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P, .^\\E■l)NIVERS/A o ^lOSANCFlfj^ <^UIBRARYQr -^MUBRARYQa i^ \ \(^ ^/383AINn]\\V^ '^aOJIlVJJO"^ %OillVJJO'>^ ■- ^lOSANCElfj^ o Os JLJ-Ocj-r*.) stack Annex j PUBLIC LIBRARY 01- NEW SOUTH WALES, ^'lo SUPIIBMENTARY CATAL0CUE-189()-98. A., 1''. Aniiori:il Hearings, etc., in thi' Miu-licll Hall, Marisclial Cullege, Aberdeen. [Sec Aijei'decn LJiiiver- sity.] K 19 Q 41 " A.L.O.E." [See Tucker, Cliarli.tte Maria.] A. B. PRODUCTIVE SOCIETY. Rules. linio. Manchester, ISDl. V 1.3 V L'o ABBE, Prof. Cleveland. Meciianics of the Earth's At- mosphere: Collection of Translations. Svo. Wash., i89;i. a;uqi'j Re])ort on the Sohir Eclijisc of July, 1S7S. [See United Suites. — Signal Service.] A 10 X i! f ABliOT, Everett V. Treatise on the Federal Income Ta.x [U.S.A.] 1894. [See Foster, Roger.] F 10 U 19 ABBOTT, Dr. A. C. The Principles of Bacteriology. Sv(,. Lond., 189G. A 27 S 18 ABBOTT, Arthur Vaughan. The Electi-ical Tran.smission of Enei-gy. 8vo. New York, 189.5. A 21 A' 22 ABBOTT, Benjamin Vaughan. Judge and Jury ; a Popu- lar Explanation of Leading Topics in the Law of the Land. 8vo. New York, 1880. F13V2 ABBOTT, E. J IIS IG , and (:A.MPB1:LL, Dr. Lewis. Lifr and Letters of Benjamin Jowett, Mastei- of Balliol College, Oxford. [S<-« Ji>wett, I!.] C 24 Q III, 17 Allli<)TT, Lyman. ('hrislianil v and Social Prolilems. 12ino. I.ond.. I Silt;. ■ C lit U 23 Till' Tlieoliigv of an L\ iiliit ionist. S\o. Lond., 1897. ( ! 23 P .'» .S'l'.l'.CKl'.T, ■ni.niias. [See Beekel. Th..ui;,s a'.] A'BKCKHTT, (iiU.ert Ahhot. Comi.' History of England. Vol.1. Illustrated. Hoy. Svo Lond. (n.d. ) J 22 V I George Cruickshaidv's Tahlc hook. [See (.'ruikshank, (J.] .) 22 T r> A'BECKETT, Thomas. Victorian Law Reports. [See Victorian Law Rej)or(s.] ME 20 1{ A'BECKETT, Thomas Turner. A Twenty-five Years- Retrospect. (Melbourne Review, 1.) MElSt^) ABEILLARD, Pierre. The' Story of llelOisc and Abailard retold. [See Vandani, .Vlbei-t B. — Amours of tJreat Men.] C 23 Q 12 ABERDEEN, (ieorge John James (iordon, 5th Earl of. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Emjjire.] P. 22 1{ 18 ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY. Description of the Ar- morial Bearing.s, Portraits, and Bu.sts in the Mitchell Hall and Picture (Jallery, Marisclial College : by "E.A." 8vo. Aberdeen, 1890. K 19 tj I'l ABLETT, T. R. Teaching of Drawing and Colouring as a preparation for Designing and Decorative Work. (Internat, Health Exhib. - Health Ivxhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 ABNEY, Capt. William de Wiveleslie, F.R.S. Evening Talks at the Cameia Club on the action of Light in Photography. 8vo. Lond., 1S|,I7. A 23 P 2.5 Instantaneous Phol(igra]il]V. 8\ii. Lond., 189.5. A 23 t^) ,50 , and CLARK, Lyonel. Pl.itinotype: its Pre- pai'.ition and Manipid.ition. 12mo. l^nnd., 1S".).5. A 23 P 2 1 ABORIOINES. Tracts relative to Aborigines, 1,'<.38 42. 8vo. Lond., 1843. MA 2 T 29 ABORKilNES PUOTECTTON SOCIETY. Ainiu.d Keports, ISII 1.5. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 184 1-4.5. K AliHAHA.M, .M.iy I'.., .nul DAVIIvS .\rtlnir Ll.'welyn. The Law rel.iting to F.ictories .md Workshops, includ- ing L.Hindries and Docks. 8vo. Lond., 189G.I'' 13 U 5 I. I'nutiiiil diiiiU' III till' lji« .Tiiil lis .Ailiiiiiiistr.'vtiiiii. '2. Till,' Acts, with N5ili's, iciiilaiiiiiij,' llii' l'":i.ti>iv ami \ViMlisliiii) .Alls, IS7S !!.".; I 111' Slii.p lliiiiis .\ol«,' l.SifJ - tl.'i ; llii'Tniil; ,\i-ls, l,s:ll S7 ; I'ail.s of iilliiT Acl« iv- l:itiiii;tii !''ailiirir.i iiml WiMk.sliniw ; all (liilei'M iiimli' liy I lie .Serielaiy nf ."^tiitc muler tin- Kaitoiy ami Wiirksliop Acts; with Kxiilaiiatury Xnlcs, ami nil Apiii'iiijlN iniilaiiiiiig a full list of Hpei'ial iiiIch iiiailf fill- ilaiigi'ious I'liiiiloyiiU'iitM, luiil a eoiiiplt'ti' Imlcx to liiiUi Tarts. -t^03;L>8G Fublic Libranj of Neio South Walea. ABRAHAM, Dr. Phineas Simon. Leprosy. (AUbutt. Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A l'6 T 35 ABRAHAMS, Israel. Jewish Life in the ilidclli! Ages. Svo. Lond., 1S96. B 16 T 1 ACADEMIE DE8 SCIENCES, L'. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Seances de. Tomes 1-125, 1835- 97. 125 vols. 4to. Paris, 1835-97. E ACADEMIE RATIONALE, L'. Journal Mensuel de, 1895-97. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1895-97. E ACADEMY ARCHITECTURE and Annual Architec- tural Review. Vols. 9-13, 1896-98, and Supplement, 1894-95. 7 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1894-98. E ACADEMY XOTES. ^See Blackburn, Henry.] ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILA- DELPHIA, The. Proceedings, 1841-97. 49 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1842-98. E ACLAND, Arthur Herbert Dyko, and JONES, Benjamin. Working-men Coiiperators : what they have done and what they are doing. l8mo. Manchester, 1897. F 12 S 26 ACLAND, Charles Thomas Dyke. Teaching of Agricul- ture. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 ACLAND, Sir Henrv Wentworth, F.R.S. Health in the Village. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 17 Village Health and Village Life. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 ACLAND, Dr. Theodore Dyke. Actinomycosis and JIadura Foot. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 35 , COPEMAN. Dr. Monckton, and HART, Er- nest. Vaccinia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of :SIedi- cine.) A 26 T 35 ACTON, Lord. A Lecture on the Study of History, delivered at Cambridge, 1895. ]2mo. Lond., 1895. B35Q11 ADA^MI, Dr. John (Jcorge. Inflammation. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 -, and KUIKPATRICK, Dr. Robert Charles. Notes upim a case of ]\Ia(Iura Foot. \_See ^IcOill University. — Papers from the Department of Path- ology.] A 40 S 23 ADAMS, Brooks. The Law of Civilization and Decay: an Ess ly on History. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F15R13 ADA!MS, C. E. An Investigation into the rates of mor- tality in New Zealantl during the period 1881-91. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S ADAMS, Dr. Charles Kendall. Johnson's U clopiedia. \_See Johnson s Universal Cyck \ ADAJMS, Francis William L. The Australians : a Sociai Sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MF 5 P 4 The Poetry of Adam Lindsay Gordon. (Mellx)urne Review," 10.) ME 18 Q ADAilS, Dr. Frank Dawson. Report on the Geology of a portion of the Laurentian area lying to the North of the Island of [Montreal. [^See McGill L^niversity. — Papers from the Department of Geology.] A 40 S 9 , and BARLOW, Alfred E. On the origin and relations of the Grenville and Hastings series in the Canadian Laurentian ; with remarks by R. W. Ells. \_See McGill University. — Papers from the Department of Geology.] A 40 S 9 , and HARRINGTON, Bernard James. New Alkali Hoi'nblende and a Titanifcrous Andnadite from the Nepheline-Syeiiite of Dungannon, Hastings County, Ontario. [See JIcGill L^niversity. — Papers from the Department of Chemistry and Mineralogy.] A 40 S 22 ADA:MS, Dr. Henry C. Relation of the State to Indus- trial Action. (American Economic Association.) F4 V 11 ADA:\IS, J. C. Sketch of. [_See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 ADA:MS, J. R. G. Registration f)f Colonial Puljlications. (Internat. Libr. Coiif.— Trans, and Proc, 1897.) Cat. Room ADAMS, James. Botany of Hikurangi Mountain. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S ADA^NIS, John. The Herbartian Psychology applied to Education : being a series of Essays applying the Psychology of J. F. Herbart. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 Q 1 1 ADA^IS, Rev. John. jModern Voyages : containing a variety of useful and entertaining facts respecting the Expeditions and the principal' Discoveries of Caven- dish, Dampier, 3Iouk, Spilhergen, Wallis, Carteret, Bougainville, Dixon, Portlock, Paterson, and others, comprehending the most interesting particular of Brisson's Narrative of his Shipwreck and Captivity, the Shipwreck of the Antdujic, East India Packet, and a Description of amiable inhabitants of the Pelew Islands, never before known to any European, also the latest authentic accounts from Botany Bay, as well as curious information from several ingenious writere and travellers for the amusement and instruc- tion of youth of both sexes. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1790. MD 3 P 14, 15 ADAMS, John Quincy. Portrait of. \_Sce Brooks. Noah. —Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 ADAMS, Prof. John W. [See Lungwitz, A.] Text-book of Horse-shoeing. A39P7 SKpplemcnlavy Catalogue — 1896-98. ADAM.S, Oscar Fay. Dictionary of American Authors. 8v... Boston, 1897. K 19 R -J:! ADAMS, Pliilip Francis. The "Casula" Fruit-dryer. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) !MA -l U 1 AVine-making for Beginners. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1890.) ME 9 R ADAMS, "W. M. Popular History of the Fisheries and Fishei-mon of all Countries, from tiie Earliest Time. (Internat. Fisheries E.xhilj. — Fislieries Literature.) A 3i R 1 ADAMSON, W. Hints on Laying down Land to Grass. (West Australian Settler's (Juide.) MD 8 Q 5i ADAMSON, Rev. William. Life of Rev. James Morison. [See Morison, Rev. J.] -U P 9 ADDERLEY, Augustus John. Fisheries of the Bahamas. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Jilerature.) A 3-1 R 5 ADDERLEY, James. Looking Upward : Papers Intro- ductory to the Study of Social Questions from a religious point of view. 8vo. Lond., 189G. G 9 >\' 17 ADDISON, (4. Campbell. The Miner's Manual. 12mo. Sydney, 189;"!. MF 2 P 44 Tenements Recovery Act, with Introduction explanatory of the Procedure under the Act. 8vo. Svdnev, 1896. MF"iS75 Synopsis of Oti'ences puni.shable on sunnnary conviction by Justici-s nf thf Peace. [See Macfarlane, W. M.] MF 3 R 71 ami THOMSON, Alexander. The Small Debts Recovery Acts; the Bills of Sak; Act and the Bank- ruptcy Act Amendment Act, 189G; the Contractors' Debts Act of 1897 ; the Acts Shortening Act and the Interpretation Act of 1897. With Notes, Sets of Rules, Reports of Cases, and index. R"y. i^^'o. Sydney, 1898. MF 5 R G ADDISON, Joseph. Discour.se on Ancient and Jlodern Learning. (Rhys, E. — Literary Pamphlets.) IIllT.') [Criticism of.] [See Worsfold, W. B. — Principles of Criticism.] .1 10 W 2 ADDISON, W. H. Education and Tnuning of Deaf .Mutes. [Sec Love, Dr. J. E.--Deaf Mutism, j A 28 U 2.") ADELAIDE OF SAXE-MEININGEN, Queen of Eng- land. |Sketcliof.| [Sef (.'rowM Jewels. I C 2:! S 7 ADELAIDE. Fair Adelaide, South Australia. Illus- trated. 01). 12nio. Adelaide (n.d.) iMD 4 t^ 28 Mayor's Report, 1887-88. 8vo. Adelaide, 1H88. ME 1 S ADKLAini: ALMANAC and Dircctorv for S.)Utli Aus- tralia, 1804-0"., 1807, 1.S72, 1879," lS82-S:i ; by J. I!n,,tliby. 7 vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 180 1-8:!. M E 1 2 T ADKL.MDK K.X'il IIIITIOX, 1887. Catalogue of Ex- hibits in the Victorian Court. 8vo. Melb., 1887. MK 2 S 3 ADELAIDE OBSERVATORY. Meteorological Obser- vations made at the Adelaide Observatory and other places in South Australia and the Northern Territory. 1870-94. 10 vols. sm. fol. Adelaide, 1878-97. ME ADELAIDE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. [See Royal Society of South Australia.] ADELAIDL rXlVEHSlTY. Calendar, 1879-81, 1883- 97. IK vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1879-97. ME 5 U ADENEY, Prof. Walter F. The Songs of Solomon and th(! Lamentations of Jeremiah. [See Expositor's Bible, The.] G 19 S 23 ADIE, R. H., and WOOD, T. B. Agricultural Chemistry. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 P 26, 27 ADRIAN IV, Pope. Nicholas Breakspear, Englishman and Pope; by Alfred H. Tarleton. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C10T18t Pope Adrian IV: an Historical Sketch; bv Richard Kaby. [See Raby, R.] " G 9 W T. ADY, Julia [Mrs. Henry] Julia Cartwright. Early Work of Raphael. [See Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 13.] E Jean Francois Millet : his Life and Letters. [See Millet, J.' F.] C19XJ18 Lifi^ and Work of t!. F. A\'atts. [See Watts, G. F.] A 13 W 8 t Raphael in Rome. [See Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 20.] E AEBI, James. The AuatrnJinn Pholoijraphic Jounial An- imal and Year-book. [See AnflniUan I'luiloi/rajihir Jonnuil.] ME 15 P AEROXAUTICS. Vol. I, Oct., 1893-Sept., 1894. -Ito. New York, 1893-94. E yESCHYLUS. ..■Eschyli qua^ Supersunt Onniiii ; recousuit et brevi commontario instruxit F. A. Paley. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1846. H \ V 17, IS ^STIIETK; SCHOOL, The. [See Leisure Readings.) A 19 Q 16 AFFLECK, T. and CO. The ISonler J'osI Almanac for 1890-98. 3vol.s. 12mo. Allmry, lK'JG-98. M K I l,t AFFLECK, W. Christian Ethics. [See Martensen. Jl. Bish.-p.] (! 3 U 11-13 AFLALO, l-'rederick (Jeorge. Sea-fish: an Account of the Mi'thods of Angling as practiseil on the English (.'oast, with Notes on tlii' capture of the more sj.orting Fishes in Conliiu'ntal, South African, and Australian Waters, lllu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 28 P 3:. Sketch of the Natural History of Australia. 8vo. l^.nd., 1896. ' MA 1 V 7 The EncyclopaMliji of Sport. [See Suffolk and Herkshirc, 18th Earl of.] A 17 R 18 f 4, Fublic Lihrary of Neio South Wales. AGASSIZ, Alexander. Islands and Coral Reefs of the Fiji Group. (Annals and :Mag. of Nat. Hist., 1898.) E AGASSIZ, Louis. Life, Letters, and Works of ; by Jules Marcou. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1896. C 22 S U, 15 Biographical Notice. \^See Smithsonian Inst. Kept., 1878.] E AGE, The, Oct., 1895-Sept.,' 1898. 12 vol'.. f..l. Melb., 1895-98. ME AGRICULTURAL BUREAU OF SOUTH AUS- TRALIA. Journal. Vols. 1, 7. 9, Jan^une, 1889, Aug., 1894-Julv, 1895, Aug., 189G^ulv, 1897. 3 vols. 4to. Adelaide, 1889-97. " ME [See also Gardeti and Field J\ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Artesian "Waters and Irrigation. 22 Pamphlets, 8vo. Various Places, 1891-97. A 38 R 5 1. Irrigation in Arizona. 'i. Water and Water Analysis. ■'t. Kxperimental Work at Willcox. 4. Pumping Water for Irrigation. i). The Artesian Wells of Colorado and their relation to Irrigation. 6. The Measurement and Division of Water. 7. Seepage or Return \\'aters from Irrigation. 5. The Artesian Waters of South Dakota. 9. Shallow Artesian Wells of South Dakota. 10. Irrigation in .South Dakota. 11. Irrigation. 12. Irrigation of fiarden Crops. 1."!. \'alue of Rio Grande Water for purpose of Ii-rigalion. 14. Irrigation. 15. Sub-Iirigation r. Surface Irrigation, and Water for Irrigation. 16. Irrigation. 17. Irrigation : Amount of Water to use, and relative Feed- ing Values of Timothy. Lucerne, and Wild Hay. 18. Preliminary Report on Seepage Water anil the "Under- flow of Rivers. 19. Farm Irrigation and Orchard Irrigation. '211. Karthen Dams. •21. The Artesian Wells of South Wyoming. 'il. AVater Analvsis. Cattle Feeding. 39 Pamphlets. Svo. Variou.s Places, lf. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. .32. 33. 34. 3.5. 36. 37. 38. 39. Gluten Feeds. Digestion Experiments. Feeding Experiments. Digestion Experiments. Feeding for Beef. Experiments in Cattle Feeding. Experiments in the Feeding of Steers. The Digestibility of Soiling Rye. Rational Feeding. Steer Feeding, and Composition and Valuation of Indiana Feeding Stufe. Stock Feeding. Soiling and Soiling Crops, and Feeding Experiments with Soiling Crops. Corn Fodder. Steer Feeding. Effects of Cotton Seed and Cotton Seed Meal on Butter, Beef, Tallow, Lard, and Sheep Suet. Soiling Steers, or Green r. Dry Food. The Digestibility of Green and Dry Timothy. Feeding Root Crops v. Dry Food. Feeding Ensilage r. Dry Food. Steer Feeding. Dairy Herd Record for 1894-95, Winter Feeding Ex- periments w ith Dairy Cows, and some Suggestions OB the Building and Equipment of Factories. The Feeding of Farm Animals. Steer Feeding and Meteorological Record. Steer and Pig Feeding. Clieesemaking. 1891-96. 1 7 Pamphlets. 8vo. Various Places, A 38 Q 9 1 . Cheese and Butler Dairying. 2. Cheese and its Manufacture. 3. Investigation of Cheese. 4—6. Experimnets in the Manufacture of Cheese. 7. Summary of Results of Experiments made in the Manu- facture of Cheese during 1892. S, 9. Experiments in the Manufacture of Cheese. 10-14. Investigation relating to the ilanufacture of Cheese. 1.5. Some reasons why there should be a legal standard for Cheese in Xew York State. 16. Results of Investigations relating to the Manufacture of Cheese during 1894. 17. Experiments in Cheesemakiug. Corn. .30 Pamphlets. Various Places, 1889-97. A 38 Q 13 1. Corn, Cotton, Rye, Chufas. 2. Corn, Wheat, and Oats. 3. 4. Experiments with Com. .5. Fertilizer Experiments with Corn, ti. Field Tests upon Indian Com. 7. Fertilizer Experiments on Corn, Culture Experiments on Corn, and Variety Tests of Com. 8. Field Experiments with Com. 1892. 9-11. Corn E.xperiments, 1894-96. 12. Experiments with Corn, and Experiments with Kaffir Com. 1.3-16. Experiments with Com. 17. (irain and Forage Crops. Com. Detasseling Com. Experiments with Com, Experiments with Oats, and Actinomycosis or " Big Jaw " of Cattle. Experiments with Com. Silos and Silage. 23. Indian Corn or Maize as a Fodder Plant, and Report on the Chemical Composition of certain varieties of Indian Corn. Indian Com as a Grain and Forage Crop. E.xperiments with Com. Field Experiments with Corn and Oats. Kaffir Corn. Co-operative Com Tests. 18. 19. 20. 21. 2-' 24. 2.5. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. Tests of Fertilizers on Com. Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— conid Cotton and Flax. "23 Pamphlets. >Svo. Various Places, 18'J3-y7 Vol. 1. A 3S Q n, 12 1. Kxpciimeiits with Foreign C'ottim. '2. Expeiiiiit'iit.s with ('otti)ii. :i. Cooperative Fertilizer Experiments with Cotton in 189G. 4. Flax. :">. Varieties of Cotton. Flax. I'"eriili7.er Kxperinients with Cotton. Tlie Cotton Crop of 189."i. <;. S. 1. Corn and Cotton. Vol. (Jost of Cotton Production, and Profits per acre. Cotton. Cotton Kxperinients. Experiments in crossing for the purpose of improving the Cotton Fiher. 7. Experinx'nts with Cotton. I'^xpcriments with MaMures and Rotation for improving woi'ii Cotton Soils. Fertilizer Experiments on C'otton, C'ulture Experiments on Cotton, Variety Tests of Cotton. Fertilizer Experiments, C'ulture Experiments, and Variety Tests in Cotton, Sweet I'otatoes, Field Peas, (iarilen Vegetaliles, &e. I'Vrtilizers for Cotton. Fertilizers reijuired by Cotton as determined Ijy the analyses of the plant. Hybrids from American and Foreign Cottons. Cotton 13oll-rot. Variety, Fertilizer anil Culture Experiments on Cotton, Cotton Crosses and Uyl)rids. Dairvin 9G. 1. ii.' 4. Pamphlets. Svn ,s. U). !•_'. i:t. 14. IT). III. 17, •2(1. '21. 23. '24. •25. •2(i. 27. •28. 29. Various Places, 1888- A 38 Q 18 Effects on 15utter bv feeding (Jotton Seed and (,'otton Seeil Meal. A new Milk or Water Sterilizer. Tlie Hai)r*oek .Method of determining Fat in Milk and .Milk Products. The 15abcock Test as a basis for payment in Cream- g.athcring Creameries. Test of Cream Separators. Whey Hutter. Test of Cieam Se))arators. Creamery Studies of .Methods and .Machinery. Hand-jiower (Jream Separatoi's. Some new points in the manipulation of the Babcock Milk Test. .•\n .Acid Te.st of (Jream. Dehorning Experiment, Cream raising by cold deep setting. Experiments in Cheesenuiking, Incoiporating Cream into Cheese, &c., and the Babcoik Test and Churn. Organizing ('o-operative Creameries. .Method for the determination of Fat in .Milk and Cream. Comparative I'rolits derived from selling Milk, Butter, ('ream, ami Cheese. Dairying. IS. 'I'ests of Dairy Apparatus. Tests of Cream Separators. Directions for using the Babcock .Milk Test. Dairy lOxperinunts. Docs it ji.iy to shelter Milch Cows in Winter? and «|)on Skim .\Iiik as a Eood for (,'alves. .Milk Tests uni! ('omparison Tables. B\iilding Creameries and Organizations of Comparative ( 'I'eiimery ( 'om])anies. ('reameries in Texas. Milk l''crmcnta(ions and their relations to Dairying, ('rcannng Experiments. 'I'esting Milk at ('reameries. A new .Milk Test, and Testing Milk at Creameries and Cheese Factories. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— co/Urf. Dairying — could. 30. Test of Dairy Cows. 31. Test of Dairy Apparatus. 32. The Babcock .Milk Test. 33. New Method for deterndning Fat in Milk. 34. The Constitution of Milk, and some of the conditions «hich atiect the separation of Cream. 3o. New Method for the estimation of Fat in Milk, especi- ally adapted to Creameries and Cheese Factories. 36. Notes on use of the Babcock Test ami the Lactometer. 37. Directions for using the Babcock Milk Test and the Lactometer. Feeding Experiments with Horses, Pigs, and Sheep. •29 Pamphlets. 8vo. Various Places, 1889-96. A 38 Q 8 \. Mixed Foods in cases of faulty appetite in Horses and neat Stock, and .Sore Shoulders in Horses. 2. Narrow v. Wide Nutritive Rations for Horses. 3. Relative Value of Corn and Oats for Horses. 4. Pork Production on Crops gathered by Hogs, and a suc- cession of Crops for Hogs. !S. Feeding Pigs, t). Pig Feeding Experiments with Corn, Kaffir Corn, and Cotton Seed. 7. Kaffir Corn, Corn and Soy Bean-meal for Pigs, ami Kaffir Corn and ('ori\-meal for Cattle. 8. Kx])erinients in Pig Feeding. y. Comparison of Corn and Bailey, Corn and .Shorts, Barley and Shorts, &c. 10. Swine Feeding for Profit, Swine Breeding, Sugar Bcots. 1 1 . Hog Raising. 12. Pig Feeding Experiments without Milk. 13. Continuation of Experiments in Pig Feeding. 14. Experiments in the Fattening of Swine. ir>. Ellect of Cotton Seed and Cotton Seed Meal in Feeding Hogs. Ki. (Jr.-vss ('. non-(irass-fed Pigs, Exercise v. non- Exercise of Pigs, and Value of Natural Waters for Ci-op (Jrowtli. 17. The Value of (Jrass in the Production of Pork, and Exercise r. non-Exercise of Pigs. 18. Relative Value of Wheat, Peas, Ciun, and Barley in the Proiluction of Pork. I!). The I'^cononuc Production of Pork. 20. Pig l''eciling. 21. Feeding Wheat to Hogs. 2-2. Preliminarv Report of a Feeding Test with Swine. •23. The Feeiliilg Value ..f Whey. 24. Feeding Bone-meal and Hardwood Ashes to Hogs living on Corn. '2."i. Sheep Keeiling in Colorado. •2ti. Early Landj Raising. 27. Lambs, Ac. •28. Feeding drain to Lambs, ■29. (Jrain Feeding I>and>s for Market. Forcstrv. 7 Pamiihlets. Svo. Various Places, 1889- ;»:!. ■ A 38 1{ 30 1. 'I'he I'orest Tree I'lantation. 2. Ru.ssian Willows and I'oplars. 3. Oruanu'ntal and Timber Trees, Shrubs, and Herlwiccoua I'lanls in .Minnesnta. 4. Second Report upoTi the Native Trees aiul Shrubs of .Nebraska. ."i. .Arbor Day. (i. Eorcst Fires, and Experiences with Evergreens in Penn- sylvania. 7. Forest rv. I'ruit-growing. -ir) Pamplilets. 1S88 97. Svo. Various Pincps, A 38 R 35 I. Investigation of California Oranges ami Lemons. •2. Snljihuring in Fruit-drying, h'ig Trees at the Experi- ment .Stations, and Notes on the Persian Palm. 3. lilcaibing of Nuts by Dipping. 4. Causes of •' Frogging " and '• Bloating " of Prunes. Public Library of New South TVales. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS- Fruit-growing — contd. "i. (Janlen Vegetables, Fiuits, and Bulb Culture. -contd. t). s. y. Hints on the Planting of Orehanls. The Native Dwarf C'henies. The Cultivation of Orchards. Impressions of I'eaeh Industry in Western New York. 10. Tile (^liiiiiie in W ostein New York. 11. Recent Apple Failures in Western New York. 12. Winter Musk-melons. 13. General Observations respecting the care of Fiuit Trees, with some Reflections upon Weeds. 14. Soil Depletion in respect to the care of Fruit Trees. If). Revised Opinions of the Japanese I'luins. l(i. Fruit Culture. 17. Varieties of Apples. 18. Kxperiments with new Oi-cliard Fruits, Trees and .Shrubs. 19. Small Fruits by Irrigation. 20. Fruit-growing in Kentuckj-, and Notes upon Vegetables. 21. Horticulture and Entomology. 22. Apple-growing in New Jerse}'. 23. Fruit Trees, Forest and Shade Trees, Nut-bearing Trees, Vegetables. 24. Methods adopted for the s3-stematic Testing of New- Fruits, &c. 2.5. Planting and caring for young trees in an Apple Orchard. 2(1. Comparative Tests of Small Fruits and Vegetables, &c. "" Fruit.s and Vegetaliles. Cherries. Culture of the Chesnut for Fruit, and Analysis of several varieties of Chesnuts. Notes on new and old varieties of Orchard Fruits and Small Fruits. .31. Horticultural Information. ,'52. Some special Orchard T'reatment of the Apple, Pear, and Quince. .33. Catalogue of Fruits, &e. 34. Apple Culture. 3,"). The Loganberry. 36. \Vork in Horticulture. 37. Notes on Forest and Fruit Trees. 38. Fruits, and Forest, Shade, and Ornamental Trees. 39. Fruits and Fruit Trees, Ornamental, Forest, and Shade Trees. 40. E.xperinients with Vegetables and Fruits. 41. The Pollination of Plums. 42. Kxperinient Orchard and Small Fruits. 43. The Utilization of Unmerchantable Apples. 44. Peaches and Plums. 45. Apples, Pears, Peaches, and Plums. 27 28. 29. 30. Grasses, Feeding Stuffs, and Forage Plants, lets. 8vo. Various Places, 1S8S-97. 27 Panipli- A 38 y 10 1. Grasses and Clovers. 2. (irain and Forage Crops. 3. Forage Plants. 4. Analyses of Cattle Foods. 5. Analy.ses of F\)od Stufts, .Meteorology, Dcstnictive Leaf- hopper, fi. Analyses of Feeding Stuffs. 7. Composition and Digestibility of Corn Ensilage, Cow Pea Ensilage, Soja Bean ICnsilago, and Corn Fodder. 8. (irasses and Forage Plants. 9. (Jheniical Composition of some Feeding Stuffa. 10. Cereals, Forage Plants, Grasses, Clover.s, 'J'extile Plants, anil Sorghums. 11. Grasses: their Uses and Composition. 12. Forage Plants and Pig Feeding. 13. Grasses and Legumes. 14. Studies on American (irasses. If). Grasses and Forage Plants of the Dakotas. 10. Report iijjon the Grasses and I'orago Plants of the Rocky Mountain Region. 17. Notes on (irasses and Forage Plants of the South-eastern States. 18. New North American Grasses. 19. (trasses. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— conatiMg Carnation Rust. Potato Diseases on Long Islantl. Notes on the Invasion of the Army Worm. The Cucumber Flea, and Beetles as the cause of "pimply ■' Potatoes. Twenty-two Common Insects of Neliraska. Insects injurious to young trees on Tree Claims. Chindi Bugs. Vol. 4. Spra3ing to prevent Insect injuiv. Hark Lice of the Apple and Pear, the Buffalo 'J'reehopper, Insects atl'eeting Corn, the Ox U'arhle Fly or Bot Fly, Fung- ous Diseases of Plants and Remedies, Directions for Collecting, Preserving, and Stuilyiug Plants. Plum Cun:ulio Exi)eriments, Remedies for striped Cu- cumber Beetle, the Rhubarli Curculio, the Clover Stem-borer, and Potato Blight Kxperinients. Miscellaneous Experiments in tlitt('d Ladybird, Studies in Poiiil Life, and a partial bibliograpliy of -Insects airci:ting Clover. Kntomidogical and Botanical Papers. Injiccts ali'ecting the Blackberry and Ras))bcrry. Underground Insect Destroyers of the Wheal plant. Miscellaneous Entomological Papers. The San .Iohi'* Scale. The <;rape Root Worm. The Smut of Oats and its prevention. Vol. n. Experiments with ("oilling .Moth and with a combined Fungicide and Insecticide, ami the llo]) Louse. Entomology. CoilliMg .Moth and Hop Louse, (iophcrs, ami .Moles. Entoiiioliigical Notes. Recommendations for the prcv(;ntifm <»f damage hy somo common Inseits of the Farm, the Orehanl, and the (iartlcn. The Horn Fly. Informatioii mi Spraying Fiuits. F.ntoniiilogical Ex|ierinRiits. The Disease afl'ecliiig the Orange Orchards of Wide Bay and the Insect pests prevalent therein. The Bordeaux Mixture. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— con. Peach Yellows. 0. Smuts of Wheat, Oats, and Barley. 7. Wheat Rust. 8. Tieatment of Apple Scab, Grape and Goosel>erry Mildew. 9. Spotting of Pcaciies and Cucumbers. 10. Common Fungous Diseases, and Methods of Prevention. 11. Spraying for the Prevention of Fungous Diseases, In- jurious Insects, Potato Bliglits, and Black Knot of the Plum and Cherry. 12. Moie about the San Jose Scale, Sweet Potato Pest, Regarding Carbon Bisulfid, Insecticides, and Pumps in general. 13. Leaf Curl and Plum Pockets, 14. Spraying of Orchards. 15. Observations on the application of Fungicides and In- secticides. 16. Some Bean Disea.ses. 17. Experiments in Preventing Pear Scab in 1893. IS. Preventing Leaf Blight of Plum and Cherry Nursery Stock. 19. Downy Mildew of the Cucumber, and its Treatment. 20. Spraying Mixtures and their application. 21. Preventive Treatment of RaspbcrryAnthraeno.se. 22. Results with Oat Smut in 1897. 23. Experiments and Observations on some Diseases of Plants. 24. Some of the most common Fungi ami Insects, with Previ'ntives. 25. New Studies upon the Snnit of Wheat, Oats, and Bivrley. 26. Club-ioiit iif Cabbagi' and its allies. 27. Some Fungous Discuses of Bcet.s. 28. The San JosC' Scale, and how it may be controlled. 29. Asparagus Rust. 30. Cotton root Kol. .31. Bordeaux .Mixture for .Apple Pests. 32. Broom-rape of Hemp and I'obaeeo. 33. Alfalfa-root Rot. 34. Prevention of A\^\>\c Scab. 35. Prevent ivi> Treat nienl for .\pplc Scab, Downy Mildew and Brown Rot of the Grape, Potato Blight, and llm Smut of Wheat and Oats. .36. Bacterial Jiot of Cabliage and allied Plant.s. .37. Remedies for the Prevention of Snuit. 38. Black Rot of tin- Grape. 39. Spraying of Orihar-ils. ■10. Orange Rust of Kaspheriy and Blackberry. 41. Methods of prcvi'nting Smut in Wheat anil Oats, Carbon Bisulphide as a .S(|uirrel Kxteruiinator, and a now S(|uirret Exterminator. 8 Public Library of New South Wales. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— con^c?. Injurious Insects, &c. — contd. Vol. 7. 1. Black Knot of Phini and Cherry. 2. Influence of Copper Compounds in Soils upon Vegeta- tion, iSpraying with Fungicides for prevention of Potato Blight, Analyses of Materials used in Spraying Plants. 3. Some Cherry Diseases. 4. Southern Potato Blight. 5. Treatment of Potato Scab, Use of Bordeaux Mixture for Potato Blight. 6. Leaf Blight of tTie Pear, Raspbearies, and Distribution of Plants. 7. Fertilizers, Oats, Potato Seal). S. Treatment of Loose Smut of Oats, &c. 9. Notes on the Potato Scab, Bordeaux Mixtiu-e as a Pre- ventive of the Potato Scab and Potato Blight, and Notes on transplanting Onions. Plant Diseases. Can Peach Rot be controUefl by Spraying ': Possibilities of developing a domestic Sugar Industry, &c. Preparation of Ammoniacal Solution of CopperCarbonate. Some Leaf Blights of Cotton. Fruit-tree Blight in general. Black Rust of Cotton. Diseases of the Vine. Leaf Blight of the Pear and Quince. Diseases of Crops, and their Treatment. Preliminarj- List of the Rusts of Ohio, Wild Lettuce, Wheat Scab. Profit in .Spraying Orchards and Vineyards. Late Blight and Rot of the Potato, Potato Scab, &c. Smut in Wheat. Apple Scab, and Spraying of Orchards. Root Knots on Fruit Trees and Vines. Preventing Downy Mildew or Brown Rot of Grapes, Smut of Indian Corn. Insecticides and Fungicides. Notes on Treatment of San Josfi Scale. San Jos6 Scale in Ohio. San Jose Scale. San Jose Scale and some other Insect Pests. San Jose Scale in Kentucky. Potato Blight and Rot. Plant Diseases. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. io. 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23! 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. >pray ing Potatoes. Spraying Orchards and Potato-fields. Four Diseases of the Apple. Treatment of Diseases of the Grape. Observations on the effect of certain Fertilizers in pro- moting the development of the Potato Scab, and pos- sible reasons for the same. 40. The Tomato, and some of its Diseases. 41. Oat Smut. 42. Sundrj- Investigations of the year 1893 at the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. ^Manures, Analyses of Manures, "and Fertilizer Control. IIS Pamphlets. 4 vols. 8vo. Various Places, 1887-96. A 38 R 6-9 Vol. 1. 1 . Pea Vines as a Fertilizer. ■_'. Commercial Fertilizers. 3. Co-operative Soil Test Experiments. 4. Use of Fertilizers in California. 5-10. Fertilizer Analyses and the Fertilizer Control. 11. Co-operative Field Tests. 12. The FertUizcr Control. 13. Analyses of Fertilizers and Feeding Stuffs. 14. On the available Phosphoric Acid and the Water Soluble Potash in Cotton Seed-meal, &c. 15. Co-operative Soil Testa of Fertilizers. 16. 17. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. 18. Soil and Crop Tests. 19. Soils and Fertilizers. 20. Fertilizers. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS— con. The (Jrafting of (irapes. (i. Varieties and Leaf-blight of the Strawberry. 7. Cherries. 8. I'^-apniated Raspberries in Western New York. 9. Blackberries. HI. Strawberries ami the Strawberry Weevil. 11. Strawberries. 12. Some Strawlieriy I'csts. 13. 14. Strawberries and Vegetables. 1.5. Notes on. Strawberries and Raspberries, >Sand Cherries, Buflalci Berry and Russian .MuHierry, Kvergreens from Seed and Summer Propagation of llardy Plants. 1(5. .Small Fruit, Notes on Renewing old Strawberry Beds, Shading Strawberry Beils, Seedling Fruits, Analyses of (ira])es, Spraying < Irape Vines. 17. Small Fruits. 18. The Strawberry, the Raspberry', the Blackberrj', the Currant, and the (iooseberry. 19. Strawberries. 20. Some Kxperiences with Blackberries, Dewberries, nuJ Ras])berries. 21. Some Kxperiences with Strawberries and Strawberry Crosses. 22. Notes on Strawberries. 23. A New Strawberry, Notes on Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, and Dewberries. 24. Currants. 2.'>. Strawberries and Ras))berrie3. 20. Experiments with Small Fruits, Raspberry and Blackberry. 27. Insects atlecting the Blackberry and Raspberrj-. 28. Strawberries. 29. Orchard Spraying, Notes on Varieties of Raspberries. ■30. Strawberry Culture. 31. Raspberries. .32. .Small Fruits and Vegetables. 33. Small Fruits, Kntoinologieal Notes, Absorptive Power of Soils. 34. Small Fruits, Treatment of Powilery Mihlew and Black Rot, and W'getablcs. .3.'). Kx)ieriments u itii Small Fruits. .31). Strawberries. 37. Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, and Crajies. 38. Bush l'"rnits. 39. Strawberry Culture. leels. 27 Puiiiplilet.s. 8vo. Variou.s Places, 98. A .3S H 34 Sngai bcrls. Sugar-beets and .Sorghum. (i. Kxperimenls in theCidlnre of Sngar-hccts inNebrnsku. Till' Sugar beet in Pennsylvania. Nebraska and .Sugar-beet Industry. 10. .Sugar lieels. Coni|iosilion and Prodndion of .Sugar-beets. Kxperimenls in the Culture of .Sugaibici in Orcgnn. .Sugarbecls. Mangold VVurzels and .Sugar-beets. Reel -sugar Production. Sugar-beets. and Diseases of the 10 I'ublic Library of New South Wales. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS Sujtar-beets — contd. 1 -contd. Field Experiments with Corn, Sugar-beets, and Diseases of the iSugar-heetroot. 18. Field Kxperiments with Corn, and the Sugar-beet in Indiana. 19, 29. Sugar-beets;. 21. Sugar-ueets in South Dakota. 2'J. Sugar-beet Culture in \\'isconsin. 23. Sugar-beet Kxperiments in Wisconsin, 1S91. 24. Wyoming Sugar-beets. 25. Cooperative Tests of Sugar-beets. 26. Sugar-beet in Illinois. 27. Sugar-beet Investigations in Wisconsin, 1897. Tdliacco. 13 Pamphlets. Svo. Various Places, 1S90- A 3S R .•]2 1. Analyses of dilTerent tirades of Manufacturing Tobacco. 2. I'ereentages of Nicotine in Tobacco. 3. Analyses of parts of Tobacco Plant at different stages of growth. 4. Culture of Tobacco. 5. Field Experiments with Fertilizers, Corn, Potatoes, Tobacco. (i-9. Tobacco. 10. Tobacco-curing by the Leaf, Cure on Wire, and tlic Stalk Processes. 11, 12. Tobacco Experiments. 13. Tobacco Plant. Vegetables. 1889^97. 30 Pamphlets. 8\o. A'arifiu.s Places, A 38 Q U 1. Watermelons and Cantaloupes. 2. Vegetables. 3. 4. Vegetable Gardening. 5. Horticultural Tests and Results Avith (Jarden Vege- tables, Fruits and Bulb Culture. 6. Growing Celery in the South, Cultivation of Onions, and Notes on Horticultural Work. 7. Notes on Varieties of Beans. 8. Experiments with Tomatoes. 9. Farm Notes, and Notes on Tomatoes. 10. Some recent Chinese Vegetables. 1 1 . The Dwarf Lima Beans. 12. Transplanting Onions. 13. Horticulture and Forestry. 14. Squashes. 15. The Tomato ami some of its Diseases. 16. \'egetables gron-n for Exhibition. 17. Asparagus, and Transplanting Onions. 18. Notes on Vegetables, Fruits, Pruning, &c. 19. Experiments with Vegetables. 20. Tests of Varieties of Vegetables. 21. Spinach. 22. Celery. 23. Drainage Experiments, Irish Potatoes, Cabbage, and Strawberries. 24. Field Experiments with Tomatoes and Onions. 25. Experiments with Vegetables. 26. Tomatoes. 27-29. Vegetables. 30. Garden Peas. 20 Pamphlets. 8vo. Weeds. 96. 1. 2. a! 4. 5. Various Places, 1803- A 38 R 4 Colorado ^^'ccds. Loco and Larkspur. The Russian Thistle. The Russian Thistle in Illinois. The Russian Thistle and some plants that are mistaken for it. G. Wild or Prickly Lettuce. 7. The Russian Thistle. S-10. Kansas Weeds. 11. The Russian Thistle or Russian Tumble Weed. 12. The Russian Tliistle in Nebraska. 13. 14. Nevada Weeds. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS- Weeds — contd. -contd. 15. The Russian Thistle in Ohio, and Weeds in general. 16. Canada Thistle, Bull Thistle, Sow Thistle, Chinese Thistle, and Russian Thistle. 17. Some Plants injurious to Stock. IS. The Russian Thistle. 19. Noxious Weeds. 20. Squirrel-tail Grass. ■\Vli(.at. 43 Pamphlets. Svo. Various Places, 1887-96. A 38 Q 15 1. Wheat. 2. Varieties of Wheat and (brasses. 3. (/Oncerniug Wheat and its .Mill Products. 4. Some Experiments in \\'heat Culture. 5. Rational Selection of Wheat for Seed, and Typhoid Fever. 6. 7. Experiments witli Wheat and Oats. S. Experiments with Wheat. 9, 10. Wheat Experiments. 11. Wheat Experiments and the Grain Louse. 12. Wheat Experiments and a new While Insect. 13. 14. Experiments with Wiicat and Oats. 15. Experiments with Wheat and Barlev. 16. Wheat. 17. IS. Small Grains and I*otatoes. 19. Farm Xotes. 20. Wheat and some of its Products. 21. Wheat. 22. Experiments in Wheat Seeding, Comparative Tests of Varieties of Wheat, and Wheat Snuit, 23. Commercial ami other Fertilizers on Wheat. 24. Experiments in Wheat Seeding, including Treatment of Seed for Smut, and Comparative Test of Varieties of Wheat. 25. Fort}- Vears of Wheat Culture in Oliio. Field Experiments with Wheat. 29. Experiments with A\'inter Wheat. Notes on Varieties of ^^■heat and Flax. Smuts afifecting Wheat. 33. Ladoga Wheat. Results of Experiments with early, medium, and late sowings of Wheat. Experiments with \\'heat, and Crop Rotations. Field Experiments with Wheat. 38. Field Experiments with Wheat, and Forms of Nitrogen for Wheat. Tests of Varieties of Wheat. Tests of Feitilizers on Wheat. Plat Experiments with Commercial Fertilizers on Wheat. Wheats, Barley, Oats, Peas, ami Forage Crops. Results of three jears' I'lxperiments in cost and profit of growing Wheat. 26. 27- 30. 31. 32, 34. .35. 36. 37, 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE <€■ JOURXAL OF THE COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURE, TASMANIA. Vols. 4, iJ, July, 1896-June, 1898. 2 vols. sm. fol. Ho])art, 1896-98. ME 21 T AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE OF WALES, The. Vols. 1-7, 1890-96. Sydney, 1890-96. NEW SOUTH 7 vols. roy. Svo. ME 9Q AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. Vols. 1-8, 1887-94. 8 vol.s. Svo. New York, 1887-94. E AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH A\'ALES. Catalogue, Metropolitan Exhibition, 1884. Svo. Sydney, 1884. MK 2 S 2 AGUIAR, Antonio Augusto de. Vida do Martjuez de Barbacena. [^See Barbacena, Marquez de.] C 24 R 11 Sui>plcmcnta)')j Catalogue — 1896-98. 11 AHERNE, Caroline Agnes (Mrs.), " Agnes Noale." [Por- trait of.] {_See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 X AHLWAHDT, W. Kurzes Verzcicliniss der (Jlaser'schen Sanimlung arabischer Handsclirit'ten. \_See Berlin- Kunigliche Bibliothek.] K 7 S 45 Kurzes Verzcicliniss dcr Landberg'sclien Samndung arabischer Handsclirit'ten. \_See Jierlin - Klinigliclie Bibliothek.] K 7 S 4G Verzeiclini.ss der Araljisclien liaiidscliriften. \_See Berlin- KOnigliche Bibliothek.] K 11 U t AIDALL, I. The German Nature-cure, and how to prac- tise it. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 40 B 3 ATKEN, D. Wyatt. The Grange: its Origin, Progress, and Educational Purposes. [See United States. — De- partment of Agriculture.] A li) U 13 ATKMAN, C. M. ililk: its Nature and Composition: a Hand-book on the Chemistry and Bacteriology of Milk, Butter, andCheese. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A32K26 Book of the Dairy. [_See Fleischmaiin, 1 )r. W .] A 30 R 50 AINGEB, Alfred. The Poets who helped to form Words- worth's stvlo. (Knight, William. — Wordsworthiana.) .1 14 R 15 Wordsworth and Charles Lamb. (Knight, William. — Wordsworthiana.) .J 14 R 15 [Criticism of the Works of] Charles Lamb. '\_See Craik. Henry.— English Prose.] J C Q 3,s* [Criticism of the Works of] Dr. John Brown. [S(e Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* AIRY, Sir George Biddell, F.R.S. Autobiography of. Edited by Wilfrid Airy. 8vo. Caml)., 189G. C 21 U 9 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S. — Great Astronomers.] A 20 i; 8 AITCHISON, Sir Charles U. [Sketch of.] [&<; Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 AITCHISON, G. Sanitary Aspect of Tiilfrnal Fittings, itc. (Iiiternat. llc,"iltli Kxliil). Ilr'ultli Exliil). Literature.) A II V 18 AITKEN, E. H., '-Eha." A Naturalist on the jirowl or in the jungle. Illustrated. 8v(). J>oiid., 1894. A 28 IT 2 AKl. I)i-. Yamada Yoshi-. Ijcinir Japan. [Sc« Kastlake, 1)1. F, Warrington.] 15 17 R 40 AL.\N'S()N, Alfred Goodwin, "A. G. Chapman." NoteB oil Practical Lessons in (jranmiar, especially designed for Piijiil and . I unior Teachers. 8v(i. Svibiev, 1897. .\l.l' .i I' 52 ALBEMARLE, (ieorge Monk, Duke of. [Sketch of.] [See Pepys, Suniucl. — Diary of.] (J 14 V 8 ALBERT, H.R.H. Prince, Consort of Queen Victoria. Portrait of. [-See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormcley. — England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 ALBRECHT, T. Bericht iiber Den Stand der Erfors- chung der Breitenvariation ini December, 1897. 4to. Berlin, 1898. A 17 S 28 t ALBUM OF AUSTRALIAN WRITERS. Sm. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) MA 45 P X ALDURY BAXXER, The, 1897-June, 1898. 4 vols. fol. Albury, 1.^97-98. ME ALCOTT, Louisa ilay. [Short Studies of.] [See Higgin- son, T. W.— Short Studies of American Authors.] J 1 R30 Sketch of. [See Stearns, F. P.— Sketches from Concord.] D IG Q 3 ALDERSON, Brevet-Lieut.-Col. Alfred Hervey With the Mounted Infantry and the Mashonaland Field Force, 1896. Tllu.stiated. 8v... Lond., 1898. B 39 (J 18 ALDRICH, Thomas Bailey. Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of T.-day.] C 22 S 19 ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Life and Exploits: being a series of Translations of the Ethiopie Histories of Alexander by the pseudo-Callisthenes and other Writers- l.v br. K. A. Wallis Budge. 8vo. Lond., 189G. ■' B 27 V 20 The Invasion of Imlia. [See M'Crindle, J. W.] B 28 T G ALEXANDER, King of Macedon. Philip and Alexander of Macedon ; by David G. Hogarth. Illus. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C24Q11 [Life of.] [-See Zama, Dr. C] C 24 R 17 ALEXANDER T, Emperor of Russia. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.- Metrical History of Napoleon Bona- parte.] " 11 1 'i' 1'' Portrait of. [-See Paget, Rt. Ib.n. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 V 4 ALEXANDER II, Emperor of Rus.sia. King Stork and King Log. [-See Kiavchinsky, S. M.] I? 31 R G, 7 ALEXANDER ITT, Emjieror of Ru.ssia. King Stork and King Log. [-See Kravchinsky, S. M.) 1! 31 R G, 7 [Skelcii of.] [-See Eminent Persons.] C19Q2'- ALEXANDER JOSEPH OF BUIJJARIA, Prince. [Sketch of.] [-Sec Eminent Persons.] C 19 t,) 22 ALEXANDER, Mrs. Annie. [-See Hector, Mr.s. Annie Alexander.] ALEXAXDI':i:, Cecil Francis. 1891',. Pix^ms. 8v(i. Lond., II 11 g I ALE.'^ANDElt.. Major-Cien. G. t!. Luo-Tsze tlu^ 1 ALLEN, John Parnell. Practical Building C'cjustruction : a lland-lxjok for Students jire])aring fur the Examina- tions of the Science and Art Department, the Royal Institute of British Architects, the Sui'veyors' Institu- tion, itc. DIustrated. Hvo. Lond., 1S'J7. A 3;> P 11 ALLEN, Josejih. Tin: Ni'ii> A'nrt/ List. '[See Xi'iu Navy List, Th'.] ' E ALLEN, Rev. Joseph Henry. History of the I'nitariaiis in the United States. (American Church History Series.) (i IJ \' 17 ALLEN, Thomas Taylor. Autoliiograjiliv of Mme. Guyon. [See Guyon, Mme. Jeanne.] ' C '24 T 3, 4 ALLIES, Thomas W. The Monastic Life ; from the Fathers of the Desert to Charlemagne. 8vo. Lond., IH'JG. G 1.5 S 32 ALL1XGIL\M, Dr. Heihert William. The DiU'erential Diagnosisof Di.seases of the Anusand Rectum. (Allbult, [h: T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 3G ALLISON, W. Breeding Raceliorscs hv the Figure System. [See Lowe, C. B.] " A 31 Q 17 ALMA-TADEM.V, Lawrence. [See Tadenu, Lawrence Alma-.] AI.MAXACII Dl-: i;(>TII.\: Annuaire ( Jciicalogiipi,', I )il)lomati(|ue el Stat ist iipie, 1S7I '.i'"^. L'95. ■ A 31 y 15 AMICIS, Edmondo de. ;Morocco : its People and Places. Translated by il. H Lansdale. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1897. D 18 S 25. 26 AMIEL, Henri Frederic. Sketch of. [See Renan, Ernest. —Poetry of the Celtic Races.] J 16 R 41 AMYOT, Thomas. The Old Taming of the Shrew, upon which Shakespeare founded his Comedy, reprinted from the edition of 1594 and collated with the subse- quent editions of 1596 and 1607. \_See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 30 ANCEY, C. F. On some new or hitherto little-known Land Shells from New Guinea or adjacent Islands. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) " ME 2 P ANCIENT AND MODERN FAMILIAR QUOTA- TIONS, from the Greek, I.«atin, and Modern Liingu- ages. Translated into English, and occasionally accompanied with lUusti'ations, Historical, Poetical, and Anecdotal. 8vo. Philad., 1892. K 19 Q 20 "ANDAROS." British Dogs. [S«i Dalziel, Hugh.] A 14 T 41* ANDECHS, M. von. Konrad und Hanna. [See Gvllem- bourg, T.] J I'V 40 ANDERS, Dr. James :M. T\-phoid Fever and :Malarial Diseases. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — Svstem <>i Practical Therapeutics.) " A 31 P 17 ANDERSEN, Hans Christian. A Biography ; by R. NisbetBain. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " ■C22R13 ANDERSON, E., and SPRY, F. P. New Butterfly, Lyccenu Cyrilus. (Victorian Naturalist, ilav, 1897.) " ME 6 P ANDERSON, Dr. Gai-rett. Pioneer Women Doctors. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 ANDERSON, George. Report on Public and other Elec- tric-lighting in Australia, Europe, and America. 8vo. Adelaide, f894. MA 4 S 14 ANDERSON, Henry Charles Lennox. Agricultural Edu- cation in New South Wales. ■Svo. Adelaide, 1893. MA 3 S 50 Cataloguing. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 t Library Work in New South Wales. (Internat. Libr. Conf., Trans, and Proc, 1S97.) Cat. Room Our Crops, and how to inerea.se them. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney (u.d.) MA 3 V 15 Potash ilanures for Australia. Illustrated. 8^o. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 V 15 Sulphate of Ammonia as a Manure : a few Facts from the Experience of Agriculturists, Practical and Scien- tific, in Great Britain, Europe, and New South Wales. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. -MA 3 V 15 ANDERSON, J. Corl)et. Old Testament and Monumental Coincidences, with an Historical Essay on Christianity and its Earlv Introtluctiou into Britain. 12mo. Lond.. 1895. ' G 19 P 40 SttpplemeiUary Catalogue — 1896-98. 15 ANDERSON, J. W. The Prospector's Hand-book : a Ciuiflc fur tli(! Prospector ;ukI Triivellcr in search of Metal-tjeariiig or other valuable Minerals. 7th ed. Illustrated. iL'iiio. Lond., 1H97. A i'-i P lU ANDERSON, Juhn. Tlie "Leakage" System. li'mo. Manchester, 1888. F 13 V 23 ANDERSON, Mary. [5« Na\;un,. Mn.r. de.] ANDERSON, Noil. :\laiiual <.f Swedish Gymnastics, Frec-standinf,' ^Movements. IJmo. Sydney, 1890. M(i 2 T 27 ANDERSON, Willianj. Puriticatiou uf Water by Iron on a large scale. (Iiileniat. llcaltli E.xhib. -Health E.xhib. Literature.) A 11 V 1 ANDLUS(VN, \\ illiam. Japanese ^\'llo(l Engravings. \_See Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 1 7.] E ANDERSON, William J. Architecture of the Renais- sance in Italy. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., ISDG. A 2,-) IT 31 ANDERSSON, Charles John, Notes of Travel in South Africa. Edited by L. Lloyd. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1875. " ■ 1) 13 Q 1 ANDliA, Dr. C:u-| Justus. X'oj-weltliche I'tlaii/eu aus deni Steinkohlengebirge der Preussischen Rheinlando und Westphalens. 4to. lionn, 18Go-G9. A 13 X 5 t ANDRE E, Salomrni Auguste. Aiidrec and his Balloon. ISee Lachand)re, H.] D 13 P 4 Over Land and Sea ; or, Andi('(!'s Aerial Voyage to the North Polo ; l)y A. C. Macdonald. [^Sce Roy. Geo- graph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.] ME 20 P ANDRES, Dr. .\iige from the Congress of Vienna to the Present Time. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1S9G. B IG V 20 1. 181, '.-:-)( I. ANDREWS, Crampton. Where Cresses Grow. 8vo. Sydney, 189G. MJ 3 S 12 ANDREWS, E. A. Kcjiort uptjii th(^ Annelida Poiychieta of Beaufort, North Carolina. [See United States. — National Mu.seuni.] A 37 S 50 ANDREWS, Rev. Elisha Benjamin. History of the last (juarter-century in the United States, 1870-95. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. F 1 S 9, 10 An Honest Dollar. (American Economic A.ssociation.) F 4 V 14 Wealth and Moral Law. Svo. Hartford, Conn., 1894. F 8 V 10 ANDREWS, Ethan Allen. Latin Dictionarv. [&« Lewis, Dr. Charlton T.] J 9 V 29 ANDREWS, J. A. Poems of Freedom. Svo. Sydney (n.d.) MR TV 31 ANDREWS, T. The Propagation of the Salmonidie. (Internat. Fisheries E.vhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 ANDREWS, William. Legal Lore : Curiosities of Law and Lawyei's. Syo. Lond., 1897. F 13 R 25 ANECDC/I'A OXONIENSIA. Aryan series. Pt. S. Sm. 4to. O.xford, 1S97. E S. 'J'hc Mantrapatha ; or, tlir I'rayer-lrook of the Apastanibins. I't. 1. Kiliteil ami translated by M. Winteniitz. MedifBval and Modern series. Pt. 7. Sm.4to. O.xford, 1895. E 7. 'I'lio Crawford Collection of Karly Charters and Documents now in the Bodleian Library. Kdited by .■\. 8. Napier and W. H. Stevenson. Semitic series Vol. 1, pts. G, 9. 2 vols. sm. 4to. O.xford, 1895 90. E 1, pt. (i. .Mcili:ival .Jewish C'hniniclcs ;uid t'limnological Xotcs. Kdited by .-V. Xciibaiier. ], pt. 9. Biblical and I'atriatic Relics of the Palostiniau Syriac Literature; by <;. If. Cwilliani, F. C". liurkitt, and .1. F. .Slenning. ANGELO, Henry. Reminiscences of, with Memoir of his late Father and Friends, including numerous original Aneeond., ISGO. " G 5 R 35 16 I'ublic Librai'y of New South Wales, ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Animal Magnetism and Arti- ficial Sunmambulism ; by the Countess C * * * ls. S-10, 1896-98. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1896-98. E ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Journal. Vols. 1-27. 27 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871-98. E ANTI?iIACHLTS OF COLOPHON. Antimachus of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry. [See Benecke, E. F. M.] F 10 V 17 ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, Society of. [See Society of Antiquai'ies of London, The.] ANTONINUS PIUS, Emperor of Rome. The Reign of ; by E. E. Bryant. [See Bryant, E. E.] B 30 S 18 ANTONY, Rev. Father. [See McCabe, J.] ANTROBUS, Frederick Ignatius. History of the Popes. [See Pastor, Dr. L.] ' (i 17 T 23, 24, 27 ANTWERP-KONINKLIJKE ACADEMIE DER SCHOONE KUNSTEN. Jaarlijksch Verslag, 1892- 93, 1897-98. 2 vols. 8vo. Antwerpen, 1893-98. E ANVERS, Nancy D'. [See Bell, Nancy.] APPLEtiARTH, R. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] "B 22 R 18 APPLETON, Prof. C. Histoire de ia Compen.sation en Droit Pumiain. Svo. Paris, 1895. F 1 S 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 17 APPULEIUS, Lucius. Opera omnia qu.-e exstant: Gever- liartus Elmcnhorstius recensuit lihrumque emeiida- tionuiu et indicos adjocit. I'Jiiu). Fraiicofurti, 1621. J 14 U 32 [Sketch of.] [See Whiblev, C. — Studies in Frankness.] C 23 S 2 AQUTLA. Fragments of the Books of Kings. [&« Bibles and Testaments.— Greek.] G 13 X 1-1 t ARATOUt), Wasare ranui, Kiwai C)vera. 12mo. Syd- ney, 1898. MG 2 T 51 ARAUJO, Orestes. Geogrufia Nacional de la Reiiublica Oriental del l^ruguay. 2nd ed. 8vo. Montevideo, 1895. " D 15 R 17 ARBER, Edward. The Story of the Pilgi-im Fathers, 1600-23 A.D. ; as told by themselves, their friends, and their enemies. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 Q 29 ARBUTHNOT, John. The Art of Political Lying. (Pol- lard, A. F.— Political Pamphlets.) ' F 13 V 4 ARCANA OF SCIENCE AND ART ; or, an Annual Itcgi.ster of L'seful Inventions and Improvements, aliridged from the Transactions fif Public Societies, and from the Scientific Jouinals, British and Foreign, of the past year. 8v(i. Lond., 1831. A 25 R 21 ARCH, Joseph. Story of his Life, told by himself and edited with a Preface by the Countess of Warwick. With Portrait. 8vo. Lund., 1898. C 25 Q 14 ARCIliEOLOGIA. [See Society of Antiquaries of Lou- don, The.] ARCH^OLOGIA CANTIANA. [_See Kent Archwo- logical Society.] ARCH^OLOtilA SCOTICA. [See Soc. of Antiipiaries of Scotland. ] AJiVJ/.LVLUhlCAL HE VIEW, Tlu:. [See Folk loir.] ARCHyF/)LO(;TCAL SURVEY OF INDIA. The Mogul .\rchitc(tiirc nf Fatli])Ur-Sikri, describcil and illustrated by E. W. Smitli, I'ts. 1, 2, 2 vols. 4to. Allahal)ad, 1891-96. .\ IS T 23, 24 t ARClii:U, Thomas. Th(^ Highway of Li^tters and its Echoes of Famou.s Footsteps. 8vo. Lond., 1896. .1 14 V 14 WaT-ii] I'lgvpt arid I hi' Soudan : an I'^pisudr in 1 he 1 1 islcn'v of the British l^mpirc. 5 vuls. i-oy- 8vii. i.,ond. (n.d.) B 21 V 26-30 Ai;t'lli;i:, W. 11. sir .b'lni ()'SJianas.sy : a Skcl,-h. [See Melbourne Uc\ icw, ^.| ' M lO IS () ARC'IiEB. William. l'ri.lti.)f Nansen, 1S61.93. [See Broggir, W. C. 1 I) IG V 17 ARCHIMEDES. Works of. Edited in modern notation, with IntrfKluctory Chapters by T. L. Heath. 8vr). Camb., 1897. A 35 T IC ARCHITECT, Thr, and Contract Reporter. Vols. 8 59. 1872-June, 1898. 52 vols. sui. fnl. L- duction and Notes, by I'l-. William Ogle. Svo. I^)nd., 1897. A 32 R 32 Lectures in the Lyceum : nr, A ristotle'.s Ethics for Englisli Readi'rs. Edited l)y St. George Stock. Svo. I.r. T. C.— Systc f .Medicine.) A 26 T 3S AnMin.M.U cillx'OXICLE, Th.. Sept,, IS91 97, 1 vols. 1..1. .\rinid.de, IS9I 97. .ME 18 Public Library of New South Wales. ARMIT, Lieut. Robert H. The Wind in his Circuits, with the Explanation of the Origin and Cause of Circular Storms and Equinoctial Gales. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1876. A 19 Q 13 ARMITAGE-SMITH, G. [See Smith, G. Armitage-.] ARMOUR, Margaret. The Fall of the Nihclungs, done into English. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1897. J \i S 33 ARMSTRONG, Amy. B. and B. Polka. Sni. fol. Syd- ney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t ARMSTRON(i, H Lorenzo do ^Medici and Florence in the loth Century. 8vo. New York, 18'J0. B 16 S 7 ARMSTRONG, Edmund La Touche. The Librarian and his Work. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 t ARMSTRONG, Lieut. G. E. Torpedoes and Torpedo A''essels. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 22 Q 49 ARMSTRONG, Prof. Henry Edward, F.R.S. Aims and Practice of Teaching Chemistry. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aim.s and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 Teaching of Natural Science as a part of the ordinary .School Course, and on the method of teaching Chemis- try in the Introductory Course in Science Classes, Schools, and Colleges. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhil). Literature.) A 41 V 10 ARMSTRONG, Isabel J. Two Roving Englishwomen in Greece. New ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) D IS P 31 ARiMSTRONG, Dr. S. T. Dictionary of jMedicine. \See Quain, Dr. Richard. J A 31 P 3, 4 ARMSTRONt;, Walter. Art of W. Q. Orchardson. \_See Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 14.] E Art of Velasquez. \_See Portfolio, The. — .Alonographs, 29.] E Life of Velasquez. ISee Portfolio, The.— Monographs, 28.] E Raphael. [See Raphael Sanzic] C 22 Q 10 ARMSTRONG, William George, Lord, F.R.S. Electric Movement in Air and Water, with theoretical in- ferences. Fol. Loud., 1897. A 40 U 14 + ARMY LIST. [_See Great Britain and Ii-elaud. — War Office.] ARMYTAGE, George John. The Register Book of Mar- riages belonging to the Parish of St. George, Hanover Square, in the County of Middlesex. \_See Harleian Soc. Pubs., 22.] E ARNDT, Otto. A^erzeichnis der piidagogischen Zeit- schriften, Jahrbiicher und Lehrerkalender Deutsch- lands. Roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. K 11 Q 19 ARNOLD, Sir Edwin. The Chain-apauchasika: an Indian Love Lament. Translated [from the Sanskrit] and illustrated by Sir Edwin Arnold. Olil. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H10T37 East and West ; being Papers reprinted from the Daily Teleyvaph. and other sources. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 U 14 The Light of the World ; or, the Great Consummation. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 11 R 10 ARNOLD, Edwin Lester. On the Indian Hills ; or, Coffee-planting in Southern India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881. 1) 17 P 32, 33 ARNOLD,. Ethel M. Tourguenefif and his French Circle. \See Tourgu6neff, I. S.] C 23 S 15 ARNOLD, James. Mrs. Wright's Visit to a Co-operative Home. Svo. Mellj. (n.d.) MF 3 Q 47 ARNOLD, jNIatthew. Address by, as President of the Wordsworth Society, 1883. (Knight, AVilliam. — AVordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 Discourses in America. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 12 T 43 Letters of Matthew Arnold, 1848-88, collected and ar- rangetl by G. AV. E. Russell. 2 vols. S\-o. Loud., 1895. C 21 P 22, 23 Poems. Svo. Lond., 189."). H 9 U 43 Thomas and Matthew Arnold ami their influence on English Education ; by Sir J. Fitch. Svo. Lond., 1897. C23P22 [Criticism of.] [&« AVorsfold, AV. B. — Principles of Criticism.] J 19 AV 2 Criticism of the AVork of. {See A^'alker, Prof. H. — Greater Victorian Poets.] J 10 U 36 [Criticism of the AVorks of.] \_See Craik, Hein-y. — English Prose.] J 6 tj'SS* [Essay on.] \See Traill, H. D. — The New Fiction, and other Essays on literary sulijects.] J 14 11 28 [Essay on] the Poems of ; by Mrs. Alartha AVebster. {See Melbourne Review, 10.'] AIE 18 Q [Essays on] Arnold's Essays in .Criticism. {See Tovey, Rev. D. C. — Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J14AM8 [Sketch of.] {See Birrell, A.— Res Judicata;.] J 7 P 52 [Sketch of.] {See Stearns, F. P. — Modern English Prose AVriters.] J 14 V 17 [Sketch of.] {See Stearns, F. P. — Sketches from Con- cord.] D 16 Q 3 [Sketch of.] {See Stephen, L. — Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 2 Two Essays upon Alatthew Arnold. {See Galton, Arthur.] J 14 V 13 ARNOLD, R. Cooperation in the Building Trade. Svo. Melb., 1889. AIF 3 Q 47 ARNOLD, Prof. T. AV\ The Preaching of Islam: a History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 15 R 34 Sujyplementary Catalogue — 189G-98. 19 ARNOLD, Dr. Thomas. Arnold of lUigln- : his School T^ife and Contrihutions to EdiK-ation. Eiiitcd by J. J. Fiiidlay. .Svo. Camb., 1897. U 23 Q 20 Thomas and Matthew Arnold and (heir influence on Eiij;lish Education ; by Sir J. Fitch. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " C 23 P 22 Life and Correspondence. [See Martineau, Tlev. J. — Essays, Review.s, and Addresses.] J 11 T 27 Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey. \_Sce CJt. liritain and Ireland. — Chrons. and Mems.] E ARNOLD-FORSTER, Hugh Oakelcv-. [See Forster, H. O. Arnold-.] ARON, Joseph. Canada Transvaal ; dedie aux Diploniates Francais qui ont du bon .sens. Avec uue Adresse en francais a I'Empereur (rAllemagne. Svo. Paris, isyi;. ■ 1! IG P 21 ARRIANUS. Invasion of India bv Alcxaiulor the (ireat. [See M'Crindle, J. W.] " H 28 T G Ain\Th<;\X'dl. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Loud., 1897. E ART AND LIFE and the . lUiilding and Decoration of Cities: a scries of Lectures bv members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, delivered at the fifth Exhibition nf tlic Societv in 189G. Svo. Lond., 1897. " A 23 S 39 ART CALLERY, The. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols, (in 6) 4to. Lond. (n.d.) ACT 2-7 X ART JOURXAL, Th; 1839-9G. oG vols. 4t.o. Lond., 1839-96. E ART OF MIND READTN(i, The : being a full and clear Explanation of tiiis marvellous Science, antl a practical ({uide whereby anyone may learn how to perform the most wonderful feats. Illustrated. 12nio. New York (n.d.) (! 23 P 19 ART POUR Tors, U. Encyclopedic dc I'Art Industriel et Decoratif. Tomes 1-33, 3.'), 3G, 18G1-97. Illu.s- trated. 35 vols, (in 22) fol. Paris, 1861-97. E ARTHUR, Col. (leorge, Licut.-OovcriKir of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] :M A 11 P 33 t ARTHUR, Dr. Richanl. Needed change in the age of consent : an appeal for the better protection of our girls. 12mo. Sydney, 189G. .M l<" 1 P 2U ARTHUR, T. C. [See Crawf,,rd, A.] ASHBOURNE, Edward (;ibs.,ii. Lord. [Sketch of.] [See E.scott, T. H. S.— Personal F.,rces of I in- Period.] C 23 T 3 ASHCROFT, E. A. Utilization of Waste Heat contninod in Slags from Smelting Furnaces. [See Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.] ME 18 P ASHHURST, Dr. John. Surgery before the Days of Ana'sthesia. (Semi-Centennial of Anicsthesia. ) A 17 R 2 t ASHLEY, AV. J. Early History of the English 'Woollen Inilustry. (Amei'ican Economic Assoc.) F4 V 12 ASmiEAD, William H. I^I.inograph of the North American Rrnrtotrypirhv. [See United States. — National JIuseum, I?ulletin 45.] E ASHTON, James. The (Jreat Land Question. Svo. Narandera, 1894. 31F 4 Q 52 ASHTON, John. The Devil in Britain and America. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 189C. Ci 15 R 36 Hvde Park from Domesdav-book to date. Illustrated. Svo. Lond,, ISOC. " H 24 R 8 AVhen William IV was Ivini.'. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S9G. P. 16 U 5 ASHTON, Dr. Thomas G. Diseases of the Stomach. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 ASIATIC QUARTERLY REVIEW. [See Impn-ial and Asin/ic Quarterly Revieir.^ ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. Annual Address, 1894, delivered by the Hon. Sir C. A. Elliott. Svo. Calcutta, 1894. E Journal. Vols. 53, 55, 1894, 1896. 2 vols. Svo. Cal- cutta, 1S94-96. E ASKEW, John Bertram. Pros and Cons : a Newspaper Reader's and Debater's Guide to the leading Contro- versies of the Day. 12mo. Lond., 1896. K 4 U 23 ASKWITH, G. R. Memoir of Rod.lv Owen. [See Owen, E. R.] " C 25 Q 9 ASPLEN, Rev. Leonard Oberlin. Thou.sand years of English Church History, innn the Earliest Times to the Death of tjueen Eli/abc-tli. Svo. Lon1. 5, 1S9G. Sn,,. M-ll,., 189G. ME 20 R AUSTRAL REVIEW. No.s. 5, 7, 9, Februarv, M.u. and Novi'Mibri-. 1S7S. Svo. Mell»., 1S7S. " .M.I .'i I! i'7 AUSTRAL WHEEL, The : a Monthly Cycling Journal. Sm. 4to. Melb., 189G. ME 21 T Anstnil Wheel Guide to th vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1890-98. " ME 8 R AUSTRALIAN MUSIC; receiveil under the Copyright Act. 2 vols. fol. Syihicy, 1.892-96. MA 13 P"5, G | AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY, The. Annual Reports, 1849-98. 4to. Sydney, 1849-98. I\IE 7 Q AUSTIiALlAX I'ASTORAL D 1 1! FJ'TOIl V. Li.st of Stockowners in the Colonies of New South Wales and Queensland; with Index, |8',)7. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1«97. ME 10 AUSTRALfAX PHILATELIST, The. Vols. 2-4, 1895- July, 1898. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 189G-98. ME 9 P AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRArillC JOURNAL, The: Devoted to the general advancement of Photography in all its branches throughout Australasia. Vols. 1-4, 6, 1892-9.5,1897. 5 voLs. sm. 4to. Sydney, 1892-97. ME 18 R Annual and Year-book of Photographic Societies of Australasia ; also, Austi-alasian Process-workers' Com- panion and Photo-tourists' and Cyclists' Guide, 1898. Edited by James Aebi. Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. ME 15 P AUSTRALIAN PORTRAIT GALLERY. \_See Shine, T.] MC 4 P 4 t AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL REVIEW AND EDUCA- TIONAL ADVERTISER, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 3-5, vol. 2, Nos. 1, 2, June, Aug.-Nov., 1873, Jan., April, 1874. 8vo. Yass, 1873-74. MJ 3 R 27 AUSTRALIAN STAR, The, Dec, 1887-Sept., 1898. 42 vols. fol. Sydney, 1887-98. ME AUSTRALIAN STOREKEEPER'S JOURNAL, with which is incorporated the Australasinn Grocers' Jour- nal : the Official Organ of tlie Tobacconists' Associa- tion of Victoria. Vol. 3, 1897. 4to. Melb., 1897. ME 7 P AUSTRALIAN TIVOLl SON(JSTER, The, No. 5. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 U 79 AUSTRALIAN TO UN AXD VOUXTRY JOURNAL, The. [See Ton-ti and Coiiiitri/ Jonrnal, The.'\ AUSTRALIAN V/G XEROX and Fruit-grt)wers' Journal, 1890-91, 1894-97. 4 v,)ls. 4to. Sydney, 1890-97. ME 19 S AUSTRAL/AN WHEELMAN, The: Official Organ of the League of New South Wales Wheelmen, Aug.- Sept., 1895, Oct., 189G-Sept., 1897. 3 vols. sm. 4to. Sydney, 1895-97. ME 7 P AUSTRALIAN WORK MAX, 189G-Sept., 1897. 2 vols. Fol. Sydney, 1896-97. ME AUSTRALIAN YACHTSMAN AND CANOEIST, The. Vol. 1, Sept., 1896-Sept., 1897. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1896-97. ME 20 R AUSTRIA-HUNGARY :— Treaties. Convention between (ireat liritain and Aus- Iriu-llungary for the establislnnent of International Co])yrigiit, with a List of the llritish Colonies and Possessions which have acceded thereto under Article 9. 8vo. Loud., 1896. F 13 T 10 AUTONNl'], Leon. Sur la Repre.sentation des Courbes Gaudies Algebriiiues et sur le nombre des conditions i|ui l*-xprimeiit ciu'uno Caiurbe ,\lgebri<|ue est .situeo sur line Surface Algcbriipie. 8vo. Paris, 189G. A 31 S 24 AVELINE, W. Talbot. (Joology of the Country ai-ound Kendal, Sedliergii, Powness, and Tebay. [See Ot. Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey.] A 34 T 23 24 Puhlic Lihrari) of New South Wales. AVELING, Edward Bibbins. The Darwinian Theory : its Cleaning, Difficulties, Evidence, and Historv. 12mo. Lond., 1884. A 27 R 10 Monkeys, Apes, and Men. 12mo. Lond., 1885. A 27 R 11 AVELING, Eleanor Mar.x. Value, Price, and Profit. [-See Marx, K.] F 1-3 P 2G , and Edward. The Eastern Question. [See Mar.v, K.] Y 13 Q 36 A VEXUE, The : a ilonthly ^Magazine devoted to Associa- tion, Education, and Social Progress, 1896-April, 1897. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. [AH published.] E AXE, Prof. J. "Worttey. Diseases of Cattle. (Housman, H.— Cattle.) A 38 P 10 AXON, William E. A. Laws relating to the Gipsies. (Andrews, W. — Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 Sanctuaries. (Andrews, W. — Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 AYEXBITE OF IXWYT. The. Written in the Dialect of the County nf Kent. [See Michel, Daniel.] G 1 7 Q 8 f AYERS, Sir Henry. Address by, as President of the Australasian Institute of ^Mining Engineers. (Aus- tralasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P AYRES, Dr. Stephen C. Diseases of the Optic Xerve, Retina, Choroid, and Vitreous, Amblyopia and Amaurosis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) " A 31 P 16 AYRTOX, William Edward, F. R .S. Practical Electricity. A'ol. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 20 P 25 AZURARA, Gomes Eannes de. Chronicle of the Dis- covery and Conquest of Guinea. [5ee Hakluyt Soc, Pubs."] E B B., W. A. The Dead March of the Waters and other Verses; written in Australa.sia. 8vo. Lond., 1897. :^IH 1 V 10 BABBAGE, Charles, F.R.S. Babbage's Calculating En- gines : a Collection of Paper.s relating to them, their History anil Construction. With Portrait. 4to. L(md.,"l889. A 19 S 11 t BABJX(iT(jN, Charles Cardale. Meniorial.s, Journal, and Botanical Correspondence of. With Portrait. 8vo. Camb.. 1897. C 25 Q 3 BACCHYLIDES. Poems of, from the papyrus in the British :iluseuni. Edited by F. G. Kenvon. Svo. Lond., 1897. ■H3Q33 BACH, Albert B. The Art Ballad, Loewe and Schubert. With Musical Illustrations. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 1 S 34 The Principles of Singing : a Practical Guide for Vocal- ists and Teachers ; with Vocal E.xercises. 2nd ed., with Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 43 BACH, John Sebastian. Life of, in relation to his work as a Church Musician and Composer ; bv Sedley Taylor. 8vo. Camb., 1897. C 23 Q 21 BACH, Sebastian. Teufelswelt : an Epic. 8vo. Melb., 1896. MH 1 V 13 BACHA, Eugene. Le Chancellier de Flaudre. Rov. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. F 1 U 20 BACHELER, Origen. Discussion on the E.xi.stence of God. [See Owen, Robert.] G 15 U 24 BACHELIX', Antoine, " Le Bibliophile Julien." Album de Reliures Artistiques et Historiques accompagne de Notes Explicatives. 4to. Paris, 1869. A 13'X 9 t BACK, Frederick. The !Mount Dundas X'arrow-gauge Railway. (Rov. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q BACON, Delia. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded. 8vo. Lond., 1857. J 6 T 33 BACON, E. D. The Stamp Collector. [See Hardv, W. J.] A 39 V 22 BACON, Francis, Viscount St. Albans. The Hidden Lives of Shakespeare and Bacon, and their business connec- tions : with some Revelations of Shakespeare's early struggles, 1587-92 ; by W. G. Thorpe. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " C 20 S 7 Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosicrucians. [See Wigs- ton, W. F. C] J 6 T 34 . [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Castle, Edward James.] J 14 S 15 BACON, Henry. The Salon, 1895. [See Paris Salon.] E BACON, Nathaniel T. Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth. [See Cournot, A.] F 4 U 19 BACON, II. H. B.nin, the City of Blood. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. " B 39 Q 9 BADDARD, Frank E., F.R.S. British Bii-ds. [See Hudson, W. H.] A 27 R 7 BADDELEY, St. Clair. Robert the Wi.sc and his Heirs, 1278-1352. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 19 U 1 BADEX-POWELL. Baden Henrv. [See Powell, B. H. Baden-.] BADEX-POWELL, Sir George. [See Powell, Sir G. Baden-. 1 Sitpplemeiitary Calalogue — 1896-98. lo I{ ADEN- POWELL, Major Rolx-rt Stephenson .Snivth. [&(' Powell, Major ){. .S. S. Baden-.] BADEXOCir, (i. l\. Australasia in 1898. (Lnperial and A.siatic Quarterly lleview, April, 1896.) E BADMIXrOX MAGAZIXE OF SPORTS AXD PAS- TIMES, Thr. ^',,Is. 1-5, 1895-97. 5 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1895-97. E BAGEHOT, "Walter. The English Constitution. . 8v-o. Lond., 1S9G. F 8 V 45 Essays on Parliamentary Keforiu. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 8 V 44 Lomhard-street : a Descrijitinn of the 31oncy Market. 8vo. Lond., 189G. ' F 8 V 43 Physics and Politics ; or. Thoughts on the application of the Principles of Natural Selection and Inheritance to Political Society. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 \' 46 BAGNALL, L. J. Notes on the occurrence of Kauri Gum in the Kahikatea Forest at Turua. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S BAGSHAW, John S. An Outline of the Psahns. L'n L-xtini Minores. 6 vols, (in 4) 12mo. Lipsi:v>, 1879-86 H 11 U 1-4 BAILEY, Frederick Manson. Botanic Notes. (l!ov. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1894.) ME 1 T Contributions to the Flora of Queensland. (Queen.sland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Poisonous Plants. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Companion for the Queensland Student of Plant-life and Botany abridged. {See Queensland. -Agriculture.] MA 4 S 8 Co]itril)utions to the Queensland Flora. \See Queen.sland. —Agriculture.] IMA ."5 S 68 Peculiarities of the Queensland l'"li>ra. [^v (.ihieensland. Agriculture,] MA ;i S 68 BAILHY, IlemT H. Iialance-sheets, and how (o picivc them. 12mi.. Manchester, 1S98. A 25 I' 48 IIAI i,KY, James Blake. Diary of a Uesurri'cl ionisi, ISl 1 12; to which ari^ added an Aec<95. A 26 S :!2 BAILEY, Joliii Frederick. XI"' Coca Plant, ((.lu.'ciislaiid Agricuit. Journ., 1897.) .M K 9 I' Liquorice. (Queensland .Ngiicull. .Imini., IS97.) !M I! '.» l' The Pawpaw. (Queensland Agricuit. .lourn., IS97.) M !■; 9 U u BAILEY, Liberty Hyde. (Jarden-niaking : Suggestions for the utilizing of Home (m-ouiuIs. Illustrated. l2mo. New York, 1898. A 33 Q 32 Th(^ Horticulturist's Rule-book: a Compendium of Use- ful Inforniiition for Fruit-growers, Truck-gardeners, Florists, and others. [AVith American Bibliogra])iiy.] 12nio. New Y'ork, 1895. A 18 P 28 Lessons with Plants : Suggestions for seeing and inter- l)reting some of the common forms of vegetation. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 33 P 32 The Nursery-book : a complete Guide to tjie Multipli- cation of Plants. 3rd eel. 12mo. New York, 1896. A 18 P 32 Plant-breeding : being five Lectures on the Amelioration of Domestic Plants. 12mo. New York, 1895. A 18 P 30 Principles of Fruit-growing. Illustrated. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1897. A 33 Q 18 Tlic Pruning-liook : a Monograph of the Pruning and Training of Plants as applied to American conditions. Illustrated. 8\(). New York, 1898. A 18 P 22 The Survival of the Unlike : a Collection of Evolution Essays suggested by the Study of Domesticated Plants. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 27 R 16 BAILEY, Samuel. Theory of Reasoning. {See Martin- eau. Rev. James. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 BAILEY, Vernon. The Praii-ie (i round Sipiirrels, or Sprrin(i]ihUrs, of the Mississi]ipi \'alley. {See United States. — Dept. of Agricuit. — Division of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 8 BAILEY-DENTON, Eardley. {See Denton, i:. ISailey.-] BAILLIE (iROHMAN, W. A. ^Sce (Jrohman, ^\■ \ Bail lie-.] BAILLTERE, F. F. IJaillicre's Queensland (iazetteer and Road Guide, containing the most recent and accurate information as to every place in the Colonv. {See Wliitworth, Robert P.] MD 3 S 3 BAILY, Dr. Francis. Star Catalogue. [5/c Britisli A.sso- ciation for the Advancement of Si'iencc.] A 12 T 21 t I!. MX. |)i-. Alexaiiilcr. A IliglK-r I'^nglisli (ir.unmar. 12inn. Lonil.. |S9(i. J |o 1' I,') Character Sketch of. {See Lynch, Arthur-. Iluni.in Documents.] ,J 1| ^' j;, P.sychojogy of. {See Majtimau, Hc\. .l.niies.— E.ssnvs. IJeviews, and Adflresses.] J ] | 'j' "i.".i BAIN, Kobirt M.-liet. Ciiarles XII and the Collapse of the Swedi.sh Em)>ire, 1682-1719. 8vo. New York. I^'-'"'- I! 16 1{ 2(1 The Puiiils of I'.tir iheGrc.it : a liislory of the J{us.sian t'ourt and Fmpire from 1(>97-I7lb. llhislraled. Svo. Lund., IS;)7. J{ ;[(j (^) ;5 ll.iiis C. .\ndersen: a Biography. [Set Andersen, Hans <'l " C22 U Lt Turkish I'airy Tales. {See Kunos. Dr. Ign."iez.] J 1 I S 2 26 Fuhlic Library of Neio South Wales. BAINES, Frederick Ebcne/.cr. Forty Years ;it the Post Office. 2 vols. 8vu. Loud., 1K95. F 2 V 24, 25 BAIRD, Prof. H. M. The Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 34T 10, 11 BAKEPi, Dr. Henry A. Obturators and Artificial Vela. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F. — American System of Den- tistry.) A 31 S 2 BAKER, Dr. Henry B. General tSanitation. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System" of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P U BAKER, Richard Thomas. Botanical Notes from the Technological Museum. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ' ME 2 P Botany of the Rvlstone and Goulburn River Districts. (Linnean Soc.,'N.S.\V., Proc, 1S9G.) ME 2 P Note on a new variety of Acacia decurrens, Willd. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Plants of New South "Wales illustrated. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Two new species of Prostanthera from New South Wales. (Linnean Sue, N.S.W., Proc, 189G.) ME 2 P Description of a new species of Acacia from New South Wales. \_See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.] ME 2 P Descriptions of some new species of Plants from New South Wales. \_See Liiuiean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.] ME 2 P New species of Elieocarpus from Northern New South Wales. \_See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.] ME 2 P , and SMITH, Henry George. Presence of a true Manna on a "Blue Grass," Andropogon aimidatus, Forsk. (Roy. Soc, N S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R ISAKER, Sir Samuel. [Sketch of.] {See Eminent Per- sons.] C 19 Q 22 BAKER, Rev. Shirley W. English and Tongan Vocabu- lary ; also a Tongan and English Vocabulary, with a List of Idiomatic Phrases and Tongan Grannnar. 8vo. Auckland, 1897. MJ 3 R 17 BALCH, Emily Greene. Public Assistance of the Poor in France. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V 18 BALCH, Thomas. International Courts of Arbitration. 8vo. Philad., 1896. F 5 P 32 BALDRY, Alfred Lys. Life and Work of Jlarcus Stone. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) (Christmas Number of the Art Journal.) A 13 W 10 t Ijife and Works of Albert Moore. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893. A 10 X 5 t BALDWIN, Elizabeth L. Play of Animals. [See Groos, K.] G 13 T 51 BALDWIN, Helen Green. Alterations of Personality [See Binet, Alfred.] G 12 V 31 BALDWIN, J. Mark. Play of Animals. [See Groos, K.] ' G 13 T 51 BALDWIN, William J. Hot-water Heating and Fitting ; or, Warming Buildings by Hot Water : a Description of Modern Hot-water Heating Appai-atus, the Methods of their Construction, and the Principles involved. Illustrated. 8vo. Loml, 1889. A 37 R 2 BALFOUR, Alice Blanche. 1.200 miles in a Waggon. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 14 T 23 BALFOUR, Rt. Hon. Arthur John. Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur. — Human Documents.] J 14 \J 15 [Essay on the AVorks of.] [See Setli, Dr. A. — Man's Place in the Cosmos, and other Essays.] G 14 R 26 Mr. Balfour seen from a distance. [See Hapgood, N. — Literary Statesmen.] C 23 Q 26 Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrew.s. [&e Knight. Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 Works of George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne. [See Berkeley, G., Bi.shop.] G 18 P 55, 56 BALFOUR, Dr. George William. Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Heart and Aorta. 3rd ed. Illustrated 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 P 5 BALFOUR, James Melville. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 31.) E BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH, Alexander Hugh Bruce, Lord. Principles and Conditions of the Scottish Establishment. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 BALL, Rev. diaries James, and others. The Queen's Printers' Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible, selected and described by the Rev. C. J. Ball. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond. (n'.d.) G 5 Q 32 BALL, Eustace A. Reynolds-. City «,if the Caliphs : a Popular Study of Cairo and its Environs and the Nile and its Antiquities. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 20 S 23 BALL, Sir Roliert Stawell, F.R.S. Great Astronomers. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 20 U 8 BALL, W. W. Rouse. Primer of the Histoiy of Mathe- matics- 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 25 P 40 BALLAARAT GENERAL CEMETERY. Chairman's Report and Statistics, 1895. 8vo. Ballaarat, 1890. ME 15 Q BALLANCE, Charles Alfred. General Pathology of New Growths. [See Shattock, Samuel G.] A 26 T 34 Supplementary Catalogue— 1S96-98. 27 BALLAVOTXE, Jules Fi'ederic. [Reproduction of his Picture] A\'ood JSTyinpli. \_See Livusiug, Clarence. — TIk; Nude ill Art.] A 12 P i'7 I BALLTN, Ada 8. Childreii'.s Dress. (Internat. Health Exhil).— Health Exhil). Literature.) AH V S BALLINGEK, John. Books for Village Libraries. [See Burgoyne, F. J.] J 9 V 36 BALLS^HEADLEY, Dr. "W. [See Headlev, Dr. AV. BalLs-.] BALY, Joseph Sugar. Descriptions of new genera and of some recently discovered species of Australian Phyti)- phaga. (Entoni. hioc., Lond., Tran.s., 187L) E Catalogue of Hispidie in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 43 P 4 BANCROFT, George. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Per- sons.] C19Q21 BANCROFT, Hubert Howe. Literary Industries. With Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1891. C 19 P 19 Resources and Development of Mexico. 8\o. San Francisco, 1893. 15 16 Q 4- BAN HAM, George A. Table of Veterinary Posology and Therapeutics ; with Weights, Measures, &c., for the u.se of Students and Practitioners. 18mo. Lond. (ii.d.) A 2G P 29 BANISTER, Henry Charles. Interludes: seven Lectures, delivered between 1S91 and 1897, collected and edited by S. MacPherson. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A41T2 BANKERS', IXSURAXCE MANAGERS', AXD AdENTS' MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 38, 01-65, 1878, 1896-June, 189S. 6 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1878-98. E BANKER'S MAGAZINE, Tho. Vols. 50, 52-55. Dec., 1894-June, 1895, Jan., 189G-Dec., 1897. 5 vols. 8vo. New York, 1891-97. E BANKS, Rev. J. The Works of Hesiod, Callimachus, and Thcognis. [&c Hesi..dus.] H 11 R 11 RANKS, Sir Joseph. Journal of, during Captain Cook's first Voyage in H.M.S. Ewlenvmir in 1768-71 to Terra del Kuego, Otahite, New Zealand, Australia, the DiUili East Tiidie.s, itc. Edited by Sii- Jo.seph 1). Hooker. Svo. 'Lond., 189G. ' M I ) ,T 1' I :. BANKS, Martha Run'. Heroes of the Soutli Seas. 8vo. N(>w York, is9r,. MG 2 U 1 RANKS, Sanuiel Hawker. The Picnic Party and the Stranger's Story : a Tale of an Australian Christmas. 12mo. Melb., 1867. MH 1 V 29 The Vision of Truth : an Ethical, Serio-comical, and SatiricalEssayiuVcr.se. l2nio. Svilnev, 1871. " MH 1 V 29 BANNISTER, Dr. H. M. Medical Treatment of Insanity. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 BANNISTER, Saxe. The Writings of William Paterson. [&« Paterson, William.] ' F 13 U 9-11 RANNOW, Waldemar. The Colony of Victoria, socially and materially ; with Map. 8vo. ^lelb., 1896. MD 8 Q r,l RARBACENA, Marquez de. Vida d.i: por A. A. de Aguier. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1896. C 24 11 18 RARBE, Louis A. [Life of] Kirkcaldy of (.Irange. [See Kirkcaldy, Sir AV.] C 20 U 27 BARBER, Charles Burton. Works of. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 17 T 3 t BARBER, William. Treatise on the L.nv and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. [See Dart, J. Henry.] F 1 U 12, 13 BARCLAY, Alexander. Effects of the late Colonial Policy of Great Britain. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1830. F 13 R 35 BARCLAY, Robert. The Disturbance in the Standard of Value. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 26 BARCLAY, Dr. Robert. Acute Di.soases of the Middle Ear. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Thera- peutics.) A 31 P 16 BARERE DE VTEUZAC, Bertrand. Memoirs of, now first translated bv De V. Paven-Pavne. With Poi-trait. 4 vols. 8vo. Lind., 1890. " " C24R912 BARFF, Henry Ebenczer. Library of the University of Sydney. (Internat. Libr. Conf., Trans, and Proc, 1897.) Cat. Room RARING, Sir Evelyn, Lord Cromei-. [See Cromer, Lord.] R.\RTNG-GOULD, S.diine. [See (5ould, S. Baring-.] n.VRJON, Dr. ]•'. Anatomic Patlu>logii|uo du Sy.stcmc Lymi)hatii[Ue dans la Sjihcre dcs Nuoplasmes Jlalins. [See Regaud, Dr. C] A 40 S 4 1!.\RK1']1!, I'rederic, I'.isliop of Sydney. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian J'ortrait Gal- le.-y.] MC 1 P 1 t r..VRKER, Prof. (Jeorge Frederic. Physiis advanced Cour.se. 4tli ed., revised. 8vo. New York, 1S9.'I. A 21 S35 l'..VRKEIJ, Dr. John Marsiiall. Colleges in America. 12mo. Cleveland, Ohio. 1891. G 18 P 37 28 JPiiblic Library of Neio South Wales. BARKLY, Fanny A. From tlie Tropics to the North Sea, includini; Sketches of Colonial Life, live years in the Seychelles, Gordons Garden of Eden, with an in- terlude at the Falklands, in the South Pacific, followed by promotion to Heligoland, the gem of the Xorth Sea. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.il.) D 20 S 21 BARLOW, Alfred E. On the origin and relations of the Gren'N'ille and Hastings series in the Canadian Lau- rentian. \_See McGill I'niversity. — Papers from the Department of Geology.] A 40 S 9 BARLOW, Jane. Irish Tdvlls. 8th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ' D 1.6 S 6 BARNARD, George. Drawing from Nature : a series of Progressive Instructions in Sketching, to M-hich are appended Lectures on Art, delivered at Rugby School. New ed. Illustrated. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 31 S 31 BARNARD, James. Economic value of Tj/pha httifolia. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) ME 1 Q BARNATO, Bernard I. ISIemoir of ; l)v Harrv Riivmond. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 189 k " C 25 Q 6 [Sketch of.] \_Sec Cumberland, S.— What I think of South Africa.] D U R 18 BARNES, James. Naval Actions of the War of 1812. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1897. B Ifi V 30 BARNES, William. [Essay on.] [_See Strachev, J. St. Loe.— From Grave to Gay.] j'U U 38 BARNETT, P. A. Teaching and Organisation, with special reference to Secondary Schools. Svo. Lond., 1897. , G18P47 BARR, William Jl. Practical Treatise on the Combustion of Coal. Svo. Indianapolis, 1879. A 24 S 18 « BARRACLOUGH, Samuel Henry. The Present Position of the Theory of the Steam Engine. (Rov. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) JIE 1 R BARR AL, Dr. Etienne. Recherches sur Quelques Derives Surchlores du Phenol et du Benzene. Svo. Paris, 1S95. A 31 S 29 BARRAS, Paul, ilcmoirs of Barras, Member of the Directorate. Edited by George Duruy, and trans-, lated by Charles E. Roche. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. ■ C 21 T 17, 18 BARRENJOEY LIGHTHOUSE. Account of the Lay- ing of the Foundation-stone of a new Lighthouse at Barrenjoey, April loth, 1880. Svo. Sydney, 1880. [Extract from Svdnev Morning Herald, April 17th, 1880.] ' " MJ 3 R 28 BARRETT, Dr. Ashley William. Dental Surgery for Medical Practitionei-s anil Students t)f Jledicine. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 26 R 35 BARRETT, C. R. B. Battles and Battlefields in England. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1890. B 24 V 18 BARRETT, Rev. G. S. The Intermediate State and the Last Things. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 19 U 3 BARRETT, Lawrence. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [&« 3IcKav, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-tlay.J C 23 Q 6 BARRETT, William Alexander. Class-teaching in Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 "BARRI COUTA." Salmoniana : done in Verse, and illustrated by "A Trumpeter." Sra. 4to. Hobart, 1866. ME 17 S BARRIAS, Felix Joseph. [Reproduction of his Picture] Venus Triumphant. \_See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] " A 12 P 27 J BARRIE, James Matthew. Es.say on. [See Murray, D. C. — My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 14 R 30 [Life of] ilargaret Ogihy. [See Barrie, Margaret.] C23P4 -] (Margaret Ogih-y.) BARRIE, Margaret [Mi-s. — Life of ; by J. M. Barrie. Svo. " Lond., 1896. C 23 P 4 BARRIER MIXER IJl'SIXESS DIRECTORY, 1892. Svo. Broken Hill, 1892. ME 10 S BARRIER SILVER AND TIN - FIELDS. [See Stevens, C. J.] MA 4 T 10 BARRINGTON, George. Account of a Voyage to New South Wales, to which is prefixed a Detail of his Life, Trials, and Speeches, A-c. Illustrated. Svo. I.., 18G0. A 25 U lo BARROW, .J.ihn. Jlaj) of rortlaiul, Victoria. iL'nio. Portland, 18.5*4. Ml) 1 P 72 BARROWS, John Homy. Henry Ward Beecher the Sliakespeare of the Pulpit. [See Beecher, Rev. Henry AVard.] C 20 U 9 BARROWS, Walter B. Common Crow of tiie United States. \_See United States.- -Dojit. of Agriculture. — Division of Biological Survey.] A -iO S 12 Tiie English Sparrow in North America, especially in its relations to Agriculture. \_See United States. — l>ept. of Agricult, — Division of Biological Survey.] A 38 R 26 BARRY, Rev. Alfred. The Ecclesiastical Expansion of England in the Growth of the Anglican Communion. 8vo. Lend., 1895. G 14 S 31 BARRY, Rev. D. R [Life of] the late Pope (Pius TX). [See Melhourne Review, 3.J ME IS Q BARRY, Sir Redmoml. [Life of]: hy Alexander Suther- land. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q BARRYMORE, Maurice. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 ti 6 BARTH, Justus. Norronaskalier Crania anticjua in i)arte orientaii Norvegia' nieridionaiis Inventa. Edited by G. A. Guldberg. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Christiania, 1890. ■ A 3t V 22 BARTHOLOMEW, J. 0. The Royal Scottish Geographi- cal Society's Atlas of Scotland : a series of 62 Plates of Maps and Plans illustrating tin; Tojiogi'aphy, Phy- siography, (ieology, Natural History, and Climate of the Country. Fo'i. Edinb., 18'J.-.. " D6 U 18 { Thacker's Reduced Survey ^Map of India. 2nd ed. Roy. Svo. Calcutta, 1897. I) 1.! V 11 15ARTLETT, Sir Ellis Ashmead. The Battle-fields of Tliessaly, with Personal Experiences in Turkey and Greece. With Portraits and Map.s. Svo. Loud., 1897. P. 27 R 10 BARTLETT, E. T., and PETKRS, John P. The Bible, for Home and School. With Introduction by F. W. l''arrar, I )r;in of Canlci-liury. 8\i). Loud., IS'.tS. C 23 R 11 BARTLETT, W. H. F..rty Days in the Desert on the Track of the Israelites ; or, a Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai and Petra. Svo, • Lond. "(n.d.) I) IS U 20 B.MITLEY, N'l'lu^niiah. Australian I'ioneers and l{eminis- cences, together with Portraits of some of the Foundevs of Australia. Edited by .1. J. Knii,'lit. Svo. i'.risb,, iS'JC. ■ .\||! I y r,o BARTON, Hon. Edmund. Draft Federation Bill. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MF f) R 3 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T. — Australian Portrait (iallery.j MC 4 P 4 t BARTON, Edwin. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 49.) E BARTON, Frank Townend. Every-day Ailments and Accidents of Cattle, together with a Glossary of Diseases, Foods, and Feeding. Illustrated. Svo. Gla.sgow, 1897. .A 1 V 22 BARTON, George Burnett. International Law and the Exhibition. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q Notes on Australian Federation and the Draft Constitu- tion Bills framed by the Conventions of 1891 and 1897. Sm fol. Sydney, 1897. MF 9 P 42 t BARUCH, Dr. Simon. Hydrotherajiy and Mineral Springs. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 Recent atlvances in Hydrotherapy. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 BASCOM, John. Social Theory : a Grouping of Social Facts and Pi-inciples. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 8 V 8 BASSET, Alfred Barnai-d, F.R.S. Treatise on Piiysical Optics. Svo. Camb., 1892. A 210 13 BASSETT-SMITH, Dr. Percy William. [See Smith, Dr. P. W. Bassett-.] BASTABLE, Dr. Charles Franci.s. The Theory of Inter- national Trade, with some of its applications to Economic Policy. 2nd «1. Svo. Lond., 1897. F 13 RIO BASTIAANSE, J. H. De Boudyck. Voyages faites dans les Molucjues a la Nouvelle-(!uince et i\ Celebes. Svo. Paris, 1845. MD 4 U 34 BASTIAN, |)r. Henry Charlton. Treatise on Ajihasia and other Speech Defects. Ilhistrated. Svo. I./ond., 1 898. A 38 S 7 BASTWICK, .John. The Letanv. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) " (J 23 Q 32 I'.ATCHELOR. Itcv. John. The Ainu of Japan: the Religion, Superstitions, and (icneral History of the Hairy Aborigiiu's of .laiian. Illustrated. Svo. New York (n.d.) ' .V 19 t,) S HATE, Charles Spence, F.R.S. Catalogue of the Speci- mens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum. [Sm British Museum. — Natural Hist.uy.] A 42 U 12 llA'i'H.MAN, Charles Somerville Latrobe. The First Ascent of the Kasai : being .some Records of Service under the Lone Star. Illustrated. Svo. lyond., 1889. D 14 T 25 30 J*ublic lAbrm^y of Neio South Wales. BATEMAX, Rev. Gregory C. Tlie Vivarium : Ijeing a Practical Guide to the Construction, Arrangement, and ilanagenient of Vivaria, containing full informa- tion as to all Reptiles suitable as pets, how and where to obtain them, and how to keep them in health. Il- lustrated. 8vo. r^nd., 1S97. A 27 R 9 BATEMAN, Mary. [Life of]; by Arthur Vincent. (Vin- cent, A.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 BATEMAN, William. Australian Produce: the best means of realising thereon. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MF 1 T 45 The Colonist : a Work on the Past and Present Position of the Colony of New Zealand. 8vo. Christchurch, 1881. MB 1 R 21 BATES, Frederick. Descriptions of new genera and species of Tenebrionidai from Australia, New Cale- donia, anil Norfolk Island. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1873.) E BATES, Rev. J. Democracy. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S Training of Teachers for Primary Schools. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S BATES, Katherine Lee. American Literature. With Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1898. J 4 Q 42 BATES, Lois. Kindergarten Guide. Illustrated. 12mo. Lfjnd., 1897. G IS Q 35 BATH AND WEST AND SOUTHERN COUNTIES SOCIETY. Journal. Vols. 1-8, 4th ser., 1891-98. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891-98. E BATHGATE, Alexander. Acclimatisation in New Zea- land. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S BATHVRHT DAILY TIMES, The, Aug., 1896-97. 2- vols. fol. Bathurst, 1896-97. ME BATIICRSTIAN', The: a Quarterly Magazine of All Saints' College, Bathuret, New South Wale.s. Vols. 1-7, 1882-98. 45 Nos. 8vo. Bathurst, 1882-98. [Incomplete.'] ME 15 Q BATIFFOL, Dr. Pierre. History of the Roman B^e^-iary. Translated by A. il. Y. Baylav. 12mo. Lond., 1898. " G 23 Q 25 BATTENBERXi, Prince Louis of. Men-of-war Names: their meaning and origin. 12mo. Lond., 1897. K 19 P 29 BATTYE, Aubvn Trevor-. Northern Highway of the Tsar. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 18 Q 34 The Fii-st Crossing at Spitsbergen. [See Conway, Sir William M.] D 16 V 18 BAUDRY, Paul Jacques Aime. Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. O. — Illustrated Biograpliies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 J BAUER, Dr. A. H. Preparation of ilalt. [See Thausing, Julius E.] A 25 U 16 BAWERK, Eugen von Bohm-. [See Biihm-Bawerk, Eugen von.] BAX, Ernest Belfort. Outspoken Essavs on Social Sub- jects. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " (J 9 W 35 Socialism. [See Morris, AVilliam.] F 10 V 26 BAXTER, Richard. One Sheet for the Ministry. (Dear- mer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 BAYE,' H. G. Broken Hill Vughs : Occurrence and some probable causes. (Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineere, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P BAYLAY, Rev. Atwell Mervyn Yates. History of the Roman Bre^-iatv. [See Batiffol, Dr. P.] G"23 Q 25 BAYLEY. A. :M. C. Clive-. Vignettes from Finland ; or, Twelve ^Months in Strawberry Land. 8\o. Lond., 1895. D 18 R 30 BAYNE, William. [Life of] James Thomson. [See Thomson, J.] C 20 V 7 BAZIN, H. Experiments upon the Contraction of the Liquid Vein issuing from an Oritice, and upon the Distribution of the Velocities within it. Translated by John C. Trautwine. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 32 R 33 BEACH, Dr. Fletcher. Facts concerning Idiocy and Im- becility. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 BEACONSFIELD, Benjamin Disraeli, Eari of. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henrv. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Portrait of.] [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — Eng- land in the 19th Centuiy.] B 16 S 13 [Portrait of.] [See SLxty Yeai-s of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Russell, G. W. E.— Collections and Recollections.] C 25 P 13 Sketch of the Works of. [See Harrison, F. — Early Victorian Literature.] J 8 T 37 BEAL, Edward. CaitUnal Rules of Legal Intei-pretation. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F9 V 9 BEAL, F. E. L. Some common Birds in their relation to Agriculture. [See X'^nited States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A^41 U 1 , and LUCAS, F. A. Report on the Food of AVoodpeckers and the Tongues of Wocnlpeckers. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 30 R 30 BEAL, Rev. S. Buddhism in China. 12mo. Lond., 1884. G 4 V 24 Supplementary Catcdoyne — 1896-98. 31 BEAL, Dr. AV. J. Grasses of Xortli America. Vol. 2. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1,S9G. A 19 T 18* 2. Tlio (irasscs I'lassiticd, ilcsoribeil, anil each (Iciuis illus- trated with chapters on their geographical distribution and a bibliography. BEALE, Dr. Alimzo. Artificial Dentures on the Rubber Base. ( Litcli, Dr. Wilbur F. — American .System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 BEALE, Dorothea. Organization of Higher Education for Girls. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 13 Applicatifin of Psychology to the Science of Education. \_See Herbart, J. F.] " G 23 Q 23 , SOULSBY, Lucy H. M., and DOVE, Jane Frances. Work and Play in Girls' Schools. EAZi.iEY, Charles Raymond. The Dawn of Modei-n Geo- grajihy : a History of Exploration and (Geographical Science from the conversion of the liomun Emjiire to A.u. 900 ; with an Account of the Achie\einents and Writings of the early Chiistian, Arab, and Chinese Travellers and Students, ^^"itll Jlaps. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. I) 18 U 19 John and Sebastian Cabot: the Discovery of North America. 8vo. Lond., 1898. 'D16R13 The Chi'onicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. [See Hakluyt Society.] E BECH, Fedor. N'cMv.eichni.ss der altcn ivinilsoliriffen und Druckc! in der Doniherren-BiblioUiek zu Zeitz. Lnp. 8vo. iSei'iin, |SS|.' K 1 .") U 15 BECKE, Louis. The Ebbing cif the 'J'ide : South Sea Stories. 8vo. Lond., 1895. .M,| 3 S 21 Pacific Tales. 8vo. I/. rid., 1897. MJ 3 S 20 Wild Life in the Southern Seas. Svo. Lond., IS97. .MD 1 i: 3 , and .1 i:i'l T.KV, Waller. A First Fleet Family. Svo. Lond., Is'.h;. MJ 3 S'6 The JIutineer: a Rimianco of Pitcairn Island. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. :\I,J 3 f^ 29 32 JPiihlio Library of Neio South Jfales. BECKER, Leon. Les Ai"achnides de Belgique. [See Belgium.] A 17 U 10, 11 t BECKET, Thoiuiis a'. History of the ^Murder of. [See Stanley, Arthur P. — Historical ^Memorials of Canter- bury.]" B 28 T 2 History of the Shrine of. [See Stanley, Arthur P. — Historical ilemorials of Canterbury.] " B 28 T 2 BECKETT, T. \V. Xaylor. New Zealand Mosses. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S BECKFORD, William. Yathek, reiniprime sur I'original Francais, avec la Preface de Stephane Mallarme. 12mo! Paris, 1895. J 21 P 25 BEDDARD, Francis Eyers. Earth\yorms and Leeches. Syo. Lond., 1896. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 Monograph of the order of Oligochceta. Illustrated. 4to Oxford, 1895. A 18 P 5 t BEDDOE, Dr. John. Anthropology and Medicine. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 BEDDOES, Thomas Loyell. Criticism of tlie Works of. [5««Gosse, Edmund.— Critical Kit-kats.] J U U 23 BEDDOME, Lieut. C. E. Description of some new ilarine Shells of Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) " ME 1 Q Description of a new sj^ecies of Pupina from Queensland. (Linueau Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Note on Cypnea angustata. Gray, var. subcarnea, Ancey. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Youlta Fusiformis. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q BEDE. Old English Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical His- tory of the English People. [See Early English Text Soc. Pubs.] " E BEDELL, Dr. Frederick. Principles of the Transformer. 8vo. Nevv York, 1896. A 21 U 24 BEDFOFiD, George William Francis Sackyille Russell, lOtli Duke of. A (4reat Agricultural Estate: l)eing the Story of the Origin and Administration of Wo!)urn and Thorney. 8yo. Lond., 1897. A 19 S 3 BEDFORD, Henry. Lift; of St. Yincent de Paul. [See Yinccnt de Paul, St.] C 19 A' 21 BEDFORD, Ruth Marjory. Rhymes of Ruth. 18mo. Sydney 1896. ' " " MH 1 P 77 BEDFORD. Rey. William Kirkpatrick Riland. The Blazon of Episcoj)acy : being the Anns borne by or attributed to the Archbishops and Jiishops of England and Wales, with an ordinary of the Coats described and of other Episcopal Arms. lioy. 8vo. Oxford, 1S97. " K 17 T 16 BEDINGFELD, Ladv Charlotte. The Jerningham Lettei-s, 1 780-1 843. [See Jerningham, Lady Mary.] C 23 Q 3, 4 BEDNALL, W. H. On some Tasmanian C/aVojis. (Roy. Soc, Tils., Papers and Proc, 1894-93.) ME 1 Q BEECHAM, John. Colonization : being Remarks on Colonization in general, with an Examination of the Proposals of the Association which has been formed for colonizing New Zealand. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1838. MF 4 Q 56 BEECHAJE, K. J. History of Cirencester and the Roman City of Corinium. Illustrated. 8yo. Cirencester, 1886. B 25 R 13 BEECHER, Harriet Elizabeth. [See Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth.] BEECHER, Rey. Henry Ward. Henry Ward Beecher the Shakespeare of the Pulpit : by John Henry Barrows. 8yo New York, 1893. " ' C 20 U 9 BEECHING, Rey. Henry Charles. Teaching of English Literature. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Edu- cation.) ■ G 23 P 18 [Criticism of the Works of] Dean Church. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] John Henry Newman. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] " J 6 Q 38* The Poems of Henry Yaughan. [See Yaughan, Henry.] H 11 Q 7" 8 BEEDELL, Edwin. The British Tariff for 1853: contains amended Tables of the Duties payable on Goods im- ported into the L^nited Kingdom and the British Possessions abroad ; copious abstracts of the Laws relating to the Entry, Landing, Warehousing, and Clearance of Foreign Goods ; Regulations affecting the Baggage of Passengers arriying from abroad ; Bounties and Drawbacks ; Counteryailitig Duties ; Inland Eeyenue Duties, &c. ; Tables for Ships" Stores; Lists of Customs Bonds, and of Stamp Duties there- on ; the Warehousing Ports of the United Kingdom, distinguishing the seyeral sorts of Goods which may be bonded thereat : the Waterside Practice of the Customs, illustrated with numerous examples, and accompanied by the necessary Forms of Entry recjuired on the Importation and Exportation of ^Merchandise. Also, by the pennission of the Hon. Board of Customs, a complete List of the Names of the Collectors, Con- trollers, Landing Suryeyors, Clerks, Tide Suryeyors, and other OHicers, in London, and at each Port and Creek in England, Scotland, and Ireland ; the In- specting Counnanders of Coast Guard and the Re- ceiyers of Droits of Admiralty ; likewise Orders-in- Council, Treasury and Customs' Orders, and a vast amount of miscellaneous information useful to Jlem- l)ers of Parliament, Alerchants, Ship-owners, Rc\enue Officers, Warehou.se keepers, Gentlemen trayelling abroad, and 'Persons engaged in Foreign Trade. 12mo. Lond., 1853. F 10 Y 40 The Mercantile and ^larine Guide.[-S«e Willmore, G.] F 13 T 27 Siq')plemeiitary Catalogue — 189G-98. 83 BEE^MAN, G. B. Australian lliniii!; INFanual : a Handy (iuitle to the West Australian Market. 8vo. Lond., 1890. MA 3 U 38 Westralian Jlining Manual : a handy Guide to the West Australian Market. 12mo. Lond., 1897. MF 1 P 45 BEERS, Prof. Henry A. Initial Studies in American Letters. 8vo. Lond., 18'J6. J 14 V 9 BEETHOVEN, Ludwig von. Beethoven and his nine Symphonies. \_See Grove, G.] A 23 S 15 Beethoven and the Symphony. \_See Butterworth, H. — Great Composers.] C 19 V 23 BEETSON, D. Landale. Central Australian Exploring ]{hymes and Camel-back Jingles. 12mo. Adelaide, 1893. ■ MH 1 V 27 BEGAS, Adclbert Franz Eugen. [Reproduction of his Picture] Sunniier Life. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The ■N^ade in Art.] A 12 P 27 t BEGEER, B. W. Metallurgy of Gold on The Rand : a Practical Treatise o:i the Metallurgical Processes in use in the Transvaal, being a Description of As.saying, Milling, Cyaniding, Refining, and Coining. Illus- trated. 8vo. Freiberg, 1898. A 38 T 6 BEGG, Alexander. History of British Columliia fimn tiie Earliest Discovery to tlie Present Time. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B IG Q 41 BEGG, F. C. Rowing. [See Rowo, I{. P. P.] A 17 U 48 BEHA EDDIN. [See Boha-Eddin, Aboulmohassen-Tu.s. suf-Ibn-Sheddad. ] BEHR, HansC. INIine Drainage, Pumps, itc. [See Cali- fornia.— State Mining Bureau.] A 24 T 30 BEHRENS, Dr. Julius Wilhclni. The ]\Iicroscopo in Botany: a Guide for the ^Microscopical Investigation of Vegetable Substances. Translated by the lU'v. A. B. Hervey, assisted by R. II. Ward. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1885. A 20 T 24 BEILBY, Walter. The Dog in Australasia. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1897. MA 1 Q 1 BELFIELD, Dr. William T. Therapoutics of the J\lale Genito-Urinary Tract. (Hare, Dr. H A. — System of Practical Tlierapeutics.) A 31 P 17 BELGIUM. Annuaire Officiel de rAriiu'e Beige, 1898. 8vo. Bru.xelies, 1898. E Bulletin de rAgriculture, 1895-90. 3 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1890-97. E Bulletin du Conseil Supi'rioui- \\i- I'.\gi'icidture, 1893- 96. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894-95. A 32 R 27, 28 Commission d'Enquote Scolaire : Examens subis \t: 10 Octobre, 1882 : Regiment du (tt'iiie ct Compiiunies Si)eciales. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 15 f BELGIUM— co«;(7. Commission d'Enquete Scolaire: Examens subis le 16 Octobre, 1882 : 2e Regiment de Guides et oe Regement d'Artillerie de Siege. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 13 t Commission d'Enquete Scolaire : Examens subis le 16 Octobre, 1882 : Regiment des Carabiniers. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 14 t Commission d'Enquete Scolaire : Statistique des Ecoles Primaires, Officielles et Prive.s, au 31 Dec, 1881. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 12 t En(iuete Agricole. 2 vols. .sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1890. A 13 U 17, 18 t Enquete .sur I'Efficacitt'' du Serum Antidipthijrique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. A 39 R 10 Enquete Scolaire. 5 vols. sm. fol Bruxelles, 1881-83 G 13 LT 2-6 t Fondations de Bourses d'Etude etablies en Belgique. Tomes 7, 8. 2 vols. 4to. Bruxelles, 1 896. G 1 2 W 7, 8 t Rapport sur la Situation de la Bibliotlieque Royale de Belgicjue, 1892-9."). 2 vols. 8 vo. Bruxelles, 1894-96. E Rapport sur les Examens subis le 19 Octobre, 1882, par la classe de ]Milice de 1882 a son entree au Service, fait au nom de la Connnission d'emiuete Scolaire. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1883. G 13 U 16 t Rapport Triennal sur Ictat de I'Enseignenient moyen en Belgique presente aux Chambres Lt'gislatives, 1896. Sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1896. " E Statisti(|ue M('dicale de I'Armee Beige, 1896. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. E Triangulation du Royaume de Belgique. Tome 6, fasc. 1-3. Illustrated. 3 vols. 4to. Bruxelles, 1887-92. E BELGIUM-MUSEE ROYAL DHISTOIRE XATUR- ELLE. Annales. Tome 10. With Plates. Fol. Bruxelles, 1882. A 17 U 10 t 10. Lcs Arachnides de Belgir. Louis. Kli'dric Power Transmission : a Prac- tical 'i'reatise for Practical Mi'u. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 33 V 22 34 Public Library of New South Wales. BELL, Mackenzie. Charles Wliitehead, a forgotten Genius ; with Extracts from his Works and a Preface. [See Whitehead, C] C 24 P 7 Christina Rossetti : a Biographical and Critical Study. [See Rossetti, C] C 25 Q 16 BELL, Malcolm. Sir Edward Burne-Jones : a Record and Review. Illus. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 10 X 7 t BELL, Nancy [Mrs. Arthur] (Nancy D'Anvers.) Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. [_See Tissot, J. J.] G 6 U 13, 14 : Memoirs of Baron Lejeune. [See Lejeune, Louis Fran- 9ois, Baron.] B 17 R 46, 47 Record of the Life and Works of Thomas Gainsborough. [See Gainsborough, T.] C 18 P 21 t BELL, Robert Fitzroy. Memorials of John Murray [See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 27.] E BELLAMY, Blanche Wilder. Governor's Island. (Good- win, M. W.— Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 BELLAMY, Edward. Equality. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 15 Q 18 Mit geschlossenen Augen ; aus dem Englischen von Ott- mar Dittrich, ISmo. Leipzig (n.d.) J 1 V 47 BELLANGER, Marguerite. Sketch of. [See Bingham, Capt. D. — Recollections of Paris.] B 34 R 5, 6 BELLINGHABI, Henry. Social Aspects of Catholicism and Protestantism. [See Haulleville, Le Baron De.] G 9 V 6 BELLINGS, Richard. History of the Irish Confederation and the War in Ireland. Vol. 6, 1646-48. Edited by John T. Gilbert. Sm. 4to. Dublin, 1890. B 29 V 17 BELLOC, Hilaire. The Liberal Tradition. (Essays in Liberalism.) F 5 S 50 BEMIS, Dr. Edward ^V. Cooperation in New England. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V 11 Mine Labor in the Hocking Valley. (American Econ- omic Association.) F 4 V 13 Municipal Ownership of Gas in the United States. (American Ecommiic Association.) F 4 V 16 BEMMFLEN, Dr. J. F. van, and HOOYER, G. B. Guide to the Dutch East Indies 1 Translated by Rev. B. J. Berrington. Illustrated. 6'mo. Lond., 1897. D 11 P 38 BEMMFLEN, W. van. Observations made with the Compass on Tasman's Voyage. [See Tasman, A. J.- Journal of his Discovery of Van Diemen's Land.] MD 2 P 33 BENDALL, Cecil. Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali, and Prak- rit Books in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 18 R 15 f BENDIRE, Charles. Directions for Collecting, Prepar- ing, and Preserving Birds' Eggs and Nests. [See United States.— National jNIuseum.] A 37 S 46 Life-histories of North American Birds. [See United States. — National Museum.] A 17 T 19 f BENECKE, E. F. M. Antimachus of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F10V17 BENEDETTI, Count. Studies in Diplomacy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 14 U 27 BENEDICT, F. G. Report of Preliminary Investigations on the Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carbon in the Human Organism. [See United States. — Dept. of Agi'icult. — Office of Experiment Stations.] A 38 R 15 BENEDIKT, Dr. Rudolf. Chemistry of the Coal-tar Colours. Translated from the German by Dr. E. Knecht. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1889. A 23 P 20 "BENEFICED CLERGYMAN, A." Mesmerism the Gift of God ; in reply to " Satanic Agency and Mes- merism." 8vo. Lond., 1843. G 19 T 2 BENEKE, Friedrich Eduard. F. E. Beneke. The Man and his Philosophy. [See Brandt, Dr. F. B.] G 1 P 34 BENGAL : — Government Departments — Reports and Publi- cations. Administration. Report of the Administration of Bengal. issi.i_8;3. Fol. Calcutta, 1884. E Public Works. Rev^enue Report of the Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch, 1889-90. Fol. Cal- cutta, 1891. E Sone Canals. Papers relative to the Sone Canals, chiefly reports on Estimates, 1867-86. Sm. fol. Calcutta, 1890. A 11 W 16 t Statutes. Acts of the Legislative Councils of India and I'.engal ; Rules, Bye-laws, Regulations and Notifica- tions relating to the port of Calcutta ; with schedule of Port, Pilotage, Jetty aijd AVharf charges. 8vo. Calcutta, 1882. F 13 R 27 BENGAL DIRECTORY. [See Indian Directory.] BENHAM, Marian S. Henry Callaway, first Bishop for KafiPraria. [See Callaway, H., Bishop.] C 23 P 2 BENHAM, Richard S. Brief Account of the Country In- stitutes of South Australia. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 t BENHAM, Dr. W. Blaxland. Polychaet Worms. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 BENHAM, Rev. William. Winchester Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 BENJAMIN, Dr. P. P. The Intellectual Rise in Elec- tricity. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 21 U 6 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 35 BENNETT, Dr. A. G. Plastic ^Materials for Filling Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Taking Impressions of the Mouth ; Plaster ^Models ; Antagonizing and Contour Models. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 BENNETT, Alfred William. Flora of the Alps ; being a Description of all the Species of Flowering Plants in- digenous to Switzerland, anel of the Alpine Species of the adjacent Mountain Districts of France, Italy, and Austria, including the Pyrenees. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1896. A 20 E, 5, 6 Text-book of Structural and Physiological Dotany. [See Thome, O. AV.] A 20 P 37 BENNETT, F. J. Geology of the Country around Attle- borough, Watton, and Wymondham, Country around Diss, Eye, Botesdale, and Ixworth, Country between and South of Bury St. Edmunds and Newmarket, and parts of Cambridgeshire and Suflolk. \_See CU. Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of England and Wales.] A 3-1 T 3, 4, 15, 34 BENNETT, Dr. George. Journey to the Arfak Mountains. (Melbourne Re\'iew, 1.) ME 18 Q BENNETT, Joseph. National Portrait Gallery of British Musicians. [See Warriner, John.] A 5 P 32 t BENNETT, Pi-of. W. H. The Book of Jeremiah, chaps. 11-52. [See Expositor's Bible, The.] G 19 S 27 BENNETT, William Christopher. [Obituary Notice of,] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 99.) E BENSON, Albert Henry. Apricot Culture. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 189G.) UE 9 R Fruit-culture. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Fruit-culture in Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Spraying. [See Queensland. — Agricult.] MA 3 S C8 BENSON, Arthur Christopher. Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 10 R 43 BENSON, Edward White, Archbishop of Canterbury. Archbishop Benson in Ireland : a Record of his Sermons and Addresses, 1H96. Edited by Rev. J. II. Bernard. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 11 R 39 Cyprian : his Life, his Times, and his Work. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 T 32 Life-work of; by J. A. Carr. 8vo. Lond,, 1898. C 23 U 7 BENSON, G. R. Philosophical Lectures and Remains of R. L. Nettleship. [See Nettlcship, R. L.] G 23 R 2, 3 BENSON, John. Cheese and Checseuiakiug. [See Long, J.] A 1 U 5 BENSUSAN, Darrell A. Epacris Waltz. 2nd ed. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t BENT, Ilamlev. From Tonkin to India. [See Orleans, Prince H."d'.] D 13 V 2 BENTHAM, Jeremy. [Essay on.] [See Mill, John Stuart. — Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 [Essay on] Bowring's Life of Bentham. [See Mill, John Stuart. — Early Essays.] J 14 U 37 Remarks on Bentham's Philnsoph}- ; by E. L. Bulwer Lytton and J. S. Mill. [See Mill, John Stuart. — Early Essays.] J 1 1 U 37 BENTON, Frank. Bee-keeping. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult] A 41 U 1 The Honey Bee. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Div. of Entomology.] A 38 Q 20 BENTON, John W. Atlas and Geography. 18mo. Sydney, 1898. MD 1 P 71 BERANGER, Pierre Jean de. A Glance at the Life of Beranger; by Arthur Patchett Martin. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ^lE 18 Q Beranger et la Legendo Napoleonienne. [See Garsou, J.] H 1 U 2 BERDMORE, Septimus. Principles of Cooking. (Internal. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 BERDOE, Edward. Browning and the Christian Faith. 18mo. Lond., 1896. G 9 W 10 BERENGARIA OF NAVARRE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 BERENS, Lewis H. Some unrecognized Laws of Nature. [See Singer, Ignatius.] A 24 T 35 BERESFORD, Rear-Adm. Lord Charles. [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S. — Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 Some Remarks on Newfoundland and the Navy. [See Willson, B.— The Tenth Island.] D 16 Q 7 , and WILSON, H. W. Nelson and his Times. [See Nelson, Adm. H,] C 13 R 17 t BERG, Ernst J. Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena. [See Steinmotz, C. P.] A 37 R 5 BERGER, Rev. I). Hislorrof the Cliuroh of the United Brethren in Christ. (American Church History Series.) G 12 V 19 BERGLIN, Carl Enid. Berglins Coudenseil Logarithmic Tables. 32mo. Sydney, 1898. MA 3 P 53 BERTNGER, C, and J. J. Text-book of A.ssiiying for tlio use of those connected with Mines. 4th cd. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 24 R 31 36 Fublic Library of New South Wales. BERKELEY, George, Bishop of Cloyne. Works of. Edited by G- Sampson ; with a Biographical Introduc- tion bv the Et. Hon. A. J. Balfour. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend.," 1897-98. G 18 P 55, 56 BERLIX-KOXIGLICHE BIBLIOTHEK. Die Hand- schriften-Verzeichnisse der Kouiglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. 17 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1853-95. K 11 U f Sanskrit-Handschrif ten von A. TVeber. Bande 1 , 2. Hebrreische Handschriften von M. Steinschneider. Abessinische Handschriften von A. Dilhnan. Arabische Handschriften von W. Ahlwardt. Bande 1-7. Armenische Handscluiften von Dr. X. Karamianz. Persische Handschriften von W. Perlsch. Tiirkische Handschriften von \V. Pertsch. Lateinische Handschriften von V. Rose. Kurzes Yerzeichniss der Glaser'schen Sammlung arabi- scher Handschriften ; von W. Ahlwardt. 8vo. Berlin, 1887. K 7 S 45 Kurzes Yerzeichniss der Landberg'schen Sammlung ara- bischer Handschiiften ; von W. Ahlwardt. 8vo. Berlin, 1885. K 7 S 46 Kurzes Yerzeichiss der Sachau'schen Sammlung syrischer Handschriften ; von E. Sachau. 8vo. Berlin, 1883. K 7 S 44 Yerzeicliniss der aus der neu erechieuenen Litteraturvon der KonigUchen Bililiothek zu Berlin erworbenen Drucksliriften, 1892-94. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. Berlin, 1892-94. K 11 Q 14-16 Yerzeichniss der Chinesischen und Mandschu-Tangusi- schen Biieher und Handschriften ; von Dr. AY. Schott. 8vo. Berlin, 1840. K 19 R 17 YerzeichnissderZeit-und Yereinsschriften der KonigUchen BibHothek zu Berlin, 1892. Imp. 8vo. BerHn, 1892. K 11 Q 9 BERLIN-KONIGLICHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS- UXIYERSITAT. Systematische Zusammenstellung der fiir dieselbe bestehenden gesetzlicheu statutaris- chen, und reglementarischen Bestimmungen. Imp. 8vo. Berlin, 1SS7. G 18 S 20 BERLINER GESELLSCHAFT FUR ANTHROPOL- OGIE. Ethnologic und Urgeschichte, Yerhaudlungen der 1870-97. 27 vols. roj-. 8vo. Berlin, 1871-97. [Boitnd with Zeiischri/l fiir Ethnoloyie.'\ E BERNAERT, F. Factes Militaires des Beiges au Ser\4ce de la France, 1789-1815. Roy. 8vo. Bi-uxelles, 1898. C 24 S 6 BERNARD, Henry M. Catbook. Part 2. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 2 Y 29 The Organization of Society. [See Shaw, G. B. — Fabian Essaj's in Socialism.] F 13 R 8 Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-98. 37 BESANT, Sir Walter. A Riverside Parish. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 Thirty Years' Work in the Holy Land, 18G5-95. {See Palestine Exjiloration Fund.] B 28 R 9 — , and POLLOCK, Walter. The Charm, and other Drawing-room Plays. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W 27 BEST, D. Scolecohrotus Wcsiwoodii. (Victorian Natural- ist, Feb., 1898.) ME 6 P BEST, Elsdon. In Ancient Maoriland ; being Notes col- lected from the Descendants of the Aboriginal People of the Rangitaiki Valley and the Ure-wera Country, and from the Mataatua Tribes. Svo. Rotorua, 1S9G. MA 3 W 20 The Maori and the Moa : Notes on some Moa Bones found in a Mud Spring at Upokongaro, Wiianganui. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 189G.) ME 6 R TeRehu-o-Tainui. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R Tuhoe Land : Notes on the Origin, History, Customs, and Traditions of the Tuhoe or Urewera Tribe. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Waikare-Moana, the Sea of the Rippling Waters; the Lake, the Land, the Legends, with a Tramp through Tuhoe Land. [See New Zealand. — Lands and Survey.] MD 3 S -1 BEST METHOD OF COOPERATION. 8vo. Melb., 1873. MF 3 Q 17 BETAGH, William. Voyage round the World: being an Account of a remarkable enter]irise begun in the year 1719, chietly to cruise on the Spaniards in the Great South Ocean, I'clating to true historical facts of that whole all'air. 12mo. Lond., 1728. D 20 S 19 BETCHE, Ernest. New species of Macadamia, together with Notes on two Plants new to the Colony [of New South ^\'ales]. [_See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1890.1 ME 2 P BETHA^l-EUWARDS, Matilda. [See Edwards, Matikla Betham-.] BETHNAL GREEN MUSEUM. Catalogue of a CUec- tion of Continental Porcelain, lent and described by Sir A. W. Franks. 8vo. Loud., 189G. A 40 R 20 BETHUNE, A. 15. Is Manitoba right? A question of Ethics, Politics, Facts, and Law: a complete llisturi- cal and Controversial R(iview of tlio Manitoba School Question. Svo. Winnijicg, 189G. G 17 T 21 BETHUNE, C.C. Song of the Rhine [Mu.sic oniv.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P G t BEVAN, Theoilorc F. Discovery of tlic Aird ani-metallism means for Austialians and Aus- tralia. With Portraits. Svo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 5 Q 9 BI-METALLIC QUESTION, The. Deputation to the Most Noble the Marquis of Salisbury, to the Rt. Hon. G. J. Goschen, and to the Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour. Svo. Lond., 1892. F 13 R 19 BI-METALLISM. Imi)ortant Di'clarations in favour of Bi-mctallism. Svo. Melb., 1S95. MF 3 R 12 BI-METAIJJST, The, July, 1895, May, Oct., Nov., 1896. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1895-9G. " MF 3 R 12 BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. Duke of York Island. A Umana Papait k«i ra Uniana Apositolo. 12mo. P.ri.sb., 1S8G. MG 2 T 41 Ebon. New Testament : Ak Kalimur Ekiil an ar Iroij im dri Lcmior Jisos Kraist. Svo. New York. 1885. MG 2 U 5 English. The Ajjocalypse of St. John al ^Manufactures of Pottery and Porcelain in all parts of the world, with .some description of modern practical working. Illustrated. 18mo. Luid., 1S98. A 3;i R 26 BINNS, Rev. Frederick. Congregational Endeavour throe Centuries ago. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MG 1 P 88 BINSTED, W. IL Song : Yachting. Sm. fol. Syihicy (n.d.) ilA 13P 6 t BINYON, Laurence. Porphyrion, and other Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 11 R 23 Catalogue of Drawings by British Artists and Artists of Foreign Origin working in Great Britain, preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 19 R 1 t Dutch Etchers of the 17th Century. [See Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 21.] E John Crome and John Sell Cotman. [See Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 32.] E BIOLOGICAL LECTURES, delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Woods Hall in the Summer Session of 1893. 8vo. Boston, 1894. A 27 T 13 BIOLOGISGIIES CENTRALBLATT. Bande 1-17. 17 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881-97. E BIOT, Jean Baptiste. Traitc Elementairo d'Astronomie Physique. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810-11. A 19 S 9-11 BIRCH, George Henry. London Churches of the 1 7th and 18th Centuries : a Selection of the most remarkable Ecclesiastical Buildings, including St. Paul's Cathedral, erected within and around the ancient city walls be- tween the years 1630 and 1730. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 21 P 20 t BIRCH, Sanmel. Views on the Nile. [See Jones, O.] D 31 R 21 \ BIRCH, Walter de Gray. Catalogue of Seals in the De- partment of MSS. in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 11 Q 20-24 BIRD, George W. Wanderings in Burma. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Bournemouth, 1897. D 20 U 23 BIRD, Robert. Joseph the Dreamer. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 30 BIRD, Robert. Cockieleerie Law. (Andrews, W. — Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 BIRD. S. R. Scargill-. Guide to the Principal Classes of Documents preserved in the Public lieconl Office. [/Sea Great Britain and Ireland. — Public Recoril Ollicc.] K 11 R25 BIRD, Rev. T. F. The Basis of National Prosperity. (Melbourne Review, 1.) JIE 18 Q BIRE, Edmond. Diary of a Citizen of Paris during the Terror. Translated by John do Villiers. 2 viils. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 V 20, 21 BlllKKNllEAD FREE PUIiLIC Lir.ltAltY. Cata logue of the Central Lending Library, including sonio of the more important works contained in the J{efor- enco Library. Svo. Birkenhead, 1898. K 12 V 22 40 Tublic Librai-y of New South Wales. BIRKMIRE, William H. Architectural Iron and Steel, and its application in the Construction of Buildings ; with Specification of Ironwork, and selected papers in relation to Ironwork, from a revision of the present law before the Legislature affecting public interests in the city of New York, in so far as the same regulates the Construction of Buildings in the said city ; Tables selected expressly for this work, of the Properties of Beams, Channels, Tees and Angles used as Beams, Struts and Columns, Weights of Iron and Steel Bars, Capacity of Tanks, Areas of Circles, Weights of Circular and Scjuare Cast Iron Columns, Weights of Substances, Tables of Squares, Cubes, graphico Brazileiro. A^)l. 1. Roy. 8vo. Itio (1<- Janeiro, 1S83. C 24 S 7 BLAKE, H. P. Iin])roved Facilities for the Capture, l"'conomic Transmission, anS]:)aces, Pai-ks, and Gardens. (Art and Life and the Building and Decoration of Cities.) A 23 S 39 BLOOMFIELD, J. C. Fisheries of Ireland. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 BLOUNT, Bertram, and BLOXAM, A. G. Chemistry for Engineers and Manufacturers. Vols. 1, 2. Illus- trated. 2 voLs. Svo. Lond., 1S96. A 21 T 38, 39 BLOXAM, A. G. Chemistry for Engineers and ]\Lanufac- turers. [See Blount, B.] A 21 T 38, 39 BLUCHER, Gen. Gebhard Lebrecht von. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 43 BLinMENBACH, Prof. Johann Friedridi. Institutions of Physiology. Translated by Dr. J. EUiotsoii. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1817. A 26 S 39 BLUMHARDT, James Fuller. Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum. \_See British Museum.] K 18 R 18 t Catalogue of the Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, and Pushtu printed Books in the Library of the British ^Museum. {See British Museum.] K 13 T 9 t Catalogue of Hindustani Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 18 R 20 t Catalogue of Marathi and Gujarati Printed Books in the library of the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 18 R 19 t BLYTH, L)r. Ale.xander Wynter. Diet in relation to Health and Work. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 Disposal of the Dead. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 Old and Modern Poison Lore. (Internat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 BOAKE, Barcroft Henry Thomas. Where the dead men lie, and other Poems. Edited, with Notes and Memoir, by A. G. Stephens. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MH 1 V 21 BOAS, Frederick S. Shakspere and his Predecessors. Bvo. Lond., 189G. H 3 R 31 BOAS, Dr. J. E. V. Text-book of Zoology. Translated by J. W. Kirkaldy and E. C. Pollard. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 31 Q 8 BODECKER, Dr. C. F. W. The Hcrbst (German) Method of Filling Teeth. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. Cataloguing Rules. 8vo. Lond., 1893. (Library Association Series.) J 9 V 36 BODLEY, John Edward Courtcnay. France. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 1 T 32, 33 1. The Revolution and Modern France, the Constitution and the Chief of the State. 2. Tlie Parliamentary System and Political Parties. BOER, N. 1). de. Togt door Torres straat. (Verhande- lingen en Berigten, 1862.) E BOER, N. J. dc. Reis met do J/nnrii'ltr. ^far^(l door Torres-straat. (Verhandclingen en Berigten, 1858.) E BOETHIUS, Anicius Manlius Sevorinus. The Consola- tion of Philosophy of Boethius. Translatcil into English Proso and Verse by H. R. James. 12nio. Lend., 1897. G 4 V 26 BOGUS BANKING CO. : a Satire. 12mo. Adelaide, 1888. xMll 1 V28 BOH A-EDDIN, Aboulmohassen - Tussuf - Ibn - Sheddad. Saladin ; or, What befell Sultan Yiisuf, 1137-93. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 24 R 30 BOHEMIANS, The. Report, 1877-78. 12mo. Melb., 1878. MA 4 P 16 BOHM-BAWERK, Prof. Eugen von. Karl Marx and the Close of his System. Translated by Alice M. Macdonald ; with a Preface by J. Bonar. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 Q 25 The Ultimate Standard of Value. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) F 14 U 31 BOIS, D. Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse. [See Step, Edward.] A 31 S 6-8 BOIS, Sieur du. Voyages made by, to the Islands Dau- phine, or Madagascar and Bourbon, or Mascarenne in the years 1669-72. Translated and edited by Capt. S. P. Oliver. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 19 U 7 BOISRAGON, Capt. Alan. The Benin Massacre. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 5 BOISSEVAIN, G. M. The Monetary Situation in 1897. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. FISH BOISSIER, Gaston. Cicero and his Friends : a Study of Roman Society in the time of Cajsar. Translated by Adnah David Jones. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 P 25 The Country of Horace and Virgil. Translated by D Havelock Fisber. 8vo. Lend., 1896. D 18 S 15 Rome and Pompeii : Arch.-eological Rambles. Trans- lated by D. Havelock Fisher. With Maps and Plans. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 S 14 BOLAS, Thomas. Glass-blowing and Working for Ama- teurs, E.^perimentalists, and Technicians. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 25 P 47 " BOLDREWOOD, Rolf." [See Browne, Thos. Alexander.] BOLING BROKE, Henry St. John, Viscount. Loi-d Boliiigbroke : being [Extracts from the Political Writ- ings of. Edited, with an Introduction, selected, and arranged by the Hon. Stuart Erskine. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 13 Q 35 State of Parties at the Accession of George I. (Pollard, A. F.— Political Pamphlets.) F 13 V 4 BOLLMAN, Charles Harvey. Tho Myriapoda of North America. [See United States. — National Jluseuni, Bulletin 46.] E BOLTON, Col. Sir I'^rancis. London Water Supply. (In- ternat. Health E.xhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 \^ 6 Water Distribution and Dual Supply. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 BOLTON, Frederica. Greco-Turkish War of 1897. [See " German StaQ' Officer."] B 34 Q 18 44 Fublic Library of New South Wales. BOLTOX, Henrietta Ir^•ing. The Madonna of St. Luke : the Story of a Portrait. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1895. A 23 Q 53 BOLTON, Henry Canington. Select Bibliography of Chemistrj-, 1492-1892. 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 21 U 25 BOLTWOOD, Bertram B. Quantitative Chemical Analy- sis by Electrolysis. \See Classen, Dr. A.] A 38 U 12 BOLTZMANN, Dr. Ludwig. Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. [^See Curry, Dr. C. E.] A 20 P 3G BO^MBAY : — Government Departments — Beports and Puh- Ucations. Annual Reports. General Reports on the Administra- tion of the Bombay Presidency, 1872-95. 20 vols. Svo. and fol. Bombay, 1874-95. E Department of Land Records and Agriculture. Annual Report of the Government E.\:perimental Farm, Poona, 1894-97. 3 vols. sm. fol. Bombay, 1894-97. E Annual Reports, 1894-97. 3 vols. sm. fol. Bombay, 1895-98. E Crop Experiments, 1894-97. 3 vols. sm. fol. Bombay, 1895-97. , E Forestry. Administration Reports of the Forest De- partment in the Bombav Presidency, including Sind, 1890-91. Fol. Bomb'ay, 1892. E Gazetteer. Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency. Vols. 2-4, 7, 8, 11, 13-26. 26 vols. roy. Svo. Bombav, 1879-94. E 2. Gujarat, Sural, Broach. IS. Poona. 3. Kaira anil Panch Mahals. 19. Satara. 4. Ahmedabad. 20. .Sholapur. 7. Baroda. 21. Belgaum. 8. Kathiawar. 22. Dhurwiir. 11. Kolaba and Jaujira. 2.3. Bijapur. 13, 14. Thana. '24. Kolhapur. 15. Kanara. 25. Botany. 16. Nasik. 26. Accomit of the Town 17. Ahmadnagar. and Island of Bombay. BOMBAY CALEXDAR AND ALMAXAC, 1853-54, 1857. 3 vols. 8vo. Bombay, 1853-57. E BOMBAY CALEXDAR AXD GEXERAL DIREC- rO^r, 1849, 1851. 2vols. 8vo. Bombay, 1849-51. E BOMBAY RIOTS of 1874. Roy. Svo. Bombay, 1S74. B 39 P 12 BONAPARTE, Prince Napoleon Joseph Charies Paul. [Sketch of.] ISee Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 BONAR, James. Karl Marx and tiie Close of his System. [See Bohm-Baverk, Prof. E. von.] F 15 Q 25 BOND, Acton. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 BOND, Catherine. Gold-fields and Chrysanthemums : Notes of Travel in Australia and Japan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 Y 23 BONDURANT, A. J. Cultivation and Treatment of To- bacco. [See Victoria. — Agriculture.] MA 3 V 13 BONHEUR, Rosa. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hub- bard, E. — Little Journevs to the Homes of Famous Women.] " C 19 P 12 BONNEY, Dr. Thomas George, F.R.S. Ice-work Present and Past. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 20 Q 18 Papers and Notes on the Genesis and Matrix of the Diamond. [See Lewis. H. C] A 33 V 23 Summarv of the Scientific Work of W. Pengellv. [See Pengelly, W.] " C 24 T 2 BONNIER, Jules. Resultats Scientifiques de la Cam- pagne du Caiidan dans le Golfe de Gascogne. [See Kffihler, Prof. R.] A 31 S 30 BONWICK, James. Australia's First Preacher : the Rev. Richard Johnson, First Chaplain of New South Wales. [See Johnson, Rev. R.] MC 1 S 21 BONWILL, Dr. W. G. A. The Geometrical and Mechani- cal Laws of the Articulation of the Human Teeth — the Anatomical Articulator. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Sjstem of an all-Porcelain Crown Substitution. (Litch, Dr. W. F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 BOOK OF THE DEAD. Text, Translation, and Vo- cabulary ; by E. A. W. Budge. 3 ^ols. Svo. Lond., 189S. B 37 V 13-15 BOOK OF WISDOM AND LIES, The. 8vo. (n.p. n.d.) G 11 U 36 BOOLE, Mary Everest. The Mathematical Psychology of Gratry and Boole. Translated from the Language of the Hicfher Calculus into that of Elementary Geometry. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 11 U 12 BOOSE, James R. Imperial Federation : Titles of Publi- cations relating to the British Colonies, their Gover- nore, itc, in connection with Imperial Policy. Svo. Lond., 1SS9. F 1 S 26 BOOTH, Agnes. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Authors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 BOOTH, Charles. Life and Labour of the People in London. Vols. 7-9. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896-97 F 10 U 14-15 BOOTH, David. The Silver-on-Glass Reflecting Telescope, and how to use it. Illustrated. Svo. Leeds, 1895. A 23 T 36 BOOTH, Edwin. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 Sketch of. [See Godwin, P. — Commemorative Ad dresses.] J 14 V 3 Supplementary Catalogue — 1S9G-98. 45 BOOTH, Kev. JdIui. Epigrams, Ancient and Modern. 12mo. Lond., 1863. II 10 V '28 BOOTHBY, Guy. A Bid for Fortune; or, Dr. Nikolas Vendetta. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 Q 41 BOOTHBY, Josiah. Adelaide Almanac and Directory. [See Adelaide Almanac and Director!/.] INIE 12 T BORCHERS, Dr. W. Electric Smelting and Refining : the Extraction and Treatment of Metals by means of the Electric Cui-rent. Translated, with additions, by Walter G. McMillan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 38 T 1 BORDER POST ALMAXAC, The. [See Aflleck, T.] ME 4 Q BORMANN, Edwin. The Shakespeare Secret. Trans- lated from the German l)y H. Brett. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 8 V 27 BORRON, Sires Robiers dc. Seynt Graal ; or, the Sank Ryal : the History of tlie Holy Graal, partly in English Verse by Henry Lonelich, Skynnor (temp. Henry V^I, a.d. 1422-Gl) and wholly in French Prose by Sires Robieis de Barron, fiom the original Latin written by Jesus Christ with his own hand, being the only writing made by God since his uprising. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 18G1- 63. (Roxburghe Library.) H 17 Q 9, 10 t 1. Prefatory Essay on tlie -Saga of the Holy Graal ; 1)y San Marte, that is Alliert Koluilz, and an ."XpiK'nclix — a Reprint of tlie Karly French Verse Konian de I'estoro don Graal. 2. Note on the Karly Byrons and Robert de Buruii ; by Charles If. IVar.son ; and a Prefatory Kssay on ArtlniV l)y tile late lieil)eil ('oleriringlim(>, Tlie Youth of liacchu-s The Wa.sp's Nest, Nymphs and Satyr, Cu])id and P.syche, Nymphs. [See l..jinsing, Clareucc.^Tlie Nude in Art.] A 12 P27 ♦ BOULAN(!ER, (!eii. Georges Ernest Jean Marii'. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 46 Fuhlic Library of New South Wales. BOULENGER, George Albert, F.R.S. Description of a new genus of Elapine Snakes from AVoodlark Island, British New Guinea. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Aug., 1896.) E Descriptions of new Lizards and Frogs from Mount Victoria, Owen Stanley Range, New Guinea. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Jan., 1897.) E Descriptions of new Reptiles obtained in British New Guinea. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Oct., 1895.) E On a Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians from Fer- guson Island, British New Guinea. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., July, 1895.) E On a little-known Australian fish, Threpterius niacitlosus, with remarks on the family Cin-Jiitulce. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Nov., 1896.) E Catalogue of the Chelonians, Rhynchocephalians, and Crocodiles in the British Museum. [See British ■ Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 V 11 Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 U 1-3 Catalogue of the Snakes in the Britisli Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural Historj-.] A 42 U 4-6 The Tailless Batrachians of Europe. [See Ray Soc. Pubs., 1896-97.] E BOULGER, Demetrius Charles von Kavanagh. History of China. New ed. With Portraits and Maps. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 33 Q 9, 10 The Story of India. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) (Story of the Empire Series.) B 29 P 18 Life of Gordon. [See Gordon, Gen. C. G.] C 23 Y 20, 21 BOULNOIS, H. Percy. Sani'iary Houses for the Work- ing-classes in Urban Districts. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exliib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 BOULTON, S. B. The Russian Empire. 12mo. Lond., 1882. • B 27 P 6 BOURCHIER, Arthur. [Art of Acting.] [See Ham- merton, J. A.— The Actor's Arl.] H 1 S 31 BOURDE, Paul. The Prickly Pear as a Forage Plant. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R BOURGEOIS, Emile. The Century of Louis XIV : its Arts, its Ideas. [See Louis XIV.] C 11 W 12 f BOURINOT, Dr. John George. Canada. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (The Story of Nations.) B 17 Q 22 Canada and Australia : a Study in Comparative Politics. (Roy. Soc, Canada, Proc. and Trans., 1895.) E How Canada is Governed : a short Account of its Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and Municipal In- stitutions ; with an Historical Outline of their Origin and Development. Illustrated. Svo. Toronto, 1895. F 13 R 24 BOURNE, Alfred. Infant Schools under the Code of 1884. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) • A 41 V 9 BOURNE, Gilbert Charles. Teaching of Natural Science. (Cookson, C.—EssaysonSecoudary Education.) G 23 P 18 BOURNE, Vincent. Essay on. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 BOUSFIELD, Wilham. The Government of the Empire : a consideration of means for the representation of the British Colonies in an Imperial Parliament. Svo. Lond., 1877. F 1 S 26 BOL'TMY, Emile. Paris Free School of Political Science. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 BOUVOIR, Roger de. [See De Bouvoir, Roger.] BOVEY, Henry Taylor. Presidential Address. [See McGill University. — Papers from the Department of Applied Science.] A 40 S 20 BOVILL, Mai, and ASKWITH, G. R. Memoir of Roddy Owen. [See Owen, E. R.] C 25 Q 9 BO WEN, Charles Synge Christopher, Lord. A Biographi- cal Sketch, by Sir H. S. Cumiingham. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 6 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 BOWEN, Edward Ernest. On Teaching by means of Grammar. (Farrar, F. W., Dean. — Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 T 10 BOWEN, Sir George Ferguson. Substance of a Letter to a Member of Parliament on the question of the pro- posed Federation of the British Empire. 8vo. Hongkong, 1885. F 1 S 25 BOWEN, Herbert Wolcott. International Law : a simple Statement of its Principles. Svo. New York, 1896. F 10 V 36 BOWER, Herbert M. The Elevation and Procession of the Ceri at Gubbio. [See Folk-lore Soc. Pubs.] E BOWERS, Edward A. Present Condition of the Forests on the Public Lands. (American Economic Associa- tion.) F 4 V 16 BOWKER, Richard Rogers, and ILES, George. Reader's Guide in Economic, Social, and Pohtical Science. Svo. New York, 1891. Cat. Room BOWLBY, Dr. Anthony Alfred. Hypertrophic Pulmonary Ostee>-Arthropathy. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Osteitis Deformans. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Osteomalacia, or Mollities Ossium. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Siqjplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 47 BOWLES, S. Notes on the advantages of Germinating Seed Tubes. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 18yG.) ME 9 R BOWLES, Rev. W. L. Two Passages from the first of two Letters to tlic Rt. Hon. Lord Rvron. (Rhys, E. — Literary Pamphlets.) ' H 11 T 5 BOWMAKER, Dr. Edward. The Housing of the Work- ing-classes. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F i U 25 BOWMAN, Hildebrand. Travels of, into Carnovirria, Taupiniera, Olfactaria, and Auditante, in New Zea- land ; in the Island ot Bonhommica, and in the power- ful Ivingdom of Luxo-Volupto, on the great Southern Continent. 8vo. Lond., \'i~iS. MJ 3 R 30 BOWRING, Sir John. Essay on Bowring's Life of Ben- tham. ISee Mill, J. Stuart.— Early Essays.] J U U 37 BOWYEAR, Henry. Industrial and Social Co-operation : its Aims, ilethods, and Organisation. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 BOWYER, George. Commentaries on the INIodern Civil Law. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 18-18. F 1 S 28 Commentaries on Universal Public Law. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 185-1. F 1 8 32 BOYCE, E. Narrative of the Campaign in Russia. [&« Labaume, Eugene.] B 31 S 5 BOYCE, Rev. F. B. Angustine and the Evangelization of England. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MG 1 P 90 BOYCE, Rev. W. Brief Grammar of Modern Geography. 18mo. Sydney, 1849.- MD 1 P 71 BOYD, A. H. Billiards. [5ee Broadfoot, Major W.] A 29 S 23 BOYD, A. J. Forest Conservancy. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Maize-growing on Scrub Lands. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Ramie. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Scrub Lands and how to u.se them. (Queen.sland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Sugar at Bundaberg. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U BOYD, Alexander Stuart. Lowdon Sabbath Morn. \_See Stevenson, R. L.] H 3 Q 37 BOYD, Rev. Andrew Kennedy Hutchi.son. The Last Years of St. Andrew.s, 1890-95. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 14 Q 37 BOYD, Liout.-Col. John Alexander. Supply Hand-book for the Army Service Corps. \_See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] A 30 Q 7 BOYD, W. Carr. Journey from Western Australia to Warina, South Australia. (Gcograph. Journ., Jan., 1897.) E BOYLE, George David, Dean of Salisbury. Salisbury Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 AVordsworth's position as an Ethical Teacher. (Knight, William. — Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 In answer to Prayer. {See Cai-penter, W. B., Bishop.] G 23 P 17 BOYLE, Robert. Portrait of. {See Ramsay, Prof. William. — Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 BOYS' BRIGADE, The. Report for 1894-95. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. ME 6 S BRACKENBURY, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Henry. [Portrait and Sketch of.] {See Temple, A. — Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 BRACKETT, Prof. Cvrus F. Elementary Text-book of Physics. {See Anthony, Prof. W. A.] A 41 P 1 BRADDON, Sir Thomas. The Federation I^Iovement in Australasia. (Nineteenth Century, July, 189G.) E BRADFORD, Rev. Amory Howe. Heredity and Christian Problems. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 14 S 33 Christ and the Church. {See Christ and the Church.] G 9 W 27 BRADFORD, Dr. John Rose. General Pathology of Secretion. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 General Pathology of the Renal Functions. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 BRADFORD, William. The Indicator Featui-e in some Gold occurrences. (Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P Indicators. (Australasian Inst, of Alining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P BRADFORD, William. History of the Plimoth Planta- tion, containing an Account of the Voyage of the J/ai//loiv<;r. Reproduced from the original MS. ; with an Introduction by John A. Doyle. 4to. Lond., 1896. J! 13 X 4 t BRADLAUGH, Charles. [Sketch of.] {See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 BRADLEE, Dr. Caleb Davis. [Life of]; by A. Man- chester. ]llu,stratcd. 8vo. Bo.ston, 1897. C 20 S 9 BRADLEY, Prof. Andrew Cecil. Philosophical Lectures and Remains ot R. L. Nettleship. {See Ncftleship, R. L.] G 23 R 2, 3 BRADLEY, Emily T. Ann.ils of Westminster Abbey 4to. Lond., 1895. B 13 T 1 t BRADLEY, Dr. V. II. Appearance and Reality. [See Selli, Dr. Andrew. — Man's Place hi the Cosmo.s, and other Essays.] G 14 R 26 48 Tubllc Library of New South Wales. BRADLEY, James. Sketch of. \_See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 BRADLEY, M. C. and E, T. Westminster Abbey. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Loud., 1897. B 39 U 15 BRADSHAW, Henry. Essay on. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 BRADSHAW, John. Norway: its Fjords, Fjelds, and Fosses. 8vo. Lond., 189G. D 18 Q 19 BRADY, Rev. J. Reprint of a Descriptive Vocabulary of the Native Language of Western Australia. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P BRAGATO, R. Hints on Grafting Vines. \_See Victoria. —Agriculture.] MA 3 V 13 Report on the Prospects of Viticulture in New Zealand, together with Instructions for Planting and Pruning. [See New Zealand. — Agricultui-e.] MA 3 R 75 Spraying for Fungus Diseases. [See Victoria. — Agricul- ture.] ■ MA 3 V 13 BRAHE, Tycho. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 BRAID, Dr. James. Neurypnology ; or, the Rationale of Nervous Sleep considered in relation with Animal Magnetism. 12mo. Lond., 1843. G 15 U 10 BRAITHWAITE, Dr. James, and TREVELYAN, Dr. E. F. Retrospect of Medicine, 1849-50, July, 1895- June, 1898. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849-98. E BRAMWELL, Frederick Charles. The Eastern Question in the 18th Century. [&« Sorel, A.] F 13 R 12 BRAMWELL, Lord [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C19 Q 21 BRANDES, George. William Shakespeare : a Critical Study. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 5 T 35, 36 BRANDON, Raphael and J. Arthur. Analysis of Gothick Architecture. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1874. A 18 P 19, 20 t BRANDT, Dr. Alois. History of English Literature. [See Ten Brink, Bernhard.] ' B 3 P 24 BRANDT, Dr. Francis Burke. Friedrich Eduard Beneke : the Man and his Philosophy. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 1 P34 BRANDT, G. Duplovan Shorthand adapted to English. 12mo. Paris, 1895. J 14 V 10 BRANDT, Dr. Karl. Die Koloniobilden den Radiolarien des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 13 t BRANNT, William. The Assayer's Manual. [See Kerl, Prof. Bruno.] A 30 V 21 BRANNT, AVilliam T. The Painter, Gilder, and Var- nisher's Companion. 27th ed. 8vo. Philad., 1894. A 23 R 51 Caoutchouc and Gutta-percha. [See Hoffer, R.] A 23 S 1 4 Preparation of Malt. [See Thausing, J. E.] A 25 U 16 BRASSEY, Thomas, Baron. British Industry and Foreign Competition. Boy. 8vo. Melb., 1896. MF 3 R 74 The Diamond Jubilee in Victoria. (Nineteenth Cen- tury, Sept., 1897.) E BRASSEY, Hon. Thomas Allnutt. The Naval Annual, 1888-98. 11 vols. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1888-98. E BRATH, Stanley de. The Foundations of Success : a Plea for Rational Education. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 18 Q 34 BRATHWAITE, Richard. Nature's Embassie— Divine and Moral Satyres : Shepheards Tales, both parts ; Omphala ; Odes, or PhilomeFs Tears, ifcc. 8vo. Boston, Lincolnshire, 1877. H 10 W 25 BRAUW, C. P. de. Reis naar Banda, de Ceram-Laut- eilanden, Niauw-Guinea, de Aroe en Z. Wester- eilanden, met Z. M. Schoonerbrik Egmond. (Ver- handelingen en Berigten, 1854.) E BRAY, AVilliam Bayley. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 84.) E BRAZIER, John. New genus and three new species of Mollusca from New South AVales, New Hebrides, and Western Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P New species of Cone from the Solomon Islands. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P BRAZIL. Annaes da Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 1886-88, 1896-97. 5 vols, (in 6) imp. Svo. Rio de Janeiro, 1890-97. E Bibliotheca da Escola Normal, Catalogo da. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1896. K 8 R 34 Bibliotheca Nacional : Relatorio, 1896. Imp. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1897. E Bibliotheca Nacional : Resumo Historico. Imp. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1897. B 19 S 12 t Correspondence exchanged with the Legation of Portugal and the Legation of Brazil, at Lisbon, in regard to the surrender of the Insurgent Refugees on board the Portuguese Corvettes Mtndello and Ajf'onso de Albuquerque. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1894. F 1 R 24 Plantas Novas Cultivadas no Jardim Botanica do Rio de Janeiro. Descriptas, classificadas e desenhadas por J. B. Rodrigues. Nos. 4, 5. Sm. fol. Rio de J;ineiro, 1894-96. A 18 Q 27 t Relatorio apresentado ao Presidente da Republica dos estados Unidos do Bra-sil, 1892-93, 1896. 7 vols. Svo. Rio de Janeiro, 1892-96. E BREAKSPEAR, Nicholas. [See Adrian IV, Pope.] Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-98. 49 BREARLEY, Joseph Henry Di-apier. Researches on the Electric Properties of pure substances. No. 1. The Electrical Properties of pure .Sulphur. [See Roy. Soc, Lond., Philos. Trans , ser A, 189G.] E BRECKENRIDGE, Dr. Roeliff Morton. The Canadian Ranking System, 1817-90. (American Economic A.sso- ciation.) F 4 V 20 BREH:M, Alfred Edmund. From North Polo to Equator : Studies of AVild Life and Scenes in many Lands. Translated from the German by Margaret R. Thomson, and edited by J. Arthur Thomson. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 V 22 BREITMANN, Hans. [See Leiand, C. G.] BREMNER, C. S. Education of Girls and Women in Great Britain ; with a Preface by Miss E. P. Hughes. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 18 (j 37 BRENNAN, Christopher John. XXI Poems, 1893-97: Towards the Source. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MH 1 T 22 BRENT, Nathaniel. Historic of the Councel of Trent. [See Sarpi, P.] G 17 U 8 t BRERETON, John Le Gay. Perdita : a Sonnet Record. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 R 66 The Song of Brotherhood, and other Verses. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MH 1 V 13 Perkin Warbeck. [See Ford, Jolm.] 11 10 U 21 BRERETON, Rev. Joseph Lloyd. Comparative Advan- tages of Boarding and Day Schools. (Internat. Health E-vliib.— Health E.xhib. Literature.) A 11 V 12 BRETON, Frederic. The Forgotten Isles. [See N'uillier, Gaston.] D 18 V 24 BRETON, Nicholas. The Court and Country; or, a Briefe Discourse between the Courtier and the Countryman of the Manner, Nature, and Condition of their Lives. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1G18. (Hoxburghe Library.) J 2 T 30 BRETT, H. The Shakespeare Secret. [See Bormann, Edwin.] J 8 V 27 BRETT, Reginald Hnliol. The Yoke of Empire : Sketches of the Queen's Prime Ministers. 8vo. Lond., 1H96. ' C 23 Q 9 BREWER, Rev. Ebenczer Cobham. Dittionary of Phrase and Fable, giving the iK-rivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, Allusions, and W'ords that have a tale to tell. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 189r). K 19 S 32 BREWER, Prof. John Kherrcn. The licign ..f Henry \'in, from his Accession to the Death of Wol.scy. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 o BREWER, William M. Preliminary Report on the Upper Gold Belt of Alabama. 8vo. Montgomery, Ala., 1896. A 24 U 39 BRIDE, Thomas Francis. The Public Lending Library of Victoria. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) ]MJ 2 P 32 f BRIDGE, Dr. Norman. Asthma, Bronchitis, and Whoop- ing-cough. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 BRIDGES, J. H. What, if any. Restrictions in the in- terests of Health should be enforced in connection with the employment of Girls and Women in Work- shops and Factories. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 BRIDGMAN, Elijah Coleman. [Sketch of.] [See Cree- gan, Rev. C. C. — Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 BRIDGMAN, H. H. Wholesale Fish Market for London. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 10 BRIEF GRAMMAR OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY. [See Boyce, Rev. W.] MD 1 P 74 BRIGGS, Rev. Charles Augustus. The Messiah of the Apostles. 8vo. New York, 1895. (M2 V 6 The Messiah of the Gospels. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 12 V5 BRIGGS, Sir John Henry. Naval Administrations, 1827- 92: the experience of sixty-live year.s. With Piulraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 1 S 13 BRIGGS, Lyman J. An Electrical Method of determin- ing the Moisture Content of Arable Soils. [See Whit- ney, M.] A 38 R 14 An Electrical Method of determining the Temperature of Soils. [See Whitney, M.] A 38 R 14 Mechanics of Soil Moisture. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Divi.sion of Soils.] A 38 R 14 BRKJHT, Charles. Submnrin; Telegraphs : their History, Construction, and Working. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 S 19 BRIGHT, Rev. Charles. Life and Work of the Chmoli : an Address from the Chair of the South Australian Baptist l^nion, Adi'l.-iidc, 1S96. 8vo. Adelaide, 1896. M(} 1 R Ifi BRIGHT, Rev. J. Franck. Jo.seph 11. 8vo. Lmd., 1897. (Foreign Statesmen.) B 17 P 48 I\Iario Theresa. 8vo. L)nd., 1S97. (Foreign States- men.) 15 17 P 47 BRKiHT, John. I Life of] ; by C. A. Vincc. 8vo. I^ond., 1898. " C 23 P 26 50 JPuhlic Library of Neio South JFciles. BRIGHT, Rev. William. Chapters of Early English Church History. Srd eil. \N'itli Map. 8vo. Oxford, 1897. G 11 S 30 The Roman See in the Early Church, and other Studies in Church History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 12 V 26 BRIGHTLY, Frederick Charles. Analytical Digest of the Laws of the United States, from the adoption of the Constitution to the end of the thirty-fourth Congress, 1789-1857. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1858. F 12 V 17 BRIGHTMAN, F. E. Liturgie.s, Eastern and Western. [See Liturgies.] G 3 XJ 20 BRINKLEY, John, Bishop of Cloyne. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 BRINSMEAD, Edgar. History of the Pianoforte, with an Account of the Theory of Sound and also of the Music and Musical Instruments of the ancients. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 23 P 40 BRINTON, Anne Garri.son. The Literary Movement in France. \_See Pellissier, G.] J 14 S 32 BRINTON, Dr. Daniel Garrison. Primer of Mayan Hiero- glyphics. 8vo. Boston (n.d.) J 14 S 1 Religions of Primitive People. 8vo. New York, 1897. (American Lectures on the History of Religions, 2nd ser.) G 11 U 36 BRISBANE, Sir Thomas. Observations made at Parra- matta, N.S.W., 1824 ; to which are annexed Observa- tions made by Mr. C. Rumker on the Comet which appeared in July, 1824. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 2.) E Observations made in the years 1823-24 at Parramatta, N.S.W. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 2.) E Observations of the Solstice, June, 1823, made at Parra- matta, N.S.W. (Roy Astron. Soc, Mems. 2.) E Observations before and after the Superior Conjunction of Venus and the Sun with the Mural Circle at Parra- matta, 1826. (Roy. Soc, Edinb., Trans., 10.) E Results of Computations on Astronomical Observations made at Parramatta, N.S.W., under the direction of Sir Thomas Brisbane, and the application thereof to investigate the exactness of Observations made in the Northern Hemisphere. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 2) E Regulations as to the issuing and accounting for Pro- visions and other Articles furnished by the Commis- sariat to the Civil Departments of New South Wales and its Dependencies. [See New South Wales. — Com- missariat.] MF 1 S 18 ■, and RUMKER, Dr. Charles. Astronomical Observations made at Parramatta and Sydney. (Roy. Soc, Edinb., Trans., 10.) E BRISBANE COURIER, The, 1896-Sept., 1898. 9 vols. fol. Brisb., 1896-98. ME BRISCOE, Ralph. Sketch of. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 BRISTOW, Henry William, F.R.S. Geology of the Isle of Wight. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. — Geological Survey of England and Wales.] A 32 S 11 BRISTOWE, Dr. John Syer. Industrial Diseases. (In- ternat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 BRITANNIA AND TRADES' ADVOCATE, The. [See Tasmaniaii Colonist.^ BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE. Catalogue of Stars, with a Preface Isy Dr. Francis Baily. 4to. Lond., 1845. A 12 T 24 i Reports of Meetings, 1832-97. 69 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1832-98. E BRITISH COLUMBIA ■.—Government Departments.— Rcj/orts and Publications. Department of Agriculture. Annual Report, 1895- 90. Roy. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. E Department of Lands and Works. Report of the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works of the Pro- vince of British Columbia, 1897. Roy. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1898. E Department of Mines. Annual Report of the Minister of Mines, 1897, being an Account of Mining Opera- tions for Gold, Coal, itc, in the Province of British Columbia. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1898. E BRITISH COLUMBIA BOARD OF TRADE. Annual Report, 1897. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. E BRITISH COLUMBIA DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIA- TION. Report of the Dairymen's Association of British Columbia, 1896-97. Roy. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. E BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT-GROWERS' AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Report, May, 1895-Aug., 1897. Roy. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. E BRITISH COLUMBIA OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, 1897-98, containing General Information and Direc- tories of the various Cities, Towns, and Settlements in the Province, with a classified Business Directory ; compiled by R. T. Williams. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-9S. 51 BRITISH ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION. The Economic Journal. Vols, l-i, 7, 1891-94, ls97. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1891-97. E BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Re- port, with Appendices and a List of Subscribers and Benefactors 1897. 8vo. Loud., 1897. E BRITISH MUSEUM. Additions to the Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, 1876-88, pts. 1, 2 ; by S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1889-90. A 36 T 24, 25 Catalogue of Additions to the MSS. in the British Mu.seum in the years 1876-93, and Index, 1854-75. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1880-94. K 17 T 17-20 Catalogue of the Arabic Books in the Britisli iluseuni ; by A. G. Ellis. Vol. 1. 4to. Lond., lS94. K 8 S 7 t Catalogue of Arabic Glass Weights in the British jMuseuni ; by S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 40 R 8 Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum ; by J. F. Bhinihardt. 4to. Lond., '1886. K 18 R 18 t Catalogue of Books placed in the Galleries in the Read- ing-room of the British Museum. 8vo. Lond., 1886. K 9 V 2 Catalogue of Books in the Library of the British JIuseum printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of the Books printed in English printed abroad to the year 1640. 3 vols, 8vo. Lond., 1884. K 7 U 35-37 Catalogue of Chinese Coins from the 7th Century B.C. to A.D. 621, including the series in the British Museum ; by Terrien de Lacouperie. Edited by R. S. Poole. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 18 R 17 t Catalogue of Chinese Printed Books, MSS., and Draw- ings in the Library of the British 3Iuseuni ; by R. K. Douglas. 4to. Lond., 1877. K 13 R 13 t Catalogue of the Collection of Fans and Fan-leaves pre- sented to the Trustees of the British Museum by the Lady Charlotte Schrciljer. Compiled by L. Cust. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 17 R 22 t Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Mu.seum ; by C. Bezold. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1889-96. K8S 11-14 t Catalogue of Drawings by British Artists and Artists of Foreign Origin working in Great Britain, prcserveil in the Dt^partment of Prints and Drawings in tiii! British Museum; by L. Binyon. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 19 R 1 t Catalogue of English Coins in the Briti.sh Museum. Anglo-Saxon series, vols. 1,2; by C. F. Keary and II. A. Grueber. Edited by R. S. Poole, lllusliated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887 93. A 40 U 15, 10 Catalogue of Engraved Gems in the British Museum ( l)o])artmont of Greek and Roman Antii|uities). 1 2nio. Lond., 1888. A 23 P 41 BRITISH MUSEUM— con, and a Revision of tlio (ienera aiul Species ; by R. Etheridge, jun., and P. II. Carjicnter. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 188G. A 12 U 3 t BRITISH MUSEUM.— Natural History— coh/c/. Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia in the Collection of the British Museum. 8vo. Lond., 1862. A 42 V 3 Catalogue of British liirds in the Collection of the British Museum; by (J. R. (iray. Svo. Lond., 1863. A 42 U 10 Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum ; by F. J. Bell. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 42 U 9 Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea, with their Synonyms and the range in time of each Genus and Order ; by H. Woodward. Svo. Lond., 1877. A 42 V 5 Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the British Museum. Pt. 1. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1891. A 43 T 1 1. Catalogue of 15ritish Bees in the Collection of the British iluseuin ; by F. Smith. Catalogue of British non-Parasitical Worms in the Col lection of the British Museum ; by G. Johnston. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1865. A 42 U 8 Catalogue of Carnivorous, Pachydermatous, and Edentate Mammalia in the British Museum ; by J. E. Gray. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1869. A 42 V 2 Catalogue of the Chclonians, Rhynchocephalians, and Crocodiles in the British Museum ; by G. A. Boulen- ger. Now eel. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1889. A 42 V 11 Catalogue of Coleopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum ; by A. White. Pts. 7, 8. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1853-55. A 43 V 37, 38 7, S. Lcngicornia. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in the Collection of the British Museum ; by T. V. Wol- laston. Svo. Lond., 1SG4. A 42 U 7 Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira in the Collection of the British Museum ; by T. V. WoUaston. Svo. Lond., 1857. A 42 U 11 Catalogue of the Conchifera or Bivalve Shells in the Collection of the British Museum ; by G. P. Deshayes. Pts. 1, 2. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1853-54. A 40 V 21, 22 1. Veneridre, Cyprinida;, and (ilaucouoniida-. 2. Pctrieolahalopoda in the British Mu.seum ; by A. H. Foord antl G. C. Crick. Illus- trated. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1888-97. A 43 P 1-3 I, 2. Nautiloidea. 3. Bactritido) and Aiumonoidoa 54 Fiihlic Library of New South Wales. BRITISH MUSEUM.— Natural History— co»Y(/. Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum ; Illustrated. 3 vols. A39 S 11-13 bv A. S. AVoodward. Pts. 1-3 sVo. Lond., 1889-95. 1. Elasmobranchii. 2. Elasmobranchii (Acanthodii), Holocepliali, Ichthyodo- ruliteg, Oatraeodermi, Dipnoi, and Teleoatorai (Cross- opterygii and Chondrostean Actinopterygii). 3. Actinopterygian Teleostomi of tlie Orders Chondrostei, Protospondyli, Aethcospontlyli, and Isospondyli. Catalogue of the Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum ; by R. Lydekker. Illustrated. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1885. A 42 V 16-19 1. Trimates, Chiroptera, Insectivora, Carnivora, and Ro- dentia. 2-4. Ungulata. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Ainphibia in the British Museum ; by R. Lydekker. Illustrated. 4 vola. Svo. Lond., 1888-90. A 42 V 12-15 1. Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata, Rhj-n- chocephalia, and Proterosauria. 2. Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia. 3. Clielonia. 4. Anomodontia, Ecaudata, Caudata, and Labyrinthodon- tia, and Supplement. Catalogue of Helticidse in the Collection of the British Museum ; by the Rev. H. Clark. Pt. 1 . Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1860. A 43 R 1 1. Phj'sapodes and CEdipodes. Catalogue of Hispidte in the Collection of the British Mu.seum ; by J. S. Baly. Pt. 1. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1858. A 43 P 4 Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum ; by F. Smith. Pts. 3-5, 7. Illustrated. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1855-59. A 43 V 3-5, 7 3. Mutilidie and Pompilidae. 4. Spliegidse, Larridaj, and Crabronidas. 5. Vcspida;. 7. Dorylidai and Thynnidee. Catalogue of Lithophytes, or Stony Corals, in the Collec- tion of the British Museum ; by J. E. Gray. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1870. A 42 U 21 Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum ; by G" A. Boulenger. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 3 vols. Svo. Lend., 1885-87. A 42 U 1-3 1. Geckonida;, Eublepbarida-, Uroplatidaa, Pygopodidse, Agamid;c. 2. Iguanida?, Xcnosauridoe, Zonurido.', Anguidoe, Anniell- idiu, Helodermatidic, Varanida;, Xantusiida;, Teiida;, Amphisbajnidic. 3. Lacertid;u, Gerrhosauridse, Scincidre, AnelytropidjE, iJibaniidie, Cham;eleontid;e. Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish in the Collection of the British Museum ; by J. J. Ivaup. 12mo. Lond., 1856. A 43 U 2 Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum. Illustrated. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1893-97. A IS U 1-3 t 1. Madi'cpora ; by G. Brook. 2. Turbinaria and Astriuopora ; by H. M. Bernard. 3. Montipo.-a and Anacropora ; by H. M. Bernard. Catalogue Of the Marine Polyzoa in the Collection of the British Museum. 2 pts. (in 1.) 12mo. Lond., 1852- 84 A 24 S 22 BRITISH MUSEUM.— Natural History— fon?^;. Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the Collection of the British Museum ; by 0. Thomas. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1888. A 42 V 1 Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum. The Wealden Flora. Pts. 1,2; by A. C. Seward. Plates 1-11. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1894-95. A 20 S 19, 20 1 . Thallophyta-Pteridopliy ta. 2. G3-mnosperma;. Catalogue of the Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. Pt. 4. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1S53. A 43 W 34 Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum ; by Dr. J. E. Gray. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1870. A 42 V 4 Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum ; by J. O. West wood. Pt. 1, with Plates. 4to. Lond., 1859. A 18 P 15 t Catalogue of the Palijeozoic Plants in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology, British Museum ; by R. Kidston. Svo. Lond., 1S86. A 42 V 9 Catalogue of the Perciform Fishes in the British Mu- seum ; by G. A. Boulenger. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1S95. A 39 S 1 Catalogue of Pulmonata or Air-breathing Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. 12mo. Lond., 1855. A 43 W 1 Catologue of Ruminant Mammalia in the British Museum ; by J. E. Gray. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1872. A 42 U 22 Catalogue of Sea-Pens, or Pennatulariidae, in the Collec- tion of the British Museum ; by J. E. Gray. Svo. Lond., 1870. A 42 U 20 Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum ; by G. A. Boulenger. Illustrated. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1893- 96. A 43 U 4-6 1 Typhlopidte, Glauconiidfe, Boidre, Ilysiidie, Uropeltidse, XenopeltidiB, and Colubridifi Aglyphse. 2. Colut)rida; Aglyphae. 3. Colubridae (Opistlioglyphse and Proteroglj'phje), Ambly- cephalidx, and Viperid;e. Catologue of the Species of Entozoa, or Intestinal Worms, contained in the Collection of the Biitish Museum. lllu.st rated. 12mo. Lond., 1853. A 43 U 1 Catalogue of the Specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the Collection of the British IMuseum ; by C. S. Bate. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1862. A 42 U 12 Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum ; by Dr. H. Hagen. Pt. 1. 12mo. Lond., 1858. A 43 W 21 1. Termitina. Catalogue of Tertiary Mollusca in the Department of Geology, British JIuseum ; by G. F. Harris. Pt. 1. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 43 S 1 1. Australasian Tertiary Mollusca. Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma, based upon the Collection made ))y Eugene W. Gates ; by T. Thoreil. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 38 P 12 General Guide to the British Museum (Natural History) ; with Plans and Views of the Building. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 22 R 16 Supplemental^ Catalogue — 1896-98. 00 BRITISH MUSEU:M.— Natural History— conn-ncd into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles I. Pi. 2, 1637-42. Kdited by W. P. ^\'. Phillimore and G. S. Fry. 14. Calendar of Chancery Proceedings : Bills and Answers tiled in tlie reign of" King Charles I. Vol. 4. Kdito, i:.14-l(iO0. KditeU by F. J. Grant. 17. Calendar of Wills proved in the Consistory Court of the Bisho]) of Bristol, 1572-1702, and also a Calendar of Wills in the Great Orphan Books preserved in the Council House, Bristol, lylilod liy K. A. Fry. Placita coram Domino Rogo apud Wi'stmonnsterium de tcrmiiio Satute Triiiitatis anno Rcgni ]{<>gis Edwardi filii Rfu'is llcnrici Vicesimo Quinto. The Ple.a.s of tho Court of King's Bcncli, Trinity Term, 25 Edward J, 1297. Edited l)y W. P. AV. Philliniorc : with Index of Names and Places by E. A. Fry. Svo. Lond., 1898. E 56 JBuhlic Library of Neio South Wales. BRITTEN, Emma H.ardineip. William.] Ghost Land. [^See Britten, G 1 P 36 BRITTEN, William. Art Ma^ic ; or, Mundane, .Sul> mundane, and 8uper-mundane Sj)iritism : a Treatise in three parts and twenty-three sections, descriptive of Art ]\lagic. Spiritism, the different Orders of Spirits in the Universe known to be related to, or in communi- cation with man ; together with descriptions for in- voking, controlling, and discharging Sjurit.s, and the uses and abuses, dangers and possibilities of Magical Art. 8vo. New York, 1876. G 3 U 22 Ghost Land; or, Researches into the Mysteries of Occult- ism, illustrated in a series of Autobiographical Sketches in two parts. Translated and edited ))y Emma Har- dinge Britten. ?'\o. Boston, ls76. G 1 P 36 BROAD ARROW, The: Naval and Jlilitary Gazette, 1895-June, 1897. 5 vols. fol. Lond., lS9"5-97. E BROADBENT, Dr. AVilliam Henry. Lond., 1890. The Pulse. 12mo. A 26 P 20 BROADFOOT, Major William. Billiards ; with Contri- butions Ijy A. H. Boyd, Sydenham Dixon, W. J. .Ford, Dudley D. Pontifex, Russell D. Walker, and Reginald H. R. R. Wilson. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 29 S 23 BROADWOOD, Bertha M. The Ockley System. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 25 Q 19 BR OCA, Paul. Instructions Craniologiques et Cranio- metriques de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1875. A 34 V U BRODIE, Sir Benjamin Collins. Life of ; by T. Holmes. W'ith Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Masters of Medicine.) C 23 R 14 BRODIE, Dr. C. Gordon. Dissections Illustrated: a Graphic Hand-book for Students C)f Human Anatomy. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 15 S 19 t BRODIE, Dr. Thomas G rigor. The Essentials of Experi- mental Physiology for the use of students. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. . A 10 U 10 BRODIE, William. Sketch of Deacon Brodie. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 BRODRICK, Hon. G., and FREMANTLE, Rov. W. H. A Collection of the Judgments of the Judicial Com- mittee of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases relating to Doctrine and Discijiline. [&e Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 BRODRICK, Dr. Mary. Hand-book for Travellers in Lower and Upper Egypt. 9th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1896. (Murray's Hand-books.) D 12 S 16 BrOGGER, W. C, and ROLFSEN, Nordahl. Fridtjof Nansen, 1861-93. Translated by William Archer. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. I) 16 V 17 BRO(JLIE, Duke de. An Aml)assador of the Vanquished : Viscount Elie de Gontaut-Biron's Mission to Berlin, 1871-77 ; from his Diaries and Memoranda. Trans- lated by Albert D. Vindam. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 31 U 20 BROKEN HILL PROPRIETARY Statements of Accounts, 1889-98. 1889-98. CO. Reports and lOvols. 4to. Melb., ME 7 R BROMBY, Rev. J. E. Religion in State Schools. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q BRONGNIART, A., and GRIS, Arthur. Description de quelques Plantes Remarquables de la Nouvel!e-Cal6- donie. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) MA 12 P 29 t BRONTE, Charlotte. Charlotte , Bronte and her Circle; by Clement K. Shorter. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20S 3 [Criticism of the Works of.] \_See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Life of] ; by Mrs. Oliphant '[See Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 [Portrait and Sketch of.] \_See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 Sketch of the Works of. [See Harrison, F. — Early Vic- torian Literature.] J 8 T 37 BROOK, George. Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 18 U 1 t BROOKE, Christopher. The Ghost of Richard III: a Poem printed in 1614, and founded upon Shakespear's Historical Play, reprinted from the only known copy in the Bodleian Library ; with an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 27 BROOKE, Emma. Tabulation of the Factory Laws of European Countries in so far as they relate to the Hours of Labour, and to .special legislation for Women, Young Persons, and Children. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 14 S 24 BROOKE, Rev. Stopford Augustus. Old Testament and Modern Life. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 12 V 29 Wordsworth's "Guide to the Lakes." (Knight, William. — Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 Life and Letters of Frederick W. Robertson. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 1 4 U 36 BROOKLYN ETHICAL ASSOCIATION. Life and Conditions of Survival : the Physical Basis of Ethics, Sociology, and Religion. Svo. Chicago, 1895. G 12 V23 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 57 BROOKS, John Graham. Tlie Papal Encyclical on the Labor Question. (American Econ. Assoc.) F 4 V 19 BROOKS, Noah. Short Studies in Party Politics. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 10 V 1 BROOKS, Phillips, r>ishop of ^lassacliusetts. The More Abundant Life : Lenten Readings, selected chiefly from the unpublished MSS. of Bishop Phillips Brooks by W. M. L. Jay. iL'mo. Lond., 1897. G 4 V 25 [Portrait and Sketch of.] {_See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart. —Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 BROOKS, William, and CO. Brooks's New Australian School Series. [_See Irvine, R. F., and Smith, S. H.] MG -1 T 06 BROOKS, Prof. William Keith. The Oyster : a Popular Summary of a Scientific Study. Illustrated. 12mo. Baltimore, 1891. " A 2G R 40 BROOISI, Dr. Robert. Comparative anatomy of the organ of Jacoljson in Marsupials. (Linnean See, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Homology of the Palatine Process of the Mammalian Premaxillarv. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1S'J5.) ME 2 P Note on the period of Gestation in Echidna. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Observations on the relations of the organ of J acobson in theHorsc (LinncanSoc,N.S.W.,Proc, 1896.) ME2P The organ of Jacoljson in an Australian Bat. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Report on a Bone Breccia Deposit near the Wombeyan Caves, N.S.W. ; with Descriptions of some new species of Marsupials. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Small Fossil Marsupial allied to Petainus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) MF 2 P Some developments of the Mammalian Prenasal Car- tilage. (LinneanSoc.,N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Two now species of Ablepharus from North Queensland. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist, Oct., 1896.) E BROPHY, A. F. Teaching of Drawing and Colouring as a Preparation for Designing and Decorative Work. (Intcrnat. Health Exhib. — Ilealtii E.xhib. j.,iter;ihire.) A 41 \' 10 BROSSES, Charles de. Selections from the Letters of. Translated by Lord Ronald Sutherland Gowcr. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1.^97. C 24 Q 7 IJROUGH, Lionel. [Art of Acting.] {Sec llaiMincrloii, J. A.--Tlie Actor's Art.] IMS ,i| BROUGH, William. Open Mints and Free I'.anking. 8vo. New York, 189S. F 15 (,> 22 BROUGHAM, Henry Peter, Lord. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, H.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* BROUGHTON, William Grant, 1st Bishop of Australia. Life and Labours of ; by J. W. Fawcett. 8vo. Bri.sb., 1897. MC 1 P 43 BROWN, A. H. Is it desirable to legislate further respect- ing the duties of Medical Otiicers of Health] (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 BROWN, Alice. [Life of] Mercy Warren. [See Warren, Mercy.] C 20 U 25 BROWN, Archibald. Principles of Equity. [See Snell, Edmund H. T.] F 8 P 35 BROAVN, Cecil. The Horse in Art and Nature. Illus- trated. Ob. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 17 R 17 t BROWN, Charles Armitage. Shakespeare's Autobio- graphical Poems. [See Shakespeare, ^^'.] C 23 Q 7 BROWN, Prof. David. Memoir of; by W. G. Blaikie. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 U 9 BROWN, Edwin. On the Australian Species of Tetracha. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 18G9.) E BROWN, Ethel M. The Coolgardie Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t BROWN, Ford Madox. A Record of his Life and Work ; by Ford M. Hueffer. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 21 U 10 BROWN, Prof. Frederick Douglas. The Insulation of Cokl Stores. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S BROWN, George A., "Bruni." Sheep Husbandry. (West Aust. Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 54 BROWN, Goold. Grammar of English Grammars ; en- larged by the addition of a copious Index of IMatters by Sanuiel U. Berrian. 10th ed. Roy. 8vo. New York (n.d.) ' J 6 V 27 BROWN, H. Y. L. Record of the iMines of South Australia; the (ierinan Reef; the Mannaliill (!old- tleld ; the Wadnaminga (iold-field. \_See South Australia.— Mines.] JIA 4 U 2 Rejiort on th(! Northern Territory [South Australia] Explorations. [See South Aiistialia — Northern Terri- tory.] Ml) 9 Q 38 Reports on Arltunga Gold field and Hart's Range Mica- field. [See South Australia.— Geology.] MA 9 P 46 t BROWN, .). Original Memoirs of the Sovereigns of Sweilen and |)enM\;irk, 1766-1818. 2 vols. 8v(). Lond., 1.S95. 15 'JOS 12, 13 r.i:o\VN,.l. K. Viclorian I'.'opl.^'s I'.hie I took ; or, the I'roU'tarien Philosophy of < ;ovirnment. 8vo. Melb., 1,S75. MF4P52 58 Public Library of New South Wales. BROWN, James D. Guide to the Formation of a Music Library. 8vo. Lend., 1893. (Library Association Series.) J 9 V 36 Hand-book of Library Appliances : The Technical Equip- ment of Libraries, Fittings, Furniture, Charging Sys- tems, Forms, Recipes, itc. 8vo. Lond., 1892. (Li- brary Association Series.) J 9 Y 36 Manual of Library Classification and Shelf Arrangement. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 11 T 44 Notes upon the Organization and Management of Village Libraries. [See Burgoyne, F. J. — Books for Village Libraries.] J 9 V 36 BROWN, John. John Bro-nn and his Men ; by Richard J. Hinton. 8vo. New York, 1894. C 20 U 11 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Miscellanies.] J 22 Q 2.5 BROWN, Dr. John. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* BROWN, Rev. John. Apostolical Succession in the light of history and fact. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 S 14 The PUgi-im Fathers of New England and their Puritan Successors ; with an Introduction by the Rev. A. E. Dunning. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. G 1 R 42 BROWN, John Eduie. Forest Flora of South Australia. [Plates.] Fol. Adelaide (n.d.) MA 3 Q 10 + BROWN, Madox. [Portrait of.] [See SLxty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 BROWN Moiatagu. Artistic and Scientific Taxidermy and Modelling. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 U 39 BROWN, Oliver Madox. A Biographical Sketch, 1855- 74 ; by John H. Ingram. 8vo. Lond.,. 1883. C 24 Q 10 Criticism of the Works of. [See Darmesteter, James. — English Studies.] J 14 V 6 BROWN, Robert. New Zealand Musci. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S BROWN, Dr. Robert. Adventure of John Jewitt. [See Jewitt, John.] D 16 4 Q History and Description of Africa. [See Hakluyt Society.] E BROWN. Robert Hewitt. Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy ; or, the Origin and Meaning of Ancient and Modern Mysteries explained. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. New York, 1882. G 23 V 4 BROWN, W. Jethro. Application of the Hare System in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q Why Federate? 12mo. Sydney, 1898. MF 5 T 1 BROWNE, A. J. Jukes-. Geology of the S.W. part of Lincolnshire, with parts of Leicestershire and Notting- hamshire, East Lincolnshire, Country around Lincoln, parts of Cambridgeshire and Suffolk, S.W. Norfolk and N. Cambridgeshire. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of England and Wales.] A 34 T 8, 16, 25, 34, 35 BROWNE, Arthur H. Account of some early Ancestors of Raratonga. (PolynesianSoc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R BROWNE, Edward Granville. A Year amongst the Per- sians: Impressions as to the life. Character, and Thought of the People of Persia, received during twelve months' residence in that country in the years 1887-88. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 19 U 6 BROWNE, George Forrest, Bishop of Bristol. Local Examinations. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 Theodore and Wilfrith ; Lectures delivered in St. Paul's, in December, 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23P4 BROWNE, H. Morgan-. The Forces of the Crown. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 India. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Production and Industry. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Public Finance. (Sixty Y'ears of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Railways and Post Office. (Sixty Y'"ears of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Sporting and Athletic Records. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A lOR 6 Trade and Shipping (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 RIB The Widening of our Borders. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 BROWNE, J. Harris. Anthropological Notes relating to the Aborigines of the Lower North of South Austraha, (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S BROWNE, Margery. Weeds in Verse. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MH 1 V 26 BROWNE, Matthew. Chaucer's England. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1869. B 17 Q 27, 28 BROWNE, Sir T. Gore, Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 f BROWNE, Thomas Alexander, "Rolf Boldrewood." Aus- tralian Rough Riders. (Macmillan's Magazine, April, 1894.) " E Old Melbourne Memories. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 P 50 Plain Living. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 S 28 The Sealskin Cloak. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 S 13 Criticism of the Works of. [See Byrne, Desmond. — Australian Writers.] MJ 1 R 6 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 59 BROWNE, AVilliam. The Whole Works of. Edited by William Cai-ew Hazlitt. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Loiid., 1868-69. (Roxburghe Library.) H 3 U 1, 2 BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett. Letters of; edited, with Biographical Additions, by P. G. Kenyoii. With Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 23 S 3, 4 Sonnets from the Portuguese. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898. H 9 P 19 Essay on. [(S'ee Benson, A. C. — Essays.] J 10 R 43 An Opinion on Tennyson. [/See NicoU, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 [Portrait and Sketch of.] \_See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 Sonnets from the Portuguese. [See Gosse, Edmund. — Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 BROWNING, H. Ellen. Beauty Culture. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Q 5 A Girl's Wanderings in Hungary. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 18 Q 24 BROWNING, Oscar. Training by Universities of the Public Servants of the State. (Internat Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 Journal of Sir George Rooke. [See Navy Records Soc. Pubs., 9.] E BROWNING, Robert. Bells and Pomegranates ; with Notes by T. J. Wise. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 W 21 Poems ; with Introduction by R. Garnett. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 1 S 33 Browning and the Christian Faith. [, 1836-55. A 1 1 X 1-6 t BRUCK, Ludwig. Australasian Medical I^iroctory and Handbook, including a short Account of the Climatic and Sea-side Health Resorts in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. 4th ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. ME 10 S Sweating of the ^Icdical Profession by the Friendly Societies of Australasia, with a Practical Scheme for its Abolition. 18mo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 P 39 BIlllCK, Nicolas Remy. Elcctricito ct Mugnetismo Ter- restrcs. [See Donoux, Lieut. -Col. A.] A 20 P 30-32 60 Public Lihranj of Netc South Wales. BRUGMAN, Prof. Karl. Elements of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-Germanic Lanoruages. Vols. 1- 4,andliiclex. 5 vols. 8vo. Load., 1888-95. J12V2i-28 BRUXCK, Richard Fraiiz Philipp. Aiithologia Gra;ca. [S^e Jacobs, F.] J 21 T 1-11 BRUXEAU, Abbe. The Man in the Grey Suit. [See Whiblej, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 BRUXETIERE, Ferdinand. Essays in French Literature : a Selection. Translated by D. Nichol Smith. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 21 P 27 " BRUNI." [See Brown, G. A.] BRUNI d'AREZZO, Lionardo. De Studiis et Literis : an English Version. [See Woodward, W. H.] G 2 U 45 BRiJXXICH, J. C. Composition of Foods. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Practical Determination of the Starch-content of Pota- toes. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U BRUNTOX, Dr. Thomas Lauder. Diarrhoea. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Dyspepsia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Lectures on the Actions of Medicine : being a Course of Lectures on Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 37 T 1 Nervous Diseases of the Heart. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 Physiology of Ftecal Evacuation. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 , and LEITH, Dr. Robert Eraser Calder. Gas- tritis, ice. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 BRUXTOX, William. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 67.) E BRUSH, Dr. Edward X. Hospital Treatment of Insanity. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 BRUSSELS— OFFICE IXTERXATIONAL DE BIB- LIOGRAPHIE. La Classiii cation Decimale. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. J U S 27 La Conference Bibliographie Internationale : Documents. 8yo. Bruxelles, 1896. J U S 29 L'Organisation Internationale de la Bibliographie Scien- tifique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1895. J U S 28 BRUTL'S, [Marcus. [Life of.] [See Boissier, Gaston. — Cicero and his Friends.] B 17 P 52 BRYANT, E. E. The Reign of Antoninus Pius. Svo. Camb., 1895. B 30 S 18 BRYANT, Mrs. Sophie. Curriculum of a School for Girls of the Fii-st Grade. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 The Teaching of Morality in the Family and the School. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 18 P 47 BRYANT, William Cullen. Sketch of. [See Godwin, P. — Commemorative Addresses.] J 14 V 3 [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 BRYCE, George. Sketch of the Life and Discoveries of Robert Campbell. [See Historical and Scientific Soc. of Manitoba.] C 24 P 12 BRYCE. James. Impressions of South Africa. AVith Maps. Svo. Lond., 1897. D 13 U 1 Transcaucasia and Ararat ; being the Notes of a Vacation Tour in the Autumn of 1876. 4th ed. With Engra\-ings and coloured Map. Svo. Loud., 1896. D 18 S 19 BRYDEX, Henry Ajiderson. Kloof and Karroo : Sport, Legend, and Xatural History in Cape Colony, with a notice of the Game Birels, and of the present distri- bution of the Antelopes and larger game. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1889. A 27 S 10 BUCHAN, John. Scholar Gipsies. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 14 T 13 BUCHANAN, David. Coffee - growing at Mackay. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Will Coffee-growing pay? (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U BUCHANAN, James. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah. —Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 BUCHANAN, Neil. History of Dogma. [See Harnack, Dr. Adolph.J G 23 S 36, 37 BUCHANAN, William. Tides, Currents, and the Moon. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S BUCHHEIM, Dr. Charles Adolphus. Luther's Primary Works. [See Lutlier, Martin.] G 19 T 20 BUCK, Dr. Albert Herbert. Supplement to the Reference Hand-book of the Medical Sciences, by various authors. A'ol. 9. Illustrated. 4to. Edinb., 1S95. A 11 T 9 t BUCKE, Dr. Richard JIaurice. Calamus. [See Whit- man, W.] C 23 P 19 The Wound Dresser. [See Whitman, W.] C 23 P 28 BUCKINGHAM. Lieut. B. H., FOULK, Ensign George C, and McLEAX, Ensign Walter. Observations upon the Korean Coast, Japanese-Korean Ports, and Siberia, made during a Journey from the Asiatic Station to the United States through Siberia and Europe, 1S82. Roy. Svo. Wash., 1883. D 20 U 10 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 61 BUCKLAXD, A. W. Anthropological Studies. 8vo. Loml, 181)1. A 27 R 34 BUCKLE, Heury Thomas. Henry Thouia.s Buckle and his Critics : a Study in Sociology. [See Robertson, J. M.] F U U 28 BUCKLER, "Williani. The Larv;« of the British Butter- flies and Moths. ISee Ray Soc. Pubs., 1894.] E BUCKLEY, J. Book-keeping for Farmers. (West Aus- tralian Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 54 BUCKLEY, James Monroe. History of JMethodists in the United States. (American Church Hist. Series.) G 12 V 12 BUCKLEY, John. A Village Politician: the Life-story of John Buckley. Edited by J. C. Buckmaster. 8vo. Lond., 18U7. C 23 P 10 BUCKMASTER, J. C. A Village Politician : the Life- story of John Buckley. [See Buckley, J.] C 23 P 10 BUDGE, Dr. Ernest Alfred Wallis. The Book of the Dead. [See Book of the Dead.] B 17 V 13-15 Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great. \See Alexander the Great.] B 27 V 20 BUE, Henri. Phidre. [See Racine, J. H 10 V i: BUILDER, Th^ : an Illustrated Weekly Magazine for the Architect, Engineer, Archa'cjlogist, Constructor, Sani- tary Reformer, and Art Lover. Vols. 1-74, 1843- June, 1898. 74 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1843-98. E BUILDIXG AXD EXOlNEEIUXd JOURXAL OE AUSTKALJA AXD XEW ZEAL AXD and the Aiislra/asiau linihb'r and CdutrnctorH A'eivs. June, 1889-90. 20 vols. fol. Sydney, 1889- 9G. ME liUILDJXO XEWS, 'flu; and Engineering Journal. \'ols. 28-74, 1875-June, 1898. 47 vols. sm. fol. Loml, 1875-98. E BUILDIXG WORLD, Tlin -. an Tllustraled Weekly Trade Journal. Vols. 1, 2, Oct., 1895-Gct., 189G. 2 vols, sm. fol. Lond., 1895-90. E BUKA KIWAI LANGUAGE. 12mo. Syihiov, 1892. MG 2 T 49 BULL, PL J. Cruise of the Antarctic to the South I'lilar Regions. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. I) 18 U l."> Witli Peary near tlic Pole. [See Astrup, E.] D 16 T 21 BULLANAI5EE AND CLINKATABOO, two recently discovered Islands in the Pacific, History of. 18nio. Lond., 1828. MJ 3 P 55 BULLEN, A. H. Lyrics from the Song-books of the Elimbethan Ago. 12mo. Loml., 1897. 1111^9 BULLEN, George. Luther E.xhibition, 1883, in the Grenville Library. [See British Museum.] K 19 R 23 BULLEK, Dr. F. Injuries of the Eye and its Appendages. (Hare, Dr. 11. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 BULLER, Gen. Sir Redvers Henry. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A.— Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 BULLER, Sir Walter Lawry, F.R.S. Notes on the Auck- land Island Shag, Phalacrocorax colensoi. (The Ibis, 1895.) E Notes on New Zealand Ornithology. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895-96.) ME 2 S On a New Species of Xenicns from an Island off the Coast of New Zealand. (The Ibis, 1895.) E BULLETIX, The, Vol. 1 No. 2, 1880-June, 1892, Jan.- June, 1893, 1S94-97. 35 vols fol. Sydney, 1880-97. ME BULLETIX MOXUMEXTAL, 1834-91, 1893-95. 64 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-95. E BULLOCH, John Malcolm. History of the ITniversity of Aberdeen, 1495-1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 18 Q 31 BULMAN, H. P., and REDMAYNE, R. A. S. Colliery Working and Management; comprising the Duties of a Colliery Manager, the Superintendence and Arrange- ment of Labour and Wages, and the diiferent Systems of Working Coal Seams. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 U 30 BULOW, Gabrielc von. Memoir compiled from the family papers of Wilhelm von Humboldt and his children. Translated by Clara Nordlinger, With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 R 13 BUI;OWS, E. von. Aus Billows NovelKnluuh. 18ino. Leipzig (n.d.) J 1 V 45 BULS, C. Consti'uction of Primary Schools in Belgium. (Internat. Health Exhil). — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 liUNCE, Daniel. Dr. Ludwig Leichliardt. [See Leich- hardt, Dr. L.j .MC 1 T 31 I'.UNIIILL KIKLDS I'.l l!IAL (JKulND, History of, with solium of the j)riucipal Inscriptions. 12nio. Lond., 1893. B 23 P 17 BUNNEH, Henry Cuyler. Courtship with Vnriationi^. (Matthews, J. 15. - Ci)medies for Amateur Acting.) H 12 P6 H 12 P6 A Bad Case. [See Magnus, J.] BUNNETT, Fanny KHzabetii. Life of Michael Angelo. [See Michael Angelo.J G 20 S 5, 6 62 J?uhUc Librai'tj of New South Wales. BUNSEN, Christian Carl Josias, Baron. God in History ; or, the Progress of Mar.'s Faith in the Moral Order of the World. Translated from the Gcrnian by Susr.niia Winkwoi'th ; with a Preface by A. P. Staidey. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1SG8-70. G 23 S 20-22 Memoir of. \_See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 1-t U 3G BUNYAN, John. Tronge i Kerisiano qa la Fene Kowe Hnengljdrai : Hua Cinyihane PInei loane Bunyan ; Nge hna u jene kowe la Qeue Dehu hnei S. M. Creagh. [Pilgrim's Progress, Lifii Dialect, Loyalty Islands.] 12mo. Sini, 1893. MG 2 T 23 BURBURY, Samuel Hawksley. The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and ISIagnetism. \_See Watson, Dr. H. W.] A 21 T 12* BURCKHARDT, R. Uber Aepyornis. [_See PalEeonto- logische Abhandlungen.] E BURDE, J. Problems in applied Tactics ; with Solutions. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 3G U 15 BURDETT, Sir Henry Charles. Burdett's Official Intelli- gence for 1888-91 : being a carefully revised precis of information regarding all British, American, and •Foreign Securities. 4 vols. -Ito. Lond., 1888-91. E Cottage Hospitals. 8vo. Loud., 1896. A 27 S 17 Hospitals and Charities, 1897 : lieing the Yeai'-book of Philanthropy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E BURDETT-COUTTS, Baroness. Summary Account of PrizesforCommou Things. 8vo. Lond., 1856. G 3 S 25 BURDON-SANDERSON, Dr. John. [See Sanderson, Dr. J. Burdon-.] BUREAU DES LONGITUDES, PARIS. Annuaire, 1895, 1897. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1895-97. E BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET ME- SURES. Travaux et Memoires du. Tomes 1-8, 11. 9 vols. 4to. Paris, 1881-95. E BUREN, Martin Van. [See Van Buren, M.] BURFORD, R. Description of a View of Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, and the surrounding country. Bvo. Lond., 1831. MD 1 V 26 BURGE, Charles Ormsby. Surveys and other Prelimin- aries to Railway Construction in New South Wales. (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 132.) E BURGE, Rev. Hubert Murray. Some Problems connected with the Teaching of Shxth Forms. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 BURGES-SHORT, Major G. [See Short, Major G. Burges-.] BURGESS, Gilbert. [Life of] Teresia Constantia Phillips. \_See Phillips, Teresia Constantia.] C 24 Q 20 BURGESS, Rev. John. Gothenburg Principle ; or. Drink Traffic Reform. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 P 40 BURGESS, S. Bible Law. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 BURGOYNE, Frank J. Library Construction, Architec- ture, Fittings, and Furniture. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Library Series.) A 23 S 40 and BALLINGER, John. Books for Village Libraries ; with Notes upon the Organization and Management of Village Libraries by J. D. Brown. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Library Association Series.) J 9 V 36 BURKE, Asliworth P. Family Records. Roy. Bvo. Lond., 1897. K S U 15 BURKE, Sir Bernard. Genealogical and Heraldic Dic- tionary of the Peerage and Baronetage, together with Memoirs of the Privy Councillors and Knights, 1852, 1871-72, 1879, 1882, 1886-98. 18 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1852-98. E BURKE, Edmund. Burke's third Letter on a Regicide Peace. (Pollard, A. F.— Political Pams.) F 13 V 4 Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontent. (Pol lard, A. F.— Political Pams.) F 13 V 4 BURKE, Robert O'Hara, and WILLS, William John. Account of the Expedition of. \_See Pyke, AV T. — Australian Heroes and Adventurers.] MC 6 P 2 t BURKITT, F. Crawford. Biblical and Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Syriac Literature. [See Anecdota Oxoniensia, Sem. ser. 1.] E Fragments of the Books of Kings, according to the translation of Aquila. [See Bibles and Testaments. — Greek.] G 13 X 14 t BURLEIGH, Bennet. Sirdar and Khalifa; or, the re- Conquest of the Soudan, 1898. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. B 34 R 15 Two Campaigns: Madagascar and Ashautee. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 33 R 18 BURN, Robert Scott. Mechanics and Mechanism. Svo. Lond., 1854. A 25 S 28 BURNE-JONES, Sir Edward. [See Jones, Sir E. Burne-.] BURNET, John. Early Greek Philosophy. Svo. Lond., 1892. G 11 Q 32 BURNETT, Dr. Charles H. Chronic Catarrh of the IMiddle Ear and Diseases of the Internal Ear. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P16 BURNETT, Frances Hodgson. Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 BURNETT, Dr. Swan M. Diseases of the Lens, and Glaucoma. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 03 BURNEY, Fanny. [_See D'Arblay, Mme. F.] BURNHAINI, Charles. Return of Life : Sonfj. Sni. fol. Sydney (n.d). MA 13 P G f BURNHAM, I. G. Celebrated Crimes. {See Dumas, A.] FTP 26-33 BURNS, Edward. The Coinage of Scotland. Illustrated. 4to. Edinb., 1887. A 17 T 11-13 t BURNS, John. Labour's Retrospect. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur. — Human Documents.] J 1-1 U 15 BURNS, Robert. Life and Works of. Edited l>y Robert Chambers, revised by William Wallace. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 189G-97. H 9 V 2^5 Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. New ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1797. H 10 U 25, 2G Poems and Songs of. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by Andrew Lang, assisted by W. A. Craigie. With Portrait. 8vo- Lond., 1896. H 9 T 28 The Poetry of. Edited by W. E. Henley and T. F. Henderson. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1896- 07. H9T9-12 Tam O'Shanter : a Tale in Verse. Illustrated by G. Cruikshank. 4to. Lond., 1884. H 13 S 8 t Burns Centenary, July 21st, 1896 : Record of the Celebration throughout New South Wales, giving a Report of the principal Speeches delivered at the Haggis Supper, in Sydney ; with a reproduction of the JNIenu Card, and an Appendix containing T.rt)rd Rosebery's famous Speeches at Glasgow and Dumfries. 12mo. Sydney (1896.). MC 1 S 19 Burns, Excise Oflicer and Poet ; by J. Sinton. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 21 U 15 Chronicle of the 100th Birthday. Collected and edited by James Ballantine. Imp. 8vo. Edin))., 1859. C 15 S 20 t [Life of] ; by Gabriel Setoun. 8vo. Edinb., 189G. C 20 T 14 Robert Burns' Centenary Illustrated Memorial. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. C24T12 Robert J5urns and Dumfries. 8vo. Dumfries, 1896. C 20 S 8 Robert Burns and Mrs. Dunlop : Correspondence now published in full for the first time with Elucidations ; by W. Wallace. Witli Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 U 5 Annual Burns Clironido and Club Directory. [See Annual.] J 19 W 1 Burns at Galston and Ecclefechan. [Sec yimv, John.] J 10 R 45 Burns' Clariuda. [See Ross, Dr. J. D.] C 23 R 5 Carlyle on Burns. [See JIuir, J.] J 5 T 34 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Miscellanies.] J 22 Q 25 [Sketch of. J [See Forster, J .—Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 BURNS, Rev. Robert. History of the Sufferincs of the Church of Scotland. [&eWodrow,Rev.R.] G3 U30-33 BURR, Aaron. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 « BURROUGHS, John. Birds and Bees ; with an Introduc- tion by Mary E. Burt. 12mo. Boston, 1887. A 41 Q 9 Sharp Eves, and other Papers. 12mo. Boston, 1886. J 1 R 28 Whitman : a Study. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 R 16 A Year in the Ficlils. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1897. J 22 R 40 BURROWS, Edward. Hereditary ^lastership. (Ribbles- dale, Lord.— The Queen's Hounds.) A 38 V 8 BURROWS, Herbert. Principles, Hopes, and Ideals. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 BURROWS, Jlontagu. History of the Foreign Policy of Great Britain. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. F14U26 History of the Foreign Policy of Great Britain. New ed. 8v.), Edinb., 1897. F 5 P 38 BURRY, Frederick. Jack's Toast : Sea Song. [Music only.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P G t BURT, Mary E. Birds and Bees. [See Burroughs, J.] A 41 Q 9 BURTON, Dr. C. V. :Magnetic Fields of Force. [See Ebert, Prof. H.] A 20 T 27 BURTON, Isabel, Lady. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton : the Story of her Life, told in part by herself and in part Ijy W. H. Wilkins. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. L.md., 1897. C 24 R G, 7 BURTON, Sir Richanl Francis. The Jew, tlie Gip-sy, and El Islam. Edited, with a Preface and brief Notes, by W. H. Wilkins. With Portrait. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 S 2 The Lake Regions of Central Africa : a Pictui-e of Ex- ploration. Illusti-ated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1860. D 18 U 21, 22 Vikr.un and the Vampire ; or, Tales of Hindu Devilry. llluslraleil. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 14 S 34 The true Life of ; by his niece, Georgiana M. Stisted. 8vo. Lniut., lf<06. C 19 T 17 BURTON, W. K., and PRTNGLE, Andrew. Pmce.sses of pure Pliotoi;niphv. 8vo. Now York, 1889. A 23 U 43 BURW()Or>, ('(innu.uiiler Joliii. Sun's True Bearing, or [Srttit. Hril. andlrel.— A 19 U' Azimuth Tallies. [St'ntU. Hril. andlrel. — Aduiiralfy.] 18 BUSCH, Dr. Moritz. Bismarck: Some Secret Pages of his History. [Sec Bismarck, Prince.] C 25 P 15-17 64 Public Library of Neio South Wales. BUSK, George, F.R.S. Catalogue of the Cyclostomatous Polyzoa in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 24 S 23 BUSK, IMarian. Natural History of Plants. \_See Kerner von ^Iarilaun,^Prof. Anton.] A 22 Y 3 BUSS, Frances 3Iary. The Higher Education of Women. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Eeign.] C 23 Q 19 BUSSELL, F. W. The School of Plato: its Origin, Development, and Revival under the Roman Empire. 8vo. Lend., 1896. G 3 U 15 BUSSONE, Francesco, " Carmagnola." [Sketch of.] [See Horridge, F.— Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 1 1 BUSTEED, Henry Elmsley. Echoes from Old Calcutta : being chiefly Reminiscences of the- Daj's of Warren Hastings, Francis, and Impey. 3rd ed. Illustrated. Svo. Calcutta, 1897. B 29 S 13 BUTCHER, E. L. The Story of the Church of Egypt : being an Outline of the History of the Egyptians under their successive masters from the Roman Conquest until now. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 Q 8, 9 BUTCHER, Samuel Henrv. The Odyssey of Homer. [See Homerus.] .' J 14 U 31 BUTE, Sir John Patrick Crichton Stuart, IMarquess of. Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 -, MacPHAIL, J. R. :\r., and LONSDALE, H. , *.^ — ^ ^. — — — , „. — — , — , _^. W. The Arms of the Royal and Parliamentary Burghs of Scotland. Roy. Svo. Edinb., 1897. K 17 S 25 t BUTLER, A. J. The Histoiy of Mankind. [See Ratzel, Prof. Friedrich.] A 31 S 9, 10 BUTLER, Arthur Gardiner. Contributions towards a knowledge of the Rhopalocera of Australia. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1875.) E On a small Collection of Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1882.) E Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Mu- seum.— Natural History.] A 18 U 9, 10 f BUTLER, Arthur John. Memoirs of Baron Thiebault. [See Thiebault, Baron.] C 23 V 11, 12 BUTLER, Joseph, Bishop of Durham. Works of, to which is prefixed a Preface giving some Account of the Character and Writings of the Author by Samuel Halifax, Bishop of Gloucester; and Studies subsidiary to the Works of Bishop Butler, by the Rt. Hon. AV. E. Gladstone. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1849-90. G 2 T 31-33 BUTLER, Prof. Nicholas Murray. The Meaning of Edu- cation, and other Essays and Addresses. 8vo. New York, 1898. G 23 P 20 BUTLER, Samuel. The Authoress of the Odyssey, where and when she wrote, who she was, the use she made of the Iliad, and how the Poem grew under her hands. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 19 W 4 BUTLER, William. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 BUTLER, Maj.-Gen. Sir William Francis. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A. — Our Li\-ing Generals.] C 22 S 26 BUTLER, William John, Dean of Lincoln. Life and Letters. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 13 BUTTERFIELD, W. J. Atkinson. Chemistry of Gas Manufacture : a Practical Hand-book on the Pro- duction, Purification, and Testing of Illuminating Gas, and the Assay of the Bye-Products of Gas Manufac- ture. [With Bibliography.] Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. ' A 21 R 37 BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah. The Great Composers. 12mo. Boston, 1884. C 19 V 23 BUTTNER, Dr. H. Natural Hvgiene. [See Lahmann, Dr. H.] " "^ A 40 T 9 BUXTON, Edward North. Short Stalks, comprismg Trips in Somaliland, Sinai, the Eastern Desert of Egypt, Crete, the Carpathian Mountains, and Daghestan. 2nd ser. Illustrated. Rov. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 10 S 38 BUYSE, Omer. Les Ecoles Professionnelles et les Ecoles d'Art Industriel en Allemagne et en Autriche. Illus- trated. Svo. Bruxelles, 1896. G 18 Q 43 BUZACOTT, Rev. Aaron. Te Akataka reo Rarotonga, or Raratongan and English Grammar. 12mo. Raro- tonga, 1854. MJ 3 P 54 BYL, Hon. P. L. van der. A Colonist's Tour in Austral- asia, the L'nited States, and England. 12mo. Cape Town, 1887. MD 4 P 13 BYLES, William Pollard. Ideals : Imperial and Social. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 BYRN, G. A. The Laboratory in its relation to the Cy- anide Process. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P BYRNE, Desmond. Australian Writers. Svo. Lond., 1896. MJ 1 R 6 BYRNE, P. ^I. Notes on the Customs connected with the use of the so-called Kurdaitcha Shoes of Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Victoria, Proc, 1896) ME 1 P SupplcDicii I a I'll Calalogue — 189G-9S. 65 BYRNE, Mrs. AV. P. Fkniish Tutoriois. linif). Loud, (n.il.) G 15 U 23 UYIH^-M, .Inliii. P lS'r'uO fj * * * Countess dc St. 1 )oniiiiii|iio. Aiiiiii.il Magnetism and Artificial Sonnianilnili.'sni. 8vo. Lund., 1871. (; 1!)T 11 "C. 3. 3." [See Wilde, (.)sear F. O'F. W.] CABANEL, Alexandre. Illustrated J'.iograpliy. [See Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biograpiiies of lyiodrrn Artists.] C 1 P 17 : CABLE, George Wa.sliington. Sketch of. \ See Vedder, If. C- American Writers of Today.] " C 22 S 19 CABf)T, Joiin and Si^hastian. Cabot's Di.scovery of North America. [Sec Weare, CJ. E.] B 17 (^ 30 John Cahot, the Discoverer of Norlli America, and Seliastian, his Son : a Ciiapter of the Maritime History of England under the Tudors, 1 190-1 557. [See Harrisse, H.] I) 15 T 15 Joim and Seliastian Cahot : the Discoverv of North America. [See Beazley, C. I!.] " \) K! R 13 CABOT, Dr. Richard C. (iuide to the Clinical l'^.\aiiiina- tion of the Blood for diagnostic purposes. Illustiated. 8vii. Loud., 1897. A 37 R 3 CADDY, C. Wesley. The Belief of I'nhelievers. (.Mel- hourno Review, G.) .ME lf< Q The Education of the Educated. (Mi'llMiunir Iteview, 5.) ME 18 (i Till' Morals of Politics. (.Mclliournc Review, -l. 5.) Ml', 18 (i The St:ilr School Tiachrrs. (Mclliournc iicvicw, 3.) M !•: 1 8 (i I CAELTUS, M. Rufus. [Life of.] [See BoLssier, Gaston. — Cicero anil his Friends.] B 17 P 32 CiESAR, C. Julius. [Life of.] [See Boissier, (ijustcjn. — ■ Cicero and his Friends.] B 17 P 52 [Life of.] [See Zama, Dr. C] C 2-i R 17 CAFLISCIf, A\'. A. The Delightful Gavotte. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t Irene Gavotte. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) :\1A 1.3 P 5 t CAGNEY, Dr. James. Clinical Diagnosis. [See Jaksch, Dr. R. von.] A 38 S 2 CAHILL, Rev. T. Religion in State Schools. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q CAKiER, Dr. Frederick Foord. Co-existence of Infectious Diseases. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Scarlet Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 35 CAINE, Hall. [Es.say on.] [See JIurray, D. C— My Contemporaries in Fiction.] J 14 R 30 [Life of] Charles Whitehead. [See Whitehead, C] C 24 P 7 CAIRD. Sir James. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 CAIHD, Rev. John. An Introduction to the Philo.soi)hv of Religion. 8vo. Glasgow, 1880. G 1 T 25 CAIRD, Mona. The .Mor.dity of M.irriagc, .uid other Essavs on the Status and Dcstinv of M'omaii. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " F 13T32 CAJORI, Dr. Florian. History of Elementary Mathe- matics, with Hints on -Methods of Teaching. 8vo. New York, 189(5. A 25 S 8 CALCUTTA DIRECTORY. Ni'w C'alcutt.i Directory, 185G-G3. 8 \ols. roy. 8\d. Calcutt.i, 185G-G3. E CALDER, Fanny L. Practical Cooking in Elementary Schools. (Internal. Health E.\hib. — Health Kxhib. Literature.) A 11 V 10 CALDERON DE LA BARCA, Pedro. Study of. [Set Wilson, H. S. History and Criticism.] "j 14 V5 CALDERWOOD. Prof. Henry. Hand Ixiok of Moral Pliilosophy. Gth cd. 8vo.' Lond.. 1879. G I T 10 \ 1 C 20 V 9 [Life of] David Hume [See Hum CALIIUl'N, John C. Portrait of. ^ Sec Brook.s Noah. — Short Stiulie.'' in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 66 J?ublic Library of Now iS'uulh JVales, CALIFORNIA :—i, Science, Art, and Literature. Vol. 10, 1897-April, 1898. Roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1897-98. E CAXADIAX MONTHLY AND X ATIOXAL REVIEW, The. 'Vols. 10-12, and n.s. .5. July, 187G-Dec., 1877, July-Dec, 1880. 4 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 187G-80. E CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Report of Pro- gress on the E.xplorations and Surveys. With Atlas. 8vo. Ottawa, 1874. A 31 S 33 CANDLER, S. C, '■ilucor." On the Prevention of Zy- motic Disease. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q CANDOLLE, A. Do. {See De Candolle, A.] CANE, Arthur. Tahles, Alphabetical and Chronological, of all Reports of Cases decided in the Superior Ct)urts of England, Scotland, and Ireland, ]>rior to the com- mencement of the Repf>rts issued by the Council of Law Reporting, connnoidy called the Law Reports; with a list of the modes of citation. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 7 V 5G CANNAN, Edwin. History of Local Rates in England. Svo. Lond., lS9f). F 8 V 31 Lectures on Justice, Police, itc. \_See Smith, Adam.] F 1 2 T 1 2 CANNING, Hon. Albert S. (!. History in Fact and Fiction: a Literary Sketch. S\-(i. Lond., 1897. J 14 T 24 CANNING, Charles John, Viscount. [I'ortrail of.] {Set Sixty Years of Empire.] I! 22 11 18 CANNINt;, Elizabeth. [Life of]; by W. U. Waters. (Vincent, Arthur. — Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 y 20 CANNING, Rt. Hon. George. Portrait of. {See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A. -Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 Portrait of. {See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormolcy. — England in the 19th Century.] JUGS 13 CANON, The : an Exposition of the Pagan ^fystery per- petuated in tii(> Cabala as the rule of all the Arts. With a Preface bv i! I'.. C". ( irali.iin. Xvo. L.md., 1897. ' G 23 S 9 CANSDELL, Capt. Charles Stuart-. Railways in Warfare : their general nnlitary use, defensive ami ofTensive. Svo. Sydney, 1895. MA 4 S 10 CANTERBURY' COLLEGE :— Public Library. Cata- logue of Books in the Circulating l)epartnient, 1895. 8vo. Christchurch, 1895. Cat. Room Catalogue of Books in the Reference Department. Ro}-. 8vo. Christchurch, 1897. Cat. Room Supplementary Catalogue, Circulating Department, J.an. 1st, 1894-Apri! 30th, 1898. Svo. Christchurch, 1898. Cat. Room School of Agriculture. Reports of the School of Agriculture, Canterbur)' College, University of New Zealand, 1887, 1891. 2 vols. Svo. Christchurch, 1887-91. ME 5 U CAXTERLURY TIMES, The. A^)ls. 23. 24 n.s., Jan.- April, July-Dec, 1S9G-97. 4 vols. fol. Christchurch, 189G-97. ME CANTLIK, Dr. .James. Accidental Injuries : their Relief and immediate Treatment. (Internat. Health Exliib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 Leprosy in Honskom;. Svo. Hongkong, 1S90. A 39 V 3 CANU, Eugene. Copepodes. {See Kcehler, Prof. R. — Result.-its Scicntitiques dc la Campague du Canrlnn dans le Golfe de Gascogne.] A 31 S 30 CAPE OF (iOOD HOPE : — (7oi'ernTOen< Departments— Rrports and Pulilications. Almanac and Annual Register, 1841, 184!, 1854-55. Compiled liv I!..!. Van de Siindt de Villier.s. 4 vols. Svo. Cape Town, 1840-54. • E Botanical Garden, Cape Town. Report of the .Select Committer ai>pointed to in(|uire into the state of the Botanical (i.irden, Cape Town. Svo. Cajie Town, 185.5. F I S 12 The Camp Ground. Rejiort from the Select Committee appointed to lake into consideration the alienation oi a piece of land called "The Camp (!r(unid." Svo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Charges against James Mortimer Maynard. Kvi- dence taken Iji'fore a .Srlrct C'oinniiltee ol' ihe House of Assend)ly appointed to imiuire into the irutli. or otherwise, of certain st.itements contained in the l^aw Reports, ])ul)lished in certain newspapers, involving charges against James Mortinu-r Maynard, u Member of the House of Assembly. Svo. Cape Town, 1855. F 1 S 12 Civil Service. List, 1887-89, isyi 93. G vols. Svo. Cape Town, 1SS7-93. E Crown Lands. Rei>ort from the Select Connnittee a|p|>oiiiUd to ini|uire into the system of .selling Crown Lands. Svo. Cape Town, 1S55. F 1 S 12 Customs Papers. Repoi-t from tlie Select Committee on ('u>tom^ I'apers. S\o. Ca]!!' Town, 1S55. F 1 S 12 70 J?ublic Library of Neio South JFales. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE— con<e of Good Hope Directory.^ E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 71 CAPERN, Thomas. Mesnioric Facts. Svo. Lond., 1870 U 19T 4 The Mii;lity Curat ivo Powers of Mosnioi'ism, proved in upwards of l.")() cases of various diseases. 12mo. Lond., 1851. G 15 U 3 CAPPELLO, Bia.ica. Study of. [See Wilson, H. S.— History and Criticism.] .1 1 1 V 5 CAPPER, Richard. Dramatic Illustrations of ancient History, l-.'nio. .Mdh., 1868. MH 1 R 6 CARDWELL, Hi. ll..n. Edward, and DARLTNC;, Sir CliarlesH. The Crisis. 8vo. Melb., 18GG. ilJ 3 R IG CAREW, Thomas. Poems of. Edited hy William Carew iiazlitt. Sni. Ito. Lond., 1870 (Ro.xhurghe Library.) H 3 U G CAREY, :Mrs. M. Narrative of Captain Coignct. [See Coignct, Capt. Jean Rocli.] C 23 P 3 CAREY, Tasmau (ieorge. Physiognomy and Plircnology up to datt;. 8vo. ' Sydney, \SL\ IQG CAREY, V\illiaiii. Sketch of. [See Creegau, Rev. C. C— Great ^lissionaries.] (J It S 30 CARGILL, Alexander. Izaak Walton. [Sec M'alton, L] A40Q8 CARL TIIEODOR, Elector of Bavaria. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. lion. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 CARLETON, William. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Edited hy D. J. O'Donoghue. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 189G. " " J 14 U 10-13 Life of: being his Autiiiiiiigra)ihy and Letters, and an Account of his Life and Writings, from the point at which the Autobiography bieaks ofV ; liy llavid J. O'Donoghue. With an Introduction liy Mrs. Cashel Hoey, and a Dibliograpliv. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 20 S 1, 2 CARLTLE, William W. Tlu' Land t.hiestion in New Zea- land and in Australia. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME ist^ The ritimatc Problem. if Philosophv. (X.Z. Inst,, Ti.an.s., IKK').) ' .ME2S CARLYLIC, riioinas. Miintaignc /uid oilu'i- Ivssays, cliielly liiograjiliical ; with Foiewdrd bv S. H. Crockett. 8vo. Lond., 1H'.)7. C 24 R 5 Outline of tlu! I)octrines of; being selei-liil and arranged Passages from his Wiii'ks. 8vo. Lund.. l^'.Mi. .1 I I T 1 I The Homes .and JLiunts of. 8vo. Lond., ls;).">. C 20 T 3 I l^ife ot) ; by ilc-rldi- ( '. M;irplierson. 8\(i. Edinb. (n.d.) ' C 21) T 10 [Life of); by A. P. .Martin. (.Melb. Rev., G.) ME is t,) Carlyle on Burns. [See Muir, J.] .1 ."> T 3t CARLY'LE, Thomas— contil. Carlyle and Taine on the French Revolution. [Se« Wilson, H. S. — History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 [Criticism of tiie Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] .T G tj"38* [Essay on] Carlyle's French Revolution. [See ^lill, J. Stiiart.— Early Ess;iys.] J 14 U 37 Goethe. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 Goethe and Carlyle. [See Wilson, H. S. — History and Criticism.] J 14 V 5 Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeclies. [See Church, R. W., Dean — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 Personal Influences on Present Theology. [See Martineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [&« Emerson, R. W.— Lectures and Bio- grapjiical Sketches.] J 22 Q 4 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P. — Mwlern Engli.sji Pro.se Writers.] J 1 1 V 17 Sketch of the Works (jf. [See Harri.soii, F. — Early Vic- torian Literatuie.] J 8 T 37 "CARMAGNOLA." [See Bussome, F.] CARMICHAEL, Rev. Robert. Treatise on tlic Calculus of 0])erations : designed to facilitate the Processes of the Differential and Integral Calculus and the Calculus of Finite Differences. 8vo. Lond., 1855. A 25 S 30 CARNARVON, Henry Howard .M..lyneu.\, Fourth Earl of. Tlie Defence of tlu^ Empire, Edited by Lieut. - Col. Sir (Jeorgo Sydenham Clarke, F.R.S. Svo. L..n.l., 1S97. ' !■' I T 17 CARNE, Joseph Edmund. Chromic Iron Ores. [See N. S. Wales.— Geological Survey.] MA 3 V 46 Tungsten Ores in New South Wales. [See N.S. Wales. — (Jeologieal Survey.] MA 3 V 4(5 CARNEGIE, David W. Exjilnrations in tlie Inti-rior of Western Australia, ((ieograpli. Journ., .Mar., 1898.) E CARNEGll'^, l)iiuglas. Law and Theory iii Cheniistrv. Svo. Lond., 1894. A 23 P 16 CAHNEtilE, Sir J.imes, Eail of SoutJiesk. [See Soutliesk, Ea.l of.] C.VKOLINE, (.^lecn of England. The C.uirt of England undi'r George IV, founded on a l)ijiry interspersed with Letters written by yueen Caroline and various othei' distinguished persons. 2 vols. Svo. Lmd., 1896. B 24 R 19, 20 CAROLINE, Queen of Naples. Portrait of. [See Paget, K(. linn. Sir A.^ Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 CAKOLI N E ( )F ANSPACH, Queen of Engl.md. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 72 JPablic Libranj of Nciv SovUh IVales. CAROLINE or BRUNSWICK, Quceu of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C i?> S 7 CARON, Leuii. First KLss Yal.se. Sui. ful. Melb. (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t My AVedcling Day. [^^'orcls aud !Music.] Sm. fol. Sydney, 1898. MA 13 P 5 t Nautch Song. Sni. fol. Sydney, 1898. :MAl.TP5t CARPENTER, Dr. Arthur. Right of the State to enforce Notilication of Infectiou.s Disease, and the best method of doing it. (Internat. Health E,\hib. — Health E.xhib. Literature.) A -11 V -i CARPENTER, Capt. J. B. Islands of Bali and Louibock, Malay Archipelago. (Roy. Geog. Soe. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P CARPENTER, Mary. Organizeil Philanthropy. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q'19 CARPENTER, Mary Thorn. In Cairo and Jerusalem. 8vo. New York, 1894. D 17 Q 33 CARPENTER., P. Herbert, F.R.S. CaUdoguc of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History] A 12 U 3 t CARPENTER, "SVilliam Bttyd, Bishop of Ripon. Co-oper- ation, Character, and Culture. 18mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 The Groat Charter of Christ ; being Studies in the Sermon on the Mount. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 31 Some Thoughts on Christian Reunion. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 29 Mohammedanism. [See Robinson, Rev. C. H.] (i 4 Y 27 — ■ , and others. In answer to Praj-er. 12nio. G 23 P 17 Lond., 1898. CARR, G. S. Synopsis of Elementary Results in pure Mathematics, containing Propositions, FormuliP, and Methods of Analysis, with abridged Demonstrations. Supplemented by an Index to the Papers on pure Mathematics which are to lie found in the principal Journals and Transactions of learned Societies, both English and Foreign, of the present Century. 8vo. Lond., 188G. A 31 S -1 CARR, Henry. Key to Jfr. J. ]',. Lock's Elementary Trigonometry, .^vo. Lond., 189G. A 25 R 42 CARR, Henry, M.Tnst.C.E. Our Domestic Poi.sons, with an Apjjcndixon Arsenical Poiscwiing by Wall Papers. (Internat. Health E.xhib. — Health E.xhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 5 CARR, J. A. Lifc-wnrk of Edward White Benson. [See Benson, E. W., Archljishop.] C 23 U 7 CARR, T. F. Robertson. The best means of increasing the supply of Mussels and other Molluscs. (Internat. Fish- eries Exhil). — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 CARRINGTON, :Maj.-Gen. Sir Frederick. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A. — Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 26 CARROLL, Dr. Henry King. Religious Forces of the Ignited States, enumerated, classified, and described on the basis of the (jovernmant Census of 1890 : with an Introduction on the condition of American Christian- ity. Revised January, 1896, with additional Tables of Statistics for the five years since the Census of 1890. (American Church History Series.) G 12 Y 8 CARROLL, Lewis. Symbolic Logic. Pt. 1. 12mo. Lond., 1896. G 9 Y 41 \. Elcmentarv. CARTER, A. C. R. The Years Art. [See Year's Art, The.] E CARTER, Daniel. Crinoliniad : an Epic Poem. 8vo. West Maitland, 1867. MH 1 S 73 CARTER, E. Tremlett. 3Ioti\e Power and Gearing for Electrical ISIachineiT : a Treatise on the Theory and Practice of the Mechanical Equipment of Power Stations for Electric Supply and for Electi'ic Traction. Illustrated. Svo. Lond.,"l896. A 25 T 22 CARTER, Mrs. F. J. [Life of] William Rathbone Greg. [See Melbourne Review, 7. J ME 18 Q CARTER, G. D. Mizpah AValtzes. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA13"P5t CARTER, Dr. Robert Brudenell. Overwork in Schools. (Internat. Health E.>:hib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 7 CARTER, ReV. T. Shakespeare, Puritan and Recusant ; with a Prefatory Note by the Rev. J. 0. Dykes. [See Shakespeare, W'illiaui.] ■C23P20 CARTERET, John Grand-. [See Grand-Carteret, J.] CARTER ET, Capt. Philip. Yoyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Yoyages round the W,,rld.] :MD 8 R 50 CARTOUCHE, Louis Dominique. Sketch of. [See Whib- ley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 CARTWRIGIIT, Julia. [See Ady, Julia.] CARTWRIGHT, Thomas. Second Admonition to the Parliament. (Dearmer,Rcv.P. — Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 CARTWRIGIIT, William Cornwallis. The Jesuits: their Constitution aud Teaching. 8yo. Lond., 1876. G 3 R 2 Siipplemcn (arj Catuloyue — 189G-98. 73 CARU.S-WILSOX, Mrs. Asliky. {See ^Vilson, Mrs. Ashley Carus-.] CARUS-AVILSON, Prof. Charles Ashley. [_Sce AVilson, Prof. C. A. Carus-.] GARY, T. G. How to Plirenolon;i.sc : ;i Manual of Human Science. 8\o. Sydney, 1898. .^lA 4 S li) CASANOVA I)E SEINC^ALT, Giovanni Giacomo. [Sketch of.] \_See Ellis, H.— AHinuations.] J 19 AV 1 1 CASEY, J. J. Tlie Land Systems of Victoria ami South Australia compared. (Melljournc Review, 2.) ME 18 Q CASSAL, Charles E. Public Health Laboratory Work. [_See Cheyne, Dr. W. W.] A -U V 6 CASSAL, Hans J. S. Worksh,.p Makeshifts : lieing a Collection pleinenlary vol. 14 vols. 4to. Camb., 1889-98. A 13 V 114 t CAYLEY, J. J., and I5RIDGMAN, H. H. A Central Wholesale Fish Market for London. (Internat. Fish- eries Exhib.— Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 10 CAYVAN, CJeorgia. [Portrait and Sketcii of.] [See McKay, F. E. —Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 (i 6 CEBES. Talmhi. ((!r. ct Lat.) Ed. 1". I'ubner. Imp. 8vo. Parisiis, 1842. J 18 V *28 CECIL, Lord Robert. Comnicrcitil Law. [See Hurst, Joseph.] F 10 u r> CECIL, Robert Aithur Talbot Gascoyiu<, Mar. Essays, Moral ami Economic. 4. Essays, Philosophical, Sentimental, and Historical Sketches. Life and Works of Robert Burns. [See Burns, Robert.] H 9 V 2-4 CHAMBERS, Trant. A Land of Promise: Western Australia in 1897-98. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Perth, 1898. :\ID 4 U 52 CHA:\IBERS, W. and R. Chambers's Encyclopa-dia : a Dictionary of L^niversal Kjiowledge. New ed. Vols. 1-10. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. K 18 S 13-22 CHAMBERS, W. Oldham. Hand-book to the Aquarium and Fish-culture Department. (Internat. Health E.xhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 15 Introduction and Acclimatisation of Foreign Fish. (In- ternat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 11 Propagation of Fresh-water Fish, excluding Salmonidse. (Internat. Fish. E.xhib.— Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 11 The Propagation of the Salnionida". (Internat. Fisheries Exiiib.— Fisheries .literature.) A 34 R 11 CHAMBERS' JOURXAL of Popular Literature, Science, and Arts, from vol. 1, 1832-97. 79 vols. 4to. and roy. 8yo. Edinb., 1832-97. E CHAMIER, George. Utilisation of Water in South Aus- tralia. 8yo. Adelaide, 1886. MA 4 S 13 CHA^MPION, (ieorge C. Heteromerous Coleoptera col- lected in Australia and Tasmania, with Descriptions of new genera and species. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1895.) E Tenebrionidse collected in Australia and Tasmania by James J. Walker during the Voyage of the Piuijidn ; with Descriptions of new genera and species. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1894.) E Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-98. 75 CHAMPION, H. H. Co-opeiati(iii v. Socialism. 12mo. Miinclifster, 1^87. F 13 V L>3 CHA:MPI01s DE CRESPIGN Y, Sir Claudo. Memoirs of ; Ijy Ucoige A. B. Dewar. 8vo. Loud., 1896. C 22 <.i 15 CHAMPLTN, John Deni.soii, aiul PERKINS, Charles C. Cyclopifdia of Painters and Paintini;. Illustrated. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, ISOT. "a 32 V 28^31 I. Aagaanl-Dycr. "2. Eakiiis-Kyliii. :>. Laar Qiiost. 4. Raah-Zyl. CHANCE, W. Childri-n under the Poor Law: iluir Education, Trainint;, and After-care, together with a Criticism of the Report of the Departmental Co.nniit- lee on ^Metropolitan Poor Law Schools. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F13T2(J CHANGARNIER, N. A. T. Sketch of. \_See Bingliani, Capt. D. — Recollections of Paris.] B 34 R ;">, G (11 ANLER, William Astor. Through Jungle and Desert. Travels in Eastern Africa. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 189G. D2bU18 CHANNING, Prof. Eilwaril. Student's History of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. B 19 R 5 The United States of America, 170.5-1805. [With Bibliography.] 8vo. Cauih., 1896. B 16 R 42 CHANNING. Francis Allston. The Truth about Agri- cultural Depression : an Economic Study of the Evi- dence of tiie R(jval Counnission. 8v(). Lond., 1897. F 13 V 30 CHANNING, Dr. William Ellery. .Alemoir and Papers. [^See Martineau, Rc\-. James. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 CHAP.MAN, Abel. Wild Norway; with Chai)tors on Sjiitzljergen, Denmark, A'c. lllustiatcd. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D IS T 2.-) CH.\PMAN, Alfred Goodwin. [See Alansoii, A. Ci.] CHAPMAN, E. T. Watcr-Analvsis. [See Wanklyn, J. A.] ■ A22ti-I4 CHAPMAN, Elizabctii Rachel. .Marriages Questions in Jfodern J'lction, and other Essays on kindred subjects. 8vo. Lond., 1897. V 4 T 19 CHAPMAN, Frank M. Haml-book of Birds of Eastern Noith Aiiicric.i, with Ivcys to the Siiecics and hescriji- tioiis of tlieir I'bniiages, Nests, and Kggs, tlieir Distri- bution and .Mii;iat ions, and a bi'ief Account of tlieir llainitsand llabils; with Introductory Ch.ipters on the Study of Ornithology, how to id<'nlify Birds, and how to Collect and Pr<'serve Birds, their Nests and Eggs. 8vo. New York, 189G. A 27 S l.'') CHAPMAN, Frederick. Isal)el and Rinaldo: a Tragedy in five acts. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MH1V29 CHAPMAN, George. Best Plays. Edited by W. L- Phelps. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Mermaid Series.)"H 7 R 42 All Kools ; IJussy U'Aiubois ; Revenge of Hussy U'Ambois ; C'oi)S])iracy of Charles ; Tragedy of Charles. Conjectural Readings on the Te.xt of. [See Deighton, K. —The Gld Dramatists.] HI 1 R 13 CHAPMAN, Major William Percy. Report on the Olive Tree and Olive Oil of Tuscany. [See Queensland. — Agriculture.] :MA 3 S OS CHARLE.MAGNE. Charles the Great; by T. Hod-kin. 8vi,. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 5 CHARLES ED\\'ARD STUART, Prince. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, from his landing in Scotland, July, 1745, to his departure in September, 1746. Compiled frimi the Lyon in Mourning ; supple- mented and corrected from other contemporary sources by Walter Biggar Blaikie. [See Scottish History Soo. Pubs., 23.] ■ E Pickle the Spy ; or, the Incoi/iiilu of Prince Charles. [See Lang, Andrew.] ' B 16 V 34 CHARLES THE GREAT. [See Charlemagne.] CHARLES 1, Kin- of Englaml. [Life of]; by Sir J. Skelfin. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. C 18 T 14 t CHARLES n, Kin- of En-land. Royalty restored; or, London under CJiarles II. [See Mollny, j. F.] B 24 Q 12 [Sketch of.] [See Pepys, Samuel— Diary of.] C 1 4 \' 8 CHARLES XIT, Kin- of Sweden. Cliarles XTI and the Collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1()82 1719. [See iiaiii, R. N.] B 16 R 20 CHARLOTTE, Princess. Portrait of. [See I^itimcr, Eliz.ibeth Woinieley. — England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S13 CII.MiLori'i; oj'^ IMECKLENBURX!, Queen of Eng- l.iiid. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jew(-ls.] C 23 S 7 CHATEAUBRIAND, Francois Augustc. [Es.say on.] [See Ali.M.n, Dr. Archibald. Essays.] J 14 U 13 CH ATER, F. J. Talfourd. The relations of the State with l''isliermen and Fisheries. (Internat. Fisheries ICNhili. — iMslieries Litci-ature.) A 31 R 9 CHATWOOD, Arthur Brunei. The New Photography. llUistratcd. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 23 Q 52 CHAFCER. GeoflVey. Chaucerian and other Pieces. Edited bv Iti'v." Waller W, Skeat. 8\(>. Oxford, 1897. " II '.I S 33 Chaucer's En-land. [5(r« Browne. .M,| B 17 l,» 27. 28 Wordsworth's Mmlernisation of Chaucer. [See howden, Edward. I J 14 R 15 7G Jpiiblic Libniry of New So2ilh Wales. CHAX7M0XT, Dr. Francis Stephen Bennet Francois de, F.R.S. Practical Dietetics, especially in relation to Preserved and Condensed Foods. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 2 Prevention of Cholera. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 School Dietaries. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 7 CIIAUTArQUAX, The: a Monthly Magazine. Vols. 23- 26, April, 189G— March, 1898. 4 vols. Svo. Mead- ville, 1896-98. E CHAUVENET, Prof. "William. Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 9th ed. 8%o. Philad., 1895. A 25 U 14 CHEADLE, Dr. Walter Butler. Infantile Scurvv. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Rickets. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Acute Rheumatism. \_See Church, Dr. \V. S.] A 26 T 36 Fix)d and Cookery for Infants and Invalid.s. [. Berlin, 1893. G IS R 55 Missions at Home and Abroad : Papers and Addresses presented at the ^\'orld's Congress of ^Iis.sions, October, 1893, compiled bv Rev. E. M. ■\Vheriv. 8vo. New- York, 1895. ' ' G 19 U 4 Proceedings oi the International Congi-ess of Education of the W(^rl(rs Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, under the charge of the National Educational Associa- tion of the United States. I'nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 17 T 1 Souvenii- Manual of the ^Minnesota Educational Exhibit. Ob. lL>m(i. Minneapolis, 1893. G 18 P 19 Verzeicluiiss der in Deutschland crchicnenen Wisscn- schaftlichen Zeitschriften fiir die Universitiits-Aus- stellung in Chicago, 1893. Imp. Svo. Berlin, 1893. K 15 U 16 CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT. Report of the Fire Marshal to the City Council of the Citv of Chicago, 1892, 1894, 1890,' 1897. 4 vo^. 8vo. Chicago, 1893-98. E CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Finding List of the Chicago Pulilie Lil^rary, Fine Art.s, Practical Aits, Natural Sciences. 7th ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1892. Cat. Room CHICAGO UNIVERSITY. Annual Register, 1894-95. Sm. 4to. Chicago, 1895. E CHICAGO WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. [See Chicago Exhibition, 1893.] CHICHESTER, H. M., and SHORT, Major G. Purges-. Records and Badges of e\eiy Regiment and Corps in the British Army. 8vo. Lond.j 1895. 15 2 MM 8 CHILI), Lydia Maria [Mrs. ] (Lydia Maria Francis). [Portrait and Sketch of.] {See A\'ard, Elizabetli Stuart.- Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 CHILDBIRTH WITHOUT PAIN: a code .,f Directions for escaping from the Primal Curse ; to wliich is added, (iolden Information for Liidies. 1 2mo. Sy(hiev, 1897. MA 3 U 45 CHILDE, C. S. Dance of Drvad'^. Sm. fob Sydney (n.d.) ■ MA 13'P5t CHILI. Bolctin de la Siciedad de -Miueria, 1^91. Sm. fol. Santiago, 1894. lO Cedigo Civil de la Rr]n'ililii'a i\f Cbile. Imp. 8\(i. Santiago, ISSi). I' 10 X lli t Codigo Penal Far Eastern Question. 8vo. Loud., 189(5. B 33 R 14 CHISHOLM, Mrs. Caroline. Emigration. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in X'irloria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 CHITTENDEN, F. H. In.sects affecting Dry Vegetable Foods. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Entomology.] A 3G V 23 Some Insects injurious to Stored Grain. [See United States.- Dept.' of Agricult.] A 4 1 LM Some little-known Insects affecting Stored Vegetable Products. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.—- Division of Entomology.] A 41 U G CHITTENDEN, Dr. Russell Henry. On Dige.stive Pro- teolysis. Svo. New Haven, Conn., 1895. A 20 S 28 CHODSKO, A. Fairy Talcs of the Slav Peasants and Herdsmen. Transl.-ited by Emilv J. Harding. 8\d. Lond., 1890. " ■ J 8 T 39 CHOPIN, Fran<;ois Frederic. Cliopin and the Piano Music- [See Butterworth, II. — Gi'cat Composers.] C 19 \' 23 ('lio|iin's Greater Works. [See Klecxvnski .)ean.[ A 23 S 23 CI 111 EI MAN, Miss. Physical Education of Girl.s. (Internal. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 CHRIST AND THH CHURCH. Es.says concerning the Church and the Unitlcation of Christendom ; with an Introduction by the i{ev. Amory II. Bradford. S\o. New York, IS-J5. " G 9 >\' 27 CHRISTIAN, V. W. Distributio;i and Origin of some Plant and Tree Names in Polynesia and ;\Iicronesi;i. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME R Notes from the Caioline lsl;ui, 3 CHR YSTIE, Dr. Walter. Scrofulosis and Rachitis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P U System of Practical Therapeutics. [See Hare, Dr. H. A.] A 31 P U-16 CHUDLEIGH, Elizabeth, Duchess of Kingston. [See Kingston, Duchess of.] CHUN, Dr. Carl. Die Ctenophoren des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 1 f CHUPEIN, Dr. Theobald F. Artificial Dentures on Biises of Fusible Alloys. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 CHURCH, Rev. Alfred John. Stories from Entjlish His- tory. Illustrated. 12uio. Lond., 1896. B 17 P 40 CHURCH, Sir Richard. [Sketch of.] [See Church, R. "W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 CHURCH, Richard William, Dean of St. Paul's. Occa- sional Papers, selected from Tlip Gunrdian, The Times, and The Saturday Review, 1846-90. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 14 U 35, 36 St. Ansehn. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 23 P 25 Village Sermons pi-eached at Wliatley. lst-3rd ser. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 P 13-15 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, H.— EngUsh Prose.] J6Q38* CHURCH, William Conant. [life of] Uly.sses S. Grant and the Period of National Preservation and Recon- struction. [See Grant, U. S.] C 23 P 23 CHURCH, Dr. WilUam Selby, and CHEADLE, Dr. Walter Butler. Acute Rheumatism, or Rheumatic Fever. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Statistics of the Diocese of Melbourne for the year 1869, to which are prefixed Lists of the existing Members of the Church Assembly, the Cathedral Chapter, the Council of the Diocese, and the Lay Officers of the Church. 8yo. Melb., 1870. MG 2 Q 84 CHURCH OF ENGLAND MESSENGER and Ecclesi- astical Gazette for the Dioceses of ^lelbourne and Ballaarat, 1877-78. Sm. fol. Melb., 1877-78. ME 20 S CHURCHILL, Lieut. Winston L. Spencer. Story of the ^Malakand Field Force : an Episode of Frontier War. With ilaps. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Longman's Colonial Lib.) B 29 R 15 CHURCHMAN, The, Svly, 1895-Dec., 1897. 4to. Sydney, 1895-97. ME GIBBER, Colley. Selections from the Works of. [See West, K.— Laureates of England.] H 1 1 R 1 CICERO, ^Marcus Tulhus. The Correspondence of, arranged according to its chronological order : with a revision of the Text, a Commentary, and Introductory Essays by Dr. Robert Yelverton Tyrrell and Dr. Louis Claude Purser. Vol. 4. 8vo. Dublin, 1894. C 14 U 9 Cicero and his Friends. [See Boissier, G.] B 17 P 52 [Life of.] [See Zama, Dr. C] C 24 R 16 '• CID." [See Diaz de Bivar, R.] CINCINNATI PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bulletin of the Books in the various Departments of Literature and Science added during 1888-90, 1892-93, 1897. 6 vols, imp. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1882-97. Libr. "CIOS." Life in Afrikanderland as vie%yed by an Afri- kander: a Story of Life in South Africa, based on Truth. 8vo. Ixmd., 1897. D 14 R 23 "CITIZEN, A." [See Be^-i]l, F. E.] "CITIZEN, A." [See Wolstenholme, Mrs. :M. S.] "CITIZEN WHO HAS NO VOTE.' [See Wolsten- holme, iirs. :m. S.] CLARENCE AND RICHMOND ENAMINER, 1859- 80, 1882-97. 23 vols. fol. Grafton, 1859-97. [In- complete.] ME Supplementary Catalog ue — 1896-98. 79 CLARK, 11('\-. Andrew. LiiKdlii. Tllustrated. 8vo. Loud., isys. (Universitv "f Oxfurd, College His- tories.) ■ B-lh V 1 CLARK, Sir Andrew. [Sketch of.] [_Scc Eminent Pei-- sons.] • C 19 Q i-S CLARK, C. E. The iJistakes we make. IJnio. Lond., 1898. J U P 5J CLARK, D. Kinnear. Practical Tunnelling'. [&c Sinmi.s, Frederick AValter.] A 12 T 25 f CLARK, Donald. Miocene Strata of the Oippslaiid Lakes Area. [Sm Roy. Soc, Viet., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P CLARK, Dr. V. C. State Railroad CVnnmi.s.sions, and how they may ho made effective. (American Economic Association.) F -1 Y IG CLARK, R(?v. (ieorge H. Oliver Cromwell. [See Crom- well, Oliver.] C 20 U 13 CLARK, Rev. Hani'ct. Descriptions of new Phytophaga We.stern Australia. (Entom. Soe., Lond., Trans., from 18G5.) E Catalogue of liallicidie in tlie Collection of the Rritish Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 43 R 1 CLARK, J. M. 'J'lie Functions of a (Iroat University. 8vo. T.in.nto, 1895. G 18 R 59 CLARK, John. Thi'Sahiinn i^i.sease. ( I ntenuit. Fisheries Exhih. — Fi.slieries Literature.) A34R 11 CLARK, Dr. John Bates. Capital and its Earnings. (American Economic A.s.soeiation.) F -t V 13 The Modern Appeal to Legal Forces in l^ononiic Life. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V 19 Possibility of a Scientific Law of Wages. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V 19 CLAI'iK, Kate McCo.sh. Maori Tales and Legends. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 189G. MR IS'.) CLARK, LvdiK'l. I'iaiinoiviie. [&. Alinev, Capt. W. de AV.] " ■ ' A 23 P 24 CLAU K, Theodore .Minot. I'.uiMiiig Superintendence: a .Manual for young Arcliiterls, Students, and others interested in Jiiulding Oj)erations as carried on at the present day. 12th ed. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 37 T I {'Ij.VRK, T>r. William. The -Vn^dicin Refoinuition. 8vo. Ldinl.., 1S!)7. (Eras of th<> Christian Chuicli.) (i 23 R 8 CLAItK, Rev. William Rohinson. Historvof theCnuncils of the Cimrch. [See ilefele, C. J., Bishop. ] (! II P 27, :;i CLARKE, Capt. A. R., F.R.S. Comparisons of the Standards of Length of England, France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India, Australia, made at the Ord- nance Survey Office, Southampton. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Oi'dnance Survey.] A 11 W 10 t CLARKE, Arthur H., and HAliPER, Walter R. Mea- surements of the Tasmanian Crania contained in the Tasmanian IMuseuni. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q CLARKE, F. Letters of Victor Hugo. [See Hugo, V.] C 25 P 8 CLARKE, F. A. [Life of] Bishop Ken. [See Ken, Thomas, Bishop.] C 20 T 19 CLARKE, F. E. Notes on the occurrence of a species of Lophotes on the Coast of Taranaki. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1.S9G.) ME 2 S Rcnrv Howard .Mnlyneux, Fourth Earl of.] F 4 T 17 (iraphic Statics. [S(is, T. C. E(hv;irds, J. Deiiiiey, f. If. DarL.w, T. C. Selhv, W. K. Nieli.)ll, ami .(. T. Stixldart. yvu. Luml., "ifSOiS. G J3 (.^ 17 CLERK, DusaUI. The Cias and Oil Engine. 6th ed. Illustrated. 8vu. Lond., \X'M. A 1'-' IJ 7 CLElUvE, Ajrncs Mary, FuWLEU, A., and GOllE, J. Ellard. The concise Knowledge of Astronomy. Il- lustrated. 8vo. Lond., 18t)S.' A 19 S U CLERMENT-GANNEAU, Dr. Charh^s. Archa-ological Re.searchcs in Palestine, 187.')-7I. [See. Palestine Ex- ploration Fund.] B 13 V 17 1 CLEVELAND, Arthur Rackhani. "Woman under the English Law from the Landing of the Saxons to the Present Time. 8vo. Lond., 18'J0. F 10 V 15 CLEVELAND, Barbara ViUiers, Duche.ss of. [Life of] ; bv A. Kaliseh. (Vincent, A. — Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 2 1 g L'O CLEVELAND, Stephen Grovcr. Life and Public Services of ; by Col. H. Dieck. 8vo. Philad., 1884. C 23 Q 17 f Life .,f] ; by J. L. Whittle. 8vo Loud., 189G.C 20 T 22 Cleveland's Maladministration : Fre(! Trade, Protection, and Rccii)rocily. \_See Cudmore, P.] F 15 11 11 CLEZY, J. Ion's Morning Song, (^ilclliourne Kevic^w, 8.) ME 18 Q CLIFFORD, Dr. E. L. Manual of Recitations in Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics. Compiled for the Practitioner and Student. 8vo. Chicago, 1892. A 32 S 33 CLI1'M''(JRD, Hugh. Studies in Brown Humanity: lieing Scrawls and Smudges in sepia, wliilc, and yellow. 8vo. Loud., 1S98. Jit V 28 CLIFFORD, Rev. J. In answer to Praver. [See Car- penter, W. B., Bishop.] " G 23 P 17 CLIFFORD, \Villiam Kingdon. The {'onunon-.sen.se of the Exact Sciences. 3rcled. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 25 R 22 CLIN'I'ON, Geoi-ge. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.-- Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 CLTPPERTON, Cai>l. John. Voyage r(.und the Woihl. [See Historical Account of all the N'oyages lound the World.l ' -Ml) 8 I! 19 CLTVE, Caroliiu- [Mrs. Arclwr.] (Life ..f] ; l,y Adeline Sergeant. [Sti; Women No\rli:tsol' fjurrn Niclorius Keign.] C2tS3 CLIVE, Robert, Lord. [Sketch of.] [See Grillith, (i._ ^len who have made the Empire]. B 39 Q 4 CLIVE BAYLEY, A. .M. C. [See I'.ayley, A. -M. C. Clivc-.] CLODD, Eihvard. Jlyths und Dreams. 8vo. Lond., 1885. G 19 U 40 Pioneers of Evolution from Thales to Huxley, with an intermediate Chapter on the Causes of Arrest of the ^Movement. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 R 13 Victorian Science. (Sixty Y'^ears of Empire.) B 22 R IS Anti([uily of Man in Western Europe; the Later Stone Age in Europe. [See Proctor, R. A. — Leisure Read- ings.] A 19 ti IG CLOSE, Rev. William Jirhu Leech. Christian Citizenship. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MG 2 P 60 CLOUGH, Anne Jemima. ^Iruwiir of; bv Blanche A. Clough. With Portrait. 8vo. Loud., 1897. C 24 T 18 CLOlKiH, C. T, (ieoK.gy of the Ch.'vi.it Hills. [See (Jt. Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survev of England and Wales] " A 34'!' 21 Geology of Cowal. [See (5reat Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of Scotland.] A 34 T 36 (Jeology of part of Northumberland, including the Country between Wooleraud Coldstream. [See (Jreat Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of England and Wales.] A 32 S 10 Geology of Plashetts and KieUler, and the (ieology of the Counti-y around ]\Iall(>nstang, with parts of Wen- sleydale, Swaledale, and Arkendale. [See (it. Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of England and Wales.] • A 34 T 27, 33 CLf)USTON, K. Warren. The Chijiiieiulale Period in English Furniture. Illustrateti. 4to. Loud., 1897. A 17 S 9 t CLOWl'^S, Dr. Fi-ank. Detection and ^leasurement of In- (launnable Gas and Vapour in the Air, with a Chapter on the Detection aud .Measurement of Petroleum Vapour; bv Uoverlou UcdwoiKl. 8vo. I^ond., 1896. A 20 Q 21 CLOAVES, William Laird. The Naval Pocket-book. Illus- trated. 18mo. Lond., 1897. A 22 P 6 The Royal Navy : a History from the Earliest Times to the Present, by William l^aiid Clowes, .-issistod by Sir Clements .Markham, Captain A. T. .Mahan, H. W. A\'ilsnu, Theodore Roo.sevelt, and E. Fra-ser. Vol.s. 1,2. Illustrated. 2 vol.s. rov. 8vo. Lond., 1897- 98. H 17 H 4, 5 t COAN, Titu.s. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev C. C. Great Missionaries.] (i 1 1 S 3U COP.n, (ierard Francis, .\ihlctics. [See Lvtteltun, Hon. E.] ' A41 V6 82 Fublic Lihrary of Sew South Wales. COBB, Dr. Xath.an Augustus. Agricultural Exiieriment Work. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R The Common Crow. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Diseases of the Beaii-plaut. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Diseases of Tomatoes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 The Hardness of the Grain in the Principal Varieties of Wheat. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Hot Air Treatment of Bunt or Stinking Smut. (Agri- cult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ' ME 9 R Maize for the table. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) :MA 4 U 1 Notes on the Cf New South Wales, taken for the night of the 5th April, 1891. [See New South Wales.— Statistics.] ME Statistical Account of the seven Colonies of Australasia. [See New South Wales.— Statistics.] ME 8 S Wealth and Progress of New South Wales. [See New South Wales— Statistics.] ME 5 R COHEN, Arthur. Legal Obligations in relation to the Dwellings of the Poor. [See Duff, H.] A 41 V 3 COHEN, Heniy. Description Historique des Monnaies f rappees sous I'Empire Romain communement appelees ^ledailles Imperiales. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Paris, 1859- 68. A 34 U 1-7 COHEN, Dr. Solomon Solis-. Tuberculosis. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 Sttpplemen tunj Cataloyue — 1896-98. S3 COHEN, Walter P. Notes on rare Lepidoptera in Wel- lington. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 'l S COITN, fJustav. The Science of Finance. Translated by T. B. Velilin. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. F t K 23 COHN, Dr. Lassar-. Chemistry in Daily Life. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ■ A L'O Q 34 COIGNET, Capt. Jean Roch. Narrative of Captain Coignet, Soldier of the Empire, 1776-1850. P^dited from the original I\I8. Iiy Lorcdan Larchey, and trans- lated from the French by Mr.s. ^I. Carey. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1897. ' C 23 P 3 COILLARD, Francois. On the Thre.slmlil <,f Central Africa : a Record of twenty years' Pioneering among the Barotsi of the Upper Zambesi. Tianslated and edited by C. W. ^Mackintosh. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 13 U 2 COKE, Richard George. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Ciyil Engineers, Proc, 96.) E COKE, Mrs. Talbot. The Gentlewoman at Home. 8yo. Lond. (u.d.) F 8 V 40 COLDSTREAiM, Jolni P. The Institutions of Italy. 12mo. Lond., 1896. F 12 s"2 COLE, E. ^\'. Cole's Information for the People on the Religions of the World. Pts. 1, 2. 8vo. Melb., 1866. MJ 3 r, 16 I. Sketch of the Religious Sects of all nations. •2. Sketch of the Sacred Scriptures of all nations. Cole's Austi'ali.m Gardening and Domestic Floriculture. ISee Elliott, W.] MA 3 U 42 COLE, Dr. I'i'ank K. Diurnal Variatii/n of IJardmclric Pressure. \_See United States. — Department of Agri- culture. — Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 31 COLE, Freili I'ick llai'iy. riiiaseograpliir Shorthand: a ])e\clopnient of Pitman's Phonograpliv. Sni, llo. Sydney, 1897. ' MJ :! S 15 COLE, G. W. Independent Order of Rechabites in South Australia. 8yo. Adelaide, 1885. MF 1 T 14 COLE, ]\Iaitin.l. Microscoiiic Objects. [S'w Cro.sR, M. I.] A 23 T 4 1 (-'OLl'l, W. \\. Notes on Pernmnent-way ^Material, Plate- laying, and Points iind Crossings, with a few remarks on Signallinnand liitijlockiiig. 2ii(l (mI. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 R 27 COLEMAN, F. M. Typical ricturcsof Indian Nativi's: being ]ic])roductions from specially jire]iai(Ml haiul- coloured I'lioto^raphs. With I )escri])tive Lctti'r]ir('ss. 2nd<'il. i;oy.'8vo. i'.ombay, IS98. A I I S 1 5 COLEMAN, .John. Hops. (Farmers and l''ru it-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 | COLEMAN, Leighton, Bishop of Delaware. The Church in America. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 19 U 5 COLENSO, Rev. William, F.R.S. Description of some new indigenous New Zealand Forest Ferns. (N.Z. In.st., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Maori-Engli.sh Lexicon : being a comprehensive Diction- ary of the New Zealand tongue. Pt. 1. Svo. Wel- lington, 1898. MJ 3 U 18 1. Maori-Knglish. New Zeal.iiid Cryptogams. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 3 Presidential Address. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S COLERIDGE, Arthur Duke, "An Old Colleger." Eton in the Forties. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 23 P 22 COLERIDGE, Ernest Hartley. Works of Lord Byron. [&« Byron, L..rd.] ' H 11 T 12 COLERIDGE, Rev. Henry Jatnes. Life and Letters of St. Francis Xavier. [See Xavier, St. Francis.] C20T6,7 COLERIDGE, Herbert. Essay on Arthur. [See P.orron, Sires Robiers de — History of the Holy Graal.] H 17 ti 9, 10 t COLERIDGE, Johii Duke, Lord. [Sketch >,i.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 COLERIDGE, Rt. Hon. Sir John Taylor. Memoir of tlie Rev. John Keble. [Sec Church, R. W., Dean.— Occa- sional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Remarks on some parts of the Report of the Judicial Committee in the Case of Elphinstone against Pur- [■hase. [See Church, R. ^^'., Dean.- Occasional PaiH'i J 14 U 36 COLERlDtiE, Samuel Taylor. Poetry of. Edited by R. Barnett. With Portrait. 12m(.. Lond., 1898. H 10 U 30 Critical Annotations. Edited by William F. Tayler. Sni. lti>. Harrow, 1889. " J 8 V 32 [Criticism of the Works oi.] [See Craik, Henry.- Eng- lish Pro.se.J J I) Q 38* Personal Influences on Present Theology. [See Jlartiiieau. l{ev.J. l',ssays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 Poetic (Jeidus and Poetic Diction. [See Engli.sli Literary Critici.sm.] J 14 U 19 [Sketch of.] [See l''orster, J.- (ireat Teachers.] C 23 S 6 COLES, A. Description of a new Victorian (Joslniwk, Ayliti- .\f(tf/iwsiin. (Victorian Naturalist, .luly. IS97.) M !•: 6 1' CJOLES, O.akley. Deformities of the Mouth, congenital and aciiuiriil, with thi'ir .Mc.hanical Treatment, .'trd ed. Illuslr.itcd. 8vo. I.on.l., 1881. A 32 S, 31 COLLECTIONS AND RECOLLECTIONS. [See Rus- .sell, G. W. E.J C25P13 84 Fitblic Libvory of New South Wales. COLLETT, Prof. Roljert. Collection of ilanimals from North and North-west Australia. (Zoological See, L..ml., Proc, 1897.) ' E COLLIER, John Payne. Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shake.speare's Plays from earl}- I\I.S. corrections in a copy of the folio, 1G.'>2. 8vo. Lond., 1853. J 19 W 11 The Diary of Phili)) Henslowe, from 1591-1G09, printed from the oi'iginal MS. preserved at Duliwch College. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 35 Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company of Works entered for publication between the years 1557 and 1570 ; with Notes and Illustrations. [See Shakespeare Soe. Pubs.] H 3 U 41, 42 The first and second parts of the Fair Maid of the West ; or, a Girl worth Gold ; by Thomas Heywood. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 IT 44 The Ghost of Richard III : a Poem printed in 1G14, and founded upon Shakespeare's Historical Play ; by Christopher Brooke. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3U 27 The Golden and Silver Ages. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 F 48 The Royal King and Loyal Subject, and a Woman killed with kindne.ss. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 4G Two Historical Plays on the Life and Reign of Queen Elizaljeth ; bv Thomas Hevwood. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] ' ■ H 3 U 47 COLLIER, Dr. Peter. Feeding Experiments with Laving Hens. (Agricult Gazette,^N.S. W., 189G.) ME"9 R Investigation of Sorghum as a Sugar-producing Plant. [See United States— Dept. of Agriculture.] A 30 R 37 COLLINGRIDGE, George. Is Australia the Baptismal Font of Brazil? (Rov. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 189G.) " " ME 20 P Supposed early mention of New Zealand. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 189G.) ME G R COLLINGRIDGE, L. T. Downfall of Lobengula. [See Wills, W. A.] B 36 R 1 3 COLLINGWOOD, Admiral Lord C'ulliljcrt. Life of ; by W. Clark Russell. Illustrated. 8v,.. Lond., 189G. C 22 S 23 COLLINS, Col. David, Lieut.-Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] :MA 11 P 33 f COLLINS, E. Treachci-. In the Kingdom of the Shah. 8vo. Lond., 1890. B IG U 2 COLLINS, H. H. What conditions are essentia! for a Healthy Dwelling? (Intemat. Healtli Exhib. — Health" Exhib. Literature.) A 41 LM8 COLLINS, Henry F. Proposed new method of Smelting Lead Concentrates. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P COLLINS, Dr. Joseph. Spasmodic Afiections of the Ner- vous System. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical TherajK-utics.) A 31 P 17 COLLINS, Joseph W. The Fishermen of the United States. [See United States — Commission of Fish and Fisheries.] A 10 T 4 t COLLINS, Mortimer. The Secret of Long Life. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1872. A 23 S 12 COLLISON, Charles N. Patents for Inventions and how to obtain them in Australia and abroad. 12mo. Adelaide, 1893. MF 4 P 49 COLMAN, Dr. William Stacey. Section-cutting and Staining : a Practical Introduction to Histological Methods for Students ;ind Practitioners. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 27 COLOXIAL MILITARY GAZETTE and Australasian Naval Chronicle. A'ols. 1, 2, 6-8, 1887-88, 1892-95. 5 vols, (in 4) sm. fol. Sydney, 1887-95. ME 19 T COLOXIAL OFFICE LIST. [See Gt. Britain and Ire- land.— Colonial Office.] COLOXIAL TIMES, formerly COLOXIAL TIMES AND TASMAXI AX ADVERTISER. Vols. 11-21, 1826-36. 6 vols. fol. Hobart, 1826-3G. ]\IE COLORADO -.—State Departments— Rrports and PuUicc- tions. State Agricultural College. Register of the Officers and Students, Courses of Study, and General Informa tion, 1892-93. 8vo. Fort Collins, 1893. E COLQUHOUN, Archibald Ross. China in Transforma tion. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 V 25 The Key of the Pacific : the Nicaragua Canal. Rov. 8vo. Lend., 1895. A 22 S 33 COLTON, Dr. Calvin. Life of Henry Clay. [See Clay, H.] C 24Q 12, 13 COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. [See United States.— Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.] COLUMBUS, Christopher. ' Life and Voyages of; by Washington Irving. 8vo. New York, 1896. C 23 P 1 COLVILLE, Dr. James. By-ways of History : Studies in the Social Life and Rural History of the Olden Time. 8yo. Edinb., 1897. B 17 P 49 COLVILLE, W. J. Old and New Psychology. Svo. Boston, 1897. G 23 P 26 Spiritual Science of Health and Healing. 5th ed. Svo. Chicago, 1894. G 23 P 27 COLVIN, Sidney. Guide to an Exhibition of Drawings and Engravings. [See British Museum.] A 39 V 18 Vailinia Letters. [See Stevenson, R. L.] MC 1 T 26 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. So f'OLYEK, Dr. J. F. Diseases and Injuiies of the Teeth, iii<-hi(liiii; Pathology and Trualiucat. \_See Sniale, Dv. .Mniloii.'j ' A ;i2 S ;!0 COMBA, Rev. Eniilio. History of the Waldeiises of Italy, from their Origin to the Rcfomiation. Translated bv Teofllo E. Coniha. 8vo. Lond., l!f.] [See Si.xty Years of Emi.ire.] P. 22 1{ 18 86 Fublic Library of New South Wales. CONSTANT, Wairy Memoirs of Constant, Emperor Napoleon's Head Yalet, containing details of the Private Life of Napoleon, his Family, and his Court. Translated by Percy Pinkerton. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " C 22 Q 5-8 COXTEMPORAEY REVIEW, Th*'. Vols. 1-73, 1866- June, 1898. 73 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-98. E CONAVAY, James. English Grammar, Composition and Precis Writing, for the use of Teachers and Candidates for the L iiiversitv and Public Service Examinations. 8vo. Sydney, 18"98. 3IJ 3 V 1 CONWAY, Moncure D. [Life of] Longfellow. {See Melbourne Review, 9.] ME 18 Q CONWAY, Prof. Robert Seymour. The Italic Dialects. Edited with a Grammar and Glossary. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1897. J 1-5 VM 6, 17 n; CONWAY, Sir William :\Iartin. The Firet Grossing of Spitzbergen ; with Contributions by J. W. Gregoiy, A. Trevor-Battye, and E. J. Garwood. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. I) 16 V 18 1,000 miles through the Alps. (Out-of-door Library.) D 20"S 22 With Ski and Sledge over Arctic Glaciers. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1898. D 20 R 8 COODE, Sir John. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Ci^-il Engineers, Proc, 113.) E Report on the Entrance to the ^lacleav River. [&« New South Wales.— Macleay River.] " ilA 9 P 41 t COOK, Albert Stanborough. A First Book in Old Eng- lish : Grammar, Reader, Notes, and Vocabulary. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J 12 Q 21 COOK, E. T. University Extension Movement. (Internat. Health Exhib. Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 COOK, Capt. James. An Abridgement of Captain Cook's last Voyage, performed in the years 1776-80, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere ; by Captain King. 12mo. Lond., 1784. MD 3 P 12 Histoiy of Botany Bay, in New Holland. 12mo. Bristol (n.d.) ' MD 1 P 15 Journal of Capt. Cook's last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean on Discovery, performed in the yeai-s 1776-80. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1781. MD 4 U 28 Z ournvX oi the BesoJiition'n Voyage in 1772-75 on Dis- covery to the Southern Hemisphero, by which the non- existence of an undiscovered Cimtinent between the Equator and the 50th Degree of Southern Latitude is demonstratively proved ; also a Jouinal of the Adven- Jure's Voyage in the years 1772-74, with an Account of the separation of the two ships and the most re- markable incidents that befel each ; intei-spei-sed with Historical and Geographical Descriptions of the Islands and Countries discovered in the couree of their respec- tive Voyages. lUustratfid. 8vo. Lond., 1775. MD 4 U 27 COOK, Capt. James — contd. Journal of a Voyage round the World in His ilajesty's Ship End>'nvoitr, in the years 1768-71, undertaken in pursuit of Natural Knowledge at the desire of the Royal Society, containing all the various occurrences of the Voyage, with Descriptions of several new dis- covered Countries m the Southern Hemisphere, and Accounts of their Soil and Production, and of many singularities in the Structure, Apparel, Customs, Manners, Policy, ilanufactures, ic, of their Inhabit- ants ; to which is added a concise Vocabularj- of the Language of Otahitee. Sm. 4to. L<:in(l., 1771. MD 7 r 30 MS. Copies of Documents relating to Capt. James Cook : the originals in the Grey Collection at the Public Librarj-, Auckland, N.Z. MB 5 R 7 :J 1. Three Letters from the Victualling and Xavy Offices to Lieut. Cook respecting the victualling of the schooner Greniille for despatch to Newfoundland. [Cook was in command of the Gren ville. ] 2. Description of Otaheite. 3. Description of the Society Islands. 4. An Accoimt of Pappo, an Otaheitan Native connected with the Bounty mutineers. i). Journal of H. M.S. Endeavour: New Zealand, New Hol- land, East Coast, Batavia, Cape of (Jood Hope, and thence to England. G. Henry Norris to Sir James Wright, respecting the original MS. of Tasmans Voyage. 7. Letter from English Secretary to Russian Emlia.sssy, for- warding private intelligence of Capt. Cook having touched at Kamtchatka. 5. French Government grant protection from privateers to Capt. Cook. 9. Letter — Sir James Harris to Sir Joseph Banks — referring to the death of Capt. Cook. 10. Letter — Dr. Douglas to Sir Joseph Banks— re letterpress of plates to Cook's Voyages. 11. Letter— George Nicol to Sir Joseph Banks — re qualitj' of paper in Cook's Voyages. \i. Memo. — DiWsion of profits from sale of Cook's Voyages 13. Letters— Rev. G. Gaskin to Sir Joseph Banks — Mission* aries for Otaheite. 14. Letter— G. Nicol to Mrs. Cook — DiWsions of profits from sale of Cook's Voyages. 15. Letter — Sir Joseph Banks to Dr. Kippis— Cook and the Americans. 16. Letter — Sir Joseph Banks to Lord GrenWlle— on the restoration of M. Billerdiere's Collection. 17. Letter— B. Rudd to Sir Joseph Banks— Relief for Cook's relatives. IS. Letter— Sir .Joseph Banks to B. Rudd — Government will not aid to support Cook's sister. 19. Letter G. Nicol to rt profits from Books of Voyages. , ■20. Letter— B. Rudd to Sir Joseph Banks— Banks's gener- osity to Cook's relatives. 21. Letter— R. Budd to Sir Joseph Banks— soliciting aid for Cook"s nephew. Notes on the Discovery of the Eastern Coast of New Holland (Australia): by A. C. ilacdonald. [See Roy. Geograpli. Soc, Au.strala.sia, Vict. Br., Trans., 14.] ME 20 P [Sketch of J [See GriflBth, G. — Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 50 [Voyage round the World.] [See Historical Account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe.] MD 3 P 13 Voyages of. [See Adams, Rev. J. — Modem Voyages.] MD 3 P 14 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 87 COOKE, Capt. Edwiinl. Voyages roundthe World. {See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 49 COOKE, Mordecai Cubitt. Freak.s and .Marvels (if Plant Life ; or, Curiosities of Vegetation. 8vo. Illustrated. Lond., 1881. A 20 R 7 Pestiferous Fungi. {See Queensland. — Agriculture.] MA 3 S 68 COOKE, Prof. Sauiuol. The I'nuiidations of Scientific Agriculture. Illustrated. 8\ii. Lond., 1897. A ;5.? P -l-i COUKE, W. Ernest. Meteorology. (West Australian Settler's Guide.) ' MD 8 Q 54 COOKE, Sir William F. Sketch of. {See Jeri'okl, W.— Electricians and tiieir Marvel.s.] A 21 P 50 C(JOKSEY, Dr. Thf>iiias. Ankerite from Sandhurst, Vic- toria. (Aust. Mus., Records 3.) ^lE 8 R The Nocoleche^retcorite; with Catalogue and J Jihliography of Australian .Meteorites. (Aust. Mu.s., Records 3.) ME 8 R Rock Specimens from Fuual'uti. (.Vust. Mu.s., Mems.) M.\ :'. >V -li C00f\S0N, Christopher. Essays on Secondary Kdiuation ; hy various contributors. 8vo. O.vford, 1898. (i 23 P 18 Sixth Form Teaching in a Day School. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) O 23 P 18 COOLEY, Dr. Charles H. Theoiy of Transportation. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V 19 COOPE, William Je.ssei-. Swazieland as an Imperial Factor. With .Maps. 8vo. Loud. (n.d. ) I) IIS 27 COOPEI'v, .\iillini,y Ashley, 7th Kai'l of ShafteshuiT. {See Shaftesliury, 7tli Kai-I of.] COOl'I'll!, .I.-imrs I'^'iiimnrc. | Skei.-lw.f.] [&« .Matthews, J. li. I iiti^'xluetiiiii 111 the Study nf .Vmerieaii Litera- ture.] ■ ,1 •.'2 U .37 CUOPi:i:, .luhn 11. TrcatLso on the u.se of I'.elling for the ti-ansniissi(pn i>f Power. 3rd ed. lllustratcid. 8vo. I'hilad,, 1888. A 37 H 4 COOPHli. Mrs. Lenntine. Mc'lhourne Review, 10. Life of] Victor IIug|, tannin- t\,r lifly yeans, 1843-9.3. llluslrated. ,S\i,. nerkhanisled. 1893. .V 35 (.1 10 COOPER-KINO, Col. C. [Sec King, O.l. C. Cooper .J COOPERATIVE CONFERENCE, KTAMA. Report of Cooperative Conference, held at Oddfellows' Hall, Kiania, .-Vugust, 1897. 8vo. Kiania, 1897. MA4 S 24 COOPERATIVE CONGRESS. Tlie.\.nuual Cooperative Congres.s, 1890-98. 9 vols. sm. 4to. ^lanchester, 1890-98. E Report of the 1st International Cooperative Congress, 1895. 8v.i. Ldiid., 1895. E COOPERATIVE INDEX To TElUoDICALS. [See Annudl Liti-rary Index.'\ COOPER.VTIVK MOVE.MENT. The. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 COOPER.-VTIVE SOCIETY, The. Rules. 12mo. Man- chester, 1890. F 13 V 41 COOPERATIVE UNION, MA.VCHESTER. Hanlmry Cooperative Tract. 1 2m( >. Manchester (n.d) F 1 3 V 41 Cooperatiiin v. Pri\ate Traders. 1 2mo. Jlanchester (n.(l.) F 13 V 41 Cooperation a eurc^ for Pdvei-ty. 8vo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 Cooperative Societies and the Income Tax. 12mo. Manchester, 1895. F 13 V 41 Enfranchisement of Leaseholds. 12mii. Manchester. 1892. F 13 V 41 Full and Fair Reward of Labour. 12mii. JIanchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 How Bob became a Cociperatur, and what he thougiit of it. 12nio. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 Overlapping by Cooperative Societies. 12nio. Jlan- che.ster (n.d.) F 13 V 41 Rules, amended at the Congress, 1895. 12 ^laii- chester, 1895. F 13 V 41 Self-help and Help In nur Neighbnvn-. 12mii. Man- chester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 What Cooperatiiin eau iln fur the Lalmurer. 12inii. ;\Ianchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 Working together and helping one another. 12nio. Manchester (n.d.) V 13 V 11 COOPEHAT1\K WHOLESALE SOCIETY, The. What it is, I2m.i. (n.iui.d.) F 13 V 23 COOTl", <'hailes Henry. The (Jeugrajihy of .Australia, as delineated by the Dutch Caitiigiapheis of the 17th Century. [Sw Remarkable Maps of (he 15th, Kith, and 17tli Centuries.] D 8 P 36 X COOTE, William. 7'/e' Tti.iui Alhfuntuu. {See Thk- nianiau Alli'im mii, '/'/c . | ME 17 S COPK, Davi.l, "Agar Zaric4,' and P.VCKINGTON, Stratford. The New .Menstruum. TJmo. Sv'•' •'' 1' •"'• COURTNEY, William Leonard. Modern French Drama. [&.Filon,A.] 11 1"V32 COUSIN, Victor. [Criticism of.] [5c« Worsfold, W. 1!. - Principles of Criliiism.] J \\) \\ 2 COUVitErR, Mme. J. C, "Tiusma." Al.oi.t r.uri.d. (Melbourne Review, 3.) M I'- 's (,> Criticism of the Works of. [Sec Byrne. Dev.nond. Australian Writers.] MJ 1 1'' ^ 90 l^ublio Library of New South IFales. COVILLE, Frederick V. Directions for Collecting Speci- mens and Information illustrating the Aboriginal use of Plants. fon(Iing (!ames of Chin.i and.l.qun. Boy- ^^vo. Philad., 1S!)5. .\ :! I Q IG < ll.l.l'.N, I'r. W". 1'. I'iie I'lalance of Power between National and State Go\ernments. (Pi'oplc's I'ederu. Convention. Pro..) .MF I Q 54 Qi J?ubliG Library of New South JFales. CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL. Remarks on the Cul- tivation (if the Soil, and the Establishment of an Industrial Farm as a self-supporting School of Agri- culture and a means to promote Colonial Industry. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 3 S 69 CULYER, Rev. Theodore L. In answer to Prayer. [See Carpenter, W. B., Bishop.] G 23 P 17 CUMBERLAND, Stuart. What T think of South Africa : its People and its Politics. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 14 R 18 CUMBEBLAXD ARGUS and Fruitgrowers' Advocate, from Vol. 9, No. 424, 1896-97. 2 vols. fol. Parra- matta, 1896-97. ME CUMING, Edward William Dirom. With the Jungle Folk : a Sketch of Burmese Village Life. Illustrated by a Burmese Artist. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 17 T 23 CUMMING, Annie and Bella. Golspie. [See Nicholson, E. W. B.] B32Q11 CUMULATIVE INDEX to a selected List of Periodicals. Vol. 2, No. 4, Jan.-April, 1897. 4to. Cleveland, 1897. Libr. CUNNINGHAM, Arnold Debry. Memory System. 12mo. Parramatta, 1896. MG 2 P 56 CUNNINGHA^I, David. Tables for facilitating the Calculation of Earthwork in the Construction of Rail- ways, Roads, Canals, Dams, kc. 2nd ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1865. A 10 W 10 t CUNNINGHAM, Sir Henry Stewart. Lord Bowen : a Biographical Sketch, with a Selection from his Verses. [See Bowen, C. S. C, Lord.] C 24 Q 6 CUNNINGHAM, J. T. Natural History of the Market- able Marine Fishes of the British Islands. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 Q 28 CUNNINGHAM, Rev. William. Alien Immigrants to England. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1897. (Social England Series.) F 15 Q 17 An Essay on Western Civilization in its Etonomic As- pects (Ancient Times). 8vo. Camb., 1898. (Cam- bridge Historical Series.) F 15 R 12 Modern Civilisation in some of its economic aspects. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 12 CURETON, William. Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a Syriac Palimp.sest. \_See British Museum.] J 18 Q 17 t CURLEWIS, Ethel [Mi-s. H. R.] (Ethel Turner). Little Larrikin. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ3S11 CURRAN, Rev. John Michael Milne. The Gems and Precious Stones of New South ^\'ales. Illustrated. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MA 3 V 25 Geology of Sydney and the Blue Mountains : a popular Introduction to the Study of Geolog}'. Illustrated. Svo. Sydney, 1898. " MA 4 P 17 Occurrence of Precious Stones in New South Wales, and the Deposits in which they are found. (Roy. Soc. ofN.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Qualitative Analysis : Notes and Tables for the use of Students. [See New South Wales. — Technical College and Education.] MA 3 W 26 CURRENCY QUESTION, The. Svo. Singleton (n.d.) "^MFS R 12 CURRIE, Sir Philip. [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S. —Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 CURRY, Dr. Charles Emerson. Theory of Electricity and ^Magnetism : with a Preface by L. IJoltzniann. Svo. Lond., 1897. ' A 20 P 36 CURTIN, Mary Anne Magdalen. The Cyclist's Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) IMA 13 P 5 t CURTIS, Dr. Carlton C. Text-book of General Botany. Illustrated. Rov. Svo. New York, 1897. A 34 V 16 CURTIS, Dr. Edward. Manual of General Medical Tech- nology, including Prescription Writing. ISmo. New York; 1895. A 26 P 22 CURTIS, George William. From the Easy Chair. lst-3rd ser. With Portrait. 3 vols. ISmo. New York, 1893. J 1 R 40-42 The Howadji in Syria. Svo. New York, 1856. D 20 Q 20 Literary and Social Essays. Svo. New York, 1894. J 21 R 33 Lotus-eating : a Summer Book. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1852. D 20 Q 21 Nile Notes of a Hawadji. Svo. New York, 1856. D 20 Q22 Our Best Society. ISmo. New York, 1856. J 1 R 45 The Potiphar Papers. Svo. New York, 1 856. J 22 R 35 Prue and I. Svo. New York, 1856. J 22 R 34 Trumps. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1861. J 22 R 33 James Russell Lowell : an Address. [See Lowell, J. R.] C 19 P 14 Sketch of. [See Godwin, P. — Commemorative Ad- dresses.] J 14 V 3 CURTIS, John, and JANSON, Edward W. ^ British Beetles. Illu.strated. Sm. 4to. Loud., 1863. A 34 V 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 96 CURTI8, AV'illiani Eleroy. Venezuela : a Land where it's always .Suinnier. fues- tion, the Temperance Mo\-ement, .iiid the I'lnliibition Agitation. R(.y. 8vo. New Y^jrk, 189 1. F7T7 CYPRIANUS. Tha.scius. Life, Tim.s, and Wm k of; by Ivlward \\'liite Menson. [See Benson, I']. W. | (! 19 T 32 I)., J. E. Imperial I'ederation on a Commercial Basis : Fair Trade r. Free Trade. 8vo. Hobart, 1887. MF 1 S 26 DA COSTA, Dr. J. Chalmers. Epilep.sy and Tetanus. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 DADELSZEN, E. J. von. Report on the results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, taken for the night of the 12th April, 1890. [See New Zealand.— Statistics.] ME DAHLSTROM, Karl P. The Mechanics of Pumping Machinery. [See Weisbach, Dr. Julius.] A 22 S 5 DAILEY", Abiam H. Mollic Fancher, the Brooklyn Enigma. [See Fancher, Mary J.] C 22 S 20 DAILY COMMERCIAL SEWS A.\D SII//>I'IXG LIST, The, to which is incori)oralc(l the Shipping Guide, from Vol. 1 No. 1, April, 1891 -June, 1898. 12vols. fol. Sydney, 1890-98. ME Annual Review of Shipping and Exports from New South Wales, 1894-98. Illustrated. 4to. Sydney, 189.5-98. MF 9 P 39> DAILY SIIIl'PIXG iVA" ir.y, fnmi Vol. 1 No. l,July, 1896- June, 1898. 4 vols. fol. Sydney, 1896-98. ME The Wealth of New South W.ilcs, shown by her Exjiorts, July, 1890-June, 1897. Illustrated. Fol. Sydney, 1897. MF 3 g 15 : DAILY TELEGRAPH, The, from No. 1, July 1st, 1879- Sept., 1898. 01 vols. fol. Sydney, 1879-98. ME DAKYNS, J. R. (ienlogy of Bridlington Bay, Country around DriHield, Country between Y'ork and Hull, Carboniferous Limestone, Y'oredale Rocks, and Mill- stone Grit of North Derbyshire, Country around Ingle- borough, Country around Mallerstang. [See ire,l B 22 R 18 DALE. Thomas F. The Gam<' of Polo. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lniid., 1S',I7. A 29 V29 DALKY, Victor J. .\t Dawn and Du.sk. 8yo. Sydney IH'.tS. Mil 1 Q 83 9G J?ubliG Library of Netv Suuik JFaiea. DALGLEISH, AVilliaiii. Indexed Ready Reckoner for Invoicing Tallow, Ijark, Bones, and General Mer- chandise. [See Marsden, W. J. L.] ilA 5 R 9 J DALL, "William Healey. Teeth of the Invertebrates. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 1 Travels on the Yukon and in the Yukon Territory in 1866-68. (Yukon Territory.) D 16 V 22 Instructions for Collecting Mollusks, and other Useful Hints for the Conchologist. [See United States. — National Museum.] A 37 S 51 Notice of some new or interesting species of Shells from British Columbia and the adjacent region. [See Nat. Hist. Soc. of British Columbia.] E DALLE^MAGNE, Dr. J. Degeneres et Desequilibres. Svo. Bruxelles, 1894. A 3-1 V -1 DALLEY, Rt. Hon. "William Bede. Speech of, on the Divorce Bill in the Legislative Council, October 19th, 1870. 12mo. Sydney, 1870. MF 4 P 36 [Portrait and Sketch of.] \_See Shine, T. — Australian Portrait Gallery.] :MC 4 P 4 t DALRYMPLE, Alexander. Collection of Charts and Memoirs. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1772. A 17 S 10 t DALTON, John. New View of Dalton's Atomic Theory. {See Roscoe, H. E.] A 21 T 37 DALTON, AV. H. Geology of the Country around Hales- worth and Harleston. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. — Geological Survey of England and "Wales.] A 34 T 19 DALY, Dominick. Adventures of Roger L'Estrange. [See L'Estrange, Roger.] B 17 P 38 DALZIEL, Hugh, and othei-s. British Dogs. Vol. 3. Edited liv "\V. I). Drurv. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ■ ' A 14 T 41* I)AMES, W. Die Chelonicr der Norddeut.scheu Tertiar- forwatiou. [See Paheontologische Abhandlungen.] E DAMPIER. Capt. AVilliani. Voyages of. '.Sc^ Historical Account of all the Voyages round the "World.] MD 8 11 48 D -VN A, Charles Anderson. The Art of Newspaper-making. 12mo. New York, 189.-3. J 16 R 39 DANIEL. On the Book of the Prophet Daniel. Svo. Lond., 1888. G 1 U 41 DANIEL, Rev. Evan. Advantages and Disad\antages of providing for Intermediate and Higher Education by means of a rate. (Internal. Health Exhib. — Heallli Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 DANIEL, Peter Augustin. Henry V, King Lear, Merry Wives of Windsur, Aluch Adoe about Nothing, Rich- ard IT, Richard HI. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 1 1 N" DANIEL, Samuel. A Defence of Ryme. (Rhj^s, E.— Literary Pamphlets.) H 11 T 4 Vision of the twelve Goddesses. (Evans, H. A. — English Masques.) H 11 R 17 Complete Works in Verse and Prose. [See Huth Library.] J 5 V 8, 9 DANIELL, 31rs. Pioneer Workers for Soldiers and Sailors. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Vie- torias Reign.] C 23 Q 19 DANIELL, Alfred Ernest. London Riverside Churches. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1897. G 23 Q 3 DANTAN, Joseph Edouard. [Reproduction of his Pic- tuie] The Restoration. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] " A 12 P 27 J DANTE ALIGHIERI. Dante's Pilgrim Progress; or, the Passage of the blessed Soul from the slavery of the present corruption to the liljerty of eternal glory. With Notes on the way by E. R. Gurney. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1897. " G 23 P 1 Dante at Ravenna; by Catherine Alary Phillimore. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. " C 23 Q 27 Dante's ten Heavens. [See Gardner, E. G.] J 19 AV 13 [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. A.— Essays.] J 14 S 12 The Love that Liveth. [See A^andam, Albert D. — Amours of Great Alen.] C 23 Q 12 Tlie Mind of Dante. [See Lindsay, J.— Essays.] J 1 2 T 44 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Horridee, F. — Lives of Great Italians.] '" C 20 S 11 Studies in Dante. [See Moore, Rev. E.] J 10 U 37 DARBISHIRE, Dr. S. D. Recreation. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 A' 5 D'ARCY, C. P. Short Study of Ethics. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 36 DARLING, Sir Charles H. The Crisis. [See Cardwell, Rl. Hon. E.] AIJ 3 R 16 DARLOW. T. H. The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The.] G 23Q 17 DARAIESTETER, Agnes Alary Frances [Airs. James]. Life of Ernest Renan. [See Renan, E.] C 23 S 16 Poetry of Alarv Robinson. [See Darmesteter, James. —English Studies.] J 14 V 6 [Sketch of the AA'orks of] Froissart. [See Froi.=sart, " Sir J.] J 6 T 32 DARAIESTETER, James. English Studies. Svo. Lond., 1896. J 14 V DARAIONT, A., and HUAIBLOT, \. Argument of the Play of Pauline Blanchard, as presented by Alme. Sarah Bernhardt. Roy. Svo. AVash., 1SS7. H 3 Q 38 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 97 DARRAH, Henry Zouch. Sport in the Highlands of Kashmir : being a Narrative of an eight months' Trip in Baltistan and Ladak, and a Lady's Experiences in the latter country, together with Hints f(jr the Guid- ance of Sportsmen. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 19U 15 D'ARRAS, Jean. Melusine. [5«« Early English Text Society.] E DART, J. Henry. Treatise on the La\v and Practice re- lating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. 6th ed. ; by William Barber, R. B. Haldane, and W. R. Sheldon. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1888. F 1 U 12, 13 DARTMOUTH, Earl of. MSS. of. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Historical MS. Commission.] E DARWIN, Dr. Charles, F.R.S. The Descent of Man, and Selection in relation to Sex. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 27 R 21, 22 The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. 6th ed. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 27 R 32 Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection. ISee Poulton, E. B.] A 27 Q 18 Eulogium on Charles Darwin. \_See Flower, Sir W^. H. • — Essays on Museums.] A 41 R 1' [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 DARWIN, Dr. Francis, F.R.S. The Elements of Botany. Illustrated. 8vo. Camb., 1895. A 20 Q h DARWIR, Major Leonard. Bi-metallism : a Summary and Examination of the Ai'guments for and against Bi- metallic System of Currency. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 39 DASENT, John Roche. Acts of the Privy Council of Engbuid. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Privy Council] E DASTUGUE, Maxinie. [Reproduction of his Picture] At the Bath. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 t DAUDET, Alphonse. CEuvresde. 18vols. 12mo. Paris, 1885. J 15 W 1-18 1. Le Petit Chose. 2. Contes du Lundi. 3. Th<:atre. 4. L'Evangtfliste. 5. Tartarin sur le3 Alpos. 6. 7. Le Nabal). 8. Los Roia en Exil. 9. Lcs Femnies d'Artistos— Robert Hclmont— Etudes ol I'ajsages. 11?. Fromont .Jciinc ct Risler AinC. 11. Lea Amoure\iac8 - Pocmca ot Fantaisios, 1857-61. 12. Lettres de Moii Moulin. 1 3. Tronte ans de Paris. 14. 15. Jack. l(i. Sapho. 17. Nunia Roumestan. 18. Tartarin de Tarascon — La D^'fense de Tarascon. DAUNCEY, W. G. Iron Deposits of Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q DAUNT, W. J. O'Neill. A Life spent for Ireland. Svo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 10 DAVENANT, John, Bishop of Salisbury. Life, Letters, and Writings of ; by Morris Fuller. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 24 Q 21 DAVENANT, Sir William. Salmacida Spolia. (Evans, H. A.— English Masques.) H 11 R 17 Selections from the Works of. [See West, K. — Laureates of England.] HllRl DAVENPORT, Dr. Charles Benedict. Experimental Morphology. Pt. 1. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1897. A 36 T 8 1. Effect of Chemical and Physical Agents upon Pro- toplasm. DAVENPORT, Cvril. The English Regalia. 4to. Lond., 1897. " K 17 T 22 t Royal English Bookbindings. [See Portfolio, The. — Monograph.s, 30.] E DAVENPORT, Fanny. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of Today.] C 23Q 6 DAVENPORT, Herbert Joseph. Outlines of Economic Theory. Svo. New York, 1896. F 13 R 2 DAVENPORT, Samuel. Cultivation of the Olive and Manufacture of its Fruit. Svo. Adelaide, 1870. MA 4 T 12 Cultivation of the Olive and Manufacture of its Fruit. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers. ) M A 4 S 1 2 Fermentation of Grape Juice. (Adelaide Philos. Soc, Tran.s., 1871.) ME 1 S Sericulture. (S. Aust. Chamber of JIanufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 DAVEY, Richard. Cuba, Past and Present. Ilki.strated. Svo. Lond., 1S98. B 33 S 3 Victoria, Queen and Empress. With Portrait. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) B 19 R 1 [Life of] Mary Tudor. [See Tudor, Mary.] C 23 R 9 DAVEY, Col. Thomas, Lieut.-Governor of lasniania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 1 1 V :i3 t DAVEY, William. Illustrated Practical Mesmerist, Curative and Scientific. 2nd ed. 12mi). Edinb., 1856. G 15 U 9 DAVID, King of Israel. Talcs of the Warrior King. [See Macduir, Rev. J. R.] B 36 R 9 DAVID, Gerard. [Life of.] [See Portfolio, The.— Mono- graphs, 24.] E 98 Public Library of Neio Sotith Wales, DAVID, Prof. Tannett William Edgeworth. Address by, as Pi'esident of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. (Linnean See., N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Evidences of Glacial Action in Australia in permo-car- boniferous time. (Geolog. Soc, Lond., Journ., 1896.) E Note ou the occurrence of Diatomaceous Earth at the Warrumbungle Mountains, N.S.W. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.) ME 2 P Occurrence of Radiolaria in Palasozoic Rocks in New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Sill Structure and Eossils in eruptive rocks in New South Wales. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Occurrence of a submerged Forest, with remains of the Dugong, at Shea's Creek, near Sydney. [See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.] ME 1 R , and DUN, William Sutherland. Descriptions of the Palaeozoic Fossils of New South Wales. [See New South Wales. — Geological Survey.] ME -, and HOWCHIN, Walter. Note on the occur- rence of Casts of Radiolaria in Pre-Cambrian (?) Rocks, South Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2P Notes on the Glacial Features of the Inman Valley, Yan- kaUlla, and Cape Jervis District. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S DAVIDS, C. A. Foley Rhys. Elements of Psychology. [See Robertson, G. C] G 19 T 16 DAVIDS, Dr. T. W. Rhys. Buddhism. 12mo. Lond., 1894. G 4 V 19 Buddhism : its History and Literature. 8vo. New York, 1896. G 12 V 22 DAVIDSON, Dr. Andrew. Dysentery. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Suppurative Hepatitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Yellow Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine. ) A 26 T 35 DAVIDSON, Rev. J. Thain. Forewarned— forearmed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 4 V 32 Talks with young men. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 4 V 33 DAVIDSON, John. New Ballads. 12mo. Lond., 1897. H11Q29 DAVIDSON, Thomas. Rousseau and Education accord- ing to Nature. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 18 Q 47 DAVIES, Arthur Charles Fox-. Armorial Famihes : a complete Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, and a Directory of some Gentlemen of Coat-Armour, and being the first attempt to show which arms in use at the moment are borne by legal authority. 4to. Edinb., 1895. K 13 U 1 t DAVIES, Arthur Charles Fox-, and CROOKES, M. E. B. The Book of Public Arms : a Cyclopsedia of the Armorial Bearings, Heraldic Devices, and Seals as authorised and as used of the Counties, Cities, Towns, and Universities of the United Kingdom. 4to. Edinb., 1894. K 17 T 23 t DAVIES, Arthur Llewelyn. Law relating to Factories and Workshops. [See Abraham, May E.] F 13 U 5 DAVIES, Dr. Charles. Description and Cultivation of Beet. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 DAVIES, Llewelyn. Relations between Cooperation and Socialistic Aspirations. 12mo. Manchester, 1890. F 13 V41 DAVIES, Dr. Nathaniel Edward Yorke-. Health and Condition in the Active and the Sedentary. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 26 R 30 DAVIES, Philip John. Standard Practical Plumbing: being a complete Encyclopsdia for Practical Plumbers, and Guide for Architects, Builders, Gas-fitters, Hot- water-fitters, Ironmongers, Lead-burners, Sanitary En- gineers, Zinc-workers. 4th ed. Illustrated. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 34 V 8, 9 DAVIES, Rowland Lyttelton Archer. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 68.) E DAVIES, Theo. H. Letters upon the Political Crisis in Hawaii. 8vo. Honolulu, 1894. MF 5 Q 8 DAVIN, Nicholas Flood. Eos : an Epic of the Dawn, and other Poems. With Portrait. 12mo. Regina, 1889. H 1Q47 DAVIS, Lieut. C. H. Telegraph Determination of Longi- tudes. [See Green, Lieut. F. M.] A 13 W 25 t DAVIS, Charles Thomas. The Manufacture of Leather ; being a Description of all of the Processes for the Tan- ning and Tawing with Bark, Extracts, Chrome, and all modem Tannages in general use, and the Currying, Finishing, and Dyeing of every kind of Leather, in- cluding the various Raw Materials, the Tools, Ma- chines, and all details of importance connected with an intelligent and profitable prosecution of the Art ; with special reference to the best American practice, to which are added lists of American Patents, 1884- 97, for Materials, Processes, Tools, and Machines for Tanning, Currying, i&c Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1897. A 13 U 10 DAVIS, G. B. Training of Teachers for Public Element- ary Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health ExLib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 DAVIS, Lieut.-Col. George B. The Elements of Law : an Introduction to the Study of the Constitutional and Military Law of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1897. F 13 T 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 99 DAVIS, George Latham. Steering. (Lehmann, R. C — Ro^ving.) A 40 Q 4 DAVIS, Rev. J. D. A Maker of New Japan— Rev. J . H. Neesima. lUus. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 19 U 10 DAVIS, Col. John. History of the 2ncl, Queen's Royal Regiment, now the Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment. Vols. 2 and 3, 1684-1799. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 5 V 39, 40 DAVIS, John C. Australian Cricket Annual : a Complete Record of Australian Cricket in 1895-96. r2mo. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 P 69 DAVIS, Dr. Nathan S. Therapeutics of Renal Diseases. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 DAVIS, Dr. Robert T. Reminiscences of 1846. (Semi- centennial of Anaesthesia.) A 17 R 2 t DAVITT, Michael. Life and Progress in Australasia. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MD 4 T 43 DAVY, Sir Humphry. Humphry Da^'y, Poet and Phil- osopher ; by Dr. T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20 U 16 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* DAVY, J. S. Report on an Investigation of the Fishing Apprenticeship System. \_See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Fishing Apprenticeship System.] F 17 T 26 t DA VYDOFF, Sophie. La Dentelle Russe : Histoire Tech- nique Statistique. 4to. Leipzig, 1895. A 29 Q 11 J DAW, Albert W., and Zacharias W. The Blasting of Rock in Mines, Quarries, Tunnels, &.C. : a Scientific and Practicable Treatise for the use of Engineers and others engagctl in Mining, Quarrying, Tunnelling, ic, and for Mining and Engineering Students. Pt. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 10 U 9 1. Tho Prinuiplea of Rock Blasting and their general application. DAWES, Charles G. The Banking System of the United States, and its Relation to tho Money and Business of tho Country. 8vo. Chicago, 1894. P 10 V 5 DA WN, The : a Journal for Australian Women, May, 1895-April, 1898. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1895-98. ME 18 Q DAWSON, George Mercer. Extracts from tho Report on an Exploration made in 1887 in tho Yukon Territory and .'idjacent Northern portion of British Columbia. Illustrated. (Yukon Territory.) D 16 V 22 Descriptive Sketch of tho Physical Geography and Geology of the Dominion of Canada. [See Selwyn, Dr. A. R. C] A 39 1111 DAWSON, Sir John William, F.R.S. Eden Lost and Won : Studies of the Early History and Final Destiny of Man as taught in Nature and Revelation. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 9 W 9 Relics of Primeval Life. 1897. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., A 24 R 28 Additional Notes on Fossd Sponges and other organic remains from the Quebec Group at Little Metis, on the Lower St. Lawrence. \_See McGill University. — Papers from the Department of Geology.] A 40 S 9 Note on Carboniferous Entomostraca from Nova Scotia. [See McGill University. — Papers from the Department of Geology.] A 40 S 9 Note on Cryptozoon and other ancient Fossils. [See McGill University. — Papers from the Department of Geology.] A 40 S 9 Review of the Evidence for the Animal Nature of Eozoon Canadense. [See McGill University. — Papers from the Department of Geology.] A 40 S 9 DAWSON, Joseph. The Wedgwood Memorial Institute, Burslem. Illustrated. 12mo. Burslem, 1894. B 23 P 18 DAWSON, Lily. The Hampden Waltz. Sm. fol. Syd- ney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t DAWSON, Samuel Edward. North America. Vol. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Stanford's Com pencUum of Geography and Travel.) D 15 R 19 1. Canada and Newfoundland. DAWSON, William Harbutt. Social Switzerland : Studies of Present-day Social JVIovements and Legislation in the Swiss Republic. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 15 R 7 DAWSON, Rev. William James. London Idylls. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 8 T 38 Song of the Peoples. (Reid, A. — The New Party.) F 15P 29 DAY, Francis. The Commercial Sea Fishes of Great Britain. (Internat. Fish. Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 8 Fish Culture. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fislieries Literature.) A 34 R 2 The Food of Fishes. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fish- eries Literature.) A 34 R 6 Indian Fish and Fishing. (Internat. Fisheries E.xhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 2 DAY, J. Medway. Co-operation : what it is, and what it has done. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 3 Q 47 Idlers in the Market Place. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 3 Q 47 DAY, John. [Criticism of tho Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 DAY, Lewis F. Windows : a Book about Stained Painted Glass. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1897. A 40 R 6 100 Public Library of New South Wales. DEAD MARCH OF THE WATERS, The, and other Verses ; written in Australasia. [See B., W.A.] MH 1 V 16 DEAKIX, Alfred. The Present Federal Crisis. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 DEAKIX, Dr. Richard. Florigraphia Britannica : or, Engravings and Descriptions of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Britain. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1851-58. A 20 R 9-12 DE AMICIS, Edmondo. [See Amicis, E. de.] DEAN, George Alfred. The Culture, Management, and Improvement of Landed Estates. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1872. A 34 V 13 Political Rights of the English People : how acquired, retained, or forfeited ; to which is added, a Sketch of such Rights under Ancient and Modern Republics. Svo. Lond., 1875. F 5 R 21 DEAXE, Henry. Address by, as President of the Lirmean Society of Xew South Wales. (Linnean Soc, X.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.) ME 2 P -, and MAIDEX, Joseph Henry. The Grey Gum of the North Coast Districts. (Linnean Soc, X.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Observations on the Eucalypts of Xew South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.) ME 2 P DEANS, J. Co-operation rer^MS Private Trading. 12mo. Manchester, 1889. F 13 Y 23 DEARMER, Rev. Percy. Religious Pamphlets, with In- troduction and Notes. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 32 Social Work of the Undivided Church. (Reid, A. — The Xew Party.) F 15 P 29 DEAS-THOMPSON, Sir Edward. [See Thompson, Sir E. Deas-.] DE BERNARDI, G. B. Trials and Triumph of Labor : the Text^book of the Labor Exchange. 12mo. Inde- pendence, 1896. F 4 T 22 DE BOUVOIR, Roger. Sketch of. [See Bingham, Capt. D.— Recollections of Paris.] B 34 R 5, 6 DEBRETT' S House of Commons and the Judicial Bench, 1890. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1890. E Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companion- age, 1836-98. 73 vols. Svo. Lond., 1836-98. E DE CANDOLLE, Alphonse and Casimer. Monographiae Phanerogamarum. Vol. 9. Roy. Svo. Parisiis, 1896. A 32 T 24 9. Bromeliacese ; auctore C. Mez. DE CAUX, J. W. The best system of Life Insurance for Fishermen, and of insuring Boats, Gear, Nets, &.C. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib.— Fish. Lit.) A 34 R 9 DECKER, John W. Cheddar Cheese-making. lUustrated. Svo. Madison, 1895. A 18 R 29 DECLE, Lionel. Three Years in Savage Africa. With an Introduction by H. M. Stanley. lUustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 7 DE COQUE, John Vincent. Report on Spotted Gum, with especial reference to its value for wood-paving. [See Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.] ME 9 B DEFOE, Daniel. Shortest way with the Dissenters. (Dearmer, Rev. P. — Religious Pams.) G 23 Q 32 DE GARMO, Dr. Charles. Herbart and the Herbartians. Svo. New York, 1895. G 9 W 23 DEIGHTON, K. The Old Dramatists: Conjectural Readings on the Texts of Marston, Beaumont and Fletcher, Peele, Marlowe, Chapman, Heywood, Greene, Middleton, Dekkar, Webster. Svo. Lond., 1896. H 11 R 13 DEKKER, Tliomas. Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.— The Old Dramatists.] H 1 1 R 1 3 DE KXIGHT, William F. History of the Currency of the Country and of the Loans of the L'nited States. [See United States. — Department of the Treasm'v-] F 18" Q 22 DE LA SIZERAXXE, Robert. English Contemporary Art. Translated by H. M. Poynter. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 39 R 22 DELEUZE, J. P. F. Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism. Translated by T. C. Hartshorn. 4th ed. Svo. Lond., 1850. G 19 T 7 DE LISLE, Rouget. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Xapoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 DE LISSA, Alfred. Protection and Federation. 12mo. Sydney, 1890. ' MF 5 S 1 DELLA BELLA, Rev. Ardelio. Dizionario Italiano- Latino-Illirico. 4to. Ragusa, 1785. J 12 V 29 DEL MAR, Alexander. Lond., 1896. The Science of Monev. Svo. F 14 U 29 DEMIDOFF, E. Hunting Trips in the Caucasus. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 13U8 DEMOLIXS, Edmond. Anglo-Saxon Superiority : to what it is due. Translated by L. B. Lavigne. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 S 2 DE MORG^VX, A. Treatise on Problems of Maxima and Minima. [See Ramchundra.] A 25 T 6 DEMOSTHENES. [Life of.] [See Zama, Dr. C] C 24 R 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 101 DENDY, Prof. Arthur. Anatomy of an Australian Land Planarian. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Trans., 1.) ME 21 T Catalogue of Non-calcareous Sponges, collected in the neighbourhood of Port Phillip Heads. (Hoy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895-96.) ME 1 P Description oiPerijMtus oviparus. (LinneanSoc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Notes on New Zealand Land Planarians. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895-97.) ME 2 S On Virgularia gracillhna in Lyttelton Harbour. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Remarkable Culled icju of Marine Animals lately found on the New Brighton Beach, near Christchuroh, New Zealand. (N.Z. In.st., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S The Sponges described in Dieffenbach's " New Zealand.'' (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S DENISON, Herbert. Treatise on Photogravure in Itaglio by the Talbot-Klic Process. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 U 42 DENISON, Major-Gen. Sir William Thomas. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 33.) E Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t DENMARK : — Government Departments — Reports and Publications. Agriculture. Aarsberetning om det koneglige danske Landhusholdningsselskabs Virksomhed, 1896-97. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1897. A 39 V 23 Honscgaarden Vejledning i Honseavl og .iEggehandel af J. Pedersen-Bjergaard. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1895. A 29 S 34 DENNANT, John. Description of a new species of Unio from the River Glcnelg. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P , and CLARK, D. Miocene Strata of the Gipps- land Lakes Area. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P and MULDER, J. E. Probable Miocene Age of a Conglomerate at Sholford. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P DENNEY, Rev. James. The Clerical Life. [See Clerical Life, The] G 23 Q 17 DENNIE, John. Rome of Today and Yesterday. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. B 16 V 29 DENNING, I). Fretwork and Marquetry : a Practical Manual of Instructions in the Art of Pret-cutting and Manjuotry Work. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 R 49 DENNIS, Rev. James S. Christian Missions and Social Progress : a Sociological Study of Foreign Missions. Vol.1. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1897 G 1 1 S 37 DENNISTON, J. E. [Life of] Lord Campbell. \_See Mcllx)urno Review, 6.] ME 18 y [Life of] Lord Melbourne. \_See Melbourne Review, 4.] ME 18 Q DENNY, G. A. Blanket Deposits, with special reference to those met with at the Denny-Dalton Gold-fields, Vryheid District, South African Republic, and the pnjcess of treatment employed there. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, trans., 1895.) ME 18 P The Klerksdorp Gold-fields : being a Description of the Geologic and of the Economic Conditions obtaining in the Klerksdorp District, South African Republic. Illustrated. Roy 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 31 S 15 Mining Practice of the Witwatersrand Gold-fields, South African Republic (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P DENTON, Eardley Bailey-. Sewage Purification brought up to date, 1896. 8vo. Londl, 1896. A 22 R 6 Water Supply to Villages and Rural Districts. (Inter- nat. Health E.^hib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 V 4 DENVER PUBLIC LIBRARY. Public Library Hand- book. 18mo. Denver, 1895. J 16 T 43 DE PENNING, G. A. Meteorology and the Laws of Storms. 8vo. Calcutta, 1897. A 38 T 8 DEPREE, Charles Lambert. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 115.) E DE QUINCEY, Thomas. De Quincey and his Friends ; by J. Hogg. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 T 2 [Criticism of the Works of.] [Sec CraLk, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* DE RANGE, Charles E. Po.ssible Increase of Under- ground Water Supply. (Internat. Health E.xhih. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 DERBY, Edward GeofTrcy Stanley, 14th Earl of. [Por- trait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire] B 22 R 18 DERBY, Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 DERCUM, Dr. Francis X. The Drug Habits. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Tlierapeutics.) A 31 P 17 Localized Spasin.s, Localized Palsies, Facial Hemiatri>])hy. (Hare, Dr. 11. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 Text-book on Nervous Diseases; by American Authors. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. A 3! t^) 18 DERENBUURG, llartwig. Nouveau sur lEpiuiiihe Mineenne d'Egypto inscrite sous Pttilumce, fils de Ptolemee, avcc un rapport Sonnnaire sur les Confer- ences de I'Exercice 1894-95 etle Progranim des Con- feronces pour I'E.xercice 1.^95-96. 8vi.. Pari.s, 1895. 15 39 U 8 DE RETZ, Cardinal. Memoirs of, containing all (lie great events during the minority of Louis XI \' and Administration of Cardinal Miizariii. 8vo. I.i<>nd., 1896. n 21 r 2 102 Public Library of New South Wales. DERICK, Carrie M. A few Notes on Canadian Plant- lore. \See McGill University. — Papers from the De- partment of Botany.] A -40 S 7 DESBORDES-VALMORE, Marceline. [Verses by.] [See Verlaine, R— Les Poetes Maudits.] H 11 U 33 DESCARTES, Rene. Specimina Philosophise seu disser- tatio de Methodo. Sm. 4to. Amstelodami, 1677. A29S 7 DE SCHWEINITZ, Dr. George E. Diseases of the Con- junctiva, Sclera, and Cornea. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 DESHAYES, Gerard Paul. Catalogue of the Conchifera, or Bivalve Shells, in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 43 V 21, 22 DESJARDINS, Rene. Semillante : Valse Brillante. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 f Song : Thou'rt not for me. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t DESPEISSIS, J. Adraiji. The Jerusalem Artichoke. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 DESSAIX, Gen. Joseph Marie. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H IT 15 DESTREE, Olivier Georges. Renaissance of Sculpture in Belgium. [See Portfolio, The.— Monographs, 23.] E DE TABLEY, Sir John Fleming Leicester, Lord. Criti- cism of the Works of. [See Gosse, Edmund. — Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 DE THIERRY, C. Imperialism. With an Introduction by W. E. Henley. 12mo. Lend., 1898. F 15 P 21 DETMER, Dr. W. Practical Plant Psysiology : an In- troduction to original research for Students and Teachers of Natural Science, Medicine, Agriculture, and Forestry. Translated from the 2nd German ed. by S. A. Moor. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 32 R 40 DEULLY, Eugene. [Reproduction of his Picture] Undine. [See Lansing, C— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 % DEUTSCH-AUSTRALISCHES ECHO, from No. 1, Aug.- Dec, 1895. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. ME 21 T DE VERE, Aubrey. The Personal Character of Words- worth's Poetry. (Knight, W. — Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 Recollections of. With Portrait. 8vo. Lend., 1897. C24T 11 Speech by, to tlie Members of the Wordsworth Society. (Knight, W. — Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 DE VIS, Charles Walter. Description of a Flycatcher, presumably new. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Description of a new Bird of Paradise from British New Guinea. (Ibis, April, 1897.) E Diagnosis of thirty-six new or little-known Birds from British New Guinea. (Ibis, July, 1897.) E Mandible of Zygomaturas. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1894.) ME 1 T Marsupial Bones of the Coimaidal Limestone. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Review of the Fossil Jaws of the Macropodidie in the Queensland Museum. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P DEVONSHIRE, Elizabeth Harvey, Duchess of. The two Duchesses. [See Foster, V.] C 25 Q 20 DEVONSHIRE, Georgiana, Duchess of. The two Duch- esses. [See Foster, V.] C 25 Q 20 DEVONSHIRE, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 8th Duke of. [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 DEVONSHIRE, William Cavendish, 7th Duke of. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 DE WAAL, Dr. C. With Rhodes in Mashonaland. 8vo. Cape Town, 1896. D 14 Q 17 DEWAR, George A. B. Memoirs of Sir Claude A. B. Champion de Crespigny. [See Champion de Crespigny, Sir Claude.] C 22 Q 15 DE WET, Sir Jacobus Albertus. Letter from, relative to his retirement, together with other correspondence. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland.— South Africa.] F 40 V 30 J DEWEY, Dr. Davis R. Irregularity of Employment. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V 19 The Study of Statistics. (American Econ. Assoc ) F 4 VI 4 DEWEY, Dr. Edward Hooker. A New Era for Woman : Health without Drugs, a plain pathway to the " King- dom of Health, -without money and without price ;" the largest possibilities of reaching the natural limit of life assured. 12mo. Norwich, 1896. A 33 Q 27 The True Science of Living : the New Gospel of Health, Practical and Physiological ; Story of an Evolution of Natural Law in the Cure of Diseases for Physicians ; how the Sick get well ; how the Well get sick : Alco- holism freshly considered. With Introduction by Rev. George F. Pentecost. 8vo. Norwich, 1895. A 32 R 35 DEWEY, John. The Study of Ethics. 8vo. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1894. G 3 R 30 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 103 DEWEY, Dr. John Hamlin. The New Testament Occult- ism ; or, Miracle-working Power interpreted as the basis of an occult and mystic science. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 19 U 1 The Pathway of the Spirit : a Guide to Inspiration, Illumination, and Divine Realization on Earth. 8vo. New York, 1890. (Christian Theosophy Series.) G 23R 17 The Way, the Truth, and the Life: a Hand-book of Christian Theo.sophy and Psychic Culture ; a new Edu- cation based on the Ideal and Method of the Christ. 6th ed. 8vo. New York, 1888. G 23 R 16 DEWEY, Lyster Hoxie. Legislation against Weeds \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Botany.] A 37 S 59 The Russian Thistle. 'J_See United States.— Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Botany.] A 19 V 46 The Ru.ssian Thistle and other troublesome Weeds in the Wheat Region of Minnesota and North and South Dakota. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Botany.] A 37 S 19 DEWEY, Melvil. Abridged Decimal Classification and Relativ Index for Libraries, Clippings, Notes, nd., 1897. J 14 Q 33 DIDIEll, Adulphc. Cures effected by Animal Magnetism. 18mo. Loud., 1861. G 15 U 20 104 Fuhlic Library of Neio South Wales. DIECK, Col. Herman. Life and Public Ser-vdces of the Hon. Grover Cleveland. [5« Cleveland, Stephen Grover.] C 23 Q 17 DIEHL, A. M. Musical Memories. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23R 7 DIEZ, H. F. von. Buch des Kabus oder Lehren des persischen Konigs Kjekjawuz fiir seinen Sohn Ghilan Schach. 8vo. Berlin, 1811. J 14 U 6 Denkwiirdigkeiten von Asien in Kiinsten und TVissen- schaften, Sitten, Gebrauchen und Alterthiimem, Religion und Regierungsverfassung aus Handschriften und eigenen Erfahrungen gesammelt. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1811-15. B 16 R 26, 27 DIGBY, Sir Everard. The Life of a Conspirator : being the Biography of Sir E. Digby by one of his descend- ants. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 24 T 21 DILKE, Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Wentworth, The Growth of Greater Britain. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [_See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 , and WILKINSON, Spenser. Imperial Defence- New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 R 11 DILLMAN, A. Verzeichniss der Abessinischen Hand- schriften. [See Berlin-Konigliche Bibliothek.] K 11 U t DILLON, I^Ime. Infant Schools in France. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 DILLON, Harold Arthur Lee, Viscount. The Armoury. {See Loftie, W. J. — Authorised Guide to the Tower of London.] B 21 R 15 DINGIER S POLTTECnXISCnES JOURNAL, July, lS97-June, 1898. 4 vols. sm. fol. Stuttgart, 1897- 98. E DIODORL'S. Invasion of India by Alexander the Great. {See M'Crindle, J. W.] B 28 T 6 DIRECTORY AND HAND-BOOK of the Meat and Provision Trades and their allied industries for the United States and Canada. 8vo. New York (n.d.) A 33 P 22 DISRAELI, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield. [See Bea- consfield. Earl of.] DISTANT, William Lucas. Rhopalocera Malayana : a Description of the Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1882-86. A 18 Q 18 t Rhynchota from the Australian and Pacific Region. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1881.) E DITCHFIELD, Rev. Peter Hampson. Old English Cus- toms extant at the Present Time. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 12 V 33 The Story of our English Towns ; with an Introduction by A. Jessopp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 23 S 21 DITT:MAR, Franz, and SCHERZER, Georg. Ballhoms Niimberger Wanderbuch Ein Fiihrer bei "Wander- ungen in der Umgegend Nvirnbergs in den Gebieten der Pegnitz, Regnitz Altmiihl, nebst einen Anhang Die Geologischen Yerhaltnisse der Umgegend Niim- bergs von Dr, M. Hagen. 12mo. Niirnberg, 1889. D 12 P 64 DITTRICH, Ottmar. Mit Geschlossenen Augen. [See Bellamy, Edward.] J 1 V 47 DI VER, Jenny, [Life of] ; by Charles Andrews. (Vincent, Arthur.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 DIVIDEND: what it is, and how it is made. 12mo. Manchester, 1885. F 13 V 23 DIXON, Andrew J. Manual of Icemaking and Refriger- ating Machines : a Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Cold-production by mechanical means. 18mo. St. Louis, Mo., 1894. A 25 P 14 DIXON, Charles. British Sea Birds. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 27 T 39 Curiosities of Bird Life : an Account of the Sexual Adornments, Wonderful Displays, Strange Sounds, Sweet Songs, Curious Nests, Protective and Recog- nitory Colours and extraordinary Habits of Birds. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 R 6 The Migration of Birds : an attempt to reduce Avine Season-Flight to Law. New ed. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 33 S 25 Our Favourite Song Birds : their Habits, Music, and Characteristics. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 27 U 35 DIXON, D. B. The Mechanical Arts simplified. Illus- trated. Svo. Chicago, 1897. A 39 P 1 DIXON, E. M. Workshop Instruction in Technical Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 DIXON, Dr. Frank H. State Railroad Control. Svo. New York, 1896. F 10 V 7 DIXON, Harold B. Domestic Use of Gas. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 19 DIXON, Sydenham. Billiards. [See Broadfoot, JIajor W.] A 29 S 23 DIXON, William John. Law and Practice in Divorce and other Matrimonial Causes. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1891. F9R41 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98, 105 [Criticism of the Works of] Henry. — English Prose.] DIXOX, Dr. William ^NJacNeile. English Poetry from iJliike to Browning. 2nd ed. ^\o. Loud., 1890. H 10 U 20 Primer of Tennj'son, with a Critical Essay. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J U U 9 George Grote. \_See Craik, J G Q J8* [Criticism of the Works of] Henry Hallam. [See Craik. Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of tlie Works of] Walter Savage Laiidor. ISee Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J G Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Henry Hart 3Iilnian. \_See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* DIXSON, Zella Allen. Comprehensive Subject-Index to Universal Prose Fiction. 8vo. New York, 1897. J 14 V 30 DJEMALEDDIN, Bey. Sultan iVIurad V, and the Turkish Dynastic Mystery, 187G-95. 8vo. Lund., 1895. ' " B 34 Q U DOBSON, Austin. Collected Poems. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 11 R 18 Eighteenth Century Vignettes. 3rd ser. 8vo. Lond., 1896. "^ J U T 17 Song : Dolly Day. [Words only.] Sni. fol. Sydney (n.d.) iMA13P6t Story of Rosina, and other Verses. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. H 11 R 27 DOCK, Dr. George. Malarial Diseases and Dengue. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therajjeutics.) A 31 P15 DOVti Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of Great Britainand Ireland, 18-11-98. 58 vols. 12mo. Lond.. 1841-98. E DODD, Rev. Henry Philip. The Epigrammatists : a Selection from the Epigrannnatic Literature of Ancient, Medianal, and Modern Times. 2nd ed. 8yo. Lond., 1889. J IG R 40 DODD, Rev. William. Thoughts in Prison. 18mo. Lond. (n.d.) 11 10 T 3G DODDS, James Jliller. [Criticism of the Works of] James Anthony Froude. [-See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J G Q 38* DODGE, Charles Riciiards. Descriptive Catalogue of tlie Useful Fiber Plants of the World. \See United States. — Dcpt. of Agricult. — Office of Fiber Investi- gations.] A 39 R 18 R("cent Facts regarding the Ramie Industry in America, with brief statements relating to Manufacture in Europe, kv. {See United States. Dept. of Agricult. — Otlico of Fiber Investigations.] A 37 S 15 Report on the Cultivation of Ramie in the United States. \Set United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Fiber Investigations.] A 30 R 31 DODGE, Charles Richards— con/f/. Report on the Culture of Hemp and Jute in the L'nited States. \See Unitetl States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Fiber Investigations.] A 37 S 57 Report on Flax, Hemp, Ramie, and Jute. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Statistics.] A 37 S 16 Report on Flax Culture for Filjer in the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Statistics.] A 37 S 43 Report on the Leaf Fibers of the T'nited States. \_Ste United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Statis- tics.] A 37 S 1 1 Report on Sisal Hemp Culture in the L'^nited States. {See United States, — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Statistics.] ' A 37 S 17 Report on the uncultivated Bast Fibers of the United States. {See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Statistics.] A 37 S 10 DODGE, Lieut.-Col. T. A. Great Captains.— Gusta%-us Adolphus. {See Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden.] B 20 S 14 DODGE, William E. William E. Dodge, the Christian jNIcrchant ; by Carlos ISIartyn. 8\o. New York, 1894. C 20 U 3 DODGSON, F. H. Some a1)andoned Gold-fields of the Old World. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T DODS, John Bovee. Philosophy of Electrical Pliysiology. 8vo. New York, 1850. G"19 U 12 DODS, Rev. ]\Iarcus. Tlie Clerical Life. {See Clerical Lite, The.] i\ 23 Q 17 DOHRN, Dr. Anton. Die Pantopoden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 3 t DOLBEAR, Prof. Amos Emerson. The Art of Projecting : a Manual of Experimentation in Physics, Chemistry, and Nalur.il History with the Porto Lumiere and Magic Lantern. Illustrated. 8vo. J5oston, 1892. A 23 S 16 DOLE, Charles Fletcher. The Coming People. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 15 U 32 Dole, Helen W. Rustic Life in France. {Set Tlieuriet, Andre.] D 18 S 17 DOLE, Nathan Hankell. Rubaiydt of Omar Khavyiim. [SwOniar Kli:.yyani.] llll 1! 10, -U DOLE, Sanford 15., and W 1 LETS, Albert S. The I fawaiian Crisi.s. 8vo. Honohdu, 1893. MF3K72 DOliLFUS. G. (icologio du Spit/berg. {See RaimiTid, G.] A 25 V 36 106 Fuhlic Library of Neio South Wales. DOLLIXGEE, Rev. John J. I. von. Lectures on the Reunion of the Churclies. \_See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J l-t U 35 DOLMETSCH, H. Historic Styles of Ornament, with Historical and Descriptive Text. Illustrated. 4to. Lend., 1898. A 18 T 15 t DOMETT, Alfred. [Portrait of.] {See Album of Aus- tralian AVriters.] MA 45 P + DOMINGUEZ, Dr. Manuel. Typhus Fever. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 DONALD. A. K. Melusiae. [_See Early English Text Sec] ■ E DONALD, James Thomas. Peculiar behaviour of Charcoal in the Blast Furnace at Radnor Forges, Que. {See McGill L^niversity. — Papers from the Department of Botany.] A 40 S 7 DONALDSON, Thomas. Walt Whitman. [See Whit- man, W.] C 23 Q 23 DONEUX, Lieut.-Col. A. Electricite et Magnetisme ter- restres, theorie de N. R. Briick appliquee a la Phy- sique du Globe, a la M^teorologie aux incendies et au grisou. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1894. A 20 P 30-32 DONNE, John, Dean of St. Paul'-s. Poems of. Edited by E. K. Chambers, with an Introduction by G. Saintsbury. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 10 U 31, 32 Life of, 1621-31 ; by A. Jessopp. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Leaders of Religion.) C 23 S 9 Essay on. [See Lightfoot, J. B., Bishop — Historical Essays.] J 12 U 27 DONNELLY, Ignatius. Atlantis : the Antedilu\-ian World. 11th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1895. J 14 R 22 No Cipher in Shakespeare : a Refutation of the Great Cryptogram. [jSee Nicholson, Rev. A.] J 10 U 35 DONNELLY, Ned. Self-defence ; or, the Art of Boxing. Edited by J. M. Waite. 6th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 29 S 38 DONOVAN, Edward. An Epitome of the Natural His- tory of the Insects of India and the Islands in the Indian Seas. Dlustrated. 4to. Lond., 1800. A 18 R 9 t Natural History of the Insects of China, containing up- wards of 220 Figures and Descriptions. New ed., brought down to the present state of the science ; with Systematic Charactere of each Species, Synonyms, In- dexes, and other additional matter, by J. O. Westwood. 4to. Load., 1842. AllWlSf DONOVAN, Thomas. English Historical Plays; by Shakespeare, Marlowe, Peele, Heywood, Fletcher, and Ford, arranged for acting as well as for reading. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1896. H 10 W 19, 20 DORCHESTER, Rev. Daniel The Problem of ReUgious Progress. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1895. G 12 V 4 DORIS, Charles. Secret Memoirs of Napoleon. [See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 21 17 7 D0R:MAN, long, and CO. Steel Sections. Ob. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 22 P 47 DORPFELD, Dr. Wilhehn. The Mycenaean Age. [See Tsountas, Dr. C] B 16 V 39 DOrGAL, F. H., .-ind CO. Index to Advertisements for Next-of-kin, Heirs-at>law, Legatees, &c., who have been advertised for to claim Money and Property in Great Britain and all parts of the World. 10th ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) K 10 T 29 DOUGALL. S. S. Soils and Manures. (West Australian Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 54 DOUGHERTY, T. Heywood. Musicians and Musical Taste in Australasia. (Review of Reviews, April, 1897.) E DOUGLAS, Dr. Charles. The Ethics of John Stuart Slill. [Se« Mill, J. S.] G 11 U 14 DOUGLAS, Sir George. The " Blackwood " Group. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 U 24 DOUGLAS, James. The Australian Colonies. (Canadian Monthly, Sept., 1876.) E DOUGLAS, John. An Australian Nation. (Melbourne Re\dew, 5.) ME 18 Q DOUGLAS, Robert B. A French Volunteer of the War of Independence. [See Pontigibaud, Chev. de.] C23P21 DOL'GLAS.RobertKennaway. Confucianism andTaouism. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 4 V 18 Catalogue of Chinese Printed Books, MSS., and Draw- ings in the Library of the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 13 Pi 13 f Catalogue of Japanese Printed Books and MSS. in the Library of the British jSIuseum. [See British Museum. ] J 13 R 18 t DOUGLAS, W. S. Cromwell's Scotch Campaigns, 1650- 51. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 P 13 DOUGLASS, Frederick. Life and Times of, written by himself ; his Early Life as a Slave, his Escape from Bondage, and his complete History to the present time. 8vo. Boston, 1895. C 22 S 21 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 107 DOUXAMI, Dr. H. Etudes sur les Terrains Tertiaires du Dauphinu de la Savoie et de la Suisse Occidentale. 8vo. Paris, 1896. A 31 S 25 DOVE, Jane Frances. Work and Play in Girls' Schools. \_See Beale, Dorothea.] G 23 P 32 DOVER, Capt. Robert. [Essay on] Captain Dover's Cotswokl Games. \See Gosse, Edmund. — 17th Cen- tury Studies.] H 10 W 23 DOWDEX, Dr. Edward. The French Revolution and English Literature : Lectures delivered in connection with the sesquicentennial celebration of Princeton University. Bvo. Lond., 1897. J U R 12 History of French Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 R 29 Transcripts and Studies. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 V 27 Wordsworth's Modernisation of Chaucer. (Knight, W. — Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. [_See Shelley, P. B.] C 22 T 16 The Passionate Pilgrim. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 1 1 V 21 DOWNER, A. G. Our Pastoral Interest. Bvo. Ade- laide, 1894. MF 5 Q 17 DOWNMAN, Edward A. English Pottery and Porcelain. Bvo. Lond., 189G. A 23 R 50 DOWNTON, Henry. Modern Physics. [See Naville, E.] A 24 R 29 DOWSON, J. Emerson. Decimal Coinage : Weights and Measures popularly explained. [See Molesworth, Sir G.] A 25 S 19 DOYLE, Arthur Conan. Songs of Action. 12mo. Lond., 1B9B. H11Q2B DOYLE, Dennis. Rise and Fall of the Matabelc Nation. 12mo. Grahamstown, 1893. B 28 Q 3 DOYLE, John A. History of the Plimoth Plantation. [See Bradford, William."] B 13 X 4 t DOYNE, William Thomas. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 52.) E DRAGE, Geoffrey. The Labour Problem. Bvo. Lond., 1896. F 10 S 31 DRAKE, Sir Francis. Drake and the Tudor Navy. [See Corbett, J. S.] B 39 tj 10, 17 [Sketch of.] [See Griffith, G. — Men who have made the Empire.] B 39 Q 4 Voyages of. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 48 DRAKE, James G. Tiio Coloured Libour Problem in relation to Federation. (People's Federal (.'onvciition, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 DRAKE, Joseph Rodman. [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Litera- ture.] J 22 R 37 DRAKE DEL CASTILLO, E. Flore de la Polynesia Fran('aise : Description des Plantes Vasculaires qui Croissent Spontanement ou qui sont Generalement Cultivees aux lies de la Societe, Marquise, Pomotou, Gambler, et Wallis. Roy. Bvo. Paris, 1893. MA 1 S 14 DRAPER, Dr. J. W. Sketch of ; by R. A. Proctor. [See Leisure Readings.] A 19 Q 16 DRAWBAUGH, Daniel. Testimony taken by the U.S. Patent Office in re application of Daniel Drawbaugh. Telephones, public use, and sale proceeding. [See United States.— Patent Office.] F 1 1 T 22 t DRESCHFELD Dr. Julius. Endocarditis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Enteric Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 34 Infective Endocarditis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Ulcer of the Stomach and Duodenum. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 DRESSER, A. R. Lantern Slides : how to make them. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1891. A 41 Q 5 DRESSER, Dr. Christopher. Studies in Design. Illus- trated. Fol. Lond. (n.d.) A 40 U 13 J DRESSER, Horatio W. In search of a Soul : a series of Essays in interpretation of the Higher Nature of Man. Bvo. Boston, 1897. G 23 R IB Power of Silence : an interpretation of Life in its relation to Health and Happiness. 8th ed. Bvo. Boston, 1898. G 23 R 21 DREW, John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 DREW, Mrs. John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [Sec McKay. F. E.— Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23(^6 DREW, S. H. Natural History Notes. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Notes on Reyalecus Sp. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S On FornKjl for Preservation of Natural History Speci- mens. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S DREWllY, Dr. George Ovorend. Common-sense ^Manage- ment of the Stomach. 12mo. Lond., 1875. A 26 Q 42 DREYFUS, Capt. Alfred. L' Affaire Dreyfus et I'lmage. [See Grand-Carteret, J.] A 33 Q 29 The Dreyfus Case. [Sw Guyou, G.] F 15 11 17 DREYFUS, Irma. Lectures on French Literature, de- livered ill Melbourne. Bvo. Loud., 1896. J 10 S 29 108 Public Librat'y of Neio South Wales, DRIVER, Rev. Samuel Rolles, and WHITE, Rev. Henry Alcock. Book of Le^dticus. [See Bibles and Testa- ments.] G 23 U 5 DRUCE, S. B. L. Education of Boys intended to be Farmers. (Interuat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 Means of securing the supply of j\Ieat to largely popu- lated centres. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 1 DRLX'KER, Adolphus. The Evolution of the Aryan. [_See Ihering, R. von.] A 19 U 14 DRUM310ND, Prof. Henry. The Ideal Life, and other unpublished Addresses ; with Memorial Sketches by W. Robertson NicoU and Rev. J. AVatson. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 R 9 DRURY, W. D. British Dogs. [See Dalziel, Hugh.] A 14 T 41* DRYDEX, John. The Age of Dryden. \_See Garnett, Dr. R.] " J 12 S 43 Preface to the Fables. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 Selections from the Works of. [See West, K. — Laureates of England.] K 1 1 R 1 DU BARRI, Mdme. Memoirs of. Translated bv H. T. Riley. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. B 33 R 10-13 DUBBS, Eev. J. H. History of the Reformed Church, German, in the United States. (American Church Hist. Ser.) G 12 V 15 DUBLIX POST OFFICE DIRECTORY and Calendar for 1895. Svo. Dublin, 1896. E DUBLIX REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-122, 1836-April, 1898. 122 vols. Svo. Lond., 1836-98. E DUBLIN UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 1871-98. 29 vols. 12mo. Dublin, 1871-97. E DUBXER, Frederic. Commentarii. [See Aurelius An- toninus, M.] J 18 V 23 Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti. [See Simplicius.] J 18 V 23 Dissertatioues. [See Maxim us Tyrius.] J 18 V 23 Dissertationes ab Arriano Uteris mandatae Fragmenta et Enchiridion, cum Commentario Simplicii. [See Epic- tetus.] J 18 V 23 Tabula. [See Cebes.] J 18 V 23 DU BOIS, Prof. Augustus Jay. Stresses in Framed Structures, including the Strength of Materials and Theory of Flexure, also the Determination of Dimen- sions and Designing of Details, Specifications, com- plete Designs, and Working Drawings. 10th ed^ Roy. Svo New York, 1896. A 18 P 24 t DUBOIS, Felix. Timbuctoo, the Mysterious. Translated by Diana White. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. D 14 V 23 DUBOIS, J. A. Hindu Manners, Customs, and Cere- monies. Translated from the Author's later French MS., and edited, with Notes, Corrections, and Biog- raphy, by H. K. Beauchamp. With Portrait. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1897. G 23 S 12, 13 DUBOIS, Prof. Raphael. Physiologie Comparee de la Marmotte. Illustrated. Svo. Paris, 1896. A 31 S 28 DU BOIS, Dr. W. E. Burghardt. Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870. Svo. New York, 1896. (Hars-ard His- torical Studies.) F 3 T 19 DU BOULAY, Capt.NoelWilmotHoussemayne. Epitome of the Chino-Japanese War, 1894-95. [See Great Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] B 33 P 5 DL'BL'FE, Guillaume. [Reproduction of his Picture] Pro- fane Music. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 j DU CANE, Su- Charles, Governor of Tasmania. Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t DU CANE, ilaj.-Gen. Sir Etlmund Frederick. Early Days in Westralia. (Cornhill 3Iagazine, Maj-, 1897.) E DUCHOCHOIS, P. C. Photographic Reproduction Pro- cesses. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 23 S 28 DUCKHAM, Thomas. Causes which have checked the Development of our Home Production of Wheat. (In- ternat. Health Exliib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V I DUCKWORTH, Sir Dyce. The General Principles of Dietetics in Disease ; or, the Feeding of the Sick. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Obesity. (Allbutt, Dr.'T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 DUCKWORTH, Wynfrid Lawrence Henry. Notes on Crania of Australian Aborigines. (Anthropol. Inst, of Gt. Brit., Journ., 1897.) E DUCLAUX, Dr. C. Fermentation. (Internat. Health Exhib —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 6 DUCREST, Mme. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. [See Josephine, Empress of France.] C 23 V 2, 3 DUDE V ANT, Mme. Amandine Lucile Aurre, " George Sand." [Essay on.] [See Myers, F. W. H. — Essays Modern.] J 14 V 15 DUDGEOX, Dr. John. Diet, Dress, and Dwellings of the Chinese in relation to health. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 109 DUDLEY, Uriah. Mine Plans and Mine Models, with Suggestions for why and how they iiiay be combined (Australasian lust, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P A Mining Puzzle. (Australasian Inst, of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P Silver Lead Ore Zones of the Uniherumberka Lode- (Australasian lust, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P DUERR, Oeorge, and TURNBULL, William. Bleaching and Calico-printing. 8vo. Lond., 189C. A 25 U 19 DU FAUR, Eccleston. Re Notable Hailstorm of 17th November, 189G, in parts of parish of Gordon. (Roy. Soc., N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) -AIE 1 R DUFAUX, F. [Reproduction of his Picture] Baby's Bath. \See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P27 t DUFF, E. Gordln. Early English Printing : a series of Fac-similes of all the Tj-pes used in England during the 15th Century, with some of those used in the printing of English books abroad. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 40 U 8 t DUFF, llany. Legal Obligations in relation to the Dwellings of the Poor ; with a Preface by A. Cohen. (Internal. Health E.xhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 DUFF, Sir Mountstuart E. Grant. Notes from a Diar\-, 1831-81. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897-98. J 22 Q 10-13 Foreign Policy. {See Practical Politics.] F 12 T 31 DUFF, R. W. The Herring Fisheries of Scotland. (In- ternal. Fisheries Exhib. — Fish. Literature) A 34 R 6 DUFFERIN AND AVA, Sir Frederick Temple Black- wood, Manjuess of. Rectorial Address, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. {See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 DUFFIELI ), Alexander James. Peru in the Guano Age : being a short Account of a recent visit to the Guano Dejiosits, with some reflections on the money they have produced and the uses to which it has been applied. 8vo. Lond., 1877. I) 16 R 7 DUFFY, Sir Charles Gavan. An Australian in Kurope thirty years ago. (Contemporary Review, October, lf<97.) E Ballad Poetry of Ireland. 43rd ed. ISnio. Dublin (n.d.) Jl 10 V 27 My Life in two HcMnispheres. ^\'ith Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MC 1 T 32, 33 Our First Legislature. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Port Phillip: a jireliminary Chajiler in the Political History of Victoria. (Melbourne R(rvie\v, 1.) ME 18 Q DU GUESCLIN, Bcrti and. Life and Times of ; by E. V. Stoddard, Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. C 23 y 24 DUKES, Dr. Clement. Hygiene of Youth. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 School Dormitories. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 DUMAS, Alexandre. Celebrated Crimes. Translated by I. G. Burnham. Illustrated. 8 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1895. F 7 P 26-33 [Criticism of the Works of.] {Sec ^Matthews, J. B. — French Dramatists of the 'l9th Century.] H 12 R 1 DUMAS, Alexandre, jun. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — French Dramatists of the 19tb Century.] H 12 R 1 DUMAS, F. G. Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists. Fol. Lond., 1882. ■ C 1 P 17 t DU MAURIER, George. English Society. Illustrated. Ob. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 15 S 22 t Social Pictorial Satire. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 14 V 29 In Bohemia with Du Maurier. {See Moseheles, F.l C 24'T 20 DUMONT, Albert. Notes on Higher Education in France. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 DUMONT, James A. Steaudjoat In.spectors' Manual. {See United States. — Steamboat Inspection Service.] F 12 S 25 DUN, William Sutherland. Contributions to the Palaeon- tology of the Upper Silurian Rocks of Victoria, based on specimens in the Collection of George Sweet. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Descriptions of the Palivozoic Fossils of New South Wales. {See N. S. Wales.— Geolog. Survey.] ME DUNBAR, William. [Life of]; by Oliphant Smeaton. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 V 10 DUNCAN, Adm. Adam. [Life of] ; by the Earl of Cam- perdown. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 17 DUNCAN, George. The various Theories of the Relation of Mind and Brain reviewed. 12nio. Lond., 18()9. G 17 y 53 DUNCAN, Dr. .James Matthews. Fecundity, Fertility, Sterility, and allied topics. 8vo. Edinb., 1866. A 19 U 12 DUNCAN, R. C. Electricity and Magnetism. {See Gerard, E.] A 39 Q 1 "DUNCANS." How money makes monev. 4th. cd. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ■ ■ F 13 V 33 DUNDONALl), Thomas Cochrane, Earl of. The Trial of Lord Cochrane befiirr Lord Ellenborouifh. [Sci* Atlav, J. B.] " F 13 T 29 110 Fublic Library of New South Wales. DUNKIN, Edwin, F.R.S. The Midniglit Sky : Familiar Notes on the Stars and Planets. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Land., 1891. A 12 T 23 t DUNLOP, Mi-s. Francis Anna. Robert Burns and Mrs. Duulop : Correspondence now published in full for the first time ; with Elucidations by W. Wallace. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 U 5 DUNLOP, James. Approximate places of Double Stars in the Southern Hemisphere, observed at Parramatta, N.S.W. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 3.) E Observations of Mars and Stars in his parallel, made at Parramatta, N.S.AV., 1832. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 8.) E Observations of two Comets, 1833-34, made at Parra- matta, N.S.W. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 8.) E Observations of Vesta and Stars in her parallel, made at Parramatta, N.S.W., 1833. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 8.) " E James Dunlop, F.R.S., Astronomer Royal, N.S.W., 1831-47. \_See Ser\ice, Dr. John. — Thir Notandums.] MJ 3 Q 46 Observations on two Comets discovered at Parramatta in 1824. [_See Roy. Soc, Edinb., Trans., 10.] E DUNLOP, R. Restoration of the Jews. 12mo. Sj'dney, 1863. MG 2 T 20 DUNN, E. J. Northward Extension of the Derrinal Con- glomerate. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Note on Perforated Rocks from Western Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P DUNN, Sara H. Sunny Memories of an Indian Winter. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 19 U 16 DUNNE, Lyell. Psyche, and other Poems. 12mo. Ade- laide (n.d.) MH 1 V 22 DUNNICLIFF, Alfred Atten. Cultivation of Broom Millet for manufacturing purposes. (Agricult. Ga- zette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Onions. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Potatoes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA4U1 The Tomato. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 ■ DUNNING, Rev. Albert Elijah. The Pilgrim Fathers of New England and their Puritan Successors. [See Brown, Rev. J.] G 1 R 42 DUNNING, Prof. William Archibald. Essays on the Cixdl War and Reconstruction and related topics. Svo. New York, 1898. F 4 U 37 DUNSTAN, Rev. E. Tremayne. Evolution of the Pulpit. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MG 1 P 88 DUNWOODY, Lieut. H. H. C. Weather Proverbs. Roy. Svo. Wash., 1883. A 31 Q 6 DURAND, Edward Dana. The City Chest of New Am- sterdam. (Goodwin, M. W. — Historic New York.) B 19 R6 DURAND, Sir Henry Marion. [Sketch of.] [_See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 DURER, Albrecht. Paintings and Drawings of. [&« Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 31.) E DURUY, George. Memoirs of Barras. \_See Barras, Paul.] C 21 T 15-18 DURYEA, Rev. J. T. Ethics of Marriage. [_See Pome- roy. Dr. H. S.] F 15 Q 28 DU TOIT, S. J. Rhodesia, Past and Present. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 39 P 1 DUTT, Romesh C. England and India : a Record of Progress during 100 years, 1785-1885. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F15R3 DUTT, Toru. Criticism of the Works of. {See Gosse, Edmund.— Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 DUTTON, Francis Stacker. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst. of Civil Engineers, Proc, 49.) E DWIGHT, Theodore F. Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders. 8vo. Boston, 1895. C 21 U 5 DWYER, Jeremiah. The Appointment of the Judges. (Melbourne Re\-iew, 2.) ME 18Q DYCE, Rev. Alexander. Sir Thomas More : a Play now first printed. [_See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 28 D YCK, Sir Anthony Van. Life and Work of ; by Jules GuiSi-ey. Translated by WiUiam Alison. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1896. C 44 Q 12 + DYCK, Jolm Charles Van. ^See Van Dyck, J. C] DYDE, Prof. S. W. Hegel's Philosophy of Right. [See Hegel, G. W. F.] G 12 V 24 DYER, E. Jerome. Australia and the Asian-Pacific 8vo. Melb., 1895. MF 5 Q 5 DYKE, Dr. Thomas Jones. Duties of School Managers in relation to Epidemics and Health of Inmates. (Internal. Health Exliib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 DYKES, Rev. J. Oswald. Shakespeare, Puritan and Recusant. [See Shakespeare, W.] C 23 P 20 DYMOCK'S ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO SYDNEY, comprising Description of the City and its Institutions; with which is incorporated the Tourists' Hand-book and Description of the Resources of New South Wales. Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MD 4 Q 7 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. Ill DYSON, Edward. Below and on top. Illustrated. 8vo. Mclb., 1S98. MJ 3 U 1 RhjTiies from the Mines. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 V 1 9 DYSON, Thomas J. riPverVieratory Furnace Smelting of Ores. (Australasian Inst, of ^Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P DZIATZKO, Karl. Entwickelung und Gegcnwiirtiger Stand der Wissenschaftlicheu Bibliotheken Deutsch- lands. 8vo. Leipzig, 1893. J 11 V 23 E E., A. L. O. \_See Tucker, Charlotte Maria.] EAGLESON, James G., SANDERSON, William Alex- ander, and O'DOWD, Bernard P. Digest of Austral- asian Mining Cases as decided in the Supreme Courts of Victoria, New South ^yales, Queensland, South Aus- tralia, and New Zealand, and an appeal therefrom to the Privy Council 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 5 R 5 , ROBINSON, Llewellyn Farrant Samuel, and SANDERSON, AVilliam Alexander. Digest of re- ported Cases in the Supreme Court, Court of Insol- vency, and Courts of Mines of the Colony of Victoria, 1890-95. 8vo. Mclb., 1897. MF 1 S 67 EARLE, Alice Morse. The Stadt Huys of New Amster- dam. (Gcjodwin, M. W.— Historic New York.) B 1 9 R 6 [Life of] Margaret Winthrop. [See Winthrop, Margaret.] C 20 U 15 EARLE, Rev. John. Microcosmography ; or, a Piece of the "World discovered in Essays and Characters. With a Preface and supplementary Appendix by S. T. Irwin. 8vo. Bristol, 1897. J 14 R 35 EARLES, John. A Minute Philosopher. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY. Publications. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-98. E Melusine. Compiled 1382-94 by .Tean ITArras, Knglislit about 1500. Edited by A. K. Donald. Tart 1. Text, Notes, and Glossary. The Fire of Love, and the Mending of Life ; or, the Rule of Living. The first Englislit in WS'y, from the Dc incendio Ajnoris, the scconond., 189S. B 18 Q 19 t EICHBERG, Dr. Joseph. Diseases of the Liver. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 EILOART, Arnold. Arrangement of Atoms in Space. [See Hoff, J. H. van 't.] A 33 Q 26 EISIG, Dr. Hugo. Monographic der Capitelliden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 16 t EISSLER, Manuel. Hand-book on Modern Explosives : a Practical Treatise on the ^Manufacture and Use of Dynamite, Gun-cotton, Nitro-glycerine, and other Ex- plosive Compound.s, including Collodion Compounds ; with Chapters on Explosives in Practical Application. 2nd ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S97. A 20 Q 22 Metallurgy of Gold : a Practical Treatise on the Metallurgical Treatment of Gold-bearing Ores, includ- ing the Processes of Concentration, Chlorination, and Extraction by Cyanide, and the Assaying, Melting, and Refining of Gold. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 24 S 19 Metallurgy of Silver : a Practical Treatise on the Amal- gamation, Roasting, and Lixiviation of Silver Ores, including the Assaying, Melting, and Refining of Silver Bullion. 4th ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 24 P 21 EITEL, Dr. E. J. Europe in China: the History of Hong- kong from the beginning to the year 1882. Svo. Lend., 1895. B 33 R 5 ELAM, Dr. Charles. Winds of Doctrine : being an Ex- amination of the Modern Theories of Automatism and Evolution. Svo. Lond., 187G. A 27 R 18 ELDRIDGE, Charles Wesley. United States Internal Revenue Tax System, embracing all Internal Revenue Law now in force as amended by the latest enact- ments, including the Income Tax of 1894 and 1864, with Rulings and Regulations. The whole copiously annotated with references to the ilecisions of the Courts and the Departments and Cross-references ; with an Introductory Historical Sketch of Internal Revenue Taxation in the United States, and an Appendix containing Laws relating to Internal Revenue Practice, with Forms. Svo. Boston, 1895. F 1 R 11 ELEANOR OF AQUITATNE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ELEANOR OF CASTILE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [Se« Crown Jcwehs.] C 23 S 7 ELEANOR OF PROVENCE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [StY Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 "ELECTOR, An." [See Sturt, A.] ELKL'TRU-AL REVIEW, Th.-. Vols. 1-12, 1873-June, 1898. 42 vols. Svo. and fol. Lend., 1873-98. E 114 J'ublic Library of New South Wales. ELECTRICAL WORLD, The. Vols. 23-31, 1894^une, 1898. 9 vols. -Ito. New York, 1894-98. E ELGOOD Edgar John. Compendium of the Law relating to Executors and Administrators. [See Walker, W. Gregory.] F 7 P 34 ELIOT, Dr. Charles William. American Contributions to Civilisation, and other Essays and Addresses. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 R 33 " ELIOT, George." [/See Cross, Mary Ann.] ELIOTT-LOCKHART, Lieut. Percy Clare. [See Lock- hart, Lieut. P. C. Eliott-.] ELIZABETH, Empress of Russia. [Portrait of.] [See Bain, R. N.— The Pupils of Peter the Great.] B 39 Q 3 ELIZABETH, Queen of England. The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth. [See Hume, M. A. S.] B 16 T 19 A Fragment of Elizabeth. [See Church, R. W., Dean, — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 [Portrait of.] [See Story, A. T.— The Building of the Empire.] B 16 U 12 Queen Elizabeth. [See Creighton, M., Bishop.] B13U21 t [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ELIZABETH, Queen of Roumania, " Carmen Sylva." Thoughts of a Queen. Translated by H. S. Edwards. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 10 P 44 , and STRETTELL, Alma. Legends from River and Mountain. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 8 T 40 ELIZABETH OF YORK, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ELIZABETH WOODVILLE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 ELKINGTON, J. S. The Aryan Household. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q An Historical Glance at the Land Question. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Whom do our representatives represent? (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q ELLA, Rev. Samuel. le Tala ai Taenia ma na-fauna. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R Settlements of Tahitians and Samoans on Maugareva (Gambler Islands). (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R ELLENBOROUGH, Edward Law, Lord. Trial of Lord Cochrane before Lord EUenborough. [See Atley, J. B.] ' F 13 T 29 ELLERY, R. L. J., F.R.S. Observations of the Transit of Venus, December 8th and 9th, 1874, Colony of Victoria. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Mems. 47.) E The Transit of Venus. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q A Twelve Months' Leave. (IMelb. Review, 1.) ME 18 Q ELLINWOOD, Rev. F. F. Demon Possession and alUed Themes. [See Nevius, Rev. J. L.] G 19 T 25 ELLIOT, Daniel Giraud. The Gallinaceous Game Birds of North America. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 27 Q 4 ELLIOT, G. F. Scott. A Naturalist in Mid-Africa : being an Account of a Journey to the Mountains of the Moon and Tanganyika. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 28 U 22 ELLIOT, Dr. Sydney Barrington. ^doeology : a Treatise on Generative Life, including pre-natal Influence, Limitation of Offspring, and Hygiene of the Generative System. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. A 26 S 29 ELLIOTSON, Dr. John. Institutions of Physiology. [See Blumenbach, J. F.] A 26 S 39 ELLIOTT, A. G. Industrial Electricity. TSee Graffignv, H. de.] ^ A 33 Q 3'l ELLIOTT, Sir Charles Alfred. Annual Address delivered to the Asiatic Society of Bengal. [See Asiatic Society of Bengal.] E ELLIOTT, Gilbert. [Criticism on] David Syme's book on Representative Government. (IMelbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Esoteric Buddhism. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q ELLIOTT, W. Cole's Australian Gardening and Domestic Floriculture. 12mo. Melb., 1896. MA 3 U 42 ELLIS, A. G. Catalogue of Arabic Books in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 8 S 7 t ELLIS, Celia. Infant Teaching : the Apparatus needed for Play and for Instruction. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 ELLIS, Havelock. Affirmations. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 19 W 14 ELLIS, Richard. Rough Work in the Crimea. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 ELLIS, William Ashton. Richard Wagner's Prose Works. [See Wagner, Richard.] J 4 S 16-18 ELLISON, M. A. ilanual for Students of ]\Iassage. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 39 V 24 ELLISTON, Thomas. Organs and Tunint;. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 25 R 26 ELLS, R. W. On the origin and relations of the Grenville and Hastings series in the Canadian Laurentian. [See McGill University. — Papers from the Department of Geology.] A 40 S 9 ELLWOOD, Rev. Thomas. Lakeland and Iceland. [See English Dialect Soc. Pubs., 77.] E Supiilementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 115 ELMENHORST, Geverhart. L. Apuleii opera omnia quse exstant. fS«« Apuleius, Lucius.] J 14 U 32 ELOUIS, Charles. Tables for Standarding Gold according to Assay Reports decimally expressed. 4to. Sydney, 1872. MA 9 Q 4 t ELSING, William T. Life in New York Tenement- Houses as seen by a City Missionary. (The Poor in Great Cities.) " P 13 U 25 ELTON, Charles Abraham. The Remains of Hesiod tran.s- lated into English Verse. [See Hesiodus.] H 11 R 11 ELWORTHY, F. T. The Evil Eye : an Account of the ancient and widespread superstition. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 15 S 29 ELYARD, Samuel. 1897. Letters to a Jewess. Svo. Nowra, MG 1 T 5 EMANUEL, Victor. [Portrait and Sketch of. J \See Horridge, P.— Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 1 1 EMERSON, Mary Moody. [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Lectures and Biographical Sketches.] J 22 Q 24 EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. Complete Works. 12 vols. Svo. Boston, 1895-96. (Riverside ed.) J 22 Q 15-26 1. Nature, Addresses, and Lectures. 2, 3. Essays. 4. Representative Men. 5. English Traits. 6. Conduct of Life. 7. Society and Solitude. 8. Letters and Social Aims. 9. Poems. 10. Lectures and Biographical Sketches. 11. Miscellanies. 12. Natural History of Intellect, and other Papers ; with a General Inde.x to Emerson's Collected Works. Correspondence with, and Life of Sterling. [See Sterling, J.] C 19 P 13 Emerson as a Thinker. [See Lindsay, James. — Essays.] J 12 T 44 [Essay on.] [See Curtis, G. W. — Literary and Social Essays.] J 21 R 33 Glimpses of. [See Fields, Annie. — Authors and Friends.] J 14 R 14 [Sketch of.] America.] [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 [Sketch of.] [See Matthew.s, J. R. — Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 [Sketch of.] [See Pearson, Dr. C. H. — Reviews and Critical Essays.] J 14 U 20 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P. — Sketches from Con- cord.] I) 16 Q 3 EMERY, Dr. Carlo. Le Specie del Gcnero Finrasfnr nel (jolfo di Napoli e Regioni Limitrofe. (Zoologischo Station zu Neapcl. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) ■ A 19 P 2 t [See Arnold, Matthew. — Discourses in J 12 T 43 EMERY, George Frederick. Handy Guide to Patent Law and Practice. 12mo. Loud., 1896. F 8 V 16 EMERY, Rev. William. On numbers in a Class : times of Work and Rest. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 " EMIGRANT, An." Short Account of the Settlement of Swan River, Western Australia, from the year 1834 to the year 1841. Written for the perusid of Capital- ists, but more particularly addressed to young men in Great Britain who possess small means, and to Me- chanics and Labourers. 12mo. Lond., 1842. Ml) 4 P 4 EMINENT PERSONS. Biographies reprinted from The Times. Vols. 5, 6. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. C 19Q 21, 22 EMMET, Dr. Thomas Addis. Ethics of Marriage [See Pomeroy, Dr. H. S.] F 15 Q 28 ENCKE, J. F. Memoir of. [See Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1868.] E ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SOCIAL REFORM : edited by W. D. P. Bliss, with the Co-operation of many Specialists. F 9 V 15 ENCYCLOP^DIE D'ARCHITECTURE. Illustrated. 22 vols. 4to. Paris, 1851-81. A 18 S 1-22 t ENCYKLOP^DIA DER NATURWISSENSCHAFT- EN. Handbuch dcr Botanik. Bande 1-4. 4 vols, (in 5) roy. 8vo. Breslau, 1879-90. A 42 R 1-5 Handbuch dor Mathcmatik. Bande 1,2. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Breslau, 1879-81. A 42 P 5, 6 Handbuch der Phvsik. Bande 1-3. 3 vols, (in 5) roy. Svo. Breslau, 1891-95. A 42 S 1-5 Uandworterbuch dor Astronomie. Bande 1,2. 2 vols, roy. Svo. Breslau, 1897-98. A 42 Q 12, 13 Handwortcrbuch der Chemic. Bande 1-13. 13 vols, roy. Svo. Breslau, 1882-9.5. A 42 P 7-19 Handwortcrbuch der Minoralogio, Geologic, und Pal.ieon- tologie. 3 vols. roy. Svo. Breslau, 1882-87. A 42 P 2-4 Handwortcrbuch dcr Pharmakognosie des Pflanzen- rcichs. Roy. Svo. Breslau, 1882. A 42 P 1 Handwiirterbuch der Zoologio, Anthropologic, und Eth- nologic. Bande 1-7. 7 vols. Svo. Breslau, 1879- 97. A 42 Q 1-7 ENGINEER, The. Vols. 1-32, 35-85, 1856-71, 1873- June, 1898. 83 vols. fol. Lond., 1856-98. E ENGINEERING: an Illustrated Weekly Journal. Vols. 1-65, lS66-June, 1898. 65 vols. fol. Lond., 1866- 98. E ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL, The. Vols. 48-60, July, 1889-96. 22 vols. 4to. New York, 1889-90. E Tho Mineral Industry. [See Rothwell, R. P.] E 116 Public Library of Neio South Wales. EJSfGIA^EERIXG MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 7-14, 1894- March, 1898. 8 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894-98. E ENGIXEERIXG RECORD, The. Vols. 1-37, 1877-May, 1898. 37 vols. 4to. New York, 1877-98. E ENGLAND, George. The Towneley Plays. [Sf« Early EngUsh Text Soc. Pubs.] E ENGLAND, John. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 53.) E ENGLISH, Lieut. Vincent John. Na\'igation for Yachts- men : a concise Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, illustrating the most Modern Methods, and speciallv designed for the use of Yachtsmen. Illustrated. '8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 T 7 ENGLISH CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, 1835-97; with Indexes, 1837-89. 16 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1864-97. Cat. Room "ENGLISH CIVILIAN, An." [_See Conder, F. R.] ENGLISH DIALECT SOCIETY. Pubhcations. Vols. 74-80. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-96. E 74. List of Words and Phrases iu every-day use by the Natives of Hetton-le-Hole, in the County of Durham ; by Rev. F. M. T. Palgrave. 75. Glossary of Words used in East Anglia ; by W. Rye. 76. Nine Specimens of English Dialects ; by Rev. Walter W. Skeat. 77. Lakeland and Iceland : being a Glossary of Words in the Dialect of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and North Lancashire which seem allied to or identical ^-ith the Icelandic or Norse, together with cognate Place-names and Sur-names, and a Supplement of Words used in Shepherding, Folk-lore, and Antiquities ; b3" the Rev. T. EUwood. 78. Two Collections of Derbicisms containing Words and Phrases in a great measure peculiar to the Natives and Inhabitants of the County of Derby ; by Samuel Pegge. Edited, with two Introductions, by the Rev. Prof. Skeat and Thomas Hallam. 79. A Warwickshire Word-book, comprising Obsolescent and Dialect Words, Colloquialisms, &c. , gathered from oral relation and collated with accordant works ; by G. F. Northall. 