Mr The PLAYS AND BOOKS of THE LITTLE THEATRE Edited by FRANK SHAY With a Preface by PIERRE LOVING New York THE THEATRE CRAFTS EXCHANGE 1919 COPYRIGHT, 1919 THEATRE CRAFTS EXCHANGE PREFACE CONCERNING the state of the little theatre today, two mutually exclusive but arresting viewpoints prevail in the critical diocese. One holds that having abundantly leavened the barren loaf of the legitimate stage, it has by that same token outlived its pristine fruitfulness. The other contends that the little theatre will, and must, continue to flourish cheek by jowl with the professional playhouse, thus completing the function of both laboratory and supply base. Of late the latter commissary role of the little theatre has been most provocative of justified optimism, as well as highly prolific of actual results, more or less commendable and far- reaching. For quite a long interval, owing to huge moneyed syndicates, grimly intrenched, the legitimate theatres remained unmalleable to the repeated assaults of the new theatrecraft engineered, for the most part, by small outlawed groups. Despite this fact, perhaps because of it, these groups continue to multiply, springing up unforced in remodeled barns, canvas- roofed backyards or in transfigured garages. While Mr. Sam Shipman, for example, is at present doling out piecework in his Play Sweatshop on Broadway, such clear-eyed enthusiasts as The Provincetown Players and The Wisconsin Players are conducting brave little try-out theatres tending to encourage the beginning playwright and the scene-designer with a new idea. The enormous irony of the situation is apparent when one considers the strabismic boycott once launched on Broadway. To cite the classic example: Mr. Belasco, during the first season of the Washington Square Players, deigned to honor the Bandbox with his Rhadamanthine presence. But he went away the more firmly rooted in an inexorable determination to pursue his wonted course of nice, denatured realism — a realism that obtrudes constantly on the wonder and attention of the audience — but which somehow fails to "realize." On the other side, a handful of legitimate producers, by attending the little theatre performances with open mind, were eventually won over to the cult of the new stagecraft. Foremost among the latter should be mentioned Mr. Winthrop Ames and, par- ticularly, Mr. Arthur Hopkins, whose productions of the Clair Kummer comedies and "Redemption" and "The Jest," not- withstanding their faults, testify to the foreshadowed risorgi- mento of the commercial theatre. < , 4 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE Supersubtle pronouncements of critics to the contrary, the art theatre, as we understand it, is no mere esthetic flutter of a waterfowl in a mirage supposed to be shimmering over the present Sahara in commercial theatredom. The point which these nodding solons miss is precisely that the art theatre, with all needful pomp and circumstances, has arrived; that it has, squatter-like, settled on the land and that it is destined far to outstay the latest detective flim-flam or ostermoor spasm on Broadway. How absurd, futile and trifling, for instance, is the cavil we hear now and again that the little theatre lacks definite purpose; that it is drifting aimlessly in accordance with the whims of its devotees. Is it not indeed this vicissitudinous drift which has instilled vitality into the experiments of the little playhouse? Is it not just this inspired lack of formal purpose which has permittted the directors and authors to dabble in star-space and stake out the hills of the gods? In the case of the little theatre, mastery over the event would have spelled irretrievable ruin and the new dawn — or the milkman — would have overtaken it bowling along the wagon-rut of colorless mediocrity. Thank, then, the spirit of Andre Antoine ! For he it was who, while still a groping pioneer, undertook to set no pre- tentious- purpose, but voiced only that larger purposiveness of creating beauty effortlessly, with heart's joy and heart's ease. Thus the little theatre idea developed, growing out of the poignant vision of lowly men and women, devoid of tram- meling memory complexes, which so often spell the death of art, devoid of the faintest trace of sophistry. Antoine's little coterie was informed by a perfervid love of the theatre. And it was this that kept alive the intense prefiguration of the newly conceived art. Its burnings Jiope, rather than purpose, was, broadly speaking, to free the theatre from artificial fetters and stultifying tradition. Convincing evidence abounds that the art theatre is here to stay. In America, as yet, it is grop- ing its way; in Europe there is, for one, the example of M. Stanislavsky, whose receipts at the Moscow Art Theatre are said to be over fifty thousand dollars annually. In another sense, the art theatre must always be groping along unknown and often forbidden paths. The chip in the PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 5 flywheel of the legitimate producer's cosmos is that, uncon- sciously, he views life as finished, static; whereas life is al- v empirical and in a state of becoming. The very least the art of the theatre can do is not to torture the verisimilitude of life. The best it can do is to portray it faithfully, and imaginatively. The dialogue of the majority of the plays on Broadway is lifted without qualm or quibble, from the comic weeklies. Every manager has his paste-pot and scissors staff. Of course, there is a remedy for this condition and that is the widespread publication of plays. In fact, all plays should be written for the reading public. That trenchant observation of Dumas fls in his in- i to Un Pere Prodigue holds with ! truth today. Writing about the technic of playwriting, he said : "A play should be written as if it were never in- I to be anything but read. The production is nothing but ing by many people who do not care or know how to r< The history of the little theatre properly goes back to 1877, when Andre Antoine, in association with a mad young 1 of amateurs, put a roof over a tameless idea at 37 I 1 Beaux A lasso has eloquently recorded the trials and setbacks of the groups for him who runs to read. Antoine w in the employ of the Gas Company. His c nions in y:i\or were of the some stamp; for the most men and women, chaotic with glorious and out of this chaos sprang their dancing star. An- toine's passion for the theatre was, in reality, a grandc passion of the French variety. It began, no doubt, as a flirtation, but our American brand, it had as its object a serious ( n«*nce. Antoine was far-seeing because he was at bot- minently practical. He himself laid ;isi 25 ANDREWS, Charlton The Drama of Today t, 1913 1.50 qub of Play Writing Home Correspondence School, 1915 1.50 ,Y, Luther B. A Manual of C 1. 00 APP: he Dl- die Inscenieruxg in, 1899 3-5° ARCHER, William Play Making. A Manual of Craftsmanship Small, Maynard, 1912 2.00 Ab 1 Theatre :ER, William, and BARKER, Granville , Theatre. Schemes and Estimates [908 2.50 ARNOLD. KoVa S. /' rub tier, 1908 ASI! ' 11. Stokes 4.50 pfaen F. I P Drama — Thirapy I Shay, 1917 1.25 1 ' ! TIFF. Dl 1915 2.00 'Jin, 1 919 3.75 The same. Students' edition 3.00 13 I4 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE BAKSHY, Alexander The Path of the Modern Russian Stage Luce, 1918 Y\*'°° BEEGLE, Mary Porter, and CRAWFORD, Jack Randall Community Drama and Pageantry Yale, 1916 2 -5° BICKLEY, Francis J. M. Synge and the Irish Dramatic Movement Houghton Mifflin 75 BLEACKLEY, J. Arthur The Art of Mimicry French BOOTH, William Stone A Practical Guide for Authors and Playwrights Small, Maynard, 1914 IO ° BORSA, Mario The English Stage of Today Lane, 1908 BOURGEOIS, Maurice John Millington Synge and the Irish Theatre Macmillan, 1914 2, 5° BOYD, Ernest A. The Contemporary Drama of Ireland Little, Brown, 1917 I, 5° BRACKETT, J. A. Theatrical Law Clark, 1907 4-oo BROADBENT, R. J. A History of Pantomime Simpkin, Marshall, 1901 5/ BROWN, Moses T. The Philosophy of Expression Scribner's x -5° BROWNE, Maurice The Temple of a Living Art Chicago Little Theatre, 1914 IO BROWNE, Van Dyke Secrets of Scene Painting and Stage Effects London, Routledge, 1913 x -5° BROWNE, Van Dyke Secrets of Stage Painting BRUNETIERE, Ferdinand # The Law of the Drama, with an introduction by Henry Arthur Jones. Translated by P. M. Hayden Columbia Il5 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 1 5 BURLEIGH, Louise The Community Theatre Little, Brown, 1917 1.50 BURTON, Richard The New American Drama Croivell, 1913 1.25 Little Essays in Literature and Life Century, 1914 1.25 How to See a Play Macmillan, 1914 1.25 CALTHROP, Dion Clayton English Costume. Four volumes Black, 1906 7/6 per volume CALVERT, Louis Problems of the Actor Holt, 1918 1.60 CANNAN, Gilbert The Joy of the Theatre Dutton, 1913 50 CANNON, Fanny Writing and Selling a Play Holt, 1915 1.50 CARTER, Huntley The New Spirit in Drama and Art Kennerley, 1913 5.00 The Theatre of Max Reinhardt Kennerley, 1913 2.50 CHANDLER, Frank Wadleigh Aspects of