LIBRARY ^ OF THE University of California. ©IFT OF i Class ' p Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation in thz ®itij of ^txa "^orfe LIBRARY BULLETINS No. 2 Books on Education IN THE Libraries of Columbia University NEW YORK Printed for the University igoi U3 Ube ftnicberbocber press, f^ew IJocb PREFATORY NOTE The rapid growth of the collection of books and pamphlets on Education in the librariqs of Columbia University and the large number of students, graduate and undergraduate, making constant use of them, have made almost necessary the printing of a catalogue, or finding-list, of the collection. The present edition of this catalogue is tentative in the sense that it will show what the Columbia University libraries possess on education and wherein the collection needs addi- tions in order to be as complete as possible. At the same time, it is believed that the catalogue, even in its tentative form, will be a useful bibliography of education for students of education elsewhere, as well as for those at Columbia , University. Where sets of State, municipal, and institutional reports are shown by the catalogue to be incomplete, the University libraries will welcome additions by gift. Titles marked C are to be found in the University Library, and those marked 7" are in the Bryson Library at Teachers College. College and university cata- logues and reports are in the University Library ; catalogues and reports of ele- mentary and secondary schools and of normal schools are in the Bryson Library. Where possible, the large number of books purchased while the catalogue has been passing through the press have been inserted in proof. The collection of Columbiana is purposely omitted, it being large enough to justify a special catalogue. The same is true of the large and important collec- tion of text-books of all subjects of elementary and secondary instruction, in the Bryson Library. The catalogue contains over 13,500 titles. In making up the list from the card-catalogues of two libraries there have been necessarily some conflicts of classification, but reference to the full author-index will enable any book to be found readily. Suggestions as to the correction or completion of the catalogue will be grate- fully received. 231952 iv PREFATORY NOTE The officers and students of Columbia University and all users of this cata- logue are indebted to the patient labor and scholarly zeal of Mr. Charles Alexan- der Nelson, head reference librarian in the University Library, under whose personal supervision the whole work has been done, and to Miss Elizabeth G. Baldwin, librarian of Teachers College, for the carefully prepared author-index. Nicholas Murray Butler, Professor of Philosophy and Education. Columbia University, August I, igoi. CLASSIFICATION 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY .... 1-2 Special bibliographies will be found at the beginning of several of the classes. , 2. CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTION- ARIES 3 3. SERIES AND COLLECTIONS . 3-5 4. COLLECTED ESSAYS . . 6-9 5. EDUCATIONAL SOCIETIES, CONFERENCES, AND COMMISSIONS . . . 9-14 6. EDUCATIONAL PERIODICALS 14-17 Mainly on the general subject ; for others see special topics. 7. HISTORY OF EDUCATION . 18-22 a. GENERAL . . ' , . 18-20 6. ANCIENT .... 20 c. MODERN .... 20-21 d. SPECIAL SYSTEMS : iv.'sx- ITS; jews; Mohammedans . 21-22 8. HISTORY AND PRESENT SYS- TEMS 22-54 National systems are included here, arranged alpha- betically by countries. See also No. i6, Secondary Education. FRANCE . GERMANY GREAT BRITAIN LAND . EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ENG- IT.-T.t 26-34 34-46 34-36 Publications of the Committe of Council on Education. LONDON — SCHOOL BOARD . WORKS ON EDUCATION IN ENG- LAND AND GREAT BRITAIN IRELAND COMMISSIONERS OF NATIONAL EDUCATION WORKS ON EDUCATION IN IRE. LAND SCOTLAND EDUCATION DEPARTMENT . WORKS ON EDUCATION IN SCOT LAND . ALGERIA . BELGIUM CHINA DENMARK EGYPT . FINLAND 36-37 37-40 40-43 40-41 41-43 43-46 43-44 44-46 46 46 46-47 47 47 47 GREECE . . 47 HOLLAND 47-48 HUNGARY 48 ICELAND .... 48 INDIA .... 48 ITALY .... 48-49 JAPAN .... 49-50 LIBERIA .... 50 NEW SOUTH WALES . 50 NORWAY 50 PORTUGAL . 50-51 QUEENSLAND 51 ROUMANIA . 51 RUSSIA .... 51 SARDINIA 51 SERVIA .... 51 SOUTH-AFRICAN REPL W- Lie ( TRANS VAALJ 51 SPAIN .... 52 SWEDEN .... 52 SWITZERLAND . 52 TURKEY 52 CANADA .... 52-53 CENTRAL AMERICA . 53 MEXICO .... 54 SOUTH AMERICA . 54 9. UNITED STATES 55-59 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS . 55 WORKS ON EDUCATION IN T HE UNITED STATES . 55-59 CUBA .... , 59 HAWAII .... ' 59 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS . 59 PORTO RICO 59 10. STATES AND TERRITORIES 59-81 Alphabetically arranged. State Universities are in- serted here as representing the highest grade of pub- lic instruction. II. CITIES AND TOWNS Alphabetically arranged. ifi. BIOGRAPHY .... a. COLLECTIVE b. INDIVIDUAL . 13. ORGANIZATION AND ADMIN- ISTRATION .... Includes school libraries and savings banks. 81-IOI 101-106 I0I-I02 102-106 IO6-II3 14. KINDERGARTEN . . . 113-120 a. SONGS, GAMES, STORIES, ETC. 118-120 VI CLASSIFICA TION PAGE 15. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION . 120-124 The general subject. For national systems see under No. 8. 16, SECONDARY EDUCATION . 124-137 a. SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN GREAT BRITAIN . . 132-133 b. SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES. 133-135 A selected list of representative schools. — c. STUDY OF THE CLA SSICS 1 35-137 17. HIGHER EDUCATION a. GENERAL . 137-212 137-141 Includes the discussion of the value of a liberal educa- tion. b. A CADEMIC COSTUME AND DEGREES — COL- LEGE SOCIETIES— STU- DENT LIFE . . . 141-143 c. FOREIGN .... 143-168 Colleges and Universities are entered alphabetically after the general works for each country. BELGIUM 143 FRANCE ..... 143-146 GERMANY I46-I55 GREAT BRITAIN . . . 156-164 GREECE 164 HOLLAND 164-165 INDIA 165 ITALY ..'... 165-166 JAPAN 166 NORWAY, DENMARK, AND SWE- DEN 166-167 PORTUGAL .... 167 RUSSIA 167-168 SPAIN 168 SWITZERLAND .... l68 18. HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES . . 168-212 UNIVERSITIES AND COL- LEGES IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA . 172-212 In alphabetical order. State Universities are placed under No. lo. States and Territories, pp. 59-81. 19. EDUCATION OF WOMEN (IN- CLUDING CO-EDUCATION, 212-222 20. PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 222-255 21. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING .... 255-269 Includes Applied Psychology. a. SPECIAL METHODS. . 269-297 ENGLISH 269-272 GEOGRAPHY .... 272-275 HISTORY 275-2*0 LANGUAGES, ANCIENT . . 280-282 MODERN : DUTCH, FRENCH, GERMAN .... 282-286 MATHEMATICS . MUSIC PHILOSOPHY POLITICAL SCIENCE 286-288 288-290 290 290-292 PAGB 292-296 296-297 297-306 306-307 307-308 308-313 SCIENCE, NATURAL . SOCIOLOGY .... 22. TRAINING OF TEACHERS Select list of Normal Schools, 304-306. 23. EXHIBITS AND MUSEUMS 24. ARCHITECTURE 25. CHILD STUDY .... 26. HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL TRAINING .... 313-323 27. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 323-333 See also the various Departmental Schools of Colleges and Universities under Nos. 10, 17, and 18. a. LA W . . . . . 323-327 b. MEDICINE .... 327-329 c. MILITAR Y AND NA VAL . 330-331 d. THEOLOGICAL . . . 331-333 28. SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL, AND ENGINEERING . 334-343 Select list of Schools and Institutes, 339-343. 29. ART AND INDUSTRIAL . Select list of Institutes, 349-350. a. HOME ECONOMICS AND HOUSEHOLD ART . 30. MANUAL TRAINING 31. COMMERCIAL . . 32. AGRICULTURE . 33. RELIGIOUS .... a. ETHICAL b. HOME AND SELF- CUL TURE .... 34. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION a. SUMMER SCHOOLS . 35. DEAF AND DUMB a. BLIND .... b. DEFECTIVES . 36. NEGRO EDUCATION a. INDIAN EDUCA TION 343-350 350-353 353-361 361-363 363-367 367-378 373-376 376-378 378-380 380 380-384 384-386 386-387 387-391 391-392 37. EDUCATION AND SOCIOLOGY 392-396 396-397 38. EDUCATION AND THE CHURCH . . . . 39. EDUCATION AND THE STATE 397-399 40. EDUCATION AND HEREDITY 399 41. EDUCATION AND CRIME . 400-403 The intention has been to duplicate titles as little as possible; therefore a work not found under the subject where it might be expected may be found, through the author-index, in some other place. I. BIBLIOGRAPHY Allain, Ernest. Les derniers travaux sur ITiistoire de I'instruction primaire ; etat actuel de la question. {In Revue des questions historiques, 1883, V. 33 : 516-56.) C Bailey, Thomas Pearce, Jr. Bibliographical references in ethology. Berkeley, i%()(). O. 25 p. (Univ. of Cal.— Lib. bull. No. 13.) C Bengel, Johann. Kulturhistorischer litteratur- nachweis. {In his Gesch, der methodik. 1896. p. 68-74.) c Bibliography of current periodical literature upon education. {In Education, an international magazine, 1881-1900.) T Bibliography [of state education]. {In Sub- jects of the day, no. i, 1890. p. 163-70.) C T Bolton, Frederick E. Authorities consulted. {In his Secondary school system of Germany. 1900. p. 385-90.) C T Buisson, Ferdinand Edouard. Bibliographic de pedagogic et d'instruction primaire. {In his Dictionnaire de pedagogic. 1882-87. v. i, pt. I : 194-251.) C T Repertoire des ouvrages pedagogiqucs du xvi* si^cle. (Bibliotheques de Paris et des departe- ments.) [Anon.j Paris, 1886. O. 16 + 733 p. C {Also in Musee pedagogique. Mem. et doc. scol. 1884-92. No. 3.) C Resume du Repertoire, etc, (Musee peda- gogique. Mem. no. 25, 1887.) C Burnham, William Henry. [Bibliography of pedagogy.] {In Clark University. Decennial celebration. 1899. p. 163-g.) C Burtsall, Sara A. Bibliography. {In her Education of girls in the U. S." 1894. p. 183-90.) CT California, University of — Dept. of Pedagogy. Catalogue of books in the pedagogical section of the University Library. Berkeley, 1894. O. 66 p. C Davidson, Thomas. Bibliography. {In his History of education. 1900. p. 277-82.) C T Fay, Edward Allen. Marriages of the deaf. ] Bibliography. {In 98. p, 500-19.) his C Fick, R. (Dr.). Bibliographic. {In his Auf Deutschlands hohen schulen. 1900. p. 473-80.) C Field, Mrs. E. M. (Story). The child and his book ; some account of the history and progress of children's literature in England. 2d ed. london [189I]. O. 6 -+- [I] -1-358 p. ill. pi. facsim. C T Das gesamte erziehungs- und untcrrichtswe- sen in den landcm deutscher zunge ; Bibliogra- phisches verzeichniss . . . der biicher . . . zur deutschen erziehungs- und unterrichts-wissen- schaft ; hrsg. von K. Kehrbach. v. I. — Namen- und sachregister. Berlin, 1896. O. 2 v. C Hall, Granville Stanley, and Mansfield, J. M. Hints toward a select and descriptive bibliography of education ; arranged by topics and indexed by authors. Boston, 1886. D. 15 + 309 p. C T Hazlitt, William Carew. Schools, school- books, and schoolmasters. . . London, 1888. D. 6 + 300 p. C T Inverardi, Riccardo. Bibliografia dell' edu- cazione e dell' istruzione. Pt. i. Milano, 1893. O. C lo'wa. State University of. A bibliography of the publications of the U niversity and its members. (Bulletin, n. s. No. 8.) Iowa City [I90O]. O. 64 p. C Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen schulanstalten erschienenen abhandlungen. 1.-6. 1889-94. Berlin, 1890-95. O. C Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen universitaten erschienenen schriften, 1.-14. 1885-99. Berlin, 1887-99. O. C Sach-register zu . . . 1.-5. Berlin, 1891. O. C Jahresverzeichnls der schweizerischen uni- versitatsschriften, 1897-99. Basel, 1898-99. O. 2 v. C Compiled by K. C. BemouilU. Joly, Henri. Bibliographie des principaux ou- vrages relatifs a la pedagogic. {In his Notions de pedagogic. 1884. p. 287-96.) C Eatterfeld, Alfred. Bibliography. {In his Roger Ascham. 1879. p. 354-69.) C Elussmann, Rudolf. Systematisches verzeich- niss der abhandlungen welche in den schulschrif- ten samtlicher an dcm program mtausche tcil- nehmendcn lehranstaltcn vom 1876-85, 1886-90 erschicnen sind. . . Leipzig, 1889-93. O. 2 v. C Koehler, K. F. Bibliotheca pacdagogica ; ver- zeichnis von werken der erziehungs- und unter- richtswissenschaft von gangbaren schulbtichern, wQrterbuchern. . . 5. ausgabe. Leipzig, 1895? O. 78 p. C Lange, Wichard. Bibliography of Frobel. {In Frobel, Friedrich. Autobiography. 1889. p. 145-52.) c Leipzig, Padagogische Centralbibliothek (Co- men ius-Stiftung). Katalog. 1. Bd. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1892. O. [7] + 144 p. C Mac Alister, James. Catalogue of the peda- gogical library and books of reference in the office of the superintendent of public schools . . . Phila- delphia ; with bibliographical notes. . . Phila- delphia, 1887. D. 12 -t- 184 p. C T iP:',: EDUCA TION Mac Alister, James. Supplement. . , Phila- delphia^ 1890. D. 10 + 47 p. C T Monroe, Will Seymour. Bibliography of edu- cation. New York, 1897. D. 24 + 202 p. (In- ternat. ed. ser., ed. by W. T. Harris.) C T Bibliography of Henry Barnard. Boston, 1897. O. 10 p. C A pedagogical library ; reprinted from the Pacific educational journal. Oakland, 1892. O. 12 p. C Morrison, Gilbert B. Bibliography of school- house architecture and sanitation. (/« his School architecture and hygiene. 1900. p. 53-56.) C T MuUer, Johannes. Quellenschriften und ge- schichte des deutschsprachlichen unterrichtes bis zur mitte des 16. jahrhunderts. Gotha, 1882. O. II + 420 p. C Munroe, James Phinney. Bibliography. {In his Educational ideal. 1895. p. 233-47). C T Musee pedagogique. Catalogue des ou- vrages et documents. Paris, 1886-89. Q- 3 v C — Catalogue des periodiques scolaires, fran^ais et etrangers re9us par le Musee [1887-88]. (Mem. et doc. no. 24.) Paris, 1888. O. 38 p. C Nederlandsch Onderwijzers - Genootschap. Catalogus van de paedagogische bibliotheek. Am- sterdam, 1891. O. [8] 4- 225 p. C [6] + 248 p. Supplement. Amsterdam, li O. C Aanwinsten, 1899-1900. Amsterdam, 1900. O. 42 p. C New York (State) University. Textbook table for 1899: [Textbooks used in high schools, academies . . . during the last 10 years. Albany, 1899.] O. 13 p. C Ollendon, E. d'. Bibliographie de I'enseigne- ment priniaire, 1878-88. (/« Recueil des monog- raphies pedagogiques. . . Exposition universelle de 1889. V. 3: 73-184.) C Paris— Universal Exposition, 1878. Cata- logue of the U. S. collective exhibition of educa- tion. . . London, 1878. p. 43-ni. C T Paulsen, Friedrich. VoUstandige titel der haufiger angefUhrten schriften. {In his Geschichte des gelehrten unterrichts auf den deutschen schulen und universitaten. 1885. p. 797-803) and {In his 2d ed. of same, 1897. Bd. 2: 704-11.) C T Peabody Institute (Baltimore). Catalogue of the library. Part 2, 1885.— Second catalogue. Part 3, 1898. O. C Each volume has several columns of analytical entries under Education. Perry, Edward Delavan. Brief bibliography. {In his The American university, iqoo. p. 66- 68.) : ^ V ^ Quick, Robert Hebert. Essays on educational reformers; ed. rewritten in 1890. [Appendix] p. 527-47, New York, 1890. D. C T Rappold, Jakob. Gymnasialpadagogischer wegweiser. 2. . . vermh. aufl. Wien, 1894. O. [3] + 130 p. C Rein, Georg Wilhelm. Litteratur zur schulre- formfrage ; Litteratur zur lehrerbildungsfrage fUr hohere schulen. (Anhang in his Am ende der schul- reform ? 1893. p. 74-92. ) CT Resum^ du repertoire des ouvrages pedago- giques au xvi« siecle. Paris, iSS"]. O. 3 -|- 123 p. (Musee pedagogique. Mem. et doc. no. 25.) C Sanford, Edmund Clark. [Bibliography of psychology.] (In Clark University. Decennial celebration. 1899. p. 124-31, 133-40.) C Sonnenschein, William Swan. Education. {In his Best books. 1S87. p. 163-67.) C T {In his Reader's guide. 1S95. p. 214-35.) C T Select and systematic bibliography of pedagogy. {In his Cyclop, of ed. 1889. p. 529- 62.) c T South Kensington Museum. Catalogue of the education library. . . London, 1893. Q. 8 + 234 p. C Stoy, Karl Volkmar. Encyclopadie der pada- gogik. Leipzig, 1861. O. 8 + 343 p. C Encyklopadie, methodologie und litera- tur der padagogik. 2. aufl. mit einem vollstand. register. Leipzig, 1878. O. lo -h 478 p. T Strassburger, B. Bibliographie der jiidi- schen padagogie in chronologischer ordnung. {In his Geschichte der erziehung. 1885. p. 273-310.) CT U. S. — Education, Bureau of. Catalogue of educational literature, part I : Analytical index to Barnard's American journal of education [ 185 5-81, 31 v., by W. I. Fletcher]. Washington, 1892. O. 128 p. C T Publications, from 1867 to 1890, with subject-index. (Reprint of chap. 35 of Report of Commissioner of ed. for 1888-89.) Washington, 1891. O. p. 1453-1551. C T Wolf's philosophisch-padagogisches vademe- cum ; . . . Philosophie, padagogik und des anschau- ungs-unterrichtes. No. 5, Bd. x : Die litteratur von 1882-1886 ; Paedagogik, n. f. Bd. 2 : Die lit- teratur von 1886-go. Mit register der schlagworter. Leipzig, n. d. D. 2 v. C Wolter, August. Padagogisches vademekum ; eine nachweisung gediegener padagogischer aufsatze und broschtiren. Giitersloh, 1892. D. 8 4- 123 p. C Wyer, J. I., and Lord, I. E. Bibliography of education for 1899. {In Educational review, v. 19 : 334-^3.) C T To be continued in the April number of each year. Other Bibliographies may be found under special topics. SERIES AND COLLECTIONS 2. CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES American educational annual ; a cyclopaedia. , . . New York, 1875. O. v. i. C Buisson, Ferdinand Edouard. Dictionnaire de pedagogic et d'instruction primaire. Paris, 1882- 87. Q. 2 V. in 4 pts. C T Encyklopadie des gesammten erziehungs- und unterrichtswesens. 2. verb. aufl. Gotha, 1876-87. Q. 10 V. C T Edited by K. A. Schmid. Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, Alexander J., edi- tors. Cyclopsedia of education. . . New York, 1877. Q. 5 + 868 + II p. C 3d edition. 1883. T liindner, Gustav Adolf. Encyklopadisches handbuch der erziehungskunde. . . Wien, 1884. O. 5 + 1039 P- il^- Pl- C T Rein, Georg Wilhelm, compiler . Encyklopa- disches handbuch der padagogik. Langensalza, 1895-99. Q. 7 V. C T Sander, F. Lexikon der padagogik ; hand- buch flir lehrer und erzieher. . . 3. aufl. Bres- lau, 1889. O. 729 p. T Schmid, Karl Adolf, buch fUr schule und haus. , zig, 1883-85. O. 2 V. Padagogisches hand- . 2. . . aufl. Leip- C Sonnenschein's cyclopsedia of education ; a handbook ... on all subjects connected with ed- ucation . . . ed. by A. E. Fletcher. London, i9>%(). O. [6] + 562 p. C T Stoy, Karl Volkmar. Encyclopadie der pada- gogik. Leipzig, 1861. O. 8 + 343 p. C Encyklopadie, methodologie und literatur der padagogik. 2. . . verm. aufl. Leipzig, 1878. O. 10 + 478 p. T Vogel, August, der padagogik. . . 240 p. Systematische encyklopadie Eisenach, 1881. O. 12 + C 3. SERIES AND COLLECTIONS Author analytical entries of the contents of nearly all of these will be found under their subjects throughout this catalogue. Aus der schule fiir die schule ; belehrende pada- gogische abhandlungen und aufsatze. Neuwied, 1895-1900. O. No. 62-88 in 2 V. C Bibliothek der katholischen padagogik ; hrsg. . . . von F. X. Kunz. Freiburg im Bresgau, 1888- 96. O. V. 1-9. C Bibliothek padagogischer klassiker ; eine sammlung der bedeutensten padagogischen schrif- ten alterer und neuerer zeit ; hrsg. von Friedrich Mann. Langensalza, 1876-1900 [V. i, '89]. O. v. 1-37. iU. pi. tab. C T College, The, and the church : The " How I was educated" papers and denominational "Con- fessions." New York, 1887. O. 214 p. C Edited from the Forum by L. S. Metcalf. For contents see " How I was educated " papers, below. Great educators [series] ; edited by Nicholas Murray Butler. New York, 1 892-1900. D. v. i-io. C T Handbuch der erziehungs- und unterrichts- lehre fiir hOhere schulen . . . hrsg. von A. Bau- meister. Miinchen, 1895-98. O. 4 v. in 6. maps. C Higher education and a common language. New York, 1879. 120 p. O. (Atlas ser ; No 9.) Contents : ^ Hamerton, P. G. International communication by language. Reform in higher education. McCosh, Rev. James. Upper schools. Elliott, Charles. Study of the Greek and Latin classics. Gubernatis, Angelo de. University system in Italy. Palmer, Ray. Universal education. Drone, E. S. Industrial art education in the United States. " How^ I was educated " papers, from the Forum magazine. New York, 1889 [C. '87]. O. 126 p. Contents : ^ "^ [Papers byj E. E. Hale, T. W. Higginson, F. A. P. Barnard, J. H. Vincent, W. T. Harris, S. C. Bartlett, J. R. Kendrick, Timothy Dwight, E. G. Robinson, J. B. Angell, A. D. White. International education series ; edited by William T. Harris. New York, 1886-1901. D. v. 1-49. C T Die klassiker der padagogik ; hrsg. von Gus- tav Frohlich. Langensalza, 1887-99 \y- i> 189O]. D. V. 1-16, 18-19 in 10. C T Monumenta Germaniae paedagogica; hrsg. von K. Kehrbach. Berlin, 1886-1900. O. ill. por. maps, facsim. tab. v. 1-21. C Kurzgefasster plan der Monumenta Ger- maniae paedagogica . . . hrsg. von Karl Kehr- bach. Berlin, n. d. O. 48 -H 8 p. C Mus6e Pedagogique et Bibliotheque centrale de I'enseignement primaire. Memoires et documents scolaires. i. ser. Paris, 1884-92. O. No. 1-20, 23-25, 27-36, 38, 40-44, 46-48, 50-52, 54-55, 57, 60-63, 68-72, 74-75, 77-80, 84-85, 89-92, 95-96, 101-107, no, 112, 115, 117-120. C T For second series see Rbcusil des monographies pMago- giques, 1889, below. Neudrucke padagogischer schriften, hrsg. von Albert Richter. Leipzig, 1890-96. D. ill. No. 1-15. c EDUCATION New^ ITork teachers' monographs. New York, 1898-1900. Q. V. i-v. 3, no. I. C T Padagogische bibliothek. 1.-20. Bd. rwver, 1878-99. O. 20 v. Han- C Padagogische bibliothek Richter. Leipzig, 1874-82. O. Padagogische klassiker ; Lindner. Wien, 1877-90. O. hrsg. von Karl . 1-4, 7-16. T hrsg. von G. 18 V. A. T Padagogische zeit- und streitfragen ; flug- schriften zur kenntnis der padagogischen bestre- bungender gegenwart ; hrsg. von Johannes Meyer. Gotha, 1888-97. O. por. v. 1-9. C Recueil de monographies pedagogiques publiees a I'occasion de I'Exposition scolaire suisse, Geneve, 1896. Lausanne, 1896. O. 7 + 388 p. 2 tab. C Recueil des monographies pedagogiques pub- liees a I'occasion de I'Exposition universelle de 1889. Paris, 1889. O. 6 V. C T Royal Institution of Great Britain. Lectures on education. London, 18 ss- D. 7 + 3i6p, C Sanunlung der bedeutendsten padagogischen schrif tten aus alter und neuer zeit ; mit biographieen erlauterungen und erklarenden anmerkungen ; hrsg. von Bemhard Schulz ... J. Gansen . . . A. Keller. . . Paderborn, 1888-99. J^- v. 1-24. C Sammlung padagogischer abhandlungen; hrsg. von O. Frick und H. Meier. Halle, 1889-92. O. 6 v. in I. C Sammlung padagogischer vortrage ; hrsg. vom Bremischen Lehrer-verein. Bremen, 1886. O. v. I. Ill p. C No more published. Sammlung padagogischer vortrage ; hrsg. von Wilhelm Meyer-Markau. Bielefeld, 1888-99. O- V. i-ii. C Sammlung selten gewordener padagogischer schriften des 16. und 17. jahrhunderts ; hrsg. von August Israel. Zschopau, 1879-93 [pt. i, 1893.] O. pt. I-13. pi. C Sanunlung von abhandlungen aus dem gebiete der padagogischen psychologie und physiologic ; hrsg. von H. Schiller und Th. Ziehen. Berlin, 1897-1900. O. V. 1-3. C School issues of the day. [Syracuse, 1890.] O. No. 1-15 in I V. n. t.-p. T Contents : 1. Denominational schools : Discussion at the National Association, 1889. 2. Harris, W. T. Educational value of manual training. 3. Art education. 4. Gray, T. J. Methods of instruction in nor- mal schools. 5. Hinsdale, B. A. Pedagogical chairs in colleges. 6. Canfield, J. H. Opportunities of the poor for higher education. 7. Smith, C. F. Honorary degrees. 8. Bardeen, C. W. Present status of the town- ship system. 9- Effect of the college-preparatory high school. 10. Sabin, H. Organization and system. 11. Maxwell, W. H. Examinations. 12. Cooper, O. R. Compulsory laws. 13. Harris, W. T. University extension. 14. General government. 15- Report on pedagogical observation. Schiitze, H., tr. Auslese aus den werke be- rlihmter lehrer und padagogen des mittelalters (Alcuin, Rabanus Maurus, Joh. Gerson, u. a.) ins Deutsche Ubertragen. Giitersloh, 1879-80. D. 5 pts. in I V. c Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. The schoolmaster : Essays on practical education, selected from the works of Ascham, Milton, Locke, and Butler ; from the Quarterly journal of educa- tion ; and from Lectures delivered before the American Institute of Instruction. London, 1836. D. 2 V. C Teachers College. Educational leaflets. New York, 1887-92. O. No. 1-82. T No more published. Contents : 1. Argument for manual training. 2. Public education in Germany. 3. Albany report on manual training. 4. Manual training at Springfield, Mass. 5. Study of History in' Continental Schools. 6. Scientific treatment of education. (Reprinted from the New Princeton Review, 1886.) 7. New York City Schools during 1887. (Trans- lated from the N. Y. Staats Zeitung, 1888). 8. Naas Seminary for teachers of manual train- ing. (From Science, 1887.) 9. What the teachers recommend in France. 10. Manual training school. (From Higher Ground, by Augustus Jacobson.) 11. St. Paul report on manual training. 12. Rutherford B. Hayes on manual training. 13. Are words the only means of expressing thought? By Charles H. Ham. 14. Detroit report on manual training. 15. Swedish manual training (Principal Robert P. Keep in the Academy, 1887). 16. Preliminary New Jersey report on manual training. 17. Somerville, Mass., report on manual train- ing. 18. Argument against manual training. (From the Teacher, 1888.) 19. Work of the Hebrew Technical Institute. (From the annual report of the director, H. M. Leipziger.) 20. Education applied to agriculture, by D. L. Kiehle. (From Farm, Stock and Home.) 21. Universal song, by T. F. Seward. 22. A sample argument by Chas. H. Ham. 23. Concerning a few definitions, by Prof. C. M. Woodward, St. Louis Manual Training School. 24. Notes on educational progress in Europe. 25. Manual training in the Paris schools, by Laurence Gronlund. (From the Christian Union, 1888.) 26. Economic advantage of introducing the Swedish wood-sl6jd into schools, by Miss E. T. Hughes. (From the translations of the Cambridge Economic Club.) 27. Sir Henry Roscoe on manual training. SERIES AND COLLECTIONS 5 Teachers College (continued) 28. Progress of manual training at Albany, N. Y., by C. W. Cole. (From the annual report of the Superintendent of schools for the year ending Aug. 31, 1888.) 29. Farewell address to the students at Naas, by Herr Otto Salomon. 30. Profession of teaching, by Edgar D. Shimer, 31. How teachers are handicapped, by Caroline B. LeRow. (Address before the Woman's Club of Brooklyn, 1889.) 32. Determining the qualifications of teachers, by A. S. Draper. 33. Form study and drawing. (Report presented to the Conference of educational workers.) 34. The Educational Times on manual training. (An editional in the London Educational Times.) 35. How to introduce drawing in public schools, by C. E. Meleney. (From the annual report of the Superintendent of schools, Somerville, Mass.) 36. What is slojd? (Reprinted from the publi- cations of the English Slojd Institute.) 37. Wanted — Rational modes of teaching. (From the London Globe.) 38. Manual training at Montclair, N. J., by R. H. Cornish. 39. Play. (London Educational Times, 1889.) 40. French infants' schools. (London School Guardian.) 41. Kindergarten and the public school. (To the school committee of Springfield, Mass.) 42. Art in manual training schools. The report of the Committee on annual exhibit at the Chicago Manual Training School. 43. Education at the Paris Exhibition, by Nich- olas Murray Butler. (From the Christian Union.) 44. Manual training, by Mrs. A. B. Hervey. 45. Kindergarten and form study and dra"wing. (Report presented to the N. Y. Conference of edu- cational workers, 1889.) 46. Reply to critics by Ellen E. Kenyon. 47. Sloyd students at Naas, by J. S. Thornton. (From Manchester Guardian, 1889.) 48. Technical instruction act, 1889. 49. Outline of a university department of peda- gogy, by James Mac Alister. 50. Work of the Manchester Art Museum, by Josephine C. Locke. 51. Gustave Adolphe Salicis, by Nicholas Mur- ray Butler. 52. Value of concentration, by G. Stanley Hall. (From his inaugural address at Clark University.) 53. How shall the public be convinced of the necessity of professionally trained teachers ? by J. P. Gordy. 54. Municipal libraries of Paris, by Nicholas Murray Butler. (From Christian Union.) 55. Education at the Elmira Reformatory. (From the report for 1889.) 56. Education at the Exhibition of 1892. (An address delivered Feb. 18, 1890.) 57. Worth of manual training, by Thomas Egleston. 58. Visit to a French training college. (From London School Guardian.) 59. A day in the kindergarten (Teachers College). 60. Fifty questions on the history of education, by W. L. Hervey. 61. Cooking schools, by Thomas Egleston. 62. Swedish system of physical training. (From special report by Board of supervisors, Boston.) 63. Educational museums, by W. H. Widgery. 64. Recreation in study. (From University Ex- tension Journal.) 65. How to choose a school, by H. H. Boye- sen. (From Christian Union, 1890.) 66. Manual training in English schools, by Sir Philip Magnus. 67. Progressive steps taken by the Swedish sloyd instruction, by Otto Salomon. 68. Education value of mathematics, by James Ward. (From Journal of Education, London.) 69. Education value of languages, by James Ward. (From Journal of Education, London.) 70. Physical training, by Caroline McGuire. 71. Lessons in wheat, by Miss F. E. Mann. (From Kindergarten, 1891.) 72-73. Jubilee of Tonic sol-fa, by J. C. Hadden. (From Macmillan's Magazine, 1891.) 74. Education in France. (From London School Guardian.) 75. Dr. Munsterberg's researches in experimen- tal psychology. (From the Athenseum.) 76-77. How the child becomes a learner, by James Sully. (From Educational Times.) 78. Fellowship of suffering, by Charles H. Parkhurst, D.D. (From a sermon.) 79. Mission kindergartens for New York, by Angeline Brooks. (From Christian Union.) 80. Two teachers, by Bishop Huntington. (From " Unconscious tuition.") 81. A psychological study, by Jenny B. Merrill. 82. Philosophy of the kindergarten, by Angeline Brooks. (From Christian Union, 1882.) Teachers College. Educational mono- graphs, edited by Nicholas Murray Butler. Ne-io York, 1888-91. V. 1-3, v. 4, no. i. T Contents : V. I, No. I. Oilman, D. G. Plea for the train- ing of the hand. 2. Belfield, H. H. Manual training and the public school. 2. Magnus, Sir Philip. Education in Bavaria. 3. Wey, H. D. Physical and industrial train- ing of criminals. 4. Spring, L. W. Mark Hopkins, teacher. 5. Browning, Oscar. Aspects of education. 6. Salomon, Otto. Slojd in the school. V. 2, No. 1-2. Sluys, A. Manual training in elementary schools for boys. 3. Hannak, E. Training of teachers in Austria. 4. Richards, Mrs. E. H. Domestic economy in public education. 5. French, J. H. Form study and drawing in the common schools. 6. Barnard, Charles. Graphic methods in teaching. V. 3, No. I. Richard, C. R. & O'Neil, H. P. Manual training in the public schools. 2. Mac Alister, James. Manual training in the public schools of Philadelphia. 3. Salicis, A. Manual training in France. 3. Carter, H. J. The teaching of color. 4. Ham, C. H. Co-education of mind and hand. 5. Brown, J. C. Hand-craft. 6. Leipziger, H. M. Education of the Jews. V. 4, No. I. Brooks, A., ed. Studies from the kindergarten. Teachers* professional library ; edited by Nicholas Murray Butler. New York, 1900. D. V T T EDUCATION 4. COLLECTED ESSAYS Baker, James Hutchins. Education and life ; papers and addresses. London, 1900, D. 10 -|- 254 p. C T Barnard, Henry, editor. True student life ; ■7 letters, essays, and thoughts on studies and conduct. . . . 2d ed. Hartford, i?>Ti. O. 552 p. (Papers for the teacher ; Henry Barnard, ed. v. 17.) T Bout^rell, George Sewall. Thoughts on edu- cational topics and institutions. Boston, 1859. ^• 365 p. C Buckland, Anna. Greetings and farewells : School addresses at the opening and close of term. London, 1891. D. 8 + 178 p. T Butler, Henry Montagu, D.D. Public school sermons. London, 1899. D. 271 p. C Butler, Nicholas Murray. Meaning of educa- tion, and other essavs and addresses. New York, 1898. D. II + 230 p. C T [Ten papers on educational topics.] Boston, etc., 1888-90. O. C Each paper is entered under its subject in this catalogue. Caird, John. University addresses . . . on sub- jects of academic study, delivered to the University of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1898. O. 8 + 383 p. C College addresses 1823-78. O. 10 v. C Inaugural, baccalaureate, and other addresses on academic and religious education, as follow ; Adams, C. K. Relations of higher education to national prosperity. 1876. v. 10, no. 2. Adams, J. Inaugural discourse, Geneva, N. Y. 1827. V. 6, no. 4. Albany (N. Y.). Young Men's Association. Speeches in behalf of the University of Al- bany. 1852. V. 8, no. 7. Allen, William H. Baccalaureate address, Dickinson College. 1840, v. 6, no. 10. Amherst College — Alumni. Addresses com- memorative of Prof. Snell. 1877. v. 10, no. 7. . Relations of learning and religion ; ad- dresses at inauguration of J. H. Seelye. 1877. v. 10, no. 8. Aydelott, B, P. Duties of American citizens ; address. 1840, v. 8, no. i. Baldwin School (St. Paul). Addresses and catalogue for 1853. v. 8, no. 5. Barker, G. F. Forces of nature ; address, Union College. 1863. v. 3, no. 7. Barnard, F. A. P. Oration before the Ala- bama Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa. 1854. V. 4, no. 8. Benedict, E. C. Address on taking the chair of the University convocation, 1878. v. 10, no. I. Bradley, J. P. Progress ; address, Rutgers College. 1849. V. 5, no. 10. Burlington College, N. J. Fourth of July, 1850. v. 7, no. 6. Butler, Benjamin F. Anniversary discourse . . . before the Albany Institute. 1830. v. 8, no. 3. The military profession m the U. S. 1839. v. 5, no. 3. Caldwell, Charles. Thoughts on the spirit of improvement. 1835. v. 4, no. 10. Caldwell, Merritt. Address ... at com- mencement of Dickinson College. 1835. v. 7, no. 7. Carnahan, James. Dangers of a college life; discourse. Princeton, 1843. v. 6, no. 12. Coit, Rev. T. W. Inaugural address, Morri- son College. 1835. V. 2, no. 9. Cunningham, Robert. Inaugural address as prof, of ancient languages, Lafayette College. 1838. V. 2, no. II. Dallas, George M. Address at Princeton. 1831. V. 6, no. 5. Davidson, Robert. Inaugural address, Morri- son College. 1840. v. I, no. 2. DeLancey, William H. Address . . . before the trustees of the University of Pennsylva- nia. 1830. V. 7, no. 12. Douglass, D. B. Further statement connected with the removal of the author from the pres- idency of Kenyon College. 1843. v. 7, no. I. Drake, Daniel. Discourse on the history, character and prospects of the West. 1834. V. 3, no. ID. Discourse on the philosophy of discipline. 1834. V. 3, no. 9. Emory, Robert. Address ... at Dickinson College. 1835. V. 8, no. 2. Duty ; address, Wesleyan University. 1843. V. 5, no. 4. Eve, P. F. Address at the Medical College of Georgia. 1837. v. 10, no. 5. Everett, Edward. Speech in support of the memorial of Harvard, Williamsand Amherst Colleges. 1849. V- 9> "o. 14. Fairbairn, R. B. Influence of the college on society. 1871. v. 7, no. 4. Eraser, Charles. Address, College of Charles- ton. 1834. V. 4, no. 9. Gladstone, W. E. Address, Liverpool College. 1872. V. 9, no. 9. Grimke, T. S. Oration on the comparative elements and duties of Grecian and American eloquence. 1834. v. 3, no. 12. Hagner, T. H. Address before Theta Delta Phi of St. John's College. 1837. v. 5, no. I. Hale, Benjamin. Baccalaureate address, Geneva College. 1839. v. 6, no. 9. Inaugural address, Geneva College. 1836. V. t, no. I. Hamilton College. Public exercises at the in- auguration of S. W. Fisher. 1858. v. I, no. 7. Harvard University. Roll of students who served in the army or navy during the war of the rebellion. 1869. v. 8, no. 10. Hawkins, D. A, Anglo-Saxon race ; address, Syracuse University, 1875. v. 9, no. 15. Henry, C. S. Importance of exalting the in- tellectual spirit of the nation. 1836. v. 4, no. II. Hill, John. Address, University of North Carolina. 1843. v. 5, no. 6. COLLECTED ESSA YS College addresses (continued) Hill, Thomas. Address, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Harvard College. 1858. v. 4, no. 2. Hitchcock, Rev. Edward. Inaugural address, Amherst College. 1845. v. i, no. 3. Hoffman, David. Lecture, in the University of Maryland. 1825. v. 7, no. 11. Hoyt, J. W. National University. 1874. ^- 9' no. 2. Joslin, B. F. Privileges and duties of man as a progressive being. 1833. v. 4, no. 5. Kent, George. Oration before New Hamp- shire Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa. 1832. V. 4, no. 7. Kerfoot, J. B. Three addresses at College of St. James. 1846, 1847, 1848. v. 3, no. 4. Lindsley, Rev. Philip. Address at inaugura- tion of president of Ci^berland College. 1825. V. 2, no. I. — Baccalaureate address at Nashville Uni- versity. 1829. v. 2, no. 6. Baccalaureate address at Nashville Uni- versity. 1832. V. 2, no. 5. Speech in behalf of the University of Nashville. 1837. v. 6, no. 8. Loomis, Elias. Inaugural address. 1838. v. 2, no. 10. Louisiana — Geographical survey. Second an- nual report. 1871. V. 9, no. 5. Topographical survey. Second annual report. 1871, v. 9, no. 4. Louisiana State University. Annual report. 1870. V. Q, no. 3. Lowrie, Walter H. Address . . . Western University of Pennsylvania. 1843. v. 6, no. 14. Ludlow, Rev. J. Address on his inauguration as provost of University of Pennsylvania. 1834. V. 2, no. 4. M'Cartney, Washington. Discourse, La Fay- ette College, on the study of mathematics. 1840. V. 6, no. II. M'Dowell, James. Address before Alumni Assoc, of College of New Jersey. 1838. v. 5. no. 2. Maclean, Rev. John. Inauguration, College of New Jersey. 1854. v. i, no. 6. Mason, Rev. R. S. Inaugural address, Newark College. 1836. V. 2, no. 8, Maury, A. P. Address on the choice of a pro- fession, Cumberland University. 1847. v. 6, no. 6. Metcalf, Theron. Address to Phi Beta Kappa Society of Brown University. 1832. v. 4, no. I. Missouri University. Inauguration of S. S. Laws. 1876. v. 10, no. 6. Report by the curators to the Governor. 1876. V. 10, no. 10. National University — Law Dep't. Address at third commencement. 1874. v. 9, no. 6. New York (City) College. Address of the associate alumni. 1869. v. 7, no. 3. Olin, Rev. Stephen. Address at opening of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. 1843. v. 6, no. 13. Inaugural address, Randolph- Macon Col- lege. 1834. V. 2, no. 2. Olmstead, Denison. Oration before Connecti- cut Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa. 1827. v. 4, no. 6. Parker, H. W. Story of a soul ; Psi Upsilon convention. 1851. v. 5, no. 11. Parker, Joel. Law school of Harvard College. 1871. V. 8, no. II. Peabody Institute (Baltimore, Md.). Address of the president. 1870. v. 8, no. 9. Porter, Wm. A. Address, Lafayette College. 1843. V. 5, no. 7. Potter, Horatio. Address at Union College. 1875. V. 10, no. 3. Praed, Winthrop M. Carmen Graecum numis- mate annuo dignatum. 1823. v. 7, no. 10. Preston, William C. Address, South Carolina College. 1846. V. 6, no. 15. Princeton University. Inauguration of James McCosh. 1868. V. I, no. 8. Raoul, Louis V. Oratio publice habita Gandse. 1825. V. 7, no. 9. Read, Daniel. Address . . . before the Phi- lomathean Society, Indiana University. 1856. V. 6, no. 3. Ruggles, S. B. Past and present ; address to Alumni of Yale College. 1864. v. 9, no. 12. St. Stephen's College. Proceedings at laying of comer stone of Ludlow and Willink Hall. 1866. v. 9, no. ID. Schenck, N. H. Epochs of transition ; oration. College of New Jersey. 1866. v. 8, no. 6. Sergeant, John, Discourse at Rutgers College. 1829. V. 3, no. II. Shedd, W. G. T. Charge and inaugural ad- dress, Union Theological Seminary. 1846. V. 3, no. 8. Smith, E. D. Destiny, a poem pronounced before the Delta Phi. 1846. v. 5, no. 9. Smith, G. M. Discourse at N. Y. Academy of Medicine. 1869. v. 9, no. 11. Smith, H. I. Education of the heart ; address, Pennsylvania College. 1843. v. 5, no. 5. Southard, S. L. Address before the Alumni, Nassau Hall. 1832. v. 8, no. 4. Story, Joseph. Discourse before the Phi Beta Kappa Society. 1826. v. 4, no 3. Tappan, Henry P. Baccalaureate address. University of Michigan. 1855. v. 6, no. 2. Progress of educational development ; dis- course. University of Michigan. 1855. v. 6, no. I. Thompson, Joseph H. Oration . . . before the alumni of Washington College. 1840. v. 7, no. 8. Tyler, W. S. William A. Stearns, discourse at Amherst College. 1877. v. 10, no. 9. Union College. Exercises, inauguration of C. A. Aiken. 1870. v. g, no. i. Upfold, George. Address at commencement of Western University of Pennsylvania. 1841. v. 2, no. 12. Address at commencement of Western University of Pennsylvania. 1842. v. 3, no. I. Last hundred years ; lecture. 1845. v. 3, no. 2. Vermilye, T. E. Address at opening of Roose- velt Hospital. 1871. V. 9, no. 8. Vethake, Henry. Address at his inauguration, Washington College. 1835. v. 2, no 3. Vincent, M. R. Classics in education ; in- augural address. 1859. v. 3, no. 5. 8 EDUCATION College addresses (continued) Vinton, Francis. Address at the opening of the Packer Collegiate Institute. 1854. v. 7, no. 5. Wainwright, J. M. Collegiate education ; ad- dress, Trinity College. 1847. v. 3, no. 3. Washington and Jefferson College. Inaugural address of G. P. Hays and other proceedings. 1870. V. g, no. 7. Washington University. Inauguration. April 23, 1857. V. 7, no. 2. Wayland, Francis. Discourse delivered at dedication of Manning Hall, Chapel and Library of Brown University. 1835. v. 2, no. 7. Williams, Rev. John. Inaugural discourse. Trinity College, Hartford. 1849. v. i, no. 5. Williams, W. R. Conservative principle in our literature ; address, Hamilton Institution. 1843. V. 5, no. 8. Woodford, Stewart L. "Our politics"; ad- dress at Trinity College. 1872. v. 8, no. 8. Woods, Alva. Valedictory address, University of Alabama. 1837. v. 6, no. 7. Woolsey, T. D. Inaugural discourse at Yale College. 1846. v. I, no. 4. Yale University. Addresses at the commemo- rative celebration. 1865. v. 9, no. 13. Historical discourse by T. D. Woolsey ; Oration by Ed. Pierrepont. 1874. v. 9, no. 16. Theological Dep't. Addresses at the in- auguration of professors. 1861. v. 3, no. 6. Alumni. Yale College in 1875. v. 10, no. 4. Young, Samuel. Discourse before New York Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa. 1826. v. 4, no. 4. Combet George. Lectures on popular educa- tion ; delivered . . . April and November, 1833. Edinburgh, 1833. O. 80 p. C Coinpayx*^« Gabriel. Etudes sur I'enseigne- ment et sur I'education. Paris, 1891. D. 6 + 332 p. C T Donaldson, James. I^ectures on the history of education in Prussia and England, and on kindred topics. Edinburgh, 1874. D. [6] + 185 p. C T Eliot, Charles William. Educational reform ; essays and addresses. New York, 1898. O. 9 -I- [I] + 418 p. C T Everett, Edward. Importance of practical edu- cation and useful knowledge ; being a selection from his orations and other discourses. New York, 1847. D. 419 p. C Farrar, Frederick William, canon. Essays on a liberal education. London, 1867. O. 8 -f 384 p. CT Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Educational aims and methods. Cambridge, Eng., 1900. D. 12 + 448 p. C T Foster, John. Essay on the evils of popular ignorance ; and a discourse on the communication of Christianity to the people of Hindoostan. Lon- don, 1886. D. 20 -t- 394 p. C T Goschen, George Joachim. Addresses on edu- cational and economical subjects. Edinburgh, 1885. O. 156 p. C Grotius and others. Dissertationes de studiis instituendis. A msterdami, 164s- Nar T. [I2] + 687 p. C Hart, Albert Bushnell. Studies in American education. Ne7 1-14. C Place of publication variable. V. I, 3-4, have title Addresses and proceedings at the annual meeting. V. I contains also the Addresses and proceedings at the preliminary meeting, 1885, and first special meeting, 1887. EDUCATIONAL SOCIETIES, CONFERENCES, AND COMMISSIONS 13 New England Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools. Official report of the second special meeting . . . 1894. Hamilton, 1895. O. 35 P- 5 Report of first special meeting included in first official report. Report of the conference on college entrance requirements in history. Hamilton, 1895. O. C New West Education Commission. Annual report May 1882-Sept. 1893. Chicago, 1882-93. O. no. 2-13. C Succeeded by Congr^ational Educational Society. [Publications.] v. p. 1882-90. O. C Chamberlain, L. T., D.D. Mormonisra and polygamy; address . . . Norwich, Conn., Feb. 19, 1882. 21 p. Phillips, G. W. The Mormon menace ; dis- course . . . Chicago, Nov. 15, 1885. 16 p. Millard, Nelson, D.D. The affiliation of knowledge and virtue ; discourse . . . Chi- cago, Oct. ID, 1886. 13 p. Thwing, C. F. The foes of our Christian civilization ; discourse . . . Chio^o, Nov. 13, 1887. 12 p. Addresses . . . Oct. 14, 1890 . . . Chicago, by F.W. Gunsaulus, H. E. Gordon and W. F. Slocum. 27 p. North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Proceedings of the annual meeting, 1896-99, Chicago, 1896-99. O. ill. V. 1-4. C T Proceedings of the preliminary meeting for organization. Chicago, 1895. O. 12 p. T Northern Academy of Arts and Sciences. Con- stitution and by-laws ; and first annual report of the curators. Hanover, 1842. O. 28 p. C Northern Illinois Teachers' Association. Gen- eral subject : Expression in education ; meeting at Freeport . . . Oct. 30 and 31, 1896. . . n. p. O. 28 p. C Ohio College Association. Transactions, 1893- 94. Wooster, 1894. O. v. 25, 26. C Peabody Education Fund. Proceedings of the trustees, 1867-1900. Boston, 1867-1900. O. v. 1-5. c See Curry, J. L. M., in Supplement. Pomerania (Ger.) — Directoren-versammlung, Verhandlungen, 1873-76. Stettin, 1873. O. v. 5-6. {In Prussia — Directoren-versammlung. Ver- handlungen.) C Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York — Education and Missionary Society. Annual report, 1832, 1834-40. New York, 1832- 40. O. v. I, 3-9. C Rhenish - Prussia (Ger.) — Directoren-ver- sammlung. Verhandlungen, 1881-87. Berlin, 1881-87. O. V. 1-3. (/« Prussia — Directoren-ver- sammlung. Verhandlungen.) C St. Louis Society of Pedagogy. Summary view of work, 1894-95, 1898-99. St. Louis, 1895-99. O. C Bryant, William M. Possibilities of a peda- gogical society ; an address delivered before the St. Louis Society of Pedagogy, March 11, 1893. St. Louis [1 893]. O. 31 + [8] p. C Saxony — Directoren-versammlung. Verhand- lungen, 1874-1886. Berlin, 1874-86. O. v. 1-5. (/« Prussia — Directoren-versammlung. Verhand- lungen.) , C Scholastic Registration Association. [Objects, regulations, etc.] Croydon, 1870. O. 12 p. C Schoolmasters* Association of New York and vicinity. [Reports], 1892-99. ^New York\ 1892- 99. O. C Soci^t4 pour I'encouragement de I'instruction primaire ,parmi les protestants de France. Ouver- ture de I'Ecole d'instituteurs de la Societe 4 Courbe- Yoie. . . Paris, 1846. O. 15 P- ^ Rapport. Paris, 1847-48. O. 88 p. C Soci^t^ pour I'etude des questions d'enseigne- ment superieur. Bulletin d'octobre 1880. Paris, [I88O]. O. c Society for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Education at the West. Annual report, 1844-59, 1863-69. New York, 1844-69. O. v. r-i6, 20-26. C V. 1-16 are in its Permanent documents, v. i : no. i, 3, 5, 8, II, 15 ; V. 2 : no. i, 4, 8, ii ; v, 3 : no. i, 5, 8, 11, 13, iS- v. 1-5 have title Report. 60. — Permanent documents. O. V. 1-3. New York, 1844- C Haddock, Rev. Charles Brickett. Collegi- ate education ; an address in behalf of the Society for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Educa- tion at the West ; delivered at Tremont Temple, Boston, May 31, 1848. Boston, 1848. O. 20 p. Society for the Support of Gaelic Schools. I3th-i9th, 2ist annual report ; . . . with Appendix containing extracts of correspondence, etc. , and lists of . . . schools in the highlands and islands of Scot- land. Edinburgh, 1826-32. D. C Southern Educational Association. Journal of proceedings and addresses of the gth annual meeting, held at Memphis, Dec. 27-29, 1899. ^Knoxville, pr.] 1899. O. 341 p. C Official souvenir, programme, and handbook [loth annual] convention, Richmond, Va., Dec. 27- 29,1900. Richmond [ifjOO-^. Obi. S. 32 p. ill, Stuttgart — Lehrerversammlung. RUckblicke auf die Stuttgarter lehrerversammlung, von Karl Lange. Langensalza, 1894. O. 24 p. (Padago- gisches Magazin, pt. 48.) Teachers' Co-operative Association (Chicago). New manual. [Chicago] 1892. S. 16 + 104 p. fac- sim. ^ Teachers' Guild of Great Britain and Ireland. Papers read before the Guild. London, 1887-90. O. v. 1-2. I pi. T Later papers printed in the Journal of education. 14 EDUCATION Tennessee Association of Colleges and Schools. Handbook. Nashville, 1895. D. 36 p. C Contains proceedings of the first eight sessions, i887-gs. Trustees of Donations for Education in Libe- ria. First annual report . . . Jan. 15, 1851. Boston, 1851. O. C Verein flir wissenschaftliche padagogik. Jahr- buch ; hrsg. vonT.'Ziller. 1875-85. Langensalza, 1875-1885. O. V. 7-19. T 1890. Dresden, 1890. O. C Western Literary Institute and College of Pro- fessional Teachers. Annual report of the proceed- ings. 1836. Cincinnati, 1836. O. v. 6. C Transactions of fourth (-eighth) annual meet- ing . . . 1834-38. Cincinnati, 1835-39. O. v. 1-5. C None published earlier. See Hinsdale, B. A., in Sup- plement. 6. EDUCATIONAL PERIODICALS Academician, The, [semi-monthly.] New York, 1818. O. V. I, 399 p. T No title-page. No more published. Academische revue ; zeitschrift fUr das Inter- nationale hochschulwesen, 1894-97. Milnchen, 1895-97. Sq. Q. ill. V, 1-3. C Academy; a journal of secondary education ; 1886-92. Boston [I886-92J. O. 7 V. T Edited by George A. Bacon. No more published. Issued by the Associated academic principals of N. Y. State, v. 1-4, pub. at Syracuse, N. Y. Ambas Americas ; revista de educacion, bib- liografia i agricultura. Nueva York, 1867. O. V. I. C Ed. by D. F. Sarmiento. American annals of education and instruction. 1831-39. Boston, 1831-39. O. 9 V. T Continuation of the American journal of education. 1826- 30. V. 1-5. American Education Society. Quarterly register and journal. July, 1827- May, 1843. Andover, 1829-43. O. 15 V. ill. C American educational monthly. New York, 1864-76. O. 13 V. ill. T Title-page of v. 5 and 6 reads New York teacher and Ameri- can educational monthly. Title of v. 13 reads Schermerhorn's monthly for parents and teachers ; no more published. American journal of education. Boston 1826- 30. O. 5 V. T For continuation see American annals of education and instruction. 1831-39, v. 1-9. American journal of education, edited by Henry Barnard. 1855-80. Hartford, 1855-80. O. V. 1-24, 26-30. ill. por. pi. tab. T V. as never published. Index, Washington, 1892. O. 128 p. T Annuaire de I'enseignement primaire. Paris, 1885-1901. T. V. 1-17. T Arkansas school journal [monthly]. [Little Rock, 1880-83.] O. 3 V. ill. T No title-page._ v. 2 and 3 incomplete. Title of v. 3 reads Kellogg's eclectic monthly. No more published. Assistant of education, religious and literary, intended for the use of young persons ... by Car- oline Fry. London, 1823-27. O. v, 1-9. pi. T Aus dem padagogischen universitats-seminar zu Jena. Langensalza, 1888-99. D. v. 1-8. tab. T Ed. by G. W. Rein. Bardeen, Charles William. History of educa- tional journalism in the state of New York. Syra- cuse, 1893. Nar. O. 45 p. ill. C T Blatter fiir die schulpraxis in volksschulen und lehrerbildungsanstalten. . . NUrnberg, 1890-95. O. ill. pi. V. 1-6. C Ed. by Johann Bbhm. Buffalo public school journal [monthly] . Buf- falo, x^tj-^o. Fs V. i-4'-3ini. T No title-page. Canada educational monthly, 1892-94, 1897. Toronto, 1892-97. O. v. 14'^^, i5*-7. 10-12^ i6a-7. '«>, 196-". T Centralblatt fur das gewerbliche unterrichts- wesen in Osterreich. 1883-1884. v. 1-3 and sup- plement. ?f7i?«, 1883-1885. Q. 2v.ini. T Centralblatt fiir die gesammte unterrichtsver- waltung in Preussen, 1859-1900. Berlin, 1860- 1900. O. C Register-band, 1859-89. Berlin, 1874-92. 0. 3 V. in 2, C Statistische mittheilungen iiber das hohere unterrichtswesen im kOnigreich Preussen . . . beilage zum Centralblatt, 1884-91, 1895-98. Berlin, 1884-98. O, Heft 1-8. 12-15. C Chicago Institute Course of Study ; a monthly publication for teachers and parents. Chicago, 1900-01. O. V. I, no. 1-5. CT Comenius gesellschaft. Monatshefte, 1892-93. Leipzig, 1892-93. O. v. 1-2 in 1, v. 3'. C Conunon school journal. Boston, 1839-48. O. 10 V. T Ed. by Horace Mann. Connecticut common school journal, 1838- 42. Hartford, xi-i^-^i. Q. ill. 4 v. in 2. T Culture, a journal for literary clubs and home reading, Jan. 1887. New York, 1887. O. v. 1 , no . I . C Cyklus akademischer broschUren, hrsg. von Armin Bouman. Leipzig, 1890-94. D. Jahrgang 1-2, pt. 2-3, jahrgang 3, pt. i-ii. C EDUCATIONAL PERIODICALS 15 Deutsche blatter fur erziehenden unterricht, 1874-94. Langensalza, 1874-94. O. & F. v. i- 21. C Deutsche zeitschrift flir auslandisches unter- richtswesen, 1 895-1900. Leipzig, 1895-igoo. Q. V. 1-5. C T Die deutschen lehrerkonferenzen des jahres 1893 ; themen, thesen und ausfuhrungen padago- gischer vortrage. Langensalza, 1894. O. v. 6. District school journal of the state of New York, 1842-52. Albany, 1842-52. Q. & F. v. 2- 10 and 12 in 5. ill. T Begun as New York district school journal. Educa^ao e ensino. Hio de Janeiro, 1897. O. V. I, no. I, 5. C Education, an international magazine devoted to the science, art . . . and literature of education. Boston, 1881-1900. O. ill. V. 1-20. T li' Education nationale [weekly]. Paris, 1888-95. Q. V. 2-10. ill. T No more published. Educational annual, 1890. London [pref. 1889]. D. ill. V. 2. C T Educational notes and queries [monthly]. 5a/^w, a, 1875-81. O. 7 V. ill. T No more published. Educational review [monthly]. London, 1894 -1900. O. V. 6-20. T Educational review [monthly]. New York, 1891-1900. O. V. 1-20. C T Not published in July or August. Edited by Nicholas Murray Butler. Educational times, and journal of the College of Preceptors [monthly]. London, 1852-99. Q. V. 6-8, 12-13, 15, 22-23, 27-52. T Educational weekly. 1877. Chicago, 1877. Sq. F. V. 1-2. T Educational year-book and universal cata- logue ; a handbook of education. ... v. 5, 1883 ; v. 9, no. 3, 1886. St. Louis, 1883-86. O. C Educationist, April, 1873-March, 1875. In- dianapolis, 1873-75. Q. v. 1-2. C No more published. Das gesamte erziehungs- und unterrichtswesen in den landern deutscher zunge ; bibliographisches verzeichnis . , . der bucher . . . zur deutschen erziehungs- und unterrichts-wissenschaft. Berlin, 1896. O. v. I. C Guardian of education, a periodical work con- sisting of a practical essay on Christian education founded ... on the Scriptures and the sacred of- fices of the Church of England . . . conducted by Mrs. Trimmer. . . London, 1802-06. O. 5 v. T Gymnasium : zeitschrift flir lehrer an gymna- sien und verwandten unterrichtsanstalten. Pader- ^<^«, 1894-98. Q. V. 12-13, I4'-"' ="•»», 15'-'°' "•"• =»<, 16. C Hand and eye ; a monthly journal for the pro- motion of sloyd, kindergarten, and all forms of manual training. London, 1892-99. O. v. 1-7. ill. T Hochschul-nachrichten, Jan. 1897-Sept. 1899. MUnchen, 1897-99. Q. v. 7-9, no, 76- 108. C Das humanistiche gymnasium ; organ des gymnasial-vereins[vierteljahrig]. Heidelberg, 1890- 99. Q. V. i-io in 6. T International woodworker. Chicago, 1899. Q. V. 8. T Jahrbuch ftir lehrer und schulfreunde, 1851-66. Berlin, 1850-65. O. por. 16 v. in 12. C Jahresberichte uber das hohere schulwesen. Berlin, 1887-91. O. v. 1-5. C T Journal de r instruction publique, 1862. J/<-i^. Q. v. 6, 9. T Journal of education. Nova Scotia. Halifax, N. S., 1893-98. O. n. s. v. I *"'. 3d ser. v. 2 '-■»■ 6. C Journal of pedagogy. Syracuse, 1898- 1900. Q. V. ir-i2. T Lehrer-priifungs und informations-arbeiten. Minden, 1883-90. O. v. 1-3, no. 1-30. C liehrproben und lehrgange aus der praxis der gymnasien und realschulen. Halle, 1885-99. O. V. 1-15. ill. T Massachusetts teacher ; a journal of school and home education. Boston, 1851-74. O. ill. pi. por. map. v. 3-27. T Metropolitan school annual, 1893 ; a descrip- tive directory of the private schools of New York city. New York [I893]. O. 43 + [7] p. C Monthly journal of education. . . Prince- ton, N.J., 1835. O. V. I, no. I. C Edited by E. C. Hines ; all published ? National teacher's monthly. New York, 1874- 80. O. 6 V. ill. T Titles of V. 4-6 read Barnes' educational monthly. No more published. Neue bahnen ; monatsschrift fUr haus-, schul-, und gesellschafts-erziehung. Wiesbaden, 1890-1900. O. V. i-ii. T V. 1-4 published at Gotha. Continuation of Paedagogium, 1879-96, V. 1-18. New York district school journal. See Dis- trict school journal. New^ York education, devoted to New York state educational work . . . monthly. 1897-1900. Albany, 1898-1900. O. v. 1-3. ill. T i6 EDUCATION TSiew York state educational journal. Buffalo^ 1872-75. O. 3v. ill. T Ed. by O. R. Burchard. No title-page. v. 3 incomplete. For continuation see School bulletin and New York state educational journal, v. 2. New York teacher, a monthly periodical de- voted to . . . general education . . . [and] the oi^an of the Teachers' Association of the state of New York. Albany, 1853-67. O. v. 1-16 in 15. ill. T V. 9 is V. I of new series. No more published. New^ York teacher and American educational monthly. See American educational monthly — note. T "S&w York teachers' quarterly. New York, 1897-98. O. V. I, no. 3. V. 2, no. 2. T Northwestern monthly. Lincoln, Neb., 1897- 98. Q. V. 8, no. 3-5, 7-11. V. 9, no. 1-4. T II nuovo risorgimento, periodico di filosofia, scienza dell' educazione e studi sociali. n. s, v. 8, 1898. Torino, 1898. O. C Ohio educational monthly and the National teacher. Columbus, i^Tj-f)^. O. v. 26-29,47. T Pts. of 22, 23, 24, 41, 42, 45, and 46 ; v. 26-29 published at Salem, O. Pacific educational journal. San Francisco, 1892-96. O. V. 8"-", 9'2, IO'-8, II'-*'", I2''3-4. T Padagogische abhandlungen ; neue folge, hrsg. von VV. Bartholomaus . . . Bielefeld, 1899. O. V. 5'. C Padagogische rundschau auf dem gebiete des unterrichtswesens aller lander, April i88i-Dec. 1885. iHildburghausen^ 1881-85. O. v. 1-5. C Ed. by Friedrich Korner. Padagogische studien, iS-jb--]-]. Wien, 1881. O. V. 1-2. T Neue folge, 1880-99. Leipzig, 1880-99. O. 1.-20. jahrg. in 10 v. T Hrsg. von Dr. Wilhelm Rein. Padagogische vortrage und abhandlungen ; sammlung zeitgemasser vortrage . . . aus dem gebiete des katholischen erziehungs- und unterrichts- wesens. . . Kempten, 1895-99. D. v. 1-4. I ill. C Padagogische zeitung, 1892-94. Berlin, 1 1 892-94]. F. V. 21-23. C Padagogischer anzeiger fur das deutsche reich. \^Minden, \%^t.^ O. (Die volksschul-praxis. Gratis-beilage, pt. 3-4). C Padagogischer jahresbericht von 1885 • • • Leipzig, 1886. O. v. 38. C Padagogisches archiv ; centralorgan fur er- ziehung und unterricht. Stettin, 1859-99. O. v. 1-41. T Padagogisches jahrbuch, 1890. Wien, 189T. O. ill. V. 13. C Ed. by Wiener pSdagogische gesellschaft. Padagogisches magazin. Langensaha, 1892- 99. O. pt. 1-134, in II V. C Ed. by Friedrich Mann. Paedagogium : monatsschrif t fiir erziehung und unterricht ; herausgegeben von Friedrich Dittes. Leipzig, 1879-96. O. v. i-i8. T For continuation see Neue bahnen. v. 8. Pedagogical seminary ; an international rec- ord of educational literature, institutions, and progress. Worcester [i89i]-99. O. ill. v. 1-6. T Prima ; eine hodegetik fiir die schuler der ober- sten gymnasiae- und realschul-klasse. . . [^Leip- zig, 1866.] Q. V. I, no. 1-26. C Ed. by Wilhelm Freund. No. i issued April 3, 1866. The public school journal ; devoted to the theory and art of school teaching . . . monthly. Bloomington, III., 1889-98. Q. v. 9-17. ill. por. T For continuation see School and home education, v. 18. Public school magazine. London, 1898-99. O. ill. port. V. 1-3. T Record of technical and secondary education ; a bi-monthly journal. London, 1 891-1900. O. v. 1-9. ill. pi. T Pub._ by the National Association for the Promotion of Technical and Secondary Education. Revue de I'Universite de Bruxelles, 1895-98. Bruxelles, 1896-99. O. ill. pi. v. 1-3. C Revue des universites du midi. Bordeaux, 1895-98. O. V. 1-4. C Forms third series of the Annales de la Faculte des lettres de Bordeaux. Reviie internationale de I'enseignement. Paris, 1881-99. O. ill. V. 1-38. C Revue pedagogique. Paris, 1878-99. D. and O. ill. V. 2-9 ; new sen, v. 1-35. C After June, 1882, called new series. Table generale, 1878-92. Paris, 1894. O. I V. C Revue pedagogique Beige. Bruxelles, 1891-95. O. V. 4"-", 65, 7-8. C Rheinische blatter ftir erziehung und unter- richt, 1898. Frankfort a. M., 1898. O. v. 72. T Rivista pedagogica italiana. Gennaio, 1898. O. V. I, no. I. C Rounds, Charles C. Educational journalism. (In American Institute of Instruction. Lectures, 1879. p. 67-83.) C School ; a New England monthly journal. Springfield, 1887. Sq. O. v. i, no. i, 3-9. C School and college : devoted to secondary and higher education. Boston, 1892. O. v. i. C T No more published. School and home education. Bloomington, III., 1899-1900. Q. v. 18-19. T Continuation of the Public school journal, 1889-98, v. 9-17, with which it is volumed continuously. School bulletin and New York state educa- tional journal [monthly]. Syracuse, 1875-1900. F. V. 1-26. T EDUCATIONAL PERIODICALS 17 School ; devoted to the public schools and edu- cational interests. New York, 1889-1900. Sq. F. ill. por. V. 1-12. T School guardian ; an educational newspaper and review [weekly], 1892-93, 1897-1900. London, 1892-1900. Q. V. 17-18, 22-25. T School journal ; a weekly journal of education. New York, 1 886-1900. F*. v. 31-60. ill. T School review ; a journal of secondary educa- tion ; published monthly. Hamilton, N. Y., 1893- 1900. O. V. 1-8. C T Ed. by J. G. Schurman and C. H. Thurber. Science and education [monthly], 1886-87. New York, 1886-87. Q- iH. v. i. C No more published. Southern educational journal. Atlanta, 1897- 1900. O. pi. v. 11-14. T Steiger's education directory for 1878. New York, 1878. Q. C Teacher ; a monthly educational magazine, 1888-90. New York, 1888-90. F. v. 1-3. T Teachers College record ; a journal devoted to . . . elementary and secondary education, and the professional training of teachers. New York, 1900. O. ill. V. I. C T University courier, devoted to the interest of the American University. Washington, 1892-1900. Sq. Q. ill. V. 1-8'. C University quarterly ; conducted by an Asso- ciation of collegiate and professional students, in the U. S. and Europe . . . 1860-61. New Haven, 1860-61. O. V. 1-4. C No more published. Die volksschul-praxis. Minden, 1886. O. pt. 1-4. 244 p. ill. C Vombiichertisch; monatsbeilage zu den Deut- schen blattern fiir erziehenden unterricht, 1893-94. Langensalza, 1893-94. F. v. 20-21. C Ed. by Friedrich Mann. Vor ungdom ; tidsskrift for opdragelse og un- dervisning, 1893-95. Kjfbenhavn, 1893-95. O. C Year-book of education for 1878, ed, by Henry Kiddle and A. J. Schem. New York, 1878. O. C Zeitschrift fiir das realschulwesen [monatlich]. Wien, 1 877-1900. O. v. 1-25. ill. T Other Periodicals may be found under special topics. LIST OF EDUCATIONAL PERIODICALS RECEIVED BY BRYSON LIBRARY AND KEPT ON FILE UNBOUND Academy (Fairmont, W. Va.) American journal of education (St. Louis) Arkansas school journal (Little Rock) BOLLETIN de enseiianza primaria (Montevideo) Brooklyn teacher Colorado school journal (Denver) Connecticut school journal (Meriden) Educational monthly (Canada) Educational review (St. John) Elementary school record (Chicago) Florida school exponent (Jacksonville) High school bulletin (N. Y. City) Indian journal of education (Madras) Indianian (Indianapolis) Inland educator and Indiana school journal (Indianapolis) Intelligence (Chicago) Journal des instituteurs (Paris) Journal of adolescence (Chicago) Journal of education (Boston) Junior Republic citizen (Freeville, N. Y.) Manual training magazine (Chicago) Manuel general de I'instruction primaire (Paris) Michigan school moderator (Lansing) Midland schools (Des Moines) Missouri school journal (Jefferson City) Nebraska teacher (Lincoln) New education (Albany) New York education (N. Y. City) New York teachers magazine (N. Y. City) New Zealand journal of education Normal instructor (Dansville, N. Y.) North Carolina journal of education (Greens- boro) Ohio teacher (Cambridge) PAdagogische monatshefte (Milwaukee) Paidologist (Cheltenham) Paidology (Emporia) Pennsylvania school journal (Lancaster) Popular educator (Boston) Primary education (Boston) Princeton University bulletin Public school magazine (London) Revista de la instruccion publica . . . organo del ministerio de instruccion publica (Caracas) Revista de la instruccion publica de Colombia Revista pedagogica cubana (Habana) Revista pedagogica Veracrusana Rocky mountain educator (Denver) School Board gazette (London) School education (Minneapolis) School gazette (Harrisburg) School news (Chicago) School record (Albion, Mich.) School weekly (Chicago) School world (London) South Dakota educator (Mitchell) Southern school (Lexington) State normal monthly (Emporia) Teacher (Philadelphia) Teachers world (N. Y. City) University extension journal (London) Virginia school journal (Richmond) West Va. school journal (Charleston) Western school journal (Topeka) Western teacher (Milwaukee) Wisconsin journal of education (Madison) Zeitschrift fiir padagogische psychologic (Berlin) Zeitschrift fur schul-geographie (Vienna) i8 EDUCATION 7. HISTORY OF EDUCATION a. GENERAL Adams, T. D. Bearings of popular education upon civilization. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1861. p. 55-78.) C Agricola., Rudolf. Unedierte briefe ; ein bei- trage zur geschichte des humanismus ; hrsg. von K. Hartfelder. (/« Festeschrift der badischen gym- nasien. 1886. p. 1-36.) C Bates, Samuel W. Manifestations of education in different ages. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1851. p. 123-62.) C Baumann, Johann Julius. Einfiihring in die padagogik ; geschichte der padagogischen theo- rien ; allgemeine padagogik (padagogische psycholo- gie.) Leipzig, 1890. O. 6 + [ij + 120 p. C T Bennett, Charles Wesley. History of the philosophy of pedagogics. Syracuse, 1893. D. 43 p. ill. C T Bbhm, Johann. Geschichte der padagogik mit charakterbildern hervorragender padagogen und zeiten ; als kommentar zu seiner " Kurzgefassten geschichte der padagogik." 2. verb. . . aufl. Niirn- berg, 1892-93. O. 2 v. ill. C Leitfaden der geschichte der padagogik mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der volksschule in Deutschland, Osterreich, und der Schweiz ; zum gebrauche in lehrer- und lehrerinnenbildungs- anstalten ... 2. aufl. Nurnberg,.\%()i. O. 6 + 106 p. C Brockett, Linus Pierpont. History and prog- ress of education ... by Philobiblius, with an in- troduction by Henry Barnard. New York, i860. O. 310 p. por. C Bro'wning, Oscar, Aspects of education. {In Teachers college. Educational monographs, 1888. V. I, no. 5, p. 129-76.) T Introduction to the history of educational theories. New York, 1886. D. [8] + 199 p. C T Enlarged edition. New York, 1888. S. 237 p. (Reading circle library, no. 8.) C T Short history of education . . . ed. with . . . notes . . . and some account of Comenius and his writings by W. H. Payne. Syracuse, 1897. D. 93 p. ill. T Bruckbach, G. Wegweiser durch die ge- schichte der padagogik. Leipzig, 1869. S. 6 -h 149 P- . C T Compayr^, Gabriel. History of pedagogy ; translated with . . . notes ... by W. H. Payne. Boston, 1886. D. 26 -H 592 p. C T Dittes, Friedrich. und des unterrichtes . . 1878. O. 8 -h 267 p. Geschichte der erziehung . 6. verb. aufl. Leipzig, C T History of education. + I + 292 p. C T Davidson, Thomas. New York, 1900. D. Bibliography, p. 277-82. Dinkier, Rudolf. Der begriff der naturgemass- heit in den ersten stadien seiner geschichtlichen entwicklung, vomehmlich bei den reformpadagogen des 16. und 17. jahrhunderts. Konigsee, 1897. O. 78 + [I] p. C Drane, Augusta Theodosia. Christian schools and scholars ; or. Sketches of education from the Christian era to the Council of Trent. 2d edition. London, \'&%\. O. 16 -)- 738 p. CT Drose, August. Padagogische charakterbilder ; geschichte der padagogik ... 7. aufl. Langensalza, 1878. D. [4] ,+ 366 4- [2] p. C Fbrster, Eduard. Tabellen zur geschichte der padagogik ; im anschluss an A. Schorns Geschichte der padagogik und unter besonderer beriicksichti- gung der wichtigsten erscheinungen auf dem gebiete der padagogischen litteratur fUr den seminar- und selbstunterricht . 3. aufl. Strassburg, 1899. C). 8-t-8ip. C Fritz, Theodore. Esquisse d'une histoire de I'education depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu' k ' nos jours. Strasbourg, 1843. O. [6] + 2 + 752 p. C Funke, Clemens August, Grundztlge der ge- schichte der padagogik. 5. aufl. Paderborn, iSg<). D. 157 p. C Handbiichlein der geschichte der padagogik ; nach dem Uberblick der geschichte der erziehung und des unterrichts von Kehrein-Kayser. Pader- born, 1885. D. 160 p. T Gelmini, Andrea. Storia generale dell' educa- zione per istudio dei giovani, delle scuole normali e per gli asperanti all' ispettorato scolastico. 2a ed. Roma, 1887. D. 310 p. C G-ill, John. Systems of education. . . Boston, 1887. D. 8 + 312 p. T 14th ed. Boston, 1889. C Haibnann, William N. Sketches from the history of education. Cincinnati, 1891. O. 39' p. (Library of education, no. 6, June, 1891.) C T Twelve lectures on the history of pedagogy. . . . Cincinnati [1874]. ^- 130 P- T Just, Karl Sigmtind. Zur padagogik des mittel- alters. Eisenach [pref. 1876]. O. 48 p. (Padagog. studien ; W. Rein, ed. No. 6.) C T Eehrein, Joseph. Oberblick der geschichte der erziehung und des unterrichts ; neu bearbeitet von Johannes Kayser. 9. aufl. Paderborn, 1890. D. 16 4- 381 p. T Kellner, Lorenz. Kurze geschichte der erzie- hung und des unterrichts mit vorwaltender riicksicht auf das volksschulwesen. . . Freiburg im Breisgau, 1877. O. 7 + 260 p. C Klopper, K. Repetitorium der geschichte der padagogik von den altesten zeiten bis auf die gegen- wart. Rostock, 1879. D. 4 + 116 p. C Letourneau, Charles. L' evolution de 1' edu- cation dans les diverses races humaines. . . Paris, 1898. O. [5] + 18-1-617 p. (Biblioth^que an- thropologique, v. 19.) C HISTORY OF EDUCATION 19 liiliencron, Rochus, freiherr von. Uber den inhalt der allgemeinen bildung in der zeit der scho- lastik; festrede. . . Munchen,i2>'](i. Sq. Q. 47 p. C Lorenz, S. Volkserziehung u. volksunterricht im spateren mittelalter. Paderborn, 1887. O. [4] + 132 p. C Mass, Theodor. Zeittafel zur geschichte der padagogik. . . Segeberg [1889]. D. 22 p. T Milanese, Giovanni C. Storia della peda- gogia ; libro per le scuole normali, pei maestri, e per le famiglie. Treviso, 1886. O. 13 + 526 p. C Mullinger, James Bass. Schools of Charles the Great and the restoration of education in the ninth century. London, 1877. O. 19 + 193 p. CT Munroe, James Phinney. The educational ideal ; an outline of its growth ii) modern times. Boston, 1895. D. 8 + 262 p. (Heath's pedagog- ical library.) C T Bibliography, p. 233-47. Ohler, Aloys Karl. Lehrbuch der erziehung und des unterrichtes ; eine systematische darstellung des gesammten katholischen volksschulwesens fiir geistliche und lehrer. 5. verb. aufl. Mainz, 1868. O. 24 + 741 p. tab. C Painter, F. V. N. History of education. New York, 1887. D. 19 + 335 p. (Internat. ed. ser., W. T. Harris, ed. v. 2.) C T History of education. New York, 1896 [C. '86]. D. 19 +343 p. T Paroz, Jules. Histoire universelle de la peda- gogie ... 5. ed. aug. Paris, 1883. D. 536 p. CT Payne, Joseph. Lectures on the history of edu- cation ; with A visit to German schools ; ed. by . . . J. F. Payne. London, 1892. O. 4 -+- [2] + 313 p. ill. por. I fac-sim. C T Forms v. 2 of his Works ; see p. 9. Raumer, Karl Georg von. Geschichte der pada- gogik vom wiederaufblilhen klassischer studien bis auf unsere zeit. 1.-2. aufl. Stuttgart, 1846-54. O. 4v. C Geschichte der padagogik tersloh, 1877-80. O. 3 v. por. 5. aufl. Gu- T History of the science and art of education. (In Amer. jo. of ed. v. 4, 1857. p. 149-66.) C T Regener, Fr. Skizzen zur geschichte der pada- gogik. Langensalza, 1898. O. 6 + 222 p. C Reichau, Heinrich. Ursprung und wesen der schule. Magdeburg, 1891. O. [3] + 87 p. C Schiller, Karl Heinrich Friedrich Hermann. Lehrbuch der geschichte der padagogik. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1891, O. 4 -(- [i] -h 392 p. C 3- aufl. Leipzig, 1894. O. 5 + [i] + 400 p. T Schmid, Karl Adolf. Geschichte der erzie- hung vom anfang an bis auf unsere zeit, bearbeitet in gemeinschaft mit einer anzahl von gelehrten und schulmannern ; [fortgefiihrt von Georg Schmid]. Stuttgart, 1884-96. Q. v. 1-3, 4^-2. ill. C Schmidt, Henry Immanuel. Education. . . Neiv York, 1845 [C. '42]. S. 340 p. (Harper's fam- ily library, v. 156.) C Schmidt, Karl. Geschichte der erziehung und des unterrichts ... 4. aufl. von Wichard Lange. C£i7/4f« [pref. 1883]. O. 11 + 566 p. T Geschichte der padagogik ; dargestellt in weltgeschichtlicher entwicklung und im organischen zusammenhange mit dem culturleben der volker. 3. verm. aufl. . . von W. Lange. , . Kothen, 1873-83. O. 4v. T Vols. 2 and 3 are 4th ed. 3.-4. verm. aufl. Cothen, 1876-90. O. I por. 4 v. C Schorn, August. Geschichte der padagogik in vorbildern und bildern ... 3. aufl. Leipzig, 1874. O. 6 -h 252 p. C 19. verb. aufl. hrsg. von Julius Plath. Leipzig, 1899. O. 8 -f 380 p. C T Seeley, Levi. History of education. New York [C. i8g9]. D. 343 p. C T Shoup, William J. cation. New York [C. History and science of edu- 189I]. D. 315 p. ill. C T Simon, Jules. D. 27-i-452p» L'ecole. ii""' ed. Paris, 1886. T Smith, H. I. See Schmidt, Henry ImmanueL Stein, Lorenz, ritter von. Das bildungswesen.. Stuttgart, T.%'i)'i,-%i,. O. pt. 1-3^. (/« ^«j Die ver- waltungslehre. 1883-84. v. 5, 6, & 8.) C Contents : 1. Das system und die geshichte des bildungs- wesens der alten welt. 2. Das bildungswesen des mittelalters ; scholastik, universitaten, humanismus. 3^ Die zeit bis zum 19. jahrhundert. Stockl, Albert. Kirche und schule wahrend und unmittelbar nach der " reformations "-zeit, mit ein kurzen lebenskizze des verfassers. . . Kempten, 1896. D. 6i p. I ill. (Padagogische vortrage und abhandlungen. v. 3, no. 4.) C Tappan, Henry Philip. Progress of educa- tional development. . , Ann Arbor, 1855. O. 51 p. C Tupetz, Theodor, Geschichte der erziehung und des unterrichtes flir den iv. jahrgang der os- terreichischen lehrer- und lehrerinnenbildungsan- stalten. 2. verb. aufl. Prag, 1897. O. 157 p. ill. C Vallet de Viriville, Auguste. Histoire de 1' instruction publique en Europe et principalement en France, depuis le Christianisme jusqu' i nos jours. Paris, 1849. Q- 6 -h 400 p. ill. pi. C Vogel, August. Geschichte der padagogik als wissenschaft. . . GUtersloh, 1877. O. 10 4- 410 + [i]p. CT Weber, Adalbert. Die geschichte der volks- schulpadagogik und der kleinkindererziehung. . . Eisenach [1877]. O. 7 -j- 339 p. T 20 EDUCATION "Wessenberg, Ignaz Heinrich Karl, freiherr von. Die elementarbildung des volkes in ihrer fort- schreitenden ausdehnung und entwickelung. Neue . . . verm. aufl. . . Constanz, 1835. O. 8 + 447 p. C Willmann, Otto. Didaktik als bildungslehre nach ihren beziehungen zur socialforschung und zur geschichte der bildung. Braunschweig, 1882-89. 0. 2 V. in I. C T Wittstock, Albert. Geschichte der deutschen padagogik im umriss ; von den altesten zeiten. . . Leipzig, i%bb. O. 4+ 180 p. C Ziegler, Theobald. Geschichte der padagogik mit besonderer riicksicht auf das hohere unterrichts- wesen. Miinchen, 1895. O. 70 + 361 p. {In Baumeister, K. A., ed. Handbuch der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre fiir hohere schulen. 1895. v. 1, pt. I.) C T b. ANCIENT Becker, Wilhelm Adolf. Charicles ; or, Il- lustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks . . . translated by Rev. Frederick Metcalfe. New ed. London, 1895. D. 21 + 512 p. ill. C T Gallus ; or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus . . . translated by Rev. Frederick Met- calfe. New ed. London, 1895. D. 21 -f 535 p. m. C T Bindet Otto. Ein blick in das romische schul- wesen, (/« Festschrift zur einweihung des neuen progymnasialgebaudes zu Steglitz. 1890. p. 28- 37.) C Bohatta, Hanns. Erziehung und unterricht bei den Griechen und Romern. GUtersloh, 1895. O. 71 p. (Gymnasial-bibliothek, v. 21.) C Bosanquet, Bernard. Greek education in the best days of Greece. (/« Plato. Education of the young in the Republic of Plato. 1900. p. 1-23.) C Clarke, George. Education of children at Rome. New York, 1896. Sq. T. 7 + 168 p. C T Cramer, Friedrich. Geschichte der erziehung und des unterrichts im alterthume. . . Elberjeld, 1832-38. O. 2 V. C Davidson, Thomas. Aristotle and ancient educational ideals. New York, 1892. D. 13 + 256 p. (Great educators ; Nicholas Murray Butler, ed.) C Education of the Greek people and its in- fluence on civilization. Neiv York, 1894. D. 14 -f [I] + 229 p. (Internal, ed. series; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 28.) C T Girard, Paul. L'education Athenienne au 5^ et au 4* si^cle avant J.-C. . . Paris, 1889. O. 4 + 340 p. 30 ill. C Grasberger, Lorenz, Erziehung und unter- richt im klassischen alterthum. . . Wurzburg, 1864-81. O. 3v. CT Hobhouse, Walter. Theory and practice of ancient education, being the chancellor's English essay, 1885. Oxford, 1885. O. l5] + 55 P- T Jager, Otto Heinrich. Die gymnastik der Hellenen. . . Stuttgart, 1881. O. [3] + 336 p. 6 pi. C T Jebb, Richard Claverhouse. Humanism in education. London, 1899. O. 43 p. (Romanes lectures.) T Kingsley, Charles, canon. Alexandria and her schools : four lectures delivered at the Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh. Cambridge lEng.^x^^^. D. 24 -I- 172 p. C Elbtzer, Robert Friedrich Julius. Die griechi- sche erziehung in Homer's Ilias und Odyssee ; ein beitrag zur geschichte der erziehung im alterthum. Zwickau, 1891. Sq. Q. 29 p. C Lane, Frederick H. Elementary Greek educa- tion. Syracuse, 1895. D. 85 p. ill. C T Laurie, Simon Somerville. Historical survey of pre-Christian education. London, 1895. O. 8 -h 436 p. C T For second edition, 1900, see Supplement. Mahaffy, John Pentland. Old Greek educa- tion. New York, 1882. S. [7] -f 144 p. (Edu- cation lib.) C T Martin, Alexandre. Les doctrines pedago- giques des Grecs. Paris, 1881. D. 186 p. (Bibl. pedagog.) T Marxsen, subsec/or. Die griechische schule in beziehung auf lehren und lernen in genos- senschaft. Rendsberg, 1865. Sq. Q. 25 p. C Plutarch. Abhandlung Uber die erziehung der kinder ; Ubersetzung, einleitung und kommentar von H. Dienhardt. Wien, 1879. O. 65 p. (Padagog. klassiker, hrsg. von G. A. Lindner, v. 8.) T Regener, Fr. Die sophisten, ein beitrag zur geschichte der padagogik. (/« Neue bahnen. 1895. V. 6. p. 321-40, 384-402.) T Remacly, H. Joseph. Die erziehung fUr den staatsdienst bei den Athenern. [Bonn, 1864.] Sq. Q. 16 p. C Stadelmann, Franz. Erziehung und unter- richt bei den Griechen und Romern. Triest, 1891. O. 216 + I p. . C Thomas, Emile. Roman life under the Cae- sars. New York, 1899. D. 28 + [i] + 370 p. ill. pi. C T Ussing, Johan Ludvig. Darstellung des erzie- hungs- und unterrichtswesens bei den Griechen und Romern ; aus dem Danischen llbersetzt von P. Friedrichsen. Altona, 1870. D. 166 p. C Erziehung und jugendunterricht bei den Griechen und Romern. Neue bearbeitung. Berlin, 1885. D. 178 + [I] p. T Wilkins, Augustus Samuel. National educa- tion in Greece in the 4th century before Christ. London, 1873. O. 9 -I- [i] -|- 167 p. C c. MODERN Arnold, Matthew. Popular education of France, with notices of that of Holland and Switzerland. London, i?>ti. O. 50-1-294 p. CT HISTORY OF EDUCATION 21 Arnold, Matthew. Special report on certain points connected with elementary education in Ger- many, Switzerland and France. London, i886. F. 27 p. (Gr. Br.-Parl. Sess. pap. 1886. v. 51.) C Bache, Alexander Dallas. Report on educa- tion in Europe, to the trustees of the Girard College f<)r Orphans. Philadelphia, 1^2)9 ■ O- 13 + 666 p. C Barnard, Henry, editor. National education. New York, i^si-l'i- O. pt. I, v. 1-2 ; pt. 3 ; pt. 4, V. i', 3-4. C T Contents: pt. I. Elementary and secondary instruction : Systems of public instruction in different countries. V. 1-2. pt. 3. Superior instruction in different countries. pt. 4. Professional, class and special instruction. V. i'. Systems of scientific instruction applied to national industries in different countries. V. 3. Military schools and instruction. V. 4. Reformatory education. National education in Europe ... an ac- count of . . . public schools of different grades in the principal states. 2d ed. A^ew York, 1854. O. 890 p. C T Systems, institutions and statistics of public instruction in different countries. New York, 1872. O. V. 1-2. {In his National education. 1872. pt. I, V. 1-2.) C T Donaldson, James. Lectures on the history of education in Prussia and England, and on kindred topics. Edinburgh, 1874. D. [6] + 185 p. C T England — Education Dept. Memorandum by J. G. Fitch on the working of the free school system in America, France and Belgium. London, 1891. F. 39 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1890-91. V. 61.) C Grandgent, L. Hall. Progress of learn- ing in Europe. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1862. p. 25-52.) C Grasby, H. Catton. Teaching in three conti- nents ; personal notes on the educational systems of the world. Syracuse, 1895. D. 15 + 344 p. C T Hickson, William Edward. Dutch and Ger- man schools ; an account of the present state of education in Holland, Belgium and the German states. London, 1840. O. 3 + 86 + 2 p. pi. T Hill, Frederic. National education, its present state and prospects. London, 1836. D. ^v. C T Hoyt, John Wesley. Report on education. Washington, 1870. O. 398 p. (U. S.— Commis- sion to Paris Univ. Expos. Report no. 12.) C Kay, Joseph. Social condition and education of the people in England and Europe : showing the results of the primary schools, and of the divi- sion of landed property, in foreign countries. Lon- don, 1850. O. 2 V, C T Contents : I. Peasant proprietors. 2. Education of the people. Klemm, Louis Richard. European schools ; or. What I saw in the schools of Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland. New York, 1889. D. 16 + 419 p. ill. International education series. (Harris, W. T., ed. v. 12.) C T ill. New York, 1897. D. 16 + 426 p. T Laacke, Karl Christian Fr, Die schulaufsicht in ihrer rechtlichen stellung . . . 11. Marz, 1872. . . Berlin, 1880. O. 16 + 416 p. C Magevney, Rev. Eugene. Christian education in the dark ages. New York, 1898. Nar. D. 60 p. T Narjoux, Felix. Les ecoles publiques en Europe. Paris, n. d. T. 40 p. (Conferences de r Union centrale des beaux-arts appliques k I'industrie.) T Northrop, Birdsey Grant. Lessons from European schools and the American centennial. New York, 1877. O. [4] + p. 21-108. i pi. C Pbtsch, Joseph A. Papst Leo XIII. und Kaiser Wilhelm II. liber die aufgabe der schule in der heutigen zeit. Kempten, 1893. D. 29 p. (Padagog. vortrage und abhandl. v. i, no. i.) C Byerson, Rev. Egerton. Special report on the . . . popular education ... of Europe . . . and the United States of America. . . Toronto, 1868. O. 8 + 198 p. T Sonnenschein, Adolf. Educational codes of foreign countries . . . standards prescribed by Aus- tralian (South), Austrian, Belgian, German, Italian and Swiss governments. . . 2d ed. . . enlarged. London, 1889. D. 8 + 227 p. C T Symonds, John Addington. Revival of learn- ing. . . New York, 1881. O. 15 -h 549 p. (/« his Renaissance in Italy, pt. 2.) C West, Andrew Fleming. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools. New York, 1892. D. [7] + 205 p. Map. (Great educators ; Nicholas Mur- ray Butler, ed.) Contains a bibliography of Alcuin. Williams, Samuel Gardner. History of modern education . . . from the revival of learning to the present decade. Syracuse, 1892. D. 395 p. C T d. SPECIAL SYSTEMS JESUITS Brosnahan, Timothy, S. J. President Eliot and Jesuit colleges. Woodstock, Md. [igco.] D. 36 p. C Cadet, Felix, comp. Port-Royal education . . . extracts, with an introduction . . . tr.^ by A. D. Jones. New York, 1898. D. 4-^260 p. , CT Guillaume, L., abbL Les Jesuites et les clas- siques Chretiens ; reponse au R. P. Delaporte. Gand, 1894. O. 184 p. C Hughes, Thomas. Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. New York, 1892. D. 9+ 302 p. (Great educators ; Nicholas Murray Butler, ed.) CT Magevney, Rev. Eugene. Jesuits as educa- tors. New York, 1899. nar. D. 64 p. (Pedagogical truth library, no. 2.) T Mertz, Georg Karl. Die padagogik der Jesu- iten, nach den quellen von der altesten bis in die neueste zeit. Heidelberg, 1898. O. 8 + 191 p. C T 22 EDUCATION Pachtler, Georg Michael. Ratio studiorum et institutiones scholasticae Societatis Jesu per Germa- niam olim vigentes. . . Berlin, 1887-94. O. 4 v. por. maps. (Mon. Ger. paedagog., v. 2, 5, 9, 16.) C Petre, Edward. Notices of the English colleges and convents established on the continent after the dissolution of religious houses in England, ed. by . . . Rev. F. C. Husenbeth. Norwich lEng.-^ 1849. Sq. O. 5 + 105 + [2] p. C Porter, Noah. Educational systems of the Puritans and Jesuits compared. New York, 1852. O. 95 p. (Soc. for Promotion of Coll. and Theol. Ed. at the West. Permanent documents, v. 2.) C Quick, Robert Hebert. Schools of the Jesuits. (/« his Essays on educational reformers. 1890. p. 33-62.) C T Reiss, Joseph. Jesuiten und Jesuitenschulen ; offene antwort dem historiker der " Deutschen schul- zeitung," Herm E. Henze ins album geschrieben. Kempten, 1894. D. 93 + [i] p. (Padagog. vor- trage und abhandl. v. i, no. 3.) C Weicker, Gustav. Das schulwesen der Jesuiten nach den ordensgesetzen. Halle, 1863. O. 6 + [I] + 288 p. C JEWS Alting, Jacob. Hebrseorum respublica scholas- tica, sive ; Historia academiarum et promotionum academicarum in populo Hebrasorum. . . Amstelo- dami, 1652. T. 154 p. C Baur, Gustav Adolf Ludwig. Judische und muhammedanische erziehung. {In Schmid, K. A. Gesch. der erziehung. 1892. v. 2, pt. i, p. 549- 611.) C Felsenthal, B. Judisches schulwesen in Amer- ika, ein vortrag, gehalten . . . 1865 . . . zu Chicago. Chicago, 1866. S. 40 p. C Gudemann, Moritz. Quellenschriften zur ge- schichte des unterrichts und der erziehung bei den deutschen Juden ... bis auf Mendelssohn. Ber- lin, 1891. O. 32 + 324 p, C T Imber, N. H. Education and the Talmud. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report of the commissioner. V. 26, 1894-95, pt. 2, p. 1795-1820.) C T Je^vish Training School of Chicago. Annual report, 1895-96. Chicago [I896]. O. pi. C Leipziger, Henry Marcus. Education of the Jews. {In Teachers College. Educational mono- graphs. 1890. V. 3, no. 6, p. 183-221.) C T Lewit, Julius. Darstellung der theoretischen und praktischen padagogik im jUdischen altertume nach talmudischen quellen. . . Berlin, 1895. O. 78 + [2] p. C Marcus, Samuel. Die padagogik des israeli- tischen volkes von der patriarchenzeit bis auf den Talmud. Wien, 1877. O. 2 pts. in i v. C Meuschen, Johann Gerhard. Oratio de direc- toribus scholarium Hebrseorum. {In his Novum testamentum ex Talmude . . . illus. 1736. p. 1199-1216.) C Simon, Joseph. L'education et I'instruction des enfants chez les anciens Juifs d'apres la Bible et la Talmud. 3^ ed. Leipzig, 1879. Nar. O. 63 p. C Spiers, Rev. B. School system of the Talmud. London, 1882. O. 48 p. T with a sketch of the Talmudical trea- tise 'Baba Kama.' London, !?><)%. O. 12+iiip. C Strassburger, B. Geschichte der erziehung und des unterrichts bei den Israeliten . . . mit einem anhange : Bibliographic der jiidischen pada- gogie. Stuttgart, 1885. D. 15 + 310 p. C Wessely, Naftali Hirsch. Mikhtabh r*bhfi . . . hii' y^ faresh dibhre mikhtabh hari'shon. . . Berlin, 1785. S. 76 f, C Mikhtabh sheni, t* shiibhah 1^'aushe hayyil b'ir Triest, 'al k^thabh yosher '^sher kath^bhu lanub*higgl'a '*lehem mikhtabhenu dibhre shalom we'^meth. [Berlin, 1872.-] S. unpaged, C Winke und wohlmeinende rathschlage fur israe- litische schulen . . . von einem unparteiischen christlichen theologen. Leipzig, 1834. O. 8 + 79 + I p. . C MOHAMMEDANS Fell, Winand. Uber den ursprung und die ent- wickelung des hohern unterrichtswesens bei den Muhammedanern. Koln am Rhein, 1883. Sq. Q. 35 p. C 8. HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS FRANCE Arnold, Matthew. Popular education of France with notices of that of Holland and Swit- eerland. London, 1861. O. 50 + 294 p. C T Association generale des etudiants de Paris. Discours aux etudiants prononces devant I'As.socia- tion generale des etudiants de Paris par Leon Bourgeois . . ., Emilio Castelar . . . Loubet . . . Pasteur . . . Emile Zola. Paris, 1900. D. 11 + 352 p. C Babeau, Albert Ars^ne. L'ecole de village pendant la revolution. 2« ed. Paris, 1885. D. II + 272 p. C Baudrillart, Henri Joseph Leon. La famille et l'education en France dans leurs rapports avec I'etat de la societe. Paris, 1874. D. 11 + 430 + I p. C Beaurepaire, Charles Marie de Robillard de. Recherches sur I'instruction publique dans le dio- c&e de Rouen avant 1789. Evreux, 1872. O. 3 V. in 2. C HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS— I[RANCE 23 Benoit-L^vy, Edmond, and Bocande, F. B. Manuel pratique pour I'application de la loi sur I'instruction obligatoire . . . avec une preface par Jean Mace. Paris, 1882. D. 142 + [2] p. C Berger, B. Le certificat d'aptitude pedago- gique. Paris, 1887. O. 129 + i p. (Musee peda- gogique. Memoires et documents scolaires, no. 29.) C Beyer, Otto Wilhelm. Ein jahrbuch des franzo- sischen volksschulwesens ; blick auf das franzo- sische volksschulwesen der gegenwart. Langen- salza, 1894. O. 16 p. (Padagog. mag., pt. 45.) C Breal, Michel Jules Alfred. Excursions peda- gogiques. 2« ed. . . Paris, 1884. D. 24 + 376 p. C T Quelques mots sur rinstruction publique en France. 3= edition. Paris, 1881. D. 410 p. C 5« edition. Paris, 1886. D. 3 + 410 p. C T t Brouard, Eugene, and Defoden, Charles. In- spection des ecoles primaires ; ouvrage a Husage des inspecteurs primaires. . . 5^ ed. . . aug. . . Paris, 1882. D. 8 + 427 p. ' C Carl, G. A., abb^. De I'instruction sous un regime de liberie politique, discours ; De la puis- sance des idees au xix^ siecle, discours prononce par Mgr. I'eveque de Langres. Paris, 1848. O. 32 p. C Carrive, Pierre. La nouvelle legislation de I'enseignement primaire ; expose et commentaire, suivis du texte des lois. . . Paris, 1889. D. 14 -I- [I] -I- 658 p. C Chailley-Bert, Joseph. L'education et les colonies. Paris, 1898. S. 61 + [I] p. (Ques- tions du temps present.) C Colombel, Hippolyte. Reflexions sur la lib- erte de I'enseignement. [Anon.] Nantes, 1848. O. 15 p. C Compayr^, Gabriel. L'enseignement integral, d'apr^s un livre recent (par Alexis Bertrand). {In Revue philos. de la France et de I'etranger. 1898. V. 46, p. I9-44-) C Etudes sur I'enseignement et sur l'educa- tion. Paris, 1891. D. 6 + 332 p. C T Histoire critique des doctrines de l'education en France depuis le seizi^me siecle ; ouvrage qui k obtenu le prix Bordin k I'Academie des sciences morales et politiques et un prix Monthyon k I'Aca- demie fran^aise. 3^ edition, /'arw, 1885. D. 2 v. C T Organisation pedagogique et legislation des ecoles primaires ; pedagogique pratique et adminis- tration scolaire. . . Paris, 1890. D. 392 p. C T Cournot, Antoine Augustin. Des institutions d'instruction publique en France. . . Paris, 1864. O. 8 + 575 p. C Cousin, Victor. Huit mois au Ministere de I'instruction publique. {In his Fragments litte- raires. 1843. p. 153-202.) C Rapport fait a la Chambre des pairs au nom d'une Commission speciale chargee de I'examen du projet de loi sur I'instruction primaire, le 21 mai 1833. {In his Fragments litteraires. 1843. p. 99- 152.) C Cucheval-Clarigny, Philippe Athanase. L'instruction publique en France. . . Paris, 1883. O. 2 + 202 -h I p. c Damiron, Jean Philibert. Conseils et allocu- tions, adresses k des enfants d'ouvriers et k leurs families . . . nouveaux souvenirs d'enseignement. Paris, 1862. D. 109 p. C Souvenirs de vingt ans d'enseignement a la Faculte des lettres de Paris ; ou, Discours sur di- verses matieres de morale et de theodicee. Paris, 1859. O. 78 + 424 -(- I p. c Denis, L., abbe. Notes sur I'enseignement public dans I'ancien diocese du Mans. Maniers, 1892. Q. 8 p. C Denk, V. M. Otto. Geschichte des gallo-fran- kischen unterrichts- und bildungswesens von den altesten zeiten bis auf Karl den Grossen. . . Mainz, 1892. O. 7 -I- 276 -)- [i] p. C Didon, J. Henri. L'education presente ; dis- cours k la jeunesse. Paris, 1898. D. 16 -h 414 + [I] p. c Dillon, Mme. Infant schools in France. {In London— Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Health exhib. literature, v. 13, p. 136-43.) C Dreyfus-Brisac, Edmond. L'education nou- velle ; etudes de pedagogie comparee. ser. 1-3. Paris, 1882-97. O. 3 V. C L'enseignement obligatoire et les commis- sions scolaires. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. Expos, univ. de i88g. v. i, p. 341-457.) C Dumesnil, Georges. La pedagogie revolution- naire. Paris, 1883. D. 9 4- 255 p. (Biblio- th^que pedagogique.) T Dupont de Nemours, P. S. Memoire sur le nombre des ecoles primaires qui Ton doit etablir. . . , {In Paris — Institut — Acad. d. sci. mor. et pol. Memoires. 1798-1804. v. 5, p. 317-30-) Duruy, Albert. L'instruction publique .et la democratie 1879-86. Paris, 1886. D. 7 + 358 4- [I] p. C Li'enseignement primaire public k Paris, 1877-88. Paris, 1889. Sq. Q. v. I. C Contents: v. i, Les ecoles maternelles ; Les ecoles primaires elementaires. Eztrait du proces-verbal de la 14* Assemblee generale de la Societe pour I'encouragement de I'institution primaire parmi les protestants de France. . . n. p. 1829. D, 19 p. C Payet, recteur de I 'Acadimie. Recherches historiques et statistiques sur les communes et les ecoles de la Haute-Mame. Langres, 1879. O. 33+ 387 P- C Ferneuil, Th. La reforme de l'enseignement public en France ... 2« ed. . . augmentee. Paris, 1881. D. 10 -H 338 p. C 24 EDUCATION Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. French leaving certificate. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1898. v. 2, p. 634-47.) CT France — A ssem bl/e nationale constituante. Projet de decrets sur I'instruction publique. Paris, 1791. O. loop. C Rapport sur I'instruction publique, fait . . . 1791, par M. de Talleyrand-Perigord. . . Paris, 1791. Sq. Q. 216 p. tab. C Assemblie nationale — Chambre des d/put/s. Loi sur les depenses ordinaires de I'instruc- tion primaire publique et les traitements du person- nel de ce service ; recueil de documents parlemen- taires relatifs a la discussion de cette loi k la Chambre des deputes (session ordinaire de 1889). Paris, 1889. O. 62-1-1 p. (Musee pedagogique. Mem. etdoc. scol., no. 90.) C T S^nat. Loi sur les depenses ordinaires de I'instruction primaire publique et les traitements du personnel de ce service ; recueil de documents parlementaires relatifs k la discussion de cette loi au Senat (session ordinaire de 1889). Paris, 1889. O. 312 p. (Musee pedagogique. Mem. etdoc. scol., no. 89.) C T Assemblie nationale legislative. Rapport et projet de decret sur I'organisation generale de I'instruction publique presentes . . . par [M. J. A. N. Caritat, marquis dc] Condorcet, 20-21 avril, 1792. C Instruction publique, Ministere de /'. Compte rendu, 1845-48 ; compte definitif des de- penses de I'exercice, 1843-49. Paris, 1845-49. Sq. Q. C Les hautes etudes pratiques dans les universites allemandes ; rapport presente . . . par C. A. Wurtz. Paris, 1870. Sq. F. 3 -f- 82 p. ill. 17 pi. C Instruction publique et des beaux-arts, Min- istkre de /'. Budget general des depenses de I'exer- cice 1894, 1899. Paris, 1893-98. 2 V. Q. C Enquetes et documents, 1888, 1890- 94. Paris, 1869-95. O. C Enquetes relatives 4 1'enseignementsu- perieur, 1883-99. I^aris, 1883-99. O- No. 1-72. C L'inspection academique. Paris, 1900. O. 18 -H 628 p. C L'inspection de I'enseignement pri- maire. Paris, 1900. O. 6 4- 435 p. G Loi du 19 juillet 1889 ; decrets et documents relatifs aux indemnites de residence dues au personnel des instituteurs. Paris, 1890. O. 117 p. (Musee pedagogique. Mem. et doc. scol., no. 104.) C -_ Loi du 19 juillet 1889 ; documents re- latifs au classement du personnel de I'enseignement primaire. . . Paris, 1890. O. 89 p. (Musee pedagogique. Mem. et doc. scol., no. 101.) G — ; Loi du 19 juillet 1889 ; documents relatifs au classement et aux traitements des institu- teurs. Paris, 1890. O. 133 p. (Musee peda- gogique. Mem. et doc. scol., no. 102.) C Loi du 19 juillet 1889 ; reglements relatifs au Departement de la Seine et k la ville de Paris. Paris, 1890. O. 43 p. (Musee peda- gogique. Mem. etdoc. scol., no. 105.) C Lois et reglements sur I'enseignement primaire. . . Paris, i8go. O. 1108 p. T Rapport sur I'instruction primaire k I'Exposition Universelle de Vienne en 1873 par F. Buisson. Paris, 1875. Q. 6 + 352 p. ill. pi. G Rapport sur I'organisation et la situa- tion de I'enseignement primaire public en France. Paris, 1900. O. 15 -t- 628 p. tab. G Recueil des reglements relatifs a la loi du 14 juillet 1889. Paris, 1890. O. 82 -h 3 p. (Musee pedagogique. Mem. et doc. scol., no. 106.) Resume des etats de situation de I'en- seignement primaire pour I'annee scolaire 1885-86. Paris, 1887. Q. 15 -H 158 p. C Statistique de I'enseignement primaire, 1876-97. 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Das unterrichts-wesen in Frankreich ; mit einer geschichte der Pariser Universitat. Breslau, 1848. O. 2 v. in i. 16 + 746 p. c Hayem, Julien. Quelques reformes dans les ecoles primaires. Paris, \%%i. D. 11 + 275 p. C Heinzig, Bernhard. Die schule Frankreichs in ihrer histcrischen entwickelung besonders seit dem deutsch-franzosichen kriege von 1870-71, nebst einer libersetzung des neues^en franzosischen primarschulgesetzes. Leipzig [pref. 189!]. O. [5] + 90 p. C Hippeau, Celestin. L'education et I'lnstruction considerees dans leurs rapports avec le bien-etre social et le perfectionnement de I'esprit humain. . . [Ed. par Eugene Talbot.] Paris [I885]. D. 10 + 15 + 348 p. c L'instruction publique en France pendant la revolution. . . Paris, 1881-83. D. 2 v. C T Johnston, David. General view of the present system of public education in France.-. . Edin- burgh, 1827. O. 244 p. T Jomard, Edme Fran9ois. Du nombre des delits criminels compare a I'etat de l'instruction primaire. . . . [Anon.] Paris, 1827. Q. 36 p. I tab. C Jourdain, Charles Marie Gabriel Brechillet. Rapport sur I'organisation et les progres de l'instruc- tion publique. Paris, iStj. Q. 2 + 228 p. (France — Min. de I'lnstr. publ. Recueil de rap- ports.) C Justus* Paul. Republique franjaise ; sur la fondation d'ecoles vocationnelles. . . Paris, 1848. O. II p. C Kem6ny, Franz. Beitrage zur kenntnis des modernen volksschulwesens von P'rankreich. . . GotAa, 1890. O. [4] + 57 p. (Padagogische zeit- und streitfragen. 1891. v. 3.) C [Same.] (/« Neue bahnen. 1890. v. i, p. 257-73 and 305-22.) T Enoepfler, L. Essai sur la democratie, I'in- struction publique et les universites. Paris, 1897. O. 7 + 99 + [I] P- Pl- C Lacroix, Sylvestre Francois. Enseignement, pendant le dixhuiti^me siecle. {In his Essais sur I'enseignement en general et sur mathematiques en particulier. 1816. p. 39-170.) C Liaubert, Karl. Padagogische skizzen aus Frankreich. I. Frankfurt a. O. [i%()0^. O. 59 p. C Laurentie, Pierre Sebastien. 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T Parsons, James Russell, Jr. French schools through American eyes : a report to the N. Y. state department of public instruction. Syracuse, 1892. O. 136 p. pl. T Pecaut, Felix. Etudes au jour le jour sur l'education nationale, 1871-1879. 2« ed. Paris, 1881. D. 8 -f 312 p. C Picavet, Fran9ois Joseph. L'education. Paris, 1895. D. 232 p. C Pichard, Aldric Emmanuel. Nouveau code de l'instruction primaire recueilli . . . et annote. 6= (fd. refondue . . . par A. Wissemans. Paris, 1900. D. 20 + 763 p. C 26 EDUCATION Le projet de loi sur I'organisation de I'en- seignement primaire. 1882-84, 1886. Paris, 1884- 86. O. 2 V. (/« Musee pedagogique. Mem. et doc. scol. 1884-86. no. I, lo-ii.) C T Rauni^, Emile. La reforme de I'instruction nationale et la surmenage intellectuel. Paris, 1888. D. 45 + 468 p. C Requete aux deux chambres [par] Un membre de la Societe pour I'instruction elementaire. [Paris, 1828.] Q. 4 p. ■ C Richard, Ernest. School system of France. New York, 1893. O. 20 p. i tab. 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(Samml. selten gewordener padagog. schriften. 1881. no. 8.) C August, kurfiirst von Sachsen. Die schul- und universitats-ordnung, aus der kursachsischen kir- chen-ordnung vom jahre 1580 ; hrsg. von L. Wat- tendorff. Paderborn, 1890. D. 8 + 220 p. {In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. 1888-99. V. 7.) C Austria. Volksschulgesetze ; die reichs- und landesgesetze . . . zusammengestellt von M. E. Burckhard. 2. aufl. Wien, 1893. S. 2 v. C Ballien, Theodor. Abriss der geschichte der deutschen padagogik insbesondere des deutschen volksschulwesens ... 2. aufl. Stuttgart, 1872. O. 334 p. C Barnard, Henry, ed. German pedagogy ; edu- cation, the school, and the teacher in German litera- ture. 2d ed. Hartford, 1876. O. 648 p. {In his Papers for the teacher. 1876. v. 3.) T German schools and pedagogy. . . New York, i86r. O. {In same, 3d ser. 1861.) C T Systems, institutions, and statistics of public instruction in different countries. New York, 1872. O. v. 1-2. {In his National ed. 1872. pt. i, v. 1-2.) T Barth, Ernst. Das schulwesen in grossen stadten, mit besonderer beziehung auf Leipzig ; eine financiell-statistische studie. Leipzig, 1873. O. 44 P- C Bartholomaus, Wilhelm. Das allgemeine landrecht und die preussische volksschule. Biele- feld [i2)()S-\. O. 28 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. V. 8, pt. 5.) C Bauer, Wolfgang. Zur organisation der baye- rischen gelehrtenschulen. Miinchen,!?)^^. Sq. O. 25 p. c Baumann, H. My schools and schoolmasters. _^ {In Teachers' Guild of Gr. Br. and Ireland. ■*• Papers. 1888-90. p. 83-95.) T HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS— GERMANY 27 Bavaria. Obersicht der das schulvvesen be- treffenden gesetzlichen anordnungen ; in kurzen auszugen nach alphabetischer ordnung zusammenge- stellt von G. DoUinger. Nordlingen, 1844. O. 44- 228 p. C Bayha, Th. Unsere volksschulfrage ; ein wort zu ihrer losung. Stuttgart, 1891. O. 30 ?• C Beeger, Julius. Die frage der reichsschul ge- setzgebung. Bielefeld, i^%<). O. 20 p. 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C T Clbssner, Karl. Preussen und das deutsche reich zu anfang und zu ende des 19. jahrhunderts. . . A^^Mw;«>«/[i899]. O. 16 p. (Aus der schule ftir die schule, no. 80.) C Coming, James Leonard. Public schools of WUrtemberg. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1877. no. 2, p. 47-53-) ^ T Cousin, Victor. De I'instruction publique dans quelques pays de I'Allemagne, et particuli^re- ment en Prusse. Bruxelles, 1841. S. 2 v. in i. C T Rapport sur I'etat de instruction publique dans quelques pays de I'Allemagne, et particuli^re- ment en Prusse. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1833. O. 431 p. 7 pi. 2 tab. T Report on the state of public instruction in Prussia . . . tr. by S. Austin. 2d ed. London, 1836. D. 38+ 333 P- tab. CT Cousin's expose ; [review of] his Report of the condition of public instruction in some of the provinces of Germany. O. 40 p. C Cramer, M. E. WUrttembergs lehranstalten und lehrer soweit sie der K. kultministerial-abtei- lung fUr gelehrten- und realschulen unterstellt sind. 2. aufl. Stuttgart, 1892. O. 8 4- 171 P- C Czerny, Josef. FUhrer durch den elemen- tarunterricht (Specielle methodik der elementar- classe). . . Wiener-Neustadt, 1892. Q. 239 p. C Dahn, Felix. Der entwurf eines gesetzes iiber die volksschule in Preussen ; betrachtungen. . . Breslau, 1892. S. 53 P- ^ Dale, Frank Harry Busbridge. Continuation schools in Saxony. {In England— Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1897. v. i, p. 482-511.) C T Danneil, Friedrich. Geschichte des evange- lischen dorfschulv/esens im herzogtum Magdeburg. Halle, 1876. O. 6 + [i] + 340 p. C Deltzer, J. F. Die selbstandigkeit der deut- schen volksschule ; eine denkschrft fUr alle, die es angeht. Dortmund [I887]. O. 107 p. C 28 EDUCATION Denkschrift Uber die reform des volksschul- lehrerbildung in WUrtemberg von lehrern des seminars und der praparandenanstalt in Esslingen. Stuttgart, 1895. O. 51 p. C Deutschmann, Ernst. Die schul-aera Falk ; ein beitrag zur schulgeschichte und schulreform. Frankfurt am Main, iZZi,. O. 4 pts. in i. 18 + 646 p. C Dieckmann, August. Wie ist der padago- gische grundsatz " Gehe vom bekannten zum unbe- kannten " beim eintritt der sechsjahrigen kinder in die volksschule zu verwerten ? Meuwied, 1900. O. 8 p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule, no. 82.) C Diegelmann, E. Kulturziele nr. i : Dres- den-volkerstadt ; eine zukunftstudie. Dresden [1899]. O- 16 p. C Dienstvorschriften fur die bei dem volks- schulwesen im grossherzogthume Sachsen-Weimar- Eisenach thatigen einzelnen personen und behorden. Weimar, 1852. Nar. O. 90 p. tab. C Donaldson, James. Lectures on the history of education in Prussia and England, and on kin- dred topics. Edinburgh, 1874. D. [6] + 185 p. C T Dorpfeld, Friedrich Wilhelm. Ein beitrag zur leidensgeschichte der volksschule nebst vorsch- lagen zur reform der schulverwaltung. Barmen, 1881. O. 309 + [I] p. C O. 6 + [I] C 3. aufl. Barmen, 1892. + 256 p. 4. aufl. Giitersloh, 1899. O- 9 + 37^ p. {In his Gesamm. schriften. v. 9.) C Das fundamentstlick einer gerechten, gesun- den, freien und friedlichen schulverfassung. Hil- chenbach, 1892. O. 9 + 157 p. C 2. ausg. Giitersloh, 1897. O. 9 + 350 p. (In his Gesamm. schriften. v. 7.) C Dumesnil, Georges. La pedagogic dans I'Al- lemagne du Nord ; les programmes ; comment on les enseigne, comment on apprend a les enseigner ; d' apres des documents originaux et des observations personnelles. Paris, 1885. D. 176 p. C Egger-MoU'vrald, Alois. Ssterreichisches volks- und mittelschulwesen . . . 1867-1877. . . Wien, 1878. O. 6 + 164 p. C Eisenlohr, Theodor. Die idee der volksschule nach den schriften Fr. Schleiermacher's. Reutlin- gen, 1852. O. 15 + 124 p. C Elbert, Joseph. Streitfragen aus dem bayer- ischen volksschulrechte ; eine verwaltungsrechtliche studie. Frankfurt am Main, 1896. O. [4] 4- 95 p. C Ernst I., the Pious, duke of Saxe-Coburg- Gotha. Special und sonderbahrer bericht wie nechst gbttlicher verleyhung die knaben und magd- lein auff den dorffschaften . . . kurtz- und nlitz- lich unterrichtet werden konnen und sollen . . . mit . . . erlauterungen von Joh. Muller. Gotha, 1642. O. 136 p. (Samml. selten gewordener pa- dagog. schriften. 1883. no. 10.) C Etienne, August Adolf. Die kostendeckung beim offentlichen schulwesen in Preussen. Stutt- gart, 1899. O- 35 P- C Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. Reden an die deut- sche nation ; mit Fichte's biographic sowie mit er- lauternden anmerkungen versehcn von Theodor Vogt. Langensaha, 1881. O. [8] -\- 278 p. (Bibl. padagog. klass. hrsg. von F. Mann.) C T Firnhaber, G. B. Die nassauische simultan- volksschulc . . . nebst einer geschichtc der alten nassauischen volksschule. Wiesbaden, 1881-82- O. 2 V. C Fischer, Ernst Gottfried. Ober die englischcn Ichranstalten in vergleichung mit den unsrigen. . . Bertin, 1827. Sq. O. 18 p. C Fischer, Konrad. Geschichtc des deutschen volksschullehrerstandes. Hannover, 1898. O. 2 V. in I. C Florin, A. Die methodik der gesamtschule. 2. aufl. Zurich, 1886. O. 79 p. tab. C Forster, Eduard. Kurze methodik des ele- mentarunterrichts auf grund der ' ' Allgemeincn bcstimmungen " vom 15. Oktober 1872 bctr. das volksschulwesen in Preussen. 3. verm. . . aufl. Berlin, 1895. O. [4] + 143 p. C Frank, Ferdinand. Die osterreichische volks- schule von 1 848-1 898, vom historischen und sys- tcmatischen standpunkte aus dargestellt. Wien, 1898. O. 4 •+■ 137 p. C Friedlaender, Konrad. Zur geschichtc der Hamburgischen bildung in der ersten halfte des siebzehnten jahrhunderts. ^Hamburg, 1884.] Sq. Q. pt. I. 31 p. C Fiiger, J. Die schulordnungen fiir die human- istischcn gymnasien, progymnasien u. lateinschulcn im konigreich Bayern . . . 1891 bezw. . . 1894; dann die Prilfungs-ordnung fiir das lehramt an hu- manistischen und technischen unterrichtsanstalten vom 21. Jan. 1895. . . Wtirzburg, 1900. S. 6 -)- 154 p.' (Stahel'schc gesetzcs-sammlung, no. 147.) C Fiir alle wahrheitsliebcndcn, deutschen protes- tanten ! protest wider das kirchen-Christcntum, geschrieben zur verstandigung iiber den preussischen volksschidgesetzentwurf. . . Berlin, 1892. O. 18 p. C Gebele, Joseph. Das schulwesen der . . . residcnzstadt MUnchen in seiner geschichtlichcn entwicklung und unter bcrlicksichtigung die alteren bayerischcn schulzustande aus archivalischen quellen dargestellt. . . MUnchen, 1896. O. [4] -|- 250 + 32 p. por. pi. C Gebhardt, Bruno. Die einfuhrung der Pesta- lozzischen methode in Preussen ; ein urkundliches kapitel preussischer schulgeschichte. Berlin, 1896 O. 80 p. C Gehmlich, Ernst. Beitragc zur geschichtc des unterrichts und derzuchtin den stadtischen Latein- schulcn des 16. jahrhunderts. Langensalza, 1893. O. 42 p. (Padagog. mag., pt. 20.) C Germany — Entwurf des neuen volksschul- gcsetzes. Berlin [i8g2'f^ O. 34 P- C HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS — GERMANY 29 Gesetz . . . uber den elementarunterricht be- treffend. . . [Freiburg, 1892.] Sq. Q. 70 + 105 + 91 P- ^ Gild, A. Ein deutscher kirchenfUrst und die schule. (/« Paedagogium. 1893. v. 15, p. 557- 71.) T Gneist, Rudolf von. Rede . . . Uber das schulaufsichtsgesetz. Berlin [1872]. O. 16 p. Die selbstverwaltung der volksschule. . . Berlin, 1869. O. [3] + 140 p. C Die staatsrechtlichen fragen des preussi- schen volksschulgesetzes. Berlin, 1892. O. 5 + 122 p. C Goltzsch, Emil Theodor. Einrichtungs- und lehrplan fur dorfschulen, insbesondere fiir solche, an denen nur ein lehrer angestellt ist. . . Berlin, 1852. O. 14 + [I] + 136 p. c Einrichtungs- und lehrplan fUr dorfschulen . . . nebst einem nachtrag Uber die neuesten veran- derungen im volksschulwesen. 4. aufl. Berlin, 1859. O. 26 + [I] + 200 p. C Goring, Hugo. Die neue deutsche schule : ein weg zur verwirklichung vaterlandischer erzie- hung. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1890. D. 12 + [i] + 178 p. C T Graser, Johann Baptist. Die elementarschule furs leben ; grundlage, steigerung und vollendung derselben. {In J. B. Graser bearbeitet von Hein- rich Wieck. 1891. v. 14.) Gressler, Julius. Bildungsziele der volks- schule in ruck.sicht auf die forderungen der gegen- wart. (/« Neue bahnen. 1895. v. 6, p. 369-83. 417-40.) T [Same]. Wiesbaden, 1895. O. 40 p. (Pa- dagog. zeit- und streitfragen, v. 8, pt. 4.) C Der schulgesetzentwurf des cultusministers Graf en v. Zedlitz-Triitschler vom padagogischen und socialpolitischen standpunkte aus beleuchtet. Bielefeld (i?,()2l-^. D. 51 p. C Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Karl. Ober schule, universitat, academie. {In Berlin — Akad. d. wiss. — Hist.-philol. classe. Abhandl., 1849. p. 153- 90.) C Grumbach, H. Die entwicklung des Berli- nischen fortbildungsschulwesens. Berlin, 1898. O. 71 p. C Giissfeldt, Paul. Die erziehung der deutschen jugend. 3. aufl. Berlin, 1890. D. 6 -h 161 p. C T See Kunow, Ewald, below. Gutbier, Adolf. Die reform der volksschul- wesen und der entwurf eines gesetzes uber das volksschulwesen imkOnigreiche Bayern. Munchen, 1868. O. 47 p. C Hamisch, Wilhelm. Handbuch fiir das deutsche volksschulwesen ; mit anmerkungen und Harnischs biographie hrsg. von Dr. Friedrich Bar- tels. Langensalsa, 1S93. O. 64 -(- 12 4- 380 p. {In Bibl. padagog. klass. 1893. v. 32.) C T Haun, Christian Wilhelm. Uber schulgesetz- gebung. . . Muhlhausen, 1841. Sq. O. 26 p. C Nachtrage zu der . . . abhandlung : " Uber schulgesetzgebung." Muhlhausen [I842]. Sq. O. 12 p. I pi. C Heinemann, Franz. Geschichte des schul- und bildungslebens im alten Freiburg bis zum 17. jahrhundert. . . Freiburg i. Ue, 1895. O. 7 -t- 175 P- c Heman, Karl Friedrich. Die bildungsideale der Deutschen im schulwesen seit der renaissance. . . . Basel, 1892. D. 7 -f 88p. C Henrich, Rudolf. Schulpflicht und lehrplan der bayerischen volksschule. Munchen, 1893. O. 24 p. C Heppe, Heinrich Ludwig Julius. Beitrage zur geschichte und statistik des hessischen schul- wesens im 17. jahrhundert. Kassel, 1850. O. 4 4- HI p. {In Verein ftir hessische gesch. Zeit- schrif t ; .sup. , v. 4.) C Das schulwesen des mittelalters und dessen reform im sechszehnten jahrhundert mit einem ab- druck von Bugenhagens Schulordnung der stadt Liibeck. Marburg, i860. O. v. p. C Herrmann, Emanuel. Volkswirthschaft und unterricht ; ein beitrag zur schulreform vom wirth- schaftlichen standpunkte. Berlin, 1888. O. 58 p. {In Volkswirthschaftliche zeitfragen. 1888. v. 9, pt. 7-8.) C Die heutige volksschule Preussens. {In Pae- dagogium. 1890. V. 12, p. 88-104.) T Hickson, William Edward. Dutch and Ger- man schools ; an account of the present state of education in Holland, Belgium, and the German states. . . London, 1840, O. [3] -f 86 4- 2 p. pi. T Hill, Frederic. Present state of education in Prussia. (/« /iw National education. 1836. v. 2, p. 65-129.) C T Hippeau, Celestin. L'instruction publique enAUemagne. . . /'ar/j, 1873. D. 35 + 407 p. CT Hofmann, Friedrich. Die volksschule und die h6heren schulen ; vortrag gehalten im Verein der stadtbezirke 41-48 zu Berlin. Berlin, 1878. D. 16 p. (Politische zeitfragen, no. 2.) C Holl, A, Wie und in welchem umfange kann die volksschule durch berlicksichtigung der wirt- schaftlichen verhaltnisse in der heimatlichen umge- bung der kinder die altere schul jugend auf ihren klinftigen lebensberuf vorbereiten ? Neuwied, 1897. O. 15 p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule, no. 71.) c Holzmiiller, Gustav. Der kampf um die schul-reform in seinen neuesten phasen. 2. aufl. Hageni. W., 1890. O. [5] + 122 p. C Honke, Julius. Zur pflege volkstUmlicher bil- dung und gesittung. Langensalza, 1893. O. 43 p. (Padagog. mag., pt. 28.) C 30 EDUCATION E[ornema>iui, F. Die Berliner Dezemberkon- ferenz und die schulreform ; von geschictlichen stand-punkte aus beleuchtet. . . Hannover, 1891. O. 112 p. C Huber, F. P. In letzter stunde ; offenes send- schreiben beziiglich des volksschulgesetzentwurfes an . . . die . . . Grafen von Caprivi und von Zedlitz-TrUtzschler. 4. Berlin, 1892. O. [3] + 86 p. C Die jugendbildung auf grund der neuen preussischen lehrplane. (/« Padagogische studien ; neue folge, 1893. v. 14, p. 1-31.) T Kalckstein, Karl von, Cauer, Minna, and Eulenburg, Albert. Nationale und humanistische erziehung. Kiel, 1891. O. 48 p. (Deutsche schriften fiir nationales leben ; hrsg. von Eugen Wolff, ser. I, pt. I, no. 8.) C Ealker, H. Wesen und bedeutung der nation- alen bildung und die fiir die volksschule daraus sich ergebende aufgabe. Hannover, 1891. O. 32 p. Kammel, Heinrich Julius. Geschichte des deutschen schulwesens im ubergange vom mittelal- ter zur neuzeit, aus seinem nachlasse hrsg. von O. Kammel. Leipzig, 1882. O. ii+444+[i]P- C Eehr, Karl, ed. Geschichte der methodik des deutschen volksschulunterrichts ... 2. aufl. Gotha, 1888-91. O. 6 V. in 3. ill. C T Contents : V. I. Engelien, A., and others. Geschichte des deutschen unterrichts in der volksschule. V. 2. Diercke, C., and others. Geschichte der methodik des unterrichtes in den realien. V. 3. Janicke, E., and Schurig, G. Geschichte des unterrichts in den mathematischen lehrfachern in der volksschule. V. 4. Hey, C., and others. Geschichte des un- terrichts in den technischen fertigkeiten in der volks- schule. V. 5. Euler, Karl. Geschichte des turnunter- richts. V. 6. Schuman, J. C. G., and Sperber, E. G. Geschichte des religionsunterrichts in der evangel- ischen volksschule. BUrgel, F. W. Geschichte des religionsunter- richts in der katholischen volksschule. Die praxis der volksschule ; ein wegweiser zur ftthrung einer geregelten schuldisziplin und zur erteilung eines methodischen schulunterrichtes fiir volksschullehrer ... 10. verb. aufl. Gotha, 1897. O. 13 + 408 p. I por. C Keiper, Philipp. Neue urkilndliche beitrage zur geschichte des gelehrten schulwesens im frii- heren herzogtum Zweibrtlcken . . . insbesondere des ZweibrUcker gymnasiums. Zweibrtlcken, 1892-93. O. 2 pts. in I. C Eerchove d'Ezaerde, Henri de. De I'en- seignement obligatoire en Allemagne. Gand, 1897. O. 173 P- C Eilbnann, M, Die direktoren-versammlungen des kOnigreichs Preussen von i860 bis 1889 ; die meinungsausserungen wUnsche, antrage und besch- lusse der mehrheiten. . . Berlin, 1890. O. 16 -f- 476 p. C Eluckholm, August von. Beitrage zur ges- chichte des schulwesens in Bayern vom 16. bis zum 18. jahrhundert. {In Munich — Akad. der wiss. Hist, classe. Abhandl. v. 12, pt. 3, p. 171-241.) C Kbhler, Richard. Uber den einfluss Preussens auf das deutsche schulwesen. {In Paedagogium. 1893. V. 15, p. 277-302.) T Uber individuelle bildung in ihrem verhalt- nisse zu dem gegenwartigen nationalleben in Deutschland. {In Paedagogium. 1894. v. 16, p. 613-36.) T Eoldeivey, Friedrich, ed. Braunschweigische schulordnungen von den altesten zeiten bis zum . . . 1828. . . (Mon. Ger. paedagog., v. i, 8.) C Kreyenberg, Gotthold. Neue bahnen von hundert jahren. {In Neue bahnen. 1892. v. 3, p. 509-19 and 557-63.) T Kunow, Ewald. Gilssfeldt ;'die erziehung der deutschen jugend. Leipzig, 1891. O. 36 p. C Laacke, Karl Christian Fr. Die schulauf- sicht in ihrer rechtlichen stellung . . . ii. Marz. 1872. . . Berlin, 18S0. O. i6 -t- 416 p. C Lang, Robert. Das collegium humanitatis in Schaffhausen ; ein beitrag zur schulgeschichte hrsg. im auftrage des Historisch-antiquarischen Vereins des kantons Schaffhausen. Leipzig, 1893. O. pt. I. C 1648-1727. Langermann, J. Die lehrerbildung im lichte der Steinschen staatsreform. Berlin, 1891. O. 35 p. C Lehmann, Heinrich Otto. Der preussische volksschulgesetzentwurf ; vortrag gehalten im Na- tionalliberalen Verein zu Marburg, am 4. Feb., 1892. Marburg, 1892. D. 27 p. C Lehmann, Rudolf. Der deutsche unterricht. . . Berlin, 1890. O. 13 + 394 p. C Letelier, Valentin. Las escuelas de Berlin ; Informe elevado al supremo gobierno por la Lega- cion de Chile en Alemania. Santiago de Chile, 1885. O. 98 p. C Liiese, Ad. AUgemeine bestimmungen ilber das preussische volksschul-, praparanden-, und sem- inar-wesen vom 15. Oktober 1872, nebst verschied- enen prlifungs-ordnungen ... ii. verm. aufl. Neu- wied, 1897. D. 5 -f- [I] -t- 192 p. C liorenz, Ottokar. Ober gymnasialwesen, pada- gogik und fachbildung. Wien, 1879, O- [3] + 64 p. ill. C Lotz, Albert. Die kosten der Volksschule in Preussen. (/« Jahrb. f. Gesetzgebung. 1898. v. 22, no. 4, p. 251-69.) C Luders, C. F. Volksschulunterricht, sein ziel, sein stoff und seine methode ; lehrplane ftlr evan- gelische schulen und vortrage aus lehrerkonferenzen. Leipzig, 1882. D. 6 + 140 p. C Mager, Karl Wilhelm. Deutsche blirger- schule; mit Mager's biographic hrsg. von K. Eberhardt. Langensalza, 1888. O. 6-1- [i] -I- 52 -)- 164 p. (Bibl. padagog. klass. hrsg. von F. Mann.) C T HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS— GERMANY 31 Magnus, Sir Philip. Education in Bavaria. (/« Teachers College— Ed. monographs. 1888. v. I, no. 2, p. 25-48.) T Mascher, H. A. Das deutsche schulwesen nach seiner historischen entwickelung und den for- derungen der gegenwart. . . Wien [pref. 1876]. O. II + 188 p. (/w Padagog. studien. 1881. V. I, no. 8.) T Meyer, Jurgen Bona. Die fortbildungsschule in unserer zeit. Berlin^ 1873. O. 64 p. C Gegen den entwurf eines volksschulgesetzes ; ein mahnruf an Preussens deutsches gewissen. Bonn, 1892. O. 72 p. C Volksbildung und wissenschaft in Deutsch- land wahrend der letzten jahrhunderte. Berlin, 1866. O. 56 p. C Miiller, Hans. Preussische volksschulzustande ; ein wort an das volk und seine lehrer. Berlin, 1890. D. 48 p. (Berliner arbeiterbibliothek. 1894. ser. 2, V. 7.) C Unentgeltlichkeit der lehrmittel fUr die schu- len des volkes. Berlin, 1893. D. 32 p. (Ber- liner arbeiterbibliothek. 1894. ser. 2, v. 9.) C Miiller, Johannes, ed. 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D. 2 v. in i. C Pache, Oskar. Handbuch des deutschen fort- bildungsschulwesens. Wittenberg, 1896-97. O. 2 V. in I. C Parola, Luigi, and Botta, Vincenzo. Del publico insegnamento in Germania. Torino, 185 1. O. 1021 p. tab. C Parsons, James Russell. Prussian schools through American eyes : A report to the N. Y. state department of public instruction. Syracuse, 1891. O. 7+9ip- CT Patzold, W. , ed. Tabellen zur geschichte der padagogik. . . Jena, 1891. O. 29 p. T Paulsen, Friedrich. Geschichte des gelehrten unterrichts auf den deutschen schulen und universi- taten. . . Leipzig, 1885. O. 16 + 811 p. CT Payne, Joseph. A visit to German schools ; notes of a professional tour. . . 2d ed. London, 1884. O. ill. (In his Lectures on the history of education. 1892. p. 191-271.) T Perry, Charles Copland. Reports on German elementary schools and training colleges. London, 1887. D. 8 + 235 p. C T Petersilie, Alwin. Das Offentliche unterrichts- wesen im deutschen reiche und in den iibrigen euro- paischen kulturlandern. . . Leipzig, 1897. Q. 2 V. (In Hand- und lehrbuch der staatswiss. 1897. pt. 3, V.3.) C Pfeifer, W. Organisation und lehrplan der mehrklassigen volks- oder bUrgerschule nach den forderungen der gegenwart. . . Gotha, 1896. O. 8 + 120 p. C Pinloche, A. La reforme de I'education en Allemagne au dix-huitieme siecle : Basedow et la philanthropinisme. Paris, 1889. O. 8 + 597 p. T Pogge, ober-regierungsrath. Die neuen preussischen volksschulgesetze. . . 2. aufl. Ber- lin, 1897. O. 6 + [I] + 416 p. C Polack, Friedrich. Welche unterrichtsmangel hemmen die zielerreichung in den fortbildungs- schulen und wie sind sie zu beseitigen ? 18 p. (In Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1899. v. 12, p. 57-74.) C Poten, Bernhard. Geschichte des militSr-erzie- hungs- und bildungswesens in den landen deutscher zunge. Berlin, 1889-97. O. 5 v. (Mon. Germ. 1889-97. V. lo-ii, 15, 17, 18.) C Preyer, Thierry William. Eine deutsche schule. Bielefeld, 1890. O. 20 p. (Samml. padagog. vor- trage, V. 3, pt. 4.) C Prince, John Tilden. Methods of instruction and organization of the schools of Germany. . . Boston, 1892. D. 10 + 237 p. C T Prinz, Peter. Die allgemeinen bestimmungen bezuglich des preussischen volksschulwesens nebst der prlifungsordnung fur volksschullehrer . . . fiir . . . seminarzoglinge und lehrer erlautert. . Dusseldorf, 1896. D. 78 p. C Die privatschule nach dem entwurfe des volksschulgesetzes ; ein mahnwort eines konserva- tiven. 2. . . abdr. Berlin, 1892. O. 31 p. C Prussia — Geistlichen unterrichts- und midizi- nal-angelegenheiten, Ministerium der. Die volks- und die mittelschulen sowie die sonstigen niederen schulen im preussischen staate im jahre 1891 . . . denkschrift . . . von K. Schneider und A. Peter- silie. Berlin, 1893. F. 10 + 338 p. C C)ffentlichen arbeiten, Ministerium der. Statistische nachweisungen betreffend die in den jah- ren 1871 bis einschl. 1880 vollendeten 'und ab- gerechneten preussischen staatsbauten. . . Berlin, 1883. F4. pt. I. C Prussian elementary school code, (In Eng- land — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1897. v. I, p. 470-80.) C T 32 EDUCATION Radtke, Gustav. Welcher antheil gebuhrt staat, schule und haus an dem werke der jugender- ziehung? Wien iprei. 1877]. O. 8 + [i]+46 p. {In Padagog. studien. 188 1. v. 2, no. 16.) T Ranitzsch, H. Der unterricht in der volks- schule nach lehrstoff , lehrmitteln, lehrverfahren, und lehrziel ; bearbeitet von lehrern des Grossherzog- lichen seminars zu Weimar. Weimar, 1888. O. 24 + 272 p. T Rein, Georg Wilhelm. Am ende der schulre- form? betrachtungen. Langensalza, 1893. O. [3] + 92 p. ^^ Tendencies in the educational systems of Germany, tr. by F. H. Dale. {In England— Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1898. V. 3, p. 415-60.) T Reinke, Wilhelm. Die organisation mehrklassi- ger volksschulen ; vortrag. . . Berlin, 1900. D. 47 p. C Rendu, Eugene. De I'education populaire dans TAUemagne du nord et de ses rapports avec les doctrines philosophiquesetreligieuses. . .Paris, 1855. o. 14 + 440 p. c Ressel, Gustav Andreas. Die fortbildungs- schule ; ein handbuch aller einschlagigen gesetze, verordnungen und erlasse nebst formularien zur amtsfuhrung. . . Wien [pref. 1895]. O, 15 + 254 P- C Reyer, Eduard. Handbuch des volksbildungs- wesens. Stuttgart, 1896. O. 10 + 274 p. C Richter, Albert. Kursachsische volksschulord- nungen. . . Leipzig, 1891. D. 93 p. tab. (In Neudrucke padagog, schriften, no. 4.) C Ronne, Ludwig von, compiler. Das unter- richts-wesen des preussischen staates. . . Berlin, 1854-55. O. 2 v. [In his Die verfassung und verwaltiing des preussischen staates. 1854-55. pt. 8, v. 2.) C Roth, Friedrich. Der einfluss des humanismus und der reformation auf das gleichzeitige erzie- hungs- und schulwesen bis in die ersten jahrzehnte nach Melanchthons tod. Halle, 1898. O. 5 + 106 p. (Verein ftlr reformationsgeschichte. Schrif- ten, no. 60.) C Roth, W. Die volksschule in ihrem verhaltnis zu den interessen der landbevolkerung. Neuwied, 1895. O. 41 p. (Aus der schule flir die schule, no. 62.) C Rude, Adolf. Die bedeutensten evangelischen schulordnungen des i6. jahrhunderts nach ihrem padagogischen gehalte. Langensalza, 1893. O. 60 p. (Padagog. mag., pt. 32.) C Sachse, Friedrich. Zur schulreform ; anregun- gen und gesichtspunkte besonders in rllcksicht auf die volksschule. Leipzig, 1891. D. [4] + 188 p. C Sall^i^urk, Ernst von. Art und bedeutung einer kulturgemassen schulaufsicht. Gotha, 1893. O. 56 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1894. V. 6.) C _ Die formalen aufgaben des deutschen unter- richts. Langensalza, yZ^S- O. 6 + 74 p. (Pada- gog. mag., pt. 58.) C Schiebuhr, W. Die praktisch-erbauliche be- handlung des ersten hauptstucks mit besonderer bertlcksichtigung des 2., 3. und 6. gebots. Neu- wied, 1900. O. 24 p. (Aus der schule fur die schule, no. 87.) C Schier, Otto. Die bedeutung der neuschule fiir Osterreich. (/« Paedagogium. 1883. v. 5. p. 51-62 and 108-116.) T Schlenker, C. Die organisation der volks- schule ; aphorismen zum neuen schulgesetz. Halle, r86i. O. 31 p. C Schmidt, Friedrich, ed. Geschichte der erzie- hung der bayerischen Wittelsbacher von den fruhes- ten zeiten bis 1750. . . Berlin, 1892. O. 125 -t- 460 p. fac-sim. tab. (Mon. Germ, paeda- gogica, V. 14.) C Geschichte der erziehung der pfalzischen Wittelsbacher ; urkunden nebst geschichtlichem Uberblick und register. Berlin, 1899. O. 209 + 575 p. (Mon. Germ, paedagogica, v. 19.) C Schmidt, Karl. Zunftig oder vemlinftig ? drei reform-programme. Berlin, 1890. O. 92 p. C Schneider, Karl, and Bremen, C. von. Das volksschulwesen in preussischen staate. . . Ber- lin, 1886. O. V. 1-2. C Schneiderhan, Johann. Vademecum der Wurttembergischen volksschulgesetzgebung fiir lehrer und ortsschulinspektoren. Stuttgart, 1898, S. 4 4- 276 p. C Schnell, Ferdinand. Die biirgerschule ; lei- tende grundsatze bei der einrichtung von btirger- schulen, nebst praktisch erprobten lehrplanen fiir dieselben. . . Berlin, 1865. O. 6 -)- [i] + 222 p. C Scholze, E., and Heidrich, H. Die besoldung der sachsischen volksschullehrer. . . Zittau, 1896. S. 4 + 81 p. C Nachtrag. Zittau, 1898. S. 16 p. C Schonen, G. Lehrplan fUr die einklassige volksschule und fUr die halbtagsschule, Koln, 1887. Sq. O. 147 p. C Schroder, schulrat in Lilbeck. AusfUhr- licher lehrplan fiir die sechsklassigen volksschulen fiir knaben im Llibeckischen freistaate. Lilbeck, 1887. O. 45 p. C Schroder, Heinrich. Institute regnorum funda- mentum ; notgedrungene kritische und antikritische beitrage zur statistik des hSheren lehrerstandes in Preussen. 3. . . aufl. Kiel, 1899. O. 80 p. C Schroer, Michael Martin Arnold. Ober erzie- hung, bildung und volksinteresse in Deutschland und England. 2. . . aufl. . . Dresden, 1894. 4 + 99 P- C Schullerus, Adolf. Die deutsche mythologie in der erziehungsschule. Langensalza, 1892. O. 16 p. (Padagog. mag., pt. 12.) C HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS — GERMANY 33 Schultze, Karl August Julius Fritz. Deutsche erziehung. Leipzig, 1893. O. [4] + 332 p. C Das schultresen der stadt Ztirich in seiner ge- schichtlichen entwicklung ; auf anordnung des schul- vorstandes bearbeitet flir die Schweizerische landes- ausstellung in Genf, 1896. Z«rjV/<, 1896. O. [3] + 85 p. C Seeley» Levi. Common-school system of Ger- many and its lessons to America. New York, 1896. D. 251 p. (Kellogg's teachers' library, v. 2.) C Seydewitz, Paul von, compiler. Das koniglich sachsische volksschulgesetz vom 26. April 1873 . . . mit erlauternden anmerkungen und sachregister ... 3. aufl. besorgt von Kockel und Kretzschmar. Leipzig, 1899. D. 9 + 485 p. (Handausgabe konigliche sachsische gesetze, v. 38.) C Sey£Farth, L. W. Zum schulgesetz ; betracht- ungen und vorschlage. Liegnitz, 1890. O. 86 + [I] p. C Specht, Franz Anton. Geschichte des unter- richtswesens in Deutschland von den altesten zeiten bis zur mitte des 13*^" jahrhunderts. . . Stuttgart, 1885. O. 12 + 411 p. C Spieker, G. Die allgemeinen bestimmungen vom 15. Oktober 1872 nebst den prlifungsordnungen und den erlassen Uber die schulaufsicht in Preussen ... 13. . . verm. aufl. bearbeitet von C. G. C. Leverkiihn. Hannover, 1900. O. [I2] + 308 p. C Stegemann, Viktor. Die gesetzte, verord- nungen und bekanntmachungen fur die christliche -volksschule der provinz Hannover aus der zeit vom 26. Mai 1845 bis i- Januar 1898. . . 