liiH 'I ifipiiiiii;: *m|!inu!ii:;i!si!i:u;:i lilililli llrl! ipii liJiiliHPPii'li- i{jlii|ira pjippiiipitiiiii^ GIFT OF DR. FLOYD F. BURCHETT r IMant 154 Repair Shop 154 Car Barn 1^^ (Office Building !•}•"> Miscellaneous Buildings 156 Miscellnneoiis Building Properties 157 EXHIBIT VII. Real Estate. Sutiiniary 161 Plats and Description lt)2 EXHIBIT VIII. Tools, Supplies, Furniture and Wagons. Suinniary 109 Tools and Supplies in Power House 170 Tools and Supplies in Machine Shop 173 Tools and Supplies in Carpenter Shop 17N Tools and Su]ij)lies in Armature Room ISO Tools and Supplies in Car Barn . IM Tools and Supj)lies in Yard ls2 Tools and Supplies in Track and Line Dejiartment : . . . . 1S4 Patterns ISo Supplies in Store Room ISO Supplies and Furniture in Office 193 Wagons. Horses and Harness 194 Scrap Materials 195 EXHIBIT IX. Paving. Summarv. . . 199 Pavini: Details 200 CONTENTS. EXHIBIT X. Intangible Values. Method No. 1 20.") Expiration of Franchise,, (Claims of the City) 207 Leased Lines 207 Determination of Franchise Values 208 Method No. 2 217 Expiration of Franchises (Claims of the City) 219 Leased Lines 219 Determination of Franchise Values 220 Organization of Work of Valuation 228 ANALYSIS of the Premises Adopted and the Methods Used in Determining THE PRESENT VALUE OF THE PHYSICAL PROPERTY of THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. For the purpose of valuation, the property was divided into the following grand divisions: Track; f^lectric Power Distribution System; Rolling Stock; Power Plant Equipment; Fixed Tools and Machinery; Buildings; Real Estate; Tools, Supplies, Furniture and Wagons; Paving; and Franchises. These divisions were in turn subdivided into various parts, that is, Track was subdivided into Tangent Track, Special Track Work, Track on Bridges, Abandoned Track, Track in Car Barns and Yards, and Track Special Work in Car Barns and Yards. Similar subdivisions were made for the other general divisions. The grand divisions have been termed Exhibits, and are indicated as Exhibit I, Exhibit II, etc. The subdivisions of the Exhibits have been called Sections, and are indicated as Section A, Section B, etc. In the following paragraphs the premises, upon which the values given in the various exhibits were determined, are set forth and discussed. EXHIBIT I TRACK. This part of the ph^ysical property has been divided into five sections, namely, "Tangent Track," "Track Special Work," "Track on Bridges," "Abandoned Track," "Tangent Track in Car liarns and Yards." and "Track Special Work in Car Barns and Yards.'" Each of these divisions has been considered separately in what follows. Section A Tangent Track. The track in this section was divided into "classes," these classes being determined by the varying weights and types of rails, and by the styles of construction. Under each class an esti- mate was made of the cost of materials and labor required to re- produce the- track new — at the time of valuation — and to this amount was added fifteen per cent, for organization, engineering, incidentals, etc., which gave the total co.-t new. 10 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Ill (l('|)roci!itiiipoi't . All joints were depreciate(| on the basis that it would l)e neces- sary to renew them at some time, in order to realize the full wearing value of the head of the rail. The assumption wa.s here made that, at the time of sucdi renewal of joints, the ends of the rails could be cut off to effect this: renewal, which would thereby lengthen the period of ser\'ice possible^ for the remainder of the rail. The i^resent value of the rail, excepting the joints, was deter- mined in terms of the wearing value remaining at the present tiiiu^ in the head of the rail. The life of the rail is considered to be the pei'iod of time recjuired for the head of the rail to wear ,away to a height of five-eighths inches above the wagon tread. The difference between this height and the height of the head above the wagon tread at any time constitutes the wearing value of the rail at that time. The distance between tlie head and wagon tread of new rail was determined and expressed in sixty-fourths of an inch. It was found that for the greater part of the track this value was sixty- nine sixty-fourths, that is, the wearing life of the new rail was twenty-nine sixty-fourths of an inch. To determine the height of the head of the rail at the present time, measurements were taken along the track with a specially constructed \'ernier device, by means of which the actual distance between the head of the rail and the wagon tread was obtained in sixty-fourths of an inch. These determinations were made for all the various sections of rail in use on the line; a sufficient number of readings being taken for each section to secure the average height of the rail. Deduct- ing from this value forty sixty-fourths of an inch gives the wearing height of the rail remaining before it becomes scrap. It is evident that the above method of depreciating the rail considers the condi- tion of the rail alone, without any l)earing whatever upon the other components of the track. In depreciating the substructure, its average life was taken at twent\" years; on account of the fact that much of the track was not in fii-st class surface alignment, it was decided to apply a depreciation of twelve and one-half per cent., or the equivalent of two and one-half years, over all the tracks of the road to cover this deficiency. Consequently, for all classes save one. the remain- ing life of seventeen and one-half years was used in depreciating the sulistructure. In the case of this single exception. "Class A — 0."' there being no ballast, a life of sixteen years was used in figuring the tlepi'eciation. INTRODUCTION. 11 The lengths of tangent track in this exhibit have been deter- mined by deducting from the distance from center to center of streets, as shown on the official maps of the City of Chicago, the lengths covered by track special work. All limits to the different sections were determined l^y actual measurement on the ground. Section B- Track Special Work. Each piece of special work was measured, listed, and a sketch of the layout made. These sketches are. reproduced in this exhibit. In order to determine the cost new of the special work complete, there was added to the estimated cost of material rec[uired for the special work in the rails the cost of ties, joints, ballast, excavation, and labor necessary to install same. On the summary sheet are given the various kinds of special work used, their location and quantity. In depreciating the track special work, each layout was inspected and depreciated according to its present woi'th, from Avhich an average depreciation was evolved, this being applied on the sum- mary sheet. Section C — Track on Bridges. The cost of track on bridges includes the cost of the rail laid, together with that of all miscellaneous material used in fastening same to bridge structure. In depreciating this class of track, consideration was made of the length of time the rail had been in place, together with the life of the rail and fastenings. Section D — Abandoned Track. Under this section is given such track, the use of which has for some years been discontinued. Since in this track many rails have been removed, or knocked over, and the ties rotted, no valuation is placed on the substructure. The depreciation applied to this track was on the basis of pres- ent condition of the rail 'only. Section E Track in Car Barns and Yards. This track work was measured in detail, and unit estimates were made of the cost to construct new. In depreciating this track, values were taken which represented an average depreciation for this class of work. Section F— Track Special Work in Car Barns and Yards. This special work was inspected and detailed measurements taken. Unit estimates were made of the cost to construct it new. li VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. In (lepnM-iiitinp; this work each layout was inspoctod for its present wortli, the depreciation being fixed accordingly. From these figures, for each hiyout, ;iii average depi-eciation was reached, and this applied to the total of the special work. EXHIBIT II ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. This exhilnt has heen divided into two sections, namely, "Over- head Trolley Construction," and "Feeder System," each of which is considered separately in the following: Section A— Overhead Trolley Construction. This part of the work was again divided into straight line work and special work. The overhead work to he covered was separated into nine divisions, the length of the straight line work being deter- mined by deducting from the distance from center to center of streets, as determined by the official map of the City of Chicago, the distances covered by the special work. All limits to sections were determined by actual measurement, and these are shown on the sketches of the special layouts. Detailed estimates were made of the co.-t of materials and labor required to reproduce the overhead work new. Fifteen per cent, was added to the totals of these for organization, engineering, and incidentals. The materials figured in this work cover the poles, cross span construction, fittings, trolley wire, together with the special construction work at the curves. The depreciation of the various parts of the overhead system was determined by careful inspection for the different sections of the work, and was applied to the cost new, which was determined on the basis of present cost of material and labor required to pro- duce the system. Section B— Feeder System. All feeders and the attachments necessary to support them on all poles were inventoried by direct inspection and count, and the cost to reproduce this equipment new at the time of this valuation was determined. The depreciation was applied in detail as shown. EXHIBIT III ROLLING STOCK. The property under this Exhibit was divided into five parts, namely, " Passenger Car Bodies," "Work Car Bodies and Trucks," " Passenger Car Trucks," ."Motor Equipments." and '"Miscellaneous Equipment." In arriving at the cost new of the passenger cars, they were divided into groups according to the type, stjde, maker and age. A typical car was taken from each of these groups, a thorough inspection made, and general specifications covering this INTRODUCTION. 13 type of car were prepared. These specifications were submitted to car manufacturers, and the costs new obtained for the car bodies. To these amounts was added five per cent, for organization, engi- neering, antl incidentals. kSimilarly, prices were obtained covering all parts of the ecjuipment, such a, motors, control and electrical equipment, air brakes, heating, lighting, etc. To these prices was added an amount required to cover the cost of freight on the various parts, and to this again was added an allowance for the assembling of the cars, the result being the cost to reproduce the car new. EXHIBIT IV POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT. In estimating the cost of the equipment of the power plant, each general class of equipment was figured separately, and to the total of these was added ten per cent, for organization, engineering, and incidentals. The annual rates of depreciation shown in the table were decided upon, and these were applied for the length of time the various parts of the plant had been in service. From these depreciations, together with the scrap value of the material, the present value of the ecjuipment was determined. EXHIBIT V— FIXED TOOLS AND MACHINERY. In this Exhibit are included such fixed tools and machinery as are contained in the machine shop, the carpenter sho]:), and the armature room. All have been carefully examined and apprai.ed, both for their cost new and present value. EXHIBIT VI BUILDINGS. In arriving at the cost new and present value of the buildings, detailed measurements were made, and careful invei^tory taken of the kinds and amounts of materials required to reproduce the buildings. The cost of these quantities has been estimated at prices current at the time of the valuation, and to the totals has been added fifteen per cent, for organization, engineering, and inci- dentals, which is taken as the cost new of the buildings. In general, the buildings have been depreciated' at an annual rate of one and one-half per cent., although in the cases of buildings not well cared for, a higher rate of depreciation has been applied. EXHIBIT VII REAL ESTATE. For determination of the value of the real estate, coming under this valuation, the services of Mr. Joseph Donnersberger, expert on real estate values, were secured, and the values suljmitted here- with are those determined bv him. 1 I VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. EXHIBIT VIII TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. In tlii.- Iv\liil)it ;ii(> iiicliidcd tools ami .-•ii))|)li('s in power, niachiiic shop, caipcntcr sho]), aniiaturc loom, car l)ai-n yai'd, track and lin(> department; patteins; supplies in store i-oom; supplies and t'liniit lire in office; wagons, horses and harness; and scrap nia- teiials. All of these have been cai-efully inventoried, and the present value on each item noted. The cost new wa.s estimated and is TOTAL PHYSICAL PROPERTY. General Summary. No. Exhibit Cost New Present Value I Track 8330,92.5 . 44 $24.5.138 . 15 II Electric Power Dir-tribution 8v;i- tem ....'.. 45.720.63 35.974. 12 III Rolling Stock 104.664.53 41. 017.. 58 IV Power Plant Equipment 70.499.94 47,862.78 V Tools and Machinery 3,739.93 . 2,127. 11 VI Buildings 69.674.80 40.136.80 VII Pveal Estate 37.522.00 37.522 .00 VIII Tools, Supplies. Furniture and Wagons 31 .576 . 02 23,086 . 26 S694,323 . 29 S472,864 . 80 LegaiExpenses, Carrying Charges, Brokerage and Contingencies, 10^: f . . . .^ 69,432 . 33 47.286 . 48 $763,755.62 $520,151.28 IX Paving 219,489.22 170,943.81 GrandTotal $983,244.84 $691,095 09 EXHIBIT I. TRACK. COMPRISING THE FOLLOWING DIVISIONS: A Tangent Track. B Track Special Work. C Track on Bridges. D Abandoned Track; some rail still in place. E Tangent Track in Car Barns and Yards. F Track Special Work in Car Barns and Yards. TRACK. 19 EXHIBIT I. TRACK. Summary. Cost New Present Value Tangent track . !|252,028.41 S192,016.38 Track special work 52,010.46 38,487.74 Track on bridges 5,770.04 5.075.60 Abandoned track, etc 9,053 . 29 1 ,660 . 50 Tangent track in car barns and yards.. . 4.397.24 3,297.93 Track special work in car barns and yards 7,666 . 00 4,600 . 00 Total $330,925.44 $245,138.15 •20 VALUATION -THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SECTION A. TANGENT TRACK. Summary. Single Track Class iMileage A-0 2.450 A-1 3.595 A-2 6 . 848 A-3 482 A-4 596 A-5 .728 A-6 485 A-7 1.662 B-0 400 Total 17.246 $252,028.41 $192,016.38 Cost New Total Cost Present Per Mile New Value $12,022.97 $ 29,456.28 $ 16,855.64 15,442.21 55,514.74 48,564.71 14,904.87 102,068.55 76,729.39 14,959.88 7,210.65 6,731.82 14,230.40 8,481.32 7,324.33 14,936.21 10,873.56 9,768.31 15,442.21 7,489.47 4,936.87 13,810.19 22,952.54 14,094.82 19,953.25 7.981.30 7,010.49 TRACK. 21 CLASSIFICATION OF TANGENT TRACK. Class A-0 . . A-1 . . A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 B-0. Sec tion Weight ] Rail Leng th Ba llast 7 in. P-91 80 11). 30 ft. None 7 in. P-238 80 11). 30 ft. 12 in. stone i in. P-91 i in. P-91 80 lb. 30 ft. 6 in. ; 6 in. ^tone cinder.s / in. P-238 80 11). 60 ft. 12 in. stone "s ii^ I. L-316 80 lb. 30 ft. 12 in. cinders / m. P-238. 7 in. P-91 80 lb. 30 ft. 12 in. s.tone 7 in. P-91 80 lb. 30 ft. 12 in. •slas t in. P-91 >0 lb. 30 ft. 10 in. cinders 7 in. L-357 96 lb. 30 ft. 12 in. stone Ketiiaiks X () i)()n(ls VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. CLASS A— 0. • 7 in. Cirder Rail, SO 11). 30 i't. Lengths, no F^allast. (1) Estimate of Cost to Produce One Mile of Single Track. Hail. SO 11). per yai'd. Amount Unit Cost Total Cost (lelivered. . . . '. 125.71 ton.s $41.00 $5,154.11 Hauling to street 125.71 tons 1.00 125.71 Excavation 1,693 cu. vd. .50 846..- Ties, delivered 2,112 .75 1,584.00 Tie rods 704 .30 211.20 Fish plates and bolts, 60 11). each <).44t()ns 42.25 398.84 Spikes for rail 24 kegs 4. 10 98. 4o Cross bonds 6 2.00 12.00 Bonding joints (material SOc' labor 45c) 352 1 . 25 440 . 00 Labor, laying track 5,280 ft. .30 1,584.00 ),454.76 Organization, engineering and incidentals. 15*^7 ' 1,568.21 Total cost per mile .• $12,022.97 08 . 84 295 . 00 88 . 00 352 . 00 52.80 739 . 20 TRACK. 23 (2 ) Depreciation of One Mile of Single Track. Depreciation Due to Joints. Cost New Scrap Value Wearing Value Kail cut-off, 39; of cost and hauling$158.40 3% of scrap, 3.69 tons (f^«l 1.00 S40t59 $117.81 Fish plates and bolts 398.84 9.44 tons scrap (f/ Sll.OO Bonds, 352 (a 25c 440.00 Labor on joints, 5,280 ft. ((i, 1c . . . . 52.80 Labor, 5,280 ft. (ci 14c 739.20 (Placing rails, making joints and spiking, per ft $0 . 09 , Surfacing, per ft 02 Cleaning streets and inci- dentals per ft 03 $0.14) $1,789.24 $232.43 $1,556.81 Life of joint, 20 years. Annual depreciation per mile, due to joints, SI, 556. 81 = $77.84 20 Annual depreciation in per cent of wearing value 5% Depreciation Due to Ties. Cost New Ties, delivered $1,584.00 Tie rods 211.20 3.53 tons scrap (a $10.00 Spikes 98.40 2.4 tons scrap (a. $10. 00. ..... Labor, placing ties, 5,280 ft. ^J 3c 158.40 $2,052.00 Life of tie, 16 years. Annual depreciation i)er mile, due to ties $1,992.70 = $124.54 16 Annual dei)reciation in per cent of wearing value 6^' e Scrap Value Wearing Value $1,584.00 $35.30 1 75 . 90 24.00 74 . 40 1 58 . 40 $59.30 $1,992.70 ■J I VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Depreciation Due to Rail. (D.^l N(;u Srr!i[) \iiluc Wearing \'alu K:iil. \)7' , of i;iil niid liauliiis ■ • • S5, 121 . 42 1)7% of scriip, I h)..") tons (a^ SI 1.00. . .$l,;-514.oO ]){Mlvi('t 5(' pv^ ft. foi- i(Mii()v:il 25(5 OS $1,058.42 SI, 058. 42 S4,()6;M)0 Cross l.ciid.-^ 12.00 Scrap bonds, (i (a 5()c :■! . 00 '.).()() Labor, itMiiaininti to he d(>])r(H'iated (i'-VA .60 6^^:^ .60 $5,767.02 $1,061.42 $4,705.60 Cost of pai'ts depreciated with joints SI. 789. 24 Cost of parts depreciated with ties 2,052.00 Cost of parts depreciated with laih^ 5,767*02 Total cost of parts depreciated S9.60'8.26 SI. 789. 24 = 18.6 % of S9.608.26 2.052.00= 21.4';;, of 9,608.26 5,767.02 = 60 ':; of 9,608.26 Note: These percentages to be used to distribute to joints, ties and lails, the proper propoi'tion of cost remaining to .l)e depre- ciated. Part Remaining to be Depreciated. Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15 -^ SI, 568. 21 18.691 "f Sl.568.21 =aniount to be depreciated with joints S 291 .69 Actual wearing value of joints 1,556.81 Total value of joints to be depreciated 5% annuallv. $1,848.50 5<; of Sl,848.50-S92.42, annual depreciation. 21 .4';; of Sl.568.21 =amount to l)e depreciated with ties S ;-535.60 Actual wearing value of ties ." 1,992.70 Total value of ties to be tlepreciated 6 .25' , annuallv . $2,328 .30 6.25''( of $2,828.30 = S145.52, annual depreciation. 609; of $1 .568 . 21 = amount to be depreciated with rail . . S 940 . 92 Actual wearing value of rail 4,705.60 Total value of rail to be dei)reciated $5,646.52 Original Scrap Wearing Depth Depth Depth Penn rail, P-91 66 64 40 64 26 64 Depreciation foi' each 1 64th in. wear — For 1M)1: 1 26 of S5,646 .52 = S217. 17. TRACK. 25 Part Not Depreciated. Excavation S846 . 50 Recapitulation. Part depreciated with joints I 1,848.50 Scrap value of part depreciated with joints 232.43 Part depreciated with ties 2,328.30 Scrap value of part depreciated with ties 59.30 Part depreciated with rail 5,646 .52 Scrap value of part depreciated with i-iil 1,061 .42 Part not depreciated (excavation) 846 .50 Total $12,022.97 2i\ VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. CLASS A-1. 7 in. (iirder Pvuil, SO 11).. 30 ft. Lengths, Bonded on Stone Balla.^t. (1) Estimate of Cost to Produce One Mile of Single Track. .\moiiiit Unit Cost Total Cost Totul cost to produce one mile of single track, Class A-0 $10,454 . 76 Additional: Excavation 782 cu. vd. $0.50 391 .00 Ballast, stone 1,405 cu. vd. 1 .65 2,318.25 Labor, placing ballast 5,280 ft. .05 264.00 $13,428.01 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15' ( 2,014.20 Total cost per mile $15,442.21 TRACK. (2) Depreciation of One Mile of Single Track. Depreciation Due to Joints. (Same as Class A-O.) Annual depreciation in per cent of wearing value 5% Depreciation Due to Ties. Cost New Ties, delivered $1,584.00 Tie rods 211.20 3.53 tons scrap (ft $10.00. . . Spikes 98.40 2.4 tons scrap @ $10.00. . . . Stone ballast 2,318.25 Deduct 25^ ( for reclaiming.. . Labor placing ballast , 5,280 ft. 5c. 264 . 00 Labor placing ties, 5,280 ft. (o 3c. 158 . 40 Scrap Value Wearing Value $1,584.00 ? 35 . 30 1 75 . 90 24.00 74.40 1,738.69 579 . 56 264 . 00 158.40 $4,634.25 $1,797.99 $2,836.26 Life of tie, 17.5 yeai-s. $2,836.26 Annual depreciation per mile, due to ties, = $162.07 17.5 Annual depreciation in per cent of wearing value 5.7*^,^ Depreciation Due to Rail. (Same as Class A-O.) Cost of parts depreciated with joints $ 1,789.24 Cost of parts depreciated with ties 4,634.25 Cost of parts depreciated with rail 5,767.02 Total cost of parts depreciated $12,190.51 $1,789.24 = 14.7% of $12,190.51 4,634.25 = 38'; of 12,190.51 5,767.02 = 47.3% of 12,190.51 Note: These percentages to be used to distribute to joints, ties, and rails, the proper propoi'tion of cost icunaining to be de- preciated. VALUAXION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Parts Remaining to be Depreciated. Oruanizat iDti, (Miiiiiiccriiiji; and incidentals, lo'/( S2,014.2() 14. 7*"; of $2,014 .20 -amount to he depreciated wit h joints •$ 296.09 Act nal wearin.ii \'alii(> of joints 1,556 .81 Total value of joints to be depreciated 5'/i annuallv. .$1,852.90 5% of S1,S52.9() = S92.65. annual depreciation. 88% of $2,014.20 = amount to he depreciated with tie.