrs. E. Hardynge Britten " opened her Mouth and put her Foot in it," at the Opera House, Melhourne ; by "Echo." 8vo. Richmond (n.d.) MJ '2 R I.') BRITTEN (F. J.) Watch and Clockniaker.s' Hand-liook, Dictionary, and Guide. 4th ed. Loud., 18S1. A11R3 "Watches and Clocks. (Brit. Manuf. Inthist.) l:2uio. Lond., 187G. A 17 S 31 BRITTEN (James), F.L.S. European Ferns; with coloured Illustrations from Nature, liy T). Blair, F.L.S. 4to. Lond., 1881. " A f) Q 7 BRITTON (Henry). Fiji in 1870; being the Letters of The Arijus Special Correspondent ; with a complete Map and Gazetteer of the Fijian Archipelago. 8vo. Melb., 1870. . MD 1 U 21 Loloma ; or. Two Years in Cannibal-Land ; a Story of Old Fiji. 8vo. Mell)., 1883. MD 4 T 37 BRITTON (John), F.S.A., Ac. Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain : Views, Elevation.s, Plans, Sections, and Details, of ancient English Edifices. 5 vols. 4to. Lond., 1807^35. A 2 T 3-7 Beauties of England and Wales. [_Sce Beauties of Eng- L.\^ND AND Wales.] Catliedral Antiipiities : Historical and Descriptive Ac- counts of English Cathedrals, viz: — Canterbury, York, Salisbury, Norwich, Oxford, Winchester, Lichlield, Hero- ford, Wells, E.xeter, Worcester, Peterborough, Gloucester, and Bristol. 5 vols. 4to. Lond., 1836. A 2 T 8-12 Historical and Architectural Essay, relating to RedclilYe Church, Bristol; illustrated with Plans; including an Account of the ]\Ionuments: and an Essay on the Life and Character of Thomas Chatterton. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1813. B 18 R 16 J Hist(jry and Aiiti(iuities of the Aliljcy ami Cathedral Church of Bristol ; illustrated by Engravings of Views, Plans, i'c. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1830. B 18 Q G | History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Gloucester; illustrated by EngrH\iiigs of Views, Plun.s, Ac. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1836. 1! 17 Q 17 J History and Anticiuities of the Cathedral Church of Salis- bury ; illustrated with engraved Plans, Ac. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1814. B18R16t Histoi-y and Antiquities of the Mclrojiolitical Church of York ; illustrated by a series of JOrigra\ iiigs of Views. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1811). B 18 Q 5 + History and Anti(|uitii« of the See and Cathedral Church of Norwich ; illustrated with a series of Eiigiax iiigs. Itoy. 4to. L<.rul., 1810. 1! 18 R 10 } Naturid History of Wiltshire. [Sec Auniinv, .).] Bliri'ToN (.loiiN), lvS..\., Ac, AMI liliAYLI'lY (Kuwaiu) \\'i'.lil.AKK). Topographical and II istnrical De-scrijition of thi^ Counties t. H. JIundv. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1818. " 1) I T 1, 2 Private .lomiiul i.;ndencc ; with a Historical Mono- graph and a History of the Centennial E.'diibiticjn. Illus- trated. Roy. fol. Piiilad., 1875. B 23 Q 19 J BROTHERS (Thomas). United States of North America as they are, — not as they are generally described. 8vo. Lond., 1840. F 6 V 19 BROTIER (G.) [See Plinius Secundu.s, C] BROUGH (J. C.) [See Cooley, A. J.] BROUGH (Robert B.) The Comic Almanac. [See Ckuiksiiank, G.] BROUGHAM (Henry), Lord, F.R.S of, in Opening the Congress of the National Association for Promoting Social Science. (Pam. Dd.) 8vo. Lcmd., 1860. ' F 12 P 22 Contributions to the Edi)ihin-i/7i lleview. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1856. " J 8 S 26-28 Discourse of Natural Theology. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 18.35. " G 16 R 8 Historical Sketches of Statesmen wlio flourished in the time of George in. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd series. 2nd ed. 3 vols. roy. sVo. Lond., 1839-43. CSV 32-34 History of England and France under the House of Lan- caster. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1855. B 5 S 39 Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of tlie European Powers. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1803. F 10 Q 17, 18 Installation Address, delivered on the 18th May, 1860. (Pam. 40.) 12mo. Edinb., 1800. M.J 2 R 2 Life and Times of ; written by himself. 2nd ed. 3 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1871. C 10 R 29-31 Lives of Men of Letters and Science who flourished in the time of George iii. 2 vols. rov. Svo. Lond., 1845. C 5 W 15, 10 Letters on Law Reform, to the Rt. Hon. Sir J. R. G. Graham. 3rd ed. (Pam. 11.) 8v,i. Lond., 1843. F 12P9 Letter to the Marquess of Lansdowne on the late Revolu- tion inFrance. (Pam. 25.) 8vo. Loud., 1848. MJ 2 Q 13 Memoir of the Rt. Hon. Thomas, Lord Erskine. \_See Erskine, Rt. Hon. T., Lord.] Natural Theology. [See Paley, Rev. W.] Opinions on Politics, Theology, Law Science, Education <&c. ; wdth a Memoir. Svo. Lond 1837. J 5 S 28 112 CATALOGUE OF THE Bro] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bro BEOUGHAM (Hesey), Lord, Y.Vx.^.— continued. Political Philosophy. 3 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1853. F 10 K 17-19 Practical Observations upon the Education of the People, addressed to the Workint; Classes and their Eniplover.'i. (Pam. 5.) 8vo. Lend., 1825. MJ 2 P 39 Remarks on T. Reynolds. (Hist. Pam.) 8vo. Lond., 1817. ■ BllQl Speech of, on the State of the Nation. (Pam. 8.) 8vo. Lond., 1817. F 13 R 21 Speeches of, upon Questions relating to Public Right.s, Duties, and Interests; with Historical Introductions, and a Critical Dissertation upon the Eloquence of the Ancients. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1838. F 10 S 3-6 Another copy. F 13 P 3-6 Speeches on the Administration of Justice in Ireland. (Pam. 5.) 8vo. Lond., 1839. MJ 2 P 39 "Works of. llvols. 8vo. Lond., 1855^61. JllSU-24 1. Lives of Philosophers of the time of George m. 2. Lives of Men of Letters, time of George iii. 3-i>. Historical .Sketclies of Statcsnieu who flourished in the time of George III. C. Natural Theology; comprising a Discourse of Natural Theology, Dialogues on Instinct, and Dissertations on the Structure of the Cells of Bees, and on Fossil (Osteology. 7. Rhetorical and Literary Dissertations and Addresses. 8. Historical and Political Dissertations. 9, 10. Speeches on Social and Political Subjects, with Historical Introductions. 11. The British Constitution, its History, Structure, and Working. [See ABeckktt. T. T., mid Foi.r.o, G.] BllOL'GlITtJN (Mu.s. Eliza). Si.x Years' Ilosidoncc in Algiers. 8vo. Lond., 1839. D 1 S 5 BROUGHTON (Riciiaiid). The Ecclesiasticall Historic of Great Britaine, dedvced by Ages, or Centenaries, from the Nntivitic of ()vr Saviovr, vnto the happie Conuorsion of the Saxons, in thcscucnth lumdred ycare. Fol. I)o\vav, 1633. ■ G 12 R Gt BROUGHTON (Rt. Rev. W. G.), Bishop of Au.sthai.ia. Charge, delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of New South Wales, at the Primary Vi.sitation, Sydney, 1829. 8vo. Sydney, 1830. MG 1 P 46 Cliargo delivered to the Clergy of New South A\'alcs, at the Vi.sitation held on 'riiur.Mlay, l''ol)ruiiry 1.3, 1S3'1, in the Church of St. Jamc8, at Sydney. (Pum. F.) 8vo. Sydney, 1H34. I\IJ 2 S 3 The C'liurch in Au.stiulia. (In 3 J'nit.s.) iL'nm. Lund., 1845-46. SW) 1 T 49 \. Two Join nalmif Visitation to tlic Northirn and .'^oialicrn I'firlions of Ills I)ioccHC, 184.'J. 2. Two JmirnftU of Minsjonary Tonrs in the DiHiriclK of Maiu'roo and Monli.n Buy, New South WftlcH, in IHI.'t; liy the Hcv. K. (;. I'rytc, and Ktv. .1. Crcgor, MA. 3rd id. ,;^.V 3. A Journal of Visitation, in ISI.'i. BROUGHTON (Rt. Rev. W. G .)—contiymed. Circular on Roman Catholic Interference. (Pam. A.) Fol. Sydney, 1847. MJ 2 U 1 Correspondence between the Rt. Rev. Lord Bishop of Sydnev, and the Revs. F. T. C. Russell, and P. T. ifeamish, Deacons. 8vo. Sydney, 1849. MG 1 Q 29 Another copy. MG 1 Q 37 Education : Petition to His Excellency !Major-(ieneral Sir Richard Bourke, K.C.B., Governor-in-Chief, and to the Honoral)le the Legislative Council of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1836. MG 1 Q 30 Letter, in vindication of the Principles of the Reforma- tion, addressed to Roger Therry, Esq. 8vo. Sydney, 1832. MG1P"5 Another copy. MG 1 Q 40 Sermons on the Church of England : its Con.stitution, Mi.ssion, and Trials ; edited, with a prefatory ^Memoir, by Benjamin Harrison, M. A. 8vo. Lond., 1857. MG 1 T 7 Sermon, preached in the Church of St. James, Sydney, on November 12, 1829: General Thanksgiving to Almighty God, in acknowledgment of His mercy in jiutting an end ■ to the late severe Drought. 8vo. Sydney, 1829. MG 1 P45 Sermon, preached on Whit Sunday, 1833, in the Church of St. David's, at Holiart Town, Van Dienien's Land, on which day a Collection was made fur the relief of the sur- viving pa.ssengers and crew of the ship llibernia, destroyed by fire at sea. 8vo. Hobart, 1833. MG 1 P 45 Speech, delivered at the (Jeneral Committee of Protes- tant.s, 1836. 12mo. Sydney, 1836. M(i 1 tj 39 Another copy. (Pam. 37.) 8vo. Syd., 1836. ]\IJ 2 (,) 2 t Siiecch in the Legislative Council, upon (be Resolutions for establishing a System f)f General Education. 8vo. Sydney, 1839. " MF 1 Q 6, and MG 1 Q 30 Speech at tlie Entertainment given to His Honor Mr. Justice Burton, on his return to the Colony of New South W;des. on Thursday, 27th May, 1841. "8vo. Sydney, 1841. " MF3P3 "Take Hoed": a Serninn. 2n(l ed. 12mo. Sydney, 1844. IMG i P 45 True Account of the Anglican Ordinations, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. Sydney, 1813. MG 1 P 45 Two Sermons, jireachod in the Church of St. Andrew, Sylanting of the Alps, the Cevennes, and the Pyrenees with Trees, Herbage, and Bush. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 1 S 37 School of Forest Engineers in Spain. &\o. Edinb., 1886. A 1 P 55 AVater Supply of South Africa, and Facilities for the Storage of it. 8vo. Edinb., 1877. A6T15 BROWN (John- Eijme), F.L.S. Practical Treatise on Tree Culture in South Australia. Illustrated. 8vo. Adelaide, 1881. MA 1 Q 35 BROWN (Joiiv K.) Our Fiscal Policy m relation to Protection and our Intercolonial Trade. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MF1Q3 Another copy. ^W 1 < J 6 BROWN (J. T.), F.C.S. Photometry and Gas Analysis. 8vo. Ix.nd., 1H83. A 11 R 15 HP>')WN (PoLEMopiiiLis). ISee Geddes, A.] ISliOWN (Rawdon). Caleiiflar of State Papers and Mamiscript.s, relating to English Adaiis, oxi.sting in the Arcliivfs and Collection.s of Venice, and in other Librftries of Northern Italy, 1202-1556. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1864-77. ■ B4U5-10 [jS« Giuhtinian, 8.] BROWN (RlcilAlti)). Coalfinlds and coal trade of the Islatifl of Cape Breton. Willi Map.s. Hvo. Ijond., 1871. A9S24 BROWN (Robert), D.C.L., Ac. Botanical Appendix to Captain Start's " Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia." 8vo. Lond., 1849. MD3U31 Brief Account of jNIicroscopical Observations on the par- ticles contained in the Pollen of Plants, f). Ballaarat District Almanac, Business Directory, Gardeners' Annual, etc., for 1864. 12mo. Ballaarat, 1864. ME 4 Q Economy of Quartz-mining. 8vo. Melb., 1861. MA2Q35 BROWN (W. N.) Practical Manual of Wood-engraving ; with a brief Account of the History of the Art. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 7 P 39 BROWN (— .), and WATSON (R. A.) Brown and Wat- son's, late Brown and Stansfield's, Patent Self-discharging Concentrator for extracting the Pyrites and Sulphurets, ckc. (Pam. Ci.) 8vo. Sydney, 1877. MA 2 Q 33 BROWNE (A. J. Jukes-), B.A., &c. Student's Hand- book of Historical Geology. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A9P9 Student's Hand-book of Physical Geology; with numerous Diagrams and Illustrations. Svo. Lond., 1884. A9Q33 Palseontology. \_See Penning, W. II.] BROWNE (Charles Farrar), "Artemus Ward." Artemus Ward : his Book. Australian edition. 18mo. Melb., 1865. J9Q15 Complete Works of; with Portrait by Geflowski, Facsimile of Handwriting, &c. Svo. Lond., 1876. J 9 Q 16 BROWNE (Rev. Gkoroe Forrest). Tce-Cavos in France and Switzerland : a Narrative of Subterranean Explora- tion. Svo. Lond., 1865. D 8 S 49 BROWNE (Gordon). {See Farjeon, P,. L.] BROWNE (GnoRCE Latiiom). Narratives of State Trials in the Nineteenth Century. First Period : from the Union with Ireland to the Death of George iv, 1801-30. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1882. F 6 S 25, 26 BROWNE (Gracius J.) [&«, Gracics J.] BROWNE (Hablot Knight), "Phiz." Life and Labours of; by David Croal Thomson, lllu.strated. 4tf). Lond., 1884. C 2 \V 1 BROWNE (Col. Horace). Mandalay to Momien. \_See Anderson, J.] BROWNE (Hugh Junor). Holy Truth; or, the coming Reformation, Univer.sal and Eternal because founded on demonstrable Truth : Science and Religion reconciled. 8vo. Lond., 1876. G 13 Q 31 Short Address to the Clergy of all Denominations and to earnest Enquirers after Truth; by "A Layman." 8vo. Melb., 1875. MG 1 Q 32 Rational Christianity ; or, a special Divine Revelation incompatible with the Intellectual Development of Man and with Natural Evolution, as exemplified in History, and confirmed liy Science. 12uio. Melb., 1879 MCJ 1 P 7 BROWNE (James), LL.D. History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans. 4 vols. Svo. Glasgow, 1842. B 13 Q 39-42 BROWNE (James P), il.D. Works of Fielding. \_See Fielding, H.] Works of Laurence Sterne. \_Se6 Sterne, L.] Works of the Rt. Hon. R. B. Sheridan ; with a INIemoir. [See Sheridan, Rt. Hon. R. B.] BROWNE (John Ross). Etchings of a Whaling Cruise; with Notes of a Sojourn on the Island of Zanzibar, and a brief History of the Whale Fishery. Svo. Lond., 1846. D 9 U 14 Report of the Debates in the Convention of California, 1849. Svo. Washington, 1850. F 10 S 17 Resources of the Pacific Slope. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1869. D 3 U 21 BROWNE (Justin M.) Family Notes, collected during many years, and dedicated to those interested. Roy. Svo. Hobart, 1887. MK 1 S 8 BROWNE (Rev. J. C.vve). [See Cave-Browne, Rev. J.] BROWNE (J[oNT.w:u), F.Z.S., ic. Practical Taxidermy : a Manual of Instruction to the Amateur in Collecting, Preserving, and Setting up Natural History Specimens of all kinds. 2ud ed. Svo. Loud., 1884. A 16 Q 14 116 CATALOGUE OF THE Bro] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bro BROWNE (Patrick), M.D. Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. Illustratod, itc, by G. D. Ehret. Fol. Lend., 1789. A 16 S 9 + BROWNE (Rev. Robert William), M.A., kc. History of Roman Classical Literature. 8vo. Lend., 1884. B 11 T 35 BROWNE (R. C), M.A. English Poems by Juhn Milton. [_Sci MlLTOX, J.] BROWNE (Sir Thomas). Religio Medici. 6th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1669. G 9 P 44 Works of ; including his Life [by Dr. Jt)hn.son] and Cor- respondence ; edited liy Simon Wilkin. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1835-36. J 10 T 2-2-25 BROWNE (TiioM.^s Ale.xaxdek). " Rolf Boldkewood." Australian Graziers' Guide. \Sec Silver, S. AV., ct Co.] Old Melbourne Memories. 8vo. Melb., 1884. MD 4 Q 3 T'ps find Downs : a Story of Australian Life. 8vo. Lond., 1878.» MJ 1 S 27 BROWNE (T. F. De Cocrcv). Miners' Handy Book; containing the Mining Board Regulatidn.s, Rules of tlie Warden's Courts and Mining Appeal Court, Qualitication of Members and Electors of the ISlining Board, Rewards for Discovery of new Gold-tields, Summary of Stamp Duties payable, List of Mining Registrar's and Warden's Courts, A-c". 2nd ed. 12mo. Sydney, 1882. MA 2 P 17 Mining Leaseholders' Guide: a Handy Book of the Laws and Regulations relating to Gold and Mineral Leases, 2V15 BROWNING (Colin AunoTr), M.D, Ad.hcss t,. (lie Women who deljarked at Sydney, New South Wale.s, from till- traii»|Mirt .slii|) Mnrijani, on the 26tli of August, IS 10. 8vo. Sydney, 1841.* " .MG 1 I'D Convict Ship, and England's Exiles. In two parts, .'ird ed. 8va. \jf,\\i\., 1M(X. ]^I(; 1 Q li Another copy. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1849. M<;i(,>l Enghind'K Exiles; or, a View of a System of Instructicm and Discipline, rus carric-d into efTect'during the Voyage to the Penal Colonies of Auslrnlia. Hyo. Jyond., "iH 12.* MG 1 Q 1 BROWNING (Culling R.) Addressed to the Prisoners debarked from the Sun-ii, at Sydney, December 8, 1831 ; the Arab, at Hobart Town, July 5, 1834: and the FJjihin- stone, at Hobart Town, May 30, 1836 ; by the IMedical Othcer in charge during the Vovaije. 12mo. Hobart, 1836.* ' ■ " MG 1 P 8 BROWNING (Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett). Aurora Leigh. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1857. H 5 R 18 Letters of, addressed to Richard Hengist Home ; with Comments on Contemporaries; edited by S. R. T. Mayer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 3 U 30, 31 Poetical Works. 13th ed. 5 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1883. H 5 R 13-17 BROWNING (Oscar). Despatches of Earl Gower and others. {See Gower, Earl.] BROWNING (Robert), M.A. Aristophanes' Apology ; including a Transcript from Eurijiides, being the last Adventure of Balaustion. 12mo. Lond., 1875. H5R33 Balaustion's Adventure ; including a Transcript from Euripides. 12nu). Lond., 1871. H 5 R 32 Dramatic Idyls, [ and] 2iid Series. 2 vols. 12mo. Loud., 1879-80. H 5 R 19, 20 Dramatis Persona'. 8yo. Lond., 1864. H 5 R 38 Ferish tali's Fancies. 12mo. Lond., 1884. H 5 R 37 Fitine at the Fair. 12mo. Lond., 1872. H 5 R 34 Hand-book to the Works of. \_See Orr, Mrs. S.] The Inn Album. 12ino. Loud., 1875. H 5 R 35 Introduction to the Study of. [_See SymONS, A.] Jocoseria. 12nio. Lond., 1883. H 5 R 36 Poetical Works of. 6 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1868-70. H 5 R 26-31 Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, Saviour of Society. 12mo. Lond., 1871. H 5 R 33 The Ring and the lio98 to 1838. 8vo. J>ond., 1839. G 6 R 3 BROWNLOW (Emma Sophia), Coi-ntess. Slight Re- miniscences of a Septuagenarian, from 1802 lo 1815, Kvo. T-ond., 1 867. C 3 t,) 42 [See Palmer, W. | HHOWNLOW (l?Ey. W. R.), M.A. R..ina Sottcrranea [•Sec NouTHCoTE, Rev. J. S.] FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 117 Bro] Pakt I : — AiUhors, Editors, or Reference. [Bru BROWNRKIO (Rev. M. B.) Cruise of the Freal- : a Narriiti\o of a Visit to the Lshinds in Biiss and Banks Straits; with some Account of tlie Islands. With Illustrations and Charts. 8vo. Launceston, 1872. MD 5 T U Identity of the British Nation with the Ten Tribes of Israel : a Lecture, delivered in the Temperance Hall, Melhourno. (Pam. 26.) 8vo. Melb., 1880. ISIJ 2 R 1.5 BRUCE (Alexander). Scab in Sheep and its Cui'c. 8vo. Sydney, 1864. JVIA 1 Q 1 Another copy. 3rd ed., revised and enlarged. 8vo. Sydney, 1867. MA 2 V 9 BRUCE (Rev. Alex. Balmain). The Training of the Twelve ; or. Passages out of the Gospels, exhibiting the Twelve Disciples of Jesus, under discipline for the Apostle.ship. 8vo. Edinb., 1871. G9S12 BRUCE (James), F.R.S. Account of the Life and Writings of ; by Alexander Murray, F.A.S.E. 4to. Edinb., 1808. C2W5 Life of; by Sir F. B. Head. 18mo. Lond., 1830. C 1 P26 Travels and Adventures in Abyssinia ; edited by J. Morison Clingan, M.A. Sq. 12mo. Edinb., 1860. D1T19 Travels in the Footsteps of. [_See Plavfair, Lieut-Col.] Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, in the years 1768 to 1773. 5 vols. 4to. Edinb., 1790. D 2 V 1-5 Travels of. [_See Cochrane, R.] BRUCE (Lieut. J. A. T.), R.N. Cruise Round the World of the Flying Squadron, 1869-70. 8vo. Lond., 1871.* MD .5 V 32 BRUCE (J. C.) Lapidarium Septentrionale ; or, a De.s- cription of the Monuments of Roman Rule in the North of England. Fol. Lond., 1875. B 17 U 8 | BRUCE (Robert). Voice from the Australiaii Bush. 8vo. Adelaide, 1877. MH 1 S 9 BRUCE (Robert), King of Scotland. The Bruce ; or, the History of Robert i, King of Scotland. \_See Barbour, J.] BRUCE (W. N.) Life of Gen. Sir Charles Jas. Napier. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C5Q 12 BRUCK (LuDWici). Australasian Medical Directory and Hand-book. 2nd issue. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. ME 3 S True Copy of the Depositions taken as evidence at the Investigation by the City Coroner of Sydney, relating to a recent Case of Gastrotomy ; witli Appendix. 8vo. Sydney, 1881. MA 2 S 38 BRUCKMANN (Frederick). National Types and Cos- tumes ; with Explanatory Text. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 8 T 24 BRUGSCIl (Emile) et MASPERO (G.) La Trouvaille de Deir-el-Bahari. Vingt Photograpliies par M. E. Brugsch. Text par G. Mespero. 4to. Cairo, 1881.* B 14 R 7| BRUGSCIl (Dr. IIeinrich), Bey. Grannnaire Dt'motique; contenant les Principes generaux de la Langue et de I'Eciiture Populaii-es des Anciens Egyptien.s. Avec un Tableau general des Signes Demoticiucs. Fol. Berlin, 1855. K 22 8 27 X Grammaire Hi('roglyphi(iue, contenant les Principes generaux de la Langue et de I'ecriture .sacri^es des Anciens Egyptiens. Sm. fol. Leipzig, 1872. K16U12 H ieroglyphisch-demotisches Worterlnuh. 7 vols. sni. fol. Leipsig, 1867-82. K 16 U 5-1 1 BRUHNS (Prof. Karl). Life of Humboldt. \_See Lowen- RERG, J.] BRUMMELL (George). "Beau Brummell." Life of George Brummell, Esq., commonly called "Beau Brummell"; by Capt. r William] Jesse. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 10 P 11, 12 Life of George Brummell, Esq., commonly called " Beau Brummell"; by Capt. [William] Jesse. Revised and Annotated ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C10P13,14 BRUMOY (Pierre). Le Theatre des Grecs. 6 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam. 1732. H 3 P 29-34 BBUMUND (J. P. G.) [_See Leemans, Dr. C] BRUN (C. Le.) [See Le Brun, C] BRUNCK (R. F. P.) [_See Sophocles.] BRUNE (Clare). The Dogai-issa. [See :Melmonti, W. G.] BRUNEL (Sir Marc Isambard), C.E., etc. Memoir of the Life of ; by Richard Beamish, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1862. C 6 T 5 BRUNET (Jacques Charles). Manuel du Libraire et de r Amateur de Livres 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. K 17 Q 1-4 Supplement au Manuel du Liljraire. 3 vols. Paris, 1834. K17Q5-7 Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur de Livres. 5" cd. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1860-65. Libr. Supplf^ment [to the above]. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. ParLs, 1878- 80. I^i'^'"- BRUNET (Pierre Gustave). Bibliomania in the Present Day in Fiance and England ; or, some Account of Cele- brated Recent Sales ; from the French of " Philomneste Junior." 8vo. N. York, 1880. J 12 U 22 [_See QuERAED, J. M.] BRUNO (Sanctus), Carthusiensicm Ixstitctor. Opera omnia. \_See Migne, J. P., Series Latina 152, 153.] BRUNO (Sanctus), Herbipolensis Episcopus. Opera omnia. {See Migxe, J. P., Series Latina 142.] 118 CATALOGUE OE THE Bru] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bry BRUXO ASTEXSIS (S.^vcxrs), Sigxiexsis Episcopus. Opera omnia. \_See Migse, J. P., Series Latisa 16i, 1G5.] BRUNS (Dr. T.) {See Luttesoth, H.] BRUNTON (T. Lauder), M.D., Ac. Pharmacology and Thei-apeutics : or, Medicine, Past and Present : the Goul- stonian Lectures delivered before the Royal College of Phj-siciiins in 1877. Svo. Lond., 18S0. A 12 tj 25 Physiological Laboratory. [See Kleix, E.] A 12 T 11,12 Text-Book of Pharmacology, Therapeutics, and Materia Medica ; adapted to the LTnited States Pharmacopoeia, by Francis H. ^^■illiams, SLD., Boston, Mass. Svo. Lond., 1885. A12U6 BRUNTOX (T. Lauder), M.D., ic, axd PYE (Walter). On the Physiological Action of the Bark of Erythroph- leura Guincnse, generally called Casea, Cassa, or Sassy Bark. (Roy. Soc. Pub.s., 5). -ito. Lond., 1878. AllP6t BRUSH (G. J.) Manual of Determinative Mineralogy; with an Introduction on Blow-pipe Analysis. R(ij'. Svo. New York, 1875. A 9 U 31 [See Dana, J. W.] BRUTAL SAXON, A. [See John Bull's Neigiibouk.] BRUTE (Wafter). Writings and Examinations of. [See British Refokmer.s, 12.] BRUTL^S [See Letters on Men, IMeasures, and Politics.] F G T 2 BRUTZER (Prof.) Dictionary and Connnercial Pluasc- ologj- in the German, Dutch, EnglLsli, French, Italian, and Spanish Languages, liy Prof. Dr. Brutzer, Prof. Dr. Binder, Mess. J. Boz, Jz., ,M. M. P.i-asch and others. Roy. Svo. Stuttgart, 18G7. K 9 S 10 BRUXELLES ML'SEUM. Catalogue des Tableaux au Musce de la ville de Bruxelles. ISino. Bi-uxelles, 1835. K 7 R 1 BRUY^RE (J. DE La). [See La BRuviiRF., J. de.] liRUYERES (IL) L-i Plnvnologie, le Gcsto, et la Physio- noinie, diinioiitrcs par 120 Portraits. Roy. 8v(i. Paris, \^M- A 12 \' 20 I!RY (Theodore de). New Artistic Alphabet, designed liy Therica : a Delineation by Pen and Pencil of the Mountains, Rivers, itc, of the United States ; edited by William Cullen Bryant. 4 vols. imp. 4to. Lond., 1882-85. 1)1 R 11^14 | Poetical Works of. Household ed. Svo. New York, 1880. II 5T25 BRYANT (W. M.) [See Hecel, G. ^^■. F.] nUYCE (Rev. Phokessok GEomiic), :\I.A., kv. .Manitoba : its Iiifanc)', (irowth, and Present, Condition. Svo. Lnnd., 1S82. I>:! V 12 liRYCE (James), D.C.L. TIp' linly Gill oil. 8vo. fyond., 187G. l',nipire. r. 12Q3G I'.UYCK (James), .M..\., .Vc, and JOHNSTON (Keith), F.R.(i.S. Ho\ischol(l (Vdopicdia of (!i^ogi'a])hy : !)es- criptivo. Physical, Poiilicil and Historical. New ed. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1880. I) 12 V 17 EllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 11!) Bry] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Heference. [Buc BRYDGES (Sir Harford Jones), Bart. Account of the Triinsactions of H.M. Mission to tl\c Court of Persia, 1807-11; with a brief History of the Wahauby. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 183i. B 1 P 9, 10 Dynasty of the Kajars ; translated from the original Persian Manuscript ; to which is prefixed a succinct Account of the History of Persia. 8vo. Lond., 1833. B1P12 BRYDGES (Sir Samuel Egerton), Bart., Ac. Archaica ; coiitaining a Reprint of scarce Old English Prose Tracts; with Prefaces, Critical and Biographical. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1815. J 2 U 17, 18 1. Tracts of Robert Greene, Robert Southwell, Nicholas Breton and Thomas Nash. 2. Tracts of Gabriel Harvey and Richard Brathwayte. Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of. 2 vols. 8vi). Lond., 1834. 06 V 10, 11 Bertram : a Poetical Tale. 8vo. Kent, 1814. H 6 S 10 Brief Character of Matthew Lord Rokeby. 8vo. Kent, 1817. H6S10 The British Bibliographer. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1810-14. J 6T 10-13 Censura Literaria ; containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old English Books, especially those which are scarce. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1805-9. JllVl-10 Cimelia ; seu examen criticum Librorum ex Diariis literariis. Lingua prwcipue Gallica, ab anno 1665 usque ad annum 1792 scriptis, selectum. 8vo. Geneva, 1823. J 6 R 5 Collins' Peerage of England. \See Collins, A.] Coningsby : a Tragic Tale. 18mo. Paris, 1819. J1W35 Gnomica: Detached Thoughts, Sententious, Axiomatic, Moral, and Critical ; but especially with reference to Poetical Faculties and Habits. 8vo. Geneva, 1824. J 6 R 6 Imaginative Biography. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1834. C 3 U 27, 28 Letters from the Continent. 8vo. Kent, 1821. B7U20 Memoirs of the Peers of England, during the Reign of James I. 2 vols, (in 1). 8vo. Lond., 1802. C g^Q 19 Poems. 4th ed., with many additions. 12mo. Lond., 1807. H5S12 Poetical Works of John Milton. {See Milton, J.] Population and Riches of Nations, considered together. 8vo. Paris, 1819. F6S17 Sir Ralph Willoughby : an Historical Tale of the IGth Century. 18mo. Florence, 1820. J 1 W 34 Restituta ; or. Titles, Extracts, and Characters of old Books in English Literature revived. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1814-16. K 17 R 15-18 The Ruiniiiator : a series of Essays. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1813. J 6 R 3, 4 Select Poems. 4to. Kent, 1814. H5V7 BRYDONE (Patrick), F.R.S. Tour through Sicily and Malta, in a series of Letters to Wm. Beckford. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1774. D 7 U 25, 26 BRYENNIUS (NiCEPiioRus). Historiarum, Libri iv. [See MiGNE, J. P., SeHIES Gr.I'X'A, 127.] BRYENNOIS MANUSCRIPT. \See Harris, J. R.] BRYSON (George). Memoirs of. {See Veitcii, W.] BUCANUS (Guilielmus). In.stitvtiones Theologicje, scu Locorvm Commvnivm Christiana! Religionis, e.x Dei verbo, et prrestanti.ssiinorum Theologorum Orthoiloxo consensu expositorum analysis. Editio tcrtia. 12mo. JJernae, 1005. GUQ12 BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. History <,f the Buca- niers of Amei'ica, from their fh'st Original down to this Time. 8vo. Lond., 1699. B 17 Q 5 {See Arciikxiioltz, J. M. von.] B 35 P 2 BUCH (Leopold von). Reise durch Nonvegen und Lapp- land. Mit Kupfern uud Karten. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Berlin, 1810. D 8 R 4 Travels through Norway and Lapland, during the yeai-s 1806-8; translated by John Black. 4to. Lond., 1813. D8V24 {See Geological Memoirs.] BUCHAN (Capt. David), R.N. Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole. {See Beechey, Capt. F. W.] BUCHAN (David Stewart Erskine), Earl of. Essays on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher of Saltoun, and the Poet Thomson. 8vo. Lond., 1792. C8P9 BUCHAN (Peter). Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland, hitherto unpublished : with Explana- tory Notes. Reprinted from the original edition of 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1875. ' H 5 T 23,21 Annals of Peterhead, from its Foundation to the Present Time ; including an Account of the Rise, Progress, &c., of the Town. 8vo. Peterhead, 1819. B 13 R 11 BUCHAN (William Baton.) Plumbing: a Text-book to the Practice of the Art or Craft of the Plumber ; with Supplementary Chapters upon House Drainage. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 Q 12 BUCHANAN (Rev. Claudius), D.D. Christian Researches in Asia ; with Notices of the Translation of the Scriptures into the Oi-iental Languages. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1811. G6R1.S BUCHANAN (David). An Australian Orator: Speeches, Political, Social, Literary, and Theological ; edited by Richmond Thatcher. 8vo. Lond., 1886.* MF 1 P 18 Heresy and Sham of all the leading so-called Christian Sects: a Christmas Chant, in Prose. 8vo. Sydney, 1876. MG 1 Q 36 Another copy. 2ud ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1876. MG 1 Q 39 Mitred Mountebanks and Lay and Surpliced Lunacy in contention with Sound Reason and Common Sense: an Address on the Education Question. (Pam. Bs.) Svo. Sydney, 1879. MG 1 Q 34 120 CATALOGUE OF THE Buc] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Buc BUCHANAN (Dwrn)— continued. Observations on the Public Affairs and Public Men of England. 8vo. Sydney, 1871. MF 1 R 46 Political Portraits of some of the Members of the Parlia- ment of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 186.3. MF3P4 Protection or Free Trade ? [See Reid, G. H.] Speech on the necessity of adopting a Fiscal Policy tha*" will promote, encourage, and protect our Nativelndustries- 8vo. Sj-dney, 1880. MF 3 P 21 Specimens of Australian Oratory ; comprising Speeches delivered in the Senate, at the Bar, and on the Pulilie Platform. 8vo. Sydney, 1881.* MF 1 P IG {See BccHAXAN, W.] BUCHANAN (Geohoe). Georgii Buchanani, Scoti, Poet- arum siii seculi Principis, Opera omnia, ad optimorum Codicum fidem summo studio recognita et castigata, curante Tlioma Ruddimano, A.JI. 2 vols. fol. Edinb., 1715. B 19 U 9, 10 : History of Scotland ; translated from the Latin, with Notes, and a Continuation, by Jas. Aikman. 6 ^ols. 8vo. Edinb., 1828-30. B 13 Q 33-38 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of George Buchanan ; by David Irving, A.M. Sv,,. Edinb., 1807. C 10 R 12 Eerum Scoticaruin Historia, auctore Georgio Buchanano, Scoto, ad Jacobum vi, Scotorum Regem. Accessit de Jure Regni apud Seotos Dialogus, codem Georgio Buchanano auctore. 8vo. Ultrajecti, 1668. B13P29 BUCHANAN (Hon. James). [See Calhoun-, Hon. J. C] BUCHANAN (John), F.L.S. ]\ranual of the Indigenous firasses of New Zealand. Roy. 8vo. Weliiiigtoii, 1880.* MA 1 r 13 The Shire Highlands (East Central .Afiica) as C'dlonv and Mission. 8vo. Iklinb., I88o. 1) IK IG BUCHANAN (Joseph Rodes), M.D. Manual of P.sycho- metry : the Dawn of a New Civilization. 8vo. Boston, 1885. G 13 Q 25 The New Education : Moral, Industrial, Hygienic, Tiitol- l.-.tual. 3rd ed. 8vo. Boston, 1882. G 17 P 1!) liLCJIANAN (Roi)EKT AV1LLIA.M). The Earthquake ; or. Six Days and a Sabbath. — The First Three Days. 8vo. Lond., 1885. H 5 T 33 Life and Adventures of John James Audnliou, iho Naluia- list. 8vo. Lond., 1808. CI V 3 1 PoeticalAVorksof. 3 vol.'j. 8vo. \j„w\.,\H'\. H5T29-31 1. Hallntlx mill HoiiiaiicoB. UalliidB aixl I'oeinB of Life. 2. liallnils and Poems of Life. Lyrical Poomfl, &c. 3. C'oniidken Sonnets, Hook of Orni ant, Jei'usalem, Rome, N'cnice, Paris, &c. 12mo. Melb., 1873. MJ2P3I BUClvlNtUIAM (Geohoe Villikh.s), Duke of. Till' Chances : a Comedy. [See Bicai^mont, F.] I Life of.] The Stanhope Essay for 1882 ; by W. Hud.son Shaw. 8vo. 0.xf(.r(l, 18S2. ' C 9 R 29 The Rehearsal : a ('oiiicdy. (Hell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1796. H2P13 Another II 2 P 29 BUCKINGHAM (James Silk). America; Historical, SlaliHlic, and Descri])tive. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud., ]HII. B 1 R 3-5 Auliiliicigiapiiy "f ; including his Voyages, Travels, Adventures, Si)oculiitions, itc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., J 855, UJPi 5 FREE PUBLIC LIBllAllY, SYDNEY 121 Buc] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Buc BUCT\TN(;?TAM (James ^ihK)— continued. Canada, Nova, Scotia, and New l?ruiis\vick ; with a Plan of National Ciil()nizati(m. 8vo. Loud., IK-Ci. D3T5 Evidence on Drunkenness. 8vo. Lond., 18.'V1. F 10(^)3 Parliamentary Review and Family Mai^a/ine. .'i vols. 8vo. Lend., 1833. ' E Slave State.s of America. 2 vols. 8vo. Loiul., 1842. D 3 T 47, 48 Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia. 2iul ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1830. D 4 IT 23, 24 Travels in Mesopotamia ; with Researches on the Ruins of Baliylon, Nineveh, Arbela, Ctesiphon, and Seleucia. 4to. Lond., 1827. 1) 4 V 28 BUCKINGHAM (L. Stanhope F.) Memoirs of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotlaiul. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C G T 14, 15 BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS (Richard Nlk^ent Brydges Chandos Grenville), Duke of. Memoirs of the Court and Cal)inets of George iii. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853-55. C 7 Q 16^19 Memoirs of tlie Court of England during; the Regency, 1811-20. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1856. C 10 S 41, 42 Memoirs of the Courts of George iv., 1820-30. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1859. ' C 6 Q 23, 24 Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of William iv. and Victoria ; from original Family Documents. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861. " ' B 3 S 13, 14 Privatc Diary of. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 862. C 3 R 1 4-1 6 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE (John Sheffield), Duke of. Life and Poems of. [&« Johnson, 8., and Chalmers, A.] M(?moires du. {See Guizot, F. P. G., 21.] BUCKLAND (Dr. Francis Trevelyan), M.A. Acclimati- sation of Animals : a Paper read before the Society of Arts, London ; republished by the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. (Pani. Cb.) 8vo. Melb., 18G1. A 1 6 U 25 Curiosities of Natural History. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Series. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873. ' A 14 P 53-56 Fishhatching. 8vo. Lond., 1863. A 14 Q 25 Life of ; by his Brother-in-law, George C. Bompas ; with a Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 5 R 9 Log-book of a Fisherman and Zi.iologist. 8\o. Lond., 1875. A 14 Q 34 {See White, G.] BUCKLAND (Rev. W.), D.D., Dean op Westminster. Geology and Mineralogy, considered with reference to Natural Theology. 2 vols. 8v„. Lond., 1836. A 9 S 2, 3 Reliiiuiie Diluviana" ; or. Observations on the Organic Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and on other Geological Phenomena attesting the action of an universal Deluge. 2nd ed. 4 to. Lond., 1824. A 9 V 6 \_See Beeciiey, Capt. F. W.J Q BUCKLE (Henry Thomas), F.R.A.8. History of Civili/^ ation in England. New ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869. l: 1 Q 11 13 Life and Writings (jf; by Alfred ffnnv llutli. 2 vols. 8vo. Lcmd., 1880. C 8 U 7, « Miscellaneous and Posthumous \\'oi-ks of; edited, with a ]5iographical Notice, Ijy [Miss] Helen Taylor. 3 vols. 8v< Lond., J 15 S 11-13 BUCKLE (Lieut.-Col.) India and its Native Princes. {See Rousselet, L.] BUCKLER (C. DuiiALD). Colony of Tasmania : Recent Statistics ; also, Letters from Settlers. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MD 4 V 20 BUCKLEY (Arabella P..), Mrs. Fisher. Short History of Natural Science, and of the Progress of Discovery from the Time of the Greeks. 12mo. Lond., 1870. A 1 7 T 7 BUCKLEY (M. J. C.) Notes on the Architecture of the Church of Elstow. {See Wigram, Rev. S. R.] BUCKLEY (Robert Burton), A.M.I.C.E. Irrigation Works of India, and their Financial Results ; being a brief History and Description oi the Irrigation Works of India, and of the Profits and Losses which they have cau.sed to the State. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F10R20 BUCKLEY (S. B.), M.A., A-c. Second Annual Report of the Geological and Agricultural Survey of Texas. (Pam. Cn.) 8vo. Houston, 1876. ]\IA 2 V 14 BUCKLEY (Theodore Alois). The Iliad nf Homer; literally translated. {See Homer.] The Odyssey of Homer ; literally translated. {See Homer.] Tragedies of ^schylus. {See ^scHYLrs.] Tr^igedies of Euripides. {See Euripides.] W\.rks of Horace, revised. {See Horatius Flaccus, Q.] {See Aristoteles.] BUCKLEY (William). Life and Adventures of ; by John Morgan. 12mo. Hobart, 1852.* MC 1 P 7 William Buckley, the Wild White Man, and his Port Phillip Black Friends ; by James Bonwick. 8vo. Melb., 1856. " MC1B27 Another copy. -^U 2 Q 17 The Wild White :Man and the Blacks of Victoria. {See BoNV)icK, James.] BUCKNALL (ISen.iamin). {See Viollet-le-Duc, E. E.] BUCKSTONE (J. B.) The Happiest Day of my Life. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. ^ ' H 2 Q 18 Luke, the Labourer: a Domestic Melodrama. (Cumber- land's Eng. Theatre.) 12ino. Lond., 1829. H2Q17 Snakes in the Grass: a Farce. (Cund)erland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 22 122 CATALOGUE OF THE Bug] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [BiU BUCKTON (Mrs. Catherine M.) Health in the House: Twentv-tive Lectures ou Elemeiitarv Physiology. 8vo. Lon(l.,"l875. . " " a"12Q3.5 BUCKTON (TnoM.->.s Joex). "Western Australia ; com- prising a Description of the vicinity of Australind and Port Leschenault ; with two Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1840. MD 3 P 44 BUDDHA. Buddha and Buddhism. [S« :\riLLS, C- D. B.] Buddaghosha's Parables. Translated from Burmese by Capt. F. Rogers, R.E. ; with an Introduction containing Buddha's Dliammapada, translated from Pali bv F. Max Muller, M.A. 8vo. L'1(\. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 2 R 34 BUDGE (J.) Practical Miner's Guide ; also, a Treatise on As.saying Silver, Copper, Lead, and Tin; with a (."ollcction of Tables, Rule.s, and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1S()G. A 10 P 21 BL'DGICLL (VL.) Memoirs of the Lives and Chnractrr.>s of the illustrious Family of tlii^ Boyles, jiarticularly of the late eminently learned Charle.s, Earl of Orrery. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond,, 1737. C I H 1 l!r 1)(;ETT (Samuel). The Sncces.sful Mercliant, Sketches of tho Life of; by the Rev. W. Arthur, A.M. 8vo. Lond., 1852. C3Q47 iJl-'KK (II. \V.;, .M.I). Index Generalis et Hpecialisad A. P. Decandolle Prmlromum Hystematis Naturalis Kegni VeKctftbili.H. Parts 14. 4 v<.ls. (in 3) Hvo. Herolini, 1840-74. A 4 1{ 22 24 BUFFON (George Louis Leclerc), Comte de. Buffon; sa Famille, ses Collaborateurs, et ses Familiers : Mcmoires, par M. Hundiert-Bazile, son Secretaire. 8vo. Paris, 1863. C 10 P 10 Histoire Naturelle des Coralliaires, etc. [See Milne- Edwards.] Natural History of Birds. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond., 17'J3 Natural History ; containing a Theory of the Eartli, a General History of Man, of the Brute Creation, itc. 16 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1797-1808. A 28 Q 9-24 [See Des Murs, QiIillet and Pennant, T.] BUGEAUD (Marshal Thomas Robert). Memoirs of; from his private Correspondence and original Documents, 1784-1849; by the Count H. d'ldeville ; edited, fr.mi the French, by Charlotte M. Yonge. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 8 U 11, 12 BUGGE (Prof. S.) Prof. S. Buggo's Studies on Northern Mythology shortly examined. [See Stephens, Dr. CJ. Prof.] BUHLE (J. T.) [See Auistoteles.] BUHLER (Geoho)- Laws of Manu— Sacred Laws of I he Aryas. [See Miller, Prof. F. M.] BUILDER (The); an Illustrated Weekly Magazine for the Architect, Engineer, Archa>ologist, Constructor, Sanitai'v Reformer, and Art-Lover. Vols. 1-48. Fol. Lond., 1843-85. E BUILDING ACT. Report from the Comnjittee on the Building Act, 8 Wm. iv. No. 6; with the Minutes of Evidence. (Pari. Doc, 32.) Fol. Sydney, 1838. MF4 | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. Examjiles of Building Construction, inteiuled as an Aide-memoire for the Pro- fe.ssional Man and the ()j)erative. 4 vols, atlas 4lo. L-uid. (n.d.) A 13 1' 1 I ; Notes on iiuiiiling (Jonst ruction, ari'anged tn meet the reijuirements of the Syllalius of Science and Art Depart- ment of the Connnittoe of Council on Education, South Kensington. Vol.s. 1-3. Lond., 1875-79. A 3 P 29-31 BUILDING NEWS (The), and Engineering Journal. 21 vols, fnl. Lond., 1S75-85. E lU'LGEU ((!i;oii(iE Er.n'Est). Leaves from tho Records of St. Ihibert's Club. 8vo. Lond., 1864. .1 7 U 27 HULKKLKY (.Iohn), and CDiMMINS (John). Voyage to the S3I BUNY.\N (Joirx). [A Biography]; by J. A. Froude. (Eng. M.-n of Letters.) Hvo. Lond., 1880. {'IU4 Select iJingraphies; Croniwcll and iStinyan: by li. Smiihcy. (H. and C. Lib., 6.) 8vo. I>.ml., 1844. J ,s P(i His Life, Tinie.t, and Work ; by .Iulm I'.idwii, I!.,\. Hvo. \jimi\., 1HH5, CO Q 2 Till- Holv War made by Shaddai ii|inM hi.ibiilis. Hvo. Ivind., "lHH2. (; 13 R 32 The PilgriniH Progress; witli the Life of the Author, Ac. 2 vols. Kvii. UoiiLSey, 1818. Gil (,) 2(1, 21 [See IlAZi.irr, W, C.] BUNYIU NANJIO. Biographical Essay. [See Mf lleh, Prof. F. Max.] BUOMMATTEI (Bexedetto). Delia Lingua Toscana. Pubblico lettore d'essa nello studio Pisano, e Fiorentino. Libri due. Roy. 8vo. Yenezia, 1735. K 14 Q 28 BUONARROTI (Michael Axoelo.) [See Michael BUOXARROTI. I BURAT (Amkdee). Geologie Appliqu^e : Traite du Gise- ment et de I'Exploitation des Mineraux utiles. 4'= ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1858-59. A 9 R 8, 9 Geologie Appliquce : Traitd du Gisement et de la Recherche des Mineraux utiles. 5'^ ed., revue, corrictee et augmentee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1870. ' A 9 U 29, 30 BURBIDGE (Rev. Edward), :\1.A. Liturgies and Offices of the Church, for the use of English Readers, in illustra- tion of the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo. Lond., 1885. ' (i 13 R 38 BURBIDGE (F. W.) (iardens.if the Sun; or, a Naturalist's Journal (in tile Mountains, and in the Forests and Swamps of Borneo, and the Sulu Archipelago. 8vo. Lond., 1880. I) Q 37 BURBURY' (S H.), M.A. Electricity ami .Magnetism. [See Watsox, H. W.] BLTRCHARDUS (VoMATiEXSis Episcopus). Opera omnia. [See Mk;xe. J. P., Skuiks Latixa, 140.] BURCIIELL (William J.) Travels in the Interior of Southern Afi'ica ; with Engravings. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1S22-24. D 2 \' 19, 20 BURCHETT (E. S.) Practical Plane (ieometrv. Rov. 8v.). Lond., 1S70. A 10 V 7 BURCHETT (R,) Linear Perspective, for the use of Schools of Art. 8vo. Lond., 1856. A 8 P 31 I'.rKtnvir.VKDT (Jacohus). [See HrTiKN, U. vox.] 1!L:R('KI1ARI)T (l)(i. Jacoh). The Cicenme : an Art Guide to r.iiuting in Italy. 12mo. Lond., 1879. D12P30 BURCKIIARDT (Joiix Lewis). Aial)i<' Proverbs; or, the Manners and (Just .s of the Modern Egyjitians, illusti'at.ed fiom (heir I'roxrrbial Sayings current at Caii'o ; translated .inil (xiilaineci. Ito. Lond., 18.30. K I I S 1 1 Anolhcicopy. 2ikI rd, Koy.>^\o. Lond., 1^75. K I IS 15 Notes on tim Bedouins and WaiiAbvs : collected ur do Lion : an Historical Romance. [See Farces, 6.] BURGOYNE (Right Hon. John), Political and Military Episodes in the latter half of the Eighteenth Century, derived from the Life and Correspondence of ; by E. B. de Fonblaiuiue. 8vo. Lond., 1876. C 8 U 45 BURGOYNE (Field Marshal the Rt. Hon. Sir John Fox,) Bart. Life and Correspondence of; by his Son- in-law, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Geo. Wrotte.sley. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873. C 8 U 9, 10 Remarks on the ^Maintenance of Macadamised Roads ; with an Appendix by Sir W. T. Denison. (Pam. C.) Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1857. MJ 2 S 1 Another copy. MJ 2 R 17 Treatise on the Blasting and Quarrying of Stone for Building Purposes ; with the Constituents and Analyses of Granite, Slate, Limestone, and Sandstone ; to which is added some Remarks on the Blowing up of Bridges. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1868. A 17 P 29 \_See Hughes, S.] BURGOYNE (Roderick Hamilton). Historical Records of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders, now the 2nd Bat- talion Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. 8vo. Lond., 1883. B 13 P 42 BURGUY (Prof. Georges Felderic). Grammaire de la Langue d'Oil ; ou, Grammaire des Dialectes Fran(;ais aux xil" et xiii"^ Siecles, suivie d'un Glossaire. 2'' ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1869. K 12 R 34, 35 BURIAL GROUNDS, SYDNEY. Burial Grounds, Syd- ney, and proposed General Cemetery : a Copy of all Cor- respondence between the Government and any person or persons relative to the condition of the Burial Grounds within the City of Sydney. Fol. Syd., 1863. ilF 10 Q 1 t BURIGNY (Jean Levesque de). Life of Hugo Grotius ; together with a critical Account of his Works, written originally in French. 8vo. Lond., 1754. C 5 B 17 126 CATALOGUE OF THE \ Bur] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bur BURKE (Rt. Hox. Edmund). Anecdote Biography ; by J. Timbs. 8vo. Loud., 1860. C 1 S 6 A Biography ; by John Morley. (Eng. Men of Letters.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 1 U 5 Correspondence of, 1744—97; edited by Charles "William, Earl Fitz-n-illiani, and Lieut.-Gen. Sir Richard Bourke. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 10 Q 5-8 History of the Life and Times of; by Thomas Macknight. •2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1858. C 10 Q 3, 4 Lectures on the Life, Writings, and Times of; by J. B. Robertson. 12mo. Lond., 1868. C 3 Q 13 Letter to a Noble Lord on the Attacks made upon him and his Pension in tlie Hdusc of Lords, by the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Lauderdale. 8vo. Lond., 1796. F 6 T -2 Memoir of the Life and Character of ; with Specimens of liis Poetry and Letter.s, l)y James Prior. 2n[l ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1826. C 6 T 2, 3 Memoir of the Political Life of; by the Rev. G. (.'roly. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. ' C 3 R 12, 13 Pliilo.sophical En. I.^.nd., 1852. K Anothercojiy. 3.")iil I'd. Roy.Svo. Lond., 1871. E Anothi-r copy. 34th ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1K72. E An>it!iircopy. listed. Roy.Hvo. Lond,,lM79. E Anotlicrcopy. 4 Ith ed. Roy.8vo. Lond., 18S2. E Anotlnrro|iy. 4Mllied. R<,y.8vo. [.,ond., 1880. E Another coj»y. tOthed. Roy.8vo. ri<)n(i.,18H7. E BURKE (Sir John Beknaud), C.B., itc. — confimo'J. Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 5th ed. 2 vols. rov. 8vo. Lond., 1871-72. K 10 V'20, 21 Another copy. Gth ed., with Supjilenient. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1882. K 10 V 22, 23 Another copy. 7th ed. 2 vols. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1886. K 10 V 24, 25 Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire. New ed. Roy. Svo. Lend., 1866. K 10 IT S General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales; comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings, from the Earliest to the Present Time. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1878. K 10 T 11 Heraldic Illustrations. [See Burke, J. it Sik J.] Illuminated Heraldic Illustrations ; witli Annotations. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1857. K 10 T 22 Reminiscences, Ancestral, Anecdotal, and Historic ; a re- modelled and revised edition oi "The of Gicat Families and other Essays."' 8vo. Lond., 1882. B4R4 Romantic Records of Distinguished Families: a Second Series of "Anecdotes of the Aristocracy." 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1851. J 4 R 17, 18 Vicissitudes of Families. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18(. Lond., 1880. B12R37 Rome and the Campagna: an Historical and Topographical Description of the Site, Buildings and Neighliourhood of Ancient Rome. Illustrated. 4to. Camb.,1871. B14Q16* Another copy, iuded. 4to. Camb., 1876. B14Q17 + BURN (Robert Scott), M.S. A., ic. Notes of an Agri- cultural Tour in Belgium, Holland, and the Rhine ; with Practical Notes on the peculiarities of Flemish Hus- bandry. 8vo. Lond., 1862. A 1 U 6 Outlines of Modern Farming. (Weale.) 2nd ed. 5 vols. (in 4). 12mo. Lend., 1865-72. A 17 Q 1-4 1. Soils, Manures, and Crops. 2. Notes on Farming, ami Farming Economy. 3. i. Stock, Cattle, Sheep, and Horses, the Dairy, Pigs, Poultry. 5. Utilization of Town Sewage, Irrigation, &c. Practical Directory for the Improvement of Landed Property, and the Economic Cultivation of its Farms. Roy. 4to. Edinb., 1881. A 2 Q 3 t Suburban Farming. [See Donaldson, Prof. J.] Systematic Small Farming. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 1 P 48 Working Drawings and Designs in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Machine-making; with Essays on various subjects, by W. AValker, Francis Lightbody, and others. Imp. fol. Edinb. and Lond., 1866. A 20 P 20 ♦ Working Drawings and Designs in Architecture and Buildings ; with Essays on various subjects, by E. S. Eyland, F. Lightbodv, and R. S. Burn. Roy. fol. Edinb. and Lond., 1866. " ' A 1 R 2 | Year-book of Agi-ieultural Facts for 1860. 8vo. Edinb., 1861. E 123 CATALOGUE OF THE Bm-] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bur BURXABY (Colonel Fbederick Gustavus). Life ami Times of ; by J. Redding Ware aiul R. K. IMaun. 8v(i. Ix)nd., 1883. " C 4 S 3 On Horseback through Asia Minor; with Portrait and Map. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D4U11,12 Ride to Khiva ; Travels and Adventures in Central Asia. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D 6 R 20 BURNABY (Mks. Frederick Gustavus). High Life and Towers of Silence. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 7 Q 39 BTJRNAND ( W. H.) Copies of the Correspondence between the Colonial Department and ^lessrs. Graham and Co., referred to in the Petition of Mr. W. H. Buruand. (Pai'l. Docs., 19.) Fol. Lond., 1839. .MF 4 + BURNE (Miss Charlotte Sophia). Shropshire Folk-lure. \_See Jacksov, Georgixa F.] BURXELL (Arthur Coke). Ph.D. Glossary of Anglo- Indian Cullocjuial words. [_See Yule, Col. H.l Oixiinances of Manu. \_See Masu.] BURNELL (Georoe R.), C.E. Builder's Price-h.)ok. \_See LocKwooD.] Civil Engineering \_See Law, 11. J Rudiments of Hydraulic Engineering. 12iiio. Lond., 18G8. A 17 P GO Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mortars, Concretes, Mastii-s, Plastering, &c. (Weale.) 9th ed. 12ino. Lniid. 1S7l'. A 17 1' 1 Well-digging, s BURNESH (William). lUee NnsniT, A.J BURNET (GiLiiERT), I •.])., IJisiioi' OF Samsiuhv. Hi.stoire de mon Teinjis. [See Guizot, F. P. G., 17 2l>. | Hi.story of iiis Own Time; witli the supJ(r(^s.sed Passages fif tiie lirst volume, and Notes by tlie Earls of Dartmouth (ind Hardwieke. and Speakf James and William, Dukes of Hamilton and Cnstjelieralrl, iVc. Kol. Lond., 1077. C 2 W 12 BURNET (John), F.R.S. Essay on tlie Education of the Eve with reference to Painting. 2nd ed. 4to. Lond., 1^37. ' A 8 U 20 Another copy. 3rd ed. 4to. Lond., ISGo. A8U11 Practical Hints on Composition in Painting; illustrated by Examples from the Great Masters of the Ifalian, Flemisli, and Dutch Schools. 4to. Ltmd., 1S22. A 8 U l-') Practical Hints on Colour iu Painting ; illustrateil liy Examples from the Works of the Venetian, Flemish, and Dutch Schools. 3rd ed. 4to. Lond., 1830. A8U11 Practical Hints on Light and Shade in Painting; illus- trated by Examples from the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch Schools. 3rd ed. 4to. Lond., 1820. A8U11 Rembrandt and his Works ; comprising a short Accou)it of his Life ; with a critical Examination into his Prin- ciples and Practice of Design, Light, Shade, and Colour. Illustrated l)y Examples from the Etchings of Rend)ran(lt. 4to. Lond., 1849. A 8 U 15 BURNET (Thomas), M.A. De Statu i\Iortuorum et Re- surgentium Tractatus. Ajicitur, Ajipendix de Futura Ju- danirum Restauratione. Ed. secunda. 8vo. Lond., 1733. G IG S 1 BURNETT ((;E0R(iE). E.xcheiiuer I'.olls uf Scotland. {See SC0TL.\ND.] BURNETT (John), Advocate. Treatise on various liran- ches of the ('I'iininal Law of Seotland. 4to. I'^dinb., 1811. F8 P 13 1- BURNETT (Wii.MAM), C.E. Curio.sities of Great Britain. \_See Duc.dale, T.] BURNEY (Charles). Mus.D., A-c. (iiMieral Hi.story ,,f Mu.sic, from tiie l']arliest Ages to tlie I'rt'sent Period. 1 vols. 4to. Loud., 177G-89. A 8 U 11 BURNEY (Frances). [_See D'.\ri!i.av. ^Madame Frances.] BURNEY (Rear-Adm. James), R.N., F.R.S. Chnmolo- gical Hi.story of the Voyages and Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacilic Oce"an, 1192 17C)I. 5 \ ols. Ito. Lond., 1803-17.* -MD 5 g 15 t BURNEY (William), LL.D. N.'w I'niversal Dictionary of Marine ; originally compiled by William I'^deoiier, now moilerni/.i'd and nnn li enlarged. IIm. I,oiid., 1815. K G tj 5 liUKMIAM ((;.;, I'.UiliY (C T.l, WILM.UIS ( K. II.) AND (/'()., IJaldwin Locomoiivi; \\'orks, llhislratcd Catalogue: Loeoniotives. 2Md ed. Imp. 8\(i. I'liilad., 1881. A9P2t lil'RNHAM (S. M.) History and Pses of Liinesloiies and Marbles. Willi f. pi( v eiirlil ( 'lir-onio lil lio^jrajilis. 8vo. |{o.sU.n, 18S.i, A 9 T 14 PEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 129 Bur] Part I : — Authors, Editoi^s, or Reference. [Bur BURNOUF (Prof. Emile). and LEUPOL (L.) Diction- naire Classique Sanscrit-Fraiujais. Hoy. 8vo. Pari.s, 1866. K 15 S 21 M^thode pour etudier la Langue Sanserite. Ouvrage faisant suite aux Methodcs grecque I't latiiie de J. L. Burnouf. 2" ed. 8vo. Paris, 1861. K 12 R 22 BURNOUF (EuGiiNE). Inti-oductu.u a I'Histi.ire du Bud dhi.snie Indien. Vol. 1 [dU juiliVisluiL ) Roy. Ito. Paris, 1844. ■ G 12 K T t BURNS (Bahnet). Brief Narrative of a New Zealand Chief ; being the remarkable History of Barnet Burns, an English 8aih)r ; written by him.self. 8vo. Belfast, 1844.' MD7P16 ■ BURNS (J. F.) Ways and Means : the Financial State- ment of the Hon. J. F. Burns, Colonial Treasurer of New South Wale.s, made 30th March, 1887. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MF 1 Q 2"2 BURNS (Robert). [A Biography] ; Ijy Principal J. C. Shairp. (Eng. Men of Letters.) 8vo. Lond.,1879. C1U6 An Inquiry into his Life and Character, and the Moral Influence of his Poetry ; by "A Scotchwoman." 12mo. Loud., 1886. " C 2 Q 6 Complete Glossary to the Poetry and Prose uf Robert Burns; \_See Cuthbertson, J.] Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda ; with a Memoir of Mrs. M'Lehose (Clarinda), by W. C. M'Leliose. 8vo. Lond., 1843. C 5 R 10 Life and Poems of. \_See British Poets, 2.] Life of; by J. G. Lockhart. (Const. Misc.) 3i-d ed. LSmo. Edinb., 1830. K lOQ 11 Life of : by J. G. Lockhart; revised, kc, by W. S. Douglas. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 1 S 14 Memorials (if, and of some of his Contemjioraries and their Descendants ; by P. F. Aiken ; witli a Selection of his best Poems and Songs, and engraved Portrait and Fac-similes. 8vo. Lond., 1876. " H » R 3 Poems, chiefly in the Dialect. 2nd cd. 2 vols. (in 1) 8vo. Edinb., 1793. H 5 T 28 Robert Burns at Mossgiel; with Reminiscences of the Poet by his herd-boy, William Patrick ; by William Jolly. 12mo. Paisley, 1881. C 1 P 25 Works of; with his Life, by Allan Cunningham. 8 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1834. II Q 1^8 [See Linton, W. J.] BURNS, PHILP & Co. Queensland Hand-book of Infor- mation issued by Burns, Philp & Co. Limited: Articles and Reports furnished Ijy the Firm's Managers throughout Queensland. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1884. MD 5 V 34 BURNSIDE (W.Sxow), M.A.,andPANTON, A. W.,)M.A. Theory of Equations ; with an Introduction to the Theory of Binary Algebraic Forms. 8vo. Dublin, 1881. A 10 S 12 BURR (LiEUT.-CoL. Aaron). Life and Times of; by James Parton. 11th ed. 8vo. New York, 1K58. C5T1 BURR (George D.) Instructions in Practical Surveying, Topograplucal Plan-drawing, and Sketcliing Ground without Instrument.s. 4thed. 8vo. Lond., 1^64. A61{34 BURRITT (Elihu), M.A. Sanskrit Hand book for the Fire-side. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1876. K 16 R 21 The Mission of Greiit SudiTings. 12mio. Lond., 1867. G 10 Q 12 Walk from London to John O'Groats' ; with Notes by the Way. 2nd ed. Lond., 1864. D 7 P 3 AValk from London to Land's End and Back ; with Notes by the way. 8vo. Lond., 1865. 1)8 S3 AValks in the Black Country, and its (ireen Border-land. 8vo. Lond., 1868. D 8 S 4 Western and Eastern Questions of Europe. {Bound with Marvin's liunsia's Power.) Pani. 8vo. Hartford, 1871. F 7 (,) 1 7 BURROUGHS (John). [See E.s.says from th(^ Critic] BURROWS (Capt. Montagu), R.N. Life of Edward, Lord Hawke ; with some Account of the Origin of the English Wars in the Reign of George ll, and the State of the Royal Navy at that period. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 7 Q 27 The Family of Brocas of Beaurepaire and Roche Court, Hereditary Masters of the Royal Buckhounds. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1886. B 4 V 17 BURROWS (S. M.) The Buried Cities of Ceylon: a Guide-book to Anuradhapura and Pollonarua. 8vo. Colombo, 1885. B 10 Q 47 BURROWS (William). \_See Adventures of a Mounted Trooper.] BURSIAN (C.) Geschichte der Classichen Philologie in Deutschland. (Geschichte der Wissensch, 19.) 8vo. Miin- chen, 1883. A 17 V 34 BURSLEM (Capt. Rollo). A Peep into Toorkisthan. 8vo. Lond., 1846. D 5 S 13 BURTON (Major-Gen. Edmond Francis). Reminiscences of Sport in India. 8vo. Lond., ISSy. D 4 U 30 BURTON (Rev. Edward), M.A. Description of^ the Antiquities and other Curiosities of Rome, 1818-19. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. B 12 Q 39, 40 History of the Christian Church, from the Ascension of Jesus Christ to the Conveision of Constantine. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond.. 1837. G 13 R 10 BURTON (Edwin). Visitors' Guide to Sydney. [See Maddoc'k, W.] BURTON (Isabel) Ladv. Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. With coloured Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875. D 4 T 32, 33 130 CATALOGUE OF THE Bur] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Bus BURTON (James). Excerpta Hieroglyphica. Plates in 4 Parts. Ob. -tto. Cairo, 1825-28. " B 1 R 25 t BUETON (KATnERiNE). {See Birtox, J. H.] BURTOX (John Hill), D.C.L., etc. Cairngorm Moun- tains. 12mo. Edinb., 1864. "^ D 7 P 1 Emigrant's Manual: Australia, New Zealand, America, and South Africa. 8vo. Edinb., 1851.* MD 2 Q 30 Another copy. Australia [only]. MD 2 Q 34 History of Scotland, from Agricola's In\asion to the Revo- lution of 1688. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1867. B 13 Q 7-10 History of the Reign of Queen Anne. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1880. B G P 23-25 Life and Correspondence of David Hume. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 184G. C 7 P 31, 32 Lives of Simon, Lord Lovat, and Duncan Forbes, of Cul- loden; from original Sources. 8vo. Lond., 1847. C4S17 The Book-huuter, &c. 12nio. Edinb., 1862. J 9 P 7 Another copv. New ed. ; with a Memoir of the Author ; [By Katherine Burton.] Sq. 8vo. Edinb., 1882. J 2 T 7 The Scot Abroad. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Edinb , 1864. J 9 P 5, 6 BURTON (Sir RicnARD Francis). K.C.M.G., &c. Aljcokuta and the Camaroons Mountains: an Ex|iloration. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1863. D 1 S 8, 9 Book of the Sword. Illustrated. Vol. 1. Imp. 8vo. Lfjnd., 1884. B 15 S 15 Camoens; his Life and his Lusiads : a Commentary. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1881. C 3 S 13, 14, 15 City of the Saints, and across the Rocky Mountains to California. 8vo. Lond., 1861. D 3 U 1 Etruscan Bologna : a Study. 8vo. Lond., 1876. B 12 R 39 First Footsteps in East Africa; or, an Exploration oi Harar. 8vo. Lond., 1856. D 2 P 20 Gold-mines of Midian, and the Ruined Midianile Cities: a Fortnight's Tour in North-western Arabia. 2)id ed. 8vo. Lond., 1878. D 6 S 27 Highlands of the P.razil. 2 vols. 8vo. T»nd., 1869. D 3 S 7, 8 I^acerda's Journey to Ca/.einbe. [l.s. 8vo. I^md., 1855-56. D 4 U 37-39 Two Trips to (iorilla lyand and the Cataracts of the Congo. 2 vols. «vo. Lond., 1H70. D 2 S 5, 6 Ultima Thule ; or, a Hummer in Teeland. 2 vol.s. 8vo. ry.nd., 1«75. D 6 U 30, 31 "Wanderings in West Africa, from Liverpool to Fernando Po; by "A K.U.O.S." 2 vol.s. 12m... Lon.j., |Hf,3. I) 1 q 17, IM BURTON (SiH Richard F.), .\xd CAMERON (Vurney L.) To the Gold Coast for (Jold : a Personal Narrative. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1883. D 1 (J 19, 20 BURTON (Rorert) Anatomy of Melancholy : what it is; by "Democritus, Junior." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1827. G 9 S 14, 15 BURTON (Thomas), M.P. Diary, 1656-59; with an Intro- duction, containing an Account of the Parliament of 1 65 I, from the Journal of G. Goddard, M.P. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. F10S13 1G BURTON (William). Description of Leicestershire ; con- taining Matters of Antiiiuitve, Historye, Armorve, and Genealogy. Fol. Lond., 1(322. B 15 Q 8 + BURTON (Sir William Westbrooke). Extract of a Letter to Sir Richard Rourke. [See Manuscripts and Por- traits.] Reply to Judge liui'ton on the State of Religion in the Colony. \_See Ull.vtiiorne, Rt. Rev. W. B.] State of Religion and Education in New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1840.* MG 1 T 3 BURY (Blaze de), Baronne. \_See Blaze de Biry,] BURY (C.) Ladv. Diary, illustrative of the Times of (leorge iv ; edited by J. Gait. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838-39. C6P 14-17 Journal of the Heart. 8vo. Lond., 1835, J 5 Q 28 BURY (T. Taluot). Rudimentary Architecture for Begin- ners. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1867. A 17 P 11 BUSRECQ (0(;iER (Jiiiselin dk), SnuiN-EUR of BousnEcyuii. Life and Letters of ; by Charles Thornton Forster, M.A. and F. H. Blackburne Daniell, .M..\.. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 8 S 8, 9 BU'Si5Y (James). The Australian l''arnier, .'uid Land Owner's Guide to the Proiitablc Culture of the Vine in New South Wales. Forming the third edition of the Author's "Journal of a Visit to the Vineyards of Spain and l''rance." 8vo. Lond., 1839. ' .M.\1P27 Autlientic information relative to Ni'W South Wales and New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1832. AID 7 P 15 Journal of a Recent Visit to the Priucijial Vineyards of Spain and France ; togethei- with Ob.servations relative to the Introduction of the Vine into New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1831. M .\ 1 P ;il Journal of a Tour thi-ough .some of the Vineyards of Spain and France. 8vo. Sydney, 1S33. IMA I P ,'!() M.uiual of Plain Directions for Planting and ( 'ullivaling Vineyards, and for making Wine in New South ^^'al^',s. 8vo. Sydney, 1830.* MA 1 P 25 Our ("olonial Empire and the Case of New Z<'aland. Kvo. Lond., 1866.* I\l K 1 K 19 The liebellions of th(> Maoris traced to (h('ir true origin ; in two Letters to the Rt. Hon. Edward Cardwcjll. Hvo. Lond., 1865. MUl U 21 Tr'eatis(! on (he Culture of the Vine, and Ihe Art f)f making Wine. 8vo. Sydney, 1825.* MA I P 28 EREE PUBLIC LIBRAHY, SYDNEY. Bus] Part I : — AutJiors, Editors, or Reference. 131 [But BUSBY (T.) [See Lucretius Carus, T.] BUSCH (Dr. Moritz). Bismarck in the Franco-German War, 1870-71. Authori.sed translation from the Ger- man. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1879. B P 6, 7 Conversations at Berlin. [_See Australasia.] BUSCHMANN (J. Cii. Ed.) Textes Marquesans et Taitiens, analyses. 8vo. Berlin, 1843. MK 1 Q 25 BUSH OF AUSTRALIA. [See Australia.] BUSH (Eliza C.) My Pilgrimage to Eastern Shrines. Svo. Lond., 1867. D 4 U 26 BUSH (Mrs. Forbes). Memoirs of the Queens of France ; with Notices of the Royal Favourites. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1843. C 4 P 15, 16 BUSH (Richard J.) Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow Shoes : a Journal of Siberian Travel and Explorations, made in the years 186.5-67. 8vo. Lond., 1871. D 6 Q 38 BUSH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. {See New South Wales Bush Missionary Society.] BUSHBY (Henry Jeffreys). A Month in the Camp before Sebastopol ; by "A Non-Combatant." 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1855. D 7 Q 3 BUSHMAN, A. [See Christie, M.wor W. H.] BUSHMAN, A. [See Sidney, J.] BUSHMAN, A. [See Sidney, S. and J.] BUSHMEN'S CLUB. History of the First Bushmen's Club in the Australian Colonies, estabhslied at Adelaide, South Australia. 12mo. Adelaide, 1872. MB 1 P 6 BUSHNAN (John Stephenson), M.D. Natural History of Fislies, particularly their structure and economical uses. (Nat. Lib. 36.) 12mo. Edinb., 1840. A 14 P 36 BUSHNELL (Horace), D.D. Life and Letters of. Svo. Lond., 1880. C 7 P 3 Nature and the Supernatural, as together constituting the One System of God. 12mo. Edinb.-, 1862. G13R26 Review of Dr. Bushnell's Course of Lectures on the Bible, Nature, Religion, &c. [See Davis, A. J.] BUSK (Miss Rachel Haeeiette). Folk-Lore of Rome ; collected by word of mouth from the Peoole. Svo. Lond., 1874. B12S1 Folk Songs of Italy. 12mo. Lond., 1887. H5S9 BUSTED (T. ftl.) Trades Unions, Combinations, and Strikes. (Pam. 34.) Svo. Lond., 1860. J 12 U 26 BUTCHERS (Rev. B.) Romanism in Relation to Poli- tics and Morals ; being a Reply to Dr. Bermingham's Pamphlet on Liberty, Catholicity and Methodism. Svo. Melb., 1875. MG 1 Q 39 BUTE (John), MARiiUEss of. Early Days of Sir William Wallace. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Paisley, 187G. B13P38 BUTLER (Rev. Alban). Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other Principal Saints; with Engravings. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1812^15. G 6 P 12-23 Life of. [See Butler, S.] BUTLER (Alfred Joshua), M.A., .n .".I BU'J riCKH M.AUKLNCK). Fuirbairii's Crests of tho Fuuiilies of (Ireat Britain. \Stt Faihuuiin, J.] BUXTON (Charles), M.A. ilemoirs of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart ; edited by his Son. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1849. ' C6S12 Another copy. 3rd ed. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond.' 1849. J 8 P 36 BUXTON (Edward North). The A B C of Free" Trade. (Pam. Je.) 8vo. Lond., 1882. F 6 P 10 BUXTON (H. J. WiLMOT), M.A., and KOEHLER (S. R.) English Painters ; with a Chapter on American Painters. (Illust. Hand-books of Art Hist.) 8vo. Lond., 1883. A6 V 9 BUXTON (J W.) The New Map of Queensland. Roy. 4to. folded. Brisbane, 1863. MD 5 S 15 t Another copy. 8vo. folded. Brisbane, 1863. MD 5 P 6 | BUXTON (Sir Thomas Fowell), Memoirs of Edited by his son, Charles Buxton, B.A. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1849. C 6 S 12 Anotlier copy. 3rd ed. (H. and C. Lili.) 12nK). Lcmd., 1849. J 8 P 36 BUZACOTT (Rev. A.) IMission Life in tlic Islands of the Pacific ; being a Nai'rative of his Life and Labours. 8vo. Lond., 1866. MD 5 P 32 BUZETA (Fr. Manuel), v BRAVO (Fr. Felipe). Diccio- nario Geografico. Estadistico, Hist6rico, de las Islas Fili- pinas. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Madrid, 1850-51. D 12 V 3, 4 BYAM (Georoe). Wanderings in sonic of the Western Republics of America ; with Remarks upon the cutting of the Great Ship Canal through Central America. 8vo. Lond., 1850. n 3 R 54 Wild Life in the Interior of Central America. 1 2mo. Lond., 1849. D 3 V 10 BYERLEY (F. J.) [Su Jardine, F. and A.] BVERLEY (Thomas), Percy Anecdotes. {See Rohert- SON, J. C] BYLES (Rt. Hon. Sir John BaknaiiI)), Judoe. Foun- dations of Religion in tlie Mind and Heart of Man. 8vo. I^nd., 1875. G 13 R 37 Sophisms of Free Trade and Popular Political Economy examined. 12mo. Manchester, 187(1. F 2 P 19 BYRNE (Very Rev. James), M.A, (iencr.d riinciples of the Structure of Language. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. K 13 S 28,29 KYKNK (J. C.) Twelve Years' \\.ui(lrriiigs in tlie British C< lion ies, from 1835-47. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848.* MD 2 V 33, 34 BYRNE (Joe). \Sec Keli.v (iANo,] MVliNE (Oliveii), Practical Model Calculator, for the I'inginccr, Mechanic, Macliinist, Manufacturer of Engino- work. Naval Architect, Mirier, and Mill wriglit. 8vo. Philad., 1H72. A 10 U 25 TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 133 Byr] Part I : — Authors, JEditors, or Reference. [Byz BYRNE (Rev. T.) Manual of Universal Cliureh History. \_See Alzoo, Rev. J.] BYRNE (Mrs. William Pitt). Oheel, the City of the Simple. 8vo. Lond., 1869. J tj 3 Feudal Castles of France (Western Provinces). Tllu.s- trated. 8vo. Lond., 18G9. B 8 U 36 BYROM (John), M.A., At. Life and Poems of. [See Chalmer.s, a.] BYRON (Rt. Hon. George Anson), Lord. Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in the years 1824-25. 4to. Lond., 1826.* MD 6 P 28 t [See Cook, Capt. J.\s. ; Hawkeswortii, J. ; Parkinson, S. ; and Stewart, C. S.] BYRON (George Gordon), Lord. (A Biography) ; hy John Nichol. (Eng. Men of Letters.) 12mo. Lond., 1880. C 1 U 7 Conversations of; noted during a residence with his Lord- ship at Pisa, in the years 1821-22; by Tlios. Medwin. 8vo. Lond., 1824. C 8 S 20 Conversations of, with the Countess of Blessington. 8vo. Lond., 1834. C 8 S 19 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers : a Satire. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1810. H 7 Q 28 His Biographers and Critics. \_See Moore, J. S.] Illustrations of the Life and Works of. [_See Finden, AV.] Letters and Journals of ; with Notices of his Life, by Thomas Moore. 3rd ed., with Engravings. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. CSS 21-23 Life and Poems of. \_See British Poets, 2.] Lord Byron Vindicated. \_See Preston, E. AV.] Poetical Works of . 6 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 18-55-56. H 6 S 2-7 The Real Lord Byron : New Views of the Poet's Life ; by John Cordy Jeaffreson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 8 S 24, 25 Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron ; by E. J. Trelawny. 8vo. Lond., 1858. C 3 U 39 Works of Lord Byron. 2nd ed. Roy. 8vo. Franckfort, O.M., 1829. H 5 U 29 BYRON (Vice.Adm. Hon. John). Account of the Voyages of. \_See Hawkeswortii, J.] Narrative of the Hon. John Byron ; containing an Account of the great distresses sufTered by himself and his com- panions on the Coast of Patagonia ; written liy himself. 12mo. Aberdeen, 1848. D 1 T 24 BYRON (John) New South Wales : Statistical Informa- tion. [_See Morris, A.] [Sea Census of New South Wales.] BYRON (Anna Isabella) Lady. Vindication of. Svo. Load., 1871. C 8 S l8 BYSSHE (Edward). Tiie Art of English Poetry. 9th ed. 2 vols. 12)no. Lond., 1762. H 5 S 3, 4 BYZANTINyE HTST(jRIiE SCRJPTORES. Corpus Scriptorum Historiio Dyzantina;. Editio emendatior et copi(jsi()r, consilio B. G. Niebuhrii, C.F. Instituta, opera eiusdem Nieburii, Imni. B('kkcri, L. Sciiopeni, G. et L. Dindorfiiorum, aliorum(|ue philologorum parata. 48 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1828-53. B 9 U 1-V 14 1. Agathiae Myrinaei Hist: riarum. 2. Leonis Diacoui Caloijnsis Historiae. 3-5. Jo. Cantacuzeiii ICxhnperatoris Historiaiuni. 6-8. Nioejjliori (Jrogorae Byzantina Historia. 9. Jo. Malalae Chroiiograjjhiti. lU, 11. Clironicon Pasehale. r2-l-l. Piocopius. 15. Mich. Ducae Nepotis Histcjiia Byzantina. 16. Theopliylacti Siniocattae Historiaruni. 17. Nicetae Choiiiatae Historia. 18. 19. Georgii Pachynieria de Mich, et And. Palaeologis. 20. Joannis Cinnanii Ilistoriarum. Nioephori Bryennii C'oni- mentarii. 21. Merobaiules et C'uiiiipus. 22. Michaeliis Glycae Annalus. 2,S. Constantini Manassis Compendium Chroniciun. .Joelis Clirouographia. Georgii Acropolitae Annales. 2-t. Joannes Lydus. 25. Pauli Silentiarii descriptio S. Sophiae et Ambonis. Gcor. Pisidae Expeditio Persica, etc. S. Nioephori Breviarium Rerum post Mauriciuni Gestarum. 2(). Dexippi, Eunapii, Petri Patricii, Prisci, Malchi, Menandri Historiaruni. 27-29. Constantini Porphyrogeniti de Cerimoniie Aulae Byzan. tinae. 30. Zosimus. 31. Georgius Phrantzes, Joannes Cananus, Joannes Anaguostes. 32. 33. Georgius Cedreuus. Jo. Scylitzae C'uropalatae. 34. Codiiii Curopalatae de officialibus Palatii Cpolitani, etc. 35. Aunae Comnenae Alexiadis, Libri xv. 36. 37. Georgius Syncellus et Nicephorus, C.P. 3S, 39. Theoplianis Chronograpliia. 40. Thophanes Continuatus, Joannes C'amoniata, Symeon Magis- ter, Georgius Monachus. 41. Ephraemiiis. 42. 43 .Joannis Zonarau Annales. 44. Leonis Grammatici Chronograpliia. 45. Gorgii C'odini excerpta de Antiquitatibus Constantino- politanis. 40. Laonici Chalcocondylae Atheniensis Historianim, Libri decern. 47. Historia Politica et Patriarchica Constantinopoleos. Epi- rotica. 48. Michaelis Attaliotae Historia. 134 CATALOGUE OF THE C. (C.)] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Csed C. (C.) [5dalla. 14,1.5. Le.H Mille et nn Jour, t'ontes I'ersaiui ; Iruduits en Frani;oi.t, par M. I'elis ile la Croix. l(i. L'llistoirc do la Sultane de Perse et desVisirs; par M. (ialland. I^cs V^oyages de Zulma dans le I'ays des Fees. 1". Led Contes et Falilcs Indicnnes ar M. (lalland continue et lini par M. ('ardonnu. IS. L-i .Suite dcH Contes et Falde.s Indieiuies de Hiilpai et do l^ikman ; traduits d'Ali-Tcli61i'lii.|ien-Saloli, auteur Ture. Failles et Contes; par F. de Sallgnae ile la MotliuFi'm'lon. lioca; tMi, la Vertu reconipuns^'e ; jmr Madame de Muicliaml. in. I^i Contes C'liinoiK; pur Uueulette. Florine ; ou, la ludle Itallenne. •20. \jK liolipr; Flour d'Kpino ; \e» ipuitrc Facardins; par .\l. le Comte Hamilton. 21, '22. I^H .Millo ol nn quart d'lliuro, Conies Tartares; Par (iueulette. CABINET DES VKEii— continued. 23. Les Sultanes de Cuzarate ; ou, les Songes des Homines Eveill^s, Contes Mogols; par JL Gueulette. 24. Le Prince des Aigues-Mariiies le Prince In\'isible ; par Jladame rKveijue. Les Faeries Nonvelles ; par M. le Comte de Caylus. 25. Les Nonveaux Contes Orientaiix ; par M. le Comte de Caylus. Tout vient .'i point qui peut attendre ; ou, Cadichon et Jeannette; jiar SL le Comte de Caylus. Les Contes de M. de Moncrif. 26. La Reine Fantasque ; par J. J. Rousseau. La Belle et la Bete; par Madame de Villeneuve. Les Vcillces de Tlicssalic; par ilademoiselle de Lussau. 27. 2S. La .Suite des Veillees de Thessalie ; par JIademoi.sellc de Lussan. Histoire dn Prince Titi ; par St. Hyacintlie. 29, .SO. Les Contes des Gcnies ; ou, les Cliarmantes Lemons d'Horam, fils dAsmar; ouvragc trailuit du I'ersan en Anglois, par Sir C. Morell. 31. Funestine; par Beauchamps. Nouveaux Contes de Fees. Le Loup galleux et Bellinettc. 32. Les Soirees Bi'etonnes ; dedifes Ji Monseignenr le Dauphin, ])ar M. Gueulette. Contes do Madame de Lintot. Les Aventures de Zelo'ide et d'Anianzarifdine, Contes Indicns; par ^L de Moncrif. 33. Trois Contes dc Mademoiselle de Lubert. Nouijahad, Histoire Orientale. 34. Les Contes ile ^L Pajon. La Bibliotheiiue dcs Fees et des Genics; recucilliu par lAbbe de la Porte. 35. Minet-Bleu et Louvette ; par Madame Faguan. Acajou et Zirphile ; par C. P. Duclos. Aglae ou Nabotine ; i>ar M. Coypel. Contes des Fees ; jiar Madame Leprinee 35 S 5 Cresar; translated by William Duncan. (Fani. Class. Lib.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1832. J 15 P 2, 3 CsBsar de Bello Gallico, Books 1-3: an Interlinear Trans- lation, by E. D. Grove. (Aust. Series of Keys to the Cla.s.sics.) 8vo. Sydney, 1870. MB 2 P 44 Cicsar de Bello Gallico, Book 1 ; prepared for the use of Junior Students, by A. H. Davis, B.A. 12mo. Melb., 1875. MB 2 P 45 Crosar'.s Commentaries, Book 4; For tlu^ use of Students. \_See ViRoiLius Maeo, Pubhus.] Les Conimentaires de Cesar; revue, et retouchee avec soin, par M. de Wailly . 2 vols. 1 2mo. Paris, 1775. B30P1,2 Opera omnia ex Editione Oberliniana, cum Notis et Inter- pretatione in usum Delphini. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1819. J 13 P 19-23 C^SARS (The). Lives of the Twelve Csesars by C. Suetonius Tranquillus ; the translation of Alexander Thomson, M.D. 8vo. Lond., 1887. C 4 P 9 CAFFIN (James). {See Wise, Caffin k Co.] CAGNOLI (Antoine). Trigonometrie, rectiligne et sphe- rique. 2nd ed. 4to. Paris, 1808. A 10 U 1 C2VHILL (Rev. D. W.), D.D. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Palmerston. 8vo. Melb., 1856. MF 1 Q 6 CAILLIE (Rene). Travels through Central Africa to Timbuctoo, and across the Great Desert, to Morocco, performed in the years 1824-28. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1830. D 1 W 15, 16 CAIN (Hexri Louis), "Lekain." Mdmoires de Lekain. \_See BAuniiiRE, J. F., 6.] CAINE (Thomas Henry Hall). Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 4 V 28 CAINE (William Sproston). Hugh Stowell Brown; his Autobiography, his Commonplace Book, and Extracts from his Sermons, and Addresses: a Memorial Volume, edited by his Son-in-Law. 8vo. Lond., 1887. C 4 S 2 CAIRD (Sir James), K.C.B., &c. The Landed Interest and the Supply of Food. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F6 Q 29 CAIRD (Rev. John), M.A. Religion in Common Life : a Sermon. Authorised Australian edition. 8vo. Melb., 1856. MG 1 Q 40 Sermons. 8vo. Edinb., 1858. G 16 S 17 CAIRNES (Prof, John Elliot), M.A., &c. Essays in Political Economy, Theoretical and Applied. 8vo. Lond., \^::,. F 9 P 13 Political Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1873. F 9 P 14 Sonu! Leading Principles of Political Economy newly ex- pounded. 8vo. Lond., 1874. F 9 P 12 CAIRNS (Rev. Aijam), D.D. Dangers and Duties of the Young Men of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1856. MG 1 Q 31 Inaugurati.s, y historiales del Phenix de los Poetas, Obras Posthumas que saca a luz Don Juan Fer- nandez de Apontes. 6 vols. 8vo Madrid, 1759-60. H 4 S 3-8 Dramas: The Wonder-working Magician; Life is a Dream ; The Purgatory of St. Patrick. Now first translated fully from the Spanish in t\\(' metre of the original, by Di'nis Florence MacCarthy. 8vo. I^md., 1873. H 3 P 5 CALDERON DE LA BARCA (Madame Frances). Life in Mexico, during a Residence of Two Years in that Country. 8vo. Lond., 1843. D 4 Q 31 CALDERWOOT; (David). Historyof iIk- Kirk of Scotland; edited from the firigiiial Manuscript, by the Rev. Tiiomas Thoiii.son. 8 vols. .Svo. Edinb., 18 12 49. G14T.5-12 CALDKKWOdI) (lliAuv), Ll,.|). iidations of .Mind and lir.-iiii. 2nd <'3'qG8 CALDWELL (Rt. Rev. Robert), D.D., &c. Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian Family of Languages. 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. 8vo. Lond., 1875. K 15 P 30 CALECAS (Manuel). Opera omnia. [See Mkjne, J. P., Series Gumva. 152.] CALEDONIAN UNITED GOLD MINING COMPANY' LIMITED. Memorandum of the Articles of Associa- tion. [See Tozer, H.] CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS; Domestic Series, 1547-80, 1603-10, 1619-23, 1625-28, 1660-61. 6 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1856-60. B 15 U 1-6 CALENDARIUM INQUISITIONUM Post-mortem sive Escaelarum, Temporibus Regum Hen. iii — Ric. ill ; cum Appendice. 4 vols, (in 2) atlas fol. Lond., 1806-28. F 24 P 15, 16 + CALENDARIUM ROTULORUM CHARTARUM et Inquisitionum ad Quod Damnum. Fol. Lond., 1803. F 24 P 17 + CALENDARIUM ROTULORUM PATENTIUM in Turri Londinensi. Fol. Lond., 1802, F 24 P 18 { CALENDARS OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN CHAN- CERY in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1827 32. F 21 Q 6-8 { CALEY (Dr. Georije). [Sec Brown, R.] CALHOUN (Hon. J. C), .\nd BUCHANAN (Hoy. J). Oregon : the Claim of tlie United States to Oreg(m, as stated in letters of. 8vo. Lond, 1846. B 1 R 18 CALIDASA. [Sec Kalidasa.) CALIFORNIA. [See United States.] CALISCII (I. M.) New Complete Dictionary of the English and Dutch Languages, in two Parts. 1. Knglisli :uu\ Dutch. 2. NederiiUulsch-lMigelscli. 2 ^■ols. 8vo. Tie], 1S75. K i;! n 5, t; CALLAGHAN (Tiio.mas). Supjiloment to Acts and Ordi- nances of the (lovernor and Council of New South Wales, and Acts of Parliament enacted for and api)lied to tiio Colony; with Notes and Index. Vol. 3, parts 3-5. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1848 52. MF2S17 19 CALL.\NI>l';i! (.Ioiin). 'W'vr.x AustraJis Cognita; oi-, Voyagi'S to tlie Terra .Aiistralis, or Southern I l(>mispliere, (luring the lOlh. 17lh, and 18th Centuries. 3 \ol,s. 8\o. Kdinl... 17116 68.* Ml) ;! S .31 :i3 CALLKItY (J. M.), AND YVAN (Du. M.) History of the Insurrection in China; translated from the Kreneh, by Jr.lmDxcnf.ird. .'li'il cd. Svo. Lond., 1 S,", I. I! L' I' 29 CALLIAT (Vktor). I'arallele des Maisons de Pari.s, eon .struites (hipuis 1830, jusi|u'i'i nos jours. DessinJ et Jiublie par Victor (Jalliat, Arohitecte. 2nil cd. 2 vols. roy. fol, Pari.s, 1857-76. A I R ii, 4 J [See ENcvoLorftDii-. d'.Vrc iimcrnuE,] FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 137 Cal] Part I : — Authors, JEditors, or Reference. [Cam CALLTMACHUS. Callimachi Cyreimu Ilyiuiii, Epigrani- iiiata et Fragmenta : ejusdem I'nijinatiuin do Coma Berenices a Catullo vprsuiii. Siii. -Itn. Paris, 1675. 11 r, U 20 CALLINGHAM (James). Sign-writing and ( sing ; a complete practical ilhistrated ftlanual of the Art. 12mo. Lond., 1871. A 17 T 35 CALLI8 (F.) Cutlery. (Brit. Maniif. Indiist.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 31 CALLISTUS (Bishop op Rome). History of. [See DoLLiNGEK, Prof. J. J. I. von.] GALLON (J.) Lectures on Mining, delivered at the School of Mines, Paris. Translated, at the Author's request, by C. le Neve Foster, D.Sc, and W. Galloway. Roy. 8vo., and atlas 4to. Pari.s, 1876. A 9 V 21, 22 CALMET (Auoustin), Abd]5 de Senones. Dictionary of the Holy Bible ; with an extensive series of Plates. 4th ed. Revised, etc., by Charles Taylor. 5 vols. -Ito. Lond., 1823. K 18 T9-13 La Vie de ; par A. Fange. 8vo. Senones, 1762. C 1 P 23 The Phantom World ; or, the Philosophy of Spirits, Appari- tions, kc. : edited by Rev. H. Christmas. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1850. G 7 U 4, 5 CALONNE (Charles Alexandre de). [See La Motte, COMTESSE DE V ALOIS DE.] CALVERT (Dr. Frederick Grace), F.R.S. Dyeing and Calico-printing : Manufacture and Use of Aniline Colours ; edited by J. Steniiouse, LL.D.,and Charles Edward Groves. 8vo. Manchester, 1876. A 11 S G On Dyes and Dye-stufTs other than Aniline. (Cantor Lect.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 15 IT 21 CALVERT (James). Fiji and the Fijians. [See Williams, T.] [See Hazlewood, D.] CALVERT (Mrs.), Caroline Louisa Warixh Atkinson. Cowanda, the Veteran's Grant : an Australian Story. 12mo. Sydney, 1859.* MJ 1 R 4 Sermon on the occasion of a Tablet being placed to the memory of the late Mr.s. Calvert. [See Woolls, Rev. W.] CALVERT (John), C.E. The Gold Rocks of Great Britain and Ireland, and a general Outline of the Gold Regions of the World; wrtli a Ti-eatise on the CJeologv of Gold. 8vo. Lond., 185;l. " A9S17 CALVIN (John). Histoire de la Vic, des Ouvrages, et des Doctrines de Calvin ; par J. Jl. U. Audin. o'' ed. 8vo. Paris, 1851. G 13 Q 3 Institutio Christianie Religionis; cum Indice per locos communes. Opera N. Colladonis tunc contexto. 8vo. Lausanna", 1585. G 16 R 14 CALVIN (Jony)—co7Uinnt;d. Lettres de; recueillies d'apres les Manuscrits orifjinaux, et jiuhliiV's p;n- .Jules lioniiet. 2 vols. 8vo. Pari.s, 1854. G 6 Q 5, 6 Life and Times of Jolin Calvin, the Great Reformer ; by Paul Henry, D.D. ; translated from the German, by Henry Stebbing, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. C 10 P 24, 25 CAM RACE R^S (Jean Jacques Ri^iois de). Prince. Evenings with Prince Cambaceri-s. Second Consul, Arch- chancellor of the Emjjire, Duke of Parma, ic. ; liy Baron PI L. dc Lamotlie Langon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. C 8 U 15, 16 CAMBRIAN ARGHiEOLO(!ICAL ASSOCIATION' Arcluvologia Cambi-ensis : a Record of the Antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the Journal of tlie Cambrian Arch.-eological Association. 36vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846-85. E CAMBRIDGE (Richaiu) Owen). Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] The Scribleriad : an Heroic Poem, in six Books. 4to. Lond., 1751 H 6 V 14 CAMBRIDGE ESSAYS (The); contributed by Mem- bers of the Univt^rsity. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond.. 1855-58. J 7 U 10-13 CAMBRIDGE PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transac- tions of the Camljridge Philological Society, 1 872-82 ; with Introductory Essay, Reviews, and Appendix, edited by J. B. Postgate, M.A. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. Lond., 1881-82. E CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Calendar, for the years 1839-84. 46 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1839-84. E Statutes for the L^niversity of Cambridge, and for the Colleges within it (1878-82); with an Aj)pendix of Acts and Orders. Svo. Caml)., 188.3. F 3 R 16 C AMBRY (J.) Vovage dans lo Finistero. 4to. Brest, 18.35. ' ' D 7 V 18 CAMDEN (William). Anglica, Norniannica, Ilibernica, Cambrica, a veterilius Scripta. Fol. Francofurti, 1603. B 14 S8 I Bi-itannia ; or, a Chorograjihical Description of GreatBritain and Ireland ; translated, etc., by E. Gibson. 2nd ed. 2 vols, (in 1) fol. Lond., 1722. ' I! 16 S 1 ♦ Another edition ; translated by R. Gough. 4 vols, fol- Lond., 1806. B 15 U 2-5 J History of the most i-(>now-ned and \ictorious Princess Elizabeth, late Queen of England. 4th ed. Fol. Lond., 1688. B2T7 CAMDEN SOCIETY, Publications of. 144 vols. sm. Ito. Lond., 1838-86. E CAMERINI (Prof. Eit.enio). L'Eco Italiano fiore del Parlar Famigliare e della Conversiizione Civile in Italia : a Practical (Uiide to Italian Conversation; with a complete Vocabular}-. 2nd ed. 8vo. Leip., 1871. K 11 T 39 [See Petrarca, F.] 138 CATALOGUE OF THE Cam] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or B,eference. [Cam CAMERON (Alexander Mackenzie), M.S.B.A. Arc. Handy Book of Practical Astronomy, for Surveyors, Mariners, and Explorers; revised throughout hy Capt. John Herschel, R.E. : with Appendix. f^vo. Sydney, 1877.* MA 1 T 23 New South Wales, its Progress and Resources. 8vo. Sydney, 1876. MF 2 R 29 Another copy. Sydney. 8vo. 1876. INIJ 2 R 4 CA:MER0X (Andrew), D.D. Scripture Law of :Marriage; with special reference to Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister. 8vo. Melb., 1873. MG 1 Q 37 CAMERDX (SiH CuAULES Ale.x.vnder). History of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Roy. 8vo. Dublin, 1886. B 11 R 19 CAMERON (James). Oils and Varnishes. (Churchill's Tech. Hand-books.) 12rao. Lond., 1886. A 11 P 5 CAMERON (John). Gaelic Names of Plants (Scottish and Irish). 8vo. Edinb., 1883. A 5 P 15 CAMERON (John), F.R.G.S. Our Tropical Possessions in Malayan India. 8vo. Lond., 1865. D 5 S 21 CAMERON (R. W.) Cameron's proposed Monthly Line of Steamers between Panama and Australia : Prospectus. 8vo. Sydney, 1855. MJ 2 Q 18 CAMERON (CoMM. Veuney Lovett), C.B., ll.N., Ac. Across Africa. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D2Q 1, 2 Another copy. New ed. Lond., 1885. D 2 Q 3 To the Gold Coast for Gold. [See Burton, Sir li. F.] CAMOENS (Luis de). Camoens; his Life and his Lusiads: a Commentary, by R. F. Burton. 2 vols. 12ino. Lond., 1881. C 3 S 13, 14 Lyricks, Parts 1, 2 (Sonnets, Canzons, Odes, and Sextines) ; englished by Richard F. 15urton. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1884. " H 5 S 21, 22 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of; by John Adanison, F.S.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1820. C 3 S 15, K; Os Lusiadas (the Lu.siads); englished i)y R. Francis liurton (edited by his wife, Isabel Burton)). 2 vols. 12nio. Lend., 1880. H 5 S 19, 20 Seventy Sonnets of: Text and TraiL-ilation ; with original Poems, by J. J. Aubertin. 8vo. Lond., 1881. I! 5 T 12 The Lusiad of; clo.sely translated liy Ijieut.-Cul. Sir T. Livingston Mitchell, Kt, D.C.L. 8vo. I.^md., 1854. Lii)r. Another copy. II 7 S 10 The Lu.sind ; translated by W. J. Miekle. [5w Ciialmeh.s, A.J CAMPAIGN OF 1870-71; njpubii.sheii from "Tlic Times," by |>S« Camprell, F. A.] CAMPBELL (Archibald). Voyage round the ^^'orld, 1806-12. 8vo. Edinb., 1816.* MD 1 U 19 CA:MPBELL (Archibald), Lord. Records of Argyll : Legends, Traditions, and Recollections of Argyllshire Highlanders. 4to. Edinb., 1885. B io Q 4 X CAMPBELL (Field ^Marshal Sir Colin), Lord Clyde. \_See Clyde. Lord.] CAMPBELL (Colin), Lord, B.A., Ac. The Cn.fter in History ; by " Dalriad." 12ino. Edinb., 1885. H 13 P 20 CAMPBELL (Colin), B.A. Remarks on National Eduea- cion, with reference to the Colony oi Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1853. MG 1 Q 38 Tlio Squatting Question considered, with a view to its Settlement. 8vo. Melb., 1861. ]\1F 3 P 5 \_See Australia 1'klix Monthly Magazine.] CAMPBELL (l)t)NALl)). Treatise >. I'.raun.HchwiMg, IMOI. K 13 R 19 CAM PEN (Sa.mitkl Riciiaiid van;. Tin- Dui.h \\\ \\u- Arctic SeiiH. Vol. 1. 8vo. ly.nd., 1K76. I> I it 31 CAMPPMt (PudF. Pkthuh). Works of ; on (Ikm^ cciion iM'twi'cn the Hoii-nre of AnntiiMiy and the Arts of I»rawiiig, Piiinliiig, and Statuary, itc,, in two Hooks; translated the I)iit<|i by T. Cogaii, .M.l». It... L..nd., 1794. A 1 1' 13 t C AMPIN (Fhantis), C.E. Details of Machinery; com- prising Instructions for the execution of various Wt.rks in Iron, in the Fitting-shop, Foundrv, and Boiler-vard. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1883. " A 17 Q 72 Materials and Construction: a Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the Strains, Designing, and Erection of Works of Construction. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond. ,1881. A 17 Q 47 Practical Treatise on Mechanical Engineering. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1881. A 17 Q 51 Treatise on Bridges, Girders, Roofs, ic. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1871. A 17 Q 20 Treatise on Mathematics, as applied to the Constructive Arts. 2nded. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. A 17 Q 54 CAMPIN (F. W.) Law of Patents for Inventions ; with Notes on the Law as to the protection oi Designs and Trade Marks. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1869. F 5 S 23 CAMPION (Edmund). Ancient Irish Histories. \_See Hanmeh, M.] CAMUS (A. G.) [See Auistoteles.] CANADA. Annual Reports of the Couimi.ssioner of Agri- culture and Public Works for the Province of Ontario, on Agriculture and Arts, 1873-74. 8vo. Toronto, 1874-75. E Canada Educational Directory and Year-book, 1876. 8vo. Toronto, 1874-76. E Canal Statistics for the Season of Navigation, 1875. Roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1S76. F 3 T 17 Census of Canada: Recensonient du Canada. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1873-75. E Code Civil du Bas Canada: Civil Code of Lower Canada. Roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1866. F 1 R 20 D<)miiii(m Annual Register and RcnIcw; indited by Henry J. Morgan and others. 8vo. Montreal, 1879-82. E Educational Institutions. [&« Piiii.adei.i'uia Centennial IvMliniTlON.] (ieological and Natural History Survey and Musemii of Canada; Alfreil R. C. Selwyn, LL.D., itc, Dii-ector: Report of Progress, ami Reports and Maps of Investi- gations and Surveys, 1879-84. 3 \-ols. roy. 8vo,, .■md atlas 4to. .Montreal, 1881-85. K List of Lights cm ihc Coasts, Rivers, aiul Lakes, 1875. Roy. 8vo. Ott.iwa, |,s7(i. F 3 T 17 Hi'pnrl of I he ( ':ui.-i{liaii ( 'oniniissioiKT at the K.xliiliilion ..f Industry, hi'ld at New Soulli Wales, 1,S77. Roy. 8vo. ntinnr;d. Report of tho Select Comiuittee on the Ciuises of tlie present Depression of the Manufacturing, Mining, Commercial, Shipping, Lumber, and Fishing Interests. 8vo. Ottawa, 187G. ' E lleport of the Superintendent of Insurance, 1S75. Part 1. Roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1870. ¥ 3 T 17 Report, Retui-iis, ami Statistics of tlu^ Inland Revenues of the Dominion of Canada, for tlie Fi.scal Year ending 30th June, 1S73. 8vo. Ottawa, 1871. E Tables of the Trade and Navigation of the Dominion of Canada, for the year ending 30th June, 187-'); compiled from Official Returns. Roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1876. E Upper Canada : Copy of a Petition to the Imperial Parlia- ment, on Clergy Reserved Lands, 1830. [See Historical Pamphlets.] Year-book and Almanac of Canada, 1877. 8vo. Montreal, 1877. E CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY COMPANION; edited by H. J. Morgan. 2 vols. 18mo. Ottawa, 1875-76. E CANADIAN ECONOMICS: Papers prepared for reading before the Economic Section. 8vo. Montreal, 1885. F3 S 17 CANDISH (Sydney). Candish's Defence: a Review of Colonial Criticism, and Essay on Lo\'e. 4to. Sydney, 1887. MH 1 T 4 Love: a Poetical Essay. 4to. Sydney, 1887. MH 1 T 3 CANDLER (S. C), "Mucor." Prevention of Consumption: a Mode of Prevention founded on a new Theory of the nature of the Tubercle-Bacillus. 8vo. Lond.,1887. MA 2 S 29 Theory of the Causation, and Suggestions for the Preven- tion of Dysentery. 8vo. Melb., 1873. MA 2 S 28 CANDLISH (Rkv. Robert Smith), D.D. Memorials of ; by William Wilson, D.D. ; with concluding Chapter by Prof. Robert Rainy, D.D. 8vo. Edinb.,1880. C 8 U 14 CANDOLLE (Alpiionse P. de). Genera, Species, et Sy- nonyma Candolleana alphabetico ordine disposita, sen Index generalis et specialis ad A. P. Decandolle Pro- dromum Systematis Naturalis Regiii Vegetabilis; auctore, H. W. Buek. M.D. 4 vols, (in 3) 8vo. Berlin, 1840-74. A 4 R 22-24 Geographie botanique raisonnt'e ; ou. Exposition des Faits principaux, et des Lois coneernant la Distribution g^o- graphi(|ue des Plantes de IVj^oque actuelle. Contenant deux Cartes geographiqties. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. A 5 P 12, 13 Origin of Cultivated Plants. 8vo. Lond.,1884. A 4 P 20 Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetaljilis sive enumeratio contracta Ordinum, Generum, Specierumque Plantarum hue usque cognitarum, juxta metluidi naturalis normas digesta. 17 vols, (in 21) 8vo. Paris, 1824-73. A 4 R 1-21 CANDOLLE (Alfiionsk P. et Cahimir dk). Moi]graj)liiaB PhancrogiuiKuum. Pi-odronii rmnc Continuatio, nunc Revisio. Auctoribus Al]»hoMso et Casimir de Candolle, aliisque Botanicis ultra mcmoratis. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878-83. A 30 V 1-4 1. Sinilacen', Restiace.-e, Meliacce, emu Tabuli.'i ix. 2. Aracea}, Auctore Kngler. 3. Pliilyclracea', AliHiiiaccii', IJutoiiiaooai, Juucaginea, Comme- linacea>, Cucurliitaccie, cum Tabulis viii. 4. Burseraceic et Anacardiaceiu, Auctore Engler. Pontederiacese, Auctore Coniite de Soliiis-Laulraeh. Cum Tabulis (juiiidccim. CANIVET (E.) [See Boitaru, P.] CANN (Teofilo C.) Grammatica Teorico-Practica della Lingua Inglese. Nuovo Corso complete ad uso degli Italiani, diviso in due Parti. 8" ed. 8vo. Firenze, 1884. K 12 P 1 CANN AN (Edwin), B.A. The Duke of Saint Simon. (Lothian Prize Es.say, 1885.) 8vo. Oxford, 1885. C2S13 CANNING (Hon. Albert Stratford George). Lord Macaulay, Essayist and Historian. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 1 T 41 CANNING (Rt. Hon. George). Anecdote Life of. [See TiMBS, J.] General Register of Politics and Literature in Europe and America, 1827; with Memoir. (Const. Misc.) 18nio. Edinb., 1828. K 10 Q 10 Historical Characters. [See Dalling and Bulweh, Lord.] Life of; by Robert Bell. 12mo. Lond., 1846. C 3 Q 3 Political Life of ; by his Private Secretary, Augustus Granville Stapleton. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831. C 10 Q 12-14 Speeches of; with a Memoir of his Life by R. Therry- 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. F 5 U 23-28 Another copy. 2nd ed. 6 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1830. F 13 P 12-17 Life and Poems of. [See British Poets, 4.] CANNING (Str.\tford). [See .Stratford de Redcliffe, Viscount.] CANOVA (Antonio). Works of, in Sculpture and Modelling, engraved in outline by Henry Moses; with Memoir l)y Comte Cicognara. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1849. A 8 T 6-8 CANSICK (Frederick Te.vgue). Collection of Curiou and Interesting Epitaphs, copied from the Monumeuc-s in the Ancient Church and Burial Grounds of St. Pancras, Middlesex. 3 vols, (in 1). 4to. Lond., 1869-75. B 21 Y 10 CANTACUZENI (Jo.) [See Bvzaxtin.e Hist. Script.] CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION. Papers.] (See Canterbury 142 CATALOGUE OF THE Can] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Cap CANTERBURY PAPERS. Canteibuiy Papers, No. 1, New Series. Information concernin>; the Province of Canterbury, N.Z. Svo. Lond., 18.^)0! MD 7 Q 32 Another copy. MD 7 Q 34 Another copy. Nos. 1, 2. MD 1 U 21 Information concerning the Principles, Objects, Plans and Proceedings of the Founders of the Settlement of Can- terbury, in New Zealand. Nos. 1-10. 8vo. Lond., lf<50-51. MD 7 Q 30 Another copy, Nos. 1-8. 8vo. Ixmd., 18.o0. MD7Q31 CANTERBURY COLLEGE CALENDAR (University of New Zealand), for the year 1888. 8vo. Christchurch, 1888. ME .5 S CANTONI (C. G.) Les Produits de I'Agriculture du Pit'mont, de la Lombardie, &c. Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1867. (Pam. V.D.) 4to. Paris, 1867. MJ 2 U 3 CANTOR LECTURES. Lectures delivered before the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1869-75. A1.")U21 1. On the Anihne or C'oal Tai- Coloiu-s ; 1)V W. H. Perkiii, F.R.S. 2. On Applied Mechanics ; l)y .Tdhn Anderson, C'.E. .'t. On Dyes ami Uye-stuffs other tlian Aniline; by Dr. F C'race Calvert, F.R.S. 4. On Mechanism ; by the Rev. Artliur Higg, M..^. 'i. On Silicates, Silicides, (Jlass, and (ilass-painting ; by I'ro- fcssiir i5;irtf. 0. Our FoimI -piDdiicing Ruminants, and the Parasites whicli reside in them ; by T. .Spencer t'obbold, M.D. , &c. 7. On the Manufacture and Refining of Sugar ; by t'. llaugh- ton Cai'i:.! CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Catalogue of Books in the South African Public Library. Svo. Capo Town, 1834. K7K15 State of the Cape of Good Hope in 1822. Svo. I;ond., 1823. F 3 T 13 CAPEFIGUE (Jean Baptiste Hoxoiie R.vy.mond). Les Cardinau.x-Ministres : le Cardinal de Richelieu. 1 2nio. Paris, 1865. C 1 S 21 Les Cardinaux-Ministres : le Cardinal Dubois et la Regence de Philippe d'Orleans. 12mo. Paris, 1861. C 1 S 20 Les Cent Jours. Charlemagne. Roy. S-^-o. Bruxelles, 1842. ' B 7 V 9 Les Diplomates Europeens et Louis xvi. Roy. Svo. Bruxelles, 1845. B"7 V 11 L'Eglise au Moyen Age, du 7'^' au 1 2'" Si^cle. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1852. '' G 16 S 23, 24 L'Eglise pendant les quatre derniers Siecles. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-57. G 16 S 25-27 L'Europe pendant la Revolution Frangaise. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1844. B 7 V 8 L'Europe depuis I'avenenient ihi Roi Louis-Philippe. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Bruxelles, 1846. B 7 V 4, 5 Les Fondateurs des Grands Ordres Reliiiiou.x. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1865-66. ' (} 13 T 19-24 St. Bernard, Abb6 de Clairvaux. Ste. Fran^oise de Chantal. St. Ignace do Loyola et I'Ordre des Jesuites. Ste. Marie-Marguerite Al-cocj. [Marguerite Marie Alacoijuc]. Ste. T<5r^se [Tlieresc] dc Jesus. St. Vincent de Paid et les Scvurs de Charite. Frangois i""" et la Renaissance, 1515-47. 1 vols. Svo. Paris, 1845. U 8 U 26-29 Another copy. Boy. 8vo. Bru.xelles, 1845. P. 7 V 10 llistoire de France, j>ar (irandcs Epoques: Chivis et les Merovingiens. Roy. Svo. Paris, 1S69. W >^ V 16 llistoire des (iraiides ( )p('i-atioiis, h'inaneieres, lianiiius, IJourses, I'anprunts, Cipuqiagnies liiilustrielles, ite. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1855-60. F 6 S 1-4 Louis .\iv : son GouviM-nement et ses relations di]>loiiia- ti(iucs avec I'Europe, suivi th" Piiili]ipe d'OrlAms. Boy. 8vo. I'.ruxclles, 1843. 11 7 V"7 Louis XV, et la Societe (hi IS'' Sircli'. 1S43. Roy. Svo. liruxelles, |{ 7 V 6 Les(|ualrr pri'iiiiers Siecles (h' I'lyglise ('hn'tieiiMe. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S50 5 I Les Reines de la 1856-69. M; (! 16 S 28-31 hiiiite. 8 Vols. 12ino. Paris, I! 7 S 1-8 Catherine de Mcdicis. Anne d'Aulriclie. Marie de Meilicis. I.a (iniiule Catherine. \m llcini' Vierge, l'',lisabelh d'Anglelrrre. .Marie Tliori^Kc, Impeial rice d'Auf riche, Roi tie liungiie. La DucIk'Hsi! (>ul>riellr dr l'i>ligna(\ jBubvUe du (.'aHlille. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 143 Cap] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Car CAPEFIGUE (Jean Baptisth Honohi;; Raymond — contd. Les lleines de la Main (nuu-he. 22 vols. ]2iiio. Paris, 1858-68. B 7 S 9-30 Madame la Afarf^uise do Pompadour. (ialn-ifille d'Estrees et la Politique de Henri IV. Diane de Poitiers. Agn&3 Sorel et la C'lievaleiic. La Duchesse de Portsmouth et la Cour (Jallante des Stuarts. Les Dresses de la Lilierte. Aspasie et le Siecle de Pericles. Madame la Comtesse du Barry. Mademoiselle de la Valliei-e. La Comtesse de Parabcre. ]>es Coura d'Amour. Ninon de Lenclos, et les Preeieusos de la Plaee Royale. Les Bacchantes et les J eunes Patricien.'i sous les Cesars. Mesdemoiselles de Nesle. Les Heroines de la Ligue et los Mignons de Henri iii. La Belle Corisande. La Comtesse du Cayla, Louis xviii, et les 8alons du Faid)ourg 8aint-Germain sous la Restauration. La Baronne de Krudner. La Comtesse de Lichtenau. La Duchesse de Bonrgogne. La Marquise de Montespan. La Marquise du Chatelet. CAPEL (A. D.) Tips in Algebra; with new Methods for the resolution of Quadratic and other Expressions into Factors. 12mo. Lond., 1887. A 10 S 6 Key to the above. 12mo. Lond., 1887. A 10 S 7 CAPELL (Edward). Prolusions ; or. Select Pieces of Antient Poetry. 8vo. Lond., 1760. H 4 P 33 CAPELLO (H.), and I YENS (R.) From Benguella to the Territory of Yacca : description of a Journey into Central and West Africa, 1877-80; translated by Alfred Elwes, Ph.D. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882. D 2 P 15, 16 CAPES (Rev. William Wolfe), M.A. Roman History : the Early Empire, from the Assassination of Julius Cnesar to that of Domitian. 18mo. Lond., 1876. B 12 P 1 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT COMMISSION. Report of; together with the Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix, 1867-68. Fol. Sydney, 1868. MF 10 Q 3 t CAPNION (John). {See Reuchlin, John.] CAPPELLUS (Jacobus). Sedis Romania. 1. Potestas. 2. Sanctitas. 3, Fides, sive Stellionatus. Sm. 4to. Heilbergae, 1619. G 2 T 24 Vindiciae pro Lsaaco Casaubono. Sm. 4to. Francofurti, 1619. G 2 T 24 CAPPER (Henry). South Australia; containing Hints to Emigrants, Proceedings of the South Australian Company, .^cc. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1838.* MD 2 Q 48 South Australia ; containing the History of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Colony, Hints to Emii,'rants, etc. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1839.* MD 2 Q 49 CAPPER (John), F.R.A.S. Emigrant's Guide to Aus- tralia; containing the fullest jiartieular.s relating to th') recently discovered Gold fields, itc. 2n(l ed. Svo. Liver- pool, 1853. MD 2 R 2« Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1857. MD 2 R 27 CAPPER (John Henry). Convicts: Two Reports relatinj^ to the Convict Establisliments at Portsmouth, Chatliam, Woolwich, and Berniuda. (Pari. Docs. 19.) Fol. Lond,, 1838. MF 4 1 CAPPER (Richard). An Episode: Batman and Fawkncr; Discovery of the River Yarra. 12nio. Melb., 1M81. MJ 2 R 1.". Question for Electors! Why should we go to England t-j borrow Money 1 a Lecture. 8vo. Melb., 1868. MJ2117 CAPPON (James), M.A. Victor Hugo : a Memi>ir and ;i. Study. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. C 4 T 1 1 CAPRICORNUS. {See Ranken, G.] CAPRON (J. Rand), F.R.A.S. Aurora; : their Characters and Spectra. 4to. Lond., 1879. A 3 U 17 CARADDAEG. {See Thomas J. J.] CARADOC OF LANCARVAN. History of Cambria. {See Lhuyd, H.] CARBURI (Marin), Comte, Chevalier de Lascarv. Monument &.ovi a la Gloire de Pierre-le-Grand ; ou. Re- lation des Travaux et des Moyens ]\Iechaniques (jui onb ete employf^s pour transporter a Petersbourg un liochci- de trois millions pesant. Fol. Pari.s, 1777. A 23 P 10 1: CARCANO (Gu'Lio). Teatro di Shakspeare. [&e Shakes- peare, W.] CARDALE (J. S.) King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Boethius de Consolatione Philosophiae. {See Boethius, A. M. F. S.] CARDANO (GiROLAMo). Life of Girolamo Cardano (Je- rome Cardan), of Milan, Physician ; Ijy Henry Morlcy. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1854. C 3 Q 1, 2 CARDERERA y SOLANO (V.) Iconografia Espanola : Coleccion de Retratos, Estatuas, Mausolos }' demas, monu- mentos ineditos de Reyes, Reinas, grandes Capitanes, Escritors, etc. ; desde el siglo xi hasta el xvii. Texto eu Espagnol y Francfe. 2 vols. El fol. Madrid, 1855.-64. B 12 P 25, 26 X CARDIGAN (J. T. Brudexell), Earl of. Trial of before the House of Peers, for Felony, 16th February, 1841. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1841. F5V11 CARDONNE (M.) {See Cabinet des Fees, 17.] CARDONNEL (A. de). Numismata Scotise ; or, aSeriics of Scottish Coinage, from the reign of William the Lio'i to the Union. Roy. 4to. Edinb., 1786. A 2 R 3 t 144 CATALOGUE OF THE Car] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Car CARDWELL (Rt. Hox. Edward). \_See Busby, J., and Crisis i\ Victoria.] CAR DWELL (Edward). D.D. Lectures on the Coinage of the Greeks and Romans, delivered at the University of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1832. A 13 R" 35 CARELESS (.loiix). Writings of. [Sc^ British Refor- mers, 3.] CAREME (M. A.) Royal Parisian Pastrycook and Confec- tioner; edited by J. Porter. 8vo. Lond", 1834. A 6 Q 26 CAREW (Tnos.) Life and Poems of. ISee Chalmers, A.] CAREY (Emily J.) Shakespeare and Classical Antiquity. {^Su Staffer, Prof. P.] CAREY (Maj.-Gejj. George Jackson), C.B. Narrative of the late War in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1863,* MB 2 P 25 CAREY (Hesbv). Chrononliutonthologos — The Con- trivances — The Honest Yorkshireman. \_See British Drama 5.] CAREY (Henry Charles). The Past, the Present, and the Future. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1856. F 6 V 15 CAREY (John), LL.D. Ain.swcjrth's Latin Dictionaiy. [/Se« AixswoRTii, R.] CAREY (Sir Peter Stafford). An Introductory Lec- ture on the Study of English Law. 1S38. Kvo. Lond., 1839. J 5 y 8 CAREY (Rev. Prof. W.) Life of; hy (Jeorge Smith. . Svo. Lond., 18.S5. ' C 10 S 11 The Story of. [-See Marshmam, J. C] CARISCH (Otto). (irammati.sche FoiinonlcluT dor doutschen und rhiitoromanischen Spracho fiir die ronian- ischen Schulen Graul)iindf'ns. Kvo. Chur, 1H52. K12R1 CARELESS (John). Writings of. {See Huitish Re- for.merh 3.] CAIiLETC)N (Capt. ({eouhe). Memoirs of (including Anecdotes of the War in Si)ain under the Earl of Peter- horough) ; written by hini.solf. Ith ed. 8vo, Edinb., 1H09. C 10 g 15 CAI5LET0N (lhr;H;. Lit'., of Uov. ilenry Williams, Anhdi'uoon of \\'aimate. 2 vols. Hvo. .\iiikl,iii(l, 1x71-77. Mr' I (,i 1 I, 12 CARLETON (Capt. John William), "Crave.n." Rocr.a- tions in Shooting; with some Account of the Game of the Brit Lsland.s. 8vo. Ixind., JM 16, A 16 Q 29 Sporting Sketch book. Kvo. I>.n, | Young S[)ortMman's Manual ; or, Recreations in Shooting. New ed. Illustrated. TJino. lyind., 1867. A 17 1*17 CARLETON (William). Farm Ballads. Illustrated. Sm. -Ito. Lond., 1879. H 7 S 22 C.VRLETON (William). Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. With Illustrations by W. H. Brooke, A.R.H.A. 1th ed. ovols. 12mo. Lond.,"l836. J10P5-9 CARLETON (Wm.), LOVER (S.) and HALL (Mrs.) Characteristic Sketches of Ireland and the Irish. 12ino. Halifax. 1S49. J 7 P 33 CARLETTI (J. T,) History of the Conquest of Tunis. [See Tunis.] CARLILE (Rev. James), D.D. :Manual of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Mind. 12mo. Lond., 1851. ' G 13 TIM CARLISLE (G.) [See Murray, R.] CARLISLE (George William Frederick), Earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lonci., 1854. D 8 S 7 Two Letters on the Poetry of Pope ; and on his own Tra>-els in America. 8vo. (Pam. 25.) Lond., 1851. MJ2Q13 CARLISLE (Henry E.) Selections from the Corres- pondence of Abraham Hayward, Q.C., from 1834-84 ; with an Account of his Early Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond,, 1886, ' C 3 T 10, 11 CARLL (Lewis Ruffett), A,M. Treatise on the Calculus of Variations, 8vo, Lond., 1885. A 10 T 19 CARLOS (Don), de Bourbon. Career of, since the Death of Ferdinand VII ; being a Cliaiiter in the History of Charles y, by his Aide-do-Camp, the Hai'oii de Los Valles. 8vo. Lniid.', IS.S.-,, CIO Q 16 Court and ('a)n]i nf |)nu Carlos. {See IIoXAN, INL B.] CARLYLE (Mus. Jane \\'ei.sii). Letters and Memorials of. Prepared for Publication by Thomas Carlyle ; edited by Janie-i .\iitliony l''i-oude, 3 vols. 8vo, Lond., 1883. C 10 R 45-47 CARLYLE (John A.), M.D D.-intc^'s Divine Comedy, The Inferno; a Literal I' 'j'l-ansl.-Uion. [See Dantk Aligiiieui, I CARLVLl': (■i'iioM\s). Hilili..;,.r,ipby ..f (';irl\le. [See SlIEI'IIERI), R. il.] (';irlyl<>, )iersonally, and in iiis Writings; by D. Ma.sson. Vlmn. L.Mid., 1885. C 2 Q 10 ('harti,sm : Past and Present. Svo. Lond., 1858. J6S1 (.'ritieal and Miscellaneous Essays, 6 vols, 8vo. Lond., 1.S69. J 6 S 4 9 Early Kings of Norway ; .also an JCss.iy on the Portraits of .fohn Knox, (With a General Index to the I'eoplen Edition of 'riiiimas (';irl\lc's \\'ih-1Stump Orator — Parliaments — Hudson's Statue — Jesuitism. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle. '\_See Car- LYLE, Mrs. Jane Welsh.] Life of Friedrich Schiller (1825); Life of John Sterling (1851): Two Biographies. 8vo. Lond., 1857. C 4 S 34 The Man and his Books, illustrated by Personal Reminis- cences, Table-talk, and Anecdotes of himself and his Friends; by William Howie Wylie. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 2 T 12 Memoirs of the Life and A\'ritings of ; with Pei-sonal Reminiscences and Selections from his Private Letters to numerous Correspondents, edited by Richard Heme Shepherd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 2 T 13, 14 Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. [iSfe Cromwell, O.] On Heroes and Hero- Worship, and tlie Heroic in History. Six Lectures. 4th ed. Svo. Lond., 1855. J 6 S 2 The Open Secret of his Life; by Henry Larkin. 8vo. Lond., 188G. ' C 10 R 48 Passages selected from the Writings of ; with a Bio- graphical Memoir by Thos. Ballantyne. 8vo. Lond., 'lS55. J6S11 Past and Present. 8vo. Lond., 1843. J G S 10 Reminiscences; edited by James Anthony Froude. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 2 T 10, 11 Reminiscences of My Irish Journey in 1849. Svo. Lond., 1882. D 7 P 7 Sartor Resai-tus : the Life and Opinions of Herr Teufels- drockh. 12mo. Lond., 1871. J G S 12 Some Personal Reminiscences of Carlyle ; by Andrew James Symington. 8vo. Pai.sley, 1886. ' C 4 T 5 Tales ; by Musajus, Tieck, Richter ; translated from the German. [See Mus^us, J. K. A.] Thomas Carlyle: an Essay ; by Gen. Sir E. B. Hamley. 12mo. Edinb., 1881. ' C 2 P"2 [See Emerson, R. V.'.] CARMICHAEL (Rev. Henry), M.A. Compendious Latin Grammar for the use of the Students of the Australian College, Sydney, New South Wales. (Pam. D.) 4to. Sydney (n'.d.) MJ 2 U 3 T CARMICHAEL (Rev. Henry), '^i.A.— continued. Hints relating to Emigrants and Emigration. 12mo. Lond., 1834. MD 4 Q 42 Introductory Lecture, delivered at the Opening of the Twelth Session of the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 3rd of Juno, 1844. (Pam. 17.) Roy. Bvo. Sydney, l''<44. MJ 2 Q 7 Another copy. (Pam. F.) MJ 2 S 3 CARNARVON (Henry John George Herbert), Earl of. Portugal and Gallicia; with a Review of the Social and Political State of the Basque Provinces, and a few Remarks on Recent Events in Spain. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 183G. D 8 P 28, 29 Another copy. 3rd ed. (H. and C. Lib.) 12nio. Lond., 1848. ' J 8 P 27 CARNE (John). Letters from Switzerland and Italy during a late Tour. 8vo. Lond., 1834. D 8 T 17 Letters from the East. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1830. D 5 Q 44, 45 Lives of Eminent Missionaries. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond.i 1832-38. G 13 T 25-27 Recollections of Travels in the East; forming a Continua- tion of the " Letters from the East." Bvo. Lond., 1830. D 5 Q 46 Syria, the Holy Land, and Asia Minor. Illustrated. 3 vols, (in 1) 4to. Lond., 1842. D 4 V 21 CARNEGIE (Andrew). Round the World. 8vo. Lond., 1879. D 9 S 18 Triumphant Democracy; or, Fifty Years' March of the Republic. 8vo. Lond., 188G. F 12 P 1 CARNEGIE (William), "Moorman." Practical Game Pre- serving; containing the fullest Directions for Rearing and Preserving both V>'inged and Ground Game, and Destroying Vermin. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 29 U 29 CARNELLEY (Thomas), D.Sc, ic. Physico-Chemical Constants: Melting and Boiling Point Tables. 2 vols, roy. 4to. Lond., i'885-87. " A 2 Q 13, 14 t CARNOT (Lazare-Nicolas Marguerite). G&imetrie de Position. 4to. Paris, 1803. A 10 V 16 Reflections sur la INIetaphvsiijue du Calcul lufiniti^simal. 2" ed. 8vo. Paris, 1S13. A 10 R 34 [See Lloyd, E. M.] CARNOTA (CoNDE da). Memoirs of Field-Marshal the Duke de Saldaidia; with Selections from his Correspon- dence. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 11 P 17, 18 CAROLINE (Queen Consort of Great Britain). Memoir.^ of; bv J. H. Adolphus. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1821-22. C 5 T 3-5 146 CATALOGUE OF THE Car] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference, [Car CAROLINE MATILDA (Queen- of Denmark and Nob- way). Life and Times of; br Sir C. F. Lascelles Wraxall, Bart. 3 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1S64. C 10 P 20-22 Eoinance of Diplomacy : Historical Memoir of Queen Carolina !Matilda of Deiimark ; with Memoir, and a Selection from the Correspondence (Official and Familiar) of Sir R. M. Keith, K.B., by Mrs. Gillespie Smyth. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861. ' C 4 T -14, 45 CAROLUS MAGNUS (Imperator). Opera omnia. \_See MiGNE, J. P., Series Latina, 97, 98.] CARPANI (G. P.) [See Cellini, B.] CARPENTER (J. Estlix), M.A. Life and V^ork of Mary Carpenter. 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 2 T 15 [_See TiELE, C. P.] CARPENTER (James), F.R.A.S. The Moon. [5« Nas- 3IVTH, J.] CARPENTER (Mary). Our Convicts. 2 vols. 8vo. L.jnd., 1864. MF3 R 10, 11 The Life and Work of; by J. Estlin Carpenter, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 2 T 15 CARPENTER (William I5en.iamin), C.B., etc. Animal Phy.sioliig)'. Ne«- ed., thoroughly revised, and partly re-written. 8vo. Lend., 1876. A 12 P 10 Mechanical Philosophy, Horology, and Astronomy. New od. 8vo. Lond., 1837. " All Q 13 Mesmerism, Spiritualism, ifcc, historically and scientifically considered: two Lectures. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 12 S 27 Physiolo;,'y of Temjierancc and Total Ab.stiuencc : an Examination of the EHects of the excessive, moderate, and occa.sioiiai of Alcoholic Liquors on the Human System. 12nio. Lond., 1875. A 12 P 9 Principles of Human Phy.siology; edited by Henry Power, M.B., Lfjnd., F.R.C.S. 8th ed. Lond., 1876. A 12 T 5 Principles of Mental Pliysii>l(]f.'y, with their A]j>licutici'.s to the Traininf; and iJisciiiline i,f th(> Mind, and the Study of the Mind. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 12 Q 32 The Microsciipe and its Revelations. 5th cd., prepared with the a.ssi.stance of H. J. Slack, F.G.S. Illustrated by twenty-five Plates and Wood Enf,'iavin<;s. 8v(i. Lond., 1875. AI7T5 Ve;,'! table Physio]i.;.'y and Syhtimatit Botany; edited Vjy E para aj.render a leer escriber y hablar el Inglese. [Sec Palenzvela, Prof. R.] CARRTCK (J. D.) Life of Sir W. Wallace, of Elderslie. (Const.Misc.) 2vol.s.l8mo. Edinb.,1830. K 10 Q 41, 42 CARRTNGTON ((iKoHfJK). Colonial Adventures and Experiences: by "A University Man." 8vo. Loiul., 1871.* ' MO I I! 1.". CARinN(iT()N (Rev. Henry). Translations from the Poems of Victor Hugo. [_See Hf(io, V. ISl.] CAlUnNGToN (TiioMAs). [See Clarke. M. A. II.] CARRITTHERS (Rev. James). History of Sn.lland, from the Earliest Period of the Scottish Monarchy to the Accession of the Stewart ]"'amily. 2 vols. Hvo. I'^dinb., 1826. r. i;^ I! 28, 2!) CARRUTIiKKS (.John), M.l.G.K. ('onuimnal and Coiu- mnrcial I'jconoiny : sonu^ l']li'iiuiilary Tlieorems of the Political Eeonomv of Comnuiiial and Connnercial Societies. 8vo. Lond.. I8S3. V 6 Q 15 CAURirniERS (r.oiti::ii). I,l,.|). .\b).olsfor(l Notand;.. [See CiiAMitKua, R.] Chambers' CyelopM'di. I of l'",iiglisli Lidratuic. [SiJi; Cham DERH. W. AM) K. I Life of Alexander I'opc ; iticludiMg Ivxtiact.s from his Correspondence. 2nil ed., revised. 12mo. Lond., |8.'-.7. (' M" 1 I [See Poi'i-. A.) EllEE PUBLIC LIBIIAllY, SYDNEY. 117 Car] Part I : — Authors, Hditors, or Reference. [Cas CARSTENSZ (Jan), and GONZAL (J. E.) Tweo Togten Hilar de (lolf van Carpentai-ia, 1023 en 1756, benevens Tots over den Togt van G. Pdol en Pieter Pietersz. 8vo. Amsterd., 1859. MD 5 V 6 CARTE (Thomas), M.A. General History of England, from the Times to 165i. 4 vols. fol. Loud., 1747-55. B 15 T 13-lG \ Life of James, Duke of (Jrmond; containing an Account of the reniarkahle Afliiirs of his Time, and praticu- larly of Ireland under his (iovcrnnient. G vols. 8vo. Lond., 1851. C 10 V 42-47 CARTER (Edmund). History of the Uni\-ersity of Cam- bridge. 8vo. Lond., 175.3. B 3 R 10 CARTER (Mrs. Elizabeth). Memoirs of the Life of; ■with a new editicm of her Poem.?, A'c, l)y the Rev. Montagu Pennington, M.A. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825. C G T G, 7 Works of Epictetus. \_See Epictetus.] CARTER (John), F.S.A. Ancient Architecture of Eng- land, including tlie Orders during the British, Roman, Saxon, and Norman Ei-is. Illustrated. In two Parts. Roy. fol. Lond., 1795-1 81 G. A 1 R 1 + Specimens of the Ancient Sculpture and Painting now remaining in England, from tlie Eailiest Period to the Reign of "Henry viii. Fol. Lond., 1838. A 2 P 25 | Specimens of Gothic Architecture and Aiicient Buildings in England. 4 vols. .sq. iSmo. Lond., 1839. A2R11-14 CARTER (John). Memoir of; by William James Dampier, M.A. Illustrated. Roy. 8v„. Lond., 1875. C 8 V 3 CARTER (S. G.) Victoria, the British "El Dorado"; or, Melbourne in 1869 ; by " A Colonist of Twenty Years' Standing." 12mo. Lond., 1870.* MD 2 ii 45 CARTERET (Capt. P.) [_See Cook, Capt. J. ; Hawkes- WORTH, J. ; AND Parkinson, S.] CARTERET-BISSON (Capt. Fkederick Shirley Duma- HESQ de). \_See Bisson, Capt. F. S. D. de Carteret-] CARTWRIGHT (Capt.) Criminal Management. (Pam. Dd.) 8vo. Lond., 1865. ■ F 12 P 22 CARTWRIGHT (Frances Dorothy). Life and Corres- pondence of Major Cartwright. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1826. C lOQ 17, 18 CARTWRIGHT (James J.) The Wentworth Papers. [See Strafford, Earl of.] CARTWRIGHT (Major John). Life and Correspon- dence of ; edited by his Niece, Fi-ances Dorothy Cart- wright. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1826. C 10 Q 17, 18 CARTWRIGHT (Julia). Mantegna and Francia (Great Artists). 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 3 T 43 CARTWRIGHT (Rev. Robert). Catalogue of Books, principally Theological, the property of the Rev. Robt. Cartwright. 8vo. Sydney, 1838. MK 1 Q 13 CARTWRIGHT (William). Life and Po<=ms of. [See Chalmers, A.] CARUS (Dr. Carl Gu.stave). King of Saxony's Journey through England and Scotland in the year 1844 ; tran.s- lated by S. C. Davison. 8vo. Loud., 184G. D 7 T 35 CARUS (J. Victor). (Jeschichte der Zoologie. ((Jeschiclite derWissenschaften.) 8vo. Munchen, 1872. A 17 V 26 [See Darwin, C] CARUS (Rev. William), M.A. Memoirs of the Rev. Chas. Simeon, M.A. With a Selection from his Writings and Correspondence. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1848. C 2 T 37 CARUSO (Gig. Battista). Memorie Istoriche di quanto, e accaduto in Sicilia, dal tempo de' suoi primieri Abitatori sino alia coronazione del Re Vittorio Amedeo. Scconda Edizioue. 6 vols. 4to. Palermo, 1742-45. B 14 Q 18-23 | CARY (Henry), M.A. Herodotus : a New and Literal Version from the Text of Baehr. [See Herodotus.] Lives of the Fathers of the Church. [See Cave, W.] Memorials of the Great Civil War in England, 1646-52. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842. B 3 S 17, 18 Memoir of the Rev. Henry Francis Cary, M.A., Transla- tor of Dante ; with 4iis Literary Journal and Letters, by his son. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. C 2 U 16, 17 Odyssey of Homer ; translated into English Prose. [See Homer.] CARY (Rev. Henry Francis), M.A. Memoir of; with his Literary Journal and Letters, by his son, Henry Cary M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. " C2U16, 17 CASAUBON (Isaac). Ad Frontonem DvcKvm S. F. Theo- logum Epistola ; in qua de Apologia disseritur communi lesuitarum nomine ante aliquot menses Lutetift' Pari- siorum edita. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1611. G 6 S 5 Animadversioni Athenaei Deipnosophistarum, libri ijuin- decim. [See Athenaeus of Naucratis.] Casavboniana sive Isaaci Casavboni varia de Scriptori- bus nunc primum erutae a Jo. Christophoro Wollio. 12mo. Hamburg, 1710. G 10 P 19 De Rebvs Sacris et Ecclesiasticis, Excrcitationes xvi. 8vo. Genevae, 1655. G6S3 De Satyrica (ira^corvm poesi, et Romanorum satira, liljri duo. 8vo. Paris, 1605. J 16 T 2 Ephemerides cum Praefatione et Notis. 2 vols. 8\-o. Oxonii, 1850. O 6 S 1, 2 Epistolfe, insertis ad easdem responsionibus, quotquot hacteuus reperiri potuerunt, secundum seriem temporis accurate digesta\ Fol. Rotterdami, 1709. J 17 U 8 Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614 ; bv Mark Pattison. 8vo. Lond., 1875. ' ' ' C 10 S 10 The Originall of Idolatries ; or, the Birth of Heresies. translated into English by Abraham Darcie. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1624. G 6 S 4 Vindicia^ pro Casaubono. [See Cappellus, J.] 148 CATALOGUE Or THE Cas] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Cas CASAUBON (Meric), D.D. Epistolae. {See Casaubox, I.] CASEY (Prof. Johx), LL.D., kc. On a new Form of Tangential Equation. (Rov. Soc. Pubs., .').) 4to. Lend., 1878. ■ A 11 P 6 t CASH (M.\RTix). Adventures of, in company \\itli Kava- nagh and Jones ; edited by James Lester Burke. Svo. Hobart, 1870. " MF 1 Q 5 Another Copy. MC 1 Q 22 CASPER (JouAXS LuDwio), M.D. Hand-book of the Practice of Forensic Medicine based upon personal ex- perience ; translated by G. W. Balfour, M.D. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861-6."). F 10 T 4-7 CASS (B.) Louis Xapoleon, Historical and Pmphetical : a Lecture. 12mo. Melb., 1865. MJ 2 P 31 CASSAGNAC (Adolphe Granier de). \_See Granier de Cassagjjac, a.] CASSAL (Prof. Charles), LL.D., and KARCHER (Phof. Theodore), LL.B. Modern French Reader. Prose. Senior Course. 2nd ed. Lond., 1875. K11V34 Modern French Reader. Prose. Junior Course. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1877. K 11 V 33 CASSAS (L. F.) Travels in Istria and Dalmutia; drawn up from the Itinerary of L. F. Cassas, by Josejih Lavallde. Translated from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1805. D6T1G CASSELL (John). Art Treasures E.vhibition, containing Engravings of the principal Masterpieces of the English, l)utch, Flemish, French, and German Schools; with Biographical Sketches. Imp. 8vo. L(md.,1858. A8T17 Cas.ieirs Historical, Political, and Commercial ^M.-qi (if Europe. {Set Yoixc, F.] Histfiryof the War between France aiuKicnnany, 1S70-71 ; edited by E. Oilier. 2 vols. imp. fLD AND NEW RDINIU' lid II. {Stt GllANT, J.] CASSELL'S POPULAR EDUCATOR : Complete Ency- clopaedia of Elementary, Advanced, and Technical Educa- tion. New ed. 6 vols.'4to. Lond., 1881-83. Iv 9 U 1-6 CASSELL'S POPULAR NATURAL HISTORY. Illus- trated. 4 vols, (in 2) imp. 8vo. Lond., 1861-62. A 14 Y 45, 46 CASSELLS (James Patterson), M.D. Deafmutisin. {See Hautmann', Du. A.] CASSELS (Walter R.) Cotton : an Account of its Cul- ture in the Bombay Presidency. Roy. 8vo. Bombay, 1862. A 1 T 16 CASSIANUS (Joannes). Opera omnia. {See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 49, 50.] CASSIM (Mahomet). The Case of. 4t... Sydney, 1863. M J 2 U 3 CASSIN (John). Mammalogj' and Ornithology. (United States Exploring Expedition.) Roy. 4to. Philad., 1858. A 31 P 9 J Atlas to above. Imp. fnl. Philad., 1858. A 31 R 2 J CASSINO (Samuel E.) International Scientists' Directory. Kvo. Boston, 1882. E CASSIODORUS (Magnus Auuelius). Letters of Cassio- doi'us ; being a condensed Translation of the N'ariie Epis- tola' of Magnus Aurelius Ca.ssiodoiiis, Senator; with an Introduction by Thomas Hodgkin. Hvo. Lond., 1886. C 10 S 4 Opera omnia. {See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 69, 70. ] CASSIUS. {See Dion C.\ssa's.] CASTHLAR ( Old Rome and New Italy (Re cucnlos (le Italia); translated by Mrs. .Vrtluir .Vrnold 8vo. Lond., 1873. D 7 T 3(i C.\STELL (l']nMUNi>), D.D., Ar. Lexicon llcptaglotton : Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, TEthio- picum, Arabicum, conjunctim ; et Persicum separalim. 2 vols. fol. LoihI.. 1669. K 35 Q 7, 8 \ C.ASTICLL.V (Huhekt i>e). John Bull's Yineyard: Aus- Iniiiau Sketches. 1 2mo. M. 'lb., 1886. MA IP 15 l,isS,|uallcrs .\ustraliciis. 1 2mio. Paris, 1801. .M I > I I' :i;t CASTELLANE (P. dk), Comte. Military l.ilr in .\lgeria. 2 vol.s. 8vo. Lond., 1853. I) 1 S II, 12 CASTKLL.\NI (.\ucifsro). Gems: Notes and E.\tracts; ti'aiislatcd fi-om the Italian, by Mrs. John liiogdeii. 8vo. Lond., 1S7I. .\ 9 20 CASTKLLI (Gauriellk Lancelot). Sicilio' populorum et urbimn Regum (p^xpie e( tyrannorum M'tcics Kunimi Saraccnoruiii epochani anti'ccdenti's. I'ol, Panoriui, 17^1-91. A 1 r 1 I t PllEE PUBLIC LIBllARY, SYDNEY. 149 Cas] Paut I : — Authors, Edilo7's, or Reference. [Cat CASTELNAU (Fuancis ije). ExpeJiti..n dans les Parties Centrales de TAnierique du Sud, de Rio dc Janeiro a Lima, ct de Lima au Para, pendant les annces 1843-47. Histoirc! du Voyage. G vols. Svo. Paris, 18.50-5L D 4 Q 17-22 Planches. 13 vols. 4to. Pari.s, 1852-59. D 3 V 6-18 I, 2. Chloiis Aiidiiia : Essai crime Flora ile la Region Alpine des Curdillcrea de lAnieri(|ue du Sud ; par H. A. Weddell, M.P. .'5. Botanique. 4. Anatomic ; par I'aiil (iervais. 5. Animau.x Nouveaux ou Rares ; ReiJtiles; par A. tluichemit 6. Mollusques ; par H. Hiipe. 7. Poissons ; par le Comte Franeis ile Castelnau. 8. Oiseaux ; par 0. dcs Murs. 9. Mammiferes ; par Paul Clcrvais. 10. Myriapodcs et Scorpions ; par Paul Gervaia. II. Antiquitea dea Ineaa et aiitres Peuplcs Ancieiis. (Les Planches Lithographi(Jes iiar Champin). 12. Vues et Scenes. 13. Entomologie ; par H. Lucas. Atlases. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1852-54 D 4 S 7, 8 J 1. Itin^raires et Coupe Geologique, sur lea Observations de Francis de Castelnau et d'Kugene D'Osery. i. Geographic. CASTILLO (Bei!nal Diaz del), Conquistadok. [_See Diaz DEL Castillo, B.] CA8TLE (Egerton), M.A. Schools and Masters of Fence, from the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century. 4to. Lond., 1885. '' A 15 U 17 CASTLE (J. Fred.) The Anglo- Israelite ; with an Illus- trative Map. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. MG 1 Q 19 CASTLE (S. N.) Account of the Visit of the French Frigate L'Artemise to tlie Sandwich Islands, July, 1839. 8vo. Honolulu, 1839. MJ 2 P 39 CASTLEREAGH (Robert Stewart), Viscount. [_See Londonderry, Marquess of.] CASTRO (Guillen de). Some Account of the Lives and Writings of Lope Felix de Vega Carpio, and Guillem de Castro; by Henry Richard, Lord Holland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1817. C 3 P 42, 43 CASTRO (DoM John de), Fourth Viceroy of India. Life of; by Jacinto, Freire de Andrada; written in Por- tuguese, and by Sr. Peter Wyche, Knt., translated into English. Fol. Lond., 1G64. C 7 V 46 CASTRO (Thomas). Tlie Queen against Thomas Castro. [^See Ticuborne Trial.] CASWALL (Alfred). Hints from the Journal of an Aus- tralian Squatter. 8vo. Lond., 1843. MD 5 Q 29 CATAFAGO (Joseph). English and Arabic Dictionary, in two Parts, Arabic and English, and English and Arabic. 2nded. Svo. Lond., 1873. K 15 P 13 CATALOGUES OF BOOKS. Catalogues of Books sold by Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, and Allen. Svo. London, 1822. K 7 S"l Books publislicil by Black, Young and Young. 8vo. Lond., 1824. K 7 S 4 Catalogue of Books now selling by J. Laycock. 8vo. Lond., 1824. K 7 S 1 Catalogue of Books [sold] by .1. Arnould. Svo. Lond., 1829. K 7 S 1 Catalogue of Books, part of the Stock of A. K. Newman and Co. Svo. Lond., 1834. K 7 S 1 ^General Catalogue of Books now on sale by Harding, Triphook, and Lepard. Svo. Lond., 1824. K 7 S 2 Catalogue of English Theology on sale by Howell and Stewart. Svo. Lond., 1827. K 7 S 2 Catalogue of Standard English Authors (Ancient and Modern) on .sale by W. Dawson and Sons. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) K 7 II 51 Jurisprudence : Catalogue des Livres provenant en partie de la Bibliotiieque de Feu M. J. de Bosch Kemper. Svo. Amst., 1884. K 7 S 14 David Nutt's Catalogue. Foreign Theology, etc. Svo. Lond., 1859. " K7S3 CATALOGUS BIBLIOTHECiE BUNAVIAN^. Ed. J. M. Franckius. 3 vols, (in 6) 4to. Lipsis, 1750-56. K 8 R 1-6 CATARRH IN SHEEP BILL. Report from tlie Com- mittee on the Catarrh in Sheep Bill ; with the Minutes of Evidence, and Replies to Circular Letter. F^ol. Sydney, 1838. MF 4 + CATCHPOLE (Mau(;aret). History of. ISee Cobbold, R.] CATES (William L. R.) Dictionary of General Biography. 2nd ed., with a Supplement completing the work to the Present Time. Svo. Lond., 1875. C 11 S 6 Supplement to Dictionary of General Buigraphy, brouglit down to the end of 1884. Svo. Lond., 1885. C 11 S 7 Encyclojjfedia of Chronology. \_See Woodward, B. 15.] Biographical Treasury. \_Sce Maunder, S.] CATHARINE OF ARAGON (Queen). History of. [&d Di.xoN, W. H.] CATHARINE II (Empress op Russia). Anecdotes of. [_See PoTEMKiN, Prince G. A.] Life of ; an enlarged Translation from the French, by Wil- liam Tooke. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1798. C 6 R 27-29 Memoirs of ; written by herself. Translated from the French. Svo. Lond, 1859. C 2 U 18 Correspondance de Voltaire avec ITmperatrice de Russie. [_See Voltaire, F. M. A. de.] CATHEDRAL CHURCHES of England and Wales, Descriptive Historical Pictorial. 4to. Lond., 1884. A 2 T 20 150 CATALOGUE OE THE Cat] Pakt I: — Authors, Editors, or Eeference. [Cav CATHOLIC ALMANAC (The). Catholic Almanac and Directoi-y, for the veai-s 1854, ISGO, 1861. 3 vols, (in 1). 12mo. Sydney, 18.54-61. ME 4 li CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION. Annual K.-pmts of the Central Council of tlie Catholic Association. 8vo. Sydney, 1869-71. MO 1 Q 17 CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION REPOETEE (Tue). Vol.?. 1 and 2. 8vo. Sydney, 1870-71. MG 1 Q 17 CATHOLIC EDUCATION. Pastoral Letter of the Arch- bishop and Bishop.s exercising jurisdiction in Now Soutli Wales. (Pani. Br.) 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MG 1 Q 35 CATHOLIC EMANCIPATION BILL. Speeches on. [See Historical P.vmpiilets.] GATHOLICUS. [See Educ.vtion.] CATLEY (Rev. S. R.) Remarks on the Defence of his Edition of Fox's ^lartyrology. [See ^I.mtland, Rev. S. R.] CATLIN (GEOiiOE). Breath of Life ; or, Mal-respiratiou and its Effects upon the Enjoyments and Life of Man. (Manu-grapli.) 8vo. Loud., 18G2. A \2 R 33 Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indian.s. Illusti'ated. 10th ed. 2 vols. roy. Kvo. Lend., 1806. Lihr. Anothercopy. 2 vols. roy. 8'vo. Lond., 1^76. I)3U19,20 Letters and Notes on the Manner.s, Customs, and Condi- tion of the North American Indian.s, 1832-39. Illustra- ted. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Ln„d.. is 11. 1) 3 U 17, 18 Lifted and Subsided Rocks of America, with their In- tluences on tlic Oceanic, Atmospheric, and Land Currents, and the Distribution of Races. 8vo. Lond., 1S70. A 9 Q 34 Notes iif Eiglit Years' Travels and Residence in Eui'ope with liis North American Indian Collection. 3rd cil. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond,, 1848. 1)7S20, 21 O Kee-Pa: a Religious Ceremony ; and other Customs of the Mandans. Illustrated. Roy. Kvo. I^.nd., 1807. A2P14 Shut your Mouth and Save your Life. Illustrated. 7th ed. 8vo. l/.nd., IS78. A 12 (,» 1 1 CATNACII Mamks). Life and Times of James Catnacli (lale of Seven Dials), liallad monger; by Cliarles Hindley. \Voi«|iutH by liewi.k. Kvo. Lond., 1K7K. (MOT 21 (;AT0N (John Dean;, i.b.U. .Xnlciopc and of America: a Treatise upon tlie Natural History of lh(^ Anliloca])ra anil Cervid:i' of North .Nmeriia. Koy. Kvo. New York, |K77. A 15 P 3 CATTKK.MOLK (Gkorok). Evenings at lladdon Hall. Hiuttraled. [See Cai.aiikkm.a, I!ahovehs dk.J CATTERMOLE (Rev. RicnAUD), B.D. History of the Great Civil War of Charles i and the Parliamont 2 vt>ls. Kvo. Lond., 1845. B T 7, 8 CATULLUS (Cau's Valerius). Connnentaiy on. [See Ellis, Prof. R.] Opera onniia ex Editione F. (.i. Doerin.tjii ; cum Notis et Interpretatione in usum Dciphini. Curante A. J. Valpy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1822. J 13 P 24, 25 Erotica. The Poems of Catullus and Tilnillus and the Vigil of Venus : a Literal Pi-ose Translation, with Notes; by Walter K. Kelly. 8vo. Lond., 1878. H 5 S 30 CAULFIELD (James). Book of Wonderful Characters. [See Wilson, H.] The Court of Queen Elizabeth. [See Naunton, Sir R.] Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable Persons, from the Revolution in 1688 to the end of the Reign of George ii. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1819-20. C 21 S 1-4 [See Collection of Four Hundred Portraits.] CAULFIELD (Richard), LL.D., .tc. Annals of St.. Fin Barre's Cathrural, Cork. 12mo. Cork, 1871. I'.llPG Council Book of the Corporation of Cork, 1609-43, and 1690-1800. Sm. 4to. (Uiildford, 1870. BUR 10 Council Book of the Coiporation of Kinsale, 1652-1800. Sm. Ito. Guildfoid, 1879. 1! 11IM2 Council Book of the Corpoi-alion of Youglial, lOlO 59, 1666-87, and 1690-1800. Sm. Iio. tUiildford, 1878. I! 11 K 11 CAULF1EL1)(Sopiiia F. A.), and SAW AR I ) (liLANniE C.) Dictionary of Needlework : an Encycloiia>dia of Artistic, Plain, .■ind Fancy Needlework. 4to. Ijoud., 1882. K 17 1' 22 .Allot lier copy. 2nil ed. 4lo. Lond., 18K5. K 1 7 U 23 CAULTNCOURT (Armand Auc.ustin Louis diO, Duke OF N'icenza. [See Vkknza, Duke of.J CM'SKS ('l,LI';riK HS ct Intcressantes; avec los Jugeiiiens (|ui les ont di'(i(l('rs. Recutillies jiar M. (Jayotde 22 vols. 12nio. I„i Have, 1735 15. ' I-' | 1' 1 22 ('AL'TLI<;Y (Col. Sir Proiiv Thomas). Notes and Mcm< - landa on tlu; Watt"r Courses in tli(> Deyra Doom, Noitli- Western Provinces. I'oi. C.d.uttii," IK 15. 10 [See I''alconki!, II.] C.W.VONARI (.M A.I. Sir P. Louis Napoleon), K.('.l<.,.tr.'e ami ( 'areerof Major Sir Pierre Louis Napoleon ( 'avag- iiari, C.S.I. , K.l!. I!., 'I'.rili.sji KoNoy at Cabiil; by Kally I'rosdiio D,,y. Svo. ('alculta, I s's I . ('5 V 'O <',\\'.\L('.\SKLLI'; ((iK.VANNM BatTISTA.) L'apliacl; ills LitV and Works. [See CnoWK, J. A.) Titian: his Lil'i' ainl Times. [See ClioWE, .1. .\.| IIIEE PUliLIC LlBllAllY, SYDNEY. ]51 Cav] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Cec CAVK (Canon William), D.D., kv. Lives of the most Euiiiieut Fathers of the Church that flourished in the First Four Centuries ; revised liy Henry Cary, M.A. :J vols. Svo. Oxford, 1810. C "l R 1^3 Primitive Christianity ; or, the Religion of the Ancient Christians in the First Ages of the Go.spel. 8vo. Oxford, 1840. G 4 R 4 Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum llistoria Literaria, a Christo Nfito usque ad Sreculuni xiv, Facili Methodo digesta. 2 vols. fol. Oxonii, 1740-43. K 22 Q .5, 6 + CAVE (L. AV.) ISee Burn, Riciiai;!).] CAVE-BROWNE (Rev. J.), M.A. Lambeth Palace and its Associations. Illustrated. 8vu. Edinh., 1882. A G S 43 CAVELER (William). Select Specimens of Gothic Architecture. 4to. Loud., 1835. A 2 T 24 CAVENAGH (General Sir Orfeuu), K.C.S.I. Remi- niscences of an Indian Official. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 3 T 22 CAVENDISH (GEORfiE). Life of Cardinal Wolsey ; with Notes and other Illustrations, by S. W. Singer, F.S.A. 2nded. 8vo. Loml, 1827. C 10 P 41 Negotiations of Thos. W(jolsey ; containing his Life and Death. Sm. 4to. Lond., 16 41. C3P4G CAVENDISH (Hon. Henry), F.R.S. Electrical Re- searches of; written between 1771 and 1781; edited, from the original Manuscrijits in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire, K.G., by J. Clerk Maxwell, F.R.S. 8vo. CVanbridge, 1879. A 5 U 23 CAVENDISH (William), Duke of Newcastle. [&<• Newcastle, Duke of.] CAVENDISH SOCIETY (The). Publications of, 2'J ^oLs. 8vo. and Atlas 4to. Lond., 184«-72. E. CAVERLY (Col. Robert Boodey). History of the Indian Wars oi New England, with Eliot the Apostle. 8vo. Boston, 1S82. ' Bl Q, 49 Life iiud Labors of John Eliot, the Apostle, among tlie Indian Nations of Nevi' England. 8vo. Boston, 1882. B 1 Q 49 CAVOLEAU (M.) CEnologie Framjaise ; ou, Statistique de tous les Vignoblcs et de toutes les Boissons Viiieuses et Spiritueses de la France, suivie de considerations gdnerales sur la Culture de la Vigne. 8vo. Palis, 1827. A 1 Q 2 CAVOUR (Camillo ui), Contk. Discorsi Palamen- tari. 11 vols. imp. 8vo. Torino, 1863-72. F5V1-11 His Life and Career; liy B. H. Cooper. 12mo. Lond., 1860. C2P3 CAWTHORNE (James). Life and Poems of. [See John- son, S., awl ClIALMIRS, A.] CAXTON (William). Biography and Typograjihy of William Caxton, England's First Printer ; by 'William Blades. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 10 S 30 Caxton Celebration, 1877 : Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Antiquities, Curiosities, and Appliances connected with the Art of Printing, South Kensington ; Edited by George Bullen, Esq., F.S.A. 8vo. Lond., 1877. K 7 S 20 Game and Playe of the Chesse, 1474. Verbatim Reprint of the first edition. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 17 W 27 CAYLEY (Prof. Arthur A.), F.R.S. Addition to Memoir on the Transformation of Elliptic Functions. (Hoy. Soc. Pubs., 6.) 4to. Lond., 1879. A 11 P 7 t Memoir on Prepotentials. (P-oy. Soc. Pub., 2.) 4to. Lond., 187G. A 11 P 3 t On the Bi-circular Quartic. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 4.) 4to. Lond., 1878. A 11 P 5 t Tenth Memoir on Quantics. (Boy. Soc. Pubs., 6.) 4to. Lond., 1879. A 11 P 7 t CAYLEY (C. B.), B.A. Introduction to the Grammar of the Romance Languages. \_See Diez, F.] CAYLEY (William), M.D., &lc. On some points in the Pathology and Treatment of Typhoid Fever. (Croonian Lectures.) 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 12 Q 44 CAYLLTS (C), CoMTE ue. Les Fceries Nouvelles. — Les Nouveaux Contes Orientaux, &c. \_See Cabinet des Fees, 24, 25.] CAZALET (Rev. W. AV.), M.A. History of the Royal Academv of Music. 8vo. Lond., 1854. "^ B 14 S'22 CAZENAVE (P. L. ALpni;E), and SCHEDEL (H.E.) Manual of Diseases of the Skin; with Notes and Additions by Thos. H. Burgess, M.D. 12ino. Lond.,1842. A12P16 CAZIN (Aciiille). Phenomena and Laws of Heat; translated and edited by Elihu Rich. 12uio. Lond., 1868. A 5 S 20 CAZOTTE (J.) [_See Veillkes Persanes, Les.] CEBUSKY (Anton). Kurzgcfasste Grammatik dor bohmisclien Snrachc. G'' auflage. 8vo. Wien, 1877. K 12 R 32 CECIL (C.) Commercial Morality in Sydney. (Pam. E.) 4to. Sydney, 1863. ' MJ 2 S 2 Petition of, to the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, 2nd February, 18G4. Fol. Sydney, 18G4. MF 10 Q 3 t CECIL (Gen. Sir Edward), Viscount Wimbledon. [See Wimbledon, Viscount.] CECIL (Rev. Richard). Remains of; with a View of his Character by the Rev. Josiah Pratt, B.D., kc. 12th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1841. G 8 P 15 152 CATALOGrE OF TH] Cec] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Cew CECIL (Sir Robert), Earl of Salisbury. Life of. \_See Mackixtosii, Sir J.] Secret Correspondence of Sir Robert Cecil with James vi, King of Scotland. 8vo. Etlinb., 1766. C 2 P -i CECIL ("William). \_See Burgiiley, Lord.] CECILE (Saixte) et la Society? Romaine. \_See GuEnAXOKH, DOM P.] CEPRENT'S (Georgius). Compendium Historiarum. [^See MiGNE, J. J., Series, 12 1, 122, nnd Byzaxtin.k Hist. Script.] CELEBRATED TRIALS. {See Trial.s.] CELESTIN III (Hy.icixto, Papa. Epistohv et Prix-ilegia. \_See iliG.VE, J. P., Series Latin'a, 206.] CELLARIUS (Christopu). Notitia Orbis Antiqui, sivc Geographia Pleninr. 2 vols. 4to. Camb., 1703-G. D 12 Y 21, 22 CELLTEZ (Mlle. Adelaide de). Lcs Reines do France. Nouvelle edition, pntierement revue. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1860. B .s V .3 CELLINI (Benvenuto). Life of; written by himself; translatotl by Thomas Nugent. (Autobiot;., 16, 17.) 2 vols, (in 1) 18mo. Lond., 1828. ' U 1 P 13 Memoirs of: written by hini.sclf ; with Notes and Obser- vations of (J. P. Carpaiii; translated Ity Thomas Roscoe. 12mo. I>.nd., 1^50. ' C 1 R 9 CENNINI (Ck.wixo). Treatise on Painting, written in the year 1437; translated by Mrs. Merriticld. Roy. 8vo. I>md., ISI 1. A S Q 26 CENTLIVRE (Mrs. Susannah). |:..1.I Stroke for a AVife: II CViniedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) isnio. Lond., 17'Jl. H 2 P 23 Another copy. (Brit. Theatre.) r2mo. Lond., 180S. II 1 P 11 Another c.hd., isos. ■ 11 1 I' I I Another v Kin;. Theatre.) I2ini.. L I., 1782. I! 1 1- I 6 Another copy. (I'.iir. liiit. Theatre.) iNino, L(pnd , 1791. II 2 1' 7 Another copy. [Set Brit. Drama, 4.] The Wiinrler a Woman keejiH a Secret : a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Thi-ntre.) iHmo. ly.nd., I7J>2. "]I2P8 Another r«ipy. (Brit. Theatre.) 1 2mo. l,oiid,, Isd.s. II I P II Another copy. (New Kng. Theatrr-.) 1 2mo. Lond., '7'^7. II I I< jr, Another ropy. \Stt BitiT. Drama. 4.) CENTRAL ASIA. Correspondence respecting the Affairs of Asia. Fol. Lond., 1884^85. F 3G Q 12 * Circular Despatch addressed liy Prince Gortoliakow to Ru.ssian Representatives abroad. Fol. Lond., ISS.5. F36 Q 12 \ CENTRAL SOCIETY OF EDUCATION: Pnpers. 3 vols. 8vo., 1837-39. G 17 P 3-5 CERATTNUS (.Jacobus). Dc sono literarvm pra'scrtiin Gracarvni. libellvs. 18mo. Gcnevac, 1529. K 11 S 4.5 CEREMONIAL a lu-sagc do lEglLsu de Tuuluuse. 12mo. Toulouse, 1821. t! 9 Q 15 CEREMONIALS for the Installation of Knight.s, and at Coronations. I'nique Colleetions of. Fol. Lond., 1756- 1827. B 15 T 6 % CERES. [See Fi.n.] CERYANTES SAAYEDRA (Mkjuel de). Aeliieve- ments of the Ingenious Oentleman, T)oi\ Qui.xote do la Mancha: a Translation based on that of Peter Anthony Motteux. 2 vols. 8v(>. Lond., 1SS2. ,) 1 1 K 7, 8 Don Quichotte do la Alanelie: traduit de I'EspagMol. [See Fl.OHIAN, J. P. C. DL.] E.xenijilarv Novels of; translated from the Spanish, by Walter K. Kelly. Svo. Loud., 18SI. .1 8 R 19 Galatea: a Pastoral Honiauec; lilrrally Iransl-itnl from the Spanish, by Gordon A\'ilionL,'liliv ,Jani(>s Gyll, Es. 4to. P.oston, 1885. II .32 P 1, 2 J CEW (Gl.ASEU de). Magneto and Dynamo I'lleetrie Maiiiiiies; wi(h a Deseripdon of Elect rie Aeemuulatois; edited, with AdibdoMs, by P. IliLr^'s. Lond., ISSI. A 5 R 51 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 153 Cey] Part I : — Authors, ^Editors, or Reference. [Cha CEYLON. Ceylon Hand-book and Directory, 1885-86. 8vo. Colombo, 1885. E Ceylon in the Fifties and the Eighties; a Retrospect and Contrast; by "A Planter." 8vo. Colombo, 1886. D 5 T 24 Correspondence between the Governor of Ceylon and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, with reference to the preparation of a descriptive Catalogue of the Pali, Sin-, and Sau.skrit Manuscripts. (Pam. P.) Fol. Lond., 1870. MJ -2 U4 Manual of Useful Information upon the Island of Ceylon. (Pam. 14.) Svo. (n.p.n.d.) MJ 2 Q 4 CEYLON CALENDAR, 1819-21. 12mo. Colombo, 1819-21. E CHABOT (P. M.) \_See Polybius.] CHADERTON (Laurence), D.D. Life of; translated from a Latin Memoir of Dr. Dillingham, with Notes and Illustrations, by E. 8. Shuckburgh, M.A. 8vo. Camb., 1884. C 6 P 13 Richard Farmer, D.D., Master of Emmanuel, 1775-97 : an Essay. Svo. Camb., 1884. C 6 P 1.3 CHADWICK (David). [See Macclesfield Public Free LlDRARY.] CHADWICK (LiEUT.-CoM. F. E.), U.S.N. Report on the Training Systems for the Navy and Mercantile Marine of England, and on the Naval Training System of France. Svo. Wash., 1880. G 17 R 4 CHADWICK (William). Life and Times of Daniel De Foe ; with Remarks, digressive and discursive. Svo. Lond., 1859. C 10 T 32 CHAFFERS (William). Gilda Aurifabrorum : a History of English Goldsmiths and Plateworkers, and their Marks stamped on Plate, copied in fac-simile from cele- brated Examples. Roy. Svo. Lend., 1883. B 24 V 3 Keramic Gallery; containing several hundred illustrations of rare, curious, and choice examples of Pottery and Por- celain. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1872. A 7 V 4, 5 CHAFFEY BROTHERS. [See Vincent, J. E. M.] CHALCOCONDYLES (Laonicus). Historiarum lihri de- cem. [See Migne, J. P., Serie.s Ge.eca, 159, and Byzan- tinjE Hist. Script.] CHALLAMEL (Augustin). History of Fa.shion in France, from the Gallo-Roman Period to the Present Time. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1882. A 7 V 14 CHALLICE (Dr. John), M.D., &c. Secret History of the Court of France under Louis xv. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1861. B9P16, 17 CHALLIS (Rev. James), M.A., etc. Lectures on Prac- tical Astronomy and Astronomical Instruments. Svo. Camb., 1879. A3S 12 CHALMERS (Alexander), F.S.A. General Biographical Dictionary. 32 vol.s. Svo. Lond., 1812-17. C US 1.3-44 Memoirs of the Life of James Beattie, LL.D. [See Beattie, J.] Plays of Shakspeare ; with a History of the Stage and a Life of Shakspeare. [See Shakespeare, W.] Table Talk of Martin Luther. [See Luther, M.] Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper ; including the series edited by Dr. Samuel Johnson ; the Additional Lives by A. Chalmers. 21 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1810. H 6 T 1-21 1. Chaucer. 2. Gower —Skelton— Howard — Wyat — Gascoigne -Turbervile. 3. Spenser - Daniel. 4. Drayton — Warner. 5. Shakspeare — Davies — Donne — Hall — Stirling — .Jon.son — Corbet - Carew — Drnmmoml. 6. Beaumont -G. and P. Fletcher— F. Beaumont — Browne — Davenaut — Habington — Suckling — Cartwright — Crashaw — Sherburne— Brome— C. Cotton. 7. Cowley — Denliam —Milton. 8. Waller — Butler — Rochester — Roscommon — Otway - Pom- fret — Dorset — Stepney— J. Philips — Walsh -Drydcn. 9. Dryden — Smith -Duke — King -Sprat— Halifax -Parnell - Garth — Rowe— Addison. 10. Hughes — Slieffield — Prior — Congreve — Blackmore — Fen- ton — (iay. 11. Lftnsdowne — Yalden — Tiokell — Hammond — Somervilc — Savage — Swift. 12. Broome — Pope — Pitt — Thom.son. 13. Watts -A. Philips — West — Collins — Dyer — Shenstone — Young. 14. Mallet— Akcnside - Gray— Lyttelton— Moore— Cawthorne — Churchill — Falconer— Cunningham— Grainger — Boyse. 15. W. Thompson — Blair — Lloyd — Green — Byron — Dodsley — Chatterton—Cooper-SmoUett —Hamilton. 16. Smart — Wilkie — P. Whiteliead — Fawkes — Lovibond — Harte— Langhorne —Goldsmith — Armstrong - Johnson. 17. Glover — W. Wliitehead — Jago — Brooke — Scott— Mickle — Jenyns. 18. Cotton— Logan — T. Warton — J. Warton — Blacklock— Cam- bridge — Mason —Jones — Beattie — Cowper. 19. Pope's Homer's Iliad and Odyssey— Dryden's Virgil and Juvenal— Pitt's Virgil's Aeneid and Vida's Art of Poetry — Francis' Horace. 20. Rowe's Lucan— Grainger's TibuUus — Fawke's Theocritus, Apollonius, Rhodius Coluthus, Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Mosclras, and Mu.saeus - Garth's Ovid— Lewis' Statins — Cook's Hesiod. 21. Hoole's ArioRto and Tasso -Mickle's Lusiad [of Camoens]. [See British E.ssayist.s.] CHALMERS (George), F.R.S.A.S. Caledonia; or, an Account, Historical and Topographic, of North Britain. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1807-24. B 10 Q 5-7t Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain. Svo. Lond., 1804. F 9 P 16 Life of Thomas Ruddiman, A.M. Svo. Lond., 1794. C 9 S 16 Poetic Remains of some of the Scotish Kings. Svo. Lond., 1824. H 7 S 9 Poetical Works of Sir David Lyndsay ; with a Life of the Author. [See Lyndsay, Sir D.] 151 CATALOGUE OF THE Cha] Pakt I : — Authors, Editovs, or Beference. [Cha CHALMERS (CtEorge). Life of Daniel Defoe. [See Defoe, I).] MS. on the Slave Trade. [_See Africa.] B 19 U 7 * CHALMERS (Geohcje P.\rL), R.S.A. Reproduction of a Selection of his AVorks. \_See Boron, S.] CHALMERS (James). Pioneering in New Guinea. 8vo. Lond., 18S7. MD 6 T t CHALMERS (James), and GILL (Rev. William Wyatt), B.A. Work and Adventure in New Guinea, 1877-8o. 8vo. Lond., 1885. MD 3 S 17 CHALMERS (James B.), C.E. fJrapliical Determination of Forces in Engineering Structures. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A6T11 CHALMERS (John), :M.A., Ac. Account of the Struc- ture of Chinese Characters, under 300 Primary Forms ; after the Shwoh-wan, 100, A.D., and the Plionetio Slnvuh- waii, 1833. 8vo. Lvo. Lond., 1S51. C 2T 19 Series of DiscourseH on the Christian Revclatirm, viewed in connection with Mixlern Astnmomv. 8vo. Glasgow, \M1. ' G 2 R 13 CMAI>.MI:KS (lU.v. Wh.i.iam;, Canon ok Melhoiunk. Tlic Ancient JSritiHh Cliurch. [See Ciirucii Hi.sTonv.] CHAL.MKUS I5ROH. r. CLARK K. Report of K(|uity I" ' '^ Iri the Supreme Court of New Zeidiind. ' I'.ros. 1'. Exc'utors of the late W. J. T. Clarke, avu. Ucclong, 1m77. .M.I 2 1! IG CTIALYRAl'M (PiioF. lli-.iMiicii MoiiiTz). liistorioal Survey of S|)eciiliilivn Philosophy, from Kan) to Hi-gel. Hvo. I^nd., I8.'i4. G13T12 CHAMBERLAIN (Basil Hall). Classical Poetry of the Japanese. 8vo. Lond., 1880. H 7 S 14 CHAMBERLAIN (GEORCiE). Speech in Defence of G. Chamberlain. [See Sewell, R. C] CHAMBERLAIN (Rt. Hon. Joseph), M.P. The French Treaty and Reciprocity : a Speech. (Pam. Je.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. F G P 10 CHAMBERLAINE (John). Facsimiles of Original Draw- ings by Hans Holbein, in the Collection of His IMajesty; engraved by F. Bartolozzi, with Biographical Notices by C. Lodge. Lond., 1884. ' A 23 S 7 J Imitations of original Drawings by Ilans Holbein in the Collection of His Majesty. [Engraved by F. Bartolozzi.] With Biographical Tracts. Lond., 1792. A 20 P 14 } Original Designs of the most colcbi-atcd blasters of the Bolognese, Roman, Florentine, and Venetian Schools. Imp. folio. Lond., 1812. A 20 P 18 | CHAMBERLAYNE (Edward). Anglise Notitia ; or, the Present State of England. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1694- 1700. B23P3, 4 CHA:\IBERLAYNE (Rev. Israel), D.D. The Australiim Capti\-c ; or, an Authentic Narrative of Fifteen Years in the Life of ^\'illiam Jackman. 8vo. Lond., 1853. MD 3 R 30 CHAMBERLAYNE (John). Magna> Britannia; Notitia; or, tlie Present State (tf (treat Britain. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1708-48. B 2 S 43-50 CHAMBERS (, F.R.S., &c. Al)solut.e Direction and Intensity of the Earth's IMagn<'ti(^ Force at Bond)ay, and its Secular and Annual Variations. (Roy. Soc. Pid)s., 2.) 4to. Ltmd., 1876. " A 11 P 3 t CHAMBERS (Charles and F.) On the Mathematical Exj)ression of t)l)servations of Com]ile.\ Periodical Phe- nomena ; and on Planetary Iiilhicnce on the Earth's Magiietism. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., I.) 4to. Lond., 1876. A 1 1 P 2 t t'lLV.MBERS (Chaki.ks Henry). Address to the People of New Soutli Wales, in o])])ositinn to, and refutation of the Giievances I'etitions of the Legislative Council to ParbaiMC'nl. (I'am. 24.) Svo. Syibiey, 1 S53. MJ2Q12 tJeneral View of the State of ( ■aiifurnia. Past and Present. (Pam. 24.) 8vo. Sydney, 1H50. MJ 2 t^ 12 Another copy. I\l.) 2 R 21 CIlAMIiEHS (Kami. Kcudlas). Case of Mr. i». I >. (!hand)erH, late Sub Iiisjicctoi' of I'ulice. 8vo. Melb., 1X57. MF 1 Q 1 (•IIA.MI'-KRS ((!eor(!E F.), F.R.A.S. tlycle ..f Celestial Ol)jeclH. [5fc Smyth, W. i|.| PllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 155 Cha] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Cha CHAMBERS (John David), M.A. Divine Worship in England in the 13th and 14th Centuries, contrasted with and adapted to that in tlie lOth. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1S77. G 5 y 3 CHAMBERS (Lieut.-Col. Osborne William Samuel). Garibaldi and Italian Unity. 8vo. Lend., 1864. C7PG CHAMBERS (Robert), LL.D. Ancient Sea-margins as Memorials of Changes in the relative Level of the Sea and Land. 8vo. Edinb., 1848. A 9 S 16 Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen ; witli a supplemental volume by the Rev. Thos. Thomson. 5 vols, roy. 8vo. Glasgow, 1855. C 11 S 1-5 Book of Days : a Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in connection with the Calendar. "2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1869. J 8 V 4, 5 Domestic Annals of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Revolution. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1858-61. B 13 R 38-40 Explanations; a Sequel to "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation." 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1846. A 9 Q 6 Hist(5ry of the Rebellions in Scotland, 1638-60. (Const. Misc.) 2 vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1828. K 10 Q 19, 20 History of the Rebellions in Scotland, 1689 and 1715. (Const. Misc.) 18mo. Edinb., 1829. K 10 Q 30 History of the Rebellion in Scotland, 1745-46. (Const. Misc.) 2 vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1828. K 10 Q 3, 4 Another copy. New ed. Sq. 8vo. Lond., 1869. B 13 P 8 Illustrations of the Author of Waverley ; reprinted from the edition of 1825. 12mo. Edinb., 1884. J 10 Q 8 Jacobite Memoirs. \_See Forbes, Rt. Rev. R.] Life of King James I. (Const. Misc.) 2vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1830. " K 10 Q 43, 44 Another copy. 2 vols, (in 1). C 1 P 31 Life of Sir Walter Scott; with Abbotsford Notanda, by Robt. Carruther-s, LL.D. 12mo. Lond., 1871. C 2 Q 43 Memoir of; with Autobiographic Reminiscences of William Chambers. 6th ed. 12mo. Edinli., 1872. C 1 R 10 Smollett ; his Life, and a Selection from his Writings. 8vo. Lond., 1867. C 4 Q 46 Traditions of Edinburgh. New eil. 12mo. Edinb., 1847. B 13 P 5 Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. Svo. Lond., 1847. A 9 Q 5 CHAMBERS (Robert). Index to Hoirs-at-Law, Next of Kin, itc. 3rd ed., revised and greatly enlarged by Edward Preston. 8vo. Lond., 1872. K 10 S 30 [_See Preston, E,] CHAMBERS (Tiiom.vs KiNn), M.D., Ac. Manual of Diet in Health and Disease. 2nd ed. >>l. Paris, 1841. K 7 S 4 t Grammaire Egyptieiine; ou, Principes generaux de I'Ecri- ture Sacree Egyptieniie appliquee a la representation tie la Langue Parlee. Sni. fol. Paris, 1836. K 7 S 3 t Panthoou Egyptien: Collection des Personnages Mytholo- giques de I'Ancieune Egypte, d'apres les Monuments. 4to. Paris, 1823. B 2 R 35 Precis du Syst^me Hieroglyphicjue des Anciens Egyptiens ; avec un volume de Planches. 2'' id. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827-28. B 2 R 51, 52 CHANX'E (H.) iSec Powell, H. J.] CHANCELLOR (Edwix Bekesforu). Historical Rich- niniid. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 7 P 13 Life of Charles I, 1600-25. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C10P28 CHANDLER (Rt Rev. Edw.vkd), Bishop of Coventry and LiciiKiELD. Defence of Christianity, from the Prophecies of the Old Testament. 8vo. L'in(linrc of, nnd Lury Aikin, IH26-42; edited hy Anna Uiitin !>• Hretr.n. Hv... I^.n.l., 1871. C 3 S 18 Didcounien. 12mo. (}|aiigow, 1838. (} 10 P 16 The Duty of the Free Staten; or. Remarks suggested liy the Cnflcof the Creole. (I'ani.'.t) Mvo, bind., IHIL'. FliiPb CHANNING (Rev. William Ellery), D.'D.—continw'd. Essa^-s, Literary and Political. 12mo. Glasgow, 1837. J 1 T 4 Memoir of; -with Extracts fnmi his Correspondence and Manuscripts; by W. H. C. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 18.50. C 1 T 31, 32 Slavery ; reprinted from the Boston, U.S., edition. (Pam. 5.) 8vo. Lond., 1836. MJ 2 P 39 CHxVNTAL (Ste. Je.wne Fran^oise Fremiot de). Vie de. ISee Capifigue, J. B. H. R.] CHANTREL (Joseph). Histoire Universelle de lEglise Catholique. [See Roiirbaciier, l'Abb^, F. R.] CHANTREY (Sir F. L.) Peak Scenery ; or. Views in Derbyshire ; with Historical and Topographical Descrip- tions," by J. Croston. Roy. 4to. Derby, 1886. D9S4t CHAPELLE (Alfred de la), Count. [See La Ciiapelle, Count A. de.] CHAPLIN (A. L.) Historical Sketches of the Colleges of Wisconsin. 8vo. Madison, 1876. G 17 R 17 CHAPLIN (Frederick). Plan for the better Manage- ment of Railroads. Lond., 1856. Reprinted. (Pam. 28.) 8vo. Melb., 1857. MJ 2 Q 16 CHAPMAN (Ernest Tueophkon). Water Analysis. [See Wanklyn, J. A.] CHAPMAN (Georoe). Iliads of Homer; translated by. [See Ho.MER.J George Chapman ; a Critical Essay ; by Algernon Charles Swinburne. 12mo. Lond., 1875. C2S9 CHAPMAN (Gkoroe), and SHIRLEY (James). The Ball : a Comedy. 8vo. Lond., 1824. H1UI3 Another copy. 11 1 H 15 CHAPMAN (Gf.orou T.) Centenary Memcnial of Captain Cook's Dcscri])tion of Now Zealand one Hundred Years Ago. Ito. Auckland, 1870. MI)3Vfl Wonders of New Zealand (the Wonderland of the Pacific.) 2nd od. 8vo. Lond., 1881.* Ml) 11' 17 Aiintlirr ropy. L'ri(i ed. Sv.i. Auckland, 1S,S 1 . MD4P19 CHAPMAN (11. S.) New Zealand Portfolio, conducted by H. S. Chapman ; Letter on the advantages frtmi the establishment of a Loan Coni])any for Now Zealand. Hvo. Lond., 1842. MD 6 T 2 Parliamentary Government ; or. Responsible Ministries for I lir Australian Colonies. 8vo, Ilob.irt, 1851. MI''3P6. Another copy. (Pam. 21.) MJ 2 Q 10 S|)(>eim('ns of I'^ossilised Words; or, ()l)S(ilcle Roots em- bedded in iMnilcrn Com]iounds ; with some Old Words with New Meanings. 8v(>. 1 )unedin, 1 876. MJ2R16 CII.M'MAN (JamEh), F.R.G.S. Travels in the lnleri..r of South Africa, comjirisiiig I'^ifteen Years' liiintiTig and Trading. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lrmd., 1868. D2T2I), 21 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 157 Cha] Paut I : — Aidhors, Editors, or Reference. [Cha CHAPMAN (John), M.D., kc. Prostitution : Govern- iiipntal Experiments in controlling it. 8vo. Lond., 1870. F 14 S 35 Sea Sickness; its Nature and Treatment. (Pam. 23.) 8vo. Lond., 1864. MJ 2 Q 11 CHAPMAN (Maria Weston) Memorials of Harriet Martineau. \_See Martineau, Harriet.] CHAPMAN AND THOMAS. Our Refutation of the Mis- statements of the Directors of the Eastern Coast 8team Navigation Company. (Pam. 42.) 8vo. Hobart, 18.56. MJ 2 R 4 CHAPPELL (Capt. E.) Reports relative to Smith's Patent Screw Propeller, as used on hoai'd the Archimedes. (Pam., 6.) 8vo. Lond., 1840. MJ 2 Q 1 CHAPPELL (Wm.), F.S.A. History of Music (Art and Science). From the Earliest Records to the Fall of the Roman Empire, Ac. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A7U9, 10 CHAPSAL (Prof. C. P.) Corrige des E.xeicices Fran^ais Supplementaires sur toutes les difficultes de la Syntaxe. lO-^^d. 12mo. Paris, 1858. K 11 V 44 Nouvelle Grammaire Frangaise. [See Noel, F. J. M.] Syntaxe Fran^aise, ou Etude Methodique et Raisonnee de toutes les difficultes que presente notre Langue sous le rapport syntaxique. 6'' ed. 12mo. Paris, 1858. K 11 V 45 CHAPTAL (Jean Antoine). Traite sur la culture de la Vigne, avec I'Art de faire le Vin, les Eaux-de-vie, Esprit- de-vin, Vinaigres simples et composes ; par Chaptal, Rozier, Parmentier, et Dussieux. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801. A 1 P 3, 4 Another copy. 8vo. Paris, 1819. A 1 tj 1 [See Rozier, l'Abbk F.] CHARDIN (Jean), Chevalier. Voyages en Perse, et autres Lieux de I'Orient, enrichis d'un grand nombre de belles figures en taille-douce, reprcsentant les antiquites et les choses, remarquables du Pays. Nouvelle edition. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811. D 6 Q 12-21 Atlas [to the above.] Roy. fol. Paris, 1811. D 2 P 4 { CHARITABALI; or, Listructive Biography; by L Vidyasagara. (In Sanskrit.) 12mo. Lond., 1884. C2Q9 CHARKE (Mrs. Charlotte). Narrative of (he Life of ; written by herself. (Autobiography.) 12nio. Lond., 1829. C 1 P 8 CHARLES I. of. [See Ludlow, Maj.-Gen. E.] Court and Times of. [See Birch, Rev. T.] Historical Account of the Life and Writings of. [See Harris, W.] Life of Charles i, 1600-25; by E. Beresford Chancellor. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 10 P 28 CHARLES I. — continued. Memoirs of the Court of ; by Lucy Aikin. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. C 10 P 20, 27 Narrative of Attendance on. [See Asiiburniiam, J.] Tiials of Charles i and of some of the Regicides. ( Fam. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1832. K 10 P 33 [See Andrews, J. R.] CHARLES n. Diary of the Times of, including his Cor- respondeiic(^ with the Countess of Sunderland ; by the Hon. Henry Sidney, afterwards Earl of Romnoy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843. C 6 V 18, 19 Historical Account of the Life of. [See Harris, W.] Memoires de. [See Guizot, F. P. G., 9.] CHARLES V (E.mperor of Germany). Correspondence of Charles v. and his Ambassadors at the Courts of Eng- land and France. Edited by William Bradford, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1850. C 10 S 47 [See De los Valles, Baron.] CHARLES VII (King of Fr.a.nce). Times of. [See Bray, Mrs. A. E.] CHARLES XII. Histoire de Charles .xii, Roi de Suede ; parF. M.A. de Voltaire. 18mo. Lond., 1832. B20P13 CHARLES EDWARD STUART (Prince), The Decline of the Last Stuarts. Printed for the Roxburghe Club ; edited by Earl Stanhope. 4to. Lond., 1843. C 4 W 33 Life and Times of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, Count of Albany, commonly called "the Young Pretender"; by A.C. Ewald, F.S.A. 2vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875. C9T28, 29 CHARLES JOHN (Kino op Sweden and Norway). Memorials of; by William George Meredith. 8vo. Lond., 1829. " C 10 T 1 [See Ascanius.] CHARLEVOIX (Pi;RE P. F. Xavier de). Histoire de risle Espagnole, ou de S. Domingue. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1730-31. B 1 U 28, 29 Histoire et Description G^nc^rale du Japon. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1736. B 19 R 4, 5 % Histoire et Description Gen^rale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal historique d'un Voyage fait par ordre du Roi, dans I'Americiue Septentrionale. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1744. B 1 V 1-3 Histoire du Paraguay. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1757. B 1 Q 15-20 History of Paraguay; containing a full and authentic Ac- count of the Establishments formed there by the Jesuits. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1769. B 2 P 15, 16 Letters to the Dutchess of Lesdiguieres ; giving an Ac- count of a Voyage to Canada, and Travels to the Gulf of Mexico. 8vo. Lond., 1763. D 3 Q 22 CHARLEY (Sir William Thomas), Knt. Flax and Linen. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 37 158 CATALOGUE OP TH] Cha] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference . [Cha CHARLIX (Moss.) A few Remarks on the Study of Modem Languages, and especially of French. 8vo. Melb., 1878. MJ 2 R 11 CHARLOTTE (Qveex ok Encl-vn-d). Queen Charlotte and the Chevalier d'Eon. \_See TnoMS, AV. J.] CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA OF AVALES (Princess). Illustrated Monograph ; by Mrs. H. Jones. 4to. Lond., 1885. C4W29 CHARLOTTE ELISABETH (Pui.vcesse de Baviehe). Meuioires de Madame, Mere du Regent. [^See Baruif-KE, J. F., 1.] CHARLTON (Rev. William Hexky), M.A. Burghley : Life of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, A'c. ; with a Descrip- tion of Burghley House. 8vo. St;im"ford, 1847. C 9 V 16 CHARNOCK (John). Biographia Navalis ; or. Impartial Memoirs of the Lives anil Characters of Oliicers of the Navy of Great Britain, from the year 1660 to the Present Time. 6 vols. 8vo. Ixmd., 1794-98. COS 5-10 History of Marine Architecture. 3 vol.?. roy. 4to. Lond., 1800-2. A 2 U 2-4 CHARNOCK (Richard Stephen), Ph.D., Ac. Glossary of the Essex Dialect. 12nio. Lond., 1880. K 11 Y 18 Ludus Patronymicus; or, the Etymology of Curious Sur- names. 8vo. L :t i{ IS, lit f.'HATHAL'BUIAND (Fuanvois AivivsTE), Vico.mtk i.k. <'<>ii({n'«.'i of Verona; compriKing a I'ortion of "Memoirs of bis own TimoH." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. 1513 V 3, 4 (Kuvreii completfx. 12 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1803-67. J 17 T 12-23 Momdim of, from Iiih birth in 1708, till his return to Franco inlMW; writt.i, byhiniwlf. 12mo. I^ind., IH ('.). C2P0 Hkftcho* of Hngli«h Literature. 2 vols. 8vo. l/.nd., '"•'"' H 2t S 10 ' IIATFIELK (Pavl). M.I). [Set Hmiiii. II. | CHATHAM (Rt. Hon. William Pitt), Earl of. Anec- dote Biography: William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and Edmund Burke; by John Timbs, F.S. A. 12iiio. Lond., 1860. ' C 1 S Anecdotes of the Life of, and of the principal Events of his Time; with his Speeches in Parliament, 1736-78 ; by John Almon. 7th ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1810. COS 10-18 Correspondence of; edited by the Executors of his son, John, Earl of Chatham. 4'vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838-40. C 6 V 23-20 Biogiaj)liy of. [Sec Lamartine, A. de.] CHATRIAN (Alexandre). The Blockade— The Con- script—Waterloo. [See Erckmann, E.] CHATTAWAY (E. D.) Railways: their Capital and Dividends; with Statistics of their Working in Great Britain and Ireland, itc. (Weale.) li'mo. Lond., 1855-56. A 17 P 32 CHATTERTON (Thomas): a Story of the year 1770; by David Masson, M.A., &c. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 1 S 15 Life and Poems of. [See Ciialmehr, A.] Poetical Works of ; With Notices of his Life, History of tlie Rowley Controversy, a Selection of his Letters, kc. ■1 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1842. H 6 Q 10, 20 CHATTERTON (Lady). The Pyrenees; with Excursions into Spain. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843. D 7 U 23, 24 Rambles in the South of Ireland, IS.'iS. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1830. D 7 R 42, 43 CHATTO (William Andrew). Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards. 8vo. Lond., 1848. B 15 Q 32 CHAUCER (Geoffrey) [A Biography] ; by A. W. Ward. (Eng. Men of Letters.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 1 U 8 Life and Poems of. [See Citalmkhs, A.] Life of GeoflVcy Chaucer, the Early English Poet, including Memoirsof John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster; by William Godwin. 2iul ed. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1804. C 10 S 43-40 Poetical Works of; edited by Robert Bell. 8 vols, (in 4) rjmo. L(.ud., 1861. II Q 23-28 Works of; with an Essay cm liis Language and Versification. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1871. H 6 U 22 The Prologue ; the Knightcs Tale ; the Nonno Prestes Tale, from the Cantei'bury Talcs: a revi.sed Text, edited by the Rev. Richard .Morris, ld..l). (Uh c.l. (Clar. Pre.s.s.) 12mo. Oxf.M-d, 1S75. 11 B 47 Riches of Chaucer, in which bis linpuritiiw ha\ c been ex- punged, itc. ; also, have been addcil a few explanatory Notes, and a Memoir of the Poet, by Charles Cowdon Clarke. 2n(l ed. 8vo. Lond., 1870. H7S8 Workcs of; newlic jirinted, with diuers Addicions whiche were neuer in Print before; with the Siege and Des- truction of the woi-thv Citec of Thebes. Fol. Lond., 1501. ■ II 5 V 1 [See Linton, \\. J.] FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 159 Cha] Part I : — Atilhors, Editors, or Reference. [Che CHAUCER SOCIETY. Publications of. 19 vols. 8vo., and S vols. roy. 8vo. Loud,, 1868-80. E CHAUNCY (Sir Henry), Knt. Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire. Roy. fol. Lond., 1700. B 19 U 14 J CHAUNCY (W. Snell), C.E. Guide to South Australia; ))eing a Descriptive Account of the Colony. 1 2nio. Lond., 1849. MD 2 Q 28 CHAUSSIER (Prof. Francois). Chimie, Pharmacie, et Metallurgio. \_See Encyclopicdie Mictiiodique.] Nouveau Manuel du Physionomiste et du Phrenologiste. l^See L.WATER, J. G.] CHAUVEAU (Prof. A.), Comparative Anatomy of the Domesticated Animals. 2nd ed., revised and eidarged, with the co-operation (if S. Arhiing; translated and edited by George Fleming, F.R.G.S., ifcc. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1873; A 27 U 26 CHA VIS (D.) [See Veillkes Persane.s, Les.] CHEADLE (W. B.), M.A., etc. The North-west Passage. \_See MiLTo>f, Viscount.] CHEAP BREAD and its Consequence; by "A British Farmer and Landowner." 8vo. Lond., 1841. F 6 V 10 CIIEEM (Alipii). [See Yeldiiam, W. S.] CHEETHAM (Samuel), M.A. Dictionary of Chiistian Antiquities. [_See Smith, W.] CHEEVER (G. E.), D.D. Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mount Blanc and the Jungfrau Alp. 8v(i. Aberdeen, 1848. D 7 Q 24 CHEEVER (Rev. Henry T.) Island World of the Pacific : Travel through the Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands, and other parts of Polynesia. 12mo. Glasgow, 18-51. MD-5Q30 Another copy. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 18.51. MD 5 Q 31 Life in the Sandwich Islands; or, the Heart of the Pacific as it was and is. 8vo. Lond., 1851. MD 5 Q 32 Whaleman's Adventures in tlie Southern Ocean. \_See ScoRESBY, Rev. W.] CHEKE (Sir John), Kt, Life of. [See Strype, J.] CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Journal of: Transactions and Abstracts. Vols. 1-46. 8vo. Lond., 1863-85. E Memoirs, 1841-48. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843-48. E Quarterly Journal of. 15 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849-62. E CHENEY (A. Nelson). Orvis, C. F.] Fishing with the Fly. [See CHENU (Dr. J. C.) Encyclopedic d'Histoire Naturelle ; ou, Traite complet de cette Science. {Imperfect.) 14 vols. sm. fol. Pari.s, 1857-61. K 5 P 1-14 CHEONG (Check Hong). [See Chinese Question.] CHERBONNEAU (Prof. A.) Anecdotes Musulmanes, Texte arabe ; ou, cours d'Arabe el^mentaire. 8vo. Paris, 1847. K 14 T 31 CHERRY (Andrew). The Soldier's Daughter: a Comedy. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q23 CHERUBINI (Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobio Salvador). Course of Counterpoint and Fugue. Translated by J. A. Hamilton. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841. A 7 P 7, 8 CHESHIRE (Edward). Results of the Census of Great Britain in 1851. (Pam. 23.) 8vo. Lond., 1854. MJ 2 Q 11 CHESHIRE (F. R.) Bees and Beekeeping, Scientific and Practical : a Complete Treatise on the Anatomy, ology. Floral Relations, and Profitable Management of the" Hive Bee. Vol.1. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 14 P 50 CHESNEAU (Ernest). Education of the Artist ; trans- lated by Clara Bell. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 6 V 21 English School of Painting ; translated by L. N. Ether- ington. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 6 V 5 CHESNEY (Col. Charles Cornwallis). Study of the Campaign of 1815. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1874. B5U27 CHESNEY (Gen. Francis Rawdon), R.A., etc. Expe- dition for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris, 1835-37, and Maps. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1850. D 5 U 32-34 Life of the late General Chesney, Col.-Commandant Royal Artillery, Ac. ; by his wife Jind daughter [Mrs. O'Donnell]. Edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C8P 17 Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition, carried on by order of the British Government during tlie years 1 835-37. 8vo. Lond., 18G8. D 5 T 9 CHESNEY (Mrs. Louisa) and O'DONNELL (Mrs. Jane). Life of General F. R. Chesney. Edited by Stanley Lane- Poole. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 8 P 17 CHESTER (Mrs. Henrietta M.) Russia and Present ; adapted from the German of Lankenau and Oelnitz. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 9 Q 34 CHESTER (Henry M.) New Guinea: Narrative o^f Expedi- tions to New Guinea. 8vo. Brisbane, 1878. MD 3 S 44 CHESTER (Joseph Lemuel), LL.D. Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of the Collegiiite Church or Abbey of St. Peter, Westminster. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1876. K 11 Q 8 CHESTERFIELD (Phillip Dormer Stanhope), Earl of. Letters written to his son, Philip Stanhope; together with several other pieces on various subjects. Published bv Mr.s. Eugenia Stanliope. 3rd ed. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1^74.' ^ C6Q 11-14 IGO CATALOGUE OF THE Che] Part I: — Au.thovs, Editors, or lleference. [Chi CHESTERTON (Capt. George Laval). Peace, War, and Adventure : an Autobiographical Memoir, i vols. 8vo. Lend., 1853. C 2 U 31, 32 Revelations of Prison Life ; with an Enquiry into Prison Discipline and Secondarr Punishments. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1856. ' F G R 22, 23 CHETHAM SOCIETY. Remains, Historical and Literary, connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester. Published by the Chetham Society. Vols. 1- 112, and New Series, vols. 1-4 and 7. 4to. Lond., 1844-85. E CHEVALIER (J. B. de). Descrijition of the Plain of Troy ; with a Map of that Region, delineated from an actual Survey ; translated by Andrew Dalzcl, M.A., itc. (Pam.) 4to. Edinb., 1791. ■ B18R14 + \_Stt Bbyaxt, J.] CHEVALIER (Michel). On the Probable Fall in the Value of Gold ; translated by Richard Colxlen. 8vo. Manchester, 1859. F 12 P 16 CHEVALIER (N.) Australia. Illustrated. [See Booth, E.C.] CHEVALIERS. Histoire des Ordres Militaircs. {Sec HiSTOIKE.] CHEVERS (N.) Commentary on the Di.seases of India. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 12 T :iO CHEVREUL (M. E.) Principles of Hannony and Con- trast of Colours, and their apjilications to the Arts ; including Painting, Interior Decoration, Tapestries, Carpets; translated by Charles Martel. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1876. " A 7 Q 5 CHEYNE (Capt. Alexandeh). Narrative of the Circum- stances connected with the Removal of Alexander Cheync, Esq. (late Captain in the Corps of Royal Engi- neers), from the Office of Director of AN'atcr Woiks for HobartTown. 8vo. Hobart, 1848. .Ml'.ilM; CHEYNE (Andrew). Description of Lslaiids in tho Western Pacific Ocean, North and South of the E(|uat(, I^ind., 1693. 1' J I' ,',_' CHILDE (Edward Lee). Life and Campaigns of General Lee : translated by George Litting, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1875. ' " C 4 T 17 CHILDERS (Prof. Robert Cesar). Dictionary of the Pali Language. Sni. fol. Lond., 1875. K"14 R 12 CHILLINGWORTH (Rev. William), M.A. Religion of Protestants ; a safe way to Salvation. 8vo. Lond., 1870. G 16 P 7 Works of. [With Life, by the Rev. T. liirch.] 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1838. G 11 Q 25-27 CHINA. Chinese Drawinc; Book. 8vo. Nanking, 1679. A 8 T 21 Catalogue of the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs Collectitm. [See Piiilad. Intehxat. Exiiib., 1875.] Geology and Trade of China. Fol. Shanghai, 1870-72 A 2 S 23 + Historical Atlas of China (in Chinese). Fol. Canton, 1829. D 33 Q 6 { The Last Year in China, to the Peace of Nanking; by "A Field Officer." 12mo. Lond., 1843. B 2 P 26 Life in China. The Porcelain Tower ; or, Nine ^tories of China. Compiled from original sources, by " T. T. T." 12mo. Philad., 1842. J 10 Q 21 Letters from China and Jajiau. \_See LETTERS.] Mcmoires concernant IHistnire, les Sciences, les Arts, les Moeurs, les Usages, etc., des Chinois. 17 vols. 4to. Paris, 1776-1814. ' B2Q 14-30 Silk. Imperial Maritime Customs. Special Scries No. 3. 4to. Shanghai, 1881. A 11 V 6 "Where Chineses drive": English Student-Life at Peking; by " A Student Interpreter." 8vo. Lond., 1885. D 4 T 14 CHINESE CLASSICS (The). {Hcc \uVamv., J.] CHINESE QUESTION (The). Chine.seQuestion analyzed; with a full Statement of Facts, by "()ne who knows them." Svo. Melb., 1857. iMK 3 V 5 Chinese t^ueslion in .Vuslralia, 1878-79 ; oililcd by L. Kong Meng, Cheok Hong Cheong, Ltniis Ah Mouy. 8vo. Melb., 1879. ' MF3P21 Another copy. MJ 2 R 12 CHINESE REI'i >SI Tl >I!Y. 20 vols.8vo. Canton, 1832 51 .1 1 2 V 1 20 ClIINd Till (Empehoh). Rambles of, in Ki'ang Nan : a Chinese Tale; translated by Tkin Shen. 2 vols. 8vo. I, on. I., !S|:i. J it ]{ J;!, 21 ('II I N' H^l' Y ( Ukv. Cmaulks). Chiiiicmy Lectures, delivered in the I'riiti'stant Hall, Sydney, and Temjierance Hall, M(4bourne. 50th thousaml. ( HIi Victorian ed.) S\ii. .Alelb., 1880. M(i 1 y 39 CHINNOCK (E. .1.), M.A., kv. Anabasis of Alexander, \S(( Ariiian. I FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 161 Chi] Pau'J' I : — -Authors, Editor's, or Reference. [Chr CHIPIEZ (Chakles). Art in Chaldsea and Assyria. \_See PiiiiROT, c;.] History of Art in Ancient Egypt. \_See Pekkot, Prof. G.] History of Art in Piui_'nicia. [_See Peiuiot, G.] CHISHOLM (Mrs. Caroline). Emigration and Trans- poi-tation relatively considered in a Letter. 2nd ed. (Pam. 19.) 12mo. Lond., 1847. MJ 2 Q 8 Memoirs of; and Emigrant's Guide to Australia, by Row David Mackenzie, M.A. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1853. MD 3 P 39 MomoiiK (jf ; with an Account of her Philanthropic Labours in India, Australia, and England, A'c.,by Eneas Mackenzie. 12mo. Lond., 18.52.* MC 1 P 30 What has Mrs. Caroline Chisholui dune for the Colony of New South Wales. [_See Harris, 1!.] CHISHOLM (George G.), M.A. Europe. [See Rudler, F. W.] The Two Hemispheres: a popular Account of the Countries and Peoples of the World. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1882. DOT 23 \_See Gsell-Fels, Dr. T.] CHITTENDEN (George B.) Meteorological Observations made during the year 1873, and the early part of the year 1874, in Colorado and Montana Territories. (Pam. CI.) 8vo. Wash., 1874. A IG U 21 CHITTY (Joseph), Jun. Treatise on the Law of Contracts, and upon the Defences to Actions. 10th ed., by Jcihn A. Russell, LL.B. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 187G. F 8 T 3 CHOCARNE (Rev. Pt;re P.), O.P. Inner Life of the Very Rev. Pere Lacordaire, of the Order of Preachers; trans- lated from the French. Svo. Dublin, 18G7. G 10 Q 29 CHODZKO (Alexander). Grammaire Paleoslave ; suivie de Textes Paleoslaves, tires, pour la plupart, des Manu- scrits de la Bibliothequelmpi'riale de Paris, et du Psautier dc Bologne. 8vo. Paris, 1869. K 13 R 20 Specimens of the Popular Poetry of Persia. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1842. H 6 V 10 CHOICE NOTES, from "Notes and Queries": History. 12mo. Lond., 1858. . B 14 P 2 CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER (Marie G. F. A.) Comte de. Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece. 3 \'ols. (in 2) roy. fo Paris, 1782-1822. D 7 P 7-9 J CHOLMONDELEY (Thomas). UltinmThule; or, Thoughts suggested by a Residence in New Zealand. 8\-o. Lond., 1854. MD 4 S 15 CHOLMONDELEY^PENNELL (Henry). [_See Pennell, H. C] CHORLEY (Henry). Letters of Mary Russell Mitford [_See L'E.sTRANGE, Rev. A. G.] CHORLEY (Henry Fothergill). Memorials of Mrs. Heinans ; with Illustrations of her Literary Character, from her Piivate Correspondence. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1837. C 3 R 44, 45 Music and Manners in France and Germany. 3 vols. Svo Lond., 1S41. I) 7 R 20-22 Thirty Years' Musical Recollections. 2 vols. 8\ii. Lond., 1862. C2T30, 31 CHOULES (Rev. J. O.) Cruise of the Steam Yacht North Star. Svo. Boston, 1854. D 9 P 28 CHRESTOMATHIA DAY SCHOOL; being a Collection of Papers, explanatory of the design of an Institution proposed to be set on foot under the name of the Chresto- mathic Day School. (Pam. 5.) Svo. Lond., 1815. MJ 2 P 39. CHRESTOMATHIES OCEANIENNES ; Textes en Laiigue Bonghi. Obi. 18mo. Paris (n.d.) K 15 R 32 CHRISTALLIER (Rev. J. G.) Dictionary of the Asante and Fante Language called Tshi (Chwee, Twi). Svo. Basel, 1881. K 14 (^9 CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Tlie Creed of the Christian Church. Svo. Bathurst, 1879. MG 1 Q 34 Where was your Church In-fore Luther? Svo., 1879. ' MG 1 Q 34 CHRISTIAN EVIDENCE SOCIETY OF N. S. WALES. Witness for Clnist : Lectures delivered in connection with the Christian Evidence Society of New South Wales in 1884. Svo. Sydney, 1880. MG 1 P 3 1. Barry (Rt. Kov. Alfred), D.D. Christian Evidence and Clu-istian Faitli. ■1. Steel (Rev. Robert), D.D. The Bible and Science in their Mutual Relations. 3. Jefferis (Rev. James), LL.D. Christiauitv and Buddliisni : a comparison and a contrast. 4. Archdall (Rev. Mervyn), M.A. Our Lord Jesus Christ the only credible explanation of the History, Scriptures and prin- ciples of Israel. ."). Kinross (Rev. John), D.D. Man's need of Religion. li. Sharp (Rev. William Hay), M.A. How does the Theory of Evolution bear upon Religious Belief. 7. Kibberd (Rev. F.) The person of Jesus Christ : the Source of His Power. 8. Gordon (.\Iexander), Q.C., &c. The Bible, the only crcdiliie explanation of what man v.'as, is, and will be, CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE (Society for the Promo- tion of). Past and Present of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1 098-1860; by the Rev. T. B. Murray, M.A. ISmo. Lond., 1860. " G 6 R 33 Report of the Diocesan Connnittee of the Societies for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and for Pro- moting Christian Knowh>dge, and the Anniversarv Sermon by the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A. Svo. Sydnev, 1840. MJ 2 R 18 Reports, 1827, ISOl. Svo. Lond., 1827-Gl. G 6 R 33 162 CATALOGUE OF THE Chr] Pakt I: — Authors, Editors, or lleference. [Chu CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE— co«/iH!!ef the Renaissance : a Biography. 8vo. Lnnd., 18H0." ■ C 10 Til CHRISTIE (\ViLLi.\M DoucLvW), M.A., itt;. Dryden ; Stanz.L'i, itc. [See Duydex, J.] CHRISTIE (Majoh Willi.\m H.vkvkv). A Luvi'Storv: l.y "ABu-shnmn.' 2vols.8vo. Sydney, IS tl.* M.) 1^12,13 CIIRISTISON (Sue RonEitT), B.vrt., M.D. Life of; edited l)y his S Mr. Anthony TroUope. 8vo. Liveri.o.,1, 1S77. MD 3 S 19 CHUCK (T. F.) Key to the Historical Picture of the Explorers and Early Colonists of Victoria. 8vo. McU)., 1872. MJ 2 R 15 Photographs of the Pictures in thi' National Gallery, .Mell)ourne. [See Clarke, Marcus A. H.] CHUDLEIGH (Mahy), Ladv. The Ladies Defence ; or, the Bride-Woniai\'s Coun.scllor answered : a Poem. 12mo. Lond., 1721. H 6 Q 31 CHURCH (Rev. Aliukd John), M.A. Carthage ; or, tii.' Empire of Africa. Svo. Lond., 1^86. B 1 P 49 I.sis and Tliamesis. llouis on the River from Oxford to Henley. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1S86. D f^ \ II 1>SV, Livus, T.] ClirUCH (Phoe. Artiii'u llKRnKHT), M.A., Alkalies, Soda, Annnoiiia, and Soaji. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 8vo. Lf. \Ste Chalmers, A., k/ Joussox, 8.] PoeticalWorks of. Svols. 12nio. Boston, 1854. H 7 Q 5-7 CHURCHILL (O. C), F.G.S. The Dolomite Mountains. \Stt Gilbert, J.] CHURCHILL (OwssHAM axd John). Collection of Voyages and Travels, from original Man\iscri))ts. 3rd ed. C vols, fol. L-jnd., 1714-46. D 36 R 2-7 % Supplement [to the above]; compiled from the Library of the Earl of Oxford, by Thoniii'^ n^li.nne. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1846. " 1) 30 R 8, 9 J CHURCHWARD (William B.) My Consulate in Samoa : n Record of Four Years' Sojourn in the Navigators Islands. 8vo. Ix.n.l., 1S87. ' MD 7 P 28 CHURCHYARD (Thomas). Churchyards (!uud \\\\\: Sad and Heavy Verses for the Losse of the Archbishoji of Canterbury. \Stt Park, T.] Sad and Solemnc Funeral! of the Right Honorable Sir Francis Knowles. \See Park, T.] CHURSLEY (Miss F. A.) Wild Flowers around Mel- bourne. Fol. Lond., 1867. MA 1 R 20 + CIAMPITTO (N.) \See Herculanensium.] CIHUElt (CoLLEY). Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Comedian : written liy himself. (Aut(jbiog.) 1 2nio. Lond., 1H26. C 1 P 5 The Careless Husband: a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Tlieatre.) IHmo. I>md., 17'J1. H 2 P 36 Another copy. (Hrit. Theatre.) 1 2ino. Lr,iii|., 1808. IMP ',) Another copy. (New Eiig. Theatre.) IJum. Lund., 1790. II 1 1' Ji' Another ojpy. \Ste Biiir. Diiama, 3.] The Double (inllant; or, the Sick Lmly'sCure: a Conutdy. (ReH'H Hrit. Theatre.) iSmo. L.nd., 17'.t2. II 2 P .35 Anotlier copy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 1 2nio. Lond., 1777. II I I' iM Another copy. \Su Brit. Drama, 3. | The lly|MKTite: a Comedy; altered bv I. Hickerstiill'. (Ii<'irii Hrit. Theatre.) l8mo. I i«tStake; or,tlii' Wife'sReHentinent : a('..nie.nd., 17!»5. H 2 P 32 CIBBER (CoLLEv).— con^'«j(«?. Love makes a Man : a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1791. H 2 P 7 Another copy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12nui. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 9 Another copy. (New Eni;. Theatre.) 1 2mo, Load., 1789. ' H 4 P 22 Another copy. {Stt BiUT. Di;ama, 5.] The Provoked Husband. {See Vanbruoii, Sir J.] The Refusal: a Cniiiedv. (Bell's Brit. Tlieatre.) ISmo. Lend., 1792. H 2 P 38 She ^vou'll and .she wou'd not: a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1792. " H 2 P 38 Another copy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12nio. Loud., 1808. H 1 P 9 Aiiiilhei- cojiy. 1788. Another copy. [See Brit. Drama, 3.] (Xew Eng. Theatre.) 12in vols. iL'nio. Lond., 1833. J 15 P 4-6 Republic of Cicero; reprinted from the third edition of Cardinal Mai (Rome, 1846), and translated, with Notes, by G. G. Hardingham. 8vo. Lond., 1884. F 12 Q 7 Select Orations of, from the Text of Jo. Casp. Orellius; with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by the Rev. M. M'Kay, M.A. 8vo. Dublin, 1833. " " F12P3 Three Books of Offices, or Moral Duties; also, his Cato Major, an Essay on Old Age ; Lajlius, an Essay on Friend- ship ; Paradoxes, Scipio's Dream ; and Letter to Quintus on the Duties of a Magistrate ; literally translated by Cyrus R. Edmonds. 8vo. Lond., 1877. G 16 P 9 [^See ScRiPTOREs Romani, rn^/ Tyrhell, R. Y.] CICOGNARA (Leopoldo), Conte. Biographical Memoir of A. Canova. {_See Canova, A.] Storia della Scultura dal suo Risorgimento in Italia iino al Secolo di Canova. Edizione seconda. 7 vols. 8vo. Prato, 1823-24. A 7 R 2.3-29 Atlas (to above). Roy. fol. Prato, 1823-24. A 23 Q 14 j CID (RoDRiG. Diaz de Bivau). Chronicle of the Cid from the Spanish, by Robert Southey. 4to. Lond., 1808. .17 V14 Romancero e Historia del Muy Valeroso Caballero el Cid Ruy Diaz de Vibar. Edicion completa, con Vida del Cid, por D: Juan de Muller. 18mo. Fancofort., 1828. H 6 P 42 CIHAC (Alexandre de). Dictionnaire d'Etymologie Daco- Romane elements Latins compares avec les autres Langues Romanes. 8vo. Francfort, 1870. K 15 R 34 Dictionnaire d'Etymologie Daco-Romane, elements Slaves, Magyars, Turcs, Grecs-Moderne, et Albanais. 8vo. Francfort, 1879. K 15 R 35 CINNAMUS (Joannes). Historiarum libri vii. [See MiGNE, J. P., Series Gr.eca, 133; and Byzantin;e Hist. Script.] CINQ CODES. ISee Codes.] CIRCULATING CAPITAL ; being an Inquiry into the Fundamental Laws of Money : an E.s.say ; by "An East India Merchant. 12mo. Lond., 1885. F 5 S 12 CITIES AND PRINCIPAL TOWNS of the WORLD. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 18mo. Lond., 1830. K 1 S 32 CITY MISSION. ISee Melbourne and Suburban City Mission.! CITY NIGHT REFUGE. Origin and Fomiation of the Dixon-street Soup Kitchen ; and of the City Night Refuge, and Soup Kitchen, Kent-street ; with Report. 8vo. Sydney, 1870. MG 1 Q 26 CITY OF LONDON CENTRAL BIBLE ASSOCIA- TK )N. Third and Fourth Annual Reports. 12mo. Lond., 181.5 16. MF3 P 10 CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. Vols. 1-28, 30, 31. 30 vols. 4to. Lond., 1837-68. E CIVIL ENGINEERS (Institution of). Charter, By- laws, and List of Members. 8vo. Lond., 1885. E Charter, Supplemental Charter, By-laws, and List of Members. 8vo. Lond., 1887. E Minutes of Proceedings of ; with other selected and ab- abstracted Papers; edited by James Forrest. Vols. 1-82. 8vo. Lond., 1837-84. E Name Index. — Subject Index. (Vols. 1-58. Sessions 1837-79.) 8vo. Lond., 1885. E Transactions of the In.stitute of Civil Engineers, 1836-42. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1836-42.* E CIVIL SERVICE BOARD OF N. S. WALES. ISee New South Wales.] CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS, LONDON. Re- port of Her Majesty's Civil Service Commissioners ; with Appendices. 8vo. Lond., 1862. F 1 R 12 CIVIL SERVICE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY OF N. S. WALES (Limited). Rules of. (Pam. L.) 8vo. Sydney, 1871. MJ 2 P 28 CLACY (Mrs. Charles). Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1862-53. 8vo. Lond., 1853.* MD 4 T 27 Lights and Shadows of Australian Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1854.* MJ 1 R 37, 38 CLAIRON (Claire Legris de la Tude). Memoires de. ISee Barrijire, J. F., 6.] CLANRONALD OF GLEN(iARRY. Vindication of. [^See Riddell, J.] CLAPPERTON (Capt. Hugh), R.N. Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa, from the Bight of Benin to Soccatoo ; to which is added, the Journ,-d of Richard Lander, from Kano to the Sea-coast. 4to. Lond., 1829. D 2 V 13 CLARE (.Ioiin). Poems, descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery. 12mo. Lond., 1820. H 6 Q 32 CLARENCE AND NEW ENGLAND RAILWAY LEAGUE. Synopsis of the Proceedings in the Agitation for a Line of Railway from the Clarence to New England. (Pam. Dr.) 8vo. Grafton, 1875. MF 3 P 16 CLARENCE ALMANAC AND (4AZETTEER. ISee Page, T.] 166 CATALOGUE OF THE Cla] Part I : — Authors, Mlifors, or Be/erence. [Cla CLARENDON (Edward Hyde), Earl of. Correspon- dence of, and of his brother, Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester; -with Diary, 1687-00: and the Diary of Lord Rochester, in 1676. Edited, with Notes, by Samuel "SVeller Singer, F.S.A. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1828. C 18 Q 11, 12 I History of the Rebellion and Civil Wai-s in England. Fol. Oxford, 1732. P. 14T 1 : Another copv. New ed. 8 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1826. B6T 17-24 History of the Rebellion and Civil AVars in En,i;land ; also, his Life, written bv himself. New ed. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Oxford, 1843. " B 3 Y 4, 5 Life and Administration of; with original Correspon- dence, and authentic Papei-s never befoi-e juihlislied, by T. H. Lister. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837-38. C 10 T 12-14 Life of; in which is included, a Continuation of his History of the Rebellion ; written by himself. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1827. C 10 T 15-17 Lives of the Friends and Contemporaries of Lord Chan- cellor Clarendon, illustrative of Portraits in his Gallery ; by Lady Theresa Lewis. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1852. C 10 T 18-20 M^moiresde. [See Gcizot, F. P. (;., 12-16.] CLARETIE (Jules). Camille Desm..ulins and liis Wiiv : Passages from the History of the Dantonists; transljited by Mrs. Ca.sliel Hoey. 8v<., Lond., 1874. " J 1 2 T 3 CLARK (Dakiel KrxNEAu), C.E., itf. Constructicm of Road.s and Streets. [See Law, H.] Klemenfary Treatise on Steam and tlie Steam iMiginc, Stationary and Portable-. Illustiated. CWeale.) 12mo. L.nd., 1875. A 17 tj 31 Fuel, it« Conibustitm anil Economy ; consisting of Abridg- ment of "Treatise on the Comlmstion f)f Coal and the Prevention of Smoke," by C. W. Williams, A.I.C.E., and "The K<-onomy of Fuel," by T. Symes Prideaux. (Wenhv; iL'mo. I>ond., 1870. " A 17 g 10 HailwayH and Tramways. (Urit. Mannf. 12nio. Ixmd., I«76, A 17 S 29 Rftilwny Miulunery ; a Treatise on I lie Mechanical En- f{ine«Ting of Rnilwayi, lllnstrafed. 2 vols, fol, (}|n,H- Kow, \h:,:,. ■ A 23 P2I, 2r>( Tmmwnyit: their ('on-itniction and Working. llluHtrated, 2 voU. Mvo. I»n(l., IN78-H2. A 6S 1, 2 [See Prmi-hrv, (», ])., ruifl Himmh, F. W.] CLARK (E. C), LL.D. Analysis of Criminal Liability. 8vo. Cambridge, 1880. ' F 6 t,) 1 1 CLARK (Edward 11. (;.) Man's Birthright ; or, tlie Higher Law of Property. Sq. 12mo. Lond., 1885. F 2 JP 28 CLARK (George T.) Mediaeval Military Architecture in England. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond'., 1^84. A3P."i,6 CLARK (Henry E.), M.R.C.S. Anatomists' Vade Mecum. [See Wilson, W. J. E.] CLARK (Hugh). Ccmcise History of Kniglithooil ; con- taining the Religious and Military Orders which have been instituted in Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1784. K 19 S 2, 3 Short and Easy Introduction to Heraldry : in two parts. 10th ed. 12nio. Lond., 1827. " K 10 S 1 CLARK (Uev. John A.), D.D, of the Old World : or, Excui'sions on the Continent and in Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. D 9 P 37, 38 Rome, its Wonders aiul its Worship, as seen and graphi- cally delineated. 12mo. Lond., 1810. D 7 P 31 CLARK (John- Willis), M.A. Cambridgr: Brief His- torical and Descrijitive Notes : with ICtcliiiigs and Vig- nettes. Fol. Lniul., 'b 18 S 1 J CLARK (Perceval). liulex to Trevelyan's Life and Letters of Lord Maeaulay. (Cabinet edition, 1878.) Sm. 4to. Lond., 1881. " C 7 S 40 CLARK (SaMVKl). State of Itliode Island and Pro\ idence Plantations. Report of the (Jeneial Treasurer, 1876. (Pam. .la.) 8vo. Providence, 1876. F 7 S 24 CLARK (Hi:v. Thomas), .M.A. Sludeiils Handbook of Conqiarative (iranunar, aiiplied to the Sanskrit, Zend, (ircck, Latin, Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, and English Lan- guages. 8v(,. Lond., 1862. k!2P14 CLARK (Rt. Rev. Thomas MARrii). Rural S.-hool Archi- tecture, lilustvatcd. (H\ireau of I'^duc.'itinn.) 8v(i. Wash- ington, 1880. J 2 s k; CL.M'.K (('apt. ^\'.) Travels in America. [See TiEWis, Capt. .M.| CLARK (W.), C.E. SydrifV Drainage: Report (o llir Government of New Soutli W.-des on the inteni'i>tion and of the Drainage of the City of Sydney aiul Sul>ur)>s. Fol. Sydney, 1877. " ^'FiU.■i Hydiiey Water Sujijily : Re])ort, to iIk' (ioMTnnicnt of New Soiilli Wales on various Projects for supplying Sydney with Wntrr. Fol. Sydni^y,' 1 877. M I'' T U I [See Mannivg, .1., rnifl Woom:, T. | CL.MiK ( Wll.l.l \M). History of llir lirilisli Marine Tes- taceous iMollusca (Mollusca 'JV;Htace:i M;iiiinn liiilanni- corum). 8vo. Loml., 185.5. A II T 1 EllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 107 Cla] Paet I : — Atiihors, Editors, or Reference. [eia CLARK (W.M. Geo.), M.A. {See Siiakespkake, W.] CLARK (Capt. William P.) Iiitliau .Sign Language ; with lirief Explanatory Notes of the Gestures taught Deaf Mutes in our Institutions for their Instruction. 8vo. Phihid., 1885. K 1.5 S 9 CLARK (William R.) History of the Christian Councils. [See Hepele, Rt. Rev. C. J.] CLARKE (Rev. Adam), LL.D. Manners of the Ancient Israelites. \_See Fleuhy, C] CLARKE (Capt. Alexander Ross), R.E., &c. Ordnance Trigonometi-ical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Account of the 01)servations and Calculations of the Principal Triangulation, and of the Figure, Dimensions, and Mean Specific Gravity of the Earth. Drawn up by Capt. A. R. Clarke, under the direction of Lieut. -Col. H. James, R.E., itc. 4to. Lond., 1858. A 1 S 15 t CLARKE (Col. Sir Andrew), C.B,, G.C.M.G. Sketch of. [_See Becker, L.] CLARKE (Charles), F.S.A. Arcliitectura Ecclesiastica Londini ; or. Geographical Survey of the Cathedral, Collegiate, and Parochial Churches in London, South- wark, and Westminster, with the adjoining Parishes. Roy. fol. Lond., 1S20. A 1 P 9 + CLARKE (Rev. Charles C.) AVonders of the Heavens displayed, in twenty Lectures ; by the Author of " The Hundred Wonders of the World." Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1821. A3 R 11 CLARKE (Charlew Cowuen). Riches of Chaucer ; with Notes, &.V., and a Memoir of the Poet. \_See Chaucer, G.] CLARKE (Charles and Mary Cowden). Shakespeare Key : unlocking the Treasures of his Style, elucidating the Peculiarities of his Construction, and displaying the Beauties of his Expression ; forming a Companion to " The Complete Concordance to Shakespeare." 8vo. Lond., 1879. K 17 Q 19 CLARKE (Rev. Edward). Works of Saint-Pierre ; with a Memoir of the Author. {See Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. DE.] CLARKE (Rev. Prof. Edward Daniel), LL.D. Life and Remains of ; l)y William Otter. 4to. Lond., 1824. C -4 W 6 Travels in various Counti-ies of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 4th ed. 11 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1817-24. D 9 T 1-11 CLARKE (Mrs. Eliza). Susanna Wesley. (Eminent Women). 8vo. Lond., 18,s6. C 2 S 39 CLARKE (Rev. George). Comparative Importance of Faith and Politv : an Address. 8vo. Hobart, 1855. MG 1 P 1 Correspondence in reference to the Sacraments. \_See Sacraments.] CLARKE (Lieut. George Sydenham), R.E. Principles of Graphic Statics. 4to. Lond., 1880. A 10 V 7 CLARKE (Henry G.) Art-Union Exhibition for 1843 : a Hand-book Guidi' for Visitors. 12mo. Lond., 1843. A7 P 32 Hand-ljook Guide to the Cartoons now exhibiting in Westminster Hall ; designed in pursuance of Notices issued by H.M. Connnissioners on the Fine Arts, in furtherance of the ol)ject of their Enquiry, whether Fresco Painting can be applied with advantage to the decoration of the Houses of Parliament. 12mo. "Lond., 1843. A 7 P 32 The National Gallery; its Pictures and their Painters : a Hand-book for Visitors. 12mo. Lond., 1842. A7P32 CLARKE (Henry Hyde), D.C.L., kc. New and com- ])rehensive Dictionary of the English Language. 7th ed. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1872. K11T7 Early History of the Mediterranean Populations, ifec, in their Migrations and Settlements. 8vo. Lond., 1882. B 14 U 24 Grammar of the English Tongue, Spoken and Written. Newed. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1859. K 11 T 6 Short Hand-book of the Comparative Philology of the English, Anglo-Saxon, Frisian, Flemish or Dutch, Low or Platt-Dutch, High Dutch or German, Danish, Swedish, Icelandic, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, and Portu guese Tongues. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1859. KllTG CLARKE (James Fernandez), M.R.C.S., &c. Autobio- graphical Recollections of the Medical Profession. 8\o. Lond., 1874. C 4 V 13 CLARKE (James Freeman). TenGreatReligions: anEssay in Comparative Theology. 8vo. Lond., 1871. G14Q13 CLARKE (Rev. James Stanier), D.D., ic. Life of James ii. King of Englaiul, kc. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1816. C 4 W 20, 21 Progress of Maritime Discovery, from the earliest period to the 18th Cuitury. Vol. "l. {All puhUshed.) 4to. Lond., 1803. D 9 V 25 CLARKE (Rev. J. T.) English and -Manx Dictionar}-. [&« Kelly, Rev. J,] CLARKE (Joseph Thatcher). [&c Reber, Dr. F. von and Arch^ological Institute of America.] CLARKE (Julius L.) History of the Massachusetts In- surance Department ; including a Sketch of the Origin and Progress of Insurance, and of the Insurance Legislation of the State, from 1780 to 1876. 8vo. Boston, 1876. F10S19 CLARKE (Marcus Andrew Hislop). The Future Aus- tralian Race. 8vo. Melb., 1877. MF 1 Q 6 His Natural Life. 8vo. Melb., 1874. MJ 1 R 11 Another copy. 3 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1875. MJ 1 R 12-14 Another copy. Australian edition. 8vo. Melb., 1885.* ^^ MJ 1 R 15 168 CATALOGUE OF THE Cla] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Cla CLARKE (Marcus Axdrew Hislop) — continued. History of the Continent of Australia and the Ishviid of Tasmania (1787-1870). 12mo. Melb., 1877.* MB2P18 Long Odds : a Novel. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MJ 2 R 27 Marcus Clarke Memorial Volume, containing Selections from his Writings; together with Lord Rosebery's Letter etc., and a Biography of the deceased Author. Compiled and edited by Hamilton Mackinnon. Svo. Jlelb., 1884. " MC 1 P 13 Mystery of Major Molineux, and Human Repetends. 12mo. Melb., 1881. MJ 1 R 10 Old Tales of a Young Countrv. 1 2m... Melb., 1871.* MB 2 P 20 The Peripatetic Philosopher; by "Q." 12mo. Melb., 1869. M.J 1 R 9 Photogi-aphs of the Pictures in the National Gallery, Melbourne. Photographed )iv T. F. Chuck ; edited by Marcus Clarke. Fol. Melb.," 1875. MA 1 R 10 { We Five : a Book for the Season. Svo. Melb., 1881. MJ 2 R 1.^ CLARKE (Mrs. Mary Cowden). Complete Concordance to Shakspere ; being a verbal Inde.K to all the passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. (Now aiul revised ed.) Roy. 8vo. Lend., 1870. K 17 H lit CLARKE (Peucv), LL.B., 6:c. Tlie "New Chunr' in Australia ; or, the Scenery, Life, and Manners of Aus- tralians in Town and Countrv. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1886. " MI) .5 P 3 CLARKE (Dr. 8.) Discourse ccmcerning the Being and Attributes of GV, K. R. C] Illii«lrn(ion,. Lond., 1821. J 13 t^ II 17 FUEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 169 Cla] Part I : — Atiihoi's, Editors, or Reference. [Cle GLAUS (Peof. C.) Elementary Text-l)ook of Zoology. General Part and Special Part: Protozoa to Insecta; translated ai\d edited by Adam Sedgwick, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 14 S 1.^ Elementary Text-book of Zoology. Special Part: Molhisca to Man; translated and edited by Adam Sedgwick, M.A. 8vo. Umd., 188.^). ^ A 14 S 16 Kleines Lehrljuch der Zoologie. 8vo. Marburg, 1880. A 15 PI Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Marburg, 188:1. A 1"> P 2 CLAUSIUS (Rudolph J. E.) Mechanical Theory of Heat; translated by Walter R. Browne, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 10 R 3C CLzVVIGERO (Francesco Saverio). History of Mexico, collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from Manu- scripts and Ancient Paintings of the Indians ; translated by Charles GuUen. 2 vols. 4to." Lond., 17S7. P. 1 7 Q 7, 8 + CLAY (Henhv). Letters to. \_See Gurney, J. J.] CLAY (Rev. William Keatinge), B.D. Liturgical Ser- vices : Liturgies and Occasional Forms of Prayer set forth in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. Camb., 1847. G 2 S 25 Private Prayers, put forth by authority during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. ' Camb., 1851. G 2 S 26 CLAYDEN (Aethuh), F.R.C.T. England of the Pacific; or. New Zealand as an English Middle-class Emigration Field: a Lecture. 8vo. Lond., 1879. MD 4 V 19 P(i[)ular Hand-book to New Zealand; its Resources and Lulustries. 8vo. Lond., 1885. MD 3 Q 49 Revolt of the Field: a Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Movement among the Agricultural Labourers, known as the " National Agricultural Labourers' LTnion;"' 12mo. Lond., 1874. F 6 P 4 CLAYDEN (Petek William). England under Lord Beaconsfield : the Political History of Six Years from the end of 1873 to the beginning of 1880. 8vo. Lcmil., 1880. '" ' B 6 P 3 Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1880. B6P4 CLAYTON (Ellen Cheatiiorne). English Female Artists. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. ' C 7 S 1, 2 Female Warriors: Memorials of Female Valour and Heroism, from Mythological Ages to the Present Era. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879. " ' C 6 Q 21, 22 Queens of Song; being Memoirs of some of the most Cele- brated Female Vocalists; with Chronological List of all the Operas that have been performed in Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1863. C 6 V 27, 28 CLAYTON (John William). "Ubique;" or, English Country Quarters and Eastern Bivouac. 8vo. Lond., 18.57. D 8 U 29 CLAYTON (Sir Richard). \_See Teniiove, N.] CLEASBY (Richard). Icelandic-English Dictionary, based on the MS. Collections of the late Richard Cleasby ; enlarged and completed by Gudbrand Vigfusson, M.A. 4t... Oxford, 1874. K 14 S 17 Appendix to the Dictionary. [See Skeat, Rev. W.] CLEGG (Samuel), Junr., C.E., Ac. Practical Treatise o]i the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal-gas. 5th ed. 4to. Lond., 1872. A 11 V 2 CLELAND (John), M.D., etc. Animal Physiology: the Structure and Functions of the Human Body. 12mo. Lond., 1877. A 12 P 12 CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS (Titus Plavius). Opera omnia. [_See Mione, J. P., Series Gr.eca, 8, 9.] CLEMENS (Samuel Lanoiiorne), "Mark Twain." The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. Aus- tralian ed. 12mo. Melb., 1868. MJ 1 P 56 Innocents Abroad ; or, the New Pilgrim's Progress. Illus- trated. 8vo. Hartford, Conn., 1872. D 9 S 1 Life on the Mississippi. 8vo. Lond., 1883. D 3 P 59 Prince and the Pauper: a Tale for Young People of all Ages. 8vo. Lond., 1881. ' J 6 P 15 Stolen White Elephant, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1882. J 6 P 16 CLEMENT I (Papa). Opera omnia. {See Migne, J. P., Series Gr^ca, 1, 2.] CLEMENT III (Papa). EpistoL-e et Privilegia. {See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 204.] CLEMENT XIV (Ganganelli). Interesting Letters of ; to which areprefixed Anecdotes of his Life ; translated from the French. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1777. C 1 R 12, 13 CLEMENT (Charles). Michelangelo. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1880. " C 3 T 38 CLEMENT (Mrs. Clara Erskine), Mrs. C. E. Waiters. Hand-book of Legendary and Mythological Art. 8vo. New York, 1871. " ' B 14 Q 4 CLEMENT (Clara Erskine), Mrs. C. E. Waters, and HUTTON (Laurence). Artists of the 19th Century and their Works. 2 Adls. 8vo. Lond., 1879. K 18 P 1.3, 14 CLEMENT (David). Biblicithc((ue curieuse, historique et critique ; ou. Catalogue raisonnc de livres difficiles a trouver. 9 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1750-60. K 8 R 12-20 t CLEJIENT (Fi:Lix). Choix des Principales Sequences du Moyen Age traduites en Musicpie, et mises avec accom- pagnement d'Orgue. 8vo. Paris, 1861. A 8 T 15 Histoire Gcnerale de la Musique Relisrieuse. Rov. 8vo. Pari,s, 1860. A 8 R 11 Les Musiciens Celebres, depuis le seizieme siecle, juscju'a nos jours. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1868. C 8 V 21 170 CATALOGUE OF THE Cle] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Befcrence. [Clo CLE.MEXTE (D. Simox Roxas). Essai sur les Viirictes de la Vi^'iie. 8vo. Paris, 1814. A 1 Q. 4 CLEilONS (Mrs. M.mor). Maiuiei-s and Customs of So- ciety in India. 8vo. Lond., 18U. D 5 Q 10 CLERGY LIST Fon 1871 AXD 1882. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871-82. E CLERGY AND SCHOOL LANDS. D..cunu'uts and Cor- respondence relating to tlie estaljli.shment and dissolution of the Corpoi-ation of Clergy anil School Lands in the Colony of New South 'NVaies. (Pari. Docs., 5.) Fol. Lond.", 18.39. MF 4 \ CLERGYMAN, A. \_See MoRitisox, Rev. J.] CLERGYMAN OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. [5t-<; LiKDox, Rev. Caxox H. P.] CLERICI (F.) L'Ape : sua Anatomia, suoi Nemici. Sni. fol. Milano, 1875. A 2 S 21 t CLERICUS ANGLICANUS. [See Devil, The.] CLERK (D.) The Ga-s-engine. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 11 Q 19 CLERK (Sir G.) [See Nortox, G.] CLERK (Mrs. Godfrey). \_See Frere, Alice M.] CLERKE (Aei-f')rined l>y Capt. Conk and Capt. Gierke. [See Elli.s, AV.] [Set Cook, Cait. J. ami. Paukixsox, S.J CLERMONT (Tiioma.s Fortesplk), Loku. History of the Family of Forteseui; in all its Bnineiies. 2nd cd. Roy. 4to. I>,nd., 1H80.* C 7 R (\ 7"t CLEIiY (Jkax Raptibte). Menmires do. [See Rahriehe, J. F, 9.] CLEVELAND (IIohack William SifALiin). Culture and Managciiierit of our Native Forests, for Development as Tiiiilicr or ' )rnami-ntal WiHid. Svo. SpringHeid, 1882. A 1 S 40 CLKVIOLAM) (KosE Emzaiietii). ((('orgf^'^iiots I'oetry, and other StudiftM. Sm. 4to. bind., 1885. .1 9 S 6 CLEVERLY (C. F. M.) Wand.Tings of the 7At//c. [See WAltleKX, E. P.] CLIFI'OUD (AiiTiicii). State Paprs. [See Sadler, Nik R I CLIFFORD (C. C.) [Set liAXMSTEi., S.] CLIFFORI) rEDMfNI>). (Jrentest of ail the I'hiiilngenetH : an llim..ri<76. K15P32 CLOUSTON (William Ale.vandek). Arabian Poetry for English Readers ; with Introduction and Notes. 8vo. Glasgow, 18SL H 7 S 15 CLUB-ALMANACH. Annuaire des Cercles et du Sport. Premiere Annde. 12mo. Paris, 1883. E Annuaire International des Cercles, 1884. Vol. 1. 12mo. Paris, 1884. E OLUTTERBUCK (James Bennett), M.D. Port Phillip in 1849. 12mo. Loud,, 1850.* MI) 1 T 52 OLUTTERBUCK (Robert), F.S.A. History and Anti- quities of the County of Hertford. 3 vols. imp. fol. Lond., 1815-27. B 5 P 17-19 J CLUVER (PiiiLipp). Germanic Antiquie, Libri tres. Editio secund-a. Fol. Lug. Bat., 1 03 1. D19U12} Italia Antiijua. 2 vols. fol. Lug. Bat., 1624. D15T4,5t Sicilia Antiqua, cum minoribus insulis ei adjacentibus, item Sardinia et Corsica. Fol. Lug, Bat, 1619. D15T5| CLYDE (Field Marshal Sir Colin Campbell), Lord. Life of ; illustrated by extracts from his Diary and Correspondence, by Lieut.-Gen. Shadwell, C.B. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1881, C 10 T 6, 7 CO AN (Rev, Titus). Life in Hawaii: an Autobiographic Sketch of Mission Life and Labors (1835-81). 8vo. New York, 1882. MC 1 Q 9 COAXES (Ainslie). Letters of Frederic Ozanam. \_See Ozanam, T.] COATES (Rev. Charles), LL.B. History and Antiquities of Reading. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1802. J! 18 R 1 t COATES (Dandeson). New Zealanders and tlieir Lauds. Report of the Select Committee. (Pam. 15), 8vo. Loud., 1844. MJ 2 Q 5 Notes for the Information of those Members of the Depu- tation to Lord Glenelg, respecting the New Zealand Association, who have not attended the Meetings of the Committee on the subject. 8vo. Lond., 1837. MF 1 Q 15 Principles, Objects, and Plan of the New Zealand Associa- tion examined, in a Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Glenelg. 8vo. Loud., 1837. MBlQll Another copy. MF 1 Q 15 COATES (D.) BEECHAM (Rev. J.), and ELLIS (Rev. W.) Christianity, the Means of Civilization : shown in the Evidence given before a Committee of the of Commons on Aborigines. 8vo. Lond. 1837.* MG1P46 COBB(B. F.) Silk. (Brit, Mauuf, Tndust,) 12mo, Lond,, 187G, A 17 S 37 COBB (James). The Doctor and the Apothecary. [See Farces, 6.] The First Floor : a Farce. [See Faeces, G.] Paul and Virginia : a Musical Entertainment. (Cumber- land's Eng. Theatre.) 12nio. Lond., 1829. H2Q15 Ramah Droog: a Comic Opera. [See Modern Theatre, 6.] The Siege of Belgrade : a Comic Opera. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 15 The Wife of Two Husljands : a Musical Drama. [See Modern Theatre, 6.] COBBE (Miss Frances Power). Alone to the Alone : Prayers for Theists by several Contributors. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1881. G 13 S 27 Broken Lights: an Inquiry into the Present Condition and Future Prospects of Religious Faith. 2nd ed. 8vo. Loud., 1865. G 13 S 24 Another copy. 3rd ed. 12mo. Loud., 1878. G13S25 Cities of the Past. 12mo. Lond., 1864. D 5 P 20 Darwinism in Morals, and other Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1872. G 6 R 24 Dawning Lights : an Inquiry concerning the Secular Results of the New Reformation. 12mo. Lond., 1882. G13S23 Duties of Women : a Course of Lectures. 2nd ed. 12nio. Lond,, 1882, G 13 S 26 Essays on the Pui-suits of Women, 12mo, Lond,, 1863, F 1 P 36 A World. 8vo. Lond., 1885, G 6 R 23 False Beasts and True : Essays on Natural (and Un- natural) History. 12mo. Lond., 1875. A 14 P 68 Hopes of the Human Race, Hereafter and Here. 8vo. Loud., 1874. G 13 S 30 Hours of Work and Play. 12nio. Loud., 1867. J10Q22 Italics : Brief Notes on Politics, People, and Places in Italy, in 1864. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1864. D 8 Q 9 Moral Aspects of Vivisection. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1877. G 13 S 31 The Peak in Darien ; with some other Inquiries toucliiug Concerns of the SII,L'I H«Ocction.s frrim Colil)Ott's Political Woiks; by J. M. iiM.nd., 1835. E 9 P 0-1 1 A Year's Rosidenci- in the I'nitcd States of America; treating of the V-.ur uf lln' Country, Climutc, Ac. 12mo. Und., 1S22 A 1 U 1 COBBOLr) (Kkv. RifiiAHi)). History of Miirgiiret Catch- IMilf, a Suffolk <:irl. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8 vo. Lond., IS 15. MJ I S 7 9 A Voice from the Mount. 12mo. I>jnd.. 18I8. (!'.i(.M2 COIWJOLI) (ilKv. ItoiiKFiT Hkniiv), M..\. Chinc;ilcs (if l''iitrM,nce, correctwl to Se]ileMiliei-, ISSd; .\iiiiii;il llcpiiils, IS7S SU. l2mo. Lond., IS8(). V 2 P 30 Spceche.s, Ac, 1873-75. (Pam.s.) Svo. Lm,,]., 1873-75. 1'' 5 S 25 CUHIIAjM (Sill John Oi.DCASTr.i;), Loitn. Lifi^ and Times of th(' good I^ird ('obliam; by Thomas Gas]iey. 2 Mils. Mvo. bind., IMS I. V. 3 S 19, 20 E.xaminalion and Death of. [S(c liiii'iisii iini'ORMUHs, 12. PEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 173 Cob] Pakt I : — Authors, Editoi's, or Reference. [Cog COCAIO (Merlin) [See Folenoo, T.] COCHITUATE WATER BOARD, BOSTON. \_See United States.] COCHRANE (Alexander Dundas Ross Wisheakt B.) Young Italy. 8vo. Loncl., 1850. B 12 Q 26 COCHRANE (Capt. C.) Journal ..f a Tour made by Sefior Juan de Vega, the Spanish Minsti-el of 1828-29, through Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1830. J 2 R 15, IG COCHRANE (Capt. Charles Stuart). Journal of a Resi- dence and Travels in Colombia, during the years 1823-24. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1825. D 3 S -48, 49 COCHRANE (Capt. John Dundas), R.N. Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Sil)erian Tartaiy to the Fron- tiers of China, the Frozen Sea, and Kamtchatka. (Const. Misc.) 2 vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1829. K 10 Q 24, 25 COCHRANE (Robert). The English Essayists, from Lord Bacon to John Ruskin ; with Introduction, Biographical Notices, and Critical Notes. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1876. J 7 U 3 The English Explorers; comprising Details of the more famous Travels by Mandeville, liruce, Park, and Living- stone; edited by Rciliert Cochrane. 12ino. Lond., 1877. D 10 Q 48 COCHRANE (Thomas), Lord. [See Dundonald, Earl of.] COCKBURN (Rt. Hon. Sir A. J. E.), Bart. [See Tich- borne Trial.] COCKBURN (H. M.) General Education, considered with reference to the antagonistic bearings on it of the Prin- ciples of the National System defined as Socialism, So- cinianism, and Infidelity. (Pam. 26.) 8vo. Sydney. 1859. MJ 2 Q 14 COCKBURN (Henry Thomas), Lord. Journal of; being a Continuation of the "Memorials of his Time," 1831-54. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1874. C 10 T 44, 45 Life of Lord Jeffrey ; with a Selection from his Correspon- dence. 2nded. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1852. C7R34,35 Memorials of his Time. 8vo. Edinb., 1856. C 10 T 23 COCKERELL (John Thomas). Scenes behind the Curtain ; or the Acts and Deeds of the Convict Detectives of New South Wales. 8vo. Brisbane, 1861. MF 3 P 1 COCKMAN (T.) [See Cicero, M. T.] COCKS 'C.) [See Michelet, J.] COCONUT PALM (The). All about the Coconut Palm, including Practical Instructions for Planting and Culti- vation. 8vo. Colombo, 1885. A 1 Q 20 CODE NAPOLEON ; or, the French Civil Code. 8vo. Loml, 1824. F 1 R 21 CODE OF GENTOO LAWS. [See Gentoo Laws.] CODE OF PAY REGULATIONS (-f the various ]\[ilitary Establishments under the Presidency of Fort AVilliam, arranged by Capt. W. S. Greene. Fol. Kidderpore, 1803. F 29 P 10 J CODES (LES CINQ). Les Cinq Codes— Die funf fran- zosischen Gesetzblicher mit gegeniiberstehendem fran- zosischen Text. Herausgegeben von Johann Cramer. 12mo. Koblenz (n.d.) F 2 P 5 Conference ties Cinq Codes. [See Bourciuignon, F.] CODEX ALEXANDRINUS. Facsimile of the Codex Alexandrinus. Old Testament : Genesis to Ecclesiasticus. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1881--83. G 29 P 7—9 X CODEX DIPLOMATICUS AEVI SAXONICI. Opera Johannis M. Kemble. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839-40. F 7 S 1.5, 10 CODINUS (Georgius). Opera omnia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Gr.eca, 157, and Byzantin.e Hist. Script.] CODINUS CUROPALATE. [See Bvzantin.e Hist. Script.] CODRINGTON (R. H.), D.D. Melanesian Language.s. 8vo. Oxford, 1885. MK 1 R 15 COFFEY (C.) The Devil to Pay; an Opera. [See Farces, 5.] Another copy. [See British Drama, 5.] COFFEY (Dean N.) Catholics not Idolators, nor under a Satanic Delusion ; with some of the Real Diflerences of the Catholic and Protestant Churches. 12mo. Mellj., 1850. MG 1 Q 40 [See Trollope, Rev. W.] COFFIN (Levi). Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, the reputed President of the LTntlergniund Railroad ; Ijeing a Ijrief History of the Labors of a Lifetime in behalf of the Skue. 8vo. Lond., 187G. C 3 V 2 COGAN (T.) [See Camper, Prof. P.] COond., 1849. C 7 P 4o COKE (Lieut. E. T.) Subaltern's Furlough ; descriptive of Scenes in various parts of the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, in 1832. 8vo. Lond., 1833. D 3 R 47 COKE (Rbv. Thoma.s), LL.D. Experience, kc, of Mrs. II. A. Rogers. [See Ro(;Eii.s, ilus. H. A.] COLBORNE (Col. the Hox. Sir Jonx), G.C.I'.., .tr. With Hicks Pasha iii the Soudan; being an Account of the Senaar Campaign in 1883. 12nK). Lond., 1884. I)1Q30 COLBURN (Zeuaii), C.E. Locomotive Engineering and the Mechanism of Railways. (Text and Plates.) 2 vols, fol. Lond., 1871. A 23 P 28, 29 { COLBURN'S UNITi:iJ .SEUVICL .MA(iAZlXE. Col- hum's United Service Magazine, and Journal of the Army, Navy, and Auxiliary Forces. IG.") vols. 8vo. Lond., 1820-8.1. " K Hepiirl of Coinmissiiiners for iiKjuiring into Naval and MilitJiry Prninotion and Retirement, forming a Supple- iiioiit to the r'nited Servic.' Journal, 1840 [now Cnll.urn's United S.-rvi.e M.iLM/iu.l IV»m ]( ) 8vo. Lond., 1«40. M.l ■>, (I \ rOF>CHI'XrER (CiiAiti.Es Aniion), Loim. Diary and Corre.M|M.n(lence of; <'(lited l)y lii.s Son, Charles, I.rf>r(l Colchester. 3 vols. Hv... I.,ond., |8f)l. C fi U 5 7 ('•»LI»I':N (Cadwam.adkii \>.) Memoir i>reiiared at the CVletimlion on the Ciiinpleli..ii ..f the New York (Janals. •Ito. Ni-w York, lM2ri. 15 | V' 4 COLDWATKIt ST,\TK IT |i|,l( ' .S( lloi M, l.SV, L P.] ' " COLE (Ai.niKi. \\.) \Vli..H ynur Friend? [See Black wook'm Book.s »'oii EvEKViionv.l COLE (George R. Fitz-Roy). Peruvians at Home. 8vo. Lond., 1884. D 3 P GO COLE (GEORtJE Wakd). How a Protecti^•e Tariff worked in America : a Letter to tlie Editor of the yfr/c. 8vo. Melb., 1861. MF 3 P 5 Protection as a National System suited for Victoria ; Ijoing Extracts from List's National System of Political Economy; with an Introduction. 8vo. Melh., 1860. MF 3 P 5 Policy of Action in the Employment of the People. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MF 1 Q G COLE (Sir Henhv), K.C.B. Fifty Y'ears of Public AVork of; accounted for in his Deeds, Speeches, and AVritings. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 10 S 20, 21 COLE (John William). Memoirs of British Generals distinguished during the Peninsuhir War. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1856. C 3 S 3, 4 Natural Religion. [See Simon, J.] COLE BROOKE (Henry Thomas). Biographical Essay. [See MiLLEii, Prof. F. Max.] ^Miscellaneous Essays. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. jr)Sl,2 Another ed. ; with Life of the Author, by his son. Sir T. E. Colebrooke. 3 vols. 8v<). Lond., 1873. J.".S3^5 COLEBROOKE (Sik Thomas Edwauu), Baht., M.P. Life of the Hon. Mountstuart ElphinsUmo ; with Portraits and Maps. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 188 1. C 7 P 4, 5 Life (if H. T. Colebrooke. [See Coleduooke, 11. T.] COLEMAN (Rev. John Norle), M.A. .Memoir of the Rev. Richard Davis, for thirty-nine years a ]\lissionary in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 186.">. MC 1 Q 1 COLENSO (Miss Frances Ellen). History of the Zulu \\':ir anil its Oriiiin. Svo. Lond., 1880. ' P> 1 Q 1 COLEXSO (Rt. Rev. J. W.), DD., Bishop of Natal. Arithmetic designed for the use of Schools ; to which is aililril a Chapter on Decimal Coinage. New cd., by the licv. J. Hunter, M.A. 12mo. Lond., 1883. A lo"s 23 Key to Aiilhnietic. [See Hunter, Rev. .).] Tlu' Pentateuch and the Book of Joslma critic.iUv (Examined. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18G3 79. G 6 S 18-24 Student's Algebra; edited by the Kc\. .lolm lliinler, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1878, ' A 10 S 2 Trial of the Hislmp of Nalid before tli(> Metropolitan Bisho]) of (ya]ie Town, and others, for erioneous teaching. 12mo. Cape Town and Lond., 1863. P 2 P 25 COLENSO (Hev. William), F.L.S., .tc. In : an Accout of Visits to, and Crossings over, tli(! Ruahine Mountain Range, Hawk(('s May, Now Zealand, in 18 l.'')-47. Roy. 8vo. Najiier, 1881.* " MI) 3 V 42 Three Lid-rary Pajiers, read before tho Il,iwlouble Curvature. ^Weali'.) I2iii*-'■'<• C10H2H, 29 COLLINGWOOD (G. L. Newxiiam), F.R.S. Selection from the Public and Private Correspondence of Vice- Adniiral Lord Collingwood. 2iid ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. ^ C 10 S 28, 29 COLLINGWOOD (J. F.) [_See Biciiner, Dh. L.] COLLINGWOOD (William Gersiiom). Limestone Alps of Savoy : a Study in Physical Geology ; with an Intro- duction, by J. Ruskin. 8vo. Orpington, 1884. A9T27 COLLINS (Arthur). The English Baronetage ; containing a Genealogical and Historical Account of all the English Baronets, now existing. 4 vols (in 5) 8vo. Lond., 1741. K 10 S 15-19 Peerage of England ; Genealogical, Biographical, and His- torical. Greatly augmented, and continued to the Present Time; by Sir Egcrton Brydges, K.J. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1812. ■ ■ K 10 S 20-28 COLLINS (Ciiakles Allston). The Eye-witness, and his Evidence about nimiv AN'ondcrful Things. 8vo. Lond., 1860. " J 9 U 3 COLLINS (LiEUT.-Coi.. David). Acc(uuit of the English Colony in New South Wales ; with sonic Particulars of New Zealand. Couijiiled fmni the MSS. of Lieut. -Gov. Kin^, d-c. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1798-1802 MB 2 V 1, 2 Another copy. 2 vols, (in 1) 4to. Lond., 1798-1802. MB 2 V 3 Another copy. 2nd ed. 4to. Lond., 1804.* MB 2 V 4 COLLINS (James), F.S.B. Guttapercha and Iiuli.uubbcr. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 28 Hides and Leather. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12inii. Liuid., 1876. A 17 S 28 COLLINS (John Churton). Bolingbroke: a Historical Study; and Voltaire in Kngliuid. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 5 R 5 COLLINS (.losKl'ii Jli-.NHV), F.G.S. First Book of Mining and Quarrying. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 P 66 Hand-book of the Mineralogy of Cornwall and Devon; with Instructions for their Discrimination, and copious Tables of Localities. Svo. Truro, 1871. A 10 P 9 Mineralogy. 1. Tlie General Priiuijiles of Mineralogy. 2. Systematic and Descrijitive Mineralogy. 2 vols. 12ino. Lond., 1S78. S3. A it P 23, 21 COLLINS (William). Life and Poems of. [See liiuTisii rcii'.'is; Cn.M.MKlis, \.\ inir! .loiivsoN, Dh. S.] COM, INS (William), H..\. M<'inoirs of the Life of; with Selections from his Journals and Correspondence", by his Son. \V. Wilkio Collins. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848. C 3 S 23, 24 COLLINS (Wn.I.lAM Wh.kik). Meiii,,irs of the Life of William Collins, li.A. ; 2 vols. ,Svo. bond., iSbS. ens 23 21 K.iniliieH beyond Ib'iiKvays; or. Notes in ('ornwall taken a foot. Svo. Loud., IH.'-i]. 1) K T 16 PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 177 Col] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Col COLLINSON (Alfred). Small-pox and Vaccination, his- torically and medically considered. (Pam. Ca.) 8vo. Lond.,'l860. MA 2 S 15 COLLINSON (Rev. John), F.A.S. History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, collected from authentick Re- cords, and a]i actual Survey made by the late Mr. Edmund Rack. 3 vols. roy. 4to. Bath, 1791. B 17 R 15-^17 J COLLIS (William). Map of the County of Bourke. \See Bibbs, T.] COLLISSON (Marcus). South Australia in 18-11-4.