the Modern Drama Macmillan, 1914 2.00 CHENEY, Sheldon The Open Air Theatre Kennerley, 1918 3.00 The Theatre Arts Magazine Neiv York, 1916-17-18-19 50 The New Movement in the Theatre Kennerley, 1914 2.00 The Art Theatre Knopf, 1917 1.50 Chapters are: Present conditions in the American Theatre; the coming of the art theatre; ideals of the art theatre; the artist-director; the question of acting and actors; the question of plays; the question of stage settings; the question of audiences and the com- munity; organization and management; buildings and j6 plays of the little theatre equipment; unrealized ideals; a discursive bibliog- raphy. Profusely illustrated with reproductions of sets from the Arts and Crafts Theatre of Detroit. CLARK, Barrett H. T How to Produce Amateur Plays Little, Brown, 1917 I -5° Continental Drama of Today Holt, 1914 I,5 ° British and American Drama of Today Holt, 1915 I,5 ° European Theories of the Drama Stewart & Kidd, 1918 3-5° COLLES, W. M., and HARDY, H. Playwright and Copywright in all Countries Macmillan (London) 7/ 6 COQUELIN, Constant Art and the Actor. Translated by A. L. Alger Columbia CRAIG, Gordon The Art of the Theatre. Out of print On the Art of the Theatre Sergei 2 °° A Living Theatre The Mask */ Towards a New Theatre Button, 1913 6o ° The Theatre — Advancing Little, Brown 2 -5Q DAVOL, Ralph A Handbook of American Pageantry Davol Publishing Co., Taunton, Mass 2,50 DEAN, Basil The Repertory Theatre, 191 i DICKINSON, Thomas H. The Contemporary Drama of England Little, Brown, 1917 I, 5° DICKINSON, Thomas H. The Insurgent Theatre Huebsch, 1917 .*'*o*L* *' 25 The Old Theatre and the New; Experiments m Sub- sidy The Federated Audience; Breaking a New Fur- row; The Little Theatre; The Theatre and the Law; Dramatic Laboratories; The Children's Theatre; Pioneers, Three New York Theatres; New Ideas of PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 17 Circuit; The Adventure; Art and Outlook. The Ap- pendix contains the repertories of the leading little theatres. EDWARDS, O. Japanese Plays and Playfellows Heinemann 10/ FENELLOSA, Ernest, and POUND, Ezra "No"; or Accomplishment y Knopf, 1917 2.75 ;FILLIPI, Rosina " Hints to Speakers and Players Longmans, Green 1.00 FITZGERALD, Percy The World Behind the Scenes London, Chatto, 1881 1.40 y The Art of Acting London, Sonneschien, 1892 1.00 FRANK, Waldo The Art of the Vieux Colombier Nowvelle Revue Francais, 1918 50 FREYTAG Technique of the Drama See McEwen FRY, Emma Sheridan Educational Dramatics Moffat, Yard 50 GILLETTE, William The Illusion of the First Time in Acting Columbia, 1915 1.25 GOLDMAN, Emma The Social Significance of the Modern Drama Badger, 1914 1.00 GRAU, Robert The Business Man in the Amusement World Broadway, 1910 5.00 The Theatre of Science Broadway, 1914 5.00 GORY. Lady Our Irish Theatre Putnam, 1913 1.50 HAMILTON, Clayton Theory of the Theatre Holt, 1910 1.50 Studies in Stagecraft Holt, 1914 I# 5o u J 1 8 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE HASTINGS, Charles The Theatre. Its Development in France and Eng- land and a History of Its Greek and Latin Origins. London, Duckworth, 1902 HENDERSON, Archibald The Changing Drama Holt, 1914 1.50 Interpreters of Life Kennerley, 191 1 1.50 European Dramatists Stewart & Kidd, 1918 2.00 HENNEQUIN, Alfred The Art of Playwriting Houghton Mifflin, 1890 1.25 HILLIARD, E., McCORMICK, T., and OGLEBAY, K. Amateur and Educational Dramatics Macmillan, 1918 1.00 HOPKINS, Arthur How's Your Second Act? Goodman, 1918 90 HORNBLOW, Arthur Training for the Stage. Some Hints for Those About to Choose the Player's Career Lippincott, 1916 1.25 HORRWITZ, Ernest P. The Indian Theatre. A Brief Survey of the Sans- krit Drama London, Blackie, 1912 HOWE, P. P. The Repertory Theatre Kennerley, 1914 1.25 HUBERT, Philip G. The Stage as a Career Putnam, 1900 1.25 HUNT, Elizabeth R. The Play of Today Lane, 1913 1.50 IRWIN, Beatrice The New Science of Color Union, 1915 1.50 IZUMO, Takeda. Translated by M. C. Marcus The Pine Tree Duffield, 1916 1.25 With an Introductory Causerie on the Japanese Theatre. PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 1 9 JONES, Henry Arthur Renascence of the English Drama Macmillan, 1895 2.00 Foundations of a National Drama Doran, 1913 2.50 The Theatre of Ideas Doran, 1915 1.25 KINSILA, Edward Bernard Modern Theatre Construction /Moving Picture World, 1918 2.50 KROWS, Arthur Edwin Play Production in America Holt, 1916 2.25 The Play is Accepted ; the Director Takes Charge ; the Stage is Made Ready; Scenery, Decoration, and Costumes Are Prepared ; Lighting Effects are Worked by the Stage Crew; Managers Begin Their Activities; the Play is Advertised and Tickets are Sold, and the Theatre is Opened to Audiences. Illustrations. LEE, Sydney Shakespeare and the Modern Stage Scribner 2.00 LAWRENCE, W. J. The Elizabethan Playhouse Lippincott 3.50 J LEWES, G. H. On Actors and the Art of Acting Brentano 1.00 y LEWIS, B. Roland The Technique of the One Act Play: A Study in Dramatic Construction Luce, 1918 1.50 LEWISOHN, Ludwig The Modern Drama Heubsch, 1914 1.50 MACCARTHY, Desmond The Court Theatre Bullrn, 1907 2/6 MACCLINTOCK, Lander The Contemporary Drama of Italy (In preparation.) Little, Brown 1.50 MACKAY, Constance D'Arcy iumes and Scenery for Amateurs; A Practical Working Handbook iioit, 1915 1.75 1 20 plays of the little theatre The Little Theatre in the United States Holt, 1917 2.00 Chapters are : The rise of the little theatre ; the little theatres of New York City, other little theatres of the east; the little theatres of Chicago; other little theatres of the west; little theatres of the south; laboratory theatres; little country theatres; cost of maintaining a little theatre ; a word on repertory theatres in general; the little theatre in mediaeval times; little theatres that have failed; municipal theatre of Northampton. MACKAY, F. F. The Art of Acting Author, 1913 5.00 MACKAYE, Percy Community Drama Houghton Mifflin, 1917 50 The Civic Theatre Kennerley, 1909 1.25 The Playhouse and the Play Macmilan, 1909 1.25 Patriotic Drama in Ycur Town Holt, 1918 1.35 MACKINNON, Alan The Oxford Amateurs London, Chapman, 1910 MANTZIUS, Karl History of Theatrical Art in Ancient and Modern Times. Five volumes Lippincott 3.50 per vol. McCLEOD, Addison Plays and Players in Modern Italy Sergei, 1912 2.75 McEWEN, E. J. Freytag's Technique of the Drama Scott Foresman 1.50 MATTHEWS, Brander ^ On Acting Scribner, 1914 75 MEREDITH, George An Essay on Comedy Scribner, 1918 75 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 21 MODERWELL, Hiram Kelly The Theatre of Today Lane, 1914 1.50 That the theatre is not merely a matter of the spoken word is proven by Mr. Moderwell's book. It stands the finest book of its kind and no theatre lover has a right to his title unless he has read it. Chapters: The Gathering of the Forces; The Me- chanical Forces; Improvements in Stage Equipment; The Artistic Forces; The Stage Setting, or "In- scenierung"; The Artistic Forces; Pure Design; The Artistic Forces; Color; The Artistic Forces; Color; Modern Scene Designing in America; The Intellectual Forces; Philosophy in the Modern Drama; The Liter- ary Forces; French and Italian Dramatists; The Russians; Dramatists of the Germanic Nations; The Imaginative Dramatists; The Social Forces; Modern Theatre Architecture; Modern Theatre Organization; Modern Theatre Economics ; The Synthesis of the Forces. What is aho quite important the book is profusely illustrated with reproductions of American and Con- tinental settings. MONTAGUE, C. E. Dramatic Values Macmillan, 191 1 1.25 MORSE, Elizabeth Principles of Expression: A Guide for Developing Readers, Speakers and Dramatic Artists Nixon-Jones, 1916 1.25 MOSES, Montrose J. The American Dramatist Little, Brown, 1917 2.00 NATHAN, George Jean Another Book on the Theatre Huebsch, 1915 1.50 Mr. George Jean Nathan Presents Knopf, 1917 1.50 The Popular Theatre Knopf, 1918 1.60 NICHOLSON, Watson Tur Struggle for a Free Stage in London Houghton Mifflin, 1906 1.50 22 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE OLIVER, D. E. The English Stage John Ousley, 1912 1/6 PALMER, John The Future of the Theatre Bell (London), 1913 2/6 Comedy Doran, 1915 40 The Censor and the Theatre Kennerley 1.50 PHELPS, William Lyon The Twentieth Century Theatre Macmillan, 1918 1.25 POLLAK, Gustav Franz Grillparzar and the Austrian Drama Dodd, Mead, 1907 2.50 POLLARD, Percival Masks and Minstrels of New Germany Luce, 1911 1.50 POLTI, George. Translated by Lucille Ray The Thirty-six Dramatic Situations The Editor Co., 1918 1.50 PRICE, W. T. Technique of the Drama Brentano, 1909 1.50 Analysis of Play Construction and Dramatic Principle Privately Printed 5.00 The Philosophy of Dramatic Principle and Method Author, 191 1 2.50 RENNERT, Hugo A. The Spanish Stage Hispanic, 1909 3.00 RILEY, ALICE C. D. The One Act Play. A Study Course in Three Parts. Published in the Drama League Monthly, 1918 75 ROUCHE, Jacques L'Art Theatral Moderne Paris, Cornely, 1910 5 francs SACHS, Edward O. Stage Construction London, Botsford, 1898 