^ . . ."S 765.40 Actual wearing; value of ties 2,836 .26 Total value of ties to be depreciated 5.7% annually. $3, 601. 66 5.7';, of $;-;,601 .66 = $205. 29. annual depreciation. 47.3% of S2,()14.20 = aniount to be depreciated with rail. $ 952.71 Actual wearins; value of I'ail 4,705.60 Total \alue of rail to be depreciated $5,658.31 Original Scrap Wearing Depth Depth Depth Penn lail, P-238 72 64 40 64 32 64 Penn rail. P-91 66 64 40 64 26 , 64 Depreciation for each 1 /64th in. wear — For P-238; 1 32 of $5,658.31 =$176 .82. For P-91 ; 1 26 of $5,658 .31 =$217 .63. Part Not Depreciated. Excavation $1,237 . 50 Recapitulation. Part depreciated with joints $ 1,852.90 Scrap value ])ai't depreqiated with joints 232.43 Part depreciated with ties 3,601 .66 Scrap value part depreciated with ties 1.797.99 Part depreciated with rail 5.658.31 Scrap value part depreciated with rail 1.061 .42 Part not depreciated (excavation) 1,237.50 Total $15,442.21 TRACK. 20 CLASS A-2. 7 in. Girder Rail, 80 11). .'^0 ft. Lengths, Bonded on Stone and Cinder Ballast. (1) Estimate of Cost to Produce One Mile of Single Track. Amount Unit Cost Total Cost Total cost to produce one mile of single track, Class A-0 $10,454 . 76 Additional: Excavation 782 cu. vd. SO . 50 39 1 . 00 Ballast, stone 782 cu. vd. 1.65 1,290.30 Ballast, cinder 623 cu. vd. .90 560.70 Labor, placing ballast 5,280 ft. .05 264.00 $12,960.76 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15 ^^^ 1,944. 1 1 Total cost per mile $14,904 . 87 M) VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. (2) Depreciation of One Mile Single Track. Depreciation Due to Joints. (Same us Class A-0.) AiiiiumI (Icprcciatioii in i)er cent of weuiirig value 5% Depreciation Due to Ties. Cost New Scrap Value Wearing Value Ties, delivered Si. 584. 00 SI, 584. 00 Tie rods 211 .20 3.53 tons scrap (a $10.00.. . . 8pikes 2.4 tons scrap (Si SI 0.00 Stone ballast Deduct 25''( for reclaiming... Cinder ballast Deduct 25*^^ f for i-eclaiming.. . Labor placing ballast, 5,280 ft. @ 5c Labor placing ties, 5,280 ft. (Ov 3c $4,167.00 $1,447 56 $2,719.44 Life of tie, 17.5 years. Annual depreciation per mile, due to ties. . . . S2,719.44 — = SI 55. 40 17.5 Annual depreciation in per cent of wearing value •5- 7% Depreciation Due to Rail. (Same as Class A-0.) Cost of parts depreciated with joints $ 1,789.24 Cost of parts depreciated with ties 4.167.00 Cost of parts depreciated with rail 5.767.02 S 35 .30 1 75 . 90 98 . 40 24. .00 74.40 290.30 967. 73 322.57 .560 . 70 420 .53 140.17 264 . 00 264.00 158.40 158.40 Total cost of parts depreciated $11,723.26 $1,789.24 = 15.2% of $11,723.26 4,167.00 = 35.6% of 11,72.3.26 5 . 76 7 . 02 = 49.2 % of 11,723. 26 Note: These percentages to be used to distribute to joints, ties, and rails, the proper proportion of cost of remaining to be depreciated. TRACK. • 31 Parts Remaining to be Depreciated. Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15' , — $1,944.11 15.2% of SI, 944. 11 = amount to be depreciated with joints. $ 295 . 50 Actual wearing value of joint.-^ 1,556.81 Total value of joints to be depreciated 5% annually $1,852.31 5% of $1,852.31 = $92.62, annual depreciation. 35.6% of $1,944.11 == amount to be depreciated with ties $ 692.10 Actual wearing value of ties 2,719.44 Total value of ties to be depreciated 5' [ annuallv $3,411.54 5.7% of $3,411.54 = $194.46, annual depreciation. 49.2% of $1,944.11 = amount to be depreciated with rail $ 956.51 Actual wearing value of rail 4,705.60 Total value of rail to be depreciated $5,662.11 Original Scrap Wearing Depth Depth Depth Penn rail, P-91 66/64 40/64 26/64 Depreciation for each 1 /64th in. wear — For P-91; 1 /26 of $5,662.11 = $217.78 Part Not Depreciated. Excavation $ 1,237.50 Recapitulation. Part depreciated witii joints $ 1,852.31 Scrap value part depreciated with joints 232.43 Part depreciated with ties 3,411 .54 Scrap value part depreciated with ties 1,447.56 Part depreciated with rail 5.662 . 1 1 Scrap value part depreciated with rail 1,061 .42 Part not depreciated (excavation) 1,237.50 Total $14,904 .87 ;iJ VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. CLASS A-3. 7 in. Girder Rail, 80 lb. 60 ft. Lengths, Bonded on Stone Ballast. (1) Estimate of Cost to Produce One Mile of Single Track, Amount Unit Cost Total Cost Total cost to produce one mile (}!' single trcack, Clas.s A-0 $10,454 76 Additional: Excavation 782 cu. yd. SO. 50 :i{)\ AH) Ballast, stone 1,405 cu. yd. 1 .65 2,318.25 Labor, placing ballast 5,280 ft. . 05 264 . 00 $13,428 01 Deduct: Fish plates and bolts, 4.72 tons ^j $42.25 $199.42 Bondino- joints (material 80c, labor 45c) 176 @ $1 .25. 220 . 00 419 . 42 $13,008.59 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,^51 .29 79 . 20 $20 .35 $ 58 . 85 199.42 51 . .92 147.50 220 . 00 44 . 00 176.00 26 . 40 26 . 40 765.60 765.60 $14,959.88 (2) Depreciation of One Mile of Single Track. Depreciation Due to Joints. Cost New Scrap Value Wearing Value Kail cut-off, IV ,' of cost and haul- ing >^ 97% scrap. 1.85 tons (a $11.00.. Fish plates and bolts 4.72 tons scrap (a $1 1.00 Bonds, 176 (fl 25c.. Labor on joints, 5,280 ft. (r/ ic . . . . Labor, 5,280 ft. (a H^c " (Placing rails, making joints and spiking, ■ per ft ! . $0 . 095 Surfacing, per ft 02 Cleaning streets and incidentals, per ft. . .03 $0.145) $1,290.62 $116.27 $1,174.35 Life of joint, 20 years. Annual depreciation per mile, tlue to joint. > $1,174.35 -$58.72 20 Annual depi'eciation in per cent of wearing value 5% TRACK. 33 Depreciation Due to Ties. (Same as Class A-1.) Anniuil clepreeiatioii in per cent of wearing value 5-7% Depreciation Due to Rail. Cost New Scrap N'lilue Wearing \'alue Rail, 98V"; of rail and haulinii-. . .$0,200.62 979; scrap, 120.1 ton.s (a $11.00. .$1,321 .10 Deduct 5c. per ft. for removal. . . . 256.08 $1,065.02 $1,065 02 $4,135 60 Cross bonds 12.00 Scrap bonds, 6 (a 50c 3.00 <).00 Laboi' renuuning to be depi-e- ciated 633.60 633.60 $5,846.22 $1,068 02 $4,778.20 Cost of parts depreciated with joints $ 1,290 .62 Cost of parts depreciated with ties 4,634 .25 Cost of parts depreciated witli I'ail.^- 5,846 .22 Total cost of parts depreciated $11,771.09 $1,290.62=11.0':;, of $11,771 .0!) 4,634.25 = 39.2% of 11,771 .09 5,846.22 = 49.8% of 11,771.09 Note: Tlie;-e percentages to be used to distribute to joints, ties, and i-ail;-, the proper proportion of co.^t remaining to be depreciated. 34 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Part Remaining to be Depreciated. Orfiani/atioii, ciiiiineciiiig and inciiicnlal.s 15',, SI/.KjI . 2'J 11 .O'X «if $1.!>51 .'-H>---aiiiniiiit to 1)0 (loi)reciate(l with joints S 2J4.61 Actual weariiiii' value of joint- 1,174.85 Total \alu(' of joiut.s to he tlei)i-eciatt'(l o'/i aiitiually. $ 1,338.93 5'; of SI.388.i)6 = S69.45. annual depreciation. 30. 2<; of Sl.!)51 .29==aniount to he depreciated with ties $ 764.91 Actual value of tie.i 2,836.26 Total value of ties to he depreciated 5.7% annually. $ 3,601 17 5.7< , of $3,601 . 17 -$205. 27. annual depreciation. 49.8'/c. of $1,951 .29 = aniouiit to he depreciated with rail $ |]^1.77 Actual wearin.s; \-alue of i-ail 4,778.20 Total -value of rail to he depreciated $ 5,749.97 Original Scrap Wear ng Depth Depth Depth I'eiin rail. P-238 72 64 40 64 32 64 Depreciation for each 1 , 64th in. wear For P-238; 1 '32 of $5,749. 97 = $179. 68 Part Not Depreciated. Excavation SI ,237 . 50 Recapitulation. Part depreciated with joints $ 1,388.96 Scrap value of part depreciated with joints 116.27 Part depreciated with ties 3,601 . 1 7 Scrap value of part depreciated with ties 1,797.99 Part depreciated with rail 5,749.97 Scrap value of part depreciated with lail 1,068.02 Part not depreciated (excavation) 1.237.50 Total $14,959.88 TRACK. 35 CLASS A-4. 7 1/8 in. and 7 in. Girder Rail, 80 lb. 30 ft. Lengths, Bonded on Cinder Ballast. (1) Estimate of Cost to Produce One Mile of Single Track. Amount Unit Cost Total Cost Total cost to produce one mile of single track. Class A-0 S10.4o4.76 Additional: Excavation 782 cu. vd. SO. 50 .391 .00 Ballast, cinders 1.40,5 cu. vd. .90 1,264.. 50 Labor, placing ballast 5,280 ft. .05 264.00 $12,374.26 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15', 1,856. 14 Total cost per mile $14,230.40 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN TREET RAILWAY. (2) Depreciation of One Mile of Single Track. Depreciation Due to Joints. (Sanio as Class A-0.) Aiiinial (Icprcciatioii in |)Ci- cfMit of \vcaiin5i84H :?S VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. CLASS A-5. 7 in. Girder Rail, 80 lbs., 30 ft. lengths, no Bonds, Stone Ballast. (1) Estimate Cost to Produce One Mile of Single Track. Amdiiiit Unit Co.-^t ToImI Cost Total cost to pi'oduce one mile of single truck. Class A-0 SIO.4.54 . 76 Additional: Excavation 782 cu. vd. SO. 50 .391 .00 Ballast, stone 1,405 cu. vd. 1 .65 2,818.25 Labor, placing ballast 5.280 ft. .05 264.00 $13,428 01 Deduct: Honding joints (material 80c. labor 45c), 352 (o SI. 25 440.00 $12,988.01 Organization, engineering and incidentals. 15*^7 1.948.20 Total cost per mile $14,936.21 Cost New Scrap \'alwe Wearing Value 158.40 s 40 . 59 S 117.81 398 . 84 103.84 295 . 00 52 . 80 52.80 739 . 20 739.20 TRACK. 39 (2) Depreciation of One Mile of Single Track. Depreciation Due to Joints. Kail cut-off. 3'^( of cost and hauling S 158.40 3.69 tons scrap (ci $11 .00.. Fish plates and bolts 9.44 scrap tons (a $11.00.. Labor on joints, 5,280 ft. (a Ic . . Labor. 5.280 ft. (5 14c (Placing rail .^-, making j o i n t s and spiking, per ft $0 . 09 Surfacing, per ft.. . .02 Cleaning street.; and incidental.?, per ft 03 $0.14) ■ ■ $1,349.24 $ 144.43 $1,204.81 Life of joint, 20 years. Annual depreciation per mile, due to joints $1,204.81 ^-^"24 20 Annual depreciation in per cent of wearing value o /o Depreciation Due to Ties. (Same as Class A-1.) Annual depreciaticm in pe/ cent of wearing value 5.7'^( Depreciation Due to Rail. (Same as Class A-0.) Cost of parts depreciated with joint.; $ 1,349.24 Cost of parts depreciated with tie'^ 4,634.25 Cost of parts depreciated with rail 5,767.02 Total cost of parts depreciated $11,750.51 $1,349 . 24 = 1 1 . 5% of $1 1 750 . 51 4,634. 25 = 39. 4^; of 11,7.50.51 5,767.02 = 49. H; of 11,7.50.51 Note; These percentages to be used to disti'ibute to joints, ties, and rails, the jn-oper propoi'tion of cost remaining to be depreciated. VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Part Remaining to be Depreciated. ()i'f;aiii/,;ii inn, cii^iiiccriii'; unci iucidcutal.s, \i')',o ^ 1,948.20 11.5'(, of $I,y48.2() = am()unt to be dopreciated with joints $ 224.04 .\('tual wcariiisi \'alu(> of ioints 1,204.81 Total \-alu(' of joints to Ix- depreciated 5% aniuiall\-.$ 1,428.85 5^'; of .SI, 428. So = $71 .44, annual depreciation. .•■{9.4':;, of SI. 048. 20 = amount to be depreciated with ties S 767 . oO Actual wearing value of ties 2,8.36.26 Total value of ties to be depreciated o.l'/l annualh'. % 3,603 .76 5.7% of .S.3,60.3 . 76 = $205 . 41 , annual depreciation. 49.1% of $1,948. 20 = amount to be depreciated with rail $ 956.66 Actual wearing value of i-ail 4,705.60 Total value of rail to he depreciated $ 5,662.26 Original Scrap Wearing Depth Depth Depth Penn lail, P-91 66/64 40 /64 26 /64 Depreciation for each 1 /64th in. wear: For P-91; 1 /26 of $5,662. 26 =.$2 17. 78 Part not Depreciated. Excavation $ 1,237 . 50 Recapitulation. Part depreciated with joints S 1,428.85 Scrap value of part depreciated with joints 144.43 Part depreciated with ties 3.603 . 76 Scrap value of part depreciated with ties 1.797.99 Part depreciated with rail 5.662.26 Scrap value of part depreciated with rail 1.061 .42 Part not depreciated (excavation) 1.237.50 Total $14,936.21 TRACK. 41 CLASS A-6. 7 in. Girder Rail, 80 lb. 30 ft. Lengths, Bonded on Slag Ballast. (1) Estimate of Cost to Produce One Mile of Single Track. Amount Unit Cost Total Cost Total cost to produce one mile of single track, Class A-0 Additional: Excavation 782 cu. vd.$0..5() Ballast, slag 1,40.5 cu. vd. 1 .6.5 Labor, placing ballast 5.280 ft. 0.05 10,454. 76 391. .00 2,318, .25 264 .00 $13,428.01 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 2,014.20 Total cost per mile $15,442.21 (2) Depreciation of One Mile of Single Track. (Depreciation for all cases same as in Class A-1.) r_' VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. CLASS A-7. 7 in. Girder Rail, 80 lb. 30 ft. Lengths, Bonded on Cinder Ballast. 1) Estimate of Cost to Produce One Mile of Single Track. Aiiiiiuiit Unit Cost Total cost to produce one luilc of single track. ('la.>s A-O .Additional: E.xcavation 521 eu. vd. $0.50 Ballast, cinder.s 1,144 cu. vd. .90 Lal)or, placinji ballast 5.280 ft. .05 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15'^ Total cost pel- mile Total Cost $10,454.76 260 . 50 1.020.60 264.00 $12,008.86 1.801 .33 $13,810 19 (2) Depreciation of One Mile of Single Track. Depreciation Due to Joints. (.Same as Class A-O.) Annual depi-eciatiim in per cent, of wearing value. 5% Depreciation Due to Ties. Scrap Value Wearing Value $1,. 584. 00 Cost New Tie.s, delivered $1,584.00 Tie rod.^ 211 .20 3 . 53 t ons sc rap (a $10. 00. . Spikes 2.4 tons scrap (5 $10.00.. . Cinder ballast Deduct 25^ ( for reclaiming Labor, placing 5.280 ft. (a 5c Labor, placing ties, 5.280 ft. @, 3c $3,345 60 $831.50 $2,514 10 Life of tie, 17.5 years. Annual depreciation per mile, due to ties $2,514. 10 = $143.70 17.5 .\nnual depreciation in per cent of wearing value 5.7'^o $ 35 . 30 1 75 . 90 98.40 24 . 00 74.40 1,029.60 772.20 257 . 40 264 . 00 264.00 158.40 158.40 TRACK. VA Depreciation Due to Rail. (Same lu-^ Clas.^ A-O.) Cost of parts depreciated with joints S 1,789.24 Cost of parts depreciated with ties 3,345.60 Cost of parts depreciated with rail 5,767.02 Total cost of parts depreciated $10,901.83 $ 1 , 789 . 24 = 1 6 . 4 % of $ 10,901. 86 3,345.60 = 30.7% of 10,901.86 5,767.02 = 52.9f;v of 10,901.86 Note: These percentages to he used to distrihuto to oiiit •, tie^ and rails, the proper proportion of cost remaining to b? flepreciated. Parts Remaining to be Depreciated. Organization, engineering and incidentals 15'4-$1,801 .33 16.4% of $1.801. 33 = amount to be depreciated with joints % 295.42 Actual wearing value of joints 1,556.81 Total value of joints to be depreciated 5% annually . $ 1,352 . 23 5% of $1,852. 23 = $92.61, annual depreciation. 30.7% of $l,801.33 = amount to be depreciated witli ties $ 553.01 Actual wearing value of ties 2,514. 10 Total value of ties to be depreciated 5 . 7V( annually . $ 3,067 . 11 5.7% of $3,067. 11 =$174.82, annual depreciation. 52 . 9 of $1,801 . 33 = amount to be depreciated with rail . . $ 952 . 90 Actual wearing value of rail 4,705.60 Total value of rail to be depreciated $ 5,658.50 Original Srrap Weariiis Depth Depth Depth Penn rail, P-91 66/64 40 64 26 , 64 Depreciation for each 1 /64th in. weai- For P-91; 1/26 of $5,658 .50 = $2 17 .63 Part not Depreciated. Excavation $ 1,107 . 00 Recapitulation. Part depreciated with joints $ 1,852.23 Scrap value part depreciated with joints 232.43 Part depreciated with ties 3,067 . 1 1 Scrap value part depreciated with ties 831 .50 Part depreciated with rail 5,658.50 Scrap value part depreciated with rail 1,061 .42 Part not depreciated (excavation) 1,107.00 Total $13,810.19 w VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. CLASS B-0. 7 in. Girder Guard Rail, 96 lb. 30 ft. Lengths, Bonded on Stone Ballast. 1) Estimate of Cost to Produce One Mile of Single Track. Amount Unit Cost Total Cost \{a\\, \)(} 11). per yard. (Iclivcicd. . 150.86 ton.s S60.00 S 0,051 .60 Hauling to street 150.86 tons 1.00 Kxt-avation 2,475 cu. yd. .50 Ballast, stono 1 ,405 cu. yd. 1 .65 Ties, delivered 2.112 .75 Tie rods 704 .30 Fish plates and bolts *).44 tons 42.25 Spikes for rail 24 kegs 4. 10 Cross ))onds 6 2.00 Bonding joints, niatei'ial cSOc, labor 45c 352 1 .25 Labor, laving ti-ack and i)lacing ballast. ' 5,280 ft. .35 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15%.. . 50 . 86 1,237.50 2,318.25 •],.584.00 211.20 398 . 84 98 . 40 12.00 440.00 1,848.00 $17,350.65 2,602.60 $19,953.25 Total cost per mile (2) Depreciation of One Mile of Single Track. Depreciation Due to Joints. Cost New Scrap \'alue Wearing \alue Rail cut-off, 3' ( of cost and hauling.. $ 276.02 4.39 tons scrap @ $11.00. . $ 48.29 S 227.73 Fish plates and bolts, 398 . 84 9.44 tons scrap (ct SI 1.00. . . Bonds, 352 (a 25c Labor on joints, 5,280 ft. @ Ic Labor, 5,280 ft. (a 14c ...... . (Placing rails, making joints and spiking, per f t . . . $0 . 09 Surfacing, per ft .02 Cleaning streets and incidentals, per ft. . .03 SO. 14) 103.84 295.00 440 . 00 88 . 00 352 . 00 52 . 80 52 . 80 739 . 20 7.39.20 $1,906 86 $240.13 $1,666.73 Life of joint, 20 years. Annual depreciation per mile, due to joints, SI, 666. 73 = $83.34 20 Annual dejireciation in ]ier cent of wearing value 5% Depreciation Due to Ties. (Same as Class A-1.) Annual depi-eciati(m in per cent of wearing value 5.7% TRACK. Jf) Depreciation Due to Rail. C(jst New Scrap Value Wearing N'alue Rail, 97 Vc of rail and hauling $8,926.44 97% scrap, 142 tons ^ $11.00 $1,562.00 Deduct for removal, per mile 260 . 00 $1,302.00 $1,302.00 $7,624.44 Cross bonds 12.00 Scrap bonds, 6 @ 50c 3 . 00 9 . 00 Labor remaining to be depre- ciated 633.60 633.60 $9,572.04 $1,305.00 $8,267.04 Cost of parts depreciated with joints $1,906.86 Cost of parts depreciated with ties 4,634.25 Cost of part.^ depreciated with rails 9,572.04 Total cost of parts depreciated $16.1 13. 15 $1,906.86 - 11.8% of $16,113.15 4,634.25 =-28.7% of 16,113.15 9,572.04 = 59.5%, of 16,113.15 Note: These percentages to be used to distribute to joints, ties and rails, the proper proportion of cost remaining to be de- preciated. Part Remaining to be depreciated. Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% — $2,602.60 1 1.8%: of $2,602.60 = amount to be depreciated with joints 307 . 1 1 Actual wearing value of joints 1 ,666 . 73 Total value of joints to be depreciated 5' ,' annuallv $1,973.84 5% of $1,973.84 = $98.69, annual depreciation. 28.7''{ of $2,602.60 = amount to be depreciated with ties $ 746 . 94 Actual wearing value of ties 2,836 .26 Total value of ties to be depreciated 5.7% annuallv $3,583.20 5.7% of $3,583.20 = $204.24, annual depreciation.' 59.5%, of $2,602.60 = amount to be depreciated with rail $1,. 548. 55 Actual wearing value of rail 8,267.04 Total value of rail to be depreciated $9,815.59 Original Scrap Wearing Depth Deptli Depth Loraine rail L-357: 72 64 40/64 32 64 Depreciation for each 1 /64th in. wear — For L-357 1 32 of $9,815.59 = $306.74 Hi VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Part Not Depreciated. l']\('avatioii $ ]/237.o0 Recapitulation. Part I)>2 07 jt'dl 25 15 442 21 14'ii6 21 14 'b1 8!> 12 022 07 It 442 21 15 442 21 10 05) 25 15 442 21 15 442 21 14 2iO 40 14 210 40 HSIO 10 .145 i 2,161.20 : 185.24 $ 38S,!12 S .544.45 $1,118.61 $13,T.S6.26 S 1 .000 . 1 777.84 2,852.92 4,001.24 10.003.63 25,688 . 05 .583.. -iS 2,744.03 3,605.27 11.200.60 42,170.10 612.72 2,760.66 3.660.45 16,283.80 1.. 530. 68 :ts« . 02 3,157.81 3,731 07 1 1 , 1 72 . on 6,871.33 012.1 1 1.7.S4.57 1 ,632 . 23 1,134.04 760.33 353.64 1,681.88 17.246 $262,028 42 TRACK. TANGENT TRACK. Depreciation per Mile. Class Due to Joints Due to- Ties (per year) (per year) •A— S92.42 $145.52 A— 1 92.65 205.29 A— 2 92.62 194.46 A— 3 69.45 205.27 A— 4 92.78 180.72 A— 5 71.44 205.41 A— 6 92.65 205.29 A— 7 92.61 174.82 'B— 98.69 204.24 (per Due to Rail ■ 1 ,64 in. wear) S217. .17 (P-91) 217 .63 (P-91) 176 .82 (P-238) 217. .78 (P-91) 179 .68 (P-238) 177 .04 (P-238) 153 .11 (L-316) 217 .78 (P-91) 217 .63 (P-91) 176 .82 (P-236) 217 .63 (P-91). 306 .74 (L-357) 4S VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SECTION B. TRACK SPECIAL WORK. Summary.^oii Single track crossinfj;, electric over electric, 45 degree Single track ci-os.sing, electric ovei- Hteam, 90 degree 32 Single track cros.sing, electric over steam, 45 degree Single track turnouts. Single track branch-off Cross-overs Double track crossing, electric over electric, 90 degree Double track crossing, electric over electric, 45 degree Double track crossing, curves in one quadrant Double track branch-offs Curve track, ft Grand total cost new $52,010.46 *Depreciation, 26% 13,522.72 Present value $38,487.74 *In depreciating the above, each piece of special work \ya3 given a separate depreciation depending on its present condition and from all of these an average depreciation for the whole Section was arrived at. .Amount Unit Cost New Total Ccst iSew 2 S 257.48 •S 514.96 32 294 . 1 1 9,411.52 36 4 1 6 344 . 1 1 566.60 778.85 887.30 12,387.96 2,266.40 778.85 5,323.80 3 864.85 2,594.55 1 . 964.85 964.85 1 2 829 3,272.20 1,824.65 4.90 3,272.20 3,649.30 4,062.10 lentals, 15% $45,226.49 . . 6,783.97 DESCRIPTION OF SPECIAL WORE. li ■J|l :ji|ii!| i 1 11 |!| III Eg 3.= i 1 1 i .vSK!. LOCATION 1 Twentv-second St. near Ogden Ave. . Twenty-second .St. and TiuiiibuU Ave Twentv-sr 11,1 .SI ;,i„l K,,,li:ic -\v.- Twct,H-<,. IS, 1,,:,, K,„ki,„IISl,,,,,>i,ist :„i,l 1 :,i.i|,l.,ll ^^, Twe„M-M.n„„ISt ,111,1 \\r ,,,1, \>, Twflilv-c. ISI :,,„l 1 1 .-, Tw.-.iM ,,,11,1 St ,„ ,, » . - Twc„1i-.-n,.i,ISt I,.,,, V >, Tweiitv.-,,|,,,iHl St 11, , [ , - TwcMltv-c.oii.l St iii„i |, , - "::i 1 J 3 4 5 6 6 8 1 ' 10 \ J 13 Twenlv-.^ci-oiiil .St. ii.Mi > ,i|,, ,1 ^, 1 H Twentv-secoiiil .si iiein .l,,|,ii-,,ii si i, 15 Twentv-second St, ami II,il-i, ,t St 16,17.18 Twentv-second St. nciii ,1, H,i-,,i, St i, 1 19 Twentv-second St. , in, 1 1,1,, v., SI i , 20 Lawndale Ave. and Tlii. tv.t,i>t St 1 21 Lawndale Ave. and TwenI v-liftli Si Kedzie Ave. anil Twcnty-Hftli St j ' 1 2 US 2.3 Twentv-fiflh ,SI. near .Miu-IkiII Itiv ,1 00 25 26 [ Kedzie Ave. and Tliiitnt h St Kcdzie Ave. near Twenty-, .,,, ml Si Throop St. and Twenty-liftli St Throop St. near Bridge Throop St. near Twenty-seeonil St. . . . i 2 Tiiroop St. near Twenty-first St. ... * . . , 1 90 Totals 2 j 32 j 36 1 * j.l | S 1 3 1 1 2 829 TRACK. 49 SINGLE TRACK CROSSING. Electric over Electric. 