M.-^'^ :y^ ■ JfA' :\'i-i^.' ..-f: J - ■■■" ^^' .''-' \.' \'.^\- 'f^HOimyi^ ^ ^^ c? ^^ojiivjjo'^ ^S3mmQ\^ ^OfCAUF0% .^W£•UNIVERi/A ^NlOSAMCElfj]> o E ^ ^(^AwaaiiA^ ^ "^AaaAiNdiWv ^UIBRARYQr :/0jnv3j0'^ '^^ OF•CAlIF0/,•,^, ^■^omim\'^ ^HIBRARYO-: ^jFCAllF0/?4 .\WE UNIVER5//, .\\U UNIVERy//, 1^, -< ^>clOSANCElfj^ ^<9AaVS9IH^ •^■miWW^ "^/^a^AINfl ]\\V ^ULIKKAHYQ^ WOJIIYDJO"^ OF-CAllF0ft|> ^^OJIIVJ-JO"^ ^OFCAllFOff^ >- ^V\E UNIVERi"//, 1^)1 ^'rtEUNIVERV/, o ^lOSANCFlfj> .^^IIIBRARYQ^ ^ILIBRARYQc '^Aa3AiNn]UV '^(!/ojnv3jo>' '^.i/ojiwojo ^OFCAIIFO/?;!^ ^OFCAllFOff^ "s© ! I vat i!^1 ffTtl f vai v^ A GENERAL EPISTLE TO MINISTERS, WITH EXTRACTS FROM " SACRED REMAINS ;" COMPRISING A GENERAL TREATISE ON THE THREE RECORDS, WHAT WAS FROM ETERNITY, THK ONE PERSONAL UNCREATED GLORY, AND A CLOUD OF UNERRING WITNESSES. BY JOHN REEVE & LODOWICK MUGGLETON, THE TWO LAST SPIRITUAL WITNESSES, AND ALONE TRDE PROPHETS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, BY COMMISSION FROM THE TRUE GOD, THAT EVER SHALL WRITE OR SPEAK UNTO UNBELIEVING MAGISTRATES, MINISTERS, AND PEOPLE, UNTIL THE ONLY LORD OF LIFE AND GLORY, THE MAN JESUS, PERSONALLY APPEARETH IN THE AIR WITH HIS MIGHTY ANGELS, TO BEAR WITNESS TO THIS TESTIMONY: EVEN SO, COME, LORD JESUS. FIRST PRINTED FOR THE AUTHORS IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1653, THEN RESIDING IN LONDON. FOTJETH EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED Foil JOSEPH FROST, 17, HALF MOON STREET, BISHOPSGATE STREET, BY LUKE JAMES HANSARD, 5, PEMBERTON ROW, GOUGH SQUARE, FLEET STREET. 1854. A GENERAL EPISTLE TO MINISTERS, WITH EXTRACTS FROit " SACRED REMAINS ;" COMPRISING A GENERAL TREATISE ON THE THREE RECORDS, M\l 1\AS FROM ETERMTY, THE ONE PERSONAL UNCREATKD GLORYj AND A CLOUD OF UNERRING WlTNtlSSI-S, BY JOHN REEVE AND LODOWICtv MUGGLETON, THE TWO LAST SPIRITUAL WITNESSES, AND ALONE TRUE PROPHETS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, BT COMMISSION FROM THE TREE GOD, THAT EVER SHALL WRITE OR SPEAK UNTO UNBELIEVING MAGISTRATES, MINISIERS, AND PEOPLE, UNTIL THE ONLY LORD OF LIFE AND GLORY, THE MAN JESUS, PERSONALLY APPEARETH, IN THE AIR, WITH HIS MIGHTY ANGELS, TO BEAR WITNESS TO THIS TESTIMONY: EVEN SO, COME, LORD JESUS. FIRST PRINTED FOR THE AUTHORS IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 165'', THEN RESIDING IN LONDON. FOURTH EDITION. L O N D IS! : PRINTED FOR JOSEPH FROST, 17, H.'VLF MOON STREET, BiSJlOPSGATE STREET, BY Ll'KE JAMES HAN8AED, 5, PF.MBEKTON ROW, QOIGH SUT'ARF., FlEI T STKF.rT. 1854. DIRECTIONS TO BINDER, *^* This Selection is intended tofolloic the " Transcendental Treatise^ it being xvritten in the folloicijig year. ANNEX CONTENTS GENERAL EPISTLE TO MINISTERS. CHAPTER PA«E I. 1. Introductory Remarks. 2. The Creator came down personally in a Spiritual Form, and conceived himself of the Seed of the Virgin. 3. The Spi- ritual Person of the Deity was absent from Heaven while the second Man, the Lord, was resident on Earth. 4. No Spirit exists without a Body or Form. 5. The Creator, from eternity, was a Spiritual Body or Person in the Form of a Man. 6. The Eternal Spiritual Form, Father and Son, wa« God and Man in one Person ....... S II. 1. The Creator glorified the Body of Elijah in Heaven, and commissioned him to represent the glorious Person of God the Father, while he came in Flesh to redeem his Elect. 2. Elijah, with Moses, from the Throne of Glory, ministered consolation to the Lord, then in Mortality. 3. The Man, Jesus, ascended personally to that glory whence he came, and by his Holy Spirit reveals to Elect Men and Angels the Mystery of the Eternal Majesty. 4. Those who are the Lord's ambassadors receive the Infallible Spirit, to dis- cern between the Elect and the Reprobate, and to know who commit the Unpardonable Sin. 5. The Lord speaks to his commissioned Prophets mouth to mouth. 6. Of the third and last Witnesses ... 6 III. 1. The Man, Jesus, hath all parts as a Man hath, but they are glorified. 2. Those only who are the true Messengers of Christ can endure his Cross. S. Conclusion ......... 7 A GENERAL TREATISE OF THE THREE RECORDS OR DISPENSATIONS FROM HEAVEN. I. 1. Three Dispensations of the Lord unto the Elect World: (1.) Of Moses and the Prophets ; (2.) Of Jesus and the Apostles ; and (3.) Of the Two Wit- nesses, Rev. xi. 2. The Dispensation of Moses, moral and ceremonial, belonged to the Jews only. 3. The manner of Divine Worship under the second Dispensation was not revealed to Moses. 4. Every true Commissioner had charge of the several manners of Divine Worship. 5. Thus Moses and the Prophets were faithful until the end of their commission, all suffering persecution, and some death, for their message' sake. 6. The Jews, by violence, got into Moses' chair, and sat as Scripture Interpreters ; and then, 7. Slew the true Prophets ....... 9 II. 2. When the second Dispensation was given by Jesus, the first was abrogated for ever, 2. The Jewish Sabbath was a Ceremonial Observance. 3. Every day is a Sabbath to the true Christian; but, 4. The Sabbath of the Reprobate is a visible day. 5. The second Dispensation terminated with the Ten Persecutions, which continued about three centuries after the death of Christ ; since which period there has been no true Interpreter of the Scriptures, but, 6. The Ministry has been grounded on Magistracy, and is not of the Lord . 12 III. 1. The third or last Dispensation is that of the Two Witnesses, Rev. xi. 2. This Dispensation is all Spiritual : therefore, 3. All visible Forms of Worship are inventions of Man's imagination from the letter of the Scriptures. 4 The visible Worship now in the world is the chief occasion of Wars, and many other wickednesses. 5. False Shepherds are over the flock of Christ. 6. True Worship is to hear and obey the Holy Spirit. 7. The Elect have power to show mercy to their Enemies, and, 8. To love one another. 9. They only have the spirit of Revelation ...... 15 IV. 1. The Three that bear record in Heaven. 2. The Three that bear record on Earth. 3. The Spiritual Person of God converted itself into a natural Body \^ IV. CHAPTER "AGK V. 1. The Glory tliat the Elect shall enjoy to all eternity. 2. The Sorrows that the Reprobate shall endure to all eternity . .21 VI. 1. God the Creator was, from all eternity, an immortal distinct Person, of Spirit and Body, even as Man 2. Earth and water were eternally in the Presence of this Personal God ; 3. Who, from them, created all things that were made ; and, 4. First, the Angels ; 5. Then, all variety of Creatures. 6. Further Remarks upon the Creation ...... 2* WHAT WAS FROM ETERNITY. An EpiMU eoneern'mg the only true God, of Am glorious throne, and Vic pure Creation from that which ufaXse. I. 1. Introductory Remarks. 2. Of the Sun. 3. Analogy between that Luminary and the Son of God. 4- Summary of the Contents of this Epistle. 5. There is another created World besides this, a place of Glory, where God, elect Men, and Angels, shall be to all eternity. 6. This World of Glory is of immeasurable vastness ....... 28 II. 1. The Substance of Earth and Water was from Eternity. 2. The uncreated Essence of God was alone, until his creative Pdwer manifested itself. 3. The Divine Form Avas an immortal bright Glory, like unto a Man. 4. An error corrected. 6. The Creator formed all things out of some eternal Substance . 32 III. 1. The Powers of Creation or Transmutation consist in cither new creating, or changing the condition of things already created. 2. The wonders of Creation that will be manifest at the last day. 3. The Creation of some for ctfrnal Glory, of others for everlasting Darkness. 4. The presumption of human Conceit .....•••- 35 OF THE OXE PERSONAL UNCREATED GLOHY. I. 1. The Man, Christ Jesus, and his Father, were from eternity only one personal Majesty in both Worlds. 2. The Creator could hot appear in the condition of a creature, without first leaving the representative spiritual office, of God the Father, in the glorified Persons of Moses and Elijah. 3. The Creator appeared in the condition of a Man, (1.) To manifest his eternal Love for his redeemed ones, and, (2.) To enhance his own Glory. 4. By virtue of their Divine Commission, Moses and Elijah tilled the Lord Jesus with inspirations of his former Glory when on the Throne of the Father ; and, 5. Testified from Heaven that he was the only true God. 6. Further Remarks on their Divine Office .......... 37 II. 1. The Scriptures mention a visible as well as invisible manifestation of God the Father to Moses and Abraham ; but, 2. There ie no record of any such manifestation to Christ Jesus. 3. The glory of Christ's Transfiguration was from the appearance of Moses and Elijah in glory. 4. Of the Divine Power in Christ's Resurrection ....... 41 III. 1. Christ Jesus, by his Death and Resurrection, became Lord of the Living and the Dead. 2. He, who out of Chaos created both Worlds, also twice changed the condition of his own glorious Person. 3. His Death not only proved Divine Truth, but confounded Carnal Reason. 4. Unless the Divinity of Christ had died ivith his Humanity, God could not have experimentally known the condition of the Dead. 6. The Godhead's suffering gave him prerogative power over all conditions. C. Conclusion . . . . .44 I A CLOUD OF UNERRING WITNESSES, Plainly proving that there neither is, nor ever teas, any other God btU Jeius Christ the Lord. I. 1. Subject of this Epistle. 2. The Creator, though styled in Scripture by the threefold Name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is but one Essence, even as Man is but one Person, though spoken of in Scripture by the threefold name of Body, Soul, and Spirit ....... 47 Scriptures proving that Christ Jesus is the only God . . .49 II. 1. On the Divine Names, (1.) In the Time of the Law ; (2.) After Christ Jesus became Flesh ; and (3.) After his Ascension to Glory. 2. Conclusion . b9 GENERAL EPISTLE TO MINISTERS. WHEREFORE, IF ANY MAN IN THE AVORLD SHALE BE LEFT TO DESPISE THIS MIXISTRY, FROM THE GREATEST TO THE LEAST, BY CALLING OF IT BLASPHEMY, A DEVIL, DELUSION, OR A LIE ; IN SO DOING THEY HAVE COMMITTED THAT UNPARDONABLE SIN AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT SENT US : WHEREFORE, FROM THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD JESUS, WE PRONOUNCE THEM CURSED AND DAMNED, SOUL AND BODY, TO ALL ETERNITY. JOHN REEVE and LODOWICK MUGGLETON, the two last Spiritual Witnesses, and alone true Prnphots of the Holy Spirit, by Commission from the true God, that ever shall write or speak unto unbelipvinc: Magistrates, Ministers, and People, until the only Lord of life and glory, the Man Jesus, personally appeareth, in the air, with his mighty Angels, to bear witness to this testi- mony: even so, come, Lord Jesus. FROM GREAT TRINITY LAXE, AT A CHANDLER'S SHOP, AGAINST ONE Mr. MILLIS, A DROWN BAKER NEAR BOW LANE END, LONDON, 1653, IN THE SECOND YKAR OF OUR COMMISSION, BY VOICE FROM HEAVEN. CHAPTER I. I. Tnfroductorif Remarks. 2. The Creator came down per- sonally in a spiritual Form, and conceived Himself of the seed of the Virgin. 3. The Spiritual Person of the Deity was absent from Heaven while the second Man, the Lord, was resident on earth. 4. No Spirit exists without a Body or Form. 5. TJie Creator, from eternity, was a spiritual Body or Person, in the form of a Man. 6. The Eternal Spiritual Form, Father and Son, was God and Man in one Person. SIR, — By virtue of my com- mission, received by voice of words from tlie Holy Spirit of the only wise God, and ever lasting Father, the man Jesus in glory, present I this epistle as an eternal witness between us. 2. Friend, — In the account of many, you have appeared as a true minister or preaclier of the everlasting Gospel, or God, the man Jesus, and you have lived in glory for a season, through your ministry, taken up by your natural wit fi'om the letter of the scripture, which were other men's words, received by voice and inspira- tion from the Lord, you having no commission or revelation from the glorious mouth of the Lord Jesus to preach unto his elect: 3. Wherefore, because my God, the man Jesus, sent you not, you preach unto the people out of the bottomless pit of your own lying imagination, which is the devil, aGodof w^ords only, without substantial form, a bodiless God which you call an eternal Spirit, which ^^ou im- agine was in heaven when the Lord Jesus was personally on this earth, unto whom you sup- pose the man Jesus prayed ; but I declare, by revelation from the Holy Spirit, that you are utterly ignorant of that Father that the Lord Jesus cried unto, in the body of his flesh. GENERAL EPJSTLE 4. For it is hid from the wise and prudent nieii of liiis world, that the eternal Creator of all t^piritual forms came down from the tlirone of his glorv personally in a spiritual form or likeness of a nian, and with his sjiiritual body or form per- (sonally entered into the body or womb of the Vira;in Wife Hilary, and in her womb unereated himself from his eternal im- mortal glory, and in the same moment created or conceived himself of the seed of the Virgin in pure mortality, and in liis appointed time became a child, a son, yea, a perfect crea- ture: thus the immortal eternal Creator for a season became an absolute mortal man or crea- ture, sin only excepted. 5. Again, I declare from tlie Holy Spirit, that in that heaven and earth above or beyond tlie stars, wliere the persons of the lioly angels are resident, the ])ersonal jjresence of God was wholly absent from tliem for that season; the second man, the Lord from heaven, was re- sident on earth. 6. Again, it is hid from yonr ryes, that there is no spirit Avitlnjut a body or form hath any living being, nor ever had, neitlier of God the Creator from eternity, nor angels or man created in time. 7. Again, it is hid from your eyes, that from eternity tlie Creator was a spiritual body or person in the form of a man, having all parts in immortality, as a man hatli m mortahtv, who was created in his spirit within like unto God, and in his form witliout like unto God also ; only his fleshly form was natural and eartlily, and God's form Avas spiritual and heavenly. 8. Again, because you preach Avithout a commission, you un- derstand not that tlie eternal spiritual form, both Father and Son, was a spiritual God and man in one person or form from all eternity ; and so, it being- impossible to divide them, un- separably the immortal God, Father and Son, did, as before- said, lay down their eternal innuortal glory in the Virgin's womb togetlier, and did trans- mute their spiritual glory both together into pure mortality, of flesh, blood, and bone, and in that body of flesh they did i-ais'e unto themselves new transcendent glory from elect men and ano;els, in revealino; luito them the wonderful spi- ritual mystery of the whole Godhead clothing itself with iiesh, in the person of a man. 9. Therefore it is written, " For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily;" again, " From his fulness we all receive grace for grace." 10. Again, "He that hatli seen me hath seen the Father, and the Father and I are one." Again, " He thought it no rob- bery to be equal with God." IL Again He is called "the Creator of the worlds." Again, it is written, " Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he tail] doAvn his life for us." TO MIMSTERS. 12. Again, "I am he that liveth and was dead, and behold I am alive for evermore, Amen." And, " I have the keys of hell and of death." 