25.00 SAYLER, Oliver M. The Russian Theatre under the Revolution (In preparation.) Little, Brown 2.50 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 23 SEPET, Marius Origines Catholiques de Theatre Moderns Paris, P. Lethielleux, 1902 SHAW, George Bernard Dramatic Opinions and Essays. Two vols. Brcntano, 1906 2.50 SIMONS, Sarah E., and ORR, Clem I. Dramatization: Selections from English Classics in Dramatic Form Scott, Foresman 125 SMITH, Winifred The Commedia Dell'arte. A Study of Italian Popular Comedy Columbia STOPES, Marie C. The Plays of Old Japan. The No. Heineman, 1913 5/ STURGIS, Granville Forbes The Influence of the Drama French, 1915 100 d TAYLOR, Emerson Practical Stage Directing for Amateurs Dutton, 1916 100 THEATRICAL SCENE PAINTING: A Thorough and Complete Work on How to Sketch; Paint and Install Theatrical Scenery Appleton, Neb., 1916 2.00 THE TRUTH ABOUT THE THEATRE Stewart & Kidd, 1916 1.00 TURRELL, Charles A. Contemporary Spanish Dramatists Badger 3°o WAUGH, Frank A. Outdoor Theatres Badger, 1918 2.50 WITHINGTON, Robert English Pageantry. An Historical Outline Harvard, 1918 3.50 WITKOWSKI. Gcorg. Translated by L. E. Horning The German Drama of the Nineteenth Century Holt, 1910 100 WOODP.RTDGE, Elizabeth The Drama. Its Law and Technique Allyn & Bacon, 1898 80 Part Two The PLAYS of THE LITTLE THEATRE ABBREVIATIONS: a = Allegory s = Satire c — Comedy m : =Men, or Male parts d — Drama w = Women, or Female parts m = Masque j = Juveniles p = Play i = Parts played by either sex ABERCROMBIE, Lascelles The Adder, d London, Poetry and Drama AIKEN, Ednah The Hate Breeders. 5 scenes. Misc Bobbs, .75 AKINS, Zoe Did It Really Happen? p 3m iw.. Smart Set, May, 1917 *The Magical City, p 7m 2w Forum, May, 1916 Such a Charming Young Man. c 6m 3W Smart Set, April, 1916 ALARCON, Mariano Sons of Adam, p 7m iw Stratford, Feb., 1919 ALDERMAN, Joseph S. The Net. p 5m 2w Sheffield, Oct., 1915 Susannah, p 2m 3W .Sheffield, Nov., 1914 ALDRICH, Thos. Bailey Sisters' Tragedy Corydon, a Pastoral. 2m Pauline Pavlovna. p im iw supers. . .Houghton, 1.25 ALDIS, Mary Plays for Small Stages Mrs. Pat and the Law. p 2m 2w ij The Drama Class at Tankaha, Nev. c 2m 9W Extreme Unction, d im 4W The Letter, p 2m ij Temperament, t im 2w Five plays in one volume Duffield, 1.25 ALEXANDER, W. P. Queen Kapiolani. p 4m 2w Sheffield, Dec, 1914 ALICE IN WONDERLAND See Freillgrath-Kroeker, Kate ANCEY, Georges. See "Four Plays for the Free Theatre." *Monsieur Lamblin. c im 3W . .Stratford, March, 1917 ANDREWS, K. America Passes By. p 2m 2w Baker, .25 24 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 2$ ANDREWS, George S. "As You Like It." c 2m 2w Sheffield, Feb., 1915 ANDREYEV, Leonid ♦Love of One's Neighror. s 15m 7W ij Shay, .35 ♦An Incident, d 5m Poet Lore, Spring, 1916 D'ANNUNZIO, Gabriele ♦Dream of an Autumn Sunset, p 2m 4W Poet Lore, Spring, 1904 ♦Dream of a Spring Morning, p 3m 4W Poet Lore ARISTOPHANES ♦Lysistrata. s 4m 5W ij French, .25 ARKELL, Reginald ♦Colombine, a fantasy. 4m iw S & J .35 AUGIER, Emile ♦The Postscript, c im 2w French, .25 AUGIER, Emile, and deMUSSET, Alfred ♦The Green Coat, c 3m iw French, .25 AUSTEN, Alfred A Lesson in Harmony, p 3m iw French, .25 "AUSTIN FRIARS" Loved and Lost, p 2m iw Dramatic, .1$ BACON, Mrs. Josephine Dodge ♦The Twilight of the Gods, p 2 scenes Kennerley BAILEY, Helen C. ♦The Demigod, p 3m 3W Drama, Nov., 1918 BAKER, Elizabeth ♦Miss Tassy. p Sidgivick, 6d BALLARD, J. Fred The Good News, d 3m iw ij Harvard, .35 BANGS, John Kendrick The Real Thing, etc. The Real Thing, c 2m 5W The Barringtons' "At Home." c 2m 3W The Return of Christmas, c 4m 3W The Side Show, c 8m 3W Four plays in one volume Harpers, 1.00 The Bicyclers, etc. The Bicyclers, c 4m 3W A Dramatic Evening, c 4m 3W The Fatal Message, c 5m 4W A Proposal Under Difficulties, c 3m 2w Four plays in one volume Harpers, 1.00 A Chafing Dish Party, c 4m 3W Harpers, .25 The Real Thing, c 2m 5W Harpers, .25 26 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE BANNING, Kendall "Copy." p 7m Clinic deBANVILLE, Theodore *Gringoire. c 4m 2w supers Poet Lore, 1.50 *Gringoire. c 4m 2w Dramatic, .15 ♦Charming Leandre. c 2m iw French, .25 BARBER, M. E. Mechanical Jane, c 3W French, .25 BARGATE, John The Prize, p 4m 3W French, .25 BARKER, Granville ♦Rococo, f m w *Vote by Ballot, p m w *Farewell to the Theatre, p m w Three Plays in one volume Little, 1.00 *Anatol. (See Schnitzler.) BARNUM, M. D. The French Maid and the Phonograph, c 8w French, .25 BARRIE, James M. Half Hours *Pantaloon. p 3m *The Twelve Pound Look, c 2m 2w *Rosalind. p im 2W *The Will, p 6m iw Four plays in one volume Scribner's, 1.25 The Tragic Man Scribner's, .25 Echoes of War *Old Lady Shows Her Medals, p im 5W *The New Word, p 2m 2w ♦Barbara's Wedding, p 3m iw *A Well Remembered Voice, p 2m 2w Four plays in one volume Scribner's, 1.50 BARTLETT, Randolph Safety First, c im 2w Smart Set, May, 1916 BATES, Esther Engaging Janet, c 7W Penn, .15 BATES, W. O. *Polly of Pogue's Run. p 6m 2w Shay, .35 BECHHOFER, C. E. Five Russian Plays, etc. *Evreinov, N. A Merry Death, c 5m *Evreinov ; N. The Beautiful Despot, c 5m 3W ij *von Vizin, D. The Choice of a Tutor, c 5m 3W PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE ^^ ♦Chek^v, A. The Wedding, c 9m 3W ♦Chekov, A. The Jubilee, c 5m iw ♦Ukraiska, L. The Babylonian Captivity, d im *]\ Six plays in one volume Dutton, 1.50 BECQUE, Henri The Vultures, etc. ♦The Merry-Go-Round. c 4m iw Little, 1. 50 BELL, Mrs. Hugh, and CECIL, A. Time Is Money, c im 2w French, .25 BELMONT, Mrs. O. H. P., and MAXWELL, Elsa Melinda and Her Sisters, p 6m 12W Shores BEITH, Ian Hay The Crimson Cocoanut, etc. The Crimson Cocoanut. c 4m 2w A Late Delivery, p 3m 2w The Missing Card, c 2m 2w Three plays in one volume Baker, .50 Queen of Hearts, c 2m 2w Venn, .15 BENEDIX, Roderich ♦The Law Suit, c 5m French, .25 ♦The Third Man. c im 3W French, .25 BENEVENTE, Jacinto. Plays ♦His Widow's Husband, c 2m 5W With other plays in one volume Scribner, 1.50 ♦The Smile of the Mona Lisa, p 5m i\. .. .Badger, .75 ♦No Smoking, c 2m 2w Drama, Feb., 1917 ♦In the Place of Don Juan, p 3m 2vr..Poet Lore, 1.50 BENNETT, Arnold. Polite Farces ♦The Stepmother, c 2m iw ♦A Good Woman, c 2m iw ♦A Question of Sex. c 2m 2w Three plays in one volume Doran, 1.00 BERINGER, Mrs. Oscar Holly Tree Inn. p 4m 3W French, .25 BERNARD, Tristan ♦French Without a Master, c 5m 2w. . . .French, .25 ♦I'm Going! c im iw French, .25 BIRMINGHAM, G. A. Adapted from "Eleanor's Enterprise" The Trouble That Is in It. c 2m 3W Woman, .35 BIRO, Lajos ♦The Brh>egroom. p 5m 6w ♦The Grandmother, p 3m 8w Two plays in one number Drama, May, 1918 28 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE BLOCH, Bertram *The Maiden Over the Wall, f 2m iw Drama, Aug., 1918 *MORALS AND CIRCUMSTANCES, p 2m 3W Smart Set, April, 19 19 BODENHEIM, Maxwell The Wanderer, p 4m 2w Seven Arts *The Master Poisoner "In Minna and Myself." Pagan, 1.25 BODENHEIM, M., and HECHT, Ben ♦Mrs. Margaret Calhoun, p im 6w Shay, .35 BONE, F. D. A Daughter of Japan, d French, .25 Pride of the Regiment, p 2m iw French, .25 BOTTOMLEY, Gordon *Laodice and Danae. p. im 5W Four, .50 ♦King Lear's Wife, p Reynolds, .50 BOUCHOR, Maurice *A Christmas Tale, p 2m 2W French, .25 BOUCICAULT, Dion My Little Girl, d 3m 2w French, .25 Lover by Proxy, c 6m 4W French, .25 BOYCE, Neith, and HAPGOOD, Hutchins ♦Enemies, p im iw Shay, .50 BOYCE, Neith *The Two Sons, p 2m 2w Shay, .50 BRAGDON, Claude *The Gift of Asia, p 2m Forum, March, 1913 BRANCH, Anna Hempstead *The Rose of the Wind, p 2m 2w Houghton, 1.25 ♦Shoes That Danced, p 3m 5W ij. .. .Houghton, 1.25 BRETHERTON, Evangeline The Minister's Messenger, p 14W French, .25 BRIDGHAM, G. R. Excuse Me ! c Two acts. 4m 6w Baker, .25 A Modern Cinderella. Two acts, p i6w. .Baker, .25 BRIEUX, Eugene *School for Mothers-in-Law. p 2m 4W Smart Set, Sept., 1913, .25 BRIGHOUSE, Harold ♦Scaring Off of Teddy Dawson, c 2m 2w. .French, .25 ♦Lonesome-Like, p 2m 2w Phillips, .25 ♦The Price of Coal, p ♦The Maid of France, p 3m 2w Phillips, 35 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 29 ♦The Doorway, p Joseph Williams, 6d ♦Spring in Bloomsbury. p Joseph Williams, 6d BRIGGS, Caroline ♦One a Day. c 5m Shay, .75 In "Morningside Plays." BROOKE, Rupert ♦Lithuania, d 5m 2w Chicago, .35 BROOKER, Bertram R. Efficiency, p 5m iw International, June, 1914 BROWN, Alice ♦Joint Owners in Spain, c 4W Chicago, .25 ♦The Loving Cup. p 4m 9W Swartout, .25 BROWNE, Maurice ♦King of the Jews, p Drama, Vol. 6, 1916, .75 BROWNING, Robert ♦In a Balcony, p im 2w Dramatic, .25 deBRUEYS, David Augustin *Pierre Patelin, Solicitor. Three acts, c 7m 2w French, .25 BRUNNER, Emma Beatrice. Bits of Background Over Age. p im 4W Spark of Life, p 2m 2w Strangers, p 2m iw Making a Man. p 2m 2w Four plays in one volume Knopf, 1.00 BRYANT, E. M. The Peacemaker, c 2m 3W French, .25 BRYANT, Louise ♦The Game, p 2m 2w Shav, .50 BUCK, Gertrude ♦Mother-Love, p im 3W Drama, Feb., 1919 BUNNER, H. C. Courtship with Variations, c im iw Werner \ER, H. C, and MAGNUS, J. A Bad Case, c im 3W Baker, .15 BURRILL, Mary ♦Aftermath, p 2m 3W Liberator, April, 1919 BUSHIDO. See Izumo (Takeda) BUTLER, Ellis Pv The Revolt, p 8w French, .25 BYNNER. Winer ♦The Little King, p 3m iw ij.... .60 ♦Tiger, d 2m 3W Kennerley, .60 U'ET, G. A. ♦Choosing a Career c French, .25 30 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE CALDERON, George The Little Stone House, p Sidgwick, 6d CAMERON, Margaret. Comedies in Miniature *Miss Doulton's Orchids, c 3 m 3W ♦The Burglar, c 5W ♦The Kleptomaniac, c 7W ♦The Pipe of Peace, c im 2w ♦A Christmas Chime, c 2m 2w Committee on Matrimony, c ira iw Her Neighbor's Creed and Four Monologues, c im iw Seven plays in one volume Doubleday, 1.25 Piper's Pay. c 7W French, .25 The Teeth of the Gift Horse, c 2m 4W . .French, .25 The White Elephant, c 2m 3W. . .