45 Degree. Unit Cost Estimate. Amount Unit Cost Total Cost Rail layout, delivered $220.00 10x10x1.5 Excavation = 5.9cu. vd. $0.50 2.95 27 10x1 Ox. 75 Ballast, mixed = 2.Scu. vd. 1.25 .'^.50 27 Ties, delivered 10 . 75 7 . 50 Spikes for rail i keg. 4.10 1.03 Bonding joints, (material 80c., labor 45c.) 8 1.25 10.00 Labor 10 ft. 1.25 12.50 Total cost of crossing $257.48 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SINGLE TRACK CROSSINGS. Electric over Steam. 90 and 45 Degree. Unit Cost Estimate. .■\mount Unit Cost Total Cost Rail layout, delivered $210.00 Excavation :i cu. vd. («; $0.50 1 .50 Ballast 2 cu. v<>i' 300.00 Total co;! of crossing $3,272.20 r>(i VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. DOUBLE TRACK BRANCH-OFFS. Curves, 2, each 90 ft 180 ft. Straight track included 90 ft. Total 270 ft. Unit Cost Estimate. Aiuouiit Unit Cost Total Cost Rail layout, delivered $1,220.00 Excavation, 270 X .469 = 127 cu. vd. $0.50 68.50 Ballast mixed, 270 x .266 = 71.8 cu. vd. 1.25 89.70 Ties, delivered. 135 " .75 101 .25 Spikes for rail 2 kegs 4.10 8 . 20 Bonding joints 36 1 .25 45.00 (material 80c. lahoi' 45c) Labor 270 ft. 1.10 297 . 00 Total C0.4 of branch-off $1,824.65 TRACK. CURVE TRACK. 80 lb. Girder Rail. Estimate of Cost to Produce One Foot of Track. Cost New Rail, 80 lb. per yard, delivered S3. 00 Excavation 24 Ballast 44 Ties, delivered .30 Tie rods 04 Fish plates and bolts 08 Spikes for rail 02 Bonding joints 08 Labor, laying track 70 Total cost per foot of tracks $4.90 ")S VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. r _*^*^^j^ Cff_ ^/wV.Sv**/-'" *vr»/^ // // LAYOUT No. I. 22.Td St. near Ogden Ave. LAYOUT No. 2. 22nd St. and Trumbull Ave. LAYOUT No. 3. 22nd St. and Kedzie Ave. LAYOUT No. 4. 22nd 3t. near Rockwell St. TRACK. 59 * n 5 ^ s ; ' ? ^ — >5 \ f ,; ^ ? V 5l \ , (k ^ 1 — — v: ft 5 i^ s - :-: i *. T li M ^»»/f>r>^tfC& .Tf-fV • T - - .. J <>'^»f" '^f ~ " ~aL ^' .-> Z^*^/// ^/ — ' 'S 'f J 1 L ft ' M^CS/rrr^ /^^g - . C^/csga -^jf — - -^ TF LAYOUT No. 5. 22nd St. and Campbell Ave. LAYOUT No. 6. 22nd St. and Western Ave. -< ^s r.e^lUcJS/ T \ — ^=0. ->Ci;^ — >-^ — — — V .S41. *^ frr^mf f^^lfiJ^/ LAYOUT No. 7. 22nd St. near Wood St. LAYOUT No. 8. 22nd St. and Ashland Ave. CiO VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. ^iu LAYOUT No. 9. 22nd St. near Loomis St. r • V j ee" s/r„/ J 1 1 1 --^^ "1 [■" S -^ ^ -i LAYOUT No. 10. 22nd St. and Throop St. /^9Te Ti^it Cretf^ LAYOUT No. II. ■2nd St. from Sangamon St. to Morgan St. LAYOUT No. 12. 22nd St. from Morgan St. to May St. TRACK. 61 ■iV- w ^'^ 1 1 1 [■ _i\ I i T \ 1- ,\>\ , 1 1 ! t-- ' It "* LAYOUT No. 13. 22nd St. near Sangamon St. LAYOUT No. 14. 22nd St. near Johnson St. H »- i . 1 1 ' • -- LAYOUT No. 15. 22nd St. and Halsted St. LAYOUT No. 16. 22nd St. near Jefferson St. ()2 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. \ Jf//rrMn St \^ w ^ ^ r w?^ \ LAYOUT No. 17. 22nd St. trom Jefferson St. to Union St. LAYOUT No. 18. 22nd St. and Jefferson St. LAYOUT No. 19. 22nd St. and Grove St. LAYOUT No. 20. Lawndale Ave. and 31st St. TRACK. ()3 1 V I ~> ; ; v^ ^ y/ III / ) ^5 " $/re^f // / , 1 ^ y//^ /O ^'^'■of* Z^/yf^^ ^tT ::>yCA\ 1 V — ^ 1 ^^^.^~^^- -44 y y r'-*f*_SS_5__ ,_ , '/ U-^' ■/ - 1 r - LAYOUT No. 21. Lawndale Ave. and 25th St. LAYOUT No. 22. Kedzie Ave. and 25th St. -< »- /»j»y M irfi-is// Sou^ysn^ ^ eS^ Sfrfff '~- — ..^^ /?cv^/fr rrgc* ■ ^.^^-^^-.^^^ -~~._ S,n,/. rr^,. 1 ^^wrafs Ito^f^ Sff^ca/ f^a.'/f ^£? -< >- > y / / «- /* r n /f ^J^ ^^^S" Sfr^/ ■''' r 1 ■^ LAYOUT No. 23. 25th St. near Marshall Blvd. LAYOUT No. 24. 25th St. and Rockwell St. VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. ^ e^- 5/rwt' — ■ ' R /j f 1 \ (J -4 / IT f /J f ''J LAYOUT No. 25. 22nd St. and Rockwell St. LAYOUT No. 26. Kedzie Ave. from 30th St. to 28th St. 1 1 LAYOUT No. 27. Kedzie Ave. near 22nd St. LAYOUT No. 28. Ashland Ave. near 22nd St. TRACK. ().') LAYOUT No. 29. 25th St. and Throop St. LAYOUT No. 30. Throop St. near Bridge. 1 1 T h *- 'J 1 i'\ /i // ^ k ^ f7 i^ W It LAYOUT No. 31. Throop St. near 22nd St. LAYOUT No. 32. Throop St. near 21st St. 66 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SPECIAL WORK. On the Riffht-of-wjiy of the Southern Street Railway Co. Maintained by Other Parties. Location Twenty-second St. and Fortieth Ave. Twenty-.second St. and Ogden Ave. . Twenty-second St. and Campbell Ave. Twenty-second St. and Robey St Twenty-second St. and Ashland Ave. Twenty-second St. near Center Ave. Twenty-second St. near Fisk St ... . Twenty-second St. near Union St. . . Twenty-fifth St. and Lawndale Ave. . . Twenty-fifth St. and Kedzie Ave Description Double track crossing, curve connecting outer track one quadrant, 90 degree Double track crossing, curve connecting outer tracks in 45 degree angle; curve con- necting inner tracks in 135 degree angle, 45 degree 2-single track crossings, elec- tric over steam, 90 degree Double track crossings, 90 degree 2-single track crossings, 90 degree 2-single track crossings, elec- tric over steam, 45 degree 2-single track crossings, elec- tric over steam, 45 degree 2-.single track ci'ossings, elec- tric over steam, 45 degree Double track crossing, 90 degree Double track -crossing, 90 degree Maintaine 1 by Chicago Union Traction Co. Chicago Union Traction Co. C.B.& Q.R.R. Chicago Union Traction Co. Chicago City Railway Co. Goodwille Box Co. Union Molding Co. Karpen Bros. Chicago Union Traction Co. Chicago Union Traction Co. TRACK. 67 SECTION C. TRACK ON BRIDGES. Summary. Feet of Single „^, Depre- Cost t, * i r. ^ Present r- . , r, ^ Elec- When ciation New Tot^l Cast Value Total Present trie Built (07^) per ft. New per ft. Value Track Twenty-second St. Bridge.. . .676 1906 11 .3 S3. 47 $2, .345. 72 S3. 08 $2,082.08 Throop St. Bridge 504 1902 18. 2.61 1,315.44 2.14 1,078.56 Ashland Ave. River Bridge. 554 1907 9.2 2.61 1,419.84 2.37 1,289.28 Ashland Ave. Canal Bridge. 264 1907 9.2 2.61 689.04 2.37 625.68 Total $5,770.04 $5,075.60 Estimate of Cost to Produce One Foot of Single Track. 96 lb. Girder SOlb.Girder Guard Kail Rail Rail, delivered SI . 75 SI . 00 Ties, delivered 30 .30 Tie rods 04 .04 Bolts and fish plates 08 .08 Spikes for rail 02 .02 Bonding joints and cross bond.s 08 .08 Labor 75 .75 S3. 02 S2.27 Organization, engineering, and incidentals, 15%. . . .45 .34 Total cost per ft. of track $3 . 47 $2.61 (IS VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. V \ 1 -4 — 7 C/i'cafo /Rr-*/- A !i 1 \ \\ ,1 1// 1 Cfticafo 1 «. P'ftr 1 y aH V\' LAYOUT No. 33. 22nd St. between Grove St. Jefferson St. and LAYOUT No. 34. Ashland Ave. over Chicago River. /////k>fs a/s/ / \ Af/chi^an CJhgf \ / \ LAYOUT No. 35. Ashland Ave. over 111. and Mich. Canal. LAYOUT No. 36. Throop St. over Chicago River. TRACK. 60 ^ 00 CO o O i o 00 «D t^ I CO (B- O c _o ^ «^ Tt^ JB: • -t^ t— - 1 ca - nq Total 3t Ne 047 LO CO "" Ph o 1 o o iz; o CO 9& 05 r w ^^ hq C3 O ^ .Z^ 1^ I-i ?< 1 < E-i ..« 03 :S o -tJ o l-q _2i-( 23 lO Q !zi O i-i Eh 1— 1 Kail M (tons) Single 23.6 .5 O o .^ ^-i -t^ t/2 (73 iii oc M a> w- ,_ 2 '." o 5~ 3 S -c; T. > H —^ S Zi 5 Q ^ •;2 ~ o H ^^ ;i^ o O iz; ■ — ' o 72 „- c o ^ O 5-^ G O t., O iz; ■n been pi; moved ( assificat c >. -^^ GJ rri .2 -^ ;-i M ;-, '^ "5 •-« H 2 =i^ ►S H c o 2 c3 ci 'a o ^ > z. > > a > < ci "c; No Is ha ange o c- c "^ r-* G 'S ' c b- a? >. > C 4^ o O hJ ^ IZi 70 VALUATION— THE SOUTHERN STREET «AILWAY. SECTION E. TANGENT TRACK IN CAR BARNS AND YARDS. Summary. Amount 40 11). "T" rail 4,130 ft. 40 11). "T" rail (over inspection pits) 240 ft. 60 lb. "T" rail 600 ft. Unit Cost Total Cost $0 . 86S S.3,.584.84 . 58.5 140.40 1.120 672.00 Grand total cost new $4,397 .24 Depreciation, 25 % 1,099 . 31 Present value .S3,297.93 Note: Earthwork is not included under above head. For this item see "Fill in Car Barns" and "Yard Fill" under Exhibit VI, Buildings. Estimate of Cost to Produce One Foot of Single Track. 40 lb. "T'' Rail *40 lb."T"Rail 65 lb."T"Rail Tail, $29.00 per ton Ties, delivered Fish plates Nuts and bolts Bonding joints Spikes for rail Labor Organization, engineering, and incidentals, 15*5^ Total cost per foot. *Over inspection pits. $0,346 $0,346 $0,561 .20 .20 .027 .031 .031 .012 .012 .012 .05 .05 .02 .02 .02 .10 .10 .10 $0,755 $0,509 $0,974 .113 .076 .146 $0,868 $0,585 $1 . 120 TRACK. 71 SECTION F. TRACK SPECIAL WORK IN CAR BARNS AND YARDS. Summary. Amount Branch-offs in car barns 12 Branch-offs in yards. . 8 Double turnout, three-throw, 1 stub switch. Cross-over 40 lb. "T" rail 1 Crossing, 45 degree. 65 lb. "T" rail 1 Turnouts, 65 Ih. "T" rail 2 Girder track, curved 167 ft. Track, curved, 40 lb. "T" rail. . . .300 ft. 1.75 525.00 Unit Cost Total Cost $200.00 .12,400.00 200.00 1,600.00 250.00 250.00 295.00 295.00 344 . 00 344 . 00 217.00 434 . 00 4.90 818.00 $6,666.00 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,000.00 Grand total cost new $7,666.00 Depreciation, 40% 3,066.00 Present value $4,600 . 00 11 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SINGLE TRACK BRANCH-OFF. A(\ II). ••'I'" Kail. Iiiclii(liii,ii ()() It. (if r'iir\-(M| Ti-ack, lu.side I{ail (liiai(lf'(l. Unit Cost Estimate. Amount Unit Total Crjst Kail, hivout, (lelivercMJ SI 24. 1.5 Ties, delivered 40 SO. 50 20.00 Spikes for rail . 1 keg 4.10 4.10 Bonding joints 15 1 . 25 1 .S . 75 (material 8()c, lal)or 45c) Labor 33.00 Total cost of hranch-off _ $200.00 DOUBLE TURNOUT. 40 11). "T" Rail. Three-throw; Stub switch. Unit Cost Estimate. .\mount I'nit Total Cost Rail layout, delivered S149 . 70 Ties, delivered. . . . v 50 SO . 50 25 . 00 Spikes for rail ^ keg 4.10 2 . 05 Bonding joints 25 1 . 25 31 . 25 (material 80c, labor 45c) Labor 42 . 00 Total cost of switch S250 . 00 CROSS-OVER. 40 \h. "T" Rail. No. 3^ Frogs. Unit Cost Estimate. .\mount Unit Cost Total Cost Branch-offs 2 S200.00 S400.00 Deduct, curved track 60 ft. 1.75 105.00 Total cost of cross-over S295 . 00 TURNOUT. 65 lb. '-T" Rail. Unit Cost Estimate. Amount Unit Cost Total Cost Switch points, frog and stand S09.S0 Track 60 ft. SI . 12 . 67.20 Labor 50 . 00 Total cost of turnout $217.00 TRACK. 73 CURVE TRACK. 40 11). "T" Rail. Including One Guard Kail. Estimate of Cost to Produce One Foot of Track. Total Cost Kail, 40 lb. per yard, delivered $1 .20 Ties, delivered 25 Fish plates and bolts 04 Bonding joints. . .- 05 Labor 21 Total cost per foot of track ♦ . $1 . 75 74 VALUATION THE SOUTHEJJl -STREET RAILWAY. LAYOUT No. 37- Car Barns and Yards. EXHIBIT II. ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Comprising the Following Divisions: A Overhead Trolley Construction. B Feeder System. ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. EXHIBIT II. ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Summary. Cost New Present Value Overhead troUev construction $31,933.60 $22,973.91 Feeder system 13,787.03 13,000.21 Total $45,720.63 $35,974.12 7S VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SECTION A. OVERHEAD TROLLEY CONSTRUCTION. Summary. Division Miles Cost New Scrap Value Depreciation Present Value No. 1 2.691 $4,140.26 S 735.95 $1,370.97 $2,769.29 No. 2 1.457 3,168.86 431.95 659.47 2,509.39 No. 3 1.734 3.536.55 555.22 683.72 2,852.83 No. 4 2.482 5,522.85 714.73 1,223.44 4,299.40 No. 5 997 1,468.66 246.85 617.03 851.63 No. 6 1.649 2,048.08 353.36 482.48 1,565.60 No. 7 3.171 2,821.83 683.09 1,013.04 1,808.79 No. 8 2.553 2,424.94 548.66 816.10 1.608.84 No. 9 2.05 2,636.33 412.13 924.78 1,711.55 Total... 18. 784 $27,768.35 $4,681.94 $7,791.03 $19,977.32 Organization, engin- eering and inci- dentals, 157o '"4,165.25 702.29 1,168.66 2,99k59 Grand Total.. .. $31,933.60 $5,384.23 $8,959.69 $22,973.91 ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 79 Scrap Value $1.00 1 . 0(J 4.60 5.75 Sc a|) Value $2.60 3.75 Scrap Value $ 4.00 2 . 20 4.80 1 1 . 50 10.80 Set Heeled nd Breasted $ 8.15 9.40 10.80 12.25 Ccst in 1 lace $29 . 70 89.00 Cost in I'late $ 71.60 48.10 80 . 00 208.60 185.00 •- ^ lO »c o o ": o »0 CO X O -isi . ■ ■ ■ >t ^ ., O' ^C o >^ e o t^ O 'M C/2 H CO OT O t^ I^ t^ w c: o o o o ^ ^ o o o o -WtB OO -X . . -2 9^. 5 aj X X — lr^ ^ «3 *=• r;^ t- c; c 2 €^ 3 ;;> o ;3 ^ o 3 O >. CO '— o CO o >. '-^ ^ 5 - rc »c Ct re ei ^1^. ^ --: 0) CO rc £ X CO r5.5i '- o i ^ "^? ?1 re • ~ ^ 03 u a> .£3 o _ CO CO iS CO CO o ^ ? '^ "^ "^ lu — re -/^ < £;""' «^ « s ' — '. T3 •"£ €^ 1^ ^ _^ _2 _z: _2 _o eS ^ '"^ ~ ~ ^^ 03 '_ij ^ X i5 o 3 ^• _• -* ~ lC — o t^ . — — "o .— — re 'M ~ PU 3 a> ""*^ — . >. G C ^ O CJ re (M O ? 9 'jfi ■* made foi- out.-ide intei-est. Poles occupied l)y the coin- |)an\' in which thc\- h;i\(' no piopriel ar\' interest, have not been listed. The average length of life of a cedai' pole was determined from inspection of the poles in place to be 22 years, the average life of ii-on pipe poles to be 40 years and life of iron lattice poles 30 years. Trolley Wire Data. Cost pei" jiound of new trolley wire 15. 12.oc. Weight per foot of new #1/0 trolley wire 32 lb. Cost per foot of new #1/0 trollev wii'e (allowing 1>y for sag) : " 4.88c. \'alue per pound of scrap copper 10. c. ^^'eight per foot of ? 1 /O scrap trolley wire 265 lb. \"alue pel' foot of #1/0 scrap trolley wire (allowing \% for sag) 2.6Sc. Weight per foot of new ^2 ;0 trolley wire 403 lb. Cost per foot of new #2/0 trolley wire (allowing 1'/^ foi- sag) 6 . 15c. Weight pel' foot of scrap ;*2 /O trolley wire 325 lb. \'alue per foot of scrap #2/0 trolley (allowing 1% for sag) 3.28c. The length of life of *1 /O trolley is taken as 1.972 years per minute of headway of 18 hours. Tlie. length of life of '2 trolley is taken as 2.236 years per minute of headway of 1;l()l)e .strain. SO. 50 2 feed hanger.s 00 2 ti'olley ear.s, 9 in 70 45 ft. insulated copper, #4/0 4.95 S2.94 15 ft. .-'ti'and wire, 5 ' 16 in 11 Lahor 2.00 $9.16 $2 94 Class A-6. Iron Pole; Cross Span. (2 trulley.s, 2 trac-k.s; feed tap.) Cost Scrap New. Value. 2 wood strains or equal SO. 40 2 feed hangers 90 2 ti-ollev ears, 9 in 70 45 ft. insulated copper, #4/0 4.95 S2.94 15 ft. strand wire, 5 16 in 11 Labor 2 . 00 $9 06 $2 94 Class A-7. Iron Pole; Cross Span. (2 trolleys, 2 tracks; feed tap.) Cost Scrap New. Value. 2 pole collars SO. 20 2 wood strains or equal 40 2 porcelain insulators 05 2 feed hangers 90 2 trolley ears, 9 in 70 45 ft. insulated copper, #4/0 4.95 S2.94 10 ft. strand wire, 5 16 in 06 Labor 2.00 $9 26 $2 94 Class B-0. Wood Pole; Cross Span. (1 troUev, 1 track.) Cost New. 2 wood strains or equal SO. 40 1 0. B. hanger or equal 45 1 trolley ear, 9 in 35 52 ft. strand wire, 5 / 16 in 36 Labor 1.65 $3.21 ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 83 INDEX TO DIVISION NUMBERS. Straight Line Special Divisions. Layouts. Street Sections Inclu:'e I. 1 Twenty-second St. from Grove St. to Ashland Ave. 1 Twenty-second St. bridge. 2 Throop St. and Twenty-second St. 3 Ashland Ave. and Twenty-second St. 2 Throop St. from Twenty-first St. to Archer Ave. 4 Throop St. bridge. 3 Ashland Ave. from Twenty-second St. to Archer Ave. 5 Ashland Ave. bridge. 4 Twentv-second St. from Ashland Ave. to Rockwell St. 5 Rockwell St. from Twentv-second St. to Twentv- fifth St. and Twenty-fifth St. from Rockwell St. to Kedzie Ave. 6 Rockwell St. and Twenty-fifth St. 7 Kedzie Ave. and Twenty-fifth St. 6 Twenty-second St. from Rockwell St. to Kedzie Ave. 8 Kedzie Ave. and Twenty-second St. 7 . Kedzie Ave, from Twenty-second St. to Thirt}-- first St. 9 A, B & C Kedzie Ave. and Thirtieth St; and Yards and Barns. 8 Twenty-fifth St. from Kedzie Ave. to Lawndale Ave., and Lawndale Ave. from Twenty-fifth St. to Thirty-fifth St. 10 Lawndale Ave. and Twenty-fifth St. 9 Twenty-second St. from Kedzie Ave. to Fortieth ' Ave. 11 St. Louis Ave. and Twenty-second St, 12 Fortieth Ave, and Twentv-second St. St VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. O re C". d O "O lO O'l -^ lO t^ OC O-l O »0 CD *>) lO 1^ -f -^ »c — c; o -, 00 i^ 'M o i^ oc X X CO o »o »o '* 'M oi — -M — 1^ o CI -^^ ::: S a; CO — 'f CO TC ^£ 1^ -M CC -t — XI- — 1< cc -^ cr. CO t^ 'O ic — X x — ic r^ re — C<1 CO c O .2 CO oj i^ X :e> — ^1 lo cr. X -M cr. o ri ei re ic ei ^icex — o-^rc^co"* — 1^ c; ^ ei ^t — •^ _ ^ „ 1^ _f< lO ^ 1^ cc -t -fi 1^ — f _ ei ' ?i o CO O 3 t^ 3 iC ^ CO O lO CC iC lj?5 5 e X >e CO ^^ o "O re r~^ X X — zz 1^ o !z; !zi O I— I > Q » I2i > 2< - > . o OOOOOO^^COOCOCO'^CiCOX'^X'MCO -j-oociOO — xx^^t^'^coio'Mxiocr.t^ £ & C; C^J rfi O CO ^ o -".?;—' X lo o ic re "'■^ CO 'M ei — CO o c ;£: ^ 2 ..e ^ 2 3 ^ '^r^e — — re '7> o co i^ — re — -o: i- >r: co ei -r €©• ITS CD CO ««■ «o O ■i:»" CO CO CO ce t^ X -M re -t re re l- a-■cerereoc;re^"-lOX»oco^^co^^'0'C^oOlOlo io»o'^oot^ic»c>OLe -S.sCDcocorerecDcD^'^'— reco co"^'^'*^'"^'* Tf-^-^'— iTfco'^"*'*'!" O - '-f Tfl Tt^ CD 1^ i cr. o c: c; c: -^3 X X X X X X X c: cr. X X cr. X ffi — 5^ CO i^ I I Le CO " o c: c: c: cr •— xn 5 i5 ^ ?, S w C c? ■ —'—',-- ^ ;: , ;•;; , t"^ , ;* C ^ H '> ^c ^c p z, Z. c ._;■"■" X X X S ~ ^ rs cj ci X ^1 r^ — __. ^ CO CO ^^^ — X ce »-e CO O iC 1-- -+ — ' ^, re^^co^^^eioco o: t^ 1^ _. ^, C^l ^ LC — ei — XXX c ~£ — O G a c ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 85 (U > d - Sz; c c 4.^ h-t ,^, {_■ Q > ca » — 4^ Iz; c c 1— 1 ^" (X> h^ L ' ^ — H H tZ W o B O - o l-H >-/ 4-1 < x" f^ ::^ H CO a, o o $-1 X! Eh — O >c c: i^ X — c: c; t^ — - "* Tt^ t^ o r^ O •S ^ GC iC !:C CO 'M C: "M X O Ci — C. Cr. iC (>) oc o s-3 cc QC oi o re — r^ t- t^ lo — ic o c^i x -^ -m £> lo 'M -* -f ic ri — re re o) cr. — ri ^ -— I cc ei ^ «^ 53 • ■ • ...... ■« rt^ cc cc cc "M"— — cc o cr; r^ -^ "* t^ C- X c "M o — ^ re ei ~ -^ .— 33"— ■CO-*'* — -^ 3 3 X CO CO O "M §■ ^ lO ce CO ic 3 e-i t^ -^ i;-^ ^ lO lO eve -i lO ^/3> -^ — < 3»C3 eiejce3^'C3— 333^iei3 ei c; Tfi t^ X 3 3 re 3 ■* -* x x 3 lo 't- 3 xS'X'— COcoiOceClTf'XiOX 333 t-^iif 3 ,= a;t^reiCXlC'M'— '-"COCOre -^r-irtlrv) -f X I- t^ ^ X -- — X X t^ lO X '- §■:: uet^t'^re33Leio'Oioo c-r — "M '>) re r- -j^ t^ -nJ^ (M _ j; ei ^ ^ t^ ic >c :S J Ci C; Ci X C: Ci ^g ic to CO cei 3 "^ TjH TtH CO CO '-^ '^ +^+^-(-•3 3 3 X 3 »C ™ — . — ^ -~- eirere =fc=tfe= o »o 05 \Q CO «9- lO CO €«• CO 00 00 CO 1-1 eo ««■ — 1^ c^ 3 ^ X ^ — ->) 3 3 -t< -fi 'M Tt^ -^ Tfl 1^ CO O — '^ 'M ce ce ic "Z3 a; li ""• ' • ^ Tfi ^ 3 ei 'M X ei _ wJ H ►-3 .S() VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. r^ Cl 'M O) CD 00 -M 00 -t* to 00 CD O c: O 'O to 1 eo c 6 '^' c; "M 1- ^ CD 'M — -M cr. -f »0 X CC 1- -f ^^ C'. 1 '^ 1 00 1^ Ol (^ Oj -f lO CXj -M — 1- o 'M O -f CI CD 'C 'M -r o C-. — ^1 ,^ 1 <» .2 c; lO '-' 'M cc c; to lO t^ c; CC -t I- CC 1^ CC O "O; r'l 1 t> l<^' ^ r^ iC 'M — CD 1^ cr. CC -M I^ •M O CO g-oo ^- . — Ol CI i 00 Q — CC «o 6^ «^ ^ 3 CD CC CD ^ CD O 1 c^ ^; "M ^o l^ wt 1^ CC CC -* 1 (N &§ ^ c: cc -f cr. t^ — ' CC •>! \a t^ ,— I r— tC 1 to l!2 Ol . — 1 *A < o 3 3 O 00 CD 00 00 CD o o ~ ~ C: O 1^ ~ I- o 1 "3 'Ci CD -* o i> lO t^ CD c: C: X ~ O X -+ X 3 -+ 5 1 to ■^ ^ "* _ c~ •M ■cr. CD CD '^ C: " — — ' O X o c; to CO CO a; C^ 'M -M iC oi -M CC 'O CI -— " t^ CC rf 1 CO lO Sm co^ 6 -; OCDCDOiO>0»OOiOiC' to to to to O CD "^ OS ^ 73 a.2 cc rc TfH fyy ""■ Tt< "^tn CM Tj^ -t^ '^J^ 'tl ^ Ttl — T^ 1— 1 m a > C! o "^ o c^ t^ t^ ^O >> 4.9 Installe 190 5 o X Q '■ — ' """ ^~ ' — ' JZi ^^ hH ^ iA r^ Eh _i' Eh :r s _C ^ ^ ._• S c ~ . • — :: O -r o =->-i o O CD ^ .S .- "^ > c ««-i X ^ o (M (M -^ ^~* 'M a. ~-~ o 03 re ■* =te =«* CC '^ LC ^ ^ to ^^ Eh > < a) s CD << '> ^ s 02 X w 15 ^£ ,^ s ^-> 'y^ 4^ rE — ^ to .^ ,^ • ^ ^i> G c ^ to .J, to cr. to • ^ r^ 'Vi r^ '*-' ^.' t-O :^ ■vi— -p;^ c ^r ^ -M ^ ^ ,— ^ CD ~ '^ X 'f ^ to o r^ CC ._ '^t- •>! 'M C^l ^ • .- h J -, , -. ^_.. <_' f— ■ to — ^ < x" 'M X ■ ■ c ■ &. ^x ■:< c c c E- c ?- ^ - E/2 o O > s=i eel Q > 3 :S3 O O O t^ to -M lO C -^ "* C^ ^ '^-i C: CD CO 1 O -g^OOiOCCOOO.— OliMLOt^l^ ^'^f'-Oj iTtt £-|G000CO<©CCt-^iOO>OCcD(r) r— yjCO io5 2:> 00 t-^ OI --^ CO lO c; lO GC' -^ 'M ^ I OJ '^'^ C: CC 'M ?C I c«3 ^ €«■ o^OOGOiOCC — ^I^OCCt^ O — "— ' 1^ ■■g "O o lo CO lO '^ X ?o ^ C5 1^ X' c*: o re CO I ^ '^ C: 00 '^ -^ '- rf -^ CI "O iC CC — — ?C iC I m §■ 'M CC ei -- *^ C ^ I iH OOOOO'OcO'M O ICO „.oooooot^o— c t^ 0.0 • . . ^^ 00 r^ 'M 00 1- I ^ ^ i €«. C' o o ic o lo cc — '00 -f ei c: ~ c; i- i- i lo CDOOl^CD'MCiiOCOTfiO'C 00»0^^ I 00 ^•tlr^^O'^'MO^CtOCOCX C^lCi'M IcQ j3j| ^1 t^ TtH lO ^ ^ ^ I lO m I ^ u*^ C-l C^l ^^^^ CO rv en rn. t . -1^1 '"..... .'.■'.. ^■^ lOiOCOcDCDCDcO'*'*^'*' '^CDCD-* ^ s^ c:: O'., a Oi > • , — . -1^ O _: rt }z; '€ 0) Eh o — . CO tr -1-3 02 1-4 > c .d <» -* ^-'^ > 1— 1 ' — ' q3 j .cr. 1^ I- Ti— Ti lO - ' -t^ — CO § — C: ~- iC ri -t -+ CC :iC I^.O I CO ■z ~- C-. ~ 'M -r re o X ^ X c; I O 'o ic -f — ic -r ic I- X t- S; iC -M -JZ 1 — •rH o re c; c^i c; — i to ai O — re t- — I- I 00 ^- - 3 - I •* m €©■ lO o X ;c ei — ri 1- ir 3 c; «£> ■t^i^ i-fOO'^»CXei:Cx»^3 iCD Cz re c. ic — cr. -f ei r^ i^ 1^ o ' oo ic c; re — *e r^ r «0 c; — — "^ €«• , r - ue i-o X re • 5. ic ic M ei •* -+ -^ CO '^^ ^1 CC' CO rt^ -1^ i-^ -3 X X X X ?- •^ o ^ lO — C^l ^^ l# CO l^ CO t^ _• ..,■ _■ _• ~ - ZZ ._: ZZ -f CC — ■ — — — ? — -t 1- • — • — -f • ^ .'J. ^ ^ ' o Zi '^1 ^ ^ -r X X — X X »3 o o PS t^ iC o t^ re o CT- ei Tt >^ — X ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 89 Tt^ c: o ic CD ^r 'M t^ c: o "M ■* -g • o o re Lc en cr. -M cc re -M '-f o 5 3 -■" -y^^ CO ?C 'M ' — "M O X LC 1- o — o I o r^ o o >o I «D I CD iB- rcocsi^ooorci^xxcc c c: '-h 3 ,00 ^1 '^ t^ Id I TjJ 1 CC Ci o d CI iC '^ c -. — LC CI CO c* ~ '+' CC C X 'M 3 C^l CI CO (i5 ^ €«■ ^ o o o 3 OXcOCliCXCDX ;^ ; 3 LC 3 00 .2 "S ^ Tti O C^l CC O c: CJ O — O CI CO c :; 3 1- c; o CO 73 c a; C: X CO CC CC X CO c : CO CC — CI ,, .-,' — ' 00 lO "^ X f-^ t^ Tf Tt- CI — -f CC CC -* , — . O) Ci ^ CC o O !zi = o ^ '-^ -1-3 £ O ^ i.|^ • ■ • CI CI CC CC '^ -* -^ TT , ■'iC o o X X t^ t^ LC lC lC lC lC 1- - t^ t^ IC if "^ z. irf ic LT CO CO -.o -sO -f -^ ^ -^ -* CO CO -^ -t- > ,- ^ l-H ^^ ^ = T -^ CC re CC CC -t- -t Q o s ~ o c^ c^ * 0^*0^ ^i o r- S cr. X X X XXX H :£ p<^ ^ = — — — — — l-H il a H^l — o 'C 5 o ._; Eh i Z/2 co-43-^ .JL -tJ -(^ o o ^ O ^ 73 o ^ te t; a l-H ^ ^ — 'M '""' '~~' l-H 1-H <— ^ < ^ X ^ Tf -f ^!^ ^=te O ~-' o ^ ^ o 07 O w CQ =-_, t^_ %_ ■-*- LC w 1 X O C: ,— .^ — . ^-s CI >> ei rc re CC '"^ " 1 — Cl I^ 4# 03 -^^. <:<:<<: S ^' ^ -r c c c: J 5 '2 '2 M M CC CO •J—-.