UC-NRLF ipii mini" Mil'" B ^ lb3 702 FINDING LIST OF BOOKS :■■■ I i IN THE Santa Cruz City Free Public Library. AUTHORIZED EDITION PRICE 10 CENTS 1899 ' OFTHf \ BACON d. MACK, publishers Board of trustees (/ DR. C. L. ANDERSO J. W. LINSCOTT DR. J. P. PARKER , . DR. F. W. BLISS \V lAMUEL LEASK ^ ^ ^ 6- . -2. a '~cLjL''Cc^'-r ■^ 1 90._^- rt^'i-t-^ • )rs all the fl ^^ nment and (f t^^'-'-^^^ y^^^^^-^ue^^ ^^-.^ -^^ ^^^ / XXjL"*^ -■*ryyj^ lumber and ok may be assification ithoi's and ^^ 7 /L-vv^ A--A-^ ^^■' -vt--tfiUvt^ Board of trustees r.^^hr"" C ^anta ffiruf public gibtav^ DR. J. P. PARKER ,. V, \ DR. F. W. BLISS ,^\ MISS HI. H. WATERMAN \^ SAMUEL LEASK LIBRARIAN ■~iilL!_'_ . - '' ' A. y^s SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA, "^ -^ _^^ '^ ^ T 1 90_y- "^^°^' -i^ ...^ -.^.._- This Finding List contains in alphabetical order by authors all the books in the Library with the exception of magazines, government and State reports and pamphlets. The number following each tit?e consists of the accession number and is followed by a letter which denotes the class in which the book may be "ound. Free access to the shelves in many ways so simplifies the classification that lurther classification in this list is unnecessary. The number of books accessioned is 12,660. In the card catalog will be found brief condensed notes of authors and bookfs compiled from various sources. This Finding List contains in alphabetical order by authors all the books in the Library with the exception of magazines, government and State reports and pamphlets. Tlie nuniLer following each titJe consists of the accession number and is followed by a letter which denotes the class in which the book may be -"ound. Free access to the shelves in many ways so simplifies the classification that further classification in this list is unnecessary. The number of books accessioned is 12,660. In the card catalog will be found brief condensed notes of authors and book? compiled from various sources. -1 S •- fi- ^'^i^ Board of Trustees and Library Staff of Santa Cruz City Free Library* TRUS TEES. C. L. Anderson, President F. W. Bliss D. C. Clark, Secretary J. W. Linscott E. L. Williams. LIBRARIAN, Miss Watennan LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. Mabelle Chace Richard Roy Linscott lid! i ^ • V I- ■ •F Finding List — Santa Cruz City Free Library* EXPLANATION— The following abbreviations are employed for the classi- fication. Ihe classification is sub-classified and the cases and shelves so la- beled: A., Art (fine and useful); B., Biography; E., Essays and Belles Lettres; E.E., Philosophy; F., Fiction; H., History; J., Juvenile; L., General Literature; P., Poetry; R., Reference; R.E., Religious (history and essays); S,, Science; S.S.. Society; V., Travels and description. ABBOTT, Charles C Notes of the night. 9842 E Upland and meadow. 2741 E Waste-land wanderings. 1636 E ABBOTT, Evelyn History of Greece. 9580 H Louis XIV. 11183 B Pericles and the golden age of Ath- ens. 11196 B ABBOTT, Edwin, Rev English lessons for English people. 11517 EE ABBOTT, Jacob Rollo on the Atlantic. 9265 J — in Geneva. 9262 J — In Holland. 9261 J — in London. 9258 J — in Paris. 9264 J — in Rome. 9260 J — in Scotland. 9259 J — in Switzerland. 9257 J Science for the young series. Heat. 6423 J Water and land. 6420 J Light. 6224 J Force. 6425 J ABBOTT, Jacob and Abbott, John C Alexander the Great. 4900 J Alfred the Great. 4901 J Cyrus the Great. 4907 J Cleopatra. 4905 J Charles I. 4903 J Charles II. 4904 J Darius the Great. 4908 J Genghis Khan. 4910 J Hannibal. 4911 J Henry IV. 4912 J Hernando Cortez. 4906 J Julius Caesar. 4902 J Josephine. 4915 J Joseph Bonaparte. 4914 J King Philip. 4916 J Louis XIV. 4918 J Louis Philippe. 4917 J Mary Queen of Scotts. 4922 J Marie Antoinette. 4920 J Madame Roland. 4919 J Margaret of Anjou. 4921 J Wo Hlo LAni /JO and //2 ^Pacific J^v. Hardware, Sash and Doofs, Paints, Oils, ete. Agents for Superior Stoves and Ranges Quick Meal (ras Stoves, The best in use We sell the celebrated Phoenix Pure Paint. Telephone 131 Black. Nero. 4y23 J Peter the Great. 4924 J Pyrrhus. 4925 J Queeu Elizabeth. 4909 J Queen Hortense. 4iUI{ J Romulus. 4i*2*) J Hichard 1. 4!t2G J Hichurd II. 4!tli7 J Kicliani III. 4it:iS J William the Conqueror. 4930 J Xerxes. 4931 J ABBOTT. J S C "American Pioneers and Patrioto. ' A series. Life of Daniel Boone., 247 B Columbus. 249 B Kit Carson. 5545 B David Crockett. 250 B De Soto. 248 B Paul Jones. 5604 B Captain Kidd. 6344 B La Salle. 252 B Peter Stuyvesant. 253 B Miles Standish. 5627 B George Washington. 251 B (These biographies throw side lights on the early history of the United States). Civil War, history of, 3 vols. 4007 H Napoleon Bonaparte, History of, 2 vols. 9822 H Practical Christianity. 587 RE Presidents, Lives of the. S922 8 ABBOTT, Lyman Life and letters of Paul, the apostle. 12577 B ABBOTT, Mary Alexia. 11501 F Beverleys. 6224 F (A story of Calcutta). ABDY, J T Feudalism: its rise, progress and consequences. 7451 H A'BECKET, Gilbert A The comic Blackstone. 1146 F ABER, Mary A-Alling An experiment in education. 10494 EE ABOUT. Edward King of the mountains. 6175 F Saving a daughter's dowry. 6175 F ADAMS, Brooks The law of civilization and decay: an essay on history. 9988 H ADAMS. Charles Francis Jr A chapter of Erie. 11657 V Richard Henry Dana; a biography 2 vols. 6.535 B ADAMS, Charles Kendall Representative American orations; 'i vols. 6514 E Representative British orations; 3 vols. 6511 E ADAMS, Davenport (ed) By-ways in book-land. 7604 EE Golden book of English song. 5789 P ADAMS, George Burton Civilization during the middle ages. 9582 H ADAMS, Henry ■ Historical essays. 11393 H History of the Unitfed States; 9 vols. 12124 H John Randolph. Life of. 187 B ADAMS, Henry C Public debts. 8834 SS ADAMS, Herbert B (ed) Johns Hopkins university series in historical and political economy. First series. 10601 H 1 — An introduction to American con- stitutional history. By Edward A. Freeman; with an account of Mr. Freeman's visit to Baltimore, by the editor. U — The Germanic origin of New En- gland towns. With notes on co-op- eration in university work. By Her- bert B. Adams. HI — Local government in Illinois. By Albert Shaw, A. B. Local govern- ment of Pennsylvania. By E. R. L. Gould. IV — Saxon tithingmen in America. By Herbert B. Adams. V — Local government in Michigan and the northwest. By Edward W. Bemis. VI — Parish institutions of Maryland. With illustrations from parish rec- ords. By Howard Ingle. VII — Old Maryland manors. With the records of a court leet and a court baron. By John Johnson, A. B. VIII — Norman constables in America. By Herbert B. Adams. IX-X — Village communities of Cape Anne and Salem. By Herbert B. Adams. XI — The Genesis of a New England state. By Alexander Johnston. XII — Local government and free schools in South Carolina. By B. J. Ram age. Second series. 10602 H I-II — Methods of historical study. By the editor. (5) J^a^en*s u/hite Cyc/ery O^E^^^fAGEN, PROP. WE HtOtVE MewWFieels Per Rent Life Time Gjiarantcc on all Wheels Sold Qld Wheels taken on exchange Full stock of' Bicycle Sundries and Sjcpplies Bicycle Repairing a specialty and all work guaranteed J^. ay, Jeofrmann, !7^apairar. ^O. 3 T/flSSioU Street (6) ill- The past ami present of political economy. By Richard T. Ely. IV— Sanuu'l Adams, the man of the lowu meeting. 15y James K. Hosmer. V-Vl— laxalion in the United blaleb. i3y llenrv Carter Adams. Vll— Institutional beginnings in a western stale. By Jesse Macy. Vlll-lX- Indian money as a factor in New England civilization. By ^\ n- liam B. Weeden. X— Town and county government in the English colonies of North Ameri- ca. The Toppan essay for lS8o. By Edward Channing. XI- Rudimentary society among boy.s. By John Johnson. XU— Land laws of mining districts. By Charles Howard Shinu. Third series. 11003 H I— Maryland's influence upon land ces- sions to the United States. With minor papers on George Washing- ton's interest in western lands. The Potomac company, pp. 79-91; Wash- ington's plan for a national univer- sity, pp. 93-95; Origin of the Balti- more and Ohio railroad, pp. 97-102. By the editor. II.III— Virginia local institutions, pp. 103-229; Virginia and Virginians, pp. 109-102; The land system, pp.123-142; The hundred, pp. 143-149; i<:uglish parish in America, pp. 152-175; Coun- ty, pp. 177-199: town, pp. 201-217; conclusion, pp. 217-222; appendix, pp. 223-229. By Edward Inglj. IV — Recent American socialit>m, pp. 231-304; Early American communism, pp. 239-246; Henry George and the beginnings of revolutionary social- ism, pp. 246-257; International work- Ingmen's association, pp. 257-264; Propaganda of deed and the educa- tional campaign, pp. 264-276; Social- istic labor party, pp. 276-283;; Strength of revolutionary socialism, pp. 283-294; Remedies, pp. 294-304. By Richard T. Ely. V-VI-VII — Local institutions of Mary- land, pp. 305-433; Land system, pp. 311-342; Hundred, pp. 343-369; Coun- ty, pp. 368-400; Town, pp. 401-433; By Lewis W. Wilhelm. Vin— Influence of the proprieties in founding the state of New Jersey, pp. 435-460. By Austin Scott. IX-X — American constitutions, pp. 461-530; Introduction, pp. 467-472; Revolutionary period, pp. 472-477; Modern state constitutions, pp. 477- 482; Federal government, pp. 482- 504; Judiciary, pp. 504-523; Tabu- lated comparison of modern state constitutions, pp. 522-530. By Hon. Horace Davis. XI-XII— City of Washington, its ori- gin and administration, pp. 531-585. By John Addison Porter. Fourth series. 10604 H I — Dutch village communities on the Hudson river. By Irving Elting. II — Town government in Rhode Isl- and. By Wm. E. Foster. Ill — The Narragansett planters. By Edward Channing. IV — Pennsylvania boroughs. By Wil- liam P. Holcomb. V — Introduction to the constitutional and political history of individual states. By J. F. Jameson. VI — The Puritan colony at Annapolis, Maryland. By Daniel R. Randall. VII- VIII-IX— History of the land ques- tion in the United States. By Sho- suke Sato. X — The town and city government of New Haven. By Charles H. Liver- more. XI-XII— The land system of the New England colonies. By Melville Eg- leston. Fifth series. 10605 H I-II — City government of Philadel- phia. By Edward P. Allison. III^ — City government of Boston. By James M. Bugbee. V-VI — Local government in Canada. By George Bourinot. VII— The influence of the war of 1812 upon the consolidation of the ameri- can union. By Nicholas Murray Butler. VIII — Notes on the literature of chari- ties. By Herbert B. Adams. IX — The predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville. By James Bryce. X— The study of history in England and Scotland. By Paul Fredericq. XI — Seminary libraries and university extension. By Herbert B. Adams. XII — European schools of history and politics. By Andrew D. White. Sixth series. 10606 H I-II — Co-operation in New England. By Edward W. Bemis. (7) III — Co-operation in the middle states. By Edward W. Bemis. IV-V-VI — Co-operation in the north- west. By Albert Shaw. VII-VIII — Three phases of co-opera- tion in the west. By Amos G. War- ner. IX-X — Co-operation on the Pacific coast. By Charles Howard Shinn. XI-XII — Co-operation in Maryland and the south. By Daniel R. Randall. Seventh series. 10607 H I — Arnold Toynbee. By F. C. Mon- tague. With an account of the work of Toynbee Hall in East London, by Phillip Lyttelton Gell. Also an ac- count of the neighborhood guild in New York, by Charles B. Stover. II-HI — The establishment of munici- pal government in San Francisco. By Bernard Moses. IV — Municipal history of New Or- leans. By William W. Howe. V-VI — English culture in Virginia. A study of the Gilmer letters, and an account of the English professors ob- tained by Jefferson for the Univer- sity of Virginia. By William P. Trent. Vll-Vni-IX— The river towns of Con- necticut, Wethersfield, Hartford and Winsor. By Charles M. Andrews. X-XI-XII— Federal government in Canada. By John G. Bourinot. Eighth series. 10608 H I-II — The beginnings of American na- tionality. The constitutional rela- tions between the continental con- gress and the colonies and states. By Albion W. Small. HI — L/Ocal government in Wisconsin. By David E. Spencer, IV — Spanish colonization in the south- west. By Frank W. Blackmar. V-VI — The study of history in Ger- many and France. By Professor Paul Fredericq. Vll-VIII-IX — Progress of the colored people of Maryland since the war. By Jeffrey R. Brackett. X — The study of history in Belgium and Holland. By Prof. Paul Fred- ericq. XI-XII — Seminary notes on recent his- torical literature. By Dr. H. B. Adams, Dr. J. M. Vincent, Dr. W. B. Scaife and others. Ninth series. 10609 H I-II — Government and administration of the United States. By W. W. Willoughby and W. F. Willoughby. III-IV — University education in Mary- land. By B. C. Steiner. The Johns Hopkins University (1876-1891. By President D. C. Gilman. With sup- plementary notes on university ex- tension and the university of the fu- ture. By R. G. Moulton. V-VI — The communes oi Lombardy from the VI to the X century. By William Klapp Williams. VII-VIII — Public lands and agrarian laws of the Roman republic. By An- drew Stephenson. IX — Constitutional development of Japan (1853-1881). By Toyokichl lyenaga. LOMA PRIETA LUMBER COMPANY Planing Mill and Yard, Foot of Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz. Dealers in all kind.s of Lumber, Shingles, Shakes, Lath, Doors and Windows, Plain and Colored Glass, Plate and Bevel Mirrors, Window Weights and Sash Cord. Cank$ or m\ Kinds Hgcnts for flermotor Windmills TEi-EP^tiOisrE: lyijfiLiisi" le (8) X— A history of Liberia. By J H. .\li.i'ht'isou. Xi-Xli— ilie character ana iullueuce of -ihc ludiau Hade lu Wibconsia. By Frederick Jacksou lurntr. Tenth series. lOtilO 11 1—1 he Bishop Hill colony; a religious -omuiunistic settlement in Henry uuiiiy, Illinois. By Michael A Mik- kelsen. 11-111— Church and state in New En- gland. By Paul E. Lauer. IV— Church and state in early Mary- laud. By Professor George Petrie. V-\ 11— The religious development in the province of North Carolina. By Prof Stephen B. Weeks. Vll— Maryland s attitude in the strug- gle for Canada. By Professor John W. Black. Vlll-lX— ihe Quakers in Pennsylva- nia, 1622-177(5. By Albert Clayton Applegarth. X-Xl— Columbus and his discovery of America. By Professors H. B. Adams and Henry Wood. Xll— Causes of the American revolu- tion. By Prof James A Woodburn. Eleventh series. 10611 H I — The social condition of labor. By Dr. K. E. L. Gould. II — The world's representative assem- blies of today; a study in compara- tive legislation. By Professor Ed- mund K. Alden. III-IV— The negro in the District of Columbia. By Professor Stephen B. Weeks. V-VI— Church and state in North Car- olina. By Prof. Stephen B. Weeks. VII-YIII— The condition of the west- ern farmer as illustrated by the eco- nomic history of a Nebraska town- ship. By Arthur Fisher Bentley. IX-X — History of slavery in Connecti- cut. By B. C. Steiner. XI-XII — Local government in the sotith and the southwest. By Pro- fes.sor Edward W. Bemis and others. Popular election of United States senators. By John Haynes. Twelfth series. 10612 H I-II — The Cincinnati southern railway; a study in municipal activity. By J. H. Hollander. With a memorial of Dr. Lucius S. Merriam. ni — The constitutional beginnings of North Carolina (1663-1729). By J. S. Bassett. Iv — ine struggle of the Protestant lJi^^seuters lor religious toleration in \ irginia. V- VI- Vll— 'Ihe Carolina pirates and colonial commerce, 1670-1740. By S. C Hughsou. VTll-lx— History of representation and suffrage in Massachusetts (.1620- 1691;. By G. H. Baynes. X — English mstiiutious and the Am- erican Indian. By J. A. James. Xl-Xll — '1 he international beginnings of the Congo Free State. By J. S. Heeve.s. Thirteenth series. 10613 H I-II — Government of the colony of South Carolina. By Edson L. Whit- ney. IlI-lV — The early relations between Maryland and Virginia. By John H. Latane. V — The rise and development of the bicameral system in America. By 1 homas Francis Moran. VI-VH — White servitude in the colony of Virginia. By James Curtis Bal- lagh. VIII — The genesis of Calif oratas fir.st constitution (1846-49). By Rock- well Dennis Hunt. IX — Benjamin Franklin as an econo- mist. By W. A. Wetzel. X — The provisional government of Maryland (1774-1777). By John Arch- er Silver. XI-XII — Government and Religion of the Virginia Indians. ..-y S. R. Hen- dren. Fourteenth series. 10614 H I — Constitutional history of Hawaii. By Henry E. Chambers. II — City government of Baltimore. By Thaddeus P. Thomas. Ill — Colonial origins of New England senates. By F. L. Riley. IV-V — Slavery and servitude in North Carolina. By John S. Bassett. VI-VII — Representation in Virginia. By J. A. C. Chandler. VIII — The history of taxation in Con- nectictit (1636-1776). By F. R. Jones. IX-X — Slavery in New Jersey. By H. S. Cooley. XI-XII — Causes of the Maryland rev- olution of 1689. By F. E. Sparks, ADAMS, H G Beautiful shells. 5083 S (9) Beautiful butterflies. 5084 S AUAMS, John Coleman Christian types of heroism. 8754 RE ADAMS, Oscar Fay Dictionary of American authors. 11249 R Jane Austen; the story of her life. 12562 B ADAMS, W H D Collection of English epigrams. 4824 L Good Queen Anne, 2 vols. 5113 B Land of the Incas. 2199 J Washington and other great military commanders. 11776 B ADAMS, W I Lincoln Sunlight and shadow; a book for photographers, both amateur and professional. 12514 A ADAMS, W T (See -Oliver Optic"). ADAMSON. Robert Tichte. 7637 B ADDISON, Joseph Miscellaneous prose works. "Spec- tator, Tattler, etc.," 6 vols. 561 E Poetical works of. 560 P ADELER, Max Random shots. 2917 L A F and R L (edited by) Letters of Celia Thaxter. 9356 E AGASSIZ, Alex Three cruises of the Blake, 2 vols. 1424 V (A coast survey steamer in Carri- bean sea, Mexican gulf and along Atlantic coast). ) AGASSIZ, Elizabeth Carey (ed) Louis Agassiz, his life and corre- spondence, 2 vols. 1234 B AGASSIZ, L and Mrs. Elizabeth Carey Journey in Brazil. 3390 V AGUILAR Grace (English writer of Spanish-Hebrew extraction). Days of Bruce. 11331 F (Robert, king of Scotland, 13th cen). Essays and miscellanies. 375 E Home influence (English home life) 2270 F Home scenes. 733 F Mother's recompense, sequel to Home influence. 2483 F Vale of cedars; or, The martyr. 744 F (Expulsion of the Jews from Spain, 15th century). Woman's friendship. 11497 F Women of Israel. 6420 B AIDE, Hamilton Voyage of discovery; a novel of Am- erican society. 7357 F AINGER, Alfred Charles Lamb. Life of. 6393 B AINSWORTH, W Harrison (Stories founded upon material tak- en from English history)- Auriol; or. Elixir of life. 6080 F Beau-Nash: or. Bath in the 18th cen- tury. 6088 F Boscobel. 6091 F (England, 1651). Cardinal Pole; or. Days of Philip and Mary. Constable of the tower. Crichton. 6090 F Flitch of Bacon. 6093 F (Local customs of Dunmow for cen- tral plot). Guv Fawks; or, The gunpowder plot. 6096 F Caseade: Steam Latxndry. IDye; '\x7"orl<:s MORRISON BROS., Props, LARGEST LAUNDF^Y IN SANTA ©F^UZ CO. Improved machinery for doing flrst-class work ON SHORT NOTICE, at lowest prices. Laundry, Quintana and River Sts. Telephone Red 115. Office, 117 Pacific Ave. Telephone 85 Black uo) (England. 1605). Jatk siieppard. U08T F Jaiues 11, or, i he revolution of 1688. 6U8:i F Lancashire witches. 6098 F ('lime ot James 1 (1603-25). Manchester rebels. 6083 F Mervyn Ciitheroe. 6097 F Miser s daughter. 6094 F (Time ol Ueorge 11). Old Saint Pauls. 6099 F (Plague and fire of London, Id.)) Ovingdean Grange. 6080 F Rook-wood. 6095 F Saint-James's. 6089 F (Court of Queen Anne). Spendthrift. 6081 F Star-chamber. 6085 F 'lower of London. 6092 F Windsor castle. 6084 F (Time of Henry VIII). AIRY, Osmund English restoration and Louis XIV. 5489 H AITKEN, Mary Carlyle Scottish song. 6504 P ALCOCK, Sir Rutherford Capital of the Tycoon, 2 vols. 3280 V ALCOTT, A Bronson Ralph Waldo Emerson, an estimate of his character. 6354 E ALCOTT, Louisa M Comic Tragedies. 8013 P Cupid and chow-chow. 6486 J Eight cousins. 10206 J Garland for girls. 10199 J Hospital sketches. 10200 J Jack and Jill. 10205 J Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, and other stories. 10298 J Jo's boys; sequel to Little men. 10331 J Little men. 7886 J Little women. 10207 J Lulu's library. 711 J Modern Mephistophles. 10210 J Moods. 10212 F My boys, and other stories. 6483 J My girls and other stories. 6485 J Old-fashioned girl. 7893 J Old-fashioned Thanksgiving and oth- er stories. 6484 J Proverb stories. 10202 J Rose in blOom. 10211 J Sequel to Eight cousins. Shawl straps. Silver pitchers, and other stories. 10208 J Spinning-wheel stories. 10208 J Lnder the lilacs. 10298 J Work; a story of experience. 10201 F ALDEN, Mrs 1 M (See "Pansy ") ALDEN, W L Christopher Columbus, Life of. 2000B Jimmy Brown papers. 9983 J Loss of the Swansea. 10908 J Moral pirates. 4934 J New Robinson Crusoe. 8651 J ALDRICH, Herbert L Arctic Alaska and Siberia. 4941 J Flower and thorn. 6192 P From Ponkapog to Pesth. 1075 V Marjorie Daw and other people^ 1077 b' Mercedes; a drama in two parts. 8245 P Out of his head. 937 F Prudence Palfrey. 1078 F Queen of Sheba. 2130 F Stillwater tragedy. 1076 F Story of a bad boy. 8653 J Two bites of a cherry, with other tales. 8009 F ALEXANDER, Archibald Canon of the old and new testa- ments. 7382 RE Evidences of the authenticity, in- spiration and canonical authority of the Holy Scriptures. 7385 RE Theories of the will in the history ot philosophy. 12596 EE ALEXANDER, James W Archibald Alexander, Life of. 7384 B ALEXANDER, Mrs (pseud of Mrs. A F Hector) Blind fate. 7475 F Broken links. 8489 F Fight with fate. 9590 F Mrs. Crichten's creditor. 10736 F Snare of the fowler. 7825 F Wooing o't. 10822 F ALEXANDER, W D Brief history of the Hawaiian peo- ple. 8222 H ALGER, Horatio Jr Errand boy. 11337 J Facing the world. 7962 J Helen Ford. 6271 J The $500 check. 7716 J Train boy. 11337 J ALGER, William Genesis of solitude. 6379 E ALLARD, Hafix Nirgis and Bismillah. 5072 F ALLEN, Alexander Jonathan Edwards. 6254 B (11) ALLEN, C B Man wonderful in the house beauti- ful. 5405 S ALLEN. C L Bulbs and tuberous-rooted plants. 11175 A ALLEN, P^ancis H (compiler) Nature's diary. 10809 E ALLEN, Grant Charles Darwin, Life of. 232 B Common sense science. 289 S Evolution of the idea of God. 10862 RE Incidental bishop. 12354 F Scallyway. 7982 F Story of the plants. 9378 S AILLEN, Henry S Two Americas. 4140 H ALLEN, James Lane Aftermath sequel to Kentucky car- dinal. 10507 F Blue-grass region of Kentucky. 9587 V Choir invisible. 10726 F John Gray. 7744 F Kentucky cardinal. 10506 F ALLEN, Joseph Battles of the British army, 2 vols. 6620 H ALLEN, Louis F American farm book. 6728 A ALLEN ,Paul Lewis and Clark's expeditions, 2 vols. 1632 V ALLEN, William Francis Readers' guide to English history. 6733 R Essays and monographs. 10597 ^ ALLEN, Willis Boyd Red mountains of Alaska. 6341 V Pineboro quartette. 11908 J ALLEN and Myers Ancient history. 8218 H ALLIN, Thomas Universalism asserted as hope of the gospel. 8866 RE ALLINGHAM, William Ballad book. 6508 P ALLliSON, Archibald Europe, History of (.1789-1815). 4099 H A. L. O. E. Fairy I'risket; or peeps at insect life. 8123 J Fairy know-a-bit. 8139 J ALTON, Edmund (Edmund Bailey) Among the law-makers. 8155 J ALZOG Universal church history, 3 vols. 4275 RE AMERICAN Poultry Association American standard of excellence. 1823 A AMES, Lucia True Memorial of a millionaire. 7254 B AMES, Mary Clemmer Eirene. 702 F AMICIS, E de Cuore; an Italian school-boy's jour- nal. 8128 J Morocco; its people and places. 8530V AMMEN, Rear Admiral Old navy and the new. 11187 H AMOS, Sheldon Science of law. 1392 SS Political and legal remedies of war. 8532 SS Science of politics. 11364 SS "AN AMERICAN" Story of Mary. 11706 F ANDERSON, Edward Playfair Best letters of Madame de Sevigne. 7242 E ANDERSON. Hans Christian Improvisitore. 7351 F (Life in Italy contrasted witn lifa in Denmark. Story of a little Roman singer). Fairy tales and stories. 10419 J Story book. 942 J Story of my life. 6217 B ANDERSON, Jerome A Drifting in dreamland. 10329 P Karma: a story of the law of cause and effect. 11788 RE Reincarnation. 8536 RE Walnut Bvco M©©4 Yard Opp. p. O. No. 1 6 Walnut Ave. J^arci and Soft TOood, ^aj/ and ^eed 2/ard (12) ANDERSON. Mrs A Maskell Children with the birds. 10986 J Children with (he fishes. 10985 J ANDERSON. Raismus B Anieriia not discovered by Columbus. 7275 H Literature of Scandinavian north. S095 EE Norse mythology. 8093 F ANDERSON. Winslow Mineral spring.s and heaiui resorts of California. 8348 R AN OR A E. Percy Vanished Emperor. 10458 F ANDREWS, Byron William MoKinley, Life and speeches of. 11574 B ANDREWS. Charles M Historical development of modern Europe. 11286 H ANDREWS. E Benjamine History of the last quarter century in the United States, 2 vols. 10080 H ANDREWS. Israel Ward Manual of the constitution. 9585 H ANDREWS. Jane Seven little sisters. 4936 J Seven little sisters prove their sis- terhood. 10517 J Stories mother nature told her chil- dren. 11177 J Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago until now. 4937 J (Good introduction to history for young readers). ANDREW'S, Samuel J Our Lord upon The earth. Life of. 11842 B ANGOT, Alfred Aurora Boreal is. 11361 S ANNANDAI-E. Charles (ed) Imperial dictionary, 4 vols. 1654 R "AN OLD BOY" Notes for boys. 336 J "AN OLD Stair Builder" New system of hand railing. 8280 A ANSTEY, F (pseud. F. A. Guthrie) Black poodle. 3059 F Giant's robe. 8960 F Statement of Stella Maberly. 9912 F Tinted Venus. 30660 F Vice. Versa; a lesson to fathers. 3058F ANTHON, William Dictionary of antiquities. 4833 R APGAR, Austin C Trees of the northern United States. 7723 S APPLET ON, D oentiai guide to the United States and (jauaaa (.western and southern Slates J. 9O50 V ARBER, Edward Pilgrim fathers. Story of (1608-1623) 1487 H ARCHER, T A Crusades. 9567 H ARGYLL, Duke of Prirue\al man. 1461 S Reign of Law. 1488 S Unity of nature. 1467 S ARlSlOiLE, Nicomochean Ethics 'i r. by Rev. R. W'. Browne. Rhetoric and poetics. 8035 EE 'ARKANSAS Traveller" (see O. P. Read). ARMSlRONG, Annie E Three bright girls. 11329 J ARMSTRONG, E Lorenzzo De Medici and Florence in the loth century. 10883 B ARMS'l RONG, Eliza Teacup club. 12012 B • .•-MSTRONG, Walter W'restling. 7544 A ARNOLD, Sir Edward Adzuma and the Japanese wife. 7740 P Indian idyls. 6734 P Japonica. 6759 H Light of Asia. 10651 P Light of the world. 6055 P Lotus and jewel. 88 P Potiphar's wife. 7042 P ARNOLD, Frederick Turning points in life. 455 E ARNOLD, Isaac N Abraham Lincoln, Life of. 1292 B ARNOLD, MATTHEW Culture and anarchy. 465 E Essays in criticism. 464 E Estimate of General Grant. 1278 B Friendship's garland. 465 E Last essays. 324 E Literature and dogma. 3047 E Poetical works of. 7952 P St. Paul and protestantism. 324 E Sweetness and light. 527 E ARNOLD, Sarah L Waymarks for teachers showing aims, principles and plans of every- day teaching. 12284 EE ARNOLD. Thomas Rome, History of. 11174 H ARNOLD, Thomas Kechever First Latin book. 8378 EE (13) Practical introduction to Latin com- position. 8383 EE ARinOT, William Illustrations of the book of Prov- erbs. 11717 RE ARTHUR, T S Bar-room at Brantley. 2115 F Buds and blossoms. 936 F Good time coming. 6415 F Home scenes. 3069 F Lessons in life. 3075 F Married life. 3067 F ~ Off-hand sketches. 3071 F Six nights with the Washingtonians. 5245 F Stories for young housekeepers. 3070 F Words for the wise. 3074 F ABJORNSEN, P C Fairj' tales from the nor.-. 12367 J ASHMONT (pseud) Dogs; their management and treat- ment in disease. 11874 A ASHMUN, J Memoir of life and character of Rev Samuel Bacon. 7383 B ATHER'iUN, Gertrude F American wives and English hus- bands. 11065 F Doomswoman. 7841 F Los Cerritos. 6949 F Whirl asunder. 9982 F ATKINS, Frederick A Moral muscle. 7280 EE ATKINSON. Edward Distribution of products. 209 SS Elementary treatise of physics. 9883 S Industrial progress of tne nation. 7612 SS Science of nutrition. 5993 S ATKINSON, James (trans) Shah Nameh of the Persian poet Firdausi. 357 P ATKINSON. Philip Elements of dynamics, electricity and magnetism. 7096 S ATKINSON. Thomas W Travels on the upper and lower Amoor. 3289 V A'lWOOD, Daniel T Atwood's country and suburban houses. 11660 A AUBREY, Frank Devil tree of the El Dorado. 10699 P AUBREY, WHS Rise and growth of the English na- tion, 3 vols. 11349 H AUDUBON, Mrs Lucy (ed) John J Audubon, Life of. 5524 B AUERBACH, Berthold Aloys. 837 F Brigitta. 1177 F Convicts and their children. 1182 F Joseph in the snow. 7474 F Lorley and Reinhard. 836 F On the heights, 2 vols. 6750 F * ISTEN, Jane (English national and social life). Emma. 6661 F Mansfield park. 64.53 F Northanger abbey. 6312 F Persuasion. 6314 F Pride and prejudice. 5826 F Sense and sensibility. 6313 F AUSTIN. Sir Alfred English lyrics. 6509 P Human tragedy. 6773 P Prince Lucifer. 6772 P Tower of Babel. 6771 P AUSTIN. Jane G (American colonial life'. Betty Alden. 10082 F (Sequel to Standish of Standish). David Alden's daughter, and other stories. 8642 F Desmond hundred. ? Dr. Le Baron and his daughters. 8643 F (Sequel to Nameless nobleman). Mrs Beauchamp Brown Nameless nobleman. 5713 F Nantucket scraps. 2233 F "A VOLUNTEER SPECIAL" Volcano under the city. 4358 H Leibbrancit Si Le'ucT'is, §t aple an b f aipcvi Groceries. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables a specialty HAY, WOOD AND GRAIN. COUNTRY PRODUCE. 