3. ausgabe. Hannover, 1898. O. 108 p. C Steininger, H. Die rechtliche stellung des volksschullehrers nach bayerischem staatsrecht. Mane hen, 1896. O. [4] + 31 p. C Sterzenbach, K. Wie erzieht die volksschule zur vaterlandsliebe ? . . . Neuwied, i^t. F. 34 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1886. V. 51.) C Education Commission. Appendix to Mr. Brougham's letter containing minutes of evidence taken before the Education committee. London, 1818. O. 104 p. C Extracts from the Report presented to Par- liament in 1861, relating to the schools established by the London Lead Co. in . . . 18 18, for the children of the workmen. . . London, n. d. D. 13 p. C Elementary education acts. Royal commission on. Digest of evidence taken by the Royal Com- mission [and] index. London, 1888. F. 8 + 318 -f 262 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1888. v. 37.) C Foreign returns ; information obtained in answer to inquiries . . . respecting the state of elementary education in certain foreign countries and British colonies. London, 1888. F. [3] + 335 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1888. v. 35.) CT Final report and appendix. London, 1888. F. 2 V. (Gr. Br,— Pari. Sess. pap. 1888. v. 35-36.) c Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the elementary education acts, England and Wales, London, 1887-88. F. 3 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1886, v, 25 ; 1887, v. 29 and 30 ; 1888, v. 35.) C Appendix. London,' l?>'&^-?>?>. F. 3 pts. (Gr, Br, — Pari. Sess. pap. 1887, v. 29 and 30; 1888, V. 36.) ' C Statistical report. London, 1888. F. 487 p, (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1888. v. 36.) C Training college returns ; information ob- tained in answer to inquiries , . . addressed to the principals of training colleges in England and Wales in receipt of a government grant. London, 1888, F. 224 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1888, V. 36.) C Endo^red schools. Schemes for the manage- ment of endowed schools. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1881-93.) C Endo^/red schools acts. Select committee on. Report from the Select committee on endowed schools acts . . . with the proceedings . . . min- utes of evidence and appendix. London, 1886-87. F. 2 v. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1886, v, 9; 1887, V, 9.) C T HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS — GREAT BRITAIN 35 Endo^red Schools Commissioners. Report of the commissioners to the Committee of Council on education. London, !?>■] 2--] =,. F. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1872, V. 24 ; 1875, v. 28.) C G-eneral summary of statistics of annual school grants ; elementary schools. {In Report of the Committee of Council on education. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1839-98.) C List of grants paid to school boards under section 97, Elementary education act 1870, during the fif- teen months ending 31st March, 1896. London, 1896. F. 528p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1896. V. 65.) C liist of school boards and school attendance committees in England and Wales. London, 1880- 98. F. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. jjap. 1880-98.) C List of school boards, giving particulars of the estimated grants payable under the bill to amend section 97 of the Elementary education act 1870. London, 1897. F. 21 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1897. V. 69.) C List of school districts in England and Wales, with standards fixed by the by-laws of each district. London, 1881-95. F. 3 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1881, 1890, and 1895.) C List under school districts of elementary schools aided by parliamentary grants. {In Report of the Committee of Council on education. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1859-98.) C Memorandum by J. G. Fitch on the work- ing of the free school system in America, France, and Belgium. London, 1891. F. 39 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1890-91. v. 61.) ' C Minute of the loth of March, 1890, estab- lishing a new code of regulations. London, 1890. F. 44 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1890. v. 55.) C Minutes of the Committee of Council on ed- ucation . . . 1839-40, 1844-46, 1848-50, 1852-54, 1854-58 ; 6th June, ist July, 1896. London, 1840- 96. O. tab. C Nominal return of all places where school boards have been established. [London] 1875. F. 31 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1875. v. 58.) C Nominal return of all schools in England and Wales transferred to school boards under sec- tion 23 of the Elementary education act 1870. London, 1875. F. 37 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1875. V. 58.) C Nominal return of schools in receipt of an- nual grants which have savings banks attached to them for the use of the children. . . [London, 1877.] F. 22 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1877. V. 67.) C Petitions from the Yorkshire and the Owens' colleges praying for a charter for the creation of an universitytobecalled Victoria University. . . 13 p. {In Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1880. v. 54.) C Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the condition of intermediate and higher educa- tion in Wales, with minutes of evidence. London, 1881, F. 114+29-1-896 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1881. V. 33.) C Report of the . . . Committee appointed to inquire into the conditions of school attendance and child labor. London, 1893. F. 46 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1893. v. 68.) Report of the Committee of Council on edu- cation (England and Wales) ; with appendix. Lon- don, 1859-98. F. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1859-98.) C Report of the Committee of Council on ed- ucation (England and Wales) ; with appendix, 1859- 63, 1865-66, 1867-71, 1872-91, 1892-99. London, 1860-99. O. T Report of the Department of science and art of the Committee of Council on education. 1854-98. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1854-98.) C Report to the Committee of Council on edu- cation of the proceedings of the Charity commis- sioners for England and Wales under the Endowment schools acts 1869-89, for the years 1893-96. London, 1894-97. F. 2 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1894-97.) . C Reports on the Philadelphia International Ex- hibition of 1876. London, 1877. F. 3 v. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1877. v. 34-36.) C Return by counties of the schemes made by the Education Department under the . . . Endowed schools act, showing the name ... of the school, annual amount of the endowment. . . London, i9i()i. F. 25 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1890-91. v. 61.) C Return for the year 1870 of the number and names of all public elementary schools not provided by a school board. . . [London^ 1873. F. 11 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1873. v. 52.) C Return from all school boards up to the most recent date. . . [London^ 1874. F. 35 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1874. v. 51.) C Return ... of all public elementary schools under inspection ... in which school boards are formed . . . and showing . . . the ordinary rates of fee per week . . . [London],!^']^- F. 417 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1875. v. 59.) C Return of all schools in England and Wales transferred to school boards. . . [London^ 1881. F. 60 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1881. v. 73.) C Return of any reports submitted ... by school boards, of the accommodation and the aver- age attendance of children in the schools in their . . . districts. . . [London^ 1873. F. 29 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1873. v. 52.) C Return of the provision made by each school board in England and Wales respecting religious teaching and religious observances in school board schools. . . London, 1886. F. 14 p. (Gr. Br. —Pari. Sess. pap. 1886. v. 51.) C Return of the pupils in. public and private secondary and other schools in England (excluding Monmouthshire) and of the teaching staff in such schools on 1st June, 1897. . . London, 189S. Nar. F. 109 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1897. v. 70.) C T 36 EDUCATION Return relating to the district of the School Board for London. [London^ 1875-79. F. 2 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1875, v. 58 ; 1878-79, V. 57.) C Return showing ... for each public ele- mentary school in England and Wales the average number of scholars in attendance, the amount of government grants for annual maintenance . . . and . . . income and expenditure. London, 1877. F. 355 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1877. V. 67.) C Return showing (i) the expenditure from the grant for public education in England and Wales . . . and (2) the actual number of elementary schools on the annual grant list. . . London, 1874-98. F. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1874-98.) C Returns from all school boards up to the 30th day of September, 1872. . . iLondom^ 1873. F- 2 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1873. v.52.) C Returns of school boards having no rate-sup- ported schools under their control, with costs of election. . . ^London-^ 1874. F- 32 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1874. v. 51.) C Scheme for the management of the founda- tion known as Hingham Endowed School ... in the county of Norfolk. [London-^ 1883. F. 15 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1883. v. 53.) C Scheme for the management of the founda- tion of Thomas Parmiter for almshouses and a free school in the parish of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green. . . London, 1883. F. 15 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1883. v. 53.) C Scheme for the management of the foundations known as (i) Christ's Hospital in . . . Lincoln, (2) Christ's Hospital endowment in . . . Potter- Hanworth, and (3) Christ's Hospital endowment in . . . Welton. [London-^ 1883. F. 25 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1883. v. 53.) C Schemes for the management of the founda- tion known as the Grammar School and Middle or Commercial School in . . . Lincoln. London [I8831. F. 24 p. (Gr, Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1883. V. 53-) C Schools in receipt of parliamentary grants ; grants paid to school boards under . . . Elemen- tary education act 1870 ; school board accounts and list of loans, 1896-97. London, iZq"]. F. 568 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1897. v. 69.) C Schools Inquiry Commission. Report relative to technical education. London, 1867. O. 30 p. C Report to the Commissioners appointed . . . to inquire into the education given in schools in England . . . and . . . Scotland [and] on the common school system of the United States and Canada . . . by Rev. James Fraser. Sydney, 1868. Q. 330 p. pi. C T Reports. London, 1868-70. O. v. 1-21. maps. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1867-68. v. 28.) CT Schools, Inspectors of. Extracts from the reports of Her Majesty's Inspectors of schools. . . London, 1852. D. 19 + 315 p. C T Tabulated reports of Her Majesty's Inspec- tors of schools for 1853-55, 1856-57, 1859-60. London, 1855-60. O. C Special report on certain points connected with elementary education in Germany, Switzer- land and France. London, 1886. F. 27 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1886. v. 51.) C Special reports on educational subjects, 1896- 98. V. 1-3, 6. London, 1897-98, 1900. O. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1897-1900.) C T Edited by M. E. Sadler ; v. 4-5 not yet published. Statistical returns . . . with respect to the triennial school board elections for boroughs in England and Wales in 1870, 1873, and 1876. . . iLondon-^iS-j-]. F. 30 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1877. V. 7.) c Syllabus of religious teaching for scholars and pupil teachers adopted by . . . the school boards of London, Liverpool, Manchester . . . Bradford and Bristol. . . yLondon-i^ 1877. F. 14 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1877. v. 67.) C Total number of primary schools inspected in each division of Great Britain in each of the years 1877, '78 and '79. {In Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1882. v. 74, p. 22-43.) C Training colleges ; report. {In Report of the Committee of Council on education. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1859. ) C LONDON— SCHOOL BOARD Minutes of proceedings, Dec.,i898-May, 1900. London [I899-190O]. F. v. 50-52. C Report ... for the year 1886-1900. [London] 1887-1901. O. V. 1-14. C Report of the Evening continuation schools committee on the I7th-i8th session (1898-1900). . . London [I90O]. F. 2 v. C Report of the School accommodation and attendance committee, 1897-1900. [London, 1898- 1900.] F'*. 2 V. C Report of the School accommodation and at- tendance committee. School accommodation report . . . 25th March, igoo. [London, 1900.] F**. 63 p. C School attendance report for the year ended Lady-day, 1900, London [I90O]. F^. 14 -|- 208 p. C Report of the School management committee for 1897-1900. [London, 1898-1900.] F'*. ill. 3 V. C Appendix for 1898-99. London [1899]. F. I V. C Report of the School management commit- tee on the fifteenth session of the evening continua- tion schools (1896-97). London [i^()Zy F. 9-1-69 p. C Reports ... of inspectors . . . respecting the schools supported by the Board. . . 13 p. {In Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1876. v. 59.) C HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS^GREAT BRITAIN 37 Reports to the School Board of London . . . respecting the schools supported by the Board and presented to the Board in the years 1876 and 1877. London, 1878. F. 57 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1878. V. 60.) C Returns relating to the district of the School Board for London. [London] 1875-79. F. 2 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1875, v. 58 ; 1878-79, V. 57.) C Returns relating to the School Board for London. [London-^ 1876. F. 19 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1876. v. 59.) C MORLEY, Charles. Studies in board schools. London. 1897. D. 310 p. C Reed, Sir Cl^arles. Elementary education in London. Washington, 1878. O. 24 p. (In U. S. — Education, Bur. of. Circ. of inform. 1878. No. 2.) C Spalding, Thomas Alfred, and Canney, T. S. A., compilers. Work of the London School Board. London [pref. 190O]. Sq. O. 12 + 276 p. ill. I tab. C Ware, Fabian. Educational reform ; the task of the Board of education. . . London, 1900. D. II + 139 p. I ill. C T WORKS ON EDUCATION IN ENGLAND AND GREAT BRITAIN Adams, Francis. History of the elementary school contest in England. London, 1882. O. 12 + 349 p. CT Arnold, Matthew. Reports on elementary schools, 1852-1882 ; ed. by F. Sandford. London, 1889. D. 15 + 302 p. C T Balfour, Graham. Educational systems of Great Britain and Ireland. Oxford, 1898. D. 36 + 320 p. C T Barnard, Henry, ed. English pedagogy [ist and 2d series] ; education, the school and the teacher in English literature. 2d ed. Hartford, 1876 [C. '62]. O. 2 V. {In his Papers for the teacher. 1876. V. 5 and II.) C T Bartley, George C. T. Schools for the people . . . London, 1871. O. 15 + 582 p. pi. CT Benthem, Heinrich Ludolf. Neu-eroflneter engelandischer kirch-, und schulen-staat. . . Leip- ««lf. 1732. O. [88] 4- 1288 p. por. pi. C Bentley, Joseph. Education ; as it is, ought to be, and might be, by the Oldest school inspector in England. . . [Anon.] London [I862] pts., 36 4-46 + 46 p. Bigg, Heather-. education. London, 1890. Birley, Rev. William deacon Denison in reply to his strictures upon the Manchester and Salford boroughs education bill. London, 1851. O. 15 p. C Birmingham (Eng.) — Education Committee. Report. 1899. [Birmingham, 1899.] O. C S. New review of national D. 14 +117 p. T Letter to the Arch- School Board. Free school ; report of a debate in the Birmingham School Board held . . . June 18, 1875. Birmingham, 1875. O. 59 p. C Bisson, Frederick Shirley Dumaresq de Car- teret, compiler. Our schools and colleges. . . Lon- don, 1883-84. 2 V. D. T Blomfield, Charles James, bp. Speech in the House of lords, July 5, 1839, on the government plan for promoting national education. London [1839]. O. 28 p. C Bousfield, William, ed. Elementary schools ; how to increase their utility ; being six lectures de- livered to the managers of the London board schools in 1889 and 1890. London, 1890. D. 27 + 189 p. T Brereton, Rev. Joseph Lloyd. County edu- cation ; accounts of the Devon and Norfolk county school associations for 1875. . . London, 1876. O. 19 p. C Brereton, Robert Maitland. Propositions for educating and providing for the younger members of the English upper classes in California or in any of the English colonies. [London^ 1876. O. 37 p. C British and Foreign School Society. Hand- book to the borough road schools, explanatory of the methods of instruction adopted by the . . . Society. London, 1854. D. 10 -t- 143 p. ill. T Manual of the system of primary instruction pursued in the model schools of the . . . Society. London, 1831. O. 8 -h 91 p. pi. T See also page 10. Brougham and Vauz, H. Brougham, baron. Speech in the House of lords on . . . May 21, 1835, on the education of the people. London, 1835. O. 31 P- c Buckingham, James Silk. Examination of the principal questions connected with national edu- cation, in their bearing on individual happiness and the public welfare. London, \%^^. O. {In his Qovci- ing era of practical reform. 1853. p. 297-424.) C Campbell, Dudley. Compulsory education. London, 1870. ' O. 5 4- 45 p. T Chad\>7ick, Edwin. National education ; letter thereon to the Lord president of the Council. . . London [pref. 1876]. O. 48 p. C Chamberlain, Joseph. Six years of educa- tional work in Birmingham ; an address delivered to the Birmingham School Board, November 2, 1876. Birmingham [li'jtly O. 24 p. C Church Education Society. Suggestions on the course to be taken by members of the Church of England on the question of national education ; second paper, January, 1853. [London, 1853,] O. 12 p. C Clifton, Robert Cox. Manchester and Salford education bill ; speech at a meeting of the friends and supporters of the bill held . . . December 2, 1851. . . [Anon.] Manchester, 1851. O. 8 p. C 38 EDUCATION Da'wes, Rev. Richard. Remarks occasioned by the present crusade against the educational plans of the Committee of Council on education. 2d edition. London, 1850. O. 64 p. C Denison, Edward, bp. Speech of the bishop of Salisbury in behalf of the Diocesan board of edu- cation . . . October 9, 1839. . . Salisbury ^Eng., 1839]. O. 24 p. C Disney, Henry W. Law relating to school- masters. London, 1895. D. 6 -f- [ij + 128 p. T Dixon, George. National education league ; school boards and compulsion, a speech delivered in the House of commons . . . June 9, 1875. . . Birmingham ^x^T-,!-^, O. 20 p. C Dunn, Henry. National education, the question of questions ; being an apology for the Bible in schools for the nation ; with notes on Lord Brough- am's bill. London, 1838. O. 48 -f- 4 p. C Duppa, Baldwin Francis. Lord Brougham's bill for promoting education in England and Wales. {In Central Society of Education. Papers. 1838. V. 2, p. 148-62.) T Education of the masses, can it be accom- plished ? A question addressed to the Lords and Commons of the British Parliament. London, n. d. O. 24 p. C Educational conference, its probable results ; being a digest of the proceedings on June 22d and 24th ... by the author of a " Comprehensive view of national education schemes ". . . London, 1%^"]. O. II p, C England — Commissioners for Inquiry concern- ing Charities in England and Wales. Welsh inter- mediate act, 1889 ; its origin and working. (/« England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1898. V. 2, p. 1-58.) CT Education, Select Committee on. Report . . . with proceedings . . . minutes of evidence and appendix. 1865. ^London, 1865.] F. C. Entw^isle, William, Apology for a church- man's support of the Manchester and Salford edu- cation bill. . . London, 185 1. O. 23 p. C Fischer, Ernst Gottfried. Obeivdie englischen lehranstalten in vergleichung mit den unsrigen. . . Berlin, 1827. Sq. O. p. 1-18. C Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Thomas and Mat- thew Arnold, and their influence on English educa- tion. New York, 1897. D. 9 4- 277 p. (Great educators ; Nicholas Murray Butler, ed.) C T Fortescue, Hugh Fortescue, jd earl. Public schools for the middle classes, with an appendix. London, 1864. O. .8 -I- 171 p. C Foster, Benjamin Franklin. Education reform ; a review of Wyse on the necessity of a national system of education. . . New York, 1837. O. 108 p. C Fraser, Rev. William. State of our educational enterprises ; a report of an examination into the working, results, and tendencies of the chief public educational experiments in Great Britain and Ire- land. . , Glasgow, if>t)9i. O. 8 -I- 172 p. C Furnivall, Frederick James. Education in early England ; some notes used as forewords to a collection of treatises on " Manners & meals in olden time" for the Early English Text Society. London, 1867. O. [2] -H 74 p. C T Garfit, Rev. Arthur. Some points of the edu- cation question . . . with reference to the report of the commissioners and the new minute. . . Lon- don, 1862. D. 17 + 185 p. C T Gray, Rev. Joshua. Thoughts on education, with a particular reference to the grammar school system ... a lecture delivered in . . . 1836 at . . . Horn's Tavern, Kennington. London, 1836. O. 19 -f- [I] p. c Gregory, Rev. Robert. Elementary educa- tion ; some account of its rise and progress in Eng- land. London, 1895. D. 192 p.' CT Haw^ksley, Thomas. Education and training considered as a subject for state legislation, by a physician. . . London, 1869. 107 p. O. T Hai^rey, Rev. Stephen Thomas. National education union ; a sermon preached in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Windsor . . . Feb. 16, 1873 . . . Manchester [iSj^h- O- 12 p. C Hazlitt, William Carew. Schools, school- books and schoolmasters ; a contribution to the his- tory of educational development in Great Britain. London, 1888. D. 6 -H 300 p. C "r See also Supplement. Heller, Thomas Edmund. Organization of elementary education. {In London — International Health Exhib. 1884. Health exhibition literature, v. 13, p. 154-68.) C Hill, Frederic. National education ; its present state and prospects. London, 1836. D. 2 v. CT Hippeau, Celestin. L'instruction publique en Angleterre. Paris, 1872. D. 138 p. C Holland, Rev. Henry Wilkinson. Proposed national arrangements for primary education. . . 2d ed. revised and enlarged. London, 1870. O. 10 -1- [I] + 208 p. C Holman, Henry. English national education ; a sketch of the rise of public elementary schools in England. London, 1898. D. 256 p. (Victorian era series.) C T Hubbard, John Gellibrand. National church and the National society for promoting the educa- tion of the poor in the principles of the established church. . . London, 1877. O- 32 p. C Hulbert, Henry W. English rural schools. Washington, i%?,o. 26 p. ill. pi. (/« U. S.— Ed- ucation, Bur. of. Circular of information. 1880. No. 5.) C T Kay, Joseph. Condition and education of poor children in English and German towns. . . Lon- don, 1853. O. 80 p. C Education of the poor in England and Europe. . . London, i2>i\.b. O. 20 -f 400 p. tab. C Social condition and education of the peo- ple in England and Europe. New York, 1863. D. 323 p. C T HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS — GREAT BRITAIN 39 Iiaurie> Simon Somerville. Sketch of the his- tory of the Education Department [of England]. {In his Training of teachers. 1882. p. 341-69.) T Leach, Arthur Francis. English schools at the reformation, 1546-48. Westminster, 1896. O. [3] + 346 p. C T Leclerc, Max. L'education des classes moyen- nes et dirigeantes en Angleterre, avec un avantpro- pos par Emile Boutmy. Pa7-is, 1894. D. 19 + 368 p. (L'education et la societe en Angleterre.) C liOndon — Working-men s- Association for Pro- moting National Secular Education. Declaration of views and principles. O. 16 p. [London, n. d.] C liOng, George. On endowments in England for the purposes of education. {In Central Society of Education. Papers. 1838. v. 2, p. i-ioo.) T Lubbock, Sir John. On the present system of public school education, 1876. — On our present sys- tem of elementary education. {In his Addresses, political and educational. 1879. p. 44-102.) C MacCarthy, Rev. Egerton Francis Mead. Analysis of elementary education statistics issued by the Education Department for . . . 1875. Bir- mingham, 1876. O. 20 p. C Western sfate education ; the United States and English systems compared. (In State education for the people. 1895. p. 82-104.) C Mackenzie, William W. Treatise on the Ele- jnentary education acts, 1870-91 (with the acts in an appendix). . . London, 1892. D. 31 + 347 p. C Mair, Robert Henry, comp. School boards ; our educational parliaments. London, 1872. D. 8 -+- 159 + 397 p. T Manchester and Salford education bill ; re- port of a conversazione of friends and promoters, held in . . . Manchester . . . 28th August, 1851 . . . {Manchester, 1851.] O. 34 p. C Mann, Horace. Education in Great Britain ; official report to the registrar-general. London. 1854. O. 178 p. T An abridgment of the Census of Great Britain, 1851. Mark, H. T. Outline of the history of educa- tional theories in England. London, 1899. D. 11 + 139 p. ill. T' Molesworth, Rev. William Nassau. Prize essay on the great importance of an improved sys- tem of education for the upper and middle classes. London, 1867. S. 103 p. T Morley, Charles. Studies in board schools. London, 1S97. O. [5] + 310 p. C Morley, John, tion. 2d edition. P- Struggles for national educa- London, 1873. O. 84- 184 T Kudu, Rev. Joseph. Whips and scorpions ; or. The method of the Education Department in deal- ing with schools for the poor, under (i) a liberal and (2) a conservative administration. . . Manchester, [1875?]. O. 14 p. C Observations on the present system of educa- tion ; with some hints for its improvement. 6th ed. London, 1839. O. 24 p. C Our public schools. London, 1881. D. [3] + 373 p. C Palsgrave, John. Dedication to his transla- tion of the comedy of Acolastus, by Gul. Fullonius. 1540. {In Hazlitt, W. C. Prefaces, dedications, epistles. 1874. p, 1-12.) C Parmentier, Jacques. Histoire de l'education en Angleterre ; les doctrines et les ecoles depuis les origines jusqu'au commencement du 19*= siecle. Paris, 1896. D. 2 -H 302 p. C Phillips, Sir Thomas. Wales ; the language, social condition, moral character and religious opin- ions of the people considered in their relation to education. . . London, 1849. O- ^^ + 606 p. C Pigot, David Richard. To the secretaries of the Commissioners of national education. Dublin, 1873. O. 38 p. C Pole, Thomas, M.D. History of the origin and progress of adult schools, with an account of some of the beneficial effects already produced on the moral character of the labouring poor. . . 2d ed. . . . enlarged. Bristol, 1816, O. 2 + 4 + 128 p. I tab. I pi. C Poole, John. Village school improved ; or, The new system of education practically explained. . , 2d ed. Oxford, 1813. D. 129 p. T Principles of the national church the basis of national education ; four letters ... by a Clergy- man of the Church of England. London, 1839. O. 33 P- C A proposal for educational suffrage. London, 1854. O. 31 P- c Raydt, Hermann. Ein gesunder geist in einem gesundem kSrper ; englische schulbilder. . . Hannover, 1889. O. 4 + 266 + 8 p. ill. C T Reed, Rev. Andrew. Inspectors inspected ; a review of the operations of the Educational com- mittee of the Privy Council from 1846 to 1852. . . London [1853]. D. 71 p. C Richson, Rev. Charles. Education in Man- chester ; considered with special reference to the state of Church day schools and the means of extend- ing education generally. Manchester [I85O]. O. 25 p. C Scheme of secular education . . . compared with the Manchester and Salford boroughs educa- tion bill. London, 1851. O. 156 p. C Sketch of some of the causes which, in Man- chester, induced the abandonment of the voluntary system in the support of schools and the introduc- tion of the Manchester and Salford education bill. London, 1851. O. [3] + 113 p. C Rigg, Rev. James Harrison. National educa- tion in its social . . . aspects, and public element- ary school education English and foreign. . . London, 1873. D. 8 + [2] + 517 p. C T Roe, Rev. Henry. English system of elemen- tary education. {In London. — Intemat. Health Ex- bib. 1884. Health exhibition literature, v. 13, p. 168-76.) C 40 EDUCATION Ross, George Williams. Schools of England and Germany. . . Toronto, 1894. D. 243 p. T Russell, John Russell, ist earl. Some thoughts on national education for the United Kingdom, June, 1875. London, 1875. O. 18 p. C Sadler, Michael Ernst, and Edwards. J. W. Public elementary education in England and Wales. 1870-95. (/« England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1897. v. i, p. 1-71). CT Summary of statistics, regulations, etc., of elementary education in England and Wales. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1898. V. 2, p. 434-544.) C T St. John, James Augustus. Education of the people. London, 1858. O. 23 + 327 p. T Salverda de Grave, Jean Louis Antoine. Hat lager onderwijs in England. 's-Gravenhage, 1886. Q. [13] + 181 p. C Senior, Nassau William. Suggestions on pop- ular education. London, 1861. O. 15 + 378 p. C Sharpless, Isaac. English education in the elementary and secondary schools. New York, 1892. D. 13 + 193 p. (International education ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 22.) C T Shuttlei^orth, Sir James Phillips Kay. Four periods of public education as reviewed in 1832, 1839, 1846, 1862. Londo7i, 1862. O. 9 + 644 p. tab. C T Letter to Earl Granville on the revised code of regulations contained in the minute of the Com- mittee of Council on education . . . July 29, 1861. London, 1861. O. 78 -+- [2] p. C Public education as affected by the minutes of the Committee of Privy Council from 1846 to 1852 : with suggestions as to future policy. Lon- don, 1853. O. 8 + 500 p. C T Sinclair, Rev. John. National education and church extension ; a charge delivered to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Middlesex ... on the loth and 14th of May, 1843. . . London, 1843. O. 47 p. C Skeats, Herbert S., comp. Popular education in England ... an abstract of the report of the Royal Commissioners on education. . . London, 1861. D. 12 +154 p. T Sproat, Gilbert Malcolm. Education of the rural poor. . . London, 1870. O. 6 + 160 p. T Stanley, Edward Lyulph. Our national edu- cation. London, 1899. D. 6 H- 150 p. T Statistical Society of London. First report of a committee on the state of education in Westmin- ster, 1837. London, 1838. O. 77 + [i] p. C Sto'^ell, Rev. Hugh. Secular education ; speeches of the Rev. Canon Stowell and the Rev. George Osbom. O. 16 p. C Tarver, John Charles. Some observations of a foster parent. Westminster, \%<)T. D. 20 4-282 p. T Vincent, Rev. William. Defence of public edu- cation, addressed to the . . . Lord Bishop of Meath ... 2d edition. London, 1802. O. 48 p. C Voigt, J. A. Mittheilungen iiber das unter- richtswesen Englands und Schottlands ; gesammelt wahrend eines mehrmonatlichen aufenthalts in beiden landern. Neue ausgabe. Halle, 1863. O. 16 + 453 p. 2 tab. C Ware, Fabian. Educational reform the task of the Board of Education. London, 1900. D. ri + 139 P- CT Weyland, John, Jr. Letter to a country gentle- man on the education of the lower orders. . . London, 1808. O. 16 + 176 p. C Wiese, Ludwig Adolph. Deutsche briefe liber englische erziehung, nebst einem anhang Uber bel- gische schulen. Berlin, 1852. D. 12 + 2H p. C German letters on English education, written during an educational tour in 1876, translated and edited by Leonhard Schmitz. London, 1877. O. 15 + 296 p. C T Wilberforce, Robert Isaac. Second letter to the . . . Marquis of Lansdowne, on the system of inspection best adapted for national education. London, 1840. S. 73 p. C Wilberforce, Samuel, bp. Letter to . . . Henry, Lord Brougham, on the government-plan of education. . . London, 1840. O. 46 p. C Wyse, Sir Thomas. Education reform ; or, The necessity of a national system of education. . . London, 1836. O. v. i. 11 + 553 p. T No more published. IRELAND COMMISSIONERS OF NATIONAL EDUCA- TION (EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE STATED) Annual report of the Commissioners of Educa- tion. Dublin, 1820-98. F. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1820-98.) C Copies of correspondence . . . with reference to proceedings in connection with the annual con- gress, public meeting and dinner of the teachers in Dublin, December last. London, T884. 49 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1884. v. 61.) C Copy of correspondence between the Irish gov- ernment and the Commissioners of National Educa- tion for Ireland ... in relation to . . . proposed changes in the rules under which grants are made by Parliament for elementary education in Ireland. London, 1893. F. 33 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1893. V. 68.) C Correspondence on the subject of training schools in Ireland. 8 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1883. V. 53.) C Correspondence . . . relating to the na- tional schools of Drumgarley, Rakeerogh and Taltenclave in the county of Monaghan. . . Lon- don, 1877. F. 76 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1877. V. 67.) C HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS — IRELAND 41 Correspondence . . . with respect to the teaching of the Irish in the Irish national schools. Dublin, 1884. F. 18 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1884. V. 61.) C Correspondence [with the] Treasury, in the years 1874, 1875 ^nd 1876, relative to the increase of the fees payable by pupils in the Irish model schools. . . London, 1876. F. 27 p. (/« Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1876. v. 59.) C Educational Endowments Commission. An- nual report of the commissioners . . . with abstract of the minutes of evidence and appendices. Dub- lin, 1886-94. F. 8 pts. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1886-94.) C Endowed schools : Schemes for the manage- ment of endowed schools. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1881-93.) C Endo\7ed Schools Commission. Report of the commissioners appointed . . . to inquire into the en- dowments, funds and actual condition of all schools endowed for the purpose of education in Ireland. Dublin, 1881. F. 2 v. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1881. V. 35.) C Evidence taken ... on the inquiry held . . . at the Model school, Londonderry, in May, 1874 . . . [London] 1875. F- 68 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1875. V. 59.) C Irish Education Enquiry, Commissioners of. Re- ports, 1825-27. V. 1-9 in 3. F. [London] 1825- 27. (In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1825, v. 12 ; . 1826-27, V. 12-13.) C Manual and Practical Instruction in Primary Schools in Ireland, Commission on. Report of the commissioners. Dublin, 1897. F. 3 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari Sess. pap. 1897. v. 43.) C Memorial ... of the Society for the Preserva- tion of the Irish Language ... in favor of placing the teaching of the Irish language on the results programme of the national schools. 19 p. {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1878. v. 60.) C Minutes and proceedings from . . . 1866 to the present time relating to changes of rules . . . as to religious instruction. . . [London-^ 1872. F. 16 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1872. v. 46.) C Minutes of proceedings and all correspondence relating to the schools at Callan. . . [London^ 1873— 74. F. 2 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1873, v. 52 ; 1874, V. 51.) C Primary Education, Royal Commission of In- quiry into. Report of the commissioners. Dublin, 1870. F. 8 pts. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1870. V, 28, pts. 1-5.) C Reformatory and Industrial Schools, Inspec- tors appointed to visit. Report. Dublin, 1862- 98. F. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1862-98.) C Report of the Commissioners of National Education and appendices. Dublin, 1835-98. F. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1835-98.) C Reports of the Commissioners of National Education, 1834-51. Dublin, 1865. O. v. i. C Return from all schools in Ireland receiving grants from the Commissioners of National Educa- tion. . . London, 1892. F. 2 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1892. v. 60-61.) C Return of the number of pupils examined for results in each school in Ireland. . . 116 p. {In Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1880. v. 55.) C Return of the total grants made ... to con- vent and monastic schools for the years 1863, 1864, and 1874 . . . number of scholars taught in each school. . . [London^ 1875. F. 347 p. (Gr, Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1875. v. 59.) C WORKS ON EDUCATION IN IRELAND The Alternative ; or, How are the poor to be educated ? ... by a Parish minister. Dublin, 1851. O. 54 p. C Anderson, Rev. Christopher. Historical sketches of the ancient native Irish and their descendants. . . Edinburgh, 1828. D. 18 + 266 p. C Bagot, Daniel. Concise statement of a plan on which . . . the clergy . . . may give in their ad- hesion to the national system of education in Ire- land. London, 1847. O. 16 p. C Bailey, Rev. "William Richey. Can the Irish clergy join the national .system of education as it is ? a sermon preached ... on Advent Sunday, 1855. Dublin, 1856. O. 34 p. C Bell, Robert, archdeacon. National education in Ireland ; some thoughts on . . . the government system and . . . scriptural education. 2d ed. re- vised. Dublin, 1850. O. 32 p. C Bolton, Thomas Orde-Powlett, z^' baron. Mr. Orde's plan of an improved system of education in Ireland, submitted to the House of Commons, April 12, 1787, with the debate . . . reported by John Giflard. Dublin, 1777. O. 178 p. C Burnside, Rev. William Smyth. Church edu- cation vs. the national board ; a letter ... in vin- dication ... of the Irish clergy. . . Dublin, 1851. O. 27 p. C Church Education Society for Ireland. Annual report . . . 1845-55. Dublin, 1846-56. O. v. 7-16 in I. C Speeches delivered at the fourth annual meeting . . . April 20, 1843 . . . specially re- ported by Thomas R. Dunckley. Dublin, 1843. O. 43 P- C Clericus Armachanus {j>seud.). Pros and cons ... a digest ... of the . . . arguments ... for and against the National Board of Educa- tion, with brief remarks. . . Dublin, 1848. O. 107 p. C Colquhoun, John Campbell. System of na- tional education in Ireland. . . Cheltenham, i?)'i9). D. 4 + 172 p. T 42 EDUCATION The Crisis ; being a reply to the speech deliv- ered by the Bishop of Ossory and Ferns . . . April, 1852 ; by a Parish minister. Dublin, 1852. O. 31 p. C Day, Maurice Fitzgerald, hp. Liberty of con- science for the Irish clergy ; and a means suggested by which it may be given them. London, i^^^. O. 16 p. \ C Digest of the evidence, before the committees of the houses of Lords and Commons, in . . . 1837, on the national system of education in Ireland. London, 1838. O. 8 + 216 p. C Doyle, James Warren. Essay on education and the state of Ireland by an Irish catholic, with explanatory remarks by W. J. Fitzpatrick. Dublin, 1880. D. 54 p. T Dungannon, Arthur Hill Trevor, 3d viscount. Few remarks addressed to the Rev. W. F. Hook on his letter to the bishop of St. David's. Oswestry, 1842. O. 31 p. C Education of the poor in Ireland ; address of the Irish prelates. [London, 1844?]. O. 7 p. C Elrington, Charles Richard. A few sugges- tions addressed to the clergy upon the present state of the question respecting national education in Ire- land. Dublin, 1847. O. 32 p. C Appendix to the fourth edition of [hiS] Sug- gestions on national education in Ireland. . . Dub- lin, 1847. O. 20 p. C Fergusen, William Dwyer. National educa- tion in Ireland. London, 1858. O. 97 p. C A tew words respecting the speech delivered by the Bishop of Ossory at the annual meeting of the Church Education Society . . . April 15, 1852 ; by an English clergyman. . . Dublin, 1852. O. 19 p. C Gordon, John F., dean. The System of na- tional education in Ireland ; Answer to the question, "What modifications, if any, would suffice". . . Downpatrick, 1850. O. 13 p. C Government of Ireland. . . London, 1890. O. 8 + 144 p. pi. {In Subjects of the day, 1890. no. 3.) C By W. E. Gladstone, W. E. Macartney and others. Graham, Thomas John. The education of the poor. . . [London, 1849.] O- ^ "I" L^] P- ^ Hayden, Rev. John. Difficulties of the educa- tion question in Ireland, briefly stated. Dublin, 1852, O. 16 p. C Hig^n, William, bp. Charge delivered to the clergy of the dioceses of Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe at the primary visitations held at Limerick and Killamey , . . Sept., 1849. Dublin, 1849. O. 27 p. C Hime, Maurice Charles. Intermediate schools in Ireland. London, 1879, D, 12 -+- 270 p. T Hoare, Edward Newenham, dean. Remarks on certain misstatements as to the extent of scriptu- ral education in Ireland previous to the establish- ment of the national system and in reference to other points connected with the Irish education question. Dublin, 1830. O. 47 p. C Hodson, Rev. Hartley, and Dill, Rev. S. M. Authentic report of the discussion on national edu- cation, which took place in . . . Belfast . . . Oc- tober 17 and 18, 1849. Dublin, 1850. O. 96 p. C Hope, Alexander J. Beresford. The new gov- ernment scheme of academical education for Ireland considered in a letter to a friend. . . London, 1845. O. 23 p. C Irwin, Charles King. Letter to Rev. Charles Richard Elrington in reply to his . . . Suggestions on national education in Ireland. Dublin, 1847. O. 28 p. C Review of Dr. Townsend's Remarks on the " Policy of a separate grant to the Church educa- tion society ". . . Dublin, 1849. O. 44 P- C Johnston, Rev. William. Education, religion and liberty ; or. The right use of the scriptures secured by the Presbyterian church in her national schools. 2d ed. Belfast, 1848. D. 29 p. C Kavanagh, James W. Popular education in Ireland ; sketch of its rise, progress and present prospects. . . Dublin [1857]. O. 48 p. C Kildare Place Society (Dublin), see So- ciety for Promoting the Education of the Poor in Ireland. Letter to the reverend the secretaries of the Church Education Society for Ireland. . . By A layman. Dublin, 1842. O. 20 p. C Lloyd, John Frederick. Brief remarks upon the . . . national system of education, occasioned by Dr. Elrington's Suggestions. . . Dublin, 1847. O. 40 p. c M'Ghee, Rev. Robert James, and Daly, Rev. Robert. On the proposed system of non-scriptural education of the poor of Ireland. . . Dublin, 182^. O. 16 p. C Magee, William Connor, Life and correspond- ence of Magee, archbishop of York, bishop of Peterborough, by J. C. Macdonnell. London, 1896. 2 V. O. port. C Mant, Rev. Richard. A churchman's apology ; or. Clerical pledges stated with reference to national education, in a justificatory letter. . . Dublin, 1844. O. 24 p. C Martin, J. C. Defence of the Irish clergy and a view of their past and present duty with respect to the system of national education in Ireland. 2d ed. Dublin, 1844. O. 48 p. C Maz'well, Somerset Richard. Address to the friends and promoters, lay and clerical, of scriptural education in the county of Cavan, in reply to Dr. Martin's pamphlet. . . Dublin, 1844. O. 32 P- C Miller, George. Case of the Church Education Society of Ireland, argued in reply to C. R. Elring- ton. London, 1847. O. 43 p. C HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS — SCOTLAND 43 Naper, James L. W. Necessity of domestic and sound education, as a preliminary step to par- liamentary purification. Dublin, 1834. O. 16 p. The National Board of Education and the Church Education Society for Ireland contrasted. Dublin, 1851. O. 16 p. C O'Brien, James Thomas, bp. Speech ... by the Lord Bishop of Ossory, etc., at the annual meet- ing of the London auxiliary to the Church Education Society for Ireland . . . May 12, 1851. . . Dub- lin, 1851. O. 16 p. C Observations on a speech delivered by the Lord Bishop of Exeter . . . Mch. 15, 1836, in mov- ing for a select committee to inquire into the opera- tions of the Commissioners for national education in Ireland. [Signed] A freeman. Dublin, 1836. O. 42 p. C On national schools ; a tract for the times in Ireland, addressed to his parishioners by an Ulster clergyman. Dublin, 1845. O- 22 p. C Pollock, Matthew. The National Board ; re- view of the pamphlet recently issued by the Rev. John Grant, in favour of the National Board of Education. Dublin, 1852. O. 56 p. C Redington, C. T. National system of educa- tion in Ireland. (/« England — Education Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects, v. i, 1897, p. 241-57.) C T Sadleir, Rev. Ralph. Remarks on the sub- ject of education, addressed to his protestant parish- ioners at Clonsilla. Dublin, 1850. O. 14 p. C Sadler, Michael Ernst. Brief sketch of the history of the Irish system of elementary education. {In England — Educat. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects, v. i, 1897, p. 211-40.) C T Sandford, Sir Daniel Keyte. Speech at a meeting of the protestant inhabitants of Glasgow ... to consider the . . . government plan of education for Ireland. Glasgow, 1832. O. 19 p. C Secular education as a national system of edu- cation for Ireland ; considered in a letter to . i . the earl of Carlisle, by a Clergyman of the diocese of Meath. Dublin, 1857. O. 31 p. C Sheridan, Thomas. Short sketch of a plan for the improvement of education in this country. . . Dublin, 1788. D. 68 p, C Smith, Rev. George Sidney. Reasons why the Irish clergy, after eighteen years' trial, continue to refuse the system of education supported by the state in Ireland. . . Belfast, 1852. D. 33 p. C Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in Ireland. Report of the committee to the annual meeting, held at Kildare Place, 1833, 1837- 39. Dublin, 1833-39. O- 4 pcs. C Stanley, Edward, bp. A few observations on religion and education in Ireland. . . London, 1835- O. 37 p. C Tighe, Robert Stearns. Melantius ; a letter addressed to Mr. Orde, upon the education of the people. [Anon.] Dublin, 1787. D. 40 p. C To'wnsend, Thomas Stuart, bp. of Meath. Charge delivered at the primary visitation of the diocese of Meath . . . 1851. . . Dublin, 1S51. O. 47 P- C Policy of a separate grant for education in Ireland . . . with . . . remarks on the 9'*" annual meeting of the Church Education Society. . . Dublin, 1S49. O. 63 p. C Walpole, Spencer. Speech delivered in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, June 17, 1856, on the national system of education in Ireland. London, 1856. O. 31 p. C SCOTLAND EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Annual report by the accountant for Scotland. 1873-98. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1873-98.) C Code of regulations for day schools, by the Com- mittee of Council on education in Scotland. Lon- don, 1875-98. F. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1875-98.) c Code of regulations for evening continuation schools. London, 1893-98. F. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1893-98.) C Code of the Scotch Education Department, 1876, with notes, analysis . . . and a , . . sketch of the legislation for education in Scotland, by H. J. Gibbs and J. W. Edwards. Edinburgh, 1876. D. 15 -f 198 p. T Education Commission. Report of Her Ma- jesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the schools in Scotland. . . Edinburgh, 1866-68. F. 3 pts. pi. maps. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1866, V. 27 ; 1867, V. 25 ; 1867-68, V. 29.) C Report on the state of education in Glasgow, by James Greig and Thomas Harvey. Edinburgh, 1866. F. 159 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1867. V. 25.) C Report on the state of education in the country districts of Scotland, by A. C. Sellar and C. F. Maxwell. Edinburgh, 1866. F. 239 p. fac-sim. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1867. v. 25.) C Report on the state of education in the Hebrides, by Alexander Nicolson. Edinburgh, 1866. F. 200 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari, Sess. pap. 1867. V. 25.) C Statistical report on the state of education in the lowland country districts of Scotland, by C. F. Maxwell and A. C. Sellar. Edinburgh, 1866. F. 38 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1867. v. 25.) C Statistics relative to schools in Scotland . . . Edinburgh, i?,ts. F. 256 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1867. V. 26.) C Education Inquiry Commission. Reports of the committee appointed to inquire into certain questions relating to education in Scotland, with appendices. London, i888. F. 3 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1888. v. 41.) C Educational Endowments Commission. Re- port. Edinburgh, 1884-90. F. 7 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1884-90.) C 44 EDUCATION EndoTred. schools : Schemes for the manage- ment of endowed schools. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1881-93.) C Endo^^ed Schools Commission. Report of the royal commissioners appointed to inquire into en- dowed schools and hospitals. Edinburgh, 1873-75. F. 3 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1873, v. 26 ; 1874, V. 17 ; and 1875, v. 21.) C General summary of statistics of annual school grants ; elementary schools. {In Report of the Committee of Council on education. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1874-98.) C Instructions to her Majesty's Inspectors of schools. London, 1888. F. 17 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1888. V. 78.) C liist of school boards giving particulars of the estimated grants payable and the bill to amend section 67 of the Education (Scotland) act 1872. London, 1897. F. ir p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1897. V. 71.) C List under school districts of elementary schools aided by Parliamentary grants. (/« Report of the Committee of Council on education. Gr, Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1874-98.) C Report by Henry Craik on the inspection of higher class schools and the examination for leaving certificates. {In Report of the Committee of Coun- cil on education. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1888-98.) C Report by the Commissioners on endowed in- stitutions in Scotland in terms of the nth section of the Endowed institutions (Scotland) act, 1878. . . Edinburgh, 1881. F. 3 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. i88i. v. 36.) C Report of the Committee appointed to inquire as to the best means of distributing the grant in aid of secondary education in Scotland [with minutes of evidence]. London, 1892. F. 181 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1892. v. 62.) C Report of the Committee of Council on educa- tion in Scotland, 1873-74. London, 1874. O. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1874. v. 20). C T Report of the Committee of Council on educa- tion ; with appendices, codes, etc. London, 1874- 98. F. (Gr. Br,— Pari. Sess. pap, 1874-98.) C T Including secondary education in Scotland from 1885. Report of the Committee of Council on educa- tion in Scotland, with appendix, 1885-86. London, 1886. O. 34 + 382 p. T Report on Highland schools by Henry Craik. London, 1884. F. 24 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1884-85. V. 26.) C Report to . , . the Committee of Council on education in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1874-79. ^ • (Gr. Br.- Pari. Sess. pap. 1874-79.) C Return from each school board in Scotland showing the rateable value of the borough. . . [London] 1875. F. 20 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1875. V, 60.) C Return respecting the secondary and higher class schools in each of the twelve parliamentary burghs . . . [London] 1875. F. 17 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1875. V. 60.) C Return showing by counties for each school district in Scotland the rateable value, the school rate, the population, number of children of school age . . . and the number in average attendance in public schools . . . higher class public schools. . . London, 1880-88. F. 2 pts. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1880, V. 55 ; and 1888, v, 78.) C Return showing by counties for each school dis- trict in Scotland the rateable value, the school rate, the population, the number of children of school age. . . London, 1897. F. 143 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1897. v. 71.) C Return showing (i) the expenditure from the grant for public education in Scotland . . . and (2) the actual number of elementary schools on the an- nual grant list. . . London, 1874-97. F. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1874-98.) C Return showing . . . the total sum received at board schools for school fees during . . . 1880, the amount of such fees paid by parochial boards, the amount spent in enforcing compulsory attendance by the school boards of Edinburgh, Glasgow . . . Aberdeen [etc.]. [London] 1881. F. 18 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap, I881. v. 73.) C Tables showing the operation of the compul- sory clauses of the Education (Scotland) acts. {In Report, 1883. p. 41-69. Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1883. V. 26.) C Universities Commission. Ordinances. Ed- inburgh, 1890. F. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1890-91.) C Report of the Commissioners under the Uni- versities (Scotland) act, 1889, as to the subscription of tests by principals, professors ... in the Scot- tish universities. Edinburgh [I892]. F. 55 + 178 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1892. v. 47.) C Report of the Royal Commissioners ap- pointed to enquire into the universities of Scotland . . . Edinburgh, 1878. F. 4 v. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1878. V. 32-35.) C WORKS ON EDUCATION IN SCOTLAND Baines, Edward. Education best promoted by perfect freedom, not by state endowments. . . Lon- don, 1854. O. 45 -I- [I] p. C Blackie, John Stuart. On the advancement of learning in Scotland; a letter to the lord provost and town council of Edinburgh. . . Edinburgh, 1855. O. 56 p. c Bryce, Rev. R. J. Practical suggestions for reforming the educational institutions of Scotland ... in two letters to the Lord Viscount Melgund. Edinburgh, 1852, O. 31 p. C Campbell, J. A. Education question ; an ad- dress delivered to the Glasgow workingmen's con- servative association on 30* October, 1871. . . 2d ed. Glasgow, 1871. O. 24 p. C HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS — SCOTLAND 45 Church of Scotland — General Assembly. Re- port of the committee for increasing the means of education in Scotland, particularly in the High- lands and in islands, submitted . . . May, 1841. Edinburgh, 1841. O. 28 p. C Churches and education ; by a Parish minister, Glasgow, 1820. O. 52 p. C Cook, Rev, John. Letter to a member of Par- liament on the parochial schools of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1854. O. 18 p. C Lord advocate's Scotch education bill ; speeches of Dr. Qook and Mr. Milne Home, at the commission of th6 General assembly . . . i*' March, 1871, and resolutions of the committee. Edinburgh, 1871. O. 25 p. C Remarks on Lord Melgund's bill, and the means of education in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1857. O. 56 p. C Statement of facts regarding the parochial schools of Scotland. [Anon.] London, 1854. O. 16 p. C Edgar, John. History of early Scottish educa- tion. Edinburgh, 1893. O. 12 -H 333 p. C T Gillis, James, bp. Letter to Duncan Maclaren, on the proposed "voluntary" amendment of the Lord advocate's education bill for Scotland. . . Edinburgh, 1854. O. 38 p. C Gordon, Rev. A. L. System of national educa- tion in Scotland ; its origin . . . nature and re- sults. . . Aberdeen, 1839. O. 59 p. C Gordon, Rev. Thomas, of Newbattle. Educa- tion in Scotland ; its actual amount. 2d ed. embra- cing the results of the census. Edinburgh, 1854. O. 8 + 43 p. C Grant, James. History of the burgh and parish schools of Scotland. London, 1876. O. v. i. 16 + 571 p. CT Great Britain — Parliament. Education bill for Scotland. . . Edinburgh, 1854. D. 24 p. C Herbertson, A. J. The parlous plight of geog- raphy in Scottish education. (Scottish geographical magazine. 1898. v. 14, p. 81-88.) C Hetherington, Rev. William Maxwell. Na- tional education in Scotland, viewed in its present condition, its principles, and its possibilities. . . Edinburgh, 1850. O. 75 p. C Hutchison, Rev. George. Remarks on the education bill for Scotland. Aberdeen, 1854. O. 15 p. C Laurie, Simon Somerville. Report to the trus- tees of the Dick bequest on the rural public . . . schools of Aberdeen, Banff, and Moray. . . Edin- burgh, 1890. O. 150 p. T On the educational wants of Scotland. {In his Training of teachers. 1882. p. 261-307.) T Letter to the Viscount of Drumlanrig on the parish schools. Edinburgh, 1854. O. 16 p. C Macleod, Norman. Notes on the industrial training of pauper children, with special reference to those in the workhouse of the Barony parish. . . Glasgow, 1853. O. 31 p. C M'Taggart, Rev. David, Substance of . . . speech delivered in the provincial synod of Aber- deen on the Lord advocate's educational bill, 12th April, 1854. Aberdeen, i^SA. O. 20 p. C National Education Association of Scotland. Report of the proceedings at the public meeting of the friends of national education in the Music hall, Edinburgh, Jan. 25, 1854. Edinburgh, 1S54. O. 98 p. C National education in Scotland, a word or two for parish schools ; reprinted from Blackwood's magazine. 3d ed. enlarged. Edinburgh, 1854, O. 23 p. C National education ; report of the proceedings at a meeting of the citizens of Glasgow, held . . . the i8th April, 1851. Glasgow [I85I]. S. 32 p. C National education ; report of the proceedings at a meeting of the working classes of Edinburgh, held . . . the 21st of January, 1851. Edinburgh [I85I]. S. 23 p. C Parish school statistics ; means of education in Scotland . . . reprinted from Church of Scotland's magazine and review. . . Edinburgh, 1854. O. 16 p. C Pillans, James. Principles of elementary teach- ing, chiefly in reference to the parochial schools of Scotland. . . 2d ed. . . [enlarged]. . . Edin- burgh, 1829. D. 4 + 186 p. T Ramage, Craufurd Tait. Defence of the parochial schools of Scotland, in a series of letters . . . Edinburgh, 1854. O. 64 p. C Remarks on the Scotch education bill ; by a Parish minister. Glasgow, 1821. O. 8 p. C Report of the proceedings at a public meeting, held in . . . Aberdeen, on the 25th April, 1851, on the important subject of national education. Aber- deen, 1 85 1. S. 19 p. C Robertson, Rev, William. The church and the universities of Scotland : their historical and necessary connection. Edinburgh, 1853. O. 56 p. C Russel, Rev. Michael. View of the system of education . . . pursued in the schools and universi- ties of Scotland. . . Edinburgh, 1813. O. 7 + 168 + 55 p. C T Scotland a half-educated nation, both in the quantity and quality of her educational institu- tions, by the Editor of the " Scottish guardian " . . . Glasgow, 1834. O. 95 p. C Sellar, Alexander Craig. Scotch education difficulties, (/w Grant, Sir Alexander, bart. Re- cess studies. 1870. p. 261-307.) C Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, vise. Primary and classical education ; an address delivered before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh . . . November l, 1867. . . Edinburgh, 1867. O. 32 p. c 46 EDUCATION Simpson, James. Necessity of popular educa- tion as a national object, with hints on the treat- ment of criminals, and observations on homicidal insanity. . . Edinburgh, 1834. D. 12 -+- 402 P- T Smith, Hubert Llewellyn. Report ... on cer- tain points connected with Scotch education ; April, 1889. London, 1889. O. 20 p. C Speeches at the county meeting, held in Edin- burgh, 1st May, 1854, on the Lord advocate's education bill. . . Edinburgh, 1854. O. 30 -f- [I] p. C Stark, John. Scotland's claims to the control and management of her own national system of education. . . 3ded. Edinburgh, i?)"]?). O. 41 p. C Strictures on Rev. William Wilson's " Plea for congregational schools " ; by a Layman. Dun- dee, 1854. D. ig p. C Strictures on the recent public meeting in Edinburgh, on 25th Jan., 1854, on the subject of a national system of education in Scotland ; by a Churchman. . . Edinburgh, 1854. O. 36 p. C Voice from the Church : being a review of the resolutions and speeches at the public meeting on national education . . . 25th January. . . Edin- burgh, 1854. O. 24 p. C Wilson, Rev. John. Letter on the exercise of the legislative functions of the Church of Scotland for the advancement of professional education, ad- dressed to Rev. George Buist. . . Edinburgh, 1849. O. 15 p. C See also Professional education. Wilson, Rev. William. Education : a plea for congregational schools. Dundee, 1854. D. 38 p. C Wood, John. Account of the Edinburgh ses- sional school, and the other parochial institutions for education established in that city in . . . 1812. 4th ed. . . [enlarged], D. 12 + 314 p. T ALGERIA Tra,nee~-Minist}re de l' Instruction publique. Loi du 19 juillet 1890 ; Algerie ; decret du 24 juil- let 1890, portant r^glement d'administration pub- lique sur les indemnites et allocations attribuees au personnel enseignant des ecoles primaires publi- ques d' Algerie ; annexes. Paris, 1890. O. 72 p. (Musee ped. Mem et doc. scol., no. 103.) C BELGIUM Beer, Adolf, and Hochegger, Franz. Das un- terrichtswesen Russlands und Belgiens. VVien, 1868. O. 6 + 263. {In their Die fortschritte des unterrichtswesens. 1868, v. 2, pt. i.) C Brussels — Congrh international de I'enseigne- ment. Rapports preliminaires. firuxelles, 1880. O. v. p. ill. pi. (Ligue beige de I'enseigne- ment.) C England — Education Dept. Memorandum by J. G. Fitch on the working of the free school sys- tem in America, France and Belgium. London, 1891. F. 39 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1890- 91. V, 61.) C Greyson, Emile. L'enseignement. (/« Bel- gium. Cinquante ans de liberte. 1880-82. v. I, p. 199-264.) C L'enseignement public en Belgique ; aper9u historique et expose de la legislation. Bruxelles [1893-96]. D. 3 v. (Bibl. beige des connais- sances modemes ; H. Bertiaux, ed.) C Int^rieur et de 1' instruction publique, Ministere de r. Catalogue d'ouvrages et de revues beiges relatifs aux branches d'enseignement exposees i Paris en 1900. Bruxelles, 1900. D. 51 p. C Rapport triennial sur la situation de I'in- struction primaire en Belgique presente aux Cham- bres legislatives, 1895-98, par F. Schollaert. . . i^ime.ig^me periode triennale, 1891-96. Bru- xelles, 1896-98. F. 2 V. C Jottrand, G. On the annual examinations of conscripts in Belgium. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Health exhib. lit. v. 13, p. 308-21,) C Koksma, Francois Michel Comelis Eliza. Het karakter van het apenbaar lager onderwys. Utrecht, 1888. O. [5] + 80 p. C Raingo, Germain Benoit Joseph. Memoire sur les changemens operes dans I'instruction publique depuis le regne de I'lmperatrice Marie -Therese jusqu'a ce jour. . . Bruxelles, 1827. Sq. Q. 2 -t- 106 p. {In Brussels — Acad. roy. Mem. cour. v. 6.) C Sadler, Michael Ernst and Morant, R. L. Re- cent legislation on elementary education in Belgium. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on ed. subjects. 1897. V. I, p. 258-72.) C T Sauveur, Jules. Statistique generale de I'in- struction publique en Belgique. . . {In Belgium- Statistique, Comm. centrale de. Bulletin. 1878. v. 13, p. 191-502. 8 pi.) C U. S. — Education, Bureau of. Account of the systems of public instruction in Belgium. {In Circ. of inf. 1875, no. 3.) C T Wiese, Ludwig Adolph. Deutsche briefe Uber englische erziehung, nebst einem anhang liber bel- gische schulen. Berlin, 1852. D, 12 -I- 211 p. C CHINA Biot, Edouard Constant. Essai sur I'histoire de I'instruction publique en Chine et de la corpora- tion des lettres. . . Paris, 1845-47. O. 2 pts. in I. 12 -f- 618 -H I p. C Escayrac de Lauture, Stanislas, marquis d'. Instruction publique. {In his Memoires sur la Chine. 1S65. pt. 5, p. 53-61.) C Hippisley, Alfred E. National education in China. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature. 1884. v. 19, p. 229-52.) C HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS — HOLLAND 47 Jones, W. P. Proposition to establish an Amer- ican college in China [Dec. 4, 187I]. n. t.-p. O. 8 p. C Martin, Rev. William Alexander Parsons. The Chinese, their education, philosophy and let- ters. New York, 1898. D. [5] 4- 319 p. ill. (Hanlin papers, ist series.) C T Report on the system of public instruction in China. Washington, 1877. O. 28 p. {In U. S.— Education, Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1877, no. I.) C T Williams, Samuel Wells. The Middle king- dom ; a survey of the Chinese empire and its inhab- itants. . . 4th ed. New York, 1857 [C. '47.] O. 2 V. ill. por. C T DENMARK Education in Denmark ; its history and present condition, (/w U.S — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1877, no. 2. p. 37-46.) C T Hertel, . Overpressure in high schools in Denmark ; tr. from the Danish by C. Godfrey SOrenson, with introduction by J. Crichton-Browne. London, 1885. D. 44 -t- 148 p. 2 pi. C T Thornton, J. S. Recent educational progress in Denmark. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1897. v. i, p. 587- 614.) C T EGYPT Barnett, Percy Arthur. Education in Egypt. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1897. V. i, p. 615-27.) C T Dor, Victor Edouard. Account of the systems of public instruction in Egypt. {In U. S. — Educat. Bur, of. Circ. of inf. 1875, no. 3, p. 73-108.) C T Instruction publique, Ministere de 1'. Plan d'etudes et programmes de I'enseignement pour I'ecole preparatoire. 2.-4. annee. Le Caire, 1886. D. 3 nos. C FINLAND Administration centrale des ecoles. Aper^u statistique de I'etat des ecoles publiques en Finlande . . . 1 898-1 899, suivi d'une notice sur les ecoles privees. Helsingfors, 1900. Q. 51 p. C Enseignement secondaire ; enseignement pri- maire. {In Notices sur la Finlande. 1900. pt. 3. 34 + 34 P-) C French, Frances Graham. Education in Rus- sia and Finland. {In U. S. — Ed. Bur. of. Ann. Rep. for 1893-94, p. 385-424.) C T Heikel, Felix. Public schools of Finland. {In U. S. — Ed. Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1877, no. 2, p. 7-24) C T Mechelin, Leopold Adolf and others. L'in- Struction publique. {In their La Finlande au I9«siecle. 1900. p. 173-97.) C Nordmann, P. Expose de ce qui a ete fait par I'initiative privee pour I'instruction primaire dans le grand-duche de Finlande, public en vue du Congres international de Paris du 5 aout, 1889. Helsingfors [I889]. O. 32 p. C Yrjb-Koskinen, Y. K. Elementary education in the grand duchy of Finland. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on ed. subjects. 1898. v. 3, p. 672-96.) C T GREECE Chassiotis, Georgios. L'instruction publique chez les Grecs depuis la prise de Constantinople par les Turcs jusqu'a nos jours, avec statistique. . . Paris, 188 1. O. 16 + 550 p. 4 maps. C Felton, Cornelius Conway. Schools of modern Greece. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, i860, p. 1-72.) C Miraglia, Luigi. Lo stato e I'educazione in Grecia. Napoli, 1876. O. 54 p. C Plan for promoting common school education in Greece ; adopted by the Greek school committee. New York, May, 1829. O. 7 p. C HOLLAND Andrea, Carl. Die volksschuUehrerbildung in Holland, n. p. n. d. D. p. 29-68. C Arnold, Matthew. Popular education of Hol- land, (/m ^/j Popular education of France. 1861. p. 193-237.) ' C T Barron, Henry Wenston. A few notes on the public schools and universities of Holland and Ger- many, taken . . . 1839. London, 1840. O. 96 p. C Cousin, Victor. De l'instruction publique en Hollande. Paris, 1837. O. 460 p. T De l'instruction publique en Hollande. Bruxelles, 1838. S. 2v. in i. ' C On the state of education in Holland ; as regards schools for the working classes and for the poor ; translated with . . . observations ... by Leonard Horner. London, 1838. D. 72 -H 294 p. C Duppa, Baldwin Francis. Primary normal school at Haarlem. {In Central Society of Educa- tion. Papers. 1838. v. 2, p. 127-31.) T Ende, Adriaan van den. Geschiedkundige schets van Neerlands schoolwetgeving met aantee- keningen en bijlagen. Deventer, 1846. Nar. O. 4 + 334 p. C Esser, Johannes. Leerdwang. Amsterdam, 1888. O. 3 -I- 102 p. C Horn, D. Uber Hollands volksschulwesen. Langenberg, 1877. O. [4] -F 89 4- [i] p. C Hubrecht, Paulus Frans, editor. Die onder- wijswetten in Nederland en hare uitvoering. . . 'j Gravenhage, 1880-84. O. 5 pts. in 6 v. pi. C Eoolen, P. N. De onderwijskwestie ; onze grieven, onze gevaren. Haarlem, 1869. O. 57 p. (Katholiek nederlandsche brochuren vereeniging. [Publications, v. i] no. 10.) C 48 EDUCATION Muller, Johannes, ed. Vor- und fruhreforma- torische schulordnungen und schulvertrage in deut- scher und niederlandischer sprache. Zschopau, 1885-86. O. 2 pts. 350 p. (Samml. selten ge- wordener padagog. schriften, no. 12-13.) C Nussbatun, Sophia. Education in the Nether- lands. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Report of the Commissioner. 1896. v. 26, p. 475-542.) C T Plugg^, C. H. Education in the Netherlands ; its history and present condition, (/« U. S. — Ed. Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1877, no. 2, p. 25-36.) CT Royal Commission. Elementary and middle- class instruction in the Netherlands, and their de- velopment in accordance with the laws of . . . 1857 . . . and . . . 1863. . . Leyden, 1876. O. [4] + 120 + [53] p. 3 tab. C Verslag van den staat der hoogemiddlebare en lagere scholen in het koninkrijk der Nederlanden over 1885-86. s' Gravenhage, 1887. Q. 451 p. ill. maps. T HUNGARY Die Deutschen in Ungarn und SiebenbUrgen und der " Deutsche schulverein." Hermannstadt, 1882. O. [3] + 3 + 211 p. C L'instruction publique en Hongrie. {In Revue internat. de I'enseignement. 1891. v. 22, p. 47-60.) C T Kem^ny Franz. Die mittelschulen Ungarns (gymnasien und realschulen) ; geschichte, verwal- tung. . . Fozsony, 1896. 3 + 80 p. C Eultus und unterricht, Minister fiir. Das ungarische unterrichtswesen . . . 1883-86, 1889-92, 1896-97. Budapest, 1886-98, Q. v. 14-15, 20- 21, 27. C Lajos Felmeri. Az iskolazas jelene angolors- zagban ; a vallas- es kOzoktatasugyi M. K. Min- isterhez intezelt jelentes. Budapest, \%2>i. O. v. i. C Parliament — Lower House. Die debatte vom 27. Januar 1882 im Ungarischen abgeordneten- haus uber die deutsche bewegung. . . Hermann- stadt, 1882. O, [4] + 47 p. C Sch'vricker, J. H. Die realschulfrage in Ungarn. {In Paedagogium. 1883. v. 5, p. 29- 50.) T Ungarns unterrichtswesen. {In Paeda- gogium. 1886. v. 8, p, 457-74 and 560-79.) T ICELAND Reykjavik — Lcertha skdla. Skyrsla ; skola- arith, 1886-87. Reykjavik, 1887. D. 38 p. C INDIA Adam, William. Report on the state of edu- cation in Bengal, [Anon.] Calcutta, 1835-36. O. 2 V. in I. C Bombay — Public Instruction, Director of. Re- port for . . . 1S55-56. Bombay, 1857. O. T Bryce, Rev. James. Appeal in behalf of na- tive education in India in connexion with the school and mission of the General assembly in India. Edinburgh, 1855. O. 30 p. C Chamberlain, William Isaac. Education in India. New York, 1899. O. 109 p. C T East India (Education). Copies of correspon- dence with the Indian government [relating tO] the Education despatch of 19 July 1854. {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1857-58, v. 42, p. 339-506 ; 1859, sess. 2, V. 24, 3 pts. in 4 v.) C See also Index vols, for subsequent years. Educational policy of the state in India ; being a reprint of the Halifax despatch of 1854, of portions of the report of the Education commis- sion, and of the orders of the government ... up to ^897. Madras, 1900. O. [I4] + 22 -I- 143 p. C Hunter, Sir William Wilson. Ancient civil- ization and modern education : India. {In Subjects of the day. No. i, 1890, p. 1-24.) C T Johnston, Rev. James. Our educational policy in India ; a vital question for the government and the Church. . . Edinburgh, 1873. O. 63 p. C Kerr, James. Review of public instruction in the Bengal presidency from 1835 to 1851. London, 1853. O. 2 V. in I. . T Rawson, Sir Rawson William. State of edu- cation within the district of Nattore, in the prov- ince of Bengal. {In Central Society of Education. Papers. 1838. v. 2, p. 293-320.) T Return of the number of scholars in the several schools . . . maintained at the public expense, in British India. . . {In Gr. Br, — Pari. Sess. pap. 1852, V. 36, p. 129-37.) C See also Education in Statistical abstract re- lating to British India from 1857 to 1897. London, 1868-98. F. and O. (Gr. Br,— Pari. Sess. pap. 1867-98.) C Thomas, Frederick William. History and pros- pects of British education in India . . . the ' Le Bas' prize essay for 1890. Cambridge, Eng., 1891. O. 6 + I + 158 p. T Trevelyan, Sir Charles Edward, hart. On the education of the people of India. London, 1838. O. 7 -f 220 p. C Veitch, Rev. James. Reasons against affiliating our Christian mission to the secular system of government education in India. Edinburgh, 1857. O. 49 p. C Warren, Joseph. Schools in British India. {In U. S, — Ed., Bur. of, Circ. of inf. 1873, no. 2.) CT Wise, Thomas Alexander. Thoughts on edu- cation in India ; its object and plan, London, 1854, O. 3 + 65 p, C ITALY Amante, Bruto, Nuove illustrazioni e com- menti alle leggi e discipline sulla p[ubblica] istru- zione ; raccolta completa de' testi di leggi, decreti, regolamenti e circolari dal 1859 al 1887. , , a* ed, Roma, 1887, O, 16 -f i -H 885 p. C HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS— JAPAN 49 Brachet, Auguste. L'ltalie qu' on voit et ritalie qu'on ne voit pas ; suivi de la lettre al misogallo Signer Crispi et de la response 4 . . . M. Nigra. Paris, 1882. D. 191 + [i] p. C 3«ed. Paris, 1881. O. 5 + no p. C Cantoni, Carlo. L'insegnamento filosofico e educazione delle classi dirigenti. Pazda, 1899. O. 18 p. C Cetta, Alberto, namento in Italia. + 14 p. Deir unit4 e liberta d' inseg- Torino, 1849, O. 14 -f- 464 C Dati, Nazareno. Nazareno Dati : programmi per le scuole elementari . menti e norme. Ascoli Pinceno, 1889. sui nuovi . schiari- O. i68 p. T Fadda, Carlo. La riforma del consiglio su- periore per la pubblica istruzione con particolare riguardo ai procedimenti disciplinari. (/« Naples — Accad. di sci. mor. e pel. Atti. 1899. v. 30, p. I-33-) C Gabelli, Aristide. Sul riordinamento dell' is- truzione elementare ; relazione della commissi- one . . . dal Ministero della pubblica istruzione. Padova, 1888. D. [3] + loi p. C Gabrielli, Gabriele. La riforma delle scuole normali italiane. . . 2* ed. Palermo, 1890. D. [7] + 131 p. T Giesebrecht, F. W. B. von. L' istruzione in Italia nei primi secoli del medio-evo ; traduzione di Qdiilo Pascal. Firenze, 1895. D. [4] + 95 p. C Gould, Emily Bliss. Italo-American schools in Rome [September 20, 187I], 1872-73. New York, 1871-73. D. 3 nos. C Haiife, Ewald. Italiens dung. {In Paedagogium. i8l 83.) gegenwartige 4. v. 6, p. Uber ium. das italienische schulwesen, I. V. 3, p. 42-58.) bil- 372- T {In T Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Public instruction in Italy. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Education in Italy and Russia. 1896. p. 325-83.) C T Twenty years of public schools in Rome. {In his Studies in education, science, art, history. 1896. p. 339-49-) C T Hippeau, Celestin. L'instruction publique en Italic. Paris, 1875, D, 7 + 418 p. C T HofiEmann, Richard Arthur Julius. Italienische humanisten, und Rabelais und Montaigne als pada- gogen. Stettin, 1876. Sq. O. pt. i, 28 p. C Matteucci, Carlo. Raccolta di scritti varii intorno all' istruzione pubblica. Prato, 1867. D. 2 V. C Micheli, Everardo. Storia della pedagogia itali- ana dal tempo dei Romani a tutto il secolo xviii. Torino, 1876. D. 425 p. C Monti, Eudo. Saggio sui numeri indici dell' educazione popolare in Italia. . . Milano, 1898. O. 95 + [3] + 46 p. pi. C Morganti, Giovanni. Ricerche di educazione e di amministrazione scolastica. Casalmaggiori, 1881. O. 7 + 332 + [3] P- C Moscati, Pietro, conie. Osservazioni d' un Cit- tadino filantropo sopra la pubblica istruzione. . . [Anon.] Milano, 1802. D. 94 p. C Miillner, Karl. Reden und briefe italienischer humanisten ; ein beitrag zur geschichte der pada- gogik des humanismus. . . Wien, 1899. O. 10 + 305 p. C Ozanam, Antoine Frederic. Des ecoles et de l'instruction publique en Italic aux temps barbares. {In his CEuvres. [I862-73.] v. 2, p. 353-433-) C Parato, Antonio. La scuola pedagogica nazio- nale ; scritti educativi, teorici e pratici. . . To- rino, 1885. O. pt. I. C Pratesi, Plinio. Questioni pedagogiche e di amministrazione scolastica. Torino, 1898. O. 142 + [I] p. C Pubblica Istruzione, Ministero della. Rego- lamento e programmi per i ginnasi e i licei. . , Roma, 1889. Q. 70 p. C Regolamento per le scuole normali e per gli esami di patente di maestro o maestra elementare . . . Roma, 1889. Q. 37 + 1 p. C Rolando, Antonio. L' educazione in Italia in ordine alia vita pubblica. . . Napoli, 1878. D. 15 + [ij + 157 P- C Sada, Luigi. Istruzione educativa del popolo per Associazione di cittadini ; progetto. Milano, 1874. O. 164 + [I] p. C Schuhmann, Josef. Das oflentliche unter- richtswesen in Italien. {In Paedagogium. 1885. V- 7, p. 394-423-) T Statistica, Direzione Generale della. Istru- zione secondaria, classica e tecnica e convitti mas- chili e femminili, 1893-94. Roma, 1896. Q. C Istruzione secondaria e superiore e convitti maschili e femminili, 1891-92. Roma, 1894. Q. C Statistica della istruzione elementare, 1891— 95. Roma, 1893-96. O. C Statistica della male, 1895-96. Roma, istruzione 1898. Q. pnmaria e nor- C Statistica dell' istruzione superiore, 1893-95. Roma, 1896. Q. C Turiello, Pasquale. Sull' eiBcacia educativa dei nostri ginnasii e licei. {In Naples — Accad. di sci. mor. Atti. 1891. v. 24, p. 241-87.) C Villari, Pasquale. sociale in Italia. 2* ed. La scuola e la quistione O. [4] + 36 p. C JAPAN Bolljahn, J. Japanisches schulwesen, seine entwicklung und sein gegenwartiger stand. Berlin, 1896. O. [4] + 78 p. I pi. C 50 EDUCATION Ca>dy« C. M. [Observations and suggestions relative to the study and teaching of English in the Chu Gakko and Koto Gakko.-\ Kyoto, 1900. O. 20 p. C Dittes, Friedrich. Uber das japanische schul- wesen. {In Paedagogium. 1884. v. 6, p. 363- 69.) T Education, Department of. Annual report . . . iSqo. Tdkyo, 1892. O. v. 18. tab. C Catalogue of objects exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U. S. A., 1893. Tokijo, 1893. O. 112 p. pi. C . . . Catalogue with explanatory notes of the exhibits. {In London — Internal. Health Ex- hib. 1884. Literature. 1884. v. 17, p. 681-710.) C General outlines of education in Japan. {In same. p. 711-43.) C Outline history of Japanese education pre- pared for the Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1876. . . New York, 1876. D. 202 p. C Outlines of the modern education in Japan. Tokyo, 1893. O. 3 + 218 + I p. C Outlines of the modern education of Japan. Tokyo, 1888. O. [3] + 184 p. tab. C Short history of the Department of Education . . . Tokyo, 1891. O. 70 p. C Educational Society. Short account of the Educational Society of Japan. Tokyo, 1892. O. 26 p. tab. C Mori, Arinori, editor. Education in Japan : a series of letters addressed by prominent Americans to A. Mori. . . New York, 1873. D. 57 + 195 p. C Public Instruction, Ministry of. Notice sur I'organisation actuelle de I'instruction publique. [Paris, 1900.] O. [3] + 284 + [4] p. (Expos, univ. de 1900 — Sect, japonaise.) C U. S. — Education, Bureau of. Circulars of in- formation. 1875, no. 2 : Education in Japan. C T — — Circulars of information. 1B85, no. 4 : Education in Japan. C T LIBERIA Liberia College (Monrovia). Proceedings at the inauguration of Liberia college, at Monrovia, Jan. 23, 1862. Nar. O. 40 p. i pi. C NEW SOUTH WALES Education, Department of. Report of the Council . . . upon the . . . public schools . . . 1874. Sydney, 1875. Q. C Education in New South Wales. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. An. rep. 18S2-85.) C T NORWAY Kirke- og nnderTi8ninis»s - Departe- mentet. Beretning om skolevaesenets tilstand . . . for aaret 1884-85, 1895-97 (Statistique de I'instruc- tion publique pour I'annee 1884-85, 1895-97). Kris- tiania, 1 888-1900. O. (Norges officielle statistik. 3. raekke, no. 74, 83, 319, 334,337-) C Normalplan for undervisningen i de forenede loerde og realskolerdat. 3oDecbr. 1858. . . Chris- tiania, 1861. Nar. O. 85 p. C Schmeding, O. H. F. Die bewegung in Nor- wegen auf dem gebiet der schulreform. {In Paeda- gogisches archiv. 1896. v. 38, p. 288-98, and 374-86.) T See also SWBDEN, below. PORTUGAL Aranha, Brito. Bibliographie des ouvrages portugais pour servir k I'etude des villes . . . des institutions . . . du Portugal, A9ores, Mad^re . , . lisbonne, 1900. F, 90 p. (Expos, univ. de 1900 — Sect, portugaise.) C Brandao, Zephyrino. L'Ecole de Torpilles en Portugal. Paris, 1900. Q. 30 -i- [i] p. (Ex- pos, univ. de 1900 — Sect, portugaise.) C Castro Rodrigues, Eugenio de. Methodes d'enseignement dans les ecoles primaires de Portu- gal. Lisbonne, 1900, Q. 148 + [i] p. (Expos, univ. de 1900 — Sect, portugaise.) C Dias Costa, Francisco Felisberto. Institut in- dustriel et commercial de Lisbonne ; histoire, organ- isation, enseignement. Lisbonne, 1900. Q. r68 p. pi. (Expos, univ. de 1900 — Sect, portugaise — In- struct, publ. en Portugal.) C Instruc9ao pubUca, Direc9ao geral de. En- sino artistico ; legisla9ao ; programmas ; regula- mentos ; estatistica. Lisboa, 1900. Q. 128 p. (Expos, univ. de 1900 — Secf. portugueza.) C Ensino primario ; legisla9ao ; programmas ; regulamentos ; escolas officiaes ; escolas particu- lares ; estatistica. Lisboa, 1900. Q. 2 v. (Expos, univ. de 1900 — Sec9. portugueza.) C Ensino secundario ; legisla9ao ; programmas; regulamentos ; estatistica. Lisboa, 1900. Q. 236 p. (Expos, univ. de 1900— Sec9. portugueza.) C Leitao, Carlos Adolpho Marques. Enseigne- ment special, industriel et commercial. . . Lis- bonne, 1900. Sq. Q. 6 + 114 + [I] p. 28 pi. (Expos, univ. de 1900 — Sect, portugaise.) C Pery, Gerardo A. I Education in Portugal. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1877, no. 2, P- 55-72.) C T Pinto, Caetano. L'Ecole primaire. Paris, 1900. Q. 96 + [2] p. (Expos, univ. de 1900 — Sect, portugaise— Instruct, publ. en Portugal.) C Rodriques, Jose Maria. L'instruction secon- daire en Portugal. Lisbonne, 1900. Q. 16 ^. (Expos, univ, de 1900 — Sect, portugaise.) Statistics of elementary education in Portugal, 1868-69. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. Feb., 1872.) C T HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS — SOUTH AFRICA 51 U. S. — Education, Bureau of. Present state of education in Portugal. (/« Circ. of inf. 1873, no. I, p. 59-66.) C T QUEENSLAND Public Instruction, Dept. of. Report 1893- 97, 1899. Brisbane, 1894-98. F. pi. v. 18-22, 24. C ROUMANIA Boroianu, D. G. Die schulen in Rumanien. Leipzig, 1897. O. 63 p. C Schafer, E. A. Das neue rumanische volks- schulgesetz von A. Pastor. [Anon.] {In Paedago- gium. 1894. V. 16, p. 371-83.) T RUSSIA Beer, Adolf, and Hochegger, Franz. Das un- terrichtswesen Russlands und Belgiens. Wien, 1868. O. 6 + 263 p. {In their Die fortschritte des unterrichtswesens. 1868. v. 2, pt. i.) C Brehme, Arthur. Briefe liber Petersburger er- zeihung. . . 2. aufl. St. Petersburg, 18 10. D. 121 p. C Commission Imperiale k I'Exposition Univer- selle de 1900. Catalogue de la section russe ; education et enseignement, groupe i. Paris, 1900. O. 61 p. C La Russie a la fin du xix« si^cle. In- struction publique. Paris, 1900. O. 29 p. C French, Frances Graham. Education in Russia and Finland. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. An. rep. for 1893-94, p. 385-424.) C T Hill, Frederic. Education in Russia. {In his National education. 1836. v. 2, p. 65-129.) C T Hippeau, Celestin. L'instruction publique en Russie. Paris, 1878. D. 54 + [i] +407 p. C T Imperial Free Economical Society. Statistics of elementary public instruction in Russia, by H. Falbork and W. Tcharnolusky. S.-Peterburg, 1900. O. 43 p. C Text in Russian. Iiaveleye, Emile Louis Victor de. Les progres de l'instruction en Russie. {In his Essais et etudes. 1894. ser. I, p. 337-57-) C Progress of education in Russia. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1875, no. 3, p. 29- 47.) C T Public Instruction, Ministry of. Rapport du Ministre de l'instruction publique pour I'annee 1871. St-Pitersbourg, 1872. O. 88 p. C Russian Ministry of public education at the World's Columbian Exposition. St. Petersburg, 1893. O. 64 p. C Statisticheskiya svyedyeniya po nachal'nomu obrazovaniyu : . . . Statistique de I'enseignement primaire en Russie (en 1898). S.-Peterburg, 1900. F. 41 -+- 277 p. tab. C Statut des ecoles reales. St-Pdtersbourg, 1872. O. 62 p. C Statut des gymnases et des progymnases. St-P/tersbourg, 1871. O. 54 + 97 + 40 p. C Statuts des ecoles urbaines et des ecoles nor- males d'instituteurs pour les ecoles urbaines . . . le 31 mai 1872. St. Petersbourg, 1872. O. 35 P- C tjbersicht der thatigkeit des russisch-kaiser- lichen Ministeriums der volksaufklarung u. der ihm untergeordneten gelehrten u. lehranstalten in den jahren 1862-65 aus dem Russischen libersetzt. St. Petersburg, 1865. O. 2 v. C Tolstoi, Dmitri Andreivich, count. Akadem- icheskaya gimnaziya . . . [Academic gymnasiums in the i8th century]. Sanktpeterburg, 1885. O. 114 p. {In St. Petersburg — Imp. Acad, of sci. Sbomik. v, 38, no. 5.) C Das akademische gymnasium und die aka- demischeuniversitat imxviii. jahrhundert . . . aus dem Russischen von P. v. Kugelgen. St. Peters- burg, 1886. O. 8 + 224 p. (Beilrage zur kent- niss des russ. reiches. 3d ser. v. i.) C Ein blick auf das unterrichtswesen Russ- lands im xviii. jahrhundert bis 1782 . . . tibersetzt von P. v. KUgelgen. {In Beitrage zur kenntniss des russ. reiches. 1885. 2d ser. v. 8, p. i- 121.) C Gorodskiya uchilishcha . . . [City schools in the reign of Empress Catharine II.] Sanktpeter- burg,i9>Sb. O. 214 p. (/« St. Petersburg— Imp. acad. of sci. Sbomik. v. 41, no. 2.) C Die stadtschulen wahrend der regierung der Kaiserin Katharina II. {In Beitrage zur kennt- niss des russ. reiches. 1887. 3d ser. v. 2, p. 151-350.) C Vzglyad na uchebnuyu chast' v Rossii . . . [A glance at public instruction in Russia in the i8th century to 1782]. Sanktpeterburg, 1885. O. 100 p. {In St. Petersburg — Imp. acad. of sci. Sbomik. V, 38, no 4.) C Volksaufklarung, Minister der. Bericht . . . Uber den zustand des unterrichtswesens im jahre 1871 erstattet vom Minister der volksauflarung [D. Tolstoi]. St. Petersburg, 1873. O. 114 p. C SARDINIA Botta, Vincenzo. Public instmction in Sardinia; an account of the system of education, and of the institutions of science and art, in . . . Sardinia. Hartford, 1858. Nar. O. 78 p. C SER VIA Public Instruction, Ministry of. Notice sur l'instruction publique en Serbie. Paris, 1900. O. 32 p. C SOUTH-AFRICAN REPUBLIC {TRANSVAAL) Instruction, Minister of Public. Le gouverne- ment de la Republique Sud-Africaine et I'enseigne- ment public. [La Haye, 1900,] F. 12 p. pl. maps. C 52 EDUCATION SPAIN Arteaga [ y Pereira], Fernando de. Educa- tion of girls and women in Spain. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1897. V. i, p. 628-46.) C T Groizard y Coronado, Carlos. La instruccion piiblica en Espana ; discursos y notas. Salamanca^ 1897. O. 293 +[i] p. C Hill, Frederic. Education in Spain. {In his National education. 1836. v. 2, p. 130-62.) C T U. S. — Edtication, Bureau of. Circulars of in- formation. 1873, no. I : Historical summary and re- ports on the systems of public instruction in Spain ... p. 1-44- C T SWEDEN [Collection of programs and annual reports of schools of the various counties of Sweden for the years 1894 and 1895.] v. p. Sq. Q. 4 v. C Folkskole-ittspektorer. Berattelser om folk- skoloma i riket fOr aren 1877-1892. Stockholm, 1883-94. O. tab. C Healey, Elizabeth. Educational systems of Sweden, Norway and Denmark ; with special refer- ence to the education of girls and adults : being the report presented to the trustees of the Gilchrist edu- cational trust. . . London, 1892. O. [5] -j- 36 p. C Hippeau, Celestin. L'instruction publique dans les etats du nord : Su^de, Norwege, Danemark. Paris, iS-j6. D. 35-^340 p. CT Laroverkskomit^. Underdaniga utlatan- den och yttranden angaende Laroverkskomitens den 25 Augusti 1884 daterade betankande. Stockholm, 1885. O. V. 1-3, pt. I. C Report on the systems of public instruction in Sweden and Norway. (/« U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1871, no. i.) C T Stockkolm — Ahlinska skolan. Arsvedog5relse f6r arbetet . . . under lasaret 1894-95. Stockholm, 1895. O. 35 p. C SWITZERLAND Arnold, Matthew. Popular education of Swit- zerland. (/« his Popular education of France. 1861. p. 175-92.) C T Beer, Adolf. Das unterrichtswesen der Schweiz. Wien, 1868. O, [8] -|- 370 p. {In Beer, Adolf, and H ochegger , Franz. Die f ortschritte des un terrichts- wesens. 1868. v. 2, pt. 2.) C Clerc, Alexis Jules. L'ecole populaire Suisse. {In Recueil de raonogr. pedagog. 1896. p. 203- 304.) C Departement des Innem. Schweizerische schulstatistik — Statistique desecoles suisses 1894-95, von Albert Huber ; bearbeitet. . . fUr die Landesaus- stellunginGenf, 1896. [ZwriVA, i896]-97. O. 8 v. C Title-pages in German and French. Text in German. Dietrich, Rudolf, wesen. Wiesbaden, li Schweizerisches volksschul- 36. O. [3] + 76 p. C Morf, Heinrich. Aus Schweiz. {In Paedagogium. and 456-82.) [Same]. {In Neue bahnen, 1896. v. 7, p, 233-68, 345-65 and 467-76.) T England — Education Department. Special re- port on certain points connected with elementary education in Germany, Switzerland and France. London, 1886. F. 27 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1885. v. 51.) c Guex, Fran9ois. L'instituteur primaire en Suisse, son instruction, sa carriere, sa retraite. {In Re- cueil de monogr. pedagog. 1896. p. 119-202.) C Guleke, Hermann. Beobachtungen auf dem gebiete der volksschule. {In Baltische monats- schrift, 1884. v. 31, p. 728-43.) C Kay, Joseph. Education of the people in Swit- zerland. {In his Social condition and education of the people in England and Europe. 1850. v. 2, p, 345-402.) C T Morant, R. L. National organisation of edu- cation of all grades as practised in Switzerland. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. sub- jects. 1898. V. 3, p. 1-82.) C T dem schulleben der 1882. V. 4, p. 404-23 T Schulgeschichtliches aus der Schweiz. {In 'um. 1893. V. 15, p. 181-89.) T Volksbildung und volkschule in geschicht- licher beleuchtung init besonderer bezugnahme auf die Schweiz. (/« Paedagogium. 1879. v. i, p. 15-33 and 75-100.) T Statistisches Bureau. Examen pedagogique des recrues en automne, 1898. Berne, 1899. Sq. Q. 20 H- 20 p. map, {In Schweizerische statistik. V. 120.) C System of public instruction in Zurich, Switzer- land; [Circular]. Zurich, n. d. D. 8 p. ill. C Wirth, Max, compiler. Unterrichtswesen. (Allgemeine beschreibung und statistik der Schweiz, 1871-75. V. 3.) C TURKEY Duppa, Baldwin Francis. Education in Tur- key, {In Central Soc. of Ed. Papers. 1837. v. I, p. 365-71.) C Salve, de. Education in Turkey, {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1875, no. 3, p. 49- 66.) C T CANADA Chauveau, Pierre Joseph Oliver, L'instruc- tion publique au Canada, precis historique et statis- tique. Quebec, \^^t. O. 12 -|- 366 +[l] p. C Great Britain — Schools Inquiry Commission. Report ... on the school system of the United States and of the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, by Rev. James Fraser. London, 1866. F. 5 + 435 p. pi. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1867, V. 28.) C T HISTORY AND PRESENT SYSTEMS — CENTRAL AMERICA 53 Great Britain — Secondary Education, Royal Commission on. Report on certain features of secondary education in the U. S. and in Canada. (/« Report, V. 7, 1895, p. 333-409.) C T Russell, John. Schools of greater Britain ; sketches of the educational systems of the colonies and India. London [I887]. O. 225 p. ill. T BRITISH COLUMBIA Education, Supt. of. Annual report. Victo- ria [i886]-88. Q. V. 15-17. C MANITOBA Bryce, Rev. George. History and condition of education in the Province of Manitoba. (/« Br. Assoc, for the Adv. of Sci. Canadian economics. 1885. p. 297-312.) . C Canada — Parliament, i8g£. Papers in reference to the Manitoba school case presented . . . during the session of 1895. . . Ottawa, 1895. O. [3] + 354 p. C Education, Supt. of. Report of the Protestant schools. 1883-86. Winnipeg, 1884-87. il. O. v. 1-4. C Morant, Robert Laurie. History of the Mani- toba school system and the issues of the recent con- troversy. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1897. v i, p. 658-88.) C T NEW BRUNSWICK Education, Supt. of. ' Annual report, 1871-98, 1900. Fredericton, 1872-1900. O. pi. C . . . Course of instruction for the schools of New Brunswick [I889]. . . 15 p. O. n.p. C Manual of the school law, 1887, 1892. Fredericton, 1887-92. O. C NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES North-West territories. School ordinance, 1896. . . Regina, 1896. O. 98 p. C Public Instruction, Council of. Annual re- port. 1898. Regina, 1898. O. C NOVA SCOTIA Education, Supt. of. Annual report, 1870-75, 1878-85, 1887-98. Halifax, 1871-99. O. pi. C Education ; Nova Scotia ; a conspectus of the public free school system and educational insti- tutions of . . . Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1893. O. i8 p. (World's Columbian Expos. Chicago. 1893.) C ONTARIO {formerly UPPER CANADA) Canada (Upper) — Public Instruction,Dept. of. Annual report of the normal, model, grammar, and common schools . . . for the year 1853; with an ap- pendix ... [by E. Ryersou]. Quebec, 1854. O. C General catalogue of books ... for pub- lic school libraries in Upper Canada. . . Toronto, 1857. O. 263 p. C Education Department. Catalogue of school appliances, pupils' work . . . exhibited by the Edu- cation Department of Ontario, Canada ... by S. P. May. Toronto, 1893. O. 68 p. (World's Colum- bian Expos. Chicago. 1893.) C Education in Ontario. {In Br. Assoc, for the -Adv. of Sci. Canadian economics. 1885, p. 313-31.) C Educational system of. . . Ontario . . . Can- ada. Toronto, 1886. Q. 96 p. C T Report of the Minister of education, 1880- 81, 1884-86, 1890, 1893, 1896-99. Toronto, 1882- 1900. O. tab. pi. C For 1890 in Teachers' College Lib. Hodgins, John George. Documentary history of education in Upper Canada from the passing of the constitutional act of 1791 to . . . 1876. . . Toronto, 1894-99. O. v. 1-6. C Ryerson memorial volume ; prepared on the occasion of the unveiling of the Ryerson statue . , . 1889. Toronto, i^iq. Q. 10 + 131 p. pi. C Millar, John. Educational system of . . . On- tario, Canada. Toronto, i8g2- O. 114 p. pi. C Ross, George William. School system of On- tario (Canada), its history and distinctive features. New York, 1896. D. 14 + 203 p. (International education ser. W. T. Harris, ed. v. 38.) CT Ryerson, Rev. Egerton. Special report on popular education ... of Europe, the British Isles, and United States, with suggestions for improve- ment of public instruction in Ontario. Toronto, 1868. O. 8 + 198 p. T PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Education, Supt. of. Annual report, 1885-88, 1897. Charlotteiown, 1886-98. O. v. 7-10, 19. C QUEBEC {formerly LOWER CANADA) Cazes, Paul de. L'instruction publique dans la province de Quebec. (/« Br. Assoc, for the Adv. of Sci. Canadian economics. 1885. p. 333-50.) C Council of Arts and Manufactures. Report of committee named to enquire into . . . practical schools : Report of a visit to the Manual training school of St. Louis, Mo. Montreal, 188.5. O. 20 p. I pi. T Public Instruction, Supt. of. Report, 1883- 88. Quebec, 1884-89. O. C CENTRAL AMERICA GUATEMALA Institute nacional. Programa segun el cual se practicaran los examenes i actos publicos . . . 1885. [Guatemala, iSSs-i O. 116 p. C NICARAGUA Relaciones Exteriores e Instruccion Publica, Ministerio de. Memoria [por los anos 1883-90, 1895]. Managua, 1885-96. F. C 54 EDUCATION Institute cientifico industrial, educacion y enseiianza. Mexico, \\ MEXICO Escuela> imperial de minas. Anuario, ano de 1865. Mexico, 1864. O. 30 p. tab. C Programa de 5i. O. 20 p. C Instituto literario. Relacion de las funciones publicas con que termino su ano escolar de 1852. Toluca [I852]. O. 83 p. C Justicia e instruccion piiblica, Ministerio de. Breve noticia de los establecimientos de instruccion. Mexico, 1900. F. [3] + 3 + 47 p. pi. C Memoria que el secretario presenta, 1844, 1869-70, 1871-73, 1876-81. Mexico, 1844-81. Q. and F. pi. maps. tab. C MEXICO (City) Compania Lancasteriana. Memoria que pre- senta la Compania Lancasteriana de Mexico de sus tabajos en el ano 1872. Mexico, 1873. O- 54 P- C Escuela nacional num. 2. Reglamento de la Caja de Ahorros. Mexico, 1883. D. 15 p. C Instruccion publica, Comisionado de. Memo- ria y discurso del c. regidor F. L. Lopez, y poesias pronunciadas en la solemne distribucion de premios ... a los alumnos municipales, 28 de Die. de 1868. Mexico, 1869. O. 39 p. C Malanco, Licurgo Luis. Proyecto de reforma de la instruccion primaria en las escuelas municipa- les de Mexico. Mexico, 1873. O. 136 p. C Sta Escuela de S^° Domingo. Libro de im- bentario de las alajas, q^ tiene la S" Escuela . . . echo. en. 16 de Enero. de 1803 [1813, 1822]. O. 77 p. ms. C SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINE REPUBLIC C6digo de ensenanza primaria i normal de la provincia de Buenos-Aires. La Plata, i8g8. Q. 917 + [I] + 84 p. C Compiled by Francisco A. Berra. Educacion, Comision nacional de. Censo esco- lar nacjpnal correspondiente a fines de 1883 y prin- cipios de 1884. . . Buenos Aires, 1885. Q. 3 v. C Informe sobre el estado de la educacion comun . . . 1882. Buenos Aires, 1883. Q. C Resumenes generales y preliminares . . . del censo escolar nacional . . . 1883-84. Buenos Aires, 1884. Q. pi. C Hippeau, Celestin. L'instruction publique dans I'Amerique du Sud, Republique Argentine. . . Paris [1879]. D. 9 4- [57] + 403 P- pl- C T Justicia* culto e instruccion publica, Ministerio de. Educacion comiin en la capital, provincias y territorios nacionales, 1894-95. Buenos Aires, 1896. Q. V. I. C Memoria, 1869-71, 1874-75. Buenos Aires, 1869-74. O. C Quiroga, Pedro, compiler. Lejislacion i juris- prudencia de la educacion comun ; compilacion de las doctrinas i leyes . . . sobre esta materia. . . Buenos-Aires , 1871. O. 66 + 202 p. C San Juan (Argentine Republic) — Escuelas, De- par tamento de. Informe, 1870. Buenos Aires, x^'jx. O. C Zubiaur, J. B. Quelques mots sur I'instniction publique et privee dans la Republique Argentine. Paris, 1889. O. 112 p. i pi. C T BRAZIL Pendes, Baron de. On the condition of educa- tion in Brazil, (/w London — Internat. Health Ex- hib. 1884. Health exhib. lit. v. 15, p. 374-82.) C Pires de Almeida, Jose Ricardo. L'instruc- tion publique au Bresil ; histoire-legislation. Riode Janeiro, iS8q. D. 36 + 1 102 p. i por. C CHILI Confess nacional pedagojico. Resumen de las discusiones, actas i memorias presentadas al . . . Congreso, 1889. Santiago de Chile, 1890. Q. v. I. C Instruccion publica, Consejo de. Instruccion publica en su parte secundaria, superior, especial e historica ; recopilacion de leyes, decretos . . . y acuerdos, por J. A. Rosales, . . Santiago de Chili, 1890-91. Q. 2 V. C Justicia e instruccion publica, Ministro de. Memoria, 1890. Santiago de Chile, 1890. Q. C Ponce, Manuel Antonio, compiler. Prontuario de lejislacion escolar ; recopilacion de leyes, decre- tas, circulares i resoluciones sobre instruccion pri- maria. Santiago de Chile, 1890. O. 16 -|- 472 p. C ECUADOR Universidad de Quito. Anales. Periodico oficial . . . destinado al fomento de la instruccion publica. . . Numero 3-6 (Mayo-Agosto de 1883). Quito [1883]. O. C UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA Garcia i Garcia, Jose Antonio, Codigo de instruccion publica presentado en proyecto a la hon- orable Camara de diputados. Bogota, 1862. O. 23 + 184 p. C URUGUAY Instruccion publica, Direccion general de. Estadistica escolar, correspondiente, a los anos de 1890 y 1891. Montevideo, 1892. F. tables 27 and 35. C Memoria correspondiente al aiio 1896. . . Montevideo, 1897. Q. T Memoria, presentada por el inspector na- cioiial de instruccion primaria, 1893, 1896. Monte- video, 1894-97. Q. C VENEZUELA Instruccion publica, Ministro de. Memoria, 1884. Caracas, 1884. F. pts. 1-2. C UNITED STATES 9. UNITED STATES 55 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Education, Bureau of. Annual statement of the commissioner, 1891-93, 1895-96, 1899-1900. Washington, 1891-igoo. O. C A complete file in Report of the Commissioner, below, Answers to inquiries about the U. S. Bureau of education, its work and history, prepared . . . by Charles Warren. Washington, 1883. O. 29 p. C Chapter from report for 1897-98. Intro- ductory statement, with statistics of state school systems. Washington, 1899. O. p. xi-xcvii. C Circulars of information, no, 13 (Aug., 1868), 1870-71, 1873-1900. Washington, 1868- 1900. O. ill. pi. C T Also 1872, Jan., Mr., Je,, Nov, Circulars of information, nos. 1-12 (1867) and Special circu- lars 1-16 (1868) are reprinted in first annual report of the Commissioner of education, for 1867-68. None published, 1895-97. f^°r 'is'i ^^^ '« Publications, 1891, below. Miscellaneous publications. [ Washington, 1880-90.] O. 35 nos. C For list, see in Publications, i8gi, below. Publications, from 1867-1890, with subject- index. Washington, 1891. O. p, 1453-1551, CT Report of the Commissioner of education, 1867/68-1899. Washington, 1868-1900. O. ill, C T Report of the Commissioner of education, 1888-89. Special edition. Washington, 1889. O, C Special report ; educational exhibits and conventions at the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans, 1884-85. Washington, i886. O. 3 pts. in 1 v. 962 p. ill. (Bureau of Education, Special reports.) C Special reports, 1871-90. Washington, 1871-90. O, 13 V. in 6. C For list, see in Publications, 1891, above. Education, National department of. Official circular, no. 13. August, 1868. C T See Education, Bureau of. Circulars of information, no. 13. WORKS ON EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES Adams, Francis, of Birmingham {Eng.). The free school system of the United States. London, 1875. O. 309 p. C T Adams, Herbert Baxter, editor. See Contri- butions to American educational history, below, Alcott, William Alexander. Word to teachers ; or. Two days in a primary school. Boston, 1833. S. 16 -t- 84 p. T American education as described by the French commission to the International Exhibition of 1876. Washington, 1879. O. 37 p. (/« U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1879, no. 5.) CT Bardeen, Charles William. Present status of the township system. (In School issues of the day, 1890. No. 8, p. 184-225.) T The taxpayer and the township system ; an address delivered July 2, 1891, before the State Teachers' Association of New Jersey. Syracuse, 1891. O, 15 p. C Barnard, Henry. American pedagogy ; educa- tion, the school, and the teacher in American litera- ture. 2d ed. Hartford, 1876. O, [4] -|- 5 10 p. {In his Papers for the teacher. 1876, v. i.) T Education and educational institutions. O. P- 345-545. ill- r por, T No title-page. From Stebbins, L. (pub.), Progress of the United States. Teachers and educators ; United States. New York, 1861. O. 524 p. por. (Barnard, Henry, ed. Educational biography. 1861. pt. 1, v. 1.) T Educational labors of Henry Barnard ; a study in the history of American pedagogy ; by W, S. Monroe. Syracuse, 1893. D, 35 p, ill. por. C T Barneaud, Charles. Origines et progres de I'education en Amerique ; etude historique et cri- tique ; les etats primitifs. Paris, i%^2i. O. 372 p. C Origines et progres de I'education en Ame- rique : Jefferson et I'education en Virginie. Paris, 1896. O. 86 p. C Barro'ws, Rev. Samuel June, TarifT on edu- cation ; speech in the House of representatives . , , March 25, 1897. Washington, 1897. O, 7 p. C Bill to promote mendicancy ; facts and figures showing that the South does not need federal aid for her schools. New York, 1888. O. 27 p. C Blackmar, Frank Wilson, History of federal and state aid to higher education in the U. S. Washington, 1890. O. 343 p, {In U. S, — Ed., Bur. of. Circ, of inf. 1890, no. i.) C T Blair, Henry William. The Common-school bill. {In American Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1889, p, 201-29.) C T Free schools : Are they in danger ? if so, from what sources? Speech in H, of R,, July 29, 1876. O. 24 p, C National aid in the establishment and tem- porary support of common schools : the education bill. New York, 1887, Q, 52 p. C Blake, Sophia Jex. Visit to some American schools and colleges. London, 1867, D. 12 + 250 p. T Boone, Richard Cause. Education in the U, S.; its history from the earliest settlements. New York, 1889. D. 15-1- 402 p. (Int. ed. ser. W. T. Harris, ed. v. 11.) C T 56 EDUCATION Bourne, Edward G. History of the surplus revenue of 1837 ; an account of its origin, its dis- tribution . . . and the uses to which it was ap- plied. New York, 1885. t). 8 -h 161 p. C Bibliographicalindex, p. 1 51-61. Brooks* Rev. Charles. Some reasons for the immediate establishment of a national system of ed- ucation for the U. S. New York, \%ts. O. 22 p. C Bro>nni, Moses T. Necessity of education in a free state ; a lecture delivered before the American Institute of Instruction. . . August 23, i860. . . Boston, 1861. D. 22 p. C Bryant, William M. American scheme of state education. St, Louis, n. d. Nar. S. 66 p. C Buisson, Ferdinard Edouard. Devoirs d' ecoliers americains recueillis a I'Exposition de Phil- adelphia (1876). . . traduits par A. Legrand. Paris, 1877. D. 8 -I- 508 p. ill. pi. C See also American education, above. Burton, Warren. The district school as it was, by One who went to it. [Anon.] Boston, iZ'^'i. S. 10 + 156 p. C T S. T Revised edition. Boston, 1850. 206 p. I pi. Butler, Nicholas Murray. Education in the United States ; a series of monographs prepared for the United States exhibit at the Paris Exposition, igoo. Albany, 1900. O. 2 v. 18 -H 977 p. pi. map. tab. C T Clews, Elsie Worthington. Educational legis- lation and administration of the colonial govern- ments. New York, 1899. O- 11+ 524 p. (Columbia University. Contributions to philosophy, psychology, and education, v 6, no. 1-4.) C T Contributions to American educational his- tory ; edited by Herbert B. Adams. Nos. 1-28. Washington, 1887-1900. O. ill. pi. (U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1887, no. i — 1900, no. 3.) CT Author analytical entries will be found under their several subjects. Cooper, Oscar H. Compulsory laws and their enforcement. Syracuse, 1890. O. 6 p. (School issues of the day, no. 12.) T Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe. Education at the South. (In American Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1881. p. 87-98.) C T Universal education the safety of the com- monwealth ; speech before the General Assembly of Alabama, December 2, 1896. O. 20 p. C Curtin, J. C. Catholic view of education in the United States. New York, 1879. D. 18 -l-i p. (Papers on education, ist ser., no. 24.) C Curtis, George William. The public school and civil service reform ; an address . . . February 25, 1S91. iNew York, 1891.] O. p. 103-15. C Doty, Duane. A statement of the theory of ed- ucation in the United States of America as approved by many leading educators. [Anon.] Washington. 1874. O. 22 p, (U. S. — Bur. of Ed. Miscell. pub. 1874.) C Draper, Andrew Sloan. American schools for American citizenship ; an address, delivered Dec. . . . 1891. Albany, 1891. O. 37 p. C Drehler, Julius D. Education in the South, some difficulties and encouragements ; a paper read . . . Sept. 3, 1895. Salem, Va,, 1895. O. 35 p. C Dulon, Rudolf. Aus Amerika Uber schule, deutsche schule, amerikanische schule und deutsch- amerikanische schule. Leipzig, 1866. D. 8 4- 440 p. C Eaton, Gen. John. American education pro- gressive, {In American Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1871. p. 152-85.) C Eggleston, Edward. The tradition of educa- tion. {In his Transit of civilization, 1901. p. 207-72.) C Eliot, Charles William. Wherein popular edu- cation has failed. {In his American contributions. 1897. p. 203-33.) c England — Education Department. Memoran- dum by J. G. Fitch on the working of the free- school system in America, France and Belgium. London, 1891. F. 31 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1890-gi. V. 61.) C Fitch, Joshua Girling. Notes on American ' schools and training colleges. London, 1890. S. 133 p. C T Fraser, Rev. James. Report ... on the school system of the U. S. and of the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. London, i866. F. 5 + 435 P- pl- (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1867. v. 28.) C Fry, James Barnet. Compulsory education in the army. New York, 1887. O. 30 p. (Military Service Institution. — Monograph no. 6.) C Cover title reads : Public schools and compulsory education. Germann, George Balthazar. National legis- lation concerning education, its influence and effect in the public land states east of the Mississippi river. New York, 1899. O. 148 -<- i p. C Goode, George Brown. Origin of the national scientific and educational institutions of the United States. New York, 1890. O. 112 p. C Griscom, John. Discourse on the importance of character and education in the United States, delivered . . . 20th . . . (November) 1822, introduc- tory to a course of lectures on experimental philos- ophy and chemistry. New York, 1823. O. 26 + [il P- c Hale, Eugene. Common schools north and south — the Blair bill ; speech in the Senate of the United States, February 15, 1888. Washington, 1888. O. 12 p. C Hance, E. W. B. M. Education. {In Samuel- son, James, comp. Civilization of our day. 1896. p. 252-75.) C Harris, William Torrey. Education in the United States. {In Shaler, N. S. U. S. of America. 1894. V. 2, p 294-359. pi.) C UNITED STATES 5; Hart, Albert Bushnell. Studies in American education. New York, 1895. D. 7 + 150 p. C T Havrley, Joseph Roswell. The unconstitution- ality and unwisdom of the Blair bill ; speech in the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, February 14, 1888. Washington, 1888. O. 24 p. C Henderson, John Cleaves. Our national sys- tem of education, an essay. New York [C. 1877]. D. 136 p. I map. T Henry, James, Jr. Address upon education and common schools, delivered . . . Sept. 21 and . . . Oct. 17, 1843. New York, 1847. O. 2 -f- 64 p. C Hill, Frederic. Education in the U. S. {In his National education. 1836. v. 2, p. 1-64.) C T Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Documents illustra- tive of American educational history. (/« U. S. Bur. of Ed. Report of commissioner, 1892-93, p. 1225-1414.) C T Our common school education, with a digression on the college course. . . Cleveland, 1877. O. 38 p. C President Eliot on popular education ; a paper read . . . February 4, 1893. . . Sq. Q. 12 p. C President Eliot on public school problems ; an address delivered. . . December, 1885, repeated . . . November, 1886. Cleveland, 1886. O. 26 p. C The public vs. the public schools. (/« his Schools and studies. 1884. p. 296-331.) T ^ Hippeau, Celestin. ' L'instruction publique aux Etats Unis. . . Paris, 1870. O. [6] + 16 + 447 p. I ill. pi. CT Hoar, George Frisbie. National education ; speech in the House of Representatives, February "], 1871. [Washington, 1%-] I.] O. 8 p. C Universal education a national concern and a national necessity . . . speech in the House of Representatives, June 6, 1870. [ Washington, 1870.] O. 16 p. C Hough, Franklin Benjamin. Constitutional provisions in regard to education in the several states of the American union. Washington, 1875. O. 130 p. (U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1875, no. 7.) C T Ho'we, Mrs. Julia Ward. How far does Ameri- can education satisfy the needs of American life? (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1881. p. 226- 42.) C T Humphreys, Willard Cunningham. Govern- ment and education in the United States. New York [189O]. O. 52 p. C Inter-state Educational Commission on Fed- eral aid to Education. Bill to provide a fund of $65,737,290 to be distributed in twelve years, with tables showing method of apportionment, and amounts of funds apportioned to each state and territory in each year and for the entire period, n.p. O. 16 p. C Jay, John. The Blair educational bill, with no dictation to the Southern States, n.p. O. [4] p. C The nation and the schools Blair bill. «. /. O. [4] p. a plea for the C Johnson, Clifton. The country school in New England. New York, 1893. O. 6 + 102 p. ill. pi. CT Knight, George Wells. History and manage- ment of land grants for education in the North- west territory. New York, 1885. O. 5 + 175 p. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Papers. 1886. v. i,no. 3,) C Lang, Rev. John Dunmore. Religion and education in America. . . London, 1840. S. 8 -I- 474 p. T Littlefield, George A. Chief needs of the schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1886. P- 32-54-) C Livermore, Mrs. Mary Ashton (Rice). The educational outlook. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1890. p. 1-9.) C T Lyon, Charles Harrison. Causes of the back- ward state of sound learning in the U. S. ; address . . . Oct. 4, 1838. New York, 1838. 14 p. C MacCarthy, Egerton Francis Mead. West- ern state education ; the United States and English systems compared. {In State education for the people. 1895. p. 82-104.) C T Magoun, G. A. The source of American edu- cation — popular and religious. (From the New Englander for July, 1877.) O. 44 p. C Mansfield, Edward Deering. American edu- cation, its principles and elements. . . New York, 1851. O. 330 p. CT Mayo, Rev. Amory Dwight. The American common school in New England from 1790-1840. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report of the commis- sioner. 1894-95, p. 1551-1615.) C T Education in the northwest during the first half century of the republic, 1790-1840. {In same, p. 1513-50.) C T The South at school. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1881. p. 99-139.) C T Southern women in the recent educational movement in the South. Washington, 1892. O. 300 p. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1892. no. I.) C Migerka, F, Das unterrichtswesen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Wien, 1877. O. 6 -t- 158 p. {In Phila. — Centen. Exhib. 1876. Austria. Bericht. 1877-78, v. 3, pt. II.) C Montgomery, Zachariah. Poison drops in the federal Senate ; the school question from a parental and non-sectarian standpoint. . . Washington, 1886. O. 4 + 138 p. C Morant, Robert Laurie. The national Bureau of Education in the United States. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1897. V, I, p. 647-57.) C T Morrill, Justin Smith. On the educational bill ; speech in the Senate of the United States, Wednes- day, December 15, 1880. Washington, 1880. O. 51 p. C 58 EDUCATION MUller, C. G. Stadtschulen in den Vereinigten Staaten. {In Paedagogium. 1893. v. 15, p. 462- 71.) T National League for the Protection of Ameri- can Institutions. Defence of the American free common scliool system. (Document no. 19.) New York, 1893. D. II p. C Nolthenius, R. P. J. Tutein-. Op school. (In his Nieuwe wereld. igcx). p. 163-99.) ^ Packard, George T. What may be fairly ex- pected of the American common school. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1881. p. 251-88.) C T Page, Mary H. Graded schools in the United States of America. London, 1894. D. 11 H- 71 p. C Passy, Paul Edouard. L'instruction primaire aux Etats-Unis. . . Paris 1885. D. 220 p. (Bibliotheque pedagogique.) T Peck, Harry Thurston. The downward drift in American education. {In his The personal equation. 1898. p. 327-55.) C Peers, Benjamin Orr. American education ; or, Strictures on the nature, necessity and practica- bility of a system of national education, suited to the United States ; with an introductory letter by Francis L. Hawks. New York, 1838. D. 364 p. C Perrin, John William. History of compulsory education in New England. Meadville, Pa,, 1896. O. 71 P- C Philbrick, John Dudley. City school systems in the U. S. Washington, 1885. O. 207 p. (/« U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Cir. of inf. 1885, no. I.) CT Potter, Alonzo, bp. The school ; its objects, relations and uses. . . New York, 1842. D. [3] 4- 264 p. {In his The school and the schoolmaster. 1842. pt. I.) C T Prosser, William F. Promotion of education ; speech delivered in the House of Representatives, January 25, 1870. . . Washington, 1870. O. 16 p. C Rice, Joseph Mayer, M.D. The public-school system of the United States. New York, 1893. D. 6 -h 308 p. ill. CT Rousiers, Paul de. L'education et la societe. Paris [I89I]. D, 336 p. {In his 'La. y'\& ameri- caine.) C Schmidhofer, F, Schule und lehrer in Nord- amerika ; reiseeindrUcke eines deutschen lehrers auf der fahrt zur Weltausstellung in Chicago. Znaim, 1895. O. 81 p. C Schuricht, Herrmann. Geschicbte der deut- schen schulbestrebungen in Amerika. Leipzig, 1884. O. 5 + 149 p. T Sears, Pev. Barnas. Fifty years of educational progress. {In Am. Ins. of Instr. Lectures, 1880. p. 7^114.) C T Sears, Edward Isidore. Another excursion among seats of learning, genuine and spurious ; some portraits and contrasts. New York, 1874. 51 p. C Siljestrom, Pehr Adam. Educational institu- tions of the United States, their character and organization ; translated from the Swedish by Fred- erica Rowan. London, 1853. D. 164-415?. CT Sinclair, Pev. John. Remarks on the common school system of the United States ; in a letter to the President. . . [Anon.] London, 1857. O. 31 p. C Smith, Annie T., compiler. Rural schools, pro- gress in the past ; means of improvement in the future. Washington, 1884. O. 90 p. {In U. S. —Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1884, no. 6.) C T Smith, Edwin Burritt. Education in the South ; national aid ; an address delivered before the Chicago Congregational Club, February 20, 1888. Chicago, 1888. O. 16 p. C Smith, Lyndon A., compiler. Recent school law decisions. Washington, 1883. O. 82 p. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1883, no. 4. ) C T Stone, A. P. The educational outlook, and its lessons. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1877. p. 44-58.) CT Svrett, John. American public schools ; history and pedagogics. New York [C.190O]. D. 320 p. C T Taylor, Irwin. Public schools ; a law treatise on the rights, powers, duties and liabilities of school boards, officers and teachers with apx. containing synopses of principal statutes of each state. Chicago, 1893. O. 411 p. C Taylor, John Orville. The district school ; or. National education. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1835. D. 296 p. T Thomas, Grace Powers. Where to educate, 1898-99 ; a guide to the best private schools, higher institutions of learning, etc., in the U. S. Boston [C. 1898]. O. 25 + 394 P- ill- I por. C Thurber, Samuel. An important defect in our schools, a paper read . . . January 17, 1879. Wor- cester, 1879. O. 15 p. C Troschel, Franz Hermann. Der volkscharakter und die bildungsanstalten der Nordamerikaner. Berlin, 1867. Sq. O. 38 p. C U. S. — Census {nth). i8go. Report on educa- tion in the United States . . . compiled by J. H. Blodgett. Washington, 1893. Sq. Q. 7 4- 141 p. Education, Bureau of. Constitutional pro- visions in regard to education in the several states of the American union. Washington, 1875. O- 130 p. (Circ. of inf. 1875, no. 7.) C T Warren, Charles. Answers to inquiries about the U. S. Bureau of Education, its work and his- tory. Washington, 1883. O. 29 p. ill. C T Illiteracy in the U. S. in 1870 and 1880. . . Washington, 1884. O. 99 p. ill. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1884, no. 3.) C T STATES AND TERRITORIES — ALABAMA 59 White. Andrew Dickson. . " The constitution and American education," response at the Centen- nial banquet, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, September 17, 1887, in commemoration of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Ithaca, 1887. O. 8 p. C Wilcox, Samuel Morey. Legal rights of chil- dren. Washington, 1880. O. 96 p. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1880, no. 3.) C T Wimmer, Hermann. Die kirche und schule in Nord-Amerika. . . Leipzig, 1853. O. 8 + 368 p. C Winship, Albert Edward. Great American educators ; with chapters on American education. New York [I90O]. D. 252 p. por. (Four great Americans series ; J. Baldwin, ed. v. 7.) C T Zinunern, Alice. Methods of education in the United States. London, 1894. D. 6 + 178 p. C T CUBA Prye, Alexis Everett. Isla de Cuba ; manual para maestros. . . Habana ^1900?]. D. 165 4- [i]p. ill. CT Reyes, Juan Justo. Memoria sobre las causas de la vagancia en la isla de Cuba. . . [Anon.] Habana, 183 1. Sq. D. 118 + [3] p. C Rodriguez, Manuel Valdes. La educacion popular en Cuba. Habana, i%qi. O. 56+ [I] p. (Conferencias de la Real sociedad economica.) C El problema de la educacion ; coleccion de articulos y trabajos publicados en " El pais" y la " Revista Cubana." Habana, 1891. Q. 67 p. C Schools, Superintendent of. Circular no. 13 : Escuela de verano de Harvard ; el sueldo de los maestros. Havana, 1900. O. 4 p. C Invitation from Harvard University to the teachers of Cuba. Havana, 1900. O. 36 p. (Cir- cular no. 9.) C Universidad de la Habana. Oracion in- augural pronunciada [por el Dr. Luis Montane y Dardc] en la solemne apertura del curso academico de 1900 a 1901 ; memoria anuario y datos estadisti- cos de la enseiianza correspondientes al curso de 1898 a 1899. . . Habana, 1900. F. 19 -f- 126 + [I] p. C HAWAII Public Instruction, Minister of. Report for biennial period ending December 31, 1899. O. 162 p. C PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Arias, Fr. Evaristo Fernandez. Memoria historico-estadistica sobre la enseiianza secundaria y superior en Filiplnas, escrita . . . por encargo de la Subcomision des estas ilas. Manila, 1883. Q. 79 p. tab. C PORTO RICO Carroll, Henry K. Report on the island of Porto Rico ; its population, civil government, com- merce, industries, productions, roads, tariff, and currency, with recommendations. . . Submitted Oc- tober 6, 1899. Washington, 1899. O. 813 p. C Contains matter relating to the schools. Education, Board of. Teachers' manual for the public schools of Puerto Rico . . . New York, 1900. O. 15 + 595 p. pi. C Report to the Secretary 1900. Washington, 1900. C Commissioner of. of the Interior, U. S. A. O. 37 p. Public Instruction, Dept. of. School laws on the island of Porto Rico enacted by order of Gen. G.V.Henry . . . May ist, 1899. San yuan, liqf). Nar. S. 48 p. C T 10. STATES AND TERRITORIES ALABAMA Clark, Willis G. History of education in Ala- bama 1702-1889. Washington, 1889. O. 281 p. pi. (/« U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889, no. 3 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 8.) C T Education, Supt. of. Annual report, 1875, 1876, 1884, 1886-89, 1892-94. Montgomery, 1875- 94. O. por. V. 21-22, 30, 32, 35, 38. T Perry, Gen. William F. Genesis of public education in Alabama. (/« Alabama Hist. Soc. Trans. 1898. v. 2, p. 14-27.) C Public Instruction, Dept. of. Public school laws of the state of Alabama . . . with forms for teachers, officers, and the constitution of Alabama ... by J. O. Turner. Montgomery, 1895. O. 220 + 35 P- T Rosser, Levin Vinson. Columbian Institute. {In Alabama Hist. Soc. Trans. 1898. v. 2, p. 60- 65.) C University of Alabama. Catalogue of the officers, alumni and students. 1844. Tuscaloosa, 1844. O. [23 p.] C Catalogue of the officers and students, 1846- 47, 1871-72, 1873-74, 1878-80, 1881-1900. Tusca- loosa, 1846-1900. O. C Historical Catalogue of the officers and alumni. 1 821-1870. Tuscaloosa, 1870. O. 22 + [2] p. C Register of the officers and graduates. Tus- caloosa, 1878. Q. 58 p. C Library, Catalogue of the library, with an index of subjects, by W. G. Richardson. Tusca- loosa, 1848. O. 257 p. C University Law School. Announcement, 1884-85. Tuscaloosa, 1884. S. 8 p. C Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter, and Pratt, John W. Report on a proposition to modify the plan of instruction in the University of Alabama. New York, 1855. O. 104 p. C 6o EDUCATION ALASKA Jackson, Sheldon. Education in Alaska. (/» U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1882, no. 2, p. 61-75 ; 1887, no. 3, p. 191-200.) C T U. S. — Education, Bureau of. Report on education in Alaska . . . by S. Jackson, 1886. Washington, 1886. O. 94 + [i] p. ill. por. pi. phot. maps. T See also annual reports of the Governor, and of the U. S. Commissioner of Education. ARIZONA Public Instruction, Dept. of. School laws of the territory of Arizona, as approved, March 10, 1870 . . . pub. by the superintendent. . . Phoenix, Ariz., 1897. O. 57 p. T University of Arizona (Tucson). Annual register, 1892, 1895-97, 1898-99, with announce- ments, 1896-98, 1899-1900. Tucson, 1892-1900. O. no. I, 5-6, 8. C 1892 "First annual catalogue." ARKANSAS Public Instruction, Dept. of. Biennial re- port of the superintendent, 1881-98. Little Rock, 1882-99. O. ill. pi. T Digest of laws relating to free schools . . . compiled by Junius Jordan. . . Little Rock, 1897. O. 137 + 10 p. T Shinn, Josiah H. History of education in Ar- kansas. Washington, 1900. O. 121 p. pi. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1900, no. i : Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 26.) C T Arkansas Industrial University. Bien- nial report of the board of trustees, 1884-86. Little Rock, 1886. O. C Catalogue 1878-79, 1883-85, 1887-88, 1894- 97, 1898-1900. Little Rock, 1879-1900. O. ill. pi. V. 7, II, 13, 16, 22-24, 26, 27. C Issue for 1898-99 has title University of Arkansas, Cata- logue. CALIFORNIA Monroe, Will Seymour. Examinations and promotions in the schools of California. Oakland, Cal., n. d. O. 13 p. T Public Instruction, Supt. of. Annual re- port, 1852, 1863. n. p. [i852]-63. O. v. i, 13- T Biennial report, 1864-67, 1870-96. Sacra- mento [i864]-96. O. ill. pi. V. 1-2, 4-17. T School law of California ... in force, 1891. Sacramento, 1891, O. T School law of California ; acts of the Legis- lature . . . rules and regulations of the State Board of Education. . . Sacramento, 1895. O. 178 p. T State Teachers' Institute. Proceedings, 1863. Sacramento, 1863. O. T Sivett, John. History of the public school system of California. San Francisco, 1876. O. 246 + I p. 1 por. pi. C T Teachers' Association. Proceedings of the California Council of education, held in Fresno, Cal., December, 1892. San Francisco, 1893. O. 72 p. T University of California. Announcement of courses of graduate instruction, 1894-95. Berkeley, 1894. O. C Annual announcement of courses of instruc- tion, 1885-86, Berkeley, 1885. O. C Bulletin, 1883-84. Berkeley [I883]. D. no. 6. C Announcements and specimen examination papers. Addresses delivered before the Cali- fornia Teachers' Association at Riverside, Dec. 28- 31, 1891, by professors in the University of Cali- fornia. . . Berkeley, 1892. D. 74 p. (Bulletin no. 37.) C Catalogue of graduates Berkeley, 1899. D. 71 p. tab. 1864-1899. C Catalogue of officers and students in the colleges ... for 1896-97. Berkeley, 1896. O. 32 p. C Register, 1870-72, 1874-75, 1876-1900. Berkeley, 1870-1900. O. and D. C Report of committee of the Board of Re- gents, upon the establishing of a College of Com- merce, adopted January 15, 1898. {In Rodgers, Arthur. Distinctive education of this coast, p. 19-30.) c Report of the committee on a higher course of professional studies for teachers. [Berkeley, 1900.] O. [5] p. C Report on physical training submitted to the Board of Regents, June 26, 1888, by George F. E. Harrison. Sacramento, 1888. O. 17 p. C Standing rules of the Graduate Council (adopted January 21, 1897). Berkeley, 1897. S. II p. C Studies, vol. i, nos. 1-4 ; v. 2, no i. Berke- ley, 1893-99. Nar. Q. C Contents : 1. Shinn, Milicent W. Notes on the develop- ment of a child. Part 1-4. 1893-99. 2. Brown, Elmer E. (ed.). Notes on children's drawings. 1897. University chronicle, 1898-99. Berkeley [I898-99]. O. ill. pi. V. 1-2. C University extension course in pedagogy. — Children's interest in stories. O. 7 p. (From the Oakland School Report, 1892-93.) C College of Agriculture. Report of the pro- fessor in charge to the Board of Regents, being a part of the report of the Regents of the University, 1880, 1882. Sacramento, 1881-83. O. C STATES AND TERRITORIES— COLORADO 6i University of California, (continued) Report of the viticultural work during , . . 1885-86, being appendix no, 6 to the Report for . . . 1886, by E. W. Hilgard. Sacramento, 1886. O. 186 p. tab. C Report of work of the agricultural ex- periment stations, 1888-90, 1891-92. Sacramento, 1890-93. O. ill. tab. C Reports to the president of the Univer- sity from the Colleges of Agriculture and the Me- chanic Arts. . . Sacramento, 1877. O- 80 p. C Supplement to the Biennial report of the Board of Regents, 1879, 1887. Sacramento, 1879-87. O. C Hilgard, E. W. Alkali lands, irriga- tion and drainage in their mutual relations ; revised reprint from the reports of the College of Agricul- ture and from the report of the tenth United States census. . . Sacramento, 1886. O. 45 p. C Library. Library bulletin, 1880-94, 1899. Sacramento, 1880-99. O. no. 1-13. C Library ; contents-index [compiled by J.C. Rowell]. £erke/ey, i8Sg-go. O. v. i. C Lick Astronomical Department. — Berkeley Astronomical Department. Announcement to stu- dents. Berkeley, 1901. D. 11 p. C Medical Department. Annual announce- ment of lectures at Toland Hall. 1874, 1899- 1900. San Francisco, 1874-99. O. pi. C President. Addresses at the inauguration of Horace Davis as president, March 23, 1888. Sacramento, i888. O. 31 p. C Addresses at the inauguration of Martin Kellogg as president, March 23, 1893. Berkeley, 1893. O. 63 p. C Biennial report, 1 886-1900. Sacra- mento, 1886-1900. O. C Inauguration of Benjamin Ide Wheeler as president of the University. Berkeley, 1899. O. 30 p. C Regents, Board of. Annual report of the secretary to the board, 1875-77, 1879, 1881-1900. Sacramento, 1885-1901. O. pi. tab. C Semitic Languages and Literatures, Depart- ment of. Announcement, 1 899-1900. Berkeley, 1899. D. II p. C — ;- Brown, Elmer Ellsworth. Study of educa- tion in the University ; address delivered before the . . . National Educational Association at Los Angeles, July 14, 1899. Berkeley, 1899. O. 11 P- C California — Legislature. Report relative to establishing a State University, made in accord- ance with a concurrent resolution passed at the fourteenth session of the Legislature. Sacramento, 1864. O. 29 p. C Oilman, Daniel Coit. Building of the University ; an inaugural address delivered at Oak- land, Nov. 7th, 1872. San Francisco, 1872. O. 29 p. C The University of California in its in- fancy. (/« his University problems. 1898. p. 151-85.) c Hastings, Serranus Clinton, Address of S. C. Hastings, founder of Hastings Law Department of the University of California, before the regents, president and faculty, and responses by T. B, Bishop , . . and J. B. Crockett. . , San Francisco, 1878, O. 21 p. C Law instruction and law schools ; an- nual address delivered to the students of Law De- partment of the University of California, August, 1879, ■^f^ Francisco, 1879. O. 16 p. C International competition for the Phoebe Hearst architectural plan for the University of Cal- ifornia. Ob. Q. 152 p. ill. C Jones, William Carey. Illustrated history of the University of California, . . San Fran- cisco, 1895, Sq. F. 413 p. ill. C Phcebe a. Hearst architectural plan for the University of California [report of the recep- tion (at Antwerp), preparation and judgment of the plans]. San Francisco, n. d. Sq. Q. 15 p. pi. C Pomeroy, John Norton. The Hastings Law Department of the University of California ; inaugural address. San Francisco, 1878. O. 20 p, C Reinstein, J. B. Address at a special meeting of the Regents of the University of Cali- fornia " For the purpose of suggesting and dis- cussing matters necessary to the prosperity of the University," Jan. 15, 1898. [San Francisco, 1898.] O, 41 P- c RoDGERS, Arthur, Distinctive education of this coast ; commencement address. University of California, May 29, 1883 ; with Report of commit- tee on College of Commerce, January 15, 1898, O. 30 p. C Shinn, Milicent Washburn. The Univer- sity of California. O. 337-62, 479-601 p. ill, por. C From Overland monthly, 1892. v. 20, 2d ser. SUTRO, Adolf, Letter to the Regents of the University of California and to the committee of affiliated colleges on the selection of a site for the afi&liated colleges, San Francisco, 1895, O. 9 p. C The University of California and its rela- tions to industrial education, as shown by Prof, Carr's Reply to the Grangers and Mechanics . . , and other documents, San Francisco, 1874, O- 112 p. C WiLLEY, Rev. Samuel Hopkins, History of the College of California, San Francisco, 1887, Q. [5] + 432 p. I phot, C COLORADO Hale, Horace Morrison, Gove, Aaron, and Shattuck, J. C, Education in Colorado [I861-85]. Dtnver, 1885. O, 99 p, 8 por, T 62 EDUCATION Public Instruction, Dept. of. Biennial re- port, 1875, 1877-90, 1895-98. Denver, 1876-98. O. ill. pi. tab. V. 1-7, lo-ir. T Colorado Arbor day notes ; with suggestions for Bird day, April 20, 1900. Denver, 1900. O. 30 p. T School law as amended to date. 1891, 1895, 1897. Denver, 1891-97. O. T State course of study for the common schools of Colorado. . . Denver, 1900. O. 94 p. T University of Colorado (Boulder, Col.). Catalogue and announcements, 1883-84, 1885-1900. Denver, etc., 1885-19CX). O. and D. pi. C 8th biennial report of the president . . . Oct. I, 1892. Boulder [I892]. O. 10 p. C Proceedings at the inauguration of James H. Baker as president . . . May 21, 1892. . . Den- ver [1892]. O. 72 p. C Law School. Announcement for 1894-95. Boulder, 1894. D. 14 p. C Medical Department. Catalogue and circu- lar of information. Session of 1885-86. Denver, 1885. O. 13 p. C Summer School. Announcement of courses , . . 1895. July 13-Aug. 24. Boulder [I895]. T. 22 p. pi. C CONNECTICUT Barnard, Henry. History of common schools in Connecticut. {In Am. jo. of ed. 1858. v. 5. p. 1 14-54- ) T Commissioner of the School Fund. Reports of the commissioner, May and October, 1818, and May, 1819. 1892, 1894, 1899-1900. Hartford, 1819-1900. O. T Common Schools, Board of Commissioners of. Address with the report of the joint select committee to the legislature, n. p. [I838]. O. 24 p. T 41. — Annual report, 1839-41. .Q. V. 1-3. Hartford, 1839- T Common Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1846-47, 1849-51, 1853, 1855-62, 1864-65. New Haven, 1846-65. O. ill. pi. v. 1-2, 4-6, 8, 10- 20. T Public acts relating to common schools in force ... in 1846, i860. New Haven, 1846, i860. O. T See also General Assembly below. Connecticut Classical and High School Asso- ciation. Report on high school courses. [Hart- ford, 1899.] O. 28 p. T Education, Board of. Annual report, 1866- 1900. New Haven, 1896-1900. O. ill. map. tab. V. 1-35. T Catalog of Connecticut educational exhibit [at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893]. n. p. 1893. O. 18 p. (School document no. 9.) T Condition of schools in Fairfield county, n. p. 1895. O. 3 + 184 p. pi. maps. (School document no. 7 ; whole no. 100.) T Extracts from the report of the secretary . . . 1874. [Mixed schools. — Legal prevention of illiteracy.] O. 3 p. T Laws of the state . New Haven, 18: . relating to educa- O. 128 p. T ■ Laws relating to schools. [Hartford] 1896. O. 9 -j- 125 p. (Conn, school document, no 7, 1896.) T Lessons in chemistry for common schools. n. p. 1893. O. 25 p. T Lessons in physics for common schools. 2d ed. n.p. 1892. O. 31 p. ill. T The state map of Connecticut as an aid to the study of geography in grammar and high schools. n.p. i8q6. O. 14 p. (School document no. 6 ; whole no. 119.) T Suggestions for the observance in the schools of the birthday of Henry Barnard, n. p. 1897. O. 16 p. (School document no. 4 ; whole no. 135.) T General Assembly. Laws . . . relating to education. Hartford, 1868-86. O. 3 pts. C Public acts relating to common schools, in force in the state of Connecticut, 1843 ! arranged and published ... by the Secretary of State. Hartford, 1843. O- 28 p. C See also Common Schools, Supt. of, above. Public statute law of the state of Connecti- cut respecting common schools. . , Hartford, i?t^i. O. 20 p. C Olmsted, Denison. Observations on the school system of Connecticut. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1838. p. 95-110.) C Scott, W, Equal education in Connecticut ; a plea for state education as an evolution from school district and town education. . . Hartford, 1897. D. 48 p. ill. C Steiner, Bernard Christian. History of edu- cation in Connecticut. Washington, 1893. O. 300 p. pi. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1893, no. 2.) C T DAKOTA Public Instruction, Supt. of. Annual re- port, 1884-88. Yankton, 1884-88. O. ill. v. 15-19. T University of Dakota (VermiUion). Cata- logue, 1886-87, with announcements for 1887-88. [Vermillion] 1887. O. pi. C Continued as University of South Dakota. DELAWARE Education, Board of. Biennial report on the free schools of Delaware by the president . . . 1892. Clayton, Del., 1893. O. T STATES AND TERRITORIES— IDAHO 63 Free Schools* Supt. of. Annual report, 1884. Dover, 1885. O. v. 9. T PoT^ell, Lyman P. History of education in Delaware. Washington, 1893. O. 186 p. pi. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1893, no. 3 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 15.) C T Secretary of State. School laws for free public schools, 1898 ; published . . . by J. H. Hughes. Wilmington, 1898. Nar. O. 41 + 7+15 p. T DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Public Schools, Board of Trustees of. Course of study . . . with the rules governing the schools, adopted October 1887, 1892. Washington, 1887-92. O. T Music : First six grades ; general directions. Washington, 1891. D. 18 p. T Number : First-third year ; teachers' man- ual. Philadelphia, 1896-97. O. T Public schools of the District of Columbia. Cooking : Two years course. [ Washington, n. d.j O. 15 p. T [Same] Three years course. [ Washington, n. d.] O. 15 p. T Sewing in the public schools of the District of Columbia. [ Washington, n. d.] O. 4 p. T Report, 1873-74, ^:875-77, 1879-80, 1885- 86, 1888-92, 1894-1900. Washington, 1874-1900. O. facsim. T Singleton, W. H. ' A defence of the children ; analysis of High school examination. Appendix confutes text of report [of Senate committee on District of Columbia on school examinations], 3d ed. [ Washington, 1900.] O. 12 p. T U. S. — Congress — Senate. Public schools of the District of Columbia. [Report] March 23, 1900, from the Committee on the District of Columbia. [ Washington, 1900.] O. 320 p. C T Supplemental report, April 14, 1900. [ Washington, 1900.] O. 33 p. C Edtuaiion, Bureau of. Special report of the Commissioner of Education on the condition and improvement of public schools in the District of Columbia. Washington, 1871. O. 912 p. C T FLORIDA Bush, George Gray. History of education in Florida. Washington, 1S89. C>- 54 P- pl- iJ^ U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888, no. 7 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist.; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 6.) CT Public Instruction, Supt. of. Annual re- port, 1869-72, 1881-98. Tallahassee, 1869-98. O. ill. pi. tab. T Digest of the school laws of the state of Florida, with the forms, regulations and instructions of the Department of education, comp. by W. N. Sheats. Tallahassee, 1897. O. 120 p. T Russell, A. J. History of the common schools of Florida, and other schools of the state. Talla- hassee, 1884. O. 4 p. T GEORGIA Geor^a Teachers' Association. Proceedings, 1873. Atlanta, 1874. O. v. 7. T Georgia Teachers' Society. County lyceums ; designed to promote manual labor schools, and the general advancement of education. . . Savan- nah, 1833. O. 8 p. T Minutes of proceedings, Dec. 16, 1833. Savannah, 1833. O. T Governor. Reports of educational institutions of the state of Georgia, 1897-98. Atlanta, 1898. O. 182 p. T Jones, Charles Edgeworth. Education in Georgia. Washington, 1888. O. 154 p. pi. (/« U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ, of inf. 1888, no. 4: Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 5.) CT Public Instruction, Dept. of. Compilation of laws relating to the common school system and state educational institutions of Georgia, 1897. At- lanta, 1897. O. 103 p. T School Commissioner. Manual of methods for Georgia teachers. Atlanta, 1899. S. 204 p. T Report, 1879-92, 1894-96. Atlanta, i88o- 97. O. ill. pi. tab. T University of Georgia. Annual announce- ment with . . . catalogue, 1871, 1874-75, 1882- 85, 1886-92, 1893-98, 1899-1900. Athens, 1871- 1900. O. and D. pi. C Earlier years hbve title Catalogue. Catalogue of the trustees, officers and alumni . . . from 1785 to 1876. Athens, 1876. O. 68 p. C Catalogue of the trustees, officers, alumni and non-graduates . . . from 1785 to 1894. At- lanta, 1894. O. not paged, pi. C Centennial catalogue of the trustees, offi- cers and alumni from 1785 to 1885. Athens, 1885. C. 85 p. C Condensed announcement. Courses for 1897-98. 19 p. D. C Departments of agriculture, engineering and commerce. Athens, 1871. O. 8 p. C Engineering Society. ens, 1893-97. O. Annual, v. 1-3. Ath- C IDAHO Biennial re- T Public Instruction, Dept. of port, 1896-98. Boise, 1896-98. O. General school laws of the State of Idaho ; compiled by L. N. B. Anderson, 1897-98. Mos- cow, Idaho, 1897. O. 67 p. T University of Idaho (Moscow). Catalogue, 1893-95, 1896-97, 1898-1901. Moscow, 1893- 1900. O. and D. C Contributions, 1896-98. D. C President, Report to Board of Regents, 1896. n. p. 1896. O. C 64 EDUCATION ILLINOIS Education, Board of. Proceedings at a regu- lar meeting, held at Normal, June 19-20, 1900. Springfield, III., 1900. O. 25 p. T General Assembly. Report on the subject of education, proposing a plan for uniform system of common schools and county seminaries through- out the State, February, 1835. n. p. n. d. O. 15 p. T School laws of Illinois, 1869 ; an act to es- tablish and maintain a system of free schools, approved February 16, 1865 . . . with the amenda- tory acts of 1867 and 1869. Springfield, 1869. O. 55 + 8 p. T Marshall, William I. Should the public schools furnish text-books free to all pupils ? Chi- cago, 1898. O. 23 p. T Public Instruction, Dept. of. Biennial re- port, 1854, 1857-19CK). Springfield, 1854-1900. O. ill. pi. V. 1-23. T 1854 annual. Free school law of Illinois ; an act to estab- lish and maintain a system of free schools, approved April I, 1872, in force, July i, 1872. Springfield, \^Ti. O. 4 + 49 + 10 p. T Illinois school law, 1889-97 ; an act to establish and maintain a system of free schools, ap- proved May 21, 1889. . . Springfield, 1897. O. [3] + 149 P- T University of Illinois (Champaign). An- nouncement of the Summer term, 1899, 1900. yUr- bana, 1899-I9OO.] D. C Catalogue and circular, 1868-71,1873, 1874- 1900. Champaign, etc., 1869-1900. O. and D. pi. C Known as Illinois Industrial University until 1884-85. John Milton Gregory . . . first president of the University ; memorial convocation at the chapel . . . October 23, 1898. n. p. 1898. O. 31 p. I por. C New requirements for admission to the Uni- versity of Illinois, by Stephen A. Forbes . . . Dean of the College of Science. «. /. n. d. D. 22 p. C Report of Committee on courses of study and faculty for the Illinois Industrial University. Springfield, 1867. O. 22 p. C University of Illinois. . . 2d ed. yChi- cago^ 1899. Ob. S. pi. C Biological Experiment Station. Bieimial report, 1895-96. Chicago, 1896. O. pi. C College of Law. Announcement, 1898, 1900-01. [Urbana, 1898-1900.^ D. C President. Proceedings and addresses, at the inauguration of A. S. Draper, as president of the University of Illinois, and at the dedication of En- gineering hall. . . Urbana, III., 1895. O. 96 p. I por. 1 pi. C State Library School, Circular of informa- tion, 1900-01. n. p. i<)00. D. 15 p. C Trustees. Report, 1868-98. Springfield, 1868-98. O. ill. pi. v. 1-19. C Foster North vs. Board of Trustees, University of Illinois ; statement of the case and opinion of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Urbana, 1891. D. 28 p. C University High School Conference. Eng- lish composition and Literature in the High School ; papers read at the second annual session. May 14 and 15, 1896. . . Urbana, 1896. D. 18 p. C INDIANA Association of City and Town Superinten- dents. Report of the committee on course of study for the city and town schools of Indiana. [Green- castle, Ind.-^, 1895. D. 50 p. C Report of the committee on course of study in the public high schools. Indianapolis, 1899. O. 94 p. T Boone, Richard Gause. History of education in Indiana. New York, i?>()2. D. ii-|-454p. CT Jones, Frank L. State manual and uniform course of study for the elementary and high schools of Indiana, 1899. Indianapolis, 1899. D. 186 p. T Public Instruction, Dept. of. Arbor and Bird day program, October 27, 1899. Indianapolis, 1899. Nar. S. 50 p. T Outline of township institute work. India- napolis, 1899. Nar. D. 34 p. T Report of the superintendent, 1852, 1856-57, 1859, 1861-66, 1869-1900. Indianapolis, 1853-1901. O. ill. pi. tab. por. T Revised school law of the state of Indiana, approved March 5, 1855, with blank forms, supple- mentary comments and suggestions for the use and government of school officers. Indianapolis, 1855. O. 52 p. T School book laws of Indiana ; including acts of 1891 and 1889. . . Indianapolis, 1891. O. 15 p. T School law of Indiana and the state consti- tution, with annotations ; issued by D. M. Geeting. Indianapolis, 1897. O. 421 p. T School law of Indiana including acts of 1891. . . Indianapolis, 1891. O. 224 p. T . . . School laws enacted by the General assembly of 1899, F. L. Jones superintendent. Indianapolis, 1899. O. 54 p. T State manual and uniform course of study for the elementary and high schools of Indiana, 1893, 1899. Indianapolis, 1893-99. O. & S. T Smart, James Henry, ed. Indiana schools and the men who have worked in them. Cincinnati [1876]. D. 239 p. T Woodbum, J. A. Higher education in In- diana. IVashington, 1891. O. 200 p. ill. pi. (/« U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1891, no. i : Contr. to Am. ed. hist.; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 10.) CT STATES AND TERRITORIES — KANSAS 65 Indiana University (Bloomington), An- nouncement, 1891-92, 1893-94. Bloomington, 1891-93. D. C Announcement of the courses of instruction in the spring term and summer school, 1895-96, 1898-1900. Bloomington, 1895-1900. D. C Catalogue, 1870-71, 1872-74, 1879-80, 1882-84, 1886-93, 1894-1900. Indianapolis, etc., 1871-1900. D. & O. ill. pi. C 1870-84 title Annual report including the Catalogue. Christian Association. Students' hand- book, 1891-92. Bloomington, 1891. S. C n. d. - Illustrated announcement. Obi. S. ill. [ Indianapolis-^ C Indiana University Bulletin. Bloomington, 1888. O. V. I, no. 5. C President. Report of . . . president, 1894. Indianapolis, 1894. D. C Swain, Joseph. Inaugural address . . . June 14, 1893, at the annual commencement of Indiana University. Indianapolis, 1893. D. 15 P- c School of Law. Announcement, 1 899-1 901. [ Bloomington ] 1899— 1900. D. C Trustees. Address by a committee of the Trustees, to the people of Indiana. Indianapolis, 1840. O. 15 p. C I0WA Parker, Leonard F. Higher education in Iowa. Washington, 1893. O. 190 p. pi. facsim. (/« U.S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf.1893, no.6 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 17.) C T Public Instruction, Dept. of. Biennial re- port, 1864-69, 1871-99. Des Moines, 1 865-1900. O. ill. pi. por. V. 1 1-14, 16-29. T Circular of information, no. 4 : School di- rectors' convention held at Des Moines, December 27, 1894. [Des Moines, 1895.] O. 14 + [2] p. T Circular of information no. i, 1896 : Report of special committee upon a state course of study for the high schools of Iowa. [Des Moines, 1896.] O. 8p. T Circular of information no. 2, 1897 : Free text-book law. . . Des Moines, 1897. O. 4 p. T Iowa educational directory for the school year commencing September 1894-95, 1 896-1 899, igoo-roi. i^fj- il/bj«fj, 1 895-1900. D. 4 pts. T . . . Patriotic leaflet for Flag-day . . . Feb- ruary 22, 1897. O. 8 p. T School laws . . . with forms, notes and de- cisions for . . . school ofificers . . . 1876, 1888-92. Des Moines, 1876-92. O. 3 v. T School laws of Iowa from the code, with notes, forms and decisions . . . Ed. of 1897 [compiled by] Henry Sabin. Des Moines, 1897. O. 135 -f 90 p. T Statutes . . . relating to common schools, in- cluding forms, regulations and instructions respect- ing proceedings under those statutes. Iowa City, 1849. O. 138 -t- [3] p. ill. pi. T Sabin, Henry. Handbook for Iowa teach- ers ; school law . . . affecting teachers . . . outline of civil government, and a course of study for country schools. Des Moines, 1895. O. 115 p. i ill. T School books in Iowa ; the working of the present law compared with the laws in other states. Des Moines, 1898. O. 27 p. T From Biennial report of 1896-7, and report of 1888-9. State Teachers' Association. Proceed- ings of the . . . annual session, 1886, 1894-96. Des Moines, 1887-97. O. v. 31, 40-41. T Report of legislative committee [on school text-books] December, 1898. Des Moines, 1898. O. 7 + 99 P- T State University of Iowa (Iowa City). Bibliography of the publications of the University and its members. Iowa City [pref. igooj. O. 4 -t- 64 p. C Catalogue, 1855-60, 1862-1900. Davenport, etc., 1856-1900. O. ill. pi. C Called Calendar, 1899-1900. Catalogue of officers andalumni 184710 1877^ 1847-85 and students 1884-85. Davenport, 1877- 85. O. 2 nos. C Historical monograph. Iowa City, i8gi. O. no. I. C Report, 1877. Des Moines, 1877. O. C Alumni. NiPHER, Francis E., and Springer, Frank. Address to the Alumni of the State Univer- sity of Iowa on the present condition of the Uni- versity. St. Louis, 1886. O. 21 p. C Law Department. Commencement addresses, April 12, 1895 ; Political parties and duties of citi- zenship, by C. B. Elliott ; American law schools, with presentation of Hammond bust, by Emlin McClain. Iowa City, 1895. O. 34 p. i por. C Library. Catalogue of the Hammond his- torical law collection . . . compiled by F. H. Noble. Iowa City, 1895. O. 4 -1- 52 p. C Medical Department. Announcement, 1876- 77. Davenport, 1876. O. C Regents. Memorial to the Regents of the University of the State of Iowa from the executive committee of the Board of Trustees of Griswold College, Davenport, Iowa. Davenport, 1877. O. 4 p. C Studies in psychology. Iowa City, 1897-99. O. pi. V. 1-2. C KANSAS Blacknuir, Frank Wilson. Higher education in Kansas. Washington, 1900. O. 166 p. pi. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1900, no, 2 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 27.) CT 6S EDUCA TION Kansas Historical Society. Columbian history of education in Kansas . . . compiled by Kan- sas educators. . . Topeka, 1893. O. 8 + 231 p. I ill. por. pi. C Public Instruction, Dept. of. Laws for the regulation and support of common schools, with notes and forms for school officers . . . 1876, 1889, 1897. Topeka, 1876-97. O. T Report, 1872-73, 1875, 1877-78, 1883-84, 1887-92. Topeka, 1872-92. O. ill. pi. T University of Kansas (Lawrence). Bien- nial report, 1883-84, 1887-88, 1889-90. Topeka, 1885-90. O. C Catalogue, 1871-72, 1874-75, 1877-78, 1879- 80, 1881-82, 1883-85, 1886-1901. Topeka, etc., 1872-1901. O. ill. pi. C Facts of general interest to the people ; what it is and what it does. Topeka, 1884. O. 23 p. pi. C Entomology, Dept. of. Hunter, S. J. Al- falfa, grasshoppers, bees ; their relationship ; a report of the field work of the Department, summer of 1898. Topeka, 1899. O. 9 -t- [ij + 152 p. ill. pi. C Catalogue, 1895-96. C Literary Societies. Bayard, Thomas Fran- cis. Address delivered before the literary societies of the University of Kansas . . , June 15, 1885. . . Washington, 1886. O. 19 p. C McCooK, John James. Relation of the university to material progress ; annual commence- ment oration, June 10, 1890. Topeka, 1890. O. 25 p. C Mining Engineering, Dept. of. Bulletin, 1900-01. Lawrence, 1900. O. C Fine Arts, School of. Lawrence, 1895. O. pi. Dept. of. Music, Topeka, 1887. O University 1900. O. ill. pi. V. 6-8 in two series, A and B Catalogue, 1886-87. C. quarterly. Lawrence, 1893- map. V. 1-7, 8 ser. A, ser. B', KENTUCKY Lewis, Alvin Fayette. History of higher edu- cation in Kentucky. Washington, ihqq. O. 350 p. pi. (In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1899, no. 3 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 25.) C T Public Instruction, Dept. of. Biennial re- port, [June, i89l]-June, 1897. Frankfort, 1894- 97^ O. ill. T Common school laws, with notes, blanks and forms . . . prepared by . . . [W.J.Davidson). Louisville [1897]. O. 242 p. T Wickliffe, Robert, Jr. Plea for the education of the people of Kentucky ; an address . . . Lex- ington, 29th of July, 1837, the anniversary of the public school. . . Lexington, Ky., 1837. O. 17 p. T Kentucky State College (Lexington). Catalogue, 1882-83, 1894-95, 1898-99. Frankfort, etc., 1883-99. O. pi. C 1882-83 title is Annual register. Kentucky University (Lexington and Louis- ville). Catalogue, 1866-67, 1868-74, 1875-76, 1877-78, 1879-92, 1893-95, 1896-97, 1898-1900. Lexington, 1 866-1 900. O. pi. C Charter, statutes and laws, 1866, 1886. Lexington, 1866-86. O. C . . . Report of the regent. 1868. Louis- ville, 1868. O. C Report of the treasurer with financial history and condition of the institution from its organiza- tion in 1855 to the present time. . . Lexington, 1871. O. 25 p. C LOUISIANA Bard, Samuel. Address before the General Assembly of Louisiana, delivered on the 20th Feb- ruary, 1856. Baton Rouge, 1856. O. 13 p. C Fay, Edwin Whitfield. History of education in Louisiana. Washington, 1898. O. 264 p. (In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1898, no. I : Contr. to Am. ed. hist.; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 20.) C T Public Education, Dept. of. Biennial re- port, 1859, 1870, 1873-75, 1882-83, 1888-95. Nezv Orleans, 1859-95. O. pi. tab. T Public school laws, codified by order of the State board of education . . . Baton Rouge, 1894. O. 119 + 10 p. T Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge). Annual report of . . . [the] superintendent for the year 1870-71. New Orleans, 'i^Ti-']2. Q. map. C Howe, William W. Address delivered at the commencement exercises of the academical de- partment of the University of Louisiana . . . June 29th, 1881. [New Orleans, i88i.] O. 9 p. C Official register. 1871-73, 1877-7S, i88r- 84, 1888-89, 1897-99. New Orleans, etc., 1872- 99. O. pi. C From 1877 the University is called Louisiana State Univer- sity and Agricultural and Mechanical College, and the Cata- logue is pub. at Baton Rouge from 1883. Report of F. L. Hawks, president of the University. New Orleans, 1848. O. 16 p. C Report of the Board of Supervisors to the General Assembly, 1870, 1882, 1888-90. Baton Rouge, 1870-90. O. C MAINE Champlin, Rev. James Tift. Educational institutions in Maine while a district of Massa- chusetts. {In Maine Historical Society. Collections. 1881, ser. I, v. 8, p. 155-80.) C Common Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1847-52, 1854-88, 1892, 1895-98. Augusta, 1847- 98. O. ill. pi. T STATES AND TERRITORIES — MASSACHUSETTS 67 Conuuon Schools, Supt. of (continued) Course of study for the elementary schools of Maine. Augusta, n. d. O. 104 p. ill. T Course of study for the public schools of Maine. [Augusta, 1895 ?] O. 129 p. T Laws, decisions and explanations, 1899. n. p. n. d. O. 8 p. T Laws relating to public schools, 1875, 1878, 1897, 1899. Augusta, 1875-99. O. 4 nos. T School Improvement League of Maine; Li- brary and Art Exchange ; its mission : Better physi- cal surroundings ; best books for all ; art in the schoolroom. [Augusta, 1898.^ O. 16 p. T Sketches, designs and plans for school- buildings, school yards and outhouses, 1896. [Au- gusta, n. d.] O. 63 p. ill. T Study of the condition of the schools of Maine by the local superintendents . . . 1899. [Augusta, n. d.] O. 39 p. T Study of the needs of the schools of Maine, 1899. [Augusta, n. d.] O. 22 p. T Study of the schools of northeastern Maine. [Augusta, n. d.] O. 38 p. ill. T Study of waste and kindred evils existing in the administration of our public schools. [Augusta, 1897.] O. 32 p. T [Augusta, T n. d.] Synopsis of documents issued. O. 12 p. Union of town's for the purpose of employ- ing superintendent of schools, 1898. [Augusta, 1898]. O. 8 p. ' T Education, Schools, Supt. Board of. of. See Comnioii Hyde, Rev. William DeWitt. Education in Maine. {In Davis, W. T. New England states. £i897] V. 3, p. 1154-67.) C Maine State College (Orono). Annual re- port for 1893. Augusta, 1894. O. pi. C Catalogue, 1894-95, 1896-97. Augusta, 1895-97. O. pi. C In 1897 name was changed to University of Maine, University of Maine (Orono). Catalogue, 1897-1900. Augusta, 1898-1900. O. and D. pi. C For earlier catalogues, see Maine State College. MARYLAND Education, Board of. 1873, 1876-77, 1879, i88i- Annapolis, 1867-99. O. \ 1 8-2 1, 24-32. Annual report, 1866, ■82, 1884-87, 1890-98. . I, 7, 10, II, 13, 15-16, T By-laws for the . . . boards of school com- missioners . . . also rules and regulations for teachers and pupils. . . [Annapolis, 1867.] O. 52 -\- [5] p. ill. T By-laws, rules and regulations for the ad- ministration of the public school system of the state of Maryland ; as revised . . . Sept. 24, 1896. Baltimore [I896]. O. 26 p. T Public school law of Maryland as contained in the . . . code . . . passed at the January ses- sion, 1872, amended . . . 1874-96. Baltimore, 1897. O. 46 p. T Report of the State Department of Public Instruction, 1865. Baltimore, 1866. O. v. i. T Steiner, Bernard Christian. History of educa- tion in Maryland. Washington, 1894. O. 331 p. pi. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1894, no. 2 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 19.) C MASSACHUSETTS Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. State school supervision : argument in favor of the " Ten dis- trict " bill, before the legislative committee on education, March 2, 1881. Boston, 1881. O. 14 p. C Blair, S. What I think : being a kaleidoscope review of the Horace Mann, or Massachusetts sys- tem of common schools, n. p. 1876. O. pt. 3. 24 p. T Bush, George Gray. History of higher educa- tion in Massachusetts. Washington, 1891. O. 445 p. pi. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1891, no. 6 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 13.) C T Conunittee on educational progress, see Mas- sachusetts Teachers* Association — Com- mittee on educational progress. Dickinson, John W. Brief descriptive sketch of the Massachusetts public school system. Boston, 1893. D. 8 p. T Education, Board of. Abstract of the Massa- chusetts school returns, for 1838-40, 1841-43, 1844- 45. Boston, 1839-45. O. T Annual report . . . with the annual report of the secretary of the board, 1837-99. Boston, 1838-1900. O. ill. pi. map, V. 1-63. T General index to v. 1-50, 1838-87. 67 p. (/« V. 50, app.) T Course of studies for elementary schools. 1892, 1896. Boston, 1892-96. O. ill. T Course of studies for ungraded schools. Boston, 1888. O. 39 p. T • General statutes of the commonwealth of. Massachusetts relating to the public schools with the alterations and amendments to 1876. Boston, 1875. O. 83 p. T Massachusetts school legislation of 1893, 1894, 1895 and 1896. [Boston, 1896?] Nar. O. 26 p. T Massachusetts system of common schools . . . revised edition of the loth annual report. . . Boston, 1849. O- 212 + 63 + 10 p. T Outline of lessons in drawing for rural schools ; by H. T, Bailey and L. W. Sargent. [Boston?] O. 64 + [I] p. ill. , T 68 EDUCATION Education, Board of (continued) Proposed report of the State board of educa- tion to the Legislature of Massachusetts relative to school attendance and truancy, recommending cer- tain legislation ; prepared by G. A. Walton and C. W. Birtwell. Boston, 1897. Nar. O. 44 p. T Public schools of Massachusetts, U. S. A. ; eight educational monographs. Boston [I90O]. O. 8 nos. in i v. pi. (Paris— Exposition Universelle, 1900.) C T Contents : 1. Bailey, H. T, Sketch of the history of pub- lic art instruction in Massachusetts. 2. Boyden, A. G. General view of the work of the normal school in Mass. 3. Whittemore, Henry. Mary Hemenway De- partment of Household Arts connected with the State Normal School, Framingham, Mass. 4. Baldwin, W. A. Physical training in Massa- chusetts normal schools. 5. Newell, L. C. Physics and chemistry in normal school instruction. 6. Knott, L. A. Teaching of English in the State Normal School at Lowell, Mass. 7. Kirkpatrick, E. A. Psychology and child study in the State Normal School at Fitchburg, Mass. 8. Gay, G. E. Origin and organization of the normal schools in Mass. Public statutes of Massachusetts relating to public instruction, with annotations and explana- tions, including the laws in force, June, 1892. Boston, 1892. Nar. O. loi p. T Report of H. T. Bailey, agent for the pro- motion of industrial drawing, n. t.-p. O. 31 p. ill. pi. T State exhibition of drawing in the public schools, September 27 to Oct. 2, 1899 ; the nth. . . A special report by Henry T. Bailey. iBoston, 1899.] O. 57 p. pi. C T Supervision of schools in Massachusetts . . . by A. W. Edson, Dec. 1895. Boston, 1895. O. 24 p. T Emerson, George Barrell. Education in Mas- sachusetts ; early legislation and history. . . Boston, 1869. O. 36 p. C T Fletcher, G. F. The rural school problem in Massachusetts. Northampton, 1895. O. 11 p. CT General Court. Protest against the majority report of the joint special committee ... of 1887 on the employment and schooling of children (House doc. no. 19) and against any legislative in- terference with private schools. . . March, 1888. [Boston, 1888.] O. 58 p. T House. Petition of a convention of delegates from each of the towns in Plymouth co. and a part of Norfolk on the subject of elementary education [Jan. 24, 1837]. [Boston, 1837.] O. 13 p. T Reports of the Committee on educa- tion concerning corporal punishment in the schools of the commonwealth. May, 1868. Boston, 1868. O. 48 p. T Humphrey, Rev. Heman. The question. Will the Christian religion be recc^nised as the basis of the system of public instruction in Massa- chusetts? discussed in four letters. Boston, 1839. O. 25 p. C Mann, Horace. The Common school contro- versy, consisting of three letters of the Secretary of the Board of Education of . . . Massachusetts in reply to charges preferred against the Board. . . Boston, 1844. O. 55 p. C Martin, George H. Brief historical sketch of the Massachusetts public school system. Boston, 1893. D. 8 p. C Evolution of the Massachusetts public school system : a historical sketch. New York, 1894. D. 20 + 284 p. (Intemat. ed. ser., W. T. Harris, ed. V. 29.) » C T Mass. Teachers* Association. Abstract of the proceedings, 1845-80. Boston, 1881. D. 8 + 217 p. C Addresses delivered . . . 1882 . . . with an abstract of proceedings at the 37th and 38th an- nual meetings, 1881 and 1882. Boston, 1883. D. C Committee on educational progress. Pro- gress in primary school instruction in Massachusetts. Boston, 1886. D. 43 p. C Progress in grammar school education in Massachusetts. New Bedford, 1887. D. 33 p. C 2d and 3d annual repons. Stetson, George R. Literacy and crime in Massachusetts, and the necessity fo'- moral and in- dustrial training in tlje public schools. Boston, 1886. O. 31 P- C T MICHIGAN Education, State Board of. Biennial report, 1892-94, 1896-98. Lansing, 1895-99. O. T McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham. History of higher education in Michigan. Washington, 1891. O. 179 p. pi. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1891, no. 4.) . C T Public Instruction, Dept. of. Annual re- port with accompanying documents. 1853, 1855- 57, 1859-99. Lansing, 1853-1900. O. ill. pi. por. v. 17, 19-21, 23-63. T Catalogue of the public school exhibit of . . . Michigan. . . Chicago [1893]. O. 49 p. (World's Columb. Exposition, 1893.) T General school laws, 1889, 1893, 1898-99. Lansing, 1889-99. O. T State manual and course of study for the district schools of Michigan ; prepared by a com- mittee of county secretaries . . . and published by [E, J. Estabrook]. Lansing, 1890. O. 52 p. T State manual and course of study for the district schools of Michigan ; revised and published by J. E. Hammond ; with an apx. . . 4th ed. Lansing, 1897. O. 164 p. ill. pi. T Suggestive programs for special day exer- cises ; [Compiled by] J. E. Hammond. Lansing, 1898. O. 102 p. 2 ill. 2 por. T Text-book legislation, facts and figures ; [Compiled byj J. E. Hammond. [Lansing, 1898.] O. 109 p. T STATES AND TERRITORIES— MICHIGAN 69 Public School for Dependent Children. Annual report, 1875, 1876-90, 1894-96, 1899. Lansing, 1875-99. O. ill. T Schoolmaster's Club. List of books recom- mended for a high school classical library. Ann Arbor, 1895. O. 18 p. T Proceedings, 1898-1900. Ann Arbor, 1899- 1901. O. V. 31, 32, 34, 35. T Report of the physics conference, March 31, 1899. Ann Arbor, 1899. O. T Smith, W. L. Historical sketches of education in Michigan. . . Lansing, 1881. O. 4 + 157 p. por. T University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). [An- nouncement.] Ann Arbor, 1893. T. C Announcement of special courses in higher commercial education and public administration. Ann Arbor, 1900. D. C Catalogue, 1837, 1850-52, 1853-55, 1858- 70. Ann Arbor, 1837-70. O. C Continued as Calendar, 1871-1900. 1900. O. and D. Ann Arbor, 1871- C Catalogue of the academic Senate of the University of Michigan, and of those who have re- ceived its regular and honorary degrees. Ann Arbor, 1871. O. C Constitutional provisions, laws and by-laws ; revised edition, adopted' July 18, 1883. Ann Arbor, 1883. O. 40 + 2 p. C General catalogue of officers and students, 1837-90. Ann Arbor, 1891. O. 8 + 472 p. C Necrology ; supplement to the general catalogue of 1891. O. C Honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy. O. 4 P- C Laboratory of analytical and applied chem- istry. . . Ann Arbor [n. d.]. O. 26 p. C Michigan University book 1844-80 ; Theo- dore R. Chase [compiler]. Detroit, 188 1. O. 399 p. C Semi-centennial celebration of the organisa- tion of the University . . . June 26-30, 1887. Ann Arbor, i888. Q. 7 + 318 p. C Catalogue of Ann Arbor, C Arts and Sciences, College of. officers and students, 1847-48, 1850. 1848-51. O. Library. Arbor, 1888-97. Librarian's report, i5 O. i-97. Ann C Public exercises on the completion of the library building, Dec. 12, 1883. Ann Arbor, 1884. O. 47 p. C DuFFiELD, Rev. George. Ode of dedication on the completion of the library building [at the University of Michigan]. Ann Arbor, 1884. O. 14 p. C Literature, Science, and the Arts, Dept, of. Announcement, 1895-96. Ann Arbor, 1895. D. C Necrological report to the Society of the Alumni for the College year, 1895-96. [Ann Arbor. ^^ O. C Graduate School ; Announcement, 1897-99. Ann Arbor, 1897-98. D. C Medicine, Arts, and Sciences, Departments of. Catalogue of the corporation, officers and stu- dents, 1852-53. Detroit, 1853. O. C Medicine and Surgery, Department of. An- nual announcement, 1878-79. Ann Arbor, 1878. O. C Philosophy, Dept. of. [Announcement con- cerning] Philosophical papers. Ann Arbor, 1886. Nar. Q. I p. C Political Science, School of. nouncement, 1882-83. O. Annual an- C President. Report to the Board of Regents. 1871-92, 1895-1900. Ann Arbor, 1871-I900. O. C Exercises at the inauguration of Pres. Angell, and the laying of the corner-stone of the University Hall. Ann Arbor, 1871. O. 33 p. Quarter-centennial celebration of the presidency of James Burrill Angell, June 24, 1896. Ann Arbor, 1896. O. 7 + 92 p. C Regents. October meeting of the Board of Regents, 1884-87. Ann Arbor, 1884-87. O. C Q. — University record. V. 1-4. Ann Arbor, 1891-95. Historical and other Addresses. Adams, Charles Kendall. Historical sketch of the University of Michigan. . . Ann Arbor, 1876. O. 4+56 p. tab. C Relations of political science to national prosperity ; an address delivered at the opening of the School of political science of the University of Michigan, Oct. 3, 1881. Ann Arbor, 1881. O. 24 p. C The University of Michigan, the sources of its power and its success ; an address delivered at the annual commencement, June 25, 1896. Ann Arbor, 1896. O. 24 p. C Angell, James Burrill. Higher education ; a plea for making it accessible to all; an address . . . at . . . commencement . . . June 26, 1879. Ann Arbor, 1879. O. 19 p. C . . . Memorial discourse on the life ... of Henry Simmons Frieze . . . delivered March 16, 1890. lAnn Arbor] i8go. O. 36 p. C University of Michigan ; commemorative oration delivered on . . . June 30, 1887, at the semi-centennial celebration. . . Ann Arbor, 1S88. O. 40 p. C University of Michigan ; patriotism and in- ternational brotherhood ; a baccalaureate address, June 23, 1896. Ann Arbor, 1896. O. 10 p. C 70 EDUCATION Caldwell, Samuel Lunt. Literature in account with life ; an address ... at commencement . . . June 25, 1885. Ann Arbor, 1885. O. 22 p. C Campbell, James Valentine. . . . Memorial discourse on the life ... of Rev. George Palmer Williams . . . professor . . . 1 841-81, delivered . . . Dec. 4, 1881. [Ann Arbori, 1882. O. 28 p. C Chamberlin, Thomas Crowder. Ethical func- tions of scientific study ; an address . . . at . . . commencement . . . June 28, 1888. Ann Arbor, 1888. O. 22 p. C Coulter, John Merle. Mission of science in education ; an address delivered at the annual com- mencement, June 21, 1900. Ann Arbor, 1900. O. 27 p. C Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe. Causes of the power and prosperity of the United States ; an ad- dress . . . at . . . commencement . . . June 27, 1889. Ann Arbor, 1889. O. 30 p. C Davis, Cushman Kellogg. Practical limitations of historic precedents ; an address . . . at . . . commencement . . . July i, 1886. Ann Arbor, 1886. O. 23 p. C Farrand, Elizabeth M. History of the Uni- versity of Michigan. Ann Arbor, 1885. D. 300 p. C Ford, Corydon La, M.D. . . . Memorial dis- course on the life ... of Alonzo Benjamin Palmer , . . delivered Apr. 8, 1888. [Ann Arbor-^ 1888. 0. 29 p. C Frieze, Henry Simmons. . . . Memorial dis- course on the life ... of Rev. Henry Philip Tap- pan . . . president . . . delivered June 28, 1882. [Ann Arbor-^ 1882. O. 45 p. C University of Michigan ; the relations of the state university to religion ; an address delivered . . . June 26, 1887, at the semi-centennial of the University. Ann Arbor, 1888. O. 38 p. C Gregory, Rev. John Milton. The science and the arts of the 19th century; an address . . . at . . . commencement . . . June 29, 1882. Ann Arbor, 1882. O. 22 p. C Harris, Samuel Smith. Complete education ; an address . . . at . . . commencement . . . July 1, 1880. Ann Arbor, 1880. O. 16 p. C Haven, Hev. Erastus Otis. Universities in America : an inaugural address delivered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Oct. i, 1863. Ann Arbor, 1863. O. 31 P- C Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. University of Michi- gan ; the discovery of America, a commemoration address delivered in University hall, Oct. 21, 1892. Ann Arbor, 1892. O. 31 p. C Johnston, William Dawson. English historical teaching in the University of Michigan 1858-1888. O. 16 p. por. C Memorial addresses . . . Nov. 26, 1880 at the funeral of Prof. James Craig Watson . . . by . . . H. S. Frieze . . . C. K. Adams ... A. Winchell and T. M. Cooley. [Ann Arbor-^ 1882. O. 36 p. C Murray, James Ormsbee. Debt of civilization to literature ; an address at . . . commencement . . . June 28, 1883. Ann Arbor, 1883. O. 29 p. C Newman, John Philip. Beneficence of science ; an address . . . at . . . commencement . . . June 30, 1881. Ann Arbor, 1881. O. 15 p. C White, Andrew Dickson. Evolution and revo- lution ; an address delivered at the annual com- mencement . . . June 26, 1890. Ann Arbor, 1890. O. 36 p. C Winchell, Alexander. . . . Memorial dis- course on the life ... of Rev. Erastus Otis Haven . . . president . . . delivered . . . Nov. 6, i88i. [Ann Arbor-^ 1882. O. 57 p. C . . . Memorial discourse on the life . . . of Rev. Benjamin Franklin Cocker . . . professor . . . delivered . . . June 24, 1883. [Ann Arbor-^ 1883. O. 35 p. C MINNESOTA A'wkeny, A. T. Public school system of Min- nesota, address delivered . . . February loth, 1892. O. 24 p. C Graded Schools, see State Hi§^h School Board. Public Instruction, Dept. of. Annual re- port, 1866, 1870, 1872-1900. St. Paul, 1871- 1900. O. ill. tab. V. 6, 11, 13-30. T Reports 1878-1900 are biennial, and numbered i to 11. Laws relating to the public school system, including the State normal schools and the Univer- sity of Minnesota, prepared by . . . [W. W, Pen- dergast]. St. Paul, 1897. O. iii p. T State High School Board. Annual report of the Inspector of state graded schools for . . . 1896-99. Minneapolis, 1897-99. O. v. 1-4. T Annual report of the inspector of state high schools for 1894-95, 1897-99. Minneapolis, 1894- 99. O. v. 1-2, 4-6. T Minneapolis, C University of Minnesota (Minneapolis). Almanac, 1871-72. Minneapolis, 1871. O. C Announcement, 1871-72. O. C Calendar 1875-77, 1878-86. 1876-86. O. ill. Continued as Catalogue 1886-98, 1899-1900, and an- nouncements for 1888-99, 1900-01. Minneapolis, 1887-1900. O. ill. C Engineers, Society of. Year book, 1892- 93. Minneapolis, 1893. O. ill. pi. por. C President. Address at the inauguration of W. Folwell as president . . . 1869. Minneapolis, 1870. O. 38 p. c Report to the Superintendent of public instruction, 1874. [Minneapolis, 1874.] O. 24 p. C Regents. Report of the Board of Regents, 1870, 1872, 1878-80, 1885-90; Suppl. 2, 1887-88. St. Paul, 1870-90. O. ill. C STATES AND TERRITORIES^MISSOURI 71 University of Minnesota (continued) Hall, Christopher W. The University of Minnesota ; an historical sketch. Minneapolis, 1896. Sq. Q. 75 P- ill- C MISSISSIPPI Mayes, Edward. History of education in Mis- sissippi. Washington, !%()(). O. 290 p. pi. (U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1899, no. 2.) C T Public Education, Dept. of. Biennial re- port, 1882-83, 1889-97. Jackson, 1884-97. O. ill. pi. tab. T School laws of Mississippi, 1896. ^Jackson^ 1896. O. 64 p. C University of Mississippi (University). All the laws and public resolutions in relation to the University of Mississippi carefully compiled and chronologically arranged by H. M. Sullivan. Ox- ford, Miss., 1879. O- 42 p. C Catalogue of the officers and students, 1856- 61, 1865-67, 1870-77, 1887, 1897-98, 1899-1900. Yazoo City, etc., 1857-1900. O. ill. pi. C Commencement, 1858. Sq. Q. C Historical and current catalogue of the offi- cers and students. . . Jackson, 1887. O. 175 p. pi. C Laws, approved and adopted by the Trustees, June, 1866, 1871, 1882. Jackson, 1866-82. O. Rules and regulations of the Mississippi University. Oxford, Miss., 1854. O. 20 p. C Special announcement . . . 1877. O. 9 + [I] p. C Freshman class. Examination in Latin, Algebra and Geometry, July, 1858. F* C Junior class. Examination in French, Latin, Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, July, 1858. Ft C President. Letter to the . . . Board of Trus- tees ... by Frederick A. P. Barnard, president. Oxford, 1858. O. 112 p. C Sophomore class. Examination in Latin, Rhetoric, Logic, Analytical Geometry and Trigo- nometry, July, 1858. Ft C Trustees. Journal of the acts of the Board of Trustees . . . at the annual meeting . . . 1869. Jackson, 1869. O. C Memorial to the Congress of the United States from the Board of Trustees of the University of Mississippi. Nashville, Tenn., 1894. O. 20 p. C Minutes of the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, 1870-72, 1874. Oxford, 1870- 74. O. C Record of the testimony and proceed- ings in the matter of the investigation by the Trus- tees on the 1st and 2d of March, i860, of the charges made by H. R. Branham against the Chan- cellor of the University. Jackson, i860. O. 30 p. C Report of the Trustees . . . 1859. Jackson, 1859. ,0. C Where shall I send my son ? an ad- dress to the people of Mississippi. Oxford, Miss., 1876. O. 23 p. C Clapp, J. W. Address delivered . . . com- mencement day, June 29, 1866. Memphis, Tenn. [I866]. O. 16 p. C Waddel, John Newton. Historical discourse delivered on the quarter-centennial anniversary . . . June 25, 1873. . . Oxford, Miss., 1873. O. 40 p. C Inaugural address on . . . higher learning . . . on . . . the inauguration of the faculty, July 28, 1866. . . Natchez, Miss. [1866.] O. 28 p. C WiTHERSPOON, Rev. Thomas Dwight. Ap- peal of the South to its educated men ; an address before the Alumni Association, June 26, 1867. Memphis [Tenn.-^ 1867. O. 20 p. C MISSOURI Education, State board of. Official course of study for teachers' institutes. Feb., 1900. Jeffer- son City, 1900. S. 52 p. T Public Schools, Dept. of. Report, 1868, 1870-74, 1876-78, 1880-82, 1884-85, 1887-98. Jef- ferson City, 1872-98. O. ill. pi. tab. v. 19, 21-25, 27-29, 31-33. 35-36, 38-49. T School laws of the state of Missouri, with explanations, decisions, and forms for the use of school officers. Jefferson City, 1874. O. 78 + [2] P- T School laws amended in 1891, 1893, 1895 and 1897 ; with court decisions, comments and forms. . . Jefferson City, 1897. O. nop. ill. T School laws . . . revised statutes 1899 ; with court decisions, forms . . . for the use of school officers, list of text-books. . . Jefferson City, 1900. O. 125 + 3 p. T Sno^', Marshall Solomon. Higher education in Missouri. Washington, 1898. O. 164 p. (U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1898, no. 2 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H, B. Adams, ed., no. 21.) C T State Teachers* Association. Course of study for the district schools of Missouri, prepared by a committee of six, appointed by the Association, June 21, 1890. O. 61 + I p. T University of the State of Missouri (Columbia). Account of the semi-centennial cele- bration of its founding at Columbia, Mo., July 4, 1890, with oration and speeches. Columbia, Mo., 1890. O. Ill p. ill. por. C Catalogue, 1860-61, 1866-67, 1869-72, 1873-75, 1876-83, 1884-85, 1886-1900. Columbia, t^. D. 15 + 200 p. C See University manual, below. Minutes of the Regents, 1853-59. Albany, i860. O. c 76 EDUCATION University of the State of Netv York fcontinuedj New York (State) — Legislature. Act to revise and consolidate the laws relating to the Uni- versity of the State of New York . . , April 27, 1892. O. 15 p. C Protests against special legislation in con- travention of the statutes protecting educational standards. [Feb. 13, 1897]. n. t.-p. O. 19 p. C Reasons and authorities favoring educa- tional unification under the Regents of the Univer- sity ; [edited by Pliny T. Sexton.] [Palmyra, 1899.] O. [7] -t- 52 p. C Regents' bulletin, June 1890-Sept. 1893. Albany, 1890-93. O. no. 1-22 in 3 v. C From no. 23 on, the bulletins may be found in the annual reports. Pratt, Daniel Johnson. Regents' questions 1866-76, being the questions for the preliminary examinations for admission to the University . . . of New York. . . Complete ed. Syracuse, 1876. S. i8-Hi88p. 2 por. pi. C Sherwood, Sidney. The University of the State of New York : History of higher educa- tion in the state of New York. Washington, 1900. O. 538 p. pi. (In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of, Circ. of inf. 1900, no. 3: Contr. to Am. ed. hist.; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 28.) C The University of the State of New York ; origin, history, and present organization. (Regents' bulletin, 1893, no. 11.) C University Convocation. Proceedings, 1865- 78, 1881-82, 1884-86, 1888-1900. Albany, 1866- 1900. O. ill. pi. V. 2-15, 19-20, 22-24, 26-38. C Benedict, Erastus C. Address on . , . first taking the chair of the University convocation at the Capitol in the city of Albany, July 9, 1878. Albany, 1878. O. 19 p. C Curtis, George William. Chancellor's convocation address, 1890. [Albany, 1890.] T. 36 p. C Dodge, Daniel Kilham. Functions of university fellowships. O. 7 p. C Ely, Richard T. Universities and the churches ; an address delivered at the 31st Uni- versity convocation, Senate chamber, Albany, N. Y., July 5, 1893. Albany, 1893. O. C Watkins, a. B. Report of the committee on necrology. (Twenty-seventh convocation, 1889.) [Albany, i^?,().-^ O. 22 p.. C Watson, William H. Address in memory of Hon. Francis Kernan, LL.D., 1816-1892, deliv- ered at the annual meeting of the Regents of the University, Senate Chamber, 14 December, 1892. Albany, 1893. O. ' 18 p. C University manual, 1870, 1888. Albany, 1870-88. D. and O. C NORTH CAROLINA Holden, William Woods. Address delivered before the State Educational Association of North Carolina . . . July ist, 1857. . . Raleigh, 1857. O. 32 p. C Public Instruction, Dept. of. Biennial re- port, 1879-80, 1889-98. Raleigh, 1880-98. O. T Public school law. 1893. O. Raleigh, 1889, Public school law of North Carolina ; chap- ter 15 of the code as amended by laws of 1885, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, and other statutes. . . Winston, 1897. O. 63 p. T Raper, Charles Lee. Church and private schools of North Carolina ; a historical study. Greensboro, N. C, 1898. O. 247 p. C Smith, Charles Lee. History of education in North Carolina. Washington, 1888. O. 180 p ill. pi. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888, no. 2: Contr. to Am. ed. hist.; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 3.) C T University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill). Acts of the General Assembly and ordinances of the Trustees for the organization and govern- ment of the University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, 1859. O. 35 p. C A lumni A ssociation. Annual meeting, 1 88 1 . Raleigh [188I]. O. 56 p. C Record of the proceedings at the cen- tennial celebration . . , June 5, 1889. [Raleigh, 1890.] D. 5-f [i]-f25i p. C O. Alumni quarterly. I, no. 2. ports. [Chapel Hill-^ 1895. C looth annual commencement, June 6, 1895. 0. [8] p. C Catalogue, 1821, 1838, 1841, 1843-44, 1846- 47, 1848-50, 1851-52, 1854-56, 1859-63, 1866-68, 1869-70, 1875-91, 1892-1900. Raleigh, etc., 1821- 1900. D. and O. pi. C Dialectic Society. Catalogue. . . Raleigh, 1852. O. 61 p. C James Sprunt historical monographs. No. 1, Chapel Hill, 1900. O. C Contents : No. I. Personnel of the Convention of 1861 ; by J. G. McCormick. Legislation of the Convention of i86i ; by K. P. Battle. Library. Brewer, Fisk P. Library of the University of North Carolina, n. p. n. d. O. 8 p. C Memorial Hall ; inaugural proceedings, Wednesday, June 3, 1885. Raleigh, 1885. O. 30 p. C Normal School. Reports, 1879-80. Raleigh, 1880-81. O. C North Carolina University Magazine. Chapel Hill, 1892. O. old ser. v. 22, new ser. v. II. C Philanthropic Society. Catalogue. Raleigh, i9>i\i. O. 15 p. C Register of members of the Philan- thropic Society instituted . . . August ist, 1795. 4th ed. revised . . . edited by S. B. Weeks. Raleigh, 1887. O. 72 p. i pi. C STATES AND TERRITORIES — OHIO 77 University of North Carolina (continued) President. Report of Kemp P. Battle on the state of the University and the Normal School. Raleigh, 1878. O. 31 p. C Inauguration of Edwin Anderson Al- derman, president of the University . . . January 27,1897. «. /. [1897] O. 41 p. C Sketches of the history of ihe University . . . with a catalogue of officers and students, 1 789- 1 889. ^Chapel Hill^ 1889. O. [3] + 242 + [I] p. pi. C Some hints to young men of talent and char- acter who aspire to fit themselves for the highest usefulness in life — with a brief account of the Uni- versity. ^Raleigh, 1892.] Nar. T. 15 p. C Summer School. June 20-July 15 [I899]. O. 4 P- C University education ; circular of informa- tion of the University of North Carolina, 1897-99. " ' ■ ' 1897-98.] T. pi. C Van Wyck, Augustus. Address before the Literary Societies of the University of North Caro- lina. Raleigh, 1886. O. 20 p. i por. C Wiley, Rev. Calvin Henderson. Report on the condition of the University of North Caro- lina. May, 1881. n. t.-p. O. 4. p. tab. C NORTH DAKOTA High School Board. A manual for the use of the state high schools 6f North Dakota. «./., 1900. O. 43 p. T Public Instruction, Dept. of. Biennial re- port, 1889-98. Bismarck, 1890-99. O. v. I-5. T • Courses of study for common district . . . graded . . . high . . . and . . . state normal schools and ... for the University of North Da- kota, prepared . . . January, 1892. . . Bismarck, 1892. O. 98 p. T General school laws of the state . . . with appendices, compiled . . . 1891, 1897. Bismarck, 1891, 1897. O. T University of North Dakota (Grand Forks). Catalogue, 1884-99. Grand Forks, li^e,- 99. D. and O. v. 1-15. C — - KiEHLE, D. L. Intelligence the basis of Christian civilization ; together with an historical sketch of the origin of the University and of the ceremonies connected with laying the corner stone, and a prospectus of the University. . . Grand Forks, 1883. O. 27 + [5] p. C OHIO Boyd, Joseph, compiler. Teachers' blue book for the public schools of Ohio for 1887-88 ; a teach- ers' and school officers' directory. . . Dayton, 1888. S. 15 + 280 p. T Common Schools, Commissioner of. Annual report, 1854-67, 1869-99. Columbus, 1855-1890. O. pi. v. 1-14, 16-46. T Ohio school laws. . . 4''» ed. . . Colum- bus, 1865. O. 189 p. T School laws in force April 27, 1896 . . . [Compiled by O. T. Corsonj. Newark, 1897. O. 200 p. T State contract prices of school text-books for use in the public schools of Ohio, with circular of information, August 10*, 1891. Columbus [I89I]. O. 26 p. • T Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. History of popular education on the Western Reserve. {In Ohio Archasol. and Hist. Soc. Publ. v. 6, 1898, p. 35- 58.) C Reforms in the school law of Ohio. {In his Schools and studies. 1884. p. 341-56.) C Knight, George W., and Commons, John Rog- ers. History of higher education in Ohio. Wash- ington, 1891. O. 258 p. pi. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1891, no. 5 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist. ; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 12.) C T liC'wis, Samuel. Remarks on common schools. {In Stowe, Rev. C. E. Prussian system of public instruction. 1836. p. 83-107.) T Richards, J. K. Compulsory education in Ohio ; in the Supreme court of Ohio ; Patrick F. Quigley vs. the state of Ohio : brief for defendant in error. Columbus [I89I]. O. 78 p. T Wilgus, H. L., compiler. State and higher education. . . Columbus, n, d. O. 55 p. tab. C Ohio State University (Columbus). Ac- credited High Schools. . . Columbus, 1896. O. 8 p. C Agriculture and Domestic Science, College of. [Courses of study] 1896-97, 1899-1900. Co- lumbus, 1 896-1900. O. ill. C Alumni. Proceedings of Alumni day, 1899. Columbus, 1899. O. 35 p. C Announcement and circular of information, 1891. Columbus, 1891. O. 23 p. C Annual report of the Board of trustees, 1878-89, 1892, 1897 pt. 2, 1898-99. Columbus, 1878-99. O. C 1897 pt. 2 is Catalogue for 1897-98. Arts, Philosophy and Science, College of. [Courses of study] 1896-97. Columbus, 1896. O. C Catalogue, 1882-84, 1886-88, 1889-92, 1894- 95, 1896-99. Columbus, 1884-99. O. pi. C Co- C Departments of instruction, 1896-97. lumbus, 1896. O. Engineering, College of. Catalogue, 1899- 1900. Columbus, 1899. O. ill. pi. C 5-97. Colum- C bus, 1896. - [Courses of study] O. President. trustees, 1886-87. Annual report to the Board of Columbus, 1888. O. C Canfield, James Hulme. The Ohio State University as a school of post-graduate instruction only. . . Columbus, 1898. O, [2o p.] C 78 EDUCATION OKLAHOMA Public Instruction, Dept. of. Biennial re- port, 1892-97. Guthrie, 1893-98. O. v. 1-4. T . . . Laws for the regulation and support of the common schools 1897-98 ; revised by A. O. Nichols. Oklahoma [1897]. O. 66 p. T University of Oklahoma (Norman). Cata- logue, 1895-96, 1898-99, 1900-01. Norman, 1896- 1900. O. and D. C OREGON Public Instruction, Dept. of. Amended school laws of Oregon . . . with the rules and regu- lations of the state Board of education . . . comp. by [G. M. Irwin]. Salem, Or,, 1897. O. 143 p. T Biennial report, 1882, 1887-92, 1897-98. Salem, 1882-98. O. ill. v. 5, 8-10, 12-13. T University of Oregon (Eugene). Bulletin. Eugene, 1896. O. v. 3, no. 1-6. C Catalogue, 1877-78, 1886-88, 1889-91, 1892-93, 1895-1900. Portland axid Eugene, 1878- 1900. O. pi. C PENNSYLVANIA General Assembly. Digest of the acts of Assembly relative to the First school district of the state of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1852. O. 85 p. T Senate. Report on the subject of educa- tion, read in the Senate of Pennsylvania, March i, 1S22. O. 24 p. T Morgan, Pev. Gilbert. Report on public in- struction in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1836. O. 24 p. T Of the establishment of common schools in Penn- sylvania. Philadelphia, 1874. 26 p. T Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Public Economy. Report of the committee on public schools. . . Nov. 10, 1817. Philadelphia, 1817. O. 27 p. T Public Instruction, Dept of. Common school laws . . . and decisions of the superintendent . . . [1857, 1862, 1873, 1890, 1896, 1899]. Harrisburg, 1857-99. O. and S. T Report, 1837, 1839, 1841, 1843-44, 1846- 99. Harrisburg, 1838-99. O. ill. pi. tab. por. V. 4, 6, 8, lo-ii, 13-66. T Wickersham, James Pyle. History of educa- tion in Pennsylvania. Lancaster, 1886. O. 24 + 683 p. ill. por. C T Pennsylvania State College. Annual re- port, 1878, 1886-99. Harrisburg, 1 879-1900. O. ill. pi. C Catalogue, i88o-8r, 1882-83, 1891-92, 1893- 97, 1899-1900. State College, 1880-igoo. O. C RHODE ISLAND Education, Board of. Annual report, 1870- 99, V. 1-30 . . . with the Annual report of the Commissioner of public schools, 1870-99, v. 26-55. Providence, 1871-1900. O. ill. pi. T Public Schools, Commissioner of. Annual report [for the year] 1845, 1854-55, 1864, 1866, 1868-69. Providence, 1846-70. O. ill. pi. v. 1, 10-11, 13, 14, 20, 22, 24-25. T See also Education, Board of. Annual Report, 1870-gg. . . . I/aws pertaining to education ; com- piled by T. B. Stockwell. , . Providence, 1896. O. 125 p. T Reports and documents. Providence, 1851-55. O. i v. 1850-54. T School manual, containing the school laws . . . prepared by T. B. Stockwell [I882, 1896.] Providence, 1882, 1896. D. 12 + 319 + [34] p. T Stock-well, Thomas B. History of public edu- cation in Rhode Island, from 1636 to 1876. . . Providence, 1876. O. 5 + 458 p. C T ^tone, Edwin Martin. Manual of education ; a brief history of the Rhode Island Institute of In- struction. Providence, 1874. O. 144 p. T Tolman, William Howe. History of higher education in Rhode Island. Washington, 1894. O. 210 p. pi. (U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf . 1894, no. 1 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist.; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 18.) C T SOUTH CAROLINA Education, Dept. of. Annual report, 1874, 1880-84, 1886, 1892-93, 1899. Columbia, 1875- 99. O. ill. V. 6, 12-16, 18, 24-25, 31. T McCrady, Edward, Jr. Education in South Carolina prior to and during the Revolution. . . Charleston, 1883. O. 54 p. {In S. C. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 4. 1887.) C Meriwether, Colyer. History of higher edu- cation in South Carolina, with a sketch of the free school system. Washington, 1888. O. 247 p. pi. {In U. S.— Ed. Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888, no. 3 : Contr. to Am. ed. hist.; H. B. Adams, ed.* no. 4.) C T Public Instruction, Dept. of. School law of South Carolina ; ed. of 1893. — Ed. of 1896 ; pre- pared and pub. under the direction of W. D. May- field. Columbia, 1893-96. O. T Ramage, B. James. Local government and free schools in South Carolina. . . Baltimore, 1883. O. 40 p. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. v. i, no. 12.) C Thornwell, James Henley. Letter to Gover- nor Manning on public instruction in South Carolina, originally published in . . . 1853 . . . Charleston, 1885. O. 49 p. C South Carolina College. Catalogue, 1S60, 1881-87, ' 891-97, 1898-1900. Columbia, S. C, i86o-[i900]. O. and D. C Name changed several times. For other dates see South Carolina University. STATES AND TERRITORIES — VIRGINIA 79 South Carolina College f continued J La Borde, Maximilian, AI.D. History of the South Carolina College, from its incorporation . . . l8oi, to . . . 1S57. . . Columbia, S. C, 1859. O. 463 p. C South Carolina University. Catalogue, 1870, 1872-73, 1888-91. Columbia, 1870-91. O. C Name changed several times. See South Carolina Col- lege for earlier and later dates. SOUTH DAKOTA Public Instruction, Supt. of. Annual re- port, 1890. Pierre, 1890. O. ill. pi. v. i. T Biennial report, 1892-98. Sioux Falls, 1895-99. O. V. 2-4. T Compiled school-laws ; with constitutional provisions. Mitchell, S. D., 1897. O. 56 + [4] P- T University of South Dakota (Vermillion). Annual catalogue, 1891-1900. Vermillion, 1892- 1900. O. pi. C Circular of information, June, 1895. O. 27 p. pi. C See also University of Dakota, p. 62. TENNESSEE Merriami, Lucius Salisbury. Higher education in Tennessee. Washington, 1893. O. 287 p. pi. (/« U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1893, no. 5 : Contr. to Am. ed'. hist.; H, B. Adams, ed., no. 16.) C T Public Instruction, Supt. of. Annual re- port, 1869, 1874-75, 1877-78, 1883-89, 1890-96, 1898-99. Nashville, 1869-99. O. ill. T Public school laws . . . with leading decisions of the Supreme court, explanatory notes and amendments made by General Assembly, 1895 ; published by order of F. M. Smith. Nashville, 1895. O. 40 p. T State Teachers' Association. Annual meeting, 1889. Nashville, 1889. O. v. 25. {In Public instruction, Supt. of. Annual report, 1888- 89. Apx. A.) T University of Tennessee (Knoxville). Register, 1889-1900. Knoxville, 1890-1900. O. ill. pi. C For 1897-98 called Record. JOYNES, Edward S. The university and the state ; an address before the University of Tennes- see, June 14, 1898. Knoxville, 1898. O. 20 p. C Sanford, Edward T. Blount college and the University of Tennessee ; an historical address delivered before the Alumni association and mem- bers of the University . . . June 12th, 1894. [^Knoxville, 1894.] O. 119 + 4?. por. pi. C TEXAS Public Instruction, Dept. of. Annual re- port, 1872-73. Austin, 1872-73. O. V. 2-3. T Biennial report, 1883-92, 1895-96. Austin, 1884-97. O. V. 4-8, 10. T Circular, 1890. Austin, 1S90. O. no, 5. T School laws . . . issue of 1897 [com- piled by] J. M. Carlisle. Austin, 1897. O. 72 P- T University of Texas (Austin). Catalogue, 1883-98, 1899-1900. Austin, 1884-1900. D. and O. ill. pi. C UTAH District Schools, Territorial Supt. of. Bien- nial report, 1881-83. iSalt Lake City^ 1884. O. tab. T Public Instruction, Dept. of. Report, 1896-98. Salt Lake City, 1896-98. O. tab. v. 1-2. T School law of the state, passed March ri, 1897. O. 57 p. T Schools, Commissioner of. Biennial report, 1874-75. 1888-89, 1892-93, 1894-95. Salt Lake City, i8j6-g6. O. T University of Utah (Salt Lake City). Cata- logue, 1891-99 ; announcements, 1892-1900. Salt Lake City, 1892-99. O. pi. C From 1894 including Normal school, and title changed to Annual. Report of the Board of regents, 1894-96. Salt Lake City, 1896-97. O. C VERMONT Common Schools, State Supt. of. Annual report, 1848. St. Albans, 1848. v. 3. T Education, State Supt. of. Report, 1857-98. Ludlow, etc. 1857-98. O. pi. v. 8-35. T The ist report was made by the Board of commissioners of common schools in 1828 ; the 2d-7th are Reports of Supts. of common schoolSj 1846-51 ; the 8th-23d are Reports of the Board of education ; these reports be^un in 1857 were num- bered 1-16 (1857-74) ; the next report in 1876 was numbered 24 to include the series from 1828, and beginning with this issue the reports are made by the State Supt. of education. General Assembly. School laws ... in force . . . 1893, compiled ... by W. H. Taylor. Burlington, 1893. O. 88 p. T Public Instruction, Dep't. of. General laws . . . relating to public instruction ... in force August I, 1895. Rutland, Vt., 1895. Q. [lO] p. -I- p. 175 + 212. T VIRGINIA Barneaud, Charles. Jefferson et I'educatioo en Virginie. (In Rev. internat. de I'enseignement. 1895. v. 29, p. 29-79, 423-457.) C Education, Board of. School laws codified for the use of school officers. . . Richmond, 1892. O. 184 p. T Mayo, Rev. Amory Dwight, Education in southwestern Va. . . Washington, 1894. O. C T Chap. 24, p. 881-921, from Rept. of Com. of Ed. for 1890-gi. 8o EDUCATION Public Instruction, Supt. of. Annual re- port, 1871-77, 1882-89, 1891-95. Richmond, 1871- 95. O. ill. tab. T University of Virginia (Charlottesville). Adams, Herbert Baxter. Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia. . . Washington, 1888. O. 308 p. ill. por. pi. (/« U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888. no. r.) C T Carter, James Coolidge. University of Virginia ; Jefferson its father and his political phi- losophy ; an address delivered upon the occasion of the dedication of the new buildings of the University, June 14, 1898. . . Cleveland, 1898. O. 38 p. C Catalogue, 1 879-1 900. Richmond, 1880- 1900. O. pi. C Dabney, Richard Heath. The University of Virginia. New York, 1897. Q. [lO] p. C Jefferson, Thomas, and Cabell, J. C. Early history of the University of Virginia as con- tained in [their] letters hitherto unpublished ; with an appx. consisting of Mr. Jefferson's bill for a complete system of education and other illustrative documents. . . Richmond, 1856. O. 36 + 528 p. C Reply of the rector and visitors of the Uni- versity of Virginia to the remonstrance on recent changes in the requirements for the degree of mas- ter of arts. Charlottesville, 1892. O. 60 p. C WASHINGTON Public Instruction, Dept. of. Biennial re- port, 1890-94. Olympia, 1890-94, O. ill. pi. V. 10-12. T Code of public instruction with appendix . . . [Compiled by F. J. Brownej. . . Olympia, 1897. O. 194 p. T University of Washington ; The (State) University (Seattle). Annual catalogue, 1880-81, 1886-88, 1889-1901. Seattle, 1881-1900. D. and O. pi. C 1880-81 called Annual register. WEST VIRGINIA. Free Schools, Supt. of. Biennial report, 1871, 1877-96. Wheeling, 1872-97. O. pi. por. V. 8, 14-33. T State manual, and course of primary instruc- tion for the ungraded country and village schools of West Vii^nia. Charleston, 1891. O. [31 + 2-1- 27 p. ' T Morgan, Benjamin S., and Cork, J. F. His- tory of education in West Virginia. Charleston, 1893. O. 4-1- [5] -)- 204 p. ill. pi. por. C Also issued with title : Columbian history, etc. Public Instruction, Dept. of. School law passed March 8*, 1881, with forms and index com- piled by B. L. Butcher. Wheeling, 1881, O. 59 -h 10 p. T School law of the state passed . . . 1881 . . . with the amendments ... of 1882-91, with notes. . . Charleston, 1891. O. 82 + 9 p. T School law and opinions of the attorney- general and decisions of the state superintendents of free schools, with explanations and forms, revised and arranged by J, R. Trotter. Charleston, 1897. O. 155 p. T West Virginia University (Morgantown). Biennial report of the Board of regents and the President. 1900. Morgantown, 1901. O. (Bull, ser. 3, no. i.) C Catalogue of the officers and students, 1868- 1900. Morgantown, 1869-1901. D. and O. pi. tab. C WISCONSIN Allen, William Francis, and Spencer, D. E. Higher education in Wisconsin. Washington, 1889. O. 68 p. (/« U. S— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889, no. I : Contr. to Am. ed. hist.; H. B. Adams, ed., no. 7.) C With bibliographical lists. Public Instruction, Dept. of. Aids for the proper observance of Memorial day by the schools of Wisconsin. . . Madison, 1900. O. 45 p. T Annual (aftw.) Biennial report, 1849, 1853, 1855, 1858-60, 1863-64, 1866-94. Madison, 1850- 95. O. ill. pi. tab. por. T Arbor and Bird day annual for Wisconsin schools. . . Madison, 1900. Q. 44 p. T Instruction in agriculture and domestic economy in rural communities in Wisconsin [by L. D. Harvey]. — Transportation of rural school pupils at public expense [by A. A. Upham]. Madison, 1900. O. 36 p. T Bulletin of information, no. 5. Laws of the state of Wisconsin, relating to common schools. Madison, 1859. O. 202 p. T Laws relating to common schools, high and normal schools, and to the state University, in force July I, 1897 ; published under the direction of J. Q. Emery. Madison, 1897. O. 8 + 273 p. T List of books for township libraries of the state of Wisconsin . . . July, 1892, July, 1897, May, 1899 ; Supplementary list. May, 1900. Madison, 1892-1900. O. T School and University Lands, Board of Commissioners of . Report, 1851, 1856. Madison, 1851-57. O. and D. T Report for 1856 is in German and pub. at Milwaukee. Text-book Commission. Spelling reform. Report to the legislature ; made Jan. 8, 1879. Madison, 1879. O. 13 p. T Wisconsin Teachers' Association. An- nual report, 1854. Madison, 1854. O. 29 -\- [i] p. v. I. T Papers read at 44th annual session held in Milwaukee, Dec. 29-31, 1896. Bull, of informa- tion no. I, issued by J. Q. Emery, State supt. Madison, 1897. O. 109 p. T CITIES AND TOWNS 8 1 Wisconsin Teachers' Association (con- tinued) Papers read, 1898-99. Bull, of informa- tion no. 6, issued L. D. Harvey, State supt. Madi- son^ 1900. O. 78 p. T University of Wisconsin (Madison). Cata- logue, 1869-75, 1876-1900. Madison, 1869-1900. O. and D. ill. C The Ely investigation ; communications of Superintendent Wells to the investigating com- mittee. [Madison, 1894.] O. 10 p. C General catalogue of the officers and gradu- ates from its organisation ; 1849-1887. Madison, 1887. O. 85 p. C General catalogue of the officers and gradu- ates 1849-1897. Madison, 1897. O. 264 p. C HoBBS, "William Herbert, editor. Pictur- esque University of Wisconsin, 1848-1898. [Madi- son, 1898.] F*. [4] + 32 p. C President. Addresses at the inauguration of Charles Kendall Adams, to the presidency of the University of Wisconsin, Jan. 17, 1893. Madison, 1893. O. 69 p. C Regents, Board of. Annual report, 1855- 57, 1860-62, 1865. Madison, 1856-65. O. v. 8- 10, 13-15, i8. C School of Commerce. (Bulletin no. 35.) Madison, 1900. D. C Thwaites, Reuben Gold. University of Wisconsin, its history and its alumni, with historical and descriptive sketches of Madison. Madison, 1900. Sq. F, 20 + 889 p. C WYOMING Public Instruction, Dept of. School laws, in force March, 1893; 1895. . . Cheyenne, 1893- 95. O. T Public Instruction, State Supt. of. Bien- nial report, 1891-96, 1897-98. Cheyenne, 1892-98. O. tab. T II. CITIES AND TOWNS Only separately printed educational reports are given in this list. In many cases annual town or municipal reports include all departments in one volume, e. g., Burlington, Vt. It has not been deemed advisable to make analytical entries in these cases. Reports for single years previous to 1890 are given in an alphabetical list following this. Alameda (Cal.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report of the public schools, June 30, 1900. Alameda, igoo. O. ' T Albany (N. Y.) — Public Instruction, Board of . Annual report, 1878-99. Albany, 1878-99. O. pi. v. 6-7, g-io, 12-33. T Rules and regulations and course of study of the public schools of Albany, N. Y. 1898. Albany, 1898. D. 132 p. T Albany High School. General cata- log and account of the celebration of the 25th anniversary. A. F. A. 1868— A. H. S. 1893. Al- bany, 1894. O. 166 p. pi. T Graded catalogue of the Albany High School . . . June 30, 1893, together with honor rolls and reports of committees. Albany, 1893. O. 51 p. C History of the Albany High School. Albany, 1876. O. 46 p. ill. T Merit roll of the Albany High School . . . 1874, 1877-78, and reports of commit- tees on the 6th annual examination. Albany, 1874- 78. O. T Report of the principal of the Albany High School. 1877, 1887-95, 1898-99. Albany, 1877-99. O- T Alexandria (Va.) — Public Schools, Superin- tendent of. Annual report, 29th year, 1898-99. Alexandria, 1899. O. 23 p. T Allegheny City (Fa.)— Public Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1886, 1889, 1890. Pittsburg, 1886-90. O. V. 32, 35-36. T Alliance (Ohio) — Education, Board of . Annual report, 1890, and course of study. Alliance, 1890. O. T Alpena (Mich.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1890-91. Alpena, 1891-92. O. pi. T Americus (Ga.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1891. Americus, 1891. O. v. 12. T Andover(Mass.) — Punchard Free School. Edu- cation in the two Andovers ; address at the dedica- tion of the Punchard free school . . . 1856; by Rev. Samuel Fuller. Andover, 1856. O. 42 p. T Anoka (Minn.) — Schools, Supt. of. Annual re- port, 1891. [Anoka-^ 1891. O. T Ashland (Ky.) — Education, Board of . Annual report, 1891-96, 1898-99. Ashland, 1891-99. O. T Athens (Ga.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1890-91. Athens, 1891. O. v. 5. T Athens (Pa.) — Directors of Borough Schools. Catalogue and announcement, and manual of the Board, 1889-93. Athens, 1889-92. O. pi. fac- sim. T Atlanta (Ga.) — Education, Board of Annual report, 1878, 1890-91, 1898. Atlanta, 1878-98. O. v. 7, 19-20, 27. T Atlantic City (N. ].)— Education, Board of. Teachers' hand-book and curriculum, public schools, (adopted September ist, 1891). Atlantic City, 1891. O. 18 + [9] p. pi. T Auburn (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1878, 1880-96. Auburn, 1879-97. O. pi. T 82 EDUCATION Augusta (Ga.) — Education, Board of. Annual , report of the public schools of Richmond county and ... of Augusta, 1882, 1883-84, 1889, 1891, 1893-96. Augusta, 1882-96. O. por. pi. v. 10, 12, 17, 19, 21-24. T Augusta (Me.) — School Committee, Report, 1899. Augusta, 1899. O. T Aurora (111.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1890-91, 1895-98. Aurora, 1890-98. O. pi. T Austin (Texas) — Public School Trustees. An- nual report, 1894-96. Austin, 1894-96. O. v, 14-15. T Baltimore (Md.) — Committee appointed to visit the public schools of Philadelphia, New York, Brook- lyn and Boston. Report. • . Baltimore, 1867. O. 96 p. T Public Schools, Board of Commissioners of. Annual report, 1859, 1862, 1866, 1870, 1874, 1876- 78, 1880-98. Baltimore, 1860-99. O. ill. pi. V. 31.34, 38, 42, 45, 48-50, 52-70. T Rules of order . . . and regulations of the public schools . . . 1857. Baltimore, 1857. O. T Adams, Herbert Baxter. Public educa- tional work in Baltimore. Baltimore, 1899. O. 58 p. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in hist, and pol. sci. ; ser. 17, no. 12.) C Bangor (Me.) — School Committee. Report 1887- 1888-89. O. T Bay City (Mich.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1889-90. Bay City, 1890-91. O. pi. table. ' T Bayonne (N. J.) — Education, Board of. An- nual reports of the superintendent of schools and of the secretary of the Board of education, July ist, 1898-99. Bayonne, 1898-99. O. T Beatrice (Neb.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1890-91, 1893. Beatrice, 1890-93. O. T Teachers' handbook, Jan. 1889. Bea- trice, 1889. D. 30 p. T Beaver Falls {Pa.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1884-85, 1888-89. Beaver Falls, 1885-90. O. T Belmont (Mass.) — School Committee. 33d an- nual report for year ending Dec. 31, 1891. [Bel- mont, 1892.] O. 18 p. T Beverly (Mass.) — School Committee. Report, 1874-91. Beverly, 1875-92. O. T Billerica (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1852-53, 1854-55, 1867-68. Lowell, 1853- 68. O. T Binghamton (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1879, 1881, 1885, 1891, 1897. Bing- haviton, 1879-97. O. T Course of study of the Binghamton public schools. Binghamton, 1887. O. 18 p. T Birmingham (Ala.) — Education, Board of. Annual report of the public schools, 1887, 1891, 1899. [Birmingham^ 1887-99. O- ill- T Bloomington (111.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1894-98. Bloomington, 1895-99. O. pi. V. 19-22. T Bloomfield (N. ^.)— School District No. 7. Annual report of board of trustees, for year end- ing June 30, 1899. Bloomfield, 1899. O- 26 p. pi. T Boston — Broad-Street Infant School. Report . . . 1851, 1855, 1857. Boston, 1851-57. O. T Common Council. Report of the committee on public instruction on establishing a nautical school [Oct. 1, 1874]. [Boston, 1874.] O. 19 p. T DiLLAWAY, Charles Knapp. History of the grammar school ; or, " The free schoole of 1645 in Roxburie," with biographical sketches of the ministers of the First church and other trustees. Boston, i860. D. 202 p. fac-sim. C Education, Board of. Annual report . . . with the annual report of the secretary of the board, 1839. Boston, 1839. O. T English High School. ■ Catalogue of the past and present members ; printed by the English High School Association, 1868. Boston, 1868. O. 54 p. T Public Latin School. Catalogue of the scholars in the Public Latin School in School-street, Boston, Sept., 1826. Boston, 1826. O. 8 p. T Catalogue, 1832, 1865. Boston, 1832, 1865. D. T Catalogue of the masters and scholars who have belonged to the Boston Public Latin School . . . from 1635 to 1879. • • Specimen sheets. Boston, 1878. O. 16 p. T Catalogue . . . 1635-1885 ; with an historical sketch . . . by H. F. Jenks. Boston, 1886. O. 398 p. pi. T Materials for a catalogue of the masters and scholars who have belonged to the Public Latin School from 1635-1846 ; published by the Boston Latin School Association. Boston, 1847. O. 7 + 72 p. T Peterson, Ellis. Growth of and reforms in the Boston Latin and High schools. Boston, 1898. O. 19 p. T Public Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1881-97. [Boston, 1881-97.] O. V. 1-17. (Bos- ton School committee. Annual report. 1881-97.) T School Committee. Annual report, 1857-97. Boston, 1858-98, O. ill. pi. T Boston public schools ; courses of study, 1886. Boston, 1886. S. 43 p. T Course of study for the grammar schools, 1891. Boston, 1891. D. 48 p. T Course of study for the Mechanic arts high school, 1897. Boston, 1897. O. 17 p. T Manual of the public schools, 1878, 1883. Boston, 1878-83. T. T CITIES AND TOWNS 83 course of study for 8. Boston, 1893-98. T course of study for 16. Boston, 1893-96. T Boston (continued) Public schools the high schools. 1893, 18 Nar. S. II p. Public schools ; the Latin schools. 1893, i{ Nar. S. Regulations adopted by the school committee, Feb. 1833. Boston, 1833. O- ^9 P- T Report of a special committee of the Grammar School Board, presented Aug. 29, 1849, on the petition of sundry colored persons praying for the abolition of the Smith school ; with an ap- pendix. Boston, 1849. O. 71 p. T Report of annual examination, 185 1- $2. Boston, 1851-52. O. T Report of the committee on supplies. Boston, 1901. O. 31 p. T Report on the public schools and the systems of public instruction, in the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Boston, 1867. O. 64 p, T Rules and regulations of the public schools of Boston, 1849, 1852, 1878. Boston, 1849- 78. O. T System of public education adopted by the town of Boston. \Boston, 17- ?]. D. 8 p. T Annual Visiting Committees . Reports, 1845. Boston, 1845. N^r. O. T WiGHTMAN, Joseph M. Annals of the Boston primary school committee . . . i8i8 . . . 1855. [App. p. 280-305.] Boston, i860. O. 8 + 305 p. T Brenham (Tex.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1883-85. Brenham, 1883-85. O. v. 8-9. T Bridgeport (Conn.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, i88o-8i, 1889-94, 1896. Bridge- port, 1880-96. O. ill. pi. V. 4-5, 14-18, 20. T Bridgewater (Mass.) — School Committee. An- nual report, 1848-49, 1859-60, 1872. Boston and Taunton, 1849-72. O. T Bristol (R. I.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1890-91. Providence, 1891. O. T Brookline (Mass.) — Education, Board of. Course of study in physiology and health, 1894. Brookline, 1894. O. 8 p. T Button, Samuel T. Address before the teachers of the public schools of Brookline at the opening of the term, Sept. 10, 1894 ; Sept. 9, 1895. {Boston, 1894-95 ?] O. T Education Society. Bulletin, 1899. Brook- line, -899. O. T Year book, 1895-1900. Brookline, 1895-1900. O. V. 1-4. T Public Schools, Supt. of. Suggestions for a course in reading, n.p. 1892. O. 27 p. T School Committee. Brookline public schools ; course of study — arithmetic. Brookline, n. d. O. 4 p. T Brookline public schools ; course of study — geography. 1894. Brookline, 1894. O. 8 p. T Brookline public schools ; course of study in domestic economy ; by Nettie M. Wieley. Brookline, 1893. O. 12 p. T Brookline public schools ; course of study in manual training, 1894. Brookline, 1894, O. 16 p. T Brookline public schools ; programme for drawing and manual training, 1893-94. Brook- line, 1894. O. 3 p. T Report, 1846, 1861-68, 1881-88, 1889- 97, 1 899-1900. Boston, 1 846-1900. O. pi. T Brooklyn (N. Y.) — Brooks Vacation School. Report, 1897-98. O. and T. v. 1-2 in i . T Education, Board of. Annual report of the superintendent of public instruction, 1856, 1864-67, 1870, 1873-75, 1879-97. [Brooklyn, i857]-98. O. V. 2, 10-13, 16, 19-21, 25-43. T Course of study adopted for the Girls' high school, November 11, 1890. O. 6 p. T Course of study adopted for the public schools . . . 1887. [Brooklyn, 1887.] O. 136 + [I] p. T Course of study and rules for the gov- ernment of the Training school for teachers. 1892, 1897. Brooklyn, 1892-97. O. T Course of study for the district evening schools of . . . Brooklyn adopted . . . April 24, 1891. [Brooklyn, 1891.] O. 10 p. T Course of study in drawing for Girls' high school, approved . . . October 19, 1897. [Brooklyn, 1897.] O. [6] p. T Course of study in grammar grades, Brooklyn public schools, adopted, June 4, 1895. O. n. p. 32 p. T Course of study in primary grades, adopted, 1893 ; June 4, 1895. {Brooklyn, 1893- 95.] O. 31 p. • T Directions to teachers in form study and drawing in primary grades, approved . . . Oc- tober 19, 1897. [Brooklyn, 1897.] O. 27 p. T Elementary schools, borough of Brook- lyn ; course of study in grammar, June, 1900. O. 7 p. T Elementary schools ... of Brooklyn ; physical training : jumping, desk and balance beam exercises, approved . . . June, 1900. [Brooklyn, 1900.] O. 8 p. T Elementary schools ... of Brook- lyn ; physical training : rules for games . . . adopted June, 1900. [Brooklyn, 1900.] O. 29 p. T Form study and drawing ; schedule of books and material, [issued] May 4, 1900. [Brook- lyn, 1900.] Sq. Q. 8 p. T 84 EDUCATION Brooklyn (N. Y.) (continued) Manual, 1856, i860, 1867, 1873. Brooklyn, 1856-73. D. map. T [Minutesj, Mar. 1867 - Feb. 1870, 1897. ^Brooklyn, 1867-97.] O. T Names and residences of the officers and members, with the by-laws and rules . . . 1880-81. Brooklyn [1880]. S. v. i. T 1870-81. — Proceedings. O. tab. 1870-81. Brooklyn, T Programmes in physical training ; i.- 6. and 8. series ; seventh primary grade [up tO] first and second grammar grades, approved June 19, 1895 . . . [by Jessie H. Bancroft]. [Brooklyn, 1895.] O. pts. 1-6, 8, T Report of president, Brooklyn, 1892-94. O. 1891, 1893. T Syllabus of form study and drawing for the seventh primary grade [up to first grammar grade, adopted June and Sept. 1899, Jan. 15, 190O]. [Brooklyn, 1900.] O. 3 pts. T Syllabus of work in history for gram- mar and primary grades, approved . . . October 14th, 1895. [Brooklyn, 1895.] O. 18 p. T Syllabus of work in physiology and hygiene for grammar and primary grades, approved . . . September 16, 1896. [Brooklyn, 1896.] O. 8 p. T Teachers' Association. Report, 1897-98. [Brooklyn, 1897-98.] O. T Buffalo (N. Y .)— Education, Dept. of. Annual report of the superintendent, 1858, 1872, 1882, 1889-90, 1892-93. Buffalo, 1859-94. O. T School Association. Report on the sanitary condition of the public schools of Buffalo. [Buf- falo-^ 1898. O. 72 p. ill. T Wood, J. Henry, ed. Souvenir history and description of the public schools of Buffalo. Buf- falo, 1899. Ob. T. 80 p. ill. por. map. T Burlington (Vt.) — Schools, Supt. of. 32d an- nual report to the city council. Jan. i, 1900. Burlington, 1900. O. 48 p. T Butte (Mont.) — School Trustees, Board of. Rules and school laws . . . adopted . . . 1897 ; course of study. . . Butte, 1897. O. T Cairo (111.) — Education, Board of , Annual re- port, 1899. Cairo, 1899. O. ill. T Cambridge (Mass.) — School Committee. An- nual report, 1846, 1852-54, 1868, 1874-96, 1898- 99. Cambridge (Mass.), 1846-1899. O. ill. pi. T Report on grammar school instruction made by a special committee to the school committee June 2, 1892. Cambridge, 1892. O. 31 p. T Rules and Courses of study. 1899. Cambridge, 1899. O. 91 p. T Camden (N. J.) — Public Instruction, Commis- sioners of. Report, 1892. Camden, 1892. O. T Canton (111.) — Edtication, Board of. Annual report, 1895. Canton, 1895. O. pi. T Canton (Pa.) — Education, Board of. Annual circular [Rules and regulations] of the public schools. 1887-88, 1892-93. Canton, 1887-92. D. pi. x Catskill (N. Y .)— Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1888-90. Catskill, 1889-91. O. T By-laws and rules and regulations, with the course of study. Catskill, 1891. O. 36 p. T Catalogue and circular of the Catskill schools. 1896-7. Catskill, 1896. O. 56 p. T Charleston (S. Q.)—City Council. Education in Charleston, S. C. ; the disabilities of the un- aided South in public school facilities. . . Charles- ton, 1881. O. 32 p. T High School. High school of Charleston ; proceedings upon the occasion of opening the school house . . . Jan. 3, 1881. . . [Charleston, 1881.] O. 40 p. T Charlestown (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1856, 1858-61, 1863, 1867, 1870, 1872-73. CharlestoTvn, xZsi-li\. O. T Chattanooga (Tenn.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1887-90. Chattanooga, 1890. O. T Chester (Pa.) — School Directors, Board of. Manual of the public schools, 1895. Chester, 1895. O. pi. 52 p. T Report, 1891. Chester, i?,()i. O. T Chicago (111.) — Clark, Hannah Belle. The Public schools of Chicago ; a sociological study. Chicago, 1897. O. 117 p. C Draper, Andrew S. Common school problems in Chicago ; an address . . . Dec. 1, 1900. [Champaign, pr., 1900.] O. 32 p. C Education, Board of. Annual report, 1854, 1856-62, 1864-70, 1872-77, 1879-88, 1890- 98. Chicago, 1854-98. O. pi. v. 1, 3-9, 11-16, 19-23,25-34,36-44. T Chicago high schools ; programme of studies, 1899-1900. Chicago, 1899. T. 24 p. T Outline of course of study ; public schools city of Chicago, 1897. Chicago, 1897. O. 31 P- T Rules and regulations ; revised March, [Chicago, 1891.] Q. 28 p. T 1891. Educational Commission, Report of the Educational commission . . . appointed Jan . . . 1898. Chicago, 1899. Sq. O. 16 + 248 p. CT Teachers Co-operative Association. Manuid. [1888 ?] S. 79 + [2] p. T Chillicothe (Ohio) — Education, Board of. Manual and report, 1892-94. Chillicothe, 1894. O. T CITIES AND TOWNS 85 Cincinnati (Ohio) — Education, Board of . An- nual report, 1854-55, 1869, 1872-88, 1892, 1898. Cincinnati, 1854-98. O. v. 25-26, 40, 43-59, 63, 69. T " University project " ; report of special committee. Cincinnati, 1869. O. 82 p. T University of Cincinnati. Annual report of the directors, 1893, 1896, 1898-99. Cincinnati, 1894-1900. O. V. 23, 26, 28-29. C By-laws for the regulation of the Board of Directors. Cincinnati, 1871. O. 39 p. C Catalogue, for the academic year 1878-79, 1880-82. Cincinnati, 1878-81. O. C Continued as Programme for the academic year 1882-91, with the catalogue of the officers and students for the year 1881-90. Cincinnati, 1882-90. O. C Continued as Catalogue of the academic department, 1890-96. Cincinnati, iSgi-<)6. O. C Continued as Catalogue of the University of Cincinnati, 1896- 99. [Cincinnati, 1897-99.] D. C Exercises connected with the fifteenth an- nual commencement, 1893. [Cincinnati] iSgj. O. 30 + [2] p. C Programme. Sec Catalogue (above). Short catalogue of the academic depart- ment, 1899-1900. . . Cincinnati, 1900. D. pi. C College of Medicine and Surgery. Annual announcement, 1874-75, 1880-81. Cincinnati, 1874-80. O. C 1895. O. — Catalogue, ill. v. 44. 1894-95. Cincinnati, C Final report of the citizens' committee on University affairs. Cincinnati, 1900. O. 6 + 86 p. C Historical sketch of the Observatory, 1843- 93 [by J. G. Porter]. Cincinnati, 1893. O. 15 p. por. C Law Department. Announcement, 1900- 1901. {Cincinnati, 1900.] D. C — Catalogue, 1858-59, 1884-85. Cincin- nati, 1858-85. O. C Phi Beta Kappa— Delta of Ohio. Charter, constitution, history, register of officers and mem- bers, the United chapters, etc. n. p. 1900. O. 40 p. C President. Circular address of Jacob D. Cox. D. 13 p. C Taft, Alphonso. Lecture on the Univer- sity of Cincinnati, its aims, needs, and resources ; delivered before the Young Men's Mercantile Li- brary Association, May 9, 1872 . . . Cincinnati, 1872. O. 60 p. C Cleveland (Ohio) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1855-56, 1861-62, 1868-72, 1S72-81, 1882-89, 1890-99. Cleveland, 1857-99. O. ill. por. pi. map. v. 21, 26, 33-35. 37-45, 47-53. 55-63. T Cleveland public schools ; course of study and assignment of work in the elementary, high, normal training, and manual training schools, 1893-94. Cleveland, 1894. O. 93 p. T . . . Cleveland public schools. Courses of professional reading for teachers and catalogue of pedagogical and reference books of the Free public library. Cleveland, 0. [I893]. O. 23 p. T Cleveland public schools ; courses of study 1886 — primary and grammar grades. Cleve- land, 1886. O. 15 p. T Handbook ; rules of the school coun- cil 1897-1898 ; rules for the government of teach- ers, janitors, etc. Cleveland [1898]. S. 125 p. T Presentation of the East High School [by B. M. Rannells, principal]. Cleveland [I90I]. Q. 4 p. type-written. C Columbia (S. C.) — School Commissioners, Board of. Report of the graded schools, 1883-84, 1885-90, 1891-92, 1894-98. Columbia, 1883-98. O. v. r, 3-7, 9, 12-15. T Columbus (Ga.) — Public Schools, Board Trus- tees of. Annual report, 1891, 1898. Columbus, 1891-98. O. pi. V. 24, 31. T Columbus (Ohio) — Education, Board of . An- nual report, 1872-87, 1891, 1898-99. Columbus, 1873-99. O. pi. T Concord (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1893-94. Boston, 1894. O. T Concord (N. H.) — Education, Board of . An- nual reports of the schools in the city . . . with the mayor's . . . address, 1866-73. Concord, 1866-73. O. T Comvay (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1894-95. Greenfield, 1895. O. 19 p. T Cook Co. (111.) — Public Instruction, Dept. of. Biennial report of the county superintendent of schools, 1890-1901. Chicago, 1892-1901. O. ill. pi. T Corry (Penn.) — Public Schools, Board of Direc- tors of. Manual, officers and committees, list of teachers, outline of the course of study, rules and regulations. . . Corry, Pa., 1896. D. 57 p. I pi. T Covington (Ky.) — Public Schools, Dept. of. Annual report of the superintendent, 1893-95. Cincinnati [I895]. O. T Dallas (Texas) — Public Schools, Board of Direc- tors of. Annual report, 1889-90, 1895. Dallas, 1890-95. O. V. 6, II. T Davenport (Iowa) — Public Schools, Board of Directors of. Annual report, rules and regulations and courses of study, 1876, 1889. Davenport, 1876-89. O. T 86 EDUCATION Dayton (Ohio) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1872, 1875-77, 1881-83. Dayton, 1872-83. O. T Decorah (Iowa) — Education, Board of. Course of study for the public schools of Decorah, Iowa, 1886, 1890. Decorah, 1886-90. O. T Announcement, 1895. Obi. Tt. 15 T Denver (Col.) — Education, Board of. Annual report of School district no. one, Arapahoe county, Colorado, 1881-83, 1885, 1887, 1890-1900. Den- ver, 1881-1900. O. pi. tab. V. 7-9, II, 13, 16- 25. T Griggs, Herbert. Course of study for nat- ural music course (by Ripley & Tapper) and practi- cal suggestions to teachers ; exercises and songs arranged in progressive order. [Denver, 1897.] O. 24 p. T High School, District no. i. Courses of study, requirements for admission, general and spe- cial information, members of the alumni. 1898-99. Denver, 1898-99. O. C T 1897, 1899. High school courses of study, Denver, 1896-99. O. Revised courses of study and general regulations of Denver High school, district no. 2. 1899-1900. Denver, 1900. O. 45 p. T Manual training high school ; courses of study, requirements for admission, general and special information, 1900. Denver, 1900. O. 29 p. T Provisional scheme for nature study in the . . . Denver public schools. O. 2 pts. T Public Schools, Dept. of. Astronomical geography for the instruction and guidance of the teachers of the grammar schools ; comp. by Aaron Gove. [Denver^ 1897. O. 23 p. T Outline of studies for the elementary schools, Denver, Colorado, 1897-99. Denver, 1897-99. O. T Provisional scheme for nature study in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades (districts no. I, 2 and 17). O. 53 p. T School District no. i. Courses of study : geography. O. 48 p. T Drawing, and art, in the schools ; re- port of the Teachers' institute . . . October 31, 1896 ; comp. by J. C. Dana. O. 52 p. ill. T Drawing ; including manual training for primary schools ; general suggestions. O. 12 P- T General lessons for training through observation. O. 59 p. T Music in the schools ; report of the Teachers' institute for . . . January 9, 1897. O. 16 p. T Physical culture in the schools ; report of Teachers' institute, Feb. 6, March 6, 1897. O. T High School. troit, 1890. O. tab. Catalogue, 1890-91. Study of language in the schools ; re- port of the Teachers' institute for . . . Feb. 6, 1897. O. 43 P- T Syllabus for instruction in geography, prepared . . . in . . , 1894. O. 24 p. T Detroit i^icJa..)— Citizens' Educational Commit- tee. Bill proposed for the government of the De- troit public schools. O. [2] + 10 p. T [Same.] Sq. Q. 39 p. T Education, Board of. Annual report, 1870-72, 1877, 1880-87, 1890-99. Detroit, 1871- 1900. O. pi. tab. V. 28-30, 35, 38-44, 47-56, T Detroit public schools ; outline courses — lan- guage, reading, history and civics, mathematics, spelling, physiology for primary and grammar grades, 1899. Detroit, 1899. S. 61 p. T De- T Dighton {}Jizss,.)— School Committee. Annual report, 1880-82, 1883-84. Fall River, 1882-84. O. T Dorchester {}ll's&%.)— School Committee. Reg- ulations, with the laws of the commonwealth relat- ing to the duties of school committees, November, 1840. Boston, 1840. D. 12 p. T Dover (N. H.) — Education, Board of Annual report of public schools, 1880 1891. Canal Dover, 1880-91. O. T Dubois (Pa.)— /"w^/iV Schools, Board of Direc- tors of. Annual report, 1891-93. Dubois, 1891- 93. O. V. 1-2. T Annual and announcement, and man- ual, 1894 and 1895. Dubois, 1894. O. 63 p. pi. T Duluth (Minn.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1892-94, 1896-97. ^Duluth, i892]-97. O. T Durango (Col.) — Education, Board of. Cata- logue of the public schools . . . rules and regula- tions, course of study, and authorized text-books . . . 1892-93. . . [Durango, 1892.] O. 35 p. pi. T Report of the superintendent, 1897-98. Durango, 1898. D. T East Orange (N. J.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1890-99. East Orange, 1891-1900. O. T Course of study in the public schools of East Orange, N. J. 1890. East Orange, 1890. O. 31 p. T Easton (Mass.) — School Committee. Report, 1855-56, 1863-64, 1870-71. Taunton, 1856-71. O. T El Paso (Texas) — Education, Board of. Re- port of the public schools, 1890, 1892. El Paso, 1890-92. O. T Elgin (111.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1890-91. Elgin, 1891. O. T CITIES AND TOWNS 87 Elgin (Hi.) (continued) Course of study for the public schools adopted 1898. Elgin', \%<^'i. S. 104 p. T Elmira (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1890-91, 1892-94, 1895-96. Elmira, 1891-97. O. V. 2, 4-5, 7. T 78. O. Proceedings 1874-78. Elmira, 1874- T Erie (Pa.) — Public Schools, Dept. of, [Report] 1872-73, 1874-78, 1881-82, 1893-99. Erie, 1873- 99. O. T Evansville (Ind.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report of the public schools, 1884-85. Evans- ville, 1885-86. O. T Everett (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual reports of the school committee and superintendent . . . 1891. Boston, 1892. O. 56 p. T Exeter (N. H.) — School Board. Report for year ending March 20, 1891. Exeter, 1891. O. 16 p. T Pall River (Mass.)— y7i>A School. B. M. C. Durfee high school building. Fall River, 1889. O. 67 p. ill. pi. T School Committee. Report, 1843-44, 1898- 99. Fall River, 1844-1900. O. T Fitchburg (Mass.) — School Committee. An- nual report, i88o, 1884, 1889. Fitchburg, 1881- 89. O. T Rules . . ,. and regulations and the course of study for the public schools. 1882. Fitchburg, 1^2,2. O. 30 p. T Goodrich, Henry A. First half century of high schools in Fitchburg, 1838-1880 ; a paper read, September r6, 1895. (/« Fitchburg Hist. Soc. Proc. 1897. V. 2, p. 193-240. I pi.) C Mason, Atherton Perry. School affairs in Fitchburg, fifty years ago ; a paper read June 1895. {In Fitchburg Hist. Soc. Proc. 1897. v. 2, p. 241-49.) C Flushing (L. I.) — Education, Board of. Cir- cular of information, 1895. Flushing, 1895. O. T Fort Smith (Ark.) — Education, Board of. Annual report of public schools, 1889-91, 1897. Fort Smith [i89i]-97. O. T Franklin (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1854-55, 1856-59, 1865-66, 1867-69, 1871- 72, 1874-75, 1876-78. Boston and Franklin, 1855- 79- O. T Frederick Co. (Md.) — School Commissioners. Report and course of instruction of the public schools . . . with curriculum and examination questions of the high school departments at Fred- erick and Middletown. 1890-91. Frederick, 1891. O. 64 p. T Galesburg (111.) — Education, Board of . Re- port, 1898. Galesburg, 1898. D. pi. T Galveston (Texas) — Public Schools, Board of Trustees of. First semi-annual report . . . with report of the superintendent, an address on educa- tion by Dr. Ashbel Smith, and extracts from the general presentment of the Grand jury of Galveston CO. Galveston, 1847. O. 34 p. T 1st, 8th-9th annual report of the Board of trustees. 1881-82, 1889, 1891. Galveston, 1882- 91. O. pi. T Course of study and Rules and regula- tions for the government of the public schools of the city of Galveston. 1897-98. Galveston, 1897. O. 80 p. T Gloucester (Mass.) — School Committee. An- nual report, 1882-84, 1886-87. Gloucester, 1882- 87. O. T Gloversville (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1890-95. Gloversville, 1892-95. O. T Goffstown (N, H.) — School Board. Annual reports of the selectmen and treasurer of . . . Goffs- town together with the report of the School board, March i, 1889-92. Manchester, 1889-92. O. T Grand Rapids (Mich.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1883, 1886, 1890, 1896-97, 1898-99. Grand Rapids, 1883-99. O. ill. pi. tab. v. II, 14, 18, 24-27. T Grand Rapids (Wis.) — Howe High School. Catalog. Centralia, Wis., 1898. D. 75 p. ill. T Hartford (Conn.) — Public High School. Bien- nial catalogue, 1886-87. Hartford, 1886. O. ill. pi. T Triennial catalogue, 1891-94. Hart- ford, 1891-94. O. ill. pi. T School Visitors, Board of. Annual report, 1851-53, 1868, 1873, 1876-77, 1879-86, 1890-94, 1897-1900. Hartford, 1851-1900. O. T. West Middle School District. Reports of the principal and treasurer . . . 1880. Hartford, 1881. O. T Haverhill (Mass.) — Public Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1891, 1893. Haverhill, 1892-94. O. T Hillsboro (O.)— Doggett, H. S. Sketch of the rise and progress of the common schools of Hills- boro, Highland Co., Ohio. n. p. n. d. O. [I4] p. T Hingham (Mass.) — School Committee. Report for year 1891. Hingham, 1892. O. 15 p. T Holyoke (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1881-85, 1896. Holyoke, 1881-96. O. T Christmas annual of the girls and boys of the Holyoke schools, Mass., 1897. [Holyoke, 1897.] Q. ill. T Hopkinsville (Ky.) — Board of Trustees of Public Schools. Annual report and course of study of the white public schools, 1895-96. HopkinsvilU [I896]. O. T Hornellsville (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1888-95. Hornellsville, 1889-95. O. pi. v. 2-8. T Houston (Texas) — School Trustees, Board of. Annual report, 1889-91, 1893-96. Houston, 1890- 97. O. T 88 EDUCATION Hudson (N. Y )— Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1890, 1893, 1897. Hudson, 1890-97. O. T Ilion (N. Y.) — Education, Board of . Catalogue of the Union School and Academy [Ilion public schools], 1894-98. Ilion, 1894-98. O. pi. T Indiain&polis (Ind.) — School Commissioners, Board of. Annual report, 1883, 1888, 1892. In- dianapolis, 1883-92. O. V. 22, 27, 31. T Manual of instruction to teachers and graded course of study of the public schools, 1876. Indianapolis, 1876. O. 6 + 154 p. T Manual of the public schools ; with rules and regulations of the Board of School Com- missioners, the public schools and the Public Li- brary, 1881-82, 1891-92. Indianapolis, 1881-91. T. T Indianapolis school statute of 1899. Indi- anapolis, 1899. O. 14 p. T Ithaca (N. Y.) — Education, Board of . Annual report, 1876-79, 1881, 1885, 1889-90, 1894-95, 1897-98, 1900. Ithaca, 1877-1900. O. T Ithaca public schools ; course of study, 1896-97. Ithaca, 1897. O. 18 p. T Ithaca public schools ; manual, course of study, 1897-98. Ithaca, \^c)-j. O. 61 p. T High School. Annual report of the princi- pal, 1899. O. T Jacksonville (111.) — Public Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1873-77. Jacksonville, 1873-77. O. V. 6-10. T JamestoTrn (N. Y.) — Ediuation, Board of. Annual report, i888-go, 1892-94, 1896-99. yames- town, 1888-99. O. V. r-3, 5-7, 9-12. T Janesville (Wis.) — Education, Board of . An- nual report, with general rules and regulations, 1890. Janesville, 1890. O. T Jersey City (N. J.) — Public Instruction, Dept. of. Annual report, 1877, i88a-8i, 1885-86, 1888- 91, 1897-99. Jersey City [I877-99]. O. v, ID, 13-14, 18-19, 21-24, 30-32. T Course of study and manual of instruc- tion for grammar and primary grades. New York, 1895. O. 83 p. T Johnstovrn (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1895-96. Johnstown, 1896. O. pi. T Kansas City (Mo.) — Education, Board of. Annual report of the public schools, 1878-84, 1886- 90, 1891-96, 1900. Kansas City, 1880-1900. O. ill. pi. V. 8, 9, 11-13, 15-21, 23-25, 29. T Kingston (N. Y.) — Education, Board of . An- nual report, 1875-90, 1892. Kingston, 1876-93. D. and O. v. 12-27, 29. T Knoxville (Tenn.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1876, 1888, 1889. Knoxville, 1876- 89. O. T La Crosse (Wis.) — Education, Board of . Re- port, 1889, 1892-94. La Crosse, 1889-94. O. T Lancaster (O.) — Public Schools, Supt. of. Re- port for the two years ending Aug. 31, 1891 . . . with rules and regulations and courses of study. Lancaster, 1892. O. 61 p. ill. pi. T Lawrence (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1852-53, 1858, 1860-61, 1880, 1893-95. Lawrence, 1853-96. O. v. 6, 12, 14-15, 34, 47- 49. . T Le'wiston (Me.) — School Committee. Annual reports, 1876, 1883, 1890-91, 1896. Lewiston, 1876-96. O. ill. T Course of study of the public schools of Lewiston, Maine, 1895. Lewiston, 1895. O. 123 p. T Lincoln (111.) — School Inspectors. Third an- nual report for year ending March 1, 1892. Lin- coln, 1892. 40 p. pi. T Lincoln (Neb.) — Education, Board of. Annual report including Teacher's manual and course of study. 1897. Lincoln, 1897. O. 155 p. T Courses of study and general regulations of the Lincoln High school 1893. Lincoln, 1893. ■ O. 15 p. T Manual of the public schools. Lincoln, 1887. O. 56 p. T Manual and course of study Lincoln public schools 1895-96. Lincoln, 1895. O. 60 p. T Public schools ; arithmetic, compiled by F. Strong. Lincoln, 1894. O. 18 p. T Public schools ; general lessons and United States history. Lincoln, 1894. O. 30 p. T Public schools ; geography, compiled by F. Strong. ^Lincoln, 1893.] O. 72 p. T Lincoln, T 1893. O. Lincoln, \i - Public schools ; language. 24 p. Public schools ; physical exercise. O. 14 p. T Special report and statistics. 1891. O. [3] + 50 p. Lincoln, T Lisbon (N. H.) — Education, Board of. An- nual catalog of the Lisbon public school, 1893-94. Woodsville, N. H., 1894. O. pi. T Little Rock (Ark.) — School Directors, Board of. Annual report, 1889, 1895, 1897. Little Rock, [i889]-97. O. pi. T Littleton (Mass.) — Conant, Albert Francis. History of Littleton's schools ; a paper read . . . Feb. 22, 1895. {In Littleton Hist. Soc. Proc. 1894-95, V. 1, p. 49-62.) C Lockport (N. Y.) — Union School. Catalogue . . . 1895-96, 1897-98. Lockport, 1896-98. O. pi. T Long Branch (N. J.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1890-91. Long Branch, \%^\. O. CITIES AND TOWNS 89 Los Angeles (Cal.) — Education, Board of. Annual report of the board . . . and . . . super- intendent of schools, 1893-1900. Los Angeles, 1894-1900. O. pi. T Course of study for kindergarten, primary, grammar and high school grades. 1899- 1900. Los Angeks iiSgg^i. O. 89 p. T Manual one. . . Report of condi- tion with recommendations. Jan. 5, 1895. Los Angeles, 1895. O. 64 p. tab. T Manual three. . . Working directions. Feb. 1895. [Los Angeles, 1895.] O. 31 p. tab. T liOuisville (Ky.) — School Board. Public schools ; course of study. 1899. Louisville, 1899. O. 91 p. T Reports, 1894-97, 1898-99. Louis- ville, 1895-99. O. pi. tab. T "LtO^reW. (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1854, 1862, 1886, 1892. Lowell, 1855-93. O. V. 29, 37, 61, 67. T Green, John Orne. Lowell and Harvard College ; read May 11, 1877. [In Lowell, Old Residents' Hist. Assoc. Contr. 1879. v. i, p. 229- 34.) C Merrill, Joshua. School district no. 5 and my connection with it ; read Feb. 12, 1872. {In Lowell, Old Residents' Hist. Assoc. Contr. 1879. V. I, p. 25-41.) C Lynn (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual re- port, 1886, 1890, 1892-94. Lynn, 1887-95, O. T Lyons (la.) — Education, Board of. Rules and regulations of the public schools of Lyons, with system of grades, course of study, and annual re- ports, January 31, 1892. Lyons, 1892. O. 93 p. T Macon (Ga.) — Education, Board of. Annual report of the public schools of the city of Macon and Bibb county, 1875, 1878-79, 1881-82, 1884-85, 1886-98, 1899-1900. Macon, 1881-1900. O. por. pi. V. 3, 6-7, 9-10, 12-13, T5-26, 28. T Madison (Wis.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1855-57, 1862-70, 1872-73, 1880, 1884, 1898-99. Madison, 1856-1900. O. T Maiden (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1854-55, 1857-58, 1860-62, 1891, 1898. Boston, 1855-1900. O. T Manchester (N. H.) — School Committee. An- nual report, with the annual report of the superin- tendent of public instruction, for 1855-56, 1857, 1859, 1862, 1868-72, 1873, 1888, 1893. Manches- ter, 1856-94. O. T School document : Questions for written ex- aminations, by J. G. Edgerly. Manchester, 1874. O. 137 P- T Mansfield (Mass.) — School Committee. Report, 1849-51. Boston, 1850-51. O. T Marblehead (Mass.) — School Committee. An- nual report for year ending Jan. i, 1893. Marble- head, 1893. O. 41 p. T Marion (O.) — Education, Board of. High School ; courses of study, 1900. Marion, 1900. Obi. S. 8 p. ill. T Topics for teachers' meetings, 1900-01. Sq. O. 12 p. T Mattoon (111.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1891. Mattoon [I89I]. O. 28 p. T Medford (Mass.) — School Committee. School reports, 1899-1900. Boston, 1899-1900. O. T Memphis (Tenn.) — Education, Board of . An- nual report, 1882-83. Memphis, 1883. O. T Manual [of the Memphis city schools, 1897-98]. Memphis, i2>q-]. O. 64 p. T Michigan City (Ind.) — Education, Board of . i8th annual report . . . June 12, 1891, and . . . rules and regulations, the course of study and the classification of the pupils. . . Michigan City, 1891. O. 30 p. T Middleborough (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1893-97. Middleborough, 1894-98. O. T Middlesboro (Ky.) — Education, Board of. Annual announcement and course of study of the public schools, 1895-97. Middlesboro, 1895-96. D. T Milfbrd (Mass.) — School Committee and Supt. of Schools. Report, 1878-79, 1891-92. Milford, 1879-92. O. T Mil^^aukee (Wis.) — School Board. Annual report, 1848-49, 1862, 1871-75, 1876-77, 1879-80, 1881-82, 1883-84, 1885-97, 1899. Milwaukee, 1848-99. O. tab. T 1898-99 ; manual of the Milwaukee public schools. [Milwaukee, 1899.] Sq. T. 135 p. T Graded course of the Milwaukee public schools ; a manual of matter and method. 6th ed. Milwaukee, 1896. D. 206 p. ill. T [Same] 7th ed. Milwaukee, 1898. D. 151 p. ill. T Milwaukee public schools ; list of sup- plies. Sq. T. 27 p. T Milwaukee public schools. May, 1897 ; law governing the administration of public schools in cities containing a population of 150,000 or more. Milwaukee, 1897. Sq. T. 28 p. T Rules and regulations . . . 1895, 1898. Milwaukee, 1895-98. T. T Donnelly, Patrick. History of Milwaukee public schools. Milwaukee [L^gi^. O. 32 p. T Minneapolis (Minn.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1873-74, 1886-88, 1889-91, 1898- 99. Minneapolis, 1874-99. O. v. 3, lo-ii, 13- 14, 21-22. T Moline (111.) — Education, Board of. i8th an- nual report, 1891 ; [and rules and regulations]. Moline [I89I]. O. 54 p. T Montclair (N. J.) — Education, Board of . Re- port for the school year ending June 30, 1899. Montclair [I899]. O. 43 p. por. T Public Schools, Supt. of. Course of study in the public schools of Montclair, N. J., 1892, 1895, 1899. New York, 1892-99. O. T 90 EDUCATION Murphy sboro (111.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1893. Murphysboro, 1893. ill. O. T Nashua (N. H.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1878-80, 1887, 1891. Nashua, 1879- 92. O. no. 12-14, 21, 25. T Nashville (Tenn.) — Education, Board of . An- nual report of the public schools, 1881-92, 1896-98. Nashville, 1892-98. O. ill. pi. T Course of study, city schools, Nash- ville. Nashville, 1898. O. 78 p. T Rules for the organization and govern- ment of the public schools, 1898. ^Nashville, 1898.] O. 22 p. T Natick (Mass.) — School Cofnmittee, Annual report, for year ending Feb. 28, 1892. Natick, 1892. O. 30 p. T New Britain (Ct.) — Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1891. [New Britain, 1891.] O. 24 p. T New Haven (Conn.) — Education, Board ef. Annual report, 1857-64, 1866-95. New Haven, 1857-95. O. pi. T New Haven public schools ; course of study in arithmetic. New Haven, 1898. O. 29 p. T New Haven public schools ; course of study in geography, with suggestions and directions to teachers. New Haven, 1898. O. 106 p. C T New Haven public schools ; course of study in history for the elementary schools, and suggestions to teachers. New Haven, 1900. O. 90 p. T New Haven public schools ; course of study in reading. New Haven, 1898. O. 40 ^. T Outlines on nature study in the primary grades. 1898. New Haven, 1898. O, 8 p. T New Orleans (La.) — School Directors, Board of. List of the public schools of New Orleans, giv- ing the name, location . . . 1886, 1890-91. New Orleans, 1886-91. S. T Rules and regulations for the public schools. 1889. New Orleans [I889.] O. 16 p. T NEW YORK CITY Official Publications Education, Board of. Addresses delivered on the occasion of the formal acceptance of the new hall of the Board of Education . . . February 22, 1900. New York, 1900. O. 30 + [i] p. pi. C Amendments to the provisions, arrange- ments, rules and regulations, concerning habitual truancy . . . filed Nov. 18, 1876. O. 6 p. C Annual report, 1843-51, 1853-96. New York, 1843-96. O. ill. pi. v. 2-10, 12-55. C For continuation see Education, Dept. of, below. Annual report of the executive committee on normal schools . . . December 31st, 1857. New York, 1858. O. v. 5. C Bylaws and general rules and regulations amended Dec, 29, 1858. . . New York, 1859. S. 102 p. c Communication from William A. Walker ... in relation to . . . organizing evening free schools . . . [July 27, 1846], O. 9 p. C Course of studies pursued in the grammar and primary schools, as amended . . . April 20, 1870. New York, 1870. O. 23 p. C Course of study to be pursued in the evening schools [1 847]. O. 6 p. C Directory of the board, 1858, i860, 1863, 1865-66, 1869, 1872-82, 1884-94, 1896. New York, 1858-96. T. and Tt. ill. map. C Documents . York, 1855-69. O. . [i854]-63, 1865-68. ill. pi. New C Eree lectures. Bulletins of free lectures to the people, 1895-6', 1896-7^3, i897-g8'-'«, 1898- 99*-3. New York, 1895-99. S. C Report of the free lectures to the peo- ple, season 1891-92, 1895-97, 1898-99. New York, 1892-99. O. • C Free lecture course in New York city ; addresses at the ninth annual reunion and dinner. May 4, 1899. New York, 1899. D. 39 p. C Handbook showing the names, positions, residences and salaries of the officers, professors and teachers under the jurisdiction of the Board ; the location of the colleges and schools. . . 1878, 1884, 1886, 1888. New York, 1878-88. T. C Journal, 1854-59, 1861-94, 1896-99. New York, 1854-99. O- tab. C Manual, 1848-56, 1858, 1860-72, 1874, 1876, 1878-94, igoo. New York, 1848-1900. T., S. and O. ill. C Memorial praying for an appropriation for the purpose of purchasing a library for the Free Academy. New York, 1850. O. 8 p. C Plan of instruction for the New York public schools. ]^New York, 1845.] O. 16 p. ill. C Public education in the city of New York, its history, condition and statistics ; an official report by Thomas Boese. . . New York, 1869. O. 228 p. pi. CT Report from the committee on course of studies and school books, adopted by the Board, December 7, 1864. New York, 1864. O. 14 p. C [Report] from the committee to prepare the annual report ... [May 17, 1848]. O. 47 p. C [Report] from the select committee, ap- pointed to inquire into the propriety and expediency of establishing a female free academy . . . [Novem- ber 14, 1849]. O. 26 p. C [Report] from the special committee to whom was referred the subject of abolishing corpo- ral punishment. . . Oct. i6th, 1850. . . O. 4 p. C CITIES AND TOWNS 91 Education, Board of (continued) [Report] in the matter of the investigation by the special committee of eight. New York, [I889.] Sq. Q. 18 p. C Report of the committee appointed to pre- pare a memorial to the legislature for such amend- ments to the act of April nth, 1842, as will render it practicable and comprehensible . . . [February 14, 1843]. O- Unpaged. C Report of the committee on buildings and repairs, to which was referred a resolution in regard to uniformity in the construction of school houses . . . [March 15, 1848]. O. 5 p. C Report of the committee on evening schools, in favor of making application to the Legislature to increase the appropriation and the establishment of evening schools for females . . . [February 2, 1848]. O. 16 p. C . . . [Report] from the committee on even- ing schools . . . 1849, 1850, 1853. New York, 1849-53. O. 31 p. C Report of the committee on school system relative to proposed legislation, December 18, 1895. O. 19 p. C Report of the committee on the annual ap- portionment of the school moneys, 1845-50. O. Report of the committee on the annual re- port, presented by T. A. Emmet . . . [May 14, 1845]. O. 16 p. C Report (of the executive committee on nor- mal schools, March 16, 1859 ; Article 18: Organi- zation and government of the Daily Normal School]. s^New York, 1859.] O. 9 p. C Report of the finance committee on the cost of ward school houses . . . [January 16, 185O]. O. Unpaged. C Report of the select committee appointed to estimate . . . the current annual expenses of common school instruction, 1845-46. O. C Report of the select committee appointed to prepare amendments to the school laws applicable to the city of New York . . . January 24, 1844. O. 8 p. C Report of the select committee in relation to the use of public school houses for hospital pur- poses. New York, 1849. O. 32 p. C Report of the select committee, on the mat- ter of evening free schools for the education of ap- prentices . . . January 20, 1847. . . O. 8 p. C Report of the select committee [on] the ap- plication of that part of the Literature fund . . . apportioned ... to the city and county of New York. New York, 1847. O. 24 p. C Report of the select committee to whom was referred a communication from the Trustees of the fourth ward in relation to the sectarian character of certain books in use in the schools of that ward. New York, 1843. O. 21 p. C Report of the special committee of eight on the memorial of the Public Education Society of the city of New York, March 6th, 1889. New York, 1889. O. 12 p. C Report of the special committee to whom was referred the investigation of certain books, with reference to religious sectarianism . . . [Jan- uary 31, 18431. O- c Report on vacation schools and playgrounds, 1898, 1899. \^New York, 1898-99.] O. pi. C [Reports] from the executive committee for the care, government and management of the Free Academy, 1848-53. New York, 1848-53. O. C Rules and regulations for the government of evening schools [1847, 1848]. O. 2 v. in I. C Schedules of teachers' salaries, adopted July 16, 1900. [AVw York, 1900.] O. 16 p. C Suggestions for the improvement of a city school system. ^New York, n. d.] Sq. O. 38 p. C Teacher's hand-book ... a compilation of the course of study and by-law^s . . . relative to teachers in public schools. . . New York, 1887. T. 96 p. T President. GREEN, Andrew Haswell. Ad- dress on his re-election as president of the Board of education ; delivered February 4, 1857. New York, 1857. O. 35 p. C Kelly, Robert. Remarks of the president of the Board of education, made upon as- suming the chair . . . June 4, 1849. • • [New York, 1849.] O. 10 p. C Larremore, Richard Ludlow. Ad- dress on his election as president of the Board of education ; delivered January 8th, 1868. New York, 1868. O. II p. C Inaugural address of the president [Of the Board of education, city of New York, Jan- uary 13, 1869]. O. 10 p. C Wood, William. Remarks on assum- ing the presidency of the Board of education, Janu- ary I2th, 1876. New York, 1876. O. 10 p. C Education, Dept. of. Annual report, for . . . 1898-99. New York, 1898-99. O. v. 1-2. C For earlier reports see Education, Board of, above. Report and appendix ... of . . . the amount necessary to meet the requirements of the Ahearn law for the year 1899. . . . New York, 1900. O. 57 p. tab. C Report of the Commissioners of Accounts. Report to the mayor, in regard to a state- ment dated Dec. 19, 1900, published and circulated through the medium of the . . . Merchants' Assoc. [New York] igoi. O. 40 p. C See De Berard, Frederick B. Analysis, etc., under sub- heading General, below. Female High-School. Rules. New York, 1826. S. 12 p. C Free Academy. Addresses delivered [at] the opening of the Academy, Jan. 27, 1849. New York, 1849. O. 39 p. C Annual register, 1857-58, 1860-65. Neiv York, 1857-65. O. pi. C 92 EDUCATION Free Academy f continued ) Annual report on . . . [itS] operations and condition by the Board of Education of the city of New York, 1855, 1857, i860, 1862, New York, 1855-62, O. V. 7, 9, 12, 14. C Catalogue, 1851-53, 1856-57. New York, 1851-56. O. C Examination papers. 1856. New York, 1856. O. C Merit roll, July, 1856. New York, 1856. O. 8p. C Benedict, Erastus Cornelius. Address de- livered at the first anniversary of the Free Academy of the city of New York, July 24, 1850. New York, 1850. O. 38 p. C New York {^X'SA.^—Legislature. Act au- thorizing the Board of Education of the city and county of New York to establish a Free Academy. New York, 1847. O. 7 p. T Normal College. Annual commencement. 1871, 1886. O. & S. no. 2, 17,. C Simmons, Joseph Edward. Address delivered at the commencement of the Normal Col- lege, June 30, 1887. New York, 1887. O. 18 p. C Annual report of the president . . . 1870- 80, 1891, 1893, 1895-96, 1898. V. r-io, 21, 23. 25-26, 28. New York, 1871-99. O. pi. C The first annual report for 1870 is not included in the numbering. Dedication of the New York Normal College edifice, October 29, 1873. New York, 1873. O. 48 p. C AlumncB. Addresses at annual reunion of the Associate alumnae, June 27, 1885. ^New York, 1885.] O. 12 p. C Public Instruction, Dept. of. Addresses delivered at the organization meeting of the Depart- ment of public instruction April 29, 1871. . . New York, 187 1. O. 43 p. C School Board for the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx. Directory. [New York] 1899. T. 369 p. C Schools, Superintendent of. Annual Report - . . . 1843, 1872, 1898-99. New York, 1843-99. o. c Report ... in relation to the proper size, construction and means of ventilating school houses . . . May 13, 1846. New York, 1846. O. 20 p. C NEW YORK CITY General _ Aldermen, Board of. Act to extend to the city and county of New York the provisions of the general act in relation to common schools [April 18, 1842]. O. p. 691-98. (Doc. no. 86.) C Brainerd, Cephas. Public school system of New York city, imperfect, extravagant and ineffi- cient ; the true remedy . , . New York, O. 31 p. C Citizens* Association. Report of the committee appointed to examine into the system of public in- struction in the city of New York. . . [Feb. 16 1869]. O. 36 p. c Wholesale corruption ! sale of situations in Fourth ward schools : the evidence in the case. New York, 1864. O. 20 p. c City Club. Proposed school legislation ; mem- orandum on pending legislative bills affecting pub- lic schools in the city. . . * New York, 1900. D. 33 P- C Commission to revise the laws affecting com- mon schools and public education. Report. . . New York, 1894. O. 28 p. C Common Council. Report of the committee on laws on public schools, August 29, 1825. . . O. 20 p. c Report of the committee on laws on the dis- tribution of the common school fund. New York, 1825. O. 14 p. c Council of Political Reform. Report on com- pulsory education by D. A. Hawkins, December 30, 1873. New York, 1874. O. 13 p. C De Berard, Frederick B. Analysis of school expenses of the city of New York. Report to the Board of directors of the Merchants' Association of New York, Dec. 9, 1900. ^New York, 1900.] Q. 20 p. C T See also Education, Dept. of, Report to the Mayor, etc., above, p. gi, and Merchants' Assoc, below. Education in the city of New York ; [report of a rneeting held July 15, 1872] for the purpose of de- vising means for the improvement of education in New York. O. 16 p. C Educational Alliance. Announcement of courses, igoo-oi. [New York, 1900.] O. 40 p. C Free School Society. Annual report of the trustees, 1814-20, 1824. New York, 1814-24. F. V. 9-15, 19. C By-laws as revised and adopted by the trus- tees. . . 1818. New York, 1819. O. 24 p. C List of the members, subscribers and trus- tees. New York, 1822. D. 11 p. C On the establishment of public schools in . . . New York. New York, 1825. O. 18 p. C Report of the committee on the state of the New York Free-school [Feb. 1818.] ^New York, 1818.] O. 8 p. C Account of the Free-school Society of New York. New York, 18 14. O. 70 + [2] p. C Clinton, De Witt. Address to the bene- factors and friends of the Free School Society of New York ; delivered . . . (December) 1809. . . New York, 1810. O. 18 p. C Vanderbilt, John. Address delivered in the New York Free School . . . 27th ... of De- cember, 1809. . . New York, 1810. O. 24 p. C CITIES AND TOWNS 93 Good Government Club E. Publications. New York, 1894-95. O. 9 nos. in i v. C T Contents : 1. Public school reform in N. Y., by S. H. Olin. 2. Constitution of Good Government Club E., Nov. 1894. 3. Annual report of trustees of Club " E" for 1894. 4. Report of committee on public schools. Nov. 1894. 5. Letter of W. W. Locke, on education and the public schools, 1894. 6. Report and recommendations of the committee on public schools. 7. Public school buildings in New York city. 8. Conference on schools. 9. Progress in school reform. Senate Bill no. 328. High-School Society. Annual report of the trustees. . . New York, 1825-26. O. no. 1-2. C Charter, by-laws and regulations [1825]. iNew York, 1825.] Nar. D. 12 p. C Report of a committee to prepare a plan of instruction to be pursued in the High school. New York, 1824. Nar. O. 15 p. C [Report of] a meeting of the subscribers to a fund for the erection of a school . . . May 15th, 1824. . . {^New York, 1824.] D. 7 p. C Merchants* Association of New York. The increase in taxation and the outlays of the Board of Education. Feb. 4, 1901. [New York, i8oi.] D. 15 p. . c See also De Berard, Frederick B., above. Ne^v York Tribune. Public schools of New York, a . . . description and history of each public school in the city. . . New York, 1896. Q. 126 p. ill. T O'Conor, Rev. John F. X. Education in the city schools of New York. New York [I90O]. D. 27 p. C Old Fifth Street School Association. Annual report, 1883-84. New York, 1884. O. v. i. C People's University Extension Society. Uni- versity extension in New York. [New York, 1899.] Sq. S. 40 p. C Public Education Association. Annual report, 1895-1900. New York [I895-190O]. O. v. i- 6. C Butler, Nicholas Murray. Memorial of the Public Education Society of the city of N. Y. to the Board of Education ; presented Feb. 6, 1889. New York, 1889. O. 16 p. (No. 7 in his Twelve papers.) C T Public School Society. Address of the Trustees to their fellow-citizens respecting the extension of their public schools. New York, 1828. O. 18 + [I] p. C Annual report of the Trustees, New York, 1840-49. O. v. 35-44. 1840-49. C Manual. ill. New York, 1850. O. 133 C Bourne, William Oland. History of the Public School Society of the city of New York. New York, 1870. O. 32 -f- 768 p. por. C T Mason, John L. Remarks of John L. Mason and Jos. S. Bosworth before the Board of education, March 17 and 24, 1847, upon the right and power claimed by the Public School Society to estab- lish new common schools. . . New York, 1847. O. 49 p. C New York (City) — Aldermen, Board of. Report of the committee on laws and applications to the Legislature on the memorial of the Trustees of the Public School Society . . . for the extension of the benefits of common school education . . . [March 7, 1842]. O. C Education, Board of. Report of the conference committee, in reference to a communi- cation from the Board of trustees of the Public School Society . . . [October 20, 1847]. O. 4 p. C Report of the finance committee, to which was referred an application of the Public School Society of New York, for an appropriation of $10,152.63, . . . [November 15, 1848]. O. 16 p. C Report of the finance committee, on the application of the Public School Society, for an appropriation of $26,103.48 . . . [October 17,. 1849]. O. 9 p. C Report of the select committee, to which was referred a communication from the Pub- lic School Society, in answer to a resolution of inquiry, passed . , . February nth, 1846 . . . [January 20, 1847]. O. 16 p. C Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. History of the school 1633-1883. 2d ed. . . enlarged. New York, 1883. O. 20 -I- 284 p. ill. por. pi. map. C DuNSHEE, Henry Webb. History of the school of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, in the city of N. Y. from 1863 . . . with an intro- duction by T. De Witt. . . New York, 1853. D. 120 p. C School no. 47. Graduates' reunion, senior de- partment, 1865, 1871. New York, 1865-71. Sq. O. 2 V. in I. C Simmons, Joseph Edward. Address on the present condition and progress of popular education in the city of New York ; delivered . . . January II, 1888. . . New York, 1888. O. 23 p. C Teachers* Association of Queens Borough — Committee on legislation. Brief in favor of a dis- tributive teachers' quota of $600, in the City of New York. [I899.] O. 4 p. C T^eenty-second Ward. Manual of the Board of trustees of the Twenty-second Ward, 1874, 1878. New York, 1874-78. T. 2 v. in i. C White, Horace. Speech delivered in the Sen- ate, state of New York, March 31, 1896; on the public school system of the city of New York. O. II p. C 94 EDUCATION College of the City of New York. An- nual register, 1866-75, 1876-99. New York, 1866- 99. O. ill. C Annual report of the faculty, 1 869-1 870, 1873, 1878, 1888. New York, 1870-S9. O. C Alumni. Address of the associate alumni to the Board of trustees. New York, 1869. O. II p. C President, York, 1873. O. Annual report, 1872. New C Larremore, Richard Ludlow. Re- marks of the president of the Board of trustees of the College of the City of New York upon the pro- posed change in the course of studies therein. New York, 1869. O. 27 p. C System of marks, examinations and promo- tions. {New York-^ 1870. O. i p. C Trustees. Annual report of the trustees, 1873. New York, 1873. O- C — Manual of the Board of trustees, 1870. New York, 1870. T. 48 p. C New York County — Supervisors, Board of. Report of the Committee on annual taxes and finance on the College of the City of New York. New York, 1873. O. 53 p. C Sands, Nathaniel. Communication, June 5th, 1869, to Magnus Gross, chairman of the " Ex- ecutive committee for the care, government and management of the College of the City of New York." {New York, 1869.] O. 11 p. C Simmons, J. Edward. Higher education a public duty ; an address delivered at the commence- ment of the College of the City of New York, June 2ist, 1888. New York, 1888. O. 32 p. C Tanzer, Arnold. College of the City of New York. Shall it be abolished? No. 3. New York, 1878. O. 8 p. C Ne'w York (City) University. [Announce- ment] 1836, 1898-99. New York, 1836-98. O. C r Biographical catalogue of the chancellors, professors and graduates of the Department of arts and science. . . New York, 1884. O. 10 -+- 311 p. I pi. C Catalogue, 1839-47, 1848-50, 1853-57, 1859-61, 1865-66, 1867-70, 1871-75, 1879-80, 1S83-S8, 1889-1900. New York, 1839-1900. O. C Catalogue of the officers and alumni, 1852. New York, 1852. O. C Chancellor. Report, 1891, 1897, 1899. New York, 1891-99. Sq. O. C Inauguration of Rev. Howard Crosby ... as Chancellor, 17th November, 1870. New York, 1871. O. 49 p. C Commencement week, 1868, 1870, 1872. D. C Council. Exposition . late measures of retrenchment respecting the . which led to the dismissal of some of the professors in the Faculty of science and letters. A^ew York, 1838. O. 96 p. C Protest by members of the Council . . . against the minute of a vote suspending the Academical department. New York, 1881. O. 9 p. C Examinations for admission, 1885. O. C Graduate Seminary. Announcements for, 1894-96 ; catalogues for 1893-95. New York, 1894-95. D. C Observatory. Report of the visitors of the University observatory for 1895-96. ^New York, 1896.] O. 8 p. C October 19, 1895 ; opening-day addresses. New York i\%<)i^y O. 64 + [8] p. pi. C Pedagogy, School of. Announcements, 1897- 1901. New York [1897-190O]. D. ill. C Catalogue and circular, 1892-93, 1896- 97. New York [ 1892-96]. D. C Its aims and the opportunities it affords. 20 p. C Sq. D. Protest presented by the faculties of arts and science to the Council against a proposed suspension of the undergraduate department, March 14th, 1881. O. 15 p. C School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance. Announcements for 1900-01. [New York, 1900.] O. 23 p. C Summer Courses. Announcement, 1895- 97. New York, 1895-97. D. C University College. Announcements for 1900-01. [New York, 1900.] D. pi. C Adler, George J. Letters of a lunatic ; or, A brief exposition of my university life during the years 1853-54. . . «./., 1854. O. 31 p. C Anthon, George Christian. Narrative and documents connected with the displacement of the Professor of Greek language and literature in the University . . . April 2d, 1851. New York, 185 r. O. 72 p. c Considerations upon the expediency and the means of establishing a university in the city of New York ; addressed to the citizens. New York, 1830. O. 29 p. C Draper, John William, M.D. Indebted- ness of the City of New York to its University ; an address to the Alumni ... at their twenty-first an- niversary, 28th June, 1853. New York, 1853. O. 30 p. C Hackley, Charles William. Catechism and notes upon the algebras of Bourbon and Lacroix ; for the use of the students of the New York Uni- versity. New York, 1834. O. 26 p. C History of the controversy in the Univer- sity of the City of New York ; with original docu- ments and an appendix ; by the professors of the Faculty of science and letters. New York, 1838. O. 50 + 28 p. c CI TIES AND TOWNS 95 New York (City) University. Mason, Rev. Cyrus. Growth and prospects of the University of the City of New York ; a dis- course before the Alumni association delivered at the University Place Church on the evening before commencement. New York, 1847. O. 32 p. C Proudfit, John W. , and others. Letter to the Councillors of the University . . . from the Pro- fessors of the Faculty of science and letters. New York, 1838. O. 19 p. C Tallmadge, James. Address delivered May 20, 1837, in the chapel ... on occasion of the dedi- cation of the building to the purposes of science, literature and religion. New York, 1837. O. 23 p. C Vethake, Henry, Mulligan, John, and Tor- rey, John. Exposition of the reasons for the resig- nation of some of the professors in the University of the City of New York. New York, 1833. O. 24 p. C Newark (N. J.) — Education, Board of . Annual report, 1875-77, 1880-81, 1883-99. Newark, 1876- 1900. O. V. 19-21, 24-25, 27-43. T Nevrburgh (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1885-87, 1889-96, 1899. Newburgh, 1886-99. O- T Newport (Ky.) — Public Schools, Board of Trustees. Annual report, 1891-94. Newport, 1891-94. O. T Newport (R. I.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1867-97, with the [2d]-32d Annual report of the Superintendent of public schools, 1867-97. iV^w/tJr/, 1868-98. O. 'pi. T HiGGiNSON, Thomas Wentworth, and Clarke, T. H. Sketch of the public schools in . . . New- port. (/« R. I.— Pub. Sch., Dept. of. Hist, of pub. ed. in R. I. 1876. p. 251-78.) O. T Newton (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1879, 1897-98. Newton, 1879-98. T Niles (O.) — Education, Board of. Third annual report, for the year ending Aug. 31, 1891. Niles, 1891. O. 16 p. ill. T North Tonaw^anda (N. Y.) — Education, Board of . Report and manual. 1895-96. North Tonawanda, 1895. O. T Northampton (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1871-72, 1888-96. Boston, 1889- 97. O. pi. T — Rules. Northampton, 1882. O. T Norwich (N. Y.)— Public Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1885-86, 1889, 1891, 1894, 1896-98. Norwich, 1885-98. O. T Nyack(N. Y.)— C/«w« Free School, Supt. of. Annual report, 1891, 1893. Nyack, 1891-93. O. T Oakland (Cal.) — Education, Board of. Annual report of the public schools, 1881, 1883, 1886, 1890- 91, 1892-93, 1895-98. Oakland, 1881-98. O. T Course of study of the public schools of the city of Oakland, 1890. Oakland, Cal., 1890. O. 35 + [I] p. T Rules and regulations and course of study of the public schools. 1880,1893. Oakland, 1880-93. O. T Brown, Elmer Ellsworth. Appointment of teachers : address before the Board of education of the city of Oakland, California, December 6, 1897. O. 14 p. T The school. (Tompkins school mono- graphs, no. I.) Oakland, 1896. O. 12 p. T Ogden (Utah) — Education, Board of. Report for year ending June 30, 1892 ; Manual of instruc- tion for 1892-93. [Ogden, 1892.] O. 60 p. T Omaha — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1884-85, 1887, 1889, 1893, 1895, 1896-97, 1898- 1900. Omaha, 1885-1900. O. ill. pi. tab. T Newton, Mrs. M. B, History of edu- cation in Omaha. {In Nebraska Hist. Soc. Trans, and reports. 1892. v. 3, p. 59-66.) C Onondaga (N. Y.) — Educational Council. Annual report, 1890. Syracuse, 1890. O. v. 6. T Oskaloosa (la.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1889, 1891-92. Oskaloosa, 1889-92. Nar. D. and O. T Rules, regulations and courses of study. Oskaloosa, 1886. S. 58 p. T Oshkosh (Wis.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1894, 1899. Oshkosh, 1894-99. O. T Os^rego (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1868, 1871-76, 1878-81, 1891. Oswego, 1868-91. O. V. 15, 18-23, 25-2S, 30. T Schools, Supt of. Report, 1880-82, 1888- 91, 1899-1900. Oswego, 1880-1900. O. T Ow^ensboro (Ky.) — Public Schools, Supt of. Annual report, 1892-95. Owensboro, 1892-95. O. v. 21, 23. T Paducah (Ky.) — Public School Board. nual report, 1890-91. Paducah, 1891. O. Rules, regulations and course of in- struction. 1888-89. Paducah [1888-89]. O. T Pasadena (Cal.) — Public Schools, Supt. of. Report, 1890-92, 1894. Pasadena, 1890-94. Passaic (N. J.) — Education, Dept. of. nual report, 1897-98. Passaic, 1899. O. Manual. [Passaic, 1895.] T. P- Passaic Co. (N. J.) — Public Schools, Supt. of. Course of study, primary and grammar grades, in the public schools. Paterson, 1896. O. 28 p. T Paterson (N. J.) — Public Instruction, Com- missioners of. Annual report, 1869, 1880-81, 1888, 1890-92. Paterson, 1869-92. O. T Outline course of study in English for elementary schools. 1892. Paterson, 1892. O. 15 p. T Pawlucket (R. I.) — School Committee. An- nual report, 1885, 1887, 1890-93. Pawtucket, 1886-93. O. T An- T O. An- T 114 T 96 EDUCATION Peoria (111.) — Public Schools, Supt. of. An- nual report, 1893, 1895. Peoria, 1893-95. O. v. 37, 39- T Philadelphia — Central High School. Annual report for the year ending July 16, 1846, by John S. Hart. Philadelphia, 1846. O. 146 p. T Class of 1894. Record. ^Phila- delphia-\ 1894. O. 212 p. ill. por. T Course of study and announcement of the Department of commerce in Central high school 1898-99. Philadelphia, 1898. O. 16 p. T City Institute. Annual report, 1873-74, 1876-88, 1899-1900. Philadelphia, 1873-1900. O. V. 21-22, 24-36, 47-48. T Educational Club. [Publications.] O. C Address by Dr. Edward Brooks ... at first public meeting, Nov. 25, 1892. 1892. An evolution of play ; a paper read . . . Dec. 15, 1893, by Sydney T. Skidmore. 1894. Report of special correspondence presented by M. B. Snyder, Feb. 18, 1893. 1893. Logan Evening School for Young Men. Report ... for the school term, 1849-50. Phila- hia, 1850. Nar. O. 13 p. T Public Education, Board of. Annual re- port, 1818, 1820, 1845-52, 1856, 1858-59, 1861. 1864-71, 1874-75, 1879-84, 1886-90, 1892-93, 1894- 99. Philadelphia, 1819-99. O. pi. tab. v. i, 3, 27-34. 38, 40-41, 43. 46-53. 56-57, 61-66, 68-72, 76-81. T Manual of the course of instruction in the primary schools in reading, spelling, language, object lessons, and writing, 1884. Philadelphia, 1899. O. 40 p. T Philadelphia Public Schools. Manual of the graded course of instruction in language, geog- raphy, and history in the grammar schools ; with Syllabuses of the instruction in geography. United States history, and civil government. Philadelphia, 1895. O. 78 p. T Report of the committee appointed to inquire into the sanitary condition of the schools of the First school district of Pennsylvania, City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1875. O. 8 tab. 37 p. T Brooks, Edward. The course of in- struction in geography for the public schools in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1899. O. 37 p. T The course of instruction in the history of the United States for the public schools of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1899. O. 24 p. T The course of study in arithmetic for the public schools of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1900. O. 60 p. T Report on vertical penmanship, presented to the Board of public education of Phila- delphia, 1899. Philadelphia, 1899. O. 12 p. T Special report on the teaching of music in the elementary schools of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, i?,c)S. O. 20 p. T Suggestions for instruction in language in the elementary schools. Philadelphia, 1900. O, 76 p. T Public Education Association. Annual re- port. Philadelphia, 1889. O. v. 8. C Harley, Lewis R. A history of the Public Education Association of Philadelphia ; with an Introduction by E. J. James. Philadelphia, 1896. O. 52 p. C The organization and financial powers of the Dept. of Education . . . Addresses . . . Feb. 9, 1900, by James T. Young, and L. S. Rowe. ^Philadelphia^ 1900. O. p. 27-59. C Public Schools, Supt. of. Manual of the graded course of instruction in the grammar schools ... Philadelphia, 1887. O. 92 p. T Manual of the graded course of in- struction in the primary schools. Philadelphia, 1887. O. 78 p. T Manual of the graded course of instruc- tion in the secondary schools. Philadelphia, 1887. O. 39 p. T Shippen, Edward. Address on the occasion of the dedication of the " Hollingsworth School," delivered 31st October, 1867. Philadelphia, 1867. O. 31 p. c Sub-Primary School Society. Free kinder- gartens ; annual meeting with a report of the pro- ceedings connected with the transfer of the kinder- gartens to the Board of public education, January 20, 1887. Philadelphia [I887]. O. 42 p. T Report for 1884. Free kindergartens. Philadelphia, 1885. O. 15 p. T Teachers' Bazar. Souvenir ; the Teachers' bazar in aid of ' ' The Teachers' fund "... Dec. 3, 189T. Philadelphia, 1891. Obi. D. 68 p. ill. C Phillipsburg (N. J.) — Education, Board of. Report, 1891. Phillipsburg, 1892. O. T Pittsburg (Pa.) — Education, Central Board of. Annual report of the superintendent of public schools, 1872, 1882-85. Pittsburg, 1873-85. O. v. 4, 14-17. T Grade and course of study for the Pitts- burg public schools, Oct., 1893. O. 52 p. T Pittsfield (Mass.) — School Committee. An- nual report, 1885-88, 1889-91, 1894, 1897-99. Pittsfield, 1885-99. O. T Plainfield (N. J.) — Education, Board of . An- nual report, 1893-99. Plainfield, 1893-99. O. T Pomona (Cal.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1891. Pomona, 1891. O. v. i. T Port Jervis (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1890. Port Jervis, 1890. O. T Portland (Ind.) — School Trustees, Board of. Manual of the public schools ; with the superinten- dent's report for the years ending July 31, 1893-94 . . . Portland, 1894. O. 84 p. pi. T Portland (Me.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1873, 1893-94. Portland, 1873-94. O. CITIES AND TOWNS 97 Portland (Ore.) — Public Schools, Directors of. Annual report, 1882, 1894-95, 1896-98. Portland, 1882-98. O. V. 9, 22, 24-25. T Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) — Education, Board of . Annual report, 1882, 1887-88, 1893, 1898-99. Potighkeepsie, 1883-1900. O. T Poultney (Vt.) — Graded School. Catalogue. 1887-88, 1890-91. Poultney, 1888-91. O. T Providence (R. I.) — City Council. Brief sketch of the establishment of the High school, Providence, together with the dedicatory exercises of the new building. Providence, 1878. O. 129 p. pi. T School Committee. Annual report, 1846, 1848, 1855, 1857, 1859-60, 1863, 1868-75, 1877-78, 1883, 1885-99. Providence, 1846-99. O. ill. T By-laws . . . with the city ordinan- ces and the public statutes and laws of the state of Rhode Island relating to the public schools of . . . Providence. Providence, 1892. S. 5 + 79 P- T Manual of the public schools of the city of Providence, Sept. 1871. Providence, 1871. S. 60 -j- [6] p. T Providence public school. Courses of study for high schools, 1899. Providence, 1899. O. 8 p. T Courses of study. Sept. 1899. Providence, 1899. O. 52 + i8 + 8 p. T Stone, Rev. Edwin Martin. A century of education ; being a concise history of the rise and progress of the public schools in the city of Provi- dence. Prov dence, i?>-]b, Q. 84 p. C Quincy (111.) — Education, Board of. 30th an- nual report . . . for the school year ending July 31, 1891. Quincy, 1891. O. 63 p. ill. T Quincy (Mass.) — School Committee. Report. 1879-81, 1882-95, 1897-99. Boston [i88o]-99, O. T Outline course in arithmetic. 1895. Quincy, 1895. Ob. S. 10 p. T Outline course in language. 1896. Quincy, 1896. Ob. S. 10 p. T Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. The new de- parture in the common schools of Quincy, and other papers on educational topics. . . 6th ed., with additional paper. Boston, 1881. O. 74 p. C Northrop, Birdsey Grant. The Quincy method. {In Am, Inst, of Instr. Lect. 1880. p. 3-27.) C Patridge, Lelia E. "Quincy methods" illustrated ; pen photographs from the Quincy schools. . . New York, 1886. D. 15 + [ij + 660 p. pi. C Racine (Wis.) — Education, Board of . Manual for the use of the teachers of the public schools. Racine, 1891. O. T Public schools, [report], 1882-1883. Racine, 1883. O. T Schools, Supt. of Richmond, 1892- T Raleigh (N. C.)— Public Schools, Dept. of. Annual report, 1896. Raleigh, 1896. O. T Reading (Pa.) — Public Schools, Board of Con- trol of the. Manual and directory, 1887-88, 1891- 92. Reading, 1887-91. T. T Richmond (Ind.) — School Trustees, Beard of. Biennial report, 1891. Richmond, 1891. O. T Richmond (Va.) — Public Annual report, 1891, 1893, 189 99. O. V. 22, 24, 29. Riverside (Cal.) — Public Schools, Superinten- dent of . Annual report, 1890-91. Riverside, iSgi. O. T Rochester (Ind.) — Education, Board of . An- nual report, 1892-93. ^Rochester, 1893.] O. v. 12. T Rochester (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1872-74, 1883-91. Rochester, 1872- 91. O. V. 29-32, 36-44. T By-laws and course of education, 1869. Rochester, 1869. O. T Rock Island (III.) — Education, Board of. Catalogue and course of study of the Rock Island High school, 1897-98. Rock Island [1897]. O. pi. T Annual T Report, T Annual Rockland {)At^.)— School Committee. report, 1896-97. Rockland, 1897. O. Rome (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. 1886. 1888, 1890. Rome, 1887-9T. O. Rozbury (Mass.) — School Committee. report, 1S39, 1842, 1845, 1848-51, 1855, 1857-58, 1860-64, 1866-67. Roxbury, 1839-67. O. T Regulations, 1853, 1861, 1864, 1866- 67. Roxbury, 1853-67. O. T Report of the examination of the pub- lic schools, 1854-57. Roxbury, 1854-57. O. T Report of the special committee . . . in relation to the late examination . . . for admis- sion to the English High School. . , Roxbury, 1857. O. 15 p. T Roxbury Latin School. Catalogue, 1877-8. Boston, 1878. D. C DiLLAWAY, Charles Knapp. History of the grammar school, or The free schoole of 1645 in Roxburie. . . Roxbury ^Mass.j i860. D. 202 p. I fac-sim. C T Greene, J. Evarts. The Roxbury Latin School, Roxbury, Mass. ; an outline of its history ; read at the semi-annual meeting of the American Antiquarian Society, April 27, 1887. Worcester, 1887. O. 21 p. C Saginaw {W\c\i.)—Edtuation, Board of . East Side, Public schools ; manual of instruction, 1896- 97. [Course of study.] [Saginaw, iiq6.-^ O. T St. Joseph (Mo.) — Public Schools, Board of. Annual report, 1882-83, 1886-87, 1888-89, 1890- 93. St. Joseph, 1884-93. O. pi. tab. v. 19, 23, 25, 27-29. T Courses of instruction and general regu- lations of the St. Joseph High school. 1892-93. St. Joseph, 1S93. O. 12 p. T 98 EDUCATION St. Louis (Mo.) — Board of Education. Course of study, St. Louis Normal and high school. 1895, St. Louis [1895]. O. 46 p. T Course of study Louis, 1887.] O. 147 p. St. Louis public schools. study of the High school April, 1887. iSt. T Course of St, Louis, n. d. O. 4 p. T St. Louis public schools. Course of study of the High school. 1900. St. Louis [I90O]. O. 3P. T Rules formulated in the sessions of the Board . . . adopted Aug. 2d, 1897, amended Oct. I2th, 1897. St. Louis, Mo., 1897. O. 17 + 105 p. T Public Schools, Board of Directors of. An- nual report, 1854, 1859-60, 1865-99. St. Louis, 1854-99. O- i''!- P^- ^- ^' ^' ^2' 45- T St. Paul [}limxi.)— Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1890-91, 1894-95. St. Paul, 1891-95. O. tab. V. 33, 36-37. T Salem (Mass. ) — Board of Education . Course of study and text-books used in the public schools of Salem. 1887. Salem, 1887. O. 21 p. T Low Educational Fund. The Low fund ; with the proceedings of the city government in re- lation to the same. Salem, 1891. F. 14 p. T School Committee. Report of the Superin- tendent of schools, 1848, 1851, 1855, 1885, 1888, 1891, 1893. Boston, 1848-93. O. T San Diego (Cal.) — Education, Board of. Re- port of the public schools, 1896-97. San Diego, 1897. O. pi. T Rules, 1889. O. 25 p. ill. T San Francisco (Cal.) — Education, Board of. Courses of study for the public schools of the city and county. 1900. San Francisco [I90O]. O. 311 p. tab. T Public Schools, Dept. of. Annual report, 1865, 1867, 1871-72, 1875, 1878. 1888, 1892-93, 1895, 1896-98. San Francisco, 1865-98. O. ill. pi. V. 12, 14, 18-19, 22. 25, 35, 39-40. 42, 44-45- San Francisco, 18 Course of study. O. 134 + [I] P- T Lowell High-school ; Course of study. 1899-1900. San Francisco, 1900. O. T Schedule of work for the primary and grammar grades. 1899. San Francisco, 1899. O. 48 p. T Kellogg, A. E., and Blanchard, M. E. English literature in the ninth grade ; illustrated by work with Longfellow's " Evangeline." San Fran- cisco, 1896. O. 21 p. T Teachers' Club. The school fund litigation : report by the committee on municipal relation, adopted by the Club at its regular meeting, March 13, 1899. San Francisco [I899]. O. 15 p. T San Joaquin (Cal.) — Education, Board of. Manual for the public schools, 1896. Stockton, Cal., 1896. O. 58 p. T San Jos^ (Cal.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1899. San Josi, 1900. O. T Sandusky (Ohio) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1888-89, 1891. Sandusky, 1888-91. O. T Santa Rosa (Cal.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1894. Santa Rosa, 1894. O. v. i. T Saratoga (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887-91. Saratoga Springs, 1 880-92. O. T Savannah (Ga.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1887, 1890-91, 1899. Savannah, 1887-91. O. V. 22, 25-26, 34. T Sayre (Pa.) — Public Schools, Directors of. An- nual catalogue, 1892-94. Sayre, 1892-93. D. T Schenectady (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1856, 1871-77. Schenectady, 1856, 1872-78. O. pi. T Seattle (Wash.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1884-85, 1889, 1891-93. Seattle, 1885- 94. O. pi. T Public Instruction, Supt. of. Seattle schools; course of study and plan of promotion and classifi- cation, 1899. Seattle, 1898. O. m p. T Sedalia (Mo.) — Education, Board of. Report, 1895-96. Sedalia, 1896. O. T Sioux City (Iowa) — Education, Board of. port, 1891-92, 1893-98. Sioux City, 1892-99. Re- O. T An- O. T Skowhegan (Me.) — School Committee. nual report ... for year ending Feb. 20, 1895 25 P- Somerville (Mass.) — School Committee. An- nual report, 1889-94. Somerville, 1890-95. O. ill. por. V. 18-23. T Rules, and regulations and courses of study, 1886, 1891-92. Somerville, 1886-92. O. T South Kingston (R. I.) — School Committee. Report for school year 1894-95. Wakefield [1 895]. O. 16 p. table. T South Orange (N. J.) — Public Schools, Supt. of. Course of study and teachers' manual of Co- lumbia public school, South Orange, N. J. 1 891-2. O. 35 p. T Spencer (Mass.) — School Committee. Report, 1886-87, 1891-92. Spencer, 1887-92. O. T Spokane (Wash.) — Education, Board of. Bi- ennial report, 1889-92, 1893-98. Spokane Falls, 1890-99. O. pi. T Springfield (111.) — Public Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1875, 1890-93, 1895-96. Spring- field, 1875-96. O. T Springfield (Mass.) — School Committee. Cen- tral High school, courses of study. 1898-99. Spring- field, 1898-99. O. T Course of study for the public schools of Springfield, Mass. 1880. Springfield, 1880. O. 59 P- "^ Courses of study of the public schools of Springfield, Mass.; arithmetic: supplement on mensuration, 1891. Springfield, 1891. O. 11 p. CITIES AND TOWNS 99 Springfield (Mass.) — School Committee (con- tinued) Mechanic arts high school, Springfield, Mass. Springfield. O. 20 p. T An outline of a course in drawing and art study for the primary and grammar schools of 1893. [898. Springfield, li grammar 16 p. O. T schools. T Springfield, Mass 21 p. Physics in the Springfield, 1893. O. The public schools of Springfield, Mass, Syllabus of work in arithmetic, 1889. Springfield, 1889. O. 12 p. T The public schools of Springfield, Mass. Syllabus of work in written language work. 1889, 1897. Springfield, 1889-97. O. T Public schools ; outline of work in music. Springfield, n. d. O. 18 p. T Report, 1876, 1878-82,' 1885-87, 1890-92, 1893-98. Springfield, 1877-99. O. pi. T Chapin, Charles Wells. History of the " Old high school "... Springfield, Massachu- setts, from 1828 to 1840, with a personal history of the teachers. Springfield, Mass., 1890. O. 129 p. I ill. por. I pi. T A modern house of learning . . . erected . . . eighteen hundred and ninety eight [in Spring- field, Mass.] Springfield, Mass. [I898]. Sq. O. Unpaged, ill. i pi. T Steelton {Va,.)— Public Schools, Supt. of. Re- port, 1885-91. Steelton, -i^^^-c)!. O. T Stockton (Cal.) — Education, Board of. Out- line of studies for the primary and grammar schools. Stockton, 1900. O. 219 -h [I] p. T Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1892- 93. Stockton, 1893. O. T Stoneham (Mass.) — School Committee. Re- port for year ending Jan. 31, 1892. Stoneham [1892]. O. 19 p. T Syracuse (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. nual report, 1861, 1868-78, 1883, 1886-89, > 97, 1900. Syracuse, 1861-97. O. ill. por. V. 13, 20-30, 35, 38-41, 42-49. 52. cuse, 1 86 1. ■ Regulations, as revised i86i. O. 38 + [2] p. An- 890- pl. T Syra- T Smith, Edward, M.D. History of the schools of Syracuse from its early settlement to January i, 1893. Syracuse, 1893. O. 347 p. ill. T Tacoma i^^^:)— Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1890-93. [TactJWO], 1890-93. O. ill. pi. V. 2-4. T Course of study and manual of in- struction for the public schools of Tacoma. 1897. Tacoma, 1897. O. 132 + 33 p. T Taunton (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1848-49, 1850-52, 1853-58, 1865-67, 1870, 1874-77, 1881-82, 1887. Taunton, 1849-88. O. T Rules and regulations of the public schools. 1871. Taunton [187I]. O. 38 p. T Terre Haute (Ind.) — Public Schools, Board of Trustees of. Annual report of the superintendent, 1875, 1880-84, 1886-87, 1889-94, 1896-97. Terre Haute, 1875-97. O. v. 12, 17-18, 20-21, 23-24, 26, 28-31, 34. T Circulars, i890-9i'-3, 1891-92', 1893- 94% 1895-963, 1896-97', 1897-98', 1898-99'-^ Terre Haute, 1890-98. O. T Course of study in vertical writing for Terre Haute public schools ; by Rosa B. GriflSth. Terre Haute, 1898. O. 23 p. T Manual of drawing ; including sug- gestions, synopsis and outline of work for all grades ; by Rosa B. Griffith. Terre Haute, 1898. O. 48 p. T Public Schools. Language lessons and lessons on the human body. Terre Haute, 1873. D. 16 p. T A series of lessons in music based on the natural system, for the use of teachers, 1897-98. Terre Haute, 1897. O. ig p. T Synopsis of the work in drawing and writing, 1897-98. Terre Haute, 1897. O. 35 p. T Tiffin (Ohio) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1890-91. Tifiin, 1891. O. T Toledo (Ohio) — Education, Board of. Report, 1861, 1891, 1894, 1899. Toledo, 1861-99. O- T Trenton (N. J.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1889-98. Trenton, 1889-98. O. pi. tab. T Troy (N. Y.) — School Commissioners, Board of . Manual, 1866-67, 1869-79, 1885-87. Troy, 1866- 87. S. and O. T 1866-72, Manual of Board of Education. An- 15. T Utica (N. Y.) — Schools, Supt. of. Annual re- port, 1874-79, 1892-96. Utica, 1875-97. O. ill. pi. T Waltham (Mass.) — School Committee and Su- perintendent of Schools. Annual report, 1899- 1900. Waltham, 1900. O. T Warren (R. I.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1891-92. Warren, 1892. D. 18 p. tab. T Washin^on (D. C.) — Public schools. Board of Trustees of. Annual report, 1845-46, 1848-59. 1862, 1864-73. Washington, 1845-73. O. pi. V. 1-2, 4-15, 18, 20-26. T Waterbury (Conn.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1897-98. Waterbury, 1897-98. O. T By-laws of the Board of the Center school district. 1898. T. 28 p. T Waterbury public schools ; outline of work in arithmetic, 1897. Waterbury, 1897. O. 15 p. T Waterbury public schools ; outline of work in geography, 1900. Waterbury, 1900. O. 12 p. T Tuscola (111.)- nual report, 1891. ■Public Schools, Supt. of. Tuscola [I89I]. O. lOO EDUCATION Waterbury (Conn.) — Education, Board of (continued) Waterbury public schools ; outline of work in history and civics, 1899. Waterbury, 1899. O. 16 p. T Waterbury public schools ; outline of work in language, literature, and reading, 1898. Waterbury, 1898. O. 24 p. T Watertown (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1884, 1889. Watertown, 1884-89. O. T Wenham (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1856-57, 1889-90. Salem, 1857-90. O. T West Chester (Pa.)— Public Schools, Supt. of. Report, 1881-82, 1887-88, 1890-91. West Chester, 1882-91. O. T West Des Moines (Iowa) — Education, Board of. Report, 1884-88, 1890-92, 1896-98. Des Moines, 1887-98. O. T West Rozbury (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1858-59, 1865-66. Boston, 1859- 66. O. T West Springfield (Mass.) — School Board. Annual reports of school officers for year ending March i, 1898. Springfield, 1898. O. 37 p. fac-sim. T Weymouth (Mass.) — School Committee. Re- port, 1891. Boston, 1892. O. T Williamsport (Pa.) — Public Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1874-75. Williamsport, 1874. O. V. 3. T Biennial report, 1882-83, 1886-87, 1890-91. Williamsport, 1883-91. O. T Wilmington (Del.) — Public Education, Board of. Reports concerning the public schools, 1880- 98. Wilmington, 1881-99. O. pi. tab. T Woburn (Mass.) — School Committee. Annual report, 1854-55, 1859-60, 1897-98. Woburn, 1855-98. O. T Worcester (Mass.) — High School. Dedication of the English High school, Monday, September 5, 1892. . . O. 76 + 6 p. ill. pi. T Courses of study in the Worcester High school, June, 1891. O. 8 p. T Public Schools, Supt. of. Course of study, 1870, 1876, 1884, 1891. [Worcester, 18701-91. O. T Course of study for primary and gram- mar schools of the city of Worcester, 1893. Wor- cester, 1893. Nar. S. 31 p. T Questions, March, 1892. O. T Suggestions to teachers on the course of study for primary and grammar schools, 1893. Worcester, 1893. Nar. S. 60 p. T Supplement to the course of study, city of Worcester, 1898. Worcester, 1898. O. 14 P- T School Board. Report of the Worcester schools, 1865, 1868-84, 1886, 1890-98. Worcester, [i866]-98. O. pi. T Report of the Town school committee . . . 1847. Worcester, 1847. O. T Yankton (Dak.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1878-82. Yankton, 1879-82. O. v. 4-7. T Yarmouth (Mass.) — School Committee. Re- port, 1873-75. Yarmouth Port, 1874-75. O. T Yonkers (N. Y.) — Education, Board of. An- nual report, 1891, 1898. Yonkers, 1892-98. O. V. II, 18. T Course of study for the public schools. Yonkers, 1891. O. 34 p. T Manual of the Board of education of school district No. 6, [1866, 1872]. New York, 1866-72. O. T Youngstoi^n (Ohio) — Education, Board of. Annual report, 1889-91, 1894-95. Youngstown, 1890-95. O. V. 38-39, 42. T Zanesville (O.) — Public Schools, Dept. of. Annual report, 1874-75, 1890-91. Zanesville, 1875- 91. O. T Also reports for a single school year prior to 1890 of the following cities and towns : Ann Arbor (Mich.), 1874-75. Attleborough (Mass.), 1884-85. Barnstable (Mass.), 1870. Brockton (Mass.), 1884-85. Carrollton (Mo.), 1886-87. Chelsea (Mass.), 1880. Chicopee (Mass.), 1887-88. Dalton (Mass.), 1884-85. Danvers (Mass.), 1885-86. Derry (N. H.), 1876. Dorchester (Mass.), 1854-55. Dublin (N. H.), 1851. East Bridgewater (Mass.), 1859-60. East Greenwich (R. I.), 1889-90. East Kingston (N. H.), 1849-50. Fairhaven (Mass.), 1855-56, Frankfort (111.), 1876-77. Geddes (N. Y.), 1883-84. Great Barrington (Mass.), 1884-85. Hamilton (O.), 1884-85. Hampton Falls (N.H.), 1863-64. Hannibal (Mo.V 1884-85. Johnston (R.I.), 1889-90. Kankakee (111.), 1889-90. Lee (Mass.), 1884-85. Lenox (Mass.), 1884-85. Litchfield (Ct.), 1882. Medway (Mass.), 1884-85. MiDDLETOWN (Ct.), 1888. MiLLBURY (Mass.), 1881-82. NAPOLEON (O.), 1887-88. Newburyport (Mass.), 1862. North Adams (Mass.), 1884-85. North Andover (Mass.), 1865-66. North Brookfield (Mass.), 1886-87. Pepperell (Mass.), 1889-90. Plymouth (Ind.), 1885-86. Provincetown (Mass.), 1876. Southampton (Mass.), 1849-50. Steubenville (O.), 1888-89. Stockbridge (Mass.), 1884-85. Swampscott (Mass.), 1884-85. Townsend (Mass.), 1885-86. Watkins (N. Y.), 1872-73. Whitehall (N. Y.), 1871-72. Wrentham (Mass.), 1851-52. BIOGRAPH Y lor Manuals, rules and regulations, courses of study, or announcements for a single year of the following : T Adams Co. (Ind.), 1886-87. Alexandria (Minn.), 1891. Allegany (N. Y.), 1894. Anamosa (Iowa), i8g6. Aspen (Col.), 1896. Atlanta (111.), 1889. Attica (Ind.), 1888-89, Bradford Township (N. Y.), 1891-92. Canastota (N. Y.), 1800-91. Canon City (Col.), 189^-92. Carbondale (Pa.), 1878. Carthage (Mo.), 1895. Cedar Falls (Iowa), 1891-92. Centralia (111.), 1891. Cobden (111.), 1884-85. CoHOES(N. Y.), 1878-70. Colorado Springs (Col.), 1878. Coudersport (Pa.), 1894-95. Danvers (Mass.), 1884. Del Norte (Col.), 1891. Essex Junction (Vt.), 1897. Fort Wayne (Ind.), 1899-1900. Fort Worth (Tex.), 1886-87. Garrettsville (O.), 1891. Glenwood (Iowa), 1891-92. Greeley (Col.), 1899. Hamilton Co. (Ind.), 18S8-89. Hazleton Borough (Pa.), 1891-93. Keeneyville (Pa.), 1896-97. Kosciusko Co. (Ind.), 1885. Litchfield (111.), 1891. Lockport (111.), 1896. Marion (Kan.), 1894. Marquette Co. (Mich.), 1889. Marseilles (111.), 1895. Mason City (Iowa), 1882. North Towanda (Pa.), 1897-98. Ottawa (111.), 1891-92. Petersburg (111.), x8S6. Plattsburgh, (N. Y.). 1881. Plymouth (O.), 1895-96. Point Pleasant (W. Va.), 1898. Portsmouth (Va.), 1896. Proctor (Vt.), 1893. Quincy(0.), 1888-89. Renovo (Pa.), 1894-95. Roanoke (Va.), 1895, Sayville (L. I., N. Y.), 1891. Schaghticoke (N. Y.), 1884. Somerset (Ky.), 1893. South Bend (Ind.), 1886-87. Stamford (Conn.), 1892. Stevens Point (Wis,), 1891. SuNBURY (O.), 1891. Urichsville (O.), 1893. Waverly (N. Y.), 1893. Wellston (O.), 1884. Wheatland (N. Y.), 1883-84. Whitehall (N. Y.), 1874-75. Wilkes-Barre (Pa.), 1885. Winchester (Ky.), 1894. Woodlawn (Ala.), 1893-94. 12. BIOGRAPHY a. COLLECTIVE AllievOy Giuseppe. Dalle dottrine pedagogi- sche di Enrico Pestalozzi, Albertina Necker di Saus- sure, Francesco Naville e Gregorio Girard. Torino, 1884. D. 302 p. C Barnard, Henry, editor. German educational reformers ; memoirs of eminent teachers and edu- cators, with contributions to the history of education in Germany. Rev. ed. Hartford, 1878. O. [6] + 724 p. (/« Barnard, Henry, ed. Papers for the teacher. 1878. v. 7.) T Educational biography. . . 2d edition. New York, 1861-63. O. pt. i in 2 v. ill. por. Contents : C V. I. Memoirs of teachers and educators and pro- moters ... of education [of the United States]. 2. German educational reformers. Carlisle, James Henry, editor. Two great teachers : Johnson's Memoir of Roger Ascham ; and selections from Stanley's Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold. Syracuse, 1890. D. 14 + 252 p. ^ T Fischer, Otto. Leben, schriften und bedeu- tung der wichtigsten padagogen bis zum tode Pesta- lozzi's liber sichtlich dargestellt ; ein hilfsmittel fUr examinanden. 2. aufl. bearbeitet von R. Schulz. Gutersloh, 1895. O. 1 + 230 + [2] p. C Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Thomas and Mat- thew Arnold and their influence on English educa- tion. New York, 1897. D. 9 + 277 p. (Great educators ; Nicholas Murray Butler, ed.) C T Frisch, Franz. Biographien osterreichischer schulmanner, als beitrag zur schulgeschichte der letzten hundert jahre. Wieti, 1S97. O. 64- [i] + 337 p. ill. C Geddes, James, Jr. Memories of Edward Lil- lie Pierce and Alexander Wheelock Thayer. [Bos- ton, 1897.] Q. 6 p. C From University Beacon, v. 23. Gerini, G. B. Gli scrittori pedagogic! italiani del secolo decimoquinto-decimosettimo. Torino, 1896-1900. D. 3 V. C Hoffman, Samuel Friedrich Wilhelm, compiler. Lebensbilder beriihmter humanisten. Leipzig, 1837. O. 10 + 198 p. C Hubert, Wilhelm Eman. Lebensbilder katho- lischer erzieher. Mainz, 1895. S. v. 4. C Lang, Ossian H. Great teachers of four cen- turies. New York, 1893. D. 59 p. ill. C T Lineham, J. C. and Murray, T. H. Irish schoolmasters in the American colonies, 1640-1775, with a continuation of the subject during and after the war of the revolution. Washington, 1898. O. 31 p. C Martin, Daniel Strobel. Relation of Christian educators to the modem phases of science. «. /. n. d. O. 18 p. C Milman, Henry Hart. Savonarola, Erasmus, and other essays. London, 1870. O. 18 -I- 500 p. por. C T I02 EDUCATION Mulcaster and Ascham ; two English school- masters. New York [c. 1899.] D. 26 p. T Contents : Watson, Foster Richard. Mulcaster and his " Elementarie." Gill, John. Roger Ascham ; father of school method. Norl^n, W. Pedagogikens historia. Stockholm [pref. 1898]. D. [3] + 108 p. C Pfei£Per, Friedrich Wilhelm. Die volksschule des XIX. jahrhunderts in biographieen hervorra- gender schulmanner. . . Nuremberg, 1872. O. 786 p. por. C Quick, Rev. Robert Hebert. Essays on educa- tional reformers. Cincinnati, 1885. O. 2i + 351 P- C T Only authorized edition ... of the work as rewritten in 1890. New York, 1890. D. 34 + 560 p. (Internat. ed. ser., ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 17.) C T Raumer, Karl Georg von. Eminent teachers in the Netherlands, prior to 1 500. (/« Amer. jo. of ed. V. 4, 1857. p. 714-28.) C Rosmini, Carlo de', cavalier e. Idea dell' ot- timo precettore nella vita e disciplina di Vittorina da Feltre e de' suo discepoli, libri quattro. Bas- sano, 1801. D. 487 p. i por. C Schmid, Georg. Die vier grossen protestan- tischen rektoren des sechzehnten jahrhunderts und ihre schulen. {In Schmid, K. A. Geschichte der erziehung. 1889. v. 2, pt. 2. p. 276-461.) C T Seebohm, Frederic. Oxford reformers ; John Colet, Erasmus and Thomas More. . . 3d ed. London, 1807. O. 16 + 551 p. C T Springer, L., ed. Galerij van Hoogleeraren aan de Hoogeschool te Leijden. . . Leijden, n. d. F. 60 col. ports. C Streiber, Johs. Friedrich Riickert, Wilhelm Hey und Friedrich GUll, drei freunde unserer kin- der. (/« Lehrer-prlifungs und informations-arbei- ten. 1896. v. 3, pt. 29, p. 19-46.) C Tow^nsend, William John. Great schoolmen of the middle ages : an account of their lives and the services they rendered to the church and the world. London, 1881. D. 15 + 361 p. C T University of the State of New Ypfk. Uni- versity necrology. (/« annual reports of the Re- gents.) C T Weinstein, Friedrich. Preussische padagogen der neuzeit. Dreiszig charakterbilder als beitrag zur schulgeschichte. Arnsberg, 1900. O. 4 + 184 + [I] p. C Winship, Albert Edward. Great American educators, with chapters on American education. New York [C.190O]. D. 252 p. por. (Four great Americans series ; James Baldwin, ed. v. 7.) CT b. INDIVIDUAL Adams, John. Brown, M. E., and Brown, H. G. Story of John Adams, a New England school- master. New York, 1900. O. 94- [ij por. pi. 275 IX CT Alcuin. LORENTZ, Friedrich. Alcuin's leben ; ein beitrag zur staats-, kirchen- und culturge- schichte der karolingischen zeit. Halle, 1829. O. 10 + 278 p. C West, Andrew Fleming. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools. New York, 1892. D. 7 + 205 p. C T Allen, Jonathan. Lewis, Daniel. Jonathan Allen, late president of Alfred University. n. p. n. d. O. 13 p. C Alsted, Johann Heinrich. Lippert, Friedrich Adolf Max. Johann Heinrich Alsteds padagogisch- didaktische reform-bestrebungen und ihr einfluss auf Johann Amos Comenius. Meissen [I898?]. O. 57 p. C Schmid, Georg. Johann Heinrich Alsted. {In Schmid, K. A. Geschichte der erziehung. v. 3, pt. 2, p. 100-46.) C T Andrews, Ethan Allen. Winslow, Hubbard. Eulogy on the late Prof. E. A. Andrews, delivered at New Britain, Conn., May 19, 1858. Boston, 1858. O. 50 p. C Amdt, Ernst Moritz. Keferstein, Horst, Ernst Moritz Amdt als padagog. Langensalza, 1894. O. 4-f[i]-f- 62 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 41.) C Langenberg, Eduard. Ernst Moritz Arndt J sein leben und seine schriften. . . Neue ausg. Bonn, 1869. D. 6 + 280 p. i pi. C Arnold, Thomas. Eliot, Samuel. Thomas Arnold as a teacher. {In Amer. jo. of ed. v. 4, 1857. ?• 545-81. port.) T Selfe, Rose E. Dr. Arnold of Rugby. . . London, 1899. D. 128 p. por. (The world's workers.) T Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Life and cor- respondence of Thomas Arnold. New York, 1887. O. 2v.ini. 25 + 400 p. I por. CT Ascham, Roger. ArnstAdt, Friedrich August. Roger Ascham ; ein englischer padagog des xvi. jahrhunderts und seine geistesverwandtschaft mit Johannes Sturm. Plaueni. V.,\%%1. Sq. O. 33 p. C Coleridge, Hartley. Memoir of Roger Ascham. {In Ascham, Roger. The scholemaster. 1892. p. 1-56.) C T Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Ascham and the schools of the renaissance. {In his Educational aims and methods. 1900. p. 215-48.) CT Giles, John Allen. Life of Ascham. {In Ascham, Roger. Whole works. 1864-65. v. i, pt. I, pref. p. 9-100.) C T Gill, John. Roger Ascham, father of school method. (/« Mulcaster and Ascham. 1899. p. 18-26.) T Grant, Edward. De vita et obitu Rogeri Aschami. {In Ascham, R. Familiarum episto- larumlibris. [I851.] p. 1-51.) C BIOGRAPHY 103 Ascham, Roger (continued) Johnson, Samuel. Memoir of Roger Ascham. (/« Carlisle, J. H. ed. Two great teachers. 1890. p. 1-45.) C T Katterfeld, Alfred. Roger Ascham ; sein leben und seine werke, mit besonderer berlicksich- tigung seiner berichte tiber Deutschland, 1550-1553. Strassburg, 1879. O. il 4- 369 p. C Bibliography, p. 354-69. Roger Aschams padagogische ansich- ten. {In Paedagogium. 1883. v. 5, p. 476-504.) T KiRSTEN, lehrer. Uber Ascham's leben und schriften. Gotha, 1857. Sq. O. 23 p. C Laurie, Simon Somerville. Roger Ascham the humanist. {In Teacher's Guild addresses. 1892. p. 130-68.) T Phelps, William F. Roger Ascham and John Sturm. 53 p. D. New York, 1879. (Chau- tauqua text-books, no. 17.) T SCHOLZ, A. Uber Roger Ascham's School- master. Osterode, 1872. Sq. O. 12 p. (Osterode, Ger.-Realschule. Jahresbericht.) C Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter. Fulton, John. Memoirs of Frederick A. P. Barnard. . . New York, 1896. O. 12 + 485 p. 2 por. (Colum- bia University press.) C T Barnard, Henry. Monroe, Will Seymour. Educational labors of Henry Barnard ; a study in the history of American pedagogy. Syracuse, 1893. D. 35 p. ill. por. T Biedermann, Carl. Brasch, Moritz. Carl Biedermann als historiker und publizist. {In his Leipziger philosophen ; portraits und studien. 1894. p. 195-220.) C Birkbeck, George. Godard, John George. George Birkbeck the pioneer of popular education ... 2d ed. london, 1888. D. 16 + 242 + 6 p. I por. T Borromeo, Carlo, St., card. Valieri, Agos- tino, card. Vita b. Caroli Borromei card. . . item opuscula duo, Episcopus & Cardinalis. Veronce, 1602. D. V. p. C Brocklesby, John. Hart, Rev. Samuel. Ad- dress commemorative of John Brocklesby, late professor emeritus in Trinity College. . . Hart- ford, 1889. O. 22 p. C Busby, Richard. Barker, George Fisher Russell. Memoir of Richard Busby, D.D. (1606- 95), with some account of Westminster school in the 17th century. . . London, 1895. Sq. Q. 12 + 149 p. ill. T Cousin, Victor. BarthelemySaint-Hilaire, Jules. Victor Cousin, sa vie et sa correspondance. Paris, 1895. O. 3 v. por. C Janet, Paul. Victor Cousin et son oeuvre. Paris, 1885. O. 7 + 485 + [ij p. C Derby, Edward Geoffrey Stanley (14th earl). Oratio habita coram Edvardo comite de Derby, cancellario Universitatis Oxoniensis, Londini die octobris XXI™" A.D. 1852, a publico oratore. n. p. Q. 6 p. C Dornau, Caspar. Sellmann, Adolf Wilhelm. Caspar Dornau, ein padagogischer neuerer im anfang des siebzehnten jahrhunderts. Langensaha, 1898. O. 8 + 55 p. (Padagog. mag., pt. 118.) C Erasmus, Desiderius. Amiel, Emile. Un libre penseur du i6'"« siecle ; Erasme. Paris, 1889. D. 12 + 452 p. C T Drummond, Robert Blackley. Erasmus : his life and character as shown in his correspon- dence and works. London, 1873. D. 2 v. por. C T Froude, James Anthony. Life and letters of Erasmus ; lectures delivered at Oxford, 1893-4, New York, 1894. O. [4] + 433 p. C T Jebb, Richard Claverhouse. Erasmus. Cambridge ^Eng.^ 1890. D. 55 p. (Rede lec- tures.) T Frick, Otto Paul Martin. Merklein. Th. Dr. Otto Frick ; ein lebens- und charakterbild. {In Neue bahnen, 1893. v. 4, p. 481-505.) T Wohlrabe, Wilhelm. Dr. O. Frick ; gedachtnisrede . . . Langensaha, 1892. O. 29 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 6.) C Fricke, Friedrich Wilhelm. Hanke, P. Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Fricke ; ein lebens- und char- akterbild. {In Neue bahnen. 1891. v. 2, p. 355-70.) T Frohschanuuer, Jakob. Steglich, August. Jakob Frohschammer. {In Neue bahnen. 1893. V. 4, p. 397-408.) T Gallaudet, Rev. Thomas Hopkins. Barnard, Henry. Tribute to Gallaudet ; a discourse in com- memoration of the life ... of the Rev. T. H. Gallaudet . . . Jan. 7th, 1852, with an appendix. 2d ed. New York, 1859 [C. '52]. O. [2] -I- 228 p. I por. C Humphrey, Rev. Heman. Life and labors of the Rev. T. H. Gallaudet. New York, 1857. D. 440 p. por. pi. C Gaza, Theodorus. Stein, Ludwig. Der human- ist Theodor Gaza als philosoph. . . {In Archiv fiir gesch. der philosophie. 1889. v. 2, p, 426- 58.) C Gesner, Johann Matthias. POhnert, Karl Hermann Bernhard. Joh. Matth. Gesner und sein verhaltnis zum philanthropinismus und neuhuman- ismus. . . Leipzig, 1898. O. 54- 129 p. C Girard, Jean Baptiste. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages du P. Girard et etudes sur ses doctrines pedagogiques et sur sa methode d'enseignement. Paris, n. d. Nar. O. pt. i, 54 p. C Gleim, Betty. More, Heinrich. Zur sacular- feier Betty Gleims. {In Paedagogium. 1881. v. 3, p. 261-81 and 353-70.) T Goddard, William Giles. Wayland, Rev. Francis. Discourse in commemoration of the life and services of William G. Goddard delivered . . . March 12th, 1846. Providence, 1846. O. 31 p. C 104 EDUCATION Graser, Johann Baptist. Johann Baptist Graser, bearbeitet von Heinrich Wieck. . . Lan- gensalza, 1891. D. 2 v. in I. i por. (Die klas- siker der padagogik. v. 13-14.) C T Hamlin, Charles Edward. Bakeman, Hev. Francis W. Commemorative discourse on the life and character of Prof. C. E. Hamlin, delivered in the chapel of Colby University, July 5th, 1887. Portland, 1887. O. 32 p. C Hammond, Charles. Smith, Elbridge. Charles Hammond and academy life. [Memorial dis- course, 31 Dec. 1879.] [Hartford, 1880.] O. 64 p. C Harvard, John, Memorial of John Harvard ; the gift to Harvard University of Samuel James Bridge ; ceremonies at the unveiling of the statue, October 15, 1884, with an address by George Ed- ward Ellis. Cambridge, 1884. O. 19 p. C Herder, Johann Gottfried von. Bohme, Jo- hannes. Herder und das gymnasium. . . Ham- burg, 1890. O. [3] + 65 p. C Keferstein, Horst. Eine Herder-studie mit besonderer beziehung auf Herder als padagog. Langensalza, 1892. O. 32 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 13.) C Hermann, Gottfried. Jahn, Otto. Gottfried Hermann ; eine gedachtnissrede, gehalten am 28. Januar, 1849, in der academischen Aula zu Leipzig. Leipzig, 1849. Sq. O. 32 p. C Interleaved with partial Latin translation. Hey, Wilhelm. Knauf, N. Die fabeldichter Wilhelm Hey und seine bedeutung fiir die schule. 2. verb. aufl. (/« Lehrer-priifungs und informa- tionsarbeiten. 1897. v. 2, pt. 20, p. 1-38.) C Hopkins, Mark, Carter, Franklin. Mark Hopkins. Boston, i8g2. D. 11 + 375 p. (Ameri- can religious leaders.) C Funeral services at Williamstown, Mass., in love and honor of Rev. Mark Hopkins, Tuesday. June 2ist, 1887. Born February 4th, 1802, died June 17th, 1887. n.J). O. 28 p. C Spring, Leverett Wilson. Mark Hopkins, teacher. (In Teachers College. Ed. monographs. l888. V. I, no. 4, p. 97-128.) T Hume, Roderick. Bardeen, Charles William. Commissioner Hume ; a story of New York schools. Syracuse, 1899. D. 210 p. C T Jesus Christ, Zange, Friedrich. Das kreuz im erl5sungsplane Jesu ; ein beitrag zur leben Jesu- frage in der schule ; zugleich offene antwort an Herrn Schuldirektor Bang in Schneeberg in Sachsen, Langensalia, 1899. 0< 43 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 126.) C Jew^el, John, bp. Humphrey, Laurence, dea7i. loannis Ivelli Angli, episcopi Sarisburiensis vita & mors eiusque, verae doctrinae defensio. . . Londini, apud Dayura, 1573- D. [34] -(- 269 -I- [30] p. C Jowett, Benjamin. Abbott, Evelyn, and Campbell, Rev. Lewis. Life and letters of Ben- jamin Jowett. 3d ed. London, x^q"}. O. 2 v. por. pl. C TOLLEMACHE, Lionel Arthur. Benjamin Jowett; master of Balliol. London [pref. 1895]. D. [3] + 141 p. C Kellner, Lorenz. Scherer, H. Ein kirchen- padagoge des neunzehnten jahrhunderts, L. Kellner. {In Neue bahnen. 1897. v. 8, p. 625-43.) T Kurth, Godefroid. Liege Universite. A Godefroid Kurth ... a I'occasion du xxv""* anni- versaire de la fondation de son cours pratique d'his- toire. [Liege] n. d. Q. [4] -j- 224 p. i por. C La Chalotais, Louis Rene de Caradeuc de. PiNLOCHE, A. La Chalotais als erster vorkampfer der weltlichen schule. {In Paedagogium. 1891. V. 13, P- 345-58.) T Lancaster, Joseph. Fitch, Sir Joshua Gir- ling. Joseph Lancaster. {In Ms Educational aims and methods. 1900. p. 326-57,) C T Lange, Wichard. Zollmann, Wilhelm. Wi- chard Lange. {In Pfeiffer, F, W, Die volksschule des XIX. jahrhunderts. 1872. p. 1 11-54. por.) C La Salle, Jean Baptiste de, abb/. Ravelet, Armand. Le bienheureux J. B. de La Salle, fon- dateur de I'lnstitut des freres des ecoles chreti- ennes ; introduction par Mgr. d'Hulst. Tours, i888. Sq. F. 32 + 686 + [2] p. ill. por. pl. maps. C Zelter, Johannes. Der selige Johann Baptist de La Salle, ein padagoge vor 200 jahren . . . Kempten, 1895. D. 79 p, (Padagog. vor- trage abhandl. v. 3, no. i.) C Loomis, Elias. Newton, Hubert Anson. Elias Loomis, 1 8 11-89 ; memorial address . . . April II, 1890. New Haven, i?,qo. O. 44 p. C Lovering, Joseph. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memorial of Joseph Lover- ing. . . Cambridge, 1892. O. 40 p. C List of his publications, p. 36-40. McCosh, Rev. James. Life of James McCosh, a record chiefly autobiographical ; ed. by W. M. Sloane. New York, 1896. O. 6 + 287 p. 3 por. 2pl. C Dulles, Rev. J. H., compiler. McCosh bibliography ; a list of the published writings of the Rev. James McCosh. [Princeton, 1895.] Q. 9 p. C McDonogh, John. Pope, Neilson. Address, 21 Nov., 1879, the 6th anniversary of the founding of the . . . McDonogh Institute, , . Baltimore. 1883. O. 23 p. C Mather, Richard Henry. Frick, Henry Al- lyn. Address commemorative of Richard Henry Mather, prof, of Greek in Amherst College, deliv- ered . . . Je. 15, 1890. Amherst, 1890. O. 48 p. por, C Miller, Hugh, Autobiography ; my schools and schoolmasters ; or, The story of my education. Boston, i860. D. 14 -H 537 p, i por. C T Molmann, Felix. Pieper, Joseph. Felix Mol- mann ; oder, Das leben und wirken eines christ- lichen mustererziehers vor hundert jahren, nebst ausziigen . . . aus dessen tagebuche. Paderborn, i88g. D. 5+64 p, {In Samml, der bedeut. padagog. schriften. 1888. v, 4,) C BIOGRAPHY 105 Moore, Nathaniel Fish. Haight, Rev. Benja- min Isaacs. Memorial discourse of Nathaniel F. Moore, sometime president of Columbia College . . . delivered at the request of the alumni, Jan. 14, 1874. . . New York, 1874. O. 30 p. C Morf, Heinrich. Zweiunddreissig jahre aus dem leben eines waisenvaters ; ein stuck autobio- graphic. Bielefeld [I895]. O. 21 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 7, pt. 9.) C Mykronius, Friedrich. Wohlrabe, Wil- helm. Friedrich Mykronius, der reformator Thti- ringens ; vortrag. . . Langensalza, 1S92. O. 18 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 3.) C Pepper, William. Addresses made at the meeting held in memory of William Pepper, M.D., held in the chapel of the University of Pennsylvania, November 29, 1898. [Philadelphia, 1898.] O. 83 p. I por. C Platter, Thomas. Grosse, Hugo. Thomas Platter als schulmann ; ein gedenkblatt zu dessen 400. geburtstag. Langensalza, 1899. O. 27 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 130.) • C La vie de Thomas Platter ecrite par lui- meme [tr. par Edouard Fick]. Geneve, 1862. Q. 31 + 141 p. pi. C Quick, Rev. Robert Hebert. Life and re- mains ed. by F. Storr. JVew York, 1899. D. 7 + 544 p. I por. C T Ratich, Wolfgang. Israel, August. Wolf- gang Ratke (Ratichius).' {In Schmid, K. A. Ge- schichte der erziehung. 1892. v. 3, pt. 2, p. 1-92.) CT Raumer, K. G. von. Wolfgang Ratich, ^translated . . . from the German. {In American journal of education. 1858. v. 5, p. 229-56.) T VoGT, Gideon. Wolfgang Ratichius, der vorganger des Amos Comenius. . . Langensalza, 1894. D. 6 + 298 p. (Die klassiker der padago- gik. V. 17.) C T Rauch, Frederick Augustus. Nevin, Rev. John Williamson. Life and character of Frederick Au- gustus Rauch, first president of Marshall College : a eulogy delivered on occasion of the re-interment of his remains at Lancaster., Pa., March 7th, 1859. Chamber sburg. Pa., 1859. O. 29 p. C Rembrandt als erzieher, von Einem deut- schen. 33. aufl. Leipzig, 1891. O. 7 + 329 p. I por. C T [Same.] 43. auflage. Leipzig, 1893. O. 5 + 356 p. C Unsere nationale erziehung, mit beson- derem bezug auf die forderungen Paul de Lagarde's und des verfassers von " Rembrandt als erzieher " ; von Einem Oberdeutschen. . . 3. . . aufl. Ber- lin, 1891. O. 7 + 167 p. C Ritter, Carl. Gage, William Leonard. Life 'of Carl Ritter, late professor of geography in the University of Berlin. New York, 1867. D. 8 + [I] + 242 p. C T Rothe, Richard. Keferstein, Horst, Richard Rothe als padagog und sozialpolitiker ; eine samm- lung von ausspriichen insbesondere aus Rothes " Theologischer ethik " mit voranstehendem biogra- phischen abriss. Langensalza, 1896. O. 8 -f- 75 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 79.) C Sabinus, Georg. Toppen, Max. Die grun- dung der universitat zu Konigsberg u. das leben ihres i'=" rectors Georg Sabinus. . . Konigsberg, 1844. O. 84- 311 p. C Sailer, Johann Michael. Johann Michael Sailer, bearbeitet von Wilhelm Glabbach. . . Lang- ensalza, 1893. D. 12 + 360 p. (Die klassiker der padagogik. v. 16.) C T Schaumberger, Heinrich. Schneyer, Fried- erike. Personliche erinnerungen an Heinrich Schaumberger. Langensalza, 1899. O. 19 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 12S.) C Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich, Blied- ner, Arno. Schiller ; eine padagogische studie. Langensalza, 1896. O. 66 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 78.) C Schlaghart, Gregorius. Schlez, Johann Friedrich Ferdinand. Gregorius Schlaghart ; oder. Die dorfschule zu Langenhausen. Leipzig, 1890. D. 80 p. I pi. {In Neudrucke padagog. schrif- ten, no. 2.) C Schmid, Joseph. Morf, Heinrich. Joseph Schmid. {In Paedagogium. i888. v. 10. p. 419-42 and 510-33.) T Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel. Grosse, Hugo. Chr. Fr. D. Schubart als schulmann. Langensalza, 1899. O. loo p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 117.) C Schupp, Johann Balthasar. Bloch, K. E. J. B. Schuppius. Berlin, 1863. Q. 38 p. C BrOgel, Julius. J. B. Schupp. {In Schmid, K. A. Geschichte der erziehung. v. 4, pt. I, p. 155-86.) C T SCHULTZ, Adolf. J. B. Schupp, ein vor- kampfer der padagogik. (/« Paedagogium. 1891. v. 13. p. 224-42 and 288-306.) T Sherwin, Thomas, Waterston, Rev. R. C. Address on the life and character of Thomas Sher- win, delivered Feb. 16, 1870, before the English high school association . . . with an appendix by Wm. H. Moriarty. Bosto7i, 1870. O. 93 p. C Smith, Oliver, Last will and testament of Oliver Smith, Esquire, late of Hatfield, Mass., de- ceased, n. p. O. 24 p. C Socrates. Beger, August. Sokrates ; pada- gogische charakteristik nach Xenophon und Plato. Dresden, 1842. Nar. O. 29 p. C Tyler, Rev. William Seymour. Socrates as a teacher. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1866. p. 139-94-) c Steele, Joel Dorman. Palmer, Mrs. Anna Campbell. J. D. Steele ; teacher and author : by Mrs. George Archibald. New York, 1900. D. 34 -+- 215 p. por. pi. C io6 EDUCATION Stockl, Albert. P6tsch, J. A. Dr. Albert Stockl. 1896. {In Padagogische vortrage u. ab- handlungen. v. 3, no. 4, p. 5-12.) C Stoddard, John Fair. In memoriam : obitu- ary and addresses of . . . Stoddard. Newark, N. y., 1874. O. 94 p. I per. C Thring, Edward. Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Edward Thring. (/« his Educational aims and methods. 1900. p. 272-309.) C T Parkin, George R. Edward Thring ; . . . life, diary and letters. [2d edition.] London, 1900. O. 17 + 518 p. I por. I pi. C T Skrine, John Huntley. A memory of Ed- ward Thring. London, 1889. D. 12 + 279 p. por. C T Trimmer, Mrs. Sarah Kirby. Some account of the life and writings of Mrs. Trimmer, with original letters, meditations and prayers selected from her journal. 3rded. London, 1825. O. 8 + 564 p. T Portrait wanting. Veith, Georg. Frankfort on the Main (Ger.) — Lehrer- Verein. Herr Direktor Georg Veith und die verklassigen volksschulen zu Frankfurt a. M. ... 2. aufl. Frankfurt a. M., 1887. O. [5] + 65 p. C Vives, Johann Ludwig. Berninger, M. A. J. L. Vives, der begriinder der neuen padagogik ; vortrag ftir die Padagogische konferenz, Wurzburg. Kempten, 1899. D. 55 p. (Padagog. vortr. u. abhandl. v. 4, no. 6.) C Wander, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm. Pfeiffer, Friedrich Wilhelm. K. F. W. "Wander. {In his Die volksschule des xix. jahrhunderts. 1872. p. 743-86. por.) C Wehrli, Johann Jakob. Morf, Heinrich. Johann Jakob Wehrli, der erste thurganische semi- nar-director. {In Paedagogium. 1892. v. 14. p. 209-13, and 294-309.) T Die lebensschule J. J. Wehrli's des ersten thurganischen seminardirectors. {In Paeda- gogium. 1891. V. 13, p. 422-42, 485-512 and 565-82.) T Willard, Emma. Brainerd, Ezra. Life and work in Middlebury, Vermont, of Emma Willard. New York [1893]. Sq. S. 17 p. C Wustemann, Ernst Friedrich. Georges, Karl Ernst. Ern. Fr. Wuestemanni memoria. Gothae, 1857. O. 28 p. C Zasius, Ulrich. Neff, Joseph. Udalricus Zasius ; ein beitrag zur geschichte des humanismus am Oberrhein. Freiburg i, B., 1890-91. Sq. Q. 2 pts. in I. C 13. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. Development of the superintendency. {In his New departure, 1881, p. 52-74-) C Fiction in public libraries, and educational catalogues. {In his New departure, 1881, p. 16- 30.) C The public library and the common schools ; three papers on educational topics. . . Boston, 1879. O- 5^ P- ^ tab. C rSame.i {In his New departure, 1881, p. 5-15.) C Adams, Herbert Baxter. Public libraries and popular education. Albany, 1900. O. pi. 271 p. (Univ. of State of N. Y. Home ed. bull. no. 31.) C T Aldrich, George I. Ungraded schools. {In Amer. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1882. p. 49-63-) C AnastroS, Wilhelm. Schule und haus in ihrem verhaltnis zu einander beim werke der jugenderzie- hung. 4. aufl. Langensalza, 1899. O. 40 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 122.) C Bald^^in, Joseph. Art of school management. New York, 1886. D, 504 p. T School management and school methods. New York, 1897. D. 19 -I- 395 p. ill. (Inter- nat. ed. ser.; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 40.) C T Balliet, Thomas M. City superintendents: The work of the city superintendent. {In U.S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889, no. 2, p. 182- 94.) C T Barbier, Emmanuel. Alliance des maisons d' education chretienne ; la discipline dans les ecoles secondaires libres ; manuel pratique du surveillant. gtoe ^d^ Paris, 1897. D. 5 + [i] + 2i9 p. C Bartholemeiv, Arthur Churchill. Gardening, its role in preparatory school life. {In England — Education Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 321-25.) C T Becker, Hermann. Wider die ftffentlichen schulprlifungen. Bielefeld [1893]. O. 20 p. (Samml. padagog. vortr. v. 5, pt. 11.) C Belgium — Interieur et de T instruction fiublique. Minister e de V — Administration de I'ensergnement primaire. La mutualite scolaire. Ixelles-Bruxelles, 1900. O. 40 p. (Expos. Univ. de Paris en 1900.) Bentham, Jeremy. Chrestomathia, being a col- lection of papers explanatory of the design of an in- stitution under the name of the Chrestomathic school. . . London, 1816. O. 2I-I-347 P- tab. C Berthelot, Andre. L'examen de fin d'etudes de I'enseignement secondaire en Italie. {In Revue internationale de I'enseignement. 1886. v. 11, p. 137-47, and 224-34.) C T Beyer, Otto Wilhelm. Die erziehende bedeu- tung des schulgartens. Langensalza, 1895. O. 24 p. (Padagog. mag., pt. 68.) C Bicknell, Thomas Williams. School supervis- ion ; president's address. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1877. p. 3-28.) C Blakiston, John Richard. The teacher ; hints on school management. London, 1888. D. 16-I- 96 p. T ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION 107 Blodgett, A. B. The relation of a principal to the community. . . Syracuse, 1898. O. 19 p. CT Bbhm, Johann. Die lehre von der schuldisci- plin. . . Eisenach [1877]. O. [33+40 p. (/« Padagog. studien. v. 2, no. 17.) T Bohiue> K. Die selbstandige Hndliche schul- sparkasse ; eine anleitung zu ihrer griindung und leitung. Braunschweig, 1892. O. 44 p. C Bradley, John E. The superintendent and the teacher. (/« U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888. no. 6, p. 135-45.) C T Brereton, Rev. John Lloyd. Comparative ad- vantages of boarding and day schools. {In London — Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Health Exhib. lit. V. 16, p. 311-17.) C Brinkmann, E. Schulpramien. {In Neue bahnen. 1894. v. 5, p. 321-27 and 369-77.) T Brooks, Edward. Report on home study, pre- sented to the Board of public education of Philadel- phia. Philadelphia, 1899. O. 6 p. C Browne, George Forrest. Local examinations. (In London — Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Health Exhib. lit. v. 13, p. 243-56.) C Bryant, Mrs. Sophie. Order of studies. {In London — Education society. Trans. 1885-86. v. 2, p. 87-98.) T Burke, Finley. Treatise on the law of public schools. 154 p. D. New York, 1880. T Burnside, Samuel M. On the classification of schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1833. p. 71-94.) C Campbell, A. H. Desirable modifications of elementary school programs. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1895. p, 116-30.) C Carroll, C. F. Modifications of the course of study. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1895. p. 99-"5-) C Clarke, Rev. John Erskine. Penny banks. london, i860. S. 47 p. {In his Plain papers on the social economy of the people. 1861.) C Cobb, Lyman. Evil tendencies of corporal punishment as a means of moral discipline in families and schools. . . New York, 1847. O. 270 p. I pi- C Collar, George, and Crook, C. W. School man- agement and methods of instruction, with special reference to elementary schools. London, 1900. D. 8 + 336 p. ill. (Macmillan's manuals for teachers ; O. Browning and S. S. F. Fletcher, ed.) T Cooper, Oscar H. Compulsory laws and their enforcement, a paper read before the N. E. A. . . July, 1890. Syracuse, liqo. O. 6 p. (School issues of the day. no. 12.) T Co'wham, Joseph H. School organization, hy- giene and discipline. . . 2d ed. LoTuion, i9,()2. D. 6 + 221 + 5 p. ill. (Cowham's teachers' and pupil teachers' course.) C T Curriculum. Chicago, 1900. O. p. 219-41. {In Elementary school record. 1900. v. i, no. 9.) T De Garmo, Charles. Most pressing problems concerning the elementary course of study. {In National Herbart Soc. Year-book, 1895. v. i, p. 3-26.) C T De Graff, Esmond V. School-room guide to methods of teaching and school management. 70th ed. Syracuse, 1890. S. 342 p. ill. T Deutschmann, Philipp. Schulsparkassen, deren zweckmassigkeit und einrichtung. Breslau^ [I892]. O. 26 p. C Devide, Thaddaus. Beitrag zur losung der • socialen fragen ; das recht auf erziehung. . . [Miinchen, 1890.] O. 44 + [2] p. C Dickinson, John W. School supervision. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1878. p. 19-36.) C Disciplina et institvtio puerorum ; ex optimis . . . autoribus collecta. Lipsiae [1550?]. S. 31 P- C Dittes, Friedrich. Ober den gebrauch von lehrblichern in den volksschulen. (/wPaedagogium. 1882. V. 4, p. 713-25.) T Dodd, Catherine I. School journey in Germany. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. sub- jects. 1897. V. I, p. 512-34.) C T Dijrpfeld, Friedrich Wilhelm. Grundlinien einer theorie des lehrplans, zunachst fur volks- und mittelschulen, nebst dem erganzungsaufsatze : Die unterrichtliche verbindung der sachunterrichtlichen facher. . . 2. aufl. Giitersloh, 1894. O. 14 + [I] + 160 p. (/« /4?j Gesammelte schriften. 1894-95. v. 2, pt. I.) C Douglas, William. Preparatory school libra- ries. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on edu- cat. subjects. 1900. V. 6, p. 387-91.) C T Do^ding, A. J. C. Games in preparatory schools. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 343-71.) C T Draper, Andrew Sloan. Christmas address ; science and the elementary school ; delivered . . . December i6th, 1893. ^Cleveland, \%(^2i-^ O- 3° p. C Educational organization and administration. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Education in the U. S. 1900. V. I, p. 1-31.) C T Durgin, Clement. On natural history as a branch of common education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1832. v. 3, p. 207-36.) C D'wight, Theodore. On the management of a common school. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1825. p. 203-32.) C Easton, Warren. Best system of state school supervision. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1887. no. 3, p. 156-73.) C T Bdgerly, Joseph G. Questions for written ex- aminations. Manchester, N. H., 1874. O. 137 4- [I] p. C io8 EDUCATION' Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro. Element of chance in competitive examinations. {In Statistical Society of London. Journal. 1890. v. 53, p. 460- 75, 644-63.) C Eliot, Charles William. Can school programmes be shortened and enriched ? {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888. no. 6, p. ioi-i8.) C T Emerson, Thomas. Free text-books. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1887. p. 130-68.) C Emery, William, archdeacon. Tntermediate and higher education . . . times of work and rest. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Health Exhib. lit. v. 16, p. 286-96.) C FelloMT, Henry C. Study in school supervision and maintenance. Tope ka, !?>()(>. D. 173 p. 2 tab. C Fitch, Joshua Girling. Address on the inspec- tion and examination of schools. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Health Exhib. lit. V. 13, p. 230-43.) C Art of questioning [and Art of securing at- tention in a Sunday school classj. [London-^, n. d. S. 64 p. (School-room classics, no. 2 and 4.) C T Art of securing attention. Syracuse, 1893. S. [3] P'+P- 85-121. (School-room classics, no. 4.) CT Endowments and their influence on educa- tion. {In his Educational aims and methods. 1900. p. 177-214.) C T Fleming, Martha. Elocution ; its place in ed- ucation. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888. no. 6, p. 49-57.) C T Folkmar, Daniel. The duration of school at- tendance in Chicago and Milwaukee. tab. {In Wisconsin Acad, of Sci., Arts and Letters. Trans., 1898. V. 12, pt. I, p. 253-305.) C Freeman, Lewis. Mechanism in education ; sacrifice of education and health to mechanical ex- aminations . . . 1893. n. p. O. 12 p. C Frblich, Gustav. Die grundlehren der schulor- ganisation. . . Leipzig, 1880. Q. 4 + [3] + 54 P- C Die schulorganisation nach den forderungen des staats- und kirchenrechts der kultur und des zeitgeistes. . . Jena, 1868. D. 14 + 152 p. C Give, Fran5ois de. Memoire sur 1' organisation de I'enseignement. {In Brussels — Acad. . . des sciences. Memoires. 1855. v. 6, no. i.) C Goepp, Edouard. Les bibliotheques scolaires. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . Expos. Univ. de 1889. v. 3, p. 505-27.) C Gotr, James. Professional examinations. {In Cookson, Christopher, comp. Essays on secondary education. 1898. p. 249-^51.) T Gr^ard, Vallery Clement Octave. L'esprit de discipline dans I'education ; memoire presente au conseil acad^mique dans la seance du 26 juin 1883. Paris, 1883. Sq. Q. 70 p. C Green, Samuel Swett. Desirableness of estab- lishing personal intercourse and relations between librarians and readers in popular libraries ; a paper read at the Conference of Librarians held in Phila- delphia . . . Oct., 1876. Worcester, 1876. O. 15 P- C Public libraries and schools ; Results of re- cent efforts to make the former useful to the latter . . . 1884. Boston, 1885. O. 22 p. C From Mass. Bd. of Ed. 48th annual report. The relation of the publip library to the pub- lic schools ; a paper read . . . Sept., 1880. . . Boston, 1880. O. 18 p. C From yo. oy social science. Use of pictures in libraries. 1898. O. 12 p. Boston, C Gri£Bths, Robert J. Introduction to the study of school management. London, 1877. S. 80 p. T Griscom, John. Monitorial instruction ; an ad- dress pronounced at the opening of the New York High-school. . . New York, 1825. Nar. D. 216 p. I pi. C Groszmann, Maximilian P. E. Contributions to the solution of the problem of the co-ordination of studies. New York, i?>qi^. O. 33 p. C *ar, D. B. Supervision of schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 185 1. p. 41-69.) C Hailmann, W. N. Organic relations of studies in human development, Washington, D. C, n. d. O. 13 p. C Hall, Edward W. The teacher and the library ; a paper read before the Maine Pedagogical Society . . . Dec. 28, 1888. n. p. O. ir p. C Hamilton, James Plenry. Educational aspects • of saving. {In Qtly. jo. of economics. 1899. v. 13, p. 45-69-) C Harris, William Torrey. Relation of school discipline to moral education. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1897. v. 3, p. 58-72.) C T Hartwell, Charles S. The earl's prize story : or, The right of transfer in high schools. — Supple- ment. Brooklyn, a.d. 2000 [I90O]. O. 30 -H [8] p. C Heinemann, Karl. Die einklassige volksschule in den grundzUgen ihrer eigenart ; mit besonderer rucksicht auf lehranf anger bearbeitet . . .2. er- weiterte und umgearbeitete aufl. Gera, 1897. O. 5 H- [2] + 215 p. ill. C Die organisation der volksschulen ; unter- suchungen und vorschlage in bezug auf schulsys- teme, klassen- und abteilungsstufen. . . Gera, 1893. O. 5 + 84 p. C Herbert, Auberon Edward William Molyneux, editor. Sacrifice of education to examination ; Let- ters from " All sorts and conditions of men." Lon- don, 1889. O. 32 -f- 204 4- [I] p. C T He'wins, Caroline Maria. Library methods of study. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1895. p. 55-83.) c ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION 109 Hill, Arthur. Plans for the government and lib- eral instruction of boys in large numbers ; as prac- tised at Hazelwood School. [Anon.j [2d ed.] London, 1894. D. 348 p. T Hill, Frank A. Supervision data for Massachu- setts, Jan. I, 1900. [Boston, 1900.] O. 38 p. C Hill, Thomas. True order of studies. New York, 1889 [C.'75], D. 163 p. T [Same.] New York, 1894. D. 163 p. C Hilleman, . Leitung, beaufsichtigung und verwaltung der volksschule und der gesetzentwurf, betreffend das bremische landschulwesen. {In Samml. padagog. vortrage hrsg. vom Bremischen lehrer-verein. 1886. v. i, p. 96-111,) C Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. President Eliot on public school problems : an address delivered before the Michigan State Teachers' Association, Decem- ber, 1885 ; repeated before the Connecticut State Teachers' Association, November, 1886, Cleveland, 1886. O. 26 p. C Hod^ns, John George. School-room decora- tion [in Ontario] ; an address to Canadian historical societies. . . Toronto, 1900. O. 26 p. por. pi. C Homscheidt, Johann. Umgestaltung des lehr- planes und der organization der volksschule nach den forderungen der gegenwart. (In Neue bahnen. 1896. V. 7, p. 129-39 and 196-204.) T Horsfall, T. C. tfse of pictures and other works of art in elementarv schools. {In London — Internal. Health Exhib.' 1884. Health Exhib. lit. V. 13, p. 54-68.) C Howard, Walter E. Town vs. the district sys- tem of schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1887. p. 13-29.) C Ho'wland, George. School principal. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. 195-209.) C T Huxley, Thomas Henry. School boards : what they can do, and what they may do. {In his Science and education. 1894. p. 374-403.) C T Hyde, William De Witt. Examination for pro- motion in public schools. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. 229-53,) C T Overwork in public schools. (/« Am. Inst. of Instr. Lectures, 1886. p. 111-28.) C Jepson, B. Scheme of study for primary and grammar grades, n. t.-p. O. 7 p. T Jew^ell, Frederick S. School government ; a practical treatise. . . New York, \%b(>. D. 308 p. T Jordan, David Starr. Evolution of the college curriculum. {In his Science sketches. 1888. p. 228-60.) T Jost, Guillaume. Les examens du personn-el de I'enseignement primaire. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . Expos. Univ. de 1889. v. 3, p. 231-377.) C Kellogg, Amos M. School management. , 6th ed. New York, 1887. S. 7 4- [3] + 124 p. Kennedy, John, pline. Syracuse, 18 classics, 3.) Philosophy of school disci- j. S. 105 p. (School-room T 3d edition. Syracuse, 1890, S. 20 p. C The School and the family. . . Ne7v York [I878]. S. 205 p. T Kennedy, W. Examinations of scholars by the state. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Health Exhib. lit. v. 13, p. 257-70.) C King, Robert M. School interests and duties, developed from Page's " Mutual duties of parents and teachers," from various public reports and docu- ments, and from the Bulletins of the National Bureau of education. New K^^ [C.1894]. D. 336 p. CT Klinghardt, Hermann. Schwedische examen- verhaltnisse. (/« Englische studien. 1891. v. 15, p. 389-98.) c KbUer, Albert. Die wiederholungswochen vor dem richterstuhle der padagogik und psychologic ; eine kritische studie. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1892. D. 23 p. C Kolde^rey, Friedrich. Die einfuhrung der reifepriifungen und die altesten reifepriifungsord- nungen im herzogtum Braunschweig. {In Neue jahrb. fUr philol. und padagog. 1889. v. 140, p. 369-95-) c Krause, F. W. Weg mit dem zlichtigungs- rechte ; ein wichtiger reform-vorschlag. {In Neue bahnen. 1891. v. 2, p. 181-87.) T Kretzschmar, Th. Fr. Die einheitlichkeit des unterrichts im schulorganismus, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der preussischen schulgesetzgebung dargestellt. . . Berlin [I895]. O. 6 -f [ij + 132 p. c Krichau, Rudolf. Lehrplan und pensenver- teilung fur eine einklassige volksschule. Hannover, 1897. O. [3] + 125 p. C Landon, Joseph. School management ; includ- ing organization, discipline and moral training. 7th edition. London, 1889. D. 29 + 376 p. C T Lange, Karl. Die zweckmassige gestaltung der offentlichen schulpriifungen. Langensalza, 1893. O. 23 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 23.) C lianger, Adam. Schulsparkassen ; eine stimme gegen dieselben. Kempten, 1896. D. 44 p. (Pa- dagog. vortr. u. abhandl. v. 3, no. 2.) C Liatham, Henry. On the action of examina- tions considered as a means of selection. Caw- bridge iEng.T^,\'i>TJ. D. 20 + 544 p. C Boston, \%'i>b. O. 15 +400 p. T Laurent, Fran9ois. Thrift in schools (epargne scolaire). {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Health Exhib. lit. v. 14, p. 603-22.) C no EDUCATION Laurie, Simon Somerville, Examinations, emu- lations and competition. {In his Occasional ad- dresses on educational subjects. 1888. p. 144-63.) T Authority in relation to discipline. (/« his Training of teachers. 1882. p. 309-40.) T Lincoln, Hosea H. School discipline ; its ob- jects and methods. {In Am. Inst, of Inslr. Lec- tures, 1867. p. 113-30.) C Linde, Ernst. Der darstellende unterricht nach den grundsatzen der Herbart-Zillerschen schule und vom standpunkte des nicht-Herbartianers. . . Leip- zig, 1899. O. 6 + [I] + 144 p. T liivret scolaire de I'el^ve. Paris, n. d. Sq. O. 4v. T liObsien, Marx. Das censieren ; kritische an- merkungen. Langensalza, 1898. O. 19 p. (Pa- dagog. mag. pt. 106.) C Lomberg, August. Grosse oder kleine schul- systeme ? Langensalza, 1893. O. 34 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 25.) C MacCarthy, Rev. Egerton Francis Mead. School fittings. {In London — Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Health Exhib. lit. v. 13, p. 32- 42.) C McCosh, James. New departure in college education . . . reply to President Eliot's defence of it in New York, Feb. 24, 1885. New York, 1885. O. 23 p. T McKean, Henry S. On the ends of school discipline. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1835. p. 131-52.) C MacMullen, John. School money. New York, 1889. S. 19 p. C Self-government in schools. New York, 1880. O. ii] + II p. C McMurry, Charles Alexander. Course of study for the eight grades of the common school. Bloom- ington. Ill,, 1895. S. 152 p. T McMurry, Frank Morton. Concentration. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1895. v. i, p. 27-69.) C T McMurry, Mrs. Lida B. Plan of concentra- tion for first two school years. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Yearbook. 1895. v. i, p. 124-39.) CT Mansfield, Edward Dillon. The school work- shop. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on ed. subjects. 1900. V. 6, p. 299-304.) C T Marble, Albert Prescott. I. Directions to teachers. II. On the exercises commemorative of Garfield. Worcester, Mass., 188 1. O. lO + i p. C Maresch, Heinrich. Der schulgarten als land- wirtschaftliches lehrmittel an der volksschule. Wien, 1894. O. 7 -h 182 p. ill. (Handbuch der speciellen methodik. pt. 14.) C Martin, P. Zur frage der konzentration des volksschulunterrichts. (/« Neue bahnen. 1891. v. 2, p. 225-37 and 279-88.) T Martin-Ginouvier, F. La mutualite scolaire. {In Revue philantbropique. 1898. v. 3, p. 221- 24.) C Matheson, Percy Ewing. Matriculation, re- sponsions, and the higher certificate examination. {In Cookson, Christopher, comp. Essays on sec- ondary education. 1898. p. 262-82.) T Maurice, John Frederick Denison. Studies in a working college. {In his Learning and work- ing. 1885. p. 129-58.) C T Maxveell, William Henry. Examinations as tests for promotion. . . ^^Syracuse, 1890.] O. 11 p. (School issues of the day.) T Metcalf, Robert C. The public library as an auxiliary to the public schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1880. p. 40-50.) C Morrison, Thomas. Manual of school man- agement. . . Glasgow, 1859. D. 5 + 356 p. T MoTirer, Arthur. On vocal music considered as a branch of national education. {In Central Society of Education. Papers. 1837. v. i, p. 305-16.) C Mo'wry, William Augustus. School curriculum and its relations to business life. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1881. p. 25-43.) C New England Superintendents' Association. General principles to be observed in making a course of study . . . with their application to geography and arithmetic ; report of committee. «. p. 1890. O. 15 p. tab. C Outline course of study in Elementary science. Manual training and Language, based upon General principles." . . Second report of the " General principles. . . Special committee ; Nov., 1890. P- n. p. O. C T New Jersey — Council of Education. Report of the Special committee on school organization, presented June 7-8, 1889. [Trenton, 1889.] O. 21 p. C New York (State) — Legislature. Report of minority of Committee on literature [J. W. Beek- mau] in reference to the purchase by school dis- tricts of Webster's dictionary. [Albany-^ 1851. O. 8 p. C Public Instruction, Department of . School libraries and reading ; prepared under the super- vision of C. R. Skinner. Albany, 1896. O. 35 p. {In its Course of study. 1896. apx.) C Northend, Charles. The teacher and the parent ; a treatise upon common-school education, containing practical suggestions to teachers and parents. New ed. Syracuse, 1895. D. 17 + 320 p. T Northrop, Birdsey Grant. Legal prevention of illiteracy, a paper reprinted, with additions, from the Report of the Connecticut Board of education for 1875. Nezu York, 1878. D. 28 p. (Papers on education. First series, no. 18.) C Qualifications of a good superintendent of public schools. {In Mass. — Ed., Board of. An- nual report, 1867. p. 111-18.) T ORGAN IZA TION AND ADMINISTRA TION III Northrop (continued) Truancy ; the evil and remedy. (/« Am. Inst of Instr. Lectures, 1867. p. 33I-45-) C Oberholtzer, Sara Louise (Vickers). School savings banks. {In Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Sc. Annals. 1893. v. 3, p. 14-29.) C Ogden, John. Art of teaching. New York, 1879. D. 248 p. T Ogle> John J. Connection between the public library and the public elementary school. (/« England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educa- tional subjects. 1898. V. 2, p. 232-68.) C T Contains a select list of papers bearing on the subject. Osnabrtick (Ger.) — Lehrerverein. Die be- soldungsfrage der volksschuUehrer in Preussen unter beriicksichtigung des ' ' Entwurfs eines gesetzes betr. das diensteinkommen der lehrer ... an den offent- lichen volksschulen." . . Lingen a. d. Ems, 1896. F. 25 p. C Oulton, W. School savings bank. {In Lon- don — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Health Exhib. lit. v. 14, p. 623-30.) C Palmer, George Herbert. The new educa- tion ; three papers. Boston, 1887. D. 154 p. T Patridge, Lelia E. " Quincy methods " illus- trated : pen photographs from the Quincy schools . . . New York, 1886. D. 15 + 660 p. pi. T Payne, William Harold. Chapters on school supervision ; a practical treatise on superintendence, grading, arranging courses of study. . . New York [C.18753. D. 215 p. pi. C Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. Record of Mr. Alcott's school, exemplifying the principles and methods of moral culture. 3d ed. Boston, 1888 [0.74], D. 297 p. pi. T Peck, Harry Thurston. Ethics of the marking system; a practical discussion [Sept. 15, 1885. Anon.] \New York, 1885.] D. 28 p. C Peck, William T. Conditions of program- making in secondary schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1895. p. 149-66.) C Penoyre, John ffolliot Baker-. School plays in Latin and Greek. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1898. v. 2, p. 317-36. C T Pickard, Josiah Little. School supervision. New York, 1890. D. 14 -f 175 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 15.) C T Primer of school management. Syracuse, 1890. 3 + 45 p. S. T Prince, John J. School management and method in theory and practice. . . 5th ed. . . enlarged. London, 1889. S. 367 p. T Prince, John Tilden. City and town super- vision of schools. [Boston, 1899?] O. 44 p. CT Questions and answers in American history, civil government, and school law given at the uni- form examinations of the State of New York since June, 1892. Syracuse, 1894. Sq. S. C Questions and answers in drawing given at the uniform examinations of the State of New York since June, 1892. Syracuse, 1894. Sq. S. 75 p. ill. C Quincy, Josiah Phillips. Coercion in the later stages of education. 1873. {If^ ^^•f Protection of majorities. 1876. p. 67-95,) C Ramsay, Daniel. Delineation of mixed school in regard to its influence in promoting a Christian education. Edinburgh, 1826. O. [5] + 270 p. T Reinecke, Albert. Schulchronik mit vorge- zeichneten formularen zu ihrer fuhrung nebst einer abhandlung uber die bedeutung und einrichtung von schulchroniken. . . 2. veranderte aufl. Os- terwieck [pref. 1895]. Sq. O. 238 + [2] p. C Richter, Christoph. Was hat der lehrer zu thun um eine gute schuldisziplin herzustellen und zu erhalten? 2. aufl. Minden, 1896. O. 52 p. {In Lehrerprtifungs und informations-arbeiten. v. 2, pt. 14.) C Ritchie, Frank. Preparatory school equip- ment. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 29-41.) C T Robinson, George Gidley. Preparatory school curriculum. (In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 61-78.) C T Rooper, Thomas Godolphin. School gardens at the Boscombe British school. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1898. V. 2, p. 224-31.) C T Root, N. W. Taylor. School amusements ; or. How to make the school interesting. . . New York, 1859 [C. '57]. O. 225 p. pi. T Roth, Edward. American schoolboys to six- teen ; a talk with parents on a course of education. Philadelphia, 1897. D. 30 p. C Ro^rntree, Arthur. Employment of leisure hours in boys' boarding schools. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. V. 6, p. 373-86.) C T Rtibenkamp, W. Praparation und lehr- stunde. Neuwied, 1900. O. 9 p. (Aus der schule fiir die schule. no. 85.) C Wie sind die kinder einer klasse auf einen einheitlichen standpunkt zu bringen ? Neuwied, 1900. O. 12 p. (AUs der schule fiir die schule. no. 84.) C Runze, Georg August Wilhelm. Die erzie- hungsstrafe in der schule, mit riicksicht auf die korperliche ztichtigung ; ein beitrag zur theoreti- schen padagogik. {In Neue jahrbiicher fiir philologie und padagogik. 1887. v. 136, p. 93-104 and 129- 52.) C Sabati^, R. Les bibliotheques pedagogiques. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . Expos. Univ. de 1889. v. 5, p. 529-67.) C Sabin, Henry. Country schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1892. p. 191-207.) C Organization and system vs. originality and individuality on the part of teacher and pupil. Syracuse, 1890. O. 9 p. (Papers on school issues of the day, no. 10.) C T 112 EDUCATION Sallwiirk, Ernst von. Art und bedeutung einer kulturgenrassen schulaufsicht. (/« Neue bah- nen. 1893. v. 4, p. 185-210 and 233-58.) T Das recht der volksschulaufsicht. . . Lang- ensalza, 1892. O. 23 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 16.) C Schiller, Karl Heinrich Friedrich Hermann. Schularbeit und hausarbeit ; ein vortrag. Berlin, 1891. D. 51 p. C Schmidt, M. Zur abrechnung zwischen erzie- hung und regierung. Langensalza, 1893. O. 30 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 34.) C Schiiler, Karl Robert. Uber begrundung und erhaltung eines innigen liebesverhaltnisses in der schule. Eckartsberga i. Thiir., 1892. O. 58 p. C Sch'wab, Erasmus. The school garden ... a practical contribution to the subject of education, tr. from the 4th German ed. by Mrs. Horace Mann. New York, 1879. D. 92 p. T Seeley, Levi. Culture epochs. {In National Herbart Soc. Year book. 1896. v. 2, p. 71-80.) CT Shearer, William J. Grading of schools. . . 2d ed. New York, 1898. Sq. D. 220 p. C T Sidgivick, Arthur. Form discipline ; a lecture delivered for the Teachers' Training Syndicate at Cambridge [Eng.] Feb., 1886. 4th ed. London, 1889. S. 49 p. C T Siegert, Eduard. Uber schuldisciplin. {In Psedagogium. 1891. v. 13, p. 513-22.) T Smith, C. B. German common school with a garden. Washington, 1899. O. 7 p. ill. (U. S. — Experiment stations. Circular no. 42.) T Smith, Elbridge, School records. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1868. p. 179-207.) C Smitt, Willem. Die schulsparkasse, vortrag. . . . {In Arbeiterfreund. 1881. v. 19, p. 89-101.) C Somogyi Geza. Zur inneren ausgestaltung der volksschule. {In Neue bahnen. 1898. v. 9, p. 473-83.) T Sonnenschen, Adolf. Educational codes of foreign countries. . . 2d ed, enl. London, 1889. D. 8 + 227 p. T Sorel, G. La science dans I'education. {In Le devenir social, 1896. v. 2, p. 110-41, 208-39, 339-65. 425-61.) C Spannenberg, L. Welche veranstaltungen sind fttr das nachschulpflichtige alter zu treffen ? . . . Bielefeld [I893]. O. 21 p. (Sammlung padago- gischer vortrage. v. 6, pt. 3.) C Spielmann, C. Zur theorie des lehrplans. {In Neue bahnen. 1891. v. 2, p. 569-81.) T Steffenhagen, H. Handbuch der organisa- tion und verwaltung der stadtischen schuldeputa- tion ; flir den praktischen gebrauch bearbeitet. Berlin, 1888. D. 8 + 25 p. C Stone, A. P. Duties of a school superintendent. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1883. p. 128- 32.) C Stone, Mason S. Rural school problem. Close supervision. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, C i»90. p. 114-26 Stone, R. C. common schools. Contents : Topical course of study for . . . . pt. I. NewYork,l%^^. S. T Topical course for elementary schools. Swett, John. Questions for written examina- tions ... a handbook for examiners and teachers. A^^w F^^>^ [C.1872]. D. 6 -H 206 p. T Tews, Johann. Volksbibliotheken. Langen- salza, 1894. O. 15 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 40.) C Thiry, J. H. Early history of school savings banks in the United States. {In Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Journal. 1888. v. 25, p. 165-77.) C School savings banks. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report, 1888-89, p. 655-69.) C T Reprint from his School savings banks in the U. S., 1890. School savings banks in the United States. {In Internat. Congr. of ed. Proc. 1893. p. 286- 7.) c School savings banks in the United States. . . . Long Island City, 1%^^. O. 23 p. T School savings banks in the United States . . . rules and regulations. . . Long Island City, 1888. O. 20 p. T Thompson, ^i?z/. Henry Lewis. Inspection and examination of schools by other public bodies than the universities. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Health Exhib. lit. v. 13, p. 293- 301.) C Todhunter, Isaac. Conflict of studies. {In his Conflict of studies. 1873. p. 1-31.) C T Competitive examinations. {In Ms Conflict of studies. 1873. p. 32-64.) CT Tompkins, Arnold. Philosophy of school management. Boston, 1895. D. 14 + 222 p. T Trainer, John. How to grade and teach a country school. Decatur, III., 1885. D. 429 p. ill. T Turner, Ross, and others. Art in the school- room ; pictures and their influence ; addresses be- fore the Prang art educational conference at Boston, April 2, 1892. — Art education in American life ... by M. B. Martin. Btston, n. d. D. 36 p. (Prang art educational papers, no. 2.) C T United States — Education, Bureau of. Planting trees in school grounds and the celebration of Arbor day. Washington, 1885. O. 5 + 64 p. (Miscell. publications.) C T Special consular reports. School gardens in Europe : Reports from consuls. . . Washington, 1900. O. V. 20, pt. 2, p. 161-224. pi. C T University of the State of New York— Home Education Dept. Bulletin, no. 32 : Travel- ing pictures and schoolroom decoration ; prepared by Myrtilla Avery. Albany, 1900. O. p. 277- 430. pi. C "^ Van Liew, Charles C. Educational theory of the culture epochs. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book, 1895. v. I, p. 70-123.) C T KINDERGAR TEN 113 Walton, George Augustus. Report of examina- tions of schools in Norfolk county, Mass. Boston, 1880. O. p. 123-251. C App. A to 43d annual report of Mass. Board of Ed. Weber, Hugo. Fortbildungsschule und leben. {In Paedagogium. 1883. v. 5, p. 306-14 and 358- 72.) T Wells, William Harvey. The graded school ; a graded course of instruction for public schools . , . New York, 1862. D. 200 p. 2 pi. T White, Emerson Elbridge. Promotions and examinations in graded schools. Washington, 1891. O. 64 p. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1891. no. 7.) C T School management ; a practical treatise for teachers. . . New York, 1894. D. 320 p. C T School supervision. . . {In American In- stitute of Instruction. Lectures, 1883. p. 185- 94.) C Several problems in graded school manage- ment ; a paper read before the . . . Nat. Ed. Assoc, in Detroit, August 4, 1874. O. n 4- [i] p. CT Wickersham, James Pyle. A Pennsylvania plan of compulsory education ; [proposed act to provide education and maintenance for destitute and Delected children], n. p. n. d. O. 9 p. C School economy ; a treatise on the prepara- tion, organization ... of schools. . . Philadel- phia, 1872. D. 17 -t- 381 p. I pi. C Wigge, Heinrich. Die schulsynode. Gotha, 1890. O. 32 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1890. V. 3.) C Wilkinson, Rev. John Henry, and Dowding, A. J. C. School management in preparatory schools. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special re- ports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 397- 412.) C T Withington, Rev. Leonard. On emulation in schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1833. p. 129-52.) C Wohlrabe, Wilhelm. Die durchfiihrung der schulklassen. Gotha, i8gi. O. 46 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1892. v. 4.) C. Die durchfiihrung der schulklassen. {In Neue bahnen. 1891. v. 2, p. 26-39 ^^^ 82-96.) T Wundtke, Max. Die schule der zukunft, zur kritik und neubildung unserer schul-organization ... 5. aufl. Berlin, 1895. O. 44 p. C Wyman, Morrill. Progress in school discipline : Corporal punishment in the public schools. . . Cambridge, 1867. O. 48 p. C Young, Ella Flagg. Isolation in the school . . . Chicago, 1900. O. 57 p. C Doctor's dissertation. 14. KINDERGARTEN. Aldrich, Auretta Roys. Children : their mod- els and critics. New York, 1893. S. 5 + [i] + 158 p. T Allen, Louis H. Kindergarten progress in New York. Buffalo, 1893. T. 44 p. ill. (New York state — Educat. exhibit. Handbooks, v. 3, no. 28.) C Bailey, M. E. Hints on introducing the kin- dergarten system into English infant schools. London [1876]. S. 62 p. T Barth, E., and Niederley, W. Des kindes er- stes beschaftigungsbuch ; praktische anleitung zur selbstbeschaftigung fur jiingere kinder. . . Biele- feld, 1887. O. 6 + 256 p. ill. C Beck'vrith, M. Helen. Story telling with the scissors. Springfield, 1899. Ob. D. 62 p. ill. T Berger, Michael. Kindergarten und vorschule ftlr ertaubte, schwerhorige und taubstumme kin- der. . . Wien, 1892. O. 41 p. C Berlin (Ger.) — Fichte-kindergarten. Zweiter bericht, Marz 1866 bis neujahr 1867. n. t.-p. D. 14 p. C BloTT, Susan Elizabeth. Kindergarten educa- tion. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 1900. V. I, p. 33-76.) C T Brooklyn Free Kindergarten Association. An- nual report, 1892-99. yNew York] 1892-99. D. >^i-8. T Kindergarten papers. 46 p. T Brooks, Angeline. Springfield [CiSg^i]. D. Studies from the kindergarten, by the stu- dents in the department of the kindergarten. New York, 1891. O. 46 p. ill. {In Teachers Col- lege. Ed. monogr. 1891. v. 4, no. i.) T BUhler, F. Die sorge fur das vorschulpflichtige alter. Bielefeld, 1895. O. 24 p. (Samml. pada- gog. vortrage. v. 7. pt. 11.) C Buisson, Ferdinand Edouard. Les classes en- fantines, documents legislatifs et administratifs pre- cedes d'une introduction. [Anon.] Paris, 1888. O. no + 3 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scolaires. no. 62.) C Carpenter, Harvey. Mother's and kinder- gartner's friend. . . Boston, 1884. D. 153 p. T Cassan, Karl. Die vor- und fortbildungs- schulen und ihre stellung zum organismus der volks- schule. {In Neue bahnen.) 1891. v. 2, p. 425- 39.) T Chicago Free Kindergarten Association. An- nual report, 1895-97. Chicago, 1896-98. D. T Chicago Kindergarten College. [Circular of information.] 1895-96, 1900-01. Chicago, 1895- 1900. D. C Delon, Mme. Fanny Ch. and Delon, Charles. Methode intuitive ; txercices et travaux pour les enfants selon la methode et les procedes de Pesta- lozzi et de Froebel. v. i, 56 ed. Paris, 1892-97 [V. I, '97]. O. 2 V. pi. C 114 EDUCATION Dongi, Adolf. The kindergarten ; a manual for the introduction of Froebel's system . . . into public schools. . . 2d ed. New York, 1871. D. 6 + 136 p. 16 pi. T Fischer, A. S. Der kindergarten ; theoretisch- praktisches handbuch. 4. verm. . . aufl. . . Wien, 1895. O. 4 + 178. ill. pi. C France — Instruction publique, des cultes et des beaux-arts. Minister e de r , Project d'instruction pour I'installation d'ecoles enfantines modeles pre- sente k Monsieur le Ministre au nom de la Societe des ecoles enfantines. Paris, 1886. O. 24 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scolaires. no. 9.) C Frbbel, Friedrich. Autobiography ; translated and annotated by E. Michaelis and H. K. Moore. Syracuse, 1889. O. 15 + 167 p. C T Bibliography by Wichard Lange, p. 145-52. Course of paper-cutting, edited and supple- mented by Eleonore Heerwart. . . Z^t-^. D. [4] -|- 39 p. i por. I pi. T Payne, Joseph, Frbbel and the kinder- garten system of elementary education. {In his Lectures on the science and art of education. 1884. p. 385-99.) C T P5SCHE, Hermann. Friedrich Frflbels entwickelnd-erziehende menschenbildung. Ham- burg, 1859. D. v. I. ill. C Contents : V. I, Die sprachliche entwickelung und der sprachliche unterricht des kindes im kindergarten. Friedrich Frobel's entwickelnd-erzie- hende menschenbildung (kindergarten-padagogik) als system. Hainburg, 1862. S. 24 + 449 p. C Quick, Robert Hebert. Friedrich Froebel. {In his Essays on educational reformers. 1890. p. 384-413.) C T Shirreff, Emily Anne Eliza. Short sketch of the life of Friedrich FrSbel. . . New ed. in- cluding Frobel's letters from Dresden and Leipzig to his wife . . . translated into English. London, 1887. D. 8 -4-134 p. CT Snider, Denton Jacques. Froebel's Mother play songs (Mutter-und-kose-lieder, nos. 1-22) ; a commentary. Chicago [I895]. O. 332 p. T Life of Frederick Froebel . . . Chi- cago [I90O]. O. 10 H- 470 p. C T Steglich, Friedrich August. Uber die padagogische idee F. Frobels in ihrer philosophi- schen begrlindungdurch Froschammer. Bern, 1898. O. 8 + 195 p. C Frobel, Karl. Explanation of the kindergar- ten. . . London \^i^-}'~,\. S. 3 -I- 79 p. T Golden Gate Kindergarten Association. An- nual report for the year ending Oct. 6, 1885-87, 1889, 1899. San Francisco, 1885-1900. O. no. 6-8, 10, 20. C Greene, Mrs. Harriette W, H. History in the kindergarten ; a plan of study designed to de- velop and promote an intelligent love of country. New York, 1897. O. 67 p. ill. C Gregory, Jeannette R. Practical suggestions for kindergartners, primary teachers and mothers . . . talks, stories, and illustrations. . . St. Louis, 1893. F. 219 p. ill. T Hailmann, William N. Four lectures on early child-culture. Milwaukee, iSSo. D. [3] + 74 p. C Kindergarten culture in the family and kin- dergarten ; a complete sketch of Froebel's system of early education, adapted to American institutions . . . Cincinnati [I873]. D. 119 p. 12 pi. T Law of childhood, and other papers. Chi- cago, 1889. D. 88 p. pi. T Primary helps . . . no. I of a new series of kindergarten manuals. Syracuse, 1884. O. 29 p. 15 pi. (School bulletin publications.) T Primary methods, a . . . presentation of the use of kindergarten material in the . . . pri- mary school. New York ^Q.iii'Ji. D. 6 + [i] -I- 166 p. ill. T ii6 EDUCA TION Harris, William Torrey. Kindergarten meth- ods contrasted with the methods of the American primary school ; a paper read . . . July 17, 1889. n. p. D. 12 p. C Harrison, Elizabeth. Study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint. Chicago, 1891. D. 207 p. T Heerw^art, Eleonore, Kindergarten in rela- tion to the various industrial products of a country. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Health Exhib. lit. v. 13, p. 96-105.) C Mothers' song and talk. {In London Fr8- bel Soc. Essays on the kindergarten. 1889. p. 81-98.) T Hoffinann, Heinrich. Kindergarten toys and how to use them. New York, 1874. D. 38 p. ill. T Honolulu — Free Kindergarten and Children's Aid Association of the Hawaiian Islands. Calen- dar, 1900. Honolulu, 1900. D. ill. T Hughes, James Laughlin. The kindergarten, its place and purpose ; an address delivered De- cember 14th, 1877, before the Teachers' Association of Toronto. New York, \%Tl. D. [3] + 36 p. ill. (Papers on education, ist ser. no. 17.) C T International Kindergarten Union. Proceed- ings of the annual convention, n. p. 1892-99. O. V. 1-6. T Title pages of v. 1-3 read Report of the International Kin- dergarten Union. These reports include Proceedings of ist- 5th conventions. Kindergarten. Chicago, 1900. O. p. 127- 52. ill. (/« Elementary school record. 1900. V. I, no. 5.) T The kindergarten and the school, by four active workers. Springfield {Mass.') [C.1886]. D. 136 p. ill. T Contents : Page, A. L. Frobel — The man and his work. Brooks, A. Theory of Frbbel's kindergarten system. Gifts and occupations of the kindergarten. Putnam, Mrs. A. H. Use of kindergarten mate- rial in primary schools. Peabody, Mrs. M. H. Connection of the kinder- garten with the school. The kindergarten engrafted on the American public-school system. Extracts from official reports on the public kindergartens established by the Board of Public Schools of the city of St. Louis, Mo. New York, iSjT. D. 14 p. (Papers on educa- tion. 1st ser. no. 3.) C Kindergarten magazine ; monthly text-books of the new education. Chicago, 1889-98. O. v. 2-10, ill. T King, Henry Churchill. The appeal of the child, two sermons delivered before graduating classes of the Oberlin Kindergarten Training School. Oberlin, 1900. S. 71 p. C Kohler, August, Die praxis des kinder- gartens ; theoretisch-praktische anleitung zum gebrauche de Frdbel'schen erziehungs-und bildungs- mittel in haus, kindergarten 'und schule. 1.-2. ausg. JVeimar, 1871-76. O. 3 v. in i. pi. C Kraus Alumni Kindergarten Association. An- nual report, 1897-98. \^New York, i898]-99. Sq S- C Kraus-Boelte, Maria. Aim of the kindergar- ten system. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1878. p. 118-35.) c The kindergarten and the mission of woman : my experience as trainer of kindergarten-teachers in this country ; an address delivered before the Na- tional Educational Association, at the Louisville meeting, August 15, 1877. ^ew York, 1877. D. 16 p. (Papers on education, ist series, no. 13.) C Kraus-Boelte, Maria, and Kraus, John. Kin- dergarten guide . . . designed for the self-instruc- tion of kindergartners, mothers and nurses. New York, 1892 [C. 77-92]. O. 2 V. ill. pi. T London Fr6bel Society. Essays on the kinder- garten ... a selection of lectures read before the . . . society. 3d ed. London, 1889. D. 149 p. T Contents : Buckland, Anna. On stories in the kindergar- ten ; the happiness of childhood. Heerwart, Eleonore. Frobel's Mutter- und kose- lieder. Hoggan, F. E. Physical education of girls. Shirreff, E. A. E. Progressive development ac- cording to Frobel's principles ; Wasted forces ; The kindergarten in relation to schools ; The kinder- garten in relation to family life. Lyschinska, Mary J. Kindergarten princi- ple. . . 7th ed. London, 1893. Sq. O. 5 + 173 p. ill. pi. T Mackenzie, Jeanie. Principles and practice of kindergarten. London, 1896. D. 5 + 391 p. ill. C Mackenzie, Marion. Kindergarten black- board. Springfield \z.\^f^y Obi. Q. 4 p. 22 pi. T Mann, Mrs. Mary Tyler (Peabody) and Pea- body, E. P. Moral culture of infancy and kinder- garten guide, with music for the plays. 4th ed. New York, 1870. D. 206 + 10 p. i pi. T Marenholtz-BUloTT, Bertha (von Billow Wend- hausen), freiin von. The child and child-nature, [tr. by A. M. Christie.] 8th ed. London, 1899. D. 10 + [2] 4- 186 p. ill. T The child, its nature and relations ; an elu- cidation of Frcebel's principles of education, trans- lated from the German by Matilda H. Kriege. . . New York, 1872. D. 3 + 148 p. C T Greeting to America . . . impressions of my travels, kindergarten suggestions, translated by L. E. New York, 1900. Sq. O. 147 p. i por. pi. T Handwork and head work ... a transla- tion of " Die arbeit und die neue erziehung " by A. M. Christie. London [I883]. D. [8] + 12 + 144 P- T The kindergarten and the importance of children's play, and conclusion. {In Goldammer, Hermann. Kindergarten. 1882. v. i, pref. p. [7]-40, V. 2. p. [i49]-66.) C KINDERGAR TEN 117 Marenholtz-Bulo'w (continued) Die kindlichen triebe und die bedeutung des kindlichen spiels. {In her Gesammelte beitrage. V. 2, p. 1-49.) C GoLDSCHMlDT, Henriette. Bertha von Marenholtz-Blilow, ihr leben und wirken im dienste der erziehungslehre Friedrich Frobels. Hamburg, 1896. O. 54 p. (Sammlung gemeinverstand- licher . . . vortrage. Neue folge. v. 10 ; no. 239.) C Meiklejohn, John, M. D. The new educa- tion. Syracuse, 1881. S. 35 p. (School-room classics, 6.) T Mill, Jane. Kindergarten educational employ- ments and amusements for children. . . London, 1863. Sq. O. 64 p. pi. T Morf, Heinrich. Ein grunder und die griin- dung hoheren ranges. (/« Paedagogium. 1894. V. 16, p. 500-12 and 564-78.) T Morgenstern, Frau Lina (Bauer). Das par- adies der kindheit durch spiel, gesang und beschaf- tigung. . . Berlin, 1861. O. 13 + 194 p. ill. pi. C Das paradies der kindheit nach Friedrich Frobels grundsatzen ; praktisches . . . handbuch fur den selbstunterricht ... in den Frobel'schen bildungsinstituten. 2. . . verm. ausg. Berlin, 1865. O. 8 + 280 p. ill. 9 pi. C Mortimer, iT/rj. E. M. Practical kindergarten lessons for English infant schools. 4th ed. Lon- don, 1896. D. 135 p. ill- T Ne\y York (city) Kindergarten Association. Annual report. 1890-igoo. New York, \%^\-\()Q0. O. V. 1-4, 6-10. C Leaflet, no. 1-2. Nexv York, n. d. O. C Page, Anne L., and others. The kindergarten and the school. . . Springfield {Mass.), n. d. D. 6 + 146 p. ill. I per. pi. C Payne, Joseph. Visit to German schools . . . with critical discussions of . . . kindergarten and . . . elementary education. London, 1876. D. 10 + 138 p. T Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. Education in the home, the kindergarten and the primary school . . . London, 1887. D. 8 + 223 p. T Lectures in the training schools for kinder- gartners. Boston, 1888 [C.'86]. D. [5] + 226 p. T Pollock, {Mrs.) Louise. National kindergar- ten manual. . . Boston [C.1888]. D. 177 p. ill. T Poulsson, Emilie. Love and law in child training ; a book for mothers. . . Springfield, 1899. D. 235 p. T Rauscher, Ferdinand Em. Der handfertig- keitsunterricht, seine theorie und praxis. Wien, 1885-87. O. 2. V. in I. ill. C Riggs, Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin. Chil- dren's rights. . . Boston, 1S92. D. [5] -f- 235 p. T The kindei^arten. New York, 1893. S. 9 + 216 p. (World's Columbian Expos. Distaff ser.) T and Smith. N. A. Republic of childhood. Boston, 1895-96. D. 3 V. C T Contents : 1. Frobel's gifts. 2. Frobel's occupations. 3. Kindergarten principles and practice. Robinson, B. Kindergarten practice for the use of teachers. Dublin, 1893. Sq. O. 91 p. ill. pi. T Ronge, Rev. John, and Ronge, Mrs. Bertha. Practical guide to the English kindergarten. . . London, 1S96. Sq. O. 12 -|- 68 p. pi. T Schaeffer, Mary F. Cycle of work in the kin- dergarten and primary school, v. i. O. Los An- geles \Cal.^, 1899. T Schneider, Moritz. Wenn erftiUt der kinder- garten die an ihn gestellteforderung vorbereitend auf die schule, zunachst auf die elementarklasse des- selben zu wirken ? Dresden, 1873. O. 36 p. C Seidel, Friedrich. Das bauen nach Frobel, vorlagen und anweisung. 2. aufl. Wien, 1890. O. 4. V. pi. T Beschaftigungs-magazin fur kindergarten . . . [Gesamt-ausgabe.] Wien, 1892. O. 12 p. 120 pi. C Katechismus der praktischen kindergart- nerei. 3. verm. aufl. Leipzig, 1887. S. 10 -h 116 p. ill. (Weber's Illustrierte katechismen.) T Sewall, Rev. Frank. Angel of the state ; or. The kindergarten in the education of the citizen : a study of Pestalozzi, Froebel and Swedenborg. Bos- ton, 1896. S. 122 p. por. C Shirreff, Emily Anne Eliza. Essays and lec- tures on the kindergarten ; principles of Frobel's system and their bearing on the higher education of women . . . with an apx. by E. P. Peabody, New York, 1883. D. [4] + 187 p. I tab. T Home education in relation to the kinder- garten. . . London, 1884. D. 63 p. T Kindergarten at home : a practical hand- book for mothers. 2d ed. London, 1890. O. 16 + 201 p. ill. T The kindergarten in relation to family life. {In London Frobel Soc. Essays on the kindergar- ten. 1889. p. I33-49-) T The kindergarten in relation to schools. (/« same. p. 116-32.) T Progressive development according to Fr6- bel's principles. {In same. p. 5-18.) T 99-"5.) T Smith, Nora Archibald, compiler. Christmas festival service for home, kindergarten and Sunday school. Springfield [C.ii>()'iy Ob. S. 38 p. T The kindergarten in a nutshell. . . Phila- delphia, 1899. S. 8-1- [3] -f- 134 p. (Ladies' home jo. practical library, i.) Wasted forces. {In same. p. ii8 EDUCATION Snell, Anna. Geometrical instruction through " hand and eye " ; a guide . . . to the use of kinder- garten gifts and occupations. . . London. 1895. O. 9 + 98 p. ill. T Snider, Denton Jacques. Psychology of Froe- bel's play-gifts. St. Louis \c.\cfyoy O. 12 -)- 384 p. T Society for Ethical Culture. Reports of the director and principal of the Free kindergarten. New York, 1881. O. T Steele, Frances A. Kindergarten handbook for English teachers. . . London [i882]. D. 81 p. T Stephens, M. Kindergarten education. 3d ed. Dublin [1888]. S. 6 + [i] + 63 p. 26 pi. T Stockham, Cora L., and Kellogg, E. A., edi- tors. Mother's portfolio ; a book for every mother containing messages from Frobel and the kindergar- ten. Chicago, 1889. Q. 422 p. ill. pi. T Struthers, J. Report on sloyd and kinder- garten occupations in the elementary schools. (/« Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1895. v. 30, p. 445- 61.) C Verein fiir f amilien- und volks-erziehung. Drit- ter [und fiinfter] allgemeiner bericht. 1866-69. Berlin, 1867. O. 2 v. in i. C Vuagnat, A. L'education normale des tout petits basee sur les idees de Pestalozzi et de Froe- bel. . • Neuchatel, no date. O. 90+2 p. pi. C Washington Kindergarten Union. First an- nual announcement. . . Washington, 1883. Sq. D. 34 p. T Weaver, Emily A. Paper and scissors in the schoolroom, Springjield ic.\%^2]- ^- 11 V- ^^^- T Wiebe, Eduard, Quarter century edition of the Paradise of childhood, a . . . guide to kinder- gartners edited by Milton Bradley . . . [with] a life of . . . Froebel by H. W. Blake. Springfield, \^(^() [C.'69-96]. O. 274 p. ill. por. pi. T Wesen und wirksamkeit des kindergartens . . . Hamburg, 1872. T. 32 p. C a. SONGS, GAMES, STORIES, etc. Bainbridge, Elizabeth G. Schoolroom games and exercises. Chicago [C.\%2it-^. D. 135 p. T Berry, Mrs. Ada, and Michaelis, Mme. Emilie, compilers. Kindergarten songs and games. . . London, n, d. D. [I5] + 48 + 46 p. T Binder, Helene. Flirs kleine volk ! Niirn- berg, n. d. Q. 140 p. ill. T Zeitvertreib ; ein bilderbuch mit geschich- ten, marchen . . . und auflUhrungen fUr kinder. Nilrnberg [1897-1. Q. 76 p. ill. T ill. Bob, le petit peintre. Paris, n. d. Q. Boston collection of kindergarten stories ; writ- ten and collected by Boston kindergarten teachers. Boston, 1893. D. [5] + 116 p. T Bunyan, John. Rook for boys and girls ; or, Country rhymes for children ... a facsimile of the unique i" ed. . . 1686 . . . with an introduction . . . by Rev. John Brown. London, 1889. Sq. O. 28 + [8] -t- 79 p. T Campbell, Loomis J., compiler. Young folks' book of poetry, containing a collection of the best short and easy poems. , . j9^j/cw, i88g [C.'80]. D. i8 + 106 p. T Campbell, Valeria J., compiler. Little poems for little children. Chicago [C. 18873. D. 203 p. T Canton, William. W. V. her book and various verses. . . [2d ed.] New York, 1897. 8. 8 + 150 p. 2 pi. T Chansons enfantines. Paris, n, d. S. un- paged, ill. T Children of all nations ; their homes, their schools, their playgrounds. London, 1884. Sq. O. 254 p. ill. T Coates, Henry T., compiler. Children's book of poetry ; carefully selected from the works of the best and most popular writers for children. Phila- delphia [C. 1879]. O. 531 p. ill. pi. T Delcourt, Pierre. La Mere Michel. Paris, n. d. Q. unpaged, ill. T 47 p. T Bolton, Fannie S., compiler. Mother Goose in the kindergarten. Chicago, 1893. O. 80 p. ill. T Dodge, Mrs. Mary (Mapes). Rhymes and jin- gles. New York, 1891 [C.'74]. D. 12 + 225 p. ill. T When life is young ; a collection of verse for boys and girls. New York, 1894. D. 14 + 255 p. ill. T Doudet, Mme. {pseudonym), see Lefevre, Theodore, below. Field, Mrs. E. M. The child and his book ; some account of the history and progress of chil- dren's literature in England. London [pref. 189I]. O. 6 +356 p. ill. pi. T Garrison, Wendell Phillips, compiler. Good- night poetry (bed.side poetry). . . Boston, 1891 [C. '86-90.]. S. 14 + 143 P- T Gomme, Alice Bertha, compiler. Children's singing games, with the tunes to which they are sung, pictured in black and white by Winifred Smith; [ist and 2d ser.]. London [1894]. Sq. O. 2 V. ill. T Gould, Allen Walton. Mother nature's chil- dren. Chicago, 1895. Q. ill. (Nature studies, no. I.) T GreenaiiV^ay, Kate. Book of games. London [I889]. Sq. O. 63 p. ill. T Guckkasten filrs kleine volk. NUrnberg, n. d. Sq. O. [I6] p. ill. T Hailmann, (Mrs.) Eudora Lucas. Songs, games and rhymes for the . . . kindergarten. . . Springfield, iBSy. D. 4 +169 p. i por. T KINDERGAR TEN 119 Harrison, Elizabeth. In story-land. 2d ed. Chicago [C. 1895]. D. 186 p. T Two children of the foothills. Chicago [C. igooj. D. 294 p. ill. 2d ed. T Headland, Isaac Taylor, compiler and trans- lator. Chinese Mother Goose rhymes. Chicago [C. 190O]. O. 157 p. ill. T Hetzel, Pierre Jules. Paris. Paris [I89O]. Q. Mademoiselle [46] p. ill. Lili History of Thomas and Joseph. Philadelphia, n. d. T. 36 p. I ill. T Pub. by American Sunday-school Union. Hofer, Andrea. Child's Christ-tales. Chicago, 1895 [C. '92-94]. D. various paging, ill. pi. T Hubbard, Clara Beeson, compiler. Merry songs and games for the kindergarten. Part ist. Enl. ed. St. Louis [C. 1881-87]. Sq. Q. 192 p. T Hiitzler, Sara. Kleine menschen ; schetsen uit het kinderleven, vertaling van Mevr. R. Brugsma-Haenenberger. Sneek, 1884. D. 195 p. C Jackson, Mrs. Helen Maria Fiske Hunt. Cat stories. Boston, 1898. Sq. D. 3 v. in i. pi. T Jordan, David Starr. Book of Knight and Barbara, stories told to children corrected and illus- trated by children. New York, 1899. D. 84-262 p. ill. I pi. T Eetchum, Agnes Taylor, and Jorgensen. I. M., ed. Kindergarten gems, a collection of stories and rhymes for little folks. . . St. Louis, 1890. Sq. O. 248 p. ill. T Kohler, Richard. Uber die padagogische be- deutung des marchens und seine behandlung. (/« Neue bahnen. 1899. v. 10, p. 156-66 and 210-18.) T Kriege, Alma L. Rhymes and tales for the kindergarten and nursery. D. 13 + 109 p. New York [C. 1876]. T La B^dolliere, Emile de. Histoire de la Mere Michel et de son chat. Paris, n. d. D. 107 + [I] p. ill. T L^ang, Andrew, editor. Animal story book, Neiv For /^, 1896. D. 14 + 400 p. ill. T Blue poetry book. 2d ed. London, 1896. D. 20 + 348 p. ill. T Lear, Edward. Book of nonsense. 30th ed. New York, \Z^<^. Obi. O. [4] + 109 p. ill. T Lechler, Cornelie. Was euch gefallt, ein bild- erbuch mit versen und . . . erzahlungen. Niirn- berg [I895]. Q. [38] p. Lefevre, Theodore. Mme. Doudet, pseud. ^. ill. ill. Bebe devient savant [par Paris, n. d. F. 46 p. T Bebe sail lire. ill. Paris, n. d. F. [46] T Linton, William James. The flower and the star, and other stories for children. London [C.1868.] Sq. D. 120 p. ill. T Matz, Rudolf. Uber die spiele der kinder welche bewegungsspiele im freien sind leicht ausfiihrbar und den kindern interessant ? Minden, 1883. O. 36 p. (/« Lehrerprtifungs und informations-arbei- ten. V. I, pt. 2.) C Meyer, A. F. Angenehme gesellschaft ! tier- geschichten filr artige kleine leute ; poesie und prosa. Nurnburg [I894]. Q. [38] p. ill. T Nadaillac, C, and Rousseau, J. Les jeux de college. 4« ed. . , aug. Paris [pref. iSgoj. O. 9 + 228 p. ill. C Newell, William Wells, editor. Games and songs of American children. New York, 1884. O. 12 + 242 p. pi. T With music. Our children's songs. New York, 1878. Q. 207 p, ill. T Palgrave, Francis Turner, compiler. Chil- dren's treasury of English song. New York, 1898. S. 8 + 302 p. T Pape-Carpantier, Mme. Marie. Enseigne- ment pratique dans les salles d'asile ; ou. Premieres le9ons a donner aux petits enfants, suivies de chan- sons et de jeux pour . . . I'enfance. 8' ed. -Pflrw, 1885. O. 329 p. ill. pi. C Poulsson, Emilie. Finger plays for nursery and kindergarten. Boston [C.1889]. Sq. O. 80 p. ill. T In the child's world ; morning talks and stories for kindergartens, primary schools and homes. Springfield, Mass., 1893. O. 14 + 443 p. ill. pi. T Nursery stories and rhymes for the home and kindergarten. Boston, 1893. O. [78] p. ill. pi. T Pratt, Anna M. Little rhymes for little peo- ple. Cleveland, i%q(i. O. 60 p. T Pratt, Waldo S., editor. St. Nicholas songs. New York [C.\2>?)S-\. F. [5] H- 190 p. ill. T Riggs, Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin. Kinder- garten chimes . . . songs and games . . . for kin- dergarten and primary schools. Boston [C. 1885]. Q. 10 + 102 p. T and Smith, N. A. The Story hour : a book for the home and the kindergarten. Boston, 1894 [C.'90]. D. 185 p. pi. T Rooper, Wilhelmina L. Kindergarten games without music. London [189O]. Sq. O. 64 p. T Rossetti, Christina Georgina. Sing-song, a nursery rhyme book. . . London, 1893. D. 14 + 135 ?• in. T Scbefer, Therese. Lustige iiberraschungen verwandlungsbuch mit versen. Niirnberg, n. d. Q. 16 p. ill. T Schenckendorff, Emil von, and Schmidt, F. A., editors. Uber jugend und volksspiele : allgemein unterrichtende mitteilungen des central ausschusses zur forderung der jugend und volksspiele in Deutsch- land. Hannover, 1892. O. 112 p. T I20 EDUCATION Singleton, J. E. Occupations and occupation games. [Anon.] London [I885]. D. 131 p. ill. T Thacher, Mrs. Lucy W., compiler. The listen- ing child ; a selection from . . . English verse , . . for the youngest readers and hearers. . . New York, 1899. D. 29 + 408 p. I pi. T Tomlins, William L., compiler. Child's garden of song, with designs by Ella Ricketts. Chicago, 1895. Sq. Q. 72 p. ill. T Words and music. Tucker, Elizabeth S. Children of colonial days with . . . color-plates after paintings ... by E. Percy Moran. New York, 1894. Sq. F. un- paged, ill. T Turner, Mrs. Elizabeth. The cowslip ; or, More cautionary stories in verse. . . [Anon.] London, 181 1. Sq. T. 68 p. ill. T The daisy ; or. Cautionary stories in verse, adapted to . . . children. . . [Anon.] London, 1807. Sq. T. 66 p. ill. T Unser kind ! erinnerungsblatter aus der kind- heitunsereslieblings. Niirnberg ii'i>()'ii-^. O. [32] p. ill. T Walker, Gertrude, and Jenks, H. S. Songs and games for little ones. 5th ed. Boston \c.\^'?>']^. Q. 121 + [I] p. T With the music. Whittier, John Greenleaf, editor. Child life ; a collection of poems, ^oj/^w [c. 187I]. O. 13 + 263 p. ill. T Wiltse, Sara E. Brave baby and other- stories. Boston, 1894. D. 10 + 142 p. T Kindergarten stories and morning talks. Boston, 1890. D. 10 + 212 p. " T Myths and mother plays. . . Springfield, 1895. Sq. O. 55 + [2] p. ill. T Place of the story in early education, and other essays. Boston, 1892. D. 8 + 132 p. C Stories for kindergartens and primary schools. Boston, 1885. D. [4] + 75 p. ill. T Wright, Henrietta Christian. Children's stories in English literature. New York, 1889-91. D. 2 V. T Contents : 1. From Taliesen to Shakespeare. 2. From Shakespeare to Tennyson. 15. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Aldrich, George S. Some new educational problems. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1896. p. 153-68.) C Allen, Ernest. Les demiers travaux sur I'his- toire de I'instruction primaire ; etat actuel de la question. {In Revue des questions historiques. 1883. V. 33, p. 516-56.) C Arnold, Sarah Louise. Unification in primary school work. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1894. p. 214-30.) C Bainbrigge, William Henry. Early educa- tion ; being the substance of four lectures. . . London, 1854. S. 4 -t- 175 p. C Barnard, Henry, editor. Object teaching and oral lessons on social science and common things, with . . . principles and practice of primary edu- cation ... in the model and training schools of Great Britain. . . New York,i%to. O. 8-<-[i] -I- 434 p. ill. {In Barnard, Henry, ed. Papers for the teacher, i860, v. 2.) C T Barreda, Gabino. Algunas ideas respecto de instruccion primaria presentadas en forma de dic- tamen. . . Mexico, 1875. O- 4^ p. C Beebe, Katherine. First school year for pri- mary workers. Chicago [I895]. S. 147 p. C Bohm, H. Unsere kinder in haus und schule ; blicke in die praxis der kindererziehung. . . Ber- lin, 1880. O. [3] -)- no -H [I] p. C Bouman, H . De eerste trap van het leesonder- wijs in aanschouwingsoefeningen. . . 6de verm, druk. Groningen, 1897. D. 124 p. C Bousfield, William, editor. Elementary schools; how to increase their utility ; being six lectures de- livered to the managers of the London board schools in 1889 and 1890. London. 1890. D. 27 -|- 189 p. T Contents : Carpenter, W. L. Science-teaching. Grieve, W. H. Mechanics. Heather-Bigg, Ada. Evenings of amusement. Onslow, Col. G. M. Physical culture and recrea- tion. Ricks, George. Hand- and eye-training. Stanford, C. V. Music. Briick, Heinrich, and Keudel, H. Das erste schuljahr ; eine methodische behandlung sammtli- cher unterrichtsfacher der elementarklasse. Fiir katholische lehrer und leherinnen bearbeitet. . . Gera, 1892. O. 4 H- 199 p. C Buisson, Benjamin. Education de I'enfant, enseignement primaire, enseignement des adultes. {In Paris — Expos. Univ. 1889. Rapports du jury internal. 1890-92. v. 2, p. 1-482.) C L'enseignement primaire aux Congres d'edu- cation et k I'Exposition scolaire de Chicago. Paris, 1896. O. 33 + 260 p. C Calkins, Norman Allison. Manual of object- teaching, with illustrative lessons in methods and the science of education. New York, 1890 [C. 'Sij. D. 469 p. ill. T Primary object lessons ... a manual for teachers and parents. . . 7th ed. New York, 1863. D. 394 p. ill. 1 pi. C T [Same.] 40th ed. New York, 1886 [C. '8I]. D. 448 p. ill. pi. T ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 121 Capen, Elmer Hewitt. Needed reforms in grammar schools. (/« Amer. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1892. p. 84-99.) C Carey, Matthew. Thoughts on infant schools. State of the Philadelphia infant schools. {In his Miscellaneous essays. 1830. p. 309-17.) C Carll, Rev. M. M. On maternal instruction and management of infant schools. {In Amer. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1834. p. 99-136.) C Children of all nations ; their homes, their schools, their playgrounds. London [I884]. Sq. O. 254 p. ill. T Currie, Rev. James. Principles and practice of common school education. Cincinnati, 1884. D. 13 + 424 P- C T Principles and practice of early and infant school-education ; with . . . apx. of . . . songs with . . . melodies. New ed. London, n. d. D. 16 + 310 p. ill. (Constable's educational series.) C -th ed. Edinburgh, 1865. D. 16 + 310 p. ill. T De Garmo, Charles. Beitrag zur losung der frage tiber die beitragspflicht zur unterhaltung der elementarschulen ; historische und socialpolitische studie der unterrichtsverhaltnisse in Deutschland, England und Amerika. Jena, 1886. O. [3] + 99 p. {In Conrad, Johann, ed. Samml. nationalok. u. statist, abhandl. 1886. v. 4, pt. 4.) C Diester\7eg, Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm. Der unterricht in der klein-kinder-schule. 5. . . verm, aufl. Bielefeld, 1852. b. 20 + 148 p. C Edgei^orth, Maria, and Edgeworth, R. L. Practical education. London, 1798. O. 2 v. in i, [12] + 775 + [20], p. pi. T [Same.] 2d ed. London, O. 3 V. C [Same.] New York, 1835. D. 549 p. pi. T Ed'wards, Rev. Henry. Elementary educa- tion ; the importance of its extension in our own country. . . London, 1844. O. 4 + 182 p. ill. per. T Engel, Charles. Les commencements de I'in- struction primaire k Strasbourg au moyen age et dans la premiere moitie du seizieme siecle. Paris, 1889. O. 47 p. C Epinay, Mme. Louise Florence Petronille (d'Esclavelles) de la Live d'. Emiliens unterredun- gen mit ihrer mutter ; aus dem Franzosischen iiber- setzt. Leipzig, 1775. D. [6] + 300 p. pi. C Farley, Rev. Stephen. On the improvement which may be made in the condition of common schools. {In Amer. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1834. p. 67-80.) C First thoughts ; or. Beginning to think ... by A literary association. New York, 1853. D. 115 p. ill. (American system of education.) T Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Primary education in the nineteenth century. {In Roberts, R. D., ed. Ed. in the 19th century. 1901. p. 34-58.) C Ford, Paul Leicester. New England primer ; a history of its origin and development, with a re- print of the . . . earliest known edition. New York, 1897. Sq. O. 11 + 354 p. ill. facsim. CT France — Commission charg^e d 'examiner Us modifications h- introduire dans la legislation et dans I'organisation des divers services de r Algdrie instruction primaire des indigenes. Rap- port . . . par N. Combes. Paris, 1892. O. 227 p. 2 tab. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scolaires. no. 120.) C See also Algeria. L Enseignement primaire, Direction de. Rapport sur I'organisation et la situation de I'en- seignement primaire public en France. . . Paris, 1900. O. 15 + 628 p. C Legislature — Senate. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission chargee d'examiner le projet de loi adopte par le Chambre des deputes sur les de- penses ordinaires de I'instruction primaire publique et les traitements du personnel de ce service par N. Combes. Paris, 1888. O. 29g'p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scolaires. no. 52.) C Grimard, Edouard. L'enfant ; son passe, son avenir. /'arw [I889]. D. 4 + 388 p. C Grube, August Wilhelm. Der elementar- und volksschulunterricht im zusammenhange dargestellt zur losung der frage : " Wie ist der volksschul- unterricht von seiner abstrakten richtung zu erlosen und fi'ir die gemiithsbildung fruchtbar zu machen? " Erfurt, 1851. O. 8 -h 212 p. C Hailmann, William N. Outline of a system of object-teaching. . . New York., 1867. D. 161 p. T Hale, Mrs. Sarah Josepha Buell. Infant school management ; with notes of lessons on objects, and on the phenomena of nature and common life. London, 1886. D. 11 + 264 p. T Harder, Friedrich. Handbuch fiir den anschau- ungsunterricht ; mit besonderer berllcksichtigung des elementarunterrichts in den realien. . . 10. aufl. bearbeitet von J. F. Huttmann. Hanover, 1891. 0.8 + 576 p. C Harris, William Torrey. Elementary educa- tion. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 1900. V. I, p. 77-139.) C T Hastings, Lemuel S. What a grammar school graduate should know and be able to do. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1895. p. 131-48.) C Hew^itt, William. Course of simple object les- sons for infants. ist-2d ser. 2d ed. London, 1886-87. S. 2 V. T London, 1890. T ist-2d ser. 3d-4th ed. Hopkins, Louisa Parsons. Observation lessons in the primary schools. . . Boston, 1896 [C. '895. D. 4 + I + 212 p. ill. T International Congress of Primary Education. Congres international de I'enseignement primaire . . . [analyse des memoires]. Paris, 1889. O. 8 + 227 p. I pi. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scolaires. no. 91.) C 122 EDUCATION D. 16 + T Jenkins, Mrs. Sarah D. Methods versus de- vices ; paper read before the Conference of Educa- tional Workers, April . . . 1891. \^New York, 1891.] O. 8p. T Johnson, Anna. Education by doing ; occupa- tions and busy work for primary classes. . . New York, 1884. S. 109 p. ill. T Jordansky, N. Esquisse du developpement de instruction primaire k Nijni-Novgorod. Paris, 1900. O. 93 p. (Exposition Univ. de 1900.) C Klauwell, Adolf. Das erste schuljahr ; prak- tische anleitung fiir den ersten unterricht im anschauen, sprechen. . . 4. verm. . . aufl. Leip- zig, 1875. O. 12 + 200 p. C Laurie, Simon Somerville, Primary education in relation to education. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1883. D. 16 -I- 250 p. C 5th ed. Edinburgh, 18 250 p. Primary instruction. (/« his Training of teachers. 1882. p. 119-83.) T Lehmensick, Fritz. Der lese-unterricht auf der oberstufe der einfachen volksschule nach ziel und methode. (/« Padagogische studien, neue folge. 1892. V. 13, p. 1-16.) T Levasseur, Pierre Emile. L'enseignement primaire dans les pays civilises. Paris, 1897. O. 9 -t- 628 p. C Low^e, K. R. Wie erziehe und belehre ich mein kind bis zum sechsten lebensjahre? Hannover, 1898. O. 8 -1- 152 p. C liuders, C. F. Volksschulunterricht, sein ziel, sein stoff und seine methode ; lehrplane flir evan- gelische schulen und vortrage aus lehrerkonferenzen. Leipzig, 1882. D. 6 + 140 p. C Mac4, Jean. History of a bit of bread ; being letters to a child on the life of man and of animals ; translated and edited by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. 5th ed. London, 1876-84. S. 2 v. T Mann, Joseph, and Czermak, Johanna. Specielle methodik der elementarclasse. . . 3. aufl. Wien, 1899. O. 4 -f- 304 p. pi. (Handbuch der speciel- len methodik. pt. i.) C Manual of elementary instruction for infant schools and private tuition. London, i2>to-6i. S. 2 v. ill. T Mariotti, Louis. Histoire de l'enseignement primaire en France. {In his Conferences de peda- gogie. 1873. p. 77-216.) C Meyer, Erau Bertha, Zur ersten erziehung ; ein wort an frauen und mlitter. Berlin, 1869. D. 20 p, C Moscow (Russia) — Zemstvo. Ecoles primaires du Zemstvo du gouvemement de Moscow. Mos- cow, 1900. O. 7 p. C National Congress of Mothers. Work and words . . . including the journal of proceedings . . . 1897,1899. New York, i^g'j-fif). O. por. V. I, 3. C Necker, Albertine Adrienne (de Saussure), dame, ^^ducation progressive ; ou. Etude du cours de la vie ; precedee d'une notice sur la vie et les ecrits de I'auteur . I'Academie fran9aise. D, 2 V. ouvrage couronne par ed. Paris [ 182 8-32]. C Progressive education, commencing with the infant ; translated from the French with notes and an apx. by Mrs. E. C. (H.) Hillard and Mrs. A. (H.) L. Phelps. Boston, 1835. D. 348 p. C Progressive education ; or, Considerations on the course of life . London, 1839. D. 2 v. T Contents : 1. Observations on the first four years of child- hood. 2. Observations on the later years of childhood. New York (city) — Infant School Society. An- nual report, with the names of subscribers. . . New York, 1835. O. v. 8. C Northend, Charles. Primary schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1859. P- i~30-) C Orcutt, Hiram. Home and school training . . . New edition. Boston [I874-92]. D. 297 -H 12 p. I por. C T Page, James A. Grammar school reforms. {In Am. Inst, of Instr, Lectures, 1892. p. 100-09.) C Palmer, Thomas H. On the evils of the pres- ent system of primary instruction. {In Am, Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1837. p. 209-39.) C Perry, Rev. Gardner Braman, On primary education. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1833. p. 95-128.) C Pillet, Jules. Le dessin dans l'enseignement primaire; conference faite le 6 avril, 1882. . . 2^ ed. Paris, 1886. S. 72 p. ill. C Pizard, Alfred. L'histoire dans l'enseignement primaire. Paris, 1891. D. 12 + 222 p. C Porter, Mrs. Sarah (Ricardo). On infant schools for the upper and middle classes. {In Cen- tral Soc. of Ed. Papers. 1838. v. 2, p. 229-42.) T Practical treatise on day-schools, exhibiting their defects and suggesting hints for their improve- ment ... by a Schoolmaster. London, 1816. S. 16 4- 134 P- ^ Rendu, Eugene. De I'instruction primaire k Londres dans ses rapports avec I'etat social . . , 2* ed. augm. . . Paris, 1853, O. 23 + 243 p. Richmond, Ennis. Boyhood ; a plea for con- tinuity in education. London, 1898. D. [5] + 154 P- ^ Ricks, George. Object lessons . . . first se- ries for primary schools. Boston, 1895. D. 6 4- 202 p. ill. T Rocheblave, Georges. De I'education des en- fants. Montauban, 1897. O. I20 -H [I] p. C T Rooper, T. G. The child; what shall he study ? what shall he do ? or, Studies and occupa- tions for children. New York, 1894. S. 26 p. (Teachers manuals, no. 23,) T Object-teaching ; or. Words and things, Syracuse, 1892. D. 56 p. T ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 123 Rousselot, Paul. Pedagogic a I'usage de I'en- seignement primaire. 4"°* ed. Paris, 1885. D. 8 + 537 p. T Russell* William. Infant school system of edu- cation and the extent to which it may be advanta- geously applied to all primary schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1830. p. 95-121.) C Schneider, Karl Johann Friedrich. Das bild und seine verwertung im anschauungs- und aufsatz- unterricht. Osnabrtick, 1889. D. 82 p. T S4guin, Edouard. Rapport et memoires sur I'education des enfants normaux et anormaux ; pre- face par Boumeville ; traduction de I'anglais par A. Boutillier. Paris, 1895. O. 38 -h 376 p. (Bibl. d'education speciale. v. 3.) C Report on education. Washington, 1875. O. 6 + 137 p. (/« Vienna — Welt-ausstellung. 1873. U. S. Reports, v. 2.) C Sheldon, Edward Austin, compiler. on objects. . . New York [C.1863]. D. Lessons 407 p. T Jones, M. E. M., and Krusi, H. Manual of elementary instruction . . . containing a gradu- ated course of object lessons. . . 6th ed. . . enl. New York, i%']2, ic.'t2]. D. 471 p. ill. T Sinclair, S. B. First years at school ; a manual ... for primary teachers. New York, 1894. D. 169 p. ill. T Smith, Annie Tolman. Rural schools : progress in the past, means of improvement in the future. (/« U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1884, no. 6.) CT Stivin, Adam. Eyes right ; a bachelor's talks with his boys. Chicago, n. d. Sq. O. unpaged, pi. T Stockholm. — Les ecoles primaires de Stock- holm a r Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1900. Stockholm, 1900. D. 18 + [I] p. C Stockwell, Thomas B. How can the common schools be improved ? {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1883. p. 36-49.) C Stowe, Rev. Calvin Ellis. Report on elemen- tary public instruction in Europe made to the thirty-sixth general Assembly of . . . Ohio, Dec. 19, 1837. . . Boston, 1838. O. 68 p. C Stoy, Karl Volkmar. Haus-padagogik in mono- logen und ausprachen ; eine neujahrsgabe an die mutter. Leipzig, 1855, S. 8 + 135 p. C Te'wrs, Johann. Die gemeinsame elementar- schule. Bielefeld, 1896. O. 19 p. (Samml. pa- dagog. vortrage. v. 8, pt. 9.) C Tryon, Thomas. New method of educating children. . . London, 1695. T. 8 + 102 -t- 10 P- T Tuer, Andrew White. History of the horn- book. London, 1897. Sq. Q. 17 -|- 486 p. ill. facsim. T Facsimiles of three horn-books in pocket on back cover. Unwin, Rev. William Jordan. The model school. . . London, 1849. D. 8 + 126 p. ill. pl. T The primary school, school management and methods of instruction. London, 1864. D. 20 + 144 p. ill. pl. T Villari, Pasquale. L'istruzione elementare neir Inghilterra e nella Scozia. . . {In his Scritti pedagogici. 1868. p. 5-314.) C Vincent, Pierre. Cours de pedagogic a I'usage de I'enseignement primaire. . . 3™* ed. augm. Paris, n. d. D. 444 p. T First edition, 1882. Vos de Wael, G. A. De opvolding der kinderen. Haarlem, 1869. O. 75 p. (Kathol. nederl. Brochuren Vereeniging. Publ. v. 2, no. 4.) C Vyatka (Russia). Les ecoles elementaires pu- bliques du gouvernement de Wiatka. Aper9u sur la fondation et le developpement de ces ecoles de 1786 k 1898, par A. Krasseff. . . Wiatka, 1900. O. 47 p. pl. C D^R^NKOFF, J. Ecole urbaine de quatre classes a Viatka ; precis de son histoire et de son ac- tivite pedagogique. Paris, 1900. O. 40 p. ill. (Exposition Univ. de 1900.) C Ward, Agnes. Some aspects of theory and practice in infant education. {In Roberts, R. D., ed. Ed. in the 19th century. 1901. p. 15-33.) C Watts, Rev. Isaac. Treatise on the education of children and youth. 2d ed. London, 1769. S. 6 + 204 p. T Welch, Adonijah Strong. Object lessons. . . New York [I862]. D. 173 p. ill. T Wells, Rev. Algernon. The normal school. . . London, 1849. D. 22 p. i pl. T Wiedemann, Franz. Chats with the children ; an illustrated manual of object lessons . . . for in- fant schools, kindergartens and nurseries ; edited by H. P. and W. L. Rooper. London, 1887. D. 357 p. ill. T Author's name wrongly spelled Wiederman. Wilderspin, Samuel. Early discipline illus- trated ; or. The infant system progressing and suc- cessful. 2d ed. London, 1834. Nar. D. 12 + 313 p. T Infant system for developing the intellectual and moral powers of all children. . . 7th ed., en- larged. London, 1840. D. 16 + 335 p. ill. i pl. T On the importance of educating the infant poor. 2d ed., enlarged. London, 1824. O. 225 p. T System for the education of the young. London, 1840. D. 16 + 487 p. ill. pl. T Willock, Rev. William Alexander. Suggestions on the failure of education in the junior classes of elementary schools. {In Nat. Assoc, for the Promotion of Social Sci. Trans. 1862. v. 5, p. 270-80.) C Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Picture study in ele- mentary schools ; a manual for teachers. New York, 1899. D. 2 pts. ill. pl. C T Contents : I. Primary grades. 2. Grammar grades. 124 EDUCATION Wilson, William. Letter on infants' schools. London, 1825. O. 23 p. , T System of infants' schools. . . 2d ed. London, 1825. O. 3 + 123 p. pi. tab. T Wittich, Wilhelm. On the former and present condition of the elementary schools in Prussia. {In Central Soc. of Ed. Papers. 1837. v. i, p. I45-7I-) C 16. SECONDARY EDUCATION Acland, Arthur Herbert Dyke, and Smith, H. L. Studies in secondary education ; with an intro- duction by James Bryce. London, 1892. D. 28 + 334 P- T Armknecht, Wilhelm. Die spaltung des nord- deutschen hoheren schulwesens und ihre angebliche notwendigkeit. . . Emden, 1875. O. 16 + no p. C Arnold, Matthew. A French Eton ; or, Mid- dle class education and the state. London, 1864. S. 122 p. C A French Eton ; or, Middle-class education and the state ; to which is added Schools and uni- versities in France. . . London, 1892. D. 416 p. T Higher schools and universities in Germany. London, 1882. D. 27 4- 245 p. T Asmodi Redivivus {pseud.). unserer gymnasien. Leipzig^ i P- Der krebsschaden 86. O. 3 + 119 C Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States and Maryland. Plan of organization for the College entrance examina- tion board and a statement of subjects in which ex- aminations are proposed, 1900. n. p. Sq. O. 39 p. C [Same] adopted May 12, 1900. Sq. O. 39 p. C See College Entrance Examination Board, etc., below. Atkinson, Frederick Washington. Professional preparation of secondary teachers in the United States. Leipzig, 1893. O. 4 -f 64 p. T Bachmann, Friedrich. Die Konigliche Elisa- bethschule zu Berlin ; entwickelung, einrichtungen, bildungsziele. Berlin, 1893. Q. 32 p. 3 tab. Baker, James Hutchins. Secondary educa- tion. {In his Education and life. 1900. p. 50- 68.) C T Bancroft, Cecil Franklin Patch. Service ren- dered by the secondary school. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1891. p. 58-74.) C Bardeen, Charles William. Effect of the col- lege preparatory high school upon attendance and scholarship in the lower grades. O. 5 p. {In School issues of the day. 1890. no. 9.) T Barro'W, Hev. William. Essay on education . . . the merits and the defects of . . . our acad- emies. I^ndon, 1802. D. 2 V. C Barrows, Mrs. Elizabeth A. (Gate). Memorial of Bradford Academy. [Anon.] Boston, 1870. O. 5 -(- 189 p. por. pl. C Bartholomaus, Wilhelm. Die mittelschule in ihrem verhaltnis zur volksschule und zu den hOheren lehranstalten, ein beitrag zur schulorganizations- frage. Golha, 1887. O. 96 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1888. v. i.) C Litteratur, p. 95-96. Baumeister, Karl August, compiler. Die ein- richtung und verwaltung des hoheren schulwesens in den kulturlandern von Europa und in Nordamer- ika. Miinchen, 1897. O. 8-1- 894 p. (Hand- buch der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre fUr hShere schulen. 1897, v. i'^.) ' C Beauchamp, A. de, compiler. Recueil des lois et reglements sur I'enseignement superieur ; comprenant les decisions de la jurisprudence et les avis des conseils de I'instruction publique et du con- seil d'etat. Paris, 1880-98. Q. 5 v. C T Beger, August. Die idee des realgymnasiums fiir freunde und beforderer hoherer und zeitgemasser jugendbildung. Leipzig, 1845. O. 10 -H 391 p. C Beier, Adolf. Die hoheren schulen in Preussen und ihre lehrer. . . Halle a S., 1899. S. 10 -I- 284 + 2 p. C Belgium — Interieur et de V instruction pu- blique. Minister e de I' . Aper9u general des diverses mesures d'encouragement dont I'enseignement moyen a ete I'objet de 1850 a 1900. Bruxclles, 1900. D. Ill p. C — Notice sur I'organisation des etudes dans les Ecoles moyennes de I'Etat. Bruxelles, 1900. D. 90 p. C Notice sur les cours de notions ^mari- times donne dans^les Athenees royaux et les Ecoles moyennes de I'Etat pour gar9ons ; 1881-1900. Bruxelles, 1900. D. 50 p. C Rapport triennial sur I'etat de I'en- seignement moyen en Belgique presente aux Cham- bres legislatives, 1889-98. i2^'ne_i56me p^riode trienniale, 1885-96. Bruxelles, 1890-99. F. 4 v. C Situation , de I'enseignement superieur donne aux frais de I'Etat ; [i6*'"«] rapport triennial presente aux Chambres legislatives le 25 avril, 1899, par F. SchoUaert. Annees 1895-97. Bruxelles, 1899. F. 266 -+- 353 p. C Administration de I'enseignement supe- rieur et moyen. Programme des etudes dans les Athenees royaux. . . Bruxelles, 1892. O. 45 p. Modifications au programme de la physique et des sciences commerciales dans les Athenees royaux. . . Bruxelles, 1893. O. 5 p. SECONDAR V EDUCA TION 125 Bennett, Charles Edwin, and Bristol, G. P. Teaching of Latin and Greek in the secondary school. London, igoi. O. 16 + 336 p. (Amer. teachers' ser. ; J. E. Russell, ed.) T Contents : Teaching of Latin, by C. E. Bennett. Teaching of Greek, by G. P. Bristol. Berthelot, Andre. L'examen de fin d'etudes de I'enseignement secondaire en Italie. {In Revue Internat. de I'enseignement. 1886. v. 11, p. 137- 47, 224-34.) C T Bertrand. Alexis. Les etudes dans la demo- cratie. Paris, 1900. O. 288 p. C Biese, Franz. Philosophische propadeutik ; fUr gymnasien und hohere bildungsanstalten. Ber- lin, 1845. D. 29 + [2] -!- 252 p. C Bigot, Charles Jules. Questions d'enseigne- ment secondaire. Paris, 1886. D. 15 + 315 + I p. C Black, Rev, Charles. Economics of prepara- tory schools. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 413-18.) C T Bolton, Frederick E. Secondary school system of Germany. New York, 1900. D. 19 + 398 p. (International education series ; W. T. Harris, ed. V. 47-) C T With 6 p. list of " Authorities consulted." Bombard, Martin Christian Friedrich von. Die vorsschule des akademischen lebens und studiums ; in briefen an einem gymjiasiasten. Erlangen, 1845. O. 220 p. C Bonaparte, Charles Jerome. Some thoughts on secondary education in the U.S.; address . . . Oct. 1, 1900, at the Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Md. n.p. O. 7 p. C Boodstein, Otto. Die seminar-vorbildung. . , Wien [1 876]. O. 31 p. {In Padagogische studien. 1881. v. 2, no. 10.) T Bouman, Hermannus. Geschiedenis van de voormalige geldersche hoogeschool en hare hooglee- raren . . . [1600-184O]. Utrecht, 1844-47. Nar. O. 2 V. C Breal, Michel Jules Alfred. Excursions peda- gogiques. Paris, 1882. D. 364 p. C T Brinsley, John. Ludus literarius ; or, The grammar schoole ; shewing how to proceede from the first entrance into learning to the highest per- fection required in the grammar schooles. [Anon.] London, 1612. Sq. D. 28 + 339 p. C Brown, Elmer Ellsworth. Religious forces in higher education, an address . . . May, 1900. [San Francisco, 1900.] D. 16 p. (Pacific Theolog. Sem. Pub. no. 3.) C Secondary education. Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 205.) {In Butler, Nicholas 1900. V. I, p. 141- CT Bubbe, H. F. Tierschutz und schule ; ein mahnruf an die kollegen. . . Neuwied, 1898. O. 25 p. (Aus der schule ftir die schule. no. 77.) C Bull, Rev. Herbert. Relations between public and preparatory schools. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v, 6, p. 449-53.) C T Bulletin universitaire de I'enseignement secon- daire. Paris, 1891. O. [V. i.] C Bunse, Chr, Die deutsche bilrgerschule, die schule des mittelstandes ; ein fuhrer fUr schulman- ner und laien durch das gebiet der mittelschulfrage. Minden i. W., 1889. O. 6+ [I] + 30 p. {In Soziale zeitfragen. 1889. pt. 26.) C Burnichon, Joseph. Du lycee au convent. Paris, 1900. D. 6 -f- 345 p. C Butler, Nicholas Murray. Function of the secondary school. [Boston] iS(^. O. 18 p. (No. I in his Ten papers.) c [Same.] (In his Meaning of education, 1898. p. 151-83.) c T Reform of secondary education in the United States. {In same. p. 187-226.) C T Scope and function of secondary education ; address at Champaign, 111., May 19, 1898. O. 27 p. C From Ed. rev., June, 1898. California, University of — Dept. of Pedagogy. The literature of secondary education ; Bulletin no. 1-2. Berkeley, 1893. O. C Contents: No. i. Theory of high school educa- tion ; by S. H. Heidler. 2. History of secondary education in America ; by A. W. Gunnison. Canfleld, James Hulme. Opportunities of the rural population for higher education. O. 24 p. {In School issues of the day. [189O] no. 6.) T Carrara Spinelli, Giovanni Battista. Delia educazione privata, dialoghi. Edizione 2''*. . . Venezia, 1829. S. 250 + [ij p. i por. C Cogswell, Joseph Green. Outline of the sys- tem of education at the Round Hill School. . . Boston, 1 83 1. O. 24 p. C Prospectus of a school to be established at Round Hill, Northampton, Mass., by Joseph G. Cogswell and George Bancroft. O. 20 p. C and Bancroft, George. Some account of the school for the liberal education of boys, estab- lished on Round Hill, Northampton. . . North- ampton, 1826. O. 19 p. T Coleridge, Sir John Taylor. Public school education, a lecture delivered at the Athenaeum, Tiverton. 3d ed. London, 1861. S. 96 p. T College Entrance Examination Board of the Middle States and Maryland. Document No. 1-3, Dec. 10, igoo-February 10, 1901. New York, 1900-01. Q. C T Collins, William Lucas. The public schools . . . notes of their history and traditions. [Anon.] Edinburgh, 1867. D. 8 + 414 p. T Compajrr^, Gabriel. L'enseignement secondaire aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1896. O. 230 + [i] p. (World's Columbian Exposition — France. Rap- ports de la delegation.) C 126 EDUCATION Cookson, Christopher, compiler. Essays on secondary education. Oxford, 1898. Sq. D. 8 + 305 P- T Corbin, John. Schoolboy life in England ; an American view. New York, 1898. D. 7 + [4] + 225 p. I ill. pi. T Cotterill, Charles Clement. Masters of a pre- paratory school. {In England — Ed. Dept. Spe- cial reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 14-26.) C T Suggested reforms in public schools. Edin- burgh, 1885. D. 178 p. T Cousin, Victor. De I'instruction secondaire dans le royaume de Prusse. Bruxelles, 1841. S. 229 p. C Memoire sur I'instruction secondaire dans le royaume de Prusse. Paris, 1837. O. 195 p. T Curricula) and programmes of work for higher schools in Prussia ; translated by W. G. Lipscomb. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on edu- cational subjects. 1898. V. 3, p. 253-321.) C T Danker, Otto. Die realgymnasien bezw. real- schulen i. 0[rdnung] und das studium der neueren sprachen. . . Kassel, 1883. O. 92 p. C Demolins, Edmond. L'education nouvelle ; rificole des Roches. Paris [1898]. D. 12 + 320 p. ill. I tab. C T Dillmann, Christian von. Das realgymnasium. Stuttgart, 1884. O. [3] + i6i p. C Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Von der hochschule und den hochschulen. Giessen, 1869. Q. 20 p. C Dbllinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von. Die bedeutung der grossen zeitereignisse fiir die deut- schen hochschulen. {In his Akademische vortrage. iSgi. V. 3, p. 11-38.) C Dupanloup, Felix Antoine Philibert, bp. De la haute education intellectuelle. Orleans, 1857-66. O. 3 V. C Dupasquier, Louis. Essai sur 1' organisation des colleges dans les pays de la suisse romane, et en particulier du Jura bernois. Fribourg, 1852. O. 42 p. C Dupuy, Adrien. L'etat et I'universite ; ou, La vraie reforme de I'enseignement secondaire. Paris, 1890. D. 6 + 288 p. C Eliot, Charles William. An average Massa- chusetts grammar school ; address. {In his Educa- tional reform ; essays. 1898. p. 177-94.) C T The new education ; its organization. {From Atlantic monthly, v. 23, 1869, p. 203-20, 358-67.) O. C England — Education Dept. Preparatory schools for boys ; their place in English secondary educa- tion. London, 1900. O. 15 + 531 p. ill. (Spe- cial reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6.) CT Brier, W.,^^. Die direktoren-conferenzen des Preussischen staates. Sammtliche auf ihnen gepflo- gene verhandlungen. , . Berlin, I'i'jt. O. 16 -t- 272 p. C Eucken, Rudolf. Der kampf um das gymna- sium. Stuttgart, 1891. D. 68 p. C Fick, R., and others. Auf Deutschlands hohen schulen . . . [zierstiicke von Hans Baluschek]. 2. tausend. Berlin, 1900. Q. 13 + 488 p. 400 ill. C Fisch, Joseph. Geschichte des hoheren unter- richtes in Passau bis zur aufhebung des Jesuiten-or- dens im . . . 1773. Passau, 1861. Sq. O. 19 p. C Fischer, Albert. Das alte gymnasium und die neue zeit ; gedanken uber vergangenheit, gegenwart und zukunft unseres hoheren schulwesens. Gr.- Lichterfelde, 1900. O. 9 + 431 p. C Fischer, Karl. Antisemiten und gymnasialleh- rer ; ein protest. Berlin, i^'ix. O. 40 p. C Fitz-Hugh, Thomas. Outlines of a system of classical pedagogy. (Decennial report. 1889-99. School of Latin — University of Texas.) Berlin, 1900. O. 8 + [2] H- 24 p. C Fowler, Rev. William Chauncey. Influence of academies and high schools on common schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1831. p. 183- 206.) C France — Instruction publique, Ministre de /'. De I'enseignement secondaire en Angleterre et en ]6cosse ; rapport . . . par J. Demogeot et H. Mon- tucci. Paris, 1868. Q. 664 p. C Instructions concernant les programmes de I'enseignement secondaire classique. Paris, 1899. D. 216 p. C Frankfurter, Salomon. Die mittelschulre- form in Preussen und das osterreichische mittel- schulwesen. , . Wien, 1893. O. 87 p. C Franklin, Alfred Louis Auguste. Ecoles et colleges. Paris, 1892. D. 11 4- 314 p. pi. facsim. {In his La vie privee d'autrefois. 1892. v. 10.) C Freyhold, Edmund von. Kritische beitrage zur reform des naturwissenschaftlichen unterrichts hoherer schulen. 2. aufl. Leipzig, i?>%o. O. 104 p. C Friedemann, Friedrich Traugott. Beitrage zur vermittelung widerstrebender ansichten uber ver- fassung und verwaltung deutscher gymnasien. Ha- damar, 1833. O. v. i. C Friedrich, Gustav. Die heheren schulen und die gegenwart. Leipzig, 1896. O. 51 p. C Friese, Ernest. L'enseignement secondaire en France. Berlin, 1879-80. Sq. Q. 2 v. C Frohlich, Gustav. Die mittelschule im organ- ischen anschlusse an die volksschule und die geho- bene stadtschule oder deutsche bUrgerschule. Dresden, 1888. O. 8 H- 148 -h [4] p. C Oallander, Otto. Secondary schools of Swe- den. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1898. v. 3, p. 649-71.) CT SECONDARY EDUCATION 127 GeznoU, Albert. Das gymnasium und der kampf gegen die socialdemokratie. ^Striegau, 1891.] Q. 22 p. C GemsSt Prof. . Statistik der gymnasial- abiturienten im deutschen reich wahrend der letzten drei schuljahre. Berlin, 1895. Sq. Q. 25 p. C Gerhardt, Oswald. Uber die gegenwartige gestaltung des 'hoheren schulwesens in Frankreich. Berlin, 1896. Sq. Q, 27 p. C Germany — Cultus und dffentlichen unterrichtes, Ministerium des. Das hohere schulwesen in Sach- sen und die grenzboten nr. 43 und 44 vom jahre 1871. Leipzig, 1872. O. 56 p. C Gr^ard, Vallery Clement Octave. Education et instruction : enseignement secondaire. 2™^ ed. Paris, 1889. D. 4 V. C T Great Britain — Commissioners to inquire into the revenues and management of certain colleges and schools. Report. London, 1864. F. 4 v. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1864. v. 20-21 in 4 pts.) C Schools Inquiry Commission. Report of the commissioners. London, iS6S-6g. F. 21 v. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1867-68. v. 28, pt. 1-17.) C Vol. 6 contains D. R. Fearon's Report on secondary educa- tion in Scotland, Matthew Arnold's Report on the system in France, Italy, Germany and Switzerland, and Baron D. Mac- kay on secondary education in the Netherlands. Secondary Education, Royal Commission on. Report of the commissioners. London, 1895. O. V. i-g. ill. maps. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. V. 43-49-) ' C T Contents : I. Report of the commissioners. 2-4. Minutes of evidence. 5. Memoranda and answers to questions. 6-7. Reports of the assistant commissioners. 8. Index to minutes of evidence. 9. Appendix. Statistical tables. Great public schools ; Eton, Harrow, Charter- house, Cheltenham, Rugby, Clifton, Westminster, Marlborough, Haileyburg, Winchester. London [1893]. O. 6 + 344 p. ill. I por. pi. C T Grimm, Hermann Friedrich. Die deutsche schulfrage und unsere deutschen classiker. Deut- scher unterricht auf deutschen gymnasien. {In his Funfzehn essays. 1890. ser. 4, p. 25-105.) C Groszmann, Maximilian P. E. The common school and the new education ; what must we do to make our public school the true school ? Syracuse, 1897. S. [6] + 46 p. C Grumme, Albert. Die wichtigeren beschlUsse der Berliner schulkonferenz von 1890 nebst . . . betrachtungen tibei die reform des hoheren schul- wesens. Gera, 1891. O. 30 p. C Die gymnasien Osterreichs und die Jesuiten. Leipzig, 1859. O. 76 p. C Hamburg (Ger.) — Realgymnasium des Johan- neums. Festschrift zur feier des 50. jahrigen bestehens des Realgymnasiums des Johanneums in Hamburg, veroffentlicht von dem Lehrer-collegium am 28 Marz, 1884. Hamburg, 1884. Sq. Q. v. p. pi. I facsim. Hammond, H. E. D. Higher schools of the grand duchy of Baden. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1898. v. 3, p. 322-414.) C T Hanus, Paul Henry. Educational aims and ed- ucational values. New York, i^^q. D. 7 + 211 p. C Harley, Lewis R. The high school system. {In Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Sci. Annals. 1896. V. 8, p. 332-42.) C Hartmann, Felix. Der deutsche unterricht und die schulreform. Hamburg, 1890. O. 56 p. (/« Deutsche zeit- und streitfragen. 1891. v. 19, p- 75-130.) C Hasse, Paul. Die tiberblirduiig unserer jugend anf den hoheren lehranstalten mit arbeit im zusam- menhange mit der entstehung von geistes stSrungen . . . Braunschweig, 1880. O. [3] + 92 p. C Haufe, Ewald. Grundgedanken uber eine neue einheitliche organisation des deutschen schulwesens, mit besonderer berucksichtigung der mittelschulen. {In Paedagogium. 1887. v. 9, p. 159-69 and 224- 37.) T Havrkins, Dexter Arnold. Relation of educa- tion to wealth and morality and to pauperism and crime. Bridgton, Me., liii^. O. 20 + 2 p. C Herberholz, Hugo. AusfQhrlicher lehrplan fiir mittlere hohere schulen (gehobene schulen, rek- torat-schulen, hohere stadtschulen, mittelschulen). Hannover, 1898. O. 126 p. C Heusde, Philippus Wilhelmus van. Brief e Uber die natur und den zweck des hoheren unter- richts ; aus dem Hollandischen nach der 2. ausgabe Ubersetzt von Johannes Klein . . . mit einer vor- rede begleitet von Friedrich Heinr. Chr. Schwarz . . . Heidelberg, 1830. O. 24 + 275 p. C Hill, Charles W. Liberal education ; the con- tribution supplied by the grammar school. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1891. p. 36-51.) C Hill, Frank A. How far the public high school is a just charge upon the public treasury ; address before the N. E. Assoc, of Colleges and Preparatory Schools at Springfield [Mass.], Oct. 15, 1898 ; [with appendix on high school statistics of Massachusetts]. O. 28 + 8 p. C T Hime, Maurice Charles. Efficiency of Irish schools and their superiority to English schools as places of education for Irish boys, proved and ex- plained. London, 1889. D. n + 84 p. T Intermediate schools in Ireland. London, 1879. D. 12 + 270 p. T Hintzmann, Ernst. Wesen und aufgabe der hoheren blirgerschule. Magdeburg, \%<^\. Q. 20 p. C Hirzel, Karl. Vorlesungen iiber gymnasial- padagogik ; nach des verfassers tode' hrsg. von C. Hirzel. Tubingen, 1876. O. 8 4- 289 + [i] p. C Horn, J. F. Das zukunftsgymnasium. {In Neue bahnen. 1892. v. 3, p. 413-23 and 461-74.) T Das zukunftsgymnasium ; ein versuch. Gotha, 1893. O. 27 p. (Padagogische zeit- und streitfragen. 1893. v. 5.) C 128 EDUCATION Hornemann, F. Einheitsschulbestrebungen in Italien. {In Deutscher einheitsschulverein. Schrif- ten. 1889. V. 6, p. 29-63.) T Die zukunst unserer hoheren schulen. Han- nover, i%^-]. O. r3] + ii6p. (/wsame. 1887. v. 2.) T Hutter, Johann Baptist. Die griindung des gymnasiums zu Munchen im . . . 1559-60 ; histor- ischer vorbericht zur sacularfeier dieser anstalt im . . . 1859-60. Miincken, n. d. Sq. Q. 31 p. C L'istruzione secondaria. Lodi, 1892-93. O. V. 2, no. 1-4; V. 3, no. 1-15. T Joos, August. Die mittelschulen im grossher- zogthum Baden, entwickelungsgang, organisation, lehrplane, leitung und verwaltung derselben. . . 2. ausgabe. Karlsruhe, 1898. O. n + 535 P- Eaiun es mit unseren gymnasien so bleiben ? erorterungen und vorschlage von einem gymnasial- director. (/« Neue jahrb. fiir philol. und pada- gog. 1887. V. 136, p. 225-52.) C Kapp, Alexander. Die gymnasialpadagogik im grundrisse. Arnsberg, 1841. O. 26 + 191 p. C Kdrm^n Mor. Beispiel eines rationellen lehr- plans fiir gymnasien. Halle, 1890. O. 60 p. (Samml. padagog. abhandl. v. 3.) C Eeferstein, Horst. Zur frage der disciplin in den heheren lehranstalten. (/« Paedagogium. 1881. V. 3, p. 245-52.) T Keil, Heinrich Gottfried Theodor. Oratio de jure ac ratione institutorum academicorum. . . /f9,i. O. 31 p. C Eratz, Heinrich. Die lehrplane und prUfungs- ordnungen fur die hoheren schulen in Preussen vom 31. Marz und 27. Mai 1882 ; die amtlichen verord- nungen erlautert . . . Neuwied, 1883. O. 4 + 186 p. C Zu welchem studium berechtigt das reife- zeugnis der hSheren schulen ? [Anon.] Neuwied, n. d. D. 29 p. C Krause, Karl Christian Friedrich. Vorle- sungen uber die methode des akademischen studium, nebst den zu grunde gelegten dictaten . . . hrsg. von Paul Hohlfeld und Aug. Wiinsche. Leipzig, 1884. O. 6 + 57 P- C Krems (Austria) — Gytnnasium. Baran, Anton. Geschichte der alten lateinischer stadtschule und des Gymnasiums in Krems. . . Krems, 1895. O. 7 '+ 226 p. C Kummer, Karl Ferdinand, ed. Stimmen iiber den osterreichischen gymnasiallehrplan vom 26. Mai 1884. Wien, 1886. O. [8] + 411 p. C Ijaas, Ernst. Der deutsche unterricht auf hoheren lehranstalten ; ein kritisch-organisatori- schen versuch. 2'*^ aufl. besorgt von J. Imelmann. Berlin, 1886. O. 12 + 412 p. C Gymnasium und realschule alte fragen, mit riicksicht auf das bevorstehende preussische unter- richtsgesetz historisch und kritisch von neuem be- leuchtet. Berlin, 1875. O. 95 p. C Lange, Edmund. Die iiberflillung der gym- nasien und das berechtigungswesen. Hamburg, 1890. O. 40 p. {In Deutsche zeit- und streit- fragen. 1891. v. 19, p. 171-210.) C Liantoine, Henri. Histoire de I'enseignement secondaire en France au xvii™* et au debut du XVlll™e siecle. Paris, 1874. O. 11 + 295 p. C Laurie, Simon Somerville. Organization of the curriculum of secondary schools in Great Brit- ain. {In his Occasional addresses on educational subjects. 1888. p. 59-82.) T Secondary or high schools. {In his Train- ing of teachers. . . 1882. p. 185-229.) T Laveleye, Emile Louis Victor de. La liberte de I'enseignement superieur en Belgique. {In his Essais et etudes. 1894. ser. i, p. 75-114.) C Lehmann, Johannes. Die reform der gym- nasien ; ein wort zur einigung. n.p. n. d. Q. 12 p. C Ijehmhaus, Fritz. Die vorschule. Langen- salza, 1894. O. 32 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 46.) C Leipzig — Gymnasium zu St. Thomd. Beitrag zur frage der gehaltserhohung an den Leipzig 3r gymnasien. . . Leipzig, n. d. O. 17 p. C Little, Murray. Manual of the recent acts of Parliament relating to technical and secondary edu- cation. Edinburgh, 1893. O. 51 p. T Lo\7enfeld, Leopold. Zur mittelschulreform in Bayern ; bemerkungen von arztlichen stand- punkte. Milnchen, 1891. O. 22 p. C Lynam, Charles Cotteril. Examinations for entrance scholarships at the public schools. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educa- tional subjects. 1900. V. 6, p. 107-86.) C T Lyttelton, Edward. Entrance scholarships at public schools and their influence on preparatory schools. {In same. p. 91-105.) C T McCosh, James. Upper schools. {In Higher education and a common language. 1879. p. 33- 57.) T SECONDARY EDUCATION 129 McMurry, Charles Alexander. Die organisa- tion des hoheren schulwesens in den Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas und in England. . . Halle ajS., 1888. O. [5] + 44 p. C Manoff, Wassil A. Das iiberbilrdungsproblem in den hoheren schulen Deutschlands mitbesonderer beriicksichtigung des preussischen gymnasiums ; ein beitrag zur l6sung der uberbiirdungsfrage. Jena, 1899. O. [5] + 131 p. C Doctor's dissertation. Mansfield, Edward Dillon. Preparation for the preparatory school. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 419-25.) C T Marble, Albert Prescott. An address to the Hudson High School, June 30, 1882 ; Graduating exercises : what they imply and what they do not imply. Worcester, n. d. O. 17 p. C Markby, Thomas. The public schools. (/« his Practical essays on education. 1868. p. i- 105.) C Martin, Alfred Trice. Preparatory department at public schools. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 437-47.) C T Matthias, Adolf. Die bedeutung der hoheren biirgerschule fiir unsere volksbildung und fUr unser hoheres schulwesen. Minden i. IV., 1888. O. 18 p. {In Soziale zeitfragen, 1888. pt. 25.) C Meinardus, Karl. Das deutsche gymnasium Tind seine zukunft. Minden i. IV., 1888. O. 43 p. {In same. pt. 19.) C Melanchthon, Philipp. Ein schrift an ein erbare stadt von anrichtung der lateinischen schule mitzlich zu lessen ; Wittemberg, 1543. Augsburg, 1543. Zschopau, 1881. O. 12 + [4] p. (Samml. selten gewordener padagog. schriften. 1881, no. 9-) C Meyer, Julius Lothar von. Die reform der hSheren schulen. {In Deutscher einheitsschulverein. Schriften. 1890. v. 6, p. 7-28.) T Mezger, Karl Ludwig Friedrich. Neue bei- trage zur frage iiber reform des gymnasiums. {In Neue jahrb. fur philol. und padagog. 1885. v. 132, p. 417-37 and 481-94.) C Minssen, Jean Frederic. Etude sur instruction secondaire et superieure en Allemagne . . . Paris, 1866. O. 8 + 152 p. I tab. C Moldenhauer, Fr. Geschichte des hoheren schulwesens der Rheinprovinz unter preussicher regierung. . . Koln a. Rh., 1895. O. 8 + 120 P- C Mommsen, Friedrich. Ein gymnasium vor funfzig jahren und das jetzige gymnasium. {In Neue jahrb. fur philol. und padagog. i8g6. v. 154, p. 112-25, and 225-39.) C Morgan, Horace H. Proper functions of the free high schools. {In Two premium essays. 1880. P- 23-46.) C 9 Neigebaur, Johann Daniel Ferdinand. Die preussischen gymnasien u. hoheren bilrgerschulen ; eine zusammenstellung der verordnungen welche den hoheren unterricht in diesen anstalten umfassen. Berlin, 1835. O. 16 + 365 p. C Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. Uber die zukunft unserer bildungsanstalten. {In his Werke. 1896. v. 9, p. 217-347.) C Ohlert, Arnold. Die deutsche hohere schule ; ein versuch ihrer umgestaltung nach den sittlichen geistigen und sozialen bedilrfnissen unserer zeit. Hannover, 1896. O. 13 + [i] -f- 344 p. C Die deutsche schule und das klassiche alter- tum ; eine untersuchung der grundlagen des gym- nasialen unterrichts, Hannover, 1891. O. [4] + 188 p. C Olive, Charles Daniel. Preparatory boy's schools under lady principals. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 427-36-) C T Paris, Gaston Bruno Paulin. Le haut enseigne- ment historique et philologique en France. Paris, 1894. D. 61 p. C Paris — Societe'de V enseignement supMeur. An- nuaire des cours de I'enseignement superieur. 1 882- 83. Paris, 1883. O. v. i. C Pascoe, Charles Eyre, compiler. Practical handbook to the principal schools of England. London, 1877. D- 12 -f- 175 p. T Paul, Gustav. Zur disciplin der hoheren lehran- stalten. {In Neue jahrb. ftir philol. und padag. 1892. v. 146, p. 161-72 and 257-73.) C Paulsen, Friedrich. Geschichte des gelehrten unterrichts auf den deutschen schulen und univer- sitaten . . . mit . . . rUcksicht auf den klas- sischen unterricht. Leipzig, 1885. O. 16 -H 811 p. C T 97. — [Same.] 2. erweiterte aufl. O. V. 1-2. Leipzig, 1896- C Uber die gegenwartige lage des hoheren schulwesens in Preussen. Berlin, 1893. O. 52 p. C Peinlich, Richard. Real- und personal-statis- tik des . . . Staats-gymnasiums in Graz von 1774 bis 1872. . . Graz [I873]. Sq. Q. 40 -+- [i] p. C Pember, Austin. Public schools : Results. {In Aw Crcesus Minor. 1888. p. 89-127.) T Perthes, Otto. Die deutsch-konservative par- tie und das hohere schulwesen. . , Bielefeld, 1892, O. 23 p. C Die mitschuld unseres hoheren schulwesens an der uberfilllung in den gelehrten standen. Gotha, 1889. O. [3] + 56 p. C Peter, Karl Ludwig. Ein vorschlag zur reform unserer gymnasien. Jena, 1874. O. 5 + [i] + 88 p. C Pflug, August. Volksschulzwang als reform unseres hoheren schulwesens. . . Berlin, 1892. O. 32 p. C I30 EDUCATION Piderit, Karl Wilhelm. Zur gymnasialpada- gogik ; schulreden hrsg. von Albert Freybe. Giiter- slok, i?,n. O. 8 + 438 p. C Pigeonneau, Henri. Organisation et materiel de I'enseignement secondaire. (In Paris — Expos. Univ. 1889. Rapports du jury internal. 1890- 92, V. 2, p. 481-549.) C Pinloche, A. L'enseignement secondaire en Allemagne. . . Paris, igoo. D. 27 + 129 p. C Plan of an institution devoted to liberal educa- tion. . . New York, 1881. O. 82 p. C Pohle, Emil. Der seminargedanke in Kursach- sen und seine erste staatliche verwirklichung ; fest- schrift zur feier des hundertjahrigen bestehens des konigl. schullehrerseminars zu Dresden-Friedrich- stadt am 23 Sept. 1887. . . Dresden, 1887. O. 211 p. C Possadsky, T. Le Premier Gymnase de Kieff. Kieff, 1900. F. 35 p. ill. pi. tab. C Prussia — Geistlichen unterrichts- und medizinal- angelegenheiten. Minister der. Verhandlungen iiber fragen des hoheren unterrichts, Berlin, 4-17. Dec. 1S90. Berlin, 1891. Q. 4 4- 800 p. C Die volks- und die mittelschulen sowie die sonstigen niederen schulen im preussischen staat im jahre 1891 . . . denkschrift von K. Schneider und A, Petersilie. Berlin, 1893. F. 10 + 338 P- ■ . c Ptaschnik, J. Aufgabe und stellung der gym- nasien in unserer zeit. (In Zeitsch. fur die oster- reich. gym. 1896. v. 47, p. 673-710.) C Public schools year book, 1891-92. London [189I]. D. V. 3. C Radclyffe. Charles W. Memorials of Char- terhouse. . . London, 1844. F\ 4 4- 10 + [27] p. ill. 13 pl. C Reddall, Henry Frederic. School-boy life in merrie England ; pen-pictures of the great public schools. . . New York, 1888. D. 286 p. ill, T Reisacker, Anton Joseph. Gymnasium und realschule ; die berechtigungsfrage der realschule I. O. und vorschlage zu zeitgemassen anderungen im gymnasialen unterricht. Berlin, 1882. O. 46 p. Remsen, Ira. Worth of high school science studies as a part of the preparation for college, n. p. n. d. O. 14 p. C RethTrisch, Conrad. Deutschlands hoheres schulwesen im 19. jahrhundert ; geschichtlicher tiberblick im auftrage des Konigl. preussischen ministeriums der geistlichen unterrichts- und medi- zinal-angelegenheiten. . . Berlin, 1893. O. 8 -t- 206 -t- 53 P- C Reuter, Fr. Die aufgabe der erziehung im gymnasium. {In Neue jahrb. fUr philol. und padagog. 1892. V. 146, p. 1-18 and 65-82.) C Reynolds. J. H. Secondary education in Ar- kansas. Conway, Ark., 1899. O. 15 p. C Ribot, Alexandre Felix Joseph. La reforme de l'enseignement secondaire. Paris, 1900. D. 12 + 308 p. C T Richter, Richard Immanuel. Die deutsche gymnasialpadagogik in ihrer neuesten fassung. (In Neue jahrb. fur philol. und padagog. 1895. v. 152, p. 409-18 and 457-74.) C Richthofen, Emil, freiherr von. Zur gym- nasial-reform in Preussen. . . Magdeburg, 1887. O. [3] + 79 + [I] P- C Rig^olage, J. E. Projet d'organisation des ecoles pratiques d'enseignement secondaire. Paris, 1891. D. pt. 4. C RogerSf Rev. William M. Address delivered at the dedication of the new hall of Bradford Acad- emy, Apr. 15, 1841. Boston, 1841. O. 20 -f- [4] p. C Roth, Karl Ludwig. Gymnasial-padagogik. 2. . . . verm. aufl. Stuttgart, 1874. D. 8 + 472 p. C T Run^e, Friedrich. Geschichte des Ratsgym- nasiums zu Osnabrlick. Osnabrilck, 1895. O. 144 p. tab. C Russell, James Earl. German higher schools ; the history, organization and methods of secondary education in Germany. A^ew York, 1899. O. 12 + 455 p. C T Contains a bibliography at the end of each chapter. Russia — Public Instruction, Ministry of . Statut der realschulen im ressort des ministeriums dervolk- saufklarung . . . am 15. Mai 1872. St. Peters- burg, 1872. O. 54 p. C Sadler, Michael Ernst. Oberrealschulen of Prussia, with special reference to the Oberrealschule at Charlottenberg. (In Gr. Br. — Pari, Sess. pap. 1897. V. 25, p. 435-69-) C [Same.] (In England. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1897. v. i, p. 435-69.) C T Place of the preparatory school for boys in secondary education in England. (In same. 1900. v. 6, p. 79-90.) C T Problems in Prussian secondary education for boys. (In same. 1898. v. 3, p. 83-252.) C T Realschulen in Berlin and their bearing on questions of secondary and commercial education. (In same. 1897. v. i. p. 375-434-) C T Sagert, Carl. Padagogisch-didaktische erlau- terungen zur frage des hOheren schulwesens. Schles- wig, 1883. O. 4 4- [I] + 84 p. C Schelling, Paul Heinrich Joseph. Zur ge- schichte der akademischen grade. Erlangen, 1880. Q. 15 p. C Schiller, Karl Heinrich Friedrich Hermann. Die einheitliche gestaltung und vereinfachung des gymnasialunterrichts unter voranssetzung der beste- henden lehrverfassung. Halle, 1890. O. 139 p. (Samml. padagog. abhandl. v. 4.) C Handbuch der praktischen padagogik fur hohere lehranstalten. 2te verm. aufl. Leipzig, 1890. O. 12 + 658 p. C T Padagogische seminarian fUr das hohere lehramt ; geschichte und erfahrung. Leipzig, 1890. O. 6 + 171 p. C T SECONDARY EDUCATION 131 Schipper, Jakob M. Die neue prilfungs- verordnung fiir candidaten des Gymnasial- und Realschul-lehramtes in Osterreich. {In Eng- lische Studien. 1898. v, 24. p. 416-33.) C Schmelzer, Karl. Vom hoheren schulwesen ; ein wort an die eltern. Essen, 1S82. D. 51 p. C Schmidt, Dr. . Zwei vorschlage zur ab- hilfe von Ubelstanden in den gymnasien. {In Pada- gogisches archiv. 1864. v. 6, p. 161-89.) T Schmidt, Karl. Gymnasial - padagogik ; die naturgesetze der erziehung und des unterrichts in humanistischen und realtischen gelehrten schulen. Kothen, 1857. O. 12 + 288 p. C Schoenen, Gerhard. Die Kolnischen studien- stiftungen. Koln, 1892. O. 3 + 568 p. tab. C Schrader, Wilhelm. Erziehungs- und unter- richtslehre fUr gymnasien und realschulen. Zweiie, mit einem anhange iiber die neuen lehrplane, ver- sehene ausgabe der fUnften berichtigten auflage. Berlin, 1893. O. 14 -i- 629 p. C T Die verfassung der hoheren schulen ; pada- gogische bedenken. 3. ausg. Berlin, 1889. O. 12 + 282 p. C Schroder, Heinrich. Der hohere lehrerstand in Preussen, seine arbeit und sein lohn ; neue unter- suchungen insbesondere uber die sterblich-.eitsver- haltnisse der hoheren lehrer. . . 4. . . aufl. Kiel, 1899. O. 4 + 94 p. C Justitia regnorum fundamentum ; notge- drungene kritische und antikritische beitrage zur statistik des hoheren lehrerstandes in Preussen. 3. aufl. Kiel vca.A Leipzig, 1899. O. 80 p. C Schumann, Johann Christian Gottlieb. Die geschichte der padagogik im seminarunterrichte. . . Wien [1877]. O. [3] + 76 p. {In Padagog. stu- dien. 1881. V. 2, no. 14.) T Schurig, G. Die deutsche biirgerschule nach ihrem wesen und werden ; eine padagogische skizze. Golha, 1872. Nar. O. 8 + 52 p. C Schw^artz, W. F, L. Der organismus der gym- nasien in seiner praktischen gestaltung. Berlin, 1876. O. 12 -I- i8i p. C Sch'wemer, Richard. Das hohere schulwesen in Frankreich ; eine padagogische skizze. Leipzig, 1895. O. 29 p. C Sch^cker, Johann Heinrich. Die ungari- schen gymnasien, geschichte, system statistik. . . Budapest, 1881. Q. 12 + 367 p. Scott, A. E. Lexington academy ; read April 12, 1887. {In Lexington Hist. Soc. Proc. 1890. V. I, p. 88-94.) , C Scott, Robert Pickett, editor. ^Vhat .s secon- dary education ? and other essays ... on the na- tional organisation of education in England. . . London, 1899. D. 15 4- 364 p. T Secondary education legislation, with special reference to problems awaiting solution. {In Rob- erts, R. D., ed. Ed. in the 19th century. 1901. p. 59-81.) C Seebold, Hermann. Entwurf eines lehrplans fiir einklassige volksschulen, nach den ministeriel- len bestimmungen vom 15. October, 1872. 4. aufl. Hannover, 1879. O. 56 p. C Seeger, Heinrich. Uber die stellung des Giis- trower realgymnasiums zu einem beschlusse der letzten Berliner schulkonferenz. Giistrow, 1891. O. [31 + 52 p. C Senckpiehl, R. Die deutsche mittelschule und sechsklassige stadtschule fUr knaben und madchen . . . Leipzig, 1874. D. 4 + 238 p. C Seyffert, Moritz Ludwig. Das privatstudium in seiner padagogischen bedeutung ; ein skizze als beitrag zur kritik unsrer heutigen gymnasien. Brandenburg, 1852. Sq. O. 62 p. C Simmons, Joseph Edward, Higher education a public duty ; an address delivered at the com- mencement of the College of the City of New York, June 2 1st, 1888. New York, 1888. O. 32 p. C Simon, Jules. La reforme de I'enseignement secondaire. 2"*^ edition. Paris, 1874. D. 432 P- C Soden, Arthur, freiherr von. Die einfliisse unseres gymnasiums auf die jugendbildung. . . 2, erweiterte aufl. Tubingen, 1884. O. 11 + 100 p. C Soller, Herbert. Der hohere lehrerstand in Preussen ; culturhistorische skizzen. . . Berlin, 1875. O. 34 p. C Sprague, Homer Baxter. Public high school and citizenship. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1883. p. 77-Xll.) C Stallard, Henry Frampton. Time-table of work in preparatory schools. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 43-^.) C T Stanley, Edward Lyulph. Organization of a secondary education, locally and by the state. (In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Litera- ture. V. 16, p. 363-71.) C Statistique de I'enseignement secondaire des garfons. Annee 1900. Paris, 1900. Q. 8 + 99 p. C Statistisches jahrbuch der h6heren schulen Deutschlands, Luxemburgs und Schweiz. . . i.-io. jahrgang. Leipzig, 1880-89, S. 10 v. T 1891-92, 1895-96. V. 12, i6. C Steglitz — Gymnasium. F'estschrift zur einwei- hung des neuen progymnasialgebaudes zu Steglitz am ID. Nov. 1890. . . [Steglitz, 1890.] Sq. O. 85 p. 3 pi. C Suringar, Willem Hendrik Dominicus. Bouwstoffen voor eene oordeelkundige beschouwing van den aard en toestand van het gymnasiaal onder- wijs hier te lande in de twee vorige eeuwen. O. 40 p. C Siissmann, G. Der lehrplan fiir den realun- terricht in der sechsklassigen biirgerschule. . . 2'e ausgabe. Hannover, 1878. O. [4] + 186 -f- [I] p. C 132 EDUCATION Svrift, Morrison Isaac. Education and power. I. Science and vitality. II. The increase of power. III. How to make the schools serve us. Ashtabula, 0., 1891. O. 24 p. C Thiersch, Friedrich Wilhelm. Uber gelehrte schulen ; mit besonderer riicksicht auf Bayern. , . Stuttgart, 1826. D. 2 V. in I. C Thimm, Rudolph, compiler. Verhandlungen des Hauses der abgeordneten und des herrenhauses 1 89 1 , iiber angelegenheiten des hoheren lehrerstandes ; nach den amtlichen stenographischen berichten zu- sammengestellt. . . Tilsit, 1891. Q. 3 + 49 p. C Tiling, Wilhelm von. Von dem rechte und dem werte der gymnasialbildung ; eine padagogische studie. . . Neue ausgabe. Leipzig, 1891. O. 16 + 81 p. C Timbs.John. School-days of eminent men . . . with sketches of the progress of education in Eng- land. . . New ed. . . enlarged. London ii%']ol-^ S. 10 + 308 p. por. pi. T Tolstoi, Dmitri Andreivich. Akademiches- kaya gimnaziya : . . . [Academic gymnasiums in the 1 8th century]. Sanktpeterburg, i?>?>s. O. 114 p. {In St. Petersburg — Imper. Acad, of Sci. Sbornik, v. 38, no. 5.) C Treitschke, Heinrich Gotthard von. Die zu- kunft des deutschen gymnasiums. 2*= aufl. Leipzig, 1890. D. [3] + 81 p. C Uber deutsche hohe schulen im mittelalter ; ein vortrag von G. H. Salzburg, 1885. Q. 35 p. C Varrentrapp, Conrad. Johannes Schulze und das hohere preussische unterrichtswesen in seiner zeit. . . Leipzig, 1889. O. 16 + 583 p. C Venediger, Karl. Ergebnisse der statistik der hoheren lehranstalten Preussens. {In Paedagogium. 1879. V. I, p. 643-59.) T Viereck, Ludwig. Die hohere biirgerschule, ihr wesen und ihre gegenwartige lage. . . Braun- schweig, 1890. O. 65 p. C Villari, Pasquale. L'istruzione secondaria in Germania ed in Italia. {In his Scritti pedagogici. 1868. p. 315-72.) C Vogel, August. Mittelschul-padagogik ; grund- linien einer erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre flir mittel- und realschulen ; mit ausfiihrliche angabe der einschlagigen litteratur. Gutersloh, 1893. O. 8 + 272 p. C Die mittelschule als bildungsanstalt flir den mittleren biirgerstand. . . Gutersloh, 1891. O. 40 p. C Vollhering, W. Das h5here schulwesen Deutschlands vom gesichtspunkte des nationalen bedtirfnisses flir behorden, schulmanner und f ami- lien vater. Leipzig, 1883, O. 46 p. C Wahle, Karl. L'enseignement secondaire en France. Schleusingen, 1874. Sq. Q. 27 p. C Warren, Henry P. Spiritual side of the high- school question. {In Am. Inst, of In&tr. Lectures, 1880. p. 28-39.) C Weeks, E. R. Does it pay to maintain schools for secondary and higher education ; address deliv- ered before the Commercial club of Kansas City, April 19, i8g8. O. 24 p. C Wehmeier, B. Uber die behandlung des kirchenliedes in der mittelschule. Minden, 1884. O. 48 p. {In Lehrer-priifungs und informations- arbeiten. v. i, pt. 3.) C Wendt, Gustav. Die gymnasien und die oflent- liche meinung. Karlsruhe, 1883. O. 54 p. C Wiese, Ludwig Adolf. Das hohere schulwesen in Preussen ; historisch-statistische darstellung. . . Berlin, 1864-74. O. 3 v. map. T Berlin, 1874. O. v. 3. map. C Die hoheren schulen vor dem abgeordneten- hause. . . Stettin, n. d. O. 21 p. C Sammlung der verordnungen und gesetze fur die hSheren schulen im Preussen. 3. aufl. bis zum anfang des jahres 1886 fortgefiihrt . . . von Otto Kluber. Berlin, 1886-88. O. 2 v. C Williams, Hev. David. Lectures on educa- tion. . . London, 1789. O. 4 v. C Winchell, Newton Horace. The state and higher education ; an address before the Minne- sota Acad, of Nat. Sci. Minneapolis, 1881. O. 18 p. C Ziegler, Theobald. Geschichte der padagogik mit besonderer riicksicht auf das hohere unterrichts- wesen. . . Milnchen, 1895. Q. 70 + 361 p. (Handbuch der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre fUr hohere schulen. 1895. v. i'.) C a. SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN GREAT BRITAIN Ackermann, Rudolph. History of the col- leges of Winch«ster, Eton and Westminster. 1816. 34 p. C Carlisle, Nicholas. Concise description of the endowed grammar schools in England. . . London, 1818. O. 2 V. C Markby, Thomas. Public schools. {In his Practical essays on education. 1868, p. 1-105.) C Maurice, Frederick Denison. Administrative reform, and its connexion with workingmen's col- leges. Cambridge, yEng.-^ 1855. D. 16 p. C Pascoe, Charles Eyre, editor. Everyday life at Eton, Harrow, Rugby and other great public schools. . . New York [I87-?]. D. 8 -i- 3 + 324 p. ill. pi. C Staunton, Howard. Great schools of England : an account of the foundation, endowments, and discipline of the chief seminaries of learning in Eng- land. London, 1865. O. 56 + 517 p. pi. C T Wilmot, Edward Parry Eardley, and Streat- field, E. C. Charterhouse old and new, with four original etchings by D. Y. Cameron. London, 1895. O. II -I- I 4- 295 p. pi. C Stt also p. 134-31. SECOND AR y EDUCA TION 133 Bristol (Eng.) College. Outline of the plan of education. Bristol, 1830. O. 23 p. C NiCHOLLS, James Fawckner. Free grammar school of Bristol and the Thorns ; its founders. (/» Royal Hist. Soc. Trans. 1872. v. i, p. 311-23.) C Charterhouse School. Tod, Alexander Hay. Charterhouse. London, 1900. D. 12 + 241 p. ill. por. pi. tab. (Handbooks to the great public schools.) C Christ's Hospital (London). List of univer- sity exhibitioners, 1566-1885. 2d ed. revised . . . by A. W. Lockhart. London, 1885. Q. 71 P- T Supplementary list, 1886-99; medal- lists, &c. 1840-99 ; and addenda, 1876-1900. Lon- don, 1900. Q. 24 p. T East India College. Stephens, Henry Morse. East India College at Haileybury. (/« Lowell, A. L. Colonial civil service. 1900. p. 231-346.) C Eton College. Brock, Arthur Clutton-. Eton. London, 1900. D. 12 + 246 p. ill. pi. por. map. C Coleridge, Arthur Duke. Eton in the forties. London, 1896. D. 8 + 4 + 395 p. por. pi. C Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd. Memoirs of eminent Etonians. New edition. London, 1876. D. 14 + [I] + 640 p. 12 por. I pi. C CUST, Lionel. History of Eton College. New York, 1899. ^^l- O- ^^ + 318 p. por. pi. fac-sim. (English public schools.) C T Harwood, Rev. Thomas, compiler. Alumni Etonenses ; or, A catalogue of the provosts and fellows of Eton College and King's College, Cam- bridge, from . . . 1443 to . . . 1797 ; with an account of their lives. . . Birmingham, 1797. Sq. Q. 8 + 363 P- C Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of cele- brated Etonians. . . London, 1875. O. 2 v. C Lyte, Henry Churchill Maxwell. History of Eton College, 1440-1875. . . London, 1875. O. 20 + 527 p. ill. por. pi. C Recollections of Eton ; by an Etonian. . . London, 1870. O. 4 4- 362 p. ill. pi. C Liverpool College. Gladstone, William Ewart. Address delivered at the distribution of prizes in the Liverpool College, Dec. 21, 1872. . . 3d ed. London, 1873. Nar. O. 40 p. C Rugby School. Bradby, H. C. Rugby. London, igoo. D. 12 + 225 p. ill. por. pi. tab. (Handbooks to the great public schools.) C Rouse, William Henry Denham. History of Rugby School. New York, 1898. Sq. O. 16 + 420 p. por. pi. (English public schools.) C T St. Paul's School. Knight, Rev. Samuel. Life of Dr. John Colet, dean of S. Paul's . . . and founder of S. Paul's school ; with an appendix con- taining . . . account of that foundation. . . London, 1724. D. [23] + 494 4- [17] p. por. C St. Peter's College (Radley). Raikes, Rev. Thomas Digby. Sicut Columbae, fifty years of S. Peter's college, Radley. . . Oxford, 1897. Sq. O. 13 H- 320 p. ill. pi. C Winchester College. Leach, Arthur Fran- cis. History of Winchester College. New York, 1899. Sq. Q. 14 4- 564 p. por. pi. (English public schools.) T Selborne, Roundell Palmer, ist earl of, and others. Winchester College 1 393-1 893 by old Wykehamists ; illustrated by Herbert Marshall, pub- lished in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the opening of the college. London, 1893. Sq. Q. [7] -h 187 p. 33 ill. pl- C T b. SECOND AR V SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES Only a selected list of representative schools is given below. Teachers College has a very large, collection of catalogues of secondary schools, addi- tions to which will be welcomed. Adams Academy (Quincy). Catalogue, 1873- 74, 1875-76, 1883-84, 1892-93, 1895-1900. Boston, 1873-1900. O. and D. T Historical sketch in Catalogue for 1873. Adelphi Academy (Brooklyn, N. Y.). An-< nual catalogue, 1876, 1877, 1882-83, 1888-91, 1892- 96, 1897-98, 1899-1900. Brooklyn, 1876^1900. D. and O. ill. T See also Adelphi College. Circular of information concerning the new course of study, 1894. Brooklyn, 1894. D. ill. T Albany(N.Y.) Academy. Catalogue, 1888- 89, 1892-1900. Albany, 1889-1900. O. ill. T Contain historical sketches. Celebration of the semi-centennial anniver- sary June 23, 1863. Albany, 1863. O. 187 p. ill. C T Statutes and annual register, 1874-75, 1880- 81. Albany, 1874-81. O. ill. T Belmont (Cal.) School. Catalogue, 1838-89, 1899-1900. San Francisco, 1888-1900. O. ill. T Berkeley School (New York City). Annual register, 1881-82, 1883-86, 1890-91, 1895-98, 1899- 1900. New York, 1881-1900. O. ill. T Historical sketch in Register for 1900. Boston (Mass.) Public Latin School. Cata- logue, 1832, 1856, 1899. Boston, 1832-99. O. ill. T See also p. 82. Brookline (Mass.) High School. Directory, 1898-1900. Brookline, 1899-1900. O. ill. T Cambridge (Mass.) School for Girls. Manual, x886, 1891-93, 1897, 1900. Cambridge, 1886-1900. O. ill. T Cazenovia (N. Y.) Seminary. Catalogue, 1873-75. 1876-77, 1886-88, 1891-93, 1894-97. Cazenovia, 1873-97. O. ill. T 134 EDUCATION Chauncy-Hall School (Boston, Mass.). An- nual catalogue, 1867-68, 1881-82, 1886-88, 1899- 1900. Boston, 1868-1900. O. ill. T Colg^ate Academy (Hamilton). Annual cat- alogue, 1874, 1877, 1883, 1885, 1888-90, 1892, 1893-97, 1899-1900. Hamilton, 1874-1900. O. ill. T Columbia Grammar School (New York City.) Catalogue, 1884-88, 1895-96, 1897-1901. New York, 1 884-1901. D. ill. T The record, 1897-98, 1899-1900. York, 1897-1900. D. ill. New T Cutler School (New York City). Catalogue, 1894, 1897-1900. New York, 1894-1900. O. T Drisler School (New York City). Catalogue, 1882, 1884-86, 1895-97, 1899-1900. New York, 1882-1900. D. ill. T Farmin^on (Conn.) English and Classi- cal School for Boys. Catalogue, 1852. Bart- ford, 1852. O. T Friends' Seminary (New York City). An- nual circular, 1865, 1889-91, 1893-94, 1895-96, 1897-98, 1899-1900. New York, 1865-1900. O. T Harlem Collegiate Institute (New York City). Prospectus, 1893-94, 1896-1900. New York, 1893-1900. O. T Hartford (Conn.) High School. Biennial catalogue 1874-75, 1876-77, 1878-79, 1880-81, 1882-83, 1884-85, 1886-87, 1888-89. Hartford, 1874-88. O. ill. T See also p. 87. Triennial catalogue ; semi-centennial num- ber. 1847-97. Hartford, 1898. O. 146 p. ill. T Harvard School (Chicago, 111.). Catalogue, 1887, 1888, 1899. Chicago, 1887-99. O. ill. T Hopkins Grammar School (New Haven). Catalogue, 1895-96, 1899-1900. New Haven, 1895-1900. O. ill. T Hotchkiss School (Lakeville, Conn.). Cata- logue, 1893-94, 1896-97, 1899-1900. New Haven, 1893-1900. O. ill. T La'wrence Academy (Groton). Acts relat- ing to Lawrence Academy with the by-laws. Groton, 1894. O. 13 p. T Catalogue 1849, i853» 1855, 1859-61, 1863- 68, 1872, ,1874-76, 1878-87, 1889-90, 1892-93, 1899-1900. Fitchburg, etc., 1849-1900. O. pi. T Catalogue from the time of incorporation 1848, 1855. Groton, 1848-55, O. pi. T Financial history. Groton, 1895. O. 28 p. T Jubilee, July 12, 1854. New York, 1855. O. 76 p. pi. T Memorial soliciting aid in rebuilding Law- rence Academy. Groton, 1868. O. 6 p. T Lawrenceville (N. J.) School. Decennial catalogue, 1883-93. Boston, 1893. D. 75 p. ill. pi. CT Quindecennial register, 1883-98. Philadel- phia, 1898. D. 67 p. pi. C T Register, 1858, 1883-84, 1885-90, 1892-93, 1895-96, 1899-1900. Princeton, etc., 1858-1900. O. and Q. pi. T Leicester (Mass.) Academy. Catalogue, 1845, 1850, 1875-76. Worcester and Boston, 1845- 76. O. T Circular 1889-90, 1893-94. Worcester, 1889-93. O. ill. T Washburn, Emory. Brief sketch of the history of Leicester Academy. Boston, 1855. O. pt. I. 158 p. ■ C T Metropolitan Academy and Gymna- sium (New York City). Catalogue and course of study, 1855-56. New York, 1856. O. T Norwich (Conn.) Free Acadezny. Ad- dresses and remarks at dedication. Norwich, 1856. O. 56 p. ill. T Catalogue, 1887-90, 1891-92, 1897-98, 1S99-1900. Norwich, 1887-1900. O. T 1876- T Manual, 1876, 1879-84. Norwich, 83. D. Phillips Academy (Andover.) Catalogue 1831, 1833, 1848, 1853, 1859, 1863-64, 1874-96, 1898-1900. Andover, 1831-1900. D. plan. T Historical sketch in Catalogue for igoo. Constitution. Andover, 1828. O. 15 p. T Exercises at class supper of the senior class of i860. Andover, i860. O. 8 p. T Order of exercises at exhibition June 30, 1868. Andover, 1868. O. 7 p. T Speeches at the first dinner of the Phillips Academy Association, March 24, 1886. Boston, 1886. O. 72 p. pi. fac-sim. T n. p. Coy, Edward Gustin. 1888. O. 16 p. Phillips Academy. T Dana, Daniel. Remonstrance addressed to the trustees of Phillips Academy on the state of the Theological Seminary under their care. Boston, 1853. O. 24 p. T Park, Rev. William E. Phillips Academy, n. p. n. d. Earlier annals of O. 51 p. C Sears, Philip Howes. Address delivered Feb. 7, 1866, before the Alumni of Phillips Acad- emy. Boston, 1866. O. 21 p. T Phillips Exeter Academy. Catalogue, 1838-39, 1846-48, 1849-51, 1852-54, 1856-57, 1858-60, 1870-72, 1873-88, 1889-91, 1892-94, 1895-1900. Exeter, 1838-1900. D. ill. T Historical sketch in supplement to Catalogue for 1895. Bell, Charles Henry. Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire ; a historical sketch. Exeter, 1883. O. 104 p. *-' SECONDARY EDUCATION 135 Roxbury (Mass.) High School. Regula- tions, 1843. ti. p. 1843. D. 8 p. T Sie also p. 97. Saint Paul's School (Garden City, N, Y.). Catalogue, 1885-87, 1893, 1900. New York, 1885- 1900. O. ill. T Springfield (Mass.) English and Classi- cal Institute. Catalogue, 1853. Springfield, 1854. O. T Thayer Academy (Braintree, Mass.). An- nual catalogue, 1880-81, 1887-88, 1891-92, 1899- 1900. Boston, 1880-99. O. ill. T Wesleyan Academy (Wilbraham Mass.). Annual catalogue 1862-63, 1865, 1878, 1882, 1884, j886, 1892, 1896. n. p. 1863-96. O. ill. T c. STUDY OF THE CLASSICS Adams* Charles Francis. A college fetich ; an address delivered before the Harvard chapter of the Fraternity of the Phi Beta Kappa. . . Boston, 1883. O. 38 p. C T Allen, William Francis. Utility of classical studies as a means of mental discipline. (/« his Essays and monographs. 1890. p. 155-64.) C Amos> Andrew. Four lectures on the advan- tages of a classical education as an auxiliary to a commercial education. . . London, 1846. O. 7 + 281 p. C Atkinson, William Parsons. Classical and sci- entific studies and the great schools of England ; a lecture read before the Society of Arts of the Mass. Institute of Technology, April 6, 1885. Cambridge, 1865. O. 117 p. C Bain, Alexander. The classical controversy. (/« his Practical essays. 1884. p. 113-35.) C Baumeister, Karl August. Gymnasialreform und anschauung im klassischen unterricht ; zur ein- fiihrung der bilderhefte aus dem griechischen und romischen altertum, ftir schuler. MUnchen, 1889. O. 56 p. C BigeloTT, Jacob, M.D. Remarks on classical and utilitarian studies, read before the Amer. Acad, of Arts and Sciences, Dec. 20, 1866. Bos- ton, 1867. O. 57 p. C Bobba, Romualdo. Dell* educazione ne' suoi principii e rapporti colla istruzione secondaria clas- sica. , . Como, 1876. D, [4] H- 2ir p. C Brelet. Henri. Rapport sur I'enseignement classique et adopte dans la seance du 23 avril 1899. (/« Societe pour I'etude des questions d'enseigne- ment secondaire. L'enquete sur I'enseignement secondaire. 1899. p. 31-48.) C Carey, Matthev/. Extract from an essay on the proposed plan for establishing a college ... in which English literature, the sciences, and the lib- eral arts shall be taught. . . {In his Miscellaneous essays. 1830. p. 459-62.) C Reflexions on the . . . plan for establishing a college in Philadelphia ... for admission into which no prerequisite of having learned Latin or Greek shall be necessary. . . 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1826. O. 22 p. C Collar, William Coe, Classical question. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1868. p. 121-56.) C Craig, A. R. Classical instruction. {In his Philosophy of training. 1847. p. 324-77.) T Creuzer, Georg Friedrich. Das akademische studium des alterthums. . . Heidelberg, 1807. D. 140 -I- [I] p. C Crosby, Alpheus, On the study of the classics. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1835. p. 13-3I.) C Deltour, Felix. De I'enseignement secondaire classique en Allemagne et en France. Paris, 1880. O. 7 + 114 p. c Dett'weiler, Peter. Untersuchungen ilber den didaktischen wert Ciceronianischer schulschriften. Halle a. S., 1889. O. 2 pts. (Samml. padagog. abhandl. v. 2, 6.) C Eckstein, Friedrich August. Lateinischer un- terricht. Gotha, 1878. Q. 213 p. C Elliott, Rev. Charles. Study of the Greek and Latin classics. {In Higher education and a com- mon language. 1879. p. 5S-70.) T Ely, E. H. Latin in the public schools, an af- firmative argument. Chicago, 1882. D. 25 p. T Emerson, George Barrell. Study of Latin and of English grammar ; remarks at a meeting of the Boston Social Science Association . . . held Feb- ruary 21, 1867. Boston, 1871. D. 14 p. C Farrar, Frederic William, canon. Theory of classical education. On the present social results of classical education. {In his Essays on a liberal education. 1867. p. 1-143 and 365-84.) C T Felton, Cornelius Conway. On classical learn- ing. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1830. p. 299-332.) C Field. Thomas. In behalf of Greek. {In Thir- teen essays on education. 1891. p. 237-53.) C T Fitz-Hugh, Thomas. Philosophy of the hu- manities. Chicago, 1897. O. [3] + 63 p. C Fornelli, Niccolo. La pedagogia e I'insegna- mento classico ; lezioni. . . Milano, 1889. D. 297 p. C France — Instruction publique, Ministere de /'. Plan d'etudes et programmes de I'enseignement sec- ondaire classique dans les lycees et colleges (classes de lettres). . . Nouvelle ed. Paris, 1883. D, 12 + 119 p. C Frary, Raoul. La question du Latin. Paris, 1885. D. 321 -f- [I] p. C Goldschmidt, S. Die classische bildung in der gegenwart. {In Psedagogium. 1886. v. 8, p. 137-41 and 209-13.) T Classische und moderne bildung. {In same. 1888. V, 10, p. 11-22.) T Green, Arnold. Greek and what next ? an ad- dress ; . . . read before the Alumni Association of Brown University, June 17, 1884. Providence, 1884. Nar. Q. 52 p. ' C 136 EDUCATION Hale, William Gardner. Aims and methods in classical study. Boston, 1888. D. 47 p. T Harris, William Torrey. A brief for Latin, New York, 1899. O. C On the function of the study of Latin and Greek in education, n. p. n. d. O. 13 p. CT Place of the study of Latin and Greek in modern education, (/w Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1879. p. 91-119.) C Headley, Joel Tyler. Oration delivered be- fore the literary societies of the New York Free Academy July 25, 1853 ... on ancient and modem literature as a means of education. New York, 1853. O. 16 p. C Herbst, Wilhelm. Das classische alterthum in der gegenwart. . . Leipzig, 1852. O. 6 -f- [2] -f- 224 p. C Houjrvet, C. Le grec, le latin et I'enseigne- ment secondaire moderne. Paris, 1899. D. 307 + [I] p. c Kennedy, John. Must Greek go ? Syracuse, 1894. D. 66 p. C Kernel, Wilhelm. Zur methodik des unter- richtes in den beiden alten sprachen. {In Zeit- schrift ftir die osterreich. gymnasien. 185 1. v. 2. p. 513-29.) C Erabin^er, Johann Georg. Die classischen studien und ihre gegner. Miinchen, 1853. Sq. Q. 20 p. C La Roche, Paul. Uber die einfUhrung in die lecture der attischen redner auf gymnasien. . . Miinchen, 1855. O. [3] -f- loi p. C Ijatham, Robert Gordon, M.D. On the im- portance of the study of language as a branch of education for all classes. (In Royal Institution of Gr. Br. Lectures on education. 1855. P- 89- 113.) C Ijattmann, K. A. Julius. Die durch die neuere sprachwissenschaft herbeigefUhrte reform des ele- mentarunterrichts in den alten sprachen. Gottin- gen, 1873. O. 43 p. C Lavisse, Ernest. Les etudes classiques. {In his Etudes et etudiants. 1890. p. 33-109.) C T lieverson, Montague R. Thoughts on institu- tions of the higher education, with a chapter on classical studies. New York, 1893. O. 6 + [i] -J- 114 p. tab. C T liincoln, John Larkin. Present aspects of Greek and Latin study and teaching. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1879. P- 120-36.) ■ C Relative importance of ancient classical and scientific studies in an American system of educa- tion. {In same. Lectures, 1856. p. 106-20.) C liodg^e, Henry Cabot. A liberal education. {In his Certain accepted heroes. 1897. p. 157- 85.) CT Luhmann, Otto von. Die alten classiker auf den preussischen gymnasien. {In Paedagogium. 1890. V. 12. p. 485-98.) T Die alten sprachen auf den preussischen gymnasien. {In same. 1889. v. 11. p. 617- 34-) T Lyon, Charles Harrison. Considerations in favour of classical studies ; a lecture delivered in the Irving Institute. New York, 1839. O- 19 P- C Vindication of classical studies. New York, 1841. D. 48 p. C Lyttelton, Edward. Compulsory Greek. {In Thirteen essays on education. .1891. p. 255-gt.) CT Martin, Benjamin Nicholas. Classics in educa- tion ; an essay read before the University con- vocation of the state of New York ... at Albany August 6th, 1867. Albany, 1867. O. 12 p. C T Merrill, Thomas Abbott. An essay on the study of the Latin language in our schools and col- leges at the expense of writing and speaking in English. . . New York, i860. O. 58 p. C Mulligan, John. On the study of the classics. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1837. p. 23- 47.) C Nettleship, Henry. Classical education in the past and at present. {In his Moral influence of literature. 1890. p. 41-64.) T Classical research and classical education in England. {In his Lectures and essays ; 2d series. 1895. p. 172-90 and 208-17.) C Offord, Joseph, Jr. Recent discoveries in classi- cal literature. {In Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom. Transactions. 1894. 2d ser. v. 16, p. 21-72.) C Paulsen, Friedrich. Das realgymnasium und die humanistische bildung. Berlin, 1889. D. 71 p. C Pillans, James. Three lectures on the proper objects and methods of education in reference to the different orders of society, and on the relative utility of classical instruction, delivered in the humanity class-room, Nov., 1835. 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1854. O. 59 p. C Ray, Robert. Two lectures on classical litera- ture. . . New York, 1826. O. 96 p. C Rendall, Montague John. Teaching of Greek. {In Thirteen essays on education. 1891. p. 293- 321.) CT Rowe, Stuart Henry. Herbarts ansichten von dem zwecke des lateinischen und griechischen un- terrichtes dargestellt. . . Jena, 1895. O. 59 p. C Russell, Michael, bp. Observations on the ad- vantages of classical learning. Edinburgh, 1836. O. 56 p. c Schmeding; Otto Hermann Friedrich. Die klassische bildung in der gegenwart. . . Berlin, 1885. O. 7 -i- 204 p. C Ein minister Uber die classische bildung in der gegenwart. {In Paedagogium. 1887. v. 9, p. 320-37-) T HIGHER EDUCATION m Schroder, Rev. Johann Friedrich. Das wieder- aufbluhen der klassischen studien in Deutschland im 15. . . jahrhunderts. . . Halle, 1864. O. 8 + 286 p. C Sears, Barnas, Edwards, B. B., and Felton, C. C. Classical studies ; essays on ancient literature and art. . . Boston, 1843. D. 22 + 413 p. C Semler, Christian. Homer als deutsches volks- und schulbuch. Hamburg, 1891. O. 38 p. {In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 1891. v. 19, p. 585-622.) C Se^rell, Rev. William. Essay on the cultiva- tion of the intellect by the study of the dead lan- guages. London, 1830. O. 8 + 371 p. C Sherwin; Thomas. Relative importance of ancient classical and scientific studies in an Ameri- can system of education. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1856. p. 121-39.) C Short, Charles. Study of the ancient classics. [Gettysburg, /'«., 1864.] O. C Siebenhaar, Karl Friedrich Heinrich. Quam indolem potestatemque habeant veterum proverbia ad educationem atque institutionem pertinentia. Berlin, 1827. Sq. O. 10 p. C Stallbaum, Johann Gottfried. Das Griechische und Lateinische in unsern gymnasien und seine wissenschaftliche bedeutung fttr die gegenwart. . . Leipzig, n. d. O. 51 p. C Taylor, Samuel Harvey, editor. Classical study. . . Andover, 1870. D. 35 -I- 381 p. C Vogelreuter, Albert Otto. Geschichte des griechischen unterrichts in deutschen schulen seit der reformation. Hannover, 1891. O. 3 + 67 p. C West, Andrew Fleming. How to improve our classical training ; address delivered November 27, 1886, at the University of Pennsylvania, n. p. Sq. D. 22 p. C Wie studiert man classiche philologie und ges- chichte ? von Einem erfahrenen fachgenossen. Leip- zig, 1884. D. 32 p. C Wright, John Henry. The college in the uni- versity and classical philology in the college ; an address at the opening of the eleventh academic year of the Johns Hopkins University, October 7, i888. Baltimore, 1886. O. 27 p. C The Greek question : an address on the place of Greek in a liberal education, before the New Hampshire State Teachers' Association, Con- cord, October 24, 1884. Concord, N. H., 1885. O. 27 p. C Zeller; Eduard. Language and thought ; an essay, translated from the Deutsche rundschau for March, 1884. . . Cleveland, 1884. O. 39 p. C 17. HIGHER EDUCATION a. GENERAL Academische uitspanningen ; of, Beschryving der voornaamste universiteiten, academien, en illus- tre-schoolen van Italien, Vrankryk, Spanje . . Duitschland ... en inzonderheid der Vereenigde Netherlanden. . . Utrecht, n. d. O. [4] -t- 158 + [5] p. C Adams, Charles Kendall. Present obligation of the scholar : a baccalaureate address at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, June 20, 1897. Madison, 1897. O. 25 p. C Relations of higher education to national prosperity ; an oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of the University of Vermont, June 27, 1876. New York, iS^j. D. 25 p. (Papers on education. First series, no. 16.) C Adams, Rev. Jasper. On the relation subsist- ing between the board of trustees and faculty of a university. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures. 1837. p. 139-58.) C Anderson, Martin Brewer. End and means of a liberal education ; an inaugural address . . . July II, 1854. Rochester, 1855. O. 95 p. C Voluntaryism in higher education ; a paper read before the New York University convocation . . . July 14, 1876. New York, 1877. O. 16 p. C T Atkinson, William Parsons. Liberal education of the nineteenth century. New York, 1873. O. 28 p. C Bain, Alexander. The university ideal — past and present. {In his Practical essays. 1884. p. 173-200.) C Baker; James Hutchins. University education. {In his Education and life. 1900. p. 116-44.) CT University ideals, n. p. n. d. D. 17 p. C Barbe, Waitman. Going to college, with the opinions of fifty leading college presidents and edu- cators, n.p., 1899. S. 104 p. C Barnard, Henry, compiler. Superior instruc- tion ; an account of . . . institutions of superior in- struction. . . Revised edition. Hartford, 1873. O. 48 4- 896 p. C T Bartlett, Samuel Colcord. Duties of educated men ; an address, delivered before the Alumni Association, at the annual commencement of Dart- mouth College . . . July 20, 1864. Boston, 1865. O. 34 p. C Beckwith, Edward Griffith. Culture and life ; anniversary address before trustees and friends of Oahu College. . . Honolulu, H. I., June 30, 1884. O. 20 p. C Beneke, Friedrich Eduard. Allgemeine ein- leitung in das akademische studium. . . Gottingen, 1826. S. 6 + 170 p. C Bersot, Ernest. Questions d'enseignement ; etudes sur les reformes universitaires. Paris, 1880. D. 7 + 330 + II p. C 138 EDUCATION Boone, Richard Cause. Results under an elec- tive system. (/« Educational rev., v. 4, 1892, p. 53-73, and 142-56.) C T BroTTning, Oscar. Training by universities of the public servants of the state. {In London — In- ternat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 15, p. 191-200.) C Butler, Nicholas Murray. The duty of the university to the teaching profession. \^Ne'ut} York, 1890.] O. 8 p. (No. 8 in his Twelve papers.) C Capes, William Wolfe. University life in ancient Athens. . . London, 1877. D. 14 + 134 p. C T Clason, Patrick. Essays ; viz., I. On the ori- gin of colleges or universities ; II. On the origin of the custom of lecturing in Latin ; III. On the im- propriety of this custom, at present. [Anon.] Glasgow, 1769. O. 61 p. C Clinton, George William. Oration pronounced at Schenectady, July 21, 1857, before the New York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Schenectady, 1858. O. 29 p. C Compayr^, Gabriel. Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. New York, 1893. D. 13 + 315 p. (Great educators ; Nicholas Mur- ray Butler, ed.) C T Cooke, Josiah Parsons. Nobility of knowl- edge ; an address delivered before the Free Institute at Worcester, Mass., July 28, 1874. New York, 1874. O. 12 p. C 1890. Plea for liberal culture. Sq. O. 33 p. Cambridge [Mass.-^, C o. — Scientific culture. 18 p. [Address July 1875.] C Corson, Hiram. Claims of literary culture ; an address introductory to the preliminary course in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia ; delivered Sept, 27, 1875. • • Philadelphia, 1875. O. 48 p. C Coulter, John Merle. Elements of power ; baccalaureate address at Lake Forest, 111., June 10, 1894. Chicago, 1894. D. 16 p. C Davis, Horace. Meaning of the university ; an address at Leland Stanford Junior University, on Founder's Day, March 9, 1894. San Francisco, 1895. O. 14 p. C Denifle, Friedrich Heinrich Suso. Die uni- versitaten des mittelalters bis 1400. Berlin, 1885. O. v. I. C T Urkunden zur geschichte der mittelalter- lichen universitaten. {In Archiv fUr litteratur- und kirchengeschichte des mittelalters. 1884. v. 4, p. 238-62 ; 1889. V. 5, p. 167-348.) C Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz. Die uni- versitaten sonst und jetzt ; rectorats-rede, gehalten am 22. Dec. 1866. (/« ,4/j- Akademische vortrage. 1889-90. V. 2, p. [3]-55-) C 56 — [Same.] 2. aufl. Miinchen, 1867. [2lP- O. C Universities, past and present. (/« his Addresses on historical and literary subjects. 1894. p. 1-49.) C Elrod, M. J. The college, past and present. Bloomington, III., l^()q. O. 26 p. C Ely, Charles Arthur. Science the true basis of education ; an address delivered before the Board of trustees of the College of California, at its first commencement at Oakland, June 14th, i860. San Francisco, i860. O. 17 p. C Essays on the endowment of research ; by vari- ous writers. . . London, 1876. O. 8 + 278 p. C Fairbaim, Hev. Robert Brinckerhoff. Intel- lectual education in small colleges ; an address de- livered to the students of St. Stephen's College . . . 1880. Albany, 1881. O. 60 p. C True idea of a university. «./. n. d. O. 9 p. C Fiske, John. Liberal education. {In his Dar- winism, and other essays. 1885. p. 253-S6.) C T Fomelli, Niccolo. Sulla riforma universitaria ;. scritti vari. Torino, 1898. D. 15 + 134 + [ij p. C Crambs, J. The German university in America. New York, i860. O. 21 p. C G-amett, James Mercer. University organiza- tion, n.p. n. d. O. 42 p. C Geddes, James. The college of to-day in it& relation to the past and to the future . . . address delivered . . . Oct. 19, 1895. {Boston, 1895.] Q. 13 p. C Gilman, Daniel Coit. Benefits which society derives from universities. Baltimore, 1885. O. 40 p. C Hamilton, Sir William, bart. Discussions on. philosophy and literature, education and university reform. . . 2d edition enlarged. New York, 1858. O. 12 -f- 852 p. C Hamlyn, Vincent Waldo Calmady. Universities of Europe at the period of the reformation ; the Stanhope prize essay for 1876. . . Oxford, 1876. O. 130 p. C Hazeltine, Mayo Williamson. British and American education ; the universities of the two- countries compared. New York, 1880. Tt. 197 p. C Hemming, George Wirgman. On the relation, between university and college. {In London — In- ternat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 15, p. 322-34.) C Henry, Hev. Caleb Sprague. Position and duties of the educated men of the country ; a dis- course pronounced . . . Aug. 5, 1840. New York, 1840. O. 46 + [I] p. C Ho£Eknann, Franz. Ober die idee der universi- taten. IVtirzburg, 1845. Q. 40 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION 139 Huxley, Thomas Henry. Universities, actual and ideal. {In his Science and culture and other essays. 1888. p. 31-72.) C Universities and Address on university edu- cation. {In his Science and education. i8q4- P- 189-261.) C Jastrow^, Joseph. Life of a college professor. Madison, 1898. O. 8 p. C Jebb, Richard Claverhouse. Work of the uni- versities ; past and present. Cambridge, 1S93. D. 52 p. (Camb. Univ. local lectures.) C T Johnson, Charles Frederick. Development of literary taste in college students. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1892. p. 174-90.) C Jordan, David Starr. Care and culture of men ; a series of addresses on the higher educa- tion. . . San Francisco, 1896. O. [7] +267 p. CT Judson, Marry Pratt. The higher education as a training for business. Philadelphia [I896]. D. 54 p. C Eanunel, Otto. Die universitaten des mittelal- ters bis zum eintritte des humanismus. (/« Schmid, K. A. Geschichte der erziehung. 1892. v. 2, pt. I. p. 334-548.) C Eirchner, Karl. Akademische propadeutik ; oder Vorbereitungswissenschaft zum akademis- chen studiura. Leipzig, 1842. O. 8 + 590 p. C Knox, Rev. Vicesimus. Liberal education ; or, A practical treatise on .' . . acquiring useful . . . learning. loth edition. . . London, 1789. O. 2 v. C Kriiger-Velthusen, H. Das wresen akadem- ischer vereinigungen nach massagabe der akademis- chen ideale ; beitrag zurlosungderuniversitatsfrage. Berlin [pref. 1887]. O. 31 p. (Eckstein'sche flugschriften-sammlung. No. i.) C Labriola, Antonio. L'universite et la liberte de la science. [In Le devenir social. 1897. v. 3, p. 40-64.) C Ladd, George Trumbull. Essays on the higher education. New York, 1899. D. 8 + [i] -f 142 p. C Liaurie, Simon Somerville. Rise and early constitution of universities . . . survey of mediae- val education. New York, 1887. D. 31 -+- 293 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; ed. W. T. Harris, v. 3.) CT Leverson, Montague R. Thoughts on institu- tions of the higher education, with a chapter on classical studies. New York, 1893. O. 6 -+- [i] + "4p. C T Lothrop, George Van Ness. Plea for educa- tion as a public duty ; an address delivered at the annual commencement of the University of Michi- gan, June 27, 1878. Ann Arbor, 1878. O. 22 P- C Lour, Seth. A city university : [Address deliv- ered Feb. 22, 1895, before the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore], n. p. O. 14 p. C McCosh, Rev. James. Inaugural address ;. Academic teaching in Europe, {In Princeton Col- lege — President. Inauguration of James McCosh. 1868. p. 35-96.) c MacCracken, Rev. Henry Mitchell. Place of church history in the college course of study ; a paper read before the American Soc. of Church Hist, in Washington, D. C, Dec. 31, 1890. Ne70 York, 1891. O. p. 217-39. C MacGregor, James Gordon. Utility of knowl- edge-making as a means of liberal training ; inau- gural address delivered at the opening of the fortieth session of Dalhousie College, Halifax. N. S. , Sep- tember 13th, 1899. Halifax, 1899. O. 24 p. C Maiden, Henry. On the origin of universities and academical degrees. London, 1835. S. 14 + 173 P- c Meiners, Christoph. Geschichte der entste- hung und entwickelung der hohen schulen unsers. erdtheils. Gottingen, 1802-5. O. 4 v. in 2. C Minerva : jahrbuch der universitaten der welt ;. hrsg. von R. Kukula und K. Trubner, 1891-1901. Strassburg, 1891-igoi. S. v. i-io. ill. C Morris, George Sylvester. University educa- tion. O. 40 p. {In Michigan University. Phil- osophical papers. 1886, ser. I, no. i.) C Moulton, Richard Green. University of the future ; an educational speculation, n. p. n. d. O. 4p. C Munro, Dana Carleton. Mediaeval student, Philadelphia, 1895. O. 20 p. (Trans, and re- prints from the original sources of European his- tory. V. 2, no. 3.) C Muzzey, Artemas Bowers. The higher educa- tion. Boston, 1871. O. i3p. C Netvman, John Henry, cardinal. Idea of a university. . . 3d ed. London, 1873. D. 22 + [I] + 527 p. C T Lectures and essays on university subjects.. London, 1859. 1^- 6 -H [i] -h 387 p. C T Office and work of universities. London, 1856. D. 8 + 384 p. C T Same as Rise and progress of universities. Rise and progress of universities. {In his Historical sketches. 1872. v. i, p. 1-251 and 313-35.) C T Scope and nature of university education. 2d edition. London, 1859. D. 27 -I- 351 p. CT Ne^rton, Rev. Richard. University educa- tion. . . London, 1726. D. [I4] + 207 p. C Osbom, Henry Fairfield, Corner-stones of learning ; an address delivered on the laying of the corner-stone of Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University, May 2, 1896, [New York, 1896.] O. 7 p. C Palmer, George Herbert. The new education ; three papers. Boston, 1887, D. 154 p. C' 140 EDUCATION^ Palmer, Thomas Witherell. Relation of edu- cated men to the state ; an oration before the alumni of the University of Michigan, semi-centen- nial celebration. June 29, 1887. n. p. n. d. Sq. D. 22 p. C Pepper, William, M.D. The university in modern life ; an address delivered before the College Association of the Middle States and of Maryland at its annual meeting at the University of Penn- sylvania, November, 1889. Remarks made at the banquet of the Alumni of Columbia College, New York, February 3, 1890, in response to the toast : The ideal university, n. p. 1890. O. 20 p. C Poole, William Frederick. University library and the university curriculum. . . Chicago, 1894. D. 55 p. . C Potter, Henry Coleman, D.D. The scholar and the state ; oration delivered June 26, 1890, be- fore the Phi Beta Kappa chapter of Harvard University. New York, 1890. O. 32 p. C Pratt, Daniel Johnson. Statistics of collegiate education. . . [Netu York, 1865.] O. 16 p. C Pusey, Edward Bouverie, canon. Collegiate and professorial teaching and discipline in answer to Prof. Vaughan's strictures. . . Oxford, 1854. O. V. p. C Quinn, Daniel. Duty of higher education in our times ; a paper read before the American Social Science Assoc, Sept. i, 1896. O. 14 p. C Rashdall, Hastings. Universities in Europe in the middle ages. Oxford, 1895. O. 2 v. in 3, pi. map. C T Rebu£B, Pierre. Privilegia universitatum, col- iegiorum, bibliopolarum et omnium demum qui studiosis adiumento sunt ; cum elucidatione authen. habita C. ne filius pro patre. . . Francofurti, Basscei, 1585. S. [8] 4- 736 + [22] p. C Ross, David. Education as a university sub- ject ; its history, present position and prospects. Glasgow, 1833. O. 61 p. C Savigny, Friedrich Karl von. Universities of the middle ages, particularly those of Bologna and Paris. (/« Barnard, Henry, ed. National educa- tion. 1873. pt. 3, p. 271-330.) T Scheidler, Karl Hermann. Grundlinien der hodegetik oder, methodik des akademischen studi- ums und lebens. 2. aufl. Jena, 1839. O- 22 + 520 p. C Ober die idee der universitat u. ihre stellung zur staatsgewalt. . . Jena, 1838. D. 12 + [i] + 429 p. C Schellin^, . Vorlesungen liber die me- thode des academischen studium. 3. aufl. Stuttgart, 1830. Nar. D. 4 + 324 p. C Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson. The seminarium : its advantages and limitations. (30th University convocation of the State of N. Y., July 5-7, 1892.) O. 8 p. C Smith,' Goldwin. University education. {In American Social Science Assoc. Journal. 1869. V, I, p. 24-55.) C Smith, William Benjamin. The university ; a plea for higher education . . . address delivered . . . January 25th, 1896. New Orleans, 1896. O. 24 p. C Stevens, Walter Le Conte. Student honor and college examinations, n. p. n. d. O. up. C Stoddard, Francis Hovey. Inductive work in college classes. [1890.] O. 4 p. C Tappan, Henry Philip. University education. New York, 1851. D. 1 20 p. C The university ; its constitution, and its re- lations, political and religious. . . Ann Arbor, 1858. O. 36 p. C Tetlo'W, John. Colleges and the non-classical high schools. (In Am. Inst, of Inst'r. Lectures, 1896. p. 3-21.) C Thomas Cantimpratensis. De disciplina scho- larium. {In Boethius. Opera omnia, i860, v. 2, col. 1223-44. Migne, J. P. Patrolog. Latina. V. 64.) C Thomas, Grace Powers. Where to educate, 1898-99 ; a guide to the best private schools, higher institutions of learning, etc., in the United States. Boston [C. 1898]. O. 23 4- 394 p. ill. i por. C Th'wing, Charles Franklyn. Within college walls. New York [C. 1893]. D. 184 p. C T Tolstoi, Dimitri Andreivich, count. Akade- micheski universitet : . . [An academic univer.sity in the iSth century]. Sanktpeterburg, 1885. O. 67 p. {In St. Petersbui^ — Imper. Acad, of Sci. Sbornik. v. 38, no. 6.) C Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin. The advan- tages and the dangers of the American scholar ; dis- course at Union College, July 26, 1836. New York, 1836. O. 62 p. C Right moral influence and use of liberal studies ; a discourse [at] Geneva College, August 7, 1833. . . New York, 1833. O. 47 P- C Villari, Pasquale. L'insegnamento universi- tario e le sue riforme. {In his Scritti pedagogici. 1868. p. 375-98.) c Weisse, Gustav. Das philologische abiturien- tenexamen ; oder. Das wissenswurdigste aus der griechischen und romischen literatur und der alten geographic. . . Breslau, 1864. O. 3 + 137 P- White, Andrew Dickson. Some important questions in higher education ; elective studies, uni- versity degrees, university fellowships and scholar- ships ; remarks at the conferense of presidents of colleges . . . July 8-10, 1884. . . Ithaca, 1885. O. 14 p. c Winchell, Alexander. University control. Al- bany, 1878. O. 12 p. C Woodman, John Smith. Liberal education or not ; to the young men of New England : A state*- ment of the conditions and objects of the Chandler Scientific Department of Dartmouth College. . . Hanover, 1863. O. 16 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION 141 Wright, Carroll Davidson. Study of statistics in colleges : a paper read before the joint session of the Am. Economic Assoc, and the Am. Hist. Assoc, at Sanders theatre, Harvard, 1887. O. 21 p. C Toung, Sir George, bart. On the proper rela- tion between the teaching and examining bodies in a university. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 15, p. 247-58.) C Zoller, Egon. Die universitaten und technis- chen hochschulen, ihre geschichtliche entwicke- lung. . . Berlin, 1891. O. 6 + [i] -f- 212 p. b. A CADEMIC COSTUME AND DEGREES —COLLEGE SOCIETIES— STUDENT LIFE Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. Addresses de- livered in New York City at the semi-centennial convention, 1882 ; and at the 56th annual conven- tion, 1888. Boston, 1889. O. 7 + 160 p. C Alpha Delta Phi, 1832-1882, Boston, 1882. O. 55 + 727 P- 2 pi. C Catalogue. New York, 1837. O. 13 p. C Report of the proceedings of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the brotherhood . . . held in New York . . . June, 1857. New York, 1858. O. 59 P- C Songs, n. p. n. d. Nar. O. 15 p. C Erlangen, 1866. O. 8 C Aus dem Wingolf. + 367 p. Baird, William Raimond, American college fraternities ; a descriptive analysis of the society sys- tem in the colleges of the United States, with a de- tailed account of each fraternity. Fhiladelphia, 1879. D. 212 p. I pi. C T [Same!] 5th ed. 1898. O. 14 + 438 p. C Bauiiiga>rt, Max. Grundsatze und bedingun- gen der ertheilung der doctorwUrde bei alien faculta- ten der universitaten des deutschen reichs, nebst einem anhange. . . 5. . . verm. aufl. Berlin, 1898. O. 10 4- 260 p. C Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. Catalogue of the . . . fraternity, 1880, 1890. Cleveland, etc., i88(>- 90. O. pi. v. 43, 60. C Briefe eines vaters an seinen sohn nach dessen abgang auf die universitat von * * * 2. unveran- derte aufl. mit einem vorwort. Breslau, \%<^t. D. 104 + [I] p. C Chi Psi Fraternity. Fourth decennial cata- logue . . . published under the auspices of Al- pha Phi, by order of the 39th annual convention. New York, 1883. O. 392 p. 2 pi. C College hymnal ; a selection of Christian praise- songs for the uses of worship in universities, colleges and advanced schools. New York, 1897. Sq. D. 4 + 272 p. C Songs with music. College year-book and athletic record, 1896- 97 ; compiled and edited by Edwin Emerson, Jr. New York, 1897. D. 592 p. C T Delta Kappa Epsilon quarterly. 1883-88. New York, 1883-88. O. ill. v. 1-6. C Catalogus, 1868, 1875. C Delta Phi Fraternity. n. p. 1868-75. O. Delta Upsilon Fraternity. Our record ; an annual publication for 1885, of statistics and in- formation. . . New York, 1886. Sq. T. v. i. C Song-book. . . Rochester, 1884. Q. 143 p. C Delta Upsilon quarterly. New York, 1884- 92. O. ill. v, 2-10. por. pi. C Herodotus, Jr. \pseud.-\ Academica juven- tus ; die deutschen studenten nach sprache und sitte. . . Celle, 1887. T. 94 p. C Ho'witt, William. Student-life of Germany ; from the unpublished ms. of Dr. Cornelius contain- ing nearly 40 of the most famous student songs. . . Philadelphia, 1842. O. 467 p. C Kappa Alpha Theta ; historical number, 1870-1899. [Ithaca-^ 1899. Q. 1 16 p. C Keil, Richard, and Keil, Robert, Geschichte des jenaischen studentlebens von der grtindung der Universitat bis zur gegenwart (1548-1858) ; eine festgabe zum dreihundertjahrigen jubilaum der Uni- versitat Jena. Leipzig, 1858. O. 16 4- 662 -f [I] p. C Kerfoot, John Barrett, bp. Academical de- grees and titles ; an address at the eighth . . . commencement of the College of St. James, Md. July 27th, 1854. . . [New York^ 1854. O. 24 p. C Kluge, Friedrich. Deutsche studentensprache. Strassburg, 1895. O. lO + [I] + 136 p. C Korps und burschenschaften ; fort mit dem verruf. . . Leipzig, 1886. O. 15 p. C Leonard, Gardner Cotrell. Cap and gown in America . . . [with] an illustrated sketch of the intercollegiate system of academic costume. Albany, 1896. Q. 15 p. ill. C T Lukens, H. T. Honorary degrees in the United States ; [report presented Dec. 29, 1896]. «. /. O. C Morgan, John Edward, M.D. University oars. . . London, 1873. D. 16 -f- 397 p. C Mourier, Louis Athanase. Notice sur le doc- toral es lettres, suivie du catalogue des theses latines et fran5aises admises par les Facultes des lettres depuis 1810. . . 2^ ed. augm. Paris, 1855. O. 78 p. C Ne^r York (City) — St. Anthony Club. Articles of association, officers, conjmittees and members, 1887. [New York] 1887. Sq. T. C Oberbreyer, Max. Die reform der doctor- promotion ; statistische beitrage. 3. aufl. Eise- nach [pref. 1877]. O. 155 p. C Olin, Stephen. College life ; its theory and practice. New York, 1867. D. 239 p. C Osgood, Rev. Samuel. Student life ; letters and recollections for a young friend. A''ew York, 1861. D. 164 p. C as studentenleben von heute ; betrachtun- gen und wUnsche. Leipzig, 1879. O. 14 p. C Thomas, Flavel S. Dictionary of university degrees. Syracuse, 1898. D. 109 p. C Todd, Rev. John. Student's manual designed ... to aid in forming . . . the intellectual and moral character ... of the student. 17th ed. Northampton , 1852. D. 392 p. C Vollmann, J., compiler. Burschicoses worter- buch ; oder, Erklarung aller im studentenleben vor- kommenden sitten, ausdrUke, worter. . . Ragaz, 1846. S. 12 + 520 p. C Wood, Rev. Thomas William. Degrees, gowns and hoods of the British, Colonial, Indian and American universities and colleges. London, n. d. Sq. O. 4 + 36 p. C Ecclesiastical and academical colours. Lon- don [I876]. S. 72 p. C Wooton, Edwin. Guide to degrees in arts, science, literature, law ... in the United King- dom, the colonies, the continent and the U. S. London, 1883. O. 21 + 724 p. C Zeta Psi Fraternity. Semi-centennial catalogue with data to Dec. 31, 1899. New York, 1899. Nar. Q. 967 p. por. pi. C c. FOREIGN BELGIUM Annales des universites de Belgique . . . 1842-63. Bruxelles, 1843-64. Q. v. 1-12. C Belgium — Instruction sup/rieure. Rapport. . . . 1853-67. Bruxelles, 1854-69. F. C Bruxelles, University Libre de. En- seignement des sciences politiques et sociales. . . Bruxelles, 1898. O. 7 -I- 170 + i p. C Notice sur I'Exposilion universitaire en 1897. Bruxelles, 1897. Sq. Q. 140 + [i, p. ill. C Revue de I'Umversite de Bruxelles. 1S95- 98. Bruxelles, 1896-99. O. ill. pi. v. 1-3. C L'Universite Libre de Bruxelles pendant 25 ans, 1834-60 ; statuts, discours, rapports, tableaux des cours et des professeurs. . . Bruxelles, i860. D. 498 p. C Vanderkindere, Leon. L'Universite de Bruxelles, notice historique[i834-l884]. . . Bru- xelles, 1884. Q. 216 -t- 172 p. C Bruxelles, Universite Nouvelle de — In- stitut des hautes Etudes. Sociologie criminelle ; syl- labus du cours de M. Enrico Ferri. Bruxelles, 1896. O. 22 -H f2] p. C Lieg'e, University de. A Godefroid Kurth ... a I'occasion du xxv™« anniversaire de la fondation de son cours pratique d'histoire. iLihge, n. d.] Q. 4 + 224 p. I por. " C Ecoles speciales des arts et manufactures et des mines ; programmes generaux et programmes detailles. 1864-69. Bruxelles, 1864-69. O. C Le Roy, Alphonse. Liber raemorialis : rUniversite de Liege. . . Liige, 1869. Q. 159 + 1179 -h 146 p. ill. pi. C Trasenster, Louis. Ouverture solennelle des cours 16 oct. 1883, discours inaugural. — Ouver- ture solennelle des cours 20 oct. 1884, discours et rapport. . . Li^ge, 1883-84. O. 2 nos. C Louvain, University Catholique de. Annuaire, 1885-95, 1899-1901. Louvain [1885]- 1901. S. ill. tab. V. 49-59, 63-65. C Codex veterum statutorum Academiae Lo- vaniensis. (/« Vermeulen Jan. Historiae Lovanien- sium libri 14. 1861. v. 2. p. 891-1181.) C Liber memorialis, 1 834-1884. Louvain, 1887. O. 20 ->r 161 + 298 p. C Contents : r. Fetes jubilaires de 1884. 2. Bibliographie academique. Lips, Joest. Lovanium, id est opidi et acad- emise ejus descriptio libri tres. Nova editio. , . Antverpiae, 1610. Q. [8] + 121 4- [Sj. ill. pi. C Mailly, N. E. Du projet qu'on avail forme en 1786 de creer une chaire i 1' Universite de Louvain pour I'astronome de Zach. (/« Brussels — Acad, des sci. Mem. 1877. v. 27, no. i.) C Neve, F. J. B. J. Memoire historique et litteraire sur le College des trois langues a I'Univer- site de Louvain. 428 p. (/« Brussels — Acad, roy. Mem. cour. 1856. v. 28.) C Rhetorum collegii Porcensis ; orationes in tres partes . . . distributae sub Nicolao Vemulaeo . . . Editio octava. Colonia, 1663. Nar. T. [22] + 694 p. C FRANCE liOt, Ferdinand. Bibliographie. (In his L'en- seignement superieur en France, 1892. p. 137-44.) C Contains many analytical entries of articles in French periodicals. 144 EDUCATION Beaucha>iiip, A. de. Recueil des lois etregle- ments sur renseignement superieur ; comprenant les decisions de la jurisprudence et les avis des con- seils de I'instruction publique et du conseil d'etat, 1789-98. Paris, 1880-98, Q. v. 1-5. C T Beaussire« Emile Jacques Armand. La li- berie d'enseignement et I'universite sous la troisieme republique. Paris, 1884. O. 360 p. C Bersot, Pierre Ernest. Questions d'enseigne- ment ; etudes sur les reformes universitaires [redi- gees par Edmond Scherer]. Paris, 1880. D. 7 -I- 330 + I p. C Bonet-Maury, . On the faculties of theology in the University of France. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 15, p. 44-58.) C Claretie^ Leo, L'universite moderne, conte- nant 65 compositions de J. Geoflroy. . . Paris [1892]. F. [7] + 290 + [I] p. ill. por. pi. C Compayr^, George. Des juridictions universi- taires ; composition ; attributions contentieuses. Paris, 1899. O. 8 + 266 p. C Deltour, Felix. De la reforme universitaire ; lettre a M. Cuvillier-Fleury. Paris, 1872. S. 32 p. C Desmaze, Charles Adrien. L'Universite de Paris, 1200-1875 ; la nation de Picardie ; les col- leges de Laon et de Presles ; la loi sur I'enseigne- ment superieur. Paris, 1876. D. 24 4- 343 p. C Dumont, Albert. Notes on higher education (enseignement superieur) in France. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 15, p. 129-80.) C Egger, Auguste Emile. La tradition et les re- formes dans I'enseignement universitaire ; souve- nirs et conseils. Paris, 1883. O. 24 + 368 p. C Fournier, Marcel, compiler. Les statuts et privileges des universites fran9aises depuis leur fon- dation jusqu'en 1789. . . Paris, 1890-94. F. v. 1-4'. C France — Instruction publique, Ministere de /'. Catalogue des theses et ecrits academiques . . . 1884-1900. Paris, 1892-1900. Sq. O. v. 1-4. C Franklin, Alfred Louis Auguste. E coles et colleges. Paris, 1892. D. 11 + 314 P- pi. fac- sim. (/« his La vie privee d'autrefois. 1892. v, 10.) C Lavisse, Ernest. A propos de nos ecoles. Paris, 1895. D. 7 + 250 p. C Etudes et etudiants. Paris, 1890. D. 37 + 354 P- T Questions d'enseignement national. Paris, 1885. D. 30 + 338 p. T Lievasseur, Pierre ifemile. Trente-deux ans d'enseignement au College de France ; chaire de geographie, histoire et statistique economique. . . Paris, 1900. O. 21 p. C Liiard, Louis. L'enseignement superieur en France, 1789-1893, Paris, 1888-94. O. 2 v. T Universites et facultes. Paris [pref. 189O]. D. 7 + 262 p. C Les universites fran9aises, translated by J. W. Longsdon. {In Eng.— Ed. Dept. Special re- ports on educational subjects. 1898. v. 2, p. 574- 625.) C T Lot, Ferdinand. L'enseignement superieur en France, ce qu'il est-ce qu'il devrait etre. Paris, 1892. D. 144 p. C Melon, Paul. L'enseignement superieur et l'en- seignement technique en France ; groupes universi- taires, facultes, ecoles speciales, etc. 2« ed. Paris, 1893. O. 43 + 342 + [I] p. C M^ric, Elie, abbe. Les universites allemandes et les seminaires fran9ais. Paris, 1884. O. 29 p. C Michelet, Jules. L'etudiant ; cours de 1847- 48. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1885. D. 324 p. C Rochemouteiz, Camille de. Un college de Jesuites aux xvii«= et xviii« siecles ; le College Henri IV. de la Fleche. Le Mans, 1889. O. 4 v. pi. C Savig[ny, Leo von. Die franzosischen rechtsfa- kultaten im rahmen der neueren entwickelung des franzosischen hochschulwesens. Berlin, 1891. O. 8 + 223 p. C Schiitzenberger, Charles. De la reforme de l'enseignement superieur et des libertes universi- taires. 2« ed. Paris, 1876. O. 3 + 125 + i p. c Aix, University d*. Belin, Ferdinand, Histoire de I'ancienne Universite de Provence ; ou, Histoire de la fameuse Universite d'Aix, depuis sa fondation (1400-1409) jusqu'en 1793. . . Aix-en- Provence, 1892. O. 225 p. C Avignon, University d'. Marchand, J. La Faculte des arts de I'Universite d' Avignon; notice historique, accompagnee des statuts inedits de cette Faculte. Paris, 1897. O. 59 p. C L'Universite d' Avignon aux xvii* et xviii* slides. Paris, 1900. O. 13 + 326 p. C B^arn. Les lois coJlegiales de 1' Academic du Beam (i 568-1 580), publiees pour la premiere fois avec une introduction historique et des notes par Paul de Felice. Paris, 1889. O. 3 + 79 p. (Musee pedagogique. Memoiree et documents sco- laires. no. 92.) C T Caen, University de. Bourmont, Ame- dee, comte de. La fondation de I'Universite de Caen et son organisation au xv^ si^cle. Caen, 1883. O. 347 p. C Grenoble, University de. Annales. Paris, 1889-99. O. ill. pi. V. i-ii. C Annuaire, 1897-98. Grenoble, 1897. S. 212 p. C Comite de Patronage des Etudiants stran- gers. Cours de fran9ais i I'usage des etudiants etran- gers. 1900-01. Grenoble^ 1900-01. O. ill. pi. Berriat-Saint-Prix, Jacques. Histoire de r ancienne Universite de Grenoble. V ed. Valence, 1839. O. 60 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION 145 Lyon, University de. Annales. Paris, 1891-99. O. ill. por. pi. facsim. map. v. 1-8, 17-40 ; n. s. pt. 2, V. 1-2. C Universite de Lyon. 1900. {Lyon, 1900.] Sq. O. 39 4- 146 p. pi. plan. C Montpellier, University de. Cartulaire, public sous les auspices du conseil general des facul- tes. . . Montpellier, 1890. Q. v. i, pt. i. fac- sim. C Germaine, a. C. Les etudiants de I'Ecole de medecine de Montpellier au xvi^ si^cle ; etude historique sur le Liber procuratoris studiosorum. {In Revue hist. 1877. v. 3, p. 31-70.) C RoNZAUD, Henri. Les fetes du 6^ cente- naire de 1' Universite de Montpellier. Montpellier, 1891. F. 8 + 259 p. ill. T Nancy, University de. L'Institut chimique de la Faculte des sciences en 1900. Nancy, 1900. O. 29 p. ill. pi. C Rentree solennelle des facultes et de I'Ecole superieure de pharmacie, 1894-95. Nancy, 1895- 96. Q. C Seance d'inauguration. N^ancy, 1897. c Paris — College de France. Lefranc, Abel Jules Maurice. Nouvelles recherches sur les ori- gines du College de France ; Le College pendant la Revolution. {In Rev. internat. de I'enseign. 1891. v. 22, p. 290-313 and 513-43-) C College royal de Charlemagne. Distribution des prix . . . 1841-42. Paris, 1841-42. O. C College royal de Louis-le- Grand. Distribu- tion des prix faite aux eleves ... 1836-40. Paris, 1836-40. O. C College Sainte-Barbe . QuiCHERAT, J. E. J. Histoire de Sainte-Barbe, college, communaute, in- stitution. Paris, 1860-64. O. 3 v. pi. C &cole libre des sciences politiques. Annales ; recueil trimestriel. v. 1-15. Paris, 1886-iqoo. O. C Later vols, have title Annales des sciences politiques. Annee scolaire 1898-99. Organisation et programme des cours. . . /'arw [I898]. S. 112 P- C : Expose sommaire de I'organisation et de I'enseignement. [Paris, 1879.] O. 23 p. C Ecole pratique des hautes Etudes — Section des sciences historiques et philologiques. Annuaire, 1895-97. Pans, 1895-97. O. C , ^<^ole Turgot. COLLIGNON, Albert. L' Ecole Turgot sous I'administration municipale, 1839-89. Paris, 1895. Q. 25 + [2i] p. pi. C Paris, University de. Adresse des recteur, principaux professeurs et agreges de I'Universite de Paris k I'Assemblee nationale portant adhesion a tous ses decrets ; prononcee le 8 Janvier. 1701. n. t..p. O. 8p. ^ C Bibliotheque de la Faculte des lettres de Paris, public sous les auspices du Ministere de I'in- struction publique. Paris, 1896-1900. O. pt. i- 12. BUDINSZKY, Alexander. Die Universitat Paris und die fremden an derselben im mittelalter ; ein beitrag zur geschichte dieser hohen schule. Ber- lin, 1876. O. 9 + I -+- 234 p. C Crevier, Jean Baptiste Louis. Histoire de rUniversite de Paris depuis son origine jusqu'en I'annee 1600. Paris, 1761. Nar. S. 7 v. C Denifle, Friedrich Heinrich Suss, and Chatelain, Emile. Chartularium Universitatis Par- isiensis ... ex diversis bibliothecis tabulariisque collegit et cum authenticis chartis contulit. . . Parisiis, 1889-96. F. v. 1-2', 3-4. C Douarche, Aristide. L'Universite de Paris et les Jesuites (16* et 17* siecles). . . Paris, 188S. O. 9 + 327 p. C Feret, Pierre, aby. L'Universite de Paris et les Jesuites au commencement du xvii= siecle. {In Rev. des quest, hist. 1900. n. s. v. 24, p. 389-444.) C L'Universite de Paris et les Jesuites dans la seconde moitie du xvi^ siecle. {In same. 1899. n. s. V. 21, p. 455-97.) C Hahn, Ludwig Ernst. Das unterrichts- wesen in Frankreich, mit einer geschichte der Par- iser Universitat. Breslau, 1848. O. 2 v. in i. 16 -t- 746 p. C — ; — Jourdain, Charles M. G. Brechillet. De I'enseignement de I'Hebreu dans I'Universite de Paris au xv= siecle. {In his Excursions hist, et phil. 1888. p. 231-45.) C Petit Chatelet et I'Universite. {In Hoflbauer, J. H. I. Paris a travers les ages. 1885. V. 2-3. ill. pi.) C La taxe des logements dans I'Univer- site de Paris. {In his Excursions hist, et phil. 1888. p. 247-63.) C L'Universite de Paris i I'epoque de la domination anglaise. {In same, p. 309-35.) C L'Universite de Paris au temps d'Eti- enne Marcel. {In same, p. 337-61.) C KoLLAR, Adam Franz. Recensio statuto- rum et privilegiorum Regias academiae Parisinse. {In his Analecta mon. 1761. v. i, col. 307-643.) C LucHAiRE, Achille. L'Universite de Paris sous Philippe-Auguste. Paris, 1899. O. 58 -1- [I] p. (Bibl. internat. de I'enseign. super. ; F. Pi- caret, ed.) C Marion, Francois Henri. L'education dans I'universite. . . Paris [18q2 ?]. D. 33 + 400 p. C Paquier, J. L'Universite de Paris et I'hu- manisme au debut du xvi« siecle ; Jerome Aleandre. {In Rev. des quest, hist. 189S-99. n. s. v. 20, p. 372-98, and V. 21, p. 144-85.) C 146 EDUCA TION Paris, Universite de (continued) — PARIES, G., abb^. La faculte de droit dans I'ancienne Universite de Paris, 11 60-1 793. . . Paris, 1890. O. 3 -+- 391 p. C Programme des examens de la licence es sciences. Paris, 1860-70. O. 2 v. in 1. C Ramus, Peter. Advertissements sur la re- formation de rVniuersite de Paris, 1562. (/w Ar- chives curieuses de I'hist. de France. 1S34-40. i^'. ser. V. 5, p. 115-63.) C Spirgatis, Max. Personal verzeichniss der Pariser Universitat von 1464. Leipzig, 1888. O. 3 -f- 51 p. facsim. (/« Centralblatt fur biblio- thekswesen. Beihefte. no. i.) C College du Cardinal Lemoine. JOURDAIN, Charles M. G. Brechillet. Le College du Cardinal Lemoine. (/« his Excursions hist, et phil. 1888. p. 265-308.) C Conseil de I ' University Rapport [Sur la situation des etablissements d'enseignement supe- rieur] annee scolaire 1897-98 [par Henri Moissanj. [Paris, 1899.] O. 33 p. pi. tab. C Facultes des Science. Programme des exam- ens de la licence es sciences. Paris, iSqo. D. 56 p. C Programme de I'examen du baccalaureat ^s sciences complet. Paris [1883]. S. 37 p. C Alfred Louis 2* ed. . . augm. ipl. C La Sorbonne. Franklin Auguste. La Sorbonne. . . Paris, 1875. D. 14 + 279 p bonne. N£not, Henri Paul. Paris, 1895. Q. 89 p. La nouvelle Sor- ill. 7 paged pi. C Programme des cours publics ; i"" semestre 1897-98, i" semestre 1898-99, i"-2* se- mestre 1899-1900. [/'arjV, 1 899-1 900.] O. 4 pes. C In lithographic facsimile. Toulouse, University de. Bulletin. Fas- cicule no. 1-12. Quillet 1897 — Mai 1900.) Toulouse [I897-190O]. O. C 1899. • Annuaire pour I'annee 1899-1900. S. 157 + I p. Livret de 1' Universite. [I90O]. S. 114 p. plan. GERMANY 1900. Toulouse, C Toulouse C Die akademische carri^re der gegenwart. Leipzig, 1885. O. [3] + 62 p. C Akademische gutachten Uber die zulassung von realschul-abiturienten zu facultats-studien, hrsg. von der Minister der geistlichen unterrichts- und medicinal-angelegenheiten. Amtlicher abdruck. Berlin, 1870. O. [3] + 112 p. C Altmann, Wilhelm. Die doktor dissertationen der deutschen universitaten in den jahren 1885-86 bis 1889-90 ; statistischebetrachtungen. . . Berlin, 1891. O. 64 p. C Anhalt, Erail. Die universitat ; tiberblick ihrer geschichte und darstellung ihrer gegenwarti- gen aufgabe. Jena, 1846. D. 4 + 92 p. C Arnold, Matthew. Higher schools and uni- versities in Germany. London, 1882. D. 27 -|- 245 P- C T Baumann, Johann Julius. " Schulwissen- schaf ten " als besondere fache- auf universitaten. . . Leipzig, 1899. O. 44 p. C Baumgart, Max, compi^r. Grundsatze und bedingungen der ertheilung der doctorwurde bei alien facultaten der universitaten des deutschen reichs ; nebst einem anhange enthaltend die promo- tionsordnungen der ubrigen universitaten mit deut- scher unterrichts-sprache . . . nach amtlichen quellen. . . 3. ausg. verm. Berlin, 1898, O. 16 -f 328 p. C Die stipendien und stiftungen . . . zu gun- sten d«r studirenden an alien universitaten des deutschen reichs . . . nach amtlichen quellen . . . hrsg. Berlin, 1885. Q. 16 + 760 p. C Baumgarten-Crusius, Ludwig Friedrlch Otto. Uber wissenschaftliche freiheit an sich und in beziehung auf die deutschen universitaten ; rede ... am 5. August, 1826. Jena, 1826. D. 29 p. C Beckhaus, F. W. K. Die stellung der privat- docenten. Leipzig, 1858. O. 4 + 44 p. C Beneke, Friedrich Eduard. Unsere universi- taten und wass ihnen noth thut ; in briefen an den Herrn Diesterweg, als beitrag zur " Lebensfrage der civilisation." Berlin, 1836. O. 102 p. C Berger-Levrault, Oscar. Annales des pro- fesseurs des academies et universites alsaciennes 1523-1871. Nancy, 1892. O. 245 + 308 p. ill. I pi. tab. C Bernkeim, Ernst. Der universitatsunterricht und die erfordernisse der gegenwart, Berlin, 1898. O. [3] + 76 p. C Bezold, Friedrich von. Die altesten deutschen universitaten in ihrem verhaltnis zum staat. (/« Histor. zeits. n. f. v. 44, p. 436-67.) C BischofF, Christian Heinrich Ernst. Einiges was den deutschen universitaten noth thut. Bonn, 1842. O. 18 + [I] + 2iop. C Bornhak, Conrad. Geschichte der preussischen universitatsverwaltung bis 1810. Berlin, 1900. O, 8 + 200 p. C Braniss, Christlieb Julius. Die wissenschaft- liche aufgabe der gegenwart als leitende idee im akademischen studium ; hodegetische vortrage. Breslau, 1848. S. 345 p. C Brasch, Moritz. Die facultaten-frage und die stellung der philosophie an den deutschen universi- taten. . . Leipzig, 1895. O. 25 -t- [I] p. C Bressler, Hermann. Die stellung der deut- schen universitaten zum Baseler konzil, zum schisma und zur deutschen neutralitat. Leipzig, 1858. O. 88 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION' 147 Conferenz zur lierathung von reformen in der verfassung u. verwaltung der preussischen univers- itaten. Verhandlungen . . . 1849. Bei-lin^ 1849. O. 8 + 258 p. C Conrad, Johann. Allgemeine statistik der deutschen universitaten. {In Lexis, Wilhelm, ed. Die deutsch. universit. 1893. v. i, p. 115-68.) C German universities for the last 50 years ; authorized translation with map, notes and apx. by J. Hutchinson, and a preface by J. Bryce. Glasgow, 1S85. O. 30 + 333 p. I map. C T Das universitatsstudium in Deutschland wahrend der letzten 50 jahre. . . Jena, 1884. O. ■6 + 243 p. tab. {In his Samml. national6k. u. statist, abhandl. 1878-88. v. 3, pt. 2.) C Cron, Ludwig. Der zugang der Badener zu den Badischen universitaten und zur technischen hochschule Karlsruhe . . . 1869 bis 1893 aus wirtschaftlichen gesichtspunkten betrachtet. {Hei- delberg, pref. 1897.] Nar. O. 78 + [i] p. ill. C Defence of the German universities against the calumnies of Augustus von Kotzebue. {In Memoir of C. L. Sand. 1819. p. 47-92.) C Deutscher universitats-kalender, 1885-86, 1889-1901. Berlin, 1885-1901. T. and S. v. 288, 36-52, 54-58. C V. 53, Sommer-semester 1898, wanting. Dippe, Alfred. Sozialismus und philosophic auf den deutschen universitaten. Leipzig, 1895. O. 38 p. C Dolch, Oskar. Geschichte der deutschen stu- dententhums, von der griindung der deutschen universitaten bis zu den deutschen freiheitskrfegen ; ein historischer versuch. Leipzig, 1858. D. 10 + 300 p. C Dreyfus-Brisac, Edmond. Les universites allemandes. {In his L'education nouvelle. 1882- 88. V. I., p. 185-271.) C Erdmann, Johann Eduard. Vorlesungen ilber akademisches leben und studium. Leipzig, 1858. D. 16 + 358 + [I] p. C Fabricius, Wilhelm. Die akademische depo- sition; beitrage zur deutschen litteratur- und kultur- geschichte, speciell zur sitten- geschichte der universitaten. Frankfurt a. M., i^xje^. O. 79 p. C Fechtner, Eduard. Die praktische philosophic und ihre bedeutung fur die rechtsstudien ; ein bei- trag zur reform unserer universitaten. Leipzig, 1888. O. 87 p. C Fick, Dr. R. Auf deutschlands hohen schu- len ; eine illustrierte kulturgeschichtliche darstel- lung deutschen hochschul- und studentcnwescns . . . Berlin, 1900. Q. [I5] + 488 p. ill. C Fischer, Gustav. Ueber die errichtung staats- ■wissenschaftlichcr seminarien auf den deutschen universitaten. . . Jena, 1857. O. 123 p. C Flach, Hans Louis Moritz. Der deutsche pro- fessor der gegenwart. 2. ausg. Leipzig, 1886. D. 3 +" 258 + [I] p. C Geismar, Martin von. Universitaten. {In his Politische literatur der Deutschen im 18. jahrh. 1847. pt. 3. p. 9-57-) C [G-erman university catalogues, 1859-60.] Leipzig, etc., 1859-60. Q. i v. C 22 " Verzeichniss der vorlesungen" and "Index schol- arum " of various universities bound in one volume. Germany — Geistlichen, unterrichts- und medi- zinal- angelegenheiten. Minister der. Reglement fur die prufung der zu den universitaten ubergc- henden schiiler. Berlin, 1834. Obi. F. 19 p. C Hart, James Morgan. German universities ; a narrative of personal experience . . . with a com- parison of the German, English and American sys- tems. . . New York, 1878. D. 7 -f- [i] -h 398 P- C T Hartel, Wilhelm August, ritter von. Die univer- sitaten. . . Wien, 1874. O. 19 p. {In Vienna — Welt- ausstellung. 1873. OfEcieller ausstellungs- bericht. 1873-77. v. 8, group 26, sec. 5.) C Hartmann, Karl Robert Eduard von. Zur re- form des heheren schulwesens. Berlin, 1875. O- [4] + 88 p. C Hasse, C. Die mangel deutscher universitat- seinrichtungen und ihre besserung. jfena, 1887. Q- 34 p. C .. Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von. Uber die akademische freiheit der deutschen uni- versitaten ; rede . . . am 15. October, 1877, ge- halten. Berlin, 1878. O. 30 p. C Hoffmann, Max. Satzungen und bedingun- gen fur die erwerbung des doktorgrades bei den philosophischen fakultaten der universitaten des deutschen reiches. . . Leipzig, 1889. O. [3] -I- 60 + [4] p- C Hofmann, August Wilhelm von. Die frage der theilung der philosophischen facultat. . . 2. aufl. . . Berlin, i83i. O. 8 + 83 p. C The question of a division of the philoso- phical faculty. . . 2d ed. . . with two opin- ions on the admission to the University [of Berlini of graduates of realschulen, presented . . . 1869 and 1880. Boston, 1883. D. 8 -I- 77 p. C Horn, Ewald. Kolleg und Honorar ; ein bei- trag zur verfassungsgeschichte der deutschen uni- versitaten. MUnchen, 1897. O. 9 + 158 p. C Zur geschichte der deutschen universitaten im mittelalter. {In Padagog. archiv. 1897. v. 39. P- 535-48.) C Kaufmann, Georg. Die geschichte der deut- schen universitaten. Stuttgart, 1888-96. O. v. 1-2. ' C Die lehrfreiheit an den deutschen universi- taten im 19. jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1898. O. 48 p. C Eieler beytrage. Schleswig, 1820. Nar. D. 2 v. C Koch, Johanr Franz Wilhelm, editor. Die preussischen universitaten ; eine sammlung der ver- ordnungen. . . Berlin, 1839-40. O. 2 v. in 3, C 148 EDUCATION Eoppen, Friedrich. Offene rede iiber universi- taten ; Baiern gewidmet. Landshut, 1820. D. 44 p. C Li&speyreSf Etienne. Das alter der deutschen professoren ; ein beitrag zur universitatsstatistik und zur universitatspolitik. Berlin, 1876. O. 48 p. C Uber alter und wechsel der professoren an den deutschen universitaten. Giessen, 1882. Q. 16 p. C Liaverrenz, C. Die medaillen und gedacht- niszeichen der deutschen hochschulen ; ein beitrag zur geschichte der universitaten Deutschlands. 2. aufl. Berlin, 1887. O. 2 v. in I. 90 pi. C Ijeina.yer, Karl. Die verwaltung der oster- reichschen hochschulen von 1868-1877. . . Wien, 1878. O. 10 + ^bi p. C Lexis, Wilhelm, editor. Die deutschen univer- sitaten, fUr die universitatsausstellung in Chicago i8g3 ; unter mitwurkung zahlreicher universitats- lehrer. Berlin, 1893. Sq. Q. 2 v. C Litteratur, von Fr. Paulsen, p. 112-14. Masius, Karl Wilhelm Hermann. Die einwir- kungen des humanismus auf die deutschen gelehr- tenschulen. Leipzig, 1862. O. 20 p. C Meinerst Christoph. Uber die verfassung und verwaltung deutscher universitaten. Gotiingen, 1801-02. O. 2 V. in I. C M^riCt Elie, abbe'. Les universites allemandes et les seminaires fran9ais. Paris, 1884. O. 29 p. C Mussmann, Johann Georg. Vorlesungen tiber das studium der wissenschaften und kiinste auf der universitat ; ein taschenbuch fiir angehende studi- rende. Halle, 1832. D. 10 + 266 p. C Muther, Theodor. Aus dem universitats- und gelehrtenleben im zeitalter der reformation. Er- langen, 1866. D. 12 + 499 p. C 9Iutzell, J. Padagogische skizzen ; die reform der deutschen hoheren schulen betreffend. . . Ber- lin, 1850. O. 4 + 68 p. C Passow, Karl Friedrich Rudolf. Beitrag zur geschichte der deutschen universitaten im 14. jahr- hundert. Berlin, 1836. Sq. O. 71 p. C Paulsen, Friedrich. German universities ; their character and historical development . . translated by E. D. Perry, with an introduction by Nicholas Murray Butler. New York, 1895. D. 31 + 254 p. C T Die grlindung der deutschen universitaten im mittelalter. {In Histor. zeitschr. 1881. v. 45, p. 251-311.) C Organisation und lebensordnungen der deutschen universitaten im mittelalter. (/« same. 1881. V. 45, p. 385-440.) C Perry, Walter C. German university educa- tion ; or, The professors and students of Germany. London, 1845. D. 8 + 175 p. T Pfa£F, Christoph Heinrich. Einige worte zur rechtfertigung der deutschen universitaten gegen die neuesten anschuldigungen derselben. . . (/» Kieler beytrage. 1820. v. i, p. 1-57.) C Pugg^, Eduard. Uber die deutschen universi- taten ; beleuchtung der schrift der F. A. W. Die- sterweg, " Uber das verderben auf den deutschen universitaten." . . Bonn, 1836. D. 63 p. C Raumer, Karl Georg von. German universi- ^ ties. . . New York, 1859. O- 256 p. C Riedler, A. Unserer hochschulen und die an- forderungen des 20. jahrhunderts. 4. aufl. Ber- lin, 1898. Q [3] + 4 + 120 p. C Ringseis, Johann Nepomuk. Uber den revo- lutionaren geist auf den deutschen universitaten. 2. aufl. Miinchen, 1834. D. 39 p. C Risch, Karl. Uber die nationale bedeutung der deutschen universitaten und deren stellung im neuen reich. Wurzburg [1878]. Q. 33 p. C Riinne, Ludwig von, compiler. Die hohem schulen und die universitaten des preussischen staates. Berlin, 1855. O. 20 + 660 + [2] p. (/« his Die verfassung und verwaltung des preussischen staates. 1855. pt. 8, v. 2, pt. 2.) C [Same.] Berlin, 1855. O. 20 + 612 p. (In his Das unterrichtswesen des preussischen staates. 1855. v. 2.) T Satzungen fiir die studierenden an den konig- lich bayerischen universitaten. Miinchen [pref. 1849]. S. 40 p. C Satzungen und bedingungen fiir die erwerbung des doktorgrades bei den philosophischen fakultaten der universitaten des deutschen reiches. . . Leip- zig-Reudnitz, 1901. O. [3j + 6Sp. C Schanz, Paul. Universitat und technische hochschule ; rede gehalten bei der akademischen preisverteilung an der Universitat zu Tiibingen, den 6. Nov., 1899. StuUgarl [iSgg]. O. 36 p. C Scheidler, Karl Hermann. Jenaische blatter fiir geschichte und reform des deutschen universi- tatswesens, insbesondere des studentenlebens. . . I. -2. aufl. . . yena, 1859-60. O. 4 v. in i. C Uber die idee der universitat und ihre stel- lung zur staatsgewalt. . . yena, 1838. D. 12 + I -I- 429 p. C Schmidtlein, Eduard Joseph. Uber die bedeu- tung der universitaten fiir die erhaltung eines gemeinsamen rechtszustandes in Deutschland. £r- langen, 1857. Q. 13 p. C Steffens, Henrik. German university life ;.,. the story of my career as student and professor . . . translated by W. L. Gage. Philadelphia, 1874. D. 284 p. C Ober Deutschlands protestantische universi- taten, antwortschreiben an den Prasidenten von Lattwitz. Breslau, 1820. Nar. O. 88 p. C tJber die idee der universitaten vorlesungen. Berlin, 1809. D. [4] + 155 p. » C HIGHER EDUCATION" 149 Steia, Friedrich. Die akademische gerichts- barkeit in Deutschland. leipsig, i9>qi. O. 12 + 151 p. C Striimpell, Ludwig. Die universitat und das universitatsstudium. Leipzig, 1894. O. 67 p. {In his Padagog. abhandl. 1894. pt 4.) C Sybel, Heinrich Karl Ludolph von. Die deutschen universitaten, ihre leistungen und bediirf- nisse. 2. . . verm, auflage der schrift " Die deut- schen und die auswartigen universitaten." Bonn, 1874. D. 67 p. C Villers, Charles Fran9ois Dominique. Coup- d'ceil sur les universites et le mode d'instruction publique de I'Allemagne protestante ; en particulier du royaume de Westphalie. . . Cassel, 1808. D. 4 + 112 p. C Wachler, Johann Friedrich Ludwig. Aphoris- men uber die universitaten und Uber ihr verhaltniss zum staate ; nebst einem anhange uber den gegen- wartigen zustand der Universitat zu Marburg. Marburg, 1802. D. 168 p. C Waldeyer, Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried. tJber aufgaben und stellung unserer universitaten seit der neugriindung des deutschen reiches. Berlin, 1898, Sq. Q. 30 p. C Zarncke, Friedrich. Die deutschen universi- taten im mittelalter ; beitrage zur geschichte und charakteristik derselben. i. beitrag. Leipzig, 1857. O. V. I, 10 + 266 p. C Zeller, Eduard Gottlob. Gymnasium und uni- versitat ; ein beitrag 'zur frage der schulreform. Berlin, 1890. O. 4 + 63 p. C Ziegler, Franz Victor von. Denkschrift Uber die revision eines universitats-statuts. Dessau, 1876. O. 48 p. C Zbllner, Johann Karl Friedrich. Beitrage zur deutschen Judenfrage mit akademischen arabesken als unterlagen zu einer reform der deutschen uni- versitaten, hrsg. . . von Moritz Wirth. Leipzig, 1894. O. 33 + 755 p. pi. facsim. C Berlin Universitat. Amtliches verzeich- niss des personals und der studirenden, Oct. 1895- Aug. 1899. Berlin, 1895-99. O. C AscHERSON, Karl Eduard Ferdinand. Ur- kunden zur geschichte der jubelfeier der . . . Fried- rich- Wilhelms-Universitat zu Berlin, im Oct. i860, nebst einem verzeichniss der lehrer . . . von der grundurig bis zum 15. Oct, 1862. Berlin, 1863. O. 18 + 260 p. C Chronik, 1887-92, 1895-1900. Berlin, 1888- 1900. O. v. 1-5, 9-13. C Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich. Ober universitats-einrichtungen ; rede ... am 15. Oct. 1869. . . Berlin, 1869. O. 24 p. C Gesetze fiir die studirenden auf der Konig- lichen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universtat. . . Berlin, n. d. Q. 40 p. C HOFMANN, August Wilhelm. The question of a division of the philosophical faculty ; inaugural address. . . University of Berlin. . . Oct. 15, 1880. 2d ed, Boston, 1883. D. 77 p. C Index lectionum. . . April l6-Aug. 15, 1880 ; Oct. 16, i88i-Mar. 14, 1882 ; April 19- Aug. 15, 1892 ; April 18, 1900-Mar. 15, 1901. Berolini [I880-190I]. Sq. Q. C Instruction liber die erhebung der gestun- deten honorare. [Berlin, n. d.] Q. 8 p. C Die KOnigliche Friedrich- Wilhelms-Univer- sitat Berlin in ihrem personalbestande seit ihrer errichtung Michalis 1810 bis Michalis 1885. [Ber- lin, pref. 1885.] Sq. Q. 48 p. C Die Konigl. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Berlin ; systematische zusammenstellung der ftir dieselbe bestehenden gesetzlichen, statutarischen, und reglementarischen, bestimmungen ; im auftrage ... des ministers . . . von Gossler, bearbeitet von dem Universitats-kuratorium durch , . . Daude. Berlin, 1887. Q. 8 + 756 p. C KoPKE, Ernst Rudolf Anastasius. Die grundung der Konigl. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univer- sitat zu I3erlin ; nebst anhangen uber die geschichte der institute und den personalbestand. Berlin, i860. Q. 6-1- [2] + 300 p. C Reglement fiir die prlifung der zu den Uni- versitaten abgehenden schiller. . . Berlin, 1834. F. 16 p. C Reglement uber die meldung der studiren- den zu den vorlesungen. . . n. t.-p. Q. 8 p. C ScHWEBEL, Oskar. Die Universitat Berlin ; Frankfurts Alma mater Joachimica und die Fried- rich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Berlin.' MUnchen, 1 89 1. Q. 90 p. ill. (Aufdeutschen hochschulen. 3.) C Statuten. Berlin 11816-S2]. Sq. O. v. p. C Statuten der juristischen facultat. Q- [4] + 37 + [I] p. [Berlin] C Statuten der medicinischen facultat. lin] 1838. Q, [4] -H 42 -f- [I] p. [Ber- C Statuten der philosophischen facultat. [Ber- lin] 1838. Q. [4] + 46 + [I] p. C Statuten der professoren-wittwen-versor- gungs-anstalt der Universitat zu Berlin ; neue re- daction vom jahre 1847. Berlin, 1847. Q. I2 + [i]p. C Statuten der theologischen facultat. [Ber- lin] 1838. Q. [4] -I- 40 -h [I] p. C Statuten des Vereins zur pflege kranker stu- dirender. n. t.-p. Q. [4] p. C Trendeleburg, Friedrich Adolf. Dieiiber- kommene aufgabe unserer Universitat ; redegehal- ten am 3. August, 1857. Berlin, 1857. Sq. Q. 31 p. C Urtheile der vier Fakultaten uber die bewerbungschriften . . . im jahre 1895, 1897-99 . . . und Anzeige der neuen preisaufgaben. . [Berlin, 1895-1900.] Q. C Verzeichniss der vorlesungen. 1896-1901. [Berlin, 1896-1901.] Sq. Q. 10 pts. C Wagner, Adolph Heinrich Gotthilf. Die entwicklung der Universitat Berlin 1810-96 ; rede zur gedachtnissfeier der stiftung der Kbniglichen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat . . . 1896. Ber- lin, 1896. Sq. Q. 67 p. tab. C I50 EDUCATION Bonn Universitat. Verzeichnis der vorle- sungen, welche an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wil- helms- Universitat zu Bonn im . , . 1895-96, 1898- 99, 1900-01. Bonn, 1895-1900. O. C Chronik, fur das rechnungsjahr 1892-95, 1898-99. . . Jahrgang 18.-20., 24. Bonn, 1893- 99. o. C Dreyfus Brisac, Edmond. L'universite de Bonn et I'enseignement superieur en Allemagne. Paris, 1879. O. 8 + 300 p. C MiLKAU, Fritz. Verzeichniss der Bonner universitatsschriften 1818-1885. . . Bonn, 1897. O. 24 + 440-1- [I] p. C The University of Bonn. (/« U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1882, no. 3.) C T Varrentrapp, Konrad. Beitrage zur ges- chichte der Kurkolnischen Universitat Bonn. . . Bonn, 1868. Sq. O. 23 p. C Breslau Universitat. Chronik, 1886-89, 1893-99. Breslau, 1888-99. O- C Nadbyl, Bernard von, editor, Chronik und statistik der . . . Universitat zu Breslau ; bei gelegenheit ihrer fUnfzigjahrigen jubelfeier am 3, August, 1 861. . . Breslau, 1861. Sq. Q. [3] -|- 89 p. C Personal verzeichniss, 1894-99. Breslau, 1895. O. no. 131-40. C Schlesische Gesellschaft fur Vaierldndische CuUur. Der Kbnigl. Universitat Breslau bringt zur feier ihres fiinfzigjahrigen jubilaums die Schl. Gesell. f. Vaterl. Cultur ihren besten gluckwun- sche dar. Breslau^ i86r. Sq. F. 16 + [ij + 81 p. 8 pi. C Verzeichniss der vorlesungen . , . 1895- 1900. . . Breslau [1895-190O]. Q. C Ellwangen Universitat. Funk, Franz Xavier von. Die Katholische Landesuniversitat in Ellwangen und ihre verlegung nach Tubingen. 1889. 30 p. (/« Tubingen Univ^. Festgabe, 1889.) C Erfurt Universitat. Acten ; hrsg. von der Historischen Commission der provinz Sachsen, bear- beitet von . . . J. C. Hermann Weissenborn. . . Halle, 1881-84. Sq. O. 2 v. in i, 8 pi. C — — Kampschulte, Franz Wilhelm. Die Uni- versitat Erfurt in ihrem verhaltnisse zu dem huma- nismus und der reformation ; aus dem quellen dargestellt. Trier, 1858-60. D. 2 v. C Erlangen Universitat. Ubersicht des per- sonal-standes. . . 1894-1900. Erlangen, 1895- 1900. O. C Die Universitat Erlangen von 1743 bis 1843 ; zum jubilaum der Universitat, 1843. Erlan- gen [I843]. O. [3] + 255 p. . C Verzeichnis der vorlesungen. . . 1894-1900. Erlangen, 1895-1900. O. C Freiburg Universitat. Ankiindigung der vorlesungen v^elche im . , . i8g5-[i900] auf der grossherzc^lich Badischen Albert-Ludwigs-Uni- versitat zu Freiburg im Breisgau gehalten werden. Freiburg i. B., 1895-99. O. 9 pts. in i. C Festprogramm Grossherzog Friedrich zur feier des siebzigsten geburtstag dargebracht von der Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universitat zu Freiburg, /^m- ^urgi.B.,j8gt. Q. [5] + 238 p. ill. maps, (j Kries, Johannes von, and Steinmann, Gus- tav. Reden gehalten ... 10. Mai 1899, bei der offentlichen feier der iibergabe des Prorectorats der Universitat Freiburg. Freiburg i. B., 1899. Sq. Q. 63 p. C RiEGGER, Josef Anton Stefan, ritter von, compiler. Analecta Academiae Friburgensis ad his- toriam et jurisprudentiam praecipue ecclesiasticam illustrandam. . . Ulmae, 1774. O. [3] + 363 + [5] p. 12 pi. I facsim. C Schreiber, Johann Heinrich. Geschichte der Albert-Ludw^igs-Universitat zu Freiburg im Breisgau. Freiburg, 1857-68. O. 3 v. in i. C Die Universitat Freiburg seit dem regie- rungsantritt seiner koniglichen hoheit des grossher- zogs Friedrich von Baden. Freiburg i. B., i88i. Sq. F. 12 + 128 p. ill. pi. tab. C Verzeichnis der behorden, lehrer, anstal- ten, beamten und studierenden, 1895-igoo. Frei- ?'. ^r., 1895-1900. O. C Giessen Universitat. Die altesten privile- gien und statuten der Ludoviciana, hrsg. von H. Wasserschleben. Giessen, 1881. Sq. Q. 32 p. C Heuser, Emil. Beitrage zur geschichte der Universitatsbibliothek Giessen. {In Centralbl. fur bibliothekswesen ; Beihefte no. 6.) C Lutterbeck, Johann Anton Bernhard. Geschichte der Katholisch-theologischen Facultat zu Giessen ; eine alien theologen Deutschlands gewi- derte denkschrift. Giessen, i860. D. 4-1-112 P- C Personal - bestand . . . 1893-99. Giessen, 1893-99. O. C Vorlesungsverzeichniss . . . 1894-1900. Giessen, 1894-99. O. C Gottingen Universitat. Amtliches verzeich- nis des personals und der studirenden . . . 1895- 97, 1897-1900. Gottingen [I895-190O]. O. C Brandes, Ernst. Ober den gegenwartigen zustander der Universitat Gottingen. Gottingen, 1802. Nar. D. 403 p. C Brinckmann, Heinrich Rudolph. Bruck- stilcke die Universitat Gottingen betreflend. (In Kieler beytrage. 1820. v. i, p. 221-72.) C Chronik der Georg-Augusts- Universitat zu Gottingen fiir das rechnungsjahr 1894-98. Gottingen, 1895-98. O. C Dove, Richard Wilhelm. Einige gedenk- blatter aus der geschichte der Georgia Augusta seit 1837, aus anlass der jubelfeier ihres hundertflinfzig- jahrigen bestehens zusammengestellt. . . Gottin- gen, 1887. O. 4 + [2] -H 52 p. C Gesner, Johann Matthias. Biographia aca- demica Gottingensis collegit et edidit J. N. Eyring; praefatus est G. A. Klotzius. Halae, 1768-69. S. 3 V. C HIGHER EDUCATION 151 Gottingen Universitat (continued) Gottinger professoren ; ein beitrag zur deut- schen cultur- und literargeschichte in acht vortra- gen. Gotha, 1872. D. 7 + [i] + 260 p. C Haller, Albrecht von. Eine rektorais- rede (gehalten zu Gottingen den 2. Januar, 1747), aufgelegt und iibersetzt von C. L. von Haller. Bern, 1877. Q. 16 p. C Hertling, Georg Friedrich, freiherr von. Zur beantwortung der Gsttinger jubilaumsrede ; offener brief an l)r. Albrecht Ritschl. Munster, r887. O. 55 p. C H0LI.MANN, Samuel Christian. Die Georg- Augustus-Universitat zu Gottingen, in der wiege, in ihrer bluhenden jugend, und reiffererm alter. . . Gottingen, 1787. D. 18 4- 96 p. C Der in Gottingen geweihete parnassus ; oder, Ausftihrliche und grundliche relation von der am 17. September, 1737, feyerlich vollzogenen einwei- hung der koniglichen und churfurstlichen Georg- August-Universitaet zu Gottingen . . . nebst . . . beylagen. . . Franckfurt, iT^l- D. v. p. C Index scholarum, publice et privatim . . . 1885-86. . . Gottingae [ 188 5-86]. Q. C Kaibel, Georg. Rede zur feier des geburt- stages . . . des Kaisers und Konigs am 27. januar 1898 : Wissenschaft und unterricht. Gottingen [I898]. C. 19 p. C Pirsonal-bestand Gottingen, 1832-82. D. 1832-60, 1882-83. C PO'^TER, Johann Stephan. Versuch einer academischin gelehrten-geschichte von der Georg- Augustus-Uiiversitat zu Gottingen . . . fortgesetzt vom Dr. Oierley. Gottingen, 1765-1838. O. 4 V. pi. mais. tab. C Rechsgutachten der Juristenfakultat liber die preussisae pressverordnung vom i. Juni 1863. Berlin, 1863. O. 28 p. C Ross.ER, Emil Franz. Die griindung der Universitat Gottingen. . . Gottingen, 1855. O. 24 + [I] + 5<3 P- C SCHUJTZ, Hermann. Festrede . . . zur akademischen )reisvertheilung am 29. Mai 1895. . . Gottingen [189.]. O. 27 p. C iede am sarge des . . . Ludwig Weilands . . . 8. Feb. 1895. Gottingen [1895]. O. 6 p. C ■■ Studienjlan fiir die candidaten des hoheren lehramtes in mahematik und physik ; nebst einem auszuge aus den statut des Mathematisch-physika- lischen seminars. Gottingen, 1894. O. 11 p. C Die Uni«rsitat Gsttingen. Aus den deut- schen jahrbiichen fiir wissenschaft und kunst abge- druckt. Leipzig, \% ^2. O. 224 p. i tab. C Verzeichnss der vorlesungen . . . 1865, 1878-79, 1895-100. . . Gottingen, 1865-1900. O. C Weiland Ludwig. Festrede in namen der Georg-AugusuUniversitat . zur akademischen preisvertheilung ar.4. Juni 1889. Gottingen, 1889. Q. 22 p. C Greifswald Universitat. Kosegarten, Johann Gottfried Ludwig. Geschichte der Uni- versitat Greifswald ; mit urkundlichen beilagen. Greifswald, 1856-57. Sq. Q. 2 v. in i. i per. 4 pi. I facsim. C Perlbach, Max. Versuch einer geschichte der Universitats-bibliothek zu Greifswald ; erstes heft bis 1875. Greifswald, 1882. O. pt. i, 8 -!- 71 p. C [Studeritenmatrikel.] Leipzig, 1893-94. O. 2 v. {In Prussia — Staats-archiv verwaltung. Publ. V. 52, 57.) C Halle Universitat. Amtliches verzeichniss des personals und der studirenden . . . 1895-99, no. 147-55. Halle [I895-99]. O. C Chronik , . . 1892-98 ; programm . . . 1893-99. Halle [1893-98]. Q. C Festschrift der Historischen commission der provinz Sachsen zur jubelfeier der Universitat Halle- Wittenberg am I. bis 4. Aug. 1894 : Christian Thomas Kleine deutsche schriften mil einer ein- leitung versehen und hrsg. von . . . Julius Otto Opel. Halle a. S. \\'i>^\\. Q. [6] -+- 208 p. C Festschriften der vier fakultaten zum zwei- hundertjahrigen jubilaum der vereinigten Fried- richs- Universitat Halle- Wittenberg den 3. Aug. 1894. [Halle a. S., 1894.] Q. v. p. C Die gedenkfeier der funfzigjahrigen vereini- gung von Halle-Wittenberg am 20. u. 21. Juni, 1867 ; festbericht . . . von J. H. C. W, Beyschlag. Halle, ii,b-]. Sq. Q. 58 p. C Hering, Hermann. Libellus fundationis Academiae Vitebergensis a. mdxxxvi. Halis, 1882. Q. 20 p. C Hertzberg, Gustav Friedrich. Die stadt und Universitat Halle a. S. im jahre 1794; fest- schrift des Thiir-Sachsischen geschichts- und alter- tums- vereins zurzweitensakularfeierder Universitat Halle, 1894. Halle a. S., iS()4. O. 65 p. C Ideen zur sittlichen verbesserung der uni- versitaten mit besonderer rilcksicht auf die Universi- tat Halle, von Einem genauen kenner des studen- tenwesens. Berlin, 1803. S. 8 + [i] + 131 p. C Index lectionum in Academia Fridericiana Halensi cum Vitebergensi consociata. . . 1819- 29. Halae, 1819-29. Sq. O. C 1866, 1894-95. C 1895 Index scholarum Halis [ 1866-95]. Q. Verzeichniss der , . . vom 15. Oct. bis 15. Marz 1900 zu haltenden vorlesungen. /i^a//^ a. 5., 1895-99. O. C Die Wittenberger Universitats- und Facul- tats-statuten vom jahre mdviii ; zur feier des andenkens an die vor fiinfsig jahren erfolgte verei- nigung der Universitaten Wittenberg und Halle hrsg. im auftrage des . . Thiiringischsachsischen vereins zur erforschung des vaterlandischen alter- thums. Halle, 1867. Sq. Q, 28 -I- 50 p. C Das zweihundertjahrige jubilaum der Uni- versitat Halle- Wittenberg ; festbericht . . . von . . . D. W. Beyschlag. Halle {Saale), 1895. Q. 139 +- [2] P- C 152 EDUCATION Heidelberg Universitat. Acta sacrorum secularium quum anno 1786 a die VI. ad IX. Novetn- bris festum seculare quartutn pio solemnique ritu celebravit Academia Heidelbergensis. Heidel- bergae, 1787. Sq. O. 64 + 564 p. C Anzeige der vorlesungen . . , 1890-91, 1895-1900. , . Heidelberg [i?,yo^-()(). O. C DiTTENBERGER, Theophor Wilhelm. Die Universitat Heidelberg im . . . 1804. . . Heidelberg, 1844. O. 96 p. C Festschrift der badischen gymnasien, gewid- met Universitat Heidelberg zur feier ihres 500 jah- rigen jubilaums. Karlsruhe, 1886. Sq. Q. [3] + 132 p. C HAUSSER, Ludwig. Die anfange der klassis- chen studien zu Heidelberg ; beitrag zur pfalzischen gelehrtengeschichte ; festgabe zur feier der vierzig- jahrigen anwesenheit Friedrich Creuzers. Heidel- berg, 1844. O. 48 p. C Hautz, Johann Friedrich. Geschichte der Universitat Heidelberg . . . hrsg. . . mit . . . der lebensgeschichte des verfassers . . , von K. A. Freiherr v. Reichlin-Meldegg. . . Mannheim, 1S62-64. O. 2 V. C Saalfeld, F. Anzeige eines politischen kursus auf der Universitat zu Heidelberg. Gottingen, 1807. D. 16 p. C SCHWARZ, Friedrich Heinrich Christian. Einrichtung des padagogischen seminarium auf der Universitat zu Heidelberg. Heidelberg, 1807. D. 15 p. C Statuten und reformationen, vom i6. bis 18. jahrhundert ; hrsg. von der Badischen Historischen kommission bearbeitet von August Thorbecke. Leipzig, 1891. Q. 26 + 383 p. C Thorbecke, August. Die alteste zeit der Universitat Heidelberg, 1386-1449. , , Heidelberg, 1886. O. [7] + 116 + 94 p. C Urkundenbuch ; zur funfhundert- jahrigen stiftungsfeier der Universitat im auftrage derselben hrsg. von Eduard Winkelmann. Heidelberg, 1886. Q. 2 V. in 1. C WiLKEN, Friedrich. Geschichte der bild- ung, beraubung und vernichtung der . . . Heidel- bergischen bUchersammlungen ; ein beytrag zur literargeschichte . . . des 15. u. 16. jahrhunderts, nebst einem . . . verzeichniss der . . . von . . . Pius VII. der Universitat Heidelberg zuriickge- gebenen handschrifnen. . . Heidelberg, 1817. D 10 H- [2] 4- 552 p. 2 fac-sim. C Helmstadt Universitat. Hardt, Hermann von der. Oratio de novis Academiae Julia; dotibus, cum pro-rectoris munis successor! traderet . . . dicta. Helmestadii [I702]. Sq. D. 32 p. C Jena Universitat. Commentationes philolo- gae Jenenses. Lipsiae, 1881-90. O. v. 1-4. C Ferienkurse in Jena fur damen und herren : Summer courses at Jena . . . im August, 1900- 01. ijetia, I900-0I] O. 3 p. C Haan Lajos Agoston. Jena Hungarica ; sive, Memoria Hungarorum a tribus proximis sae- culis Academiae Jenensi adscriptorum. Gvulae, 1858. O. 180 p. ' C Pddagogisches Seminar. Rein, Georg Wil- helm. Aus dem Padagogischen Universitats-semi- nar zu Jena. Langensalza, 1888-94. D. v. 1-5, ill. T — ;— Weilinger, a. Das Padagogischer Seminar in Jena, seine geschichte und bedeutung. Jena, 1878. O. 8 + 79 p. 3 pi. C ScHWARZ, J. C. E. Das erste jahrzehnd der Universitat Jena ; denkschrift zu ihrer dritten sakular-feier. Jena, 1858. Sq. O. 9 + 145 p. ipi. C Vorlesungen . Jena, i892-[i900]. O. 1892-93, 1896-1901. C ElCHSTADT, Heinrich Karl Abraham. nales Academiae Jenensis. . . Jenae, 1823. O. v. I. 30 + 502 p. No more published. An- 1; Zeumer, Johann Caspar. Vitas professorum jurium . . . qui in . . . Academia Jenensi . . . vixerunt. Jence, n. d. Nar S. 197 p. C Kiel Universitat. Kieler beytrage. Schles- Tvig, 1820. Nar. D. 2 v. C Ratjen, Henning. Geschichte d«r Univer- sitat zu Kiel. JCiel, 1870. O. 40 + 183 p. C TwESTEN, August Detleb Christian, Chronik der Universitat zu Kiel fUr das jahr 1819. {In Kieler beytrage. 1820. v. i, p. 3JI-98.) C Koln Universitat. Bianco, Fjanz Joseph von. Versuch einer geschichte der ehenaligen Uni- versitat und der gymnasien der stadt vOln, so wie der an diese lehr-anstalten gekniipfen studien- stiftungen von ihrem ursprunge bis aufdie neuesten zeiten. Koln am Rhein, 1883. O. 8 -j- 771 4- 2 p. pi. tab. Konigsberg UniversitEt. ])ie Albertus- Universitat zu Konigsberg ; eine dtnkschrift zur jubelfeier ihrer 300 jahrigen daue . . . 1844. Konigsberg [1844]. O. 66 p. pi. C Amtliches verzeichniss des personals und der studirenden. . . . 1894-95 Konigsberg, [I894-95]. O. nro. 131-2. C Arnoldt, Daniel Heinrich AusfUhrliche und mit urkunden versehene histcfie der Konigs- bergischen Universitat. Konigsbe^, 1746. D. 2 V. , C Zusatze. Konigsbe^, 1756-69. O. 2 V. in I. I C Chronik, fur das studie- und etatsjahr 1894-96, 1897-99. Konigsberg, 395-99. O. C Gervais, Eduard. Di grlindung der Universitat K6nigsberg und dere sacularfeier 1644 und 1744. . . Danzig, 1844. D. 48 p. C GOLDBECK, Johann Friedich. Nachrichten von der kSniglichen Universitalzu Konigsberg in Preussen, und den daselbst befiniichen lehr-, schul-, und erziehungsanstalten. . . Leipzig, 1782, S. 10 -I- 281 p. I C HIGHER EDUCATION 153 Eonig^sbergf Universitat (continued) M . . I . . R. Nachtragliche erinnerungen an die dreihundertjahrige jubel-feier der Albertina. Konigsberg, 1844. O. 18 p. C T5PPEN, Max. Die griindung der Univer- sitat zu KOnigsberg und das leben ihres ersten rec- tors Georg Sabinus. . . Konigsberg, 1844. O. 8 + 311 p. C Witt, August. Die dritte jubel-feier der Albertus- Universitat zu K5nigsberg. Kdnigsberg, 1844. O. 82 p. C Leipzig UniTersitat. Acta rectorum Uni- versitatis studii Lipsiensis . . . mdxxiiii usque ad annum MDLViiii . . . edidit Fridericus Zarncke. iLeipzig] 1859. Sq. F. 2 v. \0 + 526 p. pi. C Beyer, Otto Wilhelm. Zur geschichte des Zillerschen seminars. Langensalza, 1897. O. 5 + 147 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 85.) C Brasch, Moritz. Die philosophie an der Leipziger Universitat von 15. bis 19. jahrhundert. {In Ms Leipziger philosophen. 1894. pref. p. 7- 28.) C ■ BRUCHMiiLLER, Ernst Wilhelm Joachim. Beitrage zur geschichte der Universitaten Leipzig und Wittenberg. . . Leipzig, 1898. O. 6 -+- 60 p. C Drobisch, Moritz Wilhelm. Neue bei- trage zur statistik der Universitat Leipzig innerhalb der erste 140 jahre ihres bestehens. {In Sachs, gesell. d. wiss. — Phil. -hist. cl. Berichte. 1849. V. I, p. 69-114.) ' C Uber die frequenz der Universitat Leipzig in ihrer altesten und jUngsten zeit. {In same. 1869. v. 21, p. 121-46.) C Friedberg, Emil August. Die Universitat Leipzig in vergangenheit und gegenwart. Leipzig, 1898. O. 157 p. ill. pi. C Gretschel, Karl Christian Carus. Die Universitat Leipzig in der vergangenheit und ge- genwart. . . Dresden, 1830. T. por. tab. C Leipziger Universitats-kalender, 1895-99. Leipzig, 1895-99. S. ill. maps. v. 15-18. C Kolbe, Adolph Wilhelm Hermann. Das chemische laboratorium der Universitat Leipzig und die seit 1866 darin ausgefiihrten chemischen unter- suchungen. . . Braunschweig, 1872. O. 48 + 667 p. C Das neue chemische laboratorium der Universitat Leipzig. Leipzig, 1868. Q. 32 p. ill. C Marbach, Gotthard Oswald. Das jubilaum der Universitat Leipzig nach vierhundert und fiinf- zigjahrigem bestehen am 2. December 1859. • • Leipzig ii^S^l. Q. [3] + 127 p. C Die matrikel . . . hrsg. von Georg Er- ler. . . Leipzig, 1895-97. Q. v. 1-2. pi. {In Codex dipl. Saxoniae regiae. v. 2, pt. 16-17.) C Contents : 1, Die immatrikulationen von 1409-1559. 2. Die promotionen von 1409-1559. MOller, Georg. Die preuszische nation an der Universitat Leipzig. {In Neue jahrb. fiir pbil. und pad. 1894. v. 150, p. 353-72 and 401-20.) C Olearius, Gottfried. Bericht von der ent- stehung der Universitat Leipzig. . . Leipzig, 1809. Sq. O. 14 p. C Die ordinarien der Juristenfacultat zu Leip- zig. Leipzig [1 869]. Q. 46 p. C Ostvvald, Wilhelm. Das Physikalisch- chemische institut der Universitat Leipzig und die feier seiner eroffnung am 3. Januar 1898. Leipzig, 1898. O. 43 p. pi. C Padagogische abhandlungen von mitgliedem des vom Prof. Striimpell geleiteten wissenschaft- lich - padagogischen practicums an der Universitat Leipzig, hrsg. von F. M. Wendt. Leipzig, 1887. Nar. O. 4 + 187 p. ill. C Personal-verzeichniss . 132-5. Leipzig iiSg7-gg]. O. 1897-99. No. C Rectoratswechsel . . . 1895, 1898 . . . Leipzig [1895-98]. Q. 2 nos. C Urkundenbuch . . . von 1409-15 55 . . . hrsg. von Bruno StUbel. Leipzig, 12,-jc). Q. 13 -H 653 p. pi. {/« Codex dipl. Saxoniae regiae. 1879. V. 2, pt. ir.) C , . . uber die ein- 1894-95, 1896-98. C Urtheile der facultaten gereichten preisarbeiten . . . Z«>3/^ [1 895-98]. Q. 3 nos. Verzeichniss der im . . . il . . . zu haltenden vorlesungen . [1 888-99]. O. 5 nos. 98-1900 Leipzig C Zarncke, Friedrich. Histoire de la Fac- ., ulte philosophique. {In Revue internat. de I'en- seign. 1882. V. A, p. 516-29.) C Uber die neuaufgefundenen altesten statutenbucher der Juristischen facultat der Univer- sitat Leipzig. {In Sachs, gesell. d. wiss. — Phil.- hist. cl. Berichte. 1863. v. 15, p. 79-92.) C Die urkundlichen quellen zur ge- schichte der Universitat Leipzig in den ersten 150 jahren ihres bestehens. {In same. Abhandl. 1857. V. 2, p. 509-904.) C Marburg Universitat. Casar, Karl Julius. Fasti prorectorum et rectorum Universitatis Mar- burgensis a saeculari eius anno 1827 usque ad hoc tempus deduct!. Marburgi, 1877. Sq. Q. 4 -I- 38 p. C Chronik, fiir das rechnungsjahr 1894-96, 1897-1900. Marburg [1895-190O]. O. C Henke, Ernst Ludwig Theodor. Die eroffnung der Universitat Marburg im jahre 1653. Marburg, 1862. D. 48 p. C JusTi, Karl Wilhelm. Grundziige einer ge- schichte der Universitat zu Marburg. Marburg, 1827. S. 4 -t- 132 p. C Liszt, Franz von. Die reform des juristi- schen studiums in Preussen ; rede gehalten bei an- tritt des rektorats an der Universitat Marburg am 17. Okt. 1886. C 154 EDUCATION den . 1900.] 1897. Marburg Universitat (continued) Verzeichniss der vorlesungen . . . 1894- 1900. . . Alarburg, 1894-1900. O. C Winterhalbjahr 1895-96, 1897-98 wanting. Verzeichniss des personals und der studiren- . 1855, 1894-1900. . . iMarburg, 1894- O. No. 49, 128-30, 132, 134-39- C Vorschriften fur die studirenden. Marburg, O. C Zedler, Gottfried. Geschichte der Univer- sitats-bibliothek zu Marburg von 1 527-1887. Mar- burg, 1896. O. II + 166 p. pi. C Miinchen Universitat. Amtliches verzeich- nis des personals der lehrer, beamten und studie- renden an der K. B. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universi- tat zu Miinchen ; sommer-semester 1884. Miinchen, 1S84. O. C DoLLiNGER, Johann Joseph Ignaz. Fes- trede zur 400 jahrigen stiftungsfeier der Universitat Munchen, gehalten am i. Aug. 1872. {In his Ak&A. vortrage. 1889-90. v. 2, p. 56-89.) C Prantl, Karl von. Geschichte der Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat in Ingolstadt, Landshut, Munchen, zur festfeier ihres vierhundert- jahrigen bestehens im auftrage des akademischen senates. Miinchen, 1872. O. 2 v. C Verzeichnis der vorlesungen . . . 1885-86. Miinchen [I885]. Q. C Paderbom Universitat. Freisen, Joseph. Die Universitat Paderbom . . . 1614-1808. Fad- er born, 1898. O. pt. I. C Rostock Universitat. Diematrikel der Uni- versitat Rostock, Mich. 1419 — Mich. 1694 . . . hrsg. von Adolph Hofmeister. Rostock, 1889-95. Sq. Q. 3 V. in 2. C Krabbe, Otto Carsten. Die Universitat Rostock im fiinfzehnten und sechzehnten jahrhun- dert. Rostock, 1854. O. 2 pts. in 1, 14 -H 763 p. C Verzeichniss der behftrden, lehrer, institute, beamten und studirenden auf der Landes-Universi- tat Rostock ; 1897-99. Rostock, 1897-99. O. C. Verzeichniss der vorlesungen . . . 1897- 1900. Rostock, 1897-1900. O. C Salzburg Universitat. Endel, Roman. Historia almae et archiepiscopalis Universitatis Sal- isburgensis sub cura PP. Benedictinorum ; prodit nunc primum opera et studio R. P. ^ ^^ . [i. e., Stanislai WUlbertzj, Bonndorffii [1 728]. Sq. D. 32 H- 574 + 8 p. C Strassburg Universitat. Die alten matri- keln der Universitat Strassburg 1621 bis 1793, bear- beitet von G. C. Knod. Strassburg, 1897. O. 2 V. C Amtliches verzeichniss des personals und der studenten . . . 1890-91, 1896-99, Strass- burg, 1890-99. O. C Eggert, Georg Peter Hermann. Kaiser- Wilhelms-Universitat, Strassburg. {In Zeitsch. f. bauwesen. v. 34, p. 259-66 and 431-40.) 9 pi. C [Same.] Der garten des Botanischen instituts und die gewachshausen. {In same. v. 38, p. 199-212. 2 pi.) C Die einweihung der Strassburger Universi- tat am I. Mai 1872 ; officieller festbericht. Strass- burg, 1872. O. 135 p. C Engel, Charles Frederic. L'ecole latine et I'ancienne academie de Strasbourg (1538-1621) avec . . . une notice biographique par Rodolphe Reuss. Strasbourg, 1900. D. 17 + 318 p. por. pi. C Festschrift fur die 58. versammlung deutscher naturforscher und arzte : Die Naturwis- senschaftlichen und medicinischen institute der Uni- versitat und die Naturhistorischen sammluni^en der stadt Strassburg. ^Strassburg, 1885.] Q. 6 + 148 p. C Festschrift zur einwehung der neubauten der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universitat. iStrassburg\ 1884. Q. [7] + 150 + [4] p. 16 pi. C FouRNlER, Marcel, and Engel, Charles. Gymnase, academie et Universite de Strasbourg. - Paris, 1894. F. 468 p. {In Fournier, M. Les statuts et priv. des univ. fr. v. 4, pt. 1.) C Hausmann, Sebastian. Die Kaiserliche universitats- und landesbibliothek in Strassburg ; festschrift zur einweihung des neuen bibliotheksge- baudes. Strassburg, 1895. Q. 3 + 51 p. ill. C KrAmer, J. von. Kaiser-Wilhelms-Uni- versitat Strassburg, mit text von A. Schricker, Strassburg, n. d. Obi. D. [27] p. 15 pi. C Die neugriindung der Strassburger Biblio- thek und die Gothe-feier am 9. August 1871. Strassburg, 1871. O. 26 p. C Preisgekronte entwurfe zur Kaiser-Wil- helms-Universitat zu Strassburg im Elsass. . . Ber- lin, 1880, Fs. 25 pi. C SCHRICKER, August. Zur geschichte der Universitat Strassburg ; festschrift zur eroffnung der Universitat Strassburg am i. Mai, 1872, Strass- burg, 1872. O. 68 p. I pi. I facsim. C Das stiftungsfest der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Uni- versitat Strassburg am 1. Mai 1897-99. Strass- burg, 1897-99. O. 3 V. C Verzeichniss der vorlesungen , . . 1890- 91, 1896-99. . . Strassburg, 1890-99. O. C Warth, Otto. Das kollegien-gebaude der Kaiser Wilhelms-Universitat zu Strassburg. ITehl [18851. F«. 18 pi. C Tubingen Universitat. BOk, August Fried- rich. Geschichte der herzoglich WUrtenbergischen Eberhard Carls Universitat zu Tubingen im grund- risse. Tubingen, 1774. O. [4] + 342 + [I2] + 42 p. pi. C ElSENBACH, Heinrich Ferdinand. Beschrei- bung und geschichte der stadt und Universitat Tubingen ; hrsg. in verbindung mit mehreren ge- lehrten. Tubingen, 1822. D. 24 + 668 + [63] p. ill. pi. map. C Festgabe zum fttnfundzwanzigjahrigen re- gierungs-jubilaum seiner majestat des Konigs Karl von WUrttemberg. Tubingen, 1889. F. v. p. ill. pi. C HIGHER EDUCATION I5S Tubingen Universitat (continued J Germany — Statistisch-topographisches Bus reau. Statistik der Universitat Tubingen. Stutt- gart, \%Ti. Q. 10 + 174 p. 2 pi. C Klupfel, Karl August. Die Universitat Tubingen in ihrer vergangenheit und gegenwart. Leipzig, iSj"]. O. 4 + i + 162 p. tab. C MoHL, Robert von. Geschichtliche nach- weisungen Uber die sitten und das betragen der Ttibinger studirenden wahrend des 16. jahrhun- derts. 2. aufl. Freiburg i. B., 1891. D. 79 p. I pi. C Seeger, Hermann von. Die strafrechtli- chen consilia Tubigensia von der griindung der Universitat bis zum jahre 1600. Tubingen, 1877. Q. 103 p. C SiGWART, Christoph von. Ein collegium logicum im XVI. jahrhundert. . . Tubingen, i8qo. Sq. Q. [4] + 42 p. C Steiff, Karl. Der erste buchdruck in Tubingen, 1498-1534; ein beitrag zur geschichte der Universitat. Tubingen, 1881. O. 10 + [i] + 254 p. por. facsim. C Die unter der regierung seiner majestat des Konigs Karl an der Universitat Tubingen errich- teten und erweiterten institute der naturwissenschaft- lichen und der medizinischen fakultat. Tubingen, 1889. Q. 6 + r2] + 114 p. ill. pi. C Urkunden zur geschichte der Universitat Tubingen aus den jahren 1476 bis 1550. Tubin- gen, 1877. O. II + 743 p. C Text in Latin. Verzeichniss der doctoren welche die Philo- sophische facultat der K. Wiirttemburg. Eberhard- Karls-Universitat in Tubingen im decanatsjahre 1879-80 ernannt hat ; beigefugt ist Die lebensges- chichte G. Bruno's von Chr. Sigwart. Tubingen, 1880. Q. [4] + 40 + [I] p. C [Same.] 1898-99. . . Tubingen, 1899. Q. 114 p. C Vorschriften fur die studierenden. . . Tubingen, 1899. S, 34 p. C Zellern, Andreas Christoph. Ausfuhrliche merckwriirdigkeiten der hochfurstl. Wiirtember- gischen Universitat und stadt Tubingen. . . Tubin- gen, 1743. S. [10] + 741 + [3] p. C Vienna — K. K. Universitat. Aschbach. Joseph. Geschichte der Wiener Universitat. Wien, 1865-77. O. 2 V, 6 pi. C Bericht Uber die volksthUmlichen universi- tatsvortrage im studienjahre 1895-1900. Wien, 1896-1900. O. C Die feierliche inauguration des rectors der Wiener Universitat fUr das studienjahr 1878-9. i895-[i90i]. . . Wien [i879]-i900. O. 5 pts, in I V. Q Geschichte der Wiener Universitat von 1848 bis 1898. . . Wien, 1898. Q. 8 + 436 p. C Jahrbuch, 1890-95. Wien, 1891-96. O. C ^ Kink, Rudolf. Die rechtslehre an der Wiener Universitat ; geschichtliches fragment als beitrag zur osterreichischen rechtsgeschichte. Wien, 1853. O. 16 + 77 P- C Offentliche vorlesungen an der . . , Univer- sitat, 1892-1901. Wien, 1892-1900. O. C Programme der volksthUmlichen Universi- tats-vortrage. 1896-99. Wien [1896-99]. O. 10 pes. c Statuta et privilegia inclytse Academise Vin- dobonensis. (In Kollar, A. F. Analecta mon. 1761. V. I, col. 42-308.) C TOMASCHEK, Johann Adolf. Uber zwei altere rechtsgutachten der Wiener Universitats. {In Vienna— Akad. d. wiss. Phil. -hist. cl. Sitz. v. 34, p. 58-94-) C Ubersicht der akademischen behorden, pro- fessoren, privatdocenten, lebrer . . . etc., 1892/93- 1900/01. Wien, 1892-igoo. O. C Wahlberg, Wilhelm Emil. Ein discipli- narprocess vor dem Akademischen senate der Wiener Universitat in der tagespresse. Wien, 1889. O. 48 p. C Wittenberg Universitat. BRUCHMiJLLER, Ernst Wilhelm Joachim. Beitrage zur geschichte der Universitaten Leipzig und Wittenberg. . . Leipzig, 1898. O. 6 + 60 p. C Liber decanorum Facultatis theologicae Aca- demia Vitebergensis ; ex autographo edidit C. E. Forstemann. Lipsiae, 1838. Nar. O. 5 -f- 176 p. C Muther, Theodor. .Statuta Facultatis jureconsultorum Vitebergensis anno mdviii. . . Regimonti Prussorum, 1859. Nar. O. 18 + 22 P- C Zur feier der 50 jahrigen vereinigung der Universitaten Halle und Wittenberg. Halle, 1867. Q. 76 p. C See also Halle Universitat. Wiirzburg Universitat. Bonicke, Chris- tian. Grundriss einer geschichte von der Universi- tat zu Wirzburg. Wirzburg, 1782-88. Sq. O. 2 v. in I. C Fest-chronik zur dritten sacularfeier der Alma Julia vom i. bis 5. August 1882. Wurz- burg, 1882. O. 155 p. C Personalbestand, 1 894-1 900. Wtirzburg, I 894-1 900. O. C RiscH, Karl von. Zur geschichte der Juris- tenfacultat an der Universitat Wurzburg ; rede . . . am 2. Januar 1873. • • Wurzburg [1873]. F. 62 p. C Die statuten der Philosophischen fakultat der Universitat WUrzburg in ihrer f ruhesten fassung, hrsg. von Dr. Kerler. Wurzburg, 1898. O. 42 p. 2 pi. C Urkundenbuch. Wirzburg, 1882. O. 15 -h 538 p. {In Wegele, F. K. v. Geschichte. v. 2.) C Verzeichnis der vorlesungen. Wurzburg, 1 894-1900. O. I 894- I 900. C Wegele, Franz Xaver von. Geschichte der Universitat Wirzburg ; im auftrage des K. aka- demischen senates. Wirzburg, 1882. O. 2 v. in I. C 156 EDUCATION GREAT BRITAIN. Aberdeen — Synod. Report of the synod of Aberdeen's committee on the universities of Scot- land. Aberdeen, xZyj. O. 20 p. C Association for the Improvement and Exten- sion of the Scottish Universities. Report by the acting committee to the general meeting held at Edinburgh, 7th Nov., 1857. . . Edinburgh [I857]. O. 18 p. C Blackie. John Stuart. On the advancement of learning in Scotland : a letter to the . . . Lord pro- vost and Town council of Edinburgh, patrons of the University. Edinburgh, 1855. O. 56 p. C England — Education Dept. Reports from Uni- versity colleges . . , participating in the grant of ;^i5,ooo made by Parliament for university colleges in Great Britain, 1894-97. London, 1894-97. F. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess, pap. 1894, v. 66 ; 1895, v. 77 ; 1896, v. 65 ; 1897, v. 70.) C Fraser, Alexander. The universities of Scot- land. (/« Universities of Canada. i8g6. p. 247- 78.) C Gantillon, Peter John Francis, editor. Classi- cal examination papers ; with notes. . . London, 1870. D. 27 -h 262 -h [I] p. C Gladstone, William Ewart. Speech on moving for leave to bring in a bill relating to university ■education in Ireland. London, 1873. O- 60 p. C Great Britain — Parliament — Commons. Re- turn showing in respect of the universities in Scotland, the number of students for each of the years from 1861/2 to 1887/8 . . . the emolument of each principal professor and lecturer for the years 1876/7, 1881/2, 1886/7. • • London, 1888. F. 34 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1888. v. 78.) C Universities Commission. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the prop- erty and income of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge . . . with returns and appendix. Lon- don, 1874. 3 v. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap, 1873. V. 37'-3.) C Treasury. Treasury minute of 3d of March, 1896 . . . the report of the committee . . . 1897 . . . relating to the grant in aid of university colleges, Great Britain. London, 1897. F. 77 p. (Gr, Br. — Pari. Sess, pap. 1897. v. 70.) C Grunicke, Gottfried. Einiges wissenswerthe liber die altesten englischen universitaten. Aschers- leben [I875]. Sq. Q. 38 p. 2 pi. C Hall, John. Humble motion to the Parliament of England concerning the advancement of learning and reformation of the universities. London, 1649. D. 45 p. C Handbook of British, continental and Cana- dian universities, with special mention of the courses open to women, compiled . . . by Isabel Maddison. 2d ed. New York, 1899. O. 4 -I- 174 p. T Huber, Victor Aime. English universities ; translated from the German ; edited by Francis W. Newman. London, 1843. O. 2 v. in 3 pts. por. Pl- CT Eelland, Rev. Philip. How to improve the Scottish universities ; an introductory lecture to the class of mathematics in the University of Edin- burgh, delivered November 6, 1835. Edinburgh, 1855. O. 22 p. C The Scottish university system suited to the people ; an introductory lecture to the class of mathematics in the University of Edinburgh, de- livered Nov. I, 1854. Edinburgh, 1854. O. 15 p, C Macfarlane, Rev. James. Letter to the Earl of Derby on the subject of the university tests in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1852. O. 28 p. C Morley, Henry. London university teaching considered from the modern side. {In London — Internal. Health Exhib, 1884, Literature, v. 15, p. 1-13.) C Pillans, James. Word for the universities of Scotland ; and a plea for the humanity classes in the College of Edinburgh ; in reply to . , . letters . . . in the "Scottish press" and "Scotsman" newspapers. . . Edinburgh, 1848, O. 76 p. C Plea for university tests ; by A layman. . , Edinburgh, 1853. O, 21 p, C Reid, David Boswell. Letter to the Burgh commissioners on the evidence of Dr. Christison. Edinburgh, i%2S- O- 16 p. C Scotland — Universities Commission. Report of the Royal commissioners appointed to enquire into the universities of Scotland. . . Edinburgh, 1878. F, 4 V. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess, pap. 1878. V. 32-35.) C Scottish Universities commissioners. Ordinance with regard to the regulations for degrees in arts. . , Edinburgh, 1892. F. iip. C Smith, Sir James Edward, M.D. Defence of the church and universities of England against such injurious advocates as Prof. Monk and the Quar- terly review for Jan., 1819. . . London, 1819. O, 107 p. C Ste'wart, Rev. John. Letter to Rev. Dr. Paull ... on the abolition of tests in the universities of Scotland. Glasgow, 1846. O, 27 p. C Struthers, Sir John, M.D. How to improve the teaching in the Scottish universities. Edin- burgh, 1857. O. 36 p. C S'winton, Archibald Campbell. Legislation necessary on the subject of university tests in Scot- land. . . Edinburgh, 1852. O. 27 p. C Tait, Rev. Adam Duncan, Letter to the Duke of Argyll on the proposed abolition ... of the tests aflecting the chairs in the universities of Scot- land. . . Edinburgh, 1853. O. 56 p. C Trevelyan, George Otto. The universities and the Indian civil service ; being a consideration of the changes in the regulations for admission , , , proposed by , . . the Marquis of Salisbury. A let- ter from A competition wallah to Prof. :|c « :^ 4c Ed- inburgh, 1877. O. 36 p. C Tulloch, Rev. John. Theological faculties of the Scottish universities in connection with uni- versity reform ; a letter to H. M. University com- missioners for Scotland. Edinburgh, 1858. O. 19 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION 157 Walsh, William J., abp. The Irish university question ; addresses . . . Nov. 7, 1889 and . . . Dec. 5, 1889. Dublin^ 1890. O. [5] + 100 p. C Williams, Sir Monier Monier-. Duties of the universities towards our Indian empire. {In Lon- don — Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature. V. 15, p. 218-229.) C Wilson, George, M.D. Grievance of the uni- versity tests as applied to the professors of physical science in the colleges of Scotland : a letter to Spencer H. Walpole. Edinburgh, 1852. O. 48 p. C WordsTTorth, Christopher. Scholae acade- micae ; some account of the studies at the English universities in the i8th century. . . Cambridge (Eng.), 1877. O. 12 + 435 p. C Social life at the English universities in the i8th century. . . Cambridge (Eng.), 1874. D. 36 + 727 p. C Zinunermann, Athanasius. Die universitaten Englands im 16. jahrhundert. Freiburg im Breis- gau, 1889. O. 6 -t- fi] + 138 p. (/« Stimmen aus Maria-Laach ; erganzungshefte. v. 12, no. 46.) C Aberdeen University. Alma mater ; Aber- deen university magazine. Aberdeen, 1892. Q. ill. V. 9. C Bulloch, John Malcolm. History of the University of Aberdeen, 1495-1895. London, 1895. D. 8 + 220 p. C Lord rectors of the universities of Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1890. D. 55 + [2] p. 2 por. C Calendar, 1892-94, 1897-99''^, 1899-1900^. Aberdeen, 1892-1900. D. C General Council. Minutes, 1860-97. erdeen, 1898. O. v. i. Ab- C OflScers of the Marischal College and Uni- versity of Aberdeen, 1593-1860. ^Aberdeen, 1897.] O. [3] + 77 p. C Cambridge (Eng.) University. Calendar, 1831, 1837, 1839, 1847, 1852, 1868-73, 1875, 1877- 81, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889-90. Cambridge {Eng.), 1831-90. D. C Cambridge (Eng.) examiner. 1881. O. 45 p. Cambridge, C Examination papers . . bridge {Eng.), 1877-78. Sq. Q. . 1876-78. V. 6-7. Cam- C Easter term, 1888. 80 : . . . Papers for the classical tripos, pts. 1-2. Cambridge [I888]. Sq. Q. p. 387-445- C Gantillon, p. J. F. Collection of Cambridge examination papers. . . Cambridge, 1852. O. [7] -1-464 p. C General almanack and register for 1878. Cambridge [1877]. D. 384 p. C Graduati Cantabrigienses ; sive, Catalogus, exhibens nomina eorum quos ab anno 1659 ad 10 Oct., 1823, gradu quocunque ornavit Academia Cantabrigiensis. . . Canlabrigiae, 1823. O. [3j + 537 + [29] p. C Report of a conference in the Senate house, Cambridge, on the affiliation of local centres to the University and other matters, March 9, 1887. . . London, 1^2,-]. S. 94 p. C Scholarships and examinations, edited by Robert Potts. London, 1883. D, 8 + 86-1- 536 p. C Colleges. Corpus Chrisii College. Masters, Robert. History of the college of Corpus Christi and the B. Virgin Mary (commonly called Bene't) in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1753. Sq. Q. [8] + 428 -I- [I34j p. ill. 7 pi. C Stokes, J?ev. Henry Paine. Corpus Christi. London, 1898. D. 6 + 251 p. pi. (College histories, Cambridge.) C Jesus College. Sherman, John. Historia Collegii Jesu Cantabrigiensis, edidit . , . J. O. Halliwell. Londini, 1840. O. [5] + 43 p. C — — King's College. Heywood, James, and Wright, Thomas. Ancient lav^^s of the 15 th century for King's College, Cambridge and for . . . Eton College. London, 1850. O. 44 + [loj 4- 640 p. C Williams, Philip. Report of the proceedings in the case of an appeal . . . by King's College, Cambridge, against Eton College, to the Lord Bp, of Lincoln . . . Aug. 15, 1815. Lon- don, 1816. O. 16 + 171 p. C .5"^ John's College. Baker, Thomas. His- tory of the College of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge; edited for the syndics of the Univer- sity press, by J. E. B. Mayor. Cambridge, 1869. O. 2 V. C Descriptive catalogue of the manu- scripts and scarce books in [itS] library ... by the Rev. Morgan Cowie. . . Cambridge, 1842- 43- Q. 2 V. in I. C Trinity College — Library. Catalogue of the English books printed before 1601, now in the library, by Robert Sinker. Cambridge, 1885. O. 12 + [3] + 488 p. C Index of such English books printed before the year 1600, as are now in the li- brary of Trinity College, Cambridge . . . [with] a list of the plays of Shakespeare, printed before 1623, in the Capell collection ... by Edward Cranwell. , . Cambridge, 1847. O. 4+68 p. I pi. C Sinker, Rev. Robert. Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge, 1891. Sq. O. 8 -h [3] + 136 p. ill. pi, facsim. C Banks, George Nugent. Cambridge trifles ; or, Splutterings from an undergraduate pen ; by the author of " A day of my life at Eton." New York, 1881. S. 249 p. C 158 EDUCATION Clark, John Willis. Cambridije ; brief history and descriptive notes. London ^ iSgo. D. 8 + 325 p. 33 ill. I pi. , C Conversations at Cambridge. -S. 6 + [I] + 292 p. London, 1836. C Cooper, Charles Henry. Annals of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1842-52. O. 4 v. C and Cooper, Thompson. Athenae Canta- brigienses, i50O-[i6og]. Cambridge, 185S-61. O. 2 V. C Deck, Norris. Handbook for visitors to Cam- bridge. Cambridge, 1862. O. 8 4- 260 p. ill. pi. C Dickens, Charles. Dictionary of the University of Cambridge. London, 1884. Sq. S. 128 p. 3 maps. C Dyer, George. History of the University and colleges of Cambridge. . . London, 1814. O. 2 v. pi. C Fuller, Jiev. Thomas. History of the Univer- sity of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey ; with The appeal of injured innocence ; new edition with notes by James Nichols. London, 1840. O. [4] + 24 + 688 p. pi. C Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, or. Dictionary of terms ,. . . used at the University of Cambridge. . . London, 1803. S. [8] + 139 p. C Guide through the University of Cambridge . . . description of the town, county, and neighborhood of Cambridge. . . New edition enlarged. Cam- ■bridge, 18 14. Nar. D. 10 + i86 4- [3] p. pi. C Gunning, Henry. Reminiscences of the Uni- versity, town and county of Cambridge, from the year 1870. 2d edition. London, 1855. O. 2 v. I por. C Halliwell, James Orchard. Manuscript rari- ties of the University of Cambridge. London, 1841. o. 4 + 175 p. C Hartshorne. Rev. Charles Henry, comp. Book rarities in the University of Cambridge. London, 1829. O. 14 -I- 559 p. ill. I pi. C Metcalfe, W. New Cambridge guide ; with a short account of Cambridgeshire, Isle of Ely, and Wisbech. . . 2d edition. Cambridge, 1868. D. 10 -I- 254 p. ill. pi. map. C Monk, James Henry, bp. Vindication of the University of Cambridge from the reflections of Sir J. E. Smith . . . entitled ' ' Considerations re- specting Cambridge," etc. . , London, iSiS. O. 95 p. C Mullinger, James Bass. History of the Uni- versity of Cambridge. London, i888. D. 16 + ■232 p. pi. (Epochs of church history, Mandell ■Creighton, ed.) C T The University of Cambridge. bridge, 1873-84. O. 2 v. Cam- C Phelps, Robert. The College and University at Cambridge. [Cambridge, JSng.^ 1876-77. O. no. 15, 16, 18, 20, 22. C 2d edition. Cambridge, 1866. S. 8 -t- C 3d edition. Cambridge, 1874. s. 8 + C Potts, Robert. Liber Cantabrigiensis ; an ac- count of the aids ... to poor students ... in the University of Cambridge. . . Cambridge, 1855. D. 16 -+- 552 p. C Rennell, Rev. Thomas, and Blomfield, C. J., bp., compilers. Musae Cantabrigienses ; seu, Car- mina quaedam numismate aureo Cantabrigiae or- nata. . . Londini, 1810. O. 11 -+- 232 + 6 p. C Smith, Sir James Edward, M.D. Considera- tions respecting Cambridge more particularly relat- ing to its botanical professorship. London, 1818. O. 60 p. C Student's guide ; [ed. by J. R. Seeleyj. Cam- bridge, 1863. D. 8 + 328 p. C 379 P- 490 p. Wainwright, Rev. Latham. Literary and sci- entific pursuits . . .in the University of Cam- bridge . . . vindicated. . . London, 1815. O. 100 p. Wall, Adam. Account of the different cere- monies observed in the Senate house of the Uni- versity of Cambridge. . . Cambridge, 1798. O. [3] + 376 p. C Whewell, William. Of a liberal education in general; and with . . . reference to . . . the Uni- versity of Cambridge. 2d edition. London, 1850. D. 2 V. in I. C Wilson, Joseph. Memorabilia Cantabrigiae ; or. An account of the . . . colleges in Cambridge. London, 1803. O. 17 4- 341 p. por. pi. C WoRSLEY, Thomas. Christian drift of Cam- bridge work ; 8 lectures recently delivered in chapel on the christian bearings of classics, mathematics, medicine and law. . . London, 1865. D. 16 ■\- 287 p. C 1856. C Dublin University. Calendar. . Dublin, 1856. D. Charta, sive literae patentes, a Carolo primo . . . concessa, una cum Statutis ejusdem collegii. Dublinii, 1735. S. 137 p. C Heron, Denis Caulfield. Constitutional history of the University of Dublin. . . Dublin, 1847. O. 13 + 256 p. I pi. C Records of the tercentenary festival of the University of Dublin held 5th to 8th July, 1892. Dublin, 1894. Q. 13 + 328 p. ill. C Statuta . . . una cum decretis praepositi et sociorum seniorum atque regulis Universitatis Dub- liniensis. Dublinii, 1875. O. 7 + 214 p. C Stubbs, John William. History of the Uni- versity of Dublin from its foundation to the end of the 1 8th century. Dublin, 1889. O. 12 + 429 p. ill. pi. CT Taylor, William Benjamin Sarsfield. His- tory of the University of Dublin. . . London, 1845. O. 19 -h 540 p. pi. C HIGHER EDUCATION 159 Dublin University (continued) Trinity College — Library. Catalogue of the books in the lending library of Trinity Col- lege, Dublin. New edition [enlarged]. Dublin, 1879. O. 3 + 121 p. C Catalogus librorum quibus aucta est Bibliotheca CoUegii S. S. Trinitatis . . . juxta Dublin anno exeunte Kal. Nov. 1853. Dublinii, 1854. O. II + 389 p. C Compiled by James Henthorn Todd, librarian. R0.SSE, Laurence Parsons, ist earl of. Observations on the bequest of Henry Flood, Esq. to Trinity College, Dublin, with a Defence of the ancient history of Ireland. Dublin, 1795. O. 229 p. C Edinburgh University. Account of the first meeting in the new college hall lately built for the University of Edinburgh, on the ist of August, 1820. n. t.-p. O. 15 p. C Calendar, 1866-67, 1869-70, 1871-74, 1891- 92. Edinburgh, 1866-91. D. C Outline programme of classes and work in geography. Edinburgh, 1898. O. 6 p. C Reasons for the establishment of a Sanskrit chair in the University of Edinburgh, n, t.-p. O. 20 p. C Records of the tercentenary festival of the University of Edinburgh celebrated in April, 1884. Edinburgh, 1885. F. 357 p. C Rectorial addresses delivered before the University of Edinburgh, 1859-99 I edited with an introduction by Archibald Stodart-Walker. London, 1900. O. 36 + 337 p. C Report by the finance committee presented to the Senatus academicus at their meeting . . . 31st March, i860. Edinburgh, i860. O. 76 p. tab. C Report of the committee of Senatus academi- cus on preliminary education with regard to uni- versity examinations for certificates and for the distinction of associate in arts. . . n. t.-p. O. 12 p. C Statement by the Senatus academicus rela- tive to extra-academical teaching. Edinburgh, i860. O. II p. C Summer School. Time table and pro- gramme August ist-27th, 1898. Edinburgh, 1898. Sq. O. 3 + 8 p. C Allman, George James, M.D. Introductory lecture delivered to the students of the natural his- tory class in the University of Edinburgh. Edin- burgh, 1855. O. 15 p. C Blackie, John Stuart. To the town-council of Edinburgh, patrons of the University and the Sena- tus academicus anent the remodelling of the Greek classes. . . Edinburgh, 1S57. O. i6 p. C Bower, Alexander. History of the University of Edinburgh. . . Edinburgh, 1817-30. O. 3 V. C Church of Scotland — General Assembly. Re- port of the proceedings and debate respecting the election of Mr. Leslie to the mathematical chair in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1806. O. 14 -I- 184 p. C Dalzel, Andrew. History of the University of Edinburgh from its foundation ; with a memoir of the author by [Cosmos Innes]. Edinburgh, 1862. O. 2 v. I por. ill. C Ferrier, James Frederick. Letter to the Lord advocate of Scotland on the necessity of a change in the patronage of the University of Edinburgh. Edin- burgh, 1858. O. 16 p. C Gladstone, William Ewart. Inaugural address delivered before the University of Edinburgh, April i6th, i860. London, i860. O. 32 p. C Graham, Patrick. Memorial for the Lord pro- vost, magistrates and Council of the city of Edin- burgh regarding their rights, powers and duties in connection with the University, with opinion thereon by E. F. Maitland. Edinburgh, 1859. O. 21 p. C Grant, Sir Alexander, bart. Story of the Uni- versity of Edinburgh during its first 300 years. . . London, 1884. O. 2 v. 21 por. 7 pi. C Hamilton, Sir William, bart. [Letters] to the Lord provost, magistrates and Town Council, [in reference to regulating the fees of the different classes of the University of Edinburgh.] Edinburgh, 1838. O. 41 p. C Henderson, William, M.D. Letter to the patrons of the University on the late resolutions of the medical faculty. Edinburgh, 185 1. O. 24 p. C Inglis, Rev. John. Examination of Mr. Dugald Stewart's pamphlet, relative to the late election of a mathematical professor in the University of Edin- burgh. . . [Anon.] 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1806. O. 152 p. C Laycock, Thomas, M.D. Correspondence and statements regarding the teaching of clinical medi- cine in the University of Edinburgh, 1855-1857 ; with a sequel. Edinburgh, 1857. O. 70 p. C Lewins, Robert, M.D. Letter to Sir James Spittal ... on the expediency of continuing the chair of pathology in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1837. O. 23 p. C LiSTON, Robert. Letter to the Lord provost, magistrates and Town-council in reference to the vacant chair of materia medica in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1832. O. 10 p. C Marsden, R. Sidney, compiler. Short account of the tercentenary festival of the University of Ed- inburgh including the speeches and addresses deliv- ered on the occasion. Edinburgh, 1884. D, 8 + 217 p. C Murray, Thomas. Greek entrance examination in the University of Edinburgh ; being the substance of remarks made . . . 24th ... of April, 1855. Edinburgh, 1855. O. 20 p. C Playfair, John. Letter to the author of the ex- amination of Professor Stewart's Short statement of facts ; with an appendix. Edinburgh, 1806. O. 117 p. C i6o EDUCATION Reid, David Boswell. Reply to the report of the Senatus academicus of the University of Edin- burgh upon Dr. Raid's Memorial to . . . the pa- trons of the University, n. t.-p. O. 21 p. C Stewart, Dugald. Postscript to Mr. Stewart's Short statement of facts relative to the election of Professor Leslie ; with an appendix. . . [Anon.] Edinburgh, 1806. O. 48 p. C Short statement of . . . facts relative to the . . ■ . election of a mathematical professor in the University of Edinburgh . . . with original papers. . . , [Anon.] Edinburgh, 1805. O. 2 -+■ 127 p. C Wilson, George, M.D. What is technology ? An inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Edinburgh . . . November ? 1855. Edinburgh, 1855. O. 26 p. C GlasgOMT Universitj^. Annual statistical re- port [and] abstract of accounts. London, 1892-97. F, 5 pts. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1892-97.) C Calendar, 1886-87, 1899-1901. Glasgow, 1886-1900. D. C Observations by the principals and profess- ors of Glasgow College on schemes for reform pro- posed for the University of Glasgow. . . Glasgow, 1836. O. 59 P- C Prize and degree list, with appendix. Ses- sion 1859-60. \Glasgow, 1860.J p. 367-89. D. C Roll of the graduates of the University of Glasgow, from 31st December, 1727, to 31st De- cember, 1897 . . . compiled by W. I. Addison. Glasgow, 1898. Q. 10 + [I] + 695 p. C Gresham University commission. Report of the commissioners appointed to consider the draft charter for the proposed Gresham University in London, together with dissentient and other notes. London, 1894. F. 63 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1894. V. 34.) C King's CoUege (London). Calendar, 1865, 1881. London, 1865-81. S. C Prospectus. Dec. 18, 1867. London. O. 32 p. C Report. (In England — Ed. Dept. Reports from university colleges participating in the grant of ^15000. 1894. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1894.) C London (Eng.) University. Calendar, 1866- 67, 1877, i88o-8i, 1886-1900. London, 1867-1900. D. and O. C Council. Second statement by the Council explanatory of the plan of instruction. . . 2d edi- tion. London, 1828. O. 177 p. C Examinations in 1888-89. Sheet F. C Faculty of Arts. Distribution of the^jrizes and certificates of honour . . . 1835-1836 ; with the examination papers. London, 1836. O. 98 p. C General register, 1889-90', i894», 1895", 1896*, I897^ 18983, i899«-3. London, 1889-99. F. C Library. Accessions to the library, 1886 to June 1895. London, 1895. O. 63 p. C Minutes of the Senate 1885-1890. [i886]-90. O. ill. London C CONOLLY, John, M.D. Introductory lecture delivered in the University of London. , . 3d edi- tion. London, 1829. O. 36 p. C Dale, Thomas. Introductory lecture delivered in the University of London. . . 4th edition. Lon- don, 1829. O. 49 p. C Galiano, Antonio Alcala. Introductory lecture delivered in the University of London . . . 1828 ton the Spanish language and literature]. 2d edi- tion. London, 1829. O. 33 p. C Grant, Robert Edmond. Essay on the study of the animal kingdom, being an introductory lecture delivered in the University of London. . . 2d edi- tion. London, 1829. O. 35 p. C Groombridge, Richard. Guides to the exami- nations of the University of London ; [no. i] a guide to the matriculation examination. . . Lon- don, \Zl%. S. 4+ [I] 4- 102 p. C Lardner, Rev. Dionysius. Discourse on the ad- vantages of natural philosophy and astronomy as a part of a general and professional education ; being an introductory lecture delivered in the University of London. . . London, 1829. O. 36 p. C Long, George. Introductory lecture delivered in the University of London. . . 2d edition. London, 1829. O. 32 p. C Muhlenfels, Ludwig von. Introductory lecture delivered in the University of London. 2d edition. London, 1829. O. 27 p. C Pearson, Karl. New University for London ; a guide to its history and a criticism of its defects. London, 1892. D. 139 p. C Melbourne, University of. Calendar, 1889-1901. Melbourne, 1889-1900. D. plan. C O^rens College (Manchester). Report. (/« Eng. — Ed. Dept. Reports from university colleges participating in the grant of ;^ 1 5000. 1894. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1894. v. 66.) C See also Victoria University, below. Oxford University. Calendar, 1831, 1852, 1868-87, 1890-1901. Oxford, 1831-1900. D. ill. C Catalogue of all graduates . . . who have regularly proceeded or been created in the Univer- sity of Oxford . . . [and] the chancellors . . . 1659-1782. Oxford, i772-[82]. O. C Corpus statutorum Universitatis Oxonien- sis ; sive, Pandectes constitutionum academicarum, e libris publicis et regestis universitatis consarcina- tus. Oxonii, 1768. Sq. Q. [34] -+- 205 -f- [319] p. C Examination papers, 1877-78. Oxford, 1877-78. O. no. 287-298, 302-312, 319-330. C Examination papers for class candidates, Michaelmas, 1831-32; Easter term, 1833. Oxford, 1831-33. O. C HIGHER EDUCATION i6i Oxford University (continued) Examination statutes . . . revised to June 21, 1893 . . . with the regulations of the boards of studies ... for the academical year, 1893-94. . . Oxford, 1893. O. 4 + 183 p. C Gazette, 1870-1900. Oxford, 1870-1900. Sq, F. V. 1-30. C Historical register . . . being a supplement to the Oxford University calendar . . . completed to the end of Trinity term, i888. Oxford, 1888. D. 460 p. C Parecbolae ; sive, Excerpta e corpore statu- torum Universitatis Oxoniensis ; accedunt Articuli religionis xxxix in Ecclesia Anglicana recepti nee non Juramenta fidelitatis et suprematus. . . \0x- oniae, 1671.] t.-p. w. T. [I6] + 227 + [8] p. C \Oxoniae, 1682 ?] t.-p. w. + 230 + [II] p. S. C Register, 1449-1622. Oxford, 1885-89. O. V. 1-2 in 5. (Oxford Hist. Soc. Publ. v. i, 10-12, 14.) C Register of the visitors . . . from 1647 to 1658 ; edited, with some account of the state of the University during the Commonwealth, by Montagu Burrows. [Londom^ i88i. Sq. O. 133 + fi] + 593 p. (Camden Soc. Publ. n. s. v. 29.) C 1870. 1900.) Statuta Universitatis Oxonensis. O. 16 -h 387 p. Oxonii, C Statutes. (Or. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. iJ ' Student's handbook, 1873, 1876, 1879, 1885, 1892. Oxford, 1873-92. S. and D. ist, 4-5th, 8th, 1 2th ed. C Bodleian Library. Catalogo dei manoscritti italiani che sotto la denominazione di codici canoni- ciani italic! si conservano nella biblioteca Bodleiana . . . comp. dal conte A. Mortara. Oxonii, 1864. Sq. Q. 14 + 315 P- C Catalogus dissertationum academica- rum ; quibus nuper aucta est bibliotheca. Bodlei- ana, 1832. Oxford, 1834. F^ [2] + 448 + [63] p. C Catalogus impressorum librorum. . . Oxford, 1738. F^ 2 V. por. C -■ — Catalogus universalis librorum in Bib- liotheca Bodleiana . . . auctore Thomas James. . . Oxoniae, 1620. D. [I4] + 539 p. C Appendix . . . [compiled by John Rous]. 2d ed. Oxonics, 1635. D. [4] -t- 208 p. C Macray, Rev. William Dunn. An- nals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford . . . 1598- 1867 ; with a . . . notice of the earlier library founded in the 14th century. London, 1868. O. [6] + 369 4- [I] p. fac-sim. C [Same.] 2d ed. enlarged and continued from 1868-80. Oxford, 1890. O. 10 + [I] + 545 P- por. pi. C Colleges All Souls College. Burrows, Montagu. Worthies of All Souls ; four centuries of English history illustrated from the College archives. Lon- don, 1874. O. 13 + [I] + 452 p. C Balliol College. Paravicini, Mrs. Frances de. Early history of Balliol College. London, 1891. O. 13 + 370 p. C Brasenose College. Churton, Rev. Ralph. Lives of William Smyth, bp. of Lincoln, and Sir Richard Sutton, founders of Brasen Nose College . . . with an appendix of letters and papers. . . Oxford, 1800. O. 28 4- 553 + [20] p. por. pi. tab. C Christ Church College. Carmina quadra- gesimalia ab aedis Christi Oxon. alumnis composita . . . Oxonii, 1723. O. 4 + 168 p. C Corpus Christi College. Foundation stat- utes of Bishop Fox, a.d. 151 7, now first translated into English, with a life of the founder by G. R. M, Ward. London, 1843. O. 53 + 235 p. i por. pi. C Fowler, Rev. Thomas. Corpus Christi. London, 1898. D. 12 + [i] + 252 p. i ill. pi. (College histories, Oxford.) C History of Corpus Christi College, with list of its members. Oxford, 1893. O. 14 H- [I] + 482 p. pi. (Oxford Hist. Soc. Publ. V. 25.) C Exeter College. Registrum Collegii Exoni- ensis : Register of the rectors, fellows, and other members of the foundation ... by Rev. C. W. Boase. New ed. Oxford, 1894. O. 183 H- 399 p. pi. (Oxford Hist. Soc. Publ. v. 27.) C Keble College. Proceedings at the laying of the first stone of Keble College, Oxford, St. Mark's day, April 25, i868. . . London, 1868. O. 50 p. 2 pi. C liincoln College. Clark, Rev. Andrew. Lincoln. London, 1898. D. I2 + 220 p. ill. pi. (College histories, Oxford.) C Magdalen College. Bloxam, Rev. John Rouse. Magdalen College and King James II. 1686-88 ; a series of documents. Oxford, 1886. O. 51 + 292 p. (Oxford Hist. Soc. Publ. v. 6.) C Merton College. Brodrick, Geoi^e Charles. Memorials of Merton College, with biographical notices of the wardens and fellows. Oxford, 1885. O. 18 + 415 p. pi. (Oxford Hist. Soc. Publ. v. 4.) Foundation documents collected by James Heywood, edited by J. O. Haliwell. London, 1843. O. 4 + 12 + 64 p. por. C Oriel College. Mozley, Rev. Thomas. Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel College and the Ox- ford movement. Boston, 1882. D. 2 v. C Wadham College. Jackson, Thomas Gra- ham. Wadham College, Oxford, its foundation, architecture and history ; with an account of the family of Wadham. . . Oxford, 1893. Sq. Q. 19 + 228 p. ill. por. pi. fac-sim. C l62 EDUCATION Account of the visit of . . . the Prince Regent . . . the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prus- sia to the University of Oxford in June, 1814. Ox- ford, 1 81 5. F". 98 p. C AcLAND, Thomas Dyke. Some account of the origin and objects of the new Oxford examinations for the title of Associate in arts and certificates for . . . 1858. London, 1858. O. 20 + 212 p. C Amhurst, Nicholas. Terrse-filius ; or, The secret history of the University of Oxford . . . [with] remarks upon a late book entitled University education, by R. Newton . . . [Anon.] London, 1726. S. 23 + 354 p. pi. C Arnold, Rev. Frederick. Oxford and Cam- bridge ; their colleges, memories and associations ; with engravings by Edward Whymper. London [1873]. O. 8 -t- 400 p. ill. pi. C Ayliffe, John. Ancient and present state of the University of Oxford, London, 1714. D. 2 v. C BoASE, Charles William. Oxford. 3d edition. London, 1890. D. 10 -H 230 p. maps. (Historic towns, E. A. Freeman and W. Hunt, ed.) C T Brodrick, George Charles. History of the Uni- versity of Oxford. London, 1886. D. 15 + 235 p. (Epochs of church history, Mandell Creighton, ed.) C T Bryce, James. Legal studies in the University of Oxford ; a valedictory lecture delivered at the University, June 10, 1893. London, 1893. O. 35 p. C Burrows, Montagu, Pass and class ; an Oxford guide book, . . Oxford, i860. S. 12 + 256 p. Caius, Thomas. Assertio antiquitatis Oxonien- sis Academiae, incerto authore ejusdem gymnasij . . . anno 1566. , . Londini, 1568. S. [38] p, C Chalmers, Alexander. University of Oxford, . , V. pi. History of the . . . Oxford, 1810. O. 2 C Clark, Rev. Andrew, editor. Colleges of Ox- ford ; their history and traditions ; 21 chapters contributed by members of the colleges. London, 1891. O. 8 + 480 p. C Combe, William. History of the University of Oxford, its colleges, halls and public buildings. London, 1814, Sq. F. 2 v. por. pi. C Published by Rudolph Ackermann. Couch, Lillian M. Quiller. Reminiscences of Oxford by Oxford men, 1559-1850. Oxford, 1892. O. 16 4- 430 p. (Oxford Hist. Soc, Publ. v. 22.) C Cox, George Valentine. Recollections of Oxford. London, 1868. D. [5] + 437 p. C Delamotte, William Alfred. Original views of Oxford, its colleges, chapels and gardens . . . with . . . notices by C. Oilier. , . London, 1843. F*. 25 pi. C Dickens, Charles, Dictionary of the University of Oxford, , . London, 1884. Sq. S, 134 p. 2 maps, C Fitzherbert, Nicholas. Oxoniensis in Anglia Academiae descriptio. {In Leland, John. Itinerary. 1770. V. 9, p. 109-40.) C Foster, Joseph. Alumni Oxonienses . . . mem- bers of the University, 1500-1714, 1715-1886 ; their parentage, birthplace . . . year of birth. . . Lon- don and Oxford, 1887-92. Q. 8 v. C Oxford men and their colleges . . , with the matriculation register, 1880-92. Oxford, 1893. Q. 12 4- 663 p. ill. por. pi. C GiBBS, James. Bibliotheca Radcliviana ; or, A short description of the Radclifle Library at Oxford . . . London, 1747. Fs. 12 p. por. pi. C Gladstone, William Ewart. Academic sketch ; delivered in the Sheldonian theatre, Oct. 24, 1892, with annotations by the author. Oxford, 1892. O. 47 p, (Romanes lecture ; Oxford University. 1892.) C Godley, Alfred Denis. Aspects of modem Ox- ford, by A mere Don. New York ^London, pr.] 1894. O. 8 + 134 p. pi. C Great Britain — Oxford University Commis- sion. . . . Minutes of evidence . . , part 2 : Certain circulars addressed by the Commissioners to the University . . . with the answers. . , London, 1881. F. [4] + 415 + [26i] p. C Report. . . London, 1852. F. v. p. C ' Heywood, James. Recommendations of the Oxford University commissioners, with selec- tions from their Report ; and a History of the Uni- versity subscription tests. . . London, 1853. O. 36 + 559 P- tab. C Parliament — Commons. Returns from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge stating . . . for each year from 1870 to 1875 ... the number of professors . . , the emoluments . . . number of auditors . . . income from endowments. . . Lon- don, 1876. F. 34 p. (Sess, pap. 1876. v. 59.) C HULTON, Samuel F. Rixae Oxonienses ; illus- trated with views of demolished buildings of Oxford taken from Sketlon's " Oxonia antiqua restaurata " . . . Oxford, 1892. D. 170 p. 6 pi. C Ingram, James, Memorials of Oxford ; the en- gravings by J. Le Keux. . . Oxford, 1837. O. 3 V. ill. pi. C Jackson, Thomas Graham. Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford. Oxford, 1897. Q. 14 + [2] + 231 p. ill. pi. C Jeaffreson, John Cordy. Annals of Oxford. 2d ed. London, 1871. O. 2 v. C Kirkpatrick, Edward. The historically re- ceived conception of the university considered with especial reference to Oxford. . . London, 1857. D. 12 + [I] + 309 p. C Lang, Andrew, Oxford ; brief historical and descriptive notes. New edition, London, 1890. D. 16 4- 282 p. ill, pi, C T HIGHER EDUCATION 163 Lyte. Henry Churchill Maxwell. History of the University of Oxford from the earliest times to the year 1530. London, 1S86. O. 19 + 504 p. i pi. I map. C T Madan, Falconer, compiler. Rough list of ms. materials relating to the History of Oxford, con- tained in the printed catalogues of the Bodleian and college libraries. . . Oxford, 1887. O. [5] + 170 p. C Moore, James J. Pictorial and historical gos- siping guide to Oxford ; a ciceronic chit-chat of eminent men, colleges, halls, museums, ballads. . . [Anon.] Oxford, 1875. ^- ['] + ^4 P- ill- map. C Oxford and Cambridge undergraduates' journal ... [Weekly.] [C>;t/c7r^] 1883-84. F". year 18- 19 (no. 393-425-) C Oxford review : a weekly record of university life and thought, 1885-90. Oxford, 1885-90. F and F*. v. 1-6. C Parker, James. Early history of Oxford, 727- iioo, preceded by a sketch of the mythological origin of the city and University. Oxford, 1885. O. 31 -4- 420 p. ill. map. fac-sim. (Oxford Hist. Soc. Publ. V. 3.) C Pattison, Mark. Suggestions on academical organisation, with especial reference to Oxford. Edinburgh, i2)bi,. D. 11 -f 348 p. C Pycroft, Rev. James. Oxford memories ; a retrospect after fifty years. London, 1886. O. 2 V. , C RoBERSON, George, and Green, J. R. Oxford during the last century ; two series of papers pub- lished in the Oxford chronicle and Berks and Bucks gazette, during the year 1859. [Anon.] Oxford, 1859. Sq. O. 4 + 131 p. C Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. Education in Oxford : its method, its aids and its rewards. Lon- don, 1861. O. 10 + [I] + 266 p. C Smith, Goldwin. Oxford and her colleges ; a view from the Radcliffe Library. London, 1894. T. 6 -1- 99 p. C New York, 1895. S. 6 4- 170 p. pi. T A plea for the abolition of tests in the Uni- versity of Oxford. Oxford, 1864. D. 7 4- 103 p. C Reorganization of the University of Oxford. Oxford, i868. D. 67 p. C Stedman, Algernon Methuen Marshall. Oxford : its life and schools. . . London, 1887. D. 15 + 359 P- T Oxford ; its social and intellectual life. . . London, 1878. D. 16 + [i] + 309 p. C TucKWELL, Rev. William. Reminiscences of Oxford. London, 1900. O. 288 p. pi. C UwiNS, Thomas. Costume of the University of Oxford illustrated by a series of engravings from original drawings . . . with a brief account of the members and officers. . . London, 1815. Sq. F^ 3 + 18 p. 17 pi. C Wade, W. M. Walks in Oxford ; an , . . account of the colleges, halls and public buildings of the University. . . Oxford, 1817. O. 2 v. [I3] + 70 + 536 p. pi. map. C Walks in Oxford. . . 2d ed. Oxford, 1818. D- [67] + 388 + [II] p. pi. C Walker, John, editor. Oxoniana. [Anon.] London [1807]. S. 4 v. fac-sim. C Wells, Joseph, editor. Oxford and Oxford life. London, 1892. D. 8 + 190 p. T Williams, William. Oxonia depicta ; sive, Col- legiorum et aularum in inclyta Academia Oxoniensi . . . delineatio, cui accedit unius cujusque col- legii aulaeque notitia. London, 1732-33. F*. [I] p. 65 pi. C Wood, Anthony a. Athense Oxonienses ; an exact history . . . [with] the Fasti, or annals . . . new ed., with additions and a continuation by Philip Bliss. . . London, 1813-20. Sq. F. 5 V. C New edition. Oxford, 1848. O. [6] + 412 p. (Ecclesiastical Hist. Soc) C Historia et antiquitates Universitatis Oxon- iensis. [Anon.] Oxonia, 1674, F^. [8] + 414 -(-447 + [4]. il. plan. C Engraved t.-p. Queen's College (Belfast) — Alumni. State- ment adopted by the graduates assembled in public meeting in Belfast, 6th Dec. 1865. Belfast, 1865. O. 32 p. C President. Report. {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1850-98.) C See Index volume for each year. See also Queen's Uni- versity of Ireland. Queen's College (Cork) — President. Report. [In Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1861-98.) C See Index volume for each year. See also Queen's Uni- versity of Ireland. Queen's College (Galway). Calendar, 1894- 99. Dublin, 1895-1900. O. pi. C {In Gr. Br.— Pari. C See Index volume for each year. See also Queen's Uni- versity of Ireland. Queen's University of Ireland. Queen's University Commission. Reports of the commis- sioners appointed ... to enquire into . . . the well being and efficiency of the Queen's colleges in Ireland. . .' Dublin, 1885. F. 104 + 20 -(- 524 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1884-85. v. 25.) c Report on the condition and progress of the Queen's University. Dublin, 1850-82. F. {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1850-82.) C For Reports later than 1882 see Royal University of Ireland. Return of the . . . number of matriculated students . . . session 1868-69. . . [London-^ 1870. F. 31 p. {In Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1870. V. 54-) C President. Report. Sess. pap. 1850-98.) 164 EDUCATION Queen's University of Ireland (continued) Returns of the names etc. of matriculated students in the three Queen's colleges of Belfast, Cork and Galway for the session 1870-71. . . [London^ 1873. F. 47 p. {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1873. V. 52.) C Royal University of Ireland. Account of receipts and expenditures with report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. London, 1883-98. {In Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1883- 98.) C See Index volume for each year. Amended statutes. London, 1893, 1898. F. {In same. 1893, v. 68 ; 1898, v. 70.) C Report, 1883-97. Dublin, 1883-98. no. 1-16. F. {In Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1885- 98.) C For Reports before 1883 see Queen's University of Ire- land. Scheme for the organization of the Univer- sity as adopted by the Senate. [London-^ 1881. F. 42 p. (/«Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1881. v. 73.) C St. Andre'^'s University. Addres ... to the King [William III.], also a letter from the archbishops and bishops. . . London, 1689. D. 20 p. C Annual statistical report [and] abstract of accounts. London, 1892-97. F. {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1892-98.) C See Index volume for each year. Dickson, Rev. William Purdie. Sugges- tions towards the improvement of the university library at St. Andrews ; in a letter. . . Cupar- Fife, 1859. O. 8 p. C Froude, James Anthony. Inaugural ad- dress delivered to the University of St. Andrew's, March 19, 1869. London, 1869. O. 41 p. C Mill, John Stuart. Inaugural address, de- livered to the tjniversity of St. Andrews, Feb. ist, 1867. London, 1867. O. 99 p. C T Rectorial addresses . . . Sir William Stir- ling-Maxwell, bart., to the Marquess of Bute, 1863- 1893, ed. by William Knight. London, 1894. O. 50 + 401 p. C University College (Nottingham). Calendar, 1887-88. Nottingham [I888]. D. v. 2. C Report. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Reports from univ. colleges participating in the grant of ;^i50po. 1894.) C University College of North Wales. Report. {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1894-98.) C University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire. England — Ed. Dept. Scheme for the University College . . . {In same. 1883. V. 53.) C Report. {In same. 1894-98.) C University College of Wales (Aberyst- wyth). Report. {In same. 1894-98.) C University of Wales. Copy of a petition . . . for the . . . incorporation of . . . The University of Wales . . . with a copy of the draft of the charter applied for. [London, 1893.] F. 13 p. {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1893.) v. 69 C Victoria University (Manchester, Eng.). Calendar . . . 1887, 1899. Manchester [1887- 99]. D. T England — Ed. Dept. Petitions from the Yorkshire and the Owens colleges praying for a charter for the creation of . . . Victoria Univer- sity. 13 p. (/«Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap, 1880. V. 54.) C Yorkshire College (Leeds). Calendar, 1890- 91, 1892-93, 1894-1899. [Leedsl, 1890-98.] D. ill. C Report. {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1894-98.) C Affiliated with the Victoria University in 1880. GREECE American School of Classical Studies (Athens). Annual report, 1881-96. Cambridge [Mass.^ 1881-96. O. ill. pi. V. 1-15. C pi. 6. Bulletin. Boston, 1-4. 3-95- Papers. Boston, 1885-97. O. O. and F. C ill. V. I- C "EGNIKON nANEIHSTHMION [National University] (Athens). 'Odrjyiat itpoi rovi ^oizr/- rdi £H(i6zr/i 6HoXrji . . . ^Ev 'ABrjvaii, 1838. D. 36 p. C UavraZtSTji, I. XpoviKov riji itpoozrfZ itEVTrjHovraEriai rov 'EXXtjvihov UavEittd- rrjuiov. . . ''A^r}V7]6i, 1889. O. [ii] -f- 308 + 3 p. tab. C IlavXtSrj(j2. O. [3] -f- 116 p. C Bologna Universita. Annuario. 1897-98. " na, 1898. O. C II gonfalone della Regia University di Bologna. Bologna, 1889. F. 22 p. ill. C Padua UniversitA. Studi a commemorare I'ottavo centenario dalla origine della Universita di Bologna. Padova, 1888. F. 3 v. ill. pi. C Die statuten der Juristen-universitat Bologna vom j. 1317-47 und deren verhaltniss zu jenen Pa- duas, Perugias, Florenz, hrsg. von Heinrich De- nifle. {In Archiv f. lit. u. kirchen-gesch. d. mittelalters, 1887. v. 3, p. 196-389.) C Cagliari Universita. Dessi-Magnetti, Vincenzo. Notizie storiche sulla R. University degli studi di Cagliari. Cagliari, 1879. O. 121 p. C Genoa Universita. Isnardi, Lorenzo. Sto- ria della UniversitJi di Genova. Genova, 1861. O. v. I. C Messina Universita. C C C L anniversario della Universita di Messina. Messina, 1900. F. [5] + 365 + 113 P- C Milan University. Sassi, Giuseppe Antonio. De studiis literariis Mediolanensium antiquis et novis. . . Mediolani, 1729. D. [I6] + 256 p. C Naples — Universita degli Studi. Annua- rio, 1886-87. Napoli, 1887. Q. C Lasena, Pietro. Dell' antico ginnasio na- poletano opera posthuma. [Roma, \t^\.\ O. [6] + 292 p. C Notizie intomo alia origine, formazione e stato presente della R. Universita di Napoli per I'Esposizione nazionale di Torino nel 1884. Napoli, 1884. O. 268 p. pi. C i66 EDUCATION Padua Universita. Annuario, 1891-93, 1896-97, i898-i9(X). Padova, 1 892-1900. Q. C Favaro, Antonio. Per il terzo centenario dalle inaugurazione dell' insegnamento di Galileo Galilei nello studio di Padova. Firenze, 1892. F. 29 + [I] p. I por. pi. facsim. C Memorie dei professori A. Breda, B. Bnigi, G. Canestrini, A. Cavagnari, G. Ciamician, V. Crescini, L. Landucci, G. Mazzoni, E. Padova, A. Fertile, F. PuUe, G. Ricci, A. Riglii. Padova, 1888. F. V. p. ill. C Monumenti della Universita di Padova, 1318— 1405, raccolti da Andrea Gloria. Padova, 1888. F. 2 v. C Onoranze a Galileo Galilei nel terzo centena- rio dalla sua prelezione nell' Universita . . . 1892 ; narrazione e docunienti. Padova, 1896. Q. 31 + 56 p. ill. pi. C Patin, Charles. Lyceum Patavinum ; sive, Icones et vitae professorum Patavii 1682 publice docentium. . . Patavii, 1682. Sq. O. t, i. por. pi. C La R. University di Padova e i suoi istituti scientifici ; appendice all' Annuario per I'anno ac- cademico 1899-1900, in occasione della Esposizione di Parigi. Padova, 1900. Q. 7 + 66 p. 17 pi. C Studi a commemorare I'ottava centenario dalla origine della University di Bologna. Padova, 1888. F. 3v. ill. pi. C Pavia Universita. Cenno storico sulla R. Universita di Pavia. Notizie sugli stabilimenti sci- entifici, pubblicazioni degli attuali insegnanti e degli addetti agli stabilimenti scientifici. Pavia, 1873. F. 165 p. tab. C Memorie e documenti per la storia . . . e degli uomini piii illustri che v' insegnarono. . . Pavia, 1878. F. 3 v. in 2. tab. C Nova, Alessandro. La filosofia, La filosofia del diritto e L'Universiti ; prolusioni lette nell' University di Pavia . . . 1854 e 1859. Milano, 1862. O. 250 + [1] p. C Piemonte Universita. Vallauri, Tom- maso. Storia della Universita degli Studi del Pie- monte. Torino, 1845-46. O. 3 v. in i. C Torino Universita. Cenni storici sulla Regia University di Torino. Origini, vicende e condizioni attuali della' University ; notizie sommarie sugli instituti scientifici, publicazioni degli attuali membri del corpo academic©. Torino, 1872. F. 179 + [I] P- pi- C JAPAN Doshisha Preparatory, Collegiate, Scientific and Theological Schools (Kyoto). Calendar for 1890-91. Tokyo [I89I]. O. pi. C Tokio Kaisei-Gakko, see Tokyo, Impe- rial University of. Tokyo, Imperial University of (Toky5 Teikoku Daigaku). Abhandlungen ; no. 12. T6ki6, 1885. Q. C Bulletin of the College of Agriculture •, v. 11,8-12^ 2'-7, 31-4, 41, 6=-3. Tokyo, 1887-1900. O. pi. tab. C Calendar, 1875, 1879-83, 1886-90, 1892-95, 1896-98, 1899-1900. Tokyo, 1875-1900. D. pi. C Resume du calendrier de I'Universite impe- riale. 1899. . . Q. 103 p. tables. C • Catalogue of the library, general alphabet- ico-classified. Tokyo, 1896. Q. pt. 1-2. C College of Agriculture, see Bulletin, above. Journal of the College of Science. Tokyo, 1887-1900. Q. ill. pi. map. v. 1-12, 13=. C Memoirs, no. 11. Tokid, 1885. Q. 2 v. C pi. Memoirs of the Literature College, no. i. Tokio, 1887. F. 174 p. C Memoirs of the Science Department ; v. I', nos. 5-7, V. 3'. Tokio, 1879-81. Q. pi. tab. C Mitteilungen aus der Medicinischen Facul- tat. Bd. I, no. 1-5 ; 2-3 ; 4, no. 1-6. Tokio, 1887-99- Q- pi- C T6ky5 — Meiji Gakuin. 1888. Yokohama [1888]. S. Calendar ; April, C St. Paul's College (RikkyS Gakka). An appeal. Tokyo, 1893. S. 15 p. C Tokyo Teikoku Daigaku, see Tokio, Im- perial University of. NORWAY, DENMARK, AND SWEDEN Christiania Universitet. Aarsberetning, 1870-71, 1896-98. Christiania, 1871-99. O. C Actstykker, ved kommende de ved Univer- sitetet adordenede loererexamina. [Christiania ? 1874?] D. 55 + Sp. C Bibliothek. Aarbog for 1895. Christiania, 1897. O. v. p. C Fortegnelse over den tilvaext som det kgl. Frederiks Universitets bibliothek har erholdt i aaret 1879. Christiania, 1881. Q. [3] + 113 -f- 6 p. C Norsk bogfortegnelse for 1895. Chris- tiania, 1899. O. 113 p. C Forelsesninger . . . 1898- iste semester 1900. Kristiania, 1897-99. O. 20 p. C Index scholarum. . . 1871. Christiania, 1871. Q. 16 p. C Copenhagen Universitet. Matzen, Ken- ning. Kjebenhavns Universitets retshistorie, 1479- 1879. . . Kjabenhavn, 1879. Q. 2 v. ill. C ReRDAM, Holger Frederik. Kjebenhavns Universitets beskatning og trsengsler i krigsaarene 1657-60. (/« Nyt histor. tidsskrift. 1856. v. 6, P- 453-556.) C Reinhardt, Christian Emanuel Frits. Kommunitetet og regentsen fra deres stiftelse indtil vore dage. . . {In Historisk tidsskrift. 1862-64. 3d ser. V. 3, p. 1-416.) C HIGHER EDUCATION \6y Lund Universitet. Acta^ Universitatis Lun- densis : Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, 1864-98. Lund, 1864-98. Sq. Q. v. 1-34. pi. facsim. C Forelasningar och Ofningar, 1868, 1895-96. Lund, 1868, 1895-96. Q. C Index scholarum . . . 1895-96. Lund, 1895. Q. 13 p. C Tegn^r, Elof Kristofer. Lunds Universi- tet, 1872-1897. Lund, 1897. Sq. Q. 4 + [i] + 346 p. ill. I por. 2 tab, C Upsala Universitet. Arsskrift, 1894-96. Upsala [ 1894-96]. O. C P'orelasningar och ofningar, Host-terminen 1892-Var-terminen 1899. Upsala, 1892-99. O. C Inbjudningsskrifter till de hogtidligheter hvarmed trehundraarsminnet af Upsala mote . . . 1893. Upsala, 1893. O. V. p. C Katalog for Varterminen 1880 ; utgifven af studentkaren. Upsala, 1880. O. 107 p. C Redogorelse, 1888-89, 1890-93. Upsala, 1889-93. O. C RuDBECK, Olof. Bref rorande Upsala Uni- versitet utgifna med inledning af Claes Annerstedt . . . Upsala, 1893. O. pt. I, C Upsala Universitet, 1872-97 ; festskrift med anledning af Konung Oscar II :s tjugofemars regeringsjubileum den 18 September 1897 . . . utgifven af Reinhold Geijer. Upsala, 1897. F. v. p. ill. por. pi. , C Biobibliograf), p. 29-183, at end of volume. PORTUGAL Coimbra Universidade. Braga, The- ophilo. Historia da Universidade de Coimbra nas suas rela96es com a instruc9ao publica portugueza. 1289-1800. Lisboa, 1892-98. O. v. 1-3. C Carvalho, Joaquim Augusto Simoes de. Memoria historica da faculdade de philosophia. Coimbra, 1872. O. 335 p. C RUSSIA Die I eform der russischen universitaten nach dem gesetz vom 23. August 1884. Leipzig, 1886. O. 6 + [I] -f- 246 p. C Dorpat Universitet. Acta et commenta- tiones Imp. Universitatis Jurievensis (olim Dorpat- ensis). [1893-99.] Jur'ev, 1893-99. Q. ill. pi. maps. C Album Dorpati Livonorum. {Dorpat, 1890.] O. 19 + [I] + 349 p. C Edited by Alexander Ammon. Album Dorpato-Livonorum. Dorpat, 1875. Sq. O. 19 + [I] + 192 p. C Edited by Theodor Beise. Die deutsche Universitat Dorpat im lichte der geschichte und der gegenwart. , . Leipzig, 1882. O. 8+ [I] + 104 p. C Lichny sostav Imperatorska vo Yur'evskavo Universiteta . . . okt. 1897-99 goda: [Register of officers and students]. 1897-99. Yur'cv, 1897. O. 42 + [2] p. C Otto, Gustav, and Hasselblatt, A. F. Von den 14000 immatriculirten Dorpats ; streifzuge in das " Album academicum " der Kaiserliclien Uni- versitat Dorpat. . . Dorpat, 1891. O. S + 149 p. C Verzeichniss der vorlesungen . . . 1898— 1900 semester I. yurjew, i8gS. O. 16 p. C Kazan Universitet. Godichny akt : [Annual session] 1892-1900. Kazan, 1892-1900. O. C Kiev Universitet. Universitetskiya izvyes- tiya. [University bulletin], Sept. i86i-Dec. 1862, July, 1863-Dec. 1864, May, 1865-Aug. 1866, Jan. 1867-Dec. 1873. Kiev, 1861-73. O. pi. maps. C Mosco'w University — Historico-philological Department. Ucheniya zapiski : [Scientific me- moirs]. Moskva, 1881-95. O. ill. pi. V. I-4, 6-8, lo-ii, 13-22. C Juridical Department. Ucheniya zapiski : [Scientific memoirs]. Moskva, 1881-96, O. v. 1-11 in 5. C Medical Department. Ucheniya zapiski : [Scientific memoirs]. Moskva, 1883-95, O. ill. V. 1-6 in 3. C Natural History Department. Ucheniya zapiski : [Scientific memoirs]. Moskva, i88o-g6. O. pi. v, 1-7, 9-12 in 5. C Obstetric Faculty. Otchet kliniki : [Report of the clinik], 1874-qo. Moskva, 1889-gi. O. pi. C Physico-mathematical Department. Uche- niya zapiski : [Scientific memoirs]. Moskva, 1880- 96. O. pi. tab. V. I, 3-13 in 6. C Odessa Universitet. Zapiski : [Memoirs], Odessa, 1871. O. 4th year, v. 6-7. C St. Petersburg — Imperial Alexander Lyceum. Short sketch of . . . [itS] history. St. Petersburg, 1893. O. 22 p. C St, Petersburg University. Biografi- cheski slovar professorov i prepodavatelei za istek- shuyu tret'yu chetvert' vyeka evo sushchestvovaniya : [Biographical dictionary of the professors and in- structors during the third quarter century of its existence] 1869-1894. S.-Peterburg, 1S96-98. Q. 2 v. in I. C Godichny akt : [Annual solemnity ; report on the condition and activity], 1893, 1895. S.-Peter- burg, 1894-96. O. C Obozryeniye prepodavaniya nauk : [State- ment of the instruction in science in the University for the fall and spring semesters], 1896-97. S.- Peterburg, 1896. O. C Otchet o sostoyamyi dyeyatelnosti : [Report' on the condition and activity], 1892, 1900. . , S.- Pcterburg, 1893-X901. O. C 1 68 EDUCATION St. Petersburg University- (continued) Protokoly zasyedani sovyeta : [Proceedings of the meetings of the Council], 1894-95. S. -Peter- burg, 1895-96. O. no. 50-51. C Chemical Laboratory. Khimicheskeya la- boratoriya. S.-Peterburg, 1894. O. 31 p. pi. C Historico-philological Faculty. Zapiski : [Me- moirs]. Sanktpeterburg, 1892-1900. O. and Q. pi. V, 29-30, 40-49. 51-53, 54^ 55- C Library. Katalog russkikh knig : [Catalog of the Russian books]. S.-Peterburg, 1897. O. V. I. C Pravila : [Rules] . D. 15 p. S.-Peterburg, 1896. C Tomsk Universitet. Tomsk. 1900. O. V. 17. Izvyestiya : [Bulletin.] C SPAIN Rivas jr Ruiz, Louis. La ensefianza superior en Espana. Madrid, 1898. O. 97 p. C Madrid Universidad. Fernandez y Gon- zalez, Francisco. Discurso leido en la solemne inauguracion del curso academico de 1869 a 1870 en la Universidad central. Madrid, 1869. Q. 37 p. C Garcia, Juan Catalina. Ensayo de una tipografia Complutense. . . Madrid, 1889. Q. 12 -h 673 + [5] p. ill. C Madrazo, Pedro de. La Universidad Complutense en Alcala de Henares. Madrid, 1878. F^ [3] + 25 p. ill. 7 pi. {In Monumentos arquitect. de Espana.) C Text, Spanish and French, in parallel columns. Universidad Complutense (Alcala de He- nares), see Madrid Universidad. SWITZERLAND. Jahresverzeichnis der schweizerischen uni- versitatsschriften 1897-99 ; Catalogue des ecrits academiques suisses, 1897-99. Basel, 1898. O. 4 + 63 p. C Basel Universitat. Personal-verzeichnis. . . 1895-99. Basel, 1895-99. O- C Teichmann, Albert. Die Universitat Basel in den funfzig jahren seit ihrer reorganisation im jahre 1835 ; programm zur rektoratsfeier und zu dem mit ihr Verbundenen jubilaum der Freiwilligen akademischen gesellschaft. Basel, 1885. Sq. Q. "9 P- C Die Universitat Basel in ihrer entwick- lung in den jahren 1885-1895. . . Basel, 1896. Sq. Q- 71 p. C Thommen, Rudolf. Geschichte der Uni- versitat Basel, 1532-1632. Basel, 1889. O. 7 + 383 p. C Troxler, Ignaz Paul Vitalis. Die ge- sammthochschule der Schweiz und die Universitat Basel. Trogen, 1830. O. 170 + i p. C Urkunden betreffend die stiftung und die freyheiten der Universitet zu Basel. . . ^Basel?] 12,01. Sq. O. 70 p. C Verzeichnis der vorlesungen . . . 1895-1900. Basel, 1895-99. Q. C — — Vischer, Wilhelm. Geschichte der Uni- versitat Basel von der grtindung 1460 bis zur refor- mation 1529 ; im auftrag der akademischen regenz zur feier des vierhundertjahrigen jubilaums. Basel, i860. O. 12 + 328 4- I p. C Bibliothek. Festschrift zur einweihung der Bibliothek in Basel am 6. November 1896. Basel, 1896. Q. 3 + 88 p. C Geneve, University de. Documents pour servir i I'histoire de I'Universite de Geneve. Ge- nive, 1883. O. v. 3. C Programme des cours . . . pendant les deux semestres de I'annee i8gi-g6. Genhje, 1891- 95- D. C Lausanne, Academic de. Programme des cours qui seront donnes, pendant I'annee 1870-71 Lausanne, 1870. D. 20 p. C Programme pour le baccalaureat es-sciences mathematiques. Lausanne, 1870. D. 24 p. C Programme pour le baccalureat es-sciences physiques et naturelles. Lausanne, 1870. D. 27 p. • C 18. HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES American university magazine, 1894-97. New York, 1894-97. Q. ill. pi. v. 1-6. C Barker, John Marshall. Colleges in America ; with an introduction by S. P. Scovel. Cleveland, 1894. S. 265 p. T Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter, Analy- sis of some statistics of collegiate education ; a paper read before the Trustees of Columbia College New York, January 3, 1S70. . . New York, 1870. O. 31 p. C Letters on college government. New York, 1855. O. 104 p. C Broun, William Le Roy. Improvements re- quired in southern colleges ; read before the Teach- ers' Association of Georgia, in Macon, Dec. 19th, 1867. Macon, Ga., i2>t2>. O. 29 p. C Buisson, Benjamin. Universites et colleges d'enseignement superieur aux Etats-Unis. . . {In Revue internat. de I'enseignement. 1886. v. 12, p. 297-328 and 408-24.) C Burgess, John William. The American uni- versity. When shall it be ? Where shall it be ? What shall it be ? Bos/on, i8()4. D. 22 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 169 Butler, Nicholas Murray. The American col- lege and the American university. (/» his Meaning of education, 1898, p. 125-47.) C T The reform of the undergraduate course in the School of Arts [Columbia College]. yNeuu Vori, 1890.] II p. 8°. (No. 9 in his Twelve papers.) C College Entrance Examination Board of the Middle States and Maryland. Document no. 1-4, Dec. 10, 1900-Apr. 30, 1901. New York, 1900- 01. O. C Plan of organization of the College entrance examination board for the Middle states and Mary- land ; and a statement of subjects in which examina- tions are proposed; adopted May 12, 1900, «, /. [igoO], O. 38 p. C Plan of organization for the College entrance examination board of the Middle states and Mary- land ; and a statement of subjects in which exam- inations are proposed. «. /. [I90O]. O. 39 p. C College entrance requirements in English, 1901-05 (for study and practice). New York, ^1900]. D. (Eclectic English classics.) C College journal, 1882-S6. New York, 1882- 86. Sq. Q. V. 1-4 in 2. C College year-book and athletic record, 1896-97. New York, 1897. D. 6 + 592 p. C Compiled and edited by Edwin Emerson. Compayr^, Gabriel. L'enseignement superi- eur aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1896. O. 306 p. C Corson, Hiram. The university of the future ; address before alumni of St, John's College. . . July 7, 1875. Annapolis, 1875. O. 38 p. C Coubertin, Pierre de. Universites transatlan- tiques. Paris, 1890. D. I + 379 + I p. C Dabney, Charles William. Requirements for the bachelor's degree in southern colleges ... re- port . . . read . . . November 2, 1898. «. /. O. C Douglas, Charles Henry. Relative educa- tional value of extension and intension. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1892, p. 211-25.) C Dreher, Julius Daniel. Colleges North and colleges South ; an address . . . Topeka, July 16, 1886. Salem, Mass., 1S87. O. 21 p. C Endowments : how shall capital be at- tracted in larger amounts? Paper read before the Educational Assoc, of Virginia . . . July 15, 1880. Richmond, 1880. O. 14 p. C Eaton, Rev. Arthur Wentworth Hamilton. Col- lege requirements in English ; entrance examina- tions. Boston, 1892-94. D. ist-2d ser. C College ' requirements in English entrance examinations ; June examination papers of Har- vard, Yale . . . and Columbia, from 1895 to 1899 inclusive. 3d series. Boston, 1900. D. C Eliot, Charles William. A national university ; report made ... to the Nat. Ed. Assoc. (Dept. of higher instruction), August 5, 1873. Cambridge iMass.^, 1874. O. 23 p. C See also his Educational reforms ; essays and addresses. Emerson, Edwin, compiler. College year-book and athletic record. 1896-97. New York, 1897. D. C Four American universities ; Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia. New York, 1895. Q. 8 + 202 p. ill. pi. C T Gates, Merrill Edwards. Fifty years of prog- ress in college education ; an address before the semi-centennial convention of Alpha Delta Phi, at the Academy of music, New York, May 16, 1882. O. 8 p. C Gilman, Daniel Coit. On the growth of Ameri- can colleges and their present tendency to the study of science, (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1871. p. 96-115.) C University problems in the United States. New York, 1898. O. 8 + 319 p. C T Graduate courses . . . lists of advanced courses announced by . . . colleges or universities of the U. S. . . 1893-98. New York, etc., 1894-98. D. tab, 6 nos. C T Continued as Graduate handbook, no. 7, 1899 ; the organ of the Federation of graduate clubs. . . Philadel- phia, 1899. D. 92 p. tab. C T Continuation of Graduate courses, nos. 1-6. Greene, Richard H. Official positions held by alumni of Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and by the men educated at William and Mary College, with a comparative statement. . . Boston, 1890. O. [3] + 41 p. C Hadley, Arthur Twining. The direction of American university development. (/« Vander- bilt University Quarterly, 1901. v. i, p. 37-50.) C Harris, William Torrey. Higher education ; its function in preserving and extending our civiliza- tion ; University convocation address delivered at the quarter centennial, Boston University, May 31, 1898. New York, 1898. O. p. 147-61, 204-05. C , On the relation of the college to the com- mon school. {In Am. Inst, of Ins r. Lectures, 1883. p. 139-71-) c Hill, David Jayne. The American college in relation to liberal education . . . inaugural address read . . . June 19, 1889, 2d ed. D. 30 p. C Hough, Franklin Benjamin. Historical sketches of the universities and colleges of the United States, Washington, 1883. O. 72 p. por. pi. (U. S. —Ed., Bur. of. Special reports. 1883.) C T Ho\7ard, George Elliott. The American uni- versity and the American man , . . address, Le- land Stanford Junior University. . . Palo Alto, Cal., 1893. O. 22 p. C 170 EDUCATION Hoyt, John Wesley. Address on university progress, delivered before the National Teachers' Assoc, at Trenton, N. J., August 20, 1869. New York, 1870. O. 80 p. C An American university. [Preliminary re- port.] n. t.-p. [1870.] O. 15 p. C From the records of the Nat. Teachers' Association. An American university. Second report of the National committee ; presented at the St. Louis meeting of the Nat. Ed. Assoc, Aug. 23, 1871. n. t.-p. [1871.] O. II p. C Memorial in regard to a national university. Washington, 1892. O. 123 p. C A national university ; review of the paper read before the . . . Nat. Ed. Assoc. . . Aug. 5, 1873, by Charles W. Eliot, read at the Detroit meeting . . . Aug. 5, 1874. Madison, 1874. O. 26 p. C Humphreys, Edward Rupert. Higher educa- tion of America and Europe. (/« his America. 1869. p. 48-77.) C Huntington, Rev. John T. Our schools and colleges. Boston, 1866. D. 32 p. C Huntington, Rev. William Reed. The Ameri- can college, a break-water against plutocracy : an address delivered at Hobart College, commence- ment day, June 21st, 1899. ^Geneva, N. Y., i899.-| D. 18 p. C Hunton, Eppa, and Vilas, W. F. Speeches on bill ... to establish the University of the United States, delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 13, 1894. Washington, 1894. O. 40 p. C Johnston, William Preston. Work of the uni- versity in America ; an address before the South Carolina College . . . June 25th, 1884. Columbia, S. C, 1884. O. 28 p. C Lia.dd, George Trumbull. The development of the American university. (/« his Essays on the higher education, 1899. p. 1-49.) C La'wrent, O. Les universites des deux mondes (histoire, organisation, etudiants). Paris, 1896. D. 8 + 251 p. ill. pi. C Les universites des Etats-Unis et du Canada, et specialement leurs institutions medicales. Bru- xelles, 1894. O. 311 -f [4] p. ill. pi. maps, tab. C Li4vy, Raphael Georges. Les universites et I'economie politique aux Etats-Unis. (/« l&cole libre des sci. polit. Annales. 1898. v. 13, p. 458- 92.) C McMurry, Charles Alexander. Die organisa- tion des hoheren schulwesens in den Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas und in England. . . y^-wa, 1888. O. 8 -+- loi + [I] p. (Samml. nationalok. . . abhandl. v. 5, pt. 3.) C Mellen, George Frederick. Popular errors con- cerning higher education in the United States and the remedy. Leipsic, 1890. O. 64 p. C Metcalf, Lorettus Sutton, editor. College and the church ; the ' ' How I was educated " papers, and " Denominational Confessions " from the Forum magazine. [Anon.] New York, 1887. O. 214 p. C Miller, A. C. Province of the college. Con- way, Ark, n. d. O. C Modern Language Association of America. Report of the committee of twelve [on preparatory requirements in French and German]. (Chap, xxvi from Rept. of U. S. Com. of Ed. for 1897-98. p. 1391-1433.) . C MoTirry, William Augustus. A national uni- versity ; a study, n. t.-p. [I889.] O. 18 p. C Read before the Nat. Ed. Assoc, at Nashville, July 17 l88q. Murray, David. Relations of the college to the learned professions ; an address delivered at the commencement of Union College, June 24, 1885, Albany, 1885. O. 32 p. C. Nightingale, A. F., compiler. Hand-book of requirements for admission to the colleges of the United States. New York, 1879. Q. 61 + [ij p. C Pepper, William. The relation of undergrad- uate to post-graduate curricula ; address before the N. E. A. July 12, 1892. Philadelphia, 1892. 0- 24 p. C T Perry, Edward Delaware. The American uni- versity. (/« Butler, Nicholas Murray. Education in the U. S. 1900. v. i, p. 251-318.) C T Porter, Noah. American colleges and the American public. . . New Haven, 1870. D. 235 p. C New edition ; with After-thoughts on college and school education. New York, 1890. D. 408 p. T Pratt, Daniel Johnson. Statistics of collegiate education, . . [New York, 1865.] O. 16 p. C Reform in higher education. {In Higher edu- cation and a common language. 1879. P- 16-32.) C Report of the conference of the president and faculty of Bowdoin College with the principals and assistants of the secondary schools of Maine, con- cerning entrance examinations. Brunswick, 1900. O. 20 p. C Reynolds, J. H. The state and the private college. Conway, Ark., 1899. O. 12 p. C Rhodes, Rev. M. Influence and advantage of the rural Christian college ; an address delivered before Carthage College . . . May 24, 1892. n. p. O. 8 p. C Richardson, Charles Francis, and Clark, H. A. The College book. Boston, 1878. Q. 4 + 394 p. Pl- C Ross, George William. Universities of Canada, their history and organization ; with an outline of British and American university systems. [Anon.] Toronto, 1896. D. 8 + 440 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 171 Royce« Josiah. Certain tendencies in the de- velopment of the American university. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1891. p. 80-111.) C Salmoiit Lucy Maynard. Unity of standard for college entrance examinations. O. 10 p. (Assoc, of Collegiate Alumnae. Publications. Ser. II, no. I.) C Schbnfeld, Hermann. Amerikanische staats- universitaten. {In Padagog. archiv. i8g6. v. 38, p. 30-8.) C Sedg^ck, William Thompson. The Ameri- can college as a moral force. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1894. p. 97-105.) C Smith, Charles Forster. Honorary degrees as conferred in American colleges. . . Washington, 1890. O. 12 p. (U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Bull., no. I. 1890.) C T Smith, Charles Sprague. New York Delta of Phi Beta Kappa, annual oration ... " The American university," Columbia College library . , . June 2, 1887. . . New York, 1887. Q. 31 p. CT Smith, Francis Henney. College reform. Philadelphia, 1851. D. 61 p. C Steiner, Bernard Christian. History of univer- sity education in Maryland. {In Johns Hopkins University Studies in historical and political science. V. 9, p. 151-81.) C Sw^an, J. N. College entrance requirements. [Chicago, 1896]. O. 8 p. C Taft, Charles Phelps. The German university and the American college ; an essay delivered be- fore the Cincinnati Literary Club, Jan. 7, 1871. Cincinnati, 1871. O. 28 p. C Tenbrook, Andrew. American state universi- ties, their origin and progress : a history of congres- sional university land-grants . . . [and] of the University of Michigan. Cincinnati, 1875. O- 8 + 410 p. T Tenney, Edward Payson. The new West as related to the Christian college. 3d edition. Cam- bridge, iMass.-^ 1878. O. 106 p. ill. I map. C Th'wing, Hev. Charles Franklin. The Ameri- can college in American life. New York, 1897. !>• 5 + 313 P- C American colleges, their students and work. 2d edition enlarged. New York 1883 [C.'78]. S. 213 p. C T Choice of a college for a boy. New York [I899]. D. 32 p. C What more can the American college do to help American life ? {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1895. p. 84-98.) C Within college walls. New York [C.1893]. D. 184 p. C United States — Congress fj4thj — ist sess. — Senate. The University of the United States. Washington, 1896. O. 3 pts. C Education, Bureau of. College admission requirements. (Chapter xi. from Report of the- Commissioner for 1896-97.) Washington, 1898. o. p. 457-613. C Universities and their sons ; history, influence and characteristics of American universities, with. biographical sketches . . . editor-in-chief. Gen. J. L. Chamberlain . . . introduction by William T. Harris. Boston, 1898-1900. F. v. 1-5. ill. por. C University magazine, 1891-94. New York, 1890-94. O. ill. v. 3", 43, v. 5-10. C Vilas, William Freeman, and Hunton, Eppa. Speeches on bill to establish the University of the- United States, delivered in the Senate of the U. S., December 13, 1894. [ M'^ashington] 1894. O. C Walker, Francis Amasa. College athletics. Study of statistics in colleges. Normal training in women's colleges. Secondary schools and higher education. {In his Discussions in education. 1899. p- 257-330.) C Warner, Charles Dudley. The work laid upon the southern college ; address . . . Roanoke College . . . June 12, 1883. O. 7 p. C Watson, Daniel. Sermon preached on the oc- casion of the brief for the American colleges* Newcastle, ijt^. Sq. O. 36 p. C Wayland, Rev. Francis. Thoughts on the present collegiate system in the United States, Boston, 1842. D. 6 + 160 p. C West, Andrew Fleming. The American col- lege. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Education in the U. S. 1900. v. I, p. 207-49.) C T White, Andrew Dickson. Some important questions in higher education : Elective studies, university degrees, university fellowships and schol- arships ; remarks at the Conference of the presi- dents of the colleges of the state of New York. . . Albany, July 8-10, 1884. Ithaca, 1885. O. 14- p. C Whitman, Rev. Benaiah Longley. The American college as a moral force. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1894. p. 76-96.) C Williams, John, bp. Academic studies ; an inaugural discourse . . . before the senate of Trinity College, Hartford, on commencement day 1849. Hartford, 1849. O. 32 p. C Wright, John Henry. Address on the place of original research in college education ; read before the Nat. Ed. Ass. Dept. of higher instruction, July 14, 1882, at Saratoga, N. Y. Boston, 1883. O. 29 p. C Zimmermann, Athanasius. Die universitaten in den Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas ; ein beitrag zur culturgeschichte. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1896. O. 8 + [I] + 112 p. {In Stimmen aus Maria- Laach ; erganzungshefte. v. 17, no. 68.) C 1/2 EDUCATION UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES IN THE UNITED ST A TES AND CANADA Acadia University (Wolfville, N. S.). Cal- endar, 1869-1901. Halt/ax, N. S., 1870-1900. O. and D. pi. C Called University of Acadia College till 1891 ; the title is Catalogue till 1884. Historical records and general catalogue of Acadia College, August, 1888. Halifax, 1888. O. 62 + [1] p. C Jubilee of Acadia College and memorial ex- ercises. Halifax, 1889. O. 186 p. ill. pi. C Memorials of Acadia College and Horton Academy for the half -century 1828-78. . . Mon- treal, 1881. D. 5 + 260 p. pi. C Ahimni, Annual report of the executive committee . . . with list of annual prizes and list of graduates. . . Halifax, 1876. O. v. 16. C Sawyer, A. W. Address [on The univer- sity and the people] delivered before the senate of Acadia University, June 4th, 1894. Windsor [I894]. O. 18 p. C Add-Ran University (Waco, Texas). Cata- logue of the officers and students, 1898-99. Waco [I899J. pi. por. C Adelbert College of Western reserve Uni- versity (Cleveland, O.). Catalogue, 1882-88. Cleveland, 1883-87, O. C .S^^ a/jo Western Reserve University. Adelphi College and Adelphi Academy {Brooklyn). Annual catalogue, 1 896-1900. Brook- lyn, 1897-1900. O. pi. C ist-4th of the College ; 28th-3ist of the Academy. Circular of information, 1896-97. Brooklyn [1897]. O. pi. C Adrian College (Adrian, Mich.). Calendar for 1869-70, 1887-88, 1890-95. Adrian, 1870-95. O. and D. pi. C Title for 1869-70 is Annual Catalogue. Illustrated and descriptive circular. ill. pi. D. 40 C Albert Lea College (Albert Lea, Minn.). Annual catalogue, 1887-88, 1898-99. Winona, 1888-99. !>• C Albion College (Albion, Mich.). Catalogue of ofiBcers and students, 1867-68. Ann Arbor, 1868. O. 32 p. pi. C Year book, 1887-98. D. ill. 1886-87, pi. 1890-98. Albion, C Alcorn University (Oakland, Miss.). Cata- logue, 1872-74. Jackson, Miss., 1873-74. O, C Alfred University (Alfred Centre. N. Y.). Annual catalogue, 1872-73, 1883-84, 1895-1901. Alfred, 1873-1901. O. ill. por. pi. C 1883-84 Annual register. From 1895 Annual. «./. - Circular of general information, 1892-94. O. C Decennial register ; officers and alumni, 1836-86 ; matriculates, 1876-86 ; announcements, 1886-87. Alfred Centre, 1886. D. I02 p. C Quarterly bulletin, 1898, Jan., Apr., July; 1899, Jan., Apr. Alfred, 1898-99. Q. C 1900. Reports, 1898-1900. O. por. pi. Alfred Centre, 1899- C Lewis, Daniel. Jonathan Allen ; a memo- rial address [delivered before the Alumni Association of Alfred University . . . June 24, 1896]. \^Al- fred, 1896.] O. 13 p. I por. C Allegheny College (Meadville, Pa.). Cata- logue, 1865-67, 1870-71, 1886-87, 1888-90, 1891- 1900. Meadville, 1865-1900. D. and O. pi. C From 1890 to 1900, 74th to 85th year. Triennial in i883-8g. Alma College (Alma, Mich.). Catalogue, 1897-98, with announcements for . . . 1898-99. Alma, 1898. O. ill. pi. C American University (Harriman, Tenn.). Register, 1897-1900; announcement, 1898-1901. Harriman, 1899-1900. D. and O. pi. por. C Amherst College (Amherst, Mass.) Cata- logue, 1830, 1832, 1834-38, 1840-41, 1842-43, 1844-47, 1848-50, 1851-60, 1861-71, 1872-95, 1896-1901. Amherst, 1830-1901. O. and D. C Catalogus senatus academici et eorum qui munera et officia academica gesserunt, quique ali- cujus gradus laurea donati sunt . . . 1854-60, 1866-69. Amherstia, 1854-69. O. C Exercises at the placing of the corner stone of the College church, Sept. 22, 1870. Amherst, 1S70. O. 13 p. C Exercises at the semi-centennial, July 12, 1871. Springfield, i?,"]!. O. 149 p. C General catalogue of . . . officers . . . alumni and all who have received honorary degrees. 1821-90, 1821-1900. Amherst, 1890-1900. O. C O. — - Laws and regulations. 27 p. Springfield, 1870. Opening of Walker Hall, Amherst College . . . Oct. 20, 1870 ; address by W. A. Stearns, president, with other exercises. Boston, 1871. O. 77 p. C Roll of the graduates and undergraduates who served in the army or navy . . . during . . . the Rebellion. Amherst, 1871. O. 48 p. C Alumni. Addresses. 1886-93, 1895-1901. no. 1-5, 7-13. lAmherst, i886]-i90i. O. C Obituary record of graduates for 1875, 1890. Amherst, 1875-90. O. C Class of 1874. Forbes, Jesse F. Chroni- cles of Class of 1874 since graduation from Amherst College. . . Warren, Mass., 1885. D. 45 p. C Library. Quarterly bulletin, 1899-1901. Amherst, 1899-1901. O. v. i, no. 1-4; v. 2, no. 1-2. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 173 Amlierst College (continued) Physical education and Hygiene, Professor of. Annual report, 1886. n. p. O. 16 p. C President. Discourses and addresses at the installation and inauguration of the Rev. W. A. Stearns ... as president . . . and pastor of the college church. 2d ed. Amherst, 1855. Nar. O. 94 p. C Hitchcock, Edward. Highest use of learning ; an address delivered at his inaugura- tion to the presidency of Amherst College. . . Amherst, 1845. O. 51 p. C Humphrey, Rev. Heman. Address, delivered at the Collegiate institution in Amherst, on occasion of his inauguration to the presidency of that institution, Oct. 15, 1823. Boston, 1S23. O. 40 p. C Valedictory address delivered at Amherst College on leaving the presidential chair, Apr. 15, 1845. . . Amherst, 1845. O- 23 p. C Inauguration of Merrill Edwards Gates ... as president of Amherst College. Amherst, 1891. O. 40 p. C Relations of learning and religion ; ad- dresses at the inauguration of Rev. Julius H. Seelye to the presidency of Amherst College, June 27, 1877. . . Springfield, 1877. O. 36 p. C Sauveur Summer School of Languages. Programme, 1880, 1883, 1888, 1894-96, 1899-1900. Chicago, etc., 1880-1906. O. C Carter, James Coolidge. Court of Ap- peals ; the trustees of Amherst College et al. against T. G. Ritch, J. L. Bulkley and H. B. Vaughan as executors, etc. . . of Daniel B. Fayerweather . . . brief for the donees under the deed of gift. n. p. Sq. Q. 90 p. C Hitchcock, Edward. Results of anthro- pometry, as derived from the measurements of the students in Amherst College. . . [Anon.] Am- herst, 1892. O. 7 p. C Hoar, George Frisbie. Place of the college graduate in American life ; an address delivered be- fore the Social Union at Amherst College, July 2, 1879. Worcester, 1879. Nar. O. 33 p. C Mac Neill, Allen Benjamin, and Clapp, J. "^1., compilers. Amherst memories ; a collection of undergraduate verse of Amherst College. . . Spring- field, 1890. D. 103 p. C Massachusetts — General Court — House. Documents relating to Amherst College [I832]. n. t.-p. Nar. O. 20 p. (House, no. 11.) C Poor, Rev. Daniel Warren, and Esty, W. C. Ebenezer S. Snell ; [commemorative] addresses at . . . Amherst College. . . June 27, 1877. Spring- field, 1877. O. 40 p. C Todd, Rev. John. Address delivered in the chapel of Amherst College . . . Aug. 25, 1833 [be- fore] the Society of Inquiry. . . Amherst, 1833. O. 22 p. C Tyler, Rev. William Seymour. History of Amherst College . . . from 1821 to i8gi, with an in- troductory note by R. S. Storrs. New York, 1S95. D. 23 -r I + 312 p. por. pi. C William A. Stearns, discourse com- memorative of the late president . . . delivered in the Amherst College church , . . June 26, 1877. . . Springfield, 1877. Nar. O. 75 p. C Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin. Influences of moral causes upon opinion, science, and litera- ture ; a discourse. . . New York, 1834. O. 44 Amity College (College Springs, la.). An- nual catalogue, 1886-87, 1889-97. College Springs, etc. 1887-96. O. pi. " C Antioch College (Yellow Springs. O.). Cata- logue 1853-57, 1859-60, 1866-68, 1869-70, 1874- 75, 1877-80, 1885-87, 1889-92, 1897-1900. Cin- cinnati, etc., 1855-1900. O. and D. pi. C Appeal in behalf of Antioch College, with a statement of its financial history, condition and prospects. . . November, 1858. New York, 1858. O. 12 p. C Bellows, Rev. Henry W. Claims of An- tioch College on the Unitarian denomination in- ferred from a brief history of the institution. Boston, 1865. O. 20 p. C Hill, Rev. Thomas. Integral education ; an inaugural address delivered at Antioch College September 8, 1859. • • Boston, 1859. O. 31 p. C Religion in public instruction ; bac- calaureate address . . . Antioch College, June 20, i860. Boston, i860. O. 31 p. C Hosmer, Rev. George W. Education the divine method to accomplish human destiny ; in- augural discourse . , . Antioch College, June 26. 1867. Buffalo, 1867. O. 16 p. C In Catalogue for 1866-67. Mann, Horace. Baccalaureate delivered at Antioch College, 1857. [New York, 1857.] Nar. S. 61 p. C Arkansas College (Batesville, Ark.). Cata- logue, 1891-92, 1895-96, 1897-1900. Batesville, 1892-1900. O. pi. C Arkansas Cumberland College (Clarks- ville. Ark.). Annual catalogue, 1895-96. St. Louis, Mo., i2>()b. O. V. 5. C Ashland University (Ohio). Announcement, 1894-95. n. t.-p. S. C Catalogue, 1886-87. Ashland, 1887. D. no. 8. C Previous to 1888 this institution was known as Ashland Col- lege and Normal School. Augustana College (Canton, S. D.). Cata- logue, 1892-93. Canton, 1893. O. C Augustana College and Theological Semi- nary (Rock Island, 111.). Catalogue, 1889-99. Rock Island, 1890-99. O. pi. C 174 EDUCA TION AoBtin College (Effingham, 111.)- Annual ectus, 1899-1900. Baltimore, 1S99. O. C School of Medicine. Annual announcement and catalogue, 18SS— Sg. Baltimore, 1888. O. C B»tes College (Lewiston, Me.). Annual ad- dress of the president. 1890. Lewiston, 1890. O. no. 27. C Catalogue, 1873-74, 1879-93, 1894-95, 1S96- 1900. Lewiston, 1873-1900. O. C Cobb Divitdty School. Catalc^ue, 1894-95. l.ewisU}n, Me., 1894. O. pi. C Battle Creek College (Mich.). Calendar, 1888-89, 1890-93, 1895, 1897-99, 1900. [Battle Creek, 1888-1900.] O. and obL Tt. ilL pi. no. 13, 15-18, 20, 22, 23, 25. C Baylor University (\^*aco, Tex.). Catalogue of officers and students, 1868-69. 1871-73, 1894- 96, 1897-1901. WfK-tf [1869-1900]. O. pi. no. 33, 26-27, 50-51, 53. 55. C Founded at iDdependence in 1S45. bsoc for 1899-1901 is railed a Preliminaiy cafakigoe. Bellevne College (BelleTue. Neb.). An- nouncements of the academic, collegiate and post- graduate departments. . . 1890-91. [Omaha, 1890.] O. 32 p. pL C Catalc^ne, 1888-89. Omaha, [1 889]. O. 29 p. C Belmont College (College Hill, O.). An- imal catalc^ue, 1S83-84, 1886-87, 1890-91. College HiU, 1884-90. O. and D. ilL pi. C Geaezal catak^ue in 1883-84 ; Prospectos ci Ohio MTHrwy t a ahy i * in 1890-91. Beloit ColL^e (Beloit, Wis.). Address and Mvrt^rt^ at the inauguration of Rev. A. L. Chapin as president, July 24, 1850. Milwaukee, 1850. O. 52 p. C Addresses at the induction of President Eaton. Not. 4. 1886. O. 32 p. C Catalogue, 1855^8, 1861-65. 1S68-69, 1871-74, 1877-1900. Beloit, 1855-99. O- «>, O. 36 p. C Brimmer, Martin. Address delivered at Bowdoin College upon the opening of the Walker art building. Boston, 1894. O. 31 p. C Cleaveland, Nehemiah. History of Bow- doin College ; with biographical sketches of its graduates from 1806 to 1879 . . . edited and com- pleted by A. S. Packard. Boston, 1882. O. 4 + 905 p. por. I pi. C Additions and corrections. . . [May 14, 1887.] p. 907-33. C Goodwin, Rev. Daniel R. Address before the alumni of Bowdoin College. July 8, 1873. [What the college has to do and how to do it.] Brunswick, 1873. O. 31 p. C Longfellow memorial address before the alumni of Bowdoin College, July 12, 1882. Portland, 1882. O. 33 p. C Little, George Thomas. Historical sketch of . . . Bowdoin College, during the first century. (/« Bowdoin College. General catalogue, 1894. pref. p. 9-112.) C Smyth. Rev. Egbert Coffin. Address on the religious history of the college . . . June 27, 1894. (In Bowdoin College. Addresses and poem on the occasion of the lOOth anniversary. 1894. p. 3-25-) C Three discourses upon the religious history, during the administrations of presidents M'Keen, Appleton & Allen. Brunswick, 1858. O. 80 p. C 176 EDUCATION Bo'wdon College (Bowdon, Ga.)' Catalogue of officers, alumni and students, 1869-71, 1889-90. Atlanta, 1870-90. O. C Brigham Young College (Logan, Utah), Catalogue for 1895-6, 1899-1901, with list of stu- dents for 1894-5, 1898-99. . . Logan, 1895-1900. O. por. pi. C Bristol College (Bristol, Pa.). First annual catalogue . . . for . . . 1834-35. Philadelphia, [1834]. O. {In Colton, Rev. Chauncey. Address delivered at the inauguration of the faculty. 1834. p. 33-55) C Colton, Rev. Chauncey. Address deliv- ered at the inauguration of the faculty of Bristol College . . . April 2, 1834 ... 2d ed. with an apx. embracing the first annual catalogue. Phila- delphia, 1834. O. 55 p. C Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1856, 1872, 1874-82, 1884-1900. New York, 1856-1900. O. and S. C Bro'wn University (Providence, R. I.). Bib- liography. 1756-1898. (/« the President's report for i8g8. p. 8i-ioo.) C Catalogue of officers and students, 1833-36, 1837-40, 1842-47, 1848-55, 1859-60, 1863-1901. Providence, 1833-1900. O. and D. ill. por. pi. C Catalogus Senatus academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique honoribus aca- demicis donati sunt. . . Providentiae, 1886. O. 134 p. C Charter. . . Providence, 1888. O. 15 p. C Charter with index, n. p. n. d. O. 20 p. C Historical catalogue, 1 764-1 894. Provi- dence, 1895. O. 15 + 460 p. C Laws, 1856, 1865. Providence, 1856-65. O. C An Open letter addressed to the corporation of Brown University by members, of the faculty [July 31, 18973. \^Providence, 1897.] O. 14 p. C Report of the Committee of the corporation appointed to raise a fund of one hundred twenty- five thousand dollars. Providence, 1851. Nar. O. 16 p. C Report to the corporation on changes in the system of collegiate education read March 28, 1850. Providence, 1850. Nar. O. 76 p. C Alumni. Address book of the living gradu- ates, 1896-97. Providence, 1896-97. O. v. 3-4. C Addresses commemorative of the life and service of Professor Eli Whitney Blake made at a meeting held in Manning Hall, on Tuesday, June i6, 1896. n. t.-p. O. 20 p. C Circular to the alumni, 1890, 1892. Providence, 1890-92. O. C Anatomical Laboratory. Contributions. Providence, 1893. Q. ill. pi. v. i. C Historical Seminary. Papers, 1894-99. Providence, 1894-99. O. no. i-io. C President. Annual report, 1869, 1871-79, 1882-1900. Providence, 1869-1900. O. C Inauguration of William Herbert Perry Faunce, president of Brown University, October 17, 1899. Providence, 1899. O, 41 p. C Treasurer. Treasurer's report, 1885. Providerue, 1885. O. C Women's College. Annual announcement, 1897-98. Providence, 1897. O. C Brown University Club (New York). Re- port of the dinner given to President Andrews in New York, January 10, 1890. s^New York, 1890.] O. 71 p. I por. C Brown University ; indelible photographs. Providence [I89I]. Ob. T. i por. 15 pi. C BuRBAGE, Henry Sweetser. Brown Uni- versity in the civil war, a memorial. [Anon.] Providence, 1868. O. 12 + 380 p. C Guild, Reuben Aldridge. Early history of Brown University, including the life, times and correspondence of President Manning, 1756-91 . . . Providence, 1897.. Sq. O. 3 -f- 631 p. por. pi. C First commencement of Rhode Island College and . . . the discussion of American inde- pendence. . . {In R. I. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1885. v. 7, p. 265-98.) C History of Brown University with illus- trative documents. Providence, 1867, Sq. O. 443 p. 2 por. 2 pi. C Life, times and correspondence of James Manning and the early history of Brown University. . . Boston, 1864. O. 523 p. 2 por. 2 pi. C KINNICUTT, Thomas. Oration delivered before the Society of United Brothers of Brown University, September i, 1840. . . Providence, 1840. Nar. O. 32 p. C Mead, Edwin Doak. Academic freedom in America ; the collision at Brown University. iBoston, 1897.] O. 12 p. ' C Buchtel College (Akron, O.). Catalogue of the officers and students, 1872-73, 1878-86, 1888- 99. Akron, 1873-99. O. and D. pi. C President. Annual report, 1891-92. Akron, 1892. O. C Bucknell University (Lewisburg, Pa.). Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 185 1- 52, 1857-58, 1860-66, 1867-76, 1877-1901. Leivis- burg, i85i-[i900]. O. pi. C Catalogus senatus academici et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt. 1S60, 1872. Ludoviciburgi, i860, 1872. O. C Charter, by-laws and rules of order . . . 1883. Philadelphia, 1883. O. II p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 177 Backnell University (continued) Gretzinger, William Christian, and Walker, C. A. Historical sketch of Bucknell Uni- versity, Lewdsburg, Pa. Lewisburg, 1890. O. 50 p. ill. C Harris, John Howard. Baccalaureate ser- mon delivered June 21, 1891, by the president of Bucknell University. [IVilliamsport, Fa? xSgi.] D. 14 p. C Inaugural address ; president Bucknell University . . . June 27, 1889 . . . with salu- tatory address by Chauncey B. Ripley. . . Wil- liamsport, Fa., 1889. D. 14 p. i por. C Buena Vista College (Storm Lake, la.). Catalogue, 1892-93. Storm Lake [I893]. O. pi. V 2. C Buffalo University — La-w School. An- nouncement and register, 1894-95, 1897-98. [Buf- falo, i894]-97. O. C Medical Department. Annual announce- ment, 1874-75, 1900-01. Buffalo, 1874-1900. O. pi. C Teachers' College. Catalogue and circular of information, 1895-98. Buffalo, 1895-98. O. V. 1-3. C Previous to 1898 known as the School of Pedagogy. Burlington College (Burlington, N. J.). Ad- dress of the trustees ; prospectus of the preparatory school. Burlington, 1846. S. 16 -I- 20 p. C Address of the, trustees. ton, 1847. S. 16 p. 2 tab. 3d ed. Burling- C DOANE, George Washington. A Christian scholar and a Christian gentleman ; the baccalaure- ate address at the eighth annual commencement of Burlington College . . . 1857, Burlington, 1857. O. n p. C E pluribus unum ; the address at Bur- lington College . . . July 4, 1854. Burlington, 1854. O. 20 p. C The men to make a state ; their mak- ing, and their marks : Address , . . July 4, 1849. Burlington, 1849. C). i6 p. C Sons of Washington. Address to stu- dents of Burlington College, July 5, 1847. S. 12 p. C Burlington Military College. Register, 1852, 1856, 1884-85. Burlington, 1852-84. D. and O. C Early numbers have title Burlington College. Butler College, see University of Indi- anapolis. Butler University (Irvington, Ind.). Annual catalogue, 1877-78. Indianapolis, 1878. O. v. 23. C California College (Oakland). Annual cat- alogue, 1892-93, 1895-96. Oakland, 1893-96. O. ill. v. 6, 9. C Canisius College (Buffalo, N. Y.). Cata- logue, 1889-91, 1892-95, 1896-1900. Buffalo, 1889-99. O. ill. pi. C Capital University (Columbus, O.). Cata- logue of the officers and students. 1886-87, 1890- 91. O. pi. C Carleton College (Northfield, Minn.). An- nual catalogue of the officers and students, 1870- 1900. Minneapolis, etc., 1871-1900. O. and D. ill. pi. C Addresses delivered at the quarter centen- nial anniversary, June 9, 12, 13, 1895. Northfield, 1895. O. 37 p. C "Whiting, Rev. Lyman. Oration before the trustees and students of Carleton College, June 27, 187X. Boston, 1871. O. 25 p. C Carson and Ne'veman College (Mossy Creek, Tenn.). Catalogue, 1886-S7, 1889-90, 1891-92, 1898-99, and announcements, 1892-93, 1899-1900. Maryville, Tenn., 1886-99. O. ill. pi. C Carthage College (Carthage, 111.). Annual catalogue of the officers and students for . . . 1877— 78, 1886-87, 1889-1901. Carthage, 1878-1901. O. v. 5, 14, 18-26, 28, 29. C Cata^rba College (Newton, N. C). Cata- logue of the officers and students for . . . 1S98-99. Newton, 1898. O. C Catholic University of America (Wash- ington, D. C). Deus lux mea ; solemnities of the dedication and opening ; Nov. 13th, 1899. . . Bal- timore, 1890. O. 99 p. 3 pi. C Catholic University bulletin. Washington [I895-1900.] O. V. 1-6. C Catholic University chronicle. Washington, 1897. O. V. I, no. 1-12. C Gibbons, James. Discourse at the seventh annual graduating exercises of the Catholic Univer- sity of America, Tuesday, June 16, 1896. Wash- ington, 1896. O. 8 p. C Kalendarium facultatis theologicae pro . . . 1890-92. Baltimorae, 1891. O. C Materia examinis pro baccalaureatu in S. Theologia. 1891-92. n.p. O. 13 p. C Official announcements, 1889-93. [Balti- more, i888]-92. D. and O. C Washing- C 3, 1899-1901. Year book, 1893- ton, 1893-1900. O. Centenary College (Jackson, La.). Cata- logue for . . . 1890, and announcement for . . . 1890-91. . . New Orleans [I89O]. O. pi. C Central College (Enterprise, Kan.). Annual catalogue, 1892-93. Enterprise, 1892. O. v. 2. C Central College (Fayette, Mo.). Catalogue, 1870-71, 1889-90, 1891-92, 1896-97, 1898-99. St. Louis, 1871-99. O. and D. pi. C Central Pennsylvania College (New Ber- lin). Annual catalogue, 1890-91. 1893-94, 1895- 97, 1898-1900. York, Fa., 1891-1900. O. por, pi. C 178 EDUCATION Central University (Richmond, Ky.). An- nual catalogue, 1877-78, 1886-87, 1889-90, 1891- 92, 1895-1900. Richmond, 1878-1900. O. ill. pi. V. 4, 13, 16, 18, 22-23, 24-26. C Central University of Iowa (Pella). An- nouncement, 1887-88. Burlington, 1887. O. 16 p. C Catalogue of the ofl&cers and students, 1871- 72, 1877. Pella, IS72--J-]. O. C Central Wesleyan College (Warrenton, Mo.). Catalogue, 1890-91, 1894-96, 1897-98. Si. Louis, 1890-98. O. ill. pi. C Centre College (Danville, Ky.). Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1857-58, 1860-70, 1871-99, 1900-01. Danville, 1857-1901. O. pi. por. C Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt. [Cincinnati-^ 1873. O. 55 p. C Department of English and literature ; cov- ering the study of i. Rhetoric and English compo- sition ; 2. History of the English language ; 3. The development of English literature. Announcement. [1898 ?] Sq. S. 7 p. C Breckinridge, William C. P. Address before the Alumni Association of Centre College on June 17, 1885. «,/., 1885. O. 30 p. C Bullitt, John C. Address before the Al- umni Association of Centre College, June 15th, 1887. [Danville, 1887.] O. 48 p. C Cleland, Rev. Thomas H. Philosophy of true greatness ; an address before the Alumni As- sociation of Centre College, delivered at Danville, Ky., June 24, 1863. Cincinnati, 1863. O. 25 p. C Grant, H. M. Mutation ; poem before the Alumni Association of Centre College, June 15, 1887. {In Bullitt, J. C. Address. 1887. p. 39- 48.) C Kemper, Andrew G. Cathedral chimes ; the poem read before the Alumni Association of Centre College, June 17, 1885. (/» Breckinridge, W. C. P. Address. 1885. p. 23-30.) C Presbyterian Church in the U. S. — Synod of Kentucky. Statement and appeal in behalf of Centre College, Danville, Ky. n. p. [I873.] O- 19 p. C Chaddock College (Quincy, 111.). Year book, 1886-87. Quincy, 1887. O. pi. C Chicago University. Annual catalogue, 1869-70, 1872-73, 1875-76. 1877-79, 1881-82, 1883-84. Chicago, 1870-84. O. pi. C Annual register, 1892-9 Chicago, 1893-1900. Sq. O. map. 92. for I J ill. — Official bulletin 1891-92. O. no. 1-3, 6. I 899-1900. C Chicago, 1891- - President's report, 1897-98, with summaries )i-97. Chicago, 1899. Sq. O. 8 -+- 261 p. C Quarterly announcement for the Summer quarter, 1894-96, 1899-1900. Chicago, 1894-1900. Sq. O. C 1894-96 reads " Special circular of information." Quarterly calendar, May, 1893-Feb., 1896. Chicago, 1893-96. Sq. O. v. 2-4, no. 3. C 1892. Academy edition, no. 1-3. June-Dec, C Divinity School ed., no. i, 3. June, Dec, 1892. C Graduate School and College ed., no. 1-3. June-Dec 1892. C University Extension ed., nos. 1-2 (abridged), Sept., 1892. C University record. [Weekly.] Chicago, 1 896-1900. Sq. O. V. 1-4. C Current. Anthropology, Dept. of. Bulletin, no 3. Chicago, 1898. O. no. 3. C Arts, Literature, and Science, Depts of. Circular of information, Jan., Apr. and Oct. 1895. Chicago, 1895. Sq. O. C Commerce and Politics, College of. Circular of information, 1898. Chicago, 1898. Sq. O. C Mathematics and Astronomy, Depts. of. Programme, 1894-95. Chicago, 1894. D. C Ogden Scientific School. Correspondence relative to the establishment of the Ogden Scientific School. . . n. p. [I89I]. O. [17] p. C Philosophy and Pedagogy, Depts. of. Pro- gramme, 1895-96. Chicago, 1895. Sq. O. C Political Economy, Dept. of. Programme of courses, 1892-93. Chicago, 1892. D. C Political Economy, Political Science, His- tory, Sociology and Anthropology, Depts. of. Pro- gramme, 1895-96, 1898-1900. Chicago, 1895-1900. Sq. O. C Romance languages and literatures, Germanic languages and literatures, English language and lit- ature and Rhetoric, Depts. of. Programme, 1895- 96. Chicago, 1895. Sq. O. C — — Sociology and Anthropology, Depts. of. Pro- gramme, 1894-95. Chicago, 1894. D. C Studies. Economic studies. Chicago, 1895- 96. O. V. 1-2, 4. C Germanic studies. Chicago, 1894-95. O. V. 1-2. C Studies from the Psychological labora- tory. Chicago, 1896. O. nos. 1-2. C Studies in classical philology, Chi- cago, 1S93-98. O. V. 1-2. C Studies in Political science. Charters of the city of Chicago, 1833-51. Chicago, 1898- 99. O. pt. 1-2. C MoissAN, Henri. L'Universitede Chicago. Paris, 1897. Q. 14 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 179 Christian Brothers College Mo.). Catalogue, 1896-97, 1899-1900, 1897-1900. O. ill. 1900. Eighteenth annual field day St. Louis, igoo. O. ill. (St. Louis, Si. Louis, C . June 9th, C Christian University (Canton, Mo.). An- nual catalogue, 1887-88, 1890-91. Canton, Mo., 1887-91. O. C Church University Board of Regents. An- nouncement for 1894 of post-graduate seminary scholarships and syllabus, n. p. O. 16 p. C Cincinnati, University of, see Cincinnati — University — under No. 11. Clark University (Worcester, Mass.). Aca- demic year 1901-02 . . . courses leading to the dMpree of Ph.D. . . r Worcester, iqoi.] D. 6 p. C Annual report of the president to the Board of Trustees. 1890-91, 1893. Worcester, 1890-93. O. V. 1-3. C Decennial celebration, 1889-1899. Worces- ter, 1899. Q. 6 -H [I] -H 566 p. ill. por. C General statements, May, 1890. [ Worces- ter, 1890.] D. 16 p. C —— Opening exercises, Oct. 2, 1889. [ Worces- ter, 1889.] D. 44 p. C Register and official announcement, 1889- 1901. [Worcester, Mass.-^ 1889-1901. D. ill. pi. - C Summer School. [Announcement] 1896, 1899. Worcester, 1896-99. D. C Titles of papers published by past and pres- ent members of the staff, fellows, and scholars. (In Decennial celebration, 1899. p. 459-564.) C Coe College (Cedar Rapids, la.). Annual cata- logue, 1893-94,1897-98,1899-1900. Cedar Rapids, 1894-1900. D. pi. C 1893. Annual report, 1892-93. O. Cedar Rapids, C Colby College (Waterville, Me.). Annual re- ports, 1885-B6, 1887-8S, 1889-93, 1894-1900. Waterville, 1886-1900. O. C Catalogue of the officers and students, 1853- 54, 1855-62, 1863-71, 1873-1901. Waterville, i85'3-i90i. O. pi. C Formerly Waterville College and later Colby University. Catalogus senatus academic! et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt. Portlandice, 1878. O. 35 p. C Charter, with the acts and resolves relating thereto, and the by-laws of the trustees. Portland, 1875. O. 32 p. C Laws. Lewiston, 1881. O. 15 p. C Second general catalogue of the officers and graduates, 1820-87. Waterville, 1887. O. 88 p. pi. C Services at the laying of the comer stone of the Memorial Hall of Colby University, August 14th, 1867, and at the dedication of the same. August loth, 1869. Waterville, 1869. O. 53 p. pi. C Treasurer's report, 1882-83, 1886, 1890- 91, 1893, 1895-1900. Portland, 1882-1900. O. C Alumni. Obituary record from 1873-1877, supplement no. 2. . . Waterville, 1877. O. 21 p. C Obituary record. 1822-84. Water- ville, 1870-84. O. C Adams, Charles Francis. An address de- livered at Waterville, before the members of the literary societies of Colby University, 27 July, 1875. Cambridge iMass.-^, 1875. O. 30 p. C Bakeman, Rev. Francis W. Commemora- tive discourse on the life and character of Charles Edward Hamlin, delivered in the chapel of Colby University, July 5th, 1887. Portland, 1887. O. 32 p. C Butler, Nathaniel. College ideal and American life ; an address delivered at the seventy- fifth anniversary of Colby University, July 3, 1895. Portland, 1896. O. 23 p. C Champlin, J. T. Historical discourse de- livered at the fiftieth anniversary of Colby Uni- versity, August 2d, 1870. Waterville, 1870. O. 30 p. C Whiting, William. Address delivered on the twenty-second of July, 1872, before the com- bined literary societies of Colby University. Bos- ton, 1872. O. 24 p. C Colby oracle, 1885-86, 1888-90. 1892-93. Lewiston, Me., 1885-93. O- ^n^ Q. ill. v. 19- 20, 22-24, 26-27. t) Colgate University (Hamilton, N. Y.). Ad- dresses of the alumni, May, 1898. No. 3. Hamilton [1898.] O. C Annual catalogue, 1890-1900. Hamilton [i890-]99. O. por. pi. C Inauguration of George Edwards Merrill, D.D., as president, June 21, 1899. Hamilton [1889.] O. 38 p. C Hamilton Theological Seminary. Annual catalogue, 1892-93, 1 894-1900. Hamilton, 1893- 99. no. 75-80. O. por. pi. C College Bourget (Rigaud, P. Q.). Annuaire, 1893-1900. [Rigaud, 1894-1900.] O. ill. C College of California. Catalogue of the College of California and College School, Oakland, California, 1867-68. San Francisco, 1868. O. ill. pi. C Incorporated with the University of California in 1869. Benton, Rev. Joseph A, Some of the prob- lems of empire ; oration delivered at the commence- ment of the College of California . . . June 3d, 1868. San Francisco, 1868. O. 19 p. C Whitney, Josiah Dwight. Address deliv- ered at the celebration of the sixth anniversary of the College of California, held in Oakland, June 6, 1 86 1. . . San Francisco, 1861. O. 56 p. C i8o EDUCATION College of Charleston (S. C.)- Catalogue [105th, 107th, iioth]-ir4th year, 1890-91, 1892- 93. 1895-1900. Charleston, 1890-99. O. and D. C Adams, Rev. J. Baccalaureate address, de- livered in St. Paul's church, 3d Nov., 1835, at the annual commencement of the College of Charleston . . . Charleston, 1835. O. 16 p. C Laws of success and failure in life ; an address delivered 30th October, 1833, in the chapel of the College of Charleston before the Euphradian Sopiety. . . Charleston, 1833. O. 52 p. C College of Ne'w Jersey;, see Princeton University. College of St. Augustine (Benicia, Cal.). Official register. Oakland, 1889. O. [3] + 32 p. pi. C San Francisco, 1872. C O. — Register, 4th year. 23 P- College of the City of New York, see p. 94. College of the Holy Gross (Worcester). Catalogue, 1869-73, 1874-77, 1878-95, 1898-1900. Worcester, 1870-1900. O. pi. C Graduates, 1849-89 ; 1849-93. 1890-93. O. Worcester , C College of the Sacred Heart (Denver, Col.). Catalogue, 1896-97. Denver, 1897. O. 77 + [I] p. I pi. C College of the Sacred Heart (Vineland, N. J.). . . . Annual commencement and cata- logue . . . 1889-91. Philadelphia, 1890-91. O. pi. no. 5-6. C College of William and Mary (Williams- burg, Va.). Catalogue, 1888-89, 1890-91, 1892- 93, 1894-1901. Richmond, 1889-1900. O. ill. port. pi. C Charter. Richmond, 1800. Nar. D. 77 p. C History . , . including the general cata- logue, from its foundation 1660, to 1874. Rich- mond, 1874. O. 183 -h [I] p. C Making of the Union ; contribution of the College of William and Mary in Virginia prepared by L. G. Tyler, president. Richmond, 1899. O. 36 p. iU. C Report and address of Benj. S. Ewell, the president, at their convocation in Richmond, on the i8th day of April, 1879. Richmond, 1879, O. 12 p. C Two hundredth anniversary of the charter, 1693-1893. ^Richmond, 1894.] Sq. O. 49 p. C Hughes, Robert M. The ideal student ; address before the Society of tie Alumni of the Col- lege of William and Mary . . . June 30, 1892. Richmond, 1892. O. 23 -f- [i] p. C LORING, George B. College of William and Mary ; speech in the House of Representatives, April 12, 1878. Washington, 1878. O. 13 p. C Semple, Henry C. Address to the Society of the Alumni of William and Mary College, July 4, 1890. [Washington, 1890.] O. 24 p. C Tyler, Lyon G. A few facts from the rec- ords of William and Mary College. New York, 1890. O. p. 127-41. C Colorado College, i. Courses of instruc- tion. 2. Register, 1876-79. 3. Announcement for 1879. Colorado Springs, 1879. O. ill. C Catalogue and announcements, 1885-86. Colorado Springs, 1886. O. pi. C Spring bulletin, i{ O. Colorado Springs, C Inaugural address [as president] by E. P. Tenney. . . Colorado Springs, 1882. O. 28 p, C Inauguration of Wm. F. Slocum, Jr., as president, March 28, 1889. [Colorado Springs, 1889.] Sq. D. 28 p. C Colorado College studies. rado Springs, 1890-99. O. ill. Nos. 1-8. Colo- pl. C Colorado College and Cutler Academy. An- nual bulletin, 1891-1900. Colorado Springs, 1891- 1900. D. and O. ill,, pi. C Columbian University (Washington, D. C). Catalogue of the officers and students, 1866-67. 1869-71, 1873-75, 1879-80, 1883-1901. Washing. ton [I867-190I]. O. and D. ill. C Historical catalogue of the ofl&cers and grad- uates, 1821-91, compiled by H. L. Hodgkins. Washington, 1891. O. 214 p. pi. por. C BiNNEY, Joseph Getchell. Inaugural ad- dress as president of the Columbian College, D. C, Wednesday, June 17, 1855. Washington, 1857. O. 40 p. C Alumni Association. Washington, 1889. O. Law School. ington, 1899. D. Proceedings, i Catalogue, i B-99. Wash- C S. - Rules of the moot court. 7 p. Washington, C Carter, James Coolidge, Hints to young lawyers ; address to the graduating class of the Law School of the Columbian University at the Commencement held June 12, 1894. Washington, 1894. O. 21 p. C School of Comparative yurisprudence and Diplomacy. [Announcement] 1898-99. Washing- ton, 1898. D. C 1899. D. [Catalogue] 1898-99. Washington, C School of Graduate Studies, Record of the graduates, 1894-1900. Washington, D. C, 1900, O. 23 p. C Cover title. Treasurer's report on the property and finances, 1884-85. Washington, 1884-85. O. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES i8i Concordia College (Milwaukee, Wis.). Cata- logue, 1891-92, 1895-98. Milwaukee, 1892-98. O. pi. V. 10, 15-17. C Converse College (Spartanburg, S. C). An- nual catalogue, 1898-99. Spartanburg, 1899. D. pi. C Cooper Memorial College (Sterling, Kan.). Annual catalogue. 1894. Sterling, 1894. O. C Cooper-Huddlestone College (Daleville, Miss.). Announcement for 1893-94. . . Cincin- nati, 1893. O. C Cornell College (Mount Vernon, Iowa), Catalogue, 1868-1900. Cedar Rapids, 1869-1900. O. ill. pi. map. C King, William Fletcher. The Pisgah of the century ; a baccalaureate discourse, June 13, 1897. . . Mount Vernon, la., 1897. D. 33 p. C Cornell University (Ithaca, N. Y.). Admis- sion and classification, 1897. Ithaca, 1897. D. p. 27-42. C Announcement of courses of instruction during the summer session, 1895, 1900. Ithaca, 1895-1900. D. C Announcement of courses of instruction for graduate and undergraduate students, 1894-95. Ithaca [1894]. D. C Announcement of courses of instruction in the departments of mathematics and physics, 1891- 92. Ithaca [I89I]. D. C Circular to school commissioners, city super- intendents, and supervisors. [Albany, 1868.] O. 8 + 27 p. C Cornell University, what it is, and what it is not. Ithaca, 1872. O. 30 p. C Course in architecture, circular of informa- tion, 1892-93. Ithaca, 1892. O. It p. C Entrance examinations. [Ithaca, i88i.] S. p. 29-35, 96-ni. C First general announcement for the opening of the first term, 1868. n. p. O. 19 p. C Instruction in Greek, Latin, comparative philology and classical archaeology, 1895-96. Ith- aca [1895]. D. C Letter of Andrew Dickson White resigning the presidency of Cornell University . . . with resolutions of the trustees, faculty and alumni of said University, June 17, 1885. Ithaca, 1885. D. 8 p. C List of graduate students, 1893-94. aca, 1893. D. Ith- C Proceedings and addresses at the twenty- fifth anniversary of the opening of Cornell Univer- sity. Ithaca, 1893. Q. 117 + [l] p. gr. of por. pi. C Proceedings at the laying of the comer stone of the Sage College, May 15, 1873 • • • [with] a report to the trustees of the Cornell Univer- sity on the establishment of said College. Ithaca, 1873. O. 131 p. C Proceedings at the unveiling of the tablet to the memory of Louis Agassiz, and at the . . . opening of the Sibley College extension . . . June 17, 1885. Ithaca, 1885. O. 38 p. C Question papers set at the examination for admission and at the examination for university scholarships in September, 1889, 1897-98. Ithaca, 1880-98. D. C pi. Register, 1868-1900. Ithaca, 1869-99. D. C Report of the committee on organization, presented to the trustees, Oct. 2rst, 1866. Albany, 1867. O. 48 p. C Ten-yearbook, 1868-78, 1 868-88, 1868-98. Ithaca, 1878-98. D. and O. 3 v. C Alumni. Alumni, 1886-87. Proceedings of the Associate Ithaca, 1886-87. O. C Newman, Jared T. Report, as al- umni trustee of Cornell University, June, 1898. Ithaca, 1898. O. p. 17-36. C Electrical Society. Proceedings 1893-94. Ithaca, 1894. O. C Forestry, State College of. Announcement, 1898-99, 1900-01. Ithaca, 1898-1900. D. C 1900. D. Bulletin, 1898, 1900. no. 1-2. Ithaca [I898]- C Law, College of. Announcement, 1887-88, 1894-96, 1897-1900. Ithaca, 1887-99. O. pi. C Announcement of the summer term, 1894, 1898. Ithaca, 1894-98. O. C Library. Annual report, 1886-87, 1887- 88, 1892-93. [Ithaca, 1887-93.] O. C Bulletin, 1882-96. Ithaca, 1886-96. C Q. 3v. Catalogue of the historical library of Andrew Dickson White. Ithaca, 1889-94. Q. 2 V. and sup. to v. i. C Exercises and addresses at the laying of the corner-stone of the University Library build- ing, Oct. 30, 1889. Ithaca, n. d. O. 32 p. ill. C Exercises at the opening of the Li- brary building . . . Oct. 7, 1891. Ithaca, 1891. Sq. Q. 56 p. ill. C Twenty-five years of the annals, 1868-93. Ithaca, 1893. D. 12 p. C New York State Veterinary College. nouncement, 1896. Ithaca, 1896. O. pi. An- C Pharmacy, School of. 1887-88. Ithaca, 1887. O. Announcement. C President. Annual reports, 1881, 1883-99. Ithaca, 1881-99. O. ill. C Proceedings and addresses at the in- auguration of Charles Kendall Adams ... to the presidency of Cornell University, Nov. 19th, 1885. [Ithaca\ 1886. O. 76 4- [I] p. C 182 EDUCATION Cornell University (continued) Proceedings and addresses at the in- auguration of Jacob Gould Schurman ... to the presidency of Cornell University, Nov. ii, 1892. . . . Ithaca, 1892. O. 82 p. C President White School of History and Po- litical Science. Courses of instruction, 1895-96. Ithaca, 1895. O. C Rhetoric and English Philology, Dept. of. Announcement of courses, 1898-99. Ithaca, 1898. O. C Sibley College. Mechanical laboratories and experimental research. Ithaca, 1895. O. 14 p. ill. C Report of Robert H. Thurston, direc- tor ... on the fifteenth anniversary of the organi- zation of the college. [Ithaca^ 1900. O. 88 p. pi. C Thurston, Robert Henry. Needs and opportunities of a great technical college, n. p., 1893. O. 10 p. C Susan Linn Sage School of Philosophy. An- nouncement of courses. 1891-92, 1893-94, 1896- 98, 1899-1900. Ithaca, 1891-99. D. C Treasurer . Annual report of the treasurer, 1887-88. Ithaca, 1888. O. 22 + ^i] p. C Adams, Charles Kendall. Cornell Uni- versity ; its significance and its scope ; an address ... at the 6th annual banquet ... of the N. Y. Alumni Assoc, of Cornell University . . . March 31, 1886. Ithaca, 1886. O. 19 p. C Depew, Chauncey Mitchell. Address at the celebration of the quarter-centennial of Cornell University . . . Oct. 7, 1893. yNew York, 1893.] O. 26 p. C Gluck, James Fraser. Cornell University, its condition and needs in 18S4 ; a report thereon made to the Alumni at their request. . . [Ithaca] 1884. O. 128 p. (Alumni reports, no. i.) C Schurman, Jacob Gould. A generation of Cornell, 1868-98 ; address given June i6th, 1898, at the thirtieth annual commencement of Cornell University. New York, 1898. O. [3] -i- 57 p. C Grounds of an appeal to the state for aid to Cornell University . . . address delivered . . . eleventh of November, 1892, upon his inaugu- ration as president. Ithaca, 1892. O. 55 p. C People's university ; an address before the Cornell University, on Founder's day, Jan. nth, 1888. . . Ithaca, 1888. O. 32 p. C Tyler, Pev. Charles Mellen. "Study of the history and philosophy of religion " ; inaugural address before the faculty and students of Cornell University, October, 1891. Ithaca, 1891. Q. 23 p. C Va.v de Water, Pev. George Roe, Re- port [as] alumnus trustee of Cornell University, to the Alumni Association upon the conditions and prospects of the University . . , June 16, 1886. . . Ithaca, n. d. O. 16 p. C Warner, John De Witt. Report as to the condition of the Cornell University, made . . . June, 1884. [Ithaca, 1884.] Q. 8 p. C White, Andrew Dickson. " What profes- sion shall I choose and how shall I fit myself for it ? " with a . . . statement of the facilities offered at Cornell University, . . Ithaca, 1884. D. 62 + [I] p. C Youngs, William J. Powers and duties of the executive department ; an address delivered be- fore the students of Cornell University. O. 32 P- C Cotner University (Bethany, Neb.). Annual catalogue, 1889-90, 1893-94. Lincoln, 1890-94. O. pi. C Creighton University (Omaha). 1892-96. Omaha, 1893-96. O. pi. Catalogue, C Cumberland College (McMinnville, Tenn.), Annual catalogue . . . 1893-94. McMinnville. 1894. D. pi. C Cumberland University (Lebanon, Tenn.). Catalogue, 1857-58, 1859-60, 1868-70, 1872-73, 1885-88, 1891-99. Nashville, 1858-99. O. and D. pi. C Dalhousie College and University (Hal- ifax, N. S.). Calendar, 1884-91, 1893-96, 1897- 1901. Halifax, 1884-1900. O. C Law School. Calendar, 1886-87, 1893-94, 1895-97, 1900-01. Halifax, 1886-1900. O. C Dartmouth College (Hanover, N. H.). Cat- alogue of officers and students, 1825, 1830-36, 1838, 1840, 1841-42, 1843-44, 1845-48, 1849-51, 1852-55, 1856-75, 1876-1900. Concord, etc., 1825- 1900. O. and D. ill. pi. C Catalogus senatus academici, et omnium ali- cujus gradus laurea exornatorum . . . [1843,1858, 1861, 1870.] Hanoverce, 1843-1870. O. 4 v. C Centennial celebration, July 21, i86g. Hanover, 1870. O. 20 + loi p. pi. C Charter, n. t.-p. O. 15 p. C Course of study. 1882-83. D. C Exercises at the laying of the corner-stones of the Rollins chapel and of Wilson hall, Dartmouth College, June 25th, 1884. [Hanover, 1884.] O. 32 p. pi. C General catalogue of Dartmouth College and the associated institutions, Hanover, 1880-1900. O. 3v. C Supplement to the General catalogue. Han- over, 1885, O. C Laws of Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. Hanover, 1891. O. 16 p. C Alumni. List of addresses of the members of the Association of alumni of Dartmouth College. Boston, 1892. O. 62 p. C Addresses of the living graduates of Dartmouth College, the Medical College and the Thayer School of Civil Engineering. Hanover, 1897. Nar. O. 12S p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES I8S Oa/rtmouth College (continued) Memorials of judges recently deceased, graduates of Dartmouth College, 1880. Concord, 1881. O. 6+ [I] + 139 p. C Obituary record of the graduates of Dartmouth College and the associated institutions for . . . 1877-98. [Hanover, 1878-98.] O. C Aiken, Charles Augustus. Dartmouth : its educational type, work, and products ; an ora- tion delivered before the Alumni Association of Dartmouth College, June 22, 1886. O. 26 p. C Bell, Charles Henry. Address in memory of Hon. Ira Perley . . . pronounced be- fore the Alumni Association of Dartmouth College, June 23, 1880. Concord, 1881. O. 16 p. C Brown, Samuel Oilman. Address delivered before the Society of the Alumni of Dart- mouth College at their first triennial meeting, July 25, 1855, with an account of the proceedings of the Society. Concord, 1856. O. 69 p. C Chapman, Rev. Oeorge Thomas. Sketches of the alumni of Dartmouth College from the first graduation in 1771 to the present time, with a brief history of the institution. Cambridge, 1867. O. 520 p. C Crosby, Nathan. The first half cen- tury of Dartmouth College . . . historical collec- tions and personal reminiscences, read before the Alumni at the commencement in 1875. Hanover, 1876. O. 56 p. C Amos Tuck School of Administration and Finance. Preliminary announcement. 1900-OI. [Hanover, 1900.] D. 14 p. C [Courses.] 1900-01. D. 18 p. C Stimson, Henry A. The newest phase of commercial education. D. 4 p. C From Com. and Jinan, chron., Nov. 24, 1900. Chandler Scientific Dept. Laws of the Chandler Scientific Department of Dartmouth Col- lege. Hanover, 1871. O. 12 p. C Class of 181J. Class of alumni in 1813 with biographical notices of the members. . . Boston, 1854. O. 100 p. C Class of 182^. Proceedings at their meeting in July, 1852 ; and brief notices of the members. Lynn, 1853. O. 36 p. C ' Worcester, Jonathan Fox. Memo- rial of the Class of 1827, Dartmouth College. 2d ed. . . enl. Hanover, 1869. O. 112 p. C Class of i860. Exercises on Class day at Dartmouth College, July 24, i860. . . Hanover, i860. O. C Class of 1874. '74 ; history of the Class of 1874. New York, 1899. O. Unpaged, pi. fac- sim. C Class of i8g6. History of the Class of 1896 . . . during its freshman year ; read . . . Oct. 9, 1893. Historians: . . . Robert H. Fletcher . . . Stephen Chase. Hanover [1893]. O. 39 p. C New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts . . . 1892. n. t.-p. O. C President. Exercises at the inauguration of Samuel Colcord Bartlett, D.D., as president of Dartmouth College, June 27, 1877. Concord, i^T]. O. 41 p. C Smith, Rev. Asa Dodge. Address de- livered at the inauguration of the author as presi- dent of Dartmouth College, November 18, 1863. . . Hanover, 1863. O. 38 p. C Tucker, William Jewett. The his- toric college ; its present place in the educational system ; an address delivered upon his inauguration as president of Dartmouth College, June 28, 1893 ; with the exercises attending the inauguration. Han- over, 1894. O. 39 p. C Thayer School of Civil Engineering. [An- nouncement.] [I873.] O- C Programme of the requisites for admis- sion. Hanover, N. H., 1&-J2- O. 200 p. C Treasurer. Treasurer's report for the year ending May 10, 1893, 1895-96. n. p., 1893-96. O. C Trustees. Report of the committee of the Trustees on the recent investigation in reference to that institution . . . also report of a committee of the Trustees in reference to the Chandler Scien- tific Department connected with the College. Con- cord, 1881. O. 18 p. C United Fraternity. Constitution and laws of the United Fraternity in Dartmouth College ; amended and adopted Nov. 12, 1861. Hanover, n. d. O. 13 + [I] p. C Chamberlain, Mellen. Address at • the dedication of Wilson Hall. w. /. [1885.] O. 26 p. C Gerould, James Thayer, compiler. Bibli- ography of Dartmouth College and Hanover, N. H. Concord, 1894. O. 69 p. C Hubbard, Oliver Payson, M.D. Early history of the New Hampshire Medical Institution, with a sketch of its founder, Nathan Smith, . . Washington, 1880. O. 41 p. C Sanborn, Edwin Webster. The spirit of the country college. . . [Boston, 1901.] O. il p. C Smith, Baxter Perry. History of Dart- mouth College. Boston, 1878. O. T + 474 + [I] p. por. C Webster, Daniel. Argument for the plain- tiffs in the Dartmouth College case, March 10, 1818. t.-p.w. O. 43 p. C Wheelock, Eleazar. Continuation of the narrative of the Indian Charity School begun in Lebanon in Connecticut, now incorporated with Dartmouth College. . . Hartford, 1775. Sq. O. 31 P- c Davidson College (Davidson, N. C). Cata- logue, 1861, 1870, 1872-73, 1876, 1878-83, 1886- 87, 1889-1900. v. p. 1861-1900. O. pi. C 1 84 EDUCATION' Davidson Colleee (continued) Catalogue of the officers, professors, and alumni, from 1837-1881. Raleigh, i88i. O. 31 p. C Semi-centennial catalogue, 1837-1887. . . Raleigh, 1891. O. 4 + [2] + 194 p. C De Land University (De Land, Fla.). An- nual catalogue, 1887-88. De Land, i888. O. pi. C Delaware College (Newark, Del.). Cata- l<^ue of the officers and students, 1886, 1890, 1894- 96, 1898-1900. Wilmington, 1886-1900. O. pi. C Circular, 1871, 1887. Philadelphia, 1871- 87. O. C Denison University (Granville, O.). An- nual catalogue, i86o-6i, 1870-71, 1875-76, 1879- 80, 1881-93, 1895-1900. Granville, 1860-1900. O. andD. ill. pi. C From 1887-88 contains Catalogue of the Shepardson Col- lege for Women . Bulletin of the scientific laboratories. Granville, 1885. O. ill. pi. v. i. C Denver University (Denver, Col.). Circular (catalogue) of the College of Liberal Arts and pre- paratory school, 1899-1900. Denver, 1899-1900. D. ill. C Iliff School of Theology. Annual bulletin, 1898-1900. [^Denver, 1899-1900.] D. C Philosophy, Psychology and Education, Dept. of. [Courses of study] 1900. Denver, 1900. O. C University bulletin, July 1895-April 1896. ^Denver, 1895-96.] O. v. i, no. 1-4. C No more issued. Denver University and Colorado Sem- inary. Catalogue, 1891-96. Denver, 1891-95. O. ill. pi. C Followed by Year-book. Circular of information, 1882-83, 1884-85. Denver, 1882-84. O. C General catalc^e, 1883-1884. Denver, 1884. O. pi. C In Circular of information 1884-85. D. pi. Year book, 1896-98. Denver, 1896-98. C De Pauw University (Greencastle, Ind.). Inauguration of President John P. D. John, June 19, 1890. Greencastle [189O]. O. 32 p. C 1900. Year-book, 1884-1900. O. and D. ill. por. Greencastle, 1885- C De Veanx Colleg^e (Suspension Bridge, N. v.). Register. . . 1870-71. [^Buffalo, 1870.] O. pi. C Des Moines Collegpe (Des Moines, la.). An- nual catalogue, 1888-89, 1890-^1. Burlington, 1889-91. O. C Deseret University, see University of Deseret. Detroit College (Detroit, Mich.). Catalogue of the officers and students, 1889-91, 1892-93, 1895- 1900. Detroit, 1890-1900. O. pi. C Deutsches Collegium (Mt. Pleasant, la.). Katalog, 1889-90, 1894-95. Burlington, 1890-95. O. C Dickinson College (Carlisle, Pa.). Annual report of visiting committees . . . 1898. Car- lisle, 1898. T. C Catalogue, 1835-36, 1840-41, 1842-43, 1845-46, 1864-70, 1873-74. 1883-89, 1890-93, 1 894-1900. Baltimore and Carlisle, 1835-99. O- and D. pi. C Law School. Annual catalogue, 1890-91. Carlisle, 1891. O. pi. C Brewster, Benjamin Harris. An address delivered before the literary societies of Dickinson College . . . June 24, 1879. Philadelphia, 1879. O. 26 p. C Crooks, Rev. George Richard. Dickinson College, the history of a hundred years ; centennial oration. \^Carlisle, 1883.] O. 36 p. C Doane College (Crete, Neb.). Catalogue for 1877-80, 1882, 1883, 1884-85, 1886-93, 1894- 1900. Crete, 1877-1900. O. pi. C Dr. Martin Luther College (New Ulm, Minn.). Katalog des lehrerseminars. . . 1896-97. Milwaukee, 1897. D. pi. C Drake University (Des Moines, la.). An- nual catalogue, 1886-87, 1894-98, 1899-1900. Des Moines, 1887-1900. O. and D. pi. C Drury College (Springfield, Mo.). Annual catalogue, 1874-75, 1877-87, 1888-1900. St. Louis and Springfield, Mo., 1875-1900. 0. and D. ill. pi. map. C Morrison, Nathan Jackson, D.D. A great work ; an address . . . Drury College . . . on the . . . fourth anniversary . . . June 21st, 1877. Springfield, 1877. O. 16 p. C Earlkam College (Richmond, Ind.). Cata- logue, 1863-64, 1868-73, 1875-87, 1888-93, 1894- 97,1898-1900. Richmond [iStS-igooi. O. and D. ill. pi. C President's report to the Board of trustees. 1897-98. Richmond, 1898. O. 8 p. C [Twenty plates from photographs.] Obi, T. C Eton College (Durham, N. C). Annual an- nouncement for 1896-98, and catalogue of 1895- 97. Durham, 1896-97. O. C Eminence College and Normal School (Eminence, Ky.). Catalogue, 1870-71, 1874-75, 1887-88, 1892-93. Cincinnati, etc., 1870-92. O. pi. C O. — Historical l8]P. sketch. Eminence, 1876-77. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 185 Emory College (Oxford, Ga.). Annual cata- logue, 1857-58, 1871-72, i873-»74, 1886-1900. Atlanta, 1858-1900. O. ill. pi. C Fall term announcement, 1900. Obi. D. pi. C Emory and Henry College (Emory, Va.). Catalogue 1881-82, 1884-85, 1886-93, 1894-95. 1899-1900. Nashville, etc., 1882-1900. O. and D. pi. C Semi-centennial catalogue and historical register, 1837-87. . . Tazewell C. H., Va., 1887. O. 133 -t- [I] + 23 p. por. pi. C Proceedings of the semi-centennial celebra- tion, 1837-87. Boston, 1888. O. 102 p. por. C Emporia College (Emporia, Kan.). Cata- logue, 1886-87, 1893-94. Emporia, 1886-94. O. pi. C Erskine College (Due West, S. C). Cata- logue, 1871, 1889-90, 1891-92, 1894-95. Due West, etc., 1871-95. O. pi. C 1889-90 Annual and decennial catalogue. Semi-centennial addresses . . . delivered at Due West, S. C, June 26, 1889, . . Charleston, 1890. D. HI p. C Perry, Benjamin Franklin. Address de- livered before the Literary Societies of Erskine College, Abbeville District, S. C, on the fifth an- niversary, September 18, 1844. . . 3d ed. Green- ville, 1887, O. 27 p. C Eureka College (Eureka, 111.). Catalogue, 1871, 1886-87, 1890-91, 1892-99. Peoria, etc., 1871-98. O. ill. pi. C Ewing College (Ewing, III.). Catalogue, 1887, 1889-90, 1891-92, 1893-94, 1895-96, 1897- 98. Ewing, etc., 1885-97. O. and D. pi. C Fairfield College (Fairfield, Neb.). Annual catalogue, 1890-91. Harvard, 1891. O. C Fairmount College (Wichita, Kan.). Annual catalogue for 1895-1901. Wichita, 1896-1900. D. pi. C Fargo College (N. Dakota). Catalogue, igoo-oi. Fargo, 1900. O. por. pi. C Findlay College (Findlay, O.). Annual cata- logue, 1886-1901. Harrisburg, Pa., 1887-1900. O. ill. tab. no. 1-14. C Florida Conference College (Leesburg). Catalogue for year ending May, 1893. Leesburg, 1893. O. por. pi. C Franklin and DIarshall College and the Theological Seminary (Lancaster, Pa.). Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1857-59, 1860-61, 1863-65, 1867-68, 1869-72, 1873-76, 1879-80. Lancaster, Pa., 1858-80. O. C Changed to Annual register. Annual register, 1 880-1900. Lancaster, Pa., 1881-1900. O. C Dedication . . . May i6th, 1856. . . Chamber sburg, 1856. O. 24 p. C Formal opening . . . June 7th, 1853 : to- gether with addresses delivered on the occasion. Lancaster, 1853. O. 44 p. C General catalogue of Marshall College ; Franklin and Marshall College ; and the Theologi- cal Seminary of the German Reformed church ; and the annual catalogue of Franklin and Marshall Col- lege and the Theological Seminary, 1863. Cham- bersburg, 1863. O. 68 p. C Obituary record, 1897-1900. 1897-1900. O. V. I. Lancaster, C Alumni Association. Fourth printed re- port, June, 1900. n. p. O. 4 p. C List of graduates. 46 p. Lancaster, 1900. O. C President. Addresses delivered at the in- auguration of Rev. Emanuel V. Gerhart ... as president . . . July 24th, 1855. Chambersburg, 1855. O. 31 ?• c Franklin College (Franklin, Ind.). Annual catalogue, 1879-1901. Indianapolis, 1880-1900. O. ill. pi. V. 29-49. C First half century of Franklin College . . . jubilee exercises, June 5 to 12, 1884 ; addresses . . . General catalogue, etc. Cincinnati, 1884. O. 178 p. I pi. C Franklin College (New Athens, O.). Annual catalogue, 1895-96. Freeport [I895]. O. C Frederick College (Frederick, Md.). Cata- logue, 1885-86, 1891-93. Frederick, 1886-93, O. C Fredericksburg College (Va.). . . . Cata- logue, 1898-99. Richmond, 1899. O. pi. C Furman University (Greenville, S. C). Catalogue, 1852-61, 1866, 1872-73, 1874-76, 1877- 78, 1879-80, 1881-1900. Greenville, 1852-1900. O. and D. pi. tab. C — Plan of organization, up. Greenville, 1852. Gambler catalogue, (Gambler, O.). see Eenyon College Geneva College (Beaver Falls, Pa.). Cata- logue, 1886-87, 1889-^, 1891-94, 1896-97, 1899- 1900. Beaver Falls, 1887-99. O. pi. C Geneva College. (Geneva, N. Y.). Hobart College Georgetown College (Ky.). Catalogue, 1856-57, 1864-65, 1879-80, 1881-97, 1898-99. V. p., 1857-98. O. pi. por. C Laws of Georgetown College. Georgetown, 1850. O. 18 p. C Manly, Rev. Basil, Jr. Past and future of Georgetown College ; the commencement address delivered at its fiftieth anniversary June 21, 1879. Louisville, 1879. O. 15 p. C 1 86 EDUCATION Georgeto'ven University (D. C). Catalogue, 1853-56, 1858-60, 1861-62, 1867-76, 1877-79, 1880-81, 1882-83, 1884-1900. Georgetown, etc., 1854-1900. O. ill. pi. C A. M. D. G. Examination papers in ra- tional philosophy and physics, classics and mathe- matics, 1891-92. Washington, 1892. O. C A. M. D. G. Theses of rational philosophy publicly defended by four students of the graduating class in Georgetown College, D. C, July nth, 1853, IVashin^ton, 1853. O. 39 p. C 1883. Alumni, O. Proceedings, 1883. Washington, C Shea, John Dawson Gilmary. Memorial of the first centenary of Georgetown College, D. C. comprising a history of Georgetown University. . . Washington, 1891. Sq. Q. 15 -f- 480 p. ill. por. pi. I map. C German-English College (Galena, 111.). Catalogue, 1886-87, 1890-91. Dubuque, 1886-90. O. C 1890-Qi also in German. German Wallace College (Berea, O.). Catalogue, 1871-72, Cincinnati, 1872. O. {In Baldwin University. Catalogue, 1871-72.) C Katalog des Deutschen Wallace College, 1870-71. Cincinnati, 1871. O. C Girard College for Orphans (Phila- delphia). Annual report of the Board of directors, 1848, 1850, 1852, 1854-64, 1866-69. Philadelphia, 1848-70. O. C [Special report of Joint committee on man- agement.] t.-p. w. 185S. O. 32 p. C 1848-98 : semi-centennial ; biographical sketch of Stephen Girard, his will and other papers relating to the College . . ,. Jan. 3, 1898 ; [cd. by G. P. Rupp.] Philadelphia, 1898. O. 182 p. por. pi. C T Report of the architect [T. U. Walter] to the building committee ; also Report of the build- ing committee to the Select and common councils of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1833-48. O. C Arey, Henry W. Girard College and its founder. . . Philadelphia, 1852. D. 85 + [i] p. I por. 1 pi. C ' LiEBER, Francis. Constitution and plan of education for Girard College for orphans. . . Phila- delphia, 1834. O. 227 p. C MacClure, David. System of education for the Girard College for Orphans, respectfully submitted to the Board of trustees. . . [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1834. O. 16 p. C Gonzaga College (Washington, D. C). Catalogue, 1869-70, 1895-96. Baltimore, 1870-95. O. C Grand River College (Edinburgh, Mo.). Catalogue, 1887-88, 1890-91. Trenton, 1887-90. O. pi. C Grand Traverse College (Benzonia, (Mich.). Catalogue, 1889-90. Benzonia [1889]. D. C Name changed to Benzonia College. Gratz CoUeg-e (Philadelphia). Publication s. 1897. Philadelphia, 1897. O. por. v. I. C Greeneville and Tusculum College. (Tusculum, E. Tenn.). Annual catalogue, 1891- 92. Knoxville, 1892. O. port. ill. C Greer College (Hoopeston, 111.). . . . Annual catalogue, 1894-95. Hoopeston, 1894. D. C Grisivold College (Davenport, Iowa). Cata- logue, 1887-88. Davenport, 1887. O. C Grove City College (Pa.). . , . Catalogue, 1894-96 and calendar 1894-98. Mercer, 1894-96. O. C Guilford College (N. C). Catalogue, 1892- 93, .1894-95, 1896-97, 1899-1900. Greensboro, 1892-1900. O. pi. C Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, Minn.). Catalogue, 1877-79, 1880-81, 1882-84, 1885-1900. St. Peter, 1878-1900. O. pi. C Hamilton College (Clinton, N. Y.). Cata- logue, 1834-37, 1848-49, 1855-56, 1857-58, 1861- 62, 1863-65, 1866-1900. Cliitton, 1864-99. O. ill. pi. C Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum qui munera et officia academica gesserunt, quique ali- quovis gradu exomati fuerunt . . . 1859, 1871, 1874, 1877, 1880, 1893. UticcE, 1859-93. O. C Utica, C 1867. Laws of Hamilton College, 1867. O. Mail-book of living graduates for the year 1898, 1900. Clinton, 1898-1900. O. 2 nos. C Presentation Holiday, 1897. Clinton, 1897. O. pi. C Alumni. Memorial of the organization and first re-union of the New York Association of Ham- ilton Alumni. New York, 1S69. O. 60 p. C DwiGHT, Theodore William. Ele- ments of permanency in our national institutions ; an address delivered before the Alumni of Hamilton College . . . on . . . Tune 23, 1880. New York, 1880. O. 38 p. " C Class of i8qo. Class of 1890. comp. by M. G. Dodge. Clinton, 1898. O. 15 + 580 p. C Hamilton declamation quarterly ; ed. by Professors Oren Root and B. G. Smith. . . Syra- cuse, 1895. ' S. V. 1, no. I. C Law Department. NoYES, William Curtis. Address delivered before the graduating class of the Law Department of Hamilton College, July 16, 1856. New York, 1856. O. 36 p. C President, Inauguration of Melancthon Woolsey Stryker, D.D., . . . as the ninth president of Hamilton College ... on Tuesday, January 17, 1893. Utica, 1893. O. 91 p. C Public exercises at the inauguration of Rev. Samuel Ware Fisher, D.D., as the sixth presi- dent of Hamilton College . . . Nov. 4, 185b. . . Utica, 1858. O. 71 p. C Public exercises at the inauguration of Rev. Samuel Gilman Brown, D.D., as the seventh president of Hamilton College . . . July 17, 1867. Utica, 1867. O. 76?. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 187 Hamilton College (continued) Alexander Hamilton ; thirty-one orations delivered from 1864 to 1895 upon the prize founda- tion established by Franklin Harvey Head ; col- lected ... by Melvin Gilbert Dodge. New York, 1896. D. 10 + 210 p. C A partial list of books by Hamilton alumni, p. 195-210. Allison, Charles Elmer. A historical sketch of Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. Yonkers, 1889. O. 85 + 10 p. pi. por. C The Clarke prizebook ; . . . foundation and history of the prize, the successful orations, and a complete list of subjects and competitors ; edited by M. G. Dodge and D. W. Burke. Clinton, 1894. D. 363 p. C Davis, Hev. Henry. Narration of the em- barrassments and decline of Hamilton College. n. p. [1833]. O. 9 + 151 p. C Dodge, Melvin Gilbert. Fifty years ago ; the Half-century annalists' letters to the Hamilton College alumni association 1865 to 1900. Kirkland, 1900. O. 7 + [I] + 317 p. C The 1898 prize book ; collected by Melvin Gilbert Dodge. Clinton, 1899. O. 64- 191 p. C The Kirkland prize book ; twenty-five orations . . . 1873 to 1897 upon themes in biblical science ; collected by Melvin Gilbert Dodge. Clin- ton, 1899. D. 7 + 182 p. C Hamilton Literary and Theological In- stitution. Catalogue, 1832-33, 1834-35, 1844- 45. Hamilton, 1832-44. D and O. C Afterwards Madison University, and later, Colgate Uni- versity. Hamline University (Minn.). Catalogue, 1883-84, 1886-87, 1888-92, 1896-98. Hamline, 1884-98. O. C Hampden Sidney College (Va.). Cata- logue, 1872-76, 1878, 1880-87, 1 889-1900. Rich- mond, 1 872-1900. O. C Hampden-Sidney ; an interesting review of this time-honored college ; her growth from 1775 ; her distinguished sons, as divines, educators and public men. Richmond, 1890. O. 14 p. C Hanover College (Ind.). Annual Catalogue, 1835-36, 1845, 1849-50, 1851-66, 1868-1900. Madison, 1851-1900. O. ill. pi. C Crowe, John F. Appeal to the churches of the Synods of Indiana, in behalf of Hanover Col- lege. [I858] 8 p. O. C Charter. O. 4 p. C Alumni Association, General catalogue of the alumni and former students . . . 1890. Madi- son, 1890. O. 53 + [2] p. C Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.). Catalogue, 1825-28, 1829-30, 1833-1901. Cam- bridge, 1825-1901. D. ill. map. C Catalogus senatus academici ... in Univer- sitate Harvardiana. . . CantabrigieB, 1800-85. O- 25 nos. C Changed from triennial to quinquennial in 1880, title not changing till 1890. Sibley, John Langdon. Notices of the triennial and annual catalogues of Harvard University, with a reprint of the catalogues of 1674, 1682, and 1700. Boston, 1865. O. [3] + 67 p. C Constitution of the University at Cambridge . . . Cambridge, 1812. O. 33 4- [i] p. C Courses in education and teaching and allied courses, 1895-96. ^Cambridge, 1895.] D. 12 P- C Laws. Cambridge, 1820. O. 4+56 P- C Necrology, 1869-72. Cambridge, 1872. O. 7 -t- 126 p. C Quinquennial catalogue of the officers and graduates. Cambridge, 1 890-1900. O. 2 v. C Record of the commemoration, Nov. 5-8, 1886, on the 250th anniversary of the founding of Harvard College. Cambridge, 1887. Q. 379 p. 2 pi. 2 facsim. C Edited by Justin Winsor. Report of the Committee appointed to con- sider the subject of college athletics, and to report thereon to the faculty ; with an apx. containing sta- tistics . . . submitted June 12, 1888. . . Cam- bridge, 1888. O. 59 p. C Report of the Committee on composition and rhetoric to the Board of overseers of Harvard College. [Cambridge, n. d.] O. p. 401-517. C Stone, Charles Wellington. Rejoin- der to the Report of the committee on composition and rhetoric to the Board of overseers of Harvard College ; an address. . . Cambridge, 1893. O. 30 p. C Report on the rights and duties of the president and fellows in relation to the Board of overseers. Cambridge, 1856. O. 163 p. C Revision of the statutes and laws of the University at Cambridge, prepared to be submitted to the corporation . . . 1847-48. Cambridge, 1847-48. O. C Roll of students who served in the army or navy of the United States during the war of the rebellion, [compiled by F. H. Brown, M.D.] Cambridge, 1866. O. 47 p. (/« Catalogus senatus academici, 1866.) C 2d ed. Cambridge, 1869. O. (In Catalogus senatus academici, 1869.) 52 p. C Rules relating to college studies, 1894-95, 1896-97. [Cambridge, 1894-96.] D. C Statutes and laws of the University at Cam- bridge, as revised and adopted by the corporation . . . 1848, i860, 1866. Cambridge, 1848-66. O. C Work of students in the courses in the his- tory of the United States . . . to be given at Harvard College in the academic year 1887-88. Cambridge, 1887. O. 42 p. C Alumni Association. Report of the com- mittee appointed to take into consideration the state of the college library. . . Cambridge, 1858. Nar. O. 44 p. C EDUCATION Harvard University (continued) Palmer, Joseph. Necrology of al- umni of Harvard College, 1851-63. Boston, 1864. O. 10 + [I] + 536 p. C White, Daniel Appleton. Address , . . before the Soc. of the Alumni of Harvard University . . . Aug. 27, 1844. Cambridge^ 1844. O. 42 p. C Arts and Sciences, Faculty of. Announce- ment of courses of instruction provided ... for the academic year 1893-97. Cambridge [ii()'i-^(>y D. C Class of X833. HiGGlNSON, Waldo. Me- morials of the Class of 1833 of Harvard College, prepared for the fiftieth anniversary of their gradua- tion. . . . Cambridge, 1883. O. 164 p. C Class of 1858. Report prepared for the fortieth anniversary of its graduation. Boston, 1898. O. 147 p. I por. C Class of i860. Report, 1860-90, New York, 1880-91. O. ill. pi. por. 2 v. C Class of i86j. Report, 6th and 8th-9th, of the secretary of the Class of 1865, of Harvard Col- lege, June, 187S-85 ; June, 1890, to July, 1895 ; to July, 1900. New York, i885-[l90O.] O. v. 6, 8, 9. C Commencement. Order of exercises for commencement, 1842-85. [Cambridge, 1842-S5.] Q. C Dental School. The annual announcement .. . . 1874-75. Cambridge, 1874. D. up. C Divinity School. Divinity School of Har- vard University ; its history, courses of study, aims and advantages. Cambridge, 1893. O. 31 p. ill. C English, Dept. of. Announcement, 1894- 95. [Cambridge, 1894.] D. 25 p. C German, Dept. of. Die abteilung fur deutsche litteratur und philologie an der Harvard Universitat. Cambridge, 1893. D. 16 p. C Hasty- Pudding Club. Catalogue of the of- ficers and members. Cambridge, 1855. Nar. D, 76 p. C History and Economics, Dept. of. Courses in history, government and lawr and economics, 1895-96. [Cambridge, 1895.] D. 51 p. C Law School. Cambridge, 1893. O. Announcements, 1893-94. [2j -f- r6 p. ill. pi. C 1817-99. — Quinquennial catalogue, 1817-94, Cambridge, 1 895-1900. O. 2 v. C Lawrence Scientific School. Cambridge, \%^'}), D. 84 p. Description. C Description of the four years course in science for teachers. Cambridge, 1894. D. 11 p. C Library. Proceedings of the Board of overseers ... in relation to the College Library, 1866-1867. Boston, 1867. O. 12 p. C , Report of librarian, 1878-1889. n. p., [i878]-89. O. V. 1-12. C Report of the Committee of the Over- seers . . . appointed to visit the Library during the year 1850, 1858-63, 1876-77. Boston, 1859-77. O. C QuiNCY, Josiah. Considerations rela- tive to the Library of Harvard University, respect- fully submitted to the Legislature of Massachusetts. Cambridge, 1833. O. r6p. C Sibley, John Langdon. Letter of the librarian of Harvard College, to the Committee. . . appointed to take into consideration the state of the College Librarv. . . Cambridge, 1859. O. 8 p. C Medical School. The new century and the newr building of the Harvard Medical School, 1783- 1883 ; addresses and exercises at the one hundredth anniversary of the foundation, October 17, 1883. Cambridge, 1884. O. 55 p. pi. C Overseers. Rules and by-laws . . . [also] the charter, with . . . acts and instruments relating to the powers and duties of the overseers. Boston, 1852. D. 56 p. C Boston, 1862. S. 62 p. C Cambridge, iSjj. S. 60 p. C Rules and orders of the overseers . . . [with] the charter . . . sundry acts and instruments composing the constitution of the College. Boston, 1851. S. 47 P- C Announcement, 20 p. C Political Economy, Dept. of. Topics and references in political economy 4. Cambridge, 1885. O. 46 p. C Topics and references in political economy 6. Cambridge, 1886. O. 31 p. C Hart, Albert Bushnell. Subjects and methods in political and economic debates. Cambridge. 1892. O. 22 p. C Hart, Albert Bushnell, and Baker, G. P. Harvard debating ; subjects and suggestions for courses in oral discussion. Cambridge, 1896. O. 55 p. C Porcellian Club. Catalogue of the . . . members, and of the library. . . Cambridge, 1834. O. 75 p. C Catalogue. . . Cambridge, 1877. O. 104 p. C President. Addresses at the inauguration of the [presidents of the College ; for the years 1846, 1849, 1853, i860, 1863, 1869]. Boston, 1846- 69. O. C Addresses of E. Everett, J. Sparks, J. Walker, C. C. Felton, T. Hill and C. W. Eliot. President and Treasurer. Annual report, 1825-31, 1850-55, 1861-1900. Cambridge, 1827- 1901. O. ill. C Philosophy, Dept. of. 1895-96. [Cambridge, 1895.] D. Psychological Laboratory, laboratory. Cambridge^ 1893. O. Psychological 34 P- Pl- C Romance Languages and Literature, Dept. of. Announcement of courses in Italian, Spanish, Romance philology and Comparative literature. 1895-96. [Cambridge] 1895. D. 17 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES \%^ Harvard University (continued) Semitic Language and History, Dept. of. Announcement, 1895-96. ^Cambridge, 1895.] D. I4p. C Summer School. Announcement of courses of instruction for 1893, 1897. Cambridge [I893-96.] D. 2 pts. C Appleton, Capt. Nathan. Harvard Col- lege during the war ; [with] Harvard memorial poems by Emerson, Longfellow, Holmes, Lowell and S. F. Smith. ^Boston, 1891.] O. 30 + [i] p. ill. I pi. C ^TTWOOD, Francis Gilbert. Manners and customs of ye Harvard studente. iBoston, c. 1877.] Obi. O. [7] p- 26 pi. BOLLES, Frank. Harvard University ; a brief statement of what Harvard University is, how it may be entered. . . 3d annual ed. Cambridge [pref. 1893]. O. 118 p. C Students' expenses ; a collection of let- ters from undergraduates, graduates and profes- sional school-students, describing in detail their necessary expenses at Harvard University ; with an introduction. Cambridge, 1893. O. 45 p. C Bush, George Gary. Harvard, the first American university. Boston [C. 1886]. D. 160 . p. I ill. pi. T Felton, Cornelius Conway. Discourse . . . at the inauguration of the author as Eliot professor of Greek literature in Harvard University, Aug. 26, 1834. Cambridge, 1834. O. 27 p. C FoLLEN, Charles Theodore Christian. In- augural discourse . . . before the University in Cambridge . . . Sept. 3, 1831, Cambridge, 1831. O. 27 p. C HiGGlNSON, Thomas Wentworth. Harvard memorial biographies. Cambridge, 1866. O. 2 V. C Hill, George Birkbeck Norman. Harvard College by an Oxonian. . . New York, 1895. D. II + [I] + 337 P- I por. pi. C T HOLLIS (pseud.) and others. Facts and documents in relation to Harvard College. Boston, 1839. I^- 9^ P- C King, Moses. Harvard and its surround- ings. Subscription (4th) ed. Cambridge, 1882. Sq. D. 100 p. 40 pi. ill. C Martin, Edward Sanford. Sly ballades in Harvard china. Boston, 1882. Sq. D. 81 p. ill. C Massachusetts — General Court— House. [Report of special committee on Harvard Univer- sity, April 15, 1850.] [Boston, 1850.] O. 16 p. C — — [Reports of] Joint standing committee on education [OU] the Memorial of the presidents of Harvard, Williams and Amherst col- leges. [Boston, 1848-49.] O. C Norman, Henry. Account of the Harvard Greek play. . . Boston, 1882. D. 129 p. pi. C Norton, Andrews. Inaugural discourse . . . before the University in Cambridge, i8ig. Cambridge, 1819. O. C Peabody, Andrew Preston. Harvard remi- niscences. Boston, 1888. D. 6 4- 216 p. C Peirce, Benjamin. History of Harvard University. . . Cambridge, 1833. O. 19 + 316 + 159 P- pl- C T Quincy, Josiah. Address delivered at the dedication of Dane Law College in Harvard Uni- versity, Oct. 23, 1832. Cambridge, 1832. O. [3] + 27 p. C History of Harvard University. Bos- ton, i860 [C. '40.] O. 2 v. ph C Sibley, John Langdon. Biographical sketches of graduates of Harvard University. . . Cambridge, 1873-85. Nar. Q. v. 1-3. C Thayer, William Roscoe. Historical sketch of Harvard University, from its foundation to May, 1890. Cambridge, 1890. Q. 66 p. C Tripp, George Henry. Student life at Harvard. . . [Anon.] Boston, 1876, D. 518 p. C Haverford Colleg^e (Pa.). Account of Hav- erford School from its institution to the close of the winter session, fourth month, 1835 ; with the con- stitution and by-laws of the Association. , . Phila- delphia, 1835. O. 48 + 16 + [I] p. C Biographical catalogue of the matriculates . . . with lists of the members of the College fac- ulty, 1833-1900 . . . C. Thomas, '65, editor. Philadelphia, 1900. O. 23 -f 296 p. C Philadel- C Catalogue, 1863-75, 1876-1900. phia, 1863-1900. O. pi. Haverford College : its aims and character- istics. . . Philadelphia, 1879. O. 17 p. pl. C Inauguration of President Isaac Sharpless, Fifth month 19th, 1887. Philadelphia, 1887. O. 28 p. C Reports, 1859-60, 1864-72, 1876, 1879- 87, 1889-94, 1895-1900. Philadelphia, 1859-1900. O. C Alumni Association. History of Haverford College for the first sixty years of its existence, pre- pared by a committee of the Alumni Association. Philadelphia, 1892. O. 732 p. ill. por. pl. C Hebrew^ Union College (Cincinnati). Cata- log and program, 1894-95, 1897-98, 1899-1901. Cincinnati, 1895-99. O. C Hedding College (Abingdon, 111.). Cata- logue, 1887-88, 1891-92, 1893-94. Abingdon, 1887-94. O. ill. por. C Heidelberg College (Tiffin, O.). Catalogue, 1851-71, 1872-89. Tiffin, 1851-89. O. and D. ill. C Continued as Heidelberg University and Heidelberg Theological Seminary (Tiffin, O.). Annual catalogue, 1889-1900. Tiffin, 1889-1900. O. and D. pl. C Issues for 1896-98 called Announcements. Previous to 1889.- called Heidelberg College. IQO EDUCATION Hendriz College (Conway, Ark.). Annual catalogue ; session of [I889-9O], 1891-94, 1898-99 and announcements. 1890-gr, 1892-95, 1891^1900. Conway, 1890-99. O. and D. pi. C Highland Park College (Des Moines, la.). Little book concerning Highland Park College. • . iDes Moines, i8g7.] Obi. T. 36 p. pK C Highland University (Highland, Kan.). Catalogue, 1873-74, 1886-87, 1895-98. Hannibal, etc., 1874-98. O. pi. C Hillsdale College (Mich.). Annual cata- logue of the officers and students, 1862, 1866-67, 1869-78, 1880-1900. Toledo, 1862-99. O. and D. pl. C Hiram College (Hiram, O.). Annual cata- logue, 1887, 1890, 1892-98, 1900. Garrettsville, 1887-1900. O. pl. C Jubilee number, 1850-1900. Hitrassee College (Sweetwater, Tenn.). Bi- ennial catalogue, 1874-76, 1885-86, 1891-92. Knoxville, etc., 1876-92. O. C Hobart College (Geneva, N. Y.). Catalogue, 1883-1900. Geneva, 1883-99. O. and D. C General catalogue of officers, graduates and students, 1825-97. Geneva, 1897. O. 7 + 254 p. pl. por. C Adams, Rev. Jasper. Inaugural discourse delivered at Trinity church, Geneva, New York, August I, 1827. Geneva, 1827. O. 56 p. C Hale, Rev. Benjamin. Baccalaureate ad- dress . . . Geneva College, Aug. 4, 1847. Geneva, 1847. O. 24 p. C New York {%t2X€)— Legislature— Senate. Report of committee on literature on the petition of Hamilton and Geneva colleges, and N. Y. Uni- versity. [Albany, 1848.] O. 12 p. C Holy Ghost College (Pittsburg, Pa.). Cata- logue, 1888-90, 1898-99. Pittsburg, 1888-98. O. pl. C Hope College (Holland, Mich.). Catalogue, 1884-88, 1889-91, 1892-94, 1895-97. Holland, 1885-97. O. C Ho'ward - Payne College (Brownwood, Texas). Catalogue, 1899 - 1900. Brownwood, 1899. O. pl. C Howard Payne College (Fayette, Mo.). Catalogue, 1898-99. Kansas City, 1899. O. pl. map. C Illinois College (Jacksonville). Catalogue, 1856-60, 1886-87, 1890-93, 1895-96. Jacksonville, 1856-95. D. and O. C Since 1886 Catalogue of Illinois College and Whipple Academy. Addresses at the inauguration of John Ed- win Bradley, as president, June 8, 1893. . . yacksonville, 1893. O. 39 p. C Illinois Wesleyan University (Blooming- ton). Announcement, 1887-88. Bloomington, 1887. Nar. S. ill. C Catalogue, 1871-72, 1887-88, 1890-92, 1895-97, 1898-99. Bloomington, 1871-99. O. pl- C Non-Resident and Postgraduate Dept. Announcement, 1888. Bloomington, 1888. O. C Indiana Asbury University (Greencastle). Annual register, 1860-61, 1862-63, 1867-68, 1870- 71, 1882-83. Greencastle, 1860-82. O. C Triennial catalogue, 1837-81. i88r. O. pl. Greencastle, C Ingham University (Le Roy, N. Y.) Cata- logue, 1873-74, 1886-89. Buffalo, Le Roy, 1873- 88. O. pl. C Iowa College (Grinnell). Catalogue, 1870- 71, 1876-77, 1885-96, 1898-1900. Grinnell, 1870- 99. O. pl. c Proceedings on the reception of the Jacob Haish telescope and the laying of the corner stone of the Mary Grinnell Mears cottage in Chamberlain Park, June 19, 1888. Grinnell, 1888. O. 29 p. pl. C Gates, George A. Personality the ultimate fact of philosophy and life ; baccalaureate sermon . . . Iowa College, Grinnell, Iowa, June 23, 1889. Grinnell, i9,%q. O. 18 p. C Mears, Rev. David O. Functions of the Christian college in the national life ; oration be- fore the literary societies of Iowa College ... on . . . June 24, 1882. Worcester, 1882. O. 38 p. C Iowa Wesleyan University (Mt. Pleasant). Catalogue, 1871-72, 1886-87, 1894-95. Mt. Pleas- ant, 1872-95. O. por. pl. C 1894-95, Annual and quinquennial. John B. Stetson University (De Land. Fla.). Catalogue, 1889-91, 1893-95, 1896-97, 1898-1900. De Land, 1890-1900. O. and D. pl. C Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore). Addresses at the inauguration of Daniel C. Gilman as president, Baltimore, February 22, 1876. Balti- more, 1876. O. 64 p. C Bibliographia Hopkinsiensis 1876-93, [ed. by Professor Bloomfield]. Baltimore, 1892-94. O. pt. 1-6. C Circulars, 1876-97. Baltimore, 1882-97. Sq. Q. ill. pl. V. 1-16. C College work, 1897-99. Baltimore, 1897- 99. O. C Examination papers, 1899, O. Baltimore, C Fellowships, 1878, 1880. Baltimore, 1878- 80. O. C Instruction in chemistry, physics and biol- ogy. Baltimore, 1877. O. C List of the gifts and bequests . . . from its opening to the close of the fifteenth year . . . 1876^-1891. Baltimore, 1892. O. 31 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 191 Johns Hopkins University (continued) List of periodicals taken at public institu- tions in Baltimore. 1876, iSyS. Baltimore, 1876- 78. O. C Official circulars, 1876-77. Baltimore, 1876-77. O. nos. 4, 6-7, 10. C Preliminary announcement. Baltimore, 1876. D. 8 p. C Programme for the year, 1877-78. Balti- more, 1877. O. Register, 1876-1900. Baltimore, 1877- 1900. O. ill. C Medical School. Announcement, 1893-97, 1898-1901. Baltimore, 1893-1900. O. C President. Annual report, 1876-1900. Baltimore, 1876-1900. O. v. 1-25. C Romance Languages, Dept. of. 1891-92. n. p. O. [Catalogue] C Juniata College (Huntingdon, Pa.). Cata- logue, 1898-99. Huntingdon, 1899. O. pi. C Kalamazoo College (Mich.). Annual cata- logue, 1869-71, 1884-90, 1891-97. Kalamazoo, 1870-98. O. pi. por. C Catalogue of the graduates . . . 1855-1880; and of Kalamazoo Theological Seminary, 1851- 1856. Detroit [I880]. O. 18 p. C Kansas Wesleyan , University (Salina). Catalogue, 1888-89, 1891-92, 1894-96. Salina, 1889-96. O. C Keachie Male and Female College (Keachie, La.). Catalogue, 1886-87, 1894-95. Shreveport, 1887-95. O. C Kentucky Wesleyan College (Winchester). Hand-book, 1891-92, and catalogue, 1890-91. Lex- ingtoft, 189X. S. pi. C Kenyon College (Gambler, O.). Catalogue of Kenyon College and of the Theological Seminary of the diocese of Ohio, 1842-43, 1853-55, 1864-65, 1874-75, 1877-78, 1881-89, 189O-I9OI. Gambler, etc., 1843-1901. O. and D. C Memento of the donors and founders of the Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of Ohio and Kenyon College ; being the report of a committee of the Board of trus- tees, presented Sept. 27, i860. Cincinnati, i860. Nar. O. 79 p. pi. C [Report]. Cincinnati, n. d. Q. 55 p ill. c Statement of facts bearing upon the proposed changes in the constitution of the Theological Sem- inary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the dio- cese of Ohio . . . ed. by W. B. Bodine. Columbus, Ohio, 1890. Q. 4 + 412 p. ill. por. pi. C Douglass, David Bates. Statement of facts and circumstances connected with the removal of the author from the presidency of Kenyon College, n. p. 1844. O. 37 p. C Further statement of facts and circum- stances connected with the removal of the author from the presidency of Kenyon College, in answer to ' ' The reply of the Trustees. " A Ibany, 1845. O. 71 p. C Class of 1862. Tenth anniversary. Gambler, 1872. Nar. O. 30 p. C King's College (Windsor, N. S.). Calendar, 1884-86, 1895-96, 1897-98. Halifax, 1884-97, O. pi. C From 189s, title is Calendar of the University of King's College. Knox College (Galesburg, 111.). Catalogue, 1859-61, 1877-78, 1879-80, 1882-83, 1884-85, 1886- 87, 1889-1900. Galesburg, 1860-igoo. D. and O. C Called Annual register since 1894-93. Exercises in commemoration of the founding of Knox College, held in Galesburg, Illinois . . . 1894. Galesburg, 1894. O. por. C President. Inauguration of Newton Bate- man as President of Knox College, Galesburg, Illi- nois, June 23d . . . 1875. Galesburg, 1875. O. 20 p. C Gale, Rev. George Washington. Claims of colleges to public favor. Knox College : an address delivered at their annual commencement, July 23, 1847. Galesburg, 1847. O. 15 p. C Lafkyette College (Easton, Pa.). Addresses delivered at a celebration in honor of Prof. Francis A. March, October 24th, 1895. n. p. D. 120 p. 2 por. 1 pi. C Announcement of the Pardee scientific course . . . 1866. Easton [I866]. O. 20 p. C Catalogue of the officers and students, 1852- 53, 1855-57, 1858-62, 1863-64, 1866-71, 1872- 1901. Easton, 1853-1901. O and D. C Commencement addresses, 1893: "What shall I do with Jesus ? " ; baccalaureate sermon by Rev. John R. Davies ..." Medicine as a career for educated men " ; alumni address by William W. Keen. . . Easton, 1893. O. [3i 4- 30 p. C Exercises at the unveiling of the Junkin me- morial tablet . . . May 24, 1887. [Easton, 1887.] O. 8 p. C [Historical sketch.] n, p. n. d. S. 17 p. I. por. 2 pi. C Laws for the government of Lafayette Col- lege, n.p., 1S82, 1887. O. C Recent examination questions for admission to the freshman class in the various courses. . . Easton [1895]. O. 8 p. C Report of the exercises of commencement week, 1882. Easton, n. d. O. p. 19-48. C Syllabus of a series of lectures by Rev. Wil- bur F. Crafts ... on Christian sociology. . . Easton, 1895. O. 9 p. C President. Addresses on the . . . inaugu- ration of Ethelbert Dudley Warfield ... as presi- dent of Lafayette College. Easton, iSgi. O. 39 p. c 192 EDUCATION rtafS&yette College (continued) Discourses at the inauguration of the Rev. James H. Mason Knox ... as president of Lafayette College . . . June 24th, 1884. lEaston, 1884. J O. 22 p. C Cattell, Jiev. William Cassidy. Address before the Synod of Philadelphia upon Lafayette College, with the resolutions of Synod . . . Oct. 1870. n.p, n. d. O. 16 p. C Memorial address delivered at Lafayette College, Founder's day, October twenty-third, 1892 , . . Easton, 1892. O. 27 p. i por. C Coffin, Selden Jennings. Record of the men of Lafayette . . . biographical sketches of the alumni of Lafayette College, from its organization to the present time . . . [with] historical sketches of the College by W. B. Owen. Easton, 1879. ^•. 71 p. 3 por. I pi. C Dougherty, Daniel. Fears for the future of the republic ; an address . . . before the literary societies of Lafayette College, July 26, 1859. Phila- delphia, 1859. O. 20 p. C Gayley, Rev. Samuel Alexander. Dis- course preached at the dedication of the Chapel at Lafayette College, March 12, 1873. . . Easton, 1873. O. 16 p. C Green, Rev. William Henry. Value of physical science in . . . education ; an address . . . July 25th, 1865, upon laying the comer-stone of the Jenks chemical hall, at Lafayette College. . . Easton, 1865. O. 32 p. C Heckman, Rev. George C. Address at the semi-centennial commencement of Lafayette College . . . June 27tb, 1882. . . Easton, 1882. 0. p. 1-18. C Kellogg, Rev. Alfred H. Sermon com- memorative of . . . the Rev, Lyman Coleman . . . late professor in Lafayette College, delivered . . . June 25th, 1882. . . Easton, 1882. O 27 p. C March, Francis Andrew. Address at the reopening of Pardee Hall, Lafayette College, Nov. 30, 1880, with ... a report of other addresses and the . . . proceedings. . . Easton, 1881. O. 42 p. I pi. C Growth of Lafayette, a post-prandial address ... at the annual meeting and banquet of the Philadelphia Alumni Association of Lafayette College, March I, 1888. Philadelphia, i888. D. 16 p. C Parvin, Theophilus. Natural theology and the old story ; an address . . . delivered on Found- er's Day, October 22, 1890, before the trustees, faculty and students of Lafayette College. . . Easton, n. d. O. 23 p. C Sciences and modem languages in the college curriculum ; an address delivered ... at the sixty-second commencement of Lafayette College, June 22, 1897. . . Easton, 1897. O. 18 p. i por. C Raymond, RossiterWorthington. Address at the dedication of Pardee Hall, Lafayette College, Oct. 21, 1873, with ... a report of other addresses and the . . . proceedings. . . Easton, 1873. O- 40 + [I] p. 5 pi. C Robinson, Rev. Thomas Hastings. Anni- versary sermon before the Brain erd Evangelical So- ciety of Lafayette College, July 28, 1867. Easton, 1867. O. 31 p. C Sheafer, Peter Wenrick. Address before the students of the Pardee Scientific Department, in Lafayette College ... at the opening of the college year, Sept. 5, 1872. Easton, 1872. O. 20 p. i pi. C Welch, Ashbel. Address before the stu- dents of the Pardee Scientific Department, in Lafayette College ... at the opening of the college year, Aug. 31, 1871. Lambertville, N. J., 1871. O. 24 p. C La Grange College (La Grange, Mo.). Catalogue and announcements for 1887-89, 1892— 93. Hannibal, etc., 1887-92. O. C Lake Forest University (111.). Catalogue, 1883-84, 1886-1900. Chicago, etc., 1884-99. O- and D. " C 1900.] The College at Lake Forest. Obi. T. 24 p. ill. [ Chicago, C Law Department, see Chicago — Kent College of Law, under No. 27. Lane University (Lecompton, Kan.). Cata- logue, 1886-87, 1892, 1896, 1898. Lawrence, etc., 1887-98. O. C Laval University, see L'Universit^ La- val (Quebec). La'wrence University (Appleton, Wis.). An- nual catalogue, 1857-58, 1870-71, 1872-77, 1878- 88, 1889-92, 1893-96, 1897-1900. Appleton, 1858- 1900. O. C — '— Smith, Rev. Reeder. Importance and claims of the Lawrence University of Wisconsin ... a lecture delivered at New Haven, Ct., and other places. . . Boston, i860. O. 21 p. i por. I pi. C Lebanon Valley College (Annville, Pa.). Annual catalogue, 1870-72. 1886-87, 1890-91, 1898- 99. Lebanon, 1871-99. O. C Lehigh University (So. Bethlehem, Pa.). [Announcement.] [South Bethlehem, 1896.] O. C Catalog of articles in the exhibit of the Lehigh University at the World's Columbian Ex- position, 1893. South Bethlehem, 1893. O. 22 p. C Course in civil engineering. 1896. South Bethlehem, 1896. O. pi. C Courses in mining engineering. (Mining — Metallurgy.) Bethlehem, n. d. O. 45 + [3] p. pi. C Exercises at celebration of Founder's-day, Thursday, October 11, 1883, with the memorial address by Eckley B. Coxe. . . Bethlehem, 1883. Q. 24 p. C Publications of the professors, instructors and alumni, 1 866- 1 893. [Bethlehem, if>()-i.] O. 29 p. C Register, 1868-72, 1873-1900. Bethlehem, 1868-1900. D. and O. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 193 Lehigh University (continued) English Language and Literature, Dept. of. [Courses] 1896. Bethlehem, 1896. O. C General Literature , School of. I. Classical course ; 11. Latin-scientific course ; ill. Course in science and letters. Bethlehem, 1896. O. pi. C Mechanical Engineering, School of. Course, [I896 ?] Bethlehem, n. d. O. pi. C Converse, John H. Citizenship and techni- cal education ; an address delivered on Founder's day, Octobers, 1896. South Bethlehem, 1896. Q. 16 p. C Drown, Thomas Messinger, Educational value of engineering studies ; an address delivered on Founder's day, October 10, 1895. [South Bethle- hem-^ 1895. O. 30 p. C Hyde, Edmund M. Lehigh University ; a historical sketch. South Bethlehem, 1896. Sq. O. 45 p. ill. por. pi. C Leeds, George. Upward direction of a true life ; a sermon preached in the chapel of Lehigh University . . . June 19th, i88r. Reading, 1881. Q. 20 p. C SiLLlMAN, Benjamin. Deductive and in- ductive training ; an address delivered before the Chemical Society of the Lehigh University at its first annual celebration . . . 1872. New York, [1872J. O. 32 p. C Stewardson, Langdon C. Origins and destiny ; an address delivered on Founder's day, October 13, 1898. South Bethlehem, 1898. O. 26 p. C Leland Stanford Junior University (Palo Alto). Addresses at the fourth annual commence- ment, May 29, 1895 : Specialization in education, J. M. Stillman ; Address to the graduates, D. S. Jor- dan. Palo Alto, 1895. O. 29 p. C Annual Register, 1891-1900. 1892-1900. D. Palo Alto, C Circular of information. No. 1-6. Palo Alto, 1891. O. C Directory of officers and students. 1899- 1900. 1st semester. Stanford University, 1899. D. C 1894. Entrance examinations. D. Palo Alto, C Davis, Horace. Meaning of the university. An address at Leland Stanford Junior University on Founder's day, March 9, 1894. San Francisco, 1895. O. 14 p. C Elliott, O. L., and Eaton, O. V. Stanford University and thereabouts. San Francisco, 1896. O. 80 p. ill. por. pi. C HoviTARD, George Elliott. The American university and the American man ; second com- mencement address Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity, May 31, 1893. Palo Alto, 1893. O. 22 p. C Jenkins, Oliver P. Address at the sixth annual commencement Leland Stanford Junior University, May 26, 1897. Passing of Plato. Stan- ford University, 1897. O. 23 p. C Jordan, David Starr. "Lest we forget." Address . . . before the graduating class of 1898, Leland Stanford Junior University on May 25, 1898. Palo Alto, 1898, O. 36 p. C Miller, Walter. Address at the seventh annual commencement Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity, May 25, 1898. The old and the new. Stanford University, 1898. O. 38 p. C Stanford, Mrs. Jane (Lathrop). Leland Stanford Junior University ; address to the Trustees February 11, 1897. Stanford University, 1897. D. 12 p. C Lenox College (Hopkinton, la.). Annual catalogue, 1892-93. Springville, 1893. O. C Annual circular, 1889-90. Hopkinton, 1889. Obi. T. C Liberal University (Silverton, Or.). An- nouncements, 1899-1900. Silverton, 1899. Nar. D. ill. C Annual catalogue for E. M, 299-300 (1899- 1900) and announcements for E. M. 300-301 (1900- i). Silverton, E.M. 300. D. ill. C Lincoln University (Lincoln, 111.). Cata- logue, 1869-70, 1888-93, 1896-97, 1898-1900. Lincoln, 1870-1900. O. and D. pi. C Logan College (Russellville. Ky.). Cata- logue, 1898-99. Russellville, 1899. O. pi. C Lombard University (Galesburg, 111.). Catalogue, 1870-71, 1889-91, 1892-95, 1896-97, 1898-1900. Galesburg, 1871-1900. O. and D. pi. C Loyola College (Baltimore). Catalogue, 1889-95, 1897-1900. Baltimore, 1 890-1900. O. C Luther College (Decorah, la.). Catalogue, 1882-93, 1895-96. Decorah, 1883-96. O. C Macalester College (St. Paul, Minn.). Cat- alogue, 1887-88, 1889-90, 1891-92. St. Paul, 1888-92. O. pi. C McGill College and University (Montreal). Annual calendar, 1867-68, 1883-84, 1892-1900. Montreal, 1868-1900. O. pi. C Annual convocation for degrees in Arts, 1893. Montreal, 1893. O. C Annual report of the Governors, Principal and Fellows, 1892-95, 1897, 1898-99. [Montreal-^ 1893-1900. O. C Formal opening of the engineering and phys- ics buildings. Montreal, 1893. Obi. O. 67 p. ill. C Graduates ; corrected to 1895, 1897. Mon- treal, 1895-97. O. C Applied Science, Faculty of. Announcement, 1897-98. Montreal [i8g8]. O. pi. C Library. Opening of the new library . . . containing the addresses ... a description of the building ; some points in the history of the Univer- sity ; in memoriam, October 31st, 1893. «. p. Obi. O. 39 p. pi. C 194 EDUCATION McKendree College (Lebanon, III.). An- nual catalogue, 1891-92, 1897-98. ^St. Louis-^ 1892-98. O. C Year-book, 1893-94 ; [with Alumni record]. St. Louis, 1894. O. 55 p. C Chamberlin, McKendree Hypes. Address delivered at the educational anniversary of the Southern Illinois M. E. Conference, Sept. 29, 1894. . . St. Louis, 1894. O. 16 p. C McMaster University (Ontario). Calendar, 1890-91. n. p. n. d. O. 96 p. pi. C McMinnville College (Or.). Annual cata- logue, 1886-87, 1889-90, 1891-92. McMinnville [i887]-92. O. pi. C Madison College (Sharon, Miss.). Annual catalogue of the alumni, officers and students, 1858-59. Jackson, 1859. O- C Madison University (Hamilton, N. Y.). Annual catalogue, 1852-53, 1855-58, 1870, 1874- 75. 1877-90. Hamilton, i853-[9i]. O. C See Colgate University. First half century of Madison University (1819-1869); or, The jubilee volume containing sketches of eleven hundred living and deceased alumni. . . New York, 1872. O. 12 -p- 503 p. por. pi. C Schedule of exercises winter term, 1888. n.p. Sq. Q. C Manhattan College (New York city). Cata- logue, 1882-83, 1885-86, 1888-1900. JVest Chcs- ter, 1882-1900. O. pi. C None published for 1883-85 and 1886-88. Commencement, 1897. \_New York\ 1897. O. c Graduation exercises, 1871-72. West Ches- ter, 1871-72. O. C Manitoba College (Winnipeg). Calendar, 1900-01. Winnipeg, 1900. O. 93 p. C Marietta College (O.). Addresses and pro- ceedings connected with the semi-centennial, with the semi-centennial celebration, June 28-July 1,1885. Marietta, 1885. O. 232 p. C Annual catalogue, 1853-54, 1858-59, 1860- 61, 1864-65, 1872-74, 1876, 1880-82, 1884-87, 1889-96, 1897-1900. Marietta, 1854-1900. D. and O. pi. C Celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Marietta College ; historical discourse by . . . J. W. Andrews . . . June 27, i860. Marietta, i860. O. 60 p. C General catalogue, 1835-91. Marietta, 1892. D. 128 p. ,C Alumni. Marietta College in the war of secession, 1861-65. Cincinnati, 1878. O. 96 p. C Andrews, Israel Ward. The American college ; an address before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Marietta College, June 29 1S69. Mari- etta, 1869. O. 22 p. C Historical sketch of Marietta College, founded at Marietta, Ohio, 1835. [Anon.] Cin- cinnati, 1876. O. 33 p. C Marion College (Mo.). Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1835-36. St. Louis, 1835. O. 26 p. C Marquette College (Milwaukee, Wis.). An- nual catalogue, 1885-86, 1893-94, 1895-98, 1899- igoo. Milwaukee, 1886-1900. O. C Maryville College (Tenn.). 75, 1876-80, 1884-96, 1898-99. 1870-99, O. ill. pi. Catalogue, 1869- New York, etc., C Mercer University (Macon, Ga.). Annual catalogue, 1888-92, 1893-94, 1895-96, 1897-99. Macon, 1889-99. O. C Miami University (Oxford, O.). Alumni and former student catalogue . . . 1809-1892. Oxford, 1892. O. 22 -f 194 4- [I] p. C Catalogue, 1859, 1862-64, 1867-igoo. Cin- cinnati, etc., 1859-1900. O. and D. ill. pi. C Diamond anniversary volume . . . [edited by] W. L. Tobey and W. O. Thompson, 1824- 1899. Hamilton, 0., 1899. O. 8 + 359 p. por. pi. C Laws of Miami University for the govern- ment of the faculty and students. Rossville, 1843. O. 20 + [I] p. C President. Inauguration of Ethelbert D. Warfield as president. Oxford, 1889. O. 45 p. C Inauguration of William O. Thompson as president. Oxford, 1891. O. 43 p. C Middlebury College (Vt.). Catalogue, 1836, 1838, 1857, 1868-69, 1874-75, 1877-78, 1879- 1900. Middlebury, 1836-99. O. C Catalogue of the officers and alumni . . . 1800-1889, compiled by T. E. Boyce. Middlebury, 1890. O. 194 p. C Catalogus Senatus academici et eorum qui munera at officia academia gesserunt in CoUegio Medioburiensi . . . 1868. Medioburice, 1868. O. C Encouraging outlook — notable improve- ments in the buildings and courses of study — finan- cial condition — the new boarding hall — the admis- sion of women. [Letter from Springfield Republi- can correspondent.] C To home missionaries and ministers of mod- erate incomes, and to all others . . . who have sons to educate, and who find the present expenses of a college education beyond their means. n. p. n. d. O. 3 P- C Lawrence, Myron. Address with other proceedings of a meeting of Vermonters, held in Boston, in behalf of Middlebury College. Boston, 1851. O. 16 p. C Mallary, Rollin Carolus. Address deliv- ered before the Assoc, of the Alumni of Middlebury College, on the evening of commencement . . . 1824. Rutland, 1824. O. 27 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 195 Midland College (Atchison, Kan.). Cata- logue, 1894-95, 1897-1900. Atchison, 1894-1900. D. pi. C Milligan College (Milligan Station, Teiin.). Register, 1890-gi, 1897-99. Pulaski, 1892-99. D. and O. C Register, C Catalogue, 1894-95. C Millsaps College (Jackson, Miss.). 1896-97. Jackson, 1897. O. pi. MUton College (Wis.). Milton, 1895. O. Mississippi College (Clinton). Catalogue, 1871-72, 1886-87, 1891-92, 1899-1900. Jackson, etc., 1872-1900. O. pi. C Missouri Valley College (Marshall). An- nual catalogue, 1898-1900. Marshall iiSg()-i()00]. D. per. pi. C Columbian souvenir. Marshall [no date]. Obi. T. pi. C Missouri Wesleyan College (Cameron). Catalogue, 1894-95. Cameron, 1894. D. pi. C Monmouth College (Monmouth, 111.). An- nual catalogue, 1869-70, 1872-74, 1893-94, 1895- 96. Monmouth, 1870-96. O. and D. tab. C Monongahela College (Jefferson, Pa.). An- nual catalogue, 1886-87. Pittsburg, 1887. O. C Montana College (Deer Lodge, Mont.). Annual catalogue, 1889-92. Butte, 1890-92. O. pi. C Montana Wesleyan University (Helena). Annual catalogue, 1896-97. Helena, 1896. O. pi. C Montreal Presbyterian College. Calen- dar, 1887-88. Montreal, 1887. O. C Moore's Hill College (Moore's Hill, Ind.). Annual catalogue, 1895-96. Aurora [1895]. O. pi. C Morgan College (Baltimore, Md.). Annual catalogue, 1890-91, 1892-95, 1899-1900. Balti- more and Lynchburg, 1890-99. O. por. pi. C Morrisville College (Morrisville, Mo.). An- nual catalogue, 1890-91, 1894-95. Bolivar, 1891- 95- O. C Mount Morris College (Mount Morris, 111.). Catalogue, 1892-93, 1895-96. ^Mount Morris, 1893-96.] O. ill. C Mt. St. Mary's College (Emmitsburg, Md.). Annual catalogue, 1896-1900. Baltimore, 1897- 1900. O. pi. C KUHN, William. Speech pronounced on the occasion of his graduation at Mount St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, June 29th, 1837. Baltimore [I837]. D. 24 p. C Mount Union College (Alliance, O.). An- nouncement, 1898. Alliance, 1898. Obi. T. ill. C Annual announcement, 1900-01. Alliance, 1900. D. C Catalogue, 1887, 1890-96, 1897-1900. Al- liance, 1887-1900. D. and O. pi. C Alumni. Catalogue, 1890. Alliance, 1890. O. C Muhlenberg College (Allentown, Pa.). Ad- dresses delivered at the inauguration of the faculty and laying of the corner-stone . . . 1867. Allen- town, 1868. O. 56 p. C Catalogue of the officers and students, 1867- 72, 1874-90, 1891-1900. Allentown, 1868-1900. O. ill. C Quarter-centennial memorial volume, being a history of the college and a record of its men, [ed. by] Rev. S. E. Ochsenford. Allentown, 1892. O. 594 P- por. 1 pi. C Seip, Rev. Theodore L. Muhlenberg Col- lege ; an address delivered before the Ministerium of Pennsylvania at its 140th annual meeting . . . 1887. lAllentown, Pa.,\%'^l.^ O. 16 p. C Muhlenberg College and the Univer- sity of Halle ; report of the bi-centenary at Halle. [Allentown, Pa., 1895.] O. 8 p. C Muskingum College (New Concord, O.). Annual catalogue, 1873-74, 1887, 1891, 1898. Zanesville, etc., 1872-98. O. and D. ill. C Napa College (Napa, Cal.). Year book, 1889-go, 1893-94. Napa, etc., 1890-94. O. pi. C Nashville University. Catalogue, 1876- 77, 1878-79, 1895-97. Nashville, 1877-97. D. C Laws. New edition. Nashville, 1835. O. 28 p. C Literary and Medical Departments, Cata- logue, 1858-59. Nashville, 1859. O. C Medicine and Surgery, Dept. of. Annual announcement of lectures, 1874-75, with catalogue of the graduates of 1874. Nashville, 1874. O. C Peabody Normal College. Catalogue, 1880- 82,1889-93,1894-96. Nashville, ii?>i-<)b. O. C Proceedings on the presentation of three portraits to the Peabody Normal College, University of Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee, 3 October, 1888. Cambridge, Mass., 1888. O. 12 p. C LiNDSLEY, John Berrien. Appeal to the citizens of Davidson county in behalf of their Uni- versity, 1856. Nashville, 1856. O. 8 p. C Stephens, William H. Tennessee ; and the duty of her educated sons ; an address delivered before the Alumni Society of the University of Nashville . . , 1871. Nashville, 1871. O. 23 + 22 + 2 p. C National University — Law Department. Announcement, 1899-1901. Washington [1899- 190O]. O. C Law, Medical, and Dental Departments. Catalogue, 1898-99. Washington, 1898. O. pi. C Dabney, Charles W., Jr. A National Uni- versity a growth ; not a creation. [New York, 1897.] Q. 12 p. C McArthur, Arthur. Address at the open- ing of the Law School of the National University, Washington, D. C, for the session of 1889-90. . . «./., 1889. O. 17 p. C 196 EDUCATION Nebraska Wesleyan University (Uni- versity Place). Catalogue ; the plan of agreement and charter, 1891-92. University Place, 1891. O. C 1894. Year book and catalogue, 1894. O. pi. Lincoln, C [ University ,C Annual catalogue, 1896-97. Place-^ 1897. O. Ne-w Brunswick University (Fredericton). Synopsis of the system of education established by the University of King's College, Fredericton. . . [Fredericton-^ 1838. O. I4p. C New Windsor College (New Windsor, Md.). Annual catalogue, 1885-87, 1892-93, 1898- 99. Baltimore, etc., 1886-99. D. and O. ill. C New York State University, see Uni- versity of the State of New York, under No. 10, p. 75-76. New York University, see New York (City) University, p. 94-95. Ne^eberry College (S. C). Catalogue, 1886-90, 1896-97, 1898-99. Newberry, 1887-99. O. pi. C Niagara University (Niagara Falls). An- nual catalogue, 1889-91, 1893-94, 1897-98, 1899- 1900. Suspension Bridge, etc., 1890-1900. O. ill. pi. C Norske Luther - College (Decorah, la.). Katalog, 1861-72, 1889-90. Decorah, 1872-90. O. pi. C North Carolina College (Mt. Pleasant). [Announcement.] Charlotte [1882]. O. 6 p. C Catalogue, 1868-69, 1874-80, 1884-87, 1888-1900. V. p. and New Market, Va., 1869- 1900. O. pi. C North Illinois University (Henry, 111.). Report of the Board of trustees, 1857-58. Boston, 1858. O. C Northw^est Missouri College (Albany). Annual catalogue, 1895-96. [Cincinnati, 1895.] O. C Northwest Teacas Baptist College (De- catur). Catalogue, 1894. [Decatur, 1894.] O. 30 p. ill. C North Western College (Naperville, 111 . ). Catalogue, 1870-71, 1875-96, 1897-99. Cleveland, etc., 1871-99. O. pi. C Northwestern University (Evanston, 111.). Announcement, 1884-85, 1887-88, 1889-91. Evans- ton, 1885-91. Nar. S. ill. C Evans- C Catalogue, 1866-74, 1876-1900. ion, 1867-1900. O. ill. pi. Chapel service. Evanston, 1895. 16 p. Sq. O. C Law School. Circular of information for 1898-99. Chicago, 1898. D. C Library. Exercises at the opening of the Orrington Lunt library building, September 26, 1894. Evanston [I894]. Q. 33 p. i por. C 1900. President, n, p. O. Annual Report, 1892-94, 1895- ill. C Addresses in memory of Joseph Cum- mings . . . President of Northwestern University. Evanston [i%^o^. Sq. O. 49 p. i por. C Northw^estern University (Watertown, Wis.). Catalogue, 1891-92, 1896-1900. Milwaukee, 1892-1900. O. pi. C Nor-wich University (Norwich, Vt.). logue, 1863-64. Norwich, 1863. O. Cata- C Notre Dame University (Ind.). Catalogue, 1885-86, 1888-89, 1890-93, 1894-1900. Notre Dame, 1886-99. O. ill. pi. C Prospecto de la Universidad de Notre Dame. Notre Dame [i(po-\. ill. pi. C St. Edward's Hall. [Notre Dame-^ 1900. O. ill. Prospectus, pi. 1900. C Prospecto del Colegio de San Eduardo . . . [Notre Dame, 1900.] O. ill. pi. por. C Oahu College (Honolulu). Annual reports of the president and treasurer, 1899-1900. Honolulu, 1900. O. plan. C 1900. Catalogue, D. pi. 1896-1900. Honolulu, 1897- HOSMER, F. A. Manners maketh man ; an address delivered before the students of Oahu College, June 20, 1900. Honolulu, igoo. O. 10 Announcement, 1894- C I, 1894-96, i{ Oberlin College (O.). 95. Oberlin, 1894. D. Annual reports, 188 Oberlin, i888-[i90i]. D. Catalogue, 1857-58, 1860-61, 1868-71, 1873-98, 1899-1900. Oberlin, i O. and D. 99-1900. C 1863-67, 858-1900. C Dedication of Peters Hall, January 26, 1887 ; Oration : The essentials of a college, by . . . E. B. Fairchild. Oberlin, 1887. O. 23 p. pi. C Its building era ; its endowment necessi- ties ; statistics. . . Akron, 1887. Obi. T, i6 p. ill. c [Plates]. Obi. S. C Semi-centennial register of the officers and alumni, 1883. Chicago, 1883. O. 194 p. C Triennial catalogue, 1889. Oberlin, 1889. O. c Library. Annual report of the librarian, 1895, 1898. Oberlin, 1896-99. D. C President. Addresses on the occasion of the inauguration of William G. Ballantine as presi- dent . . . July I, 1891. n. p., 1891. O. 46 p. Reports of president and treasurer, 1891. [Oberlin, i?,()2.] O. 14 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 197 Oberlin College (continued J Reception to the American Missionary Asso- ciation, 23 October, 1891. n. t.-p. D. 8 p. C • Fairchild, J. H. Educational arrange- ments and college life at Oberlin ; inaugural ad- dress delivered at the Commencement of Oberlin College, August 22, 1866. New York, 1866. O. 21 p. C Leonard, Rev. Delavan L. Story of Ober- lin ; the institution, the community, the idea, the movement. Boston ic.iZq^y O. 447 P- por. pi. Monroe, James. Baccalaureate address to the graduating classes of Oberlin College, June 28, 1891. lOberlin, 1891.] O. 22 p. C S^RIEBY, Rev. M. E. Oberlin and the American Missionary Association ; (an address de- livered in the College Chapel, Oberlin, on the occa- sion of the visit of the A. M. A., Oct. 1891.) [Oberlin, 1891.] Obi. T. 11 p. C Occidental College (Los Angeles, Cal.). [Catalogue] 1895-96. Los Angeles [I896]. D. Ogden College (Bowling Green, Ky.). Cata- logue, 1881-igoo. Bowling Green, 1882-1900. O. pi. C Ohio University (Athens). Annual report to the General Assembly, 1880-85, 1887-88, 1890-91, 1893-95. Columbus, 1882-96. O. C Catalogue, 1848-49, 1857-59, 1864-65, 1866-71, 1874-75, 1876-77, 1878-85, 1887-93, 1894-1900. Athens, etc.l 1 849-1900. D. and O. pi. C General catalogue from the date of its char- ter in 1804 to 1857. Athens, 1857. O. 41 p. C General catalogue, 1804-85. Athens, 1885. O. p. 45-111. (In Annual catalogue, 1885.) C Legal history of the Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Columbus, 1881. O. 166 p. C Ohio Wesleyan University (Delaware, O.). Catalogue, 1865-66, 1875-76, 1883-85, 1886-87, 1890-94, 1896-1900. Delaware, 1865-1900. D. andO. ill. pi. C Circular, 1894-95. Delaware, 1895. O. C Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. «. /. n. d. ill. Obi. Tt. C Quinquennial catalogue, 1842-86, ed. by E. T. Nelson. Delaware, 1886. O. 21 + 147 p. C Library. Inception, dedicatory addresses and description of the Charles Elihu Slocum Library . . . [with] a sketch of the history of the Uni- versity, June 20th, 1898. [Delaware^ 1898. Sq. Q. 57 p. ill. por. pi. C Medical Department. The Cleveland Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons. Announcement for 1898-99. Cleveland, 1898. O. C President. Annual report, 1887. Delaware, 1887. o. c Olivet College (Mich.). Catalogue, 187 1, 1883-85, 1889-92, 1894-1900. Detroit, etc., 1871- 1900. O. pi. C Exercises and addresses at the dedication of the new Library building, Olivet College, June 19, 1890. Olivet, 1890. O. 21 p. C Women's Department. [Announcement] 1897. n. t.-p. Obi. T. C Omaha University — Academic, Collegiate and Medical Departments, Announcements, 1894-95. Omaha, 1894. O. pi. C Oskaloosa College (Iowa). Annual cata- logue, 1887-88, 1890-92, 1894. Oskaloosa, 1887- 94. O. C Otta^ra University (Kansas). Catalogue, 1886-87, 1889-92, 1894-95. Ottawa, 1887-^5. O. pi. por. C Otterbein University (Westerville, O.). An- nual catalogue, for the year ending June 1874-75, 1879, 1891, 1894, 1897-1900. Westerville, 1874- 1900. O. C Ouachita College (Arkadelphia, Ark.). Catalogue, 1889-90, 1898-99. Little Rock, 1890- 99. O. pi. C Pacific Methodist College (Santa Rosa, Cal.). Annual catalogue, 1871-72. Santa Rosa, 1872. O. C Pacific University (Forest Grove, Oregon). Annual announcement, 1877. Portland, i^Tj. Nar. T. C Catalogue of Pacific University and Tualatin Academy, 1872-73, 1879-80, 1885, 1887-88, 1890- 94. Portland, 1872-93. O. pi. C Continued as Register. Exercises of the semi-centennial anniversary of Tualatin Academy and Pacific University held at Forest Grove, Oregon, July 9, 1898. «. /. n. d. O. 86 p. C Register of Tualatin Academy and Pacific University, 1894-1900. Portland, Or., 1894-1900. O. and D. pi. C Previous title was Catalogue. Park College (Parkville, Mo.). Catalogue, 1889-90, 1895-97, 1898-1900. Parkville, 1890- 1900. D. pi. C Twenty-fifth anniversary. May 5 to 12, 1900 ; programme of the celebration. Obi. T. [I2] p. ill. C Parsons College (Fairfield, la.). Annual catalogue, 1891-92, 1894-95, 1898-tgoo. Fairfield, 1892-1900. D. and O. pi. C Penn College (Oskaloosa, la.). Catalog, 1890-92. Oskaloosa [I891-92]. O. pi. por. C Pennsylvania College (Gettysburg). Cata- logue, 1853-54, 1856-57, 1858-61, 1863-71, 1872- 75, 1877-79, 1880-87, 1898-1900. Gettysburg, 1854-1900. O. pi. C People's College (Pikeville, Tenn.). Cata- logue, 1890-91. Chattanooga, 1891. O. C igS EDUCATION People's College of New York [State] (Havana). Circular, 1858, i860. New York, 1858-60. O. pi. C Public exercises at the laying of the comer stone of the People's College at Havana, N. Y. Thursday, September 2d, a.d. 1858. New York, 1858. O. 56 p. I pi. C Pierce Christian College (College City, Cal.). Annual register, for session ending May 19, 1892 . . . announcements for 1892-93. San Fran- cisco, 1892. O. pi. C Pomona College (Claremont, Cal.). Cata- logue, 1894-95, 1896-97. Pomona, etc., 1895-97. O. pi. C Portland University (Portland, Or.). An- nual catalogue, 1894-98. Portland, 1895-98. O. ill. C Presbyterian College of South Caro- lina (Clinton, S. C). Annual catalogue, 1896-99. Clinton, 1897-99. O. pi. C Presbyterian College of the Southwest (Del Norte, Col.). Catalogue, 1891-92. Wahoo, 1891. O. pi. C Princeton University (N. J.) Announce- ment of courses of study in the Academic Depart- ment. 1891-92. Princeton [189I] D. C Announcement of revised entrance require- ments for the Academic Department, January, 1893. Princeton, 1893. O. 8 p. C Catalogue of all who have held office in, or have received degrees from, the College of Newr Jersey at Princeton . . . [1746-1896]. Princeton, 1896. O. 277 +[i] p. C Catalogue of the officers and students of Nassau Hall [1819]. n. p. Nar. D. [ii p.] C Catalogue of the officers and students of the College of New Jersey, 1833-37, 1840-41, 1843-44, 1848-49, 1850-54, 1868-69, 1870-72, 1873-78, 1879-1900. Princeton, 1834-1900. O. and D, ill. pi. C Princeton University since 1896. Catalogus Collegii Neo-Csesariensis. [r8i8, 1836.] Tridenti,\'i\Z;Princetonice,\%->,t. O. 2 V. C Catalogus eorum qui munera et officia ges- serunt quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt . . . [1854, 1863, 1872, 1881, 1886.] Philadelphia, 1854-86. O. and Q. 5 v. C Directory of the graduates and former stu- dents, June, 1892, 1896. ^Princeton, 1892-96.] O. a V. C Examination papers for entrance to the Freshman class, 1897-99. n. p. O. C First commencement of the College of New Jersey. 1748. New York, 1872. O. 8 p. C Handbook of Princeton, published by the Sesquicentennial celebration committee. 1896. «. /., 1896. D. 31 p. pi. maps. C Laws of the College of New Jersey, revised, amended and adopted by the Board of Trustees. Princeton, 1870. O. 16 p. C List of Princeton men residing in New York city and vicinity, n. p. 1881. D. 38 p. C Memorial book of the sesquicentennial cele- bration of the founding of the College of New Jersey and of the ceremonies inaugurating Prince- ton University. New York, 1898. F. 14 -|- 460 + [I] p. ill. por. pi. facsim. C Princeton book ; a series of sketches pertain- ing to the history, organization and present con- dition of the College of New Jersey, by officers and graduates of the College. Boston, 1879. F. ii + 457 P- por. pi. C Replies of the professors and tutors to the . . . Board of trustees, i88r. Elizabeth, N. J., 1881. Q. 95 p. C Report of the exercises at the opening of Alexander Commencement Hall presented ... by Mrs. C. B. Alexander. Baccalaureate sermon preached before the class of 1894 of Princeton Col- lege . . . June tenth, 1894, by the Rev. F, L. Patton, president of the College. . . O. 52 p. i pi. C Reprint of educational charts prepared for the exhibit at the Paris Exposition of 1900. Prince- ton, 1900. Sq. F4. 75 p. ill. C Alumni, see National Alumni Assoc, below. American Whig Society. Catalogue of the honorary and graduate members of the American Whig Society, instituted ... in 1769. Princeton. 1837, 1845, 1883. O. C Cliosophic Society. sophic Society, instituted 1837. O. 29 p. Catalogue of the Clio- . . 1765. New York, C Brewster, Benjamin H. Address de- livered the twenty-eighth June, 1853, before the Am. Whig and Cliosophic Societies. . . Phila- delphia, 1854. O- 24 p. C Gaston, William. Address delivered before the Am. Whig and Cliosophic Societies . . . Sept. 29, 1835. Princeton, 1835. O. 42 p. C Hall, Rev. Baynard Rust. " Prodesse quam conspici," an oration delivered the 29th June, 1852, before the Am. Whig and Cliosophic So- cieties. . . New York, 1852. Nar. O. 40 p. C Scott, John Morin. Address de- livered before the Am. Whig and Cliosophic Societies . . . Sept. 27, 1836. Princeton, 1836. O. 25 p. C SCHENCK, Rev. Noah Hunt. Epochs of transition ; an oration delivered before the Am. Whig and Cliosophic Societies . . . June 26th, 1866. Philadelphia, 1867. O. 53 p. C Southard, Samuel Lewis. Address delivered before the Am. Whig and Cliosophic So- cieties . . . Sept. 26, 1837. 2d ed. Princeton, 1838. O. 40 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 199 Princeton University (continued) Graduate Department. Courses in philos- ophy, 1897-98. n. t.-p. O. C Library. Bulletin list of books added to the library of the College of New Jersey since the completion of the printed catalogue. n.p. 1887- 88. Q. no. 3-4. C Catalogue of books written by the alumni and officers, now in the library ; [compiled by F. Vinton]. Philadelphia, 1876. O. [4] + 79 p. . C Class of '83 Library of political science and jurisprudence ; finding list. Princeton, 1893. O. 44 P- C National Alumni Association. Annual re- port, 1894. Princeton, 1895. D. C Alexander, Rev. Archibald. Biogra- phical sketches of the founder, and principal alumni of the Log College. . . Princeton, 184s- ^- 369 p. C BiDDLE, Nicholas. Address delivered before the Alumni Assoc, of Nassau-Hall [atj . . . the annual commencement of . . . [Princeton] Col- lege, Sept. 30, 1835. . . Princeton, 1835. O. 24 p. C McDowell, James. Address deliv- ered before the Alumni Assoc, of the College . . . Sept. 26, 1838. Princeton, 1838. Nar. O. 51 p. C Southard, Samuel Lewis. Address de- livered before the Alumni Assoc. September 26, 1832. . . Princeton, 1832. O. 30 p. C President. Inauguration of James McCosh as president . . . October 27, 1868. New York, 3868. Nar. O. 96 p. C Smith, Rev. Samuel Stanhope. Oratio inauguralis habita in asdibus Collegii Neo- Csesariensis, Oct. 4, 1794, cum munus praesidiale iniret. Trenton, 1817. D. 32 p. C Carnahan, James. Address to the students of the College of New Jersey, at the funeral of G. S. Hooe . . . delivered March i6th, 1836. . . [Anon.] Princeton, 1836. O. 16 p. C Maclean, John. History of the College of New Jersey, from its origin in 1746 to the com- mencement of 1854. Philadelphia, 1877. O. 2 V. C — — Patton, Francis Landey. Letter and the spirit ; a baccalaureate sermon preached in Mar- quand Chapel, Princeton, June 8, 1890. n.p. O. 27 p. C Sloane, William Milligan. Princeton Uni- versity. (In Four American universities. 1885. p. 93-155- ill. II pi.) C West, Andrew Fleming. Brief account of Princeton University. 1. Historical ; n. The campus ; IIL Organization and administration ; IV. Instruction. Princeton, 1893. D. 32 p. C Puget Sound University (Tacoma, Wn.). Year book, 1896-97. Tacoma, 1896. D. C Purdue University (Lafayette, Ind.). An- nouncement of courses in railway engineering and railway management. 1900-01. Lafayette, 1900. D. C Announcement of courses in the School of applied science. 1900-01. Lafayette, 1900. D. C Announcement of courses in the School of civil engineering, 1900-01. Lafayette, 1900. D. C Annual catalogue, 1885-86, 1887-1901. In- dianapolis, 1886-1901. O. and D. C Before 1894 title reads Annual register. Annual circular for 1876-77 with a catalogue of the students in 1875-76. Indianapolis, 187b. O. C Annual reports of the president and other officers, 1875-76, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885-99. In- dianapolis, 1876-99. O. pi. C 187s is Treasurer's only. 1876, 1886, 1888 and 1894 are biennial reports. Bibliography of the more important publi- cations by the faculty for the past ten years, also a List of bulletins published by U. S. Experiment station, Dec. 1884 to Nov. 1898. [Zrt Fayette, 1898.] O. i8 p. (Aps. to 24th annual report, 1897-98.) C Report of the School of chemistry, by Har- vey W. Wiley. Indianapolis, 1881. O. 28 p. President. Inaugural address by E. E. White, July 16, 1876. Indianapolis, 1876. O. 16 p. C Selected views. 1899, 1900, 1901. Obi. T. pi. C Queen's College and University (King- ston, Ont.). Calendar, 1893-94, 1895-99. King- ston, 1893-98. D. C Racine College (Racine, Wis.). Register, 1867-68, 1869-71, 1873-75, 1879-88. Racine, 1868-88. O. ill. pi. C 1887-88 has title Year-book. Randolph-Macon College (Ashland. Va.). Catalogue, 1856-95, 1896-1900. Richmond, 1857- 1900. O. ill. pi. map. C Erby, Richard. History of Randolph-Ma- con College, Virginia ; the oldest incorporated Methodist college in America. Richtnond, n. d. O. 331 p. ill. por. C Olin, Rev. Stephen. Inaugural address delivered by the president of Randolph-Macon Col- lege on the occasion of his induction into office, 5th March, 1834. Richmond, 1834. O. 28 p. C Red River Valley University (Wahpeton, N. D.). Annual catalogue, 1892-3. Wahpeton, 1893. O. V. I. C Richmond College (Va.). Catalogue, 1866- 68, 1869-71, 1872-85, 1886-95, 1897-99. Rich- mond, 1867-99. O. pi. C With 1884-85 Historical sketch and Roll of alumni 1832-84 ; with 1888 List of graduates 1849-88. Dedication of Jeter Memorial Hall ; address by J. B. Thomas . . . June 18, 1884. Richmond, 1884. O. 30 + [I] p. pi. C 200 EDVCA tiojv Rio Grande College (Rio Grande, O.). An- nual catalogue of the officers and students, 1886, 1891-93, 1895-96. Hampton, IV. Va., 1886-96. O. pi. V. 10, 14-15, i8-ig. C General catalogue 1876-86 included in Catalogue for 1886- 87. Ripen College (Wis.), Alumni catalogue, 1867-1888. n.p. O. 25 + [I] p. pi. C Catalogue of the officers and students, 1866- 67, 1868-70, 1871-1900. iRipon^ 1867-1900. O. iU. pi. C General catalogue, 1851 to 1900. Ripon, 1900. O. 71 p. pi. C Also contains Necrology of alumni, 1867-1900. Roanoke College (Salem, Va.). Addresses at the inauguration of Julius D. Dreher as president . . . Oct. 17, 1879. {Bostoit, pr.] 1879. O. 62 p. C Catalogue, 1871-80, 1881-1900. Salem, etc., 1872-99. O. pi. C Agnew, Daniel. Dangers of the republican governments of the United States ; an address deliv- ered before the Literary Societies of Roanoke Col- lege, Va., June 15th, 1881. Lynchburg, 1881. O. 20 p. C Dreher, Julius D. The benevolent spirit and the higher education ; an address before the Educational Association of Virginia, at Norfolk, July 8, i88r. O. 30 p. C From Educational journal oy Va. for Jan. 1882. • Education during and after school Raleigh [I900J. O. 16 p. C days. Eaton, John. Address on scholarly work- ers ; their spirit and methods ; delivered before the Literary Societies of Roanoke College ... at the annual commencement, on Tuesday, June 10, 1879. Washington, 1879. O. 18 p. C Potter, Clarkson Nott. Need of limiting legislation and patronage ; an address before the Literary Societies of Roanoke College, Va., June 12, 1878. Washington, 1878. O. 29 p. C Warner, Charles Dudley. Work laid upon the southern college ; an address before the Literary Societies of Roanoke College . . . June 12, 1883. O. 7p. C Rochester (N. Y.) University, see Univer- sity of Rochester (N. Y.) Rockford College (Rockford, 111.). Annual catalogue, 1896-1900. Rockford, III., 1897-1900, O. ill. v. 46-49. C Rollins College (Winter Park, Fla.). An- nouncement for 1898-99. Orlando, Fla., 1898. O. 24 p. ill. C Catalogue, 1888-97, 1898-1900. Orlando, 1889-1900. O. and D. ill. pi. C 1888-90 have title Calendar. Constitution and by-laws, as amended May 28, 1890. Orlando [I89O]. Nar. D. 12 p. C Report, 1886-88. n. t.-p. S. C Rutgers College (New Brunswick, N. J.). Alumni and students of Rutgers College (originally Queen's College). [New Brunswick] 1900. O. 96 p. (Publ., no. 9.) C Catalogue of the officers and alumni, 1770- 1885, comp. by I. S. Upson. Trenton, 1885. O. 132 p. C Catalogue of the officers and alumni, 1840. New Brunswick, 1840. O. C Catalogue of the officers and students, 1846- 47. 1853-54, 1860-63, 1864-95, 1896-1900. New Brunswick, 1846-99. O. and D. ill. C Centennial celebration, June 21, 1870 ; with an Historical discourse delivered by J. P. Bradley and other addresses. Albany, 1870. Q. 98 p. C President. Addresses at the inauguration of M. E. Gates ... as president . . . June 20th, 1882. New York, 1883. O. 52 p. - C Addresses at the inauguration of Austin Scott ... as president of Rutgers College, February 4th, 1891. New Brunswick, 1891. O. 36 p. C Addresses delivered at the inauguration of Theodore Frelinghuysen ... as president elect . . . July 24th, 1850. . . New Brunswick, 1850, O. 24 p. C Addresses commemorative of George Ham- mel Cook, professor of geology and agriculture in Rutgers College, delivered before the trustees, faculty, alumni, students and friends of the College, June 17, 1890. . . Newark, 1891. O. 53 p. i por. C Demarest, David D, Rutgers (Queen's) College and medical degrees ; a paper read before the New Brunswick Historical Club, Thursday evenings 21 December 1893 and 18 January 1894. Trenton [1894] O. 54 + [i] p. C DwiGHT, Theodore William. Address de- livered before the Philoelean and Peithessophian societies of Rutgers college, June 21, 1859. New York, 1859. Nar. O. 36 p. C Griffis, William Elliot. Rutgers gradu- ates in Japan ; an address delivered in Kirkpatrick Chapel, Rutgers college, June 16, 1885. Albany, 1886. O. 32 p. C Nairne, Charles Murray. Oration de- livered before the Philoelean and Peithessophian Societies of Rutgers College. New York, 1857. O. 38 p. C Thompson, Rev. John Bodine. Evolution of the American college ; an address before the Alumni of Rutgers College June 19, 1894. New Brunswick, 1894. O. 38 -H [i] p. C Saint Ambrose College (Davenport, Iowa). Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1894- 95. Davenport, 1895. O. v. 13. C St. Benedict's College (Atchison, Kan.). Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1877- 86, 1889-90, 1892-93, 1894-95, 1896-99, 1900-or. Atchison, 1 878-1900. O. ill. pi. c St. Benedict's College (Newark, N. J.). Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1895-96. Newark, 1896. O. 49 p. C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 20 1 St. Bernard College (St, Bernard, Ala.). Catalogue of officers and students, 1898-1900. Cullman, Ala., 1899-1900. O. pi. C St. Bonaventure's College and Semi- nary (Allegany, N. Y.). Catalogue of the officers and students, 1885-86, 1888-90, 1891-95. Buffalo, 1889-^5. O. pi. C St. Charles* College (Howard Co., Md.). Catalogue, 1890-91, 1894-97, 1898-1900. Balti- more, 1891-1900. O. pi. C St. Ed-ward's College (Austin, Texas). An- nual catalogue, 1898-99. O. v. 15. pi. C St. Francis College (Brooklyn). [Pros- pectus] 1895-96, 1897-98. New York, 1896-98. O. C St. Francis Solanus College (Quincy, 111.). Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1895- 96, 1897-1900. Quincy, 1896-1900. O. pi. C St. Francis Xavier College (New York). Catalogue, 1862-66, 1867-74, 1875-99. New York 1863-99. O. ill. pi. C [Prospectus.] 1871-72. O. 58 + 3 ?• C Alumni. The College of St. Francis Xavier ; a memorial and a retrospect, 1847-97. New York [1897]. O. [9] +273 p. ill. por. C Students, Pearls of a year ; short stories from "The Xavier," 1888. New York, 1888. Sq. D. 116 4- [I] p. C Saint Ignatius College (Chicago, 111.). Catalogue, 1871-73, 1880-82, 1890-95, 1896-1900. Chicago, 1872-1900. O., pi. por. C St. Ignatius' College (Cleveland, O.). Cata- logue, 1895-96. Cleveland, 1896. O. pi. C Saint Ignatius College (San Francisco, Cal.). Catalogue, 1862-70, 1872-97. San Fran- cisco, 1863-98. O. ill. C St. John's College (Annapolis, Md.). Cata- logue, 1867-68, 1869-70, 1871-78, 1879-85, 1886- 96, 1897-1900. Annapolis, 1868-1900. O. pi. C Maryland — General Assembly, iy8s-8b. Several acts respecting St. John's College. .<4«- ««/(7/zV [1786?] S. 35 p. C St. John's College (Brooklyn). Catalogue of the officers and students, 1893-94, 1896-97. New York, 1893-97. O. pi. C St. John's College (Fordham, N. Y.). Cat- alogue, 1863-64, 1865-68, 1869-70, 1872-76, 1878- 79, 1880-89, 1890-96, 1897-1900. New York, 1864-1900. O. ill. C St. John's College, Fordham, New York city, 1899. n.p. O. 27 p. pi. C Taaffe, Thomas Gaffney. History of St. John's College, Fordham, N. Y. New York, 1891. O. 8 + 154 p. pi. por. C St. John's College (Washington, D. C). Yearbook, 1895-96, 1897-98. Washington, 1895- 98. O. pi. C Addresses and letters read at the memorial meeting in honor of Brother Azarias. Washing- ton, 1894. O. 82 p. C St. John's University (Collegeville, Minn.). Annual catalogue of the officers, faculty and stu- dents, 1890-91, 1893-94, 1899-1900. Collegeville, 1891-1900. O. pi. C St. Lawrence University (Canton, N. Y.). Catalogue, 1873-83, 1886/7, ,1889-93, 1894-1900. Canton, 1874-90. O. and D. C Necrology, June 11, 1890- June 10, 1891. n. p. O. 4 p. C Quinquennial catalogue . . . 1856-90. Canton, 1890. O. 31 p. C New York State — Educational exhibit. Handbook no. 26 ; St. Lawrence University, Can- ton. T. «. /. 28 p. pi. C Robinson, Nelson Lemuel. Saint Lawrence University ; historical sketch. Syracuse, 1894. O. 15 p. ill- C St. Louis University (St. Louis, Mo.). Catalogue, [18413-42, 1843-44, 1845-46, 1847-48, 1849-52, 1853-71, 1873-74, 1876-1900. St. Louis [18423-1900. O. ill. pi. C Prospectus, 1889-90. St. Louis, 1890. O. pi. C St. Mary's College (Belmont, N. C). Cat- alogue of the officers and students, 1896-99. Green- ville, S. C, 1896-99. O. C St. Mary's College (St. Mary's, Kan.). . . . Catalogue, 1891-92, 1893-94, 1896-97, 1898- 1900. Kansas City, etc., i892-[i900]. O. pi. C St. Mary's College (St. Mary's, Ky.). Cata- logue, 1889-91, 1898-99. St. Mary's, 1889-99. O. C Saint Michael's College (Toronto, Ont.). . . . Catalogue, 1897-98. Toronto, 1897. O. pi. C St. Olaf College (Northfield, Minn.). Cata- logue, 1889-90, 1891-1900. Northfield, 1889-1900. O. pi. C St. Paul's College (St. Paul Park, Minn.). Catalogue, 1893-94, and prospectus for 1894-95. St. Paul, 1894. O. C St. Stephen's College (Annandale, N. Y.), Annual catalogue, 1864-70, 1871-75, 1876-78, 1882-83, 1884-85, 1886-1900. Albdny, New York and Foughkeepsie, 1865-1900. O. and D. C Annual report of the warden, 1891. n. p. O. 8 p. C [Appeal of the trustees.] [New York, i860.] Nar. Q. 12 p. 2 pi. plan. C Proceedings at the laying of the corner- stone of the Ludlow and Willink Hall on Wednes- day, June 13 . . . 1866. . . Cambridge [Mass.^ 1866. O. 46 p. I ill. C Cole, Fev. Lawrence T. Inaugural ad- dress delivered on the occasion of his inauguration as Warden of St. Stephen's College, on June 14, 1900. n.p., 1900. O. 14 p. C Fairbairn, Robert B. Address delivered Feb. 2, 1885, being the xxvth anniversary of the consecration of the chapel and the founding of St. Stephen's College. Albany, 1885. O. 28 p. C Plea for an endowment for St. Ste- phen's College ; a sermon. . . Albany, 1871. O. 23 p. c 202 EDUCATION St. Viateur's College (Bourbonnais, 111.). Prospectus and catalogue, 1890-91, 1893-94, 1898- 1900. [Bloomington-^ 1891-1900. O. pi. C St. Vincent College (Westmoreland cc, Pa.). Catalogue of the officers and students, 1869-70, 1890-gi, 1892-93, 1894-96, 1898-99. Pittsburgh, etc., 1870-99. O. pi. C St. Vincent's College (Cape Girardeau, Mo.). Annual catalogue of the officers and stu- dents, 1889-92. n. p. O, pi. C St. Xavier College (Cincinnati, O.). Cata- logue, 1846-47, 1863-71, 1875-78, 1880-81, 1884- 98, 1899-1900. Cincinnati, 1847-1900. O. ill. pi. C San Joaquin Valley College (Woodbridge, Cal.). Eleventh annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1890-gi. Stockton, 1890. O. ill. C Santa Clara College (Cal.). Catalogue, 1872-1900. Santa Clara, 1873-1900. O. pi. C Souvenir. ^San jfose, Cal., 1893.] Obi. S. Unpaged, pi. C Scio College (Scio, O.). Annual catalogue, 1887-38, 1890-91. Columbus, 1887-90. O. C Seton Hall College (South Orange. N. J.). Catalogue, 1874, 1898, 1900. Newark, 1874-1900. O. ill. pi. C Sketch of Seton Hall College. York, 1895. O. 97 p. ill. por. pi. New C Sewanee Calendar, see University of the South Calendar. Shurtleff College (Upper Alton. 111.). An- nual catalogue of the officers and students and courses of study, 1886-87, 1890-94, 1895-96. Up- per Alton, 1887-96. O. V. 60, 64-67, 69. C Kendrick, a. a. Shurtleff College ; in- augural address June 13th, 1872. n. p. O. 8 p. C Simpson Centenary College (Indianola, la.). Catalogue, 1871-72, 1879-80, 1886-87, 1889- 90, 1891-92, 1893-94. Indianola, 1872-94. O. C South Carolina Presbyterian College (Clinton). Catalogue, 1896-98. Clinton, 1897-98. O. pi. C Southern University (Greensboro', Ala.). Annual announcement, 1859-60. Greensboro' , 1859. O. C Catalogue, 1886-87, 1892-93, i 899-1900. Cincinnati, etc., 1 887-1900. O. ill. pi. C South'west Kansas College (WinBeld). Monthly bulletin ; annual summary and announce- ments, July, 1900. Winfield, 1900. D. C Year book, 1897-99. IVinfield, 1897-98. D. pi. C South'western Presbyterian University (Clarksville, Tenn.). Catalogue, 1 899-1900. 25th year. Clarksville, \Kfio. O. C Springhill College (Mobile, Ala.). . . Cata- logue, 1889-92, 1893-97, 1898-1900. Mobile, 1890- 1900. O. pi. C S\7arthmore College (Penn.). Annual cata- logue, 1871-74, 1875-76, 1880-1901. Philadelphia, [i87i]-i90i. O. pi. V. 3-5, 7, 12-32. C pi. Buildings and campus. Obi. T. [15] p. C Syracuse University. Announcement of Syracuse University . . . organization 187 1. ^Syra- cuse.^ O. 16 p. C Annual, 1872-75, 1876-78, 1879-1901. Syracuse, 1872-1901. O. pi. C Later issues called Catalogue. Illustrated bulletin ; giving views illustrative of where we are, what we are, and what we do. Syracuse [I899]. O. 36 p. ill. pi. C Inauguration and cornerstone, Aug. 31, 1871. n. p. O. 40 p. C Chancellor. Addresses and other exercises at the inauguration of Alexander Winchell as chancel- lor .. . Feb. 13, 1873. Syracuse, 1873. O. 79 p. C Inauguration of Rev. James Roscoe Day as chancellor . . . June 27, 1894 . . . ad- dresses. . . [Syracuse-^ 1894. O. 29 p. C Special bulletin, giving views illustrative of where we are, what we are, and what we do. [Syra- cuse-^ 1896. O. 31 p. ill. pi. C College of Pine Arts. Syracuse, 1874-75. O. [Catalogue] 1874-75. C Programs of recitals and soirees given by the musical department, 1878-1885. Syracuse, 1885. O. 61 + [3] p. C College of Liberal Arts. Post-graduate courses of study 1878, 1883, 1886, 1889. Syracuse, 1878-89. O. C Summer School of Sociology, June 27 to July 9, 1898. Obi. S. 7 p. pi. C Tabor College (Tabor, la.). Catalogue, 1877-78, 1879-88, 1889-93, 1894-96, 1897-1900. Tabor, 1878-99. O. and D. ill. C Brooks, William M. The first twenty-five years of Tabor College. Tabor [I892]. Obi. T. 16 p. pi. C Tarkio College (Tarkio, Mo.). Annual cata- logue, 1889-94, 1897-98, 1899-1900. Omaha, etc. [i890]-i900. O. C Taylor University (Upland, Ind.). Cata- logue, 1898-1900. Upland, 1898-99. D. ill. C Temple College (Philadelphia). Catalogue, 1899— 1900. [Philadelphia, 1899.] D. C Thiel College (Greenville, Pa.). Annual cata- logue, 1886-87, 1890-95, 1896-97, 1898-1900. Greenville, i887-[i900]. O. and D. pi. por. C Trinity College (Durham, N. C). Annual Catalogue, 1886-87, 1889-90, 1898-1900. v. p. and Durham, 1887-1900. O. and D. pi. C Report of the president, 1887-8 O. 37 p. Raleigh, C HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 203 Trinity CoUeg^e (Hartford, Conn.). Calen- dar, 1851, 1853, 1856-60. Hartford, 1851-59. O. C Continued as Catalogue of the officers and students, 1845- 46, 1860-1901. Hartford, 1846, 1860-19OO. O. ill, C Catalogue of the officers and graduates . . . 1855, 1862. Hartford, 1855-62. O. C Catalogus senatus academici. . . Hart- fordim, 1842, 1872, 1880, 1885, 1890, 1895. O. C Alumni. Addresses of surviving alumni, December, 1895. O. 27 p. C Memorial of the proceedings at the unveiling of the statue erected in honor of the founder . . . Nov. II, 1869. Hartford, 1870. O. pi. C President. Report, 1883-84. Hartford, 1884. O. C Reports to the corporation, 1885-86. Hart- ford, 1885-86. O. C Statutes. Hartford, i%t2. O. 15 p. -C Trinity College, Hartford. O. 16 p. ill. C Reprinted from Scribner's for March, 1876. Trinity College Bulletin ; published under the authority of the Trustees. Hartford, 1900. O. pi. no. 1-2. C No. I contains Alphabetical list of living graduates. Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew. Col- legiate education ; an address pronounced before the House of convocation of Trinity College . . . August 4th, 1847. Hartford, 1847. O. 38 p. C Trinity College, University of (Toronto, Ont.). Calendar, 1856-57, 1882-83. Toronto, 1856-82. 12°. C Later, Trinity University. McMuRRAY, William. Journal of a mission to England in . . . 1864, on behalf of the Uni- versity of Trinity College, Toronto. Toronto, 1869. O. 67 p. C Melville, Henry, M.D. Rise and prog- ress of Trinity College, Toronto ; with a sketch of the life of the Bishop of Toronto. . . Toronto, 1852. O. 95 p. ill. pi. C Trinity University (Tehuacana, Texas). An- nouncement and catalogue, 1886-87, 1890-95, 1896- 98, 1899-1900. St. Louis and Nashville, 1887- 1900. O. pi. C Trinity University (Toronto, Ont.). Cal- endar for the year 1 896-1 900. Toronto, 1896-1900. O. pi. C 1897-99, ^"'1 1900-01 are "Abridged calendars." Trinity College year book 1895-96, pub- lished by order of the executive committee of con- vocation and edited by M. A. Mackenzie and A. H. Young. Toronto [I896]. D. 8 + 182 p. por. pi. C Tufts College (Mass.). Catalogue of the officers and students, 1862-64, 1865-1901. Boston, 1862-1900. O. and D. pi. tab. map. C Catalogus senatus academici et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique aliquo gradu ex- omati fuerunt in CoUegio Tuftensi . . . [1880, 1885, 1890.] Bostonice, 1880, 1885, 1890. O. C Divinity School. Annual announcement, 1894-95. «./. D. C President. Annual report, 1875-78, 1879- 1900. Boston, 1876-1901. O. and D. C None published for 1878-79. Tulane University (New Orleans, La.). Catalogue, 1884-94, 1895-99 . . . announcement, 1885-95, 1896-1900. New Orleans, 1885-99. O. ill. por. pi. C President. Annual report of W. P. John- ston, president ; college commencement . . . June i6th, 1892. New Orleans, 1892. O. 10 p. C Report of W. P. Johnston to board of administrators on plan of organization of Tulane University, June 4th, 1883. New Orleans, 1883. O. 63 -)- 4 p. C Johnston, William Preston. Commence- ment address [at Tulane University] June 30, 1898. New Orleans, 1898. O. 24 p. C Tulane University of Louisiana ; its place in our educational system ; commencement address . . . June 19, 1895. New Orleans, 1895. O. 15 p. C See also Tulane University — H. Sophie Newcotnb Memo- rial College /or Women, under No. 19. Union Christian College (Meron, Ind.). Catalogue, 1871-72, 1885-86, 1890-91, 1893-94. Terre Haute, 1872-94. O. pi. C Union College (Schenectady). Abstract of the laws. n. p. n. d. O. 16 p. C Circular and catalogue, 1822, 1837-39, 1842, 1845-49, 1853-64, 1868-71, 1875-76, 1879, 1881- 85. Albany, 1822-85. O. and D. pi. C Union University from 1873. Charter and general laws and resolutions re- lating to the powers and duties of the treasurer. Schenectady, 1855. O. 13 p. C First semi-centennial anniversary celebrated July 22, 1845. Albany, 1845. O. [4] + 186 p. C General catalogue of the officers, graduates and students, from 1795 to 1868. Albany, 1868. O. 155 p. c Laws of Union College. Schenectady, 1821. O. 24 p. C Nomdna senatus academici, et eorum qui munera et officia academica gesserunt, quique ali- quopiam gradu exornati sunt. . . Schenectadics, 1843. O- 62 p. C Record of the commemoration June twenty- first to twenty-seventh, 1895, of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of Union College. . . New York, 1897. Q. 9 + [i] -H 524 p. ill. por. pi. C The removal of Union College. 1897?] O. 15 p. [Albany, C 204 EDUCATION Union College (continued) Alumni. General Alumni Association, 1891-92. Bulletin, no. 2 : Butterfield lecture course. ..«./. O. 15 p. C Alumni Association of New York. Year book, 1889-gi, 1895. \_New York, 188^95.] Sq. S. C Civil Engineering Department. 1852, 1857.] O. [Circular, C Class 0/1832. West, Charles Edwin. Ad- dress on the 50th anniversary of the class of 1832, parts of which were read at a class meeting at Union College, June 27, 1882. Brooklyn, 1882. O. 5 + 118 + 33 p. C Class of 1844. [Report, 1874.] 0. 53 p. C 1872. c 0. Class of 1862 34 p. Bulletin. Albany, Presiiient. Annual report, bany, 1872. O. 1871-72 Al- C Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. Nott's presidency, July 25, 1854. Schenectady, 1854. O. 122 p. C Decennial review connected with the annual report of the president. Albany, 1882. O. 106 p. C ' Exercises connected with the inaugura- tion of Charles A. Aiken, as president . . . June 28, 1870, Albany, 1870. O. 32 p. C Proceedings at the inauguration . . . with the annual report of the President, 1871-72. Albany, 1872. O. 79 p. C Summer School. Announcement of courses, 1896. Schenectady [I896.] D. 14 p. C Treasurer. Annual report, Schenectady, etc., 1858-68. O. 1858, 1868. C Trustees, Reply to charges brought before the Assembly of New York, March 19, 1850 and before the Senate on the 12th of April, 1851, by J. W, Beekman. . . Albany, i^S3- O. 134 P- C To the Legislature of the state of New York. n. t.-p. O. 10 p. C To the I Pierre Alexandre Auguste, abbd, De I'instruction des femmes. . . Paris, 1866. O. 514 p. c Bando'w, Kathe. Das madchen soil die grenze der gelehrsamkeit fast ebenso flirchten wie die der unschicklichkeit. 12 p. (Samml. padagog. vor- trage. 1897. v. 10, pt. 5.) C Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter. Should American colleges be open to women as well as to men ? a paper presented to the twentieth an- nual convocation of the University of the State of New York. . . Albany, 1882. O. 17 p. C T The higher education of women ; passages . . . from the annual reports of the president of Columbia College. . . June, 1879, June, 1880, and June, i88i. Reprinted. New York, 1882. O. 46 p. C Bassanville, Anais Lebrun, comtesse de. De I'education des femmes . . . avec une preface par Alfred Nettement. Paris, 1861. D. 11 + 372 p. C Beale, Dorothea. Organization of higher edu- cation for girls. (/« London — Intemat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature v. 16, p. 327-37.) C Beaudoux, Mme. CI. La science maternelle ; ou. Education morale et intellectuelle des jeunes filles. Paris, 1844. D. 6 -f- 393 + 18 p. C Beecher, Catherine Esther. Essay on the edu- cation of female teachers ; written at the request of the American Lyceum. . . New York, 1835. O. 22 p. C Be^^ato, Egidio: La donna, la famiglia e la scuola, considerazioni e memorie. . . Mortara, 1878. O. 56 p. C EDUCATION OF WOMEN 213 Belgium — IntMeur et de Vinstruction publique ^ Ministere de /'. Historique de renseignement du dessin dans les Ecoles moyennes de I'Etat pour fiUes. Bruxelles, igoo. D. 33 p. C Notice sur le cours d'ouvrages manuels et d'economie domestique dans les Ecoles moyennes de I'Etat pour filles ; 1881-1900. Bruxelles, 1900. D. 57 p. C Benfey, Frau Anna (Schuppe). Frauenfrage und madchen-erziehung. Kempten, 1897. D. 29 p. (Padagog. vortrage u. abhandl. v. 4, no. 3.) C Bennet, John. Strictures on female education, chiefly as it relates to the culture of the heart. . . [Anon.] London [1 788]. O. 14 + 152 p. T Berlin Lette- Verein. Statutes and programmes for the promotion of hig her. \sic^ education and in- dustry among women. Berlin [I88I]. O. 24 p. C Bolunert, Karl Victor. Das studieren der frauen mit besonderer riichsicht auf das studium der medicin. Leipzig, 1872. O. 44 p. C Bolton, Mrs. Sarah (Knowles). Higher educa- tion of women, at Cambridge. {In^ her Social studies in England [I886]. p. 7-49.) C Boston — School Committee. Majority and mi- nority of the special committee on subject of co-edu- cation of the sexes. Boston, i8go. O. nop. C Women's Education Association. Annual report, 1874, 1892. Boston, 1875-93. O. no. 2, 21. C Women' s Educational and Industrial Union. Annual report, 1879-86; 1888. Boston, 1879-88. D. C Brackett, Anna Callender, editor. Woman and the higher education. New York, 1893. S. 10 + 214 p. (Distaff series.) T Brenner, C. S. Education of girls and women in Great Britain ; with a preface by Miss C. P. Hughes. London, 1897. D. 14 + i + 296 p. C Bryant, Mrs. Sophie. Curriculum of a girl'c school. (/« Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. v. 2, p. 99-132.) C T Curriculum of a school for girls of the first grade. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 16, p. 337-46.) C Buchner, Luise. Die frauen und ihr beruf, ein buch der weiblichen erziehung. . . [Anon.] 3. aufl. Frankfurt a. M., i860. S. 13 + 179 + 4 p. C Buchner, Wilhelm. Gegenwart und zukunft der hoheren madchenschule. Eisenach \\'iilb-\. O. 34 p. {In Padagog. studien. 1881. v. i, no. 3.) T Bugge, E. Die franzosische hohere madchen- schule. {In Neue bahnen. 1893. v. 4, p. 441- 50.) T Burstall; Sara A. Education of girls in the United States. London, 1894. D. 12 + 204 p. CT Bibliography p. 183-90. Burton, John. Lectures on female education and manners. Rochester ^Eng.-^ i']<)'i. S. 2 v. C [Same.] 3d edition. New York, 1794. S. 10 + 257 p. C [Same.] 5th Am. ed. Elizabeth- Town [N. y.] 1799. s. 280 + 4 p. c Cales, Jean Marie. De I'education nationale. {In Hippeau, Celestin. Instruction publique en France pendant la revolution. 1881. v. i, p. 398- 407.) C Cambridge (Mass.). Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women. Extracts from letters of pupils. Cambridge, 1883. Sq. D. 12 p. C Report of the ladies of the execu- tive committee. Cambridge, 1883. Sq. D. 19 p. C Reports of the treasurer and secretary presented at the annual meeting, October 25, 1892. Cambridge, 1892. O. 44 p. C Campan, Mme. Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genet). Conseils aux jeunes filles ; ouvrage destine aux ecoles elementaires. {In her De I'education. 1824. V. I, p. 297-426.) C De I'education suivi des Conseils aux jeunes filles d'un theatre pour les jeunes personnes et de quelques essais de morale . . . pub. . . par [J.] F. Barri^re. Paris, 1824. O. 2 v. C Cartas sobre la educacion del bello sexo, por Una senora americana. Paris [1854?] T. 213 p. ^ C Chassay, Frederic Edouard, abb^. La femme chretienne dans ses rapports avec le monde. 4= ed. Paris, 1863. D. 15 + i + 414 p. (Bibl. d'une femme chretienne.) C Clarke, Edward Hammond. Building of a brain. Boston, 1874. D. 153 p. C [Same.] 5th ed. Boston [C. iZT^y D. 153 p. T Sex in education ; or, A fair chance for the girls. Boston, 1873. D. 181 p. C [Same.] i8th ed. Boston, 1889. D. 181 p. T Coeducation of the sexes in the public schools of the United States. {In U. S.— Ed,, Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1883. no. 2.) C T College Women's Club. First-fourth annual report. May, 1897-1900. [New York, 1897-1900.] Sq. S. C Cra-wford, Mrs. Emily. Education and status of women. {In State education for the people. 1895. p. 116-32.) C T Croi)r, Martha Foote. Facilities for the uni- versity education of women in England. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report of the commissioner. 1896. V. 26, p. 805-91.) C T Dammann, Adolf. Die deutsche biirger-mad- chenschule ; ein vollstandiger unterrichtsplan, mit besonderer benutzung der einschlagigen literatur . . . Potsdam, 1872. O. 4 -t- 141 p. C Drei reform-fragen in betreff der hoheren madchenschulen. {In Neue bahnen. 1890. v. i, p. 148-56.) T 214 EDUCATION Dar^rin, Erasmus. Plan for the conduct of female education in boarding schools. Derby, 1797- Q. 128 p. T Davies, Emily. Higher education of women. London, 1866. D. igi p. C Dew^ey, Melvil. Librarianship as a profession for college-bred women ; an address delivered be- fore the Association of Collegiate Alumnae on March 13, 1886. Boston, i886. O. 24 p. C Dieck, Rudolf. Die gestaltung der Breslauer madchenschulen (beitrag zu deren geschichte). . . Breslau, 1892. O. [3] + 96 p. C Diester-vreg, Friedrich Adolph Wilhelm. Von der stellung der frau des Lehrers. {In his Aus- gewahlte schriften, 1890-gi, v. 2, p. 42-50.) C Was fehlt der erziehung unserer madchen ? (In same, p. 122-126.) C Dike, Samuel W. Sociology in the higher edu- cation of women. O. (Nat. Divorce Reform League. Publ. Special issues of 1893, no. i.) C Dix, Rev. Morgan. Lectures on the calling of a Christian woman, and her training to fulfil it. . . 5th ed. New York, 1883. D. 175 p. C Dobert, Paul. Frauen-erwerb ; eine antwort auf die fragen : Was kOnnen unsere tochter wer- den ? und wo und wie erwerben sie die notwendigen kenntnisse? Leipzig ii'^()2\. D. 169 p. C Dohm, Frau Hedwig. Die wissenschaftliche emancipation der frau. . . Berlin, 1874. D. 188 p. C Dugard, ■ . De I'education moderne des jeunes filles. Paris, 1900. S. 88 p. (Questions du temps present.) C Dupanloup, Felix Antoine Philibert, bp. La femme chretienne et fran9aise ; demiere re'ponse a M. Duruy et a ses defenseurs. Paris, 1868. O. 160 p. C — — Femmes savantes et femmes studieuses. Nouvelle ed. Paris, 1867. O. 84 p. C Lettres sur I'education des filles et sur les etudes qui conviennent aux femmes dans le monde. Paris, 1879. O. 4 + 6 + 549 p. C Eckert, Alfred. Die bestimmungen fiir das hohere madchenschulwesen von 31. mai, 1894 beson- ders in ihrem lehrplanmassigen teile. Hannover, 1895. O. [3] + 41 p. C Edinburgh University. University lawsuit ; a brief summary of the action of declaration brought by ten matriculated lady students against the sena- tus of Edinburgh University. . . Edinburgh. O. 42 p. C Ein wort liber die ressortverhaltnisse der hoheren madchenschulen in Preussen, von einem Madchen- schuldirector. {In Paedagogium. 1882. v. 4, p. 762-72.) T Ellis, Lady Mildred. Education of young ladies of small pecuniary resources for other occupations than that of teaching. (/« Central Society of Ed. Papers. 1838. v. 2, p. 192-98.) C Emerson, George Barrell. On the education of females. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1832. v. 3, p. 15-41.) C Erkelenz, Hermann. Die hohere bttrger- schule fur madchen . . . mit rticksicht auf die lokalen bediirfnisse und verhaltnisse Kolns. ITcdn, 1882. O. 43 p. C Fairchild, Pev. James Harris. Coeducation of the sexes ; an address before a meeting of college presidents at Springfield, 111., July loth, 1867. n. t.-p. O. 16 p. C Fawcett, Mrs. Millicent (Garrett.). Education of women. (In Fawcett, Henry and Fawcett, M. G. Essays and lectures. 1872. p. 206-29.) C Short review of that portion of the Report of the Schools Inquiry Commission which refers to girls' education. (In same, p. 185-205.) Female Medical Education Society (Boston). Report, for its third year, ending October i, 1851. Boston, 1852. O. 16 p. C Report to the Massachusetts Legislature, by the Committee on Education, in favor of an appro- priation of $5,000 to the Female Medical Education Society . . . with the constitution, names of officers and members, and other information. Boston, 1851. O. 15 p. C F^nelon, Franfois de Salignac de la Mothe. De I'education des filles . . . public avec une in- troduction . . . par Armand Gaste. Paris, 1884. Nar. D. 35 + 130 p. C Education of girls ; translated from the French by Kate Lupton. Boston, 1891. D. 8 + J20 p. T Instructions for the education of a daughter . . . done into English . . . by . . . George Hickes. 2d ed. [Anon.] London, 1708. S. 26 + 371 p. I pi. C Traite de I'education des filles public . . . par Paul Rousselot. 3* ed. Paris [I883]. D. 9 + 160 + I p. C Treatise on the education of daughters ; translated ... by Rev. T. F. Dibdin. . . Chelten- ham, 1805. O. 9-1- [I] 4- 240 p. pi. C Uber die erziehung der madchen , . . mit einer einleitung und erlauternden anmerkungen versehen von ¥x. Schieffer. . . Paderborn, 1888. D. 20 + 95 p. (In Samml. d. bedeut. pad. schriften. 1888. v. 2.) C SALLV\r0RK, Ernst, von. Fenelon und die litteratur der weiblichen bildung in Frankreich von Claude Fleury bis Frau Necker de Saussure. Lan- gensalza, 1886. O. 9 4- 422 p. (Bibl. padagog. klassiker ; hrsg. von Fr. Mann.) C T Ferrucci, Caterina Franceschi. Delia edu- cazione morale della donna italiana ; libri tre. 3* ed. Firenze, 1875. D. 24 + 380 p. C Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Women and uni- versities. (In his Educational aims and methods. 1900. p. 394-420.) C T France — Instruction publique, Ministhre de V. Rapport . . . sur les ecoles scandinaves et sur I'edu- cation artistique et industrielle de la femme, 4 I'Ex- position de Copenhague, par M. Matrat. Paris, 1889. O. 54 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scolaires. no. 79.) C EDUCATION OF WOMEN 215 Frances Mary Buss schools' jubilee record ; edited by Eleanor M. Hill [and] Sophie Bryant. London, 1900. Q. [4] + 171 p. ill- por. C April, June and November numbers of the Jubilee maga- zine. Frauenberuf und frauenerziehung ; vier vor- trage . . . von Julius Pierstorff, Friedrich Zim- mer und Jakob Wychgram. Hamburg, 1899. O. [3] + 123 p. C French, Frances Graham. Educational status of women in different countries. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report of the commissioner. 1896. v. 26. p. 893-976.) C T Gacon-Dufour, Mme. Marie Amande Jeanne. De la necessite de I'instruction pour les femmes. . . Paris, an 13 (1805). S. 12 + 306 p. C Gadesden, F. Education of girls and the de- velopment of girls' high schools. {In Roberts, R. D. Education in the 19th century. 1901. p. 82- 105.) C Gazzone, Maria. Educazione morale e civile nelle scuole normali femminili e nelle famiglie. Torino, 1898. D. 320 p. C Gilman, Arthur. Thoughts on the collegiate instruction of women. {In Am. Social Sci. Assoc. Jo. 1888. V. 24. p. 68-86.) C Gilman, Daniel Coit. What may be secured by a liberal education ? an address to the Woman's College of Baltimore. New York, 1888. S. 16 p. C Godw^in, Mrs. Mary (Wollstonecraft). Thoughts on the educatipn of daughters. . . Lon- don, 1787. S. 4 + t6o p. T Gray, Alonzo. Address on female education, read at the annual commencement of the Brooklyn Heights Seminary. . . New York, 1854. O. 31 p. C Gr^ard, Vallery Clement Octave. L'educa- tion des femmes par les femmes ; etudes et por- traits ; Fenelon, Mme. de Maintenon, Mme. de Lambert, J. J. Rousseau, Mme. d'Epinay, Mme. Necker, Mme. Roland. . . 5' ed. Paris, 1897. D. 21 + 360 + [I] p. C L'enseignement secondaire des filles. 3« ed. Paris [I883]. Q. 208 + 131 p. tab. C Great Britain — India Office. . . . Report by Miss Mary Carpenter on prison discipline and on female education in India. 20 p. {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1877. v. 63.) C Gressler, Julius. Modeme madchenbildung und die frauenfrage, was kann vonseiten der haus- und schulerziehung zur losung der frauenfrage geschehen. Gotha, 1888. O. 78 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1888. v. i.) C Grey, Mrs. Maria Georgiana (Shirreff). Last words to girls on life in school and after school. London, 1889. D. 12 + 357 p, T and Shirreff, C. A. C. Thoughts on self- culture, addressed to women. London, 1850. O. 2 V. C Griillich, Adalbert. Beitrag zur methodik der volksschule . . . anhang : Der unterricht in den weiblichen handarbeiten vom E. Krause. Meissen, 1877-78, O. 2 V. in I. pi. C Handbook of courses open to women in Brit- ish, continental and Canadian universities. 1896. New York, 1896. O. C T Pub. by the Bryn Mawr College Graduate club. Com- piled by Isabel Maddison. Der haushaltungsunterricht ; vorbildung von lehrkraften im in- und auslande. {In Deut- scher verein fur armenpflege. Schriften, 1891. v. 14, p. 85-152.) C Der haus'wirtschaftliche unterricht armer madchen. {In Deutscher verein fur armenpflege. Schriften, 1890. v. 12.) C Hawes, Rev. Joel. " Looking-glass for ladies," or, The formation and excellence of the female character ; an address delivered at . . . Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, July 31, 1845. Boston, 1845. O. 24 p. C Ha'wtry, Mabel. Co-education of the sexes. London, 1896. D. 119 p. C Hecht, C. Wie fordert die schule durch den rechenunterricht die hauswirtschaftliche bildung der madchen ? Bielefeld [1893]. O. 18 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 5, pt. 12.) C Henschke, Frau Ulrike. Denkschrift iiber das weibliche fortbildungsschulwesen in Deutsch- land ; der ertrag ist zum besten der Victoriafortbil- dungsschule bestimmt. Berlin, i^q^i' Q- 6 -h 60 -f [I] p. I por. 4 tab. C Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Higher edu- cation of woman. {In Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jo. 1873- V. 5, p. 36-45-) C Hodgson, William Ballantjme. Education of girls ; and the employment of women of the upper classes educationally considered ; two lectures. 2nd ed. London, 1869. D. 13 -\- [2] + 114 p. T Homberg, Tinette. Gedanken iiber erziehung und unterricht besonders des weiblichen geschlechts, nebst drei anhagen : i. Zur widerlegung der schrift des Herrn J. H. Schulz : " Gedanken liber die dem weiblichen geschlechte zugesprochene fahigkeit zum unterrichten in wissenschaftlichen disciplinen in der schule." II. iJber die nachtheile des zu fruhen und zu vielen romanlesens. iii. Uber den sittlichen ein- fluss des schonen . . . vorwort von F. A. W. Dies- terweg. Berlin, 1845. S. 22 -)- 311 p. C Horn, F. Madchenerziehung und hohere toch- terschule. {In Paedagogium. 1893. v. 15, p. 303-14) T Horwicz, Gustav Adolf. Studien zur frauen- frage, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung ihrer pada- gogischen seite. {In Paedagogium. 1850. v. 2, p. 201-17 and 265-85 ; 1886, v. 8, p. 7()qr- 1900. O. pi. C Charlestown Female Seminary (Mass.). Annual catalogue. Boston, 1834. O. T Elizabeth College (Charlotte, N. C). An- nual catalogue, 1 898-1900. Charlotte, 1899-1900. O. pi. no. 2-3. C Elmira College (N. Y.). Annual catalogue, 1872-74, 1891-93, 1895-96, 1897-98. Elmira, 1873-98. O. pi. C Annual catalogue of art department. 1892. Sq. D. ill. C [Circular.] Sq. Tt. 13 p. ill. pi. C Fauquier Institute for Young Ladies (Warrenton, Va.). Annual circular and catalogue, and announcement for session of 1894-95, 1896-97. Philadelphia [ 1894-96]. D. pi. C Gannett Institution for Young Ladies (Boston). Catalogue and circular, 1874. Boston, 1874. D. C Girls' Academy (Albany). (/« New York state — Ed. exhibit. Handbooks. [1892.] [V. i]. 27 p.) C Girton College (Cambridge, Eng.). Memo- randum and articles of association. London, 1877. O. 15 p. C Report for 1879, 1882-94. ^London-^ 1879- 94. O. C Glendale Female College (Glendale, O.). Annual catalogue, 1874. Cincinnati, 1874. O. pi. C Grafton Hall (Fond du Lac, Wis.). School for young ladies. April, 1899. Fond du Lac, ii()(). D. por. pi. C Greenfield (Mass.). — High School for Young Ladies. Outline of plan of education and catalogue. 1831-32. Greenfield, 1832. O. T H. Sophie Ne'wcomb Memorial College for Young Women, see Tulane University. Hardin College and Conservatory of Music. 1899. . . Columbia {S. C.) [I899]. O. iU. pi. C Hartford Female Seminary (Conn.). Cata- logue, 1835, 1860-61. Hartford, 1835-61. O. T Circular, 1862. Hartford, 1862. O, T Institute of Holy Angels (Fort Lee, N. J.). Annual catalogue, 1897-98, 1899-1900. n. p. O. pi. C Ipsw^ich Female Seminary (Mass.). Cata- logue, 1828, 1831-32, 1834-37, 1845, 1847. Ips- wich, etc., 1828-47. O. T Isbell College (Talladega, Ala.). Annual an- nouncement and catalogue . . . 1900-01. Talla- dega, 1900. O. pi. C Catalogue, 1895-96. Talladega, 1896. D. pi. C Lasell Seminary (Aubumdale, Mass.). An- nual catalogue, 1859-60, 1875-76, 1896-97. Bos- ton, 1860-97. O. ill. T Lucy Cobb Institute (Athens, Ga.). An- nual announcement, with a catalogue of the ofHcers and students. 1 899-1901. Athens, 1899. O. pi. C Marietta .College for Women (O.). An- nual catalogue, 1893-96. Marietta, 1894-97. D. pi. V. 1-3. C Marion Female College (Va.). Circular and catalogue, 1874-75. Marton, 1875. O. C Massachusetts Society for the Univer- sity Education of Women. Report. Jan. 1880. Boston, 1880. O. C Mills College and Seminary (Seminary Park, Cal.). Catalogue, 1891-92, 1893-94, 1898. San Francisco, etc., xig2-q'&. O. por. pi. C Souvenir illustrating principal points of in- terest connected with the Institution. Seminary Park, 1893. Nar. O. por. pi. C Sprague, Homer Baxter. Inauguration address as president of Mills College . . . October 24, 1885. n.p. O. 23 p. C Mississippi Industrial Institute and College (Columbus). Annual catalogue, 1898- 99. Charleston, 1899. O. pi. C Bi-ennial report, 1894-95. Columbus [1895]. O. pi. C Montgomery Female College (Christians- burgh, Va.). Annual catalogue, 1882-83. ^Balti- more, 1883.] O. C Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley, Mass.). Annual ca^talogue, 1837-38, 1839-50, 1851-73, 1874-1901. Northampton, etc. [I837]- 1900. O. ill. pi. no. I, 2-13, 15-36, 38-51- C Founded as Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. Name changed to Mount Holyoke College in 1893. Candidates for Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. 1853-54. n.p. Sq. O. C Female education ; tendencies of the princi- ples embraced, and the system adopted by Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. [South Hadley, 1839.] O. 26 p. C General catalogue of officers and students . . . 1837-1900. [Springfield, pr.] 1900. O. 355 D. C 220 EDUCATION Mount Holyoke College (continued) General catalogue of officers and students, 1837-1887 ; with an Appendix, 1887-1889, [Spring- Jield, pr. 1889.] O. 265 p. C General view of the principles and design of the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. [South Hadley, 1837.] O. 18 p. C Lyon, Mary. [Letter concerning Mount Holyoke Female Seminary.] n. p. [1836.] Sq. Q. 3P- C Memorandum Society. Catalogue for five years, 1867-72. Northampton, 1872. O. 102 p. C Catalogue of the Memorandum Society and of the alumnae, 1837-77. Springfield, Mass., 1878. F. 139 p. C [Same.] 1877-1887. Springfield, 1887. O. 200 p. c Memorial, twenty-fifth anniversary of the Mt, Holyoke Female Seminary. South Hadley, 1862. D. 174 p. C Mt. Holyoke Seminary and its Semi-Centen- nial. . . (/« Springfield Republican, June 24, 1887.) C Nutting, Mary Olivia. Historical sketch of Mount Holyoke Seminary founded at South Hadley, Mass., in 1837. . . Springfield, 1878. D. 21 p. tab. C Opening of Lyman Williston Hall ; address by Prof. W. S. Tyler and exercises of dedication. Springfield, 1877. O. 27 p. ill. C Preparation for admission. South Hadley, 1840. Sq. O. C Principal buildings. South Hadley, 1898. O. pi. C Quinquennial catalogue of officers and students. . . 1837-1895. ^Springfield^ 1895. O. 290 p. C Semi-centennial celebration of Mount Hol- yoke Seminary, South Hadley, Mass. 1837-1887 ; edited by S. L. Stow, of '59. [Springfield-}^ 1888. O. 155 P- C Semi-centennial programme for anniversary week 1837-1887. n. p. Nar. T. C Snell, Sabra C. Sketch of Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. [Florence, ^t.-^ 1893. O. 25 p. C STOVi^, Mrs. Sarah Deborah (Locke). His- tory of Mount Holyoke Seminary, South Hadley, Mass. during its ist half century, 1837-87. 2d ed. South Hadley, \%%t. O. 11 + 377 p. ill. por. C Wood, Clara W. Topics in ancient his- tory arranged for use in Mt. Holyoke Seminary and College. Boston, 1888. O. [48] p. C Mount St. Mary's College (Md.). Annual catalogue, 1854-58, 1869-72, 1875-76, 1877-96. Baltimore, 1855-96. O. 111. pi. C New York (City) Training School for Deaconesses. Year book. 1891-92, 1894-95, 1896-97, 1898-99. New York, 1891-99. D C Newnham College (Eng.). [Catalogue] f882. n. p., 1882. D. 17 p. C Norfolk College for Young Ladies (Nor- folk, Va.). Announcement, 1896-97. [Norfolk, 1896.] O. ill. pi. C Packer Collegiate Institute (Brooklyn, N. Y.). Annual catalogue 1882-83, 1885-87, 1889- 1900. Brooklyn and New York, 1883-1900. D. ill. C T Vinton, Rev. Francis. Celebration of the opening of Packer Collegiate Institute for the edu- cation of females . . . Nov. 9, 1854. Brooklyn, 1854. O. 37 p. C Pennington Seminary and Female Col- legiate Institute of the New J ersey Conference. Catalogue, 1886-87, 1892-93. Trenton, 1886-92. O. pi. V. 47, 53. C Pennsylvania College for Women (Pitts- burgh). Annual catalogue, 1899-1900. Pittsburgh [I9001. O. pi. C Pittsfield Young Ladies' Institute (Mass.). Annual catalogue, 1842-44, 1846, 1848, 1850-52, 1855, 1859, 1861-63, 1867-1875. V. p. 1842-75. O. ill. T Private Collegiate Instruction for Women in Cambridge, Mass. Courses of study for 1880/81, 1881/82, with requisitions for admission and report for the first year. Cambridge, 1880. D. 2 nos. C See Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women, below. Radcli£Fe College (Cambridge, Mass.). An- nouncement of courses of instruction. 