*. French, .25 ♦Published separately French, .25 CAMPBELL, M. D. A Chinese Dummy, c 6w Baker, .15 CANN, Louise G. ♦Life Is Always the Same, p im iw Drama, May, 19 19 CANNAN, Gilbert. Four Plays ♦James and John, p 3m iw *Miles Dixon. Two acts. p. 3m 2w *Mary's Wedding, p 2m 3W ♦Short Way With Authors, p 7m iw Four plays in one volume Sidgivick, .80 ♦Everybody's Husband, p ira 5W Huebsch, .75 CAPUS, Alfred My Tailor, c ira 2w Smart Set, Feb., 1918 CARMAN, Bliss, and KING, Mary. Earth Deities, etc. The Dance Diurnal, m 2m 3W i Earth Deities, m im iow i Children of the Year, m im iw 24J Pas de Trois. m 3m iw Four masques in one volume Kennerley, 1.50 CARPENTER, Grant The Dragon's Claws, d 3m iw Smart Set, April, 19 14 CARTER, Josephine Howell Hilarion. c 2m 2w Poet Lore, Summer, 1915 CARTHEW, L. *The American Idea, p 3m 2w Baker, .25 CARTON, R. C. The Ninth Waltz, c im iw French, .25 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 31 CHAMBERS, C. Haddon Open Gate, d 2m 2w French, .25 CHATTERJI, Tapanmohan ♦The Light-Bearer, d 4m Drama, Aug., 191 8 CHURCH, Virginia ♦Pierrot by the Light of the Moon, f 2m 3W Drama, Feb., 1919 CLEMENTS, Colin C, and SAUNDERS, John M. ♦Love in a French Kitchen, a Mediaeval Farce, im 2w Poet Lore, Winter, 1917 CLARK, Barrett H. Four Plays for the Free Theatre deCurel, F. The Fossils. Four acts, p 6m 4W Jullien, J. The Serenade. Three acts, p 7m 6w ♦Porto-Riche, G. Francoise's Luck, c 3m 2w Ancey, G. The Dupe, c im 2w Four plays in one volume Stewart, 1.50 CLIFFORD, Mrs. W. K. Honeymoon Tragedy, c im iw French, .25 COLQUHON, Donald. See Repertory Plays Confederates., d 4m iw French, .25 CONWAY, Ed. Harold The Windy Shot, p 5m Smart Set, April, 191 5 CONRAD, Joseph ♦One Day More, d 4m iw Smart Set, Feb., 1914 CONVERSE, Florence The Blessed Birthday. A Christmas Miracle Play. 19 Characters Dutton, .75 COOLIDGE, H. D. Dead Reckoning, p 2m iw Baker, .15 COPPEE, Francois ♦The Violin Maker of Cremona, c 3m iw supers Dramatic, .25 ♦Pater Noster. p 3m 3W French, .25 COURTLELINE, Georges ♦The Pitiless Policeman, c 3m. .Poet Lore, Spring, 1917 ♦Blank Cartridge, p im iw . .International, July, k;ij. ♦Peace at Home, c im iw ... .International, Dec, 1913 ♦Peace at Home, c im iw Poet Lore, 1.50 COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH. See Prhsbbry, F, COWAN, Sada ♦The State Forbids, d im 2w 2) Kennerley, .60 ♦In the Morgue Forum, Aprils 1916 ♦SlNTRAM OF SKAGERRAK. p im IW In Mayorga's "Representative One Act PI Little, 2.50 32 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE CRAIG, Marion Wentworth War Brides, d 3m 4W Century, .50 CRANDALL, Irene Jean Beyond the Gate. Two acts, p 7m 2w French, .25 CRANE, Mabel H. The Girls, p 9W French, .25 CRIMMINS, Agnes The Pride of the Family, c 3m iw Swartout, .2/ CROTHERS, Rachel *The Rector, p im 6w French, .3^ DALE, Irving Tickets, Please, c 4W Baker, .15 DANE, Essex Fleurette & Co. p 2\v French, .25 Wrong Numbers, c 3W French, .25 DANGERFIELD, Trelawney Old Stuff, p im 2w Smart Set, June, 1917 DARGAN, Olive Tilford. Lords and Lovers *Lords and Lovers, p i8ra 4W Scribner, 1.50 *Wocds of Ida. m Century, August, 1907 DAVIS, Richard Harding Miss Civilization., c 4m iw French, .25 Peace Manoeuvers. p 2m iw French, .25 The Zone Police, p 4m French, .25 Orator of Zapata City, p 8m iw Dramatic, .25 DAVIES, Mary Carolyn *Slave With Two Faces, a 3m 4W Arens, .35 DAVIS, Robert H. Room Without a Number, c 3m iw Smart Set, April, 1917 DAVIS, Robert H., and SHEEHAN, P. P. *Efficiency. d 3m Dor an, .50 DELL, Floyd *A Long Time Ago. f Forum, 1917 *King Arthur's Socks, c im 3W Shay, .50 *The Angel Intrudes, c 3m iw Arens, .35 DELAND, Margaret Dramatized by M. B. Vosburgh from "Old Chester Tales" Miss Maria, c 2m 3W French, .25 DEMUTH, Charles The Azure Adder, s 3m 4W Shay, .35 DENISON, Emily H. The Little Mother of the Slums Seven one act plays Badger, 1.00 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 33 DENTON, Clara J. To Meet Mr. Thompson, c 8w Baker, .15 DEPUE, Elva ♦Hattie. p 2m 3W Shay, .75 In "Morningside Plays" DICKENS, Charles Browne, H. B. Short Plays from Dickens. Contains twenty dramatized sketches from the work of Charles Dickens Scribner, 1.50 Bardell vs. Pickwick, c 6m 2w Baker, .15 A Christmas Carol, p 6m 3W Baker, .15 DICKINSON, C. H., and GRIFFITHS, Arthur The Rift Within the Lute, p 4m iw French, .25 DIX, Beulah Marie The Glorious Game, d 6w A.S.P.L. The Enemy, d 5m A.S.P.L. Clemency, d 3m iw A.S.P.L. Legend of St. Nicholas, d Poet Lore Allison's Lad and other Plays Allison's Lad. d 6m The Hundredth Trick, d 4m The Weakest Link, d 4m The Snare and the Fowler, d 3m The Captain of the Gate, d 6m The Dark of the Dawn, d 4m Six plays in one volume Holt, 1.35 DONNAY, Maurice ♦The Gimlet, c im iw Stratford, Dec, 1918 DORAN, Marie The Girls Over Here, p 8w French, .25 DOREY, J. Milnor ♦Under Conviction, d 2m 2w Drama, Feb., 1919 DOWSON, Ernest ♦Pierrot of the Minute, f im iw Mosher, .50 DOWN, Oliphant ♦The Maker of Dreams, f 2m iw Phillips, .35 ♦The Quod Wrangle, c 5m iw French, .25 DOYIE, A. C. I terloo. p. 3m iw French, .2$ A Duet, c im iw French, .25 DRACHMAN, Holgar "Renaissance." d 6m 2\v Poet Lore, Winter, 1908 DRAKE, Frank C. Tme Rosererry Shrud. p im 3W French, .25 34 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE DREISER, Theodore. Plays of the Natural and Supernatural *The Girl in the Coffin, p 4m 3W The Blue Sphere, f 4m 2w 2} *Laughing Gas. f 6m 2w In the Dark, f um 4W The Spring Recital, f 9m 9W Light in the Window, f 9m 7W Old Ragpicker, f 4111 iw Seven plays in one volume Lane, 1.25 DREW, Sylvan The New Pygmalion and Galatea, c 3m 6vr. French, .25 DREYFUS, A. The Silent System, c im iw Baker, .15 DRISCOLL, Louise *The Poor House, p 2m 2w. . .Drama, Aug., 1917? -75 *The Child of God. p 2m 3W.. Seven Arts, Nov., 1916 DUNSANY, Lord. Five Plays *The Gods of the Mountain, p ioi *The Golden Doom, p 11m iw *The Glittering Gate, c 2m *King Argimenes. p 10m 4W *The Lost Silk Hat. c 5m Five plays in one volume Little, 1.25 Plays of Gods and Men *A Night at an Inn. p 8m *The Queen's Enemies, p 9m 2w *The Tents of the Arabs, p 6m *The Laughter of the Gods, p 9m 4W Three acts Four plays in one volume Luce, 1.50 *A Night at an Inn. p 8m Sunwise, .50 *The Murderer. In prep. ♦Fame and the Poet, c 2m iw Atlantic, Aug., 1919 DYMOW, Ossip *Nju. t 6m 3W 2j Knopf, 1.00 EARLE, Dorothy Kirchner You're Such a Respectable Person, Miss Morrison c 3m 2w Smart Set, Aug., 1915 EBNER-ESCHENBACH, Marie von A Man of the World, p 3m ...Poet Lore, 1.50 ECHEGARAY, Jose *The Street Singer, p 2m 2w Drama, Feb. 1917 *Madman or Saint, p 7m 4W Poet Lore, 1.50 EDGERTON, Lady Alex. Masque cf the Two Strangers Gowans PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 35 EHRLICH, E. C. ♦Snaring the Lion, p 3m iw Drama, May, 1919 ELDRIDGE, Paul The Jest, p 4m 2\v Stratford, July, 1918 ELKINS, Felton B. Three Tremendous Trifles The Belgian Baby, c 2m 2w The Quick and the Dead, c 5m iw Figuratively Speaking, c 3m 2\v Three plays in one volume Duffield, 1.50 ELLIS, Mrs. Havelock. Love in Danger *The Subjection of Kezia. p 2m iw ♦The Pixy, p 3m ♦The Mothers, p im 2w Three plays in one volume Houghton, .75 ENANDER, Hilma L. In the Light of the Stone, p 3m iw The Man Who Did Not Understand, p im 2w On the Trail, p 4m iw Three plays in one volume Badger, 1.00 ERVINE, St. John. Four Irish Plays ♦The Magnanimous Lover ♦The Critics ♦Mixed Marriage ♦The Orange Man Four plays in one volume Macmillan, 1.25 ESKIL, Ragna In the Trenches Over There, c 10m 6w Dramatic, .25 ESMOND, H. V. Her Vote, c im 2w French, .25 ESTERBROOK, Anne L. The Christening Robe, p im 3W Baker, .25 EURIPIDES Alkestis. Nine characters Baker, .25 Electra. Nine characters The Frogs. Twelve characters [PHBGENIA i.v Taurus. Seven characters Translated by Gilbert Murray Allen EVANS, Florence Wilkinson. The Ride Home Tuf: Marriage of Guineth. p 7m 3W. .Ilouahton, 1.50 EVREINOV, Nicholas ♦Tmvn I sm pv Henderson, .30 ♦A Mew sui 1 w ij 1 in Becb Russian Plays. 