10 Pacific Av. Tel. Red 85. All street cars pass the door. (14) AVERY. Elroy M Elements of natural philosophy. AYRE. Rev John Treasury of Bible knowledge. 1673R AZARIAS, Brother (pseud) Phases of thought and criticism. 7603 E BABCOCK, William C Two lost centuries of Britain. 6552 H BACKUS, Truman J (ed) Shaw's English literature. 11762 EE BACON, Alice Mabel Japanese girls and women. 7110 H Japanese interior. 11279 H BACON, Francis Essays. 315 E Essays and counsels. 10157 E R W Church, Life of. 217 E BACON, George B (compiler) Siam, the land of the white elephant. 9059 V BACxBY, Albert Morris Miss Fra umerei; a Weimar idyl. 12212 F BAILEY, Alice Ward Mark Heffron. 9732 F BAILEY, J M They all do it. 8999 F BAILEY, Philip James Angel world and other poems. 9763P Fairy tale,, the mystic, and a spirit- ual legend. 9 P Festus; a poem. 8895 P BAILLE, Joanna Dramatic works of, 3 vols. 5023 P BAILEY. William L Our own birds. 7743 S BAIN, Alex Mind and body. 1386 EE Education as a science. 1405 EE BAIN. R. Nesbet Charles XII and the collapse of the Swedish empire. 11192 B BAIRD, Charles W Huguenot emigration, Historv of. 2 vols. 6385 H Henry of Navarre and the Hu- guenots. 4167 H BAKER, George A Mrs. Hephaistus and other tales. 3182 F Bad habits of good society. 7291 EE BAKER, George M Handy speaker. 7100 P JMimic stage. 433 P Popular speaker. 7101 P Running to waste. 509 J BAKER, Gen L C United States secret service, History of. 546 H BAKER. Sir S W Cast up by the sea. 3005 F Nile tributaries of Abysinnia.3353 V Rifle and hound in Ceylon. 3006 V BAKER, W M Blessed Saint Certainty. 7959 F (Connected with His majesty, my- self). His majesty, myself. 7960 F Making of a man. 7961 F (Sequel to His majesty, myself). Mose Evans. 1140 F New Timothy. 794 F BALCH, William R James A. Garfield, Life of. 1264 B James G. Blaine, Life and public services of. 8925 General Grant, Life and services of. 171 B BALDWIN, James Book-lover (a guide to the best read- ing). 7596 EE Story of the golden age. 9339 F BALDWIN, John D Ancient America. 556 H Prehistoric nations. 559 H BALDWIN, Joseph Art of school management. 8833 EE Psychology applied to the art of teaching 7432 EE BALBSTIER, Wolcott Benefits forgot (joint author. See Kipling, R) BALFOUR, M C White sand. 10457 F BALL, J Dyer Things Chinese. 11265 H BALL, Sir Robert S Cause of an ice age. 7066 S In starry realms. 7698 S Story ol the heavens. 1434 S BALL, W W Short account of the history of mathematics. 12202 S BALLANTYNE, Archibald Lord Catharet: a political biography, 1690-1763. 12479 B BALLANTYNE, Robert Michael Erling the bold. 11790 F Fire brigade. 11668 F Freaks on the fells. 6262 F Gorilla hunters. 4815 J (15) Shifting winds; a story of the sea. 3119 F Wild man of the west. 512 F BALLANTYNE, Sergeant Experiences of a barristers life. 244 B BALLOU, M Maturin New Eldorado; a summer journey to Alaska. 5843 V Story of Malta. 7737 H Under the southern cross. 3131 V BALMES, Rev J European civilization. 4278 H BALZAC. Honore de Alcahest. 3196 F Catharine de Medici. 8773 F Cesar Birotteau. 3194 F Country doctor. 771 F Cousin Pons. 3192 F Daughter of Eve. 9420 F Duchess de Langeais. 6320 F Eugenie Grandet. 9045 F Fame and sorrow. 6318 F Magic skin. 3195 F Marriage contract. 9351 F Pere Goriot. 3191 F Seraphita. 6321 F Sons of the soil. 6.322 F Start in life. 9350 F Terragus, chief of tlie Devorants. Two young married women. 8184 F Vendetta. 6952 F Village rector. 8185 F BAMFORD, Mary E Land and water friends. 11287 J Up and down the brooks. 5439 J BANCROFT, Charles Footprints of time. 6363 F BANCROFT, Geo United States, History of (to 1789), 9 vols. 4053 H BANCROFT. Hubert Howe California interpocula. 4450 H California pastoral. 4453 H Essays and miscellany. 5854 H Alaska, Historv of (1730-1885). 4448 H Arizona and New Mexico, History of. 5848 H British Columbia, History of. 4447H California, History of, 1542-1890, 7 4435 H Central America, History of, 3 vols. vols. 4435 H Literary industries. 5855 H Mexico, History of (1516-1887), 6 vols, 4428 H Native races, 5 vols. 4420 H Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming, History of. 5850 H New Mexican states and Texas (1531- 1789), History of, 2 vols. 4434 H Northwest coast, History of, 2 vols. 4445 H Oregon, History of, 2 vols. 4449 H Popular tribunals. 4451 H Utah, History of. 4782 H Washington, Idaho and Montana (1845-1889). 5853 H BANDELIER, A F Delight makers. 6451 F (Pueblo Indians). BANGS. John Kendrick Ghosts I have met and some ethers. 11991 F Houseboat on the Styx. 9519 F Idiot. 9287 F Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica. 9135 F Pursuit of the houseboat. 10^-.! F Toppleton's client. 7806 F Water ghost and other stories. 8790F BANKS, Martha Burr Little comrade mine. 7930 F BANKS, Mary Ross Bright days in old plantation time. 9910 F BANKS. Mattie B Richard and Robin. 7789 F BANVARD. Rev John Daniel Webster. Life and character of. 159 B Court and times of George IV. 11712B BARBER, Edward C Crack shot. 11859 A Leading Gents' FURNISHERS and Hatters. 64 Pacific Ave. Opposite Hotel St. George. (16) BARHAM, R H (Thomas Ingoldsby) Ingoldsby legends. ? UARINC, Could S (see Gould. S Bar- ing) BARKER, Capt A S (U S N) Deep sea soundings. 7724 S BARKER. Charles Francis American, checker player. 7937 A BARKER. Lady Spring comedies. 765 F BARNARD. Henry (ed) Papers on Froebel's kindergarten. 7606 EE BARNEBY. W Henry Life and labor in the far, far west. 163 V BARNES' Ancient peoples. History of. 8854 H United States, Popular history of. 8905 H BARNES, James For king or country. 8908 J Midshipman Farragut. 10004 J Princetonian. 10868 J BARNES, Josiah Old inn. 507 F BARR, Amelia Beruicia. 9327 F Between two loves. 5525 F Border shepherdess. 773 Jb' Bow of orange ribbon. 4944 F Cluny McPherson. 8180 F Christopher and other stories. 9610 F Daughter of fife. 5945 F Feet of clay. 9608 F Friend Olivia. 5957 F Hallam succession. 8473 F Household of McNeil. 5958 F Knight of the nets. 9901 F Jan Vedder's wife. 5526 F Last of the Macallisters. 5527 F Lone house. 8404 F Lost silver of Briffault. 9797 F Love for an hour is love forever. 8475 F Master of his fate. 4946 F. Michael and Theodora. 7689 F Paul and Christina. 3124 F Preacher's daughter. 7692 F Prisoners of conscience. 10371 F Remember the Alamo. 11477 F Scottish sketches. 2163 F She loved a sailor. 8474 F Singer from the sea. 8181 F Sister to E&au. 9609 F Squire of sandal-side. 3165 F BARR, Robert In the midst of alarms. 10633 F Mutable many. 10539 F Tekla; a romance of love and war. 12574 F Woman intervenes. 9545 F BARRETT, Frank Admirable Lady Biddy Fane. 3229 F Kit W'yndham. 6962 F Smuggler's secret. 6984 F BARRETT, Joseph H Abraham Lincoln, Life of. 127 B BARRETT, Mary William the Silent.. 7312 B BARRIE, J M Auld licht idylls. 10425 P Edinburgh eleven. 7766 E Little minister. 7768 F Margaret Ogilvy. 10083 F Sentimental Tommy. 12348 F When a man's single. 8637 F Window in Thrums. 8636 F BARRITT. Leon (ed) All the world over. (Selections from famous American authors. 1131 L BARROW, J Mutiny of the bounty. 1131 L BARROWS, Anna (ed) Eggs; facts and fancies about them. 7117 L BARROWS, Samuel J and Isabel C Shaybacks in camp; ten sumrtters under canvas. 3146 J BARROWS. William Oregon, History of. 4283 H BARRY, Fanny Soap bubble stories. 7577 J BARRY. J (compiler) Columbus, Life of. 258 B BARRY, P Fruit garden. 9572 A BARRY, T A Men and memories of San Francisco. 274 H BARTH, Henry Travels and discoveries in north and central Africa. 3376 V BARTLETT. David W London by day and night. 5510 BARTLETT, William Facts I ought to know about the government of my country. 12009 SS BASKETT. James Newton Story of the birds. 10333 S BASTIAT, M Frederic Sophisms of protection. 11820 SS (17) BATES, Alio In the bundle of time. 7T4G F Lads love. 3145 F Pagans. 11819 F Puritans. 12547 F Talks on the study of literature. 10849 EE Talks on writing English. 10084 EE Told in the gate. 11509 F Wheel of fire. 2598 F BATES, Henry Walter Naturalist on the river Amazon. 7701 V BATES, Catherine Lee Hermit island. 6468 F BAUGHAN, Rosa Influence of the stars. 11097 S BAXLEY, H Willis Spain, History of, 2 vols. 4223 H BAXTEn, W B America and the Americans. 1226 V BAYARD, Chevalier and The Cid Heroes of history. 523 H BAYARD, James (see Taylor, Bayard) BAYLISR. Clara Kern In brook and bayou. 10499 F BAYLOR, Francis C Behind the blue ridge. 3152 F BAYLY Ada Ellen (see Lyall, Edna) BAYN, George M Galapki. 2913 F BAYNE, Peter Essays in biography and criticism, 2 vols. 5499 E Martin Luther: his life and work. 7315 B BAYNES, Herbert Dantp and his ideal. 6830 B BAZAN. Emilia Pardo Russia; people and literature. 11428H BEACOXSFIELD, B: Disraeli, Earl of Coningsby. 2812 F Contarini Fleming. 2806 P Count Aiarcos. 2805 F Endymion. 2814 F Henrietta Temple. 2808 F Infernal marriage. 2807 F Ixion in heaven. 2807 F Lothiar. 2813 F Miriam Alroy. 2807 F Rise of Iskander. 2806 F Sybil. 2810 F Tancred. 2811 F Venetia. 2809 P Vivian Grey. 2804 F Young Duke. 2805 F BEADLE, J H Undeveloped west. 3389 V BEALB, Lionel S Protoplasm; physical life and law. 7522 S BEALB, Stephen Profitable poultry keeping. 1796 A BEAMER, A Hume M. Stambuloff; a biography. 9753 B BEARD, Dan Moonlight and six feet of romance. 7127 F BEARD, J R and C (ed) Cassell's T>atin dictionary. 1670 R BEARD, D C American boys' handy book. 8308 J BEARD, James Carter Curious homes and their tenants. 10792 S BEARD, Lena and Adelia B American girls' handy book. 520 J BEATH, Robert B Grand army of the republic. History of. 4762 H BEAUGRAND, Charles Walks abroad of two young natural- ists. 8143 J ^BOUT CORSETS. m ISJ Worcester Corset C^mpanp Produces the highest type of Corsets made in America. They have been awarded over twenty gold medals and di- plomas, receiving first prize for absolute superiority of merit wherever exhibited during the past twenty-five years. T^T^^Jz^Z Samuel Leask, Seaside Store. (18) BEAUMONT, ami J. Fletcher Best plays ol. 8194 P BEAUREPAIRE. Guy de Woodman. TtiSl F BEAZLEY, C. Raymond Prince Henry, tlie navigator. 111858 John ami Selja.stian Cabot. 11R79 B BECKE. Louis Wild life in the southern seas. 11091V Pacific tales. 11982 F ''ORD. William Caliph Vothek, History of the 653 F BEECHER. Charles ESG S HOYLK. Frederick Narrative of an expelled correspond- ent. 5004 V HOYI.STON Peter John Charax es. 5599 F BR.ABOIRN, Lord Ferdinands adventures, etc. 5265 V BRACKETT. Anna C Technique of rest. 11282 S BRACKii,iT. Anna C (ed) Education of American girls. 11715EE BRACKETT. Anna C and Ida M Eliot (eds) Poetry for home and school. 4840 P BRADDON. Mary E (Mrs M E Maxwell) Christmas hirelings. 8822 F Golden calf. 2220 F Venetians. 7361 F Vixen. 6973 F When the world was younger. 11291 F BRADTvEY, Henry Goths. Story of. 4340 H BRADY. Cyrus Townsend For love of country. 11891 F BRADY". William Kedge anchor: or. Young sailor's assistant. 1689 A BRAINERD, Thomas H (Mrs Jarboe) Go forth and find. 9188 F Robert Atterbury. 9596 F BRAMBLE, Charles A A B C of mining. 11937 S BRAMHALL, Mae St John Wee ones of Japan. 8329 H BRANCH, Mary L B Kanter girls. The. 9360 J BRAND. John Popular antiquities. 5043 R BRANDE, W T Cyclopedia of science, literature and art. 1604 R BRASSEY. Lady Annie Around the world in the yacht Sun- beam. 5433 V In the trades, the tropics and the roaring forties. 5434 V One year's adventures. 11309 J BRAY. Claude King's revenge. 10023 J BREMER, Charlotte Frederika Bremer, Life and letters of. 11591 B BREMER, Frederika Home, The; strife and peace. 3112 F Presidents daughters: Nina. 3113 F BREMSTER, George New philosophy of matter. 432 S BRENNAN, Richard Pope Pius the Ninth, Life of. S395 B BREWER. E Cobham Dictionary of miracles. 1675 R Dictionary of phrase and fable. 1662R Historic note-book. 6551 R Readers' hand book. 1604 R BREWSTER, H. Pomeroy England and its rulers. 7639 H BRIDGE, Horatio Personal recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 7853 B BRIDGES. Mrs (see Mrs Forrester) BRIGGS, Charles Augustus Higher criticisms of the Hexateuch. 10972 RE BRIGHT, John American question. 213 SS Speeches in England. BRIGHT, M Samuel Pcpys, Diary of. 5 vols. 349 B BRIGHT, William Chapters of early English church history. 12480 RE BRIMLEY. George Essays of. 7439 E BRINTON, Daniel G American race. 7722 H Myths of the new world. 10381 F Races and peoples. 7720 S BRISTOL, Augusta C Poems of. 67 P BRITTON. Nathaniel Lord, and Hon. Addison Brown Illustrated flora of the United States and Canada. 3 vols. 10779 S BROCK, Mrs Garey Sunday echoes in week dav hours. 11759 RE BROCKETT, L P. and Mrs Mary C Vaughan Woman's work in the civil war. 6173 H BRODHEAD. Eva Wilder (see Mc- Glasson, Eva W BRODHEAD, L W Delaware water gap, 11801 V BRODRIBB, Grant Demosthenes, Aristotle, Plato. 622 H (23) BRONTE. Charlotte (Mrs C Nichols) Jane Eyre. 10567 F Professor. 1113 F Shirley. 9290 F BROOKE. Stopford A Tennyson; his art and relation lo modern life. 10086 E BROOKE. Charles T Invisible lodge. The. 6731 F BROOKS, Eldridge G Universalism in life and doctrine. 8766 RE BROOKS, Eldridge S Boy of the first empire. 9433 J Century work for young Americans. 8776 J Eldridge G Brooks. Life of. 8755 B Historic boys. 4200 J In No-Man's Land. 10998 J Story of the American Indian. 12170 J Story of the American sailor. 7207 J Story of the American soldier. 6900 J BROOKS. Henry M Olden time music. 7292 A BROOKS, Noah Explorers and travelers. 8017 B Fairport nine. 2183 J BROOKS, Phillips Best methods of promoting spiritual life. 10748 RE New starts in life. 10085 RE BROUGHTON, Rhoda Dear Faustina. 10540 F Mrs Bligh. 11766 F Scylla or charybdis. 9354 F BROWN, Alice Fools of nature. 3132 F BROWN, Anna Robeson. Sir Mark; a tale of the first empire. 10143 F BROWN. Edward Poultry keeping as an industry. 10356 A BROWN. E E Estimate of General Grant. 1279 B Young folks' life of Washington. 5535 J BROWN, Everit Dictionary of American politics. 11342 R BROWN, George Preston Sewer gas and its dangers. 11533 A BROWN, Helen Dawes Petrie estate. 8019 F Two college girls. 1144 F BROWN, James Baldwin Christian policy of life. 11589 RE BROWN. James Sayles Partisan politics; the evil and the remedy. 10753 SS BROWN. John Rab and his friends. 7232 F BROWN, Mary fed) Friendship's offering. 11615 L BROWN. Rebecca Warren Great events of the world. 8100 U BROWN. Thomas Serious and comical amusements 1532 A BROWN, Thomas Taxidermist's manual. 1824 A BROWN, Thurlow Temperance tales. 654 F BROWN, William H Maryland, History of. 4286 H Witty sayings of witty people. 540 L BROWNE. Francis F Bugle echoes; poems of the civil war 6442 P BROWNE, J Ross Adventures in the Apache country. 2678 V Crusoe's island. 688 J Land of Thor. 6213 S Mineral resources west of the Rocky mountains. 1754 S BROWNE. Sir Thomas Works of, 3 vols. 6651 E BROWNING, Elizabeth B Aurora Leigh. 75 P Poems of the intellect and the affec- tions. 11566 P Poetical works, 5 vols. 1370 P BROWNING, Oscar Dante; his life and writings. 6829 B Facio Cream" f or Sunburn. BIXBY'S DRUG STORE Under the Town Clock. 'M MM" for Coughs and Colds (24) Goethe; his life and writings. 6831B BUOWiMMJ. Robert Ahoiando. u773 P Blot in the, Sculcheou. 5800 P Poetical works of. 10643 P Ring and the book, 3 vols. 5982 P Selected poems of. 8900 P BR0WN1X)W, W G Sketches of rise and progress of secession. 686 H BROWXSON. O A Christianity and heathenism, 3 vols. A21-2 RE BRUCE. Charles Selections of poems and songs of the sea. 5079 P BRUCE. Philip Alexander Economic history of Virginia in the seventeenth century, 2 vols. 12142 H Plantation negro as a freeman. 7855 SS BRUNETIERE, Ferdinand Manual of the history of French lit- erature. 12560 EE BRUNNER. Arnold W Interior decorations. 7727 A BRUSH. C C Colonel's opera cloak. F BRYAN. Michael Marks and monograms of early en- gravers. 1092 R BRYAN. William S Footprints of the world's history. 10573 H BRYANT. Jacob Dessertation on the war of Troy. 5278 H BRYANT, William C Letters from the east. 466 V Letters from a traveler. 3363 V Poetical works of. 9669 P Popular history of the United States, 4 vols. 4205 H BRYCE. James American commonwealth, 2 vols. 5839 H Holy Roman empire. 7274 H Impressions of South America. 11240 H Persia, History of. 533 H BUCHANAN, Joseph R Moral pirates. 681 J BUCHANAN, Robert Come live with me. 7146 F Poems of. 8215 P BUCK. Albert Ear disease. 8712 S BUCKLE. Henry T History of civilization in England. 4215 H BUCKLEY, Arabella (Mrs Fisher) Fairy land of science. 2720 J Short history of natui'al science. 11371 S Thro magic glasses. 6406 J Winners in life's race. 5539 E BUCKLEY, C H (compiler) Plato's best thoughts. 6721 E BUCKLEY, J M Faith healing, Christian science and kindred phenomena. 893 RE BUCKLEY, Theodore Alois Great cities of the middle ages. 6421 V BUEL, J W Heroes of the dark continent. 6897"V Living world. 10574 S Manual of self help. 10868 EE Story of man. 10577 S BULL, Sara C Ole Bull, a memoir. 6356 B BULLFINCH, T Age of chivalry (E E Hale, ed) 6334 F Age of fable. (E E Hale ed). 6335 F Legends of Charlemagne. 6336 F BULWER-LYTTON, E G Alice. 8612 F (Sequel to Ernest Maltravers). Calderon, the courtier. 8608 F (Spain, Philip III). Caxtons. 8617 F Coming race. 2946 F Devereux. 8610 F (Times of Queen Anne, introducing Bolingbroke). Disowned. 8615 F Dramas and poems. 11281 P Ernest Maltravers. 8612 F (Continued in Alice). Eugene Aram. 8609 F Falkland. 8608 F Godolphin. 8619 F Harold, last of the Saxon kings. 8608 F Kenelm Chillingly. 8622 F Last days of Pompeii. 8613 F Last of the barons. 8621 F Leila. 8619 F Lucretia. 8620 F My novel, 2 vols. 8607 F (English politics). Night and morning. 8623 F Parisians. 8611 F Paul Clifford. 8618 F (25) Pausanias, the Spartan (.Greece, 5th ceuiury, B C). 8019 F Pelham. 2050 F Kienzi; the lasi of the Roman trib- unes. 8614 F Strange story. 861G F What will he do with it? 2 vols. 2057 F Zanoni. 8609 F (First French revolution. 1792). Zicci. 8617 F BULWER. Rob.. Earl of Lytton (see Owen Meredith). BUMSTEAD, S J Riversons. 6479 F BUNCE. John Thackeray Fairy tales; their origin and mean- ing. 6814 F BUNCE, Oliver Bell (Censor) Bachelor Bluff; hi«! opinions, senti- ments, etc. 11682 F BUNNELL, Lafayette Houghton Discovery of the Yosemite and the Indian war of 1851. 10361 H BUNNER. H C Jersey street and Jersey lane. 9817 F Love in old clothes, and other stories. 10715 F Made in France. 7839 F Poems of. 11152 P Rowen. second crop ."^ongs. 7680 P Short sixes. 7152 F Zodac pine and other stories. 8173 F BUNYAN. John Pilgrim's progress. 10981 F BT'RBANK. W H Photographic printing methods. 12189 A BURCH, Harriette E Stella Rae. 7167 F BURDER, William History of all religions. 4291 RE BURDETTE, Robert J Recitations and readings. 2021 P William Penn. Life of. 2001 B BURGESS. Edward (ed) Spiders of the United States. 7998 S BURGESS, John W Middle period 1817-1858. 10322 H Political .science and comparative constitutional law. 10039 SS BURNETT. Mrs Frances Hodgson Editha's burglar. 7907 J Fair barbarian. 2837 F Giovanni and the other children who have made stories. 7456 J Haworths His grace of Osmonde. 11467 F (Sequel to Lady of quality). Lady of quality. 9546 F Little Lord Fauntleroy. 11311 J Little Saint Elizabeth, etc. 11472 J Louisiana. 2835 J Pretty sister of Jose. 8961 F Sara Crewe. 5451 J Surly Tim, etc. 2838 J That lass o' Lowries. 2836 F Thro one administration. 10561 F Two little pilgrims' progress. 9361 J Vagabondia. 2834 F BURNEY, Frances (Mme F B d'Ar- blay) Cecelia. 2 vols. 2849 F Evelina. 2851 F BURNHAM, Clara Louise A great love. 11584 F Dearly bought. 5717 F Dr Latimer. 7831 F Miss Archer Archer. 10505 F Miss Bagg's secretary. 6745 F Mistress of Beech-knoll. 6659 F Next door. 7778 F No gentleman. 7779 F Sane lunatic. 9626 F Sweet clover. 9137 F Wise woman. 9417 F Young maids and old. 6460 F BURNS, Robert Poetical works of. 39 P BURR — Ecce Collum; or, parish astronomy. 2168 S BURR, Frank A and Richard J Hilton General Phil Sheridan, Life of. 6901B BIAS & TOWNE, CASH GROCERS. Feed, 6raiti, Rap, fruit and Vegecables. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Corner Pacific and Walnut avenues. Telephone Red 211 (26) BlRROrGHS, John Birds and poets. 5760 E Fresh fiehls. 493 E lnd(K)r studies. 5758 E Locusts and wild honey. 5757 E Pepaclon. 5759 E Riverby. 8793 E Signs and seasons. 5762 E Wake-robin. 5763 E Winter sunshine. 5701 E BLR'l. Mary E Literary landmarks. EE BURTON. Isabel Captain Sir Richard Burton, Life of 7909 B BUR'ION, Robert Ant'.toniy of melancholy. 6628 EE BURY, J B Later Roman empire. History of, 2 vols. 9583 H BUSCH, Dr Moritz Bismarck; some secret pages of his history. 2 vols. 12278 B BUSCH. William Non.sense songs. 9978 P BUSH. Richard J Reindeer, dogs and snowshoes. 3388 V BUTCHER. S H Some aspects of the Greek genius. 6801 EE BUTTER. Arthur .1 Baron Morbot, Memoirs of. 7260 E BUTLER, Hiram E Solar biology: a scientific method. BT'TLER. Josephine E Woman's work and woman's culture. 358 A BUTLER, Nicholas Murray Meaning of education. 11960 EE BUTLER, Samuel Hudibras. 48 P Poetical works of, 3 vols. 6627 P BUTLER. Sir William F Charles George Gordon, Life of. 6540 B BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah Boys of Greenw-ay court. 8078 J Great composers. 12492 B In the boyhood of Lincoln. 7043 J Log school house on the Columbia. 6236 J Wampum belt. 10005 J Zigzag jurneys in Acadia and New France. 2198 J Zigzag journeys in Australia. 6899 J Zigzag journeys in India. 1223 J Zigzag journeys in the Antipodes. 3397 J Zigzag journeys in the Levant. 2718J Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi. 7373 J Zigzag journeys in the White city. 8815 J BUTTS Edmund L Manual of physical drill. 11868 S BYERS, S N M Switzerland and the Swiss. 6372 H HYNNER, Edwin L Agnes Surriage. 5715 F Zachary Phips. 7584 F BYRON, George G N Jacqueline; a tale. 6169 F Poetical works of, 17 vols. 6597 P CABLE, George W Bonaventure. 3413 F Creoles of Louisiana. 4268 F Doctor Sevier. 4948 F Grandissimes. 4951 F John March, southerner. 8800 F Old Creole days. 4949 F Silent south. 200 F Strange true stories of Louisiana, 4S50 F CABOT. James Elliot R. W. Emerson, Memoir of, 2 vols. 1268 B CAHAN, A Imported bridegroom. 12356 F Yekl; a tale of the New York ghetto. 9865 F CAINE. Hall Blind brother. 8205 F Bondman. 7001 F Capt'n Davy's honeymoon. 9807 F Christian. 10645 F Deemster. 12435 F Last confession. 8205 F Manxman. 9148 F Shadow^ of a crime. 5155 F Son of Hagar. 5156 F CAIRD. Edward Hegel. 7634 B CAIRD. Mona Romance of the Moors. 7477 H Wing of Azrael. 6977 F CAJORI. Florian Teaching and history of mathematics in the United States. 5946 EE CALCRAFT, W^illiam (Public hangman in England). Recollections and life of. 4878 B CALKINE, Alonzo Opium and the opium appetite. 1544S (27) CALL, Annie Payson Power through repose. 11271 S CALVERLY, C S F.y-leaves. 4829 F CAMBRIDGE, Ada My guardian. 8681 F Not in vain. 8680 F Three Miss Kings. 8669 F CAMERON, Mrs H Lovett Bachelor's bridal. 10452 F CAMERON Vernon Lovett Across Africa. 334.5 V Cruise of the "Black Prince." 8985 V CAMPAN, Mme Jeanne L H Mario Antoinette, Private life of. 1320 B CAMPBELL, Douglas , Puritan in Holland, England and America. 7362 H Structure and development of the mosses and ferns. 10383 S CAMPBELL, Helen (pseud Mrs Helen C Weeks) American girls' book of work and play. 4939 J Household economics. 11162 A In foreign kitchens. 7617 A Miss Melinda's opportunity. Prisoners of poverty abroad. Under green apple boughs. What-to-do club. 8105 J CAMPBELL, John Travels in South Africa. CAMPBELL. Thomas Poetical works of. 44 P CANNON. Geo C Tom. 1163 J CAPES, W W Age of Antonines. 5471 H Early empire. 5472 H CAREY, Annie Wonders of common things. 260 J CAREY, Mrs M (trans and ed) Duruy's history of France. 5571 H Fairy legends of the French prov- inces. 638 J CAREY. Rosa Nouchette Aunt Diana. 4954 F 2887 J 6400SS 1081 F 5104 V Doctor Luttrell's first patient. 10488F Esther; a story for girls. 4953 F Heriot's choice. 10812 F Lover or friend. 10813 F Mary St John. 10814 Mistress of Brae farm. 9899 F Nellie's memories. 10811 F Our Bessie. 10810 F Queen's whim. 7326 F Search for Basil Lyndhurst. 10815 F Wee wifie. 7128 F CARLETON, George W Our artist in Cuba. 5935 V CARLETON, Will City ballads. 35 P City festivals. 7376 P Farm ballads. 7377 P Farm festivals. 40 P Farm legends. 7 P Rhymes of our planet. 7379 P Young folks' centennial rhymes. 9063 P CARLETON, William Traits and stories of the Irish peas- antry. 6956 F Willy Reilly. 3092 F CARLETON, A B Wonderlands of the wild west. 9052V CARLETON, Robert New purchase, or seven and one-half years in the far west, 2 vols. 5926 V CARLYLE. Alex Autobiography of. 266 B CARLYLE, Thomas Crit and misc. essays, 3 vols. 12398 E French revolution, 2 vols. 12394 H Frederick II of Prussia, 4 vols. 12386 B Heroes and hero-worship. 12396 E John Sterling. Life of. 12397 B Past and present. 5448 E Sartor resartus. 5449 E CARLYLE, Thomas (ed) Cromwell's letters and speeches. 3 vols. 12391 E CARLYLE, Thomas, and R W Emerson Correspondence of, 2 vols. 595 E A FUUi:, LIN^E OF AT TAN^I^d^'S I>RXJG STORE: (28) CARMARTHEN. Katherine Lover of the beautiful. 6842 F CARMICHABL, Sarah Poems of. 6 P CARO, E George Saml, Life of. 7248 B CARPENTER, Edward From Adam's peak to Elephanta. 12203 V CARPENTER, Esther B South country neighbors. 3172 F CARPENTER, Frank G Travels through North America with the children. 12632 J CARPENTER, William B Mesmerism and spiritualism. 5729 S Microscope and its revelations. 8701S CARPENTER, S C American speeches. 2 vols. 440 E CARR. Lucien Missouri. History of. 4281 H CARRINGTON, Henry Ab-sa-ra-ka; Wyoming opened. 877V CARROL. Lewis (pseud C L Dodgson) Alice's adventures in wonderland. 2924 J Silvie and Bruno. 6272 J Through the looking-glass. 4938 J CARRYL. Charles E Admiral's caravan. 9647 J CARTER. R. Kelso Alpha and Omega. 9095 S CARTER. N H Letters from Europe, 2 vols. 11764 V CARTER. Susan M (compiler) Art suggestions from the masters. 11408 A CARTWRIGHT. Peter Autobiography. 6914 B CARY. Alice Clovernook. 2 vols. 6994 F Clovernook children. 6995 F From year to year. 6966 J Snow berries. 7134 F CARY, Alice and Phoebe Poetir'al w^orks of. 87 P CARY. H F (trans) Dante's hell, purgatory and paradise. 49 P CASIN, Achille Phenomena and laws of heat. 278 S CASTELAR, Emilio Old Rome and new Italy. 6370 H CATHERWOOD. Mary Hartwell Old Kaskaskia. 8064 F Romance of Bollard. 4859 F Tonty, Story of. 5631 F White islander. 8010 F CAUGHEY, James "Arrows from my quiver." 4735 RE CAVENDISH, Thomas Voyages of, around the world, 1586- 1591. 3350 V CELLANl, Benvenuto Memoirs of. 10349 B CERVANTES, Saavendra Miguel de Don Quixote, 2 vols. 11409 F CHACE, A W Practical receipts. 11794 R CHACE, William Henry Day by day. 8874 RE CHADBOURNE. P A Lectures on natural history. 12527 S CHADWICK, William Daniel Defoe, Life and times of. 257B CHAFA, Mrs Sara G Napoleon Bonaparte and other poems. 3449 P CHAMBERS, Robert Cyclopedia of English literatu.e. 2 vols. 12455 R Vistages of natural history. 9272 S CHAMBERS, Robert W Ashes of empire. 12567 F Lorraine. 11895 F Maker of moons. 10089 F Red republic; a romance of the com- mune. 9541 F CHAMBLISS, Rev David Livingstone, Life and labors of. 113 B CHAMBERLAIN, N H Sphinx in Aubrey parish. 544 F CHAMBERS. Adalbert von Peter Schlemihl. 9860 F CHAMPLIN. John D Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things. 4841 R Young folks' cyclopaedia of games. 11176 R Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons, and places. 4842 R CHAMPLIN, Virginia No 13 Rue Marlot. 11594 F CHAMPNEY, Elizabeth W Howling Wolf and his trick pony. 7212 J Paddy O'Learv and his learned pig. 9377 J Three Vassar girls abroad. 1314 J in England. 2197 J in France. 5466 J at home. 3386 J — ■ in Italy. 5467 J on the Rhine. 5469 J in South America. 5468 J (29) luh Winnie. 9616 J Witch Winnie in Holland. 12621 J Witch Winnie's mystery. 9618 J Witch Winnie in Paris. 9719 J Witch Winnie at Shinnecock. 9619 J Witch Winnie in Spain. 12610 J Witch Winnie at Versailles. 9345 J CHANDLER, Bessie A Woman who failed and others. 7849F CHANEY, George Every day life and every day morals. 487 EE F Grant & Co. 1119 J CHANNING, William E Lectures on elevation of laborers. 662 B Prose works of. 6 vols. 666 E CHAPIN. Anna Alice Wonder tales from Wagner, told :or young folks. 11066 J CHAPIN. E H Humanity in the city. 731 xiE CHAPMAN. John Jay Emerson and other essays. ilSS7 E CHARCOT, J M Diseases of old age. 8721 S CHARDENAL, C A French exercises for advance! pu- pils. 11499 EE CHARLES. Cecil Honduras. 6342 V CHARLES, Mrs Elizabeth Against the stream. 6298 F Early dawn. 414 F Kitty Trevlyan, Diary of. 11738 F Martin Luther. 325 B Schonberg-Cotta family, Chroniclos of. 4956 F Victory of the vanquished, i^'yl F Winnifred Bertram. 4958 F CHASE, Jessie Anderson Three freshmen. 12555 J CHASE. Warren Life line of the lone one (aa auto- biography). 4736 B CHATEAUBRIAND, M de Martyr. 829 F CHATFIELD-TAYLOR, H C (see Tav- lor, H C Chatfield) CHAUCER Geoffrey Canterbury tales. 47 P CHAUVEAU, A Comparative anatomy of domestica- ted animals. 7080 S CHEEVER, H T Island world of the Pacific; life in the Sandwich islands. 1622 V "CHEIRO" Language of the hand. 12206 S CHENEY, Mrs Ednah D Louise May Alcott. her life, letters and journals. 6051 B Young folks' history of the civil war. 1134 J ..it; CHENEY, John Vance Out of the silence. 11967 P Thistle drift. 89 P Wood bloom. 98 P CHERBULIEZ. Victor Samuel Brohl and partner. 2991 F With fortune made. 10289 F CHESNEAU. Ernest Education of the artist. 6434 A English school of painting. 