-: Eh '> poo HH h^ 1— 1 ^a w r^ tC w w ^ w -■ o c; ;:: -/- o C I OS Oi r^ — C-l >^C C". 1^ C". "M -t -t" -M -M CI I C^ cD^'-'^^'+'^C'iccot-t" — rcrc-f too 'M CT. X '^ X C-j ri X -M — ri X t O 'M — — -M -M C-l — I 00 X 1- :c; "M *c t~ X 'M i- — r- -^ -.c '^ ; -^ 'fX'^I^^O — CO— X f-l-l- o CO 'M CD "O 'M CO I ^ c: Ti re — I - ~ I eo X "M O re re — I- --T ic I iH -M — — — — I O O _; O F n - l-H - > z Q ^ W :£ !Zi .- Eh r. O ~ H x/i a> > O O 3 O L'^ CO a i o O O r - i^ ^ 02 '^-' H o CO — iC — CI t^ X *^ O O O C^ CC X O X '-f' -M CD O O O X CO re .= j; ■re CO — cr. t-^ o cr. re o X -"^^ — — C: CO "M 'M ■^ CO 3^ ic ei e^i " re re r^ re »2 ^l^co COCO y^?: 'S -^-i^^re re re re re ic ic »o ic ^'^ § "^g cocococo c^ic^i'*^"^ a> m I — fl 5 1 XXX X 5 Eh S o o o "M C 05 O CO 00 CO CO 00 lO re ic t.e Tf -M -t- =fe =*» =*= ">! re ^"^ 5; ^ l-tjt--! re re r^ CO "M "M X X 'M — '^ -+ X T^ X ~ 'M Le -o^ Tt< L.e 1^ :■•: C ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 91 '^ CO lO ■>! "^ O -^ t^ -Tfi CD C: t^ '^r CC 00 d iz; iz; O to > l-H Q » iz; » n Eh 02 C (U C/2 c3 X o - B -1.3 CO « 1=! Eh c3 » - cc 10 o o-i -^ oc cc £15 ^t 'M (M CD CC — /:> CD CO '—I . „ Tf if^ o t^ oC' " c^i r^ X y: — o -+- X 9* a,' ' " .^^ 'M t^ Ci iC 3 1 "^ CO cc iC 1 00 CD r«- X _ ! 00 LC CD 1 ^ cc CO tC '^ I cc l^ wt ^ iH 'M -M CD iH 00 1 CD loo IS 1 €«■ LC O o "M 1^ QO ^1 rc O tJ^ Tti f^ -— I C^l O iQ O O I '^ O — to o I o» >i V. S Tt^ 'M Tt cc r^ «o -M z; ^- '-' ?c 'M ^ ^ "M 'M CO ^ ^ ■i _ 10 LO X X M :: W :rj _ — "^ X X 'rf lC -f lO .^.^<<:z c: -t ^> t- cv: ~ X CD ^ — 'M — CD X ^ lif 'i^ »0 'M ^ X H K 02 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. ' X -f O re X t- ei -t^ C-. 1- C-. -f o re — X 3 »o to = o ;0 'O O -t o :e c; CO -M ct re c: X CO CO 1- tc lO ei lO %J 1^ 1^ — X TO c: c; -y. re »e — re ei ^ 1 ei -fi — r: c:. »H --■' ■M r- jf ri r: cr. CO re CO re ei rl -^ — -r — t-\ i-T ; I- CO 3 i~ re — X CO 1 - re — __ , 1~ 1- -Oi -r 3 i.e S? 's — X S 'O io 1^ c: c; 1- -f ^' -f X re re X — 'C 1- t- a» c; X CO 3 CO 'O c: re — ■=■- 1- c: 1^ -r -f I^ f O iC •* S c. 1- ei ' — ^ CO ei — >c ei *"" ;^ e 1 r — 23 a^ .— — . — o» <^j O iC X X X Tt- !2 O C^I O l^ — to Tf c; ei X X X * Ci t^ ic re — ic Tf X (N i^"^ c^ tc ^ i^ — f ^ C^l :i • x> 1 '^ > ^ 1 €«• < tc o O O "— X o o CO o X «c. — ~ — i^ ei ~ — CO CO X ^ O O CO o X -t- CO '— — le 1- c; ~ . P I^ cc X C5 c: ic — C^j lO lO X ei c; I- 1- ~j ,.-. — i'^ CD CO a "43 11 — iOcOCC'MX»C — CO ?C CO "* — 'M '- re CO t^ — ei cr. re 6 g o o m 1 €^ iz; "f -u § re ~ O: c: r^ '^ re o; O Zl a3 i'-^." 'M tc ~ ~ ~ iC i.O »c c^ I— 1 Z > — -p- X o c; o" ei -t -:f rf ue L'^ -e ic ei ei ei -r >-e i.e iu c a> "^ h-t Q ::| •i-i ^ - re CO CO CO ^e i-e tc Le X X X X X X X X !zi H-l 1^ P o ^ -^ Eh ^ il ^ •S .s ■~ ■" < s > o CO 1 XJ CO —' — lA iC ^ '^ ^^ C- ^ Qi O ^ '^t" L. o ~ 3 Eh 0) 5 '-"'*-— — c_ — ei -» — ^ ' 02 CO 1 •7. ~ .+-- O O — tir 9- — ^- e'l e"i >5 -/» "*~ re re ,— ,~ ,~ — ei ~^ — ■ — ^ -• - -1-3 X ^.^. ^_ < < < ^ ^ C .|«s^^ 'd 'nn ^- S ^ H "^ 'i; J||!j ^ -- Z^ ^ X c3 c3 -^^ . , . * 7* rt ^^ ^ c p p — *« ~ « iS _rf ^ '3 "3 "H-'H'S'E ~ ^^ •— ' Le o '^ 3; w w x"x" X X ~ ~ o c, 3 ei x'x' 'z. C: 'M 'M — ■ ■ ei Lc X ei "f" iC o 3 ?c c-i "" ei — '^ S -*— -4— -.— -.-^ <; CO ei Le re CO X >-i ^ ' — ', o _^ "^ ■M iC ' — • — ^^ ^O c ^ T. p *-> /^ •^ ' ' ^ -i-J ft 1 " 2 — -i; -f ri — .~ "^ .t: "^ r. o ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. [)'.i I^HJ^ rro//tu jrl/w /^'/ ift* 0^*n'itf o/0/'/'^fe Tra/^y >f/>» /f//t^^ji SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 1. (Ovei'head Ti'olley Construction.) Twenty-second St. Bridge. l"iiit Tdtal .-^ci-ap Material. .\mount. Cost. \alue. Eye bolts 4 :«; . 10 $ . 40 Wood strains 14 .20 2.80 Straight line hangers 4 .45 1 .80 Barn hangers 102 .4,5 49 . 90 Ears, 9 in .SO . 35 10 . 50 $ .3 . 00 Ears, 12 in ;-52 .45 14.40 4.48 Splicing ears 2 .50 1 .00 .40 Galv. strand wire, 5 16 in. . . 90 ft. .007 .6;> Galv. .strand wire, I in .300 ft. .0085 2.55 Iron pipe conduit, 24 in. diani 40 ft. .15 6.00 Trollev arches " 2 208 .60 417. 20 2.3 . 00 Special wt. poles 4 80 . 00 320 . 00 1 7 . 20 Cast iron weights 4 20 . 60 82 . 40 20 . 60 Special trollev bridge at- tachments ." 2 1 S . 00 69 . 76 Trolley trough 496 ft. .50 248.00 Total $1,375 . 58 $138.44 «)4 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 2. (Overhead Trolley Construction.) Throop St. and Twenty-second St. I'nit Total Material. Amount. Cost. Cost. Wood strains. 7 $0.20 SI. 40 Globe strains 4 .25 1 .00 Brooklyn strain 1 .50 .50 Straight line hangers 10 .45 4.50 Ears,' 9 in 10 .35 3.50 Ears, 12 in 2 .45 .90 Galv. strand wire, 5 16 in.. 325 ft. .007 2.27 Galv. strand wire, I in 100 ft. .0085 .85 Total $14.92 >crap A'alue. SI. 00 .24 $1.24 ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 3. , (Overhead Trolle}^ Construction.) Ashland Ave. and Twenty second St. Unit Total Material. Amount. Cost. Cost. Pole collars 6 $0 . 10 S .60 Eve bolts 6 .10 .60 Wood strain.. 19 .20 3.80 Globe strains 9 .25 2.25 Brooklyn strains 10 .50 5.00 Straight line hangers '..]•) .45 8.55 Single curve hangers 4 .45 1.80 Double curve hangers 1 .50 .50 Ears, 9 in 19 .35 6.65 Ears, 12 in 2 .45 .90 Splicing ear 1 .50 .50 (lalv. strand wire, ^ in 160 .0085 1 .36 Left hand Y 1 3 . 25 3 . 25 Total $35 . 76 Scrap Value. SI 90 24 20 70 $3 04 \u\ VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. /-/>■> ' ' '^a^/n^sr /<'/ \ / >3 \ '^ \ rmitf mri Mtyt = is rra//a^ tftna /igflfr/ pn ? rvri 5 ^ \ \ Snd^e J.,nt V ^ra/I^Y z^''*'^ ) ^= N ? ■1 L CaD-frr M/f ' SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 4. (Overhead Trolley Construction.) Throop St. Bridge. Unit Total Scrap Material. Amount. Cost. Cost. \alue. Eve bolts 8 $ 0.10 S 0.80 Wood strains 8 .20 1 .60 Globe strains 20 .25 5 . 00 Straight line hangers 2 .45 .90 Barn hangers 37 .45 12.15 Ears, 9 in 2 .35 .70 SO. 20 Splicing ears 4 .50 2 . 00 . 80 Feed ear 1 .50 .50 .20 Galv. strand wire, 5 16 in. . 50 ft. .007 .35 Galv. strand wire, f in 460 ft. .0085 4.81 Trollev arches \ 2 208 .'60 417.20 23.00 Trollev arches on bridge. . 4 185.00 740.00 41.20 Special wt . poles 4 80 . 00 320 . 00 1 7 . 20 Cast iron weights 4 20.60 82.40 20.60 Special trollev bridge attacli- ments....'. 150.00 48.00 Total $1,738.41 $151.20 ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. ffnJft apt Tn//>f /fire Hunfrt Sridft L/ie Tre/Zfy /irch SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 5. (Overhead Trolley Construction.) Ashland Ave. Bridge. ,, . , ^"'' Total S . 00 Trolley arches, on bridge. .. 4 185.00 740.00 41.20 Special wt. poles 4 80.00 .320.00 17.20 (\ist iron weights 4 • 20.60 82.40 20.60 Special trolley bridge attach- nients 150.00 48.00 Total $:l,740.90 $151.30 9S VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. J\ f i.-/ 1 H \ 5S 1 1 ^ - ■ i ^ -r-%-- tf^^fjtjtf. //I?' i i- k k SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 6. (Oveiiiead Ti'olley Construction.) Rockwell St. and Twenty-fifth St. Unit Total Material. Amount. Cost. Cost. Eye bolts 8 SO . 10 S . 30 Wood strains 2 .20 .40 Globe strains 2 .25 .50 Brooklyn strains 4 .50 2.00 Straight line hangers 2 .45 ' .90 Single curve hangers 2 .45 .90 Double curve hangers 4 .50 2.00 Ears, 9 in 6 .35 2.10 Strain ears 2 .50 1.00 Galv. strand wii-e, 5 16 in . ..30.3 ft. .007 2. 12 Total $12.22 Scrap \'alue. SO . 60 ,40 $1.00 ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 99 SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 7. , (Overhead Trolley Con.struction.) Kedzie Ave. and Twenty-fifth St. Unit Total Scrap Material. Amount. Cast. Cost. \'alue. Eye bolts 4 $0.10 $ . 40 Wood strains 16 .20 3 . 20 Globe strains 2 .25 .50 Brooklyn strains 3 .50 1 .50 Straight line hangers 7 .45 3.15 Single curve hangers 7 ."45 3. 15 Double curve hangers 7 .50 3.50 Ears, 9 in 18 .35 6.30 SI .80 Splicing ears 3 .50 1 .50 .60 Feeder ear 1 .50 .50 .20 Trolley frog 1 3 . 25 3 . 25 . 70 Trolley Y's 2 3 . 25 6 . 50 1 . 40 Rings 3 .10 .30 Galv. strand wire, 5 16 in. .560 ft. .007 3.92 Total $37.67 $4.70 100 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 8. (()\-(M'hea(l Trolley Con.-tnietion.) Kedzie Ave. and Twenty-second St. rnit. Total iScrap Material. Amount. Cost. Cost. \ alue. l>„lc collars 5 $0.10 $ 0.50 Wood strains 21 .20 4.20 Globe strain.^^ •') ^o ] .25 Straight line hangers 14 .45 6.30 Single curve hangers 6 .45 2.75 Double curve hangers 5 .50 2.50 Ears, 9 in 22 . .35 7 . 70 S2 . 20 Splicing ears 5 .50 2.50 1 .00 Feeder" ears 2 .50 1.00 .40 Trollev frog 1 3.25 3.25 .70 Hight'hand trollev Y's 2 3.25_ 6.50 1.40 Galv. strand wire, 5 16 in.. 005 ft. .OO* 4.23 Total $42.68 $5.70 ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. lUl LAYOUT No. qA. SPECIAL LAYOUTS No. 9 A, B & C. (Overhead Trolley ('onHtruction.) Kedzie Ave. and Thirtieth St.; and Yards and Barns. Unit Total Scrap Material. Ainomit. Cost. Cost. \alue. Eve bolts 10 $0.25 $ 2.50 Wood strains 60 .20 12.00 Globe strains 69 .25 17.25 Single curve hangers 24 .45 10.80 Double curve hangers 90 .50 45.00 Barn "hangers 105 .45 47.25 Ears, 6 in. 52 .20 10.40 $ 3.64 Ears, 9 in 76 .35 26.60 7.60 Ears, 12 in. . . 79 .45 35.55 9.48 Splicing ears 11 .50 5 . 50 2 . 20 Strain ears 2 .50 1 .00 .40 Left hand trollev Y's 7 3.25 22.75 4.90 Anchors ' 9 5.00 45.00 Wood supports. 4 in. x 6 in. x 36 in 84 .50 42.00 Wood supports, 2 in. x 12 in. X 48 in 6 .75 4 . 50 •Galv. strand wire 8,-590 ft. .007 60.13 Total $388.23 $24.22 102 VALUATION— THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. LAYOUT No. qB. (Overheail Special Work.) Kedzie Ave. and 30th St., Barns and Yards. ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 103 ^S'ff/'/r /ij/ye^i /^ff X 300 LAYOUT No. 9C. (Overliead .Special Work.) Kedzie Ave. and 30th St., Barns and Yards. 104 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. 1 J M( * q \ r ^ \-,V / --^ ^;,^— V \ J^^^ ' jy -y [ .^ 1 • V j/e f V .V i- ^ H }t- ^.mJif-, I SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 10. (Overhead Trolley Construction.) Lawndale Ave. and Twenty-fifth St. Unit Total Material. Amount. Cost. Cost. Wood strains 8 $0.20 $ 1 .60 Straight line hangers 4 .45 ■ 1 .80 Single curve hangers .9 .45 4.05 Double curve hangers S .50 4.00 Ears, 9 in 20 ..35 7.00 Strain ear 1 .50 .50 Splicing ear 1 .50 .50 Galv. strand wire. 5 16 in . .395 ft. .007 2.77 Total $22.40 Scrap Value. S2.00 .20 .20 $2 40 ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 10. "i SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 11. (Overhead Trolley Construction.) St. Louis Ave. and Twenty-second St. Unit Total Material. Amount. Cost. Cost. Pole collar 1 $().]() S 0.10 Eve bolt.s 2 .10 .20 Wood strains 24 .20 4 . SO Globe strains 10 .25 2.50 Brooklyn strains 2 .50 1 .00 ►Straight line hangers 12 .45 5.40 Single curve hangers 14 .45 6.30 I)()ul)le curve hangers 18 .50 6.50 Ears, 9 'in 36 .35 12.60 Splicing ears 3 .50 4.00 Splicing sleeve 1 .50 .50 Trollev pans 4 3.25 13.00 Iron ring 1 .10 .10 Channel iron, 4 in 135 ft. .26 35.45 Trolley trough 140 ft. .50 70.00 Total $162.45 ^(■rap \'alue. S3. 60 1 .60 .20 2.80 $8.20 106 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SPECIAL LAYOUT No. 12. (Overhead Trolley Construction.) Fortieth Ave. and Twenty-second St. I'liil Total Scrap Material. Amount. Cost. Cost. \ alue. Pole collars 16 SO. 10 S 1 .60 White strains 24 .20 4 . 80 Globe strains 2 .25 .50 Brooklyn strains 20 .50 10.00 Straight line hangers 13 .45 5.85 Single curve hangers 3 .45 1 . 35 Double curve hangers 6 .50 3.00 Ears, 9 in 19 .35 6.65 $1.90 Feeder ears 3 .50 • '1 . 50 .60 Trollev frogs 6 3.25 19.50 4.20 Risht"hand troUev Y's 2 3.25 6.00 1.40 Left hand trolley Y 1 3 . 25 3 . 25 .70 Iron ring 1 10 .10 Galv. strand wire, 5 , 16 in . . . 1 .088 ft . . 007 7.61 Total $70.61 $8.80 ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 107 »-'#' ii^'P-ye^ y«jK p/"^-^ r \ <- \ w \ \ V .■« \ ' v5 \l c I OS VALUATION -THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. -r »o 1^ X -M — — 1- X o O 'O ic -f c-i re oi ~ - I- — ;? »_3 -t re -r ~ re 1 ~ ~ re — re -^ re — -f 'C ei i~ 1- X ei "3 2i o CO ci "M lO Ci X T^i c; re "^c 'C c^jrex — O'-tireioo -H -t- ^ 1^ c. — ic ei 1^ re C". >c X re CD t^ o o o re re c^i O'^'OiOCOCD'— o-f i^reoioceioxcoo -;t; — o re jg '^" CO re' CO o 'O re t^ X re lo o ei 'M --^ ^ ko re ^ I- re -t^ ei ^' €# — X CO o CO CO "^ C5 o-i c^i re X^'+t^'^COt^XO ^ X CD t^Tfiiore'^'^re'Cre re -^ -^ re 'M X lo oi c; Ol r: CO ~ T- — ei -M c; OS H^ l-H o ^^' — ^reco core-^ — ' r^ CO c: — ^ X c: c; xo ei rexTfixc;rere rtl to CD OO OCOOOOOOOO =*==*= =itetO°*==*==*«=»=ib=ite=*= CO CO »o »C CO "^ ^ CO CD CO c; >s6 :=;^ to O t^ O CO "^ »o I- I- CO to X X C 3 CD CD O O ss .X 'M r^ X — re CO CO — t-^ CT. re o '^ ce (M ^ o ^- c; — x ~ »o ~ re LC t^ X I^ t^ o O to O O ~ to X x o ^ > S « o • a o X ? . >. 5 X > o - r- o ■: -s ^ V ^ ^ < I ^ C 1 < ~ X X ij; P cS_i: ex c ^.C^ ^'' < '^ = ir- S iS = ■- . r^ ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 109 c a. fM O X' lC -f rc I- O O iC c CO > ~ ~ y. < ,. x i: oJ ii: r; -lii CJ ni Ci tc 5^ > S^ J 4- c^ ^ ^ c i s >- ?^ 1 <; ►' '-- :; S! < ^< X^ ^ _c ''' '^ 1 Pi X a> -: c >_ _ o C3 E^ -^ 'M — rc c: CO r. ~ "M •M — c^ 03 "S X ,y X _ > . ^ ^ o a; a; S Uh .2 '^ :■ < T ;r^ -" .• i i: - - ^ s ^ « ^ -2 ... y y _ S ^ "S IS ^ j^ '^ >,"S c c "s I^'_£; c >, ^ o E "S •£ c ■^ aj.2 c;lh.2 '-^-•~ -^ -* ^ " — 1^+^ sl^ ~ w"^ c .-~ 9 H a; ;i C .J ' P ^ - tl H tl no VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. CC i;D I^ M •^ GC CO Xi = i cc CO X ro «— o o -" — £ * tC 'M — ' -^ ^ O rc 00 'M O c; re 00 CO § ^ o c; -M »o •^ o re ^ -^ 3 C^l Ol 5—1 ro O H-l O C/3 H Q ci c 05 c c o ceo- r- ~ ^ ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Ill CO CO Ci o re i^ ^ -z-. So iC o — M CO t^ l^ O iC ri ;D ^ ro '>\ M c^i «o CO CO »^ t^ o c; C5 ^ (M i^ — CO c; c: C^i c: lit Ci CO CO ■>! — c: ^t X — CO re O -M t^ 00 O iC CD CD 'M ei — 'f — -^ -, r- CO I^ X O rc 3 Tt^ — ' CC iM O t^ 00 lO l^ ■* CO X CO X X re X •M X ej »o »^ — ei re o o c: cc '^^ t^ X c; ei i^ ce re CD • CO ce — r^ C5 — c. _ J.7 re CO c: X • o CO X ei '^^ ei ic re re re t- ei Ti- ei -^ CO — ei o re »c OS Q Q H 1^ SoS^ -= OS ^2 re X o O O — t^ — oo o xo Tt< ei "M o lO o ci o •^i ei o r^ lo •f r^ o '^ t^ e ei re ei — H^^ ^i^< H^^ H^^ O C: O — CO 1^ re — ?e Tt- ei ■* c; ej co e ic o re ~ t^ c: f »o X ci «^ re ei M ei ei re C5 -— CO c; X LO o ic Tf re — ' — — 'xco X eiei Tti — •^lo^- o 5 o o o o w o cr. 9 c: o o i) OJ — ^ O) — i § 2 S r — ~ — ^-i ^ »^ o ^2 X " '^ -t-- q; X X o > r ^' "^ S ° X oX +^ • c c _ • o . --C «u c s -r P c^ i^ tl^ < Hi VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. £ «: oi I- .c cc o V. ^ -1 -^ :s Tc o I i^i 1-^ -t — -t iC I- •'^ -f — i-t ?t ~ — I CX) ,•-> — — ic Tc 'M --C I- — o I- rc I O ^ -p ic — ri — r - re ?T 1 kO — ' I o" i <^ _.3 'M X -f 'C cv? O C-. CC I- CC C; -M I lO 2 4; c C: 'M OC O lO 01 — cc — 1^ ^ 01 I .^ C:' I- < '>C C-. .C I- I (N 10 CT — — Tj« .CO- Z:2 - "-^ '^- - --C 10 -— -+ r^ 1^ lO 1^ — (X -r I 00 •TO CC O C. C -t- X I • •o cZ ^ ^ X Cr. cc X X »-C -M X ^ I »0 g -:t^ iC — CI — l-CCCCIO o o r 5 s CD X f^\ ,r^ ^~ cc CC — cc j3 ' h QC ■^-> cc 01 CC ~& tC »C O iC iC o ■> >■ >> s J^ " ■ ■ ■ .-^ >,^ ►— ) r-* K^ r-* p^^ ■ — ^ r" =te j^ .c Lc <; ;z; =», =te »c =»= ^ ic Sjxx Lc cr. -f -y: -r^-t-'^cc-t-f :- cC iC 1^ CC C. '^1 X X X »C CI CI r 5 t^ t^ CC J^ C: C; -rt^ tJ^ '^ iC CI Cl <^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ...... j2'j: 3 '^- X E c X > < c ' X EH ^ C 1^ C '^ ^ rt c ■5-^1" ci^ ^ , X a; > 3 ^<^ ^ '^' X c C s: ,; ^ =^ o^ S;^ >-.— .-- C' ~ ■ -I > 01 . (73 <: _o < -•^ ^ c c c. c C s: ^ s: r OJ i. C i. ^—'~9z^ 14 • c ■- -^ c r- ^ r "-^ L^ r^- c ^^ '•■ >-y fB- ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. 113 lO CO C<1 r- 1 lO '-I iC CO 03 >^ CO CO Ol CO X ^ ^ o -* CO CO iC l^ CO (M CO 00 CO CD (N €«■ to O, o; CO c iC »-0 Ol l^ iC X iC CO Lo c; 1-- o c; lO 00 CO C35 O CO p<3 as CO >C uo o — ~ _; I^ 1^ t^ t^ t^ l-q ^2 — ' — r- '-^ r— < — 01 CO l-H V o o ^ r^ H ^ »— pLi 6 G< < & 03 ■fi ^ LO ^ — ^ -r? ^ (4 H cr. ^ P4 -i '-■•6 >^- H ■^ 1 c •"^ Ph i^ c^ c o ^ in CO ^ f-VW 'y^ S-i ■^ — — . ^ ^ - ^"^ '.^ C Hi cS i- rj ,^ ^^^'t.^'S &^ X X X f3 '^ ' 9 § S -t3 CO C^ X! I rf f— I X' '12 -^^ < X ~^-^x > c^ «^ CJ O l:^ CJ ? CO i-l O -f O ; i 'J^ u , — . H ^ H < o - X EXHIBIT III. ROLLING STOCK. COMPRISING THE FOLLOWING DIVISIONS A Passenger Car Bodies. B Work Car Bodies and Trucks. C Passenger Car Trucks. D Motor Equipments. E Miscellaneous Equipment. ROLLING STOCK. 117 EXHIBIT III. ROLLING STOCK. Summary. Cost New Present Value Passenger car bodie.f $ 42.600.00 $14,088.00 Work car bodies and trucks 3,409.00 2.329.31 Trucks 10.083 . 00 5,090 . 16 Motor equipments 39,776 .00 14,799.24 Miscellaneous ecjuipnients 3,812.50 2,757.65 $ 99,680.50 $39,064.-36 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 5^; ': 4,984.03 1,953.22 Total $104,664.53 $41,017.58 lis VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. 4, — O C O O o o o o £-= C O (X o GC O CO -f OO Ol CO o o o o o o o o o o o o o Tfi O CD CD — ' i(i ^ — oi C3 1* O O O O 00 00 o O O d o (A- o o o c o^ o o c; 3 CO ^•-~ H IS O C Ol o a 00 OO t^ 5 O " . PQ 1 — "^ '^> (:D "M ^ Oi CO o o I o iz; o »— I Eh O CO o Q ;zi Q o o O ^ GC 00 t^ ^ IC ■^ Ji ^ ^ t^ o -* "i - C^l 'M iC — — ^■ C^ ^ X oc l^ — iC *^ aj Tf Tf r^ ~. -t- '~ ^ '^^ 'yi iC — — .2 - o rc C: LC C: Oi O CO ;3 CO M '- tin ^ ^ O) ^ o c £ c X X X X ] 2(» VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. O -M -1< O c ~ o o -:= 2 CO 1= CO iz; O I— I H O 02 0a u Eh P<^ <«1 O iz; P4 03 03 A4 X Ol o CO -^ "^ O 00^ Ol CO >— <' "^ ^ O 3 3 3 s . R R ^ - 2 I CO 00 X 3 ^ " CO Ol 'C '— '55 C/2 2 '^ _2 — 5 X " ^ X! o o eo 00 o ROLLING STOCK. 121 OQ Eh !z; » Q S . iz; 1— 1 o a 13 P4 02 e4 CO ^ tH ■^ 10 CI CO 1 ■ IC' ■^ ?o ^— a '>\ GO t^ CO 1 o> X 1^ :0 t- ^ CC' rc "*" ^ rH ^ ««■ , c^ 3 C: ,__ -; -+1 X rc CO -* 1- -M t^ CO 1 t- i^ ^ c; 'M 1 t- _r t-"^ LC' re _r Oi -M \ CO ^ ' €«■ 3 3 3 — 3 ■ — ■ ■ — ; ' — ; -v^ »-t X — cc t-^ ~ :3 X rv) 'M i^ w^ e J _r ^' — ' X 10 - S'-S '^ -::• — — -■' -- ■■' ■•■' ;^ ;^ ;^ -i _r: ^ _o : ^ -^ ■-^ '-^ -1^ -^ ." -+— ' s c = S • ■5 Ci 5 .^ .^ .^ -■3 TC .^ i_ i^ !C Xl ^ ; ~' j ~ w' •+-' :^ c ^' 2 ^ t^ ■ — ■ •M 'M 10 C^I *"^ SD • ~ -^' -t-i ■M rM (M CO 1 1 -L J„ • ;0 'f £_^ i^ 3 s s • u cT • Xh ^ z-t ^ ■ b£ T bJC ■-' b£ y y^5 ^ "1:: c •+: G -^ o. ^- • — -►-5 c — ' ^ — X X VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. C 1 CC — O — -X CO ^ of ^i o H o «2 o o !zi <1 O CO c 00 iM i- -C < -t^ -C '^ -C be - 5 q2 .2 j_3 CO t? (U — q; > <:5 > .- C .. o c ci s^ 2 O -.- T c 2 5 9 S-g (3 1 \a rc 1 o r- 1 c^ ■^ 1 \a cc \ t- 1 c^~ ' €«■ ^ 1 <=> — 1 to '^ 1 c =- cij t; p ^ -; X 4-9'— * -ZS-6" General Description: Closed pas.senger body. Single truck, 7 ft. 6 in. wheel base, 33 in. C. I. wheels. Longitudinal seats, capacity 20. Entrance; single door, center. General Dimensions: Length over bumpers, 25 ft. 6 in. Length over body, 16 ft. Width over all, 7 ft. 7 in. Height; floor to ceiling, 7 ft. Framing : Side sills, 3 in. I beams. End sills, 4 in. x 4 in. angles, wood filler. Corner posts, 2^ in. x 3J in., ash. Center posts, If in. x 2 in., ash. Platforms : Vestibule. Length, 4 ft. 9 in. Width of opening, 3 ft. 1 in. Bumpers; wood with iron band. Dash; steel. Sheathing: Side; concave and convex. ^ in. white wood panels. End; white wood panels. Roof: Type; plain' with no monitor. Material; wood and canvas. Carlines; ash. Windows : Type; sides, single, drop sash. Entl; single hinged. Xumlier ajul size; sides, 12, 2 ft, 6-\- in. x 2 ft. 11 in. Numbei' and size; ends, 4, 1 ft. 10 in. x 2 ft. 11 in. ROLLING STOCK. 127 Doors: Body; 2, single doors. Opening; 2 ft. 2 in. x 6 ft. 2 in. \'estibule; none. Floor: Single Y. P. with floor strips. Interior Woodwork: Mahogany with ceilings veneered and painted. Seats: Type; longitudinal. Capacity, 24. Kind of material; rattan. Width of aisle, :3 ft. 2 in. Lighting: Type; electric. Number of fixtures, 6. Number of lamps, 10, 16 c. p. incandescent. Curtains: Material; cloth. Fixtures; Davis Car Shade Co. Fenders: Number and material; 2, iron frame wood strip? Steps: Type and make; 2, single, Stanwood. Signals : Ciongs; 2, 10 in. C(mductor's bells; 2, 4 in. Trimmings : Brass. Sand Boxes: Xuml)er and material; 2, wood. Window Guards: Side; none. Ends; brass rods. Signs : None. Hand Brakes: Type; double end ratchet. Track Scrapers: None. Draw Bars: Number and type; 2, radial steel, link and pin. 1 2S VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SPECIFICATION FOR CLOSED PASSENGER MOTOR CAR. GROUP No. 3. (12 Cars; Nos. 51, 52, .53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 5U, 60, 62, 63, and 65.) ^ ..—.JSuMaMMaHHiHHaHflHEflBMHH'! nl ■ :-ri-r-ri iK^igi- If — • -Ttoi-f a General Description: Closed passenger bodv. Single truyk, 8 ft. wheel base, 33 in. C. I. wheels. Longitudinal seats, capacity 20. Enti'ance; single door, side. General Dimensions: Length over bumpers, 28 ft. 9 in. Length over body, 18 ft. Width over all. 7 ft. 5 in. Height; floor to ceiling. 7 ft. 10 in. Height; top of rail to top of trolley boartl 11 ft. 6 in. ROLLING STOCK. 129 Framing: Side .sills, f in. x S in. phite reinforced with 4 in. x 4 in. angles and Y. P. filler. End sills, 4 in. x 4 in. Y. P. on 4 in. x 4 in. angles. Corner po.sts, 2^ in. x 3J in. ash. Center posts, If in. x 3j in. ash. Platforms: Vestil)ule. Length, 5 ft. 4 in. Width of opening, 2 ft. 8 in. Bumpers; wood with ii-on bands. Dash; wood. Sheathing: Sides and ends; straight, with white wood matclied. Sheathing laid vertically. Fenders: Number and uuiterial; 2, iron frame, wood strips. Steps: Number, type and make; 2, single, Stanwood. Signals : (iongs; 2, 10 in. Conductor's bells; 2, 4 in. Trimmings : Brass. Sand Boxes: Number and mateiial; 2. wood. Window Guards: Sides; none. p]nds; brass rods. Signs : None. Hand Brakes: l)()ul)le end ratchet. Track Scrapers : None. Draw Bars: Numl)er and type; 2, radial steel, link and |)in. Roof: Type; monitoi'. Material; wood and canvas. Carlines; ash. 130 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Windows : Tyjx'; .sides, single drop sash; ends single hinged. Number and size; 12, 2 ft. 10 in. x 3 ft. 1 in. Number and size; ends, 2, 2 ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. 