36 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE EWEN, Taylor The Coward, d 5m 2w Fitzgerald, .25 EWERS, Hanns Heinz The Dead Eyes, p 3m 3W International, June, 1917 FAWCETT, M. R. The Alarm, p 2m Baker, .15 FAYDON, Nita The Great Look, c 2m 2w French, .25 FENN, Frederick The Nelson Touch, c 2111 2w French, .25 Convict on the Hearth, c 6m 5W French, .25 FERGUSON, J. A. ♦Campbell of Kilmhor. p 4m 2w Phillips, .35 FERRIER, Paul *The Codicil, c 3m iw Poet Lore, Summer, 1908 FERRIS, E., and STUART, A. Nicolete. p 2m 2w French, .25 FETHERSTONBAUGH, V. Harrison, p 4m 4W Smart Set, July, 1914 FEUILLET, Octave *The Fairy, c 3m iw French, .25 *The Village, c 2m 2w French, .z$ FIELD, Rachel L. Rise Up, Jennie Smith, p im 3W French, .35 FILLMORE, J. E. "War." p 2m iw Poet Lore, Winter, 1914 FITZMAURICE, George Magic Glasses, p 3m 3W The Piedish. p 4m 2w 3J The Dandy Dolls, p 4m 2w 3J With two long plays in one volume Little, 1.25 FLANNER, Mary H. The Christmas Burglar, p 3m iw French, .25 FLEXNER, Hortense ♦Voices, p 2w Seven Arts, Dec, 1916 FLORIAN, J. P. The Twins of Bergamo, p 2m 2w. .Drama, Aug., 1918 FLYING STAG PLAYS. Arens, 1917-19 each, .35 *i. Cronyn, G. The Sandbar Queen, d 6m iw *2. Oppenheim, J. Night, d 4m iw ♦3. Dell, F. The Angel Intrudes, c 3m iw ♦4. Helburn, T. Enter the Hero, c im 3W •5, Moeller, P. Two Blind Beggars and One Less Blind, p 3m iw *6. O'Brien, S. Blind, c 3m PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 37 ♦7. Davies, M. C. The Slave With Two Faces, a 3m 4W ♦8. Kemp, H. The Prodigal Son. c 3m 2w FOREST, Belford Failures, d 3W ij Smart Set, July, 1916 Lost Sheep, p 2m 4W Smart Set, Oct., 1916 Honors Even, p 3m iw Smart Set, Dec, 1917 FRANCE, Anatole ♦The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife. Two acts, c 14m 4W Lane, .75 ♦Crainquebille. Three scenes, p 12m 6w . .French, .25 FRANK, Florence Kiper ♦Jael Chicago, .25 *Cinderelline. p im 4W Dramatic, .25 ♦The Garden, p 3m 3W Drama, Nov., 1918 FREDERICK, John T. ♦The Hunter, p 2m iw Stratford, Sept., 1917 FREILIGRATH-KROEKER, Kate Alice in Wonderland. Two acts. 2ij. .Fitzgerald, .25 FREYBE, C. E. In Garrison, p 5m Poet Lore, Vacation, 1915 FROOME, John Redhead ♦Listening, p 3W Poet Lore, Vacation, 1917 Mrs. Mainwaring's Management. Two acts, c French, .25 Billy and the Directing Fates.. Two acts, p 3m Dramatic, .25 FRY, Horace B. Little Italy, d 2m iw ij Dramatic, .25 FULDA, Ludwig ♦By Ourselves, c 3m 2w Badger, 1.50 FURNISS, Grace L. A Dakota Widow, c im 2w French, .25 Perhaps, c 2m iw French, .25 GALBRAITH, Esther ♦The Brink of Silence, p 4m In Mayorga's "Representative One Act Plays." Little, 2.50 GALE, R. B. The New Crusade, c 12W Baker, .25 The Clinging Vine, c i6w Szvartout, .25 GALLON, Tom, and LION, L. M. Mam Who Stole the Castle, p 4m 2w French, .25 5m iw Little Theatre, Julv, u,i 7 *rt deCAMP p 2m 1 :\ Four St as, 1.00 1 MARIANS. p bill Poet; J .50 48 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE LENNOX, Cosmo The Impertinence of the Creature, c im iw French, .25 LENT, Evangeline M. Love in Idleness, c im 3W French, .25 LESAGE *Crispin, His Master's Rival, c 4m 3W. . .French, .25 LESLIE, Noel. Three plays For King and Country. In prep. Waste The War Fly Three plays in one volume Four Seas, 1.25 LEVICK, Milnes Wings in the Mesh, p 3W Smart Set, July, 1919 LEVINGER, E. E. The Burden, p 3m iw Baker, .25 LEWISOHN, Ludwig The Lie. p 2m 2w Smart Set, Dec, 1913 LINCOLN, Florence A Piece of Ivory, p 3m 2w Harvard, April, 1911 LION, Leon M. The Touch of a Child, p French, .25 LION, L. M., and HALL, W. S. The Mobswoman. d 2m 2w French, .25 LITTLE THEATRE CLASSICS. Edited by Samuel A. Eliot, Jr. *euripides : polyxena *A Christmas Miracle Play *Marlowe: Doctor Faustus *Beaumont and Fletcher: Ricardo and Viola *Sheridan: The Scheming Lieutenant Five plays in one volume Little, 1.50 LITTLE THEATRE CLASSICS. Second Series *Abraham and Isaac *Middleton: The Loathed Lover ♦Moliere : Sganarelle *Pichel, I. Pierre Pathelin Four plays in one volume Little, 1.50 LONDON, Jack. Turtles of Tasman The First Poet, p Macmillan, 1.25 *LOVE IN A FRENCH KITCHEN. A Mediaeval Farce. c im 2W Poet Lore, 1.50 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 49 LOVING, Pierre, and SHAY, Frank ♦Contemporary One Act Plays. Fifty short plays for the Little Theatre. In one volume. In prep. Stewart, 5.00 LUTHER, Lester Law. 10 voices Forum, June, 1915 M. J. W. A Brown Paper Parcel, c 2w French, .25 MACINTIRE, E., and CLEMENTS, C. C. The Ivory Tower, p 3m ivf....Poet Lore, Spring, 1919 MACDONALD, Zellah ♦Markheim. d 2m iw In "Morningside Plays." Shay, .75 MACKAYE, Constance D'Arcy The Forest Princess and other Masques Holt, 1.35 The Beau of Bath and other One Act Plays. .Holt, 1.50 Plays of the Pioneers Harper, 1.25 The Silver Thread and other Folk Plays Holt, 1.10 MACKAYE, Percy. Yankee Fantasies Chuck, im 3J Gettysburg im ij ♦The Antick. 2m 3W The Cat Boat, im 2w ij Sam Average. 4m Five plays in one volume Duffield, 1.25 McKINNEL, Norman The Bishop's Candlesticks, p 3m 2w French, .25 MACMILLAN, Mary. Short plays The Shadowed Star, p 3m 5W The Ring, c 7m 3W The Rose, p im 2w Luck? p 6m 7W Entr'acte, p im 2w A Woman's a Woman for a' That, c 2m 3W Fan and Two Candlesticks, p 2m iw A Modern Masque, p 3m iw The Futurists, p 8w Ttie Gate of Wishes, p im iw ij Ten plays in one volume Stewart, 1.50 More Short Plays His Second Girl, p 3m 3W At the Church Door, p 2m 2w Honey, c 2m 3W ij THI Disss Rehearsal of Hamlet, c iow The PlONIlM, p 10m 3W 5J 50 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE In Mendelesia, I. p sw In Mendelesia, II. p sw The Dryad, p im 2w Eight plays in one volume Stewart, 1.50 The Gate of Wishes, p im iw i)....Poet Lore, 1.50 MAETERLINCK, Maurice *The Intruder, p 3m 5W Phillips, .25 ^Interior, p 4m 5W ij supers Phillips, .25 *Death of Tintagiles. d ij 6w Phillips, .25 *Happiness Phillips, .25 *Seven Princesses, p 3m 8w Phillips, .25 *Alladine and Palomides. 2m 7w Phillips, .25 The Miracle of St. Anthony A Miracle of St. Anthony and Other Plays A Miracle of St. Antony. 15 Characters Pelleas and Melisande. Five acts Death of Tintagiles. 7 Characters Alladine and Palomides. Five acts Interior. 10 ChaTacters The Intruder. 7 Characters Six plays in one volume Boni & Liveright, .75 MALLESON, Miles *Black 'Ell. d 3m 4W Shay, .35 *Paddy Pools, f 19J Henderson, .30 *Little White Thought, f 9W Henderson, .30 "D" Company, p 6m Henderson, .50 *Youth. Three acts, p 9m 2\v Henderson, .50 MANNERS, J. Hartley. Happiness and Other Plays Happiness, p 2m 2w Just as Well, c im 3W Day of Dupes, c 5m iw Three plays in one volume Dodd, 1.00 Queen's Messenger, d im iw French, .25 The Woman Intervenes, p 3m iw French, .25 Just as Well, c im iw French, .25 As Once in May. c 3m 2w French, .25 Ministers of Grace, p 3m 2w Smart Set, Sept., 1914 MAPES, Victor A Flower of the Yeddo. c im 3W French, .25 MARBLE, T. L. Giuseppina. p 3m 2w Dramatic, .15 MARIVAUX *The Legacy, c 4m aw French, .35 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 5 1 MARKS, Jeanette. Three Welsh Plays The Merry Cuckoo, p 3m 2w Welsh Honeymoon, p 3m 2w The Deacon's Hat. c 3m 3W Three plays in one volume Little, 1.00 The Happy Thought, p 4m 5W International, July, 1912 MARTIN, John Joseph The Wife of Usher's Well, d 3m 3W Poet Lore, Spring, 1919 MASEFIELD, John ♦The Locked Chest, p 3m iw ♦Sweeps of Ninety-eight, p 5m iw Two plays in one volume Mactnillan, 1.25 ♦The Campden Wonder, p 4m 2w ♦Mrs. Harrison, p 3m iw In "The Tragedy of Nan," etc Macmillan, 1.2s ♦Phillip the King, p 7m iw Macmillan, 1.25 ♦Good Friday, p Macmillan, 1.50 MASSEY, Edward Plots and Playwrights, c Nine scenes 11m 6w Little, 1. 00 MATHER, C. C. Dispatches for Washington, p 3m 5W Baker, .15 Double-crossed, c 3m 3W Baker, .15 MATUSO. See IZUMO, Takeda MATTHEWS, Brander The Decision of the Court, c 2m 2w. . .Harpers, .50 MAUREY, Max ♦Rosalie, c im 2w French, .25 McCONNELL, G. K. The Bone of Contention, d 3m 8w Baker, .25 McCOURT, Edna W. Jill's Way. p 3m 2w Seven Arts, Feb., 1917 The Truth, p 2m 4W Seven Arts, Mar., 1917 McEVOY, Charles His Helpmate Dwi!) BALLABO MEN Of THE Rn\[) Lucifer •\ mi Devil Was Ii.i Bullen McFADDJ 1 A. ik Chimes Rang, p im iw 2). . . .French, .25 Roi Coo Mi 111 CROSS, p 3m Smart Set, Aug., 1911 52 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE MEILHAC and HALEVY ♦Panurge's Sheep, c im 2w French, .25 ♦Indian Summer, c 2m 2w French, .25 MICHELSON, Miriam Bygones, p 2m iw Smart Set, March, 1917 MIDDLETON, George. Embers, etc. *Embers. d 2m iw The Failures, d im iw The Gargoyle, p 2m In His House, p 2m iw *The Man Masterful, d 2w *Madonna. d 3m iw Six plays in one volume Holt, 1.35 Criminals, d 2m 2w Huebsch, .50 Tradition, etc. ♦Tradition, d im 2w ♦On Bail, d 2m iw ♦Mothers, d im 2w ♦Waiting, d im iw ij ♦Their Wife, d 2m iw ♦The Cheat of Pity, d 2m iw Six plays in one volume Holt, 1.35 Possession, etc. Possession, d 2m 3W ♦The Groove, d 2w The Black Tie. d im 2w ij ♦A Good Woman, d im iw Circles, d im 2w The Unborn, d im 2w Six plays in one volume Holt, 1.35 Back of the Ballot, c 4m iw French, .25 ♦Are published separately by Samuel French. Each .25 Among the Lions, s 5m 3W Smart Set, Feb., 1917 The Reason, p 2m 2w Smart Set, Sept., 1917 DeMILLE, William C In 1999. c im 2w French, .25 ♦Food, c 2m iw French, .25 Poor Old Jim. p 2m iw French, .25 Deceivers, p French, .25 MILTON, John. Adapted by L. Chater Comus. m Nine characters Baker, .25 MOLIERE ♦Doctor in Spite of Himself c 6m 3W French, .25 ♦The Sicilian. Two scenes, c 4m ^w. . .French, .25 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 53 •The Affected Young Ladies, s 6m %vt .. .French, .25 ♦Sganarelle. See Eliot: Little Theatre Classics •Gregory, Lady. The Kiltartan Moliere Doctor in Spite of Himself. 