9169 A CHESTER, E Girls and w^omen. 8137 EE CHESTER. Norley Stories from Dante. 12218 F CHILD. G Chaplin Benedicte. 89T7 RE CHILD, Theodore Art and criticism. 8282 A Praise of Paris. 7618 V Spanish-American republics. 8842 H Wimples and crisping pins. 8829 A CHILDS, C W New essentials of bookkeeping. 12490 EE CHILDS. George W Recollections. 7267 E CHINIQUY, Father Priest, woman and confessional. 5421 L Iia Eonb f^eoip latere Telephone 294 Red FINE CHOCOLATES AND CREAM BON BONS. 116 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz. (30) CHITTENDEN. L A Elements of English composition. 8359 EE CHOATE, Lowell Romance of a letter. 3157 E CHOATE. Rufus Addresses and orations. 9314 E CHOPIN, Kate Bayou folk. 8344 F CHRISTY. Robert Proverbs, maxims and phrases, 2 vols. 6427 R CHIRCH. A H Colour; and elementary manual for students. 6388 A CHURCH. Alfred J Burning of Rome. 6848 F Count of the Saxon shore. 4256 F Hammer. The. 6389 F Henry V. 6782 B Story of Carthage. 4355 H Story of early Britain. 5369 H Stories from Engli.^h history. 10190 F Stories from the Greek tragedians. 2206 F Stories from Livy. 2204 H Stories from Virgil. 2102 F Roman life in the clavs of Cicero. 2203 H Two thousand years ago. 2723 F With the king at Oxford. 348 H CHURCH. A W Spenser, Life of. 1336 B CHURCH, Ella Rodman Home needle. The. 8935 A How to furnish a house. 8933 A CHURCH. Mary C Dean Church, Life and letters of. 10382 B CHURCH. R W Bacon, Life of. 217 B Beginning of the middle ages. 9375H Spenser. Life of. 6686 B CHURCH. Samuel C John Marmaduke. 10727 F CHURCHILL. Winston The celebrity: an episode. 11067 F CISNEROS. Evangelina Story of herself told bv herself. 11025 B CLARK, Cecil Little Alpine fox dog. 5040 J CLARK. Eliza Handel. 7255 B Susianna Moore. 6347 B CLARK.. Frederick T Valley of Havilah. 6965 F CLARK, Francis E Looking out on life. 7283 EE Our journey around the world. 10568V Ways and means. 8099 EE World wide endeavor, The story of. 12018 EE CLARK, Mary Cowden Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines. 2 vols. 5669 F CLARK. Edward H Building of the brain. 6729 EE Sex in education. 7030 EE CLARKE. H Butler Cid Campeador. 11883 B CLARKE. James Freeman Autobiography of. 7044 B Ideas of the apostle Paul. 267 RE Self-culture. 223 EE Ten great religions., 2 vols. 7957 RE CLARKE, John Bernard Algebra. 11577 EE CLARKE, Joseph T (trans) Von Reber's history of mediaeval art. 4267 A CLARK. Mrs Mary Lost legends of nursery songs. 5058F CLAY. Charlotte M Baby Rue. 5119 F CLAYDEN P W Samuel Rodgers, Early life of. 7251 B CLAYTON, Ellen C Female warriors. 5018 B CLEARY, Kate M Like a gallant lady. 12238 F CLEVELAND. Mary W and others Villas and farm cottages. 1792 A CLEMENS. Samuel L (see MarkTwain) CLEMENTS. Clara E Egypt, History of. 4226 H Handbook of legendary and mytho- logical art. 1773 A Outline history of painting. 1764 A Queen of the Adriatic. 8463 H CLEMENT. J (ed) Noble deeds of American women. 8940 F CLEMENT. Clara Erskine and Lau- rence Hutton Artists of the nineteenth century and their works. 10520 R CLERKE. Agnes M Astronomy, Popular history of. 1447S CLEVELAND. H W S Hints to riflemen. 8353 A CLIFFORD. Edward Father Damien de Venster: a jour- ney from Cashmere to his home in Hawaii. 5736 B I (31) CLIFFORD, Jo^sephine (pseud Mrs Jackson McCrackin) Another Juanita and other stories. 9478 F Overland tales. 9479 F CLIFFORD. Mre W K Aunt Anne. 7355 F Flash of summer. 9963 F Love letters of a worldly woman. 7236 F Mrs Keith's crime. 10654 F Wild proxy. A. 7826 F CLODD, Edward Pioneers of evolution from Thales to Huxley, with an intermediate chapter on the causes of the arrest of movement. 10384 S Primer of evolution. 9759 S Story of creation. 7307 S CLOUGH. Arthur Hugh Plutarch's lives, 5 vols. 10168 B Poems of. 8262 P COAN, Hekn Pen portraits of literary women. 1370 B COATES. Henry T (ed) Fireside encyclopaedia of poetry. 1550 R COBB. James F Off to California. 2154 J COBB. Mary L Poetical dramas. 17 P COBB. Sophia Dickinson Hillsbora farms. 11541 F COBBE. Francis Power Life of. 2 vols. 9301 B Scientific spfrit of the age COBURN. F D Swine husbandry. 9562 A COCHIN. Augustin Results of slavery. 499 H COCKTON. Henry Sylvester Sound, the somnambulist. 1095 F CODY, Sherman In the heart of the hills. 9832 F COFFIN, C C Boys of '76. 12109 J Boys of '61. 4155 J Building of the nation. 5547 H Drumbeat of the nation. 4254 H Following the tiag. 2207 H Freedom triumphant. 5842 H Marching to victory. 5548 H My days and nights on the battlefield. 2208 J Old times in the colonies. 10185 J Our new way around the world. 3268 V Itedeeming the republic. 5349 H Seat of empire. 6981 H Story of liberty. 5734 H Winning his way. 2209 J COFFIN, Charles Emmet Gist of w^hist. 9511 A COLEMAN, George Broad grins. 5107 F COLERIDGE, Edward P Plays of Euripides, 2 vols. 9777 P COLERIDGE, S T Poetical works. 94 P COLLAR, William C Beginners' Latin book. 8352 EE Practical Latin composition. 8357EE COLLIER. Jeremy Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. 11781 E COLLIER. William Francis English literature. History of. 11689H COLLINGWOOD, Harry Log of the Flying Fish. 12370 V COLLINS. W Lucas Butler. 9635 B Thucydides. Lucian, Plantus. 615 H Virgil. Illiad, Odyssey. 616 H COLLINS, Mabel Blossom and fruit. 4755 F Star sapphire. 10367 F COLLINS. Wilkie Antonina, or The fall of Rome. 2335F Armadale. 2332 F Heart and science. 9012 F Legacy of Cain. 6972 F Man and wife. 11771 F Moonstone. 8644 F New Magdalen. 6971 F J. H. ARCHIBALD, Hand=made Harness for Sale. Harness Made to Order. PADS, WHIPS, ETC. Repairing a specialty. 13 Walnut Ave.. Santa Cruz. (32) Woman in white. 9109 F COLLIS, Seplima M Woman's trip to Alaslia. 7099 V COLOMB, Capt. R Slave catcliing in the Indian ocean. 5011 V COLQUHOIN, Archiald China in transformation. 12277 H COLTMAN. Robert Chinese, The. 8685 II CO]. TON, Walter Sea and sailor. 4705 V COLVIN, Sidney Landor. Life of. 6705 B Woltman's history of painting.1760 A COMBE, Andrew Principles of physiology. 11500 S COMBE, George Constitution of man. 1518 S COMINS, Lizzie Marion Berkley. 7271 F COMPARETTI, Domenico Virgil in the middle ages. 11878 H COMPAYRE, Gabriel Pedagogy, History of. 8832 EE COMPTON, Alfred G Some common errors of speech. 11896 EE COMPTON, Herbert (comp) Particular account of the European military adventures of Hindustan. 7651 H COMPTON, Margaret Snow bird and water tiger. 9368 J CONDER, Claude Judas Maccabaeus. 5737 B Syrian Stone-lore. 7083 V CONE, Helen (ed) Pen portraits of literary women. 1999 B CONGDON, Charles Tribune essays. 448 E CONKLING, Alfred R City government in the United States. 9376 SS CONRAD, Joseph Children of the sea. 11809 F CONSCIENCE, Blanche Confessions of a society man. 9127 F CONSCIENCE, Hendrik Poor gentleman. 9038 F CONVERSE. Frank H Mystery of a diamond. 7345 F Southern seas. 7021 P Voyage to the gold coast. 7034 F CONWAY. William Martin Climbing and exploration in the Karakoram-Hlmalayas. 9315 V CON WELL, Russel H James G Blaine, Life and public ser- vices of. 5933 B COOK. Clarence (ed) Lubke's history of art, 2 vols. 4136 A COOK, Eliza New echoes and other poems. 23 P Poetical works of. 13 P COOK, James Narrative of the voyages around the world. 11738 V Voyage to the Pacific ocean, 3 vols. 5275 V COOK, Joseph Occident, The. (being Boston Mon- day lectures for 1883-4). 593 E COOK, Lady Essays on social topics. 11666 B COOK, S E Guiding lights; lives of the great and good. 2164 B COOKE, George Willis George Eliot, Life of. 173 B Ralph Waldo Emerson. Life of. 1266 B COOKE, John E Virginia, History of. 4288 H COOKE, Josiah Parsons New chemistry. The. 1388 S Principles of chemical philosophy. 1524 S COOKE, M C Fungi; their nature and u.ses. 1397S COOKE, Rose Terry Happy Dodd. 8662 F Huckleberries. 6748 F Somebody's neighbors. 8663 F Steadfast, the story of a saint and sinner. 8661 F COOLBRITH, Ina D Perfect day and other poems. 7460 P COOLIDGE, Susan Barberry bush and eight other sto- ries. 12113 J Clover. 5550 J Crosspatch. 112114 J Eyebright. 12094 J Just sixteen. 5551 J Mischief's thanksgiving. 12112 J What Katy did. 5551 J What Katy did at school. 555S J What Katy did next. 513 J COOLEY, Arnold Cyclopedia of practical receipts. 4838 R Instructions and cautions as to per- fumes and cosmetics. 1760 R (33) COOLEY, Thomas M Michigan, History of. 4287 H COOPER, Eilwood Forest culture and eucalyptus trees, 766 A COOPER, J. Fennimore Afloat and ashore. 2078 F Borderer:?. 834 F (Same as Wept of the Wish-Ton- wish) Bravo. 2079 F Chainbearer. 2069 F Crater; or, Vulcan's peak. 2072 F Deerslayer. 8293 F Home as found; sequel to Home- ward bound. 2070 F Homeward bound; a tale of the sea. 2070 F Jack Frier. 2077 F Last of the Mohicans. 8294 F Lionel Lincoln. 2075 F Mercedes of Castile. 2079 F Miles Wallingford; sequel to Afloat and ashore. 2078 F Monikins. 2065 F Pathfinder. 829.5 F Pilot. 7028 F Pioneers. 8296 F Prairie. 8292 F Precaution. 2071 F Red rover. 9446 F Redskins. 2073 F Satantoe. 2069 F Sea lions. 2077 F Spy. 10784 F Two admirals. 7030 F Water witch. 7029 F Ways of the hour. 2071 F Wept of the Wish-Ton-Wish. 2067F Wing-and-wing. 2074 F Wyandotte. 2074 F COOPER, Harriet C Short studies in botany. 8133 S COOPER, Samuel Williams Three days. 7158 F COOTE. Walter Wanderings south and east. 5015 V COPPEE, Henry Conquest of Spain, History of. 11268 H CORBIN, Mrs. Caroline Fairfield His marriage vow. 8964 F CORRELLI, Marie Ardath; the story of a dead self. 12437 F Barabbas; a dream of the world's tragedy. 8020 F Cameos. 9589 F Mighty atom. 11486 F Romance of two worlds. 10782 F Sorrows of Satan. 9998 F Soul of Lilith. 8787 F Thelma. 8030 F Vendetta. 7985 P Wormwood. 7916 F Ziska; the problem of a wicked soul. 10473 F CORNVi^ALL. William C Sound money monographs. 13637 SS CORNWALLIS, Kinahan Adrift with a vengeance. . 2974 V CORRAN, Frank Curious facts in history of insects. 1547 S COSSA, Luigi Guide to the study of political econ- omy. 11631 SS COSTELLO, F H Master Ardick Buccaneer. 10290 F COTES, Mrs Ever'ard (see Duncan, Sara Jeanette) COTES, V Cecil Two girls on a barge. 7163 F COTTERILL, James H Applied mechanics. 7436 S COTTON. Louise Palmistry. 6531 S COUBERTIN. Baron Pierre de Evolution of France under the third empire. 11326 H COUCH, T Quiller (see "Q") COUES, Elliott Key to North American birds. 1506 S COULSON, Walter J Diseases of the bladder. 8709 S 6. Klingler's Planing Mill. Corner of Vine and Park streets. All Kinds of Moulding and Mill Work, CARPENTERING AND CONTRACTING. Also Cabinet making. Repairing, Polishing and Glazing done on short notice. Also Carpet beating. Teleph one 212 Black. (34) COULTAN. Harland What may be learned from a tree. 50005 S COl'TTS. F B Money Revelation of St. Love, the divine. 12352 P COW AX, J T .To-bi;at hoys. 7396 J COWAX. John ; Soiei.ie of a new life. 8U89 S COWPER. William Poet it al works of, 3 vols. 6578 P COWFERTHWAITE, J H Money, silver and finance. 7065 SS COX, George W An introduction to the science of comparative mythologv and folk- lore. 12498 F Athenian empire. The. 5470 H Crusades. The. 5480 H Greeks and Persians. 5474 H Lives of Greek statesmen. 2 vols. 9575 B Mytholoay of the Arvan nations. 12195 F • COX, Jacob D Battle of Franklin. Tennessee. Nov. 30. 1S84. 10794 H COX, Palmer Brownies around the world. 9122 J COX. Ross Adventures on the Columbia river. 12533 V . . COX. S S Arctic sunbeams. 5730 V Isles of the Princesses. 1621 V Oriental sunbeams. 5403 V CRABB. George Mythology of all nations. 5087 F CRADDOCK, Charles Egbert (pseud Mary N Murfree) Despot of Bioomsedge Cove. 21 u7 F Down the ravine. 3110 F His vanished star. 8771 F In the clouas. 311 F In the Tennessee mountains Juggler. The. 10846 F Prophet of the Great Smoky moun- tains Story of the Keedon Bluffs. 5553 F Young mountaineers and other sto- ries. 10851 F Where the battle was fought. 3109 F CRADDOCK, Ida C Heaven of the Bible. 10583 RE CRAFT. Mal>el Clare Hawaii Nei. 12573 V CRAIG, Mary A House by the Medlar-tree. 5821 F CRAIGIE, Mrs (see John Oliver Hobbes) CRAIK, Mrs D M (see Mrs Mulock) CRAIK, Henry State in its relation to education. 6811 EE CRAIK, Henry (ed) English prose. 10090 EE CRAM, Ralph Adams Black spirits and white. 10145 F CRANE, Annie M Opportunity. 2285 F CRANE, Rev. Stephen Jesus the Christ. 8513 RE CRANE. Stephen George's mother. 9833 F Maggie, a girl of the streets. 10137F Red badge of courage. 9830 F CRANE, Walter Claims of decorative art. 7367 A CRANE, William Politics. 6716 SS CRAVEN, Mme A Veil withdrawn. 11840 F CRAWFORD, F Marion Adam Johnstone s son. 9717 F American politician. 2064 F Ca.sa Braccio, 2 vols. 9418 F Children of the king. 7583 F Cigarette maker's romance. 6066 F Corleone, 2 vols. 10772 F Doctor Claudius. 2062 F Don Orsino. 7416 F Greifenstein. 5554 F Katherine Lauderdale, 2 vols. Khaled, a tale of Arabia. 6138 F Love in idleness. 6769 F Marion Darche. 8022 F Marzio's crucifix Mr. Isaacs. 2061 F Paul Patoff. 3148 F Pietro Ghisleri. 7842 F Ralstons, 2 vols. 9097 F Roman singer. 1154 F Rose of yesterday. 10442 F Saint Ilario. 10562 F Saracinesca. 10563 F - Tale of a lonely parish.^ 2145 F Taquisara, 2 vols. 10091 F Three fates. 9622 F To leeward. 2063 F With the Immortals. 4959 F Zoroaster. 2553 F CRAWFORD, T C English life. 6963 H CRAWFORD, Oswald Sylvia Arden. 6978 F CREASY, Edward Ottoman 'lurks, History of. 12173 H CREASY, E S Fifteen decisive battles of the world. 4183 H Rise and progress of English consti- tution. 9168 H CREE. Nathan Direct legislation by the people. CREIGHTON. Mandell Age of Elizabeth. 5486 H Cardinal Woolsey. 6774 B CREMONY, John C Life among the Apaches. 155 H CRESWELL, Frank O Handrailing and stair-casing. 118U3.\ CRIMM, Matt Adventures of a fair rebel. 7527 F In Beaver cove and elsewhere. 7528 F CROCKETT. S R Bog-myrtle and peat. 10153 F Cleg Kelly, arab of the city. 10148 F Gray man. 10035 F Lad's love. 10370 F Lilac sunbonnet; a love story. 9335 F Men of moss-hags. 9334 F Sir Toady Lion. 10845 F Standard bearer. 11093 F Sticket minister and some common men. 8025 F CROKER, B M Family Likeness. 7745 F Two masters. 6465 F CROLY. George Salathiel. the immortal. 2716 F CROLY. Mrs J C Thrown on her own resotirces.7447EE CROMSE, Titus Fey Natural wealth of California. 1694 H CROSS. Mrs (see Ada Cambridge) CROSS. J G Electric shorthand dictionary. 8354EE (35) CROSS, J W George Eliot, Life of, 2 vols. 1263 B CKuSb, M E (see George Eiiot) CROUCH, Archer P Seuorita Montenar. 11068 F CRIJDEN, Alexander Complete concordance. 8458 R CRUGER, Mrs van R ( see Julien Gordon. ) CRUT'l WELL, Charles Thomas. Roman literature. History of. 10641 H CUMMINGS, C F Gordon Two happy years in Ceylon. 2 vo.s. 7801 V CUMMINS, Ella Sterling Story of the files. 10641 H CUMMINS, Maria S El Fureidis. 10093 F Lamplighter. 5707 F Mabel Vaughan. 5706 F CUNDALL, Frank Landscape and pastoral painters of Holland. 11153 B CUNNINGHAM, Henry Coerulians. The. 3138 F Hericts.. The. 6063 F Wheat and tares. 6064 F CUNNINGHAM, W Use and abuse of money. 7695 SS CUNNINGHAM, William Growth of English industry and com- merce. 12153 H Outlines of English industrial his- tory. 12177 H CURRIE, James Principles and practise of early and infant school education. 8807 EE CURRIER, Mrs Sophronia By the sea. 11534 F CURTEIS, A M Rise of the Macedonian empire. 5475 H CURTIN, Jeremiah Myths and folklore of Ireland. 11270 F IF YOU WANT^..*^.^ j*CALL ON^ Cumber, Sbingles, Sbakes, Posts, Pickets or CatI), Little Basin Lumber Co. 401-403 PACIFIC AV E., SANTA CRUZ, CAL. Mill work furnished. Telephone Red 122 (36) Myths and folktales of the Russians, western slavs and Magyars. 11154 F CURTIS, George Titknor James iUuhanan, Life of, 2 vols. ]1'482 B Cl'R'llS. tJeorge William Ars Rette Vivendi. 10735 E From the easy rhair. 7(>77 E CJoldendog. 2J44 F Howadji in Syria. 3445 V Lotus eating. 7649 V Nile notes of a howadji. 3318 V Orations and addresses. 3 vols. S241E Potipnar papers. 804 F Prue and 1. 805 F Trumps. 6300 F CURTIS, William E Venezuela, a land where it is always summer. 9588 H CURZON, George N Persia and the Persiou question, 2 vols. 7555 H Problems of the far east. Japan, Korea, China. 9305 H CUSHING, Luther S Rules of proceedure and debate. 322R CUSTER. Elizabeth B Boots and saddles. Following the Guidon. 5750 H Tenting on the plains. 11348 H CUSTINE, Marquis de Russia. Historv of. 4324 H CYR, Cornelius W Maroussia. 5962 F CZEIKA Operetta in profile. 3188 F DABNEY. Virginia (ed) Don Miff. 2905 F DAGGETT. Mrs C S Mariposilla. 10335 F DAHN, Felix Felicitas. 1174 F DAINTREY, Laura Eros. 8965 F DALE, Darley Lottie's wooing. 7986 P DANA, James Dwight Geological story briefly told. 7040 S Manual of geology. 1474 S System of minerology. 1509 S DANA, Richard Henry Two years before the mast. 2240 F DANA, Mrs William Starr How to know the wild flowers. 7856S DANE, Daniel Vengeance is mine. 6471 F DANILEVSKI, G P Princess Tarakanova. 6839 F DANIELL, Alfred Text book of the principles of physics. 9876 S DANTE, Alighieri The Vision; or, hell, purgatory and paradise. 49 P D'ANVERS, Mrs Arthur Bell (pseud N R E Bell) Elementary history of art. 11156 A DARWIN. Charles Desctnt of man, 2 vols. 1458 S Evolution in man and animals. 1464S E^xpression of the emotions. Insectivorous plants. 11153 S Journal of researches during the voy- age of H M S Beagle. 4857 V Origin of spieces. 9743 S Variation of animals and plants un- der domestication. 1478 S DASA. Philangi Swedenborg, the Buddhist. 52S7 B DAUBIGNE, J H Merle Story of the reformation. 4i'42 H DAUDET, Alphonse Artists' wives. 7189 F Belle Nivernaise and other stories. 7192 F Head of the family. 11888 F Nabob, The. 2971 F Rose and Ninette. 7188 F Port Tarascon, last adventures of Tartarin. 2982 F Tartarin of Tarascon. 7192 F (numerous sketch of the volatile and bombastic type of southern Frenchman). Tartarin on the Alps. 7190 F numerous extravaganza, burlesqu- ing the pretensions of Alpine guides and travelers). D'AUDIFFRBT, Pasquier Memoirs of Chancellor Pasquier, 3 vols. 8853 B DAUNT, Achilles Crag, glacier and avalanche. 11620 V With pack and rifle in the far south.-' west. 2900 V DAVENPORT, Benjamine R Fifty best books of the greatest auth- ors. 7136 L DAVENPORT, R A Bastile, The history of the. 11443 H DAVENPORT, William E Practical sermons. 11532 P (37) DAVIDS, C A Foley Rhys Elements of general philosophy. 10102 S DA\ IDSON, E A Drawing of carpenters and joiners. 11636 A Drawing for stonemasons. ]l()35 F Gothic stonework. G386 F Model drawing. 11703 F DAVIDSON. Thomas Education of the Greek people. 11179 EE Virgil. Works of. 11692 EE DAVIE. Oliver Nests and eggs of North American birds. 12154 S DAVIES, Thomas Preparation and mounting of micro- scopic objects. 12172 S DAVIS, Charles Elements of analytical geometry. 8387 EE DAVIS. George R City of palaces. 12444 V DAVIS, Harriet Riddle Gilbert Edgar's son. 11751 F DAVIS, J D Joseph Hardy Neesima, Sketch of the life of. DAVIS, N S Consumption; how to prevent it and how to live with it. DAVIS. Mrs R H Doctor Warrick's daughters.- 9513 F Frances Waldeaux. 15094 F DAVIS. Richard Harding About Paris. 9346 V Cuba in war time. 10444 V Cinderella and other stories. 9730 F Exiles and other stories. 8421 F Gallegher. 7931 F Kings jackal. 119D2 F Our English cousins. 8407 F Princess Aline. 9373 F Rulers of the Mediterranean. 8145 V Soldiers of fortune. 10642 F Three gringos in Venezuela and Cen- tral America. 9736 V Van Bibber and others. 7656 F West from a car window. 7366 V DAVIS, Richard Harding, and others Great streets of the world. 7805 V DAVIS, S M H Norway nights and Russian days. 3378 V DAVIS, Varina Anne Jefferson Romance of summer seas. 12208 F Veiled doctor. 9365 V DAVIS, William W Nimrod of the sea. 2675 F DAVIS, W W H El Gringo; or. New Mexico and her people. 745 V DA WE, Carlton Bride of Japan. 11412 F DAWSON, Emma Frances An itinerate house and other stories. 10095 F DAWSON, J W Fossil men and their modern repre- sentatives. 12530 S Modern science in Bible lands. 7278 S Some salient points in the science of the earth. 8671 S DAY, Lewis F Anatomy of pattern. 12181 A Nature in ornament. 12184 A Planning of ornament. 12182 A C. J. KLEIN, Watchimeikier, Je^veler and EnLgraver Diamonds, Silverware, Jewelry. Repairing and Engraving a Specialty. Factory of the American Waltham Watch Co.. WALTHAM, MASS. Agent for STEARNS BICYCLES. Ladies' and Gents* Wheels from $35 to J 34 Pacific Ave 1(38) DAY, Thomas Sanford and Merton. 2714 F DKAiN'E, William J Abraham, Life and times of. 297 B \)E BARY Fungi, mycetozoa and bacteria. 7938S 1)F CAN'DOl^LE. Alphonse Origin of cultivated plants. 5724 S DE COSTA. B F Lake George. 9091 V DFFOP:. Daniel Robinson Crusoe. 10554 J Works of. 899G F DE FOREST, J W Playing the mischief. 2427 J DE GARMO, Charles Es.-^nuials of method. 5975 EE DELACRETTELLE, Henri Lamartine and his friends. 11607 B DELANU, Ellen Douglas Katriua. 12311 J Malvern; a neighborhood story. 12295 J Successful venture. 12296 J DELAND, Margaret John Ward .preacher. 1359 F Mr Tommy Dove. etc. 7837 F Phihp and his wife. 8774 F Sidney. 5828 F Story of a child. 7449 E^E Wisdom of fools. 10439 F DELANO. Mrs Aline Life on the plains and among the diggings. 4330 V Vagrant and other tales. 6470 F DE LEON. T C and E Ledyard John Holden, unionist. 8082 F DENISON. John L Pictorial history of navy of the Uni- ted States. 4039 H DENISON. Mary A What not. 9391 F DENNIE, John Rome of today and yesterday. 8464H DENTON. William and Elizabeth Soul of things, or psychometric dis- coveries and researches. 11733 RE DEPEW, Chauncey M One hundred years of American com- merce (1795-1895), 2 vols. 10922 H Orations and after-dinner speeches. 6380 E DEPONS, F Voyage to the Spanish main in South America in 1801-4, 3 vols. 3399 V DEI'IMNt;, Guillaume Wonders of bodily strength and skill. 1423 S DE PUY, W H (ed) University of literature, 20 vols. 10825 S DE QUINCY, Thomas Autobiographic sketches. 4177 E Biographical and historical essays. 4173 E Confessions of an opium eater. 4177E Eighteenth century in scholarship and literature. 4173 E Essays in ancient history. 4172 E Essays in philosophy. 4174 E Essays on Christianity, paganism and superstition. 320 E Literary criticism. 4176 E Literary reminiscences. 4176 E Narrative and miscellaneous papers. 4175 E Politics and political economy. 4174E Romances and extravaganzas. 4275 E DESCHANEL, A Privat Elementary treatise of natural phil- osophy. 9856 S DEWEY, John Psychology. 7435 EE DEWINDT, Harry Gold fields of Alaska to Behring straits. 11374 V DEWITT, Julia How he made his fortune. 5429 J DEWITT. Madam Private life of M. Guizot. 1281 B DEXTER. Charles In memoriam, versions and idle measures. 12572 E D'HOLBACH, Baron System of nature. 1418 S DIAZ, Mrs Abby Morton Jimmy Johns. 12102 J John Spicer letters. 338 J Lucy Maria. 12307 J Polly Cologne. 12101 J DICEY. A V Intro'duction to the study of the law of the constitution. 9586 SS DICK, William B Dick's recitations. 11001 P (18 vols, bound in 6). DICKENS, Charles American notes. 8882 F Battle of life and the haunted man. 8894 F Barnaby Rudge. 2275 F Bleak House. 2274 F Child's history of England. 713 J (39) Christmas books. 2276 F David Copperfield. 8879 F Doctor Marigold's prescriptions. 8884 F Dombey and son. 1006 F Great expectations. 8885 F Hard times. 1008 F Little Dorritt. 8889 F Martin Chuzzlewit. 2273 F Mystery of Edwin Drood. 8887 F Nicholas Nickleby. 2273 F Old curiosity shop. 1008 F Oliver Twist. 1012 F Our mutual friend. 2272 F Pickwick papers. 2275 F Pictures from Italy. 1012 F Tale of two cities. 2270 F Uncommercial traveller. 1002 F DICKINSON, Anna E Ragged register of people, places and things. 2671 V What answer? 11670 F DICKINSON, Mrs Ellen King's daughters. 7459 F DICKINSON, Emily Poems of. 6507 P DICKINSON, H Howship Albuminuria. 8713 S DIEZ, Ambrose P For our boys; a collection of original literary offerings. 11600 J DILKE, Charles W Greater Britain. 8675 H Problems of Greater Britain. 6559 H DILWORTH, James A B Free banking a natural right.l0973SS DIMITRY. John (trans) Three good giants. 3185 J DISRAELI, B (see Lord Beaconsfield) DISRAELI, Isaac Amenities of literature. 576 E Calamities and quarrels of authors. 291 E Curiosities of literature, 3 vols. 577 E DITSON, Lina B Walewska. 12327 F DIXIE, Lady Florence In the land of misfortune. 5012 V DIXON, Charles Half hour recreations in natural his- tory. 6404 S DIXON, William Hepworth Her majesty's lower, 2 vols. 42o6 H DiAbOiN, Ze.ia Alien Comprehensive suoject index to uni- versal prose ticiion. 10755 R DObbON, Austin Henry Fielding, Life of. 6694 b DODDS, William Beauties of Shakespeare. 502 P DODGE, Mary A (see Gail Hamilton) DODGE, Mary Mapes Donald and Dorotliy. 9646 J Hans Brinker. 8654 J When life is young. 8808 P DODGE, Richard J Our Wild Indians. 4100 H Plains of the great west. 3393 H DODGE, Theodore A Bird's eye view of our civil war. 10493 H DOGGETT, Kate Newell (trans) Grammar of painting. 8088 R DOLBEAR, A E Matter, ether and motion. 7799 S DOLE, Charles F American citizen. 8679 SS DOLE, Nathan Haskell Score of famous composers. 8144 B DOMESTICA, Acheta Episodes of insect life. 6215 S DOMETT, Alfred It was a calm, still night. 11690 A DONALD, R Wonders of architecture. 12538 A DONALDSON, Paschal Odd-fellows text-book. 9131 E DOUBLEDAY, C W Reminiscences of Filibuster war in Nicaragua. 4357 V DONNELLY, Ignatius Atlantis, antediluvian world. 6437 S Ragnarok, age of fire and gravel 5606 S DORCHESTER, David Sign or problem in all ages. 3060RE BALL OPTICAL Co. our^d^ire^w'^h^'a^om-l ^''l^es n Specialty of fitting Glasses for ?l£.S°Padfa°Avr? COMPLICATED EYE TROUBLES. (40) DORIS, Charles Senet memoirs of Napoleon. ]L'333B D'ORSAY, Countess Clouded happiness. 2434 F IKil EN. Lizzie JVly affinity and other stories. 932 F Poems from the inner life of. 4 P DOUG ALL. L Beggars all. 9343 F Madonna of a day. 10449 F DOIGLAS, Amanda M Bethia Wray's new name. 10221 F Claudia. 8164 F Floyd Grandson's honor. 7772 F Foes of her household. 10232 F Fortunes of the Faradays. 7775 F From hand to mouth. 7774 F Heirs of Bradley house. 7170 F Her place in the world. 10874 F Home nook. 6093 F Hope mills. 7773 F In the king's country. 8415 F In tru.st. 11845 F Larry. 10893 F Modern Adam and Eve in the garden. 7776 F I^ellie Kinnard's kingdom. 6289 F Old man who lived in a shoe. 8163 F Osborne of Arrochar. 8165 F Out of the wreck. 10227 F Sherburne series Sherburne house. 7540 F Lyndell Sherburne. 10308 F Sherburne cousins. 10312 F Sherburne romance. 10309 F Mistress of Sherburne. 10310 F Stephen Dane. 6294 F Sydnie Adriance. 6290 F Whom Kathie married. 6291 F With farte against him. 11634 F Woman's inheritance. 6292 F DOUGLAS, James Traveling anecdotes through Europe. 5211 P DOUGLAS, Robert Adventures of a medical student, 3 vols. 5233 F DOUGLAS, Robert K Li Hung Chang. 9449 B DOUGLASS. Frederick Autobiography of. 4708 B China, History of. 4317 H DOW, Lorenzo Life of, 1262 B Works of. 110 V DOWDEN, Edward French literature, History of,11017EE Shakespeare, his mind and art, 399E Southey, Life of. 6679 B Studies in literature. 12199 EE DOWIE, Menie Muriel (Mrs M M Nor- man) , Crook of the bough. 12349 F Girl in the Karpathians. 7111 V Japane^9 F Patronage. 2845 F Popular tales. 2840 F EDINGER, Ludwig Structures of the central nervous system. 7120 S EDMONDS, Cyrus R Cicero s three bocks of offices. 9273 E EDWARDS. Amelia B Ballads. 675 P Night on the borders of the Black forest. 6549 V One thousand miles up the Nile. 5769 V Pharoahs. fellahs and explorers. 12520 V EDTTArcDS, M Betham Dream Charlotte. 9831 F EDWORDS, Clarence E Campfires of a nattiralist. 11377 F EGBERT, Seneca Manual of hygiene and sanitation. 11390 S EGGLESTON, EdAvard Beginners of a nation. 10044 H Dutues. 7991 F End of the world. 2682 F Faith doctor. 8670 F Mystery of Metropolisville. 2786 F Stories of great Americans. 12636 J EGGLESTON, Edward and Lillie E Seelye Brant and Red Jacket. 9836 J Montezuma. 9835 J Pocahontas. 9834 J Red Eagle. 9838 J Tecumseh. 9837 J EGGLESTON, George Gary (ed) American war ballads, 2 vols. 9099 P Strange stories from history. 2728 F FGGLESTON, George Gary and Mar- botirg. D Juggernauts. 5986 F EGGLESTON, Nathaniel H Home and its surroundings. 480 A •EGGLESTON, Thomas John Peterson, Life of. 9307 B EILOART, Mrs Elizabeth. Boy with an idea. 8109 J Curate's discipline. 2454 F (43) EISEN, Gustav Raisin industry. 6896 A ELBON, Barbara Beihseda. 892 F ELDER, Dr Dr E K Kane, Life of. Ill B ELIOT. Charles Willi;ifm American contributions to civiliza- tion, and other essays. 10795 E ELIOT, George (pseud of Mrs. M E Cross) Adam Bede. 10472 F Daniel Deronda, 2 vols. 2649 F Felix Holt. 9024 F Leaves from a note book. 476 E Middlemarch. 698 F Mill on the Floss. 2697 F Poems of. 36 P Romola. 2414 F Scenes of clerical life and Silas Marner. 3033 F Silas Marner. 2655 F ELLACOMBE, Henry N Plant lore and garden craft of Shake- speare. 10455 R ELLET. Mrs E F Court circles of the republic. 8924 L Queens of American society. 8924 B ELLIOTT, Henry W Our Arctic province. 11032 V ELLIS, Edward S From the throttle to the president's chair. 12494 J ELLIS, Edward S In the days of the pioneers. 10798 J I^st in the Rockies. 12370 J Shod with silence. 10450 J ELY, Richard T Introduction to political economy. SS French and German socialism. 9577SS Outlines of economics. SS Problems of today. SS Socialism and social reform. 8656SS EMERSON, Edward Waido Correspondence between John Ster- ling and R W Emerson. 10901 E EMERSON, Oliver Farrar English language. History of. 8783EE EMERSON, R W Essays. Letters and social aims. Miscellanies. 674 E Poems. 10167 P Representative men. 1373 E Society and solitude. 470 E EMERTON, Ephriam Introuuction to the study of the mid- dle ages. 9308 H Mediavel Europe. 11045 H ERMAN, Adolf Life in ancient Egypt. 8841 H EVANS, Augusta J (see Wilson, Mrs . A J E EVANS. Henry' Ridgely Hours with the ghosts: or. XIX cen- tury witchcraft. 11046 S EVANS, W T Esotoric Christianity, etc. 334 RE EVERETT, C C Poetry, comedy and duty. 11693 EE EVERETT, Edward George Washington. Life of. 144 B EVETTS, Basil T A New light on the Bible and Holy land. 12192 RE EWBANK, Thomas Life in Brazil. 3297 V EWING. Hugh Castle in the air. 6885 F Impart New Life, Vigor and Vitality. Eleetro Therapeatie Baths. 431 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Established 20 yrs, during which time we have cured hun- dreds of apparent- ly hopeless cases. These baths surpass all other means for restoring impaired health by eliminating effete matter and promoting activity of all the organs of the body, thus aiding nature in the recuperative process. They are particular- ly beneficial for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney trou- bles. Malarial diseases, Nervous and chronic complaints. Dr. Witney, the proprietor, is a graduate of the National College of Electro Therapeutics and applies electricity scientifically. Superfluous hair, moles, tumors and facial blemishes removed by electricity. Cup massage for improving the com- plexion and removing wrinkles. STREET CARS PASS THE DOOR. (44) EWING, Juliana H Flat n-on for a farthiag. 5830 J Great emergemy. 6812 J Jackanapes. 12098 J Jan of the windmill. 49(33 J Lob-lie-by-lhe-fire. . G81G J Mekliiors dream. 6799 J Mrs. Overtheways remembrance. 6813 J Six and sixteen. 4964 J We and tlie world. 6922 J FABER, George Stanley Origin of pagan idolatry. 3430 RE FAGG, Michael L-ife and adventures of a limb of the law. 5236 B FALCONER, Lanoe Cecilia De Noel. 6843 F FALCONER. William Mushrooms; how to grow them. 6394 A FALLOWS, Samuel Dictionary of synonyrns and anto- nyms;. 6550 R FALLOUX, Count de Writings of Madam Switchine. 950 E FARADAY, Michael Lectures on the various forces of matter. 11735 S FARMAN, Ella Cooking club of Tu Whit hollow. 7398 J FARMER, Lydia H Boys' book of famous rulers. 5534 B Girls' book of famous queens. 307 B La Fayette, Life of. 12470 B Story book of science. 9119 B FARNHAM, Eliza Woman and ht r era, 2 vols. 690 E FARRAR, F W Bible: its meaning and supremacy. 10751 RE Christ, Life of. 4839 B Early days of Christianity. 5413 RE Julian Home, a tale of college life. 8102 F Mercy and judgment. 7085 RE Seekers after God. 11340 RE Social and present day questions. 7694 SS Solomon. Life and times of. 1350 B FARROW, Edward S Military encyclopedia, 3 vols. 8551 R FARWELL, Eveline Fingers and fortunes. 6530 S FAWCETT, Edgar Conteesions of Claude. 3175 F FAWCE'lT, Henry Manual of political economy. 9175 SS FAXON, C E Beautiful ferns. 2715 S FELLOW, A Rochester Winnipeg country. 7718 V FELT ON, C C Greece, ancient and modern. 2228 H FENELON, F Adventures of Telemachus. 2677 F FENERBACH, A von Caspar Hauser, Life of. FENN, George Manville Cormorant Crag. 9677 F Haute noblesse. 6977 F In honour's cause. 10076 F Master of ceremonies. 11343 F Mynn's mystery. 7020 F FERGUSSON, James Modern styles of architecture, 2 vols. 6501 A FERN, Fanny Fern leaves. 742 F Ginger snaps. 954 F FERRL Enrico Criminal sociology. 9532 SS FERRIS, George T Great Italian and French composers. 1374 B FESSENDEN, T G Complete farmer and rural economist 1803 A FEUDGE, Fannie Roper India. 4225 H FEUILLET, Octave Romance of a poor young man. 7184F FICKES, David G Oliver G Gray, Life of. 273 B FIELD, Mrs C L Highlights. 2703 F FIELD, Eugene House, The. 9540 F Little book of profitable tales. 7055 F Little book of western verse. 7424 P Love affairs of a bibliomaniac. 9517F Second book of verse. 7735 P Songs and other verse. 12594 P With trumpet and drum. 12647 P FIELD, George Rudiments of color and coloring. 6389 SS FIELD, Henrietta Muses up to date. 12004 P FIELD, Henry M Among the holy hills. 7325 V Barbary coast, The. 8492 "V (45) Greek islands and Turkey after the war. 7344 V Our western archipelago. 9381 V Story of the Atlantic telegraph. 7609H FIELD, Kate Ten days in Spain. 1176 V FIELDE, Adele M Corner of Cathay; studies from life among the Chinese. 9184 V FIELDING. Henry Amelia. 2868 F Jaseph Andrews. 2867 F Tom Jones. 2 vols. 2865 F FIELDS, Annie Harriet Beecher Stowe, Life and let- ters of. 10872 B FIELDS. James T Yesterdays with authors. 10511 E FIGriER, Louis Human race. 1456 S Ocean world. 1540 S PrimeAal man. 1469 S Tomorrow of death. 11805 RE Vegetable world. 1438 S World before the deluge. 1481 S FILIPPINI One hundred wavs of cooking eggs. 7524 A One hundred desserts. 9716 A FINCH, Marianne An English woman's experience in America. 1625 V FINCH, Henry T Chopin and other musical essays. 11425 A Wagner and his works. 11157 B FINDLATER. Mary Over the hills. 11818 F FINLEY, John P Tornadoes. 11680 S FISH, Daniel W Complete arithmetic. 8375 EE FISHER, F C (see Christian Reid) FISHER. George P Benjamine Silliman. Life of. 2 vols. 139 B Christian church. History of the. 4838 RE FISHER, Sydney George The true Benjamine Franklin. 12576 B FISKE, Amos Kidder Myths of Israel. 10747 F FISKE, John American political ideas. 8838 SS American revolution, 2 vols. 6757 H Beginnings of New England. 10501H Civil government in tne United States. 11169 H Destiny of man. 331 RE Discovery of America, 2 vols. 7428H Excursions of an evolutionist. 1471 S Idea of God. 8313 RE Myths and myth-makers. 9796 F Old Virginia and her neighbors, 2 vols. 10845 H War of independence. 5440 H FITCH, J G Lectures on teaching. 8830 EE FITCH, Thomas and Anna Better days: or, A millionaire of to- morrow. 6883 F FITCHETT, W H Deeds that won the empire. 11912 F FITZGERALD, Percy Kings and queens of an hour, 2 vols. 5006 B FLAGG, Wilson A year among the trees. 514 E FLAMMARION. Camille Lumen. 11980 F FLANDRAU, Charles M Harvard episodes. 11980 F FLEETWOOD, John Christ, Life of. 663 B FLEMING, George (pseud Julia Fletch- er) Andromeda. 2593 F Kismet. 5675 F Truth about Clement Ker. 6881 F Vestigia. 2027 F FLEMING. Mrs J M (Alice M Kipling) Pinch back goddess. 10470 F FLEMING. William H How to study Shakespeare. 11410EE For a Nobby Suit 2:0 to L. F. STRUCKMEIER, THE TAILOR. 212 Pacific Avenue. Santa Cruz, Cal. FLETCHKR, Banister Anhitecture. History of. 11283 A FLETCHKR. V R L Gustavus Ailolphius and the struggle of protestantism for existence. 11193 B FLETCHER, Horace Happiness. 10732 RE FLE'lTHER. J C (see Fleming, George) FLETCHER. J S God's failures. 10409 F FLINT. Annie Sunbeam stories. 11917 J FLINT. Robert Vico. 7633 B FLOWER. William Henry The horse; a study in natural his- tory. 7434 A FLOWER, William Henry Fashion in deformity. 6528 S FLU GEL, Ewald Thomas Carlyle. moral and religious development. 7237 E FOBES, Walter K (ed)" Five minute declamations. 10689 P Five minute readings. 10690 P FONTAINE, Edward How the world was peopled. 9447 S FONVEILLE, W de Thunder and lightning. FOOTE. Edward B Medical common sense. FOOTE. Mary Hallock Chosen valley. 7414 F In exile and other stories. John Bodewin's testimony. Last assembly bail. 4942 F Led horse claim. 4943 F FORBES. Archibald Bari'acks, bivouacs and battl8s.6861V Camps, quarters and casual places. 9961 V Chinese Gordon. 479 B FORD. Isaac Tropical America. 7748 V FORD, Paul Leicester Hon Peter Sterling. 9810 F Prefaces, proverbs and poems of Benj FrankMn. 5968 L Story of an untold love. 10733 F True George Washington. 12631 B FORD, Mrs Sallie Rochester Grace Truman; or. Love and princi- ple. 11504 F FORD, Worthiugton American citizen's manual. 8273 SS FOREST, Julia B de Short history of art. 7287 A 277 S 11716 S 8307 F 2475 F (46) FORRESTER, Frank Fish and fishing, 2 vols. 5783 A FORRESTER, Mrs (pseud Mrs Bridges) Diana Carew. 12160 F Dolores. 12163 F Fair women. 12157 F. June. 12158 F Once again. 12159 F F Rhona. 12162 F Viva. 12161 F FORSTER, John Charles Dickens, Life of, 2 vols.133 B FORTUNE, T Thomas Black and white. 11610 F P'OSSETT, Frank Colorado. 9048 H FOSTER, J W Pre-historic races of the United States. 557 H FOSTER. R S Nature and blessedness of Christ- ianity. 10705 RE F^OTHERGILL, Jessie First violin. 10423 F From Moor Isles. 7478 F Kith and kin. 10823 F Oriole's daughter. 7817 F Probation. 1180 F Wellfields. 1181 F FOTHERGILL, J Milner Maintenance of health. 11544 S FOUILLEE, Alfred Education from a national stand- point. 11574 EE FOUQUE, De La Motte T'ndine and other tales. 7480 F FOW^LER. Frank Drawing in charcoal and cravon. 1768 A Handbook of oil painting. 1778 A FOWLER, O S Hereditary descent. 1519 S FOWLER, Thomas Locke. Life of. 6696 B FOWLER, W Warde City state of the Greeks and Romans. 9578 H Julius Caesar and foundation of Roman imperial system. 11190 B FOWLER, William W Ten years in Wall street. 8926 L FOX. John Cumberland vendetta and other sto- ries. 9505 F Kentuckians. The. 11069 F FOX, Norman Christ in the daily meal. 12326 RE (47) W ^^§^»i^V bicvcl-e: That should easily settle a choice between a Ram- bler and any other wheel, of any sort! " NAMEi QUALITY, PRICE, are what count." "YOU ARE Invited to Call and See Ramblers. WHETHER YOU INTEND TO BUY OR NOT." REPAIRING. RAMBLERS TO RENT. SUNDRIES WHITNEY BROS. I ^7 Pacific Ave. Phone 183 Black (48) FRACKEl.TON, S S Tried by fire. 8014 A FRANCll.I.ON. R E Gods and heroes. 7912 F Real queen. 2977 F FRANCIS. J G Beach rambles in search of seaside pebbles and crystals. 12528 S FRANCIS. Laurence H Schoolboys of Rookesbury. 11315 J FRANCIS. M E Duenna of a genius. 11938 F FRANCO. Harry Bankrupt stories. 5921 F FRASER. Mrs Hugh The Brown ambassador. 10456 F FRASIER, Kirtland Cyclopedia of anecdotes. 1204 R FREDERIC, Harold Copperhead. 8031 F Damnation of Theron Ware. 10003F Deserter and other stories. 12014 F Gloria mundi. 12585 F March hares. 10132 F Seth's brother's wife. 5410 F FREDUR, Thor Sketches from shady places. 5121 E FREEDLEY, E T Opportunities for industry. 4734 L FREEMAN, Mrs A M Somebody's Ned. 11664 F FREEMAN, E A General sketch of history. 4241 H Growth of the English constitution 9119 H Old English history. 10341 H Race and language. 527 H Sicily, History of, 2 vols. 9185 H Some impres.sions of the United States. 5117 V FREMONT, Jessie Benton Far west sketches. 2599 V Souvenirs of my time. 2599 B FREMONT, J C Memoirs of his life. 276 B FRENCH, A (see Thanet, Octave) FFENCH, Harry W Our boys in China. 11314 J FRENCH, W Stewart Realities of Irish life. 6968 F FREYTAG, Gu.stav Lost manuscript. 7364 F Technique of the drama. 11266 EE FRITH, Henry King Arthur and his knights. 2184F FRITH, Walter In search of quiet. 9678 F FRITH, W P Autobiography. 2 vols. 5771 B FRI 1 SCH, Heinrich Diseases of women. 8718 S FROKiSHER, John Voyage to America, 1576-8. 3350 V FROBEL. Friedrich Education of man. 610 EE FROISSART, Sir John Chronicles of England, France and Spain (1326-1400). 4244 H FROST, John Cyclopedia of eminent Christians. 7253 B Pioneer mothers of the west. 6361 B FROST, William Henry Court of King Arthur. 10119 F FROTHINGHAM, A B George Ripley, Life of. 190 B FROTHINGHAM, M L Metrical pieces. 12 P FROTHINGHAM, Richard Rise of the republic of the United States. 10618 H FROUDE, James A Bunyan, Life of. 6672 B Caesar, a sketch. 1257 B Carlyle, T; first 40 years of his life. 5844 B Carlyle, T; life in London. 5845 B Catharine Arragon, Divorce of.7850H England. History of (1529-1603), 12 vols. 4072 H English in the West Indes. 4258 V Erasmus, Life and letters of. 9157 B Oceana, or England and her colonies. 10394 H Science of history. 527 H Short studies on great subjects. 584 E FULLER, Anna One of the pilgrims. 12578 F FULLER, Andrew S Grape culturist. 1809 A Practical forestry. 9563 A Small fruit culturist. 1810 A FULLER, Henry R Chatelaine of La Trinite. 7454 F Chevalier of Pensiere-vani. 7113- F Cliff dwellers. 7922 F FULLER, Herbert i Vivian of Virginia. 11993 F FULLER, Maurice Thomas Fuller, Life and times of. 5220 B FULLER, Richard F Chaplain Fuller, Life of. 11721 B (49) FULLER, 'Ihomas Aoel Kedevivus; or. The dead yet speaking. I'dbb B FLRNEAbX, W Life in ponds and streams. Il:i73 S Out door wor.d. 8:^56 S , FURNESS, Horace Variorum ot Shakespeare, lU vols. 1687 R GABORIAU, E File No. 113. 10786 F Mystery of Orcival. y021 F Other people s money. 7054 F GAIRDNER, James Henry the Seventh. 6778 B Houses of Lancaster and York.54S3 H GAL'lON, Francis Hereditary genius. 6740 S GARDINER, Samuel R English history for schools. 9279 H Puritan revolution. 5488 H Students' history of England. 11146H Thirty years' war. 5487 H GARDNER. Alice Julian, philosopher and emperor. 11184 B GARDNER, E C Home interiors. 1813 A Illustrated homes. 6666 A GARIBALDI, G Autobiography. 11578 B GARLAND, Hamlin Ro.se of Dutcher's coolly. 9423 F Wayside courtships. 10719 F GARLAND. Hugh John Randolph. Life of, 2 vols. 141B GARNER. R L Speech of monkeys. 7861 S GARNETT, James M Beowulf, and Anglo-Saxon poem. 6212 P GARNETT, Richard Italian literature. History of. 11178 EE GARRARD, Lewis H "Wah-to-yah, the Taos trail. 1635 V GARRETT, Edward (pseud Mrs I F Mayo) At any cost. 2581 F Crooked places. 8059 F Ecjual to the occasion. 2375 F-" Gold and dross. 8061 F House by the works. 8966 V Occupations of a retired life. 80C0 F White as snow. 5996 F GASKELL, Mrs E C Cousin Phillis. 7625 F Cranford. 10096 F GATTY. Horatia Juliana H Ewing and her books. 3104 B G.AUTIER. J Usurper. The. 2015 F GAY. Mr Fables. 5128 R GAY. Sidney H James Madison. Life of. 186 B GAYE. Selina World's lumber room. 3246 J GAYLEY, Charles Mills Classic myths, illustrated. 8870 R GEIKIE, Cunningham Holy land and the Bible, 2 vols. 5991 V Hours with the Bible, 6 vols. 8408 RE New Testament hours. 8511 RE Short life of Christ. 7281 B GEIKIE. James Great ice age in North America. 1496 S GELLIE. Mary E Steven, the school-master. 5283 F GENONE. Hudor Inquirendo island. 417 F GEORGE. Henry Perplexed Philosopher, (H. Spencer.) 7738 SS Progress and poverty. 8797 SS Science of political economy. 11031 SS Social problems. 196 SS GERALD, Caroline Fitz Venetia Victrix and other poems. 6872 P A. M. FIRESTEIN, 264 Pacific Ave. New and Second Hand Furniture BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. Stoves. Ranges. Cooking Utensils, Etc. Highest price paid for goods Santa Cruz, Cal. (50) GERARD, Dorothea An arranged marriage. 9136 F Spotless reputation. 1053G F Wrong man. 9891 F GERIIAKD, William Paul Guide to sanitary house inspection. 11672 A GERl.NDO, Friar Liiie and history of, 2 vols. 5259 H GIBBON, Charles Blood money and other tales. 4760F Golden shaft. 3093 F GIBBON. Edward Decline and fall of the Roman em- pire. 3 vols. 3433 H GIBBS. Alfred S Goethe's mother. 6359 B GIBSON, John Great waterfalls, cataracts and gey- sers. 8129 \' GIBSON, William Rambles in Europe in 1839. 11850 V GIBSON. William Hamilton Camp life in the woods. 853 V Eye spy: afield with nattire among flowers and inanimate things.ll239S Sharo eyes: a rambler's calendar. 6754 S GIDDINGS, Joshua R The rebellion; its authors and causes. 4001 H GIDE, Charles Principles of political economy. 2273 SS GILBERT, Grove Lake Bonneville. 6140 V GILBERT. Humphrey Voyage to America. 3350 V GILBERT, William (ed) Memoirs of a cynic, 3 vols. 9274 B GILBERT, W S Bab ballads, with which are included songs of a Savoyard. 12223 P GILDER, Jeanette L Taken by siege. 11070 F GILDER. Richard Watson Five books of song. 8781 P GILFILLAN. George Bards of the Bible. 11837 B GILL, Wilfred Austin Edward Cracraft Lefroy: his life and poems. 10749 P GILLMAN, Henry Ha-san, a Fellah: a romance of Pal- estine. 11095 F GILMAN.. Arthur Shakespeare's morals. 11395 B GILMAN, Arthur Boston, Story of. 5628 H Rome, Story of. 4352 H Saracens, Story of. 4351 H oilman; Daniel C James. Monroe, Life of. 185 B GILMAN, Nicholas Palne Socialism and the American spirit. 7739 SS GILMAN, Parker (ed) Biart's adventures of a young nat- uralist. 1249 V GILMORE, Minnie Woman who stood between. 11727 F GILMORE, Parker Travel, war and shipwreck. 2178 "V GIRONIERE, Paul de la Twenty years in the Philippines. 5932 V GISSING, George Charles Dickens, a critical study. 11375 B Eve's ransom. 11580 F Sleeping fires. 10135 F GLADDEN, Washington Christian way. 10899 RE Cosmopolis city club. 12183 E Santa Claus on a lark. 9841 J Seven puzzling Bible books. 10858 RE Tools and the man. 7736 RE GLADSTONE, J H Michael Farraday. Life of. 270 B GLADSTONE. William E Criticism of Robert Elsmere. 4665 E Juventus' Mundi. 235 H Kin beyond the sea. 527 E GLASGOW, Ellen Phrases of an inferior planet. 12586F GLAZELBROOK, R T Laws and properties of matter.ll421S GLAZELBROOK, R T and W N Shaw Practical physics. 9872 S GLAZIER, Willard Down the great river. 7702 V Three years in Federal cavalry. 4699 V GLEIG, G R The subaltern. 5050 F GLOrVET, Jules de Woodman, The. 7681 F GNEIST, Dr Rudolfson English parliament, Historv of. 11257 H GODKIN, Edwin L Unforeseen tendencies of democracy. 11445 SS (51) GODOLPHIN, Mary Aesop's fables. »803 J Robinson Crusoe. 9522 J GOEBEL, K Outlines of classification and mor- phology of plants. 5224 S GOElHE, John W von Autobiography. 6890 B Dramatic works: Iphigenia in Tauris, Torquato Tasso, Goethe v. Berlich- ingen. (i892 P Elective affinities. GS91 E Faust; Anna Swanwick, trans. 5189 P Faust; A Hayward trans. 2909 P Travels in Italy, France and Switz- erland. G891 E Werther, Sorrows of. 6891 E WilhelmMeister's apprenticeship and travels.- 6894 E GOFF. George Paul Autobiography of a sailor boy.ll749B GOLDOS, B Perez Marianella. 1171 F GOLDSMFIH, Oliver Poems and plays of. 581 P Vicar of Wakefield. 2545 F Rasselas. 2545 F GOMME. George Laurence Ethnology in folklore. 11423 F Village community. 9564 H GOODALE. George Lincoln Physiological botany. 7700 S GOODE. Francis The better covenant. 586 RE GOODE. John M Memoirs of. 5111 B GOODLOE, Abbe Carter College girls. 9414 F GOODWIN. Christina How they Jearned housework. 8125 J GOODWIN. William Adventures of Caleb Williams. 227 F GOODYEAR, William lienry History of art. 12194 A GORDON, H L Feast of the virgins and other poems. 7056 P GORDON, H R Pontiac, chief of the Ottawas. 10657J Tecumseh, chief of the Shawonoesj. 11J75 J GORDON, John Three children of Galilee; a life of Christ ^or young people. 11071 J GORDON, Julien Diplomatic diary. 6664 F Marionettes. 7176 F Puritan pagan. 11719 F Successful man. 6410 F GORDON, Mrs Memoir of John Wilson. 263 B GORDY, Wilbur F United States history for schools. 11894 J GOSS, Warren Lee Tom Clifton. 7405 J GOSSE, Edmund Critical kit-kats. 9816 E Gossips in a library. 8153 E Gray, Life of. 6703 B History of 18th century literature. 6868 EE Modern English literature. 12003 EE On viol and flute. 9561 P Shakespeare to Pope. 9383 EE GOSSE, Philip Henry Assyria, her manners and customs. 12529 H Evenings at the microscope. 1499 S GOUBAl'X, Armand Exterior of the horse. 7058 A GOUGH, John B Atitobiography. 114 B Platform echoes. 585 E GOULD, Florence Lute Falconer. 7208 F GOC'LD, S Baring Arminell. 7004 F Bladys Siewponey. Uiil5 !■' Court royal. 12473 F Curious myths of the middle ages. 6983 F Domita. 12552 F Germany, past and present. 9571 H John Herring. 7003 F P CALL ON A MILTON Fay, DHARMAGlpI No. 58 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz, for FINE PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. UN.vL OF (52) Kiiiy alune; a story of three tires. lli>94 F Legends of patriarchs aiul prophets. 6982 F Mehalah. 7002 F Penny-come-quicks. 4748 F Germany. Story of. 4348 H GOL'LDING, F R Marooner's island. 7201 J Sapelo. 7204 J Young maix>oners on the Florida coast. 856 J COW. Alexander M Good morals and gentle manners. 8231 A GOWING. L F Five thousand miles in a sledge. 5418 V GOWER, Ronald My reminiscences. 1649 H GRAHAM, Ennis (see Molesworth. Mrs G GRAHAM, P Anderson Red Scaur. 10351 F GRAHAM, Douglas Treatise on massage. 7942 S GRAHAM, James M Son of the czar: an historical ro- mance. 11023 F GRAHAM, Mrs F Reasonable elocution. 8382 EE GRAHAME, Kenneth Golden age, The. 10541 F GRAND, Sarah Heavenly twins. 7951 F GRANT, Alexander H Christian year; thoughts in verse for Sundays. 11756 RE GRANT, James Secret dispatch. 893 F GRANT, Robert Art of living. 9490 A Bachelor's Christmas and other sto- ries. 9491 F Face to face. 2293 F Opinions of a philosopher. 11862 F GRANT, Ulysses S Personal memoirs of, 2 vols. 8953 B GRANVILLE A B Autobiography, 2 vols. 5019 B GRAS, Felix Reds of the Midi; an episode of the French revolution. 10068 F GRAY, Asa Botany of California. 11144 S Elements of botany. 12179 S Lessons in botany and vegetable physiology. 8380 S Synoptical flora of North America. 621:8 S GRAY, David Gallops. 12588 F GRAY, George L Childrens crusade. 9298 J GRAY, Maria G Thoughts on self-culture addressed to women. 5102 EE GRAY, Maxwell (pseud M G Tuttiet) A costly freak. 8320 F An innocent impostor. 7928 F Reproach of Annesley. 4020 F Ribstone pippins; a country tale. 11072 F Silence of Dean Maitland. 5959 F Sweethearts and friends. IIOIS F GREELY, A W Explorers and travelers. 8018 B Three years of Arctic service. 2 vols. 3340 V GREELEY, Horace American conflict, 2 vols. 12190 H Glances at Europe. 3398 V Recollections of a busy life. GREEN, Anna Katharine (pseud Mrs. A K G Rohlfe) Behind closed doors. 2290 F Leavenworth case. 6438 F Marked personal. 8172 F GREEN, F W Eldridge Memory and its cultivation. 11027 S GREEN, Homer Burnham Breaker. 7179 J Coal and coal mines. 5436 J GREEN, John Richard Conquest of England. 11254 H History of the English people. 5 vols. 4178 H Making of England. 11255 H Short history of the English people. 7990 H GREEN, Mrs J R Henry the Second. 6979 B GREEN, William Spotswood Among the Selkirk glaciers. 5985 V GREENWAY, Kate Book of games. 5431 J GREENE, Sarah P McLean Cape Cod folks. 2238 F Stuart and bamboo. 10805 F Vesty of the basins. 7539 F GREENWOOD, Grace (pseud Lippin- cott, Sara J) Forest tragedy. C184 F Haps and mishaps of a tour in Eu- rope. 6185 V History of my pets. 7185 J (53) New life in new lauds. 11848 V Poems of. 6186 P Queen Victoria. 1132 B GREENWOOD, James Adventures of Reuben Davidger. ."iT33 J Hatchet throwers. 5188 J GREEY. Edward Wonderfu; city of Tokio. 3305 J Young Americans in Japan. 11317 J GREG. Percy Across the Zodiac. 2 vols. 5263 F GREGORY. Olinthus Memoirs of the late John M Goode. 5111 B GREVILLE, Charles C T Greville memoirs; a journal of the reign of George IV and William IV, lSlS-1837. 1280 B GREVILLE. Henry (pseud Alice Du- rand) Cleopatra. 2735 F Zitka. 3121 F GRIBBLE, Theodore Graham Preliminary survey and estimates. 7564 S GRIFFIN. H Hewitt Athletics. 7542 A Cycles and cycling. 7541 A GRIFFIS. William Elliot Brave little Holland and what she has taught us. 8309 J Japan in history, folklore and art. 8113 H Japanese fairy world. 5976 J Mikado's empire. 3446 H Pilgrims in their three homes, En- gland. Holland and America. 11328H GRIFFITH, Arthur Chronicles of Newgate. 2884 H Wellington: his comrades. 11987 B GRIFFITH. Cecil Victory Deane. 7161 F GRIGGS, WMIliam Fac-simile of text of Hamlet. 388 R GRIMM, Herman Goethe, Life and times of. 6706 B Literature. 578 EE Michael Angelo. 2 vols. 6357 B GKlMM. James L and W K Fairy tales. 2215 J German popular tales, first series. 10117 J German popular tales, second series. 10118 J GRIMSHAW, Robert Locomotive catechism. 11732 S Steam engine catechism. 11732 S CRINDON, Leo H Phenomena of plant life. 1442 S GRISWOLD, Hattie T Home life of great authors. 10159 B GROHMAN, W A Bailie Camps in the Rockies. 4710 V GROOME, Francis H In Gypsy tents. 2894 F GROOS, Karl Play of animals. 12561 S GROSSE, Ernst Beginnings of art. 10380 A GROTE, George Greece, History of, 4 vols. 4109 H GROVE, George Dictionary of music and musicians, 4 vols., with index. 8333 R GRUISEN, A von Holiday in Iceland. 3346 V GFERBER, H A Legends of the Virgin and Christ, with special reference to literature and art. 9989 F Myths of northern lands. 11044 F Romans, Story of. 11713 H GUERNSEY, Alfred H Health at home. 8938 S Thomas Carlyle. 3238 B GUERNSEY, Lucy Ellen Lady Betty's governess. 9003 F GUHL and Koner Greeks and the Romans, Life of. 8276 H GUILD, Curtis Chat with celebrities. 10752 E GUIMPS, Roger de Pestalozzi; his life and work. 5967 B SAN LORENZO LIVKRY STABLE No. 46 Pacific Avenue, Opposite Hotel St. George. THE FINEST TURNOUTS IN THE CITY. First-class vehicles at reasonable rates, j Money saved is money earned, as I Horses boarded by the day, week or [ do not pay any commission to out- month. Telephone No. 36. i siders. A. G. ABBOTT, Proprietor. (54) GUINEY, Louise Imogen Lover's Saint Ruths and three other lales. 11988 F GllZOr, M Civilization, History of, 2 vols.4217H England, History of, 4 vols. 7216 H Frame, History of, 8 vols. 4101 H Meditations on Christianity. 372 KE Private life of. 1281 B GULSTON, A Stepney Aphrodite and other poems. 8898 P GIMMERE. Francis B Germanic origins; sttidy in primitive culture. 10163 H GUNN, Thomas B Physiology of New York boarding houses. 4738 L GUNNING, William Life history of our planet. 1472 S GT'NNISON, J W Mormons of Salt Lake, History of. 4360 H GUNSAULUS, Frank W Monk and knight, 2 vols. 6456 F GUNTER. Archibald C Baron Montez. 8007 F Florida enchantment. 12121 F Miss Dividends. 8011 F Miss Nobody of Nowhere. 10303 F Mr Barnes of New York. 10125 F Mr Potter of Texas. 7535 F Small boys in big boots. 12467 F That Frenchman. 7533 F GUTHRIE, F A (see Anstey, T) GUTTMAN, Paul Handbook of physical diagnosis. 8711 S GUY, William A Factors of an unsound mind. 1502 S GUYOT, Arnold Earth and man. 1473 S HABBERTON. John Chautauquans. 7536 F Helen's babies. 764 J Lucky lover. 7690 F Mrs. Mayburn's twins. 10626 F Some folks. 8962 F Trif and Trixy. 10730 F HAECKEL, Ernst Evolution of man, 2 vols. 1462 S History of creation, 2 vols. 1477 S HAGGARD, H Rider Allan Quartermain. 10802 F Cleopatra. 4745 F Doctor Therne. 12642 F Eric Bright-eyes. 7842 F Heart of the world. 9625 F Jess. 2816 F Joan Haste. 9607 F King Solomons mines. 2818 F Maiwas revenge. 6303 F Mr Meesons will. 2820 F Montezuma's daughter. 8174 F Nada, the lily. 7273 F People of the mist. 8792 F She. 11995 F Wizard. 10097 F HAHNEMANN. Samuel Organon of homeopathic medicine. 3254 S HAINES, T L Royal path of life. 8915 RE HALE, Edward Everett Bulfinchs age of fable. 5565 F Christmas eve and Christmas day. 5573 F Exercise, physical, mental and spirit- ual. 333 S Fall of the Stuarts. 5494 H Four and five. 7173 F Franklin and France. 4362 H George Washington, Life of. 1360 B Gone to Texas. 4983 F His level best and other stories. 4984 F How to do it. 4985 F In His name. 2190 F Man without a country. 4986 F Mrs Marriam's scholars. 4987 F (Sequel to Ten times one is ten.) My friend, the boss. 3409 F New England boyhood. 7860 B Ninety days of Europe. 6214 V Our new crusade. 5574 F Seven Spanish cities. 4992 Y Six of one by one half a dozen of the other. 4988 F Spain, Story of. 4344 H Stories of adventure. 8136 F Stories of discovery. 8116 F Stories of the sea. 8104 F Stories of the war. 8103 F Susan's escort and other stories. 10490 F Sybaris and other homes. 4989 F Sybil Knox. 7177 F Ten times one is ten. 4990 F Ups and downs. 5575 F What career. 5576 EE HALE, Gertrude Elizabeth Little flower people. 7231 J HALE. Lucretia P Peterkin papers. 707 J Peterkins, Last of the. (55) HALE, Susan Mexico, Story of. 5372 H HALES, John W Notes and essays on Shakespeare. 6874 E HALEVY, Ludovic Abbe Constantine. 9903 F (This charming tale of French love is a perpetual answer to those who hastily affirm that no pure fiction comes out of Paris.) HALIBURTON, John Rule and misrule of the English in America. 553 H HALIBURTON, Thomas C (Sam Slick) The attache, or Sam Slick in En- gland. 888 F HALL, A Wilford Problem of human life. 7997 L HALL, Bolton (ed) Who pays your taxes. 7064 SS HALL, Florence Howe Social customs. 6057 EE HALL, James The west, its commerce and naviga- tion. 11860 V Wilderness and warpath. 6205 V HALL, John Familiar talks to boys. 2166 EE HALL. Ruth In the brave days of old. 12312 J HALL, William Irrigation development. 1822 A HALLAM, Henry Constitutional history of England, 2 vols. 4161 H Introduction to literature of Europe. 4157 EE Middle ages. History of, 2 vols. 4159H View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. 12545 H HALLIWELL, J O Voyage and travels of Sir John Mainderville. 3303 V HALLOCK, C Sportsman's gazetteer. 1816 A HALSTEAD, Murat Cuba, Story of. 10917 H HAMBLEN, Herbert E Story of a Yankee boy. 12305 J HAMERLING, Robert Aspasia, 2 vols. 7352 F HAMERTON, E Golden mediocrity. 2886 F HAMERTON, P G Intellectual life. 229 E Present state of the fine arts in France. 6876 A Thoughts about art. 11402 E HAMlLiON, Gail (pseud Mary A Dodge) A new atmosphere. 6196 E Country living and country thinking. 6194 E Summer rest. 6195 E Woman's wrongs. 418 E Wool gathering. 2880 E HAMILTON, Kate M The parson's proxy. 9516 F HAMILTON, M McLeod of the Camerons. 10373 F HAMLIN, Augustus C Leisure hours among the gems. 11223 S HAMLIN, Cyrus My life and times. 9358 B HAMMOND, H L New stories from an old book. 11313J HAMMOND, Mrs J H A woman's part in a revolution. 10863 F HAMMOND, W A Doctor Grattan. 1150 F Lai. 2157 P Mr Oldmixon. 2574 F Sleep and its derangements. 7697 S HAMOUN. Leila Tragedy at Constantinople. 1172 P HANAFORD. Phoebe A Daughters of America, or women of the century. 8989 B George Peabodv, Life of. 8959 B HANNA, Sarah R Bible history. 361 RE HANNAY. George B Don Emilio Castelar. 9754 B CHARLEY'S CASH STORE Fancy and Staple Groceries. ^.i ^ri STi ^7 ni '/t7 TF.I.. RFnlVirA SANTA CRUZ, CAL. NO. \5\ .* \jfjy 208 PACmC AV. (66) Rodney, George B. 6783 B HANSON, Charles Henry Stories of the days of King Artliur. 8108 F HANSON. John Wesley (compiler) Children's speaker. 11333 P HANSON. J W A pocket cyclopaedia: brief explana- tions of religious terms as under- stood by Universalists. S765 RE Bible threatenings explained. 8505 RE Manna: a book of daily worship. 8761 RE New covenant. 2 vols. 8516 RE W H Ryder. Biography of. 8762 RE HAPGOOD, Isabel F (trans) Recollections and letters of Ernest Renan. 7104 E HARDY. A S But yet a woman. 2904 F Passe Rose. 5720 F Wind of destiny. 2895 F HARDY, Mrs A S Hall of shells. 10971 J HARDY, Lady Duffus Through cities and prairie lands. 11547 V Love affairs of some famous men. 10850 E HARDY, E J How to be happy tho married. 6393E Manners maketh a man. 346 E HARDY, Thomas Far from the madding crowd. lOOOlF Group of -noble dames. 6473 P Jude. the obscure. 9415 F Life's little ironies. 8319 F Pair of blue eyes. 10427 F Return of the native. 7963 F Tess of the D'Ubervilles. 7882 F Trumpet major. 7964 F Two on a tower. 2981 F I'^nder the greenwood tree. 10034 F Well-beloved. The. 10359 F Woodlanders. The. 2823 F HARE. Augustus J C Cities of northern and central Italy. 3 vols. 12459 V Days near Paris. 8844 V Florence. 4195 V Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia 1617 V Studies in Russia. 4194 "V Venice. 4197 V Walks in London. 4198 V "WsLlks in Paris. 8796 V Walks in Rome. 8843 V Wanderings in Spain. 4196 V HARKNESS, Albert Practical introduction to latin com- position. 8361 EE liARLAND, H C (see Luska, Sidney) HARLAN D, Marion (pseud Mrs Mary V. Terhune) , Alone. 10933 F An old field school girl. 10756 F Empty heart. 10941 F Eve s daughters. 1155 A From my youth up. 9614 F Gallant fight. 7148 F Helen Gardner's wedding day. 9613 F Hidden path. 10930 F Husbands and homes. 9729 F Jessamine. 10938 F Judith: chronicle of old Virginia. 5428 F Miriam. 10935 F Mr Wayt's wife's sister. 8167 F Moss-side. 10936 F My little love. 10940 F Nemesis. 10934 F Phemie's temptation. 9615 F Ruby's husband. 10937 F Sunny bank. 10932 F True as steel. 10939 F HARRADEN, Beatrice In varying moods. 8645 F Ships that pass in the night. 8303 P HARRIS, Amanda B Pleasant authors for young folks. 2033 J HARRIS, George Moral evolution. 9525 EE HARRIS. Joel Chandler Balaam and his master. 6284 F Daddy Jake, the runaway. 7039 J Nights with Uncle Remus. 1129 J On the plantation. 11482 F Sister Jane. 10043 F Uncle Remus and his friends. 9725 F HARRIS, John (compiler) Complete collection of voyages to all parts of the world, 2 vols.. 1748. 367 V HARRIS, Mrs M C An utter failure. 7164 F Frank Warrington. 5819 F Missy. 5577 F Perfect Adonis. 5818 F Phoebe. 889 F Richard "Vandermarck. 5705 F Rutledge. 5578 F St Philips. 5703 F Sutherlands. 5704 F HARRIS, William Hegel's logic. 6553 EE (57) HARRISON, Benjamine This country of ours. 10696 H HARRISON, Mrs Burton Anglonianiacs. SStijS F Bachelor maid. 8801 F Bric-a-brac stories. 2717 F Daughter of the south, etc. 7154 F Edehviess of the Sierras. 7418 F Enant wooing. 9344 F Good Americans. 12587 F" Son of the Old Dominion. 1199(5 F Sweet bells out of tune. 8023 F HARRISON, E S Santa Cruz county, History of. 7389H HARRISON. Frederic Meaning of history, and other his- torical pieces. 8813 H Studies in early Victorian literature. 11404 EE William the Silent. 12204 B HARRISON, James A Greece, History of. 4345 H HARRISON. John Thornhill Creation and physical structure of the earth. 6419 S HARRISON. Joseph La Ray (compiler) Cap and gown: some college verse. 1261S P HARRISON, W Jerome Chemistry of photography. 9SG3 S HARRISON, William H The humorist. 5059 L 'HARRY GRINGO" Tales for the mariners. 4700 F HART, Albert Bushnell Epochs of American history— forma- tion of the union. 9855 H Practical essays on American gov- ernment. 12013 H H.\RT, James Morgan German universities. 11_24 EE HARTE, Bret Argonauts of North Liberty. 5579 F Barker's buck and other stories. 10523 F Bell-ringer of Angels, and other sto- ries. 8814 F By shore and sedge. 718 F Clarence. 9425 F Colonel Starbottle's client and some other people. 7062 F Cressy. 5580 F Crusade of the Excelsior. 2347 F Fi-ontier stories. 2337 F Heritage of Dedlow marsh, and other stories. 5581 F In the hollow of the hills. 9426 F Luck of the Roaring camp, and other stories. 6639 F Maruja. 717 F Millionaire of Rough and Ready. 720 F Mis Skagg's husbands, and other sketches. 712 F On the frontier. 716 F Poetical works of. 80 P Protegee of Jack Hamlin's, and other stories. 8182 F Sally Dows and other stories. 7820 F Tales of the Argonauts and other sketches. 4702 F Tales of trail and town. 11347 F THE MATTER OF GLOVES. W E recognize only one test of a glove's quality and that is the satisfaction it gives the average customer in actual wear. To this test the grades mentioned below have been subjected for years and the increasing demand for them is the best evi- dence of their merit. 2-Clasp MOCHA, soft as velvet, looks like undressed kid but is much more durable. $1.00 per pair. 2-Clasp MASCOT, an excellent street glove, usually sold $1.15 per pair. a fine grade kid dress glove, perfect $1.50 per pair. heavy, durable, stylish glove, regular at $1.25. Our price, 3-Clasp ADOLFO, fitting and elegant, 2-Clasp ESKAY, a value $1.75. Our price, $1.50 per pair. SA'Nixj'Eiu i:.x:asic, se:aside: store: 100 PACIFIC AVENl'E. SANTA CRUZ. (58 Thankful Blossom; a romance of the Jerseys. 719 F Waif of the plains. 6466 F Ward of the Golden Gate. 5825 F HAKTE, Walter B Meditations in motley. 10098 B HARILEY, May Christie Carew. 894 F HARTMAN, Franz Magic, white and black. 11440 F HARIMAN, Robert Anthropoid apes. 1383 S HARTWIG, Dr G Aerial world. 1449 S Dwellers in Arctic regions. 8130 V Heroes of the Arctic regions. 8107 B Polar and tropical worlds, 2 vols. 3330 V HAR'iZLER, H B Moody in Chicago. 11778 RE HARVEY, Thomas W Elementary grammar of English lan- guage. 8372 EE HARVEY, W H Coin's financial school. 9733 SS HARWOOD, J B One false, both fair. 2975 F HASSALL, Arthur Viscount Bolingbroke, Life of.l2176B HASSAUREK. F A Four years among Spanish America. 3395 V HASTINGS, H L Guiding hand, The. 11575 ' RE HAVARD, Henry Dutch school of painting. 9112 A HAVEN, E O Rhetoric. 9067 EE HAVERGAL, Frances Ridley Poetical works of. 10508 P Swiss letters and Alpine poems. 11535 P HAVERGAL, M V G Autobiography of. 1283 B HAWEIS, H R Christ and Christianity. 329 RE HAWKINS, Sir John Voyages of, to America. 3350 V HAWTHORNE, Julian An American penman. 3190 F Beatrix Randolph. 11726 F Confessions and criticisms. 11398 F Fool of nature. 9709 F John Parmelee's curse. 11700 F Love is a spirit. 9866 F Six-cent Sams. 8083 F HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel Blithedale romance. 2896 F Dr Grimshawe's secret. 2096 F English note-books. 3364 V Ethan Brand, and other stories. 4784 F Grandfather's chair. 4965 F House of the seven gables. 12434 F Marble faun, 2 vols. 6882 F Mosses from an old manse. 6882 F 6882 F Our old home. 961 F Passages from American note-books. 1627 V Passages from French and Italian note-books. 3338 V Scarlet letter. 12433 F Tanglewood tales. 4965 F True stories from history. 4966 F Twice-told tales. 734 F Wonderbook. 10566 F HAY. John Bread-winners; a social study, Cleve- land, Ohio. 7481 F HAY. John Castilian days. 1087 V Poems of. 5777 P HAY. John, and John G Nicolay Abraham Lincoln, 10 vols. 6010 H HAY, Mary Cecil Old Middleton's money. 7018 F Victor and vanquished. 6942 F HAY. Mrs W Y Adventures of Prince Lazy-bones. 879 J HAYDN Universal index of biography relat- ing to all ages and nations. 1672 R HAYES, Henry (see Kirk, Ellen Olney) HAYES, I I Land of desolation. 3327 V Open polar sea. 3322 V HAYS, John Poems of. 5777 P HAYWARD, Jane Mary Bird notes. 11438 S HAZARD, Rowland G Essays on language. 6377 EE Freedom of the mind in willing. 3453 EE HAZLITT. William Mary and Charles Lamb. 157 B Miscellaneous works of, 5 vols.l2447B Napoleon. Life of. 3 vols. 1321 B HEADLAM. Walter Fifty poems of Meleager. 6068 P HEADLBY, J T Achievements of Stanley. 3354 V Career of P H Sheridan. 1339 B (59) Farragut and our naval commanders. 4390 B Napoleon and his marshalls, 2 vols. 6903 B Oliver Cromwell, Life of. 6222 B HEADLEY. P C Campaigns and life of U S Grant. 5372 H Empress Josephine, Life of. 10630 B HEARN, Lafcadio Chita; a memory of Last Island. 7072 F Exotics and retrospectives. 12553 E Gleanings from Buddha fields.ll492V Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan, 2 vols. 8794 V Kokoro. 9592 V Out of the' east. 10133 V Stray leaves from stray literature. 11220 EE Two years in the French West Indes. 7086 V HEARN. William Edward Aryan household. 9760 H HEAVEN, Louise P Chata and Chinita. 5546 F HEBER, Reginald Jeremy Taylor. Life of the Right Reverend, 2 vols. 5109 B HECTOR, Mrs F A (see Alexander, Mrs) HEDGE, Frederic Henry Hours with German classics. 12472 EE HEILPRIN, Angelo Animal life of our seashore. 7699 S Arctic problem. 8533 V Distribution of animals. 5723 S HEIMBURG, U Her only brother. 7150 F Penniless girl Two daughters of one race. 9025 F HEINE. Heinrich Poems and ballads. 97 P Travel pictures. 9183 E HELMHOLTZ. Herman Sensations of tone. 7731 A HELPER. Hinton R Impending crisis. 429 H HELPS. Arthur Friends in council, 2 vols. 749 E Leaves from journal of our life in Highlands. 8508 V llEMANS, Mrs Poetical works of, 2 vols. 50 P HENDERSON, Howard Practical hints on camping. 6395 A HENDERSON, Marc Song of Milkanwatha. 7314 P HENDERSON, Peter Gardening for profit. 6387 A Handbook of plants. 7078 R HENDERSON, W J Afloat with the flag. 9382 J Sea yarns for boys. 9340 J HENDERSON, W J How music developed. 12591 A Preludes and studies. 7290 A What is good music. 11016 A HENNEQUIN. Alfred Art of play writing. 12471 EE HENNIKER. Florence In scarlet and grey. 9991 F HENRY, George '89. 9008 F HENSLOW. George Origin of floral structures. 11363 S HENTY, G A Beric. the Britain. 7807 F Boy knight. 11324 F By England's aid. 6908 F By pike and dyke. 6909 F By right of conquest. 7808 F By sheer pluck. 11323 F Captain Bayley's heir. 10421 F Condemned as a nihilist. 7393 F Cornet of horse. 11318 F Dash for Khartoum. Final reckoning. 10414 F For name and fame. 7809 F Held fast for England. 7391 F In freedom's cause. 7394 F In Greek waters. 7810 F In the reign of terror. 6912 F In times of peril. 11321 F Jack Archer. 2219 F Jacobite exile. 8002 F VHY NOT TRY THE DO VOU KAT? GrEM RESTAURANT. Where you can get as good a meal for 10 cents And upwards as you will get for 25c elsewhere. Please give us a call. 262 Pacific Ave. Oppo.site Presbyterian Church. 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History of the, 4 vols. 4211 H (Edited by Rawlin.->: Stampin;; and Embroidery done to order Materials of All Kinds FA j.» J. t n AND FOR or Artists Use^ embroidery ISO Pacific Avenue fUp Stairs SANT\ CRIZ. CAL. (82) MERIWETHER, Lee Afloat and ashore on the Mediterra- nean. 7450 V Tramp at home. 7296 V Tramp trip. How to see Europe on fifty cents a day. 1618 V MERM.AII) SERIES I— Best plays of Christopher Mar- lowe, edited by Havelock Ellis. 8186 P II. Thomas Otway, edited by Roden Noel. 8187 P III. John Ford, edited by Havelock Ellis. 8188 P IV-V. Philip Massinger, ed- ited by Arthur Symonds. 8189 P VI. Thomas Heywood, edited by A W Verity. 8191 P VII. William Wycherley, ed- ited by W C Ward. 8192 P VIII. — — Nero and other plays, ed- ited by H P Home, etc. 8193 P IX and X. Beaumont and Fletcher ,by J St Loe Strachey. 8194 P XI. William Congreve. edit- ed by Alex C Ewald. 8196 P XII. Webster and Tourneur, by J A Symond. 8187 P XIII and XIV. Thomas Mrd- dleton, by A C Swinburne. 8198 P XIV. James Shirley, by Ed- mund Gosse. 8200 P XVI. Thomas Dekker, by Ernest Rhys. 8201 P XVTI, XVITT and XIX. Ben Jonson. by Brinsley, etc. 8202 P MERRIAM. C Hart (ed) Hawks and owls of the United States. 779.5 S MERRIAM. Florence Birds through an opera glass. 5435 S Birds of village and field. 11330 S Birding on a bronco. 10100 S MERRIAM, George S Samuel Bowles, Life and times of. 1255 B MERRIAM. Henry Seton In Kedar's tents. 10717 P Phantom future. 11418 F The sowers. 10558 F MERRIMAN. 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Olive Thorne Bird lover in the west. 8312 S Bird ways. 7038 S In nesting time. 7036 S Little brothers of the air. 7037 S Little folks in feathers and fur. 7035 J m) Our home pets. 8660 S Mii>i^b, vvetiiey ijog m htaitn and disease. 7525 A Jews, i^isiory of the. 4125 H JLaiiu Ciinbuauuy, 3 vols. 10590 H MlLr>sE, I' laiices ivl A cottage gray. 938G P For to-day poems. 6288 P Heliotrope; a San Francisco idyl of twenty-tive years ago. lli)5b t' MILNE, John Earthquakes and other earth move- ments. 7715 S MILNER, Thomas Isaac Watts, Life of. 259 B MILTON, John Poetical works of, 2 vols. 32 P MINES, John F Tour around New York. 7622 V MINSHULL, J (trans) Creator's wonders in living nature. 4834 S Gods glorious creation, or marvels of the earth, sea and sky. 4835 S MINTO, William Daniel Defoe, Life of. 6689 BF MITCHEL, O M Planetary and stellar worlds. 6722 S MITCHELL, Donald G (Ik Marvel) Bound together. 1138 E Dream life. 9633 E English lands, letters and kings, 4 vols. 10724 EE My farm at Edge^'ood. 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Mrs L S (pseud of Ennis Graham) Little Miss Peggy. 3137 J Nurse Heather-Dale's story. 6790 F Third Miss St Quentin. 4853 F MOLL, Albert Hypnotism. 7437 S MOLLETT, J W An illustrated dictionary of art and archaeology. 12500 R MOLTKE. Count H von Franco-German war, 1870-1871. 11238 II MOMBERT, J J Charles the Great, A history of.l258H MOMMSEN, Theodor Provinces of the Roman empire, 2 vols. 9151 H • Rome, History of. 5 vols. 9427 H MONCREIFF, Frederick The X jewel. 9631 F MONNIER. Marc Wonders of Pompeii. 11173 L MONROE. Lewis R Manual of phvsical and vocal train- ing. 11785 S MONROE, Lewis R (ed) Public and parlor readings. Dialogues and dramas. 9908 P Humorous. 9909 P Miscellaneous. 99096 P Young folks' readings. 9907 P MONTAIGNE, M E de Essays of. 489 E JOHN BRAZER, BOOKS, FINE STATIONERY And Santa Cruz Views. Under the Town Clock. Santa Cruz. (84) iMONTBARD, G Among the Moors; sketches of ori- ental life. 12481 H MONTEIRO, Joachim Angola and the river Congo. 3301 V MONiGOMERY, Walter Boys of the Sierras. 5680 J MOJNTRESOR, F F At the Cross-roads. 10900 F The one who looked on. 10134 F MOOUEY, Martha L Alan Ihorne. 5522 F MOOUY, Helen Watterson The unquiet sex. 11921 E MOOR, C R Memorial of Sumner Ellis. 8759 B MOORE, Charles L Book of day dreams. 7642 P MOORE, Francis C How to build a home. 10799 A MOORE, Frank Civil war in song and story. 9392 L Rebellion record, 3 vols. 4017 H Women of the war. 115 B MOORE, James Kilpatrick and our cavalry. 8949 B MOORE, Joseph W Picturesque Washington. 6898 V MOORE, R Universal assistant and complete • mechanic. 11872 R MOORE, Thomas Ireland, Histor of, 2 vols. 4163 H Poetical works of. 8422 P Travels of an Irish gentleman. 6231V MOOREHEAD, Warren R Wanneta, the Sioux. 5961 F MORANT, G F Poultry for profit. 11399 A MORE, George H Treason of Charles Lee. 101 H MOREY, William C Outlines of Roman law. 9565 H MORFILL, W R Russia, Story of. 9182 H MORGAN, Appleton Digesta Shakespeareana. 7970 R Shakespeare in fact and in criticism. 661 E MORGAN, C Lloyd Psychology for teachers. 10357 EE MORGAN, Horace H Historical World's Columbian Ex- position. 9063 H MORGAN, Lady O'Briens and O'Flahertys, 2 vols. 3052 F MORGAN, T J Educational mosaics; a collection of thoughts bearing on the educational questions of the day. 4858 EE MORIER, James Abel Allnutt. 2763 F Ayesha. 2762 F Hajji Baba of Ispahan. 2764 F Mirza. 2765 F Zahrab, the hostage. 2761 F MORISON, James Cotter Gibbon, Life of. 6695 B Macaulay, Life of. 6702 B Saint Bernard, Life and times of. 6865 B MORLEY, Henry (ed) Early prose romances. 6326 F English prose writings of John Mil- ton. 11411 F MORLEY, John Critical miscellanies, 3 vols. 11225 E Edmund Burke, Life of. 6676 B Richard Cobden, 2 vols. 12144 B Voltaire, Life of. 1357 B Walpole, Life of. 6781 B MORLEY, Margaret W^arner Song of life. 7641 MORRIS, Charles Aryan race; its origin and achieve- ments. 10569 H Civilization, 2 vols. 11392 H MORRIS, Charles (ed) Half-hours of American history, 2 vols. 11392 H MORRIS, E E ♦ Age of Anne. 5490 H Early Hanoverians. 4416 H MOORE, George Impressions and opinions. 11373 E MORRIS, George S Kant's critique of pure reason. 8086EE MORRIS. Harrison S Tales from ten poets. 3 vols. 7684 F MORRIS, Lewis Epic of Hades. 9542 P W^orks of. 9547 P MORRIS, Mowbray Montrose. 6784 B MORRIS, William Earthly paradise, 3 vols. 8212 P Lovers of Gudrom. 7116 P News from nowhere. S238 F Socialism; its growth and outcome. 9160 SS Story of glittering plain, etc.7174 F MORRIS, William O'C French revolution and first empire. 5492 H (85) MORRISON, W Douglas Female offender. 10036 SS Jews under Roman rule. 9117 H Juvenile offenders. 10112 SS MORROW, John T Arithmetic of magnetism and elec- tricity. 9878 S MORSE, Edward S Japanese homes and their surround- ings. 3039 H MORSE, John T Jr John Adams. 177 B John Quincj' Adams. 178 B Oliver Wendell Holmes, Life and letters of. 9740 B Thomas Jefferson, 179 B MORSE, Lucy G Chuzzles, The. 5635 J MORTON, Mary A Abbie Saunders; story of pioneer days in Minnesota. 8403 B MORTON, Samuel, Types of mankind. 1450 S MOSBY, John S My reminiscences. 4409 H MOSCHELES. Felix Letters of Felix Mendelssohn. 6360E M03ENTHAL, Julius Ostriches and ostrich farming.5016 A MOSES. Bernard Democracy and social growth in America. 12557 SS Establishment of Spanish rule in America. 12558 SS MOTLEY, John L John Barneveld, Life of, 2 vols. 103B Rise of the Dutch republic, 3 vols. 4022 H United Netherlands, History of. 5344 H MOTT, E H Pike county folks. 3086 F MOTTELAY and Copeland (ed) Soldier in our Civil war, 2 vols. 7469 H MOULTON. Louise Chandler Lazy tours in Spain and elsewhere. 10364 V MOrLTON, Richard G Ancient classical drama. 6071 EE Shakespeare as a dramatic artist. 10158 EE MOZOOMDAR. P C Oriental Christ. The. 6725 RE MOXOM. Philip Stafford Religion of hope. 10408 RE MUOGE. Theodore Afraza. 962 F MLHLBACH. L (p.seud of Mrs C M Mundt) Andreas Hofer. 2617 F Berlin and Sans-souci. 2620 F Daughter of an empress. tia61 F Empress Josephine. :i6l3 F Frederick the Great and his court. 2610 F Frederick the Great and his family 4818 F Goethe and Schiller. 2G1G F Henry the Eighth and his court. 4774 F Joseph the Second and his court. 2608 F lyouise of Prussia. 2014 F Marie Antoinette and her son. 2607F Merchant of Berlin. 2621 F Mohammed All and his house. 2606F Napoleon and Blucher. 2618 F Old Fritz and the new era. 2619 F Prince Eugene and his times. 2615F Queen Hortense. 2612 F MTHR, John Mountains of California. • 9280 V MT'LFORD, Prentice Your forces and how to use them. 7124 E MULLER, Donizetti T>inks from broken chains. 8789' F MULLER, F Max Auld lang syne. 11902 E Biographies of words, etc. 515 EE Memories; a story of German love. 7804 F Science of language. 2 vols. 1493 EE Science of thought, 2 vols. 7233 E MRS MULOCK (pseud of Mrs Dinal M Craik) Agatha's husband. 2464 F Brave lady. 2310 F Christian's mistake. 10703 F Hannah. 2309 F Head of the family. 2463 F John Halifax, gentleman. 9108 P Life for a life. 5297 F Miss Tommy. 2213 F Mistress and maid. 5300 F My mother and I. 5301 P BIXBY & OTTO, THE SHOE MEN. Repaining INeatly Done. 175 PACIFIC AVENUE. (86) Noble life. 6298 F berujous out or church. 6381 RE Woiuans moughis about woman. 5925 E Young Mrs Jardine. 63o5 F MUNDT, Mrs C M (.see Muhlbach, L) ,ML i>ui:.n, 1 ueodore i On the threshold. 7240 EE .ML N HUE, James P Educational Ideal. 9758 EE M UN ROE, Kirk At war wiUi Pontiac. 8509 J Cab and caboose. 7767 J Flamingo feather. 3416 J Golden days of '49. 5426 J Ready rangers. 11934 J Under orders. 11731 J Wakulla. 2727 J White conquerors. 8005 J With Crockett and Bowie. 10738 J MUNSON, James E Complete phonographer. 11163 EE MURDOCK, Haruld Reconstruction of Europe. 9536 H MURFREE, Fannie N D Felicia. 8547 F MURFREE, M N (see Craddock, Charles Egbert) MURRAY, Alexander Manual of mythology. 6732 F MURRAY, Amelia Letters from United States and Can- ada. 3271 V MURRAY, David Japan, Story of. 8488 H MURRAY, David Christie Aunt Rachel. 8646 F He fell among thieves. 6840 F In direst peril. 8162 F Martyred fool. 9374 F Schwartz. 6770 F Weaker vessel. 6769 F MURRAY, George Introduction to the study of sea- weeds. 12222 S MURRAY, Gilbert Ancient Greek literature. History of. 10376 EE MURRAY, Hugh Encyclopedia of all nations, 2 vols. 9454 R MURRAY, John Autobiography. 8767 B MURREY, Thomas J Salads and sauces. 9769 A MUSICK, John R Columbia. 5717 F Estevan. 7520 F Pocohontas. 7521 F hit AUgusLine. "ibiH F MYERS, F W H Essays — Classical. 9581 E Wordsworth, Lite of. 6700 B MYERb, P V N Outlines of mediaeval and modern history. 8217 H MYERS, Sarah A (trans) Martin's natural history, 1501 S MYRICK, Herbert Sugar; a new and profitable industry. 10332 A NADAILLAC, Marquis de Prehistoric America. 7725 H NAEGELI, Carl and S Schwendeuer Microscope in theory and practise. 7092 S NANSEN, Fridtjof Farthest north, 2 vols. 10345 V First crossing of Greenland. 10311 V NANSON, Charles Henry Wanderings of Aeneas and the founding of Rome. 8124 F NAPHEGJI, G M D Ghardaia; adventure in oasis of Sa- hara. 3267 V NASH, H S Genesis of the social conscience. 10750 RE NEAL, John An autobiography. 945 B NEEDELL, Mrs John H Julian Karslake's secret. 4752 F Noel Chetwynd's fall. 7171 F NEELE, Henry Romance of history; England. 4411H France. 4410 H India. 4413 H Italy. 4412 H Spain. 4414 H NEELY Parliament of religions. 8073 RE NERUIS, John L China and the Chinese. 3333 H NESBIT, M L Grammaiiand, or grammar in fun. 8118 J NEWCOME, S P Pleasant pages for young people. 941 J NEWELL, C M Kamehameha. 2575 F NEWELL, Mrs Harriet Life and writings of. 9341 B NEWELL, N H Orpheus C Kerr papers, 3 voIs.6210L (87) NEWMAN, J H (cardinal) Apologia pro vita sua. 6G22 RE Callisia; tale of the third century. 743 F NEWTON, J R Modern Bethesda. 11548 F NICHOL, John Byron, Life of. 6674 B Francis Bacon; his life and philos- ophy, 2 vols. 7627 B NICHOLS, Mrs C (see Bronte, Char- lotte) NICHOLS, James R Whence, what, where. 8872 RE NICOLAY, John G and John Hay Abraham Lincoln; a history, 10 vols. 6010 H NICOLAY, John G and John Hay (ed) Letters, speeches and state papers of Abraham Lincoln, 2 vols. 8682 E NICOLL, Henry Great movements and those who achieved them. 1368 H NIEBUHR, B G Lectures on the history of Rome. 3 vols. 6199 H NINDE, Mary L We two alone in Europe. 10162 V NITSCH, Mrs Helen (see Owen, Cath- erine) NOKAED, Dixie Hidden truth. 10742 RE NORDAU, Max Degeneration. 10428 S NORDENSKIOLD, A E Voyage of the Vega. 3259 V NORDHOFF, Charles California for health, pleasure and residence. 3288 V Whaling and fishing. 11638 V NORMAN, C B Armenia and the campaign of 1877. 8903 H NORMAN, B M Rambles in Yucatan. 3269 V NORMAN, Henry People and politics of the far east. 9574 H Real Japan. 7621 H NORRIS, Frank Moran of the Lady Letty. 12339 F NORRIS. W E Bachelor's blunder. 10783 F Dancer in yellow. 9977 F Fight for the crown. 11080 F Misadventure. 6960 F No new thing. 7122 F NORiH. Marianne Recollections of a happy life, 2 vols. bJOi B Some turther recollections of a happy life. 7953 B NOR'lON, Charles Eliot New life of Dante Aiighiere. 11424 B NOR 1 ON, Charles E.ioi i.ed) Letters of James Russell Lowell, 2 vols. 8036 E Orations and addresses of George W. Curtis, 3 vols. 8241 E NORTON, Charles L Hand book of Florida. 6544 V NOinON, S F Ten men of money island. 7537 SS NOYES, Henry D Diseases of the eye. 8726 S NYE, Bill (pseud of Edgar Wilson Nye) Baled hay. 4792 F England, History of. 9905 H United States, History of. 6878 H NYNE, Atey Wiimofs child. 9388 F OKEY, Alexander F Home grounds. 8937 A OBER, F A Crusoe s island; a bird hunter's story. 11036 J Travels in Mexico. 3316 V O'BRIEN, D H My adventures during the late war. 5240 V O'BRIEN, R Barry Charles Stuart Parnell, Life of. 12641 B OCKLEY, Simon Improvement of human reason. 5055 EE Saracens, History of the, 2 vols. 4872 H O'CONNOR, T P Parnell movement. 8916 H O'DONOGHUE. Mrs Power Ladies on horseback. 8908 A OHNET, Georges Doctor Rameau. 9023 F PALMER^S Prescription Drug Store 40 PACIFIC AVEINUE. Telephone Main 66. (88> Ironmaster. 5030 F OLCOT'l , Henry S Biuldhist catechism. 2060 RE OLIFi^iAiN r, J.aiueuce St Elgin's mission to ^.iiiua and Japan, 1857-y. 3:^98 V Scientific religion. 7284 RE OLIPHANT, Margaret Laurence Oliphant, Memoir of the life of. 6533 B OLIPHANT, Mrs M O W Dante, Life of. 11603 B House in Bioomsbury. 11999 F Jeanne D'Arc. 11191 B Jerusalem, the holy city. 11357 H Maker.s of Florence. 5406 H Makers of modern Rome. 9822 H Makers of Venice. 5407 H Royal Edinburgh. 6069 H Sheridan, Life of. 6680 B Victorian age of English literature. OLIPHANT, T L K Sources of standard English. 3049EE OLIVER. Samuel P Off and on duty. 3396 V OLLIVANT, Alfred Bob. son of battle. 12635 F OLLIVANT, Joseph Earle Hine Moa. the Maori maiden. 5060 F OLMSTEAD, Dwight H Protestant faith, 2 vols. 12346 RE OLMSTEAD, Frederick L Journey in the seaboard slave states. 748 V Journey through Texas. 3277 V OMAN, C W C Byzantine empire. Story of. 7427 H OMAN, C W Warwick, the king-maker. 6785 B O'MEARA, Kathleen Narka. the nihilist. 3129 F OPPERT. Ernest A forbidden land; voyages to Corea. 0040 ■y OPTIC, Oliver etaoi aoi OPTIC, Oliver (pseud of W T Adams) Young America abroad series. Outward bound. 12083 J Shamrock and thistle. 12495 J Red cross. 12084 J Dikes and ditches. 12466 J Palace and cottage. 12085 J Down the Rhine. 12086 J Up the Baltic. 12078 J Northern lands. 12077 J Cross and crescent. 12081 J Sunny shores. 12080 J Vine and olive. 12079 J Isles of the sea. 12082 J OREGAN, William John Curran, Memoirs of life of.6221B ORELL, Max (pseud of Paul Blouet) English pharisses, French crocodiles, 7234 Frenchman in America. 7075 Jacque Bonhomme. 6378 John Bull and his daughters. 3036 John Bull and his island. 3037 John Bull and his womankind. 6635 ORMSBEE, Agnes Bailey House comfortable. 7368 A ORPEN, Mrs Goddard Perfection city. 10471 F Stories about famous precious stones 7118 F ORR, Ellen Portraits and silhouettes of musi- cians. 10870 B ORR, Mrs Sutherland Handbook of the works of Robert Browning. 11435 R Robert Browning, Life and letters of. 7105 B ORRED, Meta Glamour. 10460 F ORTON, James Andes and the Amazon. 3292 V Underground treasures. 6403 S OSGOOD, Mrs M A Black Cato. 11804 B OSSOLI, Margaret Fuller Art, literature and the drama.ll447E OSTROM, Kurre W Massage and the original Swedish movements. 7069 S OSWALD, Philip L Summerland sketches. 3293 V OTIS, James (pseud of James Otis Kaler) Charming Sally; a tale of 1765.12304J District messenger boy and a necktie party. 11926 J Jenny Wren's boarding house. 12108J Josiah in New York. 12300 J Left behind; or ten days a newsboy. 12107 J Mr Stubb's brother; sequel to Toby Tyler. 12097 J Morgan, the Jersey spy. 12362 J Toby Tyler; or ten weeks with a circus. 12096 J With Lafayette at Yorktown. 12361J With Warren at Bunker Hill. 12363 J With Washington at Monmouth. 12364 J (89) OUIDA (pseud of Louisa de la Rame) Ariadne. 2133 F Beatrice Boville. 2134 F Bimbi; stories for children. 2137 J Cbandos. 12315 F Dog of Flanders. 12291 F Granville de Vigne. 12314 F Massarenes. 10553 F Pascarel. 12322 F Puck. 12321 F Signa. 12320 F Tricotrin. 12318 F Two offenders. 12323 F Under two flage. 12313 F Village commune. 12317 F Wanda. 12319 F OVERMAN, Federick Practical mineralogy. 262 S OVERTON, Frank Applied physiology. 11742 S OWEN. Catherine (pseud of Mrs Helen Nitsch) Choice cookery. 8301 A Gentle bread-winners. 6275 F Molly Bishop's family. 10509 F Ten dollars enough. 1812 A OWEN, Edith Rose and Josephine. 5076 F OWEN, Robert Dale Footfalls on the boundary of another world. 11505 RE PACKARD. A S Entomology for beginners. 11159 S Guide to the study of insects. 11210 S Labrador coast. 7081 V Zoology. 1527 S PADDOCK, Mrs Fate of Madam la Tour. 2547 F PAEZ. Don Ramon Wild scenes in South America. 3394V PAGE, David Advanced textbook of geology.ll725S PAGE, H A Thoreau, his life and aims. 11444 B PAGE, Jesse C H Spurgeon, his life and ministry. 7800 B PAGE, Thomas Nelson Elsket and other stories. 6743 F On New Found river. 7143 F Two prisoners. 11092 J PAIGE, Lucius R Commentary of the Acts. 8738 RE — on Corinthians. 8740 RE Galatians to Judges. 8741 RE Luke. 8737 RE John. 8738 RE New Testament. 8736 RE Revelations. 8742 RE Romans. 8739 RE PAIN, Barry Stories and interludes. 7682 F PAINE, Caroline Tent and harem. 327C V PAINE, Robert Treat Works of. 6216 B PAINE, Thomas Age of reason. 10880 EE PALFREY, John G New England, History of, 3 vols. 552 H PALGRAVE, Francis T (ed) Golden treasury. 7221 P Selections from lyrical poems of Robert Herrick. 6855 P PALGRAVE. W G Central and eastern Arabia. 3282 V PALMER, Charles F Inebriety, its source, prevention and cure. 11920 S PALMER, Julius A (ed) Mushrooms of America, edible and poisonous. 1699 A PALMER, Linda One day's weaving. 822 J PALOU, Francis Padre Junipero Serra, Life of. 6739B PANSY (pseud of Mrs I M Alden) Chautauqua girls at home. 5306 J Chrissy's endeavor. 12299 J Cunning workmen. 5307 J Doctor Dean's way. 5308 J Ester Ried. 12088 J Ester Ried yet speaking. 12087 J Grandfather's darling. 5309 J Her associate members. 12089 J Interrupted. 6261 J Judge Burnham's daughter. 12298 J Pansy scrap book. 5311 J Spun from fact. 5312 J Those boys. 6262 J What she said. 5313 J PARIS J A On diet and the digestive organs. 1529 S PARKER. Francis W Uncle Robert's visit. 10974 J PARKER. Gilbert Battle of the strong. 12583 F Chief factor. 8171 F Mrs Falchion. 11924 F Pierre and his people. 8170 F Pomp of the I^avilettes. 10354 F Seats of the mighty. 10149 F Trail of the sword. 11491 F (90) Translation of a savage. 11461 F Trespasser. 11481 F PARKER. John A B C of Gothic architecture. 9170 A PARKER, Joseph Ecce Dens. 4848 PARKER, J Marsh Thomas Edison and Samuel Morse. 7256 S PARKER, T Jeffrey Course of instruction in zootomy. 10491 S Textbook on zoology, 2 vols. 11011 S PARKES, Edmund A Manual of practical hygiene, 2 vols. 8703 S PARKES, S H Unfinished worlds. 1448 S PARKHURST, Charles Our fight with Tammany. 9138 SS Talks to young men. 10374 EE Talks to young women. 10375 EE PARKMAN, Francis Conspiracy of Pontiac, 2 vols. 4190 H France and England in North Am- erica. 8220 H Fontenac and New France. 4186 H Half century of conflict, 2 vols.8221H Jesuits in North America. 4189 H La Salle and the discovery of the great west. 4184 H Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 vols. 4151 H Old regime in Canada. 4185 H Oregon trail. 4181 H Pioneers of France in the new world. 4187 H PARR. Mrs Louise Dorothy Fox. Squire, The. 7359 F PARRY. C Hubert Art of music. 8672 A PARSONS. Samuel Landscape gardening. 11096 A PARSONS, Theophilus Essays of. 463 E PARTON, James Aaron Burr. Life of. 2 vols. 7797 B Andrew Jackson, Life of, 3 vols. 8919 B Benjamin Franklin, Life of. 130 B Butler at New Orleans. 52.55 H Captains of industry. 2218 J Thomas Jefferson. 154 B Washington Irving. 1287 B PASTON, George Career of Canada. 10412 H PATER, Walter Greek studies. 9194 B Marius, the epicurean, 12237 F Plato and Platonism. 7719 E Renaissance. 9181 E PATON, James John G Paton, Story of. 12491 J PATTISON, Mark Milton PATTON, A A Voice as an instrument. 11597 EE PATTON, J Harris Democratic party. 199 SS PAVY, F W Food and dietics. 8720 S PAYN, James At her mercy. 5163 F Best of husbands. 5169 F Canon's ward. 5138 F Cecil's tryst. 5164 F County family. 5158 F Fallen fortunes. 5172 F Found dead. 5170 F Gwendolen's harvest. 5194 F Humorous stories. 5192 F Kit; a memory. 5139 F Marine residence. 5197 F Married beneath him. 5193 F Not wooed but won. 5199 F One of the family. 2458 F Some private views. 5201 F Two hundred pounds reward. 5204F PAYNE, B J Works of Burke, 3 vols. 8827 SS PAYNE, J B (ed) Haydn's dictionary of biography. 1672 R PAYNE, Will Jerry, the dreamer. 9824 F PAYNE, William Morton Little leaders. 12007 E PAYSON, Edward Doctor Tom. 11817 F PEABODY, A P Christianity, the religion of nature. 363 RE PEACOCK, J Love Headlong hail. 6838 F Maid Marian. 6835 F Melin court. 6836 F Misfortunes of Elphin. 6834 F Niehtmare abbey. 6833 F PEALE, R S fed) Home library of useful knowledge. 4714 R PEARS. Edwin Fall of Constantinople. 4279 H PEARSON, Charles H National life and character; a fore- cast. 12217 S (91) PEARY, Robert E Northward over the great ice, 2 vols. 12341 V PEATTIE, Elia W America, Story of. 5916 H PECK, Harry Thurston (ed) Harper's dictionary of classical lit- erature and antiquities. 11049 R PECK, Jesse T True woman. The. 1151 E PECKE, Jesse Central rdea of Christianity. 597 RE PEEBLES, J M Immortality and our employment hereafter. 1218 RE PELHAM, H F Outlines of Roman history. 10500 H PELLOW, George John Jay, Life of. 9114 F PEMBERTON, Max Phantom army, The. 12582 F PENDLETON, Edmund Complication in hearts. 11579 F Virginia inheritance. 9043 F PENDLETON, Louis Sons of Ham. 9134 F Wedding garment. 9105 F PEPPER, John Henry Boys' book of metals. 12115 J Scientific amusements. 8106 J PERCY, Thomas Relics of ancient English poetry, 7222 P PERELAER, M T H Ran away from the Dutch — Borneo. 3384 V PERKINS, Eli (see Landon, Melville D) PERKINS, F B Charles Dickens; a sketch of his life and works. 10401 B PERRY, Nora Another flock of girls. 7369 J Flock of girls. 793 J Flock of girls and boys. 9506 J Hope Denham. 8777 J Rosebud garden of grils. 9651 J Three little daughters of the revolu- tion. 10032 J Youngest Miss Lorton. 10120 J PESCHEL, Oscar Races of man, The. 1451 S PETERMAN. Alexander L. Elements of civil government. 9165SS PETERSON, Alexander L Girls' own Indoor book. 5457 J Girls' own outdoor book. 5458 J PETERS, De Witt C Pioneer life and frontier adventures. 3401 V PETERSON, Henry Modern Job, The. 11691 RE PETO, S M Resources and prospects of America. 4709 H PETROFF, P Ante-mortem depositions. 120i6 S PETTIGREW, T J Superstition connected with the his- tory and practise of medicine and surgery. 5230 S PHELPS, E S (now Mrs H D Ward) A singular life. 9422 F .A.vis, Story of. 5317 F Beyond the gates. U97 F Burglars in paradise. 3142 F Doctor Zay. 5709 F Donald Marcy. 7785 F Friends; a duet. 5708 F Gates ajar. 815 F Gates between. 3186 F Gipsy books Gipsy Breynton Gipsy's cousin Jay. 12292 J Gipsy's sewing and reaping. 12393 J Gipsy's year at the Golden Crescent. 12294 J Hedged in. 5605 F Jack, the fisherman. 5137 F Madonna of the tubs. 3105 F Men, women and ghosts. 5314 F Old maids' paradise. 3142 F Sealed orders. 5315 F Silent partner. 5316 F Songs of the silent world. 34 P Story of Jesus Christ. 10897 B PHELPS, E S Ward and H D Ward Come forth. 6051 F Master of the magicians. F PHELPS, Mrs Lincoln Botany for beginners. 4828 S PHILLIMORE, Catherine Mary Tra Angelico, et als. 7711 B PHILLIP, Robert Devotional guide. 376 RE PHILLIPS, L M Miskel; a novel. 11750 P PHILLIPS, Mary E Reminiscences of William Wetmore Story. 11426 B PHILLIPS, Wendell Speeches and lectures of. 491 B PHILLPOTS. Eden Folly and fresh air. 7463 E (92) PICARD. George H A mission flower, 11516 F O.a lionilace. 3150 F PICK, Bernliard The talmud; what it is. 5785 RE PICKAKD, Samuel T Johu Greenleaf Whittier, Life and letters of, 2 vols. 8812 M PlClON, J Allanson Mystery of matter. 1415 S PIERCE, Edward L Charles Sumner; memoirs and let- ters of, 2 vols. 8673 B PIERCE, Gilbert Dickens dictionary. 6436 L PIERSON, Emma C Gutenberg and the art of printing. 2016 A PIFFARD, Henry G Materia medica. S722 3 PIKE, G Holden Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Life of. 7529 B PIKE, Nicholas Sub-tropical rambles. 3266 V PINKERTON, Allan Spy of the rebellion. 4199 H PITMAN, C B (trans) Earthquakes. 7311 S PITTENGER, William Extempore speech; how to acquire and practise it. 11753 EE PLANCHE, J R Pursivant of arms. 5223 R PLATT, James " Money. 7303 SS PLON, Eugene Thorvaldsen, his life and works. 11429 B PLUMPTRE. E H Tragedies of Aeschylos. 10876 P Tragedies of Sophocles. 10877 P PLUNKETT. Mrs H M Josiah Gilbert Holland. 8347 B PLYMPTON. A C Betty, a butterfly. 8238 J Dear daughter Dorothy. 8076 J Little sister to Winifred. 8077 J Robin's recruit. 8075 J POE, Edgar Allen Assignation and other tales. 3001 F Narrative of A Gordon Pym. 1190 F Poems and essays of. 10164 P POLKS, Elise Musical sketches. 11736 A POLLARD, Alfred W English miracle plays. 6505 EE POLLARD, E A Last year of the war. 4003 H Second year of the war. 4002 H The lost cause. 4005 H POLLARD, Josephine Bible and its story. 11301 J Our hero general, U S Grant. 8968 B POOL, Maria L Dally. 8649 F Mrs Gerald. 12122 F Out of step. 9289 F Redbridge neighborhood. _ 11021 F Roweny in Boston. 7833 F Two Salomes. 9288 F POOLE. Stanley Lane Barbary corsairs. Story of. 9115 H Moors. Story of the. 4353 H People of Turkey, 2 vols. 4336 H Turkey. 4341 H POOR, Agnes Blake Boston neighbors in town and out. 11886 F POORTEN, Schwartz J M W van der see Maartens, Maarten . POPE, Alexander Poetical works of, 3 vols. 6629 P PORRITT. Edward Englishman at home. 8490 V PORTER, Admiral Adventures of Harrv Marline. 5795 J PORTER. H C (trans Text book of botany. 11466 S PORTER, James Revised compedium of Methodism. 17701 RE PORTER, Jane Scottish chiefs. 2269 F Thaddeus of Warsaw. 770 F PORTER. Noah Books and reading. 6719 EE Elements of intellectual science. 456 EE Fifteen years in the chapel of Yale college. 342 EE Kant's ethics; a critical exposition. 8085 EE PORTER, Robert F Population and resources of Alaska. 8423 V PORTER, Rose The years that are told. 11507 P POST. C W I am well; The modern practise of natural suggestion. 12646 L POTTER, Helen Impersonations. 7658 EE POTTER, Henry Codman The scholar and the state. 10797 EE (93) POULET, Alfred Foreign bodies in surgical practise. 8699 S POULTON, Edward B Charles Darwin and the theory of natural selection. 10189 B POWELL, E P Our heredity from God. 12276 S POWER, Mr.s S D Children's etiquette. 462 J POWERS, Laura Bride Story of the missions of California. 8337 H POYSER, Arthur W Magnetism and electricity. 6529 S PRAED, Mrs Campbell Romance of a Chalet. 11797 F PRAEGER, F Wagner as I knew him. 7379 B PRATT, Charlie and Ella (ed) Little men and women. 11296 J PRATT, Maria L American history stories, 4 vols. 8803 J Classic stories for language lessons. 9529 EE Legends of Norseland. 9523 J New calisthenics; a manual of health and beauty. 11204 S Stories of colonial children. 9521 J PRENTICE. Archibald Tour in United States. 5924 V PRENTICE, George D Poems of. 74 P PRENTISS, Elizabeth Aunt Jane's hero. 5303 F Flower of the family. 8478 F Fred, Maria and me. 2034 F Home at Greylock. 5304 F Life and letters of. 11549 B Stepping heavenward. 5305 F PRENTISS, Henry M Great polar current. 12336 S PRESCOTT, E Livingston Apotheosis of Mr Tyrawly. 9595 F PRESCOTT, W H Biographical and critical miscella- nies. 4312 E Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 vols.4298H Conquest of Mexico. 3 vols. 4301 H Conquest of Peru, 2 vols. 4304 H Philip the Second. 3 vo'.s. 4306 H PRESTON, Harriet Waters Private life of the Romans. 9537 H PRESTON, Howard W Documents illustrative of .American history. 1606-1863. 12166 H PREYER, W Mind ot the child, 2 vols. 5424 EE PRIME. E U G Around the world. 3225 V Forty years in the Turkisli fin pi re. 3321 V PRIME, S I Autobiography. 3424 B PRIME, W C Along the New England roads7599 E Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. 3284V I go a-fishing. 7452 E PRINGLE. Andrew Optical lantern for instruction and amusement. 9861 A PROAL, Louis Political crime. 12008 SS PROCTOR, Richard A Expanse of heaven. 10467 S Light science for leisure hours. 8235 S Moon, The. 7569 S New star atlas. 6723 S Pleasant ways in science. 8234 S Stars in the seasons. 7570 S PROTHERO. Rowland Dean Stanley, Life and correspond- ence of. 2 vols. 8263 B PRUDDEN, T Mitchell Bacteria, Story of the. 7693 S PRYDE, David Highways of literature. 7245 EE PUMPELLY, Raphael Across America and Asia. 3270 ^' PUSEY, E B Confessions of St Augustine.. 317 E PUTNAM, Eleanor Woodland wooing. 6317 F PUTNAM, George I On the offensive. 8343 F PUTNAM, M Louise Abraham Lincoln. Children's life of. 7397 J PYLE, Howard Garden behind the moon. 9359 J Rose of paradise. 3158 F Storv of Jack Ballister's fortunes. 9434 J "Q" (pseud of A T Q Couch) .\stonishing history of Troy town. 11910 F Blue pavilions. 11906 F Dead man's rock. 11892 F Delectable Duchy: stories, studies and sketches. 11530 F Noughts and crosses. 11879 F (94) QIATREFAGES, A de Human species. 1407 S Pygmies. 9369 S QUINBY, G W Heaven our home. 405 RE QUINCY. Josiah Figures of the past. 11760 E RAE, John Contemporary socialism. 210 SS RAGOZIN, L A Assyria, Story of. 536 H Chaldea. Story of. 4347 H Media. Babylonia and Persia. 4343 H Vedic India. 9191 H RAIFE, Raymond Sheik's white slave. 10454 F RALEIGH. Walter Robert Louis Stevenson. 11441 B RALPH. Julian Alone in China and other stories. 10385 F On Canada's frontier. 7375 V RAMABAI, Pundita Hierh cast Hindu woman. 4365 H RAMBAUD. Alfred Russia, History of. 3 vols. 4292 H RAIMEY, W Sanford Kings of the battlefield. 11775 B RAMSAY, C B Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. 7130 H RA:MSAY. James H Lancaster and York. 2 vols. 12484 H RAMSAY, Mrs Summer in Spain. 5021 V RAMSAY. W M Impressions of Turkey during twelve years' wanderings. 12476 V RAND, Edward Sprague Seventy-five popular flowers. 11675S Rhododendron and American plants. 12534 S RANDOLPH, John H Adams. Life of. 187 B H. Garland, Life of. 2 vols. 107 B RANKE, L von The popes: their church and state. History of. 3 vols. 10533 H Universal history. RANNEY. Ambrose Lectures on nervous diseases. 9090 S RAMSOME. Cyril Rise of constitutional government in England. 11415 H RANSOME. Cyril fed) Battles of Frederick the Great.7608H RATTAN, Volney California flora. 10993 S Exercises in botany. 10804 S RAUM, George E Tour around the world. 3306 V RAWLINSON, George Ancient Egypt, History of, 2 vols. 10113 H Five great monarchies, 3 vols.4229 H Manual of ancient history. 11542 H Moses, his life and times. 1248 RE Origin of nations. 7703 H Partha, Story of. 9499 H Phoenicia. 5373 H Seventh great oriental monarchy. 4233 H RAY, Anna Chapin Cadets of Flemming hall. 7901 J Half a dozen boys. 5831 J Half a dozen girls. 7900 J In Blue Creek canon. 7399 J RAYMOND, Evelyn Mixed pickles. 12309 J RAYMOND. George Lansing Genesis of art form. 9318 A RAYMOND, Henry J Abraham Lincoln, Life and public services of. 9449 B RAYMOND, Walter Charity chance. 10372 F RAYNER, E Free to serve. 12076 F READ, Opie P (Arkansaw Traveller) An Arkansas planter. 10446 F Emmet Bonlore. 8668 F Jucklins, The. 10498 F Kentucky colonel. 12117 F Up Terrapin river. 8666 F Waters of Caney Fork. 12568 F READE, Charles Cloister and health. 10426 F Griffith Gaunt. 5167 F Hard cash. 701 F It is never to late to mend. 10415 F New pastoral. 70 P Peg Woffington. 2453 F Put yourself in his place. 2382 F Simpleton. 12438 F REAL, Anthony (pseud of Fernand- Michel) Story of the stick. 246 F REARDON, T H Petriarch and other essays. 8101 E RECLUS, Elisee Africa, 4 vols. 5668 H Asia, 4 vols. 5664 H Europe, 4 vols. 4676 H History of a mountain. 1498 S (95) North America, 3 vols, 6038 H Oceanica. 5735 H South America, 2 vols. 868G H REDDALL, Heury F Fact, fancy and fable. 5638 R REDDEN, Laura C Sounds from secret chambers. 83 P REED, Alonzo and B Kellogg English composition and rhetoric. 11836 EE- REED, Elizabeth Hindu literature ; the ancient books of India. 6558 EE REED, S B House plans for everybody. 1790 A REEDER, A P Around the golden deep. 6325 F REES, James Edwin Forrest, Life of. 148 B REES, J Rogers Diversions of a book worm. 7595EE Pleasures of a book worm. 7594 EE REEVE, Charles H Prison question. 7516 SS REEVES, John Rothschilds, The. 7408 B REID, Christian (pseud of Mrs F C F Fiernan) Miss Churchill. 3159 F Roslyn's fortune. 9017 F REID, Mayne Desert home. 12104 J Flag of distress. 12103 J Lone ranch. 6263 J Odd people. 12468 J Ran away to sea. 12105 J Scalp hunters. 10623 J Stories about animals. 10996 J REMSEN, Ira Inorganic chemistry. 9879 S REMUS, L'ucle (pseud; see Harris, Joel Chandler) REN AN, Ernest Future of science. 6527 S Jesus, Life of. 472 B Marcus Aurelius. 7660 B Origins of Christianity. 7659 RE People of Israel. 3 vols. 7567 H Studies in religious history. 4270 RE RENAUDOT. E Ancient accounts of India and China. 5045 H RENOUF. P Le Page Religion of ancient Egypt. 12539 H REVOIL. M B In the bush and on the trail. 2899 V REYNOLDS, George Story of the book of Mormon. 8902 RE REYNOLDS, G W M Pickwick abroad. 2875 F RHOADES, Henry E Around the world with the blue jackets. 11593 V RHODES, W H Caxton's book. 9029 RHOSCOMYL, Owen Battlement and tower. 9710 F Lady of Castell March. 12637 F RIBOT, Th Diseases of memory. 7433 S Diseases of personality. 9295 S Heredity. 1470 S Psychology of attention. 9294 EE Psychology of the emotions. 11019EE RICE, J M Public school system of the United States. 8247 EE RICHARDS, Laura E Captain January. 8050 J Five minute stories. 8939 J Hildegarde's holiday. 6889 J Hildegarde's home. Queen Hildegarde. 7370 J Hildegarde's neighbors. 9714 J Jim of Hellas. 9703 J Joyous story of To To. 2698 J Melody. 3702 J Narcissa or the road to Rome. 9701 J Nautilus. 9654 J Rosin the beau, sequel to Melody. 11933 J Three Margarets. 11885 J To To's merry winter. 3163 J RICHARDSON, Benjamine W Diseases of modern life. 1482 S RICHARDSON, James (ed) Wonders of the Yellowstone. 8414 V RICHMOND, A P Leaves from tlie diary of an old lawyer. 11812 L RICHTER. Jean St Paul Life of. 2 vols. 11678 B RICHTER, Victor von Inorganic chemistry. 9853 S RIDEING, William H Boyhood of living authors. 1364 J Saddle in the wild west. 3235 J Young folks' history of London. 41.'50 H RIDER. Annie Hold up your heads, girls. 3180 J RIDER, George T Lyra Americana. 11827 P (96) RIDGWAY, Robert Manual of North American birds. 7131 S RIDPATH, John Clark Great races of mankind, 4 vols. 11983 S History of the world, 4 vols. 11983 S United States, a history. 10576 H William E Gladstone. Life of.l2623 B RIGGS, Mrs K D (see Wiggin, Kate Douglas) RIIS. Jacob A Children of the poor. 7846 SS How the other half lives. 7068 SS Nisby's Christmas. 9715 J Out of Mulberry street. 12640 F RILEY, H H Puddleford papers. 6206 L RILEY. James Whitcomb Afterwhiles. 7965 P Armazindy. 8802 P i Child world. 10101 P Flying islands of the night. 7920 P Green fields and running brooks. 7921 P Neghborly poems. 7917 P Pipes O'Pan at ZekesDury. 7919 P Poems here at home. 8098 P Rhj'mes of childhood. 7992 P Sketches in prose. 7918 F RING, Max John Milton and his times. 436 B RIORDAN, Roger Sunrise stories; a glance at the lit- erature of Japan. 9591 F RIORDAN, Anne Records of Tennyson, Ruskiu and Browning. 11231 E RITCHIE, Leitch France, Romance of history of.ll88H RITTER, Frederic Louis Music in America. 6392 A ROBBINS, Mary Caroline Rescue of an old place. 7282 A ROBBINS, Mrs S S Miss Ashton's new pupil. 7688 J ROBERTS, Charles Canada, History of. 10378 H Forge in the forest. 10337 F ROBERTS, Edwards Shoshone. 7298 V ROBERTS, Ellis H Government revenue. 207 SS New York, History of. 548 H ROBERTS. Henry M Rules of order. 323 R ROBERTSON, Frederick Lectures, addresses and other liter- ary remains. 12164 E ROBERTSON, George Croom Hobbes. 7638 B Making of the English nation. 9800H ROBERTSON, William Charles the fifth. 4309 H Discovery and conquest of America. 955 H ROBINSON, Edith A loyal little maid. 11081 J ROBINSON, Frederick S The connoisseur. 10486 E ROBINSON, H Original letters about the Reforma- tion. 442 RE ROBINSON, H P Pictorial effect in photography .12477 A ROBINSON. John Ferns in their home and ours. 1440S ROBINSON. J H Expedition up the Orinoco. 5106 V ROBINSON, Rowland E Vermont. 7112 H ROCHE, Charles Memoirs of the Chancellor Pasquier, 3 vols. 8026 B ROCHE, Regiua Maria Children of the abbey, 2 vols. 8062 F ROCKHILL, William Woodville Land of the Llamas. 7610 V R0CK3TR0, W S Mendelsshon. 9342 B RODNEY, G B In buff and blue. 10739 F ROE, E P Barriers burned away. 10239 F Day of fate. 10240 F Driven back to Eden. 10235 F Earth trembled. 10242 F Face illumined. 10214 F From jest to earnest. 10217 F He fell in love with his wife. 10215 F His sombre rivals. 10236 F Home acre. The. 5625 A Knight of the 19th century. 10237 F Miss Lou. 10238 F Nature's serial story. 10233 F Near to nature's heart. 10218 F Opening a chestnut burr. 10313 F Original belle. 9727 F Taken alive, etc. 10234 F What can she do? 10216 F Without a home. 10300 F Y''oung girl's wooing. 10241 F ROGERS, Clara Kathleen Philosophy of singing. 7993 A (97) ROGERS, George A Footprints of Jesus. 105 RE ROGERS, James E Holland, Story of. 5371 H Six centuries of work and wages. 6554 SS ROGERS, Samuel Poetical works of. 65 P ROGET, Peter Mark Thesaurus of English words and phrases. 10519 R ROHLFS, Mrs A K (.see Green, Anna Katharine) ROLFE, William J Shakespeare, the boy. 9962 B ROLLIN, Charles Ancient history, 4 vols. 11518 H ROLFE, William J and J A Gillet Handbook of natural philosophy. 8364 S ROMANES, George John Animal intelligence. 6623 S Darwin and after Darwin. 7667 S Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea urchins, 5408 S Mental evolution in man. 4847 S ROOD, Ogden W Modern chromatics. 1406 A ROOK, E C and L J (ed) Child's own speaker. 10685 P ROOSEVELT, Theodore New^ York. 7646 H T H Benton, Life of. 1246 B Winning of the west, 4 vols. 11211 H ROPES, John C First Napoleon, Life of the. 233 B PORER, Mrs S T Canning and preserving. 11229 A Hot weather dishes. 11230 A ROSCOE, Thomas L de Tormes, Life and adventures of. 292 B ROSE, Joshua Practical machinist. 5646 S ROSE, William Stewart (trans) Orlando Furioso of Ludovico Aristo, 2 vols. 10919 P ROSEBERRY, Lord Pitt, Life of. 6777 B ROSS, D.niman W Early history of land-holding among the Germans. 10619 H ROSS. Peter Scotland and the Scots. 6384 H ROSSELL, Mrs H (trans) Wanter's Flemish school of painting. 1772 A ROSSETTI. Christina Maud. 11474 RUbbE 1 '1 L Dante Gabriel Dante and his circle. 11232 EE Shadow of Dante. 12233 EE KUbbliER, William Illustrated dictionary of scientific terms. 4692 R ROSTAND, Edmond Cyrano De Bergerac. 12629 P ROUSSELET, Louis Ralph, the drummer boy. 2211 J ROUTLEDGE, Robert (trans) Marvcis of the polar world. 2187 J ROWBETHAM, Thomas Art of sketching from nature. 1776A ROWCROFT, Charles Chronicles of the Fleet prison. 5067 H ROWE, A D Every day life in India. 2167 V ROYCE, Josiah Calitornia, History of. 4289 H Conception of God. 10856 RE Fued of Oakfield creek. 3153 F Religious aspect of philosophy. 6519 RE Studies of good and evil. 12006 RE RUDOLPH, Prof Wonders of nature. 3096 S RUFFINI, G D Doctor Antonio; a tale of Italy. 11621 F Lavinia. 2870 F RUGG. Henry W The church. 8756 RE RUSKIN, John Art of England. 1767 A Lectures on art. 1765 A Modern painters, 2 vols. 3243 A Mornings in Florence. 7538 V Sesame and lilies. Seven lamps of architecture. 3242 A Stones of Venice. 3245 A Venice, History of. 7989 H RUSSELL, A P In a club corner. 5677 E RUSSELL, Henry B International monetary conference. 11082 S RUSSELL. Irwin Poems of. 7220 P RUSSELL, William Normal training. 288 EE Orthophony, or the cultivation of the voice. 8363 EE RUSSELL, W Clark Copsford mystery; or Is he the man? (98) 9711 F Emigrant ship, The. 8255 F Ida Noble, Tragedy of. 7165 F List, ye landsmen. 7741 F Marooned. 11475 F My shipmate Louise. 10422 F Representative actons. 11705 B Two captains, The. 10716 F What cheer? 10122 F Wreck of the Grosvenor. 2373 F RUSSELL, William Modern Europe, History of, 3 vols. 11694 H RUSSELL, William H Eccentric personages. 219 B My diary, north and south. 1623 H RYDER, Annie H Go right on, girls! 8141 EE SABATIER, Paul St Francis of Assisi, Life of. 11172 B SACHS, Julius von Lectures on the physiology of plants. 7972 S SAFFORD, Mary J M Health and strength for girls. 478 S SAIGEY, M Emile Unity of natural phenomena. 11835S SAINT-ARMAND, Imbert de Famous women of the French court. Marie Antoinette, 3 vols. Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime. 5862 B Marie Antoinette and the Tuileries. 7380 B Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty. 7381 B Empress Josephine, 3 vols Citizeness Bonaparte. 5863 B The w^ife of the first consul. 5860 B The court of the Empress Josephine. 5865 B Empress Marie Louise, 4 vols. Happy days of Marie Louise. 5861 B Marie Louise and the decadence of the empire. 5864 B Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814. 8323 B Marie Louise, the return from Elba and the hundred days. 6409 B Duchess of Angouleme. 2 vols. Youth of the duchess of Angouleme. 8325 B Duchess of Angouleme and the two restorations. 8324 B Duchess of Berry, 3 vols. Duchess of Berry and the court of Louis XVni. 7410 B Duchess of Berry and the court of Charles X. 7409 B Duchess of Berry and the revolution of July, 1830. 7657 B Women of the Velois and Versailles courts, 4 vols. Women of the Velois court. 7868 B The court of Louis XIV. 7924 B The court of Louis XV. 8091 B The last years of Louis XV. 8227 B The revolution of 1848. 9357 B Louis Napoieon and Mademoiselle de Montizo. 10326 B Napoleon III and his court. 11897 B SAINT-BEUVE, C A Monday chats. E SAINT-GERMAIN, Comte de Practical palmistry. 10330 S SAINTSBURY, George Dryden, Life of. 6690 B Elizabethian literature, History of. 6867 EE Flourishing of romance and rise of allegory. 10324 E E Marlborough. 1366 B SAINTSBURY, George (ed) Specimens of English prose style, 7246 EE SAJOUS, Charles E (ed) Annual of universal medical science for 1888-1889-1890, 15 vols. 9068 S SALA. George A Things I have seen and people I have known, 2 vols. 11215 E SALE, George (trans) Koran of Mahommed. 4417 RE SALIS, Mrs de New-laid eggs. 7293 A SALLUST Writings of. 475 H SAM SLICK (see Haliburton, T C) SAMUEL. S W Prom the forecastle to the cabin. 1331 J SANBORN. F B Goethe, Life and genius of. 6510 B Henry D Thoreau. Life of. 1238 B John Brown, Life of. 7107 B SANBORN, F B (ed) Familiar letters of Henry D Thoreau. 8817 E SANBORN, Kate Truthful woman in southern Califor- nia. 7906 V S^ND, George (pseud of Mme A L A D Dudervant) Consuelo. 6053 F (Venice. Musical life). (99) Countess of Rudolstadt. 8647 F (Sequel to Consuelo.) Devil's pool. 11608 F Impressions and reminiscences. 11806 EE Monsieur Sylvestre. 6323 F SANDERS, Lloyd C Viscount Palmerston, Life of. 12174 B SANGSTER, Margaret E Easter bells. 10743 P SAINT-PIERRE, J H B de Paul and Virginia. 10978 F SANKEY, Charles Spartan and Theban supremacies. 4415 H SANTAYANA, George Sense of beauty. 10404 E SANZAY, A Wonders of glass making in all ages. 1774 A SARGENT, John T (compiler) Readings for the young. 7119 R SARMIENTO, F L Pauline Cushman. 4701 B SAUNDERS, Frederick Salad for the solitary and social. 6375 E Story of some famous books. 341 E SAUNDERS, Marshall Beautiful Joe. 8549 J King of the park. 10720 J SAUNDERS, William Insects injurious to fruit. 1545 A SAVAGE, Richard Henry Delilah of Harlem. 11581 F Little lady of the Lagunitas. 8169 F Passing shadow, The. 11531 F SAVAGE, Thomas (ed) Spanish-American manual, 1890-1891. 11834 R SAXE, John Godfrey Poems of. 10513 P SAY, Leon Turgot. Life of. 7249 B SCARRETT, Helen Letters to a daughter. 1050 J SCHECHTER, S Studies in Judaism. 11407 RE SCHERER, W German literature. Life of, 2 vols. 8497 EE SCHILLER, J C F von Poems of. 96 P SCHINDLER, Rabbi Dissolving views in the history of Judaism. 5415 RE SCHLEGEL, August Wllhelm Dramatic art and Uterature.l0340EE SCHMIDT, Oscar Doctrine of descent and Darwin- isra.1395 S Mammalia in their relation to primi- tive times. 11367 S SCHMUCHER, Samuel Memorable scenes in French history. 6371 H SCHNEIDER, Albert Guide to the study of lichens. 12474 S SCHOPENHAUER, Art Art of literature. 6806 E Counsels and maxims. 6808 E Religion; a dialogue. 6810 E Studies in pessimism. 6809 E Wisdom of life. 6807 E SCHOULER, James Constitutional studies; state and fed- eral. 10875 H Historical briefs. 10103 H United States, History of, 5 vols. 5978 H SCHREINER, Olive (pseud of Ralph Iron) Story of an African farm. 8069 F SCHUBIN, Ossip Erlach court. 4962 F Our own set. SCHUCHARDT, C Schliemann's excavations. 7661 H SCHURZ, Carl Henry Clay, Life of. 175 B SCHUTZENBERGER, P Fermentation. 1400 S SCHUYLER, Eugene Fathers and sons. 2555 F SCHUYLER, Montgomery American architecture. Studies of. SCHWATKA, Frederick Along Alaska's great river. 3302 V Children of the cold. 3279 J Nimrod of the north. 5846 J SCIDMORE, Eliza R Alaska, its southern coa.st and the Sitka archipelago. 3315 V Jinriklsha davs in Japan. 6547 V SCOLLARD. Clinton Boy's book of rhyme. 10787 P Man at arms. 11890 F Under summer skies. 7441 V sroTT. Fred George Elton Hazelwood. 11563 F SCOTT, Robert H Elementary meteorology. 7721 S SCOTT. Sir Walter Abbot, The. 2633 F (100) Anne of the Geierstein. 8987 F Antiquary, The. 8989 F Betrothed. 2641 F Black dwarf. 2628 F , Bride of Lammermoor. 8980 F Count Robert of Paris. 2646 F Fair maid of Perth. 8973 F Fortune.^ of Nigel. 8978 F Guy Mannering. 8982 F Heart of Mid-Lothian. 2629 F Kenihvorth. 8972 F Lady of the lake. 10191 P Lay of the last minstrel. 839 P Marmion. 5003 P Monastery. 8974 F Old Mortality. 2627 F Peveril of the peak. 2637 F Pirate, The. 2635 F Poems of. 4797 P Quentin Durward. 8975 F Red Gauntlet. 2640 F Rob Roy. 2626 F Tales of a grandfather. 2642 F Talisman. 845 F Waverly. 8982 F "Woodstock. 2643 F SCRIPTURE. E W New psychology. 11889 EE SCUDDER, Horace E Bodleys abroad. 6570 J Bodleys afoot. 6571 J Bodleys on wheels. 6569 J Bodleys' grandchildren in Holland. 6568 J Bodley family in town. 6565 J Book of fable. 7908 J Book of folk stories. 7907 J Childhood in literature and art. 8785 EE David Scudder, Life and letters oL 126 B Dwellers in five sisters' court. 6493 J English Bodley family. 6566 J Men and letters. 327 E Noah Webster, Life of. 191 B Viking bodleys. 6572 J SCUDDER, Samuel H Butterflies. 1542 S SEARS, Lorenzo Principles and methods of literary criticism. 12550 EB SEAWELL, Molly Elliot History of Lady Betty Stair. 10681F Maid Marian, etc. 10518 F Rock of the lion. 11013 F Strange, sad comedy. 9818 P Virginia cavalier, 10104 F SEDGWICK, Anne Douglas Dull Miss Archinard. 11884 F SEEBOHM, Frederic English village community. 10697 H Era of protestant revolution. 54S5 H SEELY. John R Napoleon the First, Short history of. 1324 B SEEMULLER, Annie M Reginald Archer. 11612 P SEGUIN, L G Country of the Passion play. 4335 V SEISS, Joseph A Miracle in stone. 6408 V SELLAR, W Y Roman poets of the Augustan age. 11877 EE SERGEANT, Adelina Idol-maker. 10196 F Life sentence. 4746 F Marjory Morse. 9809 F SERGEANT, Lewis The Franks. 11968 H SERGEANT, Lewns John Wyclif. 11189 B New Greece. History of. 4227 H SERRANO. Mary J Journal of Maria Bashkirtseff. 5528 B Dona Perfecta. 9493 F SESSIONS, Francis C In western levant. 6546 V SEVERANCE. Mark Sibley Hammersmith; his Havard days. 10660 F SEWARD, Olive Risley Around the w^orld stories. 7214 J SEWARD. William H John Quincy Adams, Life of. 125 B SEWELL, Anna Black Beauty. 6884 J SEYBERT. Henry Investigation of modern spiritualism. 