5 in. Monitor sash; 12 on sides, 2 on ends. .Sash 7 in. X 2 ft. 10 in. Doors: I^ody; 2 single doors. Opening; 2 ft. 11 in. x 6 ft. 2 in. Vestibule; 2 telescoping steel grates, 5 ft. high. Floor: Single Y. P. with floor strips. Interior Woodwork: Oak; with oak veneered ceilings. Seats: Longitudinal. Capacity 20. Kind of material, rattan. Width of aisle; 3 ft. 4 in. Lighting: Type; electric. Number of fixtures, 6. Number of lamps; 10, 16 c. p. incandescent. Curtains: Material; cloth. Fixtures; Davis Car Shade Co. ROLLING STOCK. 131 SPECIFICATION FOR CLOSED PASSENGER MOTOR CAR. GROUP No. 4. (9 Cars; Nos. 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 and 110.) '-S-B'- - 30-0" AO'-W ■5-5- General Description: Closed passenger body. Double truck; centers 18 ft. 1 1 in.. 33 in. C. I. wheels. Longitudinal seats, capacity 36. Enti-ance; single door, side. General Dimensions: Length over bumpers, 40 ft. 10 in. Length over body, 30 ft. Width over all, 7 ft. 8 in. Height; floor to ceiling, 7 ft. 8 in. Height; top of rail to top of trolley board, 1 1 ft. 5 in. IIVJ VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Framing : Si(U) sills, i; ill. x S in. plates r('intoic(;(l with 4 in. x 4 in. angles and Y. V. fillers. JMul sills, 5 in. x 6 in. Y. P. roinfoicctl with \ in. x S in. plates. Corner posts; 'A in. x 4 in. ash. Center posts; 2.1 in. x 4 in. ash. Platforms : \'estil)ule. Length T) ft. 5 in. Width of opening 2 ft. 10 in. Bumpers; wood with iron bands. Dash; w'ood. Sheathing: Sides and ends; straight with white wood matched. Sheathing laid vertically. Roof: Type; monitor. Material; wood and canvas. Cai-lines; ash. Windows: Type; sides single drop sash, ends, single hinged. Number and size; sides, 20, 2 ft. 10 in. x 3 ft. 1 in. Number and size; ends, 2, 2 ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. 5 in. Monitor sash; 20 on sides, 2 on ends. Sash 7 in. x 2 ft. 10 in. Doors: Body; 2 single doors. Openings; 2 ft. 1 in. x 6 ft. 2 in. \>stibules; double folding doors. Floor: Single Y. P. with floor strips. Interior Woodwork: Oak: with oak veneered ceilings. Seats: Type; longitudinal. Capacity 36. Kind of material; rattan. \Vidth of aLsle, 3 ft. 6 in. Lighting: Type; electric. Number of fixtures, 5. Number of lamps; 10, 16 c. p. incandescent. Curtains : Material; cloth. Fixtures; Davis Car Shade Co. ROLLING STOCK. ]:« Fenders: Xumber and material; 2, iron frame wood strips. Steps: Number, type and make; 2, single, Stanwood. Signals: (iongs; 2, 10 inch. Conductor's bells; 2, 4 in. Trimmings : Brass. Sand Boxes: Number and material; 2, wood. Window Guards: Sides; none. Ends; brass rods. Signs: None. Hand Brakes: Type; double end ratchet. Air Brakes: Type; Christensen AA-l-MM. Track Scrapers: None. Draw Bars: Number and type; 2, radial steel, link and pin. 134 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. SWEEPER. SPRINKLER. MISCELLANEOUS ROLLING STOCK. ROLLING STOCK. 135 SNOW PLOW. FLAT CAR. MISCELLANEOUS ROLLING STOCK. EXHIBIT IV. POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT. POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT 139 EXHIBIT IV. POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT. Summary. Cost New Present Value Thirtieth St. and Kedzie Ave. Phmt $70,499.94 $47,862.78 140 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT. The power plant, situated at .')()t li St. and Ke(l/,ie Ave., wa.s l)uilt in the spi'iiif;' of 1894 antlput into operation (jarly in 1S'.)5. The equipment at this time consisted of two Al)endroth fj/\-v/iA-v//A-v//j>-vy/i->r/^A-v^y/ /n-A///i///\-v^j / /='l./9AJ POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT PLANT. EXHIBIT V. FIXED TOOLS AND MACHINERY. FIXED TOOLS AND MACHINERY. 147 EXHIBIT V. FIXED TOOLS AND MACHINERY. Summary. Cost New. Fixed tools in machine fdiop $2,779.03 Fixed tools in carpenter shop 876.00 Fixed tools in armature room 84.90 Total $3,739.93 Present Value. $1,509. 567. 19 40 50. 52 $2,127 11 14S VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. FIXED TOOLS IN MACHINE SHOP. ("oMt I resent (^imntit.w Descriptiiiii. New. Value. 1 IS in. X {')'.) in. iiiclal planer, C. W'Jiitoonil) ik, Co., with power drive and power feed S1,()()().0() s 400. 00 1 14 in. X 10 in. Universal planer chuck :i.j . 00 20.00 1 20 in. Barnes drill, power feed 12.J.00 ."jO.O(J 1 20 in. swing X 8 ft. bed enjiine lathe 700.00 :^")0.00 1 No. 'A Vulcan two wheel cast iron emery stand.. . . (io.OO GO . 00 1 1 \ in. X S in. coarse emery wheel 2.00 2.00 1 ;! in. X 20 in. grindstone with wooden frame 3..")0 ;').00 2 72 ill. wall job cranes 18.00 18.00 7 ft. wooden jib crane 1.50.00 87.72 4000 lb. E. Harrington differentia! chain lift 40.00 :-!0.00 4 cable car lift, home made 140.00 120.00 1 ") h.p. Westinghouse Type M ")()() volt 1 1 .jO r.}).m. motor 244.00 185.44 brick blacksmith forge 20.00 20.00 No. B Buffalo P^orge Co. blower, 10 in. dia 25.00 Ki.SO 20 in. X 4 in. wooden split pulley 1 . 70 1.18 9 in. X 4 in. wooden split pulley .90 .70 12 in. X 6 in. wooden split pulley 2.50 I . 70 9 in. X 5 in. wooden split pulley 1 .00 .75 .'iO in. X 6 m. wooden split pulley ;^ . 50 2 .62 15 in. X 6 in. wooden split pulley 1 . 50 1.10 24 in. X 9 in. wooden split pulley 'S.'SO 2.58 20 in. X 6 in. wooden split pulley 4 . 20 3.15 14 in. X 4 in. wooden split pulley 1 .20 .90 15 in. X 10 in. wooden split pulley 2.05 1 .55 12 in. X 6 in. wooden split pulley 1 .25 .95 16 in. X r2^in. wooden split pulley 2.60 1 . 72 5 in. X 5 in. solid wooden pulley .90 .70 15 in. X 4 in. solid cast iron pulley 2.00 1 . 50 24 in. X 4 in. solid cast iron pulley 2.20 1 . 64 10 in. X 8 in. solid cast iron pulley 2.00 1 .55 18 in. X 8 in. solid cast iron pulley 1 . 45 1 . 30 12 in. X 3 in. solid cast iron pulley 1 .05 .85 6 in. X 3 in. solid cast iron pulley 2.40 1 .75 4 in. X 4 in. solid cast iron pulley 1 .00 .75 14 2 in. X 9 in. shafting hangers 24.50 18.25 2 li in. X 12 in. shafting hangers , . 4.50 3.10 GO ft'. 2 in. cold rolled shafting 16.20 12.15 6 ft. IJ in. cold rolled shafting .95 .60 2 2 in. flanged couplings 3 .20 2 .40 4 2 in. collars 1.20 .80 15 ft. 4 in. single plv leather belt 3.93 3.00 30 ft. 4 in. double plv leather belt 15.70 11.70 25 ft. 3 in. double plv leather belt 9 . 60 7 . 60 75 ft. 2i in. double plv leather belt 28.90 21.60 35 ft. 2"in. double plv leather belt ' 8.60 6.60 40 ft. 2 in. single plv" leather belt 4.90 3.25 40 ft. U in. double plv leather belt 7.00 5.27 20 ft. U in. single plv leather belt 1 . 75 .92 20 ft. l\ in. single ply leather belt 1 .40 _.85 1 15 in. X 6 in. wooden pulley with clutch 10.50 7.50 Wooden shafting supports complete for above. . . . 30.00 15.00 Total $2,779.03 $1,509.19 FIXED TOOLS AND MACHINERY. 14^ FIXED TOOLS IN CARPENTER SHOP. Cost Present Quantity. Descriptiim. New. Value. 1 12 ft. wall jib crane S 84.00 S 64.00 1 4000 lb. E. Harrington differential chain lift. new. . 40.00 40.00 1 circular power saw 36 x 48 in 1.50 .00 70.00 1 hand operated drill for wood oO . 00 20.00 1 40 h.p. tvpe 1200. .500 volt General Electric Com- pany 'motor 497 .00 MOO. 00 1 special resistance 23.00 23.00 SO ft. No. 6 and 45 ft. No. 12 wire in place S.OO 6.40 1 work bench, 3 ft. x S ft 3 . 00 3 . 00 1 for stiff paint 1 .00 1 .00 1 work bench. 3 ft. 6 in. x S ft 15.00 15.00 1 work bench. 3 ft. x 13 ft 15.00 15.00 1 44 in. Prentiss vise 10.00 10.00 $876 GO $567 . 40 FIXED TOOLS IN ARMATURE ROOM. Quantity. Descriptinn. work bench. 1 ft. x 9 ft asbestos lined oven for drying armature;- work bench, 1. ft. x 5 ft shear for mica field stretcher work bench, 2 ft. x 12 ft shelf armature hoist 72 in. wall jib crane 2000 lb. Weston differential chain hoist. Cst Present New. Value. 2.00 •S 2.00 4.00 2.12 1.50 1.50 7.50 5 . 00 2 . 50 2 . 50 2.90 2 . 90 2 . 50 2 . 50 J3.00 10.00 9.00 9 . 00 40.00 1 3 . 00 Total $84.90 $50 52 EXHIBIT VI, BUILDINGS. BUILDINGS. EXHIBIT VI. BUILDINGS. Summary. Cost Pr sent NaTie New. Value. Power plant S18.716.37 $10,855.50 Repair shop 1 5.528 . 84 9,006 . 73 Car barn 23.897.51 12.187.74 Office building 874 .62 752 . 18 Storage shed 156.91 47.07 Water closet 1 7 . 25 12 . 08 Paint and coal storage shed 91.71 45 .86 Trainmen's room (exclusive of lockers). . . 42.52 31.89 Small sheds 48 . 45 39 . 00 Yard fence 4.480. 11 1,344.04 Gate 14.51 8.71 Yard fill - 3,421 .00 3,421 .00 Fill in car barn and adjacent thereto 2,385.00 2,385.00 Total $69,674.80 $40,136.80 Note: All Ijuildings and propertie.i listed here are located on Kedzie Ave. between Thirtieth and Thirty-first Sts. The values given above are exclusive of track, electric overhead construction, power plant equipment, fixed tools and machinery, real estate, supplies and furniture. 1")4 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. POWER PLANT. Thirtieth St. and Kedzie Ave. Built in 1894. Crist New. Excavation and fill S S07 . 50 Foundation.s 2,06S . 04 Supeivstructurenui.s()niv (brick, cut .--tone. sIUj; and copjtio; 6.401 . 10 Structural steel and ii'on work 4,;-{.54.46 Carpenter work (franiino-, roof and trim) 911.21 Mill work, windows (o;lazed), doors and hardware 54.'^ . .50 Roofing' (composition 4 plv) o^iO.OO Sheet metal work ." 76 .00 Painting 219.20 Drainage 364.10 S16,275.11 Organization, engineering and incidentals, ISSf 2,441 .26 Total cost new $18,716.37 Depreciation (14 years Qi 3 - ( per annum), 42- J 7,S60.S7 Present value $10,855 . 50 REPAIR SHOP. Thirtieth St. and Kedzie Ave. Built in 1891. Cost New. Excavation and fill S 317 . 75 Foundations 1.230.00 Superstructure masonry (brick, sills and coping) 5,937.20 Structural steel and iron work 2,093.75 Carpenter work (framing, i-oof and trim) 2,240.51 Mill work, windows (glazed), doors and hardware 619.70 Roofing (composition) 571 .88 Sheet metal woi'k 2.50 Painting 141.60 Drainage 348 . 45 SI 3, 503. 34 Organization, engineering, incidentals, 15' , 2.025.50 Total cost new $15,528.84 Depreciation (14 years @ 3^/ pt^i' annum). 42' , 6.522.11 Present value $ 9,006 . 73 BUILDINGS. CAR BARN. Thirtieth St. and Kedzie Ave. Built in 1894. Cost New. Excavation and fill S 133 .50 Foundations 2,022 . 00 Superstructure masonry (l)rick, .'-ills and coi)ing) 6,069.84 Structural steel and iron 7,141 .56 Carpenter work 1,922.00 Mill work, windows (glazed) 750 . 00 Roofing (composition) 1,406 .25 Sheet metal work 6 . 00 Painting 864.60 Drainage 464 . 70 $20,780.45 Organization, engineering and incidental--, 15' , 3,117.06 Total cost new $23,897 . 51 Depreciation (14 years at 3^'-^ per annum), 49'7 ■' 11,709.77 Present value $12,187.74 OFFICE BUILDING. Thirtieth St. and Kedzie Ave. Built in 1894. Cost New. Excavation and fill % 7.00 Foundations 80. OO Superstructure masonry (brick, sills and coping) 320.00 Carpenter work (framing, roof. and trim) 199.50 Mill work, windows (glazed), doors and hardwai-e 69.00 Roofing '. 21 .00 Sheet metal work 26 . 80 Plastering . . -. 3 1 . 36 Painting. 5.88 S769.54 Organization, engineering ami incidentals. 15(,' 114.08 Total co-t new $874.62 Depreciation (14 years (a ]' ', pov annum), 14' , 122.44 Present valr.e $752 . 18 l-)() VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS. STORAGE SHED. Cost new S142 .65 Organization and incidentals, lO^y, 14.26 Tdtal cost new $156.91 Depreciation, 70':; 109.84 Present value $ 47 . 07 WATER CLOSET. Cost new $17.25 Depreciation, 30^/; 5.17 Present value $12 .08 PAINT AND COAL STORAGE SHED. - Cost new $91.71 Depreciation. 5()',v 45.85 Present value $45.86 TRAINMEN'S ROOM. (exclusive of lockers) Cost new $42 . 52 Depreciation, 25% 10.68 Present value $31 . 89 SMALL SHEDS. Total cost new (all three) $48 . 45 Depreciation (one (a lO^y, two (a 25' f) 9.45 Present value (all three) $39.00 BUILDINGS. 157 MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING PROPERTIES. YARD FENCE. Excavation S 125 . 00 Foundations 1,764 . 00 Brickwork and coping 2,006.75 $3,895.75 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 584.36 Total cost new $4,480 . 11 Depreciation (14 years (a; 5% per annum), 70% 3,136.07 Present value $1,344 . 04 GATE. Cost new $14.51 Depreciation. 40' , 5.80 Pre.sent value . . , . ' $ 8 . 71 YARD FILL. Present value $3,421.00 FILL IN CAR BARN AND ADJACENT THERETO. Present value $2,385.00 EXHIBIT VII. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. 161 EXHIBIT VII. REAL ESTATE. Summary. Plat Present Number. Location. Value. 1 On Lawndale Ave. near Twentv-second St . .... S 4.000.00 2 At Kedzie Ave. and Thirty-first St 26,100.00 3 At Fortieth Court and Twentv-seventh St 750.00 4 At Hamlin Ave. and Thirty-fifth St. . '. 6,672.00 Total $37,522.00 Joseph Donnersberger Real Estate and Loans 172 Washington St. CHICAGO, July 23, 1908. Traction Valuation Commission, 181 LaSalle Street, Chicago. Gentlemen: In conformity with your in.structions, I have appraised the real estate of the Southern Street Railway Company as indicated to me by legal descriptions referred to in the accompanying report. My values are based on the usual standards, and in cases where the property is now in use, its particular suitability for such use is considered. Yours truly, (Signed) JOSEPH DONNERSBERGER. U)2 VALUATION— THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. PLAT I. Real Estate on Lawndale Ave. near Twenty-second St. The north one hundred (lOO) feet of the west hah' (W. .V) of Lot "A" of Block seven (7) of Millard and Decker's Subdivision of the east half (E. ^) of the northwest quarter (N.W. \) of Section twenty- Six (26) Township thirty-nine (39) North, Range thirteen (13) east of the Third (3rd) Principal Meridian, situated in tlie city of Chicago, county of Cook, and state of Illinois. Value, exclusive of improvements $4,000.00 REAL ESTATE. 11)3 PLAT II. Real Estate at Kedzie Ave. and Thirty-first St. All that part or portion of Block twenty-four (24) of .Steel's Sub- division of the southeast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of Section twenty-six (26) Township thirty-nine (.39) North, Range thirteen (13) east of the Third (3rd) Pi'incipal .Meridian, which lies south of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad right of way situated in the city of Chicago, county of Cook, and state of Illinois. \'alue, exclusive of improvements $26,100.00 U)4 VALUATION— THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. PLAT III. Real Estate at Fortieth Court and Twenty-seventh St. The south twenty-five (25) feet of Lot thirty (30) in Block two (2) of McMiUan and Wetniore's Subdivision of the north half (N. i) of the northeast quarter (N.E. \) of the southeast quarter (S.E. I) of Section twenty-seven (27) Township thirty-nine (39) North, Range thirteen (ISf east of the Third (3rd) Principal Merid- ian, situated in the city of Chicago, county of Cook, and state of Illinois. \'alue, exclusive of improvements $750 00 REAL ESTATE. 165 kK 35^ ^t. :^ VA—izs—A 5^4— 317. 65 y yTTTTTYy /zs' Ah- PLAT IV. Real Estate at Hamlin Ave. and Thirty-fifth St. All that part lying noi'tli of the north line of the I'ight of way sold to the Sanitary District of Chicago, of Block two (2) in the Subdivision by Coolbaugh & Libby of all that part lying north of the center line of the lUinois and Michigan Canal of the east half (E. i) of the southwest quarter (S.W. \) of Section thirty-five (35) Township thirty-nine (39) North, Range thirteen (13) east of the Third (3rd) Principal Meridian, situated in the city of Chicago, county of Cook, and state of Illinois. Value, exclusive of improvements $6,672.00 EXHIBIT VIII. TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 169 EXHIBIT VIII. TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. Summary.. Tools and supplies in power house . Tools and supplies in machine shop Tools and supplies in carpenter shop Tools and supplies in armature room Tools and supplies in car barn Tools and supplies in yard Tools and supplies in track and line depart- ment • . . . Patterns Supplies in store room Supplies and furniture in office Wagons, horses and harness Scrap materials Total Cost Present New. Value. $ 2,158.95 $ 1,735.20 3,081.58 2,627.81 1,194.46 769.16 5,384.71 3,742.23 1,185.67 919.98 7,089.13 5,643 . 08 483 . 53 295 . 25 235 . 00 168.00 4,026.17 4,026.17 1,126.47 937.67 2,610.35 1,947.76 3,000.00 273.95 $31,576.02 $23 086.2fi 170 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. TOOLS AND SUPPLIES IN POWER HOUSE. Present (^uaiililj. l)c.scii|)ti(jii. Value. 2 steel wlu'olbiirrow.s 2S x :i4 in S; S.OO steel wheelbarrow :-{2 x 42 in :'>.{)() (irenian's hose I 50 slice l):irs 4 . .")() scoops 1 . 00 nuiul 1 . 00 small hoe .50 coal scuttles .20 ft . 2 in. rubber hose .75 l)()ilei' cleaner's [)latforni 5 .00 U) ft. wooden huhler 2.00 1 2 ft . wooden ladder 1 . SO S ft. wooden ladder .'.iO 7 ft . wooden ladder 1 . 25 wooden stand 1 . 00 half barrel .25 nii.scellaneous wooden blocks 1 .00 4 lb. handled cold chisel .20 15 in. monkey wi'ench .85 10 in. monkey wrench .70 24 in. .Stillson wrench 2.00 12 in. Stillson wrench .90 1 6 in. flat mill file . .'30 4 lb. cold chi.sel .20 5 lb. flat drifts .32 IS in. trammel point .38 Ih lb. ball pene machinist's hammer .42 12 in. half round bastard file .20 15 lb. bar .60 open end and special wrenches 50 lb 10.00 bolts for pulling commutators .12 9 in. cast iron clamp .30 24 in. calipers 2.25 24 in. pipe wrench 2 . 40 wooden horses 2 . 50 commutator turning machine 25.00 lb. tools for above machine 2 .00 ladder 1.50 ft. step ladder .50 12 ft. step ladder 1 .00 socket wrenches, 30 lb 4.00 2 in. pipe tap .63 2^ in. pipe tap 1 . 42 1 \ in. pipe tap .60 I in. pipe tap -35 t( in. pipe tap -20 i in. pipe tap ■ 1 -t 4 in. flue expander 2.25 socket wrenches 10 .00 pinch bars, 25 lb 5 . 00 open end wrenches assorted 8.00 5 ft. 6 in. chain tong pipe wrench 8.00 5 ft. chain | in. stock with hook and ring 1 . 30 10 ft. chain j in. stock with hook and ring 2.60 32 in. Trimo pipe wrench 3 . 00 work bench 10 . 00 4 in. vise S . 56 No. 1 Clow pipe stock with dies \ in. to 1 in. inc 3.00 No. E Crane pipe stock with dies li in. to 2 in. inc 4.00 4 in. and 1, 2^ in. Crane pipe die 8.30 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 171 Tools and Supplies in Power House — Continued. Present Quantity. Description. Value. 1 No. 4 pipe cutter 4 . 00 4 wooden horses 3 . 00 30 f t . i in. steel chain o . 94 14 5 in. rubber pump discs .70 8 5 in. brass pump valve seats \ . . 3 .20 1 2 in. Klipfel regulating valve for heater 18.00 12 f X 16 in. gauge glasses .72 2 15 in. levers for pumps 1 . 00 2 9 in. levers for pumps .60 2 valye rods for feed pumps .40 1 set of 4 quarter boxes for engines 18.00 1 12 in. standard companion flange 3 . 82 1 14 in. extra heavy blind flange 6 . 40 1 2 in. standard flange ] 1 9 in. standard flange j 1 5 in. standard flange [ 4 . 86 1 4 in. standard flange 2 7 in. standard flange 6 ft. 8 in. standard wrought steel pipe 2.44 10 ft. 7 in. standard wrought steel pipe 3.39 12 ft. 4 in. standard wrought steel pipe 3 . 34 10 ft. 1} in. standard wrought steel pipe , "I . ,,,. 10 ft. 1 in. standard wrought steel pipe j 16 ft. 2^ in. extra heavy wrought steel pipe 2.46 12 ft. 1^ in. heavy rubber hose 2.28 1 12 in. standard flanged long sweep ell 32.00 1 7 in. standard flanged ell 4.00 1 7 in. standard screwed ell .59 2 7 in. 45 deg. standard screwed ells 3 .56 1 5 in. standard screwed ell 1 .49 1 3 in. standard screwed ell .25 1 2h in. standard screwed ell .20 1 2 in. standard screwed ell .10 1 H in. standard screwed ell .07 1 2 J x 1^ X 1^ in. standard screwed tee .30 2 2xl^xljin. standard screwed tees .20 1 1^ in. standard screwed tee .06 2 1^ X 2 in. .standard screwed tees .31 1 1^^ X 1 in. standard screwed tee .10 1 7 in. standard pipe cap .85 1 '-^k in. standard screwed lateral 1.17 1 6 in. plug .28 - 1 3^ in. flange .48 1 8 X 7 in. bushing .65 1 4x2^ in. reducing bushing .20 1 5 X 3i in. reducing bushing .33 2 H in. .standard screwed 45 deg. ells .08 1 7 in. extra heavy flanged cross 23 . 70 30 lb. rags for wiping machinery 2 .40 75 ft. 33 in. three ply belt 160 . 00 4 goose necks for boilers 5 . 00 600 lb. fire clay 3 . 00 1 12 X 3 in. solid cast iron pulley 1 31 2 ft. U in. shaft .32 1 1 J X 8 in. drop hangers 2 . 84 5 oil barrels '.. 3 .00 2 20 X I in. turnbuckles 1 . 50 40 lb. cup grease 2 . 00 50 lb. extract of hemlock boiler compound 5.00 3 gal. belt compound 9 . 00 172 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Tools and Supplies in Power House Continued. (iuaii ")() 50 15 I (■) «; } 7 10 If) 1 1 1 12 1 1 40 SO 90 10 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 19 1 1 2 1 I 1 5 75 15 400 lily. I)(scri|)lii)ii. gill, low prcjs.surt' cyliiulcr oil gul. high pressure cylinder oil gal. engine oil 5 in. rubber valve disc 21 in. rubl)er valve discs 2 in. rubber valve di.scs 1 \ in. rubber valve discs I 1 in. rul>ber valve discs 1 in. rubber valve discs :| in. rubber valve discs \ in. rubber valve discs 5 in. dash pot leathers 4 in. dash pot leathers \ lb. 1 in. Dodds packing J Ih. Peerless assorted valve rod packing. h lb. Empire round packing lb. square flax packing lb. asbestos wicking lb. hydraulic packing lb. Rainbow sheet packing '.i in. Huxley blow-off valves . set packing for Huxley valves 5 in. valve seats 5 X f in. emery wheel 7 in. standard flanged gate valve valve arm for feed pump special eye bolts f X 24 in. pinch bar valve arm for feed pump sheets assorted emery cloth 3.V X 2^ X f in. carbon brushes lb. pitch lb. No. 24 single cotton covered copper wire. ft. 2 X 12 in. oak oak cupboard 6 ft. 6 in. x 4 ft. for supplies. . wooden locKer 7 ft. x 6 ft. 6 in pine scrap box '■^ ft. 6 in. x 4 ft. 6 in pine waste box 3 ft. x 8 ft. 2 in pine pipe fitting bin pine pipe rack roller top desk oak 28 x 42 in kitchen chairs oak clothes locker cupboards for pipes picture frames benches bundles rattan for track sweeper broom backs for track sweeper pine car door window frame rack oak doors pine table oak flat top desk 32 x 72 in oak coimting house desk 32 x 84 in bill, gravel boaril feet oak 4 in. X 18 ft. boiler tubes tons l)itumiuous coal l'rc«(!rit Value. 21 24 3 8. 4. 74 1 . 1 . 15 2 1 4 15 4 3 1 60 5 1 4 10 5 1 3 67 SOO 00 00 30 55 45 10 50 65 60 75 25 30 20 20 75 25 40 20 00 00 (K) 25 00 30 .75 .00 .20 .25 .40 .00 .40 .50 .50 .00 .70 . (iO .00 .80 .50 .76 .00 .70 .00 .50 .75 .50 .00 .70 .50 .50 .00 . 75 .00 .00 .50 .00 .50 .00 Total present value Total cost new .... $1,735 20 .$2,158 95 TOOLS. SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 173 TOOLS AND SUPPLIES IN MACHINE SHOP. Present Quantity. Description. Value. 10 planer tools ? 4. SO 1 2| in. reamer « . 4 .00 1 If in. X 14 in. bar 2.00 1 planer tool holder 8.00 1 parallel strip .20 2 No. :i L Armstrong tools ;').00 2 V blocks .80 2 anvils 7 . 50 1 wooden horse * .5 . 00 2 drill press chucks 7 .00 40 twist drills, assorted S.OO 1 2 in. shank twist drill 4 . 00 1 adjustable hack saw frame 12 in .80 4 lathe dogs 2 . 50 1 No. 2 G Armstrong lathe tool 1 .20 1 No. 2 L Armstrong lathe tool 1 . 20 2 If in. taps 2 . 10 12 lathe tools 6.00 1 f in. and f in. double end S wrenches .10 1 \ in. and ^ in. double end straight wrenches .10 1 4 in. C clamp .60 1 3 in. X 2 ft. boring bar ; 4 . 00 1 2 in. X 2 ft. boring bar 3 . 00 1 1+ in. X 6 in. taper reamer 2 . 50 6 round clamps 1 . 20 1 emery wheel dresser 2 . 00 2 waste cans 2 . 00 1 15 ton screw jack 27.00 3 li in. machine taps 2 . 50 3 1 in. machine taps 2.25 3 I in. machine taps 1 . 70 3 I in. machine taps . 1.25 3 tap wrenches 1 .90 1 die stock • 1 .75 1 set of soHd dies 4.00 14 split dies 5.00 3 split die stocks . 00 1 H in. double end S wrench .35 1 \\ in. single end >S wrench -40 1 pair adjustable babbitt molds 50.00 1 4 in. babbitt ladle .50 1 6* in. babbitt ladle .80 1 7 'in. babbitt ladle 1 .20 1 9 in. babbitt ladle 1 . 50 1 10 in. babbitt ladle 2.00 1 bar • 3 . 00 1 5 in. Parker swivel vise . 60 1 6 in. swivel vise 9.00 25 blacksmith tongs 20.00 40 blacksmith tools 21 .00 3 sledges : • 5 . 60 12 anvil jigs 6 . 00 3 pene hammers 1 . 20 1 I in. and 1 in. double end S wrench -SO 1 2 in. X 33 in. wrench 2 .00 32 wrenches, assorted 25.00 3 pinch bars 3 .00 3 yoke hooks 9.00 1 axle lever • -"^O 1 sling 1-00 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. (^Kintity. Tools and Supplies in Machine Shop— Continued. I)('.scni)ti(jii. 1 ■A 1 1 40 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 eye holts screw jM't'ss blacksmith face jjlatc blacksmith tripod. . . . i)lacksmith shovel . . . nokers No. 4 A shovel special tripod ft. I in. steel chJin '.\ in. wrench 4 point belt punch ratchet drill liOOOO ohm magneto •»() ft. steel tape pair snip.s 15/16 in. taper shank twist drills. . . , f in. taper shank twist drills 1 in. straight shank twist drill 17 '32 in. straight shank twist drill. . If in. taps ^- in. and f in. double end 8 wrench. . 10 in. screw driver .set of \ in. letter stamps Lavigne patent expansion bit thread gauge \ in. reamer I in. taps \ in. tap wrench f in. twist drill ^ in. and 1 in. double end 8 wrenches 1 in. and 1^ in. double end 8 wrench. spoke shave 6 in. screw drivers pair S in. sMe cutting pliers 2 lb. machinist's hammer cold chisels No. 2 Blizzard lanterns waste cans oiler torches bench with drawer bench with drawer and shelf wooden horses iron store rack armature racks coal bins concrete vault with safe door and frame safe in above vault transfer cases roll top desks thermometer hanging oil lamp clocks cabinet with two drawers shelves chairs waste basket bill file bulletin board benches and shelf 1' resent Value. .36 42.00 22 . 00 1 . 92 .36 .42 .65 2.00 1.90 4. SO .40 5.05 3.50 1 . 00 1 . 75 2.53 2.56 .57 .31 1.00 .48 .25 8.00 1.50 1.12 .84 .84 .20 .66 2.40 .65 .40 .60 1 . 80 .50 1.70 7.50 6.70 . 30 3 . 00 8.00 4.00 9.00 4.84 13.20 3.00 50 . 00 2S . 00 7.50 35 . 00 .25 2.75 24.60 3.00 2.73 1 .20 . 15 .20 1.00 1.20 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 17o Tools and Supplies in Machine Shop — Continued. . Present Quantity. JJesoriptioii. \'alue. 30 lineal feet of lockers IK. 3.5 8 cupboards 10.12 1 calDinet 2 . 92 " 1 counting room desk 22 . 00 1 oak settee 1 S . 00 1 office chair 4.00 1 desk fan 1 4 . 00 1 letter press 4 . 7.5 1 cuspidor .15 3 No. 1200 G. E. armature cores with shaft 495.00 1.5 No. 1200 G. E. armature bearings 30.00 3 No. 1200 G. E. armature bearings 1.5.45 17 armature bearing castings ... IS. 70 7 bearing brasses ... 19.95 23 bearing brasses .... ()2 . .5(5 11 armature bearing brasses 19.2.5 2 armature bearings (5 . 50 9 half bearings 14,40 18 half bearings. 14.40 2 half armature bearings . .5. 60 6 half armature bearings 9 . fiO 50 lb. babbit t '. 7 . 50 1 No. 57 G. E. motor casing 00 . 00 4 motor gear casings 3 . 00 1 No. 1200 G. E. motor casing (50.00 1 12 in. iron gong .30 50 lb. rivets 1 . 50 60 lb. forgings 4 . SO 30 1^ in. X 5 in. machine bolts .25 6 3^ in. lathe mandrels. . . .• 2.40 20 .f in. X 1 f in. x 4i in. steel springs .40 5 ft. ^ in. square steel .65 50 ft. I in. pipe 1 .75 15 ft. 1 in. pipe • .75 10 ft. \ in. pipe .30 2 chain hooks 2.00 4 controller handles • 4.00 2 5 in. gongs and brackets 1 .60 5 fenders 39 . 50 150 ft. i in. fender slats, ._ 1 .60 60 carbon brushes 1 . 80 100 1 in. X 6 in. bolts. 1 .00 7 2 in. X 4 in. helical springs f in. round steel 2.80 3 \\ in. X A\ in. helical springs, f in. round steel .90 2 2f in. X 2f in. helical spring, h in! round steel .40 5 1:^ in. X 12 in. helical spring, \ in. round steel 2.25 4 ft. if in. round iron .12 3 trolley harps and wheels 6.00 4 grease cups . . .80 20 in. 1 X 4 flat iron ... .24 32 lb. wrought iron forgings ... 2 24 21 ft. ^ X 1 flat iron .12 1 cast iron brake beam .50 19 in. H in. square iron .66 1 part of switch stand 1 . 60 1 trolley base and stand 2.25 1 wrought iron ring 12 in. diameter | x 3 stock .30 10 ft . 1 X 4 flat iron .23 5 ft . -^ X 3 flat iron .26 13 ft. i X 1 flat iron .08 17(i VALUATION— THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Tools and Supplies in Machine Shop — Continued. Present (iu.'iiitity. iJcsnriptioii Value. ") i X I flat iron S .06 1(1 ft. i X 1\ fiat iron .85 12 :{ X 2.V flat iron 1 .05 1(1 it. i X 1 i flat iron . . .52 ;!() It. i. X 2 Hat iron ... 1.41 1 .") ft . ij X :i flat iron .... .80 1 1 ft . J, X 1 J, flat iron .... .02 1(1 ft. -I X :U flat iron 1 . 97 5 ft. 1 X i^flat iron .70 :! ft. \ X 2.V flat iron .06 2 h. '.i in. square iron .85 11 .V in. X 18 in. hooks .55 1 ij X IV X 15 in. clamp .17 1 I X U X 16 in. clamp .08 2 wrought iron rings 5 in. diameter f x H in. stock .20 1 1| X 34 in. hook. ' .50 2 \ X 17 in. helical trolley base springs 1 . 50 1 No. 1200 C;. E. armature core 266 . 75 1 No. 12 A Westinghouse armature core 240.00 1 trolley pole with harp and wheel 5.00 6 ft. -J- in. steel chain .25 4 trolley bases with springs 2.25 1 trolley base stand 2.00 2 fender supports .20 3 ^ ft. 1 A in. square iron .40 2 brass gong clappers .40 1 f X 18 in. helical spring 3/16 in. stock .30 2 f X 2 in. machine bolts .02 2 ft. J X 2 in. flat iron .06 4 ft. t X 3 in. flat iroji .25 1 i ft. f X U in. flat iron ... .08 1 i ft. i X 1 in. flat iron .02 2S ft. ^ X U in. flat iron .31 7 Jr ft. I X 4 in. flat iron 1.30 2 ft. i X 4 in. flat iron .23 1 i ft. I X 3 in. flat iron .08 8 ft. J X 8 in. flat iron ' .46 17 ft. 1 X 3 in. flat iron 2 . 95 6 * ft. li X 4 in. flat iron 1.90 16 ft. I X 3 in. flat iron 1 .04 10 ft. i X 8 in. flat iron 2 . 32 5 ft. I X 1 f in. flat iron .38 19 ft. 1 X If in. flat iron 1.93 2 ft. ^ X 2^ in. flat iron . .04 19 ft. i X 4'in. flat iron 2.20 3 ft. i X 2 in. flat iron .17 5 ft. f X 3i in. flat iron 1 .22 17 ft. 1} X U in. flat iron 1.85 9 \ ft. If in. square iron 1 .66 6 ft. H in. square iron .78 27 ft. 1 in. half round iron .70 195 ft. t in. half round iron 2.00 35 ft. f in. round iron .26 28 ft. I in. round iron .38 32 ft. j in. round iron .66 ,59 ft . I in. round iron 1.78 114 ft. 1 in. round iron 6.10 3 ft. 1\ in. round iron .25 20 ft. l\ in. round iron 2.40 12 ft. I in. round ii-on .49 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 177 Tools and Supplies in Machine Shop — Continued. . Present Quantity. Description. Value. 12 ft. () in. channel S 2.40 9- 12 ft. trolley poles with harps 27 .00 4 brake levers 1 x 3A x 26i- in 7 . 36 4 brake levers 1 x 3 x 19 in 4 . 88 6 brake rods 1 in. round x 7 ft 3 . 36 18 in. f x 3 in. flat iron .20 4 No. C 17 McGuire truck castings 5.00 1 relief brake spring 1 . 00 1 truck frame brace 1 . 40 1 5 in. brass gong .75 1 brake rod | in. round x 6 f t .45 1 brake beam 1x4x5 ft. 1 in 4 . 50 5 ft. H X H X I in. angle iron .43 5 ft. f X 1 in. flat iron .11 3 brake beam forgings | x 2^ x 9^ in ' 1 .08 4 brake rods | in. round x 12 ft 5.10 3 gal. fish oil 1 . 50 3 brake beams li^ x H x 61 in 7.60 11 i ft. 1 X 4^ in. "flat iron 2 . 95 12 ft. 3 X 3xf in. T iron 2.37 1 brace + in. round x 30 in. iron .10 4 ft. 1 x'3^ flat iron .10 1 draw bar yoke 3^ x 18 in .20 1 I in. x 4 ft. bolt, square head and nut .25 1 ft. 4 X 6 x I in. angle iron .30 3 U in. X 24 in. turnbuckles J3.00 4 ft', i X 7| flat iron .24 8 f in. X 14 in. machine bolts .48 10 ft. 3/16 in. steel chain 1.20 2 stone jack handles .50 3 iron clamps g x 4 x 15 in .96 23 1 in. X 5^ in. brake hanger pins 2.30 6 ft. f in. round iron .36 2 ft. + in. round iron .03 3 ft. 1x2 flat iron .14 3 ft. I X 3 flat iron .45 4 ft. i X U flat iron .05 1 If X 6 in. helical spring, f in. stock .40 1 motorman's stool .30 13 fender hangers 4 . 80 1 1 in. X 6 ft. bar with hook each end .80 26 brake hanger forgings 5 . 30 5 ft. i X 6* in. sheet steel 2 . 28 1 f X 3i X 24 in. steel gear bracket 2 . 85 9 1 X 3 X 16 in. steel motor brackets 19.50 6 i^ X 3 X 15 in. steel motor brackets 2.32 1 f X 3 X 12 in. steel motor bracket .50 1 I X 3^ X 12 in. steel motor bracket .75 1 ^ X 2 X 22 in. steel motor bracket .50 2 i^ X 10 in. trolley springs, 5/16 in. stock .80 5 fender hangers | x 2.^ x in 2 . 50 2 I x 12 in. machine bolts 14 1 ^ X 3 x 5 in. clamp . 10 1 switch tongue template 1 .25 3 brake beams 1| x If x 60 in 5 .00 44 ft. il in. steel chain 4.77 45 ft. \ in. steel chain 3 . 38 3 iron braces 1 in. rotmd x 50 in 1 .00 1 eye bar 1 in. round x 62 in -50 1 bi'ake lever 1 x 3 x 26 in 1.10 178 VALUATIDN— THE SDUIHERN STREET RAILWAY. Tools and Supplies in Machine Shop — Continued. I'rfscnt (^ii:iiii ii.\ iJcscription. Value. 1 iiiotoi- sujiport 1 X 4 X :V.) in S 2.20 1 motor support 1 x 4.'> x 44 in 2 . .'iO 2 l)r;ikc Ix'anis 1 x 4.\ x (12 in ■. . 10.00 1 l)r:iki' l)o:ini :^ x 4 x (iO in '.i . 'M) 2 motor support .s f x 4 x 84 in . '. 7.14 120 ft. i x 7J in. sheet iron 19.20 2 truck bolster plates J x .3 J x 68 in 8.00 3 ^ X 3 X 12 in. clamps 1 . 0.5 8 brake beams .3.3 . 60 .3 brake levers 2 . 70 6 goose necks 4 . .30 .3 truck holster hangers 3 .00 1 brake release spring .50 1 truck spring f in. steel .40 26 brake hanger forgings .5 . 30 18 f X 6 in. brake hanger pins .18 265 brake shoes 116.00 2 brake rods 2 . 00 2 brake hooks 1 .00 2 truck bolster plates S . 00 Total present value $2,627.81 Total cost new $3,081 . 58 TOOLS AND SUPPLIES IN CARPENTER SHOP. Present Cjiiautity. Description. Value. 235 ft. water table for car sides -S 2.35 60 ft. window sill 1 . 60 30 board ft. oak 1 . 20 1100 ft . beading 6 . 50 10 4 X 9 in. pine .20 151 board ft. oak plank 6.25 114 board ft. ash 3.50 ■ 120 board ft . poplar 3 . 00 275 board ft. poplar car sheathing 6.90 12.50 ft. miscellaneous oak moulding 13. 50 30 sq. ft. 1 in. pine .60 63 sides for gear casing .' 28.63* 105 board ft. oak 2.10 75 ft. U X 1 .V in. oak .38 2 oak seat ends ■ .15 4 oak panels, 32 in. square .78 2 door frames, 6 ft. 2 in. x 33 in 2 .00 2 car doors. 6 ft. 3 in. x 3 ft 4 . 00 12 12 in. seat legs .60 175 sq. ft. veneered oak for car ceiling 5.25 264 board ft; rough pine 2 . 68 3 (1. E. No. 1200 motor casings 206.62 600 ft. i in. standard pipe -Of9 2 oak sand boxes 2.75 268 board ft. clear white oak '. 7 . 50 500 ft. 1 i in. half round oak 5 . 00 500 ft. 1 X 4 in. yellow pine D. it M 3 . 00 20 ft. 4 X 5 in. yellow pine, 848 .60 200 board ft. pine, S48 4 . 00 500 board ft. white pine, 848 9 . 50 504 board ft. rough he -'oCK 8.06 12 pieces 2 in. x 4 in. x 14 ft. rough pine 2.01 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 179 Tools and Supplies in Carpenter Shop — Continued. Present Quantity. Descri|)tiin. Value. 400 ft. 1 X ti in. yellow pine, S48 S 3 . 60 84 ft. 2x6 in. rough maple 2.01 200 board ft. pine. S48 3.80 21^ gross assorted wood screws 1 2 . 60 3 pair butt hinges .35 4 lb. finishing nails .11 6 packages upholsterers tacks 1 .08 1 lb. 1 in. brads .10 If gross stove bolts .83 5 doz. ^ X 1^ in. machine bolts .30 2 quires sand paper .34 8 brass door hungers 6.00 2 pair brass car door handles .56 6 8 in. hack .saw blades .25 20 f X 6 in. machine bolts .30 3 3 light electroliers 5 . 55 24 pole brackets 2 . 50 5 lb. brass castings 1 . 00 24 window guard sockets 1 .00 8 gi'ab handle sockets 1 . 60 15 vestibule braces 15 8 iron grab handles 1 . 75 50 lb. brass grab handles 10 . 00 50 lb. assorted bolts 2 . 00 234 assorted window frames and lights 115.10 750 ft. f in. fender strips 3.75 450 sq. ft. pine flooring, D. eV: M !» .00 1 2x12 in. screw jack 1 . 88 1 waste can 1 . 00 1 portable forge 12. 00 2 10-ton stone jacks 105 . 80 1 pinch bar •• 1 .20 15 f t . f in. chain 3.78 12 assorted wooden blocks 2 .00 1 44 in. wagon wheel 9 . 00 1 1 f X 12 in. screw jack 1 . 56 2 old men 4 . 80 1 Packer No. 3, ratchet drill 5.60 1 26 in. hand saw 1-25 8 wooden horses 1 1 . 00 1 belt tightener 100 6 collar patterns 1 .00 2 vises 4.00 2 12 in. circular saws 4.50 4 pinch bars 10.00 125 ft. f in. rubber hose 1 S . 75 10 wrenches 15 . 00 1 7 ft . cross cut saw 2 . 00 1 12 in. circular 2.25 1 oil stove for glue pot. .• 1 .00 1 tamper 1 00 2 wooden straight edges .55 Total present value $ 769 16 Total cost new $1,194 46 180 VALUATION— THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. TOOLS AND SUPPLIES IN ARMATURE ROOM. I'rcsont (2ii:iiit.i(y. DcscriiHifiii. Value. (1 12 ill. fi:it files ?> .97 I! soltliM-iiig irons 2 . 40 2 1 (luart lilow torches S.OO 2 ;! (iviart {Gasoline heaters 9.00 1 1 2 in. hollows 1 . 60 1 2 .V in. vise 1 • 05 4 wooden horses . 00 1 reel 2.00 1 conunutator puller. . . : 10.00 SO 11). No. weatherproof wire 12.30 60 11). No. 6 weatherproof wire 9.23 17 It). No. 12 band wire .34 10 11). No. Hi f^al V. iron wire .50 150 ft. 10 conductor No. 16 r. c. wire with weatherproof jacket. . . 3.38 215 11). peerless babbitt 38.70 115 lb. friction tape r 34 . 50 15 type K s controller cylinders 20 . 63 1 No. 2 Turner blow torch 2 . 40 14 commutator screws -25 75 ft. ;V in. stranded steel cable .83 2 fibre commutator rings 40 2 type K s controller covers .80 2 gears 6 x 3 x 1 ^ in. face 1.11 15 brush yokes for G. E. 1200 motors 19.50 46 brush holders for G. E. 1200 motors 17 .25 20 lb. Sd nails -50 1 1 field plates for No. 1200 motor 1 . 38 1 casing for No. 1200 motor 72 . 65 3 No. 1200 motor fields 39 .00 2 No. 57 motor fields 51 . 00 7 No. 1200 armature cores 900.90 3 No. 1200 armature shafts 30.00 1 No. 12 A Westinghouse armature core 80.00 1 No. 49 Westinghouse armature with commutator 130.00 1 No. 1200 armature, shaft and commutator 170.00 1 No. 1200 armature and commutator only 125.00 3 No. 1200 armature shields 1.12 4 hood canopy switches '^29 1 G. E. No. 57 commutator ring ^ I'^ 2 controller connecting boards 2./o 1 controller finger board reverse 1 .00 1 No. 1200 armature core ^"^^ ■ 9^ 5 gal. 6'iirling insulating varnish .1'^*:^ 35 No. 57 armature coils 55 . 00 7 No. 1200 field coils 233.00 3 No. 57 field coils 67.00 2 No. 1200 field coils 100.00 ' 1 red lantern chimney -20 6 pcTir fish plates 1 . 89 4 coal .scuttles 1 •■*^ 100 lb. track bolts 2.90 1 30 gal. galvanized hot water tank and stand 3.00 3500 lb. track salt 1 " • '"^0 10 switch tongues 120.00 48 cast iron girds 6 . 00 1 No. 57 armature core, commutator and shaft • 195.00 3 No. 57 armature shaft bearings S.2o 5 No. 12 Westinghouse armatures "^1??^ 2 No. 12 Westinghouse field coils 53.28 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. ISl Tools and Supplies in Armature Room — Continued. Present Quantity. Description. Value. ;3 No. AAl Christensen air con>pre,ssor.s .57 .52 1 No. 1200 G. E. commutator 42 . .50 1 gal. shellac varnish 1 . 50 Total present value $3,742 .23 Total cost ne w 5,384 . 71 TOOLS AND SUPPLIES IN CAR BARN. Present Quantity. Description. Value. 1 wheeled scraper 42 in. wide S 17 .00 2 scraper bodies S.OO 1 blue print frame complete 20 .00 1 bellow 5 . 00 1 snow plow 25 . 00 1 sand box " 15.00 4 wire reels 7 . 00 2 veneered car seats 2;> . 00 53 board ft. pine 1.12 1 rattan car seat G . 00 25 sq. ft. grooved car flooring 1 .25 16 car doors 20 .00 9 window sash 2 . 50 100 sq. ft . wire netting 2 . 00 16 wooden window blinds 4 .00 1 1 window frames 2.75 100 sq. ft. board sign 5 . 00 .■^3 board ft. pine 1.16 15 ft . wood railing 2 . 00 13 coal boxes 5 . 20 40 board ft. pine .80 2 pair wagon wheels IS . 00 300 ft. cane seats. . . .' '. . 30.00 50 ft. veneered car seats 5.00 300 ft. oak moulding 2 .00 1 oak car end 1 . 00 2 3 ft. X 6 ft. 6 in. oak car doors 5 . OO 6 G. E. No. 1200 motor casings 390.00; 13 stone window sills 6 . 50 1 Westinghouse 12 A motor casing SO .00 2 G. E. No. 1200 field coils 70 , 00; 1 G. E. No. 57 motor casing ' 40 . 00 Tools in Tower Wagon. 50 ft. f in. Manilla rope $ .20 1 No. 2 bolt cutter 2 . 80 1 ball pene hammer 1 . 25 1 come along 1 . 25 1 14 in. Stilson wrench 1 . 80 1 cold chisel .20 1 cape chisel .20 1 6 in. X f in. turnbuckle special 3.00 15 ft. t in- chain 1 .30 1 .Johnson bar r 1 .00 1 V in. open end wrench .10 2 drift pins 10 jS_> VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Tools in Tower Wagon Continued. Present (ju:iiilily. DcsiriplioM. Value. \ No. trolley claiihps S .00 100 ft. ,' ill. Manilla rope 1 . 70 •J 1 in. l)iocks 1 .75 1 JO in. cut saw 1.2') ■_' ', in. wooil bits ••')() 1 1 1 in. chisel -40 1 .") in, solder pot -40 1 ;; in. ladle . :^0 Supplies in Supply Wagon. ;> X 4 X :i6 in. cross arms 1 . 50 ;>") 1 .\ in. iron insulators pins.' -75 70 ft'. ]{■ in. steel cable 7.00 1 25 ft. i in. steel cable 15. 00 17 double curve suspension for No. trolley . SO 14 sinfjle curve suspension for No. trolley 5.05 lo straight line hangers for No. trolley 4.55 S barn hangers for No. trolley :^ . 00 5 spherical strain insulators 1 . 75 12 wood strain insulators 1 . 70 5 feed tap hangers for No. trolley 3.00 7 trolley clips for No. trolley 7 .00 10 splicing ears for No. trolley 5.00 100 ft. 5 10 in. steel cable " !^0 100 ft. i in. steel cable 00 00 ft. ^ in. copperized stranded cable 1 .00 12 glass insulators -70 1 No. 00 cable splice • 5() 10 porcelain insulators If x 1^ in 45 15 lb. bolts .00 :\{) ft. No. trolley wire '2 .25 Total present value $ 919 -98 Total cost new $1,185.67 TOOLS AND SUPPLIES IN YARD. Present Quantity. Desc-ription. Value. 4 wooden horses § 20 . 50 1 wagon jack I . i o 200 ft. 1 in. manila rope 07 .40 2 No. 3 shovels 1 ■ •">0 2 trowels • Wl 2 stone nuison hammers .80 1 pine platforifi 2 .00 I Star white wash machine 20.00 1 20 ft. ladder -'00 1 mortar box 1 .60 2 wood l)locks, double sheave 3.60 1 wood block, single sheave 1 00 1 Clark No. 2 sand dryer 25.00 1 truck for armatures 10.00 2 No. 2 lanterns -50 2 ladders iiOO 1 long handle shovel . .90 230 ft. in. girder rail 59.00 2 t on tee rail 40 . 00 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 183 Tools and Supplies in Yard — Continued. Present Quantity. JJesfription. Value. 1 22 ft. lattice column $ 18.6-3 1 jack screw mounted on 14 in. x 14 in. x 5 ft. timber 1 .25 370 board ft. white pine 2 .00 260 lb. wrought iron '. 4.00 5 wire reels 2 . 00 3 4 wheel trucks, complete 420.00 1 Peckham 4 wheel truck 7 ft. wheel base 185.50 432 board ft. white pine 6 .00 2 oak car doors 2 . 00 1 track tool box 2.50 175 board ft. pine platform 3 . 50 1 pair 33 in. wheels on axle with G. E. No. 1200 driving gear. . . 50.00 13 pair 33 in. wheels on axle 416.00 2 pair 33 in. wheels on axle turned down 30.00 1 G. E. No. 1200 driving gear 13.00 1 sand box 6 . 00 1 coal box 0.00 15 I in. tie rods 3 . 38 28 pair special rail joints 79.00 25 tie plate braces 3 . 75 1000 lb. miscellaneous track fittings 30.00 291 lb. wrought iron plate 6.97 15 rail chains 6 . 00 400 lb. girder track rail 12 . 00 400 lb. track bolts and spikes 16.00 40 30 ft. wooden poles 120 . 00 50 ft. I in. stranded cable 4.25 4 wire reels 6.00 1200 board ft. pine 10 . 00 2800 7 in. X 6 in. x 7 ft. sawed oak ties 1,853.60 1 switch point for 6 in. girder rail 20.00 4 frogs for 6 in. girder rail 180 . 00 2 6 in. tops x 33 ft. metal trolley poles 41 .40 12 G. E. No. 1200 axle bearing caps 30 . 00 20 12 in. X 9 in. X 9 in. G. E. rheostat frames 20.00 1 36 in. X 10 ft. work bench 2 . 00 1 push car 12.00 1 hand dump car 20 . 00 5 '■ Standard car stoves, 22 in. x 22 in. x 19 in 57 . 60 75 ft . 4 in. stove pipe 3 . 00 12 6 in. X 21 in. thimbles 1 -SO 3 Peckham side frames 4.5 . 00 1 Columbia side frame 1 7 . 50 6 ft. 8 in. channel ^ ■ o*! 50 -ft. ^ in. stranded steel cable ■ «^^ 30 cu. yd. sand 'II ■ ^^ 1000 cu. ft. small granite paving blocks ()7.00 22000 3' X 4 X 8 in. vitrified paving blocks 352.00 1 24 in. cast iron manhole with cover 12.00 10 ft. 2\ in. shaft •■'i^' 1 12 in. shaft coupling -^'J 3 side braces '^ ! ' 2 34 in. Standard car wheels ' 14.50 ■ 3 5 leaf single diamond springs 1-' 60 4 tons chestnut coal 25.00 frogs for 6 in. girtlcr rail 45.00 frogs for 7 in. girder rail. 160.00 frogs for 40 lb. tee rail 315.00 switch points 40.00 •2 1S4 • VALUATION— THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Tools and Supplies in Yard— Continued. Present (iuiuility. Description. Value. 2 mates :^ 10.00 2400 II). i^ivdw mil :-54 .40 2.')() ft. SO 11). f>;ir(l('r f>;uar(l rail ... 450.00 2280 11). 40 II). too rail : 19.20 Total prcsont value $5,643.08 Total cost now $7,089 13 TOOLS AND SUPPLIES IN TRACK AND LINE DEPARTMENT. Present Quantity. Deserii)ti<)n. Value IFi No. 2 shovels • $ 5.40 'A scoops 3.75 19 picks 19.00 2 Buckeye No. 2 track jacks 10.50 10 pinch bars 30 . 