6m 3W The Miser The Rogueries of Scapin The plays in one volume Putnam, 1.75 MOELLER, Philip. Five somewhat historical plays ♦Helena's Husband, c 3m 2w ♦The Little Supper, c 3m iw ♦Sisters of Susannah, c 5m iw ♦ROADHOUSE IN ARDEN. C 4m 2W ♦Pokey, c 6m 3W Five plays in one volume Knopf, 1.50 ♦Two Blind Beggars and One Less Blind, p 3m iw Arens, .35 MONTAGUE, Harold Proposing by Proxy, c im iw French, .25 MONTOMASA Sumida Gawa. d 2m iw ij Stratford, Jan., 1918 MORGAN, Charles D. Search Me ! c im 2w Smart Set, Jan., 191 5 MORNINGSIDE PLAYS, The ♦Depue, Elva. Hattie. d 2m 3W ♦Briggs, Caroline. One a Day. c 5m ♦Macdonald. Z. Markheim. d 2m iw ♦Reizenstein, E. L. Home of the Free, c 2m 2w Four plays in one volume Frank Shay, 1.00 MORRISON, Arthur That Brute Simmons, c 2m iw French, .25 MOSHER, John Chapin Sauce for the Emperor, c 5m 4W Shay, .35 MOTHER, Charles C. Dispatches for Washington, p 4m 5W Baker, .15 MOTHER GOOSE, A DREAM OF By J. C. Marchant, S. J. Mayhew, H. Wilbur and others. Containing A Dream of Mother Goose ; Scenes from Mother Goose; A Mother Goose Party; Two Mother Goose Operettas Baker, .25 MOYLE, Gilbert The Tragedy Four Seas, .75 MUGGERIDGE, Marie The Rest Cure, p im iw French, .25 MURRAY, T. C. ♦Birthright. Two acts, d 4m iw. . . .Maunsel, Dublin 54 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE MUSKERRY, William An Imaginary Aunt, c 4W French, .25 deMUSSET, Alfred. Barberine and other Comedies Barberine. Three acts. 5m 2w Fantasio. Two acts. 8m 2w No Trifling with Love. Three acts. 4m 3W *A Door Must be Open or Shut. 2m *A Caprice, im 2w *One Cannot Think of Everything. 3m 2w Six plays in one volume Sergei, 1.24 deMUSSET, A., and AUGIER, E. *The Green Coat, c 3m iw French, .25 Napoleon and the Sentry, p 3m iw. . .Dramatic, .25 NARODNY, Ivan Fortune Favors Fools, c 4m 3W Poet Lore, Autumn, 1912 NATHAN, George Jean *The Eternal Mystery, p 2m iw ij Smart Set, April, 191 3 NATHAN, Robert G. The Coward, p im 2w Harvard, March, 1914 Atoms, p 2m iw Harvard, Nov., 1913 NEIHARDT, John G. Eight Hunrded Rubles, p im 2w. . .Forum, Mar., 1915 NEVITT, Mary Ross The Rostof Pearls, p 7W French, .25 NEWTON, H. L. Outwitted, p im iw Baker, .25 Her Second Time On Earth, c im iw Baker, .15 NIRDLINGER, C. F. Four short plays Look after Louise, d 3m iw Big Kate, d 4m iw The Real People, d 2m iw Aren't They Wonders, d 2m 2w Four plays in one volume Kennerley Washington's First Defeat, c im 2w French, .25 NOGUCHI, Yone *The Demon's Shell, p 2m.... Poet Lore, Autumn, 1906 *Ten Japanese Noh Plays. In prep Four Seas, 1.50 NORMAND, Jacques A Drop of Water, c 2m iw Dramatic, .15 NORTON, Harold F. The Woman, p im 2w Sheffield, June, 1914 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THLAiKL 55 O'BRIEN, Edward J. At the Flowing of the Tide, p im iw Forum, Sept., 1914 O'BRIEN, Seumas. Duty and other Irish Comedies ♦Duty, c 5m iw ♦Jurisprudence, c 9m iw ♦Magnanimity, c 5m ♦Matchmakers, c 3m 3W ♦Retribution, c 3 m iw Five plays in one volume Little, 1.25 OFFICER, Katherine All Souls Eve. p 3m 4W International, Jan., 1913 OLIVER, Mary Scott. Six One Act Plays The Hand of the Prophet, p 5m 2w Children of Granada, p 6m 4W The Turtle Dove, p 5m iw This Youth — Gentlemen! f 2m The Striker, p 2m 3W Murdering Selina. c 5m 2w Six plays in one volume Badger, 1.25 O'NEILL, Eugene. Thirst and other One Act Plays Thirst, p 2m iw The Web. p 5m iw Warnings, p 5m 4W Fog. p 3m iw ♦Recklessness, p 3m 2w Five plays in one volume Badger, 100 ♦Bound East for Cardiff, d 11m Shay, .75 ♦Before Breakfast, d iw Shay, .35 THE MOON OF THE CARIBBEES Moon of the Caribbees. p 17m 4W ♦Bound East for Cardiff, p um ♦The Long Voyage Home, p 8m 3W ♦In the Zone, p 9m ♦Ile. p 5m iw Where the Cross Is Made, p 6m iw ♦The Rope, p 3m 2w Seven plays in one volume Boni & Liveright, 1.35 OPPENHEIM, James The Pioneers. Two scenes, d 5m 2w Huebsch ♦Night, p 4m iw Arens, .35 ORNO, Don THE Sock, p 2m 3W Three Pamphleteers, .25 O'SHEA, Monica Barrie ♦The Rushlight, p Drama, 1917 56 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE OWEN, Harold A Little Fowl Play, c 3m 2w French, .25 PAIN, Mrs. Barry. Nine of Diamonds and other plays The Nine of Diamonds Her Ladship's Jewels, c im 2w Mrs. Marlowe's Case, c 2m iw Three plays in one volume London, Chapman, .60 Short Plays for Amateurs The Hat. c 3W A Lesson in Pearls, c im 2w Thirteen, c im 2w Trust, c im iw A Vicious Circle, c im iw Five plays in one volume London, Pinker, .60 More Short Plays The Lady Typist, c im 4W A Quick Change. Two scenes, c 2m 2w The Reason Why. c im iw 'Ware Wire, c 3 m 2w Four plays in one volume Chapman, .60 PALMER, John Over the Hills, c 2m 2w Smart Set, June, 191 5 PARAMORE, E. E. Across the Marsh, p 2m Sheffield, April, 1917 PARKER, Louis N. See also JACOBS, W. W. Man in the Street, p 2m iw French, .25 PARKHURST, Winthrop It Never Happens, c 2m iw Smart Set, Dec, 1918 Importance of Being Early, c 2m 2w Smart Set, Nov., 1916 Morraca. p 7m iw Drama, Nov., 1918 The Beggar and the King, p 3m Drama, Feb., 1919 Getting Unmarried, p im iw.. Smart Set, April, 1918 PASTON, George Feed the Brute, p im 2w French, .25 Stuffing, c 2m 2w French, .25 Tilda's New Hat. c im 3W French, .25 Parent's Progress, c 3m 3W French, .25 PATRICK, A. Jimmy, p 2m French, .25 PAULL, H. M. Hal, the Highwayman, p 4m 2w French, .25 PEABODY, Josephine Preston Fortune and Men's Eyes, p 8m 2w i French, .25 The Wings, p 3m iw French, .25 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 57 PEARCE, Walter 1588. c 4m iw French, .25 PEMBERTON, Max Prima Donna, c 3m 2w French, .25 Lights Out. c 3m 3W French, .25 PFEIFFER, Edward H. The Lamp, p im 2w International, April, 1913 PHELPS, P., and SHORT, M. Saint Cecilia, p im 7W French, .25 PHILLPOTTS, Eden. Curtain Raisers The Point of View, c 2m iw Hiatus, c 4m 2w The Carrier Pigeon, d 2m iw Three plays in one volume, .60 Pair of Knickerbockers, c im iw French, .25 Breezy Morninc. c im iw French, .25 PHILLPOTTS, Eden, and GROVES, Charles Their Golden Wedding, c 2m iw French, .25 PIAGGIO, E. E. At the Play, p London, Williams, 6d PICHEL, Irving ♦Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son. p 3m. .Harvard, Dec, 1913 PILLOT, E. ♦Hunger, f 4m iw Stratford, June, 1918 ♦The Gazing Globe, p 2m iw. . .Stratford, Nov., 1918 PINERO, Sir Arthur Wing Pla*ygoers. c 2m 6w French, .25 The Widow of Wasdale Head. d.. Smart Set, May, 1914 Hester's Mystery, c 3m 2w French, .25 Money Spinner. Two acts, d 5m 3W French, .25 PINSKI, David See Six Plays for the Yiddish Theatre ♦A Dollar, c 5m 3W Stratford, June, 1917 Micheal. p 4m Stratford, April, 1918 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS. See WALKER, Stuart PORTO-RICHE, G. In Clark: Four Plays, etc. ♦Francoise's Luck, c 3 m 2w PLAUTIUS ♦The Twins, c 7m 2w French, .25 PICARD, L. B. The Rebound, c 5m 2W French, .25 POUND, Ezra, and FENOLLOSA, Ernest "Noh," or Accomplishment. A Study of the Classical Stage of Japan. Contains Kayoi Komachi. 3m i 58 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE SUMA GENJI. 3m , Kumasaka. Two acts. 3m i SHOJO. 2m supers Tamura. 3m i and others Knopf, 2.75 PRESBERY, Eugene Courtship of Miles Standish. p 2m 2w .. .French, .25 PRICE, Graham *The Capture of Wallace, p 4m iw Phillips, .35 *Tke Song of the Seal, p 2m 2w Phillips, .35 •The Absolution of Bruce, p 10m Phillips, .35 ^Marriages Are Made in Heaven Phillips, .35 PROVINCETOWN PLAYS, The *0'Neill, E. Bound East for Cardiff, d 11m *Bryant, L. The Game, p 2m 2w *Dell, F. King Arthur's Socks, c im 2w Three plays in one volume Shay, .75 *Cook and Glaspell. Suppressed Desires, c im 2w Shay, .50 •O'Neill, E. Before Breakfast, d iw Shay, .35 •Mosher, J. C Sauce fot the Emperor, c 6m 3W Shay, .35 •King, P. Cocaine, d im iw Shay, .35 *Glaspell, S. The People, p 10m 2w Close the Book, c 3m 5W Two plays in one volume Shay, .50 *Oppenheim, J. Night, d 4m iw Arens, .35 *Dell, F. The Angel Intrudes, c 3m iw . .Arens, .35 Davies, M. C. Slave with Two Faces, a 3 m 4W Arens, .35 PRYCE, Richard The Visit, p 2m 3W French, .25 PRYCE, R., and MORRISON, A. Dumb-Cake, p im 2w French, .25 PRYCE, R., and DRURY, W. P. The Privy Council, c 3m 4W French, .25 PRYDZ, Alvilde He Is Coming, p im 5W Poet Lore, Summer, 1914 PUTNAM, Nina Wilcox •Orthodoxy, p Kennerley, .60 QUINTERO, Serafino, and JOAQUIN, Alvarez *A Bright Morning, c 2m 2vt..Poet Lore, Winter, 1916 •By Their Words Ye Shall Know Them c 2m iw Drama, Feb., 1917 PLAYS Of THE LITTLE THEATRE 59 RANCK, Edwin C. ♦The Yellow Boots, p 2m iw. . .Stratford, May, 1919 RANDALL, William R. The Grey Overcoat, p 3m French, .25 RANSON, W. S. In the Spring a Young Man's Fancy, c im 7W Dramatic, .25 REED, John ♦Freedom, c 6m Shay, .50 ♦Moondown. p 2w Masses ♦The Peace that Passeth