1379 L SHAFER, D R Foundation of success and laws of trade. 1203 EE SHAIRP, J C Culture and religion in some of their relations. 6520 E Robert Bruce, Life of. 6673 B SHAKESPEARE. William Complete works. Appleton edition, 11 vols. 12373 P Clarke and Wright edition, 12 vols. 1221 P Dr Johnson edition, 7 vols. 8626 P Varorium edition, 11 vols. 1687 R (lOiJ SHALER, N S American highways. 12226 S Kentucky, History of. 4284 H Outlines of the earth's history. 12215 S SHARP. David Walks abroad of two young natural- ists. 8143 J SHAW, Flora L Sea change. 12306 F SHEDD. Julia A Famous painters and paintings. 11417 B Famous sculptors and sculpture. 11416 B SHEDD. W G T Homilities and pastoral theology. 354 E SHELDON, Charles M In his steps — What would Je.sus do? 12168 F SHELDON, E A Manual of instruction; object les- sons. 261 EE SHELDON. Louise V Yankee girls in Zululand. 10995 V SHELLEY. Mary W Frankenstein. 2959 F SHELLEY, Percy B Poetical works of, 3 vols. 6590 P SHELTON, William Henry Last three soldiers. 10892 F SHEPARD, Edward Martin Van Buren, Life of. 1242 B SHEPARD, Isabel S .Crnise of the United States steamer Rush. 7297 V SHEPARD, William (ed) Pen pictures of modern authors. 6707 B SHEPARD, William Our young folks' Josephus. 8593 J SHERER, J W Conjuror's daughter. 5074 F SHERIDAN, Richard B Works of. 6624 P SHERMAN, Francis Matins. 10578 P SHERMAN, Frank Dempster Little folk lyrics. 11335 P SHERMAN. John Recollections of forty years in house, senate and cabinet, 2 vols. 10912 H SHERMAN, W T Memoirs, 2 vols. 117 H SHERW^OOD, MEW Art of entertaining. 7289 EE SHERWOOD. Mrs Works of, 16 vols. 11041 F SKIEL, Richard L Sketches of the Irish bar. 21i>u F SHIELDS, G Crossings in the Cascades. 5639 V Hunting in the great west, or Rust- lings in the Rocky mountains.SOyoV SHILLABER, B P Ike Partington. 11560 F Mrs Partington's knitting work. 11870 F SCHUIKICHI, Shigemi Japanese boy. 6538 B SHINN, Charles H Mining camps. 221 V SHORTER, Clement K Victorian literature. 10867 EE SHORTHOUSE, J H Blanche, Lady Falaise. 6817 F Countess Eve, The. 6821 F John Inglesant. 6818 F Little schoolmate Mark. 6820 F Sir Percival. 6819 F SHUCK, Oscar T California scrap-book. 439 H Men of the Pacific. 11554 B SHULDHAM, E B Chronic sore throat. 11745 S Stammering and its treatment. 11745S SIDNEY, Margaret (pseud of Mrs H M S Lothrop) Five little peppers and how they grew. 9644 J Five little peppers grown up. 9645 J Five little peppers midway. 8595 J Our town. 5302 J Phronsie pepper. 10656 J SIENKIEWICZ, H Deluge. The, 2 vols. 8526 F Pan Michael. 8250 F Quo Vadis. 10369 F With fire and sword. 8157 F Yanko, the musician, and other sto- ries. 8249 F SIGOURNEY, Mrs L H Daily counsellor. 11777 RE Letters and life of. 646 B Lucy Howard's journal. 11854 F SILL. Edward Hermitage, and other poems. 5597 P SILVER, Abeel The Holy word in its own defense. 5096 RE SIMMONDS. T L Commercial products of the sea. 1819 S (102) SIMMS, Joseph Physiognomy illustrated. 7796 S SIMMS, W Gilmore Cassique of Kianah. 11710 F Woodcraft. 6181 F SIMON, A E Fritz Historical epochs with system of mneumonics. 5728 EE SIMON, Jules Victor Cousin. 7390 B SIMON, M Laird Evenings with Moody and Sankey. 7300 RE Holding the fort. 7285 RE SIMS, J Marion Story of my life. 1030 B SINCLAIR, Catharine Modern accomplishments. 5080 F SINGER, Ignatious Some unrecognized laws of nature. 114500 S SINNETT, A P Esotoric Buddhism. 1201 RE Occult world. 6724 RE Rationale mesmerism. 7304 RE SITGRAEVES, L Expedition down the Colorado and Zuri rivers. 3367 V SKEAT, Walter Concise etymological English diction- ary. 1661 R SKELTON, John Poetical works of. 6188 P SKENE, Alexander J C True to themselves. 11725 F SKINNER, Charles M Myths and legends of our own land, 2 vols. 11041 F SKINNER, Thomas Excursion in India, 2 vols. 4974 V SLADE, D D Diphtheria. 9132 S SLATER, John Architecture, classic and early chris- tian. 9166 A SLAN, Samuel Model architect, 2 vols. 7707 A Homestead architecture. 1788 A SLOSSON, Annie T Seven dreamers. 6301 P SMALLEY, George W London letters and some others, 2 vols. 11419 E Studies of men. 9370 E SMEDES, Susan D Southern planter. 7679 B SMILES, Samuel Art of living. 7235 EE Brief biographies. 170 B Character. 5366 EE Duty. 5367 EE George Stephenson, Life of. 8986 B Huguenots in France. 11406 H Industrial biography. 11844 B Men of invention and industry. 226 a Robert Dick, botanist. 6351 B Self help. 5368 EE Thrift. 452 EE SMITH, Adam Wealth of nations, 2 vols. 8528 SS SMITH, A Donaldson Through unknown African countries. 10865 V SMITH, Albert H Bayard Taylor. 9510 B SMITH. Alexander Dreamthorpe; a book of essays. 682E Summer in Skye. 2951 V Poems of. 11711 P SMITH, Edward Foods. 1382 S Health. 11740 S SMITH, Edward Fabian Beecher's recitations and readings. 10687 P SMITH, Emily James (trans) Selections from Lucien. 7310 E SMITH, Mrs E T (see Meade, T L) SMITH, P Hopkinson Caleb West, master diver. 11334 F Colonel Carter of Cartersville. 7464 F Day at Laguerre's and other days. Gentleman vagabond and some some others. 9413 F Gondola days. 11089 V Tom Grogan. 9995 F Well-worn roads of Spain, Holland and Italy. 11217 VV White umbrella in Mexico. 4997 V SMITH, G Barnett Romance of colonization; the United States. 10871 H SMITH. George Ancient history from the monuments of Assyria. 12453 H Assyrian discoveries. 5229 V Chaldean accounts of Genesis. 5271 RE SMITH, Gertrude Rousing of Mrs Potter and other stories. 8159 P SMITH, Goldwin Guesses at the riddle of existence. 10411 RE SMITH, Goldwin Cowper, Life of. 6678 B (103) Lectures on the study of history. 3117 H United States, The. 8248 H SMITH, H (see Stretton, Hesba) SMITH, Hannah Music; how it came to be what it is. 11898 A SMITH, Helen A One hundred famous Americans. 5282 B SMITH, Henry Preserved The Bible and Islam, or the influence of the old and new testaments on the religion of Mohammed. 10789 RE SMITH, JVC Turkey and the Turks. 9266 H SMITH, Laura A Thro' Romany songland. 6852 P SMITH, J Mayo (compiler) Ancient Greek female costume.l779R SMITH. Mary The Browns. 12100 J Their canoe trip. 12095 J SMITH, Nora Archibald Children of the future. 11037 EE SMITH, R B Rome and Carthage. 5477H SMITH, Richard Mayo Emigration and immigration. 7613 SS SMITH, Robert H Cutting tools worked by hand and machine. 11720 A SMITH, Robert Meade Physiology of the domestic anima's. 12330 S SMITH, Roderick Science of business. 606 EE SMITH. S B Teachings of the Holy Catholic church. 8519 RE SMITH, S F (ed) Knights and sea-kings of the middle ages. 8117 J SMITH, Sydney Essays, social and political. 3250 E Works of. 457 E SMITH, T Roger Architecture, gothic and renaissance. 9167 A SMITH, Uriah Sanctuary, The. 408 RE Thoughts on Daniel. 591 RE Thoughts on Revelations. 5037 RE United States In prophecy. 401 RE SMITH. William Dictionary of the Bible. 8469 R Greece, History of. 11203 H New classical dictionary. 11048 R SMITH, William H Evolution of Dodd. 11290 F SMITH, W Robertson Prophets of Israel. 11616 RE SMITH, William Thayer Human body and its health. 8366 S Primer of physiology and hygiene. 8381 S SMOLLETT, Tobias Works of. 8897 F SMYTH, J Peterson How we got our Bible. 7279 RE SMYTH, Lieut Journey from Lima to Para. 5182 V SNIDER, Denton Freeburgers. 7175 F Walk in Hellas. 7269 V SOLEY, James Russell Boys of 1812. 4947 J Sailor boys of '61. 5286 J SOLON, L M Art of the old English potter. 1769 A SOMERS, Jane R Two bequests. 3118 F SOMMERVILLE. Maxwell Siam. 10861 V SONNENSCHEIN, W S Best books. 7079 R Reade's guide to contemporary litera- ture. 10360 R SONREL, L Bottom of the sea. 12536 S SOREL. Albert Montesquieu, Life of. 7247 B SOULE. John B L Polychords SOULE, Richard Dictionary of English synonyms. 7059 R SOUTHALL, James C Epoch of the mammoth. 12525 S SOUTHWICK, Albert P Wisps of wit and wisdom. 7446 L SOUVESTRE. Emile An attic philosopher in Paris. 3237E SOWERBY. George B The acquarium. 11686 S SPRAGUE. William B Visits to European celebrities.llSlSV SPALDING. J L Means and ends of education. 9504 EE SPARKS, W E How to shade from models. 11434 A SPAYTH, Henry Game of draughts. 7996 A SPEAR. Charles Names and titles of the Lord Jesus (104) Christ. 5094 RE SPEUUliNG. James Fraiuis Bacou; an account of life anil tunes of, 2 vols. 11355 B SPENCER, Herbert Educaiion. 11S07 EE Essays, scientific, political and spec- ulative. 6523 E Principles of ethics. 7929 EE Recent discussions in science, phi- losophy and morals. 11699 E Study of sociology. 13S7 SS Various fragments. 11024 E SPENSER. Edmund Fairy Queen. 52 P Poetical works of. 3 P SPOFFORD, Harriet Prescott Priscilla's love story. 11090 F SPRAGUE, William R Excellent woman, The. 9133 A SPRING, L W Kansas, History of. 4285 H SPRINGSTEED, Annie Frances Expert waitress. 8495 A SQUIRE, E G Nicaragua, 2 vols. 3262 V STABLES, Gordon Every inch a sailor. 12365 V Greenland and the pole. 12366 V Hints about home and farm favorites 6940 A On special service. 4744 V STAEL, Madam de Corrinne. 1038 F Germany, History of. 11219 H STAINER and Barrett (ed) Dictionary of musical terms. 8534 R STALKER, James Jesus Christ, Life of. 9680 B STALLO, J B Concepts and theories of modern physics. 11433 S STANLEY, A P Lectures on history of Jewish church. 4246 RE STANLEY, Henry M Congo. The, 2 vols. 3437 V In darkest Africa, 2 vols. 5917 V Livingstone, lost and found. 3439 V My Kalulu. 4287 V Thro' the dark continent, 2 vols. 9813 V Thro' south Africa. 11909 V STANLEY, Wallace P Our week afloat, or how we explored the Pequonset river. 11312 V STANLEY, W M Mile of gold. 11585 V STANNARD, Mrs H E V P (see Winter John Strange) STAN'iON, Anthony Woman suffrage. History of, 3 vols. 4325 SS STANTON, Mary O Physiognomy, 2 vols. 7675 S STANWOOD, Edward Presidential elections. History of. 8835 H STAFFER, Edmond Jesus Christ before his ministry. 10407 RE STATHAM, H Heathcote Modern architecture. 11384 A STEARNE, E J Notes on Uncle Tom's Cabin. 629 E STEARNS, Albert Sindbad, Smith & Co. 9916 J STEARNS, Winifred Wrecked on Labrador. 7200 J STEBBINS, Genevieve. Delsarte system of expression .6391 EE STEBBINS, Giles American protectionist manual. 6715 SS Progress from poverty. 628 SS STEBBING, Thomas R R Crustacea, History of. 11401 S STEDMAN, Edmund C Blameless prince. 73 P Library of American literature. 3448 P Nature and elements of poetry. 7601 EE Poetical works. 10866 P Joets of America. 11218 P Victorian poets. Victorian anthology, 1837-1895.10571P STEEL, Mrs F A From the five rivers. 11584 P In the permanent way. 10722 P Miss Stuart's legacy. 8024 F On the face of the waters. 10398 F Red Rowans. 10853 F STEEL, J Dorman Fourteen weeks in geology. 1476 S n physics. 1414 S in physiology. 1538 S in zoology. 1539 S Introduction to botany. 1437 S New descriptive astronomy. 1444 S STEELE, Willis Isidra. 3211 F STEERE, M J Footprints heavenward. 8514 RE (105) STEEVENS, G W Land of the dollar. 10599 F With the conquering Turk. 11372 F STEPHEN, James F Liberty, equality and fraternity. 11493 SS STEPHEN, Leslie Alexander Pope, Life of. 6704 B ' Hours in a library. 11200 EE Samuel Johnson, Life of. 6701 B Swift, Life of. 6684 B STEPHENS, Alexander H War between the states, 2 vols. 4153 H STEPHENS. H Morse Portugal, Story of. 9123 H STEPHENS, Henry Book of the farm. 8878 A STEPHENS, John L Gustavus Adolphus, History of.228B Travels in Yucatan, 2 vols. 3257 V STEPHENS, Robert N An enemy to the king. 11971 F Continental dragoon. 12595 F Road to Paris. 12622 F STEPNIAK, S Russian peasantry. 6446 H STERLING, John Onyx ring. 11637 F STERN, Herman J Gods of our fathers. 11448 F STERNDALE. Robert Afghan knife. 5053 F STERNE, Lawrence Tristam Shandy, 2 vols. 3230 F STERNE. Simon Constitutional history and political development. 12165 H STEVENS, C A Knockabout club. 644 J Knockabout club along shore. 1250J Young moose hunters. 2856 J STEVENS, C Ellis Sources of constitution of the United States. 8491 H STEVENS, John Austin Albert Gallatin, Life of. 181 B STEVENS, Lydia W Heart problems. 69 P STEVENS, Thomas Around the world on a bicycle, 2 vols. 5969 V STEVENSON, Robert L Across the plains. 12415 E Ballads. 12123 P Black arrow and other tales. 12408F David Balfour. 12406 F Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde, Strange case of. 12407 F ■ ' Fabies. 91>18 F tamiliar studies of men and books. l:i414 E Inland voyage, travels and essays of. 12412 E In the south seas. 12419 V Island night's entertainments.8722 F Kidnapped. 12405 F Letters and miscellanies. 12417 F Master of Ballantrae. 12409 F Memories and portraits. 12413 E Merry men. The. 12407 F New Arabian nights. 12401 F St Ives; being adventures of a French prisoner in England. 10770F Travels with a donkey in the Cev- ennes. 5210 V Treasure island. 12402 F Underwood. 86 P Virginibus purisque. 12413 E Weir of Hermiston plays. 12420 F STEVENSON, Robert L and Fanny Van de G Dynamiter, The STEVENSON, Robert L and Lloyd Os- borne Ebb tide. 9291 F Wrecker. 8209 F Wrong box. 5325 F STEVENSON, Sarah H Boys and girls in biology. 2721 J STEWART, Aubrey Tale of Troy. 3181 F STEWART, Baljour Conservation of energy. 1389 S STEW^ART, John A Letters to living authors. 7598 B STICKNEY, Albert A true republic. 8524 SS Democratic government. 202 SS STILLE, Charles J Studies in mediaeval hlstory.10869 H STILLMAN, W J Old Italian masters. 9171 A STIMSON, F J (J S of bale) Crime of Henry Vane. 2155 F First harvests. 5566 F In the three zones. 7747 F Kink's own. 2185 F King Noanett. 10027 F STINSON, John Organon of science. 1101 S STOCKTON, F R Adventures of Captain Horn. 9321 F Amos Kilbright; his adscititious ex- perience. 6324 F Ardig Claverden. 5960 P (106) Captain Chap. 9911 J Casting away of Mre Leeks and Mre. Aleshine. 5318 F Clocks of Rondaine. 7455 J Dusantes. 5319 F (Sequel to Mrs Leeks and Mrs Ale- shine) Girl of Cobhurst. 11085 F House of Martha. 7043 F Hundredth man. 3228 F Lady or the tiger? and other stories. 784 F Late Mrs Null. 786 F Mrs Cliff's yacht. 10105 F Personally conducted. 5320 V Pomona's travels. 9629 V Round about rambles. 5321 J Rudder Grange. 785 F Squirrel Inn. 6747 F Story-teller's pack. 10365 F Watch-maker's wife and other sto- ries. 7988 F What might have been expected. 5522 J • STODDARD, A R (compiler) Library of choice literature, 10 vols. R STODDARD, Charles A Beyond the Rockies. 8349 V STODDARD, Charles W Poems of. 1 Summer cruising in the south seas. 5041 V South sea idyls. 7457 F STODDARD, Richard H (ed) Bric-a-brac series, 10 vols. 11555 E STODDARD, Richard Henry Prosper Merimee. 6918 B Under the evening lamp. 7605 E STODDARD, W O Chuck Purdy. 6469 J Chumley's post. 9840 J Crowded out of Cro'field. 7691 J Inside the White House in war time. 7276 J Little smoke. 7401 J Lives of the presidents, viz. George Washington. 5382 J John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 5383 J James Madison, James Monroe and John Quincy Adams. 1363 J Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. 299 J William H Harrison, J Tyler and James K Polk. 5386 J Z. Taylor, M Fillmore, F. Pierce and James Buchanan. 5387 J Abraham Lincoln and A Johnson. 5388 J Ulysses S Grant. 5389 J R B Hayes, J A Garfield and C A Arthur. 5390 J Grover Cleveland. 5391 J Men of business (Men of achieve- ment series). 8015 B On the old frontier. 8074 J Partners. 9535 J Red Beauty. 3212 J Swordmaker's son; a story of the year 30 A D. 9914 J Taking leaves. 5281 J Two arrows. 2011 J STOKES, Anson P Joint metallism. 10054 SS STOKES, Alfred C Microscopy for beginners. 12499 S STONE, James Kent Invitation heeded. 11514 RE STONE, Mary E Riddle of luck. 7786 P STORIES by American Authors, 10 vols. 5357 F STORY, Alfred Thomas Building of the British empire, 2 vols. 11899 H STORY, Joseph History of the constitution. 9570 H STORY, William Wetmore Conversations in a studio. 6497 A Roba de Roma, 2 vols. 467 V STOWE, Harriet Beecher Agnes of Sorrento. 3414 F Chimney corner; house and home papers. 607 A Men of our times. 6198 B Minister's wooing. 2753 F My wife and I. 673 F Oldtown folks. 2822 F Pearl of Orr's island. 800 F Poganuc people. 8058 F Stories, sketches. 11346 J Uncle Tom's cabin. 12441 F We and our neighbors. 3415 F (Sequel to My wife and I). STOWE, J W Probate confiscation. 11867 SS STRAIN, E H A man's foes. 11630 F STRANGE, Edward F Alphabets; a manual. 11446 A STRAUB, Jacob Consolations of science. 8768 RE Prophecy and the prophets. 8760RE STRAUS, Oscar S Roger Williams, Life of. 8852 B (107) STRECKFUS, Adolph Quicksands. 2165 F STREET, Alfred B Poetical works of, 2 vols. 19 P STRETTON, Hesba (pseud of Sarah Stretton) Bede's charity. 2546 F Carola. 2237 F Cassy. 6277 F Cobwebs and cables. 5327 F David Lloyd's last will. 5829 F Doctor's dilemma. 5956 F Hester Morley's promise. 5955 F Her only son. 640 J In prison and out. 5328 F King's servants. 6280 F Lost Gip. 6278 J STRICKLAND, Agnes Tales from English history. 10627 J True stories from ancient history. 9022 J STROHM, Gertrude Universal cookery art. 7288 A STRONG, Grace Worst foe, The. 6741 P STRONG, Josiah Twentieth century city. 11969 SS STROTHER Virginia illustrated. 2688 V STUART, Esme Arrested. 10413 F Cast ashore. 11793 F STUART, George Caesar. 8355 B STUART, Ruth McEnery Golden wedding, etc. 7819 F In Simpkinsville. 10647 F Moriah's mourning. 12209 F Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets. 10106 F Story of Babette. 11508 F STUBBS, William Constitutional history of England, 3 vols. 9178 H Early Plantaganets. 5481 H STURGIS, Julian An accomplished gentleman. 2119 F Folly of Pen Harrington. 10640 F STURGIS. Russell European architecture. 10107 A SUE, Eugene Mvsteries of Paris. 11294 F Paula Monti. 5244 F Wandering Jew. 11305 F SULLIVAN, T R Tom Sylvester. 8032 F SULLY, James Outlines of psychology. 5987 EE SUMNER, Charles Notes of travel in northern Europe. 3332 V Recent speeches and addre8se8.647 B SUMNER, William G American currency, History of. 12175 SS Andrew Jackson, Life of. 184 B SUNDERMANN, Herman The wish. 10142 F SUTRO, Emil Basis law of vocal utterance. 1183S EE SUTRO, Theodore Sutro tunnel company and Sutro tun- nel. 5786 H SUTTON, J Bland Evolution and disease. 7862 S SUZOR, Renand Hydrophobia; M Pasteur's system. 5185 S SWAINE, S A Turner, the artist. 7257 B SWAITH, J C (ed) Mistress Dorothy Marvin. 9896 F SWAN, Annie S Freedom's sword. 6264 J SWEDENBORG, Emanuel Works of, 20 vols. 1294 RE SWETT, Sophie Flying Hill farm. 12116 J Mate of the Mary Ann. 12099 J Tom Pickering of 'Scutney. 11928 J SWETCHINE, Madam Writings of. 950 E SWIFT, Jonathan Choice works of. 6632 F Gulliver's travels. 10693 F SWINBURNE, Algernon C Atlanta in Calydon. 72 P Essays and studies. 11201 E Poems of. 63 P SWING, David Club essays. 5560 E Motives of life. 11400 E Truths for today. 11796 E SWINTON, William Language lessons. 8374 EE Rambles among words. 451 EE Twelve decisive battles of the war. 4156 H SWINTON and Cathcart Seven British classics. 8377 E SYKES, Arthur Ashley An essay on the truth of the Chris- tian religion. 12543 RE 1108) SYMONDS, Arthur Introduction to the study of Brown- ing. 68 EE SYMONDS, Addington Blanli verse. 9158 EE Greek poets, 2 vols. 8676 EE Italian byways. 9309 V Philip Sidney, Life of. 6685 B Religio Medici. 11538 E Renaissance in Italy, 5 vols. 4092 H SYMONDS, J Addington and Margaret Our life in the Swiss highlands. 11197 V SYMONDS, Margaret Days spent on a Doge's farm. 11876V Recollections of a happy life, 2 vols. 8501 B SYMONDSON, F W H Two years abaft the mast. 865 F TABOR, Eliza Pansie's flour bin. 6815 J When I was a little girl. 6795 J When papa comes home. 6800 J TABB, John B Lyrics. 10740 P TADEMA, Laurence Alma Wings of Icarus. 10140 F TAINE, H A Ancient regime. 12244 H English literature, History of, 2 vols. 4234 H French revolution, History of, 3 vols. 11241 H Italy, Florence and Venice. 9299 H Lectures on art. 6499 A Modern regime, 2 vols. 11245 H Notes on England. 9120 H On intelligence, 2 vols. 613 EE TAINSCH, E Campbell Study of the works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. 12651 EE TALBOT, Th (ed) Enchiridion of Epictetus. 5088 P Tales from many sources, 4 vols. 2571 F TALMAGE, T De Witt Crumbs swept up. 6555 RE From manger to throne. 5747 V TAPLEY, D J Amateur photography; a practical instructor. 6906 A TARVER, Francis French stumbling-blocks and English stepping-stones. 11451 EE TASMA (pseud) Not counting the cost. 11496 F TASSO, Torquato Jerusalem delivered. 53 P TAUSSIG, F W Wages and capital. 9806 SS TAUPHOEUS, Baroness At odds. 11587 F Initials, The. 2902 F Quits. 2903 F TAYLOR, Bayard (pseud of James- Taylor) At home and abroad. 1641 V Central Africa. 1643 V Central America. 11734 V Central Asia. 9061 V Eldorado (California). 1629 V Hannah Thurston. 858 F India, China and Japan. 1643 V John Godfrey's fortunes. 4858 F . Lands of the Saracen. 1644 V Northern travel. 1645 V Story of Kennett. 4855 F Views afoot. 1640 V TAYLOR, Bayard (ed) Cyclopaedia of modern travel, 2 vols. 1638 V Travels in Arabia. 9060 V Travels in Central Asia. 9061 V TAYLOR, Benjamine F Between the gates. 2564 V Oak openings. 344 F Poetical works of. 85 P Summer savory. 1127 E Theophilus Trent. 3203 F TAYLOR, George B Man's friend, the dog. 7857 A TAYLOR, H C Chatfield Two women and a fool. 9705 F Vice of fools. 10731 F TAYLOR, Isaac Origin of the Aryans. 10589 H TAYLOR, Jefferys Bov Crusoes; or Young islanders. 6985 V TAYLOR, J Traill Optics of photography and photo- graphic lenses. 9874 A TAYLOR, M Imlay A Yankee volunteer. 12554 F On the red staircase. 10334 F TAYLOR, Myra Bavard Taylor, Life and letters of. 1351 B TAYLOR, Shepherd Thomas Harz mountains and other essays. 6637 E TAYLOR. Winifred Violet Rivers, or Loyal to duty. 11537 F (109) TEAL, F Horace Punctuation. 11010 EE TEGG, William Knot tied; marriage ceremony of all nations. 5075 L Last act; funeral rites. 5073 L TEGETMEIER, W B Poultry book, The. 1797 A TENNEY, W J Military and naval history of the rebellion. 8906 H TENNYSON, Alfred Lord Enoch Arden. 10 P Handbook to works of. 11397 R Harold. 802 P Poems of. 8216 P Queen Mary. 10695 P TENNYSON, Hallam Alfred Lord Tennyson, a memoir, 2 vols. 10915 B TERHUNE, Mrs M H (see Harland, Marion) TETLOW, John Progressive series of inductive les- sons in latin. 8351 EE THACKERAY, W M Adventures of Philip. 1020 F Bur:esques.l026 F Christmas books. 1023 F Four Georges. 1025 H Henry Esmond, History of. 2485 F Newcomes, The. Paris, Irish and Eastern sketches. 1022 V Pendennis, History of. 2660 F Poetical v?orks of. 12169 P Vanity Fair. 9107 F THANET, Octave (pseud of Alice French) An adventure in photography. 8290 A Best letters of Lady Montagu. 7243 E Knitters in the sun. 3225 F Missionary sheriff. 10437 F Stories of a western town. 7815 F THARAU, H Fellow students. 2162 F THAXTER, Celia Drift-weed. 6503 P Poems of. 11262 P THAYER, T B Theology of Universallsm. 8503 RE THAYER, William M Poor boy and merchant prince. 124S8J Turning points in successful careers. 11755 E Youth's history of the rebellion. 4245 J THAYER. William R Dawn of Italian independence, 2 vols. 7762 H THEAL, George M South Africa. 9502 H THEBAUD, August J Gentilism religion previous to Chris- tianity. 4269 RE THEURIET, Andre The Abbe Daniel. 9389 F THICKNESS, Philip A year's voyage thro' France and Spain. 5027 V THIEBLIN, N L Spain and the Spaniards, 2 vols4333H THIELMANN Journey in Caucasus, Persia and Turkey in Asia. 3349 V THIERS, Louis A Consulate and empire of Napoleon. 4031 H French revolution, 3 vols. 4028 H THOMAS, Bertha House on the Scar. 6974 F THOMAS, Chauncey Crystal button. The. 6662 F THOMAS, Edith M Round year. The. 316 E THOMAS, J Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. 485 R THOMES, William Belle of Australia. 11332 F Lewey and I. 11338 F THOMPSON, Basil Court intrigue. A. 10041 F THOMPSON. Sir Benjamlne Memoirs of. 242 B THOMPSON. Charles Miner Nimble dollar and other stories. 10659 J THOMPSON, Edward P Roentgen rays and phenomena of the anone and cathode rays. 11199 S THOMPSON. Francis New poems. 10746 P THOMPSON, Maurice Banker of Bankersville. 2554 F Louisiana, Story of. 6364 H Poems of. 7060 P Witchery of archery. 12118 A TTTOMPPON. Silvanus P Dvnamo-electrir machinery. 7563 S Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism. 9353 S THOMPSON. W M Land and the book, or Lebanon, Damascus and beyond Jordan. 3371V (110) THOMSON, A (ed) Poetical works of James Montgom- ery. 11704 P THOMSON, C Wyville Depths of the sea. 12469 S THOMSON, James Poetical works of, 2 vols. 6054 P Seasons, The. 9129 E THOREAU. H D Cape Cod. 5752 E Early spring in Mas.sachusetts. 608E Excursions. 2129 E Familiar letters. 8S17 E Summer. 5833 E Walden. 2128 E Week on the Concord and Merrimac. 3317 E Winter. 532 E Yankee in Canada. 5774 E THORNE, P (Mary Smith) Jolly good times at school. 12091 J THORNBURY, Walter Life in Spain, past and present. 12193 H THORNTON, J P Training for health, strength and speed. 10992 S THORVALDSEN Life and works of. 1758 A THORPE, T E Humphrey Davy, poet and philoso- pher. 11151 B THURBER, Francis B Coffee from plantation to cup. 6385A THURSFIELD, J R Peel, Life of. 6780 B THURSTON, Robert H Growth of the steam engine. 1404 S THWAITES, Reuben G Afloat on the Ohio. 12010 Colonies, The (Epochs of American history). 9854 H THWING, Charles F and Carrie F B The family: an historical and social ^tudy. 481 SS TICHE. Ambrose Development of the Roman consti- tution. 9173 H TICKNOR, George Prescott, Life of. 6345 B TICKNOR. Mary Ae-nes Two coronets. 7227 F TIEDEMAN. Christopher G Unwritten constitution of the United States. 10698 H TIFFANY. Nina Moore From colony to commonwealth. 7704 H TILLE, Alexander (ed) Friedrick Nietzche, The works of. 10970 E TILION, Caroline Holland .History of. 3348 H TILTON, Theodore Tempest tossed. 11671 F The sexton's tale, and other poems. 11846 P TIMAYENSIS, T T Greece, History of, 2 vols. 11252 H Greece in the time of Homer. 11256H TIMBS, John Abbeys, castles and ancient halls of Eng.and and Wales, 3 vols. 8849 H TINCKAM Poets year. 11552 P TINCKER, Mary Agnes San Salvador. 7153 F TIREBUCK, W E Meg of the scarlet foot. 12358 F TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis de Democracy in America, 2 vols. 9310H TODD, C B New York, Story of. 5629 H Washington, Story of. 5630 H TODD, Mabel Loomis Corona and coronet. 12579 F TOLSTOI, Count Leo Anna Karenina. 3387 F Christian teaching. 12337 RE Invaders, etc. 792 F Ivan Ilyitch, etc. 792 F Kingdom of God is within you. 8330 RE My religion. 790 RE Russian proprietor, etc. 2757 F Sebastopol. 3155 F What is art. 12243 E What to do? 788 F TOMPKINS, Eliz Knight An unlessoned girl. 9508 F Broken ring. 11925 F Her majesty. 9530 F TOMKINSON, E M Benjamine Franklin, Life of. 7320B TOPELIUS, Z Surgeons' stories, viz: First cycle: Times of Gustaf Adolf. 5640 F Second cycle: Times of battle and rest. 5641 F Third cycle: Times of Charles XII. 5642 P Fourth cycle: Times of Frederick I. 5643 F Fifth cycle: Times of Linnaeus. 5644 F (Ill) Sixth cycle: Times of Alchemy. 5645 F TOPINARD, Paul Anthropology. 1454 S TORREY, Bradford Birds in the bush. 11198 E Foot-path way. 1127S E Rambler's lease. 11261 E TOURGEE, Albion W Appeal to Caesar. 2549 SS Black ice. 7144 F Bricks without straw. 2251 F Button's inn. 1072 F Figs and thistles. 11903 F Fool's errand. 826 F Guage and swallow. 5634 F Hot plowshares. 1071 F John Eax. 4998 F Man who outlived himself. 12283 F Out of the sunset sea. 8510 F Royal gentleman. 2869 F TOWLE, George M Beaconsfield, Life of. 1252 B Heroes and martyrs of invention. 5780 B TOWNSEND, Edward W Daughter of the tenements. 9407 F Near a w'hole city full. 11414 F TOWNSEND, Virginia F But a Philistine. 2025 F Darryll Gap. 9826 F Deerings of Medbury. 5332 F Dorothy Draycott's tomorrows. 10896 F George Washington, Life of. 301 B Hollands, The. 5333 F Lenox Dare. 9900 F Mills of Tuxbury. 5335 F Mostly Marjorie Day. 8480 F Only girls. 6273 F Sirs, only seventeen. 9828 F That queer girl. 8479 F Woman's word. 6295 F TRACY. Roger S Handbook of sanitary information for householders. 9501 A TRAILL, H D S T Coleridge, Life of. 218 B William the Third. 6775 B TRAIN, Elizabeth Phipps Autobiography of a professional beauty. 9594 F TRASK, Kathrina John Leighton. Jr. 11030 F TRAVERS. Graham Fellow travellers. 10363 F TREADWELL, John H Martin Luther. Life of. 5355 B TREAT, Mary B Home studies in nature. 1412 S Injurious insects in garden and farm. 1808 S TREGATHEN, Greville Australasia. 9566 H TRELAWNY, John Edward Adventures of a younger son. 6556 F TRENCH, Richard C Select glossary of English words. 11708 EE Study of words. 11843 EE TRENCH, W Stewart Realities of Irish life. 6968 H TREVELYAN, George Otto Cawnpore. 6805 H Early history of Charles James Fox. 12487 B Lord Macaulay, Life and letters of. 135 B TRISTAM, H B Great Sahara. 3441 V Land of Moab. 3299 V TROLLOPE, Anthony Autobiography, 2 vols. 1354 B Miss Mackenzie. 11676 F Ralph, the heir. 11757 F TROLLOPE, Francis Michael Armstrong, Life and adven- tures of. 5032 F TROLLOPE, William New Testament in Greek. 5173 RE TROUESSART, E L Microbes, ferments and moulds.l410S TROUSSEAU, A therapeutics, Treatise of, 3 vols. 8705 SS TROWBRIDGE, John T Adventures of David Vane and David Crane. 10982 J Cudjo's cave. 5329 J Drummer boy. 11907 J Fortunes of Toby Trafford. 8177 J Resolute Mr. Pansy. 10873 J Scarlet tanager. 6916 J Three boys on an electrical boat. 8779 J Three scouts. 8179 J TRUBNER and Co (ed) Keys of the creeds. 8687 RE TRUESDELL, Amelia Woodward California pilgrimage. 10910 P TRUMAN, Joseph Afterthoughts. 6856 TRYON, George W Structural and systematic conchologv 1526 S (112) TSOUNTAS, Chrestos Mycenaean age; a study of the mon- uments and culture of pre-homeric Greece. 113G8 H TUCKER, T de L Booth Catherine Booth, mother of the Sal- vation army, 2 vols. 8147 B TUCKER, George Fox Quaker home. 7115 F TUCKEY, J K Narrative of an expedition to explore Taire river. 5922 V TUCKEY, Janet Joan of Arc, Life of. 5353 B TUDELA, Benjamin of His travels, 1160-73. 367 V TULLOCH, John Sundays at Balmoral (sermons preached before Queen Victoria). 332 RE TULLOCH, W W Queen Victoria, Story of life of. 1329 B TUNISON, J S Master Virgil. 11919 EE TUPPER, M F Proverbial philosophy. 2283 E TURGENIEFF, Ivan Fathers and sons. 2555 F Lear of the Steppe. 7471 F Liza. 2556 F On the eve. 7476 F . Spring flood. 7471 F TURNER, Dawson W Odes of Pindar. 9779 EE TUSON, R V (ed) Cooley's cyclopaedia of practical re- ceipts. 2 vols. 1603 R TUTTIET, M G (see Gray, Maxwell) TUTTLE, Charles R Border wars of the United States. History of. 5252 H TUTTLE, Herbert Prussia, History of, 1134-1740. 4407 H Same, 1740-1756, 2 vols. 8084 H TUTTLE, Hudson Scenes in the spirit world. 9472 RE TWAIN, Mark (pseud of S L Clemens) American claimant. 7482 F Following the equator. 10909 F Huckleberry Finn. 539 J Innocents abroad. 2529 F Library of humor. 543 F Life on the Mississippi. 2533 F Merry tales. 7812 F £1,000,000 bank note and other new stories. 7814 F Personal recollections of Joan of Arc. 10387 F Roughing it. 2531 F Prince and pauper. 2532 F Sketches. 2528 F Stolen white elephant. 7813 F Tom Sawyer. 2527 J Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson. 9524 F Tramp abroad. 2534 F Yankee in King Arthur's court. 7462 F TWAIN, Mark and Warner, C D Gilded age. 10908 F TWEEDIE, W K Environs of Jerusalem. 3319 V TWISTLETON, E Investigation of the handwriting of Junius. 1686 R Tongue, The, not essential to speech. 1508 S TYLER, Joslah Livingston lost and found. 3439 V TYLER, Moses C Literary history of the American revolution. 10492 EE Patrick Henry, Life of. 1244 B TAYLOR, Edward B Anthropology. 12531 S Primitive culture, 2 vols. 12457 S TYNAN, Katharine Way of a maid. 9363 F TYNDALL, John Forms of water. 1380 S Fragments of science, 2 vols. 1419 S Heat as a mode of motion. 1489 S Hours of exercise in the Alps. 5409V New fragments. 7063 S Sound. 9445 S TYNER, Paul The living Christ. 12328 RE TYRRELL. J W Across the sub-arctics of Canada. 11387 V TYRRELL, R Y Latin poetry. 11965 EE TYTLER, Sarah (pseud of Henrietta Keddie) Papers for thoughtful girls. 6887 EE UHLHORN. Gerhard Conflict of Christianity with heath- enism. 11234 RE UNDERWOOD, Francis H Handbook of English literature. 11816 EE Henry W Longfellow, Life of. 1317 B J G Whittier, Life of. 1361 B (113) Lxiid of himself. 6232 P Poet and the man. 8072 E Quabbin. 7662 F UNWIN, W Cawthorne Elements of machine design. 7565 S UPTON, George P Standard cantatas. 340 A Standard operas. 7574 A Standard oratorios. 7576 A Standard symphonies. 7575 A Woman in music. 7643 A , UPTON, J K Money in politics. 9512 SS URE, Andrew Dictionary of arts, manufactories and mines. 1677 R VACHELL, Horace Annesley Romance of Judge Ketchum. 9352 F VAILE, Charlotte M Orcutt girls, The. 12302 J Sue Orcutt. 12303 J VALLARI, PasQuale Savonarola. Life and times of. 10882B VALREDRE, Adrian At dusk. 5048 F VAMBERG, Arminius Hungary, Story of. 4349 H Travels in central Asia. 3291 V VAN BENEDEN, P J Animal parasites and messmates. 1399 S VAN BRIPSEL, E (trans) Populatior, of an old pear tree. 8142 J VANCE, Clara Andy Luttrell. 7209 J VANCE-PHILLIPS. L Book of the china painter. 10038 A VANDEHOFF, George Leaves from an actor's notebook. 655 B VANDERGRIFT. Margaret Queen's body guard. 2234 F Rose Raymond's wards. 7195 F VAN DYKE, Henry Gospel for an age of doubt. 10167RE VAN DYKE, John C Art for art's sake. 7734 A History of painting. 8847 A How to judge a picture. 6752 A Nature foi- its own sake. 11923 A VAN DYKE, T S Millionaires of a day. 6367 H Still hunter. The. 6332 A VAN HOLST, H John C Calhoun. Life of. 180 B VAN HORN. T B George H Thomas, Life of. 156 B VAN LAUN, Henri French literature. History uf, 3 vols. 4117 EE VAN LENNEP, Henry J Bible lands, their manners and cus- toms. 4808 V VAN NESS, Thomas Coming religion, The. 7653 RE VAN RENSSELAER. Mrs Schuyler Art out of doors. Hints on good taste in gardening. 11160 A Handbook of English cathedrals. 11161 A One man who was content, etc. 10366 F VAN VORST, Frederick B Without a compass. 9000 F VASARI, Giorgio Lives of seventy most eminent paint- ers, sculptors and architects, 4 vola. 10888 B VASEY, George Philosophy of laughter. 5086 L VASSAR, John Guy Twenty years around the world. 6234 V VAUX, Calvert Villas and cottages. 8877 A VAUX, W S W Ancient history from the monuments of Persia. 12454 H Nineveh and Persipolis. 5046 H VEEDER, Emily Her brother Donnard. 7417 F VEITCH, John Hamilton. Life of. 7631 B VERGA, Giovanni House by the medlar tree. 5821 F VERNE, Jules American gtin club. 2708 F Around the world in eighty days. 2123 F Desert of ice. 7386 F Dick Sands. Facing the flag. 10184 F Famous travels and travelers. 1C47 V Floating city. etc. 867 F From the earth to the moon. 871 F Giant raft. 878 F Great explorers of the 19th centurv. 1646 V Great navigators of the ic.a centurv. 1648 F Hector Servadoo. 12442 F Journey to the center of the earth. 870 F Michael Strogoff. etc. 11303 F Mysterious island. 886 F (114) Steam house. 2690 F Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. 21 16 F VETROMILE, E Travels in Europe, Egypt, Arabia, etc. 3365 V VEYSEY, Arthur Henry Cheque for three thousand. 10368 F VIAXD, L M J see Loti, Pierre) VlCKERd. Robert H -Martyrdoms of literature. 7655 EE VICTOR, Orville J Southern rebellion, History of.4010H VICTORIA, Queen Lreaves from journal of our life in the highlands. 484 B VIGNOLI, Tito Myth and science. 11366 S VILLARI, Pasquale Machiavelli. Life and times of. 7705B VINCENT, Benjamine Haydens dictionary of dates. 7994R VINCENT. Frank Animal world. The. 11791 S Around and about South America. 7717 V Land of the white elephant. 3292 V Through and through the tropics. 3326 V VINING, Edward P An inglorious Columbus. 3392 H VIZETELLY. Henry History of champagne and other wines. 4879 R VOLTAIRE. M de Charles the twelfth, History of. 10631 B Famous romances of. 8788 F VON HOLST. H French revolution. 2 vols. 9101 H John C Calhoun, Life of. 180 B VOSMAER. Carl Amazon, The. 2225 V VOYNICH, E L Gadfly. The. 10644 F WACE. Henry Sacrifice of Christ. 12351 RE WADSWORTH, C Sermons. 588 RE William Wordsworth. Memoirs of. 1358 B WAGNER, Harr (ed) Pacific history stories. 10701 J Pacific nature stories. 10700 J WAIT, Frona Eunice Yermah. the Dorado. 10808 F WAKE, C S Serpent worship and other essays. 5270 RE WAKEMAN, Henry O (ed) Essays; English constitutional his- tory. 12516 H WALCOTT, C Doolittle Fossil Medusae. 12650 S WALDSTEIN, Louis Subconscious self. 10857 EE WALKER. Francis A Second army corps. History of the. 4361 H WALKER. Hugh Age of Tennyson. 12653 EE WALKER, W S Between the tides. 4772 L WALLACE, Alfred R Darwinism. 5414 S Natural selection and tropical na- ture. 6804 S WALLACE, Lew Ben Hur. 8055 F Fair god. 10194 F Prince of India, 2 vols. 7926 F WALLACE. Susan E Along the Bosphorus and other sketches. 12546 V Repose in Egypt. 10988 V WALLACE, William Correspondence of Robert Burns and Mrs Dunlop. 11352 E Kant. 7632 B WALLER. Horace Last journals of Livingston. 3323 V WALPOLE. F Ansayrii. or assassins. 3372 F Four years in the Pacific. 5008 V WALPOLE, Spencer England from conclusion of the war in 1815, 6 vols. 12133 H WALSH. J H Horse in the stable and field. 6432 A WALTERS. John C In Tennyson's land. 7611 V WALTON. Isaac Complete angler. 1817 A WANDLE and Faulkner Writers' reference handbook. 7299 R WANTERS. A J StanleVs Emin Pasha expedition. 8146 V WARBURTON. W Edward the Third. 5482 B WARD, Anna L (ed) Dictionary of quotations from En- glish and American poets, 11250 R (115) Dictionary of quotations in prose. 11251 R Quotations from Englisli and Ameri- can autliors. 7487 R Surf and wave as sung by tlie poets. 61 P WARD, Artemus Complete worlcs of. 12559 F WARD. E Pair of originals. 6793 J WARD, Herbert D Captain of the Kittiewiuk. 7406 J New senior at Andover. 6474 J Republic witliout a president. 7851 F WARD, Mrs H D (see Phelps, Eliza- beth Stuart) WARD, Mrs Humphrey Amiel's journal ,2 vols. 8658 E David Grieve, History of. 6849 F Helbeck of Bannisdale, 2 vols. 9974 F Marceila, 2 vols. 8427 F Miss Bretherton. 8657 F Robert Elsmere. 10624 F Sir George Tressady, 2 vols. 9974 F Story of Bessie Costrell. 9322 F WARD, Lester F Dynamic sociology, 2 vols. 5727 SS WARD, Matt F English items. 11748 WARD, May Alden Dante; sketch of his life and works. 11275 B Petrarch; sketch of his life and works. 12200 B WARD, Samuel Lyrical recreations. 11551 P WARD. Thomas H (ed) English poets. 6786 B Milly and Oily. 6798 J WARD, Wilfred Cardinal Newman, Life and times of, 2 vol.s. 11962 B WARD, William Hindoos; manners and customs. 5920 H WARDEN, Florence Deldee, or the iron hand. 11864 F WARE. William Aurelian; or Rome in the third cen- tury Zenobia. Queen of Palmyra. WARING, George E How to drain a house. 3144 A Street cleaning. 11405 A Whip and spur. 12338 F WARINGTON. R Chemistry of the farm. 12171 A WARMAN, Cy Tales of an engineer. 9437 F WARNER, Anna B and Susan Cross corner^s. 3187 F Dollars and cents. 1136 F My brother's keeper. 1139 F Yours and mine. 7230 F WARNER, Charles Dudley Backlog studies. 5399 E Being a boy. 721 J Golden house. 9139 F In the Levant. 3283 V John Smith, Life of. 2002 B Little journey in the world. 6079 F My summer in a garden. 725 A My winter on the Nile. 5400 V On horseback; tour in Virginia, etc. 7041 V Our Italy. 6058 V Relation of literature to life. 10319B Saunterings. 957 V Their pilgrimage. 8646 F Washington Irving. Life of. 188 B WARNER, Francis Physical expression, its modes and principles. 11359 S WARREN, Henry White Bible in the world's education. 7749 RE WARREN, S Ten thousand a year. 2706 F Passages from the diary of a late physician. 8912 F WARTH. Julian Full stature of a man. 7151 F WASHBURNE, C A Political evolution or from poverty to competence. 10468 SS WASHBURNE, E B Recollections of a minister to France. 2 vols. 4831 H WASHINGTON. George Accounts with the I'nited States. 9046 R WATSON. H B Galloping Dick. 10144 F WATSON. Henry C Camp-fires of Napoleon. 7461 H WATSON, J S (trans) Histories of Sallust and Florua. 475 H WATSON. J W Beautiful snow and other poems. 11 SOS P WATSON. Paul Barron Aurellus Antoninus. 230 B WATSON. Sereno Botany of rnlifnrnfn. 1145 S (116) WATSON, William Father of the forest and other poems. 9503 P Hope of the world. 11020 RE Poems of. 8261 P WEBSTER, Augusta Daffodil and the croaxicans. 6847 F Housewife's opinions. 687U A WEEDEN, William B Economic and social history of New England, 2 vols. 12146 H WEEKS, Clara S Te.\t-book on nursing. 6429 S WEEKS. Lyman H Among the Azores. 5416 V WEISMAN, August Essays on heredity. 4845 S Germ-plasm. 7863 S WELCH, Deshler Bachelor and the chafing dish. 9527 A WELD, Henry P Fly-rod and fly-tackle. 1818 A WELD, Kate Miss Curtis. 3160 F WELLDON, J E C Hope of immortality. 12357 RE W^ELLS, H G Invisible man. The. 10734 F Thirty strange stories. 10489 F War of the worlds. 11083 F Wheels of chance; a bicycling idyl. 10] 15 F WELLS, James W Three thousand miles thro' Brazil, 2 vols. 3359 V WELSH, Alfred H Development of English literature. 7073 EB WENDELL, Barrett English composition. 7241 EE WENTWORTH, G A Grammar school arithmetic. 8360BE WENTWORTH. May Fairy tales from gold lands. 9019 J Poetry of the Pacific. 93 P WESSELHOEFT, Lily F Flipwing. the spy. 12093 J Jerry, the blunderer. 10121 J Old rough, the miser. 12092 J Sparrow, the tramp. 12090 J WESSELY. J E Pocket dictionary. English and French. 1660 R English and Italian. 1658 R English and Spanish. 1659 R WETHERELL, Elizabeth (pseud of Susan Warner) Queechy. 8189 F Wide, wide world. 9106 F WEYMAN, Stanley J Castle inp. The. 12345 F From the memoirs of a minister of France. (Short stories). 9331 F Gentleman of France. 9284 F House of the wolf. 12431 F Man in black. 12430 F My lady Rotha. 10712 F Red cockade. 9406 F Shrewsbury, a romance, 11064 F Story of Francis Cludde. 7923 F Under the red robe. 9984 F WHARTON, Anne H Martha Washington. 10386 B Through colonial doorways. 7816 H WHEATLEY. Henry B How to catalog a library. 5496 EE WHEELER. Charles G Course of empire. 5735 H WHEELER, G Choice of a dwelling. 8914 A WHEELER, Stephen The Ameer Abdur Rahman. 9750 B WHEELER, William A Dictionary of noted names of fiction. 10469 R Handbook of familiar allusions. 5249 R WHEELER, Mrs W L Washington symphony. 7984 F WHEWELL, WMlliam Inductive sciences. History of, 2 vols. 1421 S WHIGMAN. H J How to play golf. 11014 A WHIPPLE, Edwin P Great speeches and orations of Dan- iel Webster. 10342 E WHIPPLE, Edward P American literature. 1205 EE Recollections of eminent men. 1371 B WHISHAW,, Fred J * Boris, the bear hunter. 12368 J Out of doors in Tsar land. 8246 V WHISTLER, J McNeill Gentle art of making enemies. 7443 E WHISTON, William (trans) Works of Josephus. 4209 H WHITCHER, Frances M Widow Bedott papers. 11832 F WHITE, Adam Popular history of birds. 11685 S WHITE. Andrew Dickson Warfare of science. 2 vols. 10388 RE WHITE, Ellen Great controversy between Christ and Satan, 3 vols. 396 RE (117) Sketches from life of Paul. 1247 RE WHIlE, Gleeson (ed) Practical designing. 12486 A WHi'lE, Greenough Maithew Arnold and the spirit of the age. 11875 E WHITE, James (ed) William Miller, Sketches of. 392 B France, History of. 12187 H WHITE, Richard Grant England without and within. li783V Studies in Shakespeare. 458 E Words and their uses. 255 EE WHITE, Robert Battle of Bannockburn. 4405 H WHITE, Trumbull Silver and gold. 9857 SS WHITEHOUSE, H Remsen Sacrifice of a throne. 11964 B WHITEMARSH, H Phelps Young pearl divers. 11084 J WHITEHAM, J W B Western wanderings. 5010 V WHITING, Lilian World beautiful, 3 series. 11904 RE WHITTHAUS, R A Medical chemistry. 8714 S WHITMAN, Sarah W Making of pictures. 8135 A WHITMAN, Walt November boughs. 390 P Selected poems of. 7530 P W^HITNEY, Mrs A D T Ascutney street. 5779 F Bonnyborough. 2748 F Boys at Chequas.set. 1149 J Faith Gartney's girlhood. 5794 F Friendly letters to girl friends.101081" Gayworthys, The. 5336 F Golden gossip. 7323 F Hitherto. 2745 F Homespun yarns. 2656 F Leslie Goldthwaite's life, Summer in. 807 F Mother goo.se for grown folks. 755 P Odd or even? 2705 F Open mystery. 10441 F Other girls. 2751 F Patience Strong's outings. 2747 F Real folks. 2750 F Sights and insights, 2 vols. 5337 F We girls. 2744 F WHITNEY. William Dwight Essentials of English grammar. 11799 EE Language and study of. 1495 EE Life and growth of language.1398 EE WHITON, James Morris Gloria Patri; or our talks about the Trinity. 11515 RE WHITTAKER. Frederick George A Custer. Life of. 8969 B WHITTIER, John G Poetical works of. 55 P WHYMPER. Edward Scrambles among the Alps down the Rhine. 5676 V Travels among the Andes of the equator. 7364 V WICKSON. E J California fruits and how to grow them. 5544 A WICKSTEED. Philip Henry Ibsen. 6832 B WIGGIN. Mrs Kate Douglas Bird's Christmas carol. 7925 J Cathedral courtship: Penelope's En- glish experiences. 7784 F Children's rights. 7440 EE Marm Lisa. 10109 F Patsy. The story of. 5339 J Penelope's progress. 11289 F Polly Oliver's problem. 8027 J Summer in a canon. 5340 J Timothy's quest. 8648 J Village watch-tower. 9409 P WIGLE. E Prevailing praver. 10881 RE WIGMORE. John H Australian ballot system. 5953 SS WTKOFF. Henry Four civilizations of the world 4338 H WTLBERFORCE. H W W Lawn tennis. 7545 A WILBOR. Elsie M (ed) Delsarte rpcitation and directory hook. 7103 P WTLrox. Ella Wheeler -An errinp woman's love and other noems. 10524 P Poems of pn.ssion. 10526 P Poems of Pleasure. 10525 P WILDE. Ladv J F S Anfient r-iires f^harms and usuages of Ireland. 8226 H An<-ient legends, etc.. of Ireland 7114 F WILDE. Oscar Tntentione. 10598 E WILDER Marshall P People T have smiled with. 6362 B WILDMAN. Rounsevelle Panglima Muda. 8928 F (118) WILKIE, Franc B Peu and powder. 6373 H WlLKlxNS, Mary E Humble romance, etc. 10514 F Jane Field. 7415 F Jerome, a poor man. 10721 F New England nun, etc. 10572 F Once upon a time, and other cliild verse. 11931 P Pembroke. 10515 F Silence and other stories. 12001 F Young LiUcretia and other stories. 1 356 J WILKINSON, J G Ancient Egj'ptians, Popular account of, 2 vols. 9312 H Manners and customs of ancient Egyptians, 3 vols. 11258 H WILKINSON. William C Preparatory latiu course in English. 624 EE WILLERS, P F Henry of Navarre. 11188 H WILLETT, Edward Search of the Star. 7198 V WILLEY, Samuel H College of California, History of. 4368 H Thirty years in California. 8594 H WILLIAMS, Henry Ted Window gardening. 11592 A WILLIAMS, Sir Monier Buddhism. 5540 RE WILLIAMS, Samuel G Modern education. History of.8000EE WILLIAMS, S Wells China, History of. WILLING, Mrs Charles Genevieve of Brabant. 11787 P WILLIS, N P Poetical works of. 31 P Rural letters. 6202 E WILMOT, S Eardley Development of navies during the last half-century. 7607 H WILSON, Mrs Augusta J (Evans) At the mercy of Tiberius Beulah. 10957 F Inez. 757 F Infelice. 10958 F St Elmo. 9324 F Vashti. 10959 F WILSON, Andrew Abode of snow. 8183 F WILSON, Sir Charles Robert Clive, Life of. 12475 B WILSON, Edward L In scripture lands. 6343 V Photographies. 9875 A WILSON. Erasmus Cleopatra's needle. 3048 A WILSON, Francis Eugene Field 1 knew, The. 118S0 B WILSON, F Mary Primer on Browning. 11381 EE WILSON, Henry Reconstruction measures. History < f. 5934 H Rise and fall of slave power in Am- erica, 3 vols. 10390 H WILSON, Prof. J. (Christopher North) Lights and shadows of Scottish life. 312 M Noctes Ambrosianae, 5 vols. 306 E Poetical works of. 313 P WILSON, Woodrow Congressional government. 8837 H Division and re-unlon; epochs of American history series. 9871 H George Washington, Life of. lOllOB Mere literature and other essays. 11369 EE State, The. 8274 SS WINCHELL, Alexander Geological excursions. 7132 S Sketches of creation. 11613 S Sparks from a geologist's hamrier. 3019 S World life. 2020 S WINCKLEMAN, John Ancient art. History of, 2 vols. 1755A WINDELBAND. W Philosophy,, History of. 9195 EE WINDLE, Mary J Washington. Life of. 5936 B WINES, E C State of prisons and child-saving in- stitutions. 12521 SS WINES. Frederic H Liquor problem in its legislative as- pects. 10436 SS WINGATE, F R Mahdiism and the Egyptian Sudan. 6803 H WINSOR. Justin Christopher Columbus, Life of. 7412B Readers' handbook of the American revolution, 1776-1783. 11280 H WINSOR, Justin (ed) Cartier to Frontenac. 8326 H Mississippi basin. 11918 H Narrative and critical history of America. 8 vols. 6020 H Western movement. 114 24H WINTER, John Strange (pseud of Mrs H E Stannard) (119) Aunt Johnnie. 7973 F Bootle's baby. 8317 F Only human. 7818 F Other man's wife. 7849 F Peacemakers. 11086 F Strange story of my life. 12580 F WINTER, William Edwin Booth, Life and art of.7999 B Gray days and gold. 6072 V WINTHROP, Theodore Cecil Dreeme. 11866 F John Brent. 958 F WISE, Daniel Uncrowned kings. 11830 J WISE, John Sergeant Diomed; the life, travel sand obser- vations of a dog. 12005 J WISEMAN, Cardinal Fabiola; or church of the catacombs. 2032 F WISTER, Mrs. A. L. See Heimburg, Marlitt, etc., all col- lected on shelf under "German trans- lation." WISTER, Owen Red men and white. 9492 P WITHROW Valerie, the martyr of the catacombs. 11570 F WOLF, Emma Joy of life. 9985 F Other things being equal. 7413 P Prodigal in love. 10502 P WOLF. Lucy Moses Montifiors. Life of. 194 B WOLFF, Julius Robber-count. 5832 F WOOD, Alphonse Introduction to botany. 1437 S WOOD. Edward J Wedding-day in all ages. 2676 L WOOD, Mrs Henry East Lynne. 8315 F WOOD. Henry Ideal suggestion thro' mental pho- tography. 8156 EE Natural law in the business world 8150 EE Political economy of natural law 8259 SS WOOD. H Trueman Modern methods of Illustrating books. 7616 A WOOD. J G Homes without hands. 12155 S Horse and man. 1800 A Insects at home. 1528 S Natural history, illustrated. 1504 S Trespassers. 1500 S Uncivilized races of man. 4095 S WOOD, W M Seas of India, China and Japan. 4732 V WOODARD, B D Racine Iphigenie. 11869 P WOODARD, David Narrative of. 6208 F WOODARD. S P Manual of the Mollusca. 12628 S WOODBERRY, G E Studies in letters and life. 11452 E WOODBURY, C J Talks with Emerson. 6.^17 E WOODBURY, George Edgar A Poe, Life of. 1239 B WOODBURY, Walter E Aristotypes and how to make them. 9862 A Encyclopaedic dictionary of photog- raphy. 12240 R Photographic amusements. 10788 A WOODHEAD, German Sims Bacteria and their products. 7654 S WOODHULL, Victoria C Human body, the temple of God. 8096 RE WOODMAN, Abby J Picturesque Alaska. 6340 V WOODS, Katharine Pearson From dusk to dawn. 7580 F John; a tale of the Messiah. 9986 F Metzerott. shoemaker. 8639 F Son of Hagar. 10777 F WOODS, N A Prince of Wales in the United States and Canada. 415 V WOODS, Virna An elusive lover. 11038 F WOODWARD, C M Manual training school. 5672 EE WOODWARD, George E .'Architecture and rural art. 8939 A Cottages and farm houses. 1791 A WOOLLEY, Celia Parker Girl graduate. 6282 F Love and theology. 3179 F WOOLSEY. S C (see Coolldge. Susan) WOOLSEY, T D Religion of the present and the fu- ture. 330 RE WOOLSEY. Theodore Dwlght International law. 7084 SS WOOLSON, Constance F Castle Nowhere. 6045 F Dorothy and other Italian stories. 9412 F (120) East Angels. 8316 F For the major. 1145 F Horace Chase. 81G8 F Jupiter light.s. 4995 F Rxxlnuin, ihe keeper. 6044 F ^VORCESTER, Dean C Philippine islands and their peop'.e. 12597 H WORDSWORTH, William Memoirs of, 2 vols. 1358 B Poetical works. 8943 P WORMELL, R W Electricity in the service of man. 1516 S WORTHEN, W E (ed) Appleton"s cyclopaedia of drawnij?. 1551 A WORTLEY, Lady Emmeline S Travels in the United States, 3 vols. 5176 V WRENCH, Frederick Recollections of Naples, etc. 1781 T WRENCH, Matilda Visits to female prisoners at home and abroad. 11826 SS WRIGHT, G Frederick Greenland icefields and life in North America. 4836 S Scientific aspects of Christian evi- dence. 10969 RE WRIGHT. Lewis Practical pigeon keeper. 12662 A Practical poultry keeper. 1795 A WURTZ. Ad Atomic theory. 11274 S WYCKOFF. Walter A The workers; an experiment in real- ity (The East). 11026 SS WYLIE, James Hamilton England under Henry the Fourth, History of. 12139 H WYM.ANN, Gilbert (compiler) Land and mining laws of Alaska. 10898 SS WYSS. John Rudolph Swiss Family Robinson. 10416 J XENOS. Stephanos T Andronike 10859. F YAGGY, L W Museum of antiquity. 5859 R YALE. Leroy M Nursery problems. 10860 S YATES, Edmund Broken to harness. 2201 S Running the gauntlet. 2202 F YEA'IS, S Levett Chevalier u Auriac. 1065i F YEAiS, W B Fairy and folk lore of Irish peas- antry.. 11540 F YECH'lON, Barbara Derick. 10775 J We ten; or the story of the loses. 10655 F YONGE, Charlotte M Armourer s prentices. 2666 F Beechcroft. 2662 F Book of golden deeds. 5464 F Book of worthies. 6532 F Caged lion. 2664 F Chaplet of pearls. 2658 F Cameos from English history, 7 vols. 6822 H Dove in the agle's nest. 2669 F Hannah Moore, Life of. 6347 B Heir of Redcliffe. 5690 F Hopes and fears. 5691 F Long vacation. 11502 F Love and life. 9286 F More bywords. 6137 F My young Alcides. 5239 F Nuttie's father. 2742 F Reputed changeling. 7186 F Scenes and characters. 3147 F Three brides. 5693 F Two guardians. 5692 F Two penniless princesses. 6067 F Two sides of the shield. 2588 F Sentimental journey thro'France and Italy. 5097 V YOUATT, William The dog. 1794 A YOUMANS, E L Classbook of chemistry. 8386 S Culture demanded by modern life. 599 EE YOUNG, Aleander Netherlands; A concise history of. 4139 H YOUNG, Andrew W Government classbook. 8941 H YOUNG, Charles Last of the Vikings. 9533 J YOUNG, Charles A General astronomy. 7560 S Lessons on astronomy. 7093 S YOUNG, John Russell Around the world with General Grant, 2 vols. 3313 V ZACK Life is life, and other tales. 12351 F (121) ZAHM, J A Sound and music. 7442 S ZANGWILL, I Children of the Ghetto. 9347 F Dreams of the Ghetto. 11087 F King of the Schnorrers. 9332 F Master, The. 9329 F Premier and the painter. 10855 F ZANGWILL, Louis Cleo. the magnificent. 11881 F ZIELIXSKA. Marie H de Marie; a story of Russian love. 9009 F ZIMMERN. Helen Hansa towns, Story of. 5370 H ZOGBAUM, Rufus F Horse, foot and dragoons; sketches of army life. 3383 F ZOLA, Emile Experimental novel and other essays. 11409 EE SANTA CRUZ CHURCH DIRECTORY. gkssca i>ope CDurcD. Elm Street, West of the Y. M. C. A. Building. rirst Cftrlstian CburcD. Uncoln St., near Center. ROBERT L.. McHATTON, Minister, i Residence— See Directory on Church. Sunday Services: — Preaching at 11 a. m. Sunday School at 12:15 p. m. Loyal Workers' meeting, 6:30 p. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. I Services: — Sunday, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bible school. Sunday, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Mid-week services:- j P^'^yer meetin_g_Wednesday evening. Ladies' prayer meeting Tuesday ^''Xno Creed But Christ. **■ ™' .. TTT , 1 < No Name But Christian. Regular prayer meeting W ednesday ^.^ ^^^.^^ ^^^ ^.^ ^^,^^^^ evening at 7:o0. "^ ;irst Baptist CDurcb- Walnut Avenue. REV. E. H. HAYDEN, Pastor. Residence, 1419 Locust Street. ^onsregational Cburcl). Corner of Lincoln and Center Sts. REV. JAMES B. ORR, Pastor. Sunday Order: — Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. (Nov. 1 to May 1, 7:30 p. m.) Sunday School, 12:15 p. m. Young People's Meeting, 7 p. m. (Nov. 1 to May 1, 6:30 p m.) Mid-week prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m. (Nov. 1 to May 1, 7:30 p.m. centcnial German JXt. €* Churcl)* Washington St., near Lincoln St. REV. W. KOHLENBERGER, No. 14 Elm Street. ' Public worship, 11 a. m. and 7: 30 p. m. Bible School, 12:15 p. m. Chinese Bible Class, 5:30 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 p. m. (6:45 in summer.) Mid-week service, Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. (7:45 in summer.) Ladies' Societj', Cheerful Workers, Little Help- I ers, Tuesday afternoon. Chara Class, Thursday afternoon at 3:30. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society and ' the Woman's Home Missionary Society meet the 'last Tuesday afternoon of each alternate month. I The Congregational Association of Christian I Chinese, cor. Berkeushire and Cooper Sts. School I open everj- evening. In charge ot Miss Eva Fikes. ^alDarpi episcopal) Cburcb Corner of Lincoln and Center Sts. REV. C. O. TILLOTSON, Rector. Services as follows: — Sunday School at 9:45 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Epworth League Sundays at 6:45 p. m., Fridays at 7:30 p. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. , Holy communion at 11 a. m., 1st and [3d Sundays of the month; other Sun- days at 7:30 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m, Instruction in German Saturday, 1:30 p. m. Parochial Mission, St. John Baptist ^at Capitola. Santa Cruz Church Directory. (Continued.) yirst methodtst CburcD. JJirst presbptertan Cburcb. Pastor, see Directory on Church. Residence 90 Mission St. REV. ALEX. EAKIN. Residence, 33 Third St. Sunday School at 9:45 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Class meeting at 12:30 p. m. East Santa Cruz Sunday School at 3. Epworth League meeting at 6:30. Week-day services: — Prayer meeting Wednesday evening; East Santa Cruz Thursday evening. Ladies' Working Band every Tues- day afternoon. Willing Workers Circle, Thursday afternoon. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 12:45 p. m. Westminster League of Christian En- deavor at 6:30 p. m. Week-day services: — Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Ladies' Missionary Society, the last Tuesday of each month. "Kings Daughter's Circles" at least I once every two weeks. IN BUYING a Bonbonniere A. S. Bagge, Confectionery 29 Lamb, W. H Hardware 3 Leibbrandt & Lewis Grocers 13 Little Basin Lumber Co Grover & Co 35 Loma Prieta Lumber Co Lumber. Tanks etc 7 Michigan Stables E. G. Mosher 69 Palmer. S. A Drugs 87 Richards' Manse Mrs. Annie M. Richards 41 San Lorenzo Livery Stables A. G. Abbott 53 Seaside Store Samuel Leask, Dry Goods . . 17-57-71-123 Struckmeier. L. F Merchant Tailor 45 Tanner's Drug Store Kodaks, Photo Supplies 27 Union French Laundry C. Ticoulat 67 Walnut Ave. Wood Yard S. L. Welton 11 Warth, Sam New and Second Hand Furniture ... 63 Whitney Bros Rambler Bicycles 47 W^illiams Bros Gents' Furnishers 15 Windsor House Lodgings .73 For Following Advertisements See Cover. Chesnutwood's Business College Santa Cruz Art Studio, Photos Geo. Harris & Co, Painters Santa Cruz Cyclery. R. L. Green McKean. J. T., Photographer Williamson & Garrett, Grocers Monarch Grocery w. R. Springer, Oculist Mrs. Mary Beeson, Nurse Y. M. C. A. Restaurant Santa Cruz Church Directory, pp. 122-23. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY (c^=»g5@g§@@gggS3g5SS@3§J^ ' c^*^^ e'S?§@Sgg?gSgg3g3c ^J^ W. R. SPRINGER, ^ Scientific Optician. % Examinations Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed '! \ business education is the keystone to success." PENiyNSHIP 1YP[ WRIIING BUSINESS METHODS COMMERCIAL LAW SH SH SH ^^00'j^^' SANTA CRU^ // C AL. 16 ^ ^ ^ HORTHAND COURSE COMMERCIAL COURS Tuition, For a Course of Six Months : : $50.00 ^ITE FOR JOURNAL CALL AT THE COLLEG 1^. L. GREEN, PROPRIETOR OF THE ^ Full Line of Supplies on Hand fti ♦ Santa Cruz Cpclerpv New Easy Running Wheels To Rent and for Saie, Repairing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 214 PACIFIC AVENUE, SANTA CRUZ, CAL.