00 7 spike mauls S . 40 1 sledge 1 .SO 8 rail tongs 11 .50 1 track gauge 1 . 20 1 stone tamper 1 .20 2 paving hammers 1 . 45 1 ratchet drill 5 . 00 10 cold chisels (i.OO 17 twist drills 7 . 80 2 18 in. hack saw frames 2 .00 2 adzes . ^ 2 . 40 6 track wrenches 2 . 40 1 hand axe .50 3 double edge adzes 2.25 11 drift 1.60 6 steel brushes 3 . 60 . 3 steel barrows 7.00 2 ■ old men 3 . 00 2 lanterns 1 . 50 12 tamping bars 3 . 60 * 9 18 in. hack saw blades 2.25 5 gal. lantern oil .30 3 5 gal. cans 1 . 50 1 wood wheel barrow 1 . 00 1 window squegee .25 1 hoe 1.00 2 14 in. flat mill files .50 2 cold chisels 1 . 20 1 tool box 6.20 2 pole prongs 2 . 30 1 7 in. vise . 11.25 2 5 ft. cross cut saws 3 . 00 6 tamping irons 5 ft. long 3 . 60 2 hooks for lifting poles 4 . 00 15 pick axes > 14 . 50 2 track gauge 2 . 40 1 small hand axe .75 282 lb. forged track tools 33 . 85 2 track levels 1 . 70 5 12 in. steel crossing brushes 3.00 1 5 lb. mall 25 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 185 Tools and Supplies in Track and Line Department — Continued. Present Quantity. Description. Value. 1 tool box . . $ 5 . 20 1 sand car, complete 50.00 6 shovels with broken handles 2 .40 Total present value $295 .25 Total cost new $483 . 53 PATTERNS. Present (Juantity. Description. Value. 1 oil box pattern $ 2 . 50 1 brake ratchet 2 . 00 1 armature bearing - 1 . 50 1 spring seat for Peckham truck o.OO 1 trolley base 2 . 00 1 center plate 1 .50 1 sheave for bridge A .00 1 axle bearing, metal pattern 10.00 1 core box 2 . 50 2 pair journal boxes •. . . . 10.00 2 small patterns , 2 . 00 2 brush holders 4 . 00 1 brush holder pressure arm " I . 50 2 core boxes 1 . .50 2 window guards 1 . 50 1 spring washer 1 . 00 1 terminal casting .50 1 pulley, 5A^ in. X 4^ in ■ 2.00 1 brake ratchet 2 . 50 5 core boxes 8 . 00 1 armature bearing 2 . 00 1 bushing 4^. 2 . 00 1 pulley 4^ in. X 4^ in 1 . 50 1 trolley tension spider (> . 00 1 l)oiler grate, metal 5 . 00 2 leaf rail, metal .SO .00 1 gear casing 2 . 00. 1 trolley tension bushing single pole, single throw knife switclies 2 10 ampere .500 volt snap switches 1 10 ampere ."lOO volt porcelain fuse block 1 2 quart oil can 2 funnels J pint glue ST lb. asbestos tape 1 Weston voltmeter 1 platform scale i:W.V lb. iron grids 297 G. E. — K 2 controller fingers 74 wire connectors 1 2 gal. oil can 68 trolley wheel bushings 81 assorted springs 12 G. E. No. 1200 brush holders fi 4 light electroliers 4 2 light electroliers 42 stick chalk 70 controller contact springs 4 controller cut outs 2 fibre .sheets, No. 32820 1 1 side plates No. 32829 ;!() contact bases 22 contact clips 24 .500 volt 10 ampere switches 1 G. E. 6C0 ampere automatic circuit breaker 32 lb. cotton covered copper wire 30 lb. journal brasses 47 lb. wire brads G lb. soldering acid 9 lb. straight line clips o lb. soda 50 ft. lamp cord 17 lb. solder 250 ft. No. 14 rubber covered wire 50 ft. No. 6 cable .• 2 lightning arresters 80 lb. magnet wire 105 !b. ^ in. flexible cable 17 brooms 100 ft. 1^ in. single belting 57 G. E. — K21 controller contact tips 13 G. E. No. 1200 motor oil box covers 50 yd. canvas duck 4 set Westinghouse r2A armature coils 80 G. E. No. 1200 armature coils. . . 12 lb. vulcanized fibre 8 6 ampere 500 volt enclosed fuses 2 lb. linen tape 26 controller finger bases 3 box unions h lb. insulating joints T 20 cont.-ict Inrushes for air pump governors . . 2 register pulleys 900 controller finger and segment screws 4 lb. rivets Present Value. 1. GO 7 . 20 1. 25 90 2. 00 25 20 10 25 / . 00 71. 2.5 30 . 70 3. 90 23 . 7-5 7.5 .50 17 .70 1 . 35 2 .40 4 . 50 o .70 .45 • > •50 .60 1 .80 3 .00 IS .00 21 .60 20 .(10 ,s .00 ( . .50 1 .40 1 50 1 .SO . 20 1 . 80 1 .50 o . 50 3 .00 ■" .00 If) .(111 21 .0(1 ;; .40 .) .00 .5 1 .70 . 95 12 1 IS . .50 . 5( 1 40 .00 .') . ()() 1 . 20 1 . 0(.t 3 .90 1 . 25 .50 ;; .00 ;! .(iO ISS VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. (iii.-uitity ■5 t; k; :U4 6 1 It 11 75 4 12.V 20 80 15 220 30 I 25' 25 30 4 ' 53 8 100 7 6 12 90 1 266 200 200 50 90 50 25 16 101 150 16 1 234 34 20 9 5 4 Supplies in Store Room Continued. I'roscnt Description. Value. ', in. cocks !§ . <}{) f in. brass check valves 1 . 40 (i. K. — K2 controller tcrniiiials 1 .25 lb. brass bushings ] .00 lantern burners 1 . .50 (i. I'L type .M. H. circuit l)reaker contacts 2.40 machine screws 1 . 25 brass controller brackets 1 .80 quart sulphuric acid .10 ream sand paper 4 . 50 sheets emery cloth .50 lb. .V in. copper ribbon 1 1 .25 hammer handles .40 gross assorted steel wood screws 6 . 65 gross assorted brass wood screws 8 . 75 gross J X 1| in. brass machine screws .80 lb. f in. wire staples .10 } X 1 in. carriage bolts .25 ^ X H in. machine bolts .48 lb. flat head rivets .45 assorted stove bolts 1 . 05 ^ X 1 4 in. screw eyes .15 gross No. 14 steel wood screws .40 ^ X H controller springs 1 .25 controller fingers 2 . 00 cap screws .30 oz. copper rivets .05 packages vipholsterers tacks 1 .65 wall receptacle wooden blocks .25 100 ampere link fuses 2.10 3 ampere 600 volt enclcsed fuses 1 .00 25 ampere 500 volt enclosed fuses 1 .00 15 ampere 500 volt enclosed fuses 2 .00 controller handle castings 2 . 70 60 gal. galvanized oil tanks 5.50 50 gal. oil barrels with iron cocks 8.00 empty oil barrels 4 . 00 coal scuttles .50 galvanized iron pails .50 5 gal. wooden buckets ► . . .30 gal. measure .15 lb. cup grease 11.97 lb. heavy cup grease 9 . 00 lb. gear grease 7 . 00 gal. coal oil 3 . 00 gal. motor journal oil 7.20 gal. lubricating oil '. . . , 5.00 gal. air motor oil 3 . 00 rail bonds, 30 in. long 8 . 00 tie rods 30.30 lb. colored waste 11 .25 lb. vulcanized fibre 3 . 79 roll of buihling tar paper 1 .0.0 assortetl truck springs 118.15 McCiuire No. 241 spring washers 3.40 pair spring whshers for Moore truck 4.00 Westinghouse 12 A motor jiinione . : 25.20 G. E. No. 1200 pinions 13 . 75 G. E. No. 57 pinions 12.60 Moore truck castings C. 1 1 7 . 48 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 1.S9 Supplies in Store Room — Continued. Quantity. Doscriptiou. 12 1-^ X 17 in. truck bolts , 6 McGuire brake turnbuckles 87 McGuire truck castings 4 5 leaf double diamond springs 5 4 leaf elliptical truck springs 5 turnbuckles bushings 2 G. E. class 14A rheostats 12 Moore truck pedestal castings 1 electric car heater 6 brass hose couplings 1 brass nozzle 62 lb. soft steel 282 assorted machine bolts 37 I X 4 in. track bolts 57.5 lb. railroad spikes 10 brick tongs 24 in. openings 1 rail bond compressor 15 McGuire A. 6 S. castings 5 wooden rings 1 1 galvanized iron hoods 9 4 in. stove rings 5 McGuire W21 snow plow bearings 2 clutches, 5 in. diameter, .5 in. long 11 I in. hexagon nuts *. . . 150 lb. iron journal bearings 10 brushes for washing windows 1 box porcelain insulators 1 commutator core 4 1^ X f. in. studs 3 iron cominutator collars 4 G. E. No. 1200 vulcanized asbestos rings 1 1 car brackets 27 Peckham No. 6A journal box covers 25 lb. trolley wheels 1 10 ampere 500 volt porcelain fuse block fi lb. li X r^ in. rivets 1 1 ^^'estinghouse brush holders 2 brake rod thimbles 1 journal casting 24 carbon brushes 1 5 in. ratchet wheel 3 mica commutator rings 1 trolley harp 70 -J in. spring washers 1 brass gong bracket 1 blue lantern glolie 1 10 in.. gong and clapper 05 wood screws 50 1^ X 3/16 in. stove bolts 25 pair cast iron hose clamps 6 2^ X i- in. carriage bolts 5 controller wrenches 14 graphite brushes 835 carbon brushes 6 sand box castings ^. . ., 2 brass sand valves 4 cast iron sanders * 12 lb. cast iron braces 8 barn hangers 2 special turnbuckle nuls Present Value. 2 .76 6 .00 65 .15 24 .00 18 .75 8 .75 18 .20 38 .40 5 .00 11 . 7(; 1 .10 2 .48 17 .40 1 .51 11 .80 4 .00 35 . 00 4 .50 . /o .60 .90 .00 ?> .00 .05 3 .00 1 .00 1 .00 7 .00 .12 1 . .")() 3 .20 1 .25 2 .02 • ( .CO 1 .50 .20 40 .00 .10 . lO .96 .30 1 .00 1 .40 .32 .48 .6/ . 25 .48 .12 1 .00 SI 48 «) 00 •) ,00 .48 .". 20 I 20 190 VALUATION -THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Supplies in Store Room Continued. (Jii itililN'. ' Dcsoriptioii. 7 Mcduirc No. 2.")1 liouwing S :') l)i':ik(' rod .sIiomvps (» 11). castinp; for sand machine ;> tender sprin!) 11). angle iron 1 sheave for car body hoist () ])orcelain knobs 1 sua J) switch 1 4 light electrolier 7 McGuire truck castings 1 2.1 in. brass hose coupling 10 iron gate hangers 1 track chair 'A castings for brake ratchet 4 Moore brake shoe hangers 4 rubber gaskets for sand hose 1 ratchet wheel for hand brake ()G lb. stove castings 5 door hangers . . . ,. G. E. rheostat insulators .5S lb. flat iron 1 piece of stone jack S G. E. No. 1200 commutator cores 52 insulated caps for barn hangers 3 .stove pipe collars 52 V ^ 1 iu. machine bolts 1 2^ in. sight feed oil cup 7 insulator rings, '.i in. bore 15 1 X I in. machine bolts 14 lb. journal box castings 4() 2A^ X ^ in. studs 7 lb. gate hangers 7 car steps 1 2 sign hangers 2 spring caps 15 lb. lock washers 1 5 in. brass gong and clapper " 8 journal caps 2 McGuire M4, gibs. . 19 McGuire brake hangers 132 assorted springs 5 lb. spring washers ISOO top and bottom carbons •. . . '.V.) trolley base springs 5 trap door rings 4 gong clapper frames 1 1 iron gongs 4 McGuire B8.\ brake hangers 4 t urnbuckles lock nuts 100 lb. brake beam castings 2 Mc(iuire No. 155, goose necks 1 controller base ring ._ 2 journal tiox covers 1 500 volt no-arc enclosed fuse 16 assorteil springs 250 wooden sticks for G. E. No. 1200 armature Present Value. 2 10 M) 24 1 .20 ;«) 15 .48 o .70 ■} .76 4 .80 .05 .25 .77 5 . 75 1 . 95 . MO .30 .56 .48 .20 2 .64 12 .00 4 .50 o .90 1 .20 45 .00 1 .04 .24 . .30 .90 1 .12 .66 .84 .55 .28 .40 .12 .28 .90 .50 8 .00 1 .00 1 5 . 60 100.85 .25 ^ry . 00 10.05 .50 .24 18.00 .56 .04 4.00 2 . .30 .20 . 20 2.00 1 1 . 50 1.25 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 191 Supplies in Store Room — Continued. Prpsent Quantity. JJcsca-iptioi). Value. 2 lamp globes S 20 ■i 6 in. fibre ring.s 1 . (JO 2 porcelain tube.s . 1 :{ 1000 I X i in. machine screws . s;^ 3 G. E. K21 controller covers 1 . 20 4 brake handles SO 1 1^ in. hose coupling .54 60 lb. oil cup castings 2.40 ■i sweeper sprocket wheels 13 . oO 15 lb. ratchet parts 1 . 50 wooden pulleys 2 . (50 60 lb. Peckham truck parts 3 .(jO 2 McGuire No. T. N. 4. bolt plates 2.00 25 lb. wrought iron forgings 2 . 50 4 lb. spikes .10 10 sign holders . fO 10 f X 1^ in. machine bolts .16 2 springs 1.75 5 G. E. — K21 reverse controller cylinders 7 50 40 ^ X 1 ^ in. nipples .42 120 4^ X f in. lag screws 2 . 36 30 lb. cast iron weights 1 . 20 1 box jack supplies 5 . 00 75 carbon brushes 3 . 04 1 4 in. car gong bracket 1.10 6 sheaves for sliding doors 1 . 6S 2 commutator rings 1 00 IS dust collars 1 50 1 controller pawl .40 2 finger boards for reverse controller 1 . 50 1 package bicarbonate of soda .25 1 automatic circuit breaker .3 . 75 211 lb. plate iron 6.33 6 ft. ^ in. square steel 1 ,00 6 empty barrels 1 . 50 270 lb. whiting 2 . 95 1 I in. X 14 in. x 4 ft. marble slab 4 . 20 3 G. E. No. 1200 motor suspension bars l.S. 75 40 lb. wrought iron 1 . 20 2 track chairs . 30 10 G. E. — K21 controllers (iOO . 00 4 McGuire N. P. 7 journal boxes 19 . 60 1 McGuire D. 26 motor journal cap .35 1 5 leaf diamond spring 6 . 00 1 4 leaf elliptical spring 3.75 1 wood pulley 2 . 00 17 3 x 4 X 36 in. cross arms 2 . 04 1 wood and steel gear casing 15. 00 1 12 in. Worthington pump, piston 3 . S5 35 ft. 2h in. hose and couplings 15.45 8 rolls building tar paper .S.OO 6 covers for gear casing 1 S . 50 5 sacks Portland cement 3 . 60 9 G. E. No. 1200 split driving gear 20. 00 48 wooden frames for gear casing '. 36.00 3 Thompson recording watt meters 1 17.00 6 rheostats for 10 h. p. motor 23.00 3 lightning arresters 5 . ()3 12 heater coils 3 x 12 in. long 12 00 1 5 gal. oil can 1" 192 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. (Juaiilit, i;! (> 100 70 2S 25 :56 104 365 i 72" 1200 1100 100 1 78 21 21 2i 2C}' 1 1 soo 1 25 2 2 1 2 4(1 27 1 5h l" 29 1 1 10 6 4 4 25 5 10 10 30 2 20 9 1 ni 115 122 49 82 72 Supplies in Store Room— Continued. Prfswit Oc".scri|)ti()n. Value. wood coal hoxt's S 17.60 ft. 2 in. 1 .80 11). .soft soap 5 . 50 .s(i. ft. floor mattinp; for cars 4.66 ft. 3 . 4 in. steel chain 8 . 57 gal. pine tar 4 . 75 1x5 in. machine bolts 2.25 panes glass, assorted sizes 21 . 26 lb. fender iron 10 . 93 No. 114 sprocket links 6.16 ft. 5/16 in. wire cable 8.40 ft. I span wire cable 6 .05 ft. 3 X 3 X ^ in. tee iron 3 .26 wire gate, 7 ft. x 29 in 6 . 00 bundles rattan 120.00 ft. moulding 1 . 90 trolley cross over 2 . 50 lb. spike ] .57 lb. babbitt 3 . 78 lb. wrought iron .64 lb. finishing nails .10 lb. brass pipe 2 . 60 bbl. caustic soda 13.00 7 ft. iron hook . .14 lb. I X 3^ in. track bolts ■. . 25. 10 package electrotypes 40 . 00 fender hangers 2 . 50 heater coils 10 . 00 brass head light reflectors , 1 . 50 10 in. iron gong 1 . 90 commutator clamps for air motor 2 .00 ft. galvanized cable .33 lb. bar iron .54 3 ampere 600 volt snap switch .90 Westinghouse brass joui'nal boxes 11 .50 G. E. No. 1200 motor pinion 1 .25 barn trolley hangers 6 . 50 Buffalo Forge Co., blower, 12 in. outlet 15.00 trolley base spring .25 f X 4 in. machine bolts .21 G. E. — K2 controller magnets 33.80 G. E. No. 1200 field coils ' 100.00 G. E. No. 57 field coils 67 . 00 trolley wheels 7 . 00 lb. friction tape 1 . 60 carbon brushes 1 . 75 brush holder springs .50 lb. split washers .^ -SO lb. cotter pins .58 ft. -i in. bell cord .20 straight line ears .85 f X 3 in. machine bolts .37 kegs track bolts 52.20 ton blacksmith coal 4.50 i in. cut washers . .' .15 1 in. cut washers -60 1^ in. spring washers 1 . 15 li in. lock nuts 2.00 h X 3 in. machine bolts 1 . 40 i X 4 in. machine bolts 1 .40 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 193 Supplies in Store Room — Continued, ,, ,-, ... Present iJiKuitity. • Oc.scnijtioii. Value. 71 \ X () in. machine bolts .$ 1 . (JO 44 ^ X 7.J in. machine bolts 1 . lo 42 t X 4 in. machine bolts 1 . 1 o 68 f X 4i in. machine bolts 2 . 00 73 ^ X 7 in. machine bolts 2 . 65 7 f X 2^ in. machine bolts . 2.5 •54 ^ X 3^ in. machine bolts 1 . 95 17 f X 4 in. machine bolts (;5 61 f X 4^ in. machine bolts 2 . 45 91 I X 3 in. machine bolts 4 . 50 36 I X 3^ in. machine bolts 2 . 50 30 I X 4 in. machine bolts 1 . (jq 57 I X 4^ in. machine bolts 3 . 25 328 ^ X 2^ in. carriage bolts 5 . 25 50 ^ X 6 in. carriage bolts 1.10 49 lb. rivets 1 . 45 1 74 lb. hexagon nuts 8.20 ()4 1 in. lock nuts 1 . SO 35 i in. square nuts fj-j 66 1 in. hexag&n nuts 1 ..50 45 I in. special brake rod nuts .72 1 lb. cast iron washers .05 7 1 V in. hexagon nuts . -jO 28 glass insulators 1 . 70 50 strain insulators 7 . 00 3 controller arc reflectors 12 . 75 A gal. insulating compound .75 1 gal. shellac 1 . 25 Total present value $4,026 . 17 Total cost new $4,026 17 SUPPLIES AND FURNITURE IN TWENTY-SECOND ST. OFFICE. Present (.iuantit.v. Description. _ Value. 1 Remington typewriter and desk ' $ 85.00 2 wire waste baskets .50 1 universal filing cabinet 20.00 1 roll top desk 20 . 00 6 office chairs 15.00 4 revolving office chairs . 15.00 2 roll top desks .",5.00 1 gas stove 5 . 50 1 filing cabinet, 5 drawers 30,00 I rough cabinet 10, 00 1 book case 30 . 00 2 No. 15 stoves SO . 75 22 joints stove pipe 2.00 4 stove pipe elbows .40 2 roll top desks 35 . 00 1 counting tlesk 10 .00 5 stools 6 . 00 10 ft. office rail fence 30 . 00 1 Hall .steel safe . . 40 . 00 1 small table . 2.00 9 car .seats 10 . 00 1 register rack ; 4 . 20 8 cuspidors 1 . 60 1 table .85 1 24 in. self-wintling clock 26.00 1 cashier's desk front 10.00 194 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Supplies and Furniture in Twenty-second St. Office Continued. Present (2u.iiilit\-. 1)(>( riljUjii. \aluf'. t)0 letter files -.. .j'J .00 H card indexes ;> . 00 :^0 filing boxes 2(i . 00 67.5 s(i. ft. shelving; 2!) . .")0 1 cupboard 10. 00 1 bench ;!.00 1)00 train sheets 20 . 2.5 1000 time sheets 14.00 4S()0 cur reports 7 .20 4100 trip sheets IS. 4.5 1000 time sheets 9.50 500 applicat ion blanks 7 . 50 1 lb. office pins .50 ofiOO fiummed coin wrappers .'i.24 1000 ()2 ride tickets 9.00 ■im rule books . S . 00 900 accident reports '. . 9 . 90 2500 receipt blanks '. . .' 5.00 SoSOOO transfers 1 :;S . S.S miscellaneous supplies 25.00 400 rin;^ paper clips .50 2 boxes No. 1 paper clips .15 1 quart Sanford's commercial ink .50 1 pint Stafford's carmine ink .30 100 globe legal envelopes 2.00 10 lb. scratch paper .50 1000 XX white envelopes 9.00 Total present value $ 937 . 67 Total cost new $1,126.47 WAGONS, HORSES, AND HARNESS. Present Quantity. Dtsciiptiju. Value. ■ 5 horses S SOO . 00 2. supplv wagons 475 . 00 1 runabout * •. 25 . 00 2 buggies 15.00 1 wagon running gear 15.00 2 wagon wheels 10 . 00 1 tower wagon, complete ■ 350.00 2 double sets, harnesses 100 . 00 2 single sets harnesses 50.00 2 double sets fly nets 4 .00 1 single fly net 2 . 00 5 horse blankets 10 .00 3 strap halters 3.75 1 hors^ collar 2.50 3 horse weights 2.25 1 12 tine fork 1 . 50 2 ciu-ry combs - 70 W horse brushes 75 1 pitch fork .50 7 hay racks 3.50 3 wrenches -90 10 ft. \ in. chain -GO 30 bushels oats 13.61 3 tons hay 00 . 00 30 lbs. bran 1.20 Total present value $1,947,76 Total cost new $2,610 35 TOOLS, SUPPLIES, FURNITURE AND WAGONS. 195 SCRAP MATERIALS. In Power House. Present Quantity. Jjcs< ription. Value. 1 15 in. X IS in. Sterne .simple high speed engine di.smantled, 23,000 lb $ 13S . 00 1 6 in. X 4 in. X 8 in. duplex steam pump, 750 lb 4 . 50 1 6 in. X 4 in. X 6 in. duplex steam pump, 640 lb 3.S4 1 10 in. X 6 in. X 8 in. single steam pump, 1500 lb 9.00 1 .'H in. X 2k in. x 4 in. single steam pump, 400 lb 2.40 6 ft. 20 lb. rail r,() 40 ft. 2 X 10 pine .20 56 lb. scrap bolts .30 18 lb. scrap brass 1 .44 16 lb. scrap brass center oilers 1 .28 20 lb. scrap brass valve seats 1 .60 412 lb. cast iron fittings 2 .05 400 lb. cast iron boiler parts 2 .00 275 lb. wrought iron 1 . 38 575 lb. scrap rail 2 . 88 42 ft. 80 lb. rail 5 . 60 300 lb. scrap pipe and fittings 1 .50 250 lb. cast iron commutator frames _ 1 .25 125 lb. steel valve stems ' .60 50 lb. miscellaneous iron scrap .25 In Machine Shop. 40 lb. scrap cast iron .24 60 lb. scrap wrought iron . 3() 15 lb. scrap brass 1 .20 800 lb. brake shoes 4 . SO 40 lb. pinions .24 50 lb. cast iron journals . HO 50 lb. brass journals 4 . 00 In Car Barn and Yard. 60 lb. machinery steel . 36 40 lb. wrought iron .24 400 lb. sheet steel 2 . 40 750 lb. iron on one old car bottom 4.50 1100 lb. okl motor frame boring machine ^ 6.60 1 axle, 270 1b 1 . 62 1 G. E. No. 1200 driving gear, 200 lb 1 .20 175 lb. steel drum 1 .05 1 12 lb. rail bender .67 150 lb. snow plow blade .90 600 lb. wrought iron parts for car frames 3.60 150 lb. iron trough •. , . 90 250 lb. stoves 1 . 50 400 lb. old car body wrought iron 2.40 4000 lb. Rae motor truck . 24 .00 3550 lb. miscellaneous cast and wrought iron scrap 21 .30 1100 lb. miscellaneous steel 9.00 Total present value $ 273 . 95 Total cost new $3,000 00 EXHIBIT IX. PAVING. PAVING. 190 EXHIBIT IX. PAVING. Summary. Cost New. Present Value. Granite Block S103,268.88 $93,826.75 Cedar block 38,341 .38 16,201 .92 Brick; 6-row granite; 1 ft. strip asphalt. . . 33,848.98 26,927.86 Brick; 2-row granite; 1 ft. strip asphalt. . . 29.339.75 20,851.72 Granite; 2-rows cedar 7,726.84 7,340.50 3 in. oak boards 1,489.13 1,098.61 Creosoted blocks 387 . 20 329 . 12 Brick; 6-rows granite 2,864.40 2,578.00 4 in. planks on edge 1,066.45 801.36 Brick 1,156.21 987.97 Total $219,489.22 $170,943.81 CLASSES OF PAVING. Recapitulation. Miles of Number of Cost New . Class. Double Track. Square Yards. Per Yard. Granite block 2.889 26,078 $3.60 plus 10%* Cedar block 2.653 24,897 1 .40 plus 10% Brick; 6-ro^v granite 1 ft. strip asphalt 1 .238 11,612 2.65 plu.-^ 10% Brick; 2-row granite 1 ft. strip asphalt 1 . 139 10,669 2.50 i)Ius 10% Granite; 2-rows cedar 993 2,066 3.40 plus 10%, 3 in. oak boards 152 1,425 .95 i)lus 10%o Creosoted blocks 009 88 4.00 plus 10%o Brick; 6-rows granite 099 930 2.80 plus 10%, 4 in. planks on edge 030 277 3.50 i)lus 10%, Brick 048 457 2 . 30 i)lus 10%, Total 78,499 *Tlie 10' ( added to t lie unit cost is for organization, engineering, etc. 200 VALUATION— THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. O Tl -f CO o o ;;_;.' rvl ?C .-> X) 1- o -M Cj -M -r I-* ly^ ^ C^l cc lO — — Xi o OX , ^ cc S^' •c&^ £:"" o »o ;^ ~ o 'C 0 C^ CO o c ■o 01 ic cr. — -o ~ o o o uo «o '1 -f Ol CD r-. 3 oi -r 3 X CO -t — — — 01 -r CO 1^ 01 oi I- ~_ -t X -f CO 'f 1^ — 1^" -t LO Ol — CO ^ o -? 5 5 •^^ _ ^ _i -/^ CO CD c; Ol — 3 X lO CO lO CO ol OI "2 ^ CO CO CD CO Xi O CO , >2-( r— 1 1— ( 1—1 ^— ^— ^— — CO Hi l-H «_ S '^ X 3 -^ — 1 3 ~ ^^ '^ X CO o lO ■^ O CO EH TT » Jf '^ CO Ol CO CO CO — H s -- -s i^ aT^i: V ofiiT;; '7 < 5 ^ — n _^ C' Ol .t: :i CO .■t: n—:^ Ah Z '^ r^ S CJ if.'i grai aspl n. ick; OJ •-. OJ O CO ^z on -o -v» "'^ O CD O CO CO ~r Ol LO LO -^^ CO CO CO 1^ CO X t^ CO CO CO Ol rz: " ^ bXj c^ • ^^ > ^ a; o -:^ c 5^ 0/ — t:; ■? •? cc -^ q5 - ^ SJ » kT CD X p X G ,^ (Ol ^ "cD 3 O Ol PC "-s <; +^ -<-i +-> -u -ij X X X X X o 5: O CD > > Oi L, cj - - - S£oo OO;::^ I :5 : 3f !>iic: > +3 ^J ^ IS bjc"< X X ~ d-O CO iC X X ^ 'M 'M > ^ w ^ 0) xf X ^ W X X X X > > X X X X — — OI Ol Ol Ol Ol 01 Ol OI Ol Ol OI Ol OI OI o5 Ol Ol Ol ^ Ol Ol Ol Ol r^ PAVING. 201 Ph'' O O O O CC 'Tt^ C^l — O 'M O O 'M C^l CC -^ O t^ lO O C^ lO CO 'Tin rc l^ CI -f iC iC 'M X X :0 •+ t^ O -Tt^ CO Ci O — I^ X O) t- X «5 CO 01 rc X -M rc Lc c: rc t- ^ co i-^ ^ !^ ^ , ^ ■>! 'M OJ — 10 CO 10 Tfi TO 10 r- 00 eo o t3 a> a o o »2 •— ( o CO CO CO o 01 CO M ^ 6 'M O O — t^ CD -+ iC ol X X X CO r^ 10 l^ CO 10 -^XOIOOIiOXCiCOXX liOCO OCOtO'^r^OI^CO'M'-^'M co»o CO'-^COCOlOCOTt0 l>OC5 or>-" co" co"-— " ! a^c^ -Tfi x^octco5co»cc:co-^ C^l CO C'l CO o o X X c; CO X r^ 1.0 CO lO CO 'M X' 10 ^ O O f^ CO CO CO o -— < CO 'M CO oi 01 oi Lo 01 cococococo~fcococococo ^ 'CI O 01 O CO CO CD 01 10 X 01 ^ CO ' ^ ^ «M M -^ O O CO r -o opq •-' -2 +-^ ci QJ ■ :2 -i G . O r~; • +^ ■ -l:; f^ " ^ o • o 5 ^ ■ o 6 'co f5 c ;5 '^ 'c^. ^ o a3 < y X C: 1^ O) CO 01 > < > X X Ol XX M O) ^^^■Ji <1- ^,x _^ biD :; ^ _^ bc.C f5 bt oi;5c6'<^co QJ D > >■ > > > a; X X X X X _2 _] _J _; _ < cih CI, a, a, ^"2 "c "S 1 "c o ©a C5 00 ■of. to — ' — ^ jz .r: jr 73 w M -X r. ^ EXHIBIT X. INTANGIBLE VALUES. METHOD No. 1. INTANGIBLE VALUES. 207 CLAIMS OF THE CITY. Expiration of Franchises. street. Franchise Expires. Twenty-second St.: Fortieth St. to (ifove St February S. \\)()2. Lawndale Ave.: Thirty-first St. to Twenty-fifth St Februai'y S. 1!)12. Twenty-fifth St.: L:i\vn(l;ile Ave. to Rockwell St Fel)riuiry 8, \\)\'2. Rockwell St.: Twenty-fifth St. to Twenty-second St. .Fel)i'uary C t^ ■ • ^ ^ ■ o • ■ o c; • to • • 'M t^ • 1— ( ■ iC o • uO OS Eh < Eh 1/2 Jz; o o Eh O S ~ w ^ IZi 3 - Xi - o r fcUD X . . . t^ X • 'M • 1^ »c to • r^ ^—4 t^ • re ■^ • ro • ■ — ■ ■ — ' , 1 ;3 Pi o - -^ 'M 3 1- X ~ -,c -t* X c: o — Lt C". >-0 C^J "M C: "M ^ CO X re :Sr^!MXiC'*OOCDCO'MC5 :: C". c: X X X X X t^ !>• t^ CO o "" C. I- 'M — O "^ X !M — X — — iC C". :0 l^ »0 t^ t^ CO X — ^ - t- ei X — '^ X o t^ o ^ — M m „ i, CO t- t, 72 o rf f\itui-e, the length of time indicated in Column .\. Column "D" gives the product of the corresponding factors in Columns H and C for the whole number of years indicated in Column A, and represents the ratio betw^een the net earnings for the year 1907, and the present value of the probable net earnings for the one year ending in the future, the time indicated in Column A. Column "E" gives the product of the corres))onding factors in Cohinins H and C for the odd number of days indicated in Column A, and represents a similar ratio as values given in Column D. Coluirn "F" gives the odd numlier of days in Column A ex- pressed in decimals of a year. Column "G" gives the product of the corresponding values in Columns E and F, and represents the ratio between the net earnings for the year 1907, and the present value of the probable net earnings f(n' the number of days indicated in Column A, ending in the future at the time indicated in Column A. Column "H" gives the summation of the factors indicated in Column (!, and the corresponding and previous factors for the whole number of yt^ars indicated in Column D. This latter factor repre- sents the ratio between the net earnings for the year 1907, and the present values of the probable net earnings that accumulate within the time indicated in Column A. Column 17 gives the present values of the interest on capital that must be supported for the number of years and fractions shown in Column 15. In order to readily compute the intei-est on the capital, certain constants have Ijeen determined as shown in the accompanying table. INTANGIBLE VALUES. 213 TABLE OF CONSTANTS. For Computing the Present Value of Money Due at Specified Times in the Future. rohiinn M. Column N. ('oliuiiii O. Coluiiin V. Suiniiiat ion. 1 year 9524 • 2 vears 9()7() 3 vears. . . .• S68<) 192 (lays .44278 A . 16608 4 years 8227 248 days . 54062 4 . 08662 5 vears 7835 6 vears 7462 188 days .37470 5 .45040 7 . vears 71 07 361 Ilavs .6001 6 .4855 214 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. EXPLANATION OF TABLE OF CONSTANTS FOR COMPUTING THE PRESENT VALUE OF MONEY DUE AT SPECIFIED TIMES IN THE FUTURE. These constants are indicated for each year and the necessary fraction of a year from August 1, 1908. to the termination of the latest franchise claimed. Column "M" gives the time measured from August 1. 1908. Column "N" gives the present value of $1.00 per annum due at the end of the year indicated in Column M. Column "0" gives the present value of that proportion of $1.00 per annum that the ratio of the days in Column M bears to one year duo in the future, the time indicated in Column M. Column "P" gives the summation of the factor indicated in Column 0, and the corresponding and previous factors for the whole number of years indicated in Column N. This factor represents the present value of $1.00 per annum payable at the end of each year for the whole number of years and clays indicated in Column M. Column 18 gives the total present values of franchises for time between August 1, 1908", and their expiration, and is the difference between the items in Columns 16 and 17. EXHIBIT X. INTANGIBLE VALUES. METHOD No. 2. INTANGIBLE VALUES. 219 CLAIMS OF THE CITY. Expiration of Franchises. Franchise Street. Expires. Twenty-second St.: Fortieth St. to Grove St February S, 1912. Lawndale Ave.: Thirty-first St. to Twenty-fifth St February S. 1<)12. Twenty-fifth St.: Lawndale Ave. to Rockwell St February 8. 1912. Rockwell St. : Twenty-fifth St. to Twenty-second St. . .February 8, 1912. Kedzie Ave.: Thirty-first St. to Twenty-second St.. . .February 8. 1912. Throop St.: Archer Ave. to Twenty-first St February 4, 1915. Ashland Ave. : Archer Ave. to Twentv-second St Julv 2/. 1916. Leased from Chicago City Railway Company. Street. Rights Expire. Twenty-second St.: Grove St. to Wabash Ave Feluauiry 2. 1912. Morgan and Throop Sts.: Thirtv-ninth St. to Archer Ave February 4, 1915. •_'•_'() VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. DETERMINATION OF FRANCHISE VALUES. As the ])i-('S(Mit coiidilidii of the ro.-idway and ('(iiiipiiifnt on tlur SoutlKM'ii Street Kuilvvay is iiiud('(|uat(' for opcrat in<^ on u payinfi; l)jisis, the ("oininission realizes that in oi(h'i' to a<:ain restore the road to a payinj^ basis, a portion of tlie line will have to be rehabil- itated as well as new equipment installed. After these improve- ments are made, it is contended that the Southei'n Street liailway will eompai'e favorably witli its adjoininji lines operated by the Chicago City Railway Co. With the above facts in view, tiie Conuuission concluded that the following premises should be used for figuring the intangible values of the Southern Street Railway Co.: That the sum of the gross earnings of the Chicago City Railway Co., for the year 1907, and the gross eai-nings of the Southern Street Railway Co., for the year 1907, be divided by the sum of the total miles operated by the Chicago City liailway Co., and the total miles opei'ated by the Southern Street Railway Co.. and the resulting average gross earnings per mile for the year 1907 be used as the basis for figuring intangible values. The net earnings per mile are to- be obtained by multiplying the gross earnings per mile by a factor of 30%. The present value of the net earnings for the full time of the franchise will be found by affecting the average net earnings for the year 1907 by a factor which represents the ratio between the net earnings, accrued from the assumed 5',v annual rate of increase of population, and a factor representing the present values, as of August 1, 1908, of the money received year by year. During the rehabilitation period, which is for two years, the net earnings per mile shall not be taken as stated above, but the net earnings per mile for the first yfear of the rehabilitation period shall be taken at 509c of the average net earnings per mile, and for the second year of the rehabilitation period 75% of tlie average net earnings per mile shall be used, and for the third year, and there- after to the end of the franchise, the full average net earnings per mile, as indicated above, shall be used. The present value of the physical properties, as determined in a previous exhibit, and an amount representing the cost of rehabilita- tion of the road, occupying a period of about two years, make up the principal that is necessary to be supported from the net earnings. This principal is supported at 5% per annum from the net earnings. The present value of the interest required to support the above principal for the full time of the franchise will be found l)y affecting the interest on the principal for one year at 5% by a factor which lepresents the present value, as of August 1, 1908, of the money, due at the specified future times. The difference between the present value of the net earnings for the full time of the franchise and the present value of the interest required to support the principal for the full time of the franchise will give the present value of the franchise as of August 1, 1908. The following tabulation and its accompanying explanation show in detail the methods used and the results oi)tained: FRANCHISE VALUES. . Kedzie Ave Rockwell St .Twenty-fifth St.. .Twenty-second St.. Feb. S. 1912. 8.8445 IVI. .s. ini2. 1.3099 1 .li .•-, 1912. 1.0075 1 . !■ s. 1912. 1.258 1 'ii s, 1912. 1.004 1 ■ 1. ^, 1912. .7507 1 -i. 1, 101.5. 1.4375 .iiilx J7. 1016. 2.0185 1 -i. .s, 1912. 1.406 Ill, 4, 1015. 2 . So April .1, 1013. 1.1086 .^piil 5. 1913. ..5493 ).303,SSS 849,667 6 $439,381.20 SO. 17906 $2.33.478.66 "'■'■'' '''?!'' 1; 65.069 . 02 50.039.67 62,481.20 49,865.84 0.17006 , 1 7000 . 1 7006 (11 7006 34,578 . 04 26,.506.1O 33,208 . 03 21.779.13 1 ln,t,7 pt liii: (i 37,286.14 0. 1701)6 19,817.11 21 l.MJ_' 40.607. 6 71,396. ,55 0.17906 37,947.47 244..-.20 49.667. 6 100.253.16 0.17906 43,7S6.21 13,4211.36 207.-'7s 0.17906 37,115,91 27.102,61 420.1,-.s 0.17006 75,234.0.5 086 ,• . n • I 5403 .( '^"* Operated. Lines Leased to Chieugo City Ruihva Leased from Chicago City Railway. «1.038.IJ5 rental added in. 111. 3,831.79 4,7!i4.51 3,,582.25 , 2,855 . 1 1 .5,467.20 I 7,201.97 , 1,855.79 3,701,7.5 II! $276,926. 50 $106,500.57 $170,424.93 41.013.61 . 15,773.09 12,131.76 25.240, 52 12,131 75 39,388.50 15,148,14 24,240.15 24,061.92 11,341.60 13,620 23 26„524.6S 9,030.50 17, ISO IS 03,.573.14 29,798.43 131,138.65 46,708.37 S4,l:i(1.2s 30.1123 . 72 .5,875.. 58 :i:;,ns. M 164.3S7 42 20.503 (14 14:l.NS4.3i $664,117.07 INTANGIBLE VALUES. 221 EXPLANATION OF TABLE OF FRANCHISE VALUES. Column 1 gives the luinie ui' the .street whieli i,; covered hv the franchise. Columns 2 and 3 give the limits of the fi-nnchise. Column 4 gives the date of expiration of the franchise. Column 5 gives the nuinher of miles of single ti:ack on street. Column 6 gives the total car miles lain over the track named for the yeai' 1907. The total car mileage for the year 1907 was furnished by the Southern Street Railway Company. Column 7 gives the average net earnings for a single track mile. This average net earning was determined by dividing the combined gross earnings for the year 1907 of the Chicago City Railway Com- pany and the Southern Street Railway Comjjany by the combined single track mileage of the two above companies, which i-esult is the average gross earning per single track mile for the year 1907. Thirty per cent (30%) of this result is the average net earnings, and is used as the basis net earnings per single track mile for the year 1907. This determination is as follows: Gr'oss earnings for year 1907: Chicago City Railway Company S8.21o,196.49 Southern Street Railway Company 200,237.88 Combined S8.4 1 5,484 . 37 Miles Single Track operated: Chicago City Railway Compan}' 216 .64 Southern Street Railway Company 17.86 Combined 2.84 . 50 Average Gross Earning per single ti'ack mile for year 1907. $85, 886. 71 Basis Net Earning per single track mile for vear 1907 (30% of gross earnings) ! .'?;i(),7()() .01 Column 8 gives the net earnings for the year 1907 for tlic nundter of miles indicated in Column 5. Column 9 gives the probable net earnings of tlie Arddaud Avenue and Kedzie Avenue lines when they are jointly operated with the Chicago City Railway Comj)any in accordance witii the following contract. A contract in effect Januai'y 1, 1907, between the Chicago City Railway Company and the Southern Street Railway Company gives the Chicago City Railway Company the right to o|)erate jointly with the Sorithern Street Railway Company a througli route service over the Ashland Avenue and Kedzie Avenue lines for a period of ten years. For thi^; light the Chicago ( ity Railway Company pays' a monthly rc-uial of $435.00 to the Southei-n Street Railway Company. In obtaining the probable net earnings of these lines, it was assumed that the Southern Street Railway Company operate jointly with an eight minut(> thi-ough serviceof theChicago City RailwayCompany overthese line.;, and the net receipts l)e figured on the bar-is per car mile a:- indicated below: •222 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Total Car Miles for year 1907: (Miicasi'o City ]{ail\vay Coiiipaiiy '.V4,i)()o,\H)o SoutlKMii St"r(M?t Railway ('oiii|")aiiy 964,900 ('onil)iii(Ml :U, 570.865 Gross Marniiifis for year 1907: (Miirago ('ity Railway ('onii)any $S,215,1'.)6 .49 Southern Street Railway ('oiiii")aiiy 200,237.88 ('oinl)iiie(l $8,415,434.37 Average Net j^arinntj;,^ for both i-oads (30 vy', of earnings) $2,524,630.3 1 Ayci'aoe Net Earnings per car mile s 0.07302 Total miles track operated by both roads year 1907. . 234.5 Average car miles per mile track operated year 1907. 147.423.7 Car miles per year over Ashland Ave. and Kedzie Ave. lines. . . .'. 445,588 Assumed 8 minute Chicago Cit}^ Railway Company through service, 18 hour day, over Ashland Ave. and Kedzie Ave. lines. Cai- miles per year 148,933 Car miles per year over the al)ove lines after the through route service mileage is deducted 2i)6.655 Net earnings for the latter car mileage S 21,661 . 75 Net earnings for mile of single track of Asliland Ave. and Kedzie Ave. lines 7,166 .83 Rental received from above lines for mile of single track '. . • 1,383.44 Combined earnings and rental for Kedzie Ave. line (Thirty-first St. to Twenty-fifth St) 8,584.47 Combined earnings and rental for Ashland Ave. line. . 17,258.72 Rental received for Kedzie Ave. line (Twenty-fifth St. to Twenty-second St.) 1,038.55 Column 10 gives the net eai-nings from lines leased of the Chicago City Railway Company, namely, lines on Twenty-second Street. Grove Street to Wabash Avenue, and Morgan and Throop Streets. Thirty-ninth Street to Archer Avenue. For the use of these lines, the Southern Street Railway Comi)any pay the Chicago City Rail- way Company a monthly rental of S435.6o. The net earnings of these lines was determined by deducting the proportional annual rental to be paid, from the net earnings as set forth in Column 8. Column 11 gives the probable car miles per year after the periotl of rehabilitation. These values are determined by multiplying the average combined car miles, per mile of track as operated by the Southern Street Railway Company and the Chicago City Railway Company, by the miles of single track indicated in Column 5. Column 12 gives the average value per mile of physical property on street.-; only, and includes the cost of rehabilitation on streets. This constant is determined as follows: INTANGIBLE VALUES. 223 Plus 10' f for Value. Organization, Miles. Engineerinpc, etc. Tr.ack. .• . $287,240.22 $260,964.24 Electric Power Distril)u- tion System 85,585 . 1 2 30, 1 4:-! . (VA Rehabilitation of Track. . . 488,890 . 00 Rehabilitation of Electric Power Distribution Sys- tem " 86.664.00 Total $848,379 . 34 $875,661 .87 17 . 6306 Average value per mile of single track construction. . . .$49,667.16 Column 13 giyesthe yalue of physical property on the streets only, and is determined by multiplying the miles of single track in Column 5 by the average value of physical property per mile in Column 12. Column 14 gives the amount of investment per car mile constant, including cost of rehabilitation, on property other than street con- struction, that must be supported from earnings. This constant is determined as follows: Plus 10% for Value. Orjianization. Car Mile.*. Engineering, ete. Track and Electric Power Distribution in car barns and yards $ 8,286 . 93 $ 9, 1 15 .62 Rolling Stock 41,017.58 45,119.34 Power Plant Equipment . . 47,862 . 78 52,649 . 06 Tools and Machinery 2,127.11 2,339 . 82 Buildings " 40,136.80 44,150.48 Real Estate 37,522.00 41,274.20 Tools, Supplies, Furnitui'e and Wagons 23,086.26 25,394.89 Total $200,039 46 $220,043 41 3,147,172 For Rehaliilitation: Rolling Stock $292,500.00 Sub-Stations 21,000.00 Car Barns 30,000.00 $563,543 41 Average iii\-estment per car mile constant $0. 179063 Column 15 gives the amount of investment for i)i(ipcrty, other than street construction thai must be suppoitcd from carniiigs. These amounts are determined by inuhii)lying ihc cai- iiiih's in Column 1 1 l)y the investment per mile constant in Cohitnn II. Column 16 gives the total investment for physical j)roperty, that must l)e supported from earnings and is the sum of items in Column 13 and Cobiinn 15. Column 17 gives one year's interest at 5',' on the ainouiits in Column 16. •221 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. Column 18 , !zi cO O bD 13 ■ re '~ I^ ^ ■ ^ ^ • >-T C2 ■M I^ - — a) ■X • t^ X ■ • C^l lC • t^ iC • iC rt ■ t^ -7^1 ■ 1- -r ^1 C: C rc -rr 1- w X rc 1- i^ "* 1^ C-. C^ Ci C5 C5 • -M X -+ -r "* -* ^ • * * ■ — - ' — ' ■ — ' ■ — ■ ■ — ' ^ :o (M O t^ X O ;o -r X O iO - L'? c; 10 (M oi Ci c^i ^ CO X ro rcr. ClXGOOOGOGOt^t^l^O o ^ CT- •>! 01 C5 L't 10 X 'M — X — ' - t^ l^ CC t^ »C t^ t^ ?C X — rc _ ci 5 ;2 oi (U M M ^ 13 Ci ti >^ t_ ~ ai m o ;j o j; PiH ^ pM ~ ^ "2 H i; M ■, ^ CJ OJ Z* o K*^ »^ "w ?*^ "w X X -^ c;_^l^tr■.-^'*''OOX^-o L, — M ^ CO 226 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. EXPLANATION OF TABLE OF CONSTANTS FOR COMPUTING PROBABLE NET EARNINGS. Column "A" gives the time inctusurcd from August 1, lOOS. Column "B" gives the ratio between the average net earnings for the year 1907 and the net earnings acci-ued at the end of the time indicated opjxjsite the figure considered, with an assumption that the po])uhiti()n increases at the rate of 5% annually. These quantities have been determined by compounding the assumed con- stant rate of increase for the length of time considered, excej)t in the case of the first and second years, where the ratio has been re- duced on account of the loss in traffic due to rehabilitation. For the first year the ratio was reduced 509f ; for the second year it was reduced 25*; y . Column "C" gives the present value of $1.00 due in the future the lengtli of time indicated in Column A. Column "D" gives the product of the corresponding factors in Columns B and C for the whole number of years indicated in Column A, and represents the ratio between the net earnings for the year 1907, and the present value of the probable net earnings for the one year ending in the future the time indicated in Column A. Column "E" gives the product of the corresponding factors in Columns B and C for the odd number of days indicated in Column A, and represents a similar ratio as values given in Column D. ' Column "F" gives the odd number of days in Column A ex- pressed in decimals of a year. ^ Column "G" gives the product of the corresponding values in Columns E and F, and represents the ratio between the net earnings for the year 1907 and the present value of the probable net earnings for the number of days indicated in Column A ending in the future at the time indicated in Column A. "Column H" gives the summation of the factors indicated in Column G, and the corresponding and previous factors for the whole number of years indicated in Column D. This latter factor repre- sents the ratio between the net earnings for the year 1907, and the present values of the probable net earnings that accumulate within the time indicated in Column A. Column 20 gives the present values of the interest on capital that must l)e supported for the number of years and fractions shown in Column 18. In order to readily compute the interest on the capital, certain constants have been determined as shown in the following table: INTANGIBLE VALUES. TABLE OF CONSTANTS. For Computing the Present Value of Money Due at Specified Times in the Future. Column M. Column N. Column (). Column V. 1 year 2 years 3 years 192 days 4 years 248 days 5 years 6 years 188 days 7 years 36 1 days S ummation. .9524 .9070 . 8639 .44278 3. 1660S .8227 . 54062 4.08662 . 7835 . 7462 .37470 5.4.5040 .7107 .6991 6 . 4855 EXPLANATION OF TABLE OF CONSTANTS For Computing the Present Value of Money Due at Specified Times in the Future. These constants are indicated for each year and the necessary fraction of a year from August 1, 1908, to the termination of tne latest franchise claimed. Column "M" gives the time measured from August 1. 1908. Column "N" gives the present value of $1.00 per annum due at the end of the year indicated in Column M. Column "0" gives the present value of that ])i-()i)()rti<)n of -SI Oti per annum that the ratio of the days in Column M hears to one year due in the future the time indicated in Column M. Column "P" gives the .summation of the factoi' indicated in Column O, and the cori-esponding and previous factors for the whole number of years indicated in Column N. This factor represent.^ the present value of SI. 00 per annum payable at the end of each year for the whole number of years and days indicated in Column >I. Column 21 gives the total present values of franchises for the time between August 1st, 1908, and tKeir expiration and ir- the difference between the items in Columns Nos. 19 and 20, 228 VALUATION THE SOUTHERN STREET RAILWAY. ORGANIZATION AND WORK OF VALUATION. [ ,. . Bion J. Arnold. CoiniuissioiuM's -1 George Weston. [ Glenn E. Plumb. lOngineer in Chai-gc F. A. Sager. Statistician H. Ralph Badger. Tracks and Paving. Engineer M. E. Allen. Assistant F. A. Coy. Assistant W. F. Millar. Electric Power Distribution System. Engineer F. R. Winders. Assistant : F. D. Smith. Assistant A. J. Fry. Assistant G. F. Maddox. Assistant P. O. Smith. Assistant H. L. Sampson. Assistant A. J. Aurand. Assistant S. A. Andrus. Assistant . . . : H. E. Ercanbrack. Rolling Stock. Engineer A. R. Kipp. Power Plant Equipment and Tools and Machinery. Engineer Fred. A. Krehbiel. Assistant Bryant White. Assistant J. M. Watt. Assistant H. G. Treichel. Assistant E. J. Wickersham. Buildings. Engineer Robert Woods. Assistant R. . N. Edwards. Real Estate. Joseph Donnersberger. Intangible Values. iMigineer W. C. Sprau. Chief Draftsman B. K. Read. Draftsman *. A. J. Beerbaum. In adtlition to the above technical force, the executive, auditing and stent)graphic departments of The Arnold Company were largely utilized in preparing the valuation. AA 001007 676 Hi! I ! l! h I i !!ii! i'liiiiilii i ;i I ill i iliill i pi ! I illllli »> J I iliilllillii