80. A Bibliographical List of Works illustrative of the Dialect of Northumberland. Compiled by R. Oliver Heslop. ENGLISH DRAMA AND STAGE, The, under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1869. (Roxburghe Library.) H 3 U 3 ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-12, 1886-97. 12 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1886-97. E ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-18, 1883-March, 1898. 18 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1883-98. E ENGLISH LITERARY CRITICISM; with an Intro- duction by C. E. Vaughan. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J14U 19 ENGLISH MECHANIC AND WORLD OF SCIENCE, with which are incorporated The Mechanic, Scientific Opinion, and The British and Foreign Mechanic. Vols. 1-66,1865-98. Illustrated. 66 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1865-98. E ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Trans- actions, 1862-95. 33 vols. Svo. Lond., 1862-96. E ENTOMOLOGISTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-33, 1864-97. 26vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864-97. E EPICTETUS. Dissertationes ab Arriauo literis mandatac, Fragmenta et Enchiridion, cimi Commentario SimpUcii. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. Diibner. Imp Svo. Parisiis, 1842. J 18 V 23 Works of. ISee Church. R. W. Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 ERASilUS, Desiderius. Erasmus in praise of folly, illus- trated with many curious cuts, designed, drawn, and etched by Hans Holbein ; with Portrait, Life of Eras- mus, and his Epistle addressed to Sir Thomas More. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 P 29 ERCULEI, R. Suir Insegnamenyo nelle Scuola d'Art Applicata all' Industria in Inghilterra, in Auftria, in Germania, in Francia, in Russia, nel Belgio, ecc. Svo. Roma, 1891. G 18 R 52 ERIC, Dorian. Song : Softly fell the sunshine. [Words only.] Sm. fol. Sydney, 1895. MA 13 P 6 t ERICHSEN, Dr. Hugo. Methods of Authors. 12mo. Boston, 1894. J 16 R 37 ERSKINE, J. A. Screening of Electro-motive Force in the Fields produced by Leyden-jar Discharges. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S ERSKINE, Hon. Stuart. Lord Bolingbroke. [Su Bolingbroke, Viscount.] F 13 Q 35 ESCOTT, Thomas Hay Sweet. Personal Forces of the Period. Svo. Lond., 1898, C 23 T 3 Social Transformations of the Victorian Age : a Survey of Court and Country. Svo. Lond., 1897. F 5 P 14 ESDAILE, Dr. James. 3Iesmerism in India and its Practical Application in Surgery and iledicme. 12mo. Lond., 1846. G 15 U 7 ESSAYS, MOCK ESSAYS, AND CHARACTER SKETCHES, reprinted from the Journal of Educor Hon. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 Q 32 ESSAYS IN LIBERALISM ; by six Oxford Men. Svo. Lond., 1897. F 5 S 50 ETEMARE, I'Abbe d'. Histoire de la Religion repre- sentee dans I'Ecriture Sainte sous divers Sym boles. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 117 ETHEREDGE, Sir George. [Essay on.] [See Gosse, Edmuiitl. — 17th Century Studies."] H 10 "\V 23 ETHERIDGE, Robert, jun. An Actinoceras from North- west Australia. (Aust. Mas., Records, 3.) ME 8 R An Australian Sauropterygian (Cinioliosaurus) converted into precious Opal. (Au.st. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Circular and Spiral Incised Ornament on Australian Aboriginal Implements and Weapons. (Aust. 5Ius., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Description of the Remains of Trilobites from the lower Silurian Rocks of Mersey River district, Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) ME 1 Q Description of a .small collection of Tasmanian Silurian Fossils. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q Descriptit>ns of further highly ornate Boomerangs from New South Wales and Queensland. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Discovery of Bones at Cunningham Creek, near Harden, N.S.W. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Evidence of the existence of a Cambrian Fauna in Vic- toria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895.) ME 1 P The Game of Teetotum as practised by certain of the Queensland Aborigines. (Anthropol. Inst., Gt. Brit., Journ., 1895.) E Halysites in New South Wales. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R New or little-known Lower Paheozoic Gasteropoda in the Collection of the Australian Museum. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Occurrence of the Genus Colunniin-ia in the Upper Silurian Rocks of New South Wales. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Precauilal Vcn-tobra f)f Ichthyosaurus Australis, McCoy. (Aust. :Mu.s., Records 3.) ME 8 R A Spear with incised Ornament from Angeldool, New South Wales. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R [Bibliograpliy of Queensland Aborigines.] [See Roth, W. E. — Ethnological Studies among the North-west- Central Queensland Aborigines.] MA 4 T 6 Carbonifc;rous and Permcj-Carboniferous Invertebrata of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geol. Survey.] ME Catalogue of the Blastoidoa in the Geological Depart- ment of the Bi-itish Museum. [See J5ritisli Museum. — Natural History.] A 12 U 3 t Contributions to a Catalogue of Works, Rejiorts, ami Papers on the Anthropology, Ethnology, and Geologi- cal History of the Australian and Tasmanian Abo- rigines. [See N.S.W. — Geolog. Survey.] ME Contributions to the Pala'ontology of Soutli Au.stralia. [See South Australia.— Geology.] MA 9 P 1(5 t Mcso/,r)ic and Tertiary Insects of New South Wales. [See N.S.W.— Geol. Survey.] ME ETHERIDGE, Robert, jun., DAVID, Prof. Tannett William Edgeworth, and GRIMSH AW, James Walter. Occurrence of a submerged Forest, with remains of tiie Dugong, at Shea's Creek, near Sydney. (Rov. Soc, N.S.W., J(mrn., 1896.) ME 1 R , and MITCHELL, John. The Silurian TrUobites of New South Wales, with reference to those of other parts of Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.) ME 2 P ETHERINGTON, Harry. Sent to save Gordon. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 " ETTRICK SHEPHERD, The." [See Hogg, J.] " EUCLID." Analysis of the Chess ending King and Queen against King and R(jok. Edited by E. Free- borough. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 29 T 34 EUGENE, Prince. Tlie Romance of; by A. Pulitzer. Translated by Mrs. B. M. Sherman. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 10, 11 EUGENIE, Empress of France. Life in the Tuileries under the Second Empire. [See Bicknell, Anna L] B 34 T 9 EUSDEN, Lawrence. Selections from the Works of. [See West, K. — Laureates of England.] H 1 1 R 1 EVANS, Prof. Edward Payson. Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Architecture. With a Bibliographv and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (i 12 V 30 Evolutional Ethics and Animal P.sjxhology. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 20 Semon's Scientific Researches in Australia. (Popular Science Monthly, Nov., 1897.) E EVANS, George. Practical Treatise on Artificial Ci'own and Bridge-work. 5th ed. Illustrated. Svo. Pliilad., 1896. A 38 S 4 EVANS, George. Song : 0, my Baby ! O, my Honey. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 6 t EVANS, Henry Ridgely. Magic [See Hopkins, A. A.] A 40 S II EVANS, Herbert Arthur. Emrlish Mjwques. Svo. Lond., 1 897 ' 11 11 R 17 Henry IV, Othello, l!oni<>o and Julii't. [SeeShakesiJoare, W.] H 11 V EVANS, John. Sketch of the Denominations of llio Christian World, to which is ]irefixed an Outline of Atheism, Deism, Tli('ophilaiilhrism, Judaism, and Mahometanism. ^\'ilh Portraits. 1 2mo. F^ond., 1814. G 15 U 31 EVANS, Sir John. Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, lid Ornaments of Great Britain. Rtjy. 8vo. Lond. 1«97. A 19 U 32 118 Public Library of New South Wales, EVANS, Mary Ann. {See Cross, Mary Ann.] EVANS, Thomas Jay. Notes on Carpentry and Joinery, adapted to meet the requirements of the City and Guilds of London Institute, the Worshipful Company of Carpenters, and the Technical Education Board of the London County Council Examinations. Vol. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 39 P 14 1. First Stage or Elementary Course. , and PULLEN, Prof. W. W. F. Treatise on Practical Plane and Solid Geometry, containing Solu- tions to the Honours Questions set at the Examinations of the Science and Art Department, 1887-96, inclusive. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 25 S 20 EVANS, Dr. W. P. Bromine Method of estimating Sulphur in Gaseous Compounds. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Convenient form of Oil-bath for studying the influence of definite temperatures on solids. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Distillation Products of the Blackball Coal. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S The error introduced by using a coal-gas flame "while determining the percentage of Sulphur in Coals, with especial reference to the methods " Eschka " and "Nakamura." (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S An improved adjustable Drip-proof Bunsen Burner. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Refraction and Reflexion of X-Rays. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S EVANS, Dr. W W. Celluloid and Zylonite. (Litch. Dr. W F.— American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 EVANS, Walter H. Copper Sulphate and Germination. \See. United States. — Dept of Agricult. — Di^^sion of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 EVATT, Surg.-Maj. George Joseph Hamilton. Ambulance Organization, Equipment, and Transport. (Internat. Health Exliib.— Health E.xhib. Literature.) A 41 V 3 Ambulance Organization in War and Peace. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 5 EVE, G. W. Decorative Heraldry: a Practical Hand- book of its Artistic Treatment. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. K 19 Q 42 EVE, Henry Weston. The Curriculum of a Modern School. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 EVEXING XEWS, The, from No. 709, Nov. 6tb, 1869- Sept., 1898. 77 vols. fol. Sydney, 1870-98. ME EVENING STAR, Otago, Jubilee Record. Illustrated. Fol. Dunedin, 1898. 3IB 3 P 1 | EVERMANN, Dr. Barton Warren. The Fishes of North and Middle America. \_See United States. — National Museum, Bulletin 47.] E EVETTS, Basil Thomas Alfred. New Light on the Bible and the Holy Land : being an Account of some Recent Discoveries in the East. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 14 P 26 EVIDENCE respecting the Soil, Climate, and Productions of the South Coast of Australia. Svo. Lond., 1832. MD 6 R 4 EVIL AND EVOLUTION: an attempt to turn the Light of Modern Science on to the Ancient IMvstery of Evil. Svo. Lond., 1897. G ll"u 28 EWALD, Alexander Charles. Studies re-studied : His- torical Sketches from original sources. Svo. Lond., 1885. B 22 S 12 EWART, Dr. James Cossar. Development of the Horse. 1897. Critical period in the Illustrated. Svo. Lond., A 38 P 13 EWART, Mary F. Natural History of Plants. {See Kerner von ISIarilami, Prof. Anton.] A 22 V 3 EWART, Dr. WOliam. Bronchiectasis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Bronchitis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of ISIedicine.) A 26 T 38 Gout and Goutiness, and their Treatment. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 30 R 21 EWING, Mrs. Juliana Horatia. [Life of] ; by Mrs. Mar- shall. {See Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 "EX-PRIVATE SECRETARY, An." An Australian Governorship. (National Re\'iew, July, 1895.) E EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE, The. Edited by the Rev. W. Robertson NicoU. 6 vols. Svo. Lond., 1SS5-98. The Book of Ezekiel ; by Rev. John Skinner. G 19 S 22 The Song of Solomon and the Lamentations of Jeremiah ; by Prof. Walter F. Adeney. G 19 S 23 Ths Book of the 12 Prophets, commonly ealled the Minor ; by Rev. George Adam Smith. G 19 S 24, 25 The Book of Daniel ; by F. W. Farrar, Dean of Canter- bury. G 19 S 26 The Book of Jeremiah ; by Prof. W. H. Bennett. G 19 S 27 EYRE, Samuel Charles. The Truth about the Klondyke : how to get there ; how to live there ; how to get the dust ; also the Mining Regulations of the Dominion Government. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MD 2 S 9 EYRE and SPOTTISWOODE. Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible. {See Bibles and Testaments.] G 5 Q 32 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 119 F., J. Signal Lamps for the Railway of Life. Svo. New- castle, N.S.W., 1895. [Reprint.] F 7 V 48 FABIAN, Bentham. Au.'ttralia : being a brief Com- pendium of the Geographical Position, Topogr-aphy, Characteristic Features, Description of the l*i-incipal Rivers, Headlands, Productions, Climate, Sailing Directions, kc. ; the whole forming a complete Hand- book or Guide to the Gold Regions, intended for the use of Merchants, Shipmasters, intendent Emigrants, and others, to which is appended a valuable collection of Tables compiled from authentic sources, showing tlie rate of Harbor Dues, Customs Tariff, Pilot and Tonnage Dues, Public Officers' Fees, Licenses, Tolls, Regulations for the Gold Regions, kc. Svo. New York, 1852. ' MD 4 U 29 FABIAN ESSAYS in Socialism. \_See Shaw, G. Bernard. ] F 13B 8 FABUL^ ATELLAN^. [See Munk, Dr. E.J J 15 S 23 FAUA, Henry. Manufacture and Testing of Portland Cement. Sm. fol. Lond., 1893. A 11 X 1-t t FAIRBANKS, Arthur. First Philosophers of Greece : an edition and translation of the remaining fragments of the Pre-Sokratic Philosophers, together with a trans- lation of the more important accounts of their opinions contained in the early epitomes of their works. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 S 25 FAIRBROTHER, William Henry. The Philo.sophy of Thomas Hill Green. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 9 W 8 FAIRBURN, F. The Argentine Republic. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Au.stralasia, Journ., 189G.) ME 20 P FAIRFIELD, Charles. Getting and Holding. (Mel- bourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q Those Catholic Claims. (Melb. Review, 10.) ME 18 Q FAIRHOLME, Capt. William E. Hand-book of the Armies of Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Roumania, and Servia. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — War Oflicc.] F 12 S 21 FAIRLEY, Dr. W. The Practice and Science of IMining Engineering. 8vo. Chester-le-Street, 189G. A 22 R 18 FAIRMAN, Edward St. John. The truth on Albania and the Albanians, Historical and Critical. [See ElVcndi, W.] |{ 3<; P 2 FALCONER, William. Musia-ooms : how to grow them ; a Practical Treatise on Mushroom Culture for pi-otit and pleasure. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1897. A19 R 9 How to Grow Mushrooms. [/S«e United States. — Depl. of Agricult.l A 41 U I FALERO, A. [Reproduction of his Picture] The Vision of Faust. \_See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 t FALES, ISIrs. Tmogene C. The Industrial Conditions of the United States. 12mo. Manchester, 1887. F 13 V 23 FALKLANDS. [_See L., T.] C 25P 11 FALKNER, Roland P. Political Economy and Public Law. \_See Pennsylvania University.] F 7 T 8 FANCHER, Mary J. Mollie Fancher, the Brooklyn Enigma : an authentic Account of Facts in the Life of jSIary J. Fancher, the Psychological Marvel of the 19th Century ; by Abram H. Dailey. Svo. Brook- lyn, N.Y., 1894. C 22 S 20 FARADAY, Michael. [Portrait of.] [_See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 FARMAN, D. Auto-Cars. Translated from the French by Lucien Serraillier. Illustrated. 8vq. Ijond., 189G. A 25 R 39 FARMER, John. Gaudeamus : a Selection of Songs for Colleges and Schools. 3rd ed. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1893. A10X12t Scarlet and Blue ; or. Songs for Soldiers and Sailors. Imp. Svo. Lond., 189G. H 10 X 10 t FARTiIER, John S. Musa Pedestris : three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes, 1536-1896. Svo. (n.p.) 1896. H 10 AV 26 , and HENLEY, W. E. Slang and its Analogues Past and Present : a Dictionary, Historical and Com- parative, of the Heterodox Speech of all classes of vSocicty for more tlian 300 years ; with synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, »fcc. Vol. 4. Svo. Lond., 1896. Libr. FARISIERS AND FRUIT-GROWERS' CO-OPERA- TIVE SOCIETY, Limited. Rules. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1897. MF 13 P 3 t FARMERS AND FRUIT-GROWERS' GUIDE. \S(« New South Wales— Agriculture.] MA 4 U 1 FARNELL, Hon. James Squire. [Portrait and Sketch of.] \See Shine, T. — Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t FARQUHAR, H. Notes on New Zealand Star-fishes. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S FARQUHARSON, Charles Donald. The Federation of the Powers. 12rao. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 27 FARR, C. Coleridge. Magnelic Force parallel to the Axis in thn interior of Solenoids. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME2S Objection to Lo Sage's Theory of Gravitation. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S 120 Public Library of New South Wales. FARRAR, Frederick William, F.R.S., Dean of Canter- bury. The Bible ; its meaning and supremacj". 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 1 R 5 Essays on a Liberal Education. 8vo. Lond., 1867. G 17 T 10 Gathering Clouds : a Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom. 387-410 A.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 U 2, 3 Progress in the Reign of Queen Victoria. 1 2mo. Lond., 1897. B 16 P 17 Westminster Abbey. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 The Bible. [;S«e Bartlett, E. T.] G 23 R U The Book of Daniel. [5ee Expositor's Bible.] G 19 S 26 FARRELL, John. Australia to England. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MH 1 V 23 FARRELLY, Josephine. The Sydney Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t FARRER, Thomas Henrj', Baron. Xeo-Protection Scheme of the Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 2 V 32 Studies in Currency, 1898 ; or, Inquiries into certain Modern Problems connected with the Standard of Value and the Media of Exchange. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 13 R U FARRER, William. The Chartulary of Cockersand Abbey of the Premonstratensian Order. [See Chetham Soc. Pubs., 38, 39.] E FAUCETT, Peter, Judge. [Portrait and Sketch of.] {See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t FAUCIT, Helen. [See Martin, Helen.] FAVENC, Ernest. The Mocassins of Silence. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 P 40 FAWCETT, J. W. Narrative of the terrible Cyclone and Flood in Townsville, North Queensland, January 25th-28th. 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. TownsvUle, 1896. MA 4 S 23 Songs and Recitations of the Australian Bush. 18mo. Townsville, 1896. MH 1 P 78 Life and Labours of William Grant Broughton, first and only Bishop of Australia. [See Broughton, W. G., Bishop.] MC 1 P 43 FAXON, Charles Edward. The Silva of North America. [See Sargent, Charles Sprague.] A 40 S 25-28 + FAYRER, Sir Jo.seph. Home Lessons after School Hours. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 Isolation or Sunstroke. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 On the Climate, and some of the Fevers of India. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 FEASEY, Henry John. Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial. " 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 Q 36 FECHTER, Charles. [Portrait of] as Ruy Bias. [Su Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 FEDERAL COUNCIL OF AUSTRALASIA. Journal and Printed Papers. Vols. 1-7, 1886-97. 7 vols. sm. fol. Hobart, 1886-97. ME 16 T Official Record of Debates. Vols. 1-7, 1886-97. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Hobart, 1886-97. ME 8 R FEDERATED SEAMEN'S UNION OF AUSTRAL- ASIA. Special Report of the Conference between the Steamship-owners' Association of Australasia and the Federated Seamen's L'nion of Australasia and the Steward-s' and Cooks' Union of Australia on the sub- ject of the proposed reduction of wages. [See Steam- ship-owners' Association of Australasia.] MF 4 Q 49 FEDERATION. Is Federation our true policy ] or, the Politician revealed to himself. 8vo. Melb., 1898. MF 5 Q 18 FEISTMANTEL, Dr. Ottokar. PaL-eozoische und meso- zoische Flora des ostlichen Australiens. (Palieonto- graphica, Supplement 5.) E FELL, John, Dean of Christchurch. Life of the Rev. H. Hammond. [See Hammond, Rev. H.] C 19 P 10 FE:MALE costume, from the commencement of the 19th Century to a.d. 1825. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1867. A 18 R 1 t FENELON, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe. Le Mysti- cisme en France au temps de Fonelon ; by Jacques Matter. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 85 FENNE^IA, R. Description geologique de Java et Madoura. [See Verbeek, Dr. R. D. M.] A 39 R 16, 17 FENWICK, Dr. William Soltau. Dyspepsia in Childhood. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 General Pathology of Digestion. [See Ralfe, Dr. C. H.] A 26 T 36 FEREDAY, Richard W. Synonj-mic List of the Lepidop- tera of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME2S FERGUS, Dr. Walter. Development of Boys. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 FERGUSON, J. All about the Coconut Palm, including Practical Instructions for Planting and Cultivation, with estimates specially prepared for expenditure and receipts and other suitable information from a variety of sources referring to the industry in Ceylon, South India, the Straits Settlements, Queensland, and the West Indies. 2nded. 8vo. Colombo, 1898. A 40 U 5 Supplem€7itary Catalogue — 189G-9S. 121 FERGUSON, Sir Samuel. Sir Samuel Ferguson in the Ireland of his Day ; by Lady Ferguson. 2 vols. 8vo. Edink, 189G. C22S1G, 17 FERGUSSON, Robert. [Life of] ; by Rev. A. B. Grosart. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 U 28 Scots Poems. With Portrait. 18mo. Edinb., 1898. H 9 P 20 FERNALD, Dr. Charles H. The Gypsy ]\Ioth. [See Ma.ssachusetts. — Board of Agriculture.] A 38 P 11 FERXOW, B. E. Practicability of an American Forest Administration. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V 16 Forestry for Farmers. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Report of the Chief of the Division of Forestry. [See United States. — Department of Agriculture. — Division of Forestry.] E FERRARIS, Prof. G. Sul Congrcsso Internazionale di Elettricita in Chicago, 1893. 8vo. Roma, 1894. A21 U7 FERRES, Arthur. [See Kevin, John.] FERRI, Prof. E. Criminal Sociology. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 2 V 22 FERRIER, Susan Edmonstone. [Life of] ; by Sir George Douglas. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (Famous Scuts Series.) C 20 U 24 Es.say on. [See Saintsbury, G. — Essays in English Literature.] * J 14 T 1 FERRIS, Paul. Palmistry. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 U 3 FERRY, Jules Francois Camilln. [Sketch of.] [See Emi- nent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 FERRYiSIAN, Alaj. Augustus Ferryman IMocklcr-. Im- perial Africa : the Rise, Pi-ogress, and Future of the British Possessions in Africa. Vol. 1. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Imperial Library.) D 13 U 9 1. Uritish Wist Africa. In the Northman's Land : Travel, Sport, and Folk lore in the Hardanger I'jord and Fjeld. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 189G. D 18 Q 21 FEUILLET, Octave. [Criticisms of the Woiks of.] [See ;Matllu;\vs, J. B. — French Dramatists of tlu? 19th Century.] H 12 111 FEW LETTERS from Queensland Farmers and others descriptive of their start, their toil, their jier.soverance, their success, their reward, with fitlier iiifi)nnalion as to Soil, Climate, and Agricultural ()]i<'ralicinM and Capabilities. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) iMA 4 S 2 (J FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb. The Science of Ethics as based on the Science of Knowledge. Translated by A. E. Kroegcr, edited by Dr. ^^'. T. Harris. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 S 40 FIDLER, Prof. T. Claxton. Calculations in Hydraulic Engineering : a Practical Te.xt-book for the use of Students, Draughtsmen, and Engineers. Pt. 1. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 S 6 1. FUiiil Pressure, and tlio calculatiou of its effects in En- gineering Structure.'). FIELD, Barron. The true Tragedy of Richard III ; to which is appended the Latin play of Richai'dus Tertius, by Dr. Thomas Legge, both anterior to Shakespeare's Drama ; with Introduction and Notes. [See Shake- speare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 26 FIELD, Rev. Benjamin. The Student's Hand-book of Christian Theology. New ed., by Rev. John C. Symons. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MG 1 P 42 FIELD, Eugene. The Eugene Field I knew; by F. Wilson. AVith Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1898. C 18P 19 FIELD, Henry C. Curious forms of New Zealand Ferns. (N Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Notes on the recent Earthquake. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S FIELD, Henry M. Our Western Archipelago. 8vo. New York, 1895. D 16 S 4 FIELD, Leopold. Candles. (Tntcrnat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 FIELD, Rogers. Water Supjily and Dispo.sal of Sewage of Country Houses. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 17 FIELD, Thr. Vols. 48-86, 1876-95. 40 vols. fol. Lend., 1876-95. E FIELDING, H. The Soul of a People. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 S 29 FIELDS, Annie. Authors and Friends. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 R 14 Life and Letters of Harriet Beecher Stowc. [See St owe, Harriet B.] C 23 S 14 FIELDS, James Thomas. [Sketch of.] [See Ward, Eliza- beth Stuart.— Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 FIGGIS, J. Neville. The Tlieory of the Divine Right of Kings. 8vo. Camb., 1896. (Camb. Hist. Essay.s.) F8"V28 FIJ 1 : — Gnvi'rnmenlD''pnrtmc»l)s — Re jtortsand Publications. Blue Book. Fiji liluo Book, 1896-97. 2 vols. .sm. fol. Suva, 1897-98. ME Government Gazette. Royal tiazette, 1891-96. 3 vols. fol. Suva, 1894-96. ME 122 Tuhlic Lihi'ary of Neio South Wales, FILDES, Luke. Life and Works of. [_Su Thomson, D. C] A 13 W 7 t FILLMORE, Srillard. Portrait of. {See Brooks, Noah. —Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 FILON, Augustin. The English Stage : being an Account of the Victorian Drama. Translated by Frederic Whyte ; with an Introduction by Henry Arthur Jones. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 9 T 27 Modern French Drama. Translated by Janet E. Hogarth, with an Introduction by W. L. Courtney. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 10 V 32 FINANCIAL REFORM ALMANAC, 1878, 1893-96, 1898 : a Vade Mecum for Fiscal Eefoi-mers, &c., con- taining elaborately tabulated Statistical Information. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1878-98. E FINCASTLE, Alexander Edward Murray, Viscount, and LOCKHART, Lieut. Percy Clare Elio"tt-. A Frontier Campaign : a Narrative of the Operations of the Malakand and Buner Field Forces, 1897-98. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 29 R 14 FINCH, John B. The People v. the Ijquof Traffic ; with an Introduction by J. N. Stearns. Edited bj- C. A. McCull}-. 21th ed. 12mo. New York, 1896. F 15 P 27 FINDLEY, J. J. Arnold of Rugby : his School Life and Contributions to Education. \_See Arnold, Dr. T.] C 23 Q 20 FINK, Theodore. Imprisonment for Debt. (Melbourne Re\-iew, 5.) ME 18 Q Mercantile Law Reform. (Melb. Review, 6.) ME 18 Q FIN LAY, Dr. Da^-id White. Pneumothorax. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 FINNISS, B. T. Religion and Science. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q FINSCH, Di-. 0. Exploi-ing Cruises of the Samoa. Eth- nological Atlas. Types from the Stone Age of New Guinea. Imp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1888. [In German, English, and French.] MA 2 P 33 t FINUCANE, W. Probable Meat Trade ^vith Egypt. (Queensland Agricult. Joum., 1897.) ME 9 U FIORENTINO, Ser Giovanni. [See Giovanni Fiorentino, Ser.] FIORINI, Prof. M. Le Sfere Cosmografiche e special- niente le Sfere Terrestri. 8vo. Roma, 1894. D 12 T 20 FIRTH, C. H. Journal of Joachim Hane. [See Hane, Joachim.] B 16 P 8 FIRTH, J. C. On Fires in Coal-ships : their Causes and Prevention. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S FIRTH, Oliver. Postage Stamps and their Collection : a Practical Guide to Philately for all Collectors. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 P 30 FIRTH, Surgeon-Major Robert Hammill. Framboesia. (Allbutt.^Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Oriental Sore. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Verruga. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 The Theory and Practice of Hygiene. \_See Notter, Dr. J. L.] ' A 31 Q 22 FIRTH, WiUiam T. The relative commercial values of Pumice and Charcoal for purposes of insulation. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S FISH, Simon. SuppUcacyon for the Beggars. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— ReUgious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 FISHER, Dr. A. K. Report on Birds. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 39 FISHER, Charles. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 FISHER, D. Havelock. The Country of Horace and Vii-gil. [See Boissier, Gaston.] D 18 S 15 Rome and Pompeii. [See Boissier Gaston.] B 16 S 14 FISHER, Rev. George Park. History of Christian Doc- trine. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. G 11 P 48 FISHER, Irving. Bibliogi-aphy of Mathematical Econ- omics. [See Cournot, A. — Researches into the Mathe- matical Principles of the Theory of Wealth.] F 4 U 19 FISHER, James. The Manitoba School Question. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) G 17 T 21 FISHER, W. Clark. The Potentiometer and its adjuncts. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 38 T 2 FISHER, W. E. Garrett. The Transvaal and the Boers : a brief History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 R 40 FISHER, Prof. W. R. Forest UtUization. [See Schlich, Prof. WUUam.— Manual of Forestry.] A 32 R 17 FISK, CUnton B., and WHITLESEY, E. Report of, on the Peace ratified in the Creek Nation. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. A 30 R 47 FISKE, Amos Kidder. The Myths of Israel : the ancient Book of Genesis ; with analysis and explanation of its composition. Svo. New York, 1897. G 11 U 20 Supplementcmj Catalogue — 1896-98. 123 FISKE, John. The American Revokition. Illustrated with Portraits, 3Iaps, Fac-siuiiles, Contemporary Views, Prints, and other historic materials. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1896. B 16 V 35, 36 The Critical Period of American History, 1783-89. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1898. B 17 11 17 Old Virginia and her Neighbours. With Map. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 19 R 3, 4 Marching with Gomez. \_See Flint, G.] B 36 Q 10 FISKE, :Minnie JMaddern. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-tlay.] C 23 Q 6 FITCH, Sir Joshua Girling. Address by, on tlie Inspection and Examination of Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 Thomas and ]Matthew Arnold and their influence on English Education. [See Arnold, Thomas.] C 23 P 22 FITCHETT, A. R. Free Trade in Education. (Mel- bourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q FITCHETT, Rev. William Henry, "Vedette." Deeds that won the Empire : Historic Battle Scenes. With Portraits and Plans. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 24 Q 13 The Modern Pulpit. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q The Sunday Question. (Melbourne Review, 8. ) ME 1 8 Q FITZ, Dr. Reginald H. Diseases of the Pancreas. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Practice of Medicine. [See Wood, Dr. H. C] A 30 V 19 FITZGERALD, Rear-Adm. Charles Cooper Penrose. Life of Vice-Adm. Sir George Tryon. [See Tryon, Vice- Adm. Sir G.] C 24 Q 8 FITZGERALD, D. Short Description of the Boston Waterworks. 8vo. Boston, 1895. A 23 U 35 FITZGERALD, Edward. Criticism of the Works of. [See Gosse, Edmund.— Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 Rubdiyilt of Omar Khayyam. [See Omar Khayy;tni.] II 11 k 10, 41 FITZGERALD, Edward, Lord. Memoirs of ; by Thomas Moore. With Preface and many supplementary par- ticulars by JIartin McDermott. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 R 1 FITZGERALD, Edward Arthur. Climbs in the New Zea- land Alps: being an Account of Travel and Di.scoverv. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 189G. MD 3 V 19 In the New Zealand Alps. (Contemporary Review, Aug., 1895.) E FITZGERALD, Frank. Fitzgerald's Home Physician; or, the Poor Man's Doctor : a Manual on I'hysiologv, Anatoniy, and Di.scascs of tli(; Nervous and Sexual Systems. 12mo. Sydney, 1S9G. MA 3 U 48 FITZGERALD, J. Mental Suggestion. [iSee Ochorowicz, Dr. J.] G 18 R61 FITZGERALD, P. F. The Rational, or Scientific Ideal of ^Morality, containing a Theory of Cognition, a Metaphysic of Religion, and an "Apologia pro Aniore." 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 1 T 23 FITZGERALD, Percy. Critical Examination of Dr. G. Birkbeck Hill's "Johnsonian" Editions. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 15 V 13 Pickwickian ]\lanners and Customs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 12 U 30 PITZ-GERALD, S. J. Adair. Stories of Famous Songs. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 3 R 38 FITZGERALD, William Walter Augustine. Travels in the Coastlands of British East Africa and the Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba : their Agricultural Resources and General Cliaracteristics. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 6 FITZ-GIBBON, Abraham Coates. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 29.) E FITZGIBBON, E.G. Party Govermnent and Suggestions for better. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q FITZHERBERT, Mrs. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth W.— England in 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 FITZMAURICE-KELLY, James. [See Kelly, J. Fitz- maurice-.] FITZPATRICK, J. Charles. Various Verses. Sm. 4to. Parramatta, 1895. MH 1 P 76 FITZRALPH, Richard, Archbisliop of Armagh [Sketch of.] [&« Cowan, Rev. W. — Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM. Catalogue of the Greek Vases in tho Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. [See Gardner, E. A.] K 18 S 24 FLAGG, Ernest. Tlie New York Tenement House Evil and its Cure. (The Poor in Great Cities.) F 13 U 25 FLAGG, Dr. J. Foster. Dental Pathology and Thera- peutics. [See Inglis, Dr. O. E.] A 38 S 5 FLAMENG, Francois. [Reproduction of his Picture] Court Ladies Bathing. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J FLAMSTEED, John. Sketch of. [Sm Ball, Sir K. S.— Great Astronomer.'!.] A 20 U 8 FLAUBERT, Gustavo. Corrcspondauce. Uli ser., 1869-80. Svo. Paris, 1893. C 14 P 25* [Essiiy on.] [See James, Henry. — Essays in London and elsewhere.] .) 14 T 23 121 Public Library of New South Wales. FLECKER, G. Small Events on a big Journev. 12mo. Adelaide, 1897. MD 4 P 19 FLEISCHMAXX, Dr. W. Book of the Dairy : a Manual of the Science and Practice of Dairy Work. Trans- lated from the German by C. M. Aikman and R. Pat- rick Wright. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 30 R 50 FLEMIXG, David Hay. Mary Queen of Scots, from her birth to her flight into England ; a brief Biography, with Critical Xotes, a few Documents hitherto unpub- lished, and an Itinerar}-. [See ilary Stuart, Queen of Scots. J C 24 T 17 FLEMING, J. S. Old Lodgings of Stirling : being the Ancient Residences of the NobUity, Clergy, and Civic Dignitaries not hitherto delineated and described. Sm. 4to. Stirling, 1897. B 33 S 4 FLEMING, Rev. James. The Art of Reading and Speak- ing. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) J 12 T 45 Spanish Protestants in the 16th Century. [See Wilkens, Dr. C. A.] G 11 U 13 FLEMING, John A. Magnets and Electric Currents : an Elementary Treatise for the use of Electrical Artisans and Science Teachers. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 20 Q 31 FLETCHER, Andrew. G. W. T. Omond. Scots Series.) [Life of] Fletcher of Saltoun ; by 12mo. Edinb., 1897. (Famous C 20 U 22 FLETCHER, Banister F.. Tlie influence of Material on Architecture. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. A 13R6 t FLETCHER, Prof. Banister, and Banister F. History of Architecture, for the Student, Craftsman, and Ama- teur. 8vo. Lend., 1896. A 23 P 12 FLETCHER, Charles Robert Leslie. The Eastern Ques- tion in the 18th Century. [See Sorel, A.] F 13 R 12 FLETCHER, John. Conjectural Readings on the Text of. [See Deighton, K.— The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 FLETCHER, Joseph James. Dates of pubhcation of the early volumes of the Society's Proceedings. (Linnean See, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Specific identity of the Australfan Peripatus, usually supposed to be P. leuckarti, Sanger. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P FLETCHER, Lazarus. Introduction to the Study of Meteorites. [See British Museum. — Natural Historv.] A 39 Y 9 Introduction to the Study of Minerals. [See British Museum.— Natural History.] A 39 V 13 Introduction to the Study of Rocks. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 39 V 11 FLETCHER, William I., and POOLE, Franklin O. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. 3rd Supplement, 1892-96. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. Cat. Room FLETCHER, William Younger. English Bookbindings in the British Museum : Illustrations of sixty-three examples selected on account of their beauty or his- torical interest. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 40 U 6 J Foreign Bookbindings in the British Museum: Illustra- tions of sixty-tliree examples, selected on account of their beauty or historical interests. With Introduc- tion and Descriptions. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 40 U 10 J FLINT, Grover. Marching with Gomez : a War Corres- pondent's Field Note-book, kept during four months ■with the Cuban army ; with an Historical Introduc- tion by J. Fiske. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1898. B 36 Q 10 FLINT, Prof. Robert, sity. (Internat. Literature.) Theological Teaching in a Univer- Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. A 41 Y 11 FLORENCE, William Jermyn. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKav, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To- day.] " C 23 Q 6 FLORIDA: — State Departments — Reportsand Piiblications. Commissioner of Agrictilture. Svo. Tallahassee, 1893. Report, 1891-92. E FLOWER, Sir William Henry, F.R S. Essays on Mu- seums and other subjects connected with Natural His- tory. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 41 R 1 List of the Specimens of Cetacea in the Zoological De- partment of the British Museum. [See British Museum. —Natural History.] A 42 U 19 FLOWTOW, Friedrich Ferdinand Adolph von. Martha, as performed by Simonsen's English and Comic Opera Co. 12mo. Auckland, 1889. H 11 Q 30 FLOYD, Gilbert. A. C] The complete Cyclist. [See Pemberton A 29 S 33 FLUGEL, Dr. Felix. Universal EngUsh-German and German-English Dictionary. 4th ed. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Brunswick, 1894. J 7 Y 26, 27 FLTJGGE, Dr. C. Micro-organisms, with special reference to the Etiology of the Infective Diseiises. Translated by Dr. W. Watson Cheyue. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1890. A 26 S 37 FOADEN, Prof. George P. Cotton Culture in Egj-pt. [See United States. — Department of Agriculture. — Oflice of Experiment Stations.] A 38 R 15 FOGGITT, W. Smitli. AdeUne Countess Schimmelmann. [See Schimmelmann, AdeUne Countess.] C 22 S 18 Supplementary Catalog ue — 1896-98. 125 FOKKENS, F. Aanteokeninf^en betrekkelijk niijn ver- l)lijf te Sydney. (Vei'liaiideliiigeneii Berigten, 1875.) E lets over Nieuw-Holland en bijgelegene eilanden. ( Yer- handelingen en Berigten, 1853.) E Reis van Sidney, door Torres Strait, naar Java. (Ver- handelingeii en Berigten, 1859.) E Reis van Sidney naar Java. (Verliandeliugen en Berig- ten, 1858.) E FOLJAMBE, Rt. Hon. F. J. Savile. MSS. of. [See Great Britain aud Ireland. — Historical MS. Com.] E FOLK-LORE. [S« Folk-Lore Society.] FOLK-LORE SOCIETY. Folk Lore : a Quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, Institution, and Custom ; being the Tran.sactions of the Folk-lore Society, and incorporating the Archaeological Review and the Folk-lore Journal. Yols. 1-8, 1890-97. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890-97. E Publications. Yol. 39. Svo. Lond., 1S9G. E 39. The Kleviitioii aud Procession of the Ceri at Gubbio ; an Account of llie Ceremouies, together with some suggestions as to their origin, and an Appendix con- sisting of the Iguvine Lustration in Englisli ; by H. II. Bower. FOLLETT, M. P. The Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives. 8vo. New York, 189G. F 10 V 28 FOLWELL, AYilliam W. Analysis in Political Economy. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V It FOORD, Arthur II. Catalogue of the Fo.ssil Cephalopoda in the British Museum. \See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 43 P 1-3 FOOTE, Allen Kiph^y. A Sound Currency and Banking System : how it may be secured. Svo. New York, 1895. F 10 V 22 FOOTE, Mrs. Henry Grant. Recollections of Central Amcn-ica and the West Coast of Africa. Svo. Lond., 18G9. D IG R 4 FORBES, Dr. Archibald. The Black \Yatch : the Record of an Historic Regiment. 8vo. Lond., 189G. B 16 T 14 Life of Napoleon III. \_Ste Napoleon III, Emperor of France.] C 25 P 1 FORBES, Prof. Edward, F.R.S., and HAN LEY, Syl- vanu.s. History fif British Mollusca and their Shells. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. A 38 P 1 1-17 FORBES, Major Patrick AViUiam. Downfall of Loben- gula. [&iracy of Grocers against Public Eilucatiim : the suppressed Clia])ters on Cooperation in "The Law.s of Everyday Life." TJuio. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 \' 4! History of l''ngland fi-oni tbe landing of Julius Cie.sjir to the present d.iy. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897 B 21 S 10 FORSTER, Joseph. G reat Teacher.s Svo. Lond., 1898. C 23 S 126 Public Lihrai'y of Neto South Wales. FORSTER, Hon. William. Democratic Government. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Pei-sonal Government. (Melb. Review, 7.) ME IS Q Repi'esentative Government in the Colonies. (Melbourne Re\-iew, 6.) MB 18 Q [Portrait and Sketch of.] [_See Shine, T. — Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P -1 t FORSYTH, Archibald. Rapara; or, the Rights of the Individual in the State. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 3 P 68 State Railways under Federation. (People's Federal Con- vention, Proc.) MF -1 Q 54 FORTESCUE, Earl. Teaching of Agriculture. (Internat. Health Eshib.— Health Exliib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 FORTESCUE, J. B. The MSS. of, vol. 2. {See Gt. Brit, and Ireland.— Hist. MSS. Comm., 14th Rept.] E FORTESCUE, Miss M. [Art of Acting.] {See Hammer- ton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 FORTIER, Dr. Alcee. Louisiana Folk-tales in French Dialect and English Translation. Rov. 8vo. Boston, 1895. " J 8 V 29 FORTIER, Samuel. The Water Supply of Cache Valley. [See Utah.— Agricult. CoUege Exper. Stn.] A 23 T 37 FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-63, 1865-June, 1898. 63 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1865-98. E FORTXUM, Charles Drury Edward. Maiohca : a His- torical Treatise on the Glazed and Enamelled Earth- wares of Italy, with !Marks and Monograms; also some notice of the Persian, Damascus, Rhodian, and His- pano-Moresque Wares. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Ox- ford, 1896. A 15 S 11 t FORUM, The. Vols. 1-25, 1886-Aug., 1898. 25 vols. 8vo. New York, 1886-98. E FOSTER, Alfred. London's Pauper Chaos. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 FOSTER, C. Le Neve. Geology of the Carboniferous Limestone, Yoredale Rocks, and Millstone Grit of North Derbyshire. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of England and Wales.] A 34 T 1 8 FOSTER, Prof. George Gary, F.R.S., and ATKINSON, Prof. Edmund. Elementary Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, founded on Joubert's "Traite Ele- mentaire d'Electricite." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 S 11 FOSTER, J. J. British Miniature Painters and their Works. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1898. A 17 T 32 t FOSTER, L. S. PubHshed Writings of George Newbold Lawrence. {See United States. — National Museum, Bulletin 40.] E FOSTER, Dr. Michael, F.R.S. The Chemical Basis of the Animal Body : an Appendix to Foster's Physiology (5tli ed.) ; by Dr. A. Sheridan Lea, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 28 U 19 General Features of the Blood. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Text-book of Physiology. 5th ed. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 28 U 15-18 , and LANKESTER, Prof. Edwin Ray. Scien- tific Memoirs of Thomas Hem-y Huxley. [See Huxley, T. H.] A 40 S 15 FOSTER, Dr. Michael George. Climate in the Treatment of Disease. [See Weber, Dr. Hermann.] A. 26 T 34 FOSTER, R. F. Foster's complete Hoyle : an Encyclo- pjedia of all the Indoor Games played at the present day, with suggestions for good play, a full code of laws, iDustrative hands, and a brief statement of the doctrine of chances as applied to games. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 1 V 23 Whist Tactics : a complete Course of Instruction in the methods adopted by the best players. Illustrated by 112 hands played by correspondence between sixteen of the best players in the American "WTiist League. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 29 S 30 FOSTER, Prof. Robert V. Sketch of the History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. (American Church History Series.) G 12 V 18 FOSTER. Roger. Commentaries on the Constitution of, the L^nited States, Historical and Judicial, with Ob- servations upon the ordinary pro%-isions of State Con- stitutions, and a comparison with the Constitutions of other countries. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F3 V 16 , and ABBOT, Everett V. Treatise on the Federal Income Tax [U.S.A.] under the Act of 1894. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F 10 U 19 FOSTER, Thomas. Illusions; EngHsh or British? Norman and Saxon Blood Royal; Nature Myths in Nursery Rhymes; the ^Mystery of Edwin Drood. [See Leisure Readings.] " A 19 Q 16 FOSTER, Vere. The two Duchesses, Georgiana and Elizabeth, Duchesses of Devonshire : Family Corres- pondence of, and relating to Georgiana and Elizabeth, Duchesses of Devonshire, Earl of Bristol (Bishop of Derby), the Countess of Bristol, Lord and Lady Byron, tlie Earl of Aberdeen, Sir Augustus Foster, and others, 1777-1859. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 20 FOSTER, William E. Planning a Library from the Librarian's point of ^dew. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Brochure Series.) A 37 R S Suxiplementm^ Catalogue — 1896-98. 127 FOTHERINGHAM, J. G. Diplomatic Correspondence of Jeau de Montereul and the Brothers de Bellievre. ISee Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 29.] E FOTHERINGHAiM, James. Studies in the Poetry of Robert Browning. 8vo. Lond., 1887. J U U 30 FOUARD, Constant, Abbe. St. Peter and the first years of Christianity. Translated by G. F. X. Griiiith, with an Introduction by Cardinal Gibbons. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 1 U 42 FOULK, Ensign George C. Observations upon the Ko- rean Coast, Japanese-Korean Ports, and Siberia. \_See Buckingham, Lieut. B. H.] D 20 U 10 FOUQUE. [See La Motte Fouquc.] FOUQUET, Dr. D. Recherches sur les Origines de I'Egypte. [See Morgan, J. de.] A 17 S 18 t FOUR AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES. Harvard; by Charles Eliot Norton. Yale ; l)y Arthur T. Hadley. Princeton ; by William M. Sloane. Columbia ; by Brander Matthews. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 15S IG t FOVARGUE, H. West. Adoption of the Public Libraries Acts in England and Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 9 V 36 , and OGLE, J. J. Public Library Legislation : being the law relating to Public Libraries and Technical Education, and all Statutes directly or indirectly affecting Libraries, Mu.seums, Art Galleries, hvsema of the Lungs. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— SystcMii of" Medicine.) A 20 T 38 Syphilitic Disea.so of Uio Lungs. (Allbul-t, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 , and (iODLEE, Dr. Rickman John. Diseases of the Lungs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1898. A40P6 FOWLER, Katherine. [_See Philips, Katherine.] FOWLER, Or.'ion Squire and Lorenzo Niles. New Illus- trated Self-instructor in Phrenology and Physiology. 8vo. New York, 1882. A 33 Q 33 FOWLER, Thomas Walker. Observations with Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers and Boiling-point Ther- mometers. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895.) ME 1 P FOWLER, Rev. William Weeks. Matriculation Examina^ tion of the University of London. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 FOWLES, Edwin Wesley Howard. Iterare Cursus : being short Latin Syntax Revision Rules compiled for the use of Matriculation Students. 12mo. Brisb., 1897. MJ 1 Q 36 FOX, George. Concerning the Rule. (Dearmer, Rev. P. —Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 [Life of] ; by Dr. Thomas Hodgkiu. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 20T 18 FOX, Wilson. England : Agriculture Reports. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Agriculture.] A 39 W 3-5 | FOX-DAVIES, A. C. {See Davies, A. C. Fox-.] FOX-STRANGWAYS, C. [_See Strangways, C. Fox-.] FRATPONT, Prof. Julien. Le Genre Polygordius. (Zoo- logische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 14 t FRANCE :— Con.seil Superieur de I'Assistance Publique. Nos. 43, 46, 47, 51, 52. 5 vols. 4to. Melun (n.d.) E Enqucte Parlemcntairo sur le Regime des Etablissements Penitcntiaires. Tomo6. 4to. Paris, 1874. F 12 V 13 t Epidcmie Cholerique de 1885-86, en France et en Algerie. 8vo. Paris, 1886. A 33 T 27 France et Algerie : Statistiquo des Pcches IMaritimes et de I'Ostreiculturo pour I'aiinoo 1885. 8vo. Paris, 1887. E Recueil des Travaux du Comito Consultatif d'Hygiine Publique de France, 1885. 8vo. Paris, 188C. £ Stati.sti(iuo do I'Enseigncment Priraaire, 1891-92. Vol. 5. 4to. Paris, 1895. E Statistique des Peches Maritimes, 1884, 1894. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1884-96. E Code des Prisons. [See Moreau-Christophe,L. INI.] F 9 Q 31-53 FRANCIS, George. Sericulture. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) IMA 4 8 12 FRANCIS, Henry Thomas. The Jiitaka. [Sec Cowell, Prof. E. B.] G 5 T 22 FRANCIS, Lydia; Maria. [See Child, Lydia Maria.] 128 Fublic Lihmry of New Sotith Wales. FRANCIS II, Emperor of Austria. Portrait of. \See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 FRANCIS OF ASSISI, St. Times, Life, and Work of. \_See Little, AV. J. Knox.] G 11 Q 38 [Sketch of.] {_See Ellis, H— Affirmations.] J 19 W 14 FRANCCEUR, Prof. Louis Benjamin. Cours Complet de Mathematiques Pares. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819. A 25 S 31, 32 Geodesie ou traite de la Figure de la Terre et de ses Parties. 8th ed. 8vo. Paris, 1895. A 25 TJ 13 FRANKE, Augustus W. Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland to the death of Geoege II. \_See British Museum.] A 40 R 17, 18 FRANKLIN, Alfred. Dictionnaire des Noms, Surnoms, et Pseudonymes latins de I'Histoire Litteraire du Moyen Age, 1100-1530. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Libr. FRANKLIN, Benjamin. [Sketch of.] \_See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Litera- ture.] J 22 R 37 FRANKLIN, Sir John. Life of ; by H. D. Traill. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 Q 11 Portrait of. [See Beattie, J. W.] MA 1 1 P 33 t FRANKS, Sir Augustus AVollaston, F.R.S. Catalogue of a Collection of Continental Porcelain. \_See Bethnal Green Museum.] A 40 R 20 FRANKS, Fanny. The Kindergarten System : its Origin and Development, as seen in the Life of Friedrich Froebel. [See Hanschmann, A. B.] G 18 Q 57 ERASER, Dr. Alexander Campbell. Philosophy of Theism. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1895-96. (Gifford Lectures.) G 14 S 24, 25 ERASER, E. The Royal Navy. [See Clowes, W. L.] B 17 R 4 t ERASER, Dr. John. The Malayo-Polynesian Theory. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1895-96.) ME 6 R Some Folk-songs and Myths from Samoa. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896-97.) ME 6 R Comments on the Malayo-Polynesian Theory. [See Poly- nesian Soc, Journ. 1896.] ME 6 R FRAZER, R. W. British India. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 17 Q 19 Literary History of India. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 19 W 7 FRASER, Sir William. [Life of] Napoleon III. [See Napoleon III.] C 20 T 5 FREAJI, Prof. William. Report on Canada and its Agricultural Resources. 8vo. Ottawa, 1885. D 16S5 Concise Review of principal data on Rothamsted Experi- ments, as carried out by Sir J. B. Lawes and Prof. J. H. Gilbert, based mainly on Prof. William Fream's Book. [See Kottmann, Dr. Gustav.] MA 2 U 67 England : Agriculture Reports. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland— Agriculture.] A 39 W 1 J i'REDERICK WILLIAM III. King of Prussia. Por- trait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley.- — England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A. — Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 FREE KIXDERGARTEN MAGAZINE, The. Woman's special edition, Dec, 1895. 8vo. Winnipeg, 1895. G18S19 FREE REVIEW, The. [See University Magazine and Free Review. '\ E " FREE SELECTOR." [See Heron, J. S.] FREEBOROUGH, E. Chess Endings ; a Companion to Chess Openings Ancient and Modern. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 6 Q 7 Analysis of the Chess ending King and Queen against King and Rook. [See '-Euclid."] A 29"t 34 , and RANKEN, Rev. Charles Edward. Chess Openings, Ancient and Modern. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 29 T 35 FREEMAN, C. E. Songs of Exile. 12mo. Calcutta, 1897. ^ H 11 P 1 FREEMAN, Dr. Edward Augustus. Comparative Politics with the Unity of History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 12 T 9 Sketches of Travel in Normandy and Elaine. With Preface by William Holden Hutton. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. . D 18 Q 28 The Unity of History. 8vo. Lond., 1872. B 35 Q 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — EngUsh Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Sketch of.] ■ [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 FREEMAN, Richard Austin. Travels and Life in Ashanti and Japan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 20 U 24 FREEMAJrS JOURNAL, The, 1857-62, 1872-97. 37 vols. fol. Sydney, 1857-97. ME FREEMASONS' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION for the permanent relief of aged, distressed, or infirm Free- masons and their wives or widows in New South Wales Annual Report, 1896-97. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. ME6P Supplementary Catalogue — 189G-98. 129 FREEMASONS" CHRONICLE OF AUSTRALASIA, with which is incorporated the Queensland Masonic Journal llie Keystone, 1896-97. Sui. fol. Sydney, 1896-97. ME FREER, Martha Walker. The Regency of Anne of Austria, Queen Regent of France, Jlother of Louis XIV ; from numerous unpublished sources. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 186G. B 16 S 38, 39 Life of ^Marguerite d'AngouIeme. [See Marguerite d'Angoulenie.] C 21 U I, 2 FREIDMANX, O., "Ottilie." Ein Diplomat. 12mo. Leipzig, 1853. J IG T 7 FREMANTLE, William Henry, Dean of Ripon. Canter- Vjury Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 Collection of the Judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases relating to Doctrine and Discipline. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 1-1 U 36 FRENCH, C. Notes on a Trip to Brisbane. (Victoria Naturalist, Dec, 1897.) ME G P Fruit Flies. [See Victoria.— Agriculture.] MA 3 V 13 San Jose Scale. [See Victoria. — Agriculture.] MA 3 V 13 FRENCH, Charles Wallace. Abraham Lincoln, the Liberator. [See Lincoln, Abraham.] C 20 U 4 "FRENCH ARMY SURGEON, A." Untrodden Fields of Anthropology ; Observations on the Esoteric Man- ners and Customs of semi-civilised Peoples : being a Record of 30 years' Experience in Asia, Africa, and America. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Libr. FRERE, J. H. The Fragments of Theognis. [See Theognis.] H 1 1 U 1 1 FRESHFIELD, Douglas William. Exploration of the Caucasus. Illustrated by Vittorio Sella. imp. 8vo. Lond., 189G. D 1.5 S 17, 18 t FREUND, Dr. William. Latin Dictionary. [See Lewis, Dr. Charlt.in T.] J 9 V 29 FREWEN, Moreton. Tho Free Coinage of Silver in the United States. 12mo. Lond., 1896. MF3R12 Visit to Broken Hill. (Contemporary Review, Sept., 1895.) E FREYTAG, Dr. Gustav. Techniipie of tho Drama: an Exposition of Dramatic Composition and Art. Trans- lated by Elias J. MacEwan. 2nd ed, 8vo. Chicago, 1896. H 10 W 4 FREZTER, Aiiiedee Fran(;ois. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chili, du I'eiou, et du Bresil, fait pendant les ariiiees 1712-11. Tome 1. Illustrated. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1717. D 16 P 4 FRIANT, F., and HOUDET, V. Report of Experiments with Radiator. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R FRIEDBEROER, Dr. F , and FROHNER, Dr. E. Path- ology and Therapeutics of the Domesticated Animals. Translated by Dr. W. L. Zuill. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) A 30 R 27, 28 Veterinary Pathology. Vol. 1. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 40 P 14 1. Infective Diseases of Animals. Translated and edited by JI. H. Ha3-ea ; witli Notes on Bacteriology b}- Dr. (i. Newman. FRINK, Dr. Henry Allyn. Rhetoric. [See Phelps, Rev. Austin.] J 14 T 8 FRITH, Henry, and RAWSON, W. Stepney. Coil and Current ; or, the Triumphs of Electricity. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 20 Q 32 FRITH, Mary ":Mo11 Cutpurse." [Life of]; by Ciiarles Andrews. (Vincent, Arthur. — Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 Sketch of. [See Whiblev, C. — Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 FROEBEL, Friedrich. Mother's Songs, Games, and Stories. Translated Ijy Frances and Emily Lord. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 18 R 62 Pedagogics of the Kindergarten ; or, his Ideas concerning the Play and Playthings of the Child. Translated by Josephine Jarvis." Svo. New York, 1896. G IS Q 33 Froebel's Gifts. [See Wiggin, Kate D.] G IS P 36 Froebel's Occupations. [See Wiggin, Kate D.] G 18 P 41 Tho Kindergarten System : its Origin and Development, as seen in the Life of Friedrich Froebel ; by Alexander Bruno Hanschmaini. Translated by Fanny Franks ; with an Ajipendix on "The Education of Man.' [See Han.schmann, A. B.] G 18 Q 37 FROGGATT, Walter Wilson. Australian Termitidic. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.) ME 2 P Bag-shelters of Lepidopterous Larv.ne of the genus Teara. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Entomology of Grass-trees. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1S96.) ME 2 P Forest Moths that have become Orchard and (iarden Pests. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 189C.) ME 9 R The Honey Ants of Central Australia. (Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 Life-histories of Australian Coleoptera. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Notes on Cicadas. (LinneanSoc,N.S.W., 1895.) ME2P Notes on the sub-family Brachyscclinre', with Descriptions of now species. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P 130 Fublic Library of Neio South Wales. FROHNER, Dr. F. Pathology and Therapeutics of the Domesticated Animals. [See Friedberger, Dr. F.] A 30 R 27, 28 Veterinary Pathology. \_See Friedberger, Dr. F.] A 40 P U FROISSART, Sir John. [Sketch of the Works of] ; by Mary Darniesteter. Translated from the French by E. Frances Poynter. Svo. Lond., 1895. J G T 32 FROM THE CAPE TO BULUWAYO ; or, How to travel to Rhodesia through British Territory. "With Maps. Svo. Vryburg, 1896. D 14 R 22 FROME, Gen. Edward. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 101.) E FRONTAURA, Jose Manuel. Historias Estraordinarias. 12mo. Santiago, 1887. J 14 P 41 FROST, C. Description of a new species of Ablepharus from Victoria. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.] ME 2 P Lizards from Central Australia. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895-96.] ME 1 P ReptUia of Central Australia. ISee Lucas, A. H. S.] MA 3 R 61 FROST, Thomas. Trial by Jury in old times. (An- drews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 Trials of Animals. (Andrews, W.—LegalLore.) F 13 R 25 FROST, Dr. William Adams. The Fundus Oculi, with an Ophthalmoscopic Atlas illustrating its physiological and pathological conditions. Illustrated. 4to. Edinb., 1896. A 18 P 25 t FROTHINGHAM, Dr. Langdon. Laboratory Guide for the Bacteriologist. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Philad., 1895. A 31 Q 14 FROUDE, James Anthony. Lectures on the Council of Trent. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 3 U 14 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Mr. Froude as a Lecturer. [See Godkin, E. L. — Reflec- tions and Comments.] J 12 S 45 Rectorial Addresses, delivered at the University of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 Russia and England. [See Novikoff, Mme. 0.] F 3 R 10 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P. — Modern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 FROUDE, Lily. Severed. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MJ 3 S 16 FRY, Edward Alexander. Calendar of Chancery Proceed- ings. [See British Record Soc. Pubs., 14.] E Calendar of Wills proved in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Bristol, 1572-1792, and also a Calendar of Wills in the Great Orphyn Books preserved in the CouncQ House, Bristol, 1379-1674. [See British Record Soc. Pubs., 17.] E Placita coram domino Rege apud Westmonasterium de termino Sancto Trinitatis anno Regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Henrici Vicestmo Quinto. [See British Record Soc] E FRY, Elizabeth. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [Su Hub- bard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 FRY, George S. Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Moi'tem returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles I. [See British Record Soc. Pubs., 12.] E Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem relating to the City of London, returned into the Court of Chancery, 1485-1561. [See British Record Soc. Pubs. 15.] E FRY, Kev. Thomas Charles. Church Reform and Social Reform. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 FRY, Walter. Australasian Pigeon Guide. Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MA 3 U 40 FRYER, Charles E. Relations of the State with Fisher- men and Fisheries. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 8 The Salmon Fisheries. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 2 FUERTES, James H. Water and Public Health: the relati\e Purity of Waters from different Sources. 12mo. New York, 1S97. A 33 P 11 FULL salvation: Vol. 13,1896. 4to. Melb., 1896. ME FULLER, Claude. The Bovine Tick Fever. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Entomological Notes. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME9R Forest Insects. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME9 R Insect Friends and Foes. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Insect Pests. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Plant Galls formed by Insects. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Scale on imported Oranges. (Agi-icult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Ticks. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 131 FULLER, IMorris. Life, Letters, and Writings of John Davenant. [See Davenant, J., Bishop.] C 24 Q 21 FULLER, Sarah Margaret, Marchioness d'Ossoli. [_See Ossoli, Marchioness d'.] FULLER, Thomas. [Essay on] the Sermons of. [Set Tovey, Rev. D. C. — Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 FULLERTON, Lady Georgiana. [Life of] ; hy Charlotte M. Yonge. [ See Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 FULTON, Arthur Robert William. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 99.) E FULTON, John. Coke : a Treatise on the IManufacture of Coke and the saving of by-products. Roy. 8vo. Scranton, Pa., 1895. A 25 V 29 FUN ; or, the Tasmanian Charivari. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-8, AprU-Sept., 1867. Sm. 4to. Hobart Town, 1867. ME 17 S FUNCKE, Pastor Otto. A Home Abroad. [See Schim- melmann, Adeline Countess. — Glimpses of my Life.] C22S 18 FURLEY, John. Carriage and Removal of the Sick and Injured. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 FURNESS, Horace Howard. Sacred Books of the Old and New Testaments. [See Bibles and Testaments.] G 23 U 7, 10, 14 Child Marriages, [See Early English E FURNIVALL, Frederick James. Divorces, and Ratifications, &c. Text Soc. Pubs.] The First Part of the Contention, Hamlet, Love's Labours Lost, Lucrece, Merchant of Venice, Taming of the Slirew, the Whole Contention. [See Shakespeare, W.] H 11 V Hoccleve's Works. [See Early English Text Soc. Pubs.] E FURSE, Capt. A. D. Tabular Precis of IVIilitary Law ; with Explanatory Notes based on the Oflicial Text- books for the use of Candidates for the Military Examinations. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1890. F 10 X 8 t FURSE, Col George Armand. Militai-y Expeditions be- yond the Seas. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 30 U 13, 14 FUSSELL, Dr. M. Howard. Pulmonary Emphysema, Atelectasis, Abscess, and Gangrene. (Hare, Dr. H. A.-- System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 51 FUTTERER, K. • Die Oberen Kreidcbildungen der Um- geljung dea Lago di Santa Crocc in dvn Venctiancr Alpen. [See Palajontologischo Abhaudluugon.] E G G., D. F. The Spiritualist : being a short Exposition of Psychology, based upon material truths and of the faith to which it leads. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1857. G 15 U 5 GADOW, Dr. Hans, F.R.S. In Northern Spain. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 19 U 10 Dictionary of Birds. [See Newton, Alfred.] A 30 Q 31 "GAELYN, Henry." [See Naegely, H.] GAHAN, Charles J. Notes on the Longicornia of Aus- tralia and Tasmania. Pt. 1. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1893.) E Supplemental List of the Longicorn Coleoptera obtained by J. J. Walk(!r during the A^oyage of the I'enyiiin. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1894.) E GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas. Record of the Life and Works of ; by Mrs. Arthur Bell. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 18 P 21 t GAIRDNER, James. History of the Life and Reign of Richard HI, to which is added the Story of Perkin Warbeck from original documents. New ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. Camb., 1898. B 24 Q 20 GALBRAITH, Dr. Anna M. Hygiene and Physical Culture for Women. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 26 S 34 GALE, Albert. Bee-hives and their.Construction. (Agri- cult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1890.) ME 9 R Bee-keeping. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Bees. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Tlio Berlepsch Hive ; the Combination Hive. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1890.) ME 9 R Species and Varieties of the Honey-bee. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R GALILEO GALILEI. The Astronomy of Jlilton's Paradise Lost. [See Orchard, Dr. T. N.] A 19 U 19 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Horridge, F. — Lives of Great ItaUans.] C 20 S 11 Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S. — Great Astronomers.] A 20U8 GALL, Ernest. Plioto Glimpses of Adeliiide. 01). 18mo. Adelaide (n.d.) Ml) 1 P 70 GALLAUDET COLLEGE FOR THE DEAF, WASH- INGTON. Registers, 1894-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1895-97. E 132 jPublic Library of New South Wales. GALLOWAY, B. T. Fungous Diseases of the Grape, and their Treatment. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult. — Division of Vegetable Physiology and Path- ology.] A 37 S 42 Report on the Experiments made in 1891 in the Treat- ment of Plant Diseases. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 37 S 44 Some Destructive Potato Diseases. \_See United States. —Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Spraying for Fruit Diseases. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 GALT, Sir Alexander Tilloch. The Future of the Do- minion of Canada. 8vo. Lond., 1881. D 16 S 5 GALT, John. [Life of] ; by Sir George Douglas. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 U 42 [Criticism of the Works of.] \_See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* GALTON", Arthur. Two Essays upon Matthew Arnold, with some of his Letters to the Author. 12mo. Lond., 1897. J 14 V 13 GALTON, Capt. Douglas, F R.S. Observations on the Construction of Healthy Dwellings, namely, Houses, Hospitals, Barracks, Asylums, ic. 8vo. Oxford, 1880. A 33 S 20 Ventilation, Warming, and Lighting for Domestic Use. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 17 Ventilation in connection with Warmth and Lighting. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 19 Report descriptive of the Herbert Hospital at Woolwich. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Herbert Hospital.] F 18 Q 16 t GALTON, Francis, F.R.S. Anthropometric Laboratory. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 15 Decipherment of Blurred Finger Prints, being a Sup- plementary Chapter to " Finger Prints." 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 29 V 23* GALTON, Frank W. Select Documents illustrating the History of Trade Unionism. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F4U20 1 . The Tailoring Trade. Workers on their Industries. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 18 GAMA, Vasco da. Journal of the First Voyage of. \_See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 99.] E GAMBLE, Eliza Burt. The God-Idea of the Ancients ; or, Sex in Religion. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 3 U 29 GAMBLE, F. W. Flatworms and Mosozoa. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 GAMBLE, William. Half-tone on the American basis. [See Cronenberg, W.] A 41 Q 4 GAMGEE, Dr. Arthur, F.R.S. Digestive Ferments and the Chemical Processes of Digestion. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 2 Hsemoglobin: its Compounds and the Principal Products of its Decomposition. (Schafer, Dr. E. A. — Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 Physiology of Digestion and the Digestive Organs. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 20 GAMGEE, John. The Cattle Plague; with official Re- ports of the International Veterinary Congresses, 1863, 1865. 8vo. Lond., 1866. A 40 P 4 GANDAR, E. Etudes critiques sur les Sermons de la jeunesse de Bossuet. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 GANNETT, Henry. The Building of a Nation: the Growth, Present Condition, and Resources of the United States, with a Forecast of the Future. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1895. B 16 T 18 North America. Vol. 2. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel.) D 15 R 20 ■2. United States. GARBETT, Capt. H. Naval Gunnery : a Description and History of the Fighting Equipment of a Man-of-war. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 29 S 36 GARCKE, Emile. INIanual of Electrical Undertakings, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E GARDEN, The. Vols. 45-53, Jan., 1894-June, 1898. 9 vols. 4to. Lond., 1894-98. E GAEDEN AND FIELD, The, and Journal of the Agri- cultural Bureau of South Australia. Vols. S, 21-23, June, 1882-May, 1884, June, 1895-Mav, 1898. 4 vols. fol. Adelaide, 1884-98. " ME 8 T GARDENERS' CHRONICLE,, The : a Weekly Illus- trated Journal of Horticulture and allied subjects. Vol. 1— 3rd ser. vol. 23, 1841-June, 1898. 82 vols. 4to. Lond., 1841-98. E GARDINER, Dr. Samuel Rawson. Cromwell's Place in History, founded on six Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 P 54 History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-60. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-97. B 24 R 13, 14 1. 1649-,'5l. 2. 1651-54. What Gunpowder Plot was. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 1 GARDNER, Col. Alexander. Memoirs of. Edited by Major H. Pearse, witli an Introduction by the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Temple. With Porti'aits and Maps. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. C 25 P 7 Supplementary Catalog ue — 1896-98. 13J GARDNER, Alice. Rome the Middle of the World. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1897 B 30 S 22 GARDNER, Edmund Garratt. Dante's ten Heavens : a Study of the Paradise. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 19 W 13 GARDNER, Prof. Ernest Arthur. Catalogue of the Greek Vases in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Camb., 1897. K 18 S 24 Hand-book of Greek Sculpture. Pt-s. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 189G-97. A 23 S 13, 13* GARDNER, Frank D. An Electrical Method of deter- mining the Moisture Content of Arable Soils. [_See Whitney, M.] A 38 R U GARDNER, J. Starkie. Ironwork from the Earliest Times to the end of the Mediseval Period. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 23 S 36 Ironwork, pt. 2 : being a continuation of the first Hand- book, and comprising from the close of the Mediseval Period to the end of the 1 8th Century, excluding Eng- lish work. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 8 37 Armour in England from the Earliest Times to the Reign of James I. \_See Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 33.] E Hand-book of Art Smithing. [_See Meyer, Franz Sales.] A 23 T 26 GARDNER, Dr. Percy. Sculptured Tombs of Hollas. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 17 U 13 Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 37 Q 2-4, 7, 10 GARDNER, Dr. William. Treatment of Hydatid Disease. Svo. Adelaide, 1885. MA 4 S 18 GARFIELD, James Abram. [Life of] ; by A. P. Martin. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q GARLAND, William J. Materials for Object Lessons, especially adapted for Australian Schools. 12nio. Sydney, 1897. MG 2 T 24 GARMAN, Samuel. Reptiles and Batrachians of North America. \_Sce Kentucky. — Geological Survey.] A 15 R 22 t GARNER, R. L. Gorillas and Chimpanzees. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 30 K 51 GARNETT, F. Cooperative Classes : how to make them more attractive and successful. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 GARNETT, Lucy Mary Jane, tireek Folk -poesy: annn- tated Translations from the whole cych; of liomaic Folk-verse and Folk-prose. Edited, with Es.says on the Science of Folk-lore, Greek Folk-speech, and the sur- vival of Paganism, by J. 8. Stuart-tiliMinie. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1896. J 14 S 37, 38 1. Verse. 2. Prose. GARNETT, Richard. The Age of Dryden. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 12 S 43 History of Italian Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Short Histories of the Literatures of the World.) J 17 XJ 5 Life of John Milton. [See Milton, J.] C 20 S 15 Poems by Robert Browning. \See Browning, R.] H 1 S 33 Poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. [See Coleridge, S. T.] H 10 U 30 Richmond on the Thames. [See Portfolio, The. — Mono- graphs, 27.] E William Blake, Painter and Poet. [See Portfolio, The. — ]\Ionographs, 22.] E GARNETT, Prof. W. Technical Education. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health E.Khib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 GARRAN, Robert Randolph. The Coming Common- wealth : an Australian Hand-book of Federal Govern- ment. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 2 R 40 Index of Cases judicially noticed in the Courts of New South Wales. [See Lcibius, G. Hugo.] MF 1 R 14 GARRETSON, Dr. James E. A System of Oral Surgery : being a Treatise on the Diseases and Surgery of the jSIouth, Jaws, Face, Teeth, and associate parts. 6th ed. Illustrated. Svo. Philad., 1895. A 32 S 20 GARRETT, Edmund, and EDV\'ARDS, E. J. The Story of an African Crisis : being the truth about the Jameson Raid and Johamiesburg Revolt, 1896, told with the assistance of the leading actors in the drama. 12mo. Lond., 1897. B 17 P 44 GARRICK, David. [Life of.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 GARRISON, Dr. Charles G. Dental Jurisprudence. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 GARRISON, William Lloyd. William Lloyd Garrison, the Abolitionist ; by Archibald H. Grimke. Svo. New York, 1891. C 20 U 6 GARROD, Dr. Archibald. Chronic Rheumatism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Ooniirrlueal Rheumatism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26" T 36 Muscular Rheumatism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 Rheumatoid Arthritis. [Sc* Spender, Dr. Iv.] A 26 T 36 GARSOU, Jules. Boranger et la Legende Nnpoloonienne. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. U 1 U 2 GAliTESLAUB, Die, 1884-85. 2 vols. 4t... I.<>ipzig, 1884-85. J 18 T 16, 17 t GARWOOD, E. J. The First Crossing of Sjiitzbergen. [See Conway, fc>ir W. M.] D 16 V 18 131 JPublic lAhrary of New South Wales. GASCOIONE, George. Complete Poems of. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1869-70. (Roxburghe Library.) H 3 U 4, 5 GASCOIGNE, Gwendolen Trench. Among Pagodas and Fair Ladies : an Account of a Tour through Burma. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 19 S 3 GASKELL, Elizabeth Cleghorn [Mrs. WiUiam] (Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson.) [Criticism of the Works of.] \_See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Life of]; by Edna Lyall. [See Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 GASQUET, Rev. Francis Aidan. The Old English Bible, and other Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 T 34 GASTALDI, Giacomo. Universale. \_See Remarkable Maps of the 15th-17th Centuries.] D 8 P 37 t GASTRELL, William S. H. Our Trade in the World, 1885-95. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 9 V 10 GATHMANN, Henry. American Soaps : a complete Treatise on the Manufacture of Soap, with special reference to American conditions and practice. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. A 25 V 30 GATLIFF, J. H. Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Vic- toria. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P New species of Victorian Mollusc, CoralUoijhila Wilsoni. [_See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P GAUME, Rev. Monsignor J. The Catechism of Perse- verance ; or, an Historical, Dogmatical, Moral, Litur- gical, Apologetical, Philosophical, and Social Exposi- tion of Religion, from the beginning of the World down to our own days. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1891- 93. G 9 W 1-4 GAY, John. [Essay on.] [See Tovey, Rev. D. C— Re- views and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 GAY, William. Christ on Olympus, and other Poems. Sm. 4to. Bendigo, 1896. MH 1 S 26 GAYANGOS Y ARCE, Pascual de. Catalogue of the INISS. in the Spanish Language in the British ]\Iuseum. [See British Museum.] K 17 T 29-32 GAZETTE DES BEAUX ARTS, La, from vol. 1, 1859- Juin, 1898. 83 vols. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1859-98. E La Chronique des Arts et de la Curiosite, Supplement a la Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1895. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1895. E GEDDES, Tomas E. La Resurreccion de Jesu-Cristo, Nuestro Sefior. 12mo. Valparaiso, 1896. G 11 U 27 GEDDIE, John. The Balladists. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. H 11 R2 GEDEN, Rev. Alfred S. Concordance to the Greek Tes- tament. [See Moulton, Rev. W. F.] G 23 U 41 GEE, Henry, and HARDY, William John. Documents illustrative of English Church" History. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 14 S 36 GEE, Dr. Samuel Jones. Diphtheria. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 , and HERRINGHAM, Dr. Wilmot Parker. Pleurisy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 GEIKIE, Sir Archibald, F.R.S. The Founders of Geologyf 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 24 S 26 Types of Scenery and their influence on Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Romanes Lecture, 1898.) J 7 T 37 GEIKIE, Rev. Cunningham. Holy Land and the Bible : a Book of Scripture Illustrations gathered in Palestine. Imp. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) D 15 S 10 t Hours with the Bible: the Scriptures in the light of Modern Discovery and Knowledge. St. Peter to Revelation. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 T 23 St. Paul : his Life and Epistles. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 14 S 28, 29 GELLATLY, F. M., "Yarrowee." Back from the Jaws of Death : an Australian Story. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 P 42 GELLEE, Claude, "Claude Lorrain." Life of; by G. Grahame. [See Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 15.] E GENERAL STUD-BOOK: containing Pedigrees of Race- horses, &c., from the Earliest Accounts to the year 1893 inclusive. 17 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891-93. A 37 P 1-17 GENESTET, Peter Anton de. [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G.— Rampolli.] H 11 T 3 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 1-284, 1731- June, 1898. 284 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1731-1898. E GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE LIBRARY, The: a Classified Collection of the chief contents of the Gentle- man's Magazine, 1731-1868. Edited by G. L. Gomme. 23 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1883-98. Archeology. Vols. 1,2. B 32 U 5, 6 Architectural Antiquities. Vols. 1, 2. A 19 U 8, 9 Bibliographical Notes ; by A. C. Bickley. J 12 V 33 Dialect, Proverbs, and Word-lore. J 12 V 35 Ecclesiology ; by F. A. Milne. A 19 U 10 English Topography. Vols. 1-10. I> 20 V 1-10 English Traditional Lore. B 32 U 9 Literary Curiosities and Notes. J 12 V 34 Manners and Customs. C 1 1 T 36 Popular Superstitions. G 1 1 T 35 Romano-British Remains. Vols. 1,2. B 32 U 7, 8 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 135 GENTZ, Frederick. Portrait of. ISee Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 4 GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, The. [See Royal Geo- graphical Society.] GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. Arctic Ice Notes. 8vo. San Francisco, 1883. A 38 R 24 Examination into the genuineness of the Jeannette relics. 8vo. San Francisco, 1896. D 20 U 19 GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, The; or, Monthly Journal of Geology, with wliich is incorporated The Geologist, from vol. 1, 1864-97. 34 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864-97. E GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Bulletin. Vols. 6, 8. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Rochester, 1895-97. E GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Quarterly Journal. Vols. 1-53, 1845-97. 53 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1845-97. E GEOLOGIST, The. [See Geological Magazine, TU.] GEORGE, Henry. Moses. 12mo. Glasgow, 1884. G 15U 29 Science of Political Economy. With Portrait. 8vo. Lend., 1898. F 3 R 26 Mr. Henry George, the "Orthodox." [See MolTat, R. S.] F 12 T 32 GEORGE, John Rees. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Ci\'il Engineers, Proc, 99.) E GEORGE IV, King of England. The Court of England under. [See Caroline, Queen of England.] B 24 R 19, 20 Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — England in the 19th Century.] B 16 S 13 GERARD, Rev. Scope and Limitations of In- spection. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 GERARD, Eric. Electricity and Magnetism. Ti-anslatcd by R. C. Duncan. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 39 Q 1 GERARD, Frances. Picturesque Dublin, old and new. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 V 7 GERARD, Prof. R. La Botanif[uo a Lyon avant la Revolution et I'llistoin; du Jardin Botaniquo Muni- cipal de cette Ville. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, 1896. A 31 S 26 GERHARD, William Paul. Theatre Fires and Panics. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 23 S 34 GERMAIN, V. J. Teaching of Domestic Economy and Needlework. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 "GERMAN STAFF OFFICER." Greco-Turkish War of 1897, from official sources. Translated by F. Bolton. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 34 Q 18 GERMANTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Re- port for 1895. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. ME 6 Q "GIANT-KILLER." How to increase Wealth, and diminish the poverty of the many : a brief History of the Rise and Progress of the Labour Exchange Asso- ciations of America. Svo. Melb., 1897. MF 3 Q 47 GIBBINS, Henry de Beltgens. The Industrial History of England. 3rd ed. With Maps. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F8 V 17 Industry in England. Svo. Lond.,1896. F 12 T 13 GIBBON, Edward. Autobiographies of, printed verbatim from hitherto unpublished MSS. Edited by John Murray. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 Q 5 Private Letters of, 1753-94. Edited by Roland E. Prothero. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 24 Q 3, 4 Gibbon's Autobiography. [See Stephen, L. — Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 1 Sketch of. [See Birrell, A.— Res Judicatje.] J 7 P 52 GIBBONS, Alfred St. HUl. Exploration and Hunting in Central Africa, 1895-96. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 13 U 4 GIBBONS, James, Cardinal. The Faith of our Fathers : being a plain Exposition and Vindication of the Clmrch founded by our Lord Jesus Christ. 47th ed. Svo. Baltimore, 1895. G 11 U 16 Our Cliristian Heritage. Svo. Baltimore, 1889. G 1 U 44 St. Peter and the first years of Christianity. [See Fouard, Abbe C] G 1 U 42 GIBBS, Archibald Robertson. British Honduras : an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Colony from its Settlement, 1670. With Map. 8vo. Lond, 1883. B 19 Q 15 GIBBS, J. W. M. Early Essays by John Stuart Mill. [See Mill, John Stuart.] J 14 U 37 GIBBS, Mary and Ellen. The Bible References of John Ruskin. Svo. Lcmd., 1898. K 19 P 32 GIBBS, William E. Lighting by Acetyline : Generators, Burners, and Electric Furnaces. Illustrat<;d. Svo. New York, 1898. A 25 P 45 GIBERNE, Agnes. A Lady of England. [See Tucker, Charlotte Maria.] C 22 T 1 GIBERT, Dr. J. Hi.story ami Results of a Dispensary for Sick Children threatened with Chronic l)iscase. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health E.xbib. Literature.) A4I V 5 136 I'uhlic Library of Nexo South IFales. GIBSOiST, Rev. Edgar Charles Sumner. The thirty-nine Articles of the Churcli of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. G 14 Q 35, 36 GIBSON, Edward, Lord Ashbourne. \_See Ashbourne, Lord.] GIBSON, H. B., CALVERT, S., and MAY, D. W. Diet- •ary Studies at the Univer.sity of Missouri in 1895. \See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Experiment Stations.] A 38 R 15 GIBSON, J. C. Diary of Sir Michael Connal, 1835-93. \_See Connal, Sir M.] C 21 S 20 GIBSON, Margaret D. A Palestinian Syriac Lectionary. ISee Lewis, A. S.] G 18 U 6 GIBSON, Hon. AV. The Abbe de Lamennais and the Liberal Catholic Movement in France. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 15 Q 36 GIDDINGS, Prof. Franklin H. Principles of Sociology : an Analysis of the Phenomena of Association and of Social Organization. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 12 T 6 Sociology and Political Economy. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V 13 GIESBRECHT, Dr. Wilhelm. Systematik und Faunistik der Pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.) A 19 P 19, 20 f GIFFEN, George. With Bat and Ball : Twenty-five years' Reminiscences of Australian and Anglo-Australian Cricket ; with Hints to young Cricketers on Batting, Bowling, and Fielding. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. MA 4 P 7 GILBERT, B. D. Cheese Industry of the State of New York. {See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 41 U 8 GILBERT, Dr. Charles H. Report on Fishes. {See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Bio- logical Survey.] A 37 S 39 GILBERT, Elizabeth, A Blind Leader of the Blind. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C23Q 19 GILBERT, Grove Karl. Report on the Geology of the Henry Mountains. \_See U.S. — Geographical and Geological Survey of tlic Rocky Mountain Region.] A 13 W 26 t GILBERT, John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 GILBERT, John T. History of the Irish Confederation. \_See Bellings, Richard.] B 29 V 17 GILBERT, Sir Joseph Henry, F.R.S. Agricultural In- vestigations at Rothamsted, England, during a period of fifty years : six Lectures deliveretl under tlie pro- visions of the Lawes Agricultural Trust. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 18 U 27 Concise Review of principal data on Rothamsted Experiments, as carried out by Sir J. B. Lawes and Prof. J. H. Gilbert, based mainly on Prof. William Fream's book. [See Kottmann, Dr. G.] MA 2 U 67 GILBERT, William Schwenck. Original Comic Operas, containing The Gondoliers, The Grand Duke, The Yeoman of the Guard, His Excellency, Utopia Limited, Ruddigore, The Mountebanks, Haste to the Wedding. 2nd ser. 8vo, Lond. (n.d.) H 3 R 33 GILES, Ernest. [Obituary Notice of.] (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.) ME 20 P GILHAil, George H. AVith Wolseley in Ashanti. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 GILKIN, Iwan. La Nuit. 8vo. Paris, 1897. H 11 R 28 GILL, Dr. Augustus H. Gas and Fuel Analysis for En- gineers : a Compend for those interested in the Economical Application of Fuel, prepared especially for the use of Students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 12mo. New York, 1896. A 21 P 53 Short Hand-book of Oil Analysis. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1898. A 40 T 5 GILL, David. New Double Stars found at the Cape Ob- servatory in 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 R 24 GILL, Isobel Sarah [Mrs. D.] (Isobel Sarah Black). Six Months in Ascension : an LTnscientific Account of a Scientific Expedition. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1878. D 14 P 18 GILL, Dr. Theodore. On Eleginus of Fischer, otherwise called Tilesia, or Pleurogadus. [See United States. — National Museum.] A 37 S 52 GILL, Rev. W. Wyatt. Remarks on the Legend of Honoura. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896.) ME 6 R GILLE, Valere. La Cithare. 8vo. Paris, 1897. H 11 R 29 GILLEKENS, L. G. Teaching of Agriculture (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 GILLEN, F. J. Manners and Customs of the Aborigines of the McDonnell Ranges, belonging to the Arunta Tribe. (Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 63 Account of the Engwurra, or Fire Ceremony, of certain Central Australian Tribes. [See Roy. Soc, Victoria, Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P Notes on certain of the Initiation Ceremonies of the Arunta Tribe, Central Australia. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P Supplementary Catalogue — 1S96-98. 137 GILLETT, Rev. Charles R. Monasticism. \_See Harnack, Rev. Adolf. j G 19 U 7 GILRUTH, J. A. Report on Experiments with Lamlis. [See New Zealand.— Agriculture.] MA 3 R 80 GIOVANNI DA FIESOLE, Guido or Guidolino Santi Fo.sini. Examination of the Works of Era Giovanni. \_See Stearns, F. P. — Midsummer of Italian Art.] A 23 S 25 GIOVANNI FIORENTINO, Ser. The Pecorone, now first translated into English by W. G. Waters. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 17 S 26 t GIPPS, F. G. de V. Some Notes on the White Cliffs Opal-fields, Wilcannia. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P GIPPS, Frederick B. Proposed Electric City Railway. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P Source of Artesian Wells. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Austral- asia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P GIRARD, Prof. H. Beitrage zur Gcologie von Aus- tralien. [&« Leichhardt, L.] MA 3 P 1 1 t GIRAUD, Albert. Hors du Siccle. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. H 11 R 30 GIRISACHANDRA TARKALANKARA, Pandit, and PRANANATHA SARASVATI, Pandit. Chrono- logical Tables containing Christian, Moolkee, Muggee, Shaka, Burme.se, Amli, Vilaity, Tamil, ]\rulayalani, Nauroz, Fuslee, Sumbat, Telugii, and Ilijree Eras, with their corresponding dates, 1761-1900. Roy. 8vo. Bhowanipore, 1891. B 39 T 1 GISBORNE, William. New Zealand Rulers and States- men, from 1840-97. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MC 1 S 18 GISSING, George. Charles Dickens : a Critical Study. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Victorian Era Series.) J 14 V 21 GLADDEN, Washington. The Christian Pastor and the W(,rking Church. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. G 23 S 33 Seven puzzling Bible Books ; a vSupplemcnt to " Who wrote the Bible!" 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 8 Social Facts and Forces : The Factory, tlje Labor Union, the Corporation, the Railway, the City, the Church. 8vo. New York, 1897. F 13 V 40 Who wrote the Bible? a Bonk fnr the Peoj)l(\ 8vo. Lf)nd. (n.d.) G 23 P 7 GLADSTONE, Catherine. Healthy Nurseries and Bed- riioms, including the Lying-in Room. (Iiitcrnat. Health Slxhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 17 GLADSTONE, Rt. Hon. William Ewart. Gladstone, 1809-98 : a Character Sketch ; by W. T. Stead. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 24 R 23 Gladstone, the Man : a non-political Biography ; by D. Williamson. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 S 30 Life of; by G. W. E. Russell. 4th ed. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Queen's Prime Ministers.) C 23 S 23 Life of ; by G. B. Smith. With Portrait. 8vo. Lend., 1898. C24P11 The Real Gladstone : an Anecdotal fiiography ; by J. E. Ritchie. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 Q 28 The Story of Gladstone's Life ; by Justin McCarthy. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1898. C 23 U 2 Letter on the English Church. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 The People's Bible History. [See Lorimer, Rev. G. C] G 1 1 W 6, 7 t Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — Eng- land in the 19th Century.] B' 16 S 13 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Remarks on the Royal Supremacy, as it is defined by Reason, History, and the Constitution. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Studies subsidiary to the Works of Bishop Butler. [See Butler, Joseph, Bishop.] G 2 T 31-33 Talks with Gladstone. [See Tollemache, Hon. L. A.] C 24 P 10 GLAISTER, E. Art Embroidery. [See Lockwood, M. S.] A 17 T 1 t GLASGOW CATHEDRAL. History of the Cathedral and See of Glasgo^v. Illustrated. 12nK). Glasgow, 1856. B 23 P 15 GLASGOW- POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, 1893-99. 5 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1893-98. E GLAZEBUOOK, Ri^h.-ud Tetlcy, F.R.S. Light : an Ele- mentary Text-book, Theoretical and Practical, for Col- leges and Schools. 8vo. Camb., 1894. A 21 P 51 James Clerk Maxwell and Modern Physics. [See Max- >vell, J. C] C 19 V 20 GLETCHEN, Albert Edward Wilfred, Count. With the Mission to Menelik, 1897. Illustrated. 8vo. Limd., 1898. D 13 U 5 Hand-book of the Armies of Bulgaria, Greece, Monten- egro, llouniania, and Servia. [See Gt Britain unl. Edinb., 1813. K 40 U 11 I GORDON, Gen. Sir Thomas Edward. Persia revisited, 1895 ; with Remarks on H.I.M. Mozuffer-ed-din Shah, and the Present Situation in Persia, 1890. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lend., 1890. B 10 U 4 GORDON, W. J. These sixty years. [See Holmes, E. M.] B 23 S 22 GORDON and OOTCH. The Australian Hand-book. [See Australian Uaad-book, Tke.^ ME GORE, Rev. Charles. Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 S 28 Genei-al Lines of Church Reform. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 Government of the Anglican Churches in Canada, New Zealnnd, and Australia, ((iore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23"S 28 Prayer and the Lord's Prayer. 8vo, Lond., 1898. G 23 P 30 Thi^StTiMiiri (in thol\Iount : a Practical Exposition. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 19 U 25 Canon Gore and the Lux Muntli School. [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 GORE, F. St. J. Lights and Shatles of Hill Life in the Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjab. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 19 S 1 140 FuIUg JJibi'CD'j/ of Neio South Wales. GORE, J. Ellard. The Concise Knowledge of Astronomy. [See Gierke, Agnes M.] A 19 S 14 GORGAS, Dr. Ferdinand J. S. Dental Medicine : a Manual of Dental Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 5th ed., re^•ised and enlarged. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 32 S 23 Dictionary of Dental Science. \_See Harris, Dr. Chapin A.] A 32 S 25 GORMAN, Clarence H. Irrigation. (Farmers and Fruit- growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 GORMAN, Frederick P., and TOWER, Ralph W. Labora- tory Guide for the Dissection of the Cat : an Intro- duction to the Study of Anatomy. 8vo. New York, 1695. A 41 R G GORMANSTON, Viscount, Governor of Tasmania. [Por- trait of.] [&e Beattie, J. W.] MA 11 P 33 t GOSCH, C. C. A. Danish Arctic Expeditions, 1605-20. [_See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 96, 97.] E GOSCHEN, Rt. Hon. George Joachin. Tlie Bimetallic Question. \_See Bimetallic Question, The.] F 13 R 19 GOSMAN, Rev. Alexander. Federation Poetry. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 The Supernatural. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q GOSS, Prof. Arthur. Dietary Studies in New Mexico in 1895. [&e United States. — Department of Agricul- ture. — Office of Experiment Stations.] A 38 R 15 GOSSE, Edmund. Critical Kit-kats. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 23 Firdausi in Exile, and other Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1885. H 11 P42 In Russet and Silver. 8vo. Lond., 1894. H 11 P 31 On Viol and Flute. 12mo. Lond., 1890. H 11 P 41 17th Century Studies : a Contribution to the History of English Poetry. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 10 W 23 The Epic of Kings. \_See Zimmern, Helen.] H 11 R 12 Poetry of. [See Benson, A. C. — Essays.] J 10 R 43 Undine. [_See La iNIotte Fouque, F. H. C, Baron de.] GOSSE, Philip Henry, F.R.S. Evenings at the Micros- cope ; or, Researches among the minuter Organs and Forms of Animal Life. New ed., revised by F J. Bell. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 40 Q 10 "GOSSIP." {See McMillan, Robert.] GOTHE. {See Goethe.] GOUFFE, Jules. The Book of Preserves. Translated from the French by Alphouse Gouffe. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1871. A 31 Q 30 GOUGER, Robert. Emigration for the relief of Parishes practically considered. 8vo. Lond., 1833. F 13 Q 37 GOUGH, Gen. Sir Charles, and INNES, Arthur D. The Sikhs and the Sikh AVars : the Rise, Conquest, and Aimexation of the Punjab State. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R49 GOUGH, Gen. Sir Hugh. Old Memories. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. ' C 23 R 3 GOUGH, Jolni B. John B. Gough, the Apostle of Cold Water ; by Carlos Martyn. 8vo. New York, 1893. C 20 U 10 GOV LBV RN EVESIXG PEXXY POST, May, 1896- 97. 2 vols. fol. Goulburn, 1896-97. ME GOULD, A. C. Modern American RiQes. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1892. A 23 T 25 GOULD, Dr. E. R. L. Housing of the Working People. [See United States. — Bureau of Lal)or.] E GOULD, Ezra P. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary of the Gospel according to St. Mark. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Internat. Critical Commentary.) G 19 T 27 GOULD, John M., and TUCKER, George F. The Federal Income Ta.x explained with the Regulations of the Treasury Department. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F 10 V 24 GOULD, Nat., " Veras." The Miner's Cup : a Coolgardie Romance. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 3 Q 45 Who did it? 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 1 Q 35 GOULD, Rev. Sabine Baring-. Curiosities of Olden Times. Revised and enlarged ed. 8vo. Ediub., 1896. J 16 R 10 Old English Fairy Tales. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 14 T 2 A Study of St. Paul : his Character and Opmions. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 1 R 41 Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. [_See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 13 W 33 t GOUNOD, Charles Frangois. Autobiographical Reminis- cences, with Family Letters and Notes on Music ; from the French by the Hon. W. Hely Hutchinson. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 T 11 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19Q22 GOURY, Jules. Views on the Nile. [See Jones, O.] D 31 R 21 X GOW, J. Professional Examinations. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 GOW, William. British Imperial Customs Union. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. F 1 S 26 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 141 GOW, WILSON, and STANTON. Tea-producing Com- panies of India and Ceylon, showing the History and Results of those capitalised in Sterling. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 11 U 41 GOWER, Hon. F. Leveson. Migration from the Country to the Towns. Svo. Loud., 189G. F 2 V 32 GOWER, Lord Ronald Sutherland. Selections from the Letters of De Brosses. \_See De Drosses, C] C 2-1 Q 7 GOYDER, George. Note on the Alkaloids of S/rychnos psilos]jenna. [_See Renuie, Prof. E. H.] MA 3 W 18 GOYDER, George A. Action of Cyanide of Potassium on Gold and some other Metals and Minerals. (Austral- asian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893. )ME 18 P Notes on the Working of the McArthur-Forrest Process for Extracting Gold. (Anstralasian. Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P The Prospector's Pocket-book. \_See South Australia. — Mines.] JIA 4 P G GRADLE, Dr. Henry. Diseases of the Orljit, Lachrymal Apparatus, and Eye-lids. (Hare, Di\ H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 GRAEF, Gustav. [Rei)r()ducti()n of his Picture] Felicie. [See Lansing, C— The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 t GRAFFENRIED, Miss Clare de. Child Labor. (Ameri- can Economic Association.) F 4 V 15 GRAFFIGNY, Henry do. industrial Electricity Trans- lated and edited liy A. (J. Elliott. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 189«. (Electro-Mechanical Series.) A 33 Q 31 GRAHAiNI, Austin Dfmglas. Australasian Annual Digest. [See Power, G. W.] ME 21 S The Queensland Digest. [See Scott, G.] MF 3 S 35 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Queenslauread-making. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 1 1 A' 2 GRAHAM, Dougal. Collected Writings of. Edited with Notes, togctiior with a Jiiographical and I>il)liographi- cal Introduction and a Sketch of th(! Cliaj) Literature of Scotland, iiy (Jeorge Mactiregor. 2 vols. Svo. Glasgow, 1«8;3. .MIS !',», 20 GRAHAM, Dr. Edwin E. Croupous and Catarrhal Pni'uuionia. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 GRAHAM, Rev. J. A. Missionary Expansion of the Re- formed Churches. Illustrated.' 12mo. Edinb., 1898. (Guild Library,) G 23 P 16 GRAHAM, James, "The Man in the Iron Mask." The Press and its Functions in the Social Mill. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 Q 48 GRAHAM, John. Elementary Treatise on the Calculus for Engineering Students, with numerous Examples and Problems worked out. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 S 18 GRAHAM, R. B. Cunninghame. The Canon. [See Canon, The.] G 23 S 9 GRAHAM, Richard D. Masters of Victorian Literature, 1837-97. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 22 Q 9 GRAHAM, William Hussey. Book of the Cheese. [See Reid, T. W.] " B 24 Q 10 GRAHAME, George. Claude Lurrain. [See Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 15.] E GRAND-CARTERET, John. L'Affixire Dreyfus et I'Image. Illustrated. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) A 33 Q 29 GRANDON, Alejandro Fuenzalida. Lastarria i su Tiempo su Vida, Obras, e Tnfluencia eu el Desarrollo Politico e Intelectual de Chile. Roy. 8vo. Santiago, 1893. C 10 X 14 t GRANT, Arthur James. Herodotus. [See Herodotus.] B 17 Q 20, 21 GRANT, Charles. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 GRANT, Elizabeth. [See Smith, Elizabeth.] GRANT, Francis J. The Commissariot Record of Edin- burgh, Register of Testaments. [See British Record See. Pubs. 16.] E GRANT, James. Treatise on the Law relating to Bankers and Banking Comjianies, with an Appendix containing the most important Statutes in force relating thereto. 5th ed. ; by C. C. IM. Plumptro and J. K.'.'MacKay. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 K 17 GRANT, Mrs. James. Letters written by Mrs. Grant, of Laggan, concerning Highland ail'airs and persons con- nected with the Stuart ca\is(! in the 18th century. Edited by J. E. N. Maci>hail. [See Scottish History S(K-. Pubs., 26.] E GUAN'T, John 1!. Our Cunnnou lUrds, and how to know them. 5th ed. Illustrated. Ob. 18ino. New York, 1895. A 27 P 1 GRANT, Robert. Tarjioii lishing iji Floi'ida. (Out-of- door Library.) A 40 Q 8 GRAND, Sarah. '[See M'Fall, Frances Elizabeth.] 142 Tublic lAhrai'xj of New South Wales, GRANT, Gen. TJlysses Simpson. [Life of] ; by W. C. Church. Illustrated. Svo New York, 1897. C 23 P 23 Campaigning with Gi-ant. [See Porter, Gen. H.] B 39 S 31 Sketch of. [See Dwight, T. F. — Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 U 5 GRANT, W. R. Ogilvie. Catalogue of the Game Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 39 U 4 Catalogue of the Picarife in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 39 T "17 GRANVILLE, Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C19Q21 GRAPHIC, The. Vols. 1-57, 1869^une, 1898. 57 vols fol. Loud., 1869-98. E GRASSI, Dr. Battista. I Chetoguati : Anatomia e Sis- tematica con Aggiunte Embriologiche. (Zoologische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna und Flora des GoKes von Neapel.) A 19 P 5 t GRAVES, Alfred Percival. Poems of Joseph Sheridan LeFanu. [;See Le Fauu, J. S.] H 11 R 2 GRAY, Dr. Asa. Structural Botany ; or. Organography on the basis of Morphology, to which is added the principles of Taxonomy and Phytography, and a Glossaiy of Botanical Tei-ms. Illustrated. 8vo. Load., 1887. (Botanical Text-book.) A 20 U 25 GRAY, D. J. Thomson. British Dogs. [See Dalziel, Hugh.] A U T 41* GRAY, G. Buchanan. Studies in Hebrew Proper Names. Svo. Lend., 1896. J 14 R 25 GRAY'', George Robert, F.R.S. Catalogue of British Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural Historj-.] A 42 U 10 List of the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 43 W 14, 16 GRAY, Dr. J. A. At the Court of the Amir. Svo. Lend., 1895. D 19 U 3 GRAY, J. C. Cooperation as a Factor in the Education of the Citizen. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 Cooperative Production. 12mo. Manchester, 1886. F 13 V41 Co-operative Production in Great Britain. 12mo. Man- chester, 1887. F 13 V 23 Educational Scheme and the new Code. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 How to start Cooperative Stores. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 The System of Credit as practised by Cooperative So- cieties. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 The Cooperative Union. [See Allan, J.] F 13 V 41 GRAY, John Edward, F.R.S. Catalogue of Carnivorous- Pachydermatous, and Edentate Mammalia in the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 V 2 Catalogue of Lithophytes, or Stony Corals, in the Collec- tion of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 U 21 Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 V 4 Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia in the British Mu- seum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 U 22 Catalogue of Sea-pens, ijr Pennatulariidi]ilomalic Service. 1894, 1896. Svo. Lond., 1891 -9G. C! 20 T 28 Competition for one Aiipointment as luspectoi- i>f Fac- tories under the Home Office, 1895. Svo. Lond., 1895. G20T40 Competition for one .Appointment as Inspector of Mines under the Home Officf Ki'gulations of the Department of Sei<'Mce and .\n, 1895-98. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-97. E Code of Regulations for Day Schools ; with Schet. 0. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E Fourteenth Report. Appendix, jit. 5. The MSS. of J. B. Fortescue, Es(i., ])reserv(d at Dropniore. Vol. 2. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1890. E GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— fo«l. Dublin, 1898. F 39 W 30 + Land Registration in Scotland. Report of the Com- mittee appointed to enquire into the present system of Land Registration in Scotland. Sm. fol. Edinb., 1898. F 40 V 41 + Law Reports. \_See under main Author Entry, Law Reports of Great Britain and Ireland.] Siq:)plementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 153 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— conn(i., 1896. V 10 V 30 \ Papers relating to the ConnnandecMing of Ifritisli sub- j(H:ta in the South African Republic in 1894, and tlie visit of the High Commissioner to l'relritain and Ireland.— Treaties.] F 36 W 17 { Taxation. Instructiims to Survej'ors on that part of their duty which I'elates to Taxes. 8vo. Lond., 1855. ■ F 5 P 34 Minutes of Evidence and .Vjijiendix taken before th(( Roval ('oiiimission on Local Taxation. 3 vols, (in 1) ■sm.'fol. Lond., 1898. F 40 V 51 ♦ Report on Local T.ixation in Scotland. Sm. fol. I'^linb., 1 895. E Technical Education. Copy of Repmi on I'rench Ttichnical Education. Svo. Lond., 1898 (t 17 U 19 Return sliowing the extent to which, and thi> manner in which, local .lulhorities in the ITnited KingLL, Janaes r.n.die. Veterinary Pharmacology and Tlierapeutifs. 12mo. Lond., 1885. A 26 P 30 , and Albert. The E1 S The Queensland Digest. [See Scott, G.] MF 3 S 35 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Queensland, with Tables of Cases and Index. [/See Scott, G.] ME IS S GROOS, Karl. Play of Animals : a Study of Animal Life and Instinct. Translated hy Elizabeth L. Baldwin ; with Preface and Appendix by J. M. Baldwin. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 13 T 51 GROSART, Rev. Alexander Balloch. [Life of] Robert Fergu.sson. [See Fergusson, R.] C 20 U 28 GROSS, Charles. Bibliography of British ^Municipal His- tory, including Gilds and Parliamentary Re])iesenta- tifm. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Harvard Historical Studies.) F 3 T 23 GROSSETETE, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln. [Sketch of.] \_See Cowan, Rev. W. — Pre-Rcformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 GROSSMITH, AVeedon. [Art of Acting.] [&(; Hammer- ton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 GROSVENOR, E. A. Constantinople. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. V, 21 V 24, 25 GROTE, George. [Critici.sm of the W.irks of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Pro.se.] .) (i Q 38* GROULT, E. Short Account of the Establishment of Cantonal Museums in France. (Internal. Health Exhib.— Health Ex hi b. Literature.) A 11 V 10 GROVE, George. Beethoven and his nine Symphonies. 8vo. Lond., I89G. A 23 S 15 GROVE, Mrs. Lilly. Dancing. Svo. Lond., 1895. (Bad- minton Library.) A 29 11 33 GROWOLL, A. Profe.s.si. Lond., 1895. (i 23 Q 7 GULLIVKU, Prof. Julia. The Facts of the Moral Life. [See \\undt, Prof. W.] {! 1 1 R 40 162 Public Library of New South Wales. GUMBEL, Theodor. Biyolowia Europ.Ta. [See Bruck, P.] "^ A 11 X 1-6 t GUNN, Andrew. Golspie. {See Nicholson, E. AV. B.] B 32 Q 11 GUNN, Dr. David. Pseud. The Story of Lafsu Beg, the Camel-driver, as he told it to Dr. David Gunn, showing how he went to Austi-alia, and what befel him there. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 P 44 GUNX, W. Geology of the Country around Ingleborough, with parts of Wensleydale and Wharfedale. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of England and Wales.] A 34 T 29 Geology of Cowal. [See (Jreat Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of Scotland.] A 34 T 36 Geology of part of Northumberland, including the Coun- try between Wooler and Coldstream. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of England and Wales.] A 32 S 10 GUNTHER, Dr. Albert, F.R.S. Descriptions of a new species of Dehna from Western Australia. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Feb., 1897.) E Report on a Collection of Fishes made by Dr. A. Donald- son Smith during his Expedition to Lake Rudolf. (Smith, Dr. A. Donaldson.- — Through Unknown Afri- can Countries.) D 20 U 21 Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 U 13 GUPPY, Dr. Henry Brougham. Observations on the recent Calcareous Formations of the Solomon Group, made during 1882-84. (Roy. Soc, Edinb., Trans., 32.) E GURNEY, Elliott Henry. Further X'^otes on the Milling Qualities of diiferent varieties of Wheat. [Se» Agri- cult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.] ME 9 R GURNEY, Emelia Russell. Dante's Pilgrim's Progress ; or, the Passage of the blessed soul from the slavery of the present corruption to the liberty of eternal glory. With Notes on the way. 2nd ed. 8vo Lond., 1897. G 23 P 1 GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS, King of Sweden. Gustavus Adolphus : a History of the Art of War from its revival after the iliddle Ages to the end of the Spanish Succession War, with a detailed Account of the Campaigns of the Great Swede, and of the most famous Campaigns of Turenne, Conde, Eugene, and Marlborough ; with Charts, IMaps, Plans of Battles and Tactical Manceuvres, Cuts of Uniforms, Arms, and Weapons ; by Lieut. -Col. T. A. Dodge. 8vo. Lond., 189.5. (Great Captains.) B 20 S 14 GUTHRIE, Charies John. History of the Reformation of Religion within the Realm of Scotland. [See Knox, J.] G 23 T 8 GUTHRIE, Frederick Bickell. The Absorption of Water by the Gluten of different Wheats. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Analysis of Hay of Paspalum dilatatum. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Chemical Nature of the Wines of New South Wales. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Chemical Notes. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9R Manures and IManuring. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Note on the Absorption of Water by the Gluten of diff- erent Wheats. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Note on imported Flour and Wheat. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Notes on Inoculation of the Soil for Leguminous Crops. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME R 9 The Soil. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Soil Analysis. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R and GURNEY, Elliott Henry. Further Notes on the Milling Qualities of different varieties of Wheat. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.AV., 1896.) ME 9 R GUTHRIE, Kenneth Sylvan. Faith and Reason. 12mo. Philad. (n.d.) G 23 R 13 Philosophy of Plotinos. 12mo. Philad., 1896. G 23 R 13 The Soteriology of Jesus. 12mo. Philad., 1896. G 23 R 31 GUTHRIE, William Norman. Walt Whitman as Reli- gious and Moral Teacher. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1897. G 11 S 32 GUYAU, Marie Jean. The Non-Religion of the Future : a Sociological Study. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 R 37 GL^Y'ON, Slme. Jeamie. Autobiography of. Translated by T. T. Allen. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 T 3, 4 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.-— Little Journeys to tlie Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 GUY'^OT, Y''ves. Labour, Socialism, and Strikes. I2mo. Lond., 1896. F 4 U 29 GUYOU, Georges. The Dreyfus Case. 12mo. Edinb., 1898. F 15 R 17 GWILLIAM, G. H. Biblical and Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Syriac Literature. [See Anecdota Oxoni- ensia, Sem. ser. 1.] E GA\"YNN, Stephen. ilemorials of an 18th Century Painter. [See Northcote. J.] C 25 P 12 GYLLEMBOURG, T. Konrad und Hanna; aus dem Diinischen von M. von Andechs. 18mo. Leipzig (n.d.) J 1 V 46 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 163 H., L., and L., M. An Old Sanctuary. Stratford-on-Avon. (n.d.) Illustrated. Svo. G 11 Q 37 HAAS, Dr. Ernst. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali Books in the British Museum. \_See British Museum.] K 18 R 14 t HACKE, Capt. William. Collection of original Voyages. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1G99. D 20 S 20 1. Capt. Cowley's Voj-age round the Cilubu. 2. Capt. Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, anil Expedition into the South Seas ; written \>y himself. 3. Capt. Wood's Voyage through the Streights of Magellan. 4. Mr. Roberts's Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant ; liis Aceount of their way of Living, Descrip- tion of the Archipelago Islands, Taking of Scio, &c. HACKEL, Eduard. The True Grasses. Translated from " Die Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien " by F. Lamson Scribner and Etlie A. Southworth. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 30 T 19 HACKETT, J. W. Our Land Policy. (Melbourne Re- view, 2.) ■ ME 18 Q Should Absentees be taxed? (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q HADDEN, J. Cuthbcrt. Life and Correspondence of George Thomson. {See Thomson, G.] C 25 Q 15 HADDOCK, Dr. Joseph W. Sonmolism and P.sychcism ; or, the Science of the Soul and the Ph(Miomena of Nervation, as revealed by Vital Magnetism or Mes- merism, considered physiologically and philosophically. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1851. G 19 T G HADDON, Prof. Alfred Cort. Evolution in Art, as illus- trated by the Life-histories of Designs. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 23 R 46 Study of IMan. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 27 Q 46 IIADLEY, Piof. Arthur Twining. Economics : an Ac- count of th(! Reiatiims between Private Property and Public Welfare. 8vo. New York, 1896. E 12 T 7 Population and Caj)ital. f.Vnierican Economic Associa- tion.) F 4 V 19 IIAFIZ (Sham,s-ud-I)in). Versions from ; an Essay in Persian Metre ; by W. Leaf. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898. II 1 S 40 HAGEN, Dr. llurmann August. Catalogue of the Speci- mens of Nouropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. \_See British JIuscum. — Natural History.] A 43 W 21 HAGEN, Dr. M. Die Geologischen Verhiiltuisse der IJm- gegend Niirubergs. \_See Dittuuir, !•'.] D 12 1' (If HAGGARD, Frederick T. Half-an-hour's Reflection with the Million on the Classes and Masses, Capital and Labour, Demand and Supply. 1 2mo. Tunbridge Wells, 1894. F 9 P 28 HAGGARD, Henry Rider. Downfall of Lobengula. [5« Wills, W. A.] B 36 R 13 HAGGART, David, "The Switcher." Sketch of. iSee Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 HAIG, Dr. Alexander. Diet and Food considered in rela- tion to Strength and Power of Endurance, Training, and Athletics. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 33 Q 35 HAIGH, Arthur Elam. The Tragic Drama of the Greeks. Illustrated. 8vo. Oxford, 1896. H 9 T 16 HAINES, Charles Reginald. Islam as a Missionary Re- ligicm. 12mo. Lond., 1889. G 4 V 20 HAINES, Flora E. A Keramic Study : a Chapter in the History of half-a-dozen Dinner-plates. 12mo. Bangor, Maine, 1895. A 23 Q 55 HAINES, Henry S. American Railway Management : Addresses delivered before the American Railway Association, and Miscellaneous Addresses and Papers. Svo. New York, 1897. F 4 U 39 HAKE, Alfred Egmont, and WESSLAU, O. E. The Coming Individualism. Svo. Lond., 1895. F 1 R 22 HAKE, Thomas Gordon. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 HAKLUYT SOCIETY, The. Publications. Vols. 92-99. 8 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896-97. E i)i-94. History and Description of Africa and of the notable things therein contained, written by Al-Hassjin iba- Mohammeil al-U'ezaz al-Kasi, a Moor, baptised as Giovanni Leone, but belter known as Leo Afrieanus. Done into English in the year KUlU by John I'oiy, and now e'ditcil liy Dr. Robert Rrown. i)."). Tile Clwoiiicle of tlic Discovery and Conquest of (iuinea, wiittcn l)y Comes Iviinies ile .\zurani ; now Hrst done into English by Charles Raymond lieazley and Eil^ar I'restage. \'ol. 1, chajis. I 10, with an Introduction on the Life and Writings of the Chronicler. 90, 97. Danish Arctic Expeditions, U)05-20, in two Hooks. IJook 1. The Danish E.\peditiona to (ireenland in IG0."i-7, to which is ailded Capt. James Hall's Voyage to (ireenland in 1012. Hook 2. The Expedition of Capt. Jens Munk to Hudson's I?ay in search of a North-west I'n.ssage in l()19-2t). Eilited, with Notes and Introductions, by C. C. A. (losch. 98. The (Christian Topography of Cosnins, an Egj-ptiuii Monk. Translated and editeil by J. W. McCrinillo. 99. Journal of the lirst Voyage of Vasco ila (Jama, 1-197-99. Translateil, and edited with Notes, an Introand. Illustrated. Svo. Ixmd., 1S9G. 1>17T26 164 iPuhlic lAhrary of New South Wales. HALDANE, Elizabeth S. History of Philosophy. {See Hegel, G. W. F.] G 12 R 30, 31 HALDANE, J. W. C. Railway Engineering, ilechanical and Electrical. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A -12 R 30 HALDANE, Richard Burden. Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. iSee Dart, J. H.] F 1 U 12, 13 HALE, Edward Everett. Sketch of. [5ee Vedder, H. C. —American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 HALE, Dr. Edwin Moses. Ilex cassine, the Aboriginal North American Tea. [See United States. — Depart- ment of Agriculture. — Division of Botany.] A 19 V 41 HALE, John P. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 Y 1 HALES, John. The Ever Memorable John Hales: an Essay. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 HALES, John Wesley. The Teaching of English. (Farrar, F. W., Dean. — Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 TIO HALES, Stephen. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Prof. William. — Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 HALEVY, Ludovic. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — French Dramatists of the 19 th Century.] H 12 R 1 HALIDAY, Charles. The MSS. of. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Historical MSS. Commission.] E HALIFAX, Samuel, Bishop of Glouce.ster. Works of Bishop Butler. [See Butler, J., Bishop.] G 2 T 31-33 HALIFAX, George Savile, Marquis of. Letter to a Dis- senter. (Dearmer, Rev. P. — Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 A Rough Draft of a new Model at Sea. (Pollard, A. F.— Political Pamphlets.) F 13 Y 4 Some Cautions for choice of Members of Parliament. (Pollard, A. F.— Political Pamphlets.) F 13 Y 4 HALL, Prof. Asaph. Observations of Double Stars made at the United States Naval Observatory, 1880-91. (U.S. Naval Ob.servatory Observations, 1888.) E HALL, Rev. E. Potter, and HAMILTON, John S. The Yoice from the Rural Wilderness. (Ueid, A. — The New Party.) F 15 P 29 HALL, Dr. Francis de Havilland, and others. Diseases of the Nose. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Diseases of the Larynx. [See Semon, Sir F.] A 26 T 37 Di seases of the Pharynx. [See Semon, Sir F.] A 26 T 37 HALL, George Walter Lorenzo Marshall-. A Book of Canticles. Svo. Melb., 1897. MH 1 Y 18 Hymn to Sydney. Sm. 4to. Melb., 1897. MH 1 T 23 To Irene. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 T 13 HALL, Hubert. The Antiquities and Curiosities of the Exchequer : with a Preface by the Rt. Hon. Sir John Lubbock. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 13 S 32 The Red Book of the Exchequer. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Chrons. and Memorials.] E HALL, Capt. James. Voyage to Greenland in 1 6 1 2. [See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 96.] E HALL, Owen. After Kangaroos. Magazine, Aug., 1897.) (English Illustrated E HALL, Robert. Notes on the Bird Fauna of the Box Hill District. (Victorian Naturalist, Aug. and Sept., 1897, Jan. and JNIarch, 1898.) ME 6 P HALL, Spencer Timothy. life and Death in Ireland, as witnessed in 1849 i2mo. Manchester, 1850. F 4 U 30 Mesmeric Experience.?. Svo. Lond., 1845. G 19 T 13 HALL, Thomas Sergeant. Graptolites of Coimaidai. (Rov. Soc, Vict, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Occurrence of the Anchoring Tubes of Adeuna in the older Tertiaries of Victoria, with an Account of tlieir Structure. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) :ME 1 P Occurrence of Graptolites in North-eastern Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P Stvlasterid.-e from the Victorian Tertiaries. (Rov. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P A^ictorian Graptolites. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P New Genus of Terrestrial Isopoda. [See Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.] ME 1 P , and PRITCHARD, G; B. Contriliution to our knowledge of the Tertiaries in the neighbourhood of Melbourne. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P Geology of the Lower Moorabool. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Note on a tootli of Palorcliestes from Beaumaris. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Remarks on the proposed sub-division of the Eocene Rocks of Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895.) ME 1 P HALL, Dr. William R. Moulding and Carving Porcelain Teeth. (Litch, Dr. Wilbur F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 HALLACK, E. II., "A Native." Our Townships, Farms, and Homesteads, Southern District of South Aus- tralia. Svo. Adelaide, 1892. MD 6 Q 5 Supplementary Catalogue — 1S9G-9S. 165 HALLAM, Arthur Henry. An Advocate of Alfred and Charles Teiniyson. [&e NicoU, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19tli Century.] J li S 3 HALLAM, Henry. [Critici.sni of the Works of.] {See Craik, lleiiry. — English Prose.] J G Q 38* HALLAM, Thomas. Two Collections of Dcrbicisnis con- taining AVdi-ds and Phrases in a great measure peculiar to the Natives and Iniiahitants of the County of Derby. {See English Dialact Soc, Pubs., 78.] E HALLARD, James Heni-y. Gold and Silver : an Ele- mentary Treatise on Bi-metallism. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V -JO HALLE, C. E., and Mario. Life and Letters of Sir Charles Halle. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 21 U U HALLECK, Fitz-Greene. [Sketch of.] \_See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Litera- ture.] J 22 K 37 HALLECK, Reuben Post. The Education of the Central Nervous System : a Study of Foundations, especially of Sensory and Motor Training. 8vo. New York, 1890. A 26 S 41 HALLEY, Edmund. Descrijition and Uses of a new and correct Sea-chart of the Western and Southern Ocean, showing the variations of the Compass. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MD 13 P 7 Sketch of. \_See Ball, Sir R. S. — Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 HALLIBURTON, Dr. William Dobinson. The Chemical Constituents of the Body and Blood. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Te.vt-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 Tlie Chemistry of the Tissues and Organs. (Schafer, Di-. E. A.— Te.xt-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 Text-book of Chemical Physiologv and Pathology. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. ' " A 38 S 8 H ALLI DAY, George. 1897. Steam Boilers. 8vo. Lond., A 33 P 11 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, James Orchard. Illustra- tions of tlie Fairy Mythology of a Mid.sunmier Night's Dream. [See Shak.'speare Soc. Puljs.] H 3 U 31 The Moral Play of Wit and Sciences by John Retford, and early Poetical Mi.scellanies from an uni>ub]ishcd MS. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 10 Remarks of Karl Simrock on the Plots of Shakespeare's Plays. [5.Y Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 15 Shakespeare's Play of King Henry IV; printed from a contemi>i>rary MS. \See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 32 Tarlton's Jests an.'epheline- Syenite of Dungannon. [See Adani.s, F. 1).] A 40 S 22 HARRINGTON, :Mark A\". Meteorological \\\nk for Agricultural Institutions. [See United States. — De- partment of Agriculture. — Office of Experiment Sta- tions.] A 19 V 30 Notes on the Climate and ^Meteorology of Death Valley, California. [See United States. — Department of Agriculture.— Weather Bureau.] A 19 V 29 HARRIS, Dr. Chapin A., and GORGAS, Dr. Ferdinand J. S. Dictionary of Dental Science, and such A\'ords and Phrases of the collateral Sciences as pretain to the Art and Practice of Dentistry, fjth ed. 8vo. Pliilad., 1891. A 32 S 25 HARRIS, Prof. George. Moral Evolution. 8vo. Boston, 189G. G 14 S 27 HARRIS, George F. Catalogue of Tertiary MoUusca in the Department of Geology, British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 43 S 1 HARRIS, James Rendel. Armenia and Europe. [See Lepsius, Dr. J.] B 28 R 8 , and Helen B. Letters from the Scenes of the recent Massacres in Armenia. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 17 ]{ 24 HARRIS, Joseph. Talks on Manures : a series of Familiar and Practical Talks hetween the Author and the Deacon, the Dr., and other neighbours on the whole subject of Manures and Fertilizers. New ed. 8vo. New York, 189G. A 19 R 7 HARRIS, Walter B. Fi-oni ]!atum to Baglidad. Ilhis- trated. 8vo. Ivliiib., I89G. ' D17S1G Land of an African Sultan : Travels in Morocco, 1887- 89. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1889. D 14 P 15 Tafilet : the Narrative of a Journey of E.xploration in tiie Atlas Mountains and the Oases of the N.W. Sahara. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. D II S 23 HAP.RTS, William Torrey. Psychologic Foundations of Education : an attempt to show the Genesis of the higher faculties of the mind. 8vo. New York, 1898. (International Education Serie.s.) (i 18 Q 42 The Science of Ethics, '[^e* F'ditc, J. (J. | G IIS 40 HARRISON, Benjamin. The Constitution and Adminis- tration of the United States of America. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 15 R 10 HARRISON, Frederic. Studies in Early Victorian Litera- ture. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 8 T 37 William the Silent. [See William 1, King of the Nether- lands.] C 23 S 8 HARRISON, Jane E. ^Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens. [See Pausanias.] B 27 Q 17 HARRISON, ^lalcohn. Tasmanian Birds. (Rov. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ME 1 Q HARRISON, Thomas. Scientific Gossip. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q HARRISON, Rev. W. A. Richard II. [See Shake- speare, W.J H 11 V 24, 26 HARRISON, William Henry. Portrait of. [&« Bro<,ks, Noah.— Short Studies in" Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 HAR RISSE, Henry. The Diplomatic History of America : its tirst Chapter, 1452-94. AMtli Map. ' 8vo. L. 4.'{1-A.r>. 4.51. 4. A.n. 4,')1-A.D. CSO. !>. A.D. G'iC to close of the Sccoiul Council of Kie.\"a, 787. nE(!EL, (leorg Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the History of Philosophy. Translated from the (iernian by Elizabeth S. ilaldane and Frances H. Simson. Vols. 2 and 3. 2 vols. 8vo. I^iiid., 18'.I4 96. C 12 R .30, 31 The Logic of Hegel. Translateil froiii the l';ncyelo]iuHlia of the Philosophical Sciences by Dr. William Widlace. 2nd cd. 8vo. Oxford, l.'<92. (i 19 U 28 Philosojihy of Right. Translated by Prof. S. W. Dyde. 8vo. Lond., 1.^9C.. G 12 V 24 174 Public Library of New South Wales. HEHNER, Otto. Adulteration of Honey. (Internat. Health Exliib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A -il V 1 HEIDER, Dr. K. Embryology of Invertebrates. \_See Korschelt, Dr. £.] A 26 T 23 HEIGHWAY, Rev. William Aitken. Ai Vola ni Fika me Yaga Vei Ira na Gone ni Viti (Book of Figures to be of service to the children of Fiji). 12mo. Sydnej', 1896. MA 3 U 46 HEILPRIN, Prof. Angelo. The Earth and its Story : a First Book of Geology. 8vo. Boston, 1896. A 24 Q 30 HEINE, Heinrieh. Half-an hour with Heinrich Heine. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q [Translations from.] [/See MacDonald, G. — RampoUi.] H 11 T3 HELIODORUS. [Sketch of.] [&e Whiblev, C— Studies in Frankness.] " C 23 S 2 HELLER, Thomas Edmund. Organization of Elementary Education. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 HELLINGMAX, Crab. De Noordelijke Passage door de Torres-straat. (Verhandelingen en Berigten, 1856.) E HELLMAN, Frances. Israel among the Xations. [See Leroy-Beaulieu, A.] B 28 R 5 HELLYER, S. Stevens. Principles and Practice of Plumb- ing. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 25 Q 41 HELMS, Richard. Anthropological Notes. (Liunean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Anthropology. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1896.) ME IS The Australian Alps, or Snowy Mountains. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Journ., 1896.) ME 20 P Noxious Weeds. (W. Aust. Settler's Guide.) MD 8 Q 54 HELOISE, Abbess. The Story of Heloise and AbaUard retold. [See Vandam, Albert D. — Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 12 HEMINGE, John. John Heminge and Henry Condell, friends and fellow-actors of Shakespeare, and what the world owes them. [See Walker, C. C] C 24 P 6 HEMMING, George Wirgman. Relation between Uni- versity and College. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health E.xhib. Literature.) A 41 V 11 HEMPHILL, J. C. Climate, Soil, and Agricultural Capabilities of South CaroUna and Georgia. [See United States. — Dept. of Agriculture.] A 19 U 13 HENDERSON, E. F. History of Germany in the Middle Ages, 800-1300. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 27 R 9 HENDERSON, Dr. Ebenezer. The Annals of Dunferm- line and vicinity, from the earliest authentic period to the present time, a.d. 1069-1878. Interpreted with Explanatory Notes, MemorabUia, and numerous Illus- trative Engravings. Roy. 8vo. Glasgow, 1879. B 17U 19 HENDERSON, Lieut.-Col. George Francis Robert. Stone- wall Jackson and the American Ci^'il War. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 P 14, 15 HENDERSON, J. A. Poultry and Eggs for ^Harket and Export. [See New Zealand.— Agriculture.] MA 3 R 79 HENDERSON, T. P. The Poetry of Burns. [See Burns, Robert.] H 9 T 9-12 HENDERSON, Rev. W. Optimism and Pessimism. (Mel- bourne Re\dew, 2.) ME 18 Q HENDERSON, WDliam James. The Elements of Na^^- gation, designed for the instruction of beginners 1 8nio. New York, 1895. A 19 P 22 What is good Music ? Suggestions to persons desiring to cultivate a taste in Musical Art. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 T 1 HENDRICKS, Hon. Thomas A. Life of ; bv Col. Her- man Dieck. 8vo. Philad., 1884. ' C 23 Q 17 HENERIE, John E. S. Rhapsodies on Rhymei's. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 S 7 HENEY, Thomas. The Girl at BirrelFs : a Pastoral of the Paroo : an Australian Story. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 P 48 HENLEY, William Ernest. English Lyrics : Chaucer to Poe, 1340-1849. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 1 S 38 Poems. 8vo. 2nd ed. Lond., 1898. H 1 S 41 Imperialism. [-See De Thierry, C] F 15 P 21 The Poetry of Burns. [See Burns, Roberf.] H 9 T 9-12 Slang and its Analogues, Past and Present. [See Far- mer, J. S.] Libr. , and STEVENSON, Robert Louis. The Plays of. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 S 19 HENNESSEY, John Davis. An Australian Busli Track. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 3 S 33 A Lost Identity. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 3 S 34 The New Chum Farmer ; with hundreds of Practical Hints on Agriculture and Dairying. With Portrait. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. MA 4 P 4 Wynnum. 8vo. Lond., 1896. MJ 3 S 32 HENNESSY, William M. Annals of Ulster. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. — Records Commission.] B 30 V 16 HENRIETTA MARIA, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 Siipplemeufari/ Catalogue — 1896-98, 175 HENRY I OF LORRAINE, Duke of Guise. [Sketch of.] \_See MacDowall, H. C. — Henry of Guise, and other Portraits.] B 3G R 11 HENRY II OF LORRAINE, Duke of Guise. Memoires of, relating to his Passage to Naples and heading tliere the second Revolt of tliat people. Translated into English. 12mo. Lond., 1669. B 26 P 6 HENRY IV, King of England. History of England under Henry IV. [5ee Wy lie, James Hamilton.] B16P9-11 HENRY IV, King of France. History of Henry IV, King of France and Navarre. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 V 25 HENRY, Dr. Frederick P. Diseases of the Heart. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 Typhoid Fever. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 HENRY, John. Address to the Electors of Tasmania on ' the Federal Constitution Bill. 8vo. Devonport, 1897. MF 5 Q 21 HENRY, Joseph. Henry and the Telegraph. [_See Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1878.] E HENRY, Richard. Notes on Bird-life in the West Coast Sounds. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S HENRY, Teuira. A War Song of the Oropaa Clan of Tahiti. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R HENSLOWE, Philip. Diary of, from 1591-1009, printed from the original MS. preserved at Dulwicli College. \_See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] HSU 33 HENTY, Ernest G., and STARKEY, E. A. Australian Idylls and Bush Rhymes. 12mo. Loud., 1890. MH 1 V 11 HEPBURN, F. Coffee-growing in Queensland. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U HEPPLEWHITE, A. The Cabinetmaker and Uphol- sterer's (luido. 3rd ed. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Lond., 1897. {Rnjirint of 1794 edition.) A 29 Q 12 J UERPjAKT, Johanii Friedrich. The Applicati(.n of Psy- chology to the Science of Eles of Early English Pottery, named, dated, and iiiscril)ed. Illustrated. 4to. Lund,, 1891. A 13 X 8 t IlOlHlKIN, Dr. Thomas. The Society of Friends. (Our Chunhrs.) G11U37 Charles the Groat. [See Charlemagne.] C 23 S 5 [Life of] George Fox. [See Fox, George.] C 20 T 18 180 JPublic Ijibrary of New South Jy'ales. HODGKIXSOX, Eaton. Memoir of. [Se« Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1868.] E HODGSOX, Brian Houghton. Life of; by Sir William Wilson Hunter. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 21 U 8 HODGSOX, Dr. Ealph. Cycling for Ladies: contains Elementary Anatomy and Physiology for Cyclists ; Medical Effects of Cycling on the Body ; on Muscle ; in Heart Disease and Consumption ; Advice for Lady Cyclists ; Bicycles, and Cyclist's Clothes, . —Health E.xhil). Literature.) A 41 V 11 HOLLAND, Dr. W. J. List of liie Lejiidoiitera collected by Dr. A. Donaklson Smith. (Smitii, Dr. A. 1). — Through Unknown African Countries.) D 20 U 21 Collecting and Preserving Insects. [See Hornaday, \V. T.- Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting.] A 30 IJ 30 HOLLINGSHEAD, John. Gaiety Chronicles. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 9 T 29 HOLLOND, John. Discourses of the Navy. \_See Navy Records Society, 7.] E HOLLOWAY, George. Petiticm of. [See Cape of Good Hope. — Petition of George HoUoway.] F 1 S 12 HOLLOWAY, George T. Petroleum. [See Redwood, Ruverton.J A 21 U 9, 10 HOLM, Adolf. History of Greece, from its Commence- ment to the Close of the Independence of the Greek Nation. Vols. 3, 4. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-98. B 27 S 23, 24 HOLM, John. Gymnastics and other Physical Exercises. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 HOLMAN, Henry. Education : an Introduction to its Principles and their Psychological Foundations. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 18 Q 32 English Natit)nal Education: a Sketch of the Rise of Public Elementary Schools in England. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 21 HOLMAN, Prof. Silas W. Computation Rules and Logarithms. Roy. Svo. New York, 1896. A 25 V 28 HOLMES, E. M., GORDON, W. J., and LEGtJ, D.J. These sixty years, lS37-'97 : a Sketch of British Pro- gress under Queen Victoria. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 23 S 22 HOLMES, Oliver Wendell. Complete Poetical Works of. Cambridge ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. 119 VI Life and Letters of; bv John T. Morse. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. " C 20 V 4, 5 [Es.say on.] [See Curtis, G. W. — Literary and Social Essays.] J 21 R 33 Personal Recollections and unpublished Letters. [See Fields, Annie. — Authoi> and Friends.] J 14 R 14 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizcibeth Stuart. —Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 [Sketch of.] [See jMatthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of Aniei-ican Literature.] J 22 R 37 [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L.— Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 2 HOLMES, Riihard Rivington. Queen Victoria. [See Victoria, Queen of England.] C 18 T 1 t HOLMES, Timothy. Life of Sir Benjamin Collins Rrodie. [See Brodie, Sir B. C] C 23 R 14 HOLROYD, Arthur (;. Discovery and occurrence of Telluride of Gold ujion the Kalgoorlie (Jold-lields. (Australasian Jnst. of Mining Engineers. 'I'raiis., 1897.) -MHISP 182 Fublio Library of JVeto South JFales, HOLT, E. St. Augustine. [See Hatzfeld, A.] G -t Y 37 HOLYOAKE, George Jacob. The Growth of Co-opera- tion in England. 12mo. Manchester, 1887. F 13 V 23 The Logic of Co-operation. 12mo. Manchester, 1873. F 12 V 23 The Policy of Commercial Co-operation as respects in- cluding the consumer. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 HOLYROOD PALACE AND ABBEY. Guide to, with Catalogue of Portraits and Paintings. 1 2mo. Edinb. (n.d.) _ B 23 P 16 HOME, D. M. Salmon and Salmon Fisheries. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 6 HOilE, Daniel Dunglas. Incidents in my Life. 8vo. Lond., 1879. G 19 T 12 HOME, Col. Robert. Precis of Modern Tactics. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— War Office.] A 36 Y U HOME RULE FOR HOME READING: the best points of the best Speeches. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F 1 S 27 HOMERSHAM, Amelia. Papers on Phylloxera in Europe and America, and Yine-culture and Wine- making in the United States. [See Planchon, Prof. J. E.] MA 4 S 9 HOMERSHAM, S. C. ^^'ater for Domestic Use. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 4 HOMERUS. The Odyssey of ; done into English Prose by Samuel Heni-y Butcher and A. Lang. 8vo. Lond., • 1893. J 14 U 31 Odyssey of. Translated by J. G. Cordery. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 11 R 25 [Essay on.] [-See AHson, Dr. A. — Essays.] J 14 S 12 Fragments of the Iliad of Homer from a Syriac Palimp- sest. [See British Museum.] J 18 Q 17 t The Women of Homer. [See Perry, W. C] J 17 U 2 HOMES IN CITY AND COUNTRY ; by Russell Stur- gis, John W. Scott, Bruce Price, Donald G. Mitchell, Samuel Parsons, W. A. Linn. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 23 U 41 HONDT, Pieter d'. Yenise : L'Art de la Yerrerie son Histoire ses Anecdotes et sa Fabrication. 8vo. Liege, 1891. A 36 V 13 HONGI, Hare. Tama-Ahua. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896.) ME 6 R HONORE, Charles. Loi du Rayonnement Thermique Solaire, ses Principales Consequences et Tables du Soleil. Imp. 8vo. Montevideo, 1896. A 18 R 13 t HOOD, Edwin Paxton. Dreamland and Ghostland : Yisits and Wanderings there in the 19th Century- 12mo. Lond., 1852. G 15 U 12 HOOD, Sir Samuel. Letters of. [-See Navy Records Soc. Pubs., 3.] E HOOD, Thomas. The Haunted House. Illustrated by H. Railton. 12mo. Lond., 1896. H 10 S 17 Essay on. [-See Saintsbury, G. — Essays in English Literature.] " J 14 T 1 HOOK, James Clarke. Illustrated Biography of. [-See Dumas, F. G. — Illustrated Biographies of ilodern Artists.] C 1 P 17 t HOOKER, Sir Joseph D. Journal of Sir Joseph Banks. [See Banks, Sir Joseph ] MD 3 U 15 HOOKER, Sir William Jackson, and TAYLOR, Dr. Thomas. Bryologia Britannica : containing the Mosses of Great Britain and Ireland systematically arranged and described ; bemg a new edition, with many addi- tions and alterations of the Muscologia Britannica of Messrs Hooker and Taylor, by W. Wilson. Illus- trated. 8yo. Lond., 1855. " A 35 T 17 HOOPER, Capt. C. L. Report on the Sea-otter Banks of Alaska. [-See United States. — Dept. of the Treasury.] A 38 R 29 HOOPER, George. The Campaign of Sedan : the Down- fall of the Second Empire, Aug. -Sept., 1870. With Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1897. B 16 P 29 HOOYER, G. B. Guide to the Dutch East Indies. [See Bemmelen, Dr. J. F. van.] D 11 P 38 HOPE, Ansell. Little Donah Polka. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P 5 t " HOPE, Ascott Robert." [See Moucrieff, A. R. H.] HOPE, Rev. F. W. ReWsion of the Australian Bupre- stidie. [-See Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1868.] E HOPE, James. Scotland : Agriculture Reports. [-See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Agriculture.] A 39 W 27, 29 J HOPETOUN, John Adrian Louis Hope, Eari of. Sport in Victoria. (Badminton Magazine, Dec, 1895.) E HOPKINS, Albert A. Magic : Stage Illusions and Scien- tific Diversions, including Trick Photography. With an Introduction by H. R. Evans. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 40 S 11 HOPKINS, Alphonso Alvah. Wealth and Waste: the Principles of Political Economy in their application to the present Problem of Labor, Law, and the Liquor Traffic. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 15 R 22 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 183 HOPKINS, F. Gowland. Chemistry of the Urine. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Textbook of Pliysiology.) A 27 V -i HOPKINS, Tighe. The Dungeons of Old Paris : being a Story and lloniance of tlie most celebrated Prisons of the Monarchy and the Revolution. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 Q 11 HOPKINS, Prof. William J. The Telephone : Outlines of the Development of Transmitters and Receivers. Illustrated. iL'mo. New York, 1898. A L'O Q 26 HOPKINSON, G. H. Best system of Leakage for a Country Cooperative Store. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 V 41 HOPPER, Allan. March of the Men of Kent. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) IMA 13 P 5 t HOPPIN, James M. Greek Art on Greek Soil. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 4-i HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. The Odes of Horace. Translated into blank Verse by J. Holland and E. H. Irving. 12mo. Melb., 1896. H 10 V 26 The Country of Horace and Virgil. \_See Boissier, G.] D18S15 HORE, Edward C. Narrative of the leading incidents of Vovoge No. 2 of the s.s. John Willianis. 8vo. Syd- ney, 1895. MG 2 S 23 HORN, William Austin. Scientific Exploration of Central Australia. (Roy. Colonial Inst., Proc, 1895-9G.) E HORN SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION. [Set. Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin, and Winnecke, G.] HORN AD AY, William Temple. Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting : a complete Hand-book for the Amateur Taxidermist, Collector, Osteologist, Museum-builder, Sportsman, and Traveller. With Chaptei-s on Cnlleeliiig and Preserving Insects by Dr. W. J. Holland. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 30 Q 30 HORNBY, Adm. Sir Geoffrey Phipps. A Biography ; bv Mrs. Freel Egerton. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. C 23 V 17 HORNBY, John. A Text-book of Gas Manufacture for Students. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 P 47 HORNE, Richard Henry. Ballad of Dclora ; or, the Passion of Andrea Como. [See. NicoU, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J It S 3 Brief Account of ; by 1 [. Buxton Forman. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Cen- tury.] J 14 S 3 HORNER, Francis. Memoirs and Correspondence of. Edited by Leonai-d Horner. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1853. C2tQ14, 15 HORNER, Joseph G. The Sheet-metal Worker's In- structor. [See Warn, R. H.] A 23 S 18 HORNER, Leonard. ^Memoirs and Correspondence of Francis Horner. [See Horner, F.] C 24 y 14, 15 HORNER'S PENNY HAND-BOOKS for the People. No. 5, pt. 4. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 19 P 11 5, pt. 4. Wild Flowers, Ferns, ami Shrul)s. HORNSBY". J. T. Marryat. The Results of the General Election in New Zealand : a Reply to Sir Robert Stout. (Review of Reviews, March,"l897.) ME 2 P HORRIDGE, Frank. Lives of Great Italians. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 20 S 11 HORSFALL, T. C. L"se of Pictures and other Works of Art in Elementary Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 HORSLEY, Rev. J. F. The Chinese in Victoria. (Mel- bourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q HORSLEY, Rev. Samuel, F.R.S. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of St. Albans at a Visitation, 1783. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1783. G 17 R 13 t HORT, Rev. Fenton John Anthonj-. Cambridge and other Sermons. 8vo. Lcmd., 1898. G 23 P 33 Life and Letters of ; by his son, A. F. Hort. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 S 28, 29 HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE and Gardeners' and Amateurs' Calendar, containing the Transjictions of the Horticultural Society of Svdney. Nos. 1-12, 20, 31, 33, 1864 ; Aug., 1865 ; July, Sept., 1866. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1864-66. ME 3 R HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SYDNEY. Trans- actions, 1864-66. [See Horticultural Magazine.'\ ME 3 R HORTON, Rev. Robert Forman. Christus Inviclus. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) l'^ 15 P 29 The Congregational Church. (Our Churches.) G 1 1 U 37 In answer to Prayer. [See Carpenter, W. B., Bishop.] G 23 P 17 [Life of] John Howe. [See Howe, John.] C 22 P 21 Oliver Ci'omwell : a Study in Personal Religion. [See Cromwell, O.] C 23 P 8 HORTON, Samuel Dana. Silver ,ind Gold and their Rela- tion to the Problem of HesuMi])tion, to which is added Sir Isaac Newton and England's Proliibitive TarilVupou Silver Money. 8vo. Cincimiati, 1895. F 11 S 53 HOSKING, James. Educational Legislation. (Adelaide Philo.soph. Soc, Tran.s., 1871.) ME 1 S The Government Bill for Promoting Elementary Educa tion in South Australia. (Adelaide Philosopii. Soc, Trans., 1871.) ME 1 S HOSaiER, Ralph S. Soil Moisture. [See AVhitney, M.] A 38 R 14 18 1 Fublic Library of New South Wales. HOUDET, T. Report of Experiments with Radiator. [See Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 189G.] ME 9 R HOUGH, Dr. Franklin Benjamin. Historical Sketches of the Universities and Colleges of the United States. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. G 18 S 24 Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York, during the Century from 1784-1884. \_See New York.— University.] G 17 T 9 HOUGHTON, John. Rural New Zealand, the Britain of the South. Illustrated. 4to. Auckland, 1893. MA 5 R 6 J HOUGHTON, Rev. W. Natural History of Commercial Sea Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 10 Natural History and Cultivation of the Sole. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 HOUGHTON, Richard ilonckton Milnes, Lord. Address by, as President of the AVordswortli Societj', 1885. (Knight, William. — Wordsworthiana.) J 14 R 15 On the present Social Results of a Classical Education. (Farrar, F. W., Dean. — Essays on a Liberal Edu- cation.) G 17 T 10 [Sketch of.] \_See Russell, (J. W. E.— Collections and Recollections.] * C 25 P 13 HOUISON, Dr. Andrew. Some Reminiscences of the Early Days of Parramatta. [Articles published in The Cumberland Mercuri/, 1889.] 8vo. Parramatta, 1889. MB 2 U 25 HOULLEVIGUE, L. Sur le Residue Electrique des Condensateurs. 8vo. Paris, 1897. A 40 S 1 HOUSM AN, William. Cattle : Breeds and Management ; with a Chapter on Diseases of Cattle by Prof. J. Wortley Axe. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 38 P 10 HOUSTON, Prof. Edwin J. Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms, and Plirases. 4th ed. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. New York, 1898. A 21 V 39 HOW, Walter Wybergh, and LEIGH, H. D. History of Rome to the Death of Ciesar. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B16R39 HOW, AVilliam Walsham, Bishop of Wakefield. The Spirit of Christ in Daily Life : a Sermon. 1 2mo. Manchester, 1888. F 13 V 23 HOW MONEY MAKES MONEY. [See " Duncans."] F 13 V 33 HOW TO INCREASE WEALTH and diminish the Poverty of the many. [See "Giant-killer."] MF 3 Q 47 HOWARD, C. Frusher. Art of Reckoning. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 25 Q 22 HOWARD, Conway R. Earthwork Mensuration, on th- basis of the prismoidal formula, containing a simple and labor saving method of obtaining prismoidal con tents directly from end areas. Illustrated by examples, and accompanied by plain rules for practical use. Svo. New York, 1874. A 21 U 29 HOWARD, Capt. F. General Description of the Macleay River. [See N. S. W. -Macleay River.] MA 9 P 41 t HOWARD, Frances, Countess of Somerset. [See Somer- set, Countess.] HOWARD, George E. Ducks and Geese. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Standard Varieties of Chickens. [See L^nited States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 HOWARD, Henry Charles, 18th Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. [See Suffolk and Berkshire, 18th Earl of.] HOWARD, James. The Tenant Farmer. [Sec Practical Politics.] F 12 T 31 HOWARD, Dr. Joseph Jackson, and CRISP, Frederick Arthur. Visitation of England and Wales. Vols. 1-5. Illustrated. 5 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1893-96. K 13 T 5-8, 8* t Visitation of England and AVales. Notes. Vols. 1, 2- 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1896-97. K 13 T 9, 9* t Visitation of Ireland. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1897-98. K 10 V 11, 12 t HOWARD, L. O. Grass and Grain Joint-worm Flies and their allies. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Entomology.] A 41 U 6 Insects affecting the Cotton Plant. [See United States. —Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 The Principal Household Insects of the United States. [See United States. — Department of Agriculture. — Division of Entomology.] A 36 V 23 Revision of the Aphelinime of North America. [See U.S. — Dept. of Agriculture. — Divisionof Entomology.] A 30 R 34 A Study in Insect Parasitism. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Entomology.] A 36 V 21 -, and MARLATT, C. L. San Josi Scale. [Se, United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of En- tomology.] A 41 U 6 HOWCHIN, Walter. Notes on a Bore at Enfield, near Adelaide. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1896.) ME 1 S Occurrence of Lower Cambrian Fossils in the Mt. Lofty Ranges. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S Note on the occurrence of Casts of Radiolaria in Pre- Camlirian (?) Rocks, South Australia. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.] ME 2 P Notes on the Glacial Features of the Inman Valley, Yankalilla, and Cape Jervis Districts. [See Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.] ME 1 S Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 1^5 HOWDEN, Cliarles R. A. Papers relative to tlie Pre- servation of the Honours of Scotland in Dunnottar Castle, 1651-52. [See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 2G.] E HOWE, Dr. Frederic C. Ta.xation and Taxes in the United States under tlie Internal Revenue System, 17'JI-1S95: an Historical Sketcli of the organization, develop- ment, anil later modification of direct and excise Taxa- tion under the Constitution. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 13 V 32 HOWE, Dr. Herl)ert Alonzo. Elements of Descriptive Astronomy. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 19 U 16 Study of the Sky. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 S 18 HOWE, John. [Life of]; by Rev. R. F. Horton. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 P 21 HOWE, Dr. Lucien. Diseases of the Ocular Muscles, Paralytic and Concomitant Squint, Asthenopia, Spasms of the Ocular Muscles, and Nystagmus. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A :il P 16 HOWE, Prof. Malverd A. Retaining-walls for Eartii : in- cluding the theory of Earth-pi'essure as developed fi'om the ellipse of stress ; with a short Treatise on Founda- tions. Illustrated with examples from practice. 3rd ed. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 29 S 32 Treatise on Arches designed for the use of Engineers and Students in Technical Schools. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 R 19 HOWE, Dr. Samuel Gridley. Dr. Howo, the Philanthropist ; by F. R. Sanljorn. 8vo. New York, 1891. C 20 U 5 HOWELL, Edwin C. Minor Tactics of Chess. [See Young, Franklin C] A 29 S 21 HOWELL, George. Handy-book of the Labour Laws. 3nled. Svo. Lond., 1895. F l U 38 HOWELL, J. H. l!i)uetallism : or. Currency Reform. Svo. Bristol, 1893. MF 3 R 12 HOWELL, John, and ASIICROFT, E. A. Utilization of Waste Heat contained in Slags from Smelting Fur- naces. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P HOWELLS, William Dean. The Alljany DepOt. ISmo. New York, 1892. H 12 P 24 Annie Kilburn. 8vo. New York, 1888. J 22 R 17 April Hopes. Svo. New York, 1888. .1 22 R 1.3 A Hoy's Town descrilied for "Harper's Young Folk." UhLstrated. 8vo. New York, 1S90. J 22 R 43 A Chance Acquaintance. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1897. J 22 R 14 Chri.stmas Every Day, and oIIkm' Stories told for Child- ren. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. J 22 R 29 2a HOWELLS, William Bean—contd. The Coast of Bohemia. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. J 22 R 12 A Counterfeit Presentment. 6th ed. 18mo. Boston, 1877. H12P3 Criticism and Fiction. 18mo. New York. 1892. J 1 R 43 Day of their Wedding. 8vo. New York, 1895. J 22 R 3 A Day's Pleasure, and other Sketches. Illustrated. 18mo. Bo.ston, 1881. J 1 R 44 Dr. Breen's Practice. 18thed. 8vo. Boston, 1891. J 22R25 The Elevator. 18mo. Boston, 1896. H 12 P 33 Evening Dress. 18mo. New York, 1892. H 12 P 22 A Fearful Responsibility, and other Stories. Svo. Boston, 1895. J 22 R 16 Five O'clock Tea. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1894. H12P20 A Foregone Conclusion. Svo. Boston, 1896. J 22 R 6 The Garrotters. 18mo. New York, 1894. II 12 P 21 A Hazard of new Fortunes. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1889. J 22 R 8, 9 An Imperative Duty. Svo. New York, 1892. J 22 R 18 Impressions and Experiences. Svo. New York, 1896. C 18 P28 Indian Summer. 17th ed. Svo. Boston, 1885. J 22 R 7 ■ The Lady of the Arostook. Svo. Boston, 1879. J 22 R 24 The Landlord at Lion's Head. Svo. New York, 1898. J 22 R 15 A Letter of Introduction. 12mo. New York, 1892. H 12 P 23 A Likely Story. Illustrated. ISmo. New York, 1894. H 12 P 25 Little Swiss Sojourn. Illustrated. ISmo. New York, 1892. D 20 P 9 Tlif Minister's Charge ; or, the Apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker. Svo. Boston, 1887. J 22 R 20 A Modern Instance. 28th ed. Svo. Boston, 1881. J12R10 Tlu^ Mouse-trap, and other Farces. Illustrated. Svo., New York, 1889. H 12 R 4 My Literary Passions. Svo. New York, 1895. J 16 R 38 My Year in a Log Cabin. Illustrated. ISmo. New York, 1893. D 20 P 8 An Open-eyed Conspiracy : an Idyl of Saratoga. Svo. New York, 1897. J 22 R 27 Out of the Question. 12nio. Boston, 1877. 11 12 1' 2 The Parlur-car. ISmo. Boston, 1892. 11 12 1" 31 A Parting ;ind a Meeting. lUustriitcd. ISmo. New York, 1896. J 1 R 38 Poems. Svo. Boston, 1893. H 12 R 5 A Previous Engagement. Illustrated. ISino. Now York, 1897. H12P5 Tlie Quality of Mercy. Svo. New York, 1891. J 22 R 21 The Register. ISmo. Boston, 1896. II 12 P 34 186 public Library of New South JFales. HOWELLS, William Dean— co»v A. Drucker. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 U 14 ILES, George. List of Books for Girls and "Women. [See Leypoldt, A. H.] K 11 R 17 Reader's Guide in Economic, Social, and Political Science. [See Bowker, R. R.] Cat. Room ILLINGWORTH, John Richardson. Divine Immanence: an Essay on the Spiritual Significance of Matter. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 5 Q 31 ILLUSTRATED AMERICAX, The. Vols. 15-20, 1894- 96. 6 vols. 4to. New York, 1894-96. E ILLUSTRATED LONDOX NEWS. Vols. 1-112, 1842- June, 1898. 112 vols. fol. Lond., 1842-98. E ILLUSTRATED SYDNEY NEWS Now South Wales Weather Almanac, 1875. 8vo. Sydney, 1875. MJ 3 R 28 IMPERIAL AND ASIATIC QUARTERLY REVIEW, The, and Oriental and Colonial Record. Vol. 1 — 3rd ser. vol. 4, 1886-April, 1898. 24 vols. 8vo. Woking, 1886-98. E IMPERIAL FEDERATION ON A COMMERCIAL BASIS. [See D., J. E.] MF 1 S 26 IMPERIAL REVIEW, The. Vol. 1, No. 2, Julv, 1879. 8vo. Mell)., 1879. MJ 3 R 26 IMPERIAL SONGSTER, No. 15. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 U 78 "IMPERIALIST." Cecil Rhodes: a Biography and Appreciation. [See Rhodes. C] C 23 P 7 IMPLY, Dr. S. P. Hand-book on Lepro.sy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 41 R 3 IN THE LAND OF THE BORA ; or. Camp Life and Sport in DaLmatia and the Herzegovina, 1894-96. [See "Snaffle."] D 19 U 5 INCORPORATED SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RE- SEARCH. [See Society for P.sycliical Re.search.] INDEPENDENT, The, from vol. 1, No. 1, 1831-35. 3 vols. fol. Launceston, 1831-35. ME INDERW^ICK, Frederick Andrew. The King's Peace: a Historical Sketch of the English Law Courts. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 7 V 50 INDEX LIBRARY, The. [See British Record Society.] INDEX MEDICUS : a Monthly Classified Record of the Current Medical Literature of the World. Vols. 1-20, 1879-April, 1898. 20 vols. roy. 8vo. Boston, 1879- 98. " E INDIA -.—General. Statistical Atlas of India. 2nd ed. Fol. Calcutta, 1895. F 1 Q 14 + -, Governmeiit Departments — RejMrts and Publi- cations. Census. Census of India, 1891. Vols. 14, 15. 2 vols, fol. Madras, 1893. E Department of Finance and Commerce. Review of the Trade of India, 1893-94. Sm. fol. Simla, 1894. E Department of Revenue and Agriculture. Accounts of the Trade carried on by Rail and River in India in 1896-March, 1898, and the four preceding years. 2 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1898. E Agricultural Statistics of British India, 1890-97. 3 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1896-98. E Returns of Agricultural Statistics of British India and the Native State of Mysore, 1892-94. 2 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1894-95. E Review of Mineral Production inlndia, 1893, 1896-97. 3 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1894-98. E Forest Administration. Review of the Forest Admin- istratiiju, 1892-96. 4 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1894- 97. E Geological Survey. Records of the Geological Survey of India. Vol.28. Roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1895. E Statistical Bureau. Accounts relating to the Trade and Na^•igation of British India for the month of October, 1895, and for the seven months, April-Oct., 1895, compared with the corresponding period of the years 1893 and 1894. 8vo. Calcutta, 1895. E Statistical Bureau, showing the Weights and Values of Articles carried by Rail and River in British India during 1893-96. " 2 vols sm. fol. Calcutta, 1893- 96. E Statistics. Financial and Commercial Statistics for I'.ritish India. Sm. fol. Calcutta, 1895. F 17 T 7 t Statutes. Acts of the Legislative Councils of India and Bengal : Rules, Byelaws, Regulations, and Notifica- tions relating to the Port of Calcutta ; with schedule of Port, Pilotage, Jetty, and Wharf Charges. 8vo Calcutta, 1882. F 13 R 27 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 191 INDIA OFFICE LIST. [_See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— India Office.] IXDIAX DIRECTORY. Thackor's Iiulian Directory [previously issued as " The Bengal Directory"] 1864- 08, 1881, 1883-84, 1889, 1895, 1898. 10 vols. roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1864-98. E INDIAN MUSEUM. Catalogue of the Coins of the Indian Museum ; by C. J. Rodgcrs. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1894-96. A 40 R 21-24 INDIAN POLO ASSOCIATION. Polo Calendar. Vol. 5, 1896-97 12mo. Calcutta, 1897. E INDUSTRIES AND IRON. Vols. 15-23, 1894-97. 9 vols. 4to. Loud., 1894-97. E INEDITED TRACTS, illustrating the Manners, Opinions, and Occupations of Englishmen during the 16th and 17tli Centuries. Sra. 4to. Lond., 1868. (lioxburghe Library.) J 2 T 30 INGALS, Dr. E. Fletcher. Di-seases of the Nasal Chambers and associated Affections. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 INGELFINGEN, Prince Kraft zu lluhenlohe-. {See Hohenlohe-Ingeliingen, Prince Kraft zu.] INGELOW, Jean. Poetical Works. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. 11 1 S 37 INGLE, Edward. Southern Sidelights : a Picture of Soci;d and Econonnc Life in the South a Cieneratiou before the ^^'ar. 8vo. New York, 1896. F 10 V 8 INGLTS, Di-. Otto E. Dental Patliology and Tlierapcutics in the form of Questions and Answers. Revised by J. F. Flagg. 3rd ed. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 3« S 5 "INGONYAMA," The Par.son and the Pedlar: a Dia- logue in Verse. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) Mil 1 V 29 INGRAM, Jolin H. Oliver Madox Brown: a Biographi- cal Sketcii, 1855-74. \_See Brown, O. M.] C 24 t,) 10 INGSTON, Mr.s., "An Old Chellouian '' (K.H.) Spind- rift. 12mo. Sydney, 189G. Mil 1 V 17 INMAN, Cdl. Henry. Tlir ( )lii Sante F6 Trail : thi^ Story of a Great Highway. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. D 16 T 19 INNES, Alexander Taylor. [Life of] John Knox. [See Knox, John.] C 20 T 12 INNES, Arthur 1). The Sikhs and the Sikii Wars. \See Gough, Gen. Sir C] i! 17 K 19 INNES, Cosmos. Registrum Monasterii de Passelet. [&« Maitland Club.] G 15 T 25 INNES, Lieut.-Gen. James John McLeod. The Sepoy Revolt : a Critical Narrative. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 16S39 Sir Henry Lawrence, the Pacificator. \_See Lawrence, Sir H.] C 19 T 24 INNES, R. T. A. New Quadruple Stellar System. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 19 R 24 INQUIRER, The: a Western Australian Journal of Politics and Literature, 1843-46. [8 Nos. ouly.] Fol. Perth, 1843-46. ME INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DE BIBLIO- GRAPHIE. Bulletin, 1895. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1895. E INSTITUTE OF BANKERS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Journal. Vols. 1-G. 6 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-97. ME 15 T INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Charter, Supplemental Charter, By-laws, and List of ^Members, 1896. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E ^linutes of Proceedings, with other Papers. Vols. 1-132, 1837-97. 132 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837-98. E Subject Index to Minutes of Proceeding.s, 1879-94. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. Journal. Vol. 26, 1897. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS AND SHIPBUILD ERS, SCOTLAND. Tran.sactions. Vols. 30-41, 1886-98. 12 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1887-98. E INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Proceedings, 1847-96. 46vols.8vo. Lond., 1848-96. E INSTITUTION OF .MINING AND METALLURGY, LONDON. Tran,saction.s. Vols. 1-5, 1892-97. .'i vols. 8vo. Lund., 1893-97. E INSURANCE BLUE BOOK and Guide for 1895-90. 8vo. Lond., 1895. g INTKIiMEDlAIUE DES Cl/EltCHEURS ET CUIUEUX, L\ lo97-June, 1898. 3 vols. 8vo Paris, 1,S'j7_9S. jj INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION. 32mo. Sydney, 1896. jip \ Y /,y INTERNATTOX.VL CLINICS: a Quarterly of Clinical Lectures l.y rr(.f(.,>;scirs and Lecturers in the leading Medical Colleges -Mag- ni'tism and the ( '(instruction 'of Dynamos. Vol. I. Svo. New York, IS'.i:!. ' A 20 (^1 ;!(; , and J.VCKSON, I'lMt. .I.,hh I'riir. .Ml.Tnaling Cui'rents and Alternating Cmrent .Machinerv, bring vol. 2 tif the 'I'ext-book on Electro-Magnetism .and the Construction of hynanios. S\ii. New ^'ork, \X'M\. \ 20 Q .".7 JACKSON. Dr. Kdw.uiuis. and WATTEN1!.\('H, (iuilelmus. Ec eli'siic Metrojiolit.-m.'e (.'oloniensis Codices Manuscrijiti. Iin]i. Svo. I'.erolim'. IS7 I. K |S'|"27 J .\1"I"I!.\A', John W. hexelopnients in (iold-extracting .Machinerv, and some causes of failure. (Australasi.in hist, of Miiung Engineer.s, Trans., 1897.) ]ME IS I' J.\.(;.\'iM IT SINOII, liaja. Mv Traxris in Europ,' and .\m<>rica, 1S93. 4to.' I.oim'L, IS'.i,-,. I ) 1 ;'. S 1 2 t .l.\(;(;i:i;. Mr-, p.ritish Dogs. [SeeDalziel. II ; .\ I IT II* .iMi i;i:si!i: I! ic iir ri:i-:i; nii: roirrsciiiUTTi-: DHI! rilYSIOI.Oali: : in Nrrbindung mil Facli- genosseii berausgegeben \oii Dr. L. Heriii.inn. liande 1 5, ls;t2 9(i. 5 vols. Svo. lionn., IS;t2 9(i. E JAKSC'll, Di. lludoltMiu. Clinical Diagnosis: the i!ac teriological. Chemical, and Micrciscopieal E\if American Authors.] J I R 30 [Sketch of.] \_See Hapgood, N. — Literary Statesmen.] C 23 Q 26 [Sketch of.] {See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 JAMES, Henry lioslier. The Con.solation of Plnlosopliy of Ba'thius. {See Bcethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus.] G 4 V 26 JAMES, John. Treatise of the Five Orders of Columns in Architecture. {See Perrault, C] A 40 U 20 + JAMES, Lionel. The Indian Frontier A\'ar : being an Account of the Mohmuud and Tirah Expeditions, 1897. Illustrated. 8vu. Lond., 1898. B 29 U 16 JAMES, Thomas P. IManual of the :Mosses of North America. {See Lesquereux, Leo.] A 20 S 22 JAMES, Prof. William. The Principles of Psychology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S91. G 3 "U 24, 25 The Will to believe, and other Essays in Popular Philosophy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 R 24 JA_MESOX, Dr. John Franklin. Dictionary of United States Histoiy, 1492-1895. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1894. B 18 V 10 J A^MESOX, Dr. Leander Starr. Cecil Rhodes : a Biography and Appreciation; by "Imperialist." With Personal Reminiscences by Dr. Jameson. {See Rhodes, C] C 23 P 7 [Sketch of.] {See Cumberland, S. — What I think of South Africa.] D 14 R 18 JAMESON, WiUiam. I^md Monopoly. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 JA^MIESON, Andrew. Text^book of Steam and Steam Engmes. 11th ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1896. A 22 Q 48 JA:\IIES0N, Dr. James. Colonial Beer. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Our L^nseen Enemies. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Science Gleanings. (Melbourne Review, 2, 3.) ME 18 Q JAMTESON, Mathew Buchan. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 123.) E JAM IN, Paul Joseph. [Reproduction of his Picture] His Share oi the Spoils. {See Lansini;, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] " A 12 P 27 ; JANAUSCHEK, Francesea Romana Magdalena. [Por- trait and Sketch of.] {See IMcKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 JANE, Fred T. All the Worlds Fighting Ships. (In English, French, (German, and Italian.) Illustrated. Ob. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 17 R 21 t JANE SEYMOUR, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] {See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 JANNARIS, Dr. Anthony N. Historical Greek Grammar chiedy of the Attic Dialect as written and spoken from classical antiquity down to the present time, founded ujjon the Ancient Texts, Inscriptions, Papyri, and present popidar Greek. ' 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 35 JANOTHA, Natalie. Chopin ^s Greater Works. {See Kleczynski, Jean.] A 23 S 23 JANSON, Edward W. British Beetles. {See Curti.s J.] A 34 V 20 JANSSEN, Johannes. History of the German People at the close of the Middle Ages. Translated by M. A. ^Mitchell and A. M. Cin-istie. 2 vols. 8vo." Lond., 1896. B 33 R 15, 16 JAPAN. General Yiew of Commerce and Industry in the Empire of Jajjan. Illustrated. 12mo. Tokio, 1897. F 15 Q 13 Statistical Report of the Agricultural and Commercial Department of Japan, 1897. Roy. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) E Siipplemen tary Catalogue — 1896-98. 195 JAPAN SOCIETY, LONDON. Ti-uisactioiis and Pro- ceeilings. Vol. 1. 1892, and vol. 3, pts. 1, 2, 4, 1893- 94. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-90. E Transactions and Proceedings. Supplenioiit 1. VoLs. 1,2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E Xihongi: Chroiiicle.s of Japan from t lie Earliest Times to A.I). 097. Translated l)y \V. t!. Aston. JAQUET, John P.ldikloy. Notes on Gold Dredging, with reference to the introduction of the industry into New South Wales. [_See New South Wales. — tJeological Suney.] ISL\ .") V 47 JARVIS, Josephine. Pedagogics of tlie Kindergarten. \_See Froebel, Friedrieh.]' ' C; 18 Q 33 JASKI, F. P. J. lets over de haven van Newcastle Nieuw-Holland. (Verhandelingen en Berigten, 18G1.) " E JAY, John. Portrait of. [_See I5rooks, Noah. — Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 Y 1 "JAY, W. :\r. L.' [See W.iodiuff, Mrs. J. L. ]M.] JAYNE, Dr. Horace. Mannualian Anatomy : a Prapara- lionfor Kunian and Conijiarative Anatomy. Pt. 1. Illustrated. Poy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 S 14 1. Slvclotr.n of the Cat : its Muscular Attachments, (irowtli, and Variations comimred with the Skeleton of .Man. JEAFFRESON, J. Russell-. The Faroe Islands. Illus- trated. 8vo. Loud., 1898. D 20 R 7 JEAFFRESON, John Cordy. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson : an Historical Liograpliy, liased on Letters and other Documents in the Aloriison Collection. \_See Hamilton, Lady.] C 23 R 2 JEBP>, Richard Claverhouse. Sophocles: (he Plays and Fragments. [See Sophocles.] H 9 T 23 JEE, Sir Bhagvat Sinh. Short History of Aryan IMedical Science. Tllusti'ated. 8vo. Lond., 189(;". A 33 S 1 7 JEFFERTKS, Richard. Early Fiction of. Edited hy Crace Toplis. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1890. " J 21 P 29 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 JKFFKIIS, J. Fritli. History of Canada. 12m... Toronto, 1894. " B 18 Q 9 JEFFERSON, Joseph. Life and Art, of, together with some Account of his Ancestry and of the Jellerson Family of Actors ; l>y W. Winter. 8vo. New York, 1894. C20T9 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [S« McKay. F. E.- -Famous American Actors of To-day.] (' 23 (,) JEFFERSON, Robert L. Roughing it in Siberia, with some Account of the trans-Siberian Railway and the Gold-mining Industry of Asiatic liussia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 18 Q 31 JEFFERSON, Thomas. The Writings of ; collected and edited by Paul Leicester Ford. Vols. 6-8, 1792-1806. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 189.5-97. J 4 U 21-23 ^Manual of Parliamentary Practice. (Constitution of th(> United States.) F 13 R 14 Portrait of. [See Brooks, Ncjah. — Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 JEFFREY, Francis. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J Q 38* JEFFREY, Walter. A First Fleet Family. [See Becke, L.] ■ MJ 3 S 6 The Mutineer. [See Becke, L.] MJ 3 S 29 JEFFREYS, Rt. Hon. Sir George. Life of ; by H. B. Irving. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 2.5 Q 18 JEKELFALUSSY, Dr. Josej.h de. The ^Millennium of Hungary and its people. 8vo. Budapest, 1897. D 19 U 8 JELF, Ernest Arthur. l--ileen's Journey : History in Faiiyland. Illu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 16 U 31 Where to find your Law : beingadiscui-sive Bibliographi- cal Es.say upon the various divisions and sub-divisions of the Law of England and the Statutes, Reports of Cases, and Te.\t-books contaiiung such Law ; -with Appendices for facilitating reference to all Statutes .ind Reports of Cases, and with a full Index. 8vo. Loud., 1897. F I Q 17 JELLY, E. C. Synonymic Cat.alogue of the recent Marine P.ryozoa, iuchuliug Fossil Synonyms. 8\-o. Lond., 1889. " " A 24 S 20 JEXAISCllE ZEITSCIlltlFT FUli NATURWISSEN- SCHA FT. H JEWETT, Dr. ililo A. Analogy of Insanity to Sleep and Dreams. [Sfe Scholz. Dr. Friedrich. — Sleep and Dreams.] G 9 Y 44 JEWITT, John. The Adventures of John Jewitt, only sur^-ivor of the Crew of the ship Boi Phvsiographv and Geology of the ^^'adllalninga Gold- iields. South Australia. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P Study of .some Ore Deposits. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 197 JOHNSON, Rev. Franklin. The New Psychic Studies in tlieir rchit ioji tn Cluistiuii ThmiLjht. S\ n. Xew York, lf<87. (i it W .'JO JOHNSON, Honry, " iMuirhcad Uohertsoii." Tlio K.Npl.nts of Myles Standisli. [See Stimdish, :M.| C •_';! S 1 JOHNSON, John. Typojjraphia ; or, the Printers' In- .structr)r ; inciudin;; an Account of theOrij;in of Print- ing, witli Biographical Notices of the Printers of Eng- land from Ca.xton to the close of the IGth Century, a .series of ancient and modern Alphabets and Domesday Characters, together with an elucidation of every sub- ject connci-ted with the ait. '1 vols. .'52mo. Lond., 18l>.(. a .-i:? R L'3, 24 JOHNSON', .lohn I'.utlcr. .Materials of Const ruction ; a Treatise on the Strength of Engineering Materials. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1897. A 37 R G JOHNSON, Joseph C. F. The Deposition of Oohl. (Au.s- tralasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P JOHNSON, Joseph French. Political Economy and Public Law. \_See Pennsylvania University.] F 7 T 8 JOHNSON, Lionel. Victorian Literature. (Sixty Yeai'S r.f p:mpire.) 1! i'l' R 18 JOHNSON, Reginald Ihimley. [(.'riticism of tiie W..rks of] Hai-riet Martineau. \_See Ciaik, Henrv. -I'jnglisli Prose.] ■ J i; (.1 38* [Criticism of the Works of] ."\Iarv Uussell :\Iitford. [See Craik, Henry. -English Prose.] J Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of] Thomas De t^uincy. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J (J Q 38* [Sketch of] Leigh Hunt. [See Hunt, Leigh.] V. 19 P 9 JC)liNS()N, Piev. Uichard. .\astralia's First Preacher: thi! Rev. Richard Johnson, First Chaplain of New •South Wales; bv James Honwick. 1 'imo. Lond., 1898. ■ JMC 1 S 21 JOHNSON, S. (;. Relations of Provincial Colleges to a I'niversitv. (Tnternat. Health E.xhil). - Health Exhib. Litrraturi'.) .\ I I \' I I JOHNSON, Dr. Samuel. An E.ssay on tlic' ..ligin :uiil importance of small tracts and fuL'lti\ c |iici-rs. (Illiys, Iv Literary Pamphlets.) II II f 4 .lohnsoniaii Miscellanies; aiianged and edited bv (ieorgi- i!irkbeck Hill. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1897. C 2 I'll I 4, lo Th.' l'.o(,U ..)■ 111.' "Cheese." [See Reid. T. \V.| I! 210 lo Hawthorn in the shadow of Johnson. [See Nicoll, W. H. - -Literary Aiicndotes of the 19tli Century.] J 14 S 3 Johnsoniana. [S^d Stephen, L. S( udies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 1 On the .Mctaphvsic.'d I'oets. [See iMiglish Literary Criti- cism.] " .) I'l L' 19 JOHNSON, Prof. Thomas Gary. History of the Southern Presbyterian Church. (American Church Hist Series.) O 12 V 18 JOHNSON, W. On the Education of the Reasoning Faculties. (Farrar, !•'. W., Dean. — Essays on a Liberal Education.) G 17 T 10 JOHNSON, Maj. \\'. T. Twelve years of a Soldier's Life. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. R 21 S 3 JOHNSON, William A. H. Story of the Work of. [See Pier,son, Rev. A. T.] G 4 V 30 JOHNSONS UNIVERSAL CYCLOPyEIHA. New edition, undei- the direction of Dr. Charles K. Adams. 8 vols. ini]). 8vo. New York, 1895-90. K 8 T ')- 12 JOHNSTON, Dr. George. Catalogue of the British Non- Parasitical Worms in the Collection of the British ]Museum. [See British Museum. —Natural History.] A 42 It 8 JOHNSTON, Sir Harry Hamilton. Rritish Central Africa : an attempt to give .some Account of a portion of the Ter- ritories under British influence North of the Zambe.si. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 11 V 1.5 JOHNSTON, Prof. Heniy ]'. The JJattle of llailem Heights, Sept. 18, 177t), witii a Review of the p]vents of the Campait'ii. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. ' I! 19 R 2 JOHNSTON, Rev. James. licport of the Centenary Con- ference on the Protestant .Alissions of tlu; World, held in Exeter Hall, London. 18,'SS. 2 ^■ols. 8vo. Lond., 1888. (i 1 P 31, 32 JOHNSTON, I{obcrt .M. r.rief Historical Sketch of the Geological Rel.itions of Australia and Tasmania. (Australasian Inst, of .Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ' ME IS P Description of a new sjx'cies cjf Fish from Emu Bay. Tasmania. ( i?ov. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) ME 1 Q (ienei-al and critical Obscr\ations on the Fishes of Ta.s- mania, with a classified Catalogue of all the known species. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papeis and Proc, 1882.) ME 1 (i Health of Holiait. (l?ov. Soc, Tas., Pa])ei-s and Proc, 1 81)7.) " .ME 1 (i Notes on two Kishes, Cliuiis t/>:t/i!fil/atiis iiiul /l<>iirfi(/i;/n nirifi/iihi.<. (Hov. Soc, T.as., Pa|>ers anil Proc, 1882.) mi: I (,t ( )liser\at ions on the Working Itesults of (he Hare ."^yslcin of l''ilection in Tasmania. (Uov. Soc, Tas., I'apersand Proc, 1897.) ■ ME 1 tj Pup.i : Note un the liist discovered represi-ntutive of the genus in Tasmania. (Uov. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) ME 1 g Sonu! Fossil I'lants new to Tasmaida. (Bov. Soc, T;us., Pa])ers and Proc, 1894-95.) ' ME 1 Q 198 Tublic Library of New South Wales. JOHNSTON, Dr. William W. Diarrhoeal Diseases and Dysentery. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — Svstem of Practical Therapeutics.) " A 31 P 17 JOHNSTONE, C. L. The British Colony in Russia. Svo. Lend, (n.d.) B 22 R 15 JOHNSTONE, Maj.-Gen. Sir James, ily E.xperiences in Manipur and the Naga Hills. Illustrated. Svo. Load., 1896. D 19 17 4 JOHNSTONE, John James Hope. JNISS. of. [&« Great Britain and Ireland. — Hi.st. MSS. Commis.sion.] E JOHNSTONE, T. B. The Liind o' Cakes and Brither Scots ; or, Scotland and Things Scottish. 8vo. Paisley, 1897. ' D 18 T 22 JOLLY, LesKe. Notes on the Lefroy Gold-fields. (Aus- tralasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P JOLY, Henri. Psychology of the Saints. With Preface and Notes by G. Tyrrell. 8vo. Lond., 1 898. G 4 T 38 JONCAS, Louis Z. Fisheries of Canada. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 JONES, Adnah David. Cicero and his Friends. [See Boissier, Gaston.] B 17 P 52 JONES, Agnes Elizabeth. The Pioneer of Trained Work- house Nursing. [See Pratt, E. A. — Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign.] C 23 Q 19 JONES, Benjamin. Cooperation r. Socialism. 12mo. Manche.ster, 1887. F 13 V 23 What is meant by Cooperation. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 13 Y 23 Working-men Cooperators. [See Acland, A. H. D.] F 12 S 26 JONES, D. E. iliscellaneous Papei-s of Prof.- Hertz. [See Hertz, Prof. Heinrich.] A 21 U 23 JONES, David. Extensive Iron Fomiation, West Coast of Tasmania. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neei-s, Trans., 1898.) ME 18 P JONES, Sir Edward Burne-. Sir E. Burne-Jones ; a Record and Review. [See Bell, ilalcobu.] A 10 X 7 t [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.] C 23 T 3 JONES, Ernest. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Yeai-s of Em- pire.] B 22 R 18 JONES, George Lindsay. [See Calvert E.xpedition.] JONES, Henry Arthur. ^lichael and his lost Angel- 12mo. Load., 1890. H 11 Q 5 The English Stage : being an Account of the A'^ictorian Drania. [See^ilon, A.] H 9 T 27 JONES, Dr. Henry Lewis. The Medical Applications of Electricity. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of iledicine.) A 26 T 34 JONES, Horace. Suggestions respecting Doors and Fire- resisting Construction. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literatm-e,) A 41 IT 18 JONES, J. A. ^lanual of Hygiene Sanitation and Sani- tary Engineering, with special references to Indian conditions. Compiled for the use of District and Municipal Boards and their officei-s. Svo. Madras, 1896. A 38 T 7 JONES, J. H. Cooperative Education. 12mo. Man- chester, 1886. F 13 V 41 JONES, J. Alfi-ed Kinghom-. How we may dispose of our Surplus Proflucts, and how we may employ our Surplus Labor. 18mo. San Francisco, 1898. F 12 S 27 JONES, John. The Natural and Supernatural ; or, Man Physical, Apparitional, and Spiritual. Svo. Lond., 1861. G 19 T 14 J(-)NES, Joseph. Sumptuary Laws as an illustration of the powers of Government. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q JONES, Leonard Augustus. An Index to Legal Periodical Literature. Roy. Svo. Boston, 1888, F 1 V 21 JONES, Lloyd and William Cairns, Life, Times, and Labours of Robert Owen. [See Owen, R.] C 19 P 17 JONES, Owen, and GOURY, Jules. Views on the Nile, from Cairo to the second Cataract ; ^ith Historical Notices of the ^Monuments by S. Birch. Illustrated. Fol. Lond., 1843. D 31 R 21 + JONES, Robert H. Asbestos ;\nd Asbestic : their Pro- perties, Occurrence, and Use. Illustrated, Svo. Lond., 1897. A 24 S 25 JONES-PARRY, Sydney Henry. [See Parry, S. H. Jone.s-.] JONSON. Benjamin. M;tsque at Loi-d Haddington's Marriage ; Masque of Queens ; Oljeron ; Golden Age restored : Lovers made men ; News from the New World discovered in the iloon ; Masque of Augui-s ; Pan's Anniversary, or the Shepherd's Holyday ; Neptune's Triumph for the Return of Albion ; Fortunate Isles and their union. (Evans, H. A. — English ila.sques.) H 11 R 17 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Castle, E. J.] J 14 S 15 Selections from the Works of. [See West, K. — L;iureates of England.] H 1 1 R 1 Supplementary Catalogue- — 1896-98. 199 JOKDAN, Dr. David StJirr. The Factoi's in Organic Evo- lution : !i Syllabus of a Course of Elementary Lectures delivered in Leland Stanford Junior University. .Svo. Boston, 1895. A :i7 R 20 The Fishes of Sinaloa. «vo. Palo Alto. Cal., 1895. (Contributions to Biolosiy from the Hopkins Labora- tory of Biology.) " A :iO T -M and EVEKMANN, Dr. Barton AVarren. The Fishes of North and Middle America. [See United States. — National Museum, Ijulletin 47.] E JORDAN, Whitman H. Dietary Studies al the .Maine State College in 1895. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Experiment Stations.] A ."56 V 22 JORDAN, A\"illiani Leighton. The Ocean : a Treatise on Ocean Currents and Tides, and other causes demon- strating the System of (lie AVurld. 2nd ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. 'Lond., 1S85. A 38 T 9 JORTAUX, L. Nobiliaire Universel de France. \_See IMagny, Marcjuis L. de.] K 13 Q 21-23 t JORRAN, Dr. Karl. Coleoptera. (Smith, Dr. A. D. - Through Unknown African Countries.) D 20 U 21 JOSE, Artliur \V. Tli(^ Growth of ihr Ivnpirc : a Hand- book to the History of Greater Britain. With Maps. 8vo. Sydney, 189"". MB 3 P 1 JOSELAND, Henry Lincoln. Teaching of Mathematics. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 JOSEPH II, Emperor of German v. Joseph TI. [&« Bright, Rev. J. F.] ' B 17 P48 JOSEPHINE, Empress of France. Memoirs of. with Anecdotes of the Courts of Navarre and Malmaison ; by Mme. Ducrest. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 23 V 2, 3 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical Histoi-y of Napoleon Hona|)arte. ] 11 I T 15 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E.— Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 JOTTP>.\NI), G. Annual Examinations undeigone by Conscripts in Belgium. (Inlernat. Health E.vhib.— HealtliExhih. Literature.) A H V 9 JOUBEI!'!', J. Kiel itary Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. [See Fost.M-, Prof. G. C] A 25 S 11 JOUBIN, Prof. L. l{esultatsScientitl(|uesde la Campagne du CdtiildiiK dans le Golfe di^ Gascogiie. [See Kiehler, Prof. I!.] A .".1 S 30 JOURNAL OF AdlUCrLTURK AND JNOISTHY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Vol. I, Aug., 1897 July, 1898. 8vo. Adelaide, 1897-98. ME JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, Th,> : a semi-Quarterly Magazine of (ieology and related Sciences. Vols. 3- 5, 1895 97. .". vols.'roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1895-97. E JOURNAL OF INDIAN ART. VoU 1^7. Illustrated. 7 vols. fol. Lond., 1886-97. E JOURNAL OF .VVCOLOGY. [See United Sutes.— Department of Agriculture. — Division of Vegetable Pathology.] ' E JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. Vols. 1-6, Dec, 1892-Sept., 1898. G vols. rov. 8vo. Chicago, 1892-98. ■ E JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE. [See American Social Science Association.] E JOURNAL OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY, TIw. Vols. 1-22, 1867-93. 8vo. St. Louis, .Mo., 1867-93. E JOURNEY FROM SYDNEY over the Blue :\lountains to Bathurst forty years ago. 12mo. Bathurst, 1882. MD 2 P 10 JOWETT, Prof. Benjamin. Life and Letters of: hy Dr. Evelyn Abliott and Dr. Lewis Campbell. 2 vols. 8vo. Ll», Dr. John We.slev, F.I{.S. The Student's Lyell. [See Lyell, Sir Charles.] A 24 R 18 JUDSON, Asluia.] A 2'.) R :?4 KEAKNEY, Thomas 11. NoUis on Grasses and Forage Plants of the South-ea.stern States. [See United States. Department of Agriculture. — Division of Agrostology.] A .'il) P -JO KEARTLANI), (i. A. Ornithological Notes from Central Australia. (Vict. Naturalist, Ai)ril, IS'JS.) ME G P KEARTON, Rich.-ir.l. With Nature and a Camera: heiiig the Adventures and ( )l>servations of a Field Naturalist and an Animal Photographer. Illustrated. «vct. Lond., IS'.)?. A 38 V 7 KEAli^', Charles Francis. Catalogue of English Coins in the British ISIu.seum. [See IJrit. Museum.] A 40 R 15, IG Guide to the Exhibition of Italian Medals. [See British Museum.] A 40 R 14 KEATING, F. A. Australia's Interest in the Ttiler- national Monetarv Confereiici'. Svo. Melb. (n.d.) MF.l R VI The Econoiiiie Prolileni : an .\iistralian .\ppeal. (National Review, l)ec., 1S1J7.) E KEATTN(;E, Maurice Walter. The Great Didactic of John Anios Comeniu.s. [See Conienius, .John Amos.] (i 14 R -JS KEATS, John. Criticism of the Works of. [See Go.sse, Edmund. -Critical Kit-kals.] J 14 U 23 REIJIjI';, lte\. John. Ivssav on. [See ISensoii, ,\. C. - Es.say.s.] ■ ' ' J ID H 4;i Memoir of; hv the lit. ilon. Sir John T. CJoleridge. [Sde Church, K. \\ .. 1 )ean. — Occa.sional Papers.] .1 II U 3G KEEBLI'^, Samuel l-^. Industi ial Day Dreams: Studies ill Industrial Ethics and Economics. Svo. Lond., 189G. F 2 C 40 KI^I'UjI'j^', Robert and .Mary Amie. The Ke(4eys on ihe Stage and tit Home; by Wa-ltcr CioiMlman. S\o. Lond., 1S9."). ■ (; ■_'■.' It n; KEENE, Charles. Work of. [SeePennell, J.] A l:! X 13 t KEITH, Admiral, Lord. Portrait of. [See Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 KEITH, Dr. George S. Fads ..f an Olil Physician: a Seciuel to "Plea for a Simpler Life." 8vo. Ijond., 1S!)7. A 33 P 31 Plea fora simiiler Faith. S\o. Lond., IS97. G 2U 47 KELLEY. Lieut. Jam<-s D. Jeirold. Our Navy: its (trowtli and Achievements. Ob. 4to. Hartford, lSi)7. i! ■") S I'J t KELLY and CO. Post Otiice London Directory. [See London Post Otiice Directory.] KELLY, Dr. A. C. A\'inegrowing in South Australia. (8. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 KELLY, F. S. Song:lnMav. Sm. fol. Svtlnev (n.d.) MA l:! P G t KELLY, Dr. Howay.! A. Disea.ses of the Broad Liga- ments, Tubes, and Ovaries. (Hare, Dr. H. A. -Sy.stem of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P IG KELLY, James Fitzmaurice. History of Spanish Litera- ture. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 17 l' 7 KELSEY, Dr. Charles B. Di.seases of the Rectum and Anus. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Thera- peutics.) A .'il P 1.") KliMliLE, Frances Anne. [Es.say on.] [See Jame.s, Hi'iiiy. E.ssays in Lfindon and elsewhere.] J 1 1 T 2.'! KKMP, Beilby Porteus Peel. The Minule of i{epair : a true Life-historv. I2m(p. West Maitlaiul, IS97. MG 2 U 4 IvKMP, Re\. Deiniis. Nine years at the Gold Coast. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., i89S. 1!2">T17 KEMP, Di.\on. E.\))ositi(iii of \'.ielit Kaeiiig Utiles : Customs and Practices cib.ser\c>d in Match-.sailing, in- cluding Decisions on jiarticular Ca.ses of Protest. Illustrated. 12m. I. Lond.. 1S9S. A 41) t,) (i .M.unial of 'S'.iilil and lioal -sailing. Imp. S\-o. Lond., I S9.''.. .\ 1 .". S I 4 t Down Cli.innel. [&«• McMidlen. I!. T] D 19 P lU KlvMPl'"., Harry Kobert. The I'aigineer's "N'l'ar book of Formtihe, Rules, Tables, Data and Memoranda in Ci\il, ^lechanieal. Electrical, Murine, and Mine Engincerinff. Svo. Lond., 1S9G. V. K KM IMS, Thomas I'l. [Sketch of.J [5«« Cowan. Bev. W. I're-Beforinatioii Worthies. ■[ G 23 l^ 10 K1:N, Thomas, Bishop of Math and Wells. (Life of): by !■'. A. Clarke. Svo. Lond.. 1S9G. C 20 T 19 202 'Public Library of New South Walea. KENDAL, Madge. [Art of Acting.] \_See Hammerton, J. A.- The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 KENDALL, Henry Clarence. [Life of]; by Alexander Sutherland. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q [Portrait and Life of.] {See Turner, H. G.~The De- velopment of Austr-alian Literatui-e.] MJ 3 S 2-1 [Portrait of.] \_See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 4.5 P X KENNEDY, W. Examination of Scholars by the State. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 9 KENNEDY, William Sloane. John G. Whittier, the Poet of Freedom. [See Whittiei', John (J.] C iO U 8 KENNETT, Sir Vincent Hunter liarrington Barrington-. Aml)ulance Organization of the Metropolis during Epidemics. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 River Pollution by Refuse from ^lanufactories and Mines ; together with some Remedies proposed. (Inter- nat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 4 KENNY, Minnie E. [See Paul!, Minnie E.] KENRICK, John. In Memoriam. [See Martineau, Re\ . J. — Essays, Review.s, and Addre.sses.] J 14 T 27 KENT, Dr. Charles Foster. History of the Hebrew People from the Settlement in Canaan to the Division of the Kingdom. ^Vith Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. "^ ■ B 28 R 10, 11 History of the Hebrew People from the Division, of the Kingdom to the Fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. With Map.s. 8vo. Lond., 1897. R17P50 KENT, Duchess of. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wornieley. — England in the 19th Centuiy.] P. 16 S 13 KENT, Duke of. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley. — Englari. C. Theoiy and Practice of Eiec- irolvtic Methods of Analysis. [See Neumann, Dr. P.] A 40 T -I KESTEVEN, Dr. Leighton. Typhoid Fever treated anti- .septicallv by the u.se of eucalyptus. '2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1895. ■ MA :! S 70 KESTNEI!, \. Scheurer-. [See Scheurer Kestnei-, A. | KETWICH, D. van. Aanteekening over Nieuw C'aie- d(]ni<'. (Verhaiidelingen en Herigten, 1S().").) F KLVIN, .lohn, "Artluir l''i'rres.' His Cousin the Wal- laby, and three other Australian Stories. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1S9C). AI.J I i.i 20 KEW ROYAL GARDENS, bulletin of i\Iisc<41aneous Information, 1887-9.'?, 1^97. s \ols. 8vo. Lond., 1887 97. E K/'JYSTOXh\ Till'. [See Frn'mnnoim' ('lirmiirlf nf Ans- tniliisiii. I KIAMA /.\/>/:/'/:X />/■:. XT and Sh.ialhavcn .\(lvertiser. The, 189G-97. 2 vols. f.,1. Kiania, 189{)-97. -M K KIDD, Dr. Percy. Phthi.sis Pulmonalis. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Sy.stem of Medicine.) A 2G T 38 KIDDER, Di'. F. E. Building Coii.struetion and Superin- tendence. Pts. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. Svo. New York, 1896-98. A 20 V 18, 19 1. JIasons' Work. 2. Carjjenters' WoiU. Churches and Chapels : Designs and Suggestions for Chuich-building Conunittees, Architects, and Builders. Illustrated, (ib. 12mio. New York, 189.'). A19P9 KIDSTON, Robert. Catalogue of the Paheozoic Plants in the Department of Geology and Pala-ontology, British ]Museuni. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 V 9 KIESOW, F. Fear. [See Mosso, A.] A 26 s :w KILBOURN, .1. K. Fish Preservation and Refrigeration. (Intei-nat. Fisheries Exiiib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 KILLEBREW, Dr. .1. P,., and MYRICK, Herbert. To- bacco Leaf: its Culture and Cure, Marketing and Manufacture : a Practical Hand-book on the most appriled from oilieial documents ; together- with an Account of tiro Civic Celebrutiorr of llie 14th October-, 1843, on occa- sion of the coni])letion of the gr-eat work ; pi-ecede]. C'hai-les Cooper--. Tiro liiitislr .-Vr-my and Auxiliary Forces. With Plates from oi-igiiral Plroto- gr-aph.s. "2 vols. fol. Loml., 1893. J5 13 W 1, 2t Till- Stor-y of the British Ar-mv. Illustrated. 8\-o. Loni Day Schools. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 KING, Rev. Joseph. In Memoriam: a Veteran Mission- ary of the London Missionary Society, the late Rev. A. W. Murray. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MG 2 S 21 KING, Lieut. Philip Gidley. ^IS. Journal of the Voyage to New South Wales in H.M.S. .Sii-ius witli Captain Arthur Phillip. 1786-87 : of his Governorship of Nor- folk Island, February, 1788-March, 1790 : and of his return to England in H.M. Armed Tender T/ie Supply, rid Batavia, April-Dec, 1790. Contains also a .short Vocabulary (ly : Sympathetic Aft'ections. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System nf Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P IG KIPPIS, Andrew. Eflwiii and Eltnula. [Sec Williams, 11. M.] H 17 H 15 t KIRBY, Frederick VauKhan. Tu Haunts of Wild (ianie : a Hunter-Xaturalisl's Wanderinu:s from Kahlamha to Lil,..mI.o. Hoy. Svo. Edinl.., IS'JO. A •_'■.) V 2S Kllil!Y, James. Old Times in the Bush of Australia: Tiials and E.xperiences of early Bu.sh Life in Victoria durini; the f,,rties. Svo. Mejh., ]Si)4. 3ID4H9 KIRP.Y, \V. Egmont. liritish anyDr..T.Tayl(.i'. N'ol.L 8vo. Lond., 189.'). B 2.H T -l KITTON, Frederic G. The .Xovels r.f Charles Dickens : a Bil)lio;,'rai)hy and Sketcli. With I'ortrait. 12ino. Lond,,' 1^97". J It P 30 KJEBULF, Dr. T. P,e,skrivelse af en Ra-kke Norske I'ergarter. Illustrated. Ito. Kristiania, 1892. A [ .3 S I t KL.VPROTH, .1, Chrestomathie Mandchou, lai iccueil de Te.vtes Mandchou, (lest ine aux Personnes i|ui \eulent s'oecuper de relllde de i-ette Langlle. 8yo. Paris, I,S2S. J 12 V 22 KLAUSEB, Karl, r'amou- ('onip..s(.rs. [See Paine, Jo] m> Kiiowles,] C 13 S 13-.li; t KLECZYNSKI. Jean, ('hopin-^ Gr.Mter W.,iks : how they should lie understood. Translated, with .\y Clarence Ford. Svo. Loud., 1S93 C 24 T 1 KKU(!ER, Paul. Paul Kruger and his Times ; by F. R. Statiiani. With Portrait and Map. Svo. I^ond., 1S9S. (• L'3 R 2 [Sketch of. I [See Cuniberl.ind, S. Whai I ihink of Soulli AfricM.| D II 1; 18 KULPE, Prof. Oswald. Intr.idu,ti..n t.. I'hilo.sophy : .-i Hand-book foi- Students of Psychologv, l>iiL;ic, Ethics, .Eslhetics, and (leneral Philosuphv. Tivinslaled by \\'. r.. I'illslinrv .nirl Iv I!. Tileln-ner-. Svo. Lind., 1597. (! IS 1>4I Outlines of Psychology. Translated by Pint'. E. B. Titchener Svr>. Lond., 1895. " (} ;{ \] 5 KUNOS, Dr. lgn;lez. Turkish Fairy Tahvs and Folk Tale.s. Translated from the Hungarian Version by l\. Nisbet I'.ain. Illustrated. Svo. Lonil., ISIK). ' .| 1 .( ,*,( 2 208 Fiihlic Library of New South Wales. KUNTZ, (nistav. [lieiu'oduction of his Picture] Artist and Model. \_See Lansiiiir, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] " A 12 P 27 J KURTH, Prof. (Todefrciid. Les Origines de la Civilisation Moderne. .Trd ed. 2 vols. 12uiii. r>ruxelles, 1892. F 13 V 24, 2.-) KYLE, Dr. D. Braden. Di.sease.s of the I'vula, the Phar- ynx and Larynx, (llare, Dr. H. A. — System of Prac- tical Therapeutic^.) A 31 P 17 L., :M. An Old Sanctuary. [See H., L.] G 11 Q 37 L.,T. Falklands Illustrated. Svo. L.nul., 1897. C 25 P 11 LABAUME, Eugene. Narrative of the Campaign in Kussia ; with Plans of the Battles of Mcskwa and ^Lilo-Jaroslavitz. Translated by E. Boyce. 5th ed. 8vo. L(md., 181.-). " ■ B 31 S 5 LABTCHE, Eugene. [Criticism of tlie Works of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — French Dramatists of tlie 19th Century.] H 12 It 1 LABILLIERE, Francis Peter de. Briti.sh Federalism : its Rise and Progress. 12mo. Lond., 1893. F 1 S 26 Imperial Federation. 12mo. Lond., 1886. F 1 S 26 LACHAMBRE, Henri, and M.\cHURON, Alexis. Au- dree and his Balloon. Illustrated. Svo. Lend., 1898. D 13 P 4 LACOUPERIE, A. Terrien de. [See Teri-ien de Lacou- perie, A.] LACY. Thomas Hailes. Female Costumes, Historical, National, and Dramatic. 4to. Lond., 1865. A 10 T 12 1 LADD, Prof. George Trumbull. Inlnxluction to Phil- osophy : an Inquiry altera rational system of scientific principles in tlieir relation to ultimate reality. 8vo. Lend., 1891. G 1 T 24 Outlines of Descriptive Psychology : a Text^book of Mental Science for Colleges and Normal Schools. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 T 7 Philosophy of Knowledge: an Enquiry into the Nature, Limits, and Validity of Human Cognitive Faculty. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 S 33 Philosophy of Mind : an Es.s;iy in the ^letaphysics of Psychology. 8\(,. New Yoi-k, 1895. G 3 R 29 Primer of Psychology. Svo. Lond., 1896. G 11 U 23 Psychology, Descriptive and Explanatory. Roy. Svo. New York, 1894. G 15 SIS LADIES' PICTORIAL. Vol.s. 28-31, July, 1894-June, 1896. 4 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-96. " E LA FAROE, John. -\n Arti.st"s Letters from Japan. Illu.strated. Svo. Lond., 1897. D 19 V 11 [Life of.] [See Portfolio, The.- Monographs, 26.] E LAFAYETTE, Gen. Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert, Marquis de. The Household of the Lafayettes : by- Edith Sichel. With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1897. C24T 7 LAFLEUR, Dr. Henri A. Anuebic Abscess of the Liver. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 Amcebic Dysentery. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine") " A 26 T 35 LAGRANGE, Charles. The Great Pyramid, Ijy ilodern Science an independent witness to the literal chron- ology of the Hebrew Bible and Britisli-Israel identity, in accordance with " Briick's Law of the Life of Nations." Svo. New Y^ork, 1S94. G 12 V 2 LAHMANN, Dr. H. Natural Hygiene ; or. Healthy Blood the essential condition of Good Health, and how to obtain it : a Treatise for Physicians and their Patients on the Predisposition to and Prevention of Disease. Translated bv Dr. H. Biittner. Svo. I/md., 1898. ■ A40T9 LAIGHTON, Celia. [See Thaxter, Celia.] LAING. Robert M. Notes on several sjjecies of D'/ixstria, one being new. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ifE 2 S LAKEMAN, James B. Health in the Workshop. (Inter- nat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Lit.) A 41 U 17, 19 LAMARTINE, Alfonse Marie Louis Prat de. [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. Archibald.— Essays.] J 14"s 12 LAMB, Lady Caroline. Porti-ait of. [See Latimer, Eliza- beth W."— England in the 19th tJentury. J P. IG S 13 LAMB, Charles. [Criticism of the Works of.] [SeeCraik, ■ Heni-y.--EngU.sh Prose.] . J 6 Q 38* Lettere of. [See Birrell, A. — lies Judicata;.] J 7 P 52 On the artificial Comedy of the last Century : on Webster's Duchess of Malfi ; on Ford's Broken Heart. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 Wordsworth and Charles Lamb. [See -\inger. A.] J14 R 15 LAMB, Mary. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 LAMB, S. Ernest. Digest of Ciuses decided in the Supreme Court of New South Wales, 1892-96. [See Cockshott, H. M.] MF 5 R 1 LAMBERT, Ada Marv. Structure of an Australian I^uid Leech. (Roy. Soe., Vict., Proc, 1897.) 3IE 1 P Siipplementarjj Catalogue — 1896-98. 209 LAilBEItT, P. A. Analytic Geometry, for Technical Schools and Colleges. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 23 P 3G LAMBTE James. [Criticism of] Faust. (Molljourne Re- view, 7.) ME 18 Q Kildrostan. (.Melhounie Keview, '.).) ME 18 Q Notes on a Colimial Ex|)eriiiieiit. (Melbourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q Poetry of Oriental Religion. (Melljounie Iteview, 10.) .ME IS (,) LAME, Gabriel. Leeons sur la Theorie Jratliematique cie rElasticite des Corps Solides. 8vo. -Paris, 18.Tli. A -25 S 3 1 LA:\IENNAIS, AIjI.S Hugues Felieitd Robert d.-. The Abbi' de Liinuueiiai.s and tlie. Liberal Catholic Move- ment in France. \See Gibson, Hon. W.] G 1.5 Q 36 {'Euvres inedites. {_See Church, P.. W.. Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J U U 35 LAMOND, Jean. The Queensland Waltz. Sni. ful. Sydney (n.d.) .MA 13 P .5 t LA MOTTE FOUQUK, F. H. C, Banm r. Hodiilfo. Ruijis and E.xcavations of Ancient Rome : a Comjianion Honk for Students and Travellers. Illustrated. Hv.,. L.md., IS;i7. I! :!(l S i' 1 LANDA, A. Mu.^i<-al ln^lnu■tilln in K indergarlens, I'ri mary Schools, and Noi-mal Schools. (Inteinat. Health Exiiib.- Health E.xhib. Literatur.',) .\ M \' '.I LANDAUEK, .lolm. Spectrum Analysis. Translated by J. B. Tingle. Illustrated. 8vo. " New York, 1 S'.l.s. " .\ 3S i: 15 LANI)ON. Dr. Judson Stuart. Constitutionid Histoiy and tioveiimient of the United States. 8vo. Hostoii, 1889. I'll r :i() 2 J. LANDOR, Walter Savage. Letters and other unpublished Writings of. Edited by S. Wheeler. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 R 6 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J G Q 38* Essay on. {See Saintsburv, G. — Es.says in English Literature.] " J 14 T 1 The Landor Blessington Papeis. {See Nicoll, AV. Robert- son. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 LAND WIRTIISCUAFTLICIII-: .1 All HHUCIIKR. Vol. 22, and Suj)plementary Pt. 2 : vol. 23, and Supple- mentary Pts. 1-3 ; vol. 24, and Supjilementary Pts. 1-3 : vol. 25, and Hupplementarv Pts. 1 and 2. G vols, (in 1 I) roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1893-96. E LANE, William Coolidge. Catalogue of the Washington Collection in the Boston Athena-uin. [See Boston Athenieum.] K 7 V 34 LANE-POOLE, Stanley. [See Poole, S. Lane-.J LAN(i, Andrew. The Book of Dreams aiiel.) A 19 P I 1 ;• LANd, ilerbeit. .Matte smelting : its Principles and later Dinelopments di.scus.sed, with ill! Account of the Pv- ritic Processes. Svo. New York, 189G. A 25 V 28 LAN(!, Rev. John Diininore. [ Life of] ; by .\ni;us Mac- Kay. (Melbourne Ueview, 3, 4.) .MEIStJ [Portrait and Sketch of.] [Stv Shine, T. Australian Portrait (.'nlli'ry.] MC 1 p | | L.VX(i, AN'illi.im. .Mesmerism: its History, Phenomena, and Practice, with Reports of Cases" ilevcloped in Scotland. l2nMi, Hdirib.. |S|:i. (; | .-, (' .| 210 J?ublic Library of Neio South JFales, LANGBRIDGE, Rev. Frederick. Poets at Play: a Haucl-book of Huuiourous Recitations. 2 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Lond. (ii.d.) H 7 R 41 LANGLEY, Alfred Gideon. Human I'nderstandinj,'. [See Leibnitz, G. "W., Baron.] G 5 Q 29 LANGLEY, J. Newport. The Salivary Glands. (Schafer, Dr. E. A. -Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 LANGLEY, Saumel Pierpont. The Astrophysical Ob- servatory. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. AVashington, 1897. A 30 V 24 LANGLOIS, Charles \., and SETGNOBOS, Charles. In- troduction to the Study of History. Translated by G. G. Berry ; with a Preface by F. ' Y. Powell. 8yo. Lond., 1898. " G 11 U 39 L ANGTON, Edward. [Criticism of] Morley's Life of Cob- den. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Political Parties in Victoria. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q Taxation in Victoria. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q LANGWORTHY, C. F. Soy Beans as Food for Man. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 IT 1 LANIER, Sidney. Select Poems of. Edited by Dr. Morgan CallaVav. 1 8mo. New York, 1895. H 10 V 2o LANKESTER, Edwin Ray, F.R.S. Scientific Results of the [Fisheries] Exhibition. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 4 Scientific ISIemoirs of Thomas Henrv Huxley. [See Huxley, Prof. T. H.] " A 40 S 1.5 LANO, Pierre de. Napoleon III and Lady Stuart : an Episode of the Tuileries. 8yo. New York, 1894. B 16P 13 LANSDALE, Maria Hornor. ^Morocco. [See Amici.s, E. de.] I) 18 S 2.5, 26 LANSDOWNE, Marquis of. The Administration of, in India, 1888-94. [See Forrest, G. AV.] F 11 L" 30 LANSING, Clarence. The Nude in Art : a Collection of forty-five Photogravures, reproduced from the original Paintings, selected from the best w'orks of the most famous Painters of the Nude. Fol. Lond., 1896. A 12 P 27 : LA0-T8ZE. Liio-Tsze the Great Thinker [604 B.C.] ; with a Translation of his Thoughts on the Nature and Manifestations of God by jNIaj.-Gen. G. G. Alexander. 8yo. Lond., 1895. " G 1 U 32 LAPLACE, Marquis Pierre Simon de. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S.— Great Astronomers.] A 20 U 8 LARCHEY, Loredan. Narrative of Capt. Coignet. [See Coignet, Capt. J. R.] C 23 P 3 LARCOM, Lucv. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Ward, Elizabeth S"tuart.— Chapters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 LARDELLI, Guglielmo. Katherinc Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA13P5t LARMER, James. Native Vocabulary. Ob. 12mo. (n.p. n.d.) ■ MJ 3 S 14 EARNED, Walter Cranston. Churches and Castles of Mediii'val France. 8vo. New York, 1895. B 16 S 12 LASKER, Emanuel. Common-sense in Chess. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 29 S 20 LASSAR-COHN, Dr. [See Cohn, Dr. Lassar-.] LASTARRIA, J. V. Liistarria i su Tiempo, su Vida, Obras, e Influencia en el Desarrollo Politico e In- telectual de Chile. Roy. 8vo. Santiago, 1893. C lOX 14 t LATHAM, Baldwin. Softening of Water. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 LATHA:M, Dr. Robert Gordon., F.R.S. Ethnology of the British Islands. 12mo. Lond., 1851. A 24 P 18 LATHROP, Ro.se Hawthorne. Memories of Hawthorne. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 14 LATIF, Syad Muhammad. Agra, Historical and Descrip- tive : with an Account of Akbar and his Court and of the Modern City of Agra. Illustrated. Svo. Cal- cutta, 1896. B 39 T 2 History of the Punjab, from the remotest antiquity to the present time. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1889. B 32 S 6 LATI3IER, Elizabeth Wormeley. England in the 19th Century. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. " B 16 S 13 Spain ill the 19th Century. 3rd ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1898. B 34 Q 16 LATIMER. Georgina. Across the Channel. [&«Mourey, Gabriel.] "^ A 23 S 32 LATTA, Robert. The Monadology. and other Philosophi- ciil Writings. [See Leibniz, G" W., Baron.] G 11 U 41 LAUD, William, Archbishop of Canterbury. [Life of]; bv Rev. W. H. Huttou. 8yo. Lond., 1896. C 20 T 17 LAUGHLIN, Prof. James Laurence. History of Bi- metallism in the United States. Svo. New York, 189.5. F13U4 LAUGHTON, John Knox. Nelson and his Companions in Arms ; [with Bibliography.] Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. " " B 16 S 8 LAUN, H. Van. History of English Literature. [See Taine, Dr. H. A.] JUT 32, 33 LAUNCESTOX ADVERTISER, The, from vol. 2, No. 81, Aug., 18.30-March, 1842. [Incomplete.] 7 vols, fol. Launceston, 1830-42. ME Sttpplemen tary Catalog ue — 1896-98. 211 LAUXCESTOX COURIER, The, from No. 1, Oct., 1840- Feb., 1842. [ lucoinplete.] Fol. Launraston, 1840- 42. ME LAUXCESTON EXAMIXER, Conmie.cial and Agricul- tural Advertiser. Vols. 2, 4, G-10, 184:i, 184.3, 1847-51. [Incomplete.] Fol. Launceston, 184:i-.")l. ME LAURENCE, R., Archbishop of C'ashel. The Book of Enoch. {See Rihlcs and Testaments.] C, 1 U 38 LAURENS, N. A. | ileproductiou of his Picture] The Wave's Caress. [_See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude ill Art.] A l-> P .)7 + LAURENT, Prof. Thrift in Schools. (Internat. Health Exhil).— Health Exhih. Literature.) A 41 V 10 LAURIE, D. F. Breeding and Rearing of Poultry. [See S. Australia.— Agriculture.] ' MA" 1 P ."58 LAURIE, Henrv. The Studv of Mental Philosophv. (.Melltourne Review, 10.) " I\IE18Q LAURIE, J. S. The Story of Australasia : its Discovery, Colonisation, and Development. 8vo. Lond., 189C. MB 1 T 7 LAURIE, Prof. Simon Somerville, " Scotus Novanticus."' Ethiea ; or, the Ethics of Reason. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891 G 9 W 29 Professorships and Lectureships on Education. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhih. Literature.) A I I V 18 LAUTERER, Dr. Jose|ili. The Aboriginal Languages of Eastern Austialia compared. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Pi'oc, 1897.) ME 1 T Anatomical and Chemical Researches on the Parasitic Phanerogams of Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ' ME 1 T Bunva Bunva Nuts. (Ilov. Soc, Queensland, Pioc, 189-).) ■ ■ .AlE 1 T Caffein-yieldirig Plants. (Rov. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 189.5.) ME 1 T Chemical Atiiiiities ijetwecn liiihir,;f and V iii}}rH[f,-rii-. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Distilling Cognac from Sugar and Orape-juice. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T New Method of Assaying Tannates. (R"y. Soc, Queens- land, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T New Native Medicinal Plants of Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1S97.) ME 1 T Occurrence of Saponin in Austi'alian Acacias and Al- bizzias. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME I T Tiie Resin of Araiirtiriii livhcilli. (Roy. Soc, t^Hieens- land, Proc, 1894.) " ME 1 T Sas.safra.ss Trees of (Queensland, and the t.'JKMnistry of ('iiiniiinoiiiuin OUnri. ( Kov. Soc, QuceiiNl.ind, I'roe., 1894.) ■ Ml". I T LAUTS, G. Naam der straat tusschen Nieuw-Holland en Nieuw-Guinea. (Verhandelingen en Berigten 1861.) E Over A. J. Tasman, en Naschrift. [See Verhandelingen en Berigten, 1844.] E LAUZUN, Due de. The Due de Lauzun and the Courts of Louis XV and Marie Antoinette. [See Maugras, G.] I! .-54 R 8, 9 L AVELEYE, Emil(> de. La Peninsule des IJalkans Vienne, Croatie, Bosnie, Serine, Bulgarie, Pioumelie, Turquie, Koumauie. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1888. 1)20 119,10 LAVIGNE, Louis Bert. Anglo-Sa.\on Superiority. [See Demolins, E.] ' F 15 S 2 LAVOISIER, Antoine Auguste. Portrait of. [5«« Ram- .say. Prof. W.— Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 LAW, El-nest. The New (Juide to the Royal Palace and (iardens of Ifampton Court, with a new Historical Catalot;ue of the Pictures. I 2mo. Lond., 1897. B 2:? P 19 A Short History of Hampton Court. fllustivited. 8vo. Lond., 1897." B 21 S 9 LAAV, Jennie Clara. The Tyrol and the Dolomites. (Roy. (^eograph. Soc of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 1897.) ME 20 P LAW, John. [Life of]; by It. .Murray Smith. (.Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q LAW, Thomas Graves. The Arciipriest Controversy. [See Camden Society.] E I>AA\', William. Second Letter to the Bishop of Bangor. (Dearmer, Rev. P. Religious Pamphlets.) (i 2:! Q 32 LA W CHROXICLE, Th<- : a Legal Newspaper. Vols. ;!, 5, June, 1894-Mav, 189.5, July, 189G-June, 1897. 2 vols. 4to. Svdnev, 1894 97. ME A, III' LIST, Th\ IS97. l2ino. Lond., 1897. £ /..III' MAGAZIXE AXI) LAW UEVIEW. Thr. Vol.s. I 22,1881-97. I.". \ols. .><\o. I...ii(l., lss.l-97. E LAW liEl'OliTS OF (iREAT HRITAIX AXD IRE- LAX D. Current Index to all Ciises reported in the Law Reports and Weekly Notes, 1894-95. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894-95. V. House of Lords: Judicial Comniitlei' of ilw Pri\ v Coun- cil, antl Peerage Cases, 18G5- 97. 28 vols. i-oy. 8vo. Lond., 18G5-97. E Probate Division : Coui'ts of Probate, Divorce, and Ad- miralty, and on Apjieal (herefrom in tin- Cmirt of Appeal; also Decisions in the Iv-clesiaslical Courts, 1865-97. 2.5 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1SG5^!I7. H 212 Fuhlic Library of Neto South Wales. LAW REPORTS OF (iRKAT B RITA IX AXD IRE- LAND— conUL Queen's Bench Division and on Appeal therefrom in the Court of Appeal ; Decisions on Ci-own Cases reserved, and Decisions of the Railway and Canal Commission, 1865-95,1897-^98. 49vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1865-98. E Supreme Court of Judicature : Cases determined in the Chancery Divisi(m and in lAinacv, 1865-98. 7\ vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1865-98. " E The AVeekly Notes : being Notes of Cases heard and iletei-mined by the House of Lords, the Court of Ap- peal, the Chancei-y, Queen's Bench, and Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Divisions of the High Court of Justice, and Cases in Bankruptcy, 1893-96. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-96. " E LA\VE8, Sir John Bennett. Concise Review of Principal Data on Rothamstad Expeiiments, as carried out by Sir J. B. Lawes and Prof. J. H. Gilbert, based mainly on Prof. W. Fream's book. [See Kottmann, Dr. G.] MA 2 IT 67 LAWES, Rev. \V. (!. Grannnar and Vocabulary of lianguage spoken by Motu Tribe (New Guinea) : with Introduction by Rew (Jeorge Pratt. 3rd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. ' ' MJ 3 R 13 LAWLOR, James J. American Sanitary Plumbing : a Practical Work on the liest methods of Modei'n Plumbing, illustrating, with Original Sketches, the Fundamental Principles of evei'vthing the Plumber should know. 8vo. New York," 1890! A 22 R 17 LAWRENCE, Rev. Eilward A. Modern Missions in the East: their Methods, Successes, and Limitations. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 19 U 18 LAWRENCE, George Newbold. The Published Writings of. [See United States. — National Museum, Bulletin 40.] E LAWRENCE, Sir Henry. Sir Henry Lawrence, the Pacificator ; by Lieut. -Gen. J. J. McLeod Innes. With Portrait. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. C 19 T 24 [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G. —Twelve Indian States- men.] C 20 S 10 LAWRENCE, John, Lord. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Em})irp.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian States- men.] C 20 S 10 LAWRENCE, Rev. Thomas Josepli. The Piinciples of International Luv. S\,,. Lend.. 1S1)5. F 2 \' 26 LAWSON, Bert. Tlie ItosalimnValtz. Sm. fol. Sydney (ii.d.) MA 13"P 5 t LAWSON, Heni-y. In tli wide, and other Verses. While the Billy Days wlieii the World was Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 T 21 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 S 8 LAWSON, James Ibbs. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Prn,-.. 127.) " E LAWSON, Robert. Remarks on the aspects of Cholera in Europe and elsewhere. (Internat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 LAWSON, W. E. Esthetics of Musical Ait. [See Hand, Dr. F.] G 11 P 44 LAWSON, W. R. Our Wool Staple; or. History of Siiuatting in South Australia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1863. MA 4 S 15 LAYARD, Arthur. Jlarvellous Adventures of Sir John Maundevile. [See Maundevile, Sir John,] 1) 19 S 2 LAYARD, Sir Austin Henry. [Sketch of.] [See Emi- nent Persons.] " C 19 Q 22 LAYARD, George Somes. George Cruikshank's Portraits of himself. Tllu.strated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 V 24 LAYCOCK, F. U. Economics and Socialism : a Demon- stration of the Cause and Cure of Trade Depressions and National Poverty. Svo. Lond., 1895. F12R34 LEA, Di-. A. Sheridan, F.R.S. The Chemical Basis of the Animal Body. [See Fostei-, Dr. M.] A 28 U 19 LEA, Arthur M. Description of new .species of Australian Coleoptera. (Linnean Soc, N.S.\\'., Pi-oc, 1895-96.) ME 2 P LEA, Dr. Henry Charles. A History of Auiicular Con- fession and Indulgences in the Latin Ciiurch. 3 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond.,''l896. G 1 1 T 32-34 LEACH, Arthur Francis. English Schools at the Reforma- tion, 1546-48. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 18 R 05 LEAD AN, I. S. The Domesday of Inclosures. [See Roy. History Soc] ' E LEADER, Robert Eadon. Life and Letteis of John Arthur Roeljuek, with Chapters on jVutoliiography. [See Itoebuck, J. A.] c'25 b'4 LEAF, V\'alter. Versions from Hatiz. [See Hatiz.] H 1 S 40 LEAKE, Frederic. Historic Bubbles. Svo. Lond., 1890. B 17 P 45 LE.\RE, Mrs. Percy. Tiie Ethics of Browning's Poems. I2mn. I.ond., '1898. 'j 14 P 39 LEAMING, Dr. E. Atlas of the Fertilization and Karvo- kinesis of the ( )vuni. [See Wils,,n. Dr. E. B.] A 5 R 25 1 LEANDER .McCOltMICK or.SERVATORY, VIR- GINIA. Puljlications. .5 \ols. rov. 8vo. Charlottes- ville, 1883-93. ' E 1, pt. 1. Traiusit of Venus, 1SS2. 1, i)t. :!. Nebula of Orion, 1885. 1, ]it. -I. Double Star.s, ISS.VSti. I, lit. ."i. Durclunusterung. 1, jit. (i. Soutlieni Xebul,-i-. Supplementary Catalog ue — 1896-98. 213 LEANE, Cari)lini' Agnes. [See Alierne, Caroline Agnes.] LEANING, J. Quantity Survoyinj; tor the use of Sur- vevor.s, Architects, Eiitjimn'is, ami Builders. 3i-il eil. L(Jmi., 1S!>7. ' A 37 T 5 LEAPER, Clement J. First Princijiles of Ph()t()j;rai)liv. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A I'.'S S .SO LEASK, W. Keith. [Life of] James P.osweli. [See IJoswell, J.] C 20 U 21 [Life of] Hugh .Aliliei-. [See Miller, Hugh.] C 20 T i:i LEAVES from a Diarv in Lower iJei [See S., C] I) 19 V 28 LEBLANC, L. Histnire des Naufi'ages eomjirenant ceii.x de la Perouse, de la Medu.se et autres Naufrages Celebres suivie dune Notice sur la Navigation danger- eu.se de M. Duniont d'Urville dans les mei's Australes. 8vo. Paris. 1S47. B 24 K 21 LE BLANC, Max. Elements of Electrochemistry. Trans- lated 1)V AV. P. Whitney. Svo. Lond.. 1S9G. A 20 P 24 LEBON, Andre. Modern France, 1789-189,"). Illustrated. Svo. Lon.l.. 1897. (Storyof the Nations. ) I! 20 S 12 LE BON, GusUve. The Crowd : a Studv of the Poi)ulai- Mind. Svo. Lond., 1890. " F 10 V 1 1 LECKY, William Edward Hartpole. Demociaey and Liherty. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S9G. F 12"T 4, 5 History of European ^Morals, from Augustus to Charle- magne. [See Church, Jl. \\'., JJean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U .'io LECOMTE l)U NOUY, A. Aichiw.logical Pesearch in Palestine, 187;! 71. [S?« Palestine Exploration Fund.] B 1 :? \' I 7 t LECONTE, Dr. John L. New S])ecies of North .\nierican Coleoptera. Pt. 2. Sxo. NN'ash,, 187:i. .\ .ill I! 7* LE CONTE, Prof. Joseph. The Conception ..f (Jod. [See Koyce, Prof. J.] (J 2:i Q I LEE, Arthui- Bolies. The Microtomists Vade-mecum : a llandliook of the methods of .Microscojiic .Vnatomy. Svo. Lnnd.. 1896. .\ :!(; T 12 LLL, I >i-. I'liiijaniin. Swedish Mo\ements and Ma.s.sagp. (Hare. 1)1-. IL A. --Sy.steni of Praclical Therajieutics.) .\ .il P 14 I.IIL, I'r. Ivlwiii. .Vnini.d .Magnetism and .^^■lglleli^ Lurid S lamlailism ; wilii Oliseivations and Jliustiative Instances of Analogous I'henomena occurring spon- taneously: as an A|i|iendi.\ of corrohorative and correla- tive Oli.servatioiis and Facts. «vo. l.,ond., ISfid. c Hi F |:i LEE, Henry. Sea Fables explained. (Iiiternat. Fisheries Exhih. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 II 3 Sea Monsters unmasked. (Internat. Fisheries Exhih. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 P 3 LEE, Ida. The Busji Fire, and other Ver.ses. Svo. Lond., 1897. MH 1 V 25 LEE, It. W. The Social Compact: a Guide to some writers on the Science and Art of Politics ; designed for the use of candidates for the Civil Service and the Final Schools in tlie Fni\ersitips. 8vo. O.xford, 1898. F 15 (.,» 27 LEE, Rawdon B. History and description of the Modern Dogs of Great Britain and Ireland. New ed. Illus- trated. 2 vols. Svo. Lonil., 1S97. A 38 P 8, 9 LEE, Richard. I'hr Taxmaiium Ailtmurinu. [See Tns- innniaii Atliriiii-nm, yVic] ^lE 17 S LEE, Robert E. Robert E. Lee and the Southern Con- federacy, 1807 70: by Rev. H. A. White. Illu.s- trated. Svo. New Yolk, 1S'J7. (Heroes of the Nations.) C23P24 LEE, S. Tlie \V..iks,,f Virgil. TSee Virgilius Maro, P] J 12 S44 LEE, Sidney Lazarus. [See Stephen, L.J I lirtion.irv of National Biographv. c 1 1 a "LE?:, Vernon." [See Paget, Violet.] LEECH, Dr. Daniel John. Principles of Drug Thera- peutics. (Alllnitt. Dv. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 LEES, Florence!. [See Craven, Florence.] LEES, I)]-. J. CanuMon. I listoi-v of the Counlv of Inver- ness. Svo. Ivlinb.. 1897. " ■B32T19 LE FANl', Joseph Sheridan. Poems of. jvlited bv Alfred Percival. 12mo. Lond., 1 890. H11R3 LEFEBVRE, Jules Joseph. [Rei)roduction of his Picture] Di.ma suiprise. Roston, 1895. H 10 ^V 5 LEGG, D. J. These sixty years. [See Holmes, E. M.] B23S22 LEGG, Dr. John Wickliam. Hemophilia. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.-^System of :\ledicine.) A 26 T 38 LEGGATT, Rev. T. Watt. Biographical Sketch of Agnes C. P. Watt. [See AVatt, Agnes C. P.] MC 1 T 28 LEGGE, C. H. G. Imperial Fedei-ation. 18mo. Deme- rara, 1887. F 1 8 26 LEGGE, J. Gordon. Selection of Sujjreme Court Cases. V'ols. 1, 2, 1825-G2. 2 vols. rov. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. ' MF 2 S 54, 55 LEGGE, Rev. John. Chinese Literature. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q LEGGE, Dr. Thomas. The Latin Play of Richardus Tertius. [See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 26 LEGGE, Dr. Thomas Mori.son. Public Health in European Capitals. 12mo. Lond., 1896. A 20 Q 40 LEGGE, Col. W. V. Notes on the fan-tailed Cuckoo in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1894-96.) ME 1 Q LEGOITIS, Dr. Emile. La Jeune.sse de William AVord.s- worth, 1770-93: Etude sur le " Pi'elude." [See Wordsworth, AV.] J 9 Y 34 LEHMANN, F. C. The Genus Masdevallia. [See AVool- ward, Florence H.] A 6 U 6 + LEHAIANN, Rudolf. Alen and AA'.mien of the Century ; being a Collection of Portraits. Edited by H. C. Marillier. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 10 T 17 f LEHMANN, Rudolph Chambers. Rowing. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. (Isthmian Library.) A 40 Q 4 LEIBIUS, (i. Hugo', and GARRAN, Robert Randolph. Index of Cases judicially noticed in the Courts of New South AYales, 1825-95. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MP1R14 LEIBNIZ, Gottfried AVilhelm, Baron. The Monadology and other Philosophical AVritings. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by R. Latta. 8vo. Oxford, 1898. ' G 11 U 41 New Essays concerning Human Understanding. Trans- lated by Alfred Gideon Langlev. 8vo. New York, 1890. ■ ' " G 5 Q 29 LEICHHARDT, Dr. Ludwig. Beitrage zur Geologie von Australien,-herau.sgegeben von Prof. H. Girard. 4to. Halle, 1855. ' ' MA 3 P 11 t Eine biographische Skizze, Nebst einen Berichte iiber dessen zweite Reise im Innern des Austral-Continents nacli dem Tagebuche seines Begleiters des Botonikers D. Bunce von E. A Zuchold. AVith Portrait. 8vo. Leipzig, 1850. MC 1 T 31 Lithographed Facsimile of a Letter written by L. Leich- hardt immediately before setting out on his last Ex- pedition. (Philo.soph. Inst, of A'ict., Tran.s., 1859.) AIE 1 P Report on AVhite Men's Graves. (Roy. Soc, A^ict., Trans., 1884.) ' ME 1 P LEIGH, H. D. History of Rome to the Death of Csesar. [ V IS [Criticism of. j [See ^^'orsfolll. \\". I!. — Principle.s of Criticism.] .1,19 W 2 [Criticism of] Lessing's " Natlian der Weise;" by Rev. ]-: I5laubaum. [See Melbourne Review, 4.] ME 18 Q Theology and Times of. [See Martineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, antl Addresses.] J 1 1 T 27 21G Fiiblic Library of New 6'oulh Wales. L'ESTRANGE, Sir George B. I'tecollectioiis of. Illus- trated. Svd. Loud, (n.d.) 2i Q 9 L'ESTRANGE, Kuger. Adventures of Roger L'Estrauge, sometime Captain in the Florida Army of His Excel- lency the Marquis Hernando de 8oto, Governor of Cuba, and Captain-Genei-al of all Florida : an Auto- biogi-aphy. Translated by Dominick Daly. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' E! 17 P ;?S LETHAliY, W. R. Of Beautiful Cities. (Art and Life, and the Building and Decoration of Citie.s.) A 23 >S 39 LEUMANN, .Surg.-Cajjt. Bernard Henry Frederick. Notes on j\licro-organisnis Pathogenic to man. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' '' A 40 P i LEUPE, P. A. De reizen der Nederlanders naar het Zuidland of Nieuw Holland, in de 17e en 18e eeuw. (Verhaiidelingen en Beiigten, 1867.) E De reizen der Nederlanders naar Nieuw-Guinea en de Papoesche Eilanden in de 1 7e en 18e Eeuw. 8vo. 'S Gravenhage, 1875. MD 6 R 12 LE VAN, William Barnet. Practical Management of Engines and Boilei-s. Illustrated. 8v(). Lond., 1897. A 2.5 P 46 LE VERUIER, U. J. J. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S. — Great Astronomers.] A 20 1" 8 LEVESON-GOAVER, Gi-anville George. [5e« Granville, Earl.l LEVI, Pi-of. Leon. Tlie Economic Condition of Fishermen. (Intornat. Fisheries E.xhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 4 LEVY, "\V. Hanks. lilindness and tlie Blind ; or; ,-i Treatise on the Science of Typhloloyv. 8vo. Lond., 1>^"2. ' ■ " A 26 R 27 LEWES, George Henry. Principles of success in Litera- ture. Edited, witii an Introduction and Notes, by T. S. Knowlson. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 P 53 LEWIN, Sesca. [Porti-ait of.] [See Album of Austi'alian Writers,] MA 4.5 P + LEWIN, AN'illiam Charles James, " William 'I'erri.ss." Life of; by A. J. Smythe. With an Introduction by C. Scott. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1S98. C 25 P 6 LEWIS, Agnes Smith. Palestiuiaji Syriac Lectionary, containing Lessons from the Pentateuch, Job, Pro- verbs, Prophets, Acts and Epistles ; with Critical Notes by Prof. E. Nestle, and a Glo.ssary by M. D. Gibson. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. (Stud'ia Sinaitica. No. 6.) G 18 I^ 6 LEWIS, Angelo John, " Prof. Hoffmann.'' Every Boy's Book of Sport and Pastime. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 29 T 36 LEWIS, Charlton Thomas. Harper's Book of Facts. [See Willsey, J. H.] K 17 S 22 -, and SHORT, Charles. Latin Dictionary, founded on Andrew's edition of Freund's Latin Dic- tionary ; revised, enlarged, and in a great part re- written. Imp. 8vo. Oxford, 1S96. J 9 V 29 LEWIS, Eric. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— The Act.,r's Art.] H 1 S 31 LEWIS, Henry Carvill. Papers and Notes fin the Genesis and Matrix of the Diamond. Edited by Prof. T. G. Bonney. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' A 33 V 23 LEWIS, J. Slater. (_'oimnei-cial (^igani.sation of Factories. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " F 9 V 3 LEWIS, Dr. Percy G. Nuising: its Theory and Practice ; being a complete Text-book of Medical, Surgical, and Monthly Nursing. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1897. A 39 V 20 LEWIS, Prof. Thomas Hayter. Address by. (Internal. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 LEXIS, Prof. W. Die Deutschen Universitiiten. Sm. 4to. Berlin, 1893. G 18 S 21 LEYDS, Dr. W. J. Sketch of. [See Cumberland, S.— What T think of Simth Africa.] D 14 R IS LEYLAND, John. Thames Illustrated : a Picturesque Journeying from Richmond to Oxford. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) ■ " I) 19 S 23 t LEY'POLDT, Augusta H., and ILES, George. List of Books for (iirls and Women and their Clubs, with Descriptive and Critical Notes and a List of Periodi- cals and Hints for (tirls' and A\'omen's Clubs. 8yo. Boston. 1S1».5. K 11 R 17 LIAS, Re\-. John James. The Nicene Creed: a Manual foi' the use of camlidates for Holy Orders. Svo. Lond., IS97. G19U29 LIBERTY : The Journ.d of the National A.s.sociation of New South Wales. Vols. 1, 2 Dee., 1894--Nov., 1896. 2 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1895-96. ME 21 T L/JiA'AA')\ Thr : a .M.igazine of Bibliography and Library Literature ; the ( )rgan of the Librai-y Association of the United Kingdom. Vols. 1-7, 1889-95. 7 vols. 8yo. Lond.. 18S9-9.5. E LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA. [See Australasian Library Conference.! Supplementari/ Catalogue — 189G-98. 217 LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KING- DOM. Annual Reports, 187S, 1880-83, 1892-9.S. 7 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1879-9-5. E Cataloguing Rules. 8vo. Loud., 1893. (Lilnury As.so- ciation Series.) J 9 V 3U Royal Cliarter of the Library Association. Sui. fol. Lond., 189S. " J 13 X 26 t Tran.sactions and Proceedings of the Annual Jleetings, 1878-8.^. Imp. 8v(.. I^nd., 1879-90. Cat. Room LIBRARY ASSOCIATION SERIES. 1. Hand-book of Libraiv Appliances. [Ste. Brown, J. 1).] J 9 V :«> •2. Public; Libraiv Legislation. [See Fovargue. H. W.] .J 9 \' 'M 3. I'ublic Library Staffs. [Set t'owell. P.] J 9 V 3G 4. fiiiide to tlie Formation of a Music Library. [See Brown, J. I).] J 9 V 3K 5. Cataloguing Rules of the British Jlu.seuiii, Boilli'iaii Library, and Library Association. [See Britisii Mu seuni, Bodleian Library, and Librarj- Association.] J 9 \' ;!t) 6. Books for Village Liliraries. [Set Burgoyne, F. .L] J 9 V 30 7. Adoption of the Pul)lic: Libraries Acts in England and Wales. [,S'ee Fovargue, H. \\'. ] J 9 \' 30 LiniiARY .lOURXAL, Th>-. Ollicial Organ of the American Library Association, chieHy devoted to Library Economy and Bibliography. Vols. 1-22, 187G-97. 22 vol's, .sm. -Ito. New York, 187G-97. E LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, WASHINGIOX. Illus- trated. Eol. New York, 1897. (New York Times, Dec. loth, 1897.) A 40 U 16 \ LIBRARY OF THE FAKLl A.M FNT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. \_See New Soutli Wales Parliu- mentar}' Libi-uiy.] LIDDELL, Rev. Ivlwanl. St. Alban's Abbey. (Oui- English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 LIDDON, ]{ev. Henry Parry. E.\planatory Analysis cif St. Paul's lirst Epistle to Timothy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 19 T 3:i Sermons pivached on special occasions, 1860-89. Smi. Lfind., 1897. (} 19 ir -.'li Lifoof !•:. I!. Pu.sey. [5'ee Pu.sey, Rev. K. I;.|C21T131(; [Portrait of. | \_See Sixty Years nf Hinpire,] W -I'l R 18 LIDGETT, Mi.ss ,'real merit Trans., 24.) !■; LI.N.N, \\ . .\. Ilnmes irr City ;itrd Country. \S(t Hf 's in City and Country.] .\ 2.) U I I 218 Public Library of Now South JFales, LINNEAN SOCIETY, LONDON. Journal : Zoology, vols. 1-24, and Index, 1-20; Botany, vols. 1-25, 27-29, 31,32,andlndex, 1-20. 48 vols. 8 vo. Lond., ] 857-96. E Transactions. Vols. 1-30, and Index. Second series: Botanv, 1-4; Zoology, 1-5. 40 vols. 4to. Lond. 1791-1894. E LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Proceedinics. Vols. 1-21, 1877-90. 30 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1877-96. ME 2 P LINTON, Eliza Lynn. [Life of] "George Eliot." {See Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 LINTON, Sydney, First Bishop of Riverina. His Life and Labours. Edited bv Re\-. W. Charles Pritcliard. Svo. Melb., 1896. MC 1 T LIPPINCOTT H MONTHLY MAdAZIXE. Vols. 53-56, 1894-95. 4 vols. Svo. Philad., 1894-95. E LISBOA, J. C. Useful Plants of the Bombay Presidency. (Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, 25.) E LIST, N. A. An Omaha Idea : Who were the Authors of the Arts and Science Literature of the Ancients ? Svo. Omaha, Neb., 1895. G 5 R 34 The Redemption of Woman from the Errors of Theology. Svo. Omaha, Neb., 1894. G 5 R 33 LISTER, Arthur. Guide to the British Mycetozoa. \See, British Museum. — Natural History.] A 39 V 16 Monograph of the Mycetozoa : being a Descriptive Cata- logue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 U 14 LISTER, Thomas, Lord Ribblesdale. \See Ribblesdale, Lord.] LISZT, Franz. Sketch of. {See Butterworth, H. — Great Composer.s.] C 19 V 23 LITCH, Dr. Will)ur F. American System of Dentistry ; in Treatises l)y various Authors. Illustrated. 3 vols. Svo. Philad.," 1886-87. A 31 S 1-3 ]. Regional and Compiirati\-e Dental Anatomy, Dental Histology, and Dental Pathology. 1. Operative and Prostlietic Dentistry. 3. Ana-sthesia and Anajsthetics. riiysiology of Digestion, Voiee and Speeeli, Associate Dental and Oral Patli- ology, Oral Surgery, Eruption of the Teeth, Materia iMedica and Therapeutics, Metallurgy, Jurisprudence. Ancesthesia and Anaesthetics. (Litch, Dr. W. F. American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S3 Crown and Bridge work. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — Amei-ican System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 Metallic Facings for Carious Crowns. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF LIVERPOOL. Proceeding.s, Nos. 44-51, 1889-97 8 vols. Svo. Lond., 1890-97. E LITERARY YEAR-BOOK, The, 1897-98. 2 vols. 12rao. Lond., 1897-98. E LITERATURE. Vols. 1, 2, Oct., 1897-Julv, 1898. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1897-98. " E LITHOTOMY: its Successes and its Dangers. Illu.s- trated. Svo. Melb., 1876. MA 2 Q 71 LITTLE, James Stanley. The United States of Britain : an Address on England and her Colonies. Svo. Guilford, 1887. F 1 S 26 A Vision of Empire : a Lecture on Imperial Federation. Svo. Guilford, 1888. F 1 S 20 LITTLE, AVilliam C. Report on the Agricultural Labourer. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Roval Connnission on Labour.] " F 39 V 27, 28 + LITTLE, Rev. William John Knox. The Church of England. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 St. Francis of Assisi : his Times, Life, and Work : Lectures delivered in substance in the Ladye Chapel of Worcester Cathedral in the Lent of 1896. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 11 Q 38 In answer to Prayer. \_See Carpenter, W. B., Bishop.] G 23 P 17 LITTLEDALE, W. A. Registers of Christ Church, New- gate, 1538-1754. [(See Harleian Sec. Pubs.] E LITTLEHALES, G. W. Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism. [See United States. — Hydrographic Office.] A 38 R 28 LITTLEHALES, Henry. The Prymer or Lay Folks' Praver-book. fSee Early English Text Soc. Pubs., 10.5"] ^ E LITTON, Edward Falconer. Life or Death: the Destiny of the Soul in the Future State. Svo. Lond., 1866. G 3 R 26 LITURGIES. Hcn.tnadai, Dirava ena Hereva mai Anidia Ida Baine Hadibadia. [Catechism, IVlarriage and Burial Services, Forms of Prayer, ifec, in the Motu Language, British New Guinea.] 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MG 1 P 36 Liturgies, Eastern and Western, lieing the Te.v^ts, original or translated, of the principal Liturgies of the Church. Edited, with Introductions and Appendices, by F. E. Brightman, on the basis of the former work by C. E. Hammond. Vol. 1. Svo. Oxford. 1896. G 3 U 26 1. Eastern Liturgies. LIVERPOOL. [See Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool.] LIVERPOOL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Transac- tions and Report, 1894, 1896. 2 vol.s. Svo. Liver- pool, 1895-97. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 219 LIVERSIDGE, Prof. Archibald, F.R.S. Crystalline .Structure of (Jold and Platinum Nuggets and Gold Ingots. (Chemical Soc, Journ., 1897.) E Presence of Gold in Natural Saline Deposits antl Marine Plants. (Chemical Soc, Journ., 1897.) E LIVINGSTON, Luther S. American Book-prices current: a Ilecoi-d of Books, Manuscripts, and Autographs Sdld at auction in New York, Boston, and Pliiladelphia, with the prices realized. Vol. 1, Sept., lS94-Sept., 1895. 8vo. New York, 1895. K 19 U 1 LIVINGSTONE, Rev. David. Sketeli of. \_See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Mis.sionaries.] (5 14 S .-JO LIVIUS, Titus. Livv, Book 2G. With Introduction and Notes hy W. H. W. Nicholls. li^mo. Sydney, 1896. B 30 P 13 LLOYD, H. Evans. Travels in (lie Interior of North Amei'ica. \_See !Ma.\imilian, Alexander Philipp, Prince of Wicd.] 1) 17 T 2 f LLOYD, J. E. Aims and Practice of Teaching Histoiy. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 (^ 3G LLOYD, L. Notes of Travel in South Africa. [^See Andersson, C. J.] D 13 Q 1 LOB, Dr. Walter. Quantitative Chemical Analvsis hy Electrolysis. [See Classen, Dr. A.] A 3"8 U 12 LOBBAN, J. 11. English Essays [Collected]. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 24 LOCARD, Arnould. Resultats Scientifiques de l.i Cam- pagne du Canflan dans le Golfc de Gascogne. [_See K.'fhler, Prof. R.] A 31 S 30 LOCK, Ke\-. John Ba.scomhe. Key to Lock's Elementary Trigonometry. {^See Can-, Henry.] A 25 R 42 LOCKER, Frederick. London Lyrics. Svo. Lond., 187G. ir 7 R 44 LOf'KER-LAMPSON, Frcdeilck. Mv Confidences. Svo. Lon.l, 189G. " C 22 Q 18 LOCKIIART, John (iihs,,n. Life and Letters of; iiy Andrew Lang. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 23 V 18, 19 [Critici.sm of tlie Works of.] [_See Craik, Henry. — Eng- lish Prose.] .l"0(,)38* LOCKIIART, Lieut. Percy Clare Eiiott-. A Frontier Campaign. \_See Fincastle, Viscount A. E.] B 29 11 14 LOCKIIART, Sir William Stejihen Alexander. Lock- hart's Advance through Tirali. [See Shadwell, Ca])t. L. J.] B 29 U 17 LOCKWOOD, Dr. Charles Barrett. Aseptic Surgery. 8vo. Edinb., 189G. A 26 R 28 LOCKWOOD, ]M. S., and GLAISTER, E. Art Embroid- ery : a Treatise on the Revived Practice of Decorative Needlework. Illustrated. 4to. Ijond., 1878. A 17T 1 t LOCKYER, Sir Norman, F.R.S. Recent and Coming Eclipses : being Notes on the total solar Eclipses of 1S93, 189G, 1898. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 3G T 13 The Sun's place in Nature. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 5 T 39 LODEMAN, E. G. The Spraving of Plants. 12mo. New York, 189G. " ' A 20 P 23 LODGE, EJnuind. The Peerage ami Baronetage of the British Empire as at present existing, 1872-98. 27 vols. Svo. Lond., 1872-98. " E LODGE, Prof. Richard. [Life of] 'Richelieu. [See Riche- lieu, Cardinal.] C 20 V 1 LODGE, Thomas. [Essay on. 17th Centuiy Studies.] [See Gosse, Edmund. — H 10 W 23 LOEWE, Ciu.stav. T. Macei Plauti Conwdia\ [See Plau- tus, T. :\l.] II 1 T 24-27 LOEWE, Johann Carl Gottfried. [Sketch of.] [Sve Bach, A. B.— The Art Ballad.] H 1 S 34 LOFTIE, Rev. William John. Authorised (iuide to the Tower of London ; with an Aj)pendix on the Armouiy by Viscount Dillon. 2n(l ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1894. B 21 R 15 Orient Line (iuid(^ : Chapters for Ti;ivellors by Sea and Land. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 189G. MD 8 Q 48 Whitehall. [See Portfolio, The.— Monographs, 16.] E LOGAN, Daniel. Education in the Hawaiian Islands. (North American Review, July, 1897.) E LOtJAN, James. The Scottish (iai'l ; or, Celtic Maimers as preservetl among the Highlanders : being an His- torical and Descriptive Account of the Inhabitants, Antiquities, and National Peculiarities of Scotland, more particularly of the Northern, or (Jaelic parts of the country, whore the singular habits of the aborigi- nal Celts are most tenaciously retained. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1831. B IG T 32, 33 LOGAN, John A. Ill Joyful Russia. Illustrateil. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ■ D 18 S 22 LOGAN, Robert W. [Sketch of.] [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 220 JPublic Librcu'y of Neio South Wales. LOMBROSO, Dr. CVsaic. ( 'liiniiuilouv. \_See MacDonakl, A.] ■ " F 8 V 41 LONDON. The Queen's London : ;i Pictorial and Descrip- tive Record of the Streets, Buildings, Parks, and Scenery of the Great Metropolis in the 59th year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Ob. 8vo. Lond., 1896. ' ' A 8 R .30 t LOXDOX, EDlXnVRail, AXD DUBLIN PHILO- SOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOUMNAL OF SCIENCE, Th<-. Vol. l-5tli ser., vol. 4."), 1832- June, 1898. l:U vols. 8vo. Lond., 18.32-98. E LONDON JOURNAL. [See Hunt, L.] LONDON MLSSTONARY SOCIETY. New South "Wales Auxiliary. Annual Report, 1894. 8vo. Sydney, 189.5. ' ME 6 P Report of the Directors, 1830. 8v(.. Lond., 1830. E Tran.sactions. Vol. 1, 179.')-1802. [With autograph of Samuel Marsden.] Jnded. 8vo. Lond., 1804. MG IT 6 LONDON NATIONAL GALLERY. \See National Gallery.] LONDON POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, lS.-,3, 1874, 1881, 1884, 1886, 1890, 1894-98. 14 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 18.53-98. E LONDON UNIVERSITY. Calendars, 1872-99. 24 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1872-9S. E General Register. Pt. 2, 1894-96. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1894-96. E LONELICH, Henry. History (,f the Holy Giaal. [See Borron, SiiTs Robiei's de.] H 17 Q 9, 10 1 LONG, Alfred Parry. Annual Report on Vital Statistics for 1895, 1897, and previous years. [See New South Wales.— Statistics.] ME LONG, George. Decline of the Rduian Repuhlic. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S64-74. B 39 P 2-6 LONG, James, and BENSON, .lolm. Cheese and Cheese making. Butter and Milk, with special i-eference to Continental Fancy Cheeses. Svo. Lund., 1S96. A 1 U 5 li()N(i, Roliert Crozier. Refiectioiis of a Russian States- man. [See Pobyedonostsefi; K. P.] (J 23 P 35 LONG, W. H. Medals of the British Navy, and h(,w they were won ; with a List of thos(>. (Jfficers who for their gallant conduct were granted Honorary Swords .uul Plate by the Committee of the Patriotic Fund. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B IG LT 1 LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. Poems of Places. 31 vols. 18mo. Bo-ston, 1876-79. HUP 7-37 1-4. England and Wales. 5. Ireland. 6-8. Scotland, Denmark, Iceland, Norwa)- and Sweden. i(, 10. France anutiou to tlu^ in\estigatioii of the assimilation of free atmospheric nitrogen Ity white an7 S 2.3 LOUDON, John Claudius. Encycl..p:emperor of Germany.] C 22 P 20 Prince Bismarck. {See liismank. Prince.] C 19 T 19 LOWI'',, v.. .\ustrali.in Go\ernor-- and llieir Ideals. (Westminster Itevicw. 1894.) K LOWE, Sir Hudson. Sir Ilud.son Lowe and Napoleon. With I'ortr.ilt. l2mo. Lond., 1898. C 23 S 18 222 Fuhlic Library of New South Wales. LOWE, Dr. John. The Yew Trees of Great Britain and Ireland. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 37 R 13 LOWE, Robert, Yi.scount Sherbrooke. [See Sherbrooke, Viscount.] LOWE, Samuel. Dairy Industry in the Colonies. Svo. Lond., 1897. MA 4 R 2 LOWELL, A. Lawrence. Governments and Parties in Continental Europe. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 13 R 6, 7 LOWELL, James Russell. Last Poems of. With Portrait. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H 10 S 18 [Life of] ; by G. W. Curtis. Illustrated. ISmo. New York, 1893. C 19 P 14 [Essay on.] [_See James, Heni'v. — Essavs in London and elsewhere.] " ' J 14 T 23 A few of Lowell's Letters. [See Stillman, W. J.— The Old Rome and the :N'ew.] J 14 V 14 [Sketch of.] {See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 [Sketch of.] {See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 LOWELL, John Russell. Address by, as President of the Wordsworth Society, 1884. (Knight, W. — Words- worthiana.) J 14 R 15 LOWELL, Percival. :Mars. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 20 U 10 LOWER, Oswald B. Catalogue of Victorian Heterocera. (Victorian Is^aturalist, May, Julv, Sept., Dec, 1897, Jan., 1898.) " ME 6 P Descriptions of new Australian Lepidoptera. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S Lepidoptera of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin. — Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 LO WINGER, C. G. With Plumer in Matabeleland. rSee Sykes, F. W.] B 37 V 4 LOWNDES, Rev. Arthur. Vindication of Anglican Orders. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1897. G 1 S 24, 25 LOWNDES, Frederic Sawrey. Bishops of the Day : a Biographical Dictionary of the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England, and of all Churches in communion therow itli, throughout the world. 12mo. Lond., 1897. ' C 19 P 11 LOWNDES, M. E. Michel do :M<)ntaigne : a Biographi- cal Study. {See Montaigne, M. E. de.] C 23 S 22 LOWNE, Benjamin Thompson. Anatomy and Physiology of the Blow-fly. Illustrated. 8vo. "Lond., 1870. A 34 V 15 LOWRIE, Prof. William. Notes on :Manuring. {See South Australia. — Agricultural Bureau.] ME LOWRY, Charles. The Tutorial System. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 LOWSLEY, Lieut. -Col. Barzillai. WTiist of the Future : being a forecast submitting defects in existing Whist Laws, containing argument against the American Leads being applicable to strong hands and weak hands alike, and advocating, with other matters, the adoption of the same game and the same laws for all countries, so that International ^^^list Tournaments on the duplicate svstem mav Iwcome practicable and frequent. 12mo. " I^nd., 1898. A 9 P 18 LOYALTY ISLANDS. Tusi line" a Hwen lai. [School Primer in the Lin^uage of lai, L'vea.] 3rd ed. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. ^ MG 1 P 89 Ta Je Khumong. [Hpnns translated into the laian Language of Uvea, Loyalty Islands.] 2nd ed. ISmo. Sydney, 1897. MG 2 P 58 LOYD, Lady ilary. Brother and Sister : a Memoir of Ernest and Henriette Renan. {See Reuan, E.] C 22 T 5 New Letters of Napoleon I, omitted from the edition published imder the auspices of Napoleon III. {See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 25 Q 1 Peter the Great. [5e« Waliszewski, K.] B 37 V 1, 2 LOYOLA, Ignatius. Ignotius Loyola and the Early Jesuits ; by Stewart Rose. {See Church, R. W., Dean. —Occasional Papei-s.] J 14 U 35 LUBBOCK, Rt. Hon. Sir John, F.R.S. The Sceneiy of Switzerland and the cau.ses to -which it is due. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 24 R 19 The Antiquities and Curiosities of the Exchequer. {See Hall, H.] F 13 S 32 The Primitive luliabitants of Scandinavia. {See Nilsson, S.] A 39 R 18 [Sketch of.] {See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces of the Period.]" C 23 T 3 LL'CAS, Arthur Henry Shakspere. Some Facts in the Geographical Distribution of Land and Fresh-water Vertebrates in Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P , and FROST, C. Description of a new species of Ablepharus from Victoria ; with Critical Notes on two other Australian Lizards. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Description of two new species of Lizards from Centi-al AustraUa. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P Lizards indigenous to New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S New species of Lizards from Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1895.) ME 1 P Reptilia of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Bald • win. — Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 61 LUCAS, Charles Prestwowl. Historical Geography of the British Colonies. Vol. 4. AVith Maps. Svo. Oxford, 1897. D 11 S 16 4. South and East Africa, Historical and GeographicaL Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 223 LUCAS, Frederic A. Notes on the Preparation of Rough ykeletons. \_See United States. — National Museum.] A 37 S 'J Tongues of Woodpeckers. {See Beal, F. E. L.] A :50 R 30 LUCAS, Jo.sepli. Water from the Chalk. (Internat. Health Exhil).- -Health Exhih. Literature.) A 41 V 4 LUCAS, Olive A. The Temperance Cookery-Ijook, com- j)iled for the Village Fair under the auspices of the AVomen's Christian Temperance Union and Local Op- tion League, 1S9G. 12mo. Sydney, 18'J0. I^IA 4 P 1 LUCAS, Dr. Thomas P. Colouration of In.sects. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T The Flying Fox : its Habits and Depredations. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME IT LUCE, Morton. Hand-hook to th(! Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. 12nio. Lond., 189n. H11Q4 LUCIANUS. [Es.say on.] iSee Traill, H. D.— The New Fiction, and other Essays on literary subjects.] J 1 4 R 28 [Sketch of.] \_See Whiblev, C. — Studies in Frankness.] C 23 S 2 LUCKOCK, Herljert ;Mortimcr, Dean of Litchfield. Foot- l)rints of the Apostles as traced by St. Luke in the Acts, being sixty portions for private study and in- structions in Church. A Sequel to " Footprints of the Son of Man." 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., L897. G 19 U 3G, 37 The, Hi.story of Marriage, Jewish and Christian, in rela- tion to Divorce and certain forliidden degrees. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 8 V 3 LUCY, Henry W. Diai-y of the Home Rule Parliament, 1892-95. 8vo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 38 The. Log of the TavloUon Castlp [Opening of the Baltic Canai.] 8vo. Dmd., 1S9G. D 18 Q 18 LUDLOW, Emile. The Yaralla Cavolte. Sm. fol. Syd- ney (n.d.) MA13P5t LUEHMANN, J. C Observations on Xerotrs .inrorid. (Victorian Naturalist, Feb., 1898.) ME G P LUFFMANN, C. Bogue. The Fig Industry. [See Vic- toria. - Agriculture] MA 3 V 13 The ^Muscatel lndustr\. [See Victoria. — Agriculture.] MA 3 V 13 Treatment of the Raisin Vine. [See Nictoria.— Agri- culture] MA 3 V 13 LUGRTN, diaries ir. Yukon C.id li.-lds : Jlap showing Routes from Victoria, B.C., to the various Mining Camps on the Yukon Riv<'r and its Vjrandies ; Mining Regulations of the Dominion (Jovernment and Forms of Application; together with Distances, Extracts from Mr. Ogilvie's Reports, and other information. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. F 13 Q 25 LUKE, St. The Madonna of St. Luke. [See Bolton, Henrietta Irving.] A 23 Q 53 LUKIN, Rev. James. Working in Sheet !MetaI : being Plain Directions to the Amateur for Making and Mending small articles in Tin, Copper, Iron, Zinc, and Brass, Soldering, Brazing, &c. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1895. A 25 Q 42 LUMBY, Rev. Joseph Rawson. Chronicon Henrici Knighton vel Cnittlion Monaclii Levcestrensis. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. --CInonicles and Mems.] E LUMMIS, Charles F. Awakening of a Nation : Mexico of to-day. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 3G S 3 LUNGWITZ, A. Text-book of Horse-shoeing for Horse- shoers and Veterinarians. Tran.slated by John W. Adams. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1898. A 39 P 7 LUPKE, Dr. Robert. The Elements of Electro-Chemistry treated experimentally. Translated by M. M. Patti- son Muir. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 21 U 30 LUPTON, Re^•. Joseph Hirst. The Utopia of Sir Thomas :\Iore. [See ^lore, Sir T.] J 12 V 20 IjUSK, Hugh H. Success of Woman's Enfianchiseuient in New Zealand. (The Forum, April, 1897.) E LUTHER, Jlartin. Luther's Primary Works, together with his Shorter and Larger Catechism. Translated into English. Edited by Rev. Henry Wace and C. A. Buchheim. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 19 T 20 Life of ; by J. Kostlin. Translated from the Qerman. 2nded. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 P 27 Luther Exhibition in the (ircnviile Library, 1883. [See British Mu.seuni.] " K 19 R 23 Lutlier's Song-book. [See MacDonald, G. — R:ini|)i>lli.] II 11 T 3 LUTOSLAWSKl, Wincenty. Origin ami (irowtii of Plato's Logic, with an Account of Plato's style and of the ("lironology of his Writings. Svo. Lond., 1897. (! 23 S 8 JiUTZOW, Francis, Count. Bohemia: an Historic.d Sketch. Svo. Lond., 1890. 1133 1117 LUXEMl'OUIUl. Province de Luxenbourg : llistoiredu Consi'il Provincial, 1836-95. 2 vols. I'oy. 8vo. Arlon, 1894-96. F 11 U 37, 38 LYALL, Edna. [Lif(^ of] IMrs. Caskell. [See "Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 LYDEKKER, Richard, F.R.S. (ieograi)hical Hi.story of .M.nnmals. 8vo. Cand)., 1896. A 27 S 13 The Royal Natural History. Vols. 5, 6. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. ■ l/)nd., 189G. ' A 28 V 25, 20 Catalogue of Fo.ssil Birds in the British JIuseum. [See British Museum.— Natural History.] A 42 V 7 224 I'liblic Lib)'a7'y of Neio Soulh IFules. LYDEKKER, Richard, F.R.S.— con<(?. Catalogue uf the Fossil Maniiiialia in the Uritish Museuni. [5«e British Museum.— Natural Hist.] A 42 V 16-1 'J Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 42 V 12-15 Dictionary of Birth.s. [See Newton, Alfred.] A 30 Q 31 Manual of Palwontolocv. [See Nicholson, Dr. H. A.] A 39 R 19, 20 LYELL, Sir Charles. The iStudent's Lyell : a ^Manual of Elementary Geology. Edited by Dr. John W. Judd, F.R.S. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 24 R 18 LYLY, John. Pappc with au Hatchet, and an Almond for a Parrot. [See Nash, T.] Ci 23 Q 32 LY.MIN(;Tt)N, Viscount. Necessity for a Mini.ster of Education. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 11 LYNCH, Arthur. Human Documents ; Character Sketches of Representative Men and Women of the Time. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 15 LYNCH, H. F. B. The Ascent of Mount Ararat. (Out- of-door Librai-y.) D 20 S 22 LYNE, Charles E. Life of Sir Henry Parkes. [See Parkes, Sir H.] ' MC 1 T 29 LYNN, William Thynne. Celestial Morions : a Handy- bocik of Astronomy. 8th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 12 P 21 LYON, C. H. The Exhaustion of Pasture Lands. (Mel- bourne Reyie-w, 4.) ME 18 Q LYTTELTON, Rev. Arthur. Self-government of the Church. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) " G 23 S 28 LYTTELTON, Hon E.. and COBB, Gerard F. Athletics. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y LYTTON, Edward Buhver, Lord. Last Days of Pompeii. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York (n.d ) J 22 V 6 LYTTON. Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, Earl of, "Owen Meredith." Glenaveril ; or, the Metamorphosis. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885. H 11 R 8, 9 King Poppy. 8yo. Lond., Is92. H 11 R 7 Lucile. 8vo. Lond.. 1893. H 11 R 6 Marah. 8vo. Lond., 1893. H 11 R 3 Selected Poems. 8yo. Lond., 1894. H11R5 The Wanderer. 8yo. Lond., 1895. H 11 R 4 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 , and MILL. John Stuart. Remarks on Beiithams Philosophy. [See Mill, John Stuart. — Early Essays.] J 14r37 M MABIE, Hamilton Wright. Essays in Literary Interpre- tation. 12mo. New York, 1897. " J 21 P 42 Essays on Nature and Culture. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 44 My Study Fire. 1st and 2nd ser. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, "1897. J 21 P 39, 40 Norse Stories retold from the Eddas. ]2mo. Boston, 1896. J 21 P 38 Short Studies in Literature. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P43 Under the Trees and elsewhere. 12mo. New York, 1897. J 21 P 41 !McADIE, Alexander. Protection from Lightning. [See U.S. — Dept. of Agriculture. — Weather Bureau.] . " A 20 U 13 J^IACALISTER, Prof. Alexander. Nephrpptosis. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— Sy.stem of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 MACALISTER, D. The Australian Aborigines. (Mel- bourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Man's relation to the other animals. (Melb. Review, 2.) ME 18 Q ]MacALISTER, Dr. Donald. Special Pathological Anat- omy. [See Ziegler, Ernst.] A 32 R 29, 30 MACALISTER, R. A. S. Ecclesiastical Vestments: their Development and History. Svo. Lond., 1896. G19T22 McALL, Rev. Roliert Whitaker. [Life of] Robert Whita ker McAU, founder of the McAll Mi-s.sions, Paris- Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1896. G 12 V 25 McALPINE, D. Descriptions of new Australian Fungi. (Lhiuean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Meliola amphitricha, Fries. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Notes on Uromycen nmyydali, Cooke. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ' ME 2 P Puccinia on Groundsel, with Trimorphic Teleutospores. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) 3IE 2 P Sooty Mold of Citrus Trees : a study in Polymorphism. (Linnean Soc, N.S.AV., Proc, 1896.) " ME 2 P Two additions to the Fungi of New South Wales. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Fungus Diseases of the Raspberry. [See Mctoria. — Agriculture.] ' MA 3 V 13 Onion Disea.se. [See Victoria. — Agriculture.] JNIA 3 V 13 Report on the Rotting of Apples. [See Victoria. — Agriculture] MA 3 V 13 Rust in Wheat Experiments, 1894-97. [See Victoria. Agriculture.] MA 3 V 13 Spraying for Fungus Diseases. [See Victoria. — Agricul- ture.]' MA .3 V 13 SuppleDientary Catalogue — 1896-98. 225 Mc ALPINE, D, and ROBINSON, Gerald H. Additions to the Funi,'i on tlie Vine in Australia. [See Victoria. —Agriculture.] MA 3 V 33 , and llODWAY, L. Australian Fungi. (Agri- cult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) 3IE 9 R McALPINE, Dr. I). Zoniogical Atlas, including Compara- tive Anatomy : with Practical Directions and Explana- tory Text for the use of Students. Illustrated. Ob. 4U). Edinb., 1881. A 5 P 33 t M'ARTHUR, J. Francis. The Justices' Assistant ; or, a Compendium of the Law relative to the oitice and powers of a Justice of the Peace in New South Wales, and mode of proceeding in Petty Sessions ; to which is annexed a Compendious Exposition of the Law relating to the duties, powers, and responsibilities of Con- stables. iL'nio. Sydney, 1846. MF -t P -14 MACARTHUR, Hon. John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t MACAULAY, Thomas Babington, Lord. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. Archibald. — Essays.] J 14 U 13 [Sketch of.] [See Stearns, F. P. — Modern English Prose Writers.] J 14 V 17 Sketch of the Works of. [See Harrison, F. — Early Vic- torian Literature.] J 8 T 37 McBRYDE, Dr. J. M. Fertilizers for Cotton. [See United Stiites. — Department of Agriculture. — Ottice of Experiment Stations.] A 37 S 24 McBURNEY, Dr. Charles. The Surgery of the Future. (Scmi-Centennial of Ana'sthe.sia.) A 17 R '1 t McBURNEY, Samuel. The Australian Progressive Song- ster, Nos. 1, 2. 4to. Sydney, 1898. MA 4 P 5 McCABE, Jose])]], formerly Rev. Father Antony. Life in a Modern Monastery. 8vo. Lond., 1898. "g 23 Q 38 Twelve years in a Monastery. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23 R fi McCaffrey, Frank. Dairying Industry and its Critics. 18mo. Sydney, 1898. MA 4 R 2 MacCARTHY, Rev. B. Annais .,f Ulster. [See Gt. lirit. and Ircliiid. — Records Commission.! B 30 \' I 7, 1 S M'CARTHY, Dr. Charles. Dipsomania or Drink-craving. (Melbourne Review. 0.) IME 18 Q M.\cCARTHY, Rev. Egeru-n Fran.is .M.ail. School Fit- tings. ( I nternat. Health Exhib. — Health Exliil). Literature.) A II V 9 2 F McCarthy, Justin. The French Revolution. 4 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1890-97. B 37 V 5-8 Histoi-y of Our Own Times, from 1880 to the Diamond Jubilee. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 3 S 47 The Inner Life of the House of Commons. [See '\\niite, W.] F 13 U 20, 21 [Life of] Pope Leo XIII. [See Leo XIII, Pope.] C 20 T 25 The Story of (iladstone's Life. [See Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E.] C 23 U 2 -, and ROBINSON, Sir John R. The Dnibj Xctvs Jubilee : a Political and Social Retrospect of 50 years of the Queen's Reign. Illustrated. 8vo. I^ond., 1896. F8V21 McCarthy, Rev. Lawrence. Key to Todhunter's Mensur- ation for Beginners. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 25 R 40 McCLEAN, iSIary Hall. Life of Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies. [See Xavier, St. Francis.] C 20 T 8 McCLELLAN, Gen. George Brinton. Sketch of. [See Dwight, Theodore F. — Critical Sketch of some of the Federal and Confederate Conniianders.] C 21 U 5 M'CLELLAN, Rev. John Brown. Highei Teaching of Agriculture. (Internal. Health Exhilj. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 MACCLESFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Books in the Public Free Libiary i)resented by David Chadwick to the Corporation of Macclestield. 8vo. Macclesfield, 1877. K 9 T 24 McCLURE, Edmund, Historical Church Atlas. 4to. Lond., 1897. G 17 S 20 t McCLURE, M. L. Struggle of the Nations. [See Mns- pero, Prof. Gaston.] B 17 IT 18 McC LURES MAGAZINE. Vols. 2, 3, 8, 9, Dec., 1893- Nov., 1894, Nov., 1896-Oct., 1897. Illustrated. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1803-97. E McCLYMONT, J. R. An Explanation of the Voyage of Alvarado. (Boy. Soc. of Tasmania, Papers and Proc, 1806.) y\.v. 1 Q -M'GLYMONT, Rev. James A. The New Testamenl ,ind its Writers. 8vo. Lt)nd., 1895. GIT ;'>7 MacCOLL, Rev. Malcolm. The Sullan .ind llie Powei-s. 8vo. Lond., 1806. F 12 T 2.-. ThiMilogiciil TeaehiiiL,' in .i University. (Internal, lli'.illh Exhib.- Iballli I'.xliiW. Mlrnitni-e.) A II \' 11 MacCOMIHE, Dr. John Ciiicken-pox. (.VUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of M.-dieine.) A 2(i T 3.") Small-pox. (Alllnill, l>r. T. C. — System of .Medicine.) A 26 T .35 226 Fublic Library of Netc South Wales. McCOJIBIE, Thomas. Frank Henly : or, Honest In- dustry will conquer. Svo. Melb., 1S67. MJ 3 R 14 MacCOKD, C. W. 81ide-Yalves : a Book for Practical' ileii on the Principles and Methods of Design, with *in Explanation of the Principles of Shaft-Governors. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 38 U 2 McCORMACK, Thomas. Psychic Life of INIicro-Organ- isms. [See Binet, A.] A 41 Q 8 McCORMACK, Thomas J. Popular Scientific Lectures. {See Mach, Ernst.] A 21 R 38 McCORMICK, A. D. An Artist in the Himalayas. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1895. D 17 T 22 McCOSH, Dr. Andrew. Pleural Effusion and Empyema : Abscess and Gangrene of the Lung. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 MacCOUN, To^VIlsend. The Holy Land in Geography and Historj*. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1897. D 20 Q 18 McCOY, Sir Frederick. Note on an additional genus of Fossil Plants found in the Bacchus Marsh Sandstone. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P McCRADY, Edward. History of South Carolina under the Proprietary Government, 1670-1719. With Maps. Svo. New York, 1897. B 16 U 11 M'CRAE, George Gordon. How I found Cceur de Lion. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME IS Q In Memoriam: Henrv Kendall. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q A Rosebud from the Garden of Taj. (Melbourne Re\-iew, 3, 8.) ME 18 Q Two Great Men of our own Time. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q M'CRINDLE, J. W. Invasion of India by Alexander the Great, as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diod- oros, Plutarch, and Justin : being tr.an.slations of such portions of the works of these and other classical authors as describe Alexander's Campaign in Afghan- istan, the Punjab, Sindh, Gedrosia, and Karmania ; with an Introduction containing a Life of Alexander, copious Notes, Illustrations, Maps, and Indices. Svo. Lond., 1893. B 28 T 6 The Christian Topography of Cosmas. [See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 98.] E McCUE James J. The Australasian Poultry Guide. Svo., Sydney, 1896. MA 3 U 36 M.\cCULLAGH, Rev. J. C. Religion and Science. (Mel- bourne Review, 5, 6.) ME 18 Q McCULLOCH, Robert William. Rice-growing and its Preparation for Market. [See Queensland. — Agricul- ture.] MA 3 S 68 McCULLY, Charles Arnold. The People v. the Liquor Traffic. [5ee Finch, J. B.] F 15 P 27 McCURDY, Dr. James Frederick. History, Prophecy, and the Monuments ; or, Israel and the Nations. Vol. 2. Svo. New York, 1896. B 27 V 19 '2. To the Fall of Xineveh. MacDERMOTT. ilartiu. Memoirs of Lord Edward Fitz- gerald. [See Fitzgerald, E.] C 23 R 4 MacDONAGH, Michael. Book of Parliament. Svo. Lond., 1897. F 10 V 45 MacDONALD. Rev. The Asiatic or Semitic Origin of the Oceanic Numerals, Personal Pronouns, Phonology, and Grammar. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896.) ■ ME 6 R MACDONALD, A. C. Notes of an Address on the Pro- gress of Geographical Discovery during the Reign of Queen Victoria. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of xVustralasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.) ME 20 P Notes on the Discovery of the Eastern Coast of New Holland (Australia) by Capt. Cook. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 14.) ME 20 P Over Land and Sea ; or, Andree's Aerial Voyage to the North Pole. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 15.) ME 20 P MacDONALD. Alexander. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 MACDONALD, Alice. Karl :Marx and the Close of his System. [See Bohm-Bawerk, E. von.] F 15 Q 25 MacDONALD, Arthur. Abnormal Woman : a Sociologic and Scientific Study of Young Women, including Letters of American and European gii-ls in answer to personal advertisements ; with a Bibliography. Svo. Wash., 1895. F 10 V 9 Criminology ; with an Introduction by Dr C. Lombroso. 2nd ed." Svo. New Y'ork, 1893. " F 8 V 41 Mac1)0NALD, Dr George. Rampolli : Growths from a long-planted root : being translations, new and old, chiefly from the German, along with a year's diary of an old soul. Svo. Lond., 1897. H 11 T 3 [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C. — My Contemporaries in Fiction.] " " J 14 R 30 JiIacDONALD, Dr. Greville jNIatheson. Diseases of the Nose. [See Hall, Dr. F. de H.] A 26 T 37 MACDONALD, Rev. .1. A. From Far Fomio.sa. [See Mackay, Rev. G. L.] D 17 S 13 MACDONALD, James C. Devices of the 16th Century Debtors. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 Siipplementm'y Catalogue — 1896-98. 227 MacDONALD, Mjaor James Ronald Leslie. Soldiering and Surv'eying in Bfitisli East Africa, 1S91^94. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lend., 1S97. 15 17 1148 MacDONALD, Sir John. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Sketch of.] iSee Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 MACDONALD, Louisa. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan N'ases, and of the Greek and Roman Lamps in the Nichol.son Museum, llnivorsity of Sydney. \_See Sydney Uni^■ersity.] :MA 4 S 28 MACDONALD, Marshal. Portrait of. [See HillLs, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 1 .'i M.voDONELL, Pliilip James. The Historic Basis of Liberalism. (Essays in Liberalism.) F .'» S 50 MACDONNELL, Alexander, " Pickle the Spy." Pickle the Spy ; or, the Incor/nito of Prince Charles. [See Lang, A.] ' B 16 V 34 MacDONOUGH, A. R. Nepi.i,'ou River-fishing. (Out-of- ih.or Lil)raiy.) A 40 Q 8 M'DOUGAL, Thomas D. Opening Letters in the Post Office. (Melbourne Review, 1.) ME 18 Q McDOUGALL, D. Melhonrne Directory. [See Melbourne and Siihurhdii Dirrrtori/.'] ]\1E 11 P-R McDOUCJALL, John. Forest, Lake, and Prairie : Twenty years of Frontier Life in Western Canada, 1842-62. Illustrated. 8vo. Toronto, 1895. D 16 R 10 Mac1X)WALL, II. C. Henrv of (iui.se, and other Por- traits. 8vo. Loud., 1898. I! ;j(! R 11 MACDUFF, Rev. John Ross. Tales of the Warrior King : Life and Times of David, King of Israel. 8vo. Loml., 1896. B ,'56 R 9 The Author of ^lorning and Night Watches: Remiius- cenccs of a long Life. Kdited by his daughter. 8vo. Lond., 1S96. ■ C 22 TIT McELROY, K. P. Canned Vegetable.s. [See United States. — Department of Agi-iculture.- -Division of Chemistry. — Food and Food Adulterants.] A .'! 1 T 10 MacEWAN, Elias J. Teclini.|uc of 1 br Dram.a. [See Freytag, Dr. Gustav.] II 10 W 4 M.vcEWEN, Rev. Alexander It. The United IVi'sl.ytcrian Clmrch. (Our Churches.) G I'l I' :i7 McEWIN, George. Preparation of |)rii'(l .uid Preserved Fruits. (S. Aust. Chamlier of Manufactures, I'ajiers.) .MA 4 S 12 MACEY, Frank W. Specilicalions in dc'iail. IHu.strated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A ;!9 P 17 McFADYEAN, Prof. J. Foot and Mouth Disease. (All- butt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 35 -] (Frances Eliza- M'FALL, Frances Elizabetli [Mrs. — beth Clarke), "S.irah Grand." \Vli'at to aim at. (Reid, A.— The New Party.) F 15 P 29 MacFARLANE, John. Library Administration. 12mo. Lond., 1898. (Library Series.) J 14 V 23 Archaiologioal Researches in Palestine, 1873-74. [See Palestine Exploration Fund.] B 13 V 17 t MacFARLANE, Walter, and CO. Catalogue of MacFar- lane's Castings. Sthed. 4to. Glasgow(n.d.) A40U 21 J MACFARLANE, William Macpher.son, and ADDISON, G. Campbell. Synopsis of Otlences punishable ou sununary ccjnviction by Justices of the Peace under local, and a few imperial. Statutes of general applica- tion in force in New South Wales at the end of 1890 ; with Introductory Outline of Procedure in Summary Convictions, and Cross-references, Notes, Tables of Statutes, X-c. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 3 R 71 MACFEE, K. N. Imperial Cu.stoms Union : a Practical Scheme of Fiscal Union for the purposes of Defence and Preferential Trade, from a Colonist's standpoint. 8vo. Lond., 1890. F 4 U 28 MACFIE, Robert Andrew. Copyright and Patents for Inventions 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1879-83. F7P23, 24 MACGIBBON, David, and ROSS, Thomas. Eeclesiiistical Architecture of Scotland, from the Earliest Christian Times to the Nth Century. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1896-97. ' A 23 V 28-30 McGIFFERT, Arthur Cushiiian. History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (i 11 R 38 McGILL UNIVERSITY. Papers from the Department of Applied Science. No. 1. 8vo. Montreal, 1896. A 40 S 20 1. rru-sideutial .Vildiess ; by H. T. liovey. Papers from the Department of Botany. Nos. 1-0. Illustrated. 8vo. Montreal, 1896-97. " A 40 S 7 I. Xcmaioj)hi/ton Ortoni, n.sp, ; by I). P. Penlinllow. •2. Ncmalophyton Crassum ; by I). P. Penlinllow. :t. Peculiar belmviour of Cliarcoal in the Ulast Funmco at Ra.liioi- Korge-s, Qiieljcc : by ,1. 'I'. Doiml.l : anil Char- coal iinprogiiated with Slag; by I). P. Penhalbiw. 4. The (ieiioric Characters of the Xorth AmerloanTaxacoa) anil Conifonu ; by D. P. Peiiliallow. 5. Mjieliiptiris To/Kicnsis : a new earbuiiifcii>us plant : bv I). P. Ponhallow. ' fi. A few Notes! on Canadian Planl-loro ; by Carrie M Deliek. PajxMs fioni the department of Cliemistry and Mineral- ogy. No. 1. 8vo. Montreal, 1896. " A 40 S 22 1. On a new Alkali Itoniblemlo and a 'i'lLinifermis .Andra- dite from Ihci Nepheliiie-Syenite of Dungannon, Haat- ings County, Ontario ; by K. 1). Adaiiis and U. J. Harrington. 228 Public Idbrari/ of New South Wales. xMcGILL UNIVERSITY— eon/rf. Papers from the Department of Geologv. Nos. 1-7. Illustrated. 8vo. Montreal, 1896-97." A 40 S 9 1. 2. Review of the Evidence for the Animal Nature of Eozoiiu Canadense ; by .Sir J. W. Dawson. 3. On the origin and relations of the Grenville and Hastings series in the Canadian Laurentian : by Dr. F. D. Adams and A. E. Barlow ; with Remarks bv R. W. Ells. 4. Additional Xotes on Fossil Sponges and other organic remains from the Quebec Group at Little Metis, on the Lower St. Lawrence ; by Sir J. W. Dawson. 5. Report on the Geology of a portion of the Laurentian area lying to the North of the Island of Montreal ; bv Dr. F! D. Adams. 6. Note on Crj-ptozoou and other ancient Fossils ; by Sir J. W. Dawson. 7. Note on Carboniferous Entomostraca from Nova Scotia, in the Peter Redpath iluseum, determined and described by Prof. T. R. Jones and Mr. Kirby ; by Sir J. W. Dawson. Papers from the Department of Patholoijv. Xos. 1-3. Illustrated. 8vo. Montreal, 1896. "" A 40 S 23 \. L^pon general infection by the Bacillus Pyocyaneous in children ; by E. P. Williams and K. Cameron. 2. Notes upon a case of Madura Foot ; by J. G. Adami and R. C. Kirkpatrick. 3. Further Observations upon Madura Foot Disease in America ; by J. G. Adami and R. C. Kirkpatrick, Papers from tlie Department of Philosophy. Jsos. 1, 2. 8v(.. Montreal, 1896. " G 18 R 66 1. The Dualistic Conception of Nature ; by J. C. ilurra^-. 2. The Idealism of Spinoza ; hy J. C. Murray. Papers from the Department of Physics. Nos. 1-4. 8vo. Montreal, 1896-97. A 40 S 6 1. Preliminary Results of Observations of Soil Tempera- tures with Electrical Resistance Thermometers ; bv H. L. Callendar. 1. Our Record of Canadian Earthquakes : by Prof. C. H. McLeod and Prof. H. L. Callendar. 3. Bome Experiments on the X-Rays ; by J. Cox and H. L. Callendar. 4. Observations of Soil Temperatures with Electrical Re- sistance Thermometers ; bv Prof. H. L. Callendar and Prof. C. H. McLeod. Papers from the Department of Physiology. Nos. 1-6. 8vo. Montreal, 1896. " A 40 S 21 1. The Cat : bv Dr. T. W. Mills. 2. The Dog ; by Dr. T. W. Mills. 3. The Dog and the Cat compared ; by Dr. T. W. Mills. 4. The Rabbit and the Cavy or Guinea Pig; liv Dr. T. W Mills. o. The Pigeon and the Domestic Fowl ; by Dr. T. W. Mills. 6. The Functional Development of the Cerebral Cortex in different Groups of Animals : by Dr. T. W. Mills. MacGILLIVRAY, Dr. P. H. .Alonograph of the Tertiary Polyzoa of Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Viet., Trans., 4.) ME 21 T M'GOW'AN, Dr. George. Analytical Chemistry. \^See Ostwald, Dr. Wilhelm.] A "21 R 41 MacGOWAN, Rev. J. History of China from the Earli- est Days down to the Present. With Map. Rov. 8yo. Lend., 1897. B 38 U 14 MacGREGOR, George. Collected Writings of Dougal Graham. [See Graham, Dougal.] "j 14 S 19, 20 MACGREGOR, Surgeon-Major John. Through the Buffer State ; a Record of recent Travels through Borneo, Siam, and Cambodia. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 17 Q 32 MacGREGOR, Sir William. British Xew Guinea : Coun- try and People. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MD 4 W 6 Highland Plants from New Guinea. [&« Roy. Soc, Vict., Trans., 1.] ME 21 T MACH, Prof. Ernst. Popular Scientific Lectures. Trans- lated liy Thomas J. McCormack. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. A 21 R 38 M'HENRY, Alexander. Geology of Inishowen, County Donegal, N.W. and Central Donegal, Antrim, and Derry. \See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of Ireland.], A 34 S"l-3 Guide to the Collections of Rocks and Fossils belonging to the Geological Survey of Ireland. \_See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Geolog. Survey of Ireland.] A 24 S 24 MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo di Bernardo. Life and Times of. iSee Villari, Prof. P.] B39P8 !Machiavelli ; the Romanes Lecture delivered iii the Sheldonian Theatre. \_See Morley, Rt. Hon. J.] F 13 Q 32 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [_See Horridge, F. — Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 ]\IacHUGH, Alfred, and O'DOWD, Bernard Patrick. Local Goyerninent Acts ; with Introduction, Notes, and Index. 8vo. Melb., 1897. MF 5 Q 23 MacHURON, Alexis. Andree and his Balloon. [See Lachambre, H.] D 13 P 4 McILRAITH, J. R. Moltke^s Letters to his Wife. [See Moltke, Count Helmuth Karl Bernard.] C 23 V 15, 16 Paradoxes. [See Nordau, Max.] G 3 U 16 !M'INNES, Duncan. Co-operative Agriculture. 12mo. Manchester, 1887. F 13 V 23 McINTYRE, G. On the state of the Surveys in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1882.) ME 1 Q MACK, Lijuise. [See Creed, Louise.] MacKAIL, J. W. Agla-iaine and Selysctte. [See Maeter- linck, M.] H 11 R 14 MACKAY, ^neas John George. History of Fife and Kinross. 8vo Edinb., 1896. P 16 T 20 MACKAY, Alexander ,AI. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 229 MacKAY, Angus. [lAfe of] Rev. J. ]). Lan- [See Mel- I)iiurn(> Iteview, .'1, 4.] ^lE IS C^> .MacKAY, Angus Mason. Tho Bronti-s in Fact and Fiction. .Svo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q IS MACKAY, Sii- Donald James, Lnnl Reav. [See Keav, Lord.] JIacKAY, Eric. The Lover's Missal. ISuhj. Loud., 1897. il 11 P .-is McKAY, Frederic Edward, and WINGATE, Charle.s. Famous American Actors of To-dav. Illustrvated. 8vo. New York, 1S9G. ' (-' 23 Q G . MACKAY, llev. Ci. L. From Far Formosa : the Island, its People, and Missions. Edited liy Re\-. J. A. Mac- donald. Svo. Edinl)., 1S9C. D 17 S 13 MacKAY, J. K. Treatise on the Law relating to Bankers and Banking Companies. [_See Grant, J.] F 13 R 17 MACKAY, John Charles. Light Railways for tiie United Kingdom, India, and tiie Colonies. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., isyc. A -21 U 11 MACKAY, Dr. John Yule. Human Anatomv. \_See Cleland, Dr. John.] a'12 V 18 MACKAY, Kennelh. The Yellow Wave: a Romance of the Asiiitic Invasion of Australia. Svo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 Q 43 MACKAY, Thomas. Methotls of Social Reform. Svo. Lond., 1S9C. F 8 V 9 The State and Charity. Svo. Loud., ISlis. IMoRK! MACKAY, W. Boyd. Ruined Queensland : the Secret of her Downfall. (Westminster R(!view, 1895.) E McKAY, Dr. W. J. Stewart. Lawson Tait's Perineal Operations, and an Essay on Curettage of the Uterus. Ulu.strated. Svo. Lmid.. 1897. A 31) \' 1 MACKECHNIE, Edmund A. 'riic inlluencc .,f the ideal. (N'.Z. Inst., Trans., 1S97.) ME 2 S M'KECIINIE, Williain Shall). 'J"'"" «t'it<= 'I'lil ll'« I'«l'- vidual : an Introduction to Political Science, with special reference to Socialistic and Individualistic Theories. Svo. Ghisgow, ISDG. K I T 31 M'KENDRICK, Dr. .lohn Gray. W;i.vcs ,,f S.iuiid ami Speech as revealed I ly llic I'linnnLtraph. Illustrated. Svo. L..nd., 1S97. .V 23 T 42 MacK ENZIE, Lieut. 4ien. Colin. [Sketch of. | [Sec Smith, Dr. G.— Twelve Indian State.smen.] C 20 S 10 Mackenzie, Fergus, sprays of Noithcrn Tine. Svo. Ediidi., IS97. ' J 22 Q 27 MACKENZIE, Dr. Hector William Gavin. Grave's Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. —System of Medicine.) A 2G T 37 Phvsical Signs of the Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Sy.stem of Medicine.) A 2G T 37 Diseases of the Thyroid Gland. [See Ord, Dr. W. ]M.] A 26 T 37 MACKENZIE, Sir James I). The Castles of England. Illustrated. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 10 T 13, 14 t MACKENZIE, Dr. John Kenneth. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C. — Great Mi.ssit)naries.] G 14 S 30 MACKENZIE, Dr. Stephen. Purpura. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 McKEOWN, George Maurice. Broom Corn or Broom Millet. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) .MA 4 U 1 E.xperiments with Fodders and Pasture Grasses at the Richmond RiverExperiment Farm. ( Agricult. (Jazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R E.xperiments with Maize at the Richmond River E.xperi- ment Farm. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Experiments with Potatoes at the Richmond River Ex- periment Farm. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 189G.) ME 9 U Miscellaneous Sub-tropical Crops. (Farmers and Fruit- growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Potatoes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' (iuide.) MA 4 U 1 Pumpkins, Squashes, Melons, A-c. (Farmers and Fruit- growers' Guide.) ^lA 4 U 1 Sweet Pt)tatoes. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' (luide.) M .\. 4 U 1 MacKIE, llev. G. M. r.iblr Manners and Customs. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., IS'.IS. G 23 P 34 MacKIE, J. B. Lifi' and Work of Dun. an McLaren. [See McLaren, D.] C 24 P 4, 5 j\lcKlNNEY, Hugh (Jillm. Water Conservation Surveys in New South Wales. (Rov. Soc. of N.S.>\'., Journal, 1896.) ' ME 1 R The Wentwortli Irrigation Scheme. (Agricult. (iazette, N.S.W., I Site.) ■ Ml'! '.I i: MacKinnon, Dr. .lanu";. The I'nion of h'.ngl.and and Scotland: a Sluilv of I ntrni.itional llistoi-y. Svo. Lond., ISllt;. ' ir22 S II MACKINTOSH, Catherine Winkworth. On the Thresh- old of Central Afiici. [See Coillard, F.] D 1.3 U 2 MACKNIGHT, Thomas. Ul.ster as it is, or 28 yeai-s ex- perience as an Irish Editor. 2 vols. Svo. Jjond., 1896. FUU34, 35 230 Fublic Library of Neio South Wales. MacLACHLAN, T. Banks. [Life of] Mun-o Park. [See Park, M.] C 20 V 8 McLaren, Duncan. Life and Work of : by J. B. Mac- Kie. -1 vols. Svo. Lond., 1888. C 2-t P 4, 5 " MACLAREN, Ian." [^See Watson, Rev. John.] McLARTY, F. iL Affairs of the Colony : being a His- tory concerning the Straits Settlements and the British Protected States of the Malay Peninsula. Svo. Penang, 1893. D 18 S 24 MacLAURIN, Dr. Henry Normand. Commemoration Addre.ss, University of Sydney, May 1st, 1897. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1897. MG 1 U 10 MACLAURIN, J. S. On the action of Potassium-Cyanide Solution upon Cxold. (N.Z. Inst., Tran.s., 1895.) ME 2 S MACLEAN, G. R. Rocks ahead ; or, how the Jesuits conquered New South Wales. 4to. Sydney, 1894. (Vol. 1, No. 1, of The Censor.) MG 1 U 6 MacLEAN, Hector. Popular Photographic Processes : a Practical Guide to Printing with Gelatino-Chloride, Artigue, Platinotype, Carbon, Bromide, Collodio- Chloride, Bichromated Gum, and other Sensitised Papers. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 41 Q 6 MacLEAN, HenriJ. Golspie. [&? Nicholson, E. W. B.] P> 32 Q 11 McLEAN, Walter. Observations upon the Korean Coast, Japanese-Korean Ports, and Siberia. ^See Bucking- ham, Lieut. B. H.] " D 20 U 10 MACLEAY, Hon. William. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [SeeShine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC4P4t McLENNAN, J. C. Experimental Physics. [See Loudon, W. J.] A 21 T ;»". M'LENNAN, John Ferguson. Studies in Ancient Hi.s- tory. 2nd ser., comprising an Inquiry into the origin of Exogamy. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 14 U 33 McLEOD, Prof. C. H., and CALLENDAR, Prof. Hugh Langbourne. Observations of Soil Temperatures with Electrical Resistance Tliermometers. \_See JIcGill University. — Papers from the Department of Phvsics.l A 40 S 6 Our Record of Canadian Earthquakes. \_See McGill University. — Papers from the Department of Physics.] A 40 S G M'LEOD, Sir Donald. [Portrait of.] [See Smith, Dr. G. — Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 S 10 MacLeod, ri(jna. From the Hills of Dream : Mountain Songs and Island Tunes. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) H 1 S 25 MacLeod, Henry Dunning. History of Economics. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " F 12 T 8 Indian Currency. Svo. Lond., 1898. F 10 U 30 Monometallism v. Bimetallism. [See Kitson, A, — Scien- tific Solution of the Money Question.] F 10 V 20 MacLeod, Di-. Kenneth. Cholera Asiatica. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 Epidemic Dropsy. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medi- cine.) " A 26 T 35 MacLeod, Norman. [Life of] ; bv John Wellwood. 12mo. Edinl)., 1897. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 U 23 [Life of]; by Rev. Charles Strong. (Melb. Review, 1.) ME 18 Q MacMAHON, Marie Edme Patrice Maurice de, Due de Magenta. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 MacMAHON, Philip. Our Botanic Gardens. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U McMASTER, John Bach. History of the People of the United States. Vol. 4. Svo." New York, 1895. B 18 R4 MacMILLAN, Rev. Hugh, The Spring of the Day. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 26 McMillan, Margaret. Woman in the New Party. (Reid, A. -The New Party.) F 15 P 29 McMillan, Robert, "Globe Trotter" and "Gos.sip." Australian Gossip and Storv. Svo. Sydney, 1895. ;MJ3R11 Unsuccessful Competitors, and other Stories. Svo. Sydney, 1897. (Brooks' Series.) MJ 3 S 23 The Woolly Festival : a Record of the Sydney Stud Sheep Sales and Annual Sheep-breeders' Show, 1896- 98. Svo. Sydney, 1896-98. MA 3 T 58 McMillan, Waiter G. Electric Smelting and Refining. [See Borchers, Dr. W.] ' A 38 T 1 Metals. [See Huntington, Alfred Kii'hy.] A 25 Q 43 McMillan, Wllliam. Speech on the Referendum as a mode of settling disputes between the two Houses of Parliament. Svo. Sydney, 1896. MF 2 Q 20 MACMILLAys MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-77, 1859-Aprii, 1898. 77 vols. Svo. Lond., 1859-98. E McMULLEN, John. History of Canada from its First Discovery ti) the Present Time. Svo. Brockville, 1868. ■ ]! 18 R 20 McMULLEN, Richard Turrill. Down Channel ; with Introduction by D. Kemp. Re^^sed ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1893. D 19 P 10 Siqjplemeiitary Catalogue — 1896-98. 231 MrMl'RUTCK, J)r. J. Playfair. A Tcxt-l)..ok of Tnvcrto- luatc .Morjiholi vy. 8v(.. New York. 1 81)i. A 'll T 1 i MacNAI!, Frances. Jiritisli Coluiuliia for Settlers : its Miiie.s, Trade, and Agriculture. With Maps. )Svo. Loud., 1.S98. D IG U VI On Veldt and Farm, iji Ueeliuanaland, Capo Colony, the Transvaal, and Natal. Svo. Lond., 1897. 1) 11 li -M MacNAMAUA, N. C. Story oi an Irish Sejit : tlieir Character and Struggle to maintain tlieir Lands in Clare. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B .'54 F 17 MacNAMARA, T. J. Education. (Si.xtv Years of Em- pire.) ' B 22 R 18 MacNAMARA, Walter Henry. Paley's Law and Practici^ of Summary Convictions. \_See Paley, W.] F 9 P 67 M'NAUGHT, I). Ainiu.-il Burns Chronicle and Olul. Directory. {See Annual.] J 19 A\' 1 McNAUGHT, W. (i. ^Nlusic in Primary Schools. (Internat. Health E.vhib. -Health E.xhih. Literature.) A 41 Y 9 MACOUN, John. Catalogue of Canadian Plants, [See Canada. — Geological Survey.] A 20 V 25 MacPHAIL, J. R. N. The Arms of the Royal and Par- liamentary Burghs of Scotland. [See Bute, Marcjuess of.] ' K 17 S 25 t Letters written by Mrs. Grant, of Laggan, concerning Highland Affairs and per.sons connected with the Stuart Cau.se in the 18tli Century. [See Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubs., 2G.] " • E MACPHERSON, Hector Carsewell. Life of Thomas Carlyle. [See Carlyle, Thomas.] C 20 T 10 MacPHEIiSON, Re\. .lohii. Christian Dogmatics. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. (; 2:5 S ,31 MacPHERSON, Stewart. Interludes. [5ee Bani.ster, H. C] A41T2 M'PHEPiSON, Uniuharl. Commerce and Banking. (Mel- bourne Review, (J.) ME 18 (.,) MACQUARIE LIGH'J'HOL'SE. Account of the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the new Macfjuario Liglit- hou.sc, March 1st, 1880. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. [Ex- tract from S. M. Herald, March 2iid, 1880.] MJ 3 R 28 MACQUOTD, Katharine Sarah. [Mrs. T. K. j [Lives (,f| Julia Kavaiiagh and Amelia Blandford Edwards. [See Women Novelists of (jiieeii Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S ;! — , and (iillieil, S. Ill ihe \'nlcanic Eifel : a Holi- day Ramble. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. I) 18 S 18 McRAE, George Gordon. | Portrait of. | [See .Vlbiim ot' Australian Writr^rs.] !\1.\ |.j p ♦ McRAE, TJeul.-Col. John Graham. List of (iiijeral Trees. [S^e Wils(m. G. JL D.) E MACREADY, William Charles. Lifcf ; bv W. T. Price. 18mo. New York, 1894. " C19P1 [Life of.] [See Hamiiierton, ,1. A.- The Actor'.s Art.] H 1 S31 [Portrait of] as Virginius. [See Si.vty Year.s of Empire.] B 22 R 18 MacRITCHIE, Rev. William. Diary of a T.mr through Great Britain. With an Introduction and Notes by David MacRitchie. 8vo. Lond., 1897. 1) IIS 10 M'V'TTTIE, James. "Riding the ^Marches " round La- bour's Estate. 12mo. Manchester, 1881. F 12 S 20 ^lACY, Prof. Jesse. TIk? English Constitution : a Com- mentary on its Nature and (irowth. 8vo. New York, i897. F 13 R 9 MADDEN, Rt. Hon. Dodgson Hamilton. The Diary of jNIaster William Silence : a Study of Shakespeare and of Elizabethan Sport. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 35 T 18 MADDEN, Frank. Grass Lands of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1895, MA 3 U 37 MADDEN, John. The Wilderne.ss and its Tenants: a Series of Geographical and other Essay.s, illustrative of Life in a Wild Country, together with E.xjjerience.s and Obser^•ations culled from the Great Book of Nature in many Lands. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. D 19 S 4-6 MADGWICK, Rev. E. D. An Historical Sketch of St. Peter's Church, Cook's River, Sydney. 8\o. Sj'dney, 1896. " MG 2 Q 55 MADISON, Dolly. [Life of] : by iMaud Wilder Goodwin. 8vo. Limd., 189G. " C 20 IM4 MADISON, James. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah. — Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 MADRAS AA'ir ALMAXAC for 1860, with a (Jeneral li(>gister and Directorv for .Madras and Home. Svo. Madra.s, 1859. ' E MADRAS PRESIDENCY ■.—Govprmmnt Departments— lii'piirts and I'lthlicntiniix. Administration. INIanual of the Aihninistration of the ^M.ulras Presidency, in illustration of the Records of (iovernment and the Yearly Administration Rejiorts, Articles on Geography, I'jtlinology, and Ilistorv, taken from the first vol. Sm. fol. Maclnus, 188(;. D 29 Q 20 + Report on the Administration of the Madra.s Presidency, 1875-97. 22 voLs. Svo. and fol. Madras, 1875-97. E Census. [See India. — Census, 14, 15.] E Education. Report on Public Instruction in the .Madras Pi-esideiicy, 1875-97. 22 vols Svo. and fol. Madras, 1875-97. E M.VDSEN, C. L. Tliernio-(ieograi)hical Sturough : being the I'ord Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in the October Term <>f 1897, together with an .\|)pendix of Notes relating to the History of the T(j\vn of Cambridge. Roy. 8vo. Camb., 1898. B 16 V- 1 MAITL.AND, Sir James Kamsay Gib.son. The Culture of Salmonida^and the .Xcciimatisation of Fish. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. - Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 6 MAITLAND, Sir Thomas. [Life .if]; by \\-. 1' Lord. 8vo. I^md., 1897. C 23 S 10 MAITL.VNI) CLUli. Higistrum Monasterii de Pa.sselet. Edited by Cosmos limes. Sm. Itii. Passelef, 1877. ( ; 1 .5 T 25 MAITI.AXD DAILY MEHCriiY, Tlf, l896-.lune, l89s. 5 vols. fol. Mailland. 1896-98. M K 2 u MAITLAXD WEEA'LY AfERCURY, The, 1896-97. 2 vols. fol. Maitland, 1896-97. ME MAJENDIE, Sir Vivian Dering. Guide-book to the Ex- plosives Act, 1875, and to the Order,s-in-Council and Order of the Secretary of State made under that Act, with remarks upon the E.\plosive Substances Act, 1883. 18mo. Lond., 1897. A 22 P 48 MAKARONY FABLES. [See " Cosmo."] H 9 T 30 MAKART, Han.s. Illustrated Biograjjhy of. [See Duma.s, F. G.^Illustrated Biographies of M(xlern Artists.] C 1 P 17 J [Reproduction of his Pictures] The Wedding of Bacchu.s and Ariadne, and Charles V entering Antwerp. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 J Mx^LAN, Rev. Solomon Ca>sar. ^lomorials of his Life and Writings ; by Rev. A. M. Malan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189^. C 25 Q 2 MALDERGHEM, Jean Van. Les Fleurs de lis de I'An- cienne Monarchic Franc^aise : leurOrigine, leur Nature, leur Symbolisme. Roy. 8yo. Bruxelles, 1894. K 17 T 13 La Verite sur le Goedendag. lllustiatcd. Roy. Svo. Bruxelles, 1895. |; i; r 20 MALLARME, Stfeiihane. Un Cou]) de Des jamais n'abolira le Hasard : Poeme. (Cosmopolis, May, 1897.) E Divagations. 12nio. Pari.s, 1897. J 21 P 24 La Musique et les Lettres. 12mo. Pari.s, 1895. J 21 P 23 Pages. Imp. Svo. Bruxelles, 1891. J 21 IT' 15 Vers et Prose : Morceaux Choisis. 3rd ej. With Por- trait. 12mo. Pari.s, 1893. J 21 P 22 Vathek reiniprinn' sur I'Original Fran(,'ais. [See Beck- ford, W.] J 21 P 25 [Ver.ses by.] [See Verlaine, P. — Les Poutes Maudits.] H 1 1 U 33 Villiers de I'lsle-Adam. [Sec Villiers de I'l.sle-Adam, P. A. M., Comte de.] J 21 P 2(i MALLEE COUNTRY OF VICTORT.V : lieing a short Account of the wonderful development of tlie Mallet* Lands of Victoria, andgi\ing full jiarticulars of allot- ments for sale to intending selectors. Illustrated. Sni. 4to. Melb. (n.d.) .M D 8 l{ 52 MALLIMIY, Lieul.-Col. Garrick. Introduction to tlio Study of Sign Language among the Nortli American Indians as illustrating the (iesture Speech of M.inkind. 4to. Wash., 18,S0. J 1.! \V 27 t .M.\LLi;S( )N, Ui\. I'rederick Aiiuuiius. Letters to tiie Clergy on the Lor original MS. at Alloa House; with a Biographical Introduction and Notes by the Hon. Stuai-t Erskine. \_See Scottish History Soc. Pubs., 20.] E MARCH, Dr. Francis Andrew. Comparative Crannnarof lh(! Anglo-Saxon Language, in which its forms ai'e illus- trated Ijy those of the Sanskrit, (ireek, Latin, (Jothic, Old Saxon, Old Friesic, Old Nor.se, and Old high-(!cr- man. 8vd. New York, 1.^75. J 14S22 MARCH, Thomas. History of the Paris Connnune of 1871. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 34 R 7 -MARCH AM, Gcrviuse, or Jci'vis. A Health to the (lentlemanly Profession of Seruingnien. Sm. 4to. Lond., 159H. (Ho.vburghe Library.) J 2 T 30 MARCHAN'T, William. Romanti.- India. [See (,'hev- rillon, Andre.] D 17 T 29 MARCHESI, Mathilde. Marchcsi and Music: Pas.sages from the Life of a famous Singing-teaclici-. With I'nr- trait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 U 3 MARCHMONT, Frederick. The three Cruikshanks : a Bibliographical Catalogue describing more than 500 works illustrated by Isaac, George, and Robert Cruik- shank. With Introduction by J. Moore. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A40R4 JMARCOU, Jules. Life, Letters, and Works of Louis Agassiz. [See Agassiz, Louis.] C22S14, 15 MARCROFT, William. A Co-operative Village : how to conduct it, and where to form it. 1 2ino. Manchester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 .MARGARET OF ANJOU, Queen of England. [Sketch "f.] [&e Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARGOLIOUTH, George. Descriptive List of the Hebrew and Samaritan MSS. in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] K 1 1 Q 4 jMARGUERITE D'ANG0ULE:\IE, Queen of Navarre. Life of ; by I\lartha "Walker Freer. 2 vols. I'oy. 8vo. Cleveland, O., 1895. C 21 U 1, 2 MARGUERITE OF FRANCE, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARIBOE, Alexander. Tlir l>anish Dairy. (Internat. Health Exhib.— -Health Exhil). Literature.) A 41 V 2 MARIE ANTOINETTE, Queen of France. The Due de Lauzun and the Court of Marie Antoinette. [Su Maugras, G.] B 34 R 9 Marie .\nt(jinette. [See Tschudi, C] B 34 R 4 Marie Antoinette, the Dauphine. [Srr Nolhae, Pierre de. B 18 Q 15 t Memoirs of t lie Court of Marie Antoinette. [Sft'Campan, Mme.] B 33 R 8, 9 Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 The Story of Marie Antoinette. [&€ Bicknell, AnnaL.] B 17 R 19 MARIE LOUISE, Queen of France. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bona parte.] H 1 T 15 iMARIE THERESA, Queen of Hungary. I^Iaric The- resa. [See Bright, Rev. J. F.] ' B 17 P 47 MARTLLIER, H. C. Men and Women of the Century [See Lehmanii, Rudolf.] A 10 T 17 f M.\R1NDIN, George Ed<-n. Letters of Frederic, Ix)rd Blachford. [See J51achfoi-d, FiiHleric, Lord.] C 23 V 25 MARIO, Jessie White Va. The Poor in Naple.s. (The Poor in Great Cities.) p 13 U 25 MARK, Dr. i;. L. Embryology of Invertebrates. [Set Korschelt, Dr. E.J A 38 P 18 236 Public Library of New South Wales. :MARKEX, J. Vos van. De Togt door Torres-straat. (Verhandelingen en Berigten, 1858.) E MARK HAM, Sir Clements Clowes, W. L.] The Roval Xavv. {_See B17'R4, of MARKS, John George. Life and Letters of Frederick Walker. [See Walker. F.] C 1i U 1 MARLATT, C. L. Important Insecticides. \_See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Principal Household Insects of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of En- tomology.] A 36 V 23 Principal Insect Enemies of the Grape. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Divisi(m of Entomology.] A 41 U 6 Revision of the Nematinte of North America. \_See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of En- tomology.] A 41 U 6 San Jose Scale. [_See Howard, L. O.] A 41 U 6 MARLOWE, Christopher. Conjectural Readings on the Tevt of. \_See Deighton, K.— The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 Kinr' Edwaril II. [See Donowan, T. ^English Historical Pfays.] ' H 10 W 19 M ARLOWE-TABER, Julia. [See Taber, Julia Marlowe-.] :MAR0T, Clement. The Medal Reversed. [See Tandam, Albert D.— Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 12 MARPR ELATE, ilartin. Epitome. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 MARRIOTT, William. Some occasional Winds and their influence on Health. (Internat. Health ^xhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 1 MARSDEX, Richard. Cotton Weaving: its Develop- ment, Principles, and Practice. 12m(). Lond., 1895. A 23 P 21 MARSDEN, William Joseph Lindsay, and DALGLEISH, William. Indexed Ready Reckoner for Invoicing Tallow, Bark, Bones, and (ieneral ^Merchandise. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1898. MA 5 R 9 + ilARSH, C. W. Notes on some Broken Hill and other Barrier Minerals. (Australasian Tn.st. of Mining En- gineers, Trans., 1897.) ME 18 P Probable relation between the Zinciferous Sulphide Oi-es and the Oxidi.se 17 M.\I!TI\, Edwards. Country (Ihibs .iiid llimt Chibsi,, .\merica. (Out -of door Library.) .\ In (.,» 1 .M.M'.TrN, Ceoffrey. |Lifeof| Frances Howard, C'ounte.ss of Somerset. [See Somerset, Connti'ss of.] C 21 t^ L'O MARTIN, Helen [Lady Theodore] Helen Faucit. [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of F^mpire.] B L'2 R 18 M.\RTIN. J. The (Jiant Binder. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.AV., 189G.) ME 9 R M.VRTIN, Sir James. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— .\ustralian Portrait Gallery.] .MC 4 P 4 t MAliTIN, Dr. Sidney. Poisoning by FVid (Ptomaine Poisoning). ( Allbutt, Dr. T. C— Svstem of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 Tuberculo.si.s. (.\llbutt. Dr. T. C. - Sy.stem of Medicine.) X 2G T 3.-. .M.VRTIN, Capt. Stephen. Life of. [See Navy Records Soc. Pubs., 5.] " ■ E 5I.VRTIN, Sir Theodore. Rectorial Address, delivered at the l'ni\ersity of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] ■ G ITT 18 yEneid of Virgil. [See Vii-gilius .Maro, P.] H 10 W 9 MARTIN, Tlxmias Commerford, and SACHS, Jo.seph. Electiical Boats and Navigation. Svo. New York, I'^l't- A 21 U 15 .MARTIN, Rev. William .Vle.xander Par.sons. .\ Cycle of Cathay; or, China, South and North. lllusti-ated. Svo. "Edinb., 189(5. D 17 S 17 MARTJrs HOME AM) FARM : a Monthly Journal for .Australian F^irniers. Vols. S -1 1, 1 894 97. 4 vols fob Sydney, 1S94 97. .ME 16 T MARTINDALE, William. Tlu' Extra Pharmacopceia, revised in accoidance with the British Pharmacopieia, 1898; with a Therapeutic Index l)y W. W. Westcott. ISmo. Lond., 189s. " _\ -Jj; p ;{;5 .MARTINE.-VU, Harriet. [Critici.sm of the Works of.] [5c« Craik, Henry.-- English Pro.se.] J G Q 38* iMuiiloynients for Women. [See Pratt, E. A.— Pioneer \\ oiiH II ill Victoria's Reign.] C 23 CJ 19 |Poiliait and Sketch of.] [See iluiibard, E. — Little Jouineys to the Homes of l''amous Women.] C 19 P 12 M.\in'I.Ni:.\r, Uev. James. Essays, Reviews, and .Vd- dresses. I vols. .s;vo. Lond., 1890 91 J 14 T 27-30 1. IV'iHDiiid, riiliti.iil. '1. Kcclcsiiistiial, Hi.stiiiiiiil. .'!. Tllu<>liij;i(iil, l'liiliisi>|ilii('al. 4. Ai-ailcinical, Kuligiou.s. I Portrait of.] [Set Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 .M.\ l; 11 NS, ( lliveira. The ]':ii^dand of today; from the I'ortUKuese of Oliveira Martins. Translated by C. J. Willd.'y. 8vf Agriculture. — Weather Bureau.] ' A 19 V 32 Instructions for the use of ma.ximum and minimum Radiation Thermometers. [See United States. — De- partment of Agriculture. — Weather Bureau.] A19V33 MARX, Karl. The Eastern Question : a Reprint of Letters written 18.53-56, dealing with the events of the Crimean War. Edited by E. M. and E. Aveling. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 Q 3G Revolution and Counter-Revolution : or, Germany in 1848. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 27 Q 7 Value, Price, and Profit. Edited by Eleanor Marx Aveling. 12mo. Lond., 1898. " F 1.5 P 26 Karl Marx and the Close of his System. [See Bohm- Bawerk, E. von.] F 15 Q 25 MARY II, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] ■ C 23 S 7 MARY BEATRIX OF .MODENA, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Ci-own Jewels.] C 23 S 7 MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. :Mary Queen of Scots, from her birth to her flight into England : a brief Biography, with Critical Notes, a few Documents hitherto unpublished, and an Itinerary by D. H. Fleming. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 24 T 17 MARY TUDOR, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] ' C 23 S 7 MARYLAND: — State Departments. — Reports and I'attJi- catiiiiis. Agricultural College. The Maryland Agricultural College Announcement, 1897-98. 8vo. (n. p.) 1898. E MASKELL, William Miles. Coccid Notes. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895-97.) ME 2 S Notes on some Genera and Species of Coccidip. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Aug., 1895.) E On some Tick-parasites of the Kiwi. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S MASKELYNE, John Nevil. Modern Spiritualism : a short Account of its Rise and Progress, with some Exposures of so-called Spirit Media. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) G 15 U 13 MASON, Alfred Bishop, and Mary Murdoch. The Four- teen Miles Round. (Goodwin, M. W. — Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 I^IASON, Rev. Arthur James. The Mission of St. Augus- tine to England, according to the original documents : being a Hand-book for the 13th Centenar}-. 8vo. Camb., 1897. G"11 U 19 [Life of] Thomas Cranmer. [See Cranmer, T.] C 23 S 19 ]\IASON, Charlotte M. Parents and Children. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 17 T 7 MASON, Edwaril Campbell. The Veto Power : its Origin, De\'elopmcnt, and Function in the Government of the United States. Svo. Boston, 1891. (Harvard Uni- versity Pulls. — Harvard Hist. Monographs.) F 15 V 1 ^NIASON, L. Breeding of Sheep and Improvement of ^V'f)ol. (S. Aust. Chaml)er of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 MASON, Dr. R. Osgood. Telejjathy and Subliminal Self: an Account of recent Investigations regarding Hyp- notism, Automatism, Dreams, Phantasms, and related jihenomena. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 11 U 17 MASON, T. Account of the Plants growing at "The Gums," Taita. (N.Z. In.st., Trans., 1896.) ' ME 2 S ^lASON, Lieut. Theodoras B. M. The War on the Pacific Coast of South America between Chile and the allied Republics of Peru and Bolivia, 1879-81. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1883. B 19 T 16 MASON, Prof. William P. Water-supply; considered principally fi'om a sanitary standpoint. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 22 T 5 MASON-BEATTY, A. E. [See Beatty, A. E. Mason-.] :»IASPERO, Prof. Gaston Camille Charles. The Struggle of the Nations : Egypt, Syria, and Assyria. Edited by A. H. Savce, and translated by M. L. ilcClure. Imp. 8vo. Lmul, 1890. ' B 17 U 18 MASSACHUSETTS : — State Departments— Reports and Publu-atioHS. Auditor of Accounts. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, lWt3, E Board of Agriculture. The Gypsy Moth : Repoit of the work of destroying the insect in the Common- wealth of Massachusetts, together with an Account of its History and Habits, both in Massachusetts and Europe ; by Edward H. Forbush and Charles H. Fer- nald. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1896. A 38 P 11 Board of Health. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, IS 1)2. E Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Annual Reports, 1876-84, 1887-89, 1891-97. 16 vols. Svo. Boston, 1876-97. E Annual Statistics of Manufactures, 1886-96. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886-97. E Highways. Report of the Commission to improve the Highways of the Commonwealth, 1893. 8vo. Boston, 1893. F13U17 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-9S. 239 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pro- ceedings. Vol. 11. I'lul ser., L'^ge-'J". ff Gt. Brit., Journ., 1895.) E Bull-roai'ers used by the Austi'alian .Aborigines. (An- thropol. Inst, of Gt. Britain, Journ., 1897.) E The Burbung of the Darkinung Tribes. (Roy. Soc, Vict, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P Burbung of New England Tribes, N.S.AN". {Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P The Burbung of the Wiradlliuri Tribes. 2 pts. 8vo. Lond., 1896-97. MA 4 Q 4 Hand-book to ^Magisterial Inquiries in New South Wales: being a Practical (iuide for Justices of the Peace in holding inquiries respecting deaths. 3rd ed. 8vo. Parramatta, 1896. MF 4 R 64 Kamilaroi Class System of the Australian Aborigines. 8vo. Brisb., 1894. MA 4 Q 4 Pamphlets on the Aborigines of Australia. Svo. Vari ous Places, 1893-97. :\IA 4 Q 4 Rock Carving by the Australian Aborigines. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ' ME 1 T Rock Paintings and Carvings of tlie Aborigines of New South Wales. Svo. Brislj., 1895. JIA 4 Q 4 Rock Paintings and Carvings of the Australian Aborigines. (Anthropol. Inst, of Gt. Brit., Journ., 1895, 1897.) E Rock Pictures of the Australian .\boriu'in<'s. 8vo. Brisb., 1896. -MA 4 Q 4 Stone Cooking-holes and (iiiioves for Stone grinding, used by the Australian Aboiigiiu^s. (Anthropol. Inst, of Gt. Brit., .luiirn., 1895.)' E The Wandarral of the Richmond and Clarence River Tribes. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P MATHEWS, I'rof. Shailer. The Social Teaching of Jesus : an Essiiy in Christian Sociologv. 8vo. New York, 1897. ■ G 11 U 25 M ATI LDA, Queen of En;;land. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 M ATTLDA OF BOULOGN \\ Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown J<'wels.] C 23 S 7 MA'l'ILDA t)K SCOTLAND, Queen of England. [Sketch of.] [See Crown Jewels.] C 23 S 7 >L\TTI';i\, .liicques. Le Mysticismeen France au tem])s de I'eneKm. [Sec Church, U. W.. Dean — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 240 Public Library of New South Wales. MATTHEW, James E. Hand-book of Musical History and Bibliogi-iiphy from St. Gregory to the present time. Illustratetr .Svii. Loud., 1H98. " A 40 R 7 The Literature of Music. 12mo. Loud.. 1S'J6. A T.\ P liG MATTHEWS, Charles P., and SHEARER, John. Prob- lems and Questions in Physics. Svo. New Yt)rk, 1897. " A ii T 34 MATTHEW'S, H. The means by which School Instruction may be made to contribute most effectively to the material advancement of the Colony, l-'mo. Sydney (n.d.) ' M(i -i T 20 ^lATTHEWS, James Jjraudcr. Americanisms and Briti- cisms, with otlier Essays on other isms. ISmo. New York, LsyL>. ' J 1 R. 47 Bookbindings Old and New : Notes of a Book-lovei-. 8yo. Lond., 1S9G. A 23 P 10 Comedies for Amateur Acting, with a Prefatory Note on Private Theatricals. 1 Smo." New York, 1 880. H 1 2 P 6 The Decision of the Court. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 189ri. H 12 P 27 A Family Tree, anil other Stories. .Sv,,. New York, 1889. " J 22 R 36 Frank Wylde. (Matthews, J. B. — Comedies for Amateur Acting.) H 12 P6 French Dramatists of the TJth Century. New ed. 8vo. New York, 1891. ' H 12 R 1 In the Vestibule, Limited. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1892. J 1 R 49 Introduction to the Study of ^Vuierican Literature. 8v(j. New York, 1896. ' J 22 R 37 Outlines in Local Colour. Illustrated. 8yo. New York, 1898. J 22 R 41 Poems of American Patriotism. 8vo. New York 1882. H 12 R 2 The Royal ^larine. Illustrated. 18mo. New York 1894.' J 1 R 36 Secret of the Sea. 8yo. New York, 1886. J 22 R 39 The Story of a Story, and other Stories. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. J 21 P 36 Studies of the Stage. 18mo. New York, 1894. H 1 2 P 7 Theatre of Paris. Illustrated. 18mo. New York 1880. H 12 Q 1 This Picture and that. Illustrated. 18mo. New York. 1894. H 12 P 28 Tom Pauling: tlie Story of a search for buried treasure in the streets of Ne\v York. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1892. J 22 R 42 Vignettes of Manhattan. Illustrated. (S\() New York, 1894. J oo j^ .^^ With my Friends: Tales tarlnership. JSvo New York, 1891. J 2 R 40 , and JESSOP, George H. A Tale of twenty-five hours. 12mo. New York, 1S92. J 1 R 20 MATTOS, Alexander TeLxeira de. Memoirs of Marshal Oudinot. [See Oudinot, Marshal N. C] C 21 U 13 Recollections of Alexis de Toqueville. [_See Tocijueville, Alexis de.] F 12 T 25 MAUDE, Cyiil. [Art of Acting.] \_See Haunnerton, J. A.— The Actor's Alt.] H 1 S 31 MAUDSLEY, Dr. Henry. Natural Causes and Super- natuial Seemings. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lund., 1897. G 11 S 39 MAL'^GRAS, Gaston. The Due de Lauzan and the Courts of Louis XV and Marie Antoinette. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895-96. B 34 R 8, 9 MAULT, A. Antarctic Exploration. (Rov. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1894-95.) ' ME 1 Q Notes on a MS. Chart in the ISritish Museum showing Tasman'.s Tracks in the Voyage of 1642-44. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc.,' 1894-95.) ME 1 Q MAUNDER, E. ^\■alter. Notes on the Zodiacal Light. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 19 S 28 The Recent Eclipse. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 19 S 28 Some Astronomical Reconls in ancient Chinese Books. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 19 S 28 MAUNDEVILE, Sir.bilni. The Marvellous Adventures of, 1356. Edited by A. Lavard. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 19 S 2 5IAURICE, Charles Edmund. Bohemia, from the Earliest Times to the Fall of National Independence in 1620 ; with a short Summary of Later Events. 8vo. Lend., 1896. B16R47 MAURICE, Mai. -Gen. F. National Defences. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V 22 War. Reproduced, with amendments, from the article in the last edition of the " Encyclopivdia Britannica;" to which is addeil, an Essay on Military Literature, and a list of books with brief comments. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 32 R. -58 Memoirs of Baron Lejeune. \_See Lejeune, Louis Fran- (;ois, Baron.] ' B 17 R 46, 47 MAURICE, Rev. Frederick Denison. The Prayer-book considered especially in reference to the Romisli sys- tem. 8vo. Loud.," 1880. G 19 U 20 [Sketch of.] \See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 [Sketch of] [See Haweis. Rev. H. R.— The Dead Pulpit.] G19T21 Theological Essay.s. {See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occa- sional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 241 MAURITIUS : — Government Deparlmenls — Reports and Pnhlicntioiis. Census. Appendices to Commissioners Report, lt<'Jl. Fol. (ii.p.ii.d.) E Civil Service. Mauritius Civil List, 1868, 1891, 1894. 3 vols. fol. Mauritius, 18G8-94. E MAURY, Prof. Bonct. Faculties of T]ieoloj,'y in the Uni- versity of France. (Internat. Health E.\liilj. — Health Exhil). Literature.) A 4 I V 1 1 MAVER, William. American Telegraphy : Systems, Ap- paratus, and Operation. Tllu.strated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 34 V 7 MAX DE PROSKOWETZ, Le Chevalier. Cuidc Agri- cole et Forestier de rAustriehe. [French and (Jerman. | 18mo. Vienne, 1890. A 18 P 29 MAXIMILIAN, Alexander Philipp, Prince of Wied. Travels in the Interior of North America. Translated hy H. Evans LI, lyd. ltd. Loud., IS i;!. 1 ) 1 7 T l' t MAXIMUS TYRIUS. Dissertationes. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. Dul)ner. Imp. 8vo. Parisiis, 1842. J 18 V 2:? MAXWELL, C. F. On Alterations in the Coast-line of the Nf)rth Island of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1890.) ME 2 S MAXWELL, Sir Herbert. History of Dumfries and Galloway. 8vo. Edinh., lH9fi. i! K! T 1 1 Robert the Bruce and the Struggle for Scottish Inde pendence. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. B 17 P 46 Memoir of Sir Charles Murray. [See Murray, Sir C] C 25 R 1 MAXWELL, James Clerk. Janu's Clerk Maxwell and Modern Physics ; by R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1S9G. C 19 V 20 MAXWELL, Mary Monica. [See Scott, Mrs. Maxwell.] MAXWELL, Maj.-Gen. Patrick. Nathan the Wise. [See Les.sing, G. E.] H 10 U 10 M.XXWELL, William. Wli vols. fol. Hobart, 1896-97. ME MEREDITH, George. The Adventures of Harry Rich- mond. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 22 P 6 Diana of the Crossway.s. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. J 22 P 1 The Egoist : a Comedy in Narrative. Svo. Lond., 1897. ' J 22 P 7 Essay on C(miedy and the uses of the comic spirit. 8v(). Lond., 1897. 11 10 W 22 Jump to (Mory Jane. Edited and arranged by Harry Quilter. Illustrated. 12mo. Lcmd., 1892. H 11 T 2 Modern Love : a Reprint, to which is added the Sage Enamoured and the Honest Lady. 12mo. Lond., 1891. ' I! 10 U 22 The Ordeal of Richard Feverel : a hisiorx of a father and son. 8vr). Lond., 1897. J 22 P 3 A Reading of Earth. 12mo. Lond., 189ri. H 10 U 23 Rhoda Fleming. Svo. Lond., 1S97. J 22 P 2 Sandra Belloni, originallv Kniilia. in l'>iigland. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " J 22 P4 The Shaving of Shagpat. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 P 9 Tale of Chloe, and other Stories. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 P 10 The Tragic Comedians: a Stu.] V 12 T 8 J. S. Mill on Knowledge; by A Montgomery. [Sec Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 (j MILL, John Stuart — could. Philosophy of. [See Martineau, Re\-. J. — Essays, Re- views, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 Rectorial Addresses, delivered at the University of .St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G 17 T 18 Sketch of. [See (Jodkin, E. L. — Reflections and Coni- nients.] .1 1 2 S 45 Student's Hand-book, synoptical and explanatory, of J. .S. Mill's System of Logic. [See Killick, Rev. A. H.] G 9 V 10 MILLAIS, Sir John Everett. Millaisand his NN'orks, with .special reference to the Exhibiti(jn at the Royal Academy, 1898 ; by M. H. Spielmann. With a chap- ter on thoughts on our Art of to-daj'. Illustrated. Svo. Edinb., 1898. C 23 U 4 Illustrated Biography of. [See Dumas, F. G. — Illu.strated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 * [Portrait f the Works of] Sir William Hamilton. [See Craik, Henry. English Prose.] .1 G Q 38* .MILLAR, Jame.s. History of Dogma. [See Harnack, Key. A.] " G 23 S :IS, 39 MILLAR, William. Plastering, Plain and Decorative : a Practical Treatises on the Art and Craft of IMastering and Modelling, together with an Account of Jlistoriral Printing in I'jigland, .Seotland, .and Ireland, accom- jianii'd l>v numerous examples. With .'in 1 ntriKluctory Chapter, entitled. " .\ (ilinipseof its History," by G. T. Rdbin.son. Illustrated. Sm. Ito. Lond., \S\)7. A 10 X 9 t 246 Public Library of New South Wales. MILLARD, Godfrey William. Law of Personal Proj)erty in New Soutli Wales, founded on M'illiams' Principles of the Law of Personal Property. Hvo. Sydney, 1898. MF 2 Q 36 MILLER, Dr. Alexander K. Fermentation. [See Hansen, Dr. E. C] " A 25 U 17 MILLER, Lieut. E. D. Modern Polo. Edited by Capt. M. H. Hayes. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 29 R 36 MILLER, Dr. Edmund H. Notes on Assaying. [See Ricketts, Dr. Pieri-e de Peyster.] A 2-1- V 38 iWTLLER, Prof. Edward F. Steam Boilers. [See Pea- body, Prof. C. H.] A 37 R 7 MILLER, Fred. The Training of a Craft.sman. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898." A 23 S 41 MILLER, Gerrit S. Genera and Subgenera of Voles and Lemmings. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 41 Revision of the North American Bats of the Family Vespertilionidfe. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 41 MILLER, Hugh. [Life of] ; bv W. Keith Leask. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. ■ C 20 T 13 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] ^ J 6 Q 38* MILLER, Hugh, jun. Geology of the Country around Otterburn and Elsdon. [See Gt. Biitain and Ireland. — Geolog. Survey of England and Wales.] A 34 T 17 MILLER, Rev. J. R. Story of a Busy Life: Recollections of Mrs. George A. Paull. [See Paull, ^Minnie E.] C23P11 MILLER, Joaquin. Sketch of. [See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 MILLER, Miss S. A. Training of Teachers for Element- ary Schools. (luternat. Health Exhib. — Health E.xhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 MILLER, Thomas. Old English Version of Bede's Eccle- siastical History of the English People. [See Early English Text Soc. Pubs.] E MILLER, William. The lialkans : Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro. 8vo. Lond., 1896. 1> 16 R 48 MILLEB, Dr. Willoughliy D. The Micro-organisms of the Human Mouth ; the Local and General Diseases which are caused Ijy them, illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1890. A 32 S 21 MILLET, Jean Francois. His Life and Letters ; by " Julia Cartwright " (Mrs. Henry Ady). Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C19 U 18 J. F. Millet and Rustic Art. [See Naegely, H.] A 5 T 24 MILLS, Dr. Charles K. Apoplexy, Brain Tumor, Spinal Tumor, Meningitis, Cerebritis, and Neuritis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 The Nervous System and its Diseases : Practical Treatise on Neurology for the u.so of Physicians and Students. Illustrated. " Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. A 40 S 13 MILLS, Thomas R. Student's Companion to Latin Authors. [See Middleton, G.] J 16 R 43 MILLS, Dr. Thomas Wesley. Nature and Development of Animal Intelligence. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 13 T 50 The Cat, the Dog, and the Dog and Cat compared. [See McGill University. — Papers ft-om the Dept. of Physiology.] " A 40 S 21 The Functional Development of the Cerebral Cortex in diflerent Groups of Animals. [See McGill University. — Papei's from the Dept. of Physiology.] A 40 S 21 The Pigeon and the Domestic Fowl. [See McGill Uni- versity. — Papersfromthe Dept. of Physiology.] A40S21 The Rabbit and the Cavy or Guinea Pig. [See McGill University. — Papers from the Dept. of Physiology.] " A 40 S 21 MILMAN. Henry Hart, Dean of St. Paul's. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Savonarola, Erasmus, and other Essays. [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 ;\1TLN, W. S. The Scotch, East Coast, Orkney and Shet- land, Lewis and Barra Herring Fishing. (Internat. Fisheries E.xhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 MILNE, F. A. Ecclesiology. [See Gentleman's Magazine Library.] A 19"u 10 :\[TLNE, G. Grinnell-. Life of Lieut.-Adniiivd De Ruyter. [See Ruytor, Lieut.-Adm. M. A, de.] C 20 S 4 MILNES, Richard Monckton, Lord Houghton. [See Houghton, Lord.] MILTON, John. Areopagitica. (Rhys, E. — Literary Pamphlets.) ' ' HUTS Life of; by R. Garnett. 8vo. Lond., 1890. C 20 S 15 The Age of Milton. [See Masternian, Rev. J. H. B.] J 14 P 32 The Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost. [See Orchard, Dr. T. N.] A 19 U 19 [Essay on] Milton's Prose. [See Stracliey, J. St. Loe. — From Grave to (iay.] J 14 U 38 Milton's Italian Poems. [See MacDonald, G. — Ram- polli.] H11T3 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W.— Natural History of Intellect, and other Papers.] J 22 Q 26 Supplemental^ Catalogue — 1896-98. 247 MINCHIN, J. (J. Cotton. Old IJ arrow Davs. Illus- trated, bivo. Lond., KS98. G 23 Q 14 MIND : a Quarterly Kt,'\ iew of P.sycliology and Philosophy. Vol. 1-ii.s., vol. 3, 1876-94. 19 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876-94. E MINER VA : Jahrhuoh der Gelehrten Welt. Herausge- geben von K. Triibncr. 12nio. .Strasburjr, 1898. E MINOAYP], John Charles Henderson. Analy.ses of the Artesian Waters of New South Wales, and their value for Irrigation and other purposes. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W.; 1896.) ME 9 R M1X1X(; MANUAL, The. [See Skinner, ^X . R.] MINNESOTA :--^7i7/« Departments—Reports and Puhli- catioHs. Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports, 1894-9.^. -2 vols. 8vo. St. Paul, 1895-96. E Inscets injurious in 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. Delano, 1896. A 36 T G Geological and Natural History Survey. IJullotin 8. «vo. .Minneapolis, 189;!. A 30 T 18 8. Pt. 1. Anoithosytes of the Minnesota Coast of Lake Superior. „ 2. Laccolitic Sills of the N. W. Coast of Lake Superior. Reports, 1873, 187r)-76, 1881-87, 1889-91, 1893-94. It vols. 8vo. Minneapolis and St. Paul, 1874-95. E MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. 8vo. St. Paul, 1872-98. E Report, 1895-96. 8vo. St. P.uil, 1897. E MIRAREAU, Honorc (Jahriel Riijuetti, Conite de. [Life of] ; by P. F. Willert. 12n.o. Lond., 1898. C 23 S 20 [Essay on.] [. Stark ville, 1895. E MITCHELL, Donald Grant. English Lands, Letters, and Kings : the later Cieorges to Victoria. 8vo. Loud., 1897. J 12 U 29 Homes in City and Count rv. [See Homes in City and Country. 1 " A 23 "U 41 MITCHELL, John. The Silurian Trilobites of New South Wales, with references to those of other parts of Aus- tralia. [See Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895-96.] ME 2 P MITCHELL, Dr. John Kearsley. Massage: Technique, Physiology, and Therapeutic Indications. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 The Rest-cure for Neurasthenia and Hysteria. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 ]MITCHELL, M. A. History of the German People. [See Janssen, Johannes.] B 33 R 15, 16 MITCHELL, :Margaret Jane. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To- day.] C 23 Q 6 MITCHELL, P. Chalmers. Biological Problem of to-day. [See Hertwig, Dr. O.] A 27 P 21 MITCHELL, Dr. Silas Weir. The Birth of Death and Pain : a Poem. (Senii-Centennial of Amesthesia.) A 1 7 R 2 t Fat and Blood : an Essay on the treatment of certain forms of Neurasthenia and Hysteria. 7th ed. 12mo. Philad., 1898. A 33 P 33 ^SIITCilELL, Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas Livingstone, .lournal of an E.xpedition into the Interior of New South Wales in the year 183G. Fnl. (n.p.u.d.) Libr. MITCHELL, W. F. Geology of N.W. anX'H MASTERS : a series of Biographi- cal and Critical ReWews by American Artists- Edited by John C. Van Dyke. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 10 T 15 t MODERN LOCOMOTIVES. Illustrated. Fol. New Y'ork, 1897. A 6 U 17 + MODJESKA, Mme. [Portrait and Sketch of.] {See McKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 MOERCH, J. O. Making Ready and Printing of Process Blocks : a Practical ^lanual for Machine-minders. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. (Harrington Series.) MA 4 P 12 MOFFAT, Robert. Sketch of. {See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 S 30 MOFFAT, Robert Scott. The Economy of Consumption : an omitted Chapter of Political Economy. 8vo. Lond., 1878. F 12 T 33 Mr. Henry George, the " Orthodox" : an Examination of Mr. George's position as a systematic Economist, and a review of the Competitive and Socialistic Schools of Economy. 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 12 T 32 MOFFATT, James. The General Purpose Cow. (Queens- land Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Red Devon Cattle. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U MOHR, Dr. Charles. The Timber Pines of the Southern Umted States. \_See L^nited States. — Dept. of Agri- cult. — Di\"ision of Forestry.] A 1 1 X 7 f MOIR, David Macbeth. [Life of] ; by Sir George Douglas. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 U 24 MOIR, George. Magic and Witchcraft. 12mo. Lond., 1852. G 15 U 15 MOLE, C. C. H. Some Gold-bearing Rocks at Bingara, N.S.W. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Ensrineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P MOLESWORTH, Sir Guilford Lindsay. Silver and Gold: the Money of the AVorld. 8vo. Manchester, 1894. F 9 Q 38 and Robert Bridges. Pocket-book of Useful Formuke and Memoranda for Civil and Mechanical Engineers. 23rd ed. Ob. 32mo. Lond., 1896. A 22 P 44 -, and DtJWSOX, J. Emerson. Decimal Coinage, Weights and Pleasures popularly explained. 8vo. Lond., 1890. " A 25 S 19 MOLESWORTH, Robert Bridges. Pocket-book of Use- ful Foi-mula' and ilemoranda for Civil and Mechanical Engineers. \_See Molesworth, Sir G. L.] A 22 P 44 MOLIERE, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. Comedy-love. \_See Vandam, Albert D.— Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 13 MOLIXEUX, A. A. Lucerne Pest. (Agricult. Gazette, X.S.W.. isye.) ME 9 R MOLLOY, J. Fitzgerald. The Romance of the Irish Stage, with Pictures of the Irisli Capital in the 18th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. H 11 R 15, 16 Royalty restored ; or, London under Chai-les II. Xcw ed. "8vo. Lond., 1897. B 24 Q 12 The Most Gorgeous Lady Blessiugton. [^See Blessington, Margaret, Countess.] C 23 P 18 ilOLOX, Dr. Girolamo. Le Varieta di Piante da Frutto raccomandabili per I'Alta Italia esistenti nel Campo Sperimentale della Regia Scuola Superiore di Agricol- tura di ;Milano. Imp. 8vo. Milano, 1895-96. A 10 X 19 t MOLOXEY, Sir A. Brief outline of the Botanical Eflbrts of the Goverimient of British Honduras. 12mo. Belize (n.d.) A 20 P 38 MOLOX'EY, Capt. C. A. West African Fisheries, with particular reference to tlie Gold Coast Colony. (In- ternal. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Lit.) A 34 R 5 MOLONEY, Dr. P. The Suicidal Stage of Esistence. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q MOLTEXO, Percy Alport. Federal South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 189(3. " F 8 V 37 MOLTKE, Count Helnuith Karl Bernard Von. Letters to his Wife and other Relations. Translated bv J. R. Mclhaith. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 15, 16 [Sketch of.] [_See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 MOLYX'EUX, Edwin. Clirysanthemums and their Cul- ture : a Practical Treatise on Propagating, Growing, and Exhibiting, from the Cutting to the Silver Cup. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 20 Q 20 MOLYNEUX, Henry Howard, 4th Earl of Carnarvon. [See Carnarvon, 4th Earl of.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 249 MOrA'NEUX, ^iaj.-(ion. William Charles Francis. Cam- ])aigning in Siiulh Africa and Egypt. 8vu. Ldiid., lt!96. " B 31 U 9 ^lOMMSEX, Thcodor. The History of Rome. Translated by Dr. W. P. Dickson. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1894. B 30S 13-17 MONCKTOX, Wliitmorc. Goodenough Island, Xew (juinca. (Polynesian tioc, Journ., 1897.) ME G R Some Recollections of New Guinea Customs. (Polynesian Soc, .lourn., 189G.) ' ME G II .^lONCRlEFF, Ascoit Robert Hoi.e, "A. R. Hope." Story of the Indian Mutiny. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. r. 17 P39 MOXE, Francis Jo.sej)h. Hynuii Latini mcdii n;vi. 3 vols, (in 1) 8vo. Freiburg in Breisgau, 1853-55. G 1 Q 25 MOXIER, Emil. [Reproduction of his Picture] Cupid Disarmed. {_See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 t MONIER-WILLIAMS, Sir :Monier. {_See Williams, Sir Monicr Monier-.] MONIST, The: a Quarterly Magazine. Vols. 4-7, 1893-97. 4 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1893-97. E MONKHOUSE, Cosmo. Life and \\\,\k of Sir Edward J. Poyntcr. 4to. Lond., 1897. [E.xtra No. of the Art Journal, Easter, 18;J7.] A 13 W 9 f MONHAD, John H. Dairy Industry in Nel)raska, South Dakota, and North Dakota. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Bureau of Animal Industry.] A41U8 MONROE, James. Portrait of. [See 15rooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 \ 1 JIONR(')E, William S. Bibliography of Education. 12mo. New York, 1897. (International Education Series.) G 18 P 50 MONTA(!U, Lady Mary Wortley. [Essay on.] [Set Carlyle, T. — Montaigne, a}id other Essays.] C 24 R S MUNTA(;U, Rcar-Adm. Victor Alexander. A Middy's Recollections, liS53-G0. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 U 8 MONTAIGNE, Michel Ev MOONEV, E. Mnsi.- in Schools. (Inteniat. llc.iltli Exhib. Heallli IMiib. Literature.) A II V 9 MOONEY James The Si.man Tribes of the Ea-st. 8vo Wash.; l.s'.M. A27VL'-. MOOl!, ('. G. .\].pli..ll'.a.l.'rio|ogy. [S(f Pearmain, T. II. 1 A 27 T 8 250 Fublic Lihrai'y of New South Wales. MOOR, Samuel Albeit. Practical Plant Physiology. {See Detmei\ Dr AY.] A 32 R 40 MOORE, Albert. Life and Works of. [&e Balcliy, Alfred Lys.] AlOXo't MOORE, Aubrey L. Lectures and Papei-s on the History of the Reformation in England and on the Continent. [&« Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J U U 35 MOORE, B. Chemistry of the Digestive Processes. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Textbook of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 MOORE, Rev. Edward. Studies in Dante. 8vo. Oxford, 1896. J 10 U 37 MOORE, E. The Lepidoptera of Ceylon. Illustrated. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1880-87. A 18 P 8-10 t MOORE, F. W. J. Hand-book to Insect Pests of Farm and Orchard. \_See Tasmania. — Agriculture.] MA 3 S 72 MOORE, Rev. G. F. Book of Judges. [See Bibles and Testaments.] G 23 U 7 MOORE, George. [Essay on.] [See Murray, D. C— My Contemporaries in Fiction.] " J 14 R 30 MOORE, J. J. Australian Almanac and Country Directory for 1853-59, 1861-72, 1874-81, 1883-86, 1890-97. 39 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1853-97. ME 4 S MOORE, Dr. John. [Essay on.] {See Carlyle, T.— Mon- taigne, and other Essays.] C 24 R 5 MOORE, Sir John. [Essay on.] {See Carlyle, T.— Mon- taigne, and other Essays.] " C 24 R 5 MOORE, Dr. John William. Typhus Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. ^System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 MOORE, Julian. The three Cruikshanks. [See March- mont, F.] A 40 R 4 MOORE, Dr. Norman. The Church of St. Bartholomew the Great, West Sniithtield : its Foundation, Present Condition, and Funeral Monuments. 4th ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 24 Q 9 MOORE, T. B. Glaciation in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tasmania, Papers and Proc, 1894-95.) ^^lE 1 Q JIOORE, Thomas. Memoirs of Ix)rd Edward Fitzgerald. With a Preface, and many supplementary particulars, by Martin Macdermott. Svo. Lend., 1897. C 23 R 4 MOORE, Dr. Veranus A. Infectious Diseases among Poultry. [See Smith, Dr. T.] A 30 R 32 MOORE, Prof. WUliam Harrison. The Commonwealth of Australia. Svo. Melb., 1897. MF 3 P 67 MOORE COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL, N.S.AV. Calendar, 1879. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. ME 4 T MOPE-HAWK, The: a Montlily Magazine of General Literature, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-11, May-Dec, 1868. Sm. 4to. Hobart, 1868. ME 17 S MORE, Henrv. Henrv More the Platonist : an Essav. [See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 -MORE, Sir Thomas. The Utopia of : in Latin from the edition of 1518, and in English from the edition of 1551 ; by J. H. Lupton. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. J 1 2 A" 20 Erasmus's Epistle to Sir Thomas More. [See Erasmus, D.] J 14 P 29 [Essay on] the Utopia. [&eTovey, Rev. D. C. — Re%4ews and Essays in EngUsh Literature.] J 14 V 18 MOREAU, (Jen. Jean Victor. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 MOREAU-CHRISTOPHE, L. M. Code des Prisons, 1670-1873. 3vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-73. F9Q 31-33 MOREAU DE PRAVIEUX, J. Nobiliaire Universel de France. [See Alagny, Marquis L. de.] K 13 Q 21-23 f MORGAN, C. Llovd. Habit and Instinct. Svo. Lond., 1896. " A 13 V 26 Essays by George John Romanes. [See Romanes, George John.] A 27 R 14 MORGAN, George Osborne. Settlers in Australia : a Prize Poem. 12mo. Oxford, 1846. MH 1 V 24 MORGAN, Henry James. Canadian Men and Women of the Time : a Hand-book of Canadian Biography. Svo. Toronto, 1 S98. " Cat. Room MORGAN, Jacques de. Picciierciies .sur ies Origines de rE-rvpte : TAge de la Pierre et Ies Metaux. Roy. Svo.' Paris, 1896. . A 34 V 10 ]^ecl;c-.v'-ies sur Ies Origines de TEgypt* : Ethnographie et Tombeau Royal de Negadah; avec la Collalxiration de Prof. A. Wiedemann, G. Jequier, et Dr. D. Fouquet. Roy. Svo. Paris, 1897. A 17 S 18 t MORGAN, James Appleton. The Shakespearean Myth : William Shakespeare and circumstantial endence. Svo. Cincmnati, 1881. J 6 S 43 MORGAN, Dr. M. List of Birds in the neighbourhood of Laura, South Australia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans , 1897.) ME 1 S MORGAN, Prof. Thomas Hmit. Development of the Frog's Egg : an Introduction to Experimental Embrv- ology. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1897. A 38 P 24 MORGAN-BROWNE, H. [See Bro^TOe, H. Morgan-.] Supplementm^ Catalog ue — 1896-98. 251 JIORIARTY, Edward Orpen. [Obituary Notice of.] (lust, of Civil Engineers Proc, 129.) E M0RTE1{, James. Tlio Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan. Edited bv Dr. C. J. AVills. Illustrated. Hoy. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 6 V 26 MORIER, Sir Robert Burnett David. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 22 MORISON, J. C. Life and Times of St. Bernard. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 35 MORISON, Rev. James. Life of ; by Rev. W. Adanison. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 189S. C 24 P 9 MORLEY, Charles. Studies in Board Schools. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 18 Q 41 MORLEY, Prof. Henry. London University Teaching considered fi'om the modern side. (Tnternat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 1 1 \ MORLEY', Rt. Hon. John. Machiavelli : the Romanes Lecture, delix'ered iu the Sheldonian Theatre. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 1.-5 Q 32 [Criticism on] Morley's Life of Cobden ; by Edward Langton. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 Q [Sketch of.] [See Hapgood, N. — Literary Statesmen.] C 23 Q 26 MORNING STAR GOLD MINE. [Description of the] Morning Star Gold Mine, Ross Flat, Westland, New Zealand. 8vo. Hokitika, 1879. MA 3 U 32 AIORNY, Due de. Sketch of. [See liingham, Capt. D.— RecollectioiLS of Paris.] B 34 R 5, 6 MOEPIIOLOGISCIIES .TAlIRBUCIf. Eino Zeitschifte fiir Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Biinde 1-24, 1876-90. 24 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 187G-90. E MORRELL, Charles Francis. Insurance : a Manual of Practical Law. 12mo. Lond., 1892. F 13 V 10 MORRIS, C. W. Till' clVrct (if the existing Natii.i\al and International Laws for the Regulation and Protection of De(!p-sea Fisheries, with suggestions for improve- ments of said Laws. (Internat. Fishei-ie.s Exhib. — • Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 8 MORRIS, Clara. [Portrait onil Sketch of.] [«,;« McKay, K. E. — Famous American Actors of Today.] C 23 Q G MORRIS, D. The Colony of British Honduras: its Resources and Prospects, with particular reference to its Indigenous Plants and Economic Prnductions. With Map. l2nio. Lond., 1883. 1> 18 P 33 Fruit as a Factor iu Colonial Connuerco. 12mo. Lond., 1887. F a P 28 ilORRIS, Prof. Edward Ellis. Austral English : a Dic- tionary of Australasian Woi-ds, Phrases, and Usages, with their Aboriginal-Australian and IMaori words which ha\e become incorpoi'ated in the language, and the commoner scientific words that have had their origin in Australasia. Svo. Lond., 1898. MJ 3 T 1 Federated Universities. (IMelb. Review, 6.) ME 18 Q History and Geography. (Melb. Review, 1.) ME 18 Q Jenkin's Ear. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ME 18 Q Language and Literature. (Melb. Review, 9.) ME 18 Q ^lelbourne University. (Melbourne Review, 1 .) ME 18 Q Our Charities. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q [Life of] Capt. Owen Stanley. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] ME 18 Q jNIORRIS, Rev. Francis Orpen. Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 10 W 13-15 t MORRIS, Henry. Diseases of the Kidneys. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 MORRIS, Rev. John Gottlieb. The Lutheran Origin of the thirty -nine Articles of the Anglican Church. 12mo. Philad., 1887. G 9 V 40 MORRIS, Sir Lewis. Selections from Works of. 12mo. Lond., 1897. H 8 P 9 Idylls and Lyrics. 12mo. Lond., 1890. H 11 Q 6 Vi-sion of Saints. 12mo. Lond, 1890. H 6 R 44 MORRIS, Dr. Jlalcohn. Ethics of the Skin. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) xV 41 V 5 Ringworm in the Light of recent Researcli : Pathology, Treatment, Prophylaxis. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1S98. ■ A 41 S 3 MORRIS, William. Note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kclmscott Press, together with a .short description of the Press by S. C. Cockerell, and an annotated List of the Books printed tliereat. Svo. Lond., 1898. J 17 U 6 Old French Romances. Svo. Loud., 1896. .1 I 1 T 9 Textile Fabrics. (Internal, [lealtli Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 8 Bibliography of the Works of. [See Scott, T.] J 14 R 23 I'looks of, dcscribi'd, with .some Account of his doings in Literature and in the allied crafts. \Sec Forman, H. B.] ' J 14 S 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Synions, A.. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 Stories of tlie Kings of Norway. [See Sturluson, Snorri.] J 14 Q 31 anil BAX, M Helfort. Soci.ilism : its (Jrowtji and Outcome. 2nr, J. W.] ^lA 2 P 3 MULOCK, Dinah Maria. [5« Craik, Dinah .Maria.] MUNARI, Pietro. I'n Italiaiid in .\uslralia. Note e Tm- pressioni. Sm, Ho. .Mil.in... IS'.tT. .M | ) | W I.") MUNDAHL, C. M. Line Fishing. (Intern.it. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Proceedings, 1892, 1890. 2 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1892-90. .Ml'. K Reports, 1883 87, 1890, 1892. I \.. Is. Svo, Sydney, 1888-93. -ME R MUNK, Dr. Kdw.iiil, De Kabulis Atelianis : Frag- mentacpie Aleilanaium I'netarum ;idjpcit. Svo. Lip- siie, 1840. J lf> S 23 254 Fublic Library of New South Whales, MUNK, Capt. Jens. Expedition to Hudson's Bay iu search of a North-west Passage in 1619-20. [See Hakluyt Soc. Pubs., 97.] E MUNRO, R. J. Tlie Herring Fishery. (Internat. Fisheries Exhils. — Fisheries Literature.) A .34 R 11 MUNRO, Dr. Robert. Prehistoric Problems: Ijeing a selection of Essays on the Evolution of ]\Ian and other controverted problems in Anthropology and Arch:e- ology. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. A 19 U 15 Rambles and Studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dal- matia ; with an Account of the Proceedings of the Congress of Archseologists and Anthropologists, held in Sarjevo, 1894. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. B 16 T 23 MUNRO, William W. Golspie. [See Nicholson, E. W. B.] B 32 Q 11 MUNRO E, James Phinney. The Educational Ideal : an Outline of its Growth in Modern Times ; [with Biblio- graphy.] 8vo. Boston, 1895. G 2 V 46 MUiYSEY'.S MAGAZIXE. Vols. 6-18, Oct., 1891-Mar., 1898. 13 vols. 8 vo. New York, 1891-98. E MUNSON, T. V. Classification and Generic Synopsis of the Wild Grapes of North America. [See United States. — Department of Agriculture. — Division of Pomology.] A 37 S 2 MUNTZ, Achille. Re'sume of MM. Muntz and Rousseaux's Studies on the importance of Refrigeration of Musts in Wine-making. [See Wilkin.son, W. P.] :\1A 3 U 49 MUNTZ, Eugene. Histoire de I'Art pendant la Renais- sance. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. 8vo'. Paris, 1889- 95. A 18 R 6-8 t Raphael. [See Raphael Sanzio.] C 22 Q 10 MURAD v.. Sultan of Tui'key. Sultan IMurad V and the Turkish Dynastic Mystery, 1 876-95. [See Djemaleddin, Bey.] B 34 Q 14 MURAT, Marshal Joachim. Portrait of. [See Hiliis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 MURGATROYD, J. Arrangement and Construction of large Middle-class Schools, Grammar, and High Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 MURGER, Henri. Bohemian Life. Translated by L. Orde. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 20 R 12 MURISON, Prof. Alexander Falconer. Life of Sir William Wallace. [See Wallace, Sir W.] C 20 V 1 1 MURPHY, Arthur. Essay on the Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson. [See Johnson, Dr. S. — Johnsonian Miscellanies.] C 24 R 14 MURPHY, Charles J. The Introduction of Maize into Europe. [See United States. — Department of Agri- culture.] A 37 S 18 MURPHY, Dr. Shirley Forster. Infectious Disease and its Pre^'entiou. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 3 Some difficulties of Sanitary Administration in the jMetropolis. (Internat. Health E.xhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 MURPHY, W. E. History of the Ei^ht Hours' Move- ment. 8vo. Melb., 1896. MF 4 P 38 jMURRAY, a. S. 1,200 miles on the River Murrav. Illustrated. Ob. 4to. Lond., 1898. MA 6 P 24''i MURRAY, Rev. A. W. [Sketch of.] [See King, Rev. J.— In Memoriam.] MG 2 S 31 MURRAY, Alexander Edward, Viscount Fincastle. [See Fincastle, Viscount.] MURRAY, Alexander Stuart. Designs from Greek Vases in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 23 Q 23 + Terracotta Sarcophagi Greek and Etruscan in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 12 X 16 t White Athenian Vases in the British Museum. [See British Museum.] A 44 Q 13 J MURRAY, Sir Charles. :\lem(.ir of; bv Sir. H. Max- well. Witli Portraits. Svo. Edinb.' 1898. C 25 R 1 :\IURRAY, David. An Archieological Survey of the United Kingdom. Svo. GlasgoV, 1896. B" 16 V 23 MURRAY, Dr. David. Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York during the Century from 1784-1884. [See New York — Uni- versity.] G 17 T 9 MURRAY, TtAxiA Christie. The Cockney Columbus. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 13 P 5 My Contemporaries in Fiction. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 R 30 MURRAY, Dr. George Redniayne. Hodgkin's Disease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C.— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 MURRAY, Prof. Gilbert. History of Ancient Greek Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 T 22 MURRAY, Jolui. Autobiographies of Edward Gibbon. [See Gibbon, Edward.] C 24 Q 5 MURRAY, John, of Brougliton. Memorials of. [See Scotti.sh Hist. Soc. Pubs., 27.] E MURRAY, Dr. John Clark. The Dualistic Conception of Nature. [See McGill University. — Papers from the Dept. of Philosophy.] G 18 R 66 The Idealism of Spinoza. [See McGill University. — Papers from the Dept. of Philosophy.] 6 18 R 66 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 25£ MURRAY, Sydney J. Austnilian Banking. (Bankers', Insurance Managers', and Agents' Mag., Dec, 189G.) E MURRAY-PRIOR, Rose Caroline;. [See Prior, Rose Caroline Murray-.] MURRELL, Dr. William, ilanual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 8vo. Lend., 1896. A 26 R 29 What to do in case of Poisoning. 32mo. Lond., 1897. A 26 P 26 MUSGRAVE, George C. To Kuniassi with Scott: a Description of a Journey from Liverpool to Kumassi with the Ashanti Expedition, 1895-96. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. T) 1 1 P 16 MUSKETT, Dr. Philip Edward. ]5ook of Diet, with also a Collection of Savoury, Choice, Delicious, and Selected Recipes. Svo. Sydney, 1898. MA 4 P 13 MUSSER, Dr. John H. Diseases of the Liver, Gall-bladder, Hepatic Ducts, and Spleen. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 MUSSON, John. Cotton : and how to grow the plant. Illustrated. Svo. Sydney, 1897. MA 4 T 9 MUTHER, Prof. Richard. History of Modern Painting. 3 vols. imp. Svo. Lond., 1895-96. A 23 V 25-27 MYERS, Ernest. The E.\tant Odes of Pindar. [See Pindarus.] J 14 R IS MYERS, Frederic William Henry. Essays Moderii. Svo. Lend., 1897. " J 14 V 15 MYRICK, Herbert. Sugai' a new and profitable indu.stry in the United States for Capital, Agriculture, and Labour. Illustrated. Roj'. Svo. New York, 1897. A 34 V 1 1 Tobacco Leaf. \_See Killcbrew, Dr. J. B.] A 33 P 16 N NAEGELY, Henry, " Henry Gaelyn." J. F. Millet and Rustic Art. With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 5 T 24 NiEVIUS, Cn. Vitani descriptit, carniitiuin rcliquias colh^git, poesis rationeni e.xposuit E. Klu.ssmann. Svo. Jcn:e, 1843. J 15 S 23 NAKAMURA, Keijir. Hawaiian Annexation from a Japanese p(jint of view. (.Vrcna, Dec, 1897.) E NANSEN, Dr. Fridtjof. [Arctic Voyages of.] [See Briigger, W. C] D 16 V 17 and JOHANSEN, Lieut. Hjalmar. Farthest North : being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the ship Friiiii, 189.3-96, and of a 15 months' Sleigh Journcv. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1897. ' D 10 U 26, 27 N ANSON, Prof. Edward John. Electoral Refoi-m. (Mel- bourne Review, 8.) ME IS Q NAPIER, Arthur Sampson, and STEVENSON, W. H. The Crawfoi'd Collection of Early Charters and Docu- ments now in the Bodleian Libraiy. [See Anecdota Oxtmiensia, ^led. .ser., 7.] E NAPIER, John. [Obituary Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc, 80.) E NAPIER, Sir William. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. [Life of]; by T. P. O'Connor. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 22 T 13 Life of ; by Dr. W. ]\I. Sloane. Vols. 1-4. Illustrated. 4 vols. sm. fol. New York, 1896. C 17 T 14-17 t Life of ; by S. Baring-Gould. Illustrated. Sm. fol. •Lond., 1897. C 13 W 33 t New Letters of, omitted from the edition published under the auspices of Napoleon III. Translated by Lady :\Iary Loyd. With Portrait. Svo. Loud., 1898. C25Q 1 Secret Memoirs of Napoleon : by one who never quitted him for fifteen years [Charles Doris]. Svo. Lond., 1,896. C 21 U 7 Campaign in Italy, 1796. [&e Sturtees, Major Conyei-s.] B 17 Q 32 [Essay on.] [See Aliscm, Dr. A. — Essays.] J 11 S 12 [Lecture on.] [See Emerson, 11. W. — Repre-sentMive Men.] J 22 Q 18 Memoirs of Constant. [See Constant, Wairy.] C 22 Q 5-8 Metrical History of the Life and Times of. [See Hillis, W. .!.] H 1 T 15 Napoleon Bonaparte's tirst Campaign. [See Sargent, Herbert H.] ' B 16 R 29 Napoleon's Opera-glass. [See Rosen, L.] H 10 W 18 Portrait of, as first Consul of the French Republic. [Set Paget, lit. Hon. Sir A.— Paget Papers.] C 21 U 3 Portraits of. [See Hillis, W. J.— Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] li 1 i' 15 Sir Hudson Lowe and Napoleon. [See Seaton, R. C] C 23 S IS NAPOLEON III, Emperor of France. [Life of]; by Sir ^^■illiam Fraser. Svo. Lontl., 1895. C 20 T 5 Lif(!uf; by A. Forbes. 'With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 189S. ■ C 25 P 1 Life in the Tuilories under the Second Empire. [See Bicknell, Ann.i !-.] B 34 T 9 Na])olRon III and Liwly Stuart: an Episode of the Tuilories. [Sec Lano, Pierre de.] B 16 P R' 256 Fublio Library of New South JVules. NASH, Prof. H. S. Genesis of the Social Conscience : tlie relation between the establishment of Christianity in Europe and the Social Question. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 11 U 18 NASH, Joseph F. J. F. Niish and the Government Stores Department. 8vo. Sydnej", 1879. if J 3 R 28 NASH, Robert Lucas. Australasian Joint Stock Com- panies' Year-book, 1898. 8vo. Melb., 1898. ME 1 S Federal Finance : an Enquiry into the probable influence of Federation on Finance and Trade. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF"5 R"2 NASH, Thomas, and LYLY, Joim. Pappe with an Hatchet, and an Almond for a Parrot. (Deai-mer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 NASH, Yaughan. Cooperation in relation to International Commerce. 12mo. Manchester, 1889. F 13 V 41 Factory and !Mine Legislation. (Sixty Years of Empire.) B 22 R 18 The relation of Cooperative to Competitive Tradint;. 12mo. Manchester, 1887. F 13 Y 2^3 NATAL : — Goveitinient Departments — Reports and Publi- cntions. Annual Reports. Departmental Reports, 1893-95. 2 vols. fol. Pietermaritzburir, 1895-96. E Defence. Education. Irrigation. Judicial. Magisterial. Miscellaneous. Public Works. Reveuual. Civil Service. List, 1895. Svo. Pietermaritzburg, 1895. E Statistics. Statistical Year-book of the Colony of Natal, lsy3-95. 2 vols. fol. Pietermaritzburg, 1894-95. E Statutes. Acts of the Parliament of the Colony of Natal, 1894, 1896. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Pietermaritz- burg, 1894-96. " E XATAL AL.UAXAC, DIHECTORY, AXD YEARLY REGISTER 1868-70, 1872, 1884-85, 1889, 1891, 1894,1896. 10vol.s.8vo. Pietermaritzburg, 1867-96. E XA TIOX, The : a AVeekly Journal devoted to Politics, Literature, Science, and Art. Vol. 65, Jul3--Dec., 1897. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1897. E NATIONAL ART LIBRARY. Catalogue of Engraved National Portraits in the National Art Library ; with a Prefatory Note by J. Jlarshall. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 36 T 28 NATIONAL AUSTRALASIAN CONVENTION. [See South Australia. — National Australasian Convention.] NATIONAL CYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN BIO- GRAPHY". Vols. 6-8. Illustrated. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. New York, 1896-98. C 18 U 11-13 NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON. Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery; witii Biographical Notices of the Painters [of the] Foreign Schools. 77th ed. Svo. Lond., 1894. K 19 P 21 Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Galleiy : with Biographical Notices of the decea.sed Painters, British and ilodern Schools. 70th ed. 12mo. Ll2-l>S'JS. 7. Two Discourses of the Xavy, ItiSS-,)!), l>y John Hollond ; also, a Discourse of tlie Xavy, 1()()0. Iiy .Sir Robert 81yiigesbie. Kdited by J. R. Tanner. 8. Naval Aeeouuts and Inventories of the Reign of Henry \'II, 14S.V97. Kdited by M. Oppenlieini. n. Journal of 8ir Oeorge Rooke, 1700-1701'. Eilitcd by U. Browning. 10. Letters anil Papers relating to the War with France, 15I2-1.S; by A. Spont. 11. I'aper.s relating to the Navv during the 8panish War, !5So-87. Edited by J. S.Corbett. NEAL, Thomas, "Practical Dyei- and Cleaner." New System of Music ; or, tlie (Jld Notation supoiscdcd. Nos. 1, 2. 4to. Sydney, 189G-97. MAllP35t Secrets of the Garment Dyeing and Cleaning Trade. 18m.3. Sydney, 1898. MA ?, U 50 " NEALE, Agne.s." {See Aherne, C. A.] NEALE, Edward Vansittart. Association and l-^ducatiun. 12mo. Manchester, 1882. F 12 S 20 The Vo-opcridivf Xewss, and why Co-operators shoidd sup- port it. 12mo. Manchester, 1878. F 13 V 23 Tiic Common-sense of Co-operation. 12iiio. Manchester, 188G. F 13 V 23 The Distinction between Joint-stockism and Co-opera- tion. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F 12 8 20 The Economic Aspect of Co-operation. 12nn>. Man- chester (n.d.) F 13 V 23 The Economics of Co-operation. 12ino. Manchester, 1885. F 12 S 20 The Principh^ of Unity : the Lifr of Coijperation. 12mo. Manchester, 1875. F 13 V 41 Principles of Rating aj)plied to Cooperative Stores. 12mo. Manclie.ster (n.d.) F 13 V 41 The three C's : a Co-operative Trifilogue. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 Trui^ Refinement. 12nio. ^lancliester, 1.^77. !'' 1 2 S 20 What isCoiJperationf 12nio. Manchester (n.d ) I' 1 .3 V41 Wliy should the rich interest tliem.sclves in Co-operation, and how can they promote it? 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F12S20 M.iiiuid for Cooperators. \See Hughes, T.] Y 3 R G NKATI'', ][. 1). Ilow to Manage a Butchering Business. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) ' F 13 V 4 I NEAVES, Charles, Lord, liectorial Address, dch'vered at St. Andrew's Ihiiversity. \See Knight, Dr. W.] (! 17 T 18 NECKER, Jacquez, Baron de. [Essay on.] [See Carlyle, T. — Montaigne, and otlurr Essays.] C 24 R 5 2 K NEELY, Samuel T. Traction Tests. [See Tnited States.— Dept. of Agricult. -Otlice of Road Incjuiry.] A41 U 4 NEESIMA, Rev. Joseph Hardy. Rev. J. II. Neesima, a Maker of New Japan. [See Davis, Rev. J. D.] G 19U 10 Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C C. — Great Mission- aries.] G 14 S 30 NEIL, Robert Alexander. The Jat^aka. [See Cowell, Prof. E. B.] G 5 T 22 NEIL, Samuel. The Home of Shakespeare. 8th ed. Illustrated. 8vn. Warwick (n.d.) D 11 Q 12 NEILD, Dr. James Edward. Advantages of Burning the Dead. 8vo. Mell). (n.d.) MJ 3 R 16 NEILD, John Cash. Songs 'neatli the Southei-n Cross. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MH 1 V 11 NEILSON, George. Fruit E.xportation. [See Victoria. —Agriculture.] MA 3 V 13 NEILSON, George. Obiter. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 On Symbols. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) V 13 R 25 Posl-inortftu Trials. (Andrews, W. — Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 NEILSON, William. Mesmerism in its relation to Health and Disea,se and the Present State of IMedicine. 12nio. Edinb., 1855. G 19 U 14 NELSON, Aven. First Report on the Flora of Wyoming. [See Wyoming. — Agricultural Experiment Station.] A 20 T 6 NELSON, Dr. H. C. Sanitary and :Medical Reports for 1873-74 by Officers of the U.S. Navy. [See United States. — Department of the Navy.] E NELSON, Adm. Horatio, Viscount. Horatio Nelson and the Naval sunremacy of Englaml. Gth ed. Illus- trated. 8vo. * New York, 1S97. C 23 P 25 Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson: an Historical Biog- rajihy, l)ased on Letters and other Documents in the Morri.son Collectinn. New ed. 8\o. Lond., 1897. C 23 R 2 Life of Nelson, the emluidiimut of the Sea Power of Great Britain ; by Capt. A T. Mahan. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon'd., 1897. C 24 Q 22, 23 Nel.scm and his Times ; l)y Rear-.\dm. Lord Charles Beresford and H. W. Wilson. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) t' 13 R 17 t Pictures fn.m the Life of ; liv W. Clark Russell. Witll Portrait. 8v.). Lond., 1897. C 20 S 12 [Essay on.l [See Carlyle, T.— Montaigne, and other Es.;ay.s.] ■ C24R5 Nelson and his Comi>anions in Arms. [See Lfiughton, J.K.I BIGS 8 Portrait of. [See HilHs, W. J. Metrical History of Napoleim Bonaparte.] " 1 T 15 [Sketch of] rSee Giillith, C -Men wli.. liave mal. Sydney, 1871. MA13Plt Government Gazette. Government (Jazette, with Index, is;i2- .Vpril, 1S97. 195 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1832- 97. " ■ ME Governor's Court. Rules and Ordeis of the tiovernor's Couil in New South Wales ; to wiiicli are .added an Abstract oi the new Charter for the .Administration of Justice in th(^ Territory, and a Tab!(> of Fees in the Govi'rnor's Court. With autogra]ih Not<'s by Mr. Judge Advocate Wyhh-. 12mo. Sydney, 1815. Libr. 260 Public Library of New South Wales. NEW SOUTH WALES— cojiic?. Historical Records. Historical Records of New South Walei. Eilittd by F. M. Bladen. Vols. 1-5. Illus- trated. 