-) : a Description of the actual State of the Colony, of its Sources of Wealth, and of the Moral and Physical Condition of its Inhabitants. 8vo. Adelaide, 1845. MJ 2 R 12 COLLYER (Rev. Robert), axd TURNER (J. Horsfall). Ilkley, Ancient and Modern. Illustrated. 8vo. Otley, 1885. B4Til COLMAN (George). Broad Grins. 8th cd. 12mo. Lond., 1839. H 6 Q 18 Comus: a Masque. [_See Miltox, J.] The Deuce is in Him. [&« Brit. Drama, 5.] Another copy. [_See Farces, 6.] Dramatic Works. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1777. H 1 R 27-30 The English Merchant: a Comedy. [_See Brit. Drama, 4.] Another copy. [_See Modern Theatre, 9.] The Jealous Wife: a Comedy. (Bell'.s Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1792. H 2 P 32 Another copv. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808 H 1 P 16 Another copy. \_See British Dram-*, 4.] Secrets worth Knowing: a Comedy. [See Mod. Theatre, 3.] COLMAN (George), Junr. The Battle of Hexham : a Play. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 20 The Forty Thieves. [See Sheridan, R. B.] The Heir-at-Law; a Comedy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 21 Inkle and Yarico : an Opera. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 20 The Iron Chest: a Play. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 21 John Bull: a Comedy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 21 The Mountaineers: a Play. (Brit. Theatre.) 12nio. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 21 The Poor Gentleman : a Comedy. (Brit. Theatre.) limn. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 21 The Surrender of Calais: a Play. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. ' H 1 P 20 'Ways and Means: a Comedy. \_See Farces, 7.] Who wants a Guinea: aComedy. \_See Modern Theatre, 3.] COLMAN ((Jeorge), and GARRICK (David). The Clan- destine Marriage: a Comedy. (Bell's l?rit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1792. H 2 P 15 Another Copy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. PI 1 P IG Another copy. [See Brit. Drama, 4.] COLMAN (W. A.) New South Wales Almanac and Re- membrancer, for 1848. 12mo. Sydney, 1848. ME 4 Q Another copy. ME 4 R COLMAN FAMILY (The). Memoirs of ; including their Correspondence with the most distinguished Personages, byR. B. Peako. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841. C 10 S 31, 32 COLNETT (Capt. Jame.s), R.N. Voyage to the South Atlantic and round C!ape Hoi-n into the Pacific Ocean, for the purpose of extending the Spjermaceti Whale Fisheries. 4to. Lond., 1798. MD 5 P 3 t COLOMB (Rear-Adm. Philip Howard), R.N. Dangers of the Modern Rule of the Road at Sea, and the Manoeuvring Powers of Ships as affecting Collision. 8vo. Portsmouth, 188.5. F 9 P 18 COLOMBAT DE L'ISERE (Marc). Traite complet des Maladies des Femmes, et de I'Hygiene de leur Sexe. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843. A 26 S 16-18 COLONIAL AND ASIATIC REVIEW (The). Colonial and Asiatic Review. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1852-53. ME 3 Q COLONIAL AND INDIAN EXHIBITION. New South Wales: Official Catalogue of Exhiljits from the Colonv, forwarded to the Colonial and Indian Exhiliition, London, 1886. 8vo. Sydney, 1886.* MK 1 P 12 Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MK 1 P 14 New South Wales; its Progress and Resources. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MF 1 R 40 Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MF 1 R 41 New Zealand Court : Detailed Catalogue and Guide to the Geological Exhibits; by [Sir] James Hector, K.C.M.G. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 188G. MK 1 S 17 Official Catalogue. 8vo. Lond., 188G. K 8 Q 37 Reminiscences of the Colonial and Indian E.xhibition. [See Riley, T., and Cundall, F.] Report of the Royal Commission. 8vo. Lond., 1887. K 8 Q 38 Reports on the Colonial Sections. [See Wood, H. T.] COLONIAL DISTILLATION. Report from the Com- mittee on Colonial Distillation ; with the Minutes of Evi- dence and Appendix. (Pari. Docs., 32.) Fol. Svdnev, 1839. MF 4* + COLONIAL GAZETTE (The). Weekly Journal: "Ships, Colonies, and Commerce." 8 vols. fol. Lond., 1839-46. ME 178 CATALOGUE OP THE Coll Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Col COLONIAL HAND-BOOK (The). Colonial Hand-book for Fanuei-b and Gai-cleners. (Pam. 40.) Geelong, 1860. MJ 2 R 2 COLONIAL INSTITUTE. ISee Royal Colonial Ixst.] COLONIAL INTELLIGENCER (The); or, Aborigines' Friend : comprising theTransactioii.s of the Aborigines' Pro- tection Society. 3vols. 8vo. Lond.. 1S47 -M. MP" 1 R 3-5 COLONIAL LAND AND EMIGRATION COMMIS- SION. ISee Emi<;ratiox.] COLONIAL LEGISLATIVE COUNCILS. Reuun of the Names of the Legislative Council in each of our Colonies or Settlements not having Legislative Assemblies, 1836-44. (Pari. Docs., 47.) Fol. Lond., 1845. MF 4 J COLONIAL LITERARY JOURNAL. Colonial Literary Journal and Weekly Miscellany of Useful Information. Vols. 1, 2. R..y.8v71-85. E COLONIAL POLICY, (.■olonial Policy ; with Hints upon til- formal iiiM of .Military bv " W. P.. C," •-'nd eel. Kvo. F^iiitl., 1835. MJ 2 p ;jfj Cf>F^)NrAL POSSESSIONS. I'apers relating to Her Majesty 'h Colonial PnsM.s.sions: llej«>Hs. 1883 85. «vo. I>.nd., 18H6. MF 2 S 30 Pa|HrH relating l.nd., 1HM5. ME 2 S 31 Huiiiitienl Alwtract for the .Hcvernl Colonial and other P<«,s«w(ion» of the I'nited Kingdom, |K50 70, Koy. Hvo. I>.nd., I«72. MK 'l S 36 COLONIAL SOCIETY (The). Rules and Regulations ; with an Alphalietical List of the Members. 12mo. Lond., 1837-38. JIF 3 P 10 COLONIST, A. [See Life's Work as it is.] COLONIST (The). The Colonist ; or. Weekly Journal of Politics, Commerce, Agriculture, Literature, Science, and Religion, for the Colony of New South Wales. 6 vols. fol. "Sydney, 1835-^40. ME COLONIST OF NEW SOUTH WALES, A. [See Transpohtation.] COLONIST OF TWENTY YEARS' STANDING, A. [See Carter, S. G.] COLONISTS' HAND-BOOKS. 6 vols, (in 1) li'mo. Lond., 1882-84. .Ml) 1 P 4S 1. Canada. 1. .^^outli Austialia. 2. Queenslanil. 5. Cape of Gooil Hope, ami Xa*al. 3. New South Wales. G. New Zealand. COLON1Z.\.TION. Debate ujion Mr. Ward's Res.dutions on Colonization, in the House of Couuuons, June 27, 1839. 8vo. Loud., 1839. MF 3 P 7 Another copy. (Pam. 5.) MJ 2 P 39 COLONIZATION CIRCULARS. 7 vols, (in 1) 8vo. L(.nd., 1886. .MD 4 V 44 1. New vSoiitli Wales. ,">. Tasmania. i New Zealand. (i. Vietoria. 3. Queensland. 7. Western Aiislralia. 4. South Australia. COLONNA (VlTTORlA). Her Life and Poems ; by Mrs. Henry Roscoe. 12mo. Lond., 1868. C 2 P 39 CCJLONITS. [See A'Beckett, Siu W.] COLONY (Till;). The Colony: a Poem, in four Parts. iJino. Lond., 1853. .Mil I K 31 COI/)NY OF AUSTRALI.\ (Tin:). Tlie Colony ^:r. Across ('liiyse : being the Narrati\(' of a Journey of E.\]>loration ihrougli the South China liorder Lands from Cantiin to .M,nid:dav. I lliistiated, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., IM,S3. I > IT 28, 29 Amongst, the Sliaiis. I Ihistratcd. .Svo. bond., 1.^85. I ) I T 30 ('< ll.l.ll'IIOlTN (Patuick). i.l.l'. Treat i,'se on the I'oHce. of the .Metropolis. Hvo. L,,n(l., IHDO. F 12 P I" Treatise on the W'lallb, i'owcr, and Hesourees of the I'litisli Eiii|)ii-e, in every l^lnarlir of tiie \\'orld. 4to. LoikI., is II. F ,S y 23 t FREE PUBLIC LIBRAUY, SYDNEY. 179 Col] Paut I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Com COLTON (Calvin), LL.D. Tour of the American Lakos, and among the Indians of the North-west Territory, in 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. D 3 Q 7, 8 A Voice f I'om America to England; by "An American Gentleman." 8vo. Lond., 1839. F 9 P 3 COLTON (Rev. Charles Caleb), A.M. Lacon; or, Many Things in a Few Words. 8vo. Lond., 1833. J G U 8 COLTON (Ueokge W.) Atlas of America ; illustrating the Physical and Political Ceograpliy of North and South America, and the West India Islands. Imp. 4to. Now York, 18.57. D 8 P .5 | COLTON (Robert), " Hylvanus." Rambles in Sweden and (lottland. 8vo. Lond., 1847. D 7 T 40 COLTON (Rev. Walter). Visit to Constantinople and Athens. 12mo. Dublin, 1849. D 7 P 50 COLUMBA (Saint). Life of. [See Stokes, W.] Life of St. Columlia, founder of Hy ; written by Adamnan; edited by William Reeves, D.D., itc. (Historians of Scot- land.) 8vo. Edinb., 1874. B 13 P 50 COLUMBUS (Christopher). Christopher Columbus, and the Discovery of the New World. From the French of the Marquis de Belloy. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 4 P 15 t Discovery of America by. [See Voyages and Dis- coveries.] History of the Life and Voyages of ; by Washington Irving. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. C G U 1-4 Life of Columbus, the Discoverer of Amei'ica ; by [Sir] Arthur Helps. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 18G9. C3Q17 Life and Voyages of ; by Washington Ir\iiig. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1831. C 1 P 27 Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of. [See Irving, W.] COLUTHUS. Translation from. [See Chalmers, A.] Coluthi Raptus Helena\ [See Hesiod.] COLVIN (Sidney), M.A. Landor (Eng. Men. of Letters.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 1 U 23 [See W^oltmann, Dr. A.] COLYER (Frederick), M.I.C.E., kc. Gasworks : their Arrangement, Construction, Plant, and Machinci-y. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A il R IG Hydraulic, Steam, and Hand Power Lifting and Pressing Machinery. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 11 U 8 COMBE (Andrew). Principles of Physiology, applied to the Preservation of Health, and to Physical and Mental Education. 7th ed. Edinb., 1838. A 12 Q 31 COMBE (Charles), M.D. Nummorum veterum populorum et urbium, qui in Museo Gulielmi Hunter asservantur descriptio liguris illustrata. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1782. A 2 R 5 t COMBE (George). Constitution of Man, considered in relation to external ol)iects. 9th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1871. G13T14 Education, its Principles and Practice. Collated and edited l)y William Jolly. 8vo. Lond., 1879. G 17 Q 28 Life of; by Charles (Jiljbon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. C 6 U 8, 9 On the Relation between Science and Religion. 0th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1872. G 8 T 9 System of Phrenology. 4th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 183G. A 12 S 10, 11 COMBE (Tavloh). Veterum Populorum et Regum Numi qui in Museo Biitannico adservantur. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1814. A2R2t COMBE (Thomas). Illustrations of Baptismal Fonts. 8v'o. Lond., 1884. A 3 P 27 COMBE (William). First, Second, and Third Tow of Doctor Syntax in search of the Picturesque, in search of Consolation, and in search of a Wife : a Poem. 3 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1855. H 6 V 22-24 History of ;^[adeira ; with twenty-seven coloured En- gravings, illustrative of the Co.stumes, Maimers, and bccuiiations of the Inhabitants of that Island. Imp. 8vo. Lyes. Edited, with Life and Notes, by Andrew R. Scoble, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. B9P25, 26 COMMISSARY HE\'IE\V (The). [&e Smith, Rev. Canon T.] COMMON LAAV PROCEDURE. Act to amend the Pi-ocess, Practice, and Mode of Pleading at Law in the Supreme Court. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1853.* MF2S5 [_See PiLCiiEn, C.E.] COMPANION TO THE ALMANAC ; or, Year Book of General Information. 4G vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828-78. E COMPANION TO THE NE\VSPAPER, ami .J,,uiiutl (.f Facts in Politics, Statistics, Ac, 1833-3G. 3 vols, (in 1) imp. 8vo. L-jnd., 1834-36. J 7 V 17 COMPLAYXT OF SCOTLAND. WiiUcn in 1.J18 ; with a preliminary Dis.sertation and Glossary. [Edited by J. Leyden.] 8vo. Edinb., 1801. " B 13 Til COMPLEAT DRAWING-MASTER (Tin:); containing many Curious Specimens, ius the several parts of tiie Human Botly, wliole Figures, Landskips, Cattle, Buildings, •tc. 4t<.. L.nd., 176(i. A 7 V 9 COMSTOCK (WiLi.nM T.), .wd BICKNELL (A. J.) Mi>sitii.n of the Princij>lcs of the "Cours de la Philiisophie I'oxitive" of Auguste Comte. [See Lewe.s, G. IL] Positive Pliilosoj)hy; freely tran.slated anrl condensed, by Harriet Martineau. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18.53. (! 1 1 P 4, .5 Hy.Ktem of Positive Polity. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1^7") -77. G G S 2.0-28 COMYN (TilOMA.s iJl:). State of the Philippine Islands; trniiMlntttj from the Spanish by William Walton. 8vo. lyind., IM2I. I) G T 7 CONCORDANTIA S. SCRIPTC KyE. Ucp. ii..rium Itil. licuiii, »eu Coneordiinlia S. Scri]>turie. 2 vols. fol. Aug. ViiKJ., 17'>1. (i ;{.-, i> •_<()_ -ji J C<^>NI»I', n>ii. JoHK Antonio). Historiu de la Domimuion de |i« AiiiIms en Kspafia. Kvo. I'ari.t, l«40. U 13 U !) Hi.ttory of liic Doriiinir.ii of the Arabs in Spain; trans- Iiit<-<1 by Mr>i. .1. I'.ml.r. 3 voIm. Hvo. I/iiid., iH.^fi. B 13 I' 18-20 CONDE (Louis II., de Bourbon), Prince de. Histoire de Louis de Bi)ui-l)on, Second du Noni, Prince de Conde, Pre- mier Prince du Sang, surnommc le Gianil; par J. L. R. Desormeaux. 4vokl2mo. Paris, 17C6-G8. B 9 P 8-11 Life of Louis, Prince de Conde, surnamed the Great; by Lord Mahon [Earl Stanhope.] (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1845. J 8 P 13 Another cop\-. New ed. 12ino. Lond., 18G1. C 1 R 7 CONDE (Princes de). History of the Princes de Conde in the Itjth and 17th Centuries; translated from the French of le Due d'Aumale, by R. B. Borthw iek. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872. C 8 R 2, 3 CONDER (Capt. Cl.\.uue Rkicxier), R.E. Heth and Moab : Explorations in Syria in 1881-82. 8vo. Lond., 1883. ' D 4 T 31 Map of Western Palestine. \_See P.\lestine Exploration Fund.] Sur\ey of Western Palestine. \_See Warren, Sir C] Syrian Stone-lore; or, Monuuioiital History of Palestine. 8vo. Lond., 1886. B 10 P 35 CONDER (Rev. Josiaii), D.D. Dictionary of Geography, Ancient and Modern. 8yo. Lond., 1831. D 11 W 11 Italy [Sei|uel to tlie ''ilodern Traveller"]. 3 vols. 18nio. Lond., 1834. B 12 P 35-37 Modern Traveller: a Description, Geographical, Historical, and Toj)ographical, of the various Countries of the Globe. 33 vols. 18mo. Lond., 1827-30. D 11 P 1-33 I. Palestine. 17. Russia. •2, 'A. Syria iiiul Asia Minor. IS, lil. Spain ami Portugal. A. .Aialiia. 20 22. Africa. 5, (i. Hyypt, Nnliia, &c. 23, 24. Unilod Slates andCanaila. 7 10. India. 2"), 2G. Mexieo aniH Uiatiinala. 11. liurnia, Siuni, &c. 27. Colninbia. 12, V.\. IVrsia, China, kc. 2S. Peru and (Idle. 1 I. Turkey. 2!), HO. Hra/.il and Hiunos Ayrog. 1."., U). (ireece. .'ll .'i:!. It.ily, &e. Description of Italy, (iecigr.ipliiial, Historical, and Topographical. 3vols.l2m'o. Lond., 1831. 1)111731-33 CONDITION .\L iM.\|(i|;i'AI,iTY. Conditional linin..r- tality, as taught in the New Testament Scriptures; by "I.riiyman." 8vo. Sydney, 1877. MG 1 (^36 CONDORCET (Maime Jean A. N.), M.xuijuis de. Esi|uisse d'un Tableau IIistori(|U(^ des jjiogivs de Th'sjirit Humain. Svo. I'aris, 1795. (I I3Ti5 \'ic de \'oltaii-e. [.Sec Voi/r.MHE, l'\ M. A. in;. | CONK (Andrew), and JOHNS (Walter U.) Petrolia : a brief History of the Pennsylvania Petroleum Region ; its development, (irowlli, liesources, itc, 1859 09. 8vo. New Yoik, I.H70. A 9 S 20 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 181 Con] Pakt I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Con CONEY (John). Confefeuce about the next Succession to the Crown of England. [_See Parsons, R.] Enf,'raviii!,'s of Ancient Cathedrals, Hotels de Ville, and (illier Ful)lic Buildings of colelji'ity, in France, Ilnlland, Germany, ami Italy. Hoy. fol. Lond., 1842. A 1 11 7 | CONFERENCE OF LIBRARIANS. [&« Liuhaiuans.] CONFERENCES DES CINQ CODES entre eux, avec les Lois et Reglements sur I'organisatiou et I'administration de la Justice, etc. ; par F. Bourguignon. 8vo. Paris, 1818. F5T15 CONFESSION OF FAITH (The). [&e Westminster Confession of Faith.] CONFUCIUS. Confucius and the Chinese Classics ; edited and compiletl ))y the Rev. A. W. Loomis. 12ni(i. San Francisco, 1867. J 1 W 42 Life and Teachings of Confucius. [See Lecuje, J.] Works of Confucius containing the Original Text ; with a translation. Vol. 1. {All puhUshcd.') To which is j)retixed a dissertation on the Chinese Language and Character; hy J. Marshman. 4to. Serainpore, 1809. K 14 S 10 CONGREGATIONAL DISSENTERS. Declaration of the Faith, Church Order, and Discipline of the Congrega- tional, or Independent Dissenters. 12mo. Launceston, 1836. MG 1 P 49 CONGREGATIONAL HOME MISSIONARY SO- CIETY for New South Wales. Tenth Ainiual Report, 1859-60. 8vo. Sydney, 1860. MG 1 Q 27 CONGREVE (William). The Double Dealer : a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 179^. H2P9 Another c )py. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1777. H 4 P 24 Another copy. [See Bkit. Drama, 3.] Dramatic Works of. [See Wycherley, W.] Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A., and Johnson, S.] Love for Love: a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1791. H 2 P 20 Another copy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 13 Another copy. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 10 Another copy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1788. H 4Q 20 Another copy. [See Brit. Drama, 3.] Tiie Mourning Bride: a Tragedv. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. L(md., 1791. " H 2 P 34 Anotleropv. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. II 1 P 13 Another cmy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1776. n4P19 Another copy. [See Brit. Drama, 1.] CONGREVE (William)— cowiMMierf. The Old Batchelor: a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 179.5. II 2 P 27 Another copy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. L(jnd., 1776. H 4 P 18 The Way of the Wurkl : a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1796. " H 2 P 4 Another copy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12: Lond., 1787. H 4 P 20 Another copy. [See Brit. Drama, 3.] Works of; consisting of his Plays and Poems, with a Life. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Birmingham, 1761. H 3 T 7-9 [See OviDius, Naso, P.] CONIGR AVE (John Fairfax). South Australia : a Sketch of its History and Resources: a Hand-book, compiled for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886. 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. MD 7 P 10 South Australian Manufactures and Industries. (Paui. Cn.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1875. MA 2 V 14 CONINGHAM (William). National Gallery in 1856: Sir C. L. Eastlake's Purchases. 8vo. Lond., 1859. A 7 Q 19 CONINGTON (Prof. John), M.A. ^neid of Virgil ; translated into English Verse. [See Virgilius Maro, P.] Miscellaneous Wi-itings ; edited by J. A. Symonds, M. A., with a Memoir by H. J. S. Smith, M.A., ifec. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872. J5S19, 20 Satires of Peisius. [See Persius Placcus, A.] CONN (William). From Paris to Pekin. [See Meignan, V.] CONNELL (Henry), Junr. New South Wales Magisterial Digest : a Practical Guide for Magistrates, Clerks of Petty Sessions, Attornies, Constables, and others. 8vo. Sydney, 1866. MF 1 Q 13 CONNERY (John). The New Speaker; with an Esst>.v on Elocution. 8vo. Lond., 1861. J9U4 CONOLLY (Capt. Arthur). The Bokhara Victims [Col. C. Stoddart and Capt. A. Conolly]. [See Grover, Capt. J.] Journey to the North of India; overland from England, through Russia, Persia, and Affghaunistaun. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond!; 1838. D 6 S 30, 31 Mission to ascertain the Fate of. [See Wolff, Rev. J.] CONOLLY (John), M.D. Inquiry concerning the Indica- tions of Insanity. 8vo. Lond., 1830. A 12 S 17 CONRAD (Prof. J.) German Universities for the last Fifty Years. Authorized Translation, with Maps, Notes, and Appendix ; by John Hutchison, M.A. 8vo. Glas- gow, 1885. G 17 Q 30 CONRADI (ilATTH.) Praktische deutsch-romanische Grannnatik, die Erstc dieser alt rhiitischen und im Graubunden meist noch itblichen romanischen Sprache. 8vo. Zurich, 1820. K 12 Q 27 1S2 CATALOGUE OF THE Con] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Con CONSCIEXCE (E.) La clicha de ser rico. !^vo. Madrkl, 1862. J 15 U 26 Memorias de la Juventud. 8vo. Madrid, 1862. J 15U26 CONSERVATION OF WATER, N.S.W. [See New South Wales.] CONSEILS DE LA SAG ESSE (Les). \_Sce Boitaulp, M.] CONSERVATIVE SQUARETOES, ESQ. [See New South Wales.] CONSTABLE (ARCiiinALD), and his Literary Correspon- dents : a ilenmriul ; bv his son, Tliomas Constable. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1873. C 5 S 4-6 CONSTABLE (Hesry), B.A. Diana : the Sonnets and other Poems of ; Now first collected and edited, with .some Account of the Author, bv William Carew Hazlitt. Svo. lyind., 1859. " H 7 S 6 Spirituall Sannettos to the Honor of God, and Hys Sayntes. [See Pauk, T.] CONSTABLE (John), R. A.: John Constable: A Biography: byG. M. Brock-Arnold (Gt. Artists). Svo. Lond., 1881. C 3 T 31 Memoirs of the Life of ; composed chiefly of his Letters, by C. R. Leslie, R.A. 2nd ed. Ito. l^jnd., 1845. C 8 R 1 CONSTABLE (Thomas). Arcliii)ald Constable and his Literary Correspondents : a Memorial ; by his Son. 3 voLs. 8vo. Edinb., 1873. C 5 S 4-6 CONSTABLES MTSGELLANY of Original and Selected Pul)licatioris. S(J vols. ISmc. Edinb., 1S27- 34. K 10 P 40- U IS I 3. Ifall 3 Voyages to Loo C'hoo, &c. , &c. 4. Hiigli .Munay'a .Vdvciiturea of Itritisli Scamoii in tin' .SoutliL'i'ii Ocean. 5. Memoir* of llic de la Rocliejiuiuclcin. 0,7. Criclitoii'a Coiiveitu from Iiiliilclity. M, 0. .Sviiies' Kiii)Ki! lo .Vva anil Birincsc Knipire. ftl. 'I'aliletalk ; or, SelcetionH from the Ana. 11. I'erila anil Captivity. 12. liell'H .Selections of tlie Phenomena of Nature. 13. 14. .Mariner's T(mga Islamls ; liy Martin. l.'i, 10. Cliamlicr'H ilistory of the liehcUion in Scotland in l74-> 0. 17. Kol)ert's Kist Coast anil Interior of Central America. IH. lit. .S.jiillei's Historical Works. 21), 21. Thomson's Illuatrnlions of Knglish History. 22. (ieneral Kcgiatcr of Politics and Ijiteniture in liuropr, &c., for 1827. 23. Liockhart's I,ife of Rolierl litirns. 2», 'i'l. Ikll's Life of Mary, Queen of .Scots. 20. Wnmgham's Pleiad ; or, the Writings on tlic KvidonccB of ChriKtianity. 27. 2H. .Memorials of the late War. !flt, 34). KusMdl'd 'I'onr in . KiK.h's History of the Kevoliitions in Knrope. 30, .37. ('iM:lirane'« .lourney tlirongh Kussia and ,Sii)erian Tar- tary, lo Ihi- Kronllers of China. .38. IiikIu' .tourney through Norway, |Mirt of .Sweden, and the IsUnda and .Staites of l)ennuirk. 3f(. Mi-mi's' Ilistory of .Scul|iture. Painting, and Arcliilecture. Vt, 41. l'|iliani's Ilistory of the Ottonuin TCmpiru, CONSTABLE'S MISCELLANY- -con//n?(c, 7G. Brown's Book of Butterflies. Vols. 1 and 2. 77. Mudie's Popular (Uiide to tlie Observation of Nature. 7H, 70. History of ,'^liipwrecks and Disasters at Sea. 50. Bi'o\™'s Book of Butterflies. \"ol. .3. CONSTANT (A. L), '• Elipiias L6vi." The Mysteries of Magic, a Digest of the Writings of. [See Waite, A. E.] CONSTANT (Mi.i.K. VirroiiixE r.ii.i.ET de). [Sec Billet DE COXSTANT.] CONST.VNTlNi: (.rosEPn). Practical Ventilation and Wanning: witli lllusdalions and Exani])les, and Sugges- tions on the Construction and Heating, Ac., of Disinfect- ing Rooms and Turkish Baths. Svo. Lond., ISSl. A2S37 CONSTANTTNUS MAGNUS (Flaviv.s Valeiuus Auue- lius), l']Ml>Eiiou. ()]iera (juic e.xstant universa. [See -Mkjne, .J. P., Sehies Latixa, S.] CONSTANTINUS VII (Porphvuocenitus), Empehor. Sci-i]it.i omnia. [See MicXE, J. P., Seiues (■li.'ErA, 112, 11'!: iinil BvzAXTiXyF, Hist. Schipt.] CONSTITUTIONAL FRIEND (A). [See Sheuiuan, Kt. II(i\. 1!. I!.] CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTY ; or. Social, Civil, and Polilical Rights, and Piinciplcs, in their more pojiular Aspect, and as a jtond of rnioii. in three parts. Part first : Uiglils and Princijilcs. Svo. Glasgow, 1880. V 12 IMl coNTE.Mi'oiiAiiV m;\ii;\\ (I'liE). Vois. i 17. Roy. 8vo. L.Mil., ISG6-85. E CONTI (AU(iusTO). Dialogues on Art. [Set Dupri':, G.] CONTOPOULOH (N.) Lexicon of Mn.lriii Ci k Englisl), and English ^^llll■l■ll ( i lick. 2 vols. Svo. Smvrna, LSCi.*-'- G'.l. K 13 P3, 4 FIIEE PUBLIC LIBllAUY, SYDNEY. 183 Con] Paut I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Con CONVERSATIONS-LEXIKON. Allgemeine deutsche Roal-Encyklopiidie fiir die gebildeten Stiinde. Mit Nachtrag und Univorsalregistei'. 15 vols. roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1864-CS. K G Q 6-20 Bilder-Atlas. Ikoiiugrajiliisc-he Encyklopiidie der Wisseii- schafteii und Kiiiiste. Eiii Ergiinzungswcik zu jedem Conversations-Lexikon. Erlauterndei- Text. 2'' auflage. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Leipsio, 1875. K 6 Q 21, 22 Bildei'-Atlas : [to the aljove.] 8 vols. imp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875. K 6 Q 23-30 CONVICT SHIPy. Instructions for Surgeons-superinten- dent on board Con^•ict .Ships, proceeding to New South Wales or Van Diemen's Land, and for the Masters of those Ships. 8vo. Lond., 1840. MF 2 S 2 CONVICTS. Account of the Annual Expense of the Transportation of Convicts to New South Wales and its Dependencies, since the year 1811. (Pari. Docs. 1.) Pol. Lond., 1816. MF 4 + Account of the Annual Expense of the Transportation of Convicts to New South Wales and its Dependencies, and of the Total Annual Expense of those Settlements since the year 1815. (Pari. Docs. 1.) Fol. Lond., 1819. MF 4 X Account of the Expense of Victualling the several Ships taking Convicts to the Settlement of New South Wales and Dependencies, 1811-16. (Pari. Docs. 1.) Fol. Lond., 1816. MF 4 I Account of the Expense of Victualling the several Ships taking Convicts to the Settlement of New South AVales and its Dependencies, 1816-18. (Pari. Docs. 1). Fol. Lond., 1818. MF 4 \ Accounts of the number of Convicts, Male and Female, sent from England and Ireland to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, in each of the years 1828 and 1829. (Pari. Doc. 1.) Fol. Lond., 1830. MF 4 \ Account of the number of Convicts ti-ansported to British Colonies during the years 1822-23. (Pari. Docs. 1.) Fol. Lond., 1824. MF 4 | Account of the number of Persons, Male and Female, distinguishing the ages of those under twenty-one years of age who have been transported as Criminals to New South Wales, in the years 1812-15. (Pari. Docs. 1.) Fol. Lond., 1817. MF4| Account of the total number of Ships which have pro- ceeded from any, and all the Ports of Great Britain and Ireland, with Convicts for New South Wales, during the last ten years. (Pari. Doc. 1.) Fol. Lond., 1821. MF 4 X C(mvict Treatment and National Defences. 8vo. Lond., 1847. MF 1 R 44 Copies of Correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Governor of Van Diemen's Land, on the subject of Convict Discipline. (Pari. Docs. 14.) Fol. Lond., 1843. MF 4 X QO'SYlCT^-continued. Copies of Correspondence between persons interested in South Australia and the Colonial Office, respecting the eliect upon that Province of the Official Notice of the Coiiiptroller-(Teneral of Van Diemen's Land of the 21st day of .June, 1845, relative to Convicts in that Colony who were holders of Conditional Pai-doiis. (Pari. Docs. 14.) Fol. Lond., 1846. MF 4 J Copies of Despatches from the Governoi- of New South Wales, dated the 18th day of July, 1838, and the Lieute- nant-Governor of Van Diemen's Land, dated the 6th day of October, 1838, relative to the Transportation and Assignment of Convicts. (Pari. Docs. 19.) Fol. Lond., 1839. MF 4 X Copies of Papers relating to the conduct of Magistrates in directing the infliction of Punishment upon Prisoners in that Colony. (Pari. Doc. 6.) Fol. Lond., 1826. MF 4 J Correspondence on the subject of Convict Discipline and Transportation. (Pari. Docs. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 52, 63.) Fol Lond., 1847-61. MF 4 { Government and General Orders, dated 1st May, 1819, relative to the Convict Barrack. (Pam. 33.) 12mo. Sydney, 1819. M.J 2 Q 21 Instructions for the guidance of the Superintendent and Suljordinate Officers of the Establishment of Convicts in Hyde Park Barracks. (Pam. 33.) 12mo. Svdney, 1825.* ' MJ 2 Q 21 Report from the Select Committee on the State of Gaols, etc., in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. (Pari. Doc. 2.) Fol. Lond., 1819. MF 4 | Return of the numljer of Applications made to the Land Board in New South Wales, in each year, from 1826 to 1828, inclusive, for Convicts as Servants. (Pari. Docs. 6.) Fol. Lond., 1830. MF 4 X Return of the number of Convicts, jNIale and Female, sent out of the United Kingdom, distinguishing each, 1816-22. (Pari. Doc. 1.) Fol. Lond., 1822. MF 4 t Return of the number of Convicts who have been sent from Great Britain to New South Wales, 1817-21. (Pari. Docs. 1.) 1821. Fol. Lond., 1821. MF 4 i Return of the number of Convicts sent from Ireland to New South AVales in the last four years. (Pari. Doc. 1.) Fol. Lond., 1821. MF 4 J Return of the number of Persons, Male or Female, who have been transported as Criminals to New South Wales since the first establishment of the Colony. (Pari. Docs. 1). Fol. Lond., 1810. MF 4 + Return of the number of Persons who have teen sent to New South Wales under sentence of Seven Years' Transportation, 1816-18. (Pari. Docs. 1.) Fol. Lond., 1818. MF 4 X Rules and Regulations for the Management of the Female Convicts in the New Factory at Parramatta. (Pam. 33.) 12mo. Sydney, 1821. MJ 2 Q 21 Prisoners of Australia. [See Anley, ]Miss C] [See BAiiRiNfiTOX, G. ; Bonwick, G. ; Browning, C. A.; Cappei!, J. H. ; Carpenter, M. ; Criminal Recorder ; Daukk, W. W. ; and Transportation.] 184 CATALOGUE OF TEE Con] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Coo CONWAY (D.), AN-D INGLIS (H. D.) Switzerland, the South of France, and the Pj-renees, in lt<30. (Const. Misc.) 2 vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1831-35. K 10 Q 54, 55 CONWAY (MoxcuRE Dan'iel). Emerson at Home and Abroad. Svo. Lond., 1883. C 3 V 5 Sacred Aaithology : a Book of Ethnical Scriptures. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1876. G 15 R 13 Travels in South Kensington ; with Notes on Decorative Art and Architecture in England. Illustrated. Eov. Svo. Lond., 1882. A 8 R 19 CONWAY (William Martis). The Artistic Development of [Sir Joshua] Keynolds and [Thomas] Gainsborough: two Essaj-s ; with Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 8 Q 35 Earh- Flemish Artists. Svo. Lond., 1887. A7Q92 The Woodcutters of the Netherlands, of the loth Century. Svo. Camb., 1884. A 7 S 13 CONWELL (W. E E.), li.L.B.S., kc. Oljservaticms, chiefly on Pulmonary Diseases in India, and an Essay on the use of the Stethoscope. Sm. 4to. Malacca, 1829. A 12 R 26 CONYBEARE (Prof. John Josl\s), M.A. Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. 4to. Lond., 1826. H 5 V 28 CONYBEARE (Rev. W. D.), and PHILLIPS (W.), F.L.S. Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales. Part 1. Svo. Lond., 1822. A 9 R 14 CONYBEARE (Rev. William John), M.A. Essays, Ecclesiiistical, and Social. Reprinted, with additions, in, in the Ediiifnirffh Ileview. Svo. Lond., 1855. (i9T14 CONYBEARE (Kf.v. William John), M.A. , and HOW- SON (Rev. Jons Saul), D.D., Dean of Ciiestf.r. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1867. G 13 P 1, 2 C()OI)E (Georof,). Rejxjrt to the Poor Law Board on the Fjiw of Settlciaeiit and Removal of the Poor. Roy. 8vo. I^.iid., 1851. F 1 R 14 CO(jK (A). [See At-sthaliax Mi:at.] COOK (A. J.) Bcr-keopcr's Guide; or, Manual <.f the Apiarj". Gth rd. Svo. Cliicago, ISSl. A 1 P 15 COOK (F;i)Ward T.), i'.A. Irish Land Act, ISSl ; its Origin, itH Priiiri]ile.H, arid il-^ Working. Svo. O.xford, ISH-J. F 1 Q 21 COOK (Eliza). Poems of. 5th cd. Ilhistnited. 1 vols. (in 2) r.'mo. ly.nd., 1848-53. H 6 Q 27, 28 COOK (KuKiiKiiirK f'liARLKft), M.A. Holy IJibie accord- ing to the nutliori/.i'ii vcrHion. [See and Tkhta- MKNTS.] ., &c. r.'mo. r.ond., is:ii). iMDITll EREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 185 Coo] Part I : — AiUliors, Editors, or Beference. [Coo COOK (CAFr. James), l^.'R.^.—coniiiiucd. New, Authentic, and Complete Collection of Voyages round the World ; containing an authentic, entertain- ing, full, and complete History of Captain Cook's First, .Sec(m(l, and Last Voyages, in the years 17G8-80. Fol. Lond., 178t. MD3P6 + Another copy. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1877. MD G Q 5, 6 t Another copy. .3rd ed. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1779. ]\n) n Q 7, 8 t Another copy. 4th cd. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1784. MD G Q 9, lot Three Voyages of Captain James Cook round the World. Complete in seven volumes. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1821. MD 3 T 2-8 Voyages of Captain James Cook round the World. Printed verhatim from the original editions, 7 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1809. MD 1 T 21-27 \_See FoRSTER, G., and Parkinsox, S.] COOK (Capt. James), F.R.S., and BAMPTON (Capt.) Charts of Tori-es Straits ; fron\ the Surveys of Capt. Cook in 17G9, and Capt. Bampton in 1793. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) MD 5 S 18 • COOK (Madame Charles). The Comic Hi.story of New. South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1879.* MJ 1 T 35 COOK (TnoMAs). [See Hogarth.] COOK (W. H.) {See Duncumb, J.] COOKE (C. Kinloch), B.A., &c. Australian Defences and New Guinea. \_See Scratchley, Maj.Gen. Sir P.] COOKE (Edward W.) Sixty-live Plates of Shipping and Craft. Drawn and Etched. 4to. Lorid., 1829. A 1 S 18 t Views in London and its Vicinity. [See Cooke, G.] COOKE (George). Views in London and its Vicinity, from Drawings after the Original Sketches made on the spot by Edward W\ Cooke. 4to. Lond., 1834. A3S20t Views on the Thames. [See Cooke, W. B.] COOKE (George Alexander). Modern and Authentic System of Universal Geography ; containing an accurate and entertaining Description of Europe, Asia, Africii, and America. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) D 10 PI 6, 17t COOKE (George Frederick). Memoirs of ; by William Dunlap. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1813. C 6 R 4, 5 COOKE (George Willis). Ralph Waldo Emerson : his Life, Writings, and Philosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 3 R 37 COOKE (George AVing.uove). History of Party, from the Rise of the Whig and Tory Factions, to the Passing of the Reform Bill. sVols. 8vo. Lond., 183C. B1T8-10 Inside Sebastopol, and Experiences in Camp. 8vo. Lond., 1856. D 6 U 22 Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 183.5. C 6 Q 3, 4 [See Martvn, B.] 2 a COOKE (J. A.) Pleasant conceited Comedy ; wherein is showed how a Man may chuse a Good Wife from a Bad. Lond., 1824. H 1 R 13 Another copy. H 1 R 10 COOKE (John Henry). Taylor's System of Stenography, revised and iniprov(!d. [See Tavlok, S.] COOKE (Prof. Josiah Parsons). The New Chemistry. Illustrated. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 187G. A 5 R 12 Religion and Chemistry : a Rc-statement of an Old Argu- ment. 8vo. Lond., 1881. G 13 T 3 Principles of Chemical Philosophv. Revised ed. 8vo. Lund., 1882. " A 6 P 16 Scientific Culture, and other Essays. 12mo. Lond., 1882. A 17 T .30 COOKE (M. C), M.A., &c. Fungi: their Nature, In- fluence, and Uses ; edited by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, M.A.,&c. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 4 P"4 Our Reptiles : a plain and easy Account of the Lizards, Snakes, Newts Toads, Frogs, and Tortoises, indigenous to Great Britain. 12mo. Lond., 1865. A 14 P GG Plain and easy Account of the British Fungi. 12mo. Lond., 1871. A 4 P 3 Rust, Smut, Mildew, and Mould : an Inti-oduction to the Study of Microscopic Fungi. 12ino. Lond., 1870. A4P1 Another copy. 4th ed., revised and enlarged. 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 4 P 2 COOKE (Thomas). Works of Hesiod ; translated by Cooke. [See Chalmers, A.] COOKE (William), M.A. Medallio History of Imperial Rome from the First Triumvirate. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1781. A1Q4, 5t Memoirs of Charles Macklin, Comedian. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1806. C4V11 COOKE (William B. and George). Descriptions of the Views on the Thames. 8vo. Lond., 1822. D 11 V 9 Views on the Thames. Fol. Lond., 1822. D 31 P8 + COOKE (William Henry), M.A., kc. Collection towards . the History and Antiquities of the County of Hereford. [See Duncumb, J.] COOKSEY (Richard). Essay on the Life and Character of John, Lord Somers ; also. Sketches of an Essay on the Life and Character of Philip [Yorke], Earl of Hardwicke. 4to. Worcester, 1791. C 4 W 33 COOLEY (Arnold James). Cooley's Cycloptedia of Practi- cal Receipts, Processes, and collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades, including Medicine, Pharmacy, and Domestic Econom}-. 4th ed. Revised by A. J. Cooley and J. C. Brougli. 8vo. Lond., 18G4. K 4 S 9 186 CATALOGUE OF THE Coo] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Coo COOLEY (Arn'old James) — continueil. Another copv. 6th ed., revised and enlarged by Pichard V. Tuson, F.I.C., etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. K 4 S 10, 11 COOLEY (Thomas McIxttre). Michigan: a History of Governments. (American Commonwealths.) 12mo. Bos- ton, 1885. B 1 Q 54 COOLEY (William Desborough). History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1830-31. MD 3 P 24-2G Another copv. (Laixl Cab. Cvdo.) 3 vols. 12 mo. Lend., 1830-31. ■ ■ K1S33-35 Inner Africa laid open, in an Attempt to trace the cliief Lines of Communication across that Continent south of the Equator. 8\o. Lond., 1852. D 1 V 28 Journey to Ararat. \_See Parrot, Dr. Fi:iei)ri(1i.] Pliysical Geography ; or, the Terraqueous Globe and its Phenomena. Illustrated. 8vo. Load., 1876. A 29 T G Travels in Siljeria. [See Erman, A.] COOMBE (W.) [See Combe.] COOPER (Sir Astlet PAsrox), Bart. Life of Sir Astley Cooper, Bart., interspersed with Sketches from his Notc- lx>oks of distinguished contemporary Characters ; by Bransbury Cooper, F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843. C 8 U 18, 19 COOPER (Basil H.), I?.A. Count di Cavour : his Life and Career. 12mi.. Lnid., 1800. C 2 P 3 COOPER (Braxsbv Blake), F.R.S. Life of Sir Astley C.joper, Bart. 2 vols. Kvo. Lond., 1843. C 8 U 18, 19 COOPER (CI1ARLE.S Henry), F.S.A. Memorials of Cam- bridge. [See Le Kec.x, J.] COOPER (Charles Pirtox). Notes respecting Registra- tion and the Extrinsic Formalities of Conveyances. Part 1. 8vo. Lond., 1831. F 5 U 7 Tracts: Observations on tlie Calendar of the Proceedings in Chancery, edited by J. iiayley ; Parlianientary \\'rils, (fiited liy I'". Palgravi- ; Hi-inarks on the Bejily of Francis Palgrave ; Kefiitatioti of the Calumnies of the [..ord Chan- cellor. «vo. L Ij Id COOPER (George Skidmore). Journal of an Expedi- tion Overland from Auckland to Taranaki, 1849-50, by His Excellency the Governor-inChief of New Zealand [Sir George Grev, K.C.B. In English and JMaori.] 18nu.. Auckland, 1851. " MD 1 T 56 COOPER (H. Stoxiciie\vi-.r). Coral Lands. Illustrated. 2 vols. Xvo. Lond., 1880. MD 3 U 20, 21 Highlands of Cant:il>ria. [See Ross, M.] Islands of the Pacilic: their Peoples and their Products. 8vo. Lond., 1888. MD 1 Q 8 [See Year-Book of New Zealand.] COOPER (James Feximore). Excursions in Italy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. D8 Q 10, 11 Gleanings in Europe; by "An American." 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Philad., 1837. " D 7 Q 23 History of the Navy of the United States of America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. B 1 S 5, 6 Life of; by Prof. T. R. Lounsbury. 1 2nio. Lond., 1884. " ' C 1 R 8 Notions of the Americans, picked up by "A Travelling Bachelor." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. ' D 3 S 45, 46 ■ Recollections of I'^uropc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. D 8 P 38, 39 Sketches of Switzerland; by "An .Vnierican." 2 vols. 8vo. Phil.ul., 183f). D S R 2, 3 COOPEH (.John Giluert). Life au( Chalmers, A.] Life of Socrates. 8vo. T.,i)U(l., 1771. Poems i.if. [See C 10 Q tl COOPER (Hon. M. A.) [Sec Xenoi-hon.] COUrKK (.Samuei,), M.R.C.S., itc. Dirlii. nary of Practical Surgery, and Encyclopa»dia of Surgical Science". New ed., byS. A. Lane. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1801- 72. K 9 R I, 2 COOPER (Thomas). Purg/ilm y ofSuicides; al'iisnn Rhyme. 12m.>. bond., 1853. H (', Q 33 COOPER (I'momi'.son), F.S.A. .Men of the Time: a Dic- tionary of ContcMi])oraries. Idlli ed. 8vo. Lond., 1S79. ' C 4 V 10 ,\iiolli<'r copy. 1 1 ill rd. [/.nil., ISSl. (M i; 11 Nr-w Biograjiliical Dictionary, containing Notices of Eminent Persons of all Ages and (Countries; with Su])- pl.'iiient. 2 vols. 8vo. Lmid., IS7.i SI!. C 9 R 49, 50 COOl'KR (Thomas Thohw ii.m.). Tra\ ds ,.f a I'loiircr (.f Coninierce in Pigt.iil and Petticoats; oi', an Overland Joui'ney from (Miina towards Iiulia. 8vo. Lond., 1871. D 4 U 8 C001>i;i( (W'Al.lDii II.) The Casr of Hr. II. licrr: a Speedi deli\eri'd March, IK78, a( llir H.-irof the Legis- latives A.s.semblv, by W. il. ('nii|iir-. (I'aiii., N.) Hvo. Sydney, 1878. " .M.I _' |> -Jl) TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY, 187' Coo] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Cor COOPER (William), " VANDEnDUCKHN." Yachts and Yachting; being a Treatise on Building, Sparring, Can- vassing, Sailing, and the General Management of Yaclits ; with Remarks on Storms, Tides, &c. 8vo. Lond., 187.'1 A 2Q 12 COOPER (William Duuhant), F.S.A. On the Rising of Cade and his Followers. [See 0riudi:e, B. J5.] COOPER (Rev. William M.), B.A. [See Bektuam, .J. (!,] COOPER (William Marshall). Track from Katoombato Jenolan Caves. With Map. Imp. Svo. Sydney, 188").* MD 3 V 1 [See Hectok, J.] COOPER (William Ricketts), F.R.A.S., &c. Arcliaic Dictionary, Biographical, Historical, and Mythological. 8vo. Lond., 187G. K 12's 25 CO-OPERATIVE INDEX to Periodicals. E CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE SOCIETY (The). Annual and Diary, 188.5. 8vo. Manchester, 188.5. E CO-OPERATOR (The), 18G4. (Pam. C.) Imp. 8vo. Lend., 18G4. MJ 2 S 1 COORENGEL (J. G.) Reizen naar Noderlandsch Nieuw Guinea. [See Aa, Robide van der.] COOTE (Charles), D.C.L. History of Ancient Europe, from the Time to the Subversion of the Western Empire. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1815. B 7 T 8-10 COOTE (Walter), F.R.G.S. Wanderings, St)uth and East. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1882. MD 1 V 39 Western Pacific; being a De.seription of the Groups of Islands to the North and East of the Australian Con- tinent. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1883. MD 1 S 27 COOTE (William). History of the C.jlony of Queensland, from 1770 to the close of the year 1881. Vol. 1. 8vo. Brisbane, 1882.* MB 2 P 33 1. From 1770 to the Separation of the District of Morqton Bay from New 8outh Wales, and its Coustitiition as a sepai'ate Colony, in December, 1859. COPELAND (Henry), Adam's Curse and Labour-saving inventions; an Enquiry into the Labour Question of the Future. 12mo. Sydney, 1885.* MF 1 P 14 COPLAND (James), M.D., kc. Dictionary of Practical Medicine. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1858. K 9 P 20-23 COPLEY (John Singleton), R.A. Copley's Picture of King Charles I, demanding in the H(3use of Conniions the live impeached Members (Description of). (Pam. Ce.) 8vo. Boston, 1859. A 8 R 33 Domestic and Artistic Life of; with Notes of his Works, by Martha B. Amory. 8vo. Boston, 1882. C 6 R 3 COPPING (Harold). Legends and Popular Tales of i\u- Basque People. [See Monteieo, Mariana.] COPPINGER (Richard William), M.D., ka. Cruise of the Alert: Four Years in Patagonian, Polynesian, and Mas- carene Waters (1878-82). 8vo. Lond., 1883. D 9 U 15 CORA (GuiDo). Co.smos: Comunicazioni sui progre.ssi piu recenti e notevoli della Geografia e delle Scicnzo aftini. 7 vols. imp. 8vo. Turino, 1873-83. E CORANDERRK Aboriginal Stati CORBYN (Charles Adam). Sydney Revels of Bacchus, Cupid, and M.muis. 8vo. Sydney, 1854.* MJ 1 T 43 CORDAY (Charlotte). Life of. [See Lamahtine, A. de.] CORDEAUX (John). Migration of Birds. [See Brown, J. A. H.] CORDINER (Rev. James), A.M. Description of Ceylon ; containing an Account of the Country, Inhabitants, and Natural Productions. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1807. D 4 V 3.5, 3G COREAL (Franqois). Voyages de Fran9ois Coreal aux Indes Occidentales, contenant ce qu'il y a via de plus remarquable pendant son .sejour depuis 16GG jusqu'en 1097. 3vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1722. DlOPl-3 CORFIELD (W. H.), M.A., &c. Dwelling Houses; their Sanitary Construction and Arrangements. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 2 R 20 CORIPPUS (F. C.) [See Byzantine Hist. Script.] CORMAC. Cormac's Glossary. [See Three Irish Glos.s- ARIES.] CORMENIN (Louis Marie de la Haye), Viscount de. Orators of France; by "Timon"; translated by J. T. Headley. 12mo. Dublin, 1849. C 1 R 27 [See Janin, J.] CORNEILLE (Pierre). Commentaires sur Corneille. [See Voltaire, F. il. A. de.] Theatre de P. Corneille; avec des Commentaires, et autrcs Morceaux intere.s.sans. 12 vols. 8vo. Paris, 17G5. H 4 R 22-33 1. Medee — Le Cid. 2. Horace — Cimia - Jnles Cesar. 3. Polyeiicte Pompte -Le Menteur. 4. La suite du Mentenr— Theodore— Rodogiine. 5. L'Heraclins Espagnol - D. Sanche d'Aragon. 6. Andromede — Niconiede — Pertharite. 7. lEdipe La Toison d'Or— Sertorius. 8. Sophonisbe - Othon— Agesilas. 9. Attila — Tite et Berenice - Pulclierie. 10. Surena-Ariane- Le Comte d'Essex — Melite. IL Clitandre-La Veuve — La Galerie du Palais— La Suivanfc. 12. Lii Place Royale- L'lUusiou comique. 188 CATALOGUE OF TEE Cor] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Cor C0RNELI8SEX (J. E.) Temperatuur aan de oppervlakte van het Zeewaterroiitl Afiika's Zuitlpunt. 4to. Utreclit, 1872. A 2 Q 17 t Temperatuur van het Zeewater aan de oppervlakte van liet Gedeetle van den noorder Atlantisohen-Oeeaan. Utrecht, 1872. A 2 Q 17 t CORXELIUS XEPOS. {See Xepos, C] CORNELL (William M.), LL.D. Life and Public Career »f Hun. Horace Greeley. 8v(). Boston, 1882. C4T10 CORNER (Miss Julia). China, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical ; with some Account of Ava and tlio Burmese, Siain, and Anain. 12nio. Lond., 18.53. D 5 P 42 History of China and India, Pictorial and Descriptive. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 2 Q 6 CORNER CUPBOARD (The). [See Piiilp, R. K.] CORNET (JfLlus). Manual of Russian and En-lish Convcr- .sation. 3rd ed., improved. 18mo. Leipsic, 187-"). K11S27 CORNEY (Bolton). Curiosities of Literature. [See Dis- i:akli, L] On the New General Biographical Dictionaiy : a Specimen of Amateur Criticism. 8vo. Lond., 1839.' J 10 T 27 CORNHILL MAGAZINE (The). Vol.s. 1 17, and now series 1-4. 8vo. Lond., 18G0-85. E CORNLSH (Henry). Under the Southern 2nd ed. 8vo. Madr:is, 1880. MD G II 1 CORNISH (W. R.), F.R.C.S. Report <,n the Census of the Madras Presidency, 1871. 2vols. fol. Madras, 187 1. K C[ORNSTALK] ET A[LPHA]. [See Sempill, J.] CORNWALL. Complete Parochial History of Cornwall, comiiili-d from tin- Itcst Authorities, and corrected and improved frmn Actual Survev. Illu,strated. 4 vols. im]i. 8vo. Trur.., 18G7-72. " B2T41 44 COR.WVAl.L (nAKiiv). [See Phocter, B. W.] CORNWA M, l. ' J 3 P 2.3, 21 CORNWALLIS (Kinaiian). Panorama of the N.w \V..rl(l. 2 v.ils. 8vo. Lond., 18.J9.* Ml> 1 \ .(.■>, 3G Yarra Yurra ; or, the Wandering AlxiriKinc: a I'cictical Narrotive, in thirteen Books, rdii ed. 12nio. Lond., iw-ls. Mil 1 R 3G VOKVV. (IIkmiv). The D.-vil in Turkey. [See Xknoh, S.] (ntroduetiori to Neo-Heljcnie, or .Modein Greek ; containing; a (Juide to itH I'ronunciatiori ami an i-'pilonii! of its Grainmnr. Hvo. I>.nd., IH5I. K I I T 33 CORPUS JURIS CANONICI Gregorii xiii Pont. Max. Jussu Edituui a Petro Pithteo et Francisco fratre, ad Veteres Codices, MS8. restitutum, et Notis illustratum. 2 vols, (in 1) fol. Paris, 1G9.5. F 29 P 15 + CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. [&« Justinianus,] CORREGGIO (Antonio Allkgri da), Antonio Allegri da Correggio; from the German of Dr. Julius Meyer; edited, with an Introduction, by Mrs. Charles Heaton. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 187G. C 8 V 2 Coi'reggio; by M. Comiitou Heaton (Great Artists). 8vo. Lond,, 1882, C 3 T 32 CORREGGIO (Ant, de'Allegki), and PARMEGIANO (G. F. M. Mazzola). Sketches of the Lives of Correggio and Parmegiano ; by W. Coxe. 8vo, Lond., 1823. A 7 Q 24 CORRIE (Rt. Ri:v, Daniel), LL,1),, Bishop of Madras. INIeinoirsof; compiled chiefly from his own Letters and J (inrnals by his Brothel's, 8vo. Lond,, 18-17. C 10 S 3.5 CORSINCON. [See Dalziel, H,] CORSON (John W,) Loiterings in Europe, 12mo. Dub- lin, 1849. ' D 7 P 55 CORSSEN (W.) Ueber Aussprache, Vokalismus und Betonung der lateini.schen Sprache. Von der koniglichen Akademie der Wi.ssenschaften zu Berlin gekriinte Preis- schrift. 2'' Ausgabe. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868- 70. R 12 '122, 23 Ueber die Sprache der Etrusker, Mit Holz.schnitten, lithographischen Tafeln und eincr Karte, von II, Kiepert. 2 vols. i(iy. Svii. Leipsic, 1874 75. K 15 S 31, 32 COKTA.MBERT (Richard). L'Au.stralie. [See Del.waud, Nouvelle Ilistoii'c des Voyages et des grandes Dccouvertes geographi(|ues dans tous les temps et dans tous les pays: rAn'.ej'i(iue, le Pole Nord. Imp, 8\(i. Paris, 1884. J) 17Q3 I CORTE ((!,) [See Sallustius Crispus, C] CORTES (Hernando). Despatches of, addressed to the Enijieror Charles v; translated into English from the original S])anish, with Introduction and Notes, by George Kolsoni. 8vo. New York, 1843. B 1 U 21 Life of; by [Sir] Arthur Helps. 2 vols, 12mo, Lond., 1871. C3P7, 8 Life of: by |).in T. de Ti-ueba y Cosio. (Const. Mis.) l-j.iH,. Kdinl.., i8i.';i. " K 10 Q 37 Life of, [See Prescott, A\', J1.| COUY (Isaac I'kkston). Ancient I'-ragnuuits of the Pho'- nician, t'halda'an, Egyptian, Tyrian, Cartli.iginian, Indian, Persian, and otlier Writers. 2nd (ul, Svo, Lond,, 18,32. ( ! C R 29 COIi^■ (Wii.i.nM), Guiiie (o M.KJeni l'',iii,'lisli jlist.ory. Parts I, 2, 1815 .35, ■> v(.ls, 8v.i, Li.iid., 1880-82. B 3 S 3, 4 TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 189 Cor] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Iteference. [Cot CORY AT OR CORY ATE (Thomas). Coryat's Crudities ; reprinted from the edition of IGll. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1776. I) 9 W 4 COSH (Rev. James), M.A. Memorials of Alcxiinder Le;u-- montli. \_See Steel, Rev. R.] COSMOPOLITE, A. [See Spoktsmax in Ikeland.] COSMOS (Naisi). [See J5ulmek, T. S.] COSSON (Major E. A. de), F.R.G.S. [See De\, M.\J0R E. A.] COSTE (Pascal). Monuments Modernes de la Perse : Mesures, Dessines, ct Decrits. Atlas fol. Paris, 1^07. A 13 P 26 I COSTELLO (Edward), K.S.F. Adventures of a Soldier ; or, Memoirs of E. Costello. 8vo. Lond., 1841. C 5 P 31 COSTELLO (Louisa Stuart). Beam and the Pyrenees: a Legendary Tour to theCountry of Henri Quatre. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. D 7 S 17, 18 Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 8 P 3-0 Summer amongst the Bocages and the Vines. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. DOT 28, 29 Tour to and from Venice, by the Vaudois and the Tyrol. 8vo. Lond., 1840. D 7 T 37 COSTER (Frederick). Land System for Victoria ; em- bodied in a Letter to [Sir] Archibald Michie, Esq., M.L.A. 8vo. Melb., 1857. MF 1 Q 3 COSTER (LoURENS Janszoon). [See Linde, Dr. A. van DER.] COSTUMES. (Printed for William Miller.) 7 vols. fol. Lond., 1804. A 23 S 9-15 + 1. Costume of the Hereditary States of the House of Austria, displayed in fifty coloured Engravings; witli Descriptions, and an Introduction, by M. Bertrand de Moleville; translated by R. C. Dallas. 2. Costume of (ircat Britain ; designed, engraved, and written by W. H. Pyne. 3. (Jostume of C'hiiia, illustrated by sixty Engravings ; with Explanations in Englisli and French, liy George Henry Mason. 4. Punislunents of China, illustrated by twenty-two Engravings; with Explanations in English and Frencli, by ti. H. Mason. 5. Costume of the Russian Empire, illustrated by a series of seventy-three Engravings; witli Descriptions in Englisli anil French. 6. Costume of Turkey, illustrated by a series of Engravings ; with Descriptions in English and French, by 0. Dalvimart. 7. Military Costume of Turkey, illustrated by a series of En- gravings from Drawings made on the spot. COSTUMES FRANCAIS. Costumes Fran<;ais, de 1200 a 1715. Drawn on Stone by G. Sharf. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) A 7 P 20 COTES (Prof. Roger). Correspondence of Sir l.saac New- ton and Professor Roger Cotes ; including Letters of other Eminent Men, by J. Edleston, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1850. C 10 U 37 COTSELL (Geokoe), N.A. Treatise on Ships' Anchors. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1850. A 17 P 5C COTTA (PiiOF. Bernhard von). Die Geologie der Gegen- wart. Fiinfte umgearbeitete autlage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. A 9 T 10 Rooks classitii'd and descriljed : a Treatise on Lithology. An English edition, by P. H. Lawrence. 8vo. Lond., 1806. A 9 Q 8 Treatise on Ore Deposits; translated by Frederick Prime, junr. 8vo. New York, 1870. A 10 Q 7 COTTAGER'S MONTHLY VISITOR (The). 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1827-28. G 10 Q 1, 2 COTTER (Thomas Young). South Australian Almanack, and Adelaide and Colonial Directory. 12mo. Adelaide, 1844. ME 4 P [See South Australian Magazine.] COTTERILL (Rt. Rev. Henry), Bishop of Edinburgh. On the True Relations of Scientific Thought and Religious Belief. (Pam. Bq.) 8vo. Lond., 1878. MG 1 Q 30 COTTERILL (H. B.), M.A. Introduction to the Study of Poetry. 8vo. Lond., 1882. J 8 R 20 [See Elton, J. F.] COTTERILL (James H.), F.R.S. Applied Mechanics : an Elementary General Introduction to the Theory of Struc- tures and Machines. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 11 S 18 COTTON (Charles). Account of the Life of M. de Mon- taigne. [See Montaigne, M. de.] Complete Angler. [See Walton, L] Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] COTTON (Rev. Henry), D.C.L. Five Books of Maccabees in English ; with Notes and Illustrations. 8vo. Oxford, 1832. G 8 U 5 COTTON (H. J. C.) New India; or, India in Transi- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 6 Q 13 COTTON (Lieut. J. C.) [See Bayley, F. W. N.] COTTON (J. S.), and PAYNE (E. J.) Colonies and Dependencies. 1. India. 2. The Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MF 1 P 37 COTTON (Nathaniel), M.D. Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] COTTON (Sir Robert), Bart. Records in the Tower of London. Fol. Lond., 1089. B 14 R 3 • COTTON (Rev. S. G.) Sons of Loyola. 8vo. Dublin, 1875. MJ 2 P 24 COTTON SUPPLY ASSOCIATION. Cotton Supply Association, Manchester : Seventh Annual Report of the Executive Committee, 1864. (Pam. 23.) 8vo. Man- chester, 1864. MJ 2 Q 11 190 CATALOGUE OF THE Cot] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Cou COTTOXIAN LIBRARY. Catalo-ue of tlie Manuscripts in the Cnttoniun Librarv, dcpc>sit«l in tlie British Museum, by J. Phinta. Fol. Lond., 1802. F l'l' P 19 % COTTRELL (C'ii.\rle.s HnRDEnx). Recollections of Siberia in the yeai-s LSiO -41. 8vo. Ix.nd., 1842. D G R 3G COUCH (Jox.\than), F.L.S. History of Polperro, a Fishing Town on the Coiist C)f Cornwall ; with a sliort Account of the Life and Labours of the Author, by Thomas Q. Couch, F.S.A. 8vo. Truro, 1871. " D11T14 History of the Fishes of the Britisli Islands. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 1.5 S 11-14 COUCH (Tuo.M.\s Q.), F..S.A. History of Polpcrro. ISee Coucu, J.] COUDRAY(Ale.\.\\dre J.\CQUES du), CnEVALn:i!. Anec- dotes Interessantes et Historiques de I'illustrt^ Yoyaijeur, pendant son sojour a Paris. 12nio. Leipsic, 1777. .J1GT8 COUES (Elliott), M.D., kc. The English Sparrow in America. \_See Ourney, J. H., Jun.] Fur-liearing Animals : a Monograpli of American Mus- telidie. 8vo. Washington, 1877. A 14 U 41 COUGHTREY (Prof. M.) Notice of the Earnscleugh Caves. {See Hirros-, Capt. F. AV.] COULANGES (Fl'stel de). La Cite antifpio, etude sur le culte, le (\rn\t, les institutions de hi Circcc et de Uoiiio. 12mo. Paris, 1872. B 12 P .'il COULTER (John), M.D. Adventures in the Pacitic ; with f>lwervations on the Natural Productions, Manners and (.'ustoins of the Natives of the various Islands. 8vo. Dublin, 184.J. MD 5 Q 20 Adventures on tlie Western of South America and tlie Interior of Califurnia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., •>*«'■. D :3 Q ■>?,, 24 COUNCIL FOR EMIGRANTS. [See Matiiesox, J.] COUNCIL OF EDUCATION, (;i{i;AT BlllTAlN. {See Edltation.] CorS-flL OF EDUCATION, NEW SOUTH WALES. Kf|Hirts of tlic Council of Em abox,.]. It... Lond., 1820. C'7\'I9 ]\Iemoirs of the Kings of Spjiin of the House of ]$ouibon, 1700 88. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 181.5. C 8 Q 39 4.3 Alemoirs of the Life and .Administration of Sir R(ibeit XN'alpoli', l^arl of Orford. New ed. Ivols. 8\(i. Lond., IS Hi. (' 9 S 51 -54 Sketches of the IJvcs of Correggio and raiiiicgiano. 8vo. Lon.l., Is2;i. ' A 7 Q 24 Travels ill I'olanil, Russia, ami jli-miiark, ."illicd, 5\iils. 8vo. bind., 1802. H 7 T 20 2 1 Travels in Switzerl.niil and in the ('ouiiIia of the (Jrisons; in a series of Letteis ti) W'illi.'nn Md lli. Ivsi|. Itlied. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., I HOI. D 9 Q 13 15 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 193 Coy] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Cra COYPEL (Charles Antoine). Agla', ou Nabotine. \_See Cabinet des F£es, 35.] COZENS ( Adventures of a Guanl.siiuui. 12ino. Loud., 1848. C 1 S 7 CRABB (George), M.A. English Synonymcs explained. 5th ed. 8vu. Lond., 1829. K 13 Q 29 History of English Law; or, an Attempt to trace the Ri;e and Progress of Successive Changes of the Common Law. 8vo. Lond., 1829. ' F 12 P ir, Universal Technological Dictionary. 2 vols. -Ito. Lond., 1823. ' ' K 17 U 24, 25 OR ABBE (Rev. George). Poetical Works of; with his Letters and Journal.', and Life, l)y his Son. 8 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1834. H6Q9-16 CRACE-CALVERT (Dr. F.) [See Calvert, Dr. F. Grace-.] CRADOCK (JosiAii), M.A. Literary and Miscellaneous Memoirs. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. C 5 S 7-10 CRAIG (Alexander). Poetical Works of. [Sec Hun- TERiAN Club, 4.] CRAIG (G1B.SON). Half-length Portraits. 12mo. Lond., 1876. C 1 S 30 CRAIG (James). Douglas River Coal Company's Works. [See Maps.] ' MD 5 Q 13 :f CRAIG (Thomas), Pu.D. Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Fluid Motion. On the Motion of a Solid in a Fluid, and the Vibrations of Liquid Spheroids. 12mo. N. York, 1879. A 10 R 33 CRAIK (Mrs. Dinau Maria), Miss D. M. Mulock. About Money and other Things : a Gift-ljook. 8vo. Loncl, 1886. J 1 U 18 An Unsentimental Journey through Cornwall. 4to. Lond., 1884. ' '' D 36 P 2 • Studies from Life. 8vo. Lond., 1861. J 9 P 34 A Women's Thoughts about Women. 12mo. Lond., 1858. F 14 Q 23 CRAIK (Prof. George Lillie), M.A., etc. Compendious History of English Literature and of the English Lan- guage. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869. B 21 U 21, 22 English of Shakespeare, illustrated in a Philological Com- mentary on his Julius C;esar. 3rd ed. Revised. 8v(). Lond., 1864. K 20 Q 42 Manual of English Literature, and of the History of the English Language, from the Norman Conquest , with numerous Sjseciniens. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1877. J 12 Q 16 The New Zealanders. (Lib. Ent. Know.) 12mo. Lond., 18.30. K 10 R 37 Another copy. MB 2 P 1 6 Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1876. ' C 1 T 42 Another copy. (Lib. Ent. Know.) 3rd ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1 83 1-34. K 1 R 42, 43 213 CRAIK (Henry), M.A. Life of Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 9 U 32 The State in its relation to Education. 8vo. Lond., 1884. G 18 Q 1 CRAMER (Joiiann). Lcs Cinq Codes. [See Codes.] CRAMPTON (Charles E.) Treasury of Mu.sic, fur the Australian Home Circle. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1844. MA 1 P 1 1 t CRANE (T. F.), A.M. Italian Popular Tales. 8vo. Loud., I880. B 11 R 27 CRANE (W. J. E.) Sheet-Metal Worker's Guide: a Practical Hand-book for Tinsmiths, Coppersmiths, Zinc- workers, etc. ; comprising Diagrams and Working Pat- terns. (Weale.) 12mo.' Lond., 1883. A 17 Q 80 Smitiiy and Forge : a Rudimentary Treatise ; including Instructions in the Farrier's Art, with a Chapter on Coach-smithing. Illustrated. (Weale.) 8vo. Lond., 1883. " A 17 Q 74 CRANMER (Thomas), Archbishop of Canterbury. Life of. [See Mackintosh, Sir J.] Memorials of. [See Strvpe, J. I.] Wi-itings of. [See British Reformers, 3.] CRANTZ (D.wid). History of Greenland ; containing a Desci'iption of the Country and its inhabitants. From the Hi-h Dutch. 2 vols. 8vo. Lojul, 1767. D 4 R 3, 4 CRASHAW (Rev. Canon Richard). Complete Works of; edited by Wm. B. Turnliull. 12rao. Lond., 1858. H 7Q 1 Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] CRAVEN (Hon. Keppel Richard). Excursions into tlie Abruzzi and Northern Provinces of Naples. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. D 6 U 26, 27 CRAVEN. [See Carleton, Capt. J. W.] CRAVEN (Rev. T.), M.A. Popular Dictionary in English and Hindustani, and Hindustani and English ; with a num- ber of useful Tables. 12mo. Lucknow,i881. K 1 1 S 42 CRAVEN (William George). [See Racing.] CRAWFORD (James Coutts), F.G.S., kc. Recollections of Ti-avel in New Zealand and Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1880.* MD 2 S 12 CRAWFORD (Reginald). Echoes from Bushland : Tales and Sketches : Rory INIaclean ; Our Minister ; A Snake Bite ; A Political Banquet ; Jacky Fitz Gerald ; On the Frontier in 1855. 8vo. Sydney,' 1881. MJ 1 Q 43 194 CATALOGUE OP TEE Cra] Part I : — Authoi-s, Editors, or Reference. [Cre CRAWFORD AND BALCARRES (Alexaxdek Wil- liam Lindsay), Eablof. Etruscan Inscriptions analysed, translated, and commented upon. 8vo. Lond., 1872. B 11 V 27 Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy Land. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1839. D1S18, 19 Lives of the Linds vols. 8vo. Lend., 1847. ' ATS 30-32 CRAWFORD AND BALCARRES (Houses of). Lives of the Lindsays ; or, a Memoir of the Houses of Crawford and Balcarres. By Lord Lindsay (Earl of Crawford and Balcarres). 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. CSV 24-26 CRAWFORD AND BALCARRES (Lroovir), Earl of. Collations and Notes. [See Bibliotiieca Lixdesiana.] CRAWFURD (Georoe), and ROBERTSON (George). General Description of the Shire of Rr-iifrew; inchulini; an Account of the Ni)l)le and Ancient J'aniilics who, from the Earliest Times, have had Property in tlint County, and the most remarkable Facts in the Lives of distinguished Individuals. 4to. Paisley, 1818. B 5 R 4 t CRAWFURD (Jon\), F.R.S., Ac. History of the Indian Archipelago. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1820. B 10 T 1-3 Journal of an Embassy from the Governor-General of India to the Courts of Siani and Codiiu China. 4to. Lond., 1828. I) 3G P 3 J Jrmrnal of an Embassy from the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava," 1827. It... Lnni!., l.'<2y. D3GP3J: View of the Pre.'ient State and Future Prospects of the Free Trade and Colonization of India. 2nd ed. (Pam. 8.) 8vo. Lf.nd.. 1x29. F I :! W 21 CRAYON (Geoffhev). [See Ihvinc, W.] CREASY (Sin Ei.waud SiiKi-irKiii.), M.A. Fifteen De- ci.sive Kattles of tlie Woild, froiu .Marathon (n AN'aterloo. 2 vols. 8vo. UyniX., IH.'jl. I; II (,» ."), 6 First Platform of Law. 8vo. Lr'itainiiel']inpire, ini-ludinu Imhan Inslitulions. Svo. Lmid., \xi'l. V liiT 12 Hi-"- and Progress of tiir' Kn>;lish < 'onstituti'm. Mvo. I/.ml., \y<:,X 1} 4 Jl 25 Another copy. lOthed. Svo. F,..ii.l . I .S68. B 4 R 26 The Spirit of llistorieal Study: an Innugurul l/ecture (I'liiv. of l>.n. Lond., 1878. A 1 1 P G t On Repulsion resulting from K.uliation. (Ifoy. ^"^• Pulw. I.) .Jt<,. Lond., 187C. AllP2t CROOKES (William), F.R.S., S:c.—co7ilmued. On Repulsion resulting from Radiation. Parts 3, 4. (Roy. Soc. Pubs. 3.) 4to. Lond., 1876. A 11 P4 t Select Methods in Chemical Analysis (chiefly Inorganic). Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 5 S 13 CROOKES (William), F.R.S., and ROHRIG (Ernst), Pii. D. Practical Treatise on ZMetallurgy, adapted from Prof. Keri's Metallursiv. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18G8-70. A 9 T 28-30. CRORY ( W. Glenny). East London Industries. 1 2nio. Lmd., 1876. A 11 Q 11 CROSS (J. K.), M.P. Imports, Exports, and the French Treaty : a Speech in the House of Commons, 1 2th August, 1881. (Pams. .le.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. F G P 10 CROSS (John Waltkr). (ieorge Eliot's Life, as related in her Letters and Journals, arranged and eilited by her liusbaiul, J. AV. Cross. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. C 3 V 28-30 CROSS (.losici'u). .lournals of several Expeditions made in Western Australia, ilurini,' the years 1829-32. 12mo. Lond., 1833.* ' MD 6 P 41 CROSS (Mi!s. Mahv Ann), "Guorgh Eliot.'' Daniel Deronda. Roy. 8vo. New York, 187G. J 2 R 14 Essays and Leaves from a Note-book. 8vo. Edinb., 18SI. J 9 S 7 Essence of Christianity. [See Fi:ui;niiAcii, L.] George Eliot and her Heroines : a Study; by Abba Goold Woolson. 12uio. N. York, 1886. C4P8 George Eliot's Life, as related in her Letters and Jiuir- nals, arranged and edited by her husband, J. W. 3 vols. 8vo'. Edinb., 1885. C 3 V 28-30 (iorge Eliot, Moralist and Thinker. (Round Table Series.) 8vo'. Edinb., 1884. C 5 V 10 The Legend of .lul)al and otlu-i' Poems. T-'nio. Edinb., 1874. II 6 R 8 Thi'Sp.uiisli Gypsy: a Poem. 8vo. Edinb., 1868. H5U1 CROSSE (Andhhw). Memorials, Sdenlilic and Literary; bv Mrs. Coiiiciia A. II. Cro.sse. 8vo. Lond., 1857. C 3 R 28 CROSSE (Miis. ('(ii!\i;i.iA .\. II.) iMcnioiials, Scientific and Literary, of Andrew Crosse, I'jii'ctrician. 8\'o. Lond., 1857." C 3 R 28, CROSSLEY (E.), F.R.A.S., CLKDIIILL (J.) F.R.A.S. AM) WILSON (J. M), M..\. Hand lM.okof |)ou))le Stars; with a Catalogu<' of Twelve Hundred Double Stars, and extensive Lists of Mciusurea. Svo. Loud., 1879. A 3 T 23 (!orrections, Notes, ite., to the [alinvc]. Svo. Lond., IKSO. A 3 T 24 CROSSLEY (IIasT1\<.s), M..\. F.,nr(li I'.ooU ,.f ihc .Medi- tations of .M. .\nri'iiiis .\iitnMiruis. [Sec AuRKLIUa An- ■roMNfs, .M.J l^REE PUBLIC LIBllARY, SYDNEY. 197 Cro] Paiit I: — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Cru CROSTON (James), F.S.A., &c. Oluuitrcy's Peak Scenery. \_See CiiANTiiny, Siu V. L.] Historic Sites of Lancashire and Chesliire : a Wayfarer's Notes in the PaUitine Counties, Historical, Lej,'eudary, Genealogical, and Descriptive. Imp. 8vo. Manchester, 1883. B 5 V 2.5 Nooks and Corners of Lancashire and Cheshire : a Way- farer's Notes in the Palatine Counties, Historical, Legen- dary, Genealogical, and Descriptive. 4tj. Manchester, 1882. D G V 18 CROWE (Catiikkine). Night Side of Nature ; or, Ghosts and Ghost Seers. 12mo. Lmd,, 1853. G 8 P 34 Spiritualism, and the Age we live in. 8vo. Lond., 1859. G 13 T 6 CROWE (Eyre Evans). History of Fran.^e (481-1852). 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1858-68. B 8 U 20-24 History of France. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1831-36. K 1 T 12-14 CROWE (Eyre Evans), and JAMES (G. P. R.) Lives of the Most Eminent Foreign Statesmen. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 5 vols. 18mo. Lond., 1833-38. K 1 S 19-23 CROWE (J. A.), AND CAVALCASELLE (G. B.) History of Painting in North Italy, Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Ferrara, Milan, Friuli, Brescia, from the 1 4tli to the 16th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A8Q27,28 Raphael : his Life and Works ; with particular reference to recently discovered Records, and an exhaustive Study of extant Drawings and Pictures. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882-85. C 11 P 10, 11 Titian : his Life and Times ; with some Account of his Family, cliielly from new and unpublished Records ; with Portrait and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 8 S 49, .50 CROWLEY (Robert). Select Works of. [See Early Eng. Text Soc. 10.] CROWN LANDS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. [See New South Wales.] CROWN LANDS ACT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. \_See New South Wales.] CROWN LANDS GUIDE, New Zealand. [See New Zealand.] CROWN LANDS OF VICTORIA. [See Vk:toria.] CROWN LANDS OF S. AUSTRALIA. [See South Australia.] CROWN LANDS OF W. AUSTRALIA. [See Western Australlv.] CROWN LANDS OF TASMANIA. [See Tas.manlv.] CROWN LAW OFFICES, MELBOURNE. Catalogue of the Library at the Crown Law Offices, Melbourne. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1878. MK 1 S 39 CROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY. [See Frederick WiLLiAJi, Prince of Prussia.] C 3 P 3' CROWNE (John). Dramatic Works of: with Prepara- tory Memoir and Notes. 4 vols. 8vo. Ediiib., 1873-74. H 3 S 10-13 CROWNED HEADS OF EUROPE. Thirty-four Bust- Portraits; with Short Biographies. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1884. C 1 W 5 CROWQUILL (Alfred). [See Forrester, A. H.] CRUD (E. V. B.) [See Tiiakr, A.J CRUDEN (Alexander), M.A. Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament ; to which is added a Concordance to the Apocrypha. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1836. K 18 S G CRUICKSHANK (Brodie). Eighteen years on the Gold Coast of Africa, including an Account of the Native Tribes, and their Intercourse with Europeans. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. D 1 R 30, 31 CRUIKSHANK (George). Comic Annual, for the years 1835-40; by " Rigdum Funnidos, Gent." [Horace May- hew, Henry Mayhew, and Robert B. Brough.] 6 vols. ]2mo. Lond., 1835-40. J 1 V 30-35 Eighty-two Illustrations on Steel, Stone, and Wood ; with Letter-press Description. 4to. Lond., 1870. A8U21 Irisli Rebellion in 1798. With Illustrations. [See Max- well, W. H.] Life of, in two Epochs; by W. B. Jerrold. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 3 R 26, 27 Omnibus. Illustrated. Edited by Laman Blanchard. New ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1870. J 2 T 1 Punch and Judy ; with Illustrations, designed and en- graved by George Cruikshank. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1881. H4P35 Songs of Di))din ; with Sketches by Cruikshank. [See DiBDIN, C] Thackeray and Cruikshank : on the Genius of George Cruikshank ; by William Makepeace Thackeray. Edited by W. E. Church. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 7 R 48 [See Grimaldi, J. ; Old Miscellany Days; Grimm, Dr. J. L., and Universal Songster, The.] CRUIKSHANK (Robert). [See Universal Songster, The.] CRUISE (Capt. Richard A.) Journal of a Ten Month's Residence in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1823.* MD 1 V 23 Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1824. MD 1 V 26 CRUSE (Rev. C. F.) Ecclesiastical History ; by Eusebius. [See Eusebius Pamphilius.] CRUSIUS. [See Suetonius Tranquillus, C] 198 CATALOGUE OP THE Cru] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Cum CRUTTAVELL (Alfred C), F.G.S., kc. 8ketolies of Australia, .^vo. Fronie (n.d) MD 2 S 35 On the Coal-fields of Australia. 8vo. Frome (n.d.) MD 2 S 35 CRYPTO.NYMOUS. ISec Mackenzie, K. R. H.] CSOMA DE KOROS (Alexaxdek). Essay towards a Dictionary, Tibetan and English. 1827-30. 4to. Cal- cutta, 1834. K IG S IG Grammar of tlie Tibetan Language, in English. 4to. Calcutta. 1834. ' ^ K IG 8 17 Life and Works of: a Biography, compiled chiefly from hitherto unpublished Documents, by Theodore Duka, M.l). 8vo. Lond., 1885. " C 5 V 7 CUAIRTEAR NAN GLEANN. (Gaelic Journal. Pam. 24.) 8yo. Glasgow, 1840. M.J 2 g 12 CUBAS (AxToxio OARfiA). Republic of Mexico in 187G : a Political and Ethnographical Diyision of the Pojiulation, Cliai-acter, Habits, Costumes and locations of its Inhabi- tants, written in Sjianish ; translated into English by George E. Henderson. Illustrated. Roy. 8yo. 3Ie.\ico (n.d.) " D 3 U 30 CL'D\\l;RTH (Ralph), D.D. True Intellectual System of the Univei-se. 4 yols. 8yo. Loud., 1820. G 8 T 5-8 CULL (RicHAnn), F.S.A. Ogihie's English Dictionary. [5m OOILVIE, J.] CULLEN (C.) {_See Cl.wigero, Anisfi F. 8.] CULLEN (Paul), Cardinal. T.retter to Lord 8t. Leonards on the Patriotic Fund. \_See Historical Pamphlets.] CULLEN (William), M.D. Account of the Life Lctuies, anil Writings of; 1)V John Thomson. M.l)., it-c. l''irst ]iub- lishedin 1K32. 2 vols. Hv». Edinb., 1859. C10 8 33, .•i4 CULLEY (R. 8.) Hand-book of Practical Telegraphy. Hvo. T>..nd., 1870. A 5 R -'a CLI.IJ'.M (Rev. 8ir John), Baht., kc. History aid Anli<|uities of Hawste,nd., 181:5. BIG IMG J CULVER (C. M.) {See Lam. holt, E.] CUM|{EI{LAN[> (C.) The Guinea Pig or Domestic Cavy, for F'mkI, I'ur, hikI Fancy. 8vo. Lond., 18HG/ A 14 8 4 CU.MBEULANI) (.Fomn). English Theatre: a Selection of till' most approved Triigcdies, Comedie.'--, 0|)era.s, Melo- draniaH, .Vi'., a.s |M'rfonned at (he [.^mdon Theati-es. IG vols. l2nio. Ixind., I«2!». II 2 Q 8 23 I. Itnitim ; or. llu' Full nf Tnri|iiiii : nii IIJMli.riciil TmrnMly ; liy .Inliii MoHiiril I'aytK'. Vir|{ii>iiiit : a Tiiixiily ; liy ■Iiiiihh .SIiltI'Iaii Kii'iwI;tify ; liy tliiiiirH Slivriilnn Kiioulcx. Williuni Toll : ii I'liiy: liy .liiiiiviiMlicriilnii KiKlwlCK. CUMBERLAND {3 ony().— continued. '2. The Fatal Dowry : a Tragedy : liy riiilip Massiiigor and Natliaiiifl Kielil. i'izano : a Tragic Play; from tlic- (iurinan of Kotzelmi", by Ricliaril Brinsiey Sheridan. Orestes in Argos : a Tragedy ; by Puler I'layley. The Serf : a Tragedy ; altered from the tiernian of Raupach, and adapted to the English Stage, by R. Talbot. 3. The School for Scandal ; a Comedy ; by Richard Hiinsley Sheridan. A Midsummer Night's Dream : a Cimiedy ; by William Shakespeare. A Trip to Scarborough : a t'omedy ; by Richard Brinsiey Sheridan. Love for Love : a Comedy ; by \V. Congreve. The Youthful Queen : a Comedy : by Charles Shannon. ■1. Kducation : a Comeily ; by Thomas Morton. 'l"he Mer- chant's Wedding: or, London Frolics \\\ Ki.'iS: a Comedy; by J. R. Plauchi'. The Two Gentlemen of Verona: a Comedy: by \N'illiam Shakcsiicare. Taming of the Shrew : or, Katherir*e and Petruchio: a Comeily; liy William Sliakcspcarc. Tribu- lation; or. Unwelcome Visitors: a Comedy; by John Poole. All's Well tliat Ends Well : a Comedy ; liy William Shake- speare. 5. A Woman Xcver Vext ; or. the Widow of Cornliill ; a Comedy ; by \V. Rowley ; with alterations and addition.s by J. R. Planche. Roses and Thorns ; or, Two Houses under one Roof : a Comeily ; by Joseph Lnnn. Deaf and Dumb ; or, the Orphan Protected : an Historical Drama ; taken from the French of lioiiilly, and ailapted to the English Stage, liy 'I'homas Holcroft. The Hypocrite : a Comedy ; by Isaac liickerstaflT. Cliarles the Second ; or, the Merry Monarch : a Comedy ; by John Howard Payne. C. The Alcaid : or, the Secrets of Office : a Comic Oiiera : by .lames Ivenney. Amateurs and .-Vctors : a Musii.-jil I'^irce ; by Richard Urinslcy Peakc. Hide and Seek : a Petit Oiiera : by .Joseph Lunn. Olieron ; or, the Charmed Horn : a Romantic Fairy Tale [by C. M. Wieland]. Dr. Bolus: a Serio-Comic- BombastieOperatie Interlude: by George Daniel. My Old Woman: a Mu.sical Comedy ; by (ieorgeMaefaircn. No Song, no Supper : a Musical Entertainment ; by Prince Hoare. 7. Don (iiovanni ; or, a Spectre on Horseback : a Comic, Heroic, Operatic, Tragic, Pantomimic Biu-lettaSpectacnlir- Extravaganza ; by Thomas Dilulin. The Lord of the an Opera; by General Bnrgoyne. The Barber of Seville: a Comic Oper:i [by P. .V. C. de l!caumarchais|: adapted to the English Stage, by Mr. Fawcctt. Giovanni in London: or, the Libertine reclaimed : an Operatic Extravaganza: by \V. T. Monciicll'. The Slave : an Opera ; by 'Ihonias Morton. The Castle Spectre: a Dramatic Romance; by >L (!. Lewis. 8. The .Siege of Belgrade : a Comic Opera : by James Cobb. Artaxerxes: an Opera | by I'. 1!. Metastasio]; the Music com- posird by T. .A. .-Vrni', M.D. The Cabinet : a Comic Opi?ra ; by Tliomas Dilidin. The l'"all of Algiers : a Comic Opeia. Der Freiscliutz; or, the Seventh Bullet: an Opera; by Carl Maria von Weber. The Mason of Uuda: an Opera; by ,1. R. Planehe. Paul and Vigiiiia : a Mrisical Entertainment ; by James Cobb. 9. 'J'hc Critic ; or, a Tragedy Rehearsed : a Dramatic Piece ; by Richard Ibinshy She: jilan The Irish Tutor ; or, New Lights : a Comic Piece [by Richard liutler, "Jnd Karl of Glen- gall [. .Animal .Magnetism: a Farce; by Mrs. luchbald. William Thom|iuon; or. Which is He: a, Farce; by Carolino Moailen. The Spoiled Child: a Farce [by Inaac BieUer.stall [. Lofly Projects; or, .Arts in the .Attic: a Farce; by Joseph Limn. 'J'lie Weathercock : a Farce ; by J. T. Allinghiun. A Race for a Dinner : a Farce ; by J. 'I'homas G. Kodwcll. ID. The Disagreeable Surprise: a Musical l'"arce ; by George Daniel. Love in llmidile Life; a Petite Comedy ; by (ieorge Howard Payne. The Scapegrace: a Pi't ile Comedy. "Master's Rival"; or, a Day at Boulogne: a Karci' ; by l<. B. Peake. The N'illage Lawyer: a Farce. The Rival Xnlets : a Farce; liy Joseph l'',lis«ortli. Fatality: a Diama ; by Caroline Itiiailcn. Till- Reniiezvous : an Operetta ; by Riclmrd Ayton. TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. loy Cum] Paut I : — Authors, Editors, or lieference. [Cum CUMBERLAND {3 onv).— conlimieJ. \\. Monsieur Tonsoii : a Farce; l)y W. 'I'. Mone.ietf. The Happiest Daj' of my Life : a Farce ; by J. B. liiickatone. The Slcep-Walker ; or, Which is tlie Laity ■ a Farce ; Ijy W. C. Oiiltoii. The Duel ; or, My Two No)>liews : a Farce ; by K. 15. Peake. Tlie Spectre P.riileyrooni ; or, a ({host in Spite of Himself: a Farce: by W. T. MoncricJl. Tlie Somnam- bulist ; or, tlie Phantom of the -Village : a Dramatic Enter- tainment : by W. T. Moncrieft". The (ireen-cyed Monster: a Comedy ; by J. R. Planchc. The Lancers : an Interlude ; by John R. Paj'ne. 12. Luke the Labourer: a Domestic Mclo^lrama ; l>y J. B. Bucksto:ic. A Tale of Mystery : a Meloiiram.i ; hy Thomas Holcroft. Paul Jones : a Melodramatic Romance ; by T. Dibdin. The Karthciuake ; or, the 8|)ectre of tlie Nile : a Burletta Operatic Spectacle ; by Edward Fitz-Ball ; the Music by G. H. Rodwell. Tom and Jerry ; or. Life in Lou- don: an Operatic Extravaganza; by \\". T. Moncrieff. The Shepherd of Derwent Vale: a Drama; by Joseph Lunn. The Forty Thieves : a f Jraiid Romantic Drama ; by R. B. Sheridan, and Colman the Younger. 13. The Forest of Bondy ; or, the Dog of Montargis : a Melo- drama. The Two (Jalley Slaves : a Melodrama ; by John Howard Payne. Frankenstein ; or, the Man and the Monster : a Peculiar, Romantic, Melodramatic, Pantomimic Spectacle, founded principally on Mrs. Shelley's singular Work, entitled, " Frankenstein ; or, the Modern Prometheus," and partly on the French Piece, " Le Magicien et le Monstre ;" by H. M. Miliier. Father and Son ; or, the Rock of C'harbonniere : a Drama ; liy E. Ball. The Gambler's Fate ; or, a Lapse of Twenty Years ; a Drama, founded on the Popular French Play of " La Vie d'un Joueur ;" by Charles Thomson. Crazy Jane : a Romantic Play ; by C A. Somerset. The Maid of (Jenoa ; or, the Bandit Merchant : a Melodrama ; by John Farrell. Ali Pacha ; or, the Signet Ring : a Melodrama ; by John Howard Payne. 14. The Pilot: a Nautical Burletta ; by Eilward Fitz-Ball. Tlic Flying Dutchman; or, the Phantom Ship: a Nautical Bur- letta ; by Edward Fitz-Ball. Tlie Inclicape Bell : a Nautical Burletta ; by Edward Fitz-Ball. Masaniello ; or, the Dumb Girl of Pnrtici ; a Musical Drama ; by H. M. Milner. The Devil's Elixir: or, the Shadowless Man: a Musical Romance; by Edweiid Fitz-Ball. The Heart of Mi\. 8vo. Edinb., 1871. D 5 S 32 CUMMINS (Joiix). Voyage to the South Seas. [-See BULKELEY, J.] Cl'NDALL (Frank). Reminiscences of the Colnuial and Indian E.xhibition. \_See Riley, T.] Hans Holbein. (Gi-eat Artists). C3 T42 CUNDALL (Joseph 8vo. Lend., 1879. On Bwjkbinding."?, Ancient and Mudern. Sni. Ito. Lond., 1881. A 11 Y 13 CUNDEE (James). {See Navai, Ankcdotks.] CUNEUS (Pierre). La Rcpubliiiue des Hcbreux ; nouvelle edition, revue corrigee augmentce de deux Volumes con- tenant des Remartjues Criticjues sur les Antiiiuitdz Judaiquez, par Mr. [Jacijues] Basnage. 5 vols. 12nio. Amsterdam, 1713. " G 10 P 21-25 CUNN (S.) [See Newton, Sir I.] CUNNTNGHA:\r (Biiev.-:Ma,jor Ale.\.), C.S.T. Ardiaolo- gical Survey of India, lH02-()5. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Simla, 1871. " 15 10 Y 1.-), IG of Central r. 10 S 12 Boy. -Ito. B li) S 13 I The Topes, or Buddhist ^lununicnb India. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 185+. Sti'ipa of Bharhut, a BudilhisI ^rimiinicnt. Fy.nd., 1^79. CUNNINGHAM (Allan), F.L.S., kc. Biographical Sketch of; by Robert lliward, F.L.S. 8vo. I^nd., 1842. MC 1 R 25 Brief View of the Progrcs.s of Interior Discovery in New South ^Vale.s. Kvo. Lond., 1H32. MD 7 Q 19 Journal of a Route fnim Bathui-st to Livc^rpool I'lains, ill New South Wales. With a Map. [See Field, B.] S|)eciinen of the Indigenous Botany of the Mountainous Country Ix-tweeii the Colony round Port Jackson iind tin- Scttleiiieiil of Batliurst. [See I'li.i.o, l!j [See Itiiowv, |{.] CUNNI.NiillA.M (Allan). Life of; with Selections from liiH Worku and Correspondence, by the Rev. David Hogg. Kvo. ly.iid., 1S75. C2UI9 Life of Sir T>avii| Wilkie : with his JournalN, Tours, and Critical Hemarks on Works of Art, and a Selection frcmi his Correxpjiiirlence. 3 voIh. >'vo. I, Jnd Crnturv. 8\(i. Lond., 1880. G l:!'l' II (■rowlh of English Imbistrv Mod ( 'MnniiiTcc. Smi. Ciuii- l.rid-.-, I8S2. V G li 31 PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 201 Cun] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Cur CUNYNGHAME (Gen. Sin Artiiuu Augustus Tiiur- Low), Bart. Glimpse at the Great Western llejiublic. 8vo. Loud., 1851. D3S 35 CUNYNGHAME (Henry). on the of Electric Lightinj,'. Witli the Acts of Parliament and the Rules and Orders of tiie Board of Trade, a Model Provisional Order, and a Set of Forms. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1883. F2T13 CURCI (C. M.) II moderno Dissidio tra la Cliiesa e ITtalia considerato per cccasione di un Fatto paiticolare. 8vo. Firenze, 1878. (i 9 S 11 CURETON (Rev. Canon William), M.A., &q. Ancient Syriac Documents relative to the Pearliest Estalilishmont of Christianity in Edessaand the neighbouring Countries. •Ito. Lond., 18G4. ' G 5 U G Corpus Ignatianum : a-complcte Collection of the Ignatian Epistles, genuine, interpolated, and spurious. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1849. G 8 V U CURIOSITIES 1871. OF ENTOMOLOGY. Svo. Lond., A 13 U S CURIOSITIES OF STREET LITERATURE. Com- prising " Cocks," or Catchpennies, a large and curious assortment of Street Drolleries, Squibs, Histories, Comic Tales in prose and verse, Broadsides on the Royal Family, Political Litanies, Dialogues, Catechisms, Acts of Parlia- ment, Street Political Papers; a variety of " Ballads on a Subject," Dying Speeches and Confessions. 4to. Lond., 1871. J7V10 CURLING (James Bunoe). Some Account of the Ancient Corps of Gent!emen-at- Arms. Svo. Lond., IS")!) B4T4 CURNOW (John), and MORRISON (W. E. W.), B.A. Science Manual : Elementary Science, arranged for the of Primary Schools in New Zealand. Illustrated. 12mo. Melb., ISSO. MA 2 V 13 CURR (Edward). Account of the Colony of Van Die- men's Land, principally designed for the use of Emi- grants. Svo. Lond., 1824.*' MD 3 P 35 Petitions of the District of Port Phillip (Australia Felix), for Separation from the Territory of New South Wales. [With Introductory Remarks.] 8vo. Melb., 1S44. MFIQIG Another copy. M-J 2 R 20 Remarks on the proposed New Squatting Regulations. Fol. St. Heliers', 1,S45. M.I 2 U 2 CURR (Edward M.) The Australian Race: its Origin, Languages, Customs, Place of Landing in Australia, and the Routes by which it spread itself over tiie Continent. Vols. 1-3. Svo. Melb., 1886-87. MA 1 R 21-23 The Australian Race, vol. 4. [Comparative Vocabulary.] Fol. Melb., 1887. MA 1 P 6 | Frivolities [with French Translations]. Svo. Melb., 1868. MH 1 S 21 20 CURR (Edward M). — continued. Prize Essay on Scab in Sheep : its Causes, Symptoms, Pathology, best means of Treatment, and Practical Hints for its Avoidance and Extermination, &c. Svo. Melb., 1865. MA 1 P 22 Another copy. Svo. Melb., 1 865. MA 1 Q 1 Pure, and how to breed them in Australia ; together with a Consideration of the History and Merits of the Englisii, Arab, Andalusian, and Australian Breed of Horses. Svo. Melb., 1SG3.* MA 1 P 32 Recollections of Squatting in Victoria, then called tlie Port Phillip District (from 1841 to 1851). Svo. Melb. 1883.* MD G R 21 Waste Lands of the Province of Wellington, New Zea- land. Svo. Wellington, 185G. MJ 2 R 21 CURR (John). The Learned Donkeys of 1S47; being a Review of theReviewers of Railway Locomotion andSteam Navigation. ( 34.) Svo. Lond., 1847. J 12 U 26 CURRAN (Rt. Hon. John Philpot). Anecdote Life of. [See TiMiis, J.] Curran and his Contemporaries ; by Charles Phillips. Svo. Lond., 1850. C 10 S 3G Life of; by his Son, V/. H. Curran. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1822. C 1 S 16, 17 New and enlai-ged Collection of his Speeches; with Memoii's and Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1819. F 6 T 9 Speeches of. Complete and correct edition ; edited, with Memoir and Historical Notices, by Thomas Davis, M.R.I. A. Svo. Lond., 1847. F 13 P 20 [See Historical Pamphlet.?.] CURRAN (William Henry). Life of the Rt. Hon. Jolin Philpot Curran. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1822. C 1 S 16, 17 Sketches of the Irish Bar; with Essays, Literary and Political. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1855. ' J 11 U 22, 23 CURRENCY LAD (The). Fol. Sydney, 1832-33. ME CURRIE (Capt. Mark John), R.N. Journal of an Ex- cursion to the soutln\'ard of Lake George, in New South Wales. With a Map. [See Field, B.] CURRY (F.) [See Badham, C. D.] CURRY (John), M.D. Historical and Critical Review of the Civil Wars in Ireland, from the Reign of Queen Eliza- beth to the Settlement under King William. New ed. Svo. Dublin, 1810. B11Q2 CURTIS (CHARLE.S B.), M.A. Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Works of Don Diego de Silva Velazquez and Bartolome Esteban Murillo, comprising a classitied List of their Paintings ; with original Etchings. Svo. Lond., 1883. K 17 U 1 202 CATALOGUE OF THE Cur] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Cut CURTIS (John). Sliipwreck of the Stirliw/ Casllc ; to which is added, tlie Narrative of the Wreck of the CJinrles Eaton, in the same Latitude. 8vo. Lond., 1838.* MD 3 U 1 CURTIS (JoHx), F.L.S. British Entomology ; being Illus- trations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland; Diptera, Hymenoptera, Dermaptera. 3 vols. roy. 8\'o. Lon 1' 20 2',) CURTH'S RUFUS (Qcintu.s). Do rebus gesiis Al.xaiubi Mngiii libri supei-stiti-s, ex editi*-''>. .1 i:! S 1!) 22 CUltWI^N (Hii.suv^ Hi.-sLory of Booksellers; the Old and tlio New. 8vo. hnmV, 1873. B 1 I y 39 Sorrow nn. I^ind., 1H7.">. C 3 Q 43, 1) CURZON (Hox. Robert), Junr. Armenia : a Year at Erzeroom, and on the Frontiers of Russia, Tui-key, and Persia. 8vo. Lond., 1854. D 5 Q 41 Visit to ^Monasteries in the Levant. Illustrated. 8vo. Lund., 1865. D 1 S 27 CUSACK (Miss Mary Frances). Illustrated History of Ireland; with Historical Illustrations, by Henry Doyle. 8vo. Lond., 1869. B 11 Q 25 The Liberator [Daniel O'Connell] and his Times, Political and Social. 2 vols. 8vo. Kenmare, 1875. C 8 P 32, 33 Student's Manual of Irish History. 8vo. Lond., 1870. B 11 P 1 CUSACK-SMITH (Sir Willi.vm), Bart. \_See Smith, Sir W. CuSACK-.] CUSHING (J. N.), M.A. Shan and English Dictionary. K U Q 17 8vo. Rangoon, 1881. CUUWKN (John C.) 01)wr%fttionH on theSutoof h. land, prinripally direct<^l to ils Agriculturi" and Rural I'opu- lutir>n. 2 vols. Hvo. Ix.nd., JHlH. |{ II <,t .'-., f, CUSHMAN (Charlotte). Her Letters and Memories of her Life; edited by her Friend, Ennna Stebbins. 8vo. Boston, 1879. C G P4 CUSSANS (John Edwin-). History of Hertfordshire; cont.iining an Account of the Descents of the various Manors ; Pedigrees of Families connected with the County ; Antii|uities, Local Customs, &.c. 3 vols. roy. fol. Lond., 1870-81. B 1 S 1-3'| CUST (Gen. The Hon. Sir Edward), D.C.L. Annals of the Wars of the 18th Century (1700 99). 3rd ed. 5 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1858 -GO. B 14 P 26-30 Annals of the Wars of the 10th Century, 1800-15. 4 vols. 12nio. L(md., 1862 63. " B 14 P 31-34 Lives of the Warriors of the Civil Wars of France and Eng- land (161 1-75). 2 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1867. C 3 P 44, 45 Thoughts on the expedience of a better System of Control and Supervision over Buildings erected at the public expense; and on the subject of re-building tlu; Houses of I'.u-li.unent. 8vo. Limd., 1S37. A 7 t,) 13 CUST ( HoHKHT Xeedham). Linguistic and Oriental Essays; written from the year 184(> to 1887. [1st and | 2nd series. 2 vols. 8vo. bniHl., 1880-87. K 12 R 30, 31 Shrines of Lounles, Zaragossa, the Holy Stairs at Rome, the Holy House of rx)retto and Nazareth, and St. Ann at Jerusalem. 12nio. Lond., 1885. G13T17 Sketch of the Modern f/uiguages of Afi'ica ; accompanied by a Language-Map. 2vols.8vo. Lond., 1883. K 121128,29 Sketch of the Modern Languages of the East Indies, accompanied by two Language Maps. 8vo. Lond., I,s7s. K 13 Q 5 Crs'l'IXI'' (Astoi.phk), Mahijuih i>e. Empire of tlu^ Czar; (jr, Observations on tin; Social, Political, and Religious slate and Prospects of Russi:i. 3 Mils. 12mo. Lond., I SI.",. 1) 8 Q 21 26 CF'rill'd:iiTSON (J.) (' plele Glossary to the Poetry and I'roae of liolici't I'lirns. S\(). I'aislev, 1SS6, K 17 1' 2.5 FllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 203 Cuv] Part I : — Atdhors, Editors, or Reference. [Cyr CUVIER (Georoes CnRfiriEN Leopold DAnoDERT), Baron. Aniniiil Kingdom ; witli afl(litii)n;il DosciijitiDiis, by Edward Griffiths, F.L.S., itc, and otliers. IG vols. 8vo. Lend., 1827-3."). A MR 5-20 Animal Kingdom: Mollusca and Radiata; with supple- mentary Additions to each Order, by Edward Griffiths, r.L.S., &.C., and Edward Pidgeon. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1834. "^ A 1.5 Q 18 Discourse on the Revolutions of the Surface of the Globe. 8vo. Lond., 1829. A 9 P 43 Le Regne Animal, distribue d'apres son Organisation, pour servir de base a THistoireNaturelle des Aniniaux ct d'intro- duction k I'Anatoniie Comparc'e ; avec Figures, dessine'e.s d'apres nature. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, ] 81 7. A 1 4 R 32-3.5 Legons d'Anatomie Comparc'e. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1805. A 28 Q 1-5 Memoirs of; by Mrs. R. Lee (formerly Mr,s. T. E. Bowdich). 8vo. Lond.," 1833. C G P 3 \_See Goldsmith, O.] CUZENT (GiLin.T). Voyage aux Iks Gr.n-.bifr (Archipe de Mangareva). 8vo. Paris, 1872.* MD 5 S 42 CYPLES (Wii.LiAJi). liu,uiiv into the Prctcss of Human 8vo. Lond., 1880. G 4 R 1 3 Experience. CYPRIANUS (Thascius C^cilius), Sanxtus. omnia. [See Mione, J. P., Series Latina 4.] Op< CYPRIEN DE (iAMACHE (Father —). Memoirs of the Mission in England of the Capuchin Friars. [_See Birch, Rev. T.] CYRILLUS (HiEROSOLYMiTANUS Archiepiscopus). Sanctus Opera omnia. ISee Migne, J. P., Series Gr^ca 33.] CYRILLUS ALEXANDRINUS (Sanctus). Opera om- nia. {_See Mione, J. P., Series Gr^eca 68-77.] 204 CATALOGUE OF THE » »i Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Dal D ♦ * * L * * •. [See Digger's Hand-Book.] D'A (Anna). [5w D'Almeida, Anna.] D. (C.) [See De Morgan, Mrs. C] D. P. [See "Wave of Life.] DABISTAN (The) ; or, School of Manuere ; trau.slated from the original Persian, with Notes and Illustrations, liv David Shea and A. Troyer. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, ry43. G 2 T 10-12 DABNEY (Prof. R. L.), D.D. Life of Lieut.-(ien. J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson). 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864-66. C 3 r 10, 11 DABOVICH (P. E.) JCautisch-TeclmisclRs "Worterljuch der Marine. Deutseh, Italienisch, Franzosisch, und Eug- lisch. Ei-ster Band. Roy. 8vo. Pola, 1883. X IG T 7 D'ABRANTES (Duchess). [See Abrantes.] D'ACHERY (Lucas). Spicilegium sive collectio vcterum aliquot scriptorum (|ui in Oalli;i' liibliotheci-i dflituerant ; 3 voLs. fol. Paris, 1723. (! 28 P 32 J Vetera analecta, sive collectio veteruni alibuot diicrum et Opuscidnruin Dninis generis, Carniiiuiiii, Epistolaruni, Diplomat uni, Epitaphioruin, ic. Novo cdilio. Fol. Paris, 172;J. G28P32* DACIER (A.) [See Verkius Flaccus, M.] DA CUNHA (J. Ger-son), M.R.C.S., .tr. K.-ukanl Language and Literature. Imp. 8\ij. J'xiinhav, 1X81. 'K 12 T 8 DAFFORNE (James). Works of Tnnior. [See Turner, J. M. W.] D'AGINCOURT (J. B. L. G. Seroux). History of Art hy its Monuments ; translati.'d from the French. 3 vols, (in 1) fol. lymd., \XM. A 2 P 2G } I).\(iI..EY (H.) Death's Diiiiigs ; consisting of miiucruus Original Compositions in Vit«<' and Prose. 2nd oil. ■1 voJR. 8vo. Lond., 1827. H ."> U 20, 27 D'AGUEN (.\. M. I". Laa.s.s). [See Laaks D'AcirEN, A. M. P.) D'ALHEJtTFS (Ltrifii Mauia). .Mln .Nuova Ciuinoa: cio che ho vcduto e cio die ho fatto. iSvo. T(jrino, IKSO. M l> 1 \V 22 New (tuinea : I did and what I saw. '_' Mils. 8vo. J>ind., 1880. .Ml) I W J.!, 21 DALE (Alfred William Winterslow), M.A. Synod of Elvira, and Christian Life in the 4th Century : a His- firical Essay. 8v,). Lond., 1882. G 13 U 7 DALE (Rf.v. Henry). Cyropa^dia of Xenoplmn. \_Sce Xenoi'iion.] DALE (Rev. R. F.) Music Primer for Schools. [See Tkoutbeck, Rev. J.] D'ALEMBERT (Jean le Ronu). Memoir of the Life and Writings of Baron de Montosijuicu. [Sec Montesijuieu C. DE Secondat, Baron dr.] Correspondence de Voltaire avcc D'Alembert. [See Voltaire, F. M. A. de.] DALEN (Anton van), M.D. De Oraculis Ethiiicorum Ilissertationes Dua' : rjuarum prior de ipsoruni duratione ac defcciu, jiosterior de eorundcui Auctoribus. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1G83. G 8 P 4 DALHOUSIE (DowAciER Countess of.) Memoir of Pasolini, G. [See Pasolini, G.] ])ALI1< »l'SI]<' (.Iames Anduew Bhown Ramsay), Marquis OF. Aduiinistration of Ilritish India. [See Arnold Sir E.] DALIN (A. F.) Dansk-Norsk och Svcnsk OrdlM.k. 12m... Stockholm, 18G9. K 11 S 19 DALLAS (Eneas Sweetland). The Gay Science. 2 vols. 8vo. L(md., 18GG. G 10 T 1, 2 DALLAS (R. C.) [See Weder, J.] DALLAS (W. S.) Entertaining Naturalist. [&< LornoN, Mrs. J. W.] Erasmus Darwin. [Sec Krause, E.] Zoology. [See Carpenter, W. ('.] [See Humuoldt, A. von, mitl Millku, I'".] 1).\LL.\AVAY (Rev. James), A.I\I.. .^.-c. .Modern T,-.s(e in (laidening. [See WalI'OI.e, II.) Ji.VLLKV (Ht. Hon. Wii.mam I'.kih;), P.(A, ^tc. Opinions from 8th Jainiary, 1«8.3, to oth October, 1885; coin|iled und Indexed by E. Lewis Scott. Fol. Sydney, 18.S(;. MF3 U 22 DALLEY (Rt. Hon. William Bede), I'.C, Ac, and I'ARKES (Sir Heniiy), (!.C.M.(J. Colony of New South Wales: its Agrieultuial, Pastoral, and Mining CapabilitieK ; compiled by the Connuissioncrs of (he Colonial ({overnmcnt. ^io. I.rf.nd., 1802. M.\l(^>7 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 2G5 Dal] Part I : — A uthors, Editors, or Reference . [Dal BALLING AND BULWER (Sm HENnv Lytton Earle), Loni). Historical Ciiaracters : Talleyrand, Coljbett, Mackintusli, Caiuiiui,'. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1808. C 8 Q 48, 49 Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmorston ; with Selections from bis Diaries and Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870-74. C 9 Q 7-9 The Lords, tlie Government, and the Country : a Letter. 5th ed. (Para. V L) 8vo. Lond., 1836. MJ 2 P 30 Monarchy of the Middle Classes. France, Social, Literary, Political. 2nd Series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836. B 9 P 19, 20 Sir Robert Peel; an Historical Sketch. (Pam. Ca.) 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 9 Q 17 DALLINTON (Sir Robert). A Briefe Inference vpon (xvicciardines Digression, in the fovrth part of the first Qvarterne of his Historie. Sm. fol. Lond., 1613. G5U15 D'ALMEIDA (Anna). A Lady's Visit to Manilla and Japan. 8vo. Lond., 1863. D 6 S 11 D'ALMEIDA ("William Barrington). Life in Java ; with >Sketches of the Javanese. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864. D 5 Q 24, 25 DALRIAD. \_See Campbell, Lord C] DAL RIO (Dr. Ercole). The Incomparable Game of Chess. Translated from the Italian, by J. S. Binjjham. 8vo. Lond., 1820. ' A u'U 13 DALRYMPLE (Alexander), F.R.S., kc. Historical Ccjl- lection oi the several V(_iyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean. 2 vols, (in 1) 4to. Lond., 1709-71. MD 7 P 7 t Another copy. 2 volf. (in 1) 4to. Lond., 1770-71. MD 7 P 8 t DALRYMPLE (Sir David), Bart., LordHailes. Annals of Scotland, from the Accession of Malcolm in, surnamed Canmore, to the Accession of Robert I. 4to. Edinb., 1776. B 12 V 33 Annals of Scotland, from the Accession of Robert I, to the Accession of the House of Stewart. 4to. Edinb., 1779. B 12 V 34 Annals of Scotland, from the Accession of Malcolm iii, to the Accession of the House of Stewart. New ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1797. B 13 P 33-35 Memorials and Letters relating to the History of Britain in the Reign of James I. 12mo. Glasgow, 1702. B4P21 DALRYMPLE (G. E.) Report of the Proceedings of the Queensland Government Schooner S/iit/ire. [See Smitu, J. W.] DALRYMPLE (Sm John), Bart., Baron of Exchequer IN Scotland. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1790. B 6 R 35-37 DALTON (Charles), F.R.G.S. Life and Times of General Sir Edward Cecil, Viscount Wimbledon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 10 S 2, 3 DALTON (Father). [See Bates, E. and M. A.] DALTON (Henry G.), M.D. History of British Guiana ; comprising a (ieneral Description fif the Colony. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1855. B 1 R 19, 20 DALTON (Dr. Hermann). John A Lasco ; his Earlier Life and Laliours : a Contribution to the History of the Reformation in Poland, Gei-many, and England ; trans- lated by the Rev. M. J. Evans, B.A. 8vo. Lond., 188G. C 5 R 3 D'ALTON (John). Memoirs of the Archbishops of Dublin. 8vo. Dublin, 1838. C 10 R 2 DALTON (J. C), M.D. Topographical Anatomy of the Brain. 3 vols. roy. 4to. Philad., 1885. A 5 P 1 1-13 t DALTON (Rev. John Neale), M.A., &c. Cruise of H.M.S. Biifflmnle. [See Albert Victor, Prince.] DALVIMART (O.) Tiie Costume of Turkey illustrated by a series of (coloured) Engravings ; with Descriptions in English and French. Fol. Lond., 1804. A 23 S 14 { DALY (Dominic Daniel). [See Port Darwin.] DALY (Mrs. Dominic D.) Digging, Squatting, and Pio- neering Life in the Northern Territory of South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1887. MD 6 T DALY (J. Bowles). Radical Pioneers of the 18th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1880. B 23 R 11 DALYELL (Sir John Graham), Bart. Rare and remark- able Animals of Scotland, represented from living subjects ; witii practical Observations on their Nature. Coloured Plates. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1847-48. A 1 P 7, 8 t Tract, chiefly relative to Monastic Antiquities. 8vo. Edinb., 1809. B 13 P 39 DALZEL (Prof. Andrew), JM.A. Collectanea Gra-ca Maiora ; cum Notis Piiilologicis. 8vo. Lond., 1805. J 13 T 34 Substance of Lectures on the Ancient Greeks, and on the Revival of Greek Learnii\g in Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1821. J 3811,12 [See Chevalier, J. B. de.] DALZIEL (Huf;n), " Corsincon." British Dogs: their Varieties, History, Characteristics, Breeding, Management, and Exhibition. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 14 SI DALZIEL (The Brothers). Bird'.s-eye View of Society [See Doyle, R.] 206 CATALOGrE OF THE Dam] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Dan DAMANTANT (— .) Tlie Midnight Hour: a Comedy. \_See Fakces, 1.] DAMASUS (Sanctus). Opera omnia. \_Sec Mk:xe, J. P., Series Latixa, 13.] DAMER (Hon. Mrs. G. L. Dawsos). Diary of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land. i yols. 8yo. Lond., 1841. " D 1 T 2, 3 1)AMIAXU.S (Petrus), Saxctvs. Opera omnia. [See MiGXE, J. P., Series Latika, 144, 14-").] DA3I0N (Howard Franiclix), M.D. The Pas.sions. \_See Bourgeois, Dr. X.] DAMPIER (Capt. William). Captain Dampiers Vindi- aition of liLs Voyage. \_See Flxxell, W.] Collection of Voyages. 3 vols. Syo. Lond., 1729. MD 2 P 39-41 1. (.'.iptaiu William Dampier's Voyages rouiul the World. •2. A Supplement to the Voyage round the Worhl, describing the Countries of Tonquin, Aehin, Malacca, &c. X A Voyage to New Holland, &c. , in the year IGOfl. New Voyage round the World. Illustrated. 3 yols. 8yo. L.jnd., 1 698-1 70.j. MD 2 P 3G-38 Another copy (including Funnell's Account of the Voyage round the World). 4 yols. 8yo. L<)nd., 1098-170". MD 2 P 32-3.5 Nieuwe Reize naar de Zuid Zee. [See Rooeks, W.] Nieuwe Reystogt rondom de Wcrreld. 4 yols. (in 1) 8yo. .s'Grayenhage, 1698-1704. MD 1 U 1 Nouvcau Voyage autour du Monde; traduit dc FAnglois. 2''"^ el. 5 yols. 12mo. Anistordain, 17iM 12. Ml) 2 P 27 31 [See New Discoveries.] DAMPIER (Capt. William), en WAFER (Lionel). Rcystogton rondom do Waoreldt ; hegi'ypeiide, in vior lx-kno[>te Boekdcelen. 4 vols, (in 1) 8yo. Amsterdam, 1717. MD 1 U 2 DAMPIER (William Jamln;, .M.A, .Mr ir of John Carter. New cd. Roy. 8vo. Loiul., 1S7.">. C«V3 |).\N.\ (C. A.) [See Americ-an Cvclop.kdia.] ].>ANA (HiiWARi) Sai.isiil-ky), Pii.i). Mincralngy. 3rd Appemiix to the Oth ed., completing the Work to 18H2. 8vo. N.-w York, 1H82. A 9 U 2.j Tcxt-lKMik rif Elementary Mechanics, for the use nf Colleges andSchmiU. 2nded. 8vo. New York, 1881. .\lll'|.'> DANA (EnwAniiMAMsniiRv), ani> I).\N.\ (Phok. James D.) Text Ixiok of Mineralogy ; with an extrnde\ .lolni Tnisscl. Sni. fol. Loiiil., I0S5. ■ 1! HI (} 5 I C'omplete AVorks of, in Ver.'-cMiiiil Prose, edited, with Intro- duction, Memorial, . !>., A.-. (lliTii Liii.) \'ol.s. I 3. ltd. Lond., 1885. .) 5 U 1- 3 J/ife and Poems of. [See CilALMi'.ris, A.J TREE PUBLIC LIBEAUr, SYDNEY. 207 Dan] Part I : — Authors, Editor's, or Ueference. [D'An DANIEL (W. T. S.). Q<^- History and Origin of the Law Reports ; together with a Compilation of various Documents shewing the Progress and Result of Proceed- ings taken for their Establishment, and the Condition of tlie Reports on the 31st December, 1883. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 188-i. F8T1G DANIELL (A.) Text-book of the Principles of Physics. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 18S4. A IG T 23 DANIELL (CLAUMONr), B.C.S. Gold Treasure ,nd., 183."). .MF ! U 18 (Jovornor ilurling's Refutatimi of the Cliai-ges of Cruelty and ( >ppre.><>iion of the Soldiers Sudds and Thompson at Sy,nd., 1832. MFIRI^ I>Hl<»r fi'ldressed by Lieut.-Gen. R, Dai ling, late (ioveriinr of New Siiutli Wales, to Josejili 1 1 nine, Ksi|,. M.l*. (Pniii. 27.) Kvo. ryinil., 1K3J. .M.)2(,»ir) Oullino of Evidence (ijjiiinst Lieut.-Cien. Harliiig. [S(c Koiil.ios, ("ait. R.) DARLING (Lieut.-Gen. Sik Ralph), KiiT.—coiitintied. Proclamations, Acts in Council, Government Orders, and Notices, issued by His Excellency Lieut.-Gen. Ralph Darling, Capt.-Gen. and Governor-in-Chief of New South Wales, 1825-26. Fol. Sydney, 1826. MF 2 U 19 Report from the Select Committee on the conduct of General Darling, while Governor of New South Wales ; with the Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. (Pari. Doc. 15.) Fol. Lond., 183.5. MF 4 J [See Acts and Ordinances, and Land Regulations.] DARLING (Rev. William Stpsvart). Sketches of Cana- dian Life, Lay and Ecclesiastical; by "A Presbvter nf the Diocese of Toronto." 8vo. Lond., 1849. D"4 P 34 DARMESTETER (Prof. Ars}:ne). Life of Words as the Symbols of Ideas. 8vo. Lond., 1886. K 11 U 29 DARMESTETER (Prof. James). Tlie Malidi, Past and Present. 12nio. Lond., 1885. G 8 P 1 The Zend-avcsla. [See Miller, Prof. F. M.] DARMESTETER (Mrs.) [See Rouinson, Miss A. M. F.] DARNELL (N.), M.A. Tlie Gentile and the Jews. [See DoLLixc.ER, Prof. J. J. I.] DARTON (William). Cabinet uf Porliaits, consisting of Distinguished Characters, British and Foreign ; accom- panied with a Brief INIeuuiir of each Person. Engraved by W. Dartoii. 4to. Lond., 1823. C 8 IT 22 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1822. :MJ2R21 DARU (P. A. N. B.), Le Comte. Histoire de la Rc'pub- li.iue de Venise. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 1M2 R 24 31 DARWIN (Charles), M.A., itc. Charles Darwin, Natur- alist; by J. T. Cunningham. (Rounil Table Scries.) 8vo. Edinb.,'l886. ClOUl Darwin [a r.ingraphv] ; by C. Alli'n. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 2 Q 13 Descent of Man, and Selection in relation to Sex. 7(li thousand. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 1 V 1, 2 Die Natur.sehaung von Darwin, Gcprtlie, mid Laniarek. [See Ha ECKEL, E.] Effects iif Cross and Self i'eitilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 4 P 22 Essay on Instinct. [See Romanes, (i. J.] Formation of Vegetable Mould, lliiduuh the action of Worms; with Observalions on their llaliiis. I liustrati'd. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A II S42 Geological Observations on Coral Reefs, X'nKanie Islands, and nn South America. 8v(). TjoiuI., 1851. A 9 R 20 Geological Observations on South Ameriia, being the >3rd Part of the Geology of the Voyage of the /!,,i,/h; 1832-36. «vo. Lond., 184 6. A 9 11 25 GeHanimeltn W(!i-ke : aus dcm Englisehen iibersetzt, von J. Victor Cams. 12 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1875-78. A li9 U 17-28 PREE PUBLIC LIBRAEY, SYDNEY. 209 Dar] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [D'Av DARWIN (Charles), M.A., ifec. — continued. Insectivorous PLauts. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1875. A4 P 23 Journal of Researches into the Geology and Natm-al History of the various Countries visited by H.M.iS. Jiear/Ie, under the conunand of Ca^t. Fitzroy, R.N., 1832-30. 8vo. Load., 1839. MA 2 R 2 Journal of Re.searches into the Natural History and (ieology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M.8. Betif/le round the World. 2nd ed. (H.'and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1845. J 8 P 12 Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. Betr/lc round the World, under the command of Capt. Pitzroy, R.N. 2nd ed., corrected, witli Additions. 8vo. Lond., 1845. MA 2 P 22 Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. Bi'cif/le round the World, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1870. A 9 P 49 Kant und Darwin. [See Sciiultze, F.] Luck or Cunning ; an attempt to throw additional Light upon the Theory of Natui'al Selection. [See Butler, S.] Memorial Notices reprinted from " Nature." 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 2 R 4 Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. Illustrated. 2nd ed., revised. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A4P21 Narrative of the vSurveying Voyages of H.M.S. Adventure and Bear/Je. [See Fitzroy, Capt. R.] On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection. 8vo. Lond., 1860. A 16 Q 24 On the vari(jus Ct)ntrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are fertilised liy Insects, and on the good effects of intercrossing. 8vo. Lond., 1862. A 4 P 25 Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs; being the 1st part of the Geology of the V(.>yage of the BeayJe, 1832-36. 8vo. Lond., 1842. A 9 S 38 Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1868. A 16 T 13, 14 Zoology of the Voyage of FT. M.S. B^w/le, under tlie com- mand of Captain Fitzroy, R.N., during the years 1832-36. Birds, by John Gould, Esq., F.L.S. ; Fish, by Rev. L. Jenyns; and Mammalia, ))y G. R. Waterhouse, Esq., with a Notice of their Habits and Ranges, by Charles Darwin, Esq. ; Fossil Mammalia, by Richard Owen, Esq., F.R.S. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1838 '40. A 1 S 16, 17 t [See Fitzrov, Capt. R., and Khause, F.] DARWIN (Charles .\nd Francis). Power of Movement in Plants. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 4 P 24 DARWIN (Erasmus). Botanic Garden : a Poem, in two parts ; with Philosophical Notes. 4to. Lond., 1791. H 5 V 20 [Life of]; by Ernest Krause; translated from the German, by W. S. Dallas; with a preliminary Notice, by Charles Darwin. 8vo. Lond., 1879. "C 2 U 20 2d DARWIN (George H.), M.A. Influence of Geological Changes on the Eartlis Axis of Rotation. (Roy. Soc. Pubs. 4.) 4to. Lond., 1877. All Pot DASCHKAW (Ekaterina Romanovxa), Princess. Me- moirs of; written by herself; edited by Mrs. W. Bradford. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. C P 5, 6 DAUBENY (Charles), M.D., etc. Introduction to the Atomic Theory. 8vo. Oxford, 1831. A 5 U 39 D'AUBIGNE (Jean Henri Merle), D.D. D'Aubigne and his Writings; with a Sketch of the Life of the Author, by Robert Baird, D.D. 12mo. Dublin, 1849. G 1 P 17 History of the (Jreat Reformation of the 16th Century in (Jermany, Switzerland, kc. ; translated by H. AVhite. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843-53. G 10 T 3-7 History of the Reformation of the 16th Century. 8vo. Edinb., 1847. G 10 T 8 The Protector [Oliver Cromwell]: a Vindication. 8vo., Lond., 1847. C 8 U 32 Rome and the Reformation ; or, a Tour in the South of France. 12mo. Lond., 1844. G 9 P 41 DAUGHTER OF THE SOIL, A. Woman's Work in Australia. [See Australia.] DAUGHTERS OF ITALY; by Caroline Geary. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 2 S 10 DAUDET (Alpiionse). Tartarin on the Alps. 12mo. Lond., 1887. D 7 Q 34 D'AUMALE (Henri d'Orleans), Due. [See Aumale, Due d'.] DAUMAS (E.) Horses of the Sahara, and the Manners of the Desert; with Commentaries, Ijy the Emir Abd-el- Kader; translated by James Hutton. 8vo. Lond., 1863. A 1 R 33 DAUNOU (Pierre C. E.) Memoires de la Convention Nationale. [See Barrikre, J. F., 12.] DAUNT (W. J. O'Neill). Es.savs on Ireland. 8vo. Dul)Iin, 1886. " B 11 P4 Eighty-live Years of Irish History, 1800-85. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. " Blip 29, 30 DAUPHIN. Misfortunes of the; by the Hon. and Rev. C. G. Perceval. 8\o. Lond., 1838. C 8 Q 4 DAVELUY (A.) Dietiomiaire Latin-Francais. [See QUICI1ER.A.T, L.] D'AVENANT (Su: ^^'ILLIAM). Dramatic Works of; with Prefatory Memoir and Notes. 5 vols. 8^o. Edinb., 1872-74. H 3 T 1-5 Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] D'AVENNES (E. Prisse). [See Prisse-D'Avenne.s, E.] 210 CATALOGUE OF THE Dav] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Dav DAVENPORT (Rev. Aktiiur), B.A. History of Synodal Pi-oceediiigs in Tasmania; witli an Appendix, containing the Act of Parliament by which the Diocesan Synod is constitutetl. 8vo. Hubart, 1858. MG"1Q31 DAVEXPORT (Jonx). Nuovo Dizionario Italiuno - Inglesc-FrancJse. \_See Petronj, S. E.] New Dictionary of the Italian antl Languages. [^See B.VRETTi, G.] DAVENPORT (Ricii.ved Alfred). History of the Bas- tile, and of its piincipal Captives. 12mo. Lond., 1838. B 8 P 2:2 Life of AH Pjisha of Tepeleni, Vizier of Epirus, surnamed Asian, or the Lion. 18mo. Lond., 1837. C 1 P 3 Memoir of the Life of Peter the Great. 12njo. Lond., 1832. C 1 P 34 DAVENPORT (Samuel). Engraving. (Biit. INIanuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lnnd., 187G. A ITS 39 DAA'ID (T. AV. Edcewohtii), B.A., Ac. Geology of the Vegetable Creek Tin-mining Field, New England Dis- trict, New Soutli AValcs. With Maps and Sections. Uoy. 4 to. Sydney, 1887. MA 2 Q 21 t DAVID, THE SHEPHERD KING: a Book fur llic Bush; by "Hippocampus." 8vo. Melb.,18G7. -MJ 1 U 11 DAVIDS (Ahtuur Lumley). Grannnairc Turkc; traduite de I'Anghiis par Jline. Sarah Davids. 4to. Lond., 1836. K 15 U 11 DAVIDS (TnOMA.s William Riiy.s;, Ph.D., iVc. Ancient Coins and Mensure-s of Ceylon. [See Numismaia Okiex- TALIA 1.] Buddhist Suttas. [See MtLLEii, Prof. F. M.] Lectures on the Origin and (ii-owth of Religion, as illus- trated by .some Points in the History of Indian Buddliism. (Hib. I^!c., 1881). 8vo. Ix.nd., 1881. G 7 P 8 Non-Christian Ri'ligjnus Systems : Budilliisin : being a Sketch of the Life and Teacliiiig.sof Gautama, the Buddha. 8th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1880. G8P3 Vinnya Texts. [See Miller, Prof. F. M.] D.VVFDSON (Benjamin). Analytical Hclirew and Chaldeo I>;xicon ; consisting of an Alphabetical Arrangement of evei-y VVoifl and Inlleclion contained in the Old Testament Scriptures. \U>. Jxiiid., 1H|8. K 12 T 2 r).\VII).Mr)N (C), WKIGHT (T. C), WALKY (.1.), anu WIIITKIIEAI) (J.) DavidsiMi's Preccdcnls and i-'orms in <.'oiivrvnncing. .'!rd cd. 5 vols. roy. Hvo. I.nnil., IXf.O (io.' F I T I i; DAVIDSON (C. J. C.) hiary of Travels and Adventures in I'pjwr India, from liarcillv in liohilcund In lliinlwar, Ac. 2 voIh. Hvo. Und., 1813. D 5 P 9, 10 DAVIDSON (Ellis A.) Amateur House Carpenter. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 11 V 10 Gothic Stonework : containing the History and Principles of Church Architecture, and Illustrations of the Characteristic Featuresofcacli Period. 12mo. Lond., 1885. A 2 R 18 Practical 3Ianual of House-painting, Graining, IMarbling, and Sign-writing. 3rd ed. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1880. ' " A 17 Q 32 [See Field, G.] DAVIDSON (G. F.) Trade and Travel in the Far East. 8vo. Lond., 1846. D G P 17 Another copy. MD 3 R 43 DAVIDSON (Thomas). Philosophical System of Antonio Rosmini-Serbali. [See Rosmini-Serbati, A.] DAVIDSON (Rev. William L.), M.A. Logic of Definition, explauicd and applied. 8vo. Lond., 1885. G13T32 DA VIES (Laijy Clementina). Recollections of Society in France and England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872. C 4 Q 31, 32 DAVIES (Rev. C. Maurice), IXD. Heterodox London; or. Phases of Free Thought in the Metropolis. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. G 10 8 25,26 Orthodox London; or. Phases of Religious Life in the Church of England. 2nd. cd. [1st and 2nd series.] 2 vols. 8vo. Ixmd., 1874-75. G 10 S 23, 24 Unorthodox London; or. Phases of Religious Life in the Metropolis. [1st and 2nd series.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873-75. G 10 S 21, 22 DAVIES (C. M.) History of Holland and tiic Dutch Nation; from the Beginning of the 10th Century to the End of the 18th. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 185 1 . B 1 2 T 10, 12 DAVIES (D. C), F.G.S. Treati-so on Earthy and other Minerals and Mining. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 9 Q 39 Treatise on Metalliferous Minerals and Mining. 2nd ed., carefully revi.sed. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 9 Q 31 Treatise on Slate and Slate Quarrying. Scientific, Prac- tical, and Commercial. (W'enlr.) 2nd ed., revised. 12mo. Lond., 1880. A 17Q44 DAVIES (Ki. WARD). Life of B. !•:. .■\lurlllo [de Scvilla] ; compiled from the Writings of various Authors. 8vo. Lond., 1819. C4T 18 DAVIES (Rev. E.), D.D. Other Mens M bids: or. Seven Thousand Choice Extnictson History, Science, Philosophy, lU-ligion, itc, selected from the standard aulhorslii]) of Ancient and Modern Times. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1874. K 17 V 31 DAVIES (Hev. K. W. L), M.A. Algiers in 1857; its Accessibility, Climate, and Resources described, witli especial reference to English Inv.ilids. 8vo. Lond., 1858. D 1 S 15 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 211 Dav] Part I : — AtdJwrs, Editors, or Reference. [Dav DA VIES (G. Ciiristopheh). Norfolk Broads and Rivers ; or, the Water-ways, Lagoons, and Decoys of East Anglia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1883. D 7 R 40 On Dutch Waterways : the Cruise of the s.s. Atalania on the Rivers and Canals of Holland and tlie North of Belgium. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1887. D 8 V 18 Practical Boat-sailing for Amateurs ; containing Parti- culars of the most suitable Sailing-boats and Yachts for Amateurs, and Instructions for their proper handling, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud, (n.d.) A 2 R 34 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 2 R 35 The Swan and her Crev/ ; or, the Adventures of tliree Young Naturalists and Sportsmen on the Broads and Rivers of Norfolk. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 14 Q 50 DAVIES (Hanbury), B.A. The Bankruptcy Act. [See Wise, B. R.] DAVIES (H.) Welsh Botanology : Catalogue of Native Plants of the Isle of Anglesey (in Latin, English, and Welsh). 8vo. Lond., 1813. "a 4 T 25 DAVIES (John), M.A. Hindu Philosophy; the Bhagavad Gita ; or, the Sacred Lay : a Sanskrit Pliilosophical Poem. 8vo. Lond., 1882. G 15 P 14 DAVIES (Sir John), Knt. Discoverie of the True Causes why Ireland was neuer entirely subdued, nor brought vnder Obedience of the Crowne of Englanil, vntill the Beginning of His Maiesties happie Raigne, James 1st. With the Author's Life. 1 2mo. Dublin, 1 7 G 1 . B 11 P 7 Historical Tracts; by Sir John Davies, Attorney General, and Speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland ; to which is prefixed a new Life of the Author. 8vo. DuV)lin, 1787. B29T17 DAVIES (Prof. John R), M.A. The Euminides of j32schylus. \_See ^schylus.] DAVIES (John Hamilton). Life of Richard Baxter, of Kidderminster, Preacher and Prisoner. 8vo. Lond., 1887. C 10 R 22 DAVIES (J. L.), AND VAUGHAN (D. J.) Republic of Plato. [_See Plato.] DAVIES (Rev. J. Silvester), M.A., kv. History of Stmth- ampton ; partly from tlie IIS. of Dr. Speed. 4to. South- ampton, 1883. B 4 U 12 DAVIES (Mrs.), "Desda." The Rival Fairies; or. Little Mamie's Troubles : an Australian Story. 12mo. Sydney, 1871. MJ 1 P 38 DAVIES (Roceet), F.S.A. Walks through the City of York ; edited by his Widow, Elizabeth Da\ies. 8vo. Lond., 1880. B G Q 9 DAVIES (Rowland Lyttelton Archer). Poems, and other Literary Remains of ; edited, with a Biographical Sketch, bv Charles Tomlinson. F.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1884. MH 1 P 9 DAVIES (Thomas). Preparation and Mounting of Micrc- !C.>pic Objects ; edited by John Matthews, M.D., A\'I.S (Cll.MiLES TilOMA.s). ^Manufacture of Leather; being a Description of all the Processes for tlio Tanning, Tawing, Currying, Finisliing, and Dyeing of every kind of Leather, ic. Illustrated. Hoy. 8vo. Philad., 1885. A 11 T 15 Manufacture of Paper; Ijeing a I)escri])tion of tlie various Processes for the Faljrication, Coloring, and Finisliing of every kind of Paper. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 188G. A 1 1 T II Practical on the Manufacture of Bricks, Tiles, Terra- cotta, A-c. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., ISSl. A 1 I 'I" 1 .t Treatise on Steani-hoiler Incrustation, and MetluKls for preventing Corrosion anil tin; Formation of Scale, itc. Illustrated. 8vo. L.nd., 188-'. A 16 S'4 DAVIS (James Davidson). Contributions towards a Piiblio- graphy of New Zealand ; collected and annotated by James Davidson Davis. 8vo. Wellington, 1887.* MK 1 P 40 DAVIS (James Edward). Annals of Windsor. [_Su Tigiie, Robert Richard.] [&e Burn, R.] DAVIS (Jefferson). Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. B 1 T 38, 39 DAVIS (John). Mormcmism; or, the Doctrines of the self- styled Latter-day Saints compared with itself and the Bible, and found wanting. 12mo. Sydney, 1857. MG 1 P 48 DAVIS (John). Tracks of McKinlay and Party across Australia; edited from Mr. Davis' jSIanuseript Journal; by William Westgarth. 8vo. Lond., 1863.* MD 2 V 2 DAVIS (Sir John Francis), K.C.B. The Chinese: a General Description of the Empire of China and its In- habitants. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836. B 2 P 31, 32 Ciiinese Miscellanies: a Collection of Essays and Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1865. D 5 R 17 Han Koong Tsew; or, the Sorrows of Han: a Chinese Tragedy; tran.slated, with Notes, kc. 4to. Lond., 1829. H 1 V 3 Sketches of C'liina; partly during a Tidand Journey of Four :Slonths. 2 vols. 8vo. 'Lond.,' 1841. D 5 R 15, 16 DAVIS (Joseph Barnard), M.D., kc. On the Osteology and Peculiarities of the Tasmanians, a Race of Man recently become extinct. 4to. Haarlem, 1874. MA 1 Q 4 t DAVIS (Dr. N.), F.R.G.S., kc. Carthage and her Re- mains ; being an Account of the Excavations and Re- searches on the Site of the Pluvnician Metropolis in Africa, and other adjacent Places. 8vo. Lond., 18(il. I! 1 Q 4 DAVIS (Ukv. Richard.) INIemoir of Rev. Ridiard Davis, for Thii'ty-nine Years a Missionary in New Zealand ; by the Rev. John Noble Coleman. 8vo. 'Lond., 1865. MC l" (^ 1 DAVIS (Thomas). Memoir of the Rt. II. m. .1. P. Curran. \_See Curran, J. P.] DAVIS (W.) [S<-e Newton, Sii; I.] DAVIS (William Morris). Glacier.s. [5wShaler, N. S.] DAVISON (D.),,ry of tile Eighteenth Century. [See SCHLOSSKR, F. C] D.WISON (S. C.) King of Saxony's Journey to England and Scotland. [See Caruk, Dr. C. (!.] DAVISON (Simi'Son). Discovery and Geognosy of Gold Dejiosils in Auslndia; with Comparisons and Accounts of the (jold Regions in California, Ru.ssia, India, Brazil, itc. \\'itli Ma].. 8vo. Lond., 1 SCO.* MA 2 t^ 1 l>.\\'ISON (William.) Lifi'.if Wiili.uii D.ivi.snn, Secretary of Slate and Privy Counsellor to (..Jueen Elizabeth ; by Sir Nicholas llanis. 8vo. Lond., 1823. C 8 R 5 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 213 Dav] Pakt I : — AiUhors, Editors, or Reference. [Day DAVITT (Artiiuk). Origin and Pi'ogrcss of the National System of Education ; its Real Principles and Special Adaptability to the Circumstances of a mixed Community. 8vo. Molb., 185G. MV. 1 Q 30 DAVITT (Michael). Leaves from a Prison Diary; or, Lectures to a " Solitary" Audience. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 188.5. F 6 Q 17, 18 DAVY (Sir Humphrey), Bart., LL.D., ic. Consolations in Travel; or, the Last Days of a Philosopher. 7th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1869. G 8P 2 Elements of Atrricultural Chemistry. 4to. Lond., 1813. A1T2 Another copy. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1827. A 5 U 3-5 Fragmentary Remains, Literary and Scientific; with a Sketch of his Life and Selections from his Correspondence; edited by his brother, John Davy, M.D., etc. 8vo. Lond., 1858. C 10 Q 22 Memoirs of the Life of; by his brother John Davy, M.D., etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 183G. C 8 T 7, 8 Salmonia; or, Days of Fly-fishing; by "An Angler." 12mo. Lond., 1832. " " A 14 P 57 Six Discourses delivered before tlie Royal Society, at their Anniversary Meetings. 4to. Lond., 1827. A 15 U 16 DAVY (John), M.D., ic. Fragmentary Remains, Literary and Scientific, of Sir H. Davy; with Sketch of his Life, &c. ; edited by his brother. 8vo. Lond., 1858. C 10 Q 22 Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphrey Davy, Bart., S 24, 2.5 DE BOOS (Charles). Uongewoi Correspondence ; being the Letters of Mr. John Smith ; edited by Charles De Boos. 8vo. Sydney, 1874. MJ 2 S 32 Fifty Years Ago : an Australian Tale. 8vo. Sydney, 1867.* MJ 2 S 30 DEBRETT (John). Complete Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland. 21st ed. ; edited by W. Courthorpe. 8vo. Lond., 1836. K 10 S 9 Baronetage, Knightage, and Compani(jnage : in which is included much Information respecting Collateral Branches of Baronets; edited by Robert H. Mair, LL.D. Illu,s- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1884. K10S14 Baronetage of England, and the existing Baronets of Nova Scotia and Ireland, 7tli ed. ; edited by V/. Courthorpe. 8vo. Lond., 1837. K 10 S 10 Illustrated House of Commons, and the Judicial Bench, 1871 and 1881 ; compiled and edited by Robert Henry Mair. 8vo. Lend., 1871-81. E DE BRY (Theodoije). [_See Brv, Theodoue de.] DECAISNE (J.) Plantes Vasculaires. {See Dumont D'Urville, Capt. J. S. C] {See Candolle, Alphonse {See Caxdolle, Alphonse DE CARDONNEL (Adam). {See Cardonnell, Adam de.] DE CANDOLLE ( P. DE.] DE CANDOLLE (Casimir). P. et Casimir de.] DE CARNE (Louis). Travels in IndoCliina and the Chinese Empire; translated from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1872. D 4 U 7 DE CASTELLANE (P.), Comte COMTE DE.] {See Castellane, P. DE CASTRO. {Sec Castro, Dom John de.] DE CHASTELLUX (F. J.), Marquis. {See Chastellux, Marquis de.] DE COIN (CoL. RoBKT L.) History and Cultivation of Cotton and Tobacco. 8vo. Lond., 'l864. A 1 P 25 DECORATION in Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, and ' Art Manufactures. Illustrated. 1st series, complete. S(i. 8vo. Lond., 1880. ASP 45 DE OOSSON (MA.IOR E. A.), F.R.Ci.S. Cradle of the Blue Nile : a Visit to the Court of King John of Ethiojiia. With Map and Illustrations. 2 ^ols. (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1877. D14R8 Days and Nights of Service with Sir Gerald Graham's Fi(;l(l Force at Suakin. With Plan and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 188G. D 1 P 23 DE COULANGES (Fustel). {See Coulanoes, F. de.] DE CUSTINE (—), Marquis. [&eCusTiNE, Marquis de.] DEEBLE (W.) {See Mooue, Rev. T.] DEFENDERS OF NEW ZEALAND. {See Gudgeon, T. W.] DE FLANDRE (Charles). {See Flandre, C. de.] DE FOE (Daniel) [a Biography]; by W. Minto. (Eng. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 1 U 11 His Life and recently discovered Writings, extending from 1716 to 1729; by William Lee. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869. 10 T 29-31 Journal of the Plague Year ; or. Memorials of the Great Pestilence in London in 1665. (Faui. Lib.) 12mo Lond., 1835. K 10 P 32 Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe ; with Biographical Memoir and Illustrative Notes, by T. Ballantvne. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882. J 10 R 7, 8 Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York. (Facsimile Reprint of the 1st edition, 1819.) 8vo. Lond., 1883. J 10 R 6 Life and Times of; with Remarks, Digressive and Discursive, by William Chadwick. 8vo. Lond., 1859. C 10 T 32 Novels and Miscellaneous Works of; edited, with Life, by T. Ballantyne. 20 vols. 12mo. Oxford, 1840. J 1 V 1-20 1,2. Life and Ailventures of Robinson Crusoe. With Memoir of the Autlior. 3. Life, Adventures, and Piracies of Captain Singleton. 4. Fortunes and Misfortnne.s of the Famous Moll Flanders. .5. Life of Colonel Jack, and a True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal. 6. Memoirs of a Cavalier, 1632-38. 7. New Voyage Round the World. 8. Memoirs of Captain George Carleton, and Life and Adven- tures of Mrs. Christian Davies. 9. Journal of the Plague Year in 1663. 10. Political History of the Devil. 11. Roxana ; or, the Fortunate Mistress. 12. System of Magic ; or, a History of the Black Art. 13. History and Reality of Apparition.?. 14. Religious Courtship. 15. 16. Family Instructor. 17, 18. Complete English Tradesman. 216 CATALOGUE OF TFE DeF] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Heference. [Del DE FOE (y>K^VEL)— continued. 19. Life and Adventures of Mr. Duncan Campbell— A Remark- able Passage of an Apparition, 1665— The Dumb Philosopher ; or, Great Britain's Wonder— Everybody's Business is Xo- body's Business ; or, Private Abuses, Public Grievances. SO. Life of Daniel De Foe, by George C'habners A List of De Foe's Works, arranged Chronologically -An Appeal to Honor and Justice, though it be to his Worst Enemies, &c. — A Seasonable Warning and Caution against the Insinuations of Papists and Jacobites in Favour of the Pretender - Rcivsons against the Succession of tlie House of Hanover ; %vith an Enquiry, How far the Abdication of King James, supposing it to be Legal, ought to alFect the Person of the Pretender— And what if the Pretender should Come ? or. Some Considerations of the Advantages and Real Conserjuences of the Pretender's Possessing the Crown of Great Britain — K\\ Answer to a Question that Xobody thinks of, viz.. But wliat if the Queen should die? —The True-born Englishman : a Satire. Tour through the Island of Great Britain, di%iiU'd into Circuits or Journeys ; origincally begun by tlic celeljrated Daniel De Foe, continued by the late 5lr. Kichardson. 9th ed. 4 vols. 12mo. Dublin, 1770. D 7 P 33-30 DE GEXLIS (St^pii.vxie Felicitk), Comtesse. \Su Gexlis, St^puaxie FKLiciTft, Comtesse de.] DE GRIMM (F. M.) Baron. {See Grimm, F. I\I. Barox pe.] DE GRUCHY i LEIGH. Stranger'si Guide to Melbourne. Illustrated. 12nio. Melb., 1866. 3IJ 2 P 32 DE 6UBERNATIS (Angelo). [Sk Gubern.vtis, A. de.] DE GUIGNES (C. L. G.) {_Ste Guigxes, C L. G. de.[ DE GUIGXES (J.) \_See (ifiGXE.s, J. de.] DEHEQUE (Vi:\.\\ DfeiRfi). Dictionnaire Grec Modcrne Frun.ais. ISmo. Paris, 182-'). KllSG D'F:FCH\\'Arj> H'^douard). Lelluoa Rossica; on. PaKVin' tologie de la Russie. 3 vols, (in o) Svu. fol. Stuttgart, 1853-68. A !i S \\ 10 Atlas [to aljjve]. 2 vols, (in 1) ini]). Uo. Stuttgart, l><.V) 6S. A 23 R 25 } J>K Jt. A 7 P 22 Ksamples of Moili I II .Mpliabi'ls, Plain and ( )i'nami'Mtal ; including (ierman, < Sm. 4to. Lond., 1SG7. A 7 Q 3 Primer of the Art of Illumination for the use of Beginners ; with a Rudimentary Treatise on the Art. Sm. 4to. Lond. , 1874. A G V 3-J. DELAMOTTE (Philip H.) Art of Sketching from Nature 4to. Lond., 1871. A 1 P 2 t Work in Earthenware. Art Work in Gold and Silver — Mediaeval. [See Wiie.^tley, H. B.] DELANO (C.YPT. Amasa). Narrative of Voyages and Travels in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. 2nd ed. 8vo. Boston, 1818. MD 4 V 43 DELANY (J. D.) Orangeism : a Historical Retrospect ; a Lecture. 8vo. Sydney, 1871. DELANY (Mrs. Marv), Mary Granville. Autobio- graphy and Correspondence of Mary Granville (Mrs. Delany) ; edited by the Rt. Hon. Lady Llanover. 1st and 2nd series, with Portraits. G vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861-62. C 10 U 2-7 DE LAPLACE [See Laplace, Marquis de.] DELAROCHE (Paul). Brief Biographies of the Painters, Sculptoi-s, and Architects represented in the Hemicycle of the Palais des Beaux Arts. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C3T44 Life of (Great Artists); by J. R. Rees. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 3 T 44 DE LA RUE (Warren), M.A., etc., and MULLER (Hugo W.), Ph.D., kc. Experimental Researches on the Electric Discharge with the Chloride of Silver Battery. Parts 1, i. (Roy. Soc. Pubs. 5.) 4to. Lond., 1878. A 1 1 P G t DE LASPEE (H.) [See LASPi:E, H. de.] DELATTRE (A.), S.J. Le Peuple et FEmpire des Medes jusiju'a la fin du Regne de cyaxare. 4to. Bruxelles, 1883. B 3 P 25 t DELATTRE (Charles). L'Ocoanie : Voyages et Nauf- rages les plus intcressants. 8vo. Limoges, 1885. MD4U20 DELAUNAY (Mlle. de). [See Staal, Baronne de.] DELAVAUD (L.) L'Australie. Voyages et Decouvertes Gcographiques. Collections public'e sous la direction de M. Richard Cortambert. 1 2mo. Paris, 1882.* MD 2 Q 26 DELAVILLE LE ROULX (Joseph). Les Archives, la Bibliotheque, et le Tresor de I'Ordre de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem-a Malte. 8vo. Paris, 1883. G 11 T 7 2e DELBET (Jules). Exploration ArchcologiquedelaGalatie, etc. [See Perrot, G.] D 4 S 10 1 1 + DELEPIERRE (Octave). Macaroncana ; ou. Melanges de Littcrature Macaronique des differents Peuples de I'Europe. 8vo. Paris, 1852. J 17 P 17 Supercheries Litte'raires, Pastiches, Suppositions d'Au- teur, dans les Lettres et dans les Arts. Sep 8vo. Lond., 1872. J 17 P 21 DELESSERT (Euoene). Voyages dans les deux Oceans, Atlantique et Pacifique, 1844-47. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1848.* MD 4 P 14 t DELEUZE (J. P. F.) History and Description of the Royal Museum of Natural Histoi-y, published by order of the Administration of that Estaljlishment ; translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. A7Q16, 17 DE LIEFDE (J. B.) The Beggars (Les Gueux) ; or, the Founders of the Dutch Republic : a Tale. 8vo. Lond., 1868. J 4 P 12 DELITZSCH (Prof. Frederic). Hebrew Language viewed in the Light of Assyrian Research. 8vo. Lond., 1883. K 13 P 13 DELIUS (Christ. Francois). Traite sur la Science de 1 Expl(.)itation des Mines, par theoi'ie et pratique. Traduit en Francais, par M. Schreiber. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1778. A9V14, 15 DELLA BONA (Giovanni). Elementi di Pedagogia Scien- titica. 1 . Pedagogia Teorica. 8 vo. Milano, 1 883. " G 1 7 R 1 DELLAS ( Arlstide). Key to the Pronunciation of French as spoken in Paris. 8vo. Melb., 1868. MK 1 P 18 DEL MAR (Alexander), C.E., etc. History of Money in Ancient Countries. 8vo. Lond., 1885. ESQ 23 History of the Precious Metals. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 10 P 12 Money and Civilization. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F9R8 Science of Money. 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 9 R 7 DELMARD (Sophia D.) Village Life in SwitzerhuK'.- 8vo. Lond., 1865. " D 9 P 27 DE LOLME (Jean Louis). Constitution of Englaiu'. New ed., with Life and Notes, by John Macstregor, M.P. 8vo. Lond., 1853. " " B 4 P 10 DE LONG (Lieut.-Com. George W.), U.S.N. Narrative of the Search for. [See Melville, G. W.] Voyage of the Jifiiinelte : the Ship and Ice Journals of George W. de Long, Lieut. -Commander, U.S.N., and Commander of the Polar Expedition of 1879-81 ; edited by his Wife, Emma de Long. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. " D 4 S 31 32 DE LOS VALLES (Baron). [See Valles, Baron de Los.] 218 CATALOGUE OF THE Del] Part I: — Aiitliors, Editors, or Heference. [Dem DELPHIX CLASSICS. Edited bv A. J. Valpv, A.M. 187 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1819-30. " J13P-T .\puleius. Florus. Propertins. Aulus Gellius. Iloratius. Pnidentius. .\urelius Victor. Justinus. SalUistius. .\usaniu3^ .Juvenalis. Statins. Boethius. Livius. Suetonius. Caesar. Lucretius. Tacitus. Catullus. Manilius. Terentius. Cicero. Jlartialis. TihuUus. Claudianus. Ovidius. V.ilerius Maxinuis. Cornelius Kcixw. Pane-fj-rici vctcres. Vellcius Paterculus. Curtius Rufus. Persius. Wrrius Flaccus ct Dares I'hogius. Pha;dnis. Poui|icius Fcstus. Irtcijs Cretensis. Plautus. Virjjilius. Eutropius. PUnius (the cider). DELPRINO (Dii. M.) Perte dans le Produit de la Soie, par suite defauts des .-iysteiiie usuels, et appiwiatiou de.s nouvello.sineth|-; Mocks (MAnvl'l-*). Reeolleetions of liar.iii dios' Kiiilia.vty to C'liina and Japan, ill l.S.")7 ;")?<. W'itli lllii.s- trntions" 12iiu>. Jyiiul., INCO. I) .'i P 28 DHMOLOMRE ((}.) Coni-s de Code Nai.oler.n. 2f. vol.s. Nvo. Puri.i, 1H07-7I. 1' !M^> 1 •_'(; DK MoNTfiOX (L'Aiiiif; [Sec MoSTOOV, L'Allllf. (.'llAltl.KN Al-KXANDIIK UK.] DE MfiNTl'ENSIER. [«« JIontpknhikii.] DE MORGAN (Augustu.s), F.R.A.S., kv. Aiitlimetical Books, from the Invention of Printini;. 8vo. Lond., 1847. '^ A 10 8 25 Book of Almanacs ; with an Index of Reference by which the Almanac may be found for e\ery year, whether in Old Style or New, from any Epoch, Ancient or Modern, up to A.D. 2000, with means of finding tlie Day of any New or Full Moon, from B.C. 2000 to a.d. 2000. Ob. 12mo. Lond., 1851. A 10 R 30 A Budget of Paradoxes ; i-ej>rinled, with the Author's Additions, fmni the At/wiKium. 8\o. Lond., 1872. J 15S8 Differential and Integral Calculus. (Lil). Usef. Know.) 8vo. Lond., 1842. ^ A 10 T 16 An Essay on Probabilities and their ajijilication to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 18mo. Lond., 1838. K 1 U 28 Formal Logic; or, the Calculus of Inference, necessary and probable. 8vi). Lond., 1847. (? 3 T 1 1 Memoir of ; by his Wife, Sophia Elizabeth r)c Morgan; with Selections from his Letters. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C10T28 Newton: his Friend and his Niece; edited by [Mis. Sopliia l*;iizabeth De Jlorgan and] Ailhur Cowpcr Ranvard. 8vo. Lond., 1885.' C 10 U 38 Remarks on Elementary Etlucation in Science. (Univ. of Lond.) 8vo. Lond., 1830. J 5 S 8 Thoughts suggested by the cstablishmei\t of the Univer- sity of London : an Introductory Lecture. [Univ. of Lond.] 8vo. Lond., 1837. " J 5 S 8 [See CoHUHN, V. W. and F. L., hikI Sciikon, Dr. L.] DE MORtrAN (Miis. Sophia Elizabeth). From Matter to Spirit: the Result of Ten Years' Experience in Spirit Manifestations: by CD. 8vo. Lond., 186.3.* 7 Q 18 -Memoir of Augustus De Morgan; with Selecti•>[ in excite the .Alhrnians Philip of Ab-icednii : Iransl.itod by Tlioinas Lel.Miid, D.D. 2 vols. IHino. Lond, ls;!2. ' .I15P7, 8 I'olitie;il I'^loipieiice in (Jreeee: I )eiiiostheiies ; \nlli E.xtracts from his ( )iiil ions, and a ( 'ritieul Discussion of the "Trial of the Crown," liv L. I'riMlif; translated liy M. .). IMacMahon, A.M. Kvo. ■('hicago, 1881. ■ C5T6 Holectio OratiiHKW. Notis insiipir ilhislravit; Ricardu.M Momiteney. Edilio deciina ipi.irt.i, Kinendatior, et Aiicfior; Accurante .J. \V. Niblock, D.D. 8vi). Lond., 1826. K 10 P 23 FllEE PUliLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 219 Dem] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Den DEMPSEY (G. D.), C'.E. Rudimentary Treatise on tlie Drainageof Districts! and Lands. (Weale.) 12mo. Loud., 1869. A 17 P 33 Ruilimentary Treatise of tlie Drainage of Towns and Buil- ding.s. (Weale.) liirao. Lond., i«f)7. A 17 P 33 Rudimentary Treatise on tlin Locornotivo Engine in all its Pliases. (Weale.) 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond.,18G6. A 17 P 26 Rudimentary Treatise on the Locomotive Engine; with Additions by D. Kinnear Clark, C.E. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1879. A 17 Q 17 Tubular and other Iron Girder Bridges, (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1865. A 17 P 32 DEMPSTER (Miss Chaklotte Louisa Hawkins). Mari- time Alps and tlieir Seaboard. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1885. D 8 Y 7 DE MUSSET (Alfred). [See Musset, A. de.] DENDY (Walter Cooper). The Pliilosophy of Mystery. 8vo. Lond., 1841. G 10 S 18 DENHAM (Major Dixon), F.R.S., CLAPPERTON (Capt. Hugh), AND OUDNEY (D.) Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in the years 1822-2-1. Srded. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. D 1 V 20, 21 DENHAM (H. M.), R.N. Sailing Directions from Point Lynas to Liverpool; with Charts, Coast Views, River Sections, &c., for navigating the Dee and Mersey. 8vo. Liverpool, 18-10. V T 22 DENHAM (Sir John), K.B. Life and Poems of. [_See Chalmers, A., and Johnson, Dr. S.J Poems and Translations ; with the Sophy : a Tragedy. 7th cd. 12mo. Lond. (u.d.) H G R 5 The Sophy : a Tragedy. (Old Plays.) Sm. fol. Lond., 1612. H 1 V 1 DENIEHY (Daniel Henry). How I became Attorney- General of New Barataria : an Experiment at Treating Facts in the Forms of Fiction. (Pam. 26.) 12mo. Sydney, 1860. MJ 2 Q U Life and Speeches of; by Miss E. A. Martin. 8vo. Melb., 188-1.* MC 1 R 6 DENINA (Carlo). Rivoluzioni della Germania. 8 vols, (in 7) 8vo. Firenze, 1801. B 9 R 33-39 DENISON (Edmund Beckett), M.A. Lectures on Church- Building. \_See Beckettt, Sir E.] Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks, Watches, and Bolls. \_See Beckett, Sir E.] DENISON (Rt. Hon. J. Evelyn), Speaker of the Housb OF Commons. The Holy Bible according to the Authorized Version. \_See Bibles and Testaments.] DENISON (M.uor-Gen. Sir William Thomas), K.C.B., &a Copy of a Despatch, bearing date the IGth day of April, 1 860, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, on Military Expenditure in New South Wales; together with .some Correspondence before and after that Despatch. (Pari. Docs., 41.) Fol. Lond., 1861. MF 4 % Lecture on Education. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MTi 1 Q 30 Results of a series of Experiments for determining the relative value of Specimens of Native Gold from the Countries whence it is brought to market in Colonies. 8vo. Hobart, 1852. MA 2 Q 35 Roads and Railways in New South Wales and India. 8vo. Lond., 1870. " MF 1 Q 15 Varieties of Vice-regal Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870. MC 1 R 20, 21 \_See Boyd, B. ; Buroovne, Sir J.; and Stevens, C. G.] DENMAN (J. L.) The Vine and its Fruit. 8vo. Lond., 1844. A 1 P 10 DENNIS (C. R.) Annual Report of the Quartermaster- General, made to the General Asseml)ly of tlie State of Rhode Island, at its January Session, a.d. 1876. (Pam. Ja.) 8vo. Providence, 1876. F 7 S 24 DENNIS (George). Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. Revised ed. With Map, Plans, and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. BUR 29, 30 Summer in Andalucia. 2vols.8vo. Loud., 1839. D 8 T 6, 7 DENNIS (John). Studies in English Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1S76. B 21 S 27 DENNISTON (R. B.) Reports on the Bullcr Coal-tield. [_See Hector, Sir J.] DENNISTOITN (James). Memoirs of the Dukes of Ur- bino, illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy, 1440-1630. 3 vols. sq. 8vo. Lond., 1851. BUY 14-16 DENON (Vivant). Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, pendant les Campagnes de Bonaparte, en 1 798-99. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1807. D 9 S 14, 15 t Planches du Voyages dans Egvpte. At. fol. Lond., 1807. D IIP 17: DENG VAN (W. D. C.) Evidences of Spiritualism : Lec- tures, Addi-esses, &c. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1882. MG 1 T 1 DENS (Peter). Dens' Theology : Extracts from Peter Dens, on the Nature of Confession, and the Obligation of the Seal. 2nd ed. Dublin, 1836. Reprinted. 8vo. Sydney, 1839. MJ 2 R 18 Theologia Moralis et Dogmatica. 8 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1832. G 13 T 34-41 DENT (Clinton). Above the Snow Line : Mountaineering Sketches, 1870-80. 8vo. Lond., 1885. D 8 R 2.5 220 CATALOGUE 0¥ THE Den] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Des DENT (Emma). Annals of "SViuchcombe and Sudelev. 4to. 1/^1,1877. B 16 Q 17"j DENT (Hastin-cs Charles), C.E. A Year in Brazil; with Notes on the Abalitiun of Slavery, Meteorology, Natural History, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 4 Q"9 1)EXT (Robert K.) Old .uitl Xew Birmingham : a History of the Town and its People. Illustrated. Rov. 8vo. Birmingham, 1880. B 5 Y 21 DEXKJX (J. Bailey), F.G.S., &c. Sanitary Engineering: a Series of Lectures given before the School of ililitaiy Engineering at Cliatham, 1876. In Divisions : — Air — ^^'ater — Tlie Dwelling — The Town and the Yillage — Disposal of Sewage. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 6 L^ 6 DEXTRECASTEAUX (Bruxy). Yoyage de Dentrecas- teau-x, euvcjye a la recherche de La Perouse. Redige jiar M. de Rossel. 2 vob. 4to. Paris, 1808. :MD7P9,10t Atlas [to the above]. At. fol. Paris, 1807. MD 5 Q 9 t D'EON DE BEAUMONT (G. L. A.), CnEVALiEU. Strange Career of the Chevalier DEon de Beaumont, Minister Plenipotentiary from France to Great Britain in 17C3 ; by Caj.t. J. B."Telfer, R.X\ 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 6 Q 16 {See TuoM-vs, W. J.] 1>E P.\.l'\\' (CORXELIUS). [5e« PaUW, COKXELIl'S DE.] DEPLAXCIIES (JouAN et Emile). Geologic de la X''ouvelle-Caledonie. [See Deslongciiamps, E.] DI-: PL.\NCY (Jacques A. S. C. D. Collin). [See Collin i>E Pla.n'cy, J. A. S. C. 1).] DEPOSIER (J.) Des Devoirs des Hommes. [-See Pelico, S.] DE PUY (W. H.), A..M., &c. Poo])le's Cycloi.edia of Universal Knowledge ; with numerous Appendixes in- valualjle for Reference in all Departments of Industrial Life; the whole; brought down to tiie year 188.'}. 2 vols, imp. Hvo. Xe«- York, 1883. " K 4 U l.'i, 14 DE QUATiti;|-\i;i:s (Armanu). [See Quatuefages, A. r.E.] DK QL'IXCEY (TllOMA.s). .\utobiogr.ij.hi<- Sketches. 2 vok 8vo. Edinb., lK53-r)4. C IG P 16, 17 [A Biography] ; l>y D. Miusson. (Eng. .Men of fxitls.) 8vo. Ix.tnl", IMHl. C 1 U 12 Confe.sftions of an English Opium-eater. 1 L'liio. Lond,, lNr,.l .J 7 ti 2 Mi.sceJianieB.ciiiefly Narrative. 8vo. Edinh., Is.") 1. J11Q8 Mi.Hcellnnies. «vo. Edinb., 1854. J 1 1 C^ 9 Personal Recojloctions of; by J. R. Findlay. ]2mo. Edinb., 188G. C 2 Q 14 DE QUINCEY {Tno^xs)— continued. The AVorks of. 22 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1854-69. J11Q13-34 1. Confessions of an English Opium-eater, and Suspiria de Pro- fuudis. 2. Biographical Essays. 3. Miscellaneous Essays. 4. The Caesars. 5. 6. Literary Reminiscences. 7, 8. Narrative and Miscellaneous Paj^ers. 9. Essays on the Poets, kc. 10, 11. Historical and Critical Essays. 12. Autobiographic Sketches. 13, 14. Philosophical Writers. 15. Letters to a Young Man. 16. 17. Theological Essays. 18. Notebook of an English Opium-eater. 19, 20. Memorials, &c. 21. The Avenger, &c. 2i?. Logic of Political Economy. DERBY (Eakl of). "Wliat are you at;" A Plain Question addressed to the Earl of Derby; by "A Leicester- shire Farmer.^' (Pam. Jf.) 8vo. Lond., 1852. MF2P2 [See Homer.] DE RICCt (J. II.), F.R.G.S. Fiji : our New Province in the South Seas. 8vo. Lond., 1875. MD5P36 DE ROS (Lieut.-Ge.n'. Willian Lknno.v Lascelles Fitz- gerald), Lord. Memorials of the Tower of London. 8vo. Lond., 1866. B 3 R 29 DERRICK (Charles). Memoirs of the Rise and Progress of the Royal Navy. 4to. Lond., 1806. B 2 T 22 DERWENT STAR (Tin:). TIw D.rwent Star and Van l)'nm(u's Land /)itttli(/i)icei; Tuesday, April 3rd, 1810. (A Rejirint, containing an Account of the Deatli and 01)se(|ui(s of Lieut. -Ciovernor Collins.) (Pam. M.) Fol. llol.ut (n.d.) MJ2S4 DE SAIXT MARTIX (Lr.wis Vivien). [See Vivien de Saint .Martin, L.] DES.\XGES (L. W.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Victoria Cross Gallery ; painted by L. \V. Dcsanges. [See Di'iiLiN Intern. K.xhih., 1865.] DE SAULCY (Louis Fi-':Lirii:N Joseph Cakjnakt). [See SaULC'V, L. V. J. C. DE. ] DESBOIS (Fh. ,\i,i,x. di; i.a Ciiunavk). ])iclionnairo Raisonne et Univer.sel des Animaux, ou lo ]{egno .\nimai, (Minsistant (in Qinidrujx'des, Cetacces, Oiseaux, Ri'plile.s, Poissons, Tnsectes, Vers, Zoojihyles ou Plantes animales. 4 vols. 4 to. Paris, 1759. A 15 R 18-21 DESCAMPS (J. B.) La Vic des Peintros Flamands, AMemands, (•( llollandois, avec des Portraits. 4 vols. Hvo. Paris, 1753-61. C 4 T 32-35 PBEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 221 Des] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [De V DESCARTE.S (Renk). Oeuvres Philosophiques. 8vo. Paris, 1^43. G 7 V 20 DE SAINT-SIMON (Louis). [See Saint-Simon, L. de.] DESCHAMPS (P.), AND BllUNET (G.) Manuel du Libraire et de rAinateur de Livrcs. Supjjlement, cuu- tenant ; 1°, Un complement du Dictionnaire Biblio- grapliique de M. J. Ch. Brunei; 2', la Table Raisonnee. des Articles. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878-80. Libr. DESCHANEL (A. Piuvat). Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosopliy ; translated and edited, with exten- sive Additions, by J. D. Everett, M.A., &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870-72. A IG T 18-21 1. Mechanics, Hyilroatatics, and Pneumatics. 2. Heat. 3. Electricity ami Magnetism. 4. Sounil and Light. D'ESCHAVANNES (Jouffroy). Trait^; complet de la Science du Blason, a I'usage des Bibliophiles, Arche- ologues, Amateurs d'objets d'art et de curiosite, Numis- niates, Archivistes. Troiseme mille. 8vo. Paris, 1885. K 10 S 7 DESDA. [See Davies, Mrs.] DE SEVIGNE (Marie de Rabutin-Ghantal), Marquise [_See SiiviGNi:, M. de R.-C., Marquise de.] DESGRAZ (C.) lies Marquises ou Nouka-Hiva. [_See Vincendon-Dumoulin, C. A.] DESHAYES (G. P.) Description des Animaux sans Ver- tcbres decouverts dans le Bassin de Paris. Pour servir de Supplement a la Description des Coquilles Fossiles des Environs de Paris. 5 vols, et atlas roy. 4to. Paris, 18G0-66. A4S 15-19 t Description des Coquilles Fossiles des Environs de Paris. Conchiferes et Mollusques. 3 vols, et atlas roy. 4to. Paris, 1824-37. A 4 S 20-22 t [See Lamarck, J. P.. P. A. de M. de.] DESHLER (Charles D.) Afternoons with the Poets. Sq. 8vo. N. Yorlc, 1879. H 7 R 12 DESJARDINS (Tony). Monograpliie de I'Hotel de-Ville de Lyon ; restaure sous I'Administration de MM. Vaisse et Chevreau Senateurs. At. fol. Paris, 1867. A 1 R 5 J DESLANDES (Dr. Leopold). De I'Onanisme et des autres Abus vencriens consideres dans leurs rapports avec la Sante. 8vo. Paris, 1835. A 26 S 9 DESLONGCHAMPS (Eugene). Documents sur la Geologic de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, suivis du Catalogue des Roches recueillies dans cette ile par MM. Jouan et Emile De- planches. 8vo. Caen, 1864. MA 2 Q 19 DES MAISEAUX (Pierre). [See Bayle, Prof. P.] DESMAZE (Charles). Les Metiers de Paris d'aprcs Ics Ordonnances du Chatelet, avec les Sceaux des Arti.sans. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1874. F 8 T 1 DESMOULINS (Camille and Lucile), Camilla Desraoulins and his Wife : Passages from the History of the Dan- tonists, founded upon new and hitherto unpublished documents ; translated from the French of Jules Clai-etie, ))y Mrs. Cashel Hoey. 8vo. Lond., 1876. C 10 S 13 DES MURS (Quillet). Inconographie ornithologique. Nouveau Recueil general de Planches peintes d'Oiseaux. Premiere Partie. Roy. 4to. Paris, 1849. A 4 U 1 J DESORMEAUX (J. L. R.) Histoire de Louis de Bour- bon, Second du Norn, Prince de Conde, Premier Prince du Sang, Surnomnie Le Grand. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1766-68. B 9 P 8-11 DESPARD (Col. E. M.) [See Trials.] DE STAEL-HOLSTEIN (Anna Louisa Germaine), Baronne. [See Stakl-Holstein, A. L. G., Baronne de.] DE STENDAHL. [See Beyle, M. H.] D'ESTREY (G. H. J. Meyners), Comte. [See Meyners D'EsTREY, G. H. J., Comte.] DESTITUTE CHILDREN. Society for the Relief of. [See Society for the Relief of Destitute Children.] DESTY (R.) Penal Code of California. 12m(). San Francisco, 1885. F 2 P 3 DETECTIVE'S ALBUM (The) : Tales of tlie Australian Police; by W.W. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MJ 1 U 2 DE TOCQUEVILLE (Ale.xis). [See Tocqueville, A. de.] DETMOLD (Christian E.) [See Machiavelli, N.] DEUTSCH (Emanuel). Literary Remains of; with a brief Memoir. 8vo. Lond., 1874. G 10 T 9 DEUTSCH (Hermann). Map of the Squatting Stations in Victoria. [See Robertson, A.] DEUTSCHE BIOGRAPHIE. Allgemeine deutsche Bio- graphie, auf Veranlassung und mit Unterstiitzung seiner Majestaet des Ki.inigs von Bayern Maximilian ii. Vols. 1-22. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875-85. C 18 U 1-22 DEUTSCHE KOLONIALPOLITIK (Die). 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1885. MF 1 R 15, 16 DEVAS (C. S.) Groundwork of Economics. 8vo. Lond., 1883. F 6 T 3 DE VEGA (Juan). [See Cochrane, Capt. C] DE VERE (Prof. Maximilian Schele), LL.D. Outlines of Comparative Philology; with a Sketch of the Language of Europe. 8vo. New York, 1853. KllU'lO Studies in English. 3rd ed. 8vo. N.York, 1872. K12P3 222 CATALOGUE OP THE Dev] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Dia DEVEREUX (Walteh Robert, and Robert), Earls of Essex. \_See Essex, Eakls of.] DEVEREUX (Hex. Walter Bourciiier). Lives and Lettei-s of the Devereux, Earls of Essex, in the Reigns of Elizabeth, James i, anil Charles I, 1510-1646. 2 vols. 8vo. Loml, 18.53. C 6 U 12, 13 DEVEY (Joseph). Logic; or, tlie Science of Inference. 8vo. Lend., 1854. (I IG Q 1 DEVIC (3L) \_See lAvrvii:, K] DEVIGNY (A.) [_See Vigsv, A. de.] DEVIL (The). The Devil; Who, and what is He 1 or, the Origin of Evil; by "Clericus An^licanus." 8vo. Melb., 1888. ^ MG 1 Q 43 DEVILLE (Achille). Histoire de I'Art de la Verrerie dans TAntiquite. 4to. Paris, 1871. A 2 R 19 f Toinljeaux de la Cathcdrale de Rouen. 8vo. Rouen, 1833. A 8 Q 22 DEVILLIERS (C.) Nouvelle Recherches sur la Mem- brane Hvmen ct les Caroncules Hvmenalos. 8vo. Paris, 1840. ■ " Libr. DEVINE (Edward and Joseph). Newtown Ejectment Cose. \_See Moore, J. 8.] DE VINNE (Tjieodohe Low). Invention of Printina;: a Collection of Facts and Oiunions de.';crij)tive of early Prints atid Playing Cards, the Rlock Ruoks uf the loth Century, the Legend of Lourens Janszoon Coster, of Haarlem; and the Work of John Gutenberg and his Associates. Illus- trated. 2nded. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 16 V 9 DE VINSAUF. ISee Vissauf, G. de.] DE VIT (Dr. V.) [_See Forcellini, A.] DEVITTE (WiLLUM A. M.) Ilistorv of R,,me. {See Livit-s, T.] DEVIZES (Richard of). [See Kkiiard oi- l)i;vizi;s.] DE VOGUE (C. J. M.), CcMTfi. [See VonfE, C. J. M., CCMTE DE.] DEVONSHIRE (William), Duke of. Sketches of tlie Character of ; by R. Adair, .M.P., and W. li. Spencer. Sm. 4t<.. L<.nii., IHII. (' 10 U 9 DEVUIENT (Eduard). My Recollections ..f F.lix Men- dels-tohii-liartholdy, anil his Li'ltcrs Ut me; ti'aiislated from the (German, by Natalia Macfarren. 8vo. I^ond., 1869. ' C T) P 21 DE VRIES (Dr. M.) Mi.l.lelncderlandsch Wo.,rdei,b,«.k. yV-ANXT. Jinp.Svo. 'HtJruvenliage, IH64 6.5. K16R;i2 DE WALDECK (F.) [See Waldkck, F. dr.] DE WALL (H. von). Lijst van eenige in 't maloisch gebruikelijke Woorden \an Sanskrit Oorsprong. 8v(). Batavia, 1866. K14Q29 DEWAR (A.) [See Eraser, T. R.] DEWAR (Rev. Dr. Daniel). Dictionary of the Gaelic Language. [See Macleod, Rev. Dr. N.] D'EWES (J.) China, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, in the years 1855-56. 8vo. Lontl, 1857.* MD 1 W 19 Sporting in both Hemispheres. 8vo. Lond., 1858. MD 1 Q 12 DE WESEHAM (Roger). [See Weseham, Roger de.] DEWEY (Prof. Melvil), M.A. Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and arranging the Books and Pamphlets of a Librarv. Rov. 8vo. Amherst, Mass., 1876. " " J9V20 Decimal Classification and Relative; Index, for Arranging, Cataloguing, and Indexing Public and Priv.-ite Libraries. 2ndcd'. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1885. J 9 V L'l DE WITT (John). History of tlie Administration of John de Witt; bv James Geiides. \'oI. 1. lG2:$-54. 8vo. Lond., 1879.'' C 10 T 24 John de Witt, Grand Pensicmary of Holland; or. Twenty Years of a Parliamentary Republic; by ]\I. Antonin Lefevre Pontalis; translated l)v S. E. and A. Stephenson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. " C 10 T 2G, 27 DEXIPPIUS. [See Byzantin.^ Script. Hist.] DEXTER (Flavius Lurius). Opera omnia. [Stv Mkjne, J. P., Series L.vtina, .31.] DEXTI'^R (Henhv Martvn). Congregationalism of tiic liuit Three Hundred Years. Roy.8vo.' Loud., 1880. G l.'i V 29 DEXTER (J. V.) Hints to Dickens Collectors. [See Dickens, C] K 9 P 4 DHARMARAKSHA. Life of I'.uddha. [See .Miller, Prof. F. M.l DHAUMATRATA. Udanavarga; Verses from (lir Ibul- ilhist (.'anon. [See Rockiiill, W. W.] D'HAUSSONVILLE (Vicomtk Othenin). [See Havs.son VILLE, CoMTK OtHENI.V I)'. | D'HEKRELOT (Bartiiklicmi). Hiblioilu'' nic Oii.ntale; on, Dietionnain- Univcrsi'l. I \ols. I to. I^a JIaye, 1777- 79. C II V 9 'l2 DIANISK.V ( Kasi'AR). 'i'lieordiscli i)r,iktisi-lic(lr;iniiiial iU, zur schnellen Erlerninig dcr slow.-vkisi Inn Spiachc fiir Deulscli.-. ]2mo. Wicn, 1850. K16P9 Dl.M{.Mi:il) AM) (iitATNNE. The Pursuit of; iml)- lislied for tlie Society for t)i(! Preservation of the Irish l/inguage. 2vols. 12mo. Dulilin, 18S0 SI. .1 7 Q 2^'. 27 EP.EE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 223 Dia] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Die DIARY OF TRAVELS. Diary of Travels in Three Quar- ters of the (jlobc; by "An Australian Settler." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 185G. MD 1 W 28, 29 DIAZ DEL CASTILLO (Bernal), Conquistador. Me- moirs of, written by himself; translated from the original Spanish, by John Ingram Lockhart, F.R.A.S. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. ' C 6 T 12, 13 DIBDIN (Chahlks). Songs of; with a Memoir; collected and arranged by Thomas Dibdin ; with Sketches by Cruik- shank. .'ird ed. 12mo. Lond., 1872. H6R2 DIBDIN (Thomas). The Birth-day: a Comedy. [See Farces, 2.] The Cabinet : a Comic Opera. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. "n2Q15 The Deserter: a Farce. \_See Fauces, 2.] Don Giovanni ; or, a Spectre on Horseback : a Comic, Heroic, Operatic, Tragic, Pantomimic, Burletta-Spectacular-Ex- travaganza. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q U The Heart of 5Iid-Lothian : a Melodramatic Romance. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 21 Ivanhoe; or, the Jew's Daughter: a Romantic Meloch'ama. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 23 The Jew and the Doctor: a Farce. [_See Farces, 2.] Paul Jones: a Melodramatic Romance. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 19 The Quaker: a Comic Opera. \_See Farces, 4.] Reminiscences of. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1827. C 6 S 19, 20 The School for Prejudice: aComedy. [See MoD.TiiEATRE, 4.] Suil Dhuv, the Coiner: a Jlelodraniatic Romance. (Cum- berland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1 829. H 2 Q 21 The Waterman: a Ballad Opera. [See Farces, 7.] DIBDIN (Rev. Thomas Frogxall), F.R.S., kc. ^des Althorpiana'; or, an Account of the Mansion, Books, and Pictures at Althorp. 2 vols. imp. 4to. Lond., 1822. K .5 P 4, 5 t Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England, and in Scotland. 2 vols, roy. Svo. Lond., 1838. D 7 V 24, 2.-5 Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1821. D G V 19-21 Bibliomania ; or. Book-madness ; containing some Account of the History, Symptoms, and Cure of the Fatal Disease. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1842. J 15 V 21 Bibliomania; or. Book-madness: a Bibliographical Romance. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1842. J 15 V 21 Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the 15th Century. 4 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1814-15. K 9 P 20-23 t DIBDIN (Rev. Thomas Froknall), F.R.S., &c.—contd. Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the 15th Century, lately forming part of the Library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, and now the property of (jeorge, Earl Spencer, K.G. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1823. K 8 Q 25 Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. 4th ed. '^ vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1827. J 2 U 13, U Libraiy Companion. Svo. Lond., 1824. J 5 S 17 Reminiscences of a Literary Life. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1836. C 10 U 19, 20 DIC-^ARCHUS. [See Sanciioniatho.] DI CESNOLA (Gen. L. P.) [See Cesnola, (Ien. L. P. di.] DICEY (A. v.), B.C.L. England's Case against Home Rule. Svo. Lond., 1886. F 6 S 21 Lectures introductory to the Study of the Law of the Con- stitution. Svo. Lond., 1885. F 9 R 1 DICEY (Edward). Battle-lields of 1866. Svo. Lond., 1866. B 9 Q 25 DICK (Thomas), LL.D. Celestial Scenery ; or, the Won- ders of the Planetary System displayed, illustrating the Perfections of the Deity, and a Plurality of Worlds. Svo. Lond., 1871. A3S33 Essay on the Sin and Evils of Covetousness. 8vo. New York, 1836. G 13 U 3 On the Improvement of Society l)y the Diffusion of Know- ledge. Svo. Edinb., 1833. G 13 U 2 On the Mental Illumination and ISIoral Improvement of Mankind. 12mo. Glasgow, 1835. G 17 P 18 Philosophy of Religion ; or, an Illustration of the Moral Laws of the Universe. 2n(l ed. 12mo. Glasgow, 18.30. G 13 U 1 DICKENS (Charles). Anecdote Life of. [See Times, J, [A Biography] ; by A. W. Ward. (Eng. Men of Letts Svo. Lond., 1882. C 1 U 13 American Notes for General Circulation. 2 vols. 8vo Lond., 1842. D 3 Q 40, 41 Bibliography of. [See Shepherd, R. H.] Charles Dickens, as I knew him. [See Dolby, G.] Chiklhood and Youth of ; with Retrospective Notes, and Elucidations from his Books and Letters, by Robert Langton. Svo. Manchester, 1883. C 2 T 24 Dickens Memento ; with Introduction by Francis Phil- liinore, and " Hints to Dickens Collectors," by John F. Dexter. 4to. Lond., 1885. K 9 P 4 t Dickensiana : a Bibliography. [See KiTToy, F. G.] [Essay on the Genius and Character of] ; by George AugiLstus Sala. 12mo. Lond., 1870. "C 2 T 26 Humour and Pathos of; with Illustrations of his Mas- tery of the Terrible and the Picturesque, selected by Charles Kent. Svo. Lond., 1884, J 9 IT 13 22 i CATALOGUE OE THE Die] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. Die DICKEXS (Charles). — contimied. Legends and Lyrics of Adelaide Anne Proctor: with an Introduction. \_See Proctor, A. A.] Lettei-s of, 1833-70 ; edited by his Sister-in-law and his eldest Daughter [Mamie Dickens and Oeorgina Hogarth]. 3 vols. 8to. Lend., 1880-82. C 6 P 10-12 Life and 'Writings of ; bv Phebe A. Hanaford. 8vo. Boston, 1882. " C 2 T 22 Life of Charles James Mathews. [See Mathews, C. J.] Life of ; by John Forster. llthed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872-76. C G P 7-9 Memoirs of Joseph Grinialdi: edited by "Boz," with Illus- trations bv George Cruikshank. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Lond., 1838. " C 2 P 20, 21 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 18.53. C 2 R 17 Pen Photographs of Charles Dickens' Readings, taken from Life; by Kate Field. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1871. C 2 T 23 The Pic Nic Papers, by various hands ; edited by Charles Dickens. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad., 18-11. Jir20, 21 Pictures from Italy. 12rao. Lond., 181G. D 7 P 29 Posthumous Papers of tlie Pickwick Club. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1SS6. J 3 R 17, 18 Plays and Poems of Charles Dickens ; with a few Mis- cellanies in Pro.-;e. Xr)w fh'st collected, edited, prefaced, and annotated, by Richard Heme Shepherd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1882. H 2 S 7, 8 Another copy. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1885. H 2 S 9, 10 Sketches by "Boz", illustrative of Everyday Life and Every-day People. 2 vols. 8vo. Ix.nd., 1830. " J 8 R 1, 2 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1836. J 8 R 3 Sunday under three Heads: as it is; as Sabbath Bills would make it ; as it might be made ; by "Timothy Sparks." 12mo. Lond., 1836. J 1 W 37 Twenty Scenes from the Works of. [See Coveny, C. J.] Uncommercial Traveller. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1841. J 8 R 1 The Village Coquettes : a Comic Opera, in two Acts. 8vo Lei'tntions. 1», I.'.. I.ittio Dorril. in. Uncommercial Traveller. 17. Tslcof TwoCili«i. DICKENS (Charles). — continveJ. 18. [Christmas Stories —The Seven Poor Travellers — Tli6 Holly Tree - The \\"reok of the Gulden Marij — ']'hc Perils of certain English Prisoners -tioing into Society — The Haunted House A Message from the Sea Tom Tiddler's Ground - Somebody's Luggage -Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings — Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy - Doctor .Marigold Two Ghost Stories— Mugby Junction— No Thoroughfare. J 19, 20. Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. 21, 22. Old Curiosity Sliop, and Reprinted Pieces [Tlie Long Voyage — The Begging-letter Writer — A Child's Dream of a Star -Our Knglish \Vatering-place— Our French Watering- place —Billsticking --'■ Births: Mrs. Meek, of a Son " — Lying Awake — The Poor Relation's Story The Child's Story- The Schoolboj'"s Story — Xoliody's Story — The Ghost of .Art — Out of Town - Out of the Season A Poor Man's Tale of a Patent — The Noble Savage A Flight — The Detective Police — Three "Detective" Anecdotes On Duty with Inspector Field-- Down with the Tide —A Walk in a \Vorkhouse — Prince Bull : a Fairy Tale — A Plated Ajtiele- Our Honourable Friend — Our School — Our Vestry — tlur Bore — A Monument of French Folly A Christmas Tree.] 23. Adventures of Oliver Twist. 2-t, 2.5. Our Mutual Friend. 26, 27. Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. 28. Sketches by '-Boz." 29, 30. Life and Adventures of Martin Cliuzzlewit. Another copy. 20 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1865-85. J3Q9-R6 [Set OvKHS, J.] DICKENS (Mamik). Letters of Charles Dickens. [See Dickens, C] ' C 6 P 10-12 DICKER (Thomas). Dicker's Mining Record, and Guide to the Ciold Mines of Victoria; .showing the Bearings, Dejiths, Thicknesses, Dips, and L^nderlics of the Auri- ferous Lodes; the Progress and Costof Works in O])eration. lOvol.s. fol., itc, 1862-07. I\lE9t,>M-23t DICKINSON (James). Tbo \\"re,itli : a (i.wlener's Manual, arranged for the Climate of Tasiiiani.i : edited by John .Murgiin. 8vo. Hobart, 1855. MA 1 V 19 UK K I NS()N (Siu John Nodes), Knt. Letter to tlic lion. Speaker of the Legislative Council, on the Formation of a Second Chamber in tlie Legislature of New South AVales. 8vo. Sydney, 1852. MF 1 Q 3 Another copy. MJ 2 Q 9 Another copy. MF 3 P 2 Letter to tin; Lord Chancellor on Law Consolidation. (Pam. D(i.) Svo. I.,,nd., ISCI. F 1 2 P 22 DICKINSON ( Kec:i\ai.1)), Suniniary of the Ihilcs and I'rMii'diire (.f I'arliaMKMits. 8vo. Lcuid., 1882. F 9 R 23 DICKSO.N ( I!assi;it), .1 1 N. lioni Kcki, in two Cantos. Warbeck, in two Cantos; and MiscellaiieoUs Pieces. Svo. Launcoston, 1817. MH 1 S 8 DICKSON CS\. V.) Scenes on (lir Shores of the Atlantic, 2 vols. Sv... Lull,!., IS 1.5. D 7 R 13, 14 Souvenirs of a Sinniiicr in < ^'iJiKiny, in |S,'i(i, 2 vols, 8vo. Lond., IS37. " D 8 P 24, 25 PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 225 Die] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Die DICKSON (Robert), F.S.A. Introduction of the Art of Printing into Scotland. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1885. B13Q3 Who Wcas Scotland's Printer ? Ane Compendious and breue Tractate, in Commendation of Androw Myllar. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 2 T 33 DICKSON (R. W.) Practical Agriculture ; or, a Com- plete System of Modern Husbandi-y. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1805. A 2 Q 8, 9 t DICKSON (Walter B.) Poultry : their Breeding, Rearing, Diseases, and General Management. New edition, in- corporating tlie Treatise of Bonington Moubray ; with Corrections and large Additions, by Mrs. [J. W.] Loudon. 12mo. Lond., 1871. A 11 P 67 DICKSON (W. E.), M.A. Practical Organ-Building. 1st ed. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 7 P fs Practical Organ-Building. 2nd ed., revised, with Addi- tions. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. A 17 Q 63 DICKSON (Rev. W. P.) [See Mommsen, T.] DICTIONARIUM SCOTI-CELTICUM : a Dictionary of the Gaelic Language. 2 vols. -Ito. Edinb., 1828. K 14 S 24, 25 DICTIONARY OF ABBREVIATIONS, containing nearly 2,500 Contractions and Signs. ISmo. Lond., 1886. K 11 S 2 DICTIONARY OF DAILY^ BLUNDERS. 18mo. Lond., 1880. K 11 S 1 DICTIONARY OF MUSICIANS, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1824. C 1 1 Q 5, 6 DICTIONARY OF THE RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES of the Eastern Nations, with Historical and Literary observations. 4to. Calcutta, 17i~'7. K 18 S 5 DICTIONNAIRE (Nouveau). Allemand-Fran^ois et Fran(jois-Allemand. 2 vols. 4to. Strasbourg, 1774. K 16 T 4, 5 DICTIONNAIRE (Nouveau). Russe-Frangai.s-Alle- mand. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1813. K 12 S 1 DICTIONNAIRE INFERNAL. [_See Colltx de Plancy, J. A. S. C. D.] A 10 R 11, 12 DICTYS CRETENSIS, et DARES PHRYGIUS. De Bello Trojano, ex Editione Samuelis Artopcei, cum Notis et Intei'pretatione in usum Delphini variis leotionibus, itc, accurate recensito accedunt J. Iscani De Bello Trojano, libri sex. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825. J 13 Q 7, 8 DIDEROT (Denis). CKuvres Pliilosiipliiques. 6 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1772. J16R1~6 DTDEVILLE (Henri), Comte. Historical and Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes, selected from the Correspondence of Baron de Grimm and Denis Diderot. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1815. C 8 Q 24-27 2f D'IDEVTLLE (Henri), Co},\t:e..— continued. Journal d'un Diplumate en Italic; Notes intimes pour servir a I'Histoire du Second Empire. Turin, 1859-62. 12mo. Paris, 1872. B 8 P 3 Memoirs of Marshal T. R. Bugcaud, from liis private Cor- respondence and original Documents, 1784-1849; edited by Chai'lotte M. Yonge. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 8 U 11, 12 DIDON (Rev. Father H.) The Germans; translated into English by Raphael Ledos de Beaufort, LL.B. 8vq. Edinb., 1884. D 7 Q 44 DIDOT FRERES (Firsiin). [See BiocasAPniE Gf;Nf:RALE NOUVELLE.] C 7 U 1-46 DIDRON (A. N.) Christian Iconography; or, the History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1886. A 8 P 4.3, 44 DIDYMUS (Alexandrinus). Opera omnia. [_See Mione, J. P., Series Gr.eca, 39.] DIECK (H.) Rational Bee-keeping. [See Dzierzon, Dr. J.] DIEFENBACH (Dr. Lorenz). Glo.ssarium Latino-Ger- manicum Medi 1< : W" r:LL (I)ANiKi,). [See Evans, G. C] DILKK (L.mjy). [See Pattison, Mrs. M.] I>IId\K (Mns. .N.siiTfiN). AVoinen'sSufrriig''; with Introduc- tion ; by Win. \V.««|all, M. P. 8vo. [^.n(l.,lK85. I' f. (^ 1 ('. l)n^K K (CiiAlil.K.M WkNTWoiitii). l'a|ii'rsof a Ci'itic, selected from the WiitingH of the lati! Charles Wentwortli ])ilke; with a ltio;{rnpliic:nl Sketch by his grniulKon, Sir Charh-s Wentwortli Dilke, Itnrt., M.P. 2 vol«. 8vo. T/>iid., iHi:,. ,» 7 H fi. 7 DILKE (Sir Charles Wentwortii), Bart. Biographical Sketch of Charles Wentwortli Dilke. [See Dilke, C. W.] Greater Britain: a Record of Travel in English-speaking Countries, diirini; 186G-G7. Illustrated. Gth ed. 8vo. Lend., 1872. " MD 4 T 6 Another copy. 8th cd. 8vo. Lend, ],s85. MD 4 T 7 DILLER (J. S.) [/S(?eARCii.ELOfacALlNSTiTUTE OFAMi:iurA.] DILLINGHAM (Dii. William) and SHUCKBURGH (Evelyn S.) Laurence Chadcrton, D.D. (First Master of Emmanuel) ; translated from a Latin Memoir of Dr. William Dillingham, with Notes and Illustrations, [and] Richard Farmer, DD. (JIaster of Emmanuel, 1775-97), an Essay. 8vo. Camb., 1884. C G P 13 DILLIS (Georc von). Yerzeichniss der (iemaldc in der koniglich ba3'erischen Gallerie zu Schlcisshcini. Yer- fasstim Jahre, 18;50. 8vo. Miiuchen, 1831. A 7 Q 21 DILLMANN (Prof. Ciih. Vn. Au(iU,sT), Dr. Phil Grammatik der Aethiopischcn Sprache. 8vo. Lcijizig, 1857. K 13 r'2 Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae cum Indice Latino. Adiectum est vocabularium Tigrc Dialect iSeptentrionalis compilatum a Werner Munzingcr. 4to. Lipsia^, 1865. K 4 S 6 t Uber (lie Anfange des A.xumitischen Reiches. 4to. Berlin, 1879. B 16 Q 16 J DILLON (Rev. G. F.) Ireland — what she has done for Religion and Civilization : a Lecture. 8vo. Sydney, 1870. M(r2 Q 1 DILLON (Hon. IT. A.) Costume in England, [^c Fair- IIOLT, F. Vi'.] DILLON (John). DcisLm of tlic iln'cr Judges of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, on the a)iiilicability uf the Marriag(! Act of I'Ingland to this ('olony : ]mblislic(l by "A Solicitor of the Court." 8vo. Sydney, 1830. MF1Q4 Another coj>y. MF 3 P 2 DILLON (John F.) Inns of Court and Westminster Hall: an Address, 8vo. Des Moines, 187>;. MFIQI DILLON (ClIEVALliK Cait. P.) Narrative ,ind Succes,sful Result of a Yoy,igc in the South Seas, to asccrlain the .•ictn.ii fate of La Pi'rouse's Exjiedilion. 2 vols. 8v(). Lond., 1«29* MD (; Q 14, 15 niLLoN (Rr. Hon. Wentwohtii), Earl op Roscommon. [Sfc HoscoMMoN, 1\T. Hon. W,, I'^mil ok.] DI.MliLKLiY (.1. 11.) Dictionary, ^vo. Lond., 1876. K12P31 DIMSDALE (Thomas) Baron, M.D., At. Observations on Inoculation. [See Lettsom, J. C] Pr(\sent Method of Inoculating for the Small jiox. Gth ed, 8vo. Lond., 1772. A 12 S 31 Another cojiy. 7tli ed, Lond, 1779. A 12 S 31 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAIiY, SYDNEY. Din] Pabt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. 227 [Dix DINDORF (G. AND L.) \_See Byzantine Histoki/e Scrip- TOUES.] DINDORF (Wimiulm). ^scliyli TmgrediK. ISee ^SCHYLUS.] Lexicon Sopliocleum : zweiter Artikel, von W. Dindorf. (Pam. 34.) 8vo. Leipsic, 1871. J 12 U 26 Poetao Scienici Graeci accedunt Perditaruiii Fabularum Fragmenta. Roy. 8vo. Lepsiae, 1830. H 7 V 20 \_See AiusTOPiiAXKs.J DIODORITS SICULUS. Bililiotheciu Hi.stoncfe Libri qui supereunt e recensione Petri Wcs.selingii. 1 1 vols. 8vo. Biponti, 1793-1807. B 3.5 S 1-11 Historical Library of Diodorus, the Sicilian, in fifteen Books; made English by G. Booth. Fol. Lond., 1700. B IG R 13 t DIOGENES JUNIOR. [See Comino Events.] DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Diogenis Laertii de VitLs, Dogmatibus, et Ajjophthegmatibus clarorum Philoso- pliorum Libri x, Grwce et Latine. 2 vols. -Ito. Amster- dam, 1602. G 7 V 8, 9 Life of Plato. [See Plato.] Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers. Literally translated by C. D. Yonge, B.A. 8vo. Lond., 1853. C 1 S 3-1 Lives, Opinions, and Remarkable Sayings of the most famous Ancient Philosophers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1G88-96. C 2 T 27, 28 DION. [_See Letters op Dion.] DION (A. de), et LASVIGNES (L.) Cathedrale de Bayeux ; par M. E. Flachat. 8vo. Paris, 1 SGI. A2U7 DION CASSIUS. History of ; abridged by Joannes Xij)hilinus ; translated from the Greek, by Francis Manning. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1704. B 12 P 32, 33 DIONYSIUS (ExiGUUs). Opera onniia. [See Mione, J. P., Series L.vtina, G7.] DIONYSIUS AREOPAGITA (Sanctus). Opera oimiia. \_See MiGNE, J. P., Series Gr/ECA, 3, 4.] DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS. Antiquitatum Romanarum, quse supersunt Griece et Latine ex recen- sione A. Kiessling, et V. Prow. Imp. Svo. Paris, 188G. '' B 19 Q 9 J The Roman Antiquities of ; translated into English, with Notes and Dissertations, liy Edward Spelman. 4 vols. 4to. Lond., 1758. ' 1! 18 Q 13-16 \ DIONYSIUS (St.) Papae. Opera Omnia. [See Mione, J. P. Series Latina. 5.] DIOPHANTUS OP ALEXANDRIA. [See Heath, T. L.] DIOSCORIDES (Pedanius). [See Medicohi'm Grae- CORUM.] DIRCKS (Henuy), C.E., &o. Discovery of Gold. [See Gold.] Life Times, and Scientific Labours of the 2nd Marquis of Worcester; to which is added, a Reprint of his "Century of Inventions," 1663, with a Commentary. Svo. Lond., 186.5. C 8 V 43 Perpetuum IVIobile ; or, a History of the Search for Self- motive Power, from the 13th to the 19th Century. 1st and 2nd series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870. A 11 P 6, 7 DISNEY (J.) Memoirs of Thomas Brand-Hollis. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1808. C 23 S 32 + DISPOSAL OF LANDS. Report from the Select Com- mittee on the Disposal of Lands in the British Colonies ; with Minutes of Evidence and Appendix. Fol. Lond., 1836. MF 1 U 33 DISRAELI (Rt. Hon. Benjamin), Earl of Beaconsfield. [See Beaconsfield, Eaul of.] DISRAELI (Isaac). Amenities of Literature. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1841. B 24 T 5-7 Calamities of Authors; including .some Inquries respecting their Moral antl Literary Characters. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1812. J 5 R 17, 18 Curiosities of Literature. Illustrated by Bolton Corney. 2nded. Svo. Lond., 1838. J5R3 Another copy. 9th ed. 6 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1834. J 5 R 8-13 The Genius of Judaism. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1833. G2P19 The Literary Character, illustrated by the History of Men of Genius, drawn from their own Feelings and Confessions. 3rd ed. 2 vols. Svo. J 5 R 1, 2 Miscellanies of Literature. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1840. J5R7 Quarrels of Authors. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1814. J5R14-1G DISTINGUISHED NORTHERNS: Biographia Borcalis ; or, Lives of Distinguished Northerns; by Hartley Cole- ridge. Svo. Lond., 1833. C 10 T 3S DISTINGUISHED PERSONS. Anecdotes of ; by Wm. Seward. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1804. C 8 U 50-53 DISTINGUISHED SCIENTIFIC JIEN. Biographies of. Svo. Lond., 1857. C 8 S 37 DITTMAR ( W.M.) :\IaiiuHl of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. 12mo. Edinb., 1876. A 5 R 31 DIX (Wm. Giles). American State and American States- men. Svo. Boston, 187G. B 2 P 4 DIXIE (Florence Caroline), Lady. In the Land of Misfortune. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1882. D2Q17 DIXON (Frederick), F.G.S. Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Formations of Sussex. Roy. 4 to. Lond., 1850. A 2 R 15 t 228 CATALOGUE OF THE Dix] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Dod DIXOX (Capt. Geokge). Voyage round the World, but more particularly to the Xorth-west Coast of America, 1785-88, in the King George and Qneen Charlotte. 4to. Lond., 1789. D 9 V 22 Another copy. MD 7 P 32 t DIXON (H. H.) Saddle and Sirloin ; or, English Farm and Sporting Worthies ; by " The Druid.' 12rao. Lond., 1870. A 29 P 9 DIXON (Rev. J.) [See Kelly, J. E.] DIXON (Capt. James). Narrative of a Voyage to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, in the ship Hkelton, during the year 1820. 12mo. Edinb., 1822.* MD 3 Q 33 DIXON (Joiix H.) (Jairloch in North-west Ross-shire: its Records, Traditions, ic. Svo. Edinb., 1886. B13R24 DIXON (Richard Watson), M.A. History of the Church of England, from the Abolition of the Roman Jurisdiction. 3 vols. 8vo. I/md., 1871-85. G 2 R 23-25 DIXON STREET SOUP KITCHEN. {See City Night Refuge.] DIXON (William Hepwortii). Free Russia. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870. D C U 13, U Her Majesty's Tower. Gth cd. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1870-71. ' B 6 Q 15-18 History of two Queens : Catharine of Aragon — Anne Boleyn. 4 vols. Svo. Lend., 1873-74. B 6 P 34-37 Tiie Holy Land. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 18G5. D5T12, 13 Liindiin Pri.sons ; with an Account of the more distin- guished pei-sons who have been contined in tliem. 12nio. Lond., 1850. B 3 P 28 New America. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18G7. I) 3 S 37, 38 Personal History of Lord Bacon; fruni l'n|iul)lished Pajiei-s. Svo. Ll) (CiiAiil.i.s). Cliuivli llistdi-yof ICii^'land, from the coinmi'iiccmi'iit of tin' jiilli ('eiitviry to (he Rcvululion in 1G.'<.'^; widi Notes, .Additions, and a (Jontiiuiation, by the Rev. M. A. Tierney, F.S.A. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., IS.'C) i:!. ' G 3 (,) 1 1-18 |)"l'|) (GEOnOi;). Food of London. Svo. ]>olid., 1.S5G. F 14 Q 21 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 229 Dod] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Iteference. [Dom DODD (George). — contimied. Pictorial History of tlic Russian War. W. AND R.l [_See Chambers, DODD (iSthphen). Historical and Topoptrapliical Account of the Town of Woburn, its Abbfy, and Vicinity. 8vo. Woburn, 1818. D 11 R 13 DODDRIDGE (Piiilip), D.D. drrespondence and Diaiy of; edited by John Doddridge Humphreys. 5 ^■f)ls. 8vo. Lend., 1829-31. C 10 T 33-37 Some Remarkable Passages in the Life of the Hon. CVjL James Gardiner. 8vo. Ediub., 1807. C 2 P 18 DODGE (Col. Richard Irving), U.S.A. Hunting Grounds of the Great West : a Description of the Plains, Game, and Indians of the Great North American Desert. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D 3 T 40 Our W^ild Indians : Thirty-three Years' Personal Experience among the Red Men of the Great West. Illustrated. 8vo. Hartford, 1882. D 3 S 13 DODGE (Theodore Ayrault). Patroclus and Penelope: a Chat in the Saddle. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. A 17 W 21 DODGSON (Rev. C.) \_See Tertullianus, Q. S. F.] DODGSON (C. L.) Euclid and his Modern Rivals. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1885. A 10 S 18 DODINGTON (George Bubb), Lord Melcombe. Diary of, from March 8, 1749, to Feb. 6, 17G1; pulilished from original Manuscripts, by H. P. Wyndham. (Autobi(.)g., 22.) 18mo. Lond., 1828. C 1 P IG DODRIDGE (Sir John). The HLstory of the Ancient and Modern Estate of the Principality of Wales, Dutchy of Cornewall, and Earldom (jf Chester. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1G30. B 4 R 17 DODSLEY (J.) Collection of Poems, by several Hands. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1765. H 6 U 14-18 DODSLEY (Robert). Life and Poems of. [&e Chalmers, A.] Miller of Manstield : a Dramatic Tale. [&« Brit. Dram a, 5. ] Another copy. \_See Farces, 7.] Select Collection of Old Plays. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825-27. H 1 R 1-12 DODSWORTH (William). Historical Account of the Episcopal See and Cathedral Chui-ch of Sarum, orSalisbury. Illustrated. 4to. Salisbury, 1814. B 17 Q 18 t DODWELL (Edward), F.S.A. Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece, during the years 1801-6. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1819. D 6 V 23, 24 DOEHNER (Theodore). [See Plutarch.] DOERING (F. G.) [_See Catullus, C. V.] J 13 P 24, 25 DOHERTY (— .) Les Beautds de la France. \_See Girault DE Saint-Fakgeau, p. a. E.] DOHME (R.) Early Teutonic and Fi'cnch Masters. [See Keane, Prof. A. H.] DOLBY (G!eorge). Charles Dickens, as I knew him : the Story of the Reading Tours in Great Britain and America. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 2 T 21 DOLBY (Thomas). Shakespearian Dictionary. 8vo. Lond., 1832. K 17 P 23 DOLET (Etienne). Etienne Dolet, the Martyr of the Renaissance: a Biography; by Richard Copley Christie. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 10 T 41 DOLLFUS (Aug.), and MONT-SERRAT (Eug. de). Voyage Geologique dans les Rc'publiqnes de Guatemala et de Salvador. 4to. Paris, 1868. A 23 S 1 + DOLLINGER (Prof. John J. I. von). Christenthum und Kirche in der Zeit der Grundlegung. 2"^ auflage. Roy. 8vo. Regensburg, 1SG8. G 5 T 1 The Gentile and the Jew in the Courts of the Temple of Christ; from the German, by N. Darnell, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1862. G 3 Q 8, 9 Hippolytus and Callistus; or, the Church of Rome in the first half of the 3rd Centurv; translated bv A. Plunnner. 8vo. Edinb., 1876. " ' G 3 T 14 Die Papst-Fabeln des Mittelalters. 8vo. Miinchen, 1863. G 10 S 19 Die Universitaten sonst und jetzt. 8vo. Miinchen, 1867. G 17 R 25 DOMENECH (Adbe Em.) Seven Years' Residence in the Great Deserts of North America. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1860. D 4 Q 41, 42 Voyage pittoresque dans les grands Deserts du nouveau Monde. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1862. D 3 U 24 DOMENY DE RIENZI (G. L.) [&e Rienzi, G. L. Dom en y de.] DOMESDAY BOOK ; illustrated by Robert Kelhara. 8vo. Lond., 1788. B 6 Q 12 Domesday Book, seu Liber Censualis, Willelmi Primi Regis Anglire inter Archivos Regni in Domo capitulari West- monastorrii asservatus. 4 vols. fol. Lond., 1783-1816. F 24 Q 1-4 X General Introduction to Domesday Book ; by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H., etc. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1833. F 1 S 22, 23 DOMESDAY BOOK (New). \_See Land-Owners.] K 22 S 14-16 I DOMETT (Alfred). Flotsam and Jetsam : Rhymes, Old and New. Sq. 8vo. Lond., 1877. H 7 R 10 Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1833. H 7 R 9 Ranolf and Amoliia: a South Sea Day Dream. 8vo. Lond., 1872. MH 1 R 10 230 CATALOGUE OF THE Don] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Heference. [Dor DON (C. J.) ISee Hamilton, Rev. R.] DON (George), F.L.S. General History of Dichlainydeous Plants; comprising complete Descriptions of the different Oi-ders. 4 vols. 4to. Loncl., 1831-38. A 5 Q 17-20 1. Thalamiflor*. 4. C'orollitiora\ 2, 3. C'alyciflora-. DONALD (James), F.R.G.S., itc. Chambers' English Dictionary. {See Chambers, W. axd R.] DONALDSON (Prof.) Treatise on Clay Lands and Loamy Soils. (Weak.) 12mo. Lond., 1852. A 17 P 23 DONALDSON (Prof. Jodn), and BURN (Robert Scott). Suburban Farming : a Treatise on the Laying out and Cultivation of FaiTBS adapted to the Produce of Milk, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, and Pigs. 2nd ed. (Weale.) 12mo. Load., 1881. A 17 Q oO DONALDSON (Rkv. John William), D.D. Christian Orthodoxy reconciled with tlie conclusions of Modern Biblical Learning. 8vo. Loud., 1857. G 10 S 10 History of the Literature of Ancient (ireece. \Sie MULLER, C. O.] The New Cratylus ; or. Contributions towards a more accurate knowledge of the Greek Language. 8vo. Camb., 1839. K 12 U 2 Pindar's Epinieian or Triumphal Odes. {See Pindarus.] Theatre of the Greeks : a Series of Papei-s relating to the History and Criticism of the Greek Drama. 4tli cd. 8vo. Camb., 1836. J 7 T 13 Varronianus : a Critical and Historical Introduction to the Philological Study of th<> Latin Language. 8vo. Lond., 1844. K 12 U 1 DONALDSON (Jo.sepii). Recollections of the I':ventful Life of a Soldier. 12mo. Lond., 1856. C 1 Q 33 DONALDSON (Tiiomas). The Public Domain, it ! History, with Statistics. Roy. 8vo. AN'iushington, 1884. F3T3 DONALDSON (T. L.) Questions on Subjects of Archi- tecture. {See Rov. I.nst. Biirr. Aitcii.] DONATELLO; oi-, Donato Di Belto Bardo. {See Ba.vter, Mrs. Lucy E.] DON CARLOS. The Career of. [S« Caiilos.] DONCOUItT (A. S. HE). {See\v.ska, .\. ). !•', .\., (Jomtkssk.] DONTCK. {See KAfiLK (U-l 1> ;;>:! "Their Majesties' ScrMinls"; .\Mn;dsof the English Stage, fi'oniTlioMiaslietterlon to iMJimuid Kean. Actors, Authors, Audiencc.M. 2 vols. Svo. I d., 1S64. C10U33, 34 DDK!': (J. R.) Ol.i lliblc.s; or, an And., 1875. A 6 T 23 Plates [to the alxm;]. Roy. fol. Lon.l, ls7.-). A 20 P 26 { DOWSE (TH0MA.S STitETfiH), M.D. On Brain and Nerve Exliaustion: "Neunustlienia"; its Nature and Curative Treatment. Hvo. Ivond., 1«H0. A 12 K 20 DOWSON (Ai.FUED C.) Bordighera .ind tli.^ \V. ■.stern Itiviera. [See Hamilton, F. K.] I»r»WSON (PlioF. John), Classical Diilionary of lliiidu Mythology and Rc!igir)ii, (!eogra]>iiy, Jlistoty, and Literature. Hvo. Jx.nd., 1M79. " K 15 P'9 (Jrainmur of the Urdu; or. (liiidfistrmi Language. 8vo. ly.nd., 1872. K 11 U (H HiridiVsirini Exerci.scBiM.k. «vo. l/md., 1M72. KM ('1:1 History of India. [See Elliott. Sir II. .M.| DOX AT (Henry). The Lunar Almanac, 1862-63. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1863. E DOYLE (C. A.) Curling. [See Taylor, J.] DOY'LE (Sir Francis Hastings). Reminiscences and Opinions of, 1813-85. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C8R4 DOY'LE (Henry). Illustrated History of Ireland. [See CusACK, 3Irs. Mary Frances.] DOY'LE (Rt. Rev. James), Bishop of Kildare. Life, Times, and Correspondence of; by W. J. Fitz-Patrick, LLD. Newed. 2 vols. 8 vo. Dublin, 1880. C2S11, 12 DOY''LE (James E.) Official Baronage of England, 1066- 1SS5. 3 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., lsy6. "K 10 T 6-8 Chronicle of England, B.C. 55 A. d. 1485. 4to. Lond., 1864. B 2 T 23 DOYLE (John A.) Ensjlisli in America: The Puritans. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887. B 1 U 12, 13 English in America: Virginia, ^Marvlaiul, ami tlie Carolinas. 8vo. Lond., 1882. " " B 1 S 18 History of America. 12mo. Loud., 1875. B 1 Q 36 DOYLE (Martin). Extracts fi-oni the Letters and Journals of George Fletcher IMoore. [See Mookk, G. F.] DOYLE (RiniARi)). ISird's-eye Views of Society ; engraved by the iirothers Dal/iel. Ob. 4to. Lond., 1864. AQ 15 f Foreign Tour of Messrs. Bi'own. .Jones, and Robinson. 4t(). Lond., 1854. J 7 V 12 In Fairy Land: a Series of Pictures from the Elf ^^"orld; with a Poem by ^^'iIliam Allingham. Fol. Lond., 1870. ■ ' A 23 P 19 J Journal kei)t by Kieliaid |)oyU' in the year 1840. Illus- trated. Ho. Lond., 1S,S5.' C3W11 Manners and CUistoms of ye Engly.she ; drawn from ye quick ; to which be added some Extracts from l\Ir. Pips hys Diarye, contributed by Percival Leigh. New ed. ()b. I to. Lond., 1870. " " A 1 ^ 16 t Works ot' W. M. Tli.-iekei-ay ; wilh Illustrations. [See 'I'llACKici; \\ , W". iM.| D'OYLY (Ki-.y. Georci:), D.D., kv. Life of William San- croft, Arelibisliop of Canterbury; witil an Ajipendix. 2 vols. 8vo. Lniid.. 1S21. ' C 8 R 16, (7 DOYNK (\V. 'I'.). C.K. Second Heport upon the Riyer W'aiiiiakaiiri and the Lower Plains of ('anleri)ury, New Zealand, llliist railed. lAil. Cliiisteliiircli, 1865." M I) 7 Q 1 t I)l>Z^■ (H.) Geschirlilc d.'i- Mauren in S|iaiiirn. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Leil)zig, 1S7I. I! I .'i T 21, 22 |)I!.\G().M.\\()I''F (Mi(iiAi:i,), [&r Stkimak. S. D. | |ii:AC()N'i'H'S. Carinina Omnia. [See Mkine, J.P, Scries Latina, GO.l TREE PUBLIC LIBRAllY, SYDNEY. 233 Dra] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Dro DRAKE (CiiAiiLRS F. Tyrwhitt), F.R.G.S. Literary Rc- liKUn.s of; edited, with a Menuiir, l)y Walter 15esant, M.A. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1S77. C 10 U 23 DRAKE (Edward Cavrndisii). New Universal Collec- tion of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages and Travels, from the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time. Fol, Lond., 17G7. D 36 R 1 + DRAKE (Adm. 8n! Francis), Knt. Life, Voyages, and Exploits of : with numerous original Letters from him and the Lord High Admiral to the tjueen and Great OtKcers of the State; by John Barrow. 8vo. Lond., 18-43. C 10 U 8 Another copy. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1844. C 2 Q 11 Another cojiy. D 10 Q 49 Another copy. (H. and C. Lil).) J 8 P 7 Sir Francis Drake revived, wIk.) is or may be a Pattern to stirre up all heroicke and active Spirits of these Times, to lienetit their Countrey and eternize their names by like Noble Attempts. Sm. 4to. Lond., l(i.53. Lilir. \_See Marciiand, E.] DRAKE (Franci.s). Eljoracum ; or, the History and Antiquities of the City of York. Roy. f<^>l. Lond., 1736. B 19 T 1 J DRAKE (F. L.) Alleged Embezzlement of. [See Lanc, Rev. J. D.] DRAKE (Francis S.) Dictionary of American P5iography, including Men oi the Time; with a Suj^plement. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1872. C 11 V 16 Indian Tribes of the United States: their History, An- tiquities, Customs, Religion, Arts, Language, Traditions, ( )ral Legends, and Myths; edited by Fi-ancis S. Drake. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 188.1. A 2 P 14, 1-5 t DRAKE (H. H.) {See Hasted, E.] DRAKE (Nathan), M.D., &c. Evenings in Autumn : a series of Essays. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1822. J 6 P 3, 4 The Gleaner : a series of Periodical Essays. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1811. J 10 T 8-11 Literary Hours ; or, Sketches Critical and Narrative. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Sudbury, 1800-4. J 10 T 5-7 Memorials of Shakspeare. 8vo. Lond., 1828. C 9 R 22 Mornings in Spring ; or. Retrospections, Biographical, Critical, and Historical. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. J6P1,2 Shakspeare and his Times. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1817. C4W35,36 Winter Nights ; or, Fireside Lucubrations. 2 vols. 12nio. Lond., 1820. J 8 R 15, 16 DRAKE (Samuel Adams). Heart of the White Moun- tains : their Legend and Scenery. With Illustrations. 4to. Lond., 1882. D 3 V 22 DRAMATIC LIST (The). [See Pascoe, C. E.] DRAMATIC NOTES. Illustrated Year-Book of the Stage ; liy C. E. Pascoe, Austin Brereton, and others. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879-85. E 2 o DRAPER (Prof. .John William), M.D., kc. History of the American Civil War. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1871. B 1 U 4 6 History of tlie Conflict between Religion and Science. 7th eil. 12mo. Lond., 1876. G8Q1 History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864. G 3 Q 29, 30 Human Physiology — Statistical and Dynamical ; or, the Conditions and of the Life of Man. Illustrated. 7th ed. 8vo. New York, 1875. A 12 T 1 Thoughts on the futui-e Civil Policy of America. 4th ed. 8vo.' New York, 1875. F 6 T 23 DRAYSON (LiEUT.-CoL. A. AV.), F.R.A.S. of the Supposed Proper Motion of the Fixed Stars, and an Explanation of the apparent Acceleration of the Moon's Mean Motion : a Sequel to the " Glacial Epoch." 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 3 T 31 Sporting Scenes amongst the Kaffirs of South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1858. D 2 R 5 DRAYTON (Michael). Life and Poems of. [See Chal- mers, A.] DREDGE (.Tames). Brief Notices of the Aborigines of New South Wales and Port Phillip. 8vo. Geelong, 1845. MA 1 R 2 DRESDEN. Neues Sach-undOrtsverzeichniss der koniglich sachsischen Gemiilde-Gallerie zu Dresden. 8vo. Dresden, 1833. A7Q21 DRESSER (Christopher), Ph.D., ttc. Carpets. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 33 Japan : its Architecture, Art, and Art Manufactures. Sq. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 7 S 24 Modern Ornamentation ; being a sei-ies of Original Designs. Fol. Lond., 1886. , A23P20 t DREWRY (Charles Stewart). Patent Law Amendment Act ; with Notes and Cases, and an Appendix of Rules and Forms. 8vo. Lond., 1838. A 7 Q 13 DRINKWATER (Capt. John). History of the Siege of Gibraltar, 1779-83. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1844. J '^ P 4 Another copy. 12mo. Lond., 1850. B 13 U 16 DRIOU (Alfred). Splendeurs et DJsastres ; Chroniciues de France. 8vo. Limoge-s, 1851. B 9 P 41 DRIVER (S. R.), ]M. A. Treatise on the Use of the Tenses inHel)rew. (Clar. Pres.s.) 12mo. Oxford, 1874. K16P50 DROHOJOWSKA (A. J. F. A., Cositesse, nke Svmon de Latreiche). L'Australie : Esquisses et Tableaux ; par " A. S. de Doncourt." 8vo. Lille, 1869. MD 2 Q 54 A travers I'Oceanie. 2« edition. 8vo. Lille, 1874. MD5T29 DROLERIES POETIQUES. Contes Joyeux et Faceties. 3"= edition. 18mo. Paris, 1861. Libr. 234 CATALOGUE OF THE Dro] Part I : — Antliors, Editors, or Reference. [Dub DROUGHT OF 1829. [_See New South] D'ROZARIO (P. S.) Dictionary of the principal Languages spoken in the Bengal Presidency, viz. ; English, Bangali, and Hindustani, in the Roman Character, with Walker's Pronunciation. 8vo. Calcutta, 1837. K 1.3 P 27 DRUMMOND (Hexry). Histories of Noble British Families ; with Biographical Notices of the most dis- tinguished Individuals in each. Ilhistrated. 2 vols. at. f..l. Lond., 1846. B 13 P 23, 24 + Letter to Thomas Phillips, Esc]., R.A., on the connection between the Fine Arts and Religion, and the means of their revival. 8vo. Lond., 1840. A 7 R 21 Speeches in Parliament, and some Miscellaneous Pam- phlets ; edited by Lt)rd Lovaine [afterwards Duke of Northumberland]. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18(50. F 13 P 21, 22 DRUMMOND (J.) {See Bisciiof, (i.] DRUMMOND (J.\mes), R.S.A. AncientScottish Weapons: a series of Drawings by the late James Drunnnond, R.S.A. ; with TntrotUiction and descriptive Notes, by Joseph Andei-son. Imp. 4to. EdinI)., 1881. BIG I'll* DRUM.MOND (P. H.) The Life of Robert Nicoll, Poet ; with some hitherto uncollected Pieces. 8vo. Paisley, 1884. C 3 T 17 DRUMMOND (Rt. Hon. Sir W.) Origincs: or, Remarks on the Origin of several Empires, States antl Cities. 4 vols. 8v.). Lond., 1824-29. B 14 S 1-4 [_See Pehsius Flaocus, A.] DRU.MMOND (W.), of H-VwriioiiNUEN-. Collcriion of all the Poems written by. Sm. fol. I'xlinb., 171 1. B Ki 11 3 J Life anfl Po<>uis of. [& S 23 Works of. l''ol. Editd.., 1711. l;h, |!3 + i)j;C.\|.\|0.\|) (Hon. \V. II.) Among llir Zulus .uid Ainatongjus. \_Srising Adventures of Robert Driirv, dtiring his fifteen Years's Captivity on the Tsljind of Mndagiwcnr; written by himHclf. 12mo. L |{ f, AuHtralian Poli.y: SjMcch at Cfisllcmaine, March 21), 1.^72. Hvo. Melb., 1H72. MK 1 c^ 3 Four Years of Irish History, 1845-19: n Sequel to "Young Ireland." Bvo. Lond., l" 883. B11Q16 DUFFY (Sir Charles Gavax), 'K.CM.G.—contimied. Guide to the Land Law of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1862. MJ 2 R 21 League of North and South : an Episode in Irish History, 1850-54. 8vo. Lond., 1886. B 11 P 25 On Popular Errors concerning Australia. 12mo. Melb., 1866. MJ 2 P 30 Portrait of. \_See Manuscripts, itc] Something to do : a Lecture. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MJ 2 R 11 True Issue submitted to the Constituencies: Speeches at the Dalhou-sie Election. 12mo. Melb., 1868. MF 1 Q 6 Wiung Ireland : a Fragment of History, 1840-50. 8vo. Lond., 1880. ' B 11 Q 29 DUFIEF (N. G.) New Uuivpi-.'ial Pronouncing Dictionary of the French and English Languages. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1817. " " ' K 11 V 51-53 DUFOUR (Pierre). [See Lacroi.x, Paul.] DU FRESNOY (Ciias. Alpiioxse). Art of Painting ; translated, with an original Preface, by Mr. J. Dryden. Svo. Lond., 1750. ■ ■ A 7"P 41 DUGDALE (Thomas). Curiosities of Great Britain, Eng- land and Wales Delineated — Historical, Entertaining, and Connnercial — alphabetically arranged, assisted by William Burnett, C.E. 10 yols". 8yo. Lond., 1854-60. D11T4-13 DUGDALE (Sir AVii.liam), Knt. Auti(iuities of War- wickshire illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1656. B15S11 + History of St. Paul's Cathedral, in Lcmdon, from its Founda- tion; with a Continuation and Additions, by Henry Ellis, F.R.S., Sec, S.A. Fol. Lond., 1818. B19U 11 | The Life, Diary, and Correspondence of; edited by W. Hamper. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1827. C 4 P 16 t Monasticon Anglieanum : a History of the Abbies, and other Monasteries, Hospitals, Fiieries, and Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, in England and Wales, ttc. 8 yols. fol. Lond., 1817 30. 1! 4 T 6 13 \ Short View of the late Troid)les in England ; briefly .setting forth their Rise, (irante's Divine Coini'dy: a Prose Translation. [See l>A\'Ti: Ai,i(iiiii;iii.] Ill' li.VLDH (P.J. B.) Description of tlw Empire of Cliina and t'hinese-Tartary, together with the Kingdoms of Korea and Tibet. 2 vol.s.'fol. Lond., 1 738-4 1. D 1 9 U 4, 5 J l»r II.VUSSET (Mme.) Memoires de. \_See BARitii;uE, J. R] DTKA (Tiikoix.he), M.D. Life and W.irks of .Mexander ('soma de Koros: a Uiography, compiled cliictly from hilliei-to uiipiiliiislK'd |).ila. 8vo. Lond., I S,S."). ("; 5 V 7 nrKIC (Sir .Iamkk), Baut. Postal ("onnnunicatir)n with Australia in Forty-four Days : a Letter addres.sed to the Right Honourable the Postmaster-General. (Pain. 30.) 8vo. Lond., 1854. MJ 2 Q 18 PllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 237 Duk] Paut I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Dum DUKE (Richaud). Life and Poems of. \_See Chalmers, A., n»irZ Johnson, Dr. S.] DULAU k CO. Catalogue of French Books offered fUMOUTIER (Dr.) Anthropologic. ^See D Tk- VILLE, CaPT. T. 8.] DUMOULIN (Clement Adriex Yincexdox-). \_See Vix- CENDON-DUMOCLIN, ClEMEXT AdrIEX.] DUX (Jonx). Banking Statistics; with Remarks on the Bullion Reserve, and Non-legal-teniler. Note circula- tion. >f the United Kingdom. Svo. Lond., lS7f>. FORiJl DUXBAR (Geokije). Appendix to Arehaeologla Ciraeca. [See Potter, J.] DUNBAR (Hexry), M.A. Complete Concordance to the Coniedie.s and Fragments of Aristophanes. 4to. Oxford, 1883. K 17 8 10 Complete Concordance to the Odyssev and H vmns of Hnv ..f South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1850. " Ml) G T 3 DUNCAN (James). Inti->>duction to Entomoloijv. (Xat. Lib. 28.) 12mo. Edinb., 1840. A 14 P 28 Natural History of Bees. (Nat. Lib. 33.) 12mo. Edinb., 1840. xV 14 P 33 Natural History of Beetles. (Nat. Lib. 29. ) 1 2mo. Edinb. , 1835. " A 14 P 2t) Natural History of British Butterflies. (Nat. Lib. 30.) 12mo. Edinb., 1837. A 14 P 30 Natural History of Britisii Moths and S|ihinxi's, tire. (Nat. Lib. 31.) 12uio. Edinb., 1^30. AMP 31 Natural Histoiy of Exotic Moths. (Nat. Lib. 34.) 12mo. Edinb., 1K41. A 14 P 34 Natural Hi.story of Fcin-igu Butterflies. (Xat. Lil). 32.) 12iiio. Eiliidl., 1837. A 14 P 32 DUNCAN (Joiiv). Travels in Western Africa, in 1845 4G. 2 vols. Hv... I^Mid., 1X50. 1) 1 S 23, 24 DUNCAN (John). Life of John Dinican. Sc.tch "Weaver iiiid Botardst; with Sketches of his l'"ricnds and Notices of Ids Times l)V William J..llv. Willi Portrait. «vo. Ixnd., IHH3. C5 R 13 DUNCAN (PliOK. P. .Mmhink .M.I!., .V,. Transforma- tions (or .Metjunorpiioses) of In.sricts. (Insecta, ,Myria])(ind., 18S3 fSeauian." 2 vols. 8vo. L<.nd.','l869. ■ C 10 R 34, .-1.^) DUNFERMLINE (Ale.xandeh 8eton), PLMiL of. Memoir of; hy (ieorge Seton, Advocate. Roy. Svo. Edinh., 1882. ' C 8 Y 31 DUNFERMLINE (James), Loud. Lieut.-(;en. Sir Ralph Abercromhy, K.B., 1793-1801: a Memoir; l)y liis Son. 8vo. Edinb., 1861. C 1 V 2 DUNHAM (S. Astlev), LL.D. History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 3 vols. 12mo. L(md., 1839-40. " " K 1 S 39-41 History of Europe during tlie Middle Ages. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1833-34. K 1 T G-9 History of Poland. (Lard. Cab. Cyelo.) 12nio. Lond., 183G. ' KIT 35 History of Spain and Portugal. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 5 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1832-33. K 1 T 47-49 History of the Germanic Empire. (Lard. Cab. Cvclo.) 3 vols. i2mo. Lond., 1834-35. ' K i"t 15-17 Lives of the most eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1836-38. K 1 S 26-28 DUNKIN (Edwin Hadlow Wise). Monumental of Cornwall. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1882. B 14 R 18 + DUNLAP (William). Memoirs of Charles Brockden Brown, American Novelist; with Selections from his Letters, li'C. 8vo. Lond., 1822. C 8 Q 1 Memoirsof George Frederick Cooke, late of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. 2 vols. 8vu. Lond., 1813. C 6 R 4, 5 DUNL(JP (John). History of Fiction. 8vo. Lond., 1845. B 3G U 1 DUNLOP (Mks. Madeline Anne Wallace). Glass in the Old World. 8vo. Lond., 1882. B 15 Q 31 DUNLOP (Robert Glasgow). Tra-vels in Central America ; being a Journal of Three Years' Residence in the Country. 8vu., 1847. D 3 R 27 DUNN (A. :\I.) Notes and Sketches of an Architect. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 2 U 43 DUNN (John). History of the Oregon Territory, and British North American Fur Trade. 8vo. Lond., 1844. B 1 S 2 DUNN (Jacob Fiat), Junr., LL.B. Massacres of the Mountains: a History of the Indian AVars of the Far AVest. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1886. B 1 S 43 DUNNING (John). Tobacco. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lend., 1876. A 17 S 28 DUNRAVEN (Windham-Thomas), Fourth Earl of. The Great Divide: Travels in the Upper Yellowstone, in the Summer of 1874. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D3S36 DUNS (Prof. John), D.D., &c. Memoir of Sir James Young Simpson, Bart. 8vo. Edinb., 1873. C9U12 DUNTZER (Heinricii). Life of (Joethe; translated by Thfimas W. Lyster. With authentic Illustrations and Facsimiles. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 4 U 6, 7 Life of Schiller; translated by Percy E. Pinkerton. 8vo- Lond., 1883. C 4 S 40 DUPAIX (W.) [See KiN(iSBOROuon, Lord.] DUPANLOUP (Ff;i,ix Antoine Philidert), Eveque d'Orlkans. Defense de la Liberto do I'Eglise. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1861. G 10 T 15, 16 De I'Education. 7'' ed. 3 vols. Sv,,. Paris, 1866. G 17 P 15-17 L'Enfant. S,,. l2.iio. Paris, 1869. G 13 U 6 De la Haute Education Intellectuellc. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1866. G 17 S 3-5 Entretiens sur la Predication. 8vo. Paris, 1866. G10T14 La Femme Studieuse. Sq. 12mo. Paris, 1870. G13U4 Life of Mgr. Dupanloup, Bishop of Orleans ; by the Abbe F. Lagrange ; translated from the French by Lady Herbert. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 9 T 6, 7 Le Mariage Chretien. Sq. 12mo. Paris, 1869. G13U5 L'CEuvre par excellence; ou, Entretiens sur le Catechisme. 8vo. Paris, 1869. G 10 T 13 Sermon of Mgr. the Bishop of Orleans, preached in Paris, 1861, for the Poor Catholics of Ireland ; translated by Rev. W. H. Anderson, M.A. (Bound vith Watcrworth's Church of St. Patrick.) 8vo. Dublin, 1861. G 7 T 15 Studious Women ; translated by 1{. AI. Phillimore. 8vo. Lond., 1869. " G 13 T 33 Vie de Mgr. ])ui>aiiloup, I^vccjue d'Orleans; par 1' Abbe F. Lagrange. Troisieme edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1883-84. C 9 T 3-5 DUPERREY (Louis Isidore). Voyage autour du Monde, sur la Corvette La C'oi/uilh; pendant les aimees 1822-25. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1826-29. DSP 6-10 t 1, 2. Zoologie J par JIM. Lesson et Garnot. 3. Hydrogi-apliie ; par M. L. J. Duperrey. 4. Botanique ; par JIM. D'Urville second de rE.xpedition, Bory de St. Vincent, et Ed. Brongniart. .3. Histoiie du Voyage. , Planches [to above.] 4 vols. fol. Paris, 1826-29. D 7 P 21-24 j 1. Hydrograiihie. •2. Histoire ilu Voyage. 3. Histoire Natnrelle : Xoologie. i. Histoire Naturelle : Botaniiiue. DU PERRON (Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-.) [See Anquetil-Dupeeron, A. H.] 240 CATALOGUE OF THE Dup] Part I: — Authors^ Editors, or Reference. [Dwi DUPrX (Prof. L. E.) d.miileat History of the Canon and A\'rite:-s of the Books of the Old and Xew Testatament. 2 vols, (in 1) fol. Lond., 1699-1700. G 12 R 3 t DUPIX (PiEHRE Chas. Franjois), Baron. Commercial Power of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 182"). F 9 R 12, 13 Mathematics practically applied totheUseful and Fine Arts ; adapted by G. Birkbeek. 8vo. Lond., 1827. A 10 T 18 Tableau des Arts et Metiers, et des Beaux-Arts. Svo. Paris, 1826. A 7 Q 13 DUPPA (RiniARD), LL.B. Classes and Orders of the Linna>an System of Botany. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1816. A 5 P 1-3 DUPPA (R), AND QUATREMERE DE QVINCY (A. C.) Lives antl Works of Michael Angelo and Raphael. Illus- trated. Svo. Lmd., 1876. C 4 P 1 DUPRE (Giovanni). [A Biography], by H. S. Frieze; with two Dialogues on Art, from the Italian of Augusto Conti. Svo. Lond., 1886. C 2 T 20 Thoughts on Art, and Autobiographical Memoirs of (iiovanui Dupiv ; translated by E. ^1. Peruzzi. Svo. Edinb., 1884. C 3 R 34 DUPUIS (Joseph). Journal of a Residence in Ashantee ; comprising Notes and Researches relative to the Gold Coast, and the Interior of Western Africa. 4to. Lond., 1824. D 9 P 29 t DURAND (Ma.jor-Ge\. 8ir Henry JIarion), K.C.S.T., itr. Life of Major-Gen. Sir Henry Marion Durand, K.C.S.L, C.B., of the Royal Engineers; l)y H. M. Durand, C.S.L 2 vols. Svo." Lond., 1883. ^'9 111,2 Reports and Surveys regarding the Drainage of the Nuggufgurh Jheel, near Delhi. Fol. Bi-ngal, 1838. E DT"H.\NI> M.piiN). Th.' R. ■volution. [-S^c Taim.. II, A.] DL'll.\NT (GmsLANi). .M.i). Hygiene of the Voice; its Plivsiologv and Anatomy. New ed. Svo. N'ew York, 1879. ' " A 12 Q 10 Svo. I^.nd., 18H2. (' 10 \' l.t, 1 1 Albreclit Diirer; by Mil-hard Ford llcalh. ((ireat Artisls.) 8vo. L.m(l., iss'i. C 3T 41 His Life and Works, jni-luding jintobiogra|)hical Papers and <-oMip|i-li- Catalogues : 1(V Wm. I'. Scott. Svo. Fjolid., 1869. ('7 I' I History of the Life of Albiccht l»iirer; witli a Trans- lalion of his Ix-tters and Journal, and some Account of hi.M Works, by Mrs. Charles Heaton. hrip. Svo. I/ind., Ix70. ■ (• 7 V 47 Another copy ; witli Portrait. 2nd ed. S\ii. Lond., INHI. C ;i V .-i Dl^RHAM (Adm. Sir Philip C. H. C), G.C.B. Memoir of the Naval Life and Ser\ ices of ; by his Nephew, Capt. A. Murray. 8vo. Lond., 1846. C 8 S 36 DURHAM UNIVERSITY CALENDAR, 1837. 12mo. Durham, 1837. E DURUY (Victor). History of Rome and the Roman People, from itsOrigin to the Establishment of theChristian Eni]>ire ; edited by the Rev. J. P. ilahafly. Vols. 1-6. 6 vols. imp. Svo. "Lond.; 1884-86. B 19 R 6-11 + D'URVILLE (Capt. J. S. C. Dimoxt). [See Dumont- d'vhville, Capt. J. S. C] DUSSIEUX (— .) [See Rozier, L'ABBf: F.] DUTCH CHURCH LIBRARY. Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Letters, ttc, belonging to the Dutch Church, Austin Friars, London. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1879. K 8 Q 11 DUTHY (John). Sketches of Hampshire ; en\bracing the Architectural Antiijuities, Topography, itc, of the Country adjacent to the River Itchen. Roy. Svo. Winchester, 1839. D 7 V 27 DUTRUC (P. A.) Comedies and Dramas. Part 1. A Desirable Quaivmtine, Fame and Fortune in Twenty-four Hours, The Nightingale of Plnnicnr. 1 2mo. Sydney, 1878.* ' ' Mll'l R'I I'rench tirammar. 14lh ed. Svo. Lond., 1877. K12S4 Literary Recreations (original French). 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond."(n.d.) H 3 P 3r) Another copy ( Kiiglish N'tTsiun). .'inl cd. 12ni. Limd. (n.d.) ' ' H3P36 ni'T'I" (ToRu). Ancient liailads and Legends of Hindus- Ian; with an introductory .Memoir', bv lOdmuiid W. l2mo. Lond., 1882. " H 6 P 30 DI'TI'ilN (I''kanc]s). South .\ustralia .uul its Alines; with an Historical Skclcli of the Colony. Svo. Lond., 1816.* ' MD5S17 DUTTON (FloN. AN-I) l!i;v. F G.) Parrots in Captivity. [See Ghki:ni„ W. T. | |)irTllN (Wii.i.i AM), |)cilaralioii of. [&e MaNUSOKIPTS ANn I'oliTIi \1 IS. I DUVAL (Matimas). .Artistic Anatomy; tran.slated by Frederi-k K, l''cnton, M.U.C.P.K. Svo. Lond., 18S4. A 12 T 32 h\\|i:irr (II. 'I'.) .Anslralia'i Ccli'britics ; or, I'er.sonal I'lirl raits of 1 1.)0 Thcat lical Stars of Mirious magnitudes. l2iMo. M..|b., 186.-.. M.I 2 P 34 Catalogue of Works on tlic ( 'o|.,ni.-. Svo. .Mc'Ib. (n.d.) MK I i.1 13 EEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 2il Dwi] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Beferepce. [Dzi DWIGHT (H. T.)— continued. Cordial and Liqueur Maker's (iuiile, and Publican's In- structor. 2nded. 12mo. Melb., 1869. MA 1 V 36 Practical Instructions in the Art of making Capons. 12mo. Melb., 1867. IIA 1 P 17 DWIGHT (Timothy). Theology explained and defended, in a Series of Sermon.'?; with a Memoir of the Author. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1821. G 10 S 11-15 Travels in New England and New York. 4 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1821-22. I) 3 T U-17 DWYER (C. P.) Immigrant Builder; or, Practical Hints to Handy Men. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad.,1872. A2R2 DWYER (Hexev). Pauperism in New South Wales : its Cause and Cure. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MP 1 R 2 DYCE (Rev. Alexander). Account of J. Skelton and his Writings. [See Skelton, J.] __ Account of John AVebster and his Wi'itings. [_See Websteii, J.] Dramatic A\ orks of Greene and Peele. \_See (tKEENE, R.] Dramatic Works of James Shirley; with Notes. \_See Shirley, J.] Recollections of the Table-talk of Samuel Rogers; to which is added, "Por-soniana" [by William Maltby]. 3rd cd. Svo. Lond., 1866. C 5 R 23 Another copy. Illustrated. 8vo. New Southgate, 1887. 11 P 16 Some Account of JSIarLjwe and his Writings. [See Mar- lowe, C] AVorks of Shakespeare; the Text revised. [See Shake- speare, AV.] DYCE (A.), AND FORSTER (J.) Hand-book of the Dyce and Forster Collection. (South Kens. Mus.) 8vo. Lond., 1880. E DYCE (AViLLiAM), R.A. The National (Gallery; its For- mation and Management, considered in a Letter ad- dressed, by permission, to H.R.H. Prince Albert, K.G., A'c. Svo. Lond., 1853. A 7 Q 19 DYCK (Antonio van). [See Yas Dyck, A.] DYE (AVilliam McE.) Moslem Egypt and Christian Abyssinia ; or, Military Service under the Khedive. 8'S'o. New York, 1880. D 2 Q 16 DYER (George), A.B. Complaints of the Poor People of England. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1793. F 7 Q 20 History of the L'^niversity and Colleges of Cambridge, in- eluding Notices relating tci the Founders and Eminent Men. AVith illustrative Engravings, by John Greig. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1811. - B 6 S 7, 8 DYER (CoMM. HuoH McN.), R.N. AVest Coast of Africa, as seen from the Deck of a Man of AVar. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 1 T 29 DYER (John). Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A., nail Johnson, Dk. S.] DYER (Joseph). [See Sydney Maoazine of Science and Art.] DYER (T. F. Thiselton), M.A. Folk-h/reof Shake.spearc. 8vo. Lond., 1883. B 3 T 9 DYER (Tuo.MAS Henry), LL.D. City of Rome; its A'icis- situdes and Monuments, from its Foundation to the end of the Middle Ages. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1883. B 12 P 2 History of Mf the Destruction of the City ; with a full Desoriptii m of the Remains and of the Recent Excavations, and also an Itinerary for A^isitors. Svo. Lond., 1875. B 12 P 23 DYKES (Rev. J. Oswald), M.A. The Perfect Example: a Lecture to Young Men, delivered in the Mechanics' Hall, Gcelong, December 5th, 1866. 8vo. Geelong, 1866. M(} 1 Q 37 DYMOND (C. AV.), and TOMKINS (Rev. H. G) AVorlo- liury : an Ancient Stronghold in the County of Somerset. Roy. 4to. Bristol, 1886: B 15 Q 6 + DYMOND (Jonathan). Essays on th^-^Principlesof Morality. 4th ed. Roy. Svo. Lond.,' 1842. G 15 T"1 DY^SON (H.) [See Stow, J.] DZIALYNSKI (Adamus Titus), Comes de Koscielec. Collectanea vitam rcsque gestas Joannis Zamoyscii illlus- trantia. 4to. Posnaniw, 1861. C 7 R 4 t DZIERZON (Dr. Johann). Rational Bee-keeping; or, the Theory and Pi-actice of Dr. Dzierzon; translated from the latest German edition; bv H. Dieck and S. Stutterd. 8vo. Lond., 1882. " A 1 P 12 2 u 212 CATALOGUE OF THE E. (A.)] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Eas E E. (A.) [See Australian- Sketches.] E. (J. F.) [_See Poems.] E. 0.1. A. T.) [See Fiji To-day.] EAD8 (Rt. Rev. H. L.) Shaker Sermons: Scripto-Rational ; containing the Substance of Shaker Theolosv. 8vo. New York, 1879. ^" G 7 P 20 EAGAR (Hon. Geoffi!Ey). Financial Statement, 27th Scptcniher, 1(^66 : witli an Apjioiulix, containing the Pi-oject for Estahlislnnent of a National Bank. (Pam. Ds.) 8vo. Sydney, I8GG. AIF 3 P 17 EAGLE GULCH : an Australian Story ; by '• Donick." 8vo. Lond., 1883. MJ 1 Q 40 KfVGLES (Rev. Jonx), M.A. Essays contributed to Blacl- tvood's Marjazine. 8vo. Eilinb., 1857. J 5 Q 24 The Sketcher. 8vo. Edinb., 1856. J 5 Q 25 Sonnets. 8vo. Edinb., 1858. H 7 R 13 EAGLES (T. H.) Constructive Geometry of Plane Curves ; with numerous E.vamples. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 10 S 22 EARDLEY-AVIL.MOT (Siu Jons Eardlev), Bart. [See "WiLMOT, Sir J. E. E.] EARL (GEORiiE Wixd.sor), M.R.A.S. Contributions to the Physical Geograjihy of South-eastern Asia and Aus- tralia ; with a Map. (Pam. 30.) 8vo. Lond., 1853. MJ 2 Q 18 The Eiustern Sea.s ; or, Voy.ages and Adventures in the Indian Arcliipelago, in 1832-34. 8vo. Lond., 1837. DGR32 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1837. MD 7 Q 13 Enterprise in Tropical Australia. 8vo. Lond., MD5Q25 Hand-liook for Colonists in Tropical Australia. 8vo. Penang, 1HG3; l>.nd., 1882. Ml) 7 Q 14 The Native Races of the Indian Archipelago : Papuans. 8vo. Ix.rid., 1853.* MA 1 R 4 Obsen'ations on the Connncrcial and Agricultural Capa- bilities of the North Coast of New Holland. (Pam. 1.) 8vo. I>ond., 1H3G. .Al.J 2 P 3C The Steam Route from Singapor(? to Sydney, via Torn^s Straits. 8vo. lj,wt (n.d.) MJ 2 Q 18 VoyagcH of the Dutch Brig of ^^'ar, Dourqa [See Kolff, Lieut. I). H., Junr.] K.Mir. (TiiK) AND THK DOCToH. [See ]'i:miiroki-, V.\M. OK, AND KlN(iMI,KV, (!. H.] K.Ml LK (Auouhtuh). A Narrative- of a Nine Months' Hesidencc in New Zealand, in 1827. Hvo. l/md., I«32.* MD I V 30 EARLE (Horace). L^ps and Downs ; or. Incidents of Australian Life. 8vo. Lond., 18G1.* MJ 1 S 13 EARLE (Rev. Prof. Joux), M.A. The Philology of the English Tongue. 2nd ed. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Oxford, 1873. K11T48 Two of the Saxon Chronicles, parallel ; edited by J. Earle. 8vo. Oxford, 1865. ' B 5 S 17 EARLEY (William). High-class Kitchen Gardening: a ]Manual of iniprovctl culture of all A'egetables. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 1 P 20 EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY. Publications of the. 52 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1864-87. E Sixth Report of the Committee. 8vo. Lond., 1S70. MF2PM EARNSHAW (Wm.) Digest of tlu^ Laws relating to Shiiipiiig, Navigation, Commerce, and Revenue in the British Colonies in America and the West Indies. 8vo Lond., 1818. F 9 R 25 EARP (G. Butler), tiold Colonies of Australia ; com- prising their History, Territorial Divisions, Produce, and Capabilities, Notices of the Gold Mines ; with Advice to Emigrants. 12mo. Lond., 1852.* ' MD2P20 Another copy. Enlargeil and corrected Edition. 12mo. Lond., 1852.* ' MD 2 P 21 Gold Colonies of Australia, and Gold Seeker's Manual. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1853. MD 2 P 23 Hand-book for intending Emigrants to the Southern Settlements of New Zcalaiul. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1851. MD 2 P 12 New Zealand: its Emigration and (loid l'''iclds ; with Map. 12mo. Loud., l'8.'>3.* MD 2 P 13 AVIiat we did in .Vustralia: being the Practical Ex- perience of Tliice Clerks in the Stockyard and at tlie Gold Fields. 12mo. Lond., 1853.* " MD 2 P 18 [See Napier, Vich-Ahm. Sik V. .1.] EARWAKER (Rev. Jonx Parsoxs), M.A., kc. East Cheshire : Past and Present ; or, a History of the Hini- dred of Macclesfield, in the County Palatine of Chester. 2 vols. Ilo. [,,,nd., 1S77-80. P. lUtJ 12, 13 f E.VSON (Ciiarli;s), Jt\., M..\., itc. Manual of I'inancial, Railway, Agricultural, and other Statistics, for Politi- cian.s, Economists, and Investors. 8\d. Idind., 1881. 1'' G T 21 EASSTE (W.) Cremation of lli" I)im(I: its History and bearings Ulion Pnblic I b.ill h. Nmi. Liin(l.,IS75. A IG'I'2'J EASTKBN I'UMiorK .md thr Knip.ior Nichola.s. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., I.SIG. B 12 T 23-25 PREE PUBLIC LIBRAEY, SYDNEY. 2iZ Eas] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ech EASTERN PERSIA. [&« Pkrsia, Eastern.] EAST INDIA AND COLONIAL MAGAZINE (The). 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836-42. E EAST INDIA COMPANY. Debates of Proprietors of East India Stock, relative to the Company's Charter. (Pam. 8.) Lond., 1833. MJ2P39 Reports and Documents connected with tlie Proceeding's of the East India Company, in regard to the Culture and Manufacture of Cotton Wool, Raw Silk, and Indigo, in India. 8vo. Lond., 1836. F 1 Q 23 Papers respecting the Negociaticjn for a renewal of the East India Company's exclusive privileges. (Pam.) 8vo. Lond., 1812. F 13 R 21 \_See Stevens, Henry.] EAST INDIA REGISTER. {_See Indian Army and Civil Service List.] EAST INDIA YEAR-BOOK, 1841. 12mo. Lond., 1841. E EASTLAKE (Sir Charles Locke), F.R.I.B.A. Contri- butions to the Literature of the Fine Arts. First and Second Series ; with a Memoir compiled by Lady East- lake. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870. A8Q17, 18 History of the Gothic Revival. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1872 A 2 S 24 Materials for a History of Oil Painting. 8vo. Lond., 1847. ' A8Q31 Notes on the principal Pictures in the Brera Gallei'y at Milan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 8 P 29 Notes on the jarincipal Pictui-es in the Louvre Gallery at Paris. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1883. AGV17 Notes on the principal Pictures in the Old Pinakothek at Munich. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1884. ASP 28 EASTLAKE (Elizabeth), Lady. History of Our Lord as exemplified in Works of Art. [See Jameson, Mrs.] Livonian Tales : The Disponent, The Wolves, The Jewess. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1846. J 8 P 16 Residence on the Shores of the Baltic, described in a Series of Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841. D 9 P G, 7 Another copy. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1844. J 8 P 5 EASTWICK (Edward B.), C.B., &c. Fables of Pilpay. \_See Pilpay.] The Gulistan. \_See Sadi, M. E.] Hand-book of the Bombay Presidency. [_See Murray, J.] Hand-book of the Madras Presidency. [_See Murray, J.] The Kaisarnamah i Hind ; or. Lay of the Empress : a Poem, in nine Cantos; with Appendices containing the Histories of the Princes of India. 2 vols. roy. fol. Lond., 1882. H 5 P 6, 7 | Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit, Zend Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages. [See Bopp, F.] EATON (Charlotte A.) Rome in the 19th Century. 5th ed., with Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1860. B 12P 17, 18 EATON (Dorman B.) Report concerning Civil Sei-v'ice in Great Britain. 8vo. Washington, 1879. F 9 R 18 EATON (Fred. A.) Albert Diirer. \_See Tiiausing, M.] EBBITTT (P. G.) Emigrant Life in Kansas. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 4 Q 6 EBEL (Dr. Hermann). Celtic Studies, from the German ; with an Introduction on Roots, Stems, and Derivatives, and on Case-endings of Nouns in the Indo-European Lan- guages, by William K. Sullivan, Ph.D., etc. 8vo. Lond., 1863. K 12 S 29 Grammatica Celtica. [See Zeuss, I. C] EBERS (Georg). Egypt, Descriptive, Historical, and Pic- turesque; translated from the original German, Ijy Clara Bell. 2 vols. imp. 4to. Lond., 1881-82. D 38 P 9, 10 EBERT (Frederic Adolphus). General Bibliographical Dictionary, from the German [by A. Brown]. 4 vols. 8^■o. Oxford, 1837. K 17 Q 26-29 EBRARD (Dr. August). Handbuch der Mittelgalischen Sprache ; hauptsachlich Ossian's. Grammatik — Lese- stiicke — Worterbuch ; mit einem Vorwort von Dr. G. Authenrieth. 8vo. Wien, 1870. K 13 P 23 EBSWORTH (Joseph). The Rival Valets : a Farce. (Cum- berland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H2Q17 ECCLES (A. Leslie A.), B.A., kc. Australa.sia as a Resort for Invalids and Tourists. 8vo. Torquav, 1 884. MDI W42 ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSIONERS. Orders in Council ratifying schemes of the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners for England. Acts relating to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England ; with Appendix and Index. First and second General Reports to Her ^Majesty ; with Appendices, 1845, 1847. Seventeenth Report ; with Appendix, 1864. 15 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843-65. E ECCLESIASTICAL JLTRISDICTION. Copies of Corres- pondence and other Papers relating to Cases in which the Bishop of any Diocese in the Australian Colonies, has attempted to exercise Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction over any of his Clergy ; and to the formation of Ecclesiastical Courts in any of the said Dioceses. (Pari. Docs., 57.) Fol. Lond., 1850. MF 4 % ECCLESTON (James), B.A. Introduction to English Antiquities, intended as a Companion to the History of England. 8vo. Lond., 1847. B 4 S 15 ECHARD (Laurence), A.M. General Ecclesiastical His- tory, frojn the Nativity to the First Establishment of Christianity. Fol. Lond., 1702. G 35 P 15 1 Roman History ; design'd as well for the understanding of the Roman Authors, as the Roman Affairs. 8th ed. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1719-20. B 12 Q 21-25 2il CATALOGUE OF THE Ech] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Edi ECHO. ISee Brittex, Mrs. E. H.] ECHO (The): an Evening Xewspnpcr. 17 vol?;, fol. Svd- ney, 1879-87. " E ECHO DE LA XOUVELLE JERUSALEM. V..1. fi. Fevrier, 1868. (Pam. C.) Imp. 8vo. Port Louis, 1868. MJ 2 S 1 ECKER (Alex.\sder). Lorenz Oken: a Biographical .Sketfli; or, "In Jlemoriani" of the Centenary of liis Birtli; From the German, hy Alfred Tulk. 8vo. Lond., 1883. ■ C 5 Q 13 ECKER jIAXX (.Joii.\n\ Peter). Conversations of Goethe wiili Eckennann. [_See Goethe, J. AV. vox.] ECKHEL (Joseph HiL.\Rirs). DoctrinaXumorum veteruni. 8 vok. 4to. Vindolxmte, 1792-1S39. A 13 8 1-8 Addenda arical and Descriptive ; I'evi.sed and enlarged from '•Les Voyages Cclcl.res." 12mo. Lund., 1870. i) 5 P 4 Interior of Au.stralia. [See Warburton, Col. P. E.] My AVife and I in Queensland : an Eight Year.s' Experience in till: alwve Colony; with some Account of Polynesian I^lwur. 8vo. Lond., 1872.* MD 4 P 1 1 EDEN (UbV. ClIARLr..S PAfiE), M.A. Works of the Rt. Rev. Jeiemy Taylor. \_See Taylor, Rt. Re\ . J.] EDEN (Hov. Emily). "Uji liie Country": Lettei-s written tini>ilatioiis, itc, from the Writings, Maps, iVc, of Pietro Martire, .Sebastian Miinster, .Scba-stiaii Caliot. f^dited by EK^, T/f)iti>.] EDERSHEIM (Alfred), D.D., etc. Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. 2vols.8vo. Land., 1883. GUP 18, 19 EDGAR (Andrew). Old Church Life in Scotland: Lectures on Kirk-Session and Presbvtery Records. 1st and 2nd 8vo. Paisley, 188.'). ' G 9 S 24, 2.5 EDGAR (Lucy Anxa). Among the Black Boys ; bt>iiig the History of an attempt at civilising some Young Aborigines of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1865. INIA 1 11 2 EDGEWORTH (C. Sxeyd). . Meraoires de M. lAbbt Edge- worth de Fii-mont, dernier Confesseur de Louis xvi ; tijiduit de lAnglais. 12mo. Paris, 182-'). C 2 P 10 EDGEWORTH (Frascis Ysidro), M.A. ]\ratliematical Psychics: an Essay on the Application of Jiathematics to the ;Moral Sciences. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 10 T 10 EDGEWORTH (Miss Maria). Essay on Irish Bulls. [See Edcjewortii, R. L.] jMemoii-s of Richard Lovell Edgeworih. [See Edgewortii, R. L.] Study of Maria Edgeworth; with Notices of her Father and Friends, bv Mrs. (!race Atkinson Oliver. 3rd ed. 8vo. Boston, "1882. C 3 T 4 EDGEWORTH (RiniAUD Lovf.ll). Memoirs of: begun by himself, anil conchuled by his daughter, Maria Eilgoworth. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1820. C 8 11 27, 28 Another copy. 3rd ed. 8va. Loml, 1814. C 8 R 29 EDGEW(^RTH (Riciiaiu) Lovell and Mahia). Essay on Irish Bulls. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1808. J 8 Q 40 EDGEWORTH DE FIRMONT (Henry Esse.x), LAnnC. .Mcmoiresde: vecuiillis par C. Snevd Edgeworth. 12mo. Paris, 181-5. ' C 2 P 10 EDINBURGH (H.R.H. Piuni h Alfked), Duke of, K.G., &c. Cruise of H.M.S. Qalatea. [See Milner, Rev. J.] The Story of the Attemjited IMurder of His Royal Highness tho Duke of lidiiiburgh at Clontarf, Tiun'sday, March 12, 1868. Illustrated. (Curiiius Trials.) 8vo. Sydney, 1808. MF 2 R 19 Visit to llnngkong in 1809. [See Be.wii, r.Kv. W. R.] EDINBURGH. Craphic «ud Historical Descrlpi i..ii of (ho City. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Loud., 1820-22. I! l.'! S 3, 4 EDlNni'R(!iI ANNUAL REGISTER. 19 vols, (in 24) 8vo. iCdiid.., ISIO 28. E EDINBL'RCIl (;.\ZI';TTI<:I':I; ; or, Geogiaphical Dic- tifinary ; containing a Descrijition of the various Coun- tries, Kingdoms, Slates, Cities, Towns, Mountains, Ac. of the Worid. 8vo. l/iiid, 1SJ7. 1) II IMl 16 EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE (Tin:), {^.n. ducted by David Brew.ster, 1.1,1).. Ac. Vuls. 1 6. vols. 8vo. Lonrl., 1827-29. E FREE PUBLIC LIBPtARY, SYDNEY. 245 Edi] Part I : — Atdhors, Editors, or Heference. [Edu EDINBURGH REVIEW (The); or, Critical Journal. Vols. 1-1G2. 8vo. Edinb., 1802-86. E EDINBURGH ROYAL OBSERVATORY. {_See Smyth, C. P.] EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY (Thk). Caleiuhir, 1884- 8G. 12mo. Edinb., 1884-86. E EDIS (RoDEiiT William), F.S.A., itc. Decoratinu and Fur- niture of Town Houses. 8vo. Load., 1881. A 3 P 22 EDITOR OF THE AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEA- LAND GAZETTE (The). lSe& Hoijgkin.son, S.] EDITOR OF THE PORT PHILLIP GAZETTE (The). \_Bee Aedex, G.] EDKINS (Rev. Joseph), D.D. Chinese Buddhism: a Volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive, and Critical. 8vo. Lond., 1880. G 15 P 19 Grammar of the Chinese Colloquial Language, commonly called the Mandarin Dialect. 2nd ed. Roy. 8vo. Shanghai, 1864. K 14 Q 26 Religion in China ; containing a Brief Account of the Three Religions of the Chinese, with Observations on the Pros- pects of Christian Conversion amongst that People. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1878. '' G 9 S 19 EDLESTON (J.), M.A. Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Prof. Roger Cotes, including Letters of other Eminent Men ; with Notes, Synoptical View of the Philosopher's Life, etc. 8vo. Lond., 18.50. C10U37 EDMOND (J. P.) Aberdeen Printers; Edward Raban to James Nicol, 1620-1736. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1886. C 10 R 1 EDMONDS (Cyrus R.) Cicero's Three Books of Offices. [See Cicero, M. T.] History of Rome. [See Livics, T.] The Life and Times of General V^ashington. 2 vols. 18mo. Lond., 1835-36. C 1 P 36, 37 EDMUNDSON (George), M.A. Milton and Vondel : a Curiosity of Litei-ature. 8vo. Lond., 1885. H 7 R 31 EDUCATION. Account, showing the Grants, Endow- ments, and Appropriations made for the purpose of Religious Instruction, or of Education in the Colonies, for the years 1840-42. (Pari. Docs. 47.) Fol. Lond., 1845. MP 4 t Council of Education, Great Britain : Twenty-seventh Report of the Science and Art Department. 8vo. Lond., 1880. E Eilucation Commission : Report of the Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the State of Popular Educa- tion in England. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1861. G 17 R 18-23 Education : the Defects of the Common School System and Proposed New System, based on District Populations and entire Lical Management. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MG 1 Q 38 EDUCATION— cownd., 1872. C8P28,29 EDWARDS (Ai.piioNSK Milne). [See Milne-Edwards, Prof. A.] KI)WARDS (Amki.ia I!,; Si.,iv of Cervantes. 12ino. F.,..ik1., 1803. ■ C 2 P .') A Tliousand .Miles ii]> the Nile. Illuatrateil. liii]i. 8vo. L.nd., |M77. D 2 U 3 EDWARDS (P,rvan), K.R.H.S.A. History, Civil and Com- mercidl, of tho BritiHh West Indies, otli ed. 5 \ <,ls. 8vo. Und., 1819. B 1 R 0-10 Afnp«nndPlfttt'H[tollieul)ove.] Ito. Ix.nd., 1818. B18V5 EDWARDS (C. a.) Organs and Organ-building: aTreatise on the History and Construction of the Organ. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond.," 1881. A 7 P 12 EDWARDS (Edward). Admuiistrative Economy of the Fine Arts in England. 8vo. Lond., 1840. A 8 Q 21 Anecdotes of Paintei-s who liave resided, or lieen born in England ; with Critical Remarks on their Productions. 4to^ Lond., 1808. A 8 R 18 Brief Descriptive Catalogue of the Medals struck in France and its Dependencies, between the years 1789 and 1830. 8vo. Lond., 1837. A 13 S 36 Chapters of the Biographical History of the French Academy. 8vo. Lond., 18G4. C 8 Q 9 Free Town Libraries ; their Formation, j\Lanagement, and Historv, in Britain, France, Germany, and America. 8vo. Lond., 1869. " B 14 S 19 Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Ellesmere, on the desirability of a better provision of Public Libraries. (Pam. 34.) 8vo. Loud., 1848. J 12 U 26 Libraries and Founders of Libraries. Svo. Lond., 1865. B 15 Q 35 Lives of the Founders of the British ^Museum ; with Notices of its Chief Augmentors and other Benefactors, 1570-1870. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870. CIOUIO, 11 Memoirs of Libraries: including a Hand-book of Library Economy. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 18r)y. J 7 U 24, 25 Remarks on the paucity of Libraries freely open to the Public in the British Empire. 2nd cd. (Pam. 34.) Svo. Lond., 1849. ' J 12 U 26 EDWARDS (Eliezer). Words, Facts, and Phrases : a Dictionary of Curious, Quaint, and Out-of-the-way Matter.?. 8vo. Lond., 1882. K17Pi) EDWARDS (Emory), M.E. Catechism of the Marine Steam Engine, for the use of Engineers, Firemen, and Mechanics^ 8vo. Philad., 1879. A 11 P 21 Modern American Locomotive Engines : their Design, Consti-ui'tion, and Management. 8\i). Philad., 1883. A 6 S 3 EDWARDS (!•;. risici;). Our Seamarks: a Plain Account of the Ijiglit houses. Lightships, Beacons, Buoy.s, and Fog-Signals mainLiined on our Coasts. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1881. A 2 R 46 EDWA15DS (if. Milne). [Sec Milne-Edwaud.s, H.] EDWARDS (Henry S.) I'.e.iumarchais and his Times. [See LoMi::\ii;, L. de.] E1»W.\KDS (11. Si tiieiu.and). CajilMty of (wo liussian Princesses. [See Verdkrkvsk v. | I'^ausl Legend; itsOriginand Dcxclopnicnt. i2mii. Lond., 1886. 15 27 P 3 Polish Cui.Uvity. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond., 1863. 11 7 R 33, 34 Russian Projects against India, from the Czar to General Sk..b.'lefV. With Map. Svo. Lond., 1885. B 12 U 31 Russiiins at Home : rnpnlitical Sketches. 2nd ed. Svo. LmuI., 1861. D8Q 35 TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 247 Edw] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Eip EDWARDS (Jonathan), A.M. On Revivals; containing a faithful Narrative of the surprising Work of God in the conversion of many Hundred Souls in Northampton, 1735. (Pam. 17.) 8vo. Lond., 1839. MJ 2 Q 7 Treatise concerning Religious Aifections. 12mo. Edinb., 1812. G13R19 EDWARDS (Joseph). Differential Calculus; with Ap- plications and numerous Examples. 8vo. Lend., 1886. A 10 S 15 EDWARDS (Matilda Betiiam-). Winter with the Swallows. 8\-o. Lond., 18G7. D 1 V 25 EDAVARDS (William), JuDCiK. Reminiscences of a Bengal Civilian. 8vo. Lond., 1860. D 5 R 7 EDWxVRDS (William;. What shall we do with our Criminals'! with an original Scheme of a Reformatory Institution. 8vo.- Melb., 1837. MF 1 Q 5 EDWARDS (William H.) Voyage up the River Amazon, including a residence at Para. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1847. J 8 P 24 EDWIN (Lieut. R. A.), R.N. Traverse Table ; with simple and Brief Method of correcting Compass Courses. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1871. A 3 U 32 EDY (Joun William). \_See Boydell, J.] EGEDE (Hans), Missionary. Description of Greenland; with an Historical Introduction, and a Life of the Author. 2iid ed. 8vo. Lond., 1818. D 4 R 46 EGERTON (Francis Henry). Life and Character of Thomas Egerton, Lord Ellesmere, A'c. ; also, the Lives of John Egerton, Lord Bishop of Durham, and of Francis Egerton, Third Duke of Bridgewater. (Notes in French.) Roy. fol. Paris, 1812. C 4 S 19 t EGERTON (Francis L. G.) \_See Ellesmere, Earl of.] EGERTON (Mary M.), Countess of Wilton. Book of Costume; or. Annals of Fashion, from the Earliest Period. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1846. A 7 T 24 EGESTOFF (G. H. C.) Klopstock's Messiah. [5'eeKLOP- stock, F. G.] EGGELING (Julius). The Satapatha-Brahmana. [See Miller, Prof. M.] EGGERS (H. F. A.), Baron. The Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands. 8vo. Wash., 1879. F 9 R 6 EGILSSON (Sveinbjorn). Lexicon Poeticum Antique Lingupe Septentrionalis. Roy. 8vo. Hafnia?, 1860. K 16 R 29 EGINHARD. Annales des Rois Pepin, Charlemagne, et Louis-le-Debonnaire. \_See CtUIZOT, F. P. G., 3.] EGYPT. Correspondence relating to. 20 vols, (in 3) sm. fol. Lond., 1885. F 36 Q 14-16 % 1. Affairs of Egypt. 2. British Military Operations in the Soudan. 3. Prince Hassan's Mission to the Soudan 4-7. Finances of Kgypt, and Navigation of the Suez Canal. 8. Revenue and Expenditure of Egypt. 9. Britisli Military Operations in the S(nidan. 10. Extract from a Despatcli respecting the Suez Canal. 11. Finances of Egypt and the Suez Canal. 12. Suppression of tlie Busphore Eyyptkn. 1.5. Military Operations in the Soudan. 1 1. Ports in the Red Sea ami tliu (iult of Aden, and llic l'i'(jvini;<'. of Harrar. l.j. Reports on the Stats of Egypt, &c. 10. Ports in the Red Sea and the <;ulf of Aden. 17. Finances of Egypt. 18. Military Operations in the Soudan. 19. Suez Canal International Commission. 20. Aflairs of Egj-pt. Description de I'Egypte. \_See Pancicoucke, C. L. F.] Map of Lower Egypt : Four Sheets, with inset Maps of Cairo and Alexandria ; prepared in the Intelligence Department, War Office, London. Sm. fol. Lond., 1882. D 33 Q 12 J Pictorial Records of the English in Egypt; with a full and descriptive Life of General Gordon, the Hero of Khartoum. With Engravings, and a series of coloured Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1885. B 2 R 48 War in Egypt. The Illustrations by Richard Simkin; the Text and Maps, by special permission, from Tlie Times. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1883. B 2 R 36 Warm Corners in Egypt; by "One who in them." 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 1 Q 13 EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES. Catalogue of, collected by Sir Charles Nicholson, D.C.L., kc. 8vo. Lond., 1858. K7 Q 3 EICHENS (Marie). Reading Book; edited by Annie Clough. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Oxford, 1869. G 17 S 8 EICHERT (Otto). Album der neuern Deutschen Lyrik. Erster Theil. 18mo. Leipzig, 1851. H 6 P 11 EICHHOFF (F. G.) Grannnaire Generale Indo-Euro- peenne; ou, Coniparaison des Langues Grecque, Latine, Fran^aise, Gothique, Allemande, Anglaise et Russe, entre elles etavec le Sanscrit; suivie d'extraits de Poesie In- dienne. Svo. Paris, 1867. K 13 P 36 EIDLITZ (Leopold). Nature and Function of Art, more especially of Architecture. Svo. Lond., 1881. A2S15 EIGHT YEARS' RESIDENT, An. [See Thorne, E.] EIPPER (Rev. Christopher). Statement of the Origin, Condition, and Prospects of the German Mission to the Aborigines at Moreton Bay. (Pam. Ad.) Svo. Sydney, 1841. MD 1 V 9 2i8 CATALOGUE OE TjIE Ekh] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ell EKHOLTZ (A.) Practisclies Lehr- uiul Hiilfsbuch der schweclischen Sprache. 3^ Auflage. 12iiio. Lubeek, 1858. K 1 1 V 35 ELCHO (Lord), M.P. ['tter ImioU ofSirJohnEiiot( 1 02.") 32); edited bv the Rev. Alexander I! (irosnrt, LL. I)., etc. 2 vols. Ho. I>ond., 18H2. V 12 R 7, 8 Life of. [Sw MAfKiNTOHii, Siii J.] Sir John Eliot: a Itiography, 1.590-1032; by John Forster. 2 vol". .«\o. I^Hi.l , l.'^CI." C ^ r 0, 10 ELIOT (Joun), the Apostle. Life and Labors of, among the Indian Nations of New England ; with an Account of the Eliots in England, by Col. R. B. Caverly. 8vo. Boston, 1882. B 1 Q 49 ELIZABETH OF YORK. Privy Purse Expenses of. l^See NiroLAS, Sir N. H.] ELIZABETH (Queen ok Exgland). Court of Queen Elizabeth. [_See Naunton, Siu R.] England in the Days of Queen Elizabeth. {See Rye, W. B.] History of; bv AVilliam Camden. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1088." " B 2 T 7 ilemoirs of the Court of; 1)V Lucy Aikin. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1818. ■ ' Co Y 11, 12 Romantic Biogra])hv of the Age of Elizabeth. [See Taylor, AY. C] Youth of Queen Eliz,d)eth, 1533-58; by L. Wiesener. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870. C2P1],12 ELIZABETH CHARLOTTE (Piuxcesse Palatine). Lcttres iiu'dites do la Princesse Palatine. Traduites par A. A. RoUand. 8vo. Paris, ISSj. C 2 S 34 ELIZABETH (Saint) OF HUNGARY. Histoiro do. [See MoXTALEJIBEliT, COMTE DE.] ELLA (Samuel). Peru\i.a;i Slavers: Atrocious Proceedings at Savage Island. (New.spaper Cuttings, Pam. C.) Rov 8vo. Sydney, 1863. MJ 2 s'l ELLACOMBE (Rev. Hexuy Nicholron), M.A. Plant- Lore and (Jarden-Craft of Shakespeare. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 4 P 18 ELLENBOROU(;U (EowAiio I,.\w), Loud. PolilicTd hiarv, 1828-30;. edited bv L n-d CoK-liest.jr. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881, ■ B 7 Q 21,22 [See Ini-)IA.] ELLERY (RoDKiiT L. J.) Ijectiire.s on the Common of Astronomy. [See Melhouune Puiilic Liuhauv.] Notes on the Climate of Victoria. (Inter. ]C.\hib. Essays.) 8vo. Melb., 18G7; MJ 2 R 9 Notes on llic Climate of Victoria. (Pam. Cc.) 8vo. Melb., 1873. MA 2 Q 33 Results of .\';ti'ononii('Ml Observations, made ,'it t.he Mel- bourne (A\'illiamslown) Oliseixatiiry, in the vi'ars lSGl-70, I voi.'^. 8vo. Mell.., 1866 73. ■ I\IA I T 13-16 ELLESM l'!H IC (l''i(AXcis Levksox Go\vi;i( 1v:i;i!Tox), lv\nr, OK. Sieges of N'ienna. [.SVc Sciiimmi.i;, K. .\.] AVar of Siciliim \'espers. [See Amaui, M. | I'dd-KJorr (I!t- I!ev. Cii.MiLKs .lonx), D.J). Reply (o liishop ICIIiroU's I'aniplilet. fS.v Bciliiox, Rkv. J. NV.J EilEE PUBLIC LIBllAUY, SYDNEY. 219 Ell] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ell ELLICOTT (Rt. Rev. Charles John), D.D., and PALMER (Edwin). The Revisers and the Greek Text of the New Testament; by "Two Members of the New Testament Company." 8vo. Lond,, 18^2. G 2 R 10 ELLIOT (Alexander). Hood in Scotland; Reminiscences of Thomas Hood, Poet and Humourist, collected and arranged. 4to. Dundee, 1885. C 5 U 12 ELLIOT (Daniel Giraud), F.L.S., &c. Monograph of the Buccrotid;c, or Family of the Hornbills. Roy. 4to. Lend., 1882. A 4 U 14 I Monograph of Eelidiie, or Family of the Cats. L. 4to. Lond., 1883. A 12 P 10 J Monograph of the Paradiseidiv, or Birds of Paradise. At. fol. Lond., 1873.* A 12 P 9 t Monograph of the Phasianidiie, or Family of the Phea- sants. 2 vols. 1. 4to. New York, 1872. A 12 P 7, 8 | ^Monograph of the Tetraoninfe, or Family of the Grouse. At. fol. New York, 18G5. A 12 P 6 + ELLIOT (Mrs. Frances). Diary of an Idle AVoman in Italy. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1872. D 7 Q 26 Diary of an Idle Woman in Spain. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. D 8 R 37, 38 Old Court Life in France. -2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873. C 8 U 30, 31 Pictures of Old Rome. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1872. D 8 R 36 ELLIOT (Adm. Sir George), K.C.B. Treatise on future Naval Battles, and how to tight them, and on other Naval Tactical Subjects. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A3Q16 ELLIOT (Sir H. M.), K.C.B. Bibliographical Index to the Historians of Muhammedan India. Vol. 1 — General Histories («?Zyy»W/*7('-rf.) 8vo. Calcutta, 1849. B10R35 History of India, as told by its own Historians. The iluharamadan Period. Edited, frfim the Posthumous Papers of Sir H. INI. Elliot, by Prof. John Dowson, M.R.A.S. 8 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1867-77. B10R2-9 Memoirs on the History, Folk-Lore, and Distribution of the Races of the North-western Provinces of India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869. B 10 U 33, 34 ELLIOT (J. P.) Barometric Variations at Sydney, 1844-46. (MS.) fol. Sydney, 1844-46. MA1R12| ELLIOT (Robert H.) Experiences of a Planter in the Jungles of My.sore. Illustrated* 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 187). D5T33, 34 ELLIOT (Sir W.) Coins of Southern India. \_See NuMis- mata Oeientalia, 4.] ELLIOTSON (J.) Elements of Physiology. [&e Blumen- bacii, J. F.] ELLIOTT (Charles). Life of Hafiz Ool Moolk. [See Moost' ujab Kuan Buiiadoor.] 2 T ELLIOTT (Charles Boileau). Letters from the North of Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1832. D 9 Q 12 ELLIOTT (Ebenezer). The Splendid Village, Corn Law Rhymes, and other Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1833. H 7 R 29 ELLIOTT (Rev. E. B.), A.M. Horse Apocalyptica>; or, a Commentary on the Apocalypse, critical and historical. 3rd ed. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. G 9 S 4-7 ELLIOTT (Grace Dalrymple). Journal de ma Vic pen- dant la Revolution Fran<;aise. [See Barri^re, J. F., 27.] ELLIOTT (Mrs. M. L.) Shakspeare's Garden of Girls. 8vo. Lond., 1885. H 1 S 20 ELLIOTT (Captain Robert), R.N. Views in the East ; comprising India, Canton, and the Shores of the Red Sea ; with Historical and Descriptive Illustrations. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1833. D 4 V 22, 23 ELLIOTT (Sizar), J. P. On the Introduction of Local Industries into New South Wales. (Pam. 36.) 8vo. Melb., 1872. MJ 2 Q 23 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MJ 2 R 14 Another copy. (Pam. G.) MA 2 V 7 ELLIOTT (William). Adamson's Australian Gardener. [See Adamson, W.] ELLIOTT (Hon. William). Carolina Sports by Land and Water. 8vo. Lond., 1867. D 3 Q 25 ELLIS (Mrs. Sarah), Sarah Stickney. Daughters of England, their position in Society, Chai'acter and Re- sponsibilities. 8vo. Lond., 1842. F 14 R 5 Mothers of England, their Influence, and Responsibilitv. 12mo. Lond.'; 1843. J 1 T"6 Poetry of Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1835. J 12 Q 3, 4 Summer and Winter in the Pyrenees. 8vo. Lond., 1841. ■ D 9 Q 38 AVomeii of England, their social Duties and domestic Habits. 8vo.' Lond., 1839. F 14 R 2 ELLIS (Major Alfred Burdon). History of the First West India Regiment. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 1 R 12 West African Islands. 8vo. Lond., 1885. D 2 R 13 ELLIS (Alexander John), B.A. The E.ssentials of Phonetics. 8vo. Lond., 1848. K 14 Q 30 Plea for Phonetic Spelling ; or, the Necessity of Ortho- graphic Reform. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1848. K 14 Q 30 [See Helmholtz, H. L. F.] ELLIS (George). Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances ; chiefly written during the early part of the 14th Century. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1811. H 7 R 22-24 Specimens of Early English Poets. 3rd ed. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1803. H 7 R 19-21 250 CATALOGUE OE THE EU] Paet I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Elm ELLIS (George E.) The Red Man and the White Man in North America, from its Discovery to the Present Time. 8vo. Boston, 1882. A 1 W 19 ELLIS (George James Welbore Ag.\r), Lord Dover. [See Dover, G. J. W. A. Ellis, Lord.] ELLIS (Grace A.) Memi>ir, Letters, and a Selection from the Poems and Prose Writings of Anna Lnetitia Barbauld. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 187-1. C 3 Q U, 15 ELLIS (Rt. Hov. HENnv). Journal of the Proceedings of the lato Embassy [of Lord Amherst] to China. Illus- trated. 4to. Loncl, 1817. D 5 V 33 ELLIS (Sir Henkv), K.H., F.ll.S., kv. British Museum. Elgin and Pliigaleian Marbles. (Lib. Ent. Know.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1833. K 10 R 27, 28 General Introduction to Domesday Book. 2 vols. Svo. Lend., 1833. " B 15 T 22, 23 Original Letters, illustrative of English History; including numerous Royal Letters, from Autographs in the British Museum, ic. ' 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825. B i R 5-7 2nd series. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1827. B4R8-11 3rd series. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846. B4R 12-15 Registruni vulgariter nuncupatum " Tlie Record of Cacr" narvon." \_See Record Commissioners' Publications.] St. Paul's Cathedral. [See Dugdale, Sir W.] Tlie Townley Gallery. (Lib. Ent. Know.) 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 183G. K 10 R 44, 45 [See Fabvak, R.; (ind Hardvso, Jonx.] ELLIS (Hexuv T.), R.N. Hong Kong to Manilla, and the Lakes of Luzon, in the Philippine Isles in 185G. Svo. Lond., 1859. D 5 R 46 ELLIS (Jou.N). Letters addressed to J, Ellis. [See IJOVER, Louij.] ELLIS (Robert), B.D. AsiaticAftinities of the Old Italians. 8vo. Loud., 1870. K 11 T 42 ELLIS (Prof. Robinson), M.A. Commentary on Catullus. (Clar. Press.) Svo. Oxford, 1876. J 3 T J ELLIS (Tristram J.) On a Raft, and thmugh tin- Jiesert : the Narrative of an Artist's Journey through Northern Syria and Kurdistan. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1H81. DOS 34, 35 ELLI.S (NV.), Si'HfiKov. Aulhentii' Narrative of a \'oyag.nd., 1783. MD .'. T 1 .'">, 16 Anollier copy. 3rd ed. 2 vols. Svo. Lniid., \'f<\. MI» .'I T 17, If^ ELLIS (William). A Layman's Contribution to the Know- ledge and Practice of Religion in Common Life. Svo. Lond., 1857. G 2 P 21 ELLIS (William). Rojal Jubilees of England ; with introductory Sketches of the Mosaic and Roman Jubilees. 12mo. Lond., 1886. B 23 P 1 ELLIS (Rev. William). History of Madagascar; com- prising the Progress of the Christian Jlission, established 1818. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1838. B 1 P 24, 25 Madagascar re-visited; describing the Events of a new Reign, and the Revolution which followed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1867. D 2 Q 8 Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii, or Owhyhee; with Remarks on the History, Traditions, Manners, Customs, and Language of the Inhabitants of the Sandwich Lslands. Svo. Lond., 182G. MD 7 Q 11 Another copy. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1827. MD 7 Q 12 Polynesian Researches, during a Residence of nearly Six Years in the South Sea Islands. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1830. MD 7 Q 9, 10 Polynesian Researches, during a Residence of nearly Eight Years in the Society and Sandwich Islands. 2nd ed. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1839. MD 3 P 4-7 Another copy. New ed., enlarged and improved. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1859.* MD 3 P 8-11 Three Visits to Madagascar, during the years 1853-56, includinf.' a Journey to tbe Capital. Svo. Loud., 1858. D 2 Q 7 ELLIS (Sir AV. C.) Treatise on the Nature, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Insanity. Svo. Lond., 1838, A 12 S 16 ELLISON (Selcome). Prison Scenes ; and Narrative of Escape from France during the late War, 8vo. Lond., 1838. F 15 Q 11 ELLTSTON (Robert William), Comedian. Memoirs of, 1774-1810 ; by George Raynumd. "With Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1844. C 7 Q 3, 4 ELLISTON (William Gori.). IL.bart Town Almanack, and (Ross's) Van Diemen's Land Annual. 1 2mo. Ilobart, 1837.* ME 4 P Hobart Town Almanack, and Van Diemen's Land Annual, 1838.* ME 4 P ELL WANG ER (11. B.) The Rose : a Treatise on the Cul- tivation, History, Family Characteristics, (fee, of the various Groups of Roses. 12mo. New York, 1882. A 4 IMO ELL WOOD (Thomas). Hi.story of the Life of Thomas Ellwo.ul. (Aulobiog., 11.) 12mo. Lond.,1827 C 1 P 10 Er..Ml';S (.Fames), M.R.T..\. (icncral and Hibliographical Dictionary of the Fine Art.s. 8vo. Lond., 1826. K18P28 I'liict leal Treatise on Archilccluriil .l\iris|inidrn('o. Svo, Ln,„l., 1827. r 9 P 15 PEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 251 Elp] Paiit I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Erne ELPHINSTONE (Hon. G. K.) \_See Keith, Viscount.] ELPIIINSTONE (Hon. Mountstuaet). Account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its Dependencies in Persia, Tar- tary, and India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842. D 4 T 9, 10 History of India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841. B 10 S 26, 27 Life of; by Sir T. E. Colebrooke, Bart. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 7 P 4, 5 ELRINGTON (Pkof. Cn.A.RLES Richard), D.D. Life of the Most Rev. James Ussher. \_See Ussiier, Most Rev. J.] ELTON (Charles). Norway; the Road and the Fell. 8vo- Lond., 1804. D 8 S 24 Origins of English History. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1882. B5 V 8 ELTON (Charles Abraham). Specimens of the Classic Poets, from Homer to Tryphiodorus. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1814. H 7 R 25-27 [See Habington, W., and Hesiod.] ELTON (J. Frederic), F.R.G.S. Travels and Researches among the Lakes and Mountains of Eastern and Central Africa; edited and completed by H. B. Cotterill. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 1 W 21 ELWELL (Rev. E. Simeon), M.A. Boy Colonists; or. Eight Years of Colonial Life in Otago, New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1878.* MD 4 P 41 ELWES (Alfred). Benguella to Yacca. [See Capello, H., and Iven.s, R.] Dizi(jnario Italian,\A)o).— continued. Representative Men: Seven Lectures. 8vo. Loud., 1850. C 5 R 21 Tributes to Longfellow and Emerson ; by the Massachusetts Historical Society : with Portrait. Sm. -Ito. Boston, 1882. " C 10 V 38 [See Hundred Greatest !Mev.J EMERSON (W.) [_See Newton. Sir I.] EMERTON (James H.) Life on the Sea.shore ; or. Animals of our Coasts unci Bays; with Illustrations and Des- criptions. (Naturalist's Handv Series 1.) 8vo. Salem, 1880. ' A14Q9 EMIGRANT IN AUSTRALIA ; or, Gleanings from the Gold-tields ; In' '" An Australian Journalist " ; with Illustrations, by J. S. Prout, Esq.: and Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1852.* MD 2 R 31 EMIGRANT MECHANIC, An. [See Harris, A.] EMIGRANT OF 1821, An. [See Williams, W.] EMIGRANTS. A Few Words to Emigrants' Wives. (Pam. 41.) 12mo. Lond., 1861. MJ 2 R 3 General Hints to Emigrants. (Weale). 12mo. Lond., 186G. A 17 Q 15 Infonnation for Emigrants to the British Colonies, issued by H.M. Emigration Conunissioners. 8yo. Lond., 1870. " MJ2R12 Practical Advice to Emigrants; or, How to Choose a Home in our Colonies. (Pam. -H.) 12mo. Lond., 18G1. MJ2K3 EMIGRANT'S GUIDE (The) to New South Wales, Van Diemen's L;ind, A-c. 8v«. Lmd., 1832. MJ2Q15 EMIGRANTS' GUIDE TO AUSTRALASIA. [See Bairi), Mv:\. J.] EMIGRANTS' LETTERS; being a Collection of Recent Coinniuiiicntions from Settloi-s in the British Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1 850.* .MI)4Q25 EMIGRATION. Colonization and Emigration ; a jNIe- niorinl luldrt-sscd to tlir' Rt. Ibm. Loi-d .fnhn Russell. Nvo. Lond., IHIH. :\II' 3 P 7 Correspondence relative to the Application of I lie Land Keveiiui! in the Australian Colonies, with rcfcrriK-o to EmigratirMi. (Pari. Docs., 30.) l-'ol. I^.nd., I8H. MF4J f.'orres|M(iidcMC(; I'elativc to Emigration, between the Colonial rxlice and the Authorities in the Colonies, or the ComniJHHioners of Land and Emigration. (Pari. Docs., 31.) Fol. Lond., 1842. MP 4 } CorroHpondeiice rolntive to Emigration ; also, to the Sale of (!olonial Tjinils in New South Wales and I'ort Phillip, Van Idi-Mien's Ijinil, Western Australia, and New Zea- l.ind. H'aH. I).K-s., 4.3.) Pol. Ivond., 1843. MF 4 } EMIGRATION.— conf South Austiali.-i. (Pam. 18.) 2n(l ed. 8vo. Lond." 1K3.H. ]\rj 2 Q 16 Information for Kinignints to the I'.iilish Colonies, issued liv II. M. iMnigration Cnnnnissioners. 8yo. Lond., ]X10. MJ 2 R 12 Information ]>ublished for Emigration, respecting the British Colonies in North Ameiica. (Pam. 31.) 8vo Lond., 1K32. M.I 2 t^ 19 FREE PUBLIC LTBRAUY, SYDNEY. 253 Emi] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Enc EMIGRATION.— co)iy F. W. H. Hawthorne ; by H. James, jnr. Myers. ENGLISH RESIDENT IN GERMANY, An. [_See Spencer, Capt. Edmund.] ENGLISH STATUTES. \_See Statutes.] ENTOMOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. 1833^38. 5 vols. 8vo. Loud., E ENGLISH WORK AND SONG tlie South; by "An Englisliman." amid the Forests of 8vo. Lond., LS82. MH 1 R 58 ENGLISHWOMAN'S REVIEW of Social and Industrial Questions. Vols. 9-13. Svo. Lond., 1878-83. E ENNEMOSER (Joseph). History of Magic; translated from tlie German, liy William Howitt. "2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1854. A 10 R 8, 9 ENNI8 (Jacob), A.M. Origin of the Stars, and the Causes of their Motions and their Light. Svo. Lond., 1876. A 3 S 26 ENSE (K. A. Varnhagen von). [_See Varnhaoen von Ense, K. a.] ENSOR (F. S.) [See Victoria, H.M. Queen.] ENSOR ((Jkorge). Anti-Union: Ireland as she ought to Iw. [See Historical Pamphlets.] ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Transactions of, 1862-73. 2vols.8vo. Sydney, 1866-73. ME 1 R ENTOMfJLOGIST'S ANNUAL (The), 1855-71. 2nd ed. 20vols. 12mo. Lond., 1855-74. E ENTOMOLOGISTS MONTHLY MACiAZINE (The). ■ Vols. 1-2. Svo. Lond., 1864-85. E ENTRECASTEAUX (B. d'). [See DEntrkcasteau.x, B.] ENTWISLE & GARNET v. DENT & CO. Respon- sibility of Commission Agents: Report of the Case of EntwLsle & Garnet v. Dent & Co. (Pam. 19) Svo. Loud., 1849. MJ 2 Q 8 EPHRiBM (.Saint). Opera omnia quje exstant Greece, Syriace, Latine, ad MSS. 6 vols fol. Rome, 1732-46. G 26 Q 9-14 X [See Byzantin/E Hist. Script.] EPICTETUS. All the Works of; translated, with an In- troduction and Notes, by Elizabeth Carter. 4to. Lond., 1758. G 2 T 7 Works of; consisting of his Discourses, in Four Books, the Enchiridion, and Fragments : a Translation from theGreek, by T. W. Higginson. Svo. Boston, 1866. G 8 Q 2 EPICURUS. Life of. [See Lucretius Carus, T.] EPIPHANIUS (Sanctus). Opera omnia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Gr«ca, 41-43.] EPISCOPAL SEES. Copies :— Of his late Majesty's Letters Patent, constituting the Episcopal See of Aus- tralia, or New South Wales, and appointing the Right Reverend William G. Broughtou, D.D., to be the first Bishop ; of Her Majesty's Letters Patent, constituting the See of Sydney, in New South Wales, to be a Metro- politan See, and erecting other Episcopal Sees within the Province of Australia; of Despatch from Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonial Department to the Governor of New South Wales, in I'elation to the Place and Precedency to be assigned and allowed in the Execu- tive Council or elsewhere, within the Colony of New- South Wales, to the Right Reverend Dr. Broughton as Bishop of Australia ; of Despatch from Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonial Department to the Governor of New South Wales, in relation to the first Mission of Dr. John Bede Folding, as Bishop of the Roman Catholic Communion within that Colony, and to the Allowance of Salary payable to him ; and. Copy of Correspondence between Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonial Department to the Governor of New South Wales relative to the Assumption of the Style and Title of Archbishop of Sydney, by Dr. John Bed(i Folding. Fol. Lond., 1850. ' " MF 4 t 25G CATALOGUE OE TEE Era] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Esp ERASMUS ROTERDAMUS (Desideeius). Adagiorum chiliades luxtalocos communes digestse. Fol. Hauovia^, 1617. J 39 R 3 X Cnlloquia Familiara et Encomium ^loriip. 2 vols. 18mo. Lipsiw, 1867-72. G 9 P -18, 49 Life of Erasmus, more particularly that part of it which he spent in England; by Samuel Knight, D.D. 8vo. Camb., 1726. C 4 V 4 Li%es of Jehan Yitrier, Warden of the Franciscan Convent at St. Omer, and John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's London; written in Latin; translated by J. H. Lupton, ^I.A., kc. 8vo. Loud., 1883. C 2 R 31 Moriie Enkomium. Stultitiae Laus. Des. Erasmi Rot. decla- matio, cum commentariis. 8vo. Basilere, 1676. J 16 R 11 Opera omnia, emendatiora et avetiora, ad optimas editiones praecipve qvas ipse Erasmus postrerao cvravit, svmma tide exacta stvdia et opera Joannis Clerici cum ejvsdem ct aliorvm notis. 10 vols, (in 11) fol. Lugd., 1703-6. G;5.5'P2-12* The Oxford Reformer. [See Seebohm, F.J Twenty-two Select Colloquies, pleasantly representing several superstitious Levities that were crept into the Church of Rome in his Days; l)v R. L'Estrange, Knt. 8vo. Lond., 1689. ' " G 8 Q 6 ERATOSTHENES. {See Sancho.viatho.] EPPS (J.) What is Homoeopathy! 3rd wl. Lond. (n.d.) MA 2 S 38 ERCELDOUNE (Thomas of). {See Lhhmovt, T.] ERCKMANN (Emilk), and Clf ATIVAN (ALii.VAXDUE). The Blockade ; or, Episodes of Phalsbourg. 1 2mo. Lond., 1871. J 1 W 30 The Conscript ; or, the Invasion i if France. 12im(i. Lond., 1871. .1 1 \V 31 Watorlixj: a Sequel to "The Conscript of ISl.'i.' 12nio. L.nd., 1871. J 1 W 32 ERDESWICK (Sampson). Survey of Staftbrdshire ; con- taining the Antiquities of that C(junty. 8\u. West- minster, 1820. I! 6 Q 8 EinCiEXA (JoANNics ScoTUs;. J»e i)i\ isionc Natune l.,ibri <^uiii(|ue diu dcsiderati. Acceilit Ajipendix <>x .\nibiguis S. Maximi {iriecc et Ditiiie. Fol. Oxoiiii, 16Si. (; 12 l{ H t Opera onmiii. [5e« ^Ii'AK, ■!. P., Sehiks [^atina, 122 | ERIKSEX (Wii,iii:i,>i). Iy>s Kchanges Internationaux, littV-raires et «cientifi(|ues; Icur Histoire, hur I'tilite, etc., 18.-52 HO. Roy. Kvo. Paris, 1880. .1 \T> V 22 EI{L.\(-'H (Ki(if:i>iiici[ Kaui.), i'*i!i III! kkn \o\. hi.. \'olk,s- lieder dS. H 7 P 7 EXAMINER (The). April to Octoljcr, 18-12. Fol. Sydney, 1842. ' E EX-COMMISSIONER, AN. {See India.] EX MOUTH (Ad.m. Edward Pellew), Viscount. Life of; by Fxiwaiil Osier. 8vo. Lond., 1835. C 5 V 13 EXON (Edwin). Lf)St Flower Found, and other Poems. ]2mo. Melb., 1S62 MH 1 R 51 EXPLANATIONS : a Sequel to "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation.'' [S(e Ciiamdehs, R.] EXPRESS (The). 3 vols, atlas fol. Sydney, 1883-85. E EYDOUX (Mons.) [See Vaillant, A. N.] EYLAND (E. S.) [See Burn, R. S.] EYLERT (Very Rev. R. Fk.), D.D. Religious Life and Opinions of Frederick William ill. King of Prussia ; translated by J. Birch. 8vo. Lond., 181 i. G 2 R 15 EYRE (Edward John). Journals of Expeditions of Dis- covery into Central Australia, anil Overland from Ade- laide to King George's Sound, in the years 18-10-41, in- cluding an Account of the Manners and Customs of tlie Aborigines. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1845.* MD 2 T 11, 12 Life of • by Hamilton Hume. 8vo. Lond., 1867. MCIQG EYRE (Lieut. Vincent). Military Ojicrations at Cabul, 1842; with a Journal of Imprisonment in Airt;lianistan. Svo. Ltmd., 1843. 'D 5 P 47 EYRIES (J. B. B.) [&<•' BROuniiTON, Capt. AV. R.] EYSINGA (P. P. RooiiUA van). [See Roohda van Eysinga, p. p.] EYSSENHARDT (F.) Scriptores Historia; Augustw. [See Jordan, H.] EYTON (Rev. RohertAV.) Domesday Studies: an Analysis and i)igest of the StaH'ordshire Survey ; treating of the .^b>nsuration, Technicalities, Phraseology, and Method of homcsdav in its relation to Stailbrdshire, and other Counties of the same Circuit. AVith Tables, ifcc. 4to. Lond., 1881. B5V33 TEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 261 Fab] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Fai FABER (G. L.) Fisherios of the Adriatic, and the Fish thereof : a Report of the Austro-Huiigarian Sea-fishories. 4to. Lond., 1883. A 13 V 37 FABRE (Jean Claude). Histoire Ecclesiasticiue. \_See Fleury, Abbe Claude.] FABRETTI (Ariodante). Corpus TnscriptionumTtalicarum autiquioris Aevi, ordine geographioo digestuni, et Glos- sarium Italic-arum. Roy. 4to. Torino, 1867. K 4 P 26 t Primo, Secuiido, e Terzo Supplenienti alia Raccolta delle Antichissime Iscrizioni. 3 vols, (in 1) roy. 4to. Torino, 1872-78. K 4 P t FABRICIUS (JonANN Albrec'ht). Bihliotheea Graeca, sive uotitia Hcriptorum Veteruni Graocorum, etc. ; editio c[uarta, curante G. C Harles. 12 vols. 4to. Hamburgi, 1790-1809. K 7 V .5-10 Bibliotheca Latina, medite et infimic wtatis ; cum Supple- mento. vols, (in 4) sm. 4to. Patavii, 1754. K7V1-4 Bibliotheca Latina, nunc melius delecta ; rectius digesta et aucta diligentia, lo. Avg. Ernesti. 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1773-74. K 7 R 40-42 FABYAN (Robert). New Chronicles of England and France ; in two Parts ; named l)y himself "The Concor- dance of Histories." Reprinted from Pynson's edition of 1510; with a Biographical and Literary Preface and Index, by Henry Ellis. 4to. Lond., 1811. B 10 R 11 f FACETI.^ CANTABRIGIENSES ; consisting of Anec- dotes, Smart Sayings, Satires, Retorts, etc., by, or relating to celebrated Can tabs ; by "Socius." 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1836. J 1 T 7 FACEY (^James William), .Ju\. Elementary Decoration : a Guide to the simpler Forms of Everyday Art, as applied to the Interior and Exterior Decoration of Dwelling- houses, (tc. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. A 17 Q 50 Practical House Decoration : a Guide to the Art of Orna- mental Painting. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 17 Q 07 FACTION DEFEATED ; or, the Political Crisis of Vic- toria; by " Democritus." 8vo. Melb., 1801. MF 1 Q 2 FAGAN (Louis Alexander). A.rt of Michel' Angelo Buonai-roti, as illustrated by the various Collections in the British Museum. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A8U22 Catalogue Raisonne of the Engraveil Works of Wm. Wool'lett. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1885. K 9 P 1 t Letters of Prosper Merimee to Sir A. Panizzi. \_See MfiRIMKE, P.] Life of Sir Anthony Panizzi, K. C. B., late Principal Librarian of the British Museum, &e. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 9 Q 13, 14 Raffaello Sanzio : his Soiniet in the British Museum studied: with three Facsimiles. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1884. H5U21 FAGNAN (Mmh. Marie Antoinette). Minet-]51ou, etc. [See Cabinet des Fijes, 35.] FAHIE (J. J.) History of Electric Telegraphy, to tlie year 1837. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 5 R 01 FA-HIEN (Chinese Monk). A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, a.d. 399-414. Translated and annotated, with a Corean Recensi(.in of the Chinese Text, V>y James Legge, M.A., &c. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1886. D 4 T 10 FAIJA (Henry), C.E. Portland Cement for Users. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 2 R 31 Another copy. 2nd ed. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1884. A 17 R 1 FAIRBAIRN (James). Fairburn's Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland ; revised by Laurence Butters. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1800. K 10 V 12, 13 FAIRBAIRN (Rev. Patrick), D.D. Imperial Bible- Dictionary. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lend., 1866. K 18 T 7, 8 FAIRBAIRN (Sir William), Bart., F.R.S., &c. Life of; partly written by himself; edited and completed by W. Pole, F.R.S. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C7 R 9 Rise and Progress of Manufactures and Commerce in [Lancashire and Cheshire.] \_See Baines, T.] Treatise on Mills and Millwoi'k. 2nd. ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864-05. A 11 U 15, 16 FAIRBANKS (E. and T.), & CO. Fairbanks' Patent Iron Frame Track Scale. (Pam. CI.) 8vo. New York, 1875. A 16 U 21 FAIRFAX (Vice-Adm. Robert) Life of Robert Fairfax of Steeton, Vice-Admiral, Alderman, and Member for York, a.d. 1660-1725; compiled by Clements R. Mark- ham, C.B., itc. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 6 Q 18 FAIRFAX (Thomas), Lord. Life of the Great Thoma; Lord Fairfax, Connnander-in-Chief of the Army of the Parliament of England ; l)y C. R. Markham, F.S.A. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1870. C 5 V 14 Memoires de. \_Sec Guizot, F. P. G. 5.] FAIRFAX (William). Hand-book to Australasia ; being a brief Historical and Descriptive Account of Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, New South Wales, Western Australia, and New Zealand ; with Map. 12mo. Melb., 1859.* MD 6 P 9 History and Advantages of Benefit Societies, and the Im- portance of Life As.surance. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MJ2R15 FAIRFAX CORRESPONDENCE. Memorials of the Civil War ; comprising the Correspondence of the Fairfax Family. Edited by Robert Bell. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. B 3 S 1.5, 16 262 CATALOGUE OP THE Fai] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Fam FAIRFIELD (Edwaed). \_See Colonial Office List.] FAIEHOLT (F. AV.), F.S.A. Costume in England : a History of Dress to the end of the 18th Century ; by the Hon. H. A. DiUon, F.»S.A. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1885. A 7 P 27, 28 Dictionary of Tenns in Ai-t. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1875. K 18 P 8 Miscellanea Graphica ; Representations of Ancient, Me- dieval, and Renaissance Remains in the possession of Lord Londesborough. Historical Introduction by Thomas Wright, M.A., itc. 4to. Lond., 1857. A 4 R 1 t Rambles of an Ai'chseologist among Old Books and in Old Places. Sq. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 7 U 1 Tobacco ; its Histoi-y and Associations. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 18 R 35 iSee Smith, C. R.] FAIRLIE (John). Illustrations of Cheveley Church, Cambridgeshire. Fol. Lond., 1851. A 4 R 21 + FAIR PLAY. {See Judges' S.vlaries Act.] FAITHFULL (Emily). Three Visits to America. Svo. Edinb., 1884. D 3 R 42 FAITHS OF THE AV(JRLD (The). A History of the Great Religious Systems of the "World. Svo. Edinb., 1882. G 8 Q 19 \_See Gardiner, Rev. J.] FALCIMAGNE (L'ABBf;). {See Salvado, R.] FALCONER (Hfon), M.D., kc, and CAUTLEY (Major Phoby T.), r.G.S., ikc. Fauna Antiqua Sivaleasis, being the Fossil Zoology of the Sewalik Hill.s, in the North of India; with Description of the Plates from Notes and Memoranda, by Hugh Falconei- ; compiled and edited by C. Murchison. Svo. Lond., 1846-67. A 14 T 17 Plates to the above. Roy. fol. Lond., 1846. A 23 Q 18 + FALCONER (Hon. Ton Grant Neville Keith-). Kalilah ami J>iiMnah ; or. Fables of Piidpai. [See Pilpai.] FALCONER (William). Life and Poems of. {See British Poets; Chalmers, A.; and Johnson, S.] New Universal Dictionary of the Marine. \See Bur- net, W.] FALCONER (William), M.A. Gcograi.hy of Strabo. [_See Strabo.] FALCONER (William), and FALCONElt (l{r,v. T.), M.A. Arrian's Voyage round tlic Euxiiic Sea. [/Sk< Arhian, F.] Voyage of Unniio. {See Hanno.] FALCONIA (Proi.a). [S« .TtVENrtH, C. V. A.] FALDA (G. B.) [5« Feriikuio, P.) FALK (Alfred). Trans-Pacific Sketches : a Tour through the United States and Canada. 12mo. Melb., 1877. MD 1 W 43 FALK (Johann). Characteristics of Goethe. [_See Austin, Mrs. Sarah.] FALKE (Jacob von). Art in the House : Historical, Critical, and ^sthctical Studies on the Decoration and Furnishing of the Dwelling. 4to. Boston, 1879. A3Q1 FALL OF ALGIERS (The): a Comic Opera. (Cumber- land's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 15 Q FALLOUX (A. F. P.) Comte do Correspondence du Rev. Pcre Lacordaire et de Madame Swetchine. \_See Lacordaire, J. B. H.] Lettres de Madame Swetchine. \_See Swetchine, Mme. S. S.] C 9 P 40, 41 Lettres inedites de Madame Swetchine. \See Swetchine, Mme. S. S.] C 9 P 46 Madame Swetchine : Journal de sa Conversion, INIedita- tions et Prieres. \_See Swetchine, JIsie. S. S.] Madame Swetchine; sa Vie et ses ffiuvres. 4thed. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1861. C 9 P 42, 43 FAMILY ALMANAC and Educational Register for 1853. 12mo. Lond., 1853. E FAMILY CLASSICAL LIBRARY (The). 53 vols. 18mo. Lond., 1830-34. J 15 P 1-53 1. -Eschylus; trausliited by Rev. R. Poltcr, M.A. '2, 3. Cwsar; translated by W. Uunoan. 4-G. Cicero; the Orations, translated by Dnncan ; llie OOiccs, by Cockniaii; and the Cato and Lselius, liy Melnioth. 7,8. Demosthenes, Orations of ; translated by Thomas Leland, D.D. 0-11. Euripides; translated by Rev. R. Potter, M.A. 12-lt. Herodotus; translated by Rev. W. Beloc. 1.5. Hesiod; translated by C. A. KIton ; TJion and Mosclius, Sappho and Musanis, by F. FawUes, M..\. ; ami I.ytuplu-oii, by Viscount Royston. 16-lS. Homer; translated by .\. I'ope. ' 19, 'JO. Horace; translated by Philip Francis, D.D. 21. Juvenal; translated by C. Badham. Persius; t ranslated by Rt. Hon. Sir W. Drununond. 22-28. Livy; translated by 0. Baker. 20, .SO. Ovid; translated by Dryden, Pope, Congrcvc, Addison, and others. 31. Pindar; translated by Rev. C. A. Wlioclwright. Anaci'eon; by Thomas Bourne. .12 ."iS. Plutarch : IrauHlated by John Langliornc, D.D., and William Langhoinc, M.A. .'to. Sallust; translated by William Rose. 40. Sophocles; translated by Thomas Francklin, D.D. 11 4.'>. 'lacitus; tianslatod by Murphy. •10-18. Thueyilides; lianslaled by \\ . Smilli, |i.l>. ■10. Tlieophraslus, Characters of. .lO, Til. Virgil; the Kologucs, translated by Wrangham ; the Iho (loorgics, by Sollicliy ; and the .ICnciil, by Diyilcn. .12 r>X Xenophon ; the AnabaHJH, (laiislateil by Kdw.inl Spelnmii; Ihe t^yropiedia, translated by the lion. Maurice Asldy Cooper. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 263 Fam] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Iteference. [Far FAMILY LIBRARY. 39 vols. 12nio. Lond., 1830-40. K 10 P 1-39 Blunt (Rev. I. J.) Sketch of the Reformation in England. Coleridge (H. N. ) Six Montli.s in the West Indies. Cunningham (Allan). Lives of tlie most eminent British Pain- ters, Seulptors, and Architects. Napoleon Buonaparte. Court and Camp of. l)e Foe (D. ) Journal of the Plague Year, 1665. Natural History of Insects. Vol. 1. Lockhart, J. G. History of Napoleon Buonaparte. Massinger (Philip). Plays. Milniau (Very Rev. H. H.) History of the Jews. I'algravc (.Sir F. ) History of the Anglo-Saxons. ,, History of England. Vol. 1. Scott (Sir W. ) Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. Smedley (Edward), junr. Sketches from Venetian History. Soane ((J.) Life of the Duke of Wellington. Cliarles i, Trials of, and of sojne of the Regicides. Tytler (P. F.) Lives of Scottish Worthies. Wesley (Re\'. Jolm). Comi>endium of Natural Pliilosophj-. VVoodhouselee (Hon. A. F. Tytler), Lord. Universal History, from the Creation to the beginning of the IStli Century. FAMILY TOUR through South Holland, up tlie Rhine, and across the Netherlands. LSnio. Lond., It^31. D 7 P 47 FAMILIAR ENGLISH QUOTATIONS. ISmo. Lond., 1877. K 17 PI FAMILIAR FRENCH QUOTATIONS and Proverbs and Phrases. 18mo. Lond., 1876. K17P1 FAMILIAR LATIN QUOTATIONS and Proverbs. 22nd Thousand. 18mo. Loud., 1875. K 17 P 1 FANCOURT (Charles St. Joh\). History of Yucatan, from its Discovery t(j the Close of the Seventeenth Cen- tury. With a Map. 8vo. Lond., 1854. B 1 S 40 FANE (HE>fRY EDW.\itD). Five Years in India ; com- prising a Narrative of Travels in the Presidency of Bengal, &e. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842. D 5 R 39, 40 FANFANI (PiETRo). Vocabolario Italiano della Lingua Parlata. [See Rigutini, G.] FANGE (A.) La Vie du tres-Reverend Pcre D. Augustin Calmet, Abbe de Senones; avec un Catalogue de tous ses Ouvrages, auquel on a joint plusieurs pieces, qui ont rapport a cette Vie. 8vo. Senones, 1762. C 10 P 23 FANNING (Edmund). Voyages round the World ; with .selected Sketches of Voyages to the South Seas, North and South Pacific Oceans, China, itc, 1792-1832. Lond., 1834. D 9 T 24 FARADAY (Michael), LL.D., &c. Chemical History of a Candle; edited by W. Crookes. 12mo. Lond., 1874. A 5 R 26 Chemical Manipulation. 8vo. Lond., 1842. A 5 S 4 Course of Six Lectures on the various Forces of Matter and their relations to each other; edited by Wm. Crookes, F.C.S. 3rded. 12mo. Loud., 1861. A 29 P 7 Experimental Researches in Chemistry and Phj-sics. 8vo. Lond., 1859. A 6 P 15 FARADAY (Michael), LL.D., kc. — continued. Experimental Researches in Electricity. (Philosophical Trans.) 8vo. Lend., 1839. A 6 P 3 Experimental Researches in Electricity. (Philosophical Trans.) 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839-55. ACQ 15-17 Faraday as a Discoverer; by John Tyndall. 8vo. Lend., 1868. C 5 R 15 Life and Letier.s of; by Dr. Henry Bence Jones. 2nd ed. revised. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870. C 9 T 8, 9 Michael Faraday; by J. H. Gladstone, Ph.D., y Samuel Birch. Vol. G. All the World's a Stage : a Farce ; by Isaac Jacknian. Vol. 4 Apprentice, Tile: a Farce; by Arthur Murpliy. Vol. 3. Author, The: a Comedy; by Mr. Foote. Vol. 7. Birth-day, Tlie : a Comedy; by Thomas Dilnlin. Vol. 2. Blind Boy, Tlie: a Melo-drama; by W. 15. Hewetson. Vol. 1. Bon Ton : a Farce ; by David Garrick. Vol. 5. Catherine and Petruehio : a Comedy ; altered from Shakespeare by David Garrick. Vol. 4. Child of Nature: a Drama; from the French of the Marchioness of Sellery. Vol. 1. Citizen, The: a Farce; by Arthur Murphy. \o\. 4. Comus: a Masque; altered from Milton by George Colman. Vol. 7. Critic, The : a Dramatic Piece ; by R. Brinsley Sheridan. Vol. 5. Deserter, The : a Farce ; by Charles Dibdin. Vol. 2. Deuce is in Him, The: a Farce; by George Cobnan. Vol. 6. Devil to Pay, Tlie: an Opera; by C. Cotfey. Vol. .5. Doctor and tlie Apothecary, The : a ilusical Entertahiment; Ijy Jaines Cobb, ^"ol. 6. Edgar and Emmeline : a Comedy ; by Dr. Hawkesworth. Vol. 6. Ella Rosenberg: a Melodrama; by Jaines Kenney. Vol. I. Farm House, The: a Farce; by Charles Johnson. Vol. 6. Farmer, The: by Jolm O'Keeffe. Vol. 2. First Floor, The : a Farce ; by James Cobb. Vol. 6. Flora: a Farce; from the "Country Wake'' of Mr. Doggct, by John Hippesley. Vol. 5. (luardian, The: a Farce; l>y David (iarrick. Vol. 4. Hartford Bridge: an Operatic Farce; by Mr. Pearcc. A'ol. 3. Higli Life lielow Stairs: a Farce; liy David Garrick. Vol. o. Highland Reel, Tlie; by John O'Keeffe. Vol.2. Irish Widow, The : a Comedy ; by David Garrick. Vol. 5. Irishman in London, The ; a Farce ; by William Macready. Vol. 2. .lew and the Doctor, The : a Farce ; by Thomas Dibdin. Vol. Lock and Key : a Musical Entertainment ; by Prince Hoare. Vol. 3. Lodoiska : an Opera ; by J. P. Kemble. Vol. 7. Love a la Mode: a Farce; by Charles Macklin. Vol. 1. Lyar, The : a Comedy ; by Samuel Foote. A'ol. 5. Lying Valet, The : a Farce ; by Mr. Garrick. Vol. 4. Maid of the Oaks, The: a Dramatic Entertainment; by Gen Burgoyne. Vol. 6. Matrimony: a Petit Opera; altered from the French, by Jaines Kenney. Vol. 1. Mayor of Garratt, The : a Comedy ; by Samuel Foote. Vol. Midas : an English Burletta ; by Kane O'Hara. Vol. 7. Midnight Hour, The: a Comedy; from the French of M. Da- maniant. Vol. 1. Miller of Mansfield, The: a Dramatic Tale; by R. Dodsleyi Vol. 7. Minor, The : a Comedy ; by Samuel Foote. Vol. 5. Miss in her Teens: a Farce; by Da\-id Garrick. Vol. 4. Mock Doctor, The : a Comedy ; by Henry Fielding. Vol. 3. 264 CATALOGUE OF THE Far] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Far FARCES— con<»u««c/. Xetley Abbev: an Operatic F.irce : l>y Mr. Pierce. Vol. 3. Old Maid, The: a Coined}'; Ijy Arthur Murphy. Vol. 7. Padlock. The: a Farce; by Isaac Bickcrstafl'e. Vol. 4. Poor Soldier, The : a Comic Opera ; by John O'Keefie. Vol. 2. Prisoner at Large, The : a Comedy ; by John O'Keeffe. Vol. 2. (Quaker, The : a Comic Opera ; by Charles Dibdin. Vol. 4. Raising the AVind : a Farce ; by James Kenney. Vol. 1 . Register Office, The : a Farce ; b}- Joseph Reed. Vol. 3. Richard Cceur de Lion: an Historical Romance; by Gen. Bu.- goj-ne. Vol. 6. Rosiua : a Comic Opera ; by ^Irs. Brooke. Vol. 3. School for Authors, The: a Comedy: byJohuTobin. A'ol. 7. Sultan, The : a Comedy ; by Isaac Bickerstatte. Vol. 3. Three Weeks after Marriage: a Farce; by Arthur Murphy. Vol. 4. Tom Thumb: a Farce; altered by Kane O'Hara. Vol. G. Turnpike-gate, The: a Musical Entertainment ; by F. Knight. Vol. 3. Two Strings to your Bow : a Farce; by Robert Jephson. Vol. 2. Waterman, The: a Ballad Opera: by Charles Dibdiu. Vol. 7. Ways and Means: aComcily; l)y George Cobnau, junr. Vol.7. Wedding Day, The: a Drama; by Mrs. Inchbald. \o\. 1. Who's the Dupe? a Farce; by Mrs. Cowley. \o\. 1. FAREY (Joux). Treatise on tlie Steam-eugine, Histmical, Practical, and Descriptive. 4to. Lond., 1827. A 5 R 7 t FARTNI (Ci. A.) Through tlic Kalahari Desert : a Nar- rative of a Journey with Gun, Camera, and Notc-ljook to Lake N'ganii and r.ack. 8vo. Lond., 188G. D2RU FARTNI (LuKii Cahlo). The Roman State, 181.5-.")0; translated from the Italian, bv the Hon. W. E. fJladstoiie. 4 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1851-54. B 11 U G !) FAR.IEON (B. L.) The Golden Land; or, Links from .Shore to Shore. 8vo. Lond., 188G. MJ 1 Q 31 Great Porter Square: a Mystery. 8vo. Lond., 1885. ISM 1 <,) L'9 fJrif : a Story of Australian Life. New ed. 8vo. Ljnd., 1871. MJ 1 q -21 Anotlicr copy. 8vo. Meil)., ISS.'). ?*I.M Q 28 Thi- H-.usi- .if While Shadows. 8vo. .Mill).. ISS."). :\1.J 1 Q :,0 FARLEY (J. Lkwis). Egypt, Cyprus, and Asiatic Turkey. 8v(.. Lond., 1878. ' " 1) 2 Q 20 Turks and Christians: a Solutinn of the Eastern tjuestion. 8vo. Ltmd. 187G. B 13 V 18 FARMER (Tiik). Tlie Farmer and lh<- Chamlier of Agri- culture Journal. G vols. roy. fill. l.i, Ki;v. Du. .).] FAIi.MKIl (Kini.Mtl)), D.l). Laurence Chaderton, D.D. ( l''irst .M.isler iif Kmiiiaiiuel); translated from a Latin Memoir of I)r. I)illingham; with Notes and rilustrations. Richard Farmer, I). J). (Masterof I'jnmaiiuel, l775-!)7): an Ewiay, by E. Shuckburgh, M.A. Cand.., ISHI. COP 13 FARMF;R (Sau.mi S.) Tonga and Friendly Islands; with Sketch of their Mi.fsion History. 8vo. lyonil., 1855. M D 5 P 1 G FARNBOROUGH (Rt. Hex. Sir Thomas Erskixe May), Bahox, K.C.B., etc. [See ISIay, Rt. Ho\. Sih T. E.] FARNELL (L. R.), B.A. Guide to Studying for Honour Classical Moderations. 8vo. Oxford, 1881. G 18 Q 2 FARNEW'ORTH (Rev. Ellis), M.A. Works of Nicholas I\Iachia\el, newly translated ; with Life of Machiavel. [See Machiavelli, N.] FARNHAM (Thomas J.) Travels in tlie Great Western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Territory. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1843. D 3 R 28, 29 FARQUHAR (GEORru:). The Beaux Stratagem: a Comedv. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 R's Another copv. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12iiio. Lond., 1788. " ' 11 4 P 20 Another copy. [See Bkit. Drama, 3.] The Constant Couple: a Comedv. (BelTs Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 171»2. ' H 2 P 42 Another copv. (Bi'it. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 R 8 Anotlior copy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12nio. Lond., 1777. H 1 P 24 Another copy. [See Brit. Drama, 3.'] Dramatic Works of. [See Wvciierlev, W'.j The Inconstant: a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) ISmo. Lond., 179.5. H2P26 Another copv. (Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 R 8 Another copy.- (New Eng. Theatre.) 1 2nio. Lond., 1777. ■ ^ 11 4 P 24 Another copy. [&<' UiiiT. Dnama, 3.j The I'lccruitiiig Ollicer: a Conie. K 12 P 26 Early Day.s of Christianity. 2 vols. 8vo. Lf)nd., 1882. G UTS, 4 Families of Speech: Four Lectures. 8vo. Lond., 1870. K 20 R 5 The Witness of History to Christ: Five Sermons. 8vo. Lond., 1871. G 8 R 5 FARRAR (Dn. Joseph), L.R.C.P.E., cto. Human Voice and Connected Parts. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 12 Q 11 FARRAR (J. M.), M.A. Mary Anderson : the Story of her Life and Professional Career. With a Portrait. Sni. 4to. Lond., 1884. C 4 W 2 FARRELL (John). The Maid of Genoa: a Melodrama. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond. 1829. H 2 Q 20 FARRELL (John). How he Died, and other Poems. Subscribers' ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1887.* MH 1 S 16 FARREN (R.) Birds of Aristophanes, as performed by Members of the University, at the Theatre Royal, Cam- liridge, November, 188.3; drawn and etched by Robert Farren. Ob. 4to. Camb., 188.3. A 8 R 4 i Eumenides of jfli^schylus, as performed by Members of the University, at the Theatre Royal, Cambridge, December, 1885; drawn and etched by R. Farren. Ob. 4to. Camb., 1886. A 8 R .5 t The Granta and the Cam, from Byron's Pool to Ely. Imp. 4to. Camb., 1881. A 35 P 1 J Memorials of Cambridge: Etchings. [&<; Le Keu.x, J., AXD Cooper, C. H.] FARRER (Richard Ridley). Tour in Greece, 1880. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1882. D 7 Y 23 FARRER (Sir T. H.) Free Trade v. Fair Trade. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F6P20 FARRER (William), B.A. Grass and Sheep-farming : a Paper, Speculati\e and Suggestive. 8vo. Sydnev, 1873. MA 1 Q 40 FARRINGTON (J.) {Sec Bovdell, J. and J.] FARROW (Edw. S.) Farrow's Military Encyclopedia: a Dictionary of Military Knowledge. Illustrated. 3 vols, imp. 8vo. New York, 1885. " K 6 T 27-29 FATAL QUEST (The) ; or, the Lost Son ; bv " A Lady," 12mo. Sydney, 1872. MH 1 R 51 FAU (Dii. J.) Anatomy of External Forms of ]Man ; in- tended for the use of Artists, Painters, and Sculptors. Edited, with additions, by Robert Knox, M.D. 8vo. Lond., 1849. A 8 Q 36 Atlas [to the above]. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1849. A23R27t 2 L FAUCHER (J.) New Commercial Treaty between Great Britain and Germany. \_See Coijden Club.] FAUCHERY (Antoine). Leltrcs dun Mineur en Aus- tralie. 8vo. Paris, 1859. MD 5 Q 26 FAULKNER (Henky). Elephant Haunts; Ijeing a Sportsman's Narrative of the Search for Dr. Livingstone. 8vo. Lond., 1868. D 2T 7 FAULMANN (Prof. Carl). Das Buch der Schrift enthaltend die Schriftzeichen und Alphabete aller Zeitea und aller YolkerdesErdkreises. 2'' aullage. Fol. Wien, 1880. K 14 S 13 FAURIEL (Claude). Dante et Ics Origines de la Langue et de la Litteraturo Italiennes. 2 vols. 8\-o. Paris, 1854. B 11 V 22, 23 Histoire dc la Pocsie Provencalc. 3 veils. 8vo. Paris, 1846. ' B 15 P 25-27 Last Days of the Consulate; edited, with an Introduction, by L. Lalanne. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 9 P 15 FAUSSE-LENDRY (Marquise de). [_See Barriire, J. F., 18.] C 1 T 18 FAUSSETT (R. Godfrey), M.A. Symmetry of Time ; being an Outline of Biljlical Chronology, from the Creation to the Exodus. 4to. Oxford, 1881. G 5 U 16' FAVENC (Ernest). Great Austral Plain : its Past, Present, and Future. Republished from the Si/diie>/ Morninrj Herald. 8vo. Sydney, 1881.* MD 3 S 42 History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1888.* MD6U4 Western Australia : its Past History, its Present Trade and Resouices, its Future Position in the Australian Group. 4to. Sydney, 1887.* MD 6 U I FAVRE (l'xVbbk p.) Dictionnairo Jav.anais-Francais. Roy. 8vo. Vienna, 1870. K 15 S 20 FAWCETT (Henry), M.A., kc. Indian Finance : three Essays, republished from the JS'ineteenth C'enhiri/; with an Introduction and Appendix. 8vo. Lond., 1880.' riOQ21 Life of ; by Leslie Stephen. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 3 T 8 Manual of Political Economy. 8vo. Lond., 1869. F6Q10 FAWCETT (Henry), and FAWCETT (Millicent Garrett). Essays and Lectures on Social and Political Subjects. 8vo. Lond., 1872. F 9 R 17 FAWKES (F. A.) Horticultural Buildings : their Con- struction, Heating, Interior Fittings, &c. ; with Remarks on some of the Princi]iles involved, and their application. Sq. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 2 S 39 FAAVKES (F.) Life and Poems of. [See Chalmer.s, A.] Translations of Theocritus, Appollonius Rhodius, Coluthus, Anacreon, Sappho, Bitm, Moschus, and Mus«us. [See Chalmers, A.] [See Hesiod.] 266 CATALOGUE OF THE Faw] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Fern FAWKXER (John Pascoe). Discovery of the River Yarra. \_See Capper, R.] Planof the Town of Melbourne, 18il. Roy. 4to. Melb., 1841. MD5S151 Sc|uaf ting Orders ; Orders in Council ; Locking up the Lands of the Colony in the liands of a small minoritv. 8vo. Melb., 18.34. IMF 2 P 31 \^See Melbourne Advertiser.] FAWNS (John). Case of. \_See Ewinc:, Rev. R. K.] FAWTHROP (J.) Narrative of the Wreck of the Admclla. [See JIossM.vN, 8.] FAY (Amy). Music-Study in Germany; from tlie Home Cor- respondence of Amy Fay. 8vo. Loud., 188G. T) 8 Q 29 FAYRER (J.), M.D., ir. Thanalophidia of India : being a description of the ^'enonlous Snakes of the Indian Peninsula. 2nd ed. Imp. fol. Lond., 1871. A4R4t FEA (James). Present State of the Orkney Islands con- sidered, 11 P 30 FERRIKR (i)Aviij), M.A., kv. Experiments on the l!rain of Monkevs. 2nd Series. (Crooninn Lectures.) (Roy. Siis and tiddiliuiis.) 8vo. Jjoiid., jSi'.").* Ml) 2 S 21 Memoirs of . I. II. Vau.\. [&cVaux,.I. II. | FIKLI) (C. I).), M.A., kc. LandlinMing. and llie relation of Landlord and Tenant, in various C'oinilries. Svo. Calcutta, 18S:t. f 12 R FREE PUBLIC LIBRAIIY, SYDNEY. 209 Fie] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Fin FIELD (George). Grammar of Colouring, applied to Decorative Painting and the Arts. New ed., revised, &c., by E. A. Davidson. (Weale). 12mo. Lond., 1875. A 17 Q 30 FIELD (Henhy M.), D.D. Greek Islands and Turkey after the War. 8vo. New York, 1885. D 9 Q 11 FIELD (Miss Kate). Pen Photographs of Charles Dickens' Readings, taken from Life. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1871. C 2 T 23 FIELD (Nathaniel). The Fatal Dowry. ^See Massingeu, FIELD (Rev. William). Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Opinions of the Rev. Samuel Parr, LL.D. ; with Biographical Notices of many of his Friends, Pupils, and Contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. C 9 Q 15, 16 FIELDING (Henry) [a Biography] ; hy Austin Dobson. (Eng. Men of Letts.) Svo. Lond., 1883. C 1 U 15 The Intriguing Chambermaid : a Comedy. 'iSee Brit. Drama, 5.] Life of; with Notices cif his Writings, his Times, and his Contemporaries, by Frederick Lawrence. 8vo. Lond., 18.5.5. C 4 T 8 The Miser: a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. L(.nd., 1791. H 2 P 10 Another copy. New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1787. H 4 P IG The Mock Doctor: a Cijmedy. [See Farces.] Another copy. [_See Brit. Drama, 5.] The Virgin Unmasked: a Musical Entertainment. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1791. H 4 P 28 Works of; with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy. New ed., by James P. Browne, M.D. (Edinb.) 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871. J 2 Q 1-10 FIELDING (John). \_See New Holland.] FIELDING (Sarah). ISee Xenopiion.] FIELDING (Rev. Sydney G.) The Castaways, and other Poems. Svo. Sydney, 1884.* MH 1 P FIELDING (Thomas H.) Catalogue of the Library of the Australian Museum. {_See Australian Museum.] FIELDS (James Thomas), LL.D. Biograx^hical Notes and Personal Sketches ; with unpublished Fragments and Tributes from IMen and Women of Letters. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 5 R 14 Yesterdays with Authors. New illustrated edition. 8vo. Boston, 1882. C 5 S 27 FIFE (Sir John). Manual of the Turkish Bath. [&« Urquhart, D.] FIGUIER (Louis). L'Annee Scientifiquc et Industrielle, 1857-85. 30 vols. Svo. Paris, 1858-80. E Earth and Sea; from the French. Translated, edited, and enlarged, by W. Davenport Adams. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1870! A IG V S The Day after Death; or, our Future Life according to Science. Svo. Lond., 1872. A 17 T 43 The Human Race. Illustrated. Svo. L(ind., 1872. A 1 W 23 The Insect World ; being a Popular Account of the Orders of Insects, &c. Svo. Lond., 18G8. A 14 U G The Ocean AVorld; being a descriptive History of the Sea and its living Inhabitants. Svo. Lond.,lSGS. A 14 S 49 Primitive Man. Revised Translation. Svo. Lond., 1870. A 1 W 11 Tableau de la Nature. 7 \'ols. roy. Svo. Paris, 18G5--70 A 16 V 1-7 La Terre et le.s Mers. Les Mammiferes. La Vie et le.s Mieurg des Ani- Les Poissons, les Reptiles, et inaux. les Oiseaux. L'Homnie Primitif. Histoire des Plantes. Les Insects. The Vegetable World ; being a History of Plants, with their Botanical Descriptions and peculiar Proj^erties. Svo. Lond., 18G9. A 4 S 4 The World before the Deluge. The Geological Portion revised, &e., by H. W. Bristow, F.R.S. Svo. .Lond., 1886. A9S18 FIJI. Fiji of To-day: a Commercial and Agricultural Re- trospect and Prospect ; by M.A.T.E. Svo. Sydnev, 1886. MD 5 T 28 The Fiji Islands (with Maps), commercially considered as a Field for Emigration ; by '• Ceres." Svo. Melb 1869. MD 1 U 21 Map of. [_See Maps.] Ordinances of the Colony of Fiji, from the 1st Septembei', 1875. to the 31st December, 1S78. Svo. Sydney, 1880. E Suva Harbour, Map of. \_See Maps.] Taro Lekaleka. [Short Questions in Feejeean.] (Pam. 44.) 12mo. (n.p., n.d.) MJ 2 R 6 FILICAIA (ViNCENZo da). Translations from. \_See Fenzi, S.] FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U. K. of Great Britain and Ireland for the 1832. Fol. Lond., 1841. F 1 U 8 FINANCIAL REFORM ALMANACK : a Vade Meeum for Fiscal Reformers, Free Traders, Politicians, Public Speakers and Writers, and the Public generally. Svo. Lond., 1878. E FINANCIER. [_See Our Fin.wcial System.] FIN-BEC. [_See Jerrold, W. B.] FINCH (John). Natural Boundaries of Empires, and a new- View of Colonization. 12mo. Ijond., 1844. MF 1 P 22 270 CATALOGUE OF THE Fin] Paet I : — Aiitliors, Editors, or Beference. [Fis FIXCH-HATTOX (Hox. Harold). Advance Australia ! an Account of Eight Yeai's' Work, Wandering, and Amusement in Queensland, New South Wales, and Vic- toria. Svo. Loud., 1885. MD 5 Y 31 FINDEN (Edward). Finden's Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron; with Infoi-mation by W. Brockeden. 3 vols. roy. Svo. " Lond., 183.3-34. J 10 V 1-3 FINDEN (W. AXD E.) Portraits of the Female Aris- tocracy in the Reign of Queen Victoria. Fol. Lond., 1841. C 22 R 7 I FINDLAY (Alex.\xder Geo.), F.R.G.S. Directory for the Navigation of the North Pacific Ocean ; with Des- criptions of its Coa.sts, Islands, ic, from Panama to Behring Strait and Japan, it AVuids, Currents, and Pas- sages. 2nded. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1870. D 11 V 7 Directory for the Navigation of the South Pacific Ocean ; with Descriptions of its Coasts, Islands, etc., from the Straits of Magalhaens to Panama, and those of New Zea- land, Australia, kc, its Winds, Currents, and Passages. 4th ed. Roy. Svo. Loud., 1877. D 11 A^ 8 FINDLAY (J. R.) Personal Recollections of Thomas de Quincey. 12mo. Edinb., 1886. C 2 Q 14 FINE ARTS IN AUSTRALIA. Society for the Pro- motion of: Second Exhibition, 1849. (Pam. F.) Svo. Sydney, 1849. ]\IJ 2 S 3 FINE ARTS IN FRANCE. Restoration of the Fine Arts of the Middle Ages in France. (From the Foreiyn Quarterly Jieview. Svo. Lond., 1839. A 7 R 21 FINE ARTS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Obscrxations on the Interests of ; suggested by the Plan said to be in agitation, of erecting additional Buildings for the National Collections on the Piemises of the British Museum. Svo. Lond., 1823. A 7 R 21 FINE ARTS IN SCOTLAND. Report by tlic Committee of M:inagenient of the Assnciation foi- the PronintiDU of ; for tlie years 1830-39. Report by the Ccnninittee of Alanagement of the New Association for tlio Promotion of; for the years 1838-42. 8vo. Edinb., 1837-43. A7R21 Report by the Committee of Manngoinent of, 1844-45. (Pain.) 8vo. Edinb., 1845. MJ 2 R 18 ]{cport by the Committee of Management of, 18IG-49. (Pam. 19.) Svo. Edinb., 1847. MJ 2 Q 8 Report by the Committee of Management of, 184G-49. 8vo. Edinb., 1847-49. MJ 2 R 19 FINLASON (W. F.) An Exposition of oui' .hidicial Sys- tem and Civil Procedure as reconstructed under the Judi- cature Acts, including the Act of 1870. 8vo. Ijoiid., 1877. F5R12 FINLAY ((;i:onf;K), i,b.l). History of (; recce, from its C)8vo. (Clar. Pr.) Oxford, 1877. B 9 T 24-28 FINLAYSON (Georok). Mission to Siam and Hue, the Capital of Cochin China, in the years 1821-22; with Memoir of the Author, by Sir Thomas S. Raffles. Svo. Lond., 1826. D 6 S 1 FINN (James). Sephardim ; or, the History of tlic Jews in Spain and Portugal. Svo. Lond., 1841. G 8 Q 11 FINN (Rev. W. M.) of North-eastern Victoria, and Albury, New South AVales. Svo. iSIelb., 1870. MJ 2 R 16 FINNEGAN (John). Account of the Natives of Moreton Bay. [See Field, B.] FINNEY (Rev. C. G.) The Enduement of Power. [See Mahan, Rev. A.] FINSCH (Dr. Otto). Anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in der Siidsee und dem malayischen Archipel, in den Jahren 1879, 1882. Roy. Svo. Berlin, 1884. MA 1 S 1 Neii-Guinea tind Seine Bewohner. Svo. Bremen, 1^5. MD 5 S 1 Siidsee-Erimierungen (1875-80.) [See Herxsiieim, F.] [See Bonaparte, C. L.] FIRE PRECAUTIONS. Precautions taken against Fire at Public Institutions. Fol. Lond., 1874. A 7 U 37 FIRTH (C. H.), M.A. Life of Col. Hutchinson. [See HUTCIIINSOX, L.] Life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle. [See Newcastle, Margaret, Duchess of.] FIRTH (Rev. F.) In Affectionate Remembrance of the Rev. William Schoiield, who died June 9th, 1878. Svo. Sydney, 1S7S. MG 1 Q 35 FIRTH (J. F. B.), LL.B. Municipal London; or, London Government as it is, and London under a Municipal Council. Roy. Svo. Lond., 187G. F 1 T 6 FISCHER (Dr. C. F.) [/Sw Hochstetter, Dr. F. von.] FISCHER (.1. F.) [See Florus, L. A., and Nepos, C] FISCHER (Prof. Kuno). on Kant's Critick of the Pure l^eason ; translated by J. P. Mahaffy, A.M. Svo. Lond., 1806. G 7 Q 14 Spinoza: an Essay. [&« SpiNoZA, 1'.. dk.] FISH (I). 'I".) Bulbs and Bulb Culture. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1884. A 4 Q 21 FISHKR (Fhediork'k). AIukI.t of. [See Manuscripts ANM) I'otiriiAns. ] 1'7.SHER (James C.) Advanced Scliool Song))ook ; a Col- lection of Songs for tlic Senior Classes in Scliools; selected, edited, and ari'anged for E(|Ual A'oices. Tonic Sol-fa Notation. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1880. Mil 1 Q 3 TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 271 Fis] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. Fit FISHER (James G.)— continued. Elementary Schriol Song-book ; selected, edited, and arranged for Equal Voices; with Preface, Hints to Teachers, and Alphabetical and Progressive Index. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1876. MH 1 Q 2 FISHER (Dr. John), Bishop op IIochestkk. English "Works of. \_See Early Eng. Text Soc, 25.] Life of ; with an Appendix of illustrative Documents and Papers, by the Rev. John Lewis, A.M. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18.55. 6 Q 19, 20 FISHER (Rev. Osmond), M.A., &c. Physics of the Earth's Crust. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 9 S 11 FISHER (Major Payne), D.A. The T.jmbs, :Moinuuents, itc, visible in St. Paul's Cathedral (and S. Faith's beneath it), previous to its Destruction by Fire, a.d. 1GG6. Printed in 1684. Edited by G. Blacker Morgan. 4to. Lond., 1885. B 4 V 13 Catalogue of Tombs in the Churches of the City of Lon- don A.D. 1666. Revised and edited by G. R. Morgan. Printed 1668. (Reprint.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1885. K 8 A^ 1.3 FISHER (Thomas), F.S.A. Collections, Historical, Genea- logical, and Topographical, for Bedfordshire. Fol. Lond., 1812-36. B 15 T 2 + FISHER (T. J.) Colonial Law Reform. 8vo. Sydney, 1870. MF 3 P 2 Visit to the Burra Burra !Mines, and the Great Smelting V/orks in South Australia, J anuary-April, 1851. (Pam. 24.) 8vo. Sydney, 1851. MJ 2 Q 12 FISKE (John). American Political Ideas viewed from the Standpoint of Universal History : Lectures. 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 6 Q 34 The Idea of God, as affected by Modern Knowledge. 12mo. Lond., 1885. G8Q18 Man's Destiny, viewed in the Light of his Origin. 12mo. Lond., 1884. ^ G8Q17 Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, based on the Doctrine of Evolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. G2R18, 19 FISON (Lorimer), M.A., and HOWITT (A. W.), F.G.S. Kamilaroi and Kurnai. Group-Marriage and Relation- ship, and Marriage by Elopement. Drawn chiefly from the usage of the Australian Aborigines ; also the Kurnai Tribe, their Customs in Peace and War ; with an Introduction by Lewis H. Morgan, LL.D. 8vo. Melb., 1880. MA 1 S 11 FISON (Mrs. William). Hand-book of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. 8vo. Lond., 1859. F 15 Q 3 FISSCHER (J. F. van Overmeer). Bijdrage tot de Kennis van het Japansche Rijk. Met Platen. 4to. Amsterdam, 1833. D 5 V 13 FITTON (Edward Brown). New Zealand : its present Condition, Prospects, and Resources. 12mo. Lond., 1856.* MD 1 S 5 FITTON (William Henry), M.D., kc. Account of some Geological Specimens from the Coasts of Australia. From the Appendix to the " Narrative of a Survey of the Inter-tropical and Western Coasts of Australia, &c.," by Captain Phillip Parker King, R.N. ; with Instructions for collecting Geological Specimens. 8vo. Lond., 1826. MA 2 Q 10 An Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society of London on the 15th of February, 1828, and 20th of February, 1829. (Pam. 2.) 2 vols, (in 1). 8vo. Loud., 1828-29. MJ 2 P 37 Instructions for collecting Geological Specimens. (Paua. 2.) 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 2 P 37 Review of Mr. Lyell's "Elements of Geology;" with Ob- servations on the Progress of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth ; from the Edinlnmjh llcview, vol. 69. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839. A 9 T 39 Review of the Silurian System ; by Sir R. I. ]\Iurchi- son ; from the Edinlmrgh lieview of 1841. 8vo. Edinb., 1841. A9T7 Stratigraphical Account of the Section from Atherfield to Rocken-end, on the South-west Coast of the Isle of Wight. 8vo. Lond., 1847. A9 T 6 FITZBALL (Edward). The Devil's Elixir; or, the Shadowless Man : a Musical Romance. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 21 The Earthi}uake : a Burletta Operatic Spectacle. (Cum- berland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H2Q19 The Floating Beacon : a Nautical Drama. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H2Q22 The Flying Dutchman ; or, the Phantom Ship : a Nautical Burletta. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 21 The Inchcape Bell : a Nautical Burletta. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 21 The Pilot: a Nautical Burletta. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 21 FITZGERALD (David). Alphabetical Catalogue of the War Department Library. [_See United States.] FITZGERALD (Edward), Lord. Life and Death of ; by Thomas Moore. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831. C 3 P 11, 12 FITZGERALD (J. F. L. V. Foster-). [_See Foster-Fitz- gerald, J. F. L. v.] 272 CATALOGUE OF THE Fit] Part I : — AidJwrs, Editors, or Heference. [Fla FITZGERALD (Percy), M.A., &c. The Book Fancier; or, the Rom.ince of BcMik-collectiiig. 12mo. Lond., 1886. J 1 S 42 Great Canal at Suez: its Political, Engineering, and Finan- cial History. "With an Account of Ferdinand de Lesseps. 2 vols. 8vo! Lond., 1876. A 6 T IG, 17 The Kembles : an Account of the Kemble Family, in- cluding the Lives of !Mi-s. Siddons and her Brother, Philip Kemble. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond., 1871. C7T25,26 Life and Adventures of Alexander Dumas. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1873. C 8 U 25, 26 Life and Times of William iv., including a View of Social Life and ^Manners during liLs Reign. 2 vob. 8vo. Lond., 1884. COS 4.5, 46 Life, Letters, and AVriting.s of Charles Lamb; with Notes and Illustrations. (The Temple Ed.) 6 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1886. C 2 S 28-33 Life of David Garrick, from original Family Papers, ]iiil.ircji Naturgescliichte dci' Siiugcthicii-Amphiliien, Fische, Siiugothrre mid Viigcl. t vols. roy. (to. Wcin, 1860-64. A 2 l{ 11 M t IIIZM AlTJtlCFC (Er>Moxi) CiicoitfiK Pi;rrv), Lord. Life of Williaiii, Earl of Khelburne, afterwards lii-st Marquess of LaiiMJowiie; with Extract.K from lii.H Papers and Corrcs- |Kiridfnec;. 3 vol.M. Wvo. I/ptid., |H7.5 76. 0*9 1)27-29 FrXZPATRrCK (T.) Autumn Cruise in (he Ju,en». Hyo. \j»ui\., iH.Hr,, I) 7 \l 13 FITZPATRICK (Prof. W. J.), LL.D., &c. Life of Charles Lever. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1879. C 7 S 13, 14. Life of the Very Rev. T. N. Burke, O.P. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1885. ' C 10 R 27, 28 The Life, Times, and Correspondence of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Doyle, Bishop of KLldare and Leighlin. 2 vols. Svo. Dublin," 1880. C2S11, 12 FITZROY (Sir C. A.) Copy of a Despatch from Governor C. A. Fitzroy to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, transmitting the Report of a Select Committee of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, on Crown Lands, in 1849. (Pari. Docs. 59.) Fol. Lond., 1850. MF 4 J FITZROY (A'irE-ADMiK.\L Robert). Remarks on New Zealand, in February, 1846. (Pam. 24.) Svo. Lond., 1846. MJ 2 Q 12 AVcathcr Book : a ]\I;uuial of Practical jMetcorology. Svo. Lond., 1863. A 3 T 16 ISee Darwix, C] FITZROY (Capt. Robert), and KING (Capt. Phillip Parker). Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of His Majesty's Ships Advent ure and Bciujlc, between the years 1826 and 1836 ; [with] Journal and Remarks, by Charles Darwin, M. A. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1839. D 9 S 34-37 Anotheii copy. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1839. MD 7 R 1-4 FITZWILLIAM (Ciiai;m;s William), Kaul. Correspon- dence of Ednuind Burke. \_See BuRKE, Rt. Hon. E.] FIVES-LILLE, COMPAGNIE DE. Compagniede Fives- Lille, General Entrineers and Contractors. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1886.* ■" MA 1 P 12 t FLACCUS (Marcl's Veiuuus. [_Sce Veiuuus Flaccus, M.] FLACHET (Euhene). (•.•ithc.iiale de Baycux : Description (les Travau.x, par H. de Dion, et L. Lasvignes. Svo. Paris, 1861. A 2 U 7 FL.VCK (Capt.), ''Tin: Rancek." A Hunter's Experiences in the Soullirrn States of .America. Svo. Lond., 1866. D 4 P 20 FL.\.MM.\li10N (Camille). Astronomical iMytlis. \Sce BlAKK, J. 1'.] The Atmosphere : translated from the l''rench, edited by James GlaisIier,F.l!.S. Roy. 8v,). Ijond., 1873. A3U22 Travels in the Air. [Sec Glaisiier, J.] I'TiANACiAN (lioiii-.RicK J.) Australian, and ddicr Poems. 8vo. Sydney, 1887.* JMJllC^ History of New South Wales; with an Account of Van Uiemcn's Land (Tasmania), New Zealand, Port I'liillip ( Vii-ti>ria), iMorelon Bay, and other Australasian Settle- nu'iits ; comprising a comiilete View of the Progress and Pi-os]iecls of (h.M nilnlni; in Australia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1862.* MBIT 19, 20 EllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 273 Fla] Paut I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Fie FLANDRE (Charlf.s de), F.R.A.S. History of M.ary 8tiiart, Queen of .Scots ; translated from the original and iinpuhlished M.S. of Prof. Petit. Illustrated. 2 vols, (in 1) 4to. Lond., 187-t. C 2 W 16 Monograms of three or more Letters, designed and drawn on Stone. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1884. A 23 P 13 J FLANNIGAN (Miis.) Antigua and the Antiguans. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. D 3 S 9, 10 FLATLAND. [_See Abbott, Rev. E. A.] FLAX COMMISSIONERS. New Zealand. [See New Zealand.] FLAXMAN (John), R.A. Anatomical Studies of the Bones and Muscles, for the Use of Artists ; engraved by Henry Landsoer. At. fol. Lond., lt<33. A 2 P 21 + Compositions l)y John Flaxman, R.A., from the "Divine Poem" of Dante Alighieri, containing Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Ob. 4to. Lond., 1807.' A 8 Q 24 + Compositions of the Acts of Mercy, drawn by the late John Flaxman, R.A., P.S. (Under the patronage of His Majesty.) Engraved by F. C. Lewis. Ob. 4to. Lond., 1831. A 2 P 19 | The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer illustrated with Designs. {_See Homer.] Lectures on .Sculpture. 2nd ed. ; to which are added, an introductory Lecture, and two Addresses on the Death of Thomas Banks, in 1805, and of Antonio Canova, in 1822, and an Address o)i the Death of Flaxman, by .Sir Richard Westmacott, R.A. 8vo. Lond., 1838. A 7 Q 36 Another copy. Illustrated. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1877. A 8 P 37 The " Odyssey" of Homer, engraved from the C(5mposi- tions of John Flaxman, R.A., Sculptor, London. Ob. 4to. Lond., 1805. A 5 Q 10 t FLEAY (Frederick (Jard). Chr(atrc: Xouveaux Melanges do I'ofsic et do I.itti'i.iturc. 4, 5. Gonzalve ilc Conlone. (iuillaunic Tell. G. Niinia Pompiliim, second Roi dc Rome. 7. Nouvclles. 8. Mvlanges de Vi>(-mc et ile la Litteratiire. Fahlcs. il. Kliczcrtt Xajjllialy : l'oi^niotrailiiitrew. LaJcunesse de Florian ; on, M£nioircs d'lin Jeiine Kspagiiol. lli-I2. Don Qnidiotlc dc la Manclie ; tradnit de I'KspagnoI de ilichcl lie Cervantes. II.OI'.ICULTiniAL CABINET (The), and Florists' .Magazine. r> vols. 8vo. Lond., )8 |H- 54. A 1 S 27 33 FLORIDA. Florida Portiayed ; its Sections, Climate, Prfxliictions, Re.sources, Sic. ; with Practicjil llintH to Intending Sc111ci-h. Hvo. I^oml. (n.d.) D 3 R 43 •Sunny Florida: n Conipendiuin of Information regarding "The State of Orange rnian Languages! {See l'"l,l i.EL, I>it. I''. | FREE PUBLIC LIBRAllY, SYDNEY. 275 Flu] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Foo F^UGEL (Dr. J. G.), and SPOESCHILL (John). Dic- tionary of the English and Gennan, and Geunan and English Languages. 2nd ed. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1838. K 13 R 11, 12 FLYING SQUADRON. Cruise nmnd the Woi'ld, 1.SG9- 70, under the cdniuiand of Rear-Admiral G. T. Phipps Hornby ; by Lieut. J. Bruce, H.M.iS. Liverpool. 8vo. Lond., 1871. MD 5 Y 32 FOGG (W. Perry), A.M. Arabistan ; or, the Land of " The Arabian Nights ;" being Travels through Egypt, Arabia, and Persia to Bagdad. 8vo. Lond., 1875. D 1 P 22 FOGGO (George). Letter to Lord Bi-ougliam on the History of the Royal Academy. 8vo. Lond., 183.5. A 7 Q 13 Report of the Proceedings at a Public Meeting, held at the Freemasons' Hall, 29th I^Lay, 1837, to promote the admission of the Public, without charge, to Westminster Abljey, St. Paul's Cathedral, and all Depositories of Works of Art, of Natural History, and Literary interest in Public Edifices. 8vo. Lond., 1837. A 7 Q 13 FOIGNY (Gabriel de), " James Sadeur." Les Avanturcs de Jacques Sadeur dans la dccouverte et le Voiage de la Terre Au.strale. 12mo. Paris, 1705. MJ 1 P 12 New Discovery of Terra Incognita Australis, or the Southern World ; by James Sadeur, a Frenchman. 12mo. Lond., 1693. MJ 1 P 11 FOLARD (Jean Charles de). [See Polvdius.] FOLENGO (Theophilus), "Merlin Cocaio." Opus Merlini Cocaii Poetw Mantvani IMacaronicoi'um. 18mo. Venetiis, 15G4. H G P 43 FOLEY (Antoine Edouard). Quatre Annees en Oceanic. Histoire Naturelle do FHomme et de.s Societes qu'il organise. 2 vols. 8vo. Pari.s, 18G6-7G.* MD 6 T 24, 25 FOLEY (Daniel), B.D. English-Iiish Dictionary. 8vo. Dublin, 1855. " K 13P21 FOLEY (Nelson). Mechanical Engineer's Office Book. Boiler Construction. Sm. fol. Lond., 1881. A7S2t FOLJAMBE (Lieut. Cecil G. S.), R.N. Three Years on the Australian Station. For private circulation. 8vo. Lond., 1868. MD 5 T 25 FOLKARD (Henry Tennyson). Public Library.] \_See WiGAN Free FOLKARD (Richard), Jun. Plant-Lore, Legends, and Ijyi'ics ; embracing the Myths, Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-Lore of the Plant Kingdom. 8\o. Lond., 1884. A 5 P 27 FOLK-LORE JOURNAL (The). Vols. 1,2. 8vo. Lond., 1883-84. E FOLK-LORE SOCIETY, for collecting and printing Relics of Popular Antiquities, kc. ; Publications of. Vols. 1-12. 8vo. Lond., 1878-83. E FOLSOM (George). [See Cortes, H.] FONBLANQUE (Albany). How we are governed: a Hand-book of the Constitution, (Jovernment, Laws, etc., of Great Britain. 12mo. Lond., 1858. F2P21 FONBLANQUE (Edward BARRiNfjTON de.) Political and Military Episodes in the latter half of the 18th Century, derived from the Life and C(-irrespondence of the Rt. Hon. .John Burgoyne. 8vo. Lond., 1876. C 8 U 45 FONSECA (JosK NicoLAU da). Historical and Arclueolo- gical Sketch of tlie City of Goa, preceded by a Short Statistical Account of the Territory of Goa. Illustrated. 8vo. Bombay, 1878. " D 5 S 31 FONSECA (Jose da). Novo Diccionario Francez-Portu- guez ; cuin un Supplemento. 8vo. Pariz, 1875. K14P33 FONTAINE (A. La). \_See La Fontaine, A,] FONTAINE (Jean de la). [_See La Fontaine, Jean de.j FONTAINE (Wm. M.), A.M. Resources of West Vir- ginia. [_See Maury, M. F.] FONTENELLE (B. le Bovier de). A Week's Conversa- tion on the Plurality of Worlds. 3rcl ed. 12mo. Lond., 1737. A 3 R 21 FONTENELLE (Julia de). Manuel de Phy.sique amusante, ou nouvelles Recreations Physiques. 4° ed. 18mo. Paris, 1832. A 17 T 3C FONVIELLE (W. de). Ti-avels in the Air. [See Glaisher, J.] FOORD (G.) Lecture on Chemistry applied to Maniifac- tures. \_See Melb. Public Library.] Lecture on Chemistry applied to Agriculture. \_See Melb. Public Library.] Lecture on Chemistry of the Sea. [_See Melb. Public Library.] Lecture on Chemistry of the Atmosphere. \_See Melb. Public Library.] Lecture on Food Preservation. [See Melb. Public Library.] Lecture on Household Chemistry, [See Melb. Public Library.] FOOTE (Samuel). The Author: a Comedy. [-S'f* Brit. Drama 5.] Another copy. [See Farces 7.] The Commissary. [See Brit. Drama 5.] Dramatic Works of. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1778-82. H 4 R 12-15 276 CATALOGUE OP THE Foo] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [For FOOTE (Samuel).— co«//7jae,/. Dramatic "Works ; to wliich is prefixed a Life of the Author. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1797. H2Q30, 31 Devil upon Two Sticks. [See Brit. Drama 5.] The Englishman in Paris. [_See Brit. Drama 5.] The Englishman returned from Paris. [_See Brit. Drama 5.] The Knights. \_See Brit. Drama 5.] Lame Lover. [See Brit. Drama 5.] The Liar. [See Brit. Drama 5.] The Lyar : a Comedy. [See Farces o.] Maid of Bath. [See Brit. Drama 5.1 The ilayor of Garratt : a Comedy. [See Farces 5.] Another copy. [See Brit. Drajia ■").] The Minor: a Comedv. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. I^md., 1792. " H 2 P 19 Another copy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12ino. Lond., 178-*. " II -i P 26 Another copy. [See Brit. Drama 5.] Another copy. [See Farces 5.] The Orators. [See Brit. Drama 5.] The Patron. [See Brit. Drama 5.] Taste. [See Brit. Drama ;j.] [See Bickerstaff, I.] FORBES (Rt. Rev. Ale.xander Pen-rose), D.C.L., Bishop OF Brechin. Kalendars of Scottish Saints. 4to. Edinb., 1872. (U2Q8t Live.s of St. Ninian and St. Kentigcrn. 8vo. Lond., 1874. ' G 14 T 1.3 Another copy (Historians of Scotland). 8vo. Lmid., 1874. B1.5P9 FORBES (AiifniRM.i)), LL.D. Chinese Gordon: a suc- cinct Record ..f his Life. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C2S1G Souvenirs of some Continents. 8vo. L(), 1801. B 12 y 34 Iceland ; itmd., 18C0. D 9 P IG FORBES (Prof. Duncan), LL.D. Dictionary, Hindu- stani and English, and English and Hindustani. 2ud ed. Svo. Lond., 18G6. K 14 S 2 Graunuar of the Hindiistanl Language, in the Oriental and Human Character. Svo. Lond.^ 1860. K16Q1S Grammarof the Persian Language. Roy. Svo. Lond., 187G. K 16 T 1 History of Chess. Svo. Lond., 1860. A 17 W26 FORBES (Duncan), of Culloden. Lives of Simon, Lord Lovat, and Duncan Forbes, of Culloden ; fi om original sources, Ijy John Hill Burton, Advocate. Svo. Lond., 1847. " C4S17 FORBES (Prof. Edward), F.R.S. Literary Papers. 12mo. Lond., 1855. " J 7 Q 41 Zoology of the A^oyage of H.jNI.S. IferalJ, under the com- mand of Cajitain Hi'nry Kellett, K.N., C.B., during the years 1845-51. Yertebrals, including Fossil Mammals, by Sir John Richardson, Knt., C.B., &c. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1854. A 2 S 14 t [See Gold, Lectures on.] FORBES (Lieut. Fkederkmj Edwvn), R.N. Dahomey and the Dahomans, 1849-50. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1851. D I S IG, 17 Five Years in China, 1812-17 ; with an Account of the Occupation of the Ishuuls of Lal)uan and Borneo, by Her Majesty's Forces. Svo. L.nul., 1848. D4"U34 Ti'avels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyratis. [See Si'Ratt, Lieut. T. A, 1!.] ' D 4 T 45, 46 FORBES (Prof. Geoiuu:), li.A. Transit of Venus. (Nature Series.) Svo. Lmul., 1S74. A 3 U 16 FORBES (Gordon S.) Wild Life in Cannra and Ganjam. [Coloured Tlhist rations.] Svo. bond., 1SS5. |)5P17 FORBES (Henry O.), F.R.G.S., &('. Naturalist's Wan- derings in the Eastern Archipelago. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1886. 1)6 R 25 Forbes (.Iamks). Oriental Jlemoiis : a Narrative of Seventeen Years' Residence ill India. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1834. I) R) S M, 15 t Illustrations [to llie above,] llo, bond,, ISIll, |)|0S16t I''()KI;KS (Rev. James), A.M. Imm id for I lie Widow and I'.iiniiv of the late James Forbes, A.M. : Statement. Svo. Melb.; IK51. MG 1 Q 29 FOIU'.ES (James David), F.R.S., itc. Tour ..f Mont Hlanc and of !\lorite Hosa. 12mo. Edinb., ISO."'. I ) 7 P 2G FOKUIOS (.loiiN). I )oul)le ( iiiuinnar of I''yiiL;lisli .ind G.-iclie- 12mo. Edinb., jsi.t. K II S 38 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 277 For] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference, [For FORBES (Major John). Eleven Years in Ceylon, com- prising yketches of the Field Sports and Natural History of thatColony. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. D 4 U 32, 33 FORBES (Sir John), M.D., kc. Memorandums made in Ireland, in the Autunui of 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. D 7 R 16, 17 Physician's Holiday; or, a Month in Switzerland in the Summer of 1848. Illustrated. 3rd cd. 12mo. Lond., 1852. D 7 Q 48 Sight-seeing in Germany and the Tyrol, in the Autumn of 1855. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1856. D 8 Q 2 FORBES (Litton), M.D., kc. Two Years in Fiji. 8vo. Lond., 1875.* MD 5 P 34 FORBES (Dr. P.) Full View of the Public Transactions in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth ; or, a Particular Account of all the Memorable Affairs of that Queen. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1740-41. B 14 T 15, 16 I FORBES (Rt. Rev. R.), A.M. Jacobite Memoirs of the Rebellion of 1745; edited from his MSS., by Robert Chambers. 8vo. Lond., 1834. B 32 T 10 FORBES (Rev. R.) Minor Morals : a Lecture, addressed chiefly to the Working Classes. (Pam. 41.) 8vo. Aber- deen, 1854. MJ 2 R 3 FORBES (William Alexander), M.A. Collected Scien- tific Papers of; edited by F. E. Beddard, M.A.; with a Preface by P. L. Sclatcr, M.A., etc. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 188.5. A 13 V 1 Memoir of A. H. Garrod, etc. \_See Garrod, A. H.] FORBES-LEITH (William), S.J. [&cLi:itii, W.Forbes-.] FORBES-ROBERTSON (John). Gi'oat Painters of Chiistendom, from Cimabue toWilkie. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1877. A4P2t Life of Samuel Phelps. [&e Phelps, W. M.] FORCELLINI (A.) Totius Latinitatis Lexicon pra^fatio et index scriptorum Latinorum cura et studio Dr. V. De Vit. 7 vols. roy. 4to. Prati, 1858-79. K 14 R 1-7 t FORCHAMMER (Dr. E.), Ph.D. Jardine Prize: an Essay on the Sources and Devolopment of Burmese Law. Roy. 8vo. Rangoon, 1885. F5V16 FORD (F. Clare). La Republique Argentine: Finances, Commerce, A-c. Rapport. 8vo. Paris';i867. F 10 Q 15 FORD (John). Dramatic Works of; with Notes by W. Gifibrd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1827. H4S20, 21 FORD (Richard), F.S.A. Gatherings from Spain. 12mo. Lond., 1846. D 7 Q 45 Another eopv. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1846. J 8 P 20 Hand-book hn- Travellei's in Spain. 4tl! ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869. D 8 R 6, 7 FORD (W. and F.) Australian Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge. 4 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Sydney, 1850-54.* ME 4 R Sydney Commercial Directory, 1851. 12mo. Sydney, 1851. " ME 4 S Another copy. FORDE (Mrs. Helena). {See Krefft, (J. MF4T FORDUN (Joannes). Chronica Gentis Scotorum; edited by William F. Skene (Historians of Scotland). 8vo. Edinb., 1871. B 13 P 45 Chronicle of the Scottish Nation, translated from the Latin ; edited by AVilliam F. Skene (Historians of Scotland). 8vo. Edinb., 1872. B 13 P 48 Scotichronicon, cum Supplementis et Continuatione Walteri Boweri Prrefixa est ad historian! Scotorum Introductio brevis, cura Walteri Goodall. 2 vols. fol. Edinb., 1759. B 15 R 7, 8 t FOREIGN ARMIES ; their Formation, Oi-ganisation, and Strength. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1886. K 17 T 5 FOREIGN AND COLONIAL QUARTERLY REVIEW (The). 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843-44. ME 3 Q FOREIGN OFFICE LIST (The) ; by Sir Edward Hertslet, C.B. 16 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870-86. E FOREIGN SECRETARIES. {See Thornton, P. M.] FOREMAN PATTERN MAKER A. {See Pattern Makini:.] FOREST OF BONDY (The); or, the Dog of Montargis: a Melodrama. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 20 FORESTER (Frank). {See Herbert, H. W.] FORESTER (Thomas). Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy. \_See Ordericus Vitalis.] [See Florence op Worcester, «>i'i Huntingdon, Henry of.] FORMAN (H. Buxton). Our Living Poets : an Es.say in Criticism. 8vo. Lond., 1871. J 11 P 12 [See Keats, J., nnl Shelley, P. B.] FORMBY (Rev. Henry). Ancient Rome and its Con- nection with the Christian Religion. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1880. ' BUR 14 ■ FORNANDER (Abraham). Account of the Polj-nesian Race : its Origin and Migrations ; and the Ancient History of the Hawaiian People to the Times of Kame- hameha I. 3 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1878-85. MB 2 Q 15-17 FORREST (Lieut.-Col. C. R.) Picturesque Tour along the Rivers Ganges and Jumna, in India. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1824 D5Q8 t 278 CATALOGUE OF THE For] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Bcference. [For FORREST (Sir Johx), K.C.M.G., ic. Explorations in Aus- tralia : 1. Explorations in search of Dr. Leichhardt and Party. 2. From Perth to Adelaide, around the Great Australian Bight. 3. From Chanijiion Bay, across the Desert to the Telegraph and to Adelaide ; with an Appendix on the condition of Western Australia. 8\o. Lond., 1875.* MD G T 17 Report on the Kimberley District, Xorth-western Australia. Sm. fol. Perth, 1883. MD 7 Q 1 t FORREST (Capt. Thomas). Voyage to Xew Guinea and the iloluccas, from Balauibangan. 2nd e«l. 4t((. I^ond., 1789.* Ml) FORRESTER (Alfhed Hkxrv), "Alfred Crowquill." Phantivsmagoria of Fun : edited by "Alfred Crowiiuill."' 2 vols. Svo. I^.nd., 18i3. J 5 P 31, 32 Seymour's Humorous Sketches. [See Sevmoir. IJ.] FORSHALL (Frf.df.ric H.) Westminster School, Past and Present. 8vo. Lond., 1884. B G S 11 FORSSMAN (O. W. A.) (iuide for Agriculturists and Capitalists, Speculatoi'S, Miner.s, ic. (Paiii. Dr.) 2nd ed. Svo. Cape Town, 1874. MF3P1G FORSTEMANN (Ernst). Geschichte des deutschen SprachstannueF. Band 1 and 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Nord- hausen, 1874-75. K IG Q 21, 2.") FORSTER (Antiioxv). South Australia : its Progress and Prosperity. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 18GG.^'- :MB2H12 FOR-i^TER (A.VTiiONv). Biographical Xulices of. [See liAKTLETT, A. D.] FORSTER (Rev. Cihrles). [5« Jehi!, Ri:v. J] FORSTER (CiivRLES Tiiorston-), :\I.A., and DAMKLL (F. H. Blaikuukne), M.A. Life and Letters of Ogier Ghi.selin de Busbecij, Seigneur of Bousl)eciiue, Knight, Im- perial Amliassador. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond.,188L 8 S 8, 9 F()RSTER (Ernst). Denkmale deutscher Baukunst, Bild- nert'i und Malerei. 12 vols. 4to. Leipsic, 1855-G9. A 2 U 11-22 FORSTER (.John), LL. I). of the Five Members by Charles I. 8vo. I>.nd., IHGO. B 4 Q 21 Debates on the Grand Ki'monstrance, November and Do cend)er, 1G41. Hvo. i^.nd., ISCO. F G S 23 iJfe and Times of (>livcr (>iildsniilli. 2iid ( (I. 2 vols. 8vo. I^.nd., 1854. C 7 T II, 12 Life r)f Charles Dickens. 3 \(ils. Svo. Lund., 1872-74. CG P7-9 Lifr of . Jonathan Swift. Vnl. 1. ( .III j,ul,li!,h,,l). 8vo. ly.rid., M75. C II P35 LivcH of Eminent lirilish Statesmen. [See Mackintohii, Sib J.] Sir Jolin I'^liot; a Biography, 1590 1G32. 2 vols. 8vo. Lcmd., \'*i\i. C 5 U 9, 10 FORSTER (John), L'L.'D.—contmued. Walter Savage Landor: a Biography, 1775-18G4. 2 vols. Svo. Lonci., 18G9. C 4 R 15, IG Works and Life of Walter Savage Landur. [See L.vndor, AV. S.] [See Dyce, A., and Hall, Rev. R.] FORSTER (John), JI.P. Chronicle of James l. [See James l] FORSTER (John Georoe Adam), F.R.S. Voyage round the World in His Britannic Majesty's Sloop IlesohittDii, commanded l)y Captain James Cook, 1772-75. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1777. MD 5 P 24, 25 t [See Cook, Capt. J., and New Discoveries.] FORSTER (Dr. John Reinold), LL.D., &v. Observations made during a A'oyagc round tlu' World, on Physical (Jcographv, Natural History, and Ethic Philosojihy. 4to. Lond., 17'78.* MA 2 P 1 t Anotliei- copy. A 15 II 14 Voyage round the World. [See BoufiAINVILLE, L. A. DE, (iiid Cook, Capt. .1.] FORSTER (Dr. John Reinold, and George). Charac- teies Generum Plantaiuin, quas in Itinere, ad Insuhis Maris Australi.s, collegerunt, descripsciunt, dclinearunt, annis 1772-75. 4to. Lond., 177G. MA 1 P 24 t I'ORSTEll (Kiiv. Thomas Hay). Cliurch in the Colonies ; Diocese of Tasmania; Account of u Voyage in a Convict Ship. 12nio. Lond., IS.'jO. " MD 1 T 49 Letter to the Lord Bishop of Tasmania. 8vo. Sydney, 1852. i\IG 1 Q 29 FORSTER (William). The Brothers : a Drama. [Written in New South Wales.] 8vo. Lond., 1877. MH 1 R 28 The Land and S(|uattiiiL; Question reconsidered. Sm). Sydney, 1855. ' MF 3 P 4 Political Presentments. 8vo. Lond., 1878. MF3Q71 Another cojiy. F 6 Q 9 TheWeirwolf: aTragcilv. [Wiittcn in New Soutli Wales.] 8vo. 187G. " .Mil 1 R 27 FORSYTH (Ani.rew Russell), M.A. Treatise on Dif- ferential 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 10 T 17 FORSYTH (Capt. J.) Highlandsof Cent lal India: Notes on their iMirests and Wild Tribes, Natural History, and Sport-s. Illustrated. Svo. I,nnd., 1S71. |)'5T37 FORSYTH (T. D.) L,il„,rc m Ya.kand. [Set, (i., AND lIl'MK, A. (). I FORSYTH (\\ ii.i.iAM), Q.C., it'c. ('onsiiiuli.nial Law, Cases and Opinions OIL Roy. 8vo. Lond., 18G9. J>' 5 V 17 Essays, Critical and Nai'iative. Svo. r/ond.,lS7l. .J G T 2 History of tlio Ciiptivily of Najinliim at Si. Ilclin.i. [Sec Lowe, riiEivr.-CJEN. Sjn H.] Slavonic I'rovince.s, Soiilli of ihc lianulic. 8\i). Loud., 1S7(;. I) S If II FREE PUBLIC LI B 11 All Y, SYDNEY. 279 For] Pakt I : — Authors, Udilors, or Reference. [Fos FORT ((tEORGE F.) Early Histcny and Antiquities of Freemasonry. 8vo. Lond., 1^75. 15 1 4 S 24 Medical Economy (hiring the Middle Ages. 8vo. New York, 188:?. ' ' A 13 R U FORTESCUE (Eakl). Memoir of Lord King. \Sce King, Lord.] FORTESCUE (G. K.) Suhject Index of the Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum, ISSO-S."). Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1886. K 9 P 18 t FORTESCUE (Sir John). De Laudilnis Legum Anglise : hereto are joind the two Sunniies of Sir Raljih de Heng- liam, commonly called Henuham ^Ma^na, and Ilengham Parva. 18mo. Lond., 1 GIG. '' F ^"P 15 Governance of England, otherwise called the Diil'crence l)etween an Absolute and a Limited Monarchy. 8vo. Oxford, 188.7. R 7 Q .'50 FORTESCUE (Hox. John). Stag-hunting on Exmoor. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 17 U 22 FORTESCUE (J. F.) Introduction to Theosophy ; oi', the Science of the "Mystery of Christ," that i.s, of Deity, Nature, and Creature. Vol. 1, complete in itself. 12mo. Lond., 1855. G 9 Q 18 FORTESCUE (T.), Lord Clermont. Fortescue Family: History of the Family of Fortescue in all its Bi-anches; by Lord Clermont. 2nd ed. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1880.* C 7 R 6 t FORTIS (Alberto). Travels in Dalmatia; to which are added Observations on the Island of Cherso and C)sero. 4ta. Lond., 1778. I) 19 Q 10 % FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW (The); edited by T. H. S. Escott. Vols. 1-43 (37 n.s.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1864-86. " E FORTNUM (C. D. E.), F.S.A. Bronzes. (South Kens. Mus.) 8vo. Lond., 1877. E Maiolica. (South Kens. Mus.) 8vo. Lond., 1875. E FORTUNATUS (Ven.\ntius). [,fe Migne, J. P., Series Latin.\, 88.] FORTUNE (Robert). Journey to the Tea Countries of China, including Sung-lo and the Bohea Hills. 8vo. Lond., 1852. ' D G R 17 Residence among the Chinese ; Inland, on the Coast, and at Sea. 8vo. Loud., 1857. D 5 S 40 Three Years' AVanderings in the Northern Provinces of China: a Visit to the Tea, Silk, and Cotton Countries of China. 8vo. Lond., 1847. D 6 R 27 Yedo and Peking: a Narrative of a Journey to the Capitals of Japan and China. 8vo. Lond., 1863. D 6 R 31 FORWOOD (W. Stump), M.D. Historical and Descriptive Narrati\-e of the Mannnoth Cave of Kentucky : its Chemis- try, Geology, Zoology, kc; with full Scientific Details of the Eyeless Fishes. 8vo. Philad,, 1870. D 3 P 48 FOSBERY (E.) [See Aborigines.] FOSBROKl'] (Rev. Thomas Dudley), M.A., &c. [&« FosBRooKE, Rev. T. D.] FOSBROOKE OR FOSBROKE (Rev. Thomas Dudley), M. A., &c'. Biitish Monachism ; or. Manners and Cu.stoms of the Moirks and Nuns of England. New cd., with numerous Plates. 4to. Lond., 1817. B 2 U 31 Encyclopa'dia of Antiquities, and Elements of Arche- ology, Classical and Mediaeval. 2 vols. 4 to. Lond., 1825. K 6 S 19, 20 Foreign Topograjihy ; forming a Sef|ucl to the Encyclopedia of Anticpiities. 4to. Lond., 1828. D 9 R 18 t Treatise on the Arts, Manufactures, and Institutions of the (xreeks and Romans. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.). 2 vols. 12nio. Lond., 1833-35. K 1 T 26, 27 FOSS (Edward), F.S.A. Biographia Juridica : a Bi< - graphical Dictionary of the Judges of England, from the Conquest to the Present Time, 10G6-1870. Roy. 8vo. Ltion historique des Planches de S. S(jphi. El. fol. Lond., 1852. A3P19t FOSTER (Capt. Henry), F.R.S., kv. Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean under the command of. \Sei Webster, W. H. B.] FOSTER (J. S.) New Zealand. [&« Grant, S.] FOSTER (J. W.), LL.D. Prehistoric Races of the United States of America. Svo. Chicago, 1873. A1W7 FOSTER (John). Contributions, Biographical, Literary, and Philosophical, to the Eclectic lietneu: 2 ^•ols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1844. J 4 f 9, 10 Essay on the Evils of Popular Ignorance. 2nd ed. Svo. Lcmd., 1821. ■" G 9 T 13 Essay on the Inqirovcmcnt of Time ; with Notes of Sermons and other Pieces. 12nio. Lond., 1886. G 8 R 4 Essays, in a series of Letters to a Friend. 2 vols. Svo Lond., 1805. J 6 R 12, 13 Anothercopy. 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Lond., 1806. J 6 R 14 Fosteriana ; consisting of Thoughts, Reflections, and Criti cisms of John Foster; edited by Henry G. Bolm. Svo Lond., 1858. J 9 Q 7 Lectures delivered at Broadmead Chapel, Bristol. 3rd cd 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1853. G 9 Q 30, 31 Life and Correspondence of ; edited by J. E. Ryland 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1852. " C 2 P 14, 15 280 CATALOGUE OF THE Fos] Part I : — Authors, Mlifors, or Reference. [Fow FOSTER (Mrs. Jonathan). Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. [See Condk, Dr. J. A.] Lives of the most eminent Paintere, &c. \_See T.\sari, G.] FOSTER (Joseph). Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire. Roy.Svo. Westminster, 18S3. K10U14 Collection Genealogica. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1882-85. E Members of Parliament, Scotland, including the Minor Barons, the Commissioners for Shires, and the Commis- sioners for the Burghs, 1357-1882. 2nd ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1882. K 10 T 1 Peerage of the British Empire, 1883; with the Orders of Knighthood. Roy. 8vo. Westminster, 1883. K 10 U 13 Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of the Bi'itish Empire, 1880. 2 vols, (in 1) roy. 8vo. Lond., 1880. K 10 U 12 Revised Genealogical Account of the various Families des- cended from Francis Fo.\, of St. Germains, Cornwall ; to which is appended a Pedigree of the Crokers, of Lineham, and many other Families connected with them. 4to. Lond., 1872. K 10 V 2 Royal Lineage of our Noble and Gentle Families, together with their Paternal Ancestry. 3 vols. 4 to. Lond., 1883-8.3. " K 10 V 3-5 FOSTER (M.), JLA., &c. Hand-lwok for llie Pliysiological Laboratory. [See Klein, E.] Text-bwk of Physiology. 8vo. Lond., 1S77. A12T2 FOSTER (M.), M.A., &c., and BALFOUR (Francis M.), M.A., it(j. Elements of Embryology. 2nd cd. revised. 8vo. L-jnd., 1883. A 12 P 42 FOSTER (P. LE Neve), .M..\. Photogniphv. (Brit. Mauuf. Indust.) I2ni>). Lond., 1876. "A17S39 FOSTER (Thomas Cami-iseli,). Letters on tlie Condition of the People of Ireland. 2nd cd. 8vo. Lond., IS 17. B 11 P 37 Foster (Wilmam Jomx). Piactlceof the District Courts of New South Wales. 8v... Sydney, 1885. MF2R7 FC)STER-FITZGE1!A 1.1) (.1. ]•-. L. V.) Australia. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., It^Sl.* .M D 4 P 36 New Colony of Victoria, formerly called I'oil Phillip. 12mo. Lond., 1851.* .\lI)tP34 Three Lcitters t<) tiie Hon. James Frederick Palmer, Speaker of tiie LegiHlalivc Council of V'ictiogra])liy, told chiefly in his own Corresjionih'iice. 8vo. Lond., ISSO. ' C 9 U 39 FOWLER (O. S.) A Home foi- All ; or, tlie Gravel Wall and Octagon ^bidc^ of liuildiiig ; new, clieaj), convenient, superior, and a(l;i)i(iil to liirh and Poor. 8vo. Now York (n.d.) ' A 2 R 7 FOWLER (HoiiEin), I\I.D. IMedieal Vocabulary; con- l.iining a concise l'"xplanntion of the Terms >ised in .MiMliriiie. 2iid cd. 12nio. Lond., 1S75. K9P2 On the Stale of llii' Mind dmiiig Sleep, A,-, (Vmw. IO.) iL'rno. Lond., Isnj. .M.) 2 R 2 l'i)\\i,LI! (lloiii:ii-i .\i(noi,,\s), M.A., it<'. Visit to, China, anil India. 12mo. Lond, 1S77. H 5 g 20 TREE PUBLIC LIBllAIlY, SYDNEY. 281 Fow] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Fra FOWLER (Prop. Thomas), M.A. Elements of Inductive Logic; designed mainly for the use of Students in the Universities. ( Press.) 2nd ed. 12ini». Oxford, 1872. G 16 P 31 Another copy. 3rd ed. 12mo. Oxford, 1876. G16P33 Elements of Deductive Logic. Designed mainly for the use of Junior Students in the Universities. (Clar. Press.) 5th ed., corrected and revised. 12mo. Oxford, 1873. Another copy. Gth ed. 12mo. Oxford, 1875. G16P32 Locke. (Eng. Men. of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 1 U 24 The Principles of Morals. \_See Wilison, Prof. J. M.] FOWLER (William). Pre.sent aspect of the Land Ques- tion. \_See CoBDEN Cluh.] FOWLES (Joseph). Sydney in 1818; illustrated by copper-plate Engravings of its Principal Streets, Public Buildings, Churches, Chapels, kc. 4to. Sydney, 1848. MD 6 P 5 t Another copy. (Reprinted.) 4to. Sydney, 1878. MD 6 P 6 t FOWNES (PnoF. George), F.R.S. Manual of Elementary Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. 11th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 5 R 19 Manual of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry — Chemistry of Carbon — Com- pounds, or Organic Chemistry. (Churchill's Manuals.) 12th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A5R 20, 21 Rudimentary Chemistry for the use of Beginners. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 P 46 FOX (Caroline). Memories of Old Friends ; being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox, of Penjerrick, Cornwall, from 1835 to 1871 ; edited by Horace U. Pym. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 8 V 22 FOX (Rt. Hon. Charles James). Early History of ; by George Otto Trevelyan, M. P. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 11 P 36 Historical Works of. [_See Rose, G.] Eiftory of the early part of the Reign of James ll ; with an Inti'oductory Chapter and Appendix. 4to. Lond., 1808. B 15 Q 17 f Another copy ; with translation of Letters. 4to. Lond., 1808. B 15 Q 18 t History of the Reign of James ii. \_See Carrel, A.] Life and Times of ; by the Rt. Hon. Lord John Russell. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1859-66. C 3 S 40 -42 Memorials and Correspondence of ; edited by Lord John Russell. 4 vols. 8vo. " Lond., 1853-57. C 8 P 12-15 Speeches of, in the House of Commons. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1815. F 13 P 27-32 FOX (Fr.\ncis). Genealogical Account of the varit)us Families descended from. [_See Foster, J.] 2n FOX (George). Autobiography, of from his Journal (lited by Henry Stanley Newman. Sq. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 5 S 16 FOX, OR FOXE (Rev. John), M.A. Ecclesiasticall His- t. Lond., 1882. MD 4 Q 47 FRANCIS (G. H.) Orators of the Age; comprising Pur- traits, Critical, Biographical, and Descriptive. 8vo. Lond., 1847. ■" C 4 S 27 [Su Palmekston, Lord.] FRANCIS (George Grant), F.iS.A. Some xVccuunt of Sir Hugh Johnys. [See Bliss, J.] FRANCIS (Henry). Present and Future (Jovernnient of the Colony of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1869. MF3P'l FRANCIS (J. G.), B.A. Notes from a Journal kept in Italy and Sicilv, during the years 1844-4G. 8vo. Lond., 1847. " D8T21 FRANCIS (John). Chronicles and Characters of the Stock Exchange. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1851. F8P27 Historj- of the Bank of England; its Times and Traditions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F G S 11, 12 Works of Horace, translate FRANCIS (Piiiup), D I) [See Chalmers, A.J [See HoRAfE.] FRANCIS (Sir Phimi-), K.C.B. M.^moirs of ; with Cor- resfioridence and Journals commenced by the late Joseph PiirkcM, (•om])ielod and edited by Herman Merivale, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. L of his death, liy his (irandson, Wni. Temple I'^'anklin. G vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S18 1<.». V 5^' 15-20 .Viiolhrr ■ I'opy. New ed. G vols. 8v( Lond., 1833. C8 R 7-12 FRANKLIN (Sir John), R.N. Copy of a Despatch from Lieut. -(!ov(!rnor Sir John Fraidilin to Lord (iienelg, dated 7lh October, 1837, relative to the Present S_\stem of Convict 1 )is(ipliiH' in Van I 'icnicn's Tjind. l"ol. Lond., 183K. F 12 U 2 Iixpedition in search of Sii' .lojin I'lankiin. [See HoOPEB, LiEur. W. H.] I'^xjx'dition in search of Sir .bihn l''ivinklin. [Sec INIac'UOR- MII'K, U.| In <,>Mcst ,,f iIk' iMiUiklin liccoi-ds. [5(Y (JlI.DEli, W. ]L] N.irralive of a Journey to the SJKjres of the Polar Sea, in the years 1M|!I 22. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1821". I> I H 24, 25 PllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 283 Fra] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Fre FRANKLIN (Sir John), R.N. — continued. Narrative of , 5 V 20 Narrative of tlie Residence of the Pcr.sian Princes in London, 1835-36 ; with Account of their Journey from Persia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. C 4 V 15, 16 Travels and Adventures in the Persian Provinces on tlie Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea. 4to. Lond., 1826. D 5 V 19 Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, (fee. ; including an Account of parts of those Countries hitherto unvisited by Europeans. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. D 4 U 18, 19 Winter's Journey (Tatar) from Constantinople to Tehran ; with Travels through various parts of Persia, .f. 2Md cd. Sm>. I.mhiI , 1«71. i; I r I Another copy. 3ril ed., n'vised. 8vo. lyind., 1873. B 4 P 5 Ueign of Wiljlum Rufus, and the AcceHsion of Henry I. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, IHH-J. I! 4 S 21, 22 Sketches from theHuliject and Neigliboiii- Lands of Venice. IlluHtraU-d. Hvo. Lond., 188 L 1)71^38 FREEMAN (J. J.) Dictionary of tlie Malagasy Language in two Parts. 8vo. Antananarivo, 1835. K 15 R5 FREEMAN (John), M.A. Life of the Rev. William Kirby, M.A., Rector of Barham. 8vo. Lond., 1852. C 7 Q 48 FREEMAN'S JOURNAL (The), 1857-62, 1872-87. 17 vols. fol. Sydney, 1861-87. E FREE]\IASONRY. The Secrets of Freemasonry revealeil ; by -A Mason." 8vo. Mell). (n.d.) MJ2R12 FREE PRESS (The), and Commercial Journal. Fol. Sydney, 1841. ME [See Sydney Free Pi^ess.] FREER (Mai^tha Walker). Married Life of Anne of Austria, Queen of France, and Don Sebastian, King of Portugal. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1864. CI V 10, 11 FREE TRADE v. PROTECTION. A Series of Papers ilhistrative of what Protection has done for the United States of America and for Russia, and of what Free Trade has done for Switzerland. (Reprinted from tho Arijm.) Svo. ]\lell)., 1804. MF1Q3 FREIIER (DioNYSius Andreas). Writings of. [Se« Walto.v, C] FREIND (J.), M.D. History of Pliysick from the time of (lalen to the beginning of the 16th Century, chielly with regard to Practice. 2 vols. Svo. Lon the French (i Lond., 1801. 'IIK.ASK I'.OOK ; iH'ing a lannnar. (W'eale.) 12nio. K 11 T 12 FRENCH CO.MIO ANNUAL (The); or, tho Chai)ter of Accidents. Illustrated by N'ictor Adam. Obl. lOmo. I-nnd., IS 12. J 1 V 36 FRIONCIl CONSTITUTION (The). An Authentic Copy, as Revised and .\ mended by i\w National Assemblv, 1791. Svo. Lond., 1791. V 9 R'9 FHKNCH LANGUAGK. hietionnaire d.' lA.ademio J''rani;aise, avec Coinpli'ment. (Institiit, de Franco.) 6' ed. 3vols. 4to. Paris 1835-42. K 15 U 17-19 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 285 Fre] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Fro FRERE (Miss ALifR M.), Mrs. Godfrey Clerk. The Antipodes, and round tlie World ; or, Travels in Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, China, Japan, and California. Illustrated. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1870.* MD G Q 6 FRESENIUS (Dr. G. Remigius). Anleitung zur Quali- tativen CheniLschon Analyse. 8vo. Brunswick, l(S7-t. A 6 P 21 Qualitative Chemical Analysis; translated hy A. Vacher. 9th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A Tj U 38 PRESHFIELD (DoufSL.^s Willi.\m), M.A., &c. Italian Alps : Sketches in the Mountains of Ticino, Lombardy, the Trentino, and Venetia. 8vo. Lond., 1875. 1) 8 Q 17 Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan, including Visits to Ararat and Tabreez, and Ascents of Kazbek and Elbruz. 8vo. Lond., 1869. D 7 T 2.5 FRESNOY (C. A. du). [See Du Fresnoy, C. A.] FREWER (Miss Ellen Elizabeth). Heart of Africa. \_See ScHWEiNFURTH, Dr. G.] iSeven Years in South Africa. \_See Holub, Dr. E.] Victor Hugo and his Time. [_See Barbou, A.] FREY (Prof. Heinricii). Grundziige der Histok)gie zur einleitung in das studium Derselben. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876. A 12 U To Handbuch der Histologie und Histochemie dcs Menschen. Roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876. A 12 U 9 Histology and Histochemistry of Man ; translated from the fourth German edition,by A. E. J. Barker. 8vo. Lonfl., 1874. A 5 T 27 FREYCINET (Capt. Louis). Voyage de Dccouvcrtes aux Terras Australes, execute sur les Corvettes Je Gco- f/rcqihe, le NaturaViste, et la Goelette le Casuarina, pendant les annees 1800-180-1 sous le commandement du Capitaine de vais.seau, N. Baudin. 4to. Paris, 1815.* MD5P19t Atlas [to the above]. At. fol. Paris, 1812*. MD 5 Q 1 t VoyagedeDecouvertesauxTerres Australes. [jS^sPeron, Fl. [See Arago, J. E. V.] FREYTAG (G. W.) Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, ex epore suo maiore, in usum Tironum excertum. 4to. Halis, 1837. K 14 S 9 FREZIER (Amedee Francois). Voyage to the South Sea, and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, in the years 1712-14; with an Account of the Settlement, Commerce, and Riches of the Jesuites in Paraguay. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1717. D 3 U 34 FREZIER (Amedee Francois), ex VERBURG (Isaak). Reis-Beschryving door de Zuid-zee, langs de Kusten van Chili, Peru, en Brazil opgestelt op eene Reistocht gedaan in de jaren 1712 -14. Sij. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1718. D 3 U 35 FRICKMANN (Lieut. Aciiille). Routierdel 'Australie. Premiere Partie : Coto Sud et partie de la Cote Est, Detroit de Bass et Tasnianie ; traduit de I'anglais. 2 \ uls. 8vo. Paris, 1871. MA 5 V 11, 12 FRIEDLANI) (Albreciit Eusebius Wenzeslau.s Wal- lexsteiv, on Waldstein), Duke of. Life of; by Lieut. - Col. J. Mitchell. 8vo. Lond., 1837. C 9 S 30 FRIEDLANDER (Michael), Ph.D. The Guide of the Perplexed of Maimonides. [See Maimonides.] FRIEDMA]S1N(Paul). AnneBoleyn: a Chapter of English History, 1527-36. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1884. C 10 R 23, 24 FRIELL (P.) Advantages of Indian Labour in the Au.s- tralasian Colonies. 8vo. Sydney, 1846.* MF 3 Q 52 FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, N.S.W. [See New South Wales.] FRIEZE (Henry Simmons). Giovanni Dupre ; with two Dialogues on Art, from the Italian of A. Conti. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 2 T 20 FRISI (Prop. Paul), F.R.S. Treatise on Rivers and Tor- rents, with the Method of regulating their Course and Channels; with an Essay on Navigable Canals. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1868. ' A 17 P 61 FRITH (Francis). Lower Egypt, Thebes, and the Pyra- mids (Photographed). Fol. Lond., 1862. D 4 P 2 J Sinai and Palestine (Photographed). Fol. Lond., 1862. D4 P3 J Upper Egypt and Ethiopia (Photographed). Fol. Lond., 1862. D4 P 1 ; FRITH (H.) [See Villars, P.] FRITH (John). Writingsof. ['§'« British Reformers, 11.] FRITZNER (Joiian). Ordbog over det ganile norske Sprog. 8vo. Kristiania, 1867. K 12 S 30 FRODOARD. Histoire de FEglise de Rheims. [See GuizoT, F. P. G. 5,] FROEBEL (Friedrich). Autobiography of; translated by Emilie Michaelis and II. K. Moore. 12mo. Lond., 1886. C 2 Q 15 Froebel's Method of Education. [See Goldammer, H.] FROEMBLING (Fkiedrich Otto), Ph.D. Graduated German Reader ; consisting of a Selection from the most Popular Writers, arranged progressively ; with a complete Vocabulary fw' the First Part. Gth ed. 8vo. Lond., 1879. K 11 V 25 FROISSART (Sir John). Ancient Chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittanv, and Flanders- 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1814-16. ' B 7 V 12-15 Chronicles of England, Franco, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and the adjoining Counti-ies. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1812. B 7 V 27, 28 FROLOW (M.) Defense de Sebastopol expose do la Guerre Souterraine, 1854-55. [See Todleben, Gen. E. de.] FROMBERG (Emanuel Otto). Essay on the Art of Painting; on Gla-is. (Wcale.) 3rd ed. 12nio. LjiuL, 1857. ' A 17 P 31 286 CATALOGUE OF THE Fro] Part I : — Authors, -Editors, or Reference. [Ful FROME (Lieut.-Gen-. Edward), R.E., &c. Outline of the Method of conduotiug a Trigonometrical Survej', for the formation of Geographical and Topographical Maps and Plans; Military Reconnaissance, Le\ elling, nd., 1880. " C 1 U 4 The English in Ii'elaiid in the 18th Century. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872-74. " B 1 1 Q 30 32 History of England from the Fall of Wolsoy to the Death of Klizalwlh. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 185G 70. B 5 Q 25- 3G [>-ttei-s of Jan.^ Welsh Carlyle. [See, J. W.] Mr. Froudi's NHgrojihobia. [See Davis, N. 1).] (Jceana; f>r, England and her Coldnics. 8vo. LuikI.. 188G. Ml) 5 S 10 Remiiiiifcence.s; hyTlionias Gail vie; cdiicMl by. I. \. I'poudi'. 2 vols. 8vo. l.,ond., 1881. " " C 2 T 1(1, II Reply the "Tlie Englisti in Ireland.' \_See MrrciiEi-L, J.] Short StudieH on Great Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1H67. J 3 R 19, 20 Short StudifiH on Great Subjects. 2nd llh sci-ies. 3 vols. «vo. J/.nd. 1871-83. .11 1 V 22 24 TliomaH Carlyle: a Histoiy of the l'"irst lAirty Years of his Life, 1 795- 1 835. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1 882. C 1 R 4 1 , 4 2 Tliomaw Carlyle: a History of his Life in l»iidoii, 1834 81. 2 voIh. 8vo. I>.ii(I., 1884. C 10 R 43, 44 Two I>.<;ture.H on ,SSculj>lure, la pein- ture Murale, la peinture Sur Verre, la Mo.saii|ue, la Fer- ronerie.etc. 4 vols.imp.fol. Pari.^ 1860-72. A1Q8 11* GAIM.M'il) (MoN.s.) Zoologie. [S(!« Dumont DL'uville, Capt. J. S. C] GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas), 11. A. Anecdote Biography. [See Ti.Mu.s, J.] tiain.slKirougli ; by G. M. Brock-Arnold. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C :i T ;il C.Ml'.DNER (James). Houses of Lancaster and York; with the Conquest and \jisr. of Franee. Ma])M. '_'ii. Sydney, 1882. MK 1 P 39 GARDINER (Samuel). Rrunswick Herd : Catalogue of Pure Shfirtiiorii Cattle, bred by, and the property of Samuel Gardiner. 12n)0. Melb., 1877. ME 3 S Pi-iced Catalogue of Samuel (Jardiner's Annual Sale, 1878. Obi. 32nio. Melb., 1878. ME 3 S GARDINER (Samuel Rawhon), LL.D., A-c. Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I, 1637-'!!*. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18H2. B G T 1, 2 History of England under the Duke of Buckingham and Charie-s I, 1024-28. 2%ols.8vo. Lond, 1875. B 5 R 25, 26 History of the Great Civil War, 1G42-'I9. Vol.]. 8vo. r>md., 18MG. B 7 P3u I'lincn Charle.s and tiic Spanish Mai'riage, 1G17 23: a ChapU-r of English IliHtory. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1HG9. B 5 T 30 Thirty Yciirs' Wai-H, 1618-48; with a Map. lird e.l. 1 2mo. I>.nd., 1875. B !» g 31 GARDINER'S TBI A I, [Sm New Soinr Wai.e.s.] GARDNER (Augustus Kingsley). Old Wine in New Bjttles; or. Spare Hours of a Student in Paris. Dublin, 1849. D P IG GARDNER (Dorsey). Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo: a Narrative of the Campaign in Belgium, 1815. 8vo. Lend., 1882. B 8 Q 45 GARDNER (E. A.) Naukratis. [&e Pktkik, AV. JI. F.] GARDNER (Fhaxklin B.) Carriage Paiul'jrs' Illustrated Manual ; containing a Treatise on the Art, Science, and Mystery of Coach, Carriage, and Car Painting. 18mo. New York, 1877. ' A 11 Q 15 GARDNER (George), F.L.S. Travels in the Interior of Brazil, 183G-41. 8vo. Lond., 1846. D 3 U 15 GARDNER (Rev. James), M.A. Faiths of the World: a Dictionary of all Religions and Religious Sects; their Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs. 2 vols, imp. Svo. Lond., 1858-GO. G G V 1, 2 GARDNER (Prof. Percy)," M.A., &c. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum : the Seleucid Kings of Syria; cdit'.'d l)y R, S. Poole. Svo. Lond., 1878. A 13 R 33 Parthian Coinage. [^See NuMiSMATA Okientalia, 1.] Samos and Samian Coins. Svo. Lond., 1882. A 13 II 36 Types of (ireek Coins: an Archa>ological Essay. Roy. 4to. Camb., 1883. " A 5 R 10 t \_See Head, B. V.] (iARDTHAUSEN (V.) Catalogus Codicum (hwcorum Sinaiticorum. 8vo. Oxonii, 1886. K 7 S 4 GARFIELD (.James A.), President U.S. Garfield Souve- nirs : the President'sCoui'ageousSayings during hisCritical Illness, and Gems of Press and Pulpit; compiled by Max Cohen. 2 vols, (in 1) 18mo. Wash., 1881. C 1 P 30 Life and Public Services of: a iiiograpliical Sketch; by Capt. F. H.Mason. Il'hh.. l/md.', 1881. C 1 T 34 GAR115ALDI (Giuseppe). Garibaldi and Italian Unity; by Lieut.-Col. Chambers. Svo. Lond., 1864. C 7 P 6 (iaribaldi Recollections; by E. Melena; English Version, by Charles Edwardes. Svo. Lond., 1887. C 5 R IG Life of; by J. Theodore Bent, B.A. Svo. Lond., 1881. C 2 U 26 Another copy. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1882. C 2 U 27 GARLAND (R.) French Cathedrals. [&(! WlNKLES, B.] GARNETT (Lurv j\I. J.) Greek Folk Songs fnmi the Turkish Provinces of Greece, All)ania, 'riicssaly (not yet wholly free), and Macedonia: Literal and Metrical Trans- lalions. Svo. Lond., 1885. 11 5 V 18 GARNETT (I?.), Junr. [See Entwisle, J.] GAHNETT (KiniAKi.), LL.D. [See. Wautkii, .1. \V.] (i.XUM'.T'r (I'Ror, Wii.MAM), iM.A. .Mii.vwell. [Sec CAMriii'.i.i,, L. | Life (if .jaiiies C'leil; rilEE PUBLIC LIBRAEY, SYDNEY. 291 Gar] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. Grat GARNIER (E.) [_See Gasnault, P.] GARNIER (Jules). Notes GCiilogi(|ues sur TOceanie, les lies Tahiti, et Rapa. 8vo. Paris, 1870. MA 2 Q 17 Voyage autour du Monde : La Nouvelle-Calcdonio (C6te Orientale). Bvo. Paiis, 1871. MD 4 P 27 Voyage autour du Monde: Oceanie, los lies des Pins, Loyalty, et Tahiti. 8vo. Paris, 1871. Ml> 4 P 28 GARNOT (Prosper). Zoologie; Yoyns^e dc La CoqiiUli\ [See DuPERREY, L. L] GARRETT (John). Classical Dictionary of India, illus- trative of tlie Mythology, Pliilo.sophy, Literature, Anti- quities, Arts, Manners, Customs, A-c, of the Hindus. 8vo. Madras, 1871. ]v 7 Q 4 Supplement [to the above]. 8vo. Madras, 1873. K7Q4 GARRETT (Tjiomas). History of. [See British Re- formers, 12.] GARRIC'K (David). Arthur and Emmclinc: an Enter- tainment. \_See Dryuex, J.] Bon Ton; or. High Life above Stairs. [_See Farces, .5.] Another copy. \_Sce Brit. Drama, o.] Catherine and Petruchio: a Comedy; altered from Shake- speare. {_See Farces, 4.] The Chances: a Comedy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1777. H 4 P 2G Cymon: a Dramatic Romance. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1795. H 2 P 2G Dramatic Works of; to which is prefixed a Life of the Author. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1798. H 3 P 7-9 Every Man in his Humour: a Comedy. [See JoNSON, B.] The Guardian: a Farce. [See Brit. Drama, .5.] Another copy. [See Farces, 4.] High Life below Stairs. [See Brit. Drama, 5.] Another copy. [See Farces, 5.] The Irish Widow: a Comedy. [See Brit. Drama, 5.] Another copy. [See Farces, 5.] Life of, from original Family Papers, and numerous pub- lished and unpublished sources ; by Percy Fitzgerald, M. A., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18G8. C 7 P 17, IS The Lying Valet: a Farce. [See Farces, 4.] The Male Coquette. [See Brit. Drama, 5.] Miss in her Teens: a Farce. [See Brit. Drama, .5.] Another copy. [See Farces, 4.] Neck or Nothing. [See Brit. Drama, 5.] Peep behind the Curtain. [See Brit. Drama, 5.] Private Correspondence of, with the most celebrated Persons of the Time. 2 vols. roy. 4to. Lond.,1831. C 1 W 11, 12 Memoires de. [See Barri^re, J. F., G.] [See Colman, G.] GARRISON (Francis Jackson). William Lloyd Garri- son. [See Garrison, W. P.] GARRISON (Wendell Phillips), and GARRISON Francis Jackson)). William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-79. Tiie Story of his Life ; told by his children. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1885. C 10 U 12, 13 GARRISON (William Llovd). Story of his Life, 1805- 79; told by his children [Wendell Phillips Garrison, and Francis Jackson (iarrison.] Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. New York, 188,5. C 10 1^ 12, 13 CiAllROD (Alfred Henry), M.A., kc Collected Scien- tific Papers of. In Memoriam. Edited, with a biographi- cal Memoir of the Author, liy W. A. Forljos, B.A. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 12 V 13 GARRYOWEN SKETCHES (The). Historical, Local, and Personal; l)v "An Old Colonist." 12ino. Melb., 1880. " MD 2 Q 1 GARTH (Sir Samuel), Knt. Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A. ; mid Johnson, S.] Ovid's Metamorjihoscs. [See Ciial^mers, A.] GASCOIGNE (Georce). Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] GASCOIGNE (Thomas). Loci c Libro Veritatum. Pas- sages selected from Gascoigne's Theological Dictionary, illustrating the Condition of Cluirch and State; 1403-58. (Clar. Press.) 8vo. Oxford, 1881. G 6 S 30 GASKELL (Mrs. Elizabeth Clegiiorn). Life of Char- lotte Bronte. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1857. C 3 R 9, 10 Life of Charlotte Bronf.=. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1858. C 3R 11 GASON (Samuel). Manners and Customs of the Dieyerie Tribe of Australian Aborigines; together with Examples of the Construction of the Dialect, and a complete Voca- bulary. Edited by (Jeorge Isaacs. (Native Tribes of South Australia.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1874. MA I R 2 Another copy. 8vo. Adelaide, 1879. MA 1 R 12 GASNAULT (P.), and GARNIER (E.) French Pottery. (South Kens. Mus. 27.) 8vo. Lond., 1884. E GASPARIN (Agenor Etienne), Comte de. Des Tables Tournantes du Surnaturel en general et des Esprits. 2" ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. G 8 S 15, 16 GASPEY (Thomas). Life and Tnues of the good Lord Cobham. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond., 1844. C 3 S 19, 20 GASSIES (J. B.) Faune Conchyliologique, Terre.stre et Fknio-Lacustre, de la Nou\-cllf'-Caledonie. Roy. 8vo. Bordeaux, 18G3-79. MA 2 U 10 GATSCHET (Albert S.) Migration Legend of the Creek Indians ; with a Linguistic, Historic, and Ethnographic Introduction. 8vo. "Philad., 1884. A 1 W 35 292 CATALOGUE OE THE Gat] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Gei GATTY (Mrs. Alfred). Parables from Xature. New ed. 8vo. Lond., IsGT. J G U 4 GATTY (Rev. Alfred), M.A. The Bell : its Origin, History, and Use-;, li'mo. Lond., 1848. E 14 t-J -Jl GAIT (F. C.) Antiquites de la Nubie ; ou Monuniens iuedits des bords du Nil, situi-s entre la premiere et la seconde cataracte. L. 4to. Stuttgart, 1822. D11P3J GAUNT (Jonx of). Duke of Lancaster. \_See L.vxc.\ster, Jonx OF G.\uxT, Duke of.] GAUSS (C. F.) [_See Pexdlebirv, C] GAUTIER (Leox). Histoire Universellc do I'Eglise Catliolique, avec un Table Gunerale. \_See Roiirb.\C'HER, l'Abbe F. R.] [See Ad.\m of St. Victor.] GAUTIER (Tiikophile). Portraits Ciintemporains— Lit- terateui-s, Peintres, Sculpteurs, ArtLstes Dramatiques. 8vo. Paris, 1874. C 2 P 32 GAWLER (H.) Fann Reports of Select Farms. (Lib. of Usef. Know.) Svo. Lond., 1834. A 1 R 21 GAWLER (Hexry). South Australian Real Property Act. [See ToRRExs, Sir R. R.] C;AY (Joiix). The Beggars' Opera. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. I/^iid., 1782. H 4 P 29 Another copy. (Bell's lirit. Tli<'atre.) 18nio. Lond., 1791. II 2 P 17 Another cop V. (I'.ril. Theatre.) \'luv>. Lnnd., 1808. II 1 P 12 Another copy. [See BRrrLsii Dr.\m.\ 5.] Fables. [Illustrated by Thomas I'ewifk.] 12iiio. Loiul., 1812. II G R y Life and Poems of. [See Ci£al.mer.s, A.; and Johxson, S.] [See British Poets 2.] GAYANGOS (P. de). Chronicle of Jainos i. [See James i.] [See Al Makkaki, Ahmed Ibu Moii ammkd.] GAYLANI) (Kixc; of Fez). [See Tanoier.] (;AY0T DH PIT.W.VL (Fravgois). [See C'AraEs UKLfcBRES.J GEAREY (Caroline). Daughters of Iialv. 12nio. Lond., 18XG. ■ (' 2 S 10 GEARY (fWiATTAN). Rurnia after the Conquest, viewed ill its Political, Social, and Comiin' Aspcc-ls from Mandalay. 8vo, I>,nd., IHSG. liUH^IH GEARY (I'atrhk). Trial of, for .Munler. [See Manv- 8CRIPTH, ilV.] GEBHART (Emil). Roman Cameos and Florentine Mosaics : a Series of Studios, Historical, Critical, and Artistic. 8vo. Lond., 1882. B 12 P 44 GEDDES (Alexaxder), LL.D. Sermon preached on the Day of General Fast, Feb. 27, 1799, by " Polemophilus Brown." (Pam. Be.) 8vo. Lond., 1799. GIG SIS GEDDES (Axdrew). Etchings by Sir David M'ilkie, R.A., and by Andrew Geddes, A.R.A. ; with Biographical Sketches bv Daxid Lan?, F.S.A.S. Sm. fol. Edhib., 1875. ■ " A23R11J GEDDES (Jamf.s). History of tlie Administration of John De Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland. Vol. 1, 1G23-54. 8vo. Lond., 1879. C10T24 GEDDES (P.vtuick). John Ruskin, Economist. (Round Table Series.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. G 16 S 18 Viri Illustres. Acad. Jacob. Sext. Scot. Reg. anno CCCmo. Edited by P. Geddes. 12nio. Edinb., 1884. C 1 R 40 GEDDES (William). Colonial Agriculture : a Course of Four Lectuies, delivered in the School of Arts, Mait- land, during the vear 184.5. (Pam. 28) 8vo. Sydney 1855. ' ' MJ 2 Q IG GEDDIE (John), F.R.G.S. Russian Empire : Historical and Descriptive. 8vo. Lond., 1882. 15 12 U 22 GEE (GKoitciE E.) Goldsmith's Hand-book ; containing full Instructions for the Alloving and ^^'orking of Gold. (Weale.) 2nd cd. 12mio. Lmd., 1881. A 17 Q 42 The Hall-]Mai-king of Jewellery practically considered ; comjarising an Account of the Assay Towns of the United Kingdom, with the Stamps employed ; also the Laws relating to the Standards and llali-.Marks. 8vo. Lond., 1882.' A 9 P 30 Practical Gold-worker; or, the (Joldsnuths' and Jewel- lers' Instructor in the Art of .\lloying, Melting, Re- ducing, Colouring, Collecting, and I'cliniiig. 8vo. Lond., 1877.' ' ' ' Ahy, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii; the result of Excavation.s since 1819. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1837. A 3 Q 5, 6 Topography of Rome and its Vicinity. New ed., revised and enlarged. With Map. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 184G. D 11 U 1, 2 Topograpliy of Troy and its Vicinity; illustrated and ex- plained by Drawings and Descriptions. Imp. fol. Lond., 1804. " ' D 38 Q 5 + GELL (Sir William), and GANDY (John P.) Pom- peiana : the Topograjjliy, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1824. A 3 Q 3, 4 Vues des Ruines de Porap'i. Imp. 4to. Paris, 1827. A 19 T5 + GELLIBRAND (J. T.) Proceedings in tlie Case of His Majesty's Attorney-General, J. T. Gellibrand, Esq. 8vo. Hobart, 1826. " MF 1 Q 4 GELLIUS (AuLUs). Noctes Attica', ex Editione Jacobi Gronovii, cum Notis et Interpretatione in usum Del- phini. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1824. J 13 P 8-11 GE:V[ELLI-CARERI (Giovanni France.sco). Voyage rcjund the World ; by Dr. John Francis Gemelli-Careri. In six parts; written in Italian, translated into English. Fol. Lond., 1704. D 9 V 9 GEMS OF LITERATURE, Elegant Rare, and Suggestive. Svo. Lond., 1875. H 7 T 14 GENEALOGIST (The): Quarterly Magazine of Genea- logical, Antiquarian, Topographical and Heraldic Re- search. Vols. 1-8, and New Series, Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1877-84. E GENERAL BIOGRAPHY. \See Aikin, J.] GENERAL HINTS TO EMIGRANTS. {_See Emigrants.] GENERATION OF JUDGES (A); by "Their Reporter." 8vo. Lond., 188G. C 2 S 20 GENESIS. Genesis in Advance of PresentScieiice : aCritical Investigation of Ch.apters l-ix; by "A Septuagenarian beneficed Presbyter." Svo. Lond., 1883. G'12Q29 GENLIS (Stkpiianie Fklicite), Comtesse de. The Child of Nature : a Drama ; from the the French of the Mar- chioness of Sillei'}', formerly Countess of Genlis. [See Farces. 1.] Memoires de. {See, J. F.] Memoires inodits do Madame la Comtesse de Genlis; pour servir a I'Histoire des dix-huitieme et dix-neuvieme Siecles. 8 vols, (in 4) 8vo. Paris, 1825-2G. C 3 T 23-26 Souvenirs de Felicie. {See Barrilre, J. F., 14.] Tales of the Castle; translated into Englisii by Tliomas Holcroft. 8th ed. ' 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1 806, J 8 Q 21-25 294 CATALOGUE OF TKE Gen] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Geo GENNADIUS (Coxstaxtinopolitaxus). Opera omnia. [See MicxE, J. P., Series Gr.eca IGO.] GENTIL (J. A.) ilagnetisme-Somnambulisrae : Manuel elementaire de I'aspirant 3Iagnetiseur. 2<^ ed. 1 2mo. Paris, 1854. A 13 P 51 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE (The). Vols. 1-258 (34 n.s.) 8vo. Loncl., 1731-1885. E Selection of Curious Articles from the Gcnticinan's Mwja- zinf. [See Walker, J.] GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE LIBRARY; edited by George Laurence Gonime, F.S.A. Vols. 1-4. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1883-85. E GENTOO LAWS. C(Kle of Gentoo Laws; or, Ordinations of tlio Pundits; from a Persian Translation, made from the original written in the Shanscrit Language, by N. B. Halhed. 8vo. Lond., 17ai. F 6 T 12 GEOFFREY CRAYON. [See Irving, W.] GEOFFREY, JEFFERY, ou JEFFREY OF .AION- MOL'TH. British History of ; in twelve Books, trans- lated from the Latin Ijy A. Thompson. A new edition, revi.sed and corrected l)y J. A. Giles, LL.D. 8vo. Lond., 1842. B 5 S 33 Britisli History; translated into English, from the Latin of Jeffrey of Monmouth, by .\aron Thomi)Son. 8vo. Lond., 1718. i? 4 R 24 GEOGHEGAN (J.) Some Account of Silk in India, aspeciaily of llie variou.'! attempts to encourage and extend Soriciculture in that country. Sm. fol. Calcutta, 1''72. A2Q2t GEOCRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. Geo- graphical Dictionary. 18mo. Lond., 1793. D 11 P35 GEOGRAPHICAL .AIAGAZINE [formerly called 0,w,« Jli'jhu-ayn] ; edited l)y C. R. Markhani, C.B., &c. Illustrated, with maps. 5 vols. imp. 8vo. Lend 1874-78. K GEO( ; ii A i'l 1 1( W L SOCIETY OF LONDON. {See Rovai, ( J Koi; itA I'll k'a u Soci i;t v. ] GKOCRAPinCAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. \_See Rov.M, (!i:of;i!.M'iiic\i. Society of AfS'in 1 GELENII'S (S.) [See Fi.inhs Secuxuus, C.J GEOL(X;iCAL EXI'LOKATIONS OF NKW ZEA- LAND. [See New Zeai.ani..] (JEOLO(iICAL MAfSAZfNE (The); or, .M,.Mihlv .b.iinial ofGoohigy. Vols. 1 - 2C., I HO 1 Mr,. 20 voi.s. Hvo'. Lond,, 1861 «G. |.; GKOLO(i[CAL MEMOIRS, a Selection of, .„i,(iu„r,l i„ the Anniilfsdes. Mines; writlcii by I'.rorigiiiart, I iiiinliolill, von I'.urliniKJ others; translated iiv Sir II. T. I »c l,i Reelie, F.U.H., Arc. Hvo. Lond., 1H30. ' A 9 R 10 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Quarterly Journal of the. Vols. 1-40. 8vo. Lond., 1845-85. E Transactions. 2nd Series. Vol. G. 4to. Lond., 1841-42. A 9 V 2 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. [See India.] GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. [See Canada.] GEOLOGISCHEN REICHSANSTALT. [See Kaiser- LICH-KONIOLICIIE.] GEOLOGISCHEN REICHS-MUSEUMS IN LEIDEN. Sammlungen des, lierausgegeben von K. ISIartin, und A. Wic-hmann, Profcssoron in Leiden un 1 Utrecht. Bande 1-3. 3 vols. rov. 8vo. Leiden, 1881 87. M E 9 R GEORGE II (King of England). Memoirs of the last Ten Years of the Reign of; by Horace Walpole. 2 vols, roy. 4to. Loud., 1822. C 1 W 9, 10 Memoirs of the Reign of, from his Accession, to the Death of Queen Caroline : bv Jolui, Lord Hcrvcv ; edited bv the Rt. Hon. J . \V. Croker" 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848. C 3 V 7, 8 GEORGE 111 (King of England). History of the Reign of. [See BissET, R.] Memoirs of the Courl and Cabinets of; by the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. 2nd ed., revised. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853 5;-). C 7 Q 10-19 Memoirs of t\\2 Life and Reign of; bv J. IT. Jesse. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1867. ' ' C 7 Q 13-15 Royal Dukes and Princesses of the Family of: a View *if Court Life and Manners for Seventy Y^ears, 1 700-1830; by Percy I'itzgcrald. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1882. C 7 R 7, 8 GEORGE IV (King of England). Diary ilhistrative of the Times of, interspei-sed with oi'iginal Jjctters from the late Queen Caroline, and from \arious other distinguished Persons; by Lady C. Bury ; edited liy Jolni (rpress. 2nd cd. I''nl. I.nn,'l., 1SS3. A 23 S 22 + GEOK(!K (Henry), ('ouiiicndious History of Small po.\ ; with an Account of a iMndi' of Treatment. 8vo. Lond. 1S52. . A 12 S 29 GEORGE (Henry). I'rogrcss and I'nvcrty. 8vo. I,n,„l, 18S3. ■ I'' li 21 IVoteclion or Free 'I'radr. Svo. Lond., JNSll. I" Ci I! 19 Social rrnblcuis. Hvo. l...i,d.. ISSj. F R, 20 FREE PUBLIC LTBRAllY, SYDNEY. Geo] Part I : — AtUhors, Editors, or lieference. 295 [g7s GEORGE (HEREFonn B.), M.A., tts.) Svo., 1H79. C 1 U IG Hi.story of the Decline and Fall of tlie Roman Enqiire, 8 vols. Svr,. Lond., 1825. 1! 1 1 S 27 34 Another copy ; *-ith Note.s by the Piev. If. II. IMIhiian, D.I). 12 vols. Svo. Ixmd., IS3S-39. BUT 1-12 Life mill TiCtterHof; with History of the Cru.sades. Yer- bdlim Ueixrt-t. Svo. Lond., 1872. C 2 R IG Lif<- of Edwiinl (iibbon, Esf|. ; willi SeleotlonH fi'oin his Ciirri'.«]Miiiden<:c, and Illustrations by the Rev. II. If. 8vo. I^.iid., I.s,!;). C D V 20 GIBBON (Edward) — continued. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Edward Gil)l)oii, composed by himself ; with Notes, itc, by John, I^ord Sheffield. 2 vols, (in 1) ISmo. Lond., 1827. C 1 P 12 iliscellaneous Works of ; with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by hiruself. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1814. J 8 V 9-13 The Student's Gibbon : History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Abridged, incorporating the Rc- fearches of recent Commentators, bv Y'ni. Smith, LL.D. Svo. Lond., 18G8. " B 12 P 20 GIBBONS (David). Metropolitan Buildings Act, 7tli, and 8th Yic, cap. 84; with Notes and an Index. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1844. F 1 P 25 On the Law of Contracts. (Weale.) '12mo. Lond., 1S57. F 5 S 22 GIBBONS (Sidney). Lecture on the jVIicroscopc. [See Melbourne Public Library.] GIBBONS (William Sydney). Kero.senc Oil : What it i.s ; with Caus(>s and Prevention of Accidents in its use ; tiigother with upwards of fifty and Experiments, witli Samples sold in Melbourne. (Pam. 38.) Svo. :\Iell)., 18G2. MJ 2 Q 25 GIIVI'.S (J. W. Jf.) Fables of La Fontaine; translated, with Notes. [See La Fontaine, J. dk. | Works of Oliver Goldsmith, and a Ijife of tlie Author. [See Goldsmith, O.] GIBBS, SHALLARD, & CO. Illustrated Guide to Sydney and its Suburbs, and to favorite places of resort in New South Wales; with new Map of Sydney. 4tlied. 12mo. Sydney, 1884. " iMD 2 Q 29 Illustrated Sydney News, New South WaU's AVeather Almanac, for 1882. Svo. Sydney, 1S81. ME 3 T NewSouthWalesinlSSO. 4to. Sydney, 1880.* MD6P2t UlliLllS' (Robert). Church I'liion Piix.c I'ocni: tlieConver- sionofSt.Paul. (Pam. A.) Fol. Hobart(n.d.) MJ 2 U 1 Gl BLI X (Hon. W.) [See Jefferls, Rev. .l.J GIBSON (CllAiii.KS 1!.), AI.R.l.A. Life among Convicts. 2 vols. 8vo. l/iiid., 18G3. MF 1 P 1, 2 (;i BSON (E.) [See Camden, W.] (ilBSON (FiiEDKHK-K "Willi.\m). Mat rinidnial Causos Act, 1S73 (3G Vic. No. 9); t.i which is added 39 Vic. No. 20, and 44 Vic. No. 31 ; with the- Rules and l{<'gnl;i(ions concerning the Practice and Procedure thereunder, of tlio 31. St May, 1883. Svo. Sydney, 188.3.* MF 2 S 38 CIBSON (Gkoiice IIkiibkiit). Old iMiiuds inidcr New Aspects; by "I ronbark." 12mo. Sydney, 1878. M.nP32 Southerly Busters; by " Jroiibark." Illustrated. Sni. 4to. Sydney', |H78.* Mil I S 13 EEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 297 Gib] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Heference. [Gil GIBSON (J.) Engravings from Originjil Compositions executed in Marble at Rome by P. Gugliahni. El. fol. Lond., 18G1. A 11 P 1 J GIBSON (Rev. John). Doctrine of the Reformers of our Church as to Baptism. 8vo. Lond., 1859. MG 1 Q 40 Reply to the Letter of the Rev. Joseph Beazley, published in the -Bciv S. T. G. Ob. 4U<. Melb. (n.d.) MA 1 ti 4 { Victoria Illustrated. Ob. 8vo. Melb., 1856 57. MD4P24t GILL (TllOMA.s). Bililiography of Snuth Australia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. MK 1 R 45 (ilLL (C.M-r. William), R.E. River of Golden Sand : the Narrative of a Journey through China and Eastern Tliil»et to Burinah. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. I» f i: 5, G GILL (Rev. William). Gems from tlie Coral Islands. Eiustern Polynesia. 8vo. Lond., 1856. MD 5 P 11 00™.") from the Coral Islands ; or, Incidents of between Savage and Christian J..ifi^ in tlu^ South Sea Islanders. 8vo. Lond., 1855. MD5P10 Another copy. 3rd thousand. 2 vols. I2iiin. Lond., 1856. MD 5 1' 12, 13 GILL (Rev. William), Vitah of Malkw. English ami Manx Dictionary. [Sm Kellv, Rev. J.] <»ILL (Rf.v. William Wvatt), B.A. Historical Sketches r)f Savage Life in Polynesia; with Illustrative Clan Songs. 8vo. Wellington, 1880. MB 11^29 Jottings from the Pacific. 8vo. Ixmd., 1885. MD.">I'15 GILL (Rev. William Wyatt), B.A. — continued. Life in the S Jiithern Isles ; or. Scenes and Incidents in the South Pacific and New Guinea. Svo. Lond., 1876. MD 5 P 14 Myths and Songs from the South Pacific ; with a Pro- face, by Prof. F. ]\Iax Miiller, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1876.*" MB 1 Q 27 Work and Adventure in New (Uiinea. [See Chalmers, J.] GILLESPIE (Prof. William Mitchell), LL.D., Ac. Manual of the Principles and Practice of Road-making. lOih ed. Svo. New York, 1874. A 6 S 13 Treatise on Land-Surveying ; comprising the Theory dc- \eloped from five Elementary Principles ; and the Practice with the Chain alone, the Compass, the Transit, the Theodolite, the Plane Table, A-c. Illustrated. 8th ed. Svo. New York, 1883. A 6 S 24 Treatise on Levelling, Topography, and Higher Surveying- 8vo. New York, 1874. " A GS 24 GILLT.XM (.Xi-brut M.) Travels over the Table Lands and Cordilleras of Mexico, 1843 44. Svo. Philad., 184G. D 4 Q 3? GILLIES (John). Aristotle's Ethics and Politics. {See Aristoteles.] History of Ancient Greece, its Colonics and Concjue.sts. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1801. B 9 S 35-37 (ilLLlKS (.Iamks p..) Edinburgh Past and Present. Roy. 8v(,. ICdinl)., 188G. ' D 8 U 34 (il LLIES(RonERT Pearce). Memoirs of a Literary Veteran, 1794-1849. 3 vols. 8vo. L,md., 1851. C 3 V 19-21 Tales of a Voyage to tlu; Arctic Ocean. 2nd scries. 3 vc Lond., 1829. J 4 P 2-4 (ULMAN (Arthur), M.A. History of the .Vnierican People. Illustrated. 8vo. Glasgow, 1883. P. 1 Q 52 Rome, from the Earliest Times to the cncl of the Hepublic. 8vo. Loll, I., 188G. i; 12 q 27 (!1LLI\1.\N (.Iamks). Life of Saiimrl 'j'.ivlor Coleridge. \<,\. \ {idl j,iil,liis/,.,l.) ,Sv,i. L<.ihI., 1838". C8U17 (ilLLMORE (Col. Quincy Adams), A.M., Ph.D., &c. Practical Treatise on Rf)ads, Streets, and Pa\ements. 8vo. New York, 187G. A 6 R 25 (;il,Lli.\\' (.Iamks). Historical and Desciiptivo Account of tli(^ Caricatures of .lames Gillray ; by Thomas Wright, Esi|., I'.S.A., and R. II. Evans, Escj. 8vo. Lond., 1851. A 7 84 Works of, fiiim the original Plates; with the addition of nijuiy subjects not before collected. 2 vols. el. fol. I/.ml., l.'^ril. .\ Id !• !), 10 ; FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 299 Gil] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Gir GILLY (William O. S.) Narratives of Shipwrecks of the Royal Navy l)etweeu 1793 and 1849. 8vo. Loud., 1850. B 3 11 24 Another cojjy, 1793-1857. 3rd ed., revised. 12:no. Lond., 1857. B 3 R 25 \_See Baring-Gould, S.] GILMORE (Parkku). The Hunters' Arcadia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1 880. D 1 F 23 GILPIN (Rev. William), M.A. An Essav on Prints. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1802. " A 7 T 25 Observations on several Parts of England, particularly the Mountains and Lakes of Cumberland and Westmore- land ; made in the year 1772. 3rd cd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1808. D 6 U G, 7 Observations on several Parts of Great Bi-itain, particularly the Highlands of Scotland; made in the year 1776. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1808. D G U 4, 5 Observations on several Parts of the Counties of Cam- bridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex ; also on several Parts of North AVales. In t*o Tours, the former made in the year 17G9, the latter in the year 1773. 8vo. Lond., 1809. D G U 10 Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent; made in the Summer of the year 1774. 8vo. Lond., 1804. D 6 U 2 Observations on the River Wye, and several Parts of South Wales, ifec. ; made in the Summer of the year 1770. 8vo. Lond., 1800. D 6 U 1 Observations on the Western Parts of England ; to which are added a few Remarks on the Isle of Wight. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1808. D 6 U 3 Remarks on Forest Scenery and other Woodland Views. Illustrated. In three Books. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1808. D G U 8, 9 Three Essays : on Picturesque Beauty ; on Picturesque Travel ; and on Sketching Landscape ; with a Poem on Landscape Painting. 3rdeil. Svo. Lond., 1808. A7T2G GINDELY (Prof. Anton). History of the Thirty Years' War. Translated by Andrew Ten Brook. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 9 Q 39, 40 GIOBERTI (Vincenzo). Opere di. 14 vols. 8vo. Losanna, 1845-51. JIGS 6-19 1-3. Del Primato Morale e Civile degli Italiana 4-6. Introduzione alio Studio doUa Filosotia. 7. Del Bello e del Biioiio; due Trattati. 8-12. 11 Geauita Moderiio. 13-1-t. Del Rimiovamcnto Ci\'ile d'ltalia. Oprette Politiche. 2 vols. 8vo. Capolago, 1851. G 14P51 Tesriea del Sovranaturale. 2 vols. Svo. Capolago, 1850. G IGR 41, 42 GIOTTO (Angiolotto Bondone), ctUed Giotto ; by Harry Quiltoi-, M.A. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1 SHI. C3T31 Giotto ; by Harry Quilter. 4to. Lond., 1880. C4W9 Giotto and hi.s Wdrks. \_See, T.] GIOVANNI DA FIESOLE (Goido, or Guidollno Santi Fo.sini) ; called Fra Angelioo. Fra Angelico (Groat Artists) ; bv Catherine M. Phillimore. 8vo. Lond., ISSl. " C 3 T 41 GIPPS (Sir George). Copy of a Despatch from (iovernor Sir George Gipps, relative to the Introduction ..iii.irit ions. Ilii ed, Svo. Lond., 172G. 21*9 (; L.VPTHOK X ]■: (ilKNiiV), .Mlirrlus Wall.'nstcin : a Tr,igcdy, Svo, Lond,, 1S21, II 1 R 14 Anotiicr i(i|>y. Svo, Lond,, 1824. H 1 R 15 Lady's Privilege: a Comedy. 8vo. Lcind,.1825, H 1 R 14 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1825, H 1 ]{ 15 Plays anil I'lpcuisnt'; now liisl c(jllcctcil, with illustrative Notes and a .Mciimir nf llic .Sullmr, 2 \(ils, Svo. Lond., 1S74, H 4 R 1, 2 . Hamburg, 1873-7"). MA 3 Q 3, 4 t Siid-SDKFRII;L'S (Ahiiah Admontenhis). Oi)era omnia. [See Mi<;ne, .J. P., Serie.s Latina 171.] OODEFROI DK HUH.LON (Hoi i.e Ji.uiisai.em). Epis- tr)ln- »:t liiplomat4i. [5ee MioNK, J . P., Seimch Latina, 155.] OODIN DKS (IDONAIS (Jean). Account of the Ad vcn- turcHof .Mile. Cixlin de Odon:tis, in piussirigdown I hi- lUver of thf AmazonH, 1770. [See Pkuilh and Caitivitv. I GODINHO DE EREDIA (Manuel). Malaca. ITnde Meridionale, et le Cathay. Ivcv. 4to. Bru.xelles, 1882 D5V111 GODLEY (Joiix RoiiERT). Letters from America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. D 3 R 14, 1.5 Selection from the Writings and Speeches of. 8vo. Christ- church, 18G3. MF 2 Q 28 GODUON (1). A.) De lEspece, et des races dans les ctres organises, et specialement de I'unite dc I'E.spece humaine. 2 vols. 8v(). Paris, 18.59. A 1 W 9, 10 GODWIN (Rev. Ben.iamix). Godwin's Emigrant's (Juidc to Van Diemen's Land, more properly called Tasmania. 8vo. Lond., 1823.* MD 4 U G Substance of a Course of Lectures on British Colonial Slavery. 8vo. Lond., 1830. F 7 Q 2 (jfODWIN (Francis), Bishop of Llandafp and Hereford. De Pi-aesulil)us Angliic Coiumentai-ius onniium Ejnsco- porum necnonCanlinalium eju.sdem gent is nomina tompora seriem. Fol. Cantab., 1743. G 35 Q IG J GODWIN (Georce), F.R.S. Facts and Fancies: a Collec- tion of Tales and Sketches. 8vo. Ltmd., 1844. J 4 Q 3 Letter on the vState of Architecture in the Provinces. 8vo. Lond., 1837. A 7 Q 13 On the Obelisk from Luxor recently ele\aten Diiona Moglle. La Kinla Aiiiiiialata. L.i Giicrra. La Uiirla Ketroce^sn nel Contraceniidjio. 0. II Tiitnre. Lo Feminine I'lmtiglioac. Gli Innniiiorali, La Donna Vuliibile. 10. L'.Adiilatnre. Ija Scnrxese. Vn Ciirioso Aeeidente. II Torqualo Ta^H^). 11. II ('araliere di Biion Gii«to. II Servitoro di due Tadrimi. Ij» Dunna di .Maiieggiu. II Moliere. \'2. L'.Vniiirc Paternu. II Prodigo. La Figliii Ubbidienle. La Donna Siravaganle. l.'l II Malrimonio p.-r ('onc<>r.ia, il Cliiaecliienpnc inipriidenle. La ^eiiolu di U..lln. H. L'Kriilr Forltinnln. I.a Madn- Am. 8\M. Lund., 1S5I. C 7 T II, 12 Lit'i' iiiid I'ocMKi of, I .SVi' CnAi,Mi;i!s, A, ; (nc/ .Ioiinhon, 8.] TREE PUBLIC LIBllARY, SYDNEY. 305 Gol] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Goo GOLDSMITH {Ohiy^u)— continued. Life of, from a variety of original sources ; by James Prior. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1837. C 8 Q 15, 16 Life of Lord Bolingbroke. \_See Bolingbkoke, Viscount.] Miscellaneous Works of, including a variety of Pieces now first collected; by James Prior. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. J 8 T 13-16 Oliver Goldsmith : a Biography ; Ijy Washington Irving. 12mo. Lond., 1849. C 1 T 35 Another copy. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1849. J 8 P37 Poetical Works of. [^See Poetical Works.] A Pretty Book of Pictures for Little Masters and Misses ; or. Tommy Trip's History of Beasts and Birds. Illus- trated by Thomas Bewick. Sm. 4to. Lond., 18G7. J 10 S 3 Select Fables of ..nd,, 1H73, KllTlO (JOODWTN (TuoMA,s Hill;, Extracts from a Report made t^i the Committee of the Melbourne Church of England Mission to the Aborigines, December 21st, 1854. 8vo. Mclb,, 1855. MG 1 Q 40 GOODWIN (Una M,) Simon de Montfort, [See Pauli, Dh, P>Ei.\iioLn,] GOODWIN (Prof. William W.), Ph.D. Plutarch's Monds. [See Pli'Tarcii.] (;(j(jD WORDS, 24 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1801^81. E OOOS (Pirtbu). Wiwsende-gramle Paskaart, vertoonendo nevcns hot Oo.stelyckste van Africa mccdc de Zeekiisten vnn Asia, van C. de I'ona Esperanca tot Eso, i)oven .Ia|Min. 4to, AmHt.Tdam, moo, MI).'»S1h; (JORDON (Adam Lindsay). Bush Ballads and Galloping Rhymes. 8vo. Melb., 1870, MH 1 Q 16 Poems of: Sea Spray and Smoke Drift; Bvish Ballads and (ialloping Rhj'mes; Astaroth: a Dramatic Lyric, 8vo, Melb., 1880. MH 1 Q 17 GORDON (Hon, Alexander), Q.C, &c. The Bible the only credible explanation of what man was, is, and will bs : a Lecture. [See Christian Eviuexce Society.] GORDON' (Sir Alexander Dlff), Bart. Sketches of tJenuau Life. [See Yarnhagen von Ense, K. A.] GORDON (Suro.-Gen. Charles Alexander), M,D,, C,B. Now Theory and Old Practice in relation to Medicine and certain Industries, 8vo, Lond,, 1887, A 12 R 25 Our Trip to Burmah ; with Notes on that Country, 8vo, Lond., 1876, D 4 U 16 GORDON (Gen, Charles George), C,B. Charles George Gordon: a Sketch; by Rev, Reginald H. Barnes, and Major Charles E. Brown. 8vo. " Lond., 1885, C 2 S 18 Chinese Gordon : a succinct Recoi-d of his Life ; by Archibald Forbes, 8vo, Lond,, 1884, C 2 S 16 Colonel Gordon in Central Africa, 1874-79, [See HiLC, G, B.] Events in the Life of Charles George Gordon, from its beginning to its end ; Ijy Henry William Gordon, 8vo. Lond,, 1886, C 7 R 17 General Gordon's Letters from the Crimea, the Danube, and Armenia, August 18, 1854, to November 1 7, 1858; edited by Demetrius C, Boulger, 8vo, Lond,, 1884. C 2 S 19 General Gordcin's Private Diary of his Exploits iu China; amplified by Samuel Mossman. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C2S15 Gordon and the Mahdi : an Illustrated Narrative of the War in the Soudan. 4 to, Lond,, 1885, B 17 Q 1 J Journals of Major-Cieneral C, (!. Gordon, C.B., atKartoum ; printed from the original MSS. ; Introduction and Notes l)y A. Egmont Hake. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond,, 1885, C 7 R. 18 Life of General (iordon; by the Authoi's of "Our Queen," "New Worid Heroes," Ac," 12mo, Lond., 1S85. C2S17 Story of Chinese (Jordon ; by A. I'^gmont Hake. 8vo, Lond., 1884-85. C 7 R 15, 16 (!<)Rl)ON ((iEOROE), A.L,S. The Pinetum ; being a Synoi)sis of all the Conif(MMUs Plants at jiresent known; villi Des- criptions, History, and Synonyms, New ed., including an Index, 8vo," Load,, 1880. A4S2 GORDON ((!i;oRGE H.) History of the Campaign of the ,\niiy of N'irgini.a, from ('edar Mountain to Alexandria, ISGj'. 8vo. ' Jioston, 1880. I! 1 T 42 ^^'ar Diary of Events in the A\'ar of the Groat Rebellion. 1863-65. 8vo. Boston, 1882, B 2 P 7 GOIJDON (Henry M'ii.i.iam). Events in (he Life of (Uiarles fieorge Gordon, frmii ils beginning (o i(s end. 8vo. Lond., LSMC. ('7 U 17 EREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 307 Gor] Part I : — Atiihors, J^Jditors, or Reference. [Gos GORDON (James Edward Henry), B.A. Deterniiuation of Vonlet'.s Cunstiiiit in Absolute Units. (Hoy. .Soc. Pub.s. 4.) -Ito. Lond., 1877. A 11 P 5 t Physical Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 5 T 35, 3G Another copy. ■2nd cd., revised, re-arranged, and enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 5 T 37, 38 Practical Treatise on Electric Lighting. 8vo. Lond., 188-t. A 5 U 29 School Electricity. 8vo. Lond., 1S8G. A 5 S 37 GORDON (Rev. James Frederick Skinxeh), D.D. Glasghu Facies. [See McUre, J.] Monasticon and Scotichronicon; with Journal and A2)pen- dix : an Account of all the Abbeys, Priories, Churches, &c., in Scotland. 4 vols. 4to. Glasgow, 1868. B 13 T 3-6 GORDON (Lucie Duff), Lady. The French in Algiers. {_See Lamping, Lieut. C.] Last Letters from Egypt ; to which are added Letters from the Cape; with a Memoir by her Daughter, Mrs. Ross. 8vo. Lond., 1875. D 1 R 27 Letters from Egypt, 1863-65. 8vo. Lond., 1865. D 1 Q 21 Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch. \_See Meiniiold, Rev. AV.] GORDON (Mrs. Mary). '-Christopher North" : a Memoir of Prof . John Wilson. 2vols.8vo. Edinb.,1862. C 4 R 2, 3 GORDON (P. R.) Fencing as a means of improving our Pasture Lands, and its advantages to the Stockowners and the Colony; with Suggestion.s for a Fencing Bill, and the improvement of Pasture by means of Sapping. 8vo. Sydney, 1867. MA 1 Q 1 Plants reputed poisonous to Cattle. \_See Bailey, P. M.] GORDON (Thomas), F.R.S. History of the Greek Revo- lution. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. B 9 T 17, 18 GORDON (LiEUT.-CoL. T. E.), C.S.I. Roof of the World; being the Narrative of a Journey over the high Plateau of Tibet to the Russian Frontier and the Oxus Sources on Pamir. Imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1876. D 5 U 5 GORDON & GOTCH. Australasian Newspaper Direc- tory. 8vo. Melb., 1886. ME 3 T Australian Hand-book and Almanac, Shippers' and Im- porters' Directory and Business Guide (incorporating New Zealand, Fiji, and New Guinea), 1870, 1872, 1875-76, 1878,1882-88. 12 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1870-88. ME 4 U GORE (Georoe), LL.D., ifec. Art of Electro-Metallurgy, including all known Processes of Electro-Deposition. (Text-books of Science.) 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 17 S 22 Another copy. 2nd cd. 12mo. Lond., 1884. A 9 P 21 Scientific Basis of National Progress, including that of Morality. 8vo. Lond., 1882. G 8 S 20 Theory and Practice of Electro- Deposition, including every known Mode of depositing Metals, preparing Metals for Immersion, taking Moulds, and rendering them con- ducting. 8vo. Lond., 1885. " A 9 Q 41 GORKOM (Karei. Wessei, van). Hand-book of Cinchona Culture; translated by Ik-njaniin Daydon Jackson. Imp. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1883. A 2 (^ 4 t GCillRES (Jakob Joseph von). La Mysti(jue, divine, naturelle (it diabolicjue; Ouvrage traduit de rAllemaiid par " Charles Sainte-Foi," [Eloi Joui'dain]. 5 vols. 8vo. Pari.s, 1854-55. G 4 Q 15-19 GORRTNGE (Lieut.-Comm. Henry Honeyciiurch), U.S.N. Egyptian Obelisks. 4to. New York, 1882. B 19 T 6 X GORST (Sir John Eldon), Knt., M.A. The Maori King; or, the Story of our Quarrel with the Natives of New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1864.* MB 1 Q 23 GORTCHAKOW (Prince). {See Central Asia.] GORTON (John). General Biographical Dictionary. New ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. CUP 38-40 Topographical Dictionary of Great Britain and Ireland ; the Irish and Welsh Articles by G. N. Wright, M.A.; with Maps, by Sidney Hall. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. D 12 U 16-18 GORUP-BESANEZ (Dr. E. F.) Lehrbuch der Anor- ganischen chemic. 8vo. Brunswick, 1873. A6P9 Lehrbuch der Physiologischen chemie. 8vo. Brunswick, 18G7. ". A6P8 GOSCHEN (Rt. Hon. George Joachim). Addresses on Educational and Economical Subjects. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. F9P23 GOSMAN (Rev. Alexander), (ioing Hence: a Sermon, occasioned Ijy tlie Deiith of the Rev. J. L. Poore. 8vo. Melb,, 1867. MG 2 P 7 GOSSE (Edmund William), M.A. Cecil Lawson : a Memoir ; with Illustrations by Hubert Herkomer, A.R.A., A. J. McN. Whistler, and Cecil Lawson. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1883. C 4 P 17 J From Shakespeare to Pope: an Inquiry into the Causes and Phenomena of the Rise of Classical Poetry in England. 12mo. Camb., 1885. J 9 P 10 Gray. (Eng. Men. of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1882. CUTIS Introductory Memoir of Torn Dutt. . [_See Dutt, T.] Raleigh. (Eng. Worthies.) 12mo. Lond., 1886. C 2 Q 40 Works of Thomas Gray. \_See Gray, T.] \_See Essays from the "Critic.''] GOSSE (Philip Henry). Birds of Jamaica. 8vo. Lond., 1847. A 14 Q 39 Land and Sea. 12mo. Lond., 1865. A 17 T 19 ISee Hudson, C. T.] GOSTICK (Joseph). Trades Unions and the Relations of Capital and Labour. \_See Cobden Club.] 303 CATALOGUE OF THE Gos] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Gou GOST\S'ICK (Joseph). German Culture and Christianity : their Controversy in the Time 1770-1880. 8vo. Lend., 1882. G 2 T 23 GOTHAISCHER GENEALOGISCHER HOFKALEN- DER. Nebst diplomatiscli-statistischeui Jahrbueh. 1.5 vols. 18mo. Gotha, 1871-85. E GOTHAISCHES GENEALOGISCHES TASCHEN- BUCH. Graflichen Hiiuser — Freiherrlichen Hauser. 30 vols. 18mo. Gotha, 1871-85. E GOTHOFRED (D.) \_See Justinianus.] GOTTSCHALK (Claba). ISee Gottschalk, L. M.] QOTTSCHALK (Louis Moreau). Notes of a Pianist, during his Professional Tours in the United States, Canada, the Antilles, and South America; edited by his sister, Clara (Jottschalk : translated from the French, Ijy Robert E. Peterson, M.D. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 5 S 25 OOUDIE (Gilbert). Orkneyinga Saga. [S«e Anderson, J.] GOUGER (Henry). Personal Narrative of Two Years' Imprisonment in Burmah, 1821-26. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1860. D 5 Q 26 GOUGER (Robert). Letter from Sydney. [&c Wake- field, E. (J.] South Australia in 1837; in a series of Letters, with a Po8tcripta3tol838. 12ino. Lond., 1838. MD 4 Q 38 Another copy. 2nded., witli additional information. 12mo. Loud., 1838. MD 4 Q 39 GOUGH (Prop. Archibald Edward), M.A. Philosophy of the LTpani.shads and Ancient Indian ]\Ietaphy.sics. 8vo. Lond., 1882. (! 15 P 13 The Sarva-Darsana-Saingraiia. \_See M.vdhava Aciiauva.] GOUGH (John Ballaxtixe). Platfoini Echoes; or, Leaves from my Noto-book of Forty Years; illustrated l)y Anec- dotes, Incidents, Persimal E.xperiencu.s, Facts and Stories drawn from the Humour and Pathos of Life, lliustiated. 8vo. Lond., 18H5. F M S 16 GOUGH (RlfHARD). Ktitisli Topn^^raphy ; or, an Historical Account iif what has been done t'i>r illustrating tlie 'J"opi>- graphical Aiiti<|uities of (Jreat liritaipi and Ireland. 2 vol.s. 4to. Lond., 1780. i) 10 1' 18, 19 t [5«« Cami.i;n, \V.] GOI'LliKRN- (.'HltONICLE AND SOUTHERN AD- VKIITISKH, IHOO. Fol. Ooulburn, 1H60. ME OOUr-UniN HKHALD, 1H50 51, iK.-,7, IHGO 02. F..1. Goulburn, 1x50 ('•2. MK UOILUIU.N JIKIIALD A.ND riiiidMLLi: lf5. Fol. Goulburn 1805. ME GOULBURN HOSPITAL. Annual Reports, Names of Subscribers, Terms of Admission, etc., 1851-52, 1855-50. 8vo. Goulburn, 1852-50. MG 1 Q 26 GOULD (Augustus A.), M.D. Australian Shells. ISee Texison- Woods, Rev. J. E.] MoUusca and Shells. (U.S. Exploring Expedition.) Imp. 4to. Boston, 1852. A 31 P 10 J Atlas [to the above]. Imp. fol. Boston, 1856. A 31 R 3} Outlines of Comparative Physiology. [See Agassiz, L.] GOULD (Charles). Geological Maps. \_See Tasmania.] Mvthical Monsters. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1886. B 15 S 1 GOULD (George). Corrigenda and Explanations of the Text of Shakspere. 8vo. 1881. J 12 V 4 The Greek Plays in their relations to the Dramatic Lenities. 8vo. Lond., 1883. J 12 V 4 GOUGH (General Hugh), Viscount. War in India : Despatches. [See Hardinge, Viscount.] GOULD (John), F.R.S., itc. Birds of Asia. 7 vols. imp. fol. Lond., 1850-83. A 5 Q 19-25 \ Birds of Australia. 7 vols. imp. t'ul. Lond., 1818. A 5 R 4-10 X Birds of Australia: Supplement. Imp. fol. Lond., 1869. A 5 R 11 } Birds of Europe. 5 vols. imp. fol. Lond., 1837. A 5 R 13-17 X Bird.s of Great Britain. 5 vols. inip. fol. Lond., 1873-74. A 5 Q 10-14 t Birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Pa)iuan Islands, in- cluding any new Species that nuiy be hereafter discovered in Australia, of which it may be considered a continuation. 3 vols. imp. fol. Lond., 1875-83. A 5 Q 15-17 { Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains. Imp. fol. Lmd., 1832. A 5 R 12 } Companion to Gould's Hand book. [Sec Diggles, S.] Hand-book to the Birds of Australia. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1805. MA 2 U 12, 13 Iconos A\ium ; or, Figures and Descriptions of New and Interesting Species of Birds. 2 parts in I vol. imp. fol. Lond., 1837-38. A 7 P 18 J: Introduction to the Birds of Australia. 8v(). Lond., 18 IS.* MA 2 U 14 Introduction to tlie Birils of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 14 T 25 Introduction to t lie MannnaU of .\ustralia. 8vo. Lond., 1M03. MA 2 U 16 .Maiiimais of Australia. .3 \ols. iiii|i. fol. Lond., 1803. A 5 R 1-3 X Monograph of the < Idonlopliorlna', or Partridges of America Imp. fol. LoMil., ls.-,(i. A 5 ti 7 t Monograph of the Kaniphastidie, or Family of Toucans. Imp. fol. LoM.I., 1851. A 5 (I 8 { FEEE PUBLIC LIBEAIIY, SYDNEY. 309 Crou] Part I : — Atithors, Editors, or Reference. [Gra GOULD (John), F.R.S., kc— continued. Monograph of the Trochilidie, or Family of Humming Birds. 5 vols. imp. fol. Loiul, 1861. A 5 Q 1-5 + Monograph of the Trogonidn^, or Family of Ti-ogoiis. Imp. fol. Lond., 1875. A 5 Q 9 t Synopsis of the Birds of Australia, and the adjacent Islands ; with Chai'acters of several new Genera, and Descriptions of thirty-six New Species, principally in the Author's Collection. Parts 1-4. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1837-38.* MA 2 P -1 t \_See Darwin, C] GOULD (Rev. Sabine Baring-). {See Baring-Gould, Rev. S.] GOURDAULT (Jules). Travers Venise: Ouvrage illustro de nombreuses Gravures dans le Texte et de treize Eaux-Fortes par les premiers Artistes. Fol. Paris, 1884. D14U11 GOURY (Jules). Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details of the Alhambra. \_See Jones, O.] GOVERNMENT ASYLUMS, N.S.W. {See New South Wales.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTES. {See New South Wales; Western Australia; New Zealand; and South Aus- tr.vlia.] GOW (James), M. A. Short History of Greek Mathematics. 8vo. Camb., 1884. A 10 T 11 GOW (William). The Apocalypse Unveiled, and a Fight with Death and Slander. 8vo. Perth, 1888. MG 2 P4 GOWAN (Major Walter E.) Kashgaria. \_See KuRO- p.\TKiN, Col. a. N.] GOWANS (James). Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood in the days of our Grandfathers : a Series of Illustrations. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 8 V 13 GOWEN (J. R.) Hints on Emigration to the New Settle- ment on the Swan and Canning Rivers, on the West Coast of Australia. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1830. MD5T26 GOWER (George Granville Leveson), Earl, First Duke of Sutherland. Despatches of; to which are added the Despatches of Mr. Lindsay and Mr. Munro, and the Diary of Viscount Palmerston ; edited by Oscar Browning. 8vo. Camb., 1885. B 8 U 25 The Sutherland Evictions of 1814. [_See Sellap, T.] GOWER (John). Confessio Amantis ; edited, and collated with the best Manuscripts, by Dr. Reinhold Pauli. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1857. H 6 S 17-19 Life, and the Confessio Amantis of. [See Chalmers, A.] GOWER (Ronald Charles Sutherland Leveson), Lord, F.S.A. Figure Painters of Holland. (Great Artists). 8vo. Lond., 1880. C ? T 38 Last Days of Marie Antoinette : an Historical Sketch. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1885. C 7 R 44 My Reminiscences. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 7 T 6, 7 Northbrook Gallery : an Illustrated, Descriptive, and His- toric Account of the Collection of the Earl of Northbrook, G.C.S.L Fol. Lond., 1885. A 23 S 30 | Notes of a Tour from Brindisi to Yokohama, 1883-84. 12mo. Lond., 1885. D 5 P 27 Romney and Lawrence. (Great Artists). 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 3 T 35 \_See Clouet, F.] GO WING (Richard), Richard Cobden : The World's Workers. 13th thousand. 12mo. Lond., 1858. C2S7 GOY (Andre DE.) Aventures sur Mer et sur Terre. 1. La Faniille Laurencay. 2. Histoire d'un jeune Chercheur d'Or en Australie. 8vo. Paris, 1869. MJ 2 S 11 GOZLAN (L.) El Vampiro de Val de Gracia. 8vo. Madrid, 1862. J 15 U 26 GRABER (Prof. V.) Die Insekten. 2 vols. 12mo. Munchen, 1877. A 14 P 60, 61 GRACE (A. F.) Course of Lessons in Landscape Paint- ing in Oils. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1881. A 4 R 22 | GRAD (A. Charles). L'Australie Interieure. Explora- tions et Voyages a travers le Continent Australien, de 1860 a 1862. 8vo. Paris, 1864.* MD2S31 GRAEFFE (Edouard). Beobachtungen iiber Radiaten und Wiirmer in Nizza. 4to. Zurich, 1858. A 14 V 49 GRACCHUS (Tiberius and Caius). Lives of. [See Plutarch.] GRAETZ (Dr. Heinrich). Geschichte der Juden, von den altestan Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. 6 vols. 8vo. Leipsic, 1866-78. G 11 P 29-31 GRAFF (Dr. E. G.) Althochdeutscher Sprach.schatz oder Worterbuch der althochdoutschen Sprache ; [mit] Vol- stiindiger Alphabetisher Index. 7 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1834-46. K 16 R 22-28 GRAFTON (Richard). Chronicle, or History of England ; to which is added his Table of the Bailiil's, Slierifls, and Mayors of the City of London, from 1189 to 1558, inclusive. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1809. B10R7, 8 [See Harding, John.] B 10 R 10 i GRAHAM (Dougal). Life of. [See John Cheap ] 310 CATALOGUE OF THE Gra] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [61 a GRAHAM (G. F.) English .Synonymes classified and explained ; with practical Exercises. New ed. liuin. Lohd., 1875. K 11 U 18 GRAHAM (LiEUT.-CoL. G. F. I.) Life and Work of Syed Ahmed Khan. 8vo. Edinb., 188.5. C 3 U 37 GRAHAM (J.v.MEs), Maequis of Montuose. \_See Moxt- nosE, James Grauam, Marquis of.] GRAHAM (Rev. Jonx). Currents and Counter-Currents of the Age ; with Remarks on the Union, Sacerdotalism, Intidelitv, and Religious Revival. 8v(). Svdiiey, 1874. MG 1 Q 39 Lawrence Struilby ; or, 01)ser\ations and Experiences during twentv-tive yoai-s of Bush Life in Austialia. 12mo. Load.", 18G3.* MD 1 S 37 GRAHAM (John Murray), M.A. Annals and Corres- pondence of the Viscount and the First and Second Earls of Stair. 2 vols. 8vo. Ediiib., 1875. C 9 R 20, 21 An Historical View of Literature and Ai-t in Great Rrit.iin, from the Accession of the House of Hanover to the Reign of Queen Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 1871. BGS31 Another copy. 2nd ed. Svo. Lend., 1872. B 6 S 32 GRAHAM (Robert Hudson), C.E. Graphic and Analy- tic Statics in Tlieory and Comparison ; their Practical Application to the Treatment of Stresses in Roofs, Solid (Jifders, Lattice, Bowstring and Susj)ension Bridges, Jjraced Iron Arclies and Piers, and other Frameworks ; to which is iidded, a Chapter on Wind Pressures. 8vo. L'.n.l., 1883. A 10 V 22 GRAHAM (Sir Gerard). [See De Cossox, Major E. A.] GRAHAM (Mii.s. MARfJARET). :\runlcr of. [5m])ayi.i:s- FOKi) 3Iri!bi;ii, The. I GRAHAM (Svlvester). Lectures on the Science of ]Tuman Life. Roy. 8vo. Ixmd., 1H19. A 12 V IG GRAIIA.M (Thomas), F.R.S., and WATTS (Henry), l'".C<.S. Elements of Chemistry ; including the a])]ilica tioiis of the Science in the Arts. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1850 5.S. A 6 Q 2, 3 GRAHAM (Thomas J.), M.O. M(Klern Domestic Medicine ; a Po|>ular, describing the Symptoms, Causes, JJistinction, and Correct Treatment of l)iseiuse8. 1 Ith fKl. Svo. I»n Plantatiim of the Jiritish Colonies till their Revolt and Declaration of Independence. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836. B 1 R 21-24 GRAHAME (James), M.D. [Scs Bhitisii Poet.s, 3.] GRAIN AND FLOUR. Copies of Communicatiatinii, 187.] GRATTAN (Henry). Memoirs of the Life and Times of the Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan ; by his Son. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. C 8 Q 21, 22 GRATTAN (Rt. Hon. Henry). Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland. [See Lecky, W. E. H.] Memoii-s of the Life and Times of ; by his Son, H. Grattan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. C 8 Q 21, 22 Speeches of, in the Irish and in the Imperial Parliament ; edited by his Son. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond.a822. F 13 P 33-36 GRATTAN (Thomas Colley). Beaten Paths and those who trod them. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1862. J 9 R 7, 8 History of the Netherlands. (Lard. Cab. Cycle.) 12mo. Lond., 1833. K 1 T 33 Legends of the Rhine and of the Low Countries. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832. J 11 R 15-17 Traits of Tra\el ; or. Tales of Men and Cities. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1829. J 6S 18-20 (i RATTAN (William). Adventures of the Connaught Rangers, from 1808-14. First series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1817. C 3 R 29-30 Another cop^'. Second series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853. " C 3 R 31, 32 GRAVES (ALr;ERXON). Dictionary of Artists who have exhibited Works in the principal Lonilon Exhibitions of Oil Paintings, from 17(iO to 1S80. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 11 V 14 GRAVES (GEORr.E), F.L.S. British Ornitli..Iogy ; being tlie History, with a coloured Representation, of every known Species of British Birds. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1821. A 15 R 13-15 [See Curtis, W.] GRAVES (Richard), D.D. Lectures on the Four last Booksof the Pentateuch. 5tli ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1839. 1-' G V 25 GRAVES (Robert E.) B.A. [See Hryan, iM.| GRAVES (Rev. Rohert Perceval), M.A. Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Knt., ikc. ; including Selec- tions from his Poem.s, Corre.spondencc, and Mi.scelianrous Writings. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. Dublin, 1882 85. C 14 U 13, 14 GRAVES (S. R.) Yachting Cruise in the Baltic. 8vo. LoM(l.. bSO;?. D 8 R 18 G RAVI ERE (t^APT. J. B. E. Jurien de la). [See Jurikn |>E l,A (JkaviIre, (!ai't. J. B. i;.] (iii.V^' (Andrew), jM. A., it'C. Al)solulc Ab'asuremenls in Jilectricity and Magn(?t!sni. 12mo. Lond., 1884. A5R46 (i R.\Y (Andrew). Plciui,')iwright's Assislanl. S\(>. ]<]dinb., 180H. A 1 T 8 (iRAY (I'kof. Asa). l)aru iniuna : Ivssays ami Kcviews p(;rtaiMing to Darwinisiri. S\(i. N. ^'urU, IS7(i. Al(i(^)| EllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 313 Gra] Part I : — AutJwrs, Editors, or Reference. Gre GRAY (George Robert), F.R.S., etc. Hiiiul-list of Genera and Species of Birds, distinguisliing those con- tained in the British Museum. 3 vols. 8vo. Lend., 18G9-71. A 14 T 22-24 List of the Genera of Birds, with an Indication of the Typical Species of each Genus. Compiled from various sources. 8vo. Lond., 1840. A 14 R 3 GRAY (Mrs. Hamilton). History of Etruria. Parts 1-3. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843-68. B 12 Q 15-17 Tour to the Sepulclires of Etruria, 1839. 8vo. Lond., 1841. B12Q14 GRAY (Henry), F.R.S., kc. Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical ; the Drawings by H. V. Carter, M.D. 9th ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 33 V 13 GRAY (James). Ancient Proverbs and Maxims, from Burmese Sources ; or, the Niti Literature of Burma. 8vo. Lond., 1886. K 19 R 4 GRAY (John). Lectures on the Nature and Use of Money. 8vo. Edinb., 1848. F 8 P 6 GRAY (John C.) Border Post Almanac. {See Affleck, T.] GRAY (John Edward), Ph.D., &c. Acclimatization of Animals. (Pam. Cb.) 8vo. Bath, 1864. A 16 IT 2-5 Catalogue of the Specimens of Lizards in the Collection of • the British Museum. 12mo. Lond., 184-5. A14Q4 Catalogue of the Specimens of Snakes in the Collection of the British Museum. 12mo. Lond., 1849. A14Q3 Another copy. 12mo. Lond., 1849. Iv IS P 5 Catalogue of the Tortoises, Crocodiles, and Amphisbsenians in the Collection of the British Museum. 8vo. Lond., 1844. A 14 Q 5 Decimal Coinage : what it ought and what it ought not to be. (Pam. Cb.) 8vo. Lond., 1854. A 16 U 25 Lizards of Australia and New Zealand in the Collection of the British Museum ; with Eighteen Plates. 4to. Lond., 1867. MA2Q7t Museums, their use and improvement. (Pam. Cb.) 8vo. Bath, 1864. A 16 U 25 Synopsis of the Species of Starfish in the British Museum ; with Figures of some of the New Species. 4to. Lond., 1866. MA 2 Q 7 t Synopsis of the Species of Whales and Dolpliins in the Collection of the British Museum. Illustrated with thirty -seven Plates. 4to. Lond., 1868. MA 2 Q 7 t \_See Beeciiey, Capt. F. Vv'.] GRAY (John Edward and George Robert), F.R.S., kc. Catalogue of the Mammalia and Birds of New Guinea, in the Collection of the British Museum. 8vo. Lond., 1859. MA 2 T 10 2 u GRAY (Hon. John Hamilton), D.C.L. Confederation; oi', the Political and Parliamentary History of Canada, from the Conference at Quebec, in October, 1864, to the Admission of British ColumVjia, in July, 1871. Vol. 1. 8vo. {All imhUshed.) Toronto, 1872. B 1 Q 55 GRAY (John Henry), M.A., LL.D., kc. China: a History fif the Laws, Manners, and Customs of the People ; edited )jy William Gow Gregor. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., l'878. B2Q12, 13 GRAY (John M.) [_See Scott, D.] GRAY (Rt. Rev. R.) \_See Long, Rev. W.] GRAY (Samuel Octavus). British Sea-weeds : an Intro- duction to the study of the Marine Algre of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands. 8vo. Lond., 1867. A4P13 GRAY (Thomas). [A Biography] ; by E. W. Gosse. (Eng. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1882. CI U 18 Life and Poems of. \_See Chalmers, A. ; and Johnson, S.] Notes on Plato. [_See Plato.] Works of, in Prose and Verse ; edited Ijy Edmund [W.] Gosse. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1884. J1T13-16 Works of ; with Memoirs of his Life and Writings ; by W. Mason. 2 vols. roy. 4to. Lond., 1814. J 7 V 19, 20 {_See British Poets.] GRAY (Major William), and DOCHARD (Staff-Sur- geon). Travels in Western Africa in the years 1818-21. 8vo. Lond., 1825. D 1 V 17 GRAYLING (W. I.) War in Taranaki, during the years 1860-61. 8vo. New Plymouth, 1862. MB 2 Q 18 GREAT ARTISTS. Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists. 28 vols, (in 14) 8vo. Lond., 1879-83. C3T31-44 1. Giotto; by Harry Quilter, M.A. fiainsboroiigh ; by George M. Brock-Arnold, M.A. Constable ; by George M. Brock- Arnold, M.A. 2. Ghiljerti and Donatello, with other Early Italian Sculptors ; by Leader Scott. Correggio ; by M. Conipton Heaton. 3. Turner ; l>y W. Cosmo Monkhouse. Van Dyck ; by Percy Rendell Head. Frans Hals ; by Percy Rcndell Head. 4. Velazquez ; by Kdwiu Stowe, B.A. Sir David Wilkie ; by John W. MoUett, B.A. 5. Meissonier ; by John W. Mollett, B.A. Roinney and Lawrence ; by Lord Ronald Gower, F.S.A. G. Titian : byRicliard Ford Heath, B.A. Tintoretto; by W. Roscoe Osier. 7. 6ir Edwin Landseer : by Frederick G. Stephens. Leonardo ; by Jean Paul Richter, Ph.D. 8. The Figure Painters of Holland; by Lord Ronald Gower, F.S.A. Michelangelo ; by Charles Clement. 9. .Murillo; by Ellen E. Minor. Watteau ; by John W. Mollett, B.A. 10. Rembrandt; by John W. Mollett, B.A. Raphael: by " N. D'Anvers," (Mrs. N. R. E. Bell.] 11. Fra Angelieo ; by Catherine Mary Phillimore. Albrecht Diirer ; by Richard Ford Heath, JLA. 12. The Little Masters ; by William Bell Scott. Hans Holbein ; by Joseph Cundall. 13. jMantegiia and Fiancia ; by Julia Cartwright. Overbeck ; by J. Beavington Atkinson. 14. Sir Joshua Reynolds; by F. S. Pidling, M.A. Horace Vernet ; by .T. Ruutz Roes. Paul Delaroche ; by .John Ruutz Rees. Painters, Sculptors, and Architect.'*; by P. Delaroc . 3U CATALOGUE OF THE G-re] Part I : — Authors, jEditors, or Meference. [Gre GREATBACH (G.) Raphael's Cartoons. [See Raphael Sanzio.] GREAT BRITAIN. Census, 1851. Account of the Xumber and Distrilnition ef the People; Ages, Conjugal Condition, ite. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1851. E Annual Reports of the Registrar-General of Births, Death.';, and Marriages, 1839-49. 3 vols. fol. LoikI., 1849. E Annual Reports of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 18-15-55. 9 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1849-57. F 1 Q 1-9 Census, 1851. Education, England and Wales; Report and Tables. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1854. E Census, 1851. Population Tables. II. Ages, Civil Con- dition, Occupations, and Birth-place of the People. Sm. fol. Lond., 1854. E Census, 1851. Religious Worship and Education, Scot- land ; Report and Tables. Roy. 8vo. Lond.. 1854. E Census, 1851. Religious Wor.ship, England and AVales ; Report and Tables. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1854. E Coins, Seals, and Medals of. Imp. fol. Lond. (n.d.) A 7 P 20 I Finances and Trade of the United Kingdom, at the begin- . ning of the Year 1852. (Pani. Jf.) 4th ed. Svo. Lond., 1852. MF 2 P 2 Great Britain and New Suulli Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1841. MF;5P4 Our Own Country : Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial. Illu.strated. G vols. 4to. L<.nd., 1880-82. DGV 12-17 Public General Statutes passed in the thirty-.second to the flirty-ninth year of the Reign of Her JIajesty Queen Victoria, 18G8-85; with copious Indexes, Tallies, kc 17 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 18G9-85. E Public Income and Expenditure of (ireat Britain and Ireland. 1G88-1869. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1869. E Reports from the Committee of Public Accounts; tngiilior with tlie Piiicccdings f)f the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Ai)pendices and Indices. 5 vols. fol. Lond., 1869-75. E Reports from the Select Committee appointed lo con- sider the means of imjiroving and maintaining the Foreign Trade of the Country. 2 vols. urn. fnl. Lond., 1820-22. F 7 1' 111, 11 \ Statute.s of the Re.alm (20 lb iny Tii, IIOI, to 13 Anne, A.I>. 1713.) Printed by command of His Majesty King George III, in jiursuance f>f an Adoiid'., 1^79-87 E GREAT SOUTH LAND (The). Four Papers on Emi- gration, designed to exhibit the Princij>les and Progress of the new Colony of South Australia. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1838. MF 3 P 8 Another copy. JIJ 2 Q IG GREATHEAU (Lieut. Wilborforce H.) Report on the Drainage of tlie City of Delhi and on the Means of Improving it. [Misc. Papers, India.] Fol Agra., 1852. E GRECE (C. J.), LL.D. [See Maetznee, Prok. E.] GREEK ANTHOLOGY (The), as selected for the use of Westminster, Eton, and other Pul)lic Schools.; literally translated into English Prose, chielly by George Burges, A.M. Svo. Lond., 1876. H 5 R 47 GREEK ROMANCES of Heliodorus, Longus, and Achilles Tatius. [See Heliodorus.] GREEK TRAGIC THEATRE (The); containing ^schy- lus, by Dr. Potter ; Sophocles, by Dr. Francklin ; and Euripides, by Mich. Woodhull, Esq. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1809. ' H4R7-11 GREELEY (Hon. Horace). Life and Political Career of ; by William M. Cornell. Svo. Boston, 1882. C 4 T 10 GBEELY (Lieut. A. W.), U.S.N. Account of the Greeiy Relief Expedition. [See Melville, G. W.] Rescue of Greeiy. [See Schley, Comm. W. S.] Three Years of Arctic Service: an Account of the Lady h'ranklin Bay Expedition of 1881-84, and the attainment of the Farthest North. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1886. D 4 S 9, 10 (JRKKN (PiiOF. A. H.), M.A., &c. (Jeology. Part 1. Phy- sical Geology. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1882. A 9 R 33 GREEN (AsiMiKi,), D.D. Discourses delivered in the t'.illege of New Jersey. Svo. Pliilad., 1822. G2T14 GREEN (HfA'Uy) M.A. Andrea Aleiati and his Books of I'linblems: a Biogi'a]>hical and Bibliographical Study. 8vo. Lond., 1872. C 5 U 1 Shakespeare and the l']mblem Writers: an Ex])osition of their siiiiilaril ies of Thought ;uid Expression, jirecediHl by a View of Emblem-Lit i'rat\ii'e down to a.d. 1<'>1("i. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1.S70. .1 2 U 12 "Willi ney's ''Choice of MinMi'tncs." [See ^\'nlTNl•.v, (!.] (JR1']I']N' (.1.) Journey from Aleppo to Damascus; with a Description of those two Capital Cities, and the Neiglibonring Parts of Syriji. 2 vols, (in 1) Svo. Lond., 1735 3G. " I) 5 U 41 FEEE PUBLIC LIBEAEY, SYDNEY. 315 Gre] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Gre GREEN (IIev. Joun Richard), M.A., &c. Conquest of England. With Portrait and Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1883. B 5 S 5 History of the English Pcojile. With Maps. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878-80. B 5 S 1-4 Making of England. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1881. B 5 S G Short History of the English People. 8vo. Lond., 1871- B 3 Q y Stray Studies from England and Italy. 8vo. Lond., 187(5. J 11 S 12 GREEN (Mary Anne Everett). Lives of the Princesses of England, from the Norman Conquest. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1850-55. C 4 T 24-29 GREEN (Matthew) Life and Poems of. [_See Chalmers, A., and Johnson, S.] GREEN (Prof. Thomas Hill), M.A., &c. Prolegomena to Ethics; edited by A. C. Bradlev, M.A. 8vo. Oxford, 1883. " G 9 S 17 Works of Thomas Hill Green; edited by R. L. Nettleship. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. Lond., 1885-86. G 9 S 2G, 27 GREEN (Valentine). History and Antiquities of the City and Suburbs of Worcester. 2 vols (in 1) 4to. Lond., 1796. B 15 Q 7 + GREEN (William). Attempted Murder of. \_See Sewell, R. C] GREEN (William), Map of the City of Melbourne and its Extensions; compiled from the Government Plans. Roy. 4to. Melb., 1852. MD 5 S 15 { GREEN (Rev. William Charles), M.A. The Iliad of Homer; with a Verse Translation. \_See Homer.] GREEN (William Spotswood), M.A. High Alps of New Zealand ; or, a Trip to tlie Glaciers of the Antipodes, with an Ascent of Mount Cook. 8vo. Lond., 1883.* MD 5 P 8 GREEN AW AY (A. J.) Short Text-Look of Organic Chemistry. \_See Strecker, A.] GREENBANK (T. K.) Greonbank's Periodical Library. Vol. 1. 8vo. Philad., 1840. J 6 U"5 GREENE (George Washington), LL.D. German Element in the War of American Independence. 8vo. New York, 1876. B 1 Q 38 GREENE (J. Baker), LL.B., &c. Hebrew Migration from Egypt : a Historical Account of tlie Exodus, based on a critical Examination of the Hebrew Records and Traditions. 2nd cd. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G 9 S 16 GREENE (Robert), M.A. Old English Drama: Select Plays : Marlowe's Tragical History of Dr. Faustu.s, and Greene's Honourable History of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay; edited by A. W. Ward, M.A. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Oxford, 1878. H 2 Q 39 Tracts of. \_See Brydoes, Sir S. E.] Life and complete Works of ; in Prose and Verse ; edited by the Rev. Alexander Grosart, D.D., A-e. (Iluth Library.) 15 vols. 4to. Lond., 1881-8G. J 5 U 10-24 GREENE (Robert), and PEELE (George). Dramatic and Poetical Works of ; with Memoirs of the Authors and Notes, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1874. H 2 T 14 GREENE (Capt. W. S.) ISee Codes.] GREENE (W. T.), M.A., &a Parrots in Captivity ; with Notes on several species, by the Hon. and Rev. F. G. Dutton. Illustrated. 2 vols. rov. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 15 R G, 7 GREENER (W. W.) The Gun and its Development; with Notes on Shooting. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 11 T 22 GREENHAM (M. Richard). Works of. 2nd ed. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1599. G 8 S 6 GREENHOW" (Mrs. Rose). My Imprisonment, and the First Year of the Abolition Rule at Washington. 1 2mo. Lond., 1863. B 1 R 39 GREENOUGH (William W.) Address dehvered at the Dedication of the East Boston Branch of the Public Library, on the 22nd of March, 1871. 8vo. Boston, 1871. ■ J2T6 GREENWOOD (Lieut. J.) Narrative of the late Vio- torious Campaign in AiTghanistan, under General Pollock. 8vo. Lond., 1844. B 1 P 3 GREENWOOD (Rev. James), M.A. New South Wales Public School League, for making Primary Education National, Secular, Compulsory, and Free. 8vo. Sydney, 1874. MG 1 Q 32 Sermons for the People ; Religious W^ars. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 1 Q 14 Sermons for the People : The Plan of Salvation. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 1 Q 15 Speech delivered in the Temperance Hall, Pitt-street, Decem- ber 4th, 1874, in reply to the Hon. [Sir] Henry Parkes, on Education. 8vo. Sydney, 1874. MG 1 Q 33 GREENWOOD (James), B.A. The Sailor's Sea-book ; a Rudimentary Treatise on Navigation. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1870. A 17 P 18 Another copy. New, thoroughly revised, and much enlarged edition, by W. H. Rosser. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1879. A 17 Q 39 316 CATALOGUE OF TKE Gre] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Gre GREEN^VOOD (James). Savage Habits and Customs. 3rd ed. With "Woodcuts and Designs. Svo. Lend., 1865. MA 1 R 16 GREEXWOOD (Thomas), M.A. First Book of the His- tory of the Germans : Barbaric Period. 4to. Lond., 1836. B IS Q 7 I Position and Prospects of the Protestant Churches of Great Britain and Ireland, with reference to the proposed Estab- lishment of a Roman Catholic Hierarchy in this Country. 8vo. Lond., 1851. MF 1 R 1 GREENWOOD (Thomas), F.R.G.S. Free Public Libraries ; their Organization, Uses, and Management. 1 2mo. Lond., 1886. J 11 S 34 GREENWOOD (William Henry), F.C.S. Manual of Metallurgy. Illustrated. 2vols. 12mo. Lond., 1874-75. A 9 P 19, 20 GREER (Henry). Recent Wonders in Electricity, Electric Lighting, Magnetism, Telegraphy, Telephony, ic. Svo. New York, 1883. . ' A 5 U 3 Storage of Electricity. 8vo. New York, 1883. A 5 XJ 3 GREG (J.) Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet. \_See Stoker, J.] Antiquarian Itinerary. \_See Stoker, J.] GREG (Percy). The Devil's Advocate. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1878. G 8 S 17, 18 GREG (Robert Philips), F.G.S., and LETTSOM (W. G.) Manual of the Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 1858. A 10 P 8 (iREG (William Rathuonk). Creed of Christendom : its Foundations contrasted with its Superstructure. 6th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879. G 3 P 19, 20 Enigmas of Life. 10th ed., with a Postscript. Svo. Lond., 1874. G 8 S 19 E-s-says on Political and Social Science, contributed to the Kdinhun/h R(view. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1853. FSPIS, 19 Literary and Sr)cial Judgments. 4th ed., con.siderably enlarged. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1877. J 11 T 31, 32 Mistaken Aims and Attainable Ideals of the Artisan Svo. Umd., 1876. F 6 R 16 Political Problem.s for our Ago and Country. Svo. Lond., 1K70. F8P12 RockH Ahead ; or, the WarningH of Cassandni. 2ii(l ed., with a Reply to ObjectorH. Svo. Lond., 1874. F6Q19 GREGO (Joseph). Hi.ttory of Parliamentary Elections utifl ElectiiiM"cririg in the f)l. Ixmd., IHKO. C 2 W 21, 22 GREGOIRE DE TOURS (Saint). Memoires de. [See Gl-izot, F. p. G., 1, 2.] GREGOR (Rev. J.), ISI.A. Missionary Tours. [See Broughton, Rt. Rev. W. G.] GREGOR (W. G.) [See Gray, J. H.] GREGORAS NICEPHORUS. ByzantinK Historic, libri x.x.wii. [See Migne, J. P., Series Gr-eca, 148, 149.] GREGORIUS (S. Georgius Flohentinus). Opera omnia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 71.] GREGORIUS MAGNUS (Papa). Opera omnia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 75-79.] Opera Omnia. 4 vols. fol. Paris, 1705. G 35 P 16-19 t GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS (Sanctus). Opera omnia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Gr^ca, 35-38.] GREGORIUS NYSSENUS (Sanctus). Opera onmia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Gr^ca, 44-46. GREGORIUS PALAMAS. Opera omnia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Gk.eca, 150, 151.] GREGORIUS THAUMATURGUS (Sanctus). Opera Omnia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Gh.^ca, 10.] GREGORIUS IV (Papa). Opera omnia. [See MiONE, J. P., L.n-iNA, 106.] GREGORY VII (Saint Hildedrand). Epistola- et Diplomata Pontiticia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 14S.] Life and Ptmtiticatr of; liy John M'illiam Bowden, M.A. 2 vols. Svo. Loud,, l.siO. C 9 Q 1, 2 GREGORY (A. C.) Journal of the North Australian Exploring Expedition, 1855. (Journal of the Geo- graiihical Society, 28.) Svo. Lond., 1858. E Papers relating to an Expedition recently undertaken for the pur])ose of exploring the Noithern Portion of Aus- tralia. (Pari. Docs. 67.) Fol. Lond., 1857-58. MF 4 | [See Mueller, Baron Sin F. von.] (iUl'XiOUY (Be;n,iamin). The Thorough Business Man; Memoirs of Walter Powell, iMercliant, Melbourne and London. Svo. Lond., IS7I. MC 1 P 10 GREGORY (G.), F.A.S. Lectures on the S.ieied Poetry of the llebrewH. [S<'c Louiir, l!r. l!e\. K.| (!l!K(iC)l{Y (J. A.) Administration of Law in the Su)irenio Couil, and its eonsislem-y with justice, as exposed in the citse Royce e. Crvgory. Svo. .■\lelli., ISOl. M I' 1 ^ 5 (!I!K '.i ORIF':8TN({ER(TiiEor)0R). Tl.oJe.suits: acomi.leu^History of llieirf)pen and Se(;ret Proceedings, from the Foundation of ihfr Order to the Present Time; translated by A. J. Scott, M.D. 2 voIh. 8vo. [,oii.l., Iss.!. G 4 V 22, 23 GRIFFIN (Gerald). [Works of.] 8 vol.s. 12mo, Lond., 1842-43. J 7 Q 28-35 1. Life of Gerald OritBn, Esq. ; by his Brother [W. tiriftin, 11. D.] 2. The Collegians ; a Tale of ( jarryowen. 3. Card Drawing ; Tlie Half Sir, &c. 4. "Holland-Tide"; The Aylmers of Eally-Aylmcr, &e. r>. The Rivals ; Tracy's Ambition. (i. Sigismund, &c. 7. The Uuke of Monmouth. 5. Poetical Works. GRIFFIN (G. W.) New Zealand; her Commerce and Resources. Roy. Svo. Wellington, 1884. MF 3 R 31 GRIFFIN (Sir Lepel Hesry), K.C.S.I. The Great Re- pul>lic. 8vo. Lond., 1884. D 4 P 4 GRIFFIN (R.), i' CO. Catalogue of Modern Cluunical Apparatus for the Analysis of Soils and Manures. (Pani. 19.) Svo. Gla.sgow, 1845. MJ 2 Q 8 GRIFFIN (William), M.D. Life of Gerald Gritlin. {Sec Griffin, G.] GRIFFIN (W. N.), B.D. Elements of Algebra anil Trigo- nometiy. (Tc.xt-ljooks.) 12mo. Lund., 1871. A17S4 Notes on the Elements of Algebra and Trigononn'ti y ; with Solutions of the more dilKcidt Questions. (Text-books.) 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 S 5 GRIFFIS (William Elliot). Corea : the Hermit Nation. 1. Ancient and Mediaeval History. 2. Political and Social Corea. 3. Modern and Recent History. Svo. New York, 1882. B 2 P 41 The Mikado's Empire. Book 1. History of Japan, from GGO li.t'. to 1872 A.D. Book 2. Personal Experiences, Ob- servations, and Studies in Japan, 1870-74. Svo. New York, 1883. B 12 S 7 GRIFIHTH (CiiAHLKs J.), A.M. Ob.servations on the Water Supply of Melbourne. Svo. Mel))., 1855. MJ 2 R 23 Present State and Prospects of the Port PliiUi]! District of N.S.Wales. Svo. Dublin, 1845.* MU5ti27 GRIFFITH (Major and Mrs. Georce Darby). Journey across lli(( Desert from Ceylon to Marseilles. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S15. D 4 R 31, 35 GRIFFITH (Henry Thomas), B.A. Didactic Poems of (Jowpcr; With Notes, ,to. \_Sce Cowi'ER, W.] GRI FFITII (.1. W), M.I >., \<', AND IIKN Kit l-'.Y ( i'lioi'. A.), F.R.S., it(;. Microgra)iliie Dictionary : a Guide to tlie Examination and Investigation of the Structure and Nature of Microscopic Objects. 3ril ed. Vol. 1. Text. Vol.2. Plates. 2 vols, (in 1) Svo. Lond., 1875. K IS V 1 GIUFFITH (Hali-ii T. H.), M.A. I'.lilh ..fd a I'ocMI. \_Scc KALinisA.J [See .\ni)i' imi miman. | WartJod: EllEE PUBLIC LIBR7VRY, SYDNEY. 510 Gri] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Gri GRIFFITH (Thomas), A.M. Fundamentals ; or, Bases of Belief conoeniinf,' Man, God, and the Cori'elation of God and Man : a Hand-book of Mental, Moral, and Reli- gious Philosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1871. (i 15 R 1 GRIFFITH (William). Posthumous Pajiers; Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Afghanistan, &c.; arranged by John Maeclelland. i ^•ols. Svo. Calcutta, 1847-48. A 4 T 1, 2 1. Journal of Travels. 2. Ituiorary Notes of I'Uiiits. Posthumous Papers : NotulK ad Plantas Asiaticas. Parts 1-4; arranged by John Maeclelland. 4 vols. 8vo. Cal- cutta, 1847-54. A 4 T 3-6 Posthumous Papers: Icones Plantarum Aslaticarum. Parts 1-4; arranged by John Maeclelland. 4 vols, (in 2) 4to. Calcutta, 1847-51. A 4 S 3, 4 t Posthumous Papers: Palms of British East India. Fol. Calcutta, 1850. A 1 P 10 | GRIFFITHS (Arthub). Chronicles of Newgate. 2 vols. 8vo. L(md., 1884. B 4 S 19, 20 Memorials of Millbank, and Chapters in Prison History. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1875. F 12 P 20, 21 GRIFFITHS (A. T.) Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a rare and rich Collection of Early English Poetry, in the possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8vo. Lond., 1815. K 8 P 15 GRIFFITHS (E.) [_See Cuvieu, Baron G. C. L. D.] GRIFFITHS (Mrs. Elizabeth). The School for Rakes : a Comedv. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) ISmo. Lond., 1795. H 2 P 4 GRIFFITHS (J. W. D.) Travels in Europe, Asia Minor, and Arabia. 4to. Lond., 1805. D 5 V 10 GRIFFIIHS (William). Tru.sses of Wood and In.n; with complete Working Drawings. Obi. 18mo. Lond., 1886. A 6 R 3 GRIMALDI (Joseph). Memoirs of; edited by " Boz '' (Charles Dickens). Illustrated by George Cruikshank 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1838. ' ' C 2 P20, 21 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1853. C 2 R 17 GRIMBLE (Augustus). Deer Stalking. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 17 U 24 GRIMBLOT (Paul). Letters of William iii and Louis xiv, and of their Ministers, illustrative of the Domestic and lAjreign Politics of England, from the Peace of Ryswick to the Accession of Phillip v of Spain, 1697-1700. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848. B 6 P 8, 9 GRIMM (Frederick Melciioir), Baron de. Historical and Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes, selected from the Correspondence of Baron de Grimm and Denis Diderot; translated from the French. 2iid ed. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1815. C 8 Q 24-27 GRIMM (Herman). Fiinfzehn Essays. 2<= auflage. Svo. Berlin, 1874. J 17 P 23 Life and Times of Goethe; translated by Saivih Holland Adams. Svo. Boston, 1880. C fi U 16 Literature. Svo. Lond., 1886. J 9 S 9 GRIMM (Dr. Jacob Ludwic. Carl). Deutsche (jrammatik zweite [und] dritte Ausgaben. 5 vols. Svo. (iottingen, 1822-40. K14P2-6 Register [to the above] von Dr. K. CJ. Andrcsen. Svo. Gilttingen, 1865. K 14P30 Grimm's Law : a Study. \_See Douse, T. le M.] Gotisches Glossar. [See Sciiulze, E.] Kleinerc Schriften. 5 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1865-79. K 14 T 23-27 Teutonic Mythology ; translated from the fourth edition, by James Steven Stallybrass. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1880-83. B 27 U 1-3 Ul)er den Urspruni,' der Spraohe. 7« auflage. Svo. Berlin, 1879. " K12R23 [See Bopp, F.] GRIMM (Dr. Jacob Ludwic), und GRIMM (Wilhelm Karl). Deutsches Worterbuch. 6 vols, (in 7) A-M imp. Svo. Leipzig, 1854-85. K 14 K 17-23 German Popular Stories and Fairy Tales, as told by (rammer Grethel, from the collection of INIM. (irimm. Revised Translation, liy Edgar Taylor; with Illustrations fi'om Designs, by George Cruikshank and Ludwig Grimm. Svo. Lond., 1877. J9Q11 Household Tales ; with the Author's Notes ; translated from the German, and edited by Jlargaret Hunt ; with an Introduction, by Andrew Lang, M.A. 2 vols. Svo. L,md., 1884. B 27 Q 1-2 GRIMM (O. A.) Russian Pamphlets. Zoology, kc. Roy. Svo. St. Petersburg and Moscow, 1876-80." A 13 U 14 GRTMSHAWE (Rev. T. S.), A.M. Life and Works of A\'illiam Cowper. [See Cowper, W.] GRIMSTONE (S. E.) Southern Settlements of New Zea- land ; comprising Statistical Information from the Earliest Period to the close of the year 1846. Svo. Wellington, 1847. 3ID 7 Q 34 GRIMSTONE (Mrs. W. H.), Mrs. Kendal. The Drama : a Paper read at the Congress of the Nati(_inal Association for the Promotion of Social Science, Bir- mingham, September, 18S4. [4tli ed.] 18mo. Lond., 1884. J 1 W 39 GRIMTHORPE (Baron). [See Beckett, Sir E.] GRINDAL (Edmund), Archbishop of Canterbury. His tory of the Life and Acts of. [See Stkype, J., 9.] GRTNDELY (Anton). History of the Thirty Years' War ; translated by Andrew Ten-Brook. 2 vols. Svo. N. York, 1884. B 7 T 33-34 320 CATALOGUE OF THE Gri] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Gro GRrN'DLAY (Capt. R. M.) Scenery, Costumes, and Architecture, chiefly on the western side of India. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1826. A14iri0"+ GRINDOX (L. H.) Fruits and Fruit Trees. 8vo. Man- chester, 188.5. A 1 P 51 GRISWOLD (Rev. R. ^\.) Female Poets of America. Svo. Philad., 1819. H 6 S 28 Works of E. A. Pes. [See Poe, E. A.] GRISWOLD (William Macceillis). Q. P. Indexes. IG vols, (in 7.) Svo. Bangor, 1880-86. E GROCOTT (J. C.) An Index to Familiar Quotations, selected principally from British Authors ; with parallel passages from various writers, ancient and modern. 5th ed. 12mo. Livei-pool, 1878. K17P11 GROHMAX (W. A. Baillie). Oaddings with a Primi- tive People ; being a Series of Sketches of Alpine Life and Customs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. D 8 R 2-5, 26 Tyrol and the Tyrolese. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 8 R 24 GRONBERG (B. C.) Deutsch-Danisches und Diinisch- Deutches Hand-Worterbuch. 3"^ ausgabe. 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Kopenhagen, 1846-51. K 16 P 4 GROXOVIUS (A.) [_See Justixus.] GRONOVIUS (J. F.) [See Plautu.s, .M. A.] GRONOVIUS (JACOii). [See Arriax, Flavius, and Gellius, a.] GRONOW (Capt. Rees Howell). Last Recollections; being the Fourth and Final Series of his Reminiscences and Anecdotes. Svo. Lond., 1866. C3P21 GROOME (Francis H.) Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland. Vol. 2. Imp. Svo. Edinb., 1885. D 12 V 7 GROS (Jean Baptiste Louis), Barox. Recollections of Baron (iros' Emba.ssy to China and Japan. [See De Mo(;e.s, ^Marquis.] GROSCH(;PP (— ). (Jrein's Political Lexicon of the Anglo-Saxon Language. [See IIarriso.n, Phof. J. A.] GROSE (Fraxcis), F.A.S. Aiili(|uilies ..f England and "Wales. 4 vols. 4 to. Lond., 177:} 76. B 10 Q 14-17 t Aiiti(|uities of Ireland. 2 vols. imp. Hvo. Lond., 17H1 95. B 19 Q 6, 7 \ Aiitii|uitieH of Scdiland. 2 vnls. iiii]i. >TE (AcouHTLH Raij(likfk), A.M., &f. An liliis- trnl<'d KsHiiy on the Noctuidie r.f North America ; with n " Colony of ButU-rflieH." Svo. lyind., 1SS2. A 13 U 26 GROSART (Rev. Alexander B.), LL.D. [See Eliot, Sir John ; Huth Library ; and Herrick, R.] GROSVERXOR XOTES. [See Blackburn, IL] GROTE (Georoe), F.R.S. Aristotle ; edited by Alex. Bain, IX.D., and G. C. Robei-tson. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1872. G 10 T 24, 25 Fragments on Ethical Subjects. Svo Lond., 1876. G7P2 History of Greece. 3rd ed. 12 vt)ls. Svo. Lond., 1851-56. B 10 P 1-12 Personal Life of; compiled from Family Documents, Private ]Memoranda, and Original Letters to and from various Friends, by Mrs. Grote. Svo. Lond., 1873. C 7 T 2 Plato and other Companions of Sokrates. 2nd ed. 3 vols Svo. Lond., 1867. G 10 T 10-12 Review of the AVork of Mv. Julm Stuart Mill, entitled " Examination of Sir AVilliani Hamilton's Philosophy." 12mo. Lond., 1868. G S P 6 Seven Letters concerning the Politics of Switzerland, pending the Outbreak of the Civil "War in 1S47. Svo. Lond., 1876. B 7 U 30 GROTE (Mrs. Harriet). Scheffer. 2nd ed. Svo- Memoir of the Life of Ary Lond., 1860. C 3 R 33 Personal Life of George Grote. Svo. Lond., 1873. C7T2 GROTIUS (lk-(;o). De Jure IVlli .lo Pacis, Libri tres, in quibus Jus Naturie et Gentium, item J uris Publicipra"-cipua explicantur. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterd., 1719. F5V12, 13 Life of ; with brief Minutes of the Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of the Xetlicrlands. by Charles Butler. Svo. Lond., 1826. C 8 Q 23 Life of ; with a Critical Account of his Works, by Jean Levescjue dc Burigny. Svo. Lond., 1754. C5R17 ( In (lic ')rigin of the Native Races of America: a Disserta- tion. (liililiothcca'Curiosa). I2nio. Edinb., 1884. E (iUOUNl) (Rev. W. D.) Kxaniinatinn of the Structural Pi'inciples of Mr. Herbert Spencer's l'liiloso]ihy : intendt'd as a Proof that Theism is theonlv Theory of the Universe tlwit can satisfy Reason. Svo. Oxford," 1883. G14PS (!1!<)UT (IIev. Lewis). Tlielsizulu: aOramniarof the Zulu Language ; accompanied with a Historical Introduction ; also with an Appendix. Svo. Natal, 1859. K 13 P 1 tlROVl'] (E. D.) Civsar de BelioGalJico: an Interlinear translation, designed as an aid to Self Instruction in the Latin Language. (The Australian Series of Keys to the Cla.ssies.) ' Svo. Sydney, 1870. Mi5 2P44 (1U<)\'I'> (!''.(!.) 'I''lie I'l-osty Caucasus : an Account of a Walk througii i)art of the R.ange, and of an Ascent of I'illiru/. in the Sunnner of 1874. Svo. Lond., 1S75. 1) S U 15 (;i!l'>gi(iu(' de la Galatie, etc. [Saint Leger. Vie de Pcpin-lc- Vieu.x. 3. Aunales irEginhanl. A'ie de Charlemagne, par Egiiihard. Des Fails et (iestes dc Cliarlemagne, par iiii Aloiiie (lc 8aint- (Jall. Vie de Loi\is-le-l)c'l)onnaire, par 'flicgan. ^'ie de LoHis-Ie-])iM)omiaire, par rAstronome. HLstoire dcs Dissen- sions des Fits dc Louis-Ie-Di'I>onnairc, par Nitliard. 4. Faits et Gestes de Lonis-Ie-lMon.x, Po'Mne, pai- lunmld le Noir. Annales de Saint-liertiu et de Metz. .">. Histoire d rJCglise de Rheinis, i)ar Frodoard. (i. .Miljon : Sii'ge lie I'ai'is. t'lu'oni(|iie do Fruiloard. t'lu'yniiiuc do Kaonl (llal)er. Vie dn Hoi Robert, par Ilolgaiid. Poenio d'Adallx'i'on siu- lc Ri"'gne de Robeit. 7. Vie de Hoiielianl, Comto do Mobui. IVagmens do THistoire des Fianijais. Chroninue de Ungues do Flcuiy. Pl■oc^s- verbal du sacro de Pliilippc \"- Jlistoiie du Monasteie do Vi'zelai, par Hugnes do Poitiers. 8. Vie do Lonis-le-(!ros, par Suger. Vie de Sugcr, par tJuil- launie. Vie de Louis-lo-Jcune. Vie do Charles-le-Uon, par (Jalbei-t. !l. Histoiio des Croisades, par (inibcrt do Nogent. ^'ie de (iuibcrt lie Nogent, par lui-nir'uic. 10. Suite clo la Vie de (Juibort de Nogent, par lui-nu^nie. Vie lie Saint-liei-nard, ]):ir (Inillaunu' de Saiut-'l'hiorri, etc. 11. Higord ; \'ie do l'liilii)))e-.\ugn.ste. ( iuillaunie le Hi-eton ; Vie do l'liiHp])o-.\ugn.Hto. \'io do Louis viil. Nicolas de Hiay ; I'aits et (iostcs ilo Louis viii. I'J. La i'liilippido, Poi'^ino, par (Inillaunie lc Breton. i:i. ('bri>nii(no ile (iuillaunio do Nangis. II. HiHtoire dc la (iuerro ilos Albigoois, par Pierre do \'anlx- ( Vriiay. l.">. Histoire dc la fJuorrc des Albigoois. Chroniqnc detliiil- buuno de Pny Lanrons. Des (Jesles illustres des Fiamais do r.\n iL'cr.'a r.\nnre Kill. II) IS. lliHloiro di'rt ( 'niiHiiiloa, par Ouillaumo do 'I'yr. li). t-'onlinnation do rilistiiire dos Croisades do (liiillauiiu' do Tyr, par liornard lo 'rr/'noriei'. 'Jll. Ilistoiie des Croisades jiar .Mbort d'.Vi.v. PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 823 Gui] Part I : — Authors, Editor's, or Meference. [Giin GUIZOT (FnAS<;ois Pierre Guillaume). — continued. 21. Ilistoire iles Croisades par Albert d'Aix. Histoirc dcs Francs qui out pris Jerusalem par Raiiiiond d'Agiles. 22. Histoire des Croisades, par Jacques de Vitry. 23. Histoire de Tancrede, par Raoul de Caen. Histoire de la Premiere Croisade, par Robert le Jloine. 24. Histoire des Croisades, par Foulcher de Cliartres. Histoire de la Croisade de Louis vn, par Odon de Deuil. 25-28. Histoire de Normandic, par Oderic Vital. 29. Histoire dcs Normands, par Guillaume de Jumicge. Vic de Ouillaume-Ic-Conquerant, par (iuillaume do Poitiers. 30. Table Ccn6rale et Analytique. 31. Introduction :--Considerations sur les Gaulois, les Francs, ct les Franoais, i^ar Bourden de Sigrais. Fragment sur I'Histoire de France, par Aug. Trognon. Collection des Mdmoires relatifs a la Revolution d'Angle- terre. 25 vols, (in 26). 8vo. Paris, 1823-27. B5T1-2G 1. Memoires de Sir Philippe Warwick sur le Rf'gne de Charles I""'' et ce qui s'est passe depuis la Mort de Charles !"■ jusqu'a la Restauration des Stuart. 2. M(;'moires de John Price, Chapelain de Monk, sur la Restauration des Stuart. 3. MiSmoiros de Sir Thomas Herbert, Valet de Chambre de Charles !<='', sur les deux dernieres Anndes du Regne de ce Prince. Memoires de Sir John Berkley, sur les Negociations de Charles U'r avec Cromwell et rArmoe Parliamentairc. 4. [Part 1 and 2] Histoire dn Long-Parlement convoque par Charles l^i' en 1G4U ; par Thomas May, Secretaire du Parle- ment). 5. Memoires de HoUis. Mdmoires de Huntington. Memoires de Fairfax. 6-8. Memoires de Ludlow. 9. Procf-s de Charles l^r. Eikon Basilik^ ; Apologie attriTni<5e a Charles U-r. Memoires de Charles ii, sur sa Fuite apres la Bataille de \Vorcester. 10-11. Memoires de Mistriss Hutchinson. 12-10. Mdmoires de Lord Clarendon, (4rand-CIiancclier d'Angle- terie sous le Regne de Charles ii. 17-20. Histoire de mon Temps, par Burnet, Eveque de Salis- bury. 21. Memoires de Sir John Reresby. Memoires du Due de Buckingham. 22-20. Memoires de Jacques ii. Democracy in France, .January, 1849. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1849. " EST 35 Dictionnaire Universel des Synonymcs de la Langue Francjaise. 7th ed. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1864. K15S19 An Embassy to the Court of St. James's in 1840. 8vo. Lond., 1802. B 6 Q 10 General History of Civilization in Euiope, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. 2nd ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1838. B 7 T 33 History of Oliver Cromwell and the English Common- wealth ; tran.slated by Andrew R. Scoble. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1854. B 6 T 15, 16 History of the English Revolution, from the Accession of Charles l. Translated from the French, by L. H. R. Coutier. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1838. B 6 T 9, 10 History of the Origin of Representative Government in Europe ; translated liy Andrew R. Scoble. 8vo. Lond., 1861. B 7 S 47 History of Richard Cromwell and tlie Restoration of Charles ll. Translated by Andrew R. Scoble. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1856. B 6 T 5, 6 The Last Days of the Reign of Louis Philippe. 8vo. Lend., 1867 B 8 R 25 GUIZOT (Francois Pierre Guillaume). — continued. Meditations on the actual State of Christianity, and on the attacks which are now being made upon it. Svo. Lond., 1866. G 8 S U Memoirs of a Minister of State, from the year 1840. Svo. Lond., 1864. C 7 P 11 Memoirs of General Monk, Duke of Albemarle ; trans- lated by the Hon. J. Stuart Wortley. Svo. Lond., 1838. C 8 R 30 Memoirs of Sir Robert Peel. Svo. Lond., 1857. C9Q18 Memoirs to illustrate the History of my Time : translated ])y J. W. Cole. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1858. C 7 P 7-10 Monk and Washington : Historical Studies. 12mo. Lond., 1851. C 1 R 26 Monsieur Guizot in Private Life, 1787-1874 ; by his Daughter, Madame de Witt; translated by M. C. M. Simpson. Svo. Lond., 1880. C 7 P 12 On the Causes of the Success of the English Revolution, 1640-88. Svo. Lond., 1850. B6Q11 Washington; translated by Henry Reeve. Svo. Lond., 1840. C 4 S 49 Why was the Revolution successful 1 (Pam. 38.) Svo. Lond., 1850. INIJ 2 Q 25 GULLICK (Tnos. John), and TIMBS (John), F.S.A. Painting popularly explained. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1873. ^ " A 17 Q 25 GULLY (John). New Zealand Scenery : Chromo-litho- graphed after original Water-color Drawings ; with Des- criptive Letterpress, by Julius von Haast. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1877. MD 1 P 10 I GULPHILAS. ISee Ulphilas.] GUNDULF (Bisnop or RocnESTEE). Memoir of Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, 1077-1108; with Notices of the other Ecclesiastical Founders of that Church and Monas- tery, by Thomas Hugo, M.A., etc. Svo. Lond., 1853. C 1 1 P 37 GUNN (William). Inquiry into the Origin and Influence of Gothic Architecture. Svo. Lond., 1819. A 2 S 25 GUNTHER (Albert Charles Lewis Gottiiilf), M.A., &c. Catalogue of the Fishes in the British ^Museum. 8 vols. Svo. Lond., 1859-70. A 14 U 33-40 Ceratodus, and its Place in the Svsteni. (Pam. Co.) Svo. Lond., 1871. " MA 2 V 9 Description of Ceratodus, a Genus of Ganoid Fishes, recently discovered in Rivers of Queensland, Australia. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1871. MA 2 Q U t Description of the Living and Extinct Races of Gigantic Land-Tortoises. (Rov. Soc. Pubs., 1.) 4to. Lond., 1875. AllP2t Introduction to the Study of Fishes. Svo. Edinb., ISSO. " A 15 P 16 Reptiles of British India. Fob Lond., 1864. A 23 S 29 ■ GUNTHER (Mary A. vox). Countess. Tales and Legends of the Tyrol. Svo. Lond., 1874. D 7 Q 22 32i CATALOGUE OF THE Gup] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Gwi GUPPY (H. P.), M.B., &c. Solomon Islands, and their Natives. Roy. 8vo. Lend., 1887. MA 1 S 20 Solomon Islands : their Geology, General Features, and Suitability for Colonisation. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1887. MA 2 R 4 GURXER (Henrv Field). Chronicle of Port PhilUp, now the Colony of Victoria, 1770-1840. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MJ 2 P 28 Another copy. MJ 2 R 10 \_See Manuscripts, (fee] GURXEY (Ed.mun'd). The Power of Sound. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 7 V 15 GURNEY (Edmund), .M.A., .AIYERS, (Frederic W. H.), M.A., AND PODMORE (Frank). Phantasms of the Li\-ing. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886. G11S6, 7 GURNEY (J. H.), JuxR., axd RUSSELL (Col. C), The House Sparrow; and The English Sparrow in America, by Dr. Eliott Coues. 12mo. Lond., 1885. A 14 Q 47 GURNEY (Joseph Joiix). Memoirs of ; with Selections from liis Journals and Correspondence, edited by J. B. Braithwaite. 2 vols. 8vo. Norwich, 1854. C 7 "P 13, 14 Observations on the Distinguishing Views and Practices of the Society of Friends. 8vo. Lond., 1834. G 3 Q 4 Another copy. 7th ed. Svo. Lond., 1834. G 8 S 13 A Winter in the West Indies; described in familiar Letters to Henry Clay, of Kentucky. 2nd ed. 8\o. Lond., 1840. D 4 Q 37 GURNEY (Thomas). Lessons in Shorthand on (Jurney's System. [5ee Miller, R. E.] GURWOOD (CoL.), C.B., kc. Speeches of the Duke of Wellington. {See Wellington', Duke of.] GURY (Joanne Petro), S.J. Compendium Theol,,giii. M,,- ralis. 6»- editio. 2 vols. 12mo. Lugd., 1853. G 8 P 7, 8 GUSTAFSOX (Axel). Foundation of Death : a Study of the Drink-Que.stion. Svo. Lond., 1884. A 12 y 1 GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS (Kino of Sweden). History of; by John L. Stevens. Svo. Lond., 1885. C 6 Q 1 HLstory of the Life of; by the Rev. Walter Ilarte, M.A. 2nd cd. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1767. C 5 R 1, 2 GUSTAVUS VASA (Kixo op Sweden). History .,f; with Extracts from his Correspondence. Svo. Lond 1852. B2 R 10 OUTHE(Prof. H.) Mirbuch dor Geographic. 20 auflago. Svo. Hannover, 1H72. D 1 •_' T^ 23 GiJTEUBOCK(I5RUNo),ETTHUUM:vsi;X(IUi.oLi.iir.M). Inrlicc.M (Jlfis.Miirum et Vocabuioruni 1 1 ibcriiicoruiii (piii' in Gruiinniilicie Cdticie wlitione nitcni (•.\])!anantur. Hn. Lipsi..., IMHI. K 1 1 S II OUTIIIUE (E. J.) Old Scottish Customs, and General. Svo. fy.nd, 1S85. B 13 P 13 GUTHRIE (Frederick). Magnetism and Electricity. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1876. A 5 R 47 GUTHRIE (Malcolm). On Mr. Spencer's Unification of Knowledge. Svo. Lond., 1882. G 4 Q 8 GUTHRIE (Mrs. Maria). My Year in an Indian Fort. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1874. D 5 P 14, 15 Through Russia, from St. Petersburg to Astrakhan and the Crimea. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1874. D 7 Q 5, 6 A Tour, performed in the j'ears 1795-96, through Taurida, or Crimea, the ancient Kingdom of Bosphorus. 4to. Lond., 1802. D 6 V 22 GUTHRIE (Thomas), D.D. The Parables, read iu the Light of the Present Day. Svo. Loud., 1866. G3P12 \_See Sunday Magazine, The.] GUTZLAFF (Rev. Charles). China Opened ; or, a Display of the Topography, History, Customs, itc, of the Chinese Empire. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1838. B 2 P 34, 35 Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China, in 1831-33; with Notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-choo Islands. Svo. Lond., 1834. D 5 P 41 Life of Taou-Kwang, late Emperor of China ; with Memoire of the Court of Peking. Svo. Lond., 1852. C 4 U 33 Sketch of Chinese History, Ancient and iModern. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1834.* B 2 P 48, 49 Voyage to the Northern Ports of China. \_See LiNDSAV, Hon. H. H.] GUYON (Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Mothe). Life, Religious Opinions, and Experience of Madame de la Mothe Guyon ; together with some account of the per- sonal History and Religious Opinions of Fenelon, Arch- bishop of Cambray, by T. C. Upham. Svo. Lond., 1856. C3H41 GUYOT (T.) The Scottish Academy Illustrated Catalogue; containing Illustrations from Drawings by the Artists. Svo. Edinb., 1884-85. E GUZMAN (Don J. de). {See Sekiman, Z.] GWILT (Chahles Perkins). Notices relating to Thomas Smith, of Cani]id('n, and to Henry Smith, sometime Alder- man of liCindim. Imp. 8\o. T>nnd., 1836. C 1 W 22 CWILT (.JosEi'ii), F.U.A.S. Ancient Architecture. [Ste N'lTKUVlUS I'OLLIO, M.J Encyclopajdia of Architecture, Historical and Practical. New ed., rovi.sod, with Alterations and Additions, by Wyatt Pai)worth. Svo. Lond., 1867. K 5 U 2 lOvidcnccs relating to the Estates of Henry Smith, ICsq., .Sdmetinie Alderman of the City of Lond. imp. Svo. Lond., 1S28. " C 4 W 22 Observations on the comnuinication of Mr. Wilkins, to the I'iditor of the Al/iriiniiiii, iclalive to the National (Jallcry. Sv,,. Lond., 1833. A 7 13 Hudiiiicnts of a Grammar of tlic Anglo Saxon TongU(>. Svo. Lon.l., 1829. K l;! g 4 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAUY, SYDNEY. 325 H.A.L.] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Hah H H.A.L. The Old Shekarry. [_See Leveson, Major H. A.] H.(H.) [See Jackson, Mrs. H. H.] H.J.C. \_See Furnishing, The Art of.] H.J.L. [See Adventures op Mr. Newchamp.] HAAN (W. de). [See Siebold, P. F. de.] HAARLEM LEGEND. [See Linde, Dr. van der.] HAAST (Prof. Julius von), Ph.D., &c. Classification of the Moas. [See Hutton, Capt. F. W.] Geology of the Provinces of Canterbury and Westland, New Zealand : a Report. 8vo. Christchurch, 1879. MA2Q21 New Zealand Scenery. [See Gully, J.] On Ziphius Novae-Zealandire. 8vo. Lond., 1880. MA 2 U 2.5 Progress of Geology : Opening Address, delivered to the Students of Canterbury College. 8vo. Dunedin, 1883. MA 2 Q 22 HABINGTON (William). Castara [Lady Lucia Powis] ; with a Preface and Notes, by Chas. A. Elton. 12mo. Bristol, 1812. H6R16 Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] The Queene of Arragon; a Tragi-Comedie. (Old Plays.) Sni. fol. Lond., 1640. H 1 V 1 HABIT DE COUR (L') ou le Moraliste de Nouvelle Etoffe, pour corriger les nireurs il faut les devoiles. 3 vols. 12nio. Paris, 1815. J 16 T 20-22 HACK (J. B.) Letters from. [See Watson, H.] HACO. The Norwegian Account of Haco's Expedition against Scotland. [See Johnstone, Rev. J.] HADDON (James), A.M. Commercial Book-keeping and Phraseology, in four Languages. (Weale.) 15th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1879. A 17 Q 69 Elements of Algebra; with Key and Companion. (Weale.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1868. A 10 S 3 Examples and Solutions of the Differential Calculus. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) A 17 P 47 Key to Haddon's Arithmetic ; containing Answers to all that Work, and Solutions of all such Exercises as are likely to present any difficulty, by Abraham Arman. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1862. A 17 R 4 Rudimentary Arithmetic, for the Use of Schools and Self-instruction. New ed., by Abraham Arman. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 R 4 HADEN (Francis Seymour), F.R.C.S. Etched Work of Rembrandt : a Monograph ; with an Appendix. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 8 R 12 [See Wedmoee, F.] HADPIELD (William). Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falkland Islands; with the Cape Horn Route to Australia Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1854. D 4 Q 40 HADLEY (A. T.) Railroad Transportation : its History and its Laws. 8vo. New York, 1885. F G Q 32 HAECKEL (Dr. Ernst). Anthropogenic oder Entwicke- lungs-geschichte des Menschen. Roy. 8vo. Leipsic, 1874. A 12 V 17 Ai'abische Korallen : ein ausflug nach den Korallen- biinken des Rothen meeres, und ein Blick in das Leben derKorallenthiere. Imp. 4to. Berlin, 1876. A 23 S 2 J Evolution of Man: a popular Exposition of the principal Points of Human Ontogeny and Phylogeny. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 13 P 13, 14 Gesanimelte Populiire Vortriige aus dem gebiete der Ent- wickelungslepre. Roy. 8vo. Bonn, 1878-79. A 16 V 12 History of Creation : or, the Development of the Earth and its Inhabitants by the action of Natural Causes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 16 Q 16, 17 Die Naturanschauung von Darwin, Goethe, und Lamarck. 8vo. Jena, 1882. A 17 V 4 Das System der Meduscn. Erster Thiel. Finer Mono- graphie der Medusen. (With Plates.) 2 vols. sm. 4to. Jena, 1879. A 23 R 3, 4 + Visit to Ceylon ; translated by Clara Bell. 8vo. Lond., 1883. D 6 P 16 HAFIZ (of Sheraz). Persian Poetry. [See Robinson, S.] HAFIZ-OOL-MOOLK, HAFIZ REHMUT KHAN. Life of ; written by his Son, Nuwal) Moost'ujab Khan Buhadoor, and entitled Goolistan-i-Rehmut. Abridged and translated by Charles Elliott. 8vo. Lond., 1831. C9 V21 HAGA (Col. A.) Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea en de Papoesche Eilanden : Historische Bijdrage, 1500-1883. 2 vols. 8vo. Batavia, 1884. MD 2 S 14, 15 HAGERUP (E.) Om det Danske Sprog i Angel. Ordbog — Sprogliere — Sprogprover. 8vo. Kobenhavn, 1867. K 12 Q 21 HAGGARD (H. Rider). Cetywayo and his White Neigh- bours ; or. Remarks on recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal. 8vo. Lond., 1882. B 1 P 38 HAGHE (Louis). The Holy Land. [See Roberts, D.] HAHN (Heinrich). Bonifaz und Lul : ihre AngeLsiich- sischen Korrespondenten. Erzbischof Luis Leben. 8vo. Leipzig, 1883. C 10 P 6 HAHN (Simon Friedrich). CoUectio Monvmentorvm. 2 vols. 8vo. Brunsvigae, 1724-26. J 16 R 13, 14 326 CATALOGUE OF THE Hah] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Heference. [Hal HAHN (Dr. TnEOPniLUs). Die Spraclic der Xama. 8vo. Leipsig, 1870. K 15 S 11 HAHN-HAHN (Ida), Cotjktess. Letters of a Geraian Countess, written during her Travels in Turkey, Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria, Xubia, ic, in 1843-44. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1845. D G P 22-24 IIAIG (James), M.A. Symbolism; or, Mind— Matter- Language as the Elements of Thinking and Reasoning. 8vo. Edinh., 1869. G 8 S H HAILES (Sir David Dalrymple), Lord. {See Dal- RY.MPLE, Sir D.] HAILPRIX (David). Genius, Lunacy, and Knavery : Story of a Colonial Physician ; hy M. Brodzky. Moll)., 1876. ' MA 2 S 38 HAILSTONE (E.) Poi-traits of Yoikshire Worthies, selected from the National Exhibition of Works of Art at Leeds ; with Biographical Notices. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1869. C 4 W 27-28 \_See Walker, G.] HAIME (J.) Histoiro Naturelle dcs Corallaires, etc. \Stt Milxe-Edwards, H.] HAINES (H.) Der Staat Alabama. (Noidamorika.) (Pani. 38.) 8vo. Paris, 1867. M.J 2 Q 25 HAITE (G. C.) Plant Studies for Artists, Designees, Art Student-s. Roy. ful. Lond., 1886. A 2 P 23 \ HAKE (A. ErjMONT). Journal of Gordon. \Bee Gordon, M.\jor-Gexeral, C. G.] Story of Chinese Gordon ; with Portraits and Maps. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1884-85. C 7 R 15, 16 HAKEWILL (IJR. (Jeoroi;). An Apologic; oi'. Declaration of tlitc. 2nd emd., 1813. B 14 S 14 J HAKLUYT SOCIETY. [Publications.] 52 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847 75. E HALC0MI5E (Hev. J. J.), M.A. Tlio Emigrant and the Heathen ; or, Sketches of Mi8.sionarv Life. 8v(). I.^ind., 1><74. " Ml) 1 S 30 Jl.\ fd),\ N IC (Alex.vndeuj. MewKiirs of the Lives of llolxTt Halclane, Airthrey, and of his Brother, James Alexander J laldune. 8vo. I>ond., 1852. C 7 P 19 HALDANE (RiniAiir) Burdon), M.A. Es.May.s i.n I'hiln Hophical Criticism. [&V« SuTit, A., PiiOF.] JI.\M),\.NK (I!. ('.) Subtropical Cull ivatioii.s, and CliniateM J'lantei-H, A'c. Kvo. I>md., 1H86. A 1 Q 22 HALDANE OP AIRTHREY (Robert, and James Alex- ander). IMemoirs of the Lives of ; by Alexander Hal- daue. Svo. Lond., 1852. C 7 P 19 HALDE (P. J. B. du). {Set Du Halde, P. J. B.] HALDEMAN (Prof. S. S.), A.M. Affixes in their Origin and Application, exhibiting the Etymologic Structure of English Words. Revised cd. 8vo. Philad., 1871. K 12 P 6 Analytic Orthography: an Investigation of the Sounds of the Voice, and their Alphabetic Notation; including the Mechanism of Speech, and its bearing upon Ety- mology. 4to. Philad., 18G0. K 16 S 9 HALDORSEN (Biorn). Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Dani- cum. 3 vols. sm. 4to. Havniae, 1814. K 1511 15, 16 HALE (Horatio), M.A. Ethnography and Philology. (United States Exploring Expedion.) Roy. 4to. Philad., 1846. A 31 P 7 t Iroquois Book of Rites. Svo. Philad., 1883. B 1 T 35 HALE (Mathew B.), M.A. Transportation Question ; or, why Western Australia should lie made a Reforma- tory Colony instead of a Penal Settlement. (Pam. 37.) Svo. Candj., 1857. MJ 2 Q 24 HALES (Rev. Francis). Ajipeal from the to the Church. Svo. Melb., 1854. MG 1 tj 39 HALES (Prop. John W.), M.A. Notes and Essays on Sliak(!spearc. Svo. Lond., 1884. J 9 U 7 HALES (Rev. William), D.D., kv. New Analysis of Chronologj' and Geograjihy, History, and Prophecy, in which their Elements ai'c attempted to be explained, harmonized, and vindicated upon Scriptural and Scientific Piinciples. 2nded. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1830. B 15 Q 7-10 llALKVY (J.) Melanges do Criti(iue et d'liistoirc relatifs aux Pcu])les Sc'mitiques. Roy. Svo. Paris, 1883. G5S16 HALF-A-DOZEN ATTEMPTS AT N' KKSIFICATION; by R.O. 12mo. Sydney, 1SS6. .MHIPIO HALF HOURS IN THE FAR St^UTH. People and Scenery of the Tropics. (The Half Hour Librai'y of Travel, Nature and Science for young Readers.) 12mo. Lond., 1877. ■ MD I S 54 HALI'OR!) (F. Vi.) Floating Flio.s, and how to Dress them ; a Treatise on the most Modern Methods of Dressing Artificial Flirs for Trout and Grayling. Svo. Lond., 1886. " A 16 T 5 HALFORI) (Prop. (Jeorou Britton), M.D., A-c. New Treatment of Snake-bil(i ; with jilaiii Directiims for Injecting. Svo. Melb., 1869. MA 2 S .38 Treat Mient of Snake bile in ^'ictllria. (Pam. C(|.) Svo. Melb, 1S70. MA 2 V 9 fiecture (111 the C'irculalii.n ■■f llic I'.IimkI {See MeLII ol'RNi; Puiilk; LiiiriAity.] {See TiiOMBON, W. ] I FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 327 Hill] Paet I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Hal HALFORD (Sir Henry), Bart., M.D., &c. Essays and Orations read and delivered at the Royal Collcf^e of Physicians; to wliich is added an Account of the Opening of the Tomb of King Charles i. 2nd cd. 8vo. Lond., 18:33. A 12 P .-30 HALFPENNY (William). Practical Architecture. 5th od. 12mo. Lond., 17;30. A 2 R 25 HALHED (Nathaniel Buassey). Code of Ccntoo Laws. \_See Gentoo Laws.] HALIBURTON (Thomas Ciiandleh). Americans at Home ; or, Byeways, Backwoods, and Prairies. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond.' 1854. J 4 Q 21-23 The Attache; or, Sam Slick in England. 1st and 2nd Series. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843-44. J 4 Q 1G~19 Buhl lies of Canada. Svo. Lond., 1839. B 1 R 31 The Clockmakcr; oi', the Saying and Doings of Samuel Slick. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Series. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1838-40. J 4 Q 7-9 The English in America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1851. B 1 Q 31, 32 The Letter-bag of the "Great Western''; or. Life in a Steamer. Svo. Lond., 1840. J 4 Q 24 Nature and Human Nature. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1855. J 4 Q 5, 6 The Old Judge; or, Life in a Colony. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1849. J 4 Q 14, 15 Rule and Misrule of the English in America. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1851. B 1 Q 9, 10 Sara Slick's Wise Saws and Modern Instances; or, what he said, did, or invented. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S53. J 4Q 10, 11 The Season Ticket. 2 vols. Svo. Lond.,18G0. J 4 Q 12, 13 Traits of American Humour ; by Native Authors. Svo. Lond., 1866. J 4 Q 20 PIALIDAY (Charles). Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin ; edited, with some notice of the Author's Life, by John P. Prendergast. Roy. Svo. Dublin, 1881. li'llRl HALIFAX (Charles Montagu), Earl of. Life and Poems of. \_See Chalmers, A., and Johnson, S. HALKETT (G. R.) ISee Hunt, Mrs. A. W.] HALKETT (Samuel), and LAING (Rev. John), M.A. Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseudonymous Litera- ture of Great Britain. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. roy. Svo. Edinb., 1882-85. K 17 R 1-3 HALL (Mrs. Angus W.) Mythology, Greek and Roman. [_See Nosselt, F.] HALL (Prof.), M.B. Signs of the Times : a Prophetic Study of the Eastern Question and its ultimate results, the whereabouts of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Svo. Melb., 1878. MJ 2 R 15 HALL (Capt. Basil), R.N. Extracts from a Journal wi-itten on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820-22. 4th ed. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1825. D 4 P 28, 29 Fragments of Voyages and Travels, including Anecdotos of a Naval Life;. 1st, 2n(l, iuid 3rd Scries. 9 vols. ISmo. Edinb., 1831-33. D 10 P5-13 Patch 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1841. D IS P 6-8 Schloss Hainfekl; or, a Winter in Lowei- Styria. 8vo. Edinb., 183G. J 5 Q 29 Travels in North America in the years 1827-28. 3rd ed. 3 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1830. D 3 P 15-17 Voyages to Loo-choo, itc. (Const. Misc.) 3 vols. ISmo. Edinb., 1827- K 10 P 40-42 HALL (Capt. Charles Franci.s). Life with the Esqui- maux: the Narrative of Capt. C. F. Hall, of the AVhaling Barque Georyc Henry, from the 29th May, 1860, to the 13th Sept., 1862. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S64. D4R16, 17 Narrative of the North Polar E.xpedition, with Life of Capt. Charles Francis Hall. [_See Davis, Rear-Adm. C. H.] Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition: his Voyage to Repulse Bay, Sledge Journeys to the Straits of Fury and Hecla, and to King William's Land, and Residence among the Eskimos during the years 1864-69; edited by Prof. J. E. Nourse, U.S.N. (U.S. Naval Observatory, 1879.) 4to. Lond., 1880. D 10 P 15 t \_See American Arctic Explorers.] HALL (Dii. E. S.) On the Climate of Tasmania. \_See Whiting, G.] HALL (Frederic T.), F.R.A.S. Pedigree of the Devil. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1SS3. G 1 P 15 HALL (George S.) Hegel as the National Philosopher of Germany. \_See Rosenkranz, Prof. K.] HALL (Henry), F.R.G.S. Biographical Sketch of Thomas Baines. \_See Baines, T.] HALL (Herbert Byng). Exmoor; or the Footsteps of St. Hubert in the West. Svo. Lond., 1849. D 7 R 37 West of England, and the Exhibitioii of 1851. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1851. D 7 R 5 HALL (Hudert). History of the Customs Revenue in ■ England, from the Earliest Times to the year 1827. Compiled exclusively from original Authorities. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1885. B 3 S 8, 9 Society in the Elizabethan Age. Svo. Lond., 1886. B 6 P 42 HALL (t. H.) Syrian Antilegomena Epistles : 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, and Jude, written a.d. 1471, by Sulieman of Husn Keifa (Williams, M.) Edited l)y L H. Hall. Roy. 4to. Baltimore, 1886. " G 3 P 22 HALL (Jajies). History of the Indian Tribes of North America. {See Mackennev, T. L. 328 CATALOGUE OF THE Hal] Part I : — AutJwrs, Editors, or Reference. [Hal HALL (John). Prospectus and Plan for colonising Prince Albert Land, North-western Australia : first Settlement, Grey City. 12mo. Melb., 1862. MJ 2 R 1 HALL (Et. Rev. , x t^ t^ t? x- ^ Joseph), u.D., Bishop of r»OKWicH. Life and Poems of. \_See Chalmers, A.] Mvndvs alter et idem siue Terra Australis ante hac semper incognita longis itineribus peregrini Academici nuperrime lustrata. 12mo. Francof., 1643. :MJ 1 P 58 Selections from the "Works of. [_See MoyxAGU, B.] HALL (Mrs. Matthew). Royal Prmcesses of England, from the Reign of George i. 12mo. Lond., 1858. C 1 R 29 HALL (Melmoth). How is it? a Refutation from the Holy Scriptures of the Asserted Supremacy of the Apostle Peter. (Pam. M.) 4to. Sydney, 1875. MJ 2 S 4 HALL (Rev. Newman), B. A. Land of the Forum and the Vatican. 3rd thousand. 12mo. I..nd., iHlt. 1)7 V29 HALL (Hami'ri, R.) Lectures on School-keeping. 3rd ed. 12mio. H..4inn 1831. (! is 1' I HALL (Theophilus D.) Copious and Critical English- Latin Dictionary. \_See Smith, "W., and Hall, T. D.] The Student's Latin Grammar. {See Smith, "W., and Hall, T. D.] HALL (Tho.mas). Floss; or, the Progress of an Adventurer in the Regions of Australia. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1852.* MJ 1 P 9 HALL (Thomas W.), M.D., kc. Sun and Earth as great Forces in Chemistry. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 5 S 34 HALL (William). Biography of David Cox; with Remarks on his Works and Genius. 8vo. Lond., 1881. {See Turner, M.] HALL (AVilliam Edward), M.A. International Law. 8vo. Oxford, 1880. F 8 R 5 HALL (William Henry). New Royal Encyclopredia ; or. Complete ]\Iodern Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 4 vols, (in 2) fol. Lond., 1 789. K 27 P 10, 1 1 | HALL (Comm. W. H.), R.N. Narrative of the Voyages, etc., of the Xemesis, from 1840-43, and Military Operations in China ; with Personal Observations, by W\ D. Bernard, Esq., A.M. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. D 6 T 1, 2 HALL, or HALLE (Edward). Chronicle ; containing tlie History of England during the Reign of Henry iv, and the succeeding Monarch.s, to the end of the Reign of Henry viii. 4to. Lond., 1809. B 10 R 9 t HALLAM (Arthur Henrv). Remaiivs in Verse and Prose of ; with a Preface and Menioii'. New ed., with Portrait. 12mo. Lond., 1869. J 12 S 10 HALLA]\r (Henry), LL.D., kc. Con.stitutional History of England, fidui the Accession of Ileiiry vil to the Death of George II. 3 vols. 8vo. Limd., 1829. B 5 R 33-35 Another copy. 3 vols. 8vo. L.)nd., 1S55. B3Q 19-21 Introduction to the Literature of Europe on the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837- 39. B 25 S 1-4 Another copy. 5th ed. 4v(ils. 12mo. Lond., 1855. B 25 S 5-8 Student's History of the Middle Ages; with Additions from recent Writers, and adapted to tlic use of Students, by Will. Sniilli, D.C.L., &c. 8vo. Lond., 1871. B7S32 View iif the State of Europ(< Ll''/("K (IIknuy ^\'A(JKU). lull rii.itiiinal L.iw ; or, Uides regulating the intereoin'.se of States in I'eaco and AVar. A new ed., by Sir Sherston Baker, Bart. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., IS7.S V 8 R 3, 4 EREE PUBLIC LIBRAllY, SYDNEY. 329 Hal] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ham HALLIDAY (Sm Andrew), K.H., i-c. General History of the House of Guelpli, or Royal Family of Great Britain, from the earliest period to the Accession of George i. 4to. Lond., 1821. B 10 P 1 t West Indies : the Natural and Physical History of the Windward and Leeward Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1837. D4P26 HALLIDAY (Andrew). [See Duff, A. H.] HALLIAVELL-PHILLIPPS (James Orchard), F.R.S., &.C. Brief Hand-list of the Collections respecting the Life and Works of Shakespeare, and the History of Stratford-upon-Avon. 8vo. Lond., 1863. K7I114 Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs from the 14th Century. 7th ed. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1872. K12S7,8 Historical Account of the New Place, Stratford-upon- Avon, the. last Residence of Shakespeare. Roy. fol. Lond., 1864. B 18 T 11 | Illustrations of the Life of Shakespeare. Part 1. Fol. Lond., 1874. C 1 W 25 Life of William Shakespeare ; including many particulars respecting the Poet and his Family, never before pub- lished. 8vo. Lend., 1848. " C 9 R 26 Life and Writings of John Marston. [See Marstox, J.] Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare. 2iid ed. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 9 R 27 Another copy. 5th ed. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C5W21 Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales : a Sequel to the " Nursery Rhymes of England." 12mo. Lond., 1849. J 7 Q 4 HALLORAN (Henry), C.M.G. Letter to Mr. Justice Wise with a M.S. copy of the Poem Leiclihardt's Grave ; by Lieut. B. Lynd. Fol. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 2 U 1 HALLS (J. J.) Life and Correspondence of Henry Salt, F.R.S., Ltc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1834. C 9 U 47, 48 HALS (Frans). a Biography; liy P. R. Heatl. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 3 T 33 HALSEY (F. R.) Raphael Morghen's Engraved Works, being a Descriptive Catalogue, &c., accompanied by Biographical and other Notes. Sm. fol. New York, 1885. K 2 P 7 t HALSTED (Caroline A.) Life of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby, Mother of King Henry vii. 8vo. Lond., 1839. C 10 Q 2 Obligations of Literature to the Mothers of England. 8vo. Lond., 1840. J 9 P 27 Richard lii as Duke of Gloucester and King of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 9 P 27, 28 HALY (Albohazen). Liber de Falls Astrorum. Sm. fol. Venetiis, 1485. ' A 16 R 17 J HALY (W. T.) [See Peel, Sir R.] 2 T M; 1 HAM (TnoMA.s). Key to the Map of Australia Felix and its Squatting Districts, 1847. 12mo. Melb., 1847. MD 5 S 15 t Lip of Australia Felix. 2nd ed. Roy. 4to. Melb., 849. MD 5 S 15 % I\Iap of the Purchased and Measured Lands, Counties, Parishes, &c., of the Melbourne and Geelong Districts. Roy. 4to. Melb., 1849. MD 5 S 15 J [See Mason, C] HAM (Thomas) k CO. [See Buxton, J. W.] HAMANN (A.), Ph.D., etc. Laocoon. [See Lessing, G. E.] HAMEL (Dr. J.) England and Russia; translated by John Studdy Leigh, F.R.G.S. 8vo. Lond., 1854. D6U12 HAMERLING (Robert). Simien and Minnen ein Jugendleben in Liedern. 6« auflage. 8vo. Hamburg, 1877. H 7 R 35 HAMERTON (Philip Gilbert). Etching and Etchers. New ed., Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 7 S 5 The Graphic Arts : a Treatise on the Varieties of Drawing, Painting, and Engraving, in comparison with each other and nature. Sm. fol. Lond., 1882. A 1 P 17 t Imagination in Painting. Landscape, with Illustrations. Foi. Lond., 1887. A23S8| Landscape ; with Original Etchings, and many Illus- trations from Pictures and Drawings. Sni. fol. Lend., 1885. AlPlSt Paris ill Old and Present Times. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond., 1885. D 5 S 12 t HAMILTON (Alexander). Life of: a History of the Republic of the United States of America ; l)y John C. Hamilton. 7 vols. 8vo. Bo.ston, 1879. CSV 7-13 HAMILTON (Alexander), JAY (John), and MADISON (James). The Federalist : a Commentary on the Consti- tution of the United States ; a Collection of Essays ; also, " The Continentalist," and other Papers, by Hamilton. Edited by John C.Hamiltm. 8vo. Philad.,1882. r8S2 HAMILTON (Andrew). Rheinsberg : Memorials of Frederick the Great and Prince Henrv of Prussia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. " C 4 S 29, 30 Sixteen Months in the Danish Isles. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond.. 1852. D 8 S 45, 46 HAMILTON (Anthony), Count. Le Belier; Fleur d'Epiiis ; et les Quatre Facardins. [See Cabinet des Fees, 20.] Memoirs of Count Grammont. New ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1811. C8Q19, 20 HAMILTON (Claud), Lady. Louis Pasteur: his Life and Labours. [See Radot, V.] :^,30 CATALOGUE OF THE Ham] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ham HAMILTON (Edward), M.D., Ac. Recollections of Fly Fishing for Salmon, Trout, and Grayling ; with Notes on their Haunts, Habits, and History. 8vo. Ix)nd., 1884. A 14 Q 33 HAMILTON (E. L.) [_See Aborigines.] HAMILTON (Frederick Fitzroy). Bordighera and the AVestern Riviera. Tran.slated from the French, with additional Matter, and Notes, Ijy Alfred C. Dowson. 8vo. Lond., 1883. ' D G U 36 HAillLTON (Lieut.-Gen. Sir F. W.), K.C.B. Origin of the First, or Cirenadier Guards. Illustrated. 3 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1874. B 5 U 28-30 HAMILTON (George). Experiences of a Colonist Forty Years Ago, and a Journey from Port Phillip to South Australia, in 1839: by "An Old Hand." Illustrated. 12mo. Adelaide, 1879. MD 5 P 37 The Horse; its Treatment in Australia ; with an Appendix on Shoeing, and an Appeal fur the Horse. 12mo. Melh., 18G6. MJ 2 P 30 Letters to H. F. Gurner. \_See Manuscripts, itc] UA.MILTON (George), R.N. Voyage round the Wurld in His Majesty's Frigate, Pandura, in the years 1790-92. 8vo. Berwick, 1793.* MD 1 U 30 HAMILTON (George James), Duke of. Memorial for, against Archil)ald Stewart, alias Douglas. \_See Douglas, A. J., First Baron.] HAMILTON (H.) International English and Fien.h Dictionary. \_See Smith, L.] HAMILTON (H), and LKCiROS (E.) Dictionnaire International Franrais-Anglais. Ruv. 8v(i. Paris, 187G. K IG R 19 HAMILTON (Hank Ci.AUDE). (ieogiaphy ..f Stiab... [See Strabo.] Grammar of the Greek Language. 8th cd. (W'eule.) 12mo. Lond., 1873. K 11 T 8 l[A.MILTON(Hi;NitY R.) English-Greek Lexicon. (Wcale.) I2inc.. Lires of I lie Lives and Actions of ; liy (jiiiiert Jiuriiet. l"\il. I/.nd., 1G77. C 2 W 12 JlAillLToN (Janet), poems .-mkI i'i..s, W,,rln the Flora and Fauna of Victoria ; with a Catalogue of the more Conunon Plants, their Habitats, and Dates of Flowering. 12mo. Melb., 1856.* MA 1 V 26 Seii and River-side Ramltles in Victoria; being a Hand- book for those seeking recreation during tlie Summer Months. 12mo. Geelong, 1859. MJ 2 P 31 HANNAY (D.) Admiral Blake. (English Worthies.) 12nio. L.,n(l., 1880. " C 2 R 3 HANNAY (James). Satire and Satirists ; Six Lectures. 8vo. Loud., 1851. J 4 Q 25 HANNINGTON (Rr. Rev. James), First Bisiior of Eastern Equatorial Africa. History of his Life and Works, 1847-85; by E. C. Daw.son, M.A. With a Por- tiaii, 8vo. Lond., 1887. C3V11 IIAN\(^. Voyage of ; tr-iuislnlcd and aoconi]mnied with the Greek Text, by 'I'lionius I'alfoMci', A.M., itc. 8vo. Loud., 1797. " D 9 T 12 IIANNOT (S.) Nieuw Wonnll 1; d.r Nederlantscli.! on Latynscho Tale met vccli' Womdin en S|)re('kwyzen mer- Urlyk vcniicri'dcrt en vcrivkt, diMir I ). \\\\\ lloogstialcii. Ito". Dordrichl, 1730. " KM R 4 HANSARD ((!eoi((;e Agar). Hook <.l' Ardicrv. Boy 8vo. I.niid., IS I I A 17 W 36. EREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 333 Han] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Har HANSARD (Thomas Curson). Parliamentary Debates, commencing with the 60th vol., 5 Vic, 1842. 173 vols. roy. 8vo. Load., 1842-76. E Parliamentary History of England (Cobbett's), from the Norman Conquest in 1060, to the year 1803. 36 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1806-20. F 2 Q 1-R 18 \_See Barrow, J. H.] HANSELL (E. H.) Novum Testamenturn Graece. \_See Bibles and Testaments.] HANSON (Sir Richard Davies), Knt., C.J. Law in Nature, and otlier Papers, read before the Adelaide Philosophical Society, and the South Australian Institute. 8vo. Adelaide, 1865. MG 1 R 10 HANWAY (Jona.s). Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea ; with the Author's Journal of Travels from England through Russia into Persia, and back through Russia, Germany, and Holland, ifec. Illus- trated. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 4 to. Lond., 1754. D .5 V 17, 18 HAOLE, A. [See Bates, G. W.] HAPPY DELIVERY OF A LEGAL LADY, in Jolop Street East: a Dramatic Episode; by "A Bohemian Uni- versity Student." 8vo. Melb., 1866. MJ 2 R 12 HARBINGER OF LIGHT (The) ; a Monthly Jouinal, devoted to Zoistic Science, Free Thought, Spiritualism, and the Harmonial Philosophy. June, 1874, to Decem- ber, 1876. Fol. Melb., 1874-76. ME HARBURY HOUSE ASYLUM. Private Retreat for the Insane ; Harbury H(juse, Pascoe Vale, near Mel- liourne. Mr. [James Thomas] Harcourt's Testimonials. (Pam. E.) 4to. Melb., 1857. MJ 2 S 2 HARCOURT (A. G. Vernon), M.A., kc, and MADAN (H. G.), M.A., &c. Exercises in Practical Cheraistrv. (Clar. Press.) 8vo. Oxford, 1872. A 21 Q 22 HARCOURT (Helen). Florida Fruits, and how to raise them. 8vo. Louisville, 1866. A 1 P 50 \_See Harbury House HARCOURT (James Thomas). Asylum.] HARCOURT (Leveson Francis Vernon-), M.A. Diaries, etc., of the Rt. Hon. George Rose. [_See Rose, Rt. Hon. G.] Harbours and Docks: their Physical Features, History, Con- struction, Equipment, and Maintenance. Text and Plates. (Clar. Pres.s.) 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1885. A 22 S 24, 25 Treatise on Rivers and Canals ; relating to the Control and Improvement of Rivers, and the Design, Construction, and Development of Canals. With Plates. (Clar. Press.) 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1882. A 22 S 26, 27 HARCUS (William). Hand-book for Emigrants proceeding to South Australia. 12mo. Adelaide, 1873. MD 4 Q 54 South Australia : its History, Resources, and Productions. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1876.* MB 2 R 14 HARDCASTLE (Daniel). [See Page, R.] HARDCASTLE (Hon. Mrs.), Mary Scarlett. Life of John, Lord Campbell. [See Campkell, John, Baron.] HARDIMAN (James), M.R.I. A. Minstrelsy; or, Bardic Remains of Iivland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831. H U 2, 3 HARDING (G. P.) Antiquities in Wesminster Abbey: Ancient Oil Paintings and Sepulchral Brasses; with an Historical, Biographical, and Heraldic Description, by Thomas Houle. Roy. fol. Lond., 1825. A 1 P 12 J: HARDING (J. D.) Tourist in France. [See Jennings, R.] Tourist in Italy. [See Jennings, R.] Views of Cities and Scenery of Italy, France, and Switzer- land. [See Prout, S.] HARDING (R. Coupland). Harding's Almanac, Diary, Year-book, Local Guide, and Directory for the year of our Lord 1881. Second year of publication. 8vo. Napier, 1880. ME 3 T Harding's New Zealand Almanac, Diary, Year-book, East Coast Directory, and Local Guide for 1885 and 1887. 2 vols. 8vo. Napier, 1884-86. ME 3 T HARDING (Pkof. William). Univei'sal Stenography; or, a new and practical System of Shorthand. Revised ed., by John R. Robinson. 12mo. Lond., 1860. K 11 U 24 HARDINGE (Henhy), Viscount, GOUGH (Hugh), Vis- count, and SMITH (Sir Harry George Wakelyn), Bart. Despatches and other Documents during the War in India. 8vo. Lond., 1846. B 10 U 20 HARDMAN (William), M.A. [See Stuart, J. McD.] HARDWICK (Charles). On some Ancient Battle-fields in Lancashire, and their Historical, Legendary, and Es- thetic Associations. 8vo. Manchester, 1882. B 3 T HARDWICKE (Herbert Junius), M.D. Medical Edu- cation and Practice in all Parts of the World. Svo. Lond., 1880. A 12 S 22 HARDWICKE (Philip Yorke), Earl of. Essay on the Life and Character of John, Lord Somers, Baron of Evesham; also. Sketches of an Essay on the Life antl Character of Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke, by Richard Cooksey. 4to. Worcester, 1791. C 4 W 32 Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke; with Selections from his Correspondence, Diaries Speeches, and Judgments, by George Harris. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. C 7 T 18-20 HARDWICKE (Rodert). Science Gossip : an Illustrated Jledium of Interchange and Gossip, for Students and Lovers of Natui'e. Edited by J. E. Tavlor, Ph.D., F.L.S., A-c. Vols. 1-20. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-84. E HARDWICKE'S ANNUAL BIOGRAPHY FOR 1856-57 ; by E. Walford. M.A. 2 vols; 12mo. Lond., 18.56-57. C 1 R 4, 5 HARDY (IzA DuFFUs). Oranges and Alligators : Sketches of South Florida Life. Svo. Lond., 1886. D 3 P 53 33i CATALOGUE OF TEE Har] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Har HARDY (JEary Dufpus), Lady. Through Cities and Prairie Lands: Sketches of an Anieriean Tour. 8vo. Ltmd., 188L D 3 T 18 HARDY (J. R.), B.A. Squattei-s and Gold-diggers: their Claims and Rights. (Pam. 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1855. M.J 2 Q IG Another copy. MF .3 Q 37 HARDY (Rev. Robert Spence). Manual of Budhisiii, iu its Modern Development; translated finm Singhalese MSS. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., l!^80. (i 2 K 3 HARDY (Siu Thomas Duffls), Knt. Description of the Close Rolls in the Tower of London; with an Account of the early Ciiurts of Law and E(|uitv. 8vo. Lond., 1833. ■ ' F 1 S 2C Monumenta Historica Britannica. \See Petrie, H.] Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Loudinensi asservati, a.d. 1199-1216. I'ol. Lond., 1837. B 24 R 8 J Rotuli Litteraruni Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. Fol. Lond., 1853. B 24 R 12 ■ Rotuli Litteraruni Patentium in Turri Londinensi asser- vati, A.D. 1201 16. Fol. Lond., 1835. B 24 R 11 | HARDYNG (John). Chronicle of; containing an Account of Puhlic Tiaijsactioiis from the earliest period of Englisli History to tiie beginning of the Reign of King Edward iv ; together with the Continuation, hy Hitliard (irafton, lo the 34th year of King Henry viil ; with a Pieface and Index, l.y H. Ellis. Uo. Lond., 1S12. B 10 R 10 t HARE (AuTiiiR W), .M.B., ttc. Pathological Mycology. {_See WooDiiEAD, G. S.] HARE (Av\.\<<;nv.r.o\i, G., ami BUIIKK, W.) HARGR AVE (Hon. John Fletcher), M.A. Chronological Chart of Constitutional Law: Statutes of the l^ealm, and other Pulilic Records, declaring and estahlishing our Civil and Religious Liberties. (Pam. A.) F'ol. Sydney, 186.5. - MJ"2 U"l Introductory Lecture on General Jurisprudence. (Pam. 37.) 8vo. Sydney, 1860. MJ 2 Q 24 Law Lectures, itc. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MF 1 Q 14 LectureonLaw. (Pam. 37.) 8vo. Sydney,1858. MJ 2 Q 24 Proposal to establisli a Law Institution in Sydney. 4to. Sydney, 1864. MJ 2 S 2 Syllabus of the two Ct)urses of Lectures on General Juris- prudence. (Pam. 37.) 8yo. Sydney, 1861. MJ 2 Q 24 [_See Matrimonial Causes Act.] HARGRAVES (Edward Hammond). Australia and its Gold-tields : a Historical Sketch of the Progress of the Australian Colonies, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1855.* Ml) 1 Q 1 HARGROVE (William). History and Description of the Ancient City of York ; comprising all the most interesting Information, already imblislied in ''Drake's Eboracum." lllu.strated with a n"eat Plan of the City. 2 vols, (in 3) roy. 8vo. York, 1818. B 5 U 10-12 HARKNESS (Capt. Henry). Description of a singular Aboriginal Race inhabiting the sunnnit of Ncilglierry Hills, in the Southern Peninsula of India. Hoy. 8vo. Lond., 1832. I>5 V 29 H.VRLAN (J.) Memoii' of India and Avghanistaun ; with (Jbservations on the ])i-esent exciting and critical State, and future Prospects of those Countries. 8vo. Philad., 1842. D 6 P 40 HARLAND (John), F.S.A. History of Lancaster. \_See Bainks, E.] HARLAND (John), F.S.A., and WIIJCTNSON (T. T.), F.R.A.S., itc. Lancashire Legends, Traditions, Pageants, Sports, itc. ; with an Appendix containing a rare Tract on the Lancashire Witches, itc. 8vo. Manchester, 1882. B3R1I HARLAND (K. IL), F.C.S., kv. Sugar tirowing .ind Rclining. \_See Lock, C. G. W.] HARLEIAN MISCELLANY (Tin;); or, a ColKvliou of Scarce, Curious, and Entin-taining Pamphlets and Tracts, as well in Maiuiscrii)t as in Print, founil in i\w. late Earl of Oxford's Lil)rary ; with Notes. 12 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1K08-11. n6T32-43 Selection froui the ll.ilci,iii Misi'dlanv of Tracts wliicli princii)ally regard the I'liigli^li llistorv. Ilo. Lond., 1793. " I! IS Q 4 i llAIUyl''S ((Joiri.iEii Chiiistoph). Ilibliothcca Graeca. [See l'"Aiiiiicifs, I'uoF. .). \.\ I[.VIil,l'',Y (Hev. Timothy) Lunar Siiencc. .Amirnt and M.nlcrii. 8vo. Lond., 1 SSfi. A .i T II ,M , l.oic. Svo. l-oii.l., 1885. A :! T 12 PREE PUBLIC LIBllAllY, SYDNEY. Har] Paiit I : — Authors, Editors, or Beferenee. 333 [Har HARLIN (Thomas), M.A. Selections from Milton, Dryden, Gray, Keats, Addison, and De Quincey, as jifesci'ibed for the Matriculation Examination at the Melbourne University. With Notes and other Help for .Students. 8vo. Melb., 1886. MH 1 P 38 HARNESS (Rev. William), M.A. Memoir of Sliakes- peare. \_See Shakespeare, W.] HAROLD (King of England). Vita Haroldi : The Romance of the Life of ; edited, with Notes, by Walter de Gray Birch, F.S.A. 8vo. Lond., 188-5. C 7 Q 33 HARPER (Samuel). Musings on the Past, Present, and Future, a.d. 1876. 8vo. Sydney, 1876. MH 1 P 5 HARPER (Rev. Thomas Norton), S.J. The Metaphysics of the School. Vols. 1 and 3, and Vol. 3 part 1. {All pub- lished.) 3vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879-8-1. G 1 Q 20-22 HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. European Edition, Dec, 1880-Nov., 1886. 12 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1881-86. E HARPLTR (Charles). The Bushrangers: a Play, in Five Acts ; and other Poems. 12mo. Sydney, 1853. MH 1 R 4 Tower of the Dream. (Pam., 21.) 12mo. S3-dney, 1865. MJ 2 Q 10 Poems. 8vo. Melb., 1883.* MH 1 R 5 HARRINGTON (Prof. Bernard J.), B.A., &v. Life of Sir William E. Logan, Kt., LL.D., etc. ChieHy compiled from his Letters, Journals, and Reports. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 7 S 15 HARRINGTON (G. H.) Direct Steam Route from Eng- land to Australia, via the Cape of Good Hope. 8vo. Melb., 1868. MJ 2 R 8 HARRINGTON (James). Oceana and other Works of James Harrington, Esq. ; Collected, Methodiz'd, and Review'd, with his Life, by John Toland ; to which is added an Appendix, containing all the Political Tracts wrote hy this Author, omitted in Mr. Toland's Edition. Fol. Lond., 1747. F 7 S 1 t HARRIS (Alexander). Converted Atheist's Testimony to the Truth of Christianity ; being the Autobi(igraphy of Alexander Harris. 4th ed. 12nio. Lond., 1852. MG 1 P 33 Emigrant Family; or, the Story of an Australian Settler. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. MJ 1 S 42-44 Guide to Port Stepliens, in New South Wales, the Colony of the Australian Agricultural Company. 18mo. Lond., 1849.* MD 1 T 9 Martin Beck ; or, the Story of an Australian Settler. 12mo. Lond., 1852. MJ 1 P 1 Settlers and Convicts ; or. Recollections of Sixteen Years' Labour in the Australian Backwoods; by "An Emigrant Mechanic." 18mo. Lond., 1847.* MD 1 T 4 HARRIS (Geoboe), LL.D., &o. Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke ; with Selections from his Correspondence, Diaries, Speeches and Judgments. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. C7T 18-20 Piiilosophical Treatise on the Nature and C;jnstitution of Man. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. G 1 P 24, 25 HARRIS (George), Lord, G.C.B. Life and Services of General Lord George Harris, G.C.B. ; by the Rt. Hon. S. R. Lushington. 8vo. Lond., 1840. C 8 P 10 HARRIS (H. Graham). Manufacture of Plate Glass. [See Powell, H. J.] HARRIS (Rev. John). The Great Teacher; Charac- teristics of our Lord's Ministry. 8th thousand. 8vo. Lond., 1837. G 1 R 13 Mammon, or Covetousness, the Sin of the Christian Church. 26th thousand. 8vo. Lond., 1837. G3P3 HARRIvS (John), A.M., etc. Navigantium atcpie Iti- nerantium Bibliotheca; or, a Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels ; consisting of above four hundred of the most Authentick Writers. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1705. D38P1, 2t Another copy. Revised, with Additions. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1796. MD 38 P 3, 4 | HARRIS (J. Chantrey). Southern Guide to the Hot Lake District of the North Island of New Zealand. Dedicated to Tourists. 8vo. Dunedin, 1 878.* M D 5 S 45 HARRIS (J. Rendell). Fragments of Philo-Judieus. \_See Philo-Judaeus.] Three Pages of the Bryennois Manuscript. 8vo. Balti- more, 1885. G 1 R 1 HARRIS (Robert). What has Mrs. Caroline Chisholm done for the Colony of New South Wales? (Pam., 35.) 8vo. Sydney, 1862. MJ 2 Q 22 HARRIS (Samuel), D.D., etc. Philosophical Basis of Theism. 8vo. New York, 1883. G 1 P 18 HARRIS (Stanley), " An Old Stager." Coaching Age Illustrated by J (.ihn Sturgess. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 7 R 15 HARRIS (Thaddeus William), M.D. Entomological Correspondence ; edited by Sam. H. Scudder. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1869. ' A 15 Q 17 HARRIS (Walter). Hibernica; or, some Aiitient Pieces relating to Ireland ; edited by Walter Harris. In two parts. 8vo. Dublin, 1770. B 11 P 32 Works concerning Ireland. \_See Ware, J.] HARRIS (William). Guide to the Institutions and Charities for the Blind. \_See Turner, M.] History of the Radical Party in Parliament. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 7 Q 33 33G CATALOGUE OF THE Har] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Har HARRIS (William). Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of James i and Charles I, and of the Lives of Oliver Cromwell and Charles ll ; from Original Writers and State Papers. New ed. 5 vols. 8vo. Lcnl, 1814. C 7 R 19-23 HARRIS (Major Sir William Cornwallis). Highlands of Ethiopia. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. D 2 Q 4-6 Wild Sports of Southern Africa ; being the Narrative of a Hunting Expedition from the Cape of Good Hope to the Tropic of C^apricorn. 3rd ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1852. D2S7 HARRIS (Sir W. Ssow), JI.R.C.S. Galvanism and the General Principles of Animal and Voltaic Electricity ; with Additions, by Robt. Sabine, C.E. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1869. A 17 P 40 On the Nature of Thunderstorms, and Lightning Con- ductors. 8vo. Lond., 1843. A 3 T 35 Rudimentary Electricity. (Weale). 12mo. Lond., 1872. ■ A 17 P 40 Rudimentary Magnetism ; by H. 31. Noad. 2nd ed., enlarged. 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 P 41 H.XRRISON (Benmamin), M.A. [See BROUGnTOK, Rt. Ri;v. W. G.] HARRISON (Frederic). Choice of Book,-;, and other Literary Piece-s. 8vo. bind., l^isG. J 9 Q 29 Order and Progress. Part 1. Thoiitjhts on Government. Part 2. Studies of Political Crises. 8vo. Lond., 1875. F 8 S 1 HAIUUSON (G. H. de S. N. Plantagenet). History of Yorkshire. Fol. Lond., 1885. B 14 U 9 { HARRISON (John). Oure Tounis Colledge. Sketches of the History of llic Old College of Edinburgh ; with an ApfKjndix of Historical Documents. 8vo. Edinburgh, \^>*^. B 13 P 21 ll.MtRISON (PuoF. Jamks A.), and BASKERVILL (Prof. W. M.) Handy Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, ba.sed on (!roscliopj>'s (Iri'in. 8vo. Loud., 1886. K 11 Q 27 lI.MtlllSON (Mis.s Jane Ellen). Inli.Khictory Studies in Greek Art. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1.SK5. A 6 V 20 MythH of the Odyssey in Art iiiid l.idintiirc. Svo. Lond., 1882. J3S17 ll.\l!HIS()N (R.) Tlie Dublin Dissector. 12nio. Lond., 1«I7. - A 12 P 24 H ARIUSON (HoiiKRT). ColcmiabSkctclicH; or, Five Years in South Australia; with Ilini I "Capitalists and Emignints. 12mo. Ixjnd., 1862.* MD 2 R 28 Lorenzo df Medici. [Set, A. voN.] HARRISON (W. H.) Tourist in Portugal, [^^ee Jennings, R.] HARRISON (AV. Jerome), F.G.S. Geology of the Counties of England and of North and South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 9 R 13 HART (A.) Civil Code of tlie State of California. 12mo. San Francisco, 1885. F 2 P 1 HART (Lieut.-Gen. G. H.) New Annual Army List, Militia List, Y''eomanry Cavalry List, and Indian Civil Service List, for 1836-40, 1842, 1859-85. 33 vols. 8vo. Lond., 183G-85. ' E HART (George). The Violin ; its famt>us JIakers and their Imitators. ' 8vo. Lond., 1875, A 7 U 4 HART (George Robert). Industrial Resources of New Zealand. \_See New Zealand E.xiiiisitioxs.] HART (J. M.) Syllabus of Anglo-Saxon Literature; adapted from Bernhard Ten Brink's "Geschichte der Eng- lischcn Litteratur." 8vo. Cincinnati, 1881. B 5 S 30 HART (Capt. Lockver W.), and ATKINSON (Dr. James). Character and Costumes of Aftjhaunistan. (Plates.) Imp. fol. Lond., 1843. " D 8 P 2 | Expedition into Afghanistan. \_S(e Atkinson, Dh. J.] IIARTE (Francis Bret). Complete Works of; colkcted and revi.sed by the Author. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880-81. J 9 R 2-C Complete Poetical Works of. Author's copyright edition. 8vo. Loud., 1886. H 7 S 36 That Heatlien Chinee, and otlior Poems. Australian edition. 12mo. i\lelb., 1871. MH 1 R 34 Select Works of, in Prose and Poetry; with an Introduc- tory Essay, by J. Montesquieu Bellew. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1872. J 9 R 1 HART (Steve). [See Kelly Gang.] HARTE (Rev. AValtki;), M.A. Histoiy of the Life of Gustavus Adolj)lius, King of Sweden, surnamed the Great. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1767. C 5 R 1, 2 Lif(! and Piirms of. [Sec CiiALMEiis, A.] HARTING (James Edmund), I\L.S., kv. Birds of Corn wall; with Memoir of E. Rodd. [See Rodd, E. H.] British Animals, Extinct witliiii Hisldrie Times; witli some Account of Britisli Willi W'liilc Cattli'. lihistrated. 8vo. Tx)nd., 1880. A 14 R 41 Essays on Sport and N.idiial llislory. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1HH3. A 16 S 9 Ostriches, kc. [See Mosentiiai., J.J Perfect Booke for kepinge of Sparhawkes or (Joshawkes; written about 1575; now tii-st printed from the original 1\I.S. on \('llinn, with Introduction and Glos.sary, by ■'. I'j. Harting. Sni. l(o. L,,iid., |.^S6. '\ ]' I I! I FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 337 Har] Pabt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. Has HARTING (James Edmund), and ROBERT (L. P.) (Jlinipsos of Bird Life, portrayed with Pen and Pencil. Fol. Lond., 1880. A 23 Q 12 X HARTLEY (Sm C. A.) [See Hydro-Mechanics.] HARTLEY (David), M.D. Ob.servations on Man; his Frame, his Duty, and his Expectations. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1834. G 1 R -i HARTLEY (Leonard Lawiiie.) [_See Hartley Library.] HARTLEY (Walter Noel), F.C.S. Air and its Relations to Life. 8vo. Loud., 1875. A 5 S 52 HARTLEY LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Library of the ' late Leonard Lawrie Hartley; compiled by J. C. Anderson. [Part.s'2,3.] 2vols.roy.8vo. Lond., 1886-87. KUQU, 15 Sale Catalogue of the Library. 3rd portion. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1887. K 8 Q 16 HARTMANN (Dr. Arthur). Deaf-mutism and the Edu- cation of Deaf-mutes by Lip-reading and Articulation ; with numerous and important Additions ; translated and enlarged by James Patterson Cassells, M.D., &c. 8vo. Lond'., 1881. A 12 Q 16 HARTMANN (Eduai:d von). Philosophy of the Uncon- scious : Speculative Results according to the Inductive Method of Physical Science. Authorised Translation. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. G 1 P 19-21 HARTMANN(F.) LifeofPhilippusTheophrastusBombast, of Hohenheini, known as Paracelsus, and the Substance of his Teachings. 8vo. Lond., 1887. C 5 S 26 HARTMANN (Prof. R.) Anthropoid Apes. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 14 S 8 HARTOG (P. C. L.) Brief Extract from the Report of tjie Voyages of the Steamer Eijeron to tiie South-western Isles, the South-eastern Islands, New Guinea, and the Papoea Isles. 8vo. Sourabaya, 1876. MF 3 P 20 H ARTSON (Hall). The Countess of Salisbury : a Tragedy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 2 P 16 Another copy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1793. ' II 1 P 15 Another copy. {See Brit. Drama, 2.] HARTTUNG. \See Pflugk-Harttung, Dr. J. von.J HARTWELL (Abraham). Report of the Kmgdoinc of Congo. \_See Pigafetta, P.] D 1 R 14 HARTWIG (Dr. George). The AerialWorld. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 3 T 32 Harmonies of Nature ; or, the Unity of Creation. 8vo. Lond., 1866. A 17 V 10 The Polar "World : a jiopular Description of Man and Nature in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions of the Globe. 8vo. Loud., 1869. D 4 R 34 •1 u HARTWIG (Dr. George).— co«i!inMed The Sea and its Living Wonders: a popular Account of the Marvels of the Deep, and of the progress of Maritime Discovery. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 14 S 47 The Subterrannean World. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 9 S 37 The Tropical World : Aspects of Man and Nature in the E(|uatorial Regions of the Globe. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1S73. A 1 W 31 HARVEN (Emile de). La Nouvelle Zclande : Histoire, Geologic, Climat, Gouvcrnement, Institution.s, Agriculture, etc. Roy. 8vo. An vers, 1883. MD 3 V 37 HARVEY (Gabriel), D.C.L. Tracts of. {See Brydges, Sir S. E.] Works of ; edited by Rev. Alexander B. (Jrosart, LL.D. (Huth Lib.) 3 vols. 4 to. Lond., 1884-85. J 5 U 25-27 HARVEY (Mrs.) Cositas Espafiolas ; or Every-day Life in Spain. 8vo. Loud., 1875. D 7 T 9 HARVEY (Rev. M.) Newfoundland. [See Hatton, J.] HARVEY (Walter). China Painting ; its Principles and Practice. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 6 V 10 HARVEY (William). Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. 12mo. Loud., 1850. C 1 R 28 \_See Ho WITT, W.] HARVEY (William Henry), M.D., &c. Memoir of; with Selections fi'om his Journal and Correspondence. 8vo. Lond., 1869. C 8 P 18 Nereis Australis; or, Alga^ of the Southern Ocean. Inij). 8vo. Lond., 1847. " MA 1 P 25 t Phycologia Australica ; oi. a History of Australian Sea- weeds. 5 vols. imp. 8vu. Lond., 1858-63. MA 1 U 4-8 Phycologia Britannica ; or, a History of British Sea- weeds. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 4 U 9-12 HARWOOD (Miss Annie). \_See Holmden, Mrs. Annie.] HASE (Dr. Karl). Miracle Plays and Sacred Dramas: a Historical Sui'vey ; ti'anslated from the German by A. W. Jackson. 8vo. Loud., 1880. H 2 R 35 HASELDEN (C. J. A.) Patents Acts, 1883 : with tliiB Regulations thereunder, and Hints to Inventors. 4to. Wellington, 1884. MF 1 U 29 HASELDEN (William Reeve). Industrial Resources of New Zealand. [See New Zealand Exhibitions.] HASKOLL (W. Davis), C.E. Land and Marine Sur- veying in reference to the preparation of Plans for Roads and Railways, Canals, Rivers, Towns' VV'ater Supplies, Docks, and Harbours ; with Description and Use of Sur- veying Instruments. 8vo. Lond., 1868. A 6 S 28 Another copy. 2nd ed., revised, with Additions. 8vo. Lond.. 1886. A 6 S 29 338 CATALOGUE OF THE Has] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Hau HASLEWOOD (Rev. F.) Memorials of Smarden, Kent. Privately printed. 4to. Ipswich, 1886. B 5 V 30 HASLEWOOD (Joseph). Barnah.-e Itiiierarium ; or, Barnabee's Journal. \_See BR.\rnnv.\iT. R.] HASLUCK (P.\iL X.) Lathe-work: a practical Treatise (111 the Tools, Appliances, and Processes employed in the Art of Turning. Illustrated. Svo. Lond.,1881." A11P27 HA.S.SALL (Arthur), M.A. Study of English Con- stitutional History. [See "\Vakem.\x, H. O.] HAS8ALL (Arthur Hill), M.D. Fond and its Adul- terations ; comprising the Reports of the Analytical Sani- tary Commission of the Lnncet, for the years 18.51-.ot inclusive. 8vo. Lond., 1855. A 6 Q 10 HASSAM (F. Childe). [See Tho.mes, W. H.] ^U 1 K 33 HASSAUREK (F.) Four Years amongSpanish-Americans. 8vo. Lend., 1868. D 3 Q 20 HASSELL (Dr. G.) Vollstandige und neueste Erdlje- .schreibung von Australian, mit einer Einleitung zur Statistik der Lander. Svo. Weimar, 1825. MD 1 U 37 HASTED (Edward). History and Topogrniihical Survey of the County of Kent. Illustrated. 2nd ed. 12 vols. 8vo. Canterbury, 1797-1801. B 6 R 14-25 Histon' of Kent. Part 1. The Hundred nf Bbukheath. E-lited by H. H. Drake. Fol. Lond., 1886. 1) U U 14 + HASTIE (W.) [See He(;el, (J. "\V. F., and Michelet, C. L.] HASTINGS (Rt. Hex. Warren), First Governor-General OF BENfiAL. Memoirs of the Life of ; compiled from original Papers, Ity the Rev. G. R. Gleig. 3 \ols. 8vo. Lond., 1841. C 7 R 24-26 Speeches of the Manager."! and Counsel in the Trial of ; edited by E. A. Bond. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1859-61. F 10 R 4-7 Trial of; complete from February, 1788, to June, 1794. 2 vols. Hvo. L<'cl,iiri'.s, delivered befoi-t; tlie University of Oxford, in (liir year 18M0. Kvo. liorid., IHML " G 1 P 2 IL\ni| (Walter M.) [Sw ArihtotelksI II ATI I. \ WAY (W. S.) [6VcPrn, l!i Hon W. | HATHERLEY (Rt. Hon. William Page Wood), Lord. Alemoir of : ^vith Selections from his Coriespondence. Edited by his Kephcw. W. R. Stephens, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 4 R 6, 7 HATSELL (John). Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons ; with Observations. 3rd ed. 4 vols. 4to. Lond., 1796. F 8 P 7-10 t HATTOX (Sir Christopher), K.G. Memoirs of the Life and Times of ; including his Correspondence with the Queen and other distinguished Persons, by Sir Harris Xicolas, G.C.M.G. 8vo. Lond., 1847. C 10 U 14 HATTON (Frank). Xortl; nornco : Exiilnrations and Adventures on the Equator ; with Biographical Sketch and Notes, by Joseph Hatton. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1885. ■ D 4 T 4 HATTOX (Hon. Harold Finch). [See Fincu-Hatton, Hon. H.] HATTOX (Joseph). [See Hatton, Frank.] Henry Irving's [John Henry Brodrib] Impressions of America; narrated in a series of Sketches, Chronicles, and Conversations. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1884. D 3 Q 45, 46 Journalistic London ; being a Series of Sketches of Famous Pens and Papers of the Day. [Repi-inted, with Addition.s, from llarpnr's ^f(lylizin^'.\ Sq. 8vo. Lond., 1882. J12R4 Printing and Bookbinding. (Brit. Jlanuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond.i 1876. A 17 S 39 HATTON (Joseph), and ll.VUVEY (Rev. y\.) New- foundland; the Oldest British Colony: its History, its Present Condition, and its Prosjiects in the Future. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1883. I) 3 T 49 II.M'ICI! (1. \(i\). Die Geologic und ihre an wenilung atif die Kenntniss der BodenbeschalVenheit der Osterr-L'^ngar 31onarchie. 8vo. Vienna, 1875. A 9 S 1 H-VUI'I'' ( IIkhmann) Humboldt's Reise in (ii<- .Viipii- noctial tiegenden. [See HiMHOLliT, I'". 11. A. von Baron.] ' l)3T26, 27 H.\ri''l' (W.)'M Th,' Caravan, Tli.' SliicU of Wvx- aiulria, The hiu in the Spe.ssart ; translated from the German by S. .Mendal. 8vo. Lond., 1886. J 9 U16 ILVl'TI l",i;i", ( I'r \ssi-, m: i.\). [^,-i I, a I l.\r i ii:re, Ulvssb I.E.] II.M'G (jMautin), I'li.l). ICssays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of llii' I'Mrsis. 2nd ed. 8vo. L.Mid., 1878. (! 15 r 10 Old Zanil I'alihu i (Jlossary. IvHicmI by Pcstni' llosliengji .laiiiiispji. |{e\ ised. widi Notes and Inl roihu'l ion. lioy. Sxo. lionibay, 1867. K 16 Q K) Outliiii' of n of llic Xrncl Lniiguage, 8vo. liomlmv, 18r,L>. K |:i 1' IS I PEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY, 389 Hau] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Haw IIATKJllTON (Sir Gkaves Ciiamney), F.R.S., &c. i'rotlroiiius ; oi-, an Inquiry into the First Trinc-iples (if Reasoning. 8vo. Lond., 1839. G 1 R 3 HAUGHTON (Rev. S.), M.D., &c. Natural Philo.wphy popularly explained. 12mo. Lond., 1870. A 17 T 29 On the Tides of the Arctic 8eas. Parts l-G. (Rov. Soc. Pubs., 1.) 4to. Lond., 1876. A 11 P 2't On the Tides of the Arctic Seas. Part 7. Tides of Port Kennedy, in Bellot Strait. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., Ti.) 4to. Lond., 1878. A 11 P G f Six Lectures on Pliysical Geot;raphy 8vo. Dublin, 1880. " A 29 T 7 HAUREAIJ (Earth). Critique des Hypotheses Metaphy- siques de Manes, de Pelage, et de I'ldealisrae Transcen- dental de Saint Augustin. {Bound ?rifh Jiemiisat's Rechcrches.) -Ito. Mans, 1839. K IG R 31 HAUSCHTLD (Dr. Ernst Innocent). Dictionnaire Etyniologit|ue de la Langue Fran(;aise tire de la Grani- maire des Langues Romanes, ouvrage emineniment clas- sique de Freidrich Diez. 8vo. Leipsic, 1843. K12Q16 HAUSERMANN (R.) [See D'Estrey, Dr. M.] HAITSSET (Mme. du). Memoires de. [See BAREiiiRE, J. F., 3.] C 1 T 3 HAUSSONVILLE (Othenin), Vicomte d'. Salon of Madame Necker [Baronne de Stael-Holstein] ; trans- lated by Henry M. TroUope. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882. " C 4 Q 21, 22 HAVARD (Henry). Dutch School of Painting; trans- lated by G. Powell. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A G V 11 HAYARD (William). King Charles i: a Tragedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1793. H 2 P 43 HAVELOCK (Major-Gen. Sir Henrv), K.C.B. Bio- graphical Sketch of ; bv the Rev. W. Brock. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1858. ' C 1 T 3G Life of: by the Rev. T. Smitli. (Pam. Bb.) Sydney, (n.d.) MG 1 P 49 Memoirs of; by J. C. Marshman. 8vo. Lend., 1860. C 7 Q 25 HAVERTY (Martin). \Yanderings in Spain in 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844-45. D 8 R 34, 35 HAWAII. Civil Code of the Hawaiian Lslands, 1859 ; to which is added an Appendix containing Laws not expressly repealed by the Civil Code ; the Session Laws of 1858-59 ; and Treaties with Foreign Nations. 8vo. Honolulu, 1859. MF 2 R 5 Penal Code of the Hawaiian Kingdom ; compiled from the Panal Code of 1850, and the various Penal Enact- ments since made, pursuant to Act of the Legislative Assembly, June 22nd, 1868. 8vo. Honolulu, 1869. MP 2 R G HAWAIIAN ALMANAC and ANNUAL for 1875-86. A Hand-book of Information on Matters relating to tlie Hawaiiaii Tsland.s, original and selected, of value to Mer- chants, Planters, Tourists, and others ; carefully com- piled by T. G. Thrum. 12 vols, (in 5) 8vo. Honolulu, 1874-86. ME 3 S HAWAIIAN SPECTATOR (The). Conducted Ijy an As.sociation of Gentlemen. Yols. 1,2. 8vo. Honolulu, 1838-39. MH 3 R HAWDON (Joseph). Journal of an Overland Journey from Port Philip to Al.'! Natural Princijilcs and Analogv of the llarnionv of Fni]iani<'(i by an Attempt to develojH! and elucidate tlie Trur? I'l-ineiples of Ornamental Dewign, a.s applied to tiie Df'conitivc Arts. Ob. Ito. l>onrl., IHII. A 23 P 24 t HAY (Edward). History of the Insurrection of the County of Wexford, a.d. 1798. " 8vo. Dublin, 1803. B 11 Q 24 HAY (John). Pike County Ballads, and other Pieces 15th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1882. H 7 R 37 HAY (Johk Barras). Inaugural by Lords Rectors of the L'^niversity of Olasgow ; to wliieh are prefixed an Historical Sketch and Account of the present state of the University. Roy. 8vo. Glasgow, 1839. ■ J 9' V 8 HAY (Sir John Charles Daluymple), Bart., kc. Ashanti and the Gold Coast, ami what we know of it. 8vo. Lond., 1874. B 1 P 31 HAY (John H. Drummond). Western Barbary : its Wild Tribes and Savage Animals. 12mo. Lond., 1844. DlOyTil Another copy. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1844. J 8 P 5 HAY (Sir John Drummond), K.C'.B. Mission to the Court of Morocco. [See Trotter, Capt. P. D.] HAY (R. W.) Notices of New Zealand ; from Original Documents in tlie Colonial Othce. 8vo. Lond., 1832. iMi) 7 y 48 HAY (William Delisle). Brighter Britain : or, Settler and Maori in Northern New Zealand. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882. MD 5 Q 18, 19 HAYDEN (Prof. Ferdinand Vandeveer). Twelftli Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of tlu" Territories. [See United States.] HAYDEN (Prof. F. V.), and SELWYN (Prof. A. R. C), F.R.S. Noi-th America. Illustrated. (Stanford's Com- pendium of Geography, A'c.) 8vo. Lond., 1883. D3P61 HAYDN (Francis Joseph). Letters of. [See Wallace, Lady.] Lives of Haydn and Mozai-t ; with Oli.servatioiis on Metasta.sio, itc. Translated from the French of " !,. ,\. C. J$ombet" [Marii' Henry lievle.] 2nd ed. S\o. Lond., 1818. " " V 5 T 12 HAYDN (Josepii). Dictionary of Science. [See ivoii WELL, (!. I".] Haydn's Dictionary of Dates and L'liiversal Information, relating to all ages and nations ; by Benjamin Vincent. 13tii ed. 8vo. Lond., 1871. K IIP 14 Another copy. 16th ed. Svo. Lond., 187S. K 1 1 P 14 The Hadyn Series: a Dictionary of llioi^'ia|iliy and Present. [See Vincent, I!.] Universal Index of Biograjiliy ; edileil by J. I!. l';iyne. 8vo. Lond., 1870. ' " " Lili. H.\VD()N (ItiCN.rAMIN RonLRi'). Correspondence and 'i'alile Talk ; with a Memoir l)y his Son, h'r-edeiic Words- worth llaydon. J vols. , Svo. Lorid., ISTCi. ('7i'22. 23 Lectures on I'airjting and Design; wilii Di'signs ilrawn up by himsi'lf on tlic; Wood, and (>ngraved by JOdw.ird Kvans. 2 vols. 8vo. Lnnd., 1S|| IC. "A 7 S 2, 3 PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 311 Hay] Paut I : — Authors, JEdifors, or Beference. [Haz HAYDON (P.KN.»AMiN RoiiKR'i'). — continned. Life of Benjamin Rolsert Haydon, Histi)i-ical Painter; from his Autobiography and Journals ; edited and compiled by Tom Taylor. 3 vols. 8v(>. Load., 1853. C3T 28-30 On Academies of Art (more particularly the Royal Academy), and their pernicious eiU'ct on the Genius of Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1831). A 7 R l'1 HAYDON (B. R.), AND HAZLITT (Wm.) Tainting and the Fine Arts. 8vo. Edinb., 1838. A G V 7 HAYDON (F. W.) \_See Haydon, B. R] HAYDON (G. H.) The Australian Emigrant: a Ram- bling Story. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1854. MJ 2 S 24 Five Years' Experience in Australia Felix ; comprising a .short Account of its Early Settlement and its Present Position -with many Particulars interesting to intending Emigrants. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1846.* MD 3 V 17 HAYDON (Thomas). Australasian Coursing Calendar for the Season 1877. 8vo. Melb., 1878. ME 3 S HAYES (A. A.), JuNR., A.M. New Colorado and the Santa Fe Trail. Illu.strated. Sq. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 3 T 44 HAYES (Miss Catherine). \_See Enchantress, The.] HAYES (Isaac Israel), M.D. Land of Desolation; being a personal Narrative of Adventure in Greenland. 8vo. Lond., 1871. D 4 R 29 Open Polar Sea: a Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, in the schooner I'mfed States. 8vo. Lond., 1867. D 4 R 28 [_See American Arctic E.kplorbrs.] HAYES (John L.) Wools of the United States. (Pam. Cm.) 8vo. Boston, 1872. A 1 T 35 HAYES (M. Horace). Riding; on the Flat and across Country: a Guide to Practical Korsciimnship. Illustrated by Stanley Berkley. 8vo. Lond., ISSl. A 17 U 25 Veterinary Notes for Illustrated. 3rd ed., revised and enlarged. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 1 P 40 HAYES (Timothy). Queen v. Hayes. [See State Trials.] HAYGARTH (Henry William). Recollections of Bush Life in Australia, during a Residence of Eight Years in the Interior. 12mo. Lond., 1848.* MD 1 Q 17 Another copy. Newed. 8vo. Lond., 1861. MD 1 Q 19 Anothercopy (H.andC.Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1848. J8P28 HAYLEY (William). Life and Poems of. [See British Poets, 5.] Life of William Cowper: with Remarks on Epistolary Writers. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1812. C 5 V 2-5 ITAYMO (Halberstatensis Episcopus). Opera omniii. [See MioNE, J. P., Series Latina, 116-118.] HAYNES (Samuel), A.M. Collection of State Papers. [See BuRcinLEY, Lord.] B 16 S 11 j HAYNES (William). My Log: a Journal of the Pro- ceedings of the Flying Squadron. 12rao. Devonport, 1871. MH 1 R 11 HAYS (Frances). Women of the Day : a Biographical Dictionary of Notable Contemporaries. 8vo. Lend., 1885. C 11 Q 3 H AYTER (PIenrv Heylvn), C.M.G. Carboona : a Chapter from the Early History of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1885.* MH 1 T 6 Hand-book to the Culonv of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1881. ■ MD3T22 Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1885. MD 3 T 23 My Christmas Adventure, Carboona (revised, and partly re-written), and other Poems. 8vo. Melb., 1887. MH 1 Q 6 Notes on the Colony of Victoria: Historical, Geographical, Meteorological, and Statistical. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MF 2 Q 26 Victorian Year-book forl874. 8vo. Melb., 1875. MJ2R10 Victorian Year-book for 1874, 1882-84, 1886-87. 4 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1874-87.* ME 3 T HAYTER (John). Landsman'.s Log-book: or, an Emi- grant's Life at Sea ; with some Account of South Aus- tralia. 12ino. Lond., 1842. MD 1 T 50 HAYTER (T. S.) Directory of South Australia. [See Morris, C. S.] HAYWARD (Abraham), Q.C. Selection from the Cor- respondence of, 1834-84; with an Account of his Early Life; edited by Henry E. Carlisle. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C3T10, 11 Sketches of Eminent Statesmen and Writers, with other Essays. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 7 P 49, 50 HAYWARD (John). Religious Creeds and Statistics of everv Christian Denomination in the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1836. G 2 P 17 HAZARD (Samuel). Santo Domingo, Past and Present; with a Glance at Hayti. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1873. D 3 S 28 Cuba, with Pen and Pencil. 8vo. Lond., 1873. D3U11 HAZELL'S ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA. 8vo. Lond., 1886. E HAZLEWOOD (David). Compendious Grammar of the Feejeean Language ; with Examples of Native Idioms. 12mo. Vewa, 1850.* MK 1 P 21 Feejeean and English Dictionary. 12nio. Vewa, 1850. MK 1 P 21 Fijian and English, and English and Fijian Dictionary, and a Grammar of the Language, with Examples of Native Idioms. 2nd ed., with Maji; edited Ijv James Calvert. 8vo. Lond., 1872.* " MK 1 P 22 J4.2 CATALOGUE OF THE Haz] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Hea HAZLTTT (William). Cliaiacteristics : in the manner of ••Rochefoucauld's Maxims": with Introductory Remarks, by R. H. Home. 12mo. Lond., 1837. J 6 P 13 Charactere of Shakspeare's Plays. 1^2mo. Lond., 1838. J 6 P U Another copy. 4th ed., edited by his Son [W. C. Hazlitt]. 12mo. Lond., 1848. " H 3 P 2 Conversations of James Northcote, Esq., R.A. 8yo. Limd.. 1830. C 5 R 19 Criticisms on Art, and Sketches of the Picture Galleries of England: with Catalosrues of the principal Galleries, now tiret collected. 1st and 2nd Series, edited by his Son. 2 vols. 12m.i. Lond., 1843-44. A 7 P 33, 34 Dramatic Works of John Webster. [See Webster, J.] The Eloquence of the British Senate; with Notes, Bio- graphical, Critical, and Explanatory. 2 vols. 8\ci. Lond., 1808. F 8 S 3, 4 Essays on the Principles of Human Action. 8vo. Lond. ( G 8 S 4 Johnsons Lives of the British Poets. \_See Joiixsox, S.] I.«ctureson the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. 2nd ed. 8vo. Limd., 1821. J5S9 Lectures on the English Comic Writers. 8vo. Lond.. 1819. J .5 S 11 Ix;cturcs on the English Po(!ts. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1819 " J .5 S 10 Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1830. C 8 T 2.5-28 Litorar}' Remains, with a Notice of his Life, by his Son [William Hazlitt]. 2 vok. Svo. Lond., 183G. J 58 12,13 Painting and the Fine Arts. [See Haydon, B. R.] The I'lain Speaker: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things. 2 vols. 8vo., 1820. J 12 V 13, 14 Political Essay.s; with Skclches of Pul)lic Cliaractcrs. 8v(i. T^md., 1819." F S R 9 Spirit iif tiic .\g(': or. Contemporary Poi'traits. 4th ed., edited by \V. C. Hazlitt. 8vo. Lond.. 1880. C 2 S 38 Table Talk: Esaav.s on Men and MiuoH'rs. 8vo. Lond., 1809. ' •' '■> !' 1 1 Table Talk of Maitin I.ullier. [.SVe LuTllKlf, .M.J View of the English Stage; oi-, a Series of J)i-.unatic Criticisms. Svo. Lond., 1818. J ."> S 1 I [See Bkauciiksnk, A. in;.] HAZLITT (William), and HUNT (J. 11. L.) The Rouml Table : Northcotf^'s Convereations, Characteristics, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1H7I. .) C, P 12 H.\ZL(TT (W. f'\iii:\\). BIbliogr.iphical Collections and Notes on Karly Lnglish Lilrrature, M7I 1701), ist, 2nd, and 3rd Herie.s. 8vo. b.nd., 187C 87. K 17(2 10-18 English I'roverlm and Proverbial Phrases, collected from the moHt authentic Himrccs, alphabetically arranged and annotaU-d. 2nd (id., greatly enlarged and cariifnliy revised. «vo. U>in\., I8K2. K 17 P 27 HAZLTTT (W. Q\xtv.\\).^conlinHeJ. Great Gold-tields of Cariboo; with an authentic Description, brought down to the latest period, of British Columbia and Vancouver Island. 12mo. Lond., 1862. D 3 P 22 Hand-book to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Litera- ture of Great Britian, from the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. 8vo. Lond., 1867. K 17 Q 15 History of the Roman Republic. [See Michelet, J.] History of the Venetian Republic : her Rise, her Greatness, and her Civilization. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1860. P. 11 U 2-5 Letters of Charles Lamb. [See Lami), C] The New London Jest-book. TJiuo. Lond., 1871. J0Q8 Offspring of Thoiiglit in Solitude : Modern Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1884. " J 6 Q 9 I. Coleridge Abroad. 12. Our Democratic Teiulencics. '2. Cluu-les Lamb. 1;!. The Vulgar Tongue. .1. Dr. .lohnson. 14. Comiium People. 4. OM Ballails. !.">. Bunyana. .■). l)n sunie Living and Late l(i. Masters and Servants. Authors. 17. A Chapter on .Saws. 6. On the Different 8ort& of l.S. .Tokers. of Fame. 7. On Persons who havj done only One 'Phing. S. On tliu Poetry of Form. !l. On tlie Diti'erenees 1 let ween Writing and Painting 10. On the Progress of Criti- cism. 11. Knglislnncn in Italy, and Italians in England. 1!). .loc Miller. ■id. .\ Leaf of Errata. i\. Pabyology. '22. Figures. '2;?. 81. Luke's-super-Mare. 24. A Little out of the Straight Line. 2."). Nemo. 2(!. lien Trovato. 27. A Cause CelMire. r>;ioks and Ancient Cuisine. Svo. Lond., A Q 28 Old Cookerv 188G. Poinilar ,\nti(|iiities of Cireat Britain. [See Brand, J.] Remains of the Early l'o])ular Poetry of England ; col- lected and ediUid, with Introductions and Notes. 4 vols. 12ino. Lond., 1864-00. H 6 R 21-24 Shako.speare Jest-books. [See Siiake.speake, W.] Simie Account of H. Constable, B.A. [See Constaiu.i:, 1I.| Some .Vccmmt of Tiiomas Randoljih. [See Ranholpii, T.] The Spirit of the .\ge. [See HAZLri'T, W.] IIK.M) (li. V.) Catalogue of (}reek Coinn in the British .Museum, .Macedonia, itc EdiU'd by K, S. Poole. Svo. Lon.l.. 1879. ■ A 13 11,34 Till- Coinage of Lydia ur « )UIENrALIA.] [See I'KTiiii:, W. M. I'.] [See Nu.MlSMATA HEAD (P.. v.), AND G Al! I >NER (P). Catalogue of Greek Coins The Tauric ChiTsonese, Sarm;itia, Daeia, Moesia, Thrace, itc. ; edited by R. S. Poole. (I' Museum). Svo. Lond., 1877. A 1.3 1! 32 HEAD (15. v.), GARDNER (P.), and PooLK (K. S.) Catalogue of (ireek Coins -Sicily, (liritish .Museum). Svo. Lond., 1870. A 13 R. .31 llK.\D(liT. Hon. Silt Edmind), P.aut. A-c. Viga (ihims' Saga. [Smo. Melb., 1880. MA 2 S 38 HEAT, in its Mechanical Apjilications : a Series of Lectures delivered at the Institution of Engineers, 1883-84; [by Prof. O. Re_vnolds, W. Anderson, E. A. Cooper, Prof. F. Jenkin, and Capt. A. !Xoble.] 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 11 U 9 HEATH (Christopher), F.R.C.S. Dictionary of Prac- tical Surgerv, by various British Surgeons ; edited by C. Heath. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A12S37,38 Practical Anatomy : a Manual of Dissections. (Churchill's JLmuals.) -1th ed. : with coloui-ed Plates and En- gravings on Wood. 8vo. Lund., 1877. A 13 P 39 HEATH (Fr.\.xcis Georoe). Autunm.d Leaves. With coloured Plates. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 1 Q 24 Sylvan Winter. 8v(>. Lond., 188G. A 4 Q 25 HEATH (JA.MES), K.A. [See Hoc.vuth.] HEATH (RicH.\RD). Edgar Quinet ; his Early Life and Writings. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 5 T 21 HEATH (RiniAiiu Ford), M.A. Albrecht Diircr. (Great Artists). 8vo. Lond., 1881. C .( T 11 Titian. (Great Artists). 8vo. Lond., 187LI. C 3 T 3G HEATH (T. L.), D.A. Diojihantos, of Ak-xandria : a Study in tlie Historv of (iret^k Algeljra. 8vo. Camb., 1885. " A 10 T 22 HEATH et CORDELL. Diieotorv for Shires and Ruad li.irds in Victoria. 12niM. 3Iel"b., 1SG7. ME 4 P lli;ATili:i'. (J. F.), M.A, J K'scriptive Geometry I with a Theory of Shadows and of Perepective. ( Wcale.) 1 2mo. Limd., 1871. A 17 P 34 Mathomatical Instruments: Drawing and Measuring In- struments. (Weale.) 12mn. Lond., 1872. A 17 Q 22 Mathematical Instruments; Optical InslruuKnits. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1871. A 17 Q 22 Mathematical Instruments: Sun'fiying and A.stronomical Instruments. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1873. A 17 Q 22 Practical Plane (Jeiimetry : giving the sim]>lest modes of con- structing Figures <'ontained in one Jilanc and geometrical constnn'tion on the ground. (Wi'ale.) 12iiio. Ijond., 1872. .\ 17 y 23 Treatise on Matlii-iMal i>al I nsti'inncnts ; tlieir- (construction, Adjustment, Testing, and I 'se, coiiei.sely explained. Iltli cd.' (Weale.) 12iii... LiMd„l><71. .\ 17 1*31 MICATnEKINGTON (A.) Mining Industries of Nova Scotia; (■omi)rising a Review of the (Jold-field, from the lintt Working of the Gold-mine:-., 18()0, to 1873. (Pam. Ci.) 8v.i. I^uid., 1871. MA 2 Q 33 Another cojiy. (Pam. Dcp) 1' I K 7 HEATLEY (Georce S.), M.R.C.V.S. Eveiy Man his own Vet.: Veterinary Remedies, and how to apply them. 12mo. Edinb., 1886. ^ A 1 P 37 Horse-owners' Safeguard : a handy Medical Guide for every Man who owns a Horse. 8vo. "Edinb., 1882. A 1 P 42 Our Dogs and their Diseases. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 1 P 18 Sheep-farmhig. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 1 Q 17 Stock -owners' Guide : a handy Medical Treatise forevery Mai- who owns an Ox or Cow. 8vo. Edinb., 1883. A 1 Q 10 HEATON (Mrs. Charles). Antonio Allegri da Correggio. \_See CoRREtiiuo, A. A. da.] Concise History of Painting; with Illustrations in Per- manent Photi}graphy. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 8 P 34 History of the Life of Albrecht Diirer, of Niirnberg; with a Translation of his Letters and Journal, and some Account of his Work. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1870. C 7 V 47 Another copy. With Portrait. 2nd cd. 8vo. Lond., 1881. ' C 3 V 3 Lives of the most eminent British Painters. [_Se« Cunning- ham. A.] HEATON (PnoF. C. W.), F.C.S. Experimental Chemistry, founded on the work of Dr. Julius Adoljili Stockhanlt : a Hand-book for the Study of the Science by Simple Experi- ments. 8vo. Lond., 1872. A 5 U 27 llEATt )X (.) . Hkn-xiker). Australian 1 )ictionary of Dates anil Men of the Time : containing the History of Austral- asia, from ir)42 to ]\Iav, 187',l. Hoy. 8yo. Sydney, 1879.* " " MK 'l S 47 HEATON (.M. CoMiMoN). Antonio .MU'gri da Correggio. (Great Artists). 8vo. Loud., 1882. C 3 T 32 HEBER (Rt. liKy. Recmnam)). D.D., Bishop ok Calcutta. Life of Rt. Rev. Jeremy Taylor. \_See Taylor, Rt. Rev. J.] Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of Indi.i.from Calcutt.i to Boml)ay, 1824- 25 (with Notes upon Cevlori); Joiirney to Madras and the Southern Provinces, 1826, &c. 4tlicd! 3vols. 8vo. Lond., 1829. D 6 R 10-12 Mils. 12mo. Lond., J 8 P 2, 3 1 1 G R 2G Another cojiy. (1 i 184.3 4G. Pncliral W(.rk-< ..1. Mild C. Lili.) i-Jn.n. I'hilii 1841. HKBEPv (RicilAKli). Catalogue nf I lie Liliniry of. {Sc« l!M!L10TIIt;CA I1|-,II|-.H1 ANA.l I'lClll.KI! (Kkv. 1'i;ok. Wim.iam II.) ' Bishopric |)oeinneMls; with Translations le .liMMisalem lietly derived from "Pas e\angelisclie liistlnnn in .lerusiilem." (ies- I'hielilliclie Darlegung mit I'rkunden, lierlin, 1842. 8vo. Bond., 1883. " G I 1' IG Ill'.tn'Ol! (Siu .Iami:.s). K.C.M.O., M.D., .tc Address di'li\i'red liet'or<- the Welliuulon l'lnlcisoplii<',il Society. 8vo. Wrllin-lnii, |,S72. M-) -' I! IG I'yiglilli .\nimal lieport im the I 'olonial M usruiu .•mil Labora tory, 1872-73. 8\o. AN'ellinglon, 1873. .MJ 2 R IG rilEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 315 Hec] Part I : — Aiithors, Editors, or liefer ence. [Hei HECTOR (Sir James), K.C.M.G., M.D., kc— continued. Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Annual Reports on tlie Colonial Museum and Laboi-atorv, 187o-79. 8vo. Wellington, 1876-79. " ME 2 S Fishes of New Zealand. {See Hutton, F. W.] Geological Survey of New Zealand: Reports of Geological Explorations during 1870-8-t, 1886-87; with Maps and Sections. 1 1 vols. roy.8vo. Wellington, 1871-87. ME 2 S (icological Survey of New Zealand: Reports of Cieological Explorations; with Maps, by W. M. Coopei', to illustrate Report.s of the Buller Coal-tield, by S. H. Cox, and R. H. Denniston. 3 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1877. ME 2 S Hand-book of New Zealand. (Sydney Intern. Exhib., 1879.) ^^'ith Maps and Plates. Roy.'8vo. AVellington, 1879.^' ' MD 5 T 39 Another copv. 3rd ed., revised. 8vo. Wellington, 1883. MD 5 T 41 Another copy. 4th ed., i-evLsed. 8vo. Wellington, 1886. MD 5 T 42 Index to Reports of the Geological Survey of New Zealand, 1866-85. 8vo. Wellington, 1887.. ME 2 S Indian and Colonial Exhibition, London, 1886. New- Zealand Court. New Zealand CTCographical Sui'vey De- partment. Detailed Catalogue and Guide to the Geo- logical Exhibits, including a Geological Map and General Index to the Reports, and a List of Publications of the Department. 8vo. Wellington, 1886. MK 1 S 17 Meteorological Reports, 1873, 1875, 1880; including Returns for 1871-79, and Abstracts and Designs for previous years:, also. Abstract of an Essay on the Climate of New Zealand, bv Dr. J. Hann. 8vo. Wellington, 1874-81. " ME 2 S Outline of New Zealand Geology; Wellington, 1886. \_See New Zealand Ixstitvte.] with Geological Map. MA 2 R 33 HEDERICH (Bexjamix). (Jra'cum Lexicon Manu.ale. Editio nova. 4to. Lond., 1816. K 16 S 18 H EDGES (Hon. Cornelius). Biennial Report of the Sujter- intendent of Public Instruction. \_See United States.] HEER (Professor Oswald). Primeval World of Switzer- land ; edited by James Heywood, M. A., etc. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 9 T 21, 25 HEEREN {\. H. L.) Historical Researcliesinto thePolitics Intercourse, and Trade of the Principal Nations of An- tiquity; translated from the German. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1834-35. B 15 Q 11-19 Another copy. New ed., revised and re-arranged. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1857-66. B 15 Q 20-25 HEFELE (Charles Joseph), D.D., Bishop of RoTXENBUEf:. History of the Christian Councils, from the original Documents, to the of the Council hi<:ii von). Cultiirgeschielite in ihrer natiirlichen Entwicklung bis zur Gegcnwart. 8vo. Augburg, 1H75. A I W ;!'.) Die Erde und ihre Volkei-: ein gcogi-apiiisclios Hau.sljudi. 3' uitigearl>eitete aufhige. Roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1881. D 9 U 27 The Uu.s,MianH in Central Asia : a Critical Examination down to the ]>resent Time of tlic (!eograj)hy and HiwUiry of Central Asia; translated from the (iennan by Lieut.-Col. Theodore Wirgman, JjL. 15. .'^\o, Lond., 1871. |)5P53 JILLLVEH (S. Stevess). Ijeclure.son the Si^ienco and Art of Hanitaiy Plumbing. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A2H27 'J'lie Plimibcr and Sanitary Houses; a Practical Treatise on the Princ'ipli-H of liit<'rnal Pluinbing AN'ork, or the Irt'-tl means for efTertually exrludiiig Noxious (iases from -.ur L'lid ed. 8vo. I^.nd, IK.'^O. A 2 S 38 HELMHOLTZ (Prof. Hermann L. F.), M.D. On the Sensations of Tone as a physiological basis for the Theory of Music. Translated from the German, by Alexander J. Ellis, B.A., itc. 8vo. Lond., 1875. " A8Q6 Another Copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A8R3 Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. 1st and 2nd .series ; translated by E. Atkinson, Ph.D., etc., with an Introduction by Prof. Tvndall. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873-81. ■ ' A 16 R 6, 7 Sound, itc. [See Taylor, S.] liELO'iSE (Abuess). History of the Li\.s of Abcillard and Heloisa, 1079-1163 ; by the Rev. Joseph Berington. 4to. Birmingham, 1787. C4W1 HELPS (Sir Arthur), K.C.B. Animals and their Masters. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1S83. J 8 Q 14 lii-evia : Short Essavs and Aphorisms. 8vo. Lond., 1871. ' J 8 Q 4 Casimir Marennna. 8vo. Lond., 1871. J8Q3 Catharine Douglas : a Tragedy. 18mo. Lond., 1843. H 2 Q 26 Claims of Labour: an Essay on the Duties of the Em- ployers to the Employed. 12mo. Loud., 1844. F5Q29 Companions of my Solitude. 8th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1874. J 8 Q 1 Conquerers of the New World, and their Bondsmen ; being a Narrative of the Princijial Events whicli led to Negro Slavery in the West Indies and America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848-52. B 1 Q 50, 51 Conversations on War and General Culture. 8yo. Lond., 1871. J 8 Q 2 Essays written in the intervals of business ; to which is added an Essay on Organization in Daily Life. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1875. " J 8 Q 15 Friends in Council : a series of Readings and thereon. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1854. J8Q17, 18 Another copy. New scries. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1859. J 8 Q 6, 7 Another copy. 1st and 2nd series. New ed. 4 vols, r.'nio. L,m"(l., 1S72-77. J 8Q 10-13 Ivan de J'.inin ; or, tlic Russian Court in the Middle of last Century. New ed. Syo. Lond., 1883. J8t,tl6 King IIc-Mr\- till- Scc-i.nd : an Histcniral hiaiiia. 1 2nio. Lond., isi:;. H 2 ii 25 Leaves from [\\i- nf our Life in the th(> Highlaiuls. [See Victohia, Heii Ma.iestv the Quekn.! Letter from one of the Special Constablrs in London iin llir l.ili' occasion of tlieir being called out to keej) the l"eand., 183G. B 13 U 44, 4-5 HENRY IV (Kixr. of France .wd Navarre). Life of Henry iv ; bv G. P. R. James. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. ' C 7 Q 30-32 HENRY Y (King of Exol.\.nd). Henrici Quinti Regis Anglia; Gesta. [&« Historical Society.] Henry of Monmouth; or, Memoirs of the Life and Character of Henry v, as Prince of Wales and King of Eni,'land ; bv J.E.Tyler, B.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. C 8 Q 30, 3'l HENRY VITI (Kixr. OF ExrJLANi)). Henry viii. fmm his Accession to the Death of ^\'olsev. [See Brewer, Prof. J. S.] Letters and Papers of the Reign of. [See Brewer, Prof. J. S.] Hou.seliold Bopk of. [See Nicolas, Sir N. H.] HENRY f)F PORTUGAL (Prince), the N.wig.vtor. Discoveries of. [See ^Lvjor, R. H.] Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnaiiied llie Navi- gator; by R. H. Major, F.S.A., kc. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1868. C 9 V 24 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1868.* MC 1 R 31 HEXRY (The Minstrel). Metrical History of Sir William Wallace, Kniglit of Ellerslic. ?, vols. 18mo. Perth, 1790. HOP 21 23 Wallace; or. Life and Acts of Sir Wiliiain Wallace; with Notes by J. Jamicson. 12mo. Glasgow, 18Gi). H 7 P 28 Another copy. H 8 U 31 HENIIY (Prince of Pru.ssia). Rlicin.sbcrg : Memorials of I'rcdei-ifk the ({ and Prince Henry of Prussia; by Andrew Hamilton. 2vols.8vo. Lf the Book of P.sahns ; with l'racti<-al Reinarks and Observations; nnaliridgcd and illustrated. Mvo. Lond., ISCC. (; ]o p j.-j IIENKV (PaITL). I».|). i,ife anil Tim.s ..f Jol,,, Cal\in, (he Gi-i'jit Hefor- i ; liansliited from llii- German, by Henry St. bbiiig, I ».!>., ,t,;. 2 vols, Mvo. U.nd., 1849. C Ml 1' 21. 25 HENRY (Robert), D.D. History of Great Britain, from the lirst Invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Ciesar. 5th ed. 12 vols. 8 vo. Loud., 1814. B5P1-12 HENRY (Walter). Events of a Military Life ; being Recollections after Service in the Peninsular War, Invasion of France, the East Indies, itc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843. C 3 R 35, 3G HENRY (William). Elements of Experimental Chemistry. 11th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1829. A 5 U 5, G HENSEL (Sebastian). The Mendelssohn Family (1729- 1847); from Letters and Journals; translated by Carl Kini;emann and an American Collaborator. 2 vols. 8vo. Lmd., 1881. C 7 S 22, 23 HENSHALL (James A.), M.D. Book of the Black Bass ; comprising its comjilete Scientitic and Life History ; to- gether with a practical Treatise on Angling and Fly Fishing. Illustrated. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1881. A 10 Q 15 HENSLOW (Rev. J. S.) Principles of Descriptive and Phvsiological Botany. (Lard. Cab. Cyc.) 12mo. Lond., 183G. " ' K 1 U 11 HENSMAN (Howard). The Afghan War of 1870-80. With Maps. 8vo. Loml., 188L 1! 10 S 1 HENSMAN (IIenhv). Civil Engineering and Mai-hinery generally. [See Lond. International Exuiu., 1851.] IIEXTY (GEOUfiE Alfred). The Maivli to Coomassie. 8vo. Loud., 1874. D 1 V 29 HENTY (RiciIMOM)). .Vustraliana ; or, Mv Eariv Life. 12mo. Lond., 1880. ' Ml") :', 1' 1 HENT/NI'^it (Pai-i.). TimwIs in l-'.nglaud during the Reign of (.,>ueen lOlizabetli ; to which is now aildeil Sir Robi'i't Naunton's Fragmonta Regalia. 8\o. Loml., 1797. ' I) 7 T 43 HENWOOD (W. J.) Papers on (!eol,)gy, itc. ; from the Transactions of tlir Rov.d (Jeological Societv of Coi-n- wall. 2 vols. Svo. Lnn'd.. 1S71. ' A'9S13, 14 II h'J'r.ri; N (.Iamks). [iSw Boihwkm.. IvufL of.] IIMI'I'.I'KN (.1 wiF.s Ci uTis), M.D., iW'. and I'lnglisli .lapani'si' Dir( inn,-irv. '.'nd ed. Sni. fol. Shangiiai, IS72. K I I 1! I 1 1! IM'I'.IKN (lti;v. Thomas). \.v.{\rv \„ n ( Icni Icman from his {''jicnd in (Irliney. ( WrilU'ii irj 1757.) I!c'|irint<'il. 12 I-Minb., IS.vs'. \\ |;( ]> k; in; riK.\i'iK.\ iii:r.\i{.\. iir i'uk,ipid>a ii..para na I loam- Papila W'eraliiko I'oin.iparic le iOpikoiHi ICai \\ akarite Apotoriko o te Tieliehi o Akai'ana ki on.i Ph-ilii me oria Keritiano mo to Reneti o ti- Tau iS57, he ako i te niana oi'a \\w. le wakupuakanga .\t\ia o te llaiii Kalorika. Mv... Akarami, 1857. .\|.l 2 }{ K) PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. Her] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or lleference. 349 [Her HERALD OF PEACE (The). New Series. Vol. 1 and 2, 1838-41. 8vo. Lond., 1839-41. G 13 P 23, 24 HERAUD (John Abraham). Legend of St. Loy ; with other Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1820. If V T 30 \_See Monthly Magazine, Tin:.] HERBELOT (Barthelemy d',) I'.ihliotJaMiuc Oricutalo ; ou, Dictionnaire Univer.sel. 4 vols. 4tn. La Haye, 1777. C 11 V 9-12 HERBERSTATN, NEYPERG, and OUETTENHAG (Sicismund), Baron de. Rerinn Moscouiticai'iim Coiii- mentarii Sigismundi Liberi Baronis iu Herljerstain, Neyperg, et Guettenhag. In his Comnieiitariis sparsini contenta hal^ebis Candido Lectoi', Russiae, ct ((ua' nunc eius Metropolis est, Moscovia', hrevissiinani deseriptioneni, &e. Sm. fol. Basile, 1551. B 12 V 1 HERBERT OF BOSHAM. \_See Ciion.s. of Gt. Britain.] HERBERT (Charles). Italy and Italian Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1835. ' D 8 Q 49 HERBERT (David). Great Historical Mutinies ; com- prising the Story of the Mutiny of tlie Bounty, the Mutiny at Spitliead, the Mutiny at the Nore, Mutinies ill Highland Regiments, and the Indian Mutiny. 8vo. Lond., 187G. B"14 Q 38 HERBERT OP CHERBURG (Edward), Lord. Auto- ))iography of. The History of England under Henry VIII. Reprint from Kennet's Fol. ed., 1719. 8vo. Lond., 1872. B 4 P 12 Autobiography of ; with Introduction, Notes, Appendices, and a continuation of the Life by Sidnev L. Lee, B.A. Svo. Lond., 1880. " " C 10 U IG Life of, written )iv himself, and continued t. Ox- ford, 183G. ' B 9 V 33 HERMANN (G.) Dissertatione de Ellipsi et Pleonasmo. [&« Bos, L.J HERMANN (Dr. L.) Elements of Human Physiology. Translated from the 5th cd., by Prof. A. Gamgee. Svo. Lond., 1S75. A 12 T 6 Handbuch der Phvsiologie. 6 vols. rov. Svo. Leipzig, 1S79 8:i. ■ " A 12 T 18- 23 HERMANNl'S CONTRACTUS. Opera omnia. [See MiGNE, J. P., Series Latina, 143.] 350 CATALOGUE OF TEE Her] Pakt I : — Authors, Editoi's, or Reference. [Her HERXISZ (Stanislas), M.D. Guide to Conversation in the English and Chinese Languages, for tlie Use of Americans and Chinese in Califoniia and elsewhere. Ob. 12mo. Boston, 18.54. K 11 S 24 HERXSHEIM (Fraxz). Siidsee-Erinnerungen (1875-80). Mit einem einleitenden Vorwort, von Dr. Otto Finsch. 4to. Berlin, 1883. :MD 7 P 4 t HERODOTUS. Anal3'sis and .Summary of Herodotus. [See "VVheeleh, J. T.J Ancient Empires of the East (Herodotos, 1-3); with Notes, Introduction-;, and Ajipendices, hv A. H. Sayce. 8vo. Lond., 1883. " B 14 R 49 Geograpliical System of Herodotus. [_See Renxell, J.] Geography of Hero.nd., 1H84. G 8 R 17 HKHIUKS (Ki.wAHD), C.H. .M.-moir of th.- Public Life of till- Right Hii. .1. W. Croker. 2 vols. Hv.i. Lond., ikis. C :{ \' 7 8 FUEE PUBLIC LIi3RAUY, SYDNEY. 551 Her] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Hey IIERVEY (M. F. H.) Celebrated Musicians of all Nations: a Collection of Portraits ; with short Biographical Notices; translated from the Gorman, with an Appendix, l.y M. F. iS. Hervey. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1883. C 7 11 17 t HERVEY (J[aurice H.) The Genesis of Imperial Fede- ration. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MF 3 Q 31 HERVEY (TiioMA,s K.) Australia ; with other Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1S2I. MH 1 R 22 Anfither copy. 2n(l ed., with additional Poems. 12mo. Lo,»l., 182.-). MH 1 R 23 HESEKIEL (John George Louis). Life of Bismarck, Private and Political ; with descriptive Notices of his Ancestry ; translated by Konnotli R. H. Mackenzie, F.S.A., &c. 8vo. Lond., 1870. C 10 R 21 HE8I0D. Hesiodi Carmina. ApoUonii Argonautica.>i Carmen de Herone et Leandro. Coluthi Raptus Helena\ Quinti Posthomerica. Tryphiodori Excidium Ilii. Tzetzre Antehomerica, etc. Grsece et Latme. Edidit F. S. Lehrs. Imp. 8vo. Parisiis, 1878. H G V 29 Works of; translated by T. Cooke. [^See Chalsiers, A.] Works of; translated by C. A. Elton. (Fam. Class Lib.) 18mo. Lond., 1832. J 15 P 15 HESf^ (A.) Relations of the Air to the Clothes we Wear. \_See Pettenkofer, Dr. M. von.] HESS (Dr. W.) Die wirbello.sen Thiore. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Hannover, 1878. A 13 U 37, 38 HESSELS (J. H.) Gutenburg; was he the Inventor of Printing? an Historical Investigation embodying a Criti- cism on Dr. Tan der Linde's "Gutenberg.' 8vo. Lend., 1882. B 36 R 1 \_See Lex Salica.] HESSE- WARTEGG (Ernest), Chevalier de. Tunis; the Land and the People. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1882. D 2 P 2 HESSEY (James Augustus), D.C.L. Sunday; its Origin, History, and Present Obligation, considered in Eight Lectures. 8vo. Lond., 18G0. G 2 R 1 HESYCHIUS HIEROSOLYMITANUS. Opera omnia. [See MiGNE, J. P., Series Gh^ca, 93.] HESYCHIUS OF MILETUS. Life of Plato. [_See Plato.] HETHERINGTON (Rev. Irving). Memoir of the Rev. Irving Hetherington, Scots' Church, Jlelbourne ; in- cluding Sketches of the History of Presbyterianism in New South Wales and Victoria ; by the Rev. F. R. M. Wilson. 8vo. Melb., 187G. MC 1 Q 8 HEWARl) (Robert), F.L.S. Biographical Sketch of the late Allan Cunningham, F.L.S., Ac. 8vo. Lond., 1842. MC 1 R 25 HEWES (F. W.) Scribner's Statistical Atlas. [&« ScRIIiNER, C] HEWETSON (Henry Bendelack), M.R.C.S., kr. Life and Woiks of Robert Hev/etson, Boy Painter and Poet ; together with Original Essay, Poems, and Fairy Tales. 4to. Lond., 1881. C"2 W 13 HEWETSON (Robert). Life and Works of. Boy Painter and Poet ; togethei- with Oi-iginal Essay, Poems, and Fairy Tales, by Henry Bendclack Hewetson. 4to. Lond., 1881. C 2 W 13 HEWETSON (Capt. William B.) The Blind Boy: a Melodrama. \_See Farces.] HEWLETT (J. T.) Dr. Johnson : his Religious Life and Death. 8vo. Lond,, 1850. C3VH HEWLETT (William Oxenham), F. S. A. Notes on Dignities in the Peerage of Scotland which are dor- mant or which have been forfeited. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1882. K 10 T 23 HEYLYN (Peter), D.D. Ecclesia Restaurata ; or, the Histoiy of the Reformation of the Church of England. Fol. Lond., 1661. G 5 U 7 A Help to English History; edited by Paul Wright. 8vo. Lond., 1773.' B3T4 HEYNE (C. G.) [See Virgilius Maro P.; and Ticullcs.] HEYNE (Moritz). Kurze Grammatik der altgennanischen Dialecte: Gothisch, Althochdeutsch, Altsiichsisch, Angel- sachsisch Altfriesisch, Altnordisch. I. Theil. Laul-ynd Flexionslehre. 2"^ verbesserte auflage. (All pvhlit'lii'iJ.) 8vo. Paderborn, 1870. K 14 P 34 HEYSE (Dr. Joh. Christ. Aug.) Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache, mit Hinsicht auf Rechtschreibung, Abstammung und Bildung, Biegung iind Fiigung der Worter, so wie auf deren Sinnverwandtschaft. Nach den Grundsatzen seiner Sprachlehre. Ausgefiihrt von Dr. K. W. L. Heyse. 2 vols, (in 3) 8vo. Magdeburg, 1833-49. K 13 P 28-30 HEYSE (Dr. K. W. L.) [See Heyse, Dr. J. C. A.] HEYWOOD (B. A.), M.A. Approaching Australasian Centenary : an Historical Retrospect of Events not to be forgotten. 8vo. Lond., 1885. MB 1 T 1 Travels and Excursions in [A Vacation Tour at the An- tipodes, through] Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, Queensland, and New Zealand. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 18G3. MD5Q8 Vacation Tour at the Antipodes, tln-ough Victoria, Tas- mania, New South Wales, Queensland, and New Zea- land, in 1861-62. 8vo. Lond., 1863.* MD 5 Q 6 HEYWOOD (Capt. Peter), R.N. Memoir of: with Extracts from his Diaries and Correspondence bv Ecl- NvardTagart. Svo. Lond., 1832.* MC1"R28 352 CATALOGUE OF TH] Hey] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Hil HEYWOOD (S.) Vindication of Mr. Fox's History of tlie earlv part of the Reigu of James ll. 4to. Loud., isii. ■ B4ril HEYWOOD (Thom.\s). Dramatic Works of; now first collected ; with Illustrative Notes, and a Memoir of the Author. G vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. H 2 T 15-20 Merlins Pi-ophesies and Predictions ; with the Life of Merlin. [See Meklin.] Luvc's Mistress : or, tlie ti'ucc'n's Mascjuc. Svo. Lond., 1824. H 1 K 13 .iVnother ciipy. H 1 R 15 The RajM} of Luei-ece : a Tiagcdv. Svo. Loud., 1824. H 1 R 13 Another copy. H 1 R 15 HIBBERD (Rev. F.) The Person <.f Jesus the Source of his Power: a Lecture. [See Ciikistian Evi- dence Society.] HIBDERD (Shirlev), F.R.H.S. Epitome of tlic War, from its Outbreak to its Close. 12uio. Lond., 1856. B 12 T IS Familiar Gai-clen Flowers. [See Hulmk, F. E.] (iarden Favourites: with Lists of Choice A'arieties. 1 2mo., 1858. .\ 1 P 22 New and Rare Beautiful-lcavfd Plants. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1S70. .\ 1 i; 3 Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste. 8vo. Lond., 1857. A 1 U 3 HTCKES (GEORfiE). D.D. .Memoirs of tlie Rev. John Kettiewell. [See Lee, Dr. F.] C 4 V 5 Tiie Spirit of Enthusiiusm c.xorci.sed in a Sermon preached liefore tiie LTnivereity of Oxford. 4th ed. 8vo. L(ind., 1709. (i 2 1' 21) IIICKEY (W.) Constitution of th.- Iiiited States of .\mr-rica. 8vo. Philad., 1S,^3. E G R 15 JIJCKIK (W. .).) Comedies of Aristophanes. [See Aris- T0PH.\NE8.] HICKLFN (J.) The '• Ladies of LianfioMen," as sketched l)y many hatuls. Svo. Chester, I S 17, .M.I 2 1! 12 MK'KS (IJev Iv L.), .M..\., ItEcioii ok I'ennv (.'omi-ton, lleiirv Hazelv. the Oxford Evanirelist : a Memoir. Hvo. Ixmd., lf<8G. C 3 S 2 .Manual of (ireek Historical Inscriptions. ((JIar. Pres-s). ^gioris in seai'cli of Sir ilohn l''rankliu and the missing ('rews of II. M. Discovery Ship.s Krrfiiin and '/'irnir, 1852 54. 8vo. Ix.nd., 1857. 1) 4 R 23 M(l)or(!AliL (Mrs. Harriettk). Sketches of our Life at Sarawak. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1882. D 5 P 44 rUEE PUBLIC LIBEAllY, SYDNEY. 46? Mac] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or lieference. [Mao MACDOWALL (M. W.) W.UiNER, Dr. W.] Asgard and the Gods. {See B 15 Q G MACEACnERN (Jamks). Dynasty ..f La and Foster illustrated ; or, the Evils of suniniary Jurisdic- tion and irresponsible nd., 188.J. A 1 S 43 MACGREGOR ^P.) i|Miii(loiicc. Hvo. lyoml,, IHCil. t' I \' 12 MACIIKNRV (Gr.oiKiK). Time and Klernily : a I'oem. ^vo. Sun Kiaiicimo, |f(7l. " II 7 C^ 30 MACHIAVELLI (Niccolo di Bernardo dei). Historical, Political, and Dijilomatic Writings of. Translated from the Italian by Christian E. Detmold. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1882. J 3S 13-16 Niccolo Machia\'elli and his Times : by Prof. Pasquale Villari. Translated by Linda Villari. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1878-83. " C 3 U 20-23 History of Florence and the affairs of Italy, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Lorenzo the Magnificent ; together with " The Prince" and various Historical Tracts. New Translation. 8vo. Lond., 1876. B 12 P 21 The Prince. Translated from the Italian, by N. H. T. 12mo. Lond., 1882. J 11 K 2 Opore complete di Niccolo IMachiavelli ; con molto correzioni e giunte rinvenute sui manoscritti originali. 2 v(j1s 8vo. Milan, 1850. J 13 U 29, 30 Woiks of Nicholas Machiavel ; newly translated from the Original, with Life, by E. Farneworth, M.A. 2 vols. 4to." Lond., 1762. J 2 IT 15, 16- ISIACHIN (Jonx). Laws of the IMoou's Motion. [See Newton, Sir I.] Mi-IAN (R. R.) Clans of the Scottish Highlands, illustrated; with aeconiiianyiiig Description and His- torical jNlemoranda of Cliaracter, mode of Life, itc, by James Logan, Esq., F.S.A., ttc. 2 vols. roy. 4to. Lonil., 1845-47. 'B15T8, 9 + MACILWATN (George), F.R.C.S., kc. Memoirs of John Abernethy, F.R.S. ; with a Memoir of his Lectures, Wii tings, and Character. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. C 2 U 4, 5 MflNToSll (W. C.) M.i)., Ac. IMunograph of the British Annelids. Part 1. The Ncmerteans. (R'ly Soc, 15.) Imp. 4to. Loud., 1S73-74. H MACTNTYRE (James J.) Tlioughts on Population ami St;uvation : witli an Ap|iendix, containing Letters on I'iinigration and otlu'r Coloni.i! JNlalti'rs, addres,sed to Joseph Hume, Es(|., and Sir ]{obi>il Peel, Hart. Svo. Lond., 1811. .MJ 2 U 22 MACINTYRE (Kev. W.), M.A. Is the Ser\ice of the Mass idolatrous/ lleing a candid Imniiry into the Doc- trine maintained on that sidiject by Disiiop Folding in liis Pa.storal Address. 8vo. Svdnev, 1838. MF 1 Q 4 and MG 1 P 5 A])i)eal to the Presbyterians of Now South Wales on behidf of St. George's Church, Svdnev. 8vo. Sydney (n.'l.) " ' M(! l' tj 2''.1 .M.V('l\i;i! (I'.iuo. Ckn-, II. It.) I'ndir F.mrleen Flags; lieing Life and .Xdventures of a Soldier of IA>rtune ; by C.ipl. W. I). L'Fstrange. 8v,.. Melb., IHSL MC1P3,S l!i\:iis for Supremacy in tin- I'acllic ; a book for every liiilish Subject, tlii' Interests and Prosiicrity of Austral asia in Danger. 8vo. Sydney, 1SH5. 'MI''3y4S PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 4G9 Mac] Pakt I : — Authors, Udltors, or Rpference. [Mac MACKAY (Alexander). Western Woi-ld ; or, Travels in the United States, in 1846-t7, including a Chapter- on California. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1849. DSP 1-3 MACKAY (Andrew), LL.D., itc. Theory and Practice of finding the Longitude at iSea or on Land. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1801. A 19 U 20, 27 MACKAY (Ancus). AnalyKis of the Australian Colonies' Government Bill. 8vo. Lond., 18.50. MF 3 Q 39 Croat Gold-field : a Pedestrian Tour through the first discovered Gold District of New South Wales, Novem- ber, 1852. 8vo. Sydney, 1853. MJ 2 Q IG Sugar-cane in Australia : a Series of Essays upon its Cultivation and Manufacture. 8vo. Brislmne, 1870. MA 1 Q 9 Sugar-cane in Australia : Practical Details concerning Cane, Sorghum, and Beet cultivation and Sugar making ; with latest improvements in machinery. Fully illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1883. 'MA 1 Q 10 Elements of Australian Agriculture, leading to various Departments of Agricultural Science. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. 12mo. Sydney, 1885. MA 1 P 4 MACKAY (Charles), LL.D. Gaelic Etymology of the Languages of Western Europe, and more especially of the English and Lowland Scotch, and of the Slang, Cant, and Colloquial Dialects. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1877. K 14 S 20 Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841. B 15 P 33-35 Founders of the American Republic : a History and Biography. With a Supplementary Chai)ter on Ultra- Democracy. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. C 3 P 10 Forty Years' Recollections of Life, Literature, and Public Affairs, fi-om 1830 to 1870. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 5 S 17, 18 Poetry and Humi,ur of the Scottish Language. 8vo. Paisley, 1882. K 12 P 11 Medora Leigh : a History and an Autobiography. 8vo. Lond., 18G9. C 3 P 29 The Thames and its Tributaries ; or. Rambles among the Rivers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. D 6 2 35, 3G MACKAY (George), LL.D., A-c, Legal and Historical Debating Society in connection with the Bar of Ireland : [an] Address. 8vo. Melb., 1853. MJ 2 R 19 MACKAY (J.) An Old Scots Brigade ; being the History of Mackay's Regiment. 12mo. Edinb., 1885. B 31 P 18 MACKAY (Kenneth). Stirrup Jingles from the Bush and the Turf, and other Rhymes. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MH 1 P 27 Another cojjy. 2nded. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MH 1 P 28 MACKAY (R.) Mackay's Australiasi Illustrated Almanack for 18C0-G1. 12mo. Sydney, 18G0-G1. ME 4 Q McKELLAR (D.), Jun. Queen.sland Hand-book, Pas- .sengers' Guide, Fare, and Time Table by Railway, Steamer, Omnibu.s, Co.ach, Road, and Cab ; with New South Wales Appendix. 12mo. Brisbane, 1879. MD 4 P 8 MACKELLAR (Duncan). Australian Emigrant's Guide. 8vo. Edinb., 1839. MF 3 P 7 MACKENNA (J. William). Mortality of Children in Vict(jria ; with Means for the Prevention and Cure of the Diseases of Children. (Pam. Cc.) 8vo. Melb., 18.58. MA 2 S 15 M'KENNEY (Thoma.s L.), and HALL (James). History of the Indian Tribes of North America ; with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Princijial Chiefs. 3 vols, at. fol. Philad., 1838^44. B 5 R 22-24 % MACKENZIE (Ale.xander), F.S.A. Prophecies of the Brahan Seer (Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche). 3rd ed. 8vo. Inverness, 1882. G IG R 39 MACKENZIE (A. Slidell). American in England. Aberdeen, 1848. D 8 S 20 MACKENZIE (Charles), F.R.S., kc. Notes on Haiti, made during a residence in that Republic. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1830. D 3 R 31, 32 MACKENZIE (Capt. C. F.) "Musannif." Romantic Land of Hind. 8vo. Lond., 1882. B 10 Q 37 MACKENZIE (Rev. David), M.A. Emigrants Guide ; or. Ten Years' Practical Experience in Australia. 12mo. Lond., 1845. MD 3 P 37 Emigrant's Guide to Australia; with a Memoir of Mrs. Chi.sholm. 12mo. Lond., 1853.* MD 3 P 38 The Gold Digger : a Visit to the Gold-fields of Australia in February, 1852. 12mo. Lond., 1852. MD 3 P 43 Ten Years in Australia ; being the Results of his Ex- perience as a Si;ttler duiiiig that period. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1852.* MD 3 P 41 MACKENZIE (Eneas). I\Iem,.irs of ilrs. Caroline Chis- holm ; with an Account of her philanthnjpic Labours, in India, Australia, and England. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1852. ' MC 1 P 30 MACKENZIE (Sir George). Jus Regium ; or, the just and solid Ff)undations of Monarchy in general, and more especially of the Monarchy of Scotland. 12mo. Lond., 1684. ■ F5S3.5 MACKENZIE (Sir Geoiuje Steuart), Bart. Travels in the Island of Iceland, during the Summer of the Year 1810. 2nded. 4to. Edinb., 1812. D7V5 MACKENZIE (Henry), F.R.S.E. Account of the Life and Writings of John Home. 8vo. Edinb., 1822. C 8 T 4.5 Works of. 8 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1808. J 11 T 1^8 Works of John Homo ; with Life, A'c \See, J.] 470 CATALOGUE OF THE Mac] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mac MACKEXZIE (Jons). Ten Yeai-s North of the Orange River, fvo. Edinb., 1871. D 1 R 23 MACKENZIE (Keith Ste\yart). Narrative of the Second Campaign in China. 12mo. Lond., 1812. B 2 P 27 MACKENZIE (Kenneth R. H.), TX° "Crvptonvmus." Royal Masonic Cyclopa?tlia of Hi.story, Rites, Symbolism, and Biography. 8vo. Lend., 1877. K 1 R 24 Life of Bismarck. {See Hesekiel, J. (J. L.] C 10 R 21 Discoveries in Egypt. {See Lepsius, C. R.] D 2 T 18-21 MACKENZIE (Thomas), Lord. Studies in Roman Law ; with comparative Views of the Laws of France, England, and Scotland. 5th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1880. F 7 S 8 MACKENZIE (Sir M.) Hygiene of the Vocal Organs: a practical Hand-book for Singeis and Speakers. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lmd., 1886. A 12 Q 9 MACKENZIE (Peteh). Life of Thomas Muii-, Esq., Ad- vocate, who was tried for Sedition before the High Couit of Justiciary in Scotland, and .sentenced to Transportation for Fourteen Years ; with a full Report (jf his Trial. 8vo. 8vo. Gla.sgow, 1831.* MC 1 R 19 MACKENZIE (Roderick). Strictures on Lieut. -Col. Tarleton's Hist 2 1' 47 McKINLAY (J.) McKinlays Journal of Exploration in the Interior of Australia (Burke Relief Expedition). With three Maps. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.)* MD 6 T 20 Tracks of McKinlay and Party across Australia. {See Davis, J.] MD 2 V 2 MACKINNON (Capt. D. H,), R.N. Atlantic and Tran.s- atlantic Sketches, Ailoat and Ashore. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1852. D 3 R 36, 36 Military Service and Adventures in the Far East. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1849. D 5 P 1, 2 MACKINNON (Hamilton). :Marcus Clarke Memorial Volume. {See Clarke, M. A. H.] MC 1 P 13 MACKINNON (Lauchlan) {See Argus Libel Case.] MF 1 Q 1, and MJ 2 Q 23 MACKINTOSH (Rt. Hon. Sir James), LL.D. Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations. 12mo. Lond., 1835. F 1 P 30 Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy ; chiefly during the 17th and 18th Centuries. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1837. G 15 R 3 Miscellaneous Works of. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1846. J 9 T 16-18 Historical Characters, {See Dallinc; and Bilwer, Sir H. L. E., Lord.] History of the Revolution in England in 1688. 4to. Lond., 1834. B 6 V 1 History of England, by Sir J. Mackintcjsh, and the late William Wallace; continue. Lond., 1831. 39. C 1 Q 34-40 1. Sir 'I'lioiiias More; t'ariliiiul Wolsoy ; ArflibislKip I'raniiier : William (_'ecil, Lord Uurliinli. 2. 'Sir Jolm Kliot ; Tlidiiiaa Wentwortli, Earl of Slaironl. 3. JohnPyin; John Hampden. 4. Sir Henry Vane ; Henry Marten. T). Robert Cecil, Karl of Sali»biny; 'I'lioiiias Osljorno, F,arl of l)«iil)y. (!, 7. Oliver Cromwell. An.itlier copy. (Laid. Cab. Cyclo.) K 1 S 10-16 MACKINTOSH (.loMN). Tlie I^irnest Simlent ; being .Memorials of, bvNoini.'in Mailcnil, 1 1. 1 ). I 2mo. fjond., I8C>,1. " G lOCi 13 MACKINTOSH (John). History of Civilisation in Scot- land. 3 vols. 8vr.. Lond., 1874-84. I! 32 T 1-3 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 471 Mac] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mac MACKINTOSH (Robert James). Memoirs of the Life of Sir James Mackintosh. Edited by his Son. 2 vols. 8vo. Load., 1835. C 8 Q 35, 36 McKINTOSH (William). General, Statistical, and Commercial Report of the Province . Limd., \m^. ' iM5PH Ancient History; lonipiising a reprint «.f I'liniitive Mnrringo. 8vo. b.nd,, IHH6. B15Q27 MACLEOD (Allan). Ijickington's ConfosHions, rendered into Narrative. [_Sec Lackinoton, .1.] (! 9 Q 33 MAC'LKOD (Hkv. Do.vai.k). 15. A. of Norman MarlcfKl, D.D. 2voI.. sv,, I I, |s7f.. C7S.n,J2 Mrl,KOD (Donalk). MellHiurne )''nctorieK. 8vo. Melli., isr.s MA 2H 1 MACLEOD (Henry Dunning), M.A., At. Elements of Economics. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. F 5 T 26, 27 Lectures on Credit and Banking ; delivered at the Request of the Council of the Institute of Bankers in Scotland. 8vo. London., 1882. F 7 S 7 Elements of Banking. 8vo. Lond., 1876. F 6 R 3 Theorv and Practice of Banking. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1875. F 7 S 9 MACLEOD (Rev. Norman), D.D. The Earnest Student; being Memorials of John ^Mackintosh. 12mo. Loud., 1863^. G 10 Q 13 Eastwai'd. AVith Illustrations. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1866. ■ D 5 T 25 Reminiscences of a Highland Parish. Svo. Lond., 1878. ■■ J 9 Q 14 Memoir of ; by his brother, the Rev. Donald Macleod, B.A. 2vol,s."8vo. Lond., 1876. C 7 S 41, 42 Tribute to the Memory of. [See Menzies, Rev. P. S.] MACLEOD (Rev. Norman), D.D., and DEWAR (Rev. Dr. Daniel). Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, in two Parts. 1. Gaelic and English. 2. English and (Jaelic. Svo. Glasgow, 1831. " K 15 P 13 Another copy. [New ed.] Svo. Lond., 1870. K 15 P 14 MACLEOD (Dr. William). Treatment of Small-pox, Measles, Scarlet Fever, Hoojiing Cough, Croup,, A'c, by the Water Cure and Homnpopathv. Svo. Man- chester, 1848. ■ A. 12 P 3 MACLLSE (Daniel), R.A. Gallery of Illustrious Charac- ters, 1830 33. (Published in Fraser's Magazine.) Svo. Lond., 187:^. C 21 S 11 Memoir of; by W. J ODriseoll, M.R.I.A. 1 2mo. Lond., 1S71. ■ C 3 U 21 Story of tlu- Norman Con<|uest. (Art Union.) 4to. Lond., 1866. A 7 U 37 MACLUUE, MACDONALD k MAC(}RE(;OR. Large Scale Map of the Seat of War in Italy. 4to. Lond., 1859. ■ D 33 Q 16 J M'MAHON (Rev. J. 11.), ISI.A. Metaphysics of Aris- totle. [5«« Aristotelks.] G 16 P 1 MACMAnON(M.J.), M.A. r..lilic;il l';io.|Uence in (Jivcv: Demosthenes. [See BrIidii', L. | V 5 '!" 6 MACMFCIlAi;!, (Dn. \\n.i.i*M). ( ed. 8vo. Lonives of British Physicians. IJino. bond., 1830. C 1 P 24 .MAG.MK'K IN 8 K 19 MACRAE (Rev. David). Americans at Home : Pen-and- ink Sketches of American Men, Manners, and Institu- tions. Popular eII.\VA ACMl.dlYA. Sarva I )ars,ina Samgralia ; or, lti\iew of the diil'erent Sysli'iiis of Hindu I'hilo.sophy ; translated by E. |{. Coweil, M.A., A-e, and A. E. Gough, M.A. 8vn. I.(,nd„ 1882. C 1.5 P 15 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 475 Mad] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mah MADISON (James). Eulopiy on the Life and Character of ; by John Quincey Adams. (Pam.) 8vo. Bo.ston, 1836. MJ 2 P 36 The Federalist: a Commentary on tlie Constitution of the United States. \_See Hamilton, A.] MADLER (Dr. J. H.) Der Mond. ISee Beer, W.] A 3 U 9, 10 MADOX (Thomas). Firma Burgi ; or, an Historical Essay concerning the Cities, Towns, and Buroughs of England. Fol. Lond., 1726. B U T 17 J History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, in two periods, to the end of the Reign of Edward II, A'c. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1769. B 6 V 4, 5 MADRAS. Annual Reports on the Civil Hospitals and Dispensaries in the Madras Presidency, for the years 1875-85. 7 vols. 8vo. and fol. Madras, 1877-86. E 2, 16 Reports on the Administration of the Madras Presidency, during the years 1875-84 : Summary of the Adrainis tration ; Departmental Chapters ; Statistical Returns ; (Special Appendix. 9 vols. 8vo. and fol. Madras, 1877-84. E 2, 16 Reports on Pul^lic Instruction in the INIadras Presidency, for 1875-84. 9 vols. 8vo. and fol. Madras, 1877-85. E 2, 16 Reports of the Conservator of Forests, for the Otficial Years 1860-63. (Pam. Ck.) 4to. Madras, 1861-63. A 15 U 1 Report on Vaccination throughout the Presidency and Provinces of Madras, 1875-78. 2 vols. 8vo. and fol. Madras, 1876-78. E 2, 16 Annual Medical Reports of the Lying-in Hospital, 1876-78. 2 vols. 8vo. and fol. Madras, 1877-79. E 2,16 Report on the Gold-mines of the South-eastern Portion of the Wynaad, and the Carcoor Ghat. Fol. INIadras, 1880. E 2, 16 Annual Reports of the three Lunatic Asylums in the Madras Presidency, 1875-79. 2 vols. 8vo. and fol. Madras, 1876-79. E 2, 16 Report on the Census of the Madras Presidency. \_See Cornish, W. R.] Standing Information regarding the Official Administra- tion of the Madras Presidency. [_See Maclean, C. D.] Report on Vaccination, for the year 1876-77. Roy. 8vo. Madras, 1878. E 2, 16 MADRAS ALMANAC. 12mo. Madras, 1819. E 1, 78 MADRID. Sketches of the Metropolis of Spain and its Inhabitants, and of Society and Manners in the Peninsula ; by "A Resident Officer." 2 vols 8vo. Lond., 1843. D 7 T 11, 12 MADRIGA (Pedro de). Beschrijvinge van de Regeringhe van Peru, gestelt door eenen gevangenSpanjaert, ghenaemt Pedro de Madriga, gheboren zijnde tot Lima. Sq. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1612. D 3 S 50 MADVIG (Prof. I. N.) Latin Grammar for the use of Schools ; translated from the original German, by the Rev. George Wood.?, M.A. 8vo. Oxford, 1870. K 12 S 26 MAETZNER (Prof. E.) Engli-sh Grammar, Methodical, Analytical, and Historical ; translated from the German, Ijy C. J. Greece, LL.B. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. K 15 R 24-26 MAFFEI (A.), Count. Brigand Life in Italy : a History of Bourbonist Reaction; edited from original and authentic Documents. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1865. B 11 U 40, 41 Recollections of Mas.simo d'Azeglio. \_See Azeglio, M.] C 1 U 43, 44 MAFFEI (R.) {^See Raphael Volatekranu.s.] MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY (The); with Notes and Queries. (Edited by John Austin Stevens.) Vols. 1-13. 8vo. New York, 1877-86. E 1, 16 MAGENDIE (F.), M.D. Elementary Compendium of Physiology ; translated by Dr. E. Milligan. 4th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1831. A 12 T 7 MAGEOGHEGAN (James), Adbe. [_See MacGeoghegan, J.] MAGINN (William). Anecdote Life of. [_See Timbs, J.] Miscellanies, Prose and Verse; edited by R. W. Montagu, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. J 1 U 22, 23 MAGNAN (Dr. V.) On : the various forms of Alcoholic Delirium and their Treatment. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 12 S 21 MAGNUSSON (M. I.) Lecture on the subject of the Creation, delivered in the Synagogue, York-street, Sydney, 8vo. Sydney, 1852. MG 1 Q 12 MAGNY (LuDOVic), Vicomte de. La Science du Blason, accompagnee d'un Armorial general des Families Nobles de I'Europe. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1858. K 10 V 1 MAGOON (E. L.) Living Orators in America. 12mo. Dublin, 1849. C 1 R 18 MAGUIRE (John Francis). Rome : its Rulers and its Institutioiis. 8vo. Lond., 1857. B 12 Q 28 The Irish in America. 8vo. Lond., 1868. D 3 R 30 MAGUIRE (Thomas), LL.D., kc. The Parmcnides of Plato. [See Plato. 1 MAGYARLAND. "Magyarland" ; being the Narrative of our Travels through the Highlands and Lowlands of Hungary ; by " A Fellow of the Carpathian Society." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 8 T 22, 23 MAHAFFY (Prof. John Pentland), A.M. Commentary on Kant's Critick of the Pure Reason. \_See Fischer, Prof. K.] History of Classical Greek Literature : the Poets and the Prose Writers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. B 9 S 20, 21 History of Rome and the Roman People. \_See Duruy, V.] B 19 R 6-11 I Social Life in Greece, from Homer to Menauder. 8vo. Lond., 1874. B 9 S 19 476 CATALOGUE OF THE Mahl Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Mai MAHAN (Rev. Asa), D.D., and FINNEY (Rev. C. G.) Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and the Eiuhieiueiit of Power. 12mo. Loud., 1875. G 9 P 46 MAHA-VIRA-CHARITA. {See Bhavauiuti, J.] MAHOMET Life of. (Eminent Men.) 8vo. Lend., 1849. C 7 P 45 Life of, and History of Islam to the Era of the Hegira; bv Sir AVilliam Muir. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1858-61. C 7 S 43-46 Lives of Mahomet and his Successors; by Washington In-ing. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1850. C 7 S 34, 35 M.\HON (Philip Henry), Lord. [See St.\xiiope, P. H. Mauox, Earl.] MAHONY (Rev. Fkanois Svlvesteh), "F.\tiier PuofT." Anecdote Life of. {See Timbs, J.] Final Reliques of Father Prout ; collected and edited l>y Blanchard Jerrold. 8vo. Lond., 187G. J 12 P 22 Reliques of Father Prout. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1836. J 11 P 6, 7 Works of Father Prout; edited, with Biographical In- troduction and Notes, by Charles Kent. r2mo. Lond., 1881. J 11 P8 MAIDEN (J. H.) The Olive, and Olive Oil : Ijeing Notes on the Culture cpf tlie Tree ami Extraction of the Oil, as carried out in South Australia and Continent of Europe. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MA 1 Q 43 .MAIDMENT (James). Scotish Elegiac, 1629-1729; with Notes and an A jipeudi.x of illustrative Papers. 8vo. Edit.b., 1842. H 8 U 19 8ir Thdinas Overburie's Vision ; Introduction. \_Ste Hist Kit I AX C'Lun, 6.] .MAIEU (J.; Arcanntra<'t System : its great National Advantages (li'fi'iiK MoYiiiAf: de). Histoire (Jtnerale de la Chine. 13 vols. 4to. Pari.s, 1777 85. B 2 Q 31-43 .M .\ I.MFKd'IUi (LofiM). Histoire des Croi.wdes pour la |)elivranci) tie lu Terrc Sainte. 2'' ed. 2 vols, (in 1) 32ino. PariH, 10H2. (! 9 P2 MAIMONTDF^S (MOHKH). TIk; (iui.l.' of ll,r J', rplrxcl ; trnnilnt<'(l from the original, and annotated by M. 1''ried- l-incier, Ph,l». 2 voIh. Mv... Lonrl, 1HH.5. G3g57 MAIN ( Alexaxder). Life and Conversations of Dr. Samuel Johnson (founded chiefly upon Boswell) : with a Preface by George Henry Lewes. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 3 V 15 MAIN (David M.) Treasury of English Sonnets. Edited from the oriiiinal Sources, with Notes and Illustrations. 4to. Manchester, 1880. H 6 V 19 IMAIN (Rev. Robert), 31. A. Hudimentarv Astronomy. (Weale.) 12mo. Loud., 1869. " A 17 P 10 MAINE. {See United States.] MAINE (Sir Henry Sumner), K.C.S.L, itc. Ancient Law : its connection with the Early History of Society, and its reliition to Modern Ideas. 8vo. Lond., 1870. F 7 R 19 Village Communities in the East and West : Six Lectures delivered at O.xford. 8vo. Lond., 1872. F 7 R 20 Lectures ou the Early History of Institutions. 8vo. Lond., 1875. F 6 U 26 Popular (Jovernment ; Four Essavs. 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 7 R 17 Dissertations on early Law and Custom ; chiefly selected from Lectures delivered at Oxford. 8vo. Lond., 1883. F 7 R 18 iMAlNTENON (Fran^oise D'AuBiiixi':), Marquise de. Secret Correspondence of Madame de Maintonon with the Princess desUrsins. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1827. C8Q5-7 31.VTH (James Allan). Hand-book of Proverbs, jNIottoes, t,»uolatioiis, ami Phrases. 8vo. Lond., 1873. K 17 P 5 MAIU (Uouert Henry). Dcbrett's Illustrated House of (_'oiunions. {Sec DiciniKTT, .1.] Debivtt's Baronetage, Knightage, &c. {See Debiiett, J.] MAISONNEUVE (P.) Traito de I'Osteologie et la Myologie du Vespertilio Murinus. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1808. " A 15 Q 3 M.M'I'L.WI) (CllAiiLKs), M.D. The Church ill (lie Cata- coinlis. 2iiil <■(!. .-ivo. Loml., 1S17. (J2Q11 M.M'I'hAND (Eduaud), .1.1'. " Meaning of the Age" : a l''arewell Lecture, delivered at the School of Arts, .Sydney, N.S.W., .lanuarv 9, 1858. (Pam. 26.) 8vo. Brighton, 1H5S. ■ MJ 2 y 14 Pilgrim anil tln' Sliiino ; or. Passages from the liife and tJorresjiondi'nii' of "Herbert Ainslie, B.A., Cantab." 3 vols. 8vo. I.oihI., IK6S. J 9 P 1-3 M.\rri,.\NI) (I' r.uildiiiglCstatc.s: ji Hudiiiientary Ticalise on the l)c\ clopiiiciil, Siilc, I'lircliiisi', and (Iciieral .Management of runMiiii,' l,.iiid. (Wrali'.) 1 2mo. LoihI., |.^«.3. A 17 (.J 82 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 1-77 Mai] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mai MAITLAND (F. W.) Pleas of the Ci-own, for the County of Gloucester, before the Al)bot of Reading and his Fellows, Justices Itinerant, in the fifth year of the Reign of King Henry lii, and the year of grace, 1221. 8vo. Lond., 1884. B 7 Q 23 MAITLAND (Mns. J. C.) Letters from Madras, during the years 1836-39; liy "A Lady." 12mo. Lond., 1843. D 6 P 42 Another copy. (H. and C. Lib.) 8vo. Lond., 1846. J 8 P 17 MAITLAND (Snt John). Ancient Scotish Poems. [_See PiNKEliTON, J.] MAITLAND (Rev. S.vmuel Roffey), D.D., kc. Essays on subjects connected with the Reformation in England. 8vo. Lond., 1849. G 4 P 1 Eruvin ; or, Miscellaneous Essays on subjects connected with the nature, history, and destiny of Man. 12mo. Lond., 1850. G 8 P 35 Eight Essays on various subjects. 12mo. Lond., 1852. J 7 Q 23 The Dark Ages : a Series of Essays. 3rd ed. 9sxo. Lond., 1853. G 2 Q 10 Review of Fox, the Martyrologist's " History of the Waldenses." 8vo. Lend., 1837. G 2 Q 9 Twelve Letters on Fox's " Acts and Monuments." Originally published in the British Magazine, during the years 1837-38. 8vo. Lond., 1841. G2Q9 Remarks on Rev. S. R. Cattley's Defence of his edition of Fox's Martyrology. 8vo. Lond., 1842. G 2 Q 9 Six Letters on Fox's Acts and Jlonuments. 8vo. Lond., 1837. G 2 Q 9 Six more Letters on Fox's Acts and Monuments. 8vo. Lend., 1841. G 2 Q 9 Notes on the Contributions of Rev. George Townsend, M.A., Prebendary of Durham, ifec, to the new edition of Fox's " Martyrology." Parts 1-3. 8vo. Lond., 1841-42. G 2 Q 9 MAITLAND HOSPITAL. Annual Report of the Com- mittee of Management ; with Rules and Regulations of same, and a List of Subscribers for the year 1858. 8vo. West Maitland, 1859. MF 3 P 18 Another copy. MG 1 Q 26 Report of the Committee of Management ; with a List of Subscribers for the year ending 1867. 8vo. "West Maitland, 1868. MF 3 P 18 MAIZEAUX (Pierre des). \_S(e Desmaiseaux, P.] MAJOR (Rev. J. R.) Roman Anticjuities. \_See Ad.\m, A.] B11V8 MAJOR (Richard Henry), F.S.A., kc. Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia : a Collection of Documents and Extracts from early Manuscri]it Maps. 8vo, Lond., 1859.* "• MI) 2 S 1 MAJOR (Richard Hexry), F.S.A., &c. — continued. Discovery of Australia by the P(jrtugueso in 1601, live years before the earliest Discovery hitherto recorded ; with arguments in favour of previous Discovery by the .same nation early in the sixteenth century. 4to. Lond., 1861.* MD5P21t Discoveries of Prince Henry, the Navigator, and their Results. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D 9 T 29 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1877. MD 2 S 4 Life of Prince Heniy of Portugal, surnanied the Navi- gator, and its Results. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1868. MC 1 R 31 Another copy. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1868. C 9 V 24 Further Facts in the History of the Early Discovery of Australia. 4to. Lond., 1873. MD 5 P 23 f Supplementary Facts in the History of the Discovery of Australia. 4to. Lond., 1873. MD 5 P 22 t MAJOR (Thomas). Ruins of P»stum, otherwise Posidonia, in Magna Grsecia. Imp. fol. Lond., 1768. B12P18 + MAKRIZI (Taki-Eddin-Ahmed-Al.) Histoire des Sultans Mamloukes de I'Egypte ecrite en Arabe ; traduite en Franijais et accompagnee de Notes, par E. M. Quatremere. 4 vols, (in 2.) Paris, 1837-42. B 14 Q 2, 3 ^ MALABARI (Behk.vmji M.) Gujarat and the Gujaratis : Pictures of Men and Manners taken from Life. 8vo. Lond., 1882. D 5 R 8 MALALA (J.) \_See Byzaxtinae Hist. Script.] MALAYAN FAMILY. Memoirs of a ; written liy them- selves, and translated from the original by W. iMarsden, F.R.S., etc. 8vo. Lond., 1830. C 6 R 15 MALAY PENINSULA. Map of the. Sm. fol. Lond., 1879. D 33 Q 14 I JMALCOLM (Rev. Howard), D.D., etc Index to the Principal Works in every Department of Religious Literature. 2nd ed., with Addenda. 8vo. Philad., 1870. K 18 R 23 Travels in South-eastern Asia, emljracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam, and China. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. D 5 P51, 52 MALCOLM (James Pelleh), F.S.A. Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of Lonilon, from the Roman In- vasion to the year 1700. [Coloured Plates.] 4to. Lond., 1811. B 6 V 30 Another copy. 2ud ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1811. B 5 S 12-14 Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the 18th Century. 4to. Lond., 1808. B 6 T 31 Another copy. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1810. B 5 S 15, 16 Miscellaneous Anecdotes illustrative of the Manners and History of Europe during the Reigns of Charles ii, James ii, William ill, and Queen Anne. 8vo. Lond., 1811. B 7 R 35 ISee Grancer, Rev. J.] C 7 T 5 478 CATALOGUE OF THE Mai] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or lieference. [Mai MALCOLM (Maj.-Gen. Sir John), G.C.B., i-c. Memoir of Central India, including ilalwa and adjoiaini; Provinces. Keprinted. 2 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1880. B 10 Q 28, 29 Sketches of Persia. (H. and C. Lib.) 12iiio. Lond., 1849. J 8 P 9 History of Pereia, from the most early period to the present time ; containing an account of the Religion, Oovernment, fsages, and Charact(M' of the Inhabitants. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1815. 1! 1.3 8 10, 17 + Political Historv of India, fmm 178-1 to 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1826. B 10 R 25, 26 Life of Robert Lord Clive. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836. C 10 T 8-10 Life and Cori-espondence uf; from unpublished Letters and Journals, by John AVilliam Kave. 2 vols. 8vo. L.jnd., 1856. ■ " C 7 S 28, 29 Memoir of Central India, including Malwa, and ad- joining Pi-ovinces. 2nd cd. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1824. D 6 R 23, 24 MALCHUS. {See Bvzaxtin-j; Hist. Script.] !MALDEN (Henry). On the Origin of Universities and Academical Degrees. 12uio. Loud., 1835. J 1 U 39 Oil the Study of the Greek and Latin Languages : An Introductory Lecture. (Univ. of Lond.) 8vo. Lond., 1831. ■ J 5 S 8 i)\\ tlie Intioduction of the Natural Sciences into General Rlucation : a Lecture. (Univ. of Lond.) 8vo. Lond., 1838. J 5 S 8 MALE ORPHAN INSTITUTION. Rules and Regula- tions established for the Management of thr. 1 2mo. Sydney, 1819. .MJ 2 Q 21 MALET (Sir Alkxanuer C), Baht., kv. Overthiow of tlio Gennanic Confederation by Prussia, in 18()ri. 8vo. T>.nd., 1H70. ' V, 9 R 16 MALI'yr (Cai'T. Harold Esdailk). Annals of tlu' IJoad ; or, Notes on Mail and StJige Coaching in (ireat Hritain. Kvo. Ix>Md., 1876. A 17 W 19 MALET (H. P.) Incidents in llic iiiograjihy of Dust. «v<). Lond., 1877. A 9 g 13 The Beginning.s. 8vo. Lond., isT.s A 9 P 10 M.Vr.ET (WiM.iAM E.) Australian Winegrowers' Manual. l2fi,o. I,on.l., ISSO.* y[\ 1 P 36 .MAIdlJRA.N" DE liEKIol (.M.mi:. .Mauia EixifiiTA). MenioirM uf ; by the de Merlin and otliers; with a Selection from her Correspondence. 2 vol.s. 8vo. Lond., 1840. C 3 P 25, 26 MALKIN (A. T.) HisU.ric,nt.\r,KIN (Mi-.N.iAMiv Heath), LI.D. Inlroductoiy L«(^- liir<- on History. (I'niv. of Lond.) Hvo. I.ond., |H30. .1 5 H 8 MALLALIEU (A.) Buenos Ayres, Monte Video, and Affairs in the River Plate, in a Letter to Rt. Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen. (Pam. 19.) 8vo. Edinb., 1844. F 12 P 8 MALLEE DISTRICT (The). iMallee District of Victoria. 8vo. ]\Ielb. 1880. MJ 2 R 15 Mallee Scrub Country ; Melb., 1880. Mr. D.I ■ Delta." 8yo. MJ 2 R 15 MALLERY (Lieut.-Col. Garrick). Introduction to the Study of Sign Language among the North American Indians, as illustrating the Gesture Speech of Mankind. 4t.). Wasli., 1880. ' K 13 U 5 MALLESON (Col. George Bruce), C.S.I. Ambu.shcs and Surprise, from the Time of Hannibal to the Poi'iod of the Indian Mutiny. 8yo. Loud., 1885. B 15 P 7 Decisive Battles of India, fi-oni 1710 to 1849, inclusive. 8vo. Lond., 1883. B 10 U 8 Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 10 U 9 Founders of the Indian Empire : Lord Clive. 8vo. Lond., 1882. B 10 V 24 Battle-fields of Germany, from the Outbreak of the Tliirt v-Years' War to the liattle of Blenheim. 8vo. Lonil, 1884. B 9 S 10 Historical Sketch of the Native States of India. 8vo. Lond., 1875. 1'. 10 S 30 History of the Freneh in India, from 1074 to 1761. 8yo. Lond., 1868. B 10 U 26 Essays and Lectures on Indian llistinical Subjects. 8vo. Loiid., 1876. B 10 Q 20 Studies from (Jenoese History. 8vo. Lond., 1875. B 10 Q 37 History of the Indian ISlutiny, 1857-59; commencing from the close of tlio second volume of Sir John Kay's Histoiy of the Sepoy War. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8yo. Lond., lf<78 80. B 10 U 11-13 Analytical Index [to the abo\e Lond., 1880. Herat, the (iranary and GardeT\ of Central Asia. With an Iiulex and a Map. 8vo. Lond., 1S80. B 10 S 2 y l)y F. Pincott. 8vo. B 10 U 17 Eurv.iie.': a Tragedy. (Bell's Brit. Loud., 1795. H2P37 .M.\l,I.I':T(!)Ayin Tlieatre.) 18m Life and Poems of. \S(t CllALMKRS, A., mid JoilNHON, S. .M.\l,l.l';r (Sii! bons), K\T., C.I!, rolitieal Writings of R. Cobden ; with an I nl roductory Essay. [/See Coddbn, R.] .M A l.blCT (I'aii, IIi;mii). Nnrlbein .\nl ii|uities ; or, an llisioriial ,\ceoUMt of tlie .Manneis, Custiims, Religion and Laws, Maritinu^ l'jXi)editions and Discov(U'ies, Lan- guage and Litei-;ilure of I lie .\neienl Seandinn\ians. 8vo. L..iid,, IS 17. B 2 R 21 M.M,l,i;r (lioUKRT), A..M., kv.. Ad.lilion I., the Paperon Volcanic lOnergy : an .Vt tem))t to develoj) its tru(^ Origin and Cosmieal Relations. (R'l.y. Soc. Pubs., I.) Ito. I I., IS75. ■ A 11 r 2 t I PEEE PUBLIC LIBRAllY, SYDNEY. 479 Mai] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Man MALLET (Robkut). Description of J. B. Feiiliy's Patent Locks, and a Note upon Iron Safes. \_See HoBns, A. C] MALLET DU PAN (Jacques). Memoirs and Correspon- dence, illustrative of the History of tlieFrencli Revolution ; collected and ari'anged liv A. Sayous. i vols. 8vo. Lond., 1852. ' " C 8 Q -2, 3 MALLOCK (William Hurrell). Ls Life worth Living? '2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1879. (J 2 Q 8 New Paul and Virginia ; or. Positivism on an Island. Newed. 12mo. Lond., 1880. J 10 Q 24 The New Republic; or, Culture, Faith, and Philosophy in an English Country Town. 3rd cd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1877. J 10 Q 25, 26 Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1880. H 8 Q 2 Romance of the 19th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. J 10 Q 27, 28 MALMESBURY (James Harris), First Earl of. Diaries and Correspondence of James Harris, first Earl of Malmes- ))ury. Edited hy his Grandson, the third Eail of Malmes- bury. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 9 T 17-20 MALMESBURY (J. Howard Harris), Third Earl of, G.C.B. Memoirs of an ex-Mini.ster : an Autobiography. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 7 s"36, 37 MALMESBURY (William of). [_See William of Malmes- I3URY.] MALOGA ABORIGINAL MISSION SCHOOL. [See Matthews, D.] MALONE (Edmund). Historical Account of the English Stage. \_See Shakespeare, W. MALONE (R. Edmond). Three Years' Cruise in the Aus- tralasian Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1854.* MD 1 W 13 MALONEY (John). Report of the Case of . [&« Dillon, J.] MALORY or MALEORE (Sir Thomas). La Mort d'Arthure : the History of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. Edited from the text of the edition of 1634, with Inti'oduction ami Notes, by Thomas Wright, M.A., etc. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1865-66. J 9 P 31-33 Morte Darthur : Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and his noble Knights of the Round Table. The original edition of Caxton, revised for moderii use. 8vo. Lond., 1871. J 11 U 7 MALTE-BRUN (Conrad). Universal Geography ; or, a Description of all Parts of the Woi'ld, on a new Plan, according to the gi'eat Natural Divisions of the Glolie. 9 vols. 8vo. Ediid)., 1834. D 12 U 1-9 MALTHUS (Rev. Thomas Robert), A.M., kc. Definitions in Political Economy. 8vo. Lond., 1827. F 6 S 24 Essay on the Principle of Population : or, a View of its Past and Pi-esent Effects on Human Happiness. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1826. F 7 R 1, 2 MALWYN. Leichliardt's Return : a Poem. [See Leich- hardt. Dr. L.] MA:\[MATT (Edward), F.G.S. Collection of Geological Facts and Practical Oljservations, intended to elucidate the Formation of the Ashl)y (Joal-field, in the of Ashby-do-la-Zouch and the Neighbouring District. 4to. Ashby, 1834. A 1 Q 19t MAN: Fragments (jf Forg(jtten History; Ijy " Two Chelas in the Thcosophical Society." 8vo. Lond., 1885. (i 13 T 9 MAN AND A BROTHER, A. \_See Transportation.] MAN-STEALING in the Pacific. (New.spaper Cutting.) Sydney (n.d.) MG 1 Q 29 MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL. To His Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland : the Humlile Address of Manasseh Ben Israel, in behalfe of the Jewish Nation. (Pam. F. ) Reprint, 1655. 8vo. Mellx, 1868. MJ 2 S 3 MANASSES(CoNSTANTiN.) [/S^eeBvzANTiNAEHiST. Script.] MANCHESTER ATHENAEUM. Reports of the Direc- tors of the INIanchester Athenaeum ; with the Rules and Bye-laws. (Pam. 23.) 8vo. Manchester, 1845. MJ 2 Q 1 1 MANCHESTER LITERARY CLUB. Papers of [Vol. L called Transactions.] Vols. 1-7, 1874-81. 7 vols- (in 6) 8vo. Manchester, 1875-81. E 1, 58 The Manchester Quarterly : a Journal of Literatui-e and Art. Vols. 1-6, 1882-86. 6 vols. 8vo. Manchester, 1882-86. E 1, 58 MANCHESTER PUBLIC FREE LIBRARIES. Annual Reports of the Council of the City of Manchester on the working of. 8vo. Manchester, 1855-79. E 1, 78 Catalogue of the Chief Lending Library. 2nd ed. 8vo. Manchester, 1862. " MK 1 Q 13 Catalogue of the Books in the Reference Department ; prepared by A. Crestadoro, Ph.D. ; with Index of Names and Sulsjects. 3 vols, (in 4). Imp. 8^■o. Lond. and Manch., 1864-81. K 8 R 24-27 t Index-Catalogue of the Charlton and Ardwick Lending Branch. Roy. 8vo. Manchester, 1872. K 8 P 30 Twentieth Annual Report on the working of the Public Free Libraries, 1871-72. Roy. 8vo. Manchester, 1872. K 8 P 30 Catak)gue.s of the Chief Lending Library and Branches. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1864-72. K 8 P 30 Catalogue and Supplement of the Ancoats and Ard- wick Branch Lending Department. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Manchester, 1857-60. MK 1 Q 13 MANCHESTER QUARTERLY (The): a Journal of Literature and Art. [^See Manchester Literary Club.] 480 CATALOGUE OF THE Man] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Man MAXDERS (A. S.) i CO. Official Post Office Directory of New South Wales, 1883-84. Imp. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MEiOPUt MAXDEVILLE (Bersakd de), :M.D. Fables of the Bees; or, Private Vices, Public Benefits : with au Essay on Charity and Charity Schools, and a search into the Nature of Society. "8vo. Lond., 1795. J 11 Y 16 JIAXDEA'ILLE (Sir John). Yoiage and Travaile of Sir John Maunde^ille, Kt. 8vo. Lond., 1727. D 4 U 35 Travels of. \_See Cochrane, R.] D 10 Q 48 MANDY (H. C.) Ecclesiastical Manual of New South Wales. [_See Williams, C. H.] MF 1 U 15 MANFRED. [5e« Prestos, E. W.] MANGLES (James), A.M. Travels in Egypt and Nubia. [See Irbv, Hon. C. L.] MANGLES (Ross D.) How to Colonize ; the Interest of the Countiy and the Duty of the (nivernnient. (Pani. 10.) Svo. Lond., 184:;. ' MJ 2 Q 2 Answer to [the above.] [See Heale, T.] MJ 2 Q 2 MANGOURIT (M. O. B.) Travels in Hanover, during the yeai-s 1803 and 1804 ; containing an Account of the Form of Government, Religion, Agriculture, Connnerce, and Natural History of the Country. 8yo. Lond., ISOG. " D8U27 M.\N1NG (FuKDKRKK Edwaru), JlI)(;E. Old New Zea- land: a Tale of the Good Old Times; by "A Pakeha Maori." 8vo. Auckland, 18G3. " MD 5 K 33 Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Auckland, 1803. MD5R34 Another copy. Svo. Lond., 187G.* MD 5 R 35 Anotlier cfipy. (Australian edition.) 8vo. Lond., 1887.* MD 5 R 37 MANLEY (J. J.), M.A. Salt, Preseryation of F(X.d, Bread and Biscuits. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 32 MANLTUS (Marcus). Astronomicon ; ex Etlilionc Bent- leiana, cum Notis ct Iiitcrpretaliciiic in iisum Delphini. 2 vols. Kvo. I^md., 182H. .1 13 K 10, 11 .M.\NN (I). D.) 'VU- present Picture of New South Widi-s ; illustrated with foui- large colourc T 44 .M.\i; K H.\.M (Capt. Albert Hastinos), R.N., At. Cruise of the Rimnrii) amongst the New Hebridies and Santa Cruz Islands, e.xposiiig the recent Atrocities connected with the Kidiiapjiiiig of Natives in the South Seius. 8vo. Lond., 1873.* MI) G Q 8 Polar Reconnni.s.sanre ; being tlie Voyage of the Ishjiirn to Novaya Zemlya in 1^711. Willi lllustiations. 8vo. I^md., IHNI. D 4 S 7 Whaling Cruise to Bartins Hay and the (liilf of Boothia, iind un Account of the Rescue of the Crew of the I'olnris, 8vo. Lond., 1874. D 4 S G MARKH AM (Capt. Clements RonERTs), C.B., kc. General Sketch of the HlHtory of Persia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., I«74. 15 I !• 13 Travel.^ in Peru and India. 8vo. Lonil., 18G2. 1) 4 Q 8 Ciizco : a Journey to the Ancient Capital of Peru. «vn. I>ind., IH.'ir,, 1) 3 Q 3 MARKHAM (Capt. Clements Roberts), C.B., itc. — contd. Life of the Great Lord Fairfax, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Parliament of England. 8vo. Lond., 1870. C 5 V 14 Commodore J. G. Goodenough : a Brief Memoir. 1 2mo. Lond., 1876. MC 1 P 16 Memoir on the Indian Surveys. 2nd ed. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1878. D 4 V 27 Narratives of the Mission of George Bogle to Tibet, and of the Journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa; edited, with Notes, an Introduction, and Lives of Mr. Bogle, and Mr. Manning. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 5 S 12 Life of Robert Fairfax, of Steeton, Vice-Admiral, Alder- man, and Member for York, a.d. 1666-1725. Compiled from original Letters and other Documents. 8vo. Lnnd., 1885. C 6 Q 18 Peruvian Bark: a popular Account of the Introduction of Cinchona Cultivation into British India, 1860-80. With l\Iaps and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 4 P 17 Threshold of the LTnknown Region. 8vo. Lond., 1873. D 4S 38 The Fifty Years' Work of the Royal Geographical Society. 8vo. Lond., 1881. E 1, 48, 49 MARKHAM (Col. Frederick), C.B. Shooting in the Himalayas : a Journal of Sporting Adventures and Travel in Chinese Tartary, Ladac, Thibet, Cashmere, itc. Roy. 8v(). Lond., 1854. D 5 U 1 MARK LANE EXPRESS (The), and Agricultural Jour- nal. Vols. 45-5.-), fol. Lond., 1876-85. E MARLBOROUGH (John Ciu-rciiill), Duke of. Mili- tary Life of; by [Sir] A. Alison [Bart.] 8vo. Lond., 1848. C 7 T 39 Memoirs of; with his Original Correspondence ; by W. Coxe, M.A. 2nded. G vols. 8vo. Lond., 1820. C7T40-45 Atlas to [Ihe above.] At. 4to. Lond., 1820. C 7 V 49 MarllKirough ; l)y George Saintsbury. (Eng. Worthies.) 8vo. Loiid., 1885. C 4 T 19 MARLBOROTKiH (Sarah Jknnin(is), Duchess. Memoirs of, and of the Court of Queen Anne ; by Mrs. A. T. Thomson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. C 7 T 46, 47 MARLKHURROlKiir (lIi:Nitv). The Clu.iincleof Ireland. {See Hanmer, M.] MARLOWE (Christopher). Works of. With some Account of the Author, and Notes, by the Rev. Alex- ander Dyce. New ed., revised and corrected. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1870. H 2 U 4 Works of. Edited by A. II. I'.ullin, R.A. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1MH5. H 2 R 1-3 I lid llriL'bsh Drama: Seli'ct I'iays: Marlowe's Tragical lli.story of l»r. Faustus; edid'd by A. AV. Ward, Si. A. (Clar. Press.) IJnio. Oxford, rs7S. ] I 2 Q 39 FREE PUBLIC LIBE/VRY, SYDNEY. 485 Mar] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Mar MARLOWE (Christopher), and NASH (T.) Dido, Queen of Carthage: a Tragedy. 8vo. Loud., 1825. H 1 R U Another copy. 8vo. Lend., 1825. H 1 R 15 MARMION (Anthony). Ancient and Modern History of the Maritime Ports of Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 1855. B 11 Q 28 MARMONTEL (Jean Francois). Les Incas ; ou, la Destruction de I'Empire du Perou. 18mo. Lond., 182G. J 16 T 6 Memoires de. [See BARRiiRE, J. R, 5.] Memoirs of; written by himself. 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Lond., 1829-30. C 1 P 6 MARNO (Ernst). Reisen im Gebiete des blauen und weissen Nil im egyptischen Sudan und den angrenzenden Negerladern, in den Jahren 1869 bis 1873. 8vo. Wein, 1874. D 2 U 9 MARO. [_See Macarthur, Sir W.] MARRIOTT (Maj.-Gen. W. R), C.I.S. Grammar of Poli- tical Economy. 8vo. Lond., 187-1. F 6 P 33 MARRYAT (Miss Emilia). [See Norris, Mrs. E.] MARRYAT (Miss Florence). [See Lean, Mrs. Francis.] MARRYAT (Capt. Frederick), R.N. Universal Code of Signals for the Mercantile Marine of all Nations ; with a Selection of Sentences adapted for Convoys, and Systems of Geometrical, Night, and Fog Signals ; Ijy G. B. Richardson. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1864. K 9 S 7 Life and Letters of; by Florence Marryat [Mrs. Francis Lean]. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872. C 4 R 17, 18 Diary in America ; with remarks on its Institutions. 1st and 2nd series. 6 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1839. D 4 P 37-42 011a Podrida. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. JUT 13-15 MARRYAT (Horace). One Year in Sweden ; including a Visit to the Isle of Gotland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1862. D 8 S 25, 26 MARRYAT (Joseph). History of Pottery and Porcelain, Medifeval and Modern. 3rd ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1868. A 11 T 19 MARS (A. J.) Corps de Droit Criminel. 2 vols, (in 1) 4to. Paris, 1821. F 8 P 5 t MARSDEN (Rev. J. B.), M.A. Dictionary of Christian Churches and Sects, from the Earliest Ages of Christi- anity. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1854. K 18 R 8 Memoirs of the Life and Labours of the Rev. Samuel Marsden, and of liis early connection with the Missions to New Zealand and Tahiti. 8vo. Lond., 1858.* MC 1 P 25 MARSDEN (Richard), M.S.A. Cotton-spinning : its De- velopment, Principles, and Practice; with an Appendix on Steam-engines and Boilers. (Tech. Hand-books.) 12mo. Lond., 1884. A 11 P 29 MARSDEN (Rev. Samuel). Answer to certain Calumnies in the late Governor Macquarie's Pamphlet and the third edition of Mr. Wentworth's Account of Australasia. Svo. Lond., 1826. MF 2 Q 31 Letter to William Crook ; accompanied with a few Ob- servations, published in the Sydney Herald, by one of Mr. Crook's Missionary Colleagues to the Society Islands. 12mo. Sydney, 1835. MG 1 P 49 Memoirs of the Life and Labours of, and of his early connexion with the Missions to New Zealand and Tahiti ; edited by the Rev. J. B. Marsden, M.A. 12mo. Lond., 1858.* MC 1 P 25 Short Account of tlio Character and Labours of ; [by Rev. William Woolls, Ph.D.] (Pam. Bb.) 12mo. Par- ramatta, 1844. MG 1 P 49 Sermon on the Death of. [See Stiles, Rev. H.] MG 1 P 1 [See Nicholas, J. L.] MARSDEN (William), F.R.S., etc. Numismata Orien- talia Illustrata : the Plates of the Oriental Coins, Ancient and Modern, of the Collection of the late William Marsden, F.R.S., kc. 4to. Lond., 1869. A 1 R 16 t ]\Iemoirs of a Malayan Family ; written by themselves, and translated from the Original. 8vo. Lond., 1830. C 6R 15 Grammar of the Malayan Language ; with an Intro- duction and Praxis. 4to. Lond., 1812. K 14 S 23 Dictionary of the INIalayan Language, in two Parts ; Malayan and English, and English and Malayan. 4to. Lond., 1812. K 14 S 22 History of Sumatra ; containing an Account of the Govern- ment, itc, of the Native Inhabitants. 4to. Lond., 1811. B 4 U 20 Plates to [the above.] Fol. Lond., 1811. B 4 U 21 J Bibliotheca Marsdeniana : a Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts, collected with a view to the general com- parison of Languages, and to the study of Oriental Litera- ture. 4to. Lond., 1827. K 8 S 1 t Travels of Marco Polo. [See Polo, M.] D 10 Q 35 MARSH (Miss Catherine M.). English Hearts and English Hands; or, the Railway and the Trendies. 7th thousand. 12mo. Lond., 1858. G 9 Q 26 Another copy. 35th thousand. 12mo. Lond., 1859. G 9 Q 27 Memorials of Captain Hedley Vicars 97tli Regiment. 12mo. Lond., 1856. C 1 R 39 Life of tlie Rev. AVilliam Marsh, D.D. ; by his Daughter. 21st thousand. 12mo. Lond., 1878. C 1 R 24 MARSH (George Perkins). Student's Manual of the English Language : Lectures on tlie English Language ; edited, with additional Lecture and Notes, by W. Smith, D.C.L., &c. 6th ed. Svo. Lond., 1872. K 20 Q 41 INIan and Nature ; or. Physical Geography as modified l)y Human Action. 8vo. Lond., 1864. A 16 T 17 Origin and History of the English Language. 8vo. Lond., 1862. ' '^ J 10 T 21 486 CATALOGUE OP THE Mar] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mar MARSH (Howard), F.R.C.S. Essays. \_See Paget, Sir J.] Clinical Lectures and A 12 U 25 MAESH (John- B.) Reference Shakspere : a Memorial ^ition of Shakspere's Plays, containing 11,600 References. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1864. TT 9 tt in H 2 U 25 MARSH (John- Fitchett). Annals of Chepstow Castle : or. Six Centuries of the Lords of Striguil, from the Con- quest to the Revolution ; edited by Sir John Maclean, F.S.A., ic. 4to. Exeter, 1883. B 4 U 3 MARSH (M. H.), M.P., etc. Overland from Southampton to Queensland. 8vo. Lond., 1867.* MD 4 S 41 MARSH (Prof. Othseil Charles). Odontornithes : a Monograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America. (US Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel.) Roy. 4to. Wash., 1810. A 23 R 30 t MARSH (Rev. William), D.D. Lite of; by his Daughter [Miss Catherine M.] 21st thousand. 12mo. Lond., 1878. C 1 R 24 MARSHALL (Cuarles). The Canadian Dominion. 8vo. Lond., 1871. D 3 T 6 MARSHALL (C. H. T. and G. F. L.), F.Z.S. Monograph of the Capitonida>, or, Scansorial Barbets. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1871. A 3 P 3 t MARSHALL (Fuederic). International Vanities. Svo. Edinb., 1875. J 12 Q 18 MARSHALL (Ma.tor G. F. L.), and NICEVILLE (Lionel DE). Butterflies of India, Burmah, and Ceylon : a Descriptive Ilund-book of all the known species of Rhopalocerous Lepidoptera inlialjiting that region. Vol. 1. Roy. Svo. Calcutta, 1882. A 15 Q 19 MARSHALL (George W.), LL.D. Genealogist's Guide to Printed Pedigrees, ic. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1879. K 10 V 10 Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1885. K 10 V 11 MAIISHALL (H.) History of Kentucky. 2 vols. Svo. Frankf(irt, 1H21. B 1 Q 13, 14 MARSHALL (Henrv). Aijnonnal Phcnoni<'na of the Nervous System. [Psychology and Evolution.] 8vo. Adelaide, 1883. MA 2 S 18 MARSHALL (Capt. John), R.N. I', Cait. A.] Journal of. [S«« MD 4 tn-l t .MARSHALL (John). Lifr of G.orge Wa.shington, Com- niander-iii-Chicf of tlie Anierioui l-'orccs, and Pre- Hidciil of the United States. 2 vols, and atla.T Svo. Philad., 1H32. CGT27, 28 MARSHALL (John), F.R.S., Ac. Anatomy for Artists, illu.struUil by two hundred Original Drawings, )>y J. S. Cuth»>ert. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1S78. A 12 V 14 MARSHALL (John). Refutation of the Slanders and wilful ^Misrepresentations published at Sjxlney, by Dr. Lansj, in the Colonist Newspaper belonging to him. Svo. Lond., 183.5. MF1Q4 Another copy. Svo. Lond., 1835. MF 3 P 7 Twenty Years' Experience in Australia. 12mo. Lond., 1839. MD 2 Q 57 Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord John Russell, on Aus- tralian Emigration. Svo. Lond., 1811. MF 3 P 7 Facts and Proceedings relating to Emigration to the Australian Colonies. Svo. Reading, 1857. MJ 2 R 21 MARSHALL (Lieut. John), R.N. Royal Naval Bio- graphy ; or. Memoirs of the Ser\ices of all the Flag- Officcrs, Superannuated Rear- Admirals, Retired Captains, Post Captains, and Commanders. With Supplement. 8 vols, (in 12) Svo. Lond., 1823-35. C 9 S 4-15 MARSHALL (Joseph). Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany, Denmark, itc, in the years 1768-70. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1772. D 9 P 21-23 MARSHALL (William), D.D. Historic Scenes in Perth- shire. Sm. 4to. Edinb., 1880. B 13 Q 26 MARSHALL (Suro. William Barrett), R.N. Word of Exhortation to a Servant ; being the substance of a Discourse delivered to the Females on board the Fanny, Prison Ship, preparatory to their going into private service. Svo. Sydney, 1833. MG 1 P 1 Personal Narrative of Two Visits to New Zealand in nM.'^.Anii/ator,A.\).\»U. Svo. Lond., 1S3G. MD4Q41 MARSH MAN (J. FUCIUS.l Works of Confucius. [See CoN- MARSHMAN (John). Canterbury, New Zealani■•Il|,■n'^^ I.mihI. [Sc« Fiei.H, I!.] EllEE PUBLIC LIBllAllY, SYDNEY. 487 Mar] Paet I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mar MARTEL (CuAiiLEs). Military Italy. 8vo. Lond., 1884. F 7 Q 6 MARTEL (Charles). Principle.? of Harmony and Contrast of Colours. \_8ee Chevreul, M. E.] MARTELL (Martha). Letters from the Danube. 2 vols. Lond., 18i7. D 9 Q 42, 43 MARTEMONT (C. Malorti de). Theory of Field Forti- fication. 8vo. Lond., 1810. A G S 17 MARTENS (Prop. Edward von). Die Preussische Ex- pedition. \_See Preussische Expedition nach ost- AsiEN.] D 5 U 9-15 MARTENS (Frederick). Voyage into Spitzbergen and Greenland. \_See Voyages and Discoveries.] MD 5 P 24 Observations made in Greenland, and other Northern Countries. \_See Voyages and Discoveries.] MD 5 P 25 MARTENS (Georg von). Die Preussische Expedition. \_See Preussische Expedition nach ost-Asien.] D 5 U 9-15 MARTEN (Henry). Life of. [5m Mackintosh, Sir J.] MARTENSEN (Dr. H. L.) Jacob Boehme : his Life and Teaching; or. Studies in Theosophy ; translated by T. Rhys Evans. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 5 R 7 MARTIALIS (Marcus Valerius). Epigrammata, ex Edi- tione Bipontina, cum Notis et Interpretatione in usum Delphini. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1822-23. J 13 R 12-14 Epigrams of Martial. Translated into English Prose. 8vo. Lond., 1860. J 11 T 30 MARTIN ( — .) [_See Letters from the Irish Highlands.] MARTIN (Aime). Etudes sur la Vie de Fenelon. [_See F^NELON, F. de S. de la M.] MARTIN (A. B.), F.R. A.S. Complete Epitome of Practical Navigation. [&« Norie, J. W.] A 10 U 11 MARTIN (Charles). Civil Costume of England, from the Conquest to the Present Time. 4to. Lond., 1842. A 1 P 1 4t MARTIN (Charles Wykeham), F.S.A. History and Description of Leeds Castle, Kent. Fol. Westminster, 1869. B19U13I MARTIN (E.) La Reforrae en Italic. {See Cantu, C] MARTIN (Miss Elvira A.) Life and Speeches of Daniel Henry Deniehy. 8vo. Sydney, 1884.* MC 1 R 6 MARTIN (Frederick). Hand-book of Contemporary Biography. 12mo. Lond., 1870. CllQl History of Lloyd's, and of Marine Insurance in Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1876. F 7 P 19 Manual of Dates. \_See Townsend, G. H.] [See Statesman's Year-book.] MARTIN (Helena Faucit), Lady. On some of Shakes- peare's Female Characters: Ophelia, Portia, Dcsdemona, Juliet, Imogen, Rosalind, Beatrice. 4to. Edinb., 1885. H 2 U 10 MARTIN (Henri). Histoire de France, depuis les Temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789. 19 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838-54. B 9 Q 1-19 MARTIN (H. Newell), M.D., D.Sc, kc. The Human Body : an Account of its Structure and Activities, and the Con- ditions of its Healthy Working. (American Science Series.) 8v-o. New York, 1881. A 13 P 12 Course of Elementary Instruction in Practical Biology. [See Huxley, Prof. T. H.] MARTIN (James). Explorations in North-western Aus- tralia. Bvo. Lond., 1865. MD 7 Q 54 MARTIN (Rev. James), B.A. The Spirit Quenched ; or, Spiritual Gifts suppressed by the Clmrch : a Sei-mon. 12mo. Melb., 1869. MG 1 Q 16 MARTIN (Sir James), Knt., C.J. The Australian Sketch- book. 12mo. Sydney, 1838. MD 2 P 11 Report of the Proceedings attending the Presentation of the Porti-ait of Sir James Martin, C.J., by the Bar of New South Wales, on the 22nd day of May, 1885. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MB 2 Q 2 MARTIN (John), M.D. Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands. [See Mariner, W.] MARTIN (Josiaii), F.G.S. Geyser Eruptions and Terrace Formations. [See Cowan, F.] MH 1 S 22 MARTIN (K.) Beitriige zur Geologic Ost-Asiens und Australiens. [See Geologischen Reicils-Museums in Leiden.] MARTIN (Lady). Our Maoris. 8vo. Lond., 1884. MD4P16 MARTIN (Leopold C), and TRUBNER (Chas.) Curren., Gold and Silver Coins of all Countries, their weight and fineness, and their intrinsic value in English Money; with Facsimiles of the Coins. 4to. Lond., 1863. A 13 S 35 MARTIN (Robert Montgomery). Australia: comprising New South Wales, Victoria or Port Pliilip, South Aus- tralia, and Western Australia : their History, Topography, Contlition, Resources, Statistics, Gold Discoveries, Mines of Copper, Lead, (tc. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1883.* MB 1 U 15 Despatches, &.C., of the Marquess of Wellesley in India. [See Wellesley, jNIarquis.] B 10 T 7-11 History of Austral-Asia; comprising New South Wales, Van Diemen's Island, Swan River, South Australia, 5R30 [See Wood-Martin, MARTIN (Major W. G. Wood-) Major ^^\ G.] MARTIN (W. W.) By Solent and Danube: Poems and Ballads. 8vo. Lond., 1885. H 8 Q 8 MARTINEAU (Harriet). Illustrations of Political Economy. 9 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1834. F 2 P 6-14 1. Life in tlie WiUls. Tlie Hill anil tlie Valley. Brooke and Brooke Farm. 2. Demereia. Ella of CJarveloch. Weal and Woe in (Jarveloch. 3. A Mancliester Strike. Cousin Marshall. Irelaiul. 4. Homes Abroad. For Each and for All. French Winca and Politics. 5. The Charmed Sea. Berkeley the Banker. 6. Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek. The Loom and the Lugger. 7. Sowers not Reapers. Cinnamon and Pearls. A Tale of the Tyne. 8. Briery Creek. The Three Ages. 9. The Farrers of Budge-Row. The Moral of many Fables. Household Education. 12mo. Lond., 1849. G17P29 Eastern Life, Present and Past. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848. D 1 P 14-16 Histoiy of England during the Thirty Years' Peace, 1816- 46. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1849-50. B 2 T 27, 28 How to Observe : Morals and Manners. 8vo. Lond., 1838. G 7 Q 22 Retrospect of Western Travel. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. DSP 33-35 Positive Philo.sophy of Augusto Comte. [See Comte, A.] Society in America. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. D 3 P 30-32 Biographical Sketches, 1852-75. 4th ed., enlarged, with Autobiographical Sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1876. C 1 T 30 Autobiography ; with Memorials by Maria Weston Chapman. With Portraits and Illustrations. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 3 Q 36-38 Introduction to the History of the Peace, 1800-15. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1851. B 2 T 26 Letters on the Laws of Man's Nature and Development. [See Atkinson, H. G.] MARTINEAU (James), LL.D., kc. Es.says, Philo.sophieal and Theological. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1875. G 7 Q 12, 13 Study of Spinoza. With a Portrait. 8vo, Types of I'idiical Theory. Oxford, 1885. MARTINEAU (John). LoihI., 1869. (Clar. Press.) Lond., 1882. C 4 Q 34 2 vols. 8vo. G 16 T -4, 5 Letters from Australia. 8vo. MD 4 T 8 M ARTINENGO-CESARESCO (Evelyn), Countess. [See Cesauesco, Evelyn .Mautinenoo-, Countess.] MARTINET (Luuovk). Los PolynGsiens. [See Lesjson, Dii. A.J MAKTINGALE. [See Wiiitk, Rev. C] FREE PUBLIC LIBRAEY, SYDNEY. 489 Mar] Part I : — Atilhors, Edilors, or Reference. [Mas MARTINS (C.) Philosojihio Zoologique. [^^-g Lamakck, J. B. P. DK.] A 11 W-2:2, 23 MARTINUS (Sanctus), Lecuonexsis Presbyter. (!)])ora omnia. {See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 20.S, 2U9.] MARTIRE, OR MARTYR (Pietro). [_See Eden, R.] D 16 Q 13 t MARTYN (P..), AND KIPPIS (A.), D.D. Life of the first Earl of Shaftesl)ury, from the (irii;inal Documents in the po.ssesion of the Family. Edited hy G. Wingrove Cooke. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1830. C 8 P 43, 44 MARTYN (Rev. Henry), B.D. Memoir of. Edited hy J. Sargent, juur. 7th ed. 12nio. Lond., 1822. C 2 U 30 MARTYN (Prop. John), F.R.S. The Bucolicks of Virgil ; with an English Translation. [See Virgilius, Maro P.] MARTYN (Thomas), B.D. Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary. [See Miller, P.] K 22 P 1, 2 MARTYN (William Frederick). Geographical Magazine ; or, new, copious, compleat, and universal System of Geo- graphy. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1785-87. D 11 P 8, 9 t MARVELL (Andrew). Works of. Poetical, Controversial, and Political ; with a new Life of tlie Author, by Capt. Edward Thompson. 3vols. 4to. Lond., 1776. J7V21-23 MARVIN (Charles). Merv, the Queen of the W..i-ld, and the Scourge of the Man-stealing Turcomans ; with an Exposition of the Khorassaii Question. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 5 S 18 Reconnoitring Central Asia : Pioneering Adventures in. the Region lying between Russia and India. 8vo. Lond., 1884. D 6 R 18 Region of the Eternal Fire : an Account of a Journey to the Petroleum Region of the Caspian in 1883. 8vo. Lond., 1884. D 6 U 20 Russian Advance towards India : Conversations with Skobeleff, Ignatieff, and other distinguished Russian Generals and Statesmen, on the Central Asian Question. 8vo. Lond., 1882. F 7 Q 18 Railway Race to Herat : an Account of the Russian Railway to Herat and India. 8\o. Lond., 1885. F7Q19 Russia's Power of Attacking India. (Pam.) 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 7 Q 17 MARTINIERE (Antoine Augustin Bruzen). History of Europe. [See Puffendorf, Baron S. von.] B 7 T 30, 31 MARWICK (Sir James David), Knt., LL.D., etc. Pre- cedence fif Edinl)urgh and Dublin : Proceedings in the Privy Council in the question as to the Precedence of the Corporations of Edinburgh and Dublin. 8vo. Edinb., 1865. F8Q17t MARX (Adolf Bernhard). Ludwig van Beethoven ; Leben und Schaffen. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1865. C 9 V 14, 15 MARYLAND. [See LTnited States.] 3 Q MARY I (Queen of England). England under the Reigns of Edward vi and Mary. [See Tytler, P. F.J Privy Purse Expenses of ; with a Memoir. [See Madden, Sir F.] MARY STUART (Queen of Scots). Letters of; and Documents connected with her Personal History, now first published ; with an Introduction ))y Agnes Strick- land. 3 vols. 8vo. L(md., 1842-43. C 5 P 20-28 Letters of, now first publislied, from the Originals; with an Historical Introduction and Notes, l>y Agnes Strickland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1845. C 5 P 29, 30 History of. Ti'auslated from tlie original and unpublished MS. of Professor J. A. Petit ; by Charles de Flandre, F.S.A., Scot. 2 vols, (in 1) 4to. Lond., 1874. C 2 W 16 Mary Queen of Scots in Captivity : a Narrative of Events from January, 1569, to DecemV)er, 1584; by John Daniel Leader, F.S.A. 8vo. Sheflield, 1880. C 6 T 26 De Vita ot Reljus Gestis Serenissimae Principis Mariae Scotorum Reginae, Fi-anciae Dotariae, quae scriptis tradidere Autores Sedecim ; ad optiniae fidei Codices recensuit, iiidicesque adjecit locupletissimos S. Jebb. 2 vols. roy. fol. Lond., 1725. C 4 S 17, 18 % History of Mary Queen of Scots, by F. A. M. Mignet. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1851. C 7 S 24, 25 Lettres, Instructions et Memoires de Marie-Stuart, Reine d'Eeosse ; par le Prince Alexandre Labanoff. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 6 T 19-25 Mary Queen of Scots and her Accusers; by John Hosack. 2nded. 2vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1869-74. C 6 T 16, 17 Memoirs of ; by L. Stanhope F. Buckingham. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 6 T 14, 15 Mary Queen of Scots vindicated; by John Whitaker, B.D. 2nd ed., enlarged. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1790. C 5 U 2-4 Mary Stuart : a Narrative of the first Eighteen Years of her Life; princiisally from oi'iginal Documents, by the Rew Jo.sei3h Stevenson, S.J. 8vo. Edinb., 1886. C4R37 History of Mary Stewart, from the Murder of Riccio until her Flight into England, by Claude Nau, her Sec- retary ; edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, S.J. 8vo. Edinb., 1883. C 6 T 18 Mary Stuart : a Sketch and a Defence ; by Gerard Daniel. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 4 R 36 Life of ; l>y H. G. Bell. (Const. Misc.) 2 vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1828-31. K 10 Q 12, 13 Lost Chapter in the Historv of. Recovered l)y John Stuart, LL.D. Sm. 4to. E-linb., 1874. C 8 Q 32 An Inquiry, Historical and Critical, into the Evidence against. [See Tytler, W.] Defence of Mary Stuart. [See Skelton, J.] MASACCIO [See Gaioi, Tomasso.] MASCART (PuoF. ELEUxiiERii), and JOUBERT (Prof. J.) Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. Vol. 1. — General Phenomena and Theory. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A5U32 490 CATALOGUE OE TUE Mas] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mas MASKELL (Alfred). Russian Art and Art Objects in Russia: a Hand-book. (South Kensington Musuem.) 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 23 R 32 MASKELL (Willi.\.m), :M.A. Ancient Lituigy in the Church of England, according to the uses of Sarum, York, Hereford, and Bangor, and the Roman Liturgy arranged in parallel columns ; with Preface and Notes. 3rd ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1882. G 2 Q 5 Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. 2nd ed- 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1882. G 2 Q 20-22 Ivories, Ancient and Medi:eval. (South Kensington Museum.) 8vo. Lond., 1875. • A 23 R 30 MASKELL (Rev. W.) Reprint of a Review of the Rev. Mr. MaskelFs Letter on the Dogmatical Teaching of the Church, as it appears in the C/irisfian Obsenvr of July, 1850. 8vo. Hobart, 1851. MG 1 Q 31 MASKELL (W. M.), F.R.M.S. Account of the Insects noxious to Agriculture and Plants in New Zealand : the Scale Insects (Coccididie). 8vo. Wellington, 1887.* MA 2 U 18 MASON, A. [See Freemasonry.] MASON (Cyrus). Bo<,k of Reference to ilason's Map of Mellwurne. 8vo. Melb., 1854. INID 5 S 15 J Plan of the City of Melbourne ; compiled under the direction of Thdinas Ham. Hny. 4to. Melb., 1854. MD 5 S 15 t MASON (Rev. Fr.vncis), b. D. lUu-ma : its People and Production; re-wi-itteu and enlarged by W. Theobald. I) 5 V 4, 5 vol.s. imp. 8vo. Hertford, 18S2-83. The Old Testament in Sgau K; [See Bibles, &c.] MASON (Capt. F. H.), U.S.A. Life and Public Services of James A. ( iaifield, twentieth President of the United States: a P,iographical Sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 1 T 24 MASON (G.) Histf.ry of the Pirates. [5e« Archeniioltz, J. M. VON.] B 14 P 41 MASON (Ma.iokC;, Henhy), R.A. CiMumeof China, illn.x- trated liy sixty l'>ngra\ ings (coloured); with Explanations in tinglisii and French. Fol., IH04. A 23 S 11 ♦ Punishments of China, ilhistralc-d by twenty-two coloured Engravings; with E.vpianations in English and French. Fol. T^.nd., IHOt. A 23 S 12 ♦ MASON (H. .1. MoNCK), LL.I>., Ac. Life of William B<-dell, 1).!)., Lord Bishop of Kildare. 8vo. Lond., 1HI3. C 10 R 25 MASON (James). Annual Sunnnary : acom])lete (Jhionirle of EvenUat lloincand Alirnad. Svn. I,iind.,IX75 7li. E 1, 78 Great Triumphs of Great Men. Illu.slruted. Mvo. I^ond., 1877. C 2 Q 16 [See Yeahdook of Facts.] MASON (R. Hindry), F.R.H.S. History of Norfolk, from original Records and other Authorities, preserved in Public and Private Collections. Rov. fol. Lond., 1884. B 20 P 22 J Paris Salon, 1881. With Notes of the most important Works, ami illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1881. E 1, 56 MASON (Thomas). Public and Private Libraries of Glasgow. 8vo. Glasgow, 1885. J 2 S 1 MASON (Willl\m), M.A. The English Garden: a Poem; with Notes by W. Buri;h. 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Lond., 1819. '^ H G P IG Caractacus: a Dramatic Poem. (Bell's P.rit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1796. H 2 P 46 Elfrida : a Dramatic Poem. Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1796. H 2 P 46 Life and Poems of. [See British Poets, and Chalmers, A.] Memoirs of Thomas Gray. [See Gray, T.] J 7 V 1 9, 20 MASON (Rev. William). Correspondence of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, and the Rev. AVilliam Mason; edited, with Notes, by the Rev. J. Mitford. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1851. C10PP47, 48 MASONIC KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Perfect Ceiemonies of the Royal, Exalted, Religious, and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar, Knight of Malta, Jlediterranean Pass, and Rose Croix de Heredom Degrees. 1 8ino. Lond., 187G. J 7 P 40 MASPpjRO (Prof. Gaston). Hi-stoire ancionne des Peuples del'Orient. 3'= cd. 8vo. Paris, 1881. 15 2 S 15 La Trou\aillc ih' Deir-el-Bahai-i. [See Bnvascu, E.] B 14 R 7 J MASSACHUSETTS. [See United States.] MASSARY (Isabel). Social Life and Manners in Aus- tralia ; being the Notes of Eight Years' Experience, by "A Resident." 8vo. Lond., 18G1.* MD3R12 Our Cousins in Australia ; or, Reminiscences of Sarah Noriis. 8vo. Edinb., 18G7.* MJ 1 R 20 • MASSl'] (Jaques). Voyages et A\untuies tie. [Sw Patol, S. T. DE.] MASSEY (Gerald). Tale of ]»]ternity, and dllicr I'.icnis. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1.S70. " II G V 8 Concerning Spiritualism. S(|. i8Mio, I.uihI., IS7'_'. (! !> P5 Biiiil; iif the I'.cginnings. 2 vols. ini]). S\n. Lond., I SSI. K I 1 S 2(1, 27 Natural (Jonesia; or, .secnml ]iart of a I'.ouk of the Beginnings. 2 vols. imp. S\ .>. Lund., 1 SS.!. K I I S 2S, 2!) M.VSSII', (.1. \V.), M.B.I. A. Continental India: Maimers nf llic Ilind.Mis. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. i! 10 S 3, 4 MASSILLON (Jean Bai'tiste). O'^uvresde. 2 vols. imp. Hvo. Pari.s, 1860. (i 7 V 18, 19 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 491 Mas] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mat MASSINGER (Philip). The Great Duke of Florence. \See Bkit. Drama, 3.] New Way to jiay Old Debts. (Brit. Thcitro.) 12mo. Loiul., 1808. H 1 P 6 Another copy. {See Burr. Dhama, .'i.] Plays of ; with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifforrl. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1805. H IS 9-12 Plays of. (Fain. Lib.) 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1830-31. K 10 P 3-5 MASSINGER (Philip), and FIELD (Nathaniel). The Fatal Dowry: a Tra£;(Kly. (Ouml)erland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Loud., 1829" H 2 Q 9 Another copy. [S«e Brit. Drama, 1.] MASSON (Charles). Narrative of various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Panjab. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842. D 5 T 15-17 Narrative of a Journey to Kalat, including an Account of the Insurrection at that place in 1840, and a Memoir on Eastern Balochistan. 8vo. Lond., 1843. D 5 T 18 MASSON (C. F. p.) Memoires secrets sur la Russie. [See BAERiiiRE, J. F., 22.] C 1 T 22 MASSON (Prop. David), LL.D., &c. Essays, Biographical and Critical, chiefly on English Poets. 8vo. Canib., 1856. " J 7 S 16 Recent British Philosophy: a Review, with Criticisms. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1867. G 8 P 14 Chatterton : a Story of the year 1770. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 1 S 15 Carlyle, personally, and in his Writings: two Edinburgh Lectures. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 2 Q 10 The Three Devils : Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's ; with other Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1874. G 7 Q 24 Life of John Milton, narrated in connexion with the Political, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of his Time. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1859-80. C 8 R 33-38 De Quincey. (Eng. Men Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 1 U 12 Poetical Works of John Milton ; with Memoir. {See Milton, J.] Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. {See Scot- land.] B 13 S 8-14 MASSON (John), M.A. Atomic Theory of Lucretius con- trasted with Modern Doctrines of Atoms and Evolution. 8vo. Lond., 1884. G 2 Q 6 MAST AND ACORNS; collected l)y "Old Hubert." (Pam. Dd.) 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 12 P 22 MASTERMAN ((George F.) Seven Eventful Years in Paraguay ; a Narrative of Personal Experience amongst the Paraguayans. 2nd ed., with Illustrations. 8vo. Lond,, 1870. D 3 P 25 MASTERS (George). List of Australian Lonijiconis. {See Pascoe, F. P.l " MA 2 V 9 MASTERS (Maxwell T.), M.D., A-c. Botany for Beginners : an Inti-oduction to the Study of Plants. 8vo. Lond., 1872. A 4 P 30 Vegetable Teratology : an account of the principal Deviations from the usual Construction of Plants ; with numerous Illustrations, by E. M. Williams. 8vo. Lond., l''<69. A 4 S 3 MATEER (Rev. Samuel), F.L.S. Native Life in Travan- core. 8vo. Lond., 1883. D 4 XJ 31 MATERNAL AND DORCAS SOCIETY. Report of the, for 1858. 12mo. Hobart, 1859. MF 3 P 10 {See Sydney Dorcas Society.] MATHERS (Miss Helen). {See Reeves, Mrs. Henry.] MATHESON (J.) Letter to the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. {See SiMSON, R.] MATHEWS (Charles). Memoirs of Charles IMathews, Comedian ; by Mrs. Mathews. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1838-39. c 10 Q 34-37 Anecdote Life of. {See Times, J.] MATHEWS (Mrs. Charles. Anecdotes of Actors; with other Recollections. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 1 V 16 Memoirs of Charles Mathews, Comedian. {See Mathews, C] MATHEWS (Charles James). Life of. Chiefly Auto- biographical ; with Selections from his Correspondence and Speeches; edited by Charles Dickens. With Por- traits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 10 Q 38, 39 MATHEWS (Edward D.) Up the Amazon and I\Iadeira River, through Bolivia and Peru. Svo. Lond., 1879. D 4 Q 32 MATHEWS (Jehu). A Colonist on the Colonial Question. 8vo. Lond., 1872.* MF 1 P G MATHEWS (William), M.A. Flora of Algeria, con- sidered in relation to the Physical History of the Medi- terranean Region, and supposed Submergence of the Sahara. Svo. Lond., 1880. A 4 T 12 MATHEWS (William), LL.D. Words; their Use and Abuse. Svo. Chicago, 1876. K 12 P 7 MATHISON (Gildert Farquhar). Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, during the years 1821-22. Svo. Lond., 1825. D 3 T 25 MATHISON (John). Counsel for Emigrants, and interest- ing Information from numerous sources, concerning British America, the United States, and New South Wales, ifcc. 3rd ed., with Supplement. Svo. Aberdeen, 1838. MD 2 R 41 MATRIMONIAL CAUSES ACT. {See New South Wales.] MATTER (Jacques) Chretienne. 3 vols. Svo. Strasbourg, 1829-32 Histoire Universelle de I'Eglise )-32. G 11 T 22-24 492 CATALOGUE OF TUE Matl Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Bcference. [Mau MATTHiEUS (Aston). Coramputarius ad Lib. XLvii et XLviii Di". de Ciiminibus. Rov. 8\o. Col. Munat. 1715.' " r8T13 MATTHEW (Patrick). Emigration Fields : North \merica. the Cape, Australia, and New Zealand. 8vo. Edinb., 1839.* ■ ^ID 4 S 31 MATTHEW PARIS. {See Pabis, Matthew.] MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER. Flowei-s of History, especially such as relate to the affairs of I'.ritain ; from the tefinning of the World to 1307. Translated by C. D. Yonge. 2 vols. 8vo. L.ind., 1853. B 3 P 8, 9 MATTHEWS (Cornelius). Hiawatha, and other Legends of the Wigwams of the Red American Indians. 8vo. Loud., 1882. B 19 Q 7 MATTHEWS (Daniel). Second Report of the Maloga Aboriginal Mission School, Murray River, New South Wales" (Pam., Bp.) 8\o. Echuca, 1877. MG 1 Q 33 Third Report of the Maloga Aboriginal Mission School, Murray River, New South Wales. (Pam., Br.) 8vo. Echuca, 1878. MG 1 Q 35 :HATTHEWS (Henry), A.M. Diary of an Invalid : being the Journal of a Tour in Pursuit of Health in Portugal, Italv, Switzerland, and France, 1817-19. 5th od. 12mo. Lond., 1835. D 7 P 45 MATTHEWS (William). Hydraulia : an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Water Works of London, and the Contrivances for supplying other great Cities. 8vo. Lond., 1835. A 6 T 18 M \TZNER (Edi-ard). Englishc Cir.ininmiik. 2'' Auflage. 3 v,,ls. 8vo. Berlin, 1873 75. K 15 Q 2G-28 MAUDSLEY (Henrv), M.D. Body and Will ; being an Es.say concerning Will in its Metaphysical, Physiological, and Pathological A.spocts. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G4Q3 RfsiM.nsibility in iMental Disease. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 187G. A 12 Q 23 Natural Causes and Supernatural Sceniings. 8vo. Lond., 1886. G 7 Q 31 MAULE (J. P>.) Justice of the Peace and Parish Oilicer. [See Burn, R.j MAI'NDER (Samuel). Trca.surics. 9 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1862-09. K9T8-1C Sciriitilic aiul Literal y 'IreaBiiry. l{cvi»til uikI Rewritten by J. Y. JoliiiHon. Hiogrii|>liicAl Trc.imiry. RccoiiBtniclcd, itc, Ky \\. I.. K. C'aloii. ITith y J. Liiidley uii.l T. Muore. In '1 pnrts. Trciuiiiry of (Icofjrniiliy, PliyHirnl, lIi»toric«l, Deacriptivo, and l'olili<-nl , l.y I'rof. \V. lliiglii'H. Tre:iuiiiry of Hintory. Tr<:ft«iiiy "'f KiK.wli-ilno mul I.ilmiry of Rifcroiicc. Ucxinoil lliroinjlionl liy I!. It. Wnoilwftril, oiwiDlcd l>y .(iiliii MoiriB mill I'rof. W. IIii(;licii. TrrnJiiiry "f Naliirnl lliiitory. ntli eil. Hov nnl, tic, \>y T. S. CoMKil.l. MAUNDEYILLE (Sir John), Kt. Voiage and Travaile of, which treateth of the way to Hierusaleni, and of the Marvayles of Inde, with other Hands and Countryes. 8vo. Loud., 1727. D 4 U 35 ]\IAUNDRELL (Henry), M.A. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at Easter, a.d. 1697. 8vo. Oxford, 1721. D 6 P 43 MAUNGATAPU MURDERS. Illustrated Narrative of the dreadful iNIuiders on the Maungatapu Mountain, and Track between the Wakamarina River and Nelson, in the Province of Nelson, New Zealand. 8vo. Nelson, N.Z., 1866. MF 2 Q 16 i\IAURFiR (Konrad). Island; von seiner ersten Entdec- kung bis zum L^ntergange des Freistaats. Roy. 8vo. Munich, 1874. B 2 R 2 MAURICE (Col. John Frederick), R.A. Life of [Rev. John] Frederick Denison Maurice. [See Maurice, Rev. J. F. D.] MAURICE (Rev. John Frederick Denison), M.A. Learning and Working : Six Lectures. The Religion of Rome, and its Inlluence on Modern Civilization : Four Lectures. 8ao. Camb., 1855. G 7 R 3 Gospel of St. John : a Series of Discourses. 2nd ed. 8vo. Camb., 1857. G 2 P 20 Jloral and Metaphysical Philosophy. New ed. 2 vols. 8vu. Lond., 1872-73. G 4 P 11, 12 Life of ; chiefly told in his own Letters. Edited by his son. Col. .Inliii l\-ederick Maurice. With Portraits. vols. 8\-o. Lond., 1884. C 8 Q 37, 38 M.U'KICE (F. G.) Traite dos Engrni.s. tire des diff'jrens Rapports faits au Dqiartemeut d'Agriculture d'Angle- terre, a^■ec des Notes ; suivi de la Traduction du ISldmoire de Kirwan sur les Engrais. 8vo. Geneve, 1806. A 1 R42 MAURITIUS. Transport Yoyagc to the ^lauritius and back, touching at the Cape of Good Hope and St. Hi'lcna. ^vo. Lond., 1851. 1) 1 S 26 Mauritius Calendar: cmiipilid by J. P. T. Souvignec. 12mo. .Mauritius, 1822. " E 1, 78 Yoyages to tiie Island of .Mauritius; by "A French oilicer." Transl.-itcd from tho Ifrcnch by John Pari.sli. 8vo. Loud., 1775. Ml) 4 U 4 Meteorological Society nf .Mnurilius. [See Meteoro- looical Society ok MAi'Kriirs. ] A 3 T 8 M.VUliY (Matthew Fontaink), LLD., kc. Phy.sical Geograiihy of the Sea. 8vo. Lond., 1857. A 29 V 7 Catalogue of th.- West Virginia State Exhibit. (Philad. Int. Exhib., 187G.) 8vo. Philad., 1.S76. K 7 R 30 MAri!Y(I\!. F.), ami KoNTAlNE (William M.), A.M. Resources of \\'est \'irL,'iiiia. 8\(). Whei'liiig, 1876. !■" 1.3 R 20 MAUSS ET SAl'VAIKK (M. IM.) Yoyagc de J c'rusalem a Karak, etc. [See Luvnics. Die dk.] PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 493 Max Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [May MAXIMUS (Sanctus), Confessor. Opera omnia. \_See MiGNE, J. P., Series Gr^ca, 90, 91.] Scholia in Gregorii Theologi Ambigua quaedam. {_See Erioena, J. S.] G 15 U U MAXIMUS (Sanctus), Taurinensis, Episcopus. Opera omnia. \_See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 57.] MAXTON (John). Tlic Workman'.s Manual of Engineering Drawing. (Weale.) -Ithed. 12mo. Lond.,1880. A17Q21 MAXWELL (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Stirling), Lady. {_See Norton, Hon. Mrs. C. E. S.] MAXWELL (Gen. E. II.), C.l!. AVith the Coiniaught Kangers in Qiiarter.s, Camp, and on Leave. 8vo. Lond., 188.3. D 9 S 23 MAXWELL (H. Hamilton). On the cf Field Artillery \_See Taudert, Capt.] Memoir on Swords, ifcc. [&« Marey-Monge, Col. W. S.] MAXWELL (Prof. James Clerk), M.A., etc. Treatise on Electi-icity and Magnetism. (Clar. Press.) 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1873. A 21 T 10, 11 Theory of Heat. [Text-books of Science.] 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 S 7 Life of ; witli a Selecti<.in f r( >m his Correspondence and occasional Writings, and a Sketch of his Contriliutions to Science ; by Lewis Campbell, M.A., and William Gar- nett, M.A. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 8 Q 34 Electrical Researches of the Hon. Henry Cavendish. [See Cavendish, Hon. H.] A 5 U 23 MAXWELL (John S.) The Czar, his Court and People ; including a Tour in Norway and Sweden. 12mo. Dublin, 1849. D 7 P 20 MAXWELL (W. H.) Hillside and Border Sketches : with Legends of the Cheviots and the Lammermuir. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1847. J 12 Q 14, 15 Wanderings in the Highlands and Islands; with Sketches taken on the Scottish Border; being a Sequel to "Wild Sports of the West." 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1844. D 7 U 9, 10 Another copy. vols. 8vo. Lond., 1852. D 7 U 11, 12 Victories of Wellington and the British Armies. New ed. Svo. Lond., 1865. B 3 Q 15 History of the Irish Bcbellion in 1798; with Memoirs of the Union, and Ennnett's Insurrection in 1803; with Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 10th ed. Svo. Lond., 1877. B 11 P 33 Victories of the British Armies ; with Anecdotes illustra- tive of Modern Warfare. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1839. B 5 IT 25, 20 Life of Field Mai .shall his Grace the Duke of Wellington, K.G., kc. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1839. C 5 T 25-27 Wild Sports of the West ; with Legendary Tales and Local Sketches. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1832. A 17 W 29, 30 Life, Military and Civil, of the Duke of Wellington. [See Wkllington, Arthur Welleslev, Duke of.] C 4 P 43 MAXWELL (Sir William Stirling-), Bart. Don Jolni of Austria ; cjr. Passages from theHistory of tlie 16th Century, '■"'" '^' 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1883. C 5 W 1,"2 1547 ^JAY (A.) Practical Grammar of the Swedish Language ; with Reading and Writing 4th revi.sed ed. 12mo. Stockholm, 1872. K 11 U 40 MAY (George Thomas). The Ever-Living Life. 8\o. New York, 1883. H 8 V 21 MAY (Gustav). Bibliography of Electricity and Magnetism, 1800 to 1883; with special reference to Electro-Technics. Svo. Lond., 1884. A 5 S 51 MAY (Thomas). History of the Parliamentof England, which began November 3rd, 1040. 4to. Lond., 1812. BeV7 History of the Parliament of England, which began Nov. 3, 1040; with a short and necessary View of .some precedent years. New ed. Svo. Oxford, 1854. B 7 Q 26 Histoire du Long-Parlement convoque par Charles \" en 1040. [See Guizot, F. P. G., 4.] MAY (Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Erskine), Baron Farn- BOEOUGH, K.C.B., &c. Constitutional Histoiy of England, since the Accession of George ill, 1700-1860. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1871. B 3 Q 10-18 Democi-acy in Europe; a History. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1'''''7. F 7 R 12, 1.3 Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament. Sth ed., revised and cnlarijed. Svo. Lond., 1S79. "F 7 R 15 Another copy. 9tli ed. Svo. Lond., 1883. F 7 l| \q Practical Treatise on the Laws, Privileges, Proceedino-g, and Usage of Parliament. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., isfs! r7 R 14 MAY (W. J.) Management for Amateuis : Descriptions of the best Greenhouses and Frames ; with Instructions for Building them, &c., for the Amateur. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1884. A 4 Q 22 MAYER (Dr. Alexandre). Des Rapports conjugaux, con- sideres sous le triple point de \ue de la Population, de la Sante et de la Morale Puljliquc. Troisiuie edition. 12mo. Paris, 1857. A 12 P 18 MAYER (Brantz). Mexico as it was and as it is; with Illustrations, ^vo. New York, 1844. D 3 T 28 Captain Canot ; or. Twenty Years of an African Slaver. Svo. New York, 1854. D 1 R 13 MAYER (Joseph), F.S.A. On the Art of Pottery ; with a History of its Progress in Li-^-erpool. Svo. Liverpool, lf^"3. A 11 R 10 MAYER (S. R. Towxsend). Letters of E. B. Browning, addrcs.sed to Richard Hengist Home; with Comments Lnr,.nsland. (I'ain. 35.) 8vo. Svdney, 18(;i). M.I 2 Q 22 PllEE PUBLIC LIBllAilY, SYDNEY. 495 Med] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Mel MEDICAL DIRECTORY (This), for 1882, including the London and Piovincial Medical Directory, the Medical Directory for Scotland, the Medical Directory for Ireland, a Medical Directory of Practitioners resident abroad possessing British Qualifications ; and a Medical Direc- toi-y of the Army, Navy, and Mercantile Marine. 38th annual issue. 8vo. Lond., 1882. E 1, 50 MEDICAL REGISTER (The). Printed and published under the direction of the General Council (if Medical Education and Registration of the United Kingdom. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1877^84. El, 50 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REVIEW (Tiiii Aus- tralasian). [_See Au.sTiiALAsiAN Medical and Surgical Review.] MEDICAL TIMES AND GAZETTE (The): Journal of Medical Science, Literture, Criticism, and News. 4 vola. 4to. Lond., 1 866-08. A 12 V 3-6 MEDICI (House of). Memoirs of the House of the Medici, from its Origin to the Death of Francesco ; from the French of Nicholas Tenhove, with Notes and Observations, by Sir R. Clayton, Bart. 2 vols. 4to. Bath, 1797. C 8 V 14, 15 MEDICI (Lorenzo de'), "The Magnificent." Life of ; byW.Roscoe. 2vol.s. 8vo. Lond., 1825. CUP 26, 27 Lorenzo de' Medici, il Magnifico ; von Alfred von Reu- mont. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1874. CUP 22, 23 Lorenzo de Medici, the Magnificent ; by Alfred von Reumoiit ; translated from the (xerman, by Robert Har- rison. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. C11P24, 25 MEDICINISCH NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT ZU JENA. Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaft. Ba.nde 10-19. 10 vols. 8vo. Jena, 1876-86. E 1, 45 MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL review, and Journal of Practical Medicine; edited by James John.son, M.D., etc. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1827-29'. A 12 R 1-6 MEDICORUM GRAECORUM. Opera quae exstant. Editionem cui'avit Carolus Gottlob Kiihn. 26 vols, (in 29) 8vo. Leip., 1821-33. A 13 Q 2-29 MEDLEY (George Webb). England under Free Trade : an Address delivered to the Sheffield Junior Liberal Association, 8th November, 1881. (Pam. Je.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. F 6 P 10 The Reciprocity Craze: a Tract from the Times. (Pam. Je.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. F 6 P 10 MEDLICOTT (H. B.), and BLANFORD (W. T.) Manual of the (xeology of India. Part 3. Economic Geology ; by V. Ball. With Map. 4 vols. yvo. Calcutta, 1879-81. A 9 U 1-4 MED WIN (Thomas). Conversations of Lord Byron, noted during a residence with his Lordship at Pisa, in the years 1821-22. 8vo. Lond., 1824. C 8 S 20 Life of Percy By.s.she Shelley. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. C 4 V 39, 40 The Angler in Wales ; or, Days and Nights with Sports- men. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1834. D 7 U 27, 28 MEEDEN (C. F.) Handbuch der Kaufmanns-und Schifi'erspraclie ; Deutsch, Englisch, und FranziJsisch. 4'=Auflage. Imp. 8vo. Hamburg, 1866. K 16 T 2 MEEHAN (Rev. C. P.), M.R.I.A. Fate and Fortunes of Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, and Rory O'Donel, Earl of Tyrconnel ; their Flight from Ireland, and Death in Exile. 2nded. 8vo. Dublin, 1870. C4R5 MEIGNAN (Victor). From Paris to Pekin over Siberian Snows ; edited, from the French, by William Conn. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1885. D9S21 MEIKLEJOHN (Prof. John M. D.), M.A. The English Language : its Grammar, History, and Literature. 8vo. Edinb., 1886. K12P2 Critique of Pure Reason. [See Kant, I.] MEINHOLD (W.) Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch : the most interesting Trial for Witchcraft ever known ; translated fiom the German, by Lady DufF Gordon. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1844. J8P6 Another copy. 12mo. Lond., 1844. D 10 P 51 MEINICKE (Prop. Carl Eduard). Das Festland Aus- tralien : eine geographische iMonographie ; nach den Quellen dargestellt. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Prenzlau, 1837. MD 5 Q 24 Die Stidseevijlker und das Christenthum : eine ethno- graphi-scheUntersuchung. 8vo. Prenzlau, 1844. MA 1 R 9 Die In.seln des stillen Oceans : eine geographische Mono- graphic. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875-70. MD 3 U 3, 4 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest). [A Biography] ; by J. W. Mollett. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 3 T 35 MEKERCHUS (Adolpiius). De Veteri et Recta Pro- nuntiatione Linguie Gra>c!e commentarius. 16mo. Antverpiae, 1576. K 11 S 44 Another copy. 18mo. Bruges, 1565. K 11 S 45 MELANCHTHON (Philip). Biography of. [See Schaff, Prof. P.] C 2 S 37 MELANESIA (Map of). [See Maps.] MELANESIAN mission. Report, from November, 1852, to June, 1853. 12mo. Auckland, 1853. MF 3 P 10 MELBOURNE (Rt. Hon. Willia.m Lamb.), Second Viscount. Memoir.s of ; by W. M. Torrens, M.P. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. C 8 R 39-40 MELBOURNE. Almanacs and Directories. [See Vic- toria.] [See Victoria.] MELBOURNE AND HOBSON'S BAY RAILWAY (The). Repudiation Bill : in three Letters ; by "Nemo.'' 8vo. Melb., 1865. ' MF 1 Q 2 Act to authorise the Melbourne and Hobson's Bay United Railway Company to sell their undertaking and property and to vest the same in the Board of Land and Works, and for other purposes. 8vo. Melb., 1878. M J 2 R 1 2 493 CATALOGrE OF THE Mel] Paut I : — Authors, Editors, or lleference. [Mel MELBOURNE ADVERTISER (The), Port Phillip, Aus- tralia, vol. 1, No. 2. Written for, and published l>y John P. Fawkner, Monday, January loth, l^.'?^. (M.S.) " MJ 2 U 1 Tlie Melbourne Advertiser, vol. 1, No. 3. (M.S.) {See ilAXrSCRIPTS AND PORTRAITS.] MF 1 U 21 MELBOURNE ARGUS (Tni:). Fol. ilelb., 1846-56. ME MELBOURNE BENEVOLENT ASYLUM. Third to seventh Annual Reports. 8vo. Melb., LS-JS-oT. MG 1 Q40 Annual Reports of the Committee of Manaj,'ement of the ; with the Rule.s of the same, and a List of Subscriptions and Donations for the years 1861-03- Svo. Melb., 1802-64. ME S ^MELBOURNE CATALOGUE OF STARS. Planisphere (.f the Southern Sky. L. 4to. Melb. (n.d.) MA 1 R 11} MELBOURNE CHURCH OF ENGLAND MESSEN- (JER. 12mo. Melb., 18r)0. MG 1 P 27 Mt-lLtourne Church of England Messenger. [Imperfect.] 8vo. Melb., 1853. ME 3 R MELBOURNE CHURCH (»F ENCL.VND :*IISSION. [^See Aborigines.] MELBOURNE CITY MISSION. [See Ladies' Me!- liourne and Suburban City Mission.] MELBOURNE DIOCESAN BOARD. Third Report of. Svo. Melb., 1857. MG 1 Q 40 MELBOURNE DIOCESAN SOCIETY. Statement of the Objects, Constitution, iuid intended Mode of Opera- tion of the, 1848; and Third Report, 1851. 8vo. Melb., 1848-51. jMG 1 q 40 M I : L B O U R N E D 1 1{ E C T O R I E S . [See Saxd.s k .M(jDoc<;ALt,.] MELBOURNE EXCHANGE. Description of the Ex- i-lian;,'e, ColliiLS-street West, Melbourne, Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1880. JIJ 2 R 15 .^rELBOURXE EXHIBITIONS. oniciul Catalogue of (lie .Millmufiie E\liibilli>n, 1854, in connection with the Paris E.xhibilion, 1855. 8vo. Melb., 1854. MJ 2 R I'J Int4-rc(jlonial Exhibition, 180C-C7. Jurors' Report on W'ine.s. 8vo. Melb., 1807. ."\IA 1 C^ 2 Tnti-ri'oloniul Exliibition of Australiusiu, MellHiuiiie, MOG 07: Ollicial Ileconl. 8vo. Melb., 1S07. M K 1 Q 24 Itit4-rnulionnl Exliibition, to l)e jicld at Melbourne in 1N75. ProHi«'clus and List of Connnissioners. (Pam. M.) 4tfi. Sydney, I H75. .MJ 2 S 4 International Exhibition, I HHQ. The OHiciid ('alul<>;,'ue of l''.xliibit.M ; with IntriMluetory Nolires of the ('oiiritiies exIiiliilinK. - vols. 8vo. Melb., ISHO. M K 1 R I '.», 20 Int.4-rniilir)nul Exliibition, 1880. List of Coiniiiissionors ProMiM-ctuM, A-c. Fol. Melb., 1880. .MJ 2 U 5 MELBOURNE EXHIBITIONS— co)^^»»(e(/. International Exhibition, 1880. Catalojjue of the Queens- land Court of the International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1880; with Essay descriptive of the Colony of Queens- land ; by C. A. Feilberg. 8vo. Brisbane, 1880. MJ 2 R 16 Catalogue of Exhibits in the Western Australian Court, in the Melbourne International Exhil)ition, 1880. 8vo. Melb., 1880. MJ 2 R 16 Catalogue of Exhiliits in the New South Wales Court, at the Melbourne International E.xhil)iti(m, 1880; with preliminary Remarks. 8vo. Sydney, 1880.* MK 1 S 14 Report of the Executive Commissioner on the Jlelbourne Internatiouiil Exhibition, 1880-81. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1881. ' MK i R 21 [See Vicroui.vN E.khibition, 18G1.] MELBOURNE HOSPITAL. Second and Sixth Annual Re- ports ; with the Rules and a Listof Subscrij)tions and Dona- tions for the years 1849-50. Melb., 1850-54. MG1Q40 MELBOURNE INDUSTRIAL AND TECHNOLO- GICAL MUSEUM. [See Melbournu Public Liijrauy.] ilELBOURNE LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Report for 1861 ; with the Rules of the Society and Iudu.strial Home. 12mo. Melb., 1862. MF3P15 .MELBOURNE LYING-IN HOSPITAL. Fouith and Sixth Annual Reports. 8vo. Melb., 1860-62. MG1Q40 and IMF 3 P 15 MELBOURNE MERCHANT, A. [See Caldwell, R.] MELBOURNE MONTHLY MAGAZINE (The) of Original Colonial Literature. V. >1. 1. 8vo. Melb., 1855. ME 3 Q MELBOURNE MORNING HERALD (The) and General Daily Adverti-ser. Fol. Melb., 1850. ME MELBOURNE ORPHAN ASYLUM. Annual Report for the year 1862 ; with Rules of the Society, Ijist of Subscriptions, and Treasurer's Account. 1 2nio. !Melb., 1862. MF3P15 MELBOURNE NATIONAL GALLERY. [See Mel- bourne Public Library.] MELI50URNE PUBLIC LIBUAKV, MUSEUM, AND NATIONAL GALLERY. Catalogue of the Public Lib- rary, Melbourne, Victoria. 4to. Loud., 1854. MK1R24 Catalogue of Books recently added to the Public Library, ;\Ielb(,urne. 8yo. I,ond.,'lS57. MK 1 Q 13 Catalogue for 1861, an<65 67. .\ 16 VIC IS Mi:VK (Hr.iNRifir), and SCHMIDT (Hr. Jilus). Stone Siiil|iluriM of Cop:;n and "^jirixna ; ilrawn by II. Meye ; Ki^ioriiiil and De.Meriptive Ti-xt, by Dr. J. Schmidt. Tiarislaled from the (ieriiiun, by A. D. Savage. Roy. fol. \*>w\., 1H83. \ ^)() p 17 1 MEYER (Dr. Adolf BERsnARn). Ausziige aus den auf einer Neu Guinea-ReLso im Jahre 1873 gefiiluten Tage- biichern, als Ei-liuiterung zu den Karteu der Geelvink- Bai und des 31acCluer Golfes. Roy. fol. Dresden, 1875. MD 2 P 4 t Bilderschriften des ostindisehen Archipels und der Siiudsee. (K()ni<;liclies etlinogniphisches Museum zu Dresden.) Fol. Leipzig, 1881.' MA 1 R 7 J MEYER (Prof. ({eorc. Hermanx von). Organs of Speech, and their Aiijilication in the Formation of Articulate Sounds. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 12 Q 13 MEYER (Rev. 11. E. A.) IMauncrs and Cu.stonis of the Ab(U-igines of the Encounter Bay Tribe, Soutli Australia. (Native Tribes of South Australia.) 8vo. Atlelaide, 1879.* MA 1 1! 12 MEYER (Dr. J.) Antonio Allegri da Correggio; from the German of Dr. Julius Meyer. Edited, &<:., by Mrs. Heaton. 8vo. Lond., 1876. C8V2 MEYER (Leo). Die gothischo Sprache ; ihre Lautgestal- tung insbe.sondere im VerhiiUniss zum Altindischen, Griechischen, und Lateinisclien. Svo. Iterlin, 1869. K 15 S 4 MEYER (Du. !,.) Die Mnderucn Tlicorien .ler Clumiie und ilne IJiMleulung fiir die (Jheiiiisrlu' iiiccluinik. 8vo. lireslau, 1 8S0. ' A 5 T 29 !M1']YER (Walter Jameson). Walter Samson A Co.'s New Soutli Wal(?s National Directory for 1867-68 ; com- [)iled by W. J. Meyer ; also, a ^lap of New South Wales. " 8vo. Sydiu^'y, 1867. ME 10 P MEYNERS-DESTREY ( Henry Jean), CoMTE. La Pajiouasie, ou Nouxcllc-Giiinil'O occideiitale. Imp. Svo. Paris, 1881. MD 4 P 13 t :\IEYRICK (Sir Samuel Rush), LL.D., &c. Critical liii|uiry into Antient Armotn', as it existed in Europe, particularly in (Jicat Ib'itain, fiom the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Charles ii. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. 4to. Lond,, 1842. B 14 T 10-12 J Engi'aved Illustrations of Antient Arms aiul Armour, from the Collection at (Goodrich Court, Herefordshire ; after the drawings and with the descri]itions of Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, Kt., itc, by Jose)ili Skelton, F.S.A. 2 vols. roy. I to. Lmid., 1854. 1! 1 I T 1 3, 11 ]; History and .\nl i(|uil ics of t lie County of Cardigan. Itii. I...im1., ISDS. ■ ' Ii 2 T 13 IMEZl'IRAY (I<'|!A\i,'ois IIi'des he). Ilisloirc" d(! I'^rance, dejiiiis Karamond jus(|u'i'i iiiaiu(c>n.iiil | I ."i98). .3 vols. fol. I'.uis. 16 1.3 51. I! 19 T 2 4 J .MIoZZdIWNTI (Ch sEi'i'E), Cari.inal. 'Ihc Life of; with an (ntrodiicldry Meiiioii^ of lOinini'iit Linguists, ancient and modern, by (!. W. Kussell, D.D. 8m). Lond., 18.58. C 6 U IK EllEE rUliLIG LIBEAEY, SYDNEY. 503 Mia] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Mic MIALL (Edward). Ah Editor off the Line ; or, Wayside Musings and Reniinisceiifcs. Svo. Lond., 1865. J12Q5 MIALL (James (i.) Footsteps of our Forefatliers ; what they suffered, and what they sought. 12nio. Lond., 185L a9QU MICHAEL (James L.) John Cumberland. IL'nio. Sydney, (u.d.)* MH i P 18 Songs without Music. 12nio. Sydney, 18r37. MH 1 P 20 MICHAEL ANGELO BUONARROTI. Life and Works of; hy Charles Heath Wil.son. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1876. C 9 V 28 Lives of and Works of Michael Angelo and Rapliael ; by R. Duppa and Quatreniere de Quincy. Svo. Lond., 1876. C 4 P 1 Sixty OutHnes from the principal Works of Michel Angelo Buonarroti, in Sculpture, Painting, Design, and Architecture. Roy. Ito. Lond., 1863. A7R2t Michael Angelo Buonarroti, Sculptor, Painter, Archi tect : the Story of his Life and Laljours ; by Charles C. Black, M.A. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1875. C 7 V 50 The Art of Michel' Angelo Buonarroti, as illustrated by the various Collections in the British Musemm ; by L. Fagan. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 8 U 22 The Relation between Michael Angelo and Tintoret : Lectures on Sculpture ; liy J. Ruskin, 1870-71. Svo. Orpington, 1879. A 8 Q 32 Critical Account of the Drawings Isy Michael Angelo and Raffaello, in the University Gallery, Oxford, by J. C. Robinson. Svo. Oxford, 1870. A 7 Q 9 Michelangelo ; by Charles Clement. (Great Artists.) Svo. Lond., 1880. C 3 T 38 Translations from the Italian Poets. \_See Fenzi, S.] MICHAELIS (Adolf), Ph.D., &:c. Ancient Marbles in Great Britain; translated from the German, liy C. A. M. Feunell, M.A. Roy. Svo. Camb., 1S82. A 8 T 13 MICHAELIS (Emilie). Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel. \_See Froebel, F.] C 2 Q 15 MICHAUD (Joseph). Histoire des Croisades. Nouvelle ed. 4 vols. 8v,.. Paris, 1867. G 2 Q 15-18 Life of Martin Luther. \_See Lutheh, M.] MICHAUD (L. G.) Biographie Universelle. {See Bio- GRAPHiE Universelle.] C 7 V 1-45 MICHEL (Franoisque X.), F.S.A., &C'. Critical Inquiry into the Scottish Language, with the View of illustrating the Rise and Progress of Civilization in Scotland. 4to. Edinb., 1882. K 12 T 17 Le Prince Noir: Poeme du Heraut d'Armes Chandos. \_See CuANDOs.] MICHEL (Marius). La Reliurc Frani;aise, depuis I'inven- tion de rinii)rimerie jusqu'a la fin du 18"^ Siecle. Roy. 4to. Paris. 1880.* ' A 4 P 4 f MICHELET (C. L.) Philo.s.iphy of Art. [See Hegel, G. W. F.] A 6 V 19 MICHELET (Jules). History of the Roman Republic; translated by William Hazlitt. Svo. Lond., 1863. B 12 P 24 Historical View of the French Revolution, from its Earliest Indications to the Flight of the King in 1791. Svo. Lond., 1864. B 9 P 2 The People; translated by C. Cocks, B.L. Svo. Lond., 1846. FUR 6 Priests, Women, and I'^unilies; translated from the French (3i-d cd.) liy C. Cocks. 2nd cd. Svo. Lond., 1846. ■ G 13 R 48 Summary of Modern History; translated from the French. and continued to the Present Time, by M. C. M. Simpson, 12mo. Lond., 1875. B 7 S 37 The Bird. (Illustrated.) Roy. Svo. Lond., 1869. A 15 R 5 Life of Luther, written by himself, collected and arranged by J. Michelet. 12mo. Lond., 184G. ■ C 1 T 38 MICHELL (Stephen). Mine Drainage ; being a complete and practical Treatise on Direct-acting Underground Steam Pumping Machinery. Svo. Lond., 1881. A 10 P 22 MIDDLETON (Conyers), D.D. Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1749. G 13 P 6 The History of the Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1741. C 2 W 6, 7 MICHELS (Ivan C), Ph.D., &r. Current Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations together with their Weights, Fineness, and intrinsic Value, reduced to the Standard of the L'nited States ; also, the History of the Official Coinage of the United States Mint, from 1792 to the Present Day. Sm. fol. Philad., 1880. A 2 R 7 t MICHIE (Alexander). The Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg. Svo. Lond., 1864. D6R9 MICHIE (Alexander), and FRANCIS (R.) Report of the Delegates to the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce on the Trade of the Upper Yangtsze. 4to. Shanghai, 1869. A 2 S 23 t MICHIE (Sir Archibald), K.C.M.G., Q.C. Coloni.sts, socially, and in their Relations with the Mother Country : a Lecture. 12mo. St. Kilda, 1859. MJ 2 P 30 Obtaining Money under False Pretences by Act of Parlia- ment. Svo. Melb., 1860. MJ 2 R 12 Victoria suffering a Recovery: a Lecture. Svo. Melb., 1860. MJ 2 Q 14 Another copy. Svo. Melb., 1860. MJ 2 R 7 Victoria, Retrospective and Prospective : a Lecture. Svo. Melb., 1866. MJ 2 R 15 Lecture on the Westminster Reviewer's Version of Vic- torian History. Svo. INIelb., 1868. MJ 2 R 7 Loyalty, Royalty, and the Prince's Visits: a Lecture. Svo. Melk, 1869. MJ 2 R 2:? 504 CATALOGUE OF THE Mic] Pakt I : — AittJwrs, Editors, or Beference. [Mic MICHIE (Sir Archibald), K.C.3[.G., Q.C.—continnecJ. Readings in Melbourne ; with an Essay on the Resources and Prospects of Victoria, for the Emigrant and Uneasy Classes. 8vo. Lond., 1879 * MF 1 P 48 [^See Hamlet Costhoversy.] MICHIE (Christopher Young). The Larch : a Practical Treatise on its Culture and General Mangement. 8vo. Edinb., 1882. A 1 P 52 MICHIELS (L.) Grammaire elementaire Liegcoise (Fran- caise-Wallonne). Roy. 8vo. Liege, 1863. K 13 R 3 MICHIGAN. \_See United States of America.] MICKLE (William Julius). Life and Poems of {See Chalmers, A.] The Lusiad ; or, the Discovery of India : an Epic Poem ; translated from the original Portuguese of Luiz deCamoens. [See Chalmers, A.] MICKLETHWAITE (J. T.) Lectures on Art. {See Art.] a 6 A^ 36 MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, LONDON. Transactions of. Vols. 1-16. 16 vols, (in 6) 8vo. Lond., 18.^3-68. E 1.5i [See Qcarterly Journal of Microscopical Science.] MIDDELLANT (Hubertus van). Tractaet de Foro Com- petenti. [See Vromans, P.] MIDDLE AGES. Historical Pictures of the Middle Ajjcs, in Black and White, made on tlic spot; by "A V.^andering Artist." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846. B 7 S 51, 52 MIDDLEMORE (Mrs. S. G. C.) Spanish Legendary Tale.s. ^vo. I>jnd., 1885. J 9 S 18 MIDDLETON (Cowers). Historv of the Life of Marcus Tullins Cicero. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1711. C 2 W 6, 7 MIDDLETON (Rev. E.) Life of Robert ]*ighton, D.D. [See Lekjiiton, R.] MIDDLETON (Phok. Jons llENia). Ancient Rome in 1885. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. B 12 R 20 MIDDLETON (Thomas). Works of ; edited by A. H. liullen, B.A. 8 voLs. 8vo. I.^,nd., 1S85-H6. H 2 R 4-1 1 MIERS (Edward J.), F.L.S. Catalogue of the Stalk- and Scssile-oyed Cru.stiicea of New Z<'alan(l. (Colonial JIu- seuin and Geological Survey Dcj)arfnient.) 8vo. Lond., 1870. MA 2 U 6 Another coj.y. MA 2 V 6 MIKUH (John). Travels in Chile and La Plata. Illus- trated. 2 voIh. 8vo. I>.nd., iHiiO. D 3 S 1, 2 MKJNAN (Capt. lioliEliT). TravoLs in Chnlil.ea, including a J'liiniey from HtiM.Horah to liagdad, llillali, anil Babylon, |«Tfiinnei| i.ri f.M.t in |H27. X\<>. lAind., |M29. I) IT 38 MIGNE (Jacqces Paul). Patrologia? cursus completus, sive Bibliotheca universalis, Integra, uniformis, commoda, oeconomica omnium SS. Patrum, doctorum, scriptorunique eeclesiasticorum [sivo latinorum, sive grsecorum], qui ab a;vo apostolict) ad a?tatem Innocentii in (a.d. 1216) pro latinis et ad Photii tempora (a.d. 863) pro griecis iloru- erunt Patrologia, in duas partes dividitur alia nempe latina, alia grieco-latina. 382 vols, (in 387) imp. 8vo. Paris, 1844-79. G Series Latin'A. In qua proileunt patres, dootores scriptoresqiie Ecclesio? Latina; a TertuUiauo ad tiregoriuin Magnum. 'ill vols. 1-3. Tertulliani (Quinti Scptimii Florentis), Presbyteri Cartlia- giiiiensis, Opera omnia. 4. Cypriani (Sancti Thascii Coecilii), Episcopi Cartliaginensis ct Martyris, Opera omnia. 5. Sixti Papa\ Dionysii Papa;, Dionysii Alexandrini, S. Felieis' S. Kutyoliiani, C'aii C'ommodiani, Antonii, S. Victorini, Magnctis, Aruobii Afri, Opera omnia. C, 7. Lactantii (Lucii Cvcilii Firmiani), Opera omnia ; pr.'ecedun. S. Marcellini Papas ''^- Marcelli Papa', S. Ensel)ii Papa', 8. Melcliiadis Papa', Anonynii, Celsi, omnia qua' exstant frag- menta. 8. Opera qua; exstant univei'sa Constantini Magni, Victorini, necnon et Xazarii, Anonymi, 8. 8ilvestri Papiv, 8. iMarci Papa;S. Julii, Papa', Osii C'orduliensis, Candidi Ariani, Liberii Papse, et Potamii. 9, 10. Sancti Hilarii, Pictavicnsis F.piscopi, Opera onniia. 11. Sanctorum Zenonisct Optati, prioris Verona', alteriusMilevi Episeopornm, Oi)era omnia. 12. Sancti Eusebii, Episcopi Vercellensis, Opera omnia ; cui acce- dunt Firmici Materni necnon Sancti Pliilastrii Opera omnia. 13. Sanctorum I'amasi Papa' et Paciani necnon Lucifcri, Epis copi Calaritaiii, Opera omnia : iiitcrmiscenlur Fi'lieis Pap;e II, Faustini et .MarcelHni, Tiieudosii Magni, Pacati, Variorum, Filoeali, Sylvii, S. \'irgilii Tridentini, Julii Hilariani, S. Siricii Pap.T.*, iniiversa (pue exstant opuscula. 14-17. Sancti Ambrosii, Mediolaueiisis Episcopi, Opera omnia. 18. UltJla', Oothornm Episcopi, Opera onmia : pra'cedunt S. Martini Turonensis, 'riclionii, Ts'ovati C'at!i, .'lO. Joannis ("assiani. Opera omnia ; in \. Sancti Prosperi Aqnilani, S. Augnstini Disripnli, S. I.eonis Tapii' Notarii, Opera omnia; acceihint Idatii el Marcellini Coinitis C'liroiiica. TREE PUBLIC LIBEARY, SYDNEY. 505 Mig] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mig MIGNE (Jacques Paul) — continued. 52. Saucti Petri Clirysologi, Arcliiepiscopi Ravcnnatis, Opera omnia; seqmnitur .Sanctoium Valcriaiii ct Niccta' Ccmeli- ensis et Aquiloiensis Kpiscoporuin, scripta universa. 53. .Salviani MassiliEiisis Presl)yteri, Arnobii Juiiioris, Mamerti Claucliani, S. Patricii, Hybenioruiu Apostoli, nccnon aliorum aliquot sci'iptoruin Opera omnia. 54-56. Sancti Leonis Magni, Romaui Pontificis, Opera omnia. 57. Sancti Maximi Episcopi Taurinensis Opera omnia. 58. Sanctorum Hilari, Simplicil, Felicis Tii, Romanorum Pun- tificum, nccnon Victoris Vitensis, Sidonii Apollinaria et (Jen- nailii Pj-esbyteri Massiliensis Opera onuiia. Intermiscentui S. Lupi, S. Euplironii, S. Perpetui, S. Eugenii, S. Fausti, necuon Ruricii et Cerealis, variarum Sedium Episcoporuni, sci'ipta universa. 59. 60. Sanctorum Gelasii i PajJEe, Aviti, Faustini, necnon.Ioan- nis Diaconi, Juliani Pomerii et duorum anonymorum Opera omnia. Post qnie Poetarum Quinti S:eculi seriem aperiunt Aurelii Prudentii nccnon Dracontii Carmina omnia. 61. S. Paulini Nolani, S. Orientii, S. Auspicii, necnon Claiidii Marii Victoris, Merobaiidis, Paulini Petricordieusis, Amoeni, Secundini, Drepanii Flori, auctoris Incerti, Opera omnia. 62. D. Eugyppii, Abbatis Africani, Opera omnia sive Thesaurus ex S. Augustini Operibus. Accessit Vita S. Severini Noricorum Apostoli cum Epistola Eugyppii ad Paschasium Diaconum. 63. 64. Manlii Severini Boetii, Ennodii Felicis, Trifolii Presby- teri, Horniisdie Papa;, Elpidis Uxoris Boetii, Opera omnia. 65. Saueti Fulgentii, Episcopi Ruspensis, Felieis iv et Boni- faci 11. Summoruni Pontificum, Sanctorum Elcutherii et Remigii, Toruacensis Rhenicnsisque Ei^i.scoporum, necnon Prosperi ex Manicha?o Convcrsi et Montani, Episcopi Tolctani, Opera onuiia. 06. Sancti Benedicti, Monachorum Occidentalium Patris, Opera omnia. Simul excusa sunt .Joannis n, Agapeti i et Sylveiii, Sunnnornm Pontifium, necnon Sanctii Laurentii, Novaricnsis Episcopi, Scripta universa. 07. Bionysii Exigui, Viventioli, Trojani, Pontiani, S. Cae- sarii, Arelatensis, Episcopi, Fulgentii Ferrandi et Rustici f|Uorum prior Carthaginensis, posterior Ronian.i.^ EcelesijE Diaconus, necnon Justi, Facundi, Urgellensis ct Hermianensia Episcoporuni, Opera omnia. 68. Primasii , Episcopi Adrumetani , Ojiera omnia. Simul eduntur Aratoris, Romanai Ecclesia' IJiaconi, Sancti Niceti et Sancti Aureliani, Trevirensis Arelatensisque Ejriscoporum, necnon Victoris Capuani, Victoris Tunonensis, Junilii et JLiberati quorum prior Africanua Epiacopns, posterior Carthaginensis Ecclosise Archidiaconus, Scripta universa. 69, 70. Magni Aurelii Cassiodori Senatoris, V^iri Patricii, f'onsu- laria, et Vivariensis Abbatis, Opera omnia ; pivecedunt Vigilii (Papa;) GikUt Sapientis et Pelagii (Papa;) Scripta universa. 71. S. Georgii Florentini (jregorii, Turonensis Episcopi, Opera omnia, necnon Fi-edegarii Scholastiei Epitome et Chronicum. 72. Pelagii ii, .Joamiis iii, Benedicti i, .Summorum Pontificum, Opera omnia ; intermiscentur S. Rlartini, S. Domnoli, S. Verani, S. Aunarii, S. Leandri, Liciniani, Sedati, Marii, Joannis quorum I'^piscopatu Sedcs Bracarensis, Ceuomanensis, Cabellitana, Autissiodorensis, Hispaleusis, Carthagineiisi.'!, Biterrensis, Aventicensis, Arelatensis illustrata; sunt necnon Sancti (iermani, Parisiensis Episcopi, S. Radegundis, S. Aregii, Floriani, .Joannis Biclarensis, Vitam Monasticam Professorum, ac demum Cogitosi, Antonini Placentini, Luculcntii, aiionymi Scripta universa. 73-74. Vita; Patrum sivc Hi.'jtoria- Eremitical Libri decern auctoribus suis et nitori jjristino restituti ac notationiljus illustrati, opera et studio Heriberti Rosweydi. 75-70. Sancti firegorii Papai i, cognomcnto JIagni, opera omnia. 3 s MIGNE (Jacques Paul) — continued. 80. Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum qui in vii Sa^culi prima parte iioruerunt Opera omnia. Collectio duo et triginta nuniero auctores compreliendens ; ncinpe S. Eutropiuin, Tari'am Monachum, Dinothum Abbatem, Dynamium Patricium, S. Augustinum Anglor. Apostolum 8. Bonifaoium Papain iv, Bulgaraniim Comitem, Paulum Emerit, (Joiidemarum Regem, Marcura Cassinensem, S. Waharnarium, S. Columbaiium, S. Alphanum, S. Ailcrauum, Ethelliertum Regem, Deusdedit Papain, Si.sebuthum Regem, S. Bertichr.aninum, S. Protra- diuiii, Bonifacium Papain v, Sonnatium, C'lotarium it Regem; Honorium Papain i, Dagoliertum I Regem, S. Hadoindum, S. Sulpicium Bituric, S. Autbcrtum. Joannein Pajjam iv. Maximum Ciesaraugust. , Victorem Cartliag. , S. Ijraulionem, Taionem. 81-84. .Sancti Isidori, Hispalen.sis Episcopi, Opera omnia. 8."), 86. Liturgia Mozarabica secundum regulam Beati Isidori. 87. Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum qui in VII .Sa^cnli secunda parte tlorncrunt Opera omnia. Collectio quadraginta nuniero auctores compreliendens ; iiempe : S. (iallum Aliliatem, S. Theodorum Papain, Maurum Ravennatensem, S. Martinum Papain i, S. Galium Claromont. , S. Paulum Virdunensem. Rauracum Nivernensein, Felicein Lemovicensem, S. Palladium Antissiodorensem, Constantium AlbigciiEem, S. Abbonem Metensem, S. Desiderium Cadurcensem, S. Donatum Veson- tioncnsem, S. Laiidericum Parisiensem, S. Sigebertum Fr. Reg., S. Liviiium, S. Engenium Toletaiium, S. Valerium Aljb:item, Annemundum, Lngdiin, Veriim Ruthenensem, SS. Elgium Novioin. et Aiuloenem Rothom.. Clodoveum ii Reg. Fran, et S. Bathildem, Marculfum, S. Cuininiannm Hil)er- iium, Vitalianum Papain, Jonain Alib. F.liionensem, S. Fructu- osum Bracar. , Chrodoliertum Tiiron. , S. I^'aronein Meldensem, S. Adeodatiim Papain, Donum Papam, S. Agathonem Papain, S. Damianum Ticin., S. Amanduiii Traject. , S. Mansuetum IMcdiol. , Clotarium III, Cliildericum li, S. Dagobertum II Theodoricum iii. Franc. Reg. , Reges Langobardos. SS. Vennatii Fortunati, Pictaviensis Episcopi, Opera omnia. Sequuntur Defensoris Monachi, Evantii Abbatis, Sanctorum Arculfi et Adainani, necnon Crisconii Episcopi Africani, triumque auctorum, Sciipta universa. Tonium claudnnt Monumeiita Ecclesiastica Sa'culorum vii et \'iii quasi inter- media. SO. Octavi Sii?culi Ecclesiastici Scriptores : nempe, Sergius Papa I, Joannes vi, Joannes vii, .S. Aldlielmus, Constantinus Papa, Ceolfridus, Felix Ravennatensis, Benedictus Crispus, S. Egliertus, Gregorius Papa li, S. Villibrordus, (Jregorius I'apa III, S. Bonifacius Moguntinus, S. Zacharias Papa, Stephanus Papa li, S. Perminius Abljas, Cyprianus Monaclius, S. Chrodegangus, S. Pauhis I'apa i, Alanus, S. Amljrosius Cadurcensis, Steplianus Papa III, S. Sturmius, S. Ambrosius Autpertus. 90-95. Venerabilis Beda?. Anglosaxonis Presbyteri, Opera omnia ; accedunt Pauli Winfridi Diaconi Scrijita qu;e super- sunt universa. 90. Sanctorum Hildefonsi, Lecdegarii, Juliani, Toletani, Augu.s- todunensis et iterum Toletani Episcoporuni, Opera omnia ; inteniiicentur Leonis ii, Benedicti ii, Joannis v, Adriani i, Summorum Pontificum, necnon Cyricii, Idalii Barcinonensis, Felicis Toletani, Sancti Lulli Moguntini, Elipandi Toletani, Felicis Urgell. , Heterii Uxamensis, S. Beati Presbyteri, R.acliionis Argentineiisis, Angelramni item Argentinensis, ^Vicl)odi, Scripta universa. Soqnuntur Isidorus Pacensis, Abedoc et Etlielvolfus, Abbates Hilierni, Petrus Archidia- conus, Catulfus ; (juibus succedunt Anonymi et Monumeiita Ecclesiastica selecta ejusdem Sa'ciili. 97-98. B. Caroli Magni, Imperatoris, Opera omnia. 99. Sancti Paulini, Patriarcha; Aquileiensis, Opera omnia ; accedit Theoilori, Arcliiepiscopi Cantauriensis, Pcenitentiale. Intermiscentur Poette Saxonis ; S. Simjierti Abbatis Murba- cciisis ; S. Ludgeri Mimigardefordensis Episcopi ; Josephi Alcuini Discipuli ; Fardulfi Sandionysiani Abliatis ; Dagulfi ; S. Angilberti Centulensis Abbatis ; Leidradi Lugduiiensis Episcopi ; Amalarii Trevirensis Arcliiepiscopi, Scripta qu;u supersunt universa. Tomum claudit Supplemeiitum ad Auctores incerti annl Sa'culi viii ncmpc Accarici et Tusared epistoke. 506 CATALOGUE OE THE Mig] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Mig MIGNE (Jacques Pacl) — continued. lO'i. 101. B. Flacci Albiui seu Alcuini, Abbatis et Caroli Magiii Imperatoiis Magistri, Opera omnia. 102. SmaragcU, Abbatis Monasterii Saucti Michacli.s Virdiiueii- sis. Opera omnia ; aeceilmit Sancti Leouis III, Stephaui iv, Paschalis l, Poutiticum Romanorum, Magiii Seuoncnsis, Remgigii Curiensis Scripta qu.x> supersimt universa. 103. S. Bencdieti, Abbatis Aiiiauensis, Opera omnia ; accedunt SeJulii Junioris, Natioue Scoti, Scripta qinB supersunt universa. 104. S. AgolKirdi Lugdnnensis Episcopi, Eginhardi Abliatis Opera omnia ; accedunt Clauilii Tauriuensis Opuscula ; tonunn claudunt Ludovici I, coguomeuto Pii, nee non tilioruin ejus Scripta, Diplomat* scilicet Ecclesiastica et Epistola'. 105. ThcoduUi, Aiirelianensis Episcopi, Sancti Eigilis, Aliliatis Fuhlensis, Dung-ali Reclusi, Ermoldi Nigelli, Syniphosii Amalaiii, Presbyteri Meteusis, Opera omnia : intermiscentur Bcriiowini (.'laromontani, Aldrici Scnoncnsis, Adalhardi Abbatis Corbeiensis Scripta (jiue supersunt imivcrsa : simul ad prelum revoeatur Liber Diurnus Romanorum Pontificum. 106. Gregorii iv, Sergii ir, Pontificum Romanorum, Jonae, Freculplii, Frotharii, Aurelianensis, Lexovicusis et Tullensis Episcoporum, Opera omnia ; intermiscentur : Agnelli Raven- natis, Hilduini Sandionysiani, Abbatnm : Tliegani Chorepis- copi Trevircnsis, llaxentii Aquileiensis Patriarcliae, Candidi Fuldensis Monachi, Benedicti Diaconi, Christiaui Drutlimari Corbeiensis Monachi, Josephi Sacerdotis, etc., Scripta vel Scriptorum Fragmenta quae exstant. 107-112. B. Rabani Mauri, FuUleusis Abbatis et Moguntini Archiepiscopi, Opera omnia. 113, 114. Walafridi Strabi, Fuldensis Monachi, Opera omnia. llo. Lconis IV, Benedicti in, Pontificum Ronianoruiu, SS. Eulogii, Prudentii, Toletani et Trecensis Antistitum Anijuloini Luxovicnsia, Opera onniia ; praeniittuntur Ahytonis, Basile- ensis Episcopi, Audradi, Scnoncnsis (^horepiscopi, Aldrici Cenomanensis Episcopi, Scripta (juae supersunt univci'sa. 116-18. Haymonis, Halberstatensis Episcopi, Opera omnia; praemittuntur Ebbonis Rhemensis, Hartmanni Monachi, S. (iaili, Ernianrici Augiensis Monachi, Erolianiberti Prising- ensis Episcopi, Nitlmrdi S. Richarii Al)balis, Aiiiulonis Episcopi Lugdnnensis, Scripta quae super.sunt ; tomuni ultinnim claudit S. Ansciiarius Hamburgensis Episcopus. 1 19. Nicolai r, Poetilicis Komani, E])istoIae et Decrcta. Praece- dunt B. Servati Lujji Abbatis Ferrariensis ; Flori Diaconi Lugtharii Regis, Hurardi Turoneiisis, (luiitharii t'olonicnsis, Thcotgaudi BelgiciCJallicc Primatis, .'\rduici VcHontionciisis, Wnlfadi Bituricensis, Adventii .Metcii.sis E|iiscopiiruni ; (Iri- maldiSangallensis Abbatis, Mih>n Is Monachi. S. Ainamli, Isonis .Sangallensis .Monachi, ( inttcschalci Hieretioi, etc. Scripta qua' cvstant universa. 122. .loannis Sc»ti 0|iera i|uae supersunt omnia ; accedunt Adriani Papau II Kpistohtc. 123. 12-1. Usiiardi Martyrologium : ]ini'niittuntur Sancti Adonis Openi; tonium Hecuuduin, claudunt (.'aroli Calvi, Krancorum Regis, llinciiiari I^^uiduneuHiH, Isaai'i Lingoiiensis, ( jilonis Bello- vaccnxis. EiiJHcoporuni, Adrevahli EloriacensiM, llerici .'\ntissio- doreimlM, Monaehuruiii, Scripta quae supersunt universa. 12<*>, 120. IMnr^mari, lUiemensis Arcliiejiiscopi, Opcnt omnia, H<'i|iiunliir .loaiiniii VIM, Mnriiii I, Ailrlaiij in, I'oiilllicum Mo- iii;>niirniii EiMslolai! <'t Dei-reta ; loiniiiii sirniidinii rlauchint S, I'HTt.irii Abb.ilJH ('aHKini'iiiilH, llaniioli Saiig.illiMHiH Abliatin, S. lieiiilHTti lliiiidMirjjinHJH EpiHcuni, Aimoini Monachi San KPrmiuK'ii'iin, Kalpcrii Sangalli'iisis, Scripla vel Bcri|ilorum II iiitn quae mi|ieriiunt. I ;MIGXE (Jacques Paul) — continued. 127-12!). Anastasii Abbatis, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiac Pres- byteri et Bibliotliccarii, Opera onmia ; accedunt Stephaui v, Formosi, Stephaui vi, Romani, Pontifiuni Romanorum, Er- chemberti Cassincnsis Monachi, Angilberti t'orbcicnsis Abbatis, S. Tutilonis Sangallensis iluiiachi, ( Irimlaici I'rosbyteri, Wol- fardi Presbyteri Hasenrictani, Anamodi Ralispouensis Sub- diaconi, Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae exstant. 130. Isidori Mercatoris Decretalium Collectio ; tomum claudunt Marci Valerii Probi Opusculum de Notis Antiquis ct .Evi Carolini Carmina. 131. Saeculuui X. Remigii, INIonachi S. (iermani Ant issiodorensis, Beati Notkeri lialbuli, S. Oalli Monaclii, Opera onin ia ; acce- dunt Joannis ix, Benedicti iv, Sergii lU, Anastasii ni, Pon- tificum Ronianoruni, Epistolae et Privilegia. Intermiscentur Fuleonis Areliiepiscopi Rlicmcnsis, Riculfi Suessioncnsis, Mancionis Catalauneusis, Hattonis Moguntini, Episcoporum, Martiniani Monachi, Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae exstant. 132. Reginonis, Pruniicusis Abbatis, Ilucbaldi, Monachi Eliion- ensis. Opera onniia ; accedunt .loaniiis x, Leonis vi, Stcpliaui VII, Leonis vn, Stephaui viii, Pontificum Roinanonim, Epis- tolae et Privilegia ; intermiscentur Roberti Meteusis Kadliodi Trajectensis, Waldraiiimi Argeutinensis, Salomonis Constaii- tiensis, Stephaui Leodiensis, Walterii Seiionensis, Dadonis A'irdunensis, Episcoporum, Hcrvaei Rliemcnsis, Agionis Nar- bonensis, Seulfi Rlicmensis, Archicpiscoporum, Odilonis Mo- nachi S. Jledardi Suessioiiensis, Radbodi liolensis, Aljlionis Sangermanensis Monachi, Cypriani Corduliensis, Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae exstant. 133. Sancti Odonia, Abbatis Cluniacensis Sccundi, Opera omnia ; scquuntur: Marini 11, Agapeti ir, Joannis xii, I'outitii'um Romauorum, Epistolae et PriviU^gia ; intcrniisccntur Sancti Odoiiis Episcopi Cantuariensis, Roriconis LaucUinensis Epis- copi ; Arthaldi, Odalrici, Rliemensium Archicpiscoporum ; Cappidi Stavriensis Saccnlotis, Cosmae Japygi Matcricnsis, Joannis Itali, Laurcntii, Cassinensium Monachorum, Sigeliardi Monachi S. Maximini, Fridcgodi liouedictini Monachi, Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae exstant. 134. Attonis, Vercellensis Episcopi, Opera omnia ; accedunt Leonis viii, Antipajiac, Epistolae et Constitutionca. Inter- miscentur Brunouis CoUinieiisis, \Vil)ohli Caiiieraceiisis, Arclii- episcopornm, Utlionis Argciitiiicn.sis Episcojii, Adalgeri Epis- copi inccrtae scdis, (Uiillclini Caliilloncnsis Moiiachi, Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae exstant. 135. Flodoardi, ('anoiiici Remensis, Opera omnia t eciiuuntur Joannis xiii et Benedicti vi, Sumuioium I'diililicuin, Epistolae et Decrcta : iutcriniseentur (iunqioldi Maiituani, Eraclii Leo- diensis, Uilalrici Augiistani, Episcoiiorum, Scripta vel scrip- torum fragmcuta ([uae supersunt. 1 ;)(). Ratherii, Veroncnsis Episco])!, Opera omnia ; accedunt Liut- prandi Crcmoncnsis nccnon Kolquini S. Bertini Monachi, Ouuzouis Diaconi Novarieusis, Ricliardi Alibatis l''loriaccnsis, Adall)erli Meteusis Scliolastici, Scripta vel .scriptorum frag- iiicnta quae exstant. I.'t7. llrotsuithae, Virgiuis et Nbuiialis (landerslieimensis in (!cr- maiiiii, Ordinis .S. Benedicti, Opera omnia; accedunt liciicclicti vn, .loamiis XIV, et .\v, (iregorii V, Summornin I'oMtilicnm : Epis-tolac et Cinistitutioueo. Intermiscentur Sancti Duiistani Cantuariensis, Adalberoiiis Kemensis, Arcliicpisoopornui ; Efhclwoldi WiiitouicMsis, 'I'heodorici, Mctcusia, Erlanuia .Abbatis Sancti Ariiul|ihi Meteusis, l-'olcuini Alil»al i:t I^iiubicuMia, IJerucri Al)batis IJuniolarcnRis, Adsonia Ablialia Dcrvcnaia, (u'/.onia Abbatis Dcrlonenais, Ay- mai'ili, Maioli, Abbatuni t'hini.'iccnsiiim; W'iilidviuili Monachi CorbeiensiH, Letahli Monachi Miciaceiiais, Odonia Diaconi Ans- eii'imlH, Wigoiii.'i Di'ciuii I'hyuhtHangciiHir., Scripta vel sciip- loium fragmenta ()uac exstant. 13H. Appendix ad Sae<'ulum X, comi)li'cten« Anclorra incTrti anni et Opera I'l/Ai/iD^Z/d. Accedunt MonumcnlH Diphmiatiea Litur gii'ael MoiiiiHtica, 'romum mihoiinl KiclHri, S. Kemigii extra Miiron Kenieiises Monachi llisloriarum Libri IV. I FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 507 Mig] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mig MIGNE (.Facqiiks Paul) — coniiii.ned. 139. Silvestri rt, I'ontilicis lionuuii, Aiiuoini i'Mofiacwisis Monaclii, Sancti Ablxmis Aliliatis Floriaccnsis, Tliictmari Mersebur- gensis Epiacopi, Opera omnia. Accedunt Joaunis xviil, Sergii IV, Benedicti Vlii, Sunmiorum-Pontiticum, Kpistolae ct Diplo- mata. Intcrmiscentur Arnulfi Remeiisis, ^Mfrici Caiituar- iensis, Arcliiepiscoponun ; Notgeri Leodieiisis, Henrici Par- mensis, Bruuoiiis Lingoiiensis, Arnokli Halberstatensia Epis- coporara; Gospcrti Abljatis Tegernseensis, Albert i Abbatia Miciacensis, Herigei-i Aljbatis Lobiensis, Constantiiii >S. Sym- plioriani AbljaUs; Tietpalili Tegernseensis Monaclii, Benedicti Monachi S. Andreae, Pnrchardi Monaclii Augiae Divitis, Rori- conis Monachi Moiasiacensis, Joannia Diaconi Veneti, Bridferli Ramesiensis Monachi, .Scripta qu;vc exstant. 110. Burchardi Vormatiensis Episcopi, Opera omnia ; praecedunt Sancti Henrici Imperatoris Augnsti Conatitutiones ct Diplo- mala Ecclesiastica ; intermiscentur Adelboldi Trajectensia Episcopi, Thangmari Presbyteri Hiilesheimensis, Alperti, S. Syniphtn-iaiii Metensis Monachi, 8. P.onmaldi Ordinis Canial- dnlensis Institutoris, Scripta vel scriptoruni fragmenta quae superaunt. 1-il. S. Fulberti, Carnotensia Episcopi, Opera omnia; accedunt Guidonia Aretini Muaica ; Ademari S. Cibardi Monachi, Du- donia Decani S. Quintini Veromandensia, Land)erti Aachafna- burgensia, Scripta Hiatorica ; necnon Joannis xix, Benedicti IX, Roberti Francorum Regis, Emniae Reginae Auglorum, GuiUelmi Ducis Aquitaniae, Epiatolae et Diplomata; intcrmia- centur Aribonia Mogunthii, Ebali Remensia, Popponis Trevi- renala, Archiepiscoporum ; Godehardi Hildeaheimensis, Herl- berti Eischtettensis, Rotberti Londhiensis, Gauslini Bituri- censia, Adalberonia Lauduncnsis, Episcoporum ; (Tiiillelmi I Abbatis S. Gei'mani a Pratis, (iudlolmi Abbatia S. Benigni Divionensis; Eborliardi, Peringeri, Ellingeri, Udalrici, Abbatum Tegernsecensium ; Catlnvalloni Rothoneiisis Abbatis, Angel- ranni Abbatia Centulensis, Ledwini Abbatis S. Vedasti, Othel- boldi Abbatis S. Eavonia Gandcnsis, ileginfredi Magdebur- gensls Praepoaiti, Arnoldi ex Comlte Monachi, Frouniundi CoenobitaeTegernseensis, PaplaeGrammatici, Gareiae Monachi Cuxasenais, Bernardi Scholastici Andegavensis, Godeschalki, Scripta vel scriptorom fragmenta qnae exstant. 142. S. Brunonis, Herliipolensia Episcopi, S. Odilonis Abbatia Cluniacenais, Bernonia Augiensis Abbatia, Opera omnia. Accedunt Gregorii vi, dementis n, Romanorum Pontificum, Epistolae et Diplomata ; Roilulh Glaliri, Wipponia Presby- teri, Opuscula Historica. Intermiscentur Guidonis de Castel- lione Remensia Archiepiscopi, Olivac Auaonensia, Vasonis Leodiensis, Gerardi i Cameracensia, Hugonia Lingonensia, Halinardi Lugdunensis, Jordani Lemovicensis, Episcoporum ; Seifridi Abbatia Tegernseensis, Odoranni Monachi S. Petri Vivi, Helgaudi Floriacensis Monachi, Ansclmi M., S. Remigii Remensia, Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae snpersunt. 143. Hermanni Contracti, Jlonachi Augiae Divitis, Humberti S.R.E. Cardinalis Silvae Candidae Episcopi, Opera omnia. Accedunt S. Leonia IX, Victoria ii, Stephani ix, Nicolai ii, Summorum Pontificum Opuscula, Epistolae et Pvivilegia. Intermiscentur Stephani Cardinalis, B. Maurilii Rothomag- ensis, Gervaaii Remonais, Raimlialdi Arlatenais, Leodcgarii Viennensia, S. Annonis Coloniensia, Arcliiepiscoporum ; Iiro- gonis Bellovacensis, Joannis Sabinenaia, Adelmanni Brixi- ensis, Hugonia ii Nivernenais, FroUandi Sylvaneetenais, Leonis Atinenaia, Epiacoporum ; Bovonis Abbatia S. Bertini, Widrici Ablxitis S. Ghisleni, Avesgoti Abbatis S. Petri Culturae Ceiiomauenais, Theuzonia Eremitae et Monachi, Odonia Monachi Foaaatensia, Anselmi C'anonici Leodienais, Gozechini Scholaatici, Franconis Scholaatici, Leodiensia, SS. Arialdi ct Herlembaldi, Berengarii Vicecomitia Narbonensia, Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae exstant. 144. 14-5. S. Petri Damiani, S.R.E. Cardinalis, Episcopi Oatiensis, Ordinis 8. Benedicti, e Congregatione Fontis- Avcllanae, Opera omnia, Accessere S. Damiani. 14(). Othloni, Monachi S. Emrnerammi, Opera omnia ; accedunt Adami Canonici Breniensis, Gundeehari Eischtettensis Episcopi Lamberti Hersfeldensis, Petri Malloaeensis, Annalea et Chronica ; intermiccntur Ale.xandri ii Papae, S. .Joannis (iualberti Abbatis Valumbrosani, S. Liotberti Ckimeracensis, Hugouis I Trecensis, Deoduini Leodiensis, Guidonia Ambian- cnsis, Opuscula, Diplomata Epistolae. MIGNE (Jacques Paul) — continued. 147. Joannis, Abrinccnsis primum Episcopi, postmodum Archi- episcopi Rothoniagensis, Alphani Salernitani Archiepiscopi, Opera omnia ; accedunt Arnulti Clerir;i Mcdeolancnaia, Ber- tlioldi Constantiensia, lirunonis Magdelnirgeneis C'lerici, Mariani Scotti, Landulfi Clerici Meiliolanensia Chronica ; intermiscentur Gcbuini Lugdunensis Archiepiscopi, (iualterii Meldensis, Eusebii Brunonis Andegavensis, Episcoporum, Sancti Geraldi Silvae Marjoris Primi Abbatis, Joannia Fia- camnensis Abbatis, Thomelli Monachi Hasnoniensia, Renalli, Magistri Seilis Barcinonenais, Folcardi Sitliivensis Monachi, Guaiferii Monachi Casinensis, Theoderici PadbrunnensiH Canonici, Scripta vel scriptoruni fragmenta quae superaunt. 148. S. Gregorii vii, Romani Pontificis, Epistolae et Diplomata Pontificia. 149. Victoria in, Romani Pontificis, Sancti Anselmi Lucensis, Opera omnia ; accedunt Willelmi i Anglorum Regis, cogno- mine Conquestoris, Epistolae. Diplomata et Leges ; inter- miccntur (iuitmundi Archiepiscopi Aver.sani, S. Anastasii Monachi et, Eremitae, Bartholomaci Aljbatia Slajoria Monas- terii, Dur-Midi Aliljatis Troarnensia, Osberni Cantuarienaig Monaclii, Udalrici ('luiiiacensis, Godefridi Staljulenais, Willelmi Calculi Gemmetieensis Monachi, (Jaufredi Mala- terrae Monachi Benedictini, Guillelmi Apuli, Eljrarili Watin- ensis Jlonachi, Bernardi Comitia Bisuldunensis, Samuelis Marochiani Judaeo Cliristiani, .Scripta quae exstant. 150. B. Lanfranci, Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi, Opera omnia ; accedunt Raynaldi Remensia Archiepiscopi, Deusdedit S.R.E. t'ardiualis, Gerardi li Cameracensis, Herinianni Metensis, Bonizonis Placentini, Durandi Claromoiitani, Bernardi Lute- vensis, Radbodi li Tornacensis et Noviomensis, Agononis Augustodunensis, Rufini ineertae sedis Epiacoporum, Guil- lelmi Alibatia S. Arnulfi Metensis, S. Wilhelmi Abbatis Hiisaugiensis, Guidonis Abbatia Farfensis, Roberti de Tum- balena Abbatis S. Vigoria, Fulconis Abbatis Corbeiensia, Rogerii Monachi Becoenaia, Gilleberti Monachi Elnonensis, Willelmi Clusiensis Monachi, Henimingi Presbyteri Wigorni- ensis, Odalrici Praepositi Remensis, Fulcoii Meldensis Sub- diaconi, Constantini Afrioani Casinensis Monachi, Henrici C'lerici Pomposiani, Tlieodorici S. Audoeui Monachi, Willelmi Pictaviensis, .Joannis de Garlandia, Aribonia Musici, J. Cottonis Musici, Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae exstant. 151. B. Urbaiii II, Pontificia Romani, Epistolae. Diplomata, Sermonea. 152. 153. S. T^runonia, Carthuaianorum Institutoris, neenon ejusdem Saeculi Praecipuornm Carthusionaium Patrum, Opera omnia. 154. Hugonis, Aljbatis Flaviniacenaia Ekkeliardi Uraugiensia, Chronica ; accedunt B. \Volplielmi Abbatis Brunswillerensis Opuscula duo. 155. Godefridi BuUonii, Lotharingiae Ducis postmodum Hiero- solymorum Regis primi, Epistolae et Diplomata. Sequuntur liadulphi Ardentia Homiliac duobua tomia distributae. In- termiscentur Lupi Protospatarii Clironicon necnon Anselmi Mediolanenaia, lieniardi Toletani, Archiopiacopoium, Thoniae Eboracensia, Alberici Ostiensis, Aniati Burdagalensis, Pop- ponis Metensis, Episcoporum ; Ricliardi de Dumellis, Abbatis PratMlensia, Manegaldi Presbyteri, Goscelini Cantuariensis Monachi, Sulcardi \\'estmonasteriejisi3, Pauli S. Petri t'ar- notensis Slonachi, Fratrum Majoris Jlonasterii, Brunonis, Opuscula, Diplomata, Epistolae. 15G. Venerabilis Guiberti, Alibatis S. Mariae de Novigento, Opera omnia. 157. Goffridi, Abbatia Vimlocinenais, Opera omnia ; accedunt Thiofridi Abbatis Efternacensis, Petri Alphonsi ex .Judaeo Cliristiani, Werneri Abliatis S. Blasii in Silva Nigra Scripta quae exatant. Interniiacentur Hugonia Lugduneiiais, Ailel- gorii Madgeburgensis, Arcliiepiscornm ; Pibonis Tullensia Episcopi, Galteri ab Insulis, Magalonensis Episcopi, et Lietlierti Abbatis S. Rulfi, S. Roberti Abbatis Jlolismensis, Suavii Abbatis S. Severi, Folcardi Abbatia Lobiensis, Theodoriei Abbatis S. Huberti Aldagiuensis, Mathildia Comi- tissae Opuscula, Diplomata Epistolae. 50S CATALOGUE OF THE Mig] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mig MIGXE (Jacques Paul) — continimd. 158, ir)9. S. Anselmi, ex Beccensi Abbate Cantuariensis Arcliie- piscopi, Opera omnia, uecnon Eadmeri Monachi Hiatoria Xovorum et alia Opuscula. 160. Sigeberti, Gerablacensis ilouachi, Opera omnia. Accedit Chronicon Polonorum aiictore auoiiynio. lutermisceiitur Beati Oilonis Cameracensis, Walteri Cabiloneusis, Joannia Marsicani, Episcoporura ; Bereiigosi Abbatis S. MaximiTrovir- ensis, Radulii Tortarii Floriacensis Mouachi Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae supersunt. 161, 162. Sancti Ivonis, Caruotensia Episcopi, opera omnia ; accedunt Petri Clirysolani, Mediolauensis Arcliiepiscopi, Richard! Cardinalis, Lambert! Atrebatenais, Galonis I'arisi- ensis Godefridi Abianenais, Episcoporum ; Anselmi Scholas- tic! et Canonic! Laudiinensia, B. Robert! de Arbriaello, Seheri, Calmoaiacensis Abbatis, .Joaunis Monachi S. Audoeni, Joannis Monachi Besuensis, Frauciaci Cameni, Reimbaldi Praepositi S. Joannis Leodiensis, Opuacula, Diplomata, Epistolie. 163. Pasclialis It, Gelasii TI, Romanorum Pontiiicum, Ejilstolae et Privilegia. Accedunt Cononis S. R. E. C'anlinalis, Radulti Rcniensis, Radulti Cantuariensis, Archiepiscoporum ; Guil- lelnii de Campellis Catalaunensis, Theogeri Metensis, Ernulli Kotlensis, Marbodi Redonensis, Episcoporum: Placidi incertae sedis Episcopi ; Ainaldi S. Petri Viv! Senonensis Abbatis, I'onti! Abbatis ,S. Rufi, Gregorii Presbyter! Roman!, Petri lie Honestis Cleric! Ravnnnatis, Hugonis de vSancta Maria Floriacensis Mouaclii, Laurent! Veronensis, 'I'heobaldi Stamp- enais, Lamlrerti Audomarensis, Hugonis de Cleriis, Joannis Constantiensis, Anonym! Metensis, Opuscula, Diplomata, Epistolac. 164, 16.'). S. Brunonis Astensis, Abbatis Montis Casiul et Epiacopi .Signiensium, Opera omnia. Accedit Oddonis Astensis Mouaciii Benedictiui E.xpositio in Psalmos. IG6. Balilrici, Dolensis Archii>piscopi, Opera omnia. Accedunt Honor!! ii, Homani Poiititicis, Epistolaeet l)i])lomata, necnon Cosmae Pragensis, Alberici Aciuensis Chronica. Intermiscen- tur Urogonis Cardinalis, Petri Leonis et (Jregorii, S. R. E I.iCgatorum, Friderici Coloniensis xVrchicpiscopi, S. Hugonis Gratianopolitoni, Brunonis Argentiuensis, Epiacoporuni, S. Stuphani Abbatia Ciaterciensis Tcrtii, Franconis Abliatis Allligemensia, Pontii Abliatis, Cuni.acensis Abbaudi Abliatia Richard! .Mibatis Pratellensis, ('•. Abliatis, Domnizonia Pres- byter! Canuiiini, Joannis Monachi, \'iviani Praemonstnitensis, •loannis Michaelensis, Gualtcri Travanensis et Galberti lirngcnsis, Hugouis ile Ribodinionte Opuacula, Diplomata, KpiHtolac. 167-170. R. I). D. Ruperti, Abbatis Monasterii S. Heriberti Tuiticnais, Viri longe doctissimi sununiquc inter vetcres Thcologi, Opera onuiia. 171. Venerabilis Hililebert!, primo Cenomancnsis Ey)iacopi deinde Turonensis Archiepiscopi, Opera omnia: accesBcrunt Marbodi Redonensis Episcopi, ipsius Hildcberti supparis, opuHcida. 17'2. Honor!! .Augustodunens'is Ojjera omnia; accedunt Rainaldi Ri-inen.tiH, .Vdalberti Mognntiiii, Oldegarii Tarraconenaia, Arch!episco|)orum ; Gerard! ICngiiliamenHiH, ,'ipi, Mattliaei Canlinalia, Gilonia Tuiicidani, (!aufridi < tt iliuMenxiH. Stephan! Pariaienain, Kpiaiopornm, Gnalteri ( liiniiiceniilM .Monachi OpuHculu Dipmata, ICpiatidau. 17I- Vcn. ftfxk'fridi, Altltatiii Admonlenaia, Opera omnia, nccenBerc Hariuiti AldenlmrgvnKiH, Liaiard! TuroneiiHia, Hcripta i|uaeniunt. I7'> 177. UuKoniii de H, Vietorc, Citnuniui Rugnlaris S. Vfctoria I'nriiiionidii, OfaTU oninia. MIGXE (Jacques Paul) — continued. ITS. Petri Abaelardi, Abbatis Rugensis, Opera omnia. Accedunt Hilarii et Bereugarii, Abaelardi Diacipulorum, Opuscula et Epistolae. 170. Willelmi Malmeslntriensis Monachi Opera omnia : accedunt Innocentii ii, Coelestini ii, Lucii u, Romanorum Pontiticum Anacleti Antipapae, Benedict! Ecclesiae S. Petri in Urbe Roma Canonioi, Hugonis Farsiti, Frowini Abbatis Montis Angelorum Apud Helvctios, Arnulti Opuscula, Diplomata, Epistolae. 180. Eugeuii lii, Roman! Pontiiieis, Epistolae et Privilegia : accedunt Ulgerii Andegavensis Episcopi, Ogerii Lucedii Abbatis, Guillelmi Abbatis Theodorici prope Remos, Her- nianni Abbatis S. Martini Tornacensis, Algeri Canonic! Leodiensis, Toulti Mauren. Mon., Joannis Mon., S. Laurentii Leod., Arnulti de Boeris Henriei Salteriensis Scripta quae supersunt. 181. Vcn. Hervei, Burgidolensis Monachi, Opera onniia ; acce- dunt Hugonis Matisconensis Antissiodorensis Episcopi, Bar- tholomaei Catalaunensis Episcopi, Bernard! Corthusiao Por- tarum Prioris i S. Rainaril! AV)l>at!s Cisterciensis v, Aimonis Abbatis S. Petri Divcnsis et Petri Monachi, (iuidonis Cariloci Abbatis, Heriberti Monachi, HiUlebrandi Juuioris Opuscula, Diplomata, Epistolae. 1S2-1SO. S. Bernard!, Abbatis ])rimi Crimi Clarac-Vallensis Opera oninia. 186. Sugerii Abbatis S. Dionysii, Opusculo et Epistolae: accc- dinit Robert! Pulli S. R. E. Cardinalis et Caucellarii, Josleni Suessioncnsis, Zacliariac Cin-ysop. Episc. ; Zaehari:e ignotae sedis Episcopi, Willelmi Sandionysiani Monachi Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta (juae exstant. IS". Decretum Gratiani. 188. Orderici Vitalis Angligcnae, Cocnobii Uticensis Moiiaoh! Historia, Ecelesiastica. Accedunt Anastasii IV, Adrian! iv, Romanorum Potiticum, E])istolae et Privilegia, neenon Theo- bald! Cantuariensis Archie))iscopi : Attonis Pistoricnsis, B. Amede! Lausannensis, Anselmi Havelbergensis ; (iislebcrti Porretau! Piotavienais, Kpisco])orum : Gucrrici Igniacensis, Oilonis Morinuiudensis, Fastiedi Claracvallensis, .Toamiis Ciritac 'riiaraucaui in Hispania, (iaufridi, Claracvallensis, .Aliliatum ; Hugonis Metell!, Canonic! Regularis, Gilherti do Hoilandia, Opuscula, Diplomata, Epistolae. 189. Petri Venerabilis, Abhatis Cluniaccnsis Noni, Opera onniia. Accedunt Wilialdi Abbatis Stabulensis neenon Ernaldi .■\bl)atis IJonaevallis Epistolac et Opuscula. 1!)(). S. Thomae, Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi et Martyris, iiec non Hcrberti de Bo.scham, Cleric! ejus a Seeretis, Opera omnia; accedunt Gilbert! Foliot ex Abbate (Uoeeslriae E]ilscop! )ir!mum Hercdfordlensis, deinde Londoniciisia, nee non .Man! 're\\'lvcsber!ens!s Aliliatis Epistolae. li)l, lil'J. P. Lomliard! Magislr! Senteiitiarum. Parisieusis F.])!sco])i, Opera omnia ; accedunt Magistr! liandini, 'I'licoloj;! doctissimi, Senteiitiarum lllir! ipiatnor, et Hiigoiiia .Ambiaii- ensis, Rothomagcnsis Arrhic'ii., OpUfciila, Diplomata, 10]i!s- tolae. in.!, l'.)4. Vcn. (lerhohi, Praepositi Reichenspergensis, R. P. (iarneri. Canonic! Sancti Victoria Parisicnsis, Opera omnia. Acccdnnt Arnonia Reichersjicrgensia, Joannis Diaconi, Hugonis Pictavini, Isaac .Abbatia dc Stella, Alcheri et Petri lie Roya Claraevallenainm Monachoruni, Uilindis et Erradis HohenlmrgenHium Al>lial!asarum, Opuscula et E|)!stolae. lO.'i. lieati Aelreili, Abbatia Rievalleiiais, Opera omnia. Accedit Wolberonia Abbatis S. Pant4ileonia, Culoinenais Connnen- tarinm in Caiilica. Inlcrmlaecnlur Ecklierli .Alibatis Silion- augiiMiaia et Sanctic lOllsaln-tli Soi-oria ejna (icniianae, Ilcnric! ArchidlaconI lluiil ingiloiu'iiala, OilonLs tie Deo^ilo AIiI)alis S. Dionysii, liertrand! de Blanccafoi I 'rciiiplarlonim Maglstri, Scripta quae super.aunt omnia. 1!)6. Richardi a Saneto Victore Opera omnia ; accedunt Gilduini, Acliard!, Krviail, Gnarini, Odonia, (iodefridl, Adam! Vietori- iiortMU ; .loscelini 'ruronenala Archie])lH('o|)l, Henriei yViclii- ipiaeop! Kemenala, Hugonis de Cain|io Klorido SiieHMloneUHla lOplaeopI, llenrle! y\rcliidlai'i)iii .Sjiltzburgenala, Hiigonia de l''ol!cto, Nicola! ClaraevallenaiH, Epiololae et Opuacida. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 509 [Mig Mig] Pabt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. MIGNE (Jacques Paul) — continued. 197. S. Hildcgardis Abbatissac Opera omnia. 198. Adami Scoti, Canonici ReguIarisOrdiuis Praemonstratensis, Opera omnia ; accedunt Magistri Petri Comestoris Historia iScholastica, Sermones nee non Gudefridi Viterbriensis Chronicou. 199. Joannis Cognomine vSoresberiensis, Carnotensis Episcopi, Opera omnia : acoednnt Petri S. R. E. Canlinalis tituli S. Cbrysogoni, (Juichardi Lugdunen.sis Arehiepiscopi, Giialteri prioris S. Victoria Parisiensis, Rogeri Abbatis S. Evnrtii Aurelianensis, Joannis Cornubiensis, Opuscala, Diplomata, Epistolae. 200. Alexandri III, Romani Pontificis, Opera omnia. 201. Arnulfi, Lexoviensis Episcopi, Opera omnia ; aeccdit Guil- lelmi Tyrensis Historia Belli Sacri. Intermiscentur Lnoii iii, Romani Pontificis, Alani Antissiodorensis Episcopi, Aimerici Patriarchiiu Antiocheni, B. Petri Glara'vallensis Abbatis oc- tavi, Terrici Templarii, Opuscula, Diplomata, Epistola;. 202. Petri Cellensis primum, deinde S. Remigii apxid Remos Ab- batis, demum Carnotensis Episcopi, Opera omnia. Accedunt Urbani m, Gregorii viii, Romanorum Pontificum, Epistola; et Privilegia necnon Gilbert! Foliot Londinensis Episcopi, Roberti de Torinneio Abbatis S. Micliaelis in Periculo Maris, Joaimis Belethi Theologi Parisiensis, Hngonis Eteriani, Scripta quae supersunt. 203. D. Pliiliiipi, Abbatis Bonae Spci, Opera omnia. 204. dementis ill, Pontificis Romani, Epistolae et Privilegia ; accedunt S. Stejjhani Ordinis Grandimontensium Fundatoris, Laborantis, Henrici de Castro Marsiaco, S. R. E. Cardinalium, Balduini Cantuariensis, Archiepiscoi)i, BernardiAbbatisFontis Calidi, Stepliani de Liciaco, Petri Bernardi, (iuillebni do Tralunaoo, Gerardii Itlierii, (Jrandimontensium, Reiueri, Lau- rentii, Monachorum Leodiensium, Ermengaudi, Henrici ,Sep- timellensis, Scripta quae supersunt. 205. Petri Cantoris Vcrljum A1>l)reviatum. Accedunt Mauricii de SuUiaco Parisiensis, Garnerii Lingonensis, (ierabli, C'adur- censis, Odf)nis Tullensis, Episcoporum, Alexaudi'i (Jemmeti- censis Abbatis, (iaufridi !-iul>prioris Canonicorum Regularium, Matthaei Vindociuensis, Scripta quae supersunt. 206. Cfflcstini iii, Romani Pontificis, Epistolae ct Privilegia ; accedit Thomae Cisterciensis Monaclii et Joannis Algrini, Cordinal Commentarium in C'antica. 207. Petri Blesensis, Batlioniensis in Anglia Arcliidiaconi, Opera omnia. 208. 209. Sanctorum Martini Legionensis, Presbyteri et Canonici Regularis Ordinis Sancti Augustini in Regie Cienol>io Legio- nensi D. Isidoro Hispalensi Saero, Willielmi, Abliatis Sancti Tlioma; de Paraclito, Opera omnia. Accedunt ^\'ilhelmi de Campania Remensis, .Toannis de Belnieis Lugdunensis, Archi- episcoporiun ; Balduini Cp. Imperatoris. Hugonis v, Abljatis Cluniaeensis, Eliae de Coxida Abliatis Dunensis, Thomae de Radolio, Gualteri de Castellione, Opuscula, Sermones, Epistolae. 210. Alani de Insulis, Doctoris Universalis, Opera omnia. 211. Stephani, Abbatis S. Genovefae Parisiensis tum Episcopi Tornaoensis, Epistolae; accedunt AbsalonisAbbatisSprinckirs- bacensis, Adami Abbatis Perseniae, Petri Pictaviensis, Paris- iensis Academiae CanccUarii, (juibcrti Gonblacensis, Abbatis, Scripta quae supersunt. 212. Helinandi, Frigidi ^lontis Monaclii, necnon (4untlieri Cis- terciensis, Opera omnia. Accedunt Odonis de Sol^aeo Paris- iensis Ejnscopi, Petri de Diga et ^Egidii Parisiensis, Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta. 213. Sicardi, Cremonensis Episcopi Mitrale, sive de Officiis Ec- clesiasticis Summa. Accedunt ejusdem Sicardi Clironicon, Petri Sarnensis Historia AUjigensium. 214-217. Innoconti ill, Romani Pontificis, Opera omnia. 218-221. Indices, Generalcs simul et Speciales. MIGNE (Jacques Paul) —continued. Serie-s Gk/Eca — In qiiaprodcunt Patres, DoctoresScriptoresqueEcclesiac Graecae a S. Jiarnaija ad Photium. 161 vols. 1, 2. S. dementis I, Pontificis Romani, Opera omnia. 3, 4. S. Dionysii Areopagitae Opera omnia. 5. S. P. Ignatii, Episcopi Antiocheni, Epi.stolae : accedunt S. Polycarpi Martyris, S. Melitonis Sareia omnia; acccdnnt Aniistiusii i, Antiocheni Epis- copi, Ananta.'iii Abbatiit .S. Enthymii .\na.stasii iv Antioc In iii, Aiiastaxii I'resbytcri, Antioclii Jjiurau .S. .Subae .Monachi, .Scripta quae Huperuunt. 00, 91. .S. P. X. Maximi ('onfessoris, (Iraecorum Thctdogi Exi- miiqnc Philosoplii, 0|K.'ra onmia: accerlit .S. Maximi Liber de Varii.H didicilibus locis .SS. Palrum iJionysii et (Ircgorii. 02. Chronicon Pascliale, a .Mumlo condito ah Hcraclii Imp. ann. xx ; nccedunt (leorgii I'iHiilae Opera onmia. l)."}. HcMychii, Hierosolymitnni Prcslivteri, Olympiodori Alexan- drini, I^ontii XcajHileoH in Cypro Episcopi, Opera onmia. IM 9(1. S. P. X. JoanniK DamoKccni, Monachi ct Presbyteri Hivrniiolymitani, Opera omnia. 9". S. I'. X. Andrcne, CrctcnuiM Archiepiscopi, Opera omnia; n'reitnnt .loannin .lonnnifi Mnlahio, Theodori Abucarnc Carum ICpivopi Siripta Inm Hiittorica, turn Ascctica. ^' ' ' rinnni, Archiipinropi ('on»tantino]ioHtani, Opera nil SS. (Hi'((oiii .\gri|.;<'iilini, TaruHii Cp. , CoHmuit II' 'ini, I'nntaleoniH lllaconi (p., Ailriani .\tona<:hi, Eiiipliann ( alaiienniH Diac'ini, I'achoiiiii .Monachi, I'liilolhei )lona< hi, Aiionymi I'eeiieciaiii, .Sciipt4>. !IS MIGNE (J.\cgUF.s Paul) — continnc/l i)!). S. p. X. Theodori Studitac, Opera omnia. 100. .S. P. N. Xicephori, Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani, Opera omnia; accedunt S. MethodiiCp. Patriarchae, S. Oregorii Decapolitae, Christophori Alexandrini Patriarchae, (ieorgii X'icomediensis Metropolitae, .Stcpliani Diaconi Cp., Procopii Diaconi Scripta. 101-104. Photii, Constantinopolitani Patriarchae, Opera omnia : accedunt Petri Siculi, Petri Argorimi Episcopi, Bartholomaei Edesscui Opuscula. lOi). Nicetae Pophlagonis, qui et David, Xicetae Byzantini, Opera omnia; tomum absolvunt .J. Joseph! Hymnographi, Tlicognosti Monachi, Anonymi .Scripta. lOG. .S. P. X. Andreae Cacsarae Cappadociae Archiepiscopi ct Arethae, Discipuli ejus et .Successoris, Opera omnia ; accedunt .loseppi, Xicephori Philoso])lii Christiani, .Toannis(icometi"ae, Cosmae Vestitoris, Lconis Patricii, Athanasii Corinthiorum, Episcopi, .Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae supersunt. 107. Leonis, Romanorum Imperatoris Augusti, cognomine Sa- pientis, Opera omnia. 108. S. P. M. Thcophanis, Abbatis Agri et Confessoris, Chrono- grapliia ; cui accedunt Lconis (Jramniatici, Auctoris Incerti, Anastasii liildiotliccarii (Scri])ta") llistoiiaruni sui temporis quae supersunt. Coronidi.s vice Ponitur (Jodefridi ITcnsclicnii Dissertatio de Chronograpliia .S. Tlieoplianis, in (jua cmen- datur clu'onologica splialmata non pauoa Tlieo))hani per lilirar- iornm socordiam aspersa. 109. Histnriae Byzantinae Scriptores; accedit Josephi (ienesii Historia de Rebus Constantinopolitanis. 110. Clironicon breve decerpsit concinnavitque ticorgiiis Mo- naclius, cognomine Hamartolus. HI. Xicolai Constantinopolitani Archiepiscopi, Epistolac: accc- dnnt Eutychii Alexandrini, Basilii Xeopatrcnsis, Basilii Ca'sariensis, cognomento Minimi, Mosis Bar-Ccpliac Theodori Daplniopatae, Nioephori Presbyteri Cp. , Scripta. 1 12, 1 1.'!. Sapicntissimi Imperatoris Constantini Poriihyrogenitii iScri})ta (.nmia ; aci'cdunt Honiani .Iiinioris Imp. Aui'ca lluila pro Monasterio .Xcrojiotami in Monte Atlio; TIiet)dosii Dia- coni Acroases (iuin(iue de Expugnatioue Cretae : .S. Xiconis Armeni Monaclii Acta al> Abbate Monasterii .S. Xiconis anno .iici. Scripta. 1 Ml Ifl. Symconis Logothctac, cognomento Mctapliiastae, Opera omnia. 117. Leonis Diaconi Hi.storia; accedunt lliiipolyti Thcbaiii, (ieorgidis Monachi, Iguatii Diaconi, Xili cujusdani, Christo- phori I'rotoasecrctis, Michaclis Hamartoli, Anonymi, .Scrijita. 1 IS, 1 li). ll'cuniriiil, 'I'riccac in Thessalia Episcopi, Opera omnia. I'JO. Joannis .Xiiiliilini, Archiepiscopi Cp., .Symeonis .lunioris. Opera omnia; inU'rmiscentur Joannis Euchaitae, Theodori Icoiiii, Alexii ('p., Demctrii (\vziccni, .Michaclis Ccrnlarii, .Samonae (lazensis, Lconis .■\chridani, Episco|ionuii ; Lconis Presbyteri, Joannis Presbyteri, Kpiphanii Mouai-hi Hiero- solymitani, Xicetae Chart opiiylacis, Xicetae I'eclorati, Joannis Cp. Diaconi, Anonymi, .Scri|)ta vel scriiitornni fragmenta. 121, I'J'J. (leorgii Ccdrcni ('ompciidlum Iliutoriarum ; accedunt Michaclis I'scll Ojicra omnia. I'2."t 12(i. Theophylacti, Bnlgariae Archiepiscojii, Opera omnia; accedit Kr. J. V. Mariao Bern, de Hubeis Dissertatio do ijmius Thoopliylacti .'Etate. (Jestis, Scriptis ao Doctrina. 127. Xicephori I'.ryciinii Iflstoriarum libri ; iv ; accedit Con- Ntantini .MainisKls Compciiilliim Chronicum ; intcrmiscentur Xicolai Cji, I'atriarchac, Lucae Abbatis CryptoferratenBis, Nic(miH Nlonachi HaitlicnsiH in Palacstina, Anastasii Caosari- eimiH in I'alai^slina ArchirplHcopi, Nicetae .Si'ridiiii, .lacoln .Monachi, I'hilippi Solitarii, .lob Monachi, I'etri ('lirysolani, Alexii CoiMiieni Impcratori.i, IrcncH Auguutae, Xicephori] Botaniatae ImperatoriH, Xicetae .Seidi, .Scrijilu. 12S-l.'tl. luilliymii Zigabeni Ojiera omnia. PllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 611 Mig] Part I : — Authors, Uditors, or Meference. [Mik MIGNE (Jacques Paul) — continued. lo2. Sapientissinii et Eloquentissliiii Theophanis, Arcliiepiscopi Tauromcnii in Sicilia, coguoiucnto Ceranici, Homiliae in Evangelia Doniinioalia et Festa totius Anni ; accednnt nili Doxapati'ii Joannis Comneni Imp. Isaaci Magnae Armeniao Catholici, Scripta. 133. Joannis Cinnami Historiaruni libii vii ; acccdunt Arsenii in Monte Sancto Monachi, Lucac Chrysoborgao, Cp. Patriarchac, Alexii Ai-isteni Noniopliylacis, Tlieoriaui Pliilosc)]ihi Chriftiani, Manuclis Comneni, Alexii Comneni, Andi'ouici Comneni, Impp. ; Joannis Phocae, Epiphanii Monachi, Pcnlieoae Pro- tonotarii Ephesini, Anonymi, Engesippi Tlicodori Prodomi Scripta. 13-i-13G. Joannis Zonarae Opera omnia ; accedunt Eustathii, Thessaloniccnsis Mctroi>olitac, Opera ; et Autonii Monachi, eoguomonto Mclissae, Loci commnnes. 137, 138. Theodori Kalsamonis, Patriarchae Theopolis Magnae Antiochiae, Opera omnia ; accednnt Joannis Zonarae et Aristcni Commentaria. 139-1-10. Nicetae Choniatae Opera omnia, noc non Midi. Acominati Choniatae, Atheniensis Arcliiepiseopi, Scripta Vel scriptornm fragmcnta ; praemittuntur Joelis Byzantini tlhronographi, Isidori Tliessalonicensis, Nicetae Maroniensis, Joannis Citri, ilarci Alexandrini Scripta insunt praeterea (ieorgii Acro])olitae Aniiales Uyzantini et Alexandri Papae IV, Theodori Dncae, Imp. Nicacni, Uermani ii, Nicephori, Arsenii, Cpolitanornm Patriarcliarnm, Nicephori Chumni, .MetUodii Slonachii, Opnscula, Biplomata, Epistolae. 141. Joannis Vecci, Cp. Patriarchae, Opera omnia. 112. Nicephori Pdemmidae Opera omnia, praemittnntur Gregorii Cyprii, AUianasii Cpolitanornm Patriarcliarnm, Scripta. 113, 144. Georgii Pachymerae Opera omnia; praemittnntur El^hraemii Chronograph! C'aesares et Theolepti Philadelphi- ensis Scripta Ascetiea ; accedit Matthaei Blastaris Syntagma Canonum. 14o-147. Nicephori Callisti Xanthopuli Ecclesiasticae Historiae libri XVIII; praemittuntur Syntagmatis Matthaei Blastaris continnatio, et Tlieoduli Monachi, alias Thomae Magistri, Orationes et Epistolae ; accednnt Maximi Planudae, Callisti et Iguatii, Callisti Cataphugiotae, Nicephori Monachi, Scripta varii argumenti. . 14S-149. Nicephori Gregorae Byzantinae Historiae libri xxxvii ; accedunt Nili Cabasilae Thessaloniccnsis Mctropolitae, Theo- dori Militeniotae, Magnae Ecclesiae, Sacellarii, Georgii Lapithac, Opuscula, Epistolae. 150-151. Gregorii Palamae, Thessaloniccnsis Arcliiepiseopi, Opera omnia ; accedunt Gregorii Sinaitae, Constantini Harmenoimli Nomophylaeis, Macarii Chrysoeephali Philadelphiensis Metro- politan, Joannis Caleca; Cpolitani Patriarcluf, Thcophanis NiCLcni Arcliiepiseopi Nicolai Cabasilae Tliessalonicensis, Gregorii Acindyui, Barlaami de Seminaria, Opuscula, Epistolae. 152. Manuelis Calecae, Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum, Con- stantinopolitani Patriarchae Opera omnia : accedunt Joannis Cyparissiotae, Matthaei Cantacuzeni, Scripta Theologiea et Exegetica ; nee non Joannis Clycis, Esaiae, Joannis Calecae, Isidori, Callisti, Philothci, Diplomata, Synodicae Constitn- tioiies, Epistolae. 153, 154. Joannis Cantacuzeni Opera omnia, Historica, Theo- logiea, Apologetica. Accedunt Joannis Palaeologi Imp., Philothci Cpolitani Patriarchae, Deniotrii Cydonii, Maximi Chrysobergae, Philothei Selymbrieiisis, Orationes, Opuscula, Epistolae. 155. Symeonis, Tliessalonicensis Archiepi.scopi, Opera omnia. l.j(). Manuelis Palaeologi Opera omnia; accednnt (4eorgii Phrautzae Chronicon, nee non Joannis Auagnostae, .Joannis (Janaui, ^Manuelis Chrysolorae, Scripta Historica, Epistolae. MIGNE (Jacquks Paul) — continued. 157. Georgii Codoni Opera omnia; accedit Ducae, Michaelis Ducae Ncpotis, Historia Byzantina. 158. Michaelia Glycao Opera omnia ; accedunt .Josephi Cpolitani Patriarchae, Joannis Diaconi Adrianopolitani, Esaiw (lyprii, Hilarionis Monachi, .Joannis Argyropuli, Tlieodori Agalliani, Job Monachi, Bartholom:ei de Jano, Nicolai Barbari, Aiionymi, Epistolae, Opuscula Historica, Fragmeuta. 159. Laonici Chalcocondylae Historiaruni libri decern ; accedunt Josephi Methonensis Episcopi sen Joannis Plusiadcni Scripta; ]iraemittuntur Leonardi Cliicnsis, Mitylcnaci Archiepi8co}n, Isidori, S. R. E. Cardinalis, Kutheuornm Arcliiepiseopi, Epistolae Historicac. 100. Gemiadii, Constantinopolitani Patriarchae, ipii, et Georgina Seholarius, Opera omnia ; accedunt Nicolai V. Romani Ponti- (icis, Gregorii Mammae Cpolitani Patriaccli."ie, < Jcorgii Gemisti I^lethonis, Matthaei Camariotae, Marci Ephesini, Opuscula ct Epistolae. 161. Cardinalis Bessarionis Opera omnia. MIGNET (Francois Auguste Marie). History of the French llevohition, from 1789 to 1814. 8vo. Lond., 1826. B 8 P 19 Hi.story of Mary, Queen of Scots. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1851. ' C 7 S 24, 25 MIKLOSICH (Franz). Lexicon Linguae Slovcnicffi Ve- teris Dialecti. Roy. 4to. Vindobonise, 1850. K 4 S 5 t Lexicon Palaeoslovenico-Graeco-Latinuni. Eniend.Ttum auctum. Iniy. 8vo. Vindolioniie, 1862-65. K 13 T 17 Altslovenische F(jrmenlehre in Paradigmen, mit Texten aus glagolitischen Quellen. 8vo. Wien, 1874. K 15 S 7 Altslovenische Lautlehre. Dritte bearbeitung. 8vo. Wien, 1878. K 15 S 5 MIKLUCHO-MACLAY (N. de). Pamphlets. (Pam. Or.) 8vo. Batavia, 1873-78. MA 1 R 1 1 . Anthropologische Bemerknngen uober die Papuas der Maelay- Kiiste in Neu-Guinea. Batavia, 1873. 2. Ueber Braehyocephalitiit bei den Papuas ^•on Neu-G!uinea. Bogor, 1874. 3. Ethnologisehe Bemerkungen ueber die Papuas der Maclay- Kiiste in Neu-t!uinea. Batavia, 1S75. 4. Notice Meteorologique concernant la Cote-Jlaclay en Nou- vello-Guiuee. Buitenzorg, 1875. 5. Meine zweite Excursion iiach Neu-Guinea. Tjipanas, 1.S74. 6. Ethnologisehe Exeursionen in der malayischcn Halbinsel. (Nov., 1874-Oct., 1875.) Mit-Kartenskizze nnd 2 Tafeln. (Vorliiufige Mittheilung.) Buitenzorg, 1875. 7. Einiges iiber die Dialecte der melanesisclien Volkerschaften in der malo.yischen Halbinsel. Batavia, 1876. Proposed Zoological Station for Sydney. From the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. (Pam. Co.) 8vo. Sydney, 1878. A 16 U 23 (Papers published in Sydney.) Svo. Sydney, 1878-84. aiA 2 U 8 Beitrage zur vergleichenden Neurologie der Wirbelthiere. 4to. Leipsic, 1870. ' A 4 Q 21 t Ethnologisehe Excui'sion in Johore. (December, 1874- February, 1875. Vorlanlige Mittheilung.) Roy. Svo Batavia, 1875. " A2P8 512 CATALOGUE OP THE Mik] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mil 3IIKLrCH0-MACLAY (X. de), and MACLEAY (Sir AV.) Plagiostomata of the Pacilic. Parti. Fam. Hetero- dontidaj. With five Plates. (Pam. Cr.) 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MA 1 R 1 3IILAX. Description de la A'illc de Milan et de ses En- virons. 12mo. Milan (n.d.) D 11 P 31 311 LAX (Fraxcesco Alessandro Sforza), Duke of. Life and Times of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan ; with a prcliminai-y Sketch of the History of Italy; by W. Pollard Urquhart." 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1852. " C 9 T il, 42 MILBURN (M. M.) Sheep and Shepherding ; embracing the Histon,-, Varieties, Rearing, Feeding, and General ilanageuient of Sheep, and including Australian Sheep- farming, the Spanish and Saxon Merinos, itc. 12nio. I^md., 1853. • MA 1 P 4-1 MILDMAY (.Sm 11. P. St. Joun), Bakt. Life of Abraham Tucker. [5ee Tucker, A.] MILES. [5e« Darling, Lieut.-Gex. Sir R.] 31ILES (Hexry Downes). Pugilistica; being one hundred and forty-four years of the History of British Boxing ; containing Lives of the celebrated Pugilists, and full Reports of tlieir Battles from contemporary Ne\vs])a]ier9 and Perioond., 181.3. B 11 V 24, 25 .MiLl'*Olvl) (JoiiN). Norway '>n XT 1 MTLLTNGEN (Jame.s). Ancient Unedited Monuments. Painted Greek, from Collections in various Coun- tries, pi-incipaliy in Great Britain, illustrated and ex- plained. Ini]). 4to. Lond., 1822. A 2:? P 14 -MILLINGEN (Joii.s Gideon). History of DueUing. 2 vols. 8vo. Ixjnd., 1841. B 15 P ."50, 31 Curiosities of Medical Experience. 2nd ed. 8vo. Limd , 1839. A i;5 R 16 MILLINGTON (E. J.) [See Schlegel, F. von.] MILLON (Prof.) Elements of Genera! History. [See Millot, C. F. X.] MTLT/)T (Claude FKAXfom Xavieic), .\iiiie. Elements of (ieneral History, .\iicierit and Jloflern ; with th(! cuntifiuation from 1760 tr) tlui year 1815, by Prof. .Milloii, of Paris. New ed. revi.sed. vols. 8vo. Ediiib., 1823. . I! 1.-, p |;i IS .Mfl-LOT (.L\((^iE.>(-.\\DRt;). L'Art di! jirocreer les Sexe.s a Volenti';, ou Histoiro Piiy.siojogicjiu! de Iji (ieiicration Huniaine. fr ed. 8vo. Purls, 182«. AI2R:iK .MIfJ>l ^AuTlllili). SyHttiinntic Ciilnrii/jitioii. X\,,. {, I><»7. .M.J li t,» 8 Oilotiial OinhtituliotiN : im Oiillin<' "if lln' ('niislitutiorial History and Existing (Hivernment of the I'.ritish Depen- fjenrie" «v.. T,<.nf|., lS.")ri.* M F 2 Q 29 MILLS (Charles). History of Chivalry ; or. Knighthood and its Times. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1826. B 7 U 26, 27 History of the Crusades for the Recovery and possession of the Holy Land. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. G 4 R 22, 23 MILLS (Charles D. B.) The Indian Saint : or, Buddha and Buddhism : a Sketch, Historical and Critical. 8vo. Northampton, Mass., 1870. ti 10 Q 4 MILLS (G.), AND MOORE (W. H.) Notes relating to Comets. (MS.) 8vo. Sydney, 184.5. T\IA 1 T 12 MILLS (J.) Hist(pry of the Riiiiian Emperors. [See GuEViEit, J. B. L.] ■ I! 11 IT 10-19 MILLS (Rev. John), F.R.G.S. Three :\lonths' Residence at Nablus, and an Account of^the Moilern Samaritans. 8vo. Lond., 1864. D 5 11 18 jNIILJIAN (Capt. E. a.), R.A. AVayside Cross ; or, the Raid of Gomez : a Tale *)f the Carlist War. (H. and C. Lili.) 12mo. Loud., 1847. J 8 P 24 MILMAN (Verv Rev. Henky Hart), D.D., Dean op St. Paul's. Samor, Lord of the Bright City : an Heroic Poem. 8vo. Lond., 1818. ^ H 8 U 21 Poetical Works of. .3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1810. H 8 P 22-24 Defence of Milton's Life. [See Toland, J.] History of Christianity, from tlie Birth of Christ to the abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. ' G 4 P 8-10 History of Latin Christianity ; including that of the Popes, to the Pontificate of Nicolas v. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1854 55. (} 4 P 2-7 Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral. Svo. Lond., 1808. P. S 37 jjifc of I'idwai'd (iibbon; with Selections from his Cor- respondence and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1839. C9V20 History of the Jews. 1th ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1866. G 7 Q 25-27 History nt' the .lews. ( Kani. Lili.) 2iid ed. 3 vols. 12mo. L,,nd., 183U. K 10 P 18-20 Hanil book of the Cathedrals of England: St. Paul's. Svo. Lond., 1879. ' 1)11 R 10 lielsha/.zar : a Dramatic- Poem. 8vo. Lond., IS_'2. I! 3 S 28 Martyr of .Xntioi-Ii: a Dr.-imalic Poem. S\o. I/ond., IS2L'. II :i S 27 The .Agamemnon of i-Escliylus, and tlic I'.acrlianals of Kuripides. [See Micn\\M>i.\ 1! 8 t,) 9 M I L.M.AN (Rt. Rev. Roiiert'), D.IX, Bishop ok CALrrriA. Nb'iiioirsof; with .'i, Selection from his Correspondence ;mii| .loiiniiils ; by lii.s, i''raiiees Mnriii Mihnaii. W itii .M;!)., Svo.' Lond., IS79. V H T I (i I. ill- of 'ror(|llMtM T;is>;,i. 2 vols. H\C). Lond., jSnO. CM! 12, C! PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 515 Mil] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Mil ' MILN (James). Excaviitions at Carnac (Brittany) : a Record cif Archaeological Researches in the Alignments of Kennario. 4to. Edinb., 1881. B 12 Q 1 t MILN (W. S.) An I'Xposiiro of the Position of the Scotch Herring Trade in 1.S85. 8vo. Lond., 188G. F5U32 MILNE (Prof. John), F.G.S. Earthciuakes and other Eai-th Movements. With Figures. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 9 P 47 MILNE (Joshua). Treatise on the Valuation of Ainiuities, and Assurances on Jjives and Survivorshi2is. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1815. F 7 S 21, 22 MILNE (Risv. J. J.) Solutions of Weekly Problem Papeis. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 10 S 17 MILNE-EDWARDS (Pnor. Alphonse), M.D., ic. Re- cherches anatomique et paieontologiques pour servir a I'Hi.stoiro des Oiseaux fossiles de la France. Texte et Atlas. 4 vols. roy. 4to. Paris, 1867-71. ASS 11-14 t MILNE-EDWARDS (Henri), et HAIME (J.) Histoire Naturclle des Coralliaires, ou Polypes proprement dits (suites a Buffon). Texte et Atlas. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1857-60. A 14 U 42-45 MILNER (H. M.) Frankenstein; or, the Man and the Monster: a Peculiar, Romantic, Melo-dramatic, Panto- mimic Spectacle. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 20 Masaniello ; or, the Dumb Giil of Portici : a Musical Drama. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 21 MILNER (Very Rev. Isaac), D.I)., &c., Dean of Carlisle. Life of ; compi-ising a portion of his Correspondence and other Writings, hitherto unpublished, by his Niece, Mary Milner. 8vo. Lond., 1842. C 8 R 6 History of the Church of Christ. [See Milner, Rev. J.] MILNER (Rev. JonN)^ D.D., kc. History, Civil and Ec- clesiastical, and Survey of the Antiquities of Winchester. 2 vols. 4to. Winchester, 1809. B 4 IT 13, 14 MILNER (Rev. John), B.A., and BRIERLY (O. W.) Cruise of H.M.S. GalatKU, Captain H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, K.G., in 1867-68. 8vo. Lond., 1869.* MD 6 Q 10 MILNER (Rev. Joseph), A.M. History of the Church of Christ; with Additions and Corrections, by the Rev. Isaac Milner, D.D. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1824. G 4 P 1:3-17 MILNER (Mrs. Mary). Life of Isaac Milner, D.D., F.R.S., comprising a portion of his Correspondence and other Writings,''by his Niece. 8vo. Lond., 1842. C 8 R 6 MILNER (Rev. Thomas), M.A., kc. Gallery of Nature : Pictorial and Descr-iptive Tour through Creation, illus- trative of the Wonders of Astronomy, Physical Geography, and Geology. Imp. 8vo. Lond.. 1869. A 15 U IS MILNES (Alfred), M.A. Lives of Dryden and Pope. \_See Johnson, Dr. S.] MILNES (RiniAHD ]\Ionckton). \_See Houghton, R. M. MiLNEs, Baron.] JIILON (A.) Navigation de Plai.sance. \_See Benoit- Champy, (i.] JEILTON (John). Pnradise Lost: a Poem, in twelve Books. l.'?th ed., to which is pi-etixed, an Account of his Life. 8vo. Ltmd., 1727. H 8 Q 10 Paradise Lost ; the numerous Mutilations of the Text emended, also the obnoxious Punctuation entirely revised; with Notes by Matthias Mull. 8vo. Lond., 1884. H 8 V 24 Pai'atlisc Regained : a Poem, in four Books ; to which is added, Samson Agonistes, and Poems upon several occasions ; with a Tractate of Education. 7th ed., cor- rected. 8vo. Lond., 1727. H 8 Q 11 Poems upon several occasions, English, Italian, and Latin ; with Translations. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1791. H 8 U 27 Life of, nari'ated in connection with the Political, Ec- clesiastical, and Literary History of his Time, 1608-74; l)y David Masson, M.A., LL.D. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1859-80. C 8 R 33-38 Defence of the People of England ; in answer to Sal- niasius' Defence of the King. !2nio. Amsterdam, 1692. F 6 P 3 Common-place Book of John Milton; reproduced by the Autotvpe Process fi'om the original MS. 4to. Lond., 1870. ' ' J 12 R 13 t Poetical Works of. Edited, witji Memoir, Introduction, Notes, and an Essay on Milton's English and Versification, by David Masson, M.A., ic. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1882. H8Q 12-14 Areopagitica [24 November], 1644. Preceded Ijy Illus- trative Documents. (English Reprints.) Carefully edited by Edward Arber, F.R.G.S., kc. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1869. F5U11 Another copy. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by J. W. Hales, M.A. (Clar. Press.! 12mo. Oxford, 1874. F 15 P 7 English Poems; edited, with Life, Introduction, anfl selected Notes, by R. C. Browne, M.A. 4th ed. (Clar. Press.) 2 vols, (in 1) 12mo. Oxford, 1875. H 6 Q 43 Poetical Works of; edited liy Sir Egerton Brydges; with imaginative Illustrations, by J. ;M. W. Turner, R.A. 6 vols. 12nio. Lond., 1835. ' H 5 S 13-18 Prose Works of; with an Introduction by Geo. Burnett. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1809. J 12 U 9, 10 Latni and Italian Poems of, translated into English 4to. Lond., 1808. H 3 P 24 f New Memoirs of the Life and Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton ; by Francis Peck, M.A. 4to. Lond., 1740. . H6V15 516 CATALOGUE OF THE Mil] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Mir MILTON {3ouy)—contitmed. Selections from the Works of. \_See Montagu, B.] Comus: a Mask. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1791. H2P41 Another copv: altered from !Milton, bv G. Colman. (New Eng. theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1790. H 4 P 28 Another copy. \_See Fakces, 7.] Samson Agonistes: a Dramatic Poem. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) ISmo. Lond., 1796. H 2 P 44 Milton and Vondel: a Curiosity of Literature. [5t'e Edmcxdsox, G.] Life and Poems. {See British Poets, 1.] John Milton [a Biographj-] ; bv ^lark Pattison. (Eng. Men Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 1 U 26 Milton's Devil. [See Massox, Phof. D.] MILTON (William Wextwortii Fitzwilliam), Viscount, F.K.G.S., AND CHEADLE (Walter Butler), M.A. North-west Piis.sage by Land; being the Narrative of an E.xpedition from the Atlantic to the Pacitic. 8vo. Loud., 186.5. D3T35 MILTON (William"). Trial of William Milton, who resisted an Attempt at Robbery ; the unjust conviction, and sen- tence of seven years on the Boads. 8vo. Melb., 1862. MF 1 Q 5 The Victim of the Nineteenth Century: an Error and its ]{esults shows how the Author was unjustly imprisoni'd two years and a half. Gth ed. 8vo. Melb., 1 86.i .M F 1 (i 5 MINCHEN (James Ixnes). Tiie Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, translated verse for verse. \_Sce Dante Aliciiieki.] MIXCHIN CGeoroe M.), .\I..\. Cniplanar Kinematics of Solids and Fluids ; with Aj)plieations to the Distril)Ution and Flow ui Electricity. (Clar. 8vo. O.vford, 1882. A 17 T 44 MINCIIIN (James Georce Cotton). Growth of Freedom in the Balkan Peninsula. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 8 Q 40 MINI) : a Quarterly Review of P.sychology and Philosophy. Edited bv (Jeorge Crooin Robertson. Vols. 7-10. 8vo. I/.iid., 1882-85. MINER (Harriet Stewart). Orchids, the Royal Family of Plants. With Illustrations from Nature. Roy. Ilo. F/.nd., 188.J. A .■; IJ 7 t MINICHAL STATISTICS of the Kin-dom. [See Hunt, R.] .MINfCS ANF> MINERAL STATISTICS of N. S. Wales. iSte New South Wales.) MFNRS AND MI.\I:KAL STATISTICS <,f Vi.ioria. \_Ste Victoria.] MINING ACT of N. S. Wal.s. [See New South Waleh.] .MINING AND SCIKNTIKIC PRESS (Tin:). I vols, fol. San Fnuiciflco, 1861-66. E 1, 91 MINING INDUSTRY OP NEW ZEALAND. [See New Zealand.] MINING INSTITUTE OF VICTORIA. Transactions, 1 8.57-59 ; edited by J. Brache, Civil and Mining Engineer. Svo. Melb., 1859. MA 2 Q 38 MINNESOTA. [See United States of America.] MINOR (Ellen E.) Murillo. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 3 T 39 MINOS ^ACUS. [See Bar and the Attorneys.] MINTO (Emma Eleanor Elizabeth), Countess of. Lord Minto in India : Life and Letters of Gilbert Elliott, First Eari of Mintt), frt)m 1807 to 1814. Svo. Lond., 1880. C 3 V 31 MINTO (Gilbert Elliot"), Earl of. Lord Minto in India. Life and Letters of Gilbert Elliot, First Earl of Minto, from 1807 to 1814, while Governor-General of India ; being a Sequel to his " Life and Letters," published in 1874. Edited hy his great-niece, the Countess of Minto. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 3 V 31 MINTO (William). Daniel Defoe. (Eng. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 1 U 11 MINTURN (Robert B.), Jun. From Now York to Delhi, bv way of Rio de Janeiro, Australia, and China. 8vo. Lond., 1858. Ml) 3 Q 7 MIOT (Andrk Fran(,'oise), Comte de Melito. [See Melito, a. F. Miot, Comte de.] !MIST (Andris Francois), Comte de Melito. [Sec Melito, A. F. Mist, Comte de.] iMlUABAUD (Jean Baptiste de). System of Nature; or, the Laws of the Moral and Physical World. 3rd ed., Willi .\dditions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., ISI7. G4Q1,2 MIR.\i'>KAlI (IIoNoRK Gaurikl RiyruTTi), Comte de. Memoirs of- l'>iogra])liical, Literary, and Political — l)y Himself, his Father, his Uneli\ and his Adopt(>(l Cliikl. I vols. Svo. Lond., 1835-36. C S S 10 43 Li'ttcrs during his Residence in England, with Anec- dotes, Maxim.s, iV'c. ; to which is prefixed an introduetoiy Notice on the Life, Writings, Conduct, and C^liaract(M- of the Author. 2 vol.s. Svo. Lond., 1832. C4P44, 45 I'licigrapliy of. [See L.\martine, A. Di;.] C 5 S 12 .MlUtJi'ISCO (\'.) (irannuaire de la Langue i{ouni;une ; prt'C('nd., 1873. '^ A 14 S 9 Tlie Cat : an Introond., 1881. A 15 P 14 Niiture and Tlumght : an Tntrfxluction to a Natural Philosophy. Svo. Iy)nd., 1.S82. (i 2 Q 1 On the Gene.sis of Species. 2nd ed. Svo. Loud., 1871. A 14 S 14 Ije.s.sons from Nature, as manifested in Mind and INlatter. Svo. I>ond., 1S7G. A 10 T 24 M'^)BIUS (Dr. Tiieodor). Altnordisches Glos.sar : Wor- terliuch zu einer Auswahl alt-isiiiTulischer uiul .dt-norwe- gischer Pi-osatexte. 8vo. Leipzig, l.^OG. K 10 y 19 MODULES 1)1'> liOIS: I'^xtrait lies vingt premieres anncos du Journal Manuel de Peintures. Fol. Pari.s, 1872. A 23 Q 15 X MODELES |)K MAUIUtES: Extrait des vingt premieres ■■itini'cs liu .Inuniul .Manui-I de Peinture.s. Fol. Paris, |H75. A 23 QIC; MODERATION. [Set Land Hill.] .M<»|»i;i{.\ CKIJICIS.M ; <,r, 111.- New Theology: llie Rattle of the Critifcs. Svo. J>fmd., IH7I. G14P23 MODERN ENGF.ISH POETS. Passages from Mol )i;i; N KPISCOPACY. Cni.opularity of Modern Epis- eopiicy and some of its Causes, considered with reference to ihi- Anglican Church in New South Wides; by "A Presbyter of tlie Churcli of Flnglund." 8vo. Sydney, 1«57. M>\o. Wein, 1879. A 9 T 20 MOLAND (Louis). Oiuvres completes de Moliere. \_See MoLliiRE, J. B. DE.] MOLBECH (C.) Dansk-Dialect-Loxikon, indeholdende Ord, Udtryk og Talemaader of den danske Alinues Tun- gemaal i. 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1841. K 12 R 3 Dansk Ordbog indeholdende det danske Sprogs Stam- meord tilligemed atledede og sannnensatte Ord, efter den nuvfcrende Sprtigbrug forklarede i. 2 vols, (in 1) roy. 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1859. K 14 U 3 MOLE (Francois R^ne). Memoires de. [See Barriere, J. F., 0.] C 1 T 6 MOLESWORTH (Guildford L.), C.E. Pocket-book of Useful Formuke and Memoranda for Civil and ]Mecliani- cal Engineers. 21st ed., revised and enlarged C)b. IHmo. L(md., 1884. K 18 P 2 MOLESWORTH (Robert), Viscount. Franco-Gallia; or, an Account of the Ancient Free State of France. \_Sef, Hotoman, F.] B 9 P 22 MOLESWORTH (Rt. Hon. Sir William), Bart. Speech in the House of Commons on Tuesday, 25th July, 1848, on Colonial Expenditure and Government. 8vo. Lond., 1848. MF 2 T 1 Speech in the House of Commons on Tuesday, 25th June, 1849, for a Royal Commission to inquire into the Administration of the Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1849. MF 2 T 1 Speeches in the House of Commons during the Session of 1850, on the Bill for the better (iovernment of the Australian Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1850.* MF 2 T 1 Speech in the House of Commons on the 10th of April, 1851, for a Reduction of the Colonial Expenditure of the United Kingdoms. 8vo. Lond., 1851. MF 2 T 1 Speech on the Discontinuance of Transportation to Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1851. MF 2 T 1 Speech in the House of Commons on Friday, 5th March, 1853, for the Second Reading of the Clergy Reserves of Canada Bill. 8vo. Lond., 1853. MF 2 T 1 Tracts on the Ballot. No. 4. Speech in the House of Common-s, June 13, 1854. 8vo. Lond., 1854. MJ 2 R 21 Observations on the Speech on Colonial Expenditure. {See Danson, J. T.] English Works of Thomas Hobbes, now first collected. \_See Hobbes, T.] MOLESWORTH (Rev. William Nassau), M.A. History of En.r'land, 1830-74. Library ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 187G. B 5 R 13-15 History of the Church of England, from 1660. 8vo. ,ry Lond., 1882. G 7 R 1 MOLESWORTH v. ISIOLESWORTH. Full Report of the Trial. Tried at the Supreme Court, Melbourne. 8vo. Melb., 1864. MF 2 S 1 MOLEVILLE (A. F. Bertrand de). [See Bertrand de MoLEviLLE, A. F., Marquis de.] )20 CATALOGUE OF THE Mol] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mon MOLIERE (Jean Baptiste Poquelin). Dramatic Works ; rendered into English, by Henri van Laun ; with a prefatory Memoir, introductory Notices, Appendices, and Notes. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1875-76. H 2 T 8-13 Oeuvres completes. Nouvelle ed., avec Biographie par Louis Molaiid. 7 vols. roy. 8 vo. Paris, 18G3-64. H2T1-7 MOLINA (JuA\ Igxatio), S.J. Geographical, Natural, and Ci\-il Histoiy of Chili. 2 ^ols. 8vo. Middletown (Conn.), 1808. B 1 S 34, 34 MOLL (Hehmas). New and Correct Map of the Whole World. Fol. Lond., 1719. D 33 P 1 J Atla-s Geographus ; or, a compleat System of Geo- graphy, ancient and modern. 5 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1711-"l7. DOT 16-20 :M0LLEN (G.) Travels in the Interior of Africa to the sources of the Senegal and Gambia, in the year 1818. 4to. Lond., 1820. D 19 P 2-5 \ MOLLEIl (Dr. George). Essay on the origin and pro- gress of Gothic Architecture, from the 8th to the 16th Centuries. 8vo. Lond., 1824. A 7 P 42 ilemorials of German-Gothic Architecture. Svo. Lond., 1836. A 2 S 18 Denkmaler der deutschen Baukunst. Imp. ful. Leipzig, 1821. A 1 P 7 J :M0LLETT (John- W.), B.A. Mei.s.sonier : a Biography. (Great Artists). 8vo. Load., 1881. C 3 T 35 Rembrandt. (Great 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 3 T 40 Sir David Wilkic. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 3 T 34 Watteau. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 3 T 39 Illustrated Dictionary of Words used in Art and Archieologj-. 8yo. Lond., 1883. K 18 P 26 Etchetl Examples of Paintings, old and new : with Notes. Fol. Unnl, 18K5. A 23 K 8 + Modern Etchings of Celebrated Painters ; with an Essay. \U>. Umil., 1883. A 8 U 13 ^rC»rj/)Y (I. O.) Index noniinuni ct Vocalnilorum HiU-rniconim ((uae in I. C. Zeutti Grammntica Celtica n'lK'riuiitur. [See ZEr.s.s, I. C] MOLLOY (J. KrrzfiEiiALi)). Royalty i-estored ; or, I^on- doM, under Charles ii. \\"\\\\ an Etching and I'orl raits. 2 vols. 8vo. L.n.l., 18K5. r. 3 1! Lifn and Adventures of Peg Wollingtnn. I'lid cd. 2 vols. «vo. J>ind., 1.SH5. C 2 II 35, 36 FninotiH Plnyn ; with u DiHCOui-se on the Playhouses of the Ue«toration. 8vo. r.<,nd., 1HH6. J 9 S 19 jifftF.TKE (Fiki.ji-.Mahkiiai.i, IIi:i,i.Mi"ni), Coi'nt vox. I'liland : iiii Historical Skotcii. .Authorized Triuislation, with a Hiiigniphical Notice by Emnia S. I'.ni-iipeiin. 12m«i., IHH.-) 1! 7 S 39 M0:MBERT (Rev. J. I.), D.D. English Versions of the Bible : a Hand-book, with copious Examples, illustrating the Ancestry and Relationship of the several Versions, and Comparative Tables. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G 7 Q 28 Five Books of Closes. \_See Tyndale, W.] MOMMSEN (Dr. Theodor). Oskische Studien. lyiit Nactrage. 8vo. Berlin, 1845-46. K 13 P 14 History of Rome ; translated by the Rev. AA'. P. Dickson, D.D.' 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1868. BUT 2.5-28 Rtimische Gesehichte. 5 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1881-85. B 11 V 9-13 Nachti'age zu den Oskische Studien. 8vo. Berlin, 1846. K13P14 MONAHAN (Very Rev. Joii.v Caxon), D.D. Records relating to the Dircese of Ardagh and Cloumacnoise. Svo. Dublin, 1886. G 2 Q 19 MONBODDO (James Burnett), Lord. Of the Origin and Progress of Language. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1774. Tv 16 T 10-15 MONCEAUX (Frax(;'Ois de). Eccle-sia; Christianas veteris BritannicfB incvnabvla Regia. 12mo. Touniav, 1G14. Libr. MONCEL (TiifioDORE du), Vico.mte. \_See Du Moncel, T., Vk'omte.] :\10NCKH0VEN (D. van). Popular Treatise on Photo- graphy, the Stereoscope, and Photograjihic Optics. 2nd ed. i2ino. Lond., 1S(;7. A 17 P 27 MONCRIEFP (AscoTT Robert Hope). Famous His- torical Scenes from three Centuries : Pictures of Cele- brated Events from the Reformation to the end of the French Revolution. 8v(>. Loiul., 1878. 15 14Q12 MONCRIEFF (W. T.) (iiovanni in London; or, the Libertine Reclaimed: an Operatic E.xtravaganza. (Cum- berland's Eng Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H2Q14 Monsieur Tonson : a Farce. (Cunilierland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. " H 2 Q 18 Rochester ; or, King Charles the Second's Merry Days: a Musical Comedy. (CuiiiliiTlaiid's l"]iig. Theatre.) 1 2mo. Lond., 1829. ■ H 2 Q 22 The Spectre Bridegroom ; or, a Ghost in Spite of Him- self. (Cumberland's Vavj,. Theatre.) ]2mo. Lond., lS-.'9. 11 2 il 18 'riic Somnunibniisi ; or, (he I'li.'intom of tlie Village: a Dramatic I'^iiterlainnient. (Cumbcrlund's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 18 Tom and .Jerry : an Operatic Extra\aganza. (Cumber- land's Kng, Thealr.-.) 12uio. Lond., 1S29. II 2 Q 19 Van I )iciiii>irs L.ind : an (>]icralic Draiii.i, in (hree Acts. IJiMM. Lond. (n.d.) Mil I I' 1 I MONCmi'' (I'nANi,<>iH At'fiU.sTiN Patiadis dk). LesContes, etc. \_See CAriiNin' mcs Fkes, 2."), 32. | PEEE PUBLIC LIBRAllY, SYDNEY. 521 Mon] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mon MONEY. Return of the Quantity of Dollars imported into New South AV.ales in the years 1821-23, on account of Government. (Pari. Docs. 5.) Fol. Lond., 1824. MF4J: How the Banks make Money scarce and dear ; the Remedy ; the Banks and their Stability ; hy " Sigma." 8vo. Melb., 1871. MP 1 Q 3 MONEY (Lieut. -Col. Edward). Cultivation and Manu- facture of Tea. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 1 S 22 The Truth about America. 12mo. Lond., 1886. D 3 P 3 MONEY (RoBEUT Cotton). On the Characteristic Dif- ferences between European and Oriental Literature : a Prize Es.say. 8vo. Lond., 1822. J 11 V 11 MONEY (Walter), F.S.A. First and Second Battles of Newbury, and the Siege of Donnington Castle during the Civil War, a.d. 1643-46. Svo. Lond., 1881. B 5 ij 19 MONGE (Gaspard), Comte de Peluse. Geometric Des- criptive ; augmentee d'une Theorie des Ombres et de la Perspective, etc. ; par B. Brisson. 4to. Paris, 1820. A 10 V 15 MONGEZ (Antoine). Iconographie Ancienne. \_See ViscoNTi, E. Q.] B 12 P 11-17 J MONGREDIEN (Augustus). Free Trade and English Commerce. 12mo. Lond., 1881. F 5 S 49 Another copy. (Pam. Je.) 8vo. Lend., 1881. F 6 P 10 History of the Free-Trade Movement in England. 18th thousand. 12mo. Lond., 1881. F2 P26 Another copy. 25th thousand. 12mo. Lond., 1887. F 2 P 20 The Western Farmer of America. (Pam. Je.) Svo. Lund., 1880. F 6 P 10 MONITOR (The). 3 vols. fol. Sydney, 1826-28. ME Another copy, 1826, 1827, 1836. Fol. Sydney, 1826-36. ME [_See Sydney Monitor.] MONK (Gen. George), Duke of Albemarle. [_See Albemarle, Gen. George Monk, Duke of.] MONK (Rt. Rev. James Henry), D.D., Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. Life of Richard Bentley, D.D. ; with an Account of his Writings, itc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. ClOR 17, 18 MONKHOUSE (W. Cosmo). Studies of Sir Edwin Land- seer, R.A. ; with a History of his Art-Life. Illustrated. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1877. A 23 R 6 ^ Pictures by Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. ; with Descriptions. [_See Landseer, Sir E.] A 23 R 7 J Turner. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 3 T 33 Turner's Rivers of England. [_Sce Turner, J. M. W.] D 5 R 20 + 3ti MONNIER (Rev. Joseph Felicien), S.M. Memoir of the Life of the late Rev. Joseph Monnier Translated from the French [by W. A. Duncan]. 8vo. Sydney, 1876. MC 1 P 39 MONOD (Mme. William). Cinijuante Annees de la Vie d'un Peuple ; ou, les lies Sandwich transformees par lo Christianisine. 12mo. Toulouse, 1873. MD 3 Q 50 MONRO (Alexander). New Brunswick ; with a Ijrief Outline of Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island : their History, Civil Divisions, Geography, and Productions ; with Statistics. 8vo. Halifax, N.S., 1855. D 3 U 32 MONRO (David Binning), M.A. Grammar of the Homeric Dialect. (Clar. Press.) 8vo. Oxford, 1882. K 20 U 2 MONRO (George). Despatches of. [&« Gower, G. G. L., Earl.] B 8 U 25 MONSTRELET (Enguerrand de). Chronicles of: con- taining an Account of the Cruel Civil Vv'ars between the Houses of Orleans and Burgundv, ttc. ; translated by T. Johnes. 5 vols. 4to. Lond., 1809. ' B 10 R 12-16t Another copy. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1840. B 7 V 2, 3 MONTAGNE (Camille). Plants Cellulaires. [_See Dumont D'Urville, Capt. J. S. C] MONTAGU (Algernon), Judge. Case of. [_Se6 Tas- mania.] MONTAGU (Basil), M.A. Selections from the Works of Taylor, Latimer, Hall, Milton, Barrow, South, Brown, Fuller, and Bacon. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1834. G 10 P 15 MONTAGU (jNIrs. Elizabeth). A Lady of the Last Cen- tury ; illustrated in her unpublished Letters ; with a Biographical Sketch, and a Chapter on Blue-stockings, by Dr. [John] Doran, F.S.A. Svo. Lond., 1S73. C 10 Q 33 MONTAGU (George). Dictionary of English Birds; reprinted from Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary. \_See Newman, E.] MONTAGU (George). Fourth Duke of Manchester. Correspondence of the Hon. Horace Walpole with George Montagu. \_See Walpole, Hon. H.] MONTAGU (John). Statistical Returns of Van Diemen's Land, from 1824-39, compiled from Official Records. (Pari. Docs., 18.) Fol. Hobart, 1839. MF 4 J MONTAGU (Mary Wortley), Lady. Letters and Works of ; edited l)y Lord Wharncliffe. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1837. C 4 V 8-10 MONTAGU (Robert), Lord Recent Events, and a Clue to their Solution. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F 7 Q 16 MONTAGU (R. W.) \_See Maginn, W.] MONTAGUE (Francis Charles), M.A. Local Govern- ment and Taxation. '[See Ratucone, W.] 522 CATALOGUE OE THE Mon] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mon MOXTAIGXE (Michel Eyquem dk). Essays of, in tliree Books ; with marginal Xotes and Quotations, and an Account of the Author's Life; niatle English by Charles Cotton, Esq. 4th ed. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1711. J 2 S 8-10 Essays of ; translated by Charles Cotton ; with some Account of tlie Life of Montaigne; edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. J 2 S 11-13 Essais de. Nouvelle edition, avec les notes de tous les Commentateurs choisies et completees par J. V. LeClerc. ■1 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1865-66. J 17 T 24-27 Montaigne, the Essayist: a Biography : by J. Bayle St. John. 2 vols. 12uio. Lond., 1858. ' " C 1 !S"21, 25 MONTALEMBERT (Cii.\hlks Forbes), Comte dk. On Constitutiiiiial Libertv : a Picture of England painted by a Frenchman. Svo. ' Lend., 1858. " F 4 Q 22 The ilonks of the West, from St. Benedict to Bernard. 7 vols. 8vo. Ediiib., 1861-79. G 4 P 18-24 Oeuvrcs de. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, lt<60-68. J 16 lM-9 1-3. Discours, 1831 -52. 4-5. Oeiivres PoU'miques et Diverses. ti. Mclaugrs d'Art et tie Liltciature. 7-8. Histoire ile Saiiite Elisabeth de Hongrie. 9. Oeuvres Polemiques et Diverses. .MONTALEMBERT (:M.\hc Rknk), Makqiis de. Engineer .Studies. [5« Lloyd, E. M.] MONTANA. \^See United St.\tes ok AMEiufA.] MONTANO (G. B.) Arcliitettura con diversi Oinanienti cavati dall' antico dati in luce da Colistn I'Vrrante. 2nd ed. Fol. Roma, 16:?6. A 23 R 28 \ MONTCALM DE .ST. VKli.W (Louis JosEi-iij, Mauquis DE. Montcalm and Wolfe ; by Fi-ancis Parkman. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1884. C 5 S 21, 22 Another copy. 6th ed. Svo. Lond., 1885. Co S 23, 24 MONTEAGLE (Thomas .Spi!IS(; I'uci;), Loud. Australia: The Sulwtance of three Speeches made in the of I/ords, on the Australian (ioverinnent Bill. Svo. Lond., 1850. MF 3 P 7 MONTEFIORE (J. L.) of the Rudiments of Political Ecimomv. (Pam. 10.) 12mi(.. Sv(hiev, 1S61. .MJ 2 R 2 .MO.\TEFJORE(Siit .MosE.s), Baut. Centennial Jiiogra))liy ; with Extracts fmin Ixjtters and Journals, l)y Lucien Wolf. With Portrait. Svo. l.Kind., IMS). C 5 S 29 MONTEIKO (JoAClliM John). y\ngola and ihe River Congo. 2 vol.H. Svf). Linil., 1H75. D 1 Q 3, 4 MONTEIKO (J. .M. C.), asm. CWIIITo (A. C. P) .lour ney to CuzenilH!. [iS«AKiRIKIi (.James). Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constant irio]>le, in the years 1808-9. •tto. I/.nd., 1812. " J) II Q 6 t Adventures of JIftjji iialia of IsnahiiM. 2miI id. .! vols. I'Jni... lifmd., 1824. ' .1 7 t^ I -10 Z. thi- iro<.tiigi-. 3 vols. H\,,. I.ohd,, I H.T-J, .) 1 P 17 19 MORIN (Arthur). Salubrite des Hal)itations : JIanuel Pratique du Chaufiage et de la Ventilation. 8vo. Paris, 1874. A 2 S 35 MORISON (James Cotter), M.A. Gibbon. (Eng. Men of Lett.s.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 1 U 16 Macatday. (Eng. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 1 U 25 :M0RLEY (PuoK. IIiiNKv). Of English Literature in the Reign of Victoria : with a Glance at the Past. 12mo. Leipsic, 1881. B 23 P 5 Jerome Cardan : the Life of Girolamo Cardano. of Milan, Physician. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1854. 'C3Q1,2, the Potter : the Life of Bernaid Palissv, of Saintes. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1855. C 3"T 20 Sketches of Ru.ssian Life before and during the Eman- cipation of the Serfs. 8vo. Lond., 186G. ' D 9 Q 1 Journal of a London Playgoer, from 1851 to 1866. 12mo. Lond., 18G6. J 7 Q 12 Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair ; with Facsimile Drawings, engraved upon wood by the Brothers Dalziel. 8vo. Lond., 1859. ' B 7 P 7 English Writers. Vols. 1, Vol. 2, Part 1. {Alf piMMed.) 8vo. Lond., 1864-67. B 21 U 23, 24 Tables of English Literature. Iiii]). 4t<). Lond., 1870. r. 22 S 2 English Literature. [See Cassell's Lin. of Enclish Lit.] J 2 U 1-2 [See BoswELL, J.] C 8 V 16-20 :M0RLEY (John), AI.A., .^-c. Life of Richard Cobden. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 10 S 26, 27 Burke. (Eng. ]Men of Letts.) S\,.. Lond., 1879. C 1 IT 5 Critical JNIiscellanies. [1st and 2nd series.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871-77. J 12 R 16, 17 Struggle for Fducalion. Jnd. cd, 8\(>. Lniid., 1873. G 17 Q 5 Rousseau. 2vols. 8\o. Lond., 1873. C9R14, 15 Voltaire. 8vo. LoniL, 1872. C 8 P 25 On Compromise. 8vo. Lond., 1874. G 2 Q 20 English .Men of Letters. [See ENciLisii Men of Letters.] M OK LEY (H. Foster), M.A., A-c. Outlines of Organic Chemistry. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 5 S 16 MORNING CIIRONK'LI'; (Tin:). I a.,Is. fol. Svdnev, 1845-18. " MK M0RN1N(! Ili:i! ALT) (Tm;), O,iob<.|- 5, 1819. lA.l. Loml., 1819. E MORP}fET(J. C.) Catalogue of the I'arli.inHutai y Library of South Ausli-alia. [Sv Soctii Acsiii \i,i a. | MORPllY (Pail). Morjihy's Games of : being the l)est games ]ilayed by the distinguished chaiiipioii in iMliope and America ; with analytical and ciitical Notes, by .). I.^>wenlhal. 8yo. Lond.,'l878. AIGPI4 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 527 Mor] Part I : — Authors, Editor's, or Beference. [Mor MORRELL (Capt. James), Jun. Narrative of Four Voyages, to the South Sea, North and South Pacific Ocean, Chinese Sea, Ethiopia and Southern Atkmtic Ocean, Indian and x\ntarctic Ocean, 1822-31. 8vo. New York, 1832. D 10 S 22 MORRILL (Jamks). Sketch of a Residence among the Aboriginals of Northern Queensland for Seventeen Years. (Pam. Ad.) 8vo. Brkshane, 1863. MD 1 V 9 MORRIS (Augustus). Observations on Railroads in the United States. (Pam. Cj.) 8vo. Sydney, 1877. MA 2 V 7 Toljacco: its Culture and the Curing of its Leaf. (Pam. Cli.) 8vo. Sydney, 1877. ' MA 2 Q 29 Aniither copy. 8vo. Sydney, 1877. MJ 2 R II MCJRRIS (Augustus), and BYRON (John). New South Wales : its Progress, Present Condition, and Resources. With detailed Statistical Information. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MF 1 R 12 MORRIS (Capt. Chahles). Anecdote Life of. \_See Times, J.] MORRIS (C. S.), HAYTER (T. S.), and BARRY (George J.) Commercial and Trades Directory of South Australia, 1882-83. 8vo. Adelaide, 1882. ME12T MORRIS (D. F. VAN Braam). Reizen naar de Noord- kust \an Nederlandsch Nieuw-Giunea. 8vo. 'sGraven- hage, 1881. MD 3 V 8 MORRIS (Edward Joy). Notes of a Tuur through Tur- key, Greece, Egypt, and Araljia Petrjea to the Holy Land. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1847. D 1 T 4 MORRIS (Rev. F. O.), B.A. Natural History of British Moths, accurately delineating every known species, with the English as well as Scientific Names. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond.,1872. A 13 V 10-13 History of British Butterflies. 3rd ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1870. A 13 V 20 History of British Birds. 2nd ed. 6 \'ols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1870. A 13 V 14-19 Series of Picturesque Views of Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ii'eland. 6 vols. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) D 9 R 12-17 t MORRIS (George S.), M.A., &c. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: a Critical Exposition. 12nio. Chicago, 1882. G7Q21 MORRIS (Henry). Descriptive and Historical Account of the Godavery Disti-ict in the Presidency of Madras. 8vo. Lond., 1878. B 10 U 23 MORRIS (Rev. Henry C. E.) " Let no man deceive you": an Answer to "Napoleon III, the Monarch of the World." 12mo. Melb., 1866. MJ 2 P 31 JIORRIS (PuoF. John), F.G.S. ]-\)ssil Flora of the (iond- wana System. \_See India] Catalogue of British Fossils. 2iid ed. 8vo. Lond., 1854. A 9 S 23 Cambrian and Silurian Fossils. \_See Salter, J. W.] Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference. [5e« Maunder, S.] K 9 T 15 jNIORRIS (Prof. John), F.G.S., and JONES (Prof. T. Rupert), F.G.S. Geology. 1st series. Heads of Lec- tures on Geology and IMineralogv, in s(!vei-al (■(jurses, fi-oni 1866 to 1870. 8vo. Lond., 1870. A 9 Q 16 iMORRIS (Lewis), M.A. Epic of Hades; in tliree Books. lOtli ed. 12mo. Lond., 1880. H 8 P 26 MORRIS (Malcolm). Book of Health. 3rd ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 12 V 9 MORRIS (Mowbray). Hunting. [See Beaufort, H. C. F. S., Duke of.] A 17 U 31 IMORRIS (Maurice O'Connor). Rambles in the Rocky Mountains ; with a Visit to the Gold Fields of Colorado. 8vo. Lond., 1864. D 3 R 5 MORRIS (Rev. Richard), LL.D. [See Chaucer, G.] MORRIS (Rev. Richard), LL.D., and SKEAT (Rev. Walter William), M.A., &c. Specimens of Early English: Part 2, New ed. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Ox ford, 1873. H 8 P 44 MORRIS (William). Hopes and Fears for Art: Five Lectures deliveied in Birmingham, London, and Notting- ham, 1878-81. A8P25 Lectures on Art. \_See Art.] A 6 V 36 MORRISON (A. F.), M.A., Ac. Sketches in Russia : by "A Rambling Victorian." 8vo. Melb., 1886. MD 6 P 34 MORRISON (A. J. W.), B.A. Works of Schiller. [See Schiller, J. C. F. von.i B 7 S 40 History of Ancient Philosophy. [See Ritter, Dr. H.] [See Goethe, J. W. von.] C 1 S 27, 28 MORRISON (Rev. J.), D.D. Election: the Doctrine stated ; Objections to the Doctrine considered ; and its Moral Tendency ascertained. 8vo. Launceston, 1838 MG 1 P 1 MORRISON (Rev. John). Australia as it is ; or, Facts and Features, Sketches and Incidents of Australia and Australian Life; with Notices of New Zealand; by "A Clergyman." 8vo. Lond., 1867.* MD 4 R 20 Australia in 1866; or. Facts and Features, Sketches and Incidents of Australia and Australian Life ; with Notices of New Zealand ; liy "A Clergyman." 2nd ed 12mo. Lond., 1868. MD 4 R 22 MORRISON (Joseph Robert). What should the Govern- ment do for Australia ? 8vo. Lond., 1851. MF 1 Q 3 Another copy. 8vo. Loud., 1851 MJ 2 Q IG )28 CATALOGUE OF THE Mor] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Mos MORRISON (Rev. R.), D.D. Dictionary of the Chinese Language. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Shanghae., 1865. K 13 S 2.3, 2i ^lemoirs of the Life and Labours of; compiled by his Widow, ^Ii-s. R. Morrison; with Ciitical Notices of his Chinese Works, by Samuel Kidd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. C 7 R 45, 46 MORRISON (Mrs. R.) Memoirs of the Life and Labours of the Rev. R. Morrison, D.D. ; compiled by his Widow. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. ' C 7 R 45, 46 MORRISON (Lieut. R. J.), R.N., "Z.\dkiel." [Sei Lilly, W.] .MORRISON (WiLLi.\M Charles). The Carl Massacre. ISee Seakle, G. S.] MD 1 U 21 MORRISON (W. E. W.) Science Manual. {See Cuhnow, J.] MA 2 Y 13 MORRISON (W. Frederic-), M.D., etc. Aldinc Centen- nial Histors' of New South Wales. Illustrated. 2 ^ols. 4to. Sydney, 1888.* _ ]MB 3 P 9, 10 t MORRITT (J. B. S.) Vindication of Homer and of the Ancient Poets and Historians, who have recorded the iSiege and Fall of Troy, in answer to two late Publications of Mr. [J.] Brj-ant. "With a Map and Plates. (Pam.) 4to. York, 1798. B 18 R 13 J [5w Bryaxt, J.] B18R13I MORSE (Edward S.), Ph.D. Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 5 V 27 MORSE (PiiOF. Samuel Finlkv Bueese). Life of. {See JEAN.S, W. T.] C 2 S U MORSELLI (Prof. Henry), M.D., Ac. Suicide: an Essay on Comparative Moral Statistics. 8vo. Lond., 1881. G7 Q 30 MORT (TiiOMAS S.) The Question of Government Guar- anteed Railway Shares, considered with reference to their In-ing made tran.sferable to Bearer, and thereby rendered available as u Circulating Medium. 8vo. Sydney, 1854. MV 3 P 2 Another copy. 8vo. Sydney, 1854. MJ 2 t^ 9 J/ife Jjessons from tlie Cureer of Thomas S. Mort. {See .lEFFEniB, Rev. .7.1 MG 1 Q 35 Mf»I{TTMER (Lieut. Geoik.e). Observations and Remarks ina<.nd., 1791. iMI) 7 P 6 t Wiuirnccmiiigcn en Aaninerkingen aangetekend geduu- rende eenc Keize in liet Bi-igantijn-selii|) de Merniriitn, onder m(1., 1865. C 3 V 33, 34 IjivpM of Haydn and Mozart ; witii ()ij»ervation8 on ^I^•tn.^tlUlio, Ac. Tranfiated from the French of " L. A. C. lioiulx't" [Marie Henry lievle]. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 181«. ■ ' C5T12 :M0ZART CWolfgaxg Amadeus)— co»?(/i*a'(?. Life of Mozart ; by Otto Jahn. Tran.'^lated fi'um the German by Pauline D. Townsend. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18S2. C 7 S 19-21 Briefe ; nach den Originalen ; hcrausgegeben von Ludwig Nohl. 12mo. Salzburg, 18G5. C 1 T 39 From Mozart to Mario. [5« Exgei., L.] C4S18, 19 MOZIN (Auuf;), BIBER (J. Tii.), axu HOLDER (M.) Neues vollstandiges AVorterbuch der deutschen und franzosi.schen Sprache. 2 vols. 4 to. Stuttgart, 1811-13. K 13 U 1, 2 Nouveau Dictionnaire Complet, a I'Usage des Allemands et des Francais. 2 vols. 4to. Stuttgart, 1811-12. K 13 U 3, 4 MoZLKY (Rev. James Bowi-ixg), D.D. Letters of; edited by his Sister [Miss Ainie Mozley.] 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 6 U 19 Eight Lectures on ]\liracles ; preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford, in the year 1865. (Bampton Lec- tures.) 8vo. Lond., 1865. G 15 R 23 MOZLEY (Miss Axxe). Letters of the Rev. J. B. Mozley. [See MozLEV, Rev. J. 15.] MOZLEY (Rev. Thomas), j\I.A. Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford iSlovement. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C4P10, 11 Reminiscences, chiefly fif Towns, Villages, and School.s. 2 vols. 8v(.. Lond.," 1885. 17P6, 7 .Ml'vUNHK-JN'lUS (Ciuusioi'ii Coki.estix). Ausfuhrliche (irammatik der polnischcn Sprache nel)st einem beson- (lern Anhange mit Uebungsstiicken zuni Ucbersetzen. I21I10. Danzig, 1837. K 11 S 43 AuleiUmg zu)n Uebersitzen aus deni I'olnischen ins Deulsclie und aus dem Deutschen ins Polnische. 12ino. Danzig, 1837. K 11 S 43 MUCKLEY (WiLUAM J.) Hand-book for Painters and Art Students on the Character and Use of Colours ; also, short Remarks on the Practice of Painting in Oil and Water Colours. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 7 Q 32 MUCGU. [See, S. C] MUDII'I (Charles Edwahu 12mo. Lond., 1873. Stray Leaves. New ed. H8P21 Mljlll- (.Iames). I'flonry of New South Wales ; liciiig a faitliful iiii'ture of tlu? Real Hoiiimiht of Life in l!i)t,any May. 8vo. Lond., 1837.* ]\I I) 1 U .32 .Mri>IM (KoliEUr). t'liinn, and ils l!csn\uceK and reculi- arities — Piiysical, Political, Social, mid Commercial. 12mo. Lond., 1810. R 2 P 17 Spiiiig, Sunnner, Aiiliniiii, .ind Wiiilir. I \ oU:. jJmo. LoDil., is:i7. A .'! K 5 8 Till' lli';i\cns, Ivirtli, Ail', and Sea. t \u\y. I l'mio. I s:f.-) -.■((•>. A :i \{ I 1 TEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 531 Mud] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mui MUDIE (Robert) — conl'murd. Picture of India ; Geographical, Historical, aiul Dpr- criptive. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1830. B 10 Q 8, 9 Feathered Tribes of the British Islands. 2ii(l ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 183.5. A 14 Q 42, 43 Picture of Australia : exhihitinj,' New Holland, A^an Diemen's Land, and all tlie Settlements, from the first at Sydney to the last at the Swan Bi\er. 8vo. Lond., 1829.* MD 4 T 1 Popular (juide to the Olisei'vation of Nature ; or. Hints of Inducement to the Study of Natural Productions and Ap[iearances, in tlieii' coiniections and relations. (Cons. Misc., 77.) ISmo. Loud., 1832. K 10 11 11 Compendium of Natural Philosophy. [^See Wehley, Pev. J.] K 10 P 21-23 MUELLER (Eduard). Etyniologisches Woerterbucli der Englischen Sprache. 2 vols, (in 1 ) 8vo. Coethen, 1865-67. K13P22 MUELLER (SiK Ferdinand vox). Baron, K.C.M.G., etc. Definitions of Rare and hitherto undescrihed Australian Plants. 8vo. Melh., 1855. MA 1 U 3 Botanical Report on the North-Australian Expedition, under the command of A. C. Gregory, Esq. 8vo. Melb., 1857. MJ 2 R 9 Fragmenta Phytographije Australia. Vols. 1-10. 8vo. Melb., 1858-77.* MA 1 T 31-40 Plants indigenous to the Colony of Victoria. Vol. 1. Thalamiflorw. Vol. 2. Lithograms. 2 vols. roy. 4to. Melb., 1860-65. MA 2 Q 19-20 t Analytical Drawings of Australian Mosses. Fascicle. {All puhlished.) 8'vo. Melb., 1864. MA 1 T 51 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1864. MJ 2 R 9 Lecture on Rust and Cereals. 8vo. Sandhurst, 1865. MJ 2 R 7 Notes .sur la Vegetation indigene et introduite de TAus- tralie; traduitde 1' Anglais par E. Lissignol. 8vo. Melb., 18G6. MJ 2 R 9 Another copy. MK 1 R 33 Report on Vegetable Pi'oducts. 8vo. ]\lelb., 1867. MA 1 Q 1 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1867. MA 1 Q 7 Principal Timber Trees readily eligible for Victorian Industrial Culture. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MA 1 Q 1 Forest Culture in its relation to Industrial pursuits : a Lecture. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MA 1 Q 1 Descriptive Notes on Papuan Plant,';. 8vo. ]Melb., 1875.* MA 1 V 1 Select Plants readily eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation in Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1876.* MA 1 V 5 Another copy. MJ 2 R 1 1 MUELLER (Sir Ferdinand von), Baron, K.C.M .G. ic. — continued. Introduction to Botanic Teachings at the Schools of Victoria, through references to Leading Native Plants. 8vo. Melb., 1877.* MA 1 V 3 Native Plants of Victoria, succinctly defined. Part 1. 8vo. Melb., 1879. MA 1 T 52 Report on the Forest Resources of Western Australia. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1879.* MA 1 Q 6 i Select Extra-Tropical Plants, readily eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation. 8vo. Sydney, 1881.* MA 1 U 1 Eucalyptographia: a Descriptive Atlas of the Eucalypts of Australia and the adjoining Islands. First to the Tenth Decades. 3 vols. roy. 4to'. Melb., 1883-84.* MA 1 Q 25-27 t Oi'ganic Constituents of Plants and Vegetable Substances, etc. ISee WiTTSTEiN, G. C] MA 1 V 8 Systematic Arrangement of Carpoitarian Plants. \^See Landsborougii, W.] 3ID 4 P 39 Contribution to the Phytography of the New Hebrides. ISee Campbell, F. A.] MD 4 Q 30 Flora Australiensis. [_Sce Bentiiam, G.] Distribution of Forest Trees in Victoria. \_See Everett, A.] The Objects of a Botanic Garden in its Relation to Industries : a Lecture. \_See Melb. Pub. Library.] [See WooLLS, Rev. W.] MUFFLING (Friedricii Ferdinand Karl), Baron von. Passages from iny Life ; edited, with Notes, by Colonel Philip Yorke, F'R.S. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1853. C 7 U 47 MUGGE (Theodore). Switzerland in 1847. Edited by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848. B 7 T 15, 16 MUIR (John), D.C.L., etc. ^Metrical Tian.slations from Sanskrit Writers. 8vo. Lond., 1879. H 7 T 23 MUIR (M. M. Pattison), M.A., etc. Treatise on the Prin- ciples of Chemistry. 8vo. Camb., 1884. A 6 P 17 Elements of Thermal Chemistry ; by M. M. P. ^luir, assisted by D. M. WiLson. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 5 T 12 MUIR (Thomas). Histoire de la Tyraimie du Gouverne- ment Anglais, exercee envers le celebre Thomas Muii-, Ecossais ; sa Deportation a Botany-Bay, a\-ec une Des- cription. 12mo. Paris, 1798. MD 2 P 43 Life of Thomas Muir, who was tried for Sedition ; with a full Report of his Trial, by Peter JNIackenzie. 8vo. Glasgow, 1831. MC 1 R 19 MUIR (Thomas S.) Ecclesiological Notes on some of the Islands of Scotland. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. D 7 S C 532 CATALOGUE OP THE MuiJ Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mill MUIR (Sir William), K.C.S.I., &c. Annals of the Early Caliphate, finin original Sources. With a ]S[ap. 8vo. Lond, 1883. B 10 P 34 Life of Mahomet and History of Islam, to the Era of the Hegira. 4 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1858-61. C 7 S 43-46 MUIRHEAD (Prof. James), LL.D. Historical Intro- duction to the Private Law of Rome. 8vo. Edinb., 1886. F 7 Q 10 MUIRHEAD (James Patrick), M.A. Life of James Watt ; with Selections from his Correspondence. 8vo. Lond., 1858. C 9 R 45 Origin and Progi-ess of the Mechanical Inventions of James Watt. 3 vols. S\-o. Lond., 1854. A 11 U 1-3 MULDER (G. J.) Chemistry of Wine ; edited by H. Bonco Jones, M.D., F.R:S. 12mo. Ljiid., 1857. A 5 R 24 ilULHALL (Michael G.), RS.S. Progress of the World in Arts, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, Instruction, Railways, and Public Wealth, since the beginning of the 19th Centuiy. 8vo. Lend., 1880. F 6 R 25 Balance-sheet of the World for Ten Years, 1870-80. With twelve coloured Diagrams. 8vo. Lond., 1881. F 6 P21 JluUiall's Dictionary of Statistics. 8vo. Lond., 1884. F 6 R 26 History of Prices since the year 1850. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F G P 1 MULHALL (Michael G. and E. T.) Hand-book of the River Plate Republics. 8vo. Lund., 1875. D 3 P 55 MULHALL (Mrs. M. G.) Between the Amazon and An- des ; or. Ten Year's of a Lady's Travels in the Pampas, Gran Chaco, Paraguay, and Matto Gro.sso. With Illus- trations. 8vo. Lonil., 1881. D 4 P 30 MULL (Matthias). [See Mii.tox, J.] MULLEN (Sami-el). Tlio Pilgrim of Beauty, tlie Cottager's Sabbath, and other Poems. 8vo. Lmd., If^l5. H 7 T 22 Ml'IJJ'MJ (Ciiarle.s). Claudii PtiilomaeiGeographia. {See I'roi.oM.ECH, C.] D 12 V 15 Ooogniphi Gncci Minorca [et] Tabulae. fGr. ct Lat.] 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Pari.sii.s, 1855-82. D 19 V 11-13 Ml.'LLER (PiioF. FitiEDiticn). Rciso dcr ostericichi.schcn Frcgattc Xiirara um die Erde, 1857-59. Roy. 4to. Wj.i, 1868. MAUH t Gnindriss der Sprachwiivsenscliaft. 2 vols. 8v(i. Wicn, 1876-82. K 15 Q 24, 20 Mi'UJ''H (KniEDiiirii vov). Charactorislics of (Jofthp. [.S'c« AcsTis, Mr.s. Sakah.J C 4 Q 12 14 MOLLER (Fuitz). Fnct.M and Argmiionls f(ir l)arwiM; with Aildilinns liy the Autlior. Traiisl.'ifcil finm the Ocmmn, by W. S. Dallii'i, F.I..S. Witli I lhi.y K. W. We.nt. Part .3. DinA-t Mainog i Khirar/; iS'ikandviimanik Nii/ar; Sad Dar. 25. I..jiwri of Maim ; tranalatcd, with ICxtracts from seven Coin- niciilnrieH, by G. Iliililcr. 20. The iS'atapathaBrahmaHa. Tran.slaled by J. ICggeling. Part 2, Books 3, 4. 27, 2H. The Sacred Books of China : the Texta of Confucianism. TrnnHlalcd by James Lcggc. Part 3, I. The \.\ Ki, i-xi.vt. PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 533 Mul] Part I : — Aiithors, Editors, or Beference. [Mul MULLER (Pr.OF. F. jVIax.), LL.D., &c..~conlinmJ. Memoirs of Baron 8tockniar. [_Sce Stockmar, E. von, Bauon.] C 3 P 29, 30 Languages of the Scat of War in the East. 2n(l ed. 8vo. Loud., 1855. K 15 R 28 Propo.sals for a Mis.sionary Alphabet, .suhuiitted to the Alphabetical dinfereiice.s held at the Re.sidence of Clicv- alier Bun.sen in January, 185-i. 8vo. Lond., 1854-. K 13 Q 22 Biographical Essay.s : — Rammohun Roy. Ke.shub Chun- der Sen. Dayananda Sarasvati. Bunyiu Nanjio, and Konjui Kasawara. Culebrooke. Mohl. Bunsen and Kingsley. 8vo. Loud., 1884. C 3 P 6 Hymns of the Rig-Veda in the Samhita Text. S\'0. Loud., 1873. C4 -4 Q 30 Lectures on the Science of Language. Lst and 2nd series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18GG-68. J 10 V 5, 6 Rig-Veda-Sanhita ; the Sacred Hymns of the Br;ihnians, translated and explained. Vol. 1. \^All })ublislied.'\ 8vo. Lond., 1869. G 4 Q 31 On the Stratification of Language. (Sir Robert Rede's Lecture.) 8vo. Lond., 1868. K 12 R 33 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners. 2nd ed. Rc-y. S\-o. Lond., 1870. K12T21 History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature. Svd. Lund., 1859. B 10 U 37 Chips from a German Worksliop. 4 vols. 8\'o. Lfjnd., 18G8-7.5. J 4 S 1-4 First-Fourth Bofiks of the Hitopadesa ; containing the Sanskrit Text. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1864-05. J 15 V 24, 25 Hymns of the Rig- Veda, in the Pad:'. Text. 8vo. Lond., 1873. G i Q 29 Myths and Sones of the South Pacific. \_See Gill, Rev. W. W.] " MB 1 Q 27 History of German Literature. \_See Sc'herer, AV.] Lecture on Buddhist Nihilism, delivered before the Genei'al Meeting of the Association of Gorman Ph.iiologists, 1869. (Pam. 41.) 8vo. Lond., 1869. MJ 2 R 3 Introduction to the Science of Religion : four Lectures. 8vo. Lond., 1873. G7Q11 Selected Essays on Language, Mythology, and Religion. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 188^1. JUS 25, 26 Essays. 4 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1869-79. J 17 Q 29-32 Buddha's Dhammapada ; or, Path of A'irtue. [_See BUDDIIAOHOSHA.] Outline Dictionary for the use of Missionaries, Explorers, &.C. [See Bellows, J.] Immanuel Kant's Critic of Pure Reason. \_See IvAffT, I.] MiJLLER (GEonc.E). Brief Narrative of Facts relative to the New Orphan Houses (for 2,050 Children) on A.shlev DdVv-n, Bristol. (Pam. D\v.) 8vo. Lond., 1875. MF 3 P 20 MULLER (Prop. Hf.rmaw). Fertilisation of Flowers. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 4 S 10 MULLER (Hugo W.), Ph.D., Ac. On the Electric Dis- charge with the Chloride of Silver Battery. [See De l.a. Rue, W.] a 1 1 P 6 t MULLER (J.) Principles of Physics and Meteorology. ^vo. Lond., 1847. A 3 T"4 MULLER (Juan dh). Vida del C.Ud. [See Cid, R. D. de BiVAF..] MULLER (Karl Ottfried). History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. {All published.) Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1840. B 9 T 23 History and Auti(jiiities of the Doric Race. From the German. 2nded. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1839. B9T21, 22 Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology. Trans- lated from the German, by John Leitoh. 8vo. Lond., 1844. B14U23 Ancient Art and its Remains ; or, a Slanual of the Archfeoloiiy of Art. New ed., with numerous Additions, by F. G. Welcker. 8vo. Lond., 1852. A 8 Q 16 j35schylo3 Eumeniden, Griechisch und Deutsch. [See ^sc'iivLUs.] J 4 U 2 [See Areiax, F.] B 10 V 9 MULLER (Karl Ottfried), axd DONALDSON (J. W.) History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. Continued after the Author's Death, by J. W. Donaldson. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1868. B 9 V 21-23 MULLER (Salomon), Ph.D., &c. Bijdragen tot de kennis van Nieuw-Cxuinea. Met Plaaten. (Vei'handelingen overde Natuurlijke Gesshiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen.) 2 vols. foL Leiden, 1839-44. MD2P9, 10* MULLER (Theodor). Aiistralische Kolonisten oder Heute so — Morgen so ! Roman. 8vo. Leipsic, 1878. M.) 1 Q 25 MULLER (Wiliielm). [See Benecke, G. T.] MirLLER (William John). Sketches of the Age of Francis I. Imp. fol. L>nd., 1841. A 3 P 20 f MULLIN (J. P.) Modern Moulding and Pattern-making : a Practical Treatise upon Pattern, Shop, and Foundry Work. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 11 Q 28 MULLINGER (James Baas), M.A. University of Cam-, bridge, from the Earliest Times to the Royal Injunctions of 1535. 8vo. Camb., 1873. B G R 42 University of Cambriilge, from the Royal Injunctions of 1535, to the Accession of Charles I. 8vo. Camb., 1884. B 6 R 43 MULLINS (J. D.) Free Libraries and Newsrooms: their Formation and Management. 2nd ed. (Pam.) 12mo. Land., 1870. K 7 R IS [See Birmingham Free Libraries.] MULLINS (James). Jemmy Mullins ; or, the Little Irish Sailor Boy; by "One of H.M. Chaplains, N.S. Wales. 12mo. Sydney, 1856. MG 1 P 49 534 CATALOGUE OF THE Mul] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Mur MULOCK (Miss D. M.) [^««Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria.] MULREADY (AVilliam). Masterpieces of Mulready. Memorials, collected hy F. G. Stephens. -Ito. Lond., 1867. AST 23 MULVAXY (Thomas J.), C.E. New Zealand Products and Manufactures. {Reprinted from the Bay of I'leniy Times.) 8vo. Tauranga, 1880." ^IF 1 R 6 [&« Hopkins, I.] ilUXCH (P. A.), ANU UNGER (C. P.) Oldnorsk Lseseljog, med tilhorende Glossariuni. 8vo. Christiania, 1847. K 15 S 29 MUNCKER (Tjio.mas). [&< Axtosius Libkhalis.] J 7 S 30 MUNDAY (A.) {See 8tow, J.] MUNDEN (Joseph Siiepherd), Comkdiax. Memoirs of ; by his Son. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 4 U 20 MUNDY (D. L.) Rotomahana, and the Boiling' Springs of New Zealand ; with descriptive Notes, Ijy Ferdinand von Hochstetter. Fol. Lond., 1875. MD 3 U 5-7 Our Antipodes. 3rded. 8vo. Lond., 1855.* MD 3 U 14 Another copy. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1857. MD 3 U 17 Wandei-ungcn in Australien und Vandieniensland. Deutseh hearbeitet von Friedrieh Gerstiicker. 8vo. Leipsic, 185G. MD 3 U 16 Pen and Pencil Sketches ; being tlie Journal of a Tour in India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832. D G Q 23, 24 MUNDY (IlAnniOT GEORr.iAXA). Journal nf Mary Framp- ton. [_See Framptox, Makv.] C G Q 17 MUNDY (Capt. Rodney). Narrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes, with the Operations nf IT. M.S. Tris. [See Brooke, Sir J.] J) 4 S 1, 2 MUNGO PARK. {See Park, M.] MUNICIPAL GAS WORKS. No Shareholder's Divi- dends ! No Bonuses ! No Extra Oilices ! No Director's Fees ! Gfis at the net cost of jiroduction. Cheap Ifouse Ligliting ! Cheap Street Ligiiling ! Cheap lleating ! Puldisliod by the Munici)ial Associiilidn of New South Wales for the u.';e of tlic Municipal Coporation.s. 8vo. Sydney, 188G. I^IA 2 S 2 -MUNK (Wll.MA.M), M.D., A-c. R..II of the Royal College of Physiciiliis of London. 2n(!. ed. 3 vols. 8vu. L Medii ae\ i. G vols. fol. Medio], 173S-42. B IG U 2-7 J Ibiinn Italicarum Scriptores at anno aerae Christianae (|uiMgcntisimo ad mil!esinnnn(Hiin gentisinunn. 25 vols, (in 2S) fol. Mcdiol., 172;! 51. ' li IG T 1 28 | MURCHISON (C.) [5c« Falconer, 11.) MURCHISON (John). Letter t.. H. V. Gurner. [See Maxu.schii-ts, Ac] MF 1 U 21 MURCHISON (Sir R ■.niciv I mpky), Bart., Ac Siluria : the History of the oldi'sl known Rocks containing ( )rganic Remains; with ii l>rief Sketch of the distriliulion of Gold over the Earth. Svo. Lond., 1854. A9T8 Silurian System, founded on ( Jeologiral Researches in the Counties of Sal<]|i, llercfoiil, Hadnor, IMontgonu'ry, Ai'. ; with desnriplions nf (lie {'ip;il Melds and overlying Korma- tioim. 2 vols. ■! to. I,..ii,l., |s:i;i. A2U28, 29{ l,if(! of; liy Arch, (ieikie, I, L.I)., Ac. Illustrated with Portraits. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1875. C 7 S .'iO, 31 Review of the Silurian System. [See Firi'oS, W. II. | EllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 53^ ^Mur Mur] Part I : — Authors, Uditors, or Reference. MURDIN (W.), B.D. Collection of State Papers. [See, BuRMiLEY, Lord.] B 16 S 12 { MURDOCH (Ale.xanoer G.) Scottish Poets, Recent and Living. With Portraits. 8vo. Glasgow, 1883. H8Q7 MURDOCH (Patrick), D.D. Life of James Thomson. \See Thomson, J.] H 7 Q 8 MURE (William). Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antieut Greece. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 185i-67. r, 27 U 14-18 MURHARD (Fr. AVilii. Auo.) Litteratur der mathe- matischen Wissenschafteu : Bibliotheca Mathematica. 5 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1797-1805. A 10 S 31-35 MURILLO DE SEVILLA (Baetolme Estecan). Life of. Compiled from the Writings of various Authors. (In French, Spanish, and English.) Translated )jy Ed- ward Davies. 8vo. Lond., 1819. C -i T 18 (Great Artists.) 8vo. C 3T39 K 17 U 1 Murillo ; by Ellen E. Minor. Lond., 1882. {See Curtis, C. B.] MURILLO VELARDE (Padre Pedro). Hi»toria de la Provincia de Philipinas de la Com[iaina do Jesus. Se- gunda Parte, que comprchende los Progresos de esta Provincia desde el Ano de 1G16 hasta el do 171fi. Fol. Manila, 1749. B 3 P 14t MURKO (Anton Joiiann). Thcoretisch-praktische slowen- ische Sprachlehre fiir Deutsche, nach don Volksprecharten der Slowenen in Steiermark, Kiirnten, Krain und L^ngarns westlichen Distrikten. 8vo. Gratz, 1832. KllVlO MURPHY (Arthur). All in the W^rong : a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1792. H2P31 Another copy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H1P15 Another copy. {See Brit. Drama 4.] The Apprentice : a Farce. {See Farces 3.] Another copy. {See Brit. Drama 5.] The Citizen : a Farce. {See Farces 4.] Another copy. {See Brit. Drama 5.] The Grecian Daughter: a Tragedy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1787. " H 4 P 27 Another copy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1792. H2P35 Another copy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12uio. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 15 Another copy. {See Brit. Play.s 2.] Know Your Own Mind : a Comedy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 Pll The Old Maid : a Comedy. {See Farces 7.] Another copy. {See Brit. Drama 5.] The Orphan of China : a Tragedv. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1797. " H 2 P 44 MURPHY {Kmnv-R)— continued. Another copy. {See BiiiT. Drama 2.] The School for Guardians : a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Tiieatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1797. H 2 P 44 The Upholsterer : a Farce. {See Brit. Drama 5.] The AV'ay to Keep Him : a. Comedy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12ino. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 15 Another copy. {See Brit. Drama 5.] Three Weeks after Marriage. {Sec Fauces 4.] Another copy. {See Brit. Drama 5.] Zenobia : a Tragedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18nio. Lond., 1796. H2 P12 Another copy. {Sec Brit. Drama 2.] Life and Genius of Henry Fielding. {See Fieldino, H.l J 2 Q 1-10 Life and Genius of Dr. S. Johnson. {See Johnson, Dr. S.] {See Tacitus, C. C] MURPHY (Rev. Denis), S.J. Cromwell in Ireland: a History of Cromwell's Irish Campaign. With Maps, Plans, and Illustrations. 8vo. Dublin, 1883. B11Q4 MURPHY (James Cavanah). Arabian Antiquities of Spain. Imp. fol. Lond., 1813-16. B 10 P 14 t MURPHY (John Nichola.?). Chair of Peter ; or, the Papacy considered in its Institution, Development, and Oi'ganisation, and in the Benefits which, for over eighteen Centuries, it has conferred on Jlankind. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G 2 Q 23 MURPHY (Joseph John). Habit and Intelligence in their connexion with the Laws of Matter and Force. 2vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869. G 2 S 29-30 MURRAY (Capt. Alexander). Memoir of the Naval Life and Services of Admiral Sir P. C. H. C. Durham ; by his Nephew. 8vo. Lond., 1846. C 8 S 36 MURRAY (Alexander), D.D., F.A.S.E. Account of the Life and W^ritings of James Bruce, of Kinnaird, F.R.S. 4to. Edinb., 1808. C 2 W 5 MURRAY (Alexander), C.M.G., &c., and HOWLEY (James P.), F.M.S. Geological Survey of Newfoundland. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 9 R 29 MURRAY (Alexander S.) Manual of Mythology : Greek and Roman, Norse and Old German, Hindoo and Egyptian Mythology. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1874. B14Q25 History of Greek Sculpture from the Earliest Times down to the Age of Pheiilias. With Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880-83. A 7 S 8, 9 MURRAY (Andrew), F.L.S. Geographical Distribution of Mammals. 4to. Lond., 1866. A 14 V 50 Economic Entomology ; Apteva. {See South Kensington Museum, 10.] 536 CATALOGUE Or THE Mur] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Mur MURRAY (Andrew). South Australian Almanack, and General Colonial Directory, 1850-52. 3 vyls. (in 1). 12mo. Adelaide, 1850-52." ME -i P Victorian Xautical and Commercial AJmanack. 12mo. Melbourne, 1855.* ME i Q MURRAY (Archibald). Forged : a Life Drama, of Eng- lish and Australian Interest, in Four Acts. 8\ o. 8vdnev, 1873. MHIQ'5 MURRAY (Rev. A. W.) Clain.s of Western Polynesia on the Friends of Christian ilissions in the Australian Colonies. Svo. Sydney, 1853. MG 1 Q 29, and MJ 2 K 17 Missions in "Western Polynesia. 8vo. Lend., 1863.* MD 6 T 15 Forty Years' Mission Work in Polynesia and New Guinea, from 1835 to 1875. 8vo. Lond.', 1876. MD 6 S 11 Martyrs of Polynesia, 1799 to 1871. 8vo. Lend., 1885. MD 6 S 12 MURRAY (Hon. Charles Avc4U.stvs). Travels in North America, during the j-ears 183-1 to 1836, including a Summer Residence with the Pawnee Tri'oe of Indians. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. D 3 S 16, 17 MURRAY (Mrs. D'Ahcy Wextworth L.) Late Stab- bing Case in Tasmania : Truth ; or. Seventeen Years of ^Marriage Life. 8vo. Launceston, 1866. MJ 2 R 13 MURRAY (Eustace Clare Grexvili.e), "The Rovint!" Under the Lens : Social Photographs. Illustrated 2 vols. 8vo. Lond.. 1885. J 2 P 25, 26 Pictures from the Battle Fields. Illustrated. 12mo. Loud., 1855. B12T27 Embassies to Foreign Courts : a History of Diplomacy. 8vo. Lond., 1855. F 5 (,^ 16 French Pictures in English Chalk. 8vo. Lund., 1876. B 9 P 24 MURRAY (Hon. Henry A.) Lands of the Slave and the Free ; or, Cuba, the United State.s, and Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1855. D 3 R 16, 17 MUI^RAY (Hu<;ii), F.R.S.E. Ili.story of British India; witii Continuation, coinpri.sing the Afghan War, the Conquest of Sinde and Gwalior, War in the Punjaub, .to. 8vo. Ivond., 1819. B 10 Q 31 An Encyclopedia of Geography. Svo. Lond., 183-t. K 5 U 6 Advenlure.s of British Seamen in the Southern Ocean. [Mutiny of the Bounty, dtc] I811111. Edinb., 1827. MD 1 T 5t Anotlier copy. (Const. Misc.) K 10 1' 13 Historical Account of I)i.'ic(»veries and Travels in Africa, from the earliest ages. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo, Edinb., IHIH. B I P2;», 30 Hi.Mloricnl and iJcscriptive Account of India, from the inoHt remotsex, Suffolk, Norfull;, and Cauibriilgcshire. 20. Kent. 27. Sussex. 28. Surrey, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wiglit. 20. Devonshire. 30. Cornwall. 31. South Wales and its B.n-ders. 32. Nortliamptonsliire and Rutland. 33. Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leiocsterahire, and Staflrord- shirc. 34. Shropshire and Cheshire. 3."i. Lancashire. Durham and Norlhumberhmd. Scotland. Ireland. London as it is. 40. Paris. 41. Travel-tall;. 42. Majmof the Holy Land. 43. Ma]i of the Lake Distiiol of Cumberland, Wostmoriland, and J/uicashire, cliielly from the t)rdnanee Survey. 41. Central anil N'ortliein .lajian. 4"i. The I'anjab, Western Kaj|iut.'in;i, Kashmir, and Upper Siiidli. MinillAY (John), F.R.S.E. Report on the Scientific Re- sults of (h(! Voyage of H.M.S. C/tiiUciK/rr. [-Sec TiioM.soN, Sir C. W.] Jl Unn AY (Prof. John Ci.aiik), I.L.D. I'.alladsand Song.s of Scotland, in view of their iniluence on the Chaiacter of the People. Svo. Lond., 1871. H8Q1 Hand-book of Psychology. S\,,. Lmid., 1S85. G 7 Q 32 3(>. 37. 3,S. 30. EllEE PUBLIC LIBEAEY, SYDNEY. 537 Mur] Part I : — Autho7's, Editors, or Reference. [Mys MURRAY (Linuley). Power of Religion on t'uc Mind, ill Retirement, Affliction, and the Approach of Death. 14th ed. 12mo. York, 1810. (} 10 P 10 An English Grannnar ; comprehending the Principles and Rules of the Language, t-th cd. 2 's'ols. 8vo. Lend., 1853. K 12 S 19, 20 MURRAY (Capt. PEMunoKu L.), N.S.W.A. Volunteer Act, Rogulation.s, and Orders of Dress : Alphabetical Key. 12mo. iSydncy, 1885. MP 1 P 2 MURRAY (Reginald A. P.) Victoria: Geology and Physical GcograjJiy. 8vo. Mclb., 1887. MA 2 Q 16 Report on the Geology, ic, of Victoria. [_S<:e Smyth, R. R.] MURRAY (RoBEin), C.E. Treatise on Marine Engines and Steam Ves.sels. (Wcale.) 5th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1871. ■ A 17 P 2 Another copy. (Weale.) 8th cd. 12mo. Lond., 188G. A 17 R 10 MURRAY (Hex. Robert Dundas). Summer at Port Phillip. 12mo. Edinb., 1843.* MD 2 Q 40 Cities and Wilds of Andalucia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1849. D 8 S 10, 11 MURRAY (RonEUT L.) Murray's Austrrd-Asiatic Review. Vol. 1, No.''. 2-4, April and August, 1828. 8vo. Ilobart, 1828. ME 3 R xVnother copy. 8vo. Hobart, 1828. MJ 2 R 13 MURRAY (Rev. Thomas Boyle), U.\. Pitcairn : the Island, the People, and the Pastor. 8th cd. 8vo. Lond., 1857. MD 1 S29 MURRAY (William), Eael of Mansfield. [_See Mans- field, Earl of.] MUS.ffiUS. Musiei Carmen do Ilerone ct Lcaudro. [_See Hesiod.] Translation of ; by F. Fawkcs. [See Chalmers, A.] Works of. \_See Hesiod.] MUS^US (JoHANN Caul Aucust). Tales by Musicus, Ticck, Richter; translated from the German bv Thom;is Carlyle. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1874. J i' T 11, 12 MUSARUM ANGLICANARUM. Examen Poeticum Duplex. 12mo. Lond., 1G98. H 7 P 7 MUSAUS (J. A.) Volksmidnx-hcn der Deutschen. 8vo. Paris, 1837. J 16 U 26 MUSGRAVE (Rev. Geohoe M.), M.A. Ramble through Normandy. 8vo. Lond., 1855. D 7 R 34 Parson, Pen, and Pencil ; or, Reminiscences of an Excur- sion to Paris, Tours, and Rouen, in 1817. 3 \i>!s. 8vo. Lond., 1818. 1) 11 R 15-17 Nooks and Corners in Old PraiuT, 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1867. D 7 R 23, 24 3r MUSGRAVE (PiiiLLii'). [See Aiiiiorr, Rev. J.] MUSGRAVE (Capt. Thomas). Castaway on the Auck- land Isles : a Narrative of the Wreck of tho Grnftoii. ; from the Private Journals of Captain Tliouias Musgrave ; edited by John J. Shillinglaw, F.R.Ci.S. 8vo. Mell)., 1865. MD 4 V 1 Another copy. Svo. INIclb., 1865. MJ 2 R 8 Voyage and Proceedings of H.M.C.S. Vkturm. \Se.e NoiiMAN, Capt. W. IL] MD 1 V 9 MUSICIANS (Dictionai;y of) ; from tlic earliest ages to the present time. 2 vols. Svo. Loud., 1821. Oil Q 5, 6 [See Celebrated Musicians.] MUSPRATT (Sheridan), M.D., F.R.S.E., kc. Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical, as applied and relating to the Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Gla.sgow, ISGO. K 8 T 1, 2 MUSSET (Louis Charles Alfred de). Premieres Poesies, 1829-32. 12mo. Paris, 1867. H 8 P 37 PoJsiesNouvclles, 1836-52. 12mo. Paris, 1867. H 8 P 38 IMUTER (Mrs. D. D.) Travels and AdN-cntures of an Officer's Wife in Indi;', China, and New Zealand. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1864.* MD 3 Q 22, 23 MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA. Third Annual Report. 4to. Sydney, 1872. MJ 2 S 4 MY NOTE-BOOK. 2 vols. 4 to. Mclb., 1857. MJ 1 V 1, 2 MYERS (Arthur B. R.) Life with the Hamran Arabs : an Account of a Sportin.g Tour of some Officers of the Guards in the Soudan during the Winter of 1874-75. Svo. Lond., 1876. D 1 V 11 MYERS (Francis). Botanv, Past and Present. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1885. ' MD 3 V 30 Beautiful Manly : its Approaches, Surroundings, Charnis, and History ; with Visitors' Guide to all Places of Beauty, Rest, and Sport. Sm. 4to. S^-dney, 1885. MD 3 V 31 The Australian Contingent : a History of the Patriotic Movement in New South Wales. [See Hutchinson, F.] MYERS (Frederic W. H.), JI.A. Phanta.':ms of the Li^•ing. [See Gurnev, E.] Wordsworth. (Eng. Men of Letts.) Svo. Lond., 1881. C 1 U 36 MYLLAR (Androw). V,'ho was Scotland's First Printer? ane compendious and breve Tiactate in commendation of Androw Myllar; compylit be Robert Dickson. 8\-o. Lond., 1881. C 2 T 33 MYIUANTHEUS (L.), Ph.D. Comprehensive Phraseolo- gical English-Ancient and 3[cdcrn Greek Lexicon. [Sec Lascapides, G. p.] MYSTIC VOICES OF HEAVEN; by "An Oxford Graduate." Svo. Loud., 1886. " A 3 R 35 538 CATALOGUE OE TUE Nab] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Nap N NABI COSMOS. ISee Bulmer, T. S.] XADAILLAC (B. de), Comte. Catalogue d'une Collection impiitante sur la Revolution Franraise : Pamphlets, Jour- naux, Cancatures, Affiches, Placai-cls. 8vo. Paris, 1883. K 8 P 34 Catalogue d'une Collection iinpoitanti' sui- la Itcvolution Fnin^aise : Pamphlets, Journaux, Arc, doiit la ^ente. 8vo. Paris. 188.-.. K 8 P 35 NADAILLAC (M-Viti^LLS l>k). Prc-lii.storio Auu'rica; tmnslatcd !>>• >'. D'Anvei-s; edited by W. 11. Dall. IIlus- ti-ated. 8vo. LSON Moiix), LL.l). Impartial Uollcclioii nf the (ircat Affairs of State, from bcginiiiiig of the Scotcli Rebellion in tlie year 1039, to the ^lurther of King Charles i. 2 vols, fol. I^.nd., 1082-.H3. B U R 14, 15 t N.^PHEYS (fJEomiH H.;, A.M., Ac Jiody and lis Ail- ment.s ; a HaiuI-lMiok of Familiar Directions for Care and Medical Aid in the more usual Complaints and Injuries of Adult.s and Children ; to which i.s added, a Family Health Heconl. Mvo. I^.hd., 187G. A 12 R 13 N.VPIER (.Vi.EXANDKH), M.A. [5m BoswEu., .1.] NAPIEI{(.Mii.s. Ai.K.XASTiEit.) Memoirs of Pi-ince Met tfriiich. [Set .MKrrKHMcir, Ci.k.ment, Phinck of.] C 10 U 28-32 NAPIER (oiid., IH33. H S) T 2"J Col'inizntioii, particularly in Koulhcrii Austrulia ; with iwini<- llemnrkfioii Hniall FnniiH anil Over j)opulation. Hvo, I/m.l.. IX.i:,.* MF 1 R 11 NAPIER (Gen. Sir Cii.UiLES James), G.C.B. — continued. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir T. Hobhouse on the Baggage of the Indian Armv. 2nd ed. (Pam 25.) 8vo. Lond., 1849. ' MJ 2 Q 13 Life of; by A\'illiaiii Xaiiicr 1!i-ul-c. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 5 Q 12 Letter on the Defence of England Ijy Corps of Volunteers and Militia. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1852. MF 1 R 17 [See :M.M:\lri:i)o, :Ma,iu1! M.] NAPIEll ( Vick-Adm. SiH John), K.C. 15. Hi.story of the Baltic Campaign of 1851-. Edited from Documents and other Materials, by G. lUitler Earp. 8vo. Lond., 1857. " B 6 Q 33 The Navy: its Past and Present State, in a Series of Letters; edited l)y Major-CJeneral Sir William Napier, K.C.B. 8vo. Lend., 1851. F7P2 NAPIER (Lieut. -Gen. Elehs), R.A. Scenes and Sports in Foreign Lands. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. DIOR. 3, 4 Past and Future P^migratiou; or, Piook of the Cape; edited by Mrs. II. AVanl. 8vo. Lond., 1849. D 1 S 25 Excursions along the Shores of the Mediterranean. 2 vols. 8vo, Lnn.l., IS 12. D 7 P 9, 10 Exeursiojis in Soutliern Africa, iiu'ludiiig a History of the Cape Colony. 2 vol.s. 8vo. Lnnd,, 1849. D 1 R"4, 5 Reminiscences of Syria, and I'^Mgments of a Journal and Letters from the Holy Land. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1813. " D 5 R 28, 29 Wild Sports in Europe, Asia, and .\tVica. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. D 10 R 5, G NAPIER (Fhantis). Notes of a Voyage from New South A\'ales to the North Const of Australia. 8vo. Gliusgow, 1876. MD 2 Q 2 N.\P1HK (Gi:n. Sih (Jeohue T.), K.C.B. Passages in the Early Military Life of ; written by himself. Edited by his Son, GcnrVal W. C. E. Napier. Willi Portrait 8vo. Lond., 1H8I. C 5 Q 11 .N.\i'li;i; (('mm. IIkniiv KiiwAnn), K.N'. I''l.irenlinr His- tory, from the eailiest authentic; Records t,o tin; Accession of Ferdinand ill, (irand Duke of Tuscany. G vols. 8vo. I...ncl., ISMl 47. I! 12 ti i (i NAPIKK (James), KR.S.K, A-o. IMamifacturing Arts in AnciiMit Times, with special referenc(^ (,o lliblc! Ilistiiry. Hvo. bind., 1S7I. A 1 I (./S Manual of l)yeing and Oyeing Recei|)ts, eumjiiising a System of ElcMiientary Chemistry as applied tn Uveing. :!i-d e. I,ond., 1H7G. .\ 9 1' 17 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 539 Nap] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Nap NAPIER (John), of Merchiston. Memoirs of: hisLineage, Life, and Times ; with a History of the Invention of Ijoga- lithms; by Mark Napier, -ito. Edinb.,183-k C 3 W 17 NAPIER (Macvey). Selection from the CorreKponclence of the late Macvey Napier; edited hy his son, Macvey Napier. 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 9 Q 3 NAPIER (Macvev), Junh. Selection frcjm the Corres- pondence of the late Mac\Ty Napier, Esq. ; edited by his son. 8vo. L(md., 1879. C 9 Q 3 NAPIER (Mark). Memoirs of John Napier, oi Merchis- ton, his Lineage, Life and Times ; with a History of the Invention of Logarithms. 4to. Edinb., 183t. C 3 W 17 Life and Times of Montrose. 8vo. Edinb., 1840. C 4 V H History of the Partition of the Lennox. 8vo. Edinb., 1835. B13Q5 NAPIER (Rouika). Johnsoniaua. [S« Johnson-, S.] C7Q43 NAPIER (Gen. W. C. E.) Early MiUtary Life of Gen. Sir George T. Napier, K.C.B. \_See Napier, Gen. Sir G. T.] C5Q11 NAPIER (Gen. Sir W. F. P.), K.C.B. Colonel Napier's Justification of his Third Volume; forming a Sequel to liis "Reply to his various Opponents." 8vo. Loud., 1833. B 13 U 7 Conquest of Scinde; with some Introductory Passages in the Life of Maj.-Gen. Sir Charles J. Napier. 8vo. Lond., 184.5. ' B 10 U 5 Counter-remarks to Mr. Dudley Montagu Perce\'ars Remarks. 8vo. Lond., 1835. B 13 LT 7 History of the War in the Peninsula, and in the South of France, from 1807 to 1814. G vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832-40. B 13 T 29-34 Letter to Gen. Lord Viscount Beresford ; being an Answer to his Lorilsliip's assumed Refutation of Col. Napier's Justilication of his Third Volume. 8vo. Lond., r834. B 13 U 7 Life and Opinions of Gen. Sir Charles James Napiei'. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1857. C 5 Q 7-10 Observations on some Passages in Histoiy of the Penin- sular War. [_See Strangford, Percy, Viscount.] Remarks on the Character ascribed Ijy Col. Napier to the late Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval. \_See Perceval, D. M.] Reply to Lord Strangford's "Observations." 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1835. B 13 U 7 Reply to various Opponents, particularly to Strictures on "Col. Napier's History of the Wai' in the Peninsula." 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1833. B 13 U 7 [_See SoRELL, Lieut.-Col. T. S.] NAPOLEON I (Emperor OF THE French). Short History of; bv Prof. John Robert Seeley. 8vo. Lond., 188G. C 2 T 32 Life .,f. L'nd eo. 1-G. 8vo. Edinb., 1827. C 4 P 2-7 Court and Camp of. (Fam. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1831. K 10 P 37 NAPOLEON I (Emperor of the French) — continued. Code Napoleon; or, the French Civil Code. \_See Code Napoleon.] Pi-oclamations et Harangues, recueilles dans le Moniteur universe']; jjar "LTn Honnnc de Lettres." 2"^ cd. ISmo. Paris, 1850. J 15 Q G Life of; with a preliminary view of the French Revo- lution; by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 2nd ed. Vols. 1-6. 12mo. Edinb., 1871. C 4 P2-7 Another coin'. (Prose Works, 8-lG.) 9 vols. 1 2mo. Edinb., 1870. J 1 Q 17-25 Another copy. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1^71. C 8 T 37 Bonaparte Letters and Despatches, Secret, Confidential, and Official, from the Originals in his Private Cabinet. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 184G.' C 8 T 10, 11 Correspondance de: publice par ordre de I'Empereur Napoleon III. 32 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1858-70. B 8 Q 13-44 Selection fi-om the Letters and Despatches of ; with Explanatory Notes, by Capt. the Hon. D. A. Bingham. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1884. C 8 T 22-24 Fac-similes of all the different Signatures of. 2nd ed., revised. 4to. Lond., 1875. C 8 V 40 History of; edited by R. H. Home. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1841-44. C 8 T 38, 39 Recollections of, during the Fii-st Three Years of his Captivity on the Island of St. Helena ; by Mrs. L. E. Abell. 12mo. Lond., 1844. C 4 S 2G History of the Captivity of, at St. Helena; from the Letters and Journals of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe; by W. Forsyth. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. C 8 T 19-21 The Second Funeral of, including an Account of the E.\humation of his Remains at St. Helena. 8\o. Lond., 1841. C8T43 Life of ; by William Hazlitt. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1830. ' C S T 25-28 History of; by J. G. Lockhart. (Fam. Lib.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1830. K 10 P 1, 2 History of the Captivity of, at St. Helena ; by General Count Montholon. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1846-47. C 8 T 29-32 Memoirs of : his Court and Family ; by the Duchess D'Abrantes (Madame Junot). 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 183G. C 5 T 17, 18 Napoleon in E.xile ; or, a Voice from St. Helena ; being the Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon ; by Barry E. O'Meara. 5th ed. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1822. C 8 T 35, 36 Memoirs of ; from the French of [L. A.] F. de Bourrienne, by J. S. Memes. (Const. Misc.) 4 vols, (in 3) 18mo. Edinb., 1831. K 10 Q 45-47 Memoirs of; hy [L. A. F.] de Bourrienne, his Private Secretary. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 183C. C 8 T 12-15 Memoirs of; by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne. his Private Secretary. Edited by Col. R. W. Phipps, With Illustrations. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1885. C8T 16-18 History of; by P. Lanfrev. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1871-79. B 8 R 6-9 En-ilish Caricature and Satire on. [See Ashton, John.J C 8 T 33, 34 ;io CATALOGUE OF THE Nap] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Nat NAPOLEON III (Emperor of the French). Political and Historical Works of; with an original Memoir of his Life, i vols. 8vo. Lend., 1852. F 10 S 11, 12 HistoiT of Julius Cjesar. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1862. B 11 V 30, 31 Des Idees Napoleoniennes ; on the opinions and Policy of of Napole. Bui'nos Ayres, 187C. D 15 T 4 NARBr)ROUGH (Adm. 8ir John). Voyage to the South Sea. \_See VoyAiiES axu Discoveries.] MD 5 P 24 Voyage i\ la Mer du Sud. [See Coreal, F.] NARES (Rev. Ed\vard), D.D. Memoirs of the Life and Administration of the Rt. Hon. William Cecil, Lord Burghley ; with E.xtracts from his Private and OtKcial CoiTfespoiidcnce. 3 vols. 4to. I/md., 1828-31. c 2 ^^■ 2 4 NARES (Capt. Sir GEonfJK S.), K.C.B., kc. Seaman- ship ; including Names of Principal Parts of a Ship. Ctli ed., enlarged and revised by Lieut. Arthur C. J'. Bromley, R.N. Svo. Portsmouth, 1882. A 2 Q 13 Narnilive of n Voyage tM and Hketches of an Arcliitect, taken during a journey in the North-west of Euio|)('. Tnin.slaU-d by John VcU). 8vo. L«in(l., 187C. A 2 S 12 NARRATIVE OK EDWARD CREWE ; or. Life in New Zealand ; by W. M. II. Kvo. I^.iid., 1H74.* M.( I P 3 NASH (KiiKhKlilcK). I'ii-lureHi|ue Vir'WH of the City of Pnri.t and ilH Hiiviron^ ; the Literal Di-partinent ; by John Hcritt. Traii.Hlnted int.nd., \X\>0 -j;}. D i) S 5 t NASH (Thomas). Complete Works of; edited, wiih ilemorial Introduction, by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart, D.D. (Huth Lib.) 5 vols. 4to. Lond., 1883-84. J 5 U 28-33 Tracts of. [See Brydges, Sir S. C] Dido, Queen of Cui-thage. [See Marlowe, C] H 1 R 13 NASMYTH (James). James Nasmyth, ICngineer : an Autobiography. Eilitcd b.y Samuel Smiles, LL.D. With a Portrait. 8Vo. Lond.,'l883. C 5 T 19 NASMYTH (James), C.E., and CARPENTER (James), F.R.A.S. The Moon, considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite. 2nd ed. 4to. Lond., 1874. A 3 U 1 1 NASR EDDIN (Siiaii of Persia). Diary of ll.^l. the Shah of Persia during his Tour through Europe in a.d. 1873. ; })y J. W. Redhouse — a verbatim Translation. 8vo. Lond., 1874. D 8 S 8 Diary kept ))y His Majesty, during his Journey to Eun^pe in 1878. From the Persian, by Albert Houtum Seliiudler and Baron Louis de Norman. 8vo. Lond., 1879. D 8 S 9 NASSE (E.) On the Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages, and Inclosures of the 16th Century in Eng- land ; translated from the German, by Col. H. A. Ouvry. 8vo. Lond., 1871. " F 6 V' I NATHUSIUS (Hermann von). Vorstudien fiir Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere zunwchst am Schweineschiedel. Imp. 8vo. IVrlin, 1861. A 1 R 17 t AbbiUlungen Mm S(hwcinescha>deln zu den Vorstudien fiir Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere. Ob. 4to. Berlin, 1864.* A 1 11 18 t Die P.acen des Schweiiies ; eine zoologische Krilik uiul Andcutungcn iiber systematische Behandlung der Haus- thier-Racen. 8vo. Berlin, 1860. A 14 S 5 N--\.T10N (The). With which is incorporated 77ic Bxj»-fsf!. Fol. Sydney, 1887. M H NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. [See Social Science.] NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY, Dictionary of. [See Stephen, L.] NATIONAL .\(i Hi CULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION OF (QUEENSLAND. Catalogue of the Intercolonial Exhiljition, 187G. 8vo. Biisliaiie. 1876. Ml'C IK I t NATIONAL CALLKHY, LONDON. National Gallery of I'iilures by llii' (.ircat iSlastms. 2 vols. 4lo. L(.n(l., (ii.d.) ■ A S II IC, 17 Protest and Counlei'-Statement against Ihi' Keport from tlu- Select C!ommittee on the National Gallery. 8vo. Lond., IS55. A 17 Q 19 Trafalgar Sipiare, the best site for the National (i.-dlery. 8vo. Lond., 180G. A 7 t^ 19 National (Jallery : its Formation and Management eon- sideied, ill a Letter addressed, by ])ermission, to U.K. II. the Prince AIIm'iI, K.(!., A-e.; bv" W. I 'vfi-. 8vo. Lond., 1853. ■ A 7 tj 19 1 rUEE TUB Lie LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 5-11 Nat] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Nav NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON— coii?in!(«Z. National Gallery in 185(i. Sir C. L. Eastlake's Purcliases; by W. Coningham, M.P. 8vo. Loml., IsnO. National Gallery ; its Pictures and their Painters : a Hand-book for Visitors; by H. G. Clarke. ll!mo. Lend., 1842. A 7 P 32 Catalogue of the Pictures in tlie National Gallery. 12mo. Lond., 1838. A 7 P 32 On the Change in the Line of Front of the Ijuildings for the National (Jallery ; )iy W. Wilkins. 8vo. Loud., 1833. A 7 Q lo Observations on the Connnunication of Mr. Wilkins to the Editor of the Athcaaniin, relative to the National Gallery; by Joseph Gwilt. 8vo. Lond., 1838. A 7 Q 13 NATIONxYL GALLERY OF VICTORIA. [See Melb. Pub. Libraky.] NATIONAL MONUMENTS and Pul>lic Edtices contain- ing Works of Art — The Society for obtaining free Ad- mission to — Reports of the Connnittee. 8vo. Lond., 1839-41. " A 7 R 21 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY (Tin:). 4 vols. (in 1) 4to. Lond., 1875-77. C 2 W 17 NATIONAL REVIEW (Tin:). 8vo. Loiul., 18.55. E NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIvV^TION (The). Pro- ceedings of. 8vo. Lond., 1879-81. E History and Proceedings of, 18G0. (Pam. 23.) 8vo. Lend., 18G0. MJ2Q11 NATIVE OF TASMANIA, A. [See Observations on War.] NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS (Tin;). 2iid ed. 2 vols. 12ma Lond., 1830-38. A 14 P 43, 44 Another copy, vol. 1. (Fiirn. Lib.) 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1830. K 10 P 38 NATURALIST'S LIBRARY. Conducted bv Sir William Jardine, Bart. 40 vols. 12!no. Edinb., 1833-64. A 14 P 1-40 Ki;.. Smith (Lieut.-Col. C. H.) Natural History of DoM. Vols. 24, 25. Natural History of Horses. Vol. 27. Introduction to Mammalia. \o]. ].'<. Sw-aiiLson (W.) Natural History of tlie Birds of Western Africa. Vols. 7, 8. Natural Arrangement and Relations of the Family of Flycatcher, or Muscieapidie. Vol. 13. Waterhousc (G. R.) Natural Hi.story of Marsupialia, or Pouclied Animals. Vol. 2(i. NATURE : a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Vols. 1-31, 18G9-85. linp. 8vo. Lond., 1870-86. E NAU (Claude). History of Mary Stewart, from the Murder of Riccio until her Flight into England ; by the Rev. Jo.seph Stevenson, S.J.' 8vo. Edinl)., 1883. C 6 T 18 NAUFRAGUS. [See Houne, Mr.] NAUGERIUS (A.) [See CiuiNTiLiANUs, M. F.] NAUMANN (Dr. Carl Friedricii). Elementcder Miner alogie. 8e auflage. Roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1871. A 9 U 26 Another copv. 9'' auflage. Roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1874. A 9 U 28 NAUMANN (E.) History of Music. Edited by Sir F. A. G. Ou.seley. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1882-86. A 8 Q 7, 8 NAUNTON (Sir Robert). Court of Elizabetli, originally written by Sir Roliert Naunton, under the title of "Frag- menta Regalia" ; with considerable biograjihical Additions, by James Caulfield. 4to. Lond., 1814. B 5 V 14 Fragmenta Regalia. [See Hentznee P.] D 7 T 43 NAUTICAL ALMANAC (The). Nautical Almanac and Astronomic.-d Ephemeris for the years 1880-88, for the Meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876-84. E NAUTICAL MAGAZINE (The) : a Journal of Papers on Subjects connected with Maritime Aflairs. Vols. 1-53 n.s. 8vo. Lond., 1832-84. E NAVAL ANECDOTES, Illustrating the Character of British Seamen. Publislied by James Candee. 8vo. Lond., 1806. " B 6 Q 34 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. Report of the Committee for conducting the Expeiiments of the Society for the Improvement of Naval Architecture. 4to. Lond., 1798. A 2 U 5 NAVAL BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. [See O'BVRNE, W. R.] 1 42 CATALOGUE OF THE Nav] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or JReference. [Nel NAVAL CHRONICLE (The); containing ,i Gcueral atul Biographical History t.f the Hojal Na\-j- of the United Kingdom ; witli a variety of original Papei-s on Nautical Subjects. 40 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1799^18K^. E NAVILLE (Edou.vrd). Store-City of Pithoni. and the Route of the E.\nio. L. ml!, 1834-86. p: NAYLER (Sir (i.) Coi-onation of hi.s mcst Sacred Majesty King (ieorge iv, .solemnized in the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter, Westminster, 19th Julv, 1821. El. fol. jA.nd., 1S.-57. ' r. -JO P 10 ♦ NEAL (D.wiei,), :M..\. History of the Puritans, abridged by E. Pai-sons; with the Life of the Author, by Joshua Toulmin, D.D. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1811. (U.-)Q21,22 Another copy ; revised, corrected, and enlarged, .j vols. 8vo. Lond., 1822. G1.JR17 21 NE.\L (J.\MEL II. ) A Constituency Betrayed —the Member for Hartley declines to iussist Sydney to obtain cheap Coal. (Pam. C.)' Roy. 8vo. l$, 1870. -M.I .' S 1 NEALK (Eij\v.\Ri» V.\n.sittai!t). The Co-operator's Hand- U-.k. (Pam. .57.) 8vo. I^.nd., 1860. ISM 2 Q 24 NE.\LE (Rkv. Erskink), M.A. Life of Field-Marshal HisKiival Highness Ed wai-d, Duke of Kent. 8vo. Lond., i«r,u. ■ C 7 P 33 " Ri.scn from the ]{anks'' ; or, Conduct versus Caste. 12nio. I^md., 1853. J 12 S 6 NEALE (Fhedkrick Arthur). Eight Years in Syria, Palestine, and Asia Minor-, from 1^42 50. 2 vols. 8vo. L.nd., 1><5|. J) 5 R 10, 11 Nun-ativc of ii Residence at the Caj.ital of the Kingdom Svo. L.nd., 1H52. 1)5R12 NK.VLI-; (.1. v.) History of the AblM^y Church of We.sU min.ster. [Ste IJnAVi.EV, E. W.J R 23 S 27, 28 X NEALE (.1. P.), AND LE KEUX (John). View.s of the most int4Me.Mtiiig Collegiate nnd Parochial Churches in • inut Rritain. 4to. l,mi\., 1824. A 2 I' 9 NEANr)ER (JoilAXN AtUiUSTl-H Wii.iiki.m). (Jenerai His- • oi-y rif till- Christian Religion ami Church ; translated from till' Cerm/in, by Jose]ih Torrey. New ed., carefully rfviwd, willi u general Index, by the Rev. A. J. W. Moi- riw.n, IJ.A. 9 vol.s. 8vo. Iii ; on ]\l. Alfred Roland's Open Air System. Svo. MiOb,, |S7.!. M .\ I (,» 37 NKII.SiiX (Kev. \\ii.i.n\i), D.D. Iiiirn(lii,ii,,ii i., ili,' Irish Language. In three parts. Svo. |)iiMlii, jSdS. K l:; l,» .■'.I Nh'.LSiiN ( I'li.MiMi). Till' .M .'iiiil till- Ci.iMlili.PM :iimI < 'onligiiral ion of ih; Siiil'ari'. I lliist rated. liciy. S\o. I^irid., Is7(;. A :i T 1 1 TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 513 Nel] Paet I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [New NELSON (F. (i. P.) Contributions to Vital Statistics; being a l)(\vt'lo]mifnt of the Hate of Mortality and the Laws of Sickness. 2nd ed. 4to. Lond., 1846. F8Q19t NELSON (Adm. Hok.\tio), Viscount, Duke op Bronti';. Despatclies and Letters of; with Notes by SirN. H. Nico- las, 1777-1805. 7vols. 8vo. Lond., 18U-1G. B 6 R 1-7 Letters and Despatches of ; selected and arranged by J. K. Laughton, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 9 P 10 Life of ; by Robert Sou they ; ■with twelve Illustrations by Wcstall. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 9 P 7 Life of ; by Robert Southey, LL.D. New ed. 12nio. Lond., 1870. " C 2 Q 27 Memoirs of the Life oi ; Ijy Thomas Joseph Pettigrcw. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1819. C 9 P 8, 9 Nclsonian Reminiscences: Loaves from Memory's Log; by G. S. Parsons, R.N. 8vo. Lond., 1813. C 4 T 21 NEMIROVITCII-DANTCHENKO (V. I.) Per.sonal Re- miniscences of General Skobeloff; translated from the Russian by E. A. Brayley Hodgetts. 8vo. Lond., 1884. " C 9 T 45 NEMNICH (Philipp Andreas) Allgemeiues Polyglotten- Lexicon der Naturgeschichte, mit, erklterenden Anmer- kungen. 2 vols. 4to. Hamburg, 1793-95. K 16 R G, 7 Worterbiicher der Naturgeschichte in der Deutschen, HoUandischen, Diinishen, Schwedischen, Eiiglischen, Franzosischen, Italientschen, Spanischen, und Portugis- ischen Sprache. 2 vols 4to. Hamburg, 1800. K 12 T 6, 7 NEINIO. [^See Melbourne and Hobson's Bay Railway.] NEMOURS (Marie d'Orleans), Duchesse de. Memoires de. [&6.J0LY, G.] C 1 R 16, 17 Memoires de. [See Retz, J. P. P. de G., Cardinal de.] C4P 17-22 NEPOS (Cornelius). Vita; excellentium imperatorum, ex Editione J. Fr. Fischeri, cum Notis et Tnterpretatione in usum Delphini. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1822. J 13 Q 5, 6 Justin. Cornelius Nepos and Eutropius; literally trans- lated by the Rev. J. S. Watson, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 187G. B14P44 NESBIT (A.) Complete Treatise on Practical Land-Sur- veying. In seven Parts. Designed chiefly for the use of Schools and Private Students. 6th ed. 8vo. York, 1837. A 6 S 19 Practical Land-surveying. Edited by William Burness, F.R.A.S. 12th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1870. A 6 S 20 NESFIELD (Henry W.) A Chequered Career; or. Fifteen Years in Australia and New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1881. MD 3 R 40 Another copy. New ed. Lond., 1887. MD 3 R 41 NESSELMANN (G. H. F.) Wortcrbuch der Littauischen Sprache. 8vo. Konigsberg, 1851. K 14 U 23 NETHERBY GAZETTE (The) : a Journal jaiblished on board the ship Xetlicrhij (Captain Owens), bound from Londy Sir Richard Steele. The Miser : a Comedy ; l)y Heniy Fielding. The Suspicion? Husband : a Comedy ; by Dr. Hoadly. •2. The Oq)han : or, the Unhappy Marriage : a Tragedy ; Ijy Mr. Otway. The Fair Penitent : a Tragedy : by Nicliohis Kowe. 'i'ancrcil and Sigisniunda : a Tragedy ; by James Thomson. Pha-dra and Hippolitns : a Tragedy ; by Edmund Smith. The Revenge: a Tragedy; by E. Young, LL.P. 3. The Spanisli Fryar : a Comeily ; by Mr. Drydon. The Old Bachelor : a Comeily ; by Mr. Congrcve. Rule a Wife and h»vc a Wife : a Comedy; altered from Beaumont and Fletcher by David <;arriok. The Recruiting Officer : a Comedy: by Mr. Far.iuhar, The Provok'd Wife : a Comedy; by Sir John Vanbrugli. 4. Merope : a Tragedy; by Aaron Hill. Jane Shore: a Tragedy ; by Nicholas Rowc. " The Mourning Bride : a Tragedy ; by Mr. Congreve. The Rival Queens ; or, Alexander the Oreat : a Tragedy ; by Nathaniel Lee. The tiaraester : a Tragedy ; by Mr. Moore. 5. The Way of the Worhl : a Comedy ; by Mr. Congreve. The Committee; or, the Faithful Irislniian : a Comedy; by .Sir liol»crt Howard. Every Man in his Humour : a Comedy ; altered from Ben .lonaon by D. (iarrick. The Beaux Strata- gem : a Comedy ; by Mr. Far<(uhar. Love for Love : a Comedy ; by Mr. Congreve. G. Oroonoko : a Tragedy; by Thomas Southern. Tlic London Merchant ; or, tlie History of ( Jcorgc Barnwell : a Tragedy ; by Mr. Lillo. Venice Preserved ; or, a Plot discovered : a Tragedy: l>y Mr. Otway. Tamerlane: a Tragedy; l)y N. Rowe. The Distrest Mother: a Tragedy: by Ami). Philips. 7. The Provoked Husband; or, a ,Tourney to London : a Comedy; by .Sir John Vaiilirugh and .\lr. CiblH,r. The Drummer; or, the Haunted Hou.'SO : a Cojiiedy ; liy Mr. .Vddisou. Love makes a Man : or, the Fop's Fortune : a Comeily ; by C. Cibbcr. The Careless Husband : a Comedy: by CoUey Cibbcr. The Funeral; or,(irief a la-nmde; aComedy; by .Sir Richard Steele. 8. The Earlof Ksjtex : a Tragedy; by Henry .Jones. I'.arbnrossa: a Tragedy; by Dr. Brown. All for Love; lu', the World well lyost : a Tragedy ; by .Mr. Dryde:i. Mahomet, the Impostor : a Tragedy; by Rev. .lames Miller. Lady .lane Oray : a Tragedy; by Nicholas Rowe. 0. .Vmphitryon ; rir. the Two .SoT 30 Adventures in Nev,- (iuinea: tlio Narrative of Louis Tregance, a French Sailor, nine years in Caj)tivity among the Orangwoks, a Tribe in tlie Interior of New Guinea; edited, with an Introduction, by (he Rev, Uenrv Crocker. 12mo. Lond., 1876. M.I 1 P 39 Correspondence re.specting [the Annexation of] New (Juinea, 1873-76. Fol. " Lond., 1876.* MF 1 U 7 Further Correspondence respecting New Guinea, 1876-83. Fol. Ix-nd., 1883. MF 1 U 8 Cinrespondenee respecting New Guinea and other Islands, ;ind the Convention at Sydney, of lleprcscntatives of tho Austr.'dasian Colonies, 1883-81. 8vo. Lond., 1881. MF 1 U 9 Furtlier Correspondence resjieeting New Guinea and other I.slands in tlie Weslcrn Pacilic Ocean, 1881-8."). Fol. I/.nd., 188.5. MF 1 U 9 New Strjvil at the South western exlreniity of New Guinea. Lond., 1836. MD 7 Q 18 NEW 1 1 .\ M rsill i; !■;. [See Unitkd Status oi- Amkiucv.] NEW lit )|,|,.\.\ |). llislorii:d Nari;iii\eoi' ihe Discovery of .New llollaiid anil NewSoulii Wales (I'rinlril for.lohn iMel.ling.) llo. I^.nd., 17S6. Mil 2 V 12 New and Co:-r(?ct History of New Ifollaiul; colleeted from autluMitic Authors and original Pai)ers, by a Soeiely of||.iu.'n. I2M10. (Masgow, 1796. M 11 I P 11 FllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 545 New] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [New NEW JERSEY. \_See United States of Amkhica.] NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE (The). 97 vols. 8vo. Loud., 18U-.18. E NEW NEWGATE CALENDAR. G vols. 8vo. Loncl, 1813. F 8 S 1 1-19 NEW QUARTERLY MAGAZINE (The), lovok 8vo. Loud., 1873-80. NEW QUARTERLY REVIEW (The); or, Home, Foreign, and Colonial Journal. 1 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841-16. J 10 V 14-17 NEW REFORMATION (The) : a Narrative of the Old Catholic Movement, from 1870 to the Present Time; with a Historical Introduction, by "Thoodorus." 8vo. Lond., 1875. G 3 T 13 NEW SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY. \_See Shakespeare Society, New.] NEW SOUTH WALES. New South Wales; its and Resources; published by the Commissioners of the Colonial and Indian Exhi- bition. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MF 1 R 40 Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MF1R41 The Colony of Australia: Views of Sir Alfred Stephen and Sir John Robertson [and Vie\\s oi the Press]. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MF 3 Q 34 Causes of the former prosperity and present state of the Colony of New South Wales ; [bv Q.E.D.] (Pam. Db.) 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) "■ MF 3 P 2 An Epitome of the Official History of New South Wales, 1788-1883; compiled from Official and Parliamentary Records, under the direction t>f Thomas Richards. Rijy. 8vo. Sydney, 1883. MB 2 U"5 Oljjections to the Project of His Excellency Sir George Gipps, for'raising a Loan ; submitted to the Legislati\'e Council, 1841. (Pam. Da.) 8vo. Sydney, 1842. MF 3 P 2 Hand-book of New South Wales, containing General Indus- trial Progress of New South Wales ; being a Report of the International Exhibition of 1870, at Sydney ; together with a variety of Papers illustrati\"e of the Industrial Resources of the Colony. 8v(:i. Sydney, 1871.* ' MK 1 Q 6 New South Wales in 1880 (an Album of Photographs and Woodcuts). 4to. Sydney, 1880. " MD Information for intending Emigrants and others. Issued by the Agent-General for New South Wales, London. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1884. MD 5 V 36 New South Wales : its Progress and Resources ; and Official Catalogue of Exhibits from the Colony forwarded to the International, Colonial, and Export Trade Exhibi- tion of 1883, at Amsterdam. Roy. 8yo. Sydney, 1883. MK 1 S 9 3z NEW SOUTH WALES— coJMtiwMef?. Administration of Justice. Bill t(^ provide for the Permanent Administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, and for the more effectual Government thereof, and for other jmi-poses relating thereto. (Pari. Docs., 5.) Fol. Lond., 1827. MF 4 X Bill to continue an Act of the Fourth Year of his Present Majesty for the Better Administration'of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. (Pari. Docs., 5.) Fol. Lond., 1827. MF 4 ; Bill to pi-ovide for the Administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, and for the more effectual Government thereof, and for other purposes relating thereto. (Pari. Docs., 5.) Fol. Lond., 1828. :mf 4 J An Act to provide f(jr the Administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, and for the more effectual Government thereof, Ac. (Pari. Docs., 42.) Fol. Lond., 1840. MF 4 + Benevolent Societies. Reports of the Benevolent Society of New South Wales, 1820-33, 1835-37, 1839, 1842-44, 1846-47, 1849, 1851-54, 1856-57, 1860-61, and 1867-68. 8vo. Sydney, 1820-69. MF 3 P 9 Blue Books. Blue Books of New South Wales, 1862-87. Fol. Sydney, 1863-88. ME Return of the Number of Persons in the Colony in the Civil and Military Departments who, in the year 1828, held two or more offices. (Pari. Docs. 6.) Fol. Lond., 1830. MF 4 X Official Lists of the Governors, Judges of the Supreme Court, and Members of the Legislative Assembly, [1788]-1883. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MC 1 Q 15 Capital Punishment. Report of the Capital Punishment Commission ; together with the Minutes of Evidence, N. S. Wales, 18(57-68. Fol. Sydney, 1868. MF 10 Q 3 t Caves and Rivers. Exploration of the Caves and Rivers of New South Wales. Minutes, Reports, Correspondence, Accounts. Fol. Sydney, 1882. MA 2 Q 23 t Census. Analytical View of the Census of 1841 ; with Tables showing the Progress of the Population during the previous Twenty-five Years, by Ralpli Mansfield. 8vo. Sydney, 1841. * ' MF 2 Q 21 Another copy. MJ 2 Q 2 Census of, 1861, taken on the 7th April. Fol. Sydney, 1862. MF 2 U 9 Census of 1871. (Votes and Proceedings of the Legis- lative As.sembly.) Fol. Sydney, 1872. E Census of 1881, compiled by John Byron ; consisting of Report, Summary Tables, Appendices, and Conspectus Tables. Fol. Sydney, 1884. E 546 CATALOGUE OE lUE New] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or lleference. [New NEW SOUTH AVALES— co>j/i>iMerf. Censis — continued. Analytical View of the Census of New Suulh Wales for 1846; with tables slmwing the Progress of the Population (luring the previous Twentytive Years. 8vo. Sydney, 1847. MF 2 Q 22 Another copy. ^W 2 Q 8 Another copy. ^U - K 22 Civil Service. Reports of the Civil Service Board for 1885-86. Fol. Sydney, 1885-87.* :ME Bill to regulate Pensions and Retiring Alluwauces for Officers in the Public Service. (Paul. A.) Fol. Sydney, 1870. MJ 2 U 1 Clergy and School L.^nds. Documents relating to the Estnblisliuient and Dissolu- tion of the Corporation of Clergy and School Lands in the Colony of New South Wale.s to the propofsed sale of those Lands ; and also relating to the Appropriation of <}lel)e3 to the Clergy in Van Diemen's Land, and the proposed sale thereof. (Pari. Doc. 5.) Sni. fol. Lond., 1839. MF 4 t CONSERV.\TION OP WaTER. Royal Commission. First Report. Fol. Sydney, 1885.* ME Diagrams and Plans to [the above.] Fol. Sydney, 1886.* " ME Royal Commission. First Report. Abridged ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1886.* MA 1 V 45 Royal Commission. Second Report [and Diugnims and Plans.] Fol. Sydney, 1886.* ME Royal Commission. Tliinl ami Final Report. Fol- Sydney, 1887.* ME Diagrams and Plans to [the above.] Fol. Sydney, 1887. Royal Commission. Third and Final Report. Abridged ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MA 1 V 47 CoNSTiTiTioN Bill. Sj)eechc8 ill tlie Legislative Council of New South Wale."t on the Second Reading of the Bill for Framing a Ni'w Constitution for the Colony : edited by Kiiwanl Kennedy Silvester. 8yo. Sydney, 1853. MF.!U21 The New Constitution : a Letter to [Hir] Henry Parkes, Esq., by " Ctmservativo Sijuaretoes, Esq." (Pani. Db. ) 8vo. Sydney, 1852. MF 3 P2 ( ibHcrvatioiiH on the proposed New Constitution for New Mouth Wall's; by "An • Md Colonist." 12in. Sydney, |H52. MJ"2 R3 CliOWN L.SSPH. Return of the Quantity of Land above tlie amount of Ono Hundred Acres granterl to any Luhvidual in New South Wales, from the year 1H12. (Pari. i»ocs. 5.) Fol. I/.nd,, 1M21. ' MF 4 { Co|ii<-H of the Royal InstrurlionH lo tlie (lovernois of Ni-w South Wali'H, Van Diemeii's Land, an.nd., 1840. " MF 4 J Accounts relating to Receipt and Expenditure of Van Diemen's Land, and New South Wales. (Pari. Doc, 1.) Fol. Lond., 1823. ME Friexdly S0CIETIE.S. Friendly Societies, Quinquennial Returns, 1856-60. (Reports, 3.) Fol. Sydney, 1862. MF 10 Q 3 t Friendly Societies Act Inquiry Commi.ssion : Report of the Royal Commission, appointed on the 19th October, 1881, to inquire into and report \\\»jn tlie Working of the Friendly Societies Act, 37 Vic, No. 4, and to report generally on the Character and Operations of the Friendly Sijcieties of New South Wales; together with an Actuarial Report, Minutes of Evidence, and Ajiiiendices. Fol. Sydney, 1883. ME Friendly Sixjicties Act of 1873 ; with an Index, compiled i»y A. Oliver. 8vo. Sydney, 1874. .MF 3 P 29 Oladesville Hcspital. [See Ixsane.] GOVERXME.NT OaZETTE. Government Gazette. 132 vols. fol. Sydney, 1832-85. ME Infirm avd De-stitute Regulations for the Internal Management of the Covcrn- inent Asylums fur the Inlirin and Destitute. 8vo. (Pam. Dv.) 8vo. Sydney, 18G2. By-I.jiws of the Board for JIauagiiig the A.'iylums. 8vo. Sydney, 1802. I V.SAN K. Hiwpital the Insane, Oladesville : Attendant'-., Nurses, Servants, and others IS70. Re|M.rt on llio IFospilal for the Insane, CJladcsville, for the year 1871. Mvo. Sydney, 1H72. MA 2 S 38 Repproved in the First Session of the Sixth I'arliuiiu'iit, held in 1870. 8vo. Sydney, 1887.* i\IF3Q28 Introthiflion of Parlianiontury Oovcnnnout into Now South Wales: I)inner of the surviving Mi-inbers of the First Legislative Assembly at Parli.tiiK'iit IIouhi', May 23rd 1887. 8yo. Sydney, 1887. MF 3 t^ I'l [See Parliamentahy Dkhates rt»(iPAi;i.iAMi;\TARY Hand IIOOK.] Legislative Council. jNIinutcs and Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council, from 1824 to 1855; with the various Documents connected therewith. 32 vols. fol. Sydney, 1835 50. ME Journal of the Legislative Council. 41 vols. fol. Sydney, 1S74 88. ■ M"!-: Standing Uul(>s and Orders, and Sessional Orders of the Legislative Council. 8vo. Sydney, 1S,H7. M F 3 ti 27 Construction of the I'pper House : a Letter to the Editor of the Ilividil : by " JiCgislator." (I'.im. A.) Fol. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 2 U 1 [See Parmamentahv I'i.haif.s (iml PAin.iAiMi.NTAiiv Hwn- IIOOK.J FREE PUBLIC LIBEAIIY, SYDNEY. 619 New] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Heference. [New NEW SOUTH WALES— co«H(.fJ. Licensed Surveyors. Regulations for the employment of Licensed Surveyors, Surveyor-General's Department. EdI. Sydney, 1882. ME 2 Q 2G t Licensing Act. Licen.sing Act of 1882 (45 Victoria No. U) ; the Billiard and Bagatelle Licen.sing Act of 1882 (45 Victoria No. 24) ; and the Metropolitan Magistrate.^ Act, 1881 (45 Victoria No. 17); with an Index to each Act. Ilov. 8vo. Syihiev, 1882. " ME 1 S f.3 Lunacy Rules. Lunacy Rules, New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. " ME 3 R 27 Marine Board. Rules to he ohserved in Sur\'eying Passenger Steamers, Examinations, io. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MA 1 V 53 Regulations relating to the Examination of Ma.sters, Mates, &c., in the Mercantile Marine. (With Appendices.) Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. ME 3 R 18 Matrimonial Causes Act. Matrimonial Causes Act, 1873 (36 Victoria No. 9) ; with the Rules and Regulations concerning the Practice and Procedure thereunder, of the 8th July, 1873 ; to which are added Notes and Reports of all the Cases heard or determined by His Honor Mr. Justice Hargrave, Judge of the Divorce and Matrimonial Court, between the opening of the said Court, on 9th July, 1873, and 29th September, 1877. Edited by Erederick Harvie- Linklater. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. ME 1 S 8 Medicau Bill. (Comments thereon by the Country Press.) (Pam. Ci.) 8vo. Sydney, 1875. " MA 2 Q 33 Meteorological Ouservations. {See Russell, H. C. ; S.malley, C R. ; and Ted- butt, J.] Mines Department. Annual Reports of the Department of Mines, 1875, 1876, 1878-87. 12 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1876-88. ME 3 V Annual Reports upon the Occupation of Crown Lands, Stock and Branrls, and Roads, Streets, and Gates Branches of the Department of Mines, New South Wales, for the years 1879-87. 4to. Sydney, 1880-88. ME Mines and Mineral Statistics of New South Wales, and Notes on the Geological Collection of the Depart- ment of Mines ; comjiiled by direction of the Hon. John Lucas, M.P., Minister for Mines ; also. Remarks on the Sedimentary Eormations of New South Wales, by the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., itc. ; and Notes on the Iron and Coal Deposits, Wallerawang, and on the Diamond Fields, by Professor Liversidge, E.C.S., kc. 8vo. Sydney, 1875.* MA 2 Q 15 Mineral Products of New South Wales, by Harrie Wood ; Notes on the Geology of New South Wales, by C. S. Wilkinson, E.G.S., itc. ; Description of the Minerals of N.S.W., by Prof. A. Liversidge, E.R.S. ; also catalogue of Works, itc, on the Geology, Paheontology, Mineralogy, itc, of the Australian Continent and Tasmania, by R. Etheridge, junr., and R. L. Jack, E.R.G.S. 4to. Sydney, 1882. MA 2 R 8 NEW SOUTH WALES-co;(<;/«(«/. JIiNiNG Act. Mining Act (37 Vic. No. 13) ; also Amending Acts (43 Vic. No. 28, and 46 Vic. No. 7), with Regulations thereunder. 5th ed. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1884.* MF 1 S 16 Mining Act (37 Vic. No. 13); also, Amending Acts (43 Vic. No. 28, 46 Vic. No. 7, 48 Vic. No. 10, and 48 Vic. No. 17), with Regulations thereunder. 6th ed. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. " MF 1 S 18 Navigation Act. New South Wales Navigation Act (35 Victoria; No. 7.) 8vo. Sydney, 1872. MF 3 Q 22 Newspapers. Specimens of New.spapers published in Now South Wales. Atlas fol. Sydney, 1875. ME No.xious Trades. Noxious and Offensive Trades Inquiry Commissif)n. Report of Royal Connuission. Eol. Sydney, 1883. ME Offices in the Colonies. Return of the Number fif Persons in the Colony of New South Wales, in the Civil and Military Departments, who in the year 1828 held two or more Offices. (Pari. Doc. 6.) Fol. Lond., 1830. MF 4 J: Otsteu Culture. Report of the Royal Commission appointed on the 29th of September, 1876, to inquire into the best mode of culti- vating the Oyster, of utilising, improving, and main taining the natural Oyster-beds of the Colony. Fol. Sydney, 1877. MF 2 U 7 Parliamentary Debates. Index to the Sydney Marning llenihVs Reports of the Debates in the Legislative Council of New South Wales : Sessions 1853-54." Fol. Sydney, 1854-55. ME Parliamentary Debates of New South Wales. (Newspaper Cuttings.) 4 vols. ful. Sydney, 1874-79. ME Parliamentary Debates: Legislative Council and Legis lative Assembly. 34 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1880-88. ME Pauliasientary Hand-book. New South Wales Parliamentary Hand-book. 2nd ed. revised and enlarged. 8vo. Sydney, 1881.* MF 3 Q 63. P,\rliamentary Library. Index to the Legislative Council Library. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1849. MK 1 R 4 Catalogue of, 1857. Rov. 8vo. Sydney, 1857.* MK 1 R 5 Catalogue of, 18G6. Rov. 8vo. Sydney, 1866. MK 1 R 7 Supplementary Catalogue of, 1871. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, l,s7i. MK 1 R 8 Second Supplementary Catalogue of, 1874. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1874. MK 1 R 9 Supplementary Catalogue of Books added to, since 1885. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MK 1 R 10 550 CATALOGUE OF THE New] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [New NEW SOUTH WALES— con/iHHorf. Patents. Letters of Registration of Inventions, under 16 Victoria, No. 24. 15 vols. fol. Sydney, 1S72-88. ME General Indexes to the Letters of Registration for In- ventions and Tni]>rovenients in the Arts and Manufactures, granted in New South Wales, from 18.j,") to ISSO inclusive. Fol. Sydney, 1883. ME PF.y.\L Settlf.mknts. Papei-s relating to His Majesty's Settlements at New South Wales, 1811-14. (Pari. Docs., 1.) Fol. Lond., 1816. MF Instructions issued by the Governor of New South Wales for the Regulation of the Penal Settlements. (Pari. Does., 1.) Fol. Umd., 1832. AfF Returns of the E.\penditure of the Colonies of New South Wales and Van T)iemen"s Land, from 1st Jainiarv, 18.'n ; .specifying the E.xpense of the Civil and Alilitary Estab- lishments, the Transportation of Convicts, and the support of them after their arrival ; and of the nund)er of Convicts sent to New South Wales, from 1st January, 1830, to 1st Januaiy, 1831. (Pari. Docs., 1.) Fol. Lond., 1832. MF \_Ste Convicts.] Petitiox.s. Petition to His Majesty, by the Members of Council, Magistrates, Clergy, and Landholders, Merchant.s, and other Fi-ee Iidiabitants of New South Wales. (Pam. A.) Fol. Sydney, XxWd. MJ 2 U 1 RejMirt of the Proceedings of the fleeting of the Supjxirters of the Petitions to His Majesty and the of Commons. (Pam. Da.) 8vo. Sydney, 183G. M'F 3 P 1 M.J 2 Q Gaols ; with 'ol. Sydney, MF 2 U IS Another copy. 8vo. Sydney, 1836. Police. Rejjort of the Committee on Police and the Minutes of Evidence and Appendi.x. I 1h;59. Copy of a I)esj>atch of the (iovernor of New South Wales to the Seci-etary of Stale foi- the Colonics, respecting the H|iplieation of about £597,000 of the Colonial Revenue to defray Police and Gaol Establishments. (Pari. Docs., •-"J.) Fol. I»nfl., 1H4I. .MK 4 } Ncwspafier Extracts relating to Police .Administration, A-c ; with MS. Notes. (I'ain. A.) Fol. Sydney, 1. St 4. MJ 2 V 1 lJ«)Undarie« of the Police Districts of New Soulli W.des. Mv... Sydney, 1H88. ,M F .'5 t^ 20 \\\x\aK for the Management of ihe Police Force of Xcw South Wnleji. 8vo. Sydney, 1«62. MF 1 (^ 20 Ueneriil Instruelions for the (iuiilance of the Police l''oree. Mvo. Sydney, 180 J. ,M K 1 t^ 20 Rules for the Di.slribulion and Appropriation of llie Supi^r- nnnnnlion Fuml, Ac. Mvo. Sydney, lw<;_'. M I'' I t^ 20 .Mnniiul for Ihe MendKTH of Ihe Police Force of Enactments, nfli'cting their Ihiliet, Mvo. Sydney, l><(;2. M !■; I ly to lie jirintcd, 28 September, 1887. 8yo. Syilney, 1887." .M F 3 11 33 Progress Report from tlie Select Connnitteo on tlio Dis- orgainzed Slati> of the I'ublic Works Department. lAil. Sydney, 1864. ME 10 tj 5 t Colonial Arciulect's Department: Return of I'ublic Works carried out [by .lames Rarnet] and in prognws to thelstofJanuary, 18,S1 l.'ol. Svdncy, 1881.* MF lU 5 PUNISIIMENT OF CrIMK. Rill to authorize the (Jovernor of New South Wales, to make provision for the Pre\ention and Puiushment of CJrimes eonnnitted by His Majesty's Subjects in Iskuuls situate in the Southern or Pacific < >cean, and not being within His .Majesty's Dominion. (Pail. Docs., 6.) l'\)i. Lond., 1M32. ' ' ^\V \ } Copies of P.a)iei's relating to the C'oiiducl of Magistrates in New South Wales, in directing the Inlliction of Punish- ments ui)on I'risoners in that Colony. (Pari. Docs., I!.) Fol. l/.nd., 1826. Ml'' Return, 1M26, for Co])ies of Pajiers lelating to the Con- duct of Magistrates in New South Wales, in directing the Inlliction of PiMiishnienl upon Pii'-onersin thai Colony. 8vo. Sydney, I .s:,.", .MJ 2 Q 17 PliEE PUBLIC LIBllARY, SYDNEY. 551 New] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [New NEW SOUTH WALES— coH<{j»(e(/. Quarantine Station. De.sci'iption of the Quarantine Ground, Pcirt .fackson ; by W. A. M. (MS. Pam. E.) 4t(.. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 2 S 2 Repoft of the Koyal Connnission to enciuin! iiito, and report upon the Management of the Quarantine Station, North Head, and the Hulk Fararcay. Fol. Sydney, 1882. ME Railways. Union of the Railway Systems of New iSouth AVale.s : Celebration at Albury, on the 11th June, 1883. 8vo. Sydney, 1883. MF 3 Q 17 Description of the Lines and Works of Construction ; Ijy John Wliitton, Enginecr-in-Chief. Fol. Sydney, 1876.* MA 1 P 1 t New South AVales Railways : Section of the Great Southern Railway, Sydney to Albury; Section of the Great Western Railway, Sydney to Orange; Section of the Great Northern Railway, Newcastle to Tamworth. 3 vols. ob. fol. Sydney, 1877. MA 1 P 1-3 Report on the Railways in course of Construction and the Trial Surveys, 1878. Fol. Sydney, 1878. MA 1 P 1 + Report on the Trial Surveys for proposed Railway Ex- tensions. Fol. Sydney, 1879. MJ 2 U 5 Map showing the Railways of New South Wales. Folded 8vo. Sydney, 1883. MD 2 S 36 Railways of New South Wales : Reports on their Con- struction and Working, 1846-76. Fol. Sydney, 1865-76. ME Railways of New South Wales : Report by the Com- missioner for Railways, for the year 1877. r(.)l. Sydney, 1878. ME Railways and Tramways of New South Wales : Reports of the Commissioner for Railways [Chas. A. Goodchaj)], for the years 1878-81. 2 vols. fol. Sydney. ME Railways and Tramways of New South Wales : Report by the Commissioner for Railways, for the 1882. Fol. Sydney, 1883. ME Regi.stuation of Deeds. Progress Report from the Select Committee on Regis- tration of Deeds affecting Real Property. Fol. Sydney, 1860. ME 10 Q 2 t Representative Govehnment. Petition of the Colonists of New South Wales to the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom, itc, for Representative Government. (Pam. A.) Fol. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 2 U 1 Riverine District. Petition from, 1863. Fol. Sydney, 1863. ME 10 Q 3 f Progress Report from the Select Committee on the Riverine Districts. (Reports, 3.) Fol. Melb., 1863. ME 10 Q 3 t Report from the Select Conmiittee. Fol. ]\lel)i., 1863. ME 10 Q 3 t Second Progress Report from the Select Committee, nn the Riverine Districts Trade. Fol. Melb., 1^63. ]\1E 10 Q 3 t NEW SOUTH WALES— eo)i«»»(e(;. SlIIPPINC. Account (if Ships and their Tonnage which liave cleared outwards to, and entered inwards from New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land, 1822-2.5. (Pari. Doc., 5.) F(il. Lcmd., 1825. MF 4 t Statistics. Carte Agricole et Statisticjue (icnerale de la Nouvelle Galles du Sud, Australie. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MF 3 P 22 Mineralogische Karte und allgenieine Statistik von Neu Slid Wales in Australien. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MF 3 P 22 Carte Mineralogi(iue et Statistique generalo de la Nouvelle Galles du Sud, Australie. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MF 3 P 22 Landwirthschaftlicho Karte und allgenieine Statistik von Neu Sud Wales in Australien. (P;i)n. Jc.) Sydney, 1878. MF 3 P 22 Statistical Register of New South Wales, for the years 1860-86. Fol. Sydney, 1861-87. ME Population of New South Wales, 1817-18. \_See Manu- scripts AND Portraits.] MF 1 U 21 Statutes. Acts of Parliament : a ISIiscellaneous Collection, com- piled by Thomas Richards, Government Printer, 8vo. Sydney, 1835-71. MF 2 T 5 Public General Statutes of New South Wales, from 1824-74. 5 vols. fol. Sydney, 1861-74. ME 10 Q 7-11 t Another copy, 1852-74 [only]. 2 vols. fol. Sydney, 1862-74. " ME 10 Q 13, 14 1 Index to the Statutes [1824-74]; compiled and edited by Alexander Oliver, M.A. Fol. Sydney, 1874. ME 10 Q 12 t Statutes of New South Wales (Public and Private), passed during the Sessions 1878-83. 2 vols. fol. Sydney, 1875-87. "" ME 10 R 15, 16 t Private Acts of New South Wales (1879-85.) Fol. Sydney, 1885. ME 10 Q 17 t \_See Laws and Ordinances.] Supreme Court. Order of His Majesty in Council, empowering the Judges of the Supreme Courts of New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land, to make and alter Rules and Order.s relating to their respective Courts. (Pari. Doc, 35.) Fol. Lond., 1825. MF 4 j Copies of Correspondence relative to the default of the late Registrar of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (Pari. Doc, 47.) Fol. Lond., 1845. MF 4 I Reserved and Equity Judgments delivered during 1845. R(jy. 8vo. Sydney," 1846.' MF 2 S 16 Reports of Cases argued and determinetl in the Supreme Court of New South Wales ; by W. H. Wilkinson, Esq., and William Owen, Esq., Barristers-at-Law. 13 vols. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1873-77. ME Law Reports ; in three Series : 1. Cases at Law. 2. Cases in Equity. 3. Tilatrimonial Cases. Reported Ijy — Equity and Di\orce — Grantley Hyde Fitzhardinge, Barrister-at Law ; Cases at Law — George Knox, Barrister-at -Law. Vols. 1-3. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1881-82. ]\[E 652 CATALOGUE OF THE New] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [New NEW SOUTH WALES— co)!/in««rt for the two yeai-s ending 30lii June, 1861. Nvo. Sydney, 1861. " Mt! 1 IJ l'7 Another copy. MJ i' g lU \Su UlTTERKIRI.H, (!., nuil Pai.meu, J.] NEW SOUTH WALES LAW SOCIETY ilnle.s. (Pam. 10.) 8vo. Sy.lney, 1813. M.) _' (j y NEW SOUTH WALKS LITKKAliV, POLITICAL, AND COMMKKCIAL AKVKKTISKK. Nos. 1, 2, \. 8v<.. Sydney, I M.30. MK3P4 Another ropy. No.."). Hvo. Sydney, l.'^3.'>. MJ2R17 NKWSrjUTII \V,\LK.s M A<;A/JNK (Tin;;. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vol*, (in I) 8vo. Sydney, 1K33-3I.* MK 3 Q AnotlifT rond., 1842. MF 4 ■ New Zealand Land Act, 1885; with explanatory Preface of the principal Provisions relating to Settlement. 8^'o. Wellington, 1885. MF 2 T 6 Important Judgments delivered in the Compensation Court and Native Land Court, 1866-79. 8vo. Auckland, 1870. MF 2 P 24 4 a NEW ZEAJjA'^T)— continued. Exhibitions. New Zealand Exhibition, 1865 : Reports and Awards of the Jurors, and Appendix. 8vo. Dunedin, 1866. I\1K 1 S 1 2 New Zealand Industrial Exhibition, 1885: Wellington Official Record. Roy.8vo. Wellington, 1886. MK 1 S 16 New Zealand Industrial Exhibition : Prize Essays on the Industries of New Zealand [by Richaicl Winter, Wil- liam Reeve Haselden, and George Robert Hai't]. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1886. MK 1 8 10 Fla.v. Report of the Flax Connnissioners on the Means em ployed in the Preparation of New Zealand Flax. Fol. AVellington, 1870. MF 1 U 17 Gazette. The New Zealand Gazette, 1870-82. lin-ton, 1876-82. 12 vols. fol. Wel- ME Geological E.xplorations. Geological Survey of New Zealand : Reports of Geo- logical Explorations during 1870 and 1886-87 ; with Maps and Sections. 11 vols. roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1871-87. ME 2 S Geological Survey of New Zealand. Reports of Geo- logical Explorations ; with Maps to illustrate Reports of the Bulier Coal-field, by S. K. Cox and R. B. Den- niston. 3 vols. 8yo. Wellington, 1877. ME 2 S Index to Reports of the Geological Survey, 1866-85. Roy. Svo. Wellington, 1887. ME 2 S House op Representatives. Appendix to Journals of the House of Representatives, for 1861-80. 35 vols. fol. Wellington, 1861-80. ME New Zealand Legislative Council and House of Repre- sentatives. 44 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1872-88. ME Parliamentary Papers : New Zealand. Fol. Welling- ton, 1883. ME Laws and Ordinances. Copies of the Laws and Ordinances passed by the Governor and Council of the Colony of New Zealand, 4 and 5 Victoria, 1841. (Pari. Docs., 27.) Fol. Lond., 1842. MF Mining. Reports on the Mining Industry of New Zealand. Fol. Wellington, 1887. ^ MA 2 Q 24 f Another copy. Fol. Wellington, 1887. MA 2 Q 27 t Ordinance.?. \_See Statutes.] Parliamentary Debates. New Zealand. First Parliament: Legislative Council and House of Representatives, 1854-63. Compiled by Maurice Fitzgerald. 3 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1885 Pa " ''?prt ME Parliamentary Library. Catalogue of Books. 8vo. Lond., 1864. MK 1 S 22 Catalogue of the Library of the General Assembly of New Zealand. Compiled liy A. Macgregor. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1885. MK 1 S 23 ME Parliamentary Debates: Legislative Council and House of Representatives. 44 vols. Svo. Wellington, 1872-88. 554 CATALOGUE OE TSE New] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [New NEW ZEALAND— con^HM«rf. Pakliamextary Library — continued. Supplemental Catalogue of Books, 1885-8G. 8vo. Wel- lington, 1886. MK 1 S 24 Patents. Specifications of Inventions in respect of which Letters Patent or Letters of Registration have been applied for during the yeai-s 1875-78. 3 vols. fol. "Wellington, 1876-79. ME Statistics. Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand, for the years 1853-81. Compiled from Official Records. 23 vols. fol. Wellington, 1854-82. ME Statutes. Ordinances of New Zealand, ISil-D."?. Fnl. Welling- ton, 1871. ME Statutes of New Zealand. 12 voLs. fol. Wellington, 1841-85. ME Statutes of New Zealand ; with Indexes, by Wilfred Badger. 2 vols. 4to. Christohurch, 1885. MF 3 S 1, 2 Theati' of Waitangi. Fac-siiniles of the Declaration of Independence, and the Treaty of Waitangi. Fol. Wellington, 1877.* MB 3 Q 1 J NEW ZEALAND CHURCH ALMANAC for 1853. 12mo. Auckland, 1853. ME 4 Q NEW ZEALAND COLONIST, A. [^SwHurstuouse, C] NEW ZEALAND COMPANY. Acccount of the Settle- ments of the New Zealand Company. [See Pethie, Hok. H. W. Lord.] Bill to authorize a I^ian from the Consolidated Fund to the New Zealand Ccjmpany. (Pari. Doc, 47.) Fol. Lond., 1846. MF 4 | Copies of Correspondence respecting the Grant of a Conditional Title to the Lands of the New Zealand Com- pany, Ac. (Pari. Docs., 47.) Fol. Ix)nd.,1845. MF 4 J Coj»y of Correspondence between Her jNIajesty's Secre- tary of State for the Colonies and the New Zealand Conijiany, relative to the establishment of a Proprietary Government in the Islands of New Zealand. (Pari. Doc., 47.) Fol. L,n(l., 1.^15. MF 4 J C<)iTect<-(l Re|H>rl of (he Di-bato in tlie of Com- iiir»nH, on the 17lh, IMtli, and lOtli of June, on the Slate of New Zealand, and the Citse t>f the Nt;w Zealand Com- pany. (I'am. 10.) 8vo. I^.nd., 1845.* MF 2 R .'i Another cojiy. Hyo. I^.nd., I.S4."). M.J 2 Q I)iK-uiiU'nl.M npp«'ndi'cl (o the Twelfth Report of the Dire. tors. Mv„. Umd., |H44. MH2Q19 New Z<-a1nn(l and the New Zealand Cimipaiiy. [See llv.M.t:, T.] New Zenlnnd Company : it.H Claim to Compensation rohMder..!. (Pain. 15.) 8vo. I>oiid., 1H45. MJ 2 Q 5 NEW ZEALAND EXHIBITION, 1865. Reports and Awards of the Jurors; and Appendix. Roy. 8vo. Dunedin, 18GG. MK 1 S 12 NEW ZEALAND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, 1885. New Zealand Industrial Exhibition: the Official Re- cord. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1880. ISIK 1 S 16 Prize Essays on the Industries of New Zraliind [by Richard Winter, William Reeve Haselden, and George Robert Harte]. Roy.8vo. Wellington, 1886. MK 1 S 16 NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE (The). Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. Edited by Sir James" Hector, K.C.IM.G. Vols. 1-19, 1868-86. 8vo. AVellington, 1869-87. ME 2 S Index to A'uls. 1 -S ; Wellin<»ton, 1877. by Sir James Hector. Roy. 8vo. ME 2 S Index to Vols. 1-17; by Sir James Hector. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1886. ME 2 S NEW ZEALAND MAIL SERVICE. [Sec Intekcolonial Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.] NEW ZEALANDERS (Tue). [See Cuaik, Prof. G. L.] NEW ALL (MA,iOR-(iEN. David J. F.), R.A., A-c. High: lands of India strategically considered, with special refer- ence to their colonization as Reserve Circles, MiHtary, Industrial, and Sanitary. Illustrated. [Vol. 1.] 8vo. Lond., 1882 D 16 U 11 NEW ALL (Capt. J. T.) The Eastern Hunters. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1SG6. D 5 T 38 lEog-hunting Illustrations 111 the 8vo. East, ;ind Lond., JSliT itlici Sports. A With 1 7 U 20 M1':\\1;I-:KY (John). .\ I '.ooksoller of till- Last Century ; being .some Account of the Life of, and of the Hooks he published, itc, by Charles Welsh. 8vo. Lond., 1885 CSV 1 NEWI'.KUilNG (Thomas). on Coal Gas. [See KiNc, W. 11. 1 A 2 ii 16-18 t NEW HOLD (T. J.) Political and Statistical Account of the British Settlements in the Straits of Malacca. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869. B 10 T 38, 39 NEWCASTLE (iMAR(iAiiET), Duciiksh ok. I,if,> of William Cavendish, DiikiM.f Newcastle; cdilcil liy ( '. II. ]''irth, M.A. fa.\is. 3 vols. Svo. Lend., 1803. A 3 T 1-3 Life of ; by J. B. Biot. (Eminent Men.) Svo. Loud., 1819. C7P45 Memoirs of his Life, Writings, and Discoveries, by Sir David Brewster. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1855. C 9 Q 5, 6 Univei-sal Arithmetick ; or, a Treatise of Arithmetical Composition and Resolution. Written in Latin ; trans- lated by the late Mr. Ralphson, and corrected by Mr. Cunn. Svo. Lond., 1769. A 10 S 9 Life of; by David Brewster, LL.D., i-c. ISmo. Lond., 1831. ' C 1 P 33 NEWTON (Rev. Joux). Works of. 9 vols. 12ino. Lend., 1822. Ci 7 R 11-1 'J NEWTON (Jo.sEPii), F.R.H.S. Landscape Gardener: a Practical Guide to the Laying- libri .will. [Ste Miuxe, J. P., Seiiii:h (!|(,, 115-147.] NICRPIFORr.S ((;RKjoct of (lie Seizure of (he shiji AliDoruh. (Pari. Doc, 0.) Fol. L.iiKJ., is:il. MF 4 { NlCllOLLS (J. F.) Remarkable Life, Adventures, and Discoveries of Scbiustian. Svo. Loiuj., 1809. C2Q19 NICHOLLS (J. v.), F.S.A., ani. TAYLOR. (John). Bristol ; Past and Present. 3 vols. -Ito. Bri.stol, 1881- 82. B 2 T 30-38 NICHOLLS (J. ir. Kerry ) The King Country ; or, Ex- jilorations in New Zealand : a Narrative of (iOO miles of Tiavel through MaoriJand. With numerous Tliusl. rations and a Map. Svo. Loud., 1884. MD 1 V 27 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 557 Nic] Part I : — Aidhors, Editors, or Reference. [Nic NICHOLS (John), P.S.A. Biographical Anecdotes of William Hogarth; with a Catalogue of his Works. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lend., 1785. C 6 U 17 History and Antiquities of the Archiepiscopal Palace of Lambeth. {_See Ducaeel, Dr. A. C] B 6 V 11 History and Antiquities of the Parish of Lambetli. {See DucAREL, A. C] B G V 12 Illustrations of the Literary History of the 18th Century. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1817-58. B 37 T 11-U 1 Literary Anecdotes of the 18th Century; comprising Biographical ^Memoirs of Wm. Bowyer (Printer), P.S.A., and many of his learned Friends. 9 vols, (in 10) 8vo. Lond., 1812-15. B 37 T 1-10 Works of W. Hogartli. {See Hogarth, W.] A 10 P 7 t NICHOLS (John Gough), F.S.A. Topographer and Genea- logist. 3vols. 8vo. Lond., 184G-58. D 12 IT 19-21 Life of Henry Earl of Arundel, K.G. {See Arundel, Henry, Earl of.] C 3 W 2 NICHOLS (T. L.), M.D. Human Physiology : the Basis of Sanitary and Social Science. 8vo. Lond., 1872. A 12 Q 28 NICHOLSON (Sir Charles), Bart., &c. Catalogue of Egyptian and other Antiquities, collected hv Sir C. Nicholson. 8vo. Lond., 1858. ' K 7 Q 3 Inaugural Addresses delivered on the occasion of the Open- ing of the University of Sydney, in 1852; also. Report of Addresses at various Commemorations held in subsequent years. 4to. Lond., 1862. MG 1 U 1 NICHOLSON (Sir Charles), Bart., and WOOLLEY (Prop. John), D.C.L. Inaugural Addresses delivered on the Opening of the University of Sydney, on Mondav, October 11, 1852. (Pam. E.) 4to. "Sydney, 1852. MJ 2 S 2 NICHOLSON (Rev. Emilius). Nicholson's Cambrian Traveller's Guide. {See Nicholson, G.] D 11 T 26 NICHOLSON (George). Nicholson's Cambrian Traveller's Guide. 3rd ed., revised and corrected by his Son, the Rev. Emilius Nicholson. 8vo. Lond., 1840. D11T26 NICHOLSON (George), Junr. The Cape and its Colo- nists; with Hints from Settlers in 1848. 8vo. Lond., 1848. D 1 S 30 NICHOLSON (George). Illustrated Dictionary of Gar- dening : a Practical and Scientific Encyclopsedia of Hor- ticulture for Gardeners and Botanists. Vols. 1,2. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1885-8G. K 4 Q 15, 16 NICHOLSON (Prop. H. Alleyne), M.D., &c. Advanced Text-book of Zoology, for the use of Schools. Svo. Edinb., 1870. A 14 Q 8 Manual of Pakeontology for tlie use of Students ; with a general Introduction on the Principal of Palaeontology. 8vo. Edinb., 1872. A 9 Q 4 Another copy. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1879. A 40 Q 20, 21 NICHOLSON (Prof. H. Alleyne), M.D., kc— continued. On the Structure and Affinities of the "Tabulate Corals" of the Palwozoic Period; with critical Description of illus- trative Species. Roy. Svo. Edinb., 1879. A 9 V 7 On the Structures and Affinities of the genus Monticu- lipora and its sub-genera ; with critical Description of illustrative Species. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1881. A 15 Q 2 Ancient Life-History of the Earth : a comprehensive Outline of the Principles and leading Facts of Palseonto- logical Science. Svo. Edinb., 1877. A 14 S 41 Synopsis of the Classification of the Animal Kingdom. Svo. Edinb., 1882. A 14 R 40 NICHOLSON (Capt. H. W^halley). From Sword to Share ; or, a Fortune in Five Years in Hawaii. 8vo. Lond., 1881. MD 4 Q 48 NICHOLSON (John). Operative Mechanic and British Mechanist; being a practical Display of the Manufactories and Mechanical Arts of the United Kingdom. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1834. A 11 U 6 NICHOLSON (John H.) Adventures of Halek : an Auto- biographical Fragment. 8vo. Lond., 1882. J 11 R 31 NICHOLSON (Peter). Carpenter's New Guide; being a complete Book of Lines for Carpentry and Joinery. 4to. Lond., 1808. A 11 V 11 Builders' and Workman's New Director. 4to. Lond., 1836. A 2 T 35 Principles of Architecture; containing the Fundamental Rules of the Art. Plates. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841. A3P9-11 NICHOLSON (Renton). Lord Chief Baron Nicholson: an Autobiography. 12mo. Lond., 1860. C 1 P 23 NICOL (James), F.R.S.E., kc. Manual of Mineralogy; or, the Natural History of the Mineral Kingdom. Svo. Edinb., 1849. A 9 P 22 Elements of Mineralogy. 12mo. Edinb., 1858. A 9 P 25 NICOL (James). Vital, Social, and Economic Statistics of the City of Glasgow, 1881-85. Svo. Gla.sgow, 1885. F 7 S 12 NICOLAS (Sir Nicholas Harris), Kt., G.C.M.G., &c. The Chronology of Historv. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 12mo. Lond., 1833. " K 1 S 36 Life of William Davison, Secretary of State and Privy Coun- sellor to Queen Elizabeth. Svo. Lond., 1823. C 8 R 6 Memoir of Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald, 1617-24. Svo. Lond., 1827. C 4 T 43 Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry viii, from November, 1529, to December, 1532 ; with introductory Remarks and illustrative Notes. Svo. Lond., 1827. B 6 P 39 Siege of Carlaverock in 28th Edward I, a.d. 1300; with the Arms of the Earls, Barons, and Knights who were present on the occasion. 4to. Lond., 1828. B 12 V 23 558 CATALOGUE OF THE Hie] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Nie NICOLAS (Sir Nicholas Harris), Kt., G.C.M.G., kc.—ctd. Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York ; Wardrobe Accounts of Edward iv ; with a Memoir of Elizabeth of York, and Notes. 8vo. Loud., 1830. B 6 P 41 History of the Battle of Agiucourt, and of the Expedition of Henry v into France in l-tlo ; to which is added, the Roll of the Men-at-Arms in the English Army. 8vo. Lend., 1832. B 5 U 16 Letters of Joseph Ritson, Esq. Edited chiefly from Originals in tlie possession of his Nephew ; to which is prefixed, a Memoir of the Author. 2 vols. 8vo. Lnud., 1833. C 4 P 27, 28 Proceedings and Oi-dinancos of the Pri\'y Council of England, 10 Richard ii, 1386, to 33 Henry viii, 1542. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1834-37. B 1.5 T 9-15 History of the Ordei-s of Knighthood of the British Empire; of the Order of the Ouelphs of Hanover ; and of the Medals, Clasps, and Crosses conferred for Naval and Military Ser\-ices. (With coloured Plates.) 4 vols. imp. 4to. Lond., 1842. B 14 S 1-4 J History of the Earldoms of Strathern, IMonteith, and Airth ; with a Report of the Proceedings before the House of Lords, on the claim of Robert Barclay Allardice, Esq., to the Earldom of Airth. 8vo. Lond., 1842. B 13 R 30 Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher H.itton, K.G. 8vo. Lond., 1847. C 10 U 14 History of tlie Royal Navy, from the Earliest Times to the Wars of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Ijond., 1847. B G Q 48, 40 Historic Peerage of England, exliibiting, under alphabetical arrangement, tlio Origin, Descent, and Present State of every Title of Peerage which has existed in tliis Country since the Conquest; revised, corrected, &c., by William Courthope, Esq., Somerset Herald. 8vo. Lond., 1857. K 10T3 Private Memoirs of Sir Kenelm Digliv. \_See Diody, Sir K.] ■ C G Q 15 [Su Chronicles op Loxdon.] P. 15 Q 3 | [&« NEL.S0X, If., Viscount.] B 6 R 1-7 NICOLAS (LiECT. P. H.), R.M. Naval and :\Iiliturv Heroes of Great Britain. [5e« Johns, Major.] C 3 V .U N I CO LA US (CONSTANTINOPOLITANUS AltflllKPISOOPUS). Kpi.sUjla;. [Su MiGNK, J. p., Seiues Gii^.ca, HI.] NICOLINI ((i. B.) History of the Jesuits : thoir Origin, Pnigrc8.H, Doctrines, and Designs. 8vo. Lond., 185). (J IC P2C NICOLL (RonRHT), Poet. The Life of; with some hitherto uncollcctMl PivceH, by P. R. Drummond. 8vo. PuiHley, lb84. C 3 T i1 NICOrX (.ViiTiiiii), F.C.S., .tr. Acclimali.satic.n of llio Halmnnidic nt tho AntifxKlc.s ; its History and Hemijtn, »»o. I>mil., IHH2. MA 2 T I'J Wild IJfn and Advnnturtt in tlm Australian ISush. V»\n Ycam' Porsunal Ex|N'ri«nco. 2 vols. »V(.. b.nd., I8H7.» .\I.J 2 P 1, 2 NICOLS (Arthdr), F.G.S., kc— continued. Zoological Notes on the Structure, Affinites, Habits, and Mental Faculties of A\'ild and Domestic Animals ; with Anecdotes concerning, and Adventures among them ; and some account of their Fossil Representatives. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 14 S 26 Puzzle of Life, and how it has been put together. 12mo. Lond., 1877. A 9 P 39 NICOLSON (Alexander), M.A., etc. Collection of Gaelic Proverbs and Familiar Plirases. Based on INIackintosh's CoUection. 8vo. Edinb., 1881. K 17 P 16 Memoirs of Adam Black. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. C4 Q 3 NICOLSON (William). WiLKlNS, D.] Leges Anglo-Siixonicw. [See NIEBUHR (Bartiiold Geoho). History of Rome; trans lated by Julius C. Hare, M.A., and Connop Thirlwall, M.A. 2nd cd. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1831. B 12 R 13, 1 History of Rome ; Epitomised from the larger Work, by T., B.C.L. 8vo. Oxford, 1845. B 12 R 15 Lectures on the History of Rome ; edited by Dr. Leonhard Schmitz, F.R.S.E. 3 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1844-49. B 12 S 2-4 Life and Letters of ; with Essays on his Character and lullufnco ; by the Chevalier Bunsen, Profs. Brandis and L.>ebcll. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1852. C 9 P 5, 6 Lectures on Ancient Ethnograpliy and (Joography ; trans- lated fi-om the German cd. of Dr. Isler, by Dr. L. Schmidt, I'.R.S.E. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. D 12 U 14, 15 Hi-story of Rome; translated by J. C. Hare, M.A., and C. Thiriwell, M.A. New ed. [Vol. 3, edited by J. Classen.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1855-60. B 12 R 16-18 Reminiscences of an with Mr. Nicbulir, the Historian, during a residence with him in Rome in the years 1822-23; by Francis Lieber. 8vo. Philad., 1835. C 3 T 15 Corpus Scriptnium llistoriao Byzantiniv;. [See Bvzantin* Hist. Script.] B 9 U 1-V 14 NlEnL'HR (Car.STi:ns). Travels through Arabia and other Countries in the Eiust ; translated into ICnglish l>y Robert Heron. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1792. D 6 P 4 4, 15 Life of. (Eminent Men.) 8vo. 1-orul., IS 19. C7P45 NIEDK »l"l'" (.loiiAw IIan.s.) Li'galioB'atavicaadWagnum Tartarin' (!haiinim Suiigti'luin, Modcrnum Sinao liii|i('ia toriMii. jlistoriarum >i'ariatiarts of the I'iiist Indies. Transhitcd fimn (ln^ Dutch Original. Fol. Lond., 1703. D 5 P 2 t FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY, 559 Nig] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Nob NIGHTINGALE (Thomas). Oceanic Sketches; with a Botanical Appendix by Dr. H(joker, of Glasgow. 8vo. Loud., 183.5.* MD G S 2 NIGHT SCENES OF MELBOURNE. Illustrated. Bvo. Melb., 1878. MJ 2 R 12 NILSON (Arvid). Timber Trees of New South Wales. Printed for the Forest Conservancy Branch, Department of Mines. 8vo. Sydney, 1884.* MA 1 Q 32 NILUS (Sanctus). Opera omnia. \_See Migne, J. P., Series Gr/eca, 79.] NIMROD. [_See Appeeley, C. J.] NIND (Scott). Description of the Natives of King George's Sound (Swan River Colony). 8vo. Lond., 1831. MD6R2-t NINETEENTH CENTURY (TriE). Monthly Review. Edited l)y James Kuowle.s. Vols. 1-17. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1877-8.5. NINIAN (Saint). Lives of St. Ninian and St. Kenti- gern; edited, from the best MSS., by Alexander Penrose Forbes, D.C.L., Bishop of Brechin. 8vo. Edinb., 1874. GUT 15 Another copy. (Historians of Scotland.) B 13 P 49 NINON. \_See Lenclos, Anne de.] NISARD (M.) Oeuvres completes de Seneque. [_See Seneca, L. A.] NISBET (Alexander). System of Heraldry, speculative and practical ; witli the true Art of Blazon, according to the most approved Heralds in Europe. 2 vols. fol. Edinb., 1816. K 22 R .5, G j NISBET (Cuarles). Caroline Bauer and the Coburgs ; translated and edited frf)ni " Nachgelassene Memoiren von Karoline Bauer." 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 3 S 1 NISH (Rev. James). Universalism examined and refuted. 8vo. Melb., 1870. MG 1 Q 39 NISSER (Pedro). On the Elementary Substances orgi- nating and promoting Civilisation throughout the World. 8vo. Melb., 18G0. MJ 2 R 12 NIVEN (W.) Illustrations of Old Warwickshire Houses ; with Descriptive Notes. 4to. Lond., 1878. B IG R8 + NIXON (Francis H.) Population ; or, a Plea for Vic- toria ; being a few Remarks on the subject of Immigra- tion, with reference to the Condition and Progress of the Colony. 8vo. Melb., 1862. MF 1 Q 2 Legends and Lays of "Peter Perfume." 12mo. Melb., 1865. MH 1 R 51 NIXON (Rt. Rev. Francis Russell), D.D., Bishop op Tasmania. Transportation : Copy of a Comnmnication upon the subject of Transportation, addressed to Earl Grey by the Lord Bishop of Tasmania. 8vo. Launces- ton, 1848. MF 3 P 6 Cliai'gc, deli\-ered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Tas- mania, at the Primary Visitation, in the Cathedral Church of St. David, Hobart Town, on Thursday, April 23, 184G. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1848. MG 1 Q 31 Substance of a Reply to a Deputation appointed at a Public Meeting of Members of the Church of England, held in Hobart Town, on Thursday, April 22, 1852. 8vo. Holjart, 1852. MG 1 Q 31 Answer [to the above]. \_See Fry, H. P.] Charge, delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Tas- mania, at the Visitation, held in the Cathedral Church of St. David, Hobart Town, on Tue.sday, 22nd May, 1855; and in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Launceston, on Thursday, 31st May. 8vo. Hobart, 1855. MG 1 Q 31 Cruise of the Beacon : a Narrative of a Visit to the Islands in Bass's Straits. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1857.* MD4T11 Self-help, by the Lord Bishop of Tasmania : the Inaugural Lecture of the Winter Session of the Hobart Town Working Men's Club, 1865. 8vo. Hobart, 18G5. MG 1 Q 31 NIXON (F. R.) Twelve Views in Adelaide and its Vicinitv, South Australia. Ob. 8vo. Adelaide, 1845. MD 7 P Tt NIXON (John). Complete Story of the Transvaal, from the " Great Trek " to the Convention of London ; with Appendix, comprising Ministerial Declarations of Policy, and Official Documents. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 1 Q 3 NIXON (R. C. J.) Euclid Revised. [_See Euclides.] A 10 S 30 NIZAMI. Persian Poetry. [^See Robinson, S.] NOAD (Henry M.), Ph.D., kc. Lectures on Chemistry ; including its Applications in the Arts, and the Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Compounds. 8vo. Lond., 1843. A 5 U 36 Rudimentary Magnetism. \_See Harris, Sir W. S.] NOBLE (Capt. Andrew), M.I.C.E., &c. Heat Action of Explosives. ISee Heat.] A 11 U 12 NOBLE (Edmund). Russian Revolt: its Causes, Condition, and Prospects. 12mo. Lond., 1885. B 12 U 3 NOBLE (James). Portraits of Murderer of. {See Manu- scripts AND Portraits.] MF 1 U 21 NOBLE (James A.) Shorthand made Easy ; or, the Loco motive System of Stenography. 8vo. Lond., 1881. K 12 P 32 Dot and Dash System of Shorthand. 8vo. Lond., 1880. Iv 12 P 32 5G0 CATALOGUE OF THE Nob] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Nor NOBLE (JoHS). National Finance. 8vo. Lond., 1875. F 12 Q 3 NOBLE (Rev. M.\rk), F.A.S. Biographical History of England, from the Revolution to the end of George the First's Reign. [See Gr.vxger, Rev. J.] C G Y 1-9 NOBLE (Prof. Roderick). The Cape and its People, and other Essavs : by South African Writers. Edited l)v P;vi- fcssor Noble. sVo. Cape Town, 18G9. D1"R2G NOBLE (T. C.) The Names of tliosc Persons who sub- scribed towards tlie Defence of this Country at tlie Time of the Spanish Armada, 1588 ; with Historical Introduc- tion. 8vo. Lond., 188G. B 3 Q 30 NODAL (Dr. Jose Ferx.\ndez). Los vinculos de Ollanta V Cusi-Kcuyllor, Drama en Quichua. 8vo. Avacucho (n.d.) ' H 3 Q 29 NODIER (CiHRLES). Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Frnn^aise. \_See Boiste, P. C. V.] Memoires sur I'ancienne Chevalerie. [See Sainte-Palaye, J. B.] B15Q1, 2 NOEL (Fran\oi.s Joseph Michel), et CHAPSAL (Phof. C. P.) Nouvelle Grammaire Franijaise, .sur un plan trcs- inC'thodique, avec de nombreux Exercices d'Orthographe, de Syntaxe, et de Ponctuation : Grammaire. 2■^'^ ed. 12ino. Paris, 1834. K 11 V 39 Nouvelle Grammaire Fran<;.iise, sur un ])lan trL-s-inctho- diijue, avec de nombreux E.xcrcices d'Orthographe, de Svntaxe, et de Ponctuation : Exercices. Nouvelle ed. iL'mo. Paris, 1858. K 11 V 40 Leijons d' logique, contenant : 1. Des Prcceptes sur I'Art d'analyser ; 2. Des Exercices et des Sujets d'Analyse logique gradues et cal()ues sur les Pn'ceptes ; suivics d'un Progranune de Questions sur la .seconde partie de la nouvelle Cirannnairc ]'Vanf;aise. 7" ed. 12mo. Paris, 1834. K 1 1 V 42 Corrigt des Exercices Frant-ais sur rOrlliogra]ihe, la Syntaxe, et la Ponctuation. 48" ed., revue et augmoiitee. 12mo. Pari.s, 1H5H. K 11 V 41 Nriuveau Traito des ParticipeH, accompagnc d'Exorcicos priigressif.-i sur In Pnrtici|ie Pa-s-sc, et sur le Particijio Pro.sent: Theories des Part icipes l.j"ed. 12mo. Paris, 1858. K11V43 [Set CuAPflAL, Phof. C. P.] NOEL (MATriiiAHJoBEPii de). La Cathedrale de Cologne : I)e.'icriptioii archi'-ologico histiirirjue di; cette Eglisf^ Metro- |wilitain<.-; traduitode rAlh-iiiaiid ]>ar le Dr. N. B. Sautelet. l2ino. Cologne, 183.5. A 7 1' 31 NOEL (HoBP.nT R.) Peter Paul Rubens; his Life and WorkM. [See Waaokn, Db. (S. F] A 7 Q 22 NOKL (FIox. RoDEN). Eswiys on Po<;try and P.iels. 8vo. I/.nd., 18ft6. J 12 V 1 NOHL (Dr. LuDWIG^. Letters of Wolfgang Aniadeus Mozart. [See Mozart, W. A.] C'3 V 33, 34 Mozart's Briefe. [See Mozaut, W. A.] CI T 39 Beethoven's Letters, 1790-1826. [See Beethoven, L. vox.] C 3 Q 4, 5 Briefe Beethovens. [See Beetuovex, L. vok.] C 8 T 6 NOLAN (E. H.) Historv of England. [Sec Hume, D., AND Smollett, De. T.] " B 3 Y 13-15 NOLDILTS (Christian). Concordantiie Particolarvni Ebiwo-Chaldaicarvm. 4t(i. lense, 1734. K 18 S 2 NOLLEKENS (Joseph). Nollekens and his Times; com- prehending a Life of that celebrated Sculptor ; by Dr. John Thomas Smith. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1829. C 9 P 3, 4 NOLTE (Yincent). Fifty Years in both Hemispheres; or, Reminiscences of a Merchant's Life. 8vo. Lond., 1854. C 3 S 44 NONARUM INQUISITIONES in Curia Scaccarii, Temp. Regis Edwardi in. Fol. Lond., 1807. F 24 Q 20 \ NON-COMBATANT, A. [See Busiinv, IL J.] NOORT (Olivier van). Description du Penible Yoyage faict cntour de I'Univers, ou Globe Terrestre, par Sr. Olivier du Nort d'Utrecht, General de quattrc Navires, Io98-1G01. Fol. Amstcrdame, 1G02. D 9 Y 17 NOOTEN (Berthe Hoola van). Fleuvs, Fruits, et Feuil- lages choisis de I'lle de Java, peints d'apres nature. 3" ed. At. fol. Bruxelles, 1880. A 3 P 22 | NORDENFELT (Thorsten). Nordenfelt Jlachine Guns described in Detail, and compared witli other Sj'stems ; also, their employment for Naval and Military Purposes. Illustrated. Roy. 4to. Port.smouth, 1884. A 14 R 15 J NORDENSKIOLD (Adolf EitiK). Yoyage .if the IVyrj niund Asia and Europe. Translated l)y Alexander Leslie. AVitli IHustrations. 2 vol.'<. 8vo. Lond., 1881. 1) 4 S 2, 3 Arctic Voyages, 1858 79. [See Leslie, A.] D I S i Nfirdcnskiiild's Yoyage round Asia and Euiojie. [See IlovcAAHi), Lieut. A.] D 4 S 4 NORDIIOFF (Charles). California, for 1 leaith, Pleasure, and liesidence : a Book for Travellers and Settlers. Sq. 8vo. New York, 187G. 1) 3 T 13 Comnnmistic Societies of the I'niti'd Stales. Svo. Ldiid., 1S75. F 14 S 9 NORFOLK Hi -lorv .ind .\nti(|uities of the County of N..rf..lli. lOvolsAvo. N,,rwieh, 17S1. BIS. 5-14 NORFOLK AND NoUWitllf .\SSOCI.\TION. First Report of the Norfolk and Norwicli A.ssociation in aid tif tlie Church Missionary Societv, L'^ll. H\o, Norwich, 1S14. ' M(; 1 ti 27 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAE Y, SYDNEY. 561 Nor] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Nor NORFOLK ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY. Norfolk ArchiPology ; or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to the Antiquities of the County of Norfolk, pul)lislied by the Norfolk and Norwich ArcluTological .Society. Vols. 1-1). Norwich, 1847-81. ' " E 1. 47 Visitation of Norfolk in the year 1563; taken by William Harvey, Clarenceux King of Arms. From Harleian MSB. in the British Museum. 8vo. Norwich, 1878. E 1. 47 Pedes Finiuni ; or. Fines, relating to the County of Norfolk, levied in the King's Court from the third year of Richard I, to the end of the Reign of John. Edited by Walter Rye. 8vo. Norwich, 1881. E 1. 47 NORIE (J. W.) Complete Epitome of Pi-actical Naviga- tion ; containing all necessary Insti-uctions for keeping a Ship's Reckoning at Sea. 21st (Stereotype) ed., con- siderably augmented and im])roved, ))V Arthur B. Martin, F.R.A.S. 8vo. Lond., 1877. " A .3 U 31 NORMAN (C. B.) Colonial France. 8v( Lond,, 1886. D 10 S 23 NORMAN (Georok Waudk). E.xamination of .some pi-e- vailing Opinions, as to the Pressui'e of Taxation in this and other Countries. 2nd ecL 8vo. Lond., 1850. F6V10 NORMAN (Louis i>k). Baron. Diajy of the Shah of Persia. [See Nask Eudis, Shah of Pkrsia.] D 8 S 9 NORMAN (Mary). Pictures of Rural Life. [See Stifter, A.] D 8 Q 19-21 NORMAN (Capt. W. H.), and MUSGRAVE (Thomas). Journals of the Voyage and Proceedings of H.M.C.S. Victoria in search of shipwrecked people at the Auckland and other Islands. Svo. Melb., 1865. MD 1 V 9 Another copy. Svo. Melb., 1865. MJ 2 R 16 NORMAN PEOPLE (The). Norman People and their existing descendants iu the British Dominions and the United States of America. Svo. Lond., 1874. B 5 S 26 NORMANBY (Con.stantine Henry Phipps), Marquess OF. The English in Italy. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1825. J 11 R lS-20 Historiettes ; or. Tales of Continental Life. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1827. J 8 Q 29-31 The Engli.?!! at Home. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1830. J 8 Q 26-28 The English in France. 2nd ed. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1828. J 8 U 30-32 A Year of Revolution ; from a Journal kept in Paris in 1848. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1857. B 8 R 12, 13 NORMAN D (L. M.) Paris Moderne, ou Choix de Maisons. Paris, 1837. A 2 U 34 NORMANDY (A.) Commercial Hand-book of Chemical Analysis; enlarged by H. M. Noad, Ph.D., il'c. Svo. Lond., 1875. A 5 R 33 NORRIS (Edward). {See Earl, G. W.] 4 }J NORRIS (Edwin) H. C] \_8ee Rawlinson, Ma.tor.-Gen. Sir NORRIS (Mrs. Emilia), :Miss Emiua IMarrvat. Amongst the Maoris: a Book of Adventui-o. AVitli original Illus- trations. Svo. Lond., 1874. MJ 1 R 25 Early Start in Life. With Illustrations. 12mo. Lond., 1S67. MJ 1 R 2 4 NORRIS-NEWiAlAN (C. L.) [See Newman, C. L. Norris-]. B 1 P 33 NORRIS (Rev. J. P.) Iron and Coal Masters' Piize- Scheme for the Encouragement of Education in Stati'ord- shire. Lond., 1854. (Pam. 41.) MJ 2 R 3 NORMAN (Capt. V.) Military Bridge-Equipage. (Pam. CI.) Svo. Philad., 1876. A 16 U 21 NORTH (Christopher). [See Wilson, Prof. J,] NORTH (Rt. Hon. Franois), Baron Guildford. [See Guilford, Rt. Hon. F. N., Baron.] NORTH (Hon. Sir Dudley). Life of. [See North, Hon. R.] C 9 R 5-7 NORTH (Hon. and Rev. Dr. John). Life of. [See North, Hon. Rooer.] C 9 R 5-7 NORTH (Oliver). Practical Assayer ; containing Methods for the Assay of the principal Metals and Alloys. Svo. Lond., 1874. A 9 Q 38 NORTH (Hon. Roger). Lives of the Rt. Hon. Francis North, Baron Guilford, the Hon. Si?- Dudley North, and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North. New ed. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1826. C 9 R 5-7 NORTH (Sir Thomas). Shakespeare's Plutarch ; lieing a Selection from the Lives in North's Plutarch. [See Skeat, Rev. W. W.] C 4 Q 29 NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW (The). Edited by Allen Thorndike Rice. Vols. 37-140. Svo. N. York, 1833-85. E 1. 8 General Index to. Vols. 92-134. (1861-82). Svo. Bangor, U.S., 1882. E 1. 8 Index to. Vols. 1-125. 1815-77. 1. Index of Subjects. 2. Index of Writers ; by William Cu.shing, A.B. Svo. Cambridge, U.S., 1878. E 1. 8 NORTH AUSTRALIA. Return of Expenses incurred for the Settlement of North Australia. (Pari. Doc, 50.) Fol. Lond., 1S48. MF 4 % Summary of E.xtracts from a forthcoming Account of the Country of Northern Australia, as a Site for a proposed British Colony. 12mo. Lond., 1862. MD 2 Q 18 NORTH BRITISH AGRICULTURIST (The)., for 1882- 84. New series. 3 vols. fol. Ediub., 1SS2-S4. El. 90 502 CATALOGUE OF THE »pr] Paet I : — Authors, Editors, or Beferetice. [Not NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Tue). 53 vols. 8vo. Ix.nd., 18i4-71. E 1. 22 NORTH CAROLINA. [See United States op America.] NORTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Robert, M.D.] [See Mackay, MD T 27 NORTHCOTE (James), R.A. Life of Sir Joshua Rey- nold.«, LL.D., itc. ; comprising original Anecdotes of many distinguislied pei-sons, his Contemporaries ; and a brief Analysis of hi.s Discoui-ses. 2 vols, ti^•o. Lond., 1819. C6R 16, 17 One Hundred Fables, original and Selected. [First and] .second .series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828-33. JoP29-30 Life of Titian ; with Anecdotes of the distinguished persons of his Time. Witli a Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1830. C 8 S 47, is Conversations of ; by William Hazlitt. 8vo. Loud., 1830. C 5 R 19 [See Hazlitt, W.] NORTHCOTE (Rev. J. Spenteh), and I'.HOWNUAV (Rev. W. R.) Roma Sotterranea ; or, some Account of the Roman Catacomljs, especially of the Cemetery of San OallisU. 8v... I>,nd., 1869. B 11 V 3 Roma Sotterranea ; or, an Account of tiie Roman Cata- coniljs, especially of tlie Cemetery of St. Callixtus. Part 2 — Christian Art. New ed., rewritten. 8vo. Lond., 1879. B 1 1 V 4 NORTHCOTE (Siii Staffokd Henhy). [See 1i>oi:si,ei(;ii, Eahl ok.] N(jKT11 ER .V A(i K I C r LT L' It AL ASSOCIATION, Singleton, New South Walon. Members' Panii)hletK for the yoni-s 1870 72. 3 vols, (in I) 8vo. AVest Maitland, 1870-72. MF.i 1' II Memljcrs' Pamphlet for the years 1873 70, 1878-80. 7 vols, (in 2)8vo. West ilait'lnnd and Singleton, 1873 80. .M K \> 1' NoinilEHN ANTIQUARIES (Uov.m, Soiiktv of). [See AxTivrAiHfyt di; Nohd.] NOUTIIKK.V ANTIt/rniES. Illustrations .,f Xiirlliern Anti'iuitii-M, from the Earlier Te.uUmic and Scandinavian Uonianees ; U-ing nn Atjstract of the B4iy. Roy. Ito. Edinb., 181 I.* HI()SI2t NOKTHKK.N ASSOCIATION. Norlhcrn As-scWation for pnx'iiring StatiitM«OM>, II. j NORTHUMBERLAND (Henry Algernon Percy), Earl of. The Regulations and Estal)li.shnient of the Household of Henry Algernon Percy, the Fifth Earl of Northumberland. 8vo. Lond., 1827. B 6 P 38 [See Percy, Rev. T.] NORTHUMBRIAN MINSTREL (The). Choice Selec- tion of Songs. With cuts Ijy Bewick. 18mo. Alnwick, 1811. Libr. NORTON (Hon. Mrs. Cauolixe Elizabeth Sarah). Child of the Islands : a Poem. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1845. H 6 U 25 The Dream, and other Poems 8vo. Lond., 1840. H 7 T 18 Lady of La Garayo. 12uu). Lond., 1862. H 6 P 29 Residence at Sierra i^eone; by "A Lady." Edited by the Hon. Mrs. Noi-ton. (H. and C. Lib.) 12nio. Loud., 1849. J 8 P 34 NORTON (Charles Eliot). Historical Studios of Church- building in tlie Middle Ages. Venice, Siena, Florence. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 2 S 21 Early Letters of Thos. Carlvlc. [See Carlyle, T.] C 4 T G, 7 [See Dantk Aliohieui.] NORTON (G.) Pro,selyVisin in India; the question at issue examined in a Letter to Sir (i. Clerk. (Pam. 23.) 8vo. Lond., 1859. iNIJ 2 Q 11 NORTON (James), Senr. Essays. (Pam., 26.) 8vo. Essays and Reflections in Australia; by "A Layman." (Pam., 43.) 8vo. Sydney, 1853. " Mj' 2 R 5 Australian Es.says, on Subjects Political, Moral, and Reli- gious. Sni. 4t.i. Lond., 'l8,-,7.* MJ 1 T 20 Anothercopy. (Pam., D.i.) 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MD1V9 Anothercoiiy. (I'ani., 26.) 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ2Q14 Condition ot' llir Colony of New South W.-dcs. 8\i>. Sydney, ISCU. " MF 3 P 1 Nt)l{\'lNS (J ACQUKs), .Mai((;uis hi;. [Anijuetil Dui'ERRoN, L. p.] I lisioire de Franco. B8 U 11-15 NOSSELT (l''iin;i)i:i( H), .Mythology, Greik and Rt)man ; translated from the, by Mi's. Angus W. Hall. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 9 S 24 NOTKS .\M) (,il'i;i;ii;S; a Medium of Intercommuni- cation for I.At(^rary Men, General Readers, Antii|uaries, Ac. 1st -6th .series. 71 vols. .sm. 4t^). Lond., 1849^85. El. 12 (ieneial Index to the iivi! .series, 1819-79. 5 vols. sm. 4to. Lond.. 1856 80. E 1. 12 NOTES AND QUERIES ON ANTHROPOLOGY. [See Antmiioi'olo(;v.] NOTES ON lit 11, DING CONSTRUCTION. [See Jii'iLWiMi CoN.sTiiurrjoN.j EREE PUBLIC LIBllARY, SYDNEY. 563 Not] Part I : — Authors, Udilors, or Meference. [Nyg NOTT (G. F.) ISee Surrey, Earl of.] NOTT (J. C), AND GLIDDON (Georok R.) Types of Mankind : or, Etlmological Researclies, baKecl ujxui tlie Ancient MDnunieuls, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania of Races, und upiin their Natural, GeoffraT'hical, Philo- logical, and Biblical History. 10th ed. Roy.8vo. Philad., 1871. A2P19 NOTT (J. P.) Wild Animals Photographed and Described. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 188G. A 15 T 4 NOTT (Gen. Sir W.), K.C.B. {^See Allen, Rev. I. N.] NOTTINGHAM. Records of the Borough of Nottingham ; being a series of Extracts fiom the Archive.s of the Cor- poration of Nottingham. Vols. 1-3, 1155-1547. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1882-85. B 21 V 11-13 1. King Henry ii to King Riclianl n, H.'55-l.'!99. 2. King Henry iv to King Richard in, 1.S99-148.5. 3. King Henry vii to King Henry vni. NOURSE (Hon. C. C.) Iowa and the Centennial : the State Addi-ess delivered at Philadelphia, September 7, 1876. 8v<.. Liwa, 187G. B 1 S 52 NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE RUSSE. [_See Dic- TIONNAIRE RuSSE.] NOUVELLE BIOGRAPHIE GENERALE. [See Bio- GRAPHIE GeNERALE.] NOVIKOFF (Mme. Olga), " O. K." Skobeleff and the Slavonic Cause. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 9 T 44 NOWROJEE (Jeiiangeer), and MERWANJEE (Hir- jeebhoy). Journal of a Residence of Two Years and a Half in Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1841. D 8 P 20 NOXIOUS TRADES INQUIRY COMMISSION. [See New South Wale.s.] NOYES (John Humphrey). History of American So- cialisms. 8vo. Philad., 1870. F 4 T 12 Home-Talks. Vol. 1. {AU puhlklipd.) 8vo. Oneida, 1875. G 7 R 5 NUGENT (Edward). Rudimentary and Practical Instruc- tions on the Science of Railway Construction. \_See Stephenson, Sik R. M.l NUGENT (George Grekville), Lord. Lands, Classical and Sacred. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1845. D 5 R 21, 22 Some Memorials of John Hampden, his Party, and his Times. 2 vols. 8vo. Llu, 1839. MK 1 P 24 OAKELEY (Rev. R) Reply to Tract XC liistorioally examineA [_See Goode, Kev. W.] OAMARU STONE QUARRYIXG CO: Reports, Press Opinions, Ac. 8vo. Mell>., 1878. MJ 2 R 16 OATES (Ec'gen-e W.) Haml-b.x.k to the Birds of Britisli Burraah. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lnn.l. 1883. A 13 V 29, 30 ().\TES (Frank), F.R.G.8. :\IatHljele Land and the Vic- toria Falls: a Naturalist's AVanderiiigs in the Interior of South Africa. 8vo. Ijond., 1881. D 2 S 1 0.\TE8 (Rev. Titvs), D.D. Historical Narrative of the hoi-rid Plot and Conspiracy of Titus Oats, called the Popish Plot. 8vo. Lutes les Nations depuLs le connuencement du Monde juscju'a nos jours. 2 vols, imp. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1854. C 1 1 V 7, 8 O'FARRELL (P. A. C.) Answer to the Pamphlet of the Rev. William Trollope, M.A., entitled " A Parting Word on Tridentine Romanism. 8vo. Melb., 1850. MJ2R12 OFFICER, An. [See Phillip, Capt. A.] OFFICER, An. [See Gambier, P. E.] OFFICER IN THE BENGAL NATIVE INFANTRY, An. [See Butler, Ma.ior J.] OFFICER IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY, An. [See Ruschenberger, W. S. W.] OFFICER OF RANK, An. [See Glascock, W. N.] OFFICER OF SUPERIOR RANK, An. [See In- fluence of, itc] OFFICER OF THE GUARDS, An. [See Leaves.] OFFICER OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY, An. [See Bridge, H.] OFFICES OF THE CHURCH. Ordo Divini Officii Recitandi Sacrique Peragendi ab omnibus qui sacras Laudes in Terra Australi juxta Kalendarium Romanum cessione juxta Ritum Breviarii et Missalis Romani A. P. K. Presbvtero, Depositus aiuio Domini 1869. 12mo. Sydneii, 1869. MG 1 Q 5 Martinuci de quibusdam Officiis Episcopi. 8vo. Sydney, (n.d.) MG 1 R 14 O'FLAHERTY (Roderic). Ogygia; or, a Chronological Account of Iiish Events : translated by the Rev. James Hely, A.B. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. B 11 P 2, 3 OGBORNE (Elizabeth). History of Essex, from the earliest period to the present time. Illustrated. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1814. B 17 R 5 | 566 CATALOGUE OF THE Ogd] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Old OGDEN (E. D.) Tariff; or, Rates of Duties payable on (JfKxls, A-c, imported into the United States of America, IS-tO to 1842 ; also, the Rates of Duties imposed by the Taiiff of 1832. 8vo. New Ycik. 1840. F 6 U G OGDEN (WiLLi.iM 8n.\RP). Studies in Mercantile Archi- tecture ; comprising Fifty suggesti\e Designs fur Ware- house, Shop and Office Buildings. Fol. Lond., 1876. A 3 S 9 t OGILBY (John). Africa. Roy. fol. T^md., 1670. D4P7J OOILBY (J. DouoL.^s). Catalogue of the Fishes of New South AVales ; with their jnincipal synonyms. 4to. Sydney. 1886. " MA 1 P 16 t OGILVIE (Jon.v), LL.D. The Imperial Diotionaiy, English, Technological, and Scientific, on the basis of Webster's English Dictionary; with Supplement. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Ghusgow, 18")l-o.^. K lo T 3-5 Another copj-. New ed., edited by Cliarles Annandale, M.A. 4 yols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1882-83. K 1-") T 6-9 Student's English Dictionai-y, Etymological, Pronouncing, and Explanatory. Sm. 4fo. Lund., 1876. K 12 Q 5 OGLE (N.\Tii.\xiEL), F.G.S., i\:c. Colony of Western Aus- tridiu : a Manual for Emigrants to that Settlement or its Dependencies. 8yo. I»nd., 1839.* Ml) "> V 26 OGLE (W.) On the Parts of Animals. \_Ste Aristoteles.] A 28 V 3 OGLES, DUNCAN, .\nd COCHRAN. Catalogue of Books in Theology, A-c. 8v(i. Ijond., 1817. K 7 S 27 O'GRADY (St.kxi)Isii). History of Trelaiul, Critical and Phil..sophical. Vol.1. 8yo. "Lond., 1881. B 11 P 40 < (HAG AN (Rt. Hon. Thomas), JJauon, K.P. Occasional Papers and 8yo. Lond., 1884. J 9 S 22 S<-lected Speeclies and Arguments of ; edited by George Teeiing. 8vo. I./md., 188n. F 6 V 7 (.I'HALLORAN (Svi,vr.stf.|{), M.R.f.A. Ii.troductir.u to anil a History of Ireland, .'i vols. 8vo. Dublin, 180."i. r. II 1' :'.! :56 O'HARA (J.) History of New Soutli Wales. 8vo. Lo,,.!., 1817. Mi! 1 T 14 <')*nAHA (Kavk). Mida-s : an English liurlclla. \Ste Faiiiek 7.] Tom Thumb: a Farce. \Su Fabckm C.] Another copy. [Set BiiiTisii Diiama T).] OHART (John). Irisii and Anglo Irish Landed Oentiy whi-n Ooinwell cnme to lrelan [9c I'nited Htatkh OF AMr.rii(;A.| O'KEEFFE (John). Recollections of the Life of; \yritten by himself. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1826. C9P1L12 The Castle of Andalusia : a Comic Opera. (Brit. Theatre.) 12nio. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 22 The Farmer. [See Farces 2.] Fontainbleau : a Comic Opera. (P.rit. Tlipatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 22 The Highland Reel. [Bee Fauces 2.] Lie of a Day : a Comedy. [See Modern Theatre 10.] The Poor Soldier : a Comic Opera. [See Farces 2.] The Prisoner at Largo : a Comedy. [See Farces 2.] AVild Oats : a Comedy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. ■ H 1 P 22 Dramatic Works of. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1798. H 4 R 16, 19 OKEN (Prof. Loiiexz). Biographical Sketch ; by Alex- ander Eeker ; with explanatory Notes, itc, fry TliomuM IlcywoDd, 2, Txivc's MintrcsH ; or, llu- Qneeii's Mamnio, by 'I'liomas Hey- wood. Alliei'tiiH WallciiMtciii : ft TniKody, by Henry (llii))- timriic. 'Ilie 'rniupdy of Dido, <,)ne. 24), ananged so as to show the Amendments effected hy tlie Amending Act r>f 1883, insei-ted in or after tlie amended Sections of the Principal Act. 8vo. .Sydney, 1883. MFISU Another ctipv. \'2\\A ed.] 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MF 1 S 15 Criminal L.nd., 1872. K 15 1! 3 Key [to the alxive], lllh...!. Sv... I^md., |H7!. K 1 5 R 4 New MethiKl of learning to rem!, write, and sjicak a I^iiiguftge ill Six Months, adapU-d to the Italian. Nth ed. 8vo. I>.nil., 1885. K 12 R 5 Key [U» the nWe]. Roy. 8vo. T>ind. (n.d.) K 12 It f. OLLIER (Edmund). Cassell's Tllu.strated History of the Russo-Turkish AVar, including a History of Cyprus. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1879^80. " " B 12 V 8, 9 History of the War between France and (iermanv, 1870 71. [See C.VSSELL, J.] B 8U 5, G Tale for a Chimney Cornei-. \_See Hunt, J. H. L.] OLLIVANT (J. E.), M.A., M.A., .tc. Breeze from il„' Oi'eat Salt Lake : or. New Zealand to New York by the New Mail Route. 8vo. Lond., 1871. MD 4 S 20 OLYMPIODORUS. Life of Plato. [See Pl.vto.] O'MALLEY (Kev. F.vtiiei;), S.J. ^liiemonics applied to English History. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MK 1 P 11 Mnemonics applied to Geography. 8vo. Sydney, 1 S85. Mk 1 p 11 OMAN (C. W. C), 1!.A. .\il of War in the Middle Ages, A. D. 378-1515. Witli .Majis and Plans. 8vo. O.xford, 1885. B14Q41 OMAR KHAYYAM. Quatrains of. The Persian Text, with an Verse Translation l)y E. H. Whinfield, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1883. H 8 R 33 O'MEARA (Bakhy E.) Najioleon in Exile ; or, a Voice from St. Helena ; being the Opinions and Reflections on the most im)iortant E\ents of his Life and Government. 5th ed. 2 \ols. 8vo. Lond., 1822. C 8 T 35, 36 O'MEARA (Kaiiii.ken). Madame ;\Iohl ; her Salon and her Friends: a Study of Social Life in Paris. 8vo. Lond., 1885. ■ C 8 Q 33 OMOND (Gkoroh W. T.) Lord Advocates of Scotland, from the of the 15th Century to the passing of the Reform l!ill. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond",, 1883. B 13 R G, 7 O'NEILL (Charles). Practice aiul Principles of Calico Printing, P>leachiiig Dyeing, Ac. 2 vols. 8vo. Man- chester, 1878. ' ■ A 11 S 4, 5 O'NEILL (Hu(;ii). [_S(e. Tyrone, E.\iii. oi'. J ONE OK THE CREW. [&«, (i.] ONE OF THE PARTY. [See Donnison, H.] ONE OF THE SPECIAL CONSTABLES. [Sec Heli-s, Sir a.] ONE OF II. M. ClI \1'I,.\1NS. [&« .Muu.iN.s, J.] ONE WHO HAS I5EKN A RESIDENT I'Ol! TIlllITV YEARS. [See Au.stivAi.i \.] ONi: Mllo HAS HANDLED THL SPADi:. [See Immior.\tion.] ONOFKIO (.1. B.) ICssai d'un Glo.ssairc de» Patois dc Lyonnais, l'"or(V. et I'canjolais. 8vo. Lynns, 18G1. K 1 .3 P 7 OPEN H\'.\ (Tlir.) |.i Weekly .louni.ij ijj :\laruiscrii.t]. Kol. At Sea, I8(i8. ■ All'; 9 t^ 1} TEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 569 Opi] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference . [Orm OPIE (Amelia). Memorials of the Life of ; selected and aiT.anged from her Letters, Diaries and other Manu- scripts, by Cecilia Lucy Brightwell. 8vo. Norwich, 185L C 9 P 13 OPIE (John), R.A. Lectures on Paintiiij;. \_See Baury, J.] A 7 T 4 OPPERT (Ernest). The Forhidden Land : Voyages to the Corea ; with an Account of its Geography, History, Pro- ductions, and Connnercial Capabilities, Ac, &c. With Charts, and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1880. D G R 29 OPPERT (F.), M.D., kc. Hospitals, Infirmaries, and Dis- pensaries : their Construction, Interioi' Arrangement, and Management. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1867. ASP 1'8 OPPERT (Prof. Gustav), Pn.D. On the Weapons, Army Organisation, and Political Maxims of the Ancient Hindus; with special Reference to Cxunpowder and Firearms. 8vo. Madras, 1880. B 10 T 15 On the Classification of Languages : a Contribution to Comparative Philology. 8vo. " Madras, 1879. K 1 2 R 24 OPPERT (Jules). Duppe Lisan A.ssur: Elements de la Grammaire Assyrienne. 2<* cd. 8vo. Paris, 1868. K 12 R 2.5 OPTATUS (Sanctus). Opera omnia. [See Mione, J. P., Series Latina, 11.] ORCHARD (James), F.R.vS. Shropshire Dialect. [See AUDELAY, J.] ORD (AV. M.) [See Sibson, F.] ORDEN, WAPPEN, UND FLAGGEN (Die), aller Re- genten und Staaten in originalgetreuen Abbildungen, 2^ auflage. Roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1883. K 8 S 1 Specielle Beschreibung der Orden aller europaischen und nicht europaischen Regenten und Staaten : Supplement. Roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. K 8 S 2 ORDERICUS VITALIS. Ecclesiastical History of Eng" land and Normandy. Translated, with Notes and the Introduction of Guizot, by Thomas Forester, M.A. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853-56. G 16 Q 7-10 Historia Eccleeiastica. [See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 188.] Histoire de Normandie. [See Guizot, F. P. G., 25-28.] ORDINANCES OF NEW ZEALAND. [See New Zea- land.] OREGON. [See United States of America.] O'REILLY (Charles William). Expedition to discover the Source of the White Nile. [See Werne, F.] D 1 R 20, 2 1 O'REILLY (Dowell). A Pedlar's Pack. 12mo. Sydney, 1888. MH 1 P 34 O'REILLY (Edward). Irish-English Dictionary; with a Supplement by John O'Donovan. Imp. 8vo. Dublin, 1877. K 14 S 1 4 c O'REILLY (John Boyle). The Golden Secret; or. Bond and Free: a Tale of Bush and Convict Life in W'estern Australia. 8vo. Melb., 18.^7. MJ 1 U 20 O'RELL (Max). [See Blouet, P.] ^ /■ ORLEANS (Elisabeth Charlotte), Duchesse d'. M6- moires. [See Barriere, J. P., 1] O'RELLI (Prof. Conrad von). Altfranzosische Gram- matik (Formenlehre). Mit vielen Conjecturen und Berichtigungen. Zweite ganz uingearbeitete Auflage. 8vo. Zurich, 1848. K 15 S 17 ORFORD (Hon. Horace Walpole), Earl of. [See Wal- POLE, Hon. H.] ORIENT LINE GUIDE. Illustrated Guide of the Orient Line of Steamers between England and Australia. [Edited by W. J. Loftie.] Ob. 4to. Lond., 1884.* MD 1 Q 1 ORIENTAL HERALD AND COLONIAL REVIEW (The). 14 vols. 8vo. Lund., 1824-29. E 1. 51 ORIENTAL STUDENT, An. [See Paton, A. A.] ORIENTALIA ANTIQUA, or Documents and Researches relating to the History of the Writings, Languages, and Arts of the East ; ed. by Terrien de Laconperie, lil.R. A.S., etc. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1882. ORIENTALISTS. Report of the Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Orientalists held in London, 1878. (Pam. M.) 4to. Lond., 1874. M J 2 S 4 ORIGEN. Opera omnia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Gr.eca, 11-17.1 ORKNEYINGA SAGA (The). [See Anderson, J.] ORLICH (Capt. Leopold von). Travels in India, in- cluding Sinde and the Punjab ; translated from the German, by H. Evans Llovd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1845. D 6 S 6, 7 ORME (Robert), F.A.S. History of the Military Trans- actions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the year 1745. 2nd ed., with an Index. 2 vols, (in 3) 4to. Lond., 1775-78. B 10 V 1-3 Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire, of the Morattoes, and oi the English Concerns in Indostan, from the year 1659 ; to which is prefixed an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. 4to. Lond., 1805. B 10 V 4 ORME (Temple Augustus). Introduction to the Science of Heat ; designed for the use of Schools, kc. 12mo. Lond., 1869. A 5 S 27 ORME (Rev. William). Life of the Rev. Richard Baxter. [See Baxter, Rev. R.] 670 CATAI.OGUE OF THE Onn] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Osl ORME (Rev. William) — continued. Defence of the Missions in the South Sea and Sandwich Islands, against the 3Iisrepresentations contained in a late number of the Quarterly Review, in a Letter to the Editor of that Journal. 8vo. I^nd., 1827. MG 1 R 13 ORMEROD (Eleanor A.), F.R.M.S. Guide to Methods of Insect Life, and Prevention and Remedy of Insect Ravage. 8vo. Lond., 188i. A U P 47 Reports and Notes of Observations of Injurious Insects and Common Farm Pests, kc, 1879-85. 8 vols, (in 4) roy. Svo. Lond., 1880-8G. E Manual of Injurious Insects ; with Methods of Prevention and Remedy for their Attacks to Food-crops, Forest Trees, and Fruit ; and with short Introduction to Ento- mology. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A U P 46 ORMEROD (Geor(;e), LL.D., kc. History of the County Palatine and City of Chester. 2nd ed. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1882. B 18 T 8-10 X ORMOND (James), Duke of. Life of ; containing an Account of the most Remarkable Affairs of his Time ; by Thoma.s Carte. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 18.51. C 10 V 42-47 Narrative of his Life. [5ee Mouxtmorres, Rt. Hon. H. R. M., Lord.] B 11 Q 26, 27 ORMSBY (Jons). Autumn Rambles in North Africa. 8vo. Lfjiid., 1864. D 1 S 10 Stray Papers. 8vo. Lond., 1876. JUT 24 ORXSBY (Prof. Robert), M.A. Jlemoirs of James Roliert Hope-Scott, of Ai)i>otsford, D.C.L., Q.C. ; with •Selections from his Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 7 P 25, 26 OROSIUS (Pauh"s). King Alfreds Anglo-Saxon Version [of the History of the World], from the Historian Oriisius; together with an English Translation, by I). Harrington. Svo. Lond., 1773. BUR 28 ORR (Mr.s. Sutherland). Hand-book to the Works of Roljert Browning. 12mo. lymd., 1885. II 5 U .S9 ORRERY (Charles), Earl of. :Menioir.s of. [See Bun- (.KLL, E.] C 4 S 1 ORRIDGE (B. Brooden), F.(;.S. Illustrations of Jack (,'ade'M Rebellion, from Rp.scarclies in the (Juildhnll Rccortln ; to wliicli arc added Contributions by AV. D. I'dfiyfT, K.S.,A., on the rising of Cade and his followers ill Kent and Surrey. 4to. ly.iid., 1HG9. B 6 V 18 OUHI (Johei"II), Count. Recollections of the ln«t Half century. 8vo. T/.nd., IXMl ' C 3 P 32 ORVTS ((\u\m.v.n V.), am. CHK.NKY (.\. Nelson). I''iMliiiig with the Fly: Sketches by levers of the Art; with JIluHtnttions of Standard Flies. Sin. 410. Mnn- --•he.itcr, ViTiii, 1KH3. A 16 P 21 OSBOUNE (Alkk). Notes oi, the Present State and Prfiwpfct-H of Society ill New South Wales. 12iiio. Ixmd., 1«33.» Ml) IT 30 OSBORNE (Thomas). Collection of Voyages and Travels. \_See Churchill, O. and J.] " D 36 R 8, 9 J OSBORNE (Thomas), Earl of Dandy, etc. \_See Danby, Earl of.] OSBORNE (Hon. W. G.) Court and Camp of Ruujeet Sing, 8vo. Lond., 1840. B 10 T 5 OSBORNE (3Irs. WiLLOU(iiinY-). Pilgrimage to Mecca. {See Sikander, The Nawab.] D 4 T 22 OSBORN (H. S.), L.L.I). Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, Theoretical and Practical, in all its Branches ; with Special Reference to American Materials and Processes. Illustrated. Svo. Philad., 1869. A 9 U 14 OSBORN (Major Robert Durie). Islam under the Arabs. 8vo. Lond., 1876. G 9 T 12 OSBORN (Capt. Siierard), C.B. Cruise in Japanese Waters. Svo. Edinb., 1859. D 5 P 32 Quedah ; or, Stray Leaves from a Journal in ^Malayan A\'aters. Svo. Lond., 1857. D 5 P 31 Discovery of the North-West Passage. [See Maclure, Capt. R.] D 4 R 1 OSBURNE (Richard). History of Warrnambool, capital of the Western Ports of Victoria from 1847, when the first Government Land Sales took place, up to the end of 1886. (The Queen's Jubilee edition.) Svo. Prahran, 1887. MB 2 P 43 OSBURN (William), R.S.L. Ancient Egypt : her Testi- mony to the Truth of the Bible. Svo. Loud., 1816. B 2 S 3 Monuniental History of Egypt, as i-ecorded on the Ruins of licr Temples, Palaces and Tombs. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1851. B 2 R (5, 46 Loud., 1847. B2S 2 O'SHANASSY (Siit John), K.C.IM.G. Porlmit of. [See .Manuscripts and PoirriiAiTs.] (CSll.MJGHNESSEY (K. W.) .V.islnilian .Mmnnnck and Sydney Directorv. ."> vols, (in 2) Svo. Sydney, 1S33-35.* ■ M"E4'Q Another copy. 3 vols, (in 2) Svo. Sydney, 1833-35.* ME 4 R (')'S1I1'].V (John- Auoustus). Leaves from the Life of a Special Correspondent. With a Poll rait of the Author. L' vols. Svo. Lond., 18S5. C 4 R 40, 41 Romantic Sp.iin. 2 vols. 8vo. l>jnd., 1S87. 1) 7 Q 34, 35 An lion bound City ; or, Five Months of Peril and Privati..)!. 2 vols." Svo. Lond., ISSO. B 8 P 20, 21 OSLKR (Imiward). Life of Admiral A'iscount I'^zmouih. Svo. Unvl, 1835. C 5 V 13 OSLKI! (W. Roscok). Tintoretto. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C3T36 Anlii|uities of Egypt. Engravings. Svo. \ EEEE PUBLIC LIBllAllY, SYDNEY. 571 Osm] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ouc OSMASTON (John). Old Ali ; or, Tnivels Long Ago. With Illustrations. 8vo. Loml, 1881. D 9 S 16 OiSSIAN. Genuine Remains of, literally translated ; witli a preliminary Dissertation, by Patrick Maogregor. 8vo. Lond., 1841. H 7 T 21 Poems of ; translateil by James Maopherson. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1807. H 7 T 19, 20 OSSORY (Countess of). [&•« Walpole, Hov. H.] C 10 P 45, 46 O'SULLEVAN (Philip). Historu« Catholicre Ibernire Compendium. 8m. 4to. Vlyssippone, 1621. Ct 2 P 16 O'SULLIVAN (Rev. Mortimer), A.M. Guide to an Irish Gentleman in his Search for a Religion. 12mo. Dublin, 1833. G 9 Q 9 OSWALD (Miss E. J.) By Fell and Fjord ; or. Scenes and Studies in Iceland. With Illustrations. 8vo. Edinb., 1882. D 9 P 1.3 OTAGO UNIVERSITY. University of Otago, Dunedin : Foundations, Regulations, and Time-table, for 1877. 8vo. Dunedin, 1877. MJ 2 R 10 OTAGONIAN, An. [_See Thomson, J. T.] OTHLONUS (MoN.^CHUs). Opera omnia. [See Mione, J. P., Sekies Latina, 140.] OTIS (George A.) Check List of Preparations and Objects in the Section of Human Anatomy of the United States Army Medical Museum. (Philad. Int. and Cent. Exhib.) 8vo. Wash., 1870. K 7 R 36 Description of Selected Specimens from Army Medical Museum at Washington. (Philad. Int. Exhib., 1876.) 8vo. Philad., 1876. A 16 U 21 Description of Medical Ti-ansport Cart. \_See Hunting- don, D. L.] OTRANTO (Joseph Fouchb), Duke of. Memoirs of. Minister of the General Police of France. Translated from the French. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 182.5. C 7 Q 20, 21 OTTE (E. C.) How to learn Danish (Dano-Norwegian) : a Manual for Students of Danish (Dano-Norwegian), based upon the Ollendorffian System of Teaching Lan- guages, and adapted fmd., 1819-23. D 5 V 21-23 OUSELEY (Sir William (!ore), K.C.B. Uemarks on the SUitisticH and Political Institutions of the United States. Svo. Philad., 1832. F G U 4 OUTR.\M (Gen. Sir James), C.B. Coii(|Ufst of Scimlc : II Comniontary. 2 vols. 8vo. Ijond., 1816. I! In I' 'i •lanins Outram : a Uiograi>hy ; by Major-General Sir !■'. .1. Goldsmid, C.I?., K.C.S.I." 2 voLs. 8vo. L..nd., ISSQ. C 9 K 8 9 OUVUY (FUEIJEUIC). [Sm HoWLEdLAS.] iiiiiijunil V of the ■ I' 6 V 1 OUVRY (Coi.. II. A.) Axricultun.l C Middle Ages. [Sm Nassk, E.] OVEUI'.KCK MoiiANN FiiiKi.Hirii). Ovcrbcck; by J. B. AtkinH..n. (Groat ArliNtH.) Hvo. b.nd., 1882. C3 T 43 OVEKBURY (Hiu Tiiomah). Poinoningof. [Sw Amoh, A.] OVERLAND MONTHLY (Tiik). Vol. 7. 2Md S.iics. [.Inn. .Jiiiif, l8Kr..] Hoy. Hvo. San l-'raiicisco, I8H6. E 1. 34 OVERLANDER. ISee Australian Sketches.] OVERMAN (Frederick). Manufacture of Steel, contain- ing the Practice and Principles of ^vorking and making Steel ; with an Account of recent Improvements in Steel, by A. A. Fesquet. 8vo. Philad., 1873. A 10 P 6 Moulder's and Founder's Pocket Guide. 8vo. Philad., 1875. A 11 Q 10 Practical Mineralogy, Assaying, and I\Iining. 12mo. Philad., 1872. ■ A 9 P 26 OVERS (John). Evenings of a AVorking Man ; being the Occupation of his .scanty Leisure ; with a Preface by Charles Dickens. 12mo. Loud, 1844. J 7 Q 40 OVERTON (Rev. John Henry), M. A. Life in the English Church (1660-1714). Svo. Lond., 1885. G 8 T 10 The Evangelical Revival in the 18th Centuiy. 12mo. Lond., 1886. "G 7 R 20 OVIDIUS NASO (Publius). Heroides ; or, Epistles of the Heroines : the Amours, Art of Love, Remedy of Love, and ilinor AA'orks of Ovid ; literally translated into English Prose, with copious Notes, by Henry T. Riley, B.A. Svo. Lond., 1877. H 5 S 38 Metamorphoses tif Ovid; literally translated into English Prose, with copious Notes and Explanations, by Henry T. Riley, B.A. Svo. Lond., 1877. H 5 S 39 Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibi.s, and llalieuticon of Ovid; literally translated into English Prose, with copious Notes, by Hi-nry T, Riley, B.A. Svo. Lond., 1878. H 5 S 37 Oyidii) de' Rimedi d'Amore. Fatto volgare, e ridotto in ottaua rima da Angelo Ingegneri. Svo. Bergamo, 1604. H 7 P 37 Opera omnia, ex Edition Burmanniana ; cum Notis et Interpretatione in usum Delphini. 10 vols. Svo. Ix)nd., 1S2I. J 13 R 15-24 • Kid. Translated by Dryden, Pope, Congi'cve, Addison, and others. (Fani. Class. Lib.) 2 vols. ISmo. Lond., 1833. J 15 P 29, 30 Metamoi-phoses (r()\iilr, en RcindeHUX, imprimoz et enriches do Figures. 4to. Paris, 1776. II 5 V 29 (outh's 0\iil. [&(; Chalmers, A.] OWIsN (.\. ('.) .\rl Schools Svo. Ldiid., 1S7C). of Media-yal Christendom. .\ i; \' 33 ()\VI>:N (LiEUT.-CoL. C. H.), R.A. Principles and Practice iif Modern Artillery; including Artillery Material, (!un- iKiy, and Organization and of Artillery in W'arfnre. \\'itli niiiiierous Illustrations. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., IS73. A 29 U 30 OWEN (Dn.) Dialogue on I'.ni.tism. Svo. Sydney, 1886. MG 1 ti 11 I nsurance Notes and V 6 U 5 OWFN (DoroLAH). M.nin. Svo. Jvond., 1883. OWEN (II.), AND BLAKliWAY (J. B.) lli.story of Shrcwsliuiy. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1825. B 6 V 2, 3 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 573 Owe] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Owe OWEN (Riiv. OcTAVius Freiue), M.A., kv. {See Aris- TOTELES.] O 16 P 2, 3 Refutation of Spinoza. \_See Liebnitz, G. W.] OWEN (Prof. Sir Richard), F.R.S., &c. Ova of tlie Ornithorhynchus Paradoxus, -ito. Lond., 1834. MA i Q 13t Uterus of tlie Kangaroti. 4to. Lond., 1834. MA 2 Q 13t Marsupial Pouclies, Mammary Glands, and Mammary Foetus of the Echidna Hystrix. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1865. MA2Q14t Restoration of an Extinct Elephantine Mar-supial {Dip- rotodon Australis). 4to. Lond., 1870.* MA 2 Q 13 t Cuvierian Principle in Palfeontology tested by evidences of an Extinct Leonine Marsupial (T/ii/lacoleo Carnifex). 4to. Lond., 1871.* MA2Q"l3t Pcssil, Mammals of Australia. Part 10. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 2.) 4to. Lond., 1876. A 11 P 3 t Fossil Remains of the Extinct Mammals of Australia ; with a Notice of the E.x:tinct Mai-supials oi England. 2 vok 4to. Lond., 1877. MA 2 Q 1-5, 16 t Memoirs on the Extinct Wingless Birds of New Zealand ; with an Appendix on those of England, Australia, Newfoundland, Mauritius, and Rodriguez. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1879. MA 2 Q 17, 18 t Description of the Skeleton of an extinct Gigantic Sloth (Mylodon rohnstus, Owen) ; with observations on the_ osteology, natural affinities, and probable haljits of the Megatherioid Quadrupeds in general. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1842. A 2 S 3 t Descriptive and illusti-ated Catalogue of the Fossil Organic Remains of Mammalia and Aves contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of Eng- land. 4to. Lond., 1845. A 1 Q 20 t History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1846. A 9 S 21 Parthenogenesis, or the successive production of Pro- creating Individuals from a single Ovum. 8vo. Lond., 1849. A 13 R 9 Principal Forms of tlie Skeleton and the Teeth; as the liasis for a system of Natural History and Comparative Anatomy. 8vo. Lond., 1856. A 28 Q 6 Classification and Geographical Distribution of the Mammalia. To which is added an Appendix " On the Gorilla," and " On the Extinction and Transmutation of Species." 8vo. Lond., 1859. A 14 R 43 Palaeontology ; or, a Systematic Summary of Extinct Animals, and their geological relations. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1861. A 10 Q 12 Extent and Aims of a National Museum of Natural History. 8vo. Lond., 1862. A 14 T 14 Anatomy of Vertebrates. 8vo. Lond., 1866-68. A 14U 19-21 1. Fishes and Reptiles. 2. Birds and Mammals. 3. Mammals. OWEN (Frof. Sir Richard), F.R.S., Ac. — continued. Remains of a large extinct La)na (Pdhiuchetiia magna, Owen), from Quaternary Deposits in tlie Valley of Mexico. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1869. MA 2 Q 14 t Molar Teetl), Lower Jaw, of Mucrauchenia patachonica, Owen. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1869. MA 2 Q 14 t Experimental Physiology : its Benefits to Mankind ; with an Addi'ess on Unveiling the Statue of William Harvey at Folkestone, 6th August, 1881. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 12 Q 30 Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Vertebrate Animals : Fishe.s. 8vo. Lond., 1846. A 27 U 28 Odontography ; or, a Treatise on Comparative Anatomy of the Teeth in tlie Vertel)rate Animals. Text and Plates. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1845. A 15 R 16, 17 Antiquity of Man, as deduced from the Discovery of a Human Skeleton during tlie Excavations of the East and West India Dock-Extensions, at Tilbury, North Bank of tlie Thames. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 9 T 13 History of British Fossil Reptiles. 4 vols. 4to. Lend., 1849-84. • A 1 Q 7-10 1 Nature of Limbs: a Discourse delivered at an Evening Meeting of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1849. A 12 T 31 Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1855. A 14 U 22 Memoir of the Pearly Nautilus {^N'oiUilus pompUius, Linn.), with Illustrations of its external Form and internal Structure. 4to. Lond., 1832. A 14 V 7 Another copy. (Pani. Cd.) 4to. Lond., 1832. MA2Q13t Zoology of Captain Beechey's Voyage. \_See Beechey, Capt. F. W.] a 14 V 1 Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beiujle. \_See Darwin, C] \_See Lond. Internat. E.xhib., 1851.] A 16 Q 22 OWEN (Robert). Robert Owen, tlie Founder of SocialLsm in England ; by Arthur John Booth, M.A. 12mo. Lond., 1869." C 2 Q 28 Robert Owen's Millenial Gazette. (Pam. 34.) 8vo. Lond., 1858. J 12 U 26 OWEN (Robert Dale). Debatable Land lietween this World and the next; with illustrative Narrations. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1874. G 7 R 22 Footfalls on the Boundary of another World ; with Narra- tive Illustrations. 3rd English ed. 8vo. Lond., 1873. G 7 R 21 Threading my Way : Twenty-seven Years of Autobio- graphy. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 3 P 41 OWEN (William). Reports of Cases argued and de- termined in the Supreme Court. [See New South Wales— Supreme Court.] 674 CATALOGUE OF THE Owe] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Oza OWEX (Capt. AVilliam F. W.), E.N. Narrative of Voyages to explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and 3Iadagasoar. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud, 1833. D 1 V U, IG CWENS (Capt. O.) [_See Xetherby Gazette.] OWENS COLLEGE. Catalogue of the MSS. and printed Books Ijequeathed to Owens College, ilanchester, hy the late Right Rev. James Prince Lee, D.D. Svo. IMan- ehester (n.d.) K 7 R 27 Essays and Addresses by the Profes-sors and Lecturers of the Owens College, Manchester. 8vo. Lend., 1874. J G T 1 OXENFORD (John). History of the Insurrection in China. [See Gallery.] \_See Goethe, J. 'W. von.] OXENHAM (Rev. H. N.), M.A. Short Studies in Eccles- iastical History and Biographv. 8vo. Lond., 1884. G 8 U 10 OXFORD (Earl of). {See Churchill, 0. and J.] OXFORD ESSAYS; contributed l)y ISIemlwrs of tlie Uni- versity. 4 vols. Bvo. Ijond., lS.')f)-r)8. J 7 U 14-17 OXFORD GRADUATJ:, An. {See Mv.sric Voices of Heaven.] A 3 R 3 OXFORD PRIZE POEMS: a Collection of such Engli-sh Poems as have oljtained Prizes in the Ulli^■ersit v of Oxford. 12mo. Oxford, 1839. ' II 7 P G OXFORD UNIVERSITY. Calendar for the years 1838-86. 4 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1838-86. E 2. 80 Honoui-s Register of the University of Oxford : a Record of University Honours and Distinctions, completed to the end of Trinity Term, 1883. 8vo. Oxford, 1883. E 2. 80 Statutes made for the University of Oxford, and for the Colleges and Halls therein, by the University of Oxford Commissioners. 8vo. Oxford, 1882. " F 3 R 17 Oxford Founders. {See Skelton, J.] OXLEY (John). Letter to His Excellency Major-General Lachlan ISIacquarie respecting the Exploration of the Course of the Macquarie River. Fol. Parramatta, 1818. MD P 14 t Journals of Two Expeditit)ns into the Interior of New South Wales, 1817-18. With Maps and Views of the Interior. 4to. Lond., 1820.* MD G P 12 t Report of an Expedition to Survey Port Curtis, Moreton Bay, and Port Bowen, with a view to form Convict Penal Establishments there. {See Field, B.] OYSTER CULTURE COMMISSION. {See New South Wales.] OZANAM (Pkof. Antoink Frederic). Dante ct la Philo.sophie Catholique au troizieme Siecle. 8vo. Lou vain, 1847. G 3 Q 19 Letters of [Antoine] Frederic Ozannm, Professor of Foreign Literature in the Sorbonnc ; translated from the French, by Ainslie Coates. 8vo. Lond., 188G. C 5 R 20 OZANAN (J.) {See IIutton, Dr. C] A 16 S 6 OZANNE (J. W.) llu.>isiu ill CentnJ Asia. [Sec Stum m, U.J B 12 U 4 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 575 P. (D.)] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Pai P. (D.) \_See Wave of Life.] P. (P. A.) ISee Australia.] P. (G. F.) ISce Pickering, G. R] PAASCH (H.) From Keel to Truck : Diotiomtry of Naval Terms in English, French, and (ferman. 8vo. Lond., 1885. K 9 S 4 PABISCH (Rev. F. J.) Manual of Universal Church History. [_See Alzor, Rev. J.] PACCA (Bartolommeo), Cardinal. Historical Memoirs of ; written bv himself, translated by Sir George Head. 2 vols.,8vo. Lond., 1850. C i T .36, 37 PACHYMERES (Georgius). Opera omnia. \_See Migne, J. P., Series Gr.eca, 143, 144, and Byzantinae Hist. Script.] PACIANUS (Sanctus). Opera omnia. [_See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 13.] PACIFIC OCEAN. Voyage through the Islands of the. 12mo. Loud., 1831. MD 1 T 48 New Expedition to the Pacilic anil Antarctic Oceans. 8vo. Lond., 1836. MD 7 Q 48 PACIFIC WEEKLY MAGAZINE AND REVIEW, May 15 to 7, 1880. {All published.) Sm. fol. Sydney, 1880. ME PACKARD (A. S.), Jun., M.D. Guide to the Study of Insects, and a Treatise on injurious and bonelicial to Crops ; for the use of Colleges, Farm Schools, and Agriculturists. 5th ed. 8vo. New York, 1876. A14U7 Zoology for Students and General Readers. With Illustrations. 8vo. N. York, 1879. A 14 S 32 PACKE (C.) iSee Glauber, J. R.] PADDI AN A ; or, Scraps and Sketches of Irish Life, present and past. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. J 5 Q 30, 31 PADDOCK (J.) Shipwreck of the Osrvcgo on the Coast of South Barbary, and of the Sufferings of the Master and Crew while in Bondage among the Arabs. 4to. Lond., 1818. DSPlf PAE (David). The Coming Struggle among tlie Nations of the Earth ; or the Political Events of the next Fifteen Years, described in accordance with Prophecies in Eze- kiel, Daniel, and the Apocalypse. (Pam 43.) 8'\'0. Sydney, 1853. ' M.I 2 R 5 Two Years After and Onwards; or, the Approaching War amongst the Powers of Euroi'e. 12mo. Lond., 1864. " G8P11 PAEZ (Don Ramon). Wild Scenes in South America ; or. Life on the Llanos of Venezuela. 2ud ed. 8vo. New York, 1863. D 3 S 41 PAGE (David), LL.D., kc. Chips and Chapters : a Book for Amateur and young Geologists. 8vo. Lond., 1869. A9Q27 Advanced Text-book of Geology, Descriptive and In- dustrial. 6th ed., revised. 8vo. Edinb., 1876. A 9 P 7 PAGE (H. A.) [_Scc Japp, A. H.] PAGE (P. F.) Traite d'Economie Politique et de Commerce des Colonies. 2 vols. 8vo. Pari.i, 1800-2. F 5 T 1, 2 PAGE (R.) Baidvs and Bankers. 8vo. Lond., 1843. F6 So PAGE (Thomas). Clarence, New England, Macleay and Gwydir Almanac and Gazetteer, for the years 1871-74. 4 vols, (in 2) 12mo. Grafton, 1871-74. ME4Q PAGENSTECHER (Prof. A.) Allgemeine Zoologie, oder Grundgesetze des thierischen Baus und Lebeus. 4 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1875-81. A 14 S 27-30 PAGET (Sir James), Bart., kc. Clinical Lectures and Essays. Edited by Howard Marsh, F.R.C.S. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 12 U 25 PAGET (John). Hungary and Transylvania ; with Re- marks on their Condition, Social, Political, and Econo- mical. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. D 7 U 29, 30 PAGET (Gen. George), Lord. Light Cavalry Brigade in the Crimea ; extracts from the Letters and Journal of the late General Lord George Paget, K.C.B., during the Crimean War. Vv''ith a Map. 8vo. Lond., 188L B 12 T26 PAGET (Mis.s Violet), " Vernon Lee." Studies of the 18th Century in Italy. 8vo. Lond., 1880. B 11 V 18 Euphorion ; Ijeing Studies of the Antique and the Mediasval in the Renaissance. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. J 12 R 18, 19 Baldwin ; being Dialogues on Views and Aspirations. 8vo. Lond., 1886. G 3 S 25 PAIN (Rev. Arthur W.), B.A. Command of Remem- brance : a Sermon. 12mo. Sydney, 1868. MG 1 P 49 PAINE (Thomas). Thomas Paine to the People of England on the Invasion of England. 8vo. Lond., 1812. F 12 P 22 Answer to. [_See Ingersoll, Col. R. G.] Oration on. [_See Ingersoll, Col. R. G.] PAINTERS' ETCHINGS. Containing twenty-four Origi- nal Etched Works, by Living Artists. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1884. A 5 R 14 t PAINTERS, SCULPTORS, and ARCHITECTS. Lives t)f the most Eminent; by Giorgio Vasari. Translated bv Sirs. J. Foster. 6 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1855-64. C 4 R 27-32 576 CATALOGUE OF THE Pai] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Pal PAINTERS, SCULPTORS, axd ARCHITECTS. Brief Biographies [Great Artists]; by P. Delaroclie. 8vo. Lond, 1880. C 3 T 4i PAJON (H.) Les Contes de. [_See Cabinet des Fees, 3i.] PAKEHA MAORI, A. \_See Masxino, F. E.] PALiEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Report for 1874-75 ; with List of Members. 8vo. (Pam L.) Lend., 1875. MJ 2 P 28 PAL^ONTOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Herau.s- gegeben von W. Dames und E. Kayser. Baiide 1 and L'. 4to. Berlin, 1882-85. E 1. 7:3 PALATINE NOTE-BOOK (The). F.m- tlie Intercom- munication of Antiquaries, Bibliophiles, and other Inves- tigators into the Historj- and Literature of tlie Counties of Lancaster, Chester, A-c. Vols. 1-3. Sm. 4to. Man- chester, 1881-83. E 1. 30 PALENZUELA (Prof. Ramon), t CARREXO (Phof. JCAN DE LA C.) :Metodo para aprender a leer, escribir y hablar el Ingles, segun el sistema de Ollendorff. 8vo. Lf.nd., 1876. KllVll Clave de los Ejercicios contonidos en el ^Metodo pani aprender a leer, e.scribir v hablar el Ingles, segun el sistema de Ollendorff. 8vo. Lond., 1878. K11V12 PALESTINE. Early Travels in Palestine. Edited, with Notes, bv Thomas Wright, M.A., Ac. 8vo. Lond., 1848. D5Q17 Our Work in Pale.stinp. 8th cd. 8vci. Lond., 1875. B 10 P 32 Three Weeks in Palestine and Lilianmi. 8th ed. 18mo. Lond., 1839. D5P21 PALESTINE EXPLORATION FUND. Maj) of Wes- tern Palestine, in 26 .sheets, from Surveys conducted for the Committee by Lieutenants C. R. Conder, and H. H. Kitchener, R.E. Ob. fol. lyjnd., 1880.* D 10 P 19 J Plans, Elevations, Sections, kc. : Jeru.salcm ; by [Col. Sir] Chns. Warren, K.C.M.(i. El. fol. I^md., 18f<4. D 10P21 : Survey of We.stern Palestine. 8 vols. Ito. Lonil., 1881-86. 1> 1 V I II Arabic nml KngliHli Niunc LIhIh coUccto.l timing tin- Survey, liy Lieutenants Conder Rnil Kitclienor, K.K. 'J'ranslitenitfil und explained Ijy I'rof. K. H. I'alnit-i-, M.A. Special l'ai>er» on Topography, ArcliJuology, Manners and Cub- tonis, &c. Memoirs of the Topography, Orography, Hydrograjihy, and Archn.-ology ; by Lieuts. C. K. Conder, U.K., and H. II. Kitchener, R. K. Joniiuilein ; hy Col. Sir Chan. Warren, K.C.M.t!., and Cii|it. C. K. Conder, K.K. Fauna and Klora of ralestino ; by H. II. Tridlrani, Lb.l)., &c. Memoir on the I'hyiiii-al Ceidogy and Ccography ; by Kdward Hull, I>I>.I)., Ac. Twenty-onn Yearn' Work in lln' Holy l-inid (a IJecord and a Hnmtnarv), .Tune 22, lMr,5 June 22, ISHC, ; |l,y Walt.T IV'.anl.] Kvo. Ix.nd., 1886. 1)6^31 PALESTRINA (Giovanni Pierliigi da). Memorie- Storico-Critiche della Yita e delle Opere di ; comj)ilate da Giuseppe Baini. 2 vols. 4to. Roma, 1828. C 2 W 19, 20 PALEY (F. A.). M.A. Aeachvli Fabulae. \_See JE.scn\- Lus.] ' H 8 V 20 {See Baptismal Fonts.] A 3 P 27 PALEY (Rev. William), D.D., Ahciideacox of Cahlislk. Works of ; with Extracts from his Correspondence, and a Life of the Author, bv R. Lvnam, A.M. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1823. " " (J 14 P 11-15 Natural Theoloj^'y : with illustrative Notes by Henry Lord Brougham and Sir Charles Bell. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1836-39. G 13 R 20-23 Horpe Paulini*. [^See Woodward, Rev. C] PALFREY (^.loiiN (ioDHAM). Compendious History of New England, from the Di.scovery by Euro])eans, to the first General Congress of the Anglo-American Colonies. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1884. B 1 Q 42-45 PALGRAVE (Sii! Fhancis), K.H. Rotuli Curiio Regis : Rolls and Records of the Courts held before the King's Juctifiars or Justices (Richard I to John). 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1835. 1! 15 T 20, 21 Parliamentary Writs, and Writs of Military Sunnnons, 1 1 igothcr with the Records and Muniments : with alphabetic Diirest and Index. 2 vols, (in 4) fol. Lond., 1827-34. B 24 R 1-4 + .Vnliciit Kalendais and Inventories of the Treasury of His Majesty's Exchequer ; together with other Documents illustrating the History of that Repository. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. L(md., 1836. B 15 T 1-3 Documents and Records, illustrating the History of Scotland, and the Transactions between the Crowns of Scotland and England, preserved in the Treasury of Her ISlajesty's Exchequer. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1837. B 15 T 4 History of Normandy and of Eiiglan. Lond., J) 4 Q 4 PALISSY (Behnahd). Life of, the Potter; l)y Henry Morley. 2nd ed., 12mo. Lonil.. 185,-i. 3X20 PALKOWITSCH (Pkof. Georg)- lateinisches Worterbuch. 2 vols. 8\( Bohniisch-deutsch- Prague, 1820-21. K 12 R 9, 10 PALLAIN (M. G.) [_See Tallevhand, Pkince, and Louis XVIII.] PALLAS (Peter Simon). Travels through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Enii^ire, 1793-94. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1803. D 8 V 10, 11 PALLxVVICINO (Sfortia), Cardinale. Vera CEcumenici Concilii Tridentini. 3 vols, (in 1) fol. Augusts, 1775. G 30 Q 18 I PALLISER (F. AND M. A.) M(jttoes for Monuments or Epitaphs, selected f(^r Study or Application. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1872. H 7 Q 10 PALLISER (Sir Hugh), Bart., Admiral of the White. Life of ; by R. M. Hunt. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 9 Q 12 PALLISER (John). Solitary Rambles and Adventures of a Hunter in the Prairies. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1853. D 3 Q 36 PALMER (Rev. Abram Smythe), B.A. Leaves froui a Word-hunter's Note-Book. 8vo. Lond., 1876. K 12 P 13 Folk-Etymology : a Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions or Words perverted in Form or Meaning, by false Deri- vation or mistaken Analogy. 8vo. Lond., 1882. K14T7 PALMER (Edward). 8vo. Lond., 1884. Notes on some Australian Tribes. MA 1 S 8 PALMER (Prof. Edward Henry), M.A. tionary of the Persian Language. 12mo. Concise Dic- Lond., 1876. K 11 T 3 Oriental Penmanship: Specimens of Persian Hand- writing; to which are added, Illustrations of the Nagari Character, by Fredei'ic Pineott, M.R.A.S. 4to. Lond., 1886. K16S19 Simplified Grammar of Hindustani, Persian, and Arabic. 8vo. Lond,. 1882. K 11 U 47 Desert of the Exodus: Journeys on Foot in the Wil- derness of the Forty Years' Wanderings. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1871. D 5 S 38, 39 Life and Achievements of ; by W. Besant. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 3 T 21 Arabic and English Name Lists. [See Palestine Explo- ration Fund.] D 4 V 4 4d PALMER (Edwin). The Revi.sers and the Greek Text of the New Testament. \_See Ellicott, Rt. Rev. C. J.] PALMER (Capt. (Jeorke), R.N., kv. Kidnapping in the South Seas ; being a Narrative of a Three Months' Cruise of H.M.S. Rosario. 8vo. Edinb., 1871.* MD 2S 16 PALMER (Capt. H. S.), R.E. Ordnance Survey of the Peninsula of Sinai. [See Wilson, Sir C. W.] PALMER (J.) Address to the Momliers of tlie Bush Missionary Society. [See Butterfield, G.] PALMER (Samuel). Index to the Timns Newspaper, for 1855-65,1867-84. 29 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1868-84. E [See ViRGiLius Maro, P.] PALMER (John William), M.D. The Golden Dagcwi; or, up and down the Irrawaddi ; Ijeing passages of Ad- venture in the Burman Emj)ire; by "An American." 8vo. New York, 1856. D 5 Q 34 PALMER (William), M.A. Notes of a Visit to the Rus- sian Church in the year.s 1840-41. 8vo. Lond., 1882. G7 R 27 An Introduction to Early Christian Symbolisms : a Series of Composition from Fi'esco Paintings. Fol. Lond., 1885. G 29 P 17 X PALJMER (W. J.) The Tyne and its Tributaries described and illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1882. D 19 V 10 PALMERSTON (Henry Temple), Second Viscount. The Diary of, in France, during July and August, 1791. [See Gower, Earl.] " B 8 U 25 PALMERSTON (Henry John Temple), Third Vis- count, K.G., G.C.B. Life of ; with Selections from his Diaries and Correspondence ; by the Rt. Hon. Sir H. L. Bulwer [Lord Dalling and Bulwer]. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870-74. "^ C 9 Q 7-9 Life of. 1846-65 ; with Selections from his Speeches and Correspondence, by the Hon. E\"elvn Ashley, ]\LP. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. " C 9 Q 10, 11 Opinions and Policy of, as Minister, Diplomatist, and Statesman ; with a Memoir by G. H. Francis. 8vo. Lond., 1852. F 9 R 16 PALSGRAVE (Jean). L'eclaircissement de la Langue Francaise; suivi de la Grammaire de Giles du Guez. 4to. Pari,si 1852. K 15 U 14 PAMPHILUS (EusEBius). [See Eusebius Pampuilus.] PAMPHLET (Thomas). Narrative of Thomas Painplilet, aged thirty-four years, who w-as, with two other men, wrecked on the Coast of New Holland in April, 1823, and lived among the Natives for Seven Months. Taken down liy John Uniaeke. [See Field, B.] PAMPHLETEER (The). Dedicated to both Houses of Parliament. 29 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1813-28. F 3 Q 1-R 6 PxVNANTI (FiLiPPo). Narrative of a Residence in Algiers; with Notes and Illustrations by Edward Bla(iuiere. 2nd ed. 4to. Lond., 1830. D 2 V 21 578 ClTx^LOGUE OF THE Pan] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Heference. [Par PANCHER (Moxs.) {_Sm Sebert, H.] PANCKOrCKE (C. L. F.) Description de TEgypte; on, Recueil des Obsen'ations et des Recherches qui on t^ ete faites en Egj'pte pendant I'Expedition de lArmee Fian- caise. 2« ed. 21 vols, (in 26) Svo. Paris, 1821-30. D 1 U 1-26 rPlat«s to the above. 1 1 1 vols. at. fol. Paris, 1820-26. ■■ DllPi-Ut PANEGYRICI VETERES ex Editionibus Chr. G. Schwai-zii et Arntzeniorum, cum Xotis et Interpretatione in usum Delphini, curaute A. J. Valpv, A.^L 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. J 13 R 23-29 PANGKOFER (J. A.) \Ste Frommaxx, Dr. G. R.] PANIN (IvAx). Revolutionary Jlovcnient in Russia. Re- printed from the Xew York Herald, with Notes and Preface. (Pam.) Svo. Camb., U.S., 1881. F 7 Q 17 PANIZZI (Sir Anthony), K.C.B. Life of; by Louis Fagan. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1880. C 9 Q 13, U Letters of Prosper Meriniee to Panizzi. [&e JNlKitniriE, p.] C 8 P 36, 37 PANKHURST (E. A.) \Ste Burke, E.] PANTON (Arthur Willi.ui), M.A. Theory of Equations. \Set BuRNsiDE, W. S.] A 10 S 12 PANZANI (Greoorio). Memoirs of, giving an Account of his Agency in England, 1631-36; by the \\v\. J. Bcrington from the Italian Original. 8vo. Biruiingham, 1793. B6P46 PAPAL AGGRESSION. Reprint of several Articles on the all-absorbing Subject termed the " Papal Aggression," taken from the Public Journals. 8vo. llobart, 18.")1. :mg 1 R 9 PAPE (Prop. W.) Handworterliuch der griechischeu Sprnche. 3« iiuflage, Ijearbeitet \on SI. Sengebusch. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Braunschweig, 187r)-80. K 13 R 21-21 PA I'Wr)RT]I (John- W. .vnd Wyatt). iMuscums, Libraries, and I'iclurt! (laMerics, Public and Pi'ivate; (heir Estali- lishiuent, Forniatioii, Arrangement, anil Architi'ctura! Construction ; to which is ap[)ended the Public jjiliraries Act, 1850. With Illustrntion.s. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1853. A 2 T 12 PAPWORTH (Wvatt). Eucycloim'dia of Architecturo. [5« Ghilt, J.j K r. U 2 PAQUIS (Aji4i>4ii). IJiiiUiire d'E.spagno et do Portugal. 2 vok imp. 8vo. PariH, 1836-38. 1! 13 \ 6, 7 PAUAGELSUH BOMBAST OF IIOIIENIIKIM (Au- UKOI.UH PlIII.IPPUH TllKOI'HAMTU.s). lilfc! of I'hllippUN Tlieo- iiradtuH BdinbnMt, of Ilolienheim, known by the name of Pnracelnut ; by Franz llnrtinann, M.I). 8vo. I.Aind., 18«7. C 5 S 20 PARDOE (Miss Julia S. H.) Traits and Traditions of Portugal. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. J 5 P 25, 26 City of the Sultan, and Domestic INIanners of the Turks in . 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. D 9 Q 18, 19 Court and Reign of Francis I, King of France. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. B 8 S 34, 35 Louis XIV and the Court oi France in the 17th Century. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1886. C 6 R 22-24 Life of Slarie de IMedicis, Queen of France, Consort of Henry iv, and Regent of the Kingdom under Louis .\iii. 2nd ed. 3 \ols. sVo. Lond., 1852. C 7 S 47-49 Citv of the Magyar ; or, Hungary and her Institutions in 1839-40. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1840. DSP 35-37 PARENT-DUCHATELET (Alexaxdhe Juan Baptiste). De la Prostitution dans la Ville de Paris, considcrce sous le rapport de I'liygiene publique, de la morale, et de radmiuistraticm. Troisieme edition. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1857. F 6 T 13, 14 PARIS. Inside Paris during the Siege ; by " An Oxford Graduate." 12mo. Lond., 1871. B 8 P 3 Paris and its Historical Scenes. (Lil). Ent. Know). 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1831. K 10 R 38, 39 Paris Salon. [_See Dumas, F. G.] PARIS EXPOSITION DE 1834. Notice des Produits dc rindustrie Fran^aise. Svo. Paris, 1834. K 7 R 21 PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION OF 1S55. Cata- logue of the Works exhibited in the British Section, in French and English. Ro}^ Svo. Lond., 1855. K8Q1S Catalogue of the Natural and Industrial Products of New South Wales, exhibited in Australian Mu.seuni, by the Paris E.xhibition Commissioners. 4to. Sydney, 1854. MK'I U 3 Tasniauian Contrilnilions to the Universal Exhibition of Industiy at Paris, 185,5. 8m. fd. Hol)art, 1855. MK 1 Q 8 J PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION OF 1867. Cata- logue (Jeneral. Histoire du Travail et Monuments His- toriques. 12mo. Paris, 1867. K 7 R 2 Catalogue (Jenoral public jiar la Commission Impi'riale. 2'' ed. Svo. Pari.s, 1867. K 7 R 32 l/ltalie economiquo en 1867, avec uii a|icr(;u des Inilustries Italicnne.s i I'Exposition Universelle dc Paris. Florence, 1867. F 3 S 16 l!i'lgi, Cot- toniaque, fideiiter collata. Fol. Lond., 1640. B17Sl.'i + English History, from 1235 to 1273. Translated from the Latin, Ijv the Rev. J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18.-i2-,')4. B 3 P 1-3 Vie de Saint Auban. [See Atkinson, R.] PARIS (T. Clifton), B.A. Letters from the Pyrenees, during Three iVIonths' Pedesti'ian ^^'anderings in the Summer ..f 1S42. 8vo. Lond., 1843. D 8 Q 45 PARISH (John). Voyage to the Island of Mauritius. {See Mauritiu.s.] mD 4 U 4 PARISH (Sin WoonniNE), K.C.H. Buenos Ayres, and the Provinces of the Rio de la Plata. 8vo. Lond., 1838. D 4 Q 16 PARK (MuNGo), Surgeon. Ti-avels in the Interior Dis- tricts of Africa; with Geographical Illustrations. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) Travels of. [See Cochrane, R.] I) 10 Q 48 PARK (Thomas), F.S.A. Heliconia ; comprising a Selec- tion of English Poetry of the Elizatjethan Age. Edited by T. Park. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1815. H5V 11-13 1. Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions ; edited by Thomas Proctor. Small Handful of Fragrant Flowers ; by Nicholas Breton. A Floorisli upon Fancie ; by Nicholas Breton. 2. Handful of Pleasant Delites ; edited by Clement Robinson. A Mirror of Treue Honnour and Christian Nobilitie, &c., in the Life, &c., of Frauncis Earl of Bedford ; by George Whet- stone. The Phoenix Nest ; edited by R.S. A Divine Centurie of Spirituall .Sonnets ; by Barnabe Barnes. Spirituall Sonnetes to the Honor of Goil and hys Sayntes ; by Henry Constable. A Sad and Solemn Funerall of Sir Francis Knowles ; by T. Churchyard. Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal ; by T. Storer. 3. England's Parnassus : edited by R. Allott. Churchyards Good Will ; Sad and Heavy Verses for the Losse of Arcli- Ijishop Wiltgift ; liy T. Chnrchyard. [See AValpole, H.] PARKE (W. T.) Musical Memoir; e.Sc., Lond. Course of lastruction in Zootomy. (Vertebrata.) AVith seventy- four Illustrations. Svo. " Lond., 1884. A 28 Q 8 Studies in Biology for New Zealand Students. No. 2. The Bean Plant ( ricirt /rtftn). 8vo. Wellington, 1881. MA 1 T 27 PARKER (Prof. W. Kitchen), F.R.S. Mammalian Des- cent — the Hunterian Lectures for 1884. Svo. Lond., 1885. A 14 T 15 < )n the I)evi'li)pnient of tlie Skull in the ComnKm Snaki! — Tropidonotus natrix. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 6.) 4to. U,ni\., 1879. ■ A 11 P 7 t On the Structure and Development of the Skull in the Batnicliia. (Roy. Soc. Pub.s., 3.) 4t(>. Lond., 1876. A 11 P 44 On the Sti-ucture and Development of the Skull in the Unxlelou.s Ami>iiibia, Part 1. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., .").) 4to. L.nd., 187S. " A 11 P 6 I'AliKi'LK (\\ . N.) Comparative ATiatoniv id Remains of \\\r Vegetables .-md Animals of the Antediluvian World, iciiiied I''ossils. ;! vols. rov. Svo. Lond., 1 80S 20. A 9 \' 3- 5 l'.\l!KINS<)N (KiciiAuh). Tour in America, in 1798. 1800. 2 vol.s. Svo. Lond., I.S05. D 3 S 21), 21 I'ALKINSON (li.) Treatise on Paper; « illi an OnMine of its M.uuifacture, A'c. Svo. Preston, 1SS6. A11R5 P.\KKINS()N (Svdvkv). J.mrnal of a Voyage to the South Sea.s, in H.M.S. h'lir/rdrinir. Koy. ltd. Lond., '''73.* ■ MD 2 P 12 I .Journal of a Voyage to the South Sea.s, in H.M.S. Juidrtivoni: Koy. It,,. Lond., 178L MD 2 P U J FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 581 Par] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Par PARKMAN (Francis). History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and tlie War of the North American Triljes against the English Colonies, after the Conquest of Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1851. B 1 Q 40, 41 Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada. 10th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., B 1 S 44, 45 : vols. 8\-o. 1855. Montcalm and W,,lfe. Another copy. Gth ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 5S 21, 22 Lond., 1885. C 5 S 23, 24 Count Frontenac and New France under Louis xiv. 14th ed. Lond., 1885. B 1 Q 56 Jesuits in North America in the 17th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1886. G 7 R 26 La Salle and the Disco\ery of the Great West. 12th ed. Lond., 1885. C 4 T 11 The Old Regime in Canada. 14th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 2 P 5 The Oregon Trail : Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. 8th ed. 8vo. Lend., 1885. D 4 P 30 Pioneers of France in the New World. 23rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 2 P 6 PARKS AND GARDENS. Famous Parks and Gardens of the World described and illustrated. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1880. A 2 Q 1 + PARKYNS (Mansfield). Life in Abyssinia; being Notes collected during Three Years' Residence and Travels in that Country. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1853. D 1 W 22, 23 PARLIAMENT (The Lono). [&« Lonc; Parliament.] PARLEY (Petek). [_See Goodrich, S. G.] PARLIAMENTARY DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS, ordered by the House of C(immons to be jirinted. G9 vols. fol. Lond., 1811-62. MF 4 • 1 (1818-32). On Transportation. Papers relating to Convicts sent to New South \Vales and Van Dienien's Land. 2 (1819). Oil the State of Gaols, &c. 3 (1831). On Secondary Pmitshnients. 4 (1822-23). Bigge's Reports on New South Wales. Ci (1826-38). Administration of Justice in New Soutli Wales and Van Dienien's Land. Alienations of Crown Lands. Bill to provide for the Goveinment of Western Australia. Colonial Grants, 1830. Colonial Pensions, 1832. Colonial Revenue, 1828. Commissaries' Accounts, New South Wales, &c. Crown Lands and Emigration. Dollars imported, 1824. Emigrants to the Colonies, 1820-31. Grants of Land, New South Wales, 1812 21. Instruction to the Natives of New South Wales. Judicial Offices abroad. Land Grants above 100 acres, 1812-21. Laws and Ordinances, New South Wales, 1824-25. Lead and Lead Ore, 1831-32. Marriages, Births, and Deaths, New South Wales, 1817-19. PARLIAMENTARY DOCUMENTS, iic.-continued. Order of Council, .Supreme Courts of New South Wales and Van Dienien's Land. Sjieep and Lambs' Wool. Timber imported, 1828-29. Vessels and Passengers to New South \Vale8 and Van Die- men's Land, 1822-2.5. 0(1826-32). Admeasurement and (iraiits of Land bv (ieneral Darling, 1824-31. Assignment, &c., of Convicts, 1826-28. Australian Agricultural Bill. Despatches relating to Sudds and Thomaou. Despatches : Wentworth's Impeachment. Justice Stephen's Pension. Laws of New South Wales passed 1828 and 1829. Magisterial Punishments. Oft'ences in New Zealand Bill. Persons holding one or more Offices in New South Wales. Public Officers' Insolvent Law. Seizure of the Ship Almorah. Veterans of New South Wales. 7(182.5-31). Swan River Settlement. Van Diemen's Land Aborigines. Van Diemen's Land Company. Van Diemen's Laud Laws, 1826-30. 8-10(1826-28). Enquiry into the Administration of Justice in the West Indies. II (1S28-.33). Captain Robison's Petition. Inquiry : Indians of Honduras. Island of Ceylon. Slave Trade at Mauritius. Trade, &c. , Cape of Good Hope. 13 (1826-27). On Emigration from the United Kingdom. (1840). Correspondence relating to China. (1S35-.36). Colonial Military Expenditure. Disposal of Lands in British Colonies. On the Conduct of General Darling. .1 (1836). Disposal of Lands in the British Colonies. (18.3.5-.38). Condition, &c., of the Natives of South Africa. On the State of New Zealand. (1839). Affairs of British North America. (1837-40). Colonization Commission : South Australia. Registrar-tieneral's Report, England. Statistical Returns: Van Diemen's Land, 1824 39. War in Affghanistan. (18.38-39). Capper's Report. Clergy and School Lands, New South Wales, and Van l)ie- meii's Land. Correspondence in reference to Beniand's Petition. Massacre of the Aborigines of Australia. Return to Address on Emigi-ation. Transportation and Assignment of ('(uivicts, New South Wales. , 21 (1837-38). On Transportation. (1840). Naval and Military Promotions, &c. (1840). On East India Produce. (1841). On South Australia. (1840-41). Boundary: British Possessions, North America. Emigration to Canada. Ordinances passed. Lower Canada. (1831-40). Affairs of Canada. Canada : Copy of Despatch. Clergy Reserves in Canada, 1819-40. Re-union of L^pper and Lower Canada. (1840-42). Correspondence relative to New Zealand. Laws, &c., ot New Zealand, passed 1842. On New Zealand. Papers : Falkland Islands. Revenue arising from Crown Lands. 19 20^ 22 23 24 26 582 CATALOGUE OF THE Par] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Par PAELIAMENTARY DOCUMENTS, kc.—continued. 28 (1840-41). Introduction of Indian Labourers into the Mauri- tius. Memorial of British Merchants: Trade with China. On the Trade with China. Opium Trade. Opium surrendered to tlie Chinese. Papei-s relating to China. Petition of the East India Company for Relief. 29 (1840-41). Alienation and Settlement of Waste Lands, Xew South Wales. Appropriation of Revenue arising from Crown Lands. Captain Hobson's Proceedings at Xew Zealand. Despatch from Sir (1. lUpps : Progressive Discovery of the Colony. Finances, Xew South Wales. Papers respecting Xew South Wales. Secondary Punishment, New South Wales a-id \';ui Diemen's Land. 30(1839-41). Account of Income, Expenditure, and Debts: South Australia. Advancement of Religion m Australia. Colonization Commissionei-s for Soutli Australia. Emigrants upon Bounty, Xew Soutli \\'ales. Emigration for the yciir 1839. Emigration from the United Kingdom. Emigration to the Colonies. Laud Fund : Australia. Laud in South Australia. On South Australia. South Australia since 1831. 31 (1842). Boundary : British Possessions in Xm-th .Aiiurica and United States. Correspondence relative to Kinigration. 32 (1S.36-.S9). Aborigines Question. Buihling Act. Colonial Distillation. Presbyterian Church Act. Proimsed Quay at Syilney Cove. 33 (1835-38). Catarrh in Sheep Bill. Emigration. Proceedings of Presljytciy of Xew South \Valcs. 34 (1837) Transportation. 3j(1838). Despatch from Sir John iMaiiUlin .>n Cnnvicl Disci- pline, Van Diemen's Land. On Transportation. 30(1822 :i8). Affairs of Lower Canada. Colonization Cominis.sionei-s : South Australia. Commerce and Trade, Upper Canaila. Conduct of L.f)ril Aylmer, I^iwur Canada. Diiisolution of the Provincial Parliament, Upper Canada. KxiK;nditurc : Account of the Indian Dipartinent, Canada. H<-ligiou» InHtruction of Aborif^iues of Xiw Holland and Van Diemen's Land. ■Tuilicial EHlablishiiifiit of Xew South \\ alis and \;ui l>ii'- nieii'x Lunil. I^iid RcgulatiouK : Western .\uslialia. On the Canailnii : relative to I'apineau and Uidvu II. Oil Orange l./idgeH. Kiih^aii Canal. .Slalf of X-4-l. I'',xpeiiBes iiicnrred for Xortli Australia. Moneys receiveil for Sales of Lands in South .Australia. Oein|)atioii of Cniwn Lands, Xew Siuilh Wales. Occupation of Waste Lands, New Siinlh \Vales. Papers relative to .Affairs of New Zeal.and. Recall of .Sir Ivinlli'v Wilniot, A'an Diemen's Land. •State of 1{..\1. Colonial Possessions. .-.I (1SI7 48). Hounly Eiuigiatioii Orders. Cr>loiiial Land ami Immigration Cominission. I'/inigralioii from Sierra Leone to West Indies. Papcro relative to Einigration. .">2 (1847 4H). Convict Discipline and Tiansporlalioll. Execution of the Criminal Law. EREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 583 Par] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Par PARLIAMENTARY DOCUMENTS, kc—conliicued. 53 (18-18). Growtli of Cotton in India. l*ii})ei';j relatix'u to ^'an Dienieu'a Land. ^itate of H.M. Colonial Possessions. o-l (1848). Colonization fi-oni Ireland. Convict Discipline and Transportation, Tio (184'J). Act : Indian Railway Company. Australian Colonics (iovcrnment liill. Convict Discipline and Transportation. Pajiers relative to Emigration. Papers relative to Affairs of New Zcalaml. .State of .Settlement of Natal. .State of the Kaffir Tribes. 56 (1849). Papers relating to the Punjali. Public Libraries. 57 (1850). Australian Colonies Government Bill. Cojivict Discipline and Transportation. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Australian Colonies. Establishment of Episcopal .Sees, Australia. Proposed alteration in the Constitution of Australia. State of H. M. Colonial Possessions. 58 (1850). .Select Committee on Ceylon. Steam Communication : Suez and Boniba}-. Supply of Cotton from British Possessions. .Suppression of Piracy : Coast of Borneo. 59 (1850-52). Alterations in the Constitution.s : Australian Colonies. Convict Discipline and Transportation. Crown Lands in the Australian Colonies. Reduction of Troops in New .South Wales. GO (1852). Discovery of Gold in Australia. Hostilities with Burmah. Naval and Military Establishments : Colonies. Papers relative to Ceylon. .State of H. M. Colonial Possessions. 61(1852). Establishment of Representative Assembly: Cape of Good Hope. Papers relating to the New Zealand Company. Ordinances passed at the Cape of Good Hope. .State of the Kaffir Tribes. 62(1853). Alterations in the Constitutions: Australian Colonies. Crown Lands : Australian Colonies. Emigration to the Australian Colonies.. Establishnrent of Representative Assemlily : Cape of Good Hope. .State of H.M. Colonial Possessions. 63 (1853-.54). Convict Discipline and Transportation. Discovery of C4old in Australia. 64(1855). Alterations in the Constitutions: Australian Colonies. Discovery of Gold in Australia. .Supplies for the British Army in the Crimea. 65 (18.56). Alterations in the Constitutions : Australian Colonies. Crown Lands : Australian Colonics. Discovery of (iold in Australia. State of H.M. Colonial Possessions. 66 (18.56-57). Entrance into Canton. Inquiry: .Sir J. M'Neill and Colonel Tnlloch (Ci'imean Camp). Insults in China. Letters to Lord Panmure, by Earls Lucan and Cardigan. Military Affairs in Asiatic Turkey. Operations in the Canton River, 1847. Proceedings of H.M. Naval Forces at Canton. Protocol signed at Paris, January 6th, 1857. 67 (18.57-58). Adnihiistration of Justice in the Colonies. Australian Postal Service. Discovery of (iold in Australia. Emigration (Australia). Exploration of Northern portion of Australia. Land .Sales, Australia. State of H.JNI. Colonial Possessions. PARLIAMENTARY DOCUMENTS, Mid., 1M2I. Dili' lit PARRY (Rear-Adm. Siu William Edw.mih). Knt., itc. — cuntinued. Journal of a Second Voyage, performed in the years 1821-23, in H.M, Ships Furii and IIr,-I„. 4to. Lond., 1824. ' DllP12t Appendi.v to Captain Parry's Journal of a Second Voyage performed in H.M. Sliips Fury ami llfda, in the years 1821-23. 4to. Lond., 1825. D 11 P 13 t Journal of a Third Voyage performed in the years 1824-25, in H.M. Ships 'llidn and Fury. 4to. Lond., 1826. ' D 11 P 14 t Narrati\e of an Attempt to reach the North Pole, in Boats fitted for tiie purpose, and attached to H.M. Ship 7AW,(, in the year 1827. 4to. Lond., 1828. DllP15t Memoirs of ; by his Son, the Rev. E. Parry. 6th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1859. C 2 Q 33 [See Barton, W.] PARSONS (Edwaud). Neal's History of the Puritans, abridged. [See Neal, D.] PARSONS (G. S.), R.N. Nelsonian Remini-scences : Leaves from Memory's Log. 8vo. Loud., 1843. C4T21 PARSONS (Rodeut). Conference about the next Succession to the Crown of England. 12mo. Reprinted at Nassau, 1681. B3Q26 PARSONS (Thomas), Barhi8ter-at-La>v. Law in Victoria ; a Barrister to the Bench, Bar, and Public, on his .seceding from his Practice at the Bar of Victoria, and ofTei-ing his Services to the Public directly. 8vo. Melb., 1859. MF 3 P 5 Another copy. MJ 2 R 12 Offer to frame and initiate the Administration of a Real Property Law. 8yo. Melb., 1863. MJ 2 R 12 Letter to the Timox, Printing House Scjuare, London. 8vo. Melb., 1866. MJ 2 R 12 Address to the Persons calling themselves the Ari/Uit. 8yo. Melb., 1867. MJ 2 li 12 Alcock 1". Fergie : an Addiess to the Chief Justice of the Colony of Victoria, refuting the Decision in Alcock r. Fergie." 8vo. Melb., ISC.S. MJ 2 R 12 Second Lett(M- to the Duke of Buckingham. 8vo. Melb., 1868. ' MJ •_> R DJ The Washeiwoman to till' Hon. Janu's McCulloch. 8vo. Melb., 1868. MJ 2 R 12 The Washerwoman of Melbourne to the Secretary for the Colonies. S\,,. .Melli., bsH'.i. ]\IJ 2 U 12 Second Su))])lement to tlu' Washerwoman of Melbourne! to the Secretary for the Colonies. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MJ2R12 The Washerwoman of Melbourne lo ller Most Gracious Majesty the t^)ueeh. anil to tin' Hon. the Attorney-General and the rest of llie Wiw of the (Silony of Victoria. 8v(>. M.-lb., 187(1. ■ ]\IJ 2 R 12 Fifth Letter to the Duke of lluikingliani. 8vo., 1H68. MJ 2 U 12 EEEE PUBLIC LIERAllY, SYDNEY. 585 Pax] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Pat PARTINGTON (C. F.) ]\reclianics' Library ; ,,r, B.K.k of Trades. 8vo. Loud, (n.d.) A 1 1 S 2.3 PARTON (James). Life and Times of Aaron liiirr. llth ed. 8vo. New York, 1858. 5 T 1 Life of Voltaire. 2vol.s.8vo. Lond.,1881. CyR37, 38 Topics of the Time. 8vo. Boston, 1871. J 12 T 10 PARTON (James). Does it Pay to Smoke ? To which is added, the Use and Abuse t>f Tobacco : a Letter tf> the Times, by Sir Benjamin Brodie, Bart. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MA 2 S 3S Will the Coming Man ih-ink Wine? 8vo. Melb., 1869. MA 2 S 38 PARTRIDGE (C.) Cahnnny refuted, the Colonists vindi- cated, and the Right Horse saddled ; or, a brief Review of Mis-government in New Zealand the Cause of the Native Rebellion. 8vo. Auckland, 1864. MF 1 R 21 PASCAL (Blaise). Provincial Letters of ; with an Esssay on Pascal, by M. Villemain. Translated, with Memoir, by George Pearce. 8vo. Lond., 1849. G 11 P 35 Provincial Letters of. Edited l)y John de Soyres. 8vo. Camb., 1880. G 12 Q 21 Etudes sur Pascal. [See Cousin, V.] PASCHAL II (Papa). Epistola? et Privilegia. [See MiGNE, J. P., Seriel Latina, 163.] PASCOE (Charles Eyre.) Our Actors and Actresses ; the Dramatic List : a Record of the Performances of Living Actors and Actresses of tlie Britisli Stage. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 11 Q 2 [See Dramatic Notes.] PASCOE (Francis P.), and MASTERS (George). of the Australian Longicoms, chiefly described and arranged by F. P. Pascoe ; with additional Localities and Corrections by G. Masters. 8vo. Sydney, 1868. MA 2 V 8 PASLEY (Capt. C), R.E. The AYar in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MD 1 U 21 PASLEY (Sir Charles W.), K.C.B. Observations on Limes, Calcareous Cenients, itc. 8vo. Lond., 1838. A2 S 13 PASOLINI (Giuseppe), Count. Memoir of Count Giu- seppe Pasolini, late President of the Senate of Italy, b. 1815, d. 1876. Compiled by his Son, P. D. Pasolini; translated and abridged. With Portrait. 8\o. Loiid., 1885. C 7 R 47 PASPATI (Alexandre G.), A.M., etc. Memoir on the Language of the Gypsies, as now used in the Turkish Empire ; ti-anslated from the Greek, l)y Rev. C. Hamlin, D.D. 8vo. Newhaven, 1861. K 15 S 24 Etudes sur les Tchinghiani's ou Bohemiens de I'Empire Ottoman. Roy. Svo. Constantinople, 1870. K16Q11 PASSENGERS' ACT. Working of the Passengers' Act. 8vo. Lond., 1851. F 4 R 18 PASTEUR (J. D.) [See Mortimer, Lieut. G.] MD 4 U 43 4 E PASTEUR (Louis). His Life and Labours ; by Lis Son- in-Law [Valery Radot.] Translated liy Lady Claud Hamilton. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 4 Q 25 Studies on Fermentation : tlie Diseases of Boer, their and tlie Means of Preventing them. Svo. Lrmd., 1879. A 6 Q 1 1 PASTON LETTERS. Original Letters written during the Reigns of Henry vi, Edwai-d iv, Richard in, and Henry vii, l)y various Persons of Rank or Consei|uence. 2nd ed. 5 vols. 4 to. Lond., 1787-1S23. C 3 W 18-22 Original Letters written during the Reigns of Henry VI, Edward iv, and Richard in, l)y various Persons of Rank or Consequence ; with Notes by Sir John Fenn. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1840-41. C 2 Q 31, 32 The Paston Letters 1422-1509 a.d. A New Edition, containing upwai-ds of 400 Letters, kc, hitherto unpub- lished ; edited by James Gairdner. 3 vols. sm. 4t<). Lond., 1872-75. CUP 28-30 PASTORAL HOLDINGS. [See New South Wales.] PASTORAL TENANTS. [See Victoria.] PATANJALT. The Yoga Philosopliy ; being tlie Text of the Patanjali. Edited by Tukaram Tatiii. 12mo. Bombay, 1882. G 7 T 6 PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS. Letters and Sugges- tions upon the amendment of the Law relative to Patents. 8vo. Lond., 1835. A 7 Q 13 PATENT LAW AMENDMENT ACT. [See Drewrv, C. S.] PATENTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. [See New South Wales.] PATENTS OF NEW ZEALAND. [See New Zea- land.] PATENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. [See United States.] E PATERCULUS (Caius Velleius). [See Velleus Pater- CULUS, C] PATERFAMILIAS'S DIARY OF EVERYBODY'S TOUR. 12mo. Lond., 1856. D 7 P 46 PATERSON (G.), M.A. History of New South Wales' from its Discovery to the Present Time ; comprising an accurate and interesting Description of that vast and remarkable Country, and of the Persons, Manners, and Customs of tlie Natives. To which is added a Descrip- tion of Van Diemen's Land and Norfolk Island. Illus- trated. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1811.* MB 1 T 16 PATERSON (Huc.ii). The Teeth and their Treatment in Health and popularly explained. 12mo. Svdnev, 1864.* " MA 2 S 25 PATERSON (James). Biographical Notices of the Lives of the Sempills of Beltrees. [See Sempill, Sir R. J. and F.] Ijife of William Hamilton, of Bangour. [See Hamilton, W.] 586 CATALOGUE OF THE Pat] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Pau PATERSON (James), M.A. Liberty of the Press, Speech, and PubHc Worship ; Ijeing Commentaries on the Liberty of the Subject and the Law of England. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F 5 R 10 PATERSON (M.) ^Mountaineering below the Snow Line; or, the Sohtary Pedestrian in Snowdonia and elsewhere. 12mo. Ix)nd.; 1886. D 10 Q 34 PATERSON (Capt. William). Narrative of Four Jour- neys into the Countiy of the Hottentot and Caffraria, in the years 1777-79. "-Ito. Lond., 1789. D 4 S 2 t PATERSON (Major William). Notes of Mihtary Sur- veying and Reconnaissance. 3rd ed. 8vo Lond., 1875. A6S16 PATON (Allen Park). The Kamnet Shakespcre. [_See Shakespeare, W.] PATON (Andrew Archibald). Henry Beyle (otherwise De Stendahl) : a Critical and Biographical Study, aided by original Documents and unpublished Letters from the private Papers of the Family of Beyle. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 3 S 8 Highlands and Islands of the Adriatic. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1849. D 6 U 28, 29 Cfoth and Hun ; or, Transylvania, Debreczin, Pesth, and Vienna, in 1851. ' D 6 T 15 Modern Syrians ; or, Native Society in Dama.scus, Aleppo, and the Mountains of the Druses, from Notes made in those parts during the years 1841-43 ; by "An Oriental Student." 8vo. Lond., 1844. " D 6 P 31 PATON (Chalmers I.) Freemasonry: its Symbolism, Religious Nature, and Law of Perfection. 8vo. Lond., 1873. J 6 T 18 PATON (Sir J. Noel). Compositions from Shakespeare's " Tempest" : Fifteen Engravings in outline. Ob. 4to. Ix.nd., 1877. A5R11 PATOT (Simon Tv.s.sot dk;. N'oyagcs et. Avanturcs dv Jafjues Ma.sse. 12mo. Bourdcaux, 1710. J l(i T '.\ PATRICK (R. W. CoriiRAN-), LL.D., *r. Catalogue of the Medals of Scotland, fron\ (he Earliest Pci-jod to the Prnsent Time. 4to. Edinb., 18S4. K 9 P 9 t PATRICK (Saint). Life' and Acts of Saitit Paliiik, ih,^ Anliliishop, Priiiiato and Apostle f>f Ireland ; by Ed- iinind I-. Swift. Hoy. 8yo. Dublin, 1809. (iS'UlO Life of. [Sm Htokkh, W.] Ht. Patrick, AjKislle of Ireland : a Memoir of liis Life and MJM.xiiin ; by James Hemthorn Tixld, D.I). 8 vo. Dublin, 1«G». (' 10 (^0 1 PATRICK (Samurl), \,\..\). Clavi.s H.miorica. [See lloMKR.] [5w IIoBATiUfl Flaccuh, Q.] II 8 V 3G, 37 PATRIOT (Tmk). 2 voIh. f"l. Lond, 1834-38. E PATTERN-BOOK, for Jewellers, Gold and Silver Smiths. Fol. Lond., 1883. 23 R 32 | PATTERN-MAKING: a Practical Treatise, embracing the Main Types of Engineering Construction ; by "A Foreman Pattern-maker." Illustrat'ed. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 6 R 30 PATTERSON (Prof. H. S.), M.D. Types of Mankind. [_See NoTT, J. C] PATTERSON (J. A.) Gold-fields of Victoria in 1862. 12mo. Melb., 1862.* MA 2 P 6 PATTESON (John Coleridge), First Bishop of Mela- nesia. Life of ; by Mary Charlotte Yonge. With Por- traits. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. MC 1 R 16, 17 PATTERSON (R. Hocartii). The New Golden Age and Influence of the Precious ]\Ietals upon the World. 2 vt)ls. 8vo. EcUnb., 1882. F 6 U 18, 19 Gas and Lighting. (Brit. Mainif. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 187G. A 17 S 36 PATTI (Carlotta). Her Tour around Ihc World, 1879-80. 8vo. Melb., 1880. MJ 2 R 15 PATTISON (Mark). Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614. 8vo. Lond., 1875. C 10 S 10 Milton. (Eng. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 1 U 26 :Menioirs. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 3 V 42 Po]K'['s] Essay on Man, Satires, and Epistles. [See Pope, A.] PATTISON (Mrs. Mark), Lady Dilke. Rcnais.sance of Art in France ; with Nineteen Illustrations on Steel. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 7 T 17, 18 PAUL. [5fc Scott, Sii: W.] PAUL (AitTMijH.) A V.'ord to tii.' i'.rethrcn of New South Wales. [See PsEsnYTERiAN Tkaots.] PAUL (!'.. H.), Pii.l). Indu.strir.l Chemistry: a Manual for in Technical Colleges or Schools, aniid., 1829. 112^18 Miister'.s Rival: ii Farce. ^Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) I2mr.. I/.iid., 1S29. fl 2 g 17 Meinoii-M of the Colman Family. 2 vols. 8 vo. I.oird., 1841. C 10 S 31, 32 PKAKCK (CuAKLKs T.), M.I)., kv. Small pox and Vao- citiatioM in Ix>nox in London, amon){ Vaccinat<' R 8 PEARCE (Robert Rouiere). Memoirs and Correspon- dence of the Most Noble Richard, Marquess Wellesley, K.P., etc. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 184G. C 9 V 46-48 PEARCE (Thomas), "Idstone." The Dog ; with Simple Directions for his Treatment, and Notices of the best Dogs of the Dav, and their Breeders or Exhibitors. 2nd ed. Svo Loiul, 1872. A 1 P 16 PEARCE (William). Hartford Bridge : an Operatic Farce. \See Farces 3.] Netley Abbey ; an Operatic Farce. \See Farces 3.] PEARCE (William Peter), B.A. Use and Abuse of Play: two Sermons. Svo. Melb., 187G. MG 1 Q 39 PEARS (Edwin), LL.B. Fall of Constantinople ; being the Story of the Fourth Crusade. Svo. Lond., 1885. B 13 V 25 PEARSON (Charles H.), M.A. History of England during the Early and Middle Ages. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1867. " B 6 P 1, 2 PEARSON (Emma Maria), and MACLAUGHLIN (Louisa E.) Our Adventures during the War of 1870. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1871. D 7 Q 27, 28 PEARSON (Very Rev. Hugh), D.D., Dean or Salisbury. Memoirs of tlie Life and Correspondence of the Rev. Christian Frederick Swartz ; to which is prefixed a Sketch of the History of Christianity in India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. C 5 R 24, 25 PEARSON (Rev. H.) Sermon preached at St. Bride's Church, Fleet-street, before the Church Missionary Society. (Pam. 13.) Svo. Lond., 1830. ^IJ 2 Q'3 PEARSON (PitoF. .louN), D.D., kv. An Exposition of the Creed. 3rd ed. Sm. fol. Lond., 16G9. (5 5 U 14 Another copy. New ed. ; with an Analysis, by Edward Walford, ISl'.A. Svn. Lond., 1878. ' til6P27 PEARSON (Rt. Rev. J B.), D.l)., Bishop op Newcastle. Exjilanation of the Articles of the Apostles' Creed. Svo. Sydney, 18 IG. MG 1 Q 31 I'KAHSON (l!i;y. .lonv Nouman), ISI.A. {See Cih'kcm MlSSloNAHV SoCIKI'V. I PKAItSoX (K.) [See TonMUNTEii, 1. A II U 21 PEAKSON (Rev. Thomas). Iiilidelity: its A.sppct.s, Causes, and Agencies ; being the Prize Essay of the British Organizatiiui of the Exaiiirelic.-il ,\lli;ince. Svo. Lond., 185,3. G II S 9 PKASH (Am'ukd Iv) The ( 'li'y..|;uHl IIoiukIs as a Trench. •ifiMl r,i,-l<. 8vo. Lond., |SS7. A 1 7 \V 1 7 PECCHIO ((JiL'sElTi;), CniiNi'. Semi serious ( )liser\ .ilions of an Italian i'lxile duiing his Resi(l<>iu'i' in liUgland. 8vo. Lond., 1833. 1) 7'P G Picture; of Greece. {See Emehhox, James.] I) 8 S 37, 38 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 589 Pec] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Seference. [Pern PECK (B. C.) Recollections of Sydney, the Capital of New South Wales. Illustrated by a Plan of the City. 12mo. Lond., 18.50.* MD 1 S 40 PECK (Francis), M.A. Academia tertia Anf;licaua; or, the Antiquarian Annals of Stanford in Lincoln, Rutland, and Northampton Shires. Roy. fol. Lond., 1727. B15S13J Desiderata Curiosa ; or, a Collection of divers Scarce and Curious Pieces, relating chiefly to matters of English History. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1779. B 18 R 15 X New Memoir's of the Life and Poetical Works of John Milton. 4to. Lond., 1740. H 6 V 15 New Memoirs of the Life and Actions of Oliver Crom- well ; as delivered in three Panegyrics of him. 4to. Lond., 1740. C 4 W 5 PECOCK (Rt. Rev. Reynold), De.\n of Chichester. [&« Peacock. Rt. Rev. R.] PEDDER (J. L.), Chief Justice. Case of. [&« Tas- mania.] PEEL (Albert), M.P. Local Government and Taxation. \_See Rath BONE, W.] PEEL (Rt. Hon. Sir Robert.), Bart. Memoirs (Political). Published by Lord Malion and the Rt. Hon. E. Cardwell. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1856-57. F 5 T 20, 21 Opinions of, expressed in Parliament and in Public ; ))y W. T. Haly. 8vo. Lond., 184.3. F 6 S 7 Speeches by, during his Administration, 18-34-35. 8vo. Lond., 1835. F 6 U 15 Life of the Rt. H(jn. Sir Robt. Peel, Bart., as Subject and Citizen, as Legislator and Minister, and as Patron of Learning and the Arts ; with a Portrait, 1)V William Harvey." 12mo. Lond., 1850. " C 1 R 28 Memoirs of. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842. C 3 U 33, 34 Memoirs of; by F. P. G. Guizot. 8vo. Lond., 1857. C 9 Q 18 Sir Robert Peel : an Historical Sketch ; by Henry, Lord Bailing and Bulwer. Svo. Lond., 1874. C 9 Q 17 [Life of]; by George Barnett Smith. Lond., 1881. C 2 P 37 Speeches of, delivered in the House of Commons, 1810-50. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. F 13 Q 8-11 (Pam. 11.) 8vo. Lond., F 12 P 9 Speech on the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel, in the House of Commons, August 10, 1842. (Pam. IG.) 8vo. Loud., 1842. MJ 2 Q G Speech of, in the House of Commons, May Gth, and 20th, 1844, on the Renewal of the Bank Charter. (Pam. 16.) 8vo. Lond., 1844. MJ 2 Q 6 ISee Westhead, J. P.] MJ 2 Q 8 PEEL RIVER COMPANY. First Annual Report of the Peel River Land and Mineral Company. (Pam. Dl.) 8vo. Lond., 1854. MF 3 P 11 Speech on the Corn Laws. 1840. PEELE (Georoe). Dramatic and Poetical Works of; with Memoir of the Authoi-, and Notes by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 8vo. L(md., 1874. H 2 T 14 PEGGE (Samuel), F.S.A. Anecdotes of the English Lan- guage ; chiefly regai-ding the Local Dialect of London and its Environs. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1814. K 15 Q 7 Curialia Miscellanea; or, Anecdotes of Old Times, Regal, Noble, Gentilitial, and Miscellaneous. Svo. Lond., 1818. B 6 P5 Life of Roger de Weseham, Dean of Lincoln, <&c. 4to. Lond., 1761. C 4 W 7 PEGLER (H. S. H.) Book of the Goat ; containing full particulars of the various Breeds of Goats, and their profitable Management. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1886. A 14 S 3 PEGOT-OGIER (E.) The Fortunate Isles ; or, the Archi- pelago of the Canaries; translated by Frances Locock. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1871. D 1 S 31, 32 PEIRCE (Benjamin), A.M. History of the Harvard University, from its Foundation, 1636, to the American Revolution. Svo. Camb., Mass, 1S33. B 19 S 1 PEISLEY (John). Brief Memoir of John Peisley, the notorious Bushranger ; with a full Report of his Trial and Condemnation for the Wilful Murder of William Benyen (Pam. 41.) 12mo. Bathurst, 1862. MJ 2 R 3 PELAGIUS II (Papa). Opera omnia. [S«e Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 72.] PELHAM (Camden). Chronicles of Crime ; or, the New Newgate Calendai-. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1886. F 8 S 20, 21 PELHAM (Cavendish). The World; or, the Present State of the Universe. 2 vols, (in 3) 4to. Lond., 1806. D9Sll-13t PELLESCHI (G.) Eight Months on the Gran Chaco of the Argentine RepubHc. Svo. Lond., 1886. D3Q19 PELLEW (Hon. George), D.D. Life and Correspondence of the Rt. Hon. Henry Addington, First Viscount Sid- mouth. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1847. C 9 U 43-45 PELLICO (Silvio). Des Devoirs des Hommes ; traduction nouvelle, par J. Depoisier. 12mo. Paris, 1847. G 9 Q 38 Art)Ido and Clara : an Historical Poem ; translated from the Italian, by W. A. Duncan. (Pam., 3.) 12mo. Svdnev, 1840. MJ 2 P 38 Confessions to. [_See Sorelli, G.] C 2 Q 49 PELLISSIER (Prof. A.) Precis d^Histoire de la Langue Francaise, depuis son Origine jusqu'a nos jours. 2^ ed. Svo. 'Paris, 1873. K 11 V 47 PELTIER (J.) Trial of, for a Libel against Napoleon Buonaparte. Svo. Lond., 1803. F 10 P 16 PEMBERTON (Charles Reece). Life and Literary Re- mains of ; with Remarks on his Character and Genius, by W. J. Fox; edited by John Fowler. Svo. Lond., 1843. ■ J 12 V 17 590 CATALOGUE OP THE fm} Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Peo PEMBROKE (George Robeut Charles Herbert), Earl OF. Old >rew Zealand [^See, F. E.] PEMBROKE (George Robert Charles Herbert) Earl OF, and KINGSLEY (G. H.), M.D. South Sea Bubbles; by "The Earl and the Doctor.'^ 3id ed. 8\o. Loud., 1872. MD 5 T 35 PENDENNIS (Arthur). {See Thackeray, W. M.] PENDLEBURY (Charles), M.A., ttc. Leases and Sys- tems of Lenses, treated after the numiier of Gauss. 8vo. Cainb., 18S4. A 5 U 3-t PENDLETON (John). Lend., 1886. History of Derbyshire. 8v(). B G S 38 PENDRAGON (A.) [_See Isaacs, G.] PENFOLD (C.) Practical Treatise upon the best mode of repairing Roads; with some Observations upon the present System. (Pani. U.) 8vo. Croydon (n.d.) MJ i! Q 4 PENLEY (Prof. Aaron). English School of Painting in Water-Colours : its Theory and Practice, with the several Stages of Progression. \\'ith Illustrations. Roy. fol. Lond., 1874. A 32 P U J PENX (Granville). Camparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Geologies. 8vo. Lond., 1822. A !) R 17 PENN (W1LLIA.M). Historical Biography ; with an extra Chapter on the " Macaulay Charges," by "NV. H. Dixon. 8vo. Lond., 1851. i T 22 Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the Peopln called Quakers. 12th ed. 8vo. Manchester, 1834. G 10 Q 24 Meraoii-s of the Private and Public Life of; by Thomas Clark.son, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Load., 1813. C 5 V 25, 26 [Life of] The Founder of Penn.sylvania ; by John Stougli- ton, D.D. 8vo. I^.nd., 1882. C 4 T 23 PENNANT (TnoMA.s), LL.D. Arctic Zoology. 3vols. 4to. Jy.nd., 17M4-87. A 15 Q 10-12 British Zoology. Ith ed. 4 vols. 4to. AVarrinnton, 177G-77. AlyQ4 7 llistorv of Quadinipcds. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1781. A 15 Q 8, 9 (..■iKiHof iJinls. \U>. b.nd., 1781. A 15(2 13 Tours ill Scotland and Voyage to the lli'luides, 1769-72. 3rd od. 3 voIh. 4t'i. Warrington, iVc, 1774 76. J) 6 V 30-32 Another copy. 5tli ed. 3 vols. It... Lond., 1790. D G V 33-35 Journey from Chester lu [.^indiiii ]^>m)., IHII. Literary Life of ; by hiiiisolf, III. with Nolr.s. 8vo. D T 3 I l/.nd., 1793. C 4 W 25 PENNANT (Thomas, l.'L.T).— -continued. Tour from Downing to Alston-Moor. Rt)y. 4to. Load., 1801. D 36 Q 5 t Tours in Wales; with Notes. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1810. D 7 V 20-22 View of Hindoostau, India, Extra-Gangena, China, Japan, and the Malayan Isles, New Holland, and the Spicy Islands. (Outlines of the Globe.) 4 vols, (in 2) 4to. Lond., 1798-1800. D 4 V 13, 14 Another copy. 4 vols. 4to. Load., 1798-1800. MD 7 Q G-9 t [Index to the] " Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux," par lo Comte de Buffon, and " Les Plaaches Enluniinees," .systematically disposed. 4to. Load., 178G. A 15 Q 13 PENNELL (H. Cuolmoxdeley-). Fishing: Pike and other Coarse Fish. 8vo. Load., 1885. ' A 14 Q 28 Fishing : Salmon anil Trout. 8vo. Load., 1883. A 14 Q 29 Sporting Fish of Great Britain ; with Notes ou Ich- thyology. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 15 P 7 PENNING (W. Henry), F.G.S. Text-book of Field Geology : with a Section on Pahvontology, by A. J. Jukes- Browne, B.A., Ac. With Illustrations. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 9 Q 26 PENNINGTON (A. S.) British Zoophytes : an latroduc- tioa to the llydroida, Actinozoa, and Polyzoa fouad in (Jreat Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands. 8vo. Load., 1885. A 14 Q 21 PENNINGTON (Rev. Montague), M.A. Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, with a new Edition of her Poems ; to which are added, some Miscellaneous Essays in Prose ; together with her Notes oa the Bible, and Answers to Objections concerning the Christian Religion. Ith ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1823. C 6 T C, 7 PENNSYLVANIA. \_See United States op America.] PENNY CYCLOPAEDIA (The), of the Society for the Dill'usion of ITseful Knowledge. 27 vols, (in 14) imp. 8v„. Li.nd., 1833-43. K 6 S 1-14 2 vols, (ill 1 ) imp. 8vo. Lond., K 6 S 15 Supplement [to the abo\e]. 1845-46. Home Account of I/ind»n Ti\.\\ od. 8vo. I.i.nd., 1813. Ji 7 P 23 PENRITH HOSPITAL AND BENEVOLENT ASY- TAJM. Rules and Regulations of; witli R(>])orta and List i(f Subscribei-s, itc, for 1SG6 67. 8\ii. Sydney, 1S67-68. MF3P18 PENSIONS. Return (if all Pen.sioas, Retired and Super animated Allnwances, granted to Persons for Sei\ ices in, or connected with the? Colony, since 1M3, (I'arl. |)iics.,3,) K.,1. L,,n(l., 1H32. MF 4 \ Bill to regulate Pea.sions and Retiring Allciwunces for (tllicers in the Public Service. Fi,l. Sydney, 1870. MJ 2 U 1 TKol'LES ALMANACK fnr 1859. 12mo. Li.nd., I.S3U. ME4P FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 591 Peo] Part I : — Authors, Editoj's, or Reference. [Per PEOPLE'S FREE PRESS (The). People's Free Press and Educatidiial Magazine. Vol. 1, No. 1. 8vo. Melb., 18.57. iM.J 2 R 21 PEPOLI (PnoF. C.) On the Language and Literature of Italy: an Inaugural Lecture. (tJniv. of London.) 8vo. Loud., 1838. J 5 S 8 PEPPER (Prop. J. H.), F.C.S., A-c. Australian Gold-fields, and the best Means of disci'iniinating Gold from all other Metals and Minerals : a Lecture. 8vo. Lond., 1852. MD 5 R 1 Cyclopedic Science simplified. 8vo. Lond., 1869. A 5 S 48 PEPPERCORNE (Fredehick S.), C.E. Geological and Topographical Sketches of the Province of New Ulster. (Pam. B.) Roy. 8vo. Auckland, 1852. MJ 2 U 2 Memoir relative to the Improvement of Harbours and Rivers in Australia; with incidental Remarks on Canals and Railways. (Pam. 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1856. MJ 2 Q 16 Rivers of Australia. (Pam. 26.) 8vo. Sydney, 1857. MJ 2 Q 14 PEPYS (Samuel), F.R.S. Memoirs of ; comprising his Diary from 1659 to 1669, and a Selection from his private Correspondence. Edited by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. 2 vols. roy. 4to. Lond., 1825. C 1 W 22, 2-3 Life, Journals, and Correspondence of, including a Nar- rative of his Voyage to Tangier, deciphered from the Short-hand MSS. in the Bodleian Library, by the Rev. J. Smith, A.M. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841. C 8 U 41, 42 Sam\iel Pepys and the World he lived in ; l)y Heiiry B. Wheatley, F.S.A. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 9 P 23 PERCEVAL (Hon. and Rev. C. G.) Abridged Account of the Misfortunes of the Dauphin ; translated from the French. 8vo. Lond., 1838. C 8 Q 4 PERCEVAL (Dudley M.) Remarks on the Character ascribed by Col. Napier to the Rt. Hon. Spencer Pecrceval. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1835. B 13 U 7 PERCEVAL (Rt. Hon. Spencer). Remarks on the Character ascribed by Col. Napier to the late Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval. \See Perceval, D. M.] PERCIVAL (Mrs. E. H.) Life of Sir David Weddor- Imrn, Bart., M.P. ; compiled from his Journals and Writings, by his Sister. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 9 V 37 PERCIVAL (Rrv. Peter). Land of the Veda: India briefly described in some of its aspects. 8vo. Lond., 1854. D 5 P 34 PERCIVAL (Capt. Robert). Account oi the Island of Ceylon : its History, Geography, Natural History, etc. 4to. Lond., 1805. D 4 V 34 PERCIVALL (William), M.R.C.S. Hippopathology : a Systematic Treatise on the Disorders and Lamenesses of the Vol 1. 8vo. Lond., 1834. A 1 R 22 PERCY ANECDOTES (The). iSee Robertson, J. C] PERCY (C. M.) Mechanical Engineering of CVillieriea. 3rd ed. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond., 1885. A 6 U 4, 5 PERCY (Joun), M.D., d:c. Metallurgy: The Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores, and adapting them to various purposes of Manufacture : Iron and Steel. With Illustrations, chiefly from original Drawings, care- fully laid down to scale. 8vo. Lond., 1864. A 10 P 2 Metallurgy : the Art of Extracting Jletals from their Ores : Introduction, Refractory Materials, and Fuel. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 9 T 32 Metallurgy : the Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores : Silver and Gold. Part l. With luimerous Illus- trations on Wood, mostly from original Drawings. 8vo. Lond,, 1880. A 10 P 1 Metallurgy of Lead, including Desilverization and Cupella- tion. Iilu.strated.8vo. Lond., 1870. A10P3 Lectures on Gold. [_See Gold.] MA 2 P 1 PERCY POMO: the Autobiography of a South Sea Islander. 8vo. Lond., 1881. " MJ 1 R 26 PERCY SOCIETY. Early Englisli Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages. Edited from Original Manuscripts and Scarce Publications. 30 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840-52. E PERCY (Siiolto and Reuben). Percy Anecdotes. [See Robertson, J. C] PERCY (Rt. Rev. Thomas), D.D., Bishop of Dromore. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry ; with a Glossary. 8vo. Lond., 1840. H 6 XJ 26 Regulations and Establishment of the Household of Henry Algernon Percy, the 5th Earl of Northumberland, begun in 1512. 8vo. Lond., 1827. B 6 P 38 Johnsoniana. \_Scc Johnson, S.] C 2 R 24 PEREIRA (Jonathan), IM.D. Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, abridged and adapted for the use of Medical and Pharmaceutical Practitioners and Students, and comprising all the Medicines of the British Pliarmacopana, etc. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 12 U 5 Treatise on Food and Diet ; with Observations on the Dietetical Regimen suited for disordered ' states of the Digestive Organs. 8vo. Lond., 1843. A 12 U 14 PERIAM (Jonathan). American Encyclopajdia of Agri- culture : a Treasury of Useful Information for the Farm and Household. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1881. K 1 V 21 PERILS AND CAPTIVITY ; comprising the .sufferings of the Picard Family ; from the French of Mme. C. A. Dard. Narrative of the Capti\dty of M. de Brisson, and Voyage of Mme. Godin on the Piiver of the Amazons ; l)y J. Godin des Odonais. (Const. Misc.) 18mo. Edinli., 1827. K10P50 PERILS, PASTIMES, AND PLEASURES of an Emi- grant in Australia, Vancouver's Island, and California. 8vo. Lond., 1849. MD 1 W 18 592 CATALOGUE OF THE Perl Part I -.—Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Per PERISHING SOULS. An Appeal on behalf of Perish- in"' Souls : OI-, Eight Reasons why the preaching of the Gospel should not be confined to stated houses only. 12mo. Hobart, 1856. MG 1 P 49 PERKINS (W. H.), F.R.S. On the Aniline, or Coal Tar Colours. (Cantor Lectures, 1 ) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1869. A 15 U 21 PERKINS (Charles C.) Historical Hand-book of ItalLan Sculpture. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 7 S 10 PERKINS (Fked. B.) San Francisco Cataloguing for Public Libraries : a :Manual of the System used in the San Francisco Free Public Library. 8vo. San Fran- cisco, 1884. " J 9 Y 23 Rational Classification of Literature for Shelving and Cataloguing Books in a Library. Roy. 8vo. San Fran- cisco, f882:' ■ J9 V 23 PERKINS (Horace). Melbourne ilhislrirt und Victoria l)eschriel,en. 8vo. Melb., 1886. MD 1 W 44 PERKINS (Rev. Justin). A Residence of Eight Years in Persia, among the Nestoriau Christians. 8vo. And- over, 1843. D 5 S 5 PERKINS (J. B.) France under Mazarin ; with a Re- view of the Administration of Richelieu. 8vo. New- York, 1886. B 8 R 23, 24 PERNETY (Antoixe Joseph). iSee Bougainville, L. A. Comte de.J PERNY (Paul), M.A. Dictionnaire Franrais-Latiii- Chinois de la Langue ^landarine parlee. 4to. Paris, 1869. K 13 U 6 Appendice du Dictionnaire Francais-Latin-Chinois do la Langue Mandarine parlee contenant unc notice sur I'Aca- demie Imperiale de Ptkin. 4u.. Pari.s, 1872. K 13 U 7 Dialogues Chinois-Latins, traduits mot a mot, avec la prononciation accentuee. 8vo. Paris, 1872. K 12 S 31 P^RON (Francois Aug.), et FREYCINET (Louis). Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes, sur les Cor- vettes /« Giotjraphn, 1e Natumfinle, et la Goelette le Catuarinn, pendant les annees 1800-4. 2 vols. 4to. Pari.s, 1807-16. MD 4 Q 1, 2 f Atla.s, par MM. Lciueur et Petit. Hov. Ito. Paris, lSOO-04. .MI)4(J3t Another copy; with Atlas. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Paris, 1807-16. MD4ti4, 5t EnUleckungsroise nadi Auslruliiii, untcrnonnuen niif BefchI Sr.Maj. des Kaisers von l-'rankrcich mid Koiiigs von Itahen init den Korvcttcn dcr drinintjih nnd dor SriluriiliMl, und der (ioeletle Knmiriuii in di'ii .I.-dircii IHOO bis 1 M04. 2 vol.H. 8vo. Weimar, 1 HOH- 1 9. .M I ) 1 V 32, 33 Voynji.m>iiia Centennial IIITION, 1H76.) I'EI'.OUSE (J. F. G. i.i; La). {Ste L,\ Pkhouhe, J. F. G. DP. LA.] PEROWNE (Rev. J. J. Stewart), D.D. Letters of Connop Thirlwall. \See Tiiirlwall, Rt. Rev. C] C 10 P 38 PERRAULT (Charles). Contes des Fees. \_See Cabinet des Fkes, 1.1 PEROTTT (Nkolo). [See Polybius.] B 12 P30 PERRINt; (J. S.), C.E., and ANDREWS (E. J.) The Pyramids of Gizeh, from actual Survey and Admeasure- ni'ent, by J. S. Perring, C.E. Illustrated by E. J. Andrews. 3 vols, (in 2) at. fol. Lond., 1839-42. D 3 P 27, 28 \ [See Vyse, Col. H.] D 2 V 16-18 PERRING (Sir Philip), Bart. Hard Knots in Shakes- peare. 8vo. Lond., 1885. J 3 S 21 PERRON D'ARC (Henry). Aventures dun W.yagcur en Australie : Neuf Mois de Sejour chez les Nagarnooks. Svo. Paris, 1869. MD 4 Q 43 Another copy. S-^ C-d. 8vo. Paris, 1879. MD 4 Q 44 PERROT (Prop. Georges), and CHIPIEZ (Charles). History of Art in Ancient Egypt: translated and edited by Walter Armstrong, B.A. Illustrated. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1883. ^ A 7 V 1, 2 History of Art in Chakhea and A.ssyria: translated and edited by Walter Armstrong, B.A. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 8 S 26, 27 History of Art in Pluvnicia and its Dependencies. Illus- trated. 3 ^■ols. roy. 8yo. Lond., 1885. A 8 R 24, 25 PERROT (Georges), GUILLAUME (Edmond), and Dl'^LBET (Jules). Exploration Archeologique do la (ialatio, et de la Bithynie, d'une partie de la Mysie, de la Phrygie, do la Cappadoce, et du Pont. Planches et Cartes. 2 vols. roy. fol. Paris, 1872. D 4 S 10, 11 J ri'^KltV (Rt. Uev. t'liAHLEs), D.D., Bishop of Melbourne. Cluirch in the Colonies — Australia : a Letter. 2nd ed. rjino. Loml, 1850. MD 1 T 49 ( )ii divisions in the Chui'cli, arid the duty nf marking and avoiding tlmse who cause tlieiu : a Serinon. 8vo. Melb., 1851. MG 1 Q 40 Form (if Pi-ayer .•ii>)iointed liy i\\o Bislioji, to be used in the Clnirches and Places of A\'oislii)i (iirougliout the 8vo. Melb., 1851. M(! 1 i) 10 'I'lie Decalogue, .-i l»i\iiie Code of JMoial Law: a Ivcttcr, in II ply to the Rev. I.saac New's "Lord's Day v. Sabbath. " Smi. "Melb., isco. i\i(; 1 () :!7 Seniiiiii iire.-iehed .-ifler the l''uiieral of I l;iMiiah Seddiin. Smi. .\blli., I SCI. INK! 1 Q 39 Kcce Homo: a Lecture. 8vo. Melb., 1867. MG 1 Q 37 Creation r. I >e\clr('lnztc>ne di (!. Leo]>ardi e con note iiiiditi- di K. CuiniToni. 5» ed. 8vo. Milaiio, ]hH."». II 7 Q G Hi 1! voIh. I'ihft, 1805. J I L'7 (I IM, I'J { [Stt (ir.l'iKIE, \..\ PETRE (Hon. Henry AYilliam). Account of the Settle- ments of the New Zealand Company ; from Personal Observations during a Residence there. 8vo. Lond., 1841. MD 5 R 31 Account of the Settlements of the New Zealand Com- pany. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1841. MI) 5 R 32 PETREL. [See Ix Southern Seas.] PETRIE (George), LL.D., itc. Life and Labours, in Art and Archaeologv, of; by W. Stokes, M.D., itc. 8vo. Lond., 1868. " C 9 P 16 Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland ; anterior to the Anglo-Norman Invasion. 4to. Dublin, 1845. A 2 T IS PETRIE (Henry), F.S.A., SHARPE (Rev. John), P.. A., AND HARDY (Sir Thomas Duffus), Knt. Monu- menta Historica Rritannica ; or. Materials for the History of Britain. Vol. 1. {All published.) Fol. Lond., 1848. B 14 T 18 J Another copy. Fol. Lond., 1848. B18U16J PETRIE (W. jr. Flinders). Pvramids and Temples of Gizeh. 4to. Lond., 1883. " A 2 S 1 Tanis : Part I, 1883-84. Second Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1885. B 15 R 2 + PETRIE (\V. M. F.), Axn GARDNER (E. A.), M.A. Naukratis. Part 1,1884-85. Third Memoir of the Egvpt Exploration Fund. Roy. 4 to. Lond., 1886. B 2 P lOf Naukratis. Part 2, 1885-86. Continued by E. A. tiardner. Sixth Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1S8S. " B 2 P 11 t PETRONIUS ARBITER (Caius). The Satyricon of. [See Propertius, S. A.] PETRONJ (SxiiFANO Ec.i'dio), and DAVENPORT (John). Nuovo Dizionario — Italiano — Inglese — Franccsc. 3» ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828. K 15 Q 12, 13 PETRUS BLESENSIS. Opera omnia. [See Migxe, J. P., Series Latixa, 207.] PETRUS CANTOR. Verbum Abbreviatum. [See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 205.] PETRUS CELLENSTS (Carxotexsis Ensrorus). Opera omnia. [See iMiune, J. P., Series Latixa, 202.] PETRUS CHRYSOLOGUS (Saxctus). Opera omnia. [See Mi'JNE, J. P., Series Latixa, 52.] rETIil'S ( I'Aiiiicirs). [See Byzani'ixae Hist. Script.] PETRUS VENERABILIS. Oj.rra omnia. [See ]\Ii(ine, J. P., Series Latixa, 189.] PliTTAVEL (Kavid Louis). Concise and Practical Trea- tise on the ('idtivaiioii of the Vine in tlm Coluny of \'ic- Ic.ria. (Prize ICssay.) 8\.,. G.Tlmij,', l.s.M).* M A 1 Q 2 'J'hi- Vine. [Srt Belpeiihoi o, ,1. j FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 595 Pet] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Phi PETTENKOFER (Dit. Max von). RelaiiunH of tbo Air to the Clothes we wear, the House we Hve in, and tlio Soil we dwell on ; Lectures, translated by Augustus Hess, M.D. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 13 P 11 PETTKiREW (J. Bell), M.D., ic. Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower Animals, and in Man. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 12 T 8 Animal Locomotion ; or. Walking, iSwimniing and Flying; with a Dissertation on Aeronautics. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A1GP4 PETTIOREW (TiioM.^s Joseph), P.R.S., itf. Memoirs of the Life of Vice-Admiral Lord VLscount Nelson, K.B., ic. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. C 9 P 8, 9 Chronicles of the Tomhs : a Select Collection of Epitaphs. 8vo. Lond., 1864. B 23 Q 6 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1873. B 23 Q 7 History of Egyptian Mummies, and an Account of the Worship and Embalming of the Sacred Animals Ijy the Egyptians. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1834. B IG Q 12 | Bibliotheca Sussexiana: a Descriptive Catalogue, accom- panied liy Historical and Biographical Notices of the Manuscripts and printed Books contained in the Library of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, K.G., D.C.L., itc, in the Kensington Palace. Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1827. K 8 E, 21, 22 t PETTY (John). History of the Primitive Methodist Con- nexion. 8vo. Lond., 1864. G 11 S 3 PEUTINGER (Conrad). Tabula Itineraria Peutingerian.a 1753. Fol. Lipsiae, 1824. D38P16{ PEYRARD (F.) [_See Euclides.] A 10 V 17-19 PEYRON (Amedeus). Lexicon Linguae Copticfe. 4to. Taurini, 1835. K3S18t PEZZI (Domenico). Aryan Philology, according to the most recent Researches (Glottologia Aria Recentissima). 8vo. Lond., 1879. K 12 P 9 PFEIFFER (Emily). Flying Leaves frcmi East and West. 8vo. Lond., 1885. D 10 Q 39 PFEIFFER (Mme. Ida). A Lady's Second Journey round the World. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1855. I) 10 R 18, 19 Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy ; translated from the German, by H. W. Dulcken. 8vo. Lond., 1852. D 1 T 28 Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North. 8vo. Lond., 1852. 1) 8 R 13 A Woman's Journey round the World; an unabridged translation from the German. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1852. I) 10 R 17 PFEIFFER (LuDOVicus), M.D. Nomenclator Botanicus. 2 vols, (in 4) roy. 8vo. CVsillis, 1873-74. K 7 Q 25-28 PFIZER (GusTAv). Der Letzte der Baronc aus dem Englischen. [_See Lytton, Bahox ] PFLEIDERER (Phof. r)TTo), D.J). Lectures on the In- fluence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity. 8vo. Lond., 1885. G 7 P 6 PFLUGK-HARTTUNG (Dh. Julius von). Iter Italicum. Unternonnnen mit ITnterstiitzung der kgl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1883. B 1 1 S25 Acta Pontificum Romanorum inedita. [See Acta PoNTiFicu.M Romanorum.] PHtEDRUS (Augustus Lihertus). Faliuhe iE.sopiw, ex Editione J. G. S. Schwabii, cum Notis et Interj>retatione in usum Delphini ; Curante A. J. Valpy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1822. J 13 R 31, 32 Fables of. [_See Terentius Afer, P.] PHALARIS Dissertation on the Epistles of. \_See Bentlev, R.] PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd series. 44 vols. rov. 8vo. Lond., 1841-85. ' E Caleiidar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1881. 8vo. Lond., 1881. E PHEIDIAS. The Art of. [See Wald.stein, C] A 8 S 28 PHAYRE (Lieux.-Gen. Sir Arthur P.), G.C.M.G., Ao. History of Burma, including Burma Proper, Pegu, Taungu, Tenasserim, and Arakan ; from the earliest Time to the end of the first War with British India. 8vo. Lond., 1883. B 10 Q 21 Coins of Arakan, of Pegu, and Burma. [See Numismatica Ohientalia, 3.] A 2 S 17 t PHELPS (Samuel). Life and Life-Work of; by his Nephew, W. May Phelps, and John Forbes-Robertson. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 8 U 43 PHELPS (W. May), and FORBES-ROBERTSON (John). Life and Life-^^'ork of Sanmel Phelps. 8vo. Lond., 18G6. C 8 U 43 PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. [See Academy of Science, Philadelpiha.] PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL AND CEN- TENNIAL EXHIBITION OF 1876. Description and Ground Plans of the Buildings of the International Exhi- bitii)n; by H. T. Schwartzmaini, Architect. Roy. fol. Philad., i87G. A 2 P 6 I Belgique: Catalogue des Produits Industriels et des Oiluvrcs d'Art. 12nio. Bruxelle.s, 1876. K 7 R 4 Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of the Economic Minerals of Canada, and Notes on a Stratigraphical Col- lection of Rocks. Roy. 8vo. Montreal, 1876. K 8 Q 5 Catalogue of the Brazilian Section. 8vo. Philad., 1876. K 8 P 13 Catalogue of the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs Collection. 4to. Shanghai, 1876. K 9 P 3 t 59G CATALOGUE OF THE Phi] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Phi PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL AND CEN- TENNIAL EXHIBITION OF \S-1(,— continued. Catalogue of the Articles and Objects exhibited by the United States Navy Department. Roy. -tto. Philad., 1876. ■ K I Q II t Education Department : Report on the Philadelphia International E.xhibition of 1876. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1877-78. K 8 P 9-11 Catalogue of the Collective Exposition of the Nether- lands Booksellers' Association: Specimens of Publications nf the last years, including Schoolbooks, Newspapers, and Periodicals. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1876. K 7 S 8 Special Catalogue of the Netherland Section. Roy. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1876. K 8 Q2 Catalogue of the Russian Secti^in. ll'nio. St. Peters- burgh, 1876. K 7 R 3 Catalogue of the Chilian Exhibition at the Centenary of Philadelphia. Roy. 8vo. Valparaiso, 1876. K 8 Q 6 Empire of Brazil, at the L^niversal Exliil)ition of 1876. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. D If) U 3 Educational Institutions, Province of Ontario, Canada. (Pam. Bs.) 8vo. Toronto, 1876. MG 1 q 31 Lista Preparatoria del Catalogo do hjs Expnsitores do Espana y sus Provincias de Ultramar, Cuba, Puerto Rioo y Filipiiias. 8vo. Filadeltia, 1876. K 8 Q 3 Norwegian Special Catalogue for the Interuatiniial Exhibition at Philadelphia, 1876. 8vo. Christiana, 1876. K 8 P 8 Collection of the Netherlands Treasury Department: Explicatory Notice. (Pam Co.) 8vii. Amsterdam, 1876. A 16 U -23 Swedish Catalogues. 1. Statistics; by Dr. Elis Siden- bladh. 2. Exhibits. 8vo. Stockholm, 1876. K8P16 Olticial Catalogue. Parts 1, '1. 3r(l and revised ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1876. K 7 R 25, 26 Victorian Intercolonial Exhiliition, 187."), ]M'e))aratory to the Philadelpiiia Exhibition, 1876 ; o])('ned 2nd Sep- tfinber, 1X7"). OtViciul Catalogue of I'^xhibits. 8vo, Melb., 1875.* MK 1 Q 17 Prospectus and List of Commissioners for New South Wales. (Pain. M.) Fol. Sydney, 1875. MJ 2 S 4 Oflicial Record ; containing Introduction, Catalogue.s, < )Hii-ial -V wards of tlie Commissioners, Reports and Ro- connnendations of the Ex])erts, and Essays and Statistics on tlie Social and Economic ]{esources of the Colony of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1875.* .M K 1 g 11 Otlicial Catalogue of the Natural .unl Industrial Pro- ducts of New Soutli Wales, forwarded to the Interna- tional Exhibition of 1876, at Philadelphia. Roy. 8vo. Syilney, 1876. M K "l S 25 System of Classilication. «vo. Philad., 1874. M K I S 25 Re|Mii't of the (.'omniiHsioners for N'ietoria In lli^ M\ci'l- lency the (Jovernor. Roy. 8vo. Melb,, l'-i77. \1 K I I' I 7 r Ollicinl Catjiiogue of the British Section. I'ari I, 2. 2 voIh. (in 1) sm. Jto. l/.nd., |«70. K 7 S 25 I. OiririnI I'ntalo^iic. 'J. Ktliiliitorii' ('•iiiiiiDrri'inI fJiiirlc; coiitniiihig I'liitcd .SlntvH TnrJir, t»((< „f tlif Aiiicricnii bawH li-lnliiig to l'»t«-iili mill .Murkii. PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL AND CEN- TENNIAL EXHIBITION OF im-conthmed. Descriptive Catalogue of the Venezuelan Department; compiled by Dr. Adolphus Ernst. 8vo. Philad., 1876. K 7 R 30 Descriptive Catalogue of Collection from Jamaica; com- piled by Robert Thomson. 8vo. Kingston, 1876. K 7 R 30 Special Catalogue of Stated Displays of Live Stock. Part 1 and 2. Horses and Docs. 8vo. Philad., 1876. K 7 R 36 8vo. Montreal, K 7 R 36 Catalogue of Canadian Exhibitors. 1876. Department of Education and Science: Catalogue of the New Jersey Exhibit. 8vo. Trenton, 1876. K 7 R 36 Dominion of Canada: Catalogue of Exhibits in Educa- tion. 8vo. Toronto, 1876. K 7 R 36 Catalogue of the West Virginia State Exhibit ; by F. M. Maury, 8vo. Philad.,' 1 876. K 7 R 36 Check List of Preparations and Objects in the Section of Human Anatomy of the United States Army Medical ^luseum : by (Jeorge A. Otis. 8vo. Wash., 1876. K 7 R 36 Catalogue of Models, Instruments, Samples, Papers, and Drawings, exhibited by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 8vo. Boston, 1870. K 7 R 36 Catalogue of Proiluets of Michigan. 8vo. Lansing, 1876. K 7 R 36 Hospital of till' Medical 1 )e])artnient, United States Army Museum, Description of SpcH'imens from the; by J. J. 'Woodward. 8vo. Philad., 1S7G. A 16 U 21 Description of Models of Hospital Cars; by J. J. W\)odward. 8vo. Philad., 1876. A"16U21 Description of Models of Ho.spital Steam-Vessels; by ,]. J. Woodwanl. 8vo. Philad., 1876. A 10 U 2'l Description of the United States Army INledical Trans- ])ort Cart, Model of, 1870; by D. L. Huntingdon, and (J. A. Otis. 8\o. Philad., f8f0. A 10 U 21 Description of I'erot and Co.'s improved United States Ai-niy Medicine Wagon. 8vo. Philad., 1876. A 16 U 21 Description of selected Specimens from the Army Medical Mu.seum at Washington; by (!. A. Otis. 8vo. Philad., 1876. ' " A 16 U 21 List of Skeletons and Crania in llie Section of Com- )iarative Analoinv ; by I )i'. II. C. Yarrow. 8\o. Wash., 1870. ' ■ A 10 U 21 Jlilitaiy I'.i'idgi' ('(luipage ; designed and constructed by [Capt."] V. Norman. 8vo. Philad., 1870. A 1 T 2"l Cla.ssifiealion and (Grouping of Exhibits. Roy. 8\ii. Philad,, is7i;. K'8 P l:! Chili at Ccnlennial I'.xliibil ion of Philadi'l|ihia : Sihcr and (lold .\nialganialing Macliirierv of Chili. (I'ani. Co.) l2mo., IS70. ■ .\ 10 1! 23 Catalogui- of llir Products of the lira/ilian l'"oresls. [See Sai.d.wma ha f ^Massachu.setts, and of Labour Legislation in that State, 1833 to 1876. Rost.m, 187G. F 6 U 21 PIERCE (P. W.) Mellx)urne Commercial Directory, 1853. 12mo. ilelb., 1853. ME 4 P Another copy. 12mo. Melb., 1853. ME 4 Q PIERER (H. A.) Pierer's Universal Le.xikon. 19 vol.s. 8vo. Altenburg, 18G7 71. K 9 X' 7 25 PIERLUIGI. ISee Pale-sthina, G. P.] PJEROTTI (EltMETE). Jerusalem Explored. With Plates. 2 vols. fol. ly.nd., iHf.l. I) 3H P fi, 7 | PIICRRE DE VAI'LX CKIiN AV. liisloi,-,. ,],■ la Guerre doH Alliigeois. [Sm Grizor, !■'. V. (i., It, 15.] IMEHREPONT (EnwAiii.), \\..\. >shel Hoev. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1874. " C 8 V 41 PLOWDEN (Francis). Historical Letter to Sir Richard Musgrave, Bart. 8vo. Lond., 1805. G 2 P 28 Jura Anglorum : the Rights of Englishmen. 8vo. Lond., 1792. F 12 F 4 PLUMBE (Samuel), M.R.C.S. Popular and Impartial Es- timate of the present Value of Vaccination, as a Security against Small-pox, and of the Danger of encouraging or tolerating the Inoculation of the latter. 8vo. Lond., 1830. A 12 S 33 PLUMBER AND SANITARY ENGINEER. ISee En- gineering AND Building Record.] PLUMMER (Alfred). Hippolytus and Callistus ; Notes, «tc. \_See DoLLiNGEK, Prof. J. J. I. von.] PLUMMER (John). Our Colonies; l)eing an Essay on the Advantages accruing to the British Nation, from'its pos- HP.ssion of the Colonies. (Pani. Ab.) 12mo. Lond., 1*^64. MD 1 S 14 Industrial Self-help in 1864. Svo. Lond., 1864. MJ 2 Q 24 A Mayoral Year. [Compiled by John Plummcr.] Svo. Sydney, 1885. MB 2 R 3 Strike.s : their Causes and tiieir Evils, especially with regard to the Mncliine Question. (Pam. 38.) Svo. Lond., IWJ- MJ2Q25 Freedom of I^lxiur ; Ijeing a Defence of the liights of InduHtrj-. (Pam. 38.) Svo. Kettering, 1858. MJ 2 Q 25 PI.T'MPTRE (C. E.) (Jeneral Sketch of the History of I'arillicisni. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18H1 G 11 S 11, 12 I'LI'MlTIll-: (CiiARLiM John). King's College Lectures on Elwution. Svo. Lcorum Romanorumque Illustrium Vit;c. Fol. Basilea', 1542. C 7 S 16 t Lives of Timoleon .and the (Tracchi. Reprinted fnmi Langhorne's Translation, by Prof. Charles Badham. Svo. Sydney, 1881. " MC 1 Q 14 Shakespeare's Plutarch. \_Sce Skeat, Rev. W. W.] C 4 Q 29 POCKET DICTloN.MiYof tlic English and Armenian [and Arineni.iii and iMiglishJ Languages. 2 vols, (in 1) ISmo. Venice, 1835. K 11 S 8 POCKET DICTIONARY (New) of the English and Danish [and Danish .'ind English | Languages. 2 jiai-ts (in 1) If^mo. Leip., 1S75. K 1 I S 1 7 POCK i'.T HKTIONARY (New) of (he English and Rus- sian [and Russian .irul ICiigiisliI Languages. ISmo. Leip., 1874. K 11 S 26 POCKET DICTIONARY (Niav) of the Englisli .-.nd Swedish [and Swedish and Lriglisjil Languages. 18mo. Leip., 1875. X 11 S 15 TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 605 Poc] Paut I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Pol POCKNELL (Edwaud). System of ShortluuKl [See Anderson, T.] POCOCK (R.) History of the incorporated Town and Parishes of Gravesciid and Milton, in the County of Kent. >Sra. 4to. (Jravosend, 1797. >! 5 T 62 POCOCKE (Richard), LL.D., kc. Description of tlic East, and .some otlier Countries. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1743-45. D 38 Q 3, 4 + PODMORE (Frank), M.A. Phantasms of the Living. \_See Garnev, E.] POE (Edgar Allen). Poems of; with an Essay on his Poetry, by Andrew Lang. 12mo. Lond., 1881. "H 5 Q 34 Works of [edited by the Rev. R. W. Griswold; with a Life, by N. P. Willis]. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1870. J 12 T 27-30 His Life, Letters, and Opinions ; by John H. Ingram. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 3 P 33, 34 POEMS. ByJ.F.E. 12mo. Sydney, 1881. MH 1 R 59 POET^ LYRICI GR^CI. Tertiis Curis recensuit Theo- doras Bergk. 3vols. 8vo. LeipsiiB, 1866-67. H7V 16-18 POET^ SCENICI GR^CI. [_See Dindorf, W.] POETICAL -WORKS. Poetical Works of Oliver Gold- smith, Tobias Smollett, Samuel Johnson, and William Shenstone; with Biographical Notices and Notes. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) H 7 P 39 POITEAU (A.) Histoire Naturelle des Orangers. [See Risso, A.] A 23 S 23 + POITEVIN (P.) Grammaire Generale et Historique de la Langue FranQaise. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856. K13P24, 25 Nouveau Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Fran9aise, Nouvelle edition, revue et corrigee. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1868-69. K 3 S 3, 4 t POKORNY (Dr. A.) [See Hanx, Dr. J.] A 16 S 26 POLACK (J. S.) New Zealand : a Narrative of Travels and Adventures during a Residence in that Country in 1831-37. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838.* MD 5 T"7, 8 Another copy. New ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. MD 5T 11, 12 Manners and Customs of the New Zealanders. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840.* MD 4 S 9, 10 POLAND. The Poles and the Czar. Reprinted from The British and Foreign Review. 2nd ed. (Pam., 1.) 8vo. Lond., 1836. MJ 2 P 36 POLANO (Prof. H.) Selections from the Talmud; being Specimens of the Contents of that Ancient Book, its Commentaries, Teachings, Poetry, and Legends ; also, brief sketches of the men who made and commented upon it. 8vo. Philad., 1876. G 11 S 8 POLAR SEAS AND REGIONS (T'he). Discovery and Adventure in. [See Lkslik, Prof. Sir John.] P0L1)IN(J (Rt. Rev. J. B.), Auchblskop. Report con- taining the Pastoral Address of the Rt. Rev. Bislioj), and the Proceedings of the Roman Catholics of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1836. M(; 1 P 5 Pastoral Address. [See MacIntyre, Rev. W.] MF 1 Q4 [See Arciidisiiopric of Sydney; Duncan, W. A.; and Episcopal Sees.] POLE (William), F.R.S. Life of Sir William Fairhairn, Bart., F.R.S. , kc; partly written by himself; edited and completed by W. Pole. 8vo. Lend., 1877. C 7 R 9 Philosophy of Music ; being the substance of a Course of Lectures. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 7 P 2 [See Hydro-Mechanics, and Jeaffreson, J. C] POLEHAMPTON (Rev. Arthur). Kangaroo Land. [New South Wales and Victoria.] 8vo. Lond., 1862.* MD 4 T 32 POLICE ADMINISTRATION. [See N. S. Wale.s.] POLICE AND GAOLS. [See N. S. Wales.] POLICE DISTRICTS. [See N. S. Wales.] POLICE FORCE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. [See N. S. Wales.] POLISH LANGUAGE. Slownik Polsko-Francuzki, Fran- cuzko-PoIski. Dictiomiaire Fran9ais-Pol'onais, Polonais- Fran^ais. 4 vols. 18mo. Berlin (n.d.) K 11 S 9-12 Slownik Polsko-Francuzki. Dictionnaire Polonais-Fran- (jais. Nowe wydanie. Imp. Svo. Berlin, 1858. K 12 T 10 POLITICIAN (The). No. 4. (Pam. Dd.) 8vo. Lond., 1794. , F 12 P 22 POLITICIAN (The) : a Monthly Magazine of PoUtics and Literature. Yol. 1, Nos. 1, 2. Svo. Sydney, 1851. ME 3 R POLIZIANO (A.) LeStanze. Fol. Firenze,1805. H27Q23+ INIiscellaneorum centuria prima. Panepistemon Land. [Bound loith Platina.] Sm.fol. Yenetiis,U96. C14R19J: POLKO (Elise). Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn- Bartholdy : a Social and Artistic Biography ; translated from the German, by Lady Wallace. .Svo. Lond., 1869. C5P19 POLLARD (Alfred W.), B.A. [See Sallustius Crispus, C] B12Q10 POLLARD (N. W.), C.E. Prize Essay on International Communication. Svo. Melb., 1856. MF 1 Q 2 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1856. MF 3 P 8 Homes in Victoria ; or, the British Emigrant's Guide to Victoria, to accompany Passage Warrants. 12mo Melb., 1861. MJ 2 P 30 606 CATALOGUE OF THE Poll Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Poo POLLEX (John" Huxoerford), M.A. Universal Catalogue of Books on Art. i vols. sq. 8vo. Lond., 1870. K 7 S 15, 16 Furniture and Woodwork. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) li'ino. Lond., 1S76. A 17 S 35 Gold and Silver-smiths' Work. (South Kensington Museum, 16.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. E Ancient and Modern Furniture and ^^'ood^vork. (South Kens. Mus.) 8vo. Lond., 1875. E POLLITZER (S.), C.E. A uhout tlie Rivor :Murray. 8vo. Adelaide, 1883.* " MA 1 V 48 POLLOCK (David). Modern Shipbuilding and the Men engaged in it. 8vo. Load., 1884. A li Q 15 POLLOCK (Sir Frederick), Bart. ^Macready's Remi- niscences. [See Macready, W. C] C 7 S 32, 33 POLLOCK (Frederick), M.A., Ac. Essays on Juris- prudence and Ethics. 8vo. Lond., 1882. F 12 Q 6 Spinoza : his Life and Philosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 9 R33 POLLOK (David), A.M. Life of Robert Pollok, Author of "The Course of Time"; with Selections from his Maiiu- -scripts. 8vo. Lond., 1843. C 4 Q 2C) POLLOK (Robert), A.M. The Course of Time : a Poem inteuBooks. 12thed. 12nio. Ediiib., 1833. H7Q11 Life of ; by his brother, David Pollok, A.M. ; witli Selections from his Manuscripts. 8vo. Edinb., 1843. C 4Q 26 POLO (Marco). Travels of; tlie Translation of [William] Marsden, revi.sed, with a .selection of his Notes; edited by Thomaij Wright, M.A. Svo. Lond., 1854. D 10 Q 35 Bfjok of Ser Marco Polo, tlie Venetian, concerning the Kingdoms and ilarvels of the East ; newly translated and edit«d, with Notes, by Col. Henry Yule, C.B. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1871. D 9 U 16, 17 POLYBIUS. Abrege des Cominentaires de M. de Folard, «ur rHistf)ire de Polybe, par De Cliabot. 3 vols. 4to. Pari«, 1754. B 18 Q 17-19 J Polybii Ilistoiiarum Libri <|uiii(|UP, in TiatiiiaiTi coiivcrsi Lingunm, Nicolao Perotto interprute. 12nio. Floiciitia-, 1522. 1! 12 P30 General Hi.stp: Cauvamio E. Mkm.o), Maik^iis i>k. Meiiioii-H of the Muri|uiH di- l'oiiil)al; witli Kxtra«-t« from his WrilingH, A'c, by John Sniilh. 2 vols. t*vo. Lond., IH 1.1 C8U35, 36 | POMFRET (Rev. John). Life and Poems of. \_Sce Ciial" .MEHS, A., and JoiiNSOX, S.] Poems upon several occasions. lOtli ed. 12mo. Lond., 1736. H 7 Q 12 POMPADOUR (Jeaxxe Antoinette Poisson), Mauqi'I-se DE. Secret Memoirs of ^Madame la !Mai'(iuise dc Pompa- ilour; collected and arranged by Jules Beaujoint. Svo. L(md., 1885. ■" " C 8 U 44 POMPALLTER (Jean Baptiste Francois), Bishop. Notice Historique et Statistique de la Mission de la Nouvelle ZClande. 8vo. An vers, 1850. MD 4 V 14 POMPEIL (Lib. Eat. Know.) 4th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1836. K 10 R 40, 41 POMPEIUS SEXTUS FESTUS. [See Festus.] PONSONBY (Mrs.) Scotch College for Young Ladies: Prospectus; with an Address by the Lady Principal. (Pani. 3G.) 8vo. Melb., 18G2. MJ 2 Q 23 PONTALLS (Antonin Lefkvre). John de Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland; or, Twenty Years of a Parliamen- tary Republic. 2 vols. 8vo. Load., 1885. C 10 T 26, 27 PONTOPPIDAN (Rt. Rev. Erich). Natural History of Norway, in two Parts; translated from the Danish Original. Illu.strated with Copper Plates and a General ]\lap of Norway. Sm. fol. Load., 1755. A 5 Q 6 t POOL (G.) [See Carstensz, J.] POOLE (Charles Henry). Attempt towards a Glossary of the Archaic and Provincial Words of the County of Stafford. 8vo. Stratford-upcm-A von, 1880. K 13 Q 8 POOLE (Francis), C.E. Queen Charlotte Islands : a Nar- rative of Discovery and Adventure in the North Pacific. 8v.,. Load., 1872. D 3 T 36 POOLE (G. F.) Mannoat; or, Suflering without (Uiill: a Tale, in six Cantos. 12mo. Sydney, 1845. MH 1 P 49 POOLE (John). Oddities of Lon.lon Life; by "Paul Pry." 2 vols. Svo. Load., 1838. "j 4 1131,32 'rril)ul;ai(ia ; or, Uawclcomc Visitors: a Couicdy. (Cum- berland's Eag. Theatre.) 12mo. Load., 1829. H2Q11 Crotchets in the Air; or, ;ia (Ua)scientific Account of a Itallooa Trij), in a FaaiiHar Letter to a Friend. 8vi). Load, 1838. J 4 R 33 l.iltii' I'cdiiagloa and the IV'dlingtnnians. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 1., I.s3y. ' ,1 4 II 27, 28 Skclc-hcs aad Recolicctioas. 2 vols. Svo. Load., 1835. J 1 R 29, 30 Anecdote Life of. [See Timi'.s, .1.] POOLE (RE(iiVAi,D Lank), M.A., \-r. Iliustralions of the History of Mcdie\al Thought in the i)ci)artia('a(s of Theology und Ecclesiastical Politics. 8vo. Jioad., 1881. G 1 1 S 10 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. G07 Poo] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Pop POOLE (Reginald Stuart). Horse ^gyptiacse; or, the Chronology of Ancient Egypt. 8vo. Lond., 1851. B2S1 Cities of Egypt. 8vo. Lond., 1882. D 1 Q 11 Catalogue of Greek Coins (British Museum) : The Ptolemies, Kings of Egypt. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 13 R 37 Catalogue of Greek Coins (Bi-itish Museum) : Italy. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 13 R 30 Catalogue of Greek Coins (British Museum); liy Prof. P. Gardner, and B. V. Head. Edited hy R.. S. Poole. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876-79. A 13 R 31-34 Lectures on Art. \_See Art.] A 6 V 3G POOLE (Stanley Lane-). Coins and Medals : their Place in History and Art; edited by S. L. Poolo. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 188.5. A 13 S 43 Coins of the Urturki Turkomans. \_See Numismata Oriental: A, 1.] A 2 S 15 t Coins of the Sultans of Delhi, in tlio British Museum- 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 13 S 24 Art of the Saracens in Egypt. 8vo. Lond., 188G. A 8 R 26 [See CiiESNEY, Mrs. Louisa.] C 8 P 17 POOLE (Thomas Eyre). Life, Scenery, and Customs in Sierra Leone and the Gambia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1850. D 1 R 6, 7 POOLE (W.), F.R.S. [_See Fairbairn, Sir W.] POOLE (William Frederick), LL.D. Index to Periodical Literature. 3rd ed., brought down to January, 1882. .Imp. 8vo. Boston, 1882. Libr. POOLEY (T. A.) Brewing, Distilling. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 32 POOR JOSEPH (a Tract in Russian), (Pam. 23.) 8vo. St. Petersb., 1832. MJ 2 Q 11 POOR LAW. Hints for the Practical Administration of the Poor Laws. (Pam. 14.) 8vo. Lond., 1832. MJ 2 Q 4 POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS. Two Reports ad- dressed to inquire into the Administration and operation of the Poor Laws. 8vo. Lond., 1834. F 1 Q 10 Reports from His Majesty's Commissioners for in- quiring into the Administration and Practical Operation of the Poor Laws. 8vo. Lond., 1834. F 1 Q 11 Report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, from the Poor Law Com- missioners, on an Inquiry into the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of England and Scotland. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842. F 1 Q 13-15 POOR LAW REPORTS. [See Coode, G.] POORE (B. P.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Publications of the LTnited States, 1774-1881. Roy. 4to. Washington, 1885. K 4 S 1 t Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and other Organic Laws of the United States. 2nd ed. 2 vols. fol. Washington, 1878. F 5 V 26, 2i POORE (Rev. J. L.) [See Gosman, Rev. A.] POPE (Alexander). Ensaio so))re o Homein de Alexandre Pope, tradu7.ido verso por verso, por Francisco Bento Maria Targini, Barao de Sao Louren^o. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1819. H 5 V 25-27 English Letters and Letter-writers : Swift to Pope. [See Williams, H.] Works of. New ed. Including several hundred un- published Letters, and other new Materials. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871-89. J 2 S 18-27 Life of ; including Extracts from his Correspondence; by Robert Carruthers. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1857. C 4 P 14 Poetical Works of. Edited by Robert Carruthers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1858. H 7 Q 14, 15 Life and Poems of. [See Ciialmer.s, A., and Johnson, S.] [A Biography] ; by Leslie Stephen. (Eng. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 1 U 27 Essay (m Man ; edited liy Mark Pattison, B.D. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Oxford, 1875. H 6 R 48 Satires and Epistles ; edited by Mark Pattison, B.D. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Oxford, 1872. H 6 R 48 Johnaon['s] Li\-es of Dryden and Pope ; edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Alfred Milnes, M.A. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Oxford, 1885. CUP 9 [See British Poets, 3, Homer, and Ovidius Naso, P.] POPE (A.), JuNR. Upland Game Birds and Water Fowl of the United States. El. fol. N. York, 1878. A 9 P 26 + POPE (Rev. G. U.), D.D., in, |.kij (.',. vola. fol. Molb., 1H38-45,* MF PORT PHILLIP HERALD. 1840, 1844-46. 5 vols, fol. Melb., 1840-46. _ ME PORT PHILLIP MAGAZINE (The). Vol. 1. 8vo. 3Ielb., 1843. y^i 2 R 22 PORT PHILLIP PATRIOT AND MELBOURNE AD- VERTISER (Tue). 1840-46. 4 vols. fol. Melb., 1840-46. ME PORT PHILLIP SAVINGS' BANK. Rules and Regu- lations of the Savings' Bank of Port Phillip. 12mo. Melb., 1847. MJ 2 R 1.!) PORTER (Frank Thorpe), A.M. Gleanings and Remi- niscences. 2nd ed. 8vo. Dublin, 187."). J 11 S 4 PORTER (G. R.) Nature and properties of the Sugar- cane ; with practical dircctic>ns for the improvement of ite culture and the manufacture of its products. 8v(). Lond., 1830. A 1 R 11 Tropical Agriculturist : a practical Treatise on the cultiva- tion and management of various pioductions suited to Tropical Climates. 8vo. Lond., 1833. A 1 R 16 Progress of the Nation, in its various Social and Economical Relations, from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. 8vo. Lond., 1842. ^ ^ F 6 P 2 Another copy. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1S.")1. F6U7 Treatise on the Origin, Progressive Improvement and present state of the Silk Manufacture. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 12mo. Lond., 1831. K" 1 U 4 Treatise on the Progressive Improvement and jire.scnt State of the Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 12mo. Loud., 1832. K 1 U 5 PORTER ((J. W.) Hand-list of Bibliographies, Classified Catalogues and Indexes, placed in the Reading Room of the British Museum for Reference. 8vo. JauuI., I f^f; 1 . K 7 R 28 I'OKTHIt (Miss Jank). Sir Edward Seaward's Narrali\e of his Shipwreck, and consequent Discovery of certjiin Islands in the Carii)bean Sea. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831. J 1 P 31- .33 PORTER (John), :M.R.C.S., kv. History ..f tlir P'rlde of Lancashire. 8vo. Fleetwood, 187li. !'> I T 22 PORTFU (Uev. John L.) Hand-book for Travclhis in Syi'ia aiKl Palestine. [See MfHHAV, J.] I'l iHTI-'.K (I'lior. NoAJi). Webster's Cnmplcle Dictionary of the Iviulish Languagi". {Sec \Vi:iiSTEli, N.] Poin'FU (Sir RoiiEia' Ki;r), Knt. Narrative of I he Campaign in Russia during tlie year 1812. 8vo. I.ond., isj.-.. ' I! 12 U 1.^ Travels in (Jeorgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, Ai\, during tlic years 1817-20. 2 vols. ito. Lond., l,S21-22. I) I \' .■;i, 32 PEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 009 Por] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Pot PORTER (Robert P.), GANNETT (Henry), and JONES (William P.), A.M. The West, from the Census of I1S8O : a History of the Industrial, Commercial, Social, and Political Development of the States and Territories of the West from 1800 to 1880. With Maps and Dia- grams. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1882. F 4 T 9 PORTER (Major Whitwoktu). Life in the Trenches before Scljastop. AST 20 {Set Akaco, F. J. D.] C 8 S 37 POWELL (Badev Henry Baoen), CLE. Manual of •Jurisprudi'iu'i; for Forest Law, and those Brandies of the General Civil and Criminal Law which are connected with Forest Administration. 8vo. Calcutta, 1882. F G U 17 I'OWEFJ- (Fkedehiok York). Corpus Pocticuui Borcalc. IStt V'HiKl-tWO.N, G.] POWELL (GEORciE). [See Havard, H.] A G V 11 POWELL (Sir (lEOROB S. Baden-). New Homes for the (Jld Couiilr)-. Kvo. Jxmd., 1872.* Ml) 5 V 18 Htftt-gatees, and Creditors or their Representatives in Chancery Suit.s, who have been advertised for during the last 150 years ; containing upwards of 50,000 names, relating to vjist sums of Unclaimed Money. 4th ed. Svo. I»nd., 1S7S. K 10 8 31 Another copy. 4th ed. Svo. Lond., 1.^.^7. K IDS 32 Index to Heirs at Law. \Ste Chambeiw, R.] Unclaime.) [Scc l 1a/.kll'.s Annual Cvcloi'.kdia.] rmCH (Eli K.) Some of Modern ]>hilosopliy. 'I'lic (ilai-ial Epochs. Read lu^forc the Amoricaii Pliilo- Siii-ii'tv. (ram. CI.) 8\o. Philad('l])liia, i.'<72 7<;. " A 16 i; 21 I'lUCE (FowLEit liovii). \Scc Stud-dooic of New Soiiii W'Ar.F.s, Tin:. I I'HICK (F. G. IL), F.G.S., kv. Hand-hook of London li.mkers, 1677 1N76. Svo. Lond., 1S76. F5R4 I'UK'K (ll,j 1,(1 icT tu Uibliop i'liiilpotts. (I'am., 3^ 12ino. Lond., 1838. MJ 2 P 38 TEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 613 Pri] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Pri PRICE (John). Biogmphical Memoir ofthc lato Mr. John Price ; with an Account of the Assassination, Inquest, andFuneral. (Pam. 29.) 8vo. Melb.,1857. MJ li Q 17 PRICE (Rev. John), D.D. Memoircs de. [See Guizot F. P. G., 2.] PRICE (Rees), M.R.C.S. Critical Inquiry into the Nature and Treatment of tlie Case of H.R.H. the Princess Char- lotte of AVales and her infant Son. [See Hist. Pams.] PRICE (Richard), D.D. Observations on Reversionary Payments ; on Schemes for providing Annuities for Widbws, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1812. F G U 22, 23 PRICE (Majou Sir R. Lambert), Bart., F.R.G.S., kc. The Two Americas ; an Account of Sport and Travel ; with Notes on Men and Manners in North and South America. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D 3 T 13 PRICE (Sir Uvedale). On tlie Picturesque ; with an Essay on the Origin of Taste, and much original matter ; by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Bart. Witli Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1842. A 7 Q 31 PRICE OP WHEAT (The). Price of Wheat in Europe: the Past a Test for the Future ; Present Prices and Stocks of Wheat in Europe. Agricultural Statistics. (Reprinted from the Economist.) 8vo. Lond., 1850. F 6 V 10 PRICHARD (James Cowles), M.D., kc. Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations, proved by a Comparison of tlieir Dialect with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languages, forming a Supplement to Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. Edited by R. G. Latham, MA., kc. 8vo. Lond., 1857. B 7 U 31 Natural History of Man. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1855. A 2 P 16, 17 Six Ethnographical Majjs [to aljove] ; with explanatory Notice. 1st and 2nd eds. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1861. A 1 P 3, 4 t Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1811-47. A 1 W 13-17 PRICKETT (Rev. Marmaduke). [See Fuller, Rev. T.] PRIDDEN (Rev. W.), I\r.A. Australia: its History and Preseiit Condition ; containing an Account both of the Bush and of the Colonies, with their respective Inhabi- tants. 12mo. Lond., 1843. MB 1 P 4 Another copy. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1851. MB 1 P 5 PRIDEAUX (Humphrey), D.D. Old and New Testament Connected, in the History of the Jews, and Neighbouring Nation.s. 18th ed. 4vols.8vo. Lond., 1821. G 11 S 15-18 Another copy. 20th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831. G 11 S 19, 20 PRIDEAUX (T. S.) Economy of Fuel, particularly with reference to Reverberatory Furnaces for the manufacture of Iron and to Steam Boilers. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1853. A 17 P 26 [See Clark, D. K.] A 17 Q 10 PRIDHAM (Charles), B.A., kc. Mauritius and its De- pendencies. [England's Colonial Empire.] 8vo. Lond., 1846. B 1 P 23 Historical, Political, and Statistical Acccount of Ceylon and its Dependencies. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. B 10 T .36, 37 PRIESTLEY (John). On the Physiological Action of Vanadium. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 3. 4to. Lond., 1876. A 11 P4 t PRIESTLEY (Joseph), LL.D., kc. Lectures on History and General Policy; with an Essay on a Course of Liberal Education ; edited by J. T. Rutt. 8vo. Lcmd., 1826. B 36 T 1 PRIMASIUS (Adrumetanus Episcopus). Opera omnia. [See MiGNE, J. P., Series Latina, 68.] PRIME (E. D. G.), D.D. Around the World: Sketches of Travel through many Lands and over many Seas. Bvo. New York, 1874. D 10 R 36 PRIME (F.), JuNR. [See Cotta, B. von.] PRIME (William C.) Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. 8vo. Lond., 1857. D 1 P 18 PRIMEVAL MAN : the Origin, Declension, and Restora- tion of the Race. 8vo. Lond., 1864. G 11 P 26 PRINCE (John), Vicar op Berry-Pomeroy. Danmonii Orientales Illustres; or, the Worthies of Devon. New ed., with Notes. 4to. Lond., 1810. C 2 W 23 PRINCE (John Critciiley). Life of; by R. A. Douglas Lithgow, LL.D., kc. Svo. Manchester, 1880. C 3 U 36 Poetical Works of. 2 vols. Svo. Manchester, 1880. H 8 P 5, 6 PRINCE (Thomas), M.A. Chronological History of New England, in the form of Annals. 8vo. Bostcm, 1826. B 1 R 28 PRINCE (Rev. T.) Catalogue of Prince Libi-ary. [See Boston Public Library.] K 9 R 30 f PRINCE ALFRED HOSPITAL, SYDNEY. Descrip- tion of the proposed Buildings. Messrs. Mansfield Bros., Architects. (Pam. Ck.) 4to. Sydney, 1874. A 15 LM PRING (Ratcliffe). Queensland Statutes. [See Queens- land Statutes.] PRINGLE (R. O.) Live Stock on the Farm. 8vo. Edinb., 1886. A 1 Q 15 PRINSEP (Mrs. Augustus). Journal of a Voyage from Calcutta to Van Diemen's Land. [See Prinsep, A.] MD 2 R 6 PRINSEP (Augustus). Journal of a Voyage from Calcutta to Van Diemen's Land. From original Letters, selected by Mrs. A. Prinsep. 12mo. Lond., 1833. MD 2 R 6 Another copy. 2ud ed. 12mo. Load., 1833. MD 2 R 7 614 CATALOGUE OF THE Pri] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Pro PRINSEP (Hen-rt T.) Tibet, Tartary, and Mongolia: their .Social and Political Condition. 8vo. Lond., 1851. D 5 R 47 PRIXSEP (Rev. James). Essays on Indian Antiquities, Historic, Numismatic, and Palteographic; to which are added his useful Tables, illustrati\e of Indian History, Chronology, Modern Coinages, Weights, Measures, Ac. Editew\., 1659-64. F5 K 16, 17 PRYSE (John Robert). Dictionary of liic \\elsli Lnngungc. [See PcfJiiE, W. O.] PHALMAXAZAR (GEORfii;). Ilisloricul and Geographical I)ein by liimself, in order to be ]>ublislie(I after hi.s rlnftth. Hvo. Ixmd., 1764. C 3 U 32 PSALTER (TiiK). [See \Um.v», A-c] PSYCHICAL UESKAUCH. Society for. [Sec Societv rOR PDYCIlIf AL Rl^HKARrll.] PTOLEMAEUS (Claude). Claudii Pt(.lcmaei Geographia e codicibus Recognovit Carolus !Miillerus Volumiuis Primi, pars Prima. Imp. 8vo. Parisiis, 1883. D 12 V 15 Geographic de Ptolemee Reproduction Photolitho- graphiquo du Manuscrit Grcc, et Preccdoe d'une Intro- duction Historiquc par Victor Langlois. Fol. Paris, 1S(;7. D 38 P 13 J PUBLIC BATHS AND WASH-HOUSES for the Indus- trial Classes, Goulston Squai'e, Whitechapol : Address for Aid to complete the Works. (Pam. 38.) 8vo. Lond., 1851. 3IJ 2 Q 25 Suggestions for Building and Fitting up Parochial or Borough Establishments. (Pam., 38.) 8vo. Lond., 1850. MJ2Q25 PUBLIC EDIFICES. Report of a Public Jleeting to Promote the Admission of the Public without Charge to Public Edifices. Lond., 1837. A 7 Q 13 PUBLIC GENERAL STATUTES of Great Britain. [See Great Britain.] PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. [See New South Wales.] PUBLIC MONUMENTS in England (from the Foreign Qaarterhj Review). Svo. Lond., (n.d.) A 7 R 21 PUBLIC OPINION : a Comprehensive Summary of the Press throughout the World on all important Current Tojjics. 28 vols. fol. Lond., 1871-85. E Pl-r.LIC RECORDS. [See Recohu Commissioxeus' Publications.] PUBLIC WORKS. [See Ni:\v South Walks.] PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR (Tin;). V„l. 1, 1837 38. 8vo. Lond., 1839. K 8 H 16 Pi'CKLER-MUSKAU (Hkrmaxx Luowk; IIkinih, n), PitixcE vox. Egypt and Mehemet AH. .'i vols. 8vo. Lond., 18b5. " B 2 S 10-12 Tiiur in England, Ireland, anil I'^vince, in the years ISJS 29: by "A(!ei-inan Prince." 2 vols. 12nio. Lond., 1S:!2. ' D8 P 10, 11 Tour in Gei-nianv, Holland, and England, in the ye.-irs IS26-2S. 2 vol's. 8 VI p. Lonil., 1S32. D 8 P 8, 9 PUFFENDORF (Samuel), Barox vox. Of the Law of Nature and Nations ; dotie into English by Basil Kennel I. I). I). Illini, I'ul., 1 729. li\'i9R2J PrFFEMiiilM' (S), i;\i!oN vox, am. MAHTINIERE (Axtoim; Auousiin I'.hunzkn). Inlrodiiition to the liistory of (he I'riniipal Kingdoms and Stales of Europe; improved fi-om tlii^ l'"rinrli, by Joseph iSayer. 2 vols. Mvo. Ivimd., 174.S. ■ ■B7T30, 31 \ FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 617 Pug] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Pur PUGH (TiiKOPHiLi;s P.) Push's Moreton Bay Almanac, 1859. 12mo. Brisbane, 1859. ME 4 P Pugh's Queensland Ahnanac, Law Calendar, Directory, Coast Guide, andGazetteer, for 1 860-65, 1 874-75, lS8:?-8"-l. 11 vols, (in 7) 12mo. Brisbane, 1860-84. ME 4 P Brief Outline of the Geographical Position, Population, Climate, Resources, Capabilities, Form of Govei'nment, Land Laws, Trade, Revenue, kc, of the Colony of Queens- land. 12mo. Brisbane, 1861. 'MD 1 8 57 PITGHE (W. Owen), D.C.L., kc. Geiriadur Cenhedlaetliol Cymraeg a Saesneg : a National Dictionary of the Welsh Language, with English and Welsh E(|uivalents. 3rd ed. Edited antl enlarged by Robert John Pryse. 2 vols. 8vo. Denbigh, 1866-73. K 13 P 33, 34 PUGIN (Augustus). Historical and Descriptive Essays, accompanying a Series of Engraved Specimens of the Architectural Antiquities of Normandy; edited by John Britton, F.S.A., etc; the Subjects measured and drawn by Augustus Pugin, Architect, and engraved by John and Henry Le Keux. 4to. Lond., 1828.' A 2 T 32 Specimens of Gothic Architecture, selected from various Antient Editices in England. 2 vols. roy. 4to. Lond., 1821-23. A 2 U 31, 32 Gothic Ornaments, selected from various Ancient Buil- dings, both in England and France, during the years 1828-30; drawn on stone by J. D. Harding. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1854. A 2 U 30 \_See BiUTTON, J.] PUGIN (Augustus Northmoke Welby). Details of Antient Timber Houses of the 15tli and 16th Centuries, selected from those existing at Rouen, Caen, Beauvais, Gisors, Abbeville, Strasbourg, kc. 4to. Lond., 1836. A 2T 27 Contrasts; or, a Parallel between the noble Editices of the 14th and 15th Centuries, and similar Buildings of the Present Day, shewing the present Decay of Taste ; accom- panied by appropriate Text. 4to. Lond., 1836. A 2 T 43 True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture, set forth in two Lectures delivered at St. Marie's Oscott. 4to. Lond., 1841. A 2 T 21 Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume; com- piled from Ancient Authorities and Examples. Illus- trated. 3rd ed. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1868. A 7 R 13 t Floriated Ornament: a Series of thirty-one Designs. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1875. A 4 R 2 f PUISSANT (L.) Traite de Geodesie; on, Exposition des Methodes Astronomiques et Trigonometriques, appliquees soit a la mesure de la Time. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1805. A 10 V 21 Traito de Topographic d'Arpentage, et de Nivellement. 4to. Paris, 1807. A 10 V 22 PULLAN (R. P.) Byzantine Architecture. \_See Texier, C] A 4 Q 3 t PULLEN (H. W.) The Fight at Dame Europa's School, shewing how the German Boy thrashed the French Bov. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 2 P 32 4i PULLEYN (William). Origins and Inventions; or, Notices of the Origin of Language, Literature, &c. New ed. Svo. L(md., 186'J. J 9 U 17 PULLING (Alexander). The Order of the Coif. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 18S4. B 4 U 1 Crime and Criminals; is the Gaol the only Preventive? (Pam. Bd.) 8vo. Lond., 1863. F 12 P 22 The Law Reports : Index to the Orders in Council, Proclamations, Royal Commissions of Inquiry, (fcc, pub- lished in the London Gazette. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1885. K 11 R9 PULLING (F. S.), M.A. Life and Speeches of the Mar- ciuis of Salisbury, K.G. 2 vols 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 4 S 41, 42 Sir Joshua Reynolds. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 3 T 44 Dictionary of English History. {See Low, S. J.] PULSFORD (Edward). Freedom in New South Wales versus Oppression in Victoria ; a Reply to the Aye Articles. Svo. Sydney, 1887.* MF 3 Q 14 PULSZKY (Francis). . The Tricolor on the Atlas; or, Algeria and the French Conquest; from the German of Dr. Wagner, and other sources. Svo. Lond., 1854. D 1 S21 PULTENEY (Richard), M.D., kc. General View of the Writings of Linnwus. Svo. Lond., 1781. A 16 U 19 PUMPELLY (R.) [A Review of] Geological Researches in China, Mongolia, and Japan]. 4to., 1866. A 2 S 23 t Geological Survey of Michigan. \_See Brooks, T. B.] A 2 U 7-10 PUNCH. Punch; or, the London Charivari. Vols. 1-88. 4to. Lond., 1841-85. E Almanacks. [Lst and] 2nd Series. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1842-80. E Cartoons from the Collection of Mr. Punch: Benjamin Disraeli, Eari of Beaconstield, KG., 1845-78; the Rt. Hon. John Bright, M.P., 1846-75; the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., 1855-77 [by John Leech and John TennielJ. 3 vols, (in 1) 4to. Lond., 1878. A 12 Q 18t PUNCH (James). Life and Times of Jem Punch; by Richmond Thatcher. 12mo. Sydney, 1885. MC 1 P 35 PUNCH STAFF PAPERS: a Collection of Tales, Sketches, kc, in Prose and Verse, by the Members of the Staff of Si/dnci/ Punch. With Illustrations. Svo. Sydney, 1872. MJ 2 S 19 PURCELL (Lyndsey). Lectures on Modern Historj'. [See SCHLEGEL, P.] B 14 P 1 PURCHAS (Rev. Sa.muel). Pvrchas, his Pilgrimes. In ftve Bookes (Parts). 5 vols. fol. Lond., 1825-26. B 5 P 1-5 : 618 CATALOGUE OF THE Pur] Part I : — Authors, Uditors, or Reference. [Pyt PURDIE (A.), 3I.A. Studies in Biology- for New Zealand Students. Svo. Wellinjjton, 1887. " 3IA 2 U 32 PURDON (H. (Jr.) Memoirs of the Services of the 6tth Regiment (2nd Staffordshire), 1758-1881. Svo. Lond., l''^f*-- B 5 U 20 PURDY (John). Oriental Navigator ; or, New Direc- tions for Sailing to and from the East Indies. 4to. Lond., 1794. FS Q 8 t PURDY (Willi.\m). City Life ; its Trade and Finance. 8vo. Lond., 187G. F 5 R 9 PURNELL (Charles W.) Our Land Laws : what should be their basis? Svo. Dunedin, 1876. MJ 2 R 16 PURNELL (Thom.\s). Life and Genius of Charles Lamb. ISee Lamb, C] j 1 T 20-23 PURSLO (Joshua). Govonmient of the Heavens. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1852. A 2 S 27, 28 PURVES (David Laixg). English Circumnavigators: the most Remarkaljle Voyages round the World by Eng- lish Sailors; with Notes, &c. Purves. 8vo. I^md., 187-1. D 10 Q 47 PURVEij (Rev. William). Statement of the Merits of the Controversy Iwlween the Church of Scotland and the Free Church of Scotland : with Remarks on Union. Svo Sydney. 1864. MG 1 Q 29 PUSELEY (Daniel). Rise and Progress of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand ; by " An Englishman." 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1857.* MD 1 U 34 Another copy. [4th ed.] Svo. Lond., 1858. MD 1 U 36 Five Dramas; by 'An Englishman." 2nd ed. Svo I>.r.d., 185.J. H 4 Q 15 .Sylvina. A Play without a Name; or, What you IMuaso. Kttriliution. Ixvc without Money, and Money without Love. The (iovcmcM ; or, a Voyage round the \\'orld. PUSEY (Fkop. E. B.), D.D. Collegiate and Profcs.s„rial Ift-ichmgand Duscipline ; in answer to Prof. Vaughan's StncturcH. Svo. Oxfonl, 1854. G17Q12 PUHEY (S. C. B. Bouvehie). Pcrraancnco and Evolution : on In(|uiry into the HupjioHcd muUibility of Animal Tvpes Svo. J»r,d,, 18H2. A 11 g24 PUTNAM (J. PicKERisc;). The Open Fire-j.lace in all Ages; written for The Amrricari Architect and Buildinrj Xeios. Illustrated. Svo. Boston, 1881. A 2 II 36 PYCROFT (Rev. James), B.A. The Collegian's Guide; or. Recollections of College Davs. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1858. - . J 1 T 9 Oxford Memories : a Retrospect after Fiitv Years. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 8 T 46, 47 PYE (John). Patronage of British Art : an Historical Sketch, comprising an Account of the Rise and Progress of Art and Artists in London. Svo. Lond., 1845. A 8 Q 20 E\adence relating to the Art of Engraving, taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Arts, 1836. Svo. Lond., 1836. A 7 Q 13 Another copy. Svo. Lond., 1836. A 7 R 21 PYE (Walter). Bark of Erythrophleum Guinenso. \_See Brunton, T. L.] a 11 P6 t PYKE (Vincent). Australian Exploration : a Lecture. (Pam. Aa.) Svo. Melb., 1861. MD 1 V 9 Province of Otago in New Zealand, its Progress, Present Condition, Resources, and Prospects. 8vo. Dunedin, 1S68. MD 5 S 4 PYM (Horace N.) [5«e Fox, Caroline.] C 8 V 22 PYM (John). Life of. [See Mackintosu, Siii J.] Three English Statesmen [Pjth, Cromwell, Pitt] ; by G. Smith. 12mo. Lond., 1868. C 1 T 43 PYNCHON (Tho.mas IluG(iLEs), M.A. Chemical Forces— He;it, Light, Electricity ; with an Introduction to Chemi- cal Physics. 12mu. Hartford, 1870. A 5 S 25 PYNE (Rkv. Alexander), M.A. Reminiscences of Colonial Life and Missionary Adventure in both Hemispheres. Svo. Lond., 1875.* MD 4 R 23 PYNE (George). Perspective for Beginners ; adapted to Young Students and Amateurs in Architecture, Paint- ing, itc. 12th ed. With Illustrations. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1879. A 17 P 9 PYNE (W. H.) History of the Royal Residences of Windsor Castle, St. .fames Palace, Carlct^m House, Ken- sington Palace, Hampton Court, liuckingliam House, and Frogmore. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 181',l. B 17 U 5-7 J PYTHAGOREAN (A). [-See Campuell, Dm.. F] FREE PUBLIC LIBRAliY, SYDNEY. 619 I] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Que Q Q. [See Clarke, M. A. H.] Q.E.D. [See New South Wales.] Q. P. Indexes. [See Gkiswold, \V. M.] QUAIFE (Dr. Barzillai). Rules of the Final Judgement: a Sermon. 8vo. Parraniatta, 1846. MG 1 P 1 Lectures on Prophecy and the Kingdom of Christ. 8vo. Sydney, 1848. MG 2 P 1 Intellectual Science: Outline Lectures, delivered chiefly at the Au.stralian College, 1850-51. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1873. MG2P2, 3 QUAIN (Jones), M.D. Elements of Anatomy. Edited by William Sharpey, M.D., &c., Allen Thomson, M.D., &c. and Edward Albert Sohiifer. Illustrated. 8th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 26 U 32, 33 Lecture, introductory to the Course of Anatomy and Physiology. [Univ. of Lond., 1831.] 8vo. Lond., 1831. J 5 S 8 QUAIN (Jones), M.D., and WILSON (W. J. E.) Muscles of the Human Body, in a series of Plates; with References and Physiological Comments. Roy. fol. Lond., 1836. A 1 S 9 t Bones and Ligaments of the Human Body, in a series of Plates; with References and Physiological Comments. Roy. fol. Lond., 1842. A 1 S 8 ^: Vessels of the Human Body, in a series of Plates; with References and Physiological Comments. 1 vol. (in 2) roy. fol. Lend., 1837. A 1 S 9, 10 | Nerves of the Human Body, in a series of Plates; with References and Physiological Comments. Roy. fol. Lond., 1839. A 1 S 10 + QUAIN (Richard), M.D., &c. Dictionary of Medicine; by various Writers. Edited by R. Quain, M.D., iSrc. 7th thousand. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 26 U 30 QUARANTINE GROUND. [See New South Wales.] QUARANTINE STATION. [See New South Wales.] QUARITCH (Bernard). Catalogue of Valuable Books. 8vo. Lond., 1859. K 7 S 24 General Catalogue of Books, arranged in Classes. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1868. Libr. Catalogue of Books. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1868-70. Libr. General Catalogue of Books. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1874. Liljr. General Catalogue of Books, offered to the Public at the afiixed Prices. 8vo. Lond., 1880. Libr. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, 1831-34. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831-34. G 17 Q 13-19 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Vols. 1-8, 1853-60 ; vols. 1-26, new series, 1861-86. 34 vols, (in 30) roy. 8vo. Lond., 1853-86. E QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. [See Journal OF Science.] QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, LITERA- TURE, AND ART. [&« Royal Institution OF Great Britain.] QUARTERLY REVIEW (The). Vols. 1-162. 8vo. Lond., 1809-86. E QUATRE FILS AYMON. Histoire des quatre fils Aymon, tres-nobles et tres-vaillants Chevaliers. 4to. Troyes (n.d.) J 16 Q 28 QUATREFAGES (Armand de). Les Polynesiens et leurs Migrations. 4to. Paris, 1866. MA 1 P 10 t Rambles of a Naturalist on tlie Coasts of France, Spain, and Sicily; translated by E. C. Otte. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1857. A 16 Q 1, 2 The Human Species. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 1 V 21 QUATREFAGES (A. de), et (HAMY Ernest T.) Les Cranes des Races Humaines (Crania Ethnica). Texte et Atlas. 2 vols. imp. 4to. Paris, 1882. A 5 S 5, 6 t QUATREMERE (Etienne M.) [See Makrizi, Taki- Eddin-Ahmed.] B 14 Q 2, 3 + QUATREMERE DE QUINCY (Antoine Chrtsostome). Essay on the Nature, the End, and the Means of Imi- tation in the Fine Arts : translated from the French, by J. C. Kent. 8vo. Lond., 1837. A 8 Q 23 Lives and Works of Michel Angelo and Raphael. [See DupPA, R.] C 4 P 1 QUEANBEYAN PAROCHIAL ASSOCIATION. First Report of the Joint Parochial Association of the District of Queanbeyan. 8vo. Sydney, 1848. MF 3 P 14 QUEEN ANNE'S SON. [See William Henry, Prince.] QUEENS OF ENGLAND. Lives of. [See Strickland A., a7id DoRAN, Dr. J.] QUEENS OF FRANCE. [See Bush, Mrs. F.] QUEENS OF SCOTLAND. Lives of. [See Strick- land, A.] 620 CATALOGUE OF THE Que] Part I : — Authors, ^Editors, or Reference. [Qui QUEEXSLAXD. Acts of Pabliamest. [See Statutes.] Legislative Assembly. Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly; with the various Documents connected therewith, 1862-63, 1865, 1868-72, and 1879-84. 24 vols. fol. Brisbane, 1862-84. E Legislative Couxcil. Journals of the Legislative Council; with Papers. 15 vols. fol. Brisbane, 1862-72. E Official Record of the Debates of the Legislative Council. 27 vols. 8vo. Brisbane, 1875-84. E NoRTHERX Australia. Summary of Extracts from a forthcoming Account of the Country of Northern Australia as a Site for a proposed British" Colony. 12mo. Loud., 1862. :\ID 2 Q 18 Parliamentary Library. Additions to Catalogue of the Library of the Parliament of Queensland, from 1st Januar)-, 1876, to 31st March, 1877. 8vo. Brisbane, 1877. MK 1 P 1 Analytical and Classified Catalogue of; by D. O'Doncivaii. 4to. Brisbane, 1883. MK 1 U 2 Post Office Directory. Queensland Post Office Directory. 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME 3 U Selector's Guide. Selector's Guide. Published by the Department of Public I.-ind.s, Queensland, 1883. 8vo. Brisbane, 1883.* MF 2 P 32 Statutes. Sututes in force in the Colony of Queensland, to the Present Time ; edited by RatcIifTo Pring, Escj. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Brisbane, 1862-64. ME Actsof Pariiament. 13 vols. fol. Brisbane, 1866-85. E Con.soli. 2nd cd. Kvo, Lond., |8.'i2. A 16 S 3 QUENSTEDT (Fk. Ai;<;.) Han.ll.u,). der I'.tr.-fakten- kundc. 2 vok roy. 8vo. Tubingen, 1852. A 9 T 18, 19 QUERARD (J. M.) Les Supercheries Littcniires Devoilees; Galerie des Ecrivains franoais de toute I'Europe qui se sont deguises sous des anagrammes, des asteronymes, des cryptonjTnes, des initialismes, des noms litteraires, des pseudonymes facetieux ou bizarres, etc. 2"^ ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1869-70. K 8 P 1-3 La France Litteraire; on, Dictionnaire Bibliographique. 10 vols, (in 5) 8vo. Paris, 1827-38. K H Q 8-12 [See Barbie R, A. A.] QUERY (Peter), F.S.A. [See Tupper, M. F.] QUESTED (John). Art of Land-surveying explained by short and easv rules, particularlv adapted for the use of Schools. 8th ed. 12mc). Lond., 1861. A 6 R 33 QUESTIONS HISTORIQUES. [See Revue des Ques- tions Historiques.] QUETELET (Lambert Adolpiie Jacques). Anthropo- metrie; ou, Mesure des differentes Facultes de rHoninu'. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1870. A 2 P 15 Letters on the Theory of Probabilities, as applied to the Moral and Political Sciences ; translated by O. G. Downes. 8vo. Lond., 1849. A 10 T 15 Treatise on Man and the Development of his Faculties. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1842. F 2 P 25 Physique Sociale; ou, Essai .sur le Dcvcloppomont des Facultcs de I'Homme. 2 vols roy. 8vo. IJiiixellcs, 1869. A 2 P 10, 11 QUICHERAT (Louis). Dictionnaire Francais-Latin. 25^' tirage. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1880. " K 16 Q 6 QUICHERAT (Louis), et DAVELUY (A). Dictionnaire Latin-Fran(;aise; avcc uii Vocaliulaire des Noms gco- graphiqucs, mythologiqucs, et historiques. 31" tirage. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Iv 16 Q 7 QUILLINAN (Mii.s. Dora). Journal of a few Mcmtlis' Residence in Portugal, and (Uimiiscs of the South of Spain. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1817. D 8 R 43, 4 1 QUILTER (IIaurv), M.A. Giotto. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond.. 1881. C 3 T 31 [Life of Angiolotto Bondonc, (.allodj Giotto. 4to. Lond,, 1880. C 4 \y 9 QUIN (Charles W.) Garden Receipts. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. A 17 Q 57 QUIN (Michael J.) Stoam Voyage down the Danube. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1835. D 9 V 39, 40 Steam Voyages on the Seine, the Mo.sellc, and the Rhine. 2 v.,ls. 8vo. I^.nd., IS13. I) 9 P 41, 42 Ql'INRY (M.) Mysteries of Re,, keeping explained. Mvo. N. York, 1865. A 1 P l.t QUINCEY (Thomas i;i;). [See Dk Quincev, 'J'. | EUEE PUBLIC LIBllARY, SYDNEY. 621 Qui] Part I : — Authors^ Editors, or Reference. [Quo QUINET (Edgau). His Early Life and Writings ; by Richard Heath. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 5 T 21 QUINTANA (Don Manuel Josef). Lives of Vasco Nunez de Balboa, and Francisco Pizarro ; from the Spanish, by Mrs. Hodson. 12mo. Lond., 1832. C 1 R 6 QUINTILIANUS (Marcus Fabius). Institutiones Oratorise, edente Andr. Naugerio. 8vo. Venetiis, 1514. J 13T32 Institutionum Oratoriarum, Libri Duodecim, cum brevi- bus Notis, a Caroli Rollin. 8vo. Lond., 1792. J 13 T 36 Quiutilian's Institutes of Oratory ; or, Education of an Orator; in twelve Books ; literally translated, with Notes, by the Rev. John Selby Watson, M.A., etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875-76. J 10 P 39, 40 [See ScRiPTOKES Romani.] J 13 T 35 QUINTUS (CuRTius RuFus). [See Curtius Rufls, Q.] QUINTUS SMYRN^US. Posthomericorum Libri xiv, restituit et supplevit Thom. Christ. Tvchsen. 8vo. Argentorati, 1807. " H 7 T 32 Quinti Posthomerica. [_See Hesiod.] H 6 V 29 QUIRIS. [See South Australia.] QUIROS (Capt. Pedro Fernandez de). Relacion de vn memorial quae ha presentado a su Magestad el Capitan Pedro Fernandez de Quir, sobre la poblacion y descubri- miento de la quarta parte del mundo, Australia incognita. Impressa per Carlos de Labayen. Alio 1610. {Facsimile Reprint.) Sm. 4to. Pampeluna, IGIO. MD 7 P 18 QUIROS (Capt. Pedro Fernandez de) — continued. Verhael van seker Memoriae], gepresenteert sien Sijne Majestyt den Koningh van Spangien, by den Capiteyn Pedro Fernandez de Quir ; aengaende de bevolekinge ende ontdeckinghe van 't vierdo deel des Werelts, genaemt Australia Incognita. Sq. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1612. MD 7 P 17 Beschrubinge vande reginghe sterdam, 1612. Peru. Sq. 8vo. MD 1 Am- P 17 Terra Australis Incognita ; or, a New Southern Dis- covery, containing a fifth part of-he World, lately found out by Ferdinancl de Quir, a Spanish Captain. Printed in the year 1617. [From the Latin 7'ranslation in the Jiodleian Library.) 12mo. Lond., 1617. Libr. Account of a Memorial presented to His Majesty, con- cerning the Population and Discovery of the fourth part of the World, Australia the Unknown. Printed by Charles de Labayen, ann(j 1610. From the Spanish, with an Introduction and Photo-lithograph of the original Text, by W. A. Duncan 8vo. Sydney, 1874. MD 7 P 18 QUODLING (R.) Progress Report from the Select Com- mittee on the resignation of Mr. Quodling, late Inspector of Roads in the Northern Districts (New South Wales). Fol. Sydney, 1862. • ME 10 Q 5 t QUOTATIONS. New Dictionary of Quotations from the Greek, Latin, and Modern Languages. Translated. 8vo. Lond., 1869. K 17 P 13 QUOY (J. R. C.) [See Dumont D'Urville, Capt. J. S. C] 622 CATALOGUE OF THE R. (R. H.)] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Raf R R. (R. H.) [See Ramdles ix Istria, itc] R.O. [See Half-a-Dozex Attempts at Versification".] RABAN (Edward). [See Edmoxd, J. P.] C 10 R 1 RABANUS MAURUS (Mooi\Ti\rs ARcniEPiscopis). Opera omnia. [See Migse, J. P., Series Latixa, 107- 112.] RABBI JOSEPH. [See Chroxicles of Rabbi Joseph.] RABELAIS (Frax^ois), M.D. Whole Works of; liy [Sir Thomas Urquhart or] Urchard. 8vo. Lond., 1708. J 9 S 32 The Works of; faitlifully translated from the French; with Variorum Notes, and numenms Illustrations, by Gustave Dore. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 9 S 33 RABY (TnoMAS Wextworth), Lord. [See Strafford, Earl of.] RACHEL-FELIX (Elisa), TRAfiicDiEXXE. Memoirs of ; Ijy Madame deB . 2 voK 8vo. Lond., 1858. C3P35,36 RACINE (Jean). Qiuvres Completes de: avec une Vie do I'Auteur et un Exanien de ohacun de .ses Ouvrages, par Saint-Marc (iii-anlin et Louis Moland. 8 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1869-77. J 13 U 19-2G The DLitrest Mother: a Tra>j;edv. (Rell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1791. " H 2 P 28 CEuvrcsde. 5 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1819. J 15 Q 1-5 RACINET (A.) Polychromatic Ornament: One Hundred Plates in Gold, Silver, and Colours, comprisinj; upwards of two thou.sand Specimens of the various Styles of Ancient, Oriental, and Medireval Art, and including the Renaissance and tiie 17th and 18th Centuries. Imp. 4to. J>.ml., 1H77. A 4 U 9 t RACING AND STEI:PLECHASIN(!. Racing l)y the E-irl of Suffolk and l!erkshii-c, any tlie Hon. F. Lawley. Steeple- clia.sing; hy A. Coventry, an(;LIFFK(Mii.m. AxxK). (ia.ston de lUotidevill.; or, llie Court of Henry ill: a Uomanee. Si. Alban's Abliey: a .Metrical Tale; to which is ]ireli.xed a Memoir of the Author; with Kxtmcts from her Jourmils. ■) vols. 8vo. IxMid., 1K2G. J 12 T 20-23 RADFORDfGKOHOK). Kamble.s by Yorkshire Uivers. 8vo. \jenU, l«H6. 1)8 U 18 RADOT (Valeuy). Louis Pasteur, his Life and Labours; l)V his Son-in-Law ; translated by Lady Claud Hamilton. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 4 Q 25 RAE (Edward), RR.G.S. White Sea Peninsula : a Jour- ney in Russian Lapland and Karelia. Map and Illustra- tion.s. 8vo. Lond., ISSl. D 8 T 12 Land of the North Wind ; or, Travels among the Lap- landers and the Samoyedes. 8vo. Lond., 1875. D 4 R 5 RAE (George), "Thomas Bulhox." The Country Banker: his Clients, Cares, and Woi-k : from an experi- ence of forty years. 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 5 R 18 Internal Management of a Country Bank ; in a series of Letters on the Functions and Duties of a Branch Manager. 12mo. Lond., 1850. F 2 P 23 RAE (Johx), A.M. Book of the Prophet Isaiah, rendered into English Blank Verse ; with Explanatt>rv Notes. ^■\-o. Sydney, 1853. MG 1 Q 22 Sydney Corporation Act (14 Vic, No. 41), so far as not repealed by 17 Vic, No. 33, sec. 3; the Sydney Corporation Abolition Act (17 Vic, No. 33) ; the Sydney Sewerage Act (17 Vic, No. 35) ; the Sydney Water Act (17 Vic, No. 35). With Index. 8vo. Sydney, 1854. MF 1 P 38 Railways of New South Wales : Reports on their Con- struction and Working, from 184()-7ti inclusive. 5 vols. (in 1) fol. Sydney, 18GG-7G. MF 2 U 13 (! leanings from my Scrap-book. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd series. (I'rinti'd by tin; Antlinr.) 3 vols, (in 2) 8\(). Sydney, 18G9;-74. Mil 1 S'll, 12 New South Wales Commission tor tlie ^Melbourne Cen- tennial Exhibition. Mr. Rac's Sketches of Colonial Scenes in the Olden Time. 8v(). Syilncy, 1888. Ml) 7 Q 7 % Sydney Illustrated. [See PiiotT, .). S.] MD 2 P G J R.M; (.loiix), I\l.|)., i^rc. Narrati\(' of an Exiiedition to the Shores of the Arctic Sea, in IS 1(1-47. With Map.s. Svo. Lond., 1850. I) 4 S II li.VIO (W. 1''.) Westward bv Kail: a .louiiicv (o San l'"rancisco and back, and a N'isit to the Moiiiions. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1871. DIP 5 Notes on England. [See Taixi;, II. .\.) l!,\h;i:riiN (Silt lliAiiv), H..\. Life of; uilli r,ii-lrait and Appcnilix, bv his (ircat ( Iraiidsrin, W, Iv. Andrew, .M..\. .s\... Lond., 1S,> 19 RAMSAY (Alex.\ndf.r), Jrvit. Rudiments of Mineralogy. (AVeale). 12mo. Lond., 1868. A 17 P 38 RAMSAY (All.\x). Tlie Evergreen; a Collection of Scots Poems, wrote bv the Ingenious, before 1600. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1876. H 7 T 24, 25 The Gentle Shepherd : a Scot's Pastoral Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1796. H2P6 Poems of Allan Rani.say ; witli Glo.s.sary, Life of the Author, and Remarks on his Poems. Paisley, 1877. H 7 T 2G, 27 Tea-Table Miscellany : a Collection of Choice Songs, Scots and English. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Glasgow, 1871. HSU 32, 33 Another copy. 2 vol.s. 8vo. Glasgow, 1876. H7T28,29 Poems of. New ed. ; witli a Life of the Autlior. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1800. H 8U 13, 14 RAMSAY (Silt AvnRF.w C), I.L.D., k<: Descriptive Catalogue of the Rock Specimens in the Musemn of Practical (Jenlogy, with explanatt)ry notices of their miture and nuxle of occurrence in place. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1862. A 9 S 26 RAMSAY (Sin A. C), A\n HHISTOW (11. \V.) Index to the Colours and Signs employed in the .Maps and Sections of the (ii-ologic^l Survey of Great lirilain \\\t to 1874. Kvo. I>ond., 1874. ' A 9 t^ 3 [Su RfDLEH, F. W.] 1) 11 S 6 HAMSAY (LiEiT.-CoL. HAWAnitKH I). liongli UecoUectinnH of Military Service and Society. 2 vols. »vo. f>linb., 1882. ■ C5P17, 18 JtAMSAY (HitWAKii IJannkhman), M.A., .Vc. Reminis- c-enccji of Life and Character. 20th ed. Eilinb., l»"l. C: 5 T 22 llrminincencoji of Hcottisli Life and (Character, and a Memoir i.f I>enn RamHny ; by Cottmo liines. 2nili ed. Mvo. ly.nd., 1««0. C 2 y 40 RAMSAY (E. Pierson), F.L.S., etc. Hints for the Pre- servation of Specimens of Natural Histoiy, for ISIuseum Purposes. 8vo. Sydney, 1876. ' MJ 2 R 14 Another copy. 3rd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1887.* MA 2 U 23 Catalogue of a Collection of Fossils in the Australian ^Museum, Sydney ; with IntrtKluctory Notes. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 188:1 " ]\IK"1 S 41 \_See Ratte, A. F.] RAMSAY (J. A.), M.E. Treatise Course of tlie Severn, from its Rise on l'linlinnn Bri.stol Channel. 8yo. Madeley, Saloji., 18S2. D7P5 RANDALL (P. M.) Qu.irtz Operator's Hand-book. Re- vised ed. 8yo. New York, 1871. A 9 Q 37 RANIi.M.L (S. S.) History of the ConniKin School System of the State of New York, from its origin in 1795 to th<^ jiri'sent i'nw. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1871. (! 17 R 3 K.\N|)<)|-ril (Thomas). Poetical .ind Dramatic Works of; now first collected and edited from the early copies and MSS. ; with some Aci'ount of the Authoi- and occa- sional Notes, I IV A\'. ( 'arew Hazlitt, I'JnKP. Lond., j 1875. " 112 il 27 I RANGER (The). [Sec Flack, Capt.] PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 625 Ean] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Rar RANKE (Leopold von). Ecclesiastical and Political His- tory of the Popes of Rome, duriiifj the IGth and 17th Centuries ; translated by 8arah Austin. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. B 11 V 35-37 History of Servia and the Servian Revolution ; translated by Mrs. Alexander Kerr. 8vo. Lond., 1847. B 13 V 24 History of the Prussian Monarchy ; translated by Demmler. Vol. 1 {nil published), 8vo. Lond., 1848. B 9 S 6 History of Enfjland, principally in the 17th Century. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1976. B 5 P 28-33 Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg and History of Prussia. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. BOS 7-9 Sammtliche Werke. 48 vols, (in 39) Svo. Leipzig, 1867-80. B 14 W 1-39 Universal History: the Oldest Historical Group of the Nations, and the Greeks ; edited by G. W. Prothero. Svo. Lond., 1884. B 1.5 Q 29 RANKEN (George). Bush Essays; by "Capricornus."' Facts about Australia; Co-operative Settlement; New South Wales in 1872. (Pam. Aa.) 8vo. Edinb., 1872. MD 1 V 9 Another copy. 8vo. Edinb., 1872. MF 2 Q 14 Another copy. Svo. Edinb., 1S72. MF 3 P 17 Squatting System of Australia. (Pam. Ds.) Svo. Edinb., 1875. MF 2 Q 15 Another copy. Svo. Edinb., 1875. MF 3 P 17 Qolonization iii 1876. Svo. Sydney, 1S7G. MF 3 P 20 Homestead Settlement : Grazing, Past, Present, and Future. Svo. Sydney, 1877. " MF 3 P 20 The Invasion; by "W. H. Walker." Svo. Sydney, 1S77. MJ 1 Q 26 RANKEN (W. H. L.) The Dominion of Australia: an Ac count of its Foundations. Svo. Lond., 1874.* MD 1 W 33 RANKINE (W. J. M.) Manual of the Steam Engine and other Prime Movers. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1861. A 11 P 26 Manual of Applied INIechanics. 4th ed. 8\-o. Lond., 1868. A11Q2 Manual of Civil Engineering. Svo. Lond., 1867. A 6 R 8 jManual of IMachinery and ilillwcirk. Svo. Lond., 1869. A 6 R 29 L'^seful Rules and Tables I'elating to Mensuration, Engi- neering, Structures, and Machines. Svo. Lond., 1S67. X 10 S 27 Miscellaneous Scientific Papers, from the Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal and other Scientific and Philosophical Societies, and the Scientific Journals; with a Memoir oi the Author, by P. G. Tait, M.A. Svo. Lond., 1881. A 16 V 14 RANSOME (Airrm-R), M.D. On Stethometry; being an Account of a new and more exact iMethi id of measuring, ic, and examining the Chest. Svo. Lond., 1876. A 12 R 27 4 K RANSOME (Prof. Cyril), M.A. Our Colonies and India; how we got them, and why we keep them. 8vo. Lond., 1SS5. MF 1 P 39 Rise of Constitutional Government in England. Svo. Lond., 1883. F 5 R 19 Political Hi.story of England to 1881. [_See Ac;lam>, A. H. D.] " B 3 T 20 RANYARD (Arthur Cowper). [Sir Isaac] Newton, his Friend, and his Niece. {^See De Morgan, A.] C 10 U 38 RAOUL (E.) Choix de Plantes de la Nouvelle-Zelandc. Roy. 4to. Paris, 1846. MA 1 R 9 % RAPER (Lieut. Henry), R.N. Practice of Na\-igation and Nautical Astronomy. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1874. A3T10 RAPHxiEL SANZIO or SANTI, DA URBINO. Raphael Santi, his Life and Works ; by Alfred, Baron \on AVolzogen; translated by F. E. Bunnett. 12mo. Lond., 1866. C 5 R 22 Raphael; by "N. d'Anvers" [N. R. E. Bell]. (Great Artists.) 8vD. Lond., 1879. C 3 T 40 Raphael: his Life and Works; by J. A. Crowe, and G. B. Cavalcaselle. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1882-85. C 11 P 10, 11 Raphael: his Life, Work and Ti)nes, from the French of Eugene Muntz ; edited by Walter Armstrong, B.A. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1882. CSV 30 Raphael's Cartoons; engraved on Steel by G. Greatbacli, from the Originals at the South Kensington Museum ; with a Biography and Portrait of Raphael. Fol. Lond., 1SS2. A 23 Q 10 1 Lives and Works of Michael Angelo and Raphael ; by E. Duppa, and A. C. Quatremere deQuincy. Svo. Lond., 1876. C 4 P 1 Critical Account of the Drawings by Michael Angelo and Raffaello, in the LTniversity Galleries, Oxford ; by J. C. Robinson. Svo. Oxford, 1870. A 7 Q 9 Raphael and the Villa Farnesina. {See Bic;oT, C] A2Q21 t Raffaello Sanzio : his Sonnet studied. [_See Fagan, L. A.] RAPHAEL VOLATERRANUS or MAFFEI (R.) Historia de Vita quattuorMaximorumPontiticum. {Bound with Flatina.) Sm. fol. Venetii.s, 1511. C 14 R 19 J RAPIN DE THOYRAS (Paul de). History of Eng- land, written in French; translated into English, and continued from the Revolution to the Accession of King George ii ; by N. Tindal. 4 vols. fol. Lond., 1785-89. B 17 U 1-4 t Acta Regia ; or, an Account of the Treaties, Letters, and Instruments between the Monarchs of England and Foreign Powers, published in Mr. Rymer's Fa'dera. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1726-27. B 22 S 6-9 RAPP (Gen. Jean), Comte, First Aide-de-Camp to Napoleon. Memoirs of. AVritten by himself and pub- lished by his Family. Svo. Lond., 1S23. C 9 P 29 RAREY (J. S.) ]\rodern Art of Taming Wild Horses. 12mo. Lond., 1858 A 1 P 35 626 CATALOGUE OF THE Has] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Raw RASHLEICiH (Phillip), F.R.S., kc. Specimens of British Minei-ils : with general clescriptions of each article. (In two parts.) 4to. LoncL, 1797-ISOl'. A 9 V 20 RASK (Prof. R.^smi.s Kristias). Dr. E. Rask s Danish Grammar for Englishmen: with Extracts in Prose and Verse. 2nd «!. 8vo. Lond., 1847. K 12 Q 22 Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue : from the Danish, by Benjamin Thorpe. ;?rd ed. 8vo. Loud., 1879. K 11 U -13 Short Practical and Easy Method of Learning the Old Noi-sk Tongue or Icelandic Language. 2n(l ed. 8vo. Lond., 1869. K 11 V 19 Vejledning til det Islandske eller gamle Nordiske Sprog. 12mo. Kobenhavn, 1811. K 16 P 7 Kortfattet Vejledning til det oldnordiske eller gamle islandske Sprog. 12nio. Kobenhavn, 1832. K 12 Q 42 Frisisclu- Sprachlehre, bcarbeitet nach deni uamlitlipn Plane, wie die isUindische und angelsiichsische. 8^'o. Freiburg, 1834. K 12 R 12 RASPE (RuDOLPFi Eric). Adventures of Baron ^Nlun- chausen ; a new and revised ed., with an Intrcxluction, liy T. Teigmoutli Sliore, M.A. Illustrated by Gu,stave Dore. 3rd ed. 4t<). Lond., 1881. J 8 V 6 [See BoRX, I., Barox.] D 6 T 17 RASSAM (Hormizd), F.R.G.S. Narrative of the British Mis.sion to Theinlore, King of Abv.ssinia. '\\'ith Illustra- tion.s etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869. D 1 "\V 1, 2 RASTELL (Jonx). Pastime of People ; or the Chronicles of Di\ei-s Reiilms ; and, most especially, of the Realm of England. 4to. Lmd., 1811. B 10 S 1 t RATHBONE (Frederick). Josiah "Wedgwood on the Clay of Sydney Cove. ( With Facsimih lUuMratinn of «' Miiltilliiiu /iri'si'itleil hij Itirhnrd find O'coir/e Tiiinjj/c.) 4to. Birmingham, ISS."). Libr. Old WedgwcKjd and Uld \VLdgw(joil Ware. [.SVc Twovi;, R. AND G.] I'ibr. R.\THI'.<)NE (H. N.) So much of the Diary of I*idy WilJDUghby as relat(!s to her Domestic History and to the eventful periml of the Reign of Charles the First, till- Prntectonite and Restoration. Kvo. I»nd., 1S73. J 1 2 R 25 R.\THI50NE (W.), PELL (A.), am. .M( )NTAGUE (F. C), .M..\. Local Oovorninent and Taxation. 8yo. I^iikI., I xx:,. F ■) S 8 RATIlI^Uirs (Vkhoxensi.s Epi.scopis). Opera omnia. [Set Mi<;xK^ J. P., Series Latixa, 136.] Pi-XTI'iAMI'S ((JoRiiKiEXsiH MoXAfins). Open; omni;!. [See .Mk.xe, J. P., Series Latixa, 121.] UATTK (A. Fklix). De.scriptive CataU.gue (with Notes) of the (ii-neml Collection of Minenils in the Australian Mn-eum. >a, Assyria, Baby- lon, .'Media, and Pei-sia. 4 vols. 8vi). liond., 1862-67. I! 13 V 19-22 Sixth li'rcal Oriental Mimarchy. 8vo. Lond., 1873. R 1 P 4 Seventh Great Oi-ieiilal Mniiarrhy. 8vo. bond., 1876. i: I P 6 History of Ancient Egypt. 2 vols. 8vo. bond., 1881. H 2 R 38, 39 Egyjit and i!;di\lcin, Seri))ture and Profane Sources. 8vo. bend., I's.S."). (! 7 S 3 Manual of .Ancient History, fnmi thi^ Earliest Times lo tiie I'all of the Western l']mi)ire. (Clar. Press.) 8vo. Oxford, l.S6!>. I! II S 37 [Set Herouotih.] FREE PUBLIC LIBRAllY, SYDNEY. G27 Raw] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or lleference. [Bee RAWLINSON (Majou-Ukn. .Sir Henky C), K.CB. England and Russia in ihe East. iSvo. Load., 1875. B 12 U 7 Selection from the Historical Inscriptions [Cuneiform] (if Clialda>a, As.syria, and Babylonia ; prepared by Sir H. 0. Rawlinson, assisted by E. Norris, and Geo. Smith. 4 vols, (in 2) roy. fol. Lend., 1861-75. B 32 P 11, 12 J RAWLINSON (Robekt), C.E. On the Sewering of Towns and Draining of Houses. (Pam. C.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1862. MJ 2 S 1 Suggestions as to the Preparatioii of District ]\Iaps, and of Plans for Main Sewerage, Drainage, and Water Supply. (The Public Health Act, 1875.) Revised to 1878. Fol. Load., 1878. A 23 R 2 + RAWLINSON (TnoM.^s E.) Papers and Reports, read before the Philosophical Institute, and the Royal Society of Victoria; and other Documents. 8vo. Melb., 1865. MA 2 V 21 Railway and Harljour Accommodation. [&« Oldham, T.] MJ 2 R 15 RAY SOCIETY. Publication.?. 38 vols. 8vo. and U vols. fol. Edinl). and Lund., 1841-84. . E RAYMOND (George). Memoirs of Robert William Elliston, Comedian, 1774-1810. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 7 Q 3, 4 RAYMOND (G. L.) Poetry as a Representative Art. 8vo. New York, 1886. H 7 R 40 RAY^'MOND (James). New South Wales Calendar and General Post OiHoe Directory. 5 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1832-37.* " ME 4 Q RAYMOND (Capt. J. W.) Cure for the Rabliit Plague: the Oat-Phosphorus Poison. 8vo. Melb., 1881. MJ 2 R 15 RAYMOND (RossiTER W. ) Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Tei'rit<>ries West of the Rocky Mountains. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1870-73. E RAYMOND (Samuel), M.A. [&« Campbell, Rev. Dr. T.] RAYNAL (William Thomas), Abbe. Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1788. B 10 R 27-34 RAYNOUARD (R J. M.) Grammaire Comparee des Langues de I'Europe Latine, dans leurs Rapports avec la Langue des Troul)adours. 8vo. Paris, 1821. K 12 S 5 Lexique Roman; ou, Dictionnaire de la Langue des Trou- badours ; precede d'un nouveau choix des Poesies originales des Troubadours. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836-44. K 15 Q 30-35 {See Lewis, Sir G. C] READ (Charles A.), F.R.H.S. Cabinet of Litera- ture: Selections from the Works of the chief Poets, Orator.s, and Prose Writers of Ireland; with Biograjihical Sketches and Literary Notices. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1880-81. J 9 V 11-14 READ (C. Rudston). What I heard, saw, and did at the AiLstralian Gold-fields. 8vo. Lond., 1853.*. MD 5 V 7 READE (William Winwood). Story of the Ashantee Campaign. Svo. Lond., 1874. B 1 P 35 Savage Africa; being the Narrative of a Tour in Equa- torial, South-western, and North-we.stern Africa ; with Notes on the Halnts of the Gorilla. With Illustrations. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1864. D 2 R 1 The Martyrdom of Man. 8vo. Lond., 1872. G 7 R 30 African Sketch-liook. With Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873. D 1 R 8, 9 READWIN (T. Allison), F.G.S. Index to Mineralogy; this Index is an alphabetical List of about 2,500 Minerals; with concise References to their Composition, Synonymes, and Place in the British Museum. 8vo. Lond., 1867. A 10 P 11 REBER (Dn. Franz vox). History of Ancient Art; trans- lated and augmented l)y Joseph Thacher Clarke. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 7 T 20 RECENT TRAVELLER, A. [_See Siioberl, F.] RECENT SETTLER, A. [See Emigration.] RECENT VISITOR, A. [Sec Mos.s, F. J.] RECLITS (Jean Jacques Eliske). The Earth : a descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life f)f the Globe ; trans- lated by the late B. B. Woodwarrl, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Load., 1871. A 29 T 2, 3 The Earth : a descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe ; edited by Prof. A. H. Keane. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 15 U 3 Ocean, Atmosphere, and Life : being the Second Series of a descriptive History of the Life of the Globe; translated by the late B. B. Woodward, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 29 T 4, 5 Nouvelle Geographic Universelle : La Terra et les Homines. Tomes 1-11. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1877-86. D 10 V 1-11 1. L'Europe Mcrif Commis-Mionere w\.,\KM. 15 24 Q 19 t Ini|iiiuiti)inuin ml Cnpellam Doniini Regis Retorna- laruiii, qun- in Publicin Archivi.s Scotiao, adlnic Hervantur abbreviatio. 3 vols. fol. ixind., 1 H 1 1 - 1 0. H 2 I (^ 1 5- 1 7 1 Magnum Hotuluin Kcaccarii, vel Ma;;iiuni liotulum I'lpii- ; nunc Primuni Eilitii •\. HimMci, i{i.v. 8vo. l/.nd., 1833. li'l5T8 RECORD COMMISSIONERS' PUBLICATIONS-fOM<y Helen blathers. 2nd ed. 3 vols. Lond., 1883. MJ 2 P 21-23 REEVES (Rev. William), D.D., .tc. The Culdecs of the British Islands, as the}- appear in Histoiy ; with an Appen- dix of Evidences. Ro}-. 4to. Dublin, 1864. G 12 R 5 + Life of Saint Columba. [See Adamnax.] REFUGE (The). The Refuge, Oshurne-street, Gardiner's Creek Road, South Yarra. E.stabli,shed 1857. (Chridar.) 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MG 1 Q 26 REGINA V ROBERTS. Trial for Bigamy, in the Supreme Court, New South Wales: Opinions of the Judges. 8vo. Sydney, 1850. MF 1 Q 4 REGINO (Pp.umiensis AnnAs). Opera cmniia. [See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 132.] REGISTRUM MAGNI SIGILLI. Regum Scotorum in Archivis Publicis Asservatum, a.d. 1306-1124. Fol. Lond., 1814. V. 24 R 7 J REGISTRUM VITLGARITER NUNCUPATUM. "The Record of Caernarvon"; edited by Sir H. I'^llis. Fol. Lond., 1838. B 24 Q 5 + REGNIER (A.) [See Schiller, J. C. F. von.] J 13 U 11-18 REHTMEYl'^U (riiiui'i' Ji lio). Das Leben des Seligcn Ilerrn Jnarhiini Liitkcnians. 12mo. Brunswick, 1720. G 9 Q 4 REIBEY (Thomas), AuciiDEACON r. BLOMFl KLD (Henry Wilson). Full Report of the Great Liiiol Case, tried at the Supreme Court, Launceston. Reprinted from the "Cornwall Clu-ouicle." 2nd ed. Svo. Launceston, 1870. MF 1 Q 5 RETCH (Ediwrd). Studien iibor die Frauen. 8vo. Jena, 1875. A 12 U 31 REICHENBACli (Kakl), Vw.W, 1!ai;on von. Physico- Phvsiological Kescarclies on the ])ynamides or Impon- derables Magnetism, ICleelricity, Heat, Light, Crystal- lisation and Chemical Attraction — in their relations to the N'ital I'^orce; tr.uislated and edited by ^^'illiam Gregory, M.l)., ite. \\>\. \ (bji'i'ts within and around to in the Iliad. l(o. i.ond,, Observatio?is on Troy, and ii]i I lie it dcsci'ilicd or alluiird IHM. I! IS II 1 I RENNIE (I). F.), M.D. Peking and the Pekingese, during the first year of the I'.ritisli rhnbassy at Pekiiiir. 2 vols. f 5 tj 1, 2 British Anns in North ( 'liinn .iinl .liiii.m. I'c Kagosima, 1H62. 1 2mo. Lond., ISCil, if (lie i )ooar War. Svo. Lond., B 10 (i 26 Bliotan, and the Story IMOC,. in, I SCO H2 1' II FREE PUBLIC LIBEARY, SYDNEY. Ren] Part I : — Author's, Editors, or Reference. 633 [Reu RENNIE (Edward Alexander). The Ten Kingdoms : a Study ill the Pn iptiecies : a Lecture. 8vo. Sydney, 1873. MG 1 Q 35 Lecture cm the Two Witnesses of tlie Book of Revela- tion. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MG 1 Q 35 Foundation Strengtli of Popery; hy "An old Student of Scripture." 8vo. Sydney, 1888.* MG 2 Q 3 RENNIE (George). A few Observations in reply to a Letter from Sir M. A. Sliee, P.R.A., to the Rt. Hon. Lord John Russell, H.M. Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, on the alleged Claim of tlie Public to be admitted Gratis to the Exhibition of the Royal Academy. 8vo. Lond., 1837. A 7 Q 13 [_See Shee, Sir M. A.] RENNIE (Rev. James). Insect Architecture. New ed., much enlarged by the Rev. J. G. Wood, M.A. ; with nearly two Innidred Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1869. A U P45 The Manageries. Quadrupeds. 2nd ed. (Lib. Ent. Know.) 12mo. Lond., 1830-31. K 10 R 49-50 Domestic Habits of Birds. (Lil). of Ent. Know.) 12mo. Lond., 1833. K 10 R 21 Insect Miscellanies. (Lib. of Ent. Know.) 12mo. Lond., 1831. K 10 R 34 In.sect Architecture. (Lib. of Ent. Know.) 2nd ed., 12mo. Lond., 1836. K 10 R 35 Insect Transformations. (Lib. of Ent. Know.) 12mo. Lond., 1830. K 10 R 36 Faculties of Birds. (Lib. of Ent. Know.) 12mo. Lond., 1835. K 10 R 22 Architecture of Birds. (Lib. of Ent. Know.) 12mo. Lond., 1831. K 10 R 20 Menageries. Quadrupeds, described and drawn from subjects. (Lib. of Ent. Know.) 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1830-31. K 10 R 49-50 RENNIE (Sir John), F.R.S. Autobiography of; com- prising the History of his Professional Life. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1875. C 9 V 30 RENOURD (Ant. Aug.) Annales de Imprimerie des Aide ; ou, Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs Editions et Supplement. 3 vols, (in 2) 8vo. Paris, 1803. K 17 Q 30, 31 REPP (Thorleif Gudmi'NDSSOn). Dansk-Norsk-engelske Ordbog. \_See Fereall, J. S.] REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT. [See New South Wales.] REPORT ON THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. [See House of Commons.] A 2 U 33 REPTON (Humphry). Landscape Gardening and Land- scape Architecture of ; with an Introduction and Index, etc., by J. C. Loudon, F.L.S., kc. 8vo. Lond., 1840. A 1 R 15 4l RERESBY (Sir John), Bart. Travels and Memoirs of. Illustrated with Portraits and Views. 8vo. Lond., 1813. . I) 8 V 9 Memoires de. [See Guizot, F. P. G., 21.] RERUM BRITANNICARUM SCRIPTORES. Lugduni, 1587. ]J Sm. fol. 14 H 6: RESEARCH. [See Beilby, J. W.] RESIDENT, A. [See Girl Life in Ai-.stralia.] [See Madagascar.] [See Kekr, J. H.] [See Massey', Miss Isabel.] RESIDENT, A. RESIDENT, A. RESIDENT, A. RESIDENT OFFICER, A. [See Madrid.] RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE (Nicholas Edme). [See Moreau, le jeune; Jean Michel.] A 2 P 13 + RESULT SYSTEM (The). Copy of Report adopted at a Public Meeting of Teachers, and transmitted to the Board of Education. 8vo. Melb., 1863. MG 1 Q 30 RESURGAM. [See Cremation.] RETIRED GOVERNOR OF JUAN FERNANDEZ, The. [See Sutcliffe, T.] RETIRED OFFICER OF THE HON. EAST INDIA CO.'S SERVICE, A. [See Gardiner, Comm. A. F.] 16 vols. {All RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW (The' published.) 8vo. Lond., 1820-28. Vols. 1 and 2. New series. [All published.) Lond., 1853-54. 8vo. E RETSLAG (Dr. Carl). Political Sketches; twelve Chapters on the Struggles of the Age. 8vo. Lond., 1854. F 5 S 7 RETZ (Jean Francois Paul de Gondi), Cardinal de. In- trigues du. [See JoLi, G.] C 1 R 16, 17 RETZ (Jean Francois Paul de Gondi), Cardinal de, JOLI (Guy), and NEjMOURS (Marie d'Orleans), Duchess de. Memoires du. Nouvelle edition. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1817. C 4 P 17-22 RETZSCH (Friedrich Moritz). Outlines illus- trative of the Tragedy [of Faust.] [See Goethe, J. W. VON.] RETZSCH (^NIoritz) Gallerie zu Shakspeare's dramatischen Werken, in L'mrissen erfunden und gestochen. Romeo und Julia — Konig Lear — Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor. Ob 4to. Leipzig (n.d.) A 8 R 3 t REUCHLIN OR CAPNION (John). Life and Times of ; by Francis Barham. 12mo. Lond., 1843. C 1 R 31 REUILLY (J.) Travels in the Crimea and along the Shores of tlie Black Sea, performed during the vear 1803. 8vo. Lond., 1807. " D 8 T 36 634 CATALOGUE OE TKE Reu] Pakt I ■.—Authors, Editors, or liefer ence. [Key REULEAUX (Prof. F.) Kinpinatics of Machinery; Outlines of a Theory of Miichiiies. Translated by A. B. "SV. Kennedy, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1876. . A 11 S 17 REUMONT (Alfred von). I.<.renz() tic" Medici il Mag- nifico. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig, 1874. C 11 P 22, 23 Lorenzo de" Medici, the Maffiiificent. Translated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. C 11 P 24, 25 Carafas of Maddaloni: Naples under Dominion. Translated. 12mo. L<.n(l.. 1854. B 12 P 25 REUSS {EDor.\RD). La Bible. [S^e Bibles, Ac— French.] REVEIL (A.), .\ND DUCHE.SNE (J.) Museum of Paint- ing and Sculpture ; or, Collection of the Principal Pic- tures, Statues, itc, in the Galleries of Europe. Text in French and English. Paris, 1829 3:?. A 33 Q 1 -17 REVEILLE PARISE (Dr. J. H.) Traite de la Vieillesse Hygienique, Medical et Philosophi(iue: ou, Recherches .sur I'Etat Phy.sioli)gi(iue.s, Ics Facultcs Morales, Ics Mala- dies de lAge avancc. 8vo. Paris, 1853. A 12 R 37 ATTONS OF P[ORT] A[RTHrR] (The) ; or, from our Penal Settlement: by "Tim Bobbin." MF 1 Q 4 REVEL News 8vo. Hobart, 1868. REVENUE : a Treatise of the Revenue and False Money of the Romans. To which is annexed a Dis.sertation upon the Manner of distinguishing Antique !Medals from Counterfeit ones. 8vo. Ijond., 1741. F 3 T 10 KEVETT (N.) [5w Stiaut, J.] A 1 R 12-15 \ / REVTLLE (Pkof. Albert), D.D. liccluros on the Origin an. REVUE DFS QUESTIONS IIlSToUK.)!'! II 37. lioy. Kvo. Paris, IH72 H.5. RKVUE INTERNATIONALE. Sous la M. Aiigejri de GulKTnati.s. Vols. I (uay, and tho La Plotn l-^tuary. Imp. 4to. Lrmd., 1874. A 23 S 20 ♦ REYNOLDS (Siu Joshva), Knt., kv. Life of; com- jirising Original Anecdotes of many distinguished Persons, i^'c. ; l)y Jaine.s Northcote, R.A. 2 vol.s. 8vo. Lmd., ISI'.t. C 6 R IC), 17 Life and Times of ; by C. R. Ijcslie, R.A. ; continued and concluded by Tom Taylor. 2 vols. 8yo. Lmd., 1805. ■ ' C9 P. -5.5, 36 Liti'i'.irv Works of ; with a .Mniioir of the Author, by 11 W. r.cechey. 2 vol.s. 1 L'mo. Lond., 1835. J 11P3.3, 34 lOngravings from the Works of : by S. W. Reynolds. 3 vols. fol. Lond.. 1833 38. ' A 5 l'"8 10 \ Sir .loshuii ]{evnoKls: a I!iogra])liv : by 1'. S. Pulling. (Oivat .\rti,st.s.") .Svo. Lond'., 18,sb. ' C 3 T 44 AniTilote IJiography. {See TiMRS, J.] C 1 S 5 REYNOLI>S (.MiriiAKl.). Stationary Kngiiie Driving: a Practical Manual for iMigineers in Cliargi' of Stationary Engines. With llhist rations. Svo. bond., 1881. A 1 1 P2'l Continuous Railway Brakes : a Practical Treatise on the Systems in use in the rnifcil Kingdom; their Coiislructioii and Performance. Willi Illustrations. Kvo. L I., IH82. A 6 R 16 Engini'iiian's I'ocket Companion .iiiil Practical Educa- tor for the lOnginenmn, Boiler Attendants, ond Mechanics. 18mo. L'jiid., 1886. A II P U FREE PUBLIC L1J3RAUY, SYDNEY. 635 Key] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference . [Ric REYNOLDS (Prof. Osdounk). On Rolling Friction. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 3.) 4to. Lond., 187G. AllP4t On the Refraction of .Sound I)V the Atniosjihere. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 2.) 4to. Lond., 1876. A 11 P 3 t On the Force.s cau.sed by the Communication of Heat between a Surface and a (xa.-^ ; and on the new Photo- meter. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 3.) 4to. Lond., 187G. A 11 P 4t The General Theory of Thernio-Dynaniics : a Lecture. [_See Heat.] A 1 1 U 9 REYNOLDS (Rich.^rd S.), M.R.C.V.S. Essay on the Bi'eeding and Management of Drauglit Plorses. 8vo. ■ Lond., 1882. A 1 R 32 REYNOLDS (S. W.) [5e« Reynolds, Sir J.] ASPS-IOJ REYNOLDS (T.) Political History of; containing an Account of his Transactions with the Rebellion in Ire- land. [_See Hist. Pams.] L 11 Q 1 REZASCO (G.) Dizionario del Linguaggio Ttaliano, Storico ed Amministrativo. Roy. 8vo. Firenzi, 1881. Iv 16 T 6 RHADAMANTHUS. [Set Bar and Attorneys.] RHODE ISLAND. {See United States op America.] RHOIDIS (Emmanuel). Pope Joan (the Female Pope): an Historical Study; translated, with Pi'eface, by C. H. Collette. 12mo. Lond., 1886. C 2 Q 23 RHY^S (John), M.A. Lectures on Welsh Philology. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1879. K 12 Q 1 RIANO (Juan F.) Industrial Arts in Spain. (South Kens. Mus.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. E RIBBECK (O.) [See Leipzicer Studien.] RIBEYRO (Capt. John). History of Ceylon ; presented l)y Captain John Ribeyro to the King of Poi'tugal, in 168.5 ; translated from the Portuguese by the Al)lje. J. Le Grand. 8vo. Ceylon, 1847. " B 10 U 31 RIBOT (Prof. Tii.) Diseases of Memory : an Essay in the Positive Psychology. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 12 Q 41 RICARDO (David). On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 8vo. Loud., 1821. F 6 LM6 RICCI (J. H. de). [See De Rkti, J. H.] RICCI (Prof.) The Italian Principia. Part 1. A Italian, on the plan of Dr. \V. Smith's "Principia Liitina." Pait 2. A Italian Reading-book and a Dictionary. 2 vols, (in 1 ) 8vo. Load., 1 883-84. K 1 2 R 4 RICCI (SciPioN de). Bishop of Pistoia and Prato. Vie et Memoires tie ; par Louis Joseph Antoine de Potter. 4 vuls. 8vo. Paris, 1820. C 5 V 29-32 RICE (James). History of the British Turf, from the Earliest Times tt) the Present Day. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879. B 7 R 13, 14 RICE (Maj.-Gen. William). " Indian Game" (from Quail to Tiger). Imj). 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 15 T 5 RICH (Anthony), B.A. Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities; with Engravings on Wood, illustrative of the Industrial Arts and Social Life of the -Greeks and Romans. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1874. K 7 Q 2 * RICH (Eliiu). Cyclopiedia of Biography. 8vo. Lond., H?51- K 5 U 13 RICHARD (A.) [_See Dumont D'Urville, Capt. J. S. C] RICHARD I (King op England). History of the Life of Richard-Cwur-de-Lion, King of England ; by G. P. R. James. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842-49. C 9 R 10-13 RICHARD III. Richard iii as Duke of Gloucester and King of England ; Ijy Caroline A. Halsted. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. C 9 P 27, 28 The Unpopular King : the Life and Times of Richard in; by Alfred O. Legge, P.C.H.S. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. B 4 T 6, 7 RICHARD (Henry). Memoirs of Joseph Sturge. 8vo. Lond., 1864. C 9 U 46 RICHARD (H.), and WILLIAMS (J. C.) Disestablish- ment. 8vo. Lond., 1885. G 7 T 31 RICHARD OF DEVIZES. {See Chronicles op the Crusades.] B 10 P 23 RICHARDS (Lieut. G. E.) Pacific Islands: Sailing Directions ; compiled from various sources. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. MD 7 R 6-8 RICHARDS (Capt. G. H.), and EVANS (F. J.), R.N. New Zealand Pilot ; from Surveys made in H.M. Ships Acheron and Pandora. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1859. MD 7 R 9 RICHARDS (John Morgan). Chronology of Medicine, Ancient, Mediieval, and Modern. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 12 R 10 RICHARDS (Thomas). General Indexes to Letters of Registration for Inventions and Improvements in the Arts or Jlanufactures, granted in New South Wales, from 1855 to 1880, inclusive. Fol. Sydney, 1883. New South Wales in 1881 ; being a brief Statistical and Descriptive Account of the Colony up to the end of the year ; extracted chiefly from olHcial Records. Pub- lished l)y authority. 2nd issue. 8vo. Sydnev, 1882.* MF 1 S 19 Another copy. 2nd issue. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MJ 2 R 17 An Official History of New Suuth Wales. [See New South Wales.] RICHARDS (W.) [See Hughes, S.] A 17 R 6 G36 CATALOGUE OF THE Ric] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ric EICHARDSON (Benjamin Ward), M.D., kc. Diseases of Modern Life. 8vo. Ltuicl, lt<76. Al'iQi Alcohol : its action and its use. (Cantor Lectures.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 15 U 21 Diseases of Modern Life. New ed. 8vo. Loud., 1879. A 12 Q 5 RICHARDSON (Charles), LL.D. New Dictionary of the English Language ; combining explanation with Etymology, and illustrated by Quotations from the best authorities. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1875. K 15 T 10, 11 RICHARDSON (Mrs. Charles). Memoirs of the Priv;vte Life and Opinions of Louisa, Queen of Prussia, Consort of Frederick AVilliam III. 8vo. Loud., 1847. C 3 V 36 RICHARDSON (Charles F.) The Choice of Books. 12nio. Lond., 1881. J 12 S 27 RICHARDSON (A. J.) The Overland Expedition from Port Denison to Cape York, under the command of F. and A. Jardine. 8vo. Lond., 18GG. MD 7 Q 53 RICHARDSON (C. J.) The Englishman's House, from a Cottage to a Mansion : a Practical Guide to Members of Building Societies, and all interested in selecting or building a house. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1870. A2R5 Picturesque Designs for Mansions, Villas, T^odges, kc. ; with Decorations, interanal and external, suitable to each .style. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1870. A 2 Q 29 RICHARDSON (O. B.) Universal Code of Signals for the Mercantile Marine. [_See Marryat, Caft. F.] RICHARDSON (Georoe), F.S.A. Book of Ceilings, in tho Stile of the Antique Grotesque. (English and French.) Fol. Lrmd., 1774. A 1 R 6 + RICHARDSON (G. F.), F.G.S. Introduction to Geology and its Associate Sciences. Hvo. Ijond., ISO'J. AUP8 RICHARDSON (Rev. Gko. W.) Sermon on (lie Deaili of. [S« CowpER, Vkkv Rkv. \V. M.] -MG 1 P 1 niCIIARDSON (Jame.")). Wonders of the Yellowstono llfgion in the Rocky Mountains ; being a Description of its Geysers, Hot Springs, (>rand Cafion, W.'ilcrfalis, T>ake, anfl surrounding Scenerv, explored in 1S70 71. Illus- Irat.-d. Mvo. I/jnd., 1H71.'l'.) Travels in the Great Desert of Siihara, in the years INI.'i IG. -1 vols. Hvo. Ix.nd., 184!<. I> 2 S l.'i, 16 1UCHAIU)S«)N (J.), M.I)., kv. [See l!r.i;riii:v, Cai-t. F. W.] .\ 1 1 V I lUCHAHDSON (John), F.S.A. Dicii.,nary, Persian, Anibir, find English ; with n Ilissertation on the l.jingu- ages, literal urc, and .Manncrsof Kastern Nations. New "I. 2 vols. 4to. l/,nd., IHOC) JO. K M) V 1, 2 l{|CHAUI>.>bVf FoKiiKs, PiioF. Iv | A 2S 14 f RICHARDSON (MAj.-GE>f. J. S.), C.B. Rifle Exercises for the use of the Permanent and Volunteer Military Forces of New South Wales, armed with the short Rifle. 8vo. Sydney, 1872. MA 2 V 27 RICHARDSON (Joseph). The Fugitive: a Comedy. [See Modern Theatre 8.] Life and Poems of. [See British Poets 4.] RICHARDSON (Samuel). Tour through the Lsland of Great Britain. [See De Foe, D.] ' T) 7 P 33 36 RICHARDSON (Dr. T.) Cliemioal Technology. [See Ronalds, Dk. E.] A 5 U 8 13 RICHAllSON (T. a.) Art of Architectural Modelling in Paper. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1859. A 17 P 63 RICHARDSON (William). Timber Merchant's, Saw- Miller's, and Importer's Freight-book and Assistant ; comprising Rules, Tables, and ^Memoranda relating to the Timber Trade : together with a Chapter on Speeds of Saw-Mill Machinery, kc, by M. Powis Bale, M.I.M.E., kc, and a London Price List for Timber and Deal Saw- ing, kc, 1884. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1884. A 17 Q 65 RICHARDSON (W. A.) Report on the State of the Finance.?, United States. (Pam. Dq.) 8vo. Washing- ton, 1873. F4 K7 RICHARDSON (W. L.) Summary of Seven Year.s' Work of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts. 8vo. Iloston, 1876. E RICHARDUS A SANCTO VICTORS. Oix^a omnia. [See MicNE, J. P., Series Latina, 196.] RICHEA (Doi)o). Theatruni Fuuebre. [See Aicnun, (».] RTCHELTP.r (AiiMAXD Jean dk Plessls), Dro de. Le {'anlinal de Richelieu; par J. 15. H. R. Capetigue. 12nio. I'aiis, 1865. C I S 21 Mi-i •s do. [Sec Baurikre, J. F. C 1 T ic, n RICHERANI) (A. lated. 3rd ed. S I''.l('nii'n1s of i'livsidlogv. Ti'niis- Loud., 1819. ■ ■ A 12 T 9 RKJIIl^UrS. llistoriarinn Libri (|ualii(ir. [See MliiNK. J. I'., Si-.iiiKs Latina, 138 J KH'IIMiiM) (i'noF. W. r..) Lectures on Art. [See .\ 11 r. I A 6 \ ;u; RICILMOXD (W. D.) Colour .-ind Colour I'linling as iip|ili.'il to Litliogra|)liy. N\o. Lond., I,s,s.'.. A 11Q31 KICIIMo.Nl) AND DKHIIY (Maroaiikt Hm-Koin), (.'oi NTESS OP. Life of .Margaret, Ueaufort, Countess of Kielimond and Derby, jMothcr of King Henry vii; l)y Caroline A. llalsled." 8vo. Lond., IS.i'J. C 10 Q 2 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 637 Eic] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Eif RICHTER (Jean Paul), Ph.D., tkc. Italiau Art in the National Gallery. 4to. Lond., 1883. A 8 U 26 Leonardo [da Vinci.] (Great Artists.) Bvo. Lond., 1880. C 3 T 37 Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci. \_See Vinci, L. da.] Lives of the Painters, «fec. ; with Coninientary. [&« Vasari, Georois.] C 4 R 27-32 RICHTER (Jean Paul F.) Jean Paul's .sammtliche Werke. -1 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1836-37. J 15 V 1-4 Life of, compiled from various sources ; together with his Autobiography ; translated from the German. 2 vols, 8vo. Lond., 1845. C 2 Q 35, 36 Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces ; or, the Married Life, etc., of Finiiian Stanislaus Siebenkas. Translated. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1845. JUT 17, 18 Tales by Musaeus, Tieck, [and] Richter ; translated from the German by Thomas Carlyle. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1874. J 1 Til, 12 RICHTER (LuDWio). Richter Allium ; eine Auswahl von Holzschnitten nach Zeichnungen. Sechste Ausgabe in zwei Biinden. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876. A 7 T 22, 23 RICHTER (Prof. T.) Analysis with the Blowpipe. [See Plattnek, C. F.] ' A 5 T 26 RICHTOFEN (F. von), Baron. Geology : Letters and Reports on the Provinces of Hunan, Honan, Shansi, Chekiang, Nganhwei, Chili, Shensi and Sy'-Chwan. Fol. •Shanghai, 1870-72. A 2 S 23 t RICHTHOFEN (Karl) Freiherrn von. Altfriesisches Worterbuch. 4to. Giittuigen, 1840. K 16 R 15 RICKARD (Major F. Ionacio). Mining Journey across the Great Andes; with Explorations in the Silver Mining Districts. 8vo. Lond., 1863. D 3 P 56 RICKARDS (G. K.), M.A. [See Viroilius Maro, P.] H 6 R 42 RICKETTS (Major). Narrative of the Ashantee War ; with a View of the State of the Colony of Sierra Leone. 8vo. Lond., 183.3. B 1 P 37 RICKMAN (John). [See Telford, T.] RICKMAN (Thomas), F.S.A. Attempt to discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England, from the Con- quest to the Reformation. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1848. A 2 S 26 RIDDELL (John). Stewartiana ; containing the Case of Robert ll and Elizabeth Mure, and Question of the Legitimacy of their Issue. 8vo. Edinb., 1843. B 13 Q 6 Salt-Foot Controversy, as it appeared in Blackwood's Magazine ; to wliich is added a Reply to the Article published in No. xvill of that Work. 8\o. Edinb., 1818. B 13 Q 1 Vindication of the " Clan Ronald of Glengary"' against the Attacks made upon them in the Inverness Journal. 8vo. Edinb., 1821. B 13 Q 4 RIDDELL (RoBEUt). The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair- builder and Hand-railcr; witli Plates. Roy. 4to. Edinb. ("•d-) A 21 Q 1 + RIDEIN(J (William II.) Tiiackeray's London : a Des- cription of his Haunts and the Scenes of his Novels. Sq. 12mo. Lrnd., 1885. J 7 Q 17 RIDGWAY (James). Speeches of Rt. Hon. Thoma-s, Lord Erskine. [See Erskine, T. Lord.] E 13 P 23-26 RIDGWAY (Alexander F.) ^85. ■ A 1 P 6 i RIEHL (Puof. A.) Der Philosophische Kriticismu.s, und seine bedeutung fiir die Positi-ve Wissenschaft. 2 vols. 8vo. Leip., 1876-79. G 11 T 16, 17 RIENZII (G. L. Domeny de). Occanie ; ou, Cinqieme Partie du Monde : Revue Geographique et Ethno- graphique de la Malaisie, de la Micronesie, de la Poly- nesie et de la Melancsie. 3 vols. 8vo. Pari.s, 1843-72. MD5 S 11-13 RIETMANN (Prof. 0.) Wanderungen in Australien und Polynesien. 12mo. St. Gallen, 1868. MDlQll RIETZ(Dr. J.) [&e Mendelssohn-Bartuoldy, F.] C5P25 RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. [See New South Wales.] 038 CATALOGUE Or THE Big] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Rip RIGBY (Elizabeth), L.\dy Eastlake. Rcskleuce on the Shores of tlie Baltic ; describetl in a series of Letters. i vols. 8vo. Loiul., 1841. D 9 P 6, 7 Livonian Tales. The Disponent. The Wolves. Tlie Jewess. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1846. J8P1G Letters from the Shores of the Baltic. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 1844. J8P5 RTGG (Rev. Arthir), M.A. Cantor Lectures — On ilechanisui — Energies of Gravity, itc.-— Tools and Con- trivances. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1872. A 15 U 21 Energies of Gravity, Vitality, Affinity, Electricity, Light, and Heat. (Cantor Lectures, 8.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 15 U 21 Material, Construction, Form, and Pi-inoiples of Tools and Contrivances used in Handicraft. (Cantor Lectures.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 15 U 21 RIGG (Rev. Charles W.) Digest of the Laws and Regu- lations of the Australasian Weslevau Connexion. 12mo. Sydney, 1863. ' :MG 1 P 30 RIGG (E.) [See Sauxiek, C] A 11 V 1 RIGG (Rev. James Harrison), D.D. National Education, in its Social Conditions and Aspects, and Pulilic Elenien- taiT SchcKil Education, English and Foreign. 8vo. Lond., 1873. G17P27 RIGHT OF SEARCH (The). Reply to an " American's E.xamination" of; by "An Englishman." 8vo. Lond., 1842. F 12 P 14 RIGUTIXI (Guseppe), k FAXFAXT (Pietko). Vocabo- lario Italiano della Lingua Parlata. 3rd ed. Imp. 8vo. Firenze, 1880. K IC S 1 RIK.VRT (Carl von). Menes and Cheop..iid., |HH(i. A ir. II 23 RILEY (^V. E.) Remarks on the Importation and Re- sult of the Introduction of the Cachemere and Angora Goats into France. 8vo. Lond., 1832.* MJ 2 R 17 Another copy. (Pam, 27.) 8vo. Lond., 1832. MJ2Q15 Remarks on the Importation and Result of the In- troduction of the Cachemerc! and Angora Goats into France. 8vo. Lond., 1832. " MJ 2 R 22 RILLIET DE CONSTANT {X.) L'lle de Pitcairn, ses Habitants et son Pasteur ; precede d'une courte Notice sur la Revoke de la Bounti/: tiaduit d I'Anglais. 1 2mo. Toulouse, 1861. " MD 1 T 47 RIMBAITLT (Edward F.), LL.D. Musical Instruments. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12nio. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 31 Gallery of German Composers. [See J.^lOer, Prof. C] C 1 W 6 RIMMER (Alfred). Early Homes of Prince Albert. AVith Illustrations. 8vo. Edinb., 1883. D 8 T 18 Ancient Streets and Homesteads of England ; and an Introduction by the Yery Rev. J. S. Howson, D.D. With lUustration-s. 8vo. ' Lontl., 1877. A 3 P 20 RIN(xWALT (J. Luther). American EneyclopaHiia of Printing. Imp. 8vo. Philad., 1871. K G R 1 RINK (I>u. Henry). Danish Greeidand : its People and its Products. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D 4 R 27 Memoirs of Hans Hendrik. [See Hendrik Hans.] C 2 S 22 lUNlJCCINI ((J. B.), Arciidisiiop of Fermo. Embassy in 1 reland, in the years 1645-49; translated into English by Annie Huttou. 8vo. Dublin, 1873. 1! 1 I P 38 HTOLA (Henry). How to learn Ru.ssian : a ;\Ian\ial for Students of Russian. 12mo. Lond., 1878. K 11 Y 5 for I 111- Students k' 1 1 V (1 Key I' I tli(^ Exercises of the Manu:il of Ru.ssian. 12mo. Lcuul., 1878. UlOU (Capt. Edwaud). Distrcssi -.rrv.vlion of 11. M.S. (iinirdinit. mil Miraculous Pre- Svo. I.ond., 1790. M I ) ;! S :u) louriril of a Journey from the Cape of (iool Hope, undertaken in 1790 and 1791, by .Jacob van Iteenen and other.s, in search of tlir Wrck nf liic (f'rosrrn(ir. 4to. L.nd., 1792. ,MI) 1 P -jnt KIOrFKI", (lloNOKlJ). .1. F.. 9.1 M emoires ilc. [Si'C nAKlilKKE, C 1 T 9 KII'A (Fathek Matteo). Memoirs of; during Thirteen ^'e.■^|■^;' Uesidcnce .it the (!our'( of Peking; si'lcctcd and 1 i-.-uishiliMJ fniiii Ihr llalian by h'oii iinalo riaiiili, (11. and ('. Lib.) I211II.. Lond., |S"| 1. .1 S P ,S Another copy. 1 2nio. Lond, ISlti. |) | 'j' |S KIl'LKV (G.) [5« Ameuioan Cv( i.oi'aedia.J K4 R 17 S8 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 639 Rip] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Roa RIPLEY (H.) Hampton. in-Tliaincs. 8vo. Loud., 1885. I! \ T 1 IlISHTON (Rnv. Edwaud), B. A. Rise and Growth of the Anglican Schism. \_See Sander, N.] ISee P.\Ris, Matiiuw.] B ITS 1.5 J KTSSO (A.), ET POTTEAU (A.) Histoirc Natiirellc des Orangers: Ouvrage onie de lOi) Figures jieintes d'apriis . Nature. Fol. Paris, 1818- L>-_'. A 2.1 S 2.S | RISTORI (Adelaide). Biography. (Pam. L.) 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 2 P 28 II Giro del Mondo. [S«Galletti, Gen. B.] MI) .3 Q 1 RITCHIE (David). Life and Anecdotes of David Ritchie, the original of Sir AValter Scott's Black Dwarf ; Ijy \\m. Chambers. 12mo. Edinh., 1885. C 2 Q 38 RITCHIE (J. Eaving). Night Side of London. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lend., 1858. J 1 V -i-i RITCHIE (LEircH). British World in the East : a Guide, Historical, Moral, and Commercial, to India, China, Aus- tralia, South Africa, and the other Possessions or Con- nexions of Great Britain in the Eastern and Soutliern Seas. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. B 10 T 16, 17 Another copy. 2 vols. 8 vo. Loud., 1847. MB2S29,.30 London Nights' Entertainments. 8v(i. Lond., 1836. J 3 R 24 Ireland, Picturesque and Romantic. With Engravings. 8vo. Lond., 1838. D 6 U 17 RITSCHL (Albeet), Ph.D., etc. Ad audiendam orationem de Ratione, quae inter Theologiam dogmaticam ethi- cenque Theoligicam intercedit. (Panis., O.) 4to. Bonn, 1859. ' J 6 U 10 RITSCHL (FiiiEDiucii). Natalicia Regis Augustissimi Friderici Guilelmi iv Universitatis Fridericiae. Guilelmiae Rhenanae Coiiservatoris Clementissimi al) eadem Uni- versitate indicit Fridericus Ritschelius. (Pams., O.) 4to. Bonn, 1860. J 6 F 10 RITSON (Joseph). Letters of. Edited chiefly fnmi originals in the possession of his Nephew ; tt) which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author ; Ijv Sir Harris Nicola."., K.C.M.G. 2vol.s. 12mo. Lond., 1833. C 4 P 27, 28 Select Collection of English Songs ; with their original Airs, and a Historical Essay on the origin and pi-ogress of National Song. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1813. H 8 S 1-3 The Caledonian ]Muse : :i Chronok>gical Selection of Scottish Poetry from the Earliest Times. 8vo. Lond., 1821. H8S11 Robin Hood : a Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads now extant, relative to that cele- brated English Outlaw. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832. H 8 S 12, 13 Another copy. 8vu. Lond., 1885. H 8 U 33 RITSON (Joseph) — continued. Ancient Metrical Romancees. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1802. H 8 S 7-9 Another copy, revisem the German, by A. J. W. Morrison, B.A. 3 vols. 8 vo. Oxford, 1838-39. G 11 T 1-3 RITTERORDEN. Das Buch der Ritterorden und Ehren- zeichen. 8vo. Brussels, 1856. K 10 L^ 17 RTTTINGER (Dr. C. G. G.) Das englisehe Blaulmch fiir die Vaccination und der Spiritualismus. (Pam.) 8vo. Stuttgart, 1857. A 12S 33 RIVARD (D. F.) Traite de la Sphere et du Calend'rier. 8vo. Paris, 1816. A 3 S 18 RIVERINE DISTRICTS. Progress Report from the Select Committee on the Riverine Districts. Fol. Melb., 1863. ME10Q3t Second Progress Report from the Select Connnittee on the Riverine Districts Trade. Fol. Mellj., 1863. ME 10 Q 3 f Report from the Select Committee on the Riverine I)istricts ; together with the Proceedings of the Com- mittee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendices. Fol. Melb., 1863. ME 10 Q 3 t Petition from the Riverine District ; ordered by the Legislative Assembiv to Ije printed, 4th Sept., 1863. Fol. Melb. and Sydney, 1863. ME 10 Q 3 t RIVIERE (Henri). Souvenirs de la Nouvelle-Caledoiiie. L'Insurrection Cananue. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1881. MD3V20 RIVINGTON (Walter), B.A., A-c. The Medical Pro- fession ; loeing the Essay to which was awarded the Carmichael Prize of £200 by the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, 1879. 8vo. Dublin, 1879. A 12 R 7 ROARD (J. L.) Abicge du Traite Thcorique et Pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne, avcc I'Arl de faire lo Vin, les Eaux-de-vie, Esprit de Vin, Vinaigres simples et composes. 8vo. Paris, 1806. A 1 P 6 640 CATALOGUE OF THE Bob] Part I : — Autlwrs, Editors, or Meference. [Rob Rr)BBERDS (J. "VV.), F.G.S. Memoir of the Life and Writings of the late William Tavlor, of Norwich. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1843. " C 9 V 35, 36 ROBBINS (Alfred R), '-Dixueved. " Launceston [Corn- wall], Past and Pre.sent : a Historical and Descripti\ o Sketch. 8vo. Liiunceston, 1884. B 4 P U ROBBINS (Mary Caroline). Eugene Fromeutin, Painter and Writer. [See GoxsE, L.] C 5 T 10 ROBERT I (King of Scotlaxd). The Bruce. [_See B.UIBOUR, J.] ROBERT (L. P.) [See Hautixc, J. E.] A 23 Q I'J 1 ROBERT (Rev. Pere), V.P. Aurifodina Universivlis Scientiai-um Divinarum atque Humanai-uni. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1865-66. K 18 T 1-4 Aui"if.nd., 183.5-36. B 15 T 5,"6 ROBEItTS (David), R.A. Life of. Compiled fn.m his Journals and other Source.s, by James Ballantinc ; with Etchinjis and Facsimiles of Pen-and-ink Sketches, by the Artist. Roy. 4to. Edinb., 1S6C.. C 1 W 24 The Holy IjiikI, Syria, Idume.i, Arabia, Egyjit, anil Nubia, after Lithonraphs by I»uis Haghe, from Drawings miule on the spit ; with Historical De.scription.s, by William Brocke). Tourist in S|iaiii. ( i-uidsiaiii' Annual.) [S« Jkxmxgh, R. J I) 8 C^ 2^' ItOl'.EKTS (.Mijw Emma). Memoirs of the I{ival Houses of York and lymcaMter. 2 vols. f. Lond., IH35. |)5P4lsno Note-, of all Overland .Journey through France and Egy])t to I'-.iiiUiy. Mv... ly.nd., IHII. I) 10 R 45 UOItKUTS (.M,\.i. (iK\. Sill FiiKDKiiirK S.), I'.aiit., Ac. A Miinoir ; by Chnrlcx KatlilHiiie I>iw, I.N., At-. Svd. Laigns of the First Pru.ssian Army, 1870-71. 8vo. Lond,', 1.^71. ' B 9 R 10 ROBERTS (Rohert). Pmiihecy and tin- Ivisteni t,)ues- tion : lieing an Exhibition of the Light shed l)y the Scrijitures of Truth on the matters involved in the crisis that has arrixed in Eastern Affairs. Reprinted for Aus- tralian cin'ulation. Svo. Alelb., 1877. Al(il(,)4 1 l!( >r.i;it'rs (T.) llca\cnly \'isi., 1863. ^ii> "' p ;n Robinson's Almanac and Astrononiiail Ephemeris fur lS6-t ; by E. J. White. 12mo. Melb., 1864. ME i P ROBINSON (Edward), D.D., and SMITH (E.) Biblical Researche.s in Pale.stine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petnea : a Journal of Travels in the year 1838. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1841. " D 1 T 25-27 ROBINSON (F.) California and its (Jold Regions ; with a Geographical and Topdgraphical View of the Country. (Pam., 18.) 8vo. New York, 1849. F 12 P 10 ROBINSON (F. \V.) Prison Char.icters, drawn from Life ; with Suggestions for Prison Government, by " A Prison Matron." 2 vols. 8vu. Lond., 1866. F 14Q 15, 16 Female Life in Prison ; by " A Prison :Matron." New cd. re\-ised. 8vo. Lond., 1864. F14Q4 ROBINSON (G. T.) Fall of Metz : an Account of the Seventy Days' Siege, and of the Battles which preceded it. 8vo. L.nd., 1871. B 9 S 11 ROBINSON (H.) Hydraulic Power, and Hydraulic Machinery. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 11 T 10 ROBINSON (H.) \See Higinbotiiam and Uobinson.] ROBINSON (H. B.) Memoirs of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas PictT. a.) Hen.seigneinentssuria NouvcII.' Zi'lande ; suivis de Notes sur les Vents, Ciauant.s, et Barometre dans les environs dn Cap Horn et sur la Tra- vcrsee du Perou « Tile Maurice, etc. 8vo. Saint-Mido, l.sGG. M1)5U3U FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 643 Rob] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Roe IIOBISON (J.), PRICE (F.), and TREDGOLD (T.) Treatise on the Construction of Roofs its regards Carpen- try and Joinery. Illustrated. (Wealc). 12mo. Lond., 1S61. A 17 P 57 ROBLSON (Capt. R.) Short Statement of the Case of R. Robison, Esq., late Captain New South Wales Veteran Companies. 8vo. Lond., 1834. M.F IRIS Letter addressed by R. Robison to the ^[embers of the House of Commons, containing an Outline of Evidence against Lieut.-Gen. Ralph Darling (late Governor of New South Wales), in reply to a Pamphlet privately circulated among tliem by that Officer. 8vo. Lond., 1835. MF 1 R 18 The Case of Captain Roluson. \_See Darling, Sir R.] MF 1 R 18 ROBSART (Amye). Amye Robsart and the Earl of Lcy- cester. [_See Adlard, G.] B 6 P 48 ROBSON (Edwaud Robert). School Architecture; being Practical Remarks on the Plaiming, Designing, Building, and Furnishing of School-houses. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 2 S 16 Another copy. With Illustrations. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 2 S 17 ROBSON (GEonriE). Modern Domestic Building Construc- tion, Illustrated. Imp. fol. Lond., 1876. A 2 P 24 + ROBSON (George Fennell). Scenery of the Grampian Mountain.s. Illustrated. Ob.4to. Lond., 1814. D7P1J ROBSON (Thomas). The British Herald ; or. Cabinet of Armorial Bearings of the Noljility and Gentiy of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. 4to. Sunderland, 1830. K 10 V 7-9 ROBSON (William) & Co. London Directory for 1838. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1838. E ROBUSTI (Jacopo), f«//crZ Tintoretto. [See Tintoretto.] ROBY (Prof. H. J.) De Usufructu ; JustLniani Digestorum, Libri vii. Tit. i. 8vo. Camb., 1886. F 5 P 23 Introduction to the Studv of Justinian's Digest. 8vo. Camb., 1886. " F 5 P 22 ROBY (John), M.R.S.L. Seven Weeks in Belgium, Swit^ zerland, Lombardy, A'c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. D 8 P 31, 32 ROCHE (Harriet A.) On Trek in the Transvaal ; or, over Berg and Veldt in South Africa. With Map of Route. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1878. D 1 R 25 ROCHEFOUCAULD (Francois), Due de la. [_See La Rochefoucauld, F., Due de.] ROCHEJAQUELEIN (Marie Louise Victoire), Mar- quise de la. \_See La Rociie-jaquelein, M. L. V., Marquise de.] ROCHESTER (John Wilmot), Earl of. Life and Poems of. {See CHAL.MER.S, A. ((M'? JoH.vso.N, Dr. S.] ROCHESTER (Laurence Hyde), Earl of. Correspon- dence and Diary. [See Singer, S. W.] ROCK (Very Rev. D.), D.D. Textile Fabrics. (South Kens. Mus.) 8vo. Lond., 1876. E ROCKHILL (W. Woodville). Life of the Buddha, and the Early History of his Order, derived from Tibetan Works in the Bkah-Hgyur and B.stan-Hgyur. 8vo. L(jnd., l'^'^^^- G15P7 Udanavarga: a Collection of Verses from the Buddhist Canon ; compiled by Dharraatrata ; translated, with Notes, etc., by W. W. Rockhill. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G 15 P 18 ROCKINGHAM (Charles W.-vtson AVentworth), Maii- QUIS OP. Memoirs of the Marquis of Rockingham and his Contemporaries; by George Thomas, Earl of Albemarle. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1852. C 9 R 10, 17 ROCKSTRO (W. S.) Life of George Frederick Handel. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 3 Q 28 General History of Music, from the Infancy of the Greek Drama to the Present Period. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 7 U 8 ROCKWELL (A. D.), M.D., &c. Practical Treatise on the Medical and Surgical Uses of Electricity. [See Beard, G. M.] A 5 S 46-A 5 T 25 ROCKWELL (Julius Ensign). Teaching, Practice, and Literature of Shorthand. 8vo. Wash., 1884. K14T9 RODD (Edward Hearle). Birds of Cornwall and the Scilly Islands. Edited, with an Introduction, Appendi.x, and brief Memoir of the Author, by James Edmund Harting. With Portrait and Map. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 14 R 2 RODENBOUGH (Theo. F.) Afghanistan and the Anglo- Russian Dispute : an Account of Russia's Advance towards India. With Illustrations. 8vo. New York, lf>85. D 5 R 43 RODRIGUES (J. C), LL.B. Panama Canal : its Historj-, its Political Aspect, and Financial Difficulties. Bvo. Lond., 1885. F 5 R 1 RODWELL (G. F.), F.R.A.S. Birth of Cliemistry. With numerous Illustration.s. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 5 R 25 The Haydn Series: Dictionary of Science. 8vo. Lond., 1871. K 18 Q 6 RODWELL (J. Thomas G.) A Race for a Dinner: a Farce. Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. " H 2 Q 16 ROEBUCK (John A.) Colonies of England : a Plan for the Government of some portion of our Colonial Posses- sions. 8vo. Lond., 1849. MF 2 R IS History of the Whig Ministry of 1830 to the Passing of the Reform Bill. 2 vols. 8vg. Lond., 1852. B 7 Q 27-28 6i4 CATALOGUE OF THE Roe] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Rog ROEBUCK (Capt. Thomas). Laskavi Dictioiiarj- ; or, Anglo-Indian Vocabulary of Nautical Tenns and Phrases in English and Hindustani ; revised, &c., by William Carmichael Smyth, and now carefully re-edited and enlarged by George Small, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1882. ° ^ ° K16P2 ROFFE (Alfred). Hand-book of Shakespeare Music; being an Account of Tliree Hundred and Fifty Pieces of Music set to words taken from the Plays and Poems of Shakespeare, the Compositions ranging from the _Eliza- bethan Age to the Present Time. ito. Lond., 1878. H 3 Q 26 ROGEAED (A) Les Propos de Labienus. Translated for the Australasian, by G. W. Rusden. 8vo. Melb. (a.d.) ROGER DE HOYEDEN. MJ 2 R 23 [See HovEDEX, Roger de.] ROGER OF WENDOTER. Flowers of History ; com- prising the Historj' of England, from the Descent of the Saxons, to a.d. 123.5 : fonnerly ascribed to Matthew Paris. Translated from the Latin, by J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1849. B 3 P 6, 7 ROGERS (Rev. Charles), LL.D., etc. Scottish Minstrel : the Songs of Scotland subsequent to Burns ; witli Memoirs of the Poets. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1882. H 5 U 28 Social Life in Scotland, from Early to Recent Times. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1884-86. B 13 R 31-33 ROGERS (E. T.) Coins of the Tuluni Dynasty. {See NU3IISMATA Orientalia, 1.] A 2 S 15 t ROGERS (Mrs. G. Albert). Winter in Algeria, 1863-64. 8vo. Lfjnd., 1865. D 1 W 4 ROGERS (Hexry). Eclipse of Faith : or, n Visit to a Religious Sceptic. 14thed. 12mo. Lond., 1874. G 10 Q 31 Defence of the Eclipse of Faith by its Author ; being u rejoinder to Prof. Newman's " Reply." 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1860. G 2 P 2 Es.says selected from Contributions to the Edinhim/h lieview. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1850. J 12 U 23, 24 ROGERS (Mrs. Hester Ann). Experience and Spiritual r>;tter8of. 18,no. Lond. (n.d.) ( I '.) P 22 lUXSERS (Jon.v). FOItMEMH 3.] Writings of. \_See British 1!i:- F{Of;ERS (.r.) The New Rush, and other Pooms and S.,ngH. 12U10. Melb., 1864.* Mil I It 3t R<^)GKHS (PiioF. Jame-s E. Thorold), M.A.. Ac. History of Agriculture und I'ricc.s in Knglftn Cape of Good H(i]ie, begun in 1708, and tinislied in 1711. Sxo. b(jn(l., 1712. D 10 I! 27 Nii'uwe Reize naar dv Zuidzee, van daar naar Oost- Indien, I'li vcrdcr rondoni dc AV'iereld, bcgonneii in 1708, en giM-yndigd in 1711. Gediiari onch'r liet bostier van \\'illiaiii Duiiiiiirr. Iii'l JMigels beschi-cven door AN'oodes Koger.s. Sm. 4to. Anhsterdam, 1715. I) 10 i; l'S K(t(;KT (Peter Mark), M.D., .tc. Animal and Vegetable Physiology, eoiisidei'ed with reference to Natuial Tlieology, 2 vols. 8vo. I.nnd., 1834. A 12 T 16, l"7 Outliiu's of Physiology; with an Ajipeiulix on Phrem*- logy. IstAm. ed. 8vo. Philad., is;{<). AI2T3 Thesaurus of lOnglish Words and Phrases, classified and arranged. 25th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1868. K12P8 PEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 645 Rog] Part I : — Authors, Bditors, or Beferenee. [Bom ROGGEVEEN (.Jacob). Het Waare en Nauwkeurige Jouniael der Keize, gedaaii door drio Schepeii, oj) ordre van de Ed. Hceren Bewindhelibereti van de We.stindischc Conipagnio, oni eenitje tot n(.ig toe onliekendc Landen, fjmtrent de Zuid-Zee geleegen. Sq. Svo. Amsterdam, 1727.* MD 5 S 28 Twee jaarige Reyze rondom de Wereld, tor nadet Ont- dekkinge der Onhekende Zuydlanden, met drie Schepen, in het Jaar 1721 ondernomen. Nevens de Reyze van het f )ostindisch Scliip Barneveld, uyt Holland tot aan de Kaap der Goede Houpe, in't jaar 1719. 8q. 8vo. Dordrecht, 1728. I) 10 R 29 Another copy. Sq. Svo. Dordrecht, 1728. MD .5 S 30 Dagverhaal der Ontdekkings-reis van Mr. Jacob Rog- geveen, met de Schepen den Arciid, Thienhovcn en de Afrikaansche Galei, in de jaren 1721 en 1722. Svo. Middelburg, 1838. MD 5 S 31 ROGORD (S.) Permie-Ru.ssian Dictionary. Roy. Svo. St. Petersburg, 18G9. K IG R 4 ROHAULT DE FLEURY (Charles). La Masse: etudes archeologiques sur ses Monuments; par Charles Rohault de Fleurv, continuees par son fils. 3 vols. roy. 4to. Paris, 1883. G 12 R'S-lOf La Toscane au Moyen Age: Architecture Civile et Mili- taire. Fol. Paris, 1873. A 1 Q 1, 2 ROHLFS (De. Gerhard). Adventures in Morocco, and Journeys through tlie Oases of Draa and Tatilet. Svo. Lond., 1874. D 2 S 17 ROHRBACH (Dr. Carl). Costumes of All Nations [See Kretschmee, a.] ROHRBACHER (Fran^:ois Rene), l'Abbe. Histoire Universelle de I'Eglise Catholique ; continuee jusqu'en 1866, par J. Chantrel avec un table genurale par Leon Gautier. 7*^ ed. 16 vols. imp. Svo. Paris, 1876-77. G6V3-18 ROHRIG (E.) [See Crookes, W.] ROKEBY (Matthew), Loud. Brief Character of ; by Sir E. Brydges. Svo. Kent, 1817. H 6 S 10 ROLAND (Arthur). Management of Grass Land, laying down Grass, Artificial Grasses, (fee. Edited by William H. Ablett. Svo. Lond., 1881. A 4 Q 11 ROLAND (Mme. Marie Jeanne Philipon). Memoires de Madame Roland; par Berville, et F. Barriere. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1820. C 4 V 29, 30 Life of; by M. Blind. Svo. Lond., 1886. C 2 S 35 Life of. [See Lamartine, A. de.] C 5 S 12 Memoires particuliers de. [See BARRir.RE, J. F., 8.] C 1 S 8 ROLANDO (Prof. Luigi). Saggio sopra la vera Struttura del Cervello, e sopra le Funzioni del Sistema Nervoso. 2 vols, (in 1) Svo. Torino, 1828. A 12 R 22 Delia Struttura degli Emisferi Cerebrali. 4to. Torino, 1830. A 12 Y 19 ROLLAND (A. A.) Lettres ingdites de la tiuc [Elizabeth Charlotte]. Svo. Pari.s, 1881. C 2 S 34 ROLLESTON (CnRi.STOPHER). Condition and Resources of New S(nith Wales : a Lecture, delivered at Sydney, December 12th, 1866. Svo. Lond., 1867. MF 3 Q 25 Statistical Review of the Progress of New Soutli Wales during the last Ten Years. Svo. Sydney, 1873. MF3P16 Another copy. Svo. Sydney, 1873. MJ 2 P 31 ROLLESTON (Prof. Georoe), M.l)., &c. Forms of Animal Life; Ijeing Outlines of Zoological Classification, based upon Anatomical Investigation, and illustrated by Des- criptions of Specimens and of Figures. Svo. Oxford, 1870. A 27 U 32 Scientific Papers and Addresses; arranged and edited by William Turner, M.B., (fee; with a Biographical Shetch by Edward B. Tylor, Hon. D.C.L., (fee. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1884. A IG T 7, 8 ROLLIN (Charles). Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Per- sians, Grecians, and Macedonians. Translated. 6 vols. Svo. Lond., 1851. B 15 P 19-24 Histoire Ancienne des Egyptiens, des Carthagiuois, des Assyriens, des Babyloniens, des Medes et des Perses, des Macedoniens, des Grecs. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1740. B 15 S 9-14 [See QuiNTiLiANUs, M. F.] ROLLIN-TILTON (C.) [See Tilto.v, C. Rollln-.] ROLLS OF PARLIAMENT. [See Rotcli Parliamen- toeu.m.] ROLPH (Tuo.MAs). Comparative Advantage between the United States and Canada for British Settlers. (Pam. 15.) Svo. Lond., 1842. MJ 2 Q 5 Emigration and Colonization; embodying the Results of a Mission to Great Britain and Ireland, 1839-42. Svo. Lond., 1844. F 5 P 25 ROMAN (CoL. Alfred). Military Operations of General Beauregard in the War Ijetween the States, 1861-65. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1884. C 9 T 1, 2 ROMAN CATHOLIC MORALITY, as inculcated in the Theological Class-books used in ^Maynooth College. 3rd ed. Dublin, 1836. liejjrinted, Sydnev, 1839. MJ 2 R 18 ROMANES (George J.), M.A., (fee. Animal Intelli- gence. Svo. Lond., 1882. A 14 Q 11 .Jelly-fish, Star-fisli, and Sea-urchins; being a Research on Primitive Nervous Systems. Svo. Lond., 1885. A 14 Q 32 Mental Evolution in Animals ; with a posthumous Essay on Instinct, by Charles Darwin, M.A., (fee. Svo. Lond., 1883. G 2 R 6 Candid Examination of Theism; by ''Physious." Svo. Lond., 1878. G 9 S 20 G46 CATALOGUE OP THE Rom] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ros ROMANES (George J.), M.A., kc— continued. Preliminary Observations on the Locomotor 8}-stem of Aledusa'. " (Roy. Soc. Pubs., i.) 4to. Lond., 1876. All P3t Further Observations on the Locomotor System of "Mel)serves sur toutes les Mers du GIoIh... 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817. A 3 T 33, 34 ROMNEY ((iKom:E), and LAURENCE (Sir Thomas). P>v liord R dd Gowcr. (Great Artist.s.) 8vo. Lond., 1H82. C 3 T 35 ROMNEY (Hon-. IfKNUV Svdnkv), Earl ok. Diary of the Tinie.M of Cliarles II; including his Correspondence with the Countess of Sutherland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18»:l CO V 18, I!) nONAI.I'S (Uii. Ki.Mi Ni.;, I{|(||.\HI)S()N (Du. T.), AMI WATTS (H.), I5.A., fiv. Chciiiiral Tcclinology ; or, CheniiHtrj- in it« applieationM to the Arts and Manufac- tureH ; with wliicli is iiii-oiiioraled a revision of 1 )r. Kiwipp'.M Teclinologv. 2iid. ed. .3 vols, (in 0) 8vo. Dmd., 1H55 f.7. " A5U8-13 1. Fiii:l mill itn A|i|iliiJiitiSoc. Pub.s., 4.) 4to. Lond., 1877. A 11 P 5 t ROSCOE (Henry). Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 12mo. Lond., 1830. K 1 S 6 ROSCOE (Thomas). Illu.str.ited Hi.story of the London and North-western Railway, from London to Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, kc. 8vo. Lond., 1817. A 6 S G Italian Noveli.sts, selected from the most approved Authors in that Ljinguage; with Notes. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825. C 2 P 23^20 The Spanish Novelists : a . series of Tales. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832. J 11 U 18-20 Tourist in Italy. [See Jennings, R.] D 9 Q 2-5, 2G Tourist in Franco. [See Jennings, R.] D 9 Q 27 Tourist in Spain. [See Jennings, R.] D 9 Q 28-30 Views of Cities and Scenery in Italy, France, and Switzerland. [See Prout, S.] D 3 V 27-29 Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini. [See Cellini, B.] C 1 R 9 History of Paintnig in Italy. [See Lanzi, A. L.] ROSCOE (William). Additional Observations on Penal Jurisprudence ai^d the Reformation of Criminals, tte. 8vo. Lond., 1823. F t Q 27 Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called "the i\IagniHcent." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825. C li P 2G, 27 Life and Pontificate of Leo x. 2nd ed. G vols. 8vo. Lond., 1806. C G R 9-U ROSCOMMON (Rt. Hon. Wentwortii Dillon), Earl of. Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A., uml Joiixson, S.] Works of. 12mo. Glasgow, 1753. H G P 28 ROSE (Rev. — .) The Emigrant Churchman in Canada; by "A Pioneer of the Wilderness"; edited by the Rev. Henry Christmas, M.A., itc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. D 3 R 8, 9 ROSE (Rev. George). Mrs. Brown in Sydney; by "Arthur Sketchley." 12mo. Sydney, 1880. MJ 1 P 52 ROSE (Rt. Hon. George). Diaries and Correspondence of, containing Original Letter.s of the most distinguished Statesmen of his Day : edited by the Rev. Levest)n Vernon Harcourt. 2 vols. iSvo. Lond., 18G0. C 9 P 37, 38 ROSE (Rt. Hon. (jeorge) — conlinued. Ob.s(>rvations on the Historical Work of the late Right Hon. (I. J. Fox; with a Narrative of the Enterprise of th(^ Earl of Argyle, in 1685, by Sir Patrick Hume. 4to. Lond,, 1809. B 3 U 18 Papers of the Earls of Marclnnont. [See Marchmont, Earls of.] B 5 U 44-46 ROSE (Rev. Hugh Jame.s), B.D. New General Biographical Dictionary. 12vols.8vo. Lond., 1840 48. C 1 1 U 32 43 ROSE (Rev. Hugh James), M.A. Among the Spanish People. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D 9 Q 23, 24 ROSE (James Anderson). Collection of Engraved Por- trait.s, catalogued and' exhibited at the Opening of the New Lil)rary and Museum of the Corporation of London, November, 1872. Ito, Lond., 1874. C 3 AV 42 ROSE (Joshua). Complete Practical Machinist; eml)racing Lathe-work, Vice-work, Drills and Drilling, Taps and Dies, Hardening and Tempering, the making and use of Tools, &c. Illu.strated. 8vo. Philad., 187G. A11Q7 ROSE (Ricuakd). New Zealand Guide : a Manual of Practical Athice and Hand-book of Useful Information for the Capitalist, Manufacturer, Farmer, Storekeeper, and Consignee. 8vo. Lond., 1879. MD 6 P 4 Australian Guide : a Manual of Practical Advice and Hand-book of Useful Inf( irmation for the Capitalist, jNIanu facturer, Farmer, Storekeeper, Emigrant, and Consignee, 8vo. Lond., 1880.* " MD 6 P 4 ROSE (AV.) [See Sallustius Crispus, C] J 15 P 39 ROSE (William Stewart). The Orlando Furioso. [See Ariosto, L.] ■ H 8 S 19-26 ROSEGGER (P. K.) Wanderungen durch Steiermark und Karnten. [See Unser Vaterland.] D 38 P 18 t ROSEN (Fkiedricii). Radices Sanscrit^. 8vo. Berlin, 1827. K 12 R 21 ROSENBERG (C. B. H. von). Reistochten naar de Geel- vinkbaai op Nicuw-Guinea in de jaren 18G9-70. 4to. 's Gravenhage, 1875. MD 6 P 30 f ROSENBUSCH (H.) Mikroskopische Physiographic der massigeii Gestienne. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1877. A 10 Q 22 ROSENG ARTEN ( A. ) Hand-book of Architectural Styles ; translated Ijy W. Collett-Sandars. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 3 P 14 ROSENKRANZ (Prof. Karl), Ph.D. Hegel as the National Phi lo.sopher of Germany ; translated from the German, by George S. Hall. Ro}'. 8vo. St. Loui.s, Mo., 1874. '^ G 11 S 21 ROSENTHAL (Dr. I.) General Physiology of Muscles and Nerves. With se\Tntv-ti\'e Woodcuts. 8vo. Lond., 1881. ■ A 12 Q 39 ROSING (S.) Engelsk-Dansk Ordbog [English-Danish Dictionary]. 4"^ udgave. 12mo. Kobenhavn, 1874. K11U31 64S CATALOGUE OF THE Ros] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Heference. [Ros ROSIXI ^Carlo :*[aria). \_See Herculanexsium Volu- MixcM.]' B 1634 J ROSINUS (JoAXXis). Antiquitatum Roinanar\-Bi corpus absolutissimum. 4to. Lugd. Bat., 1GG3. B IS Q 10 + ROSMINI-SERBATI (Abate Axtoxio). Opere edite e inedite dell". 26 vols. roy. 8vo., Svo., and 12mo. Casale, ic, 1821-71. O 13 V 1-26 ). Introduzione alia Filosofia. 2-5. IJeologia e Logica. 6. Trattato della Conscienza Jlorale. 7, S. Psicologia. 9. Aristotcle Esposto cd esaminato. lO-l."?. Teo.sofia. }4. Trincipj dcUa Scicuza Morale, e Storia di Sistemi. 1.). Letteratura, e arti Belle : Peusiere e Dottiinc. 10. Antropologia in .Servigio della Scienze Morale. 17. Del Principio Supremo della Metodica c di Alcmic sue Applicazioni in servigio dell' unuuia Ediicazioue. IS, 19. Filosotia del Diritto. 20, 21. Epistolario, 1813-.")-t. 22-24. Prose, ossia divcrsi Opuscoli. Breve Esposizionc della Filosotia di Melchiorre Gioia. Framineiiti di una Storia della Einpieti. 2')-27. Del ilodo di Catechizzare gl" Idioti. Delle Lodi di S. Fil ppo Xeri. Della Ecclesiastica elotiucuza, Discorso prouun- eiato nel Scininario di Trento. 28, 20. Teodicea. 30. Storia dell' Amore Cavata dalle Divine Scritture. 31. Delia Educazionc C'ristiana. 32. 33. Operettc Spirituali. 34, 35. Opere Minori. Seritti vari di A. Rosmini : sul JIatri- inonio Cristiano, e le leggi eivili che lo Riguardauo. Catc- eliisino disposto secoudo ronline delle idee. 3(>-38. Scelte Operettc spirituali di Rosmini. Lo Spiritn dell' Istitiito della Carita Diseorsi. Modo di assistere alia Santa Meiisa. Lezioni Spirituali sulla Perfezione C'ristiana. Pliilosopliical Sy.steiu of; translated, with a Sketch of the Autlwrs Life, Bibliography, Ac. Svo. Loud., 1882. G lOS 16 PsycholoCT. Vols. 1, 2. Svo. Loiid., 1884-85. G 16 T 1, 2 Origin of Idea.s; tran.slated from the tiftli Italian edition of the "Nuovo Saggio suir Origine ilcllc Idee." 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1883-Sl. G 12 Q 26-28 UOSN'Y(PbOF. L. Liox DE). Poesies Ancienne-s et Moderne.s de.s Insulaires du Nippon; tra- jhiites en Fran(;.iis, ct publiees avec Ic texto original. Svo. Paris, 1«71. 118 VI Ihtroductifin ii I'etuilc de la I^aiiguc Ja]ionftise. (to. Paris, IS-OO. K 14 R 6 (luidf! fin la Conversation, precede d'une IritriKluction siir la Prononciation en usage iV Yedo. 2"6d. Hvo. Paris, ]H67. K in S If) Varieti's f)rii'ntale,s, T[ist. llobart Town Almanaik. and \'an Diemen's Land Annu.d for IS.'U), iS.iL', JS.'M 3."). 4 vols. 12M10. Jlobart, 1S.3U 3").* 1\I K 1 P Essay on Prison Di.sciplinc ; in wliirli is dctnilrd the .System jiursiied in Van I lifnirn'.' Land. I'hd cd. Svo. liobarl, I S3;!. Ml-' | Q \ \';in hienien's Land .\ionial fur |s;i7. \Scc ICli.lston, W. (!.] FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. G49 Eos] Part I : — AtUhors, Editors, or Reference. [E03 ROSR (James). The Gulistan, or Flnwer-Gardeii, of Shaikh SadI of Shimz. [See Sadi, M. E.] ROSS (James), M.D. Treatise on the Diseases of the Nervous System. Ilhistrated. 2 V(jls. Svo. Loiul., 1881. A 12 R U, 15 ROSS (Capt. Sir John Clark), R.N., ir. Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Rejfions, durint,' the years 1839—13. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1817. " D 4 R 18, 19 Another copy. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1847. MD 7 Q 28, 29 [_See Hooker, Sir J. D.] ROSS (Mr.s. J.) Memoir of Lady Duff Gordon. [See Gordon, Lady D.] D 1 R 27 ROSS (Rev. John). The Manchus, or the Reigning Dynasty of China : their Rise and Progress. Maps and Illustrations. Svo. Lond., 1880. B 2 P 38 History of Corea, Ancient and Modern. With Description of Manners and Customs, Language, and Geography. Maps and Illustration. Svo. Lond., 1880. B 2 P 40 ROSS (Capt. Sir John), K.C.B., kc. Narrative of a Second Voyage in search of a North-west Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions, during the years 1829-33. 4to. Loud., 1835. D 5 P 3 f Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1838. C 9 Q 38, 39 ROSS (John M.), LL.D. Scottish History and Literature, to the Period of the Reformation. Edited, with Bio- graphical Sketch, by James Brown, D.D. Svo. Glas- gow, 18S4. B 13 R 25 ROSS (Mars), and COOPER (H. Stoxehewek). High- lands of Cantabria ; or, Three Days from England. Svo. Lond., 1885. D 7 S 16 ROSS (Patrick H. W.) Federation and the British Colonies : a Paper of Suggestions. Svo. Lond., 1887. MP 1 R 36 ROSS (Robert), M.I). [Tract in the Persian Language ; composed originally in Englisli and Turkish, and trans- lated into Persian by Jno. McPherson, Missionary.] Svo. Astrachan, 1823. GUT "12 [Tract entitled, "A Book, making manifest the Truth''; composed in Turkish.] Svo. Astrachan, 1823. GUT 12 ROSS (Robert), M.D. The Church, the Foundation, and the Keys ; being the substance of tliree Discourses. Svo. Sydney, 1848. MG 1 P 1 Last Sermon ; with his Letter to the Cliurch, and their Answer, with his Reply. 12mo. Sydney, 1854. MG 1 P 1 ROSS (Thomasina). Travels in Peru. [See Tschudi, Dr. J. J. VON.] D 4 Q 14 ROSS (Rev. William), LL.D. Aberdour and Inchcolme ; being Historical Notices of the Parish and Monastery ; in twelve Lectures. Svo. Edinb., 1SS5. B 13 P iS 4 N ROSS (W. A.) Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S48. D 8 S 27, 28 ROSS (LiEUT.-CoL. W. A.), R.A., ic. The Blowpipe in Chemisti-y, Mineralogy, and Geology ; containing all known Methods of Anhydrous Analysi.s, many working Examples, and Instructions for making Apparatus. Svo. Lond., 1884. a 5 R 3 Alphabetical Manual of I!lo\vj,ipe Analysis; showing all known Methcjds, oli- tuluri \Ve.stniona.steriensi ua.scrvati, Edwardi I Henry viii, 2 vols. fol. Um<\., 1814-19. P. 24 H 13, 14 * ROTULORUM ORIOINALIUM in Curia Scaccani al) hreviutio, t<>mporihu.f Rcgum Hen. ill, Edw. i, Edw. ii, E.nd., 1805 10. B 24 S 1 + ROTULUH CANCELI-.MMI vel Antigraph"'" ^I'lf?"' R<'- tuli Pipii' do tertio anno Rcgni Regis .Tnhannis. Rov. Hvo. L.ri.l., 1H3.3. B 15 T ic R«)T\VELF>iC'HE (ii!.\ M M .\'l'l K. odrr Spraclikunst, dim : AiiweJHung win man Sprache in wenig Stiimlen erlenieii, rcdr-n, und viTstclicii iiiiige. 1 2ino. Frankfurt-iiin-Muinii, 1755. K Ki P5 UOUItAUlJ (I>it. Vi:\.i%). Trailc de rimpuiRHiiijco et do Hterilite ehez rHoiiitnu ot die/, la Feiniiie, comprenant ri-x|Hii4ition dew inoyenH re(Miiiiinand6.s pour v reinudier. •J voU. Hv... I'ariH, 1M55. A 20 S 19, 20 Rf)UEN. Catalogue den OhjeUt d'Arl expoH6t> UU MunCe do RouM.. 3' (d. ll'ino. Rouen, 1837. A 7 P 35 ROUGH ( D. ) Recollections of a Visit to Europe in 1851-52 ; Ijv "A Traveller from New Zealanil." 8vo. Auckland, 1853. ]\rD 4 S 25 ROUGH NOTES. Rough Notes of Journeys made in the years 18G8-73, in .Syria, down the Tigris, India, Kashmir, Ceylon, Japan, Mongolia, Siberia, the United States, the Sandwich Islands, and Australasia. Svd. Lond., 1875. MD 7 P 27 ROUS (Francis). A rchfeologia Attica; LibriSeptem: Seven Books of the Attick Antiquities, containing the Descrip- tion of the City's Glory, Government, Divisions of the People, and Towns within the Athenian Territories; their Religion, Superstition.s, Sacrifice.s, Account of their Year, a full Relation of their .Judicatories. 9th ed. Sni. 4to. L.ud., 1(;S5. r> 27 S 11 ROLTSE (Rolla).'s Practical iMan, including Copy- hold Practice and Forms; with full Instructions for Use of Logarithms; with a Four-Figun^ Table, and retaining and adding to the previous Form.s, Rules, and Tables. 15th ed. 2 vols. ol). 18mo. Lond., 1878. Libr. ROUSSIER (riEiiHK Joseph ),L'AiiiiK. Es.saisurlaMusique, Ancienne et Moderne. {See La Boude, J. B. ue.] ROUSSEAU (A.) ISee Tunis.] ROUSSEAU (Jean JArtjuEs). Confessions of; translated from the French. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1871. C2S36 Dictionnaircde Musiijue. 4to. Paris, 17G8. K 17 U 6 La Reine Fantasquo. {See Cabinet des F]!;es, 2G.] Rousseau ; bv John Morley. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 187.). C 9 R 14, 15 Rol'SSKLKT (Lor is). India and its Native Princes: Ti-avels in Central India, and in the Presidencie.s of Bom- bay and Bengal ; carefully revi.sed and edited by Lieut.- Col. IJiu'kle; containing 31 7 Illustrations and si.\ Maps. Imp. 4 to. Lonil., IS7(i. 1) 5 Q 14 1 L'lnde (Ics Hajahs. Ib.y. 4to. Paris, 1875. J) 5 tj 5 t ROIISSEIJ, KILLOTGH (Henkv), Comte. [See Rus- SEI.-Kll.l,on;|i, 11., CoM'l'E.] IKjImSSET (J.) Corps Universal l)i)iliiiiialii|ue. du Droit des (Jens. \See Dumont, J.] ROUTES TO .\rsTI(.\LT.\ (The); considered in r.-fer- ence to Comnierci.'d and Postal Interests, by the Direc- tors of the Australian Direct Steam Na\igation Com- ))any, riii. Panama, in a Lett(!r In llir l!l. I Ion. Vi.scount Canning. 8vo. Lond,, 1851. MJ 2 y 18 ROUTH (.Maiitin JoKF.Pii). !).!). l{ili(|uiie Sacra^: sive, Aucturnal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 'J voLs. Hvo. SingajMirc, 1878-83. E Journal »if thn North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic S<»ciirty. (Shanghai Literary and Scientilic Society.) 7 voIm. «v<). Shiinglini, 1S5M-.S|. E UOYAl, ASTUONO.MKAL SoCII/rY. Catalogue of the (library of, compiled to June, \W\. 8vo. I^ond., I' 13 Transactions, Sessions 1835-42. Lond., 1839-12. A 2 U 28 Transactions and Papers. IG vols. 4to. Lumj., IK;i(; SG. IC ROYAL INSTITUTION OF (IKE-VT IlKITAIN. The t^uarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and .\il. 1827-28. 4 vols. .Sy„. Lmd., lf^27-28. E The Royal Institution : its I'nundir and its Firat lVofe.s.soi-H. [See Joxe.s, Jl. I!. | ROYAL HUSH ACADEMY, DUBLIN. Transactions, 21 vols. roy. 4to. Dublin, 178.5-1,S47. E PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 653 Roy] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Iteference. [Roy ROYAL KALENDAR (The). Royal Kalentkr, and Court ami City Register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Colonies, for the years 1808, 1810, 1831-85. 57 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1808-85. E ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. \_See India and Australia Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.] MF 3 Q 72 ROYAL RED BOOK; or. Court and Fashionable Register for 1870-76. Published by A. Webster. 7 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1870-70. - E ROYAL RIVER : the Thames from Source to Sea, De.s- criptive. Historical, Pictorial. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1885. I) 4 R 6 t ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY (Tin:). Illustrated Catalogue, containing Illustrations from Drawings by the Artists, and reproduced by Theodore Cuyot. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb.,' 1884-85. E ROYAL SOCIETY OF LITERATURE. Transactions. [Lst series. Vols. 1-3, 1825-39 ; 2nd series. Vols. 1-12, 1840-81.] 3 vols. 4to. and 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1829-82. E ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Publications. (From the Philosophical Transactions.) 6 vols. 4to. Lond., 1875-79. A 11 P 2-7 t 1 . Contributions to the Developmental History of Mollnsca ; by E. Ray Lankester, M.A., &c. Addition to the Paper on Volcanic Energy : an Attempt to Develop its true Origin and Cosmical Relations ; by R. Mallet, A.M., &c. Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism, No. 14 ; by Gen. Sir E. .Sabine, R.A., &c. On the Atmospheric Lines of the Solar Spectrum ; by J. B. N. Hennessey, F.R.A.S. On Polishing the Specula of Reflecting Telescopes; by W. Lassell, F.R.S., &c. On the Development of the Teeth of the Newt, Frog, Slow- worm, and Green Lizard ; and on the Structure and Develop- ment of the Teetli of Ophidia ; by C. S. Tomes, M.A. Research on the Small-pox of Sheep ; by E. Klein, M.D. Description of the Living and Extinct Races of Gigantic Land Tortoises; by Dr. A. (iUnther, F.R.S., &c." On tlie Tides of the Arctic Seas : Parts 4, 5, and 6 ; by the Rev. S. Haughton, M.D., &c. On the Mathematical Expression of Observations of Complex Periodical Phenomena ; and on Planetary Influence on the Earth's Magnetism ; by C. and P. Chambers. Experiments on the Brain of Monkeys. 2nd series. (The Croonian Lecture) ; by D. Fcrrier, M. A., &c. Reduction of Anemograms, taken at the Armagh Observatory, 1857-63; by T. R. Robinson, D.D., &c. On Repulsion resulting from Radiation ; by W. Crookes, F.R.S., &c. On a Class of Identical Relations in the Theory of Elliptic Functions; by J. W. L. Glaisher, M.A., &c. 2, Spectroscopic Observations of the Sun ; by J. N. Lockyer, F.R.S., and G. M. Seabroke, F.R.A.S. On the Structure and Development of Myriotliela; by Prof. Allman, M.D., &c. Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at different Depths beneath the Surface (1749-1808) discussed; by .J. Prestwich, M.A., &c. Memoir on Prepotentials; by Prof. Cayley, F.R.S. Tlie Optical Deportment of the Atmosphere in relation to Putrefaction and Infection; by John Tyndall, F.R.S. On the Development of the Spinal Nerves in Elasmobranch Fishes; by F. M. Balfour, B.A. On the Refraction of Sound by the Atmosphere ; by Prof. 0. Reynolds. On the Organization of the Fossil Plants of the Coal Measures : Part 7 ; by W. C. Williamson, F.R.S. ROYAL SOCIETY OF l.0^T>01^ —continwd. On the Development of the Teetli of Fishes (Elasniobranchii and Teleostei); by C. S. Tomes, M.A. The Absolute Direction and Litensity of the Earth's Magnetic Force at Bombay, and its Secular and Annual Variations ; by C. Cluunbers, F.R.S., &c. On the Fossil Mannnals of Australia : Part 10 ; by Prof. Owen, C.B., &c. On the Structure and Relations of Certain Corals ; by H. N. Moseley, M.A. On the Development of Cirripedia; by R. von Willcmoes- Suhm, Ph.D., &c. Preliminary Observations on the Locomotor System of Medusae ; by (4. .7. Romanes, M.A., &c. (The Croonian Lecture.) On Multijjle Contact of Surfaces; by \V. Spottiswoode, M.A., &c. 3. On RoUing-Fiiction ; by Prof. 0. Reynolds. On the Expansion of .Seawater by Heat; by T. E. Tliorpe, Pli.D., and A. W. Riicker, M.A. The Residual Charge of the Leyden Jar; by J. Hopkinson, M.A., &c. Experiments on the Friction between Water and Air ; by Dr. V. von Lang. On the Gaseous State of Matter; by T. Andrews, M.D., &c. (The Bakerian Lecture). On the Development and Succession of tlie Poison Fangs of Snakes ; by C. S. Tomes, M.A. On the Variations of tlie Daily Mean Horizontal Force of the Earth's Magnetism ; by J. A. Broun, F.R.S. Contributions to the Minute Anatomy of tlie Thyroid (JIand of the Dog; by E. Crcswell Baber, M.B. On Repulsion resulting from Radiation : Parts 3 and 4 ; by W. Crookes, F.R.S., &c. On the Placentation of the Lemurs ; liy W. Turner, M.B. On the Nature of the Force producing the Jlotion of a Body exposed to the Rays of Heat and Light ; by A. Shnster, Ph.D. On the Physiological Action of Vanadium ; by J. Priestley. On the Structure and Development of the Skull in the Batrachia; by W. K. Parker, F.R.S. The Minute Anatomy of the Alimentary Canal ; by H. Watnej-, M.A., &c. On the Forces caused by the Communication of Heat between a Surface and a Gas ; and on a new Photometer ; by Prof. O. Reynolds. 4. On Determining the Depth of the Sea without the use of the Sounding Line; by C. W. Siemens, F.R.S., &c. Electrodynamic Qualities of Metals ; Part (5, Efi'ects of Stress on Magnetization; by Sir W. Thomson, F.R.S., &c. Contribution to Terrestrial Magnetism ; Ijy Vice-Admiial Sir C. Shadwell, K.C.B., &c. On the Absorption-Spectra of Bromine and of Iodine Mono- chloride ; by H. E. Roscoe, F.R.S., and T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S. On tlie Organization of the Fossil Plants of the Coal Measure : Part 8 ; by W. C. Williamson, F.R.S. On the Determination of Verdet's Constant in Absolute Units ; by J. E. H. (iordon, B.A. The Calculus of Chemical Operations : Part 2. On the Analysis of Chemical Events ; by Sir B. C. Brodie, Bart., &c. On the Structure of a Species of Millepora, occurring at Tahiti, Society Islands ; by H. N. Moseley, F.R.S. Further Researches on the Deportment and Vital Persistence of Putrefactive and Infective Organisms from a Physical Point of View ; by .1. Tyndall, D.C.L., &c. On the Influence of Geological Changes on the Earth's Axis of Rotation ; by G. H. Darwin, M.A. Action of Light on Selenium; by Prof. W. G. Adams, M.A., &c., and R. E. Day, JI.A. Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism : No. 15 ; by Gen. Sir E. Sabine, R.A., &c. On Hyperjacobian Surfaces and Curves ; by W. Spottiswoode, M.A., &c. On Friction between Surfaces moving at Low Speeds ; by F. Jenkin, F.R.S., and J. A. Ewing. On the Bicircular Quartic; by A. Cayley, LL.D., &c. 654 CATALOGUE OP THE Roy] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Roy ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON— co«hm(«rf. 5. On the Structure anil Development of the Skull in the Uro- ilclons Amphibia: Part 1, liy W. K. Parker, F.R.S. Kesidual Charge of tlie Ley.len Jar, Dielectric Properties of different Glasses ; by J. Hopkinson, M.A., &c. On a Xcw Form of Tangential Equation; by J. Casey, LL.D., Jtc. On the Physiological Action of the Bark of Erythrophleum Guinense,' generally called Casca, Cassa, or Sassy Bark ; by T. L. Brunton, M.D., &c., and W. Pye. Further Observations on the Locomotor System of Medusa;; by O. J. Romanes, M.A., &c. On "the Tides of the Arctic Seas: Part 7, Tides of Port Kennedy, in Bellot Strait ; by tl\e P.ev. S. Haughton, M. D. , &c. Electrostatic Capacity of Glass; by J. Hopkinson, il.A., &c. On the Structure and Development of ^'ascular Dentine ; Ijy C. S. Tomes, M.A. On the Normal Paraffins; by C. Schorlennner, F.R.S. Experimental Researches on tlie Electric Disoliarge with the Chloride of Silver Battery: I'arts 1, 2, by W. De la Rue, M.A., &e., and H. W. Muller, Ph.D., &c. On the Tides at Malta; by Sir (J. B. Airey, K.C.B., &c. Report on the Total Solar of April, ISTo; by J. N. Lockyer, F,R.S., and A. Scliuster, Ph.D., &c. On Repulsion resulting from Radiation ; by W. Crookes, F.R.S. (The Bakerian Lecture.) On the Organization of the Fossil Plants of the Coal-measures : Part 9, by Prof. W. C. Williamson, F.R.S. 6. New Determination of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat; by J. P. Joule, D.C.L., &c. On the Structure and Development of the Skull in the Connnon Snake (Tropidonotus natrix) ; by \V. K. Parker, F.R..S. Addition to Memoir on the Transformation of Elliptic Functions; by A. Cayley, F.R.S., &c. On the Stucture of Stylasterida', a Family of the Hydruid Stony Corals; by H. N. Moseley, F.R.S. (The Croonian Lecture.) On the Development of the Parasitic Isopoda; by J. F. liuUar, B.A. , , On the Placentation of the Apoa, witli a Cninpanson of the Structure of their Placenta with that of tlie Hunuvn Female ; by \V. Tu.-ner, M. B. Obiiervation.') on the Nervous System of Aurelia Aurita ; by Prof. E. A. .Schiifer. On the Modification of the Simple and Compound Eyes of Insects: by B. T. Lowne, F.R.C.S., &c. Tenth Memoir on Quantics; by Prof. A. Cayley, F.R.S. On the Classification of Loci; by Prof. \V. K. ClitVonl, F.R.S. On the Osteology of Polyodon folium ; by T. W. Briilgc, C.A., *c. Contribntions to the Anatomy of the Central Nervous System in Vertebrate Animals: by A. Sanders, M.C.R.S.. &c. On the Determination of tlie Constants of the Cup Anemo- meter tiy Exjicriments with a Whirling .Machine; by 'I'. R. Robinson, 1). D. , &c. Alwtract-s of tlio Piipprs .-mil ProcoodiiiK.S If^OO SG. 41 vols. 8vo. Ix)iKi., 1832-S7. 1'' Catilo^'iio of Uio Library. -Ito. U>m\., IS^'j. K '.) IMO t Philosoj.liicil TraiiKiictions. 17S vols. It". Loiid., 1809-87. IIOYAI- SOCrKTY OF NKW SOUTH WALKS. I'nii-ccdiiiKH of th(! l'liili)sii|ilii(:nl Society of New South WiilcM for 1857-58. [Set Syhnkv .Mai;\zink oK Sciexck AM> AllT.] TmriHactioiiH ,'e, and I»r. A. I^'il.iu'L 17 v"Ih. (in 15) 8vo. Hydnev, 1H7I 87. .MK I K EOYAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH ^X KLE9,—contd. [List of thel Publications of, 1SG2-77. 8vo. Lend., 1878. MJ2R17 Fuiidameiital Rules and Bye-laws of the Pliilosophical Society of New South Wales. (Pam. 20.) 8vo. Sydney, 1861. MJ 2 Q 9 ROYAL SOCIETY OF NORTHERN ANTIQUARIES. [See Antiqu.vries du Noed.] ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Trans- actions, Proceedings, and Reports of the Philosophical Society of Adelaide, 1877-79. 8vo. Adelaide, 1878- 79.* ME 1 P Transactions and Proceedings, and Reports of [formerly Philosophical Society of Adelaide]. Vols. 3, 4, 1879-81. 8vo. Adelaide, 1880-82. ME 1 P ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASilANIA. Papers and Pro- ceeilings (some called Monthly Notices), 1848 55, 1859, 1863-G4, 18G6-80. 15 vols. 8vo. Hohart, 1851-81. ME 1 Q Report for 1860. 8vo. Hobart, 18G1. MF 3 P 15 Reports, 1848-6G, 1869-72, 1874. 8vo. Hobart, 1848-75. ME 1 Q ^Meteorological Observations taken at Hobart Town, 1856-58 ; Francis Abbott, Observer. [Supplement to \'ol. 3, Papers and Proceedings.] Sm. fol. Hobart, 1859. ME 3 V ROYAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA (The). Transactions and Proceeilings of the Victorian Institute [afterwards the Pliilo.sophical Institute of Victoria] for 1854-55. 8vo. Melb., 1855. ME 1 Q Transactions of the Philosopliical Institute of Victoria [formerlv thu Vie(ori;in Institute]. \'ols. 1-4. 8vo. Melb., 1855-60. ME 1 P Tran.sactions and Proceedings of [formerly riiilotJophical In.stitute of Victoria]. Vols. 1 12,23 21". Svo. Mell)., 1S55 S7. MK 1 P [S,v 1;aui,in-son, T. y..\ MA 2 V 21 HOYCF r. (!l!K(iOUY. \Scf ( lit neon v, .1. A.) R( )Y{.'1'] (.Iosiah). Californi.'i, fi'om lhi> ('iini|M(>sl in ISlGlo tli(! S(h;oiu1 VigilaneoCommitlee in Siin l'"rani-isco. | .\mi'ri- can Commonwealths.] 1 2nio. Hoston, lSS(i. i!lQ47 ROYLE (C.) Kgyiitian Camjiaigns, 1882 to 1SS5, and the I'veiits wiiieh led to them. 2 vols. 8vo. Lorul., I8SG. I! 2 S 7, S UOVLK (Phok. .1. F.), M.IX, Ac. 'J'h.> Arts and Manu- factures of India. [See Lond. IXTEKNATioNAr, Exm- i.iTioN, 1S51.] A IG ti 22 ROYSTON (I' Youkk), Viscoi'nt. [Sc^ Hf.siod.] .1 15 P 15 EllEE PUBLIC LIBRAilY, SYDNEY. 655 Boz] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Sus ROZlEll (Fhanpois), L'Aunft. Cours Cuniplct d'Agricul- turo ; (lu, l>iotii)nnairo Universal (I'Af^i'icultiiro. llivols 4t<). Pari.s, 1793^1 80r). A IS U 1-12 La Parfait Vigaertm ; on, Traite nut la Culture do la Vigne, avoc I'art de faire d'Anicliurei', et do oousurver los Vins ; par I'Ahlju Rozier, Chaptal, Parni(>ii(i(?r, ot Dus- sieux. Sin. 4to. Piiris, 1801. A 1 T It ROZIER (Dr). Des llal)itude.s Secretes, ou de rOuanisme chez les Femmes. 2« ed. 8vo. Paris, 1823. A 26 S 10 RUBENS (Peter Paul). His Life and Genius ; l)y Dr. G. F. AVaagen. Translated. 8vo. Lond., 1840. A7'Q22 Les Legons de. [_See Bous.sard, J. F.] A 8 R 17 RUCKER (-A. W.), M.A. On the E.\-pansion of Soa Water by Heat. {See Tiiokpe, T. Y..] A 11 P 4 t RUCKERT (Friebrioh). Gedichte von. 18" auflai^p. 12nio. Frankf.-ani-Main, 1875. H 7 P 29 RUDDER (E. W.) Doctrine of Annihilation discussed ; also Jesus Christ — tiie only Source of Eternal Life, itc. 8vo. Sydney, 1875. MG 1 Q 32 Ephraini; or, the Identification of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israehby "An Lsraelito of 1873." (Pam. Bo.) 8vo. Sydney, 1875.* MG 1 Q 32 Anothercopy. (Pam. Bq. ) 8vo. Sydney, 1 875. MG 1 Q 3G Another copy. (Pam. Br.) MG 1 Q 35 Truth r. Error, illustrated in a Correspondence between a Lay Reader of the Church of England and a Layman. (Pam. Br.) 8vo. Sydney, 1877.* '' MG 1 Q 35 Conditional Immortality, as taught in the New Testa- ment Scriptures ; by " A Laman." (Pam. Bs.) 8vo. Sydney, 1877. ' MG 1 Q 34 Anothercopy. (Pam. Bq.) Svo. Sydney, 1877. MG1Q36 RUDDER (Samuel). New History of Gloucestershire ; comprising the Topography, Antiquities, Curiosities, Produce, Trade, and IManufactures of that County ; also, the Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military History of the City of Gloucester. Fol. Cirencester, 1779. B18U12 + History of the Antient Town of Cirencester ; in two Parts. Part 1. The Antient State. Part 2. The Modern and Present State. With appropriate Observations, and illustrated witli Plates. 2nd. ed. 8\-o. Cirencester, 1800. B 3 T 8 RUDDIMAN (Thomas), A.M. Life of ; by George Chal- mers. Svo. Lond., 1794. C 9 S 16 RUDDOCK (E. H.) Text-book of Modern Medicine and Surgery, on Homoeopathic Principles. Svo. Lond., 1884. A 12 T 26 RUDGE (James), D.D. Address to tlie New Zealand Emigrants ; doli\ered at the Depot, Deptford, Octo- ber 11, 1840. 12nio. Lond., 1840. MG 1 P 20 RUDLKR (F. W.), F.(4.S, Ure'.? Dictionary of Arts, &c. iSti Ure, Du, a,] RUDLER (F. W.), F.G.S., and CHTSJIOLM {(ir.ow.r. (».), 15. Sr. Europe; with Ethnological Appendix, liy Prof. A. H. Kcane. Edited by Sir A. C. Ramsay. (Stanford's Compcnidium of Geography and Tr.-ivel.) Svo. Lond., 1885. I) 11 S 6 RUDOLPH (H.I.R.H. Phince), Crown Printie of Aus- tria. Travels in the East, including a Visit to Egypt and the Holy Land. With Illustrations. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1884. D 2 U 13 RUDYERD (Sir Ben.tamin), Knt. Memoirs of; con- taining his Speeches and Poems ; edited by James A. Manning. Svo. Lond., 184 1. C 9 S 17 RUFINUS (Tvraxnius). Opera omnia. [Sec Mig.\e, J. P., Series Latina, 21.] RULE (Martin), M.A. Life and Times of St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Britains. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1883. C 9 S 25, 26 RULE (William Harris), D.D. History of the Inquisi- tion, from its EHtablishment in the the 12th Century to its Extinction in the 19th. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. GUT 10, 11 RUMFORD (Sir Benjamin Thompson), Count von. Essays — Political, Economical, and Philosophical. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882. J 7 U 4-6 The Royal Institution: its Founder [Count Rumford], itc. \_See Jones, H. B.] RUMKER (Dr. Charle.s Stargard). On the Astronomy of the S(juthern Hemisphere. [_See Field, B.] RUMSEY (Henry W.), M.D., ic. Essays and Papers on some Fallacies of Statistics concerning Life and Death, Health and Disease, itc. Svo. Lond., 1875. F 5 P 18 RUNDALL (Thomas). Narratives of Voyages towards the North-West, in search of a Passage to Cathav aiid India, 1496 to 1631. Svo. Lond,, 1849. D 4"R 44 RUNNYMEDE LETTERS (The). \_See Beaconsfield, Rt. Hon. B. Disraeli, Earl of.1 RUPERT ((i. A.) {See Livius, T. J 13Q 22-R 5 RUPERT (Prince). Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers, including his Private Correspondence ; by Eliot Warburton. .3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S49. C 9 S 18-20 RUPERTUS (Abdas Tutiensis). Opera omnia. {See MiGNE, J. P., Series Latina, 167-170.] RltpPELL (Dr. Eduard). Beschreibungen und Abbil- dungen mehrerer neuer Fische, im Nil entdeckt. (Pam. Ck.)" 3 vols, (in 1) 4to. Frankfort, 1829-35. A 15 U 1 RUSCELLI (G.) ISee Ariosto, L.] H 6 S 1 RUSCHENBERGER (W. S. W.) Three Years in the Pacific ; containing Notices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ac. in 1831-34; bv "An Officer of the U.S. Navy." 2 vols. Svo. Loud., 1835. D 3 U 13, 14 G56 CATALOGUE OF THE Bus] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Rus RUSDEX (F. T.) Public Lands. {See Xew South Wales.] RUSDEX (Rev. G. K.), A.M. Assize Sennon, preached at 8t. Peters Church, Maitland, 18i3. 8vo. vSyduey, 1843. MG 1 P 1 Sermon, preached at St. Peters Church, East 3Iaitland, 18.56. 8vo. Sydney, 1856. MG 1 P 1 RUSDEN (George W.) JNIoyarra: an Australian Legend, in two Cantos. 12mo. Maitland, 18-51. ISIH 1 P 17 National Education. 8vo. Melb., 1853. :MG 1 Q 38 Old Road to Responsible Go-\ermnent : or, tlie Develop- ment of the Representative Principle in tioverinnent historically considered: a Lecture. (Pam. 40.) 12nio. Melb., 1856. MJ 2 R,2 Gathering together for the good of AVork and Learning : a Lecture. 8vo. Melb., 1857. MJ 2 R 7 Correspondence with the Chief Secretary of Victoria and others on the Civil Service. 8vo. Melb., 1860. MF 3 P 5 Remarks on 'the Status of Colonial Bishops, and the Law concerning Bishops in Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 18G8. MG 1 Q 39 Discovery, Survev, and Settlement of Port Phillip. 8vo. Moll.., 1871. ■ MB 2 S 28 Another copy. 8va 31cll)., 1S71. MJ 2 R 10 Curio.sities of Colonisation. 8vo. Lond., l.'^74. M.I 21115 History of Australia. 3 vols. 8v(). Loud., 1883.* MB 2 S 2^4 History of New Zealand. 3 vols. 8 vo. Loud., 1S83. Ml! 2 S 11-13 Tran.slations and Fragments. 8vo. Loud., 1871. :MJ 2 R 15 Les Propos de Labienus. \_See Rogeakd, A.] M.J2R15 RUSH (RtntAHD). Court of Li>n(lon, from 1819 to 1825 ; with Hulisenufut occasional Pniduclioiis, now first pub- lishfd in Europe Edited by Benjamin Rush. 8vo. i>ond., 1873. " B 7 P 22 A Residence at tlie Court of Ijondon. 8vo. Loud., 1833. I) (i T 15 RrSHWOUTII (John;. I lisloriial Collccliohr., l(ilS-4S; with [>>rd Stan'oril's Tiial. 8 vols. sm. fol. Ijond. IGMO 1701. B 15 R 9-16 X 1. Of I'riviitc rnmiaKCS of SUtc ; WciKlity Matters in Law ; Re- innrknlilc I'ri>cefiliii;;H in live I'lirliiiniiMitM IxjginninK tlic nix lo«iitli yonr of KinK JnnifH, unmi KlIS, iiml (Milling llui liflli year of King CliiirleM, unnii Iti'il). 2, 3. Tin; Sotoml I'lirt, niirl tlic .Second Vohinic of tlic Second I'orl; eontiiiiiing the princiiml .MiilleiH wliioli liu|i|M'nt nmnthii, iiii|uirlially related nnd dmiKiwil iiiAnnaU: netting forth r,nly matter of fact in order of time, without olmervalion or rellectioii. RUSHWORTH (i on^)— continued. 4, .5. Tlie Third Part, in two Volumes : containing the principal Matters which happeneil from the meeting of tlic Parliament, November the 3rd, Ui40, to the end of the year Iti-tt, wherein is a particular Account of the Rise and Progress of the Civil War to that period ; Impartially related, setting forth only matter of fact in order of time, without observation or reflec- tion; with alphabetical Tables. 6, 7. The Fourth and Last Part, in two Volumes ; containing the principal Matters which happened from the beginning of the year l()4-j, to the Death of King Charles the First, lfi4.S, wherein is a particular Account of the Progress of tlie Civil \\'ar to that period ; impartially related, setting forth only matter of fact in order of time, without observation or rellectioii. 8. The Tryal of Thomas, ]<'ail of Strafford, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, upon an Impeachment of High Treason by the Com- mons then assembled in Parliament, in the name of themselves and of all the Commons in Kugland ; begun in Westminster Hall, the 2'2nd March, 10411, and continued, before judgment was given, until the 10th of May, 11)41, shewing tlie form of Parliamentary Proceedings in au im|)eachmcnt of Tre Ivctters di Iicginncrs. With lliustr.itioiis. 8vo. Lond., 1857. .\ 7 t^) U) Notes on the Consti'uclion of Slircpfolds. 2iiil ed. S\d. Orpington, 1875. (Ill T 11 Love's Meiiiie : Lectm-os on Greek . '10(1 lOnglisli I'.ii'ds. Vol. 1. 8vo. Loiui., 18SI. A II II 27 Modern Painters. 5|li id., ii\ ised liy llio Audior. 5 vol.s. ini]i. .><\o. Lond., 1851 (i7. A 8 T 1-5 1. PartH 1 and •_'. Of (leneral Principles, and i.f Trulh. 'i. Part ;!, Sections I ami •_'. Of the liimgina(i\ c ^uid 'I'lH'orclii; l''ai'ultie.H. .3. Part 4. Of .Many Things. 4. I'art.'i. Of Mountain neanty. .'). I'artli. Of Leaf lleauly. Pari 7. Of Cloud Heautv. Part S. Of lih'aM of Helalion: 1. Of Invention Fminal. Part !). Of Ideas of Kelation; 'J. Of Invenlinn Spiritual. PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 657 Bus] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Rus EUSKIN (John), 11,.^)., kc— continued. Another copy. New ed. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Loncl, ]S72-7.'5. A 7 V 16-20 Tlie Two Filths ; being Lectures on Art and it.s ajipli" cation to Decoration and Manufacture, delivered in 1858-9. New ed. Svo. Orpington, 1878. A 7 U 39 Munera Pulveris : .Si.x Essay.s on the Elements of Political Economy. Svo. Lond., 1872. F 5 P 2G Lectures on Art, delivered Ijefore the University of Oxford, in Hilary Term, 1870. 2nd ed. 8vo. O.xford, 1875. A 7 T 1 1 Giotto ami his Works in Padua ; being an Explanatory Notice of the series of Woodcuts executed for the Arundel Society, after the Frescoes in tlie Arena Chapel. Roy. Svo. Loiid., lS5i. A 8 R 27 Crown of Wild Olive : Three Lectures on Work, Traffic, and War. 12mo. Lond., 1806. F 15 P 10 The King of the Golden River; or, the Black Brothers: a Legend of Stiria. 6th ed. Svo. Lond., 1867. J II 8 10 Lectures on Architecture and Painting, delivered at Edin- burgh in 1853. Svo. Lond., 1855. A 2 Pt 9 Fors Clavigera : Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain. 8 vols, (in 5) Svo. Orpington, 1871- 84. A 7 T 27-31 A Joy for Ever (and its price in the market) : Two Lectures on the Political Economy of Art. Svo. Orping- ton, 1880. A 8 R 3l Aratra Pentelici : Six Lectures on the Elements of Sculp- ture. Svo. Orpington, 1879. A 8 R 32 Ariadne Florentina: Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving. Svo. Orpington, 1876. A 7 U 2 Art of England : Lectures given in Oxford. Svo. Orping- ton, 1884. A 8 R 21 Bibliotheca Pa.storum. Vols._ 1, 2, and 4. 3 vols. Svo. Orpington, 1876-77. J 2 T 14, 15 Catalogue of a series of Specimens in the British Museujn illustrative of the more common Forms of Native Silica. 8vo. Orpington, 1884. K 7 R 37 Dame W^iggins of Lee and her Seven Wonderful Cats : a Humorous Tale. 12mo. Orpington, 1885. J11S9 Deucalion : Collected Studies of the Lapse of Waves and Life of Stones. Vol. 1. Svo. Orpington, 1879. A 9T 9 Deucalion : First Supplement — The Limestone Alps of Savoy. [See Collinowood, W. G.] Elements of English Prosody. Svo. Orpington, 1880. H 8 V 19 Frondes Agrestes : Readings in Modern Painters. 7th ed. Svo. Orpington, 1884. A 6 V 28 Inaugural Address, delivered at the Cambridge School of Art, 1858. New ed. Svo. Orpington, 1S79. A 8 Q 33 Laws of PY'Sole: a Familiar Ti'eatise on the Elementary Principles and Practice of Drawing and Painting, as determined by the Tuscan Masters. Vol. 1. Svo. Orpington, 1882. A 2 R 9 4 o RITSKTN (John), LL.D., kc.—Mntinncd. Relation between Michael Angelo and Tintoret : Lectures on Sculpture. 2nd thousand. Svo. Orpington, 1870-71. A 8 Q 32 ]\loi'nings in Florence ; being simple Studies of Chris- tian Art. 2nd ed. Lond., 1881-83. A 6 V 22 Notes on Pictures of Sir J. E. Millais. Svo. Lond., 1886. A 7 U 38 Notes on the Turner Gallerv, at Marlbon.ugh House, 1850. Svo. Loml., 1857. " 'A7QU On the old Road: a Collecticm of Miscellaneous Essays, Pamphlets, itc. Svo. Orpington, 1885. J 2T 11-13 The Political Economy of Art. 12mo. Lond., 1857- A 6 V 35 New ed. Svo. Lond., 1862. A7S6 Pra'terita : Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts perhaps worthy of JNIemorv in mv past Life. Vol. 1. Roy. Svo. Orpington, 1880. - " C 10 V 48 Queen of the Air ; being a Study of Greek Myths of Cloud and St<;irm. Revised ed. Svo. Orpington. 188:5. B 27 V 11 General Statement, explaining the Nature and Purposes of St. George's Guild. Svo. Orpington, 1882. A 8 Q 33 St. Mark's Rest : the Historv of Venice. 12mo. Orpington, 1884. " B 12 P 28 ' Salsette and Eleplianta : a Prize Poem. Svo. Orpington, 1879. H S V 19 The Seven Lamps of Architecture. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1849. A 2 Q 28 Another copy. With Illustrations, drawn by the Author. New ed. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1883. A 2 T 29 Roadside Songs of Tuscany ; translated and illustrated. \_Sce Ale.xander, Miss F.] Stones of Venice : The Foundations — The Sea Stories — The Fall. 3 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1851-53. A 2 T 36-38 Another cop}'. 4th ed. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1886. A 2 T 39-41 Storm Cloud of the 19tli Century : Two Lectures, 1884. Svo. Orpington, 1884. A 8 R 15 Story of Ida : Epitaph on an Etrurian Tomb ; by Francesca. Edited hy John Ruskin. 3rd ed. 8v(j. Orpington, 1885. C 2 Q 22 Eagle's Nest: Ten Lectures on the Relation of Natural Science to Art, 1872. Svo. Orpington, 1880. A 8 Q 34 Time and Tide by Weare and Tvne. 2nd thousand. Svo. Orpington, 1882. ' F 12 R 16 Catalogue of the Drawings and Sketches, by J. !M. W. Turner, exhibited in the National Gallery. Svo. Orpington, 1881. A 8 Q 32 Val d'Arno : Ten Lectures on the Tuscan Art. Svo. Orpington, 1882. A 8 R 30 Notes on some of the principal Pictures exhibited in the Royal Academv, 1855-57. Parts 1-3. Svo. Lond., 1855-57. ' A 7 Q 14 658 CATALOGUE OE THE Rus] Part I : — Authors, EdUm's, or Reference. [Rus RUSKIX (JoHx), LL.D., A-c. — continued. Nfites In- John Ruskiii on Samuel Prout aiul William Hunt, in illustration of a Lojvn Collection of Drawings exhibited at the Fine Art Society's (lallories, 1879-80. Illustrated. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1880. ASPlOt Notes on the Pictures of Mr. Holuian Hunt. Roy. Svo. Lond., I88G. A 7 V 38 Art Schools of Media-val Christendom. [See 0« ex, A. C] RUSS (Dr. Karl). Speaking Parrots: a Scientific Manual. 8vo. Lfjnd., 1884. A U Q 4fi RUSSELL (A.) Tour through the Australian Ct)lonies in 18.39; with Notes and Incidents of a Voyogo round the Globe, calling at New Zealand and South Aiiicrica. 8vo. (;ia.sgow, 1840.* MD 2 R 51 RUSSELL (Col. C.) The House Sparn.w [See GuiiXEV, J. H] A U Q 47 RUSSELL (C. W.), D.I). Life of Cardinal .Alezzofanti; with an introductory Memoir of eminent Linguists, An- cient and Modern. " 8vo. Loud., 1858. ' C 6 U 18 RUSSELL (Rev. F. T. C.) Case of. [See Sherbrooke, Viscount.] [See Broughton, Kt. Rev. W. G.] :mg 1 Q .37 RUSSELL (Georoe). Tour through Sicily in tlic year 1815. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1819. I»7tu RUSSELL (Hexrv Cii.\mberlaixe), B.A., Ac. Meteoro- logical Observations made at the Govcrinnent Observatory, Sydney, and Aljstracts from the Country Stations, for 1870-7M. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1870-79. ME 2 S Result.s of Meteorological (observations made in New South Wales during' 1870-71, 1870 79, 1885-8G. 10 voIh. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1871-88. i\IE 2 S and T Oljsen-ations on the Stars and Nebula about Argus. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1871. ME 2 S Abstract of Meteorological f)bservati(nis made in New South Wales up to th(! end of 1809; with Ucniarks on the Climate. 8vo. Sydney, 1871. ME 2 S Climate of New South Wale,s; Descriptive, Historical, and Tabular. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1h77. MA 1 T 18 Hesults of Hain and River Ob.servations made in New South Wal.-s, .luring 18/9-80, 1882-87. 8 vols. roy. Svo. Syilney, 1«80 K8.* MK 2 T Thundernnd Hail Storms in New Smilli Wales. (Pain. C<|.) Kvo. Sydney, I US I. MA 2 V 9 Uerent CIiiiul'iv in Ibc .Sinfari' nf .InpiliT. Hvi, Sydney 1881 M.\2V9 Re.Hulf.t nr .Xsir'.nnnncal Oliscrvalions nuide at I he Sydney Observatory, in the yeai-s 1877 78. Svo. Sydney, ISSl. M !•: 2 S UeMulU of Doulilc Hur Meanure.H niitirs of the Life and Writings of; [by Robert Benton Seelev.] 8vo. Lond., 1842. C 9 P 39 Speech on the State and Prospects of the Countiy, [Free Trade.] 8vo. Lond., 1830. F 6 V 10 SADLER (Sir Ralph). State Papers and Letters of; with ilemoir, l)y Sir M'. Scott. 2 vols. 4to. Edinb., 1809. B 12 V 26, SADLER (Tno.M.\s), Pn.i). Diary, Keniiniscence.s and Correspondence of Henry Ci-abb Robinson, Barrister-at- Law,F.S.A. 3rded. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1872. C4T39,-tO SAGRA (Ramon de la). \_See Ramon di; la Sacra.] SAINT ABE and his Seven Wives : a Tale of Salt Lake City. 8vo. Lond., 1872. H 7 Q 31 SAINT ALBANS (Harriot), Duchess. :\Ienioirs of Harriot, Duclie.'^.s of St. Albans; bv ]\[rs. Cornwall Baron Wilson. 2 vols. ]2mo. Lond., 1839. C 3 U 40, 41 SAINT A.MAND (ARTiiuu Lfox Imbert de), Bahon. [See Ijibert de Saint Amand, A. L., Baron.] SAINT ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. Report of the Building Coniniitlco, for 18.57. 8vo. Svdnev, 1858. \mF3P14 SAINT ANI^REW S SCOTS CHURCH. of the Connuittee of Trustees for the erection of St. Andrew's Scots Church, Sytlney. 8vo. Sydney, 1837. .M 1" '> P 14 SAINT AUGUSTINE'S LTTKR.VUY INSTITUTE, Y ASS. Two Lectures delivered before the above Institute. The Inaugural I.#cture, by tlie ]{ev. P. Berniinghani. " Hearts and Hands,' by M. O'Connor, Es(|., M.D. 8vo. Sydney, IHOO. MJ 2 P 8 SAINT CATHERINES, Waverlcy. Report of St. Catherine's, Waverley : an Institution for educating the Daughtei-s of the Clergy of the Church of ICngland, in the Diocese of Sydney, 18G2 -CI. 1 Jniw. Svdnev, 18G4 65. " .MF3 P 10 SAINT cficiLE. [See Cfcan, Saint.] SAINT CL.MR (.Ma.i..(!kn. Arthur). The St. Clair Pu|H-rs. Jiife and I'ubh"' Services of Arthur St. Clair ; with hi.s Corrt!spiindeiici; and other Papers, by W. H. Sniilli. 2 vol.s. roy. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1882. C8 V 35, 3G SAINT CLAIR (GEonriu), F.G.S. P.iogra])h)cal Lectures. {Ste Daws<,.v, <;.J C 3 T 1 8AINT CF.AIR STKVENSON (Cait. (;. i.i:), F.K.ti.S. [Stt Stf.venhon, Caii. (I. I». Saist-Clair.] HAINT COLU>ri!.\ l.if- of. [See Scotland, His TORIAN.H i)r.\ SAINT KVIJKMONI) (CirAHLK.H .Marm'ktkl dk). Works of. TmnsluliMl ff 1,111 I lie Fr. lull, li vols. Wvo. I/md., '"'^^ J 10 R 7, 8 SAINT-FARGEAU (Girault de). [See Girault de Saint Faroeau, P. A. E.] SAINT JOHN (The Apostle). Life and Writings of; by James M. Macdonald, D.D. 8vo. Lond., 1877. G5T2 SAINT JOHN (Charles). Natural History and Sport in Moray. Roy. Svo. Edinb., 1882. A 15 Q 1 Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands. 8vo. Lond., 184G. A 29 P 11 Another copy. (H. and C. Lib.) 12nio. Lond., 184G. ' J 8 P 18 SAINT JOHN (Horace). History of the British Con- quests in India. 2vo!s. 8vo. Lond., 1852. B 10 Q 42. 43 Indian Archipelago: its History and I'resent State. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1853. " F. 10 Q 38, 39 SAINT JOHN (James Augi'stus). Egypt anil Mohaiumed Ali; or. Travels in tiie Yallcv id the Nile. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1834. " D 2 Q 18, 19 History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842. B 9 V 15-17 There and back ag;un in search of Beauty. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1853. " J 5 P 11, 12 Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1552-1618. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18G8. C4T11, 42 History of the Four Conquests of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1862. ' B 5 S 37, 38 Journal of a Residence in .Norniandv. (Const. 18mo. F.dinb., 1831. " K 10 Q 53 SAINT JOHN (Hon. John). Mary Queen of Scots: a Tragedy. [See Modern Theatre, 8.] SAINT JOHN (John Bavle). Adventures in the Libyan Desert and the Oiisis of Jupiter Annnon. 12mo. Lond., 1849. D I T 18 Another copy. (H. and ('. Lib.) l2nio. Lond., 1849. ' .) S 1' l.-i Purple Tints of Paris: Character and .Manners in tlic New EMijiire. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1854. I ) 7 11 ■'! I, 32 .Vnolhrrcopy. 2nd ed. 8vi>. Lond., 1854. D 7 I! 33 Till' Lnuvre; or, l'iogra]iliy of a. .Museum. S\-o. Loiid., 1S55. ' ' A 6 \' 18 Sub-alpine Kingdom; or, Exjierienees and Studies in Savoy, I'iedmont, and (ienoa. 2 vols. 8vo. Lnnd,, IS5(1. 1 ) S ( ,> I 5. 1 C, Travels of an Arab Mei-eh.uil in Soiulan. Svo. Lond., IS5I. I) I (,> ::i Two Y'ears' ResidcMce in a Li'\.inline l'"amil\. S\(i. L(md., IS.50. It I I! I Miiiilaigne, the Es.siiyist; a Biography. ^\illl lliu' irations. 2 vols. 8vo." Lond., I85S. (' IS 21, 25 .Memoirs of tlie hukc of SainI Simon, on (lie Reign of Louis XIV, ami ihi- I !i';^'cniv. I Mils. 8\(j. Lond., 1857. C 1 U 4.5-4S FREE PUBLIC LIBllARY, SYDNEY. 6f53 Sai] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Sai SAINT-JOHN (MOLYNKUX). Tlic Rea of Mdiintains : an Account of Lord DuiFci-in's Tour t!irouj,'h Uritish Coluinln;i in 1S7(J. -1 vols. .Svo. Lond., 1S77. D 3 P 57, 58 .SAINT-JOHN (Ma.ior (J. 1!.) Eastern Persia: Geography, etc. [See Persia.] I) 4 U 45, 4G SAINT JOHN (Percy B.) French Revolution in 1S4S: the Three Days of February, 1848. 12mo. Load., 1848. B 9 P 14 SAINT JOHN (8m Spenser), K.C.M.G., kc. Hayti; or, the Black Reiaublic. 8vo. Lond., 1884. D .3 R 33 Life of Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, from his Personal Papers and Correspondence. Svo. Edinb., 1879. 3 R 25 Life in the F( .rests of the Far East. Illustrated. '2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1862. D 4 T 5, 6 SAINT JOHNSTON (A.) [See Birmingham Museum ■ AND Art Gallery.] bAINT JULIAN (Charles). Official Report on Central Polynesia; with a Gazetteer of Central Polynesia, by Edward Reeve (late Chancellor of the Commission), and other Documents appended Fol. Sydney, 1857. MF lOQ 2 t Municipalities Act of 1867; with Notes thereon, and General Instructions for the Working of Municipal Coun- cils, and th(! Conduct of Elections, ifcc. 8vo. Sydney, 1868. ■ MP 3 Q 70 SAINT JULIAN (Charles), and SILVESTER (Edward K.) Productions, Industry, and Resources of New South Wales. 12mo. Sydney, 1853. MD 1 T 37 SAINT LEONARDS (Edward B. S.), Lord. Handy-book on Property Law, in a series of Letters. 4th ed. 12nio. Edinb., 1858. F 6 P 22 SAINT LUKE'S CLERICAL SANATORIUM. Pros- pectus of a Clerical Sanatorium, to be erected on Douglas' Hill, Kurraj(mg, in the neighbourhood of Richmond, and within the Police District of Windsor. 8vo- Sydney (n.d.) MG 1 Q 26 SAINT LOUIS. ISee Louis i.\. King of France.] SAINT-MARC GIRARDIN (M.) {See Racine, J.] J 13 U 19-26 SAINT MARGARET. \_See Margaret, Saint.] SAINT MARTIN (L. Vivien de). iSee Vivien de Saint Martin, L.] SAINT-MEARD (F. de J.) {See BARRn:RE, J. F., 18.] C 1 T 18 SAINT MERIASEK. Life of. [See Stokes, ^\ .] H 2 U 14 SAINT PATRICK. [_See Patrick, Saint.] SAINT PAUL (The Apostle). [See Paul, Saint.] SAINT PAUL'S, LONDON Tlie true Report of the Bur]iviig of the Stejile and Chui'che of Poules, in London, 1561. I l{(^print, Gencalogica Curiosa. I 1 2uio. Lond., 1S,S5. B 3 P 30 ST. PAUL'S COLLEGE. Origin and Foundation of St. Paul's College, established within the University of Syd- ney, and incorporated by Act of the Legislature, 1855. (Pam. 35.) 8\o. Sydney, 1856. MJ 2 Q 22 By-laws and Statutes of, and relating to St. Paul's College, within the University of Sydney ; witli .some Account of its Foundatiir. I'ml cd, 2' vols. Hvo. Lfjnd., 1S6.'>. I> MJ I 1, 12 Papers, Humourous and Pathetic. Mvo. Lnml., 1,S72. J 1 r 33 Notes and Sketches of the Paris Exhibition. Svo. Lond., IM6K. D 7 S 4 Pariii hortiplf again in 1M7H-79. 2nd iid.,1884. SANr)F(^)RD (F.) Genealogical History of the Kings of England and .Monarchs of Great ISrilain, 10()(J 1(177. I voJH. fol. Lond., 1677. JJ 15 U I t 17 ; HLstorj- of the Coronation of James ii, and of His Consort, (^ueen Marv, 1085. Fol. Lond., 1087. H 17 u 10 : SANI)F01U)(Mhh. John). Female Iniprovcmenl. 2nd ed. 12iMo. I/.nd., 1839. J P 29 SANI»S (John). Sydney and Suburban Directories for IK03, 1H05 71, 1K7'3 >lli, a Doctor in the Turkish Ser\iee. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond,, 18(1L .1 P ;!l, 32 Hiiin])hi'y S.indwitli: a Memoir; compiled from Auto- liiographie.a! Notes, by his Nephew, Thomas H>nn])hry W-ii-d. Svo. Lond.,' 188 1. C U 22 SANDYS (Gkohoi:). Sandy's Travels; containing .-in 1 1 is- tory of the Oi'iginal and Present State of the Turkish F.nii.irc. At. 7th ed. I'"ol. Lond., 1 (w-'l. D S V 20 SANDYS (John Kdwin), M..\. [See l'',fi!llMlii:s. ] 'I'lic r.acrliM' of l'",uri I lilies. .1 10 R 22 S.\NDYS (W'li.i.iAM). 8vo. Lond., Speciniens of Macaronic I'oelrv. II S S .'it; ('hrislmas ('arols, Aniiinl I s:-,:!. d Modern 8vo. Lond., II S r it S.\N KKANClSCd. [5fr ITmti;i) Stafks Cai.iioiima. PREE PUBLIC LIBEAEY, SYDNEY. 667 San] Pakt I : — Atdhors, Editors, or Meference. [Sau SAN Fr.ANCTSCO i\rTIJTAllY LIBRAKY. Cata- logue of. {JJuiind with Ward's IJklorij of Gold.) llinio. San Francisco, 1875. MA 2 P 14 SAN FRANCISCO MINING AND SCIENTIFIC PRESS. 4 vols. imp. 4to. San FrancLsco, 1861-66. E SANGERMANO (Rev. Father). Ue.scription of the Bur- mese Empire. {ReprintA Roy. Svo. Rangoon, 18S.5. I) 5 IT :'.l SANITARY ENGINEER (Thk). [_See ENf;i\EERiN(; AND BuiLDiNfi Record.] SANKEY" (Charles), M.A. The Spartan and Tliehan Siipremacie.s. (Epochs of Ancient History.) With five Maps. 18mo. Loml., 1877. " 15 9 S I'S SANKEY (J. D.) [_See Campuell, Rev. P.] ifJ 2 P 27 SANSON (N.) Map of All the World, in two Hemispheres; corrected and amended by W. Berry. L. 4to. Lond., 1680. ' D S P 17 J SANSKRIT ALPHABET AND GRAMMAR. (MS. Pam. A.) Fol. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 2 IT 1 SANTAREM (M. F.) Viscomte de. Grand Atlas, compose deMappemondes dePortulans et deCarteshydrographicjues et historiques, depuis le 6'^ ju.squ'aii 17'' Siecle. Fol. Paris, 1842-53. ' D 9 P 23 + SANZIO OR SANTI (Rapfaello). [See Raphael Sanzio.] SAO LOURENgO (Fkancisco Bento Maria Targini), Barao be. Ensaio Sobre o Homein de A. Pope. [Sec Pope, A.] SAPPHO. Memoir, Text, selected Renderings, and a literal Translation; bv Henry Thornton, M.A. 12mo. Lond., 1885. " H S R 33 Translations from. \_See Chalmers, A., and Johxson, S.] Works of; translated liy F. Fawkes, M.A. \_Sec. Hesiod.] J 15 P 15 SARCASTIC NOTICES .,f the Long Parliament. [_See Long Parliament.] C 11 Q 4 SARGEAUNT (Capt. R. A.) Notes on the Clhnates of the Earth, Past and Present. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 3 R 15 SARGENT (Henry AVinthrop). [See Downing, A.] A 1 S 1 2 SARGENT (John), Junr. Memoir of the Rev. Henry Martyn, B.D. 7th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1822. C 2 U 30 SARGENT (Winthrop). Life of Major John Andre, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America. 8vo. New York, 1871. 2 U 3 SARPI (Pietro), "Fra Paolo." Histoire du Ccmcile de Trente, cci-ite en Italien ; traduite de nou\eau en Fran(;ois, avec des Notes critiques, historiques, et theologiques, par Pierre-Francois le Courayer. 2 vols. 4to. Basle, 1738. ■ GIT 18, 19 S.VRRANS (Bernard). Memoirs of General Lafayette and of the Frencli Revolution of 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832. C 9 T 11, 15 SARTORIUS (Mrs. Ernestine). Three Months in the Soudan. 8vo. Lond., 1885. D 1 W 24 SARUM (Cathedral Church of). Statuta et Consuitu- dines Ecclesise Cathedralis Sarisberiensis: Statute.s of the Cathedral Chuich of Sarum ; edited by E. A. Dayman, B.D., and W. H. R. .Tones, M.A. Roy. 8vo. Bath, 1883. I"' 8 T 9 SARYTSCHEW (Gawrilla). Account of a Voyages of Discovery to the North-east of Siberia, th(! Frozen Ocean, and the North-oast Sea. Translated fr(j)n the Russian. 8vo. Lond., 1806. ]) 6 t^ 22 SASTRI (Pundit ,Prakrita Grannnar, with English Translation. Published by Lalla ileharchand, Lahore. 8vo. Calcutta, 1883. K 15 S 10 SATCHEL GUIDE TO EUROPE. [See Europe.] D 7 P54 SATCHELL (Thomas). Bibliotheci Piscatoria. [See Westwood, T.] K 18 Q 4 SATOW (E. M.) Japanese Chronohigical Tables. 4to. Yedo, 1874. B12S13 SATTERTHWAITE (Thomas E.), M.D. .Manual of Histology. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 12 U 11 SATURDAY' MAGAZINE (The) imp. 8vo. Lond., 1833-44. 25 vols, (in 9) J 7 V 1-9 SATURDAY"" REVIEW (The). The Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science, and Art.. 29 vols. fol. Lond., 1864-85. E SAUMAISE, OR SALMASIUS (Claude). [See Salmasius, C] SAUMAREZ (Adm. James S), Lord de. Memoirs and Correspf)ndence of ; by Sir John Ross, C.B. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. C 9 Q 38, 39 SAUNDERS (Alfred). New Zealand : its Climate, Soil, Natural and Artificial Productions, Animals, Birds, and In,sects, Aboriginal and European Inhabitant.s, itc. : a Lecture. Svo. Lond., 1868. MA 1 Q 11 Our Domestic Birds : a Practical Poultry-book for England and New Zealand. Svo. Hull, 1883. A 14 R 1 Ou" Horises ; or, the best Muscles controlled by the best Brains. Svo. Lond., 1886. A 14 R 47 SAUNDERS (Frederic). Modem Impediments to Man-iage. Svo. Melb., 1869. MA 2 S 38 Salad for the Social. Svo. Lond., 1856, J 4 Q 27 SAUNDERS (Lawrence). Writings of. [See British Reformers 3.] 668 CATALOGUE OF THE San] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Say SAUXDERS (TuoMAS Henry). Illustrations of the British Paper Miumfafture. (English and French.) El. fol. Lond. If^S.J. A 10 P 22* SAUNDERS (Trel.\\vxy). The Asiatic Mediterranean, and its Australiiin Port : the Settlement of Poi-t Flinders, and the Pro\ince of Alhert, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, practically proposetl. 8vo. Lond., Ii>.j3.* Ml>.iP32 SAUXDERS (Willi-KM). The New Parliament, 18S0. 12mo. Lond., 1880. F 5 R 26 SAUXDERS (William), F.R.S.C, kc. Insects injurious to Fruits. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1883. A 14 T 26 SAULCY (Feliciev Joseph Caigxakt de). Xarrative of a Jiiurney round the Dead Sea, 18r)0 51, and in the Lihlc Litnds ; edited, with Xotcs, by Count Edward de Warren. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1853. D t U 27, 28 SAL^XIER (Claudius). Treatise on ^Mnilmi Horology, in Theory and Pmctice ; translated from tlic French, 1(V Julian Tripplin, and Edward Rigg, M.A. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 1 1 V 1 SAURIX VEiisus STARR. Extraordinary Trial hy a Sister of Jlercy, Ijefore the Ijord Chief Justice and a Special Jury, February 3, 1869 ; Startling Revelations of Life in a Convent. Illustrated verbatim edition. (Curious Trials.) 8vo. Lond., 1869. F 13 R 1 Another copy. 8vo. Lond., 1869. .MF2rvl'.) SAUTER (Edward). New Zealand: its Physical Cco- grapliy, ic. \_See Hociistettki!, Dr. F. von.] SAUVAGEOT (Claude). Palais, Chateau.x, Hotels et .^^aiso)ls de France du XV-' au xvin*^ si^clc. 1 \jigur. Svo. Melb., 1873. .M I' I l,t .3 HA VAGI-: (Tnr.MAH). Narrative of Tlioma.s Siivage, re- .•.|>e<:iiiig AlM.rigiiuild of Tmiiiiunia. (I'ani. 11.) Ito. II. .Lilt y\,] 2 U 2 SAVAGE CLUB PAPERS (The). Edited by A. Halli- day. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1807-68. J 8 U 23, 24 SAVARIX (Antiielme Biiillat-). [See Brillat-Sava- KIN, A.] SAVIGN^ON (F. de.) IMerino Sheep of the National Sheep Stud Farm of Rambouillet ; general Considera- tions of Breeding'. Report on the Sheep Show. (Pam. Cn.) 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MA 2 V 14 SAVIXGS B.VXK, N.S.W. [See New South Wales Savings Bank.] SAVORY (William S.), F.R.S. On Life and Death : Four Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1803. A 12 Q 21 SAWARD (I'.LANCIIE C.) Church Festival Decorations; comprising Diicctions and Designs for the suitable Deco- ration of Clnirclics, for Christmas, Easter, Whitsuntide, ami Harvest, llhistnited. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 8 P 42 Dictionary of Ncedlewcjrk. [See Caulfiei.i>, Sophia F. A.] SAWYER (Wii.i.iAM EnwAiMi). Electric Lighting by Incandescence, and its a]iplication to interior Illumina- tion. 8vo. New York, l.'^Sl. A 5 T 41 SAXBY (S. M.), R.N. Wcatlier System ; or, Lunar lutlucnc;' on Wcatlier. 8\<). Ijiiul., ISO I. ^V 3 T 37 SAXO GR A:\IMAT1CUS. Historiie Danica>, Lib. xvi. Stcph. Johan. Stejihanius rccognovit Jiotisijue lllustraxit. Sm. fol. Sora', 1044-45. B 18 11 17 X SAY (Jean Baptiste). Traito d'Economie Politi(|ue. 3 vols. 12mo. Bruxcllc-s 1827. F 2 P 10-18 Treatise on Political Economy. 2 \ols. Svo. Lond., 1S21. F 7 Q II, li SAYCE (PuoF. A. H.), ]\I..\. Archaic Classics : Elemen- tary Grannnar ; with full Syllabary and progressi\<' Reiding Book, of liic .Vs.syrian Language, in the Cuneiform Tvpr. 2im1 nl. Im)>. 8vo. Tiond. 1877. K 1 2 T 9 Ancient I'lmjiires of the liast. 1 lerodoliis I III. 8vo. J>oi.d., 1SS3. J! 1 R 19 j\ncient l'!m|iiii's of llic Must [to accompany cdilion of tlic lii-sl llii(v ll.Miks of lliToilolns.| 8vo. ', ISS|. l; II (,) 3(; Principles of ComparalJNc Piiilology. 8\(i. Lt)nd., 1874. K 12 P 29 Another copy. 3rU-te; History of the Revolt of tlie Netlicriands, to the Confederacv of the Gueux; translated by the Rev. A. J. W. Morri-son, M. A. 1 2mo. Lond., 1 866." B 7 S 10 Die siimnitlichc Werke von. Rov. 8vo. Miiiichon, 1830. H 2 U 1 Pf>ems and Ballads; translated by Sir E. Buiwer Lytton ; with SkeK-h of Schiller''- Life. 2 vols. 8\d. Kdinl)., 18-14. Jl 8 S 37, 38 I'oi'riis lit, (• pli-lc; .iiti-iiiiitiMl in I'^njilisli, liy Ivlyar .V. Ili.wriii;,'. I2mcp. Lond., l.s.")!. 1 1 .". S J CorresjMiiidence of Schiller with Kcirner; with Bio;^ra]ihi Sketches anri Notes, by Leoiiar.nd., |8s;i. ■ C 4 S 40 Life of Friwjrich Schiller (1825); F..ife of John Slerlin"; (|H.")|): Two Bir);^raphies ; by Thomas Carlyle. 8vo. l^.nd., 1S57. C 4 S 34 Hi.storicnl Works of: the Thirty YearH* War ; translated by (!. Moir. (Const. Misc.) 2 vols. 18ino. Kilinb., 1X28. K 10 y 6, 7 (iwlichte von. l8mo. Stuttgart, 1878. H 6 P 20 Comwpomlimce Vnitween Hcliiller iinrl (Joetho, front 1794 to IH05: trntiHlutetl, with Notes, by F.. Dora Selimitz. 2 voIm. 8v.i. F^.iid., 1877 79. C 4 P 34, 3.". kciilm.mi:lpi:nninck (.Mai.v .\nnk). Lif.of. F':. Bonn, 1832. K 1 R .J Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature ; translated from the German, by John Black. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1840. J 6 P 27, 28 SCHLEGEL (FiiEDEitifK vox). of Lectures on ModtTO History; to which are added. Historical Essays on the Beginning of our History, and onCa'sar and .Mexander ; translated by L. Purcell, and R. 11. Whitelotk. Syo. Lond., 1S02." B 14 P 1 Philosophy (if History, in a Course of Lectures di'liyered at Vienna; translated by .1. 15. Rcibertsuu. 2 \(iis, Svo. Lond., 1835. ' P, II S 31, :V1 Philosophy of Life, and Pliilosoi>hy of Language; in ;i ' (W S 4 translated by .) 9 U 23 Ancient and Course of Lectures. 8vo. Lond., 18G6. ./Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works of E. J. IMillington. 12mo. Lond., 1860. Lectures on the Histnry nf Fjiteraturi .MndiTii. 2 \(ils. S\,i. I'.diiih., ISIS. SCHLEGEL (H.), Ph.D. I'.ssay on the Pjiysiogn.iiny of Serjients; transiatcii liy Thomas Sirwarl 'I'r.aill, M.l>., K.P.S.K. 8v,,. Edinb., 1843. .\ 1 I (,M SCHLEICHER (Phoe. Die Km- nlereileMdiinM nf llic coiniiaraliM' Gi;iiiniiar of the Indo- Europi'an, Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin Laiigu.iges. 2 y Structura Pcnitiori. (Pani. D.) 4to. Bonnie, 1859. MJ 2 U 3 SCHULZE (Ernst). Gt)lhisclies Glo.ssar; niit ciner Yorrede, von Jacob Grimm. 4to. Magdeburg, 1847. K 13 U 8 (Jothisches Woerterbuch nobst Flexionslehre. 8vo. Ziillichau, 1867. K 12 Q 7 SCHUMACHER (CiOTTLiEis). the Jordan ; being an Exploration and Survey of part of Hauran and Jaulan. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 5 R 33 SCHUMANN (Robert). I\Iusic and Musicians : Essays and Criticisms ; translated, edited, and ainiotated by Fanny Ravmond Hitter. [1st and] 2n(l series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878 80. A 7 P 9, 10 Life and \\'orks of; Lond., 18S(;. August Reissmann. 1 2n\o. C 2 Q 45 SCHURMAN (Prof. J. (^ocld), M.A., kr. Kantian Ethics and the Ethics of Evolution: a Critical Studv. 8vo. Lond., I8SI. G 12 S l"9 SCHURMANN (Rev. C. W.) Aboriginal Tribes of Port Lincoln, in South Australia; their Mode of Life, Manners, Customs, itc. (Native Tribes of South Australia.) 8vo. .\dclaidc, IS79. SW 1 K 12 SClil'STKI! (.\RTHrii). Pit.D., fcr. On the Total Solar lOclips.'of .\|.ril li, 1875. [Scf LocKVEii, J. N.] K 1 I P 6 \ (In llic N.iluri' of ihc |'oi-,t |iro(liii'ing llic .Motion of a I toe ly exposed to the Kavs of ileal ,ind Li^lil. (Rov. Soc."l'ubs., 3.) 4t.). I>"ond., IS76. .\ I I 1* 4"t SCKUTZ (C. G.) Dorlrina (ira'ciic. \_See Hoo(ii;vi;i;N, II. | arl icularinii l/inguiie K ij r 3 S(;il rTZnNBRIUiKB (Pro:-. P.) {)„ l'rnn..nlalioii, H\o, Lond., 1S76. A 5 S :'.'.) FllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 673 Sch] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Heference. [Sco SCHUYLER (Eugene), Ph.D., kv. Peter the (ireat, Emperor of Ru.s.sia: .-i .Study of Historical r.iooraphy. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., ISSl. " C 'J P iil, 22 : Note.s of a Journey in Kus.sian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. With Map.s and Illus- trations. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1876. DCS 12, i:5 American Diplomacy. 8vo. Lond., 188G. F 4 Q -3 SCHWAB (GusTAv). Die schonsten Sagen der klassischen Alterthums. 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart,''! 8.38-40. BUR 31-33 SCHWABE (J. G. S.) Tabulw yEesopia;. [See Ph^drus, A. L.] J 13 R 31, 32 SCHWABE (Mary J. Salis). [See James, Rt. Hex. SirW. M.] B10T40 SCHWACKH(3fER (Prof. Fkaxz). Fuel and Water; with special Chapters on Heat and Steam-boilers. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A G S 10 SCHWALBE (Phof. G.) l&ee Anatomie rxD Piiysiolo- GIE.] E SCHWAP.TZMANN (H. J.) Descriptions and Ground Plans of the Buildings of the International Exhibiti(jn, Philadelphia. \_See Philadelphia Inteknat. Exhu!.] A 2 PG : SCHWARZ (C. G.) {See PANEfJvnici Veteres.] J 13 R 2.5-29 SCHWARZBACH (Dr. B.) Weak Eyes: Lecture delivered at Svdnev Protestant Hall, August 26. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. " MA 2 S 19 SCPIWATKA (FnEDERiriv). Along Alaska's Great River: a Popular Account of the Travels of the Alaska Expedition of 1883. 8vo. New York, 1883. 1) 4 (j 10 Nimrod in the North ; or. Hunting and Fishing Adven- tures in the Arctic Regions. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1885. '^ I) 4 S 37 Schwatka's Search : Sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Franklin Records. [See Gilder, W. H.] D 4 R 41 SCHWEGLER (Dr. Albert). Geschichte der Philosophie in Unriss. lO'^' auflage. Svo. Stuttgart. 1879. G3P14 SCHWEIGHAEUSER (J.) Caracteres de la Bruyere. {See La Bruyere, J. de.] {See of Naucratus.] JIGS 24-37 SCHWEINFURTH (Dr Georg). Artes African:^: Illu.s- trations and Descriptions of Productions of the Industrial Arts of Central African Tribes. (Ger. and Eng.) Imp. 4to. Leipzig, 1875. A 5 R 13 f Heart of Africa: Three Years' Travels and Adventures in the Unexplored Regions of Central Africa, 1868-71 ; translated by Ellen E. Frewer. With Illustrations. vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873. D 2 P 4, 5 SCHWENDLER (Louis). Instructions for Testing Tele- graph Lines, and the Technical Arrangements of Offices. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878-80. A 5 R 55, 56 ■1 Q SCIENCE RECORD (The) : a Compendium (,f Scientific Progiess and Discovery ; with Illustrations. Edited by Alfred E. Beach. 5 vols. Svo. New York, 1872-76. E SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (The) : an Tllustrated Journal of Art, Science, and Mechanics. 24 vols. fol. New York, 1873-85. E Supplements. ]9 vols. fol. New York, 1876-85. E SCIENTIFIC AND LEARNED SOCIETIES of Great Britain and Ireland. Year-book for 1884-85. '2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884-85. E SCIENTIFIC LAYJIAN, A. {See New Truth, The.] SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS selected from the Transaction of Foreign Academies of Science and Learned Societies, and fnmi Foreign J ournals. Edited by Richard Taylor, F.S.A. 3 vols.' 8vo Lond., 1837-11.' A 16 T 1-3 SCLATER (P. L.), M.A., kr. Monograph of the Jiicamars and Pufi'-birds; or. Families Galbulidie and Bucconid;e. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1882. A 1 Q 13 f SCOBLE (Andrew R.) Representative Government in England. {See GuizoT, F. P. G.] B 7 S 47 {See CoMMiNE.s, P. de.] B 9 P 25, 26 SCOFFERN (John), M.B. Manufacture of Sugar, in the Colonies and at Home, chemically considered. 8vo. Lond., 18i9. AGP 18 Natural History of the Inanimate Creation. {See In- vNiMATE Creation, The.] SCOFFERN (J.), M.B., and HIGGINS (AV. M.), F.G.S. Victoria Gold-valuer's Ready Reckonei- and Assayer's Chemical Guide. 12mo. Lond., 1853. MA 2 P 21 SCONCE (Rev. R. K.), B.A. Testimony of Antiquity to the Supremacy of the Holy See. Roy. Svo. Sydney, 1848. " MG1T"2 Reasons for submitting to the Catholic Church. Svo. Sydney, 1848. ' MG 1 Q 40 SCOONES (W. Baptiste). Four Centuries of English Letters ; selections from the Correspondence ot one hundred and fifty Writers, from the Period of the Paston Letters to tlie Present Day. Svo. Lond., 1880. C 3 S 39 SCORESBY (Rev. W.), D.D., kv. Whaleman's Adven- tures in the Southern Ocean, as gathered bv the Rev. H. T. Cheever. 12mo. Loml., 1850.* MD 4 P 9 Journal f)f a Voyage to Australia and round the World, for Magnetical Research ; edited bv Archibald Smith, Jl.A., ic. Svo. Lond., 1859.* " MD 5 T 1 Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery, matle in the Summer of 1822, in the ship Boffin., of Liverpool. Svo. Edinb., 1823. D4R14 Account of the Arctic Region.s ; with a History and Description of the Northern Whale Fishery. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. E 12 8 i-? SCOTCH CATHOLIC, A. {See Statk Aid yuKsriox.] SCOTCH C0LLE(;E. Scotch College for Young Liidie.s. E;istern Hill, 3Ielli(iurnc. Prospectus ; with iui Address bv the Liulv Principal, Mrs. Pousonby. 8vo. Melb., 1862. " ' MJ 2 Q 23 SCOTCHWOMAN, A. [See Burns, R.] SCOTICHKONICOX. [See Gordo.\, Rev. J. Y. S.] SCOTLAND. Tracts illustrative of the Traditionary and Historical Antiquities of Scotland. 8vo. Edinb., 18.S6. B 13 P 44 New Statistical Account of Scotland : by the Ministers of the respective Parishes. 1.") .vols. 8vo. Edinb., 184."). F 3 S 1-15 Registruin Magni Sigilli Reguin Scotoruni : the Register of the (Jreat Seal of Scotland, A. D. 1424-1546; edited by James Balfour Paul, and J. M. Thoni.son. 2 vols. iiup. 8vo. Etlinb., 1882-83. 1! 13 S 18, 19 Act-s of the Parliaments of Scotlaiul (a.d. 1124-1707). 11 voLs. fol. Lond., 1814-44. F 24 P 1-11 + Rotuli Scaccarii Reguni Scotoruni : the Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, a.d. 1 264-1460 : edited by the late John Stuart, LL.D., and (Jeorge Burnett, Lyon King of Anns. vol.K. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1878-86. 15 33 T 1-9 Register of the Prixy Council of Scotland : edited and abrirlgerl by John Hill Burton, LL.D., and Da\id .Ma.-ison, LL.I). 7 voLs. imp. 8vo. Edinl)., 1877-85. 1'. 13SS-14 The ComplayiU of Scotland, written in l-'ils. [See CoMPLAYNT OF SfOTLAXI).] I! II T 11 Papers Relative to the Regalia of Scotland. \_Scc LJax.v.vtvne Clcii.] E Statistical Account of Scotland. [See Sixclaik, Rt. Hex. SiK J.] SCOTL.VND (HiHTORiAX.s ofV 6 vols. 8v<,. Edinb., lf<71 74. B 13 P 45-50 1. .IiiliiiiiiiU clc Kiiriliiii, Clironina (icntis Scoty 1). Lniiig. VdIh. 1,2. I. .loliii »f Konliin'H Cliriiiiirlt' y W. ¥. .Skene. .">. I,ivcii of .S. Niiiiun mid .S. Keiiligern (l)y .S. Ailnd mid •locoliiie); edited liy A. 1'. Korlic«, D.C.I.. tl. I.ifc of .St. Coliuiila, l>y Ailamnnii; cilited liv W. Keevcs, 1».I). SCOTSMAN IN THE EAST (Tin:). Vol.2. Kol. Cal- cutu, \xi\. E SCOTSMEN (IJooK OK): compiled ami arranged liv .loseph Irviiijc. Xvo. Paisley, !.'<.>< 1. C1IQ7 8C0TT(A..I.), M.D. The Je.HuiU.. [S«(iKiK«isriKR, Dii.T.] SCOTT (A. ^\'.), M.A. Australian Lepidoptera and their Transformations; drawn from the Life, by Harriet and Helena Scott; with De.' English Colonies of America. 8vo. New York, 1882. F 10 P is SCOTT (E. L.) Opinions of the Attorney-General, Hon. W. B. Dalley. [See Dai.lev, Hox. W. 1!.] MF3i:i SCOTT (Georce). .Mcnioiivs ,d' Sir . lames Mrhil, of Hal Mill; containing an impartial .\cc(nnitr of tlic most Ite- markable All'airs of State. Fol. Lond., 1683. B2T12 SCOTT ((i. GiMiERT), F.S.,\. [See Scott, Sik G. <;.] SCOTT (Sii; Geokcik Gii.iii;i;t), R.A. Persorml and I'r.i fessional Kecolleelions; e'2. Biographies. 53. Paul's Letters to liis Kins- folk. ."i4. Cliivalry, Romance, and tlie Drama. .>5. Provincial Antiquities. 56-64. Life of Napoleon. 6.5-69. Periodical Criticism. 70-76. Tales of a Granilfather. 77. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. 78. Religious Discourses and Memoir of George Banna- tyne. 79-82. Border Minstrelsy. 83. Sir Tristrem. 84. The Lay of the Last .Min- strel. So. JIarmion. The Lady of the Lake. Kokeliy. The Lord of tlie Isles. The Biidal of Triennan. Dramas and Index. Life of Sir Walter by -J. G. Lockhart. 86. 87 88. 89. 90. 91-100. Scott, Poetical Works, of. 10 vols. 12mo. 1. Lay of the Last Minstrel. 2, 3. Marmion and Ballads. 4, 5. Lady of I lie Lake and Ballads. 6, 7. Rokeby and Bridal of Triermain. Edinb., 1823. H 6 P 31-40 8. Harold the Dauntless. Ro- derick and Miscellanies. 9, 10. Lord of the Isles and Miscellanies. G76 CATALOGUE OF THE Sco] Part I : — Authors, Editoi's, or Reference. [Scr SCOTT (Sir Walter), B.KnT.—contlnufd. Seci-et History of the Court of Jauies I ; with Notes. •2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1811. B G P G, 7 Wavcrley Anecdotes, illustrative of the Inei,nd., 1879. C 1 i: 28 Memoir of Sir R. Siuller. {See Sadlkk, Sik R.] B 12 V 26, 27 David Rit<'liie, the Tjriginal of Sir W. Scott's Black Dwarf. [See CiiAMiiKu.'i, \\ .] C 2 tj 38 .M.-nioir-s of the Lift! of; by ,J. C. L.ckliarl. I vols. Svo. End., 1832-3.">. K I T I.;, II Life of John Dryden. [See Duvdhn. J.] \\ 2 R 12-29 Coliedi..:, i.f A,-^,y,;. .ipid Valuable Tracl.s. [See SoMKHS, !'"»!" I B 2 U 17-29 HCDTT (Wai.tkii), M.A. IVagmenta iri'rculanensi. Dcs- vn\,l'\\r. VnUiXtmna of the Oxfonl CopieH of the Her- etilniienn UoIIh ; toKcllior with the Text of HSS1.«' M F 3 Q GO Australian 1 »cl'cnii". and New (luinc i; compiled from the Papers of the lati' Major-t Irneial I'eter Sci'alclihn', li.l';.. K.G.M.ti., by C. Kin'ineh Cooke, l!.A., kv. 8vo. l-r.nd., 1887.* MF 1 li ;i SCRIi'.NER (C.), AM) SONS. Seribner's Sl.Uislieal .\tl,is of the I'nited States, showing liv gra|ilii<' methods, their I' (..'ondition, and their I'olitieal, Social, and Indus- Develo]>nienl, by l'\ \V. Hewes, .niil II. Ga II. liiiv. fol. New York, 1S,S3. I) s 1' 'S \ FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 677 Scr] Part I : — Atithors, Editors, or Beference. [Sed SGRTPTORES EROTTCI GR^CI ; curante Christ. Guil. Mitsfherlicli. ;! vuls. 8vo. Biponti, 1792-94. J IG U 21-23 1. Achillis Tiitii Alcxandriiii de Clitoplionti.s et Leucippea Aiuoiilms liliri VIII. (Jriiecc ei Latino. 2. Helidoii Aethiopicoruiu ; libii X. Graecc ct Latino. 3. Longi Pastoraliuni ile Daplmide ct Chloe ; libri :v. firaece et Latino; acoodunt XcniipliDnti.s Epliesiacoruni do Anioi'ibua Anthiae ot Abrocaniae ; libri v. SCRIPTORES ROMANI, sive, selecta ex Cicerone, Livio, Tacito, Vellcio Paterculo, Quiiictiliano, et Plinio. 8vo. Etonre, 1804. J 13 T 35 SCROPE (G. Poclett), M.P. Memoir of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Chas. Lord iSydenliain, G.C.B. ; with a Narra- tive of his Administration in Canada. Edited by his Brother. 8vo. Lond., 1813. C lO'P 30 The Geology and Extinct Volcanoes of Central France. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lund., 18.58. A 9 R 7 SCROPE (William), F.L.S. Art of Deer-stalking. Ilhis- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1838. A 17 W 18 Days and Nights of Salmon-fishing in the Tweed; with a short Account of the Natural History and Haljits of the Salmon. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1843. A 17 W 43 SCRUTATOR. [See Austualian Racing Calendar.] SCRUTTON (Thomas Edwahd), M.A., etc. Laws of Copyright : an Examination of tlie Principles which should regulate Literary and Artistic Property in Eng- land and other Countries. 8vo. Lond., 1883. F6U31 Land in Fetters. 8vo. Camb., 188G. F 4 Q 18 Influence of Roman Law on tlie Law of England. 8vo. Camk, 188.5. F 4^Q 12 SCUDDER (Horace E.) Noah Webster. (American Men of Letters). 12mo. Lond., 1882. C 1 R 41 Life anfl Letters of Bayard-Taylcjr. [_Sce Tavlou, Mary Hanson.] SCUDDER (Samuel H.) Catalogue of Scientific Serials of all Countries, including the Transactions of learned Societies in the Natural, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 1633-1876. Roy. 8vo. Cambridge, U.S., 1879. k 8 P 19 A 15 Q 17 [See Harris, T. W.] SCULPTURE. Selection of Sixty Subjects, from the Works of the best Ancient and Modern Sculptors. Imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 8 T 9 SCYLITZA (Jo.) [See Bvzantinae Hist. Script,] SEABROKE (G. M.), F.R.A.S. Spectroscopic Observa- tions (llstiic Sun. [See Lockyer, J. N.] A 11 P 3 f SEABURY (Rt. Rev. Samuel), Bishop of Con- necticut. Life and Correspondence of ; by E. Edwards Beardslcy, LL.D. 8vo. Boston, 1881. C 5 S 28 SEACOLE (Mrs. Mary). Wonderful Adventures in Many Lands; edited by W. J. S[eacole]. 12nio. Lond., 1857. C13P7 SEAFIELD (Frank), M.A. Literature and Curiosities of Dreams. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1865. G 10 R 37, 38 SEALE (Robert F.) Geognosy of the Island of St. Helena, illustrated in a Series of Views, Plans, and SectioiLs. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1834. A 23 R 20 J SEARING (A. E. P.) The Land of Rip van Winkle: a Tour through the Romantic Parts of the Catskills — its Legends and Traditions. With Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1884. D 3 V 21 SEARLE ((t. S.) Mount and Morris exonerated : a Nar- rative of the Voyage of the Brig Carl, in 1871. 8vo. Melb., 1875. MD 1 U 21 SEARLE (GEORCiE). Trial of. [See Piggoreet Murder, The.] MF 2 S 1 SEATON (A. E.) Manual of Marine Engineering; com- prising the Designing, Construction, and Working of Marine Machinery. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 6'T 9 SEAWARD (Sir E.) Narrative of. [See Pouter, Miss Jane.] SEBASTIAN (King op Portugal). Married Life of Anne of Austria and Don Sebastian, King of Portugal ; )jy Martha W. Freer. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1864. C 1 V 10, 11 SEBERT (H.) Notice sur les Bois de la Nouvelle Cale- donie. Suivic do Considerations gcnerales sur les Pro- prictes mccaniquos des Bois et sur les Procotles employes ])our les mesurci'. Partio descriptive en commun avec M. Rancher. 8vo. Paris, 1874. MA 1 Q 34 SECOND MAIDEN'S TRAGEDY (The). 8vo. Lond., 1824. H 1 R 13 Another copy. H 1 R 15 SECOND THOUGHTS (Solo.mon). [See Kennedy, J. P.] SECONDARY PUNISHMENT. Reports from the Select Committee on Secondary Punishments. (Pari. Doc, 3.) Fol. Lond., 1831-32. MF 4 t Sectindary Punishments discussed ; by " An Emi- grant of 1821. [See Williams, William.] Copies of Correspondence between the. Secretary of State and the Governor of New Soutli Wales and Van DiiMiien's Land, on the subject of Secondary Punishment. (Pari. Doc, 29.) Fol. Lond., 1841. MF 4 • SEDDALL (Rev. Henry), B.A., kc. Malta, Past and Present ; being a History of Malta from the days of the Phicnicians to the present time. 8vo. Lond., 1870. B 11 U43 SEDDON (Hannah). Sermon after the Funeral of. [See Perry, Rt. Rev. C] MG 1 Q 39 678 CATALOGUE OF THE Sedl Part I : — AuthorSy Editors, or Meference. [Sel SEDDON (Col. H. C.) Buiklei's' Work, and the Build- ing Tnules. Buy. 8vo. Lond., 1S8G. A 11 V 12 SEDGWICK (Prof. Adam), M.A. Di.seomse on the Studies of the University. 2iul ed. 8v(>. Camh., 1S34. G17P9 Another copy. 4th ed. 8vo. Canib., 183."). CITPIO SEDGWICK (A.) Textbook of Zoology. [S« Claus, Dr. C] A U 8 l.'^, 16 SEDGWICK (Mis.s C. M.) Letters from Abroad to Kindretl at Home. 2 vols. 8vo. Load., 1841. I) 9 Q 5, C SEDULIUS (Caius Caelius). Opera omnia. [See Jt'VEKcus, C. V. AJ SEEBOHM (Frederic). English Village Community; e.xumined in its relations to the manorial and tribal Systems and to the common or open field System of Husbandry : an E.ssay. 8v.>. Lond., 188;?. 'B 3 T 10 0.\ford Reformers : John Colet, Erasmus, and Thomas More. 8vo. Lond.. 1869. (J 12 R 6 SEEBOH^r (IIexuv), F.L.S., itc. Siberia iu Europe : a Visit to the Valley of the Petdiora, in Xordi-east Russia ; with Descriptions of the Natural History, Migration of Birds, itc. 8vo. Lond., 188U. I) 9 P 12 Sii)eria in Asia: a Visit to the Valley of the Yene.say in Ejist Siberi.'i. With Illustrations. 8vii. Lond., 1882. DO K 22 Histoi-y f>f British Birds : with Coloured Illustrations of their Eggs. 4 vols, (with Plates) 8vo. Load., 188.3-8.'). A i:', V 31-34 SEELEY (Prof. H. G.) Fresh-water Fi.shcs of Kurope : a Histfiry of their Genera, S]ieeies, Structure, Habits and Distribution. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1880. Al.iL'39 .Manual of Geology. [&e PiiiLl.iP.s, .J.] A '.I K 31, 32 SKELEY (PuoF. J. R.), M.A., kc. E.xpansi.m of Eng- lanri. Two Courses of L>cliires and Essays. 8vo. T.>,nd., |8,«|, C 4 T 2 SEELEY (RonERT Bentox). Essays on the Cluireh, 1840; by "A Layman.' 12mo. Lond.^ 1840. G 9 Q 28 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Michael Thomas Sadler, Esq., M.P., ite. 8vo. Lond., 1812. C 9 P 39 SEELHORST (Geohc;), Dr. Ph. Australien in seinen Weltausstellung.sjahren, 1879-81. 8vo. Augsburg, 1882. MD;-) T 32 SEEMANN (Bertiiold), Ph.D., kc. Botany of the Voyage of H.M.S. ll.rtihl, 184.5-51. Roy. 4to. Lond., 18.52-.J7. A 1 S 1 1 t Flora Vitiensis: a De'^orijitinn of tlie Plants of the Viti or Fiji Islands: with an Account of their History, Uses, and Pioperties. With Plates. Roy. 4to. Load., 1805-73. MA 1 Q 5 t Narrative of the Voyage of H.^M.S. Jfi-rahJ, during the years 1845-51, under the connnaud of Capt. Heniy Kellet, R.N., C.B., and Three in search of Sir John Franklin. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. 1) 10 S 2, 3 Viti: aa Account of a Government Mission to the Vitian or Fijian Islands, in the yeai-s 1800-61. 8yo. Camb., 1862.* :\n) 4 V 4 [-See PKiTciiAiio, W. T.] SE(!.\R (Sii; Wii.mam). Original In.stitutions of the Piinccly Orders of Collars. Koy. 8yo. Edinb., 1823. K10T24 SEGUIN (Joseph). La Dentelhv Ilistoire, Description. F^al^rication, liibliographie. I'nl. Paris, 1875. A I l' 19| SEGUIN (L. G.) Pictures(iue Tour in Picturesque Lands: France, Spain, Geraiany, Swit/ei'land, Holland, Belgium, Tyrol, Italy, Scandinavia. Imp. llo. Lond., 1881. 1) 38 P 11 f Rural England : Loiterings along the Lanes, tlie Counnon- .sides, and the Meadnw-paths : with Peeps into the Halls, Farni.s, and Cottai^cK. With llluserations. lAil. rioiul., 1881. D38P12 3; SK(!UR (LoiTis Philippk), ('o\n'E he. ^lemoires. \_See BAuiiiiiuK, J. F., 19, 20. 1 SEGUR (PAi-r, I'lm.tppi;), Comti; de. History of the Ex- ]ieditinii l(j Kussia, uiideiM.nkeii l)V the l''iii|ieriir Najioleon, 1812. 2 vnN. j-.'in... ls:;i;. I! 12 T 19, 20 SKIS.MOLOGICAL SOCIKTY OF JAPAN. Trans- actions of. Vols. 1-5. 8vo. Tokio, 1880-83. V. SKM'.ORNE (Roi\i>Ki,i, Palmer), Karl or. A Defen.e of the Cluirch of England .-igainst Disestablislmienl. 8\(). I I.. 1886. ' ' (! 7 S 17 [See AVnrrE, G .\ V 6 SELI'.Y (I'RiDEAix John), I'.LS., kc. Hi.slory of i'.ritisli lAirest ( rees, I ndigeimus and Introduced. 8\d. Lond., ISlL'. A ] S 38 I llust rations of IJriti^li l (riiiliiolnys : Land llirils. Water' Birds. 2 voIn. 8vo. [".dinlp.. |8:!:i. A II S 52, 5.3 IMal. Ilo the alpo\c ols. el. lol. 1811. .\. 10 EREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. Sel] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. 679 [Sen SELBY (Prideaux John), F.L.S., kc—contimied. Nntui-iil Histdiy of P;irnils. (Nat. Lilj., (J.) 12irici. ivlinli., l,s;;(). ■ A U P Natiiriil History of Pigc^oiis. (Nat. Lib., •").) ll-'iuo. K(li)il)., 1835. ' A 14 P 5 \_Sec Jaudine, Hii; W.] SELDEN (Joiix). History of Tythcs. Sra. tto. LoiuL, 1618. ' ' {\ 13 R 42 Titles of Honor. Sin. fol. L.)iid., 1G31. K 17 Q 22 J Table-talk : Discoure.s relating especially to Religion and State; editefl by R. Mihvard 12in('i. Ediiil)., 1811). J 10 P 32 Table-talk, 1689 ; carefully edited by Edward Arber, E.iS.A., F.R.(4.S., kc. Large paper edition. (English Reprints). Sm. 4to. Lond., 1869. J 12 V 9 IMcuioirs of John Seldcn, and Notices of the Politica Contest during his time ; bv George W. John.son. 8vo- Lond., 1835. '' ' " C 9 V 31 Ti'acts : Jani Anglorum Facies Altera ; England's Epi- norais; Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions of Testaments; Intes- tates Goods; translated by R. Westcot. Fol. Lond., 1683. P. 2 T 45 SELECTOR'S GUIDE ; Ijcing iui Explanation of the Sy.s- teni of Alienating and Leasing Crown Lands in Queens- land. October, 1883. 8vo. Brisbane, 1883.* MF 2 P 32 SELIS (Nicolas Joseph). Le Prince Dcsir^' \_See Cauixet DEs Fees, 35.] SELKIRK (Alexander). Account of. \_See. RofiERS, Capt. AV.] SELKIRK (Rev. James). Reccjllections of Ceylon, after a Residence of nearly Thirty Years. 8vo. Loud., 1844. D 5 T 23 SELL (Rev. Edward). B.D., kc. Faith of Islam. 8vo. Lond., 1880. G 12 Q 25 SELLAR (Thomas). Sutherland Evictions of 1. si 4. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1883. F 4 R 14 SELLAR (Prof. William Young), jM.A., kc. Roman Poets of the Augustan Age : Virgil. (Clar. Press.) 8vo Oxford, 1877. '^ J 3 T 3 Roman Poets of the Republic. New ed. (Clar. Press.) .Svo. Oxf.ird, 1881. J 3 T 4 SELOUS (Frederick Courteney). A Hunter's Wan- derings in Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 2 R 16 SELWYN (Alfred R. C), and ULRICH (George H. F.) Intercolonial Exhibition E.s.says : Notes on the Physical (ieography, Geology, and Mineralogy of Victoria. 8vo. Melk, 1866. " ' MA 2 Q 35 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1866. MF 1 Q 15 North America. [_See Hayden, Prof. F. V.] D 3 P 61 SELWYN (A. R. C), and DAWSON (G. M.) Descriptive Sketi;!) of the Physical (Jeography of the Dominion iii Canada. .Svo, Montreal, b A9T4 Sl'^LWYN (C. J. and L. F.) Annals of the Diocese of' New Zealand. 12ino. Lond., IS 17.* M 15 1 P 8 SELWYN (George). (Jeorge Selwyn and his Contempo- raries; with Memoirs and Notes, by J. H. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843-44. C 9 T 30-33 SEMPER (Di!. Karl). Reisen im Arcliipel derPhilippinen. 2"' Thiel. Wis.senschaftlicho Resultate. 5 vol.s. (in 9) 4to. Leipzig, 1867-86. A 9 Q 1-9 t Die Palau-Inseln im Stillen Ocean. Reiseerlebiiisse. Svo. Leipzig, 1873.* MD 1 U 10 Natural Conditions of Existence as they adect Animal Life. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 14 Q 59 SEMPILL (Sir James, Robert, and Francis). Poems of the Senijiills, of Beltrces ; now first collected, with Notes and Biographical Notices of their Lives, by James Paterson. 8vo. Edinb., 1849. H 7 Q 22 SEMPILL (John). (Jolden Sovereigns for the Squatters, Graziers, Free-.selectors, Farmer.s, kc; by "C[ornstalk] et et.A[lpha]." 8vo. Maitland, 1882. MF 3 Q 24 SENECA (Lucius Seneca's ISIorals, by way of Abstract; to which is added, a Discourse under the Title of "An After-Thought," by Sir Roger L'E.strange, Knt. 1.3th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1729. " G 2 P 13 Another copy. Kith ed. Svo. Lond., 1756. (4 14 P 10 G^uvres completes de SentMpie, Ic Philoso{)he ; avec la Traduction en Francais. Imp. Svo. Pari.s, 1869. J 15 V 5 "SN'orkes of ; newly inlarged and corrected, Ijy Thrmias Lodge, D.M.P. 'FoI. Lral of New Zi'iUand to Rt. Hon. Lord Lytteltou. 8vo. Loud., ISO 4. MU2T11 SEWELL (.1. W.) The " S,„nerselsliire Sea Pie"; a Weekly Newsp.apei-, written on board the s.s. Sotiifrset- .iliiri; f)n her Voyage from Jlelbouriu' to London. 8vo. LmmiI., INTii. " ' .11 Q 1 SEWELL (liifiiARD Clmjke), D.C.L., .tc. Legal Educa- tion : an lnaui;ural Lecture (ju the Study of the Law. 8vo. .Mrlb., 1S.-.7. " MJ 2 R 7 S|ici'cli of, in defence of (Veorge CJiambcrlain and WilHani .\rnistrong, chai-ged with shooting with intent to inui'diM' William (iieeii, iiiouiitrd i-onstalile, at. Onii'o. Svo. .Melb., 1851). MF 1 Q 5 SHWKLL (HonEHT), R.A.S., .tr. Report on tli<' Amaravati Tope, and Kxeavation.s on its site in |S77. Ini. (to. Lond., ISSO. l; 17 S i:i I SKWKLli (William). Odi's and I'-imd,- ,,f lloiaee. [See HoKvnis Flacc'I'm, Q. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 681 Sey] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Sha SEYD (Ehnest), F.S.S. Docline of Prosperity : its Insi- dious Cause and 01)vious Remedy. Sm. fol. Lond., 1879. ' F .3 P 20 t California and its Resources : a Work for the Merchant, the CapitaHst, and the Emigrant. 8vo. Lond., 1858. D 3 T 42 SEYFFERTTTZ (Kadl von). Tirol und Voralljerg. [See UxsEB Vaterland] D 3iS P 18 J SEYMEU (G. J.) Romance of Ancient History : Eiiypt. 2 vols. 8\o. Lond., 1831. J io R 29, 30 SEYMOUR (H. D.) Russia on the Black Sea and Sea of Azof; being a Narrative of Travels in the Crimea, itc. 8vo. Lond., 1855. D 6 U 25 SEYMOUR (Rev. M. Hobart), M.A. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. Ith ed. 8vo. Lond., 1851. a 2 P ] 8 Pilgrimage to Rome. 8vo. Lond., 1851. D 7 Q 19 SEYMOUR (Robert). Seymour's Humorous Sketches; comprising eighty-six Caricature Etcliings, ilkistrated in Prose and Verse, by Alfred Crowipiill [A. H. Forrester.] Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1872. J 7 U 2 SFORZA (Frantesco Alessaxdro). Duke of Milan. \_See Milan, F. A. Sforza, Duke of.] SGANZIN (M. I.) Elementary Course of Civil Engineering. 8vo. Boston, 1828. 'a 6 T 12 SHADBOLT (Sydney H.) Afghan Campaigns of 1878-80: Historical and Biographical Di\isions ; with Portraits and Notices of Officers. 2 vols. Ito. Lond., 1882. B 17R 10, 11 : SHADES OF MEMORY. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) ]MH 1 S 19 SHADWELL (Vice-Adm. Sir Charles), K.C.B., etc. Con- tribution to Terrestrial Magnetism. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 4.) •Ito. Lond., 1877. A 11 P 5 t SHADWELL (Charles). The Fair Quaker of Deal ; or, the Humours of the Navy : a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1791. H 2 P 36 SHADWELL (Charles Lancelot), B.C.L. Select Titles from the Digest of Justinian. [_Sce Justinianus.J SHADWELL (J. E. L.), M.A. Golden Treasury of Greek Prose. [_See Wright, R. S.] SHADWELL (John Lancelot). System of Political Economy. 8vo. Lond., 1877. F 4 Q 13 SHADWELL (Lieut.-Gen. Lawrence), C.B. Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1881. C 10 T G, 7 SHADWELL (Thomas). Dramatic Works of. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1720. H3 P 24-27 4 u SHAFTESBURY (Anthony Arhlev Cooper), Earl of. Life of ; by B. 3Iartyn and Dr. Kippis. Edited by G. W. Cooke. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 183G. C 8 P 43, 44 Life of; by H. D. Traill. (English Worthies.) 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 2 T 35 SHAFTESBURY (Rt. Hon. Anthony Ashley Cooper), Third Earl of. Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. 5th cd. 3 vols. 8vo. Birmingham, 1773. G 15 T lG-18 SHAFTESBURY (Anthony Ashley Cooper), Seventh Eaul of. Life and Work of ; by Edwin Hodder. With Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo. Loiul., 'l88G. C 8 P 45-47 SHAIRP (John Campbell), LL.D. Aspects of Poetry; being Lectures delivered at Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1881. J 5 R 33 Burns. (Eng. Men of Letts.) Svo. Lond., 1879. ClUG SHAKESPEARE (William). All s Well that Ends Well : a Comedy. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1S29. H2Q11 Animal-lore of Shakespeare's Time. [See Phipsox, Emma.] Annals of the Life and Works of; cf)llected from the most recent authoi'ities, by J. C. 8vo. Lond., 188G. C 4 S 43 Antony and Cleopatra : a Historical Play. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 4 As You Like it: a Comedj-. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 3 The Authorship of Shakespeare. [See Holmes, N.] Bacoii, not Shakespeare. [See Thomson, AV.] MH 1 S 21 Bililiograpliv (jf the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy. [See Wvman, W. H.] K 17 Q 25 Biography of. [See La.maetine, A. de.] C 5 S 11, 12 Brief Hand-list of the Collections respecting the Life and Works of Shakespeare, and the History and Antiquities fo Stratford-upon-Avon. [See Halliwell- Phillipps, J. O.] Catalogue of the Works of AV. Shakespeare in the Barton Collection of the Boston Public Library. [See Hubbard, J. M.] K 9 P 5 t Characters of Shakspeare's Plays. [See Hazlitt, A\'.] Chronicle History of the Life and Work of AVilliam Shakespeare, Player, Poet, and Plav-makcr; by F. (i. Fleay. Svo. Lond., 188G. " " C 9 R 28 Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of ; edited by Charles Knistht. 1842-46. 2nd ed. 1: 8vo. Lond., H 3 R 1-12 The Comedy of Errors. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. " H 1 P 1 Commentaries on the Historical Plavs of Shak.speare. [See Couhtenay, T. P.] Complete Concordance to. [See Clarke, Mrs. C] 683 CATALOGUE OE THE Sha] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Sha .SHAKESPEARE {\\ i\.i.i.Kyi)—coiitiw(ed. CV>niplete Works of : with a ^Meiuoir of tlie Author, by the Rev. "SV. Harness. Roy. t.] 1! IS Til \ Illustration.s (^f Sliakespciirc. [See Douci;, F.] IlhistnitioriH of the Life of Sliake.sjieai'e, in a ili.scurNiv(! series of E.s.Hiiys on a variety of subjects connected with the Personal and Literary History of llie(!real. l)rHniatist : by.J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps. Fol. Lmd., |87(. C 1 W 2.') Index to Shuke.spcuriiin Thought. [See Akxoi.d, C] Inf|uiry into tlie genuinnncxs of the MS. Coi-n^ctions in -Mr. .1. P. Collier's annotated Sliake.Mj)eare Folio, 1G23, [Su Hamilton, N. E. S. A.] Julius Cft-wir: II Tragedy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. l/ond., If^OS. H 1 P I King Henry iv (tin' Part): a Historiciil Phiv. (iJrit. Tliwilre.) 12nio. Luid., 1808. II I |''2 King Henry IV (tin- Second Part): a HiMtoiical Plav. (Brit. Theatre.) I,.ind., |X08. || j I'J SHAKESPEARE (William)— contintW. Kini; Henry V : a Historical Plav. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. ■ H 1 P 2 King Henry viii : a Historical Play. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Liniiliii//itiiii ). Fol. Lond., 1G23. " ■ ■ Libr. .Much .\(|ii about, Notliing: a Couirdy. (i'.ril. Tlie;itre.) 12mo. l.nnd., ISdS. ■ II 1 P 2 N. Marsh, Manchester. Sm. 4to. Lond., 18G4. H 2 U 25 SHAKESPEARE (William) ^continued. Romeo and Juliet: a Tragedy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P 1 Select Plays: The Merchant of Venice; King Richard ll; and Macbeth ; edited by W. G. Clark, M.A., and W. A. Wright, M.A. (Clar. Press.) 3 vols, (in 1). 12m.i. Oxford, 1874-7G. H 2 Q 38 Shakespeare and Classical Antiquity. \_See Stapfek, Prof. P. [ Shakespeare and his Times, including a Biography of the Poet; by Nathan Drake, M.D. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1817. C4W35, 30 Shake.spearc and the Emblem Writers. [See Green, H.] Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist. [See Moulton, R. C!.] Shakespeare Commentaries. [See G'ervinus, Prof. G. G.] Shakespeare from an American Point of View ; including an Inquiry as to his Religious Faith and his Knowledge of Law-, v.-ith the Baconian Theory considered, by George Wilkes. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 9 R 23 Shakespeare; his Life, Art, and Characters; with an Historical Sketch of the Origin and Growth of the Drama in England, by the Rev. H. N. Hudson. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1872. C 3 Q 48, 49 Shakespeare in Romance, i<:c. [See Thom.son. W.] MH 1 S 21 Shake.speare ; edited Jjy W. Carew Hazlitt. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 18G4. ' " J G Q 5-7 The Shakespeare Key. [See Clarke, Charles and Mary Cowden.] Shakespeare not Bacon: by J. S. (Newspaper Cutting.) 8vo. Melb., 1881. MH 1 S 21 Shake.speare-Notes. [See Leo, F. A.] Shakespeare, the Man ;ind the Book; being a Collection of occasional Papers on the Baixl and his Writings, by C. M. Ingleby, M.A., LL.D., 1-c. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1877-81.' C 9 R 24, 25 Shakespeare Phrase-bo(jk. [See Bartlett, J.] Shakespearean Scenes and Characters. [See Brereton, A.] H 3 P 27 t Shake.speare's Liln-ary: a Collection of the Plays, Ro- mances, Novels, Poems, and Histories employed by Shake- .speare in the composition of his Works; with Introductions andNotes. 2nded. 6vols.8vo. Lond.,1875. H 2 Q 32-37 Shakespeare's Miidchen und Frauen. [See Heine, H.] Sliakespeare's Plutarch ; being a Selection from the Lives in North's Plutarch, which illustrate Shakespeare's Plays; edited by the Rev. Walter AV. Skeat, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1875. C 4 Q 29 Shakespeare's Tapestry woven in Verse. [See Hawkey, C] Shakespearian Dictionary. [See Dolby, T.] Shakespear's Centurie of Prayse. [See Ingleby, C. M.] H 6 S 30 Shakesperian Grammar. \Ste Abeott, E. A.] K 11 U 17 684 CATALOGUE OF THE Sha] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Sha SHAKESPEARE (William)— ro^fini.w/. Shakspe.xrc aud liis Friends. [See Williams, Pdof. R. F.] Shakspeare on Temperance : with hrief Annotations select«l by Fredk. .Sherlock. Svo. Lond.,1883. H 1 R 22 Shakspeare's Garden of Girls. [See Elliott, Mits. M. L.] Shakspere: a Critical Studv of his Mind and Art; l)v Edward Dowden, LL.D. 8v(). Lond., 1875. C 16 R 1 Shakspere s Memorial. [See TAr;G, W.] MH 1 R 43 Shakspere's Predecessors in the English Drama. [See Symoxds, J. A.] Sonnets of; edited by Edward Dowden. Svo. Lond., 1881. H 7 R 11 Sonnets of: edited by Edward Dowden. (Parchment Series.) 12mo. Loud., 1881. H 7 P 25 Sti-atford-on-A\on, from the Earliest Times to the Death of William Shakespeare. [See Lee, S. L.J B 15 T 11 + Studies in Shakespeare. [See White, R. G.] Study of Shakespeare. [See Swixdurxe, A. C] Sy.stem of Shakespeare's Dramas. [See Sxideij, D. J.] Tales from Shakespeare. [See Lamb, C. and M.] Taming of the Shrew; or, Katherine and Petiucliio: a Coniedv. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Loixd., 1-^20. " H 2 Q 1 1 Teatro di Shakspeare; scelto e tradotto in Versi, da Giulio Carcano. i" ed. Roy. 8vo. Napoli, 188.'3. II 2 U 11 The Tempest; or, the Enchanted Island: a I'lav. 12mo. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. ' H 1 P 5 Te.xt of Sliakespeare vindicated from the Interpolations and Corruptions advocated by J . P. Ct)llior. [See Sincek, S. W.] Tragedie of ILualct, Prince of Denmarko : a Study witli the Te.xt of the Folio of 1G23; by George Macdonaki. 8vo. L«jnd., 1885. H 3 y IG Tragedy of Hamlet; edited by Karl Elze. ]{oy. Svo. Lond., 1HS2. JI 2 U 12 Twelfth Night; <,r, What you Will: a Comedy. (Brit. Theatre.) I2nio. Load., 1808. "HIPo The Two (ienllr-nien of Verona: a Comedy, (Cumber- hmd'.t Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. I.^)nd., 1S2!)." 11 2 Q 11 The Winter's Tale: a Play. (I!ril. Theatre.) 12mo. I>md., 180S. H 1 P 3 Works of. The Text revi.sed by tiu? Rev. Alexander Dyer; G vols. 8vo. F^.n.!., Is57". H 3 Q 18-23 Works of Sliak.spear ; in six IJooks; edited l)y Sir Thoiii,-i.s Hanmer. 2nd ed. C vols. roy. Ito. Oxford, 1771. H 3Q LG t HHAKESPK.VUK MKMOHLM, 1.1 l;i;.\ i; V. ' .SV, P.ii:- MINiillAM FlIKK rjllllAltlKS.] S 11 .\ K i;si'KA RK SOCIETY. Publication.s of. 22 vols. ttvo. LoMfi.. i«n-4G. !•; SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY (Nkw). TranHaetionH and J'uljlicationH of. 23 vols. 8vo. Lonrl., 1871-HI. E SHALER (Nathaniel Soutiicate), and DAVIS (William Morhis). Illustrations of the Earth's Surface : Glaciers. Imp. Ito. Boston, 1881. A 23 R 10 ■ SHALLARD (J. T.) [See Clarson, Siiallakd, A- Co.] SHANGHAI LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SO- CIETY''. [See Royal Asi.\tic Society, North China Branch.] SHANNON (Charles). The Y\)uthful Queen: a Comedy. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 10 SHARF (G.) [See Costumes Fran^ais.] A 7 P 26 SHARP (Rev. Canon William Hey), M.A. How does the Theory of Evolution bear upon Religious Belief ? a Lecture. [See Christian Evidence Society.] SHARP (James A.) New Gazetteer : or, Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands ami Narrow Seas. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1852. D 11 T 2, 3 SHARP (John), D.D., Lord Archbishop of Y''ork. Life of; colh'cted from his Diary, Letters, and several other authentic Testimonies by his Son, Thomas Sharp, D.D. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1825. C 9 U 36, 37 SHARP (Peter). Flax, Tow, ami Jute-.spinning: a Hand- book. Svo. Dundee, 1882. A 1 1 tj 1 SHARP (Thomas), D.D. Life of John Sharp, D.D., Lord Archbishop of Y''ork : collected from his Diary, Letters, and several other authentic Testimonies, by his Son. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1825. C 9 U 3G, 37 The Rubric in the Book of Cimnnon I'rayer, and the Canons of tlic t'luuvh of England, considered. • Svo. Lond., 1787. G 12 P 8 SHARP- AY'RES (Mrs. H. M. E.) [See Ayhes, Mrs. H. M. E. Sharp-.] SHARPE (Charles Kii;k Patrick). Ballad-book, 1823 ; reprinte. Svo. ICdiiil)., 18SU. " il 8 V G SlIAKI'K (Ki:v. John), U.A. Moiunnenta Ifistorica l!ri- tannica. [See Petrik, II.] Jill T 18 J SHARPE (R. BowDLUu). Birds cf South Africa. [See La yard, K. L.] A 13 V 7 SHARPH (Reoinalo), D.C.L Calendar of Letters from tlio Mav(U' Corporation of the City of London, circa a. D. 1350-70. Roy. 8\,). Lnnd., ISS5. P. 5 V 1 SII.\I!T1'' (Sami el). Al(!xan(hlan Chionology, from the I'.iiildiiiv' of llie City till its Con(|Uest by the Aralis, A.D. |,n|,. 8vo. Lond., 1857. U II Q I \ ItiidlMiciils of a Vocabulai'v of Egv[itian 1 ilrroglyjihics. Roy. S\o Lond., 1837. \\ 16 R 37 PEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. SYDNEY. 685 Sha] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [She SHARPE (William), M.D., kv. The Conqueror's Dream, and other Poems. 2iide(l. 12mo. Lond., 1879. H 7 U 24 Tlie Cause of Colour among Races, and the Evolution of Physical Beauty. 12mo. Lond., 1879. A 1 V 10 SHARPE (William). Sharpe's Crests of the Nobility and Gentry, designed and etclied for the use of Herald Painters and Engravers, -tto. Lond. (n.d.) K 10 V G SHARPE'S LONDON MAGAZINE, 1845-47. 4 vols. 8vo. Lo;id., 1846-47. J 9 V 15-18 SHARPE Y (W. Dr. J.] Elements of Anatomy. [^See QuAi>f, Libr. SHATTUCK (Lemuel). History of the Town of Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1835. B 1 U 16 SHAW (Ale.xander). Narrative of the Discoveries of Sir Charles Bell in the Nervous System. 8vo. Lend., 1839. A 1-2 R 18 SHAW (C. W.) The Kitchen and Market Garden. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. A 17 Q 61 SHAW (Eyre M.) Fire Protection: a complete Manual of the Organization, Machinery, Discipline, and General Working of the Fire Brigade of Lond(.)n. Svo. Lond., 1876. A 11 R 13 SHAW (George), M.D., kc. Zoological Lectures, delivered at the Royal Institution, in the years 1806-7. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1809. A 13 T 29, 30 Zoology of New Holland ; by George Shaw, M.D., F.R.S., (tc. The Figures by James Sowerby, F.L.8. Vol. 1. (All2>iMished.) 4to. Lond., 1794. MA 1 Q 22 t SHAW (George), M.D., kc, and STEPHENS (James Francis), F.L.S., kc. General Zoology ; or. Systematic Natural History. 14 vols, (in 28), roy. Svo. Lond., 1800-26. A 13 T 1-28 SHAAV (George A.), F.Z.S. Madagascar and France ; with some Account of the Island, its People its Resources, and Development. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1885. D 1 T 32 SHAW (George J.) Brisbane Directory and Squatters' Guide, 1876. Svo. Brisbane, 1875. ilE 3 U SHAW (Henry), F.S.A. Illuminated Ornaments, selected from Manuscripts and early printed IjooIcs ; di-awn and engraved by Henry Shaw, F.S.A,, with Descriptions Ijy Sir Frederic Madden, K.H., F.R.S., kc. Fol. Lond., 1833. A 4 U 10 + Specimens of Tile Pavements ; drawn from existing authorities. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1858. A 2 U 35 Encyclopifidia of Ornament. 4to. Lond., 1842. A 2 U 12 Dresses and Decorations of the INIiddle Ages. i'ols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1858. A 8 U 18, 19 SHAW (Henry). Report of Irish State Trials 1814. ^^^o. Dublin (n.d.) F 4 Q 23 SHAW (John), M.D., kc. Tramp to the Diggings ; being Notes of a Ramble in Australia and New Zealand, in 1852. Svo. Lond., 1852.* MD 1 R 3 Gallop to the Antipodes, returning overland through India. Svo. Lond., 1858.* MD 1 R 5 SHAW (.Ioiin). Typical Australians: a Lecture delivered at the Mechanics' Institute. (Paiii. C.) Roy. Svo. Yass, 1872. MJ 2 S 1 SHAW (Robert). Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashghar (fcn-merly Chinese Tartary), and return Joui'ney over the Karakoram Pass. With Illustrations. Svo. Lond., 1871. D 6 R 21 SHAW (R. Norman), R.A., and NEWTON (Ernest). Sketches for Cottages and other Buildings, designed to be constructed in the Patent Cement Slab System of W. H. Lascelles. r.,1. Lond., 1878. A 23 P 2 + SHAW (Rev. Stebbing), B.D., kc. History and Antiqui- ties of Stafibrdshire. Vol. 1, and vol. 2, part 1. (All jntblkhed.) Fol. Lond., 1798-1801. B 14 U 15, 16 + SHAW (Prop. Thomas), D.D., kc. Travels; or, Obser- vations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. Fol. Oxford, 1738. D 38 Q 2 J Supplement to a Book entituled, "Travels; or. Obser- vations, kc." wherein some Objections, lately made against it, are fully considered and answered. Fol. Oxford, 1746. D 38 Q 2 + SHAW (Thomas B.), M.A. The Student's Specimens of English Literature; edited, with Additions, by W.Smith, D.C.L., kc. Svo. Lond., 1872. J 6 Q 19 SHAW (Thomas George). Wine, the Vine, and the Cellar. Svo. Lond., 1863. A 1 R 6 SHAW ( Veuo), B. a. Illustrated Book of the Dog ; with an Appendix on Canine Medicine and Surgery, by A\'. Gordon Stables, CM., (tc. 4to. Lond., 1881. "A5P16t SHAW (William). Golden Dreams and Waking Realities ; being the Adventures of a Gold-seeker in California and the Pacific Islands. Svo. Lond., 1851. D 3 Q 38 The Land of Promise; or, My Impressions of Australia. Svo. Lond., 1854.* MD 4 R 14 SHAW (AV. Hudson). George Villiers, First Duke of Buckingham. (Stanhope Essay for 1882.) Svo. Oxford, 1882. C 9 R 29 SHAW, SAVILL, it CO. New Zealand Hand-book. 11th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1866. MD 1 S 51 Another copy. 15th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1883. MDIS52 SHEA (David). \_See Mirkhond Muhammed Ben K. Ben Mahmuu ; and Dabistan, The.] SHEBBEARE (John), M.D. Authentic Narrative of the Oppressit)ns of the Islanders of Jersey : to which is prefixed a Succinct History of the Military Action.'^, Constitution, Laws, Customs, and Commerce of that Island. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1771. B 4 S 16, 17 68(3 CATALOGUE OF THE She] Part I : — Authors, Edito7's, or Reference. [She SHEDD (ilRS. Julia A.) Fauious Sculptors and Sculp- ture. Illustrated. Svo. Boston, 1881. A 8 P 3G SHEE (Sir Martin Archer), R.A., kc. Elements of Art: a Poem, in Six Cantos; with Notes and a Preface. Svo. Lond., 1809. A 7 S 25 Outline of a Plan for the National Encouragement of Historical Painting in the United Kingdom. 8\-o. Lond.. 1837. ^ A 7 Q lo Life of ; liy his Son, ^fartiii Archer Sliee. 2 vols. 8vo. L {See Rf.s.vie, G.] SHEE (Marti.v Archer). Life of Sir ]\[anin Archer Shee. 2 vols. 8v(.. Lond., 18G0. C 9 U 34, 4-5 SHEFFIELD (.Joiix), LoRn. {See Gidbox, E.] C 1 P 12 SHEIL (Lady). of Life and llannprs in Persia. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 18.5G. D 6 P G SHEIL (Rt. Hon. Richard Lalor), M.P. Speeches of; with a Memoir, itc, edited by Tlidnias ^facNevin, Esq. Svo. Dublin, 184.5. ' F 13 Q 14 Memoirs of: Ijv W . T. ^FaccuUagh. 2 vols. 8vo. Ltmd., 18.5.5. ' G 4 Q 1, 2 SHELBURXE (Wim.iam Pr.nv), Earl ov. [See Lan.s- DOWN'E, W., Karl or Siielhuune, Fii!st ^Marquess of.] SHELDON (FiiHDERK-K). of the English Bor- der; being a Cidlection'of Ballads, Ancient, Remodelled, and Original, founded on well-known Border Legends; with Illtistrative Note.s. Svo. Lond., 1847. H 7 U 23 SHELDON (G. W.) American Painters ; with eighty-throe Examples of their Wurk en<,'raved on Wood. 4to. Lond., 1S79. A 8 T 20 SHELDON (.1. P.) Dairy Farming; being the Theory, Practiei', and Methnds of Dairying. 4ti). Lond., 18S1. A 2 Q (; t SMKLLEY(C. P. B.), C.E. Workshoj. Appliames. (Text- iKMiks of Science.) Svo. Lond., 1S73. A 17 S 12 SHELLEY (Capt. G. E.) Jlonograph of tho Nectariniida-; or, Faiiiilv of Sun liirds. linji. Ito. Lond., iS7G SO. A 4 P 7 i- SHF,LLI•',^' (Mrs. Mahv Wollstonecrakt). Ranibhs in • oniiany and llaiy, in IMIO 43. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1HH4. " 1) s s IJ, i:; (Life of]; by Helen ^foore. 1 2mo. I'liilad., ISSC,. G 2 (.1 \ 7 Lives of the most Eiriitient IJterary and Scientilic ^leii • if Fninee. (Lird. Cub. Gyclo.) 2 vols. ISmo. Ia>\u\., 1H3»-3'J. K ! S L'l, 2.5 SHEr,LEY OIiis. M. W), liltEWSTER (Sir David), AND .MONTCO.MEIIY (J.) LIms of the most Eminent Jiiteniry and S.-ientilic .>lcn of Kaly, Spain, and I'oHugal. (I«'inl. Cab. Cyrlo.) 3 vols. IHnio. Lond.. IS3.5 37. K I S 29-31 SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations, and Fragments ; edited by Mrs. Slu'lley. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1840. J 11 P 31, 32 Life of; by Thomas Med win. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1847. C 4 V 39, 40 Life of; by T. J. IL.-- Vols. ], 2 (,(// puhUxhed.) 2 vols. Svo". Loud., 1858. G 4 V 41, 42 Poetical AV.)rks. Svo. Lond., 1SG9. H 7 U 21 Prose Works. Edited liy Harry Buxton Fonnan. 4 vols. Svo. Loud., 1880. ■ ' J 12 R 7-10 Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron; by E. J. Trelawny. Svo. Loud., 1858. C 3"U 39 The Real Shelley : New Views of the Poet's Life ; by J. G. Jeam-esou. 2 vol.s. Svo. Liud., 1 885. G G U 23, 24 [A Biography]; by .John .\. Symouds. (Em;. Men of Letts.) Svo. Lond., 1S7S. " 'C 1 U 29 Life of; by Prof. E. Dowden. 2 vols. Svo. Loud., 1SS6. ■ " C 10 Q 42, 43 Memoii' of; (with new Preface) by AVilliaui Jlichael Rossetti. Svo. Loud., ISSG. " C 2 T 34 Works of; edited by Mi-s. Shelley. Roy. Svo. Lond., 18.50. ' HGV21 Correspondenc(> of Roljorl Southey with Shellev. \_Sce SouTiiEY, R.] ■ C9 U 38 SHELTO.X (W. V.) Mechanic's Guide. 2nd ed. Svo. Loud., 1875. All V \\ SHEL\'OGKE (Capt. GKORrn:). Voyage round the Work! by the way of the (ireat Soutii Sea, pei-formed in the years 1719-22. Svo. Lond., 172G. |)U)'R20 SHENSTONE (\Villl\m). Poetical AV.irks of ; willi T-il'e, Critical Dissertations and I'-xplanatory Notes, by the l!i'\. George GiitUlan. Svo. Ivliul)., 1857. 'llsN'lO Life and Poeuis of. \_Scc Buri'isii 1'oets, C)l\i.mi;rs, A., niid Johnson, S.] Poetical Works of. {See Poetical Works.] SHENSTONE (W. A.) ^lethods of ns: a Bililio!.;ra|ihieal List, arranged in chronological order, of the jiublished Writing, in Prosi- ■■ind Veise of Charles Dieki'iis (from 1S3I SO.) Svo. Lon. Lond., 1877. G 12 T 10 SHILLETO (Arthur RirnARD), IM.A. Pausania.s' Des- erij>tiiin of Greece. {See Pausaxias.] D 7 P 41, 42 SHILLINCJLAW (John- J.) Historical Records of Port Phillip: the First Annals of the Colony of Victoria. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1879.* MB 1 T 2 Cast away on the Auckland Isles. \See Musorave, Capt. T.] MD 4 V 1 Narrative of Arctic Discovery, from the Earliest Period ti> the Present Time ; with Details of the Measures adopted b}' H.M. Government for the relief of the Expedition under Sir John Franklin. 8vo. Lond., 18.!)0. D 4 R G SHILLING MAGAZINE (The). Edited by Sanui.'l Lucas, M.A. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1865-GG. J 10 U 13-1.5 SHINE (Tiioma.s). {See Soudan E.xpedition.] :\IB 1 U 5 SHIP OF FOOLES. {See Brant, S.] SHIPLEY (Rev. Ordy), 'M.A. The Cliunh .md tin- World : Rs.says on Que.stions of the Day. 1st, 2npn.|., 1833. K 10 11 12, 13 SHIRLEY. {Set Skki.ton, J.] SHIRLEY (EvELYX Philip), M.A., kc. History of the County of Monaghan. Fol. Lond., 1879. B 14 R 2 J SHIRLEY (James). Dramatic Works and Poems of ; with Notes, itc, by W. Gilford and the Rev. Alex. Dyce. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1833. H 4 S 14-19 SHIRLEY' (James), and JOHNSON (C.) The Gamesters: a Conieilv. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1792. ' H2P42 SHIRLEY (William). Edward, the Black Prince: an Historical Tragedy. (Brit, Theatre.) 12nio. Lond. I80S. , " H 1 P 14 SHOBERL (Frederic). South Sea Islands ; being a Des- cription of the Manners, Custom.s, Character, Religion, and State of Society among the various Tribes scattered over the Great Ocean, called the Pacific, or the South Sea. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1824. JID 1 T 45, 46 Prince Albert and the House of Saxony; with a Memoir of the reigning Family of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 8vo. Lond., 1810. ' C 1 U 1 Memoirs of Prince Eugene of Savoy. {See Euoexe op Savoy, Prixce.] ' C 5 T 20 History of the French Revolution. {See Thiers, L. A.] B 8 S 6-10 Scenes of the Civil War in Hungary. {See Scenes.] D 8 S 48 Excursions in Normandy; illustratiye of tlie Character, Manners, Customs, and Traditions of the People. Edited fron the Journal of "A Recent Traveller.'' 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1811. D8Q5, 6 SHOLL (R. J.) Journal of an Expedition from the Govern- ment Cam)i, Camden Harbour, to the southward of the (ilenclg River, in North-western Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1866. :\]D7Q56 SHORE (Hon. I'"i!1;iii;hi(K John). Notes on Indian Allairs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. B 10 S 28, 29 SHORE (Hox. Henry Noel), R.N. Flight of the Zn/mwy.- a Naval Ofticer's Jottings in (Miina, Formosa, and Japan. 8vo. Lond., 1881. ' D G R 28 Sll (I-inr. John). Journal of. {See. .\.l MI) I Q 14 t FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. G89 Sho] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Sid SHORTLAND (Edwaud), M.A., &c. Southern Districts of New Zealand: ca Journal, with jiassing Notices of the Cus- toms of the Aliorigine.s. 8vo. Loncl, 1851. MD 4 S 27 Traditions and Superstitions of the New Zealanders ; with Illustrations of their Manners and Customs. Snd cd. 12mo. Lond., 1S56.* MB 2 P U Maori Religion and Mythology, illustrated by Trans- lations of Traditions, Karakia, &c.\ to which are added, Notes on Maori Tenure of Land. 12mo. Lond., 1882. MO 1 P 19 SHUCKARD (W. E.) History and Natural Arrangement of In.sects. [See Swaikson, W.] K 1 U 18 SHUCKP.URGH (E. S.), M.A. Richard Farmer, D.D. (Mastei; of Emmanuel, 1775-1797) : eydeii, I.S3.3 41. K 27 1' 7 9 J .S[EhO[,,|» (Henry vox). Notes on .lapanese Anhieology, with e.special n-fcreiicc to llw Stone Age. Fol. Yoko- hama, 1879. B 15 S 14 } SIKMKNS ((', Wii.MAM). F.|{,S,, .Vc, Dm |).t.rniinlngtli<> Deplli of the .Si'a without tli(! I'sc of tlic Sounding line. (Hoy. .S.K-. PuhH., I.) \U>. ly.hd,. 18711, A II P 5 t On the CoiiMervafion of Solar Energy: a Collection tif Papers anil Disr-imMions, Hvo. bind.. 188.3. X 3 T 25 8TEVEKINC4 (Edward H.), 31, D„ At. Pathological Anatomy. [See Jones, C. H.] A 13 P 40 SIGEBERTUS (Gemblacexsls ^Ionachus). Opera omnia. [See MioxE, .T. P., Series L.vtixa, 160.] SIGMA. [See Moxey.] SIGOITRNEY (Mrs.) Essay on the Genius of Mrs. Hemans. [See Hemans, Mrs. F. D.] SIGRAIS (C. G. Bourdon de). Considerations sur les Gaulois, les Frances et les Fran(;ais, [See GuiZOT, F. P. (!., Hi.sToiRE de France 31.] SKJSBEE (Charles T).), U.S.N. Deep-sea .S.mndini,' .lud Dredging, (to. AS'ash,, 1S80. A 5 R 3 f SKiSTON (.Ia.mes) Bramwell. .■i2mc Memoir of the N'oneraliic William Wakefield (n.d.) (J '.) P 2 SIKANDAR (Nawaii), Be(Hm ok liiioivu., (i,C,S,T, Pil- grimage to Mecca: translated from the original Urdu, and edited by 31i-s, Willoughby-Osborne. 8vo. Lond., 1870. D 4 T 22 SIKES (William Wirt). British (Goblins: Welsh Folk-lore, Fairy Jlythokigy, Legends, and Traditions. With Illus- trations Ijy T. H. Thomas. Svo, Lond,, ISSO. B 5 S 32 SILK : Article on the Silk and Glove Trades, from the Wrstniinsier Hrrien; No. 32, for April, 1832. Lond., 1832. FGVIO The Silk Question, I.iniilmi Mar/a-Jiic, .January, 1829. (Pam. M.) Svo. Lond., 1S29. ' MJ 2 Q 4 [See China.] a 1 1 V 4 SILLERY (Marchioness of). [See Genlis, Comtesse de.] SILLIG (Julius). Dictionary of Artists of Anl i(iuity, A rchi- tects. Carvers, Engravers, Modellers, Painters, Sculi)l()rs, Statuarie.s, and W'orkers in lironze, Gold, Ivory, ;iiul Silver; to which are added, C. Plinii Secundi Natuivilis Histoi'iie, Libri 31 .3('>, c. 1-5. Svo, Lond., I8.3('). A 8 Q 19 STLLIMAN (Prof. Benjamin). Visit to iMirope in 1851. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1854, |) S Q ,3(;, .37 [See American Journal of .Science and .\nrs. | SILLYLA^^ , l''oi- llie Mercantile CcpinniiniitN in i;eMeral, this Poe f Sillylaw, was writl-en by thi'ir I'omic and l.augliter lo\iiig, yet .Satiric .loker, "Hcltlia," S\(j, ,M.'n.., IS.-.;), ■ ,MII 1 (.,) I iSILO.S. .Silos for [ireserving l']nglish lAidder Crojis stored in a Green State; Notes on the jvisilage of ( !r;i,sses, Clovei-s, N'elches, ikc, eomjpiled and annolated bv llie Suii lOililor of '/'/('■ /';.•/.n«l., I87G. i< 1 1 LJ 35 -Metixlo j)ara aprenrler ii leer, escribir y hablar el I'^rances, Kfgnu el v<-r(iiider<7G. Kill' 31 New Metliml of I>';irning lo Hi'ail, W'rid', and Speak the Spiitiitli l^rfinguage, [.SV« Velah(vUK/ iii: I. a, PlIOF. .M.| SIMONS ( W. Vazie), F.C.S. Catalogue of Foreign Minerals in the possession of the Jlining Department, JNlelbourne, Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1866. MA 2 Q 35 SIMPSON (Ale.xaxder). The Sandwich Islands: Progress of Events since their Discovery bv Captain Cook. 8vo. Lond., 1843. " " MD 4 U 16 SIMPSON (Ai!CninALD H.), :\I.A. Hand-bo,,k of tlie Crown Lands Alienation Acts of New South Wales, and the Regulations, with the Forms, and full Practical Directions for the use of Free Selectors and Purchasers of Crown Lands. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MF 1 R 31 SIMPSON (Edwin). Dramatic Unities in the Present Day. 12mo. Lond., 1874. J 7 Q 39 SIMPSON (Sir George). Narrative of a Journey round tlie World, 1841-42. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. D9S14, 15 SIMPSON (II. P. M.) \_See Worsaae, Dn. J. J. A.] B 7 S 44 SIMPSON (Ja.mes). Pliilo.sophy of Etlucatiun, with its Practical Applicati of the Discoveries on the N(n'tl> Coiist of America, during the years 1836 .39. 8vo. Lond., isi;!. D 3 T 7 SI.Ml'SON (Wii.i.iAM), I'Mi.C.S. ]\lceting llie Sun: a .loiniiev all louiid the W dild, through I'lgypl, Chin.a, .lapa]i, and C.ilit'ornia. .Smi, Lond., 1S7I. I)9S 11 SIMl'SO.N (William). Campaign in the Crimea. [See IJkackeniiurv, G.J ' II 12 V 11 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 69^ Sim] Part I : — Authors, .Editor's, or Reference. [Sir SIMPSON (Rev. William Sparrow), D.D., &c. Chapters in the History of Old S. Paul's. 8vo. Loncl., 1S81. B G R 28 SIMROCK (Kahl). Die deutscheii Volksbiiclier. l.S vols 12mo. Frankfurt, 1845-67. J IG P 1-13 SIMS (Rioiiard) Manual fi ir the Genealogist, Topogra])her, Antiquary, and Legal Professor; consisting of Descriptions of Public Records, Parochial and other Registers, Wills, County and Family Histories, Heraldic Collections in Public Libraries, ikc. 2nd cd. 8vo. Lund., 18G1. K 11 P 19 SIMS (T.) Dyeing and Bleaching. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 187G. A 17 S 33 SIMSON (Frank B.) Letters on Sport in Eastern Bengal. Illustrated. Imp. 8vu. Lund., 188G. D -l V 37 SIMSON (James). Contributions to Natural History, and Papers on other Subjects. 8vo. Edinb., 1875. A 16 T 26 SIMSON (R.), MATHESON (J.), axd WILSON (J.) Letter to the Rev. the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1870. MG 1 Q 39 SIMSON (Walter). History of the G ipsies : with Specimens of the Gipsy Language. 8vo. Lond., 18G5. A 1 V 13 SINCLAIR (A.) Locomotive Engine Running and Manage- ment: a Treatise on Liicomotive Engines, ith ed. 8vo. New York, 1885. " A G R 18 SINCLAIR (A. C), .A.ND FYFE (Laurence R.) Hand- book of Jamaica for 1883 ; comprising Historical, Statis- tical, and General Infurmation cuncerning the Island. 8vo. Lond., 1883. ' E SINCLAIR (David). History of Wigan. 2 vols. -Ito. Wigan, 1882. B 2 U 3, 4 SINCLAIR (Mrs. Francis), Junr. Indigenous Flowers of the Hawaiian Islands: Forty-four Plates painted in Water- colours and described. Fol. Lond., 1885. MA 1 R 17 J SINCLAIR (Georc.e). Hortus Gramineus Wulnirnensis ; or, an Account of the Results of Experiments on the Produce and Nutritive Qualities of difl'erent Grasses and other Plants. Illustrated with dried Specimens of the Plants. Roy. fol. Lond., 181 G. A 21 P 19 1 SINCLAIR (James). Gardener's Magazine. 8vo. ]\Ielb., 1855-56. MA 1 Q 38 SINCLAIR (James). History of Polled Aberdeen Cattle. \_See Macdonald, J.] SINCLAIR (Rt. Hon. Sir John), Bart., P.O. Code of Health and Longevity. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1818. A 12 U 3 Correspondence of ; with Reminiscences of the most distinguished Characters during the last Fifty Years. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831. C 9 V 44, 45 SINCLAIR (Rt. Hon. Sir Joun), Bart., P.C. — continued. E.ssays on Agriculture, Farming, Breeding, and Fattening Cattle, and on Longevity. 8vo. Lond., 1818. A 1 S 18 Statistical Account of Scotland, drawn up from the Communications of the Ministers of the different Parishes. 21 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1791-99. F 12 U 1-21 SINCL.'VIR (Rev. John), A.M. Dissertations, vindicating the Church of England. 8vu. Lond., 1833. G 12 Q 3 SINCLAIR (J. D.) An Autumn in Italy. (Const. Misc.) 18mo. Edinb., 1829. K 10 Q 34 SINDING (Prof. Paul C.) History of Scandinavia, from the Early Times of the Northmen, the Sea-kings, and Vikings, to the Present Day. 8vo. Lond., 1866. B2R11 SINGER (Samuel Weller), F.S.A. Correspondence of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and of his Brother, Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester. \_See Clarendon, Henry Hvde, Earl of.] C 18 11, 12 J Life of Wolsey. [See Cavendish, G.] C 10 P 42 Text of Shakespeare vindicated from the Intei-polations and CoiTuptions advocated by John Payne Collier, Esq., in his Notes and Emendations. 8vo. Lond., 1853. H 3 Q 17 SINGLETON (J.), M.D. Lecture: Subject, "The Effects of Intoxicating Drinks upon the Community, considered in tlicir Moral and Physical Relations." 8vo. Melb., 1853. MG 1 Q 31 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1853. MG 1 Q 40 SINGLETON AND PATRICK'S PLAINS BENEVO- LENT SOCIETY. Rules and Regulations. 18mo. Maitland, 18G1. MF 3 P 18 SINKER (Robert), B.D. Catalogue of the English Books printed before 1 601 , now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. Camb., 1885. K 7 S 5 SINNETT (E. W. P.) Kurzgefasste englische Sprachleehr fur Anfiinger. 12mo. Hamburgh, 1831. K 11 V 27 SINNETT (Frederick). Account of the "Rush" to Port Curtis, including Letters addressed to the Argus, as Special Correspondent from the Fitzroy River. 12mo. Geelong, 1859. MJ 2 P 30 Account of the Colony of South Australia ; prepared for distribution at the International Exhibition of 1862; together with a Catalogue of all the Products of South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1862.* MD 1 V 20 Another cojiy. 8vo. Adelaide, 1862. MD 1 V 52 SINNETT (Mrs. Percy). By-ways of History, from the 12th to the 16th Century. 2 vols, (in 1) 8Vo. Lond., 1847. ' B 14 Q 43 Switzerland in 1847. [See Mvgge, T.] B 7 T 15, 16 SIRR (Henry Charles), M.A. Ceylon and the Cingalese; their History, Government, and Religion. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1850." D 6 P 14, 15 694. CATALOGUE OE THE Sis] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ske SISMONDI (J. C. L. DE). Fall of the Roaiiin Empire. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 2 vols, llimo. Loud., 1834. ^ KIT 10, 11 Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe. 4 vols. 8vo. L(jnd., 1823. B 7 T 25-28 Historv of the Italian Republics. 12mo. Lond., 1832.- B 12 P 29 Another copy. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 12nu.. Loud., 1832. I'*' 1 T 32 Political Economy and the Pliil.)S()iihy of Government: a Series of E.ssavs selected from his Works. 8vo. Lond., 1847. E.5U12 SITWELL (Sidney .M.\rv). Growth of the English Colo- nies. (Hijihways of Historv.) 12mo. Loud., 1884. ^ " • B 14 P 39 SIVEWRIGHT (J.) [See Preece, AV. H.] A 17 S 18 SIX OLD ENGLISH CilKoNiCLES; edited, with Notes, by J. A. (iile.s, D.C.L. 12mo. Loud., 184 1. B 3 P 14 SIXPENNY .MAGAZINE (Tin;). 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 10 V u; SIXTUS V. Life and Times of; by Harou Hiibuer; trans- laU-d by H. E. H. Jerningham. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., lyj.j. ^ C'J r 41.12 SJOGREN (JoH. A\DRE.\s). Livisch-deutschesuuddeutsch- livLsches Worterbuch ; bearbeitet von F. J. Wiedemann. Roy. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1801. K 27 P K) + Livi.sche Grannnatik uebst Spra^ h|iroh<'n ; ciulcitung von F. J. Wiedemann. Kov. llo. St. Petersburg, 18G1. K 27 P 15 X SKEAT (Rev. Walter W.), :M.A. Contested Etymologies in the Dictionary of the Rev. W. W. Skeat. [See AVEKfavooK, H.] Etymological Dictionary of the Ihiglisli Language. 4t (!!ritic;e : Occasional Papers, written at the Sea- side; by "Shirley." 8vo. Edinb., 1802. J 4 P 30 SKELTON (Joseph). La Beautcs de la France. [See GiRAULT DE Saint-Fargeau, P. A. E.] D V 3 Oxouia Antiqua Restaurata : containing upwards of 190 Engravings, forming an Illusti-ation of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings in this University. 2nd ed. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1843. "B 15 T 3 + Pietas Oxonieusis ; or, Records of Oxford l'"ounders. Fol. Oxfoitl, 1828. B 19 T 10 J [See !Mevi!ICIc, Sir S. R.] SKENE (.V. .1.), AND SMYTH (U. l',i!oi'(;ii). I'.eport on the Physical Character and Resources of Gippsland ; by the Surveyor-General and the Secretary for Klines. W'itli a Map and Geological Sections. 8vo. Melb., 1874.* MA 2 Q 40 SKENIO (.Miss Felicia :M. F.) Wayfaring Sketches among the (4reeks and Turks and on the Shores of the Danube; by "A Seven Years' Resident in tireece." 8vo. L.mmithievitc'h). Personal Reminiscences of ; by V. I. Nemirovitcli-Dantchenko. Translated from the Russian, by E. A. Brayley-Hodgetts. 8vo. Lend., 1884. C 9 T 45 Skobeleff and the Slavonic Cause ; by O. K. [Madame OlgaNovikoiT.l 8vo. Limd., 1883. C 9 T 44 SKOTTOWE (B. C), jM.A. Our Hanoverian Kings: a Short History of the Four Georges, embracing the period, 171t-1830. "Svo. Lond., 1884. B 2 S 32 SLACK (H. J.), F.G.S. The Microscope. [See Carpenter, W. B.] A 17 T 5 SLADE (J.), M.D. ]\Iemoirs of Celebrated Female Charac- ters of the 18th and 10th Centuries. 8vo. Lond., 1836. C 2 P 13 SLADEN (DoufiL.'is Brooke Wiieelton), B.A. . Aus- tralian Ballads and Rhymes: Poems inspired by Life and Scenery in Australia and New Zealand, selected and edited by Douglas B. W. Sladen, B.A., Oxon. 12mo. L(md., 1888. ' MH 1 P 26 Australian Lyrics, etc. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MH 1 S 5 Frithjof and Ingebjorg, and other Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1882. ' ' ' MH 1 P 23 In Cornwall and across the Sea; with Poems written in Devonshire, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1885. MH 1 P 25 Poetry of Exiles, and other Poems. 18mo. Sydney, 1883. MH 1 P 24 Summer Christmas, and a Sonnet upon the s.s. Piallnnrat. 12mo. Lond., 1884. MH 1 P 22 SLADEN (CoL. Edw.^ud B.) Mandalay to JFomien. [See Ander.son, W.] ■ D 6 R 30 SLADEN (W. Percy), F.G.S., &c. Memoir on the Echino- dermata of the Arctic Sea. [See Duncan, P. ^[.] A 23 R 22 t SLAGti (CiiAHLEs). Sanitary Work in the Smaller Towns, and in Villages: Nuisances, I)rainage, and Water Supply. 8vo. Lond.', 1876. A 6 R 28 SLAGG (John), M.P. Free Trad(! and Tariffs: a Speech. (Pam. Je.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. F 6 P 10 SLANE (W. MacGuckin de), Bakon. [See Ihn Khal- LIKAN.] C 4 t^ 16-19 t SLASHER (Mr. John). Adventures of. [-See Pickering, G. F.] SLATER (G.), .t 00. (iuide to the Gold-(ields of Victoria; with a Maj) and the new Regulations for the Gold-lields and Local Courts. 12mo. Melb., 1855. MJ 2 P 32 Map of Queensland, 1874, including Hann's Explora- tions, and Dalrymple's Discoveries. Compiled from the latest Official Government Surveys. 2nd ed., revised. 8vo. Brisbane, 1874. ' MD 5 P 5 J Queensland Almanac, Settlers' Guide, and Miners' Com- panion, for 1873. 8vo. Brisbane, 1872. ME 4 P SLATER (Isaac). Royal National Connnercial Directory of the Province of Ulster. 8vo. Manchester, 1881. E SLATER (John), B.A., A-c. Architecture; Classic and Early Christian. [See Smith, T. R.] SLATER (Sa.muel). Memoir of, connected with a History of the Rise and Progress of the Cotton Manufactures in England and America ; bv G. S. White. 2nd ed. 8vo. Philad., 1836. " C 9 V 32 SLAVE TRADE. Papers on the Slave Trade. (Pam. Dd.) 8vo. Edinb., 1858. F 12 P 22 SLEE (Jane M.) [See Lorenz, Dr. F.] C 1 R 2 SLEEM AN (C. W. ) Torpedoes and Torpedo Warfare. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1880. A 5 T 40 SLEEMAN (Ma,ior-Gen. Sir W. H.), K.C.B. Journey through tlie Kingdom of Oude, 1849-50. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1858. ' D 5 Q 31, 32 Ramaseeana; or, a Vocabulary (if the peculiar Language used by the Thugs. 8vo. Calcutta, 1836. K 20 T 1 Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1844. D 5 U 24, 25 SLEEPY SKETCHES ; oi-. How we Live, and How we do not Live. From Boml)ay. 12mo. Lond., 187 7. D5P12 SLEIDAN (Joiiann). De Statvreligionis et Reipvl)licae, Carok) Quinto, Ca\sare Commentarii. Fol. Argentorati, 1555. G 7 V 21 SLIGHT (James), and BLH^N (R. Scott). Book of Farm Implements and Machines. Edited by H. Stephens. 8vo. Lond., 1858. A 1 T 12 696 CATALOGUE OF THE Slo] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Smi SLOWXIK. Polsko-Francuzki, Francuzko-Polski. 4 vols. 18mo. Berlin (u.d.) K 11 S 9-12 Another copy. Xowe Wydanie. 2 vols, (in 1) roy. 8vo. BerliA, 185S. " K 12 T 10 S^ifALL (GEORnE), M.A. Laskari Dictionary. [_See Eoe- BUCK, Capt. F.] SMALL (John), M.A. Ancient Poetry of Scotland. \_See Laisg, D.] Memoir of Gavin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. [See Douglas, G.] SMALL (JoHX WiLLiA^i). F.S.A. Ancient and Modem Furniture. Roy. 4to. Edinh., 1883. A 2 U 41 Leaves from my Sketch-books ; sketched, "leasured, and drawn for the Stone by the Author. Ro ■. 4to. Edinb., 18S0. ■ A2U10 SMALLEY (GEORfiE R.), B.A., A-c. Abstract of Meteoro- logical Observations made in New South Wales, during the years 1KG5-66. 8vo. Sydney, 18fi9. ME 2 S ^Ict<>orolofcical Obserx-ations made at the Royal Obser- vatory, Sydney, during the months December, lS69-^June, 1870." 2" vols' roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1869-70. ME 2 S SMALL POX. TrentLso concerning the Plague and the (Small-) Pox, and Commeiitarie concerning Women, Ac. 12mo. Lond., 1652. Libr. [^See Vaccination-.] SMARAGDl'S (AniiA.s). Opera omnia. [See Migne, J. P., Sehie.s Latina, 102.] SMART (B. C), M.D., and CROFTON (H. T.) Dialect of the Gypsies. 2nd ed. .'^vd. Lond., 187"). K loll 2 SM.VRT (B. H.) Walker remodelled: Smart's Pronouncing IHctionurv of the English L inguage epitomized. New cd. 12mio Lmd., lf<71. K 11 1' 21 S.M.\RT (CiiiiisTOPiiEU), A.M. Fables of Pluednis. [See Teukntiis Afeh, p.] Life and Poems of. [See Ciialmer.s, A.] Work.s of Horace, literally traii.slated. [See Hoiiatius Flacclh, Q.] 11 5 S 40 SMART (Hemiy). His Lifeand Works; by William Spark. Hvo. Loml., IHHj. C.i U 38 SMEATON (John), C.E., At. Reports of, niiuleon various ix-i-a.sion.t in the course of his employment as a Civil Engi- neer. 3 vols. 4to. I^.nd., 1KI2. A 1 R 1 .! f Narrative of the Kuilding, and a description nf tlio Omjitruction of the Eddystfine Lighthouse witli Stone. 2ndefl. Imp. fol., IHl.T A 1 R 11 ♦ SMEDLEY (EdwarIj), JlXll. Sketches from N'cnetian Hintorv. (Fain. Lib.) 2vol«. 12mo. Lond., I«31 3«. K 10 P 26, 27 8MEE (Alfhei.), F.R.H., At. The .Mind .if Man; being n Natiirnl SyHtem of Mental Phil.nd., IH7.'.. G 12 R 7 SMEE (A. H.), M.R.C.S., Ac. Suggestions as to Lines for future Research. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 12 U 28 SMEETOX (Georce). Historical and Biographical Tracts. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1820. ' B 3 R 1, 2 SMILES (Samiel), LL.D. Boy's Voyage round the World. AVitli Illustrations. 5th thousand. 12nio. Lond., 1872. MD 2 Q 20 Another copy. 10th thousand. 12mo. Lond., 1877. MD 2 Q 21 Character. Now el. 12mo. Lond., 1878. J 11 P 14 Duty ; with Illustrations of Courage, Patience, and En- drranco. Svo. Lend., 1880. ^ J IIP 15 Ii:dustrial Biography : Iron-workers and Tool-makers 12nio. Lind.', 18G3. C 2 P 22 James Nasmvtli, Engineer: an Autobiography. [See Nasmyth, J.] " C 5 T 19 Life of a Scotch Naturalist, Thomas Edward. As.sociate of the Linnean Society. Portrait and lUustration.s. 8vo. L(md., 1876. C 3 V 4 Life of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer. 8vo, Lond., 1857. " C 9 U 13 Another copy. 3rd ed. Svo. L..ncl., 1857. C 9 U 14 Lives of Boulton and Watt; principally from the original Soho MSS., comjirising also, a History of the Invention and lutnichu-tiou of the Steam-engine. 8yo. Lond., 1865. C 9 V 8 Lives of the Engineers ; with an Account of their prin- cipal Works, comprising alst), a History of Inland Com- munication in Britain. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1857-61. C 7 P 46-48 Men of Inxcntiou and Industry. 8yo. Lond., 1884. C 2 S 23 Self-l'.cl]i: with Illustrations of Character and Conduct, 12ni.. LnncL, 1S5'.». J 11 P 16 The lluguennts; their Settlement.s, Churches, and Indus- triis ill ICngland and Ireland. Svo. Lond., 1867. BSS4 Till' Huguenots in France, after the Revocation of the Indict I if Nantes ; with a Visit to the Country of the V.i\ulois. 8yo. L.nd., 1877. " B 9 P 3 Thrift. Svo. Lond., 1S75. J 1 | 1' |:i SMILLIE (J. !).) Etchings by. S.MITII (.\o\M), ] ( 'ausi's dt' till' W [See KoiciiLEn, S. K.] A 4 R 16 ; .L.I)., A-c. I iM|uiry into the Nature and .illli iif Natidiis. .'i Mils. 8vo. Lond., IMJ. F6T27 29 Anothercopy. I v.,ls. IJino. Li.nd, 1835 13. F6PI1 17 Life. if. (Eniineiil .Men.) Svo. Lnnd. ISIO. ('7 I' 15 Theory of .Moral Senlimcnls ; to uliirli is ••idded, a l)i.s- on the Origin of Languages, with a Life of the Author. 2 vols. Hv.i. E.liidi,, IS21. G 7 S 29, 30 SMITH (A. inks). MKNOK, I'. G.j ^Ionlllnl'lll^; cif .\t li^ [St'i' K A. ST 110- i! !) S 23 TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 697 Smi] Paut I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Smi 8MITH (Aldert). Anecdote Life of. [See Times, J.] The Miscellany: a Book for the Field or the Fireside: Amusing Tales and Sketches. Svo. Lond.,1850. J 4 Q 34 Mont Blanc to China, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. Svo. Lond., 1858. MJ -J R 21 Month at Constantinople. 8vo. Lond., 1850. I) 9 Q 20 Story of Mont Blanc. 2nd ed., enlarged. 12mo. Lond., 1854. D 7 P 25 SMITH Alexander), M.A. Philosophy of Morals, illus- trative of the Principles of Theology, Jurisprudence, and General Politics. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1 835. G 12 P 4, 5 SMITH (Alex.\ndehX Dreamthorp : a Book of Essays, written in the Country. 12mo. Lond., 1863. J 8 Q 19 Summer in Skye. 2vols.8vo. Lond., 1865. D7R11,12 SMITH (Ale.xandek), C.E., &c. New History of Aber- deenshire. 2vol.s. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1875. B 13 R 12, 13 SMITH (Ale-XANDER Kennedy). Address to the Electors of East Melbourne. 8vo. Mell)., 1877. MF 1 Q 6 SMITH (Archibald), M.A. {See Scoeesby, Rev. W.] SMITH (Rev. Barnard), M.A. Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application. Svo. Lond., 1879. A 10 S 8 Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume. [See Pugin, A. W.] K 3 Q 22 t SMITH (Bernard). Sketches Abroad, made whilst Travel- ling Student of the Royal Academy, 1876: Germany and Switzerland. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1880. A 1 S 4 + SMITH (Bruce). Liberty and Liljeralism: a Protest against the growing tendency towards undue interference by the State, with Individual Liljerty, Private Enterprise, and the Rights of Property. 8vo. Melb., 1887.* MF 1 P 40 SMITH (Lieut. -Col. Charles Hamilton). Introduction to Mammalia. (Nat. Lib., 15.) 12mo. Edinb., 1858. A 14 P 15 Natural Hi.story of Dogs. (Nat. Lib,, 24, 25.) 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1839-40. A 14 P 24, 25 ' Natural History of Horse.s. (Nat. Lib., 27.) 12mo. Edinb., 1841. A 14 P 27 SMITH (Charles John), F.S.A. Historical and Literary Curiosities, consisting of Fac-siniiles of Original Documents, Scenes of remarkable Events and interesting Localities, &c. 4to. Lond., 1847. B 1 S 9 t SMITH (Ven. Charles Joiix), M.A. Synonyms and Anto- nyms; or. Kindred Words and their Opposites, collected and contrasted. New ed., revised. Svo. Lond., 1870. K 11 U 8 Synonyms discriminated. Svo. Lond., 1871. K 13 P 31 Another copy. New ed., edited by the Rev. H. Percy Smith, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1882. K 13 P 32 4t SMITH (Charles Manby). Curiosities of London Life; or, Phases, Physiological and Social, of the Great iletrojiolis. Svo. Lond., 1853. J 8 U 8 SMITH (Charles Roach), F.S.A. Antiquities of Rich- borough, Reculver, Lymne, in Kent. Illustrated by F. \W. Fairholt, F.S.A. 4to. Lond., I8.i0. B 6 R 38 Retro.spections, Social and Archa'ohjgical. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. " C 2 V 25, 26 SMITH (Mrs. Charlotte). What is She? a Comedy. [See Modern Theatre, 10.] The Young Philo.sopher: a Novel. 4vols. 12mo. Lond., 1798. J 8 R 21-24 SMITH (Daniel). Ancient Ones of the Earth ; being the Hi.story of the Primitive Alphabet, lately discovered by the Author. Svo. Melb., 1864.* ' MK 1 Q 22 SMITH (David). The English Dyer; with In.structions how to dye 1 50 Shades on Cotton Yarns in the Hank; 50 Shades on Cotton Wool ; 1 50 Shades on Worsted YaroB ; 100 Shades on Animal Wool; and 50 Shades on Silk in the Skein. Svo. Manchester, 1882. A 11 S 7 SMITH (E.) Biblical Researches in Palestine., li-c. [See Robinson, E.] D 4 T 25-27 SMITH (Edmund) Life and Poems of. [See British Poets, 4 ; Chalmers, A. ; a ml Johnson, S.] Phsedra and Hippolitus : a Tragedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1 796. ' H 2 P 13 Another copy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1776. ' " H 4 P 17 SMITH (Edward), M.D., &c. Foods. 4th ed. Svo. Lond., 1876. A 13 P 7 Health and Disease as influenced by the Daily, Seasonal, and other Cyclical Change.s in the Human System. Svo. Lond., 1S77. A 13 P 15 Natural History of the Inanimate Creation. [See Inanijiate Creation, The.] SMITH (Edward), F.S.S. The Peasant's Home. 1760-1875. (Howard Prize Es,say, 1875.) Svo. Lond., 1876. F 5 R 23 SMITH (Euan). Eastern Pen-sia : Geography, A-c. [See Persia.] D 4 U 45, 46 SMITH (E. D.), F.L.S. [See Sweet, R.] SMITH (Sir Francis Pettitt). [See Chappell, Capt. E.] SMITH (Frank J.) Common Law Procedure. [See PiLCHER, C. E.] MF 2 R 9 SMITH (Frank Porter), M.B. Contributions towards the Materia Medica, ancl Natural History of China. Roy. Svo. Shanghai, 1871. " A 5 Q 1 Vocabulary of Proper Names, in Chinese and English, of Places, Persons, Tribes, and Sects in China, Japan, kc. Roy. Svo. Shanghai, 1870. K 13 T 24 608 Smil CATALOGUE 0¥ TUE Part I : — Authoi's, Editors, or Reference. [Smi SMITH (Gamaliel). [See Bentiiam, J.] Nar- S^illTH (Rev. George), D.D., Bishop of VicxoniA. Nar nitive of an Exploratory Visit to each of the Coiisula icpli Cities of China. !ntaining Translations of the Document.s and an Account of the Evidence, on the comparative Chronology of the Assyrian and Jewish Kingdoms, from the Death of Solomon to Nebuchadnezzar. 8vo. I.ond., 1875. r- 10 P 31 Chaldean Account of (ienesis, AVith Illustrations. 8vo. Ixmd., 1876. <^ l--^ P " History of Sennacheril), translated from the Cuneiform Inscriptions. Edited hy the Bcv. A. H. Sayce, M.A. ; Imp. 8vo. L<^nd., 1878. B 2 R 42 ' [See British ^MrsEiv ini S II SMITH ((iEORGE Barnett). H.ilf hours with some Famous Aml)a.s.sadors. 8vo. Lom<1., ISSl. II C, \' IC, 17 Life and S]ieeches of tlie Right Hon. John Bright, M.P. \Vitli Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., ISSl. C10P4, 5 Life of the Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, M.P., D.C.L., A'c. 2 vok 8vo. Lond., 187'.). (; 7 R 10, 11 Life of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. .luliili'c edition. 8vo. Ivond., 1887. (' II P 31 Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria. 8\d. [jond., 1886. COT 40 Hir Uol)crt Peel. (English Political Leaders.) 1 2mo. Ty.nd., 1H81. C 2 P 37 Victor Hugo: his Life ;in(l Work. Willi .-i I'ortraif. SMITH (GoLDWix), M.A. Cowper. (Eng. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 1 U 10 Irish History and Irish Character. Svo. Oxford, 1868. Blip 5 Lectures on the Studv of History, delivered in Oxford, 1859-61. 2ud ed. Oxford, 1865. B 14 Q 40 Three English Statesmen [Pym, Croniwell. Pitt:] a of Lectures on the Political History of England New ed. 8vo. Lond.. 1S68. ' C 1 T 43 SMITH (Hamblin), Junr. Hydraulics: the Flow of Water through Orifices, over Weirs, and through Open Conduits and Pipes. Roy. 4to. Lond,, 1886. A 2 Q 19 t SMITH (Sii! Harry). War in India: l)es].atclie,s. [See HARDIN(iE, Vl.SCOUXT.] P. 10 II 20 SMITH (Henry). Evidences relating to the Estates of Henry Smith, Es([., some time Alderman of the City of London, collected hy Joseph Gwilt. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1828. C 4 W 22 lug< Svo. J»rKl., 1885. (' IT 15 SMITH (GkiiahIi W.), M.A. Memolrsof I'rince Metternidi. \Sfr. .Meitkknkii Of iihemiau.sun, Clk.ment, PiuNcKop.] C 10 U 28-32 Painting, SpaniKli and French. (Illustrated Hand-liooks of Art History) Hvo. l/.nd., |8H|. A 6 V (; [See Smith, T.] C 4 W 22 SMITH (Helen Ainslie). One Hundred Famous Ameri- cans. Sq. 8vo. New York, 1887. C 5 T 11 SMITH (Henry J. S.) M< inoir of John Conington, M.A. [See, Conington, J.] [See Clifford, W. K.] A lU T 4 s:\IITH (Rev. Henry Percy), M..\. Glossiiry of Terms ,■111(1 8vo. Lond., 188:'.. 'iv 15 1122 SMITH (lll'.ifi;i;KT II.) Ilra/.il: t In- .\iiia/,ons and tlie Illustr.itrd. S\o. New York, 1S7!». D 4 Q 26 SMITH (Horace). Gaieties .iiid Gravities: a series of Essays, Comic Tales, kv. 3 \ols. 8vo. Lond,, 1825. .1 12 T 17-19 Memoirs, Letters, itc, of .lames Smith. 2 \(ils. 8vo. Lond., 1810. (' 1 r 51, 52 Midsuiiiiiier .Mi'iili'v, for |8.'i0. 2 vols. 12iiio. Lond., 1830. .Ill T 9, 10 The Till Tniiii|Mt ; or, llr.ids and T.iles;liy llie l.ilc "Paul Ch.illi.'M.M.D." 2vols.Svo. Lnii(l.,|,^;!i;. .Ill I' 19,20 SMITH (HoRACIi .wii .I.VMils). ill Londnii ; con- sisting of Imit.'il ions of llie l''irst Two I'.ooks of Horace, nil ed. 12mo Loud., 1SI5. II S P 17 jiejerti'd .Vildi'csscs ; or, llii' New Tliral ruin I'oelanilu. l-l'nio. Lond,, 1811. II 8 P 39 SMITH (HriiERT). Tent Life willi l-'jiglisli (iipsies in Norway. 8vo. Lond., 1 87.!. I ) 7 S ;18 SM ITI I (.1 \Mi;s). MeiHoirs, Letd'rs. .iiid ( 'oiiiii' M iMcll.inies, in I'l-ose and Verse ; edited hv his ISidtlicr. I Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1810. (' 1 r 51, 52 PREE PUBLIC LIBEAEY, SYDNEY. 699 Smi] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Smi SMITH (James). Lecture on the Irisli Character, from an EngHshnian's Point of View, delivered at St. George's Hall, Melbourne. 8vo. Melh., 1(SG;!. MJ 12 R 7 Old Fable — The Frog and the 0.\ : a Lecture. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MJ 1 P 28 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MJ 2 R 23 Reprints from the Marijhoroiuih aiul DinuiUtj Adri'.rtispr: Lecturesjifec. 12mo. Maryb>nd., lN7 7 P 30 SM ITIl (Tici:XA Koriu'OKT-): a Mmioir. S\o. Cheltenham, ISS.!. C 9 R 21 SMITH (l!i;v. TlloMAs). Circular Letter to the Parishioiters, and Kcporl in comiectiori with SI. IJarnabas' Ciiurch. 8vo. Sydney, 1SG3. MG 1 Q 26 Hedley Vicars: a Lecture. (Pam. .1.) 8vo. Sydney, 1858^ MJ 1 T 38 Life of Hav,. lock. 12uio. Sydn.'y (n.d.) ]SIG1PI9 Narrative of ihr Wicek of tiic Ship AH Si'ivii/r. {See All SEitEXE.j MD 1 V 9 The Connnissary l{i'\ii'W, pubji^licd on board I lir cii)i|>i'i- Sliipf '«;»»( /.swnv/.during a N'oyage from London toSydney, 1S70. Editor, the Hev. Thomas Smitii ; Subeditor, Mr. Charles Vaughan. 8\d. Sydney, lS7t). ME3R SMITII (Thomas AM) I1i;nuv), Notices relating to Thom;is Smith, of C.imi)dcn, .iiid to Ili'nry Smith, sometime ,\lder- man of London ; by the late Charles I'erkins Gwill. Iiii|i. Svo. Lnnd., IM.'Wi. C I W 22 S.MIITI (Thomas ,\ssiieton). Reminiscences of ; or, the Pursuits of an I'/Uglish Country Gc^ntienuin, by Sir J. E. Ivirdl.'v W', li.irl. ,Svo. Lon Knowledge. 10 vols. 4to., 1847 70. E SMOLLETT (Tobia.s), .M.I). HisUiry of England, from the Revolution to thi- Ocjith of (ieorge II ; designeil as a Continuution to D. Hume's History. 5 voi.s. 8vo. J.rf)nd., 1823. B OR 8-12 ili.xtory of England. [See Hi'mi;, I).| li 3 V 7-15 Poetical Works of. [See Poktkal Wokk.s.] Smollett: his (Jfr- and a Selijctioii from his Works; by Rolwrt Chiimbers, LL.I). 8vo. ly.nd., 18G7. C 4 t^ 4« Works of, with Memoirs of liis Life; to which is prefixed, H View of tlieOiiniiienceinentiind I'rogressof |{oman<-e, by John, M.I ». HvoI.m.8vo. F/.nd., 1797. J9TI9 2i; Life and Poems of. [Sec ('llALMElis, A.] [See VoLTAiKE, V. M. A. dk.) SMYTH (C. Piazzi), F.R.S.E. Astronomical Observations, made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, 18G0-8G. 3 vols. 4to. Edinb., 1871-8G. E Life and Work at the Great Pyramid ; with a Discussion of the Facts ascertained. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1867. A 2 S 2-4 Madeira Meteorologic. S(|.8vo. Edinb., 1882. AST 7 ^Madeira Spectro.scopic: being a Revision of Twenty-one Places in the Red Half of tlie Solar Visible Spectrum, with a Rutherfurd I^iftVaction Grating, at M;uleira, during the Stunmer of 1881. 4to. Edinl), 1882. A 3 U IG Report to the Principal Secretary of State f of I'seful Miner.'ds, which may he .sought for . and fuinid in Victoria. (I'aiii. II.) 12ii"io. Melb., 18i;:;. ,m.i ■.; i; :) l!e|Hii( nil till' ( liild mines (jf the South eusleiii port inn of the Wvriaa.l. I'ol. .Madras, 1 8,'^0. .Ml'' 11' 10 Uejinrt on the Physical Charailer (!i|ijiNlaiid, [See Skicne, ,'\. J.| Ski'tch of a New Geol.ii Melb,, 1871, M.-i il lies vols. 8vo. Camb., 18-1-8. B 8 R 26-28 SMYTH (WiLLiA.M C.) La.skari Dictionary. [See Roebuck, Capt. T.] SMYTH (Rear-Adm. W. Henry), K.S.R, &c. ^des Hartwellianro; or, Notices of the Manor and Mansion of Hartwell. 4to. Lond., 1S5L B 17 R 8 J Cycle of Cele.stial Objects, for the Use of Na\al, Military, and Private Astronomers. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 18-14. A .-5 S 1, 2 Cycle of Celestial Objects, observed, reduced, and dis- cussed. 2nded. Svo. Oxford, 1881. A3S3 Life and Services of Capt. Philip Beaver, late of H.M.S. Nisus. Svo. Lond., 1829. C 10 Q 1 Nautical Observation.s on the Port and Maritime Vicinity of Cardiff. Svo. Cardiff, 1840. F 4 P 22 The Mediterranean : a Memoir, Physical, Historical, and Nautical. Svo. Lond., 18.54. D 12 P 7 [See Arago, F. J. D.] SMYTHE (Mrs. W. J.) Ten Months in Fiji Islands. Illustrated. Svo. Oxford, 1864. MI) 6 T 5 SMYTHIES (Henry). Report of the of, on the hearing of his Application under " The Law Practitioners Act Amendment Act, 1871." Svo. Wellington, 1872. MJ 2 R 16 SNIDER (Denton J.) System of Shakespeare's Drama. 2 vols, (in 1) Svo. St. Loui.s, 1877. J 8 R 'J SNODGRASS (John). Religion and Philos,,phy in Ger- many. [See Heine, H.] Wit, Wisdom, and Pathos fi'om tiie Prose of Heinrieh Heine. [See Heine, H.] SNORRO STURLESON. Heimskringla edr Noregs Ko- nunga Siigor. (In Scandinavian, Latin, and German.) 6 v()ls. fol. HavniiB, 1777-1826. BUT 2-7 i Heim.skringla : or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway; translated from the Icelandic by Samuel Laing. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1844. 'b 2 R 4-6 SNOW (W. Parker). Two Years' off Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands, Patagonia, and in the Ri\er Plate. With Illustrations. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 18.57. D 3 R 18, 19 Voyage of the Prince Albert in search of Sir John Franklin: a Narrative of Evevy-dav Life in the Arctic Seas. Svo. Lond., 1851. ' ' D 4 R 30 SNOWBALL (John). Publicity; or. Representative Govern- ment perfected by use of a Cementitious Element ensuring its uniform adhesion to the (ieneral Welfare. Svo. Melb., 1859. MF 1 Q 6 SOAMES (Henry), JI.A. The Anglo-Saxon Church: its Historv, Revenues, and General Character. Svo. Lf)nfl., 1835. " G 12 S 24 SO ANE (George). Life of the Duke of Wellington. (Fam. Lib.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lla.sticus, or, the Advocate, com- prising a History of the Church, in seven Book.s. 8vo. Lf.nd., 1874. ' G 16 Q 4 Historia Ecclesia.stica. [See Migne, J. P., Series Gr^ca, 67.] Life of. [See Eusedius Pa.mphilus.] G 4 S 8, 9 t SOKOLOW (P.) Eccleaiastico-Sclavonic and Ru.ssian Dic- tionary. 2vo!s. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1834. K12S2, 3 SOLANDER (Dn. D. C.) [See Cook, Cait., J., nn:tiT]sii, Poet.s 1 ; Chalmers, A. ; - nies. (Pari. Does. 59, 62, 6.").) .'i vi.Ls. fc.l. Lond., 1851-56. MF 4 1 Returns of Quantity of Land in Snutli Australia sold l)v the Colonizjition Coinmissionei-s since the -Jth day of May, 18:?5. (Pari. IVus. ;!0.) Fol. Lond., 1840. :MF 4 ; Finances. Copy of Correspondence of the Colonial Department, ex- planatory of the Debts incurred l)y the ({overnnicnt of Soutli Australia; and also, an Account of the Income and Expenditure of the siiid Colony. (Pari. Docs., ."iO.) Fol. L.j»d., l.-<41. MF 4 t Papers relative to the All'airs of South .\ustralia. (Pari. Dcjcs., 4:5.) Fol. Lond., 184:5. MF 4 J Copies of Correspondence in the Colonial Dejiartment, relative to the estahlishment of the Settlement of South Austnilia, since the ye;ir 18:51, and its ju-e.sent Financial DiHicultie.s. (Pari. Doc.s.,:50.) Fol. Lond.. 1841. MF 4 + GOVERXSIEXT (iAZETTE. .South Australian Government (iazette. 18 vols. 4to. Adelaide, 1874-87. MK NORTHERX TeBRITORY. Northern Territory of South Australia: accompanied with a. Map. 8vo. Adelaide, 186:5. Ml) 1 U 18 Port Darwin: its Soil, Climate, Resources, and Pros]>ects asa«old-fielllMhed for the jiurpose of fiiundiii},' a ('oloiiy in Southi'rn Australia. H\„. L,nd., Ix:n. M F 2 1{ 20 l.ood., IK.'IC. .M.) 2 II 12 Copies of (.iller'i and Aeeounts which havi- jiassed iH-tweeii the .Maiiai;er of the South .Australian ("ompuny and the Coloniuition (.'oiinniHsioners for Soutli Australia, or the Colonial Ollice. (Pari. J)oes., 45.) Foi. I/in. Adelaide, 1801). MK 1 Q 14 South Australian Institute ; comprisin Cliureh, 2 \ols. Svo. Lond., 1824. (! 12 tn* •') Chroni.le of ihc ('id. [See Cii., I!. Drvy, ni; I5.| Common place Look. 1st tth series. EdK.ed by J. W. Wailrr. li.D. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond,, 184 9 -5 1. J7S12-15 PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. Sou] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or lieference. 707 [Sou History of I>razil. 1817-22. SOUTHEY (Robert), lAj.D.—continund. Correspondciico with Caroline Bowles ; to which ai'c added, Corrc^spoiideiice with .Shelley, aiuLSouthey's Dreams; edited by Edward Dowdeii, LL.D. S\-o. DiJhlin, 18S1. O 9 U 38 Select Biof;raphies : Cromwell and lUmyaii. (H. and C. Lib.) 12mo. Lond., 18M. " J 8 P G .'lid ed. :i vols. 4to. Lond., B 19 Q 1-3 ■. Hi.story of the Peninsular Wdv. (y vols. 8vo. Lond., 1828-38. 1! 13 T 23-28 Letters from En'j;land ; liy"|)on ]\laniiel Alvarez E.s- priella." 2nded.' 3vols. 12m. Mnsioal Instruments; Ijy Carl Kngel. (i. Maiuial of Design, ceinipileil from the Writings, &o., of R. Redgrave, R.A. ; byCilbertR. Redgrave. 7. Persian Art; by Major R. M. Sniitli, R.E. 8. Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatn.s, 1870. 9. Food: some Account of its Sources, Constituents, and Uses; by A. H. Church, M.A. 10. Kconomic Entomology : Aptera; by Andrew Murray, F.L.S. 11. Hanil-book to tlic Sjiecial Loan Collection of Scientific Ap- paratus, 1870. }-2. Conferences held in connection with the Special Loan Col- lection of Scientific Apparatus, 1870: Physics and Mechanics, Cliemistry, Biology, Physical (icography, (Jeology, Mineralogy, and Meteorology. i;?. Bronzes; liy C. Drury E. Fortnuni, F.S.A. Witli numerous \^'oodcuts. 14. Animal Products : tlieir Preparation, Connnercial Uses, and Value ; by P. L. Simmonds. 1.5. The Industrial Arts in Spain; Ijy .Juan F. Riano. With numerous Woodcuts. K;. ( iold and Silver-smith's Work ; liy .John Hungerford Pollen, M.A. With numerous Woodcuts. 17. Hand liook of the Dyce and Forster Collections in the South Kensington Museum. With Engravings and Facsimiles. 18, 19. The Industrial Arts of India; l)y CeorgeC. M. Birdwooy J. E. Siiwcrby ; the lle.seriptioiis, SyiionyniM, A'<-., liy CImrieM Ji/iiiMiti. 8vo. L. D 2 V 7, 8 Ancitlici- <'"py. .Vnolhcr copy. 2nd ed 2n.i .'il 2 \ols. It 2 vols, (in 1) It Lond., 17M!. I ) 2 \- 9, 10 Lond., 178G. Ml) 3 P20 t PREE PUBLIC LIBRAPY, SYDNEY. 709 Spa] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Spe SPARSCHUH (Dr. N.) Keltische Studien, oder Uiiter- suchungen iiber das Weseii und die Entstehungdergriecli- ischeii Sprache, Mythologie und Philosriphie der keltischen Dialecte. 8vo. Frankfurt aiu-Maine, 1848. K 13 Q 28 SPEARMAN (H. R.) Bi-itisli Burma Gazetteer. [Compiled by H. R. Spearm;iii.] i vols. roy. 8vo. Rangoon, 1880. D 11 V 1, 2 SPECIMENS of the Novoli.sts and Romaiicer.s ; with Critical and Biographical Notices of the Authors. 12mo. Glas- gow, 1827. J 11 U 21 SPECIMENS of the Yorkshire Dialect ; to which is added a Glossary of such of the Yorkshii'e words as are likely not to be understood. 2nd ed. 12mo. Knaresbroiigh, 1808. K 11 S 3'J SPECTATOR (The): a Weekly Journal of New.s, Politics, Literature, etc. 1.5 vols. fol. Load., 1839-53. E SPECTATOR (The). Fol. Sydney, 184G. E SPEDDING (James). Account of the Life and Times of Francis Bacon, extracted from the edition of his Occasional Writings. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. C 3 R (J, 7 Evenings with a Reviewer; or, Macaulay and Bacon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. J 2 S II, 15 Letters and Life of Francis Bacon, including all his Occasional Works, newly collected and set forth in chrono- logical order. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861-72. C 2 V 17-22 Reviews and Discussions, Literary, Political, and His- torical, not relating to Bacon. 8vo. Lond., 1879. J 12 R 1 Studies in English History. \_See Gaii!d.\ei:, J.] B 3 T 1 SPEECHLY (William). Treatise on the Culture of the Vine. 8vo. 1789. A 1 R 7 SPEED (John). Historic of Great Britaine under the Conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans. 2nd ed. Sm. fol. Lond., 1G23. B 19 S 5 + Another copy. 3rd ed. Sm. fol. Lond., 1G32. B 19 S G J SPEED (Dr. John). History of Southampton. \_Sec Davies, Rev. J. S.] SPEED (John Gilmer). \_See Keats, J.] SPEEDY (Mrs. Cornelia Mary). My Wanderings in the Soudan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. 1) 1 U, 15 SPEEDY (Thomas). Sport in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland with Rod and Gun. 8vo. Edinb., 1884. A 17 W 45 SPEKE (Capt. John Hannino). Journal of the Di.scovery of the Source of the Nile. 8vo. Lond., 18G3. D 2 T 15 SPELMAN (Edward). \See Dionysius Halicarnassensis.] B 18 Q 13-lG + SPELMAN (Sir Henky), Knt. Codex Legum Veterum Statutorum Regni Anglias. [See Wilkins, D.] Concilia. [See Wilkins, D.] De non tenierandis Ecclesiis, Churches not to be violated: a Tract. 5th ed. 12mo. Oxford, 1676. G 9 P 17 English Works of, published in his Life-time; together with his Posthumous Works. 2nd ed. Sm. fol. Lond., 1727. J 7 P 24 t Glo.ssarium Archaiologicuin ; continens latino-barbara, poregrina, obsoleta, et novatre significationis vocabula. Fol. Lodd., 1G64. K 22 S 17 * Villare Anglicum ; or. View of the Townes of England. 8vo. Lond., 1G5G. D 11 S 4 SPELMAN (Sir John), Knt. Lifeof Alfred the Gre:i,t, from the original MS. in the Bodleyan Library; with Additions by T. Hearne. Sm. fol. Oxford, 1709". C 2 U 6 SPENCE (Miss Charlotte H.) A Plea for Pure Demo- cracy : Mr. Hare's Reform Bill applied to South Aus- tralia by C. H. S. 8vo. Adelaide, 18G1. MF 1 Q 3 SPENCE (James). The American Union : its Effects on National Character and Policy. 2nd cd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18G2. B 1 R 1, 2 SPENCE (James Mudie), F.R.G.S. The Land of Bolivar; or. War, Peace, and Adventure in the Republic of Vene- zuela. With Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. D 4 Q 23, 24 SPENCE (Rev. Joseph), A.M. Polymetis; or, an Enquiry concerning the agreement between the Works of thcRoman Poets and the Remains of the Antient Artists. Fol. Load., 1747. A 19 U 1 J SPENCE (W.) [See Kirdy, Rev. W.] A 14 T 30-33 SPENCER (Charles Child). Rudimentary and Practical Treatise on Music. 2 vols, (in 1). (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1866. A 17 P 21 Rudiments of the Art of Playing the Pianoforte. (Weale.) 12mo., 1870. A 17 P 21 SPENCER (Capt. Edmcnd). Sketches of Germany and the Germans, with a Glance at Poland, Hungary, and Switzer- land, in 1834-36; by "An Englishman re.sident in Ger- many." 2nded. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836. D 7 U 21, 22 Tour of Inquiry through France and Italy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. D 7 R 35, 36 Travels in Circassia, Krim Tartary, A-c, including a Steam Voyage down the Danube. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. D 6 T 26, 27 Travels in the Western Caucasus, in 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. . I) 6 T 23, 24 SPENCER (Edmund). Ancie:it Irish Histories. [See Hanmer, M.] B 11 R 8, 9 SPENCER (Georce John), Earl. Account of the Man- .sion, Books, i-c, of. K 19 P 20-23 f 710 CATALOGUE OF THE Spe] Part I : — Authors, EdAtors, or jReference. [Spi SPEXCER (Georof, Trevor). D.D., Bishop of Madras. Juuriuil of ;i Vi.sitiitioii to the Provinces of Tra\aiicorc and Tinuevelly in the Diocese of Madras, 1840-41. 12nio. Lond., 1842. D 5 P 5 Journal of a TLsitation Tour in 1843-44, through part of the We.stem Pnrtidii of tlie Diocese. liino. Loud., 1845. D .-. P Journal of a Visit«itioii Tour through the Provinces of 3Iadui-. [_See (JUTIIUIE, M.] Principles of Biology. 2nd 2 vols. 8vo. 1^)0(1., 1804-07. " A 10 U 10, 17 Principles of Psychology. 8\d. Lond., 185."). G12R17 Another copy. 2nil cd. 2 vols. 8\(i. Lond.. 1870 72. (; 12 K 18, 19 Principles of Sociology. 2 vols, (in I) 8\d. Lond., 187G-8.-1. ■ G 12 R 20 23 Vril. I. [Ihil.i, ic of Sociology.] Vol. 'J, pjiii I. (Juroiiioniul liixtitutions ; ]>ait 'J. I'rjlilioiil Iiisti- tutioiis ; part (1, Kcclesiaaticiil liLslitutions. Social Statics; or, the Conditions e.ssenli.d lo Hiunan specified. 8vo. Lond., is.ll, 1' I I S 10 Stiiily of Sociology. ."(Ill id. S\o. Lond.. IS7'i. CIO (,l 2."i SPKNCF:R (Kkv. .i. A.), .M..\. The East: Sketciics of Travel in Egypt and the Holy F^ind. Uoy. 8v(i. Lond., lH-,0. " l» 2 S 11 SI'ENCEIi (Joiiv Gii.\ni.Es), VisrorxT .Vlthori-, Third Kaki,. .M en Mill- of ; liy the late Sir Denis !;<■ .Manliant. Half. Mvo. L.n.i,. |"S70. C 9 I! 1.^ SPEXCEI'. (W. |{.) Sl;el.|i .,f Duke of Dr.von.shire. [Sff. .Xdaih, I!. I (* 10 i: 9 SPENCiEL M. W.) [See Dawkins, W. \:.\ A 9 T ."i SPKNS (M.), I».l). The l{ Plato, in fn liooks. Sin. 4to Gliu.gow, 170.'!. I' 12 I'.") SPENSEIJ (V.UMVsu), .M.A., Ac. (A lliogr.i),hy |: l.y K. W. Chiinh. (Ent?. .Men btls.) 8vo. l^md., |M7!I. (3 I U 32 SPEXSER (Edmund), M.A., &e.~continw^d. Book[.s] 1 and 2 of the Faery Qucene; edited Ly G. W. Kitchin, :M.A. Gth ed. (Clar. Press.) 2 vols, (in 1). 12nio. Oxford, 1874-73. H R 40 Complete Works in Verse and Prose ; edited, with a new Life, by the Rev. Alexander B. Gro.sart, D.D., itc. (Huth Lib.) Vols. 1-9. 4to. Lond., 1881-84. J .-) 1' 34-Y 4 Life and Poems. [See Chalmers, A.] Observations on Spenser's Fairy Queen. [See Wartox, T. | AVorks of; to which is prefixed, some Account of the Life of Spenser, by the Rev. Henry J. Todd, M..V. lto\ 8vo. Lond., 1809. " 11 U 2 SPICE (R. P.), :M.1n-st. C.E. Treatise on the Purilication Coal-gas, and the Advantages of Cooper's Coal-liming Proces.s. 8v,i. Lond., 1884. A 11 R it SPICER (H.) Strange Things among uf- Lond., 1804. SPICER (Rev. W". W.), M.A. Haml-bo,,k of tlie Plants of Tasmania. 12nio. Hobart, 1878.* .MA IV 28 SPIEGEL (Prof.) Avesta : the Religious Books of the Parsces. [See Avesta. j SPIERS (A.) Dictionnaire general Anglais-Fran(;ais, Francais-Anglais. 21' ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809. K 16 11 17, 18 SP1LL.\X (D.) History ..f Rome. [See Livius, T.] H12P13 SPINCKES (N.vrHANIEL), M.A. The New Pretenders to Prophecy e.vamined. 8vo. Loud., 1709. G 2 1' 2;") SPIN ETC (JIai:qi-1S). Elenu'nts of llieroglypjilcs and Egyptian Antic|uilies. W'itli Engraxin Itov. 1 nd ed. 8vo, (J 10 R 40 184.J. 8vo. Lonrl.. 15 2 S Lectures on the Elements of llicroglypliics and Egyptian Antiquities. 8vo. Lond., 18iJl). I? 2 S .^ SPINOZA (Bexeuict de). Chief Works of; tran.slated from tiie Latin, with an Introduction, by R. H. M. Elwes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883 81. (! 8 Q 4, '> Ethic; demonstrated in <>eonu'lrical Order .md di\ided into five Parts, which treat: 1. Of (Jod; 2. Of the Nature and Origin of the Mind; 3. Of the Origin and Nature of the Afi'ects; 4. Of Human Bondage, or, of the Strength of the Afi'ects; ."). Of the Po\M>r of the Intellect, or, of Human Liberty; translateil by William Hide NN'hile. 8vo. Lond,, 1883. C 12 S 2 Four I'^s.says, by Land. Kujio I'lsclicr. .1. \an N'lolen, and Ernest Renan : I'diied by I'rol'. William Knight. 8vo. Lond,, 1881'. " f K. Coniiidi'rations sur U'h Principaux Eveiiemens ile la Revolution I'VaiKjoise. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1819. B8S 31-33 inical Writings ; to which is added, Opinions of the Jews concerning the Messiah, and the Time of liis Appearing, together with an Account of their Religious Customs and Ceremonies, abridged from the Latin of Buxtorff. 2 vols. 8vo. Lnnd., 1732-34. G 7 S 15, 16 STEIX (Heinrich Friedricii K.\rl), Barox vox. Life and Times of Stein : or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age; by J. R.Seeley.M.A. 3vols. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1878. C 11 P 32-34 STEINBUCHEL (A.) ISee Eckiiel, J. IL] A 13 S 9 STEINITZ (Fh.w-cis). Life of Alfred the Great; with his Ma.xims, and those of his Counsellors. 8vo. Lond., 1849. C 5 Q 2 STEINMETZ (Axdrew). History of the Jesuits, from the Foundation of their Society to its Suppression by Pope Clement xiv. 3 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1848. G 12 P 16-18 Japan and her People. With numerous Illustrations. 8vo. Lend., 1859. D 6 P 38 The Novitiate : or, a Year among the English Jesuits. Svo. Lond., 1846. G 12 S 4 STELLA. {See Lewis, Mr.s. Estiiep. A. B.] STENHOUSE (N. D.) Report on the Evidence in the of G. D. Lang. \_See Laxo, Rev. J. D.] STENHOUSE (Mu.s. T. B. H.) Lady's Life among the Monnon.s: a Record of Personal E.xperionce as one of the Wives of a Alonnon Eltler, during a period of more than Twenty Ycju-s. 12mo. Loud., 1873. D 3 P 21 STENHOUSE (T. B. H.) The Rocky .Mountain Saints : a Full and Complete History of the; Mormons, from the First Vision of Jo.seph Smith to the Liist Courtship of Brigham Young. Svo. Lond., 1874. G 12 R 5 STENT (Georoe C.vrter). The Jade Chaplct in Twenty- four Beads: a Collection of Songs, Ballads, ito. (Fnjni the Chinese.) 8vo. Lond., 1^!74. II 8 S 33 STENT (W. Drew), B.A. Egypt and the Holy Land in 1842; with Sketches of Greece, Cnnstjintinoplc, and the Lf^vant. 2 vol.s. (in 1) 8vo. L Thouglit-M on the fy-giHlative Constitution f)f New South Wales. 8v«. Sydney, Ifirj 3. Ml'.'.l'l Another coj-y. Svo. Sydney, 18.53. MJ 2^11 STEPHEN (Rt. Hox. Sir Alfred), P.C, C.B., G.C.M.G., itc. — continued. Australian Divorce E.'ctension Bills. 8vo. Sydney, 1888.* MF 3 Q 78 Constitution. Rules, and Practice of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1843-45. MF 2 R 8 Divorce Extension defended (with special reference to the Measure before the New South Wales Parliament). Svo. Sydney, 1887.* MF 3 Q 74 Electoral Bill: Speech in the Legislative Council of New South Wales, on the second rea(ling of the Bill to amend the Electoral Lvw. Svo. .Sydney, 1858. MF 3 P 3 Another copy. Svo. Sydney, 185S. MJ 2 Q 14 New South Wales Divorce Extension Bill : with Reply to Protest against the Measure. Svo. Sydney, 1887.* MF 3 Q 76 Tlioughts on the Constitution of a Second Legislative Chamber for New South Wales, in a Letter to the Attorney- General. (Pam. 26.) Svo. Sydney, 1853. MJ 2 Q 14 The Colony of Australia. [See New South Wales.] STEPHEN (Rt. Hox. Sir Alfred), P.C, C.B., G.CM.G., itc, AND OLIVER (Ale.xaxder), M.A. Criminal Liiw Manual, comprising the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1883; with an Introduction, Cummentarv, and Index. Roy. Svo. Sydney, 1883. " MF 1 S 7 STEPHEN (F. J.) [Sec KxuiiiT r. Stephen.] STEPHEN (Sip. George), Kxt. Adventuresof an Attor.iey in search of Practice ; or, Delineations of Professional Life. 12mo. Loud., 1840. J 5 P 1 Sunday-school, at MJ 2 P 31 Lectures on the Decalogue (to his CauUield). 12mc>. Melb., 1871. Memoir of the late James Stephen, one of the Masters in llic High Court of Chancery, in relation to Slave Emanci- jialion; by his Son. Svo. Brighton, Vic, 1875. MC1R22 No Change. Svo. Brighton, Vic, 1876. MG 1 Q 39 The Systems of English Bankruptcy and Colonial In- solvency, brielly eoniparcd in a Letter to His Excellency Sir Charles HoUiam, K.CB., kc. Svo. Melb., 1855. MJ 2 R 19 STEPHEN (George Milxer). [See "Argus" Liuel Case.] MF 1 ti 1 STEPHEN (II. W. H.) [Sec Oiu Ciii; Budget.] .STEPHEN (James), LL.D. Mrm.iir of the lute James Sle])hen, o)\eof the M.isters in the Higii Court of t'hancery, in relation to Shiv(! ]inianci])ation ; by his Son, Sir (ieorgo Stephen. Svo. Brighton, Vic, 1875. MC 1 R 22 New ('onnnentaries on the L:iws of England (partly founded on ItlackstiiiH'). 7th rd. 1 \(ils. Svo. Lond., 1S74. F 10 y 8-11 STEPHEN (Rt. Hon. Sir James), K.CB. E.ssay.s in Eccle- HJastical Biography. 2n(l cd. 2 vol.s. Svo. Lond., 18.50 55. G 12 P 19, 20 FREE PUBLIC LIBllAllY, SYDNEY. 717 Ste] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or 'Reference. [Ste STEPHEN (Sir James Fitzjames), K.C.S.I., kc. Digest of the Law of Evidcuco. ith ed. 8vo. Loud., 1881. F 6 P ;il History of the Criminal Law of England. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. F 4 Q 8-10 Liberty, Equ7 STEPHENSON (Agnes and Helen). Pekin, Jeild.., and San Fi-ancisco. {See Beauvoir, Ludovic, Mar(^uis de.] D 10 Q 29 STEPHENSON (Edward R.) Essays and Miscellaneous Pieces. Svo. Adelaide, 1865. :\IH 1 R 17 STEPHENSON (Geokoe), C.E. Life of ; l.y S. Smiles. With a Portrait. 8v<>. Lond., 1857. C 9 U 13 Another copy. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 18.")7. C 9 U 14 STEPHENSON (Robert), F.R.S. Life of; by J. C. Jejif- fre.sim: with descriptive Chapters on some of his most inipi)rt;int Profossiunal Works, by William Pole, F.R.S., A-c. 2 vols. 8vo. Load., 1864. C 9 U 15, 16 STEPHENSON (Robert), A- CO. Description of the Patent Locomotive Steam-engine. 4to. Lond., 1838. A 3 P 1 t STEPHENSON (Sir R. Macdoxald), C.E. Rudimentary and Practical Instructions on tli(! Science of Railway Con- struction. 4th e.r-book of New Zeal.\nd.] STEWART (Sir James), Bart. Princii.les (if Banks, and Banking of Money. 8yo. Lond., 181a F 4 Q 24 STEWART (James). Illustrations to County of Fife. {See Leightox, J. M.] B 12 V 20-22 STEWART (James Lin-dsay), and BRANDIS (D.) Forest Flora of Norlli-west and Central India. 8yo. Loud., 1874. A 4 S 18 Plates to [the alioye]. Roy. 4to. L<,nd., 1874. A 2 P 20 t STEWART (Hon-. John), M.L.C. Lecture on State Aid to Religi..n. (Pani.20.) 8v... WoUongoiig, 1859. MJ 2 t^ 9 Stable Economy : a Treatise on the Management of Horse.s in relation to Stabling, GrcKiming, Feeding, Watering, and Working. 12mo. Edinb., IHCtJ. A 1 P 30 STEWART (HoiiKHT), A..M. Australasia; with an A]i- pendix, containing authentic Document.s ilhist rating the Progres.s and State of the Australasian Colonies, to the latest Date. 12mo. I>md., 1853.* MD 1 S 32 STEWAI{T (Kkv. S. P.) Reply to certain strictures I'oiitairied in a Pamjiliiet recently jiublislied by Rev. P. .Maqiherson. {Set PriEsnYTEiiiAN 'J'iiact.s. | STEWART (WiM.rAM). {Set Tiiom.sox, T.] A 1 1 g 20 STEWARTS. Genealogy of the Stewarts. {See Siki:aiit, Sin H.) ■ H 13 ti 2 HTICKNEY (Haraii). {Set, Mits. S.] STIELER (Adolf). Hand-Atlas iiber alle Theile der Erde und liber das Weltgebiiude. Fol. Gotha,1876. D 33 Q 2 * Schul-Atlas iiber alio Theile der Erde und iiber das Weltgebiiude. Roy. 8vo. Gotha, 1872. D 33 P 5 t STIELER (Karl), PAULUS (E.), and KADEN (W. Italy, from the Alps tt) Mount Etna; translateil by Frances E. Troliope, and edited by I'homas A, Ti'ollope. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1877. " D 5 S 2 t Wanderuni,'en im Bayerischen Gebirge. {See ITssek V.\tei!L.\nd.] D38P17t STIFTER (Adalbert). Pictures of Rural Life in Austria and Hungary ; from the German, by jMarv Norman. 3 \ols. Svo! Lond., 1850. " D 8 Q 19-21 STIG AND (William). Life, Work, and Opinions of Hcin- rich Heine. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875. C 7 Q 28, 29 STILES (Rev. Henry). Sermon preached in St. John's Church, Parramatta, May 20th, 1838, on the occasion of the Death of the Rev. Samuel Marsden, of Parramattii. 8vo. Sy.hiey, 1838. MG 1 P 1 STILLTNGFLEET (Rt. Rev. Edward), D.D.. Bishop of Worcester. Discourse concerning the Idolatry jiractised in the Church of Rome. 12mo. Lond., 1671. Ci 9 Q 1 Origincs Britanniea^ ; or, the Antiquities of the British Churches ; with a Preface concerning some pretended Antiquities relating to Britain, in Vindication of the Bishop of St. Asaph. Fol. Lond., 1685. G 36 U 1 t Origines Sacra' ; or, a Rational Account of the (irounds of Christian Faith as to the Truth and Diyine Authority of the Scriptures. Sni. 4to. Lond., 1680. G 12 S 3 Works of ; together witli Ins Life and Character. 6 vols, .sm. fol. Lond., 1707 10. G 3 Q 7-12 t 1 . Fifty Sei'inons, preachoil upon sevei-al Occasions. 2. Origine.s Sacnv : or, a Rational Account of the (irounds of Natural anil Reveal'il Religion. .3. On^;iues Britanniea' ; or, tlic .Vntiijuilics of the British Chuichcs. 4. jV Rational .Vrcinuit of the (Irouuils of Protestant Religion. 5. A Discourse concerning the IiUilatry |)ractiseil in tlie Church of R(nuc, and the Hazaril of 8alvation in the Coniinunioii of i(. fi. Several Conferences het^vetMi a Romish I*r"ieyt, a Fanatiek- Chaplain, and a Divine of tlie Cliiuch of Enylaml, concerning tlie Idnlnti-y of tile Cluu-ch of Uonic. STILL.MAX (l)n. J. I). B.), A.M., kc. The Horse in ISlotion, as shown by Instantaneous Photography; with a Study of Animal Mechanics, executed and published under the auspices of Leland St uiford. 4tii. Lond., 18M2. \ 2 R I t STIiJ.M.VN (W. .1.) Iler/egnviii:i an.nd., lMIH-20. I'. 1.1 S 3, 1 Anolhor copy. 2 voi.t !^\o. Loud.. \X\x 20. Hl.lS.'), 6 STnltKH (.Iami>), and GKEIG (I.) Anli.|Uarian and To[H.grapliirn| (.'nbiriet. 10 vols. 12lii". fjond., !S07-1I. I) 12 P 1-10 .\nti(|imrinn Itinerary. 7 voN. Hvo. I»nd., 1816. B T 25-31 STORER (Thomas). Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinall. {See Park, T.] STORMONTH (Rev. James). Dictionary of the English Language, Pronouncing, Etymological, and Explanatory, Imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1884. ' K 15 U"2 STORY (Joseph), LL.D. Commentaries on Equity Juris- jirudence, as administered in England and America. 12tli ed. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Boston, 1877. F -1 R 10, 11 Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 3 vols. 8vo. Bt>ston, 1833. F 4 R 4-6 Public and General Statutes of the N.S. of America, 1789-1827. 8vo. Boston, 1828. F 12 R 3-5 STORY (William). Victorian Government Prize Essay : Essa}' ujion the Agriculture oi Victoria, with reference to its Climate Advantage-s, (i-c. 8vo. Melb., 1861. MA 1 Q 1 Another copy. \_See Victorian Government Prize Essays.] STORY (William W.) Roba di Roma. 6th ed., with Additions. 8vo. Lond., 1871. D 6 Q 44 STOTHARD (C. A.) Monumental Effigies of Great Britain. Roy. fol. Lond., 1876. B 32 P 13 + STOTHARD (Thomas), R.A. Life of ; with Personal Re- miniscences, by Mrs. Bray. With Illustrations from his Works. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1851. 9 R 19 Italy : .-i Poem. Illustrated. [See R0(;ers, S.] STOUCtIITON (John), D.D. Howard, the Philanthropist, and his Friends. 8vo. Loud., 1884. C 3 U 26 ^\'illiam Penn, the Founder of Pennsylvania. Svo. Lond., 1882. C 4 T 23 STOUT (Rohkrt). Social Futur(^ of Labourers : a Paper reut of the most authentic Authors, Records, and other .^Innunicuts of Antiquity. Sin. 4to. Lond., 1592. " Libr. Annales: or, a (icni'rall ('lironiclc of England; b( Hand-ljook of Practical Botany, for the Botanical Laboratory and Private Student. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 4 T 17 Zellbildung und Zelltheilung. 8vo. J('na, 1880. A 5 P 10 STRATFORD (Joseph). Wiltshire and its Worthies: Note.s, Topographical and Biographical. Sm. 4to. Salis- bury, 1882. ' D 12 P4 STRATFORD DE REDCLIFFE (Rt. Hon. Sir Stratford Cannino), Viscount, P.C, &c. Alfred the Great in Athelnay: an Historical Play. 8vo. Lond., 1876. H 4 P 31 STRATMANN (Francis Henry). Dictionary of the Old English Language, compiled from Writings of the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th Centuries. 3rd ed. 4to. Krefeld, 1878. K 12 T 18 STRAUSS (David Friedeicii). Life of Jesus, critically e.xamined. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846. G 12 P 11-13 The Old Faith and the New : a Confession. Authorised Translation from the Gth ed., by Jlathilde Blind. 8vo. Lond., 1873. G 7 S 5 Strauss and Renan: an Es.say. [See Zeller, E.] Strauss in his Life and Writings ; by Eduard Zeller. With a Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 4 Q 47 STRAUSS (Friedrich Adolpii). Sinai and Golgotha: a Journey in the East. 12mo. Lond., 1849. D 5 P 19 STRAUSS (Prof. G. L.), Ph.D. Grammar of the French LaiijiuaKC. (Weale.) 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1871. " ^ ^ ' K11T12 Grammar of the Gorman Language as spoken and written. (Weale.) 12m(i. Lond. (n.d.) K 11 T 20 The German Reader : a series of Extracts carefully culled from the most approved Authors of Germany. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) K 1 1 T 20 STREATFIELD (G. S.), M.A. Lincolnshire and the Danes. 8vo. Loud., 1884. B 3 R 20 724. CATALOGUE OF THE Str] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Stu STRECKER (Adolph). Kurzes Lehrbuch tier Orgaiiischen Chemie. 5' auflage. 8vo. Brauiisw., 18G8. A 5 S 'I'i Short Text-book of Organic Chemistry ; edited by Dr. Johannes "Wislicenus ; translated, witli Additions, by W. R. Hodgkinsoii, Ph.D., and A. J. Greenaway. Svo. Lond., 1881. A G Q 4 STREET (GEOitriE Edmuxd), R.A., kc. Cathedral of the Holv Trinity, commonly called Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. Fol. Lond., "1882. B 20 P 19 t Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain. 2nd ed. Roy. 8yo. Lond., 1869. A 2 S 23 STREET TRAMWAYS. Street Trannvays— the Cars drawn by Horses; compiled for the Melbourne Omnilms Company, Limited. 8yo. Melb., 1872. 3IF 1 Q 2 STREETER (Edwin W.), F.R.G.S. Great Diamonds of the World: their History and Romance. 8yo. Lond., 1882. A 10 Q 5 Pearls and Pearling Life. 8yo. Lond., 188G. A 16 U 20 Precious Stones and Gems: their History and distin- guishing Characteristics. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1877. A 10 P 4 STREETS (TuoMAS H.), M.D. Contributions to theNatural History of Hawaiian and Fanning Islands, and Lower California, made in connection with the United States North Pacific Surveying Expedition, 1873-75. 8vo. Wash., 1877. MD 5 T 36 STRETCH (Ui;v. J. F.) The English llcfurmation. {See Chlrch History.] MG 1 R 15 STRETTON (Ciiakles). Memoirs of a Chefjuercd Life. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 18G2. MC 1 Q 3-5 Sport and Sportsmen : a rublisiie,ii(l., 1K»0. C 5 R 28, 29 Rome. [5m Stuicki,a\i>, Janb M.] !'• I-' <^ 35 Tftli-M and Stori<-s from History. Hlh e(l. Il'ijim. Lund., iM.V.l. I! :!.-. (I ', STRICKLAND (Sir Edward), K.C.B., &c. Importance of (Geography. 8vo. Sydney, 1887.* MD 7 P 37 Lecture on our South African Colonies: how the recent Wars with the Gaikas, Galekas, and Zulus arose and ended. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MB 2 R 27 [See Royal Geographical Society of Australasia.] STRICKLAND (Miss Jane IMargaret). Rome, Regal and Republican: a Family History of Rome ; edited by Agnes Strickland. 8vo. Loud., 1854. B 12 Q 35 STRITTER (Joiiaxn- (Jottiiilk vox), ilenu.ria" Popvlorvm, olini ad Danvbivm, Pontum Evxinvni,Palv(lemM;eotidein, Ca\casvm, I\lare Caspi\ ni, et inde niagis ad Septemtrioncs incolentivni, e Scriptoribus Historian Byzantina^ ervtre et digesta^ a Joanne (iotthilf Striltcro. 4 vols. 4to. Petro- poli, 1771-79. B 9 V 26-29 STRONACH (George), M.A. New Gleanings from Glad- stone. 8vo. Edinb. [1879] MF 1 Q G STRONG (Prof. H. A.), M.A., &c. Thirteen Satires of Juvenal. {_See Juvenalis, D. J.] STRUTHERS (John). History of Scotland, from the Union to the Abolition of Heritable J uisdictions in 1748. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1830. B 13 Q 18, 19 STRUTT (Elizabeth). DomesticResidence in Switzerland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842. D 8 S 29, 30 STRUTT (Joseph). Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England. New ed., with Notes, by J. R. Planchc, F.S.A. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1842. B 10 ti 8, 9 t Regal and Keclesiastical Anti(|uiti('s of England; con- taining the Rei)re.sentations of all the English Monarchs, from Edward the Confessor to Hein-y viii; with Notes by J. R. PlanchC", F.S.A. 4to. Lond., 1842. BUR 10 + Sjxirts and Pastimes of the People of England, from th(^ Earliest Period to the Present Time ; with Index. 8vo. Lond., 1850. A 17 W 35 STRUYCK (Nicolaas). Inleiding tot de algemeene Geo- grai)liie, benexcns ecnige sterrekuncschrv\in^ dor Staarsterren. 4to. Amsterdam, 1753. A 3 U 18 STRYPE (Rev. John), :\1.A. Historical and Biographical Works of; with hide.v by the Rev. R. T. Lawrence. 24 vols. 8v.r. Oxfonl, 182(3 ID. G 2 S 1-24 ST1;/I;LI;('K1 (T. Iv i.e), Coixt. (;,,1(1 ami SiUer: a Siippl,i,ii'iil I,, the " Physical l)eseri])tion of New South W, ill's and \'an jlieiiii'M's Land.'' 8vo. Lond., 185G.* .M I) 2 V 1 2 Physical Descriiilion of New South \\'ales and Van Dieiiien's Land; accompanied by a (Seological Map, Sec- lions and Diagrams, and l'"iguri's of the < )rganic Remains. 8y... Lond., 18 15.* Ml) 2 V 8 STl'.M! T (.\xoiti;w). [S<<79. MA 1 P 6 STURT (Cait. Charles), F.L.S., kv. Narrative of an E.k- pcilition into Ct.-iitral Australi, during the years 1844- tO; t4)getlicr with a Notice of the Provinci! of Soutli Australia in 1847. 2 vols. .Svo. I^md., Isl9.* MD 3 U 3U. 31 Two Expe<]itions into the Interior of Southern Australia, during tlu; years 1H2H -31 ; with Observations on the Soil, Climate, and (Jeneral Resources of tlu^ Colony of New South Wales. 2 vols. Hvo. Ivon.l., 1H33.* .MD 3 U 22, 23 Another copy. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. I,.,n(l., 1834.* -MO 3 U 26, 27 [Extmctt from] Twn Expeditions into the Interior nf Southern Australia. Hvo. I>md., 1H31. .MI)7(^>.')1 STUTCHIiCRY (S.) De.Mcrij.tion of a new species of Pl<>-i..'yiurus. (Pam. Cli.) Hvo. I/.nd., IH 10. A 10 1125 On 11 new genUH of Foiwi! Bivalve Shell. (I'am. Cb.) Hvo. I^ml., IH12. A Mi r '.'.^) STUTFIKLI) (Hk.h K. .M.) KI .Mahgreb: 1,-JOO .Miles' Hide llirough .Vlarocco. Hvo. l/md., |HH6. 1)1^2 STUITEHD (M ) \Sa Dzikhzov, Dr. J.| STYLES (Rev. Jons), D.I). The Animal Creaticm : its Claims on our Humanity stated and enforced. 8vo. Lond., 1839. A 14 R 37 SUARD ( — .) Notice sur la Vie de la Due de la Roche- foucauld. \_See La Rochefoucauld, F., Due de.] SUCCESS IN LIFE: a Book for Young Men. 12mo. Lond., 1852. J 10 P 35 SUCKLING (Silt John). Aglaura. (Old Plays.) Sm. fol. Lond., 1638. H 1 V 1 Life and Poems, of. [See Chalmers, A.] PoeiiLS, Plays, and other Remains of. Lond., 1874. 2 Vols. 1 2nio. Libr. SUDDS (Joseph), and THOMPSON (Patrick). Copy of the Record of Conviction of Josepli Sudds and Patrick Thompson, Pri\ates of tlie 57th Regiment, who were con- victed at the Quarter Sessions, at Sydney, New South Wales, on the 7th November, 1820, of stealing some Calico, and severally sentenced to seven years' transportji- tion. (Pari. Docs., C.) Fol. Lond., 1828. MF 4 t Return of all the Letters addressed by the Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonic.*, in rei)ly to Governor Darling's l)esj)atches, relative to the Punishment and Death of Private Jo.seph Sudds, late of His Majesty's 57th Regiment, dated 4th and 12th December, 1826, and 20th April, and 28th :\lay, 1829; also, portions of Mr. Went- worth's Letter of Impeadnnent. (Pari. Docs. 6.) Fol. Lond., 1832. MF 4 | [See Darlinc, Lieut.-IJen. Sir K.] SUESS (PuoF. E.) Wien, 1875. Die Entsteluuiu der Alpen. 8vo. A 21 U 6 SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS (C.) Lives of iho Twelve Ciesars, to which are addeil his Jjives of the ( !r;innn;irians. Rhetoricians, and Poets ; the Translation of Alexander Thoms<,n, .M.I). 8vo. Loiui., 1SS7. C4P9 Opera onnnia, ex editione liauiiigarten-Crusii ; cum Notis !•(. Intcrpetationc in usum Delphini. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1,S26. J 13 S 29-32 SUFFOLK (Henrietta), Countess. Letters to and from Henrietta, Counli'ss of Suflblk, and her Husliand, the Hon. George lirrkeley, 1712 07. 2 vols. Hvo. Lond., 1824. C 9 T 40, 4 7 SUFI''Ol,K AND liKRKSHlKi;(lli:NRvCiiAiii.i.;sllo\VARD), Eari, ok. [See Uacini;.] A 17 U 32 SIKIAH CANE (Thk): a Monthly .Magazine devoted to the Interests of the Sugai- t!aiie Industry. 8vo. Man .•hester, |H7l. srcKKI rS (AniiAs). ()|iuscula et Ejustohv. J. t'.. Series Latina, IHO. 1 \\\ 1 (,» 2S [See Mi(;ne, SCLKIMAN of Hu.snKeifa. [Sec Ham,, I. Ilj G 3 P 22 J SI'LIVAN (Capt. G. L.), R.N. Dhow cliasing in^Canzibar W'.ilers and on till' IvisliTii Coast of Africa. H\(i. Lond., IH73. D2S9 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAllY, SYDNEY. [27 Sul] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Sut 1 SULLIVAN (Siu Edward), Baut. Conquerors, Warriors, and Statesmen of India. Svo. Lond., 1866. B 10 U 28 SULLIVAN (lloisEirr), LL.])., etc. Dictionary of Deriva- tion.s; or, an Introduction to Etymology, on a new plan. 13th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1870. ' K 11 U 26 SULLIVAN (William). Political Cla.s.s-book, intended to instruct the Higher in Scliools in tlu; Origin, Nature, and Use of Political Power; with Appendix, by G. B. Emerson. 8vo. Boston, 18.30. F f) S 4 SULLIVAN (PiiOF. William K.), Ph.D., kc. Celtic Studies. ISee Ebel, Dii. 11. ] SULLY (Jamks), M.A. Illusions; a Psychological Study. 8vo. Lond., 1881. ' ' G 7 S"8 Outlines of Psychology, with special reference to the Theory of Education. 8vo. Lond., 1884. G 12 S 5 Pessimism; a History aiifl a Criticism. 8vo. Lond., 1877. ' G 12 R 4 SULLY (Ma-XImilian de Bethuxe), Duke de. Memoirs of. Prime Minister of Henry the Great; newly translated from the French Edition of [Pierre Mathurin] de I'Ecluse [des Loges]. 5 vols. 12mo. Edinh., 1773. C 5 P 29-33 SULPICIA. Satire of Sulpicia. {See Juvenalis, D. J.] SULPICIUS SEVERUS. Opera, ad MSS. codices emen- data, notisque, observationibus et dissertationibus illus- trata, studio et labore Hieronymi do Prato. 2 vols. 4to. Verona, 1741-54. G 5 U 22, 23 SUMMER (Prof. James). English Outline Vocabulary. [See Bellows, J.] SUMNER (Heywood). The Itchen Valley, from Tichborne to Southampton. Twenty-two Etchings. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1881. D 4 U 12 J SUN (The), and New South Wales Independent Press. Fol. Sydney, 1843. ME SUNDAY MAGAZINE (The), for 1865; edited by Thos. Guthrie, D.D. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1865. J 9 V 19 SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. [See Van Diemen'.s Land Sunday School Union.] MG 1 Q 39 SUNDERLAND (Countess of). Correspondence of Charles ii with. [_See Romney, Hon. Henry Sidney, Earl of.] C 6 V 18, 19 SUNDERLAND LIBRARY. Bibliotheca Sundculand- iana; Sale Catalogue of the Library of Printed Books. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1881. K 8 Q 1 SUNDT (Eilert). Beretning om Fante-eller Landstry- gerfolket i Norg(^ Bidrag til Kundskab om de laveste Samfundsforholde. Andet Oplag. 8to. Christiania, 1852. ' K 12 Q 43 SUNSHINE AND SEA; a Yachting Vi.sit to the Channel Islands and Coast of Brittany ; by "A Country Doctor." Svo. Lond. 1885 D 7 R 49 [See 2nd ed. 3 v(j1s. Svo. G 8 T 14-10 SUPERINTENDENT OF THE LAYTON, THE Emioration.] SUPERNATURAL RELIGION : an ln(iuiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation Lond., 1875-77. SUPREME COURT. [See New South Wales; Victoria; and West Australia.] SURREBUTTER (Mr. John). [See Anstey, J.] SURREY (Henry Howard), Earl of. Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] SURREY (Henry Howard), Earl of, and WYATT (Sir T.) Works of ; edited by G. F. Nott. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1815-16. J S R 9 10 t SURTEES (William). Twenty-five in the Rifle Brigade. Svo. Edinb., 1823. C 4 Q 33 SURTEES (William Edward), D.C.L. Sketch of the Lives of Lords Stowell and Eklun. Svo. Lond., 1846. C 9 U 40 76 vols. 8vo. E2.4I SURTEES SOCIETY. Lond., 1835-83. Publications of. SUSOOS. Religious Instruction- for the Susoos. (Pam. Ea.) 12mo. Edinb., 1801. MK 1 P 24 Spelling-book for the Susoos, and a Catechism ff)r Little Children. (Pam.Ea.) 12mo. Edinb., 1802. MK 1 P 24 SUSSEX ARCH^OLOGICAL COLLECTIONS, illus- trating theHistory and Antiquities of the County ; with a General Index to vols. 1-25, by Henry Campkin, F.S.A. Published by the Sussex Archieological Society. 29 vols. Svo. Lewes, 1848-78. " E 1.46 SUSSEX STREET RAGGED AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. [See Ragged and Industrial School.] SUTCLIFFE (Thomas). Sixteen Years in Chile and Peru, 1822-39; by "The Retired Governor of Juan Fernandez." Svo. Lond., 1S41. D 4 Cj 13 SUTHERLAND (Ale.xander). Knights of Malta. 2 vols. 12mi Another copy. 1831. Achievements of the Edinb., 1831. B 14 Q 14, 15 (Const. 2 vols. ISnio. Edinb., K 10 Q 51, 52 SUTHERLAND (Alexander), M.A. New Geography, for Australian Pupils. 12mo. Melb., 1885. MD 6 P 36 SUTHERLAND (Alexander), M.A., and SUTHER- LAND(George), M.A. History of Australia, 1606-1876. 12mo. Melb., 1877.* MB 1 P 10 SUTHERLAND (George), M.A. Australia: or, England in the South. With Illustrations. 12mo. Lond , 1 886. MD 3 Q 5 [See Presbyterian Tracts.] SUTHERLAND (George Granville Leveson Gower), Duke of. [See Gower, G. G. Leveson, Earl.] 723 CATALOGUE OF THE Sut] Part I : — Aiitlwrs, Editors, or Reference. [Swa SUTTA XIPATA: or, Dialogues and Discourses of Gotaiiia Buddha : translated from the Pali, with Introduction and Notes, by Sir M. C. Swamy. 8vo. Loud., l!^74. J 11 S i9 SL'TTER (Aikuibald), C.E. American Notes, L^81. 8vo. Edinb., 1882. D 3 Q 26 Per Mare, per Terras : being a visit to New Zealand, by Australia, for theexamination of certain Liinds there, during 1883-84, and in 1885. 12mo. Lond., 1887. ]\ID 1 Q t SUTTON (M. J.) Permanent and Temporary Pastures; with coloured Illustrations and botanical Descriptions of leading Natural Grasses and Clovers. 8vo. Lond.. 1886. A 1 T 9 SUITOR (Beverley). Original Poet rv. 12mo. Svdnev, 1838. " Mil i P 46 SUTTOR (Edwi.v C.) Australian Magistrate. [See Pnx- KETT, J. H.] .MF 1 Q 8 Public Lands: Progressive, Fixed Price, Mixed Farming, Homestead Villages. 12mo. Sydnev, 1871. MF 3 P 17 Another copy. 12mo. Sydney, 1871. MJ 2 K 2 SUTTOR (OEORfJE), F.L.S. Culture of the Crape Vine and the Orange in Australia and New Zealand; comprising Historicjil Notices; Instruotions for Planting and Culti- vation: Account.s, from pci-sonal ob.servation, of the Vine- yards of France and the Rhine; and E.vtracts concerning all tlie most celebrated AVine.s, from the AVork of M. Jullien. 8vo. Lond., 1843. M A 1 Q .5 Mi-incjirs, Historical and Scientific, of the Hi. Hon. Sir Jose]ih Bank.s, Bart. 12mo. Parramattji, 18.").").* .MC 1 P 31 SUTT(Jl{ ( \V. H.) Australian Stories Retold, an.nd., 18.".3.* MI) I R 11 Exotic Coiichology ; or, Figures and I)es<>riptions of Rare. I'rf-uutifiil, or L'iideMeril)emannahofn, 1869. G 11 R 32 4 z SWEET (Henry), M.A. Anglo-Saxon Primer; with Gram- mar, Note.s, and Glos.sary. Svo. Oxford, 1882. K 11 T 2 Anglo-Saxon Reader, in Prose and Verse; with (iram- matical Introduction, Notes, and Glos.sary. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Oxford, 1S76. K 16 P 48 Hand-book of Phonetics, including a Popular Exposition of the Principles of Spelling Reform. (Clar. Svo. Oxford, 1877. K 16 P 49 History of English Sounds from the Earli('st Period, including an Invcstigatii)n of the General Lfiws of Sound, Change, and full Word Lists. Svo. Lond.,lS74. K 15 R IS SWEET (J. M.) Newcastle Directory and Almanac, for the years ISSO-Sl. 2 vols. Svo. Newcastle, 1879-SO. ME 3 8 SWEET (Rodert), F.L.S. Clstinew : the Natural Order of Cistus, or Rock-Rose. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1825-30. A 4 US Flora Australasica ; or, a Selection of Handsome, or Curious Plants, Natives of New Holland and the Soutli Sea Islands: the Drawings by E. D. Smith, F.L.S. Rov. Svo. Lond.', 1827-28.* MA 1 U'9 SWEETSER (M. F.) Europe for Two Dollars a Day : a few Nt)tes for the Assistance of Tourists of moderate Means ; with some Personal Reminiscences of Travel. 12mo. Boston, 1875. A 10 R 31 SWETCHINE (Mme. Sophie Soymonof). Correspondance du Rev. Pcre J. B. H. Lacordaire et de Madame Swetchine, publiees par le Comte de Falloux. Svo. Paris, 1864. C 9 P 44 J<.iurnal de sa Conversion: Meditations et Prieres, publiees par le Comte de Falloux. Svo. Pari.s, 1863. C 9 P 45 Lettros do Madame Swetchine, publiees par le Comte de Falloux. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S62. C 9 P 40, 41 Lettres inedites de Madame de Swetchine, publiees par le Comte de Falloux. Svo. Pari.s, 1866. C 9 P 46 Sa Vie, et ses ffiuvres, publiees par le Comte de Falloux. 4'-ed. 2 vols. Svo. Pari.s, 1S61. C 9 P 42, 43 SWIFT (Edmund Leciimeue'). Life and Acts of Saint Patrick, the Archbishop, Primate, and Apostle of Ireland ; now first translated from the original Latin of .Jocelin, with the Elucidations of David Rothe, Bishop of Ossory. Imp. Svo. Dublin, 1809. G 5 U 19 SWIFT (Jonathan), D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's. [A Biography]; by Leslie Stephen. (Eng. Men of Letts.) Svo. Lond., 1882. C 1 U 34 Closing Years of Dean Swift's Life ; with Remarks on Stella I Esther Johnson], and on scmie of his Writings hitherto unnoticed ; by W. R. Wilde, M.R.I.A. 2nd (id. Svo. Dublin, 1849. C 9 U 33 English Letters and Letter-writers. [5«« Williams, H.] C 2 V 29 Gulliver's Travels. \_See Classic Tales.] Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland. \_See Leckv, W. E. H.J C 3 P 24 Life and Poems of. {See Chalmers, A., and Johnson, S.] 730 CATALOGUE OF THE Swi] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Syd 8WIFT (JoxATHAN-), D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's — conld. Life and Writings of Sir William Temple, Bart. \_See Temple, Sik W.] Life of; by Henry Craik, ISl.X. With Ptirtrait. 8vo. Loncl., 1882. C 9 U 32 Life of; by John Forster. Vol. 1 (oil published). 8vo. Loud., 1875. Clip 35 Life of ; by Sir AV. Scott. 12mo. Edinb., 1870. J 1 Q 11 Memoirs of Capt. John Creichton. \_See Creichtox, Capt. J.] C 1 P 10 Tale of a Tub; written for the universal Improvement of Mankind. 8vo. Lond., 1882. J 10 R 18 Travel.s into .several remote Nations of the World, by "Lemuel Gulliver, first a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several Ship.s." 8vo. Lond.," 1882. J 10 R 17 Works of, 'containing additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems, not hitherto published; with Notes, and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 2nd ed. 19 vols. 8vo. Edinb.,' 1824. J 8 S 1-19 SWINBURNE (AuJERXOX A Midsummer Holiday, and other Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1884. H 8 T 8 Atalanta in Calydon. H 8 T 9 Bibliography of Swinburne. [^See SnEPiiERD, R. H.] Bothwell: a Tragedy. 8vo. Ixmd., 1874. H 8 T IG Century of Roundels. 8vo. Lond., 1883. Chastclanl : a Tragedy. 8vo. L(md.,lK78. Ercchtheus: a Tragedy. 2n(l ed, Svo. Loi Essays and Studies. Svo. I^jnd., 1875. Another copy. 2nd cd. 8vo. Lond., 1870. George Chapman: a Critical E.s.say. 12 1«75. H 8T 1 H 8 T 19 1870. 11 8 T 15 J 9 U 21 J 9 U 22 Lond., C2S9 Marino Faliero : a Tmgedy. 8vo. Lond., 1885. H8T2 Mary Stuart: a Tragedy. 8vo. Lond., 1881. H 8 T 20 Miscellanies. Svo. Lond., 1880. ,1 1) U -JO Not* of an English Republican on the Muscovite Crus;ule. Svo. I>on(l., 187fi. J 9 U 19 Another copy. Kvo. lyind., 1870. F I Q 1 Note im Charlotto Bi-rwite. 8vo. I>md., 1X77. C2S0 Notes on Poems and Heviews. 8vo. Ijcmd., 1800. J 9 U 19 P«K!ms and Pialhwls. 12mo. I>md., 1871 H8T7 2 vols. 8vo. 1 1 S T .•!, 1 (jueeii Mother, and Rosiinnind. 2iicl ed. 1 2n.:o. Lonil , 1»C». II ST II 8vo. I.r.nd., 1SKI-S5. SWINBURNE (Algerxox Charles) — continued. Study of Shakespeare. Svo. Lond., 1880. JlUll Tristram of Lyonessc, and other Poems. 2nd cil. Svo. Lond., 1882. H 8 Q 39 William Blake : a Critical Essay : with Illustrations from Biake's Designs in facsimile, colom-ed and plain. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1808. C 10 P 9 SWINBURNE (Hexrv). Courts of Europe at the of the last Century; edited liy Charles AVhitc. 2 vols. Svo, Lond., 1841. ■ C 8 U 48, 49 Travels in the Two Sicilies, 1777-80. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1783-85. D 9 S 7, 8 f Travels through Spain in the years 1775-70. 4to. Lond., 1779. ' D 8 V 30 SWINDELL (John George), A.R.I.B.A., and BURNELL (George R.), C.E. Rudimentary Treatise on Wells and Well-sinking. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1883. A 17 Q C2 Well-digging, Boring, and Pump work, (Weale.) 5th ed- 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 P 08 SWINNEY (Alfred J. G.) Collieries, Coal-iiekls, and Alinerals of New South Wales, Australia. Svo. Lond., 1884. MA 2 P 13 SWINTON (A. H.) Almanack of the Christian Era: a Recoi-il of the Past and Glimi)so into tlic Futui-c, based on Solar Physics. 4to. Lond., 1883. A 3 U 23 Insect Vai-i(!ty: its Propagation and Distribution. Svo. Tiond., 18S0. A 11 T 28 SWITZERLAND. Gallery of Celebrated Land.seapes of Switzerland. Roy. Svo. Zurich, 1881. 1)8 V 4 SYDENHAM (Kr. Hon,, Loud, (!.C,H. Ab-nioir of the Life of; with a Narrative of his .Vdmiiiistration in Canada; e. Sydney, 1879. M K 1 R 28 International Exhibiti(jn, 1879. (.)tlicial Catalogues : New South Wales Court; Art Gallery ; Straits Settlement Court; South Australian Court; United States Court; Exhibits, Government Printer's Department ; Exhibits, India. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. MK 1 (} 3 Official Record of the Sydney Internati(jnal Exhibition, 1879. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1881.* MK 1 S 1 SYDNEY FEMALE REFUGE SOCIETY. Annual Reportsof, 1848-49, 1860, 186.3. 8vo. Sydney, 1849-64. MG 1 Q 26 SYDNEY FREE PRESS (The). Fol. Sydney, 1841-42. ME \_See Free Phess.] SYDNEY GAZETTE (The), and New South Wales Advertiser. 40 vols. fol. Sydney, 1803-42. ME SYDNEY GENERAL TRADE LIST. Nos. 1-6. Fol. Sydney, 1828. MP 1 U 14 SYDNEY GENERAL TRADE LIST AND MERCAN- TILE ADVERTISER. Nos. 1-12, 14-20, 22-31. Fol. Sydney, 1829-30. MF 1 U 14 SYDNEY GENERAL TRADE LIST, MERCANTILE CHRONICLE, AND ADVERTISER. New series, Nos. 1-3, Fol. Sydney, 1830. MF 1 U 14 SYDNEY GYMNASIUM. Pro.spectus, Annual Rules, and Bye-law.s. 8vo. Sydney, 1861. MF 3 P 14 Another copy. 8vo. Sydney, 1861. MJ 2 Q 9 SYDNEY HERALD (The). [See Sydney Mornino Herald.] SYDNEY HOMOEOPATHIC DISPENSARY. Annual Repoi'ts, 1859, 1861. 8vo. Sydney, 1859-61. MG 1 Q 26 SYDNEY INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY. An- nual Reports, 1852-53, 1858, 1860-63. 8vo. Sydney, 1853-64. MF 3 P 13 Another copy, 1849, 1853-54. Svo. Sydney, 1850- 54. ' MJ 2 Q 9 Another copy, 1861. 8vo. Sydney, 1862. MJ2Q10 Report, 1868. 8vo. Sydney, 1868. MF 3 P 18 Rules and Regulations of. 8vo. Sydney, 1853-64. MF 3 P 13 Another copy. Svo. Sydney, 1867. MF 3 P 18 \_See Sydney Dispensary.] SYDNEY LAW LIBRARY. Catalogue of the. (Pam. 10.) 8yo. Sydney, 1843. :MJ 2 Q 2 SYDNEY MAGAZINE (The) ; edited by t;. R. :\raclean, J.P. 8vo. Sydney, 1878.* ME 3 R (32 CATALOGUE OF THE Syd] Paet I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Syd SYDNEY MAGAZINE OF SCIENCE AND ART (The): containing, by authority, tlie Proceedings of the Australian Horticultural and Agricultural Society, and the Philosophical Society of New Soutli Wales: edited by Joseph Dver. 2 vols. 8vo. Svdnev, ISoS-nO.* MA 2 V 1, i SYDNEY MAIL (The), and New South Wales Ad- vertiser. 28 vols. fol. Sydney, 1873-86. ME SYDNEY MALE ORPHAN INSTITUTION. [See Male Orphan Ixstitutiox.] SYDNEY MECHANICS' SCHOOL OF ARTS. Annual Report, 1867. 8vo. Sydney, 1868. MF 3 P 22 Annual Reiwrts, L«^37, 18.39-40, 1851, 1860-61, 1868, 1S71. 8vo. Sydney, 1837-72. MF 3 P 11 Annual Reports, 1872-74. 8vo. Sydney, 1873-73. MJ 2 P 28 Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. Sydney, 1837. MK 1 Q 13 Catalogue of the Works in the Lil)iar\. 8v(). Sydney, 1S62. ■ MK 1 Q 13 Catalogue of the Works in tlie Library. 8yo. Sydney, 1869 ' MK 1 11 38 Cat-ilogue of the Works in the Library. 8yo. Sydney, IS^^-'i. MK i R 39 Laws of; in.stituted 22nil .March, 1833. 8yo. Sydney, l''<33. .MF3P14 Rules and Ry-laws. 8vo. Sydney, l.'<71. MJ 2 P 28 SYDNEY MISSIONARY MEETING. Sydney Mis- sionary .Meeting, Sydney, December 20, 1813, to form a Society ff)r ailbrding Protection to the Natives of the South Sea Islands, and promoting their Civilization. Fol. Sydney, 1813. ' .M.l 2 V 1 SYDNEY MONITOR (Tin:). 10 vols. fnl. Sydney, 1M29 40. ■ MK [See MoxiTOR, The.] SYDNEY .MORNING irER.Md) (Tni:). Sydney Herald. 1M3I-41 \i-iiiiliiiii<)l IIS Tlie Sydney Morning Herald, 1842-87.] 153 vols. fol. Sydney, 1831-H7. ME Index to th(! Sydney Morning Herald's Reports of the |)elMii<.s in the Ix-gislative Council of New South Wales, Sessions, 1H53 54. Fol. Sydney, 1854-55. MEIOQt The Centennial Supplement ; together with Reports of the principal Event.s in connection with the Celebration of the Centenary of Australian Settlement. Ilo. Sydney, •«»''. MI!"2U"8 SYDNEY ORSERV.\T()I{Y. F,.imiI, Kepuri. Fol. Sydney, lK61. .M i; Id (^ W f SYDNEY ONCE A WEEK (Thk) ; cditd by C. H. iJarlee. Idt ncric!*, vol. I, 1878. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. .NI !•: 3 Q SYllNKY I'(JST OFFH'i;. Opening of llie New (ieneral I''«l OHire, Syjjriev, New South Wales. 1 September, 187 ». IKino. Sydney, 1871, MJ 2 P 27 SY^DNEY PROMISSORY NOTES, 1812-14. {See Manuscripts and Pop.TUArrs.] MF 1 U 21 SYDNEY" PROTESTANT MAGAZINE (The). Vol. 1, Nos. 1-3, 6, and Vol. 2, No. 10. 8vo. Sydney, 1840-41. ' MJ 2 Q 7 Sydney Protestant Magazine. Vol. 1, No. 7. (Pani. H.) 8yo. " Sydney, 1840. ME 3 R SYDNEY PUNCH (The), 1864-74, 1878-83. 28 vols, (in 25) 4to. Sydney, 1864-83. ME 20 T SYDNEY RAGGED AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Second Annual Report of. (Paui. 21.) Sydney, 1862. MJ 2 Q 10 SY'DNEY RECORD (The). Fol. Sydney, 1843-44. ME Sl'DNEY' SAILORS' HOME. Second Report, read at the Annual Meeting, 1864; with the Balance Sheet of Receipts and Expenditure, and an Aliihabetical Subscrip- tion List. 12mo. Sydney, 1864. MF 3 P 10 SY'DNEY SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY. Annual Reports, 1827, 1829, 1848-49, 185.5, 1858, 1800 01, 1803. 12ni(). Sydney, 1827-03. MF 3 P 12 Fourth AnniuU l\epoi-t of. 12nio. Svdnev, 1830. MJ 2 Q 21 SYDNEY" SERIES OF MERCANTILE TRACTS. [See !Mi:urAxii[.E Tracts. 1 SY^DNEY" TIMES. Fol. Sydi 1 SIM -35. ME SYDNEY TO SOUTHAINIPTON. Recollections of a Ranil)le from Sydney to Soutlmnipton, rin South America, Panama, the West Indies, the United States, and Niagara. 8vo. Loud., 1851. 1) 10 R 12 SY'DNEY UNIVERSITY'. Rv-hnvs ,,f the University, .■^vo. Sydney, ISO 7. " .MF3P14 Calen.lars, 1852-54, 1856-03, 1865-68, 1S70, 1874-86. 27 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1852 80. ME 5 S Catalogue of the Lilirary. Rov. 8vo. Sydney, IS(>0. ■ MK 1 S 1 8 C'huieh of Fngland, and the Sydney University: Docu- ments and Cori-esiHindence, re])rinted from the Si/tlin'i/ Mornitiij Jlmilil. 12mo. Sydney, 1852. MJ 2 R 3 Inaugural [See Nichol.son, Sir C, and WoouEY, Prof. J.] Manual of Public I'.xaminations held by the ITiiiversity of Sydney, for the year IK87, containing Ry-laws, Subjects cif Fxaminat ions and Hooks recommended. Directions U\ Candiosed by Josejih llaydii, in \\u: year 1798. -TIk! Messiah : a Sacred ( )riil(iriii, compo.sed by George Kredei'ic Handel, in the 1711. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1859. MJ 2 S 1 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAIiY, SYDNEY. 733 Syd] Part I : — Authors, Editor's, or Beference. [Szy SYDNEY UNIVERSITY CRICKET CLUB ANNUAL, 1K78. 12ino. Sydney, 1878. ME 5 Q SYDNEY UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE (Tun). V„l 1. 8vo. Sydney, LS.i.5. ME 3 R SYDNEY UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE (The): a Literary, Scientific, and Educational Journal. Vol.s. 1, 2 (allpublMed). 2vol,s. 8vo. Sydney, 1878-79. ME 3 R Another copy. 2 vol.s. (in 1) Svo. Sydney, 1878-79. ME 3Q SYDNEY UNIVERSITY REVIEW, November, 1881 to July, 1883. Nos. 1-5. (A/l puUhhal.) Roy. 8vo. Sy^Iney, 1881-83. ME 3 Q SYDNEY WATER SUPPLY. Report of the C.nnnis.sion appointed to inquire into the Sujjply of Water to Sydney and Suburks. Fol. Sydney, 1869. MElOQ-tt SYED AHMED KHAN. {See Ahmed Kuan.] SYLVANUS. [See Coltox, R.] SYME (David). Outlines of an Industrial Science. 8vo. Lond., 1876. E •') S 29 SYME (J. B.) Reading.s for Railways; or, Anecdotes and other short Stories. 12nio. Lond., 18.")0. J 7 Q 11 SYME (John T. B.) English Botany. \_Sce Soweuhy, J.] A + V 1-12 SYMEON (Thessalonicensis Aechiepiscopus). Opera omnia. \_See Migne, J. P., Series Gr^ca, 155.] SYMES (LiEUT.-CoL. Michael). Account of an Eml)assy to the Kingdom of Ava, in the year 1795; t(j which is now added, a Narrative of the late Military and Political Operations in the Birniese Empire. (Cimst. Misc.) 2 vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1827. K 10 P 47, 48 SYMINGTON (A. J.) Some Persona Carlyle. 8vo. Paisley, 188G. Rruiiniscences of C 4 T 5 SYMONDS (John Addington). Ben Jonson. (English Worthies.) 12mo. Lond., 1886. C 2 Q 37 Italian Byways. Svo. Lond., 1883. D8QM Renaissance in Italy. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875-86. B 30 U 1-7 1. Tht; Age of tlie Despots. •2. The Reviviil of Learning. .3. Tlie Fine Arts. 4, 5. Italian Literature. G, 7. The Catliolic Reaction. Shak.spere's Predecessors in the English Drama. Svo. Lond., 1884. « 6 S 22 Shelley. (Eng. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1878. J \ a C 1 U 29 (Enu. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., ^ " C 1 U 38 SYMMONS (Charles). Native (irammar of Western Australia. [See Macfaull, C] ME 4 U Sir Philip Sidney. 1886. Vagabunduli Libellus. Svo. Lond., 1884. H 7 P 35 [_See CoNiNGTON, Prof. J.] SYMONDS (Rev. W. S.), F.G.S. Records of the Rocks ; or. Notes on the Geology, Natural History, and Antiquities of North and South Wales, Devon, and Cornwall. Svo. Lond., 1872. A 9 Q 36 SYMONDSON (F. W. H.) Two Years abaft the Mast ; or, Life as a Sea Apprentice. 12mo. Edinb., 1876. D 10 Q 50 SYMONS (Ai'.THUit). An Introduction to the Study of Browning. 8vo. Lond., 1886. H 7 Q 25 SYMONS (Brenton), F.C.S., A-c. Sketch of the (ieology of Ciirnwall, including a brief De.scripti(m of the Mining Districts, and tlie Ores produced in them ; with Geological Map of Cornwall. Svo. Lond., 1884. A 9 P 5 SYMONS (Jelinger C.) Arts and Arti.sans at Home and Abroad; with Sketches of the Progress of Foreign ]Manu- factures. Svo. Edinb., 1839. 1'' 5 U 10 SYNCELLUS (G.) [See Byzantin.e Hist. SrRiPT.] SYNESIUS (Ptolemaidis Episcopis). Opera omnia. [See MiONE, J. P., Series Gr.eca, 66.] SYNTAX (Dr.) [See Comise, W.] SZYRMA (Col. Lach). Revelations of Siberia Felinska, Eva.] [See D 6 P 3, 4 731 CATALOGUE OF THE T. (I.)] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Tal T (I.) ISee Waste L.\nds.] T. (X. H.) ISee Machiavf.lli, N. di B. del] T. (T. T.) {See Life in Ciiixa.] TAAFFE (John-). History of tlip Holy, ^[ilitnry, Sovoreigu Order (if St. .John of Jorusaleiii ; or, Knii;hls Hospitallers, Knights Templars, Knights of Khodos, Knights of Malta. •1 vols, (in 2) 8vo. L 1 1 TALBOT (R.) The Serf: a Tragedy. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q !) TALES from Twelve Tongues; translated by "A British Mu.seum I>ibrarian." Svo. Limd., 1882. ' J 1 U 10 TALES OF THE EAST. rS<'t' Weuku, 11.] TALFOURD (Siu Thomas Noon), D.C.L. iMiial Memorials of Charles Lamb, consisting chiefly of his Letters not before; jmblished, with Sketches of .some of his Com]>aiiions. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., ISIS. C t S 11, 12 Tielters of Charles Lamb; with .some Account of the \\'rit(;r, his I''riends, and Correspondents. Revised bj' W. C. Ilazlitl. 2vol.s. 12mo. Lcmd., 1880. C 28 20-27 [Tnigedies and Sonnets.] Svo. Lond., 1838-10. 1 1 :i s I ;i Ion : a Trayi'ily ; tii which iiii' ndilcil SoniiutN. -ttli liI. tili'iiciif ; 1,1-, llic Kail' iif the Mnc'ildimhI.s : a Trnj^'cdy. 'Jml id. The AtlK^iiiiin Ciiplivo : a Triigcily. Vacation Rambles; comprising the Recollections of Three Continental Tours iji the \'ac;itioiis of ISIl 1.3 IJino. L,,iid., 1851. J) II) r 4 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 735 Tal] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Tas TALLBOY. \_See Song of Separation.] TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD (Ciiaklks Maiiuick dk), PitiNCE mi Benkvento. Historioiil Charaotprs. \_See Dallini; and Bulweh, Loud.] C K Q 48, 49 Life of; translated from tlie Frencli uf Charles Maximo de Villcmarest. With Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo. Lund., 1834-36. COT 34-37 Another copy. 8vu. Philad., 1834. C 9 T 38 Reminiscence.^ of; with E.xtracts from his Manuscripts, Speeches, and P(jlitical Writings. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848. ' C 4 R 44, 45 iSee TiMiis, J.] TALLEYRAND-PERKJORD (Ciiakles Maurice de). Prince, and LOUIS XVIII. Correspondence of, during the Congress of A^ienna (hitherto unpuljli.shed) ; with Notes by M. G. PuUain. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 9 T 49, 50 TALLIS (John). History and Description of the Crystal Palace, and the E.xhilntion of the World's Industry in 1851. Illustrated. 3 vols. 4to. Lond.(n.d.) B 3 V 16-18 TAMIL LANGUAGE. Dictionary English and Tamil, [in two Parts.] 4to. Madra.s, 1852. K 14 S 12 Manual Dictionary of the Tamil Language. 8vo. Jaffna, 1842. K 12 R 13 TAMS (G.), M.D. Visit to Portuguese Possessions in South- western Africa ; translated f rcjm the German, by H. Evans Lloyd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1845. D 1 R 17, 18 TANCOCK (Rev. (J. W.), M.A. English Grannnar and Reading Book, for Lower Forms in Classical Schools. 2nd ed. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Oxford, 1874. K1GP47 TANCREDE (Prince). Histoire de. {See GuizoT, F. P. G., 23.] TANGIER. Description of Taiigier, the Country and People adjoyning; with an Account of the Person and Government of Gaylonrl, the present Usurper of the King- dome of Fez ; translated from the Spanish into English. 8vo. Lond., 1G64. D 1 R 24 TANGYE (Riciiahd), F.R.G.S. Notes of my Fmirth Voyage to the Australian Colonies, including Au.stralia, Ta.smania, and New Zealand, 1886, for private circulation. 8vo. Birmingham, 1886. MD 1 V 8 Reminiscences of Travel in Australia, America, and Egypt. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MD 1 V 7 The Growth of a Great Industry — "One and All": an Autobiography of Richard Tangye, of the Cornwall Works, Birmingham. 8vo. Lond., 1889.* MC 1 P 44 TANGYE (Richard and Georoe). Old Wedgwood and Old Wedgwood Ware : Hand-book to the Collection formed liy R. and G. Tangye; with Sketch of Wedgwood's Life (i-c, by F. Rathlxme. 8vo. Load. 1885. Libr. TAOU-KWANG (Empekor of China). Life of; with Memoir.s of the Court of Peking, by the Rev. Charles (Jutziaft; 8vo. Lond., 1852 C 1 U 33 TAPLEY (Mark), Juxu. [See Stamer, W.] TAPIJN (Rev. VxKUW.k). Folk-lore, Manners, Customs, and Languages of the South Australian Aborigines- 1st series. 8vo. Adelaide, 1879.* MA 1 P. 10 Grannnar of the Narrinyeri Tribe of Australian Aiiorigines. 8vo. Adelaide, 1878."* MA 1 R 10 The Narrinyeri: an Account of the Tribes of South Australian Aborigines inhabiting the Country around tin; JjakesAlexandrina, Albert, and Coorong, and the lower jiart of the River Murray. 8vo. Adelaide, 1874.* MA 1 R 2 Another copy. 8vo. Adelaide, 1874. MA 1 R 12 Tungarar Jehovald — Yarildewallin : Extracts from the Holy Scriptures in tlie Language of the Tribes inhabiting the Lakes and Lower Murray, and called the Narrinyeri. 12mo. Adelaide, 1864. MG 1 P 31 TARDIEU (A.) [See La Harpe, J. F. de.] D 8 P 12 J TARGUMS (The). [See Ethekidoe, J. AV.] TARGINI (Francisco Bento Maria), Barao de Sao LAURENro. [See Sao, Louhen^o F. B. M. T., Bar.\o de.] TARLETON (Sir Banastre), Bart. [See Mackenzie, R.] BIS 14 TARLETON (Francis A.), LL.D. Treatise on Dynamics. [See Williamson, B.] A 16 Q 8 TARLETON (W. W.), M.A. Collection of the Private Acts of practical utility in force in New South Wales ; embracing the local Private Legislation, 1832-85. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1886.* MF 3 S 12 TARN (E. Wvndham), M.A. Elementary Treatise on the Construction' of Ro(jfs of Wood and Ii'on. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. A 17 Q 55 Carpentry and Joinery. [See Tredgold, T.] A 2 T 34 TARTAR AND RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. 4to. St. Petensb., 1801. K 14 U 6 Another copy. 4to. St. Petersb., 1814. K 14 U 7 TARVER (E. J.) [See Lonsdale, H. W.J A 2 R 20 t TARVER (J. C.) Theoretical and Practical Grannnar of the French Language. [See Levizac, J. P. V. L. de.] TASKER (Rev. W.) Reminiscences of General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane. 4to. Edinb.,1860. MC 4 P 1 t T ASM AN (Abel Discoveries on the Coast of South Terra Incognita. [See Voyages and Discoveries.] Journaal \an de Reis naar het onbekende Zuidland, in den Jare 1642. [See Swart, J i MD 5 U 31 736 CATALOGUE OF THE Tasl Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Tas tas:maxia. Copies of Despatches, with their Enclosures, rehiting to the Cases of Mr. Justice Montagu and Cliief Justice Pedder; of Warrants for tlie issue of the Commissions to Chief Justice and Puisne J udge ; of Commissions or War- rants for appointing the Members of the Legislative and Executive Councils of Van Diemens Land ; of Commission of Lieutenant-Governor of Van Diemen's Land ; and of Petition, dated the loth day of January, IS t8, from certain Colonists of Van Diemen's Land. (Pari. Docs., 53.) Fol. Umd., 1818. MF 4 1 Picturesque Tasmania : a (iuidf fur Visitors. 8vo. Liuinceston, 18S6. MD .i P 2 List of Districts into which the City is divided, for the purpose of Domiciliary A'isitation, together with the Names of the Lady Visitors engaged in each District at the present date. 4to. Hobart, 1863. MJ 2 U 3 ArTs OF Parliament. Acts of the Parliament of : witli an Index. 10 vols. sm. fol. Hobart, 1872-84. E 2.46 Copies of the Laws and Ordinances passed by the Gover- nor and Council of the Colonv of Van Diemen's Land, 1826-30. (Pari. Docs., 7.) Fol. Lond., 1831. MF Admim.stkatiox of Justice. In \a.n Diemen's Land. \_See New .South NN'ales.] Axti-St.\^te Aid. Northern A.s.sociation for procuring ccs.sation of State Sujijiort to Religion in Ta.smania : .Stateinent. 8vo. Launceston, 1857. MG 1 Q 29 CESsrs. Census, 1881 : General Report and Pari 1. l"cp|. Hobart, 1882. H 2.56 CiHRrn Act. -\cl, to enable the Hishops, Clergy, and Laity of the Unitetl Church of England and Irclanfl in Tasmania, to regulate the Affairs of the .said Church. (Pam. A.) Fol. Hobart, 1858. MJ 2 U 1 Apf«-al to the Members of the Legislative Council of Van Diemen's Land, against the "Church Act"; by "A Jleniber of the Estiblislied Church of England." (Pani. 41.) 8v<.. I^iunceston, 1837. ' ^U 2 11 :! Ci.EHcv AND HcuooL Lands. Clergy and SchiHil Ijmds of A'an Diemen's Land. \_See New .SoiTii Wale.s.] CiiowN Lands. Act to exempt \'an Diemen's Land from the Provisions of an Act, intituled "An Act for I'cgulating the Sale of Waste Fjind belonging t-o the Crown in tlie Australian Coionie.-i. " (Pari. Does., 48.) Fol. Ivond., 1845. MF4 + Cojiii'.s of Itoyal Instructions to the (Jovernors of New South Wales, Van Diemen's Ivind, and Western Australia, as to the mofle t^i l)e adopted in and respectively, during the luMt ten years. (I'lirl. hoes., 5.) Sin. fol. Lond., 1«32. ' SW \ ; TASMANIA— conn'jiMcrf. Fhee Church. Sustentation Fund : Statement issued bv the Free Church Presbytery. 12mo. Hobart. (n.d.) ' MG 1 P 42 HODAKT. View of Hobart Town, on the River Derwcnt ; published by W. J. Huggin.s. 4to. Lond., 1830. MI) 2 P 18 + A'iew of the Country round Hobart Tt>wn, in Van Diemen's Land; reduced on Zinc by (i. Scharf, from a Drawing by Lycet, 4to. Lond. (n"d.) :M]) 2 P 18 | Paris Uxivehsai. Exhibitioxs. Tasmanian Contributions to the Universal Exhibition of Industry at Pai'is, 1855. Fol. Hobart, 1855. MK 1 Q 8 ; Parliament. Journals and Printed Papers. 12 vols. fol. Hobart, 1884-87. E 2.55 Journals of the Legislative Council ; with Papers. 18 vols. fol. Hobart, '1872-83. E 2.55 Parliamentary Lihrarv. Classified Catalogue of the Books, Magazines, and Ncws- j.apers. 8vo. Hobart, 1863. MK 1 P 1 Penal Settlements. ^Vcoounts relating to Receipt and Expenditure of Van Diemen's Land, and New South Wales. (Pari. Docs., 1.) Sm. fol. Lond., 1823. MF 4 + Returns of the Expenditure of the Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemens Land, from 1st January, 1830, to 1st January, 1831, specifying the expense of the Civil and IMilitary Establishments, the Transportation of Convicts, and the support of them after their arrival ; and of the number of Con\ icts sent to New South Wales, from January, 1830, to 1st January, 1831. (Pari. Docs., 1.) Sm. fol. Lond., 1832. MF 4 J Salmon Commissioners. Reix.rt of, for 1878. Fol. Hobart, 1879. MJ 2 U 5 Shipping. Account of Ships and their Tonnage which have cleared outwards to, and entered inwards fnmi New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, 1822-25. (Pari. Docs., 5( Sm. fol. Lond., 1825. MF 4 J Statlstics. Statistics of the Colony of, for the years 1875-85. 11 vols. fol. Hobart, 1876-86. E 2.56 TASMANIAN (The), March to December, 1827. Fol. Hobart. 1827. ME TASMANIAN AND AUSTRAL ASIATIC REVIEW (Till-.), January to December, 1837. Fol. Hobart, 1837. ME T \ S .M A N I A N ATI! !•; N M U M (The) : or. Journal of Science, Literuture,and Art. 4tmil., 1834. H 1 Q 3fi, 37 The Htntosmnn. 12mo. ly.nd., 1836. F 1 P 23 TAYLOR (Isaac), M.A. Ancient Christianity, and the Doctrines of tlie Oxford Tracts for the Times. 4th cd. 2 vol.s. 8vo. L,,nd., 1844. G 10 K 21, 22 Elements of Thought; or, Concise Explanations of the Principal Terms employed in the several Blanches of In- tellectual Philosophv. 9th ed. 12m<). Lund., 1849. G 9 Q 20 Ktruscan Researches. 8vo. Lond., 1874. B 11 V 26 Fanaticism. 8vo. Lund., 1833. (i 10 R 23 Greeks and Goths: a Study on the Runes. 8vo. Lond., 1879. ' K 14 T 1 History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to ]\lodern Times ; together with the Process of Historical Proof. 8vo. Lond., 1859. B 14 Q 34 Loyola and in its Rudiments. 8\-o. Lond., 1849. G 2 T 18 Natural History of Enthusiasm, fith ed. 8vo. Lond., 1832. ' G 13 P 29 Physical Theurv of another life. 1 2mu. Lond., 1857, ' (MOP 13 Saturday Evening. 9th tlmusancl. 1 2mo. Lond,, 1852, G 9 Q 16 Spiritual Despotism. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1835. G 10 R 24 The Alphabet: an Account of the Origin and Develop- ment of Letters. 2 vols, 8vo, Lond,, 1883, K 13 Q 36, 37 1, Semitic Alphabets. '2. Aryan Al])Iiabets, The ]{estoration of Belief. 8\d. Camb., 1855, (J 7 T 8 The ^\'ul■ld 'li .Mind: an Klciiirutarv Book, 8vo. Lond., 1857. ■ G7T9 Wesley and .Methodism. Svu. Lund., 1S51. G10R25 TAYLOR (James). [See Landaukh, J.] A 5 II 4 TAYLOR (.Iamks), D.D., itc. Curling, the Ancient Scottish (!ame. With Illustrations by G A, Doyle, 8vo. Ediid)., 1881. ' A 17 V 23 TAYLOR (Rt. Rev. .Jeremy), D.D. Rule and uf 11., ly Dying. 8\d. Lond., 1873. (i 10 R 10 Rule .ind of Holy Li\ing. 8xd. Lund., IS7:'.. (i 1(» I! 9 Whole Works uf ; with a Life ul' llic Author, and a Critical Examination of his Writings, by Bishoj) llebcr; revised ))y the R<'V, C. P. Ivlen. 10 \.| 'IWN'l.iil! (luHN). iJritish (Jalli'ry of t!ontem)iora.i'y Por- Irait.s uf (Ircal Ihitain and Ireland; aecompaiiieil by short Jliograjihical Notices, 2 vols, fol, Lund., 1822. C 4 U 15, K; I TAYLOR (.loiiN). Rccurds uf mv Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832. C 10 Q 44, 45 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. Tay] Part I : — Atdhors, Editors, or Reference. 739 [Tay TAYLOR, (John). Works of John Taylor, the Water-Poet ; eiliteil liy Charles Hindlcy, Esq. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1872. J 2 U 11 TAYLOR (John). Bristol, Past and Pre.seiit. r5e«NiciiOLLS, J. F.] " B 2 T 36-.3S TAYLOR (John), D.D. Hebrew Concordance, adapted to the English Bible. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1754-57. K 35 Q 13, 14 X TAYLOR (John), LL.D. Summary of the Roman Law, taken from Dr. Taylor's "Elements of the Civil Law"; to which is prefixed, a Di.s.sertatifin on Oliligation. 8vo. Lond., 1772. F 5 U 29 TAYLOR (John Edward). Narrative of Events iu Vienna. {See AuERBACH, B.] D 7 P 23 TAYLOR (Dr. John E.), F.L..S., &c. Our Common British Fossils, and where to find tliem : a Hand-book for Students. 8vo. L(md., 1885. A 9 ,S 22 Our Island-Continent : a Naturalist's Holiday in Aus- tralia. 12mo. Lond., 1886. MD 1 T 51 \_See Adalbert of PRrs.siA, Prince.] 1) 9 T 21, 22 TAYLOR (John Glanville). United .States and Cuba : Eight Years of Change and Travel. 8vo. Lond., 1851. D 4 P 25 TAYLOR (John Sydnky). Comparative View of the Punish- ments annexed to Crime in the United States of America and in England. 8vo. Lond., 1831. MF 1 Q 4 TAYLOR (Marie Hansen-), and SCUDDER (Horace E.) Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1884. CSV 41, 42 TAYLOR (Rev. Matthew), D.D. England's Bloody Tribunal; or, Popish Cruelty displayed. 4to. Lond.,17G9. GOV 19 TAYLOR (Norman), and THOMSON (Prof. Alexander M.) On the Occurrence of the Diamond near Mudgee ; read before the Royal Society, 7th December, 1870. 8vo. Sydney, 1870. MJ 2 R 14 TAYLOR (P. A. ), M.P. The Vaccination Question ; Speech of Mr. P. A. Taylor on Dr. Cameron's Resolution respecting Animal Vaccine. (Pam.Cp.) 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 12 S 34 Vaccination: a Letter to Dr. W. B. Carpenter, C.B., kc. (Pam. Cp.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 12 S 34 TAYLOR (Col. Philip Meadows), C.S.L, kc. Story of my Life; edited by his Daughter. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1877. C 5 Q 20, 21 Student's Manual of the History of India, from the Eai'liest Period to the Present. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1877. B 10 Q 10 TAYLOR (Philip Meadows). Tobacco: a Farmer's Crop. 8vo. Lond., 188G. A 1 P 26 TAYLOR (Rev. Richard), M.A., kc. and Present of New Zealand; with its for the Future. With numerous Illustrations. 8vo. Lond.,lK6S.* MD 6 R 15 Te Ika a Maui ; or, New Zealand and its Inhabitants. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1870.* Ml) ]{ IK TAYLOR (Richard), F.S.A. Scientific Memoirs; .selected fr(jm the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science and Learned Societies, and from Foreign Journals. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837-41. A 16 T 1-3 TAYLOR (Dr. Rowland). Writings of. [See British Reformers.] TAYLOR (R. W. C.) Introduction to a History of the Factory System. Svo. Lond., 1KK6. F 4 S 3 TAYLOR (Samuel). System of Stenography, or Shorthand Writing; with additional Notes and New Tables, revised and improved after considerable practice, by John Henry Cooke. New ed. 12mo., 1865. K 11 U 24 Taylor's [Shorthand] improved. [See Odell, G.] Taylor's Sy.steni of Shorthand. [_See Anderson, T.] TAYLOR (Samuel H.), LI;.D. Classical Study; its value illustrated by Extracts from the Writings of Eminent Sch38. C 8 V 42 Atlas [to above]. Imp. fol. Lond., 1838. C 21 P 18 + TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE (Tiik), and Australasian Commercial and Agricultural Intelligencer. 2 vol. 4to. and fol. Sydney, 1840-41. ME 19 T Supplement to the Temperance Advocate, April 21st, 1841 ; containing the [New South Wales Temperance] Society's Report' [for 1841]. Fol. Sydney, 1841. MJ 1 P 45 TEMPERANCE PIONEER. [5«« Victoria Tempehance Pioneer.] TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. [See New South Wales Temperance Society.] TEMPLE (Sir Richard), Bart., &c. Asia; with Ethno- logical Appendix. \_See Keane, Prof. A. H.] D 11 S 5 Cosmopolitan Essays. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F 10 R 30 India in 1880. 8vo. Lond., 1880. D G R 6 Men and Events of my Time in India. 8vo. Lond., 1882. B 10 S 35 Oriental Experience: a Selection of Essays and Ad- dresses delivered on various Occasions. With Illustrati( ms. 8vo. Lond., 1883. I) G R 7 TEMPLE (Sir AVilliam), Bart. Works of; to which is prefixed, some Account (jf the Life and Writings of the Author, by Dean Swift. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1731. B 3G Q 1, 2 t TEMPLER (John C.) Private Letters of Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., Rajah of Sarawak, narrating the Events of his Life, from 1838 to the Present Time. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. C 3 R 22-24 TEMPLETON (William). Engineer'.s, Architect's, and Contractor's Pocket-book, for the year 1872. 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 2 R 41 Engineer's, Millwright's, and Machinist's Practical As- sistant. 4th ed. 18mo. Lond., 18G8. A 6 R 4 Locomotive Engine popularly explained and illustrated. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1848. A 6 R 17 Millwright and Engineer's Pocket Companion, corrected byS. Maynard. 15th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1871. AGR7 Practical Mechanic's Workshop Companitm ; revised, etc., by W. S. Hutton. 12mo. Lonil, 188G. A 11 P 10 TEMPSKY (G. F. vo\). Mitla : a Narrative of Incidents and Personal Adventures on a Journey in Mexico, (Juate- mala, and Salvador, in the years 1853-55 ; edited by J. S. Boll. 8vo. Lond., 1858. D 3 S 19 TEN BRINK (Berniiard). Early English Literature (to Wiclif) ; translated from the (iernian, by Horace M. Kennedy. (Ti-anslation revised bv the Author.) 12mo. Lond., 1883. ' B 3 P 22 TEN BROOK (Andrew). History of the Thirty Years' War. [Sea Gindely, A.] B7T33, 31 TEN KATE (L.) Aenleiding tot de kennisse van het verhevene deel der Nedurduitsho Sprake. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1723. K 13 T 21, 22 TENCH (Capt. Watkin). Complete Account of the Settle- ment at Port .Jack.son, in New South Wales, including an accurate Description of the Situation of the Colony ; of the Natives ; and of its Natural Productions. 4to. Lond., 1793.* MB 1 U 8 Letter from. [&« Phillip, Capt. A.] Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay ; with an Account of New South Wales, its Productions, Inhalii- tants, &c. 3rd. ed. 8vo. Lond., 1789.* MD 4 U 3G Voyages a la Baye Botanique, a la Nouvelle-Hollande, et au Nouveau Pays de Galles Meridional ; traduits de I'Anglois, accompagnes de details precieux relatifs a M. de la Pey rouse. 12mo. Liege, 1791. Libr. TENHOVE (Nicholas). Memoirs of the of Medici, from its Origin to the Death of Francesco, the second Grand Duke of Tuscany, and of the Great Men who flourished in Tuscany within that Period ; from the French, with Notes and Observations, by Sir Richard Clayton, Bart. 2 vols. 4to. Bath, 1797. C 8 V 14, 15 TENISON-WOODS (Rev. Julian Edmund), F.G.S., kc. Census ; with brief Descriptions of the Marine Shells of Tasmania and the adjacent Islands. 8vo. Hobart, 1877. MA 2 Q 29 Description of new Tasmanian Shells. 8vo. Hobart, 1876. MA 2 Q 29 Fish and Fisheries of New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1882.* MA 2 U 1 Geological Observations in South Australia, principally in tlie District south-east of Adelaide. 8vo. Lond., 1862.* MA 2 Q 4 History of Australian Tertiary Geology. 8vo. Hobart, 1876. xMA 2 Q 29 Hist(jiy of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia; or, an Account of the Progress of Geographical Discovery in that Continent, from the Earliest Period to the Present Day. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1865.* MB 2 S 21, 22 Not quite as Old as the Hills: a Lecture on the Evidences of Man's Antiquity (tlelivered at Robe Town). Dedicated to the Members of the Gawler Institute. 8vo. Melb., 1864. MA 2 Q 34 Another copy. Svo. Melb., 1864. MG 1 Q 37 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1864. MJ 2 R 15 Notes on the Fossils refei-red to in " Further Notes on the Tertiary Marine Beds of Table Cape ; by R. ^\. Johnston.' 8vo. Sydney, 1876. MA 2 Q 29 Notes on the Tertiary Fossils, Tasmania. Svo. Hobart, 1876. MA 2 Q 29 742 CATALOGUE OF THE Ten] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Ten TEXISOX-WOODS (Rev. Julian Edmund), F.G.S., ic. — continued. On a new genus of Xudil)ranchiata, on some Tasmanian Patelliche. Svo. Elysiadse, and Holiart, 187G. MA -2 Q 29 On a new species of Anipullaria. (Pani. Cli.) Svo. Holwrt, 1870. MA 2 Q 29 On some Australian Tertiary Corals. 8vo. Sydney, 1877. MJ 2 R 14 On .some new Tasmanian Marine Shells. (2nd series.) ALso on a new reversed Helix (J/y J. IJrazier, C..M.Z.S. l)eH hiding those of tli;? I'hcirrI Ex|H!dition). On two new speeies of Land Shells. On a new genuH of I'olyzoa. On some Corals from Darnley Isluml. (hi Home new Extratropical Corals. On some Fiesli- waliT Shells fiom .New /.ejiland. On Hiilimiis Dufiisnii. On three new genera and one new Hpci:ies of .Madieporaria Oirals. On wime Anslraliaii ShclU (deseribcd by Dr. A. (ioiild). On Home new .Marine .Shidls. On Home 'i'ertiary FoKsilsfrom Nt^w liiiinen. On an Aiintniliaii variety of Xeritina I'lilligera, Linn. (ill a new giriiiiH of Milleporidae. On a new speeitrs of Psjim- moseriH. On a new Hpei ieH of DeHinophylbim (I), (^uinariiim), and a young Htage (»f CyrloHei-ls sinensis. On some .Aiisti'aliaii LitUinniilav. On the Tertiary DejHmits of .Auntialia. On Mjme Fowtil CiillAna. TENXANT (C.) People's Blue Book : Taxation as it is, and as it ought to be. Svo. L«md., 1857. F 5 Q 19 TENNANT (Robert). Sardinia and its Resources. Roy. Svo. Roma, 18S5. D S V 21 TENNANT (Rev. Willi.\m), LL.D., kc. Intlian Recrea- tions: consisting chiefly of Strictures on the Domestic and Rural Economy of the ]\Iahomedans and Hindoos. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Svo. Loml, 1804. D G P 11, 12 TENNEMAN (Wiliielm Gottlieb). Manual of the His- tory of Philosophy ; translated from the t Jerman, by the Rev. Arthur Johnson, M.A. ; revised, enlarged, and con- tinued by J. R. MorcU. Svo. Lond., 1S73. G IG Q 22 TENNENT (Sin J.vmes Emerson), K.C.S., etc. Belgium. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1841. D 8 Q 22, 23 Ceylon: an Account of the Island, Physical, Historical, and Topographical. 2 vols. roj-. Svo. Lond., 18.")9. 1) 4 T 36, 37 History of Modern Greece, from its Contjucst by the Romans, ii.c. 146, to the Present Time. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1845. B 9 T 13, 14 Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon; with Nar- rative and Anecdotes. 8\ii. Lond., 1861. A 1 i S 10 The Wild Elephant, and tlie Jletlmd of Capturing and Taming it in Ceylon. 12iiio. Lond., 1867. A 14 S 7 [See Emerson, .).] TENNESSEE. [See United St.\tes.J TENNESSEE STOCKBREEDERS' ASSOCIATION. [See United States.] TENNYSON (Alfred), Bahon; aBiograidiical Sketcli; by H. J. Jennings. With a Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1884. C 4 Q 40 Ballad.s, and other Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1880. HST35 Becket. Svo. Lond., 1884. H S T 27 Enoch Arden, it c. 12mo. Lond., 1S64. II 8 T 38 Gareth and Lynette, itc. 12mo. Lond., 1872. H 8 T 30 H.iroid: a Drama. Svo. Lond, 1877. II S T 25 InMem.iriam. 2nded. 12mo. Lond., 1850. HST31 Locksley li.ill. Sixty Years After, itc. 1886. Lyrical Poems by; selected and .iniinliitccl by Francis T. P.algrave. 12mo. Lond., 18S5. H 8 T 3G .Maud, and.. Iliri' I'ncins. 12iii.i. I,..iid., 1 S,"i5. IIST2',) Poems by. 7tli cd. 12mo. Lond., 1S5I. II 8 T 32 Poetical Works of. 6 vols. Svo. Lond.lS73. H S IT 1_6 Queen Mary: a Drama. 12 i,..n.l., 1 S75, I18T21 The Cup. and lhi. j.'alc.ii. 12m,,. Loml., ISM. II S T 33 Til.' Millors Daughter. illuslraled by A. L. I'.oiid. n.. bond., 1857. " H 6 U 29 The PriiiccNs: a Meilli'v. Glh cd. 1 2iiio. fiond., 1854. ' 118 T 28 Tiresias, ami ,.iIi.t r,„'riis, 12m,,. JIllO. liOlKl., 1 1 8 T 26 11,1., ISS5. H 8 T ;i7 Works of. 7 vols. 12mo. I^md., 1884. H S T 39-45 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 743 Ten] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Meference. [Tha TENNYSON (Fuedkrick). Days and Hours. 12mo. Loiid., 185i. H 7 U 2.5 TEPPER (J. (i. ().), F.L.8. Coimnon Native Insects of South Australia: a Popular Guido to South Australian Entomoloijy. Part 1. Coleoiitera, or Beetles. Sni. 4to. Adelaide,"i8S7. MA 2 IT 29 TERENTIUS AFER (Puulius). Comedies of Terence, and the Fables of Pluedrus ; literally translated into English Prose, by Henry Thomas Riley, B.A.; to which is added, a Metrical Translation of Phiedrus, Ijy Christopher Smart, A.M. 8vo. Lond., 1872. ' H 1 Q 35 Coniiediai Se.x, e.x Editione Westerhoviana, cum Notis et Interpretation*^ in usum Delphini. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1824. J 13 T 1-t TEURASSON (Je.\n). Life of Sethos, taken from Private Memoirs of the Ancient Egyptians ; translated from a Greek MS. into French, by Jean Terrasson, and now faithfully done into English from the Paris Edition, by Mr. Led'iard. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1732. J 10 R 4, 5 TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Treatise upon. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 5 T 33 TERRILL (Edward). Records of a Church of Christ, meeting in Broadmead, a.d. 1640-88 ; edited from the original MS., with Note.s, by Nathaniel Haycroft, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 18G5. G 10 Q 19 TERREIN DE LACOUPERIE (A. E. J. B.) Early History of the Chinese Civilization : a Lecture. 12nu). L(,nd., 1880. B 2 P 23 TERRY (Charles), F.R.S., kc. New Zealand: its Advan- tages and Prospects as a British Colony ; with a full Account of the Land Claims, Sales (jf Crown Lands, Aborigines, kc. 8vo. Lond., 1842.* MD 5 IJ 38 TERRY (F. C.) The Parramatta River. Illustrated. Ob. 4to. Sydney, 18.57. MD fi P 7 t TERSTEEGEN (Gekiiard). Life and Character of; with Selections from his Letters and Writings, translated from the German, by SamuelJackson. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1846. . G 2 P 3 TE WHITI (Maori Prophet). Wanderings of. [_See Ward, J. P.] TERTULLIANUS (Quintus Septimus Florens). Opera omnia. \_See Mione, J. P., Series Latina, 1-3.] The Spirit of Tertullian. [Sec Neander, J. A. W.] TertuUian : Apologetic and Practical Treatises ; trans- lated by the Rev. C. Dodgson, M.A. 8vo. Oxford, 1842. ' G 10 S 27 TESTA DE NEVILLE, sive Liber Fredorum in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Hen. iii, Edwd. i. Fol. Lond., 1807. B 24 S 13 t TESTAMENTS. [See Bibles.] TETKA IZABELLA [a Russian Novel]. 3 vols. 12mo. Moscow, 1818. J 10 T 9-11 TEUCHER (L. H.) [Sec Antoninus Liueralis.] J 7 S --iO TEXAS. [See United States.] TEXIER (Charles). De.scription dc I'Asie Mineure. 3 vols. imp. fol. Paris, 1839-49. D 7 P 4-6 j TEXIER (Charles), and PULLAN (R. P.). F.R.I.B.A. Byzantine Architecture, illustrated by Examples of lidifiees erected in the East during the Earliest Ages of Chris- tianity; with Historical and Arch;eological Descriptions. Imp. fol. Lond., 18G4. A 4 Q 5 X TEXT-BOOKS OF SCIENCE. 27 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871-78. A 17 S 1-27 TEYSMANN (J. E.) [See Aa, P. J. C. B. Robide van dki;.] THACHER (James), M.D., kc. History of the Town of Plymouth (U.S.), from 1620 to the Present Time. 12mo. Boston, 1835. B 1 Q 21 THACKERAY (Rev. Francis St. John). Eton College Library ; reprinted from Xoles and Queries. Sm. 4to. Eton, 1881. J 6 T 21 THACKERAY (William Makepeace) [A Biography]; by Anthony TroUope. (Eng. Men of Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 1 U 35 Anecdote Life of. [See Timbs, J.] Bibliography of. [See Shepherd, R. H.] K 7 R 11 English Humourists of the 18th Century: a Series of Lectures. 12mo. Lond., 1858. C 1 R 37 Extracts from the Writings f>f, chieily Philosophical and Reflective. 8vo. Lond.,''l881. " J 2 P 24 IrLsh Sketch-book, 1842 ; by "Mr. M. A. Titmarsh.'' 8vo. Lond., 1857. D 7 Q 31 The Kickleburys on the Rhine; by "Mr. M. A. Tit- marsh." 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1851. J 5 R 22 Miscellanies, Prose and Verse. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1870. J 4 Q 30-33 Notes of a Journey from Coruhill to (irand Cairo; by "Mr. M. A. Titmarsh." 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1846 D 1 T 9 Paris Sketch-book ; by "Mr. M. A. Titmarsh." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. D 7 R 29, 30 Sultan Stork, and other Stories and Sketches (1829-44) ; to which is added, the Bibliography of Thackeray. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1887. " J 2 P 23 Students' Quarter ; or, Paris Five-and-thirty Years since. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 7 Q 32 Thackeray and Cruikshank : on the Genius of George Cruikshank ; reprinted verbatim from the Westminster Beiriew ; edited, with a prefatory Note on Thackeray as an Artist and Art-Critic, by AV. E. Church. With Illus- trations, including all the original Woodcut^. 8vii. Lond., 1884. ' C 7 R 48 744 CATALOGUE OF THE Tha] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [The THACKERAY (William Makepeace) -continued. Thackeray, the Humourist and ilaii of Letters ; by '•Theodore Tavlor" [John Camden Hotten]. 8vo. Lond., 1864. " C 4 S 44 Thackerayana : Notes and Anecdotes, illustratefl by hundred^ of Sketches. 8vo. Loud., 1875. C 5 Q 19 Thackeray's London. \_See Rideixi;, "W. H.] Wiirks of. With IllustnitioiLS by tlie Author, Richard Doyle, Fretl. Walker, and Geo. Du Maui-ier. 22 vols. 8vo. Loiul, 1869. ^ J 2 P 1-22 1, 2. Vanity Fair: a Xovel wilhout a Hero. 3, 4. The History of Peiulennis ; his Fortunes anil Misfortunes, his Friencis and his greatest Knciny. 5, G. The Neweomes : Menioii's of a most Respectable Family ; editeil by Arthur Pendeunis, Esi]. 7. The History of Henry Esmond, Esij. , a Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Queen Anne: written l)y himself. 8, 0. The Virginians: a Tale of the Last Century. II), 11. Tile Adventures of Pliilip on his way through tlie Wmlil, showing who robbeil him, who helped him, and \\'ho passed him by ; to which is now prelixeil, A Slialdiy (Jenteel Story. 12. The Paris Sketehlwok of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh ; an. The Book of Snoln; and Sketches and Travels in London. It). Burlesques; Xovels by Eminent Hands: .Juames's Diary; Adventures of Major (lahagan : A Legend of tlie Khine: Ke- l)€cca and Rowena; The History of the next French Revolution; Cox's Diary. 17. The Chrislmas Books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh : Mis. Perkins's Ball; Our Street ; Dr. Birch; The Kickleburys on the Rhine; The Rose and the King. 18. BalUuls anil Talcs. in. The Kour(;eorges; The Englisli Iluiiiuuristsof the Eiglitceiilh Centuiy. With Portraits. 20. RoundalMiut Papers (from the Cnnifiill M(ifia:iiir) ; to which is adilcd. The Second Funeral of Napoleon. 21. Denis Duval; I^^ivel the Widower; and otiier Stories. 22. Catherine: a Story; Little Travels ami Roailside Sketches, by Titmai-Rh: The Fitz-Boodlc Papers ; The Wolves and the I..ainb. THAKU (A.) Priiiciprs Rai.sonnes d'Af^ricultuie. 4 vfils. (in 2) It... Paris. JMll-16. A 1 T 2."), 26 THAMKS HAVEN DOCK ANI> K.MIAV.VY; with Obscrvation.s rm tlieir iintici]>ated Adv,uitai;c-s. (I'am. I.'i.) Svo. r>.nd., 1811. .M.I J (^) :. THATCHKH (Ri'IIMond). An Aiislmlian Oralor. \ See Hi ciiAyAN, 1).] MK I PIS Lif(! and Times of Join Punch; with Nome ion rcM[K-ctinK oertdin reniurkuble Pfo|)lc of his Tinic, and con- tniniiiK a number of Historical Facts iind Hates rr>;,'ardiii)4 New South Wales. Mvo. Sydney, ISS."). MC j I' .-(."i Sydney and Suburlwin HoU-l (luido iind Lie insed Vi.- tuallcn' Directory, for 1886-87. 8vo. Syilney, 1HK6.» ME 1 If [j5f« Orn Cmti.MTMAs Ut DfiKT.J M.J 2 R 17 THAr SING (MoRiz. ) Albert Durer : his Life and Works ; translated from tlie German ; edited by Fred. A. Eaton, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882. " C 10 V I.'i, 14 THAYER (William M.) From the Tan-yard to the White House: the Story of President Grant's Life. With Por- trait. 8vo. Lond., 188.5. C 2 T .'36 TIIEAL (Gf.orck McCall). KaftirFi. Ik-lore; or, a Selection from the Tr.ulitional Tales current among the People living on the Eastern Boi-der of the Cape Colony ; witli copious explanatory Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1882. " P. 16 S 30 THEARLE (Samiel J. P.) Naval Architecture: a Treatise on Laying Off, and Building Woofl, Iron, and Com})osite Ships.' 8vo. Lond., 1876.' A 2 R 32 Plates to the abo^-e. 4to. Lond., 1876. A 3 Q 17 THEATRICAL DICTIONARY (Ne>v) ; containing an Account of all the Dramatic Pieces that liave appeared from the commencement of Theatrical Exhiliitions to the Present Time. 8vo. Lond., 1792. K 17 P 19 THEINER ( Aur.rsTiM's). Vetera Monumcnta Hibernorum et Scotorum Historiam illustrantia qua^ ex Vaticani, NeapoHs ac Florentirt> tabulariis deprompsiit et ordine chronologico di.sposuit, 121G-1.547. Roy. fol. Rome, 1864. ' B 12 U 1 ; THEIR REPORTER. [_See Genehation of Judgks. A.] TITE^riSTOCLES, Dissertation on tlie Epistles of. [See Bextluv, R.] THEOBALD (W.) Burma: its People and Productions. [See MAS.SOX, Rev. F.] D .5 V 4, 5 THEOCRITUS. The Idylls of Tlieocritu.s Bion, and [ ^Fiischus, and the War-songs of Tyrta'us; literally trans- lated into English by (lie Rev. J. Banks, M.A. 8vo. Lond., 1876. H 5 S 34 Translations of. \_See CiiAL:\rKiis. A.] THEODOUI'; (KiNi; of Aiivssinia). Narrative of the Britisli Mission to. [See Rassam, 1Ioi!Mi-zd.] I) 1 W 1, 2 THEODORF-TUS (CIvuknsis Ei'Ksrorrs). Opera omnia. [See MKi.NE, .J. P., Sehies Gn.KrA, 80 84.] THEODORETrS (Bishop of Cvufs), and EVAGRTUS. Ilistoiy of the Church, from A. I). 322, to the Death of Tlieodon^ of Mopsuestia, A.n. 427; niiil from a.d. 441 to A.M. .'i9l: tr.inslated from tli(> Greek, with Memoirs of thr .\iilliors. 8vo. L.iiiil., I8.")l. (!I6(.JG 'I'll I']! »|)()l!rs [See Ni;\v li i;foi;m \tio\, 'I'mk. ] TlllCODOKl'S STI'DITA (Santti-.s). ( )p(r,i omnia. [See Mum:, .1. I'., S|-,i;ii:s (Jh.kca, 99.] 'I'll i;( )|)1' LI'TS (Ariii.LiANKN.sis Episcoims). ( )|icia omnia. [See MifiNU, .J. P., Skhies Latina, 10.').] THEOPHANES. [See IhzASTiv.F, Hist. Snupr.] TIIKOI'MAN'KS (Sanctis). Cliroiiogr.iphia. [See MifiNE, .1. 1'.. Skhiks Gii.i-icA, 1 08. J EllEE PUBLIC LIBllAliY, SYDNEY. 745 The] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Tho THEOPIIANES CERAMEUS (ArtniiEPiscoprs Tait.o- MEMTANi's). Honiilia'. \_See Migne, J. P., Sekies Gileca, 132.] THEOPHPvASTUR. Characters of ; illustrated l)y Pliy- siognoniical Sketches. (Fam. Lib.) linio. Ldiid., 1836. J 15 P 19 Les Caracti-res do Thcophraste. \_Se6 L.v Buuveke, J. de.] THEOPHRASTITS (Piiilippus), Bombast of Hohenheim. [See Paracelsus.] THEOPHYLACTUS (Bi'loarle AiiniiEPisooprs). Opera omnia. \_Sce Migne, J. P., Series Gk.eca, 123-12G.] [See -Byzantine Hist. Script.] THEOSOPHY. Five Years of Theosophy : Mystical, Philo- sophical, Historical, and Scientific Essays ; selected from The. Theosnphist. 8vo. Lond., 188o. G 11 P 27 Introduction to. [See Fortescue, J. F.] G 9 Q 18 THEREMIN (Fra). Confessions of Adalbert. 12mo. Lond.; 1838. J 8 Q 39 THERESE (Saixte). Vie de. [See Capefigue, J. B. H. R.] THERRY (Sir Roger), Knt. Appeal on behalf of the Roman Catholics of New Soutli Wales, in a Letter to Edward Blount, Esq., M.P. for Steyning ; with an Appendix. 8vo. Sydney, 1833. MG 1 P 5 Another copy. 8vo. Sydney, 1833. MG 1 R 16 Comparison between the Oratory of the House of Commons thirty years ago and the Present Time ; a Lecture. 8vo. Sydney, 1856. MJ 1 T 38 Letter addressed t( I, by Bishcjp Broughton. [&e Brough- ton, Rt. Rev. AV. G.] MG 1 P 5 Letter to the Rt. Hon. G. Canning. [See Historical Pajipiilets.] B 11 Q 1 Letter to the Rt. Hon. V. E. Gladstone, M.P. 8\-o. Sydney. 1850. MF 3 P 3 Another copy. Svo. Sydney 1850. M.I 2 R 20 Reminiscences of Thirty Years' Residence in New South Wales and Victoria. '8vo. Lond., 1863.* MB 1 R 1 Speeches of the Rt. Hon. George Canning ; with Memoir of his Life. [See Canning, Rt. Hon. G.] F 13 P 12-17 Strictures upon a Letter written by. [See Fulton, Rev. PL] MG 1 P 5 THEVENOT (.Iean de). Travels of Monsieur de Thevonot into the Levant. Fol. Limd., 1687. D 36 Q 7 .1: [See PIarris, J.] THEY MIGHT HAVE BEEN TO(i ETHER TILL TPIE LAST : an Essay on Marriage and the Position of Women in England. 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 15 P 11 THIBAUDEAU (A. C.) Le Consulat et TEmpire ; ou, I'Histoire de la France et de Napoleon Bonaparte, de 1799 -i 1815. 8 vols. Svo. Paris, 1834. B 8 P 27-34 THIEHAULT (Dieudonnk). Souvenirs do Vingt Ans Se- jour a Berlin. [See BARRii-;RE, J. F., 23, 24.] C 1 T 23, 24 5 B THIELMANN (Lieut. Max. von). Baron. .lourney in the Caucasus, Persia, and Turkey in Asia ; translated l)y Charles Heneage, F.R.G.S. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875. D 5 Q 13, 14 THIERCELIN (Dr. Henri). Chez les Anthropophages : aventures d'une Parisienne a la Ncjuvelle Caledonie. 12mo. Pari.s, 1872. MI) 4 P 47 THIERRY (A.) Hi.story of the Conquest of England by the Normans. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1825. B 5 P 36-38 THIERS (Louis Adolpiie). History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Najxileon ; translated liy 1). F. Campbell. 20 vols, (in 10) ,S\o. Lond., 1845-62. BS S 11-20 History of the French Revolution : tran.slated, with Notes and Illustrations, l)y Fred. Sholjcrl. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1838. B 8 S 6-10 THIRLWALL (Connop), D.D., Bishop of St. David's. History of Greece. (.Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 7 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1835-40. K 1 T lS-24 Another copy. 8 vols. Svo. Lond., 1845-55. B9T.3-10 History of Rome. [See Niebuiir, B. G.] B 12 R 13, 14 Letters, Literary and Theological ; edited by the Very Rev. Stewart Perowne, D.D., and the Rev. Louis Stokes, B.A. : with Annotations and preliminary Memoirs by the Rev. Louis Stokes. Svo. Lond., 1881. C10P38 Letters to a Friend; edited by the Very Rev. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D. 8vo. Lond., 1881. C 10 P 39 THIRTY-SIX YEARS of a Seafaring Life; by "An Old Quarter-master." Svo. Portsea, 1839. C 7 R 43 THISTLEWOOD (Arthur). [See Trials.] THO]M (.\le.\ander). Otlieial Directory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the year 1884. Svo. Dublin, 1884. E THOM (John Hamilton). Life of the Rev. Jo.sopli Blanc(j AVhite. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 18 45. C 6 P 24-26 THOMAN (Fedor). Interest and Logarithmic Tables. [See Lintern, W.] A 6 R 35 Theory of Compound Interest and Annuities ; with a Series of Logai'ithmic Tables. 3rd ed. (Weale.) 12ino. Lond., 1877." A 17 P 53 THOMAS (-^.) [See Chapman.] :m.j 2 R 4 THOMAS (Edward). Ancient Indian Weights. [See NuMiSMATA Orientalia, 1.] A 2 S 15 t Chronicles of the Pathan Kings of Delhi, illustrated by Coins, Inscriptions, and other Antiquarian Remains. Svo. Lond., 1871. B 10 V 23 Essays on Indian Antiquities. [See Prinsep, .!.] B 10 T 34, 35 THOM.\S (Ernest Chester). History of Materialism. [See Sange, F. A.] THOMAS (F. H.) [See Sydney Art Gallery.] 746 CATALOGUE OE THE Tho] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Tho THOMAS (Fkaxcis Sheppaud). Historical Notes, loOO- 1714. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., Ii?.i6. K 11 Q 4-(i THOMAS (H.) Guide for Excursionists from the ■Mainland to Tasmania. 12mo. Melb., 1SG9. MD i Q 15 Guide to Excursionist between Au.stralia and Tasmania. 12mo. Mell)., 1878. JID 2 Q IG THOMAS (Jeskix). Jenkini Thoniasii, Camhro-Britanni Dis.sertationes varii Arjivmento. linm. Altdorli, 1712. (;12 1M9 THOMAS (Jon\ Jones), B.A. "Caraddaeg." Britannia Anti(|uissima : or, a Key to tlio Philology of History, (Sacred and Profane.) 2nd ed. Svo. Melb., 18G6. M B 2 K 2G Another copy. 2nd ed. Svo. :Mell)., 18GG. Kl.")?.")! THOMAS (Joseph), M.D., itc. Complete Pronouncing Medical Dictionary. Roy. Svo. Philad., 188C. K 9 R 4 THOMAS (Miis. Julia Marth.\). Mui(l,>r of. \_See AVebster, C.\tiiekixe.] THOMAS (JfLiAx), "The YAfiAUOXD.^' Cannibals and Convicts : Notes of Personal Experience in the Western Pacific. Svo. Lend., 1886. MD 4 U 42 Occident and Orient : Sketches on both Sides of the Pacific. Vol.1. 8vo. Melb., 18S2.* MD G P IG The Vagabond Annual, Christmas 1877 ; dedicated to all Vagabonds in Australia. 7th thousand. Svo. Sydney, 1877. MJ 2 S 17 The VagalKjnd Papers: Sketches of Melbourne i.ifr, in Light and Shade. Series 1-."). ") vols. 12mo. jNIelb., 1.S77-78. MJ 1 S lG-20 Another copy. Series 1-4 [onlv]. I vols. 12mo. ]\lclb., IS77. " ■ ^\^ 1 S 21-24 TIIO.MAS (Pa.scoe). True and liii[);ulial Journal of a Voyage to the South-Seas, and round the (ilobc, in H.M.S. C'vnturio7i, under the C( nf Cunnnodorc (l(M)rge Anson. Svo. Lond., 1715. |)10 1{:)i) TIIO.MAS (ItALPii), "Oi-i'iiAH Hamst." Aggravating La- dies; being a List of Works pulilislicd uiuh^r tlic Pseudo- nym of "A Ijady"; with jireliminary Snggeslinns on the Art of k of l''ictitioUH Names; being a GuiM.\S(W. K.), it CO. South AuHlrnlia : an Account of its llislory, Progres.H, Hecoiirces, and Present I'osition; ri'pritited from 7%: Soiilli AiiHtrii/inn /{fi/inl'ir of Septem- IhtG, |m7;|; prepared Mpecially for (he Sydney Kxhiiiit ion. Xvn. Adelaide, 1.^79. " ^{y .- ]. oo TnO:ME (Otto W.) Text-book of Structural and Physio- logical Botany ; translated and edited by Alfred W. Bennett, J\I. A. (Text-books of Science.) 12mo. Lond., 1877. A 17 S 23 TIIOMES (William H.) The Belle of Australia ; or. Who ami? (Corrected and revised from /lii// the of the Parliamentary Session of 1880-81, on the 6th April, 1881. 8vo. Sydney, 1881.* MF 1 S 11 THOMSON (James), A.M. "Vimlicatlon of the Presbytery of Van Dienien's Ijiind, and the Presbyterian Community, from tlie Charges contained in the Pamjihlet, in defence of the Proceedings of the Rev. William Hutcliiiis, Arch- deacon of Van Diemeii's Liind. 8vo. Hobart, 1839. M(; 1 (I 21 THOMSON (James). Edward and EJeonora: a Tragedy. (IJelis Brit. Theat.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. 112P"i EK.says on the Live.s and Writings of Fletcher of Sallnuii, and the PoraThom.son, Biograpliiciil, Critical, andPolitical ; by D. S., Eiirl of Buclian. 8vo. Lond., 1792. C 8 P 9 Life and P<«-ms of. \_See BitiTisii Poets; Chalmers, A.; nn'/ JoiiN.sov, S.] Poetical Works of; with the IJl'e of the Author, by P. Murdoch, D.D. 12nio. Lond., 1803. H 7 Q 8 The Seji.sons; enibelli.shed with Engravings on AN'ood, ))y Bewick, from Thurston's Designs. 8vij. I d.. 1 S05. Jl 8 V 2 Taricred and Sigi.sinnnda: a Tragedy. (liell's Brit. Theatre.) iSmo. I.,<)iid., 1792. 11 2 P 21 Another copy. (lirit. Theatre.) Pjiim. I.ujid., I S08. HIP 13 Another copy. (New Hng. Tlieatre.) 12nio. Lonil., ITf^l. ■ HIP 17 Another copy. [Set BiiiT. DitA.MA, 2.J THOMSON (James MArRiCE). Registrum Magni Sigilii Kegum Scotorum. \_See Scotland.] B 13 S 18, 19 THOMSON (John), F.R.G.S. Tllustrations of China and its People: a Series of Two Hundred Photograph.s, with Letter-press descriptive of the Places and People repre- sented, -tvols. (in2)fol. Lond., 1873-74. D 5 P 23, 24 i Land and People of China : a short Account of the Geography, Histor}', Religion, Social Life, Arts, Indu.s- tries, and Government of China and its People. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 187G. D 5 P 43 [_See Davillier, Barox C] D5S1 t THOMSON (John). New General Atlas of the (Jlobe. At. Edinb., 1827. 1) 8 P 3 J THOMSON (John), M.I)., kc. Account of the Life, Lec- tures, and Writings of William Cullen, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1859. C 10 S 33, 34 Historical Sketch of the Opinions entertained by Medical Men respecting the Varieties and the Sec(mdary Occur- rence of Small-pox. 8vo. Lond., 1822. A 12 S 30 THOMSON (John CocicnrRN). ' Queens of Society. {See Thomson, Mrs. Katharine.] C 4 V 26, 27 THOMSON (.JohnTi-unri-LL). Ramldcswitha Fhilosopher ; OI-, Views at the Antipodes; by " \\i Gtagonian." 8vo. Dunedin, 1867. " MJ 1 R 27 THOMSON (Joseph), F R.G.S. Through Masai Land : a Journey of Ex})loration among the Snowclad Volcanic Mountains and Strange Tribes of Eastern Equatorial Africa, 1883-84. 8vo. Lond., 1885. D 2 S 10 To (lie Central African Lakes and Back: the Narrative of the Royal (Geographical Society's East Central African Ex])edition, 1878-80; with a .short bi()gra]ihical Notice of the late Mr. Keith Johnson, Portraits, and a Maj). 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 1 T 15, 16 T1I().MSON(JosepiiT.), F.K.(!.S. Transhilionsfrom theHa- kayit Abdulla(Bin .Mdulk.ulai), Miinslii; withConnnents. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 3 Q 22 THOMSON (Mrs. Katharine and John). Queens of Sdiii'tv; bv "(Iraee and Philiii Wharton." 2 \(j1s. 8\o. I I.," IS(;i. C 4 V 26, 27 THOMSON (Maxwell). Skotcli I^rst, of a Series of Sketches on the Evidence of the Religion, origi- luiliy delivered as Lectures. I2nu). Svel:iil'. for .Mndcrrj l''liriiit lire. l''ol. (llasgow, I.'^i;u. A 23 Q 8 } FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 749 Tho] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Tho THOMSON (Richard). Chronicles of London Bridge: l)y "An Anticjuary." 8vo. Lond., 1S27. I! t P 7 Historical Essay on the Magna Ciiarta of King John ; to which are added, the Great Charter, in Latin and English, Ac. 8vo. Lond., 1S29. E4P9 Illustrations of the History of Great Britain : an His- torical View of the Manners and Customs, &c., of Great Britain. (Const. Misc.) i vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1828. K 10 Q 8, 9 THOMSON (RoHEirr). Descriptive Catalogue of Collection from Jamaica to Philadelphia International Exhil)ition, 1876. 8vo. King.ston, 187G. K 7 R 3G THOMSON (RoBuirr ])rNT).\s), M.I)., kc. Cyclopiedia of Chemistry ; with its Applications to Mineralogy, Physi- ology, and the Arts. 8vo. Lond., 1854. K 5 U 12 THOMSON (SpEN'CEii), M.])., A-c. Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Surgery, thoroughly revised anil bi'ought down to the Pre.sent State of Medical Science; with a Chapter on the Management of the Sick-room. 8vo. Lond,, 1866. K 9 Q 22 THOMSON (Thomas), M.D., A-c. Brewing and Distillation ; with Practical Instructit)ns, Ijy W. Stewart. 8vo. Edinlj., 1849. A 11 Q 26 System of Chemistry. 6th ed. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1820. A 6 P 10-13 \_See Anxals of Piiilosopiiv.] THOMSON (Rev. Thomas). Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen. [See Chambers, R.] C 11 S 1-5 History of the Kirk of Scotland. [See Calderwood, D.] Life of James Hogg. [See Hocr;, J.] THOMSON (T. R. H.) Expedition to the River Niaor. [See Allen, Capt. W.] D 2 T 13, 14 THOMSON (William), F.R.C.S., kc. Bacon, not Shake- speare. 8vo. Melb., 1881. MH 1 S 21 Contagion alone the Cause of Typhoid Fever in Mel- bourne. 8vo. Melb.. 1880. " MA 2 S 37 Digest of the Return, ordered Ijy tlie Legislative Council, of all the Deaths (2,143) from Phthisis in Melbourne and Suburbs, during the years 1865-69, and iirst half of 1870, forming a Sequel to the "E.ssay on Phthisis, kc." 8vo. Melb., "1871. MA 2 S 37 Histochemistry and Pathogeny of Tubercle. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MA 2 S 37 Not Man, but Man-like : a Reply to "Not like Man," of the Professor of Anatomy in the University of Mel- bourne. 8vo. Melb., 1874. MJ 2 R 12 On Phthisis and the supposed Influence of Climate; being an Analysis of Statistics of Consumption in this part of Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1879. MA 2 S 12 On Renascence Drama; or, History made Visible. 8vo. Melb., 1880. jMH 1 S 21 Political Allegories in the Renascence Drama of Francis Bacon. 8vo. Melb., 1882. JIH 1 S 21 Remarks on a Review of the Report on the Cause and Extent of Typhoid Fever in Melbourne. 8vo. Melb., 1879. MA 2 S 37 THOMSON (William), F.R.C.S., kc.—contimiecl. Third Analysis of the Statistics of Plithi.sis in Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1877. MA 2 S 12 Transver.salis Pedis in the lAjot of the Gorilla. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 2 S 38 Typhoid Fever ; its and Extent in Melliourne, based on the Report of an Inquiiy made by special i(!ijuest of the Central Board of Health. 3rd ed., i-evised. 8vo. Melb., 1878. MA 2 S 11 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1878. MA 2 S 37 William Shakespeare in Romance and Realitv. 8vo. Melb., 1881. MH 1 S 21 THOMSON (William). Practical Treatise on the Culti- vation of the Grape-vine. 8th ed., enlarged. 8vo. Edinl)., 1875. " A 1 R 8 THOMSON (Sir Wiluxm), LL.D., kc' Electro-dynamic Qualities of Metals. Part 6. Effects of Stress on Mag- netizati(m. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 4.) 4to. Lond., 1876. A 1 1 P 5 t Slathematical and Physical Papers, collected from dif- ferent Scientific Periodicals, from May, 1841 to the Present Time. 2 vols. 8vo. Carab., 1882-84. A 10 U 23, 24 Notes of Lectures on Molecular Dynamics and the Wave Theory of Light, delivered at the Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, Baltimore. 4to. Baltimore, Md., 1884. A 15 U 7 THOMSON (William M.), D.D. The Land and the Book : Southern Palestine and Jeru.salem. Sq. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 5 T 1 The Land and the Book : Central Palestine and Phie- nicia. Sq. 8vo. Li 1883. D5T 2 THORBURN (Grant). Forty Years' Residence in America ; or, the Doctrine of a particular Providence exemplified in the Life of Grant Thorburn (the original Lawrie Todd). 12mo. Lond., 1834. C 1 R 36 THORBURN (S. S.) Banmi ; or. Our Afghan Frontier. 8vo. Lond., 1876. B 10 T 6 THORBURN (Ma.iou W. Stewart). Guide to the Coins of Great Britain and Ii'eland, in Gold, Silver, and Copper, with their Value. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 13 S 25 THORESBY (Ralph), F.R.S. Diary of (1677-1724); now first iiublished from original Manuscript, liv the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. 2 vols'. 8vo. Lond., 1830. C 9 Q 43, 44 Ducatis Leodiensis ; or, the Topograph}- of the Ancient and Populous Town and Parish of Leedes. 2nd ed., with Notes and Additions, kc. (and Life of the Author), bv T. D. Whi taker. Fol. Leeds, 1816. B 15 U 6 J Letters of Eminent Men addressed to Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S. ; now first published from the Originals. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832. C 9 Q 45, 16 THORKELIN (Grim Johnson), LL.D., kc. De Danorum Rebus Gestis Secul. in et iv : Poiima Danicum Dialecto Anglo-.saxonica. 4to. Havnise, 1815. H 6 U 19 750 CATALOGUE OF THE Tho] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Tho THORXBURY (George Walter). Shakspeie's England; or, Sketches of our Social History in the Reign of Eliza- beth. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 185G. B 4 R 27, 28 Criss-cross Joumevs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873. D 10 Q 2.5, 26 Hauntfid London, illustrated bv F. AV. Fairlmlt. 8vo. Lend., 18C.5. ■ B 7 P 28 Life of J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1862. C 9 U 49, 50 THORXBURY (Georce AValter), and WALFORD (Edward). (>ld and New London: a Narrative ot its History, its People, and its Places. Illustrated. 6 vols. 4to. Lond., 1873-78. B 3 U 1-6 THORNE (Charles). Silk Culture. \_See Brady, C] THORNE (E.) The Queen of the Colonies ; or, Queensland as I knew it; by "An Eisht Years' Resident." 8vo. lyjml., 1876.* MD 4 V 6 THORNE (James), F.S.A. Hand-lOTdk to tho Environs . Lond., 1857. 1) 11 T 1.") Gazetteer of the Territories under tlio Government of tho Viceroy of Inflia; revised and edited by Sir Ropor I>;thl)ridge, CLE., aiul Arthur M. AVoll.iston, CLE. 8vo. I»nd., 1886. D 11 T !(i History of tho British Empire in India. G vols. 8vo. L.nrl., 1.S4U4."J. B 10 R 14-19 Indi.i ; its Stjite and Pnwpocts. 8vo l.oi„I., is;i.- i; in It 1 THORNTON (PKiifV .M.) Foreign Soerotariesof the llHli Ccntary. 3 vols. «v(,. I»nd., 1881-82. C 8 Q II 1.! Harrow ScIhhiI aiul its Surroundings. 8vo. Ij)iid., IHM.'i. B 6 S 1.-) THORNTON /Itoiir.liT.IoliN), .M.D. Now Family llorlial; or. Popular Aoroiinl of tho Natures and Proporlii's of the various Plants used in Modicjni-, I Hot, and the Arts. Tho Plniits drnwii from Nature, by JIondorHon; and on- vnivod on \V«M«| liy Tlionms Bewick, M\o, Lond., If^lO. .\ :. !• 28 Now llluitnitioii of llio Hoxual System of (■arolus von Linnn-iiH; oomprr-honding an Elucidation of tho several Parts of iho Fnii'tificntion ; a I'rizr- MiHsortatioii on tlie Si'XOH of PlaiiLH, .to. At. fol. I>oiid., 1><07. A II PIS* THORNTON (Thomas). Histoi-y of China,fi-om the Earliest Records to the Treaty with Great Britain in 1842. Vol. 1 {all pnblislied). 8vo. Lond., 1844. B2Q7 History of the Punjab, and the Rise, Progress, and Present Condition of the Sect and Nation of the Sikhs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. B 10 (J 44, 4-") THORNTON (William Thomas), CB. Tmlian Public Works, and cognate Iniiiun Topics. 8vo. Loud., 1875. F 5 S 5 On Labour ; its Wrongful Claims and Rightful Dues, its actual Present and Possible Future. 8vo. Lond., 1869. F 4 S 7 THOROTON (Robert), M.U. Antiquities of Nottingham- shire ; ropublislied, with Addititms, by John Throsl)y. 2nded. 3vols.4to. Nottingham, 1790-97. B (i V 22-25 THORPE (Ben.tamin). Ca-dmoivs Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Sciiptures. \_See Cf.dmox, Saint.] Catalogue of the Library of the late l'>( ujamin Thorpe. Lond. (n.d.) .AlK 1 P 25 Diplomatarium Anglicum ^vi Sa.xonici : a Collection of English Charters, from the Reign of King j'Ethelberth,' of Kent, a.d. 005, to that of William tho Conqueror. 8vo. Lond., 186.5. F4S11 Grammar of the Anglo-Sa.xon Tongue. \_Sec Rask, Prof. E.] Northern jMythology ; comprising the jirincipal Popular Traditions and Sujierstitions of Scandinavia, North Gor- illa nv, and tho Ni't lie i-lan< Is. .'i vols. 8\'o. Lond., 1851-52. B 9 S 3-5 Yule-Tide Stories: a Collection of Scandiiiavi.ui and North (Jerniaii Popular Tales and Traditions, from the Swedish, Danish, and (xerman. 8vo. Lond., 1875. r. 20 Q 15 THORPE (Mrs. jMary). Letters from Italy. [Sec Laveleve, E. de.] 1) 9 Q 10 THORPE (PiiOE. T. E.), Ph.D., .tc. Absorption-Spectra of Bromide, Ac. [See Roscoe H. E.] A II P 5 t Manual of Inorganic Chemistry. Now od. 2 \oIs. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 5 R 0, 7 (Quantitative Clioniiral Analysis. (^Text-books of Science.) 8vo. Lond., 1M73. " A 17 S 1.3, 14 THORPE (Prof. T. E.), F.R.S., and MUIR (M. M. P.) (^luaiital!vo Clioniioid Analysis and Laboratory Practice. 12 Lond., I.S7I. ' A 17 S 15 Another .j.y. 4tli l2mo. Lond., ISSO. I! 29 TIIOUI'H (Prof. T. E.), and rI>CKKI! (Prof. .\. W.), .M..\. On tli<' I'iXpaiision of Soa-walor liv (Uoy. Soc. Pubs., 3.) Ilo. Lond., 1876. ' A II I' I't THORPI", (William). Writings and Examinalions of. [Si-r I'.itiTisii Ui:i()iiMKiis, 12.] 'rilo|;\-ALI)Si;N (IlijiTKi,); hi'^ Lito and Works : Ky Iv I'lon ; translMlcil liv .Mrs. Casliol Hoey. I Must r.iliil. Smi Lond., 1871. " C s V II FEEE PUBLIC LIBRAllY, SYDNEY. Tho] Part I : — AtUhors, Editors, or Reference. 75] [Thu THOUGHTS ON THE VALLEY ; l.v " Viator." >Svo. Mclb. (n.d.) ]M(4 1 Q .-59 THOYRAS (P. i)K I{apin uh). [_See Rapin dk TiKnuAs, P. DE.] THRASHER (J. S.) Tshuid of Cnl.a. ISee Humuoldt, F. H. A. VON, Baron.] J) ?> Q (50 THP.EE IRISH GLOSSARIES : Connac'.s Glossary, Co- dex A (from a Maiiu.script in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy) ; O'Davoreii's Gh.issary (from a Manuscript in the Library of the British Museum) ; and a Glo.ssary to the Calendar of Oingus, the Culdee (from a Manuscript in tiie Liln'ary of Trinity College, Dublin); with a Preface and Index, by W. S. Avo. Lond., 1S6l'. K l.S R 8 THREE WEEKS in Palestine and Lolianon. Sth ed. 12mo. Lond., 1839. D 5 P 21 THRELKELD (L. E.) Appeal to Common Sense ; being a Comparison of Mohammed and the Pope with the Messiah. 8vo. Lond., 1841. MG 1 Q 29 Australian Grammar ; comprehending the Principles and Natural Rules of the Language, as spoken by the Aborigines in the vicinity of Hunter's River, Lake Mac- quarie, &c.. New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1831. MK 1 Q 28 Key to the Structure of the Aboriginal Language spoken by the Aborigines in the vicinity of Hunter River, Lake Macquarie,N'.S.W.,Ac. 8vo. Sydney, 1850.* MK 1 Q 28 [See Aborigines.] THRESH (John C), F.C.S. Phy.sics, Experimental and Mathematical: a Hand-book for the Physical Laboratory, and for Students preparing for the Science Examinations of the London University. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) A1GP19 THRING (Rev. E.), M.A. On the Principles of Grammar. (Clar. 12mo. O.xford, 18G8. K16P.16 E.xercises in Grammatical Analysis. (Clar. Press.) 12mo. Oxford, 1868. KKiP-lG THROOP (M. H.) Civil Procedure of New York. 12mo. Albany, 1885. F 1 T 7 THRUM (Thomas G.) ISee Hawaiian Almanac] THRUPP (John). The Anglo-Saxon Home : a History of the D( )mestic Institutions and Customs of England, from the 5th to the 11th Century. 8vo. Limd., 1862. B 5 S 23 THUCYDIDES. Analysis and Summary of Thucvdides. [&« Wheeler, J. T.] ' ' B 9 S 15 De Bello Peloponnesiaco, libri octo, Gnvce et Latine, ad Editionem los. Wasse, et Car. Andr. Dukeri. 6 ^•ols. 8vo. Biponti, 1788^89. B 9 S 38-43 History of the Peloponnesian War (Greek Text), illus- ti-ated by Map.s ; with Notes bv Thomas Arnold, D.D. 7th ed. ■ 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, i8G8. B 10 P 18-20 TllVGYDYDW,— continued. Peloj)oniie.sian War; tran.slated by Williani Smith, J).)). (Fam. Class. Lib.) 3vo!s. 18mo. Lond., 1831. ,] 15P4(i 1,S Sicilian Expedition; being Books G and 7 of Tiiucydidcs; with Notes, by the Rev. Percival Frost, M.A. 12ino. Lond., 1877. B9S 14 Thucydides ; tran.slated into English, with an Inti'o- duction, lire, by B. Jowett. 2 vols. 8vo. (Oxford, 1881. B 9 V 19, 20 THUDTCHUM (J. L. W.), M.D. On Wines ; their Pro- duction, Treatment, and Use. (Cant. Lect., 9.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 15 U 21 THUDICHUM (J. L. W.), M.D., and DUPRE (August), Ph.D. on the Origin, Nature, and Varieties of Wine; beinga complete Manual of Viticulture and QCnohjgy. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 187 A 1 R 5 THUNBERCJ (Charles Peteh), M.D. Flora Japonica, sistens Plantas Insularum Japonicarum. 8vo. Lipsiie, 1784. A4T11 Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, made between the years 1770-79. 3rd ed. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1795-9G. D 10 R 7-10 THURBER (Francis B.) Coffee ; from Plantation to Cup: a brief History of Coffee Pi'oduction and Consumption. 8vo. New York. 1881. A 1 S 24 THURET (Gustave), et BORNET (Dr. E.) Etudes Phy- cologiques : d'Algues Marines. Fol. Paris, 1878. ' '' A 23 Q 13 t THURLOE (Rt. Hon. .John). Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Esq., Secretary to the Council, of State, itc. ; with a Life by T. Birch. 7 vols. fol. Lond., 1742. B 18 T 1-7 t THURN (Everard F. im), M.A. Among the Indians of Guiana; being Sketches, chiefly Anthropologic, from the Interior of British Guiana. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1883. D 4 Q 15 THURNEYSEN (Rudolphus). Indices Glossarum et Vocabulorum Hibernicorum. \^See Guterbock, B.] THURSTON (George H.) Pittsburgh and Allegheny in the Centennial Year. 8vo. Pittsburgh, 187G. "F S'U 9 THURSTON (Prof. Robert H.), C.E., kc. Friction and Lubrication : Determinations of the Laws and Co-Efficients of Friction by new Methods and with new Apparatus. 8vo. Lond.,' 1879. A 11 Q 17 Materials of Engineering. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1883-84. A 6 T 1-3 Report on Copper-Tin Alloys. [_See L^nited States.] A 9 T 35 Report on Machinery and ^Manufactures ; with an Ac- count of European Manufacturing Districts. (Vienna International Exhibition, 1873.) 8vo. Wash., 1875. A 11 T 9 Stationary Steam-engines, especially as adapted to Electric Lighting Purposes. ' 8vo. New York, 1884. A IIP 22 752 CATALOGUE OE THE Thy] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Til Another copy. Svo. Manchester, 1871. Another copy. 8vo. Manchester, 1871. V TIClIBOliNE TKI.VL (Tin;). Charge ..f the Lord Chief Justice I pf Eiiglaiul in the Case of the Queen against Tlioinas Ca.stro, Arthur ( )rt<)n, otherwise Sir Roger Tich- Ixirne; reprinted from th(^ Otticiai Copy taken from the Sliorthand Writer's Notes ; competed hy the Lord Chief Justice, l' vols. roy. 8vo. Ijfjnd., 1874-7"). FiJY20, 21 Suniming-u]i l»y the Lord Chief Justice of England ; together with the Addresses cif the -Judges, the Verdict, anfl the .Sentence; the whole accuni])anie(i Ijy a History of the Cnne, and copious Alphaljetical Index. 8v<). Lond., 1«74. F 9 P 20 Anothercopy. (Pam. 8.) 8vo. Iy)nd.,187l. Fl'lll] Trial at I5ar of Sir Hoger C. 1). Tiehhoriie, I>ait,, in tlic Court of Queen's JJencli at Westminster, heforc J.,i)rd Chief JuHtic(! Cockhurn, Mr. Justi(^(? Mellor, and Mr. Justice I^ush, for Perjury; editend., 1870. ' A 17 S 20 TILLICMONT (Louis Skuastian Lenaix de). Ilistoire des Lnqiiii'urs, et des autres Princes, (|ui out regne durani les jirrmiers siecles de I'Eglise, itc. ; justiliee ]iar les citations des Auteurs originaux. vols. 4to. Paris, 1720 .'18. G 5 S 17-22 Menioire's pour ser\ir a 1 llisloin^ e('clesiasti(|ue des six jiremiers siecles. 2' ed. Ki \ ols. Ito. Pai'is, 1701 14. G 5T4 19 'J'l LI,1',V (.Airnil'K). LileraturtMif the l''rench Renaissance; an Introductory Essay. 8vo. Camb., 1885. B 9 P 1 TI1.I.I■'^' (lllA'UV ArtiU'U)- J.qian, ihr .\niooi', and the I'ariji.-. With Illustration'^. S\.i. Lond.,IStil. |)5SI9 Tl LI,I NGHAST (W . II.) I'lpitoi f History. [See. I'LoKiz, C.J I'. M <,> 24 FliEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 753 Til] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Tin TILLOTSON (John). Picturesque Scenery in Wales. Illus- trated, ito. Lond., 1860. " D 8 U 36 TILLOTSON (John), D.D., AiiciinisHop of C.^NTKriisuRv. AVorks of; puhlislicd from the Originals, by Ralpji Barker. .■? vok fol. Lond., 17.'55. G 7 Q 11-17 t AV'orks of; containing Sermons on several subjects and occasions. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1742-44. G 14 S 1-12 TILLY (Alex.\ndre de), Comte. Memoires. [_See Bar- RIBRE, J. F., 25.] C 1 T 2.5 TILTON (C. R.OLLIN-). Morocco. [_See Amicis, E. de.] D 2 IT 2 TIM.iEUS, the Sophist. Lexicon vocum Platonicaruni. [See M(EEis Atticista.] K 11 S 4.5 TIMBS (John), F.S. A. Abbeys, Castles, and Ancient Halls of England and Wales ; their Legendary Lore and Popular History ; re-edited, revised, and eidarged by Ale.xander Gunn. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872-79. B 3 Q 5-7 Anecdote Biography : William Hogarth, Sir Josluia Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, Henry Fuseli, Sir Thomas Lawrence, and J. M. AV. Turner. 8vo. Lond., 1860. C 1 S 5 Anecdote Biography : William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and Edmund Burke. 8vo. Lond., 1860. C 1 S 6 Anecdote Lives of the later Wits and Humourists : Canning, Captain Morris, Curran, C(_ileridge, Lamb, Charles Mathews, Talleyrand, Jerrold, Rogers, Albert Smith, Hood, Maginn, Thackeray, Dickens, Poole, Leigh Hunt, Father Prout, itc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. C 4 R 8, 9 Centurv of Anecdote, 1760-1860. 8\-o. Lond. (n.d.) B 14 P 25 Clubs and Club-life in London; with Anecdotes of its famous Coffee-houses, Hostelries, and Taverns, from the 17th Century to the Present Time. 8vo. Lond., 1872. B 4 P 11 Curiosities of London, exhibiting the most rare and remarkable Objects of Interest in the Metropolis ; -Hith nearly Fifty Years' Personal Recollections. 1 2mo. Lond., 1855. DllQl Doctors and Patients ; or. Anecdotes of the Medical World, and Curiosities of Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. Lcjnd., 1873. A 13 P 18, 19 English Eccentrics and Eccentricities. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1866. C 4 S 34, 35 London and Westminster, City and Suburb: Strange Events, Characteristics, and Changes of Metropolitan Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1868. B 4 Q 3, 4 Painting popularly explained. [See Gullick, T. J.] Romance of London : Strange Stories, Scenes, and Re- markable Persons of the Great Town. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 1 U 36, 37 Something for Everybody [and a Garland for the Year: a Book for House and Home]. 12mo. Lond., 1865. J 10 Q 34 Things not generally known : Curiosities of History, wilh new Lights. 12mo. Lond., 1857. B 14 P 45 5c TIMBS (John), V.H.A.—conlinued. Things not generally known : Curiosities of Science, Past and Present: a Book for Old and Young. [1st and] 2nd series. 5th ed. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 16 P 1 Things not generally known familiarly explained : Cu- riosities of Science. 2nd .serie.s. 12mo. Lond., 1860. A 1 7 T 1 1 Things not generally known: Popular Errors explained and iUustrated. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1858. A 17 T 12 Year-))ook of Facts in Science and Art, exhibiting the most important Discoveries and Improvements (jf the past years. 33 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1842-74. E Year-book of Facts in the Great International Exhibi- tions of 18,51 and 1862; their Origin and Progress, and Consti-uctive Details of tin; Buildings, kc. 2 vols. 12mo Lond., 1851-02. E TIMES (The), for the 3rd October, 1798 (No. 4,298). [Re printed] Fol. Lond., 1798. E Reprint from the Times: the Annual Summaries for a Quarter of a Century. 12mo. Lond., 1876. E 2.21 The Times (weekly edition), for 1882-84. 3 vols. fol. Loud., 1882-84. E The Times Register of Events in 1880-84. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881-85. E 2.21 Index to the 2'iiiies, new.spaper. [See Palmer, S.] TIMOLEON. Life of. [See Plutarch.] TIMON. [See Cormenin, Vlscount de.] TIMPERLEY (C. H.) Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote, illustrative of the History of Literature and Printing. 2nd ed. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1S42. ■ K 4 S 18 TIMPSON (Rev. Thomas). British Ecclesiastical History. 8vo. Lond., 1838. G 7 T 4 Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Fry, including a History of her liabours in promoting the Reformation of Female Prisoners, and the Impro-\-cment of British Seamen. Hva. Lond., 1847. C 3 S 45 TINDAL (N.) [See Rapin de Thoyras, P. de.J TINDAL (William). [See Tyndale, W.] TINGLE (James). Country Directory and Gazetteer of New South Wales. [See Sands, J.] TINNE (J. Ernest), M. A. AVonderiand of the Antipodes; and other Sketches of Tra\-el in the North Island of New Zealand. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1873. MD 3 A' 6 TINTORETTO (Jacopo Robusti). Relation between Alichael Angelo and Tintoret: Lectures on Sculpture; by John Ruskin. Orpington, 1879. A 8 Q 32 Tintoretto; Ijy W. R. Osier. (Great Artists.) 8vo. Lond., 1879." C 3 T 36 7 5 J: CATALOGUE OE THE Tip] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Tod TIP AND TONY. iSee Thompson, J.] TIRABOSCHI (GiuoLAMo). Stmia della Letteratura Italiana. 16 vols. 8vo. Fircnze, 1805-13. B 30 T 7-22 TISCHENDORF (Lobegott Friedrich Constantin de). Vetus Testamentum Gripca juxta lxx Interpretes. \_See Bibles— Greek.] G 10 S 8, 9 TIS.SANDIER (G.) History and Hand-book of Pliotu- graphy ; edited bv J. Thomson, F.R.G.S. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lond.. 187f.. A G V 3 Royal Treasure-house of Knowledge: a Book of plain and liealthful Studies, ploa.sing E.xperimcnts, and attractive Pastimes, for Family Amusement and Home Culture Roy. 8vo. Hydncy, 1887.* Tnivels in the Air. [See Glaisiier, J.] MA 2 V 19 D 9 U 29 TIS80T (8. A.), M.D., kc. L'Onanisme : Dissertation sur les Maladies produits par la Masturbation. 12mo. Lau.sjinne, 1774. A 12 P 25 Pnietical Observations on the 8mail-l)ox, Apoplexy, and Dropsv, in a Series of Letters to the Most Nobh; and Illustrious, Albert Haller. 8vo. Lond., 1772. A 12 S 28 TIS.SOT (Victor). Ru.ssians and Germans ; translated from French, bv Stephen L. Simeon. 8vn. Lend., 1882. B12U13 TITCOMB (TiMOTUv). [See Holland, J. (i.] TITE (William), F.R.S., Ac. Account of the Discovery of a Tes.selated Pavement, 1851, under the Vaults of the siiuth-ea.stern area af the late Olllee. Roy. 4to. L..njnd., 1.S29. C 10 P 37 Titian: his Life and Times; with sonu^ Account of his Family, by J. A. Crowe, and (!. 1!. Cavalcaselle. 2 vols. Hvo. "l^rid., 1877. C 8 S 49, 50 Titian; by R. F. Heath, I'-.A. ((iri'at Arli.sts.) 8vo. L.,nd., 1879. C 3 T 30 TITMARSH (MifiiAKL Ax(iELo). [See Tiiackkrav. W. M.] TITSIN(;il (I.sAAf). Illustrations of Jajian: Memoirs and Aiiicdote.H, Dcscril)lion of Feasts and Ceremonies, Mar- ringe.s and Funerals, A-e. Ito. bjnd., 1822. I! 11 11 17 J Ni|»on o dill itsi nui ; on, Ainiales d(,'s Empereurw du Ja|xin; tiiuluiU-.s par M. Isa-ic Titsingli, aecompagc d'un AiM-reii lie rilihtoin- Mytliologi'iui- du .laiMin, (lar J. Klaprolh. Jto. PariH, 1834. P. 17 H 12 ♦ ilZI.WO VKCKM.IO. [SmTitiam.! TOIUN (John). The llfmey Moon: a Comedy. (Ilrit. Th.atre.) 12nio. I/.nd,, |H08. II 1 P 'J5 The Mrhr».l for Autliop': fi Ctmiedy. [Sec Faiiciw, 7.] TOCQUEVILLE (Alexis de). Correspondence and Coii- \-crsations with Nassau W. Senior, 1834-39 ; edited by M. C. M. Simpson. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1872. C 5 P 1, 2 Democracy in America; translated by H. Reeve. 2 vols. 8vo". Lond., 1862. " F 4 S 1, 2 Memoir, Letters, and Remains of ; translated from the French, with large Additions. 