1893-98. [Cambridge, 1893-98.] O. C Annual reports of the president and treas- urer. 1895-99. Cambridge [I895-99]. O. C Reports of the president, regent and treas- urer. 1894-95. [Catnbridge, 1894-95.] O. C Requirements for admission. 1894-96, 1898, [Cambridge, 1894-98.] O. 4 pes. C Randolph-Macon Woman's College. Catalogue. . . 1894-99. Lynchburg, Va., 1895. O. pi. C Robinson Female Seminary (Exeter, N. H.). Annual catalogue, 1869-70, 1873-74. Exeter, 1870. O. V. I, 5. C Royal Holloway College (Egham). Cal- endar, 1892, 1900-01. London [I892-190O]. O. pi. C [Circular of information] 1886. London [1886]. Sq. Q. I por. pi. C Principal. Report, 1892-93. «.;>., 1893. O. C Rutgers Female College (New York). Ad- dresses at the commencement. . . New York, 1870. O. 10 p. C Catalogue for 1867-68. New York, 1867. O. 35 p. C Pierce, Henry M. Address to the first graduating class . . . June 2d, 1867, New York, 1867. O. 19 p. C EDUCATION OF WOMEN 221 Rut^rs Female College (continued J Baccalaureate address to the graduating class of 1870. . . New York, 1870. O. 15 p. C Proceedings of the meeting held at the in- auguration, April 25, 1867. New York, 1867. O. 52 + [5] p. pi. C Rutgers Female Institute (New York). Annual circular no. 3-7, 9, 15-16 (1841-45, 1848, 1854-55). New York, 1841-55. O. C St. Agnes School (Albany, N. Y.). Doane, William Croswell. Addresses to the graduating classes. [I872-90.] New York, 1891. D. 238 p. C St. Mary's Hall (Burlington, N, J.). Regis- ter, 1859. Philadelphia, i860. Nar. D. C Doane, George Washington, bp. Appeal to parents for female education on Christian prin- ciples ; with a prospectus of St. Mary's Hall, Green Bank, Burlington, N. J. [Anon.] Burlington, 1837. Sq. Q. 24 p. I pi. C Shepardson College for Women. An- nual catalogue, 1887-93, 1895-1900. O. and D. pi. C Bound with the catalogue of Denison University. Silliman Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies (Clinton, La.). Register, 1894-95 ; an- nouncement, 1895-96. n. p. O. 43 p. pi. C Sing Sing Female Seminary (N. Y.). Catalogue of the teachers and pupils. Sing Sing. 1861. O. 16 p. Name of place changed to Ossining. Smith College (Northampton, Mass.). Cele- bration of the quarter-centenary of Smith College, Oct. 2-3, 1900. Cambridge, 1900. O. [8] + 192 p. C 4th-5th, 7th-9th commencement, 1882-87, Sq. T. C Official circular, 1886-87, 1890-98. North- • ampton, 1886-97. O. no. 13, 17-24. C President. Addresses at the inauguration of Rev. L. Clark Seelye, as president of Smith Col- lege, and at the dedication of its academic building, July 14, 1875. Springfield, 1875. O. 48 p. C Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women (Cambridge, Mass). [4th], 6th-i4th. year. Courses of study for 1882/83, 1884-93, with requisitions for admission. Cambridge, 1882-92. O. C Continued as Radcliffe College, above. Report of the ladies of the Executive com- mittee. Cambridge, 1883. Sq. S. 19 p. C Reports of the treasurer and secretary. 3d, 5th-8th, ioth-i4th year. [I882-93.] Cambridge, 1882-93. O. C Soule College (Murfreesboro', Tenn.). Cata- logue, 1897-99; announcement 1899-1900. n.p. Obi. S. C Southern Female College (La Grange, Ga.). Catalogue and announcement . . . 1900-01. Atlanta, 1900. O. pi. C Townsend Female Seminary (West Town- send, Mass.). Catalogue, 1848, 1849, 1851, 1857- 58, Fitchburg and Boston, 1848-57. O. ill. T Tulane University — H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College for Women. [Catalogue.] 1897- 98. [New Orleans, 1897.] O. pi. C O. 42 p. Memorial words, n.p. [1889.] Sq. C Vassar College (Poughkeepsie). Addresses at the celebration of the completion of the 25th aca- demic year, June 1890. n.p. [I890.] D. 96 p. C Annual catalogue of the officers and stu- dents, 1867-1900. New York and Poughkeepsie, 1868-99. O. and D. ill. v. 3-35. C Educational exhibit of the State of New York. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, no. 7. [Al- bany, 1892 ?] T. 37 p. ill, C General catalogue of officers and graduates, 1861-90, 1861-1900. Poughkeepsie, 1890-1900. O. C Historical sketch of Vassar College, founded at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., January 18, 1861. . . New York, 1876. Q. 54 p. ill. map. C T LossiNG, Benson John. Vassar College and its founder. New York, 1867. Q. 175 p. ill. por. C T Raymond, John Howard. Vassar College ; a college for women, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; a sketch of its foundation, aims and resources, and of the development of its scheme of instruction to the present time . . . May, 1873. New York, 1873. O. 78 p. c The Vassarion ; published by the Senior Class of Vassar College. \New York\ 1897. Q. 182 + 71 p. ill. pi. C Wellesley College (Mass.). Calendar, 1877- 92, 1894-1901. Boston, 1878-1900. Sq. D. and O. ill. C None issued for 1893-94. President. President's report, 1883, 1890- 93, 1895-97, 1899-1900. Boston, 1883-1901. D. and O. C From 1896 of President and treasurer. The Wellesley record, 1885. New York, 1885. O. 46 p. c Annual cata- O. pi. no. C Seymour, Horatio. Address at Wells Fe- male College . . . June 16, 1880. Utica, 1880. O. 15 p. c Wesleyan Female College (Macon, Ga.). Annual catalogue, 1896-97. Atlanta, 1897. O. 58 p. pi. c Western College and Seminary (Oxford, O.). The Western ; a college and seminary for women. 1874-75, 1898-99. \Oxford, 1875-98.] O. ill. pi. C Wells College (Aurora, N. Y.). logue, 1877-99. Auburn, 1878-99. 10-31. 222 EDUCATION Western Reserve University (Cleveland, O.). The College for Women. Catalogue for 1899-1900. . . Cleveland, 1899. D. C Wheaton Female Seminary (Norton, Mass.). Annual .catalogue, 1855-56, 1866-67, 1870-71, 1881-84. Norton and Taunton, 1855-84. O. T Williston Seminary (Easthampton, Mass.). Annual catalogue, 1847, 1849, 1850, 1852, 1854, 1856, 1859, 1872, 1877-79, 1881-82, 1884-85, 1887, 1890, 1892-1900. v.p. 1847-1900. O. pi. T Course of study, scientific department, n. p. [1890 ?] D. 12 p. ill. T Trumbull, Henry Clay. Worth of a his- torical consciousness ; an address before the Alumni Association of Williston Seminary . . . June 28, 1870. Hartford, 1870. O. 45 p. C Wilson College for Women (Chambers- burg, Pa.). Annual calendar, 1899-1900. [Phila- delphia, 1900.] O. pi. C Winthrop Normal and Industrial Col- lege (Rock Hill, S. C). Catalogue, 1895-96, 1897-1900 ; Announcement, 1896-97, 1898-1901. ^Columbia, S. C, pr.] 1896-1900. D. pi. C to the General Columbia, S. C Report of the trustees . . Assembly of South Carolina. 189! C, 1899. O. Woman's College of Baltimore. Annual program, 1892-94, 1895-1901. Baltimore, 1892- [I901]. O. pi. C Woman's College of Frederick, Md. Annual catalogue, 1899-1900. Baltimore [I90O]. O. pi. C 20. PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION For lives of educators see under Biography, p. 101-6 ; a few omitted there are inserted below. * * * , Dr. Friedrich. Lehrt erziehen ! Der weg zum heile der gesellschaft. Charlottenburg, 1892. O. 88 p. C Addicks, Mrs. Barbara O'Sullivan. Essay on education ; in which the subject is treated as a nat- ural science. . . New York, 1837. O. 48 p. C Agricola, Rudolf. Unedierte briefe ; ein bei- trag zur geschichte des humanismus ; hrsg. von K. Hartfelder. {In Festschrift der badischen gymna- sien. i886. p. 1-36.) C Bezold, Friedrich von. Rudolf Agricola, ein deutscher vertreter der italienischen renaissance . , . MUnchen, 1884. Sq. Q. 20 p. C BossERT, Adolphe. De Rodolpho Agricola Frisio litterarum in Germania restitutore. Parisiis, 1865. O. [3] + 64 p. C Ihm, Georg. Der humanist Rudolf Agri- cola, sein leben und seine schriften. Paderborn, 1893. D. 6 + 88 p. (/« Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. v. 15.) C - — Meiners, Christoph. Rudolph Agricola. {In his Lebensbeschreibungen berUhmter manner aus der zeiten der widerherstellung der wissenschaf- ten. 1795-97- V. 2, p. 308-93.) C Alcuin. Padagogische schriften ; Ubersetzt, bearbeitet und mit einer einleitung versehen von Joseph Freundgen. . . Paderborn, 1889. D. 178 p. {In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. 1888. V. 4.) C Alexandre de Villedieu. Das doctrinale des Alexander de Villa-Dei ; kritisch-exegetische aus- gabe . . bearbeitet von Dietrich Reichling. Ber- lin, 1893. O. 23 + 309 4- 211 p. {In Mon. Germ, paedagogica. v. 12.) C Allievo, Giuseppe. Del positivismo in s^ e neir ordine pedagogico. Torino, 1883. D. 413 p. C Antrobus, John. Philosophy and social bear- ings of education, comprising historical illustrations of its power. . . London, 1837. O. 14 + 302 p. C Aquaviva, Belisarius. Belisarii Aquivivi Ara- gonii, Neritorum ducis, aliquot aureoli vere libelli. De principum liberis educandis. . . Basilece [1578]. S. [16] + 224 p. C Armstroff, Wilhelm. Der unterrichtsstoff in der erziehungsschule. Langensalza, 1884. O. 8 + 221 p. C Arnold, Thomas, D.D. Miscellaneous works. 1st Amer. ed. with 9 additional essays. . . New York, 1845. O. 519 p. C Arnott, Neil, M.D. Observations on funda- mental principles and some existing defects in na- tional education. New ed. . . [enl.] London, 1870. D. [3] + 39 P- C Ascham, Roger. Whole works, now first col- lected and revised, with life by J. A. Giles. Lon- don, 1864-65. D. 3 V. in 4. ill. (Library of old authors.) C T Contents : V. I. Life; Letters. — 2. Letters; Toxophilus. — 3. Report of Germany ; Schoolmaster; Latin poems. Grant's Oration on Ascham ; Giles Ascham's let- ters. Scholemaster . . , with the 2nd . . . 1571. 160 p. 1st ed. 1570, London, 1870. collated Sq. O. C The scholemaster, edited from the texts of the first two editions by J. E. B. Mayor ; wdth a memoir of Ascham by Hartley Coleridge. London, 1892. D. 3 + 232 p. C T Schoolmaster ; or . . . Way of teaching children . . . the Latin tongue . . . rev. with . . . notes by Rev. James Upton. . . London, 1711. O. 22 + 212 + 40 p. ill. C Schoolmaster ; edited from the texts of the first two editions by John E. B. Mayor ; with mem. of Ascham by Hartley Coleridge. London, 1884. D. 5 -h 232 p. C T PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 223 Ascham, Roger (continued) The schoolmaster. London, 1888. T. 192 p. (Cassell's nat. library.) C T Schulmeister ; mit einer einleitung . . . tibersetzung und commentar von Josef Holzamer. Wien,\%'e>\. O. [26] + i70+[i]p. Padagog. klassiker ; hrsg. von G. O. Lindner, v. 9.) T Damon, Karl. Einige gedanken aus Roger Ascham's " The scholemaster " iiber erziehung, be- sonders iiber behandlung der schiiler. Karlsruhe, 1873. D. 55 p. C Ascher, Friedrich. Die erziehung der jugend ... 2. . . aufl. Berlin, xZ-j-j. S. 8 + 228 p. C Augustine, St. Buch iiber die unterweisung der unwissenden ; iibersetzt und erlautert . . . von Conrad Ernesti. . . (/« Samml. der bedeut. pada- gog. schriften. 1888. v. 3, p. 35-132.) C Bacon, Francis, baron Verulam, viscount St. Albans. Of the advancement and proficience of learning ; or, Partitions of sciences. 9 books inter- preted by Gilbert Wats. Oxford, 1640. Q. por. C First [and second] booke of the proficience or advancement of learning divine and humane, t.-p. w. Sq. D. 335 p. C Two books of the proficience and advance- ment of learning. . . London, 1808. S. 19 + 443 p. por. C Of the proficience and advancement of learning . . . edited by Rev. G. W. Kitchin. . . [Books I and 2.] Londotp, 1861. S. 14 + 373 p. C T Advancement of learning, edited by W. A. Wright. 3d ed. Oxford, 1885. D. 48 + 376 p. T Novum organum scientiarum . . . trans- lated from the Latin by P. Shaw, with notes. Jones's edition. London, 1818. S. 2 v. C Novum organum ; edited with introduction, notes ... by T. Fowler. 2d edition. Oxford, 1889. O. 22 + 629 p. (Clarendon press series.) CT Neues organon ; iibersetzt, erlautert und mit einer lebensbeschreibungdesverfassers versehen von J. H. V. Kirchmann. Berlin, 1870. D. 7 -f 386 p. (Philosoph. bibl. hrsg. von J. H. von Kirchmann, v. 32.) C Cairo, Rev. John. Scientific character of Bacon. (/« his University addresses. 1898. p. 124-56.) C FLtJGEL, Ewald. Bacon's historia literaria. (/« Anglia, 1899. v. 21, p. 259-88.) C Fowler, Thomas. Bacon. New York, 1881. D. 6 + [I] + 202 p. (English philoso- phers.) C Introduction [to Novum organum]. (In Bacon, Francis. Novum organum. 1889. p. 1-145.) C Friesenhahn, Joseph. . . . Worin stim- men die padagogischen anforderungen des Co- menius mit den anschauungen der Baconischen philosophie iiberein? . . . Euskirchen [1892]. Sq. Q. 14 p. C MuNROE, James Phinney. Francis Bacon ; the revolt against classicism. (In his Educational ideal. 1895. p. 36-67.) C Sandberger, Karl. Francis Bacon. (In Schmid, K. A. Gesch. der erziehung. 1892. v. 3, pt. 1, p. 410-39.) C Bagatta, Girolamo. Trattato di pedagogia ordinato secondo i programmi ministeriali per il corso superiore. 4* ed. Torino, 1884. D. 252 p. C Bain, Alexander. Education as a science. New York, 1886. D. 27 + 453 p. (Intemat. sci. ser.; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 25.) C T [Same.] New York, 1895. D. 27 -h 453 p. C T La science de I'education. 9^ ed. Paris, 1899. O. 7 + 327 p. (Bibl. sci. internat. : £m. Alglave, ed. v. 31.) C Bancroft, Rev. Aaron. Importance of educa- tion ... an oration delivered before the trustees, preceptors and students of Leicester Academy on the fourth of July, 1806. Worcester, 1806. O. 20 p. C Barrau, Theodore Henri. Conseils sur I'educa- tion dans la famille et au college. Paris, 1852. O. [7] + 269 + [I] p. C Basedo'nr, Johann Bemhard. Ausgewahlte schriften ; mit Basedow's biographie, einleitungen und anmerkungen ; hrsg. von Hugo Goring. Lan- gensaha, 1880. O. 14+112+519 p. (Bibl. padagog. klassiker ; hrsg. von Fr. Mann.) C T Elementarwerk ; ein encyklopadisches me- thoden- und bildungsbuch fiir alle kindererziehung ... 3. . . aufl. Stuttgart, 1849. O- 16 + 1020 + 15 p. C Kupfersammlung zu " J. B. Basedows Elementarwerke fiir die jugend und ihre freunde " . . . Berlin, 1774. Obi. O. [4] p. 95 pi. tab. maps. C Vorstellung an menschenfreunde, mit ein- leitung . . . hrsg. von Hermann Lorenz. Leipzig, 1893. D. 120 p. (Neudrucke padagog. schriften. no. 14.). C DiESTELMANN, Richard. Johann Bemhard Basedow. Leipzig, 1897. D. iio p. i por. (Grosse erzieher. v. 2.) C Garbovicianu, Petru. Die didaktik Base- dow's im vergleiche zur didaktik des Comenius. Bucarest, 1887. O. 82 + [I] p. C G6RING, Hugo. Johann Bemhard Base- dow ; ein lebensbild. O. 112 pref. p. (In Basedow, J. B. Ausgew. schr. 1880. Bibl. padagog. klass, v. 17.) C T Hahn, G. P. R. Basedow und sein ter- haltniss zu Rousseau. . . Leipzig, 1885. O. 8 + 113 p. C LORENZ, Hermann. Entwicklung und be- deutung der padagogik Johann Bernhard Basedows im lichte neuerer forschung. (In Neue jahrb. fiir philol. und pad. 1893. v. 148, p. 113-22, 161-71, 273-82, 352-59 and 405-14.) C 224 EDUCATION Basedoi^f Johann Bernhard (continued) MORF, Heinrich. Ein fast vergessenes buch. (In Paedagogium, 1880. v. 2, p. 15-35, 103-16.) T Nebe, August. Zwei beruhmte bilder- bUcker fiir den unterricht. 28 p. ill. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1898. v. 11, pt. 9.) C PiNLOCHE, A. Geschichte des philanthro- pinismus. . . Deutsche bearbeitung von J. Rau- schenfels und A. Pinloche, Leipzig, 1896. O. 4 + 494 P- C La reforme de I'education en Allemagne au dix-huitieme siecle. Basedow at la philanthro- pinisme. Paris, 1889. O. 8 + 597 p. T Quick, Rev. Robert Hebert. Basedow. (/« ^i J Essays on educational reformers. 1890. p. 273-89.) C T Raumer, Karl Georg von. Johann Bern- hard Basedow and the Philanthropinum ; translated from the German. {In Am. jo. of ed. 1858. v. 5, p. 487-520.) T Schilling, Max. Die padagogik Basedows in ihrer ethischen, religiosen und psychologischen bedeutung. 18 p. (/« Padagog. studien, neue folge, 1882, v. 3.) T SwET, Curt. Beitrage zur lebensgeschichte und padagogik Joh. Bernh. Basedows. Zwickau, 1898. O. 51 p. C SVRAKOV, Konstantin D. Der einfluss der zeitgen6ssischen philosophie auf Basedow's pada- gogik. Giessen, 1898. O. 5 + 58 p. C Quellenverzeichnis, p. 5. Baur, Gustav Adolf Ludwig. Grundzilge der erziehungslehrer. . . 2. aufl. . . Giessen, 1849. D. 20 + 345 -t- [2] p. C Beesau, Amable, abb^. The spirit of educa- tion, translated by Mrs. E. M. McCarthy. Syra- cuse, 1 88 1. S. 325 p. I por. T Beitrage zum erziehenden unterricht ; hrsg. von der Padagogischen gesellschaft in Wtirtemberg. Esslingen a. N,, 1893. O. pt. 1-4 in i. C Bell, Rev. Andrew. Complete works. . . Edin- burgh, 1832. O. 8 v. in I. T Analysis of the experiment in education made at Egmore, near Madras. . . 4th ed. Ed- inburgh, i^-})"^. O. 63 p. (/« Aw Complete works. 1832.) T Elements of tuition, ... 3 pts. in i. O. Edinburgh, 1832, (/« /5tj Complete works. 1832.) T Elements of tuition, pt. 3 : Ludus literarius, the classical and grammar school ... an exposition of ,an experiment in education made at Madras in . . . 1789-96. . . London, 1815. O. 446 p. T Extract of a sermon on the education of the poor. . . Edinburgh, 1832. O. 16 p. (/« his Complete works. 1832.) T Wrongs of children ; or, A practical vindica- tion of children from the injustice done them in early nurture and education. . . Edinburgh, 1832. O. 60 p. (/» Aw Complete works. 1832.) T — ;- Heathcote, Rev. Gilbert. Address to the principal farmers, churchwardens ... of small towns ... on the subject of introducing Dr. Bell's system of instruction into their . . . parishes. IVin- chester, 1817. O. 23 p. C Meiklejohn, John, M.D. An old educa- tional reformer, Dr. Andrew Bell. Edinburgh, 1881. D. 5 4- 182 p. T Southey, Robert, and Southey, Rev. C. C. Life of the Rev. Andrew Bell, comprising the his- tory of the rise and progress of the system of mutual tuition. London, 1844. O. 3 v. i por. C T Benedetti, Vincenzo. La pedagogia della volonta : studi filosofici. Milano, 1900. D. [7] + 302 p. C Beneke, Friedrich Eduard. Erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. . . 2. aufl. Berlin, 1842. O. 2 V. C Erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre . . . mit zusatzen . . . von J. G. Dressier. 4. aufl. Ber- lin, 1876. O. 2 V. in I. C T Brandt, Francis Burke. Friedrich Ed- uard Beneke ; the man and his philosophy. . . New York, 1895. O. 169 p. C T Dr.'s dissertation. HoNKE, Julius. Friedrich Eduard Beneke. (1798 — 17. Februar — 1898.) Ein wort zur erinner- ung und verstandigung. Langensalza, 1898. O. 24 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. no.) C ScHERER, H. Fr. E. Beneke ; ein gedenk- blatt zum 100 jahrigen geburtstage des philosophen u. padagogen. (/« Neue bahnen. 1898. v. 9, p. 57-70 and 113-36.) T Bergemann, Paul. Die drei fundamental- probleme der padagogik und ihre theoretische losung. Leipzig, 1896. O. 72 p. C Die evolutionistische ethik als grundlage der wissenschaftlichen padagogik. Wiesbaden, 1894. O. 6 -f- 74 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1895, V. 7.) C Soziale padagogik auf erfahrungswissen- schaftlicher grundlage und mit hilfe der induktiven methode als universalistische od. kultur-padagogik dargestellt. Gera, 1900. O. 16 + 615 p. C Berkeley, George. Treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge ; with prolegomena, and with annotations, select, translated, and origi- nal, by C. P. Krauth. Philadelphia, 1874. O. 424 p. C T Tower, Carl Vernon. Relation of Berke- ley's later to his earlier idealism. Ann Arbor, 1899. O. 71 p. C Bibliography, p. 69-71. Bertrand, Alexis. L'enseignement integral. Paris, 1898. O. 313 p. C Biber, George Edward. Christian education . . . lectures delivered in London . . . 1829. . . London, 1830. O. 12 + 287 p. C T Biehl, Wilhelm. Die erziehungslehre des Aris- toteles. Innsbruck, 1877. O. 27 p. C Biereye, Johann. Die erziehung in haus und schule. . . Oschersleben, 1891. Nar. S. 12 p. C PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 225 Biglo^ir, Jacob, M.D. Address on the limits of education read before the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November 16, 1865. Boston, 1865. O. 28 p. C Bohl, Eduard. AUgemeine padagogik. Wien, 1872. O. 6 + 230 p. C Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, viscount. Use of retirement and study. {In his Letters on the study of history. 1752. v. 2. p. 189-224.) C T Bonstetten, Charles Victor de. Uber national- bildung. Zurich, 1802. S. 2 v. C Bormann, Karl. Padagogik fur volksschul- lehrer, auf grund der allgemeinen bestimmungen vom 15. October 1872. . . 3. verm. . . aufl. Berlin, 1879. O. 6 + 303 p. C tJber erziehung und unterricht. Berlin, 1847. O. 10 + 274 p. C Borromeo, Carlo, St., cardinal. Satzungen und regeln der Gesellschaft der schulen christlicher lehre, aus dem Italienischen . . . ubersetzt ,• . . von J. A. Keller. Paderborn, 1893. D. 8 + 284 p. (In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. v. 16.) C Bibliography, p. 276-81. Brandt, Martin Gottlieb Wilhelm. Blicke in die erziehung. . . Hamburg, 1875. D. 22 + 214 p. C Braun, Frau Emilie. Durchs leben ; erinne- rungen und winke einer mutter und erzieherin. Stuttgart, 1883. D. 8 + 220 p. C Brougham and Vaux, Henry Peter Broug- ham, baron. Practical observations on popular edu- cation. From 20th London ed. Boston, 1826. O. 36 p. T Brown, Moses True. Necessity of education in a free state. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, i860, p. 109-30.) C Bruckmann, Rudolf. Vorschlage zur reform des volksschulunterrichts, mit besonderer beriick- sichtigung des arbeitsunterrichts. . . Konigsberg i. Pr., 1896. O. 68 + [I] p. C Bruneti^re, Ferdinand. Education et instruc- tion. Paris, 1895. S. 107 p. C Bulwar, E. L. Survey of the state of educa- tion and of the general influences of morality and religion. . . [Anon.] Wheeling, 1833. O. 35 P- C Burder, Henry Forster. Mental discipline ; or. Hints on the cultivation of intellectual habits . . . London, 1821. O. 94 p. C T Burgh, James. Thoughts on education. [Anon.] Boston, 1749. D. 61 p. C Burnet, Gilbert, bp. Thoughts on education . . . London, 1761. D. 13 -f- 94 p. C T Butler, Nicholas Murray. Educational prog- ress of the year ; a report presented to the National Council of Education, at Los Angeles, July 10, 1899. [New York, 1899.] O. C T From Educational rev., Sep. 1899, p. 167-84. The meaning of education and other essays and addresses. New York, 1898. D. 11 + 230 p. CT Revievsr of the tendencies of the education of the nineteenth century. . . Chicago, 1900. O. 16 p. CT Followed by C. W. Eliot on Elective courses, and W. T. Harris on the Movement from individualism to cosmopolitan- ism. From Proc. of Nat. Ed. Assoc, for iqoo. The scientific treatment of education. 4P. D. C From Princeton rev. for Sept. 1886. Butter^orth, Hezekiah. Early inspirations. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1888. p. 98- 113.) c Campe, Joachim Heinrich. AUgemeine revi- sion des gesammten schul- und erziehungswesen, von einer gesellschaft praktischer erzieher. Ham- burg, 1785-92. D. i6 v. C Joachim Heinrich Campe ; bearbeitet von Karl Cassan. Langensalza, 1889. D. 2 v. por. (Die klassiker der padag. ; hrsg. von Gustav Froh- lich. v. 7-8.) C T Sammtliche kinder- und jugendschriften. 4.-7. aufl. . . Braunschweig, 1830-43. [V. i,'3i]. S. 37 V. in 19. pi. map. C Theophron ; bearbeitet und erlauteningen versehen von Karl Richter. Leipzig [1875]. O, 24 + 296 p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter; v. 12.) T Leyser, Jacob Anton. Joachim Heinrich Campe ; ein lebensbild aus dem zeitalter der auf- klarung. Braunschweig, 1877, O. 2 v. in i. i por. C Capponi, Gino. Sull' educazione ; frammento (1841). 3* ed. Firenze, 1889. D. 79 p. (Bib- lioteca scolastica.) C Ceriol, Fadrique Furio. II concilio ; overo, Consiglio et i consiglieri del prencipe . . . tr. di lingua spagnuola . . . per Lodovico Dolce. . . Vinegia, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1560. S. [16] + Ii9p. C Cesca, Giovanni. Principii di pedagogica gene- rale. Torino, 1900, D. 174 p. C Chalamet, R. E. L'ecole matemelle ; etude sur I'education des petits enfants. Paris, 1883. D. 19 -f- 316 p. (Bibl. pedagog. ; M. H. Cocheris, ed.) C Chamberlain, Rev. L. T. Education and schools. (In Conn. — Ed., Board of. Annual re- port. 1882. V. 17, p. 25-45.) T Chapman, George. Treatise on education, with a sketch of the author's method. . . 2d ed. . . . enlarged. London, 1774. Nar. D. 4 4- [2] 4- 258 p. • C Chase, George Colby. What the school owes the community. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1895. p. 189-205.) C Chauvet, Auguste Emmanuel. L'education. Paris, 1868. D. 34- 327 p. C 226 EDUCATION Chrysostomus, Joannes, St. Golden book concerning the education of children. London, 1659. {In Evelyn, J. Literary remains. 1834, p. 103-40.) C Claudel, J. Essai de synthetique ; la methode coordinative, la synthese et I'enseignement integral. Paris, 1899. D. 321 p. C Clavel, Adolphe. Traite d'education physique et morale ; accompagne de plans d'ensemble indi- quant la disposition principale des etablissements d' instruction publique, par E. MuUer. Paris, 1855. D. 2 V. in I. 2 pi. C Coelho, Francisco Adolpho. Os elementos tra- dicionaes da educa9ao ; estudo pedagogico. Porto, 1883. S. 8 + 84 + [I] p. (Coelho, F. A. ed. Bibliotheca d'educa^ao nacional. v. 3.) C Coleridge* Samuel Taylor. Dissertation on the science of method ; or. The laws and regulative principles of education. 6th ed. London, 1854. D- 75 p. C CoUinson, Edward. Education considered in its importance and general influence on society. London, 1844. D. 224 p. T Combe, George. Education, its principles and practice . . . collected and edited by W. Jolly. London, 1879. O- 7^ + 772 p. C T Comenius, Johann Amos. Ausgewahlte schrif- ten . . . aus dem lateinischen Ubersetzt und mit einleitung und anmerkungen versehen von Julius Beeger und J. Leutbecher. 2. aufl. Leipzig [I874]. O. 16 + 359 p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter, v. 11.) T Opera. Gissae, 1896. O. C Contents : v. I. Physicae ad lumen diHnum reformatae synopsis. Johann Amos Comenius . . . hrsg. von Eugen Pappenheim. 2. aufl. . . Langensaha, 1892-98. D. 2 v. (Die klassiker der padagogik. V. 15 and 18.) C T GlUcksschmied ; oder, Die kunst sich selbst zu raten . . . hrsg. von Joseph Reber. Giessen [1895]. O. 67 p. C Latin with German translation. Grosse unterrichtslehre ; aus dem lateini- schen Ubersetzt und mit einleitungen und anmer- kungen versehen von Julius Beeger und Frank Boubek. 4. . . verm, aufl. Leipzig, n. d. O. 176 + 280 p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter, v 3.) C T Grosse unterrichtslehre, mit . . . einleitung, ttbersetzung und commentar von G. A. Lindner. 2. aufl. Wien, 1886. O. [6] -f- 89 + 31 1 p, (Padagog. klassiker ; hrsg. von G. A. Lindner, v. I.) T Grosse unterrichtslehre ; ubersetzt mit an- merkungen und einer lebensbeschreibung des Come- nius von . . . C. Th. Lion. . . 3. . . aufl. Lan- gensalza, 1891. O. 94 + 298 p. ill. (/« Bibl. padagog. klass. 1891. v. 10.) C T Informatorium. Der mutter schul. . . Neu hrsg. von C. Th. Lion. Langensaha, 1898. O. [7] + 64 p. (Bibl. pad. klass., v, 33.) C Janua linguarum novissime ab ipso authore recognita, aucta. . . Londini, 1565, S. [6] + 285 + [3] P- por. pi. C Janua linguarum reserata. 1631. S. 3 + 266 p. Lestnice, C Janua aurea reserata quatuor linguarum . . . a N. Dhuez in idioma Gallicum et Italicum trans- lata. Lugd. Bat., 1640. S. [24] -|- 321 + [272] P- C Janua linguarum reserata . . . the gate of languages unlocked . . . formerly translated by Tho. Horn . . . corrected and amended by Joh. Robotham. . . London, \bT},. S. unpaged. T Vestibulum rerum et linguarum . . . [Dutch, Latin. German.] Amstelodami, 1673. D. 16 + 166 p. C Korrespondence, sebral a k tisku pripravil A. Patera. . . Praze, 1892. Q. 15 -h 300 p. (Prague — Bohemian Acad, of Sci., Lit. and Art. Trans, v. i, pt. 3, no. 2.) C Magna didaktica, ex editione Amstelo- damensi anni 1657 omnes libros didacticos com- plectente, nunc primum separatim edidit F. C. Hultgren. Lipsiae, 1894. O. 255 p. C Great didactic, now for the first time Eng- lished with introductions, biographical and histori- cal by M. W. Keatinge. London, 1896. O. [5] + 468 p. I por. C T Mutterschule mit einer einleitung hrsg. von Albert Richter. Leipzig, 1891. D. 36 p. (/« Neudrucke padagog. schriften. no. 8.) C Neuer orbis pictus . . . bearbeitet von J. C. Gailer. 3. . . aufl. Reutlingen, 1835. O. 10 + 706 + [3] p. 161 pi. I map. C Text in Latin, English, German and French. Orbis pictus. . . Syracuse, 1887. O. 29 + 194 + [6] p. ill. C T Latin and English text. Orbis sensualium pictus ; hoc est. Omnium principalium in mundo rerum et in vita actionum pic- tura et nomenclatura , . . translated into Eng. by C. Hoole. I2th ed. . . enlarged. London, 1777. S. [14] + 197 + [6] p. ill. C English and Latin in parallel columns. Padagogische schriften ; iibersetz mit anmer- kungen und des Comenius biographie versehen von C. T. Lion. 2. aufl. Langensalza, 1888. O. 87 + 289 p. ill. (Bibl. padagog. klass.; hrsg. von Fr. Mann.) C T Schola ludus, d. i. Die schule als spiel ; ins Deutsche tibertragen von Wilhelm BStticher. Lan- gensaha, 1888. O. 16 + [2] + 373 p. (Same.) CT School of infancy ; an essay on the educa- tion of youth during the first six years ; edited with an introduction and notes by W. S. Monroe. Bos- ton, 1896 [C. '93]. D. 16 + 99 p. I por. (Heath's pedagogical library.) C T PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 227 Comenius, Johann Amos (continued) Sittenvorschriften fiir die schule zu Saros- Patak, mit einem einleitenden berichte Uber des Comenius thatigkeit in Ungarn vom jahre 1650-54 hrsg. von Joseph Reber. Aschaffenburg, 1893. O, 41 p. C Zwei abhandlungen : i. tJber die vertrei- bung der tragheit aus den schulen : 11. Aus den schuUabyrinthen ausgang ins freie ; tibersetzt von C. T. Lion. Hannover-Linden, 1894. O. 55 P- C Anders, G. Welche padagogischen grund- satze des Comenius sind heute noch gtlltig ? Worin besteht der bleibende wert der schrift Pestalozzis : *'Wie Gertrud ihr kinder lehrt." ? (/« Lehrer- prtifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1893. v. 3, p. 16-39.) ^ Andreal, C. J. a. Comenius und seine padagogische bedeutung fUr unsere zeit. {In Neue bahnen. 1892. v. 3, p. 105-26.) T Bardeen, Charles William. The text- books of Comenius. (/» Ed. rev. 3 : 223-6.) C T BOhmel, Otto. Die philosophische grund- lage der padagogischen anschauungen des Come- nius. Marburg, 1899. Sq. Q. 30 p. C Bornemann, Karl. Die deutsche Come- nius-literatur seit funfzig jahren ; zur vorbereitung fUr das Comenius-jubilaum zusammengestellt. [Trebitsch, 1892.] O. 14 P- (^« Urbka, A. Le- ben Comenius, 1892.) C BrOgel, Julius. Johann Amos Comenius. (/« Schmid, K. A. Gesch. der erziehung. v. 3, pt. 3, p. 189-311.) C Butler, Nicholas Murray. Place of Come- nius in the history of education. Syracuse, 1892. S. 20 p. (Schoolroom classics, no. 14.) C T Criegern, Hermann Ferdinand von. Jo- hann Amos Comenius als theolog. . . Leipzig, 1881. O. [6] + I + 396 p- C DiTTES, Friedrich. Ein padagoge der ver- gangenheit und die padagogischen bestrebungen der gegenwart. {In Paedagogium. 1889. v. ii, p. 516-29.) T DoST, Max. Die psychologische und prak- tische bedeutung des Comenius und Basedow, in Didactica magna und Elementarwerk ; eine kri- tische untersuchung. Langensalza, 1899. O. 6 + 28 p. (Padagog. magazin. pt. 132.) C Free, Heinrich. Die padagogik des Come- nius : theorie und praxis des unterrichts nach Come- nius' grundsatzen. . . Bernburg [I884]. O. [4] + 83 p. C T Friesenhahn, Joseph. . . . Worin stim- men die padagogischen anforderungen des Comenius mit den anschauungen der Baconischen philosophie Uberein? Euskirchen yx^q"!-^. Sq. Q. 14 p. C Gindely, Anton. Uber des Johann Amos Comenius leben und wirksamkeit in der fremde. [Vienna, i8sS-] O. p. 482-550. C 2. aufl. Znaim, 1892. O. 109 p. por. pi. (Comenius-studien. v. 6.) C Hanus, Paul H. The permanent influence of Comenius. {In Ed. rev. 3 : 226-36.) C T [Same.] {In his Educational aims and educational values. 1899. p. 195-211.) CT HiLLER, Richard, Die latein-methode des J. A. Comenius. Zschopau, 1883. O. 46 p. CT HOFFMEISTER, Hermann Wilhelm. Come- nius und Pestalozzi als begriinder der volksschule. . . Berlin, 1877. S. 93 p. C T [Same.] Leipzig, \%<^t, D. 97 p. CT HOLTSCH, Hugo. Comenius der apostel des friedens. Langensalza, 1892. O. 28 p. (Pa- dagog. mag. pt. 7.) C HUNZIKER, Otto. Comenius und Pesta- lozzi. Langensalza, 1892. O. 31 p. (Same. pt. 15.) c Kayser, W. Johann Amos Comenius ; sein leben und seine werke. . . Hannover -Linden, 1892. O. [4] + 148 p. I por. C Keatinge, Maurice Walter. Introduction biographical. {In Comenius, J. A. The great di- dactic. 1896. p. i-ioi.) C T KvACSALA, Johann. Amos Comenius. {In Paedagogium. 1892. v. 14, p. 362-76.) T Beitrage zur Comeniusforschung. {In Paedagogium. 1888. v. lo, p. 23-33, 590-601 and 639-52.) T t)ber J. A. Comenius' philosophie ins- besondere dessen physik. {In Neue jahrbilcher fUr philologie und padagogik. 1886. v. 134 p. 177-89 and 221-48.) C Laurie, Simon Somerville. Comenius, the encylopsedist and founder of method. {In Teach- ers' Guild addresses. 1892. p. 169-201.) T John Amos Comenius ... his life and educational works. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1885. S. 6 -i- 240 p. C T [Same.] Reading-circle ed. Syracuse, 1893. S. 272 p. ill. por. C The place of Comenius in the history of education. (/« Ed. rev. 3:211-23.) CT — — Leipzig — Padagogische centraUbibliothek {Comenius-stiftung). Katalog. i. bd. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1892. O. [7] -h I44 P- C Contains a four-page list of Bibliographies. Lion, Carl Theodor. Johann Amos Come- nius namentlich mit riicksicht auf seine padago- gische wirksamkeit. {In Comenius, J. A. Grosse unterrichtslehre. 1891. pref. p. 9-94-) C T Maxwell, William Henry. Text-books of Comenius. . . Syracuse, 1893. O. 24 p. ill. por. C T Meyer, Johannes. Comenius und Ratke. {In Neue bahnen. 1892. v. 3, p. 127-72.) T Monroe, Will Seymour. Comenius, and the beginnings of educational reform. New York, 1900. D. II 4- 184 p. (Great educators; ed. by Nicholas Murray Butler.) C T 228 EDUCATION Comenius, Johann Amos (continued) MULLER, F. W. Comenius, ein systemati- ker in der padagogik ; ein philosophisch-historische untersuchung. Dresden, 1887. O. 50 + [i] p. CT MuNROE, James Phinney. Comenius ; the revolt against feudalism. (/« his Educational ideals. 1895. p. 68-94.) C T Nebe, August. Comenius als mensch, pa- dagog und Christ. Bielefeld, 1891. O. 20 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 4, pt. 7.) C Zwei beruhmte bilderbticher fiir den unterricht. Bielefeld, 1898. O. 28 p. ill. (Same. v. 11, pt. 9.) C Pappenheim, Eugen. Amos Comenius, der begrllnder der neuen padagogik. Berlin, 1871. O. 66 p. C Zur erinnerung an Amos Comenius. Berlin, 1871-72. O. 2 v. in i. C T Quick, Rev. R. H. Comenius. {In his Essays on educational reformers. 1890. p. 119- 71.) CT Raumer, Karl Georg von. John Amos Comenius, translated . . . from the German. (/« Amer. jo. of ed. 1858. v. 5, p. 257-98.) T RissMANN, Robert. Das padagogische sys- tem des Comenius. (/« Samml. padagog. vortrage, 1892. V. 5, pt. 8, p. 23-46.) C ROHMEDER, Wilhelm. Johann Amos Come- nius in seinem verhaltnis zu den vvichtigsten schul- und erziehungsfragen der gegenwart. (/« Same. 1892, V. 5, pt. 8, p. 1-21.) C Seyffarth, L. W. Johann Amos Come- nius nach seinem leben und seiner padagogischen bedeutung, nebst . . . auszuge aus drei nichtpada- gogischen schriften . . . und einem verzeichniss der padagogischen werke des Comenius. . . 2. verm. aufl. Leipzig, 1871. D. 140 p. C T Johann Amos Comenius nach seinem leben und seiner padagogische bedeutung. Leipzig, 1883. D. 143 p. CT StAhelin, Rudolf. Amos Comenius. Basel, 1893. D. 65 p. C — :— TiEMANN, Hermann. Johann Amos Come- nius ; ein bild eines schulmannes aus alter zeit filr freunde der schule in neuer zeit ; festgabe. . . Braunschweig, 1892. D. 86 p. C ViDRASCU, Peter. Comenii Orbis pictus ; charakteristik und wUrdigung desselben. Leipzig, 1891. D. 61 -1- I p. C Vrbka, Anton. Leben und schicksale des Johann Amos Comenius ; mit bentltzung der besten quellen, mit einem Verzeichnis der neueren Come- nius-litteratur . . . [von Karl Bornemannj. Znaitn, 1892. O. 160 + 14 p. ill. por. pi, (In Comenius-studien. v. 2.) C Comte, Auguste. Sterzel, G. F. A. Comte als padagog. : ein beitrag zur kenntniss der positiven philosophic. Dresden, 1886. O. 85 -h [2] p. T Conradt, E. Dilettantentum, lehrerschaft und verwaltung in unserm hSheren schulwesen. . . Wiesbaden, 1890. O. 47 p. C Cowan, Andrew. Anthropaideia ; or, . . . Tractate on general education. . . London, 1803. S. 2 V. C Crusius, Thomas Theodor, compiler. Consilia et methodi aurea studiorum optime instituendorum . . . Hotter odami, 1692. Sq. D. [6] + 820 + [24] p. C De eruditione comparanda in humanioribus, vita, studio politico cognitione auctorum ecclesiasti- corum, historicorum . . . ac militarium , . . tracta- tus Joach. Camerarii, Johann Fungeri . , . [et aliorum], quos Thomas Crenius conlegit . . . et notis . . . auxit. Lugduni Batavorum, 1699. Sq. O. 10 -f 595 -t- [19] p. C Curtman, Wilhelm Jakob Georg. Lehrbuch der erziehung und des unterrichts. 5. aufl. Heidel- berg, 1846. O. 3 pts. in I. C Gushing, Caleb. Introductory lecture. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1834. p. 1-39.) C Gushing, Thomas. Private schools. (In same. Lectures, 1880. p. 51-78.) C Daguet, Alexandre. Manuel de pedagogic suivi d'un resume de I'histoire de I'education. . . 3^ ed. . . augm. Neuchatel, 1877. D. 276 p. tab. C Davidson, Thomas. Conditions, divisions and methods of complete education, a lecture. «./.,i887. S. 35 p. C See under Rousseau below. Day, Rev. Henry Noble. Science of education. New York, 1889. S. 7 + 175 p. T Demeter, Ignaz Anton. Grundsatze der erzie- hung und des unterrichts . . . mit . . . anmerkungen versehen von Joseph Niessen. Paderborn, 1895. D. 237 p. (Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. V. 20.) C Denzel, Bernhard Gottlieb. Einleitung in die erziehungs- und unterrichts-lehrer fiir volksschul- lehrer. 2.-3. . . aufl. Stuttgart, 1825-39. O. 3 v. pi. tab. C Dercs^nyi, Johann Ludveig, freiherr von. GrundzUge meines sistemes der erziehung. Wien, 1851. D. 568 p. C Dick, Rev. Thomas. Popular education ; or, Hints to the improvements of society. New York, 1890. D. 425 p. ill. T Diderot, Denis. De I'education publique. . . [Anon.] Amsterdam, 1763. S. 20 -|- 235 p. T Ascribed also to J. B. L. Crevier. Diester-weg, Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm. Aus- gewahlte schriften ; hrsg. von Eduard Langenberg. Frankfurt a. M., i^-]1-?,2. O. 4 v. T [Same.] 2. . . aufl. Frankfurt a. M., 1890- 91. O. 4 v. in 2. I por. C T Adolf Diesterweg ; bearbeitet von Konrad Fischer. Langensalza, 1899. D. 8 + 360 p. i por. (Die Klassiker der padagogik. v. ig.) C CEuvres choisics ; traduites . . . par P. Goy. Paris, 1884. O. 31 + 298 p. C Padagogik ; in systematischer anordnung und zur einfUhrung in das studium der wissenschaftlichcn PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 229 Diester^reg, Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm (con- tinued) padagogik bearbeitet von H. Scherer. Giessen, 1890. O. 6 + 186 p. I por. C T Rheinische blatter . . . ausgewahlt und mit einleitung versehen von A. C. Jessen. Wien, 1879. O. [4] + 39 + 293 p. (Padagog. klass. ; hrsg. von G. A. Lindner, v. 6.) C T Tagebuche von 1818 bis 1822 ; Frankfurt, Elberfeld, Mors . . . hrsg. von Eduard Langenberg. Frankfurt a. M., 1870. D. 4 + 136 p. C Wegweiser zur bildung fUr deutsche lehrer, in gemeinschaft mit Bormann, Hentschel, Hill, Knebel, Knie, Ltiben, Mager, Madler, (Reinbott) und Prange bearbeitet. 3. verm. aufl. Essen, 1844. O. 2 V. C T 5. aufl. Essen, 1873-77. O. 3 CT [Same.] V. por. GiLLE, . Die didaktischen imperative A. Diesterwegs im lichte der Herbartschen psycho- logie. Langensalza, 1899. O. 33 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 134.) C Krause, Richard. Adolf Diesterweg und seine verdienste um die entwickelung des deutschen volksschuUehrerstandes. . . Boma-Leipzig [pref. 1889]. D. 6 + [I] + 189 p. T Leo, Heinrich. Herr Dr. Diesterweg und die deutschen universitaten ; eine streitschrift. . . Leipzig, 1836. D. 135 + [i] p. C Richter, Karl. Adolf Diesterweg : nach seinem leben und wirken zur jubelfeier seines hun- dertjahrigen geburtstages., Wien, i%^. O. 4 + [I] + 260 p. por. T Rudolph, Ludwig. Adolph Diesterweg, der reformator des deutschen volksschulwesens im jgten jahrhundert : festschrift zur feier seines hun- dertjahrigen geburtstages, 29. O. 1890. Berlin, 1890. O. 8 + [2] + 229 p. por. T SALLWtJRK, Ernst von. Adolf Diesterweg ; darstellung seines lebens und seiner lehre, und aus- wahl aus seinen schriften. Langensalza, 1899-1900. O. 3 V. (Bibl. pad. klass., v. 36-38.) C T Baumgarten gegen Diesterweg. Lan- gensalza, 1892. O. 4+20 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 8.) C Wilke, Edwin. Adolf Diesterweg und seine bedeutung fur die deutsche volksschule. (/« Neue bahnen. 1890. v. i, p. 387-412.) T Diesterweg und die lehrerbildung : ein beitrag zur geschichte des deutschen volkschullehrer- standes. . . Berlin, 1890. O. 5 + [3] + 144 p. C T ZiNGG, Eduard. Friedrich Adolf Diester- weg ; vortrag gehalt'en in der Kantonalkonferenz der lehrerschaft des kantons Basellandschaft. Liestal, 1891. D. 76 p. C Dinter, Gustav Friedrich. Ausgewahlte pada- gogische schriften ; mit einleitungen und anmerkun- gen hrsg. von Friedrich Seidel. 2. verm. aufl. Langensalza, 1887-89. O. 2 v. tab. (Bibl. pada- gog. klass. hrsg. von Fr. Mann, v, 18-19.) C T Leben, von ihm selbst beschrieben ; nebst einemanhange : l. Schulconferenzen, 2. Belehrungs- blatter mit kommentar versehen von Robert Niedergesass. Wien, 1879. O. 6 + [i] + 474 p. (Padagog. klass. ; hrsg. von G. A. Lindner, v. 7.) T Dittes, Friedrich. Methodik der volksschule ; auf geschichtlicher grundlage. Leipzig, 1874. O. 4 + 284 p. C Schule der Padagogik ; gesammtausgabe der Psychologie u. Logik, Erziehungs- u. unterrichts- lehrer, Methodik der volksschule, Geschichte der erziehung u. des unterrichtes. Leipzig, 1876. D. 26 + 1027 p. C [Same.] 3. verb. aufl. Leipzig, 1877-82. O. 4 pts. in 2 V. T Dietrich, Rudolf. Friedrich Dittes. (7w Neue bahnen. 1896. v. 7. p. 625-67.) T G6RTH, Albrecht. Dr. Friedrich Dittes in seiner bedeutung fiir die geschichte der padagogik des 19. jahrhunderts. (In same. 1898. v. 9, p. 513-33. 569-85 and 625-40.) T Friedrich Dittes in seiner bedeutung fiir mit- und nachwelt. . . Leipzig, 1899. O. 8 + 144 p. T Weis, Joh. Ev. Beleuchtung von Dittes' werken, mit einem anhang, Etwas Uber Herrn Dittes selbst. . . Kemp ten, i^()b. D. 38 + i p. (Padagog. vortrage u. abhandl. v. 3. no. 5.) C Doring, August. System der padagogik im umriss. Berlin, 1894. O. 11 + 299 p. C Dorman, Marcus Robert Phipps. Ignorance ; a study of the causes and effects of popular thought . . . London, 1898. O. 20 4- 328 p. C Dbrpfeld, Friedrich Wilhelm. Gesammelte schriften. Gutersloh, 1894-99. O. v. i, pt. 1, v. 2-9, II. ill. C Kasten, H. Friedrich Wilhelm Dorpfeld, ein erinnerungsblatt zum 27. Oktober. (In Neue bahnen, 1894. v. 5, p. 513-600.) T Friedrich Wilhelm DSrpfeld, sein le- ben und seine schriften. fViesdaden, iSge^, Q, 88 p. por. (Padagogische zeit- und streitfragen. 1895, V. 7.) C Rude, Adolf. Friedrich Wilhelm Dorp- feld. (In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1894. v. 15. p. 65-74.) T Dresser, Horatio Willis. Education and the philosophical ideal. New York, 1900. D. 54- 255 p. C T Dupanloup, Felix Antoine Philibert, 6p. De I'education. Orl/ans, 1850-62. O. 3 v. C Tome ler, ae ed. 1851. Authorized translation of The discourse on popular instruction ... at the Congress of Ma- lines, by . . . Dupanloup, bp. . . also, The dis- course on The three phases of the life of the church, delivered on the same occasion, by Father Felix. . . London, 1864. O. 64 p. C Wehner, Hugo. Die erziehungsprinzipien Dupanloup's und unsere modernen padagogen. Kempten, 1894. D. 88 p. (Padagog. vortrage u. abhandl. v. i, no. 5.) C 230 EDUCATION Durell« Fletcher. New life in education. . . Philadelphia, 1894. D. 288 p. C T Dursch, Georg Martin. Padagogik ; oder, Wissenschaft der christlichen erziehung auf dem standpunkte des katholischen glaubens. Tubingen, 185 1. Nar. O. 20 + 738 p. C Education as viewed by thinkers. Syracuse, 1885. S. 47 p. (School-room classics, no. 10.) CT Edwards, A. M. The School and the citizen. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1887. p. 169- 80.) C Eisenstuck, Christian Gottlieb. Quae jura in alendis et educandis liberis secundum statum natura- lem et civilem obtineant. Lipsiae [1794]. Sq. O. 30 + [2] p. C Eliot, Charles William. Unity of educational reform. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1894. p. 151-73.) C Eliot, Samuel. Conservatism in education. (In same. Lectures, 1862. p. 1-24.) C Endemann, Carl. Ein blick in das leben und ein blick in die schule. . . Hannover, 1891. O. 24 p. C Engel, Johann Jakob. Fiirstenspiegel. . • [Anon.] Berlin, 1798. D. 6 + [2] + 308 p. C Erasmus, Desiderius. Ausgewahlte padago- gische schriften ; allgemeine einleitung ; biographie ; iibersetzung . . , von Dietrich Reichling. . . Frei- burg im Breisgau, 1896. O. (Bibl. d. kathol. padagogik. v. 8.) C CoUoquia familiaria notis perpetuis ad mo- dum J. Minelli inlustrata . . . opera J. P. Gum- prechti. . . Lipsice, 1713. S. [62] + 1292 + [19] P- C Colloquia familiaria ex recessione et cum notis perpetuis Petri Rabi. . . Norimbergce, 1784. D. [16] + 872 + [112] p. C Whole familiar colloquies ; translated from the Latin by Nathan Bailey. Glasgow, 1877. O. 416 p. T Colloquia selecta ; or, Select colloquies with an English translation by J. Clarke. 9th edition. Dublin, 1769. S. 5 -h 232 p. C Several other editions. • Declamatio de pueris, ad virtutem ac literas liberaliter instituendis idque protinus a nativitate . . . ubersetzt . . . von August Israel. 2. . . aufl. Zschopau, 1879. O. 42 p. (Samml. pada- gog, schriften. 1893, no. 2.) C Becher, Richard Hugo. Die ansichten des Desiderius Erasmus liber die erziehung und den ersten unterricht der kinder. Leipzig, 1890. O. 45 + [I] p. C GlOckner, G. Das ideal der bildung u. erziehung bei Erasmus von Rotterdam. (/« Verein fttr wissenschaftliche padagogik. Jahrbuch. 1890. V. 2, p. 1-97.) C Jebb, Richard Claverhouse. Erasmus. Cambridge [Eng.-^ 1890. D. 55 p. (Rede lect- ure.) T NiSARD, J. M. N. D. Renaissance et re- forme ; Erasme. . . Paris, 1877. D. 8 + 446 P- C Raumer, Karl Georg von. Educational views of Erasmus. {In Amer. jo. of ed. v. 4, 1857. p. 729-40.) C T T6GEL, Paul Hermann. Die padagogischen anschauungen des Erasmus in ihrerpsychologischen begrundung. Dresden, 1896. O. 14 + 130 p. C Esquiros, Henri Alphonse. L'lEmile du dix- neuvieme siecle. Paris, 1869. O. 422 p. C Faraday, Michael. Observations on mental education. {In Royal Inst, of Gr. Br. Lect. on ed. 1855. p. 37-88.) C F^nelon, Fran9ois de Salignac de la Mothe. Die erlebnisse des Telemach, ubersetzt, mit . . . anmerkungen . . . von Bruno Stehle. Paderborn, 1892. D. [5] -f- 405 p. {In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. v. ii.) C Fragments concerning education, suggested by E. S. J. compiled by B. C. R. New York, 1896. T. 84 p. T Kammel, Heinrich Julius. Fenelon in Ver- sailles ; ein beitrag zur geschichte der padagogik. Zittau [I857]. Sq. O. [4] + 20 p. C MuNROE, James Phinney. The Jansenists and Fenelon ; The child has a heart to be trained. (/« -4?V Educational ideals. 1895. p. 124-52.) CT Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. Padagogische schrif- ten und ideen mit biographischer einleitung . . . von H. Keferstein. Wien, 1882. O. [I02] + 238 + [I] p. por. (Padagog. klass.; hrsg. von G. A. Lindner.) T Popular works : The nature of the scholar ; The vocation of man ; The doctrine of religion ; with a memoir by William Smith. London, 1873. O. 564 p. C O. T [Same.] 4th edition. London, \i Reden an die deutsche nation ; mit Fichte's biographie sowie mit erlauternden anmerkungen versehen von Theodor Vogt. Langensaha, 1881. O. [5] + 278 + [I] p. (Bibl. padagog. klass., hrsg. von Fr. Mann. v. 20.) C T Vocation of the scholar, translated from the German by William Smith. . . London, 1847. O. 72 p. T E., W. Darstellung und beurtheilung der padagogik Fichte's. {In Paedagogium. 1881. v. 3, pt. 404-20.) T Everett, Rev. Charles Carroll. Fichte's science of knowledge, a critical exposition. Chi- cago, 1884. S. 16 -*- 287 p. (Morris, G. S. Germ. philosoph. classics for Eng. readers.) C FArber, Friedrich. Johann Gottlieb Fichte, bearbeitet von Friedr. Farber. Langensalza, 1891. D. 6+i + 3i8p. I por. (Die klassiker der padagogik. v. 12.) C Fichte, Immanuel Hermann. Johann Gottlieb Fichte's leben und literarischer briefwech- PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 231 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (continued) sel, von seinem sohne. 2. ausg. Leipzig, 1862. O. 2 V. in I. por. C SiELER, Albin. Darstellung der volksschul- padagogik J. G. Fichtes im zusammenhange mit ihren individuellen, historischen und philosophi- schen voraussetzungen. Leipzig, 1895. O. 75 p. (Padagogische sammelmappe. no. 160.) C Smith, William. Memoir of Johann G. Fichte ; [with preface to the Am. edition by Rev. J. Weiss]. Boston, 1846. D. 157 p. C T StrOmpell, Ludwig. Die padagogik Kant's und Fichte's. Leipzig, 1894. O. 58 p. (/« his Padagogische abhandlungen. 1894. v. 2.) C Thompson, Anna Boynton. Unity of Fichte's doctrine of knowledge, with an introduc- tion by Josiah Royce. Boston, 1895. O. 20 4- 215 p. (Radcliffe College monographs, no. 7.) C VoGT, Theodor. Fichtes biographic. (/« Fichte, J. G. Reden an die deutsche nation. 1881.) (In Bibl. padagog. klass. 1881. v. 20, p. 1-85.) CT Finger, Friedrich August. Ausgewahlte pada- gogische schrif ten. Frankfurt am Main, i^ii']. O. [Same.] Langensalza, 1899. O. (Bibl. pad. klass., v. 34-35.) 1-2. C Fischer, Johann Anton. Handbuch der pada- gogik zum gebrauche akademischer vortrage u. fUr denkende erzieher. Miinchen, 1832, O. 8 + 204 p. ' C Fordyce, David. Dialogues concerning educa- tion. . . [Anon.] London, 1745. O. 4 + 435 p. C Fornelli, Niccolo. L'ensegnamento pubblico ai tempi nostri. Roma, 1881. D. 412 p. C Foster, John. Essay on the evils of popular ignorance. . . 2d Amer. ed. . . New York, 1821. D. 299 p. C Essay of the evils of popular ignorance. Revised . . . published by the Society for the Pro- motion of Popular Instruction. Bristol, 1839. O. 96 p. C Essay on the evils of popular ignorance ; and a discourse on the communication of Christianity to the people of Hindoostan. London, 1886. D. 20 + 394 p. C T Modem notions of a practical education. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1858. p. 35-56.) C Fotheringham, James. Wordsworth's ' ' Pre- lude" as a study of education. London, 1899. S. 73 p. T Fouillie, Alfred Jules 6mile. Education from a national standpoint, translated and edited by W. J. Greenstreet. New York, 1892. D. 20 + 332 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; ed. W. T. Harris, v. 23.) CT L'enseignement au point de vue national. Paris, 1891. D. 18 -H 451 p. C L'instruction integrale. {In Paris — Inst. — Acad, des sci. mor. et pol. Seances et travaux. 1899. n. s. v. 51, p. 145-63) C Posada, Adolfo. La filosofia y la peda- gogia de Alfredo Fouillee. {In his Ideas pedagogi- cas. 1892. p. 53-106.) C Fox, Rev. Thomas Bailey. On the meaning and objects of education. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1835. p. l8l-202.) C Francke, August Hermann. Kurzer und ein- faltiger unterricht, mit einer einleitung hrsg. von Albert Richter. Leipzig, 1892. D. 87 p. (In Neudrucke padagog. schriften, no. 10.) C Padagogische schriften ; nebst der darstel- lung seines lebens und seiner stiftungen ; hrsg. von D. G. Kramer. 2. aufl. Langensalza, 1885. O. 12 + 85 + 456 p. (Bibl. padagog. klass., hrsg. von Fr. Mann. v. 11.) CT Schriften uber erziehung und unterricht, bearbeitet . . . von Karl Richter, Leipzig [1872]. O. 758 p. (Padogog. bibl. ; hrsg. voh Karl Rich- ter. v. 5.) T Wichtigste padagogische schriften ; neu herausgegeben u. mit einer einleitung versehen von Johannes Gansen. Paderborn, 1891. D. 147 p. (In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. 1888. v. 8.) C Heubaum, Alfred. Christoph Semlers real- schule und seine beziehung zu A. H. Francke. (In Neue jahrb. fiir philol. und pad. 1893. v. 148, p. 65-77.) C Kramer, Gustav. August Hermann Francke; ein lebensbild. Halle a. S., 1880-82. O. 2 V. in I. pi. C ROMEiKS, Julius. Francke's Instruktion fiir die prazeptoren, was sie bei der disciplin wohl zu be- achten, libersichtlich geordnet und mit anmerkungen versehen. . . Breslau, 1894. O. 40 p. C SCHULZE, Otto. August Hermann Francke's padagogik ; ein gedenkblatt zur zweihundertjahri- gen jubelfeier der Franckeschen stiftungen, 1698- 1898. Langensalza, 1898. O. 63 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 114.) C Franke, Emil. Bildung und erziehung. Leip- zig, 1896. Sq. Q. 16 p. C Frederick the Great, king of Prussia. Pada- gogische schriften und ausserungen . . . hrsg. von J. B. Meyer. Langensalza, 1885. O. 20 + 344 p. (Bibl. padagog. klass. ; hrsg. von Fr. Mann. v. 23.) CT HuBLER, Paul. Friedrich der Grosse als padagog. Leipzig [I896]. O. 106 + [i] p. C Schroder, Emilie, compiler. Friedrich der Grosse Uber religion, erziehung und schule. . . Berlin, 1892. D. 12 p. C Freymark, A. Der charakter ; eine inter- suchung seines wesens und des einflusses, welchen die schule auf seine bildung auszuUben hat. Biele- feld [pref. 189O]. D. 4 -t- 24 p. C T 232 EDUCATION ' Prbbelf Friedrich. L'educationderhomme, tra- duite . . . par la baronne de Crombrugghe. 2* ed. Bruxelles, 1881. O. 15 + 394+1 p. ill. C See p. 114-15. Lyschinska, Mary J. Ethical teaching of Froebel as gathered from his works; two essays by Mary J. Lyschinska and by Therese G. Montefiore. London, 1890. D. 9 + 97 p. C ScHMEiDLER, Johannes. Die religiosen anschauungen Friedrich Frobels. Berlin S. W,,' 1883. O. 36 p. C Shirreff, Emily Anne Eliza. Claim of Froebel's system to be called "The new educa- tion " ; a paper read at the meeting of the Froebel Society, London, June 5, 1877. New York, 1877. D. 22 p. (Papers on education, ist. ser. no. 10.) C Frohlich, Gustav. Padagogische bausteine ... 3. . . verm. aufl. Eisenach [pref. 1872]. O. 6 + [5] + 161 p. C Furness, Hev, William Henry. Introductory lecture. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1835. p. 1-12.) C Furstenberg, Franz Friedrich Wilhelm Ma- ria, /V-iff^^rr von. Leben und schrif ten ilber erzie- hung und unterricht . . . bearbeitet . . . von Kourad Ernesti. Paderborn, 1893. D. 6 + 248 p. (In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. v. 14.) C Gailhard, Jean. Compleat gentleman ; or, Directions for the education of youth. . . London, 1678. D. 2 V. in I. T Gall, James. Practical enquiry into the philoso- phy of education. . . Edinburgh, 1840. D. 348 p. T Gane» Douglas M. Building of the intellect ; a contribution towards scientific method in education. . . London, 1897. D. 14 + 139 p. C Garfield, James Abram. Speeches and ad- dresses on education and educators. (/« Hinsdale, B. A. President Garfield and education. 1882. pt. 2. p. 159-426.) C T i Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. President Garfield and education : Hiram College memorial. Boston, 1882. D. 433 p. por. pi. facsim. C T Genlis, Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de St. Aubin, comtesse de. Adelaide and Theodore ; or. Letters on education. . . translated from the French. 3d ed. London, 1788. D. 3 v. C T Gerber, Paul Henry, M.D. naturgemassen jugendbildung. . O. 10 + 106 p. Grundziige einer Tubingen, 1891. C Gille, A. Aufgabe und methode der padagogik als wissenschaft. . . Halle a. S., 1891. O. 36 p. C Girard, Jean Baptiste (aftw. Gregoire) of Frei- bourg. De I'enseignement regulier de la langue ma- temelle dans les ecoles et les families. . . 9° ed. Paris, 1894. D. 273 p. C Memoire sur I'enseignement religieux de I'^cole fran9aisede Fribourg. . , Fribourg, x'iix'it. Nar. D. 34 p. C Allievo, Giuseppe. Delle dottrine peda- gogiche di Enrico Pestalozzi, Albertine Necker di Saussure, Francesco Naville e Gregorio Girard. Torino, 1884. D. 302 p. C Naville, J. E. Le Pere Girard. {In Re- cueil de mon. pedagog. 1896. p. 73-99.) C Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages du P. Girard et etudes sur ses doctrines pedagogiques et sur sa methode d'enseignement. Paris, n. d. O. pt. i. 54 p. C SCHMERLER, Heinrich Emil. Die metho- dischen und padagogischen grundsatze Girards nach seinem " Enseignement regulier de la langue ma- ternelle " und ' ' Cours educatif de langue mater- nelle." Borna, 1898. Sq. Q. 26 + I p. C Godrycz, J., Ph.D. Essays on the founda- tion of education. Lansing, 19CX). D. 168 p. CT Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Diesterweg, F. A. W. Goethe als vorbild filr lehrer ; ein vortrag. {In his Ausgewahlte schriften. 1890-91. v. i, p. 348-59.) c Hacker, Ludwig. Erziehungsgeschichte Goethe's in padagogischen studien. Erlangen, 1878. O. v. 2. • C HOHMANN, L. Zu Goethes hundertfunfzig- sten geburtstage. {In Neue bahnen. 1899. v. 10, p. 665-77.) T Goethe als padagog. 12 + 205 p. I pi. C LOschen, M. G. Mittheilungen aus der bildungsgeschichte Goethe's u. Schiller's zur beant- wortung der frage Haus oder schule ? oder Haus u. schule ? Danzig, 1859. D. 36 p. C Grundlinien der pada- 1858. S. 4 + 162 p. C Oppler, Adolph. Some of Goethe's educa- tional views. {In his Three lectures on education. 1875. p. 133-48.) C Scherer, H. Goethe als erzieher des deut- schen volks. {In Neue bahnen. 1899. v. 10, p. 687-96 and 746-72.) T Temming, Ernst. Goethe's bildungsideal, Bielefeld [I893]. O. 14 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 6, pt. 7.) C Venable, William Henry. Goethe as an educational light. {In his Let him first be a man. 1894. p. 195-212.) T Goldth-wait, W. C. Practical education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1849. p. 193-232.) C Goltz, Bogumil. Die bildung und die gebilde- ten ; eine beleuchtung der modernen zustande . . . Berlin, 1864. T. 2 v. in i. C Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. On man the sub- ject of education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1838. p. 163-87.) C T Gory, Gedeon. La reforme liberale de I'educa- tion scolaire. Paris, 1900. D. 296 p. C — Langguth, Adolf. Halle a. S., 1887. D. Oldenberg, a. gogik Goethe's. Zittau, PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 233 Grafet Gotthilf Adam Heinrich. Allgemeine padagogik ; in drei buchern. Leipzig, 1845, O. 2 V, in I. C Grant* Mrs. Sketches of intellectual education and hints on domestic economy, addressed to in- experienced mothers. . . Inverness, 1812. D. v. 2. T Gray, Francis Calley. Introductory discourse. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1832. p. 1-21.) CT Hall, J. Milton. President's address. (/» same. Lectures, 1887. p. 1-12.) C Hamilton, Elizabeth. Letters on the element- ary principles of education. 2d Am. ed. Phila- delphia, 1813. T. 2 V. C Hamilton, Rev. Richard Winter. Institutions of popular education : an essay. . . 2d ed. Leeds, 1846. O. 10 + [2] + 353 p. C Hanschmann, Al. Bruno. Fadagogische str5- mungen an der wende des jahrhunderts im gebiete der volksschule ; eine wiirdigung Pestalozzis, Fro- bels, Zillers. . . Leipzig, 1896. O. 49 p. C Hanus, Paul Henry. Educational aims and educational values. New York, 1899. D. 7 -+- 211 p. C T Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. New departure in education, (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1886. p. 55-75.) C Harnisch, Wilhelm. Handbuch fiir das deutsche volksschulwesen ; mit anmerkungen und Harnischs biographic hrsg. von Dr. Friedrich Bar- tels. Langensaha, 1893: O. 64 + 12 + 380 p. (/« Bibl. padagog. klass. 1893. v. 32.) C Bartels, Friedrich. Dr. Wilhelm Har- nischs leben. {In Harnisch, Wilhelm. Handbuch fiir das deutsche volksschulwesen. 1893. pref. p. 9-62.) C MoRF, Heinrich. Zur erinnerung an Wil- helm Harnisch. (/« Paedagogium. 1888. v. 10. p. 73-82.) T RissMANN, Robert. Wilhelm Harnisch in seiner bedeutung fiir die entwickelung der deutschen volksschulpadagogik. Bielefeld, 1889. O. 23 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. i, pt. 12.) C Harris, William Torrey. Prescription — its province in education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1871. p. 127-51.) C Theory of education. Syracuse, 1893. S. 54 p. (School-room classics, 15.) C T Vocation versus culture ; or, The two as- pects of education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1 89 1, p. 1-20.) C Haven, Rev. Erastus Otis, bp. Indirect bene- fits of school education. {In same. Lectures, 1865. p. 151-73) C Hayneccius, Martin. Almansor, der kinder schulspiege, mit einer einleitung hrsg. von Otto Haupt, Leipzig, 1891. D. 131 p. {In Neu- drucke padagog. schriften. no 5.) C Hechtenberg, Albert. Wie gewinnt die schule einfluss auf die gestaltung des lebens ihrer schuler? . . . Giitersloh, 1891. O. 30 p. C Hecker, John, Scientific basis of education demonstrated by an analysis of the temperaments and of phrenological facts. . . 2d ed. New York, 1868 [C.'66]. O. 47 + 227 + 8 p. ill. pi. T Helm, Johann. padagogik. 2. . , 9 + 285 p. Handbuch der allgemeinen aufl. Erlangen, 1900. O. C Henderson, John Cleaves. Thomas Jefferson's views on public education. New York, 1890. O. 8 + 387 p. por. C T Herbart, Johann Friedrich. Sammtliche werke, hrsg. von Gustav Hartenstein. Leipzig, 1850-52. O, 12 V. in 6. I por. 3 pi. 2 tab. C Herbartische reliquien ; ein siipplement zur Herbart's Sammtlichen werken, hrsg. von Prof. Dr. Ziller . . . 2. im preise ermassigte ausgabe. Leipzig, 1884. O. 6 + 346 p. C A B C of sense-perception, and minor peda- gogical works, tr. with notes and commentary by W. J. Eckoff. New York, 1896. D, 31 + 288 p. 2 tab. (Internat. ed. ser. ; W. T. Harris ed. V. 36.) C T Allgemeine padagogik ; und Umriss pada- gogischer vorlesungen ; mit einleitung . . . verse- hen von Karl Richter. Leipzig, 1876. O. 96 + 400 p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter, V. 13.) T Application of psychology to the science of education, translated and edited with notes and an introduction . . . by B. C. Mulliner, with a preface by Dorothea Beale. London, 1898. O. 125 + 231 p. ill. tab. C T Extracts from the science of education. {In Howard, J. R. Educational nuggets, 1899. p. 43-58.) C Kleinere padagogischer schriften . . . mit einleitung . . . versehen von Karl Richter. Leip- zig, 1878. O. 48 + 525 p. I pi. I tab. (Pada- gog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter. v. 14.) T Lehrbuch zur einleitung in die philosophie. 5. aufl. hrsg. von G. Hartenstein. Hamburg, 1888. O. 8 + 360 p. T Letters and lectures on education, translated from the German and edited . . . by H. M. and Emmie Felkin. . . London, 1898. D. 16 + 285 p. T Outlines of educational doctrine, translated by A. F. Lange, annotated by Charles De Garmo. New York, 1901. D. 11 + 334 p. C T Padagogische schriften . . . hrsg. . . von Otto Willman. 2. ausg. Leipzig, 1880. O. 2 v. por. tab. C T Padagogische schriften ; mit Herbart's biog- raphic, hrsg. von. Fr. Bartholomai. 5. aufl. . . mit anmerkungen von E. von Sallwurk. Langen- saha, 1890-91. O. 2 V. (Bibl. padagog. klass. hrsg. von Fr. Mann.) C T Padagogische schriften . J. J. Wolff. Paderborn, 1891-95. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. \ . . versehen von D. 2 V. (Samml. . 10, 21.) C 234 EDUCATION Herbart, Johann Friedrich (continttedj Principales ceuvres pe'dagogiques . . . tra- duites , . . par A. Pinloche. Ltlle, 1894. O. 13 + [I] + 400 p. (Lille Universite. Travaux et memoires. v. 4, no 15.) C Schriften zur padagogik, hrsg. von Gustav Hartenstein. Leipzig, 1851. 2 pts. I pi. 2 tab. {In Aij Sammtl. werke. v. lo-ii.) C Science of education . . . and The aes- thetic revelation of the world ; translated from the German with a biographical introduction by H. M. and Emmie Felkin, and a preface by Oscar Browning. London, 1892. D. 16 + 268 p. por. C T Text-book in psychology ; an attempt to found the science of psychology on experience, metaphysics and mathematics ; translated from the original German by M. K. Smith. New York, 1891. D. 45 + 200 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 18.) C T Umriss padagogischer vorlesungen, hrsg. und mit erlautemden anmerkungen versehen von Hermann Wendt. Leipzig, n. d. T. 208 p. (Universalbibliothek. no. 2753-2754.) C Vollstandige darstellung der lehre Herbarts, (psychologic, ethik, und padagogik) . . . hrsg. von Ernst Wagner. 2. aufi. Langensaha, 1887. D. 8 -h 248 p. por. (Die klassiker der padagog. ; hrsg. von G. Frohlich, v. i.) C T Adams, John. Herbartian psychology ap- plied to education. . . Boston, 1897. D. 4 -H 284 p. ill. 2 maps. C T Adler, Vincenz. Orthographie und gram- matik in ihrer methodischen behandlung nach den grundsatzen Herbart-Zillers dargestellt. . . {In Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1892. v. 5, pt. 7, p. 1-30.) C BartholomAi, Friedrich. J. F. Herbart's leben. {In Herbart — Pad. schr. 1890-gi. v. i. Bibl. pad. klass. v. 8.) C T Christinger, Johann Jakob. Friedrich Herbarts erziehungslehre und ihre fortbildner bis auf die gegenwart nach den quellenschriften darge- stellt. . . Zurich, 1895. O. 227 p. I por. C Credaro, Luigi. La pedagogia di G. F. Herbart. Roma, 1900. O. 3 -t- 327 p. C Credner, . Das gute recht der Her- bartianer, die padagogik ihres meisters eine wissen- schaftliche zu nennen. {In Samml. padagog. vor- trage. 1886. V. I, p. 20-40.) C De Garmo, Charles. Herbart and the Herbartians. New York, 1895. D. 9 + 268 p. (Great educators ; Nicholas Murray Butler, ed.) CT Dittes, Friedrich. Kritik der padagogik Herbarts. {In Paedagogium. 1885. v. 7. p. (>31-n-) T tJbersicht per padagogik Herbarts. {In same. p. 437-54-) T DODD, Catherine I. Introduction to the Herbartian principles of teaching . . . with an in- troduction by Professor W. Rein. London, 1898. D. 10 -I- igSp. ill. I pi. C T Drews. B. J. D. Die katechese und das lehrverfahren der Herbartianer. Bielefeld, 1890. O. 14 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 2, pt. ".) C Engel, Moritz Emil. Grundsatze der erzie- hung und des unterrichts nach Herbart Ziller und A. Diesterweg ; preisgekronte beantwortung der von der Diesterwegstiftung in Berlin gestellten auf- gabe. . . Berlin, 1887. O. 6 + [ij + 176 p. C Felsch, Carl. Ein beitr^ zur berichti- gung der Herbart-Zillerschen wissenschaftlichen padagogik. Hannover, 1894. O. [3] + 88 p. (Padagog. bibl. v. 17.) C Flugel, Otto. Der rationalismus in Her- barts padagogik ; vortrag. . . Langensaha, 1896. (Padagog. mag. pt. 82.) C Die religionsphilosophie in der schule Herbarts. Langensaha, 1894. O. [3] + 86 p. (Same. pt. 51.) C FORNELLi, N. II fondamento morale della pedagogia secondo Herbart e la sua scuola. 3d ed. Torino, 1891. D. 71 p. (Bibl. di filosofia e peda- gogia. no. 49.) C FoLTZ, O. Die metaphysischen grundlagen der Herbartschen psychologic und ihre beurteilung durch Herrn Dr. Dittes. Gutersloh, 1886. O. 4 + 99 P- C Frick, Otto Paul Martin, and Friedel, Dr. In wieweit sind die Herbart-Ziller-Stoy'schen di- daktischen grundsatze fiir den unterricht an hoheren schulen zu verwerten ? . . . Berlin, 1883. O. 125 + [3] p. C Friedel, Dr., and Frick, O. P. M. Value of the didactic principles of Herbart-Ziller-Stoy in view of their serviceableness for the instruction in secondary schools. {In National Herbart Society. Year book. 1897. v. 3, suppl.) C T FrOhlich, Gustav. Die wissenschaftliche padagogik, Herbart-Ziller-Stoys. . . 6. . . verm. aufl. Wien, 1896. O. 12 + [4] + 243 p. C GiLLE, A. Herbarts erziehungsziel auf seinen verschiedenen entwicklungsstufen. {In Pa- dagog. studien. n. f. 1890. v. 11, p. 193-206.) T Gleichmann, a. Der bloss darstellende unterricht Herbarts ; eine studie. Langensaha, 1893. O. 4 -f [I] + 50 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 24.) C tJber Herbarts lehre von den stufen des unterrichts ; ein beitrag zur kritik der formalen stufen Zillers und zur verstandigung Uber dieselben. 2. verm. aufl. Langensaha, 1891. O. 6 -h [i] + 120 p. C Griepenkerl, F. K. Briefe an einem jun- geren gelehrten freund iiber philosophic und beson- ders Uber Herbarts lehren. Braunschweig, 1832. S. 14 -)- 178 p. C GOnther, Hermann. Betrachtungen Uber die ersten satze der Herbartschen psychologic. Leip- zig, 1889. O. [4] -f ii4p. C Harris, William Torrey. Herbart's doc- trine of interest. {In Ed. rev. 1895. v. 10, p. 71-80.) CT PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 235 Herbart, Johann Friedrich (continued) Hauffe, Gustav. Welche beriihrungs- punkte bieten hinsichtlich ihrer erziehungs- und unterrichts-grundsatze Herbart-Ziller und Diester- weg ? . , . Borna [I89O]. D. 220 p. C Hennig, G. a. Johann Friedrich Herbart, nach seinen leben und seiner padagogischen bedeu- tung. , . 2. verm. aufl. Leipzig, iStj. O. 4 + 130 + [I] p. I por. C Hummel, O. E. Die unterrichtslehre Benekes im vergleiche zur padagogischen didaktik Herbarts. Leipzig [I877]. O. 62 + [2] p. C Huther, August. Die erziehung nach den grundsatzen der Herbartschen padagogik. {In Neue jahrb. fur philologie und pad. 1896. v, 154. p- 65-95.) C Die padagogik Herbarts und die neuere psychologie. (/« same. 1894. v. 150, p. 449-93 and 581-97.) C Just, Karl Sigismund. Die fortbildung der Kantischen ethik durch Herbart. . . Eisenach [I876]. O. 39 p. (In Padagog. studien. 1881. V. I, no. 5.) C T Klein, Maximilian. Lotzes lehre vom sein und geschehen in ihrem verhaltniss zur lehre Her- barts. Berlin, 1890. D. 93 p. C Kloesel, Karl. Erziehungs- und unter- richtslehre. Breslau, 1892-96. O. 2 pts. C Contents : pt. I. Die leibliche erziehung, 2. Die geistige erziehung und der unterricht. KnOppel, A1. Die kulturhistorischen stu- fen der Herbart-Ziller-Stoy'schen schule. . , Kemp- ten, 1894. D. 46 p. (Padagog. vortrage. v. i, no. 6.) C KOZLE, Johann Friedrich Gottlob. Die padagogische schule Herbarts und ihre lehre. . . Gutersloh, 1889. D. [8] + 276 p. C Krausbauer, Theodor. Das deutsche mar- chen und seine bedeutung fiir den unterricht, nach den grundsatzen der Herbart'schen schule. Min- den, 1886. O. 31 p. (/w Lehrerprtifungs und informations-arbeiten, v. i, pt. 9.) C KrOger, O. Zur kritik der Herbartschen ethik. . . Chemnitz, 1886. Q. 39 p. C Lang, Ossian H. Outlines of Herbart's pedagogics, with a biographical introd. New York, 1894. D. 72 p. C T LiNDE, Ernst. Der darstellende unterricht nach den grundsatzen der Herbart-Zillerschen schule und vom standpunkte des nicht Herbartianers. . . Leipzig, 1899. O. 6 -h [i] -H 144 p. T McMurry, Charles Alexander. Elements of general method, based on the principles of Her- bart. Bloomington, 1892. D. 200 p. T Mauxion, Marcel. L' education par I'in- struction et les theories pedagogiques de Herbart. " ■ " - C Paris, 1901. D. 4 + 187 p. Merian-Genast, Hans. chen in der padagogik Herbarts. ftir philol. und pad. 1890. v. 305-18, 353-69 and 401-12.) Die alten spra- (/« Neue jahrb. 142, p. 231-66, C Natorp, Paul. Herbart, Pestalozzi und die heutigen aufgaben der erziehungslehre ; achte vortrage gehalten in . . . 1897 und 1898. Stutt- gart, 1899. O. [5] -f 151 p. C OsTERMANN, Wilhelm. Die hauptsach- lichsten irrtiimer der Herbartschen psychologie und ihre padagogischen konsequenzen. . . Oldenburg [pref. 1887]. O. 4 + 246 p. C Rein, G. W. Herbarts regierung, unter- richt und zucht. O. 45 p. (/« Padagog. studien. 1881. V. I, no. I.) T RiBOT, Theodule Armand. Herbart. School of Herbart. (/« his German psychology. 1886. p. 24-67.) C T RowE, Stuart Henry. Herbarts ansichten von dem zwecke des lateinischen und griechischen unterrichtes dargestellt. . . "Jena, 1895. O. 59 p. C SallwCrk, Ernst von. Handel und wandel der padagogischen schule Herbart's ; eine historisch- kritische studie. Langensalza, 1885. O. 64 p. C Sanio, Friedrich Daniel. Zur erinnerung an Herbart als lehrer der Konigsberger Universitat. {In Herbart J. F. Herbartische reliquien. 1884, p. 7-I9-) C SCHAB, R. Herbarts ethik und das mo- deme drama. Langensalza, 1899. O. 16 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 129.) C SCHAEFFER, Andreas. Die philosophischen grundlagen der Herbart'schen padagogik. . . Strassburg, i()00. O. 55 p. C SCHLEINITZ, Otto. Herbarts verhaltnis zu Niemeyer in ansehung des interesses. Leipzig, 1899. O. 56 + [I] p. C Schubert, Rudolf. Herbarts didaktische anschauungen und die interpretationen der konsen- trationsidee. Leipzig, 1898. O. 62 + [i] p. C Schulze, Karl. Herbart's ABC der an- schauung. . . Bonn, 1886. D. 70 + [2] p. C ScHUPP, Heinrich. Die grundbegriffe der psychologie Herbarts in ihrem empirischen und metaphysischen zusammenhang. Darmstadt, 1896. O. [4] + 60 p. C Smith, Margaret K. Every day uses of Herbartianism. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1894, p. 191-208.) C Strumpell, Ludwig. Das system der pada- gogik Herbart's. Leipzig, 1894. O. 109 p. {In his Padagog. abhandl. 1894. v. 3.) C T Tepe, Georg. Die praktischen ideen ; nach Herbart. Leer, 1861. O. 55 p. C ThrAndorf, , Die behandlung des religionsunterrichtes nach Herbart -Ziller'scher me- thode. 2. . . verm. aufl. Langensalza, 1891. O. 58 p. C Tontschoff, Nicolas. Die lehre von den stufen des unterrichts bei Johann Friedrich Her- bart. Leipzig, 1899. O. 57 -1- I p. C T Doctor's disseRation. 236 EDUCATION Herbart, Johann Friedrich (continued) Ufer, Christian. Introduction to the peda- gogy of Herbart . . . translated from the 5th German ed. under the auspices of the Herbart Club by J. C. Zinser ; ed. by Charles De Garmo. Boston, 1894. D. 10 + 123 p. C T Vorschule der padagogik Herbarts, Dresden, 1883. O. 64 p. C [Same.] 5. verm. aufl. Dresden, 1888, O. 10 + [2] + 115 p. T VoGEL, August. Herbart oder Pestalozzi ? eine kritische darstellung und vergleichung ihre sys- teme. . . 2. aufl. Hannover, 1893. O. 4 + 163 p. (Padagog. bibl. v. 12.) C VoiGT, G. Die bedeutung der Herbartschen padagogik fUr die volkschule. Schonebeck a. E., 1891. O. 82 p. C Wagner, Ernst. Die praxis der Herbartia- ner ; der ausbau und gegenwartige stand der Her- bartschen padagogik . . . zugleich ein kommentar zu des verfassers werk : " Vollstandige darstellung der lehre Herbarts ". . . 8. aufl. Langensaha, 1900. D. 6 + 305 p. C Wagner, Georg. Uber einige beziehungen zwischen Herbart und Kant. Bozen, 1882. O. 27 p. C Wehrmann, K. Herbart und der fremd- sprachliche unterricht. {In Neue jahrb. fUr philol. und pad. 1888. v. 138. p. 474-88.) C Wesendonck, Hermann. Uber den wert und die mangel der Herbart-Ziller'schen padagogik und die kampfesweise der Ziller'schen heissspome. {In Paedagogium. 1885. v. 7, p. 103-15.) T WiESSNER, Eduard. Herbarts padagogik, dargestellt in ihrer entwickelung und enwendung. Bernburg [i886]. O. [4] -f- 195 p. C WiGET, Theodor. Die formalen stufen des unterrichts ; eine einf uhrung in das studium der Her- bart-Zillerschen padagogik. 3. aufl. Chur, 1888. O. 75 p. T ZiEGLER, Konrad. Der geschichtsunter- richt im dienste der erziehung, nach den grund- satzen der Herbart'schen padagogik. 2. . . aufl. Minden, 1894. O. 44 p. {In LehrerprUfungs und informations-arbeiten. v. 1, pt. 8.) C Ziehen, Theodor. Das verhaltnis der Her- bart'schen psychologic zur physiologischexperi- mentellen psychologie. Berlin, 1900. O. 79 p. {In Sahimlung von abhandlungen aus dem gebiete der padagogischen psychologie und physiologie, hrsg. von H. Schiller und Th. Ziehen, v. 3, pt. 5.) C Zimmermann, Robert Arthur Theodor. Uber Trendelenburg's einwUrfe gegen Herbarts praktische ideen. {In Vienna — Akad. der v/iss. — Phil.-hist. classe. Sitzungsb. v. 70, p. 247-82.) C Herford, William H, The school ; essay to- wards humane education. . . London, 1889. D. 10 -h 112 p. C Herrainz, Gregorio. Tratado de antropologfa y pedagogfa. Madrid, 1896. O. 564 p. C Herzog, Joh. Adolf. Die schule und ihr neuer aufbau auf natUrlicher grundlage. . . Zurich, \%<:)i. O. 153 p. C Hochegger, Rudolf. Die bedeutung der phi- losophie der gegenwart fur die padagogik. Gotha, 1893. O. [3] + 132 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streit- fragen. 1894. v. 6.) C Die bedeutung der philosophie der gegen- wart fur die padagogik. (/« Neue bahnen. 1893. v. 4, p. 1-23, 65-84, 129-59 and 329-45.) T Hoffmann, Hugo. Die erziehung zur produc- tion ; die aufgabe der realistischen padagogik. Koln, 1 88 1. O. [3] + 235 p. C Holman, Henry. Education ; an introduction to its principles and their psychological foundations. New York, 1896. D. 12 + 536 p. C T Holtsch, Hugo. Bewegungen der gegenwart auf padagogischen gebiet. . . Langensaha, 1889. O. 4 + [I] + 238 p. C Ho'i^ard, John Raymond. Educational nug- gets ; Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Herbart, Spencer, Harris, Butler, Eliot. New York, 1899. T. 5 4- 215 p. (Bits of ores from rich mines.) C Hughes, James L. Dickens as an educator. New York, 1901. D. 10 + i + 319 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 49.) Hugues de Saint-Victor. Das lehrbuch und Johannes Gerson ; Traktat uber die hinfuhrung der kleinen zu Christus, iibersetzt . . . von Joseph Freundgen. Paderborn, 1896. D. 270 p. (Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. v. 23.) C Hummel, Otto Emil. Die unterrichtslehre Benekes in vergleiche zur padagogischen didaktik Herbarts. Leipzig [I877]. O. 62 + [2] p. C Iselin, Isaak. Padagogische schriften ; nebst seinem padagogischen briefwechsel mit J. C. Lava- ter und J. G. Schlosser ; herausgegeben von Hugo Goring ; mit einer einleitung von Edmund Meyer. Langensaha, 1882. O. 10 + 350 p. (Bibl. pada- gog. klass. ; hrsg. von Fr. Mann.) C T Miaskowski, August von. Isaak Iselin ; ein beitrag zur geschichte der volkswirthschaftlichen socialen und politischen bestrebungen der Schweiz im XVIII. jahrhundert. Basel, 1875. O. 5 + i + 120 p. C Jacoby, Hermann. Allgemeine padagogik auf grund der christlichen ethik. Gotha, 1883. O. 8 -f- 287 p. C Jacotot, Jean Joseph. Universal-unterricht . . . libersetzung . . . von Hugo Goring. Wien, 1883. O. [i87] + 362 + [2] p. (Padagog. klass.; hrsg. von G. A. Lindner, v. 10.) T Payne, Joseph. Compendious exposition of Jacotot's celebrated system of education. {In his Lectures on education. 1884-92. v. i, p. 333-84.) CT Jacotot et sa methode Paris, 1883. D. 2IO C Jacotot. {In his Es- Perez, Bernard. J, d* emancipation spirituelle. P- Quick, Rev. R. H says on educational reformers. 1890. p. 414-38.) CT PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 237 Jager, Oskar. Aus der praxis ; ein padagogi- sches testament. 2. aufl. Wiesbaden, 1885. O. 6 + 168 p. C Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig. Euler, Karl Philipp. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn ; sein leben und wirken. Stuttgart, 1881. D. 15 + 634 + [2] p. i por. C Friedrich, Joliann. Jahn als erzieher ; sein leben, seine padagogische bedeutung und seine lehren. . . Miinchen, 1895. O. 3 + 192 p. C PrOhle, Heinrich Christoph Ferdinand. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn's leben ; nebst mittheilun- gen aus seinem literarischen nachlass. 2. ausg. Berlin, 1S72. O. 16 + 425 p. C Jennings, James. Inquiry concerning the na- ture and operation of the human mind, in which the science of phrenology, the doctrine of necessity, punishment, and education are particularly consid- ered. . . London, 1828. O. 53 p. C Jerome, St. Brief an Lata und an Gaudentius . , . ilbersetzt und erlautert zumachst fur geistliche und lehrer von Conrad Ernesti. . . Paderborn, 1889. {In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schriften. 1888-99. V. 3, p. 1-33.) C Joly, Henri. Notions de pedagogie ; suivies d'un resume historique et d'une bibliographic. . . Paris [1884]. Nar. D. 299 p. C Karnes, Henry Home, lord. Loose hints upon education chiefly concerning the culture of the heart . . . [Anon.] Edinburgh, 1781. O. 11 + 381 p. CT Kanuuel, Heinrich Julius. Fenelon in Ver- sailles, ein beitrag zur geschichte der padagogik. Zittau [pref. 1857]. Sq. O. [4] -1- 20 p. C [M. Melchior Gerlach ; ein padagogisches lebensbild aus einer schwulen ubergangszeit.] Zit- tau, 1873. Sq. Q. II p. C Kant, Immanuel. Immanuel Kant, bearbeitet von G. Frohlich und Friedr. Korner. Langensalza, 1890. D. 16 + 402 p. I por. (Die klassiker der padagogik. v. 11.) C On education. . . Translated into English by Annette Churton, with an introduction by Mrs. Rhys Davids. London, 1899. D. 19 + [3] + 121 P- T [Over pedagogiek] door J. Geluk. Amster- dam, 1883. D. 79 p. (Paedagog. bibl. ; J. Ver- sluys, ed. v. 16.) C Schriften zur anthropologie und padagogik ; nebst einer sammlung von briefen und offentlichen erklarungen. . . Leipzig, 1839. O. 30 + 610 p. (In his Werke. 1839. v. 10.) C Uber padagogik ; mit einleitung und an- merkungen . . . von O. Willmann. 3. aufl. Leip- zig, n. d. 127 p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter. v. 10.) T Uber padagogik ; mit Kant's biographie, hrsg. von Theodor Vogt. 2. aufl. Langensalza, 1883. O. [8] + 127 p. (Bibl. padagog. klassiker ; hrsg. von Fr. Mann.) C T B6HMEL, Otto. Der principielle gegensatz in dem padagogischen anschauungen Kants und Herbarts. Marburg [189I]. O. 31 p. C BOtte, Ludwig Friedrich Werner. Imman- uel Kants erziehungslehre dargestellt auf grund von Kants authentischen schriften. Langensalza, 1900. O. 8 + 99 p. C DuPROix, Paul. Kant et Fichte et le prob- l^me de I'education. Paris, 1895. O. 237 -|- [i] P- C Krause, F. W. D. Die Kant-Herbartsche ethik ; kritische studie. Gotha, 1889. O. 4 + 158 + [I] P- C Philippson, Robert. Die asthetische er- ziehung ; ein beitrag zur lehre Kants, Schillers und Herbarts. Magdeburg, 1890. Sq. O. 34 p. C Sattel, Joseph. Was soil der katholische lehrer von Immanuel Kant wissen ? Kempten, 1897. D. 38 + 1 p. (Padagog. vortrage u. ab- handl. v, 3, no. 6.) C Schubert, Friedrich Wilhelm. Immanuel Kant's biographie ; zum grossen theil nach hand- schriftlichen nachrichten dargestellt. Leipzig, 1842. O. 8 + 220 p. (Kant's sammtl. werke. Bd. ii=.) C Chronologisches verzeichniss seiner schriften und der nam- haftesten ubersetzungen, p. 210-18. Strumpell, Ludwig. Die padagogik der philosophen Kant, Fichte, Herbart ; ein Uberblick . . . Braunschweig, 1843. O. 6 + [i] + 208 p. C Die padagogik Kant's und Fichte's. Leipzig, 1894. O. 58 p. (/« his Padagog. ab- handl. 1894. v. 2.) C T Weerts, Johann Heinrich Theodor. Ver- gleichende untersuchung der religionsphilosophie Kants und Fichtes. Norden, 1898. O. 32 -+- [i] p. C Kay, David. Education and educators. Syra- cuse, 1893. D. 12 + 490 p. C T Keagy, John M., M.D. Address on early ed- ucation. New York, 1833. O. p. 47-68. C Keferstein, Horst. Ideale und irrthumer der unterrichtsprogramme. Hamburg, 1890. O. 59 p. {In Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 1891. V. 19, p. 34I-99-) C Volksbildung und volksbildner. Langen- salza, 1899. O. 9 + 38 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 121.) C Kellner, Lorenz. Padagogische mittheilungen aus dem gebiete der schule und des lebens, mit . . . rucksicht auf die bildung und fortbildung der volks- schuUehrer. . . Essen, 1853-54. D. 2 v. in i. C Zur padagogik der schule und des hauses ; aphorismen . . . 15. aufl, mit . . . biographie des verfassers, Essen, 1899. D. 16 + 287 p. por. C ScHERER, H. Ein kirchenpadagoge des neunzehuten jahrhunderts, L. Kellner. {In Neue bahnen. 1897. v. 8, p. 625-43.) T Kett, Rev. Henry. Elements of general knowl- edge. . . Baltimore, 1812. O. 2 v. C 238 EDUCATION Eilgour, Henry. Educational suffrage based on general experience and specific knowledge. . . Edinburgh, 1874. O- I4P- C Kleine, R. Wahre bildung macht frei. (/« Lehrer-priifungs und informations-arbeiten. 1895. V. 2, pt. II, p. 23-33.) C Kloesel, Karl. Erziehungs- und unterrichts- lehre. Breslau, i8g6. O. pt. 2. C Knox, Rev. Vicesimus. Liberal education. . . loth ed. with a letter to Lord North. . . London, 1789. O. V. I. C Iiaba.ree, Rev. Benjamin. The education de- manded by the peculiar character of our civil insti- tutions. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1849. p. 27-58.) C Lacey, Rev. William Brittainham. Discourse on education delivered . . . August 25, 1833, in Trinity Church, Pittsburg. iPittsburg] 1833. O. 14 p. C IjaiCOmbe, H. de. La liberte de I'enseignement. Paris, 1900. S. 84- 123 p. C Ladendorf, August Johann Friedrich. Die scientise psedagogicse notione. Berolini [I847]. O. [3] + 74 + [I] p. C Lancaster, Joseph. Epitome of some of the chief events and transactions in [his] life, contain- ing an account of the rise and progress of the Lan- casterian system of education. . . New Haven, 1833. O. 56 p. C Improvements in education, as it respects the industrious classes of a community, containing ... an account of the Institution for the education of one thousand poor children, Borough road, Southwark. . . 3d ed. London, 1805. O. 16 -j- 211 + [17] p. C T Improvements in education . . . from the 3d London edition with additions. . . New York, 1807. D. 45 + [3j -f 168 p. C T Fitch, Sir J. G, Joseph Lancaster. {In his Educational aims and methods. 1900. p. 326- 57.) C T Pythias {pseud.). Vindication of Mr. Lan- caster's system of education . . . by A member of the Royal Institution. . . London, 1812. O. 3 -I- 112 p. T Lang, Ossian H., editor. Educational creeds of the XlXth century. New York and Chicago, 1898. D. 6-1- 162 p. ports. (Practical teachers library, v. 4, no. i.) C T Larcher, Louis JuHen. Opinions des anciens et des modernes sur I'education ; ou, Le livre des instituteurs et des p^res de famille. . . Paris, 1859. D. 12 + 384 p. C Latino, Emanuele. Delia pedagogica nelle sue armonie ed antinomie. Palermo, 1876. O. 165 ■l-[i]p. C Laveleye, 6mile Louis Victor de. L'instruc- tion du peuple. Paris, 1872. O. 489 -H i p. C La'wton, William Cranston. Widening ideals in education. Philadelphia, 1895. O. 16 p. C Lego, A. V. Briefe eines padagogischen dun- kelmannes aus dem 19. jahrhundert, beantwortet und herausgegeben. Berlin, 1879. D. [5] -f- 74 p. C Legouve, Ernest. Les p^res et les enfants au xix« siecle. . . 20^ ed. Paris, n. d. D. 2 v. (Bibl. d'education et de recreation.) C Leisner, Otto. Studien ilber die einheit der bildung. Leipzig, 1%^-]. O. lO-fl8ip. C Leitch, James. Practical educationists and their systems. Glasgow, 1876. D. 16 -|- 302 p. T Leoni, Luigi. Trattato sopra I'educazione. Firenze, 1820. S. 174 -f- [2] p. C Leslie, Charles. Philosophical dissertation upon the inlets to human knowledge, in a letter from a gentleman in the country, to his friend at London. [Anon.] London, 1740. O. Ill p. C Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Education of the human race translated by F. W. Robertson. 4th ed. London, 1^^ J,. S. 16 -f- 79 p. CT Die erziehung des menschengeschlechts. {In his Auszilge aus seinen schr. Bibl. der deutsch. klass. V. 6, p. 619-40.) C DiESTERWEG, F. A. W. Lessing als pada- gog. {In Padagog. jahrb. filr lehrer. 1858. v. 8. p. 196-224.) C WiTTSTOCK, Albert. Lessings erziehung des menschengeschlechts als padagogisches system. Leipzig [i887]. O. [3] -f- 185 p. C Lindner, Gustav Adolf. Allgemeine erzie- hungslehre ; lehrtext zum gebrauche an den bil- dungsanstalten fur lehrer und lehrerinnen. 3. aufl. iVien, 1879. Nar. O. 8 -H 150 p. ill. Grundriss der padagogik als wissenschaft, im anschluss an die entwickelungslehre u. die sociolo- gie ; aus dessen . . . nachlasse hrsg. von K. Domin. IVien, 1889. O. ^ + [2] -f- 153 p. C Lindsley, Rev. Philip. Works ed. by Le Roy J. Halsey ; with introductory notices of his life. Philadelphia, 1866. O. 3 v. por. C Littlefield, George A. Chief needs of the schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1886. P- 32-54-) C Locke, John. Conduct of the understanding ; edited with introduction, notes . . . by T. Fowler. 2d ed. Oxford, 1882. S. 24 + 136 p. (Claren- don press series.) C Educacion de los niflos ; obra escrita en in- gles, tr. al f ranees por . . . Coste . . . y de este al castellano por D. F. A. C. P. Madrid, ijgj. S. 2 v. C Einige gedanken ilber erziehung . . . mit einleitung und anmerkungen . . . von F. M. Schuster. 2. . . verb. aufl. Leipzig [I88I]. O. 56 -t- 276 p. (Padagog. bibl.; hrsg. von Karl Richter. v, 9.) T PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 239 Xiocke, John (continued ) Gedanken iiber erziehung ; eingeleitet, tiber- setzt und erlautert von Dr. E. von Sallwiirk. . . Langensalza, 1883. O. 72 + 235 p. {In Bibl. padagog. klass. 1883. v. 22). C Guida deir intelletto nella ricerca della ve- riti; opera postuma, tradotta ... da Francesco Soave. 4^ edizione veneta. Venezia, 1801. Nar. S., 156 p. C Leitung des verstandes ; iibersetzt und mit einleitung hrsg. von Jtirgen Bona Meyer. Heidel- berg, 1883. D. 10 -+- 94 p. (Philos. bibl. ; J. H. von Kirchmann, ed. v. 93.) C Pensees sur I'education des enfants : traduc- tion de Coste, revue abregee, annotee par Louis Fochier. 2« ed. Paris, 1886. D. 292 p. C Saggio filosofico sul' umano intelletto com- pendiato dal Dr. John Winne, tradotto ... da Francesco Soave. 4* ed. veneta. Venezia, 1801. Nar. S. 2 V. C Some thoughts concerning education ; with introduction and notes by R. H. Quick. . . Cam- bridge, 1880. D. 64 + 240 p. T [Same.] 2d ed. Cambridge [Eng.-^ 1889. S. 64 + 240 p. C Treatise on the conduct of the understand- ing. Boston, 1828. S. 132 p. C Bourne, Henry Richard Fox. Life of John Locke. New York, 1876. O. 2 v. C BrUgel, Julius. John Locke. {In Schmid, K. A. Geschichte der erziehung. 1896. v. 4, pt. I. p. 354-403.) C Case, Thomas. Locke. realism. 1888. p, 141-85.) {In his Physical C CORW^IN, Robert Nelson. Entwicklung und vergleichung der erziehungslehren von John Locke und Jean-Jaques Rousseau. Heidelberg, 1S94. O. [4] + 115 p. C Dost, Otto. Die didaktik der neueren pada- gogen Englands im zusammenhange mit der unter- richtstheorie John Locke's. Plauen i. V., 1884. Sq. Q. 46 p. C Hecke, Gustav. Systematisch-kritische darstellung der padagogik John Lockes ; ein bei- trag zur geschichte der padagogik und philosophic. Gotha, 1898. O. 9 + 129 p. C Leitch, James. Locke. {In his Practical educationists. 1876. p. 1-15.) T Lepzien, August .Martin Johann. 1st Thomas Elyot ein vorganger John Locke's in der erziehungslehre ? Leipzig, 1896. O. 52 + [i] p. C Mehner, Carl Max. Der einfluss Mon- taigne's auf die padagogischen ansichten von John Locke. Leipzig, 1891. O. [3] + 41 p. C Peters, Johann Carl August. John Locke als padagogischer schriftsteller. Leipzie[,i2i']2. O. 27 p. ' C Quick, Pev. R. H. Life of Locke. In Locke, J. Some thoughts on ed. 1889. pref. p. 19-59.) c Saftu, Vasilie. Ein vergleich der physi- schen erziehung bei Locke und Rousseau. Buca- rest, 1889. O. 75 -t- [I] p. C SallwCtrk, Ernst von. John Locke's leben und padagogische bedeutung. . . O. 72 p. {In Locke, John. Gedanken iiber erziehung. 1883. Bibl. padagog. klass. v. 22.) C SchArer, Emanuel. John Locke : seine verstandestheorie und seine lehren iiber religion, staat und erziehung. . . Leipzig, i860. O. 12 + 300 p. C SCtterlin, Ad. Locke, Rousseau und die gegenwartige schulreform. {In Paedagogium. 1893. V. 15, p. 349-62 and 421-29.) T Wilke, Georg. Die hauptberiihrungs- und unterscheidungspunkte der erziehungsgedanken John Locke's und . . . Rousseau's. Scheinfeld, 1898. O. 67 p. C liOth, Friedrich Johannes. Die paedagogi- schen gedanken der Institutio oratoria Quintilians. Leipzig, 1898. O. 76 + [I] p. C liuther, Martin. An die radherrn aller stedte deutsches lands ; das sie christliche schulen auffrich- ten und hall ten sollen. IVittenberg, 1^24. O. p. 1-24. (Samml. selten gewordener padagog. schr. 1893. no. I, pt. I.) C Eine predigt das man kinder zur schulen halten solle. Wittenberg, 1530. O. p. 1-37. {In same. 1880. no. 5, pt. i.) C Gedanken iiber erziehung und unterricht ; eine festgabe zu dem vierhundertjahrigen geburts- tage Luthers von Johannes Meyer und Johannes Prinzhorn. Hannover, 1883. O. 14 + 310 p, C Letter to the mayors and aldermen of all the cities of Germany in behalf of Christian schools ; Sermon on the duty of sending children to school. {In Painter, F. V. N. Luther on education. 1889. p. 168-271.) C T Luther als padagog . . . padagogische ge- danken . . . hrsg. von Ernst Wagner. Langen- salza, 1887. D. 8 -+- 184 p. por. (Klassiker der padagog. ; hrsg. von G. Frohlich, v. 2.) C T Padagogische schriften . . . hrsg. von J. C. G. Schumann. IVien, 1884. O. 6 -f 356 p. por. (Padagog. klass. ; hrsg. von G. A. Lindner, V. 15.) T Padagogische schriften und ausserungen ; aus seinen werken gesammelt und in einer einlei- tung zusammenfassend charakterisiert und dar- gestellt von H. Keferstein. Langensalza, 1888. O. 92 + 293 p. (Bibl. padagog. klass. ; hrsg. von Fr. Mann.) C T Von schulen ; letzter abschnitt aus dem Un- terricht der visitatorn. . . Wittemberg 1538. {In Samml. selten gewordener padagog. schr. 1880. no. 5, pt. 2. p. 41-50.) • C 240 EDUCATION liuther, Martin (continued) Von schulen ; letzter abschnitt aus dem un- terrichte der visitatoren, nach der ersten ausgabe gedruckt zu Wittemberg 1528. (/« same. 1893. no. I, pt. 2, p. 25-34.) C CoHRS, Ferdinand, ed. Die evangelischen katechismusversuche vor Luthers Enchiridion. . . Berlin, 1900. O. pt. i. (Mon. Ger. paedagog. V. 20.) C Frantz, Adolf. Luther's katechismus ; ein schulbuch fiir unsere kinder ? (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1893. v. 5.) C Raumer, Karl Georg von. Luther's views of education and schools. (/« Amer. jo. of ed. V. 4, 1857. p. 421-49.) C T Thalheim, Dr. Die wahren verdienste Luthers um die volksschule. . . JCempten, 1894. D. 29 p. (Padagog. vortrage u. abhandl. v. i, no. 4.) C M., K. Gedanken beim schulanfang. Langen- salza, 1898. O. 15 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 113.) C Mabief Hamilton Wright. Education. {In his Essays on nature and culture. 1896. p. 16- 25.) C T MacAlister, James. Syllabus of lectures on the history and science of education, the theory and practice of teaching and school hygiene. [Phila- delphia, 1887 ?] O. 8 p. C McCombie, William. On education in its constituents, objects, and issues . . . essays. . . Aberdeen, 1857. S. 7 + 422 p. T Mackenzie, William. Outlines of education ; or. Remark on the development of mind, and im- provement of manners. Edinburgh, 1824, D. 314 P- T IffacMullen, John. Education of the rich. [New York, n. d.] O. 20 p. C Mac Vicar, Malcolm. Principles of education. Boston, 1892. D. 5 + 178 p. C Mahraun, . Ziel und mittel der moder- nen volksschulpadagogik. {In Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1886. v. i, p. 5-19.) C Maintenon, Fran9oise (d'Aubigne) Scarron, marquise de. Extraits de ses lettres, avis entretiens . . . sur I'education, precedes d'une introduction par V. C. O. Greard. 5= ed. Paris, 1899. D. 64 + 286 p. C Maironi da Ponte, Giovanni. Saggiodi edu- cazione nazionale proposto in un discorso acade- mico. Bergamo, iT]<). D. 16 + 68 p. C Maiden, Jonas, M.D. Education ; the sub- stance of an address delivered before the members of the Worcester Literary and Scientific Institution ... in 1 841. Worcester, 1844. O. 20 p. C Mand, J. Die lOsung der schulfrage. Frank- furt am Main, x^c^x. O. 16 p. C Mann, Horace. Dedication of Antioch College and inaugural address of its president, with other proceedings. Yellow Springs, O., 1854. S. 132 p. CT [Same.] New York [C. 1854]. D. 132 p. {In his Lectures on various subjects, 1864.) C Lectures and annual reports on education. Cambridge, 1867. O. v. i. C T Lectures on various subjects. New York, 1864. D. v. p. T O. — Life and works. 5 v. I por. Boston, li )i, [c.'65-9i]. CT Oration delivered at Providence, Sept. . . 1825, before the United Brothers' Society of Brown University. Providence, 1825. O. 30 p. T Oration delivered before the authorities of the city of Boston, July 4, 1849. [Boston, 1849.] O. 24 p. C T Reply to the "Remarks" of thirty-one Boston schoolmasters on the Seventh annual report of the secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education. Boston, 1844. O. 176 p. C Rejoinder to the " Reply " of Horace Mann, to the "Remarks" of the Association of Boston masters, upon his seventh annual report. Boston, 1845. O. 55 + 56-1- [I04] p. C [Controversy on the 7th annual report of Horace Mann, secretary of the Mass. Board of Education.] O. 2 v. T Emerson, George Barrell. Observations on a pamphlet, entitled " Remarks on the Seventh annual report of the Hon. Horace Mann, secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education." [Anon.] [Boston, 1844.] O. 16 p. C Report and resolutions on the ' ' Code of honor" . . . also on intemperance, profanity, and the use of tobacco in schools. Columbus, O., 1857. O. 16 p. C T 1851. Slavery ; letters and speeches. D. 12 H- 564 p. Boston, CT Blair, S. What I think ... a kaleido- scope review of the Horace Mann, or Massachusetts system of common schools, n, p., 1876. O. pt. 3. 24 p. T Harris, William Torrey. Horace Mann. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of— Rept. of Com. of Ed. 1895-96, V. I, p. 887-97.) C T With a Bibliography compiled by B. Pickman Mann, p. 897-927. Horace Mann. Syracuse, 1896. S. 34 p. 2 ill. (School-room classics, no. II.) CT Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Horace Mann and the common school revival in the United States . . . New York, 1898. D. 6 -I- fi] -f- 326 p. (Great educators ; Nicholas Murray Butler, ed.) CT HuBBELL, George Allen, Horace Mann in Ohio ; a study of the application of his public school ideals to college administration. New York, 1900. O. 71 p. CT Lang, Ossian H. Horace Mann ; his life and educational work. New York, 1893. S. 41 p. (Teachers' manuals, no. 22.) C T PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 241 Manii, Horace (continued), Mann, Mrs. Mary Tyler (Peabody). Life of Horace Mann, by his wife. 2d ed. Boston [I865]. O. II + 609 p. I por. C T Sabin, Henry. Horace Mann's country school ; read before N. E. A. July 13, 1894. Des Moines, 1894. O. 8 p. C Mansfield, Edward Deering. American edu- cation, its principles and elements. New York, 1851. O. 330 p. CT Manzer, J. D., and Manzer, Robert. All- gemeine erziehungslehre fur lehrer- und lehrerinnen- bildungsanstalten. Leipzig, 1890. D. 167 p. C Marble, Albert Prescott. About newness. Bos- ton, 1890. D. 20 p. T Matthias, Adolf. Aus schule, unterricht und erziehung ; gesammelte aufsatze. Miinchen, 1901. O. 10 4- 476 p. C Praktische padagogik fur hohere lehran- stalten. . . Miinchen, 1895. O. 7 + 397 p. ill. (/m Handbuch der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre ftir hohere schulen. v. 2. pt. 2.) C Mayhew, Ira. Popular education : for the use of parents and teachers and for young persons of both sexes. . . New York, 1850. D. 467 p. i pi. C Meiklejohn, John, M.D. New education. 2d. edition. . . Syracuse, 1896. S. 47 p. (School- room classics, no. 6.) C T Melanchthon, Philipp. Ein schrift an ein er- bare stadt von anrichtung der latinischen schuel nQtzlich zu lesen ; Wittemberg, 1543 ; Augsburg, 1543. Zschopau, 1 88 1. O. 12 -h [4] p. (Samml. selten gewordener padagog. schr. 1881. no. 9.) C Epistolae, praefationes, consilia, judicia, schedae academicae, orationes. (v. 1-12 of his Opera ed. Bretschneider et Bindseil. 1834-60.) C Libri visitatorii. (/« v. 26 of same.) C Reliqua scrip ta philologica. (v. 20 of same.) C CoHRS, Ferdinand. Philip Melanchthon, Deutschlands lehrer ; ein beitrag zur feier des 16. Februar 1897. Halle, 1897. O. 6 -|- [i] -f- 76 p. (Verein fUr reformationgeschichte. Schriften. no. 55-) C Hartfelder, Karl. Melanchthoniana paedagogica, eine erganzung zu den werken Me- lanchthons im Corpus reformatorum. Leipzig, 1892. O. 18 -i- 287 p. por. C Philip Melanchthon als praeceptor Ger- maniae. Berlin, 1889. O. 28 H- 687 p. por. {In Mon. Ger. paedagog, 1889. v. 7.) C Heppe, H. L. J". Philip Melanchthon, der lehrer Deutschlands ; ein lebensbild dem deutschen volke dargestellt. Marburg, i860. S. 8 -<- 224 p. C 16 Keferstein, Horst. Zur erinnerung an Philipp Melanchthon als praeceptor Germaniae. . . Langensalza, 1897. O. 6 -j- 51 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 91.) C Ledderhose, K. F. Life of Philip Me- lanchthon, translated from the German by the Rev. G. F. Krotel. Philadelphia, 1857 [C '54]. D. 364 p. I por. C Matthes, Karl. sein leben und wirken. . . O. 10 + 429 + [I] p. Philipp Melanchthon, Altenburg, 1841. Nar. C Nebe, a. Philipp Melanchthon, der lehrer Deutschlands. Bielefeld [lit^ty O. 39 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 9, pt. 7.) C NisARD, J. M. N. D. Etudes sur la renais- sance. . . Erasme, Thomas Morus, Melanchthon. 2= ed. Paris, 1864. Nar. D. 3 + 464 p. C • Renaissance et reforme. Thomas Morus ; Melancthon. Paris, 1877. D. 418 p. C Planck, Adolph. Melanchthon, Praeceptor Germaniae ; eine denkschrift zum 3. sakularfeier seines todes. . . Nordlingen, i860. D. 8 -h 183 p. C Raumer, Karl von. Life and educational services of P. Melanchthon. (/« Am. jo. of ed. v. 4, p. 741-64.) C T Richard, Rev. J. W. Philip Melanchthon, the protestant preceptor of Germany, 1497- 1560. New York, 1898. O. 15 + 399 p. por. pi. facsim. (Heroes of the reformation ; S. M. Jack- son, ed. v. 2.) C T SchAfer, Rudolf. Philipp Melanchthons leben, aus den quellen dargestellt. Gutersloh, 1894. O. 8 + 288 p. por. C Scherer, H. Praeceptor Germaniae ; ein gedenkblatt zur 400 jahr. jubelfeier des geburts- tages Ph. Melanchthons, 16. Feb. 1897. {In Neue bahnen. 1897. v. 8, p. 113-38 and 169-88.) T Merkle, Mathias. Pralat Merkle's grundsatze der erziehung, nach dessen vorlesungen am Lyceum zu Dillingen bearbeitet von Gratian von Linden. . . Augsburg, 1892. O. 8 + 64 p. por. C Meyer, Bruno. Aus der asthetischen pada- gogik ; sechs vortrage. Berlin, 1873. D. [6] + 256 p. C Meyer, Jurgen Bona. Zum bildungskampf un- serer zeit. Bonn, 1875. Nar. O. 18 + 404 p. C Mhan-su-faer. Die notwendigkeit und die moglichkeit einer kraftigeren zusammenwirkung der volker auf dem gebiete der kinder-erziehung. . . Koln, 1882. O. [3] + 186 + [I] p. C Mich, Josef. Allgemeine erziehungslehre. 4. verb. aufl. Troppau, 1881. Nar. O. 6 + 98 p. C Miller, Rev. Alfred A. Introductory lecture delivered before the Pottsville Lyceum, January 28, 1840, on education. Pottsville, 1840. D. 15 p. C 242 EDUCATION Milton, John. Padagogische schriften und aus- serungen ; mit einleitung und anmerkungen hrsg. von Dr. JUrgen Bona Meyer. . . Langensalza, 1890. O. 16 + 64 p. (/« Bibl. padagog. klass. 1880. V. 31.) C Small tractate of education ; written about the year 1650. Syracuse, 1882. S. 26 p, (School- room classics, no. 7.) C T Tractate on education ; a fac-sim. reprint from the ed. of 1673 ; edited ... by Oscar Brown- ing. Cambridge, 1883. S. 25 + 43 p. C T Tractate on education ; ed. with an introd. and notes by E. E. Morris. London, 1895. D. 45 + 50 p. T • Dadelsen, Hans von. Milton als padagog. Gebweiler, 1885. Sq. Q. 25 p. C Faulde, Oswald. Stellung und bedeutung Miltons in der geschichte der padagogik. Ratibor, 1887. Sq. Q. 15 p. C Kahle, W. Milton's padagogische griind- satze vorzugsweise nach seiner abhandlung " Of education." Cothen, 1890. O. 48 p. C Laurie, Simon Somerville. John Milton. {In his Occasional addresses on educational sub- jects. 1888. p. 164-89.) C T Thurston, Robert Henry. Miltonian teach- ing on the attainment of wisdom and learning, of knowledge and culture. \^New York, 1894.] O. 15 p. C Milzi, Eleonora. Delia educazione, studi sin- tetici. Firenze, 1896. S. 168 p. C Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. Ansichten tiber die erziehung der kinder . . . mit anmerkun- gen . . . von K. Reimer. 2. verm. aufl. Leipzig [I875]. O. 67 p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter. v. 4, pt. i.) C T Auswahl padagogischer stiicke aus Mon- taigne's Essays ubersetzt von Ernst Schmid. 2. , . . aufl. Langensalza, 1894. O. [3] + 72 p. (Bibl. pad. klass., v. 12.) C De I'institution des enfants (Essais, liv. i. chap. XXV.) et extraits pedagogiques, publics avec une notice, une analyse et des notes par G. Com- payre. Paris, 1888, D. 122 p. (Coll. des princ, ouvrages pedagog. frangais et etrangers.) C Education of children selected, translated and annotated by L. E. Rector. New York, 1899. D. 23 + 191 p. (Intemat. ed. ser. ; ed. W. T Harris, v. 46.) C T Of the institution and education of children. (In his Essays. 1603. p. 61-80.) C T Cber die erziehung der kinder nebst ver- wandten stellen aus seinen Essais ; aus dem franzOsi- schen text von 1595 Ubersetzt und mit . . . anmerkungen versehen von Ludwig Wattendorff. Paderborn, 1894. D. 143 p. {In Samml. der bedeut. p&dagog. schr. v. 17.) C Laurie, Simon Somerville. Montaigne as an educationist. {In his Training of teachers. 1882. p. 231-59.) T Montaigne, the rationalist. {In his Teachers' Guild addresses. 1892. p. 94-129.) T Munroe, James Phinney. Montaigne and Locke ; the child has senses to be trained. {In his Educational ideal. 1895. p. 95-123.) C T Quick, Robert Hebert. Montaigne. {In his Educational reformers. 1890. p. 70-9.) C T Raumer, Karl Georg von. Montaigne on learning and education. {In Amer. jo. of ed. v. 4, 1857. p. 461-78.) C T Schmeider, Isidor Eginhard. Die pada- gogischen anschauungen Montaignes. Leipzig, 1898. O. 63 p. C Schwabe, Paul. Michel de Montaigne als philosophischer charakter. . . Hamburg, 1899. O. [3] + 189 p. C Montengon, Pedro. Eusebio, parte primera [-quarta] , sacada de las memorias que dexo el mismo. Madrid, \-]?>t>-'^%. O. 4 v. pi. C On education ; partly in imitation of F^n^lon's Telemaque. Moosherr, Th. Theoretischen voraussetzun- gen der padagogik. Aarau,\i.dL. O. j8 p. C Morgan, S. A. Education and life ; or Uni- versalizing the individual. Hamilton, 1900. O. 40 p. C Morgan, Thomas Jefferson, compiler. Educa- tional mosaics ; a collection ... of thoughts ... on educational questions of the day. Boston, 1887. D. 274 p. T Mulcaster, Richard. Positions ; with an ap- pendix containing some account of his life and writ- ings by R. H. Quick. London, 1888. O. 22 + 309 p. C T Watson, Foster. Richard Mulcaster and his "Elementarie." {In Mulcaster and Ascham. 1899. p. 3-17.) T Miiller, Moritz. Wer die schule hat, hat die zukunst ; aber in welchen handen soUte denn die schule sein? . . . Leipzig, 1882. O. 58 p. C Miinch, Wilhelm. Neue padagogische bei- trage. . . Berlin, 1893. O. 160 p. C Munroe, James Phinney. Educational ideal-; an outline of its growth in modern times. Boston, 1895. D. 8 4- 262 p. (Heath's pedagogical library.) C T Murmellius, Johann. Padagogische schriften Ubersetzt [und] erlautert . . . von Joseph Freund- gen. Paderborn, 1894. D. 3^3 P- (/« Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schr. v. 18.) C Niedergesass, Robert. Die anfange der erziehungslehre. Wien, 1873. O. [4] + I34 P- PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 243 Niemeyer, August Hermann. Ausgewahlte padagogische schriften ; hrsg. von Johannes Meyer. Langensaha, 1888. D. 2 v. per. (Die klassi- ker der padagogik ; hrsg. von G. FrShlich, v, 5-6.) C T Grundsatze der erziehung und des unter- richts fur altern, hauslehrer und schulmanner. 7. verm. aufl. Halle, 1818-19. O. 3 v. ill. C Grundsatze der erziehung und des unter- richts ; mit . . . einleitung und commentar von G. A. Lindner. Wien, 1877-78. O. 2 v, (Pada- gog. klass., hrsg. von. G. A. Lindner, v. 4-5.) T Grundsatze der erziehung und des unter- richts ; mit erganzung des geschichtliche litterari- schen teils und mit Niemeyers biographic hrsg. von Dr.WilhelmRein. . . 2. aufl. Langensalza,\?>%2- 84. O. 3 v. in 2. (/« Bibl. padagog. klass. 1882-84. V. 14-16.) C DiCESCU, Toma. August Hermann Nie- meyer's verdienste um das schulwesen, Leipzig, 1892. O. 176 p. C Rein, Wilhelm. August Hermann Nie- meyers leben. {In Niemeyer, A. H. Grundsatze der erziehung. 1882-84. v. i. Bibl. pad. klass. 1882-84. v. 14, p. 1-15.) C Stiller, Ferdinand. Das ganze der erzie- hung und des unterrichts fur eltern, erzieher . . . nach A. H. Niemeyers Grundsatzen bearbeitet. Meissen, 1831. D. 3 pts. in 2 v. C Nijland, E. De zending op de school ; een handboek . . . bewerkt naar G. Warneck's " De mission in der schule "... met een voorrede van P. van Wijk, jr. Utrecht, 1888. O. 10 + 197 p. map. C Nott, Rev. Samuel, Jr. On a proper education for an agricultural people. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1835. p. 33-59-) C Ogden, John. Science of education ; or. The philosophy of human culture. Cincinnati, 1879. D. 234 p. T Oppler, Adolph. Three lectures on education, with [a] . . . lecture on recent educational legisla- tion in England and another lecture entitled Some of Goethe's educational views . . . 4th ed. . . enlarged. London, 1875. D. 31 + 148 p. C Ostermann, Wilhelm, and Wagener, L. Lehr- buch der padagogik. . . 10. unveranderte aufl. Oldenburg, 1899. O. 2 v. C Overberg, Bernhard Heinrich. Anweisung zum zweckmassigen schulunterricht ; fUr den schul- u. selbstgebrauch bearbeitet u. mit einer einleitung versehen von J. Gansen. . . Paderborn, 1888. D. i6 -h 330 p. {In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schr. 1888. v. I.) C Von der schulzucht, mit einer einleitung hrsg. von Albert Richter. Leipzig, 1893. D. 91 p. (Neudrucke padagog, schriften. No. 13.) C O^iren, Robert. Letters on education, as it is and as it ought to be . . . [I85I]. w. /. O. 15 p. C Padula, Antonio. Criterii sulla educazione morale e civile nelle scuole. Napoli, 1899. D. 32 p. C Painter, F. V. N. Luther on education . . . Philadelphia [I889]. D. 282 p. T Palmer, Francis B. Science of education . . , a text-book for teachers. Cincinnati, 1887. D. 341 P- T Palmer, Rev. Ray. Universal education. {In Higher education and a common language. 1879. p. 84-105.) T Palmer, Thomas H. Essentials of education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1849. p. 79- 118.) C Pape-Carpantier, Mme, Marie. Notice sur I'education des sens et quelques instruments peda- gogiques. 2^ ed. Paris, 1882. S. 46 + [i] p. C Parravicini, Luigi Alessandro. Juanito ; ouvrage elementaire d'education, mis au courant des connaissances modemes par Dionisio Herrera. Nouvelle ed. revue . . . par A. Rosies. Paris, 1897. D. 4 -1- 36 + 337 p. ill. (Coll. annotee d'auteurs classiques espagnols ; C. A. E. Merimee, ed. V. 10.) C Patterson, James Willis. President's address. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1886. p. 1-14.) C Paulus, Friedrich Philipp, Paulus, Christoph, and Paulus, Immanuel. Die principien des unter- richts und der erziehung. Stuttgart, 1839. O- 4 + 506 p. C Payne, Joseph, Science and art of education . . . and principles of the science. . . New York, 1876. D. 4 + 24-f-[5]p. C Payne, William Harold. Contribution to the science of education values. [Anon.] O. 29 p. {In Michigan Univ. Philosoph. papers. i886. ser. I, no. 3.) C Contributions to the science of education. London [I886]. D. 11 -(- 2 + 358 p. C P^caut, Felix, chevalier. L'education pub- lique et la vie nationale. Paris, 1897. D. 25 + 376 p. C P^chenard, Pierre Louis. L'education. {In Un siecle : mouvement du monde de 1800 4 1900. 1900. p. 310-34.) C Perkins, Albert C. Extremists in education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1879. P- 54" 66.) C Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich. Sammtliche schriften. . . Stuttgart, 1819-26. D. 15 v. 5 pi. C Sammtliche werke ; gesichtet, vervollstan- digt und mit . . . einleitungen versehen von L. W. Seyffarth. Brandenburg, 1870-72 (v. I, Berlin, n. d.). S. 16 v. T Samtliche werke ; herausgegeben von L. W. Seyffarth. Liegnitz, 1899-1901. O. v. 1-9. por. C Vols. 10-12 not yet published. 244 EDUCATION Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich (continued) Ausgewahlte schriften ; mit Pestalozzis bi- ographic hrsg. von Friedrich Mann. 4. aufl. Lan- gensaha, 1889-94. O. 4 v. in 2. pi. tab. (/« Bibl. padagog. klass. 1889-94. v. 1-4.) C Leben und wirken von Fr. Mann, v. i, p. 17-141. Abendstunde eines einsiedlers. (/« Focken, Th. Analyse. Lehrer-prufungs und infarmations- arbeiten. v. i, pt. 6, p. 41-56.) C Ausziige aus seinen schriften, (/« Bibl. der deutsch. klassiker. 1861-64. v. 11, p. 289-452.) C Biography, p. 291-4. Comment Gertrude instruit ses enfants ; tr. de I'alleniand et annote par Eugene Darin, avec une introduction par Felix Cadet. 4^ ed. corrigee. Paris, 1898. D. 25 -h 254 p. 2 por. C How Gertrude teaches her children . . . translated by L. E. Holland and F. C. Turner and edited ... by Ebenezer Cooke. London, 1894. D. 51 + 256 p. C T Leonard and Gertrude, translated and abridged by Eva Channing. Boston, 1885. D. 12 + 181 p. CT Letters on early education, addressed to J. P. Greaves, translated from the German mss. Syra- cuse, 1898. D. [3] -h 180 p. T " Lienhard und Gertrud," fiir den gebrauch der seminarzoglinge und lehrer eingerichtet von F. W. Burgel. 2. aufl. Fader born, 1892. D. 8 -|- 187 p. {In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schr. v. 12.) C Lienhard und Gertrud. (/« Bobertag, F. Erzahlende prosa. v. 2, p. 174-230. por.) C Lienhard und Gertrud ; mit einleitung und anmerkungen hrsg. von Jakob Wychgram. Wien, 1888. O. [6] + 25 + 213 p. (Padagog. klass.; hrsg. von G. A. Lindner, v. 18.) T Lienhard und Gertrud . . . mit erlauterun- gen versehen von Karl Richter. Verm. aufl. Z«)>- 2?§'[i882]. O. 24 + 203 p. (Padagog. bibl.; hrsg. von Karl Richter. v. 7.) T Die padagogik ... in wrortgetreuen aus- ziigen aus seinem werken, . . . dargestellt von A. Vogel. 2. aufl. Bernburg, 1882. O. 6 -|- i + 137 P- C Pestalozzi's leben und ansichten in einem wortgetreuen auszuge aus sammtlichen von Pesta- lozzi herrlihrenden schriften zur feier von dessen 100. geburtstage dargestellt von R. Christofifel, . . Zurich, 1846. Q. 4-1- 535 p. pi. C Wie Gertrud ihre kinder lehrt, ein versuch den miittem anleitung zu geben, ihre kinder selbst zu unterrichten, in briefen. Bern, 1801. D. 390 P- C Wie Gertrud ihre kinder lehrt ; mit . . . einleitung und commentar von Karl Riedel. 2. aufl. Wien, 1890. O. [I08] + 198 -f [i] p. (Padagog. klass.; hrsg. von G. A. Lindner, v. 3.) T Wie Gertrud ihre kinder lehrt . . . mit er- lauterungen . . . von Albert Richter. 4. aufl. Z^/zzf [188O]. O. 210 p. (Padagog. bibl.; hrsg. von Karl Richter. v. i.) • C T Allievo, Giuseppe. Delle dottrine peda- gogiche di Enrico Pestalozzi. . . Torino, 1884. D. 302 p. C Balsiger, Ed, Pestalozzi, der menschen- freund. (/« Stucki, G. J. H. Pestalozzi ; zwei reden. 1896. p. 39-50.) C Barnard, Henry, compiler, Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism ; life, educational principles, and methods of J. H. Pestalozzi. . . New York, 1859. O. 2 pts. in I V. C T Biber, Eduard. Pestalozzi and his plan of education ... an account of his life and writings with . . . extracts from his works, and details il- lustrative of . . . his method. London, 1831. O. 12 + 468 p. por. C Blochmann, K. J. Heinrich Pestalozzi, ziige aus dem bilde seines lebens und wirkens. . . Neue ausgabe. Langensalza, 1897. D. 10 + 169 p. (Padagog. quellenschr. v. i.) C Chavannes, David Alexander. Exposicion del metodo elemental de Henrique Pestalozzi, con una noticia de las obras . . . de su establecimiento de educacion y de sus principales cooperadores ; tr. al castellano por . . . Eugenio de Luque. . . Madrid, 1807. S. [8j + 366 -t- [i] p. r por. 3 pi. C Cochin, Pierre Suzanne Augustin. Pesta- lozzi ; sa vie, ses oeuvres, ses me'^hodes d'instruction et d'education. . . Paris, 1880, D. 2 + 145 -h [I] p. C Dierauer, Johannes. Heinrich Pestalozzi ; vortrag gehalten bei der Pestalozzi-feier in St. Gal- St. Gallen, \\ O. C F. A. W. Pestalozzi and the {In Amer. jo. of ed. v. 4. CT len am 12. Januar li 28 p. por. Diesterweg, schools of Germany. 1857. p. 343-58.)' [Same.] {In Barnard, H., ed. Ger- man educat. reformers. 1863. p. 575-86.) C DiTTES, Friedrich. Die grundgedanken der padagogik Pestalozzis. {In Paedagogium. 1887. V. 9, p. 35I-73-) T Edelmann, J. Pestalozzi, auch im lichte der wahrheit ; eine ehrenrettung. . . Licht^nsteig, 1896. O. 63 p. I por. C FAh, Franz. Heinrich Pestalozzi's bezie- hungen zu Basel ; gedenkblatt zur Pestalozzi-feier den II. /12. Januar 1896. . . Basel \\%(^'^\. O. 46 p. c Die feier des 100. geburtstages H. Pesta- lozzis in Berlin am 12. Januar 1845 ; vorfeier des hundertjahrigen jubilaums seiner geburt am 12. Januar 1846, von Diesterweg, Kalisch und Moss- mann. Berlin, 1845. Nar. O. 23 + 86 -H [i] p. C Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Pestalozzi. {In his Educational aims and methods. 1900. p. 358- 64.) CT PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 245 Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich (continued) Gamper, Wilhelm. Die religiosen anschau- ungen Pestalozzis. (/« Padagog. studien. n. f. 1896. V. 17, p. 193-219.) C GuiLLAUME, J. Pestalozzi ; etude bio- graphique. Paris, 1890. D. 8 +453 + i p. i por. C GUIMPS, Roger, baron de. Pestalozzi, his aim and work ; tr. . . by M. C. Crombie. . . Abridged ed. Syracuse, 1889. D. 14 + 320 p. por. C T Pestalozzi : his life and work ; tr. from the 2d French edition by J. Russell. New York, 1890. D. 19 + [I] + 438 p. (Internal, ed. ser.; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 14.) C T Bibliography, p. 433-8. Student's Pestalozzi ; a short account of his life and system, based on " L'histoire de Pes- talozzi by . . . Guimps " ; by J. Russell. London, 1888. D. 4 + loop. C Hamilton, Mrs. Elizabeth. Hints ad- dressed to the patrons and directors of schools . . . intended to shew . . . the benefits derived . . . by a partial adoption of the plan of Pestalozzi . . . London, 1815. D. 3 + 354 p. T Hanschmann, Alexander Bruno. Padago- gische stromungen an der wende des jahrhunderts im gebiete der volksschule ; eine wUrdigung Pestalozzis, FrQbels, Zillers. . . Leipzig, 1896. O. 49 p. C Hauschild, Ernst Innocenz. Pestalozzi Uber den staat ; rede bei der feier des Pestalozzi- festes. . . Leipzig, i%e,i. O. 30 p. C . H^RISON, F. Pestalozzi el^ve de J. J. Rous- seau. Paris, 1886. O. 3 + 246 + [3] p. (Mu- see pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 28.) C T HOFFMEISTER, Hermann Wilhelm. Come- nius und Pestalozzi als begrtinder der volksschule . . . Berlin, 1877. S. 93 p. C T [Same.] Leipzig, D. 97 p- C T Hummel, O. E. Die beurtheilung der pa- dagogik Pestalozzis durch Herbart, J. G. Fichte und Beneke. {In Paedagogium. 1888. v. 10, p. 227-58.) T HUNZIKER, Otto. lozzi. Langensalza, 1892. mag. pt. 15.) Comenius und Pesta- O. 31 p. (Padagog. C Heinrich Pestalozzi, 1746-1827 ; eine biographische skizze. . . Zurich, 1896. O. 63 p. por. C Pestalozzi. (/« Recueil de monogr. pedagog. 1896. p. 43-72.) C Jacobsen, Heinrich. Welche bedeutung hat Pestalozzi ftlr den lehrer der hoheren unterrichts- anstalten ? {In Festschrift zur einweihung. Steg- litz, 1890. Sq. O. p. 9-27.) C Kayser, W. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi ; nach seinem leben, wirken und seiner bedeutung. Zurich, 1895. D. 358 p. I por. C Knilling, Rudolf. Der Pestalozzische zahlbegriff. {In Neue bahnen. 1892. v. 3, p. 424-31 and 475-81.) T life, 248 CT Die soziale grundlage , . Langensalza, 1896. pt. 74.) c Zum 150. geburtstage K6HLER, Richard. Ober die motive Pesta- lozzis zu seinen bestrehungen und sein verhaltnis zur gegenwart. {In Paedagogium. 1891. v. 13, p. 751-78.) T KortOm, Johann Friedrich Christoph. Ruckblich auf Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, nebst etlichen ungedruckten blattern desselben. . . Hei- delberg, 1846. O. 28 p. facsim. C KrOsi, Hermann. Pestalozzi, his work, and influence. Cincinnati [1875]. O. p. por. ill. Langner, Erdmann. J. H. Pestalozzi's an- thropologische anschauungen. Breslau, 1897. O. 8 + 129 + [2] p. C Leitch, James. Pestalozzi. {In his Prac- tical educationists. 1876. p. 52-120.) T Mann, Friedrich. von Pestalozzis padagogik. O. 18 p. (Padagog. mag. Melchers, Karl. Pestalozzis am 12. Januar 1896 ; Comenius und Pestalozzi, eine vergleichende betrachtung ihrer pa- dagogischen grundideen. [Bremen 1 1896]. O. 47 p. C MoRF, Heinrich. Einige blatter aus Pes- talozzi's lebens- und leidensgeschichte. Langen- salza, 1887. O. 7 + 136 p. C Frauenbilder aus Pestalozzis lebens- kreis. {In Paedagogium. 1883. v. 5, p. 545-63, 627-38 and 673-88.) T Pestalozzi als begrlinder unserer armen- erziehungs-anstalten. Bielefeld [lic^^'^. O. 48 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 8, pt. 4.) C Pestalozzi in Spanien. {In Paedago- gium. 1879. V. I, p. 242-59, 287-300 and 392- 407.) T Pestalozzi und die philanthropisten. {In same. 1885. v. 7, p. 711-27 and 779-97.) T Ubersiedlung der Pestalozzischen an- stalt von Burgdorf nach Miinchenbuchsee. {In same. 1882. v. 4, p. 2-1 1 and 76-94.) T Zur biographie Pestalozzis ; ein beitrag zur geschichte der volkserziehung. Winterthur, 1868-89. O. 4 v. in 3. C Munroe, James Phinney. Pestalozzi and Froebel ; senses, heart and soul must be educated together, (/w A?V educational ideals. 1895. p. 179- 206.) C Natorp, Paul. Herbart, Pestalozzi und die heutigen aufgaben der erziehungs-lehre ; achte vortrage gehalten in . . . 1897 und 1898. Stutt- gart, 1899. O. [5] + 151 p. C Neugeboren, Heinrich. Pestalozzi in SiebenbUrgen. {In Paedagogium. 1880. v. 2, p. II7-33-) T NoACK, Ludwig. Heinrich Pestalozzi ; der held als menschenbildner und volkserzieher ; ein haus- und volksbuch. . . Leipzig, x%t\. O. 3 + 249 p. C Payne, Joseph. Pestalozzi. {In his Lec- tures on the science and art of education. 1884. p. 400-14.) T 246 EDUCATION Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich (continued) Pestalozzi ; the influence of his prin- ciples and practice on elementary education ; a lec- ture delivered at the College of Preceptors, Feb. 20, 1875. New York, 1877. D. 20 p. (Papers on education. First series, no. 8.) C Phillipsthal, Robert. Rousseau's und Pestalozzi's padagogische grundprincipien und de- ren philosophische voraussetzungen. {In Paeda- gogium. 1889. V. II, p. 494-515.) T POMP^E, Pierre Philibert. Etudes sur la vie et les travaux pedagogiques de J. H. Pestalozzi. Nouv. ed. . . Paris, 1882. D. 390 p. i por. C Presting, B. Das Pestalozzi-jahrund seine emsten forderungen an die familien und gemeinden, an die schule, kirche und staat. Gotka, 1896. O. 47 p. C Quick, Rev. R. H. Pestalozzi. {In his Essays on educational reformers. 1890. p. 290- 383.) C T Ramsauer, Johannes. Kurze skizze meines padagogischen lebens ; mit besonderer rlicksicht auf Pestalozzi und seine anstalten. 2. aufl. . . Oldenburg, 1880. Nar. O. 14 + loi p. C Raumer, K. G. von. Life and educational system of Pestalozzi. (In Am. jo. of ed. 1857- 58. v. 3, p. 401-16 ; V. 4, p. 65-126.) C T Riedel, Karl. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi's leben, v?erke und grundsatze. (/« Pestalozzi, J. H. Wie Gertrud ihre kinder lehrt. 1890. Pref. p. I-102.) T Rissmann, Robert. Pestalozzi's padago- gik. Bielefeld [i?>()t^. O. 45 p. (Samml. pada- gog. vortrage. v. 8, pt. 10.) C SallwOrk, Ernst von. zig, 1897. D. 105 p. por. V. I.) Pestalozzi. Leip- (Grosse erzieher. C SCHWENDIMANN, Johann. Der padagoge Heinrich Pestalozzi nach zeitgendssischen quellen im lichte der wahrheit dargestellt. . . Luzern, 1896. O. 63 p. C Seifferth, Friedrich. Zum besten des Pestalozzistiftes in Dresden 1846-1896, funfzig jahre im zweiten vaterhause ; das leben, die be- schaftigung und die erziehung der zftglinge des Pestalozzistifts in Dresden. . . Dresden [pref. 1896]. D. 132 p. ill. por. pi. C Senckel, Friedrich. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, 1746-1827, und Johann Hinrich Wich- ern, 1808-1881 ; eine 15- und isojahrige erin- nerung an zwei deutsche volkserzieher ; vortrag . . . gehalten am 30. Januar 1896. n. p. O. 34 + [I] p. C Seyffarth, L. W. J. H. Pestalozzi nach seinem leben und aus seinen schriften dargestellt. 4. aufl. Leipzig, 1873. D. 211 p. C Pettalozzi, ein vater und anwalt der armen ; vortrag, gehalten auf dem schlesischen lehrer- tage in Liegnitz zur 25jahrigen jubelfeier des Schlesischen Pestalozzi-vereins, den 3. Juni 1895. 2. aufl. Liegnitz, 1896. O. 39 p. C Pestalozzi in seiner weltgeschichtlichen bedeutung. . . Liegnitz, 1896. O. 58 p. C Pestalozzi und Anna Schulthess. . . 2. aufl. Liegnitz, 1896. O. 27 p. C Starck, Bemhard. J. H. Pestalozzi, ein wohlthater des volkes ; vortrag zum geburtstag des grossen padagogen, in 2. auflage. . . Nilrnberg, 1896. D. 31 p. C Stucki, Gottl. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi ; zwei reden zur feier des 150. geburtstages den 11. und 12. Januar 1896 in Bern gehalten von Gottl. Stucki und Ed. Balsiger. , . Bern, 1896. D. 50 p. C Uphues, Goswin K. Sokrates und Pesta- lozzi ; zwei vortrage gelegenheit der Pestalozzifeier. Berlin, 1896. O. 45 p. C VoGEL, August. Systematische darstellung der padagogik Johann Heinrich Pestalozzis, mit durchgangiger angabe der quellenmassigen beleg- stellen aus seinen . . . werken. 2. aufl. . . Han- nover, 1893. O. 8 + 276 p. por. C Zeller, Carl August Friedrich von. His- torische nachricht von einem versuch liber die an- wendbarkeit der Pestalozzischen lehrart in volks- schulen und von zweckmassiger einrichtung einer sonntagsschule f iir handwerker. Neueaufl. Tubin- gen, 1810. Nar. S. [3] -I- 125 p. C Zezschwitz, Gerhard von. Der padagog Heinrich Pestalozzi, ein mann der hoffnung unseres volkes in groben tagen. . . Erlangen, 1871. O. 42 p. C ZoLLER, Franz. Pestalozzi und Rousseau ; padagogische monographie. Frankfurt am Main, 1851. O. 56 p. C Zw^iTZERS, A. E. Pestalozzis wollen und wirken im lichte seines buches " Lienhard und Ger- trud " ; oder, Welchen zweck hatte Pestalozzi bei herausgabe dieses buches und welchen erfolg hatte dasselbe. Berlin, 1896. O. 42 + 2 p. C Petty, Sir William. Advice to Samuel Hart- lib, for the advancement of some particular parts of learning. London, 1647. D. 6 + 26 p. C Phelps, William F. , compiler. What is educa- tion ? New York, 1882. T. 47 p. (Chatauqua text-books, no. 10.) T Pius II (pope). The treatise of Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini De liberorum educatione. (In Wood- ward, W. H. Vittorino da Feltre. 1897. p. 134- 58.) C Planck, Max. Schulreden. Stuttgart, 1892. O. 5 + 214 p. C Planta, Peter Conradin von. Padagogik und schablone ; in briefen. Chur, 1878. O. 55 p. C Plato. Education of the young in the Republic of Plato, translated into English with notes and in- troduction by Bernard Bosanquet. Cambridge, 1900. D. 6 + 198 p. (Cambridge series for schools and training colleges.) C T Plato the teacher ; being selections from the Apology, Euthydemus, Protagoras, Symposium, PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 247 Plato (continued) Phaedrus, Republic and Phsedo ; ed. with introduc- tion and notes by W. L. Bryan and C. L, Bryan, New York, 1897. O. 41 + 454 P- C Republic, with studies for teachers by W. L. Bryan and C. L, Bryan. New York, 1898. O. 10 +316 p. C Baker, James Hutchins. Plato's philoso- phy of education. (In his Education and life. 1900. p. 29-49.) C T Benrath, Karl. Das padagogische system Platons in seinen hauptzUgen. Jena, 1871. O. 30 p. C Plato als erzieher. C Langsteiner, Joseph. Kalksburg, 1898. Q. 55 p. Nettleship, R. L. Theory of education in Plato's Republic. (In Abbott, Evelyn. Hel- lenica. 1898. p. 61-165.) C T Parolla, Rudolf. Die padagogik des Plato und Aristoteles. (In Paedagogium. 1889, v. 11, p. 349-71.) T Snethlage, Emil. t)ber die ethische prinzip der Platonischen erziehung. . . Berlin [I834]. Sq. O. 33 p. C Poole, Richard. Essay on education. . . Edin- burgh, 1825. D. 13 + [I] + 359 P- T Porcia, Jacopo di, conte. De liberorum educa- tione. Tarvisii per Gerardum de Flandria 1492. O. 12 f. (Samml. selteh gewordener padagog. schr. 1880. no. 6, pt. 2.) C Porter, Noah. Modern education, its opportu- nities and its perils. O. p. 766-84. C From the New Englander lax Nov. 1879. Posada, Adolfo. Ideas pedagogicas modemas . . . con un prologo de Leopoldo Alas (Clarin). Madrid, 1892. D. 20 -+- 354 P- C Potter, Alonzo, bp., and Emerson, G. B. The school and the schoolmaster. . . New York, 1842. D. [7] + 552 p. ill. 4 pl. C T Po'wers, James K. From the primary school to the university. ^Knoxville, 1900.] O. 8 p. C I^eston, Samuel. School education for the 19th century. London, 1846. D. 4 + 80 p. T Priaubc, Osmond de Beauvoir. National edu- cation, its principles and objects exemplified in a plan for a normal school. . . London, 1842. O. 15 -h 347 + 64 p. C T Pryce, Rev. Edward S. Popular education, a prize essay. . . London, 1840. S. 7 + 130 p. T Queyrat, Frederic. Les caracteres et I'educa- tion morale ; etude de psychologie appliquee. Paris, 1896. D. 8 + 171 p. C Rabanus Maurus, abp. of Mentz. Padago- gische schriften ; tibersetzt, bearbeitet u. mit einer einleitung versehen von Joseph Freundgen. . . Paderborn, 1890. D. 236 -1- [2] p. (In Samml. der bedeut, padagog. schr. 1888. v. 5.) C West, Andrew F. Rabanus Maurus and Alcuin's other pupils. (In his Alculn. 1892. p. 124-64.) C T Rabelais, Fran9ois. CEuvres, avec des re- marques historiques et critiques de Mr. le Duchat Nouvelle ed. . . augm. . . Amsterdam, 1741. Sq. O. 3 v. I por. pl. C CEuvres. Paris, 1837. Q. 7 + ^77 p. I por, C Works . . , translated from the French with variorum notes, . . London, n. d. D. 20 -H 640 p. pl. C Gedanken Uber erziehung und unterricht, aus seinem Gargantua und Pantagruel entnommen . . . mit einleitung und anmerkungen . . . von F. A. Amstadt. Leipzig [I877]. O. 128 p. (Pada- gog. bibl. hrsg. von K. Richter, v, 4, pt, i,) T Life of Gargantua, and the Heroic deeds of Pantagruel ; translated from the French by Sir Thomas Urquhart. . , 4th ed. London, 1887, D, 320 p. T Rabelais et Montaigne ; extraits designes pour les examens du certificat d'aptitude a I'inspec- tion des ecoles ; avec introduction biographique et critique, notes et glossaires par Eugene Talbot, Paris, 1883. D. 16 + 219 p. C Romance