13. Again, " These things saith the First and the Last, which was dead and is alive." Again, " To the only wise God our Saviour, be oiory and ma- jesty, dominion and power, now and ever. Amen." 14. Thus it is clear, unto all that are instructed by revela- tion from the Holy Spirit, that there is no Creator nor God, nor ever was, but the man Jesus, that died without the gate, and rose again out of death by his own power ; and in that body of flesh and bone he ascended far above all heavens, angels, and men: therefore it is written, "When he ascended on high, he gave gifts unto men." CHAPTER II. 1. The Creator glorified the bodij of Elijah in Heaven, and commissioned him to re- present the glorious Person of God the FatJier, ichile He came in flesh to redeem His Elect. 2. Elijah J with Moses, from the throne of glory, ministered consolation to the Lord til en in Mortaliti/. 3. The Man, Jesus, ascended personally to that glory lohence He came', and by His Holy Spirit reveals to elect Men and Angels the Mi/s- tery of the Eternal Majesty, 4. Those who are the Lord\s ambassadors receive the in- fiallible Spirit, to discern be- tween the Elect and the Reprobate, and to know who commit the unpardonable Sin. 5. The Lord speaks to his commissioned Prophets mouth to mouth. 6. Of the third and last Witnesses. AGAIX, because you have no commission to preach, you understand not that, before the eternal Creator became a pure mortal creature, he glorified the body of his creature, the pro- phet Elijah, in that heaven and earth without the globe, and gave him a commission to re- present the glorious person of God tlie Creator, whilst God the Father went that sore jour- ney in flesh to redeem his elect ones by faith in liis blood. 2. Thus the creature, by the unsearchable wisdom of the Creator, by commission from the Creator, for a season was representatively in the very glory of the Creator ; and the Lord Jesus, the only Creator, was in the lowest abasement of a creature ; to show forth his infinite prerogative power, ^vis- dom, and glory, love, and humility unto liis elect, that they only may understand, hy inspiration from the Holy Spirit, that the immortal Creator be- came an absolute creature, hke unto us, except sin as beforesaid, that we ihat are his elect crea- tures, believing in the ])ody or person of God, the Lord Jesus, ourCreator, maviii tlie resurrec- 6 GENEHAl. EPISTLE tion possess glorious bodies of tlie same divine nature of our God the Father, and alone Crea- tor, the man Jesus, to all eternity. 3. So that it is not so strange as true, that it was the ])rophet Elijah that my God, the man Jesus, in mortality, cried unto in all his extremities ; and Elijah, as a foithful spiritual steward, with ]Moses, from the throne of glory did minister consolation unto his Lord and Saviour in mortality, as an im- mortal God and Father in glory, until the Ci'eator of all life })assed through hell by intoler- able sufferings for his elect, the Avhole Godhead being dead and buried for a moment ; and by his own power in his decreed time, in that body of flesh wherein his soul died, in death or out of death he quickened a new glorious life, wherein na- turally as lire he ascended per- sonally into that place of glory from wlience he came, and now it is he alone sitteth on the right hand in the midst of the throne of the Father's immortal ma- jesty, wisdom, power, and glory again. 4. So that the man Jesus being upon tlie throne, it is he alone, by his Holy Spirit, reveals unto elect men and angels in measure that unutterable won- der! ul mystery of the eternal ^lajesty, clothing himself with a garment of flesh to all eternity. '). Wherefore I declare, by revelation i'roni tiic Holy Spirit, tliat wIiorNcr ill lijs spirit or tongue offers up ]irayers or praises unto any eternal Spirit, ' or God, or Father, but unto that man Jesus that was ]nit to | death in the flesh, and quickened | in the spirit, he prays unto his j own lyino; iniaiiination, which is i the devil, mstead of the true God, the man Jesus | 6. Again, unto us that are the Lord's spiritual ambassadors ' is the infallible Spirit given, whereby we are enabled to dis- i cern between the elect and the , reprobate, and to seal them uji unto eternal life and eternal I death ; and it is really so as sure as there is a Creator. 7. Again, the Holy Spirit, that sent us, enables us to answer all i needful spiritual questions of i the deep tilings of God, for the consolation of the elect, and the condemnation of the reprobate ; but, of the contrary, because i you have no commission to j preach, you wanting the infalli- ble Spirit, you know not whe- ; tlier any shall be saved or damned, because you have no assurance of your own salvation, neither do you know when men j commit that unpardonable sin j against the Holy Spirit. ] 8. Therefore all men may \ repent first or last, and find ; mercy, for ought you know ; but the Lord hath given us to know our own salvation, and of the salvation of some of his chosen ones, his holy name be eternally praised. 9. Again, we know, by that infallible Spirit of the Lord -Mil TO MINISTERS. Jesus witliiii us, when men fall iiiider that unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit ; yea, we know of hundreds that are under that unpardonable sin at this time, who must all perish to eternity. 10. Again, you understand not that God hath a mouth to speak unto men as a man hath ; and that he speaks to all his com- missioned prophets and apostles as a man speaks unto his friend. 11. Thus the Lord spake unto JMoses and the holy prophets in the time of the law, who were tlie Holy Spirit's first witnesses unto men, that the man Jesus, then to come in flesh, was the only God. 12. Again, the man Jesus spake unto his apostles mouth to mouth, who were the Holy Spirit's second witnesses unto the man Jesus, then come in the flesh to be the only God. 13. Again, the third and last witnesses of the Holy Spirit unto the man Jesus to be the only God, are those two in the Revelation, spoken of by John the beloved disciple, that were to appear in this last age, and are upon the stage of this world at this time in the great city of l^ondon, where the elect shall see the great wonders of tlie Lord : 14. But they are hid from reprobate, hypocritical, Phari- saical, unmerciful men and wo- men, that they may despise the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus, in us his last witnesses, that they may fill up the measure of their forefathers' sins, who despised the Holy Spirit in the Lord's two former witnesses, that, in the resurrection, at the great day of the Lord's account, they may be cursed, suftering toge- ther in their spirits and bodies, through the absence of that Holy Spirit rejected by them, the vengeance of eternal deatli, that shall burn as a flame of fiery darkness to all eternity. CHAPTER IIL 1. The Man Jesus hath all parts as a Man hath, but they are glorified. 2. Those only who are the true messengers of Christ can endure his Cross. 3. Conclusio7i. AGAIN, I declare, from the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus, that my God, the man Jesus, fi'om his throne of glory, spake to me, John Reeve, his third and last witness, three mornings together, voice to voice, or mouth to mouth, by the which I know that God, the man Jesus, spake unto his two former witnesses, according to the scriptures ; but you can-^ not possibly know it, as I do, but think you know it, because my God never spoke unto you as his messenger or minister^ nor ever will. 2. Therefore you cannot un- derstand that the eternal God, the man Jesus, hath all parts as a man hath, only all the mem- bers of the body of God are glorious, but man's members (JKNKKAL KinsTi.K To MINISTERS. are in sliame, hcing deliled with \\\\o the spirit of unclean reason and Avieked imagination. .S. Tiierefbre you cannot pos- sibly preacli or declare the true spiritual worship of my God, the man Jesus, because you went before you were sent. Vou know what is written, *' Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God preached : "' and how^ can he preacli except he be sent? 4. Again, you being ignorant of the l)ody of God, you cannot endure the cross of Christ, in Kuriering shame for his name's sake : but we that are his true messengers, through continued sufferings for his name's sake, are filled, by his blessed Spirit, with full assurance of a crown of immortal glory at his appear- ing, who, after he had suffered all his days in mortality, at the appointed time entered into his eternal immortal glory. 5. Xay, quite contrary to the true messengers of Christ, your ministry rather brings you in silver and honour from the men of this Avorld, whereby your heart is made fat, and your un- derstanding is darkened through pride from men's good opinions, in darkness like yourself; and so you run on, offering up a lying sacrifice unto an unknown God, and that gives great con- tent to a proud, covetous, vain- glorious people of your own spii'it, because you know not the r^ord Jesus Christ, who re- quires mei'cy and nut sncrifiro, causes tiie sun to sliiuG^ upon the just and the unjust. G. But how can you that are ignorant of my God, the man Jesus, and the olorv of that life? to come prepared for the merci- ful, and are ignorant of that eter- nal death reserved for all hypo- crites who blind their eyes with sacrifice, because they hate mercy ; 7. I low can you, that seek honour one of another, believe in the man Jesus to be the only God, to yield obedience unto the voice of his Holy Spirit of love and mercy unto all men, which is the only sweet-smelling s?>crifice required by the Lord Jesus from all his elect? 8. Aoain, how can vou distil upon men's spirits the glorious things of eternity, without the spirit of prophecy, Avhich is ai spirit of revelation, or inspira-^ tion, given only to the true am- bassadors of the Lord Jesus ? 9. Sir, — Once more to your own particular person, if, after the receipt of this epistle, sent unto you from the Lord of glory to forewarn you before it was too late, you shall either write, prophesy, preach, or teach unto magistrates or people, public or private, than in obedience unto our commission ; because you have disobeyed the message of the Holy Spirit, from the pre- sence of the only wise God, the man Jesus, elect men, and an- gels, we pronounce you cursed and danmed, both soul an^i body, unto all eternity. A GENERAL TREATISE THREE RECORDS DISPENSATIONS FROM HEAVEN. WRITTEN IN THE TEAR OF MY COMMISSION, RECEIVED BY VOICE OF THE LORD JESUS FROM HEAVEN, 1651, AND IN THE 27th OF JULY, 1652, BY REVELATION FROM THE MAN JESCS, MY GOD ALONE ; UNTO ALL THE ELECT THAT LOOK FOR THE APPEARING OF THE ONE ONLY, IMMORTAL, INVISIBLE, WISE GOD, AND ALONE ETERNAL FATHER, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, GOD, BLESSED FOR EVER OF ALL THE ELECT, MEN AND ANGELS. BY JOHN REEVE, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT'S TRUE MINISTER OF THE THIRD AND LAST DISPENSATION OF THE LORD JESUS, UNTO ALL THE ELECT WORLD. CHAPTER I. 1. Three Dispe7isations of the Lord unto the elect World : (1.) Of Moses and the Pro- phets; (2.) Of Jesus and the Apostles; and (3.) Of the Tico Wit7iesses, Rev. xi. 2. The Dispensation of Moses, moral and ceremonial, belonged to the Jeics only. 3. The Marnier of Divine Worship under the second Dispensation ivasnot revealed to Moses. 4. Every true Commissioner had charge of the several Manners of Divine Worship. 5. 77m.? Moses and the Prophets icere faithful until the end of their Commission, all suffering persecution, and some death, for their message sake. 6. The Jews, by violence, got into Moses chair, and sat as Scripture Interpreters ; and then, 7. Slew the Prophets. THERE are thi'ee dispensa- tions, or commissions of the Lord, unto the elect world, and but three. The first, of Moses and the prophets. The second, of Jesus and the apos- tles. The thu'd and last are the two witnesses in the eleventh of the Revelations; who are the true ministers of the Holy Spirit, revealing or declaring the mind of God, the man Jesus, unto all the elect world; who are the seed of the woman, the children of faith, which is the divine nature of God. 2. Again, I declare, by reve- lation from the Lord Jesus, that all the Lord's commissioners have power given them to bless or to curse, and it is so : there- fore it had been good for them that are left to despise them that they had never been born. 3. Again, the three commis- sioners, and they only, are Christ's witnesses, because they c 10 A GENERAL TREATISE liave the gift of the Holy Ghost, or spirit of revelation, to inter- pret the scriptures : therefore all that are saved shall bow unto the revelations of God in them. 4. Again, I declare, from the Lord Jesus, that all the prophets and jn'iests that were in the time of Moses were liars, except they that were called of the Lord, as Moses and Aaron were, or were called by succes- sion from them : therefore it is a most dangerous thing for a man to take upon him the place of a prophet, a priest, or Levite, or minister, without a commis- sion from the Lord, 5. What do they, but offer strange fire unto the Lord, as Corah, Dathan, and Abiram did, before they were called to the office by God's commissioners, and bring a curse upon their souls ? 6. Remember Jezebel's pro- phets. Were they not cut in ])ieces for drawing the princes' hearts from the true worship of the living God ? 7. And this their ignorance of God was, because they went before they were sent. 8. Therefore lying prophets, for silver, are in a ])erisliing condition, with all the scripture- merchants in the world. 9. Again, I declare, from the Lord, that .Moses was the first prophet that wrote scriptures by commission from the Lord. Nof<\ — By inspiration from the si)irit of revelation, God wit- nessing from heaven, by signs and wonders, that his commis- sion was from the Lord. 10. Now the commission of Moses was full of ceremonies, ordinances, and shadows, con- cerning things to come, very tedious unto the people. 11. So long as the commis- sion of Moses and the prophets continued, there was no nation under heaven had anything of the true worship of God, but the Jews only, and those that joined with the Jews, because the ora- cles of God were committed to the Jews only. " Salvation is of the Jews," as it is written. 12. Again, I declare, from the Lord Jesus, that the law of Moses, both moral and cere- monial, with all the Jewish ob- servances, or worship whatso- ever, did belong to the Jews only ; and this their worship continued until Christ, and no longer, who was the giver of the law, and the fulfiller of that law only, and the putting down that worship, and observing of the law of Moses for ever. 13. Therefore accursed be that man that sets up the wor- ship which God pulls down, or ]iulls down that worship which God sets up, until God remands it himself; for that is adding or diminishing of the word of God in the book of scriptures. 14. Again, I declare, from the Lord, that the sword of steel did belono; in Moses' commission i to the nation of the Jews, and was never to be used in the two' OF THE THREE RECORDS. 11 commissions following by any that professed the faith of Jesus, being utterly unlawful by the command of God, the man Jesus, in his second commission. 15. Again, I declare from the Lord, that God never re- vealed to Moses, nor any of his prophets, in what manner his worship should be in the second dispensation, by Jesus and the apostles, because he will have all the honour ; there- fore, by his own wisdom his counsels are unsearchable, and his ways past finding out. 16. Again, I declare from the Lord, that every true com- missioner hath the several man- ners of the worship of God committed unto his charge, to declare unto men ; and that when the second commissioner declares his message of wor- ship from the Lord, then the worship of the first messenger is ended, never to be more. 17. So, likewise, Mhen the third and last commissioner de- clares his message of the man- ner of worship of God, then is the second commission ended likewise for evermore. 18. Thus every commissioner is to mind his own charge only, and to be faithful in his trust, having nothing to do with one another's commission, concern- ing the worship of God, but to be faithful unto God, in all things committed to their charge, that they may give up the account of their stewardship with joy, receiving that reward, or crown of glory, with the Lord Jesus, in his everlasting kingdom. 19. Thus Moses was faithful in all his house with the prophets, in the time of the law, unto the end of their commission, all of them suffering persecution for their message' sake, and some of them death itself. 20. Again, I declare, from the Lord, that the Jews, long before the commission of Jesus appeared, persecuted and put to death the true commissioners and interpreters of the law of ]\loses ; and, when they had so done, they got up into Moses* chair, not being sent, but by violence, and so they became the scripture-interpreters, which was given to Moses and the prophets only; 21. And, finding that being the lords of the letter of scrip- ture, and skilfully merchandizing them, great honour and wealth came thereby, making them equal with the princes ; they took counsel together, and made a de- cree, that none but the learned only should meddle with the in- terpretation of scripture. 22. Thus the Jews put the true prophets to death who de- clared the message of God freely ; and then their children painted the sepulchres of the prophets, and set up their writings by a law, because of the glory that came thereby. 23. Thus these scripture- usurpers sat like kings in Moses* chair, uncontrollable, as if they were the Lord's commissioners, 12 A GENERAL TREATISE until the coming of Jesus and the apostles. 24. Again, I declare, from the Lord, if the Jews that sat in Moses' chair had been interpre- ters of the law hy commission from the Lord, then would they have known the law-giver, the Lord Jesus, and have yielded obedience to him, as John the Baptist did, he being the true messenger of the Lord : but quite contrary, devil-like, being of their father, the devil Cain, who slew the first Abel; 25. So the children of Cain — the learned scribes and pharisees — slew the Lord of life and glory, the heir of all truth, that the inheritance of the interpretation of the letter of the scripture might remain in the possession and power of the learned for ever. 26. But Jesus, whom they slew, did often confound them, out of the mouths of unlearned babes and sucklings, by the power of his Spii'it. 27. As it is very hard for a rich man to enter into life, and that very few of the rich will be saved, because riches blind the eyes of the understanding ; so will it be as hard for a learned man to be saved, because learn- ing draws forth the pride of the spirit of man, making it un- capable of the voice of God's Spirit, charm it never so wisely. 28. Woe unto all learned men, especially if tliey be rich ! for learningand riches are the snares of God, to draw men into eternal perdition. CHAPTER II. 1. ITlien the second Dispensa- i tion was given by Jesus, the Jirst ivas abrogated for ever. \ 2. Tlte Jewish Sabbath was i a ceremonial Observance. 3. Every day is a Sabbath to \ the true Christian ; but, 4. i The Sabbath of the Repro- j bate is a visible day. 5. The second Dispensation termina- ted with the Ten Persecutions, which continued about three \ centuries after the death of\ Christ ; since which period there has been no true Inter- , preter of the Scriptures, but, 6. The ministry has been grounded on Magistracy, and is not of the Lord. AGALST, I declare, from the Lord Jesus, the man of j glory, and my alone God and '> eternal Father, that, when this j Jesus gave the second commis- ' sion of the preachmg of the gos- pel, then all observances of the , law of ]\Ioses were of no use for ever ; whether circumcision, or the Jewish sabbath, or new- moons, or tythes, or any sacri- fices under the law whatsoever; 2. Because all worship of the law of Moses were but types and shadows of the worship in the gospel of Jesus, therefore all that are gone back to the law of IMoses are under the curse ; as it is wa-itten, " Cursed be every one that continueth not in the law to do it perfectly." ' 3. Again, in the commission! of the gospel of Jesus, given. OF THE THREE RECORDS. 13 unto tlie apostles of Jesus, there were ordinances also for baptism, breaking of bread, preaching the gospel in season and out of sea- son, meeting together the first day of the week, not observing it as a moral sabbath, but as wisdom directed them for con- veniency, once a week, for the consolation of one another. 4. They met upon the first day of the week, wliich is called the Lord's-day, because Grod upon that day rose from the dead. 5. Not but every day is a sabbath, or Lord's-day, unto true Christians ; for he that is entered into faith is entered into his sabbath, having rested from the works of the law, from all ceremonial observing of a sab- bath-day, or any other ceremony of the law of jNIoses whatsoever. 6. As God entered into his eternal sabbath's rest on the se- venth day (as it is written), when he had finished the six days' work of creation, by the power of his word-speaking ; 7. So that faith is the true sabbath of all the elect, who walk not after the fleshly worship of men, in observing a sabbath- day, or the like, but are led by the vSpiritof God, the man Jesus, to offer a spiritual sabbath of faith and love to God all the days of their life, which is a full testimony to their souls of their keeping a spiritual sabl^ath with their God, the man Jesus, eter- nally in the heavens. 8. But the sabbath of the re- probate hypocrite is a visible day — as Sunday or the like — sometimes doubting whether Sunday is the right, or Saturday. 9. Thus they are to seek of the sabbath concerning the day, and so of their God; for they that are ignorant of the true sabbath must needs be ignorant of the true God. 10. Thus all the worship of the several formal hypocrites is all outwardly, to the vain- glorious fleshly eye, and in bondage to sin, therefore under the curse and wi'ath of God for ever ; because God hath not revealed unto them that spi- ritual sabbath of faith, to purify their hearts fi-om all unright- eousness, making them to un- derstand that obedience is the sabbath that God requires, and net sacrifice. 11. God's sabbath is obedience, and the visible sabbath is sacri- fice. Woe unto all that despise this truth ! It had been better they had never been born. 12. Again, I declare, by re- velation from the Lord Jesus Christ, that his second dispen- sation or commission of God given to the apostles, with all the ordinances contained in that dispensation, continued no longer than the putting to death and banishing of the commissioners in the ten persecutions, wliich continued about 300 years. 13. Since that time, it being about 1350 years, I declare, from the Lord Jesus, there liath not been one true interpreter of the 14 A GENERAL TREATISE miiul of God in the scriptures, to preach the everhisting gosjiel of Jesus Christ, by commission from heaven unto the seed of bis own body, the elect ; but they have all climl^ed up the ■wrong way ; idle shei)herds, that the Lord never sent, tlierefore few of them will be saved iii the day of the Lord. 14. What are they but spi- ritual witches, blind leaders of the blind ? therefore both must needs fall into the ditch ; childi'en of Cain, and merchants of the word of life, almost all of them despisers of the spirit of revela- tion, which is the only testimony of a true messenger of the Lord. 15. Woe unto them that have gone the way of Balaam, loving the wages of iniquity ! for any man to preach or prophesy, with- out a commission from the Lord, is but a work of iniquity. IG. For how can he preach unless he be sent ; for the Lord is one with those that he sends, giving them power to bless all those that receive their message, and to curse all those that shall despise it. 17. This is the power of every true commissioner or messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ ; and whosoever hath not this power in his commission was never sent of the Lord No earthly king giveth a commission to his servants, but tliis commission is powerful to all them it concerns. 18. Again, the apostles' com- mission and onHnnnces being finished in the ten [ ersccutions. then the children of those that put them to death took posses- sion of the apostles' chair, as the children of the Jews took pos- session of Moses' chair, when their fathers had put the pro- phets to death ; and, Avhen the apostles were put to death, their children that })ut them to death painted their se})ulchres, setting up their writings by a law, that none but the learned only should be the scripture interpreters ; 19. And so it hath continued, wherever the scripture came, al- most to this day ; the magistrates and ministers joining together to maintain the power of the scriptures in the hands of the minister by a law from the ma- gistrate, which minister is to the magistrate a false prophet. 20. When these scri^^ture- merchants had purchased to be- come the scripture-interpreters, by the blood of the apostles, then did they piece the old cloth to the new, and so made the rent worse. 21. They have so mixed the writings of JSloses and the apos- tles together, both in books, chapters, lines, and words, throughout the two Testaments, that no man can find the truth, but Ijy the same Spii'it that spake them, by the mouths of the jn'ophets and the apostles. 22. Again, I declare, that aU the ministry that Was or is grounded upon magistracy, since tlie coming of Christ Jesus in the flesh, and since the com- \ mission of Jesus to the apostles, ' OF THE THREE RECORDS. 15 is not of the Lord : the Lord sent them not, it was the ma- gistrate, their lord, sent them ; therefore their reward is from him, which is the penny of this world only. 23. Again, I declare from the Lord, that no magistrate did ever own any of the minis- ters or |3rophets of the Lord, as to estalc)lish their ministry in their dominions, bnt those com- missioner-magistrates under the law, in the time of Moses. 24. Therefore, the magis- trates, in the time of the apos- tles, not being commissioner- magistrates of the Lord's, in- stead of owning the true apos- tles of the Lord, they persecuted them to the death ; like unto those Gentile, heathen, non- commissionate- magistrates, in the time of the law, as Pharaoh, and such as he was. 25. Neither did the apostles own the magistrates for the de- fence of their ministry, knowing that the Lord had not sent them, nor appointed them to re- ceive it, but had left them to persecute it, to their own de- struction, for ever. 26. Neither will any magis- trate own any ministry, so long as the world endureth, but a ministry of his own setting up ; for the Lord hath left them in darkness, lest they should be con- verted, and he should heal them ; as it is written, " Which of the rulers have believed on him ? " 27. Again, "The kings and the rulers take counsel toge- ther against the Lord and his anointed ;" and the apostle Paul saith, " The princes of the world have nought in him." 28. The apostle speaks as though there woidd hardly one prince or ruler be saved (since the coming of Jesus) in the day of the Lord, because, instead of yielding unto Christ's cross, that he may reign over them, they themselves reign hke gods and kings over their poor bre- thren. 29. Therefore, in that day my God, the man Jesus, will say, " And those mine enemies, whether great or small, that would not that I should reign over them, bring them and slay them before my face." CHAPTER HL 1 . The third or last Dispensa- tion is that of the Two Witnesses, Rev. xi. 2. This Dispe7isation is all spiritual; therefore, 3. All visible Forms of Worship are inventions of Mans imagination from the letter of the Scriptures. 4. The visible Worship now in the world is the chief occasion of Wars, and many other wickednesses. 5. False Shepherds are over the flock of Christ. 6. Tnie Worship is to hear and obey the Holy Spirit. 7. The Elect have power to show Mercy to their Enemies, and, 8. To love one another. 9. They only have the spirit of Revelation. 16 A GENERAL TREATISE AGAIN, I declare by revela- tiou from the Lord Jesus, that the two Avitnesses spoken of ill the eleventli chapter of the Rcrehithnis, is the tliird or last dispensation, or commission of God, unto the elect world ; and that John Reeve, and LoDOWiCK MuGGLETON are those two witnesses or ministers of the last commission of the Holy Spirit, unto the end of the world. 2. Again, I declare from the Lord, that this dispensation of the Holy Spirit hath no ordi- nances or observances annexed unto it, but is all spiritual ; neither are there any visible na- tural signs tied unto it, nor won- ders to satisfy devils that this commission is from the Lord ; this commission being only spiritual, as it is wi'itten, " And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouths, and devoui*eth their enemies." 3. For God hath put the two- edged sword of his Spirit into their mouths, that, upon their pronouncing God's curse upon their enemies, the fire of God's wrath seizeth upon their spirits to all eternity ; because they that despise them have sinned against the Holy Ghost; be- cause we only are the ministers of the Holy Spirit, to declare unto man what is the worship indeed that God requires of his elect, until the coming of Jesus Christ. 4. Again, God hath honoured them witli the spirit of discern- ing his elect, that, upon their pronouncing them blessed, they increase in understanding of the scriptures from the Holy Spirit, and are blessed to all eternity. 5. Again, I declare from the Lord Jesus, thatall visible forms of worship that are now extant i n the world, are not by command from the Lord, but are the in- vention of man's imagination, from the letter of the Scripture ; therefore as acceptable unto God as the cutting off of a dog's neck. 6. I declare again, from the Lord, that the visible worship now in the world, set up by magistrates and ministers, whe- ther public or private, is so far fi'om being by conunission from the Lord, that it is the chief occasion of all wars, and many other secret wickednesses, committed under heaven. 7. Thus all that are not quite blind, through the long custom of the false prophets or priests, set up or countenanced by the magistrate, may clearly see that none of them are by com- mission from the Lord, but false shepherds, that went be- fore they were sent ; therefore, but few of them will escape the vengeance of eternal fire in the day of the Lord. 8. Again, I declare fi-om the Lord Jesus Christ, God alone, blessed for ever, that the wor- ship that now is, and shall be to the end of the world, — Note^ — it is to hearken what the Holy OF THE THREE RECORDS. 17 Spirit saitli unto the soul, and to yield unto it; and in so doing thou shalt never want peace. 9. Thou shalt hear a voice behind thee, saying, " This is the way, walk in it ;" hearken unto that voice and yield obe- dience unto it ; and thou shalt see eternal life abiding in thee. 10. This is the voice of Grod from heaven, called the Spirit of faith or revelation, filling the soul with pure spiritual love, patience, meekness, and all other virtues of the Holy Spirit ; which Holy Spirit is the only minister or teacher of all the elect, unto life eternal, even to the end of the world. 11. They that are led by this Spirit, they are kept from the committing of sin : I do not say they have no temptations or motions of sin from their own spirits ; but I say the Spirit of faith purifies their hearts, giving them power against those motions or temptations of the flesh ; and so, their bodies and spirits, being kept pure, are fit temples for the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit. 12. For all that are born of God know the voice of his Spi- rit, and have this power over sin, as I have declared ; for the Spirit of Jesus is one and the same in all his elect, only in a greater measure of understand- ing the word of God in the scriptures to some than to others, especially to the com- missioners, who are sent to de- clare his mind unto the elect ; as it is written of Peter, " When thou art converted, strengthen the brethren." 13. Thus God's commission- ers have a greater measure of his Spirit than private Christians, because they are made public, and appointed to greater sufi^er- ings than those that are private believers. 14. Again, it is written : "My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me :" that is, the new- born elect know the voice of God's Spirit, and so are made obedient to his voice ; and " a stranger they will not follow." 15. The stranger is the voice of reason, which is the voice of the devil, that would draw the soul from the voice of faith, which is the voice of the Spirit of God, in all the sheep of Christ. 16. Again, this blessed Spirit gives power unto the elect to show mercy unto their greatest enemies ; yea, and to forgive them, although they should kiU them ; and gives a man power to leave all vengeance unto God, unto whom only it doth belong. 17. Again, I declare, from the Lord, all that are of this faith are of one spirit, and have power given them to love one another as their own soid ; yea, they have all of them power given them to lay down their lives for this their faith, because it is the faith of the holy prophets and apostles, the true faith of Jesus, the power of God unto salvation. 18. This is that faith that 18 A GENERAL TREATISE keeps the soul spotless, froin Iviiig unto his neiu;lil)our, and from all other unrii;liteou8ness wliatsoever ; the which no other elnnrlies nor opinions in the Avorkl do, but will lie unto one another for gain, but this church of C'lirist. 19. Once again, from the Lord, I declare that this church of Christ only being the elect, they only have the Spirit of re- velation of the mind of God, always increasing in the Spint of the scriptures, and are God's only lights in this world, and those that are appointed of God as his judges over all their ene- mies, both great and small, in the world, that despise the Spi- rit of revelation. 20. Note. — Again, I declare, fi'om the Lord, that none can understand what God is, nor what the devil is, nor what is after death, nor whether ever their bodies ever appear any more, nor any invisible thing, but l3y the Spirit of revelation, which is the voice of God, lead- ing liis own elect sheep and lanil)s into all s])iritual pastures; whilst unbelieving lions, — Note, — that despise this Spirit, are Jiunger-bit ; yea, and sent away em]>ty of all spiritual consola- tions. 21. Again, I declare, from the Lord, that all that have this Sj)irit of revelation or faith in the man Jesus, they know that there is no other God but the man Jesus, that in liis person only the eternal Father always lived, and that there was never any other God, or eternal Spirit, or Father, but this Jesus only, that man of glory, whose goings out have been from everlasting; 22. And that all the names or titles in the letter of the scriptures, of " Father," or " Jehovah," or " Melchizedek," or " I am," or " Eternal God," or " Eternal Father," or " Won- deriiil Counsellor," or " Prince of Peace," or " Alpha and Omega;" yea, and all other names or titles spoken of in the law and gospel by the prophets and the apostles and the two witnesses in the Revelation, they are all attributed mito this Jesus, the eternal God, and man of glory, who is a distinct God, in the person of a man, from all creatures in heaven and on earth, from all eternity to all eternity. 23. Therefore, they that have this Spirit of faith, cannot take the sword of steel to slay their brother, because they know that man is the image of God ; nei- ther can they go to law with their neighbour, whatever loss may come thereby ; neither can they take upon them any jilace of honour from the lords of this world, because their kingdom is no more of this world than it w^as to the Lord Jesus, who came on purpose to show unto his elect himself of his spiritual kingdom of glory. 24. And when they had tasted a little of the spiritual kingdom, from that moment, OF THE THREE RECORDS. 19 instead of yielding to the cus- toms of nations, to make them honourable, they were made willing to deny themselves, and to sutler reproach with the Lord Jesus Chiist, because they know there is no way to the crown of glory with their God, but to drink the same cup of persecution and afflictions as their Lord did before them. 25. " The servant is not greater than his Lord." And this only is the way of all the elect, until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the man of glory, God alone, blessed for evermore. CHAPTER IV. 1. The Three that bear record in Heaven. 2. The Three that hear record on Earth. 3. The Spiritual Person of God converted itself into a natural Body. AGAIN, it is written, " there are three that bear record in heaven, the Fatlier, the Word, and the Spirit, and these three are one." 2. Note further. — There are three that bear witness on earth, "water," "blood," and "spirit," and these three agree in one. 3. Now these three witnesses on earth, " water," " blood," and " spirit," are the three com- missions or dispensations of the Lord aforesaid, which the Spirit of God hath written un- to you that are his elect, for your information and eternal consolation. 4. The water, that is Moses' commission; tlie blood, that is the commission of Jesus ; the spirit, that is the commission of the two wit- nesses, spoken of in Revela- tions chap, xi., whose commis- sion, or message from the Lord, is all spiritual. 5. Again, as for the three that bear record in heaven, the mind of God in that saying is this; that God, in the name of "Father," " Word,"and " Spirit," did in or from heaven, his throne of glory, three times bear witness unto those com- missions on earth aforesaid, by signs and wonders, that these three only were the Lord's commissioners. 6. According unto their se- veral dispensations did the Lord witness from heaven, in the hearts of his elect only, that they were indeed the prophets of the Lord. As for the repro- bate, because the Lord reveals it not to him inwardly by his blessed Spirit, therefore he always tempts his God, devil- like as he is, for an outward visible sign, to make him be- heve an invisible God. 7. But the elect believer is kept from tempting his God, being always made to wait for an invisible sign or testimony from the Spirit of God, whether the commissioner or prophet be from the Lord or no. 8. He that believes makes 20 A GENERAL TREATISE not haste, he is made to wait : ho only knows that, by enter- taining of some strangers, he has received angels ; unto him only it is revealed what that blessing is, unto those that are made to receive a prophet or discii)le of the Lord, in the name of a jirophet or disciple of the Lord, Jesus Christ. 9. Unto him alone it is re- vealed, that he, with the pro- phets, shall inherit together a crown of glory in those persons they now enjoy, being made like unto their God, the man Jesus, at his visible appearing in the clouds, in his everlasting king- dom of glory. 10. Again, unto him only it is revealed what that curse is that shall be upon the souls and bodies of all the despisers of the message of the prophets of the Lord to all eternity. 11. Again, I declare from the Lord, that it is revealed unto us only, that have received this faith of Jesus, what things shall be after death ; we only are capable to know, that God, the man Jesus, was in the per- son of a man before he became flesh and Ijone, from all eter- nity. 12. Note. — Unto us it is known, that there never was any spirit without a body or person, because the bod}^ or person is the form of the invi- sible spirit, that can never be seen or known, but through a visible body or person, which is tlie liouse or tabernacle of every invisible spirit, in heaven and on earth. 13. So that a spirit is an in- visible substance, yet nothing at all without its form of body or person ; neither is the body or person anything at all with- out the invisible spirit, which is the God, spirit, or life of the created or uncreated forma ble body or person. 14. As the soul and body of man is both one person, and that one is nothing without tlie other, being both of one nature, begot together, and so living together, neither of them living one without the other ; and so dying or falling asleep together (being both one creature) until the resurrection of their death of sleep from their dust ; and so being raised, as they lived to- gether before death, being both one creature, so shall they now after death remain together in glory or in shame, to all eter- nity, j 15. So I declare, fi'om the < Lord, that the eternal spiritual God the Father — Note, — always \ liveth in a spiritual form of j body or person ; the which j body, or spiritual person, was | the eternal Son of the eternal \ Father ; the which eternal Son 1 is the holy city, or tabernacle \ of glory, wherein the Father, which is the eternal Spirit, hath ^ his glorious delight, from eter- nity to eternity. i 16. Again, I declare, from \ the Lord Jesus, that this spiri- jj tual person, or body of God, that OF THE THREE RECORDS. 21 was fi'om all eternity, did con- vert itself into a natural body of flesh, blood, and bone, and so became sul)ject unto death ; and wlien it became a natural body, the Father, which is the Spirit eternal, and Godhead of the body, which was the eter- nal Son, lived only in that person. 17. " For in him lived the fulness of the Godhead bodily ;" that is, in his l)ody lived the eternal Spirit, God the Father, bodily ; because this natural body was the eternal son of God, which formerly was the eternal spiritual body of God, Note^ — the eternal spirit from all eternity ; therefore it is written, " the word became flesh," God became flesh, "and dwelt amongst us." 18. The word was the eternal spiritual body, or person, or Son of God, the eternal Father or Spirit, which, by its own power, became flesh, or a pure natural body, wherein the eter- nal Father only lived. 19. And there was no other eternal Father in heaven, or on earth, but only in the body of the man Jesus, that died, and rose again by his own power, God blessed for evermore. 20. This is that God, the man of glory, who descended by his own power, from his throne of glory, into a pure natural body ; and after he had died, and rose again alone by his own power, then did he ascend up in that pure spiritual body, which was natural before he died, but now spiritual, by his rising from the dead ; and did glorify himself, witli that same glory that he formerly possessed with his Father, the eternal Spirit, to all eternity. CHAPTER V. 1. The Glory that the Elect shall enjoy to all eternity. 2. The Sorrows that the Re- probate shall endure to all eterjiity. AGAIN, I declare, from the Lord, what the Spirit hath revealed unto us, concerning the glory that the elect shall enjoy to all eternity, and the sorrows of the reprobate to aU eternity. 2. As to the elect, the very same bodies, or persons, with their memory, and senses of flesh and bone, wherein they lived or died, in that truth of faith (of the Lord Jesus, to be the only God), I say from the Lord, those very bodies of theirs shall be made spiritual, and glorious ; brighter than the sun, like unto the person of their glorious God, the man Jesus. 3. And with their eyes shall they see their God, face to face, and body to body, for ever ; yea, we shall see him, and know him, as far as we possibly can be made capable of his spiritual glory, as we see and know one another in this mortality. 4. Then shall their thoughts, 99 A GENERAL TREATISE words, and deeds, be Godlike for ever. And as tlie ])erson of God is an overllowing fonntain continually, of new infinite pleasures, of glorious delights, of unspeakal)le joy, to all his elect; so shall the souls and bodies of the elect, as a foun- tain, overflow with variety of new songs and praises everlast- ing, world without end, unto the glorious and alone God, the man Jesus, blessed to all eternity. 5. Again, it is written, "there shall be a new heaven, and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness;" that is, the glo- rious person of God, with the persons of elect men and angels made 2:lorious. 6. This new heaven, and new earth, are both spiritual, suit- able to the persons of God, angels, and men, that are therein. 7. Again, it is called a new heaven anda new earth, because the bodies of the elect, that ascended into that glory at the last day, were never there be- fore. 8. Again, the natural bodies and souls of the elect are be- come a new heaven and a new earth, because their persons are glorious, both \N4tliin and without, like unto the glorious person of God, whose blessed presence maketh all persons or places, things or beings, to be- come new and glorious, like unto himself, to all eternity. 9. Again, it is called a new heaven and a now earth, be- cause all things in this world wax older and older as a gar- ment, unto an eternal dissolu- tion. 10. So that the persons of God, elect men, and angels, in that new heaven and new earth, become newer and newer, younger and younger, in all unspeakable, new, and glorious heavenly delights, for evermore. 11. Again, I declare, from the Lord, that as a natural body is never in its proper centre, but when it is fixed upon the earth ; and if the earth or place give way, the natural or earthly body sink- eth down als( , let it fall never so deep : so the spiritual body, when it is glorified in its own nature, is its own centre. 12. And the nature of man is to stand upon nothing, and to be as swift as thought, and to ascend higher and higher, be it never so high. 13. Also the nature of it is to see and know one another perfectly, if we be never so far asunder, as if we were near at hand. 14. Again, the glorious fife and liberty of a spiritual person is this, that the spirit is not shut up, nor barred Avithin the body, from motioning forth, which motioning is the life of it ; and is at perfect liberty, to aU eternity, to motion forth upon the persons of God, elect men, and angels, for its variety of new and glorious pleasures everlastingly. OF THE THREE RECORDS. 23 15. Again, from the Lord, I declare what the condition of the reprobate is, and where it is. 16. Thus it shall be to all eternity : this whole creation — as, namely, the visible heavens, above the firmament, with the sun, moon, and stars — shall va- nish, and be put out as the snuff of a candle, never giving light more, because the decreed time of their being is finished, they only being apjDointed for lights of this creation, or mortal world. 17. The earth also shall be burnt up : that is, all the nature or sap, which is the heart of the earth, shall be burnt up, with all natural food remaining upon the earth, and in the sea, and in the air ; 18. The sea, and all rivers and water-spnngs, being dried up for ever, because their de- creed time is fully ended. 19. Then this world, or whole creation, will become as a bar- ren wilderness, that is burnt up with heat, and a chaos of ever- lasting confusion, of utter dark- ness, for ever: yea, as dark as the darkness of Egypt, both for spiritual darkness and natural darkness ; not three days and three nights, but even to all eternity. 20. Then shall all reprobates, men and women, appear in the same natures, souls and bodies, that they lived and died in, or fell asleep ; and they shall have the same senses and reason they had before. 21. And they shall perfectly remember all their former glory, with all their former cruelty ; and, according to their deeds, they shall receive their everlast- ing punishment, in the same bo- dies they delighted in sin. 22. Their own bodies must be their prison of hell, and their own unclean spirit of reason, the de\nl, that shall be barred close prisoner within their bo- dies, that they cannot have one motion, or thought, of any spi- ritual or natural comfort, be- cause they are both departed for evermore. 23. Then shall the spirit of man be a more terrible fire than any natural fire or brimstone whatsoever ; the body being all on fire, the which flesh and bone is the fuel of hell ; the spirit which is the devil, now an eternal prisoner within the body, causing unspeakable lamentations, and gnashings of teeth. 24. And the chief ground of their soitows is this, because their body, which was formerly their only heaven, is now be- come their only hell ; and their proud spirit, which formerly was their only God, is now be- come their only devil ; being both prisoners together in hell- ish darkness, being barred ft'om the presence of God, elect men, and angels, to all eternity. 25. Again, I declare, from the Lord, that in the same place where the bodies of men and women do appear at the resur- 24 A GENERAL TREATISE rection, there shall they remain, naked as thev were l)orn, never stu-ring iVoni that place ; either standing, sitting, or lying along ; hearing one another's lamenta- tions, but never seeing one an- other's faces, to all eternity. 2G. And, instead of singing new songs and praises unto God, thev shall, because of their un- speakable misery, blaspheme the name of God continually with new curses, because their mise- ries are everlastingly increasing anew, according as the songs of the elect are newly increasing, causing new songs of joy to all eternity. CHAPTER yi. 1. God the Creator was, from all eternity, an immortal dis- tinct Person, of Spirit and Body, even as Man. '2. Earth and Water were eternally in the Presence of this Personal God ; 3. WJio, from them, created all things that were made ; and, 4. First, the angels; 5. Then, all variety of creatures. 6. Further re- marks upon the Creation. AGAIX, I declare, from the Lord, ]jy revelation from the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, that God the Creator, from all eternity, was an immrjrtal distinct person, of spirit and body, even as man, who is the image of God, is a distinct mortal person, of soul and body. 2. Again, I declare, from the Holy Spirit of the Lord .lesus, that in the world above, or be- yond the stars, where the person of God is resident, from all eter- nity, there was in the presence of this eternal God, whose eternal Si)irit was the Father, and whose eternal spiritual body was the Son, being but one distinct per- sonal God ; I say, from all eter- nity there was earth and water with him. 3. So that there is nothing that this personal God hath created in the upper world, or heaven, or in the lower world, or earth beneath, but that he had matter or substance, whereof he created all thins-s that were o made. 4. So that when this personal God saw good, for the setting forth of liis glor}^, he spake the word to the eternal earth, and immediately there came forth of this earth an innumerable com- pany of spiritual persons, like unto the person of God, which were named holy angels. 5. Now, the natures or spirits of these personal angels are pure reason ; but the nature of the personal God is faith, which is all power, dwelling in his own person, or overflowing from it- self only ; or increasing within itself, in power, wisdom, joy, and glory, continually like an overflowing fountain, from all eternity. 6. Now, the nature of pure reason is very unlike unto God ; therefore it desires to know the person or Spirit of God that made it. OF THE THREE RECORDS. 7. Wlicreforc, to keep the lioly T'ligels' nature pure froiij disobedience in his presence, tlie Lord reveals some of the overflowings of his glorious nature, or Spirit of foith, unto them : so that all the wisdom, joy, glory, and power, that is in the persons of tlie holy angels, doth not proceed from their own natures or spirits, Avhicli are pure reason, but from the glorious nature or Spirit of the person of God, which is pure faith, distinct from the nature of pure reason, that God alone may have all the glory, both in heaven, and on earth. 8. Again, the Lord spake the word unto the earth, out of which the angels were made, and from the same eternal earth presently appeared all variety of creatures, for a fur- ther manifestation of liis glory, to remain in the world, to all eternity ; as there is all variety of mortal creatures, made out of this mortal earth, by the word of this personal God, to endure for a season, for the glory of his name. 9. iVgain, I declare, from this personal God, that he spoke the word into those eternal waters, and all variety of creatures ap- peared in those waters, for a further manifestation of his glory, there to remain to all eternity: even as he created, out of these lower waters, all variety of creatures by a word- speaking, to endure for a sea- son, for the manifestation of his glory. 10. Now you must under- stand, that the creation that is to all eternity, in the presence of God, that their natures and they are all pure, not desiring generation ; but all of them have, in the room thereof, a more transcendent joy, in their several natures or spirits ; all of them, according to their kind, giving praise and glory to a spiritual personal God, their Creator, to all eternity. 11. Tliat is, the kingdom where the lion and the lamb lie down together in peace, world without end ; in this upper world, of eternal heavens, eter- nal earth, and eternal waters ; wherein the first creature of the eternal personal God first appeared, visible in his pre- sence. 12. Again, I declare, from the Lord Jesus, that in that king- dom of glory only, the whole creation is visible, and of perfect love, and pure peace, unto all eternity. 13. Again, I declare, from the Lord Jesus, that this lower world or mortal creation, from the stars unto the depths of the earth, or waters, were all made out of the creation in the presence of the Lord Jesus, which only is to endure to eternity ; where the elect are to I'emain and enjoy it personally, not only invisibly, but visibly also, to all eternity. 14. Now, that you may un- D 26 A GENERAL TREATISE derstand ^oiiu'thing of this mor- tal creation, I declare, by reve- lation from the Holy Spirit of the Lord .lesus, that the waters that are in this creation were divided from those eternal wa- ters that are in the world above, or beyond the stars : and, fur- ther, the earth that is here be- neath was created or made out of that eternal earth, which is above or beyond the stars. 15. I declare further, from the Lord, that the firmament, or lower visible heaven, the Lord hath created, is made of the water, or substance of water; and that this firmament of the lower heaven, being made of the water, it was but a dark body of water, untillight w^as created, to make this darkness a body oflidit. IG. Therefore the Lord speaks unto this dark body of water, saying, " Let there be light ;" and it was so. 17. Now,thelightthattheLord made, and set m tlie firmament of the heavens, — as, namely, the sun, moon, and stars, — ^lie made them of the water, or substance of water, and fixed them in the firmament of heaven, to give liglit above in the firmament of heaven, which was a dark body before, but now a heaven, be- cause the Lord hath set or fixed lights in it, not only to make the dark firmament a heaven above, but to give light unto the dark waters and dark earth be- nentli. 18. For vour further iurorm- ation, I declare, from the Lord Jesus, that the bodies of the sun, moon, and stars, which the Lord hath created of water, and hath set or fixed in the firma- ment of heaven, he hath made of waters also, which are the chief natural lights of this mor- tal creation, or lower world, to continue for a season. 1 9. 1 say again, from the Lord, that they are not nuich bigger in their bulk or bodies, than they appear to be in the firma- ment of heaven, where they are until time shall be no more. 20 Wherefijre, concerning that old lying imagination of wuse men (so accounted), con- cerning the great bulk or bo- dies of the sun, moon, and stars; I declare, from the Lord Jesus, the ground or cause of this gross darkness in them, con- cernino; the knowledge of crea- tion of creatures, is this ; be- cause they are utterly ignorant of the knowledge of the Creator, w^lio revealeth himself, and this creation of the two worlds, unto him whom he hath chosen for a witness, against all despisers in tliis last age, even to all eternity. 21. Now, to you that have faith, I declare, from the Lord, this is the infinite power of an infinite personal God, for his glorious person to be onh' re- sident in one place at once. 22. Yet, by the powxr of his word-speaking, both men and angels are filled with his iAo- nous wisdom ; and the two] worlds, standing bv his decreej OF THE THREE RECORDS. 27 alone, the one unto all eternit}^, for the glorv of his immortal person in the heavens above ; and the other fora season, forthe glory of his person also, when he had laid down his immortal glory in the heavens above, and brouglit forth himself a pure natural person on the earth be- neath. 23. And then, by the power of his word or decree, all creatures in this lower world bring forth according to their kind ; and vet this 2:lorious in- finite personal God preserveth his person and nature distinct from all creatures, both in hea- ven and on earth ; except men and angels, unto wdiom he im- parts or reveals a little of the overflowings of his divine nature, or Spirit, to keep them in obe- dience. 24. And (as I said before) I declare, from the Lord Jesus, that the bodies of the sun, moon, and stars, are but a very little bigger than they appear to be ; whereby the infinite power and glory of an infinite personal God, doth much more appear ; that through such little bodies there should shine forth so great a light, through the whole creation ; for the things of my God are but little or small, yea, of little value or of no account unto the wisdom of reason ; through which his infinite power, wisdom, or glory, is seen only to elect men and angels ; as it is written, " AVith God all things are possible." 25. So I declare, by revela- tion from the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus, that the Lord made the man, Adam, of the dust of tlie ground, or earth, of this lower creation. 26. Now this word of this personal God, spoken unto the dust, immediately brought forth a living soul ; that is, a personal man, of a pure nature, or divine Spirit ; the which divine Spirit, or pure nature, was the Spirit of faith, which was the very nature of the Spirit of God, by one voice only speaking in liiui all obedience unto his Creator, from whom did flow continually nothing but joy and peace, un- speakable and glorious. 27. Now, you must under- stand, the body, or outward form, was the image of God; because the pure image of the invisible Spirit of the person of God, angels, or men, cannot truly be known or described by the tonociie of men or ano;els. •CD O 28. Therefore Christ said unto the Jews, when they tempted him, " Whose image or super- scription is this?" The answer was, "Caesar's." Then it is clear that the image of God, men, or angels, is the outward form only, and not the mward spirit, whose form cannot be de- scribed. 29. One thing more I declare from the Lord : that neither the holy angels, spirits, nor any other creature's spirits, in hea- ven or in earth, were of the nature of the Spirit of the per- 28 WHAT WAS FRO:\r ETERNITY sonal G(k], but man only ; but thc'V are all several distinct spi- rits or natures, dirterin 12; from the s'»irit or nature of God their Creator; that bis infinite wis- dom, power, and glory might manifest itself through all his creatures in heaven and on earth, according to the pleasure of his good will. WHAT WAS FROM ETERNITY. AN EPISTLE CONCERNING THE ONLY TRUE GOD, OF IIIS GLORIOUS TIIUOXE, AND THE TURE CREATION, FROM THAT WHICH IS FALSE. CHAPTER I. 1. Ititroductory Remarks. 2. Oftlie Sun. 3. Analogy he- tirecn that Luminary and the Son of God. 4. Summary of the Contents of this Epistle. 5. There is another Created World besides this, a place of Glory,iahere God, Elect Men, and Angels, shall he to all Eternity. 6. Tliis World of Glory is ofimmeasurahlevast- ness. MY spiritual friends, and be- loved brethren, in things of eternity, being ins])ired in some small measure with the original of all divine delight, it being my ]n-incipal work, de- signedfrom the Most High; what 1 receive from the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the eternal Being, that 1 freely declare unto you. 2. Now, I know you that are s])iritual indeed cannot ])ossibly despise tlie letter called the book of the scriptures, or visible re- cords of invisible eternities. 3. Why? Becansc you know I that without words it is impos- possible to demonstrate things to one another : therefore I shall nominate the letter before I speak the mind of the Spirit. 4. This epistle is to you, who are made capable to com- prehend all opinions or high notions that are or shall appear to be, because your spirits are made virtually one with eter- nity itself; but not essentially one, for then there would be no distinction between the Former and the formed. 5. For this I would have you to understand, that the creature, sun, in the firmament, is a dis- tinct body or circumference, about the bigness of a square chamber, whatsoever lying so- phisters, by their imaginations, tell you to the contrary : from the Lord I know it to be truth. G. NoAV, you know that the body or essence of the sun al- ways hath its abode where it is fixed, ever running its course WHAT WAS FROM ETERNITY. 29 round the finnament called hea- ven, where it remains in its es- sence till time is no more. Also you know that virtually it giveth forth its light, heat, and strength, into natural things that seem to he absolutely dead, which na- tural virtue occasioneth life and jo}^, from the essential body of the sun to all sensible or rational living creatures. 