2 vols. 8\'o. Camb., 1861. ■ C5P3, 4 On the State of Society in France licfore llie Revolution of 1789, at;d on the Causes which led to that Event; translated by Henry Reeve, D.C.L. 2nd ed., with seven additional Chapters. Svo. Lond., 1873. B 8 U 32 Penitentiary System in the ITnited States. [See Beaumont, G. DE.] TODD (.Vlpheus). On Parliamentary Government in England; its t)rigin, Develoiimeut, and ])ractical Opera- tion. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1807-69. F 4 P 18, 19 Parliamentary Government in the British Colojiies. Svo. Loud., 1880. MF 2 R 2 TODD (Charles Burr). Life and Letters of Joel Barlow, LL.D., Poet, State.sman, and Philosopher. Svo. New York, 1886. C lOR 13 TODD (Kkv. IIhn'uv John), I\1.A., kc. Some Account of the Life of [Edmund] Spenser. [See Spenseh, E.] Dictionary of the English Language. [See Jonx.soN, S.] Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the lit. Rev. Brian Walton, D.D. ; to which is added. Dr. Walton's own Vin- dication of the London Polyglot. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1821. ■' G 10 8 6, 7 Vindication of our ^Vuthorizeil Transl.-ition and Trans- lators of the Bible. 8vo. Loud., 1819. G 10 R 8 TODD (PiioF. Ja>h;s Hextiioun), D.D. St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland: a Memoir of his Life and ^li.ssion. Svo. Dublin, 1S61. C 10 Q 40 'r()l)l> (Uev. .ToUn). Student's ]\Ia,nual, designed to aid in fnruiing and strengthening the Intellectual and Moral Character and Habits of Students in all Professions; with a Preface by the Rev. T. Binney. 12mo. Lond., 18G9. .1 1 V 42 TODD (LAwiiii;). [Sec TiioiiHUKX, (!.] TODD (U. B.) Cychipa^dia of Anatomy 5 vols. imji. Svo. L(md., 1835-59. T<)l)lM'Vll.LIAM(!.), Il.i>. Thr lri,'.|i ill Mn-liuid: n'l.rinleil, with Additions, from the Dnlil'iii lifricii: 8vo. Loud., and Physiology. A 3.3 V 7-12 1857 .S\( (; 2 P 28 1, fill' ihe us(^ Lou, I., 1,S71. TODHITNTEH (Tsa.\c), -M.A., Ac of Colleg<-s anil Schools. olh I'd .\ 10 S 1 Functions, Lame's Svo. Lond., 1875. A 10 S 11^iry of the Theory of Elasticity, and of tiie Strength of .Ma(<>rials, from Galilei (o the Present Time; edited and compiled by K. Pearson. Vol. 1, 8\-o. Camb., 1886. All U 21 lOlemi'ntary Treatise on's Functions, and Bessel's Functions. raEB PUBLIC LIBRA.11Y, SYDNEY. 755 Tod] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or liefer ence. [Tom TODTIUNTER (Isaac), M.A., tc— continued. Key to Exorcises in Euclid. 2nd od. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 10 R 19 Mechanics for Beginners ; with numerons Examples. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1870. A 10 R 22 Plane Trigonometry, for the use of Colleges aufl Schools; with numerous Examples. 8th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 10 R 15 Spherical Trigonometry, for the use of Colleges and Schools ; with numerous Examples. tth ed. 1 2mo. Lond., 1878. A 10 R 16 Treatise on Analytical Statics; with numerous Examples. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1806. A 10 S 10 Treatise on Plane Co-orrlinate Geometry, as applied to the Straight Line and the Conic Sections. 4th ed. 8vo. L. Sydney, 1887. MD4P32t TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Cir- culating Library. 8vo. Toronto, 1884. K 7 R 12 TORRENS (CoL. Robert), F.R.S. Colonization of Soulli Australia. 8vo. I^onrl., 183.5.* MF 2 P 25 Ix'tter to NassauWilliain Senior, Es(|., in reply to the Article, "Free Trade and Retaliation," in the Edinhiin/h Ri-view: with I/'tters on Free Trade and Reciprocity. Hvo. I»n.s.\I{T (E. L.) MicroboH, Ferments, and Moulds. Hvo. I/.iid . IMHO. A 12 (,» 12 TROITIJKCK (Rkv. .(oiin), M.A., and DALE (l{i;v. II. v.) Mu^ii' Primer for Schools. 2nd (■e). History of the Con(]uest of Peru by the Sjianiards. (Const. Misc.) 18mo. Edinb., 1830. ' K 10 Q .'50 Life of Heriian Cortes. (Const. Misc.) 18mo. Edinb.,- 1829. K 10 Q 37 TKUMAN (Major Benjamin Cummings). The Field of Honor; being a Complete and Comprehensive History of Duelling in all Countries. 8vo. New York, 1884. B14Q2 TUIM lU'LL (I'.kn.iamin), D.D. ("..mplctr I listory of Ctm- necticut, Ci\il and Ecclesiastical. 2 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 18 IS. B 1 R 29, 30 TK UMBULL (H. Clay), D.D. Kadesh-Harnea, its Impor- tance and Proliablo Site; including .Studies of the Route of the Exodus, and tlu^ Soulherii linund.u-v of the Holy ]>and. 8vo. Limd., 1881. B 2 R .50 Tl!l'SLI':i! (I'.KV. hi;. .Ions). Clirniinlogy ; or, \hv llis- toi-ian's \'ade nii'cuMi. 2 vols. IJiun. bond., 1782. H 14 P3, 4 I >cscri]ili\ !■ ,\c(iiuiil lit' the Islands lately discovered in llic South Seas. Svo. Lcmd., 1778. ' ]\1D C) R 1 1 TRUSSKL (.loHN). Collivii [See Daniki., S. | if the llistiiry of Fiigland. l; liU,) 5 \ TRYON (Okokim; W.), .Iink. Mainial of Conehology, .Structural and Sysleiiiutic. | 1st series.] Vols. 1-7. 7 vols, iny. Svo. Philad., 1.^79 HC. A 32 P 1-7 M.iiiiinl (if ( 'oiii-liology, St riiil iii:il and iSysteniat.ic. 2nrl series. -1 vols, roy. Svo. I'liiliul,, l.'^Xn Ao. A 32 Q 1, 2 Structural and Systematic Conehology; an Introduction to the Study of the .Mollusea. 3 vols.'(in 1 ) 8vo. I'hilad., I8H-J-H.I. ■ All T 2 PEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 761 Try] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Tun TRYPHIODORUS. Hesiod.] Tryphiodori Excidium Ilii. {Set H G V 29 TSCHEMESSOFF (EvriRAF Petrovitsch). Tscligmessoff, Graveur Russc: eleve de G. F. >Sclimidt son O^^uvre, reproduit par le procede de G. Scamoiii. Fol. St. Petei-sljurg, ISTS. A 20 P 6 J TSCHUDI (Di!. J. J. von). Travels \n Peru, during the vear.s 1838—12; translated by Thomasina Ros.s. 8vo. Lond., 18i7. D 4 Q 14 TUCKER (Abr.uiam). The Liglit of Nature pursued ; with some Account of the Life of the Author, l)y Sir H. P. St. Jolm Mildniav, Eart. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18.37. G U Q 10, 11 TUCKER (G. A.) Lunacy in Many Lands; being an In- troduction to the Report.s on the Lunatic Asylums of various Countries, visited in 1882-85, liy G. A. Tucker. 8vo. Birmingham, 1885.* MA 2 S 34 Another copy. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MA 2 S 3G TUCKER (Rev. Henry Willlui). The Englisli Church in other Lands. 12mo. Lond., 1886. G 7 T 5 TUCKER (J. H.), Ph.D. Manual of Sugar Analysis, in- cluding the Applications in general of Analytical Methods to the Sugar Industry ; witli an Introduction on tlie Chemistry of Cane-sugar, Dextrose, Levulose, and Milk- sugar. 8vo. New York, 1881. A 11 T IG TUCKER (Jedediaii Stephens). Memoirs of Admiral the Rt. Hon. the Earl of St. Vincent, G.C.I!. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 181-1. C 9 S 27, 28 TUCKER (John Owen). The Golden Spring: a Tale of Tasmania, and other Poems. 12mii. Melb., 18G5. MH 1 P 33 The Mute : a Poem of Victoria, Melb., 1870. and other Poems. 12mo. MH 1 R 51 TUCKER (Robert). [See Clifford, Y\^. K.] A 10 T 4 TUCKER (Miss Sarah). Abbeokuta ; or. Sunrise witliin the Tropics : an Outline of the Origin and Progress of the Yoruba Mission. 5th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1856. D1V3 The Southern Cross and Southern Crown ; or, the Gos- pel in New Zealand. 12mo. Lond., 1855. MD 1 S 24 Another copy. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1855. MD 1 S 25 TUCKER (William James). Life and Society in Eastern Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 7 S 1 1 TUCKERMAN (Bayard). History of EngHsh Prose Fiction, from Sir Thomas ]\Ialory to George Eliot. 8vo. Lond., 1882. BIS 23 TUCKERMAN (Henry T.) Isabel; or, Sicilv: aPilgrimage. 8vo. Philad., 1839. J 12 C^ 6 5d TUCKEY (Lieut. J. H.), R.N. Account of a Voyage to estabhsh a Colony at Port PliilHp, in's Strait, on the Soutli Coast of New South Wales, in H.M.S. (Julcntta, in the years 1802-4. 8vo. Lond., 1805.* MDGt'iI Bericht von einer Reise nach Ncu-Siid-Wallis, uni zu Port-Philipp, in der's, eine Kolome anzulegen. 8vo. AVeimar, 1805. iijj 6 T 14 TUDOR (Henry). Narrative of a Tour in Nortli America, comprising Mexico, . Loml., 1853. '^ Mil 1 R IG Martin Tupper's Autobiography : uiy Life as an Autlior. 8vo. Lond., 18S6. C 8 Q 50 Patcrfainilias's Diary of EverylxKly's Tour. 8vo. Loud., 18.56. ■ D 7 P 16 Probabilities: an Aid to Faith; by the Author of '•Proverbial Philosophy." 3rd ed., witli Notes. lima. Load., 1854. G 7 X 3 Proverbial Philosophy: a Book of Thoughts and Argu- lucut*, originally treated. 12mo. Lond., 1852. H 7 Q 3 Rides and Reveries of the late ]\Ir. iEsop Smith J edited by " Peter Query, F.S.A." 8vo. Lond., 1858. J 12 T u TURBERVILE (George). Life and Poems of. [See CUALMERS, A.] TURENNE (Henr! de la Tour d'Auverone), Vicomte ue. [Life of] ; l)y H. M. Hozier. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 3 U 43 TURGOT (Anne Rodeiit Jacques). [See Adams, J.] B 15 R 15-17 TURGOT (Saint), Bishop or St. Andrews. Life of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland; translated from the Latin, by William Forlies-Leith, S.J. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1881. C 4 Q 48 TURKEY. IMilitnry Costume of Turkey ; illustrated ))y Engravings (coloured), from drawings made on the spot. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1818. A 23 S 15 + Costume of Turkey. [See Dalvimaut, ().] TURKISH SPY, A. [See Marana, (J. P.] TURNBULL (Rev. Adam). [See Sacraments, The.] TURNBULL (David), M.A. French Revolution of 1830. 8vo. Jmm<\., 1830. B 8 T 32 Travels in tii(! West: Cuba; with Notices of Porto ]{ico and (lie Slav,- Tr.wle. Svo. Lond., ISIO. D .'i S 31 TL'UNIlL'LL (John). Reise uui die N\'elt, in den jahien 1800-4: aus dcni EngliscJKsn iiljersetzt von Pli. Chr. Weyhuul. 8vo. Berlin, 1806. MD 1 U 1 Voyage round the World, in the years 1800-4. 3 vols. 12mo. Jy.n.l., 1805.* ^U) 1 T 28-30 Another copy. 2n.l <'d. It... L.nd., 1M3.* MD 7 P 231 TURNBULL (Peter Evan), F.15.S., At. Auslria. Vol. 1. Narmtivc! of Tnivels. Vol. 2. Social and Political Con- it<-raluic, and Ri-ligion. 8vo. J>md., l«l!». l; 12T38 TURNIiULL (Wii.MA.M II. I). I».) [Sec Cr,\siiaw, Rev. R., iiii'l Sti'iihk.h, ]'. I TURNBULL (W. P.) [Ste Coiiv, If.] A 12 U 18 TURNEBUS (A.) [See Plinius Secundus, C] A 16 S 2 + TURNER (Charles Edward). Studies in Russian Litera- ture. 8vo. Lond., 18.S2. B 31 Q 1 TURNER (Charles Tennyson). Collccteil Sonnets, Old and New. 12nio. Lond., 1880. 11 7 Q 2 TURNER (Rev. Dawson W.), DLA,, Ac. Notes on Herodotus, original and selecteil frnni the best Com- mentator.s. 8vo. Oxford, 1848. B 15 Q 31 Rules of Simple Hygiene, and Hints and Remedies for the Treatment of Common Accidents and Di.seases. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1872. MA 2 S 38 Practical Grannnar of tlie German Language. [See AiiN, Dr. F.] TURNER (E.), M.D., &c. Elements of Chenustry, including the Actual State and Prevalent Doctrines of the Science; edited l>v Baron Liebig, and W. Gregory. 8vo. Lond., IS 17. ■ ' A5U7 TURNER (F. C.) Short History of Art; witli numerous Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 188G. A 8 Q 14 TURNER (Rev. Geoikje), LL.D. Nineteen Years in Poly- nesia: Missionary Life, Travels, and Researches in the Islands of the Pacific. 8vo Lond., 1861.* MD 6 R 5 Another copy. 2nd thnu.saud. 8vo. Lond., 1861. MD 6 R 8 Samoa .a Hundred Years Ago, and long l)efore ; together witli Notes on the Cults and Customs of twenty-three other Islands in the Pacific. 8vo. Lond,, 1881. MD 3 S 15 TURNER (Ri:v. (lEoRiiE E.) Sermon, preached on Whit- Sunday, l\lay 27tli, 184'J. 8vo. S3-dney,18i9. MG 1 P 1 TURNER (J. HoiiSKALL). Ilkley, Ancient and Modern. [See CoLLYEif, Rev. R.J " B 1 T 1 1 TURNER (Joseph Mallord William), R.A. Anecdote Biograpliy of. [See TiMDS, J.] C 1 S 5 Liber Studionnn, reproduced in Autotype from the original Etchings. 3 vols, (in 1 ) imji. Itu. Lond., 1876. A 23 P 22 X Life of, founded on Letters and Papers furnished by his I'^iends and Fellow Academicians; by [George] Walter Thornbury. 2 vols. 8vo. L(md., 1862. 9 1140,50 Notes on tiie "Liber Studinrum," [See Brooke, Rev. S.] PicturesipK! Vi(>w.s in ICnglaiid anil ^\'ales, reproduced in ix'nn.inenl Pholngrajihv. ."> \dls. imp. Ilcp. Lond., 187.3. ■ I) 4 U 6-8 + Turner; by W. C. .M..i,U1h.iim'. (Creal Arti.sts.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. C 3 T 33 Turner's Rivers ..f Englaml : Si.vtcen Dr.iwings l)y J. M. W. Turner, R. A., and throe by Thomas Girtin, mezzotinted ; with descriptions by Mrs. Hdlliuid. New ed., edited by W. Cosmo Monkliouse. Iniji. Kii. Ldiid., 1883. D 5 R 20 \ Notes on the Turner CJailery. [See RfsKiN, .1,1 FIIEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 7G3 Tur] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Twi TURNER (Joseph Malloed William), R.A. — continued. Works of; with a Biographical Sketch and Critical and Descriptive Notes, by James Dafforne. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1877. A 23 Q 2 i Catalogue of the Drawings and Sketches by. [See RUSKIN, J.] Poetical Works of John Milton ; with imaginative Illustrations. \_See Milton, J.] Poetical Works of Thomas Campl)ell ; with Ilhistrations- [_See Campbell, T.] Italy : a Poem ; liy 8. Rogers. Illustrated. \_See ROOERS, S.] TURNER (Mansfield), and HARRIS (William). Guide to the Institutions and Charities for thoRlind in the United Kingdom. 8vo. Lond., 1871. F 9 P 22 TURNER (R.), JuNR., LL.D. Easy Introduction to the Arts and Sciences. Illustrated. 18mo. Lond., 1804. A 17 T 14 TURNER (Sharon), F.A.S., *c. History of England during the Middle Ages. 3rd ed. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1830". B 5 R 16-20 History of the Anglo-Saxons, from the Earliest Peri(jd to the Norman Conquest. Gth ed. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 183G. B 5 S 20-22 Modern History of England, Henry viii-Elizabeth. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1828-35. B 5 R 21-24 Prolusiijns on the present Greatness of Britain ; on Modern Poetry; and on the present Aspect of the World. 12mo. Lond., 1819. H 7 Q 4 Sacred History of the World, attempted to be philo- sophically considered, in a Series of Letters to a Son. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1836. G 10 R 1-3 TURNER ( William). Ba.xter Refuted ; or, Louis Napoleon not the destined Monarch of the World : a Lecture. Svo. Beechworth, 1866. MJ 2 R 1.5 Some Strictures on the Confession of Faith, addressed to the Laity of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. Svo. Melb., 1881. MG 1 Q 39 TURNER (Peof. William), M.B., &c. On the Placen- tation of the Apes; with a Comparison of the Structure of their Placenta with that of the Human Female. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 6.) 4to. Lond., 1879. A 11 P 7 j On the Placentaticipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem raentio est, brevis et succincta Historia. ISmo. Colon., 1544. A 14 P 42 TURNER (William H.) Selections from the Records of the City of Oxford, illustrating the Municipal- History, Henry viii to Elizabeth (1509-83). Svo. Oxford, 1880. Ji 5 V 23 TURNER (Prof. William W.) The Literature of American AI)original Languages. \_See Ludewk:, H. E.] TURNERELLI (Edward Tracy). Russia on the Borders of Asia; Kazan, the Ancient Capital fif the Tartar Khans. i vols. Svo. Lond., 1854. D 6 P 1, 2 TURNOR (HatT(JN). Astra Castra : Experiments and Adventures in the Atmosphere. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1865.* A 16 R4 J TURNURE (Arthur B.) Catalogue of the Art Depart- ment of the New England Manufacturers' and jMeehanics' Institute. 4to. Boston, 1883. A 1 P 15 TUSON (Peof. R. V.), F.T.C. Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts. [&e CooLEY, A. J.] '■K1Q12, 13 TUSSAUD (Mme.) Memoirs and Reminiscences of the French Revolution. 2vol.s.8vo. Philad., 1839. B9P27,28 TUTHILL (W. B.) The Suburban Cottage: its Design and Construction. Svo. New York, 1885. A 2 S 20 TUTTLE (Herbert). Brief Biographies: German Political Leaders. Sq. 12mo. Lond., 1876. C 2 R 15 TWAIN. \_See In Southern. Seas.] TWAIN (Mark). [See Clemen.s, S. L.] TWEED (John). Glasghu Facies. [See McUee, J.] B 13 P 20 21 TWEEDDALE (Aetiiue Hay), Marquis of. Ornitho- logical Works of; edited by Capt. Robert O. W^ardlaw Ramsay, F.L.S., etc. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1881. A 2 S 26 f TWEEDIE (William). Temperance Almanac for 1861-62. 12mo. Lond., 1861-62. E 1.78 TWINING (Loulsa). Symljols and Emlilems of Early and Mediwval Christian Art. Illustrated. New ed. Svo. Lond., 1885. A 8 P 26 TWINING (Rev. Thomas), M.A. Recreations and Studios of a Country Clergyman of the 18th Century; being Selec- tions from the Correspondence of the Rev. Thomas Twining, M.A. Svo. Lond., 1882. J 4 P 28 Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry. [See Aeistoteles.] J 6 U 7 TWINING (Thosias). Familiar Lessons on Food and Nu- trition, intended to serve as a Hand-liook to the Food Department of the Parkes Museum of Hygiene. Pai-t 1. Svo. Lond., 1882. " A 17 T 57 Science Made Easy : a Series of Familiar Lectures on the Elements of Scientific Knowledge most required in Daily Life. 4to. Lond., 1876-78. A 15 U 4 Technical Training ; being a suggestive Sketch of a National System of Industrial Instruction, founded on a general diffusion of Practical Science among the People. 8vo. Lond., 1874. " G 17 Q 24 764 CATALOGUE OF THE Twi] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Tyn TWISDEN (Prof. John F.) Mathematics. [S« Wyldi:, J.] TWISS (Horace), Q.C. Public and Pri\ate Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon; with Selections from his Correspon- dence. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S44. C 9 S 1-3 TWISS (Travers), D.C.L., kc. History of Rome. {See XiEBCHR, B. G.] B12R15 Law of Nations, considered as Independent Politiciil Communities. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 18G1-63. F 4 S 8, 9 Oregon Question examined in respect to Facts and tlie Liiw of Nations. 8vo. Lond., 184G. B 1 T 26 View of the Progress of Political Economy in Europe, since the 16th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1847. F 4 S 6 TAVOPENY (R. E. N.) Tnwn Life in Australia. 8vo. Ljnd., 1883. MD 4 R 27 TWO BROTHERS. [_See Hake, J. C. and A. W.] TWO CHELAS in the Theosophical Society. \_See :Man.] TWYFORD (Capt. A. W.), F.R.G.S. York and York Castle: an Appendix to the "Records of York Castle." 8vo. Lond., 1883. B 4 Q 28 TYCHO BRAHE. [See Bkaiie, T.] TYCHSEN (T. C.) {See Quixtcs S-myrn-eus.] H 7 T :v1 TYEIiMAN (Rkv. Dakief,), and BENNET ((Jeouge). Journal of Voyages and Travels liy tlie Rov. Daniel Tyer- nian,andOeorgeBennet, Esq., 1821 29; conipilcd livJanies Montgomery. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1831.* INID G Q 20, 21 Anothercopy. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1810. ."\Il)G(,)2t TYERMAN (John). Plea for Free-thinkers; being a Letter to the Rt. Rev. Frederick Barker, D.D., Lord Bisliop of Sydney. 12mo. Sydney, 1875. MC! 1 t,) 32 TYLER (J. Endem,), B.D. Henry of .Mommmlli; cr, Me- moirs of the Life anfl Character of Henry v, as Prince of Wales and King cpf England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. C 8 Q 30, 31 TYLOR (CiiAULEs). Early Church Hist.jry. [See Back- house, E.] Life and Lalwurs of WAUi> B.),, At. Anahuac; or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Mudiin. ,Smi. Lond., 1«'5I. I) I (,) 3(! Antlirojiology : an Tnlrodiiclion to the Sturitisli Association for the Advancement of Science, 1874. (Ueiiiintcd from yaturc.) 8vo. Melb., 1874. A 16 T 11 Anothercopy. 8vo. Melb., 1.^71. MJ 2 R 11 Lessons in Eleeti'icity, at the Roval Institution, 1875-76. Svo. Lond., 1876. " ' A 5 S 45 Lives of the Electricians. [/S<;c Jeans, W. T.] C 2 S 14 Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phe- nomena and Theories, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 28(h, June 9th, ISH). Svo. Lcmd., 1870. A 5 S 50 Notes of a Course of Nine Lectures on Light. Itli eA (Don Antonio i.e), and JUAN v SANTACIIJA (Don JoR'iE). Voyage to Soutli America; tran.slated from tlie original Spanish, with Note.s and Oli.servations, and an Account ond., IWfi. I) 1 (,» 1, 2 l'F-PHIL.\S. Op..r,i ..iiniia. [S« .MniNi;, .). P., Si;iueh [,\TINA, l."*. I Ullila.t (iolhi'iclie Bibeluberselzung die iillcste (.leniiani.sche Urkurid)- nacli IliP-'ns. Text; ausgi'iirbciW-t von l''ridrii'h Karl p'ulda ; das Glossanim gciirbeilel von W. I'". II. Ueinwald. 41... WeisHcrifels, iMOri. K 11 L' 5 Ulphilas, AjtoBtle of the Gotlm. [Set Scott, C A. A.] ULRICH (Georoe H. F.), F.G.S., etc. Geology and Gold- fields of Otago. ISec Hutton, F. W.] MA 2 Q 21 Geology of Victoria : a Descriptive Catalogue of the Specimens in the Industrial and Technological Museum (Melbourne). 8vo. Melb., 1875. ' MA 2 Q 18 Intercolonial Exhibition Es.s.ivs. \_See Selwyn, A. R. C] MA 2 Q 35 Notes on the Phy.sical Geograph}-, kc, of Victoria. \_See Selwyn, A. R. C] :MF 1 Q 15 Observations on the Mode of Occurrence and the Treat- ment of Auriferous Lead, and Silver Oi-es, at Schemnitz, Upper Hungary. 8vo. Melb., 18G8. A 10 Q G {See Smyth, R. B.] UNDERWOOD (Francis H.) Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow: a Biographical Sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 3 P 22 John Greenlcaf AVhitticr : a Biography. 8vo. Lond., 1881. ■ C 1 U 49 UNGEWITTER (Dr. F. H.) Australia en zijno Bewonors, volgens de nieuwste Onldekkingen. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Hiwrlem, 1854-5G. ' MD 4 W 18 UNIACKE (John). Narrative of i\Ir. Oxley's Expedition to survey Port Curtis and ]Moreton Bay. \_See Field, B.] [See Pami'iilet T.] UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA. Tenth Report of the Directors. 12mo. Lond,, 1818. MF 3 P 10 UNION OF RAILWAY SYSTEM OF N. S. WALES. [See New South Wale.s — Railways.] UNITARIAN CHURCH, SYDNEY. Sixteenth Annual Repiivt of the Committee. 1 2mo. Sydney, 1870. MF3P10 Another copy. 12mo. Sydney, 1870. MG 1 Q 32 UNITKI) ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS of Now South Wales, Occasional Pa])ers. No. 1, (Pam. 21.) 8vo. Sydney, 185G. MJ 2 Q 10 Another copy. (Pam. 43.) 8vo. Sydney, 185G. MJ 2 R :< UNITi;i) SiniVICE MAGAZINE (Colburn's). [See Colhutin's rMTEi) Sehvick Maoazine.] UNITED KINGDOM .\Lld.\N('K for the Legislative Supjtre.ssion of the 'I'r.iHii' in all I ntoxicaling Liquors as Beverages: J''iflh liijioi I of i he I liiblin .Auxiliary. Kv.i, Dublin, JH.-,!). Ml! 1 y \0 I'MTKI) STATKS OF A.MKKICA. Doiuiiienl[H|, accompanying Message[s] tVoiu the I'resi- of the I'nited States. 2 vols. Kvo. Wash., ISOtMO. F 5 T I G, 17 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 707 Uni] Paut I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Uni UNITED STATES OF AMYAUCA— continued. Me.ssage[s] from the Presideiit[s] of the United StateiH, 1811-12. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1811-12. F 5 T 18, 19 Iiiflox-Catalogue of tlie Library of the Surgcon-Gcncrar.s Ollicp, United States Army : Autliors and Subjects; with a of Abl)reviation.s of Titles of Periodicals, indexed. Vols. 1-7. Sm. fol. Wash., 1880-86. K 8 S 2-8 t Report on a Preliminary Investigation of the Properties of the Clipper-Tin Alloys, made under the direction of the Committee on Metallic Alloys, United States Board to test Iron, Steel, and other Metals; Roliert H. Thurston, Chairman. 8vo. Wash., 1879. A 9 T 3-5 Report of Committee on the Naval Establishment. 8vo. Wash., 1811. F 5 T 18 Alplialjotical Ca,taloguc of the War Department Library (including Law Library); comj)iled by D. Fitzgerald. Sm. fol. Wash., 1882. K 9 P 17 t Report of the Currency. E AcililCULTURE. Reports of the Commissioner of Agriculture of the United States, 1862-87. 25 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1862-87. E Census. Compendium of the Ninth Census (June 1, 1870). Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1872. F 3 R U Compendium of the Tenth Census (June 1, 1880). 2 vols. Svo., 1883. F3R9, 10 Statistics of the Populations of the United States at the Tenth Census (June 1, 1880). 3 vols. roy. Mo. Wash., 1883. K 8 Q 1-3 t CoNr.iiESS. Dictionary of the United Stjitcs Congress. \_See Lanjian, C] Register of Debates in Congress. 3 vols. roy. Svo., 1825-26. F 1 R 16-18 CON.STITUTIONS. Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and other Organic Laws of the United States. 2nd ed. 2 vols, fol. Wash., 1878. F 5 V 26, 27 CoNfjULAu Reports. Vols. 17, 18. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 188,5-86. E Education. American Education as tlescribed by the French Com- inission to the International Exhibition (jf 1876. 8vo. Wash., 1879. F 7 Q 19 Bureau of Educatii-m, Circulars of Information : Value of Common School Education, of Common Labour, by Dr. E. Jarvis. 8vo. Wash., 1879. F 7'Q 19 Co-education of the Sexes in the Public Schools of the United States. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 12 P 16 Training Schools of Cookery. Svo. AVash., 1879. F 7 Q 19 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA— conJiuHcd E.XPLOnATIONS AND SuRVBYS. First Annual Report of the United States Eiit/imological Connnission, for the year 1877, relating to tlie Rocky Mountain Locust, and the best Methods of preventing it.s Injuries, and of guarding against its Invasions. With Majjs and Uhistratiojis. Svo. Wash., 1878. E Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel : Odontor- nithes; by Prof. O. C. Roy. -Ito. Wash., 1810. A23R30t Report of tlie Superintendent [Prof. A. D. Bascho] of the United States Coast Survey, showing tlie Progress of the Survey during the year 1853. 4to. Wash., 1854. F 8 P 17 t Report upon Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys west of the 100th Meridian: Zoology'. 4to. Wash., 1875. A 5''R 19 f Reports of Explorations and Survey.s; to ascertain the most practicable and economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made in 1853-56. 12 vols, (in 13) Ito. AVash., 1855-60. D 3 V 23-35 Scientific Results of the United States Arctic Expedition : Steamer J'olaris, C. F. Hall, commanding. Vol. 1. Physical Observations ; by Emil Bessels. 4to. Wash., 1876. D 1 S 10 t United States Exploring Expedition, during the years 1838-42, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U'S.N. 15 vols. imp. 4to., and 5 vols, at, fol. Philad., 1845-76. A 31 I Narrative, and Atlas, by C. Wilkes. Zoophytes, witli an Atlas of 01 Plates, by James D. Dana. Mammalogy and Ornithology, with an Atlas, by John Castin. Crustacea, with an Atlas, by Jame.s ] ). Dana. MoUusca and Shells, with an Atlas of Plates, by Augustus A. ^ Gould, M.D. ^ Geographical Distribution of Animals and Plants, by Cliarles Pickering, M.D. Parti. History of the Introduction of Do- mestic Animals and Plants. Part 2. Plants in their Wild State, Ethnography and Philology, by Horatio Hale. Herpetology, witli an Atlas of Plates, by Charles Girard, Finances. Annual Report on the State of the Finances to 1873; by William A. Richardson. (Pam. Dq.) 8\-o. Wnsh 1873. F 4 R 7 Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a Statement of the several Banks in which the Public Monies are now deposited. Svo. Wash., 1812. F5T19 Guides. American Overland Route. (Pam. 39.) 12mo. New York, 1870. MJ 2 R 1 Land Laws. Existing Land Laws (jf the United States. Svo. AVash , l«8i- F3R11 Land Laws of the United States, 2 vols, Svo. AVash., 1884. F 3 R 12, 13 The Public Domain; its IIistor3-, witli Statistics. (Public Lands Commission on Codification.) Svo. AA'ash., 1SS4. F3T .3 ■68 CATALOGUE OF THE Uni] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Uni UXITED STATES OF AMERICA— con/j^Mctf. Patexts. Alphaljftical Lists of Patentees and Inventions. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Wash., 1881-83. E Annual Reports of the Commissioner for Patents, for the years 1847-71, and 1876-84. 75 vols. roy. 8vo. Wa.'^h., 1848-85. E Official Gazette of the United St^ites Patent Office ; with Indexes for the 3-ears 1872-76. Vols. 1-30. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1871-85. E Patent Laws of the United States of America, passed 8th Julv, 1870; with Revised Statutes, approved by Congress, ii\\i\ Juno, 1874. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1876. K 7 S 25 Sanitary Commission. United States Sanitary Commission: Bulletin and Docu- ments. 4 vols, (in 3) 8vo. New York, 18G6. E Statutes. Public and General Stiitut«s of the United States of America, 1789-1827; published under tlie inspection of Joseph Story. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1828. F 12 R 3-5 California. Act of Incorporation and Ordinances of the City of San Francisco. (Pam. 18.) 8vo. San Francisco, 1856. F 12 P 10 All alx)Ut California. 8vo. San Francisco, 1870. D 4 Q 28 Biennial Report of the Surveyor-General of the State of Ciiiifi)riiia, 1873-75. 8vo. Sacramento, 1M75. E Biennial licports of tlie Su]i(riiitcndeiit of Public In- struction of the State of California, for the school years 1S66-67, and 1874-75. 2 vols. Svo. San Fnuu-isco, 1867-75. E Civil Code of; compiled bv Allnii Hart. 12ino. San Francisco, 1885. " F 2 P I Code of Civil Procedure; bv Nathan Newniark. 12iiio. San Francisco, 1885. " F 2 P 2 Municipal Reports for tlie fiscal year 1874-75, ending June 30, 1^*75. 8vo. San Francisco, 1S75. E Penal Ci«le of; annotated by Robert Desty. 12mo. San Franci.sco, 1885. " F 2 P 3 Political CVxle of; by Nathan Newinaik. l-'uio. San Francisco, 1885. ]•' 2 P 4 Ki'[>ort of the Debates in tlie Convention of California, on t hi- formation of the Stjite Constitution, in If^t'J. 8\<). \Va.-,h., 1850. RejK»rt on the RuKincHH and Condition of the Californiii TruKt Conijinnv, for 1H70. !^vo. San Fiuniisco, 1X71. I ) 4 ti 2K RrjKirt riri the C'onrlition of the Real Ksliite within the [..imilfi of the City of San Franci.sco. (I'ani. IH.) 8vo. H»in FranciMco, IN5I. F 12 P 10 Re|M.rt on tlie Subject of Tjinrl Titles in California; by W. C. Jr.neH. (Pam. IH.) Kvo. Wash., 1X50. F 1 2 P 10 Re|Mirt« of the Surveyor-General . I >es Moines, 1875. I' I (,^) 22 Ki:ntu(k>. Annual |{c|Miit of \\iv Sii|iiiint( ndcnl of I'liblic In- struction, ivenfiicky, \X1'>. X\ii. I'^iankforl, IX7ri. K Message of Governor .lames I!. McCreary to the (ieneial Assembly of Ki'iitueky, December 31st., 1875: Hegular Si'ssion of the Legislature of 1X75 76. ( I'.ini. .la.) Xvo. Frankfort, 1X75. F 7 S 21 Report iif the Auditor of Pnblic Accounts of ilic State of Kentucky. Xv,,. l''r.uikt'oil, 1X76. E FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 769 Uni] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Iteference. runi UNITED STATES OF A-MYJXJG X-conthmed. Maine. Annual Reports of tli3 Suporiutendent of Common Schools of the State of Maine, 1869-75. 7 vols. 8vo. Augusta, 1869-76. E Second Annual Report upon the Natural History and Geology of the State of Maine, 1862. E Maryland. Report[s] of the Connnissioners of Fisheries of Jlaryland, 1876-77 and 1879-80. 8vo. Annapolis, 1876-80. E Massachusetts. Abstract of the Census, 1860 and 1865. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1863-67. E Abstract of the Certificates (if Cl at Coldwatcr: its Purposes and Aims ; liy L. P. Alden. (Pam. Bs.) 8vo. Coldwatcr, 1876. MG 1 Q 31 SUitistics of the State of Michigan, collected for the Ninth CeiLsus iif the United Stjites, 1870. Hvo. Lan.sing, 187.3. F 1 U C, MlXNE-SOIA. Executive Documents of the Stjite of Minne.sotii, for the yejir 1875. 2 vols. 8vo. St. Paul, 1876. E (inoliigioal anil Niituiiil HistState of Rhode Island. (Pam. Ja.) 8vo. Providence, 1876. r 7 S 24 Annual Report of the Connnissioners on Inland Fisheries, made to the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island, 1876. (Pam. Ja.) 8vo. Providence, 1876. F 7 S 24 Annual Report of the Quartermaster-General, made to the General A.ssembly of Rhode Island, January, 1876. (Pam. Ja.) 8vo. Providence, 187G. F 7 S 24 Annual Reports of the Board of Education ; together witli the Annual Reports of the Connnissioner rif Public Schools. 8 vols. 8vo. Providence, 1846-7G. E Annual Statement, exhibiting the Condition of the State Banks of Rhode Island, 1875. (Pam. Ja.) 8vo. Provi- dence, 1876. F 7 S 24 General Statutes of the State of Rhode Island and Pro\'i- dence Plantations. 8vo. Camb., 1872. E History of Public Education in Rhode Island, 1636-1876; compiled and edited by Thomas B. Stockwell. 8vo. Providence, 1876. G 17 R 5 Manual, with Rules and Orders for the use of the General Assembly, Rhode Island. 8vo. Providence, 1874. r5 S G Providence Directory, for the year commencing July 1, 1875. Svo. Providence, 1875. E Public Laws of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 8vo. Providence, 1876. . E Rhode Island in the Continental Congress ; with the Journal of the Convention that adopted the Consti- tution, 1765-90, by Hon. William R. Staples, LL.D. ; edited by R. A. Guild, A.M. Svo. Providence, 1870. F4 R 3 Report and Documents relating to the Public Schools of Rhode Island, for 1848. Svo. Providence, 1S49. Report of the General Treasurer, January Session, a.d. 1876. (Pam. Ja.) Svo. Providence, 1876. F 7 S 24 Report of the State Auditor, 1876. Svo. (Pam. Dy.) Svo. Providence, 1876. MF 3 Q 1 Report on the Condition and Improvement of the Puljlic Schools of Rhode Island. Svo. Providence, 1846. E Report upon the Census of Rhode Island, 1865 ; \\ith the Statistics of the Population, Agriculture, Fisheries, and Manufactures of the State. Svo. Providence, 1S67. F 12 R 2 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Rhode Island. 5 vols. Svo. Providence, 1862-75. E Reports to the General Assembly, relating to the Re- gistry and Returns of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the State. 19 vols. Svo. Providence, 1856-75. E UNITED STATES OF KMV.mC A— continued. Rhode Island — continued. School Laws of Rhode Island: Acts and Amendments relati))g to the PuVilic Schools. Svo. Providence, 1855. G 17 S 2 SchiMjl Manual, containing the School Laws of Rhode Island; with Decisions, Remarks, and Forms. 12mo. Providence, 1873. G 17 R 11 Report upon the Public Schools anil Education in Rliode Island, 1S54; by E. R. Potter. Svo. Providence, 1855. G 17 S 2 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Public Schools of Rhode Island ; by Robert Allen. Svo. Providence, 1S56. G17S2 By-laws of the School Conniiittee, and Regulations of the Public Schools in the City of Providence. Svo. Providence, 1855. G 17 S 2 . Semi-Annual Report of the Raili'oad Commi.ssioner, 1876. (Pam. Dy.) Svo. Providence, 1876. MF 3 Q 1 Tennessee. Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Schools for Tennessee, for 1875. Svo. Nashville, 1876. E Proceedings of the Tennessee Stockbreeders' Association, held in Nashville, 1876; also, an Address delivered before the Association by J. B. Killibrew. (Pam. CI.) Svo. Nashville, 1876. A 16 U 21 Public School Laws of Tennessee, including all Acts passed since Marcli, 1873. (Pam. Bs.) Svo. Nashville. 1876. MG 1 Q 34 Texas. Fifth Annual Report of Public In.struction, 1875 ; liy O. N. Hollingsworth. (Pam. Cs.) Svo. Houston, 1876. MG 1 Q 34 Wisconsin. Annual Reports of the Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion of the State of Wiscf)nsin. 7 vols. Svo. iladison, 1869-75. E Historical Sketches of the Colleges of Wisconsin ; pre- pared for the National Centennial Exposition, for 1876, by A. L. Chapin. Svo. Madison, 1876. G 17 R 17 Laws of Wisconsin relating to Common Schools, includ- ing the Township and Free High School Law. Svo. Madison, 1876. ' G 17 R 14 Second Annual Report of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of Wisconsin. Svo. ]\Iadison, 1S75. E State of Wisconsin, emljraoing brief Sketches of its History, Position, Resources, and Industries, and a Catalogue of its Exhibits at the Centennial at Philadelphia. Svo. Madison, 1876. F 4 S 20 Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, 1870-72. Svo. Madison, 1872. E Transactions of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society; with Portions of the Correspondence of the Secretary, Renorts of the State Agricultural Society, kc. 9 vols. Svo'. Madi.son, 1853-76.' E UNITED STATES MAGAZINE and Democratic Review. Svo. New York, 1843-45. J 10 V 13 772 CATALOGUE OF THE Uni] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Uva UXIYERSAL HISTORY (An), from the Earliest Account of Time; with Index and Chronological Tables. 21 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1747-54. BUT 1 21 Modern Part of an Universal History, from the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time. 42 ^ols. 8vo. Lond., 1780-84. BUT 22-U 21 rXIVERSAL INSTRUCTOR (The); or, Self-Culture for All. Illustrated. 3 vols. rov. 8vo. Lond., 1S82-84. K 9 U 2fi-28 UNIVERSAL SONGSTER (The); or, Museum of Mirth, fi.nning the most complete, extensive and \alualile Collec- tion of Ancient and Jlodern Songs in the English Lan- guage ; embellished with ^Vood Cuts by d. and R. Cruikshank. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon.l. (n.d.) H G S 12-14 UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE (Duulin). [See Dublin U N 1 V E US IT V :M ac; azi n e. ] UNIVERSITY" MAN, A. [_See Cahuingtos, G.] UNKNOWN, The. {See Australian Colonies.] UNPAID MAGISTRATE, An. [See Hole and Corneu Petition.] UNSER VATERLAND. In Wurt undBild ge.schildert von eineni Verein deutscher und osterreichischef Schrift- st«ller und Kiinstler. 4 vols. imp. tt<>. Stuttgart (n.d.) D 38 P 17-20 \ 1. Baycrisclios Culiirge und Salzk;iiiiiiiergut ; geschiklert von Herman von Scliniitl nnd K.iil .Stick-r. 2. Tirol unil N'orarlberg ; gesoliililcit von Ludwig von Horniann, Herman von Stliniid, Ludwig Steub, Karl von Seyffertitz, Ignaz Zingerle. :(. Wanrlerungcn diiroli Sleierinark und Kiirnten ; geschildert von 1'. K. Koaeggcr, yritz Piulilur, und U. von Rauschcnfels. 4. Kiistenfahrtcn an der Noril-und Oiitscc; gcscliildert von Ed- ninnd Hoefur. UNWIN (Prof. \V. Cawtiiornk), B.Sc, kc. Elements of Machine Design. (Text-ljooks of Science.) 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 17 S 21 Another copy. 3rd ed. 8vo. L.nd., ISSQ. A 1 1 P 20 [Su HvDRO-MECTiANirs.] A 11 U 7 UPH AM (EnwAHli). History of the Ottoman Empire, from its •■stablishiiienl till the year 1H2S. (Const. Misc.) 2 vol.s. IHmo. i:tiati Tale; wilh Historical Notes of the Era of the Phara|.] URBINO (Dukes of). Memoirs of. [See Dennistoun, J.] L'RE (Andrew), M.D., kc. Cotton Manufacture of Great Gritain, svstematically investi£;ated. 2 vols 8vo. Lond., 1836. " ' ■" A 11 R 17, 18 New System of Geology, iu which tlie Great Revolutions of the Earth and Animated Nature are reconciled at once to Modern Science and Sacred History. 8vo. Lond., 1829. A 9 R 19 Philosophy of ^lanufactures ; or, an Exposition of the Scientific, floral, and Commercial Economy of the Factory System of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond., 1835. A 11 R C Ure's Dictionary of Art, Manufactures, and Mines ; with Supplement by Robert Hunt, F.R.S. Illustrated. 7th ed. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875-78. K 18 Q 13-10 URQUHART (David). Manual of the Turkish Bath: Heat a Mt>de of Cure; edited by Sir Joseph Fife. 8\o. Lond., 1865. A 12 Q 2 Pillars of Hercules; or, a Nai'ivitive of Travels in Spain and Morocco in 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1850. 1) 2 T 8, 9 Spirit of the East, illustrated in a Journal of Travels through lloumeli, during an Eventful Period. 2 vols. 8vo. Loml., 1838. D 8 T 40, 41 URQUHART (J. AV.), C.E. Electric Light ; its Production andUse. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A5R42 Electro-plating : a Practical Hand-b(.)ok, including the Practice of Electro-t\ping. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 1 1 Q .36 Sewing Macliiiicry; being a Practical Manual of the Sowing Machine. With Illustrations. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1881. A 17 Q 46 URQUHART (\\ . I'ollaud). Life and Times oi Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan; with a preliminary Sketch of the History of Italy. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1852. C 9 T 11, 42 URSINS (Anne Maiue de la Tkemouille), Phincesse des. Secret Correspondence. [See Maintenon, F. dA., Mar- quise DE.] C 8 Q 5 -7 URWICK (Rev. W.), M.A. Indian Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil. Imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) D 5 V 34 USE OF OIL AT SEA. IMciuorandum on the Use of Oil at Sea, for modifying the Ellect of Breaking Waves, is.sued for the Information of Officers in general. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MA 1 T 22 USHER (W.), M.D. Types of Mankind. [&fiN0TT, .I.e.] A 2 P 19 USSHER (Mo.sT Rev. Jamics), D.D., Aiiriiinsiiop oi- Ait- MAcii. Whole Works of; with the I;ifo of (he Author, and an Account of his Writings, l)y C. R. lOhington, I). I). ; withan Index. 17vols.Svo. I hililin, 18 17 6 I. (illQl 17 USSJEUX (Mmi:. d'). [5,v Caiunet des Fkes, 36.] USUARDUS (Sanoeiimanknhis Monaohus). Marlyro- logiuni. [See Micne, .\. P., Series Latina, 123, 124. | UVA Revisited, and the Inauguration of the New Province; [i)y J. Ferguson.] 12nio. Colombo, 18H6. D 5 P 26 PREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. (73 Vac] Part I : — Authot^s, Editors, or Reference. [Vam VACCINATION. Historical Review of Nature and Results of Vaccination, as unfolded in Dr. Baron's "Life of Jenner;" by "Vigorniensis." 12nio. Lond., 1838. A 12 P 2 Papers relating to the History and Practice of A'^aecina- tion. (General Board of Health.) Roy. 4t<>. Lond., 1857. A 12 V 1 Reports of the National Vaccine Estal)Iishnient. 8vo. Lend., 1811. A 12 S 33 Vaccination Tracts. 12nio. Lonr Ever: my I'erwinal Narrative of Starvation and I'rovidenee in the Australian Mounlafii RegimiM. 12iiio. Ixmd., I«C3. MD2R11 NolPH ami NarmtiveH ul a Six Years' Mission, prin- lipally among tin- hens of T/mrlun. 12iiio. l/md., |Mr.:i. F15t,»2 The Widow of East Angle. 12«)o. l/.nd, 1870. 2PI VAN DER LINDE (Dr. A.) [See Linde, Dr. A. van DER.] VAN DER TUUK (H. N.) Outlines of a Grammar of the ^lalagasy Language. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) K 15 P 3 VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. {_See Tasmania.] VAN DIEMEN'S LAND COLONIAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Eighth Annual Report, 1843. 8vo. Hohart, 1844. MJ 2 R 13 VAN DIEMENS LAND COMPANY. List of Proprie- tors. 8vo. Lond., 1833. MF 2 P 38 Minutes of the intended Arrangements between Earl Bathurst, Ilis Majesty's Secretary of Stalin, and the pro- po.sed Van Diemen's Land Companv. (Pari. Does., 7.) Fol. Lond., 1825. ' .MF 4 | Proposals for the encouragement of Emigrants as Tenants to the Van Diemen's Land Company, 1823. 8yo. Lond., 1833.* " MP 2 P 38 Reports, 1833, 1835. 8vo. Lond., 1833-35. MF 2 P 38 Another copy of Report for 1833. 8v(). Lond., 1833. MF 2 P 38 Report mad(! to the Seventh Yearly General ISleeting, held at the Company's Office, in Old Ihoad-st.reet, the 13th March, 1832. 8vo. Lond., 1832. MJ 2 Q 19 Report made to the Eighth Yearly General Meeting, held at the Company's Ollice, in Old Broad-street, the 18(h March, 1833. MF 2 P 40 VAN DIEMEN'S LAND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. Catalogue of the Lilirary. 8vo. Hobart, 1839. MF 3 P 15 Reports, 1838-39. 8vo. Hobart, 1839. MF 3 P 15 Rules and Orders. 8vo. Hobart, 1828. iMF 3 P 15 Rules and Orders, revised. 8vo. Ilobai't, 1839. MF 3 P 15 Rules (,f, 1813. 8vo, ] lobar!, 181. ■!. MF 3 P 15 To tlie Members of tlie \'.ui niemen's Land IMechanics' Institute [Address on Cent rifugal Force] ; by "A Mend)er." 8vo. Hobarl, 1847. " " AM 2 R 4 VAN DIEMKNS LAND MONTHLY MAGAZINE (The), September-October, 1835. 8vo. Hobart, 1835. ME 3 R MJ 2 R 22 Another eojiy. 8vo. Hobart, 1835. VAN l)ll'',MKN'S LAND SUNDAY SCHOOL I'NION. Seventh .\nmial Ib'poi-t. 8vo. HobartJ819. M(! 1 Q 39 VA.N DYCK (Silt .\\Tllo\\). Sl;ct(hes by Antonio v;in Dyek (1599-101 I ). '■ |irisiiig foilv Portraits, engraved by E. Mitchell. Koy. Iio. Edinb., 1S79. A 7 R 3 t Van Dyek; by ]'. K, Ibvid. (Great Artists). 8vo. I .1., 1879. (;3T33 VAN DYKIv (John Hooks, and how to use them: .some Hints tii Readers and Students. 8vo. New York, 1883. .1 111' 29 EIIEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. ni Van] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or lleference. [Vau VANE (Gen. Ciiaules William), Marquis of London- UEIiliY. [See LONDONDERKY, MakQUIS OF.] VANE (i^iu IIenuv). Life of. \See Mackintosh, 8ir J. Brit. Statusm., \.) 1: LoiuL, 1838. C 1 y 37 VAN KEllKWYK (L. C.) SkuU-li of Iho Public Work.s ia the Netherlands. (Inter. Exhik, Philad., 1870.) Roy. 8yo. Haarlem, 1S7(;. F 1 S 28 VAN LAUN (Heniu). {See Laun, II. van.] VAN LENNEP (Henry J.), D.l). i!ihle Lands; their Modern Customs and Manners illustrative of Scripture 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875. L) 5 T 0, 7 VANN (John). Squatting Directory for New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 18G5. ME 4 V VANNUCCI (Atto). Storia dell' Italia Antica. \ vols, roy. 8vo. Milano, 1873. ]M 1 T 21-2i VAPEREAU (Louis Gustave). Dictionnairc Universel dcs Conteniporains. .S'' ed. 8vo. Paris, 1880. C 11 V 19 VARCHI (Benedetto). Sturia Fiorentina, con aggiunt/e e Correzioni ti'atte dagli Autograft e corredata di note, per cura o opera di Lelio Arbih. 3 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1813-41. B 11 V 32-34 VARDY (William Lyndiiurst). Lower Tribunals : a Treatise upon the Present System of Administration of Justice in Magisterial Courts in Australia. 8vo. Sydney, 1876* MF 3 Q 55 VARIGNY (Charles Cuosniek de). (juatorze Ans aux lies Sandwich. 12ino. Paris, 1874. MD 4 T 38 VARIN (A. ET E.) L'Architecture Pittoresquc en Suisse; ou, Clioi.x de Construction Rustiques prises dans toutes les Parties de la Suisse. Fol. Paris, 1873. A 23 P 33| VARLEY (Henry). Address delivered at the Town Hall, Melbourne, on the Social Evil. 8vo. Melb., 1878. MJ 2 R 15 VAllNHAGEN (P. A. de). Amerigo Vespucci ; son Carac- tere, ses Ecrits (momc les moins authenti(jues), sa Vie, et ses Navigations. Fol. Lima, 18G5-70. G 23 S 31 \ VARNHAGEN VON ENSE (Karl Auoust Ludwu; Philipp). Letters of Alexander von Humboldt, written between th'e years 1827-58, to Varnhagen von Ense. Authorized Translation from \\\c, (Jerman. 8vo. Lond., 1860. C 7 P 2 Sketches of German Life, an(tro, liv Hforv Riclianl, l,o|il Ilnll.nnl. 2 Mils. 8\. Ent. Know.) 8vo. I/.nd., 1830. K 10 II 46 MiilcrinlH of Manufacture. (Lib. \',\\\ . Know.) Hvo. b.rid., iH.'J.t. K 10 R 18 VEnSK(l)H. EhWAIlD). Meninirs of (he C'nuit of I'lii.ssia from the (ieniian ; by Franz ('. F. ])cniinh'r. S\i). Lond., IH.-.r C 1 V 1 Vi;iI,l,l'i;.S PKUSANES (Ltyt): trmhiites dr lArab,, par J. Cii7.olte, It l». ChavJM. I vols, Kvo. Geneve, 1793. J 15 1{ :w-\\ VEITCH (Prof. John), M.A. Institutes of Logic. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. G 7 T 12 Memoir of Sir William Hamilton, Bart. 8vo. Edinb., 1869. C 7 Q 26 VEITCH (William), LL.D. Greek Verbs, Irregular and Defective; their Forms, ^Meaning, and Quantity, embracing all Tenses used by the Greek AN'riters, with reference to the Passages in which thev are found. New ed. (Clar. Press.) 8vo. Oxford, 1871. K 20 R 7 VEITCH (William), and BRYSSON (George). Memoirs of ]Mi'. ^^'illiam Veitch and George Brjsson, written by themselves; to wliich are added, Bio£;raphical Sketches and Notes, liy T. M'Crie, D.l). 8vo. Eilinb., 1825. C 9 R 39 VEITELLE (I. de). Mercantile Dictionary: a complete Vocabulary, in English, Spanish, and French. 8vo. Lond., 1861. " K 9 T 19 VELARDE (MuRiLLo). [See Murillo Velarde P. P.] VELASQUEZ DE LA CADENA (Prof. Muuano). Dic- tionary of the and English Languages ; in two parts. 1. Spanish-English. 2. English-Spanish. 12mo. Lcmd., 1878. K 11 U 38 Easy Introduction to Spanish Conversation. New ed., enlarged. 8vo. Lond., 1863. K 11 U 45 Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanisli and English Languages. 1. Spanish-English. 2. English-Spanish. 2 vols, (in 1) roy. 8vo. New York, 1877. K 16 R 1 VELASQI^EZ DE LA CADENA (Pi;of. Mariano), and SIMONNE (Prof. T.) Key to the ni Velasquez and Simonne's Method of learning, adapted to the Ollendortiian System. Svo. Lond., 1876. K 11 U 37 New iMethod of learning to read, write, and speak the Spanisli Language, adapted to the Ollendortiian System. 8vo. Lond., 1S7S. K 1 r U 36 VELAZQUEZ (Don Diego Rodriguez de Silva y). Des- criptive and Historical Catalogue of the Works of. [See Curtis, C. B.] K 17 tl 1 \'rlazi|U<'Z and his '\\'orks ; by A\'. Slirliiig. 12ino. Lond., IS.-.5. ■ ' C 1 I! .'is \'elaz(|Uez ; by E. St-nwc. (Great Artists.) S\o. Lond., I SSL " c;iT;;i VKLLHIIS PATEKCULl.'S (C.) Historia Romana, ex iilitiono J. C. H. Krausii, cum Notis et Interpretationc in usuin D<-lphini. 8vo. Lond., 1822. J 13 T 10 [See Sallustius Crispus, C, (■r/jri'ScRii'ioiiKs Romani.] VENABLI':S ((;. II.) I'.l,ek\. Testament. [Sec l!l.i;i;ii, I''. | VENAl'.Ll';S{Gi:oR.:i: SroyiN). (ylSIMNGroN, II. 1 Inticdiiclic.n ti> the Old The ltali;in War. [See \-LNN (Hi;v. IlKNitv), A.M. ('..nipl.^te Dniy of Man; or, a System of I 'net linal .aMd I'lail iloni»tH of Viclfiriu. (Pam. D.) 4lo. (n.'l.) MJ 2 l' 3 VICTORIA— co«iref"tories for over 1,000 Townshijis, Horoiighs, (:ilies,aMill to regulat(! the Sale and Occupation of Crown Lands. {N('wspaper Cuttings.) Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1857. MJ 2 S 1 Correspondence [and Report from Select Committee] upon Mr. Archibald McLaolilan's claim upon the Victorian Goverinnent. Svo. Melb., 1861. MF 1 Q 6 Opinions of Counsel on Rights of Pa.storal T(-uants of the Crown. 8vo. Melb., 1856, MJ 2 11 21 Statement of Case of Pastoral Tenants of tlie Crown. 8vo. Melb., 1856. MF 3 P 5 Regulations relating to the t)ccupation of Crown Lands Svo. Melb., 1848. MJ 2 R 21 Reports of the Proceedings taken under the provisions of the Land Act, 1862, and the Amending Land Act, 1868, up to the 31st December, 1868, and the Land Act, 1869, up the 31st December, 1875. Fol. Melb., 1866-76. MF 1 U 18 Cbown Law Offices. Catalogue of the Librarv. Roy. Svo. Melb., 1878. MK 1 S 39 Deaf and Dumb Institution. First Annual Report of the Committee of the Victorian Deaf and Dumb Institution. Svo. Melb., 1863. MF 3 P 15 Friendly Societies. Sixth Annual Report, 1883. Sm. fol. Melb., 1885. E 2.54 Gold-fields. Present Condition and Prospects of the Gold-lields in Victoria, 1862. Fol. Lond., 1862. MF 3 U 2 Legislative Assembly. Votes and Proceedings of the, and Papers. 107 vols fol. Melb., 1856-88. E 2.47-54 Legislative Council. Votes and Proceedings (jf the. 10 vols. fol. Melb., 1852-56. E 2.47 Mines and Mineral Statistics. Mineral Statistics of Victoria, for the year 1884: Report of the Secretary for Mines. Fol. Melb.,lS85. ME10Q7t Parliamentary Debates. Parliamentary Debates, Legislative Council and Legis- lative Asssembly. Vols. 1-33. Svo. Molb., 1866-80. E2.50 Parliamentary Papers. Parliamentary Papers. Fol. Melb., 1883. ME Hawthorn Railway Accident : Minutes of Evidence taken at the Inquest held by the Coroner, Dr. Youl, on the Death of William Cozens Tliomas, 13th to 20th December, 1882. Royal Commission on Police : Special Report on tlie Detective Branch. Department of Industrial and Reformatory Schools : Report of of the Secretary, for the year 1881. Statistical Register of the Colony of Victoria, for the year 1881 : compiled from Official Rocoryal Proijress in Scotland. [See Lauder, Sir T. D.] " '^ D 6 T 27 Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of William iv and Victoria ; from Original Family Documents, by the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1861. " B3S 13, 14 More TiRaves from the Journal of a Life in the High- lands, 1862-82. Svo. Lond., 1884. D 8 T 5 Progresses of Her Majesty and Prince Albert in France, Belgium, and England. Illustrated. 4to. L Anothei )iy. 4lo. Melb., 1861. MF3SI5 [Sec .Mkmiourne E.\iiiinTioN8.J rilEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 781 Vic] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or lleference. [Vil VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT PRIZE ESSAYS, 1860. 8vo. Melb., 1861.* MJ 2 P 10 Acheson (Frederick), ('. E. Essay on tlie Collection auJ Storage of Water in Victoria. Mayes (Charles), C. E. Essay on the Aranufaetures immediately required for the Economical Development of the Kesoiirces of the Colony of Victoria. Story (William). P^ssay upon the Agriculture of \'ictoria. Rosales (Henry), M.I.C.E. Essay on tlie Origin and Dis- tribution of (Jold in Victoria. VICTORIAN INSTITUTE FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE. \_See Royal Society of Vic- TOIil.i.] VICTORIAN INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITION, 1875. [_See PiuLADELPHi.\ International and Centennial Ex- hibition, 1876. J VICTORIAN MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY (The), and Gazetteer, 1886. 12mo. Melb., 1886. ME 3 S VICTORIAN POETS. E. C] Li-\-es of the. [Sc> Stedman, C13R14 VICTORIAN PRESS MANUAL (The), and Advertiser's Hand-book, containing an Alplialietical List, with Par- ticulars of all Newspapers publislied in the Colony of Victoria; also, Lists of tlie New.spapers published in New South AVales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Aus- tralia, Tasmania, and Now Zealand. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1882. ME 3 T VICTORIAN REVIEW (The); edited by H. Mortimer Franklyn. Vols. 1-4, Vol. 5, No. 28, and Vol. 8, No. 41. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Melb., 1879-83. ME 18 R VIDA (Mahci Girolamo). Vida's Art of Poetry ; trans- lated Ijy Pitt. \_See Chalmers, A.] VIDAL (Mrs. Francis). Tales for the Bush. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1852. MJ 1 P 23 VIDOCQ (Fran(^ois Jules), Chef de la Police de SuretJ5. Memoiresde. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828-29. C 5 Q 22-25 Memoirs of; written by himself. (Autobiog., 25-28.) 4 vols, (in 2) 18mo. Lond., 1829. C 1 P 18, 19 VIDYASAGARA (Isvarachandha). The Charitabilli ; or. Instructive Biography; with a Vocabulary, by J. F. Blum- hardt. [In Sanskrit] 12mo. Lond., 1884. C2Q9 VIENNA EXHIBITION, 1873: Report of William Robinson, Special Connnissioner for the Crown Colonies, and Superintendent of the Colonial Section, upon tlie British Colonies repre.sented at the Vienna Exliil^ition, 1873. Svo. Lond., 1873. MF2P18 VIEUSSEUX (A.) History of Switzerland. (Lard. Cab. Cyclo.) 12mo. Loud., 1832. K 1 U 1 Italy and the Italians in the 19th Centur}'. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1821. B 12 Q 18, 19 VIEYRA (.\ntonio). Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages, in two Parts, Portuguese and English, and Englisli and New ed. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1840. K 14Q23, 24 Grammar of the Portuguese Language. 13th ed. Svo. Lond., 1869. K 11 U 34 Novo Diccionario Piiitatil das Linguas Portugueza e Ingleza em duas Partes, Portugueza e Ingleza, Ingleza o Portugueza. Nova edic;ao. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1878. K 11 S 33, 34 VIGA GLUM'S SAGA: the Story of Viga-Gluin; trans- lated from the Icelandic, with Notes and an Introduction, by the Rt. Hon. Sir Edmund Walker Head, Bart. 12mo. Lond., 1860. B 20 P 14 An Icelandic-English VIGFUSSON (GuDBRAND), B.A. Dictionary. [_See Cleasby, R.] VIGFUSSON (GrDBRAND), M.A., .t POWELL (Frederick York), M. A. Corpus Poeticum Boreale: the Poetry of the Old Northern Tongue from the Earliest Times to the 13th Century. 2 vols. 8 vo. Oxford, 1883. H8V 11,13 Grimm Centenary : Sigfred-Arminius, and other Papers. Svo. Oxford, 1886. B 30 R S VIGNE (Godfrey T.), F.C.S. Personal Narrative of a Visit to Ghuzni, Kalaul, and Afghanistan. With Illus- trations. Svo. Lond., 1840. D 5 T 11 Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, &c. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1842. D 6 S 18, 19 VIGNOLI (Tito). Mvth and Science: an Essav. Svo. Lond., 1882. ' G 7 T 11 VIGNON (Louis). Les Colonies Fran^aises. Svo. Paris, 1886. MF 3 Q 2 VIGNY (AT.FRED de). Cinq-Mars; or, a Conspiracy under Louis XIII. Roy. Svo. New York, 1847. J 9 V 9 VIGORNIENSIS. [See Vaccination.] VIGORS (Nicholas Aylwaru), D.C.L. Inquiry into the Nature and Extent of Poetick Licence. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1813. J 5 S 25 [See Beechey, Capt. F. W.] A 14 V 1 VILLAGE LAWYER (The) : a Farce. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H2Q17 VILLANI (CiiovANNi). Cronica di, a Leziime ridotta coll' aiuto de' Testi a Peiina. 8 vols. rov. Svo. Firenze, 1823. " BUT 13-20 VILLANEUVA (Dr. Joachimo Laurentio). Phoenician Ireland; translated, and illustrated with Notes, bv H. O'Brien, B.A. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1837. BliQ3 VILLARI (Mme. Linda). [See Villari, Prof. P.] C 3 U 20-23 VILLARI (Prof. Pasquale). Niccol6 Maehiavelli and his Times; translated by Linda Villari. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878-83. " C 3 U 20-23 782 CATALOGUE OF THE Vil] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Eeference. [Vin VILLABS (MoxTFAUCON de), Acde. Diverting History of the Count de Gabalis. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1714. G 2 P 10 YILL\RS(P.) L'AiiKleterre, I'Ecosse, et rirlande. 4to. Paris, 1886. D 9 S 9 t England, Scotland, and Ireland : a Picturesque Survey cif the Vnited Kingdom and its Institutions ; translated by H. Frith. 4to. L-.nd., 1887. D9S10t VILLE (Georges). Anificial Manures; their Chemical Selection and Scientific Application to Agriculture. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 1 R 44 VILLEMAIN (Adel Fn.^XfOis). Essav on Pascal. [See P..SC..L, B.] ■ G IIP 35 VILLE^IAREST (Charles Ma.xime de). Life of Prince Talleyrand. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1834-30. C 9 T 34-37 Another copy. fAmerican ed.l 8vo. Pliilad., 1834. C 9 T 38 VTLLENEUVE ( de). La Belle et la Bete. [Set Cakinet de.s F^es, 2G.] VILLIERS (Rt. Hon. Charles Pelham), .M.P. Free Trade Speeches; with a Political Memoir; edited l)y "A Member of the Cobden Club." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. F4S13, 14 VILLIERS (George), First Diice of !5ucKiNGn.\M. \_See BucKiN"f;nAM, Duke of.] VILLON (Francis). Poems of; now first done into English Vei-se, in the orignal Forms, by John Payne. 8vo. L(md., 1881. H8R36 [Set Saixtsbiry, G. E. B.] VILMORIN (Henri), and ANDRIEUX (.M.) The Vegetable Garden: Illustrations, Dcsc-riptions, and Cul- ture of the Garden Vegetables of Cold and Temperatn Climates. Roy. 8vo. L.nd., 1885. A 1 S 13 VTNCE (Rev. Samuel), A.M., &c. Complete System of As- tronomy. 3vol.s. 4t,'raipliy. Past and I'resenI, runfainiiig the ('liief Invents in (he Ivives of HiiiirieiilPi-rMohMof all Ages and Nations. (Haydn Scries.) Kv... ly.nd., IHHO. "(' II (I 12 Hnyiln'-i I)iitii.iiary of Dates. [S« JIaVDV, .I.J VINCENT (Charles AV.), F.R.S.E. [Sec Year-dock of Facts.] VINCENT (Frank), Jvnr. Norsk, Lapp, and Finn; or. Travel Tracings from the Far North of Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 8 S 10 Through and thnjugh the Tropics : Thirty Thousand Miles of Travel in Polvnesia, Australasia, and India. 8vo. Lond., 1S7(;. " MD 1 S 31 VINCENT (Mrs. Charles Edward Howakd). I'^oity Thousand Miles over Land and Water. With Illustra- tions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. MD 1 W 39, 40 VINCENT (H. D.), and TOWNSEND (AV.) The Netherby Gazette. [Sec Netherry Gazette.] MJ 2 R 8 VINCENT (.1. E. Matthew). Colonization of (Jreater Britain: Vitieultuie, Fruit-fanning, kc. in Australia; Irrigation Cnlonios in Victoria and South Australia, now being carried out by the ^vell-known firm of CliafTcy Brothers. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1SS7.* MA 1 Q 14 VINCENT (William), D.D. Periplus of the Erythroan Sea. Parts 1, 2. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1800-5. D 5 V 15, 16 1. Containing an Account of the Navigation of the Ancient?, from the Sea of Suez to the Coast of Zangncbar. 2. Containing an .Account of tlie Navigation of the Ancients, from the Cnlph of Klana, in the Keil Sea, to the Island of Ceylon. Voyage of Nearehus, from the Indus to the Euphrates. 4to. Lond., 1797. D 5 V 14 Voyage of Nearclms, and the Periplus of the Erythroan Sea; translated from the Greek. (In Greek and English.) 4to. O.xford, 1800. D 5 V IG VINCENT DE PAUL (Sainte). Vie de. [See Capefioue, J. B. H. R.] VINCI (Leonardo da). Leonardo; by Jean Paul Richter. (Great Artists.) 8vo. L(md., 1880. V- 3 T 37 Literary Works of; compiled and edited frsar in Kent: the blinding of Julius t'ii'sar and his Battles with the Ancient liritons. 8vo. Kdinb., ISSfi. P. 4 P 19 VINES (Frederick). Cue to Prosjierity; or, t)ur J^ands, and Ik.w to get at them. 8vo. Melb.," 185G. MF 1 Q 3 Another 8vo. Melb., 18rir>. MF 3 P 5 VINES (Sydney H.), M.A., itc. RoUny. [Sec Bowek, Prof. V. O.] Ix'ctures on ilio I'livsiojogv nf I'lanls. Smi. ('.'Dnli., I88G. " " A I S (i VINNK (TMKonoiii: l.fiw dk), [Sec De Vinni:, T. L. | VINSAIJl'' (<.'i:oriiii;v in:). \S,; Ciiuomci.ics ok the Crusades.] TREE PUBLIC LIBRA P.Y, SYDNEY. 783 Vio] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Viz VIOLLET-LE-DUC (Eugkne Emmanuel). Annals of a Fortress; translated ))y Benjamin Buckuall. Svo. Lend., 1875. A fl 8 18 Dictionnaire Raisunne do rArchitecturc Francjaise, du xi" au xvi*" Si6cle. 10 vols. roy. Svo. Paris, 18G8-75. A 2 Q 17-26 Dictionnaire Raisonne du Mobilier Fran(;ais de I'epoque Carlovingienne a la Renaissance, f! vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1868-75. A 2 Q .34-39 Habitations Modernes; rccueillies avec le Conc-our.s des Membres du Comite do Redation de rEncyclopcdic d'Ar- chitecture et la CoUaboraticjn de Felix Narjoux. 2 vols. imp. 4to. Paris, 1875-77. A 1 Q 6, 7 J; Habitations of Man in all Ages ; translated bv B. Bucknall. 8vo. Lond., 187G. A 2'S 40 How to build a an Architectural No\elette; translated by Benjamin Bucknall. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 2 S 14 Lectures on Architecture ; translated from the French, by Benjamin Bucknall. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1877-81. A .3 Q 14, 15 VION (Prof. Michel). Pierre I'Hermite et les Croisades. 12nio. Amiens, 1853. G7U2 VIRGILIUS (PoLYDOnrs). [See VERfiiLius Polydoru.s.] VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). ^ncid of Virgil, Books 1-6 ; translated into English Blank, by G. K. Rickard.<:, M.A. ; with an Index of Proner Names. 12mo. Edinb., 1871. " 11 G R 42 ^neid of Virgil; translated into English Verse, by John Conington, M.A. 3rdcd. 8vo. Lond., 1873. H 7 S 24 English Version of the Eclogues of Virgil ; by iSamuel Palmer. With Illustrations bv the Author. Fol. Jjond., 1883. " H 3 P 23 t four Books of the ^neid of Virgil, in English Heroic Verse; by Richard Stanyhurst. 4to. Edinl)., 1836. ' H 5 V 19 Opera omnia, ex editione Heyniana; cum Notis et In- terpretatione in usum Delphini, curante A. J. Valpy, A.M. 10 vols. Svo. Lond., 1819. J 13 T 11-20 Pub. Virgilii Maronis Bucolicorum Eclogoe Decern: the Bucolicks of Virgil ; with an English Translation and Notes, by John Martyn, F.R.S. 4to. Lond., 1749. H 5 V 8 Roman Poets of the Augustan Age. [_See Sellar, Peof. V/. Y.] Virgil; the Eclogues, translated by Francis Wrangham; the Georgics, by William Sotheby; and the ^jincid, Ijy John Dryden. (Fam. Class. Lib.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1830. J 15 P .50, 51 Virgil's ^Eneid; translated by Pitt.' [_See Chalmers, A-, nnd Johnson, S.] VIRGILIUS MARO {Y\mLivii)~conlinund. Virgils .^neis, translated into Scottish Verse by (iawin Douglas; to which is added a largo Glo.ssary. Sm. fol. Edinb., 1710. H3P2Gt Virgil's j35neis travestirt. \_See Blumauek, A.] Virgil's Eclogues, 1, 4, 5-10, and Cie.sar's Commentaries, Book 4, for the use of SchocjLs. 12mo. Mclb., 1880. MJ 1 P 18 Works of Virgil; containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and jEneis, translated into English Verse by J. Dryden. Fol. Lond., 1G97. H 22 S 3 + Works of Virgil; translated by Dryden. [See Chal- mers, A.]. VIRGIN ISLANDS (The). Letters from the Virgin Is- lands, illustrating Life and Manners in the V.^cst Indies. 8vo. Lond., 1843. D 3 R 24 VIRI ILLUSTRES; edited bv P. Gcddes. 12mo. Edinb., 1884. " C 1 R 40 VISCONTI (Ennio Qkirino). Iconographie Grecquc [1 vol. in 3 parts.] 3 vols. 1. fol. Paris, 1808. B 12 P 11-13 J Iconographie Romaine. [Vols. 2-4 Ijv the Chevalier A. Mongez.] 4 vols. 1. fol. Paris, 1817-26." B 12 P 11-17-* VITALIS (Ordericus). [See Ordericus Vitalls.] VITRIER (Jehan), and COLET (John), D.D., Dean of St. Paul's, London. Lives of; written in Latin l;)y Erasmus, of Rotterdam ; tran.slated by J. H. Lupton, M.A. 12mo. Lond., 1883. ' C 2 R 31 VITRUVIUS POLLIO (Marcus). Civil Architecture of Vitruvius. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1812. A 23 R 19 + Ten Books of Vitruvius. (Ancient Architecture.) (Weale.) Svo. Lond., 1867. A 17 P 64 VIVIAN (George). Scenery of Portugal and Spain. Imp. fol. Lond., 1839. I> 7 P 3 | VIVIEN DE SAINT-MARTIN (Louis). Description Historique et Geographique de I'Asie I\Iineure, coniprcnant les Temps Anciens, le Moyen Age, et les Temps Modernes. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1852^ D 5 T 4, 5 L'Annee Geographique: Revue Annuelle des Voyages, des Explorations, itc, relatives aux Sciences Geographiques et Ethnographiques. Svo. Paris, 1874. E VIVISECTION. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Royal Commission. Svo. Lond.,' 1876. A 12 R 24 V IZETELLY (Henry). Berlin under the New Empire ; its Institutions, Inhabitants, Industry, Monuments, Jiluseums, Social Life, Manners, and Amusements. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1879. D 8 U 30, 31 Facts about Champagne and other Sparkling Wines. Svo. Lond., 1879. A 1 P 9 784 CATALOGUE OF TKE Viz] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or JReference. [Vol VIZETELLY (Henry)— co)i;i»i«e(/. Facts alwut Port and Madeira ; with Notices of the Wines vintaged around I-isboii, and the Wines of Tenerife. 8vo. L..ud., 1880. A 1 P 8 History of Champagne : with Notes on the other Spark- lini' Wines of France. Ilhistrated. 4to. Lond., 1882. A 2 Q 5 t Story of the Diamond Necklace told in detail for the First Time, chiefly by tlie aid of original Letters, Oflicial and other Documents, and Contemporary ^Memoirs recently made public, and comjirising a Sketch of the Life of the Countess de la Mothe, itc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18G7. B8P10, 11 VLAMIXGH (Capt. Willkm dk). lets over de Reis van den Sehipper-commandfur Willeni de Vlamingh, naar Nieuw-}[olland, in Hi'JG eu 1705. 8vo. Amsterdam (n.d.) MD 1 V 10 VLOTEN (J. van). Sphioza: an Es.saj'. [See Spinoza, B. DF..J C9I130 VOCABOLARKJ degli Accademici Delia Crusca impres- sione Napoletana -secondo I'Ultinia di Firenzi. 6 vols. fol. Napoli, 1746-48. K 29 P 1-6 J VOGEL (Dr. Hermann). Chemistry of Light and Photo- graphy in its application to Art, Science, and Industry. t(vo. 'L.jnd., 1875. A 5 R 30 VOGEL (Sir Jilius), K.C.M.G. New Zealand: Land and Fanning in New Zealand; also, tlu^ L;uid .Vets of 1877. With -Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1879. .MFIHK) OlHcial Hand-book of New Zenlund. .'^vo. Lond., 1M75.» MD 7 Q 20 On the Federation of tlic British Enii>iri'. \_See Ars- TRALASIA.] VOGT (C.) I^ehrlnich der Geologie und Petrefactenkunde. 2 vols. 8vo. J5raunsch, 1879. A 9 H 27, 28 Embrvologie des Salmones. [See Acassiz, I'lioi'. L.] • A 14 V 48 VOGT (LiEUT.-CoL. Hermann). Egyptian War of 1882 : a Translation ; with a Map .md I'lans. 8vo. Lond., 1KM.3. B 2 S 13 VOGUE (.MKl.'inoii), ColiTi: III-:. Syric Ceiilrule. An-lii- tecture Civile I't Religieuse du I''' au vil^' Sie. 2 vols. imp. 4to. Pari.M, IHCS 77. A 23 S 5, 6 | Hyrie Centrale. Inscriptions Stmitiipies. Roy. 4to. Paris, 1868-77. I' ' ■"' •'^ I \ VOICE FBOM THE DANI'BK (A); or, the true state <.-,2. .Mele de Louis .w. 2(1. Histoire de Cliarles XII. 21. Histoire de rKni))irc de Russie. 22. Annalc.H de TKuipiro. 2.'i. Histoire du Parleinent de Paris. 24 2.5. Melanges liistoriquos. 20 27- Politicjue et Legislation. 2.S. Physiiiuc. 21) .11. Pliiloso].liie. 'M. Dialogues et ontretiens i)lulosoi>lniiues. .'l.'t .'is. Dietionnaire Philoaopliiciue. .'ID 41). Romans. 41. Faceties. ■12 1.1. Melanges Litleraires. •11 l."). Connuentaires sur Corneillc. ■10 .")7. < 'orrenpondanee generale. .'is ftl). ('orri'.>IJ 2 S 2 W.B.C. [_See Colonial Policy.] MJ 2 P 3G W.B.L. {See Key to Fortune.] MA 2 P 21 W.M.B. [See Narrative of Edward Crewe.] ^IJ 1 P .3 W.W. [See Detective's Album.] WAAGEN (Dr. Gustav Friedrich). Galleries and Cabi- nets of Art in Great Britain, forming a Supplemental Volume to the "Treasures of Art in Great Britain." 8vo. Lond., 18.57. A 8 Q 13 Peter Paul Rubens ; his Life and Genius ; translated from the German, by Robert R. Noel, Esq. ; edited by Mrs. Jameson. 8vo. Lond., 18-10. A 7 Q 22 Treasures of Art in Great Britain ; being an Account of the Chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated MSS., Ac. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1854. A 8 Q 10-12 Verzeichniss der Gemalde-Sammlung des ki'iniglichen Museums zu Berlin. 8vo. Berlin, 1843. A7Q21 Works of Art and Artists in England. 3 ^ols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. A 7 Q 26-28 WAGE (Rev. Henry), M.A. Dictionary of Christian Biography. [See Smith, W.] C 11 S 9-12 WACHSMUTH (C.) [See Leipziger Studien.] K 19 S r)-ll WACHSMUTH (William). Historical Antiquities of the Greeks, with reference to their Political Institutions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. B 9 T 19, 20 WACKERNAGEL (Wiliielm). Altdeutsches Handwiir- terbuch. (Deutsches Lesebuch.) 5° Auflage. Sq. 8vo. Basel, 1878. K 1.5 R 7 W.\iJ|)Kl,L (Ui:v. KuTnERFORD), M.A. M/ioriland: nil Illu.strated Hand-book to New Zealand. [See Wilson, A.] .MD.5Q42 WADDISGTDN (Very Rev. George), !).!>. History of the Church, from the Earliest Ages to the Rcfonnalion. 2ml ed. 3 8vo. Lond., IM.3.5. (; 4 S 17-19 History of the Refonnation on the Continent. 3 vols. 8vo. \j,im\., 18(1. G 4 S 20-22 WADDINGTON (Very Rev. GKOnciE), and HANBURY (Rev. Bkrnakd), A.M., 4c. Journal of a Visit to some Parts of Ethiopia. Witli Ma])s and Engravings. 4to. Lond., 1822. D 4 P 21 t WADE (William Richard). Journey in the Northern Is- land of New Zealand. 12mo. Hobart,1842. MD 4 Q 23 WAFER (Lionel). Nieuwe Reystogt en Beschryving van de Land-engte van Amerika. 8vo. 'sGravenhage, 1 700. jNID 1 U 1 Another copy. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1717. MD 1 U 2 Reystogteu rondom de Waereldt. [See Dampier, Capt. W.] WAGEN.-VAR (J.) Vaderlandsche Historie, vervattende de Geschiedenissen der Yereenigde Nederlanden, inzon- derheid die \"an Holland, van de vroegste Tyden af : uit de geloofwaardigste Schryvers en egte Gedenkstukken samen- gesteld. 21vols. 8vo. Am.sterd., 1752-59. B 12 S 17-37 WAGHORN (Lieut. Thomas), R.N., A-c. Letter to the Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, M.P., Secretary of State for the Colonies, on the Extension of Steam Navi- gation from Singapore to Port Jackson, Australia. 8vo. Lond., 184(3. MF 2 P 16 Second Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl Grey, Secretary of State for the Colonies, on the Extension of Steam Navi- gation from Singapore to Port Jackson, Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1847. MF 3 Q 73 AVAGNER (Dr. Moritz). [See Pulszky, F.] D 1 S 21 WACJNER (Dr. W.) Asgard and the Gods: Tales and Traditions of our Northern Ancestors; adapted by ]\L W. Macdowall, and edited by W. S. W. Anson. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1882. " B 15 Q 6 WAGSTAFFE {\\. W.), B.A., .tc. Student's Guide to Osteology. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 12 P 27 WAHL (O. W.) Land of the Czar. 8vo. Lond., 1875. D 6 U 16 WAHL (William H.) Teclnio-c] Receipt Book. [See Brannt, W. T.] WW MiY (Natalis I)e). [See Joinvu.le, John, Lord dk.] C 4 AV 30 WATTE (A. E.) Mysteries of Magic: a Digest of the Writings of "]'jli|)lias Levi" [A. L. Constant]; with Bio- gra])hical and Critical Essay. 8vo. Lond., 188G. A10R5 WArri'^ (.1. .M.) Lessons in Sabre, Singlestick, Sabre and I'.iyoMcl, and Sword I''e.i1s ; or, how to a Cut-and- 1'hrusl Sword. With I Ihistrations. 12mo. Lond., 1880. A 17 ir 18 WA I W ICli.V. Waiwera (Hot Sjirings), near Auckland, New Zealand. 12mo., \tM^. A IG U 23 A\'.\ K !•; (C StANILAND). Mvcphllion of MoimHI y ; licing a History of the Developiiiciit iif .Moral (.'nil inc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. V. 7 T 13, 14 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 787 Wak] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wal WAKEFIELD (Edward Gibbon). England and America. 8vo. Lond., 1833. F 3 P 11 Facts relating to the Punislnnent of Death in the Me- tropoli.s; with an Appendix, concerning Murder for the Sale of the Dead Body. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1832. F5U8 Letter from Sydney, the principal Town of Australasia ; together with the Outline of a System of Colonization ; edited by Robert Gouger. 8vo. Lond., 1829.* MD 4 Q 35 New British Province of South Australia ; or, a Des- cription of the Country, illustrated by Charts and Views. 18mo. Lond., 1834. MD 1 P 9 Another copy. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1835.* MD 1 P 10 "View of the Art of Colonization, with present reference to the Empire, in Letters between a Statesman and a Colonist. 8vo. Lond., 1849.* MF 2 Q 12 WAKEFIELD (Edward Jerningham). Adventure in New Zealand, from 1839-44. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1845.* MD 5 T 1.3, 14 Illustrations to " Adventure in New Zealand." Litho- graphed from original Drawings (Coloured). At. fol. Lond., 1845.* MD 3 P 10 + Another copy [uncoloured]. At. fol. Lond., 1845. MD 3 P 11 I Hand-book for New Zealand ; compiled by "A Late Magistrate of the Colony, who resided there during four years." 12mo. Lond., "1848. MD 1 P 12 WAKEFIELD (Edward Jernixgham), and WARD (John). British Colonization of New Zealand. 12mo. Lond,, 1837.* MD 2 P 7 WAKEFIELD (Gilbert), B.A. Letter to Jacob Bryant, Esq., concerning his Dissei'tation on the War of Troy. (Pam.) 4to. Lond., 1797. B 18 R 13 + Letter to William Wilberfcjrce on the subject of his late Publication [Religious System of professed Christians]. (Pam. Bf.) 8vo. Lond., 1797. G 17 Q 20 [See Lucretius Carus, T.] J 13 R 6^9 WAKEFIELD (W.), M.D. Baths, Bathing, and Attractions of Aix-les-Bains, Savoy : its History, Geology, Mineral Waters, ko. 12mo. Lond., 1886. D 7 P 15 WAKEMAN (Henry Offley), and HASSALL (A.), M.A. Essays introductory to the Study of English Constitutional History. 8vo. Lond., 1887. F 5 T 4 WALAFRTDUS STRABUS (Fuldensis Monachus). Opera omnia. \_See Migne, J. P., Series Latina, 113, 114.] WALCH (Garnet). Head over Heels : a Christmas Book of Fun and Fancy. 8vo. Melb., 1874. MH 1 R 17 The Firejlash — four Oars and a Coxswain : where they went, how they went, and why they went; and the Stories they told last Christmas Eve; by "One of the Crew." 8vo. Hobart, 1867. MJ 2 R 13 Victoria in 1880. With Illustrations on Stone and Wood,byCharlesTurner. 4to. Melb., 1881.* MD 7 Q 4 t WALCH (J.) Tasmania!! Almanac and Guide to Tasmania, for 1863, 1865, 1869, and 1882 ; compiled from the most authentic Sources. 4 vols. 12]no. H(jbart, 1863-82. ME 4 P Tasmania!! Guide-book : a Hand-book ui Information for all parts of the Colony. 12mo. Hobart, 1871. MD 3 P 21 WALDECK (F. de), et BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (C. E.),l'Abb15. Monuments anciensduMexique: PalenquS et autres Ruines de l'ai!ciei!!!e civilisation du Mexique. [Text only.] Imp. fol. Paris, 1860. B 15 S 3 J Recherches sur les Ruines de Palenque, et sur les origines de la civilisation du Mexique. Texte publie avec les dessins de M. de Waldeck. 2 vols. imp. fol. Paris, 1866. B 5 P 21, 22 % WALDEGRAVE (James), K.G., Earl. Memoirs, 1754-58. 4to. Lo!!d., 1821. C 5 W 10 WALDEGRAVE (Capt. Hon. W.), R.N. Extracts from a Private Journal, kept oi! board H.M.S. Seringapatam, in the Pacific, in 1830. 8vo. Loi!d., 1834. MD 7 R 50 WALDIE (Charlotte A.) Rome in the 19th Century; ii! a series of Letters written in 1817-18. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1826. B 12 Q 31-33 WALDSTEIN (Albrecht Eusebius Wenzeslaus). {See Friedland, Duke of.] WALDSTEIN (C.) Essays on the Art of Pheidias. 8vo. Camb., 1885. A 8 S 28 WALES. Ancient Laws and Institutes of ; with Index and Glossary. Fol. Lond., 1841. F 24 Q 21 ]: WALEY (Jacob). Davidson's Precedents. [See Davidson, C] WALFORD (Cornelius), F.I. A., Szc. Fairs, Past and PresRi!t : a Chapter in the Histor}' of Commerce. 8vo. Lond., 1883. B 7 T 25 WALFORD (Edward), M.A. Chapters from Fan!ilv Chests. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887. B 2 S 34, 35 County Families of the United Kingdom. 6th ed. Iii!p. 8vo. Lond., 1871. E Another copy. 13th Annual Publication. In!p. 8vo. Lond., 1873. E Another copy. 16th Annual Publication. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1876. E Another copy. 24th Annual Publication. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1884. E Another copy. 26th Annual Publication. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1886. E Greater London: a Narrative of its History, its People, and its Places. Illustrated. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1884. B 3 U 7, 8 Hardwicke's Annual Biography, 1856-57; by E. Wal- ford. 2 vols. 12mo. Loi!d., 1856-57. C 1 R 4, 5 788 CATALOGUE OF THE Wal] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wal "WALFOED (Edward), 'SLA.— continued. Life of the Prince Consort. 12mo. Lond., 1862. C 1 P 2 Analysis [of] an Exposition of the Creed, by John Pearson, D.D. \_See Pearson, Prof. J.] Men of the Time : a Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Living Characters. New (5th) ed. 8vo. Lond., 1862. C4:U8 Old and New London. [See Thornbury, W.] B 3 U 1-6 Tales of our Great Families. 2nd series. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. B 35 Q 6, 7 Politics and Economics of Aristotle. \_See Aristoteles.] F 5 S 51 [See Antiquarian Mag^vzine, and Bratlev, E. AV.] WALFORD (M.WOU Neville Lloyd), R.A. Parliamentary Generals of the Great C\\-\\ War. (Military Biographies.) Svo. Lond., 1886. ^B 2 S 38 "WALKER. [See Jones v. Jenkins.] WALKER (Alexander). Woman : physiologically con- sidered as to Mind, Morals, Marriage, ilatrimonial Slavery, Infidelity, and Divorce. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 18-tO. F 14 R 1 Documents and Dates of Modern Discoveries in tlic Nervous System. 8vo. Lond., 1834. A 12 R 17 Intennarriage; or, the Natural I.kIws by which Beauty, Health, and Intellect result from certain unions, and Deformity, Disease, and Insanity from others. Illus- trated. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1841. A 12 P 43 Physiognomy, founded on Physiology, and applied to various Countries, Professions, and Individuals. Svo. Lond., 1834. A 13 P 30 Ner\'ou.s System, Anatomical and Physiological. 8^•o. Lond., 1834. A 12 R 16 WALKER (Mrs. Alexander). Female Beauty, as pre- served and improved by Regimen, Cleanliness, and Dress, and especially by the Adapt^vtion, Colour, and amingeiiient of Dress, as variously inllucncing the Forms, Complexion, and Expression of each Individual, and rendering Cosmetic Impositions unnecessary. Svo. Lr.nd., 1H37. A 12 P 44 W.VI.KER (Mon. a.) Tracts on the liallot; No. 5. Te.ft of Exp(!rience ; or, the Working of the Ballot in the United Sljites. Svo. Lond., 1855. MJ 2 R 21 WALKER (MiHH A. F.) Flowers of New South Wales. Painted and imblislied by Miss A. F. Walker, of Rhodes, Ryde, Parniniattu River, N.S.W. Roy. -tto. Sydney, 1887.* ■ IMA 1 R 21 I WALKER (CiiiTciiETT), C.M.G. New South Wales: Map, Illustration, and Descriptive Text. 4lo. Sythicy, I8b4.» MD 4 P 20 t Railway Map of New Smitli AV'ales ; with a brief Account of tlio Character and Resources of the Colony. Svo. Sydney, 1885. MD 5 P 14 j WALKER (Donald). Walker's Manly Exercises ; con- taining Rowing, Sailing, Riding, Driving, Racing, Hunt- ing, Shooting, and other manly Sports ; by " Craven." 8vo. Lond.,"lS7S. " A 17 U 16 WALKER (F.) Brickwork; a Practical Treatise embody- ing the General and Higher Principles of Bricklaying, Cutting, and Setting. Illustrated. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1885. A 17 R 12 WALKER (Francis A.) Compendium of the ninth Census (June 1st, 1870.) Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1872. F 3 R 14 A Brief Text-book of Political Economy. Svo. Lond., 1883. F 5 S 15 Political Economy. Svo. Lond., 1883. F 6 T 26 WALKER (Frederick). Works of W. M. Thackeray. [See Thackeray, W. AI.] WALKER (George). Costume of Yorkshire in 1814. Illustrated. Imp. 4to. Leeds, 1885. A 4 S 14 J AVALKER (Geokoe), ISI.A. Copious Latin Grammar. [See SciiELLER, I. J. G.] WALKER (Rev. George AVashington). Friendly Coun- sel addressed to the AA^orking Classes. (Pani., 39.) 12mo. Hobart, 1854. MJ 2 R 1 Life and Labours of; by James Backhouse and Charles Tylor. 8vo. Lond., 1862. MC 1 R 34 Addresses. [See Backuouse, J.] MG 1 P 9 WALKER (John). Rhyming Dictionary of the English Language. Revised and enlarged by J. Longmuir, A.M., kc. 5th ed. Svo. Lond., 1879. " K11U13 Elements of Elocution. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1799. J5 S23 Critical Pronouncing Dictionary. 27th ed. Svo. Lond., 182.5. ' K 15 Q 22 AA'alker remodelled. [See Smaist, B. II.] [See irUozAKio, P. S.] AVALKER (Rev. John). Selection of Curious Articles from the Genthman's Magazine. 3rd ed. 4 vols. Svo. I^ind., 1814. J 4 S 7-10 AVALKER (JosKi'ii Cooper). Historical Memoir on Italian Tragedy, from the Earliest Period to the Present Times, illustnitcd with S])ecimens and Analy.scs of the most Celebrated Tragedies. 4to. Lond., 1799. J 8 R 6 t WALKER (Cai'T. J. H.) The AA' reck, the Rescue, and the Massacre: an Account of the B.'ir(|UO Tliomns Kin;/, on Cato's Reef, New Holland, in April, 1852. ISmo. Lond., 1853. MD 2 P 44 AA^ALKKR (Miis. Marv Adelaide). Eastern Life and Scenery; with Excursions in Asia Minor, Mytilene, Crete, and Roumania. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1886. D 5 Q 3, 4 WALK ER(Mahy Grace). [S« Smith, TeenaR.] C9R31 I FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 789 Wal] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wal WALKER (Robert), F.R.G.S., kc. The Five Threes— 33,333 Miles by Land and Sea : Holiday Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1884. MD 2 S 27 WALKER (Robert Cooper). Works on New South Wales ; compiled at the Free Public Library, Sydney, under the direction of R. 0. Walker, Principal Librarian. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MJ 2 R 17 Another copy. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MK 1 S 7 WALKER (Thomas), M.A. The Original: Essays, &c. 4th, ed. 8vo. Lond., 1838. J 4 S 20 WALKER (W.) Working Drawings and Designs in Me- chanical Engineering, kc. \_See Burn, R. S.] A 20 P 20 i WALKER (Walter Frederick). The Azores, or Western Islands. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 7 S 2 WALKER (William). The Flood (1850) : a Poem. Fol. Windsor, 1860. MJ 2 U 1 Australian Literature : a Lecture. (Pam., J.) 8vo. Sydney, 1864. MJ 1 T 38 Poems. Written in Youth. 8vo. Sydney, 1884.* MH 1 Q 18 Miscellanies. 8vo. Windsor, 1884. MJ 1 T 19 An Account of the Great Flood at the Hawkesbury, June, 1867. Reprinted, by permission, from the Sydney Morning Herald. 8vo. Sydney, 1887.* MB 2 Q 31 Facts for Factories ; being Letters on Practical Subjects, suggested by experience in Bombay. (Pam., 24.) 8vo. Bombay, 18.57. " MJ 2 Q 12 WALKER (W. H.) [See Ranken, G.] WALKER (William B.) The Hand; by "Tom Cringle." 8vo. Melb., 1867. MJ 2 R 23 WALL (Abiathar). [See Macaulay, J.] A 12 U 24 WALL (A. H.) Fifty Years of a Good Queen's Reign: a Book for the Royal Jubilee of 1886-87. 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 5 R 31 WALL (A. J.) M.D., etc. Indian Snake Poisons; their Nature and Effects. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 12 P 34 WALL (H. Beeesford de la Poer), M.A. Manual of Physical Geography of Australia. 12mo. Melb., 1883. MA 2 V 23 WALL (William S.) History and Description of a new Sperm Whale lately set up in the Australian Museum ; together with some Account of a new genus of Sperm Whales called Euphysotes. Two Plates. 8vo. Sydnev, 1851. ' MA 2 T"8 WALLACE (Alfred Russel), F.R.G.S. Australasia: with Ethnological Appendix, by A. H. Keane, M.A.I. (Stan- ford's Compendium of Geography and Travel.) 8vo. Lond., 1879. MD 1 U 29 Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection : a Series of Essays. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 17 T 42 WALLACE (Alfred Ru.ssel), F.R.G.S. — conlimted. Geographical Distriljution of Animals ; with a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 14 U 1, 2 Island Life; or, the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, including a Re\ision and attempted Solution of the Problem of Geohjgical Climates. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 16 V 21 Malay Archipelago; the Land of tlie Orang-TJtan and the Bird of Paradise. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1869. D 6 P 39, 40 Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro; with an Account of the Native Tribes. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1853. D 3 T 10 WALLACE (D. Mackenzie), M.A. Russia. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. D 6 U 23, 24 WALLACE (Edward J.) Oregon Question detennined by International Law. (Pam. 25.) 8vo. Lond., 1846. MJ 2 P 37 WALLACE (Edwin), M.A. Aristotle's Psychology. [See Akistoteles.] G 4 R 24 Wallace (Grace Ma.xwell), Lady. Beethoven's Lettei-s [See Beethoven, L. von.] C 3 Q 4, 5 Letters from Italy. [See Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F.] D 7 P43 Letters of Distinguished Musicians : Gluck, Haydn, P. E. Bach, Weber, Mendelssohn; translated from the German. Svo. Lond., 1867. C 3 U 29 Letters of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. [See Men- dels.sohn-Baetholdy, F.] C 5 P 25 Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. [See Mozart, W. A.] CSV 33, 34 Reminiscences of Felix IMendelssohn-Bartholdv. [See POLKO, E.] C 5 P 19 WALLACE (Rev. James). Description of the Isles of Orkney. 8vo. Edinb., 1883. D 8 U 32 WALLACE (John). Portrait of. [See Manuscripts and Portraits.] WALLACE (John Howard). Jlanual of New Zealand History. 8vo. Wellington, 1886.* MB 2 R 32 WALLACE (R. L.) British Cage Birds; containing full Directions for Breeding, etc., various British Birds that can be kept in confinement. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 14 Q 44 WALLACE (William). History of England. [See Mack- intosh, Sir J.] " K 1 S 42-T 5 WALLACE (William). Laws which regulate the Deposi- ticm of Lead Ore in Veins. 8vo. Lond., 1861. A 9 S 19 WALLACE (William), M.D. Infectious Diseases. [See Russell, J. B.] A 12 V 13 790 CATALOGUE OF THE Wal] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Mefei'ence. [Wal "WALLACE (Sir Williaji). Early Days of; by John, Marquess of Bute, Knt. ito. Paisley, 1876. B 13 P 18 Wallace; or, the Life and Acts of Sir AV. AVallace. \_See Hexrt the Minstrel.] Life of Sii- William Wallace, of Elderslie ; by J. D. Carrick. (Const, j^fisc.) 2 vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1830. K 10 Q 41, 42 Metrical History of Sir William Wallace, Knight of Ellerslie. [See Hentiy the Minstrel.] The Bruce; and Wallace. [See Barbour, J., and Henry THE Minstrel.] WALLACE-DUNLOP (M. A.) [See Dcnlop, :\r. A. W.-] WALLEXSTEIN or WALDSTEIX (Albhecht Eisebius Wexzeslais). rS^d Friedland, a. E. W. Wallenstein OR Waldstein, Dike of.] WALLER (Edmund). Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A., and Johnson, S.] WALLER (Rev. Horace). Last Journals of David Livins;- stone. [See Livingstone, Rev. D.] D 1 W 9, fo WALLEY (T.) Four Bovine Scoui-ges. 8vo. Edinb., 1879. A 1 T 15 WALLICH (X.vniANiEL), M.D., kc. List of Indian Woods. (Pain. 2.) 8vo. Lond., 1831. MJ 2 P 37 Plantse Asiaticje Rariores; or, Descriptions and Figures of a select number of unpublished East Indian Plants. 3 vols. roy. fol. Lond., 1830-32. A 20 P 11-13 J WALLINGTON (Neiiemiah). Hi-storical Notices of Events occurring in the Reign of Charles i. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1869.' B 3 R 27, 28 WALLIS (George). Jewellery. (Brit. Man. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 31 WALIJ8 (Cai'T. Jame.s). Historical Account of the Colony of New South Wales and its Dependent Settlements; in illustration of twelve Views, engraved by W. Preston, a Convict, from Drawings taken on the spot by Captain Wallis. Fol. Lf.nd., 1821. MD 1 R 27 \ [Su Hawkeswoktii, J.] WALLIS (John r).D), Permutations and Combinations. [See liKiiSoi LM, J.] A 10 U 12 WALLIS (\V.) [See Birmingham Museum and Art Gal- I.KItV.] WAI.MSLEY (IIerdert Edwark). Cotton Spimiiiig : a Practical Treatise. 8vo. Manchester, 1883. A II It -JO Cott4»n Spinning and Weaving: a Practical .ind 'I'lico- retical Treatise. 2nd ed. 8vo. Manchester, lK8r). A 11 R 21 WALMSLEY (lIuriM Mulleneux). Ruined Cities of Zuliilaiid. With lIliisli-.itinnM. 2 vtil«. Svo, Txjiid., 1869. I) I y 27, 28 WALPOLE (Charles George), M.A. Short History of the Kingdom of Ireland, from the Earliest Times to the L^nion with Great Britain. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1882. B 11 P 11 WALPOLE (Lieut, the Hon. Frederick), R.N. Four Years in the Pacific, in H.M.S. Collingxoood, 1844-48. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. D 9 T 31, 32 WALPOLE (Hon. Horace), Earl of Orfohd. Anecdotes of Paintins; in England. 5 vols. rov. 8vo. Lond., 1826-28. ^ 'CSV 24-28 Anecdotes of Painting in England ; collected by George "\'irtue, digested by Hon. Horace Walpole. 5 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1782. " C 2 Q 1-5 The Castle of Otranto : a Gotliic Story ; with Portrait and Drawings. 8vo. Lond., 1883. J 10 R 14 Catalogue of Engravers who have been born or resided in England ; digested from the MSS. of ]Mr. George Virtue. With Portraits. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1828. C 8 V 28 Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; with Lists of their Works ; enlarged and continued by Thomas Park, F.S.A. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1806. C 6 S 21-25 Correspondence with George Montagu and others ; with Illustrative Notes. 1735-97. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1837. C 10 P 42-44 Correspondence of ; edited, with Notes, bv the Rev. J. Mitford. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1851. C 10 P 47, 48 Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of Richard in. 4to. Lond., 1768. B 5 U 14 Horace Walpole and his A\'orld: Select Passages from his Letters; edited by L. B. Seeley, JI.A. Witii Illustra- tions. Svo. Lond., 1884. C 4 T 9 Letters to Sir Horace Mann; now first pul)lished from the Originals in the possession of the Eai'l of Waldegrave; edited bv Lord Dover. 3rd ed. 3 vols. Svo. Lon (Theokouk). Letters of .James, Eighth Earl of Elgin. [See Elgin, James, Eioiith Earl ok.] C 7 R I FllEE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 791 Wal] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [War WALSH (John H.) "Stoneiienge." Modern Sportsman's Gun and Rifle. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 11 U 19 British Rural Sports ; comprising Shooting, Hunting, Coursing, Ac. 15th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A17W46 WALSH (John J.) The Bluck and White List; or, the Elector's Hansard. 8vo. Melh., 1871. MF 1 Q 2 WALSH (Peter). History and Vindication of the Loyal Formulary, or Irish Remonstrance, so graciously received by His Majesty, Anno 1G61, against all Calumnies and Censures. In several Treatises. Fol. Lond., 1674. B IG Q 4 t WALSH (Robert), LL.D., &c. Didactics; Social, Literarv, and Political. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1836. J 5 Q 14, 15 WALSH (Rev. Robert), LL.D., &c. Es.say on Ancient Coins, Medals, and Gems, as illustrating the progress of Christianity in the Early Ages. 12mo. Lond., 1828. A 13 S 38 Residence at Constantinople during the Greek and Tur- kish Revolutions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1836. D8T38,39 History of the City of Dublin. \_See Warburton, J.] B 15Q 1, 2t WALSH (Willi.-vm). Life and Poems of. \_See Chalmers A., and Johnson, S.] WALSH (Rev. William Horatio), M.A. Our Duty under recent Perversions to the Church of Rome : a Sermon. 8vo. Sydney, 1848. MG 1 Q 40 A Sermon, on the occasion of the Death of the Rev. G. W. Richardson. [See Cowper, Very Rev. W. M.] WALSH (Walter Hayle), M.D. The Colloquial Faculty for Languages ; Cerebral Localization and the Nature of Genius. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1886. K 11 U 14 WALSINGHAM (Thomas de Grey), Baron, and GALL- WEY (Sir R. Payne). Shooting ; with contributions by the Hon. Gerald Lascelles, A. J. Stuart- Wortley, Lord Lovat, and Lord Cliai-les Kerr. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 17 U 33 1. Field and Covert. 2. Moor and Marsh. WALTERS (Rev. John). English and Welsh Dictionary; with a Dissertation on the AVelsh Language. 2 vols, (in 1) 4to. Dolgelley, 1815. K 16 S 5 WALTON (Rt. Rev. Brian), D.D., Bishop of Chester.- Memoirs of the Life and Writings of; by the Rev. Henry JohnTodd,M.A.,ctc. 2vols.8vo. Lond., 1821. G10S6, 7 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. [_See Bibles, &c.] WALTON (Christopher). Notes and Materials for an adequate Biography of the celebrated Divine and Theoso- pher, William Law, comprising an Elucidation of the Writings of Jacob Bohme, and D. A. Freher. 8vo. Lond., 1854. G 14 P 17 WALTON (Eli.tah). Peaks in Pen and Pencil, for Students of Alpine Scenery. L. 4to. Lond., 1872. A 4 S 16 J WALTON (Izaak). Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, ]\Tr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson. 12mo. Lond., 1825. C 1 S 19 Another copy. Newed. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 2 R 34 WALTON (Izaak), and COTTON (Charles). Complete Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation; with Lives of the Authors and Variorum Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 29 P 10 WALTON (Thomas H.) Coal-mining Described and Illus- trated. Roy. 4to. Philad., 1885. A 1 S 12 f WALTON (William). State of the Philippine Islands. [See CoMYNS, T. de.] D 6 T 7 WANDERER. A. \_See Parkes, Sir H.] WANG FOO. Po Koo T'oo : Chinese Antiquities. 16 vols, (in 3) sm. fol. China (n.d.) B 17 R 12-14 % WANKLYN (James Alfred). Milk Analysis: a Practical Treatise on the Examination of Milk and its Derivatives, Cream, Butter, and Cheese, 8vo. Lond., 1874. A5S4 WANKLYN (James Alfred), and CHAPMAN (Ernest Theophron). Water Analysis: a Practical Treatise on Potable Water. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 5 R 36 WANLESS (Thomas). Life of Thomas Wanless, Peasant. 8vo. Manchester, 1885. J 12 R 20 WANLEY (Nathaniel), M.A. Wonders of the Little World ; or, a General History of Man. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1806. A 2 P'l2, 13 WANLISS (T. D.) Constitutional Contest in Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 1879. MF 1 Q 6 WANSBROUGH (W. D.) The Portable Engine ; its Con- struction and Management. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 11 Q 20 WARBURTON (Eliot Bartholomew George). The Crescent and the Cross; or, Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel. 9th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1852. D 5 Q 43 Darien; or, the Merchant Prince: a Historical Romance. 8vo. Lond., 1852. J 11 R 6 Hochelaga. \_See Waeburton, Major G.] D 3 Q 51, 52 Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers, including their Private Correspondence. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. C 9 S 18-2C WARBURTON (Major George). Conquest of Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. B 1 S 19, 20 Hochelaga; or, England in the New World; edited by Eliot Warburton. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847. D 3 Q 51, 52 Memoir of Charles Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth ; with Selections from his Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. C 3 T 18, 1£ 792 CATALOGUE OF THE War] Paiit I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [War WARBURTOX (John), "WHITELAW (Rev. James), and AVALSH (Rev. Robert), 3I.R.I.A. History of the City of Dublin, from the Accounts to the Pre.sent Time. 2 vols. ito. Lond., 1818. B 15 Q 1, 2 ; WARBURTOX (Col. Peter Egertox), C.M.G. Journey across the Western Interior of Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1875.* MD 4 W 10 WARBURTON (Rt. Rev. W.), D.D., Bishop of GLorcES- ter. "Works of; with some Account of the Life, Writings, and Character of the Author, by Bishop Richard Hurd. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1811. G 15 Q 1-12 WARBURTOX (Rev. William Parsoxs). Edward in. 2nd ed., with three Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1876. B 3 P 15 WARD ( — .) Xew Zealand: Xelson, the latest Settlement of the Xew Zealand Companv; bv "Kappa." 8vo. Lond., 1842. " ■ :MJ 2 Q 2 WARD (Adolphis W.), M.A. Chaucer. (En- Men Letts.) 8vo. Lend., 1879. CITS Dickens. (Eng. ]Hen Letts.) 8vo. Lond., 1882. C 1 U 13 History of English Dramatic Literature, to the Death of Queen Anne. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875. B G S 20, 21 Old English Drama. \_See Marlowe, C] WARD (Artemis). \_See Browne, C. F.] WARD (Crosbie). Letter to the Right Honourable Lord L)-ttelton, on tiie Relations of Great Britain with the Colonists and Aborigines of Xew Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1863. :MD 1 U 21 WARD (Ebenezer). South-eastern District of South Aus- tralia ; its Resources and Requirements. 8vo. Adelaide, 18G9. MD 5 R 28 Vineyards and Orchards of South Australia. 1st series. 8vo! Adelaide, 1862. MA 1 Q 2 WARD (Cai'T. Edwakd W.), C.E. Repoi-t of Results ob- taiiifil from Experiments on the Elasticity and Strength of TimlH-r of Xew South Wales, procured through the Chief Commissioner of Railway.s, and tested at the Sydney Brinoh of the Royal Mint. (Votes and Proceedings, Vol. 2, 1858.) Fo'i. Sydney, 1858. ME WARD (I£o\. Mrs. F. Marshall). Tiie Microscope; or. Descriptions of various Objects of especial Interest and Beauty, adapted for Microscopic Olwervation. Illustrated. 3nl ed. 8vo. L/iii. Kevii'w. Edited, with an Introduction, l)y Wilfiid Ward. 2 vols. 8 v.). L-ind., ISSI. ' (! I S 10, 11 WARDLAW (Ralph), D.D. Xational Cluiicli Kslablish- ments examined. 8vo. Lond., 1839. (1 \ S 5' FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 793 War] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. iWar WARDLEY (Edward), M.K.C.S.L. Confessions of a Wavering W'orthy ; or, the Great Secret of Success in Life : an Ethical and Autobiographical Essay. 8vo. Sydney, 18G4. M.J 1 R 7 Abolition of Capital Punishment considered ; by "Fiat Justitia." 8vo. Sydney, 1869. ' MF 3 P 2 Another copy. 8vo. Sydney, 1869. MJ 2 R 4 Lectiones Tarbantu ; or, Tall Talk at Tarban. 8vo. Sydney, -1870.* MJ 1 T 28 Some Phases of Insanity and its Treatment, popularly considered. (Pam., 4.3.) 8vo. Parramatta, 1871. M.J2R.5 WARE (Sir .J.vmes). The Whole Works of Sir James Ware concerning Ireland. Revised and improved by W. Harris. With Plates. 3 vols, (in 2) fol. DuUin, 1739-46. B 16 R 1,2 % Ancient Irish Histories. [_See Hanmee, M.] B 11 R 8, 9 WARE (.J. Redding), and MANN (R. K.) Life and Times of Colonel Fred. Burnaby, late Coloiiel-Command- ing Royal Horse Guards — Blues. 8vo. Lond., 1885. C 4 S 3 WARE (Rev. William E.), "Lucius Manlius Piso." Letters from Palmyra, to his Friend Marcus Curtius, at Rome ; now first translated and pulilished. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. .J 8 P 38, 39 WARING (Edward .John), M.D., &c. Manual of Practical Therapeutics, considered chiefly with reference to Articles of the Materia Medica. 3rd ed. (Churchill's Manuals.) 12mo. Lond., 1871. A 13 P 34 Another copy. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1886. A 12 P 41 WARING (George), M.A. Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels. [See Boswortii, Rev. .J.] WARING (John Burley). Illustrations of Architecture and Ornament. Fol. Lond., 1865. A 23 R 21 + Hand-book to the Museum of Ornamental Art in the Art Treasures Exhibition; to which is added "The Ar- moury," by J. R. Blanche. 8vo. Lond., 1857. A 6 V 38 WARM AN (J. W.) The Organ ; its compass, tablature, and short and incomplete octaves. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 8 R 4 WARNE (Charles), F.S.A. Celtic Tumuli of Dorset : an Account of Personal and other Researches in the Sepulchral Mounds of the Durotriges. Fol. Lond., 1866. " B 14 S 19 I WARNER (Charles Dudley). Washington Irving. (Ame- rican Men of Letters.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. C 1 R 15 My Summer in a Garden; with an Introduction, by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. 12mo. Lond., 1876. J12S9 Mummies and Moslems. 8vo. Lond., 1875. D2Q11 WARNER (Ferdinando), LL.D. Hi.story of the Re- bellion and Civil War in Ireland. 4to. Lond., 1767. B 15 Q 19 + WARNER (Francls), M.D., kc. Physical Expression: its Modes and Princi|)les. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 188.5. A 12 Q 36 WARNER (Oliver). Connnonwealth of Massachusetts. Aggregates of Polls, Property, Taxes, kc, as assessed, May 1, 187.5. (Pam.,Ja.) 8vo. Bo.ston, 1876. F 7 S 24 Abstract of the Census of Massachusets, 1860 and 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1863-67. F 1 Q 20, 21 WARNER (Richard). Collection for the History of Hamp- shire, and the Bishopric of W^inchester, including the Isles of Wight, Jersey, Guernsey, and Sarke, by D. Y. ; witTi the original Domesday of the County, and an English Translation. Illustrated. 5 vols, (in 3) 4to. Lond., 1795. ■- Another cop)'. B 6 V 1.3-15 5 vols, (in 3) 4to. Lond., 1795. B 10 P .5-9 t WARNER (R.), F.L.S., kc, and WILLIAMS (B. S.), F.L.S. Orchid Album. 5 vols. imp. 4to. Lond., 1882-86. A 14 P 1-5 t WARNER (Capt. S. A.) Fair Play's a Jewel: a Narrative of Circumstances connected with my Mode of National Defence against the whole World. 8vo. Lond., 1849. ' F 14 S 15 WARNER (William) Chalmers, A.] Life and Poems of. [_See WARREN (CoL. Sir Charles), G.C.M.G. Outhnes of a Trigonometrical Survey of Western Palestine. \_See, Lieut. -Gen. E.] Recovery of .Jerusalem. [See Wilson, Col. Sir C. W.] D 4 U 4 The Temple or the Tomb ; giving further Evidence in favour of the authenticity of the present Site of the Holy Sepulchre, and pointing out some of the princijsal Miscon- ceptions contained in Fergusson's "Holy Sepulchre," and "The Temples of the Jews." 8vo. Lond., 1880. B10P22 Underground Jerusalem : an Account of some of the principal DiflGculties encountered in its Exploration and the results olitained; with a Narrative of an Exjsedition through the -Jordan Valley, and a Visit to the Samaritan.?. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 4 T 40 WARREN (E. P.), and CLEVERLY (C. F. M.) Wan- derings of the Beetle. 4to. Lond., 1885. D 8 V 3 W\\RREN (Rev. F. E.), B.D., kc. The Leofric Missal, as used in the Cathedral of Exeter, during the Epis- copate of its first Bishop, a.d. 1050-72. 4to. O.xford, 1883. G 5 U 17 The Liturg}' and Ritual of the Celtic Church. 8vo. Oxford, 1881. G 4 R 29 AVARREN (G. W.) [See Bunker's Hill Monument As- sociation.] A 8 R 33 AVARREN (Hon. J. Leicester), M.A. Guide to the Study of Book-Plates (ex-libris). 8vo. Lond., 1880. J 10 T 30 794 CATALOGUE OF THE War] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wat WARREN (Samuel), F.R.S. Letter to the Queen on a late Court Martial. 8vo. Lend., 1850. F 5 U 31 Popular and Practical Introduction to Law Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1835. F 4 S 15 The Lily and the Bee ; an Apologue of the Crystal Palace. 12mo. Edinb., 1851. J 1 T 2 WARREN (T. RoBiN-soN'). Dust and Foam; or, three Oceans and two Continents; being Ten Years' Wanderings in ilexico, South America, Sandwich Islands, the East and West Indies, China, Philippines, Australia, and Polynesia. 8vo. New York, 1859. MD 4 Q 40 WARREN (Prof. William H.) Strength and Elasticity of New South Wales Tunbers of Commercial Value. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MA 1 V 51 WARREN (AViLLiAM Wilkiss). Life .nd., 1855-56. E WARWICK (Eden). [See .Jaiiet, G. S.] WARWICK (8iu I'liiLii-). Memoires do. [See di izor, F. V. (;., 1.] WARWVCK (Vick-Adm. Wyiirand van). Journael van ifi-vncrt nyi f >oMt-Indicn. [Sec Neck, J J. VAN. I U 5 Q 33 WASHBURN (Charles A.) History of Paraguay ; with Notes of Personal Observations and Reminiscences of Diplomacy under Difficulties. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1871 B 1 S 3, 4 WASHBURNE (Elihu B.) Franco-German War, and Insurrection of the Commune — Correspondence. 8vo. Wash., 1878. B 9 R 17 WASHBURN (Emelyx W.) Spanish Masters : an Out- line of the History of Painting in Spain. 8vo. New York, 1884. ^ A 8 P 32 WASHBOURNE (Henry). Book of Family Crests, com- prising nearly every Bearing and its Blazonry, Surnames of Bearers, Dictionary of ^lottos, British and Foreign Orders of Knighthood, Glossary of Terms, and Engravings illustrati\e of Peers, Baronets, and nearly every Family bearing Arms in Englantl, AVales, Scotland, Ireland, and the Colonies, f John Wilkes and William C2. -MD 3 S 16 WEBSTER (.John). Works of. Now tirst collected, with some account of the Author, and Notes, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce, B.A. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1830. H 4 Q 5-8 Dramatic Works of; etlited by William Hazlitt. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1857. ' H 4 Q 1-4 WEBSTER (Noah), LL.D. Biography; by H. E. Scudder. (Amer. Men of Letts.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. C 1 R 11 Dictionary of the English Language. 4to. Lond., 1831-32. K 15 T 19, 20 Another copy; thoroughly re\iscd and improved by Chauncey A. Goodrich, U.D., and Noah Porter, D.D. New ed., with a Supplement of New Words, and an Additional Appendix of Biographical Names. Ito. Lend., 1880. K 15 T 21 \See Ogilvu:, J.] WEBSTER (TnoM.vs), F.G.S., iVrc, and PARKES (Mits.) Encyclopiwlia of Domestic Economj-. New ed. 8vo. I>md., 1847. K 5 U 4 WEI5STER (W. H. B.) Narrative of a Yoyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean, in the yeans 1828-30, per- formed in H.M. Sloop C/iaiiticleer, under the command of the late Captain Foster, F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1834. D 9 S 28, 29 WEUDELL (Caft. Jamks), R.N. Voyage towards tin- South Pole, j)erfoniiod in (lie years 1822-24. 8vo. Ixmd., iSL'.j. D 4 R 2fi WKI)l>i;i{i;i'l{N (Silt David), I!.\ht., .M.l'. Life of; n.m- piU'd fiiiiii his Journals and Writings, by his Sister, Mrs. E. 11. Purcival. Hvo. l/md., 1SM4, f! 9 V^ 37 WEDGE Monx I[KI, LcltcisofH. F. (Minnr, res- pecting -Mr. Wedge's Visit t PoiiTHAiTs.] ,M F 1 U 21 Ou the Country arounil Port Pliili|i, South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1836. 1\1D7Q51 WEDGWOOD (Hensleigh). Contested Etymologies in the Dictionary of the Rev. W. W. Skeat. 8vo. Lnnd., 1882. ■ K 12 P 25 Dictionary of English Etymology; with an Introduction on the Origin of Language. 2nd. ed. Roy. Svo. Lund., 1872. K16CJ2 Another copy. 3rd ed. Rov, 8vo. Lond., 1878. K 10 Q 3 WEDGWOOD (Josiah). Art of. [See Meteyard, E.] A 23 S 21 + Life and Labours of, itc. [See Taxgye, R. & G.] Libr. Life of, from his private Correspondence and Family Papers; by Eliza Meteyard. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Loud., 1865. ■ ■ C 9 V 38, 39 On the Clay of Sydney Cove; b\- F. Rathbone. 4to. Birmingham, 1885. Libr. Wedgwood and his Works ; by Eliza Meteyard. Fol. Loml, 1873. C 1 W 26 WEDMORE (Frederick). Four Masters of Etching. With original Etchings, by P. S. Haden, J. Jacquemart, J. A. M.'Whistler, A. Legros. Roy. 4t(). Lond., 1883. A 2 Q 20 t Masters of Genre Painting ; being an Introductory Hand-book to the Study of Genre Painting. With sixteen Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 8 P 33 Studies in English Art. Svo. Lond., 1876. A 8 P 24 WEEKLY FREEMAN'S JOURNAL (The). 2 vols. fol. Dublin, 1836-40. E WEEVER (John). Ancient Funerall Monuments within the United Monarchie of Great liritaino, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent. Fol. Lond., 1631. B 36 P 1 J WECELE (Dr. F. X. von). Geschichte der deutschen His- toriographic seit dem Auftreten des Humanismus. 8vo. Miinchen, 1885. A 17 V 35 WEIGAND (F. L. K.) Deutsches Worterbuch. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Giessen, 1857-60. K 14 T 21, 22 WEKiEL (Karl), Ph.D., &c. Neugriechisches teulscli- italiiini.sches Worterbuch. Svo. Leipzig, 1796. K11T4 Teutsch-Neugriechisclics Wcirtcrluuh. 8vo. Leipzig, 1804. Iv 14 T 5 WElNiloM) (Auoi.F I''.) Inlroducliou to Ex)icrinunital Physics, Theoretical and Practical ; translated and edited by'B. Loewy, F.R.A.S.; with Preface by G. C. Foster. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 16 T 12 WETNHOLD(Dit. Kaki,). Gnumnatik derdeut.schen I\Iun- .larli'ii. 2 vols. 8vo. r.rrliii, isO.'l -67. K 15 R 19,20 ^\■l•;l N.M.VNN (Phof l''iiKDi;iiirK L.) Practical (iranimar of ih<- CcriM.ui Language. [See AiiN, F.] K 1 1 V 23 WlOll! (Akciiiiiai.d). Historical liasiH of IModein Europe (1760-1815). 8vo. Lond., 1886. B 7 R 26 FREE PUBLIC LIBllARY, SYDNEY. 799 Wei] Part I : — Authors, Editoi's, or Reference. [Wei WEI.SJ3ACH (Julius), Ph.D. Manual of tlie jrccliauics <.f Engineering and of the Construction of Machines ; with an Introduction to the Calculus. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1877-84. A 11 T 1-3 Principles of Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1847-48. A 11 U 4, .5 WEISE (Arthuk James), M.A. Discoveries of America, to the year 152.5. 8vo. Loud., 1884. B 1 U 14 WEISKE (Ben.jamin). Pleonasmi Grreci. \_See Bos. L.] K12S34 WEISMANN (Prop. August). Studies in the Theory of Descent; with Notes and Additions. [Illustrated.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 14 T 6, 7 WEISSE (John A.), M.D. Origin, Progress, and Destiny of the English Language and Literature. 8vo. New York, 1879. K 16 T 9 The Obelisk and Freemasonry, according to the Dis- co.veries of Belzoni and Commander Gorringe; also, Egyp- tian Symbols compared with those discovered in American Mounds. With Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1880. B 15 Q 33 WEISSER (Prof. Ludwig). Bilder-Atlas zur Weltges- ehichte nach Kunstwerken alter und neuer Zeit : 146 Tafeln mit iiber funftausend Darstellungen; mit erlautern- dem Text von Dr. Heinrich Merz. 3« auflage. At. fol. Stuttgart, 1884. B 14 U 4 J WEKEY (S.) Otago as it is; its Gold-mines and Natural Resources. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1863. MD 1 U 21 WELCH (Christopher), M.A. History of the Boehm Flute. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 7 U 5 WELCH (Robert P.), M.R.C.S., &c. Observations on Convict and Free Labour for New South Wales. 8vo. I-ond., 1847. MF 3 P 7 WELCKER (F. G.) [_See Muller, K. O.] WELD (Charles Richard). Florence, the New Capital of Italy. 8vo. Lond., 1867. D 8 Q 12 History of the Royal Society ; with Memoirs of the Pre.sidents. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1848. B 6 S 33, 34 Two Months in the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye. 8vo. Lond., 1860. D 9 P 1 Vacation Tour in the United States and Canada. 8vo. - Lond., 1855. D 4 P 27 Vacations in Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 1857. D 9 P 2 WELD (Sir Frederick Alotsius). Hints to intending Sheep-farmers in New Zealand. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1853. MD 6 T 2 Another copy. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1864. MA 1 P 24 WELDON & CO. Historical and Fancy Costumes, from the Earliest Period down to the Present Day. Obi. 4to. Lond., 1878. A 2 P 10 t WELLBANK (Isaac). Australian Nautical Almanac and Coasters' CJuide for the South and East Coasts, and part of the North-west and \V'est Coasts of Australia, also the principal Ports and Harbours of Fiji. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1886-87. ME 2 U WELLDON (Rev. James Edward Cowell), M.A. Politics of Aristotle. \_See Aristoteles.] Rhetoric of Aristotle. [See Aristoteles.] G 7 T 30 WELLER (Edward). Tasmania; or. Van Diemen's Land. {Maj}.) 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MD 5 P 18 J Victoria (Australia). (Jfrip.) 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MD 5 P 18 t [See Aggas, R.] D 33 P 4 t WELLESLEY (Richard Colley), Marquess of, K.P., K.G., &c. Despatches, Minutes, and Corresjjondence of, during his Administration in India ; edited by Mont^ gomery Martin. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. B 10 T 7-11 Irish Question considered in its Integrity. 8vo. Dub- lin, 1844. BUR 18 Marquess Wellesley, Architect of Empire : an Historic Portrait; by W. M. Torren.s, M.P. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C9 V49 Memoirs and Correspondence of ; comprising nvimerous Letters and Documents, now first published from original MSS., by R. R. Pearce. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846. C 9 V 46-48 WELLINGTON (Arthur Wellesley), Duke of. Des- patches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington during his various Campaigns, fi-om 1799 to 1818. Edited by Lieut.-Col. Gurwood; with Index. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837-38. B 6 U 1-13 Supplementary Despatches, Correspondence, and Memo- randa of Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Wellington, K.G. Edited by his Son, the Duke of Wellington, K.G. 14 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1858-72. B 6 U 14-27 Supplementary Despatches, Correspondence, and Memo- randa of Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Welling- ton, K.G. Edited by his Son, the Duke of Wellington, K.G. Vol. 15. Index to the Wellington Supplementary Despatches, vols. 1 to 14, with Chronological List of Letters, Memoranda, Arc, published in the 1st (new) ed. of Gurwood, and in the Supplementary De.spatohes. Svo. Lond., 1872. B 6 U 28 Despatches, Correspondence, and Memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Wellington, K.G. Edited by his S<5n, the Duke of Wellington. (In continuation of the former Series.) Vols. 1-8. 8vo. Lond., 1867-80. B 6 U 29-36 History of the Life of; by M. Brialmont; with Emen- dations and Additions, by the Rev. G. R. Gleig. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1858-60. C 9 V 40-43 Life of Field INlarshal His Grace the Duke of Welling- ton; by W. H. Maxwell. 3 vols. 8vo. Lcmd., 1839-40. C 5 T 2.5-27 Life of the Duke of Wellington ; by G. Soane. (Fam. Lib.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1839-40. K 10 P 24, 25 800 CATALOGUE OP THE Wei] Part I : — Authors, Editoi's, or Reference. [Wen TVELLIXGTOX (Abtiur "Wellesley), Duke of — contd. Life, Military and CiWl, of the Duke of Welliugton, digested from the Materials of W. H. Maxwell, aud in part re-written by "An Old Soldier'; with some Account of his Public Funeral. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 4 P 4.5 Speeches of, in Parliapient, collected and arranged by the late Col. Gurwood, C.B., K.C.T.S. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1854. F 13 Q 18, 19 WELLS (B.) History of Taranaki. 8vo. New Plpnouth, 1878. MB 2 R 28 WELLS (David Amess), LL.D. Creed of Free Trade. (Reprinted from the Atlantic Monthly.) 8vo. Lond., 1875. F 3 T 17 Another copy. (Reprinted, for the Cobden Club, from the Atlantic Monthhj, August, 1875.) (Pam., Dq.) Svo. Lend., 1876. F 4 R 7 Another copy. Svo. Melb., 1875. IMF 1 Q 6 Practical Economics. Svo. N. York, 1885. F12R1 Primer of Tariff Reform. 12mo. New York. 1884. K17P2 The Recent Financial, Indu.strial, and Counnercial Ex- periences of the United States : a Curious Chapter in Politico-Economic History. [See Cobden Club.] F 10 T 15 WELLS (Hexhv P.) Fly-Rods and Fly-Tackle: Sugges- tions as to their Jlanufacture and Use. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Ix.nd., 1885. A 29 R 5 American Salmon Fishennan. Svo. Loud., 1886. A 16 Q 30 WELLS (Jamk.s William), C.E. Exploring and Travel- ling Three Thousand Miles through Brazil, from Rio Janeiro to Maranhiio. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 18SG. D 4 Q 6, 7 WELIvS (William Henhy). Map of the County of Cum- berland, in the Colony of New South ^V'ales. Svo. Sydney (n.d.) MD 5 P 18 | Geographical Dictionary ; or. Gazetteer of the Austra- lian Colonies: their Physical and Political (ieography, U»getlier with a brief Notice of all the Cajjitals, Principal Towns, and Village.s. Svo. Sydney, 1S48.* MD7Q18 Key« to Well's Map of the Citv of Sydney, 1850. 12ino. Sydney, iH.-iO, " ' M I) 1 S 56 WELLSTEI) (Lieut. J. R.), FR.S., ic. Travels to the City of the CalijiliH, along the Shores of the Persian (Julf and the Mediterranean. 2 vols. Hv.,. Ix)nd., 1840. D 5 S 22, 23 Travels in Arabia. 2 vols. Svo. Ixntl., IM.'JS. D 1 T 17, IM Wr,I»SH (Alfkek H.), A.M., Ac. Development of Eng- liah l^iteruture and I^anguago. 2 vols. Svo. Chicago, 1882. B6S18, 19 WELSH (Charles). A Bookseller of Last Century; being some Account of the Life of John Newbery, and of the Books he published, Arc. Svo. Lond., 1885. C 5 V 1 WELSH (Rev. David). Memoir of Thomas Brown, M.D., Author of Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. {See Bm\vs, T.] G 6 Q 18 WELSHMEN (Emixent). Engwogion Cymrn. Bio- graphical Dictionary of Eminent Welshmen, from the Earliest Times to the Present ; by the Rev. Robert Williams, M. A. Svo. Llandovery, "1852. C11Q9 WEMYSS AND MARCH (Francis Wemyss Charteris), Ninth Earl of. Letters on Military Organization. Svo. Lond., 1871. FCQ4 WENCKSTERN (Otto). \_See Schlesinger, M.] WENDEBORN (F. a.), LL.D. An Introduction to Ger- man Grammar. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1803. K 11 U 32 WENDOVER (Roger of). [See Roger op Wendover.] WENJUKOW (M.) Oberst Wenjukow Die russisch- asiatischen Grenzlandc aus dem Russischen iibertragen, von Krahmer. Svo. Leip., 1874. D 8 U 7 WENTWORTH (Thomas), Lord Rauv. [See Stkafford, Earl of.] WENTWORTH (William CHAitLEs). Statistical, His- torical, and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales, and its dependent Settlements in Van Dicmen's Land. Svo. Lond., 1819.* MB 1 R 6 Another copy. 2nd ed., with a View of the Town of Sydney, and a Map. Svo. Lond., 1820.* MB 1 R 10 Statistical Account of the British Settlements in Aus- tralasia, including the Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. 3rd ed., with an Appendix, con- taining the Acts of Parliament, and other Documents relating to these Settlements. With Maps, and a View of Sydney. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1824.* MB 1 R 13, 14 Papers explanatory of the charges brought against Lieut. -Gen. Darling, by William Charles Wentworth, Esq. (Pari. Doc, 6.) Fol. Lond., 1830. MF 4 X An Address to Mr. Wentworth relative to Resolutions adojiled at a Public Meeting, for the erection of a Statue in Sydney, as a Memorial of the eminent services rendered by him to the Colony. (Pam., A.) Fol. Sydney (n.d.) ' MJ 2 U 1 Public of the late W. C. Wentworth, Tuesday, Gth May, 1873. Svo. Sydney, 1873. MC 1 R 33 Another copy. Svo. Sydney, 1873. MF 1 Q 4 Lines on the Public Funeral of. \_See Coleridge, D. M.] MIT 1 Q 5 Mr. Went worth's Letlci- of Iniiieaclniicnt rclati\o to the Punishment and Death of Private Joseph Sudds. [See SuiiDH, J., and Tho.mi'.son, p.] [See Mau-sden, Rev. S., and Wilhiiiiu;, J. R.] WENGER (J.) Bengali Grammar. [See Yates, Rev. W .] FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 801 Wer] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wes WERNE (Ferdinand). Expedition to discover the Sources of tlie Wliite Nile, in the years 184-0-41 ; [translcated] fi-om the German, ])y C. W. O'Reilly. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849. D 1 R 20, 21 WERNER (Carl). Nile Sketches : painted from Nature during his Travels through Egj-pt. Gustav W. Seitz, Water Colour Facsimiles. With accompanying Text, by Dr. A. E. Brehm and Dr. Johannes Diimichen. Panto- graphic edition, Seitz Patent. 4to. Wandsbeck, 1882. D 5 Q9t WERNER (Friedricii LuDwiG Zachari.\s). The Templars in Cyprus : a Dramatic Poem. Translated by E. A. M. Lewis. 12mo. Loud., 1886. H 4 P 30 WERNER (Di!. Karl). Gesehichte der katholischen Theo- logie. (Ges. der Wiss. in Deutsch., 6.) 8vo. Miinchen, 1866. A 17 V 20 WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Memoirs of, 1808-37. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1811-38. E WERSHOVEN (F. J.), D.Sc. Technological Dictionary of the Physical, Mechanical, and Chemical Sciences. English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Vol. 1 — English-German. 12mo. Lond., 1885. K 13 T 32 WESEHAM (Very Rev. Roger de). Dean of Lincoln, &c. Memoirs of the Life of; by Samuel Pegge, A.M. 4to. Lond., 1761. C 4 W 7 WESLEY (Rev. Charles), M.A. Life of; comprising a Review of his Poetry, Sketches of the Rise and Progress of Methodism, ifec. ; bj- Thomas Jackson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1841. C 6 R 18, 19 WESLEY (Rev. John). Life of; and Rise and Progress of Methodism, by Robert Southey. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846. C 6 R 20, 21 Extract of the Journal of ; together with Tracts illus- trati\'e of the Doctrines and Discipline of Methodism, and an Account of his Family, Education, and Death ; by the late Rev. J. Benson. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825. C 10 Q 46-51 Compendium of Natural Philosophy ; being a Surrey of the Wisdom of God in the Creation. Revised, ifec, by Robert Mudie. (Fam. Lib.) 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1836. K 10 P 21-23 Wesley and Methodism. \_See Taylor, J.] W;ESLEY (Susanna). [Life of] ; by Eliza Clarke. (Emi- nent Women.) 8vo. Lond., 1886. C 2 S 39 WESLEY AN AUXILIARY MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Reports of, for 1821-22, 1824, 1828-30, 1837-45. 8vo. Sydney, 1822-45. MG 1 Q 27 Reports for 1825-27. 12mo. Sydney, 1826-28. MJ 2 Q 21 WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONARY AUXILI- ARY SOCIETY. Report for the Liverpool District for 1819. Svo. Livei-pool, 1820. MG 1 Q 27 5i WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Report, 1824. 8vo., Lond., 1824. MG 1 Q 27 WESSELY (Josef). Les richesses Forestieres de I'Autriche et leur Exportation. (Pam., 34.) 8vo. Vienne, 1867. J 12 U 26 WEST (A.) Collection of Views in New South Wales. Roy. 4to. Sydney, 1813-14. MD 7 Q 2 t WEST (Aldeut E.) Tasmania, Queen of Southern Isles : a Jubilee Volume of Poems. 12mo. Sydnev, 1887. MHl P31 WEST (Charles), M.D. Nice and its Climate. \_See Barety, Dr. a.] D 7 P 17 WEST (E. W.) Pahlavi Tents. \_See Muller, Prof. F. M.] WEST (Gilbert), LL.D. Life and Poems of. {See Chalmers, A., and Johnson, S.] WEST (Hans). Raisonneret Catalog over Con-sul West's Samling af Malerier med Indledning samt Liste over Haandtegninger, Figurer, Kobberstik og trykle Vserker Samlingen tilhorende. 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1807. A7Q20 WEST (Rev. John). History of Tasmania. 2 vols. Svo. Launceston, 1852.* MB 2 Q 22, 23 WEST (Rev. Thomas). Ten Years in South-Central Poly- nesia; being Reminiscences of a Personal Mission to the Friendly Islands and their Dependencies. 8vo. Lond., 1865.* MD 4 U 14 WEST (Thomas D.) Moulder's Text-book; being Part 2 of American Foundry Practice. 8vo. New York, 1885. All Q 27 WESTALL (Wm.) Russia under the Tzars. {See Drago- MANOFF, M.] B 12 T 33, 34 WESTCOT (Redman). {See Selden, J.] B 2 T 45 WESTCOTT (W. Wynn), M.B. Suicide: its History, Literature, Jurisprudence, Causation, and Prevention. (A Social Science Treatise.) 12mo. Lond., 1885. F5S14 WESTERGAARD (N. L.) Zendavesta; or, the ReHgious Books of the Zoroastrians. {See Zokoaster.] WESTERHOVIUS (A. H.) {See Terentius Afer P.] WESTERN AUSTRALIA. A Bill to provide for a limited time for the government of His Majesty's Settle- ments in Western Australia, on the West Coast of New Holland. (Pari. Doc, 5.) Fol. Loud., 1829. MF 4 J Catalogue of Exhibits in the Western Australian Court, Melbourne International Exhibition, 1880. 8vo. Melbourne, 1880. MJ 2 R 16 Copies of the Correspondence of the Colonial Depart- ment with certain Gentlemen proposing to form a Settle- ment in the neighbourhood of the Swan River, in Western Australia. (Pari. Docs., 7.) Fol. Lond., 1829. MF4 I 802 CATALOGUE OF THE Wes] Paet I : — Authors, EcUtoys, or Reference. [Wes WESTERX XV^TT^XLIA— continued. Copies of a Statistical Report of the Colony of Western Australia; the Land Regulations contained in the Appen- dix, addressed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies; and Copy of a Despatch fi-om the Governor of Western Australia to Lord Glenelg, dated 3rd December, 1837. (Pari. Doc, 36.) Fol. L^nd., 1S38. MF 4. J Extract of a Despatch from Lieut.-Gov. Stirling to the Rt. Hon. Sir G. Murray, dated 20th Jan., 1830, containing Infoi-mation relative to the Progress of the Settlement at Swan River. (Pari. Docs. 7.) Fol. Lond.,1830. MF 4 | Northern Territory of West Australia. 8vo. Perth, 1864. MJ 2 R 16 North-vvcstem Australia : its Soil, Climate, and Capacity for Pastoral Entei-prise. Svo. Melb., 1864. MD .5 T 27 Another copy. 8vo. Melb., 1864. MJ 2 R 16 Western Australia : containing a Statement of the Condition and Prospects of the Colony, and some Account of the Western Australian Company's Settlement of Aus- . tralind; withaMap. Svo. Loud., 1842.* MD4Q49 Western Australian Almanack, for the year 1842; with an Appendix containing a Native Grammar, bv Charles S}-mmoiis. Svo. Perth, 1'' 42. " IME 4 U Western Australian Almanac : The Herald Western Australian Almanack and Commercial Directory, for 1874 and 188.5. 2 vols. Svo. Freemantle, 1874-85. ME 3 T Acts. An Act to continue until the 31st day of December, 1842, and until the end of the then next Session of Parliament; an Act 10 George iv, for providing for the government of His Majesty's Settlements in Western Australia, on the of New Holland. (Pari. Docs. 42.) Fol. Lond., 1841. MF 4 | Acts of Council 41 Vict., 1877. 4to. Perth, 1877. E 2.62 Blue Book.s. Blue Rooks, for the years 187.5, 1878, 1883, and 1884. Sm. fol. Perth, 1876-85. E 2.62 Census. Census of the Colony, taken on 31st March, 1870: and also the (ieneral Statistics of tlie Colony, for the Ten Years ending Slst December, 1869. Compiled by W. Knight. Fol. Perth, 1870. E 2.62 Crows Lands. Copies of the Royal Instructions to the Governors of New- South Wales, Van Dienien's Ivmd, and Western Australia, as to the mi)th: to l)e adopted in disposing of Crown Ivinds. (Pari. Docs., .5.) Fol. I^.nd., iH.'il. MF 4 I Papei-s relative to Crown Iwnds in the Australian Colonies. (Pari. Docs., 59, 02, 6.5.) 3 vols. fol. Lond., lH51-,56. MF 4 J GOVEKNMKNT GaZKTTE. OoveriiTiient Onzett*. 7 vols. fol. Perth, 1873-83. E 2.62 WESTERN AUSTRALIA— co«/i«Me(/. Legislative Couscil. Parliamentary Debates, Legislative Council. Roy. Svo. Perth, 1877. "E 2.62 Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council during the Session of 1876, 1877, 1882, 1884. With Papers presented to the Council by command of His Excellency the Governor, and Copies of the various Documents ordered by the Council to be printed. 4 vols. fol. Perth, 1876-84. E 2.62 Supreme Court. Supreme Court Act, 1880, and Rules of Court; with a Table of Contents, a Time-table, and an Index. 4to. Perth, 1881. MF 1 U 30 WESTERN PALESTINE. Survey of. [See P.\lestine Exploration Fund.] WESTGARTH (William). Anniversary Address of the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce to the Slembers of the As.sociation, 1852. 12mo. Melb., 1852. MJ 2 P 30 Australia Felix; or, a Historical and Descriptive Ac" count of the Settlements of Port Phillip, New South Wales- 8vo. Edinb., 1848.* :\1B 2 S 14 Australia; its Rise, Progress, and Pi'esent Condition. 12mo. Edinb., 1861.* MD 4 R 33 Colony of Victoria; its History, Commerce, and Gold- mining; its Social and Political Institutions, down to the end of 1863. Svo. Lond., 1864.* ]MD 4 W 19 Commerce and Statistics of Victoria, fi'om the commence- ment of the Colony. (Pam. C.) Roy. Svo. Melb., 1856. MJ 2 S 1 Commercial, Statistical, and General Report on the District of Port Phillip, New South Wales, for the half-year ended 31st July, 1845. 8vo. Lond., 1845. MJ 2 R 18 Commercial, Statistical, and General Rejjort on the District of Port Phillip, for the half-year ended 31st Jan., 1846. Svo. Melb., 1846. MJ 2 Q 6 Another copy. Svo. Melb., 1846. MJ 2 Q S Another copy. (Pam. 19.) Svo. Melb., 1846. MJ2R18 Essays on the Street Re-alignment, Re-const ruction, and Sanitation of Central Ijondon. \_See London.] A 6 T 21 Remarks upim the proposed Branch of the Royal Mint about to be connnonced in Sydney; with an Estimate of its probable relations to Colonial Commerce. Svo. jMolb., 1854. Ml''.n'.5 Report, CVnnmerfial, Statistical, and Goncial, on tlio District of Port, Philiii), for the half-year ended .'{1st July, 1840. Svo. M.'lb., 1S46. MF3P15 Another copy. Svo. Melb., 1810. MJ 2 R 10 Another copy. Svo. Melb., 1846. MJ 2 R IS RejMirt on the Conditinn, Capabilities, and Prosjiects of the Australian Aborigines. Svo. Melb., 1846. I\1A1R2 Another copy. Svo. Melb., IS 10. MF 2 R 22 Tracks r)f McKinlay and Party across Australia. [See Davis, J.] " M I) 2 V 2 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 803 Wes] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wha WESTGARTH (William)— coMiniited Victoria and the Australian Gold-mines in ly57 ; with Notes on the Overland Route from Australia, via Suez. 8vo. Lond., 1857.* MD 4 R 35 Victoria, late Australia Felix ; or. Port Phillip District of New South Wales; being an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Colony and its Gold-mines. 8vo. Edinb., 1853.* MB 2 S 18 {See Mackintosh, W.] MJ 2 R 22 WESTHEAD (J. P.) Letter to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, Bart., (in the Corn Ijaws. (Pam. 19.) 8vo. Lond., 1839. MJ 2 Q 8 WESTLEYS & CLARK. Trade List of Price for Book- binding. (Pam. A.) Fol. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 2 U 1 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. [See Combe, W.] WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (The). People's Edition of. 8vo. Melb., 1881. MG 1 Q 39 The Confession of Faith, together with the Larger and Lesser Catechismes composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines sitting at Westmin-ster. 8vo. Lond., 1658. G 9T4 \_See Turner, W.] MG 1 Q 39 WESTMINSTER HALL. Catalogue of the Cartoons .sent in pursuant to the Notices issued by H.M. Commissioners on the Fine Arts, for exhibition. 12ino. Lond., 1843. A 7 P32 Hand-book Guide to the Cartoons now exhibiting in Westminster Hall ; by H. C. Clarke. 12mo. Lond., 1843. A 7 P 32 WESTMINSTER, MATTHEW^ OF. [See Matthew of Westminster.] WESTMINSTER REVIEW^ (The). Ill vols. 8vo. Lond., 1825-85. E 2.9 WESTPHAL (Rudolf). Vergleichende Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen. Band 1. 8vo. Jena, 1873. K 16 Q 22 WESTROPP (Hodder M.) Early and Imperal Rome; or. Promenade Lectures on the Archreology of Rome. 8vo. Lond., 1884. " B 11 S 1 Hand-ljook of Pottery and Porcelain ; or. History of those Arts from the Earliest Period. With Illustrations. Sq. 12mo. Lond., 1880. A 11 Q 14 Pre-Historic Phases ; or. Introductory Essays on Pre- Historic Archwology. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1872. ' B 14 U 22 WESTWOOD (Joseph Jewell). Journal of J. J. West- wood (Evangelist) ; or, an Account of Eight Years' Itineracy to the Townships and Squatting Stations of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, and Tas- mania. With Portrait. 8vo. Melb., 1865. MD 1 U 28 WESTWOOD (J. O.), F.L.S., etc. Arcana Entoniologica ; or. Illustrations of New, Rare, and Tritciisting Insects. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1845. A 13 U 5, 6 Fae-similes of the Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo- Saxon and Irish Manuscripts. Drawn on Stone, by W. R. Tymms. Chromo-lithographed by Day and Son. Sm. fol. Lond., 1868. A 20 P 16 J Index Entomologicus. [See Wood, W.] A 13 U 4 Exotic Entomology. [See Druuy, D.] A 1 4 V 1 1-13 WESTWOOD (T)., AND SATCHELL (Thomas). Biblio- theca Piscatoria : a Catalogue of Books on Angling, the Fisheries, and Fish-Culture. 8vo. Lond., 1883. K18Q4 WETTON (— .), and jar VIS (— .) Portraits of Illus- tri(jus Persons. Twenty-nine Plates. 4to. Lond., 1820-30. C 1 S 13 t WEY (Francis). Rome; containing Engravings on Wood, designed by the most celebrated Artists, and a Plan of Rome. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1872. D 5 S 4 t WEYLAND (P. C.) Reise um die Welt. [See Turn- bull, J.] MD 1 U 4 WHALLEY (Thomas Sedgewick), D.D. Journals and Correspondence of; edited, with a Memcjir and Illustra- tive Notes, by the Rev. Hill Wickham, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1863. C 9 P 47, 48 WHARNCLIFFE (Rt. Hon. John Stuart Wortley), Lord. Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Edited by her Great Grandson, Lord Wharncliffe. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. C4V8-10 WHARTON (C. J.) [See Du Moncel, Th., Count, and Geraldy, Frank.] A 5 R 62 WHARTON (Grace and Phillip). [See Thomson, Mrs. Katherine and John.] WHARTON (Henry Thornton), M.A. Sappho: Memoir, Text, Selected Renderings, and a literal Translation. [See Sappho.] WHARTON (John J. S.), M.A. Law Lexicon; or. Dic- tionary of Jurisprudence, explaining the technical words and phrases employed in the several departments of Eng- lish Law. 5th ed., revised and enlarged, by J. Shiress Will. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1872. Kll R 8 WHARTON (Capt. W. J. L.), R.N. Hydrograpliical Surveying : a Description of the Means and Methods employed in constructing Marine Charts. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 6 S 30 WHARTON (W. R.) [See Baines, E.] B 6 V 21, 23 WHAT IS MERIT 1 A Question in a Letter to the Earl of Clarendon. (Pam. Dd.) 8vo. Lond., 1855. F12P22 WHAT PUT MY PIPE OUT; or. Incidents in the Life of a Clergyman. 8vo. Lond., 1863. J 9 P 36 804 CATALOGUE OF THE Wha] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Whe WHATELY (E. Jane). Life and Correspondence of Eiehard Whatelv, D.D., late Archbishop of DubHn. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1866. C 9 R 47, 48 WHATELY (M. L.) Among the Huts in Egj-pt : Scenes from Real Life. 8vo. Lend., 1871. D 1 T 20 WHATELY (Most Rev. Richard), D.D., Archbishop op DcjjLiN. Thoughts on Secondar}* Punishments, in a Letter to Karl Grey; to which are appended two Articles on Transportation to Xew South Wales, and on Secondary Punishments, and some Observations on Colonization. Svo. Lond., 1832. MF 2 P 12 Remarks on Transportation, and on a recent Defence of the System, in a second Letter to Earl Grev. 8vo. Lond., 1834. MF 2 P 13 Account of an Expediti(jn to the Interior of New Holland; edited bv Lady Mary Fox. {Fkthiotis.) 12mo. Lond., 1837.* ■ • ■ MJ 1 S 1 Account of an Expedition to the Interior of New Hol- land. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1849. ISIJ 1 S 3 Substance of a Speech on Transportation, delivered in the House of Lords, on the 19th of May, 1840. Svo. Lond., 1840. MF 2 P 14 The Soutlilanders : an Account of an Expedition to the Interior of New Holland. Edited by Lady Mary Fox. 3rd ed., revised. 12mo. Lond., 18G0. MJ 1 S 4 Elements of Logic. 8th ed. Svo. Lond., 1844. G 12 T 30 Element^ of Rhetoric. 4th ed. Svo. Oxford, 1832. J5S 15 Introductory Lectures on Political Economy. Svo. I-xjiid., 1831. F 3 P 7 Charges and other Tracts. 8vo. Lond., 1836. G12T32 E.ssays, 1st series : on some of tlie peculiarities of tlio Christian Religion; 2nd series : on .some of the Dilii- culties in the Writings of the Apostle Paul; 3rd series: on the Errors of Romanism. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1837. G 12 T 25-27 Selections from the Writings of. Thoughts and Apoph- thegm.s— Miscellaneous. 12mo. Lond., 1856. GlOPll Sermons on variousaubjects. Svo. Lond., 1835. G12T31 The use and abuse of Party Feeling in matters of Religion ; in Eight 8crnion.s. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1833. G12T2S Liff! and Correspondence of Richard Wliately, D.D., late Arclil)isliop of Dublin; by E. Jano Whatrlv. 2 vols. Svo. Ixind., 1866. C b 11 47, 48 View of the Scripture Revelations concerning a Future State; by " A Country PasUir." Svo. Lond., 1837. G 7 U 1 Bacon's Essays ; with Annotations. [See Bacon, Sir F.] WH.VTLEY (Stei'IIKN). England's Gazetteer; or, an Accu- rate DpHcription of all the Cities, Towns, and Villages of tb<- Kingrloin. 3 vols. 1 2nio. I>md., 1751. I) 1 1 C,) 3-5 WIIEAIIE (D.) MethfKl and Orrler of Reading b-.tli Civil and i: •iJc.Hiftfiticftl HiMUjries. 12mo. lyjnd., 16H5. B14Q20 WHEATLEY (Henry B.), F.S.A. Hand-book of Decora- tive Art in Gold, Silver, Enamel on Metal, Piircelain, and Earthenware. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1884. A 7 T 16 How to Form a Library. 12mo. Lond., 18S6. J 10 Q 36 Samuel Pepvs, and the World he lived in. Svo. Lond., 1880. ■ C 9 P 23 What is an Index? a few Note.s on Indexes and Indexers. Svo. Lond., 1878. J 3 S 26 WHEATLEY (Henry B.), F.S.A., and DELAMOTTE (Philip H.) Art Work in Earthenware ; Art Work in Gold and Silver. — Medifeval. (Hand-books of Practical Art.) Svo. Lond., 1882. A 7 S 28 WHEATLY (Charles), M.A., kc. Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England. Svo. Camb., 1858. G 12 T 24 WHEATON (Henry), LL.D. Digest of the Law of Mari- time Captures and Prizes. Svo. New York, 1815. F 4 S 19 Elements of International Law. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1836. F 4 S 22, 23 WHEATSTONE (Prof. Charles). Lives of the Elec- tricians. [&« Jeans, W. T.] C 2 S 14 WHEELER (Alexander). Vaccination opposed toScience, and a Disgrace to English Law. (Pam. Cp.) Svo. Lond., 1879. A 12 S 34 WHEELER (Daniel). Extracts from the Letters and Journal of Daniel Wheeler, now engaged in a Religious Visit to the Inhabitants of .sonic of the Islands of the Pacific Ocean, Van Diemen's Land, and New South Wales. Part 1. Svo. Lond., 1839. MD 7 P 23 Memoirs of the Life and Gospel Labours of [bv his Son, Daniel Wheeler]. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1S42. MC 1 R 24 WHEELER (Daniel), Junk. JMcmoirs of the Life and Labours of Daniel Wheeler ; by his Son. Svo. Lond., 1842. MC 1 R 24 WHEELER (J. Talboys), F.R.G.S. Analysis and Sum- mary of Herodotus; with a Syiichronislical Table of Prin- cipal Events, Tables of Weights, Measures, Money, and Distances, an Outline of the History and Geography, and the Dates, completed from Gaisford, Bachr, iSrc. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1877. B 14 Q 48 Analysis and Summary of Thucydides; with a Chrono logical Table of ]>rincipal Events, Money, Distances, kc, reduced to English Terms, a Skeleton Outline of the tJeo- gra]iliv. Abstracts of all the Speeches, Index, ic. Svo. Lond." 1S7G. B 9 S 15 Early Records of India: a History of the English Settlements in India. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1878. B 10 V 10 (!c'ogra]>liv of Herodotus. With Maps and Pl.'ins. Svo. Lond., 1851. I) 12 U 22 History of India, from tin' lOarliest Ages. I \i)ls. (in 5) Svo. Lond., 1867-81. B 10 R 20-24 India under I'.ritish Rule, from the Foundation of the East India Company. Svo. Lond., 1886. 1! 4 S 1 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 805 Whe] Part I : — Authors, Editor's, or Beference. [Whi WHEELER (William Adolpiius), :\I.A. Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction ; including also, Familiar Pseudonyms, .Surnames bestowed on Eminent Jlen, and analogous Popular Appellations often referred to in Litera- ture and Conversation. 12mo. Lond., 1866. K 17 P 6 WHEELER (William A. axd Charles G.) Familiar Allusions : a Hand-book of Mi.scellaneous Information, including the Names of Celebrated Statues, Paintings, Palaces, Country-seats, Ruins, Churches, Ships, Streets, Clubs, Natural Curiosities, and the like. 8vo. Lond., 188-2. K 9 P 6 WHEELWRIGHT (Rev.C.A.),M.A. [_See Akistophanes and Pindar.] WHEELWRIGHT (Horace W.), "The Old Bushman." Bush Wanderings of a Naturalist; or, Notes on the Field Sports and Fauna of Australia Felix. 12mo. Lond., 1861.* MA 2 T 23 Natural History Sketches. With Illustrations. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1871. MA 2 T 26 Sporting Sketches at Home and xVlji'oad. 12nio. Lond., 1866. MA 2 V 22 Another copy. 12mo. Lond., 1866. A 17 U 3 Ten Years in Sweden ; being a Description of the Land- scape, Climate, Domestic Life, Forests, Mines, Agri- culture, Field Sports, and Fauna of Scandinavia. 8vo. Lond., 1865. D 7 T 38 WHEILDON (W. W.) [See Bunker Hill Monument Association.] A 8 R 33 WHELAN (Peter). Numismatic Atlas of the Roman Empire. 8vo. Lond., 1864. A 13 S 46 Numismatic Dictionary; or, a Collection of the Names of all the Coins known, from the Earliest Period up to the Present Day, with their Countries, Values, Multiples, Divisions, ifec. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) K 7 Q 1 WHERE SHALL I DINE ? a Farsetta. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 22 WHERRY (Rev. E. I\I.), M.A. Comprehensive Commen- tary on the Quran ; comprising Sale's Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with Additional Notes and Emen- dations. I vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882-86. G 1-5 P l-I WHETHAM (J. W. Boddam-). Pearls of the Pacific. 8vo. Lond., 1876.* MD 5 S 33 WHETSTONE (George). Mirror of Treue Honnour and Christian Nobilitie : exposing the Life, Death, and Divine Vertues of the most Noble and Godly Lorde Francis Earle of Bedfoi'd, Baron Russell. \_See Park, T.] WHEWELL (Rev. William), D.D. A.stronomy and General Physics, considered with reference to Natural Theology. 8vo. Lond., 1834. A 3 S 11 History of the Inductive Sciences, from the earliest to the present times. 3 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1837. A 17 VI 1-13 Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, founded upon their History. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1840. G 2 S 27, 28 WHEWELL (Rev. William), D.T).— continued. On the Principles of English University Education. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1838. G 17 P 11 On tlie Philosophy of Discovery : Chapters Historical and Critical. 8vo. Lond., 1860. G 16 P 28 Of the Plurality of Worlds: an Essay. 12mo. Lond., 1854. A 3 R 20 Elements of Morality, including Polity. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1848. G 17 T 16, 17 History of Scientific Ideas. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1858. A 16 Q -5, 6 Indications of the Creator: Extracts bearing upon Theology, from the History and the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1846. G 2 P 23 An Account of liis Wi'itings; with Selections from his Literary and Scientific Correspondence; by .1. Todhunter, M.A. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1876. C 9 U 51-52 Strictures on Dr. Whewell's "History of the Inductive Sciences." (Pam., 19.) Svo. Lond., 1847. MJ 2 Q 8 Life and Selections from the Correspondence of William Whewell, D.D.; by Mrs. Stair Douglas. Svo. Lond., 1881. C 9 R 46 General Bearing of the Great Exhibition on the Progress of Arts and Sciences. [_See Lond. Intern.\t. Exhib., 1851.] A 16 Q 22 \_See Education.] WHIG, A. [See Present Crisis, The.] WHINFIELD (E. H.), M.A. The Quatrains of Omar Khayyam. \_See Omar Khayyam.] WHINYATES (Col. F. A.) From Coruiia to Sevastopol: the Historyof "C" Battery, "A" Brigade (late "C "Troop), Royal Horse Artillery. 8vo. Lond., 1884. B 5 U 15 WHISHAW (Francis), C.E. Railways of Great Bi-itain and Ireland, practically described and illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1840-41. _ AlQ6t WHISTLER (J. A. M.) [_See Wedmohe, F.] A 2 Q 20 f WHISTON (William), M.A. Historical Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Samuel Clarke. 8vo. Lond., 1730. C 4 T 3 WHITAKER (John), B.D. Ancient Cathedral of Corn- wall; historically surveyed. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1804.* B 17 Q 13, 14 X 2nd ed., enlarged. C 5 U 2-4 Mary Queen of Scots Vindicated. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1790. WHITAKER (Joseph), F.S.A. Almanack for the years 1881-85. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1880-84. E Reference Catalogue[s] of Current Literature, con- taining the full Titles of Books now in print and on sale ; with the prices at which they may be obtained of all Booksellers; and Index[es], 1874-75, 1877, 1880, 1885. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1874-85. Libr. 606 CATALOGUE OF THE Whi] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Whi "WHITAKER (TuoMAS Duxn.ui), LL.D., ic. Ducatus Leutliensis ; or, the Topography of the Town aad Parish of Leedes ; by Ralph Thoresby; with Notes and Addi- tions, md., 1832. " K 10 g 33 WHITE (Hevhv), M.A. {Su D'Auiikjn/:, .1 li .M ] WHITE (IlK.MiV Kii:kk). Ilemains of ; with an Account of ills F>if<', 1)V Rol«rt Soulhey. 9tli od. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1H2I. ' J G T G, 7 Life and Remains of. 12nio. L'.iwl , |."<'2."i .1 9 P 8 \_8tt BniTiHir Poets, 2.] WHITE (.James). Life Sketches: Ancestry, early Life, Chri.stiaii Experience, and extensive Labours of Elder James White, and his Wife, Mrs. Ellen G. White. 12mo. Battle Creek, Mich., 1880. G 7 T 21 Sketches of the Christian Life and Public Labours of Willinia Miller. 12m(>. Battle Creek, Mich., 1875. G 7 T 23 WHITE (James). Treatise on Veteriaar\- Medicine. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1820-21. " A 1 P 31-34 WHITE (John). Ancient History of the Maori ; his My- thology and Tradition. Horo-Utu; or, Taki-Tumu INIigra- tion. (English and ]\Iaori.) 2 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1887* MB 2 T''7, 8 Te Rou; or, the Maori at Home: a Tale, exhibiting the Social Life, INIanners, Habits, and Customs of the Maori Race of New Zealand prior to the Introduction of Ci\iliza- tion amongst them. 12mo. Lond., 1874.* i\IJ 1 R 23 WHITE (John), Surgeon-General. Journal of a A'oyage to New South Wales. 4to. Lond., 1790.* MD 4 Q 6 t Voyage a Nouvelle Galles du Sud, h, Botany-Bay, au Port Jackson, en 1787-89 ; traduite de I'Anglai.s par Charles Pougens. 8vo. Paris, 1795. MD 3 Q 32 WHITE (John H.) Queensland as an Emigration Field ; being a Reprint of Letters to the Christian World, with Notes, 12mo. Grimsby, 1882. MD 2 Q 34 WHITE (Rev. Joseph Blanco). Life of, written by him- self: with portions of his Correspondence edited by J. H. Thom. 3 vols. 8vo. Load., 1845. C 6 P 24-26 WHITE (Nathaniel). Handy-book on the Law of Friendly, Industi-ial and Provident Building and Loan Societies. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1867. ^ F 5 S 20 WHITE (Richard Grant). Every -day English : a Seiiuel to "Words and their Uses." 8vo. Boston, 1880. K12P22 Studies from Shakespeare. 8vo. Lond., 1885. J 9 S 17 Words and their Uses, Past and Present : a Study of the English Language. 3rd ed., revised and corrected. 8vo. Boston, ISxi. ' K 12 r 21 WHITE (Col. S. De\v£). Complete History of the Indian Mutiny. 8vo. Weston-super-Mare, 1 885. BIOS 7 WHITE (LiEUT.-CoL. Thomas Pilkington), R.E., kc. Ordnance Survey of tiic United Kingdoiu. 8vo. Edinb., 188G. ■ AG R 31 WHITE (Walter). Holidays in Tyrol Kufstein, Kloben- stein, and Paneveggio. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 7 R 1 Holidays in Tyrol, Klobenstein, Paneveggio, antl Obladio. I2inu. Lrip/ig, 1881. D 7 P 14 July Holiday in Sa.xmiv, Boiiciiiia, and Silesia. 8vo. Lond., 1857. ' D 8 Q 50 Londoner's Walk U< I In- Land's End. 8vo. Lond., l.s.-)."). D 7 R 38 iNlonlh in York.'^iiirc. Svo. L..ii(l., 1858. 1) 8 li 30 Rhymes. 8vo. Lond,, 1S73. H 8 V 23 Ri>porl on the East Anglian Eartli(iuake. \_See Mel- DOLA, R.] A 9 S 12 i FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 807 Whi] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Whi WHITE (.Skkcjt. William), R.A. Memoirs of Sergeant William Mai-jouraui, Royal Artillery; including Six Years' Service in New Zealand, during the late Maoi-i War. 12mo. Lend., 1861.* ' MC 1 P 23 WHITE (William Hale). Ethic demonstrated in Geo- metrical Order. \_See Spinoza, B. de.] WHITEFIELD (George), A.B. Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah, in Georgia. 12mo. Ijond., 1826. C 1 P 7 Life of; by the Rev. Samuel Kent. (Pam. Bb.) 12mo. Sydney, (n.d.) MG 1 P 49 WHITEHEAD (C.) Reports on Insects injurious to Hop Plants, Corn Crops, and Fruit Crops in Great Britain. 3 vols, (in 1) roy. 8vo. Lond., 1885-86. x\ 13 U 12 WHITEHEAD (John). Davidson's Precedents. [See Davidson, C] WHITEHEAD (Paul). Life and Poems of. [See Chal.mers, a., rtw^ Johnson, S.] WHITEHEAD (William). Creusa, Queen of Athens: a Tragedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1797.' " . H2P45 Another cojiy. [See Brit. Drama 2.] The Roman Father ; a Tragedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1792. H 2 P -tO Another copy. (Brit. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1808. H 1 P M Another copy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1788. " H4P27 Another copy. [See Brit. Drama 2.] The School for Lovers : a Comedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 1793. H 2 P 25 Another copy. [See Beit. Drama 4.] Life and Poems of. [See Chalmers, A.] WHITEHURST (Felix M.) My Private Diary during the Siege of Paris. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875. B 8 S 36, 37 WHITELAW (Rev. J.), M.R.I.A. History of the City of Dublin. [See Warburton, J.] B 15 Q 1, 2 J WHITELOCK (R. H.) Lectures on Modern History. [See ScHLEltEL, F.] B U P 1 WHITELOCKE (Sir Bulstrode). Journal of the Swedish Ambassy, in the years 1653-54, from the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland; written by the Am- bassador, the Lord Commissioner Whitelocke. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1772. B 2 T 9, 10 Memorials of the English AiTairs ; or, an Historical Account of what passed from the Beginning of the Reign of King Charles I, to King Charles ll, his happy Restaura- tion. Roy. fol. Lond., 1732. B 19 U 3 J: Notes uppon the King's Writt for choosing Members of Parlement; published by Charles Morton, M.D. ; with Index. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1766. B 2 T 17, 18 WIIITELY (J.) Centennial Geography of New South Wales, designed for use in Public Schools. 12nio. Syd- ney, 1888. MD 1 T 13 WHITEaiAN (John). Sparks and Sounds from .a Colonial Anvil. 12mo. Melb., 1873. MH 1 R .^O WHITESIDE (James), A.M., &c. Italy in the 19th Cen- tury, contrasted with its Past Condition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1848. B 12 R 21-23 WHITFORD (W. C), A.M. Historical Sketch of Educa- tion in Wisconsin; prepared for the National Centennial of 1876. 8v,,. Madison, Wis., 1876. G 17 R 2 WHITGIFT (John), D.D., Archbishop of Canterbury. Life and Acts of. [See Steype, J., 3-5.] WHITING (George). Products and Res,jurces of Tas- mania, as illustrated in the International E.xhiVjition, 1862. 8vo. Hobart, 1862. MF 3 P 8 WHITING (William). War Powers under the Consti- tution of the United States, Military Arrests, Recon- struction, and Military Government; also War Claims of Aliens. With Notes, &c. 43rd ed. Svo. Boston, 1871. F3P12 WHITMAN (C. O.) jNIethods of Research in Micro- scopical Anatomy and Embryology. Svo. Boston, 1885. A 27 U 31 WHITMAN (J.) Cameron's proposed Monthly Line of Steamers beteen Panama and Australia. (Pam., 30.) Svo. New York, 1855. MJ 2 Q 18 WHITMAN (Walter). AValt Whitman, Poet and Demo- crat; by John Robertson. (Round Table Series.) Svo. Edinb., 1884. C 6 U 28 Walt Whitman ; l)y Richard Maurice Bucke, M.D. Svo. Philad., 1883. C 4 S 45 Another copy ; to which is added English Critics on Walt AVliitman. Edited by Prof. E. Dowden. Svo. Glasgow, 1884. C 4 S 46 [See Essays from the Critic] WHITNEY (Geffrey). " Choice of Emblems." A Fac- simile Reprint ; edited by Henry Green, M.A. ; with an Introductory Dissertation, Essays, Literary and Biblio- graphical, and Explanatory Notes. 4to. Lond., 1866. ° ^ J8V7 WHITNEY (Rev. George H.), D.D. Hand-book of Bible Geography. Illustrated by nearly one hundred En- gravings and forty Maps and Plans. Svo. New York. 1875. D 11 R 12 WHITNEY (James Lyman). A ^Modern Proteus; or, a List of Books published under more than One Title. 12mo. New York, 1884. K 17 P 3 WHITNEY (JosiAH D.), LL.D. Climatic Changes of Later Geological Times : a Discussion based on Observation made in the Cordilleras of North America. 4to. Cam- bridge, 1882. A 2 S 27 t 808 CATALOGUE OF THE Whil Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Wie WHITXEY (Prof. William Dwight), Ph.D., &e. Life and Growth of Language. 8vo. Loiid., 1875. K li L' 7 Index Verboi'um to the publislied Text of tlie Atharva- Veda. Imp. 8vo. Newhaven, 188L K U R 3 Compendious German Grammar. 4th ed., with Sup- plement. 8vo. Lond., 1877. K 11 V 26 "WHITSON (T. W.) Maoriland. [_See Wilson, A.] MD 5 Q 42 WHITTIER (John Greexleaf). A Biography; b}- Francis H. Underwood. 8vo. Lond., 1884. 1 U 49 Poetical "Works of. Complete edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1882-84. H 8 R 14-16 Prose Works of. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886. J 12 T 4, 5 WHITTINGHAM (Major C. B.) Personal Recollections of a Ten Months' Residence in Berlin; also, Extracts from a Journal kept in Paris during the Crisis of 1839. 8vo. Lond., 1846. D 6 T 10 WHITTOCK (Nathaniel). On the Construction and Decoration of the Shop Fronts of London. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1840. A 2 T 28 Historj- of the Count v of Surrey. [See Allen, T.] B 4 U 20, 21 History of the County of York. Views. [See Allen, T.] ■ B 4 V 1-3, B 6 R 8-13 WHITTON (John). Description of the Lines and Works of Construction on the Railways of New Soutli AVales. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1876.* MA 1 P 1 | New South Wales Railways: Section of the Great Southern Railway — Sydney to Albury ; Section of the Great Western Railway — Sydney to Orange ; Section of the Great Northern Railway — Newcastle to Tamworth. 3 vols. ob. fol. Sydney, 1877. MA 1 P 1-3 | Report to the Hon. the Secretary for Public Works on the Railways in course of Construction, and the Trial .Sur\-eys for proposed Extensions in the Colony of New South Wales, 1 June, 1878. Fol. Sydney, 1878. MA 1 P 1 J Report on the Ti-ial Surveys for proposed Railway Exlen- fiioas, Fol. Sydney, 1879. MJ 2 U 5 Map showing the Railways of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1883. MD 5 P 13 | WHITWORTH (Charles), Lord. Account of Russia as it wa-s in 1710. 12mo. Slrawl)orry Hill, 1758. D 7 P 21 WHITWORTH (George Cliffoku). An Anglo-Indian Dictionary : a Glossary of Indian Torins used in Englisii and of such English or other Non-Indian Terms as have obtained Special Meanings in India. 8vo. Lond., 188.5. K 15 P 7 WIIITWOHTH (UonKiiT P.) Stories told round Ihr Camp Firilcd from the Nolc-lmok of "Mr. Daniel Digwcll" [li. P. Whitworlh]. [See Evanh, G. C] iMJ 1U8 Kaillicre'K New Soutli Wales Gazetteer. [See Balliere, F. F.j Uallifre'ii Victorian Gazetteer, \_8et Balliere, F. F.] WHY:\IPER (Edward). Scrambles amongst the Alps, in the years 1860-69. With Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1871. D 6 T 25 WHYMPER (F.) The Sea : its Stirring Story of Adven- ture, Peril, and Heroism. Illustrated. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1878-81. J 2 U 6-9 Fisheries of the World : an illustrated and Descriptive Record of the International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 15 S 17 WICHMANN (A.) Geologic Ost-Asiene und Australiens. [_See Geologischen Reichs-Museums in Leiden.] WICKES (C), Architect. Handy-book on Villa Archi- tecture. Svo. Lond., 1862. A 2 U 6 WICKES (E. W.) Brief Outline of English Grammar; adapted for Australian Beginners, also for the use of Pupils who are able to devote only a short time to the study of Grammar. 18mo. Adelaide, 1861. MJ 2 P 34 Brief Outlme of the History of England. 4th ed. 18mo. Adelaide, 1865. MJ 2 P 34 Geography for Australian Beginners ; with Notices of Australian Discovery and Exploration; Sacred Geo- graphy; and Maps. 18rao. Adelaide, 1865. MJ 2 P 34 WICKHAM (Capt. E. H.), R.A. Influence of Firearms on Tactics. [_See Influence.] A 16 T 27 WICKHAM (Rev. Hill) [See Whallev, T. S.] Journals of T. S. Whalley. C 9 P 47, 48 WICLIF oil WYCLIFFE (John), D.D. Joannis Wiclefi, Viri undiquaijue piissimi, Dialogorum Libri Quatuor, ([uoruin primus Divinitatem et Ideas tractat. 4to. Francofurti, 1753. G 4 R 25 WycklyfFe's Wycket : whych he made in Kyng Rychards Days the Second. Tmprvnted at Norenburch, 1546. Reprinted by Thos. P. Pan'tin. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1828. G 8 P 12 John Wycliirc and his English Precursors ; by Prof. Lechler, D.D. ; translated from the German by the late Prof. Lorimer, D.D. 8vo. Lond., 1878. C 6 U 29 De Ortu ac Progressu Hicreaum J. Witclefi in Angli Presbyteri. [See Grassi, P. M.] Wiclif and Hus. [&« Losertii, Prof. J.] Writings of. [See British Reformers, 12.] Wyclillito Version of the Books of Jol), Psalms, itc. [^See Bibles, itc] [See BoswoRTH, Rev. J.] WIDOWSON (Henry). Present State of Van Dicmcn's T^and ; comprising an Account of its Agricultural Capa- bilities. Svo. Lond., 1829.* MD 4 V 9 Wl KDEMANN (1-. J.) [See Sjogren, J. A.] W 1I:DEUSHEIM (H.) Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of V^erlebrales; translated by W. N. Parker. Roy. 8vo. Load., 1886, A 27 U 29 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAllY, SYDNEY. 809 Wie] Pabt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wil WTELAND (Christopher Martin von). Les Aventures Merveilleuses. [_See Cabinet des Fees, 36.] Oberon: a Poem; from the German of Wielantl, Ijy W. Sotliel>v. 3r-d ed. 2 vol.s. 12mo. Loud., 1826. H 8 R 6, 7 Oberon : a Romantic Fairy Tale. (Cumberland's Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1829. H 2 Q 13 Republic of Fools ; being a History of tlie State and People of Abdera, in Thrace ; translated by Henry Christma,s, M.A. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1861. J 4 R 19, 20 WIESENER (Louis). Youth of Queen Elizabeth, 1 533-58 ; edited by Charlotte M. Yonge. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879. C2P11, 12 WIFE OF AN OFFICER IN" THE 16tii FOOT, The. [See AsHMORE, Mes. Harriette.] WIFFEN (J. H.) Life of Tasso. [Se« Tasso, T.] WIGAN FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Index Catalogue of Books and Papers relating to Mining, JNIetallurgy, and Manufactures; by Henry Tennyson Folkard, Reference Department. Roy. 8vo. Southport, 1880. K 8 Q 17 WIGGINS (John), F.G.S. "Monster" Misery of Ireland: a Practical Treatise on the relatitm of Landlord and Tenant. 8vo. Lond., 1844. F 5 T 14 Practice of Embanking Lands from the Sea. New ed. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1867. A 17 P 13 WIGHT (George). Queensland, theField for BritishLabour and Enterprise, and the Source of England's Cotton Supplv. 2nded. 12mo. Lond., 1862.* MD 4 Q 19 WIGHT (Thomas). History of the Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers in Ireland, 1653-1700; after- wards revised and continued to 1751 by John Ruttv. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1811. G 15 Q 20 WIGHTWICK (Georoe). Hints to Young Architects; revised and enlarged bv G. H. Guillaume. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1875. " A 17 Q 31 WIGNER (G. W.), F.C.S. Sugar-growing and Refining. [_Sie Lock, C. G. W.] WIGRAM (Rev. Spencer Robert), M.A. Chronicles of the Abbey of Elstow; with some Notes on the Archi- tecture of the Church, by M. J. Buckley. 8vo. Oxford, 1885. B 7 Q 7 WILBERFORCE (Edward). Social Life in Munich. 8vo. Lond., 1863. D 8 Q 42 Statute Law : the Principles which govern the Construc- tion and Ojieration of Statutes. 8vo. Lond., 1881. F 10 P21 WILBERFORCE (Reginald G.) Life of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Wilberforce. [fe Ashwell, A. R.] C 9 R 42-44 WILBERFORCE (Robert Isaac and Rev. Samuel). Life of William Wilberforce ; by his Sons. 5 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1838. C 4 U 34-38 5z: WILBERFORCE (Rt. Rev. Samuel), Bishop op Win- chester. Life of; with Selections from his Diaries and Coriespondence, by A. R. Ashwcll, M. A., and Reginald G. Wilberforce. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880-82. C 9 R 42-44 [_See Wilberforce, R. I.] WILBERFORCE (William). Letter to the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of Yorkshire. (Pam. Dd.) 8vo. Lond., 1807. F 12P22 Life of ; by his Sons, Robert Isaac Wilberforce, and Samuel Wilberforce. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. C 4 U 34-38 Practical View of the prevailing Religious Systems of pi-ofessed Christians in tlie Higher and Middle Classes in this Country. 8vo. Lond., 1805. G 15 R 2 Letter to William Wilberforce [on the above]. \_See Wakefield, G.] WILCOCKE (Samuel Hull). New Pocket Dictionary of the English-Dutch and Dutch-English Languages. Sq. 18mo. Lond., 1811. K 11 S 18 WILCOCKS (J. C.) The Sea-Fisherman ; comprising the chief Methods of Hook and Line Fishing in the British and other Seas, and Remarks on Nets, Boats, and Boating. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1884. A 16 P 22 WILD (Charles). Cathedrals of Canterbury and York : a Series of Views. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1809. A 4 P 9 J Illustration of the Architecture and Sculpture of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1819. A 4 P 9 t Illustration of the Architecture and Sculpture of the Cathedral Church of Worcester. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1823. A 1 P8 I Illustration of the Architecture of the Cathedral Church of Chester. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1813. A 4 P 9 J lUustratii^i of the Architecture of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1813. A 4 P 9 J Views of Metropolitan Church of Canterburv. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1809. A 4 P 9 J Views of Metropolitan Church of York. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1809. A 4 P 9 t WILD (Mrs. E.), "Bess of the Forest, the Lincolnshire Lass." Long Bay. 18mo. Sydney, 1865. MJ 1 P 16 Squire Brown and Mr. Robmson's Ride. 16mo. Svdney, 1865. MJ 1 P 16 The Arrival of Sijuire Turner and Lady Lucy; Mr. Robinson's Courtship. 16mo. Sydney, 1865. MJ 1 P 16 The Landscape. 16mo. Sydney, 1865. MJ 1 P 16 The Fortune-Teller. 16mo. Sydney, 1865. MJ 1 P 16 AVILD (John James), Ph.D., kc. At Anchor: a Narrative of Experiences Afloat and Ashore during the Voyage of ■ H.M.S. Challenyer, 1872-76. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1878. MD 2 P 5 t WILDE (Jacob de). Selecta Numismata Antiqua, ex Mu.sseo Jacobi de Wilde. 4to. Amsterd., 1692. A 13 S 39 810 CATALOGUE OF THE Wil] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wil WILDE (Jane Fran'cesca Speranza), Lady, "Speraxza." Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887. B 11 P 26, 27 Driftwood from Scandinavia. 8vo. Lond., 188-1:. D 8 S 42 WILDE (Sir William R.), M.D., kc. Austria ; its Literary, Scientiiic, and Medical Institutions. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. D8R 32 Closing Years of Dean Swift's Life ; with Remarks on Stella, and on some of his Writings hitherto unnoticed. 8vo. DubUn, 1849. C 9 U 33 Memoirs of Gabriel Beranger, and his Labours in the Cause of Irish Art and Antiquities, 1760-80. With Illustrations. Roy. 8vo. Dublin, 1880. C 3 W 4 Narrative of a Voyage to Madeira, Teneriffe and along the Shores of the Mediterranean. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1840. D 9 S 26, 27 WILDEY (C.\PT.) Treatise on Chinese Labourers as com- pared with Europeans, the Tribes of Africa, and the various Castes of Asiatics. (Pam 2.) 8vo. Lond., 1836. MJ 2 P 37 WFLDEY (William Br.\ckley). Australasia and the Oceanic Region ; with some Notice of New Guinea. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MD 4 R 25 WILHELM (Capt. Thomas). Military Dictionary and Gazetteer. ReWsed ed. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1881. A29 Y 12 WILHELMI (Charles). Manners and Customs oi the Australian Natives. 8vo. Melb., 1862. MD 1 V 9 WILKES (Admiral Charles), U.S.N. Narrative of tlie United States E.xploring E.\pedition, during the years 1838-42. Text and Atlas. 6 vols. imp. 4to. Pluhul., 1845. D 31 P 1-G.J Another copy; condensed and abridged Roy. 8vo. Lond., 184.5.* ■ ■ MD 3 V 12 WILKES (George). Shakespeare, from an American point of view, including an iiinuiry as to his Religious Faith and liis knowledge of I>iiw; with the IJaconiau Theory considered. 8vo. Loud., 1S77. C 9 R 23 WILKES (.loHv), Lord Mayor of London. Biograpliies of .Joim Wilkes and W. Coldiett; by J. S. Watson. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1870. C 5 Q 30 SjMjeche.s in the House of Commons, 1775-87. 8vo. Lond., 1786-87. F 4 U 16 English Lit>erty ; being a Collection of interesting Tracts, from the year 1762 to 1769, containing tlie Private Cnrresjifindenee, Public Letters, Speeches, and Addresses of Wilkes, Esq. Sm. fol. Lond., 1771. P. 18 Q 1 J WFLKIE (Sm David): a Birigraphy; by J. W. Mollett, 15. A. (Great ArtistH.) 8v<.. lymd., 1881. C 3 T 3} Life of ; with his JournalH, Tours, and Critical Remarks on Works of Art, and a Selection from hisCorres])onrlence ; by Allan Cunningham. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., IK 13. C S 37-39 WILKIE (Sir D.wid) — continued. Observations on the Communication of. Relative to the National Gallery. [See Gwilt, C. P.] A 7 Q 13 Etchings by Sir Da^•id Wilkie, R.A., and by Andrew Geddes, A.R.A. ; with Biographical Sketches, by Da\"id Laing, F.S.A.S. Sm. fol. EcUnb., 1875. A 23 R 11 J WILKIE (William), D.D. Life and Poems of. [See Chalmer.s, a.] WILKIN (Simon), F.L.S. Sir Thomas Browne's Works. [See Browne, Sir T.] J 10 T 22-25 WILKINS (Sir Charles), Knt., &c. The Bhagvat Geeta; or. Dialogues of Krefshn^ and Arj06n, in eighteen Lec- tures, witb Notes. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1785. G12R4t ^^'ILKINS (David), S.T.P. ConciHa Magna; Brittamiise et Hibernia', a Synodo Yerolamiensi a.d. 446, ad Londi- nensem a.d. 1717. 4 vols. imp. fol. Lond., 1737. G 35 Q 9-12 + Leges Anglo-Saxonicre Ecclesiasticie et Civiles; accedunt Leges Edvardi Latinie, Guilielmi Conquestoris Gallo- Normannicie, et Henrici i Latinje. Fol. Lond., 1721. F 29 P 12 t WILKINS (George), M.A. Growth of the Homeric Poems: a Discussion on their Origin and Authcirship. 8yo. Dublin, 1885. J 12 V 3 AVILKINS (William), M.A., l-c. On the Change in the line of Front <:)f the Buildings for the National Gallery. 8vo. Lond., 1833. A 7 Q 13 Pri>lusiones Architectonica?; or, Es.says on subjects Odunected with Grecian and Roman Architecture. 4to. Lond., 1837. A 2 U 27 Civil Architecture of Vitruvius. \_Sce Vitruvius.] A 23 R 19 t WILKIN (W.) Geograpliy of New South Wales. 3rd ed., revised. 12mo. Sydney, 1881. MD 1 T 38 Principles that underlie the Art of Teaching : six Lectures, delivered at the Technical College, Sydney, under the au.spices of the Board of Technical Education. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MG 1 R 8 Australasia: a Descriptive and Pictorial Account of the Australian and New Zealand Colonies, Tasmania, and the aiigra|>liical Noticos of Jcrus.diMn ; with Iliuitratinn.s from Sk(;tch(!H by the Rev. W . V. Wilts. Svo. Lond., 1815. 1! 10 P 30 WILLIAMS (GKORfjE W.) History of the Negro Race in Ainrrioi, Kil'J-lSSO; NegrocH ah Slaves, as Soldiers and as Citiz»-iiii. 2 vols. Svo. New York, IMH.i. B 1 T 36, 37 WILLIAMS (Hartley), Judge. Religion without Super- stition. 8vo. Melb., 1885.* " MG 1 P 23 Another copy. 3rd ed., revised. Svo. Melb., 1885. iNIG 1 P 25 WILLIAMS (Helen INIaria). Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent. [See Hi-mboldt, P. H. A. VON, Baron, and Bonpland, A.] D 3 T 19-24 Researches concerning the Institutions and jMnnuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America. [See Hu.muoldt, F. H. A. vox, Baron.] WILLIAMS (Rev. Henry), Archdeacon op Waim.\te. Life of : by Hugh Carleton. 2 vols. Svo. Auckland, 1874-77. MClQll, 12 WILLIAMS (Henry L.) Selections from Poetical Works of Victor Hugo. [See Hugo, V. M.] WILLIAISIS (Howard), M.A. English Letters and Letter- writers of tlie 18th Century. 1st Series. Swift and Pope. Svo. Lond., 1886. C 2 V 29 WILLIAMS (Rev. James). System of Shorthand. [See Anderson, T.] WILLIAMS (Rev. John). Life and Actions of Alexander the Great. 2ud ed. 12mo. Lond., 1829. C1P4 WILLIAMS (Rev. John). :Memoirs of the Life 'of ; by Ebenezer Prout. 3rd thousand. 8vo. Lond., 1S43. C 11 P19 Another copy. 3rd thousand. Svo. Lond., 1843. :\rc 1 R 26 Narrative of jMissionary Enterprise in the South Sea Islands; with Remarks upon the Natural History of the Islands, Origin, Languages, Traditions, and Usages of the Inliabitants. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1837. MD 6 Q 1 Another copy. 6th thousand. Svo. Lond., 1837.* ]MD 6 Q 2 Another copy. 6th thousand. Svo. Lond., 1838. MD 6 Q 4 Another coj;/. i7tli tlumsand. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1840. Ml) 6 Q 5 WTLTJAMS (.loiiN Bltlkh), C.E., kc. Practical Geodesy ; comprising Chain Surveying and the use of Surveying Instruments, L(!yelling and Tracing of Contours. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1855. A 6 T 25 WlLIilAMS (John C.\rvel). Disestal)lishnu'nl. [See 'ILLTAMS (.; Ricii.vuD, H.J WILLIAMS (Joshua). Law of Real Properly. I llli ed., edited by T. C. Williams. Svo. Lond., F i p 2 WILIJAMS (l)u. .Josi.mi), F.R.G.S. Life in the Soudan: Adventures among tho Tribes, and Travels in Egypt, in 1S81-S2. Illustrated. Svo. L 1., IMS). 1) 2 R 12 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 813 Wil] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wil WILLIAMS (Sir Monieh), K.C.S.I., M.A., At. Indian AVisdoni ; or, Examples of the Religious, Philosophical, and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus. 8vo. Lond., 1875. G 4 S 13 Modern India and the Indians; being a Series of Im- pressions, Notes, and Essays. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1879. " D 6 Q 32 Religious Thought and Life in India : an Account of the Religions of the Indian Peoples, based on a Life's Study of their Literature, and on Personal Investigations in their own Country. Part 1. Vedism, Brahmanism, and Hinduism. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G 4 S 23 WILLIAMS (Rev. Robeet), M.A. Enwogion Cymru : a Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Welshmen, from the earliest times. 8vo. Llandovery, 1852. C 11 Q 9 WILLIAMS (Robert), B.A. Nicliomachean Ethics of Aristotle. \_See Aristoteles.] WILLIAMS (Prof. Robert Folkestone). Lives of the English Cardinals; including Historical Notices of the Pajial Court, from Nicholas Breakspear (Pope Adrian iv) to Thomas Wolsev, Cardinal Legate. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1868. " C 10 Q 23, 24 Shakespeare and his Friends ; or, the " Golden Age" of Merry England. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. J4R24-26 Court and Times of James the First. {_See Birch, Rev. T.] C 10 S 37, 38 Court and Times of Charles the First. \_See Birch, Rev. T.] C 10 S 39, 40 WILLIAMS (Samuel), LL.D. Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Burlington, 1809. B 1 T 2 7,28 WILLIAMS (Prof. Samuel Wells), LL.D. The Middle Kingdom : a Survey of the Geography, Government, Literature, Social Life, Arts, and History of the Chinese Empire and its Inhabitants. Revised ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1883. D 5 T 31, 32 Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language ; arranged according to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the Pro- nunciation of the Characters as heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai. Roy. 4to. Shanghai, 1874. K 13 U 10 WILLIAMS (Thomas), and CALVERT (James). Fiji and Fijians : the Islands and their Inhabitants. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1858. MD 4 R 11, 12 WILLIAMS (Thomas C.) New Zealand ; the Manav.'atu Purchase completed; or, the Treaty of Waitangi broken. 8vo. Lond., 1868. MF 2 P 11 WILLIAMS (Rt. Rev. William), D.C.L., Bishop of Waiapu. Dictionary of the New Zealand Language, and a concise Grammar. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 18.'i2.* MK 1 P 31 Dictionary of the New Zealand Language. 3rd ed., with Additions by the Ven. W. L. Williams, B.A. 8vo. Lond., 1871. MK 1 Q 26 Christianity among the New Zealanders. With Illustra- tions. 8vo. Lond., 1867.* MG 1 P 34 AVILLIAMS (W.) Manual of Telegrapliv. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1885. " A 5 R 53 WILLIAMS (William). Secondary Punishments dis- cussed; by "Humanitas, an Emigrant of 1821." Sydney, 1834. (Beprinied.) Lond., 1835. MF 1 Q 15 WILLIAMS (AViLLiAM Ellis Hume). Parliament, from the year 1782 to 1800. 8vo. Lond., 1879. B 11 R 13 AVILLIAM (William Frith). Historical and Statistical Account of the Bermudas, from their discovery to the pre.sent time. 8vo. Lond., 1848. B 1 R 11 WILLIAMS (Rev. William F.) Syi-ian Antilegomena Epistles. [See Hall, I. H.] G 3 P 22 t WILLIAMS (Ven. William Leonard), B.A. First Lessons in the Maori Liuiguage; with a short Vocabulary. 18mo. Auckland, 1872. MK 1 P 36 Lessons in the English Language for Maori Schools. 8vo. Wellington, 1875.* MK 1 P 37 [See Williams, Rt. Rev. W.] WILLIAMS (W. M.), F.C.S., &c. Iron and Steel. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 34 Oils and Candles. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 36 Explosive Compounds. (Brit. Manuf. Indust.) 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 17 S 38 WILLIAMSON (Alexander W.) Chemistry for Students. (Clar. Press.) 3rd ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1873. A 21 P 5 WILLIAMSON (Prof. Benjamin), M.A., &c., and TAR- LETON (Francis A.), LL.D. Elementary Treatise on Dynamics; containing Applications to Thermodynamics. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 16 Q 8 WILLIAMSON (William C), F.R.S. Organization of the Fossil Plants of the Coal Measures. Part 7. (Rov. Soc. Pubs., 2.) 4to. Lond., 1876. AlfP3t Organization of the Fossil Plants of the Coal Measures. Parts 8, 9. (Roy. Soc. Pubs., 4, 5.) 4to. Lond., 1877-79. A 11 P 5, 6 t WILLIE'S FIRST ENGLISH BOOK, written for Young jMaoris who can read their own J\Iaori Tongue, and who wish to learn the English Language. 12mo. Welling- ton, 1872. MK 1 P 35 WILLIS (Alfred). Wanderings among the High Alps. 8vo. Lond., 1856. ' D 9 Q 33 WILLIS (Arthur), GANN & CO. New Zealand Cir cular. Assisted Passages for Good Labourers and Mechanics to the Province of Canterbury. Free Grants of Land 40 to 500 acres and upwards in the Pro^-ince of Auckland. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 2 P 32 New Zealand Hand-book; or. Emigrant's Bradshaw; being a complete Guide to the Britain of the South. 12mo. Lond., 1859. MD 2 P 46 814 CATALOGUE OF THE Wil] Part I: — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wil WILLIS (Brow'Xe), LL.D. Xotitia Parliamentaiia ; con- taining an Account of the First Returns and Incorpora- tions of the Cities, Towns, and Boroughs in England and "Wales that send Memljers to Parliament. 8vo. Lond., 1750. F 5 T 7 WILLI'S (C. J.), M.D. Persia, as it is; being Sketches of Modern Persian Life and Character. 8vo. Lond., 1886. D 5 r 8 WILLIS (Rev. Fr.\scis). Portrait of Dr. Willis. [_See Manuscripts and Portraits.] ^IF 1 U 21 WILLIS (J. A. C.) Map of Port Jackson and Citj- of Sydney, showing the adjacent ^Municipalities. 8vo. Sydney, 18G7. Ml) .5 P 11 ■ WILLIS (John Walpole). Notes on the acquisition of New Zealand as a Dependency of New South Wales, with reference to Lands obtained by British Subjects from the Aborigines. (MS. — Pam. A.) Fol. Sydney, 1840. MJ"2 U"l WILLIS (N.\TH.\NIEL Parker). Health Trip to the Tropics. Svo. Lond., 1854. D 3 R 51 Letters from under a Bridge, and Poems. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1810. J 4 T 8 Life of E. A. Poe. {See Poe, E. A.] Ix)iterings of Travel. 3 vols. 8\X). Lond., 1840. J 8 R 5-7 Canadian Scenery Illustrated ; from Drawings, by W. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1842. D 3 V 2, 3 WILLIS (Robert), M.D. Benedict de Spinoza; his Life, Correspondence, and Ethics. 8vo. Lond., 1870. C 9 R 32 WILLIS (Rev. Robert). Architectural History of the I'nivei-sitv of Cambridge; enlarged by J. C. Clark. 8vo. Cainb., 1880. A 3 Q 10-13 Macliines and Tools for working in ^letal, Wood, and other ^Materials. [See Loxu. Intern. E.xiiid. 1851.] A IG Q22 WILLIS AND SOTHEHAN. Catnlogue of Ancient and MiKl.rn B.M< )T (Silt John E. Eaudlev), Bart. Reminiscences of t lie lat(! Thomas Asshetoii Smith ; or, the Pursuits of an English Country Gentleman. Svo. Lond.,18G0. C 9 U 20 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAHY, SYDNEY. 815 Wil] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wil WILSEN (F. C.) B6r6 Boedoor op het Eilaud Java. [See Leemans, Dr. C] WILSHIRE (J. 11.) Letter to W. C. Wentworth Esq., M.C., on the su})ject of Municipal Revenue, as prayed for by the Corporation of the City of Sydney. (Pari. Docs., 41.) Fol. Sydney, 1844. MF 4 + Letter to W. C. Wentworth, Esq., M.C., on tlie subject of Police Administration, as prayed for by the Corporation of the City of Sydney. (Pari. Docs., 41.) Fol. Sydney, 1844. MF 4 X WILSON (Alexander), and BONAPARTE (C. L.) American Ornithology; or, the Natural History of the Bird.s of the United States. (Const. Misc.) 4 vols. 18mo. Edinb., 1831. KlORl-4 WILSON (Alexander), WADDELL (Rutherford), and WHITSON (T. W.) JVIaoriland : an Illustrated Hand- book to New Zealand, issued Ijy the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand. 12m(.). Melb., 1884.* MD .5 Q 42 WILSON (A. J.) Dictionary of Commerce and Com- mercial Navigation. [See Macculloch, J. R.] WILSON (Alexander .Johnstone). Reciprocity, Bi-Metal- lism, and Land-Tenure Reform. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F 4 S 21 Resources of Modern Countries : Essays towards and Estimate of the Economic Position of Nations, and British Trade Prospects. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878. F 3 P 3, 4 WILSON (Alexander Stephen). A Bushel of Corn. With Illustrations. 8vo. Edinb., 1833. F5S1 WILSON (Andrew), Ph.D., &c. Chapters on Evolution. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 14 S 35 Studies in Life and Sense. 8vo. Lond., 1877. G 7 T 29 The Abode of Snow : Observations on a Journey from Chinese Thibet to the Indian Caucasus, through the Upper Valleys of the Himalaya. 8v(). Edinb., 187-5. D 5 T 36 WILSON (Charles Heath). Life and Works of Michel- angelo Buonarroti. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1876. C 9 V 28 WILSON (Rev. Charles Thomas), M. A., &c., and FELKIN (R. W.), F.R.G.S., kc. Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882. D 1 R 28, 29 WILSON (Lieut.-Col. Charles Townshend). Duke of Berwick, Marshal of Fi-ance. 1702-34. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 8 S 10 James the Second and the Duke of Berwick. 8\o. Lond., 1876. B 6 P 47 WILSON (Col. Sir Charles William), K.C.B., kc. From Korti to Khartum : a Journal of the Desert March from Korti to Gabat, and of the ascent of the Nile in General Gordon's Steamers. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. D 1 Q 1 WILSON (CoL. Sir Charles William), K.C.B., and PALMER (Capt. Henry Spence), R.E. Ordnance Survey of the Peninsula of Sinai. In 3 parts. 5 vols, fol. Southampton, 1869. D 4 S 1-5 X WILSON (Col. Sir Charles William), K.C.B., kc, and warren (Col. Sir Charles), G.C.M.G., &c. Recovery of Jerusalem : Narrative of Exploration and Discoverv in the City and the Holy Land. 8vo. Lond., 1871. " D 4 U 4 WILSON (Mrs. Cornwell Baron-) Memoirs of Harriot, Duchess of St. Albans. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1839. C 3 U 40, 41 WILSON (Felix). [See Moore, J. S.] WILSON (Prof. Sir Daniel), Knt., LL.D. Archeology and Pre-historic Annals of Scotland. Roy. Svo. Edinb., 1851. B 12 V 31 Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time. Roy. 4to. Edinb., 1875. B 16 R 11 I WILSON (Rt. Rev. Daniel), D.D., Bishop of Calcutta. The Apostolical Commission : a Sermon, deli\'ered at the Cathedral Church of St. John, Calcutta. 2nd ed. (Pam., Be.) 8vo. Madras, 1835. G 16 SIS Two Charges delivered to the Clergy in the Diocese of Calcutta. (Pam Be.) 8vo. Madras," 1835. G 16 S 18 WILSON (D. M.) Elements of Thermal Chemistrv. [See MuiR, M. M. P.] WILSON (Edward). Squatters' Directory ; containing a List of all the Occupants of Crown Lands in the inter- mediate Unsettled Districts of Port Phillip. 8vo. Melb., 1849. MJ 2 R 15 Enquiry into the Principles of Representation : a Re- print of several Letters and Leading Articles from the Argus Newspaper. Svo. Melb., 1857. MF 1 Q 3 Another copy. MJ 2 Q 14 Rambles at the Antipodes : a Series of Sketches of Moreton Bay, New Zealand, the Murray River, and South Australia, and the Overland Route. 12mo. Lond., 1859.* MD 1 S 42 Acclimatisation ; read Isefore the Roval Colonial Insti tute. (Pam. Ch.) Svo. Lond., 187.5. MA 2 Q 29 Another copy. (Para. Co.) Svo. Lond., 187-5. A16U23 Another copy. (Pam. Cg.) Svo. Lond 1875. MA2VS Another cop}-. Svo. Lond., 1875 M.J 2 R 9 [See Argus Libel Case.] F 1 Q 1 WILSON (Rev. F. R. M.) Memoir of the Rev. Irving Hetherington, Scots' Church, ^Melbourne : including Sketches of the History of Presbvterianism in New South Wales and Victoria. Svo. Melb., 1876. 5IC 1 Q WILSON (Rev. Canon Frederick Sydney). Australian Songs and Poems. 12mo. Sydney, 1S70. MH 1 P 43 [See DuBBO Home Words, The.] ME 3 816 CATALOGUE OF THE Wil] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wil "WILSOX (Prof. George), M.D., kc. Five Gateways of Knowledge. 2nd eti 12mo. Caiub., 18.57. G9P36 WTLSOX (George H.) Ena; or, the Ancient Maori. 8vo. Lend., 1874. ^U 1 R 28 WILSON (Henry). History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1872- 77. BIS 10-12 WILSON (Capt. Hexry). Account of the Pelew Islands. {See Keate, George.] MD 6 P 20 t Supplement ' to an Account of the Pelew Islands. \_See Hockix, Rev. J. P.] 3ID 6 P 20 t WILSON (Hentjy), axd CAULFIELD (James). Book of Wonderful Characters, Memoirs and Anecdotes of Remarkable and Eccentric Persons in all Ages and Countries. 8vo. Lond., 1869. C 3 U 2 WILSON (Prof. Horace Hatman), M.A., etc. Dic- tionarv, Sanscrit and English. Roy. 4to. Calcutta, 1819." K3S21t Introduction to the Grammar of the Sanscrit Language, for the use of Earlv Students. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1847. " K 12 S 32 t Essavs and Lectures, chiefly on the Religion of the Hindus. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1862. G 4 S 8, 9 Ai-iana Antiijua : a Descriptive Account of tlie Anti- quities and Coins of Afghanistan. 4to. Lond., 1841. B 17 Q 2 J *VLshnu Purana : a system of Hindu Mythology and Ti-adition. Roy. 4to." Loud., 1840. 'B14'R13t Rig-Veda Sanhitii : a Collection of Ancient Hindu H}-nms. 2nd ed. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1866. G 4 Q 32-3.") Manual of Universal History and Chronology. 12iiio. L;. Missionary Voyage to the Sfiuthern Pacific Ocean, performed in the years 1796-98, in the Ship DufT, commanded by Capt. James AVilson. 4to. I»nd., 1799.* MD G P 22 t [See Vasojt, G.] Wn>'>.V (Jamfji), F.R.S.E., 4c. Voyage round tlie Coi^ti of Scotland and the Isles. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., If^lJ. i)9P3, 4 Hrilish India. [5« Mlhiiav, H.J 15 10 Q 10-18 Wn,sf»N (Mrd. James Glksxik). I^ysfrom an .'Vtistralian Lyre; by "AuMlral." 12iiio. I>.nd., 1882. .MIilU3 WILSON (James Grant). Bryant and his Friends: some Reminiscences of the Knickerlxicker Writers. 8vo. New York, 1886. C 3 S 10 WILSON (James M.), iM..\., kc. Hand-book of Double Stars. [See Crossley, E.] WILSON (Jasper). Letter, Commercial and Political, ad- dressed to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt. 8vo. Lond., 1793. F6T2 WILSON (Prof. John), " Christopher North." Memoir of John Wilson ; compiled from Family Papers, kc, by his Daughter, Mrs. Gordon. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1862. C 4 R 2, 3 Poems by. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1825. H 8 R 11, 12 Works of. Edited by his Son-in-law, Prof. Ferrier. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1865-70. J 6 Q 20-31 WILSON (John). Studies of Modern Mind and Charac- ter, at several European Epochs. Svo. Loud., 1881. B 7 U 28 WILSON (John Alexander). Immortality of the Uni- verse considered in relation to the Persistence of its Motive Powers. Svo. Melb., 1875. MA 2 V 17 WILSON (Hon. John Bowie). Repoi-t on the Present State anil Future Prospects of Lord Howe Island. 4to. Sydney, 18Si.* MD 6 P 26 t WILSON (Prof. John :\1atthias), B.D., and FOWLER (Prof. Thomas), M.A. Principles of Morals. Svo. Oxford, 1886. G 13 P 9 WILSON (Rev. Joseph). French and ICiiglish Dictionary. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1837. K 16 S 4 WILSON (.Joseph). ^Memorabilia Cantabrigiie; or, an Ac- count of the dill'erent Colleges in Cambridge: Biographical Sketches of the Founders, and Eminent IMen. 8vo. Lond., 1803. B 23 S 4 WILSON (Mrs. Robert). New Zealand, and other Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1851. MH I R 50 WILSON (Sir Samuel). Salmon at the Antipodes; being an Account of the successful Introduction of Salmon and Trout into Australian Waters. 12mo. Lond., 1879. MA 2 T 18 The Angora Goat: willi an Account of its Introduction into Victoria, and a Rcjiort on the I'^iock belonging to the Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. Svo. Melb., 1873, ■ MA 2 U 17 [See Melhoi-hne University.] ]\IB 2 S 1 WILSON (T. B.), M.D., R.N. Narrative of a N'oyage round th(! Word. Svo. Lond., 1835. Ml) 7 Q 46 Narrativ(! of Voyage round tli<" Woi-jd ; comprehending an Account of tlu; Wn^ck of tli(^ Ship (•'ocnior Ji'e(t(f>/, in Torres Straits, a Description of the British Settlements on t ho Coiusls of New Holland, &c. Svo. Lond., 1835.* MD 2 V 24 EREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 817 Wil] Paet I : — Authors, Editors, or Beference. [Win WILSON (Walter Monro). Taxation by One Chamber or Two; or, the Council, the Assembly, and the Ministry: a View of the present Constitutional Difficultieb'. Svo. Melb., 18G5. MF 1 Q 3 WILSON (William P.), M.A. Lecture on the Conservation of Enei'gy. \_See Melbourne Public Library.] WILSON (Rev. William), D.D. Memorials of RobertSmith Candlish, D.D., Minister of St. George's Free Church, and Principal of the New College, Edinburgh; with concluding Chapter, by Prof. Robert Rainy, D.D. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 8 U 14 WILSON (Sir William James Erasmus), F.R.C.S., kc. Anatomist's Vade'Mecum: a System of Human Anatomy. 9th ed. (Churchill's Manuals.) 8vo. Lond., 1873. A 13 P 36 Egypt of the Past. With Illustrations. Svo. Lond., 1881. B 2 S 14 Lectures on Dermatology : a Synopsis of Diseases of the Skin. Svo. Loud., 1871. A 12 R 31 On Diseases of the Skin. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1847. A 12 R 29 On Diseases of the Skin : a System of Cutaneous Medi- cine. 6th ed. Svo. Lond., 1867. A 12 R 30 ISee QuAiN, J.] A 1 S 8-10 t WILSON & MACKINNON. [^See Argus Libel] WILTON (Rev. C. Pleydell N.), M.A. Twelve Plain Discourses, addressed to the Prisoners of the Crown, in the Colony of New South Wales. Svo. Sydney, 1834. MG 1 P 1 [jS«e Australian Quarterly Journal.] WILTSHIRE. Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Wiltshire and the City (if Salisbury ; com- municated to the Archieological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1849. Svo. Lond., 1851. B 7 P 9 WIMBLEDON (Gen. Sir Edward Cecil), Viscount. Life and Times of; by Charles Dalton, F.R.G.S. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1885. C 10 S 2, 3 WIMMER (LuDV. F. A.) Oldnordisk Formlsere til brug ved Undervisning og Selvstudium. Svo. Kobenhavn, 1870. K 12 Q 17 Oldnordisk Lresebog med Anrnferkninger og Ordsamling. 2n Udgave. Svo. Kobenhavn, 1877. K 12 Q 18 WINCHELL (Prof. Alexander), LL.D. Pre- Adamites ; or, a Demonstration of the Existence of Men before Adam. Sq. Svo. Chicago, 1S80. A 1 W 20 World-Life ; or. Comparative Geology. Svo. Chicago, 1883. A 9 Q 18 WINCKELMANN or WINKELMANN (Johann Joa- chim). Histoire de I'Art chez les Anciens. 3 vols, (in 2) 4to. Paris, 1802-3. A 8 S 24, 25 Monumenti Antichi Inediti, Spiegati, ed lUustrati. 2nd ed. 3 vols. fol. Roma, 1821. A 4 Q 14-16 1 Storia delle Arti del Disegno, presso gli Antichi. 3 vols. 4to. Roma, 1783-84. AIR S-10 t 5l WIND CHARTS. \_See Board of Trade.] D S P 13 J WINDEYER (Sir William), Knt., &c. Commemorative Addres.s on the Celebration of Fiftieth Anniversary of the Svdney Mechanics' School of Arts. Roy. Svo. Sydney, 1883.* MJ 2 S 25 WINDHAM (Rt. Hon. William). Diary of (1784-1810); edited by Mr.s. Henry Baring. Svo. Lond., 1866. C10P40 Speeches in Parliament; to which is prefixed, some Account of his Life, by Thomas Amyot, Esq. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1812. F 13 Q 20-22 WINDISCH (Prof. William Oscar Ernst). Concise Irish Grammar; with Pieces for Reading; translated from the German by Norman Moore, M.D. Svo. Camb., 1882. K 11 U3 WINDSOR (Arthur Lloyd). Ethica; or. Characteristics of Men, Manners, and Books. Svo. Lond., 1860. G 9 S 21 WINDSOR REVIEW (The) : a Monthly Magazine of Literature, Science, and Ai't. (Pam. G.) Svo. Sydney, 1857. ME 3 R WINE. Extracts from an English Book on Wine ; reprmted from the Argiis, 30th December, 1876. 12mo. ]Melb., 1S77. MJ 2 P 31 WINES (Rev. Enoch Cobb), LL.D., &c. State of Prisons and of Child-saving Institutions in the Civilized World. Roy. Svo. Camb., 1880. F 1 T 10 Two Years and a Half in the American Na\'y ; com- prising a Journal of a Cruise in the years 1829-3 1 . 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1833. D 10 Q 42, 43 WING (Asa S.) \_See Provident Life and TRr.sT Co.] WINGFIELD (Hon. L. S.) Notes on Civil Costume in England, from the Conquest to the Regency. Svo. Lond., 1884. A S T 25 Under the Palms in Algeria and Tunis. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1868. D 1 S 1, 2 WINKELMANN (J. J.) [See Winckelmann, J. J.] WINKLER (Prof. Clemens), Ph.D. Hand-book of Tech- nical Gas Analysis, containing Concise Instructions for carrying out Gas-Analytical Methods of pi'oved utility. Svo. Lond., 1885. A 6 Q 6 WINKLES (B.) Architectural and Picturesque Illustra- tions of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales; with Historical and Descriptive Accounts. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1836-42. A 2 T 14-16 French Cathedrals; from Drawmgs by R. Garland. 4to. I^nd., 1837. ' A 2 T 17 WINKWORTH (Susanna). History and Life of the Rev. Doctor John Tauler, of Strasbourg ; with twenty-five of his Sermons (temp. 1340). Sq. Svo. Lond., 1857. C 5 U 5 818 CATALOGUE OF THE Winl Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Wof WIXSLOW (Forbes), M.D. Physic and Physicians: a Medical Sketch-book. 2 vols. 8vo Lond. , 1839. C -i T 30, 3 1 WINSLOW (Mrs. Mary). Domestic Receipt Book for 1864. 8vo. Boston, 1864. MA 2 S 38 Life in Jesus: a Memoir of ilrs. Mary Winslow ; by her Son, Octa\ius Winslow, D.D. 8vo. Lond., 1863. G 11 P 25 WIXSLOW (OcTAVirs), D.D. Life in Jesus: a Memoir of Mrs. Mary Win-slow. 8vo. Lond., 1863. G IIP 25 ■WESTSOR (J.) Narrative and Critical History of America. Vols. 2-4. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1886. B 17 TJ 2-4 WINTER (Joun). Portrait of. [See Manuscripts and Portraits.] WINTER (Richard). New Zealand Industries: an Essay. [See New Zealand Exhibitions.] MK 18 16 WINTON (John G.) Modern Workshop Practice. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1870. A 17 Q 19 WIRGMAN (Lieut.-Col. Theodore), LL.B. Russians in Central Asia. [See Hellwald, F. von.] D 5 P 53 WISCONSIN. [See United States.] WISE (B. R.) Australian Economic Association Papers : No. 1. The Mutual Relations of Imports and Exports. (Read at a Meeting of the Association, on tlie evening of Tuesday, 30th August, 1887.) 8vo. Sydney, 1887.* MF 3 Q 35 Facts and Fallacies of Modern Protection. 8vo. Lond., 1879. F 5 S 34 WISE (B. R.), and DAVIES (ILvnbury), B.A. Bank- ruptcy Act, 1887, Rules and Forms; with Introduction, Commentarv, Notes of Cases, and Index. 8vo. Sydney, 1888.* ■ MF 3 Q 12 WISE (Edward). Letter to the Colonial Seci-etary, sug- gesting the appointment of Law ReportcrK. (MS. Pam. A.) Fol. Sydney, 1861. MJ 2 U 1 WISE (Henry) & CO. New Zealand Post Office Directory, 1875-76, 1878, 1880-81, 1883-84, 1885-86. 5 vols. inij). 8vo. Dunedin, 1875-H5.* ME 10 P 6-12 t WISE (Thomas Alexander), M.D.,;h-Churcli Theory of l>ogmiitiail Authfirit.y; Angliciin (-'luiiii to A]ioHl«>lical SucccMKioii, ic. (I'nin. Br.) Hvo. I/nid. (ii.d.) MG 1 Q 35 WISEMAN (Nicholas Patrick Stephen), CARDiNAL-con^rf. Honv Syriacie, seu Cummentationes et Anecdota Res vel LitterasSyriacasspectantia 8vo. Romse, 1828. J 13 T 33 Recollections of the last Four Popes, and of Rome in their Times. 8vo. Lond., 1858. C 9 P 20 Twelve Lectures on the connexion between Science and Revealed Religion. 2vols.8vo. Lond., 1836. G 14 Q 16,17 WISHART (Rt. Rev. George), Bishop op EniNBUKCiii. ^Memoirs of the most renowned James Graham, Marcjuis of Montrose; translated from the Latin. 8vo. Edinb., 1819. C 5 T 16 WISLICENUS (Dr. J.) [See Strecker, A.] A 6 Q 4 WISSENSCHAFTEN IN DEUTSCHLAND. [See Ges- chiciite der Wissenschaften in Deutschland.] WITCH OF THE WAVE. (Illustrated Story-teller.) Roy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 9 V 9 WITCHCRAFT. Collection of rare and curious Tracts on Witchcraft and the Second Sight ; with an original Essay on Witchcraft. 8v(). Edinb., 1820. " G 9 T 11 WITCOMB (C. and H.) New Guitie to Modern Couver- .sations in English and New ed. 18mo. Paris (n.d.) ' K 1 1 S 5 WITHEROW (Thomas). Historical and Literary Memorials of Presbyterianism in Ireland (1623-1731). 8vo. Lond., 1879. ■ G 7 T 28 WITHERS (William P,I!AM\vell). History of Ballarat, from the first Pastoral Settlement to tlie Present Time; with Plans and Illustrations. 8vo. Ballarat, 1870. MB 2 Q 33 Anothereoiiy. 2u(le.(l. 8vo. Ballarat, 1887. MB 2 Q 34 WITNESS (The) and Australian Presbyterian. 12 vols. (in 10) fol. Sydney, 1874-84. ME WITS AND HUMOURISTS. Anecdote Lives of. [See Tim us, J.] WITT (Mme. Henriktte dk). Monsieur Guizot, in Private Life, 1787-1874. Translated by M. C. M. Simpson. 8vo. Lond., 1880. ' C 7 P 12 WITT (.Ioiin- 1,1.;). Life of. [See Pontams, A. L] WITTSTETN (Dit. (i. C), and MUELLER (Sir Feud. von), I'.AitoN, K.C.M.t!. Organii: Constituents of Plants and Vegel.ibic Substances, and their Chemical Analysis. Hvo. ]\lclb., 1S7S.* MA I 'V 8 WoKIiMANN (Dit. Kakl). History of Painting. [Sm Woltmann, I)u. A. I A 7 V 21, 22 WoFFTNGTON (Maikiauet). Life and Adventunts of Peg Wofliiigton ; with Pictures of the Period in wliicli slie lived, by J. F. Molloy. 2 vols. Hvo. Lond., 18,S5. C 2 R 35, 36 FREE PUBLIC LTBEARY, SYDNEY. 819 Wbh] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Woo WOHLER (Freidrich). Hand-liook of Inorganic Analysis. Svo. Lond., 1854. ' A 5 S 38 WOIDE (Carl Gottfried). Notitia Codicis Alexandrini, cvm variis eivs Lectionibvs omiiibvs. 8vo. Lipsife, 1788. G 2 P U WOLCOTT (John), M.D., " Peter Pindar." Works of. 5 voLs. Svo. Lond., 1794-1801. HSU 22-26 WOLF (JoHANN Christoph). Biljliotheca Hebrsea. Aecedit in calce .Tacobi Gaffarelli Index Codicum Cabbalistic. 4 vols. 4to. Hamburgi, 171. 5-33. K 13 S 30-33 Casaiiboniana. [See C.vsaubon, I.] WOLF (Lucien). Sir Montefiore : a Centennial Biography ; with Extracts from Letters and Journals. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1884. C 5 S 29 WOLF (Rudolf). Geschichte der Aatronomie. (Gesch. der Wiss.) 8vo. Munchen, 1877. A 17 V 30 WOLFE (Rev. Charles), A.B. Remains of; with a Brief Memoir of his Life, by the Rev. J. A. Russell. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 182G. G 15 R 12 WOLFE (Gen. James). Montcalm and Wolfe; by Francis Parkman. 2 voLs. Svo. Lond., 1884. C5S21, 22 Another copy. 6th ed. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1885. CSS 23, 24 WOLFF (A. R.) The Windmill as a Prime Mover. Svo. New York, 1S85. All U 17 WOLFF (Sir Henry Drummond), G.C.M.G. Madrileuia ; or, Pictures of Spanish Life. Svo. Lond., 1S51. D8S IS WOLFF (]Jev. Joseph), D.D., ic. Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, 1843-45, to ascertain the fate of Col. Stoddart and Capt. Conolly. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1845. D 6 Q 5, 6 WOLFF (Dr. O. L. B.) Hausschatz deutscher Prosa. Sq. Svo. Leipzig, 1856. B 27 T 1 Poetiseher Hausschatz des deutschen Volkes: ein Buch fiir Schule und Haus. Svo. Leipzig, 1853. H 5 U 30 WOLFINGHAM; or, the Convict-settler of Jervis Bay: a Tale of the Church in Au.stralia. 12mo. Lond., 1860. MJ1P17 WOLKENBERG (Rev. M.) The Pentateuch according to the Talmud. \_See Hershon, P. I.J WOLLASTON (Arthur N.), CLE. English-Persian Dic- tionary. Svo. Lond., 1 882. K 13 P 12 Gazetteer of India. [See Thornton, E.] D 11 T 16 WOLLASTON (H. N.) Christ, or Plato? The Immor- tality of Man and his future Punishment briefly examined in three Sermons. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MG 2 P 8 WOLLASTON (William). The Religion of Nature de- lineated. 6th ed. 4to. Lond., 1738. G 15 T 10 WOLSELEY ((Jeneral Sir Garnet Jo-seph), Viscount. Narrative of the War with Cliina in 1860. Svo. Lfjnd., 1802 B 2P36 WOLSEY (THOMA.S), Cardinal. Life of; by G. Caven- dish, from the original Autograph Manuscript. 2nd ed., with Notes and Illustrations, by S. W. Singer, F.S.A. Svo. Lond., 1827. C 10 P 41 Negotiations of Thomas Woolsey, the Great Cardinall of England; containing his Life and Death; composed by George Sq. Svo. Lond., 1641. C 3 P 46 Life of. \_See Mackintosh, Sir J.] WOLTMANN (Dr. Alfred Friedrich Gottfried- Albert), and WOERMAN (Dr. Karl). History of Painting. From the German. Edited by Prof. Sydney Colvin, M.A. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 18S0. A 7 V 21, 22 WOLVERHAMPTON FREE LIBRARY. Eighth An- nual Report. (Pam., P.) Sm. fol. Wolverhampton, 1877. MJ 2 U 4 Ninth and Tenth Annual Report. (Pam., Q.) Sm. fol. Wolverhampton, 1878-79. MJ 2 U 5 WOLZOGEN (Alfred), Baron vox. Rapliael Santi. His Life and his Works. Translated by F. E. Bunnfett. Svo. Lond., 1866. C 5 R 22 WOilEN OF THE DAY : a Biographical Dictionary of Notable Contemporaries; by Frances Hays. Svo. Lond., 18S5. C11Q3 WONDERFUL MAGAZINE (The), and Marvellous Chronicle of Extraordinary Productions, &c. 5 vols. (in 3) Svo. Lond., 1793. J2R 17-19 Another copy. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 2 R 22-26 WONDERFUL MAGAZINE (The New). Illustrated with Portrait.s, Engravings Wood-Cuts, rts of the Colonial Sections of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886. 8vo. Lend., 1887. A 17 AV 24 WOOD (Herbert). Shores of Lake Arall. 8vo. Lond., 1876. D 6 R 16 WOOD (Rev. James). Religions of India. \_See Bauth, A.] WOOD (James). Van Diemen's Land Royal Kaleudar, Colonial Register, and Almanack. 16mo. Launceslon, 1848. ME 4 P Tasmanian Royal Kalendar, Colonial Register, and Almanack. 12uio. Launceston, 1849. ME 4 P Royal Soutlieni Kalendar, Tasmanian Register, and General Australasian and East Indian Official Directory, 1850. 12mo. Launceston, 1850.* ME 4 P Tasmanian Almanack, 1851, 1856-57. 3 vols, (in 1). 12mo. Launceston, 1851-57. ME 4 P WOOD (James), D.D. Elements of Algebra; originally designed for the use of Students in the Universities. New cd., re-modelled, simplified, ic, by Thomas Lund, B.I). 8vo. \jf,w\., 1876. A 10 S 3 WOOD (Capt. Joun). Voyage to Spitzbergen. [Sec VoVAfits AND DiscovEHiEa.] MD 6 P 24 Attempt to Discover a North-oaot Passage to China. [5« \o\AiiVM AND Discoveries.] MD 5 P 25 WOfd) (Liklt. John), I.N. Twelve Months in Welling- ton, Port Nichol.son; or. Notes for the Public and (lie New Zealand Company. (Pam. 10.) 8vo. Lond., 1843. MJ 2 Q 2 Pcrwinal Niirmtivo of a Journey to the Source of the Ilivcr Oxu«, liy the Route of the TnduH, Kabul, and BadiikhMlinn, in 1836-38. 8vo. Lond., 1841. D R 26 WOOD (Jmhn Dexxistoun). Address to the Electors of Beechwiii th, delivered at the Beechworth Atheuivum, on the 26th March, 1859. Svo. Beechworth, 1859. MF 1 Q 2 Laws of the Australasian Colonies as to the Adminis- tration and Distribution of the Estate of Deceased Per- sons. 8vo. Lond., 1884. MF 1 Q 19 WOOD (Rev. John G.), M.A., &c. Strange DweUings ; being a Description of the Habitations of Animals. New ed. Svo. Lond., 1873. A 14 Q 18 Trespassers : showing how the Inhabitants of Earth, Air, and Water are enabled to trespass on Domains not their own. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 14 T 18 Homes without Hands ; being a Description of the Habitations of Animals, classed according to their prin- cipal of construction. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 16 P 9 Insects at Home ; being a popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. 8vo. Lond., 1872. A 15 P 10 Man and Beast ; here and hereafter. Illustrated by Original Anecdotes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. G 3 P 6, 7 Insects Abroad ; being a popular Account of Foreign Insects. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 14 U 8 Out of Doors : a Selection of Original Articles on Prac- tical Natural History. 8vo. Lond., 1874. A 14 Q 10 Coniiiion Objects of the Seashore; including Hints for an A(iuarium. 12mo. Lond., 1858. A 14 P 58 Common Objects of the Country. 12mo. Lond., 1858. A 14 P 59 Natural History of Man. 2 ^-ols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1868-70. A2P6, 7 Illustrated Natural History. — Vol. 1. Reptiles, Fishes, Molluscs, itc. Vol. 2. Mammalia. Vol. 3. Birds. 3 vols, imp. 8vo. Lond., 1863-67. A 13 V 2-4 Horse and IMan. 8vo. Lond., 1855. A 1 R 28 Man and his Handiwork. 8vo. Lond., 1886. A 1 V 18 {See Rennie, J.] A 14 P 45 WOOD (John Turtle), F.S.A., Ac. Discoveries at Ephesus, including the site and remains of the Great Temple of Diana. With Illustrations. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1877. B 13 V 11 WOOD (Mahv Annk Eveuktt). Letters of Roj'al and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain, from the Commenoe- nicnt of the 12th Century to the Close of the Reign of Queen Mary. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1846. C4R 10-12 WOOD (Nicholah). Practical Treatise on Railroads and Intorinr Communication in general. Svo, Lond., 1838. A 6 S 7 WOOI> (Hoiikut). Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tepolis in Coolosyria. Imp. fol. Lond., 17.''.7. "B 20 P S { A\()()l) (Samuki.). Tree Planter and Plant Proi)agator. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1880. A 17 Q 38 Tree Pruner; being a Practical IManual on the Pi'uning of Fruit Trees, A'c. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond.,1880. A17Q37 FREE PUBLIC LIBR^VRY, SYDNEY. 821 Woo] Part I : — Author's, Editors, or Reference. [Woo WOOD (Dr. W.) Twenty Styles of Architecture. Illus- trated. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1881. . A 3 Q ^ WOOD (William), F.R.S., etc. Index Entomologicus ; or, a complete illustrated Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects of Great Britain : a new and revised ed., with Supplement; !)y J. O. Westwood, F.L.S. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1854. A 13 U 4 Index Testaceologicus •; or, a Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreign. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1828. A 14 S 50 Supplement to the Index Testaceologicus. 8vo. Lond., 1828. A 14 S 50 WOOD (Rt. Hon. William Page). [See Hatherley, Rt. Hon. W. P. Wood, Baeok.] WOOD (W. S.) Eastern Afterglow; or. Present Aspect of Sacred Scenery. 8vo. Cambridge, 1880. D 1 W 20 WOODBERRY (George Edward). History of Wood- engraving. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S83. A 7 S 11 WOODHEAD (G. S.), and HARE (A. W.) Pathological Mycology: an Enquiry into the Etiology of Infective Diseases; Svo. Lond',, 1885. " A 12 U 21 WOODHOrSELEE (Alexander Fraser Tvtler), Lord. Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern. New ed., with the History brought down to the close of the year 1871. 12mo. Edinb., 1872. B 14 P 25 Essay on Military Law, and the Practice of Courts Martial. Svo. Lond., 1814. F 4 S 4 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Hon. Henry Home, of Karnes (Lord Kames). 2 vols. 4to. Edinb., 1807. - C 3 W 15, 16 Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the Beginning of the 18th Century. (Fam. Lib.) 6 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1834. K 10 P 12-17 WOODHULL (Michael). [Tragedies of] Euripides. [See Greek Tragic Theatre.] WOOD-MARTIN (Major W. G.) History of Sligo, County and Town, from the Earliest Ages to the Close of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Svo. Dublin, 1882. B 11 Q 20 Lake-dwellings of Ireland; or. Ancient Lacustrine Habi- tations of Erin, commonly called Crannogs. Roy. Svo. Dublin, 1886. B 11 R 20 WOODS (Daniel B.) Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings. Svo. Lond., 1851. D 3 Q 42 WOODS (Rev. F. H.), B.D. Sweden and Norway. With Illustrations. Svo. Lond., 1882. D 7 P 24 WOODS (Rev. George), M.A. Latin Grammar for the use of Schools. {_See Madvig, Prof. I. N.] WOODS (J. D.) Narrative of a Visit of H.R.H. the Duke of EdinlDurgh, K.G., to South Australia. Svo. Adelaide, 1868. MB 2 P 32 Native Tribes of South Australia. [See Aborigines.] MA 1 R 12 WOODS (James Chapman). Old and Rare Books: an Ele- mentary Lecture. 8vo. Lond., 1885. J 2 S 16 WOODS (Rev. Julian E. Tenison-). [See Tenison- Woods, Rev. J. E.] WOODS (N. A.) The Past Campaign: a Sketch of the War in the East, from the Departure of Lord Raglan t(j the Capture of Sevastopol. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1855. B 12 U 18, 19 WOODWARD (Bernard Bolingbroke), B.A. History of Wales, from the Earliest Times to its final Incorporation with the Kingdom of England. 2 vols. rov. Svo. Lond., 1853. "B5V12, 13 Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference. [See Maunder, S.] K 9 T 15 WOODWARD (Bernard Bolingbroke), B.A., and GATES (W. L. R. ) Encyclopfedia of Chronology, Historical and Biographical. Svo. Lond., 1872. K5U5 WOODWARD (Bernard Bolingbroke), B. A., kc, WILKS (Rev. Theodore Chambers), M.A., and-LOCKHART (Charles), B.A. General History of Hampshire ; or, the County of Southampton, including the Isle of Wight. With Illustrations. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1870. B 2 U 5-7 WOODWARD (Rev. Charles), B.C.L. Analysis of Paley's Hora; Paulinse; or, the Truth of the Scripture History of St. Paul evinced. 2nd ed. (Pam. 40.) 12mo. Sydney, 1850. MJ"2 R'2 WOODWARD (G. P. M.), M.D. New South Wales Rail- ways Ambulance Hand-book : Accidents and their Treat- ment, Aids in Cases of Injuries, Sudden Illness, kc. Illus- trated. 12mo. Sydney, 1887. MA 2 S 21 WOODWARD (Horace B.), F.G.S. Geology of England and Wales: a Concise Account of the Lithological Characters, Leading Fossils, and Economic Products of the Rocks. Svo. Lond., 1876. A 9 Q 1 WOODWARD (J. J.) Hospital of the Medical Department, United States Army, 1876. [See Philadelphia Inter. ExniB.] WOODWARD (S. P.), A.L.S., &c. Manual of the MoUusca; being a Treatise on Recent and Fossil Shells. 2nd ed. ; with Appendix, by Ralph Tate, F.G.S., *c. (Weale.) Svo. Lond., 1871. A 17 P 25 Another copy. 3rd ed. ; with Appendix, by Ralph Tate, F.G.S., Ac. " Svo. Lond., 1875. " A 14 Q 17 WOOLHOUSE (W. S. B.), F.R.A.S., kc. Elements of the Differential Calculus. (Weale.) 5th ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) A 17 P 47 Measures, Weights, and Moneys of all Nations. (Weale.) 5th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 P 48 WOOLLAHRA PENNY BANK (The). Prospectus, and First Report. (Pam. 35.) Svo. Sydney, 186.3. MJ 2 Q 22 WOOLLETT (W.) Catalogue Raisonne of the Engraved Works of. [See Fagan, F.] K 9"? 1 t 822 CATALOGUE OF THE Woo] Part I : — Atdfiors, Editors, or Reference. [Woo WOOLLETT (William M.) Old Homes made New; being a Ciillection of Plans, ic. illustrating; the Alteration of Suburban Residences. Ob. 8vo. New York, 1878. A 2 R 22 WOOLLEY (Prof. John), D.C.L. Idylls of the Kina; : a Lecture (Pam. J.) 8vo. Sydney, 1861. MJ 1 T 38 Inaugural Address, delivered on the Opening of the University of Sydney. [See Nicholson, Sir C] MJ 2 S 2 Inaugural Address, delivered to the Members of the MaitlandSchoolofArts. 8vo. Maitland, 1857. MJ2R14 Lectures delivered in Australia. 8vo. Camb., 1862.* MJ 1 U 18 Schools of Ai"t and Colonial Nationality : a Lecture. (Pam. J.) 8vo. Sydney, 1861. MJ 1 T 38 Sermon on behalf of the Northern Missions. 8vo. MG 1 P 1 1 2mo. Svd- Lecture. Sydney, 1853. Social L^se of Schools of Art ney, 1860. MJ 2 R 1 Another copy. 12ino. Sydney, 1860. MJ 2 R U Two Lectures: Oral Instruction and Self-Culture; and. The Office of Christian Associations towards the State and Church. (Pam. J.) 8vo. Sydney, 185.5. MJ 1 T 38 WOOLLEY (Ricn.\RD). Railwaj-s: by whom shall they be made and managed? Four Letters. 8vo. Mclb., 1855. MF 1 Q 2 Anothercopy. (Pam. 28.) 8vo. Melb., 1855. M.J2Q-16 WOOLLEY (TiiOM.'Vs). Reminiscences of the Life of a Bushman; or. How to make Happiness, Abundance, and Profit, the Results of emigrating to Australia. 12nM). Um<\., 18.50. MD 3 Q 28 WOOLLS (Rev. William), Ph.D., &c. Contribution to the Flora of Australia. 8vo. Sydney, 1867.* MA MM 2 Lectures on the Vegetable Kingdom, with .special reference to the Flora of Australia. 8vo. Sydney, 1879.* MA 1 V U Letter, addressed in 1839, to the Students of the Sydney College. 12mo. Sydney, 1842. MG1P18 Line.s written to commemorate the passing of a "I'ill to incoi^jomtc and endow a University, to bo called the 'University i.f Sydney,' 14 Vic, 1850." 2nd ed. 12nio. Parnimatta, 1851. " .Mil 1 P 17 Miscellanies, in Pinse and Verse. 12iiio. Sydney, 1838.* MJ 1 Q 18 Plant-H indigenoUH in the Neighbourhood of Sydney, (irninged according to the System of Baron F. von Muollor, K.C.M.G., itc. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. MA I V 16 Another c,n.l., 1851-53. A 2 P 2, 3 I WYATT (Caft. Walter J.) llistoiy of Pru.'isia, frr)m tlio farlit;st times to the present day. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. I! 9 R 8, 9 WYATT (Dr. William), J. P. Some Account of tlio Manners and Sup<'rstitif)ns of the Adelaide and En- counter Bay Alx»riginal Tril)es. With a Vocabulary of their Tj(inguag. Lond., 1883-87. B 23 P 7-11 12mo. Lond., J 7 Q 19 Life of Juhii Coleridge Patteson, Missionary Bishop of the ilelanesian Islands. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1874. MC 1 R 16, 17 Youth of Queen Elizabeth. [See Wiesner, L.] C2P11, 12 Memoirs of Marshal Bugeaud. [See D'Ideville, Count H.] C 8 U 11, 12 [See Beuonot, Couxt J. C] YORK. Accurate Description and History of the Cathedral and Metrnpolitical Church of St. Peter of York. 12mo. York, 1768. B4P3 YORK GATE LIBRARY. CaUlogue of the York Gate Geographical and Colonial Library. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1882. K 8 Q 4 Catalogue of the York Gate Library, foi-med by S. W. Silver : an Index to the Literature of Geography, Maritime and Inland Discovery, Commerce, and Colo- nization ; by E. A. Petherick. 2nd ed. Imp. 8vo. L/.nd., 1886. MK 1 U 21 YORKE (CoL. Phillip), F.R.S. Life of ]5aron Von Muffling. [See Mcfflixo, Bahon von.] C 7 U 47 YOSY (A.) Switzerland, as now divided into Nineteen Cantons ; with Picturesque Representations of the Drcsa and Manners of tlu- Swiss. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Ivond., 1815. D 8 V 15, 16 YOl'ATT (William). Cattle; tlieir Brced.i, Management, and Diwases; with Index. Svo. Ixnd., 1834. A 1 R3 Sheep; tlieir BreodH, Management, and Di8ea.seR, og. fs\>,. l>.nil., l-^r.y. A 1 R II YOUATT (William), and SIDNEY (S.wiuel). The Pig; comprising Modern Pigs, Breeding, Feeding, Ancient His- tory, Natural History, ^NlecUcal Information. With Illus- trations. Svo. Lond., 1860. A 1 P 19 YOUL (Rev. John). Circular Letter, relating to the Dis- tribution of Bibles and Testaments in the Colony by the Agents of the Bible Society. (MS. Pam. E.) 4to. Sydney, 1819. MJ 2 S 2 YOUL (Richard), M.D., .tc. [See Victori.\— Parlia- mentary Papers.] YOUNG (Ale.xander). Short History of the Netherlands (Holland and Belgium). Svo. Lond., 1886. B 12 T 1 YOUNG (Arthur). Six Months' Tour through the North of England. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1770. A 1 Q 39-42 The Farmer's Letters; containing the Sentiments of a Practical Husbandman on various Subjects of great Im- portance. 3rd ed., corrected and enlarged. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1771. A 1 Q 47, 48 The Farmer's Tour through the East of England. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1771. A 1 Q 43-46 Travels during the years 1787-89. 2 vols. 4to. Bury St. Edmunds, 1794. D 7 V 14, 15 Another copy. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1794. D 7 V 16, 17 YOUNG (Prof. Charles A.), Ph.D., etc. The Sun. With Illustrations. Svo. Loud., 1882. A 3 S 32 YOUNG (Charles Mayne). Memoir of. Tragedian ; with Extracts from his Son's Journal, by the Rev. Julian Charles Young. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1871. C 3 P 47, 48 YOUNG (David). Account of the Capture, Trial, and Execution of. [See Daylesfobd Murder.] MF 2 8 1 YOUNG (Edward), Ph.D. Labor in Europe and America: a Special Report on the Rates of Wiiges, the Cost of Sub- sistence, and the Condition of the Working Classes in Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, and other Countries of Europe; also, in the United Stiites and British America. Roy. Svo. Wash., 1876. F 3 P 8 YOUNG (Edward), LL.D. The Brothers: a Tragedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) ISmo. Lond., 1797. H 2 P 45 Ant)ther copy. (New Eng. Theatre.) 12mo. Lond., 1777. H4P27 Another copy. [See Brit. Drama, 2.] Busiris, King of Egvpt : a Tragedy. (Bell's Brit. Theatre.) 18mo. Lond., 17y. [Sec I'.iiri'. iiHA\i\, FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY. 831 You] Part I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Yve YOUNG (Edward D.), R.N. Nyassa: a Journal of Adven- tures whilst e.xploring Lake Nya.ssa, Central Africa, and establishing the Settlement of "Livingstonia" ; revised by Rev. Horace Waller, F.K.O.S. With Maps. 2nd ed. 8v(). Lond., 1877. D 1 1-^ 15 YOUNG (Francis), M.C.P. Cassell's Historical, Political, and Commercial Map of Europe. 4to. Lond., 18.58. D 33 Q 16 I YOUNG (Frederick). Imperial Federaticm of Great Britain and her Colonies. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1876. MF 2 S 28 Another copy. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1876. F 3 P 16 YOUNG (.Sir GEOurjE). Fac-simile of a Proposal for a Set- tlement on the Coast of New South Wales, 1785 ; from a Copy in the possession of the Publishers. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1888.* MB 3 P 6 t YOUNG (Gerard). Voyage of the Wanderer. {See Lam- bert, C. AND S.] D 9 U 32 YOUNG (I. S. Hunter). Victorian Geographical and Bio- graphical Charades. Sm. 4to. Melb., 1870. MJ 2 P 17 YOUNG (Jennie J.) Ceramic Art: a Compendium of the History and Manufacture of Pottery and Porcelain. With Illustrations. Boy. Svo. Lond., 1879. A 11 T 18 YOUNG (John), M.D., etc. Physical Geography. Svo. Lond., 1874. A 29 P 1.5 YOUNG (Prof. John Radford). Analysis and Solution of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations. Svo. Lond., 1812. A 10 S 13 Introduction to Algebra, and to the Solution of Numeri- cal Equations; with full Explanations of the Theory, and numerous Examples for exercise. 12mo. Lond., 1851. A 10 S 5 Key to "Introduction to Algebra," containing Solutions in full. Lond., 1854. A 10 S 5 Key to Rudimentary Treatise on Arithmetic. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. A 17 P 4 Mathematical Dissertations, for the use of Students in the Modern Analysis; with Improvements in the Practice of Sturm's Theorem, in the Theory of Curvature, and in the Summation of Infinite Series. Svo. Lond., 1841. A 10 T 20 Mathematics. \_See Wtlde, J.] Na\dgation and Nautical Astronomy, in Theory and Practice. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 P 12 Rudimentary Treatise on Arithmetic. 10th ed. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1882. A 17 P 4 Tables intended to facilitate the Operations of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1872. A 17 P 12 Another copy. (Weale.) 12mo. Lond., 1884. A17R8 Theory and Solution of Algebraical Equations of the Higher Orders. 2nd ed., enlarged. Svo. Lond., 1843. A 10 T 20 \_See Hann, J.] YOUNG (John Russell). Around the World with General Grant : a Narrative of the Visit of General U. S. Grant, ex-President of the United States, to various Countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in 1877-79. 2 vols. imp. Svo. New York, 1879. D 10 T 26, 27 YOUNG (Rev. Julian Charles). Memoir of CliarlesMayne Young, Tragedian; with Extracts from his S(jn's Journal. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1871. C 3 P 47, 48 YOUNG (Robert), LL.D. Dictionary and Concordance, of Bible Words and Synonyms. Svo. Edinb., 1883. K 18R 9 YOUNG (Rev. Robert). Southern World: Journal of a Deputation from the Wesleyaii Conference to Australia and Polynesia. Svo. Lond., 1855. MD 1 W 22 Southern World : Australia and Tasmania. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1858. MD 1 W 23 Southern World: New Zealand and Polynesia. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1858. MD 1 W 24 YOUNG (Thomas). Narrative of a Residence on the Mos- quito Shore, during the years 1839-41. Svo. Lond., 1842. D 3 P 62 YOUNG (W.) Great Increase of Small-pox in London. Svo. Lond., 1881. A 12 S 34 Fable about the Hospital Nurses saved from Small-pox by re-Vaccination. (Pam. Cp.) Svo. Lond., 1880. A 12 S 34 Vaccination Statistics. (Pam. Cp.) Svo. Lond., 1881. A 12 S 34 Vaccination ; the Fallacy of the INIitigation Dogma. (Pam. Cp.) Svo. Lond., 1881. A 12 S 34 YOUNG MEN'S WESLEYAN MUTUAL IMPROVE- MENT SOCIETY. Rules. ISmo. Sydney, 1869. MJ 2 P 27 YOUNG VICTORIA: a Contribution in aid of National Education; by J.B. A. Svo. Melb., 1871. MG 1 Q 38 YRI ARTE (Charles). Florence; its History, the Medici, the Humanists, Letters, Arts. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1882. B 19 U 2 t Venise; Histoire, Art, Industrie, la Ville, la Vie. Imp. 4to. Paris, 1878. D 4 P 6 J YULE (CoMM. Charles B.), R.N. \_See Australia Direc- tory.] YULE (Col. Henry), C.B. {See Polo, Marco.] YULE (Col. H.), and BURNELL (A. C.) Hobson-Jobson ; being a Glossary of Anglo-Indian Colloquial Words and Phrases and of Kindred Terms. Svo. Lond., 1886. K 14T 30 YVAN(Dr.M.) China, &c. [Ses Gallery, J. M.] B2P29 YVES (Sainte) Eteque de Chartres. Opera Omnia. {See Migne, J. P., Series L.^tina, 161, 162.] 832 CATALOGUE OF THE Zad] Pakt I : — Authors, Editors, or Reference. [Zon ZADKIEL. [See Morrison, Lieut. R. J.] A 2-t U 6 ZAEHNSDORF (Joseph W.) The Art of Bookbinding. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1880. A 11 R -i ZAMOYSKT, OR ZAMOYSCI (Johakn Savius). Col- lectanea Vitam Resque Gestas J. Zamoyscii. Illus- trantia ; edit A. T. C. de K. Dzialynski. Imp. 4to. Posnaniae, 1861. C7R4t ZARNCKE (F.) {See Benecke, G. F.] ZEITSCHRIFT FUR WISSENSCHAFTLICHE ZOO- LOGIE. Band 27-43. 17 vols. Svo. Leipzig, 1876- 86. E 1.37 ZELLER (Prof. Edward). History of Eclecticism in Greek Pliilosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G 7 T 32 History of Greek Philosophy, from the Earliest Period to the Time of Socrates. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1881. G 7 T 33, 34 Da^•id Friedrich Strauss in his Life and Writings. With a Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1874. C 4 Q 47 Die Philosophic der Griechen. 3^ auflage. Svo. Leipzig, 1880. G 2 T 15 Strauss -and Renan : an Essay. Svo. Lond., 1866. G lOQ 17 Geschichte der deutschen Philcsophie, seit Leibnitz. (Ges. der Wiss, 13.) 8vo. Miinchen, 1873. A 17 V 27 Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy. Svo. Lond., 1886. G 7 T 35 ZELTER (Karl F.) [See Goethe, J. W. von.] C 1 S 29 ZENDAVESTA ; or, the Religious Books of the Zoroas- trians ; edited and translated by N. L. Westcrgaard. Vol. 1. The Zend Texts {all jmbliahed). 4to. Copen- hagen, 18.52-54. G5U21 ZENO (Saxctub), VEno>fEVSi8 Episcopus. Opera (unnia. [See Mi(;ne, J. P., Series Latina, 11.] ZETA. {Su India.] ZETZSCHE (Dr. Karl Eduard). Kurzer Abriss der (><;s(liif;ht« der elcktrischen Telegraphic. Roy. Svo. B.rli.i, 1H74. A 5 R60 ZEUNE (J. C.) [See Horatius Flaccus, Q.] J 13Q 12-10 ZEUSS (J. C), Pil.l). Graininalica Ccllica v. Monu- mentiH V. Sv... IJ« lolini, 1871. K 1 1 U 1 ZEUSS (J. C), VaJ).— continued. Index Nomiiium et Vocabulorum Hibernicorum quae in I. C. Zeussii Grammatica Celtica reperiuntur ; con- struxit I. O. MoUoy. {All published.) Svo. Eblanae, 1878. K 14 U 2 Indices Glossarum et Vocabulorum Hibernicorum quae in Grammaticae Celticae editione altera explanantur. Composuerunt B. Giiterbock et R. Thurneysen. Roy. Svo. Lipsiac, 1881. K 14 S 11 ZIEMANN (Adolf). Mittelhochdeutsches Worterbuch zum Handgebraucli. Nebst grammatischer Einleitung. Svo. Quedlinburg, 1838. K 13 Q 41 ZIEMSSEN (Prof. Hugo AVilhelm von). CyclopR?dia of the Practice of Medicine. Albert H. Buck, M.D., Editor of English Translation. Vols. 1-17. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1875-80. K 9 Q 1-17 ZINCKE (Rev. F. Barham). Egypt of the Pharaohs and of the Kediv^. 8vo. Lond., 1871. D 2 P 22 A AValk in the Grisons ; being a third month in Switzerland. Svo. Lond., 1875. D 8 R 12 ZINGERLE (Ignaz). Tirol und Vorarlberg. [See Unser Vaterland.] D 38 P 18 t ZIRKEL (Dr. Ferdinand). Lehrbuch der Pctrographie. 2 vols. 8vo.. Bonn, 1866. A 10 Q 10, 11 ZITTEL (PuOF. K. A.) Aus der Urzeit ; Biklev aus der Schopfungsgeschichte. 2 vols. 12mo. Miinchen, 1871-72. A 9 P 50, 51 Hand 1 null der Palwontologie Band 1-2 Palivozoologie. 2 vols. Munchen, 1876-86. A 9 U 34, 35 ZLATAGORSKO'i (E.) Essai d'un Dictionnaire doa Honionymes de la IjJingue Frani;aiHC, avoc la Traduction Allemande, Russe, et, et des Exemplcs tircn des meillcurs Auteurs. Svo. Leipzig, 1862. K 12 R 17 ZiJLLNER (Prof. Johann Carl Friedrich) Transcen- dental Physics : an Account of Experimental Investiga- tions, from the Scientific Treatises of Johann Carl Friedrich Ziillner. Translated by C C. Massey. Ist ed. Svo. Lond., 1880. A 16 S 18 Another copy. 2nd od. Lond., 1882. A 16 S 19 ZOLLTA 1! I V. I )ic Zolllai ifc des In und Au.slandes. 4to. Berlin, l^<^<4. F 5 V 25 Alpli.ibclisches Waaron-Vcrzeichniss zum BrunshiiURor Elb zoll-tarif. Svo. Hanover, 1845. M.J 2 CJ 25 ZONARAS (.)oii\NM>). Opera omnia. [See MloNEi J. P., Series Gr^ca, 131 i:i(i.| Z<>M)I!AS (J.) [See Bvzantin \i-: llisr. Script.]' Zoo] EREE PUBLIC IJERAliY, SYDNEY. Part I : — Aid horn, Editors, or Reference. 833 ^Zun ZOOLOGICAL AND ACCLIMATTSATTON SOCIETY OF VICTORIA. Proweilinus Reports. .T vols. 8vo. Mell)., 1S72-7S.* ME I P First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Reports of the Acclimatisation Society. 8vo. Melb., 1862- 71. ME 1 Q \_See AccLiM.\Tis.vTioN Society.] ZOOLOGICAL RECORD (The). Record oi Zoological Literature, 18(5 l-.S."). Edited by Edward Caldwell Ryi^, F.Z.S., M.E.S. Vols. 22. 8vo. Loud., 180.5-80. ' E ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Indexes, 1830-80. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1866-82. E 1.47 Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of-t he-Way Sayings of the Zulus; collected, translated, and inter- preted by "A Zulu Missionary''; reprinted fioni the Natnl Colonist, Newspaper. 8vo. Natal, 1880. K12Q17 ZULU :MISST0NARY, a. [See Zulu Izaga.] ZUNIGA (Martinez de). Historical View of the Philippine Islands. 2nd ed. 2 vols.(in 1) 8vo. Lond.,1814. B 10 S 8 Sydney : Charles Potter, Government Printer.— 1S85. T) N j 9^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped belo^v. MAR 1 1 1^87 Form L9-Series 4939 UC SOn'Mrn'; n'V':'\-\ : IHRARY !K\im III III lllill III Li III II II D 000 869 929 ^•-EA., oo NOT remove: ^"'S BOOK CARD \NNEf/B/fA/?V