H X 0810 ■ lifornia tonal lity i" CATALOGUE BIBLICAL MANUSCRIPTS. FAC-aiMlJLJE ©JK A .FA.GB OJF THE JETHIOMC JylT.S . N* iii . SfMatthcw.XYI .=,-16. : ***>'-€D& th R'**&. V-- J^frAsn KA--Ay, n, /rha. : trm^ : : Deinceps rt^h : nc £•<£ : : Deinceps, ft,4*£h : IWifU! : ^"S/TOJP '. : In fine, < Trattato contra quelli che negano la resurrettione' (ita scriptum erat) et, ' Computus Temporum Abessinorum.' " 2. In folio minori, Epistolae Paulina?. "3. In 12mo. liber satis crassus, eleganti charactere exaratus : in frontispicio libri aliquis scripserat, 'Preghiere incantatorie degli Abessini.'" (1) The MS. from which Dr. Laurence published his " Ascensio Isaiae Vati»,"seems to have had exactly the same contents, and the " quaedam Esdrae" here mentioned, proved to be the fourth Book attributed to that Prophet in the Vulgate, or the first, according to the Ethiopia Version. MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. "Pk: (DgXthfr : £S7<, : (Djz7n<, : (Dgqvuc : nA^t : 7-nc : haw : nAO a? : nx^t : r?c : H"?rh* : mp$?u- : ATI™ : Agg-ui : (D^u^s :A a : 4>£ao^ : (Dmk : £T7<. : (dz™uc : nA"s+ : 7-nc : h a«3°f. : nAO as : = : nYi*™ : ^ikj : "a a : q>&fo-i : car-?- : cd-i- aa Yip : n? 5 a : = : (Ddt-^i : a/T£ : A^ Ap : A«3°^f -t : (D^r : YY- a- : nn : o^acd* : A/f/h^. : ayi : uich : -tp*LA : = : yi™ : FA9"c : f*R : nA"?^ : YY- a : •$£ a : nc. : tt qouci* : hi^ucyi : = : I proposed next to compare a passage from No. 18, with the same as represented in No. iv. ; but, on examination, I found that there was absolutely not the smallest discrepance, except in the orthography of one or two words. This circumstance sufficiently proves the similarity between the texts of these two MSS., and the specimen is therefore omitted. — The next is a passage from No. iv, compared with the same from No. 19. Matt. v. 13, 14, 15, in No. iv. ^•j.^ao- : arA-fc : /*,ar : Aq^c : (DA^n : ^ar : Ahrh : nW-T-j. : A'syi : .E^fi^p : A APYi, : H^n^O : AlYi : HAlnA : H.E7.E^p : A^A : (DJEYl.E£ : rvOA : : t&t™*- : or A* : -ncvf. : a^aqo : A.T- yia : U7C : -t-s-nA : tt-t- : -WiAt- : ^aoa-t : £-nc : (DKP-i'v (jt : aq-j-i-r : yi™ : .EY1.E *?¥ : Frh-i* : yi^lc : aa : yi™ : jpf-ncT : j^n : t- 5>T«q : (D^ncu : ayy a : Harfi-r : n,^ : : MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 15 The same passage from No. 1 9. A'?^ iro - t a : arA+ : Aar : a«j«£-c : a) i\7\*™?i : Aar : Ahrh : rws ^f. : .Eto^jD : A apti, : A*? 1 *! : ah : .En<£-0 : HA"?nA : hjott^. p : A^. A : (D.KYi.EE-p : n-nA : nxinu **- : : a** ^t^ti, : a^A-fc : •ncvk : ao7A«j° : (DA/P51A : -PYi-fli- : u?c : -i^-nA : Af -p : ivh"? at- : m txO txt- : £-nc : t-i-nc : a) ajp-j^cd. : arfi-t^ : oq^-f-t- : n 00 : yl<\CT : q^QA : yi^i.esi.k-'st: F/srr : yi^c: ha^/iaiti 00 : .PTfiCT : j^n : "p*T«q : a>^ ncv : atf a : n-nA : aa : arh t* : a^ : : We still see something of the same character as in the former extract from this MS.; but, in the present passage, there are some good readings; better, indeed, than those corresponding to them in No. iv. The MS. No. I. comes next under notice ; and some instances will be given of the combinations which it exhibits of the readings of No. hi. and No. iv. I have preserved only two or three such passages, and those are taken all from the same chapter, but a great number might easily have been collected. Matt. xii. 5. y.cci dvccirioi eicri. No. in. . . . (da^etioWo-ix^p:: No. iv. . . . a) aap 00 * : ^m.A-f : : No. i. . (DA.jB: c a(i>-r tro :'2^p:a)AAP t ro-:iim.A't':: Polyglott Text. (DA.EYlOK'o^ ; ^p ; Matt. xii. 7- ouz ccv Ka.Ts'bizu.a-u.Ti rov; di/cciriovg. No. hi. X tra :A. t fMTft a »- , p^:AS£.p3:: No. iv. ■A a D:A.^AA5igop)ao-:AAA:£A 1 -nrt':: No. i. a™ : A.Yi°!'mqnp«TO- : [\ig?l : (D A OT : AJ^il AViqu/DOTj- : /ya a : £ A-flr^ : : Polyglott Text. A°o : A. t r>? r iloo-p ) ao- ; AfKJ>1 '. (1) Leg. {F* ; It is curious that the same mistake should appear also ia the Polyglott Text. J(J ON THE ETHIOPIC Matt. xii. 30. o yu\ uv p,ir \[m>v. No. iii. . . . HVo^gufifU 7 : No. i v . . . . ha.ua° : wia,p : No. i. . . • HA.UA° t ft>:(DHA. , P?: , i D ilA,P: Polyglott Text. HA."n$ \ g»frA,P [ Iljid. 6 ^rj trvjuyuv. No. iii. . . . H Kyftt-Wh \ No.iv. . . . HA^EWlX: No. i. . . . (dh^: KPht-Wh: cdha„e^vkia:: Polyglott Text. (DHAJ£'K?nX ■" A longer extract will shew more clearly the state of the text. Matt. xii. 17—22. No. iii. n m : jelvs. kw> : h-miua : n AAEjPh : i a£ : a^h : .e-ha : 5*u- : (DA£-p : Hidptt- : £<£cp : hid«jo^ : 5£hP : ahic : an^hp : aoa,u- : a) Ttih, : A/tiTi-fl : .ehc : KPR^Q : cp ABAC'S : (da ap : HE/i^p : na^fac-n^ : ^ a- : : -aco : 3"P<£m : A.£j*inc : (Di^u; HESJT.E* : A.JEfll^.A : AiYQ : J27-HA : Q/t-fh '. A°^A : ©flrttro : H.AU- : A/hH«n : Kt-A 00 ^ : : (da^ti : hq°xh- : a-+ : A, a : A31W- : oar^S : (DArhPpro-: Aivn : /r«ni.oqi : je^[7<. : cd].E£,a.p. : : No. iv. wu : .E-fl^/h : H-t-nuA : nA^^^h : n\g : heii : : 5T> : a) a£-p : Hicgrr : HAdL^c : Hiuq°^^ : s^hp : : cdauj.e'J : ^l^fiP : a OA.U-: (DJ^a^UC 11 ^ : Qft-th \ AArfrH-fl : A"?H : A..EHC .* (DA..EeC ** : a) AJ2 n«?«o : ™> j.^ : n^T- : ^ a- : : -nco : ^'p^m : A.£iu-nc : (DUhOi : H^m^h : A._pmar A-fc : oarc : cda: 00 ^ : a)n vqoijnn^.-cDCAp^:: MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 17 No i. tQoo : jE-n>i/h : (dj^^a^ : H-wifh a : nA/i.e.Pft : sn.E : A"sh : .e-ha : £u- : sy : o>a£-p : *AGkP : rndprr : ha^.*c : htx.pi> : ujijd^^ : ^^p : xiD^qo : cdahtc : ^^hP : aoau* : (D^^iu c™- : a ap : keiTO 1 ^ : ww. : n*:> : am OT fr.c-n^ : s a : -nco : S"^^ : A^hnc : (Divos : H^m^h : (D JE5£\£- : AjEm^ : AhTi : pn : jB7-nx : Qt-th : oo«eai: : a)nh 00 : h. au- : A/hH-n : .e^yti a : : (d"A9°ti : A^/fA- : a-* : mi> : XA : A3T?^ : oar : a> a^p : h-s^eti- : 3/feCP : HUJ«j"d^ : *£fiP : : (D XUJjeq : ahic : ^^hP: aoau- : (Dfrii: A/hTHi : ziicv.-. : a^ee^O : (D ABAC'S : (D Aap : hei*i9 d

--tT ' : A-n : : cdcd&.R' : (D*™^,*, : 3>£,ft : : ow-ntt- : A* : njgd, : 0CA£* : ThW : (D&£ : a«j°£ : xtt : liw : [njh 00 : ao 'ii\^^p : ^hiVJ/a^h : hit : (D33/V : <*>&n : : art : rfiYC.PT : H£-n<: : (1) There is some appearance of a small portion of the leaf having been lost at the com- mencement of the piece. Perhaps it was written flAli°"bl"I as I have found it elsewhere. Any letters which were not quite distinct in the MS. and which I had doubts are inclosed in brackets. MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 19 ar •3 d : Rgf : A 00 : .E£A(D* : "°f[\c : ay*-^ : : A 1111 : p A-fift : e A£* <%£ : ah-i-aW : : © Ali^ 00 *** : "a^l- : cde-p*^ : : T\t\ : ^1*1, •fid* : nau-H ^ : g'Vt' nn-t : a : :*13 : *^-h^: : ima : a) [7-] ^ : cvcf-tv : Aft-1- : (Dh'AAl* : nm : o^il : (do^yo^ : : n™ '• ^ Mua : A^h/n : : a^o a+ : ££ : M ww I : °?c an; i* : : (dav^ ot p : Hyp; : (DH-t-cy? A- : ATI"?* : a)T2 a : : p: ft-S : ^a*- 00 : cdc* 00 : n cpg-au : ^.q : ©a) apt : (D a « , k5.ft : *j?,i*i : : rnn : o? a«j° : (Dn^ A9° : It may be literally translated thus : " Praise to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. I Saifa Arad, King, Son of Amda Zion, King, by my name of royalty called Constantine, have given this Sacred Gospel to the House of the Apostles, which is on Mount Koskam: worshipping in humility of spirit, in the place wherein the Lord of flesh and spirit was concealed with his Mother, the pure Virgin without stain 3 ; adoring His power, that He may save me, when He shall array His judgment, when He shall prepare His throne for His decreeing justice, when He shall clothe in white garments him that has believed on Him. And ye also, Priests and Deacons, who sing praises with the Psalms of David in this sacred place, remember me continually in every prayer and petition in the time of incense and of oblation, that I may be able to escape from the day of (2) This name is written elsewhere,' as in the extract immediately following, TriT™ . Koskam. (3) Respecting the concealment of Christ and the Virgin Mary at Koskam, it may be observed, that in the Ethiopic calendar, we find the 2d November signalized by the 7*PT . SlCfl-f-fl I ^A t J D rhr*l : A^hi 1 ? 11 1 : " The flight of Christ from Mehaa to Koskam and Ludolf observes, that, in this latter place, the Holy Family were reported to have made a long stay during their retirement in Egypt: and a monastery was built on the spot afterwards, in commemoration of it. Probably this in Abyssinia derived its name from thence. It is frequently mentioned by Bruce. 20 ON THE ETHIOPIC retribution, from the terrible judgment. And if any one take away and forcibly carry off this Gospel, let him be removed, and let him be accursed before the Father, and the Son and the Holy Ghost, both in this world and in the world to come, for ever and ever. Amen and Amen." Next follows in a different hand-writing: nhoo : fifth : : $£/i : RiQ,i : £-<£4>-*nh : nh $*¥> : thnci its 1 ] 3>riarh T : cdj^jp*^ : (D™ W«*i^ : IcDE-fc : h*™^ : av^c^r : [r\ mi:] 7\^i*i : ^Cfi 3 : nn/i™ : mh. A-n^c : A^il : : " In the name of the Holy Trinity, We, Sons of Abyssinia, have conjointly written this in Koskam, being 30 presbyters, deacons and monks, in the 69th year of Grace: Macarius being our Superior, in the peace of God. Amen." As to the date of this document, " the 69th Year of Mercy, or Grace," it must be observed, that the Ethiopic era of chronological computation, is not very definitely fixed. In the " Computus Ecclesiae iEthiopica?" in Ludolf s Commentary on his Ethiopic History, three dif- ferent dates are given by the compiler to indicate the year in which it was written. The two first are large numbers, 7107 and 6650, and are computed from the Creation; a third is added, 207. of which Ludolf is unable to give any account. Now this third appears to be on the same system of reckoning as that in question ; and the same I have found to be adopted also in every MS. that I examined, wherever any date was assigned. If the number 267 represents the year 1607 of the common Christian era, as Ludolf says it does (Comm. p. 3S5), 69 will then answer to 1409. (1) The numerals indicating the number of persons, are partly obliterated; one of them, the first, is that which stands for 30. (2) The word Fl. uu 2 '. I do not understand. (3) A^JBl*! ! seems from the context, in this and other places, to mean " the Head or Superior of the Convent:" perhaps it is a corruption from the Arabic ir..>Jl (See Ludolf Comm. p. 253.) MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 21 But according to the date at the end of the printed Ethiopia Testament, the year 200 of the Abyssinian* represents 1548 of our era; according t<> which computation, 69 would answer to A.D. 1417, instead of 1409. This agrees with Bruce's account, who states, in his Abyssinian History (Travels, Vol. II. p. 62), that the commencement of the era dates from 134S ; and consequently the year 200 answers to 1548, and 69 to 1417- Now Saif Arad, who is stated above to have presented this MS. to the Monastery, reigned, according to Brace, from 1342 to 1370; and this clause, in which the date occurs, was certainly written after the former, or deed of presentation, and possibly at as long an interval as forty or fifty years; which supposition would make the computations agree. A few lines follow, difficult to decipher, but apparently denouncing punishment upon any one who should carry away the book; and on the next page the work itself begins. It is introduced by the Epistle of Eusebius to Cyprian, and his Tables of the Harmony of the Gospels. This occupies ten pages, each ornamented with a painted border, of different colours, in the margin. A title-page, which comes next, bears the inscription -J,Q£, ; WCtt '. H^-fl<, I ACaO-fc I (D'il^ I which seems to apply rather to the introductory piece that immediately follows, than to the whole volume. It is not very easy r to translate these words literally; but from the subject of the piece just mentioned, they appear to signify generally " An Account of the Plan of the Composition (or, of the Harmony) of the Four Gospels." The first word is written i,(\do '. but as I have not found that any such word exists in the language, and *f.Q£, '. seem so exactly to suit the sense of the passage, I have made the alteration. This page is ornamented with two figures of birds, with the title fffl ; QrhCl "Sea-Ostrich;" and two of beasts, marked QfWVI the meaning of which term is not obvious. Ludolf gives, in his Lexicon, only Qfl.£v ; which he describes as the name given to a fabulous kind of birds. Passing over some rude figures, which occupy the three next pages, we find, before the commencement of St. Matthew, the same introduction which is prefixed to the New Testament printed at Rome, and which has just been referred to above. It is written in the same hand-writing as the Gospels themselves, 22 ON THE ETHIOPIC and in the same form, two columns on each page. We proceed to give a copy of it. It will be seen that there are many variations between the text of this piece as here exhibited, and that of the printed edition; but they are of little consequence. A few of them will be found noted below. ix* : wcut- : nxi-i* A-n^t- : ^a^ : hacqo* : cd%a t- : : A3 h : jzi*/v : C£-A/r : sia A* : i/hir*™- : aa^. :A"m : ar?2A : A q°rhTC^^ : am a A/fc : xqn^-Avirno- : : a-?£. : HAarA-n : a) A/h E, : HA/PCft : (dh ATCfi : dSrh : h.ai> : q°h a : p-rh^h : (Doq-fcp rt::=:: A7h£ : A"m : (DT2A1* : A"?H : KP-iwuh : YH14 : ACA^ ** : A A ; hyiud : je^^e- : : a>T2Ai*i : hth&v. : Ath&v. : iti : i-Kftuz. : A «j° ayi a : ©p A5i a^ : : j^X™- : ACQO-fc : -s-n^ : A a : A"*h£ : "of. : X"?H : A^v^AR : (DAY* : nA^E, : «rovy| : [OA.]fl)«ro* ; HArh£ : (D Kv. : t-oqYi<. : AA^nc : pit- : (daap : -iwui : °qAYiA*ro- : £X «"* : Y1™ : hha-j^. : A^. : Jnn- : 0<.p : h-n^ii* : (dckp-t : hha oq^ : th"?+ : "of : (D^n : AT* : Yi^m : AAA : a> A.™ j,^ ; ^oo \&qat 5 a) AY* : j*-***!- : hy>5 : H^mnM : A'Wic : f Ai- : : (DX^Yif- a- : /h "q,^: (D/hTm^ : aaa : AR-itt 1 : (D^Eyy? : .p^wic 00 -: n-n X : rwi<.u : nX1-r : HA/h£ : a) Ar/h^-tn : yi^-h : arX-fc : Aft™ ■ A^Aft : n-nA : Y*? : amx'S'r : ^x^crt : (d^iyi^ ; m-n<: : 0^11- : H-t-n^A : (DnX^-r : H-i*-nd : (DnXTi* : t?wA.u- : am "Kft- : 0C7-t : (Dfittf : 9° a*a* : Aft 00 : uajd : .ey*^ : a>HYi™ : ©un : aag-iii? : nq°A-T^ : (dhyi 00 : .eh, : aj^aayi- : nAA i- : wcvt- : KP"^a)aq : a-haCT : fa°l : Ah™ : a>A£* : a/h-t-fc : £<£c : (D-nrh-t- : act : hyioo-h : amA^-rn : H OT mi*H : Y*f : ^-n di* : ^a^ : : (da- jh : -ha^-i- : acap : yi°° : ^t-^uc : nd : c^ : ASui- 2 : : a)Pvh3h : auea : a)Yi/h : A*?H : je-ha : AqoAOA- : Whwin : Afi-u- : aqc Variations in the printed Edition. MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 23 <*>rt* : X"? h : UA(D : arrti* : °?-n/r : Ah-wi-op : hcg-'K-r : ha i> : "a 00 : £7nc : I n aD 'H : : ©a^a : non : nrh£,A : -rTid : (DX a yi : A£q° : aaoa : : ©ay* : n ArhtaqXTft'l- : /svix^ro- : Htete j.:AA:nfif'A:q i) ^c:a)nYY-A:afhc:n[ ]-fc 4 : n°o*n vjeoq^ : y {•n-njD : a>.p a«j°j. : a> Ar> : ha. jza)*^ : vqod : u,j^ 7 ; au^ao^ : A"n : AOh<^ : (DA^ia A : r^-nx : (da.a«j°x^ : A a : a^utc : (da a rhH-ll : (DA/tiTMl : (DAq°^C : (DAQ/hC : (DAAA£iV : (DAfY-A I qjAq° : AX°°k : nHrhS : HX7H.X* : a.p A-fr : sica* a : °°c^ 9 : A •nAiao/pp.nxi-r: ^•nd-t- : ^Ai- : h§>#/i3 : Acao-fc : (DS2A I have attempted to give a translation of this piece, though some passages in it are of dubious import. A few notes are subjoined, referred to by figures, and the doubtful passages are indicated by inverted commas. " A representation of the plan of the Harmony 1 of the Four Gospels. 2 Now two only of the Apostles wrote Gospels, and two of their followers; 3 one of Paul, and the other of Peter; and he who followed Peter ' made use of the assistance of John and Matthew.' " They wrote the Gospels then not seeking glory to themselves, but according to what truth required. Now if one Gospel only had been written, it would have sufficed, ' and does suffice' ; but those who wrote them composed four : and they did not see each other, and were not in one place when they wrote, and there was no consultation between them : yet they spoke as with one mouth ' the same glorious things, and what they had seen in truth.' And no enemy or unbeliever could have done like this, that there should have been no discrepancy in so great Variations in the printed Edition. a^.**.: hao*^.: 8 o>aaa£a:(Da: ac 24 ON THE ETHIOPIC a collection of writings. This saves them from all calumny or suspicion of the enemy. And enlightened men esteem them much for what they have written; and its contents are of this kind: That God became man; and concerning the signs and wonders that He did; and how He was crucified, and how He was buried ; and concerning His resurrection and ascension ; and concerning His coming, that He must be the Judge; and how He gave salvation in mercy; and how He said, ' I have not brought another dispensation, to oppose the old law; how He alone was the only- begotten and beloved Son. In this way, and concerning these things, it is that so great a collection of writings has been composed. And Luke has shewn us ' a correct account,' that we may be instructed in the confirmation of the truth of the word. And John has settled all controversy, say- ing, He descended from above and from His Father, ' while he shewed to them the walk of Christ.' And he has also spoken more at length than the others. And Matthew ' has instructed in the faith those who were of the Jews.' And Mark also, when he was in Egypt, his disciples besought him that he would do thus. And Luke again has ' given the relation afresh,' 4 and carried it up to Adam. And it was not in a corner that they hid their writings, but they spread their report in every land and every sea, to all mankind, as proclaiming it with a trumpet; for it was necessary that this should be read even to this day. And there is no cause of stumbling, not to any man, in what is written; since the might of God, that is all-powerful and far above all, has directed it aright. And if it were not so, how could publicans and fishermen have had such wisdom? And these things are not a dream or vain shadow to those who with humility and faith read them and believe : nor are they profitable to them in their life only, but moreover also in their death. And they are not designed for two men, or ten, or a hundred, but for cities and nations, and peoples, 5 and earth and sea, and for the Greeks, 6 and for the whole world. ' They have conducted those who believe into the haven of peace and of our Lord Jesus Christ.' " What concerns the harmony of the Four Holy Gospels is ended. " NOTES. 1 r i'fld r t' '. J'\ J 1" '. Ludolf renders ' Concordantiae.' MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 25 1 ^h : jz-r a- : ^A/i*: "while he followed help." ofthis I have been unable to assign any satisfactory explanation. Is it possible that ^J^A^I should mean, status rov d.j^r\\, munus discipuli, q. d. discipulatus 2 Or is it to be taken in its usual sense of help, "K7H. A-fl/hbC • being understood, as intimating that the Gospels were written by divine assistance 1 1 X^^A-IF 00 * : is of a form not found in Ludolf under the root TA(D 1 1 /\ aD ^A a U >cro ': would either mean " in their order," or "after them;" but the construction of what follows, &1%r*\ HAaX"A°h '. seems to require that a substantive should be understood in this word, and perhaps some different form for *f A • ■ — ■ ■ riADU* : A/\7H,A-ndi,c : -tv^ 011 : am a : nn p : Acao-t : ack ivi- : «c : a Acao-fc : a>T2A : :=: : Bill : : Y^A- : 9 A-ti> : acd^a : /T£-3> : ©X^CAiY : Xfrn : -r^ ^* : A A.U- : cd aj^ : -f£7<; s : :=: : ah AK7h^ : .E^/hC 00 * : x^KA-n^c : niro-j^^j^ ; naqjp^ : A°q,"s : : cdat^p : HO)rtfi* : (DHA^t- : a> H7"?AAYt- : ftdP : a>qcft-£ : ao?a*to : ^Aqo : A 01 *"? : :=: : "Now the sum of all the clauses of the Four Gospels is 9700: and that ye may know the number of the clauses of the Four Gospels, we have written it for you. " By the grace of the Lord, here are ended the Four Gospels. The sections of the Four Gospels are 217. " All the clauses of the Holy Gospel, even from its beginning to its end, namely, the writing of St. John, are completed. (1) The word JrA \ which is rendered above, "a clause,'" is explained by Ludolf, *' Versus seu sectiuncula." From the large number here mentioned, it seems almost to mean " lines." By reckoning up the numbers given at the end of each Gospel, in the printed edition, we find the total 9207 ; there is therefore some variation, which, if lines are reckoned, is easily accounted for. (2) CD AJc; '. TiJ(j '. seems to have reference to St. John, who is in other places called "VT16'. fl all A , ; l": " The Discourser upon the Divinity (of Christ)," probably from his Greek appellation 6 QeoXoyoc. What G)A^* '. means is not clear: one might conjecture that it were used for " the Worl" " the Production ;" but then it should be (DA £ '. "The work oj John." In this way, however, I have rendered it. MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 27 " Upon him who caused this to he written, and upon him who wrote it, upon hoth of them may the Lord have mercy in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen. — And if there he any thing that I have added or omitted, or inverted, pardon it, and bless me, for ever and ever. Amen." Next follows a form of imprecation against any one who should dare to carry away, or by any means remove this Book from the possession of its owners, the Fraternity at Koskam. It is of the same sort as that mentioned in the beginning of the MS., but expressed in yet stronger terms. The conclusion of it is as follows: A^ft-?:5i^.A-:qaf lA :^Q.^:Ah*c^ { E:^/h^: , 3v?«J D : A°*i"? : : h^iee : tn-r : cd.e A-fc : : (DTil-fc : xnw : Hf 7-nd : n KDg : ujoo^ : qu/hd^ : n^TO a : -f-oqfr : x^h : (D*F*fh a? : h™Vi : : nwnwv : £ : A *rtf .*P-ifi3ii:: " Let his portion be with Judas Iscariot in the lowest hell. Amen. He that shall take away this book, wo to him! And this solemn vow was made in the 84th year of mercy, in the days of our Superior 1 Thomas; and may his mercy be upon us. Amen. — In the reign of David, son of David ; John being our Metropolitan." We are here carried forward to the S4th year of the Ethiopic era, 15 years later than the date of the inscription in the beginning of the MS., i.e. to A.D. 1432. A king of the name here mentioned, David, is inserted in the Catalogue of Ludolf, next but one after Saifa Arad; and in Brace's work, Zara Jacob, who reigned from 1434 to 1468, is said to have been " son of David." The above pieces are followed by a document which appears to contain some of the laws or constitutions of the Monastery of Koskam. nhtro ; pjft-fi ; ^ rt : ^ /trhd^ : H-t : mXthQ : n i o,ou^ : qu/h tt : in.d.1 : iu°q.^ : ID6.0W : A°q^n^ : ^fi^q : n^h : -t-n U) A^JKlh ! denotes, as before, the Superior of the Monaster)', not the political chief, or prime minister, called the lias. [ aD [p]a : c ; a)-4°A «*>- : AX 00 ^ : 3>£/i*J : ecds : (DYY-a- 00 - : 0Aar7H- : a-™- : x a : .e^^-a : Agu^-^ 5 : yi™ : grtL : n™?? : a) ax™ : A/t-ftu A-ro- : g^nc : i o A-r : a>.E t^C '• "*n : h^*j^ : : ^: n^A : sfMiflin, :: (DA..MAO- : n aih't-f-aD- : ha^ha : n^Mac : HX"?nA : A/hoo-a^ : Aa/ht-f- to- : .poe^ : cdi- ^a™^ : [hj^q,-^ ; oqr$ nc : a)X a ?H.A-nrh,c : .e ncn : oq»ina : A°q,^ ; a™,"? : A.EY1*"? : : nrt aD ; \uAfi : 3>£/i : toaU : to : (D53.rt : Arh^y : AH-t : °°k /h^. : A£-n<: : ^fi^q" : "ou^ : cdejp*^ : (do^p^ : nd.Efi : hca : itp-"? : n OT 3a : [ ]uru:s : (DW^idi : wa? : ^^nc : 3> £/,-? : ^: o)A.q,u/ : ^a^: : = : : © £3™ : w&Oi : A^^nd : 3>£/iS : AX OT : A^iu™ : dgft : aoa : (!) A name of the same form as *t , l*l'ft I QI OUg-r$f ; ; s f oun( i ; n another part of the MS., viz. -f mqncf ; aog-q-} - m ; (2) 't'l'l I 7fVH I " the chief Presbyter" seems to be an Amharic appellation. It is inserted as such by Ludolf in his Lexicon of that language. Elsewhere, in this MS. it is written *Pl*I.ri '. 'lf\"Y\ '. more in the Ethiopic form. (3) The name of the aD pfL " is obliterated. This title I have rendered ' Steward,' though it may perhaps mean the Vicegerent or Deputy of the Superior. (40 The fifty days' fast is to be observed, not including the fourth and sixth days of the week, which were fasts in course, and always observed as such. This seems to be the meaning of HA 5C\t\ '. for it can hardly signify " except" in the sense that the penance was on those days to be dispensed with. In something of the same way, though the instance is not strictly analogous, the duration of Lent is protracted in Abyssinia, by omitting in the computation all the festivals that occur during its continuance. (Lud. Comm. p. 3S8.) MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 20 3>£/i3 : pu-np : hflF-t- : h R(hq,i : livh : :=: : (P/vx™ : ArhiDtro- : " In the name of the Holy Trinity, this writing was written, in the 1 Oth year of grace. We have decreed this with common consent for the Fraternity of Koskam: Tasabka Madchen being Superior, and Thomas Chief Presbyter, and Victor Steward; and the number of Iloly Men 39; and the clothing of all, and the food of all is alike. And they enacted, on pain of excommunication, that those who come after us should be as we are; and if it is not possible for them, let them remain ten days, and then depart whithersoever they will. Again, we have enacted, if any one use violence with his hands, let his penance be fifty stripes, or, if in words, thirty stripes. And let them not eat alone, but in the common assembly: except the sick; let these be separated and be alone. The Statutes of the Fraternity are ended, and may the Lord bless our Fraternity. Amen, Amen; So be it. " In the name of the Holy Trinity, Lord of flesh and spirit, We, Priests, Deacons, and Monks, have written this writing for the Mountain of Kos- kam; Zara Sion being our Superior, Steward; by the common consent of our whole Fraternity of Holy Men, that they should not make quarrel or dispute in this place. And if there be any one that has trans- gressed against his brethren, whether it be by word, or that he has used violence with his hand, let them give him penance forty days, not including the fourth and sixth days of each week. If it be by a great offence that he has transgressed against his brother, let him not eat an egg or fish, and let him not drink milk or wine, together with offering a hundred prayers every day. And if it be by a small offence that he hath transgressed against his brother, let them give him twenty days, and food and drink as in the former case. And again, we have enacted for the Fraternity of Holy Men: If the Superior transgress against the Holy Men, let them appoint him this penance that we have written; and if the Holy Men transgress against the Superior, let him appoint them penance according to Avhat we have written." The remainder of these documents has been lost from the MS. The early date assigned is remarkable, "the 10th year of mercy." Whether gO ON THE ETHIOPIC this piece were written before that which precedes it, or only copied from some more ancient document, and inserted here, is not certain. Probably the latter was the case. In the last page of the MS. we find the following note, of which the subject is not very obvious. I have endeavoured to give a translation. nrt i^h : TRftuzft : Ht : ™x ihq. : cdua- : Arh& : n,^ : n OT T?A : v°w&zp : xqo* : a-f : ftcfr ^jp"? : HfhiK : Hnc^ri : (D-n^iVfc^ : fi°q : q°Arh : (DHP^n, : © a& : p-/h^h : (D^i^aa : (D/hAnA : ^W-^"^ : f\q?Aqu : aot A£ «ro- : (D Aar A£ : or ae 00 * : (Dnd.Eh : rm.qoh : (Dn^h : hca : ,8: p-"? : (DHl^ 00 - : cdh^a?^""- : orEft*"? : okhh : nA<5. : h-a : oxd a^ : (Dtro^rt : 3>£,fi : h™& : ® q oao^ : qu/h^ : -r^;^ : t_|^ ■t : ao^/h^. : : " In the name of the Holy Trinity, Lord of flesh and spirit, this writing was written. There is a certain house to the eastward of the Church, which was built by Zacharias and his wife, by name Melah, and his eldest son John, and Michael, and Hasabala. May it be unto them for ever, to their children, and to their children's children. Before (or in the time of) the Superior Pachymius and the Superior Zara-Sion. Whoever shall remove or forcibly dispossess them, let him be accursed before the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen. In the 51st year of grace this writing was written." This seems to be a deed, asserting the title of some individual to the possession in perpetuity of a particular house. I once supposed, from the connection of the names John and Zacharias, that John the Baptist might be intended, and that Zacharias, his father, was accounted by tradition the builder, not of the house, but of the Church designated; but then his wife was Elizabeth, not Melah, and it is difficult to make any thing of the names Michael and Hasabala. It therefore seems necessary to conclude, that this Zacharias was the builder of the house in question, and that the other names belong to the members of his family. It might be understood that ftoij: means not the name of his MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 31 wife, but the name of the house ; and so the whole passage might In- rendered differently. But this is not very probable; and as the subject is not of much importance, 1 forbear to enlarge. Besides these extraneous additions at the beginning and end of the volume, some are found in other parts of it, of a similar nature. To each Gospel is prefixed a rude portrait of the Evangelist who composed it, together with a table of the sections which it contains ; and the vacant spaces left in these parts, of half a page or more in extent, are occupied by pieces of various import. Of these, some commemorate presents made to the Monastery; as the following : nhtro- : wttfi : *£j*i : ^ati, : to : (D^ft : h : Arm : (da -jr A /frt : <*\Prh : 7\>a : iw$p : (Dun : ArhYCP^* : n™TO A : <^Eh : AfH : nct^fi : ^n™ : gttl : A-r>m<, : cdjeah,* : H-i-arun : ArhYCP'P : (DA^ro*^ '. TftlCP ." (DA^ChOjD .' (D^THY!*^ ." 1 n<. : nno?A na »- : ArhYCP^* : : " In the name of the Holy Trinity, Lord of flesh and spirit, hear ye our Fathers and our Brethren, that Paul hath given one black cow, with her calf, and one red heifer hath he given to the Apostles, in the days of the Superior, Abuna Bartinos, that it may be for a memorial of him. And now that it is given to the Apostles, do you also be mindful of him, and forget him not, but make commemoration of him on the Feast of the Apostles." The phrase " given to the Apostles," seems to mean, " given in honour of the Apostles," "dedicated to them." The word U/cpp; m the third line, I do not understand. Some of these documents contain laws and general resolutions of the Fraternity. nfi 00 : frft-fi : 3>£,h : A/h^.5 : £7n<, : f Tmc^ : t\W.s?pl : a o« : S(db : a / p*«3 d ^ : : WdOi : tti(\& : n OT yoa.u* : AtjDjp^cfi : ^£h : (D7\} h : tro 7a : -i-^iti : Aar?Ti* : Hl-r : t n aD : A.P-fPPA : 32 ON THE ETHIOPIC 7\ mx l : n/rwi : cdx 00 ^ : n^-vn : : (da ot ^ : hh'oj : tpe^ : : a,p •fW a : : T^y. : H-m.E™ : &gh : acf : *™ia. : : A.P-fl'PA : H"?-r : cda^ 00 : A-fimA : h^-p : huj^os : rha^s : ^us* : (D£\p#^ : (DanjtQ^^ : : ax™ : A-nm^«D- ■ : ^a^siou- : X7H. A-n^c : xaq^n^ : 57^ j?? : : (D.E^rt. : aiD /h^c^i im ' : arh-t- : ivw° : : in : "htn+l : HA„Efl\s.x : cdo^u- : HAje5(D-«?o : : (DAHA/frh^ : a<^ £h : -tjDjP/Cfi : : JK^rfi^. : hq° : A7H.A-fl/h,c : or fit- : a^rh^ : /h.^(Dl- : Aq? a™ : o? Ag° : A **"! : :=: : " In the name of the Holy Trinity, We have written, Let them make commemoration of the Pilgrims on the 29th day of the month Tekemt, (26th October). We have decreed it with common consent, in the days of the Superior Theodore, Thomas being Steward ; We determine, under pain of excommunication, that they shall not abrogate it; whether in time of plenty, or of famine, or under whatever circumstances, let them not abrogate it. And if any one be appointed Superior or Steward, let them not abrogate this. And if they shall abrogate this that we have, decreed by common consent, Priests, Deacons, and Monks, if ye shall abrogate it, may the Lord separate you from the company of Pilgrims, and make your dwelling-place in hell, where the fire is not quenched and the worm sleepeth not. And as for him who caused this to be written, the Superior, Theodore, may the Lord write his name in the Book of Life, for ever and ever. Amen." We now proceed to the MS. No. 19., which is written in columns and in the folio form, like that already described. It commences with the Epistle of Eusebius to Cyprian, which is followed by the same Procemium as in the former instance, with the title HA*?'!"' '. r i T fidi r t' '. ^a^:h©"52a^:: At the end of the Gospels, we have the following inscription: nAYio-tri* : A-fl :(D(D t\Sr : (Dou^h : 3>£.h : i\8-/h<5/l* : Ht: : Wi it\ : qo^m- : tt-t- : ^nc. : ^h-nA-f- : AA7H>s : APrth : sic* *h : (DASi-ihjD-f- : £,n : q^c : ash : .E7-nc : -i-Ag^i- : (D^lfi &-r : qp-fr : (di-Ifa-t : a>0C7* : (DVi-f : rtoq.pl- : n*™^} : 3>#. MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 33 h : 2pc2rt ' : nuc : tit a. : : n^TO a : oy-tprt : (D17 a : *Ah* : A-n : un_E : Aa : p-rh*Sh : (dSt-y*** : XhYi^c : h+iWP : ha? : ^KA-firh, C : ^hm^nx^ii : a)i*3.>ioq.fcri : a^toa : oqopfi : cdTza'e : he : w : r : A 00 -!- : q°rh^^ : fkdcs : ""fin^ : A OT : ■"i.E'iy- : a a^UA^ : (DA™ 1 1™*fr \ AAA.^ : CDfi-fL^ : AX^H.A-flfh.C : a^a^iA 01 ^::^: " By the grace of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, this Gospel of the Kingdom has heen written; which relates the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His walking upon the earth, doing signs and wonders, His death and resurrection, and ascension into heaven. It was written in the Church of St. George in Harza-Wele, in the days of the Evangelist Matthew 3 , in the 142d year of grace 4 ; the Reverend Father Abba Johannes being our honoured Metropolitan, and our King being Alexander, who was named, by the grace of God, Constantine; and its completion was in the days of Mark the Evangelist, in the 143d year of grace, in the month of Maskaram (September), when it was the sixth day and fifth night 5 ; and praise be unto the Lord for ever. Amen." (1) tTOV^ : %>&h i 2JDC2?1 1 rendered « the Church of St. George," may possibly be the name of the place where this was written. The native town or village of Ludolf 's Abyssinian, Gregory, was called OD 'OJ '. V^Al*!. '. " The Church of the Trinity." (2) flUC ! TH1PAI " In Harza-Wele." I have represented the name of the place thus, from its being written so in other places where it occurs. There seems no traces of the Hebrew nn " a mountain" being ever adopted in the Ethiopic dialect, else it might be supposed, from UC '• being thus written separately, that it meant " the Mountain of Wele." (3) " The days of the Evangelist Matthew, Mark, &c." is a mode of indicating each year in a cycle of four. (Vid. Ludolf. Coram, p. 439; et Lex. iEth. in voc. ^UA^ '. rad. (DU A '.) (4) The date here given agrees, as in a former case, with Bruce. The year 142 would represent, according to the computations given above, either A. D. 1482 or 1490. And Iscander or Alexander reigned, according to Bruce, from 1478 to 1495, which period includes both of these dates. (5) The only meaning that I can conjecture for the phrase " sixth day and fifth night," is, that it was finished in the night between the fifth and sixth days of the month. F 34 ON THE ETHIOPIC Tlien follows an invocation of blessings upon him who ordered the book to be written : HA/£/h4, : AH-t : ^/frhdL : Zh.E(D^ : AfH \ fm«ju<£ : «roj^ *& \ d.R(\ : n a.p? : -tpj^crt : (Doq-tph 3 ug-rid. : rhTC^^ ' : t^ : get? : q°frrfi : ng.n : qojp/c : (D^crh : nrvq ¥ *t- : : gxthq, : fiq° : nanliwr : fioq^^ : arhi- : sh^voh- : A g ■ ^Ih-n : n-n A : a^ : (d.eyi^A' : grci-t- : q°h a : $a.P^ : (datc jp* : (D«jort a : kr-^I : (Dnaqo^ : cdtoiA : wp^i'i : nus*^ : a)q« fiA : ^^aq"? : aus"^^ : (P.PhW} : ^a : °q^A^ : Hrh95*^ : p -n A : U7d : -ficui- : :k3i* : Mjpta : "having : axDO* : amTSHi ^ : : (TKtt : tou- : wr*™- : tra-j^-^ : ^ a : -*m.A^ : a^a™ : q? ao^^iic^cda 01 !,^:: " He who caused this Book of Life to be written, Abba Tatamka- Madchen, Superior at Jerusalem, son of Abba Theodore, and Matthew of the Mount of the Apostles, that he might have honour upon earth and mercy in heaven: may Christ write his name in the kingdom of heaven, on the wings of the four beasts, and appoint his portion with the Prophets and Apostles, and with the just men and Martyrs, and with the ordained Priests and the perfected Monks ; and may He make him hear the voice of the Song of the Children, and bring him into the City of Light, that shines more than the sun and moon and stars; for the sake of His flesh and His blood, that cleanseth from all sin, for ever and ever. Amen." This paragraph is involved in some confusion, from which I have been unable to extricate it. Two persons seem to be mentioned at the beginning, the Superior at Jerusalem and Matthew, yet the verbs and pronouns are in the singular number, as referring to one only. (1) " The Mount of the Apostles" I understand to mean Koskam, which is called in the extract from the commencement of the MS. No. 18, fl/l* '. ftl'PCF^t' '. HE"fl4 '. f t*" , il£ , J D '-'. " The House of the Apostles on the Mountain of Koskam." (2) The words iVfl A • H.T '. (literally, " Men of the household, domestic servants,") arc obscure. They may perhaps refer to the four beasts, considered as in continual attendance round the Divine Throne. MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 35 Perhaps Matthew was an ancestor of the Superior, father of Theodore, for instance. Then there is no nominative case to the verbs J2K"rh^.! > E t fl^./V > ; &c- though by the last clause it would seem that the Saviour was intended as the agent. In the vacant pages at the beginning and end of the volume, are inserted various detached pieces, as in No. 18; but some are quite of a novel description, being inventories of goods and furniture. The persons writing them are frequently styled i^i^y'i'. "Pilgrims,"' which, joined to the circumstance of the " Superior at Jerusalem" being mentioned, appears to shew that this volume has belonged to the Convent of Abyssiniaiis in that city, the members of which are generally pilgrims. The following is a specimen of the inventories above mentioned : nh ao : YVfrti : *&fi : rhfr^ : UAT : HA^i-AAJZ : Xrh^S : h"?-p : 1 : sr'ilix : 5 : ifh£v : *H"H : B>?TO : Ha^A, : : s^arj^- : rq,nj2^ : (D ES'Xrt^* : ood-j/davO : H(DC* : ood^/t>AO^ : HrhdC : oac4"h : H (DC* : B^m/ivr- : *njftq°A. : hcdc* : B^^h : n^"? ; au?£ ; hp+ : -ft<,C : r*|>anh : (DB^TiftrP \ HrhrfC \ -HA^E : KDlfiT-C : -OA.E : Srhj^fi : : B^fhdL.K* : ^?a^ : Ho?a>\^ : B , fY■ Dl } , J T, : s^to : ^Pi ny.^- : (Dr^A.^ : : amon : rh«j°A : B^^fi : hcd-t-c : (DBH*?*? : /h a.*? : : (Dog-frr : Binr"? : ohca : H-nci- : oqn^Eft ; r ond* : H-ncl- : bto-^p : o^n"? : w-nct : ^-nw : : " In the name of the Holy Trinity, conjoined in essence, inseparable. We, all the Pilgrims assembled, have written down these, the possessions of the Church of Harza-Wele, Abba Atska-Denghel being our Superior, and Joseph his deputy, together with five presbyters, two deacons, and two laymen. — 4 patines of silver; 3 cups of silver; 7 spoons 1 of silver, 1 of C 1 ) OC<5. '• aD fl4 , A '. vocatur cochlear, cujus usus est in distributione vini benedicti in S. Ccena, /Ethiopum more." Ludolf. Lex. TEth. in voc. VfCif, '. 30 ON THE ETHIOPIC gold; 2 crosses of silver; 1 censer of silver; 3 plates for the flagons 2 ; 2 cups of beryl; 5 dishes 3 , 3 large and 2 small; 1 curtain (embroidered) with gold; 1 curtain of silk; I cloak 4 (embroidered) with gold; 2 complete robes 5 , (embroidered) with gold; 2 shirts of white linen, embroidered with silver; 3 skirts, and two robes, of old silk; 17 old veils (or coverings) ', 5 new; 2 large round vessels 7 ; 2 caps 8 ; 8 candlesticks, 5 large and 3 small. And again, 3 large clokes 9 ; 2 shirts of twisted work 10 ; 2 iron rods; 1 "; 2 frying-pans 12 ; 1 cup (drinking vessel) of brass; (2) 4 ) Hrl '. I have rendered " flagons," on the supposition that it may have some affinity with the Arabic iji[» or is • «jli' Fas polorium, scil. Amphora, Crater. Golius. \) is also explained in the same Lexicon to mean a particular kind of silk; and \W> is " a vender of such silk." (3) OfflT^" I may possibly signify a round dish, as " orbis," is used in Latin. (4) QC^°fl ; Arab. i^/<~y Penula, Lacerna. (5) tTOy! 1 ! /^; I do not find any root to which this can be referred, but the Arabic 0~tS Integer, alsolulusfu.it. I have, therefore, rendered it " complete." It might be connected with HCDChP '. so as to mean " completely embroidered." (6) ilTC ■ Arab. j*y Tegumentum, pec. Velum, Cortina. Golius. (7) Being quite uncertain about the meaning of the word OQfTlz^.j^* \ I have translated it by the very general term " vessel." It commonly signifies in Ethiopic " a tower," but here seems rather connected with the Arabic i*ak-» or &sls* Fas scypho simile quo mensuratur Jrumentum. Golius. (8) I ff* c^ ^ , 3 l, '. '. Under the Arabic root if operuit, are two derivatives, which seem in some degree to suit the sense of this passage: 1/, Plur. X*£\ Manica indusii, vest is; and tS> Pileus rotundus. I have taken the latter. (9) n l J D '\ '. '• Arab. Al**i Feslimentum, pec. totum corpus involvens. Gol. Heb. rVTOC- (10) HCDTC '• From the Arabic f) Nervus, Chorda. This may mean some sort of twine, woven or plaited together. Perhaps something of a shirt of mail. (11) J^'I*1T I To this word I am unable to assign any probable meaning. (12) TlTfJ '. I nave translated "frying-pans." We have the root jSO Fruit, in Chaldee and Syriac ; in Arabic ii /?'^ Sartago. The substitution of "IT '■ for ^T is not strictly analogical, but may be admitted on the same ground as that of IT I for $*'. and of 3? • ^ or ?T» which occur in several Amharic words, and can only be accounted for from the similarity of sound in these letters. MANUSCRIPTS OF PARIS. 37 1 mortar; 2 ewers 13 of brass; 2 censers of brass; 5 carpets (of mats)." There are some commemorations of presents made to the Fraternity : nAYMrr : A-n : oxd A.R- : #j*i : wtvft : mx : (D0<. pi : rtiiw : : (DiMVn- : As : (D A£ : aq : W- aa : 1%*™ : cdu a. : A^-? : /f p-"5 : hua° : nc ^ : a Ah/iui^ : ^^i : ri^o^r- : o* iti a : H-ncc : (Do^-to : H-n<.c : a^^p : tou- : cdjp,^ : ^ a.p " Praise to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, three in person, and equal in power. I, son of Abba Samuel, servant of Amha Sion, who is at Rome, have given to Stephen 2 the first martyr, one patine of silver and a cup of silver, for receiving the body and blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ. At the commencement of the volume are some records of sentences passed by the Fraternity upon offenders. The following is a specimen : "?rh? : J2£\P"? : Tt-txi : thciti : 0)1*1°^.^? : Adu?.? : A OT : i©S : A i^qo-i" : 5 *nar h^ : cdjpjp*^ : ecde vitv mi 'b : a"5h : dgti : aq : viK<£ : grlitx : 'hti*™ : e«j°t- : ao a : a.<£ : AA^ : Aa : Pvh"?h : (Ddtf- (13) 0'fld4 > I Arab. JtfjjV* Gladius : item Pers. Gutturnium, el Epichysis, vasroslratum. Gol. The substitution of O .' for A I is so general, that sometimes even the first person future of a verb is found in the MSS. written with a preformative '. instead of A 1 1 (1) How the word 7^ an '. comes in here, I do not see. It may perhaps be connected with Samuel, and form part of the proper name. The order of the words will scarcely permit it to be taken with (DU A. ! else (DO A. '. 7JP.'J D '. might be understood to mean " a labourer in the field:" though such a person would not have made, we may suppose, so valuable a present. (2) The name of Stephen is here mentioned as the Saint in whose honour the gift was offered. Sometimes no such name is introduced, and it is simply, " I, N. have given to the Church of St. George, &c." og ON THEETHIOPIC rn? : ao A.U- : n 010 : &c\c : Ah<£/n.fi : Arh£ : v> mr f : -iW> : (DA.ha.p£ :T£"Pc: Wi a : Arh : pu-n : s : a>c3> : a a.pnp 4 : h •$i- : pfrl : nA^. : A-n : a)® a£- : (D^^n : *£,ri : (dha^. : 3> E*h^ : at : ftCh^.P's : 7-a A : ttt- : aycjp^* : (DHK^nn : ha •?n a : 'j-n^t* : *2£-.pS : JEtt-l : a^a™ : °> a«p : A^l : : " We, all the Pilgrims united together, have written this by common consent, on the 18th of the month Tekemt (15th October), live presbyters, and two deacons, and two laymen ; Abba Atska Denghel being Superior. " Whereas Abba Joseph, son of Abbuna Eustathius, hath spoken evil, on the 8th of the month Tekemt, against the Metropolitan, Abba Johannes, we have decreed against him, that he shall remain in penance one year, and receive ' eight thousand stripes.-* This decree we have made respecting him; and if he does not accomplish this, let him not enter into the House of the Pilgrims, and let him not communicate with them. And for this cause we have written a writing of excommuni- cation, that none of the Abyssinians may receive him, neither those of Harza-Wele\ nor of Koskam, nor of Jerusalem. And if he desires to be joined again to his brethren, let him give 20 pieces of gold to the [convent at] Jerusalem. And if he proudly resist this, let him be [accursed] 3 by (1) Art'tfn.l*! (Gr. ao-Kijnje,) seems to mean usually, a hermit. Hence the sentence will be, that he is to live separate from his brethren, as it is expressed a little further on. (2) The number of eight thousand stripes seems very large ; but finding no other probable meaning of the word f\,(tl '. I am compelled to understand it as the Amharic fiftl ". " a thousand." Perhaps he was to receive a certain number every day throughout the year : 20 per diem, a moderate allowance. (3) In order to make the passage intelligible, which gives the name, of the places from which he is to be excluded, I read CDA.fhCH \ YA : (D A^^flCT* 10) A.H A.P 3 y*> f^sta A £-. ft «^ ^ # *f 1 *«•:% c APPENDIX, CONTAINI.VU FOUR VERSIONS OF THE NINTH CHAPTER OF THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MARK IX afcygatman "Dialect* ■. 1. ETHIOPIC; the Text of the Bible Society's MS. No.iv. 2. AMHARIC; by Abu Rumi. 3. TIGRE ^ > in Roman Characters ; lv Pearce. 4. AMHARIC J With parts of the two latter in the Ethiopic Character; and a Grammatical Analysis of the Amharic of Abu Rcmi, The mark (|) prefixed to a word in Mr. Pearce's Translations, indicates that it is a repetition of that which precedes it; being either a synonymous term which may be substituted for the other, or merely a different orthography, expressing a different pronunciation of the same word. For Mr. Pearce observes, " The Abyssinians differ, in almost every province, in the Tigre Language, though they all understand each other." The same is doubtless the case with the Amharic also. It will be observed, that I have deviated from my original plan, by adding a Specimen of Grammatical Analysis. It appeared, upon consideration, that something of this sort, though brief and imperfect, might yet be of utility, when combined with the aid afforded by Ludolf. I have been induced, from various reasons, to draw it up in Latin. 42 APPENDIX. ETHIOPIC VERSION. (DjKaff on- : h^Ll : /vaAYioi* : uacd- : tip : g^ar*™* : xa a^po •jot : Aq°^ : "KhYi : .E£,;h.EY : hwnwt- : "KiH^-ntthC : ^mx X : m.EA :: ©Aoq, : n^n : oa^ : jw^oo. : X7H> : A.PrVh : a A, f'Ch : a)A.P0-fi : (DAP-/h^h : (DAO^I 11 ^ : Zr-ad. : iw : narfrt ^ao* : ©t©Am : 6^kp : ci^R-vHtf 00 * : (DAaqi*ok. : a : cdao £© : ha_e*i a : otvta : nvw- : AAO£*p* : n^E* : : a> AhTCA ^piro- : oo-rt, : a) A.A.Pfi : X"?h : .E^s*?^ : Wi A : Mh,^ : ajym*i : a> Aar^A : ATCh : (D^a A° : A7\°?H> : A.PA-h : ^a : jEljEft? : IS nc : tip : u>"J7nc : tip : wart : ^i^R-d : Arh£ : ayi : a)Arh£ : a •ro-rt, : (D Afh£ : AA.A.Ph : c : © A-fc : iwop : : ©x«joti : AMHARIC OF ABU RUMI. A a^ ©-9° : : 'Kartt : X a^ au- : yiku : yi* ^ : n©¥ : A a : : qp ■^"5 : poq^^qofr^ : XfiYx^P : Rrdft : 003^^ : MKA-n^c : rt^onni : nir.EA : : Yin^-a^ : 4?^q° : as. a : ©n.p. : Prt-h : A'PCh ■? : .po^-nw : Pvh"Sh"?qo : : ©£ : <;j^qo : -i^^qo : A©ivf : u-s* : -a a^ : -a Atp. : ^a : ind 7 ^ : x^ : n^£ : : A^a : P°q.E^A : aqo£-c : a.e : * «$»• : JPSC7 : h^ : 7\"S£cn* : : -T7 a a : A^ or : AA^h : yioo^ : 3 d, : : ,E£7<,qo : h n<. : Yipa-n : 3^ : : Afcnq : °° An : PiYiYjqo : aa : : troqo/hC : uje : Xtr? : ooA'oqo : tar : Yiau : -a*?* 01 "?' : : r» h^g° : jp.n : ^"sn^. :: a"?^ : KiSrw aoo-ivjo : AIR- :: AM^rt •jo : A*?£- : : poq.A©*"? : A.par$«jo£ : : ^ A : ^ : : ^au^go : jfrarc

v ^uj^p : 9°^ : arx-fc : tTP'A : xg°s : warpf : : (Di-fix ap : a> .En ap : ^-ft a- : KthG^t- : (d^i'E.pS : a.ajpiw : .ejp/ X£ : ;?/fc-£ : nXSi- : a) ap. : X^AX^/hpar : n OT : -nH-if :' j»diq° q«p : (D.EYVnp : : amrtrfc : x-n/Vft 01 * : a.ajpi*i : *™ka : (d*mi<. : AO ai> : W- a° : h<5.e, : rm 00 : i£/fr£ : nX3*t Au- : : (Dn/trfi : •$ n : acp. A.U- : (Dt?nf\ : -fii+^ : n-nx : miy™- : : Ag°/hp : : ©jEftA? : go^H. : AMHARIC OF ABU RUMI. YiprM^i : Yi-nlFar : a<$c : yic-VF ar : 26- : : xc-Vf a>«j*> : Tit-d^i.: jXcdcj?, : Ti ayi a^ ar : A^no : X"?£.E£7<, : ?ft*ri : : Piiar : a£- : ■qod.^ : xim?w : g-dh : : fte+'? , J D : y'HT't- :: iX 011 ^ 01 ^ : q° ■?£-c : ?«"A : : X3£ : +*^g° : aiiax- : a£- : : OTl n^ : X"?£4>nA : x*?£ ^9° : XE>7 : : nc : <23 : X A^lAih : : a,a.Pii : a.xw : OT m : : p'iDRgft-lv : u- a : ARd-hnt- : : ft aciv : x"?p. : +*<£. : : a>£ : £4> : ^H^c+g : ™ n\ : xl^g : ftp^ : ap : qh-cp^ a>- : x^ g° : affl^=F a>- : : ph. yl : 2^9° : np^f : i>a : op't : W> : gnat- : (DECiY? : 6/viqr : /h,K. '■ -n^Trtv* : : ^^19° : mp4> : : g°? : ^n a^u- : TLO^vvar : : APPENDIX. 45 TIGRE OF PEARCE. 8. Wer ber dingets shar enter reiyer hom ber zurehu, hite er reiyer er sevvi calle Yassus bercur mis bom bane bu. g. Wer enter worred bom ker el ambar, hu mucker hom inder hi negger er sevvi zer reiyer hom negger, shar el Wod der sevvi tennessar ker el mote. 10. Wer haz hom zer negger ov wost hom enter tiock hadda mis hadda munte marlet el tennessar ker el mote. 1 1 . Wer tiock hu hom, Ber negger munte zer bel el sarfe tar Elias mussea fellermer. 1 2. Wer hu mellash wer negger hom, Elias be ack zer mussea fellermer wer hu melless coulu negger +iccar, wer comha zer ter sarf ov el Wod der sevvi ender hu carl buze er negger wer sedded hu be yelhem + yeavila. 13. Mai ane zer bel kar, Elias be Ack artou + artehu, wer gevver hom zer delleyea ov hum com zu ter sarf ov hum. 14. Wer shar enter mussea ov ariot hum, hu reiyer avviea mergavier cubhe hom, wer el sarfetart enter tiock mis hom. 15. Wer shar shar coulu souart, shar enter reiyer hom ler hum ter gurrem hom, wer weiyer ov hum ignersar +idnersar hum. AMHARIC OF PEARCE. 8. Ber dingets ser hiyer ber zurhu, hand er wond al hiyer Yassus bercur ker ballevateouch garer. Q. Enter worredhu ker hamber, hereso aszashu ender hinegger ler bander wond yer hiyer bet negger, yousk el ler wond lig + Igzare lig tennesto ker mote. 10. Yearn negger hazhu wost er hudhu, ter tiock hand ler hand minder marlet mer tennessar ker mote. ] l. Ter tiockhu ler hereso ber negger, Ler minder sarfouch ter negger Elias buffeit hemutarlu. 12. Hereso mellash ter neggerhu, Elias ber ounet buffeit hemuttal coulu negger hemellasal 1 " asmellasal, indate ter sarf ber ler wond li- f Igzare lig, inder hechillal buze er mucker negger ter sedded ber cunto tberlash. 13. Ounet anne negger achchu, Elias mutterto ber ounliu, argevverhu ler hereso inder wodalhu inder ter sarf ler hereso. 14. Yeanigzea mutterto ler ariotho, heiyerho er gig tarlack mergai ier ter cribhu ler sarfouch sertiockhu. 15. Yeanigzea coulu souch ser hieyer ler hereso ter dingetshu, ter rotal ler hereso ignersarho. 46 APPENDIX. ETHIOPIC VERSION. •"J- : : (dagtwa : Arh#. : Ag° : (D-hi* : AfhH-n : (DjEa a- : a.* : Aq« *A3ip : acda£-p : mu* : a^od ; ^3 : ny«j° : a-*h : ©^n : ^fin: ^f/f ^ : (D.Prt-r^iP : (DpacD-^ : (DjP/h^p- : Mm* : ©.pp-fii*! :: 0)XftA° : a>i">n : cap- : or A-fc : 2*3 : s/rr* : ar ii-v : tpR-c : ©Ahi-^7^ : imy : cda^kd^ :: ©t%A° : "xih.'k : a,p i>h : a An-u- : (DjBa a- : oijah, : A9°h : a-sh : : ©.eua- : a«j°iaiv : (DHAdL : jpcd^* : arfrt- : A£-^ : a) A-^ : (DaqjK : fi™ : je3>^ a- : : (DQ/h-fc : AH^SlA : CJP/A£ : - : u-a : h^ : JE'PA YA ." .Pd^mYAao I 'PCiVJO '. ?<$*x\,tx '. ££4>ao ; : g : aoHoo-c^Yi^qo : a a-J/F or : .pcd/i*-^ : : h"?£* : AA^Aqoqo : : ACrt- : °21 : ^AriA^ : aa:: Afm : a^h : Armaq^-iAU- :: (D£t : a«j«a ^ ; ; a)£Ci*go ; A4>^r>^ : : qpaw : ^h, : ph^"? : mar's : "iAa>- : Kp&iai : ;kj. : ng°^-c : A.E9 : cdjpy : : A<^$/i#9 : J2jp ^3> : %™>d. : : AQ+rsgo : mpay- : : nh"?^ : A 00 ^ : ^9°c : A7Ta>- : £*ti : : ACiV : °?"? : v° : a) # i 1 ^ : - : : nc : 7"? : _p5= au : A"?# : u > "? : acjp. i : Ah^a ?qo : : pn-nqa : aacd- : : ^•x^l : tttR- : ^^fA : A^ APPENDIX. 47 TIG RE OF PEARCE. 16. Wer hu tiock el sarfe, Munte tiock kar mis liom. 17. Wer hadda ov el mergavier mellash wer negger, Guity, ane umserku ov anter wod ha + wodane zer arvas gannent. 18. Wer zer arlu hu wossed hum, hu bettis hum, wer hu affar ov haff wer mis sinne hum wer meumin hu wer ter negger cou t ane ov ariot kar, inder he woutsou hu horn, wer mergebber sarn hom. 19. Hu mellash hum wer negger, Zer hi armini wargon kinda shar ker sennar mis he yeat com, ou kinda shar ker carl he yeat com ; humsehu ov ane. 20. Wer humse hom ov hum, wer shar enter reiyer hum, sharshar el gannin subber hum, wer hu wodock ov muddre wer zerreu aftrar ov haft". 21. Wer hu tiock abbohum kinda zummun zer artou ov wost hum, wer hu megger hu her corler hu. 22. Wer buze er shar ov houve thouvhe gevver hu wer ov el moi mer- tufterhum, mai enter feletkar mer gebber negger, be niner aszen wer AMHARIC OF PEARCE. 16. Hereso tiock ler sarfouch, Minder ter tiock achchu ler heresu. 17. Hand ler mergavier mellash ter negger, Gatou, anne armutterto ler anter yer anne wond er lig zerarlu hander dudar gannint + dudar nufs. 18. Hereso mer wossed erbetho hesubberal ler hereso, aflrertalho tluflalho neckas ber tursho, minminho tmenminal anne ter negger ler ariotho inder hewouttalhu ker hereso, al terchillal thi chillam. 19. Hereso mellashho ternegger, Wo ler anter alarrain wargon, sint er zummun anne norcal ker anter garer, sint er zummun anne chillalachchu, umter ler anne. 20. Armetter tasmutterto ler hereso, yeanigzea ler hereso hieyerho, yeanigzea ler gannin cuddedho, wodockho ker mudder indewoswosal tufto. 21. Hereso ter tiock ler abbartho sint er zummun helh-i'ho yean mutterto ker hereso wost, ter neggerho ber lig ounetho. 22. Er gig igzea ar gebber ler hereso wost er sart wost ler wor mertnfho 1' hereso + merguddel 1' hereso, anter ter chillal enderhun azzen ber anm r aggazho yer anner. 48 APPENDIX. ETHIOPIC VERSION. Ah OT : t-ti : 1*51 a : w-ft- : .eWiua : ahpa 1 ? "? : : cdkci : An- ih : AarA-t : 0)A£* : (D.Eft : AAq°^ : ce-a : AA.Aoq.^p : : cdca p- : "A^K'K : A.Prt-rt : w™ : jEi^a)/? : ri-nA : 7iu* : A(D*A+ : 3i,i : Aft\E : : (D.En, a° : 34,3 : nyq° : a»? a o-«T D : A* : a a/hhyi : ^a : A •mu- : a) A.1-7QA : T\in : ao ai> : : a) A°2ue : -fiH^ : a) Ah-t-^?^ : ^Aft : (D(DO A : (D'o? : Ti 00 : c\j£l : Ahn : .E-fl a : -fH+'H : qo-i* : : (DA-sh : A°2KA : APfrfi : nA£U- : cd A"?*"* : wttwh : a)**™ : : (divea 00 * : a+ : .EftAjD : acea.u- : nq/h't:-f- TO * : nAfi: : hAi : 1h\i : Aaro A-*- : : iD^aft' 00 ' : *H"?-fc : h 00 .^ : a^i a- : AarGA-f- : h a^aa : n^«J D : (daaa^ :: axD^A 00 * : A«j"up : r^<. : A3+ : i A.A : (D A.<5.4>£ : J'A^'CJD I : (D^UC 00 * '. A AC£ AU- : (DjeaA-o". : U AJD : A(D AS : A2 AA*ro/h J?dT : £7QA I (DYi-l* : AJP. : iMlA : (D£4> AMHARIC OF ABU RUMI. K : u% : i>a : .e^a a : a 00 ,^^ : : PH..P3 : 2H»"J° : p*>>i : P-fiA-t? (D- : Aa^ : a..pa4>ii : aa 1 ? : : 7? : ir.E : A'PS'au- : : py^aq^-fc-j : ^vigo : A?Har : : Pf>rt«ju : pnp^ : ao^Q/p : A.E+ : : cft*iV? : ytl : 7iUA(!>-: ATEAJ : i\A(D* : : A'si* : p°q^7C : Pi"? : ^*cq° : AHTKMJ : At I YLCiV : ^(D^l : Hl£* : : J^auugo : Atiat : : cr- tiqo : A^79° : A<^7mar : yiciW 1 : (Dm : : a"?jp. : qo-r go : it* :: a £-2 : np^ : AfmA : £ dS\ : : ^/fqp : q°-r : : pj"m*i : °n : a£"? : .ph ar : AhsiHar? : +?ujgo : : cde : a^9° : ma : 2H> : £<*> : 00400- c-fc : A-n^ar : mp*1- : a«j°^ : A? : aa5*a*9° : a^dtkd- : h*?£- : : a fvf arq° : : a*?jpjj : .p Aar : h*"^ : a^a? : £(D9 : h"?£* : aa a- ^£ : n^qo : n c : : t am ,aTJ : (Dot- : : n7AA ao : A a^. : : aqiqa : jp ar* : H"?jr : AACD.^qo :: £ : odhud-c*? : Arij-ar* : -oat^ APPENDIX. 49 TIGRE OF PEARCE. 23. Yassus ter negger, Enter armine kar coulu negger zer coun zer armine hum. 24. Wer sharshar el abbo ov el corler ter buckey hu wer ter negger mis nivart, Igze ane armine aggas kar ane z' hiarmine. 25. Shar Yassus reiyer zer el souart mussea ber weiyer amhadda, ter courhe mis el gannin ber negger ov hum, Anter arvas wer tsummum gan- nin ane aszas kar nar woutsou ker hum, wer hit artou dummo ov hum. 26. Wer el gannin buckhe wer cudded hum wer woutshu ker hum, wer hu newer com zer hadda zer mote ; com zer bel horn, Mote hu hum. 27. Mai Yassus tuckerbel ber hidhum wer er larl hum, wer hu tinneshu. 28. Wer shar enter musse horn ov bate ariothum ter tiock hum, be gilde, Le munte niner hi ner carl mer woutshehum. 29. Wer hu negger ov hom, Zer ineet hi mussea ber calli mai tsollote wer tsomeet. 30. Wer tennestar ker zeu, wer belief ov markel Galilee : wer hu imbe hadda sevvi enter felet. AMHARIC OF PEARCE. 23. Yassus ter negger ler hereso, Berhoun anter ter armine coulu negger hewon ler hereso zer arminho. 24. Yeanigzea yer lig abbart ter leckasho ter negger incho anvar, Gatou, + Igzi, anne armin, aggaz anter yer anne hi armine. 25. Yeanigzea Yassus se heiyer ler souch inder himuttal rotal ber hand, ter quoterto ler gannin nufs ter neggerho, Anter dudar duncoro nufs anne aszasho nar wouttou ker hereso, artergebber ler hereso wost ingiddea. 26. Ler gannin nufs ligho cuddedho ergig wouttertou ker hereso, henebberho inder hander mote; yusk el terneggerhu, Mote ho arlo. 27. Yassus tuckerbel ber higho astenneser ler hereso, lie artennesho. 28. Yeanigzea ser gibber wost er bateho, ariotho tiock ler hereso ber quoito, ter minder niner alchellam mer woutterto ler hereso. 29. Hereso ter negger hu, Yean hinet + barhe himuttam bel er tsollote tsomet ttomeet. 30. Ker zear hid hu hellefho marl wost er Galilee, hereso alwodan hand er wond mer oqualhu. H 50 APPENDIX. ETHIOPIC VERSION. •1-ap : : cd*-!: A- 00 - : nu/Ahi- : A^t- : .E^-s wx : (da^X 00 ^ : he ftftou- : a>.E*5.cq° : oqXYi A°°- : cd A Inc : arh-t* : rhSf. : : a).Eft a-™- : H-i-am^ : ArhE : H^mrH : /h 9* : rnw>p : tlpp : t-cDSid. : : whz : tlpp : i-ami : : (D& : APfrft : A/I-tlaa AMHARIC OF ABU RUMI. or : sacs' : : Pftar : a£- : .Eft^ a : nna)- : Aje> : : £7 a j-aq : : rn.E a^o° : 2H, : nfih-t-? : 4>1 : jeswa : : xc^d)- : I'i : .eu*3 : ?7C : A Ah-t-T A9° : jEflVE^q : h'j.R' : <^<, : : (de : ^^c^irq 000 : m K : : nfl ^qo ; ^tv : mp^ax- : : vpl : Fhn- : ind^- u- : n^T?^ : "ACiv : nci^u- :: AC-yf ar : 11 : th^a :: n™r¥iR-.K a: snc£: ACrt- :n c«VFar : : Yic^a)* : **ti : .En a^ia : : i-i^flW : A W6- : u-a+3 r&? ar : A ah* (D-q° : : aqiqrj : aa>£- : nn a 1 ? 00 : M"J : a jz*n a 00 : : p ayt? : Al£- : : R/hlfi"! : °° a a a^- : X3.e,u : jX a : : OT q°fhC ".ir.E : apj : ASjPr : n^WS : jx^com : nfiq°u : panjjYi-i- a? : *n atia jar : A^Yi-t-A^qo^ : : Ptt-n : 71 : A a^ or : : Al-YiAft a APPENDIX. 51 TIGRE OF PEARCE. 3 1 . Ker ha tummar ariot hum, wer ter negger ov horn, El wod der sr\ \ i + Isgare ter hellefha ov hid souan tsevvian wer hu cuttwail 1m horn, wer en darhe ter cuttwail hum ter larl ttensar el selest tsalsi er marlte. 32. Mai hi felet hom zer negger wer ferre mer tiock hum. S3. Wer hu mussea ov Capernaum wer enter nevverer ov wost el bate hu tiock hom, Munte er barse he yeat com amhadda ber mungard. 34. Mai suckerbel hom, ker ber mungard ter barse hom mane zer coun el avviea. 35. Wer hu tackermut wer sover el assertacouletta wer negger ov hom, Zer arlu sevvi dellea fellermer, lou be darhe coulu hecoun wer gibber ler coulu. 36. Wer tuckerbel hadda corler, wer tuckel hu ov markel hom, wer shar enter tuckerbel hu ov hid hum, hu negger ov hom : 37. Zerarlu zer tuckerbel hadda comzer corler ber sume ane, tuckerbel hu ane; wer zerarlu zer tuckerbel ane, hi tuckerbel ane mai zume thu zer sedded ane . 38. Wer Yohannis millash hum ternegger, Guity, reiyer erner hadda zer woutsou er gannent ber ni kar sume, wer hu hi cuttle erner, wer niner suzzes hum kinder zer hi cuttle erner. AMHARIC OF PEARCE. 31. Hereso aslummer ler Ariotho ter neggerhu, Ler wond lig + Isgare lig ter setterto ler hig er wondouch inder heguddelho, serguddelho berquarler, hereso hetennessar ber surstinyer cun. 3.2. Al oker bet neggerho, ter ferrerto inder hineggerhu ler hereso. 33. Hereso mutterto ler Capernaum, ser nebberho ber wost er bate, tiockho ler heresu, Minderernu yean ter tallerachchu ber mungard. 34. Coulu zumerbelhu, ber mungard ter tsaller ttalto mane ker couluhu tartack he wonal. 35. Hereso tackermut tertou tturtou ler asseroulet ter neggerho ler heresu, wond buffeit ber won hefellegarlu, hereso ker coulu ber quarter he wonal, lola ler coulu. 36. Hander tarnash ascar + lig tuckerbelho, argebber l>er marlhu. Yeanigzea se tuckerbelho wost higho, ter neggerho ler heresu : 37. Yermeroun mertuckerbel hand indearlu tarnast ascar tlig ber anue smne, 1' anne tuckerbel. Yermeroun 1' anne tuckerbel, 1' anue hi rnekerbel, hereso ser sedded 1' anne. 38. Yohannis mellashho ter negger, Gatou, hieyerner hand ser wouttou Satan t gannent ber anter sume, al ter cuttle ler aner + anner terguzzesho aimer ler hereso, inder alcuttle ler aimer. 52 APPENDIX. ETHIOPIC VERSION. p : 7\h OT : A ap : HE7-nc : -S.EA : nfi9°p : (D.E51A : ^m-i : Arhh qo : ^£v : ao ap : : ^fi 00 : /\9 Dt n tro : hX>i : o^cd-sito- : n./rai iro - : (D^-fc : : (DHAhTPft 00 - : ktd : oqp : <£°£C : nh^p : "hh OT : "KA : sich-f-fi : Alt- 00 - : A 01 *."? : /vaAft°o* : a.p*s>a : out* : : (DHAft rh-f- 00 - : a ArhE, : XQ ^ a : ^aa"* : >k a : PA9°k : -np : .EW- : .Eh *a : nTKij?, : ArhE : ^/h^A : A£-7 : a>.PiWJ°p) : or fit : 4>ap : a/hC : : (D'h^i : ^.eyi : Fhftii-Yi : 9°^ : .PAEivn : w-td : 2\£- : i-ax : arrri* : /h^a)^ : 'K f i af t-rYh : arhi* : "h-i-i- : 7yj9° : 9°fi a : 5ia Air? : ^ctyi : -*n : "A-vt : Ajem^'h : cdosu- : KRiarv° : : (D7\ OT i : 7\°?cn : ^iiftr™ : go^ : (D7.r*4.: "Agom : jzl.erm : /h"5?iivn : ^a"K : arfi-r : /h^a>^ : xg^ax : 9°h a : "ft a aits : :A7 : A. AMHARIC OF ABU RUMI. *t- : : nh ^ : aqw : -jjba : ^pn^ : p°q.£7C : PA9°£" : ni : ft& : : ha "it : paqj2Jiw : u-a : nMI- : 3<^ : iar£" : : i?

: .pmivw : nrt oq, : A5icfi*h : X'Jjeiyf^u- :: "hars^ : "K a^-j. ai> : Y3ar : 7\1E jpm4. : : jPiYOEg : a^e,"? : yiah.« : th^tt : m : y m ^fi : : .EhA T a : proven. : e*?2.p : aTJ* : A£*ci : a>p. : a/hC : aa)£*3> : : 'hg-Ti qo : -nrrhW : q^'n^ : : jk^a^a?: cde : /h£(D^ : -n^7a : a"?£* : 'K^r : i> A^- : "h^ : f-cu : cde : 7V sg° : fitithg: : vt:«jo : paq.sm4, : : mcwi : -nirfi^i : a^ : X°2C : kcu : a>E : 7V 5«J° : smq : : cde : aqm4,ar : x-*i^ : : *r a : paq^qp^ : x-*!* : poqjKmd, : : ^jeT^iq : -fl j-h^u : Aar^n APPENDIX. 53 TIGRE OF PEARCE. 3g. Mai Yassus ter negger, Hi 't er guzzes hum ker yeavila hadda sewi zer gebber avieyea negger be sume ane, zer carl mer negger nishta itiat ov ane. 40. Ker hu zer hi tsalli ner mis niner. 4 1 . Ker zerarlu zer hev kar fingal moi ner setta ov sume ane, kinder zer heyeatcom ne Christos, ack ane negger he yeatcom, hn hi tiffer worrarler. 42. Wer zer arlu zer hev hadda zume er nishta zer armine ov ane, he esh le hum hadda muttarn ter suckkel ov marger hum wer ter taller twergerhu ov el barhe. 43. Wer enter buddel kar hid kar, quorets hu : hi esh er kar ler anter mer artou ov nufs ber ankass, ker enter arlu couletta hid mer ked ler gannam ov wost el home zer arlem hi tuffer. 44. Zer assicar horn zer hi mote, wer el houve zer hi tuffer. 45. Wer enter iggre kar ter buddel kar, quorets hu : hi esh er kar ler artou ankass ov nufs ker enter arlu couletta iggre mer artou twogererhu ov wost gannam ov wost houve zer arlem hi tuffer. AMHARIC OF PEARCE. 39. Yassus ternegger, Arteguzzesho, yerhinore hand er wond tarlack negger mer arderergo ber anne sume, ber ticket negger he souerho caffu ler anne. 40. Hereso al ter talto 1' anner ker niner hewone. 41 . Yermeroun 1' anter mer set fingal wor mer tutter ber anne sume, eerier Cristos wargon berounachchu, ounet anne neggerachchu, hereso hi tuffar worrartho. 42. Yermeroun merasquotter hander year tarnash ascarouch zer armine ler anne, ber shellal ler hereso hander wofehou ter asser ker ungut thun- gutho ter taller ker bar. 43. Yer anter hig ber asquotter tbuddelal ler anter, quoretho, he shellal ler anter mer gibber ler nuts ber hankas, ker mer hid ler gannan ber oulet hig wost er sart zer ler arlem hi tiffar ttufter. 44. Yean ler til hi motehu, ler sart hi tuffer. 45. Yer anter igger buddelal ler anter, quoretho, he shellal ler anter mergibber ler nufs ber ankas er ker mer gibber ler gannam ber oulet igger wost er sart zer ler arlem mer hi won mer tuffer. 54 APPENDIX. ETHIOPIC VERSION. .Ejargo : a>x«*i-fc : Ajem^x :: Wh™i. : vigift : Ffi/h-i-Yi : «?«a *h : .pljEiYQ : f s^yi : ^ax : (dyi-i- : 003^^ : x?H.x-nrfibC : x •Wax : «J°hA : ftAAu"? : AOjEStn : arht- :7yjq° : hx>*i^ : : -$ n : osu- : A^Eiarqo : ox-i* : Ajem/p\ : : Xfr 00 : ayy- a : n^l- ■' .EOTi&fhjD : am- a: H.E/nfi'i : [YK^rf : jEl'OR.^ih : : UK.E : arx-t: ^ar : ©x^ : : (DX 00 !! : sar : Afirh : ns "^ : X"m : .E*h*ro* : : sa) : xsn icnn: nn.E£ v tft a o* : (dtukacd* : : AMHARIC OF ABU RUMI. t : : (D£ : od^^t^. : x°?KA-nrfi,c : -n^7a : &\tfr &? : : a^ : p, #3 : : u-a^- : o,^ : J*cu : a)£ : X«-i^ : iv 5«J° : ft^a : : ^ a : p«q.E qo^- : x^+q° : p°q^m4, : : u- a : n^l* : .E^v^ni a : : od^j^o ^9° : u*a : ncaar : .e^ a a : : caar : ao&YVJ : sar : : ca(D^ : poq.P'n^.'P : yiit? : n«J°? : .e^ti a : : iwj j-^u- : reicD- : .EiK? : : XCiV : nc^ ^i>qa : ni*iA9° : -m^ : : APPENDIX. 55 TJGRE OF PEARCE. 46. Zer assicar horn hi mote, wer el houve zer hi tuffer. 47. Wer enter ine kar buddel kar, bockcos Iiu : hi esh er kar mer artou ov wost el negustart Isgare mis hadda ine enter arlu couletta ine mer wogerer ov wost gannam houve. 48. Zer assicar horn hi mote, wer el houve zer hi tuffer. 49. Ker coulu hadda ter chouhu mis houve, wer coulu mistre ter chouhu mis chou. 50. Chou subbuck, mai el chou enter tuffer ile ni chou hu her zear hi tuffet hu arder chou ov wost er kar tkume, wer arder armarn hadda mis hadda tamhadda. AMHARIC OF PEARCE. 46. Yean ler til hi motehu, ler sart hi tuffer. 47. Ineho ber buddelho, aswottou : he shellal ler anter mergibber wost ler negustart Igzare ler hander ine, ker oulet ine mer gibber wost er gannam sart. 48. Yean ler til hi motehu, ler sart hi tuffer. 49. Ker coulu hand ter lousehu ber sart, coulu musswort ter loushu ber chou. 50. Chou malcom, enter chou ar tuffer ler chouount mer tuffet ber minder ter tuffet achchu arnore chou ber wost achchu, arnore armarn hand ler hand. 56 APPENDIX. In order to render Mr. Pearce's Versions more intelligible, I have attempted to exhibit Specimens of them in the Ethiopic Character. It appears that he has not only deviated widely from analogy in his ortho- graphy, but has also made numerous grammatical errors, and violated the idiom of the language, in attempting to render each word and particle in the English Version, from which he translated, by a corresponding one in Tigre or Amharic. Sometimes also he seems to have forgotten, or to have been ignorant of, certain forms or expressions which should have been introduced. For instance, in his Amharic Version, there is scarcely a copulative or disjunctive particle in the whole chapter, not even the conjunc- tion and. Supported by the authority of Abu Rumi, I feel that I may make such remarks as these, without incurring the charge of presumption. But, at the same time, there is reason to believe that Mr. Pearce has accurately expressed the native pronunciation ; and it is possible that, in the rapidity of colloquial communication, many of the characteristics of particular inflexion may be lost, and so have disappeared also from Mr. Pearce's Versions. We know that in Syriac the sound of the vowel which distinguishes the third person plural from the third person singular, in the preterite of verbs, is lost, even in more solemn and deliberate reading. Yet if similar cases were at all of frequent occurrence in Amharic, the circumstance would not have escaped the inquisitive and indefatigable research of Ludolf. TIGRE. i. a)l^:^d:'5•nu , q D :nfh*:AJ:>i«c t n:HUA■:rh^:rhEU ,, J l, : Hn/v- : -J-rmp : HAje'nO'ro- : -s-n : q°^ : hHE^ARq : ik& : ■?7TO^* : -s-n : MH.A-n/h,c : tt*t- : ****&& : wri : -S.E& : : 2. (dec* : ft.R-rt-t- : rouk-p : Pfrft : (DfiR : 9 D i*iU- , J D : A'PCft : a).P03>-fi : a)P-/h3h : (D< ro crf\U ,, J D : aoa : -*-n : /h£ : uaje : A«j«q : [\n&\jv° : ©-PAarm : i-n : fR-^u^ : : APPENDIX. 07 3. amj^UMJ : -rad'P : An* : *0£ : n^ : n^.^ : nKig : up 4. (ph^^a : -ww* : A,A.Pfi : ^ft : "o-ri. : (D-r*7<.ir q° : q°rt : 5. (DA/Pcn : ^An : (D^nt : i-n : PiVfi : 2-fc : *Hivn"?i$ : ^h'h i : -i-fmp : amSfi^ : X£ : wtxftt- : rfi£ : a att : (Ddi £ : A^ro-i-i, : (Drh£ : A A A.Ph I \ 6. Yiih : a.^a'P : wi-r : OT f ic. : nft-A : -s-nuqu : -n-T«j» : ^ ;. (DH*n<; : rh£ : s™£ : /*v\a : m-n^us 15 : cdae : E^s : m x A : nx ae*"^ : t-nd : ti p : 3^(D s : a> aj^p : fi^u^" : : 3. a>njp/576 : hX'J'r : .E^XBgo : hi+cp : A/1-cxp : ivnA : *a ax : Pfrh : n : : 9. (DXTf : cd^e/p : yixaa^q : u- : ^ndu^ : X3£ : hjzn <, : ivnx : hcxr 1 * : J7C : mxacdae : n-nx : -fs^a : *nXA io. (DA-ShW : wic : -i-aarh^uq : X"?-r : mp<£ : rh£ : Wi : /hjp. : «j d '?+ : aq a^ : xa-t *Wi : riXAq ^ : : AMHARIC. i. xci^:+ra:AXcnar:xar$^:Xi:xn^i>:TiH..P:AA: h* 01 ? a : : .p.pftnioD. : Aq°^ : XfiYi : t ap : awto^ : X°?h. A-nrh,c : an/^^ : m.EA : 36* : : 2. h^h-r : #■? : rvj.A : Pr'ifi : (D- : A"?£- : A A"?£- : 9°^ APPENDIX. 5!) IN CAPUT NONUM EVANGELII S. MARCI E VERSIONE AMHAEtICA AB ABU RUMI CONFECTA PRAXIS GRAMMATICA. 1 AA^CD^:] Et dixit Mis. Radix Bilitera, AAI Dixit. ^dT'. (rarius T'FQX": Ludolfo Y"? 1 :) est pronomen affixum 3 pers. pkir. quod vocalem praecedentem in quartum ordinem transfert. 9°: Conjunctio postfixa, Et. 1- Xd^Ji^:] Certo. Norn, subst. Fides, Veritas. Ludolfo A-i^l Hie autem adverbialiter ponitur, per ellipsin praepositionis A I 3. 'AA^'iAU* '. ] Vobis flico. Vox composita ex XA^lh: AAU*I (Scrip- sisset Ludolfus 7\A.^f"^s '. A A'Ss '.) Litera autem gutturalis A I in quarti ordinis vocalem pro more absorbetur, quae cum vocali praecedente se- cundi ordinis, diphthongum efficit: cum vero UI diphthongi non sit capax, in literam cognatam *} I mutatur, unde ex thA fit "& '. (Affixum ^fU* : nunquam alias in versione nostra per •$ ; scribitur.) Deinde ifrA^HJ*.' Vobis, ex "AA '. Ad, Versus, et pronom. affix. 2 pers. plur. ^fU« ; com- posita est, vocali praecedente in quartum ordinem ob affixum translate. AAl> I Dixi; a rati. A A '. est 1 pers. sing, preeteriti, quae apud Ludolfum in ^1 terminatur. .i.YlH.^Jl] ffic. Adverbium. ^HTSiI Ludolfo, quern vide, Lexic. Amhar. in voc. H,^i : 5. Yl4 >OD ' J l"l] Ex iis qui stant. Yl I praepositio prsefixa, Ex. Deinde relativum P ] pro more omittitur, seu potius celeris proinmciationis vitio in literam praecedentem absorbetur, et OD; Stelit. f \^\ affixum pronominale 3 pers. sing.; sed sa-pissime verbis in 3 pers. plur. otiose, ut hie, additur; she pleonastic^, sive eupho- nic gratia. (JO APPENDIX. 6. I'lJD^'l] Homines. (Latine diceres Quidam.) Pluralis regulariter a nomine frOF'. Homo, formatus. 7. A/V".] Sunt. 3 pers. plur. prset. ab eadem rad. AAI de qua supra. Ha- bet enim siguificationes diversas duas, 1. Dixit. 1. Est. 8. qo-^"?:] Mortem. A nom. subst. *$**£'. Mors. f'. accusativi nota est. 9 P al i.E < i >, T D lVl*:] Qui non gnstabunt. p; relativum est; quod verbis praefixum 9°: plerumque adsciscit, et fit pqo; (Hasce literas Ludolfus pro participii prseformativis accepit; minus accurate). Deinde oq; pro qu; scribitur, qudd particula negativa A I utpote quae litera gutturalis sit, in vo- calem quarti ordinis absorbeatur. £ q D lV. 3 pers. plur. fat. a rad. cpro j 1 !". Gustavit. De affixo f t" m vid. supra, n. 5. 10. !AlYfl..PP '. K?£ft "•] Donee viderint. Binae istae particulae, "Ah^ll nempe praecedens, et $£d.t\\ subsequens, conjunctimpro adverbio Donee usurpan- tur. Ad literam, Usque ad horam adventus, significare possint, nam JE^fl '. est a rad. ££i*i : Attigit, Advenit. "Kh^ll autem, sequente, ut saepius fit, _g praeformativa 3 pers. fut., earn absorbet, et /■yfrYl.: scribitur. Eadem forma et hie occurrit, sed minus regulariter, ante JP: Hoc autem etin aliis praefixis, et in lingua etiam iEthiopica accidit. Deinde, .PP: est pro .EAP : s. PARI absorpta pro more litera gutturali, 3 pers. plur. fut. a rad. API (Ludolfo /hP VidlL 1 1 . oo^yu^ ; ■h°2H,A'fl/h>C '.] Regnnm Domini. Phrasis et voces mere JEtbiopica?. 2 fi^troni ;] Veniens : ad literam, Cum veniut. h : particula praefixa, ejus- dem significationis cum .Ethiopica tiiVW (vid. Lud. Lex. .Ethiop. in voc. /V?H ".) • ; l' tnj n\ ; est 3 pers. sing. fem. fut. a rad. aoa\ ; s. dd^ ; Vcnit. Obiter autem notandum qudd literae fll '. A I et e \ in lingua Amharica saepissime inter se mutuo convertantur. fl^£v:] Inpotentia. fl \ praepositio praefixa, In. -J.E£v : nomen Mh\- ' opicum, Vis, Robur: item, Opus stnpendum, Miraeulum. t f\tiR'fl*t' '. 4 , ^9 D '. fVjA :] Et post sex dies. Notanda vocum collocatio, quae talis est, Quaw sex dies-et post. fViA I Post; adverbium est efl et-J/V. (vid. Lud. Lev. Amhar. voc. -£/\:) compositum, et cum particula Yl sequente construitur, quaeidcirco adjectivo numerali hJP/iVl*: praefigitur. APPENDIX. G | 4*39° : Norn, subst. 4>^: Dies, conjunctione go; postfixa, de qua vid. n. i. supra, 15. (Pl*l£:] Assumpsit. Ipsa radix. 16. PlVfl '.] Jesus. Contractum ex iEthiopico A.Pjft»i*i I 17- A'PCiVJ:] Petrum. Nom. propr. in accusativo; vid. n. 8. 18. PO^-n^ 1 ? : P-rh'f h^Q 11 1 ] EtJacobum, et Joannem. Nomina propria in accusativo, addita utrique conjunctione go; 19-(D£:] Versus. Praepositio separabilis, aliquando tamen cum voce se- quente coalescens, praesertim cum a litera gutturali incipiat. 20.0^*9°:] Excclsum. Ludolfi ^T^qo; Longus, ejusdem est originis. 11. r V^^¥ i 'J\ Et monlem. Nom. subst. r f&&*'. Mons, cum conjunctione qo; 22. ACDTVFGF" I ] Echtxit cos. ACD^l '. est 3 pers. sing. praet. conj. II. a rad. (D^i: s. (P9: Exiit. De aftixo ^dp'. vid. num. 1. 23. /VillFHrdF I ] Seorsum. Vox ■fl^fl Solus, est e numero adjectivorum quae " affixa personalia ad significandas personas requirunt ;" unde dicituf •n^F^i: Tu solus, •n^ar: Illc solus > •flS^ar: 1Ui soli - (Ladoif. Gramm. Ambar. Lib. VI. Cap. ii. 3.). Deinde praepositio t\\ proetixa earn \ ira habere videtur q. d. In locum ubi soli esscnt. 24 't'ACDfliqo ; ] Et transfommatus est. 3 pers. sing, praet. Conj. III. a rad. ACDffl ! Ludolfo Dissolvit: a qua quidem significatione trans- formandi notio facile deducitur. De conjunctione go ; utpote jam satis nota, plura non adjiciemus. £\&m 'X'TdP '. ] I>i conspectu eorum. [\\ praepositio est, In. &/f'. nom. subst. Fades, Conspectus. ^(D 1 ". vocali quarti ordinis praecedente, aflixum personale et possessivum. (n. 1 .) 26. k-fliVJ :] Et vestis ejus. Nom. iEthiop. femin. £vflh: Vest is, Vesti- tus, cum aflixo ' u', ejus. 27. Itfr '. U*£ I ] Ea deveniente alba. JCp»; (Lud. J^fl-rh I) nom. adject. Albus, a. tK". est infinitivus participiabs, a rad. Ifil (Lud. •W: et "?•$:) Fuit, Foetus est. Infinitivus regularis est, ut apud Ludolfum, (Gr. Amh. L. II. Cap. xii. 21.) tm \J'i'. sed forma quam ille recte participialem in alus conjugationibus appellavit, (ib. Cap. xiii. not. et Cap. xiv. 4.) est l>"j: I -fl£vEp> '. ^fv '. iCld/f"'. ] Mirum in modum augeri pergebat. Phra- sis ista, cum praecedente conjuncta, hunc sensum efficit, Vestis ejus valde incandescebat. Ut singula expendamus, f Cld^'. est 3 pers. sing. fern, praet. a rad. 5(\C. Fait, cum nomine ft.*flrt; genere concordans. Verbum autem l(\d. '. sequente (ut h. 1.) subjunctivo, saepissime usurpatur ad eundem modum ac Latine dicitur, ' Factum est ut incandesceret :' nee tamen eadem prorsus significatione, quippe sensum pergendi et continuandi includere videtur. Haud absimilis ut usus Arabici J6. Deinde -TIA.EP' ; est a AAfli: velflAA: Major fuit, litera flIIinCO.: liquescente (vid. Lud. Gr. Amh. II. iv. 7.) et "^ft. '. fern, a verbo defectivo _Eft. ; Dicet, Dicat. Jam vero notum est, verba dicendi apud Habessinos singulari plane modo cum particulis conjungi, ut "H^lAA: Dixit, St! pro Siluit: "hq°[\; At\.'. Dixit, Non; pro, Recusavit: et hujusmodi est phrasis ista, •flfvCp-; *t*l\ '. Dicat, Magis; pro, Augeatur. Vocis autem -flft.^ \ repetitio inten- siva est, unde verti, Mirum in modum. Omnino ha?c tota clausula e diflicilioribus est. 29. 7v?£l] Sicut. Adverbium. 30. f\£R'.] Grando. Nora, subst. Hie pro Nive. 3 1 . A9H. '. ] Fullo. Ludolfo est fh^O. '. Lotor, sed hie abolute pro, Lotor vestium, Fullo. 32. P 01 } P/fA I ] Ita ut nonpossit. De praefixo pot} ; vid. sup. n. 9. P/T-fv ! (quae quidem forma apud Ludolfum non extat) est 3 pers. sing. fut. vel subjunct. a rad. Bilit. ^Ft\.'. Potuit. Notandum autem quod relativum PJ constructionem hie habeat peculiarem, et Latine per adverbium vel conjunc- tionem, ut videtur, reddendum est. 33. fl^F^C*. AJE :] Super terram. gop^Cl Terra. Particula t\g\ cum f\\ composita, praepositionem efficit. Habemus igitur f\t\g'. Super, ut jQ"i, APPENDIX. (J3 t\; Post, (n. 14); seel substantivum quod a praepositione regitiir pleramque interponi solet, ut hk «?«£.£; (Vid. Lud. Gr. Amh. VI. v. 1.). 34. iffr.pga : HS£- I] Ut albam faciat. De }tp-: vid. sup. n. 27. FRC*l: 3 pers. sing. int. Conj. II. ab ARdT. Fecit, quod in prima con- jugation niihi nondum occurrit. H*?P^: It, conjunctio, qua' verbis post- ponitur, ut et aliae multie particulae qua* in ceteris Unguis prtsponi solent. Construetio autem a verbo JE^ft. ! Possit, dependet: q.d. Possit til facial. pro, Possit facere. 35. 'KlRCtt* \] In istum modum. Vox composita ex "K'fg '. Sicut, et J\C.tt-'. Hie, elisa primi ordinis gutturali. Hlc autem adverbialiter acci- pienda est; si enim ad nomen fern, fvflft : referendum esset pronomen, scribendum fuisset "K^PJCflY I Sicut ilia. 36. *t*?/VA : ] Apparuit. Arad.-7AA: Dete.vit. Conj. III. Notandum autem quod versus initium asyndeton sit, quae quidem construetio fre- quentis est usus. 37- ?VT (D* :] Eis. E praepositione A : Ad, et affixo H 1 dX" : (n. 1 .) composition. 38. A>£iJPill] Elias. Nom. propr. 39. Yl 00 *!*!. I 71&- ■] Unit cum Mose. 00*1*1,; nomen propr. est, Moses. Par- ticulapd-: cum *£!'. construitur, ut t\g: cum HI (n. 33.) nomine sub- stantivo interposito, et significat, Una cum. 40. g^lt^F* : 5H<. I] Et hquebantur. gTld^ ". 3 pers. plur. fut. a -fTte ; Locutusest; quod a rad. Yld. '. Narravit. Retinet autem formam octavae conjugationis /Etbiopicae. JfUJ.". est a rad. if\d.\ Fuit, de cujus con- structione vid. n. 28. 4 1 • YIP ffrfl '. "P&- '. ] Unci cum Jesu. Vid. n. 39. 42. OD/\fi;] Rcspondit. Ipsa radix. 43. PiVfrJO •] Et Jesum. Accusativus a nomine PiVfi '. addita conjunc- tione tfo ; Regitur a verbo sequente A/V I Dixit, allocutus est. 44. troqo/ht; ; (J£ ;] O magister ! auqo /h£: nom. subst. a rad. t™(f\d. '. s. ODU^: Docuit. UJ£'. interjectio appellandi, postposita ; Arabics? t respondens. Ludolfus ^.E '. scribit et perperam Meus interpretatur. In universum autem notandum est, qudd pro Ludolti •? I et "fi : Abu-Rumi fere semper U ; scribat. <)4 APPENDIX. 45 - jKIT?:] Valde. Adverbium, quod et adjective pro Mulius, Multi, ali- quando accipitur. 46.00^^90;] Sonum. Adjectivum. Ludolfo, Pulc/ier, Formosus. 47. i(D*'.] Est. Verbum anomalum, de quo Ludolf. Gr. Arah. II. xviii. 8; 48. YlH.{J '] H IC - Vid. supra, n. 4. 49. •fl"?4> CTD/ P '.] Ut consideamus. -fl ; verbis praefixa, plerumque Si significat; hie autem vim fere eandera habet, quae plerumque particulis /\"J,E ■ praepo- sitse, H"?i?" '. postpositae, tribuitur, scil. Ut, Quod. Possit tamen et hie per Si rod. Deinde "$cj>ao/p ; est 1 pers. plur. fut. a Taufn : Consedit, quod tertia? conjugationis est. In prima mihi nondum occurrit. 50 J* , i*l J lt*Q D l£l*i;l Et tria tabemacula. Numerale jfifi^i*: apud Ludolfum habes, substantivum £fi '. non item. 5i.3vJh '. s. 0(D4> : Scivit, prima radicali absorpta (vid. Lud. in voc. APPENDIX. C) r t 0 :) A.' praefixa cum suffixa qu ; conjunctim negativam efficiunt (Lud. Gr. Amh. V. i. 9.) DeniqueS*; postfixa conjunctio causalis, Nam. Ali- quando etiam copulativa est. 57- l*l/\:] Quia. Plerumque praepositio est, Propter, hte vero pro eonjunc- tione accipi videtur. 58. «5.<,:] Metuerunt. 3 pers. plur. praet. a rad. «£.£.: (Lud. &£ I) Metuit. 59. R 00 ?*! :] jE< nubes. Norn, subst. £oii£; Afrfo. 60. ridrCT^ d>- : iCiC. :] Obtegebut cos. }[\C : Irregulariter pro iCid. : Fuit, ultima vocali, ut in quotidiana pronuntiatione, ita et in scriptis, omissa. De constructione verbi i[\C '. cum futuro, diximus, n. 28. jam vero notandum quod eodem fere modo etiam cum Iniinitivo Participiali construatur. rtQTCY^ J^*q°: Cum vero nunquam sine affixo pronominali occurrat, saepius adverbii per- sonalis formam induit, qualem exposuit Ludolfus, Gr. Amh. II. xvi. Omnino formam ejus et constructionem nondum satis mihi perspexisse videor. 61 . Tl^ aD ^ , J D : ] Et enube. Yl : praepositio praefixa,.Ea?. J^ 00 ^*: vid. sub n.59. 62. JJ" l J D £l] Soniins. Norn, subst. /Ethiopicum. 63. aux;] Venit. Ipsa radix. 64. /\"5^UI] In hunc mod um. Adverbium : Ludolfo "Kfg^ii '. quern vide, Lex. Amh. in voc. 60. I*LA"] Dicens. Est pro ftJKA. '. ad literam, Cum diteret. Accurate re- spondet yEthiopico "A^H '. J£'ftt\'. De verbo £&: autem vid. n. 28. 55 ; et de praefixa fil n. 12. 66. .EUI] Hie. Pronomen demonstrativum, Ludolfo J2"fi: De sequente voce Hfi? ] Est, vid. n. 47. 67. P'PCD.Ear :] Qucmumo. De P«ju : relativo vid. n. 9. Deinde, (D.K I est pro X(D.t^ I X sexti ordinis pro more elisa, et £• I in £ ; ob affixum On translate, ut in n. 55. "&(DK". autem est 1 pers. sing. fat. a rad. K C6 APPENDIX. CDPJ?: Amavit. (Lud. Gr. Amh. II. xi.) Pronomen Qy '. post relativum pleonastice ponitur, ut et in cseteris linguis Orientalibus. 68. 4lj£l] Filius meus. Nomen t\$Z". Filius, affixa ' e ' quinti ordinis, qua; pronomen possessivum est, Meus. 69. fiOO"?f- ;] Auditeeum. 2 pers. plur. imperat. a rad. i^aq ; Audiit; cum affixo *f '. quod Ludolfus neutrum esse dixit, sed masculinum etiam est, et, praecedente vocali ordinis quarti, femininum. 70. K m 'i'l f t' t I :] Et repente. Ex errore aut corruptione pro JE^ni* 1 ? I Adverbium a rad. giltti I s. £17^ : Turbatus fuit. 71.1+^ OX 1 :] Circumcirca. Adverb, a rad. H£: Circumqnaque ivit, Obambu- lavit. Adverbia autem saepe adsciscunt in fine vocalem ' u,' aut literam (J)-; Vocalem 'u' observaverat Ludolfus (Gr. Amh. V. i. 10.) 72. AR :] Respexerunt. 3 pers. plur. praet. a rad. API (Lud. /hP '.) Vidit. 73. 0, Ji : ? , ^ l, '. AA.BQ I] Et neminem viderunt. Pronomen oq'J '. Quis, facit in accusativo OQJ"? ; Cum qo ; suffixa significat, Quilibct, Aliquis. Deinde AAvPqo : est pro Aft AB9° .' Non viderunt. Negativa Aft. 9° : ejusdem formae est ac A 9° .' n. 56. et AB I sub numero proxime prae- cedente expositum videas. Constructio autem talis, Quemlibet non vide- runt, pro, Neminem viderunt, in Unguis Orientalibus satis nota est . 74. YlPl^h I YMllFQ}* : i\ '. Qucesivit, Interrogavk; cum f \", affixo. 91- A 1 * "?:] Quare: ut apud Lud. Lex. Amh. in voc. qo"5 : sub oq"?: 92. JEAA" :] Dicunt. 3 plur.prses.averbodefectivo .Eft. ; Dicat; de quo n.28.55. 93- K^f- 1] Scribte. Pluralis a nomine K&.\ Scriba, a rad. K&.\ Scripsit, iEthiopice Arfl<5. ." ut et apud Lud. in Lex. Amh. 91- Al*l t f > £* c I D I] Prius. Ad literam, Pr&venicnte ipso. Est enim infinitivus participialis Conjugationis IV. (vid. 11. 60.) a rad. cf>j?ao ; Prcecessit; et vocalis septimi ordinis (in tf* '.) aflixum est iEthiopicum 3 pers. sing. In lingua autem Amharica nonnisi cum infinitivis hujusmodi occurrit: alias usurpatur (£r] vel'^l": 95. JB CTD 11£v:] Venit. 3 pers. sing. pra?s. a rad. aon\; Venit, quod et*ro>^; unde mox in eadem forma .E^^A '. scribitur. 96. "KCffr I] Me. Pronomen personale. 97-1i\] Autem. Particula adversativa. 98. tnJAi*i : AA^CD* 1 ? '.] Respondit et dixit lis. Vid. supra, n. 1. 42. 99- U*A , "J I J D :] Et omne. Accusativus ab YhlXr] Omnis ; Ludolfo ^Ar '. et •ft- a-:: 100. p4>5"5"£v".] In rectum restituit. 3 pers. sing. praes. ab £&$! \ quod in Conj. II. est. Quaedam enim verba secundae Conj. longam vocalem in secunda aut tertia radicali adsciscunt. Formam autem radicis nondum definire possum, seu sit 4>{ '. H '. seu <$>£ \ • 101 . "KIR '. i^**. 1 ? 11 1] Et quemadmodum scriptum est. TilR '. vid. in n. 35. 'l->i<5,: est praeteriturn Conj. III. a rad. -H.^.". Scripsit; de qua n. 93. 102. nAd^Al^:] De Filio Hominis. Est pro nPl*l(D* '. AJP> '. elisa, ut videtur, p ; ut in n. 5. Deinde fll est praepositio, In, De. Caetera videas inn. 81. 103. aan£v I 3 sing. fat. a -p4>nA I Accepit, Conj. III. a rail cJ>n/\ :: 105. X"5F^", J D ."] 2& ^Morf spernendus sit. Eodem prorsus modo resolven- dum, quo proxime pra?cedens. Rad. 5"; Sprevit. Vocera sequentem /^JP^? : vid. sub n. 45. 106. YlC'.Ti'^ Sed. NomenJ7C: Res, peculiari modo cum particula Ti\ (n. 97.) componitur. Amba± simul particulam adversativam, »SW, efh- ciunt. At Y1Q '.11'. in clausula- initio usurpatur : °}1 \ verbis postponitur. "Kfy^t^fWhl vid. sub n. 3. 107. ti.KW.] Omnino. Infinitivus participialis adverbiascens (n. 60.) affixo * o ' ( n. 94.) a rad. ^A 00 \ Perfecit, q. d. Perficiente eo, bine Perfect?, omnino. 108. otJ/n;] Venit. Ipsa radix. 1 09. P(D£ 1 P r /t*"J , J ! U*/V '.] Et omne quod (qtuecumque) voluerunt. p *J; est relativum in accusativo, ut in n. 80. (DPP. ' a rad. (D££ : Voluit. Amavit. *£! affixum 3 pers. abundans, de quo n. 5. th/VI Omne, ut in n.99. 1 10. AP^'MVP '.] Fecerunt in earn. De verbo hgd.7 '. in n. 34. diximus. n^P : autem compositum est e praepositione f\ ; J«, et affixo ^1 jEm>«. Praepo- sitiones enim cum affixis personalibus junctim verbis annectuntur. ill. hfYCiV :] De eo. Pro h/\ I XCiV I (n. 96.) Voces proxime sequentes jam expositae sunt. 1 1 2. g

: Parvus; et aoi^OD-^^ ; Plur. JEth. Psalmi. Ad literam ergo est, " Pueri Psalmorum, hinc, Discipu/i, quia pueri Habessini a Psalmis Da- vidis initium legendi et discendi faciunt." Lud. 113. API] Vidit. Ipsa radix. Lud. thP'. ut supra diximus. 114. riH-Cy^ar '. dream eos. Adverbium H*C.P '. Circumquaque, est a rad. H£". Circum ivit, Obambidaiit. Cum pra?pos. £\' m compositum est, ut fyj/v: (n. 14.) et alia. Deinde ^f dp ; affixum, de quo saepius diximus. 1 15. /L.fTl.E&'FGF ■] Interrogates eos. Ad literam: Dm?/i interrogarent cos. Pro ih^flUZ^TTOr: a rad. fl\P4>: Interrogavit, Qucesivit. De hi pr#- 70 APPENDIX. fixa, vid. n. 12. 77, et de ratione affigendi in fine pronomen, n. 85 ; et ibi citatum Ludolfum. ] 16. PHJ?"5 : 2^Vf° '■] Et Ulo tempore. Formam pronominis PHJP"? : nondum certo definire possum, habet antem prsefixam, ut videtur, p ; genitivi. De- inde ^Hi". nomen JEthiopicuni, Tempus. 117- OR^ I 2H, .'] Cum. videbant eum. Ad literam, In tempore quo eum videbant ; de qua forma Ludolfus, Gr. Amh. VI. v. 1. QBi^ .' autem pro nAP^ '. et AB^ I ab AP I Vidit, affixo *t* ] 118. RntYi*:] Commoti sunt. Rad. iEthiop. gilA'. A I fa Cf\'. mutato (n. 12.) 1 19. (DJJCiVJ I] Et eum versus. E (Dg '. prsepos.et pronomine "hQff l 120. <5/5*i(D*:] Festinantes. Infinitivus participialis a <5.fllf ; Festinavit. No- tandum autem, quod hujusmodi infinitivus, ut in 3 pers. singulari (n. 94.) ita et in plurali, peculiare affixum habeat ; scil. Qy\, vocali praecedente in primum ordinem translata : fit enim &/PF '. Festinans ille : <5/P£(D* '. Festinantes illi. 121. rtbg,:] Iverunt. A rad. rh,£: (Ludolfo TtJ^:) Ivit. 122. r f]^f^i' t } a '. 1 i Et sulutare runt eum. 't'lTY'. significat, Salutavit, et de pluribus, In nnum convenerunt. Haec verba, A75TI in secunda conju- satione, 't'l^T. m tertia, forma? rarioris sunt, ut notavit Ludolfus. Con- ferri tamen possint h^'ii '. (»• 100} et similia. 123. ^H/V^lh '} Quceritis. 2 pers. plur. praes. a defectivo 1%lyJPohtit, quod apud Ludolfum reperias. 1 24 . nC'VFar :] Ex Mis. Pro YfaCtt A- : t\Q,&\\ Ubicunque invenerit eum. Adliteram: Exomni loco in quo invenerit eum. tl^d-'. Locus, est a rad. fi£,d.\ Mensus est. Deinde ^ITQT: est pro TiA'lTdT '. verbum autem ATF I Invenit, secundae Conjugations est. In prima mihi nondum occurrit. 133. .EfATA :] AUidit eum. 3 pers. sing, praes. a fT\f\ ; Projccit, Ludolfi paradigmati quidem non prorsus congruens. Pronomen autem (ST \ Eum. non ajfixum est, sed ante literam formativam insertion, (juod in praesente fieri solet. (Vid. Lud. Gr. Amh. VI. iii. 5.) 134. JP^^fllT^vQ '. Etfucit eum jactare pedes. 3 pers. sing, praes. inserto '. > l^rs. sing. prat. ab AA '. Dixit. Forma quidem regularis esset AAU*'. sed lioc et in aliis quibusdam verbis ita variatur. De mutatione I>1 in "J.! ut aflixum recipiat, vid. 11. 3. 72 APPENDIX. 140. JP(D/THp ." HT£' I] Ul ejicerent eum. ^(Dflt; 3 pers. plur. fut. ab A(D^i: Conj. II. a rad. (Dfl\ ; s. Q)g ; JSvwf. H"?^: Conjunctio post- posita, Ut. ] 4 1 . AhiFA-g 01 ? 1] Et non potuerunt. Aft 9° : est negativi forma, et posterior qa- m Conjunctio, Et. Deinde ^/\- '. a rad. ^A I Potuit. 142. od^v^/y^:] Respondit ei. on/vfi : Ipsa radix. ft^M -#*', affixum est ejusdem formae cum n^ I In eum. n. 131. 143. /"iA"?^."] Vos. Pronomen personale, quod et 7\rv"?'f : scribitur. 144. JPAv 00 ?:] IncreduJa. Ad literam, Qwa? won credidit. Pro PAftA 011 * .' ubi p ; relativum est, Aft. '. negativum (omissa «Jo ; finali) et A 00 * '. ipsa radix, Credidit. 145. HC I] Generatio. Ab JEthiopico HCO .' Semen. 1 46. 7\hYl I a ° : f I] Quamdiu ? Ad literam, E%«e arf quando ? 147. I OA"? ,? P I P£fl! Appropin- quavii. 155. r\pqyqo .2\^'.] Et cum videbat eum. Pro fl APCD" 1 ? I 2H, '. De locu- tione fl 1 2H> ■ verbo interposito, vid. n. 117. Deinde API Vidit, ipsa radix, cum affixo GT" ; 156. Phi-P"*'- 2H>d^^".] -^ tempore (Tunc). De pronomine PHJ'S: sub n. 1 1 6. diximus. H\c vero cum nomen ^HjOX"'? '. in accusativo sit, forsan et "J .' APPENDIX. 73 finale etiam in pronomine eundein casum denotat. Deinde ad nomen 2Hi '. affixum est Qp', otiosum, ut alias ' u' (n. 125.); cum vocalis longa in H,; aliam vocalein ' u' non admittat. 157. ^/iCD':] Allisit cum. Vid. sub n. 133. 158. Aj>£-7/D. :] Repetitis victims divexans. Verbum h&l([\\ supra babes, n. 134. Particula autem A.P : (&P\ Ludolfo, quem vide) earn fere vim habet, quam in vertendo expressi. Verbis in praeterito pra?figitur, sensus autem Latine commodius per participium exbibetur. 3t{-: Vid. n. 130, 125. rs$ Q F:c.\i\gv o \ n. 33. 1 59. ©£<£ :] Cecidit. Ipsa radix. 160. hd.Z.-KiWRZQ&.S 00 *..} Et ccrpit spumam emittere. hd.^t". (Ludolfo /h^4. : ) s P u ma, est in accusative cum otiosa ' u.' J2£fi.3> ; 3 sing. fut. a rad. £<5/J>: (At. ^iS) Effudit. ^ : (Lud. TH^O Ccepit. Ipsa radix. Constructs futuri aut subjunctivi pro Latinorum inlinitivo post ^°^d. '. et alia ejusmodi verba, e dialectis cognatis nota est. 161. AO+"? , J D :] Et patrem ejus. Nomen AQ '. Pater, cum affixis poscit *£; epentbeticum, unde AQ-fc I , et^I accusativi nota est. Notandum autem, quod et AO^ '. absolutum reperi. 162. Ylh^^M Atro^i^qnC:] A quo tempore P Ad literam, A quot annis incipiendo? Ita semper exprimitur Amharice phrasis Latina, Inde a, scil. per ^ '. ^^C. ve l f>*F*&.\ &c. prout res poscit. Ut mox, ■nrh^f-fclj-fgoc: Inde a pueritia ejus. Jam vero Yll pnepositio est, Ab, Ex: 1*1^^; interrogativum, Quot? Quantum? A 00 ^! Annus, Ludolfo accuratius Ujcro^; q ua e forma est iEtbiopica. Denique ^JO^CI est infi- nitivus participialis cum affixo 3 pers. sing, (n.60.94.) a rad. ^°°d. '. Incepit. 163. hlTCtr:] Venit in eum. Verbum AT5"I Invenit, supra babes, n. 132. 164. JE*Ti:] Hoc. Pronomen, quod et .E^h: scrmitur > unde supra, solita mutatione, _EU ; n. 66. 165. Ylfhg*?{i: : J^C :] Inde a pueritia ejus. Nomen rh9f { r *t" : Pueritia, estab/h^f: Infans. Csetera vide sub n. 162. 166. ■OH' : TSUF* :] Et multoties. -fl|+: est pro /Etbiopico •OH-'i ; Multus : ?W,'. Tempos, ut in n. 1 16. etiam pro Latino Vices ponitur. L 74 APPENDIX. 167. (DJ£i"rt*:] Inignem. Praepositio (D£ : cum nomine iEthiopico /\r*rP I Ignis. ^lACD': vid. n. 133. 157- 168. QJ"^ 1 ? 15 :] Et aquam. Nomen Qp^". Aqua, cum conjunct, go; 169. A/?A(D*'.] Ut interficeret mm. Pro ft.E7A(D": ubi ft. I est conjunctio inseparabilis, Ut: et radix 7A I (quod et 1gt\ ;) Jnterfecit. nc:°2l: vid. in h. 106. J 70. JK^AUIX^EIUS:] #* possibilk est tibi. .E^ftl in futuro a -p^A I Possibile fuit, Conj. III. a ^FAI Potuit (n. 141). UI affixum 1 persons, quod magis regulariter ~^i ; scribitur. 'Kig WJl'. s. ^JJUTF I (Ludolfo /VfJiJ'WJ;) conjunctio postpositiva, Si. Notandum autem quod vox posterior \J*$ ; interdum per personas variatur, quasi verbum esset ; ut mox, "&"%£ '. U"J{J '. in 2 pers. unde suspicor earn pro \Ji '. Fuit, poni ; ut iflC " P ro if\d. '. (n. 60). Proinde dicendum est conjunctionem "Kfg '. cum verbo Uil compositam peculiarem vim habere, Si, q. d. Si sit ut . l7l"h.C%5'.] Adjuvanos. Imperativus a £g \ Adjuvit, cum affixo i\ Nos. Litera "A I autem in hac radice aliquando praefixa reperitur, ut ACSJ^PI Auxilium, apud Ludolfum in Lex. Amh. 172. /\H^ft.5q° I] Et miserere nostri. Imperativus a rad. AH? '. (Lud. /hH? Contristatus est. ft^Fl Nobis, affixum cum praepositione compositum, % ^\ in $ : mutata ob sequentem qo : Notandum autem qudd cum affixis primae et secundae personae scribatur praepositio ft ; pro A '. , ut ft"^i : ft^J : non A"?i ; A"? '. quoties verbo conjunctim affiguntur. Ita quoque -fl '. pro f\ '. 173. ^^trollH^J^*:] Ut credos. f tT mf i: 2 pers. sing. fut. a J-ooj; Conj. III. (A absorpta) a rad. A 00 ? ". Crcdidit. Hlf? '. Conjunctio postposita, Ut. 1 74. I^ft. I "KfR '. ITStF l] Si possis. 'p^ft : 2 pers. sing, subjunct. a ^pft ; Potuit. De /vJ£ '.U'iV. vid. n. 170. Notanda autem in hac clausula verborum inversio, Credas ut possis si: pro, Si possis credere. 175. JElFAft Possibile est. 3 pers. sing, prses. a "p^FA '. de quo sub n. 170. 176. A a, ljJ" DD ^:] Eiquicredat. Pro ftpqD^^ODl; Vid. n. 9. 55. Verbum autem est ^f m i '. de quo n. 173. PHJ'"S:2H,«J a : vid. n. ii6. 156. APPENDIX. 7j5 1/7- P^Tll] Exclamavit. Ipsa radix. »78. P-fifY-fc^ar :] Pueri. Nomen -flAvt^ : Piter, prafixa p; genitivi. D< otiosa Qy* m . finali vid. n. 156. De nomine AQ'I*'. vid. n. 161. 179- KFt\C: Surdus, adjectivum. a 70 APPENDIX. 188. AH"HIMJ:] Juheo te. 1 pers. sing, prset. a rad. AHHI Jussit. {J [ (quod et "^n :) affixum secundae personae singularis. J 89. "Kill Ego. Pronomen personale. 1 90. ^(Dm I H3£* '] Ut exeas - ^e -Krfii—.K-dfi: vid. n.io. £/*•: pi™ defectivo JE£v '. Dicat (n. 55.) <5./?q°: vid. n. 107. 195. "K^i '] Manum ejus. Nomen^^: (^Ithiop. "KK".) Manus, cum affixo, et in casu accusativo. PHOT: vid. n. 85. 106. Al*l?lWQ> ,, J D • "tJUW ".] Et levavit eum, et surrexit. Utrumque verbum a rad. i\M\ (n. 83.) priusin Conj. IV. posterius in Conj. II. 197. fVl-qo :] Et domum. Nomen JEthiopicum fl/t* '. Domus. 198. A7Q I 2H, I] Cum intrasset. De A I2H.: n. 1 17. 70. '. Intravit. Ipsa radix. £ ; oDi-jou-ci; ; vid. n. 112. /v-n^cD*: vid. n.23. mp^: vid. n. 90. l\q°1: vid. n. 91. 199. "K? '.] Nos. Pronomen personale. 200. AftiF£v? , J D '.] Non potuimus. l pers. plur. praet. a rad. ;FA: Potuit, cum negativo A& 9° '. ( n - 73.) f '. autem in { I mutatur ob sequentem \ Docuit, Conj. IV. a rad. A(D<£ : (Lud. U(D<1> :) Scivit. 209. -11 AT^FOT : i(\C£ I] Nam dicebut iis. -flAY^CD* : videtur esse in- finitivus participialis, sed minus regulariter, a QA '. Dixit (Lud. flUA I) cum aflixo 3 pers. plur. (n. 1 .) De voce $[\C. \ et ejus construc- tione, vid. n. 60. Deinde "2 '. conjunctio postposita, ad finem clausula*, sig- nificat, Nam, Quoniam. Alias copulativa est, ut n. 204. Pftar I A.P/ 1 vid. sub n. 8 1 . 210. JElVTlA I] Tradetur. 3 pers. sing, praes. Conj. III. a fifl\ ; Dedit. Tem- poris istius prasentis vim nondum satis accurate definire possum. De eo plenius dicetur sub n. 282. infra. 211. ClflGT '. "&& I] /" /tomi?iis maniwi. Pro ClPfldf '. 2\|** '. , P '. genitivi pro more elisa, ut in relativo etiam accidit. (n. 5. 102.) 78 APPENDIX. 212. ^7A - ^£\.9 D .'] Et accident cum. 3 pers. plur. prses. inserto pronoraine *f '. a rad. 7A '. (quae mox 7£A '. scribitur) Occidit. Notandura autem, quod tertia persona pluralis in prsesenti, quoties pronomina inserta recipit, voca- lem suam finalem ' u ' rejicit a formativa ft ; in ultimam radicalem ; unde a .E7AA : formatur .E7A;J-A \ , non £7A^A- : 2i3.ni*»fl+?:] Intertio. I'lfi*!*?: Ordinalis a jfifrt": Tres. I 1 4 JEWI '. 11C. '.] Hoc verbum. gUtt '. accusativus peculiari modo formatu s a pronomine _E{J '. s. JE"^ I Hie. Deinde nomen J7C I accusativi notam non.habet, de qua omissione vid. n. 103. 2 J 5. A Ai*l ,r t ,c PA , J D !!] Non intellexenint . Aft 9° I negativum efliciunt. Deinde verbum Aft'I'Y A. '. s. AlYl*(D"A i quartae Conjugationis formain habet, sed origo ejus mihi nondum comperta est. 21 6. .Efn.E c £ ,? t ,, J a : H1.E* '. '. et &£* \ supra habes, n. 90. 58. 217. t^CWJ :] Capharnaum. Nomen loci. 218. «*lA I] Hum esset. Pro fiAA : Rad. AA '. Est, Fuit. 2ig. qu"?:] Quid. Pronomeninterrogativum. 220. J*iin- 1 i/lf^U" :] Disputabatis. Ffifb: 2 pers. plur. fut. A absorpta, a rad. AAfi: (Lud. /hfta:) Cogitavit. Jfld^lK 2 plur. preet. a i(\d ' Fuit, de cujus constructione vid. n. 28. 40. 22 i.f\ ao 'ilKr:] In via. HI In. OD^7_g-; nomen iEthiop. a rad. J7£ I Peregriitatus est. ^22 JrvOV '. flO'l^th ■] Inter vosmetipsos. Est peculiaris constructio prono- minis "KCfr- '. Ule, quod quasi per personas variatur. Dicitur enim 7\Cjft* ■ nCrFU*: Inter vosmetipsos : /\OV : ftOVFOT I Inter semetipsos. 223. "H 01 } A!] Tacucrnnt. Pro fi^lAAl ex interjectione TH^o I et rad. AA I Dixit, compositum. De bac pbrasi autem vid. n. 28. 004 JEAlSnC?:] Nam loquebanlur. ^A*. plur. a Jgft: Dicat ; (n. 28.) ?AC '. P ro ift^ "■ pl erum( l ue ponitur, sed hie, ut videtur, pro Jfl^, '. nam alias constructio sub n. 28.40. 220. exposita, non constat. t flC , *l : f I (D' '. **fl ". ^flA^UA :] Quisnam ex Mis major esset. JEftftllft. : 3 pers. sing, praes. a rad. HArtl : s. fLAA I Major fuit. APPENDIX. 70 Verbum proxime sequens *f t £ aD /I\: Conscdit, vid. in n. 4Q. 22 6. AW& : U>A-fc"? :] Duodecim. Scribit Ludolfus UW& ". -kA ^I Deiude *5 : nota accusativi est, et ' u' otiosa, ut n. J25. 227- A^.^ (D" .'] Appdiavit eos. Ipsa radix, cum affixo : f d^ : 228. oq-jgu.-fm)^;] Si quis capiat. oq-j; Q l( i, y qn; habet postfixom ubi Aliquis significat, ut in n. 73. dictum. Deinde fl.(D.K" ■ est P ro •fl^CDJ^" ." 3 sing-, fut. a rad. (D££ '. Amavit, Cupiit. l)e «fl ." pnefixo vid. n. 49. 229. fl*L^ ." JEtf"? ." H"?£- I] Ut sit prior. n"$ : 3 sing, subjunct., a rad. \fi'. Fuit. (Lud. "fiJl) YllhA- 1 fViA I Post omnes. Vid. n. 99. ] 4. 230. A°A I] Famulus. Nomen substantivum. 231. /h9^9°:] Et infantem. Nomen iEthiopicum. 232. (DA,?^ 1] Ce/w7 c/ . Ipsa radix, cum con junctione 5" '. de qua in n. 204. 233. no^TiA^dr:] In medio eorum. oq"TiA: (quod et oo^fiYlA I) est ex iEthiop. tPXYlA : Medium. 234. A* 011 ^:] Statuit cum. Conj. II. a rad. OD; Stctil. 235. fHl'fl"fc , J D '. ARd.'MD* '.] Iii sinum suum imposuit earn. Nomen *fMV"t" : Sinus, ut videtur, alibi nondum occurrit. Verbum Ag£l '. Fecit, (n. 34.) aliquando sensum habet ponendi, statueudi : q. d. Fecit ut illic esset, pro, Illic posuit. 236. P^^HAQ '.] Quicimqvc recipiat. De forma poq_; vid. n. 9. 55. et de verbo 'I^IIA I n. 104. 0° ; affixa rclativo P ; sensum indefinitum tribuere videtur, ut Latinum -cunque. Sic et in o^^^o \ n. 228., 237. YlAI-tfJ '• rh^i" I] Ex /ti.sce infantibus. Pronomen est 7\AH.U '• ***' isti, e formis iEthiopica et Amharica compositum. rh95 v t' '. plurale JEthio- picum, a nomine fh9"?! "• 231 - i^i^i : Unum. Vid. n. 125. in fine. 238. fifl 01 *. I] In nomine meo. fiQ 11 '. Nomen, cum praepos. fl '. et affixo l pers. Mox cum affixo 2 pers. flfiQ^UI ^/C 1 ! : vid. sub n. 107- 239. r t'4 , nA : 5 I] Rccepit me. (n. 104.) ^ : aflixuui verbale I pers. sing. 80 APPENDIX. '240. /\V? I] Me. Accusativus pronominis Jtf, ; Ego. 24 1 . PAfY? : /\"?j£* I] Sed eum qui misit me. ATI : (Lud. AAYl Misit: ipsa radix. /V?j£" I conjunctio postposita, Sed. «nWiA^: vid. n.42. no. ^.gu:n.64. iXA:n.65. troqu/hc; UJB". n.44. 242. AP$ I] Vidimus, l pers. plur. praet. a rad. API Vidit. Apud Ludolfum forma est AP"5 '. 243. l*l.E'Tl£ J 1 v J ;] Damones. Pluralis iEthiop. cum "} J accusativi a i*i j E A : YIA"?^ : ?& : i'.~\ Quia Christo sitis ; i.e. Quia ad Christum pertineatis. Conjunctio TvfJtJ '. verbo \Ji \ Fuit, praefixa, plerumque sii^- nificat Si (n. I/O.); hie vero, Quia, Quod. U^^U* '. est 2 pers. plur. praet. Xarj-i- : x^-i/UK vid. n. 2, 3. 255. T^QX 1 :] Mercedem ejus. Nomensubst. T^il cum affixo (Sp\ quod in locum vocalis 'u' snccedit, ob longam vocalem pra?cedentem. 256. l\'}gJEtt\<^'.l Qwdd turn perdet. /vJJP,: est pro conjunctione TSfg'. elisa A '. negativa. (n. 79.) Deinde verbum ITI^J, '. Ludolfo impersonale est et neutrum, Periit, sed interdum in sensu activo usurpari videtur, pro Amisit, Perdidit, unde evadet in Conj. III. *l*fll■: (n. 133 ) a verbo defectivo ?i ; 1. Voluit, Petiit. 2. Impersonaliter, JP;w- stat, Exp'edit. 260. P(D£f.t°' : £"?2JP I] 3/o/te lapidem. Nomina duo substantia, quorum prius in genitivo. 261. QT?*:] J» <»&» e/iw. Ex AT3i-: (Lud. ihTM":) CoUum. 262. AJ^"Cil] Imponens, s. Jmponendo. Infiuitivus participialis a verbo Conj. II. KS.d.1 '. Fecit, Posuit. (vid. n. 235. 60.) 263. 0)£: QfhC:] i» wia/-e. Q/hC". nom. subst. JEthiopice etiam et Arabice usitatum. »i 82 APPENDIX. 264. fl/D.E"^] Si projectus sit. De prsefixo -fl '. vid, n. 4g. Radix est (D,E4 > '. Cecidit, Projectus est. 265. 7\^*tiq°:] Et maims tua. Nomen /\j^: vid. sub n. 195. Pro affixo Yi; scribuntur^i; et{J". sed omnia ejusdem sunt originis. Til primi ordinis ante particulas postfixas plerumque invenitur. 266. •fl^rt^U I] Si offendat te. Radix iEthiopica est ftftrP: Aberravit ; etinConj. IV. Afirh'I'! Seduxit, Scandalizavit : unde forma Amharica Aft'l' : et in 3 pers. sing. foem. fut. J'h^ '. 267. t P*£ (T \ f t w '.] Excide earn. Imperativus cum affixo 3 pers. sing. foem. a rad. T\ ; Conj. II. a rad. Q)n\ ; Exiit, addito affixo 3 pers. sing. foem. quod ad nomen form. Uf^Ef ; refertur. mf ¥lW't : /^KA-flfltC : vid. n. 1 1. 281. fVrt*:] Inigne. Pro n"A'*l , l" : quod ex "K^^f '. Ignis, n. 167. 282. .ETi^/ilft. ;] Salitur. 3 pers. sing, praes. a 11 '. Substantiam restrain, pro Vosmetipsos. Constructio autem vocum jfaQM J^U* '. CEICD* : JKU-"5 '. obscurior est. Ad literam significant, Vosmetipsos sal sit. Equidem crediderim praeposi- tionem fl ; omissam esse, et legendum, flfldT? ^HFU* '. In vobismetipsis. Pronomina hujusmodi in casu nominativo adhuc non reperi; plerumque reciproca sunt. :kov : nc'rF u-9° : via. n. 222. 289. [\J t lf\ f T a '. r t' l ilt!^'.] In pace colloquamini. i^/VJ ! IS T om. iEthiop. Pax. r t"5*7<£, .* 2 pers. plur. Imperat. a 'f^'J^ '. Collocutus est. (n. 40). FINIS. ERRATA. The very near resemblance which some of the Ethiopic Characters tear to em h other has caused the occurrence of most of the following typographical errors. It is hoped that they will be found generally unimportant. 13, line 20, / or TE ^ : read J7IJD*$ ; It, 4, YWv: Tttv: 18, 26, A-n:: A-n: 19, «, on ; ; «Q*? ; auwyi ; 20, 8, (r>j^jp#£-r : (DKry&tt : — 9, "h^Eri : 7\&'■ P4om\: 75, 18, gviqn; p-v^qo; 79, 17, qp'A I n£v: aq7\*n/\: 84, 19, i*iar*:rt : i> : i*i(Tr5^ v YU- : 18, note, 3, and which and respecting which 25, line 3, a fter d.g- A't* I add (so Ludolf writes the word.l 18, for "dvv read eOvy 33, 21, seems seem 66, 20,25 , solum solum 76, 11. Conj. II. Conj. III. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. I I I II I I I I I II D 000 014 249 7