7. So, likewise, it is with the invisible Son of God, the eter- nal Creator ; for he is a distinct glorious being, by virtue of his Avord, fixed, as it were, in respect of his bodily or personal pre- sence, in the invisi])le heavenly glory, where elect angels remain until time be swallowed up in eternity. 8. And, virtually, motionally, or spiritually, from his glorious body shineth all glorious light and heavenly life into the spi- rits of elect men and angels, ever retaining his essential infi- nite glory in himself to himself, that the uncreated Being of be- ings may remain in his distinct decreed form or centre to eter- nity ; that uncreated glory may glory in its own eternal glory, and the created glory may glory, not in itself, or any light or life within itself, but in the glory of its Creator, who is the fountain of all light, life, and glory, visi- ble and invisible. 9. That which is to ])e treated upon in this e])istle is, What there was from Eternity ; Whe- ther there is any other World, or created Being, or Place, Ije- sides this ; also. What the true Creation of God is, from the lying imagination, which is the devil, in man. 10. In Hebrews xi. 3, it is thus written : " Through faith we understand that the worlds were ordained by the word of God, so that things which are seen are not made of things which did appear." 11. And in the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th verses of the same chapter are these words : " And they confessed that they w^ere strangers and pilgrims on the earth ; for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country; and, if they had been mindful of the country from whence they came out, they had leisure to have returned; but now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly one : wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God ; for he hath prepared for them a city." 12. Compare these sayings with John xiv., 1st, 2nd, and 3rd verses, and there you may see, that have the single eye of the heavenly glory within you, who this God is that hath pre- pared that heavenly city, place, or kingdom of eternal glory, chiefly for you which own no other God, nor Father, nor eternal Sj)irit, nor Creator, nor Being of beings, but the Lord Jesus Christ alone ; 13. That man of all innnortal crowns, of eternal glory, infi- nitely transcending all heavens, angels, and men, who, in the 50 WHAT WAS FROM ETERNITY days of his creaturcly condition, said unto bis chosen ones, " Let not your hearts he troubled : ye believe in God ; beheve also in nie. In my Father's house are nianv mansions : if it Mere not so, I Avonld have told you. I . l>ut tlie iniaginarv devil in man loves to hear and sjieak of a Creator, and of a creation, and of a heavenly glory, and of a hellish misery, that no man can possibly be capable of in this mortality to comprehend the truth of any such things; or at least, if anything to this effect may be knoAvn, they affirm it only makes a man happy in this life, but whether there is any certain knowledge of anything that shall be after death, this they utterly deny. 21. Why? Because as yet the true divine li2;ht of the true God hath not shined into their understandings, as to the assur- ance of eternal life ; for I assure you, from the ever-living God, that in wdiat soul soever the eternal Beins; shineth in life unto life eternal, in some mea- sure the thino-s of eternitv that shall be after death, or when time is no more, are manifested unto that soul. 22. But, indeed, for the most part, the cause why men remain dark in this great secret of things of eternity is, because they are under the power of some secret lust or other, which they love as their lives, not heeding that the wages of sin is death eternal, and the fruit of righteousness is life eternal, both manifesting their effects in due time. 23. I could speak more of the folly of this error in men, of their imagining of God's creating the two worlds of lu)- thing ; but it being so ridicu- WHAT WAS FROM ETERNITY. 35 Ions, it is not worth the while, and I know a few words are sufficient to the wise. 24. Again, Yon which have received the divine faith and pnre love of the glorions Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, unto life eternal, may know that this is the true meaning or mind of the Spirit of the eternal Being, in the word " creating." 25. That is to say, that the glorious God, hy the power of his word only, speaking into or unto those senseless substances of earth and water, immediately from thence to produce what several natures lie thinks fit, and forms suitahle to their spirits or natures, and yet to retain his own divine nature and form to himself, distinct from all those- natures and forms that he hath made ; and yet all those created spirits are pure also in their kinds, though they are of variety of natures to each other. CHAPTER m. 1. The Powers of Creation or Transmutation consist ill either new creating^ or chang- ing the condition of things already created. 2. Tlie wonders of Creation that will he manifest at the last day. 3. The Creation of some for eternal Glory ^ of others for everlasting Darkness. 4. The jtresumption of human Con- ceit. AGAIN, the power of crea- tion, or transmutation, lieth in the new creating, or chano-ino- the condition of things already created. 2. As for example, God, — for his prerogative, will, or plea- sure, to manifest the glory of his infinite power, either hy eternal condemnation, or sal- vation, — to transmute the most glorious angel in heaven, to become the chiefest devil in hell, or in flesh ; and to convert one of the greatest devils by nature on earth, to become one of the most glorious saints in heaven. Cain and ]\Iary Mag- dalen shall bear witness to what I have written, in due tune, of this particular. 3. Again, if you understand the infinite power of a Creator making all things new, by the power of his word or decree, and his turning the bodies and souls of mankind into dust again, from whence they were taken, is it not a wonderful new creation, in the last day or end of time, for the Creator, by the mighty power of his decreed word -speaking only, though there be ten hundred times ten hundred thousand several spirits mixed together in the dust of the earth, yet to make every seed or spirit to bring forth its own body or form, that he lived and died in? 4. That is to say, he that had the divine seed of God re- mainiug in him, shall ai)pear with a glorious body, like unto his God, to eternity; and he that bath the unclean seed of o() WHAT AVAS FROM ETERNITY. ciirsetl iiiin<;iiiati()ii rcniiiiiiiiig ill him, shall a])pt'ar with a l)ody of iiotiiiiiii; but spiritual dark- ness, of unspeakable misery, for everlasting. "As the tree ialleth, so it lieth." 5. Again, is it not a wonder- ful thing, for the God of glory, of the same luni]), to create one man, to be of his own divine nature and form, and in due time to make him eternally glorious like unto himself ; and to create and form another man, to be of a contrary nature, no- thing but darkness of shame, and confusion of face or spirit, for everlasting? 6. So nmcli concerning the true creation of God. 7. Again, notwithstanding the dark imaginary spirit of man, by taking thought never so long, cannot possibly make one hair either white or black, to cover his head if it were bald ; yet he can teach his Creator a creation beyond the wisdom of God himself, a crea- tion which cannot possibly be. 8. For he is so wise in his own conceit, that he imagines, if he had been the Creator, he could liave made materials of earth and water of nothing at all, even by the power of his own word-sj)eaking only, as well as have formed what he pleased of those materials afterwards ; or that he could have formed it only by his wor(l-s])eaking, with- out any material substanceatall. 1). Thus, being shut ii}) in utter darkness, he calls his verv reason the divine nature of God, Mhen God knows he nor no mortal man else hath any pure reason at all ; but his under- standing is all confusion in re- spect of knowing anything of the matter or manner of the true creation of God, or any eternal spiritual things, which as yet are invisible to mortals, but visible only to Moses, Elijah, Enoch, and the elect angels, in the personal presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, God-^Ian or ^fan- God, blessed for ever and ever. 10. Again, for want of the true discerning of the divine voice of the Holy Spirit of the true faith to distinguish be- tween the voice of God's Spirit, and the voice of their own un- clean spirit, the devil in them, they call God the devil, and the devil God ; and so they, being left, willingly are ignorant of any other world, or God, or angels, or glory to come, but what is within this world only. 11. The which orb is but the foot-stool of our God, it being but as a mole-hill to a mighty mountain in comparison of that eternal kingdom of glory which is above the stars, without the glory of this perishing world. 12. Wherefore, because they are reserved under the guards of eternal darkness, from this their utter darkness, they judge themselves only in the eternal light, and blasphemously call themselves, who are mortal dust, " Eternity," "Everlasting love," or " I am," and " There is none OF THE UNCREATED GLORY. 37 besides me," or " One pure being," with the " Creator," wholly taking all tlie glorious titles of the eternal jMajesty upon them, who by no means will give his glory to men or angels, either of his nature or his names. li). Again, ifa man talks with these high-flown atheistical no- tionists, concerning knowledge of any God at all, or of a life to come, they abhor it, because it is hid from them. 14. But they love to speak or hear of an unknown God, Avhich they call an infinite, in- visi])le, incom])rehensible Spirit, which (as they say) is essential in all places and all tilings at once ; and seeth all things, hearethall things, and understandeth all things, particularly ; and yet hath no eyes to see, nor ears to hear, nor spirit to understand anything at all, through any dis- tinct form or person of his own. 15. This is the blind repro- bates' worldly or imaginary God, only of bare words, who are left under eternal perishing darkness. IG. And so much concerning what was from eternity, with a true spiritual distinction between the true creation and the false, and the true God and the false God. OF THE ONE PERSONAL UNCREATED GLORY. CHAPTER I. 1. T/i6 3fan, Jesus Christ, and his Father, were from eterniti) onlif one personal Majesty in both, worlds. 2. The Creator could not appear in the con- dition of a creature without first leaving the representa- tive spiritual office, of God the Father, in the glorijied Persons of Moses and Elijah. 3. The Creator appeared in the conditio7i of a Man, (1.) To inanifest his eternal Love for his redeemed ones; and, (2.) To enJiance his own Glory. 4. By virtue of their F>ivine Commission, Moses and Elijah filled the Lord Jesus wit It, inspirations of his former Glory ivhen on the Throne of the Father ; and, 5. Testified from Heaven that he was the only true God. 6. Further remarks on their Di- vine Office. IF it should be granted that the man Christ Jesus, and his Father, were from eternity, in time, and to eternity, only one distinct personal Majesty in both worlds ; vet because of 38 OF THE ONE PERSONAL those literal savings, "My Father is greater than 1 ;" " ^fy God, my God, why hast thon forsaken me?" "Father, into thy hands I connncnd my spirit ;" " I ascend to my Father, and to your Fa- ther ; to my God, and to your God ;" with many such like throudiout the Kew Testa- ment : 2. Therefore many elect ones, Avhose souls have been filled with glorious experiences, not being clear in these scriptures, they may say unto me, AVhat was that God and Father that Chi-ist prayed or cried unto, in his greatest extremity upon the earth ? 3. This query being of high concernment, before I make answer thereunto, give me leave to cite a scripture or two. 4. In Fmlm xci. 11, 12, and St. Matthew iv., it is thus writ- ten : " For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways : they shall bear thee in their hands ; they shall lift thee up, lest at any time thou shouldest dash thy foot against a stone." 5. Thus you that are spirit- uallv quick in discernino; hidden secrets may clearly see, in the very letter of the scriptures, tliat, Avhen Christ Jesus was in the glory of the Father, he gave a wonderful connnission to his angels, in reference to the pro- tection of liis own person, in that time of his creaturely con- dition. (). Wliy ? Because you may know, when uncreated infinite- ness was wliolly transnuited into a creature-like tinitencss, it must needs be disenabled of its former glorious ])ower to protect itself, under all temptations and un- utterable sufferings, unto death itself, it was to bear at the hands of un])elieving reprobates. 7. Thus you may see it was utterly impossible for the Crea- tor to become or ai)])ear in the condition of a spotless creature, Avithout first leaving the repre- sentative spiritual office of God, the everlasting Father, in the glorified persons of ]Moses and Elijah : for they were those an- gelical men that were entrusted with that glorious power afore- said. 8. But you may say, if the Creator did appear in tlie con- dition of a perfect man, and com- mit the re]iresentative power of his eternal God-head to his an- gelical creatures, to wliat end did he thus abase himself? 9. To this I answer. You may know that his luisearchable wisdom moved him unto it for two respects : first, in reference to the manifestation of his eter- nal love to his redeemed ones ; secondly, in relation to his own personal glory : 10. For, as he knew no other way to restore the fallen estate of his elect Israelites, so, like- wise, he foresaw tliat in the low- est abasing liimself lay secretly hid a twofold inHnite glory that would redound to himself in his exaltation; l)eeause from hence UNCREATED GLORY. 3D origliicallv arise, in elect men and angels, all those glorious new son2:s or ravishin2; admira- tions of the Creator's wisdom, love, and humility, to eternity, the which Avould not possibly be attained bv the Creator, if he had not thus humbled him- self. 1 1 . Again, this angelical charge in Moses and Elijah of spiritual protectorship, in reference to God, elect men, and angels, may be thus understood : tliat is to say, by virtue of this their commission, even as a spiritual God and Father, they filled the Lord Jesus with inspirations of his former glory, which he pos- sessed when he was on the throne of the Father. 12. Foryouthat have received Jesus Christ alone to be your God, may know, when he was in a creature-like condition, he neither was, nor possibly could be, capable to comprehend all that infinite glory which he enjoyed when he was in tlie condition of a Creator. 13. Wherefore, as aforesaid, for the protection of his blessed body, they were not only set apart, to till him with a perfect assurance of possessing a more transcendent o:lorv,throuo:;h suf- ferings, than he formerly en- joyed in his heavenly kingdom ; but they were appointed also to bear record from heaven, in the sight of elect men and angels, unto Jesus Christ, upon this earth, to be the only very true God, everlasting Father, and alone Creator of both worlds, angels, and men, and all other creatures, as they did unto Peter, James, and John, at the trans- figuration of Christ, the Lord of all light and life. 14. Moreover, their spiritual charge was to supply the saints with an inspiring light, as a guide to direct them to that fountain of all infinite glory ; God manifested in a body of flesh, as they did to Joseph, and John the Baptist. 1 5 . Furthermore, their divine ofiice was also to uphold the holy angels, with their appointed food of new revelations, con- cerning that wonderful salva- tion-mystery, tliat God was bringing fortli in the man Christ Jesus, for his elect' sake. 16. That the angels, whicli were in great power and glory, might be kept in obedience to their God, then appearing in weakness and shame, until that his body of flesh and bone was ascended into the throne of the Father; that from his own per- sonal majesty he might fill elect m.en and angels with glorious inspirations, concerning a new thing, that he alone had done upon the earth. 17. Again, if it sliould be granted, that the Creator did thus humble himself in a body of flesh, because when his glory moves to a thing, what can hinder it ? "Is anything hard or impossible to God," in such a case as this is or was ? 18. Yet, there being such an \ 40 OF THE ONE PEUSOXAL innuiiicral)lc coiiipniiy of angels, that never Avere deliled, it may he thouglit strange by some that he should pass them all by, and exalt two men to so hia;li a dio;nitv, who had been sinners. 19. To this I answer, You may know therein did aj^pear a nearer union between God and elect men than between God and elect angels. 20. For God himself, in the body of his flesh, became a little lower than angels, in re- spect of death, that as before- said, through sufferings, with more infinite advantage, he might exalt himself on his throne again, above men or an2:els. 21. So, likewise, you know it is written : "If we suffer with him" (or for him), "we shall also reign with him." 22. j\ loses and Elijah wanted no sufferings for Christ's sake, when he Avas in the condition of the Father. Wherefore, they being kept faithful to their trust on this earth, in due time tlieir persons Avere rcAA'arded Avi til God-like glorification in the hiu;h heavens, that thev mioht be fit re})resentatives of an inhnite ^lajesty, and so Avith God him- self be exalted in dignity, above the holy angels. 23. It is Avritten, "He took not on him the nature of angels, but the seed of Abraham." 24. Thus in the Ci-eator's abasement, he Avas clothed Avith the seed Avherein his oavu divine nature, of spiritual faith, was ca- pable of suffering, and entering into his glory airain ; and not Avith that angelical nature of pure reason, that is no way capable of any kind of suffering in the least, but if it Avere not con- tinually ])reserved with the in- comes of divine fjiith, it would trample such God-like humilitv under foot, as foolishness itself. 25. Wherefore, the bodies of angels being spiritual, and their natures only rational, and so unfit to suffer for their God, as Abraham's children are, or Avere ; therefore they Avere un- capable to represent the per- son of God, the everlastin": Father, or to sit upon thrones of God-like glory, Avith tlie apostles, spiritually to judge the tAvelve triljes of Israel. 26. But of the contrary, the nature of the glorihed bodies of Moses and Elijah, being all inspiration of heavenly ncAV Avisdom, and like unto the Crea- tor himself; though formerly they were inferior to angels, in reference to natural pain, and soul-mortality; yet, being ])os- sessed Avith that nature by which angels Avere created, they only, and not angels, Avere fit repre- sentatives of an everlasting Father unto Christ Jesus, their Creator, and glorious redeemer, in the days of his humiliation. 27. Moreover, though Closes and Elijah fora season, by divine Avisdom,Avere so highly exalted; yet you may know this God- like poAA'er or charge possessed UNCREATED GLORY. 41 by them was in measure only ; because none was capable of Spirit above measure but God only, which is Christ Jesus our Lord. 28. Furthermore, when the Creator was wholly transmuted into a creature-like state, though the nature of his Spirit was all divine satisfaction in itself, yet, because that divine soul was one divine essence with the body, subject to man's intirmi- ties, of hunger, thirst, sleep, and such like ; was it not there- fore of absolute necessity, that Elijah, or some other, should not only be in a God or Fatlier- like condition, as a glorious ob- ject for Christ Jesus to fix his faith upon, but also to protect him both sleeping and waking, in all conditions, that he might become a perfect pattern of child-like obedience in all things unto death, to his re- deemed ones ? 29. That from thence they misrht learn to know unto whom o all spiritual obedience w\as me- ritoriously due, when that ever blessed body of Christ's flesh and bone was risen from the dead, and ascended into the glory of the Father again, from whence he descended. CHAPTER IL 1. The Scriptures mention a visible as well as invisible manifestation of God the Father to Moses and Abra- ham ; but, 2. TJwre is no record of any such manifes- tation to Christ Jesus. 3. The glory of Christ's trans- fguration was from the ap- pearance of Moses and Eli- jah in glory. 4. Of th« Divine Power in Christ's Resurrection. AGAIN, the scriptures clearly make mention of a visible, as well as invisible, appearance of God the Father unto Moses and Abraham, and familiarly talking with them, as a man talks with his friend. 2. Butofthecontrary,though t\\Q scripture makes mention of a voice that came from heaven, saying, " This is my well-be- loved Son, in whom I am well pleased ;" yet you have no other record to prove, that ever any other God and Father ap- peared, either visible or invisi- ble, unto Christ Jesus, famili- arly talking with him, but Moses and Elijah, two men in white raiment, angels, or such like. 3. Now I humbly beseech you, if there had been any other God, or Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the in- visible high heavens, but those glorious representatives before- said, can you possibly believe, imagine, or think, that that everlasting Father would, in such a loving manner, have ap- peared to his sinful servants, and neglect his only Son and Heir of heavens, earth, angels, and men, and all things else, untu E 42 OF THE ONE PERSONAL whom alone all divine honour, and praise, or glorv, is ascribed from all capable creatures, for everlasting ? 4. Which you know will not be accepted of by saints or angels, in scripture records, but alone by the everlasting Jesus, that everlasting Father, who always acce]^ted of divine hon- our, from them that he knew to have faith in his person, unto life eternal ; but seemed to re- ject it from those that knew him not. 5. Also you know it is writ- ten, " God will not give his glory to another." Therefore, it is impossible that there should be any other God, Father, or Creator, but the glorified per- son of Christ Jesus our Lord ; because, as beforesaid, no man can prove throughout the scrip- tures, nor any other ways, that there was ever any other per- sonal INIajesty, but him only. 6. Moreover, as the skin of Moses' face, through the ap- pearance of God talking with him upon the mount, shone so bright, that the Israelites were compelled to face him through a veil : so likewise you know, when Christ was transfigured upon the mount, his face shone like the sun, to the great amaze- ment of his a])ostles ; it was only through the appearance of Moses and Elijah in glory talk- ing with him. 7. Behold a spiritual wonder ! C'lirist Jesus tlie eternal Crea- tor, liaviiig transmuted his in- finite glory into flesh, was fain to seek, or wait for, the appear- ance of a glimpse of that glory again, from his angelical crea- tures. 8. Thus you in whom is rooted the lio'ht and life of One o Personal Glory, may see some- what clearer into the hidden mystery, of God manifesting himself in the ]Man Christ Jesus our Lord ; and of a more spi- ritual oneness between him and elect mankind, than between those holy angels which visibly see him face to face. 9. Here you may know also, that the man Cain, and his an- gelical generation, of merciless gilded-tongued hypocrites, are designed for eternal suflPerings, of a sensible dying life or living death ; because, as aforesaid, the Lord Jesus took not on him the nature of angels, but the seed of Abraham. 10. Much more might be spoken upon this account, but I suppose I have written suflfi- cient for the satisfaction of that soul, that is really redeemed from the bewitching love of things that perish, through the divine appearance of glorious things which have no end. IL Li Sf. John, vi. and x., it is thus written : " The words that I speak unto you are spirit and life. ' "I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and power to take it aiiain." UNCREATED GLORY. 43 12. Some tender-hearted soul, being well satisfied of the sonl and body's essential oneness, and so of their wholly dying as well as living togetlier, may say unto me. If the soul of Christ died in or with his body, what was that which raised it from death to life again ? 13. From a divine gift, to this I answer. That spiritual power of Clirist's totally dying, and living again, consisted only in the wonderful virtue or truth of his word speaking. 1 4. Why ? IJecause \'ou may know, that the nature of Christ's soul did consist only of one divine voice, or echo of all va- riety of glorious truth, through which he could not possibly err in his savino;s. Wherefore, as aforesaid, whatever he spake in that very word, was all power to effect the thing s})oken of. 15. ^loreover, you may know, that word proceeding through Christ's mouth, was the very voice of the divine God-head itself, reconciling the elect lost Israelites, in the Man Christ Jesus, to himself through death. 16. Furthermore, when La- zarus, according to Christ's words, was dead and buried, four days in the grave (as it is written), if his soul was alive, in paradisaical or heavenly places of divine glory, surely that glory was in the grave ; and from thence was Lazarus raised from death to life. " ^ly words," saith the Lord Jesus Christ, "are spirit and life." And he was "tlie resurrection and the life," as he said unto Martha. 17. Wherefore, you may know, tliat man's body and soul, being but one living sub- stance, they are essentially one in death also : and it was tliat everlasting virtue of Clirist's word only, which was that God that raised the soul andbDdyof Lazarus out of the grave or sleep of death unto life again. 18. " The words that I speak unto you," saith Christ, " are spirit and life." That is as if he should have said. My words alone are all spiritual life, love, peace, with variety of glorious new joys, beyond all compre- sion, in the spirits of men and angels ; or, as if he sliould have said, My words principally tend to the satisfying of the soul, with all divine excellencies, which are eternal. 19. "I have power," snith Christ, "to lay down my life, and have power to take it again." That is as if he should have said, I only have all the God- head power, in my own person, to die, and to command life out of death itself. 20. Again, moreover, if there be but only one personal ^la- jest v, or glorious power, over heavens, earth, angels, and men, who then besides the Lord Jesus could speak these words ?_ For, alas ! you may know, it is im- possible for any creature, whe- ther men or angels, to have power in themselves in the least, either to live or die. 44 OF THE ONE PERSONAL 21. Furtherinoie, the Lord I Jesus, being the only God over I all life and deatli, did verily believe, or undoubtedly know, that whatever he said should come to pass ; that rather than he would or could be prevented in his words, not only heaven and earth, but all things else, may sooner pass away, and be no more seen. 22. That moved him to say, " Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." And to say, " But after that I am risen, I will go into Galilee before you." 23. Hence you may under- stand, if the God-man Christ Je- sus be your living life, that, as aforesaid, it was his faith, in the ever-living virtue of his word- speaking, which empowered him to lay down his divine soul, or God-head life, in the hell of the grave, for a moment, with his blessed body ; and from thence, as the most pure grain, even naturally to quicken and revive that life again out of death it- self, that it might live, in a new and glorious manner, in immor- tality to eternity, even in that body that died, and no other. 24. For now 1 may boldly say, with unshaken confidence, that the variety of all unutter- able joy or ravishing glory, that God himself eternally possesses, naturnlly floweth in him, only from the virtue of his manifold deatlis, of deadly sufferings, for- nierly endured in that very body of iloli and \)v\\v now iilorilied. CHAPTER TIL 1. Christ Jesus, bi/ his Death and Rpsurrecfion, became Lord of flie Living and the Dead. 2. He, trho out of Chaos created both Worlds, also twice cha/iged the conditioti of his own glorious Person. 3. His Death not onli/ proved Divine Truth, but confounded Car- nal Reason. 4. Unless the Diviniti/ of Christ had died with his Humanity, God could not have experimentally known the condition of the Dead. 5. The Godhead's Suffering gave him preroga- tive power over all conditions. 6. Conclusion. AGAIN, Christ Jesus being the only God, tlie ever- lasting virtue of his word-speak- ing gave him all power over life and death, by his most precious life poured forth in his blood unto death, that he alone might purchase from his divine self, iu a new Avay, to become the only Lord both of the dead and quick. 2. It is not the natural life, or half-dying, of a God or of his Son, if they were distinct ; but it must be the blood or whole life of an infinite power itself, that can cleanse the conscience from dead works, to enable a man spiritually to obey the ever- living God ; 3. According to that in Acts XX., where it is thus written : " For I have kept nothing back, but . have showed you all the coun^>el of God." And in the UNCREATED GLORY. 45 twenty-eighth verse are these words : " To feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood." 4. With astonishing admira- tion, behold a divine Avonder! God himself was absolutely dead and buried out of the sisrlit of all men and angels, and yet was virtually living everywhere at one and the same time, but was not sensible of it in his own per- son until he was risen from the grave : but this spiritual food is for strong men in Christ, and not for babes. 5. Moreover, by virtue of his word of truth's speaking only, he created, out of a confused chaos, both worlds, and all in them which were created, whe- ther for a time or for eternity : who, by the same power also, twice changed the condition of his own glorious person. 6. Furthermore, his divine soul died in the flesh, and quick- ened in the spirit, not only to prove the infinite power of truth, speaking through his spiritual mouth, but also for the con- foundins: that carnal reason in man, which upon all occasions contends ao;ainst his divine wis- dom, and all other his unsearch- able counsels. 7. It being a common saying among men, that it is blasphemy for any man to say that God could possibly die, notwith- standing the scripture says, "Is anything too hard for God?" and " With God," said Christ, " nothing shall be impossible." 8. And why, think you, do men say, the G( dhead neither did nor possibly could die ? Truly, because tliey b}' no means can imaghie which way the Creator should live again, if once dead. 9. Thus they measure the Almighty power of an infinite iSIajesty by the narrow compass of blind reason, proceeding out of the bottomless pit of their own lying imagination, which neither doth nor possibly can understand anything of the spi- ritual power of truth's speaking. 10. And because the Lord Jesus Christ's wonderful power, divine faith, or ti-uth, is hid from them, therefore they are at en- mity with him and his elect, unto whom alone his secrets are revealed ; and so tliey always call the divine Majesty a liar to his face, both in his person and people. 11. And, because they see no power in themselves to live or die, from this their no spiritual power at all, impudently or ig- norantly they take upon thorn to jndge the God of all divine power over life and deatli, who is blessed for ever. 12. And, because he could not possibly lie, therefore by tlie word of his power he did die, and live again ; or else what mean the scripture-sayings, " Because he poured forth his soul unto death." " For Christ therefore rose again and revived, that he might be Lord both of tlie dead and of the quick." OF THE UXCliEATED GLORY. 13. "I ain that first and that last, and I am alive, but was dead ; and behold, I am alive for ever- more." " These things saith he ^vhich is first and last, that was dead, and is alive." 14. " Thou wilt not leave my soul in the grave, neither wilt thou suffer thy Holy One to see corruption." " He, kuowingthat, liefore spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul should not be left in the grave, nor should his flesh see corruption." 15. More scriptures might be mentioned to this purpose ; but if this saving truth, concerning the whole Godhead and man- hood dying, and living together again, by its own quickening power, be not sufficiently cleared from the true record itself, I would it were. 16. Sure I am, those that shall vilify this glorious truth, after the perusal of this epistle (according as it is written), " they have eyes and see not, ears and hear not, hearts and un- derstand not ;" and account the scriptures but mere fancies, and human natural wisdom, whatso- ever they shall pretend to the contrary. 1 7. Again, unless the divinity had died with the humanity, how could the glorious God experi- mentally, in his own person, have known what condition the dead are in, whether they be the elect or reprobate ? 18. How could he, being in a creatiirely condition, be capa- ble of entering into the glory of the Creatorship again any other way but through death, that from thence he might live again, and, in the room of a crown of thorns, wear upon his head a double crown of immortal and eternal glory, in the visible sight of elect men and angels, which could not possibly be at- tained unto any other way but through death ? 19. Is it therefore anything else but the devil in man, that Avars against this divine secret ? If it be not so, when Peter said, " Master, spare thyself," why did Christ so sharply reprove him, saying, " Get thee behind me, Satan ; thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men ?" 20. iSIoreover, that elect men and angels might more admire the Creator's wisdom, power, and glor}^ in raising such trans- cendent eternal excellencies out of death itself, than all other things ! 21. Furthermore, you may know it was the Godhead's suf- fering, under all conditions, which gave him his prerogative power over all conditions, and from thence the Lord did expe- rimentally know what crowns of immortal glory were most suitable for all suffering con- ditions, that his chosen ones are to undergo in this vale of tears, for truth's sake ; 22. Also, what measure of eternal death, in utter darkness, was most meet for cursed Cain, and his generation of angelical A CLOUD OF WITNESSES. 47 merciless men and women, whose serpentine Avisdom is that wicked one that is no way able to endnre these salvation- mysteries, because they discover their hypocritical gloryings in gilded words only, that perish, instead of glorious things, which are eternal. 23. This will be that gnawing- worm of conscience that never dies, and fiery curse of tlie law that will never be quenched in men's souls, when the Lord Jesus Christ shall appear with his saints and angels to eternal judgment. 24. And so mucli at present concerning the spirituaHty of words S])eaking through tlie heavenly mouth of the only and ever-living God-man, Christ Je- sus our Lord, who sits in the midst of the throne of crowns, of all varieties of immortal glory and majesty, in the liighest heavens, and lowest hearts, even to all eternity. Yours, in all Spiritual And Natural Righteousness, JOHN R E E V E. A CLOUD OF UNERRING WITNESSES, PLAINLY PROVING THAT THERE NEITHER IS, NOR EATER WAS, ANY OTHER GOD BUT JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. CHAPTER I. L Subject of this Epistle. 2. The Creator, though styled in Scripture hif the three- fold Name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is but one Essence, even as Man is hut one Person, though spoken of in Scripture by the three- fold Name of Body, Soul, and Spirit. A CATALOGUE of scrip- ture records, of undeniable truths, bearing testimony unto the only wise God, immortal, invisible, yet vi; i )le, distinct personal God ; Creator, Redeem- er, and alone Everlasting Father. 2. The righteous spiritual God-man from eternity, who came down from his glorious throne, and, in fulness of time, became of the seed of the Vir- gin a child of unspotted flesh, blood, and bone, in the appear- ance of mortal man ; yea, and in due time became an absolute man, in all things like unto us r sinful reason or Ivina; imaiiina- tion, only excepted); that he might make himself capable, botli soul and body, of entering into daath ; 4S A CLOUD OF 3. And by virtue of his ever- I lasting spiritual word, or al- ' mi2;hty decree, in or through death, to quicken and revive that t-anie pure spirit and body again, into a far more trans- cendent spiritual condition, than it was in before it died, or capable of before he became a body of flesh ; that he alone might be Lord of quick and d3.\d, and in the same body of flesh and bone he died in, and no other, as fire naturally ascend- ed, even visibly, into his immor- t. "And all fiesli sliall know, 56 A CLOUD OF that I, the Lord, am tliy Saviour and thy lledeemer, tho niii^hty one of Jacob." — Lshic]i is, and which is to come. And when those beasts gave glory, and honour, and thanks, to him tliat sat on the throne, which liveth for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders sat down be- fore him that sat on tlie throne, and worshipped him that liveth for evermore : and cast their c.'owns })efore the throne, sav- ing. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power; for thou hast created all things, and for thy will's sake they are and have been created." —Rev. viii. 9, 10, 11. " Then I beheld, and heard the voice of many angels round about the throne, and about the beast, and the elders, sav- ing. Worthy is the Lamb that Avas killed to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and praise ; and all creatures which are in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and in ti;e sea, and all that ai-e in them, heard I, saying. Praise, and honour, and glory, and powei*, be unto him that sitteth on the throne, and unto the Lamb, for evermore. And the four beasts said. Amen. And the twentv- f )'ir elders fell down, and wor- shipped him that liveth for ever- more." Rev. V. 11-14. " After these things I beheld, and 1), a great multitude, which no man could number, of ail nations, and kindreds, and peo- ple, and tongne=?, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with long white robes, and palms in their hands ; and they cried with a loud voice, saying, Sahation comethof our Gr)d, that sitteth upon the throne, and of the Lamb. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders, and the four beasts ; and they fell I 'eft .'re the throne on their F 58 A CLOl'D OF faces, and worshipped (Jod, saying, Amen; praise, and glory, and wisdom, and thanks, and hononr, and power, and might, be nnto our (lod, for evermore, Amen. And one of the ehlers spake, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in long white robes ? And whence came they ? And I said unto him. Lord, thou knowest. And he said unto me, These are they which came out of great tribu- hition, and have waslied their long robes, and have made their long robes white, in the blood of the Lamb ; therefore are they in the presence of the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple. And he that sitteth upon the throne will dwell amor.g tliem, they shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat ; for the Lamb, which is in the middle of the throne, shall govern them, and shall lead them unto the lively foun- tains of water ; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." — Rev. vii., from the 9th to the last verse. " And the seventh angel blew the trumpet, and there were great voices in heaven, saying. The kingdoms of the world are our Lord's, and his Christ's, and he shall reign for ever- more. Then the twenty-four elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, saying, AVe give thue thanks. Lord Gud Almighty," (mark with a single eye,) " whicli art, and which wast, and which art to come ; for thou hast received thy great might, and liast obtained thy kingdom. And the Gentiles were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward to thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to them that fear thy name, to small and great ; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth." — Rev. xi. 15-18. " And I saw licaven opened, and belinld a white horse, and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True ; and he judireth and fight eth right- eously. And his eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns. And he had a name written that no man knew but himself, and he was clothed with a garment dipped in blood, and his name was called the Word of God; and out of his mouth went a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the heathen ; for he shall rule them with a rod of iron ; for he it is that tread- etli the wine-press of the fierce- ness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath upon his garments, and upon his thigh, a name written. The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords." — Rev. xvi. 11-16. " And I saw a great white throne, and one that sat upon UNERRING WITNESSES. 59 it, from whose face flew away both the earth and heavens, and their pLice was no more fomid." — Rev. xx. 11. " And he that sat upon the throne said, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write, for these things are faith- ful and true. And he said unto me. It is done : I am Alpha and (Jmega, the beginning and the ending ; he that overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall Ijc my Son." — Rev. xxi. 5, G, 7. " I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, tlie first and the last. I, Jesus, have sent my angel, to testify these things in the churches. 1 am the root, and the generation of David, and the bright morning star. He which testifieth these things saith surely, I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come : Lord Jesus." — Rev. xxii. 13, IG, 20. CHAPTER II. 1. 0)1 the Divine Names, (1.) In the Time of the Law; (2.) After Christ Jesus became Flesh; and, (S.) After his Ascension to Glory. 2. Con- clusion. IN the spiritual bowels of the Lord Jesus Christ, I humbly beseech those that shall take the pains to peruse this writing, that, with an upright conscience, as in the presence of God, they would compare scripture with scripture ; and then they may clearly see that the same Jeho- vah, in the time of the law, was the very same Jesus in the time of the gospel. 2. And that which made the seeming difference between the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost or Spirit, as though they were two or three distinct essences or persons, it is nothing else but the appearance of the only High and Mighty God, in a twofold or threefold manner or condition, unto the sons of men, at two or three several times ; and so altering his names or titles, according to his several appearances ; 3. As, namely, under the law, before his spiritual body became flesh, you know he went under these and such like titles : " Je- hovah," the " High and Lofty One of Israel," the " Lord of Hosts," the " Most High God," the " Mighty God of Jacob ;" but, when the glorious Jehovah or " I am" became Jesus in the flesh, then you may know, ac- cording to the transmuting of his condition for his elect's sake, so, likewise, he changed his names or titles, as to call him- self the " Only-Begotten Son of God," or " Son of ]Man," or " jMediator," or " Brother," or " Servant," or " Redeemer of his People." 4. Thus, when the High and Mighty God had abased himself in the form of a servant, in the lowest manner, you see he al- 60 A CLOri) OF \VITXKSS!:S. toi-cd his titles or names aceord- ing to his condition. 5. Again, in the third phice, when the most glorious God, alone in flesh, had wrought our redemi)tii)n by the shedding his most i)recious blood, and pour- ing out his soul unto deatli, and being ascended u})on the throne of his eternal, immortal personal glory again: 6. Now, at the last, since he aloue is become the Teacher of his people, by the inspiration of his most blessed Spirit, he is pleased to title himself by the name of Holy Ghost, or Spirit, or such like; so that, by the fein<'le eye of your most holy faith, you may see and know that Christ, and the Father, and the Spirit, were and are and can be no other but one un(hvided glorious essence, or spiritual personal substance, from all eternity ; and now are become a Person of Hesli and bone, glo- rified to all eternity. 7. The Lord, from his glo- rious throne, and infinite free grace, open your understand- ings, that are his tender-hearted chosen ones, that you may know and love that personal, only- wise God, our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, above your lives, who is the everlasting Father, unto your eternal glory : even so. Amen, Amen, Amen. So be it. Amen. The Servant of the Most High and flighty Jehovali or Jesus, And True Messenger of his Paternal Spirit, JOHN R f: e \' E. THE E N D. I IKE JAMtS HANSARD, PRIMER. :>■. rEMIlKKrON HOW. C.nVf.ir saiARE, KLr.ET ^TPKl.T. ^4^ ' O ^^N;lOSANCfUj o o ^^ -< vvNUIBRAR^ x\MIBRARYQr ^(JOJITVOj ;v3jo>^ ^\WEUNIVERy/^ ^WE•UNIVERi.,^. o ^^lOSANCEl£ry> "^MAiNnmv^ # ^ MlFOff^ >- 5 ^WEUNIVERS;^, i^i -< -^ILIBRARYQ/-, ^(ifOJIlVJ JO"^ >- IS2)i ^lOSANCElfj> •'A'a3AlNn 3V\V 2% '^.yOJIlVD JO'^ v^ ^OfCAllFO/?^ ^OFCAIIFO;?^ .^V\El)NIVER% ■^m^DNvsoV^^ ^lOSANCflfj> cr "< ''^/^aaAiNn ]\\v ^OfCA^^FO;?,,^ ^^•Aavaaii-^Vv'^ >S" .^MEl)NIVER% o vvlOSANCElfj> o '^/ia3AINn3WV -^^tUBRARYd?^ -^^^lUBRARYQr ^ ^aaAiNOiWV OFCALIF0ff,jA ^4 ^OfCAUFO/?^^ ^^(9Aavaan^^ ^<9Aavaaii^^ .^\\EUNIVER%.; ■< > ^^^UIBRARYa^ ^VvtllBRARYQc '^(i/OJIlVJ JO"^ ^(tfOdnvj-jo"^ . ^\\E UNIVERS/A < J A > O ^J^lllBRARYQr, 1^ iilVjJO^^ -< .OFCAIIFO% OFCAllFOft;^. ""■^^Abvagii^^ ^<5AavaaiH^ \MEUNIVER%. o o %>J^'\!NfimV ^OFCAllFOflUj mw^ ■ ,^^\EUNlVERI//, ^VOSANCElfj> o ^ ?• -^— ' ' » c_,' \\\t L,Ni \LKVA. >- ^J^il3'JNVS01^ >- ^\\E UNIVERS/^ ;