Understanding, f 12 characters Liberator, March, 1919 REELY, Mary Katherine Daily Bread, p im 4W A Window to the South, p 5m 3W The Lean Years, p 2m 2w Three plays in one volume H. W . Wilson, .60 REIZENSTEIN, Elmer L. ♦Home of the Free, c 2m 2w In "Morningside Plays" Shay, .75 RENARD, Jules *Good-bye! c im iw Smart Set, June, 1916 RENARD, Jules. Translated by Alfred Sutro ♦Carrots, p im 2w French, .25 REPRESENTATIVE ONE-ACT PLAYS BY AMERI- CAN AUTHORS Selected, with biographical notes, by Margaret Gar- diner Mayorga, M.A. In preparation Little, 2.50 REYNARTZ, Dorothy Carnival, c 8w Dramatic, .15 RICE, Cale Young. The Immortal Lure Giorgione. p Arduin. p O-Ume's Gods, p The Immortal Lure, p Four plays in one volume Doubleday, 1.25 ♦A Night in Avignon, p In "Collected Plays and Poems" Doubleday, 3.00 RICHARDSON, Frank Bowie Dundee, d 4m 2w French, .35 RIVOIRE, Andre ♦The Little Shepherdess, p im 2w French, .25 ROBINS, Gertrude. Loving As We Do, etc. L vi \g As We Do The Return 60 plays of the little theatre After the Case 'ilda's Honourable Four plays in one volume Werner Laurie 1/ Makeshifts, p Realities, p Two plays in one volume French Pot Luck, c 3m iw French, .25 ROGERS, Maude M. When the Wheels Run Down, p 3W French, .25 ROGERS, Robert E. *Behind a Watteau Picture, f 6m 2W Baker, .75 ROOF, Katherine The World Beyond the Mountain, p 2m 2w International, Nov., 1913 ROSENBERG, James N. The Return to Mutton. Two acts, c 2m iw Kennerley, .75 ROSS, Clarendon The Avenger, f 2m Drama, Aug., 1918 RUSCHKE, Egmont W. The Echo, etc. The Echo, c 5m 5W Death Speaks, f 2m The Intangible, d 2m 2w Three plays in one volume Stratford, 1.00 RUSINOL, Santiago The Prodigal Doll, c 5m 6w Drama, Feb., 1917 SARDOU, Victorien *The Black Pearl, c 7m 3W French, .25 SARGENT, Frederick Leroy Omar and the Rabbi. In prep Four Seas, .75 SARKADI, Leo A Vision of Paganini. p 2m iw International, Feb., 1916 The Passing Shadow, p 2m. . .International, Aug., 1916 The Line of Life, p 4m 3W . .International, Nov., 1916 SAWYER, Ruth *The Sidhe of Ben-Mor. p im 6w Poet Lore, Summer, 1910 SCHMERTZ, John R. The Marksman, p 4m iw Sheffield, Feb., 1917 SCHNITZLER, Arthur. Comedies of Words.. Translated by Pierre Loving *The Hour of Recognition, c 3m 2w *The Big Scene, c 5m 2w *The Festival of Bacchus, c 4m 2w PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 6l •Literature, c 2m iw ♦His Helpmate, c 5m 2w Five plays in one volume Stewart, 1.50 •Stragglers at the Carnival, c 5m iw Shay, .50 •Countess Mizzie. c 7m 2w In volume with Lonely Way, etc Little, 1.50 •Living Hours •The Woman with the Dagger •The Last Masks •Literature Four plays in one volume Badger, 1.25 •Gallant Cassian. Puppet Play. 3m iw. .Phillips .60 •Duke and the Actress, c 16m 2w Badger, 1.50 •Lady with the Dagger, d im iw Poet Lore, Summer, 1904 SCOTT, Clement Cape Mail, p 3m 4W Dramatic, .15 SCOTTISH REPERTORY PLAYS •Maxwell, W. B. The Last Man In. p 4m iw ♦Brighouse, H. The Price of Coal, p im 3W ♦Chapin, H. Augustus in Search of a Father, p 3m ♦Cclquhon, D. Jean, p 2m ♦Down, O. The Maker of Dreams, f 2m iw •Chapin, H. Dumb and the Blind, p 2m iw 2) •Brighouse, H. Lonesome-like, p 2m 2w •Chapin, H. Autocrat of the Coffee Stall, p •Chapin, H. Muddle Annie, p •Ferguson, J. A. Campbell of Kilmhor. p 4m 2w •Kori, Torahiko. Kanawa, the Incantation. 4m iw •Brighouse, H. Maid or France, p 2m iw Phillips, each, .35 SHAKESPEARE Oberon and Titania.. 12 characters French, .25 SHAW, George Bernard ♦How He Lied to Her Husband c 2m iw Brentano ♦Press Cuttings, c 3m 3W Brentano ♦Dark Lady of the Sonnets, c im 2w Brentano ♦Overruled, p Brentano ♦Heartbreak House ♦Great Catherine ♦O'Flatherty, V. C. ♦Inca of Perusalem ♦Agustus Does His Bit ♦The Bolshevik Princess Six plays in one volume Brentano, 1.75 62 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE SHAW, Mary The Parrot Cage, a im 7W Dramatic, .25 The Woman of It. c 9W Dramatic, .25 SHORES, Elsa. See BELMONT, Mrs. O. H. P. SIERRA, Gregorio Martinez *The Lover, c im 2w Stratford, July, 1919 *Love Magic, c 4111 3W Drama, Feb., 1917 *The Cradle Song. c. Two acts. 4m iow Poet Lore, 1.50 SINCLAIR, Upton. Plays of Protest The Second Story Man. d im iw Kennerley SOLOGUB, Feodor *The Triumph of Death. Three short acts, d 4m 2w Drama, August, 1916 SOPHOCLES Antigone. Eleven characters Baker, .25 SOTILLO, Antonio, and MICHO, Andres The Judgment of Posterity, p 5m iw..Poet Lore, 1.50 SOUVESTRE, Emile Mrs. Willis' Will, c 5W Dramatic, .15 SPEYER, Lady Love Me, Love My Dog. p 3m iw. .Smart Set, Jan., 1919 SPRINGER, Thomas G. Secrets of the Deep, p 7m Smart Set, June, 1914 STANWOOD, Louie R. A Quarter of an Hour, c 3m iw A. U. P. ms. The River, d 6m 5W A. U. P. ms. STEELL, W. Faro Nell, p 6m iw Baker, .15 STERLING, George *The Dryad, p im 2w Smart Set, Feb., 1919 STEWART, Anna B. Belles of Canterbury, c iiw French, .25 STEVENS, Henry Bailey. A Cry Out in the Dark The Meddler Bolo and Babette. In prep. The Madhouse Three plays in one volume Four Seas, 1.25 STEVENS, Wallace Three Travelers Watch a Sunrise, p 5m iw i Poetry, July, 191 6, .15 ST. HILL, T. N. Duty, p 2m Sheffield, May, 1916 I'l.AVS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 63 STRAMM, August ♦The Bride of the Moor, p 4m 2w ♦Sancta Susanna, p im 3W Two plays in one number Poet Lore, Winter, 1914 STRATTON, Charles The Coda, p im 2w Drama, May, 1918 STRINDBERG, August PLAYS. First Series ♦The Dream Play. The Link ♦The Dance of Death. Parts I and II PLAYS. Second Series ♦Creditors. p 2m iw ♦Pariah, p 2m ♦Miss Julia, p 3W ♦The Stronger, p 2w ♦There Are Crimes and Crimes PLAYS. Third Series ♦Swanwhite. A Fairy Play, p 10m 6w ♦Simoon, p 2m iw ♦Debit and Credit, p 6m 3W ♦Advent. Three acts, p 7m 3W ♦The Thunderstorm, p 8m 4W ♦After the Fire, p 11m 4W PLAYS. Fourth Series ♦The Bridal Crown. Six scenes, p 12m 8w others ♦The Spook Sonata, p 7m 6w ♦The First Warning, c im 4W ♦Gustavus Vasa. Five acts, d 20m 8w Four volumes Scribners, Each, 1.50 ♦TfiE Stronger Woman, p 2w ♦Motherly Love, p 4W Two plays in one volume Henderson, .50 ♦Paria. p 2m ♦Simoon, p 2m iw Two plays in one volume Henderson, .50 ♦Miss Julie, p im 2w Henderson, .35 ♦The Creditor, p 2m iw Henderson, .35 ♦Creditors p 2m iw ♦Pariah, p 2m - in one volume Scrihncr, .75 ♦1 | ST ♦Simoon. 2m iw ♦Dedit and Credit, p 6m 3W Badger, 1.50 Julie, p 2m iw Badger, 1.50 64 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE *The Creditor, p 2m iw Badger, 1.50 *Mother Love, p 4W Brown, .35 SUBERT, Frantisek Adolf Jan Vyrava. d 21m uw Poet Lore, 1.50 SUDERMANN, Herman. Roses *Streaks of Light, d 2m iw *Margot. d 4m 2W *The Last Visit, d 5m 3W *Far-away Princess, c 2m 7W Four plays in one volume Scribner, 1.25 Morituri *Teja. d 7m 2w *Fritzchen. d 5m 2W *Eternal Masculine, p 5m 2w Three plays in one volume Scribner, 1.25 *Johannes. p 4oi Poet Lore, Vol. XI, No. 2 SUTRO, Alfred. Five Little Plays The Man in the Stalls. 2m iw A Marriage Has Been Arranged, im iw The Man on the Kerb, im iw The Open Door, p ira iw The Bracelet, c 5m 3W Five plays in one volume Brentano, 1.00 The Bracelet, c 5m 3W French, .25 A Marriage Has Been Arranged, ira iw. .French, .25 The Correct Thing, p im iw French, .25 Ella's Apology, p im iw French, .25 A Game of Chess, p im iw French, .25 The Gutter of Time, p im iw French, .25 A Maker of Men. p im iw French, .25 The Man on the Kerb, im French, .25 The Open Door, p ira iw French, .25 Mr. Steinmann's Corner, p 2m 2w French, .25 The Salt of Life, p im iw French, .25 The Marriage Will Not Take Place, c 2m iw Harper's Bazar, April, 1918 SYMONS, Arthur Cleopatra in Judea. p 7m 3W Forum, June, 1916 SYNGE, John Millington *The Shadow of the Glen Luce, .75 *Riders to the Sea Luce, .75 *The Tinker's Wedding Luce, .75 *Deirdre of the Sorrows Luce, .75 TARKINGTON, Booth Beauty and the Jacobin, c 3m 2w Harper, 1.00 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 65 TERRELL, Maverick Honi Sorr. s im iw Smart Set, Jan., 1918 Temperament, c 2m aw Smart Set, Sept., 1916 TERRELL, Maverick, and STECHHAN, H. O. The Real "Q." c 3™ Smart Set, Sept., 1911 TCHEKOFF, Anton. Plays. First Series ♦The Swan Song, p 2m Scribner, 1.50 Plays. Second Series ♦On the High Road, p 8m 3W ♦The Proposal, c 2m iw ♦The Wedding, c 7m 3W ♦The Bear, c 2m iw ♦Tragedian in Spite of Himself, c 2m ♦Anniversary, c 2m iw Six plays in one volume Scribner, 1.50 ♦A Bear, c 2m iw French, .25 ♦The Marriage Proposal, c 2m iw French, .25 See Bechhofer. Five plays ♦On the Highway, d 6m 3W Drama, May, 1916 TENNYSON, Alfred Lord The Falcon, p 2m 2w Collected Works TERENCE ♦Phormio. c nm 2w French, .25 THEURIET, Jean ♦Jean Marie, p 2m iw French, .25 THOMAS, Brandon Highland Legacy, c 5m 2w French, .25 Lancashire Sailor, p 3m 2\v French, .25 Colour Sergeant, p 4m iw French, .25 THOMAS, Kate An Evening at Helen's, p 7W French, .25 A BIT Of Nonsense, c 8vv French, .25 THOMPSON, Alice C. Plays for Women Characters Her Scarlet Slippers, p 4W Penn, .15 An Irish Invasion, c 8w Baker, .15 A Knot of White Ribbon, p 3W Penn, .15 The Luckiest Girl. p 4W Denis on, .15 Much Too Sudden, p 7W Baker, .15 rrns. c 6w Bai > The Wrong Baby, c 8w Penn, .15 THOMPSON, Harlan One. p 2m .?w Smart Set, May, 19 "> The Mam Hunt, c sm iw. Smart Set, In 66 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE Pants and the Man. c 5m aw Smart Set, Nov., 1917 Geometrically Speaking, p 3m iw Smart Set, Nov., 1918 TINSLEY, Lily Cinders, p im iw French, .25 TOMPKINS, Frank G. *Sham. In prep, c 3m iw Shay, .35 TORRENCE, Ridgely. Three Plays for the Negro Theatre *Granny Maumee. p 3W *The Rider of Dreams, p 3m iw *Simon the Cyrenian. p iom 6w Three plays in one volume Macmillan, 1.50 TRADER, G. H. Shakespeare's Daughters, f nw French, .25 TREE, H. B. Six and Eightpence. c 2m iw French, .25 TRENT, J. J. Owin' to Maggie, c 3m 4W Baker, .25 TREVOR, Philip Under the Greenwood Tree, p 2m 5W French, .25 The Looking Glass, p 7) French, .25 TUBBS, A. L. A Double Deception. 