5 vols, (ill 6) 8vo. Sydney, 1893-97. MB 2 P 20-25 1, pt. 1. Cook, 1762-80. 1. pt. -2. Phillip, 1783-92. 2. Grose and Paterson, 1793-95. 3. Hunter, 1796-99. 4. Hunter and King, 1800-2. 5. King, 1803-5. Land Question in 1844-46. Papers of C. A. ^\\lod. Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioner. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) MF 9 P 47 t 1. Quit Rents— Remarks for information of \V. E. (ilad- stone. 2. MS. Draft of an Act for the Government of New South ^\'ales and Van Diemen's Land re pasture and timber licenses. 3. MS. Draft of a Bill to amend an Act for regulating the sale of waste land belonging to the Crown in the Aus- tralian Colonies. 4. MS. Draft of a Bill to pro\ide against the unauthorized occupation of waste land in the Australian Colonies. 5. MS. Act of Council, 23rd .June, 1840 : Pounds. 6. Condition of the licensed occupiers of Crown Lands in Port Phillip and New South Wales. 7. MS. Note on recommendations sent liome by Sir George (iipps, 1844. 8. MS. Extracts from a letter by Capt. King, 14th May, 1844, on Squatters. 9. MS. Extract from a Despatch from the Commissioner of the Australian Agricultural Co., dated Port Stephens, Ma3- 24, 1844. 10. Shameful monopoly of millions of acres of land in New South Wales. 11. Letter— Stephen to Wood, .30tli Jan., 1845- on Land Question. 12. Letter— Denison to Wood, 20th .June, 1845— on Land Question. 1.3. Letter from a Port PhiUip Settler, 12th Feb., 1845, on the Land Question. 14. Copies or Extracts of any Correspondence relative to Crown Lands and Emigration in New South Wales. 15. Memo, re Land Question, b3- C. A. Wood, 3rd Juh', 1845- 16. Letter — Denison to Wood, 13th July, 1845- on Land Question. 17. Private Memo., in MS., July, 1845, on Squatting Regu- lations. IS. Letter- 20th July, 1845, Wood to Denison— Land Question. 19. MS. Extracts from Lord Stanley's private despatch to Gipps on Land Sales Amendment Bill. 20. Copies or Extracts of any Correspondence relati\e to the licensed occupation of Crown Lands in New South \\'ales. 21. Letter— Wood to Stephen -re Squatters in New South Wales; with Memos, by Lord Lyttelton and W. E. Gladstone. 22. Observations by C. A. Wood, in MS., 3rd June, 1840, on Sir (i. (iipps' proposed amendments to the Land Sales Amendment Act. 23. Bill for regulating the sale of waste land liclonging to the Australian Colonies, and to make further pro- vision for tlie management thereof. 24-27. Bill for legulating the sale of waste land belonging to the Crown in the Australian Colonies, witli MS. alterations. Lands. Reports of the Department of Lands, 1880-89, 1S91-9-1. G vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1881-95. ME NEW SOUTH WALES— con^rf. Law Almanac. New Soutli AVales Law Almanac, 1858, 1863-6-t, 1877-87, 1891, 1893-98. 17 vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1858-97. ME 4 T List of Magistrates. List of Magistrates, 17tli July, 189G. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1896. ME Macleay River. Report on the Entrance to the ilaeleay River; by Sir John Coode. With an Appendix on the General Description of the ^Macleay Ri^er by Capt. Howard. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. " MA 9 P 41 f Mines. Guide to Mining Laws of New South Wales. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. ■" MF 3 P 65 Report by Dr. R. von Lendenfeld on the results of his recent examination of the central part of the Aus- tralian Alps. Illustrated. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1885. 'MA^IS P 2 t Reports of the Department of Mines, 1875-95. 19 vols. 4to. and fol. Sydney, 1875-95. ME Parliament. Index to the IMinutes of the Proceedings and Printed Papers of the Legislative Council, 1883- 94. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1883-94. ME Journal of the Legislative Council. Vols. 1-55, 1856- 96. 108 vols. fol. Sydney, 1856-97. ME New South Wales Parliamentary Companion. 2nd ed. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MF 4 P 42 Parliamentary Debates and Indexes. Vols. 1-92, 1879- 98. 92 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1879-98. JIE Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, 1824-97. 21)2 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1847-97. ME Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works. Rei)ort ; together with Minutes of Evidence, Appendices, and Plans relating to tlie proposed con- struction of Locks and Weirs in the River Darling. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1896. MA 12 P 27 t Police. Repoi't of the Inspector-General, 1890. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. ME Standing Oi-ders of the ]Mounted Police. 12mo. Sydney, 1847. MF 4 P 3 Postal Service and Telegraphs. Annual Reports of the Postmaster-General, 1871-72, 1879-91, 1894. 10 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1872-95. ME Postal and Telegraphic Conference, 1883, 1888, 1890-92, 1894. 6 vols'^ .sm. fol. Sydney, 1883-94. ME Prison Labour. Correspondence with Me.ssi\s. Armstrong and Son respecting Prison Labour in the Mat-making Industry. Sm. f.il. Sydney, 1894. MF 9 Q 43 t Public Instruction. Report of the Minister of Public Instruction upon the condition of Public Schools estalilished and maintained under the Public Instruc- tion Act of 1880. Svo. Sydney, 1897. ME Reports of the Department of Public Instruction, 1881- 91,1893-95. 8 vols. 8v(.. and fol. Sydney, 1882-96. ME Supjjlt'tneii tar// Catalogue — 1896-98. 261 NEW SOUTH WALES— conosed Railway from Temora to Wyalong. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MA 9 Q 35 J Report, together with Minutes of Evidence, Ajipendices, and Plans rel.ating to the proposed Railway from Coo tanuindra to Temora. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. ■ MA 9 Q 4 1 t Report, together with Minutes of Evidence, Appendices, and Plans relating to the jn-oposed Railway from Nyngan to Cobar. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MA 9 Q 42 t South-western Railway Branch Line : Narrandera to .Jerilderie Extension. .Jerilderie to Beri'igan, Con- tract No. 1. Working I'lan aiul Section. Fol. Sydney, 189.-.. a'^IA 6 P 16 t Scarlet Fever. Memorandum prepared by the Acting ^Medical Adviser to the (iovernment for distribution in the Country Districts, with the view of averting or reducing the virulence of any serious outbreak of Scarlet Fever or other epidemic disease. Sm. ft>l. Sydney, 1875. MA 12 P 28 t Statistics. Annu.al Report on Vital Statistics for 1895, 1^97, and previous years. Compiled Ijy A. Parry Long. 2 vols. 8yo. Sydney, 1897-98. .ME Notes on the Financial Aspect of Australian Feder.it ion ; by T. A. Coghlan. 8yo. Sydney, 1898. .M F 5 R 4 Results of a Census of New South Wales, taken for the night of the 5th April, 1891. Ctmipiled under the direction of T. A. Coghlan. Ito. Sydney, 1894. ME Statistical Account of the .seven Cohmies of Australasia, 1890-98; by T. A. Coghlan. 7 vols. 8vo. Syilney, 1890-98. ME 8'S SUitisticul Register, 1850-60, 1863-96. 19 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1860-97. xME 8 R The Wealth and Progress of New South Wales, 1886- 90, 1892 97 ; by T. A. ( "..glilan. Id vols. 8vo. .Sydney, 1887-97. " .m'e 5 R Statutes and Bills. An .\ct to Establish .Municipali- lii>. Sill, tol. Sydney, 1867. .M F .3 P 33 f The Acts and Ordinaiice.s of New South Wales, 1824- 32, 1834-37, 1839, 184U4.3, 1846 .50, 1852-5.5, 1857- 62. 22 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1824-62. ME Alphabetical Register of Pulilic and Private I'.ills. 1853- 94. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1854-9.5. .M F 4 T 36 262 Public Library of New South Wales. NEW SOUTH WALES— co««rf. Statutes and Bills — contd. A Bill to establish a Central and Local Organisation of Industry and Finance by self-administration of the people, and to provide farmers and others engaged in industrial pursuits, closely connected with laud, with means of obtaining money at a low rate of interest by cooperation in the use of credit. Sm. fol. Sjdney, 1.S95. MF 9 Q 45 t Church and School Lands Act, 18i'G. Imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1826. MF 3 U 66 Crown Lands Acts of 1884, 1889, 1895, and the Regu- lations thereunder, including the Timljer and Quarry Regulations, and the Rules of the Land Appeal Court, with the forms employed, and a Reference Map of the Colony. 6th ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 1 S 72 Dairies Supervision Act, 1886. Bvo. Sydney, 1894. [Bound with Practical Dairying ; by J. P. Dowling.] MA 1 S 43 The District Courts Act of 1858; District Courts Act Amendment Act of 1859 : and the Rules of Practice, Forms of Proceedings, and Proclamations relating to District Courts ; \vith a Table of Contents. 8vo. Sydney, 1859. ' MF 1 S 21 Land and Income Tax Assessment Act ; Laud Tax Act ; Income Tax Act ; Regulations under the Land and Income Tax Assessment Act. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MF 4 P 37 Mining Act, 1874, also amending Acts, with Regula- tions thereunder. 9th ed. Roy. 8vo. Sydne}-, 1894. MF 3 R 70 The Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act, and the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act Amendment Act ; with Index, Regulations, &c., also Districts and Registration Di'sdsions. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MF5Q1 Private Acts, 1832-62, 1879-85, 1887-95. 3 vols, sm fol. Sydney, 1863-96. ME The Stamp Duties Act of 1865, with regulations there- under. 8vo. Sydney, 1865. MF 4 Q 44 Statutes, 1824-98, and Index, 1824-74. 15 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1861-98. ME Steam Postal Communicatiou. Papers on the subject of Steam Postal Communication with Great Britain, 1852-72. 2 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1852-72. MF 13 Q 2, 3 t Supreme Court. Rules of the Supreme Court in Equity. Sui, fol. Sydney, 1891. MF 9 Q 44 t Sydney Harbour-master's Reports. Harbour-master's Reports, 1836. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1836. MF 3 P 32 f Technical College and Education. Calendar, 1892-93, 1895-96, giving details of the course of instruction for each class in the Sydney Technical College and Branch Schools, and particulars as to tlie Technological Museums. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-96. ME 6 Q Qualitative Analysis : Notes and Tables for the use of Students. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MA 3 W 26 NEW SOUTH WALES ABORIGINES PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. The Cry from the Heathen at our Doors : being the Annual Reports of the Association for 1891, 1893-95. 4 vols! 8vo. Sj-dnej-, 1891-95. ME 15 Q NEW SOUTH WALES AUXILIARY BIBLE SO- CIETY. Reports, 1849, 1865-66, 1808-70, 1873-76, 1880. 8vo. Sydney, 1849-80. ME 6 S NEW SOUTH WALES AUXILIARY TO THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. [See London Missionary Society.] XEW .SOUTH WALES BAXKRUPTCY, COMPAXY, AXD PROBATE CASES. Vols. 6-8, July, 1895- July, 1898. 3 v.,h. sm. 4tn. Svdnev, 1896-98. ME 7 R NEW SOUTH WALES CO-OPERATIVE ALLIANCE. Objects and Rules. 1 2mo. Sydney, 1S9G. MF 3 Q 47 NEW SOUTH WALES CONGREGATIONAL YEAR- BOOK, 1897. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. ME 6 P NEW SOUTH WALES CYCLING GAZETTE. Vol. 1, Nov., 1896^uly, 1897. 8vo Sydney, 1896-97. ME XEW SOUTH WALES EDUCATIOXAL GAZETTE. Vols. 1-7, June, 1891-May, 1898. 7 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1891-98. ' ME 17 Q NEW SOUTH WALES INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB AND THE BLIND. Re- ports, 1864-66, 1869, 1872, 1875-82, 1884-96. 19 vols. Bvo. Sydney, 1864-96. ME 6 S XEW SOUTH WALES LAW REPORTS. Vols. 1-18, 1880-97. 18 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1880-97. ME 21 NEW SOUTH WALES MEDICAL GAZETTE. Vol. 4, No. 7, April, 1874. 8vo. Sydney, 1874. MJ 3 R 26 NEW SOUTH WALES MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY, 1891-92. 12mo. Sydney, 1891. ME 10 S NEW SOUTH WALES PARLIAMENTARY LI- BRARY. Catalogue of the Library of the Parlia- ment of New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. Cat. Room Catalogue of Books added to the Parliamentary Library during the quarter ended 31st !March, 1895. Roy. Bvo. Sydney, 1895. Cat. Room Supplementary Catalogue of Books added to the Libraiy of the Parliament, 1886-June, 1894. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. Cat. Room XEW SOUTH WALES POST OFFICE COMMER- CIAL DIRECTORY, 1889-90, 1892-99. 5 vols, roy. Bvo. Sydney, 1889-98. ME 10 T XEW SOUTH WALES RAILWAY BUDGET. Vols. 1-4. Sept., 1892-Aug., 1896. 4 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1892-96. ME 7 P Supplementarij Catalogue — 1896-98. 263 NEW SOUTH AVALES RELIGIOUS TRACT AND ROOK SOCIETY. Reports, 1850, 1853, 185G, 1858, 1860-G'_'. 8vo. Sydney, 1850-62. ME 6 S JV^ir SOUTH WALES SIIEEPIiREEDERS' YEAR- BOOK, 1898. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. ME 15 R ^'EW SOUTH WALES TRADE PROTECTIVE IN- STITUTE : Weekly Trade Report, Jan.-June, 1896. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1896. ME S T NEW SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NOTES. Vols. 1- 14, 1884-Julv, 1898. 14 vols. .sni. 4to. Sydney, 1884-98. ' ME 7 R NEW SOUTH WALES ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Annual Reports, 1884, 1887, 1893. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1884-94. ME 6 S NEW YORK : — Sfatr, Departments— Rejjorls and Pnhli- cations. Agricultural Experiment Station. Report of the Board of Control, 1894. Roy. 8vo. Albany, 1895. E Boundary Commission. Report ui the Reji;ents' Bound- ary Cijiniuission upon the New York and Pennsylvania Boundary, with the liual Report of Major H. W. Clarke, Surveyor for the Commission. Illustrated. 8vo. Albany," 1886. A 32 R 37 Geologist. Annual Report, 1894. 8vo. Albany, 1895. E Library. Report f)f the Trustees for 1884-86, 1897. 4 vols. roy. Svo. Albany, 1885-98. E State Museum of Natural History. Annual Re- ports, 1879, 1885-86, 1894, 189ii. 5vols. 8vo. Albany, 1879^98. E University. Annual Report of the Administrative De- partment, 1896-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1897-98. E Annual Report of the E.\amination Department, 1896. 8vo. Albany, 1897. E Annual Report of the Exteu.sion Depaitujent, 1S96. 8\(). Albany, 1898. E Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York during the Century from 1784-1884; by Dr. Franklin 1!. Hough, with an In- troductory Sketch by Dr. David Murray. 8vo. Al- bany, 1885. G 17 T 9 Reports, 1885-86. 2 vols. 8vo. Alljany, 1885-86. E NEW YORK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Kei.,.rt for the year 1881-82. 8vo. New York, 1882. E NEW YOKK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. Report, 1883-84. Svo. Now York, 1884. E NEW YORK STATE Lll'.RARY. Catalogue of the New York Stat(! Lil)rary ; First Supplein(Mi( to the Subject-Index of the General Libiarv, 1872-82. 8vo. Albany, 1882. " Cat. Room NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY SCHOOL. Hand- book. 32mo. Albany, 1897. Cat. Room NEW ZEALAND : — Gorernment Dejxirlmenl^ — Reports and PiihlicatuiHS. Agriculture. Dairying Service : Reports, 1896-97. 8vo. Wellington, 1897. ME 19 Q Leaflets for Farmers. Nos. 2, 6-13, 15-34, 36, 39-41. Svo. Wellington, 1894-98. MA 3 R 74 Leaflets for Gardeners antl Fruitgrowers. Nos. 1-9, 11- 19, 22-27. 8vo. Wellington, 1894-98. MA 3 R 73 Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry : by James Gow Black. 8vo. Wellington, 1895. ' ' MA 3 R 78 Poultry and Eggs for Market and Export ; by J. A. Henderson. 8vo. Wellington, 1896. MA 3 R 79 Proceedings of Conference of Australasian Fruitgrowei-s, held in Parliament Buildings, Wellington, Mav, 1896. 8vo. Wellington, 1896. ME 19 Q Report of the Biologist, 1895-97. 2 vols. 8vo. Wel- lington, 1896-97. ME Report of the Government Veterinarian, 1894-95. 8vo. WeUington, 1895. MA 3 R 76 Report on Experiments with Lambs ; by J. A. GLlruth ; also. General Report by Archibald Park. 8vo. Wellington, 1896. :\IA 3 R 80 Report on the prospects of Viticulture in New Zealand; together with Instructions for Planting and Pruning, liy Romeo Bragato. Illustrated. 8vf). Wellington, 1895. MA 3 R 75 Report and Proceedings of Conference to consider ]i(>si tion of the Frozen Meat Industry. 8vo. Wellington, 1896. ' MA 3 R 77 Reports of W. J. Palmer, J. Mayo, J. G. Blackmore, andB. M. Gubb. 8vo. Wellington, 1896. M.\. 3 R [v^ Banking. Report, Minutes of Evidence, itc.,of the New Zealand Banking Connnittee. Sni. fol. Wellinitton. 1896. MFIQIT* Census. \_See Ne\v Zealand. — Statistics.] Department of Labour, .loumal, 1893-96. 4 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1893-96. IVIE 19 P Finance. Public Accounts of the Governments of Now Zealand, 1870-71. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1872. ME Government Gazette. (!o\ernincnt Gazette, 1876-81, 1895-96, July, 1897-June, 1898. 27 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1876-98. ME Horowhenua Commission. Report ami Evidence of the Horowhenua Connnission. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1896. MF I3ti 1 t Lands and Survey. Reports of the Department of Lamls and Survey, 1883, 1892, 1894-98. 6 vols. .sm. fol. Wellington, 1883-98. ME Waikare-Moana, the Sea of the Rippling WiUers : the Lake, the Land, the Legends, with a Tramp through Tuhor 1/uiil. Illustrated. 8vo. Wellington, 1897. MD 3 S 4 264 Public Libravy of New South Wales. NEW ZEALAND— cow 31 NEWTt )N, Edwin Tulley. The X'ertebiata of thi' Pliocene Deposits of Britain. [Snia Mai/iiijlra, the magnificent Fruit Pigeon. (Au.st. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R Oological Notes. (Linnean Soc., N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) ME 2 P Ornithological Notes. (Australian .Museum, Records, 3.) ME 8 R Preliminary Descriptions of a new Genus and of five new Species of Central Australian Birds. (The Ibis, July, 189.-).) E Catalogue of the Australian Birds in the Australian Museum, Sydney. [See Aust. Museum.] MA 3 V 4 NORTH, W. Roman Fe\er: Results of an Inquiry, during three years' residence on the spot, into tin; Origin, Histoiy, Distribution, and Nature of the Malarial Fevers of the Roman Campagna, with especial refer- ence to their .supposed connection with Pathogenic Organisms. Svo. Loud.. ISOO. A 30 Q '22 XORTII AMERICAX REV/Kn', The. Vols. 10-16(i, 1820-June, 1898. \'u vols. 8vo. Boston and New York, 1820-98. E NORTH CAROLINA : -Siaie Drpnrtiiimts—Rrports and Pnliliration.i. Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports, 1891 •)."'.. 2 vols. .^v... Halcigii, 1895-96. E State Weather Service. North Carolin.i Weather during th(! year 1895. Svo. Raleigh, N.C., 1895. E Statutes. Public Laws and Rcsdlutions of the Slate of North Carolina, ])assed by the (Jeneral Assembly, 1893. 8vo. Raleigh, 1K93. E Supreme Court. Cases Argued and Determined in the Siipicmi' Court uf North Carolina. Vols. Ill — 11. 'i, 116, 118, 1892-96. 6 vols. 8vo. Winston and Raleigh, 1892-96. E NORTH DAKOTA T'nlilicnlions. -State Departments — Reports and Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report for year ending February 1st, 1897. 8vo. Fargo, 1897. E Annual Reports. Public Documents of the State of North Dakota, being the Annual and Biennial Reports of various Public OlHcers and Institutions to the Governor and Legislative As.sembly for 1892. 2 vols. 8vo. Bismarck, N.D., 1892. E 1. State Aiulitor, ISO 1-92. Agricultural E.vperiineut Station, 1891-92. Commissioners of Railroads, 1891. Board of Dental E.xaminers, 1891. State Veterinarian, 1891. Connnissioner of Agriculture and Labor, 1891-92. Public Examiner, 1891. Commissioner of Insurance, 1891-92. 2. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1891-92. State Treasurer, 1891-92. Attorney-General, 1891-92. Public Examiner, 1892. Commissioners of Railroads, 1892. University of North Dakota, 1891-92. School for the Deaf, 1891-92. Hospital for tlie Insane, 1891-92. North Dakota Penitentiary, 1891-92. Normal School at Valley City, 1891-92. Normal School at Mayville, 1891-92. Agricultural College, 1891-92. State Reform School, 1892. Superintendent of Irrigation and Forestry, 1891-92. Board of Dental Examiners, 1892. Soldier's Home, 1892. Report of State Board of Agriculture, 1892. State Veterinarian, 1892. State Librarian, 1892. Adjutant-General, 1892. Board of University and School Lauds, 1892. NORTHALL, G. F. Warwickshire Word-book. [See English Dialect Soc. Pubs., 79.] E NORTHCOTE, James. Memorials of; by S. Gwynn. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. ' C 25 P 12 NORTHERN AGRICI^LTURAL ASSOCIATION, NEW SOUTH WALES. Member's Pamphlet for 1873-76, 1878-82, 1884-85, 1895-98. 10 vols. 8vo. Singleton, 1873-98. ME 9 P NORTON, C. Goodwin. The Lantern and hnw to use it. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 41 Q 2 NORTON, lAIrs George. [Life of]; by :Mr.s. Alexander. [See Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 NORTON, Hon. James. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— .Vustralian Portrait Gallery.] MC I P 4 t NORWAY, Arlluir II. Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. D 15 R 18 History of the Post Oliice Packet Service, 1793-1815. Svo. Lond., 1895. B 16 S 15 268 JPulilic Library of Neto South Wales. NORWAY : — Government Depm-tments — Reports and Pub- lications. Statutes. Lois fondamentalos de Suudc et de Norvege suiv"ies de Facte d'union entre les deux royaumes. Stockholm, 1867. , F 5 P 35 NORWAY— DET KGL. NORSKE FREDERIKS UNT- VERSITET. Universitets - Bibliothekets Aai-boj;, 1890-93. 4 vols. roy. 8v(). Christiana, 1891-9G. E NOTCUTT, George Jarvis. The Factory and Workshop Act.s, comprising all the laws now in force for the regulation of labour in Factorie.s and Workshops. Witli Introduction, Explanatory Notes, Notes of Decided Cases, &c. 8vo. Lond., 187+. F 15 Q 19 XOTES AND QUERIES. Vol. l-9th series, vol. 1. 1849-Juae, 1898, and Index, vol. l-8th series, vol. 12, 103 vols. sm. -Ito. Load., 1850-98. E NOTES ON POLITICAL ECONO]\IY from the Colonial point of view. \_See "New Zealand Colonist."] MF 3 P 66 NOTTER, Dr. James Lane. Malta Fever. (Alllmtt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 , and FIRTH, Dr. Robert Hammill. The Theory and Practice of Hygiene : with Bibliography. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 31 Q 22 NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE D'HISTOIRE NATU- RELLE. 36 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816-19. A 34 P 1-36 NOVA SCOTIA : — Government Depeu-tmeufs — Reports and Publications. Statutes. The Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia. 5th ser. 8v(). Halifax, 1884. F 1 S 25 " NOVALIS." [_See Hardenberg, Friedrich \x,n.] NOVIKOFF, Mme. Olga, "O.K." Russia and England from 1876-80: a Protest and an Appeal. With a Preface by .J. A. Froude. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F 3 R 10 Reflections of a Russian Statesman. \_See Pobyedonost- seflF, K. P.] (i 23 P 35 NOWELL, Edwin Craddock. Local Industries. \_See Hull, H. M. — Practical Hints to Emigrants intending to proceed to Tasmania.] MD 2 P 9 NOYES, Alexander Dana. Tliirty Years of American Finance : a short Financial Memory of the Govern- ment and People of the United States since the Civil War, 1865-96. 8vo. New York, 1898. F 15 R 19 NUNN, Capt. Jiishua Arthur. Notes on Stable Manage- ment in India and the Colonies 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 28 P 11 "NUNQUAM." \_See Blatchford, R.] NUTT, Alfred. Essays upun the Irish Vision of the Happy Otherworld, and the Celtic Doctrine of Re- birth. [_See Meyer, Dr. K. — The Voyage of Bran.] B 36 PIG NUTTALL, William. Co-operative Share Capital : should it be transferable or withdrawable? 12mo. Man- chester, 1872. F 12 S 20 NUTTALL, Zelia. The Atlatl or Spear-thrower of the Ancient Mexicans. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1891. (Ar- ehasological and Ethnological Papers of the Peabody Museum.) A 40 S 10 NYS, Prof. Ernest. Etudes de Droit International et de Droit Politique. Roy. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1896. F 1 U 23 Etudes .sur les Principes du Droit International. \See Westlake, J.] F 1 U 15 OAKES, A. H. A Teacher Taught. (Matthews, J. B.— Comedies for Amateur Acting.) H 12 P 6 OAKES, Leslie M. Ben Tillett's Foi'tune. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 P 41 Oakshaw Annual of New South Wales, 1897. \^See Shaw, J.] • ME 15 P OAKSHA W AXXUAL. [_See Shaw, .1.] ME 15 P OATES, Eugene W. Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of 15urma. \See British Museum. — Nat. His.] A 38 P 12 OBACH, Dr. Eugene F. A. Cantor Lectures on Gutta- percha. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 41 S 12 O'BRIEN, Joseph. The Argument frcjni Design. (Mel- bourne Review, 6.) ' ' ME 18 Q English Institutions and the Irish Race. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q OBSERVATORY, Th' : a Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vols. 1-20, 1877-97. 20 vols."8vo. Lond., 1878-97. E OBSERVER TURF GUIDE FOE SOUTH AUS- TRALIA, 1878-83. 4 vols. 12mo. Adelaide, 1880- 83. ME 5 P OCHOROWICZ, Dr. J. Mental Suggestion; with a Preface bv C. Richet. Translated "by J. Fitzgerald. 8vo. New York, 1891. G 18 R 61 OCKLEY, Dr. Frederick. Mutual Aid and Cooperation in Agriculture. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U O'CLERY, Harry. Facins; the Zulus. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 269 O'CONNOR, D. Fish Accliiiuitisatioii in Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, ISUT.) ME 1 T Fish Culture and Acclimatisation. (Queensland Agri- cult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Report on Preservation of Ceratodus. (Roy. Soc.j Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T O'CONNOR, Henry. The Gas Engineers Hand-book, comprising Tables, Notes, and Memoranda relating to the jManut'acture, Distribution, and use of Coal (Jaa, and the Construction (jf (Jas-works. 12mo. Lond., 1898. A 22 P 50 O'CONNOIi, Thomas Power. Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur. — Human Dcjcuments.] .J 14 U 15 [Life of] Napoleon. \_See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 22 T 1 3 O'CONOR, Rev. John Francis Xa^■ier. Facts about Bookworms : their History in Literature and Work in Libraries. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 28 P 36 OCTAVIUS, C. \_See Augustus.] ODGERS, James. The Cooperative Insurance Co., Ltd., for the Fire and Life Insurance and Fidelity Guaran- tee in connection with Cooperative Stores. 12mo. Manchester, 1895. F 13 V 41 ODGERS, William Blake. The Federation of our Aus- tralian Colonies. (New Centui-y Review, Oct., 1897.) E An Outline of the Law of Libel. 12nio. Lond., 1897. F 15 Q 15 ODLING, Dr. William. Chemistry of Potable Water. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health K.vhib. Literature.) A 41 V 4 O'DONAHUE, T. A. Colliery Surveying: a Piimer designed for the use of Students and Colliery Manager aspirants. Illustrated. |-Jmcp. Lmid.. ISlHi. "a 2.') P 44 O'DONOGHUE, David J. Life of William Carleton. [See Carleton, William.] C 20 S 1, 2 Life and Writings of J. C Mangiin. \_See Mangan, i.C] C25Q11 Traits and Stones of the Irish Peasantry. \See Carlet(m, William.] J 14 IT 10-13 O'DOWD, Bernard Patrick. Digest of Australasian Min- ing Coses. [S« Eaglcson, J. G.] MF 5 R 5 Local Gov<-iiiment Acts. [See MacHugli, A.] M F 5 Q 23 OERSTED, Hans Christian. <)n<^ Mind in Nature. [See Jlartineau, Rev. J. — Essay.s, Reviews, and Addresses.] .1 14 T29 OERSTED, Jean ('. Memoir of. [See Smithsonian Inst. Rei)t., 1808.1 E ()FI''I('KR, (iruliain, and jjOCC. Kvclvn ( i. TheCeulogy of C'oimaidai. Pis. 1, 2. (iiov. Soc., \'iet., J'roc, 1897.) MK 1 P O'FLANAtlAN, James Roderick. Tiie ilunster Circuit : Tales, Trials, and Traditions. 8vo. Lond., 1880. J 14 U 2G OGILBY, J. Douglas. Australian Eleotrinre. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 189G.) ME 2 P Descriptions of two new genera and species of Australian Fishes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 189G.) ME 2 P Galaxias from Mount Kosciusko. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 189G.) ME 2 P Monograph of the Australian Marsipobranchii. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 189G.) ME 2 P New family of Australian Fishes. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P New genus and species of Fishes from Maroubra Bav. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 189G.) ME 2 P Some Tasmanian Fishes. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1896.) ME 1 Q Two new genera and species of Fishes from Australia. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1895.) JIE 2 P OGILVIE, Will H. Fair Girls and Grav Horses, with other Verses. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. " ISIH 1 P 80 OGILVIE, William. Extracts from the Report of an Ex- ploration made in 1896-97. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 16 V 22 Lecture on the Klondike Mining District. Roy. Svo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. A 34 V 21 Lecture on the Yukon (iold-tields. 8vo. Victoria, B.C., 1897. A 33 S 36 OGILVY, ]\Iargaret. [See Biirrie, Margaret.] OGLE, John J. The Free Library. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 R 27 Public Library Legislation. [See Fovargue, H. W.] J 9 V 36 Public Library :\laMuul. [See Fovargue, H. W.] J 5 T 37 OGLE, Dr. William. Aristotle on Youth and ( »ld Age. [See Aristoteles,] A \V1 R 32 O'GORMAN, Prof. Thomas. History of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States. (American Church History Series.) G 12 V 16 0'(iRAI)Y, Standish. Pacata Hibernia : or, a History of the Wars in Ireland during the Reign of Queen Eliza- l)eth, especially within the Province of Munster. Illustrated, 2* vols. 8vo. Lond., IS'.Hi. |! ;i.| T I,"), IG <»iv()SHI, Narinoii. Sketch of the Fisheries uf Jafian. (Internat. I'isheries l-^xhib. I'isheiics Literature.) A 34 K 5 OLCOTT, Henry S. Old Diary Leaves: the true Story cif the Theosophieal Societv. 8vo. New York, 189.'>. G 14 S 21 "OLD CIIKLTONIAN, An." [See Itig.ston, Mrs.] "OLD ('OLLi:(;i:i{, An." [5c* Coleridge, A. D.J 270 Public Library of Neio South Wales. OLD COUNTRY, The : Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial. 6 vols. imp. 8vo. Loud. (n.d.) D 10 W 1-6 f "OLD INDIAN, An," Historical Sketch of Aimenia and the Armenians in Ancient and Modern Times, with .special reference to the present crisis. 8vo. Lond., 1896. P. 16 R 49 OLD SANCTUARY, An. [_See H., L.] G 11 Q 37 OLDFIELD, Anne. Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield ; by E. Robins. AVith Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 24 R 24 OLDHLAil, H. Yule. Aims and Practice of Teaching Geography. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 OLDHAAI, M. R. D. Manual of the Geology of India. \_See Ramond, G.] "A 31 S 21 OLDKNOW, Lieut. Reginald C. The Mechanism of Men of-war : being a Description of the Machinery to be found in Modern Fighting Ships. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 22 Q 50 OLDRUITENBORGH, Baron Sloet van. Technical Ob- servations upon the Coolgardie Gold-fields. 8vo. Lond., 1897. MA 4 Q 2 CLEAR Y, John. Recollections of Fenians and Fenianism. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1896. F 13 R 3, 4 OLIPHANT, Mrs. Margaret O. W. Makers of Modern Rome. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 30 U 21 [Lives of] the Sisters Bront*. [See Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 Thomas Chalmers, Preacher, Philosopher, and Statesman. [See Chalmers, Thomas.] C 20 T 20 William Blackwood and his Sons : their Magazine and Friends. [See Blackwood, W.] C^24 T 9, 10 OLIPHANT, Thomas La\vi-ence Kington. The Old and Middle EngUsh. 12mo. Lond., 1878. J 14 U 34 OLIVER, Dr. Charles A. Description of a Case showing the late Ophthalmoscopic Appearances of supposed Embolism of the Central Retinal Artery. ■ 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 33 V 16 History of a Case of Indurated Chancre of the Eyehd. 8vo. Philad., 1894. A 33 V 16 Preliminary Note upon a few of the changes found in the fields of vision wliile the eyes are placed at right angles to their ordinaiy position. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 33 V 16 OLIVER, Dr. F. AV. Natural History of Plants. [See Kerner von Marilaun, Prof. Anton.] A 22 V 3 OLIVER, Capt. Pasfield. Voyages made by the Sieur Dubois to the Islands Dauphine, or Madagascar, and Bourbon, or Mascareune, in the years 1669-72. [See Bois, Sieur du.] ' D 19 U 7 OLIVER, Dr. Thomas. Injuries by Electric Currents of Hisrh Pressure. (Allbutt, D"r T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 Metallic and some other forms of Poisoning, including Poisonous Trades. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 35 OLIVER, William Dudlej'. Crags and Craters : Rambles in the Island of Reunion. Illustrated. 1 2mo. Loud., 1896. D 14 R 20 OLIVER and BOYDS Edinburgh Almanac and National Repository, 1838-98. 51 vols. 12mo. Edin., 1838-98. E OLIVIER, Sydney. The Basis of Socialism. [See Shaw, G. Bernard. — Fabian Essays in Socialism.] F 13 R 8 OLLIFF, Arthur Sidney. Australian Entomophytes, or Entomogenous Fungi, and some Account of their In- sect Hosts. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Dec, 1895.) E Sketch of, with List of published Notes and Papers. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Mesozoic and Tertiary Insects of New South Wales. [See New South AVales — Geol. Surv., Memoirs of. Palseontology, 7.] ME OMAN, Charies. Europe, 476-918. 8vo. Lond., 1895. (Periods of European History.) B 16 R 31 History of the Art of War : the Aliddle Ages from the 4tli to the 14th Century. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. ■ A 40 R 19 OMAR KHAYYAM. Quatrains of Omar Khey^am of Nishapour, now first completely done into English Verse from the Persian, in accordance with the original forms. With a Biographical and Critical Introduction by John Payne. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 3 Q 35 Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam: being a fac-simile of the 5lS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford ; with a transcript into Modern Persian Characters. Trans- lated, ^^^th an Introduction Und Notes and a Bibliog- raphy, by E. Heron- Allen. Rov. 8vi). Lond., 1898. H 1 U 1 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. English, French, German, Italian, and Danish Translations comparatively arranged in accordance with the Text of Edward Fitzgerald's vei-sion ; with further Selections, Notes, Biographies, Bibliographies, and other material. Edited by N. H. Dole. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1898. H 11 R 40, 41 OMOND, George W. T. Eariy History of the Scottish Union Question. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. F 4 T 20 [Life of] Fletcher of Saltoun. [See Fletcher, A.] C 20 U 22 ONE-HORSE CITY, The. 8vo. Sydney (n.tl.) [Ex- tract from Sydney Once-a week.] MJ 3 R 28 Sup2^i^>}icniary Catalogue — 1896-98. 271 "ONP] WHO HAS KEPT A DIARY.' [Sf* Russell, G. AV. E,] O'NEIL, James. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See McKay, F. E.— Faiuous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 O'NEILL, I. R. Alethe ; or, Light throu},'!! the Shadow of Death. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 19 T 5 ONO, Dr. Yeijiro. The Industrial Transition in Japan. (.i\juericau Economic Association.) F 4 V 15 ONTARIO : — Government Departments — Reportti and Fuh- lications. Agricultural College and Experiment Farm. Ke- jM.rt, lS94-9.'i, iSUT. .3 vols. mv. Svo. Toronto, 1895- 98. " E Archaeological Museum. Rejiurt, 1894-95. Roy. 8vo. Toroiitd, lf<90. E Bureau of Industries. Report, 1893, 1895. 2 vols, my. 8vn Ti)roiiio, 1894-96. E Department of Agriculture. Annual Reiinrt of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union, 1897. 8vo. Toronto, 1898. E Reports, 1892, 1894-9C, 9 vols. i-oy. Nv(j. Toronto, 1893-97. ' E Statutes. ]{e\-ised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, 1897: being .•I consolidation of the revised Statutes of (Ontario, 1877, 1887, with the subsequent Public Acts of the Legis- lature of Ontario. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1887- 97. E Revised Statutes of Ontario, being a consolidation of the revised Statutes of Ontario, 1877, with the subsequent General Acts of the Legislature of Ontario. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1887. F 9 V 7, 8 ONTARIO DAIRYMEN'S AND CREAMERIES' AS- SOCIATIONS. Reports 1892, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1893-94. E ONTARIO ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Iteport, 1892. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. E ONTARIO FARMERS' INSTITUTES. Report, 1892. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. E ONTARIO F11UIT-(JR0WERS' ASSOCI.VTION. Re- ports, 1885-92. 8 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1885-93. E OPEX COUJiT, The: a Weekly Journal devoted to the Religion of Science. Vols. 10, 11,1890-97. 2 vols. 4to. Chicago, 1890-97. E OPPEMIEIM, :\1. History of the Administration of the l>i>yal Navy and of Merchant Siiipping in relation to the Navy, from 1509 IfiOO ; with an Introduction treating on the preceding period. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 12 T 26 Naval Accounts and Inventories. [See Navy Records Society, 7.] E OPPENHEIM, Dr. Nathan. Development of the Child. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 33 P 39 OPPOLZER, Dr. Tlioodore d'. Traite de la Determina- tion des Orbites Cometes et lies Planetes. Edition Franqaise publiee d'apres la deuxieme edition ;ille- mande par Ernest Pas(|uier. Vol. 1 {all jiuhlishnd in Frewh). Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1886. A 10 W 16 t ORAM, Henry J. The INIarine Steam-engine. \_See Sen- nett, R.] A 13 U 9 ORCHARD, Dr. Thomas N. The Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost. 8vo Lond., 1896. A 19 U 19 ORCHARDSON, William Quiller. Art of. [See Port- folio, The.~Monogr;qihs, 14.] E ORD, Dr. William Miller. .Myxcedema. (AlUnUi, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 -, and William Wallis. Sporadic Cretinism. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 37 -, and jMACKENZIE, Dr Hector. Diseases of the Thyioid CJland. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A"26 T 37 Grave's Di-sease. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medi- cine.) A 26 T 37 ORDE, L. Bohemian Life. [See Murger, H.] B 20 R 12 ORDISH, T. Fairman. Shakespeare's London : a Study of London in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 12mo. Lond., 1897. B 23 P 14 O'REILLY, Lieut.-Col. A. A. Petition of. [See Cape of Good Hope.— Petition of Lieut.-Col. O'Rtully.] F 1 S 12 O'REILLY, T. Defiidtions of Socialism, Capital, Capital- ist, Single Tax, and other information from various leading Political Economists and Prominent Reform- ers. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. IMF 4 Q 65 ORFORD, H. Lens Work for Amateurs. 12mo. L(md., 1894. A 23 P 8 ORLEANS, Prince Heni-i d'. From Tonkin to India by the sources of the Irawadi, Jan., 1895-Jan., 1896. Translated by H. Bent. Illustrated. ]\oy. 8vo. Lond., 1898. I) "13 V 9 ORLEANS, Louis Albert Philippe d', Comte do Paris. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Per.son.s.] C 19 Q 22 ORMEROD, Eleanor A. Report of Observations of In- jurious Insects and Connnon Farm Pests, 1879-97, with Methods of Prevention and lieniedy. 14 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1879-98. E ORMEROD, l>i-. Joseph Ardorne. Epidemic Cercbi-o- Spinal Meningitis. (Allliutt, l")r. 'I. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 T 34 272 PiMlc Library of New South JVules. ORR, M. A. Southern Stars : a Guide to the Constella- tions ^dsible in the Southern Hemisphere. Sm. -Ito. Lend., 1896. MA 1 P 53 OSBORX, E. H. Reports upon Conditions of Work in Fla.x Mills and Linen Factories. [_See Gt. Brit, and Ireland.— Flax Mills and Linen Factories.] F 39 V 9 ; OSBORN, Prof. Herbert. Insects affecting Domestic Animals. \_See United State.s. — Dept. of Agricult. — Di\ision of Entomology.] A 36 V 24 The Pediculi and !Mallophaga affecting man and the lower animals. [5m United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult. — Division of Entomology.] A 37 S 5 OSBORNE, Duffield. Surf and Surf-bathing. (Out-of-door Library.) A 40 Q 1 O'SHANASSY, Sir John. [Sketch of] ; by W. H. Archer, (ilelbourne Review, 8.) ' ME 18 Q OSLER, Dr. William. Malarial Fever. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of ^ledicine.) A 26 T 3-5 Principles and Practice of Medicine. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. A 26 Y 2 OSMOND, Sophie. Snags : a Story of the Shearing Strike. 12mo. Melb., 1895. MJ 3 P 43 OSS, S. F. van. The Westralian Mining "Boom." (Nine- teenth Century, Nov., 1896.) E OSSA, Jose Gregorio. Numa y Pompilio juguete eomico en un Acto i en Verso. 12mo. Santiago, 1889. H 11 Q 21 OSSIAN. [Essay on] the Poems of. [See Tovey, Rev. D. C. — Reviews and Essays in English Literature.] J 14 V 18 OSSOLT, Sarah ^Margaret Fuller, 3Iarchioness d'. [Life of] : by T. W. Higginson. 14th ed. "With Portrait. 8vo. Boston, 1898. C 19 T 23 OSTERBERG, :Max. Synopsis of Current Electrical Literature. Roy. 8vo." Ne\v York, 1896. A 21 Y 36 Thermodynamics. [See Pupin, Dr. M. I.] A 25 R 35 OSTRANDER, D. Social Growth and Stability. Svo. Chicago, 1895. F" 10 Y 2 OSTWALD, Dr. Wilhehn. The Scientific Foundations of Analytical Chemistry treated in an Elementary iLan- ner. Translated by Dr. Geoi-ge M'Gowan. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " A 21 R 41 OTAGO AXD SOUTH LAX D DIRECTORY. Stone's Otago and Southland Directory and New Zealand Annual, 1891. 8vo. Dunedin, 1891. ME12R OTT, Prof. Carl von. The Elements of Graphic Statics. Translated by Major G. S. Clarke. 12mo. Lond. 1895. ■ A 25 R 19 "OTTILIE." [5ee Freidmann, O.] OTTLEY, Robert L. [Life of] Bishop Andrewes. {Su Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop.] C 20 T 16 OTTOFY, Dr. Louis. Compendium of Dentistry for the use of Students and Practitioners. [See Parreidt, Dr. J.] . A 32 S 24 OTTOLENGUI, Dr. Rodrigues. Method.s of Filling Teeth : an Exposition of Practical Methods which will enable the Student and Practitioner of Dentistrj' suc- cessfully to piepare and fill all Cavities in Human Teeth. " Illustrated. 8yo. Philad., 1892. A 32 S 35 OTWAY, Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur. Autobiography and Journals of Admiral Paget. [See Paget, Adm. Lord Clarence E.] C 22 Q 13 OTWAY, Thomas. [Essay on.] [See Gosse, Edmund. — 17th Century Studies.] H 10 W 23 OUDINOT, Marshal Nicolas Charles, Due de Reggie. Memoirs of, compiled from the hitherto unpublished souvenii-s of the Duchess de Reggio by Gaston Stiegler, anil now first translated into English by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 21 U 13 OULTON, W. School Savings Banks. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 10 OUR ALMA MATER. Edited by Students of St. Ignatius' College, Riverview, Sydney. 1886-87, 1890, 1893-95. Dec, 1895. 8 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1886- 95. ME 15 Q OUR CHURCHES, and why we belong to them. Svo. Lond., 1898. " G 11 U37 OUR ENGLISH MINSTERS. 1st and 2nd ser. Illus- trated. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 39 P 9, 10 OUR INHERITANCE IN THE HILLS. [See Suther- land, G.] MD 6 R 8 OUR NATIONAL CATHEDRALS ; their History and Architecture from their Foundation to Modern Times Illustrated. Yols. 2 and 3. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1888-89. A 19 Y 5, 6 OUR QUEEN : Life and Times of Yictoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and Empress of India, kc. [See Yictoria, Queen of England.] C 23 P 9 OUT OF-DOOR LIBRARY, The. lUustratod. 3 vols. 8yo. Lond., 1896-97. Angling. A 40 Q 8 Athletic Sports. A 40 Q 1 Mountain Climbing. D 20 S 22 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 273 OUTRAM, Sir James. Portrait of. [See Latimer, Eliza- beth Wormeley. — England in lUth Century. J 13 16 S 13 [Sketch of.] [See Smith, Dr. G. — Twelve Indian Statesmen.] C 20 8 10 OUTRAM, Leonard. [Art of Acting.] [Scf Hammorton, J. A.—The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 OVEN LA. YD MOXTHLY, The. Vols. 7-2G, 188G-95. 20 vols. 8v(). San Francisco, IS.SG-yr). E OVERTOX, Rev. John llenrv. The Anglican Revival. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " G 23 P 9 The Church of England. Willi [Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S97. (National Churches.) G 23 Q 5, 6 OWEN, Dr. Edmund. Rearing of Hand-fed Infants ; with an Introduction by Dr C. West. (Internal. Health E.xhib.- llcallh E.xliil). Literature.) A 11 V 2 OWEN, -Edward Rodcric. Memoir; by Mai Rovill and G. R. Askwilh. With Portraits and Maps. 8vo. Lend., 1897. C 25 Q 9 OWEN, Evan F. Friendly Societies. (Mcllinurne Review, G.) ME 18 Q OWEN, Jean A. [See Vi-sger, Jean A.] OWEN, Rev. John. The Welsli Calviuistic Church. [See E.lwards, T. C] G 11 U 37 OWEN, Jdiui W. ^\^>rds ,if Warning: three Sermons preached in the Cathedral Chuixli of St. Peter, Ade- laide. 8vo. Adelaide, 1894. MG 2 IT 7 OWEN, Sir Richard. Biographical Notice of Sir Richard Owen. [See Flower, Sir W. H. ^Essays on Museums.] A 41 R 1 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons. C 19Q 21 OWEN, Robert. Address to tlie Human Hace. Mvo. Loud., 1854. F 4 R 32 Development of tin; ]irincii>les and Plans on which to establish self-supporting Home Colonies as a most secure and ])rotital)le investment for capital, and an effectual nu'aiis jiermanently to remove the causes of ignorance, poverty, and crinu', and most mat(!rially to b(!nefit all classes of society by giving a right a]ij)lica- tion to the now greatly misdirected powers of the human faculties and of physical and moral science. Ito. i.,md., 1841. ' F7 T 2 Discussion on the Origin of God between Origen H.acheler and Roljert Dale Owen. 12mo. Lond., 1S12. (i l.^i U 24 Essays on the I'^nrnialion of ihi' Human Character. Hvo. iJmA., 1840. G 15 U 25 Great Preliminary Meeting, in wiiieh liy his previous ad- vertisements Mr. Owen had announced that the true millennial state of human existence sliouhl counuence ; with his rea.s(uis prelixed for calling these meetings. 8vo. I^ind., 1855. F 4 R 33 2 M OWEN, Robert— conirf. Inauguration of the Millennium. 8vo. Ix)nd., 1855. F4 R 34 Letters to the Human Race on the coming Universal Revolution. 18mo. Lond., 1850. F 12 S 15 New Existence of Man upon the Earth. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1854-55. F 4 R 25-30 Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race. ISmo. Lond., 1850. F 12 S 16 Si.x Lectures (m Charity. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) F 4 U 34 Supplement to the Revolution in Mind aud Practice of the Human Race, also a coj)y of the Original Memorial which was presented to the Sovereigns assembled in Congress at Aix-le-Chapelle in 1818, from the Author of this W^ork, showing the correctness of his anticipa- tions, as proved by subsequent events ; to which is added a Discourse delivered to the Socialists of London, 1849. 8vo. Lond., 1849. F 4 R 31 Life, Times, and Labours of ; by L. Jones. Edited by W. C. Jones. 2nd cd. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 P 17 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 Testimony of A. Combe in favoui' f)f Robert Owen's New Views of ^lan and Society. [See Combe, A.] C 18 P 25 OXENHA:\r, Rev. Frank Nutcombe. The Validity of Pai)al Claims. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 23"Q 4 OXFt)RD UNIVERSITY. Calendar. 1838-98. 63 vols. 12mo. Oxford, 1838-98. E PACKARD, Dr. Alpheus Spring. Text-book of Ento- mology, including the Anatomy, Physiology, Embry- ology, and Metamorpho.ses of Insects, for use in Agri- cultural and Technical Schools and Colleges, as well as by the Working Entomologist. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 41 R 9 PACKAltH, Dr. Frederick A. Cholera Morbu.s, Cli,.ler.i, Cholera Infantum, and Dysentery. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 Diabetes Mellitus. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— System of Practi- cal Th<'rai)euties.) A 31 P H PACKARD, Dr. John H. Oral Surgery. (Litcli, Dr. W. F. — American System of l)entistry.) A 31 S 3 PACKER, F. A. Song: For Ev.M-more. Sm. fol. Syd- ney (n.y C. II, izel wood Shan- non and ■). W. (ili-eson Whili'. lllustraleil. 2 voIm. roy. 8vo. Lmiy A. Lecomte du Noiiy. Translated by John Macfarlane. 4to. Lond., 1896. B 13 V 17 t Quarterl)' Statements, 1869-97. 29 vols. Svo. Loud., 1869-97. E Thirty Years' Work in the Holy Land, 1865-95 ; bv Sir Walter Besaut. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 2S" R 9 PALEY, Frederick Apthorp. jSlschyli que supei-sunt omnia. [See ^schylus.] H 4 V 17, 18 PALEY, William. Law and Practice of Summary Con- victions under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, 1848- 84, including Proceedings preliminary and subsequent to Con\-ictious, and the responsibility of convicting Magistrates and their officers ; with the Summary Jurisdiction Rule.s, 1886, and Forms; by Walter H. MacNamara. 7th ed. Svo. Lond., 1892. F 9 P 27 PALGRAVE, Rev. Francis Milues Temple. Words and Phrases in every-day use in Hetton-le-Hole, Durham. [See English Dialect Soc, Pubs., 74.] E PALGRAVE, Francis Turner. The Golden Trea,sury, selected from the best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language, and arranged witliin Notes. 2nd ser. 12mo. Lond., 1897. HUP 40 Landscape in Poetry, from Homer to Tennyson, with many illustrative examples. Svo. Lond., 1897. H 11 T 1 PALGRAVE, Robert Harry Inglis, F.R.S. Dictionary of PoHtical Economy. A^ol. 2. Svo. Lond., 1896 F 7 S 28 PALL MALL MAGAZINE, Th". Vols. 1-14, 1893- April, 1898. 14 vols. Svo. Lond., 1893-98. E PALLISER, F. W. The Irish Rebellion of 1796. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) B 29 R 16 PAL:MEr., A. H. Life and Letters of Samuel Palmer. [See Pabner, S.] C 21 T 19 Life of Joseph Wolf, Animal Painter. [See Wolf, J.] C22 Q 1 PALMER, Frank Loomis. The Wealth of Labour. Svo. New York, 1894. F 10 V 4 PALMER, Maj.-Gen. H. S. Letters from the Land of the Rising Suii, 1886-92. Imp. Svo. Yokohama, 1894. B 15S 15 t PALMER, John. From Sebastopol to Lucknow. (Small, E. :M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 PALMER, Sir Roundell, Lord Selbourne. [See Sel- bourne. Lord.] Su]}jplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 275 PALMER, Dr. S. B. Eloctro-Cliemical Relations of Stop- pings to the Teeth. (Litcli, Dr. W F. — American .System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 PALMER, Samuel. Index to The I'imes Newspaper. [&« Times, The.] E PALMER, Samuel, Painter. Life and Letters of ; by A. ]L Palmer. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C21 T 19 PALJIER, T. H. Cyanide Process for the Extraction of Gold. 8vo. Sydney, 1S98. MA 2 R 5G PAL:\rER, Dr. T..S. Jack Rabbits of the United States. [&« United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 55 PALMl'IR, AV. J. Report on Fruitgrowing. [See New Zealand.— Agriculture.] MA 3 R 81 PALMERSTON, Henry John Temple, Viscount. [Por- trait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 PAMELY, Caleb. Collier}- ^lanager's Hand-book : a com- prehensive Treatise on tlie Ijaying-out and Working of Collieries. 4th ed. Roy. 8vo." Lond., 1 S9S. A 4 1 S 14 PAINIMEL, L. H. Notes on the Grasses and Forage Plants of Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Agrostology.] A 3G V 16 PAN-AMERICAN MEDICAL CONGRESS. Transac- tions, 1893. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1895. E PANABOKKE, H.m. T. B. ISleghaduta. [^«eKalidasa.] H 1 S 32 PANORAMA, Le. Le Louvre et !p Luxendxmrg. Illus- trated. Ob. 4to. Paris (n.d.) A 19 S 2 t Mi'rveilles do France, Belgiqiie, Suisse, Algerie, et Tunisia Ob. 4to. Paris '( n.d.) A'l9Slt Salon. Illustrated. 2 vols. <.)). 4(o. Paris, 1896-97. A 1 9 S .-i, I t PANTALEONl, Prof. .Maffeo. Pure P^conomics. Tran.s- lated by T. B. Bruce. «vo. Lond., 1898. F 3 R 25 PARE, Ambroise. Aml)roise Pare and his Times, 1510- 90 ; by S. Paget. Illustrated. 8vo. N(!w York, 1897. C 23 U 1 PARIS, Louis. Le Piiuti((uc Fran(;'aise au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance. [See Hecq, G.] H 1 U 3 PARIS AND VIENNE. Thystorye of tlic Noble Ryght Valyaunt and Worthy Knyglit Parys, and of the fayr Vyenne, the i)aul])hyns Daughter of Vyennoys. From the unique copy printed l)y \Villiain Caxton in the year 1485 ; witii a Preface, (ilossaiy, and Notes, by "W. C. HazUtt. Sm. 4to. Lond., 186K. (Itoxburgho Library.) J 2 T 29 PARIS SALON. Illustrated Catalogue, 1881-94, 1897- 98. 16 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1881-98. E The Salon, 1892, 1894-97: 100 Plates— Photogravures and Etchings, and one A\'ater-colour facsimile, with English Text. Translated by Henry Bacon. 5 vols, sm. fol. Paris, 1892-98. E PARISH, Edmund. Hallucinations and Illusions : a Study of the Fallacies of Perception. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G 18 P 43 PARK, Archibald. Animal and Vegetable Parasites asso- ciated with the production of Neoplasms in Cattle and Sheep. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S General Report by Archibald Park, Government Veter- inarian, New Zealand. [See New Zealand. — Agricul- ture.] MA 3 R 80 PARK, James. The Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction. 2nded. 8vo. Auckland, 1896. MA 1 Q 22 Another copy. 3rd ed. 8vo. Auckland, 1897. MA4 S6 PARK, Mungo. [Life of]; by T. Banks MacLachlan. 1 2mo. Edinb., 1 898. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 V 8 PARK, Dr. Roswell. PeriUmiti.s, Appendicitis, and Peri- typhlitic Abscess. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — Sy.stem of Pi-actical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 PARK, William. The Game of Golf. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 29 R 37 PARK, Dr. William Hallock. New Facts and Methods in the Treatment of Diphtheria. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 PARKER, Charles Stuart. Hi.story of Classical Educa- tion. (Farrar, F. W., Dean. — Essays on a Liberal Education.) ' (i 17 T 10 PARKER, Gilbert. Song: Twilight .if I,..ve. | Words only. I Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) .MA 13 ]' f PARKER, Rev. Joseph. Christian Pn.files in a Pagan Mirror. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 P 15 .Studies in Texts : for Family, Church, and Scliool. A'ol. 2. 8vo. Ij)nd., 189.S. (! 23 Q 40 PARKER, Mrs. K. Langl.ih. Austr.ilian Legendary Tales: Fiilk-lore of the Noongahlnurahs as told to the Picca- ninnies. .Sv(.. Lond'., 1896. .MJ 3 R 12 More Australian Legendary Tales; with Inlroductioii by A. Lang. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 189.^. .MJ 3 R 29 PARKER, Prof. T. .I.llery, .uid HASWELL, Prof. Wil- iiam A. T<^xt-book of Zoology. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8v(). Lond., 1897. MA 4 T 7, 8 273 Fublic Library of New South Wales, PARKER, Tlieodore. Discourse of Religion. {See Mai- tineau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J 14 T 27 rSketch of.l \See Emerst>n, R. W.— Miscellanies.] '- J 2-2 Q 24 PARKER, Dr. W. N. Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates. [See Wiedersheim, Dr. R.] A 39 R 2 PARKES, Sir Henry. An Australian Xation. (Mel- bourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q An Emigrant's Home Letters. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MC 1 Q 58 The Reid Ministry. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 5 Q 20 The Union of the Colonies : a Speech delivered in the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales. Svo. Sydney, 1895. MF 4 Q 53 Life of ; by Charles E. Lyne. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. " MC 1 T 29 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [_See Shine, T. — Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t PARKES, Dr. Louis Coltman. Hygiene and Public Health. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 Q 23 PARKINSON, Sydney. Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the World.] MD 8 R 50 PARKMAN, Francis. [Sketch of.] [See Matthews, J. B. — Introduction to the Study of American Literature.] J 22 R 37 [Sketch of.] [See Vedder, H. C. — American A\'riters of To-day.] C 22 S 19 PARKYN, Ernest Albert. Law of JNIastcr and Servant, with a Chapter on Apprenticeship. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 15 S 1 PARLEY, Samuel. Hints to Emigrants, in which the Climate, Capabilities, and Geographical Position of the British Colony of the Cape of Gt)od Hope are sub- mitted for examination and consideration. 12nio. Lond., 1838. MD 4 P 4 PARNELL, Charles fetewart. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 PARR, Mrs. Louisa. [Life of] Dinah Mulock (.Mrs. Craik). [See Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign.] C 24 S 3 PARREIDT, Dr. Julius. Compendium ..f Dentistry for the use of Students and Practitioners. Translated by Louis Ottofy ; with Notes and Additions by G. V. Black. Illustrated. 8v(). Chicago, 1889. A 32 S 24 PARRY, Dr. C. Hubert H. Evolution of the Art of :Music. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 22 PARRY, Francis. The Sacred May Stone of Mexico, and its Symbolism. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1893. G 17 U 6 t PARRY, Sydney Henry Jones-. An Old Soldier's Memories. AVith Portrait. 8\o. Lond., 1897. C 24 R 8 PARSHALL, H. P., and HOBART, H. M. Armature Windings of Electric Machines. 4to. New Y''ork, 1895. A 13 T 17 t PARSON AND THE PEDLAR, The. [See " Ingon- yama.^'] MH 1 V 29 PARSONS, Alfred. Notes in Japan. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. D 17 S 14 PARSONS, H. (i. Federation. (Melbourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q PARSONS, J. Langdon. The Northern Territory [of South Australia]. Svo. Adelaide, 1887. MD 8 Q 49 The Northern Territory of South Australia ; with Re- port by the Rev. J. E. Tenison- Woods on the Geology and Mineralogy of the Territory. Svo. Adelaide, 1S88. " MD 8 Q 49 The Products of the Northern Territory [of South Australia]. Svo. Adelaide, 1891. MD 8 Q 49 PARSONS, Robert. Reasons why Catholiques refuse to goe to Church. (Dearmer, Rev. P. — Religious Pams.) G 23 Q 32 PARSONS, Samuel. Homes in Citj- and Country. [See Homes in City and Country.] A 23 U 41 PARSONS, William. Story of the Fresh-air Fund. (The Poor in Great Cities.) " F 13 U 25 PARSONS, William E. Our Notions of Number and Space. [See Nichols, Dr. H.] G 9 W 16 PARTINGTON, James Edge-. Album of the Weapons, Tools, Ornaments, and Articles of Dress of the Natives of the Pacitic Islands. Ob. Svo. Manchester, 1890. Libr. PARTRIDGE, William Ordwav. Technique of Sculpture. Svo. Boston, 1895. " A 23 P 14 PARTS OF THE PACIFIC. [See "Peripatetic Par- son, A."] MD 8 R 42 PASCAL, Blaise. [Sketch of.] [See Stephen, L.— Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 2 PASCO, Crawford. A Roving Commission : Naval Rem- iniscences. Illustrated. sVo. Melb., 1897. MD 3 R 13 PASCOE, Francis P. Descriptions of .some genera and species of Australian Curculionid:i'. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1869-70.) E Notes on the Australian Longicornia, with Descriptions of sixty new species. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1862.) E PASHKIEVITSCH, Col. Interior Ballistics. [See United States.— Adjutant-Gen. 's Office.] A 10 W S \ Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 277 PASLEY, Maj.-Gen. Charles. [Olntuary Notice of.] (Inst. of Civil Engineers, Proc, 103.) E PASQl^lEK, Dr. Ernest, Trait,' de la Determination des Orhites lies Ciimetes et des Planetes. [See Ojipolzer, Dr. T. d'.] A 10 W IG t PASTEUR, Louis. Etudes surle Yin: ses Maladies causes qui les Provoquent procedesNouveaux pour leConserver et pour le Yieillir. 8v(.. Paris, 1S7:1. A 31 S 19 PASTOK, Dr. Ludwig. History cf the Popes from the close of the Middle Ages, drawn from the secret archives of the Vatican and othei' original sources. Edited by F. T. Antrohus. \'ols. 1, L', ."). 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891-^98. C 17 T I'S, 24, 27 PATENTBLATT: Herau.sgeKeben von dem Kaiserliehen Patentaint, Julv, 1877-79. 1877-79. 3 vols. 4t(; Berlin, E PATER, \Yalter Horatio. Gaston de Latour: an unfinished Romance, prepared forthePress by Charles L..Shad\vell. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 T 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Prose.] J G Q 38* Criticism of the Works of. [See Gosse, Ednnnul. — Critical Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, 8.- Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 Sanclro rxittieelli. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 PATERSON, Rev. Hugh Sinclair. Life, Function, Health : Studies for young men. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 27 R 23 PATERSON, Thomas T. Plans f,,i' a safe Theatre. (Young, A.- Theati-e Panics and their cure.) A 37 R 2.") PATEItSOX, WiUiani. Writings of. Edited by Sa.xe Rannister. 2nd ed. .'! vols. 8vo. Ijond., 18.59. F 13 U 9-11 PATMORE, Coventry. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Symons, A. — Studios in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 [Essay on.] [See Tovey, Rev. D. C. — Reviews and Essays in Engli.sh Literature.] .1 14 V 18 PATOX, Dr. Diarmid Noel. MechaniMu of Rile Secndion. (.Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of I'hysiology.) A 27 V 4 PATON, J. L. Aims and Practice of Teaching f^atin. (Spencer, Dr. F.--Chapl<-rs on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) tils (,) 3(; PATOX, James, (ilasgow : its Municipal Organization. [See Rell, Sir James.] V 9 V 2 PATON, J..hu (!. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Kev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14 8 30 PATON, William Agnew. l'ictures<|Ue Sicilv. Illustrated. 8vo. Lon.l., 1898. " I) 19 I! 4 PATRICK, Dr. Hugh T. The Disorders of Sleep. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 PATTEN, Prof. Simon Nelson. Educational Value of Political Economy. (American Economic Associa- tion.) F4V15 Malthus and Ricardo. (American Economic Associa- tion.) F 4 V 14 The Stability of Prices. (American Economic Associa- ti.m.) F 4 V 13 Theory of Social Forces. 8vo. Philad., 1896. (} 23 V 6 PATTERSON, Capt. Howard. Naval Dictionary, illus trated: a Guide and Reference-book forOfKcersandMen of the Navy, RevenueCutterService ann Hooks 'i-f). 4. Coninieiitarv on Hook.s (>-S. ."). Commentary "ii Uim>Us !), 10, niid .\oit ion of the Attica; by M. ile G. Verrall. With Introductory Essay ami .Arcba'ological Commentary by Jane 1']. Harri.son. lUuslr.ited. 8vo. Lond., 1890. B27QI7 PAYEN-PAYNE, De V. [See Payne, De V. Payen-.] I'AYXE, De V. Payen-. Memoirs of Bertrand Barere [See r.arerede V'ieuzac, Hertrand.l C 24 R 9-12 278 Public Library of Neio South Wales. PAYNE, John. Quatrains of Omar Khajyam. \_See Omar Khayyam.] H 3 Q 35 PAYNE, Dr. Joseph Frank. Plague. (Alllnitt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 20 T 34 PAYNE, Di-. William H. P.sychology applied to Educa- tion. \_See Compayre, G.] O 4 V 28 PEABODY, Prof. Cecil H., and MILLER, Prof. Edward F. Steam-boilers. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 37 R 7 PEACE, Charles. Sketch of. [See A\'hiblev, C— Book of Scoundrels.] " C 23 Q 2 PEACOCK, Edward. Commonwealth Law and Lawyers. (Andrews, W.— Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 Laws of the Forest. (Andrews, "W. — Legal Lore.) F 13 R 25 PEACOCK, Thomas Lowe. [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* PEAL, S. E. The Ancestors of the Maori. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ME 6 R Malayo-Polynesian Theory : Comments on Dr. Eraser's Paper. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 189G.) ME 6 R PEARMAIN, Thomas Hames, and MOOR, Cresacre George. Applied Bacteriology : an Introductory Hand-book for the use of Students, Medical Officers of Health, Analysts, and Sanitarians. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1897. (Universty Series.) A 27 T 8 Another copy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 P 11 PEARSE, A. W. The Pastoral Industry of New South Wales, 1895. Ob. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 U 35 PEARSE, Major Hugh. The Crimean Diary and Letters of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Ash Windham. [See Wind- ham, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Chai-les Ash.] C 23 Q 11 Memoirs of Alexander Gardner. [See Gardner, Col. A.] C 25 P 7 PEARSON, A. N. Complete List of Manures with cur- rent prices and value in the Melbourne market. [See Victoria.— Agriculture.] MA 3 T 9 Manures and Manuring. [See Victoria. — Agriculture.] MA 4 V 41 PEARSON, Dr. Charles Henry. Property in Land (Mel- bourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Reviews and Critical Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 14 U 20 [Criticism on] Prof. Pearson's Report as to the state of Public Education in Victoria, and suggestions as to the bc'st means of improving it. [See ilell)ourne Re- view, 3.] ' ]ME IS Q [Life of] Adam Lindsay Gordon. [See Pall Mall Maga- zine, June, 189G.] E Note on the early Byrons and Robert do Burun. [See Borron, Sires Robiers de. — History of the Holy Graal.] H 17 Q 9, 10 t PEARSON, J. Cyclists' Touring Guide of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MD 8 P 29 PEARSON, Prof. Karl, F.R.S. The Chances of Death, and other Studies in Evolution. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 37 R 9, 10 PEARSON, R. A. Care of Milk on the Farm. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Dairy Schools. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 41 U 8 Facts about Milk, [See United States. — Dept. of Agri- cult.] A 41 U 1 PEARSON'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 3, 4, 1897. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. E PEARY, Robert E. With Peary near the Pole. [See Astrup, E.] D 16 T 21 PECCI, Gioacehino. [See Leo XIII, Pope.] PEDLEY, Dr. Richard Denison. The Diseases of Children's Teeth: their Prevention and Treatment. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 26 T 28 PEDRO II, Emperor of Brazil. [Sketch of.] [See Emi- nent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 PEEK, Hedley. The Poetry of Sport ; with a Chapter on Classical Allusions to Sport by Andrew Lang. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. (Badminton Library.) H 10 W 12 The Encyclopaedia of Sport. [See Suffolk and Berkshire, 18th Earl of.] A 17 R 18 f PEEL, Francis Robert. Song : I'll come, Love, to thee. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) ' MA 13 P 6 t Sweet Marie Waltz. Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MA 13 P f t PEEL, Sir Robert. Porti-ait of. [See Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley.— England in the 19th Century.] B 10 8 13 [Portrait of.] [See Si.xty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 PEELE, George. Conjectural Readings of the Text of. [See Deighton, C.-^The Old Dramatists.] H 11 R 13 King Edward 1. [See Donovan, T. — English Historical Plays.] ' H 10 W 19 PEERY, Dr. R. B. The Gist of Japan : the Islands, their People and Alissions. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. G11U31 PEGGE, Samuel. Two Collections of Derbieisms, contain- ing Words and Phrases in a great measure peculiar to the Natives and Inhabitants of the County of Derby. [See English Dialect Soc. Pubs., 78.] " E PEIRCE, Dr. C. N. The Eruption and Structural Rela- tions of the Deciduous and Permanent Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 3 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 279 PELATAN, Louiti. Letti-es Calcdoniennes. 8vu. Nou- mea, 1S89. F 13 T 23 PELT8SIE11, Leon O. Uoclierches tUiiis les Archives Italiemies, Louis XII et Ludovic Sforza. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 189G. B 32 S 9, 10 PELLI88IER, Georges. The Literary ^loveineut in France during the 19th Century. Translated liy Anne Garrison Brinton. 8vo. New York, 1897. J 14 S 32 PEMr.EKTON, A. C, ^^■1LL1AMS0^■, .Mrs. Harcourt, ST.SLEY, C. P., and FLOYD, Gilbert. The complete Cyclist. Edited by B. Fletcher Rohinson. lUu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 29 S 33 PEMBERTON, Ma.x. iUiglty Footljall. \Stc Robinson, B. F.] A 29 S 25 PEMBERTON, Robert. The Happy Colony. Illustrated. 8vo. L(md., 1854. " MF 2 R 15 PEMBREY, Dr. ]\[arcus Seymour. Animallieat. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 Cliemistry of Respiration. (Schafer, Dr. E. A. — Text- book o'f Physiology.) A 27 V 4 PEMBROKE AND -MONTGOMERY, George Robert Charles Herbert, 13th Earl of. Political Letters and Speeches. Svo. I^nd., 189G. F 13 R 5 PENAFIEL, Dr. Antonio. Nombres Geograficos dc Mexico. Roy. 8vo. (n.p.) 1885. J 17 T 24 t PENEDO, Baron de. Condition of Education in IJrazil. (Internat. Health Exhib.— llealtli Exliib. Literature.) A 4 I \' 1 1 PENFIELD, Edward. Posters in Miniatur<^ {See Po.sters in ]\Iiniature.] A 23 T 29 PENGELLY, AVilliani. ^icinoirof, with a Selection from his Corr('sponj>)ijll<"t' Orlnni, n.sp. [See Mc(!ill l^iiiversity. Papers from the Department of Botany.] A 40 S 7 PENN, Arthur. Heredity. (Matthews, J. B.— Studies for Amateur Acting.) ' H 12 P 6 PENNELL, Joseph. Art in the Victorian Age. (Sixty Years of Empire.) * B 22 R 18 Illustration of Books : a jMauual for the use of Students. 8vo. Lond., 189G. A 23 P 17 Modern lUu.stration. Svo. Lend., 1895. A 23 R 45 The Work of Charles Keene, with an Introduction and Cimiments on the Drawings illustrating the Arti.st's methods ; to which is added a Bibliography of the works Keene illustrated and a Catalogue of his Etch- ings, liy W. H. Chesson. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 13 X 13 t PENNSYLVANIA I'libliratioiis. State College. 1897. -State Departments — Reports and Calendar, 1890-97. 8vo. Philad., Statutes. Laws of the (jeneral Assembly of the Com- monwealth of Peun.sylvania, 1895. Svo. Harrisburg, 1895. F 3 V 15 PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. Political Economy and Public Law. No. 13. Svo. Philad., 1898. F 7 T 8 13. Discussion of the Interrogatories of the Monetary Com- mission of the Indianapolis Convention ; by' J. F. Joluison ; with Su|)|)leiiR'ntary Suggestions by R. P. Fallviier, H. II. iSeager, anil S. M. Lindsay. PENTECOST, Rev. George Fredeiick. The True Science of Living. [See Dewey, Dr. p]. H.] A 32 R 35 PEOPLE'S FEDERAL CONVENTION, BATHURST. Proceedings, 1896. Svo. Sydney, 1S97. MF 4 Q 54 PEOPLE'S FKIEXD : a :\Ii.scellany of Popular and In- structive Literature. Vols. 28, 29, 1896-97. 2 vols. 4to. Dundee, 189G-97. E PEPLOE, Rev. Howard Welville Webb-. The Church of England. (Our Churches.) G 1 1 U 37 PEPPER, Dr. William. Higher .Medical Education the true interest of the Public and of the Profession. Svo. Philad., IS94. G 3 R 31 PEPYS, Samuel, F.R.S. Diary of. Edited by Henry B. Wheatley. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. Svo. Lond., 189G. C14V 1-8 PERCEVAL, Sir Westby 15. New Zealand Tind)ers and Forest Products. Svo. Lund, (n.d.) MX 4 S 3 PEREIRA, S. 'S\. S. Weils Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 9 PERERA, Anthony. The Arrack C^uestion in Ceylon, 1895-9G : an impartial study. 1 2mo. Colomlxi, 1896. K 9 P 28 PERICLES. [Life of.] [See Ziiuux, Dr. C.J C 24 K IG 280 Fuhlic lAhrary of Neio South JFaies. "PEKIPATETIC PARSON, A." Parts of the Pacific. Illustrated. 8vo. Ixmd., 1896. ilD S R 42 PERKINS, Charles C. Cyclopsetlia of Painters and Paint- ing. ISee Champlin, J. D.] A 32 U 28-31 PERKINS, James Breck. France under Louis XV. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 26 S 10. 11 PERKINS, R. C. L. Notes on some Hawaiian Birds. (The Ibis, Jan., 1895.) E PERKINS, Prof. William Rufus, and WICK, Barthinias L. History of the Aniana Society, or Community of True Inspiration. 8vo. Iowa City, 1891. (State Univ. of Iowa Pubs., Hist. Monog.) " G 19 T 28 PEROWNE, J. T. Woolrych. Russian Hosts and English Guests in Central Asia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 V 26 PERRAULT, Claude. Treatise on the five Orders of Columns in Architecture. Made English by John James. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) " A 41 V 20 J PERRAULT, Leon. [Reproduction of his Picture] Nvraph and Satvr. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] " " A 12 P 27 + FERRERS, Alice. [Life of] ; by Arthur Vincent. (Vin- cent, A. — Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 PERREY, Louis. [Reproduction of his Pictures] Phoebe and Diana. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 j FERRIS, (;. H. Leo Tolstoy. [See Tolstoi, L.] C 20 T 26 PERRY, Dr. John. Applied Mechanics : a Treatise for the use of Students who have time to work Experi- mental, Numerical, and Graphical Exercises illustrat- ing the subject. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 33 P 21 PERRY, Walter Copland. The Women of Homer. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 17 U 2 PERTH GAZETTE AXD WESTERX AUSTRALIAX JOURXAL, The, Sept. oth, 1846. Fol. Perth, 1846. ME PERTSCH, W. Verzeichniss der Persischen Haudschrif- ten. [-See Berlin— Konigliche Bibliothek.] KllUf Verzeichniss der Tiirkischen Handschriften. [See Berlin — Kiinigliche Bibliothek.] K 1 1 U t PETER, St. St. Peter and the first years of Christianity. [See Fouard, Abbe C] " G 1 U 42 PETER II, Emperor of Ru.ssia. [Portrait of.] [See Bain, R. N.~Pupils of Peter the Great.] B 39 Q 3 PETER THE GREAT. Peter the Great. [See Walis- zew.ski, K] B 37 V 1, 2 The Pupils of Peter the Great. [See Bain, R. N.l B 39 y 3 PETERMANN, Dr. A. Geographischer Litteratur- Bericht, 1886, 1889-96. 8 vols. 4to. Gotha, 1886- 96. E Inhaltsverzeichnis von Petermanns Geographischen Mit- teilungen, 1875-84. 4to. Gotha, 1886. E Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. Bande 1-41, 43, 1855-95, 1867. Erganzungsbande 1- 23, 25, 26. 66 vols. 4to. Gotha, 1855-97. E PETERS, Edward. Modern Copper-smelting. 7th ed. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 24 U 11 PETERS, Edward T. Recent Features of our Foreign Trade. [See United States. — Department of Agricul- ture. — DiWsion of Statistics.] A 19 V 44 PETERS, John Punnett. Nippur ; or. Explorations and Adventures on the Euphrates : the Narrative of the L^nivei-sity of Pennsylvania Expedition to Baby- lonia in the yeai-s 1888-90. Vols. 1, 2. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1897. D 17 T 30, 31 The Bible. [See Bartlett, E. T.] G 23 R 14 PETERSEN, Dr. Henrik G. Hypnotism and its appUca- tiou to Practical Medicine. [See Wetterstrand, Dr. O. G.] G11Q33 Medical Letters on Hypno-Suggestion, i-c. [See Wetter- strand, Dr. O. G.] " G 11 Q 33 PETHERICK, Edward A. The Australian Colonies in 1896 : three Letters addressed to an Investor in Aus- tralian Securities, describing the Country and its Resources, Population, Public Works, and Finances ; with Remarks on Fedei-ation, the Funding of Aus- tralian Public Debts, Emigration, ic. 8yo. Lend., 1897. MF 1 R 21 European Enterprise in Australasia, (ilelbourne Re- %-iew, 8-10.) ME 18 Q PETIT DE JULLEVILLE, Prof. Louis. Histoire de la Langue et de la Litterature Francaise des Origines a 1900. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. ' Paris, 1896-97. J 15 V 27-30 PETRARCA, Francesco. An unrequited Love. [See Vandam, Albert D.— Amours of Great Men.] C 23 Q 12 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hori-itlge, F. — Lives of Great Italians.] C 20 S 11 [Translations from.] [See MacDonald, G. — Ranipolli.] H 11 T3 PETRARCH. [See Petrarca, Francesco.] PETRIE, Donald. Description of a new native species of Coprosma. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Descriptions of new Native Plants. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Motlern Chapter in Vegetable Physiology-. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) " ME 2 S Note on Gininera ovato. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Supplement to List of Flowering Plants indigenous to Otago. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 281 PETRIE, Mary L. G. [See Wilson, Mrs. Ashley Carus-.] PETRIE, Pn.f. William Matthew Fliiulers. History of Egypt during the ITtli and If^th Dynasties. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., lf<96. " B 21 11 4 Religion and Conscience in Ancient Egypt : Lectures delivered at University College, London. 12nio. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 21 Syria and Egvjit fioni the Tell el Amania Letters. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 35 Q 13 Deshasheh, 1897. [See Egypt E.xpluration Fund.] B IS Q 19 t PETRONTUS. [Sketch ..f.] {See WJiihley, C— Studies in Frankness.] " C 23 S 2 PETTERD, William Frederick. Classilied List of the Mineral Species known to occur in Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, IsyG.) ME 1 Q Descriptions of hitherto undescribed Anlechini and Jlurida^ inhal)iting Tasmania. \_See Roy. Soc, Ta.s., Papers and Proc, 1882.] ME 1 Q Igneous Rocks of Tasmania. [See Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1898.] MY. 18 P Notes on .some recently discovered and other Minerals occurring in Tasmania. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Paptirs and Proc, 1897.] ME 1 Q Occurrence of Limurite in Tasmania. [See Roy. Soc, Tiis., Papers and Proc, 1897.] ME 1 Q Occurrence of Obsidian Buttons. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.] " ME 1 Q Occurrence of Syherulitic Felsite on the West Coast of Tasmania. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1.S97.] HE 1 Q The Topaz-fjuavtz Porj)liyry or Stanniferous Elvan Dykes of ISIt. BisehiifT. [See Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1S97.] " MI'] 1 Q PETTY, Sir William. Study in English Economic Litera- ture. [See Bevan, W. L.] F 4 V 19 PI'EI I'^I'^KR. Dr. Louis. Catalogue of Auriculidie, Proser- jiinida', and Ti'uneatejiida' in the Collcclion of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural llist,>ry.] A 43 U 3 PFLEIDERER, Rev. OtlD. Lectures on the Influence of the Apostle Paul s Fo.siles Terciarios i Cuartarios ile Chile. Illustrated. Ito. Santiago, 1SS7 .\ T 8 t I'll I I J I'l'L'S, King of .Maeedon. Philip and .Mexaiuler of Macedou ; bv l>. (!. Hogarth. Svo. l^.nd.. 1S97. V. 2 I t,t 1 1 PIllLll'S, Katluiine I Mrs. Jame.s]. [^Kssay on.] [See GO.S.SC. Edmund. 17th Century Studies.] Tl In W 23 PillLlI'StlN, John. The Art and Craft of Coaehbuilding. r'nio Lond, l><97. (Teihnoloi;iial Handbooks.) .\ 23 P 31 282 Public Libmnj of New South Wales. PHILLIMORE, Catherine Mary. Dante at Kavenna. [;S'^e Dante Alighieri.] C I'-t Q "27 PHILLIMOKE, J. S. Liheralisni in outward relations. (E.ssays in Liberalism.) F 5 !S 50 PHILLIMORE, Sir Walter George Frank. Ecclesiastical Tribunals. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aitl of the Re- form of the Church.) G 23 S 28 Legal and Parliamentary Possibilities. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 2.3 S 28 PHILLTMORE, William Phillimore Watts. A Supple- ment to "How to write the History of a Family: a Guide for the Genealogist." 8vo. Lond., 1896. K 19 Q 1* Placita coram domino Rege apud Westmonasterium de termino Sancte Trinitatis anno Regni Regis Edwardi lilii Regis Henrici Vicessimo Quinto. [See British Record Soc] E , and FRY, George S. Abstracts of Gloucester- shire Inquisitiones post-mortem returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles I. \_See British Record Soc. Pubs., 12.] ' E PHILLIPPS, James Orchard Halliwell-. \_See Halliwell- Phillips, J. O.] PHILLIPS, Charles. The Ocean Cavern : a Tale of the Tonga Isles in three cantos. 8vo. Lond., 1819. MH 1 S 39 PHILLIPS, Charles E. S. Bibliography of X-Ray Litera- ture and Research, 1896-97 : being a ready reference Index to the Literature on the subject of Rontgen or X-Rays ; with an Historical Retrospect and Practical Hints. With Portraits. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 40 R 5 PHILLIPS, Claude. Antoine Watteau. \See Portfolio, The. -^Monographs, 18.] " E Earlier Work of Titian. [See Portfolio, The.— Mono- graphs, 34.] E Picture Gallery of Charles I. [_See Portfolio, The. — Monographs, 25.] E PHILLIPS, Coleman. A Common Vital Force. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S PHILLIPS, H. Joshua. The Handling of Dangerous Goods : a Hand-book for the use of Govermnent and Railway Othcials, Carriers, Shipowners, Insurance Companies, Manufacturers, and Users of such Goods. ?>\o. Lond., 1896. A 21 R 36 PHILLIPS, John Arthui-, F.R.S. Treatise on Ore Deposits. 2nd ed., by Henry Louis. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 25 V 31 PHILLIPS, Kate. [Art of Acting.] \_See Hammerton, J. A.— The Actor's Art.] H 1 S 31 PHILLIPS, P. D. The Recent Elections, 1880. (Mel- liourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q William Makepeace Thackerav. \_See Melbourne Re- view, 5.] ■ ME 18 Q PHILLIPS, Prof. R. W. Aims and Practice of Teaching Botany. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 PHILLIPS, Stephen. Poems. Svo. Lond., 1898. H 1 S 35 PHILLIPS, Teresia Constantia. [Life of] ; Ijy G. Burgess. (Vincent, A.— Lives of Twelve Bad Women.) C 24 Q 20 PHILLIPS, W. Alison. The War of Greek Independence, 1821-33. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 27 R 13 PHILLIPS, Wendell. Wendell Phillips, the Agitator ; by Carlos Marty n. 8vo. New York, 1890. C 20 U 1 Sketch of. [See Stearns, F. P. — Sketches from Concord.] D 16 Q 3 PHILLIPS, William Battle. Iron-making in Alabama. Svo. IMontgomery, Ala., 1896. " A 24 U 36 I'lIILOSOPlIICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Thi>. [See London, Ediuhuryh, and Dublin I'/iilosophical 3I(i(/azl)ie and Journal oj' Science.'] PHILPOTS, Dr. John R. Oysters and all about them : being ii complete History of the Titular Subject, ex- haustive on all points of necessary and curious infor- mation, from the earliest writers to those of the pre- sent time. With numerous Additions, Facts, and Notes. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1890-91. A 26 R 36, 37 PHIPSON, Evacustes A. Art under Socialism. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 T 46 How to establish Australia's prospcritv. 8vo. Sydney, 1884. ' MF 5 Q 14 PHIPSON, Dr. T. L. Famous Violinists and fine Violins. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 20 PHONETIC JOURNAL, The. Vols. 32-56, 1873-97. 25 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1873-97. E rilONOCRAPHlC MAGAZINE AND TYPEWRIT- ING NEWS, The, for Australian, Tasmanian, and New Zealand Shorthand Writers. Vol. 4, June, 1895-May, 1896. Svo. Dunedin, 1895-96. ME 19 P PHOQ, Ph. De la Colonization de I'Australie et de son Developpement Economique. 8vo. Rochefort, 1886. MF 3 R 73 PIIOTOGRAM, The. Vols. 1-^4, 1894-97. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894-97. E PHOTOGRAPHIC REVIEW OF REVIEWS, 1894. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME 19 Q Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 283 PICAVET, Franqois Joseph. Koscelin, Pliilo.sophe ct Thuulo^jieii d'Apres In Lefjende et d'Apres I'Histoire, iivec un lappdit somiiuiiie sur les ConfLTCuccs de rExpivice l!^yr)~y(), ct lo Proj^riiiiiine des Conferences poui- I'Exercicfi 1896-97. Kov. fvo. Paris, 1890. (; 2:5 Y f> PICCOLOMTNI, Enea Silvio. [See Pius TI.] PICKBURN, J. P. I'.'rkin \Varl)ock. [See Ford, John.] H 10 U 21 PICKERINO, Dr. Charh^s. The Races of Man. [See United States. — K.xjiloring E.xpetiition.] A 31 Q 3 \ PICKERING, W. A. Pioneering in Formosa: Recollec- tions of Adventures among ilaiularins, Wreckers, and Head-hunting Savages ; with an Ap])enilix on British Policy and Interests in China and the Far East. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1898. D IG U 24 "PICKLE THE SPY." [See Macdonnell, Alexander.] PICTURE MAGAZIXE, Th<>. Vols. 1-7, Jan., 1893- Jiine, 189G. 7 vols. iinp. 8vo. Lond., 1893 96. E PIDDINGTOX, Alfred Bathur.st. Socialism in the Par- liament of New South Wales. (Review of Reviews, June, 1897.) E PIERCE, Franklin. Portrait of. [See Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 PIERCE, Newton B. (Jrape Diseases on the Pacilic Coast. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 PIERSON, Rev. Arthur Tapp.m. Life Power ; or, Ciiarac- ter, Culture, and Conduct. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 9 W 25 Seven years in Sierra Leone : the Story of the Work of William A. P.. Johnson. 8vo. L.md., 1807. V, \ V 30 PI ESSE, Alexander C. British Dogs. [See Dalziel, Hugh.] AUT41* PIKE, Luke Owen. Phy-sical Education : an Essay, to which has been awarded the Prize of the Athletic Society. 12mo. Lond., 1803. C 18 P 35 Year-books of the Reign of KIiik Edward III. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. Chronicles and .Mciiiorials.] E PIKE, Warbuitini. Through the Subaictic Korcst : a Record of a Canoe Journey from Poi-t Wrangcl to the Pelh' Ijjikes, and down the Yukon River to llic Behring Sea. Tlhistrali'.l. 8vo. Lond., 1890. I) I.-. T 27 PILEL'R, A. Ic. Wonders of the lIuiM.iii Body. 8vo. I^ind., 1H72. A 26 R 21 J'lLLAI, G. I'araniii-swaran. Representative' Indians. With Portraits. «vo. Lond., 1897. C 25 Q 8 PILLSBURY, J. H. LaboraU)ry Guidi' for a Course in General Biology. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 27 Q 21 PILLSBURY, W. B. Introduction to Pliilosophv. [See Kulpe, Prof. O.] gIs P 44 PTLOTY, Carl von. Illustrated Biography of. [See Du- mas, F. G — Illuistrated Biographies of Modern Artists.] C 1 P 17 1 PINCHOT, Gifford. Government Forestry abroad. (Ameri- can Economic Association.) F 4 V 16 PINDARUS. The Extant Odes of Pindai. Tran.slated into English, with an Introduction and short Notes, by Ernest Myers. 12mo. Lon'gal. Dra- matic, .-ind all classes of Typewriting work. 2nd ed. Sm. 4to. Lony .lulia Cartwright. 21. Dutch Etulicrs of the 17th Century ; by L. Binyon. 22. William Blake, Printer and Poet ; by R. (iarnett. 23. Renaissance of Sculpture in Belgium ; by (). (i. Destr^e. 24. Gerard David, Painter and Illuminator ; bv W. H. J. Wealc. 25. Picture Gallery of Charles I ; by C. Phillips. 26. John La Farge, Artist and Writer ; by C. Waern. 27. Richmond ; by R. (iarnett. 28. Life of Velazquez ; by W. Armstrong. 29. Art of Velazquez ; l)y W. Armstrong. 3(t. Royal English Bookbindings ; by C. Davenport. 31. Albert Diiier's Paintings and Drawings ; by L. Gust. 32. John dome and ,Iohn Sell Cotman ; by L. Binyon. 33. Armour in England ; by J. S. (iardner. :U. Earlier Work of Titian ; by C. Phillips. PORTUS, Alexander Brown. Centrifugal Pump Dredging in New South Wales. (Hoj-. Soc, N.S.W., Journal, 189G.) " :\1E 1 R PORY, John. History and Description of Africa. \_See Hakluyt Society Publications.] E POSITIVmT REVIEW, The. Vols. 3-5, 1895-97. :5 vols. Svo. Lond., 189.5-97. E POSSELT, li. A. Structure of Fibres, Yarns, and Fabrics. Hlustrated. 2 vols, (in 1) 4to. Pliilad., 1S91. A 13 W 11 t POSTERITY : its Verdicts and its Methods ; or. Democ- racy, .\. I). 2100. Svo. Lond., 1S'.)7. F 13 V 28 POSTERS IN !\I J MATURE; with an Introduction by- Edward Penfield. 8vo. Lond., 189(5. A 23 T 29 POTSIX-VM-ASTROPHYSI KALISCHES OBSERVA- TORIUM. Publicationcn des Astropliysikali.schen Observatoriums zu T'otsdiun. Baiide 1 10, pts. I, 11. llhisti-at,i'(l. II vols. ho. Potsdam, ISJil i)S. E POTSDAM-KONIOLTCHE OBSERVATORTEN. Die Kiiniglichen Observatorien fiir Astro])liysik, Meteor- ologie uiid (ieodiisic bei Potsdam. Imp. Svo. Hcrlin, 1890. A 32 I' 27 Pt )TTER, A. T. Notes on the Cicadas of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst., Traii.s., 1S9(;.) .ME 2 S POTTER, Beatrice. {See Webl), Beatrice.] POTTER, George. The Australian Emigrant. Svo. Lond., 1883.' MD 4 U 38 Emigrant's Guide to Australia, with a Description of New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, South Aus- tralia, Western Australia, Victoria ; also the average cost of Provisions, rate of Wages, Hou.se Rent, how to actjuire Land, and other useful information. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) MD 3 T 35 POTTER, Rev. Henry Codman. The Scholar and the State, and other Orations and Addresses. Svo. Lond., 1897. G 23 R 1 POTTER, J. il. Causes of Climate : Geological and Geo- graphical Changes upon the Earth. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) IME 18 P POTTER, Richard. Elementary Treatise on Optics : con- taining all the requisite propositions carried to first approximations with the Construction of Optical In- struments. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1847-51. A 41 P 2, 3 POTTER, Rev. Robert. Credibility of Miracles. (Mel- bourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Evolution in relation to Theology. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Miracles and Law. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q Relation of the State to Religious and Ecclesiastical Bodies in Victoria. (Melb. Review, 1.) ME 18 Q Vision of Retribution: a Poem. (Melb. Rev., 10.) :\IE 18Q POTTHAST, August. Wegweiscr durch die Geschichts- werke ties Europaischeii Mittelalters bis 1500. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 189C). -T 15 V It, 15 POTTIE, John. The Science of Scripture ; being a part of a Lecturi! specially designed for Sunday-school Teachers and voun:,' men and unmen. . 12mo. Svdnev (n.d.) ■ M(; 2 T 48 POLTLTON, Edward Bagnall. F.R.S. Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 27 Q 18 POUND, Charles J o.sc})h. Discovery of Chicken Cholera in Queenslaml. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T Metiiod of Destroying Rabiuts with lli(> ]\Iierobes of Chicken Cholera. (Queensland Agricull. .lourn., 1897.) -ME 9 U Notes on tlic Inoculation of Hulls. (Queensland Agrieult. Journ., 1897.) ^1 E 9 U Preventive Inoculation for Tick Fever. (Queensland Agrieult. .buuii., 1897.) ME 9 U Tick Fever. (Queensland Agrieult. .lourn., 1897.) M?]9 U POWI'^LL, linden Henry Haden-. 'J'lio Indian Village t'ommunity examined with reference to the Physical, Ethnographie, and ]!ist(UMeal I'onditioiis of tin' Pm- viiiees, cliietly on the basis of th(( Keveinu' Settlement llceords and District JIanuals. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 1 2 T 24 288 Public Zibrarj/ of New South Wales. POWELL, Edgar. The Rising in East Anglia in 1381, with an Appendix containing the Suffolk Poll-tax List for that year. 8vo. Camb., 1896. B 2i T 23 POWELL, Edward Piiyson. Nullification and Secession in the United States : a Histt)ry of the six attempts during the 1st Century of the Republic. 8vo. New York, 1897. " F 13 Y 38 POWELL, F. York. Introduction to the Study of His- tory. [S«« Langlois, C. W.] G11U39 POWELL, Francis S. Progress of Sanitary Legislation in Great Britain. (Internal. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 POWELL, Sir George Baden-. Tlie Saving of Ireland : Industrial, Financial, Political. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. F 3 R 3 POWELL, Rev. Henry Clark. The Principle of the In- carnation, with especial reference to the relation between Our Lord's Divine Omniscience and His Human Consciousness. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 15 R 32 POWELL, Dr. John Wesley. Canyons of the Colorado. Illustrated. -Ito. :MeadyilIe, Pa., 189.5. A 13 T 19 f POWELL, Sir Richard Douglas. Diseases of the Myo- cardium. (Alllnitt, Dr. f. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 POW^ELL, Col. Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-. Down- fall of Prempeh : Diary of Life with the Native Levy in Ashanti, 189.5-96. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 U 3 The jMatabele Campaign, 1896 : being a Narrative of the Campaign in suppressing the Native Rising in Mata- beleland and Mashonaland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B39Q1 POWELL, Lieut.-Col. William H. Tlie Fifth Army Corps, Army of tlie Potomac : a Record of Operations during the Ci\il War in tlic United States of America, 1861-6.5. Illu.strated. Roy. 8yo. New York, 1896. B 36 U U POWER, D'Arcy. [Life ..f] Dr. William Harvey. [See Harvey, Dr. W.] C 23 R 11 POWER, Frederick Dan\ers. Aildress by, as President of the Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers, 1897. (Australasian Inst, of ]\Iining Engineer.';, Trans., 1897.) ' ME 18 P Classification of vahiable Mineral Deposits. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P Glossary of Terms used in Mining Geology. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P Receptacles for valuable ^lining Deposits. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME l.S P POWER, Frederick Ba.nvers—contd. Sampling and Ore-buying on the West Coast of Tas- mania. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ^ ME 18 P Testing Reducing Machinery. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1894.) ME 18 P Zollner's Patent Water Pipes. (Australasian Inst, of Alining Engineers, Trans., 1898.) ME IS P POWER, G. W., and others. Australasian Annual Digest : being a Digest of Cases decided by the Supreme Courts of New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, and Yictoria, 1897. 8yo. Brisb., 1898. ME 21 S POWERS, Stephen. The American Merino for Wool and for Mutton: a Practical Treatise on the Selection, Care, Breeding, and Diseases of the ^Merino Sheep in all sec- tions of the L^nited States. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 19 R 8 POWNALL, S. Bcatty. Book of Sauces. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " A 22 R 31 POYNTER, Sir Edward John. Life and Work of. [See Monkhouse, Cosmo.] A 13 W 9 t [Reproduction of his Picture] A Visit to ^sculapius. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 1 2 P 27 | POYNTER, Eleanor Frances. Froissart. [See Froissart, Sir John.] J 6 T 32 POYNTER, H. -M. English Contemporary Art. [See De La Sizeranne, R.] ■" " A 39 R 22 PRAAGH, William van. Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. (Internat. Health Exhil). —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 7 " PRACTICAL COOPERATOR." Reasons why I prefer Cooperation. [See Victorian Cooperative Society.] MF 3 Q 47 "PRACTICAL DYER AND CLEANER." [See Neal, T.] PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS for the Navigation of the Yans'-Tsi'.e-Keang ; extracted from the Xorth China Herald. 8yo. Hobart, 1852. D 17 R "PRACTICAL MININ(J ENGINEER.' Klondike and all about it. With Map. 12nio. New York, 1896. D 16P6 PRACTICAL POLITICS. 8vo. Lond., 1881. F 12 T 31 1. The Ttnaut Farmer ; by James Howaril. ■2. Foreign Policy ; by Moiintstuart F/. Grant Duff. .3. Freedom of Land ; by (J. Shaw I.efevre. i IJriti.sh Colonial Policy ; by Sir David Wedderburn. PRAED, Rose Caroline [Mrs. Campbell] (Rose Caroline Murray-Prior). Criticism of the Works of. [See Byrne, Desmond. — Australian Writers.] MJ 1 R 6 Supplementary Catalogue — 189C-9S. 289 PRANANATHA SARASYATT, Pandit. Chronological Tables. [_See Giri.sachandra Tarkalankani, Pandit.] B 39 T 1 PRATT, A. T. Camden. Unknown London : its Romance and Tragedy. 8vo. Lond., 189(5. B 16 U 8 PRATT, Edward. The Balance of Trade. (:\relbourno Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Money in its relation to the State. (Jlelbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q PRATT, Edwin A. Pioneer Women in Victoria's Reign : being short histories of great movements. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 19 PRATT, Rev. George. Grammar and Vocabulary of Language spoken by Motu Tribe (New Guinea). [See Lawes, Rev. W. G.] MJ 3 R 13 PRATT, John Henry. Matliematieul Principles of :Me- chanical Philosophy and their application to the theory of Universal Gravitation. Svo. Camb., 183G. A 25 S 35 PRATT, Lieut. -Col. Sisson Cooper. Prdcis of .Modern Tactics. [&eGt. Brit and Irel.~War Oftice.] A 36 V U PREECE, AViUiam Ilenrv. Wireless Telegraphy. [See Kerr, R.] A 41 Q 1 PRENDEZ, Pedro Nolasco. La :\L-il(licion. I2nio. San- tiago, 1891. H11Q20 Poesias. Siluetas de la Historia, 1886. 8vo. Valpar- aiso, 1886. H 3 R 37 Siluetas, 1887. 12m(). Valparaiso, 1887. H 11 Q 22 PRESENT STATE and Condition of the Colony of West- ern Australia, embodying a Statistical Report by Sir James Stirling. 12mo. Lond., 1839. MD 4 P 4 PRESTAGE, Edgar. Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of (jluinca. \_See Ilakluyt Society.] E PRESTON, E. B. California Gold :\lill Practices. Svo. Sacramento, 1895. A 25 U 18 PRESTON, Francis Montagu. Manual of Railway Law. 12mo. Loml., 1892. F 13 V 15 PRESTON, Sidney H. Unclaimed Money. Svo. Lond., 1896. K 19 P 22 PRESTON, Prof. Thomas. The Tlieory of Liglit. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 12 U 14 PRESTWICII, Prof. Joseph, F.R.S. Geology : Chemical, Physical, and Stratigraphical. Illustrated. 2 vols, roy. Svo. O.xford, 18S0 8S. A 25 V 32, 33 PREUSS, Dr. K. T. Kunstlcrisclie I )arst<-ilung.'n aus Kaiser-Wilhelnis-Lmd in ihrer Hcdeuluiig fiii' die Eth- nologic. (Zeilschrift fiir Ethnologic, 1897.) E 2o PRICE, Bruce. Homes in City and Countrv. [-See Homes in City and Country.] " A 23 U 41 PRICE, Julius Mendes. The Land of Gold: Narrative of a Journey through the West Australian Gold-lields in the autumn of 189.5. Svo. Lond., 1896. MD8P31 PRICE, Langford Lovell Frederick Rice. Economic Science and Practice ; or. Essays on various aspects of the relations of Economic Science to Pi-actical ASixiYs. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 10 V 30 Money and its relations to Prices. Svo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 13 PRICE, W. T. Life of William Charles Macreadv. [-S'ee Macready, W. C] 19 P 1 PRICHARD, T. H. Annexation of Fiji to Victoria. Svo. Melb., 1888. MF 5 Q 24 PRIDJIORE, George. On the ^larch to Chitral. (Small, E. M.— Told from the Ranks.) B 21 S 4 PRIESTLEY, Dr. Joseph. Life and Works. [See Mar- tineau. Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addr(>sses.] J 14 T 27 Portrait of. [_See Ramsay, Prof. William. — Gases of the Atmosphere.] A 19 S 19 PRIMROSE, Archibald Philip, Lord Rosebery. [5e« Rose- bery. Lord.] PRINCE ALFRED HOSPITAL, SYDNEY. Animal Report.s, 1883-90, 1897. 2 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1883- 98. ME 6 S PRINGLE, Andrew. The Optical Lantern for Instruction and Amusement. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1891. A 29 T 38 Processes of pure Photography. \_See Burton, W. K.] A 23 U 43 ritlA'GLlO, R. Hunter. England: Agricultur(i Beport.s. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland— Agricult.] A 39 W 12-14 * PRINGLE, Surg.-Maj. Robert. Lepro.sy in India, and the best means of preventing its increase. (Internat. Health Exhib.- Health Exliil). Literature.) A 41 V 7 PRIOR, Rose Caroline .Murray-. [See Praed, Rose Caroline.] rJUTCll Al;l>, Anihcw. History of infusoria, including the DesmidiaceaMind Diatomacea>, British and Foreign 4th ed. Tllu.strated. Svo. Ix.nd., 1861. A 20 T 31 PIMTCH.MU), Rev. Charles. F.R.S. Memoirs of tho Life of the Rev. Charles Pritehard, K.R.S. ; l)y Ada Pritciiai'd, wilii ;in Account of his Theologicid Work by llie iiislio]) of Worce.'-ter ; and of his .\stronomical Work l)v his succes.sor. Prof. II. II TiirMcr. Svo. Lond., 1897. C 23 V 23 290 JPuhlic Library of New South Wales, PRITCH ARD, George B. Re%asioii of the Fossil Fauna of the Table Cape Beds, Tasmania. (Roy. Soc, Yict., Proc., 1895.) ME 1 P Eocene Rocks of Victoria. [See Roy. Soc. Vict., Proc, 1895.] ■ ME 1 P Geology of the Lower Moorabool. [See Roy. Soc, Vict.i Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P Note on a Tooth of Palorchestes from Beaumaris. [Set Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.] ME 1 P Tertiarics in the neighbourhood of Melbourne. [See Roy. Soc. Vict., Proc, 1896.] ME 1 P , and GATLIFF, J. H. Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Victoria. Pt. 1. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.) ME 1 P New species of Victorian Mollusc, CoraUiophila Wihoni. (Roy. Soc, Vict., Proc, 1897.') ME 1 P PRITCHARD, Rev. W. Charles. Life and Labours of Sydney Linton, first Bishop of Riveriua. [See Linton, Sydney, Bishop.] 3IC 1 T 27 PROAL, Louis. Political Crime. Svo. Lond., 1898. (Criminology Series.) F 1.3 S 33 PROBYN, L. C. Indian Coinage and Currency : Papers on an Indian Gold Standard, with the Indian Coinage and Currency Acts corrected to date. Svo. Lond., 1897. F 13 T 24 PROCTER, Henry R. Leather Industries : Laboratory Work on Analytical and Experimental ^Methods. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. A 40 V 3 PROCTER, J. T. Indicators and Quartz-reefs. (Aus- tralasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P PROCTER, John. Boers and Little Englanders : the Story of the Conventions. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 23 Q 17 PROCTOR, Richard Anthony. The Borderland of Science : a series of familiar Dissertations on Stars, Planets, and Meteoi-s ; Sun and Moon ; Earthquakes ; Flying Machines; Coal, Gambling, Coincidences, Ghosts, i-c "With Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1873. A 19 S 16 ( »ther Suns than ours : a series of Essays on Suns old, young, and dead, with other Science Gleanings, two Essays on Wliist, and Correspondence with Sir John Herschel. 2nded. Svo. Lond., 1896. A 19 Q 15 The Star-lit Heavens; Sketch of J. W. Draper; British and American English ; Betting and ^Mathematics ; Fallacies ; the Menacing Comet ; "Winning Wagei"s. (Leisure Readmgs. ) A 1 9 Q 1 G PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, UNITED STATES. Papers, Addresses, and Discussions at the sixteenth Church Congress in the LTnited States, 1894. Svo. New York, 1894. G 15 S 31 PROTESTANT STANDARD, The. Vols. 1-25, Mav, 1869-June, 1892, 1893, Jan.-Julv, 1895. 20 vols. fol. SycUiey, 1870-95. " ME PROTHERO, Rowland Edmund. Letters and Verses of Dean Staulev, 1829-81. [See Stanley, Dean.] C 22 R 15 Private Letters of Edward Gibbon. [See Giblx)n, Ed- ward.] C 24 Q 3, 4 Works of Lord Byron. [See Byron, Lord.] H 11 T 6 PROVIS, Richard. Observations on iline Surveying and Surveying Instruments. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1895.) ME 18 P PRUSSIA. Atlas zur Zeitschrift fiir das Berg- Hiitten- und Salinen-Wesen in Preussischen Striate. Bande 39-43. 5 vols. fol. Berlm, 1891-94. E Jahrbuch der Preuszischen Gerichtsverfassung, 1894. Svo. Berlin, 1894. F 5 P 28 Justiz-Ministerial-Blatt, 1894. Sm. 4to. Berlin, 1894. F 1 Q33 Die Preuszische Justizverwaltunsr. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Berlin, 1892. " F 1 U 1, 2 Production der Bergwerke, Salinen und Hiitten des Preussischen Staates, 1890-95. Sm. 4to. Berlin, 1891-94. E Zeitschrift fiir das Berg- Hiitten- und Salinen-Wesen im Preussi.schen Staate. Biinde 39-43. 5 vols, (in 9) 4to. Berlin, 1891-94. E PRYNNE, William. Looking-glasses for Lordly Prelates. (Dearmer, Rev. P.— Religious Pamphlets.) G 23 Q 32 PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. [See Society for Psychical Research.] '- PTOLEM^US, Claudius. Sketch of. [See Ball, Sir R. S. — Great Astronomers.] A 20 U S PTOLEMY. [See Ptolemreus, Claudius.] PUBLIC OPISION: a Comprehensive Sunnuary of the Press throughout the World on all important current topics. Vols. 20-64, G7-73, 1871-93, 1895^une, 1898. 52 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1871-98. E PUBLIC SERVICE JOURNAL AND RAILWAY REVIEW, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Vol. 1, Nov., 188S-Dec, 1889. Sm. 4to. Adelaide, 1888-89. ME 20 R " PUBLISHER, A." [See ilarston, E.J PUGirS JiJ/..lV^C' and Queensland Directory, 1874-76, 1878-79. 1883-84, 1887-89, 1891, 1893, 189.5, 1896. 13 vols. Svo. Brisb., 1874-96. ME 4 P PULITZER, A. The Romance of Prince Eugene. [See Eugene, Prince.] C 22 R 10, 11 Sujiplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 291 PULLAX, Leislittm. ITisturv of E;irly Christianity. 8vo. Loud,, 1898. " G 23 Q 36 PULLEN, Prof. W. W. F. Treatise on Practical, Plane, and Solid Geometry. \_See Evans, T. J.] A 25 S 20 PUNCH. Vols. 1-113, 1841-97. 113 vols. sm. 4to. Lend., 1841-97. E Mr. Punch's AnimaULand. [See Reed, E. T.] A 31 S 32 PUPIN, Dr. M. I. Thermodynamics of Rexersiblo Cycles in Gases and saturated Vapors. Arranged and edited by Max Osterberg. 8vo. New York. 1894. A 25 R 35 PURCELL, Edmund Shei-idan. Life of Cardinal Jlannim;. [See .Manning, Cardinal.] C 22 Q 3, 4 PURCHASE, W. R. Practical Masonry : a Guide to the Art of Stone-cutting. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 U 25 PURENEY, Thomas. Sketch of. [See Whibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] C 23 Q 2 PUREY-CUST, Arthur Percival, Dean of York. [See Gust, A. P. Purey-, Dean.] PURNELL, Charles W. The Antarctic Regions. (Mel- bourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q The Argument from Design. (Melbourne Review, 6.) ME 18 Q Comparison between the Animal iJind and the Human Mind. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S Do Animals possess Reason? (Melbourne Re\'iew, 9.) ME 18 Q Glimpse of Savagedom. (IMelb. Review, 6.) ME 18 Q PURSER, Dr. Ijouis Claude. Correspondence of M. Tullius Cicero. [See Cicero, M. TuUius.] C 14 U 9 PURVIS, William Frederick, and BIGGS, Leonard Vivian. South Africa : its People, Progress, and Problems : a Hand-book for the Present Situation. 8vo. Lond., 189G. D 14 R 19 PUSEY, Rev. Edward Bouverie. Letters to Cardinal J . II. Newman. 3 vols. 8vo. Lend., 1869-85. G 3 U 7-9 Life of; by Rev. H. P. Liddon. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-97. C 24 T 13-16 The Church of England a portion of Christ's one Holy Catholic Church, and a means of restoring visible unity : an Eirenicon, in a letter to the author of the "Christian Year." [See Church, R. W., Dean.— Occasional Pa])ers.] J 14 U 35 PUTNAM, George Haven. ]5ooks and their Makers during the Middlo Ages: a Study of the coMditiuns of tlie pniductinn and distribution of Literature from the Fall of the Roman Empire to th(! close of the 17lli Century; with Bibliograjihy. Vol.s. 1, 2, 476-1700. 2 vols. 8vo. Now York, 1896-97. J 12 V 30, 31 PUTNAM, George Haven— con<(/. The Question of Copyright : a Summary of tlie Copyright Laws at present in force in the chief countries of the world, together with a report of the legislation now pending in (Jreat Britain, a sketch of the contest in the United States, 1837-91, in behalf of International Copyright, and certain papers on the dc\elo]jment of the conception of literary propertj-, and of the probable efl'ects of the new American law. 8vo. New York, 1891. F15R9 PUTMAN, Ruth. Annetje Jans' Farm. (Goodwin, M. W. —Historic New York.) B 19 R 6 Historic New York. [See Goodwin, M. W.] B 19 R 6 PYE, Henry James. Selections from the Works of. [See West, K. — Laureates of England.] H 11 R 1 PYE, Hugh. Olive Culture. [See Victoria. — Agricul- ture.] MA 3 V 13 Wheat Experiments, 1896. [See Victoria. — Agricul- ture.] MA 3 V 13 PYE-SMITH, Dr. Philip Henry. [See Smith, Dr. P. H. Pyo-] PYKE, Vincent. The Moa, and the probable cause of its extinction. 12mo. Wellington, 1890. MA 4 S 4 I'YKE, William Thomas. Australian Heroes and Adven- turers. Illustrated. 4to. Melb. (n.d.) (Advance Australia Series.) MC 6 P 2 t PYNE, Rev. Thomas. Xital Magnetism : a Remedy. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1845. G 15 U 17 a "Q." [See Couch, Arthur T. QuiUer-.] QUAIN, Dr. Jonas. Elements of Anatomy. 10th ed., edited l^y Prof. E. A. Sciuifer and Prof. G. 1). Thane, 3 vols, (in 9) roy. 8vo. Lond., 1890-96. A 30 U 41-49 QUAIN, Dr. Richard, F.R.S. Dictionary of :\redicino including General Pathology, General Therapeutics, Hygiene, and the Diseases of Women and Children ; by Dr. Richard Quain, assisted l)y Drs. F. T. ]{ol)erts and S. M. liruce. With an American Ap])endix by Dr. S. T. Armstrong. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 31 P 3, 4 QUARITCII, I'.ernard. {'oiiection of Facsimiles from Examples of Historic or Artistic Book-binding, illus- trating tlic History of Binding as a l)rancli of the Decorative Art^s. Imp. 8vo. Ixjnd., 1889. A 18 P 6 t E.xamples of the Art of Book-illinnination tbiring the ^Middle Ages, rej>roduccd in facsimile. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 18 P 7 t ^lonumenls of Typograjihy and Xjdograpjiy : IJooks of the first half century of tlio Art of Printing. 8vo. Lond., 1897. K 8 R 28 292 JPuhlic Library of New South TTales. QUARRIER, William. In answer to Prayer. [^See Car- penter, W. B., Bishop.] G 23 P 17 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Vol. 1-n.s. vol. 33, 36-39, 1853-92, 1894^an., 1898. 37 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853-98. E QUARTERLY REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-187, 1809-April, 1898; and Index to vols. lGl-182. 188 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1809-98. . E QUEEN, Th'. Vols. 90-100, Oct., 1894-96. 7 vols. fol. Lond., 189-1-96. E QUEENSLAIs^D : — Government Dfpartmnits — Reports and Publications. Agriculture. Annual Reports, 1889-90, 1892-93, 1896- 97. 3 vols. sm. fol. and 8vo. Bri.sb., 1890-97. ME Botany Bulletins 11-13, 15. 8vo. Brisb., 1895-98. MA 3 S 68 11. l.*?, 15. Contriljutionsto the Queensland Flora; byF. JI. Bailej'. 12. Pestiferous Fungi ; by JI. C. Cooke, and Peculiarities of tlie Queensland Flora, by F. M. Bailey. Bulletins of the Department of Agriculture, 2, 4, 6-11, 13. 2nd ser. 8vo. Brisb., 1896-98. MA 3 S 68 2. Rice-growiug and its Preparation for Market ; h\ R. \V. McCuUoch. 4. Disease affecting tlie Orange Orcharils of Wide Bay, and the Insect Pests prevalent therein ; by H. Tryon. C. Wheat-growing Experiments ; by E. M. Sheltou. 7. Use of Maize as Human Food ; Ijy E. M. Shelton. 8. Practical Poultry Farming ; by Mrs. Lance Eawson. 9. Dairying ; by J. Jlahon. 10. Report on the Olive Tree and Olive Oil of Tuscany ; hy ilajor W. P. Chapman. 11. Soil Wastes in the Cane-field ; In- E. il. Shelton. 13. Spraying ; bj- A. H. Benson. Companion for the Queensland Student of Plant-life and Botany abridged ; by F. INI. Bailey. 2nd ed. 8vo. Brisb., 1897. MA 4 S 8 Prospectus of the Queensland Agricultural College, Feb., 1897. Sm. 4to. Brisk, 1897. ME \See also Queensland Agricultural Journal.^ Forestry. Reports on Forest Conservaucv, 1890. Sm. fol. Brisb., 1890. "MA 3 Q 37 t Geological Survey. Bulletins 2-7. 8vo. Brisb.. 1895- 98. MA 2 V 53 2. Notes on tlie Pikedale Gold-field ; by A. G. Maitland. 3. Mount Cannindah Copjier and Gold Deposits ; bv W. H. Rands. 4. Notes on the present condition of the Hodgkinson Gold-field ; liy R. L. .Jack. ."). Notes on tlie Palmer as a Reefing District ; by R. L. Jack. U. Catalogue of the Exliiliits in tlic Queensland Mining Court, Queensland International Exliiliition, 1897: by R. L. .Jack. 7. Additions to the Fossil Flora of Queensland ; by J. Shirle}'. QUEENSLAND— cowtivi of the Briti.sli Butterflies and Moths ; by William Buckler. KiliteJ by (ieorgu T. I'orritt. Vol. 7. lS9li-!)7. The Tailless Batrachians of Europe; by C. A. Boulengor. RAYLEIGII, Baron John William Strutt, F.R.S. The Theory of Sound. Vol. 2. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 21 T29 RAYMOND, Prof. Georgi; Lansing. Kiiytlmi ,iiul liar mony in Poetry and JMusic, together with Mu^ic as ,a representative Art, 8vo. New York, IS',),"). H 10 W 7 RAYMOND, llany. I\Iemoir of B. I. Barnatu. [5spects of Australian Federation. (United Service Magazine, Sept., 189G.) E REID, John Kidston. Index to the Statutes of Tasmania, and Acts of the Federal Council of Australasia in force on June 1st, 1897. \_See Tasmania. — Statutes.] ME REID, St. (Jeorge. Bacteriological Diagnosis. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " A 37 T 2 REID, Stuart. Victorian Land Acts and large Estates. (Mell)ourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q REID, Thomas WiLson. The Book of the Cheese, being Traits and Stories of " Ye olde Cheshire Chee.se." Revised by AV. H. (Jraham. 3rd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 24 Q 10 REIGN OF TERROR, The: a Collection of authentic Narratives of the Horrt)rs committed by the Revolu- tionary Govei'nuieiit of France under JIarat and Robespierre ; written by eye-witnesses of the scenes. Translated fi'om the French, interspersed with Bio- graphical Notices of prominent characters and curious anecdotes illustrative of a period without its parallel in histoi'y. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 39 P 9, 10 REINDORF, Rev. C. C. History of the Gold Coast and Asante, 1.500-18G0. 8vo. Basel, 1895. P. IG S 16 REINECKE. Dr. F. Anthropologischc Aufnahmen und Untersuchungen, au.sgefuhrt auf den Samoa-lnseln 1894-95 fiir die Koniglicho Akademio der Wi.s.sen- schaften zu l?erlin. (Zeitschrift fiirEtlniologie, 1896.) E REINSTEIN, J. B. Address by, at the Special fleeting , of th(^ Regents of the University of California, for the purpose of suggesting and discussing matters necessary to the prosperity of the University. 8vo. San Fran- cisco, 1898. G 23 S 17 KKIS, Philip. TIh- Telephone. [See .lerrold, W. — Elec- tricians anil their Marvels.] A 21 P 50 REMARKAULE .M.M'S ,,f the 15th, IGtIi, and 17th Centuries ; re])roduced in theii' original size. Pts. 2- 6. Fol. Am.sterdam, 1895-97. D 8 P 3G-38 J 2, ."f. Till? (li'iigni]iliy of Australia -Mt ;;rii]>licr8 of the 17th Coutury. Kditcil hy ChailLS llinry ('note. 4. Nic'oliii'.i WilHi'ii's .Map of NorlliLMii Asia from the Uoilrl Nvi'mIiuIh Colh'ctloii (I'liivirsily Lilimrv, lA-y- (It^ii); with XotfH liy I'", (i. Kriini)). Tlnrr MiijiH of thoWorlil: Viiva.Msor's .Mill) of thr Woilil; Cijicoino tliiHtiilili'.s UniviTsali' : I'aiilo I''orliini'« Univrrsali' Dt'.s criltioiiu ili tiitta la TiTia Cononciiita tin ijiii. .'>, 0. Maps of various parts of K.in'ojic, ilclincatiil in the l.')lli anil Kilh (Vnturirs, ihiilly from the Isnuo VohhIuh CollLvtiou in the Lilirary of the Leyilcn Uni vcrsity, 298 Public Library of New South Wales. REMARKS ON EMIGRATION, with a Draft of a Bill. 8vo. Lond., 1831. F 13 Q ."^7 REMBRANDT VAN RYN, Hermauzoon. Rembrandt : his Life, his Work, and his Time ; by Emile Michel Translated from the French by Florence Simmonds. Edited by Frederick "Wedmore. Illustrated. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1895. C 11 W U, 15 t REMINGTON, J. C. Federal Legislation in its relation to Life Assurance. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 54 REMINGTON, Dr. Joseph P. Prescriptiou-writmg and the combination of Drugs. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 RENAN, Ada. Character Sketch of. [See Lynch, Arthur. — Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 RENAN, Ernest. Poetry of the Celtic Races, and other Studies. Translated bv William G. Hutchison. 12mo. Lond., 1896. " J 16 R 41 Life of ; by Mme. James Darmesteter. AVith Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 16 Ecce Homo. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papei-s.] J 14 U 36 [Essay on.] \_See Myers, F. W. H. — Essays Modem.] J 14 V 15 Hibbert Lectures. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occa- sional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Sketch of. [See Pearson, Dr. C. H. — Renews and Critj. cal Essays.] J 14 U 2q Souvenirs d'Enfance et de Jeunesse. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Vie de Jesus. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 Vie de Jesus. [See ilartineau. Rev. J. — Essays, Re- views, and Addresses.] J 14 T 29 , and Heni-iette. Brother and Sister : a Memoir, and the Letters of. Translated by Lady Mary Loyd. 8vo. Lend., 1896. ' C 22 T 5 RENDALL, Dr. Gerald Henry. Marcus Aurelius An- toninus to himself : an English Translation, with In- troductory Study on Stoicism and the last of the Stoics. [See Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus.] G 23 Q 22 RENEL, Ch. L'Evolution dun Mvthe. 8vo. Paris 1896. ■ B 39 r 7 RENER, Dr. Eduard. Handbuch des Volksbildungs- weseiis. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1896. G 18 R 53 RENNIE, Prof. Edward Henry. Acids of the Native Currant (Leptomeria acida.) 8vo. Sydnev, 1880. MA 3 W 18 An Apology for Chemistry : Address delivered at the Annual Commemoration, University of Adelaide, Dec. 14th, 1892. 12mo. Adelaide, 1893. MA 3 W 18 Benzyl-Phenol and its Derivatives. Pts. 1-3. 8vo. I^nd. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 The Colouring Matters of Drosera whithylla. Svo. "Lond. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 New Derivative of Quinine. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 New Zealand Kauri Gum. 8vo. Lond. (nd.) MA 3 W 18 Note on the action of Ethyl Chlorocarbonate on Benzene in presence of Aluminium Chloride. Svo Lond. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 Note on some Double Salts of Meconic Acid. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 Phlorizin. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) ^ AlA 3 W 18 Poisoning by Tinned Foods. 8vo. Adel.\ide (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 Presidential Address in Section B, Chemistry and Mineralogy, Australasian Association for Advance- ment of Science, 1890. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MA 3 W 18 Action of Benzyl Chloride on Moi-phine, [See Wright, Dr. C. R. A.] MA 3 W 18 -, and GOYDER, G. Note on the Alkaloids of Sirychnos i^silosperina. Svo. (n.p.n.d.) MA 3 W 18 , and TURNER, E. F. Note on a Volcanic Ash from the Island of Tanna, New Hebrides. Svo. Adelaide (n.d.) 3IA 3 W 18 Poisonous Constituents of Slephania hemandifulia. Svo. Adelaide (n.d.) MA 3 W 18 RENOIR, H. Monograms and Ciphei-s. 4to. Edinb. (n.d.) A 18 Q 20 t RENSSELAER, Mrs. Mariana G. Van. [See Van Rens- selaer, Mrs. Mariana G.] RENTON, A. Wood. Encyclopiedia of the Laws of Eng- land : being a new abridgment by the most eminent legal authorities ; with a general Introduction by Sir F. Pollock. Vols. 1-10. 10 \ols. rov. Svo. Lond., 1897-98. ' F 7 T 9-18 1 . Abamlomaent to Bankruptcy. '2. Banner to Cheque. 3. Chicory to County Courts. 4. County District to Employee and Workmen, o. Emploj'ers' Liahilitj' to Freemasous. (i. Freight to Interment. 7. International Copyright to Lodemanage. 5. Lodger to Mortgage. 9. Mortmain to Peel Acts. 10. Peerage to Rail. Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 299 RENTON, Edward. lutiiKlio Eiicriiviiii;, Past ami Pre- sent, lllu.stratcd. 1-Jiii.i. L(mii1., is'.K;. A 23 P 29 RENTf)UL, Rov. J. L. The Sunday Question. (.M.-ll"iurn(! Review, 8.) JIE 18 Q REPPLIER, Agnes. E.s.says in Miniature. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J 1 R 23 In the Bdzy Hours, and other Papers. 8vo. Boston, 1895. J 16 R 63 Varia. 8v,.. Boston, 1898. J 1 R 2.1 RETHWISCH, Pn.f. Conrad. Doutschlands liuheres Schul- wesen ini neunzehnten Jahrluindert. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. G18R54 "RETIRED OFFICER," Letters on applied Tactics. [See Griepenkerl, Majur.] A 36 R 18 REUCHLIN,Joliann. [Sketch of.] [S^« Cowan, Rev. W. — Pre-Reforniation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 REUSENS, Prof. Edmond. Elements de Paleographie. Illustrated. 8vo. Lou vain, 1897. A i51 S 35 REVAREVA DUAHIA HADIBAIA BUKANA. Motu Gado. 12mo. Sydney, 1893. MG 2 T -16 REVIEW OF REVIEWS. Vols. 1-8, 10, 1890-93, July-Dec., 1894. 9 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1890-94. E Australasian edition. Vols. 3, 4, 6-10, July, 1893- June, 1894, 189.5-June, 1897. 7 vols. Svo. Lond., 1893-97. ME 6 U nistory of the Mystery : a Sequel to Blastus, the King's Chamberlain ; by W. T. Stead. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1897. (Review of Reviews Annual, 1897.) E Index to the Periodicals of 1890-93, 1895-97. 7 vols. sm. 4to. Lond., 1891-98. Cat. Room Satan's Invisil)!e World Displayed ; or. Despairing De- mocracy : a Study of Greater New York ; by W. T. Stead. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (Review of Reviews Annual, 1898.) E The Splendid Paupers ; a Tale of the Plutocracy ; being the Christmas No. of the Review of Reviews, 1891. Sm. 4to. Lcmd., 1891. E REVILLE, R<^v. Albert. Lectures on the Origin and (irowtli of Religion, as illustrated by the Native Religions of Me.vico and Peru ; delivered at Oxford and London in April and May, 1884. Translated by Philii) IL Wicksteed. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1895. (Hibbei't Lectures, 1884.) G 23 T 2 REVUE AUSTRALIENNE: Journal des Tnterets Fran- (;ais en Australie, Nouvelh? Caledonie, Nouvelle Ze- lande, Fiji, Tahiti, Polyncsie. No. 1, Dec, 1873. 8vo. Sydney, 1873. MJ 3 R 2G REVUE DfUS DEUX MONDES, \»r>2, 185fi-Aug., 1870, 1871-Aug., 1897. 259 vols. 8v<>. I'aris, 1852 ■ 98. E REVUE D'ETHNOGRAPIIIE. Illustrated. 8 voK 8vo. Paris, 1882-89. A 42 T 1-8 REVY, J. J. Hydraulics of great Rivei-s : the Parana, the Uruguav, and the La Plata Estuary. 4to. I^ond., 1874. " A17Ult REW, R.Henry. Agriculture Reports. [5t'«Gt. Britain and Ireland.— Agriculture.] A 39 W 6-10 I "REWA." Tried and Acquitted. 12mo. Melb., 1895. MJ 3 P 53 REYCHLER, Prof. A. Les Theories Phvsieo-Chimiques. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. " A 38 U 14 REYE, Prof. Theodor. Lectui-es on the Geometry of Position. Translated by T. F. Holgate. Pt. 1. 8vo. New York, 1898. A 39 P 21 REYNOLDS, Sir J. Russell, F.R.S. Essays and Addresses. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 32 R 34 REYNOLDS, Dr. John P. Relation of Ansesthesia and Obstetrics. (Semi-Centennial of Anaesthesia.) A17 R 2 t REYNOLDS, Joseph William. The Supernatural in Nature : a Verification by free use of science. 8vo. Lond., 1897. ' G 23 P 2 REYNOLDS, Dr. Marcus T. Housing of the Poor in American Cities. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V IS REYNOLDS, Samuel Harvey. Studies on many subjects. Witli a Preface by G. Saintsbuiy. 8vo. I^ond., 1898. J 19 W 8 REYNOLDS, Sidney H. The Vertebrate Skeleton. Illus- trated. 8vo. Canib., 1897. A 33 P 38 REYNOLDS-BALL, Eustace A. [See Ball E. A. Rey- nolds-.] RHODE ISLAND : — '^late Departments— Reporln aynl I'liliHriitiinif!. Agricultural Experiment Station. ]{eports, 1893-96. 4 vols. 8vo. Providence, R.I., 1894-97. E College of Agriculture and Mechanics. Report, IS'J."). 8vo. I'rovidi'iKV, IM., IS'JG. E RHODES, Hon. Cecil John. A Biography and Apprecia- ti(m, by " Imperialist ;" with Personal Reminiscences by Dr. Jameson. With Portraits. Svo. Ijond., 1897. C 23 P 7 Cecil Rhodes anI%1', Sanuiel. Tlir '-I'lireigner" in Australia. (Jlel- liourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Tln! Northern Farmer. (Melb. Review, 9.) ]\I F 18 Q More about tlu^ Northern Farmer. (Mell)ourne Iteview, 9.) ME 18 q ItlNGROSE, Bobert C. Notes on the Conglomerate and Sandstone Series of the Wild Hiver Valley, and of the head waters of the Walsh Kiver. (Hov. Soe., t,)iieens- land, Proc, 1897.) " .M K 1 V RINGWALT, J. L. Development of Ti-ansportation Sys- tems in the L'nited SUites : comprising a comprehen- sive description of the leading features of advance- ment, from the colonial era to the present time, in Water Channels, Roads, Turnpikes, Canals, Railways, \ essels. Vehicles, Cars, and Locomotives ; the cost of Transportation at various periods and places, by the different methods; the Financial, Engineering, Me- chanical, (iovernmental, and Popular Questions that have arisen ; and notable incidents in Railway His- tory, Ccmstruction, and Operation. Illustrated. 4to. Philad., 1888. A 13 X 6 t BIO DE JANEIRO. Archivo di Districto Federal : Revista de Documentos para a historia da Cidaile do Rio de Jani'iiii, 1S94-97. 4 vols. 4to. Rio de Janeiro, 1894-97. B 19 S 15-18 t RIOS, Prof. Giner de Los. Some Account of the Technical Education in the Institucion Libre de Ensenanza at Madrid. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 10 RIPLEY, Rev. Ezra. [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. ^^'. — Lectures and Biographical Sketches.] J 22 Q 24 RIPON, George Frederick Samuel Robinson, Marqui.s of. [Poi-trait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 RISLEY, John Shufkbui^'h. The Law of War. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 3 R 4 RITCHIE, James Ewing, "Christopher Craytm." The Real Gladstone. [See Gladstone, lU. Jloa." W. E.] C 23 Q 28 RITSCHL, Friedrich. T. Macci Plauti Coma>dia>. [See Plautus, T. M.] H 1 T 24-27 RITSON, Jt).seph. On PiL'tnies and Faii-ies. [See llazlitt, W. C] J 14 P 49 HITTER, Dr. Paul Mm. Zcmldgische Forschungsreisen in Australien und dcni .Malaviselien .Vrehipel. [Sir Semon, Dr. K. | " M.\. 13 P 17 21 t RIVERIXE aiiA/JER, Tl„. ls:)G-97. 2v,,k. fnl. ilav, 1896-97. -ME RIVERS, Dr. William liaise Rivers. Temperament. (.Vllbiitt, [)r. T. C— System .if Medicine.) A 20 T 43 RO.VMKR, Stanley. Cardinal Manning, as i)resented in his own Letters and Notes. [Sec Manning. Cardinal.] 'C 2U r 17 ROBB, Dr. Hunter. Anienorrhcva, Dysnienorrhcea, Me- norrhagia, and Sterility. (Hare, Dr. H. A. System of I'ra.tiial Ther;iprulic.s.) A :!|' 1' IG IIOBR, Russell. Electric Wiring for the U.se of Ari'hi- tects, I'nderwrilers, and the Owners of Buildings. Sm. 4 to. New York, 189(;. A 21 C 12 302 J?uLlic Library of New South Wales. ROBERT OF ANJOU, King of Naples. Robert the AViseand his heirs, 1278-1352. [&a Baddelev, St. Clair.] B 19 U 1 ROBERT THE BRUCE, Kins of Scotland. [Essay on.] {See Alison, Dr. Archibald.— Essays.] J 14 S 12 Robert the Bruce and the Struggle for Scottish Inde- pendence. [See Maxwell, Sir H.] B 17 P 46 ROBERTOX, Dr. Ernest. The State Prevention of Ct)n- sumption. (X.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S ROBERTS, Prof. CharlesGeorge Douglas. Canadian Guide- hook : a Guide to Eastern Canada and Newfoundland, including full Descriptions of Routes, Cities, Points of Interest, Summer Resorts, Information for Sportsmen, A'c. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1895. D 16 P 2 History of Canada. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 19 U IS ROBERTS, Lord Frederick Sleigh. Forty-one years in India, from Subaltern to Commander-in-chief. "With Portraits and 3Iaps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 16 V 37, 38 Memoir of Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson. [See Raw- linson. Sir H. C] C 25 Q 23 [Portrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Temple, A. — Our Living Generals.] C 22 S 2(3 ROBERTS, Dr. Frederick Thomas. Diseases of the Peri- cardium. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C. — System of Medicine.) A 26 P 38 Dictionary of Medicine. [See Quain, Dr. R.] A 31 P 3, 4 ROBERTS, Capt. George. Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant. [See Hacke, Capt. W.] D 20 S 20 ROBERTS, Isaac Phillips. The Fertility of the Land : a sunnuary Sketch of the relationship of farm-practice to the maintaining and increasing of the productivity of the land. 12mo. New York, 1897. A 18 P 33 ROBERTS, J. Whear. The Mining Industry of New South Wales. Illustrated. 8vo. Sycbiey (n.d.) MA 4 T 2 ROBERTS, Robert Da\-ies. Requirements of a truly National System of Higher Education, and the proper relation of the old Universities to such a system. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 ROBERTS, W. The Book-hunter in London. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 9 V 1 Memorials of Christie's : a Record of Art Sales from 1766-1896. Illustrated. 2 vols. rov. 8vo. Lond., 1897. " A 30 V 22, 23 ROBERTS, Prof. W. Rhys. Aims and Practice of Teach- ing Greek. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) G 18 Q 36 ROBERTS, Sir William. Gout. (Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 36 ROBERTS, William Bertrand. Electricity as a Factijrin Ore Dressing. (Australasian Inst, of Mining Engi- neers, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P ROBERTS-AUSTEN, W. C. [See Austen, W. C. Roberts-.] ROBERTSON, Rev. Alexander. The Bible of St. Jlark : St. Mark's Church, the Altar and Throne of Venice. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 R 20 Through the Dolomites from Venice to Toblacli. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1896. D 18 P 30 ROBERTSON, Archibald Nugent. Federation and after- wards : a Fragment of History, a.d. 1898-1912, which briefly sets forth some of the causes of the late abortive revolt of the State of New South Wales against the Commonwealth of Australia. 8vo. Sydney, 1897. MF 1 R 63 ROBERTSON, F. E. Practical Treatise on Organ-build- ing. With Plates and Appendices. 2 vols. 8vo. and 4to. Lond., 1897. A 34 V 5, 6 ROBERTSON, Frederick W. Life and Letters of ; edited by Stopford A. Brooke. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — • Occasional Papers.] J 14 U 36 ROBERTSON, George Croom. Elements of Psychology. Edited by C. A. Foley Rhys Davids. 8vo. Lond., 1896. " G19T16 ROBERTSON, Sir George Scott. The Kafirs of the Hindu-Kush. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. D 15 V 30 ROBERTSON, Rev. James. Tlie Old Testament and its contents. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 9 W 12 ROBERTSON, Sir John. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Porti-ait Gallery.] :MC 4 P 4 f ROBERTSON, John MacKinnon. Buckle and his Critics : a Study in Sociologj'. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 14 U 28 Montaigne and Shakspere. 8vo. Lond., 1897. J 14 S 36 " ROBERTSON, IMuirhead." [See Johnson, H.] ROBERTSON, T. S. Progress of Art in English Church Architecture. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 P 43 ROBESPIERRE, Maximilien ]Marie Isidore. Portrait of. [See Hillis, W. J. — Metrical History of Napoleon Bonaparte.] H 1 T 15 ROBIN, Ernest. The Clairaudient : a Story of Psychical Research. 12mo. Sydney, 1896. MJ "l P 44 Sapplemenlary Catalogue — 1896-98. 303 KOBINS, Edward. Palmy Days of Nance Oldiield. \_See Oldlield, Anne.] C 24 R 24 ROBINS, Edwuril Cookworthy. InipernuNililc Ccm.st ruc- tion of Roofs, Walls, and Basement Floors, with a reference to Ventilation and AVanninij; incidental thereto. (Inteniat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhih. Literature.) A 41 U 18 ROBINSON, Agnes Mary Frances. \_See Darmesteter, A. il. F.] ROBINSON, Alexander. Study of the Sa\iour in the Newer Light ; or, a Present-day Study of Jesus Christ. -Jnd cd. tar- ticulara. 8vo. Lend., 1652. [/i;ejrary of tlie Royal Ceographical Socielv. Com- piled by 11. It. Mill. 8vo. Lond., 1805. K 9 1! 14 Charter and Bye-laws. 8vo. Lond., 1896. E The Geographical Journal, including the Pi-oeeedings of the Royal Geograjjliical Society, from Vol. 1, 18.30- June, 1898, and Index, 1.S79-92'. 80 vols. 8vo. L)iid.. 1832-98. E ROY.XL GF.a. [&« Bruch, P.] A 11 X 1-0 t SCHJOTT, Prof. P. 0. Samlede Philologiske Afhand- linger. .Roy. Svo. Cliristiania, 1890. J 9 V 37 SCHLEIER-MACHER, Friedrich. Life and Times. [See Martiiieau, Rev. J. — Essays, Reviews, and Addresses.] J U T 27 SCHLICn, Prof. William. Manual of Forestry. Vol. n. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 32 1117 5. Forest Utilization ; by Prof. W. II. Fisher. SCHLOSS, A. English Bijou Almanac. Illustrated. Jin. X gin. Lond., 1841. Libr. SCHLOSS, D. P. Report on Profit Sharing. [See Gt. Britain and Ireland. — Labour Department.] F 7 U 30 SCHMEISSER, Karl, and VOGELSANG, Dr. Karl. Die (joldfclder Australasiens. "With Maps. Roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1897. MA 2 P 34 f SCH^MIDT, Adolf. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Serie 4, Tafcl 145-192. Fol. Leipzig (n.d.) A 40 T 13 ; SCHMIDT, Dr. Alexander. Shakespeare Lexicon : a complete Dictionary of all the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet. 2 vol.s. roy. Svo. Berlin, 1874-75. J 9 V 30, 31 SCHMIT, J. P. Nouveau Manuel Comjilct du Ducoratcur ( )rn('menliste du Graveur et du I'eintrc en Lettres. Atlas. Roy. 8vo. Paris (n.d.) A 31 S 34 SCHMTTZ, L. Dora. History of English Literature. [See Ten Brink, IJernhard.] B 3 P 24 SCIIMOLLER, Gustav. The iMercantil.' System and its Historical Signilicance, illustrated chiefly from Prussian History. 12mo. Now York, 189G. F 8 V 22 SCHNAUSS, Dr. Julius. C.)Ilotype and Photolithography. Translated by Edwin C. Middleton, with an Appendix on Steam Presses. Illustiatcd. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 T 27 SCHNEIDER, Dr. Albert. Compendium of General Botany. [See Westermaier, Dr. I\I.] A 20 T 23 SCHQilBEL, C. L'Ame Humainc au point de vue de la Science Ethnographique. 8vo. Paris, 1879. G 3 R 27 SCHOELL, Friedrich. T. .Macci Plauti Comcediie. [See Plautus, T. :>!.] Jl 1 T 24-27 SCHOENBEIN, C. F. Notiee .j^. [See Smithsonian Inst. Rept., 1808.] E SCHOENHOF, J. History of Money and Prices. Svo. New York, 1896. " F 8 V 19 SCHOFIELD, Dr. Alfred Taylor. The Unconscious Mind. Svo. Lond., 1898. G 1 1 U 40 SCHOFIELD, R. J. The Home Mechanic and complete Self-instructor in Cai-pentiy, Painting, Horse-shoeing, Soap-making, Candy-making, Baking, Taxidermy, Tan- ning, tc. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1897. A"39 P 3 SCHOLEY, II. Electric Tramwajs and Railw.ays pro- perly explained. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1890. A 38 T 3 SCIIOLZ, Dr. Fricderich. Sleep and Dreams : a Scientific- Popular Dissertation. [Translated] from the German by H. JL .lewctt; and the Analogy of Insanity to Sleep and Dreams by Dr. Jlilo A. Jcwett. 8\o. New York, 1893. G 9 V 45 SCHOJIBITRGK, Richard. Capabilities of the various Districts in the Colony [of South Au.stralia]. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 Cause of Disease in Silkworms. (S. Aust. Cliand)pr of IManufactures, Papers.) ]MA 4 S 12 Culture of Tobacco. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufac- tures, Papers.) MA 4 S 12 Gras.ses and Fodder Plants. (S. Aust. Chamber of Manufactures, Papers.) JIA 4 S 12 Urari, the deadly Arrow-poison of the Macusis, an Indian Tribe in British Guiana. Sni. 4to. Adelaide, 1879. MJ 2 U 7 SCHOOLIN(!, William. Life Assurance explained. 12mo. Lond., 1897. F 13 V .30 SCllOOLM.VSTER IX COMEDY AND SATIRE, The. Arranged and edited for the .special use of Teachers' Reading Circles and Round Tallies. Svo. New York, 1894. ,) 10 R 44 SCTIOPENHAUEI!, Arthur. Human Nature: Essjiys (partly ])osthumous) in Ethics and Politics. Selected and translated liyT. Bailey Saunders. 12nio. Ix)U(l., 1S97. I! 19 U 35 316 Fuhllc Lihrary of Neio South Wales. SCHORLEilMER, Dr. Carl, RR.S. Rise and Develop- ment of Orfjanic Chemistry. Revised ed., bv Prof. Arthur Smithells. 8vo. Lond., 1^94. A 21 R 39 Treatise on Chemistry. [See Roscoe, Sir H. E.] A 38 U 4 SCHOTT, G. A. Miscellaneous Papers of Prof. Hertz. [See Hertz, Prof. Heinrich.] A 21 T 23 SCHOTT, Dr. AVilhehn. Yerzeichniss der Chinesischen und Mandschu-Tungusisclien Biicher und Handschrif- ten der Koniglichen Bihliothek zu Berlin. [See Berlin-Konigliche Bil)liothek.] K 19 R 17 SCHOULER, James. History of the United States of America under the Constitution, 1783-1865. Vols. 1-5. Svo. New York (n.d.) B 16 S 31-35 SCHREIBER, Lady Charlotte. Catalogue of the Collec- tion of Fans and Fan-leaves presented to the Trustees of the British Jluseum. [See British ^Museum.] A 17 R 22 t SCHREIXER, Olive. [Portrait of.] [See Sixtv Years of Empire.] B 22 R 18 SCHREINER, S. C Cronwright. The Angora Goat, and a Paper on the Ostrich. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. A 40 Y 5 SCHROEDER, Lieut. S., and SOUTHERLAND, %Y. H. H. Azimuth Tables, giving the true bearings of the Sun at intervals of ten minutes between sunrise and sunset for pai-allels of latitude lietween 61° N. and 61° S. inelu.sive. 4to. Wash., 1882. A 15 W 23 t SCHUBERT, Franz. The Art Ballad.] [Sketch of.] [See Bach, A. B.— H 1 S 34 SCHUCHERT, Charles. Directions for collecting and preparing Fossils. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 24 Y 36 SCHULTZ, William. Sterling Exchange Tables, showing the value of United States Cui-rency in English Cur- rency from Ic. to §10,000, and of English Currency in United States Currency from Id. to £10,000, from par to 60 per cent, premium by eights per cent, pro- gressively. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) F 13 U 16 SCHULZ, Albert. An Essay on the Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of Genmany, France, and Scandinavia, which obtained the prize of the Abergavenny Cymreigyddion Society at the Eistedd- vod of 1840. «vo. Llandovery, 1841. J 14 S 8 History of the Holy Graal. [See Borron, Sires Robiers de.] H 17 Q 9, 10 t SCHULZ, Dr. Aurel, and HAMMAR, August. The New Africa : a Journey up the Chobe and down the Oko- vanga Rivers : a Record of Exploration and Sport. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. D 14 T 27 SCHULZE, Oscar. Notes on the Belubula Dam. (Austral- asian Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1897.) ME18P SCHLTRZ, Carl. Arbitration in International Di-sputes. [See America and Europe : a Study of International Relations.] F 2 V 30 SCHWAB, Dr. John Christopher. History of the New Yoi-k Property Tax. (American Economic As-socia- tion.) " F 4 V 15 SCHNYARZ, A. Preparation of JIalt. [See Thausing, Julius E.] A 25 U 16 SCHWARZ, E. A. Common Crow of the United States. [See United States. — Department of Agriculture. — Division of Biological Survey.] A 40 S 12 SCHWEIZER, R. von. Use of Gymnastics for Children of both Sexes. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 7 SCH WILL, Ferdinand. Europe in the iliddle Ages. [See Thatcher, Dr. Oliver J.] B 17 Q 24 SCIDMORE, Eliza Ruhamah. Java, the Garden of the East. Illu.strated. 12mo. New York, 1898. D 21 Q 1 SCIENCE : a Weekly Journal devoted to the Advance- ment of Science. Yols. 3-7, n.s., Julv, 1896 — June, 1898. 5 vols. imp. Svo. New York, 1896-98. E SCIENCE GOSSIP: an Illustrated jNIonthly Record of Nature and Country Lore. Yol. 1-n.s., vol 4, 1865- M.iy, 1898. 33 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1865-98. E SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, The: an Illustrated Journal of Art, Science, and Mechanics. Vols. 28-78, 1873- June, 1898. 53 vols. fol. New York, 1873-98. E Building Edition. Yols. 1-25, 1885-June, 1S98. 25 vols. fol. New York, 1S85-9S. E Supplement. Yols. 1-45, 1876-June, 1S9S. 45 vols. fol. New York, 1876-98. E SCLATER, Philip Lutley. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 39 T 11, 14, "15 Catalogue of the Picarise in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 39 T'17 SCOFFERN, J. The Chemistry of Gold: its Natural History, Chemical Properties, Modes of ^Mining, AVash- ing, and Assaying Gold Ores ; and hints for dis- tinguishing them from similar substances found in connection with them. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1852. A 33 Q 20 Supplementary Catalog ue — 1S9G-98. 317 SCOTLAND. Sights and Scenes in Scotland. Ob. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 8 Q 26 t The llegister of the (Jrcat Seal of Scotland. \_See Great Britain and Ireland.— Puh. Record Office.] B .'54 U 4-9 \_See uhi> Institution of Engineers and Shijilmiiders in Scotland, and National Gallery of Scotland.] "SCOTSBUEN." What is Socialism! 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 R 20 SCOTT, Adam. Story of Sir Walter Scott's First Love. [See Scott, Sir Walter.] C 2.3 Q 1 SCOTT, Dr. Alexander. An Introduction to Chemical Theory, li'nio, Lmid. 1S91. A 20 P 29 SCOTT, Maj.-Gen. Alexander De Courcy. Review of the Economic Position and Liabilities ^)i the Argentine Republic. 8vo. Lond., 1892. f"9 P 28 SCOTT, Clement. From "The Bells' to "King Arthur": a Critical Record of the First Night Productions at the Lyceum Theatre from 1871-9."). Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 9 T 15 Life of William Terries. {See Lewin, W. C. J.] C 25 P 6 SCOTT, E. Lewi.s. Song: All in all. [Words onlv.] Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. :\1A 'i;; P 6 t SCOTT, Eben (ireenough. Reconstruction during the Civil War in the United States of America. 8vo. Boston, 1895. F 2 y 23 SCOTT, George, GROOM, Littleton Ernest, and GRAHAM, Austin Dougla.s. The Queensland Digest : a Digest of Ca.ses decide97. 15 32 R 7 SCOTT, Michael. [Life of] ; by Sir George Douglas. 8vo. Edinb., 1897 (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 U 24 SCOTT, Robert Henry, 1\R.S. Cumulative Tempeiature. (Internal. Health Exliib.— Health E.xliil). Lilerature.) .\ I! \' 7 E(|uinoctial (iaics. (Intcrnat. ileulth E.\hib. Hciltli Exliib. Literature.) A 1 1 \' 7 Storm Warnings. (Tiiternat, Fislieries Exhib, - l''islicries Literatuie.) A ;'. I R 7 SCOTT, Temple. Ilibliw-raphy of ihr Works of William .Morris. Svo. Lond., 1S97. .1 II I! 23 SCOTT, Sir Walter. [Life of]; by George Saintsbury. 8vo. Edinb., 1S97. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 T 21 Story of Sii- Walter Scott's First Love ; by Adam Scott. 8vo. Edinb., 1896. C 23 Q 1 [Criticism of the Works of.] \_See Craik, Heni-y. — English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Jack, A. A.] J 14 R 31 [Sketch of.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Miscellanies.] J 22 Q 25 [Sketch of.] [S«e Stearns, F. P.— :\Iodcrn English Prose Wiiteis.J J 14 V 17 Story of Scott's Ruin. [See Stephen, L. — Studies of a Biographer.] C 23 T 2 SCOTT, Rev. William Affleck. A Hero of the Dark Con- tinent : Memoir of Rev. W. Affleck Scott ; by Rev. W. Hem-y Rankine. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. C 23 P 17 SCOTT, Prof. William B. An Introduction to Geology. Illu.strated. 8vo. New York, 1897. A 24 r"20 SCOTT, William Booth. Cleansing Streets and Ways in the Metropolis and large Cities. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V :! SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 19, 22-29. 9 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1895-98. E 19. The Jacobite Attempt of 1719 ; by \V. K. Dickson. '2'2. The Lyon in Moinniiii;, .S. 2:?. Itinerary of IVince t'harle.s Edwanl ."^tuart, from his landing in Scotland, July, 174.">, to his depiirtnre in Septenilier, 174ti. Compiled from the Lyon in .Mourn- ing ; snpplemente2 ; Lord Mar's Legacies, 1722 "27: Letters concerning Highland AITaiis in the ISth Century, by Mrs. Crant, of Laggan. 27. Memorials of John Murray, of Broughton, sonictinio Secretary to IVince Charles Kdwaril, 1740-47. Kditod, with an Intnidnction, Notes, and Appendix of original documents, liy K. 1'. Hell. 28. The Compt IJnik of Dnvin Wedderbnrne, Mcrclinnt, of Dundee, 1.'>S7 l()."f" : together with the Shipping Lista of Dundee, l.">S(l-l(il,S. Kdited from the original MSS., with Introduction and Notes, by A. H. Millar. 29. Diplomatic Correspondenee of Jean 99; with Introduction by E. Dowden. H U V 21 Pericles, 1009; witli Introduction bv P. Z. Round. H 11 V22, 23 Richard II, 1597; with an Introdiii:tion by Rev. W. A. Harrison. " H 11 V 24 Richaril II, l.")97 ; with an Introduction by P. .A. Daniel. H II V 2,'-. Hichanl II, KiOH; with an Introductor}' Notice bv Rev. \V. A. Harrison. H \\ V 20 Richard II, 103-t ; with an Iiitroductorv Notice b)' P. A. Daniel. ■ II 11 V 27 Richard III, l.">97 ; with an Introduction bv P. A. Daniel. H II V28 Richard III, 10112, 1622; with an Introductory Notice bv P. A. Danieh ll' 11 V 29, 30 RoiMco and .Tuliel, l.-)97, l.')99; with hit rn.luction by H. .\. Evans. H II V 31-33 2 S SHAKESPEARE, William— con^f/. Sonnet.s, 1609 ; with an Introduction by T. Tyler. HII V34 Taming of the Shrew, 1394 ; with Forewords by Dr. F. J. Furnivall. "H II V 35 Titus .Andronicus, 100(1 ; with an Introduction by A. Sy- nions. H II V36 Troilus and Cressida, 1(509; with an Introduction by Rev. H. P. Stokes. H l"l V 37 Troublesome Raignc of .lohn, l.")9I. H II V 3S, .39 True Tragedy, 1595; with Introductiim bv T. Tyler. H11V40 Venus and Adonis, 1593; with an Introduction by A. Sy- mons. H 11 V 43 The Whole Contention, 1619 ; with Forewords by F. J. Furnivall. H II V 41, 42 Poems of. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by G. Wyndham. 8vo. Lond., 1898. H 3 Q 36 Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems : being his Son nets clearly develcped : with his character drawn chiefly fr(nn his work.s ; by C. A. Brown. 12nio. Lond., 1838. C 23 Q 7 Macbeth ; as arranged for the Stage by George Rignold. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. H 9 T 31 The Hidden Lives of Shakespeare and Bacon, and their Business Connection ; with some Revelations of Shakespeare's Early Struggles, 15S7-92 ; by A\'. (J. Thorpe. 8vo. Lond., 1897. "C 20 S 7 Life and Plays of ; l)y Miss II. A. Ilearn. (Melbourne Review, 1.) " ME 18 Q William Shakspcre : a Biography : by C. Knight. Illus- trated. Tviiy. 8vo. Lond., 1813. " C 24 S 5 Shake.speare, Puritan and Recusant ; by the Rev T. Carter. With a Prefatory Note 1)V the Rev. J. O. Dykes. Svo. Edinb., 1897. " C 23 P 20 Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosicrucians. {See Wig- ston, W. F. C] ,1 (■) T 34 [Criticism of the Works of.] {See Castle, E. J, ] J 1 I S 1 ,") [Criticism of the Works of.] {See Symons, A. — Studies in two Literatures.] J 14 S 31 The Diary of Master William Silence. {See Madden, Rt. I but. D. H.] A 3,0 T 18 The Doubtful Pi.-iys of Willi.ini .Sjiakesjieare. {See Hazlitt, Win.) ■ U 7 R 13 Goethe on Sli.ike.speare. [/Sm Goethe, .1. W. yon. ].l 11 P 12 'I'hr lluinr .,f SlialiospiMrc. [5^(! Neill, S.] j) II g | J John llemiiig<> and Henry Condcll, friends and folluw actors of Shakc^ijieare, and wlial the world owes them. {See Walker, C. C] C 24 P 6 King Henry TV, printed from a I'oTitemponiry M.S. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillijip.s. {See Shakespeare Soc. Pubs..] HSU 32 322 Fublic Library of New South Wales. SHAKESPEARE, William— cowiirf. King John, King Edward III, King Richard II, King Henry IV, King Henry V, King Henry VI, King Richard III. [See Donovan, Thomas. — English His- torical Plays.] H 10 W 19, 20 [Lecture on.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Representative Men.] J 22 Q 18 Montaigne and Shakspere. [See Robertson, J. M.] J 14 S 36 Natural History in Shakespeare's Time. [See Seager, Dr. H. W.] A 27 T 11 Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays. [See Collier, J. P.] J 19 W 11 Philosophv of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded. [See Bacon, Delia.] J 6 T 33 The Plays of, founded on literary foi-m. [See Ruggles, H. J.] " J 12 V 19 A Refutation of Donnelly's Great Cryptoirram. [See Nicholson, Rev. A.] '^ J 10 U 35 Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory upon the Plays of Shakspeare. [See Seymoui', E. H.] J 19 W 9, 10 The School of Shakspere. [See Simpson, 11. ] H 1 V 30, 3 1 Selections from. [See Sniithson, D. J. — Elocution and the Dramatic Art.] J U R 20 Shakespeare the Boy. [See Rolfe, Dr. W. J.] B 25 P 10 The Shakesperian Guide to Stratford-on-Avon. [See Ward, H. S., and C. AV.] D 11 Q 13 Shakespeare Lexicon. [See Schmidt, Dr. A.] J 9 V 30, 31 The Shakespeare Secret. [See Bormann, Edwin.] J 8 V 27 The Shakespearean Myth. . [See Morgan, J. A.] J 6 S 43 Shakspere and liis Predecessors. [See Boas, F. S.] H 3 R 31 Shakspere's Holinshcd. [See Stone, W. G. Boswell-.] J « V 30 Shakespeare's Knowledge and Use of the Bible. [See Wordsworth, C, Bishop.] J 10 P 46 Shakespeare's Ku(jwledgc of the Classics ; by S. St. John Topp. [See Melbourne Review, 3.] ME 18 Q Shakespeare's London; a Study of London in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. [See Ordish, T. F.] B 23 P 14 Side-lights on. [See Rossi, L.] J 14 U 29 William Shakespeare : a Critical Study. [See Brandes, G.] " J 5 T 35, 36 [See also Shakespeare Memorial, and Shakespeare Society, Publications.] SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL. Illustrated Catalogue of the Pictures, &c., in the Shakespeare Memorial .at Stratford-upon-Avon. With Historical and Descrip- tive Notes. Sm. 4to. Manchester, 1896. K 19 R 21 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY. Publicati(ms. Nos. 20- 28, 35-37, 39-43. 17 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1844-51. •20. Tarlton's Jests ami News out of Purgatory ; with Notes and some Account of the Life of Tarlton by J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps. H 3 U 25 21. The true Tragedy of Richard III ; to 'which is appended tlie Latin play of Richardus Tertius, Ijy Dr. Thomas TiCgge, liotli anterior to Shakespeare's Drama : with an Introduction and Notes by ISarron Fiehl. H 3 U L'6 22. The (ihost of Richard III : a poem printed in l(il4, and founded upon Shakespeare's historical play. Re- printed from the only known copy in the Bodleian Lilii'ary ; with an Introduction and Notes Ijy.I. Payne Collier. H 3 U 27 23. Sir Tliomas More : a play now first printed. E. I'roperty under Soeialism ; by (Jrahani Wallis. (i. Industry under Socialism : by Annie liesunt. 7. Transition; by (i. Hernard 81ia\v. «. The Outlook ; liy Hubert TUan.I. SHAW, Harold Sydney. Austnil.isian (iold Reckoner, for calculating the! value of gold from oni- grain upwards, at X3 to £4 2s. 9d. per oz. 32nio. Sydncv, 1897. .M.V 2 P IG Dymock's Book of Fancy Alphabets. Gb. ISmo. Sythiey, 1898. .M.\ 1 V U-i SHAW, .lohn, and OAKES. Leslie M. The Oakshaw Annual of New South Wales for 1897-98. 2 vols. 8vo. Parrauitttta, 1890-97. ME 15 P 324 Public lAbrary of Neio South JFales. SHAW, Leonard K. In answer to Prayer. [Su Car- penter, W. B., Bishop.] G 23 P 17 SHAW, William A. Minutes of the Bury Presbyterian Classis, 1G47-07. [See Chetham Soc. Pubs., 36.] E Select Tracts and Documents illustrative of English Mone- tary History, 1626-1730. .Svo. Lond., 1896. FSYi SHAW-LEFEVRE, Rt. Hon. G. [See Lefevre, Rt. Hon. G. Shaw-.] SHEA, Sir Ambrose. Newfoundland : its Fisheries and General Resources. (Internat Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature, 5.) A 34 R 5 SHEAR, C. L. Report upon the Grasses and Forage Plants of the Rocky ^Mountain Region. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Agrostology.] A 36 V 19 SHEARER, John. Problems and Questions in Phvsics. [See Matthews, C. P.] A 24 T 34 SHEARMAX, Thomas Gaskell. Natural Taxation: an Inquiry into the Practicability, Justice, and Effects of a Scientific and Nattiral ilethod of Taxation. Svo. New York, 1895. F 10 V 23 SHEDD, Julia Ann [Mrs. J. H.] Famous Painters and Paintings. 8vo. Boston, 1896. C 20 V 2 Famous Sculptors and Sculpture. 8vo. Boston, 1896. C 20 V 3 SHEE, Richard Jenerv. Socialism and Catholicism. [See Soderini, Count Edward.] F 10 V 33 SHEEPSHANKS, John. The Sheepshanks Gallery: a series of 20 Pictures from this celebrated collection, re- produced in permanent tint by the Autotj-pe Process ; with an Introduction on Oil Painting in England by Richard Redgrave, and Biographical Notices of the Painters. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1873. A 10 W 11 f SHELBURNE, William Petty, Earl of. [Life of] ; by R. Murray Smith. (Melbourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q SHELDON, Henry Clay. History of the Early Church. 5 vols. Svo. New York, 1895. G 14 R 20-24 SHELDON, Prof. J. P. The English Dairy. (Internat. Health Exhib.^Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 2 To Canada and through it with the British Association. 8vo. Ottawa, 1885. D 16 S 5 SHELDON, Miss L. Nemertines. 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 SHELDON, W. R. Treatise on the L;iw and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. [See Dart, J. H.] F 1 U 12, 13 SHELLEY, George Ernest. Catalogue of the Picarise in the Collection of the British Museum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 39 U 1 SHELLEY, :Mary W. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, E. — Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] " C 19 P 12 SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe. The Mask of Anarchy, written on the occasion of the Massacre at Manchester, fac-simile of the Holograph MS. ; with an Introduction bv H. B. Forman. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1887. (Shelley Soc. Pubs.) " H 10 W 12 t Life of ; by Dr. Edward Dowden. 8vo. Lond., 1896. 22 T 16 Bundle of Letters from Shelley to Leigh Hunt. [See Nicoll, W. Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] J 14 S 3 Defence of Poetry. [See English Literary Criticism.] J 14 U 19 [Sketch of.] [See Forster, J.— Great Teachers.] C 23 S 6 SHELLY, Dr. Charles Edward. Punishment in Schools : Notes on some of its methods and defects. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 Y 7 SH ELTON, Edward Manson. Soil Wastes in the Cane- fields. [See Queensland. — Agriculture.] ilA 3 S 68 Use of i\Iaize as Human Food. [See Queensland.-^ Agriculture.] MA 3 S 68 Wheat-growing Experiments in Queensland. [See Queens- land.— Agriculture.] 3IA 3 S 68 SHELYOCKE, Capt. George. Voyage round the World. [See Historical Account of all the Voyages round the Worid.] MD 8 R 49 SHEPHARD, G. E. Notes on the NidificAtion of the Emu Wren. (Victorian Naturalist, Fel)., 1898.) ME6P SHEPHARD, J. A new Rotifer, Lacinnlaria elUplica. (Victorian Naturalist, Oct., 1897.) ME 6 P SHEPHERD, Alice. Exliibition of Book-binding in Em- bossed, Modelled, and Tooled Leather. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 P 42 SHEPHERD, Richard Heme. The Bibliography of Tennyson. Svo. Lend., 1896. K19P19 SHEPPARD, Jack. Sketch of. [See "SMiibley, C— Book of Scoundrels.] " C 23 Q 2 SHEPPARD, Nathan. Before an Audience ; or, the Use of the Will in Public Speaking. 6th ed. Svo. New York, 1892. J 12 T 46 SHEPPARD, William. The Touchstone of Common Assurances : being a plain and familiar Treatise on Conveyancing, with copious Notes, and a Table of Cases cited therein ; to which is added, an Appendix and an extensive Analytical Index by E. G. Atherley. Sth ed. Vol. 1. Svo. Lond., 1826. F 1 U 21 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 325 SIIEUAKD, Charles Allan. i'.v Niglit. (Mcll)ouiiio Review, 10.) " ME IS Q Dreams. (Melbourne Keview, 10.) ME 18 Q Rival.-;. (Molbourue Review, 9.) ME 18 Q SHEKAltl), Robert Harborough. The White Slaves »£ England : being true pictures of certain social condi- tions in the Kingdom of Enghuul in the year 1897. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. "E13V3 SHERBROOKE, Robert Lowe, Viscount. [Sketch of.] {See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 SHERER, John Walter. Daily Life during the Indian Mutiny: Personal Experiences of 1857. With Por- trait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 29 S 12 SHERIDAN, Dr. Paul. Les Inscriptions .sur Ardoiso de I'Abbaye de Viller*. Illustrated. 8vo. Bruxelles, 189G. B 39 U 9 SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley. Sheridan : a Biography ; by W. Fraser Rae, with Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend., 189G. C 22 T 9, 10 Sketch of. \_See Pearson, Dr. C. H. — Reviews and Critical Essays.] J 14 U 20 SHERMAN, Mrs. B. M. The Romance of Prince Eugene. \_See Eugene, Prince.] C 22 R 10, 11 SHERMAN, John. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate, and Cabinet. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. B 36 U 11, 12 SHERMAN, Orray Taft. Meteorological and Physical Observations on the East Coast of British America. 4to. Wash., 1883. A 13 W 22 t SHERMAN, Gen. William Tecumseh. Sketcli of. [See D wight, Theodore F. — Critical Sketches of some Federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 U 5 [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Per.sons.] C 19 Q 21 SHERRARI), James E. IJlustrated Official Hand-bonk to the Aquarium, Picture? Salon, and iMuseum Collec- tions under the ccmtrol of the Exhibition Trustees, Melbourne. 4to. Melb., 189G. MA 1 U 12 SHERRINGTON, Prof. C. S. Cardiac Physics. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 2G T 38 SHERWELL, Arthur. Life in West London : a Study and a Contrast. 8vo. Lond., 1897. F 4 U 3G SHIELDS, Charles Woo(irufl'. Pliilosophia L'ltima ; or, Science of tin? Sciences. 3r(l ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., issy. t! 1 S 22, 23 1. An Misloriciil iiiiJ Critical IhIumIii' ijon to v\w. Kiiml l'liiliisiii)liy as issuing from tlu' iliuniony of .Scienci; itnil Ki'ligion, i. History of the Sciences ;uul tin.' Logic of tliu Scicueea. SHILLABER, B. P. Mrs. Partington's Tea Party. 1 2uio. Lond. (n.d.) J 14 P 40 SHILLINGTON, Edward. Auckland Free Public Library. (Internat. Lib. Conf., Trans, and Proc, 1897.) Cat. RcH)m SHINE, Thomas. Australian Portrait Gallery and Me- moirs of Representative Colonial Men. 4to. Sydney, 1885. MC 4 P 4 t The History of the Sudan Expedition: an Historical Record of the events relating to the Levy, Despatch, and Return of the New South Wales Contingent, raised for Service in Egypt, March-June, 1885. (Aust. Portrait Gallery.) ' MC 4 P 4 t SHINN, Charles Howard. The Story of the Mine. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 24 Q 31 SHIPLEY, Arthur Everett. Gephyrea and Phoronis. 8vo. Lond., 189G. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 Thread Worms and Sagitta. 8vo. Lend., 1896. (Camb. Nat. Hist.) A 20 T 20 Zoology of the Invertebrata. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 37 R 14 SHIPPING GUIDE. [See Daily Commercial Nervs.} SHIRLEY, James. Triumph of Peace. (Evans, H. A. — English Masques.) H 11 R 17 SHIRLEY, John. liain-a Hidens. (Roy. Soc., Queen.s- land, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Fish-poison of the Aborigines. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1895.) ME 1 T Two new species of Pternphyllum. (Roy. Soc, Queens- land, Proc. 1897.) ' ' ME 1 T Vocabularies of the Gowrburra and Koolaburra Tribes. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, Proc, 1897.) ME 1 T Additions to the Fossil Flora of Queensland. [See Queensland. — Geological Sur\ey.] MA 2 V 54 SHOEINIAKER, Michael Myers. Islands of the Southern Seas : Hawaii, Samoa, New Zealand, Tasmania, Aus- tralia, and Java. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1898. MD 2 T 31 SHORE, Rev. Thomas Teignmoutli. Worce.ster Cathedral. (Our English Minsters.) A 39 P 10 SHORT, Dr. Charles. Latin Diitionarv. [See Lewis, Dr. C. T.] " J 9 V -'9 SHOUT, Major G. 1 (urges. Records .md Badges of every Regiment and Corps in the liiitish Army. [Sd States. [Sre Victoria.— Agriculture.] .MA 3 V 29 SINCLAII!, Suthciland. Ausli-ali.in Mucum liibrary. (intcrnat. Lib. Conf., Trans. and Proc, IS97.) Cat. iJooni SINGER, Hans W., and STRANG, William. Etching, Engraving, and the other methods of printing Pictures. lUu.strated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 40 R 2 SINGER, Ignatius, and BERENS, Lewis H. Some un- recognized Laws of Nature : an Inquiry into the Causes of Physical Phenomena, with special reference to Gravitation. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 24 T 35 SINIGAGLTA, Leone. Climbing Reminiscences of the Dolomites. Translated by Mary Alice Vialls. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 189G. D 18 V 25 SINKLER, ])]•. ^^■|larton. Headaches and Neuralgia. (Hare, Dr. II. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 SINNETT, Alfred Percy. Esoteric Buddhism. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1888. G 9 W 34 SINTON, John. Burns, Excise OfHcor and Poet. [See Burns, R.] C 21 U 15 SISLEY, C. P. The Complete Cyclist. [See Pemberton, A. C] A 29 S 33 SlSilONDl, J. C. L. de. [Essay on.] [Sw Alis.m. Dr. Archibald. — Essays.] J 14 L' 13 SIXTY YEARS OF E.MPIRE, 1837-97 : a Review of the Period. Illustrated. 8vo, L.nid,, 1897. B 22 R IS SJOGREN, H. Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. [/See Upsala I'^niversity.] E SKEAT, Rev. Prof. Walter William. Chaucerian and other pieces. [See Chaucer, (L] H 9S33 Nine Specimens of English Dialects. [See English Dialect Soc, Pubs., 76.] E Two Collections of Derbieisms containing Words and Phrases in a great measure peculiar to the Natives and Inhabitants of the County of I )rrby. [Sec Englisli Dialect Soc, Pubs., 78.] " E SKELTON, Dr. Jiihn. Sunnners and Winters at Balma- whai.i)le. 2 vols. 8vo. L..nd., 1896. J 14 V 7, 8 SKELTON, Sir John. I Life of] Charles T. fSee diaries I, Kingof Englaml.] C 18 T 14 t SKEirrCllLY, Sydnc'y 1!. J. Our Island : a Natur.ilisfs ))escripl ion of Hongkong. 1 2mo. Hongkong, 1893. A 28 P 12 Geology of Parts of Cnmbridgoshiro and of Suffolk, and (ieology of S.W. Norfolk and of N. Cambridgeshire. [See (!t. Hritain ami Ireland, (ieologieal Survey of England and Wales.) A 34 T 31, 35 SKETCH, Th-; 1893-96. Illustrated. 15 vols. fol. Lond., ls;i;U9f). E 328 Fublic Library of Neio South Wales. SKEY, William. Conductivity of certain substances hitherto supposed to be non-conducting for Voltaic Electricity. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S Decomposition of Water by Tannic Acid in conjunction with an Alkali. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Electro-deposition of Gold upon the Gold of our Drifts. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Liberation of Hydrogen in a certain variation of the apparatus used for Cyaniding Gold. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S Oxidation of Mercury in Air and Water, also of Iron in alkaline solution. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Position that Cyanogen holds in relation to the simple radicals, and its inability to combine directly with Silver or Gold. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1896.) ME 2 S Rapid action of strong Cyanide Solution on Gold super- ficially. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1897.) ME 2 S SKINNER, J. Angling Clubs. (Internat. Fisheries Ex- hib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 11 SKINNER, Rev. John. The liook of Ezekiel. {See Ex- positor's Bible, The.] G 19 S 22 SKINNER, Thomas. The Stock Exchange Year-book for 1889 : a careful digest of information relating to the Origin, History, and Present Position of each of the Public Securities and Joint Stock Companies known to the Markets of the United Kingdom. 8vo. Lend., 1889. E SKINNER, W. H. The Legend of Para-hia. (Polynesian Soc, Journ., 1897.) ME 6 R SKINNER, Walter R. iMining Manual for 1888-98, containing full particulars of Mining Companies, with a List of Directors of Mining Companies. 1 1 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1888-98. E "SKITTLES." Her Adventures. 8vo. Sydney, 1896. MJ 3 P 46 SKUSE. Frederick A. A. Additional Localities for Peri- patus Leuchartii. (Aust. Mus., Records, 3.) ME 8 R SLADEN, Douglas Brooke Wheelton. Sonnets. (Mel- bourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Spiritualism. (Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P + Who's who ? [See Who's who ?] E SLATIN, Pasha Rudolf C. Fire and Sword in the Sudan : a Personal Narrative of Fighting and Serving the Der\-ishes, 1879-95. Translated l)y Major F. R.Win- gate. Illustrated. Svo. I;ond., 1896. D 14 V 21 SLATTER, H. B. Advantages of an Alliance between Co-operators and Trade-unionists. 12mo. Manchester (n.d.) F12S20 SLINGSBY, Robert. Treatise on Magnesium Flash-light Photography. Illustrated. 4tf). Lond., 1890. A 13T 20 t SLOAN, J. M. Modern Shorthand : the Sloan-Duployan Phonographic Instructor. 11th ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 16 R 42 SLOANE, Thomas G. Australian Bemljidiides referable to the genus Tachys, with the description of a new allied genus Pyrrotachys. (Linncan Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P The Clivinides of King's Sound and its vicinitj-. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P Revision of the Australian species of the genus Clivina, with the description of a new genus Clivinarchus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME 2 P SLOANE, Dr. William Milligan. Life of Napoleon Bona- parte. Vols. 1-4. Illustrated. 4 vols. sm. fol. New Y(u-k, 1896. C 17 T 14-17 t SLOSSE, Dr. A. Technique de Chimie Physiologique et Pathologique. Illustrated. Svo. Bruxelles, 1896. A 40 P 9 SLYNGESBY, Sir Robert. Discourse of the Navy, 1660. [See Navy Records Soc, 7.] E SMALL, Dr. Morton, and COLYEB, Dr. J. F. Diseases and Injuries of the Teeth, including Patln)logy and Treatment : a Manual of Practical Dentistry for Students and Practitioners. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 32 S 30 SMALL, E. Milton. Told from the Ranks : Recollections of Service during the Queen's Reign by Privates and Non-commissioned Officers of the British Army. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1897. B 21 S 4 SMART, Dr. William. Studies in Economics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 2 V 20 S;MEAT0N, John. Plumbing, Drainage, Water Supply, and Hot Water Fitting. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 25 U 20 SMEATON, Oliphant {in full William Henry Oliplumt). Gallery of Australasian Singers. (Westminster Re- view, 1895.) E [Life of] Allan Ramsay. [See Ramsay, Allan.] C 20 T 1 1 [Life of] Tobias Smollett. [See Smollett, T.] C 20 U 20 [Life of] William Dunbar. [See Dunbar, W.] C 20 V 10 SMEETH, W. F., and WATT, J. A. Petrology of Central Australia.- (Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin. — Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 62 SMILLIE, J. Original Poems. ,Svo. Adelaide (n.d.) MH 1 Q 86 Siqiplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 329 SMITH, Dr. A. Donaldson. Through Unknown African Countries : the first Expedition from Somaliland to Lake Laniu. Illustrated. Hoy. 8vo. Loud., 1897. D 20 U -'1 SJIITII, Arlaiii. Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue, and Arui.s. Edited by Edwin Caunan. 8vo. Oxford, 1826. ■ F 12 T 12 History of Economics. [5e« MacLeod, H. I).] F 12 T 8 SMITH, Prof. Albert W. Elementary ]\lachine Design. Sm. 4to. Palo Alto, Cal, 1895. A 22 11 8 SMITH, Dr. Alder. Preventive Treatment of Infectiou.s Disea.ses in Public and High Schools. (Internat. Health Exhib.— Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 SMITH, Dr. Andrew H. Nephritis, Pyelitis, Phospha- turia, Chyluria, Albuminuria, Lithuria, Oxaluria, and Diabetes Insipidus. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 16 SMITH, Arthur H. Catalogue of Sculpture in the De- partment of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum. ISee British Mu.seuui.] A -10 R 11 White Athenian Vases in the British Museum. \_See British Museum.] A 4-4 Q 13 + SMITH, Arthur Lionel. Teaching of Modern History. (Cookson, C. — Essays on Secondary Education.) G 23 P 18 SMITH, Bruce. The Ideal and the Actual in Politics. Sm. 4to. North Sydney, 1894. MF 4 Q 51 Modern Legal Reform in England. (Melbourne Review, 4.) ME 18 Q (Jur Sister Cities: Sydney. (Melij. Rev., 9.) ME 18 Q SMITH, Rev. C. Ernest. The Old Church in the New Land : Lectures on Cimrch History. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 9 \V 24 SMITH, C. Gregory. [Criticism of tiie Works of] Edward Freeman. [See Craik, Henry.— Engli.sh Prose.] J 6Q38* [Criticism of the Works of] John Richard Green. [See Craik, Henry.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* SMITH, Cecil H. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum. [See liritish Museum.] Iv II R 21-23 SMITH, Charles W. Reply to the Final Report of the British Royal Connnission on Agriculture on tiie (jues- tion of International (iambling in iictitious Agricul- tural Produce and fictitious Silver, under the option, future, and settlement systems. Sm. fol. Loud., 1S!I7. A 36 W 25 J SMITH, Dr. 1). 1>. .\rtiticial Dentures of Enamelled I'latinum (Continuous-tium Wcjrk). (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistry.) A 31 S 2 2 T SMITH, D. Nichol. Brunetiere's Essays in French Litera- ture. [See Brunetiere, F.] J 21 P 27 SMITH, Edgar A. Descriptions of five new species of Land Shells from New Guinea. (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Sept., 1895.) E SMITH, Edmund W. The Mogul Architecture ..f Fath- pur-Sikri. [See Archwological Survey of India.] A 18 T 23, 24 t SMITH, Dr. Eldred Noble. Atlas of Histology. [See Klein, Dr. E.] AllW13t SMITH, Elizabeth [Mrs. H.] (Elizabeth Grant). ISIemoirs of a Highland Lady : the Autobiography "f Elizabeth Grant, of Rothiemurchus, afterwards Mrs. Smith, of Baltiboys, 1797-1830. Edited by Lady Strachey. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 25 Q 21 SMITH, Ernest A. Manual of Dental Metallurgy. Illus- trated. 12mo. Loud., 1898. A 40 T 1 SMITH, Di-. Erwin F. Additional Evidence on the Com- municability of Peach Yellows and Peach Rosette. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 37 S 14 Bacterial Disease of the Tomato, Egg-plant, and Irish Potato. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 Black Rot of the Cabbage. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Experiments with Fertilizers for the Prevention and Cure of Peach Yellow.s, 1889-92. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Division of Vegetable Physi- ology and Pathology.] A 37 S 13 Legal Enactments for the Restriction of Plant Di.seases. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.— Divisiiui of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology.] A 38 R 20 Peach-growing for Market. [See United States.— Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Peach Yellows and Peach Rosette. [See United Stiites —Dept. of Agricult.— Division of Vegetable Physi- ology and Pathology.] A •'" ^^ -*5 SMITH, Dr. Eu.stace. l)iarrh. Sychiey, 1896. M F 4 U 65 330 Public Library of New South Wales. SMITH, Frederick. Descriptions of Aculeate Hymenop- tera from Australia. (Eiitora. 8oc., Lond., Trans., 1868.) E Descriptions of new species of Australian Hymenoptera and of a species of Formica from New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1862.) E Descriptions of new species of Hymenopterous Insects from New Zealand. (Entom. See, Lond., Trans., 1878.) E Descriptions of three new species of Hymenoptera from New Zealand. (Entom. Soc, Lond., Trans., 1876.) E Revision of the Hymenopterous genera Cleptes, Par- nopes, Anthracias, Pyria and Stilbum, with descrip- tions of new species, and also a new species of the genus Chrysis from North China and Australia. (Entom. Sue, Lond., Trans., 1874.) E Catalogue of the Eritish Bees in the Collection of the British jMuseum. [See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 43 T 1 Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. \_See British Museum. — Natural History.] A 43 V 3-5, 7 SMITH, Vet.-Capt. Frederick. Manual of Veterinary Hy- giene. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 33 Q 21 Manual of Saddles and Collars. \_See Gt. Britain and Ireland.— AVar Office.] A 2.5 R 32 SMITH G Armitage-. The Free-trade Movement and its Results. 8vo. Lond., 1898. F 15 Q 21 SMITH, Dr. G. Elliot. The Brain of a Fwtal Ornitho- rhyiichus. Pt. 1. (Quarterly Journal of Microscopi- cal Science, Aug., 1896.) E 1. The Fore-brain. SMITH, George. Occurrence of Dyscrasite in the Aus- tralian Broken Hill Consols Mine, Barrier Ranges, New South Wales. (Australasian Inst, of IMining Engineer.s, Trans., 1893.) ME 18 P The Ore Deposits of the Australian Broken Hill Consols Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales. (American Inst, of Mining Engineers, Trans., 1896.) E SMITH Dr. George. Twelve Indian Statesmen. Svo. Lend., 1897. C 20 S 10 SMITH, Rev. George Adam. Tlie Book of the twelve Prophets, commonly called tlie Minor. [See E.\- positor's Bible, The.] G 19 S 24, 25 SMITH, George Barnett. Life of Queen Victoria. [See Victoria, Queen of England.] C 23 Q 8 Life of the Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone. [See Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E.] C 24 P 1 1 SMITH, Goldwin. Gues.ses at the Riddle of Existence, and other Essays on kindred subjects. 8vo. New York, 1897. G 19 U 34 SMITH, H. Reeves-. [Art of Acting.] [See Hammerton, J. A.— Tiie Actor's Art.] II 1 S 31 SMITH, Henry G. Constitution of the United States. [See United States.— Constitution.] F 13 R 34 SMITH, Henry George. Aromadendrin or Aroniadcndric Acid from the tui-bid group of Eucalyptus Kinos. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ' ME 1 R Constituents of the .sap of the " Silky Oak," Grcvillea rohiistn, R. Br., and the presence of butyric acid therein. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.) ME 1 R Gems and Precious Stones ; with Descriptions of their Distinctive Properties and the Methods of determining them. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Sydney, 1896. MA 3 R 58 Presence of a true manna on a " Blue Grass," Aitdro- pixjim (uiinihitits, Forsk. [See Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journ., 1896.] ME 1 R SMITH, J. Challenor C. Index of Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1383-1558. [See British Record Soc, Pubs., 11.] E SMITH, Rev. J. Frederick. Lectures on the influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity. [See Pfleiderer, Rev. O.] G 1 9 T 35 SMITH, Dr. J. Lewis. Scarlet Fever, Measles, Rotheln, and Varicella. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 SMITH, James. Colonial Literature and the Colonial Press. (Melbourne Review, 3.) ME 18 Q SMITH, James Hamlin. An Elementary Treatise on the IMetric System of Weights and Measures. 12mo. Lond., 1897. A 33 P 18 SMITH, Jared G. Alfalfa, or Lucern. [See United States — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 Fodder and Fodder Plants exclusive of the Grasses. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Agrostology.] A 36 V 16 Meadows and Pastures. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.] A 41 U 1 SMITH, Capt. John. Capt. John Smith, 1579^1631, sometime Governor of Vii'ginia and Admiral of New England : a Study of his Life and Writings ; by C. D. AVarncr. 8v<,. New York, 1881. C 19 P 16 SMITH, Dr. John I!. The Insects of the Lepidopterous Family Xoctiddce of Boreal North America. 8vo. AVash., 1895. A 30 R 33 Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Superfamily Xoctidda-, found in Boreal America. [See United States. — National Museum, Bulletin 44.] E Supplementm'y Catalogue — 1896-98. 331 SMITH, Dr. John C. Economic Entomology for the Fanner and Fruit-grower, and for use as a Text-hook in Aijriciiltural Schools and Colleges. Illustrated. 8vo. "Philad., 189G. A 33 S 18 SMITH, Joseph. Educational Funds: their value, and how to use them. 12nio. Manchester, 1877. F 13 V 41 How to take a town cooperatively by storm. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) F 13 V 41 Some I )f the weaknesses of Co-operation. 12mo. Man- chester (n.d.) F 12 S 20 SJiIITH, Dr. Noble. Postures in School : their influence upon Physical Development. (Internat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 SMITH, Nora Archibald. Froebel's Gifts. \_See Wiggin, Kate Douglas.] G 18 P 3G Froebel's Occupations. \_See Wiggin, Kate Douglas.] G 18P41 Kindergarten Principles. \_See Wiggin, Kate Douglas.] G 18 P 4U SMITH, Oberlin. Press-working of Metals. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 189G. A 23 U 40 SMITH, Dr. Percy William Bassett-. Report on the Results of Dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, China Sea. [See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. — Admiralty.] A 39 V h X SMITH, Dr. Philip Henry Pye-. Pneumonia. (AUbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.) A 26 T 38 SMITH, R. A. H. Bickford-. Cretan Sketches. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. D 16 T 18 SMITH, R. Murray. Paper Money. (Melb. Review, 3.) ME 18 Q A Financial Genius: John Law. [See McIb. Review, 7.] ME IS Q A Forgotten Statesman : William, Earl of Shelburne. [See Melbourne Review, 2.] ME 18 Q SMTTH, Rev. R. Traver.s. Constitution of the Church of Ireland, ((iore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 8 28 S.MTTH, Richanl I'.aird. Richard Baird Smith, Leader of the Dfllii Heroes in 1857 : Private Correspondence of the Commanding Engineer during the Siege, and other interesting letters hitherto unpublished. 8vo. Lfuid., 1897. C 23 R 8 SMITH, Dr. Richmond Mayo. Statistics and Economics. (American Econonuc As.sociation.) F 4 V 13 Statistics and Sociology. Svo. New York, 189.''). F 12 T 10 SM ITH, S. Le 15. Rowing. [See P.owe, R. P. P.] A 1 7 H 48 SMITH, Dr. S. MacCuen. Diseases of the Ear and (heir treatment by the gt^ieral luactitioner. (Hare, Dr. II. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A .'il 1' 17 SMITH, S. Percy. The First Inhabitants of the EUice Group. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1897.) ]\IE 6 R The Peopling of the North : Notes on the Ancient Maori History of the Northern Peiunsula, and Sketches on the Ngati-Whatua Tribe of Kaipara, New Zealand. (Polynesian Soc, Journ. 1896-97.) ME G R Volcanic Activity in Sunday Island in 1814. (N.Z, Inst., Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S The Story of Whaki-Tapui and Tu-Taia-Roa. [See Poly- nesian Soc, Journ. 189C.] ME 6 R SJIITH, Dr. Solomon Charles. Cholera Asiatica. [See Hart, E.] A 26 T 34 SMITH, Stephen H. New Standard Geographie.s. No. 1. 12mo. Sydney, 1898. (Brook's New Australian School Series.) MG 2 T 66 1. (ieography for Third Class. One hundred and one Certificate Tests in Arithmetic : a Pupils' (Uiide to the standard required by Inspectors from the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Classes in the Public Schools of New South Wales ; with Answers. 32mo. Sydney, 1898. (Brooks's New Australian School Series.) MG 2 T 70 SMITH, Sydney. Fifth Letter on the subject of the Catholics. (Dearmer, Rev. ,P. — Religious Pams.) G 23 Q 32 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, Henry. — English Pro.se.] J G Q 38* SMITH, Prof. T. Roger. Sanitary Construction of Houses. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 U 18 SMITH, Dr. Theobald, and MOORE, Dr. Veranus. In- fectious Diseases among Poultry. [See U.S. — Dept. of Agriculture. — Bureau of Animal Industry.] A 30 R 32 SMITH, Theodore Clarke. The Liberty and Free Soil Parties in the Jsorth-west: Topjian Prize Essay of 189G. Svo. New York, 1897. (Harvard Historical Studies.) F 3 T 24 SMITH, W. W. Notes on certain species of New Zealand Ducks. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., 189G.) ME 2 S SMITH, Walter Chalmers. Hilda amoni; th(> broken Goda. 4th ed. 8vo. (Jlasgow, 1889. H 10 U 19 SMITH, Rev. William. List of British Diatomacew in the Coll(!ction of the British ]\luseum. [See British Museum. -Natural History. | A 43 I' 4 SMITH, Sir \\'illiaui. Conci.se Dictionary of Greek and Roman Anti(iuilies. [Sw Cornish, 1'. W.] H 30 V 14 SMITH, 'Willlaiu Anderson. The best Ap]ilianoes and Methods c if liicaking the Force of tlieSea at the Eiilratica to Harbours and elsewhere. (Internat. Fisheries Ex. bib.— Fisheries Lit P 45 SOLA, Lieut.-Col. Francisco Garcia. Basis fi)r Legisla- tion on Fisheries Question. (Internat. Fisheries Ex- hib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 The Fisheries of Spain. (Internat. Fisheries E.vhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 5 SOLEY, A. J. Rose-. An Australian Watering-place and its Industries. (Westminster Review, Nov., 1894.) E SOLIS-COHEN, Dr. Solomon. ISte Cohen, Dr. S. Solis-.] SOLLY, Dr. Samuel Edwin. Climate. (Hare, Dr. H. A. System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 14 Hand-book of Medical Climatology, embodying its prin- ciples and therajjeutic aj)plication with scientific data of the chief health resorts of the world. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 38 S 1 Present Treatment of Tuberculosis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) xV 31 P 17 SOLMS-LAUBACH, Graf zu. Die Coralliiienalgeu des Golfes von Neapel. (Zodldgische Station zu Neapel. — Fauna uiid Flora des (Jojfes von Neapel.) A 19 P4 f L^eber Stigmariopsis Gr.and' Eury. [See Paheontologische Abhandlungen.J E SOLOMON, Solomon J. [Reproduction of his Picture] The Judgment of Paris. [See Lansing, Clarence. — The Nude in Art.] A 12 P 27 \ SOMKliSIOT, Frances Howard, Countess of. [Life of]; liy GioilVcy Martin. (Vincent, Arthur. — Lives -jme»4< Departments— Re- poiis and Piihlications. Agricultural Bureau. Notes on ^Manuring : by Prof. Lowrie. Sm. 4to. Adelaide (n.d.) *{Bound with the Joiirnal oftJie Agricultural Bureau of S. Aust., 7.) ME Report of the Proceedings of the Gth 7th and 9th Congresses, 1894-9.3, 1897, and Branch Conferences. 3 vols. 4to. Adelaide, 1894-97. ME Treatment of Fniit-trees and Vines affected by Insect Pests and Fungus Diseases. 4th ed. Adelaide (n.d.) (Bouiid with the Journal of the Ayricidtural Bureau ofS. Aust., 7.) ME Journal of Agricultural Bureau of South Australia. [See Agricultural Bureau of vSouth Australia.] ME Agriculture. Hints and Advice on the Breeding and Rearing of Poultry; by D. F. Laurie. Svo. Adelaide, 1895. MA 1 P 38 Report of the Minister of Agriculture for 1894-98. 4 vols. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1895-98. ME Civil Service. Blue Book, 1894. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1895. ME Evidence taken before the Public Service Commission in connection with first Report. Sm. fol. Adelaide (n.d.) MF 13 P 4 t Customs. Comparative Customs Duties of the Aus- tralasian Colonies and Fiji, 1893-94, and Decisions bearing thereon. Sm. fol. Adelaide. 1894. MF 4 U 43 Geology. Geological Reports. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1884-92. MA 9 Q 36 f Reports of Arltunga Gold-field and Hart's Range Mica- field, and Explorations North-east of Hart's Range, North-west of Alice Springs and of the Frew River Creserved at various times and (lei)ths in the earth, illustrated. 7 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1812-34. A 39 11 3-9 Guide to Sowerby's Models of British Fungi in the De- partment of Botany, British Museum. \_Sce lirltish Museum. — Natural History.] A .!'.) V 15 SPA HI!, Dr. Charles liarzillai. Es.say on the Present Dis- Iributioii of Wealth in the United Slates. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 10 V 32 SPALDING, Frederick P. Hydraulic Cement : its Pro- perties, Testing, and Use. 12mo. New York, 1897. A 24 Q 34 Text-book on Roatls and Pavements. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 25 R 33 SPALDING, John Lancaster, Bishop of Peoria. Things of the Mind. 12ino. Chicago, 1894. G 15 U 2 SPARKES, George. Man considered socially and mnrallv. 12nK). Lrresstraat. (Ver- liandelingen en Berigtcn, 1854.) E STAEL-IIOLSTEIN, Anne Louise Cermaine Necker, Baronne de. [Essay on.] \_See Alison, Dr. Archibald. —Essays.] J 14 U 13 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Hubbard, V.. Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women.] C 19 P 12 STiEXDER, .f. Chirographoruni in Uegia l!iblioth(^ca I'aulina ^lonasteriensi Catalogus [Munster]. 4to. Vratislavii.', 1889. K 13 T 11 f STACC, A. Alonzo, ancMVILIJAMS, Henry L. Seien- titie and Practical Treatise on American Football for Schools and Colleges. 18mo. New York, 1S94. A 29 S 22 STAINER, Sir John, ^hisical Education in Elementary School.s. (Internat. Health Exhib.- Health Exhib. Literature.) .\ II V 9 STAIR, Rev. Joint B. Jottings on the Mytiiology and Spirit-lore of old Samoa. (Polynesian Soe., Journ., 1.S96.) ME G R Old Samoa ; or. Flotsam and Jetsam from the Pacific ()c<-an. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S1)7. MB3Q1 Palolo : a Sea- worm eaten by the Sanmans. (l'o!\iicsia?i Soe.. Journ., 1897.) ' iM E G R Romanci! of Samoan Natural iiisliiry; or, Hecords re- lating to the Manu Mea, or Red Itini of Samoa, now nearly if not (piite extinct. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., lSiJ7.) ME 2 S 2u STANDISH, Myles. The Exploits of; by H. Johnson. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 S 1 STANFORD, Edward. Map showing the position of the Yukon Gold-fields, 1897. 12mo. Lond., 1897. D 11 Q 10 D 14 R 15 D 17 R22 D 15 R 19 D 15 R 20 Africa. [See Keane, A. H.] Asia. [See Keane, A. H.] North America. [See Dawson, S. E.] North America. [See Gannett, IL] STANFORD, Leland. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Leland Stanford, delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, 1894. With Portrait. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1891. C 24 S 2 STANHOPE, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield [See Chesterfield, 4th Earl of.] STANLEY, Arthur Ponrhyn, Dean of Westminster. Historical ^Memorials of Canterbury : the Landing of Augustine ; the Murder of Becket ; Edward the Black Prince ; Becket's Shrine. 2nd ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1855. B 28 T 2 Letters and Verses of, 1829-81. Edited by R. E. Pro- thero. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 15 [Essay on.] [See Myers, F. W. H. — Essays Modern.] J 14 V 15 God in History. [See Bunsen, C. C. J.] G 23 S 20-22 The Influence of Dean Stanley on Religious Thought : by Mrs. Martha Webster. [See Melb. ]?ev., 7.] ME 18 Q Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. [See Church, R. W., Dean. — Occasional Papers.] J U U 35 [Pcjrtrait of.] [See Sixty Years of Empire.] I! 22 R 18 Rectorial Addre.sses, delivered at the Uni^•ersity of St. Andrews. [See Knight, Dr. W.] G "l7 T 18 [Sketch of.] [See Hawei.s, Rev. H. R. -The Deiul Pul- pit.] G 19 T 21 Three Introductory Li^ctures on the Study of Ecclesiasti- cal History. [See Church, B. W., Dean. — Occiisional Pa]iers.] ' J 14 U 35 STANLEY, Edward. Euphorbia DrnmmoiidiL (Agrieult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1890.) ME 9 U Tuberculosis in Cattle and Dr. Kneh's 'Pubercidin. (Agrieult. (Jazette, N.S.AV., 1S9G.) Ml-; 'j ]{ STANLEY, Edward! ieonVev. I llh Ivul of Derbv. [See Derby, 1 tth Earl of.) ST.VNLl'A', Kdward Lyuliili. Organi.sation of Seconilaiy ivlucation, loeallv and by the State. (Internat. Ile.illh Kxhib. He.dlh Exhib. Literature.) A II V 12 ST.VXLEY, Ileiny Charl.'s. Re-ereelion of the Alln'rl liridge, Brisbane. (Inst, of Civil I'^ngineers, Proe., 132.) ' E 338 Fuhlic Library of New South JFules. STANLEY, Henry IMmton. :Magdala : the Story of the Abyssinian Campaign of 1666-67. Illustrated. 8vo. Lend., 1896. B 1 P 44 Three Years in Savage Africa. {See Decle, L.] D 13 U 7 STANLEY, Hiram Morton. Essays on Literary Art. Svo. Lond., 1897. J 14 R 20 STANLEY, Capt. Owen. [Life of] ; by E. E. Morris. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q STANLEY, W. F. Notes on the Nebular Theory in relation to Stellar, Solar, Planetary, Cometary, and Geological Phenomena. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 21 S 34 Surveying and Levelling Instruments theoretically and practically described. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 25 R 20 STANTON, A. G. Report on British-grown Tea. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 35 Q 9 STARK, John. Proceedings in Congress upon the accept- ance of the Statues of John Stark and Daniel Webster, presented by the State of New Hampshire. Roy. 8vo. "Wash., 1895. C 24 S 1 STARKEY, E. A. Australian Idvlls and Bush Rhvmes. [_See Henty, Ernest G.] MH TV 14 STARLING, Dr. Ernest Henry. The IMechanism of the Secretion of Urine. (Schafcr, Dr. E. A. — Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 The Production and Absorption of Lymph. (Schafer, Dr. E. A.— Text-book of Physiology.) A 27 V 4 STARR, Frederick. Some First Steps in Human Pro- gress. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 19 STARR, Dr. M. Allen. Locomotor Ataxia, Acute In- fantile Spinal Paraly.sis, Myelitis, and Amyotrophic Lateral Paralysis. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P IG STAS, Jean Servais. Q3u\r('s Completes. 3 vols. sm. 4to. Bruxelles, 1894. A 10 X 20-22 f STATEISIENT of the Principles and Objects of a proposed National Society for the Cure and Prevention of Pau- perism by means of systematic Colonization. Svo. Lond., 1830. F 13 Q 35 STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, The, 1864-98. 35 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1864-98. E STATHA31, Francis Eeginakl. South Africa as it is. 8vo. Lond., 1897. B 17 R 42 Paul Kruger and his Times. \_See Kruger, P.] C 25 R 2 STATHAM, H. Heathcote. Modern Architecture: a Book for Architects and tlie public. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 39 P 8 STATIST, The: a Journal of Practical Finance and Trade. Vols. 35-41, 1895-June, 1898. 7 vols. fol. Lond., 1895-98. E STATISTICAL REPORTER, The: a Monthly Journal devoted to Economic, Agricultural, and Statistical En- quiries. Vols. 1, 2. 2 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1876-77. E STAUPITZ, John. [Sketch of.] [See Cowan, Rev. W.— Pre-Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 STEAD, William Thoniiis. Letters from Julia ; or, Light from the Borderland : a series of Messages as to the Life beycjnd the Gra\e, received by automatic writing fi'om one who has gone before. 18nK). Lcjiid., 1898. G 9 U 23 Ti-uth about Russia. 8vo. Lond., 1888. F 8 Q 1 Character Sketch of. {See Lynch. Aitliur. — Human Documents.] J 14 U 15 Glad.stone, 1809-98: a Character Sketch. {See Glad- stone, Rt. Hon. W. E.] C 24 R 23 {SeC' also Review of Reviews.] STEAMSHIP^OWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF AUS- TRALASIA. Special Report of the Conference be tween the Steamship-owners' Association of Austral- asia and the Federated Seamen's Union of Australasia and the Stewards' and Cooks' Union of Australi;i, on the subject of the projiosed reduction of wages, held in the Town Hall. Sydney, Sept., 1886. 8vo. Sydney, 188G. ' MF 4 Q 49 STEARNS, Frank Preston. Midsummer of Italian Art, containing an Examination of the Works of Fra Angelico, jNIichel Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Rapliael Santi, and Correggio. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 23 S 25 Modern Engli.sh Prose Writers. 8vo. New York, 1897. J 14 V 17 Sketches from Concord and Appledore. 8\o. New York, 1895. D 16 Q 3 STEARNS, J. N. The People v. the Liquor Trallic. [See Finch, J. B.] F15P29 STEARNS, Robert E. C. List of Shells collected on the West Coast of South America. {See United States. — National Museum.] A 37 S 48 Report on Mollusks. {See L^nited States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Biological Survey.] A 37 S 39 STEPPING, Rev. Frank Cole. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 20 U 11 STEBBING, William. Analysis of Mr. MUl's System of Logic. 2nded. 12mo. Lond., 1866. G 4 V 31 STECHER, William A. Gymnastics : a Text-book of the German-American System of Gyuniastics, especially adapted to the use of Teachers and Pupils in Public and Private Schools and Gymnasiums. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 18 R 57 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 339 STEDMAN, Edmund Clarence. Poetical Works of. Household ed. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston (n.d.) H 1 S 22 Sketcii of. \_See Vedder, H. C. — American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 Works of E. A. Poo. \_See Poe, E. A.] J U R 1-10 STEEL, Thomas. Chemistry of Photography. 12mo. Sydney, 1897. (Harrington Series.) MA 1 P 12 Observations on Peripatus. (Linnean Soc, N.S.W., Proc, 1896.) ME2P STEEL, William Heron. [Ohituiiry Notice of.] (Inst, of Civil Engineers, Proc., 100.) E STEELE, Richard. The Crisis. (Pollard, A. F.— Politica Pamphlets.) V VA V STEEYENS, (Jeorge Warrington. Efypt in 1898. Illus- trated. 8vo. Edinb., 1898. "' D 20 P 19 The Land of the Dollar. 8vo. Edinb., 1 897. F 10 V 44 Naval Policy ; with some Account of the Warships of the Principal Powci-s. 8vo. Lond., 189G. F 12 T 2.") With the Ciinr|UPring Turk : Confessions of a Ba.shi- Razouk. With Maps. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. R 27 R 12 STEIN MET/, diaries Proteus, and IJERG, Ernst ,f. ThfMiry and Calculation of Alternating Current Phc- n(jmena. 8vo. New York, lKi;7. A .'i7 R .5 STEINSCHNEIDER. M. Ycrzeichniss der Hebra-ischen Handschriftcn. [See Berlin — KiJniglicho Bibliotliek.] ]■] STEJNEC.ER, Dr. Leonhard. Directions for Collecting Reptiles and Ratraehians. [See United States. — National Museum.] A .'57 S 47 Report on Reptiles and Ratraehians. \_See United States. --Do]it. (if Agricult. — Division of Biological Surxey.] A 37 S .•59 Report on the Rookeries of the Connnander I.sland.s. \_See United States.— Dept. of the Treasury.] A 40 V 7 Results of a Biological Reconnoi.ssance of South Central Idaho. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Biological Survey.] A ."57 S .'57 Results of a Biologicid Sur\ey of the Sail Francisco -Mountain Region and Desei't of the Little Colorailo, Arizona. [See United States.- -Dept. of Agricult. — Division of Biological Sui-vey.J A ."57 S .")."> STELLWA(!EN, Dr. Thomas C. E.xtriU'tion of Teeth. (Litch, Dr. W. l'\ — Amei-ican System of Dentistry.) A ;il S .-5 STELWAOON, Dr. llcTny W. The Modern Treatment of Di.seases of the Skin. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Tiierapeutics.) A A\ V 17 "STENDHAL." [See Beyle, M. H.] 8TENH0USE, Fanny [Mrs. T. B. H.] Tell it All: Story of a Life's Experience in Mormonism. Illus- trated. 8vo. Hartford, 1875. G 23 S 18 STENNING, J. F. Biblical and Patristic Relics of the Palestinian Literature. [See Anecdota Oxoniensia, Sem. ser. 1. 1 E STEP, Edward, WATSON, William, and BOIS, D. Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse. Yols. 1-4. Illustrated. 4 vols. roy. 8yo. Lond., 1896- 97. A 31 S 5-8 STEPHEN, Sir Alfred. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MC 4 P 4 t STEPHEN, Sir James Fitzjames, and Ileibert. Digest of the Law of Criminal Procedure in Indictable Oii'ences. 8vo. Lond., 1883. F 8 R 22 STEPHEN, Leslie. Social Rights and Duties : Addresses to Ethical Societies. 2 ^•ols. 8yo. Lond., 1896. F 8 V 29, 30 Studies of a Biographer. 2 vols. 8 vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 T 1, 2 -, ami LEE, Sidney Lazarus. Dictionary of National Riographv. Yols. 42-55. 14 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-98. " C 11 R 16-29 STEPHEN, Sergeant James. Treati.se on the Principles of Pleadings in Civil Action.s, comprising a Summary Account of the whole proceedings in a suit at law. 7th ed., \vith alterations by Francis F. Pinder. 8vo. Lund., INGG F 12T 11 STEPHENS, Alfred George. The Suflleld Case : the Evi- dence at the Police Court and at the Trial, with .-v plan of the .scene of the alleged outrage and a Com- mentary on the methods and manccuvres of Botany J5ay Justice. Svo. Sydney, 1897. jNIF 5 Q 12 Where the dcail men lie, and other Poems. [See Boake, B. 11. T. I Mil 1 Y 21 STEPHENS, lOdward. Ta.smania. (.Melbourne Review, 8.) ME18Ci STEPHENS, H. Bee-keeping for e.\tractertrait of.] [See Turner, H. G.-Tlic D.^vclopment of .\ustraliau Literature.] -^M 3 ,S 1.'4 340 Public lAbrai'y of New South TFales. STEPHENS, J. ■\V. W. Cholera Asiatica. [See Kant- hack, Dr. A. A.] A 26 T 34 STEPHENS, Thomas. Land Routes for Exploration of the Westerii Country. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1897.) ' ME 1 Q Notes on a specimen of Basalt-glass from near Macquarie Plains; with Remarks on the Obsidian Buttons. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, lt<97.) :\rE 1 t^ STEPHENS, W. P. Supplement to " Small Yachts," con- taining Examples of Yachts and small craft built in America and England ))etween 1890 and 1896. Illus- trated, -ito. Lond., 1896. A 29 Q .3 + STEPHENSON, C, and SUDDARDS, F. Text-book dealing with Ornamental Design for Woven Fabrics. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 T 38 STEPHENSON, James. Experiments in Orange Ship- ment by the Board for Exports. (Agrieult. Gazette, N.S.W.", 1896.) ' ME 9 R Export of Pi-oduce. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R -, and CALOZET, T. Le Modelage STEPMAN, - Scolaire. Illustrated. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1891. A 40 V 8 " STEPNIAK." [See Kravchinsky, S. M.] STERLING, Lieut.-Col. A. The Story of the Highland Brigade in the Crimea. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 3l U 19 STERLING, John, and EMERSON, Ralph "Waldo. Cor- re.spondence between ; with a Sketch of Sterling's Life, by R. W. Emerson. 12mo. Boston, 1897. C 19 P 13 STERNBERG, Dr. George M. Disinfection. (Hare, Dr. H. A. —System of Practical Therapeutics. ) A 3 1 P 1 4 STERNE, Laurence. [Sketch i>f.] [See Whibley, C— Studies in Frankness.] C 23 S 2 STEVENS, C. J. The Barrier Silver and Tin-fields in 1888. 8vo. Adelaide, 1888. -AIA 4 T 10 STEVENS, Catherine. [See Crowe, Catherine.] STEVENS, Joseph Earle. Yesterdays in the Philippines. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 14 R 24 STEVENS, AV. Teaching of Orthic Shorthand. Pt. 2 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 23 S 35 •2. Rules for Reporting, for the use of Teachers ami Students of Orthographie Shorthand. Book of Psalms, written in full .style. [See Bibles and Testaments.— Shorthand.] " G 23 S 35 New Testament : authorised version, written in Orthic Shorthand. [See Bibles and Testaments. — Shorthand.] G 23 S 34 STEVENSON, Elizabeth Cleghorn. [See Gaskell, Eliza- beth Cleghorn.] STEVENSON, Rev. Joseph. The Ayenbite of Inwyt. [See Michel, Daniel.] G 17 Q 8 t STEVENSON, Robert. Elasticity a Mode of Motion; being a popular description of a new and important discovery in science. 8vo. San Francisco, 1895. A 21 U 22 STEVENSON, Robert Alan Mowliray. The Art of Velazquez. 4to. Lond., 1896. A 13 T 4 f STEVENSON, Robert Louis. Edinburgh. Illustrated by T. Hamilton Crawford. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 16 Q 47 Lowden Sabbath Morn. Illustrated by A. S. Boyd. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1898. H 3 Q 37 Songs of Travel. 8vo. Lond., 1896. H 10 \V 8 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 12 R 38 Treasure Island. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 12 R 37 Vailima Letters : being Correspondence addressed by R. L. Steven.son to Sidney Cohin, 1890-94. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MC 1 T 26 Weir of Hermiston ; an untinished Romance. 8vo. Lond., 1896. J 12 R 39 [Life of] ; by A. P. Martin. (Melb. Rev., 5.) ME 18 Q [Life of]; by M. M. Black. 8vo. Ediub., 1898. (Famous Scots Series.) C 20 V 12 [Criticism of the Works of.] [See Craik, H.— English Prose.] J 6 Q 38* Criticism of the Works of. [See Gosse, Edmund. — Criti- cal Kit-kats.] J 14 U 23 [Essav on.] [See INlurrav, D. C. — Mv Contemporaries in Fiction.] " ' J 14 R 30 [Essay on.] [See Strachev, J. St. L. — From Grave to Gay.] " J 14 U 38 The Plays of. [See Henley, W. E.] H 10 S 19 Robert Louis Stevenson : an Eletrv. [Sec Le Gallienne, Richard.] '" H 10 W 5 STEVENSON, W. H. Crawford Collection. [See Napier, A. S.] E STEWARDS' AND COOKS' UNION OF AUSTRAI^ ASIA. Special Report of the Conference Isetweeu the Steamship-owners' Association of Australasia and the Federated Seamen's Union of Australasia and the Stewards' and Cooks' Union of Aiistralia, on the subject of the proposed reduction of wages. [See Steam.ship-owners' Association of Australasia.] MF 4 Q 49 STEWART, Dr. Da^•id D. Acute and Chronic Gastric Catarrh, Gastric Atrophy, Gastric Ulcer, Gastric Cancer, and Gastric Dilatation. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 341 STEWART, Field-M.-u-shal Sir Doniild .Mnitiii. [Poi-tniit jind Sketch of.] [See Temple, A. — Our Living Gcner.ils.] C 22 S 26 STEWAIlT, J)ugal(l. Dissertations exhibiting llic |irugress of Metiipliysica!, Etliieal, and Political Pliilosojihy since the revival of letters in Europe ; with numei'ous and important adilitions now first ])ublished. Edited by Sir 'William Hamilton. 2nil ed. Svo. Edinh., 1877. V. 16 V 7 Elements of the PliiNjsophy of the Human ]\Iind, to which is prefixed Introduction and pt. 1st of the Out- lines of Moral Philosophy : with many new and im- portant additions. Edited by Sir William Hamiltim. •i vols. Svo. Edinb., \S11. V. 10 V l-:5 l'liiii)so])hical Es.says ; with many new and important additions. Edited l)y Sir William Hamilton. Svo. Edinb., 1877. G IG V G Tlu! Philosophy of the Active and Moral Pow-ersof Man, to which is prefixed pt. 2nd of the Outlines of Moral Philosophy ; with many new and important additions. Edited by Sir William Hamilton. 2 vols. Svo. Ivlinb., 1S77. O IG V 4, f) STEWART, H. Cockburn. Agritultuial Re.sources of Seychelles, (n.p.) 18S1. A 11 X 15 f STEWART, Dr. James. Acute andChronic ArticularRheu- matism. Rheumatoid ^Vi'thiitis, and Gout. (Hare, Dr. H. A.— Systemof PracticalThcrapeuties.) A :'>! P U STEWART, Rev. James. Lovedale, South Africa. Illus- trated. 4to. Edinl)., 1894. D 17 S 12 t STEWART, Dr. Robeit Willson. Aims and Practice of Teaching Phj-sical Science. (Spencer, Dr. F. — Chap- ters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching.) CJ 18 Q 3G STEWARTON, — . Memoirs of Talleyrand. [See Tal- leyrand de Perigord, Prince; C. M.] B 26 V 24, 25 STICKNEY, Albert. State Control of Trade and Com- merce by National or State authority. Svo. New York, 1897. F 1 R 28 STIEGLElf, Gaston. Memoirs of I^Farshal Oudinol. [See Oudinot, Marshal Nicoles Charles.] C 21 17 13 STILL, Alfred. Alteiiiating Currents of ]']l(>ctricity and the Theory of 'I'ransformers. Illustrated. Svo. L,-. T. C— Sy8l(!m ..f .Medicine.) A 20 T 3C 243 TuMic Llbranj of Neio South Wales. STOCKMAN, Dr. Ralph. Diseases c.f the Blood. (Hare, Dr. H. A. — System of Practical Therapeutics.) A 31 P 17 STOCKTON, Francis Richard. Sketch of. \_See Vedder, H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 STODDARD, Dr. Enoch Vine. Life and Times of Ber- trand du Guesclia. \_See Du Guesclin, B.] C 23 Q 24 STODDARD, Richard Henry. Sketch of. [See Vedder H. C— American Writers of To-day.] C 22 S 19 STODDART, James Henry. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [See I\IcKay, F. E. — Famous American Actors of To-day.] C 23 Q 6 STODDART, Jane T. The Clerical Life. [&e Clerical Life, The.] G 23 Q 17 STOKES, Rev. Henry Paine. Corpus Christi. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1898. (University of Cam- bridge, College Histories.) B 24 U 5 Troilus and Cressida. [See Shakespeare, AV.] H 11 V 37 STOKES, Dr. William, F.R.S. Life and Work of; by his son, William Stokes. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. C 23 R 13 Treatise on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Chest. Pt. 1 ; with IMemoir by Dr. Acland. Edited for the New Sydenham Society by Alfred Hudson. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 33 S 21 1. Diseases of the Lung and Windpipe. STOLL, Dr. Otto. Die Sprache der Ixil-Indianer ein Beitrag zur Ethnologie und Linguistik der Maya- Volker nebst einem anhang Wortverzeichnisse aus dem Nordwestlichen Guatemala. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. J 19 W 5 STOLPE, Dr. Hjalmar. Evolution in the Ornamental Art of Savage Peoples. 8vo. Rockdale, 1893. MA 3 W 24 STONE, Edward James. Determination of the Sun's mean Equatorial Horizontal Parallax, frtim Declination Ob- .servations of Mars and Stars, made during the Opposi- tion of 1862, at the Government Observatory, Williams- town, Victoria. (Roy. Astronora. Soc, Mem. 33.) E STONE, John. Otago and Southland Directory. [See Otago and Southland Direetoiy.] ME STONE, Marcus. Life and Work of. [See Baldry, A. L.] A 13 W 10 t STONE, Roy. State Law relating to the Management of Roads. [See United States. — Department of Agricul- ture.— Office of Road Inquiry.] F 7 U 33 STONE, S. J. In and beyond the Himalayas : a Record of Sport and Travel in the abode of snow. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. D 18 U 17 STONE, W. G. Boswell-. Shakespere's Holinshed : tli Chronicle and the Historical Plays compared. 4to. Lond., 1896. " J 8 V 30 STONE, Dr. William Henry. Physiological Bearing of Electricity on Health. (Internat Health Exhib. — Health Exhil). Literature.) A 41 V 7 STONE, Prof. Winthrop E. Carbohydrates of Wheat, Maize, Flour, and Bread, and the action of Enzymic Ferments upon Starches of different origin. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Experi- ment Stations.] A 38 R 15 Dietary Studies of Purdue University, Lafayette. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult. — Office of Experi- ment Stations.] A 38 R 15 STONEY, F. G. M. Some Examples of the Application of Stoney's Patent Free-roller System to the control of Rivers, Canals, Water-works, Locks, Docks, Reclama- tion, Drainage, and Sewage Schemes. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 31 S 14 STOPFORD, AV. E. Errand Thunderstorms ; or. How to read the Barometer on the Darling Downs. Illus- trated. 4to. Toowoomba, 1898. MA 5 R 8 + STOREKEEPER AND COMMERCIAL RECORD, Thf, 1896. Fol. Sydney, 1896. ME STORER, Prfif. Francis Humpln-eys. Agriculture in some of its relations with Chemistry. 7th ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 35 Q 11-13 STORR, Francis. Diplomas and Certificates, and the Registi'ation of Teachers. (Internat. Health Exhib. —Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 12 STORRS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA- TION. [See Connecticut. — Storrs Agricultural Ex- periment Station.] STORY, Alfred Thomas. The Building of the Empire : the Story of England's Growth, from Elizabeth to Vict(n-ia. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1898. B 16 U 12, 13 The Story of Photography. Illustrated. 18mo. Lond., 1898. ' A 33 R 27 STORY, Rev. Robert Herbert. Apostolic Ministry in the Scottish Church. 8vo. Edinb., 1897. (Baird Lecture, 1897.) G 9 W 35 STORY OF THE SEA, The. [See Couch, A. T. Quiller-.] B 21 V 7 STOTT, Grace. Twenty-six Years of Missionary Work in China. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. "D 17 S 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 343 STOY, Dr. Training of Tcaoliors. (Tntcrnat. Health Exliih.— Health Exhib. LiUTatmv.) A 41 V 12 STRACHEY, Lady. Mcnioiis of a lli-hhuul Eaily. [See Smitli, Elizaheth.] C 25 Q 21 STRACHEY, Jolni .St. Lof. Er.mi (iravc (o Cay: hAw^ E.s.says and Studies concerned wilii certain ^ul)ieet^^ of serious intc^rest with tlie Puritans, witli Literature, and with tlie Humours of Life. 8vo. Lond., 1K97. J U IT 3? STRAFFOP.T), Thomas W.'ntworlii, Ivul of. Hi.storical Sketch of tlie Memorahl(; Trial of Eai-l StiafFord in Westi-.iin.stor Hall, 1G41. 12mo. Lond., 1S4C,. ]•' ].") P 2 1 STR.MTAN, Aubrey. (Jeoloay of the Coasts aritain and Ireland. -Geological Survey.] A 32 S 1, 2 STRASBURGER, Dr. E., NOLL, Dr. Fritz, SCHENCK, Dr. H., and SCHTRPER, Dr. A. F. W. Textbook of Botany. Translated by H. C. Porter. Illustrated. 8vo. LtMid., 1898. A 40 U 1 STltEATFElLJ), R. A. The Opera: a Sketch of the Devi-lojiment of Opera, with full rlescriptions of every work in the modern lepertorv. 8\(i. lyond., 1897. A 23 T 28 STRETTELL, Alma. Legemls fi-om l»i\er.ind .MountAiii. [Set Elizabeth, t,)uei'n of K.ium.mi.i. | J S T 39 STRETTON, .Airs. Julia. | Life of]: by Charlotte JF. Yonge. [Sec Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Rcigu.] G 24 S 3 STRONti, Rev. Charles. Religion in SUtc Scliooi.s. (Mel- bourne Re\iew, 7.) ME 18 (J [Life of] Norman MadeiKJ. [Set Melbourne Review. 1.] ■ M !•: 1 s o 344 PiihliG Library of New South Wales. STRONG, Prof. Herbert Augustus. Address to Studei\ts attendins; the Classical Lectures at the Melbourne University, 1879.. 8vo. Melb., 1879. iMJ 3 R 16 Curious Survival of an Ancient Language. (^Melbourne Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Half-an-hour with Heinrich Heine. (Melb. Review, 2.) ME 18 Q A Polyglot Love Song. (Melb. Review, 3.) ME 18 Q Should not the Melbourne University be removed? (Mel- bourne Review, 2.) ME 18 Q Methods of Teaching ilodern Languages in Belgium. {_See Gt. Brit, and Ireland. — Scotch Education Depart- ment.] G 18 S 22 Translations from Plautus. [See :\Ielb. Ee\-., 1.] ME 18 Q STRONG, Rev. Thomas B. Christian Ethics. 8vo. Lond., 1896. G 3 R 32 Another Copy. New ed. 8vo. Lond., l.'^97. G 23 S •! STUART, Hon. Alexander. [Portrait and Sketch of.] [&e Shine, T.— Australian Portrait Gallery.] MO -tP-lf STUART, Donald M. D. The Origin and Rationale of Colliery Explosives. Sm. -ito. Bristol, 189.5. A 25 V 27 STUART, Maj.-Gen. James Ewell Brown. Sketch of. [See Dwight, Theodore F. — Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 2 1 U 5 STUART, Jane. Golspie. [See Nicholson, E. W. B.] B 32 Q 11 STUART, Sir John Patrick Crichton, Marquess of Bute. [See Bute, Marcjucss of.] STUART, Prof. T. P. Anderson. Federation in relation to Quarantine. (People's Federal Convention, Proc.) MF 4 Q 51 The "Mika" or "Kulpi" operation of the Australian Aborigines. (Roy. Soc, N.S.W., Journal, 1896.) ME 1 S STUART-CANSDELL, Capt. Charles. [See Cansdell, Capt. C. Stuart-.] STUBBS, Edgar. [Life of] Elizabeth Brownrigg. [See Brownrigg, EHzabeth.] C 24 Q 20 STUBBS, William, Bishop of Oxford. Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum : an attempt to exhibit the Course of Episcopal Succession in England from the i-ecords and chi'onicles of the Church. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1897. G 17 R 9 t [Sketch of.] [See Escott, T. H. S.— Personal Forces vi Mie Period.] C 23 T 3 STUCKENBERG, Rev. John Henry Wilburn. Intro- duction to the Study of Sociology. 8vo. Lond., 189«. " F 3 R 27 STUCLEY, Capt. Thomas. [Life of.] [See Simp.son, R. —The School of Shakspere.] H 10 V 30, 31 STUDIA SINAITICA, No. G. [See Lewi^, A. S.] STUM^NI, Charles. Australasian Annual Digest. [See Power, G. W.] ME 21 S STURGE, Clement Y. Reform of Patronage. (Gore, Rev. C. — Essays in aid of the Reform of the Church.) G 23 S 28 STURGES, Jo.shua. Sturges' Guide to the Game of Draughts ; with Critical Situations. Revised by J. A. Kear. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 29 R 34 STL'RGIS, Dr. Russell. European Architecture : a His- tgrical Study. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. A 25 U 31 Library .Architecture. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1897. (Brochure Series.) A 37 R 8 Homes in the City and Country. [See Homes in City and Country.] " A 23 U 41 STURLUSON, Snorri. The Stories of the Kings of Nor- way, called the Round World (Heimskringla) ; done into English out of the Icelandic by AVilliam ^Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. Vol. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 14 Q 31 STURT, Alliert, "An Elector." Hints on Federation. 8vo. Sydney, 1898. MF 4 R 67 STUTTER, Rev. E. J. Bacteria of the Sputa and Crypto- gamic Flora of the Mouth. [See Vicentini, Dr. Filandro.l A 32 S 32 SUBHADRA BHIKSHU. A Buddhist Catechism : an Introduction to the Teachings ui the Buddha Gotamo, compiled from the Holy Writings of the Southern Buddhists ; with Explanatory Notes for the use of Europeans. 8vo. New York, 189-5. G 9 W 21 SUDDUTH, Dr. W. Xavier. Embryology and Dental His- tology. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Den- tistry.) " A 31 S 1 Inflammation of the 3Iucous Membrane of the Oral, Nasal, and Pharyngeal Ca^•ities. (Litch, Dr. W. F. — American System of Dentistrj-.) A 31 S 3 SUDWORTH, George B. Nomenclature of the Arbores- cent Floiva of the United States. [See United States. — Dept. of Agricult.— Div. of Forestry.] A 36 V 26 SUFFIELD, Thomas. The Suffield Case : the Evidence at the Police Court and at the Trial, with a jilan of the scene of the alleged outrage and a Connnentary on the methods and manteuvres of Botany Bay Justice. [/See Stephens, A. G.] " MF 5 Q 12 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 345 SUFFOLK, Owen Henry. [Sketcli .)f] ; by J. F. Hogan. (Gentleman's Mag., Oct., 1897.) E SUFFOLK AND BERKSHIRE, Henry Charles Howard, ISth Earl of, PEEK, Hedley, and AFLALO, Freder- ick George. The Encyclapccdia of Sport. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 17 R 18 t SUGAR JOURXAL and Tropical Cultivator, Vols. 1-7, 1892^une, 1898. 7 vols. 4to. Mackay, y., 1892- 98. ME SUGAR-PLANTING in Queensland. 8vo. Lend., 1893. MA 4 Q 3 SULIVAN, Admiral Sir P.. J. Life and Letters, 1810- 90. Edited by liis son. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189G. C 22 Q 9 SULLEY, Philip. Robert Burns and Dumfries. \_See l!urns, R.] C 20 S 8 SULLIVAN, Sir Edward. The CoiU|uerors, Warriors, and Statesmen of Intlia : an Historical Narrative of the principal events from the Invasion of JMahmoud of Ghizni to that of Nader Shah. With Map. 8vo. Lond., 1866. B 11 R 28 SULLY, Dr. James. Studies of Childhood. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 15 Q 35 The Teachers Iland-ljook of Psychology. Revised ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. . G 11 U 24 SUMNER, Charles. Life of Charles SumntM-, tlie Scholar in Politics; by Archibald II. Griinke. 8vo. New York, 1892. C 20 U 7 SUMNER, Prof. "William Graham. History of American Currency, with Chajiters on the English Bank Restric- tion and Austi'ian Pai)er Money. 8vo. New York, 1884. F 5 P 31 SUN, 7V«; .■ an Illustrated .Journal for (lie Home and the. Society, Aug.-Dec, 1890, Jan. -Aug., 1898. 2 vols, sm. fol. Sydney, 1896-98. ' ME 8 T SUNDA Y TIMES, Thn, 1895-97. 4 vols. fol. Sydtu'v, l.S9.")-97. ME rinMJn Tale.s. No. 1. Illustrated. Fol. Sydney, 1898- MJ 5 R 1 1 : "SUNDOWNER." [5«e Tichliornc, 11.] SUPPLE, Gerald H. The Dream of Dampier: a Poem. (Melbourne Review, 4.) Mi: 18 Ki " SURGEON, A." Animal Mai,'netism : its History to tlie Present Time. l8mo. Lond., 1811. G15U21 SURTEES, Major Conyers. Campaign in Italy, 1796 ; or, the Debut of Gen. J!ona])arte. With .Maps. 8vo. Lend., 1897. (Strategical Studios.) B 17 Q 23 2x SURVEYOR, Th",: Journal of the Institution of Survey- ors, New South Wales. Vols. 1-10, 1883-96. 10 vols. Svo. Sydney, 1883-97. ME 7 S SUSO, Henry. [Sketch of.] {See Cowan, Rev. W.— Pre- Reformation Worthies.] G 23 Q 10 SUTER, Henrv. Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. (N.Z. Inst," Trans., 1895.) ME 2 S SUTHERLAND, Alexander. A Camp in the :\Iountains. (Melbourne Review, 7.) ME 18 Q Equipment of the smaller Libraries for the assistance of Industrial Pursuits. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) :\IJ 2 P 32 t An Idle Time at Port Jackson. (Melbourne Review, 9.) ME 18 Q Origin and Growth of the Moral Instinct. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1898. MG 2 V 9, 10 Religion in State Schools. (Jlelb. Rev., 8.) ME 18 Q Saturday Rambles. (Melb. Review, 6, 7.) 3ME 18 Q The Sunday Question. (Melb. Review, 8.) ME 18 Q Temperatures of Reptiles, Monotremes, and ^Marsupials. (Roy. Soc, Vict, Proc, 1896.) ME 1 P Victorian Test of a Social Theory. (Melbourne Review, 10.) ' ME 18 Q When was Australia discovered? (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Adam Lind.say Gordon : a Memoir. [See ^lelbourne Review, 8.] ME 18 Q The Development of Australian Literature. {B*« Turner, II. G.] -MJ 3 S 24 [Life of] Sir Redmond Barry. [See Melbourne Review, 7.] " ME 18 Q [Life of] Henry Clarence Kendall. [See Melbourne Re- view, 7.] :^rE 18 Q [Life of] James BrunUm Stephens. [See ^Melbourne Review, 9.] ME 18 Q [Portrait of.] [See Album of Australian Writers.] MA 45 P : SUTHERLAND, Rev. Archibald. Palestine, the Glory of all L.mds : being Travel-studies of some Bible places. 8v.). Edinl')., 1896. D18S28 SUTUliULAND, George;. Australasian Live Stock Manual and Breeder's Record. Roy. Svo. Melb., 1896. MA 2 R 49 Our Inheritance ill the Hills. 8vo. Adelaide, 1889. .M I ) 6 R 8 SUTHERLAND, George Frederick. Du Tabac considero connne rocolto de petite culture dans la Nouvello- Galles du Sud. 8vo. Noumea, 1896. MA 1 R I I SUTHERLAND, Gilbert I). Practical Atlvertising : a handy Guilii Wcilgwood .uid old Wedg- wood Ware. [See I'.iriiiingham Museum and Art Gallery.] K 19 R 20 TANNER, J. R. Discour.sos of the Navy, 1C38, 1G59-G0. [See Navy Records Society, 7.] , E TANNER, Percy Oswald. [Life of] ; by Arthur Patchett Martin. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q TAPPIN, William B. A Model Library Building. (Aust. Libr. Conf., Proc.) MJ 2 P 32 t TARBELL, Frank Bigelow. History of Greek Art ; with an Introductory Chapter on Art in Egypt and Meso- potamia. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 23 S 35 TARBELL, Ida M. :Madame Roland: a Biographical Sketch. [See Roland, Mme.] C 20 V 6 TARDENT, Henry A. Agricultural Possibilities of Western Queensland. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U Another Paying Crop for Queensland. (Queensland Agri- cult. Journ.,^1897.) ME 9 U The Cow Pea. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ]ME 9 U Friend or Foe? (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ME 9 U A Paying Crop for the West. (Queensland Agricult. Journ., 1897.) ^ME 9 U TARLETON, Alfred H. Nicholas Breakspear, English- man and Pope. [See Adrian IV, Pope.] C 10 T 18 t TARLTON, Richard. Tailton's Jests and News out of Purgatory ; with Notes, and some account of the Life of Tarlton, by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. [See Shake- speare Soc. Pubs.] H 3 U 25 TARR, Prof. Ralph Stockman. Elementary Physical Geography. Illustrated. 8v.). New York, 1895. A 24 S 17 First Book of Physical Geography. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1897. A 24 R 30 TAR VKR, John Charles. Debateable Claims: Essays on Secondary Education. 8vo. Lond., 1898. G 23 Q 21 "TASMA." [See Couvreur, Mme. J. C] TASMAN, Abel .Janszoon. Het Jcmrnaal der reis van. (Verhandelingen en Berigtcn, 1856, 1858-59.) E .Jacob Swart, Instructie of Lastbrief, voor A. J. Tasman, in 1044. (Verhandelingen en Herigten, 1844.) E Journal of his Discovery of Van Diemen's Land ami New Zealand in 1042, with docunu'nts relating to ids Ex- jiloration of .\usli-alia in 1044 : l>eing Photo-litho- graphic Facsimiles of the original MS. in the Colonial Archives at the Hague ; with an Knglish Translation and Fac-sinuii'S of original Majis, to which are added Life .and Laliouis of Al)el .lanszoon Tasman by .1. E. Ileeres, and ( )l)serv;itii>iis made with th(^ Compas,s on Tasman's Voyage by l>i-, \\ . \'aii I'lCinnuli'ii. Fol. Auhsterdam, 1898. " MD 2 P 33 X 350 FtihliG Library of New South TFales, TASIIAN, Abel Janszoon — conld. [Life of] ; by Marcus Clarke. (Melb. Rev., 1.) ME 18 Q Life and Voyages ; by J. B. AValker. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Vict. Branch, Trans., 14, 15.) ME 20 P Life and Voyages ; by J. B. "Walker. (Roy. Soc, Tas., Papers and Proc, 1894-95.) ME 1 Q Over A. J. Tasman, en Naschrift. (Verliandelingen en Berigten, 1844.) E Abel Tasman and liis Journal. [_See N.Z. Inst., Trans., 1895.] ME 2 S TASMANIA : — Government Departments — Reports and Publications. Acts. [See Statutes.] Agriculture. Hand-book to the Insect Pests of Farm and Orchard ; by Edward H. Thompson. Pt. 2. 8vo. Hobart, 1895. MA 3 S 72 2. Insect and Fungus Pests of the Field, Farm, and Garden. Edited by F. W. J. Moore. Government Gazette. Hobart Gazette. Vols. 84-87, 90, 1895-9G, Jan.-Juno, 1898. 5 vols, fob Hobart, 1895-98. ME Mines. The Mineral Industry of Tasmania, 1894, 1897. 3 vols. 8vo. Hobart, 1894^97. ME 9 P Report of the Secretary for Mines, 189G-97. Sm. fol. Hobart, 1897. ME Parliament. Journals and Printed Papers of the Parlia- ment of Tasmania. Vols. 1-37, 1884-97. 37 vols, sm. fol. Hobart, 1884-97. ME Journals of the Legislative Council, 1857-93. G3 vols, sm. fol. Hobart, 1857-93. ME Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council, Van Diemen's Land, 1852-55. 5 vols, sm.fol. Hobart, 1853-56. ME Statistics. Statistics of the Colony of Tasmania, 1872. Sill. fol. Hobart Town, 1873. ME Statutes. Acts of the Parliament of Tasmania, 1872-81, 1883-97. 23 vols. sm. fol. Hobart, 1S72-97. ME Index to the Statutes of Tasmania and Acts of the Federal Council of Australasia in force on June 1st, 1897; by J. K. Reid. 8vo. Hobart, 1897. ME TASMANIA POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, 1892-98. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Hobart, 1892-98. ME 12 U TASMANIAX, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-44, March-Dec, 1827. Sm. fol. Hobart, 1827. \_Bound -with Hobart I'own Gazette.] ME TASMANIAN ALMANAC, 18G3-G5, 18G9, 1878, 1880, 1886, 1891. 8 vols. 12mo. Hobart Town, 18G,3-91. ME4 P TAS MAX I AX ATUEX.EUM ; ov. Journal of Science, Literature, and Art. Vol. 1, Oct., 1853-March, 1854. Edited by R. Lee and AV. Cootc. Sm. 4to. Hobart Town, 1854. ME 17 S TASMAXIAX COLOXIST, The; with which is incor- porated the Britannia and Trades' Advocate, from vol. 1, No. 1, 184G-53. G vols. fol. Hobart, 1846-53. ME TAS2IAXIAX PUXCJI, from No. 1, July, 1866 -May, 1870. Sm. 4to. Hobart Town, 1866-70. ME 17 S TASSIN, Wirt. Directions for Collecting Minerals. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 24 V 37 TASSO, Torquato. [Essay on.] [See Alison, Dr. Archi- bald.— Essays.] J 14 U 13 TATE, Nahum. Selections fi-om the A\'(irks of. [See West, K.— Laureates of England.] H 11 R 1 TATE, Prof. Ralph. Botany of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin. — Horn Scientific Expe- dition.) MA 3 R G2 Critical Remarks on some Australian Mollusca. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S Evidences of Glaciation in Central Australia. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S List of Plants collected by the Calvert Expedition. (Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1897.) ME 1 S Mollusca of Central Australia. (Spencei', Prof. W. Bald- win. — Horn Scientific Expedition.) 31 A 3 R 61 Palfeontology of Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin. —Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 62 Phanerogams. [See Roy. Soc, S. Aust., Trans., 1896.] ME 1 S -, and WATT, J. A. General Geology of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin. — Horn Scien- tific Expedition.) AIA 3 R 62 Physical Geography of Central Australia. (Spencer, Prof. W. Baldwin.— Horn Scientific Expedition.) MA 3 R 62 Report of the Physical Geography of Central Australia. (VVinnecke, C. — Journal of the Horn Scientific Explor- ing Expedition.) MA 3 R 64 TAUNTON, Rev. Ethel red L. The English Black Monks of St. Benedict : a Sketch of their History from the coming of St. Augustine to the present day. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1897. G U S 41, 42 TAUSSIG, Dr. F. W. The Silver Situation in the United States. (American Economic Association.) F 4 V 17 Wages and Capital : an Examination of tlie Wages Fund Doctrine. 8vo. Loud., 1896. F 10 V 12 Siipiilementary Catalogue — 189G-98. 351 TAYLER, AlexaiKk'r Jaincs Wallis-. Aerial or Wii-c-rope Tramways : their Coiistruetiori and Management. Illustrated. Vlnw. Lond., lyUy. A 20 Q 24 Modern Cycles: a Praetical Hand-book on their Con- struction anil Kepair. Illustrated. i' Hooker, Sir W. J.] ' A 3.5 T 17 Eight Edible and twelve Poisonous IVfushrooms of the United States, with Directions for the Culture and Culinary Preparation of the edible species. [See Uniteil States.— Department of Agriculture.— Divi- sion of Microscopy.] A 31 S 17 Twelve Edible ]MushriMims of the United States, witli Directions for their IdentiHcation and their Prejiaration as Food. [See United States. — Department of Agri- culture. — Division of Micro.scopy.] A 31 S 17 TAYLOR, Rev. Walter Ross. The Free Church of Scot- land. (Our Churches.) (r 11 U 37 TAYLOR, William, Bishop of Africa. Autobiography of. With Portrait. 8vo. Loud., 1897. C 23 S 13 [Sketch of.] [See Creegan, Rev. C. C. — (ireat Mission- aries.] (; 14 S .30 TAYLOR, William F. Critical Annotation.s. [5.»(f Coh-- ridge, S. T.] J 8 V 32 TAYLOU, Dr. William Frederick. Addro.ss by, jus Presi- dent of the Boyal Society of t^ueensl.ind. (Boy. Soc, Queensland, Proe., 189.'>.) .ME 1 T Domestic Water Filter. (Roy. Soc, Queensland, I'roc, 1895.) MH I T W.Uer Su]>])Iy for Domestic Use. (Boy. Soc, ti>ue{ins- land, Proc. 1894.) " ME 1 T 362 J?uhlic Library of New South TVales. TAYLOR, Zachary. Portrait of. {Sec Brooks, Noah.— Short Studies in Party Politics.] F 10 V 1 TCHERTKOFF, Yladiinir. Christian Teaching. [See Tolstoi, Count L.] G 2-3 S U TEALE, Dr. Thomas Priilgin. Effects of Modern Systems of Compulsory Education and Competitive Examina- tion on the Mental and Physical Health of the Com- munity. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A 41 V 7 Healthy Houses. (Internat. Health Exhib. — Health Exhib. Literature.) A -11 U 19 Scrofula. [See Allbutt, Dr. T. C— System of Medicine.] A 26 T 37 TEALL, Jethro Justinian Harris. Petrological Notes. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Geological Survey of Scotland.] A 34 T 37 TEARLE, Osmond. On Tragedy. A.— The Actor's Art.] [See Hammerton, J. H 1 S 31 TEBBUTT, John. The Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, April, 1891. 8vo. Lond., 1891. MA 3 S 67 Equatorial Comparisons of Jupiter and 1 Geminorum, 1895. Svo. Lond., 1895. MA 3 S 67 Longitude of the Sydney Observatory. (Observatory, April, 1897.) " " E Observation of Comet a 1888. 8vo. Lond., 1888. MA 3 S 67 Observation of the Occultation of Saturn by the Moon, June, 1888. Svo. Lond., 1888. IMA 3 S 67 Observation of the Occultation of Venus by the Moon, 1888. 8vo. Lond., 1888. MA 3 S 67 Observations of -Slinor Planets at Windsor, New South Wales, 1896. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Monthly Notices, 57.) ' " E Observations of Phenomena of Jupiter's Satellites at Windsor, New South Wales, during 1896. (Ro_y. Astronom. Soc, Monthly Notices, 57.) E Observations of the Transit of Venus, December 8th and 9th, 1874, made at Windsor, New South Wales. (Roy. Astronom. Soc, Mem. 47.) E Phenomena of Jupiter's Satellites, 1895, and Results of Micrometer Comparisons of Saturn and Kappa Vir- gini.s, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MA 3 S 67 Report of !Mr. Tebbutt's Observatory, Windsor, New South Wales, 1895-97. 3 vols. Svo. ' Sydney, 1896-98. ME 6R Results of Double-Star Measui-es, 1894. Svo. Lond., 1894. MA 3 S 67 Results of Double-Star ISIeasures with the 8-ineh Equa- torial, 1891. Svo. Lond., 1891. MA 3 S 67 Results of Double-Star Measures with the 8-inch Equa- torial at Windsor, New South Wales, 1896. (Roy. Astron. Soc, Monthly Notices, 57.) E Results of Filar Micrometer Comparisons of Saturn with 96 Virginis and of Ceres with neighbouring Stars. Svo. Lond 1895. MA 3 S 67 TEBBUTT, John— conic/. Results of Meteorological Observations made at the pri- vate Observatory of John Tebbutt, "The Penin.sula,' Windsor, New South AVales, 1891-97. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1898. MA 12 P 21 t Results of Micrometer Comparisons of Jupiter and Beta Scorpii,-l 888. Svo. Lond., 1888. MA 3 S 67 Results of ^Micrometer Comparisons of Saturn and Gamma Virginis in 1893. Svo. Lond., 1893. MA 3 S 67 TEGETMEIER, William Bernhard. The Poultry Book: comprising the Breeding and ilanagement of i)rofitable and ornamental Poultry ; to which is added, "The Stan- dard of Excellence in Exhibition Birds." New ed. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1873. A 10 X 17 t TEGGART, F. J. Catalogue of the Hopkins Railway Library. 4to. Palo Alto, Cal, 1895. (Leland Stan- ford Junior University.) K 17 T 1 TELFORD, Rev. John. The Wesleyan Methodist Church. (Our Churches.) G 11 U 37 TEMPERE, J. Le Diatomiste, 1890-96. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Paris, 1890-96. A 18 Q 5, 6 t TEJIPLE, Capt. — . Seal Fisheries. (Internat. Fisheries Exhib. — Fisheries Literature.) A 34 R 7 TE:MPLE, a. G. The Art of Painting in the Queen's Reign : being a glance at some of the Painters and Paintings of the British School during the last 60 years. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1897. A 18 P 22 t England's History as pictured by Famous Painters. Illu,strated. Ob. Svo. Lond., 1897. A 19 S 24 t TEMPLE, Arthur. Our Living Generals : twelve Bio- graphical Sketches of Distinguished Soldiers. With Portraits. Svo. Lond., 1898. C 22 S 26 TEMPLE, Henry John, Viscount Palmerston. [See Pal- merstiin. Viscount.] TEMPLE, Sir Richard, F.R.S. Bird's-eye View of Picturesque India. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1898. D 16 R 15 Polynesian Laljour Traffic. (National Review, July, 1892.) E Sixty Years of the Queen's Reign. Svo. Lond., 1897 F 13 V 13 Story of my Life. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 13, 14 Life of Sir J. H. Glover. [See Glover, Sir J. H.] C 25 Q 10 Memoirs of Alexander Gardner. [See Gardner, Col. A C25 P 7 TEMPLE, Sir Richard, K.B. Some short Remarks upon Mr. Lock's Book in answer to Mr. Lound.s, and several other Books and Pamphlets concerning Coin. Svo. Lond., 1696. [Reprint, \^9&.] F8V4 Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. n-n OCiO TE^rPLE-WEST, Lieul.Cd. T. [See "West, Lieut.-Col. T. Toiiii)le-.] TEN BRINK, Bernlianl. History of English Litenituix>. Ed. l)y Dr. Alois Brandl, ami translated from the (Jemiau ))y L. Dora Scluuitz. Vt>l. 3. 8vo. Lond., 1896. B 3 P L'4 3. From the 14th Century to the Death of Surrey. TENT80N-W00DS, Rov. Julian Edmund. Geology and .Mineralogy of the Northern Territoiy of South Aus- tralia. [&« Parsons, J. L. — The Northern Teriitorv.] MD 8 y 4'J Personal Reminiscences of Adam Lindsay Gordon. {^See .Melhcurno Review, 9.] ME 18 Q TENNANT, Charles. Letter on Systematic Colonix.ati(m. 8vo. Lond., 1830. V 13 (j 37 Letters concerning Systematic Colonization. \_See Senior, N. W.] F 13 Q 37 TENNESSEE -.—State Departments— Jieports and PtihUca- tioiix. Agricultural Experiment Station. Grasses of Tennes- ,see. Pt. -'. Illustrated. 8v(j. Knoxville, 1894. A 37 R 15 Soils of Tennes.see. Illustrated. 8vo. Kno-xville, 1897. A 41 R 2 TENNYSON, Alfred, Baron. Works of. With Portrait. 1-Jmo. Lond., isys. H 3 R 39 Memoir of ; hy his son. With Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. Umd., 1897. C 24 R 21, 22 Tlie Ago of Tennyson. [See Walker, li.] J 14 P 33 Arthur Henry Hallam as Advocate of Alfred and Charles Tennyson. [See Nicoll, W. R. — Literary Anecdotes nf the 19th Century.] .1 MS 3 Thr Bihiiography of Tennvs'iii. [5k to the Works of. [See Luce, Morton.] II 1 1 Q 4 Lines on the Death of; hy H. Bu.xton Fonnan. [See Nicr)ll, W, Robertson. — Literary Anecdotes of the 19th Century.] .) 14 S 3 The Philcsophy of Tennyson. [See Lindsav, James.^ E.ssays.] ' J 12T44 2t TENNYSON, Alfred, Baron— conplicatioii to the treatment and cure of diseiuses. Translated by Dr. D. Spillan. TJuio. Lond., 1843. G 15 U 6 TEWFIK, Pasha, Khedive of Egyi>f. [Sketch of.] [See Eminent Persons.] C 19 Q 21 TITACKER, S. Iii'llnn Dinrtori/ [See Indian Direclori//] Reduced Survey Map of India. [See Bariliolonuw, .I.G.I i> i:i V 11 35i Public Library of New South Wales. THACKERAY, William Makepeace. Works of. Bio- graphical eil. Vol. 0. With Portrait. 8vo. Lond., 1898. J 22 U 7 6. Contributions to Funch, &c. Ballads and Songs. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S9G. ;H 10 W 17 [Life of]; by P. D. Phillips. (Melbourne Review, 5.) ME 18 Q Thackeray's Haunts and Homes ; by E. Crowe. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. C 23 Q 22 [Criticism of the Works of.] \_See Craik, Henry. — Eng- lish Prose.] J 6 Q 38* [Portrait and Sketch of.] \_See Stearns, F. P. — Modern English Prose Writere.] J 14 V 17 Sketch of the Works of. {See Harrison, F.— Early Vic- torian literature.] J 8 T 37 A Study of. [See Jack, Adolplius Alfred.] J U V 4 Thackeray in America. \_See Curtis, G. W. — Literai-y and Social Essays.] J 21 R 33 THALES. [Sketch of.] {See Clodd, Edward— Pioueei-s of Evolution.] A 27 R 13 THAXE, Prof. George Dancer. Elements of Anatomv. {See Quain, Dr. J'.] A 30 U 41-48 THATCHER, Dr. Oliver Joseph, and SCHWILL, Ferdi- nand. Europe in the jMiddle Ages; with !Maps and Charts. Svo. Lond., 1897. " 1;17Q24 THAUSING, Prof. Julius E. Theory and Practice of the Pi-eparation of !Malt, and the Falirication of Beer, with special reference to the Vienna Process of Brewing, Translated from the German by William T. Brannt. and edited Ijy A. Schwarz and Dr. A. H. Bauer. Illustrated. Svo. Pliilad., 1882. A lb U 16 THAXTER, Celia [Mrs. L. L.] (Celia Laighton). [Portrait and Sketch of.] [_See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart. — Chap- ters from a Life.] C 19 T 20 [Sketch of.] [See Fields, Annie. — Authors and Friends.] J 14 11 14 THAYER, Prof. James Bradley. Preliminary Treatise on Evidence at the Coumi"n Law. Pt. 1. Svo. Boston, 1896. F 13 R 28 1. Development of Trial liy .Jiuy. THEAL, Dr. George M'Call. The Portuguese in South Africa, with a Description of the Native Races be- tween the River Zambesi and the Cape fif Good Hope during the IGth Centurv. Illustrated. Svo. Limd., 1896.^ ' B16T16 THEATRE, Th'^: a :\ronthly Review and Magazine, 1878-85. 14 vols. Svo. Lond., 1878-8.5. E THEOBALD, Fred. V. Insect Life : a short Account of the Classification and Habits of Insects. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1896. A IS P 31 Pariusitic Diseases of Poultry. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S9G. A 27 R 15 THEOBALD, William. Conchologia Indica. [See Han- ley, 8.] A 18 R 5 t THEOGNIS. The Works of Hesiod, Callimachus, and Theognis. Literally translated into English Prose, with copious Notes, by the Rev. J. Banks. I2mo. Lond., 1892. HllRll The Fragments of Theognis. Translated or paraphrased and chronologically arranged, with a ^-iew to illustrate the personal history of the Poet, by J. H. Frere. (Banks, Rev. J.— Works of Hesiod.) HllRll THEURIET, Andre. Rustic Life in France. Translated bv Helen B. Dole. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1896. DISS 17 THIBAULT, E. ilodern Languages at the ^lelboume L'niversity. (Melbourne Review, G.) ME 18 Q THIEBAULT, Dieudonne Adrian Paul F. C. H. Baron. Memoirs of. Translated and condensed by Arthur John Butler. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1896. C 23 V 1 1, 12 THIERRY, Amgdee. St. Jerome. {See Church, R. W., Dean — Occasional Papers.] J 14 L' 35 THILLY, Dr. Frank. History of Philosophy. {See Weber, Alfred.] " G 5 Q 30 THOOI, Carl A. Complete Bibliography of Fencing and Duelling as practised by all European Nations from the Middle Ages to the present day. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S9G. " A 41 S 5 THOBl RN, James Mills, Missionary Bishop of India and Malaysia. Sketch of. [See Creegan, Rev. C. C— Great Missionaries.] G 14S 30 THOMAS, Prof. Allen C, and Dr. Richard H. History of the Society of Frientls in America. (American Church History Series.) G 12 V 19 THOMAS, Charies G. Johannesburg in Arms, 1895-96 : being the Observations of a casual .spectator. Svo. Lond., 189G. B 16 R 25 TH0:MAS, Da\ id INIorgan. The Day-book of Wonders. Svo. Lond., 1S97. A 39 R 13 THOMAS, E. Neumann. How thankful should we be : Comments on Natal. Rov. Svo. Cape Town, 1894. D 13 V 6 THO:\IAS, Gen. George Henry. Sketch of. [See Dwight, Theodore F. — Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders.] C 21 L^ 5 THOMAS, Gladys, and GUILLEMARD, Mary F. Cyrano de Bergerac. [See Rostand, E.] H 10 \J 33 THOMAS, J. R. Goring. Song : Dolly Dav. [.Music only.] Sm. fol. Sydney (n.d.) MX 13 P 6 t Song : Forget-me-not. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1895. MA 13PGt Supplementary Catalogue — 1896-98. 355 THOMAS, James Henry. [Obituary Notices of.] (Inst, of Civil Engincer-s, Proc, 80.) E THO^TAS, Jdlm J. TliL' American Fruit Culturist, con- taining Practical Directions for the Pnipagatinn and Culture ueensland £13,000,000. 8vo. Jirisb., 1883. ' MF5 t^ 16 TlloMl'SoX, hr. John .\shliurlon. Conl ribiil ion In the History of ljei>rosv in .\ir^lrali.i. ^\ii. Loud., 1897. .M .V 3 W 2.3 Lepro.sy in Hawaii ; .i L'rilical In^inii v. 8\(i. Sydnev, IS98. M.\ I T"."> 356 Public Librcwy of New South IFules. THOMPSON, John Low. The Channel Islands Breed of Cattle. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 189G.) ME 9 R Cheese-making on the Cheddar Principle. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Tlie Cultivation of Maize or Indian Corn. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 R 59 Dairy Notes. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R The Dutch Belted Breed of Cattle. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Holstein or Frisian Cattle. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Lard. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Lucerne. (Fanners and Fruitgrowers' Guide.) MA -1 U 1 ]Maize. (Fanners and Fruit-growers' Guide. ) MA 4 U 1 Notes on Ham and Bacon-curing. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R Pasteurising Cream fur Butter-making. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 189G.) ME 9 R The Pig. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA 4 U 1 Rotation of Crops. (Farmers and Fruit-growers' Guide.) MA -i U 1 The Selection of a Dairy Herd. (Agricult. Gazette, N.S.W., 1896.) ME 9 R THOMPSON, R. Report on the Forests of Mauritius : their Present Condition and Future Management. Sm. fol. Port Louis, 1880. A 11 X 16 t THOMPSON, Rev. Robert Ellis. History of the Presby- terian Churches in the United States. (American Church History Series.) York, 1895. G 12 V 13 THOMPSON, Prof. Silvanus Phillips, F.R.S. Latest Dy- namo-Electric ISIachines : a Supplement to the 6th ed. of "Dynamo-Electric Machinery." 8vo. New York, 1897. " A 21 S 16* Light Visible and Invisible : a series of Lectures de- livered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain at Christmas, 1896. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1897. A 23 S 42 Radiation. [_See Hyndman, H. H. F.] A 20 Q 25 THOMPSON, Dr. W. G. Practical Dietetics, with special reference to Diet in Disease. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 33 U 25 THOMPSON, Rev. William Hcpwortli. The Translation (if Elijah and its Lessons : a Sermon on the occasion of the death of F. Eggleston. 12mo. Newark, 1872. (J 9 V 38 The Gorgias of Plato. \_See Plato.] J 15 S 38 The late Master of Trinity : an Essay. \_See Benson, A. C— Essays.] J 10 R 43 Sermon preached on the Death of F. Eggleston. [St-e Eggleston, F.] G 9 V 38 TllOJrS OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ^^1. the Ignited King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland for 1887-90, 1893- 98. 10 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1887-98. E THOMSON, Alec. Tlie Small Debts Recovery Acts and the Bills of Sale Act. [S«e Addi.son, (J. C."] ]MF 5 R 6 THOMSON, Dr. Arthur. Hand-hook of Anatomy for Art Students. Illustrated. 8vo. Oxford, 1896. A 33 S 16 THOMSON, Sir Charles Wyville, and MURRAY, Dr. John. Chalhmrjer Expedition Reports; Portraits of the Contributors. [_See Crane, ^^'.] A 6 R 4 t THOMSON, Daniel. Relation of Cooperative to Com- petitive Trading, with special reference to High and Low Dividends. 12mo. Manchester, 1.S67. F 13 V 41 TH0:\1S0N, David Croal. Life and "Works of Luke Fildes. 4to. Lond., 1895. (Christmas No. of the Art Journal, 1895.) A 13 W 7 t THOMSON, Sir Edward Deas-. Chancellor's Address to the Sydney L^niversitv, 1^76. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1876. ' MJ"2 U 7 [Portrait and Sketch of.] [