2m 3W Baker, .15 TULL, J. B. The Slacker, p 2m 7W Baker, .25 UKRAINKA, L. *The Babylonian Captivity, d im j\ In Bechofer: Five Russian Plays. URCHLICKY, Jaroslav *At the Chasm, p 2m iw Poet Lore, Autumn, 1913 VIERECK, Geo. S. A Game of Love, p im 2w The Mood of a Moment, p 2m iw From Death's Own Eyes, p im 2w Question of Fidelity. p im iw The Butterfly, p 2m 3W Five plays in one volume Moffat von VIZIN, D. The Choice of a Tutor, c 5m 3w In Bechofer: Five Russian Plays. VAN ETTEN, G. The Vampire Cat. p 4m 2w Dramatic, .25 WALKER, Stuart. The Portmanteau Plays *The Trimplet. c 2m 4W *Nevertheless. c 2m iw PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 67 ♦Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil, c 5m 3W ♦The Medicine Show, c 3m Four plays in one volume Stewart, 1.50 WALKES, W. R. A Pair cf Lunatics, c im iw French, .15 Gentleman Jim. p im iw French, .25 WALLACE, A. C. Chrysanthemums, c 2m 2w French, .25 WARE, J. Herbert The Measure of the Man. p 3m iw Sheffield, June, 19 16 WARREN, M. J. The Substance of Ambition, p 3m iw Baker, .15 WARREN, P., and HUTCHINS, W. The Day That Lincoln Died, p 5m 2^.. Baker, .25 WASHINGTON SQUARE PLAYS, THE ♦Beach, L. The Clod, p 4m iw ♦Goodman, E. Eugenically Speaking, c 3m iw ♦Gerstenberg, A. Overtones, p 4W ♦Moeller, P. Helena's Husband, e 3m 2\v Four plays in one volume Doubleday, .75 ♦Langer, L. Another Way Out. c 2m $\v..Shay, .35 ♦Glaspell, S. Trifles. d 3m 2w Shay, .35 ♦Crocker, B. The Last Straw, d 2m iw 2}.. Shay, .35 ♦Andreyev, L. Love of One's Neighbor, s 15m 7W Shay, .35 ♦Cook and Glaspell. Suppressed Desires, s im 2w Shay, .50 ♦Cronyn, G. The Sandbar Queen, p 6m iw Arens, .35 ♦Moeller, P. Two Blind Beggars, etc. p 3m iw Arens, .35 ♦Maeterlinck, M. Interior MrRACLE of St. Antony Death of Tintagiles. See Author ♦Reed, J. Moondown. p 2w Masses ♦Tchekov, A. The Bear, c 2m iw French, .25 ♦Mackaye, P. The Antick. See Author ♦Schnitzler, A. Literature. See Author ♦Moeller, P. Roadhouse in Arden Sisters of Susanna Pokey. See Author ♦Wedekind, F. The Tenor, p 5m 3W Smart Set, June, 1913 68 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE *Akins, Z. The Magical City, p 7m 2w Forum, May, 1914 *deBRUEYS, D. A. Pierre Patelin. c 7m 2w French, .25 •Tchekov, A. The Sea Gull. See Author *Evreinov, N. See Bechofer: Five Russian Plays *Porto-Riche. Lovers' Luck. See Clark: Plays for the Free Theatre *Izumo, T. The Pine Tree. Bushido. See Author *Massay, E. Plots and Playwrights, c nm 6w Little, 1. 00 *M0LIERE. SGANARELLE. DOCTOR IN SPITE OF HIM- SELF. See Author ♦Strindberg, A. Pariah. See Author WATTS, Mary S. Three Short Plays An Ancient Dance. Two acts, p 6m 3W Civilization. p 5m 5W Wearin' o' the Green, c 8m 7W Three plays in one volume 1.25 WEDEKIND, Frank *The Tenor, p 5m 3W Smart Set, June, 1913 WEIL, Percival L. The Culprit, p 3m iw Smart Set, Feb., 1913 WELLMAN, Rita ♦The Lady with the Mirror, a 2m 2w Drama, Aug., 1918 ♦Dawn, p 2m iw Drama, Feb., 1919 ♦Funiculi Funicula. p 2m iw In Mayorga's "Representative One Act Plays." Little, 2.50 WELSH, Robert Gilbert Jezebel, p 6m 3W Forum, May, 1915 WENDT, Frederick W. Des Irae. p im iw Smart Set, July, 1911 WEST, Louise In Extremis, c im 5W.... A. U. P. ms. WHITE, Lucy The Bird Child, p 2m 2W ij :. .International, Nov., 1914 WILCOX, Constance Told in a Chinese Garden, p 10 characters Drama, May, 1919 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE 69 WILDE, Oscar Salome, d nm 2w Several editions Birthday of the Infanta WILDE, Percival. Dawn and other One Act Plays ♦Dawn, d 2m iw ij The Noble Lord, c 2m iw ♦The Traitor, d 7m The House of Cards, p im iw Playing with Fire, c im 2w ♦Finger of God. p 2m iw Six plays in one volume Holt, 1.35 Confessional, p 3m 3W ♦According to Darwin, p 3m 2w ♦A Question of Morality, c 3m iw The Beautiful Story, p im iw ij The Villian of the Piece, c 2m iw Five plays in one volume Holt Line of No Resistance, c im 2w French, .25 Saved, p 9m iw Smart Set, July, 1915 WILEY, Sara King Patriots, c 3m 2W French .25 WISCONSIN PLAYS First Series ♦Gale, Z. The Neighbors, d 2m 6w ♦Dickinson, T. H. In Hospital, c 3m 2w ♦Leonard, W. E. Glory of the Morning, p 3m 2w Three plays in one volume Huebsch, 1.25 Second Series ♦Illsey, S. M. Feast of the Holy Innocents, p sw ♦Sherry, L. On the Pier, p im iw ♦Jones, H. M. The Shadow, p 4m 2w ♦Gilman, T. We Live Again, p 6m 6w Four plays in one volume Huebsch, 1.50 WOLFF, Oscar M. Where but in America, c im 2w Smart Set, March, 1918 WORLD'S BEST PLAYS, The. Edited by Barrett H. Clark ♦Coppee, Francois. Pater Noster. p 3m 3W ♦Meilhac and Halevy. Indian Summer, c 2m 2w ♦Maurey, Max. Rosalie, c im 2w ♦Hervieu, Paul. Modesty, c 2m iw 70 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE ♦Tchekof, Anton. A Marriage Proposal, c 2m iw *de Musset and Augier. The Green Coat, c 3m iw ♦Giacosa, Giuseppe. The Wager, c 4m iw *Terrence. Phormio. c nm 2w ♦Rivoire, Andre. The Little Sheperdess. c im 2w ♦Plautius. The Twins, c 7m 2\v ♦Sardou, Victcrien. The Black Pearl, c 7m 3W ♦Tchekof, Anton. The Boor, c 2m iw ♦deBanville, Theo. Charming Leandre. c 2m iw ♦Augier, Emile. The Post Scriptum. c im 2w ♦Moliere. The Doctor in Spite of Himself, c 6m 3W *deCaillavet, G. A. Choosing a Career, c ♦Bernard, Tristan. French Without a Master, c 5m 2W *Meilhac and Halevy. Panurge's Sheep, c im 2w *Benedix, Roderich. The Law Suit, c 5m ♦Benedlx, Roderich. The Third Man. c im 3W ♦Moliere. The Sicilian. Two scenes, c 4m 3W ♦Moliere. The Affected Young Ladies, s 6m 3W ♦Bernard, Tristan. I'm Going! c im iw ♦Feuillet, Octave. The Fairy, c 3m iw ♦Feuillet, Octave. The Village, c 2m 2w *Labiche. Grammar, c 4m iw *Labiche. The Two Cowards, c 3m 2w *Lesage. Crispin, His Master's Rival, c 4m 3W *Marivaux. The Legacy, c 4m 2w ♦Gyalui, Wolfgang. After the Honeymoon, c im iw ♦Bouchor, Maurice. A Christmas Tale, p 2m 2w ♦France, Anatole. Crainquebille. 3 scenes, p 12m 6w ♦Theuriet, Andre. Jean Marie, p 2m iw ♦Picard, L. B. The Rebound, c 5m 2w ♦Aristophanes. Lysistrata. s 4m 5W ij Published by French, each, .25 WYNNE, Anna The Broken Bars, p 10m iow French, .25 YEATS, William Butler ♦The Countess Cathleen ♦The Land of Heart's Desire ♦The Shadowy Waters ♦The King's Threshold ♦On Baile's Strand ♦Deirdre Macmillan ♦The Green Helmet Macmillan ♦Where There Is Nothing Macmillan ♦The Hour Glass plays of the little theatre 71 ♦Cathleen In Houlihan *A Pot of Broth . ><4 Macmillan In the Seven Woods Macmillan YEHOASH ♦The Shunamite. p 3m iw Stratford, June, 1919 YIDDISH THEATRE: SIX PLAYS FOR First Series ♦Pinski, D. Abigail. 7m iw ♦Pinski, D. Forgotten Souls, ira 2w Aleichem, S. She Must Marry a Doctor. 3m 4W Ash, S. Winter, im 6w Ash, S. The Sinner. 9m iw Hirschbein, P. In the Dark. 3m 2w Six plays in one volume 1.50 Second Series Pinski, D. Little Heroes, p 6j Pinski, D. The Stranger, p 9m 6w Hirschbein, P. On the Threshold, p 4m 2w Levin, Z. Poetry and Prose, p im iw Kobrin, L. Black Sheep, p 3m 2w Kobrin, L. The Sweet of Life, p 2m iw Six plays in one volume Huebsch, 1.50 YOUNG, Sir C. L. Drifted Apart, p im iw Baker, .15 The Baron's Wager, c im iw Dramatic, .15 YOUNG, Stark. At the Shrine and other Plays ♦Addio. p 3m iw ♦Madretta. p 2m iw ♦At the Shrine, p im iw Three plays in one volume Shay, .75 ZANGWILL, Israel Six Persons, c im iw French, .25 Great Demonstration, c 2m iw French, .25 BIBLIOGRAPHIES Actable One Act Plays Chicago Public Library, 1916 A List of Plays and Pageants. Prepared by the Committee on Pageantry, War Work Council, Young Woman's Christian Associations. 1919 ... .Gratis Plays for Children. A ranged by Kate Oglcbay. Drama League of America. Chicago. 1915 25 72 PLAYS OF THE LITTLE THEATRE Plays for Amateurs. Arranged by John Mantel Clapp, Drama League of America. Chicago. 1915.. .25. Guide to Selecting Plays for the use of professionals and Amateurs. By Wentworth Hogg. French. 1916 .2$ The Dramatic Books and Plays. An annual com- pilation by Henry Eastman Lower and George Heron Milne. Boston Book Co each, .501? Bibliography of Published Plays and other Dra- matic Literature. Revised to 1915. Arranged by H. Newkirk Clugston. World Drama Prompters. La Jolla, Cal. Out of print oct m %m JUL 20 192£ -••■>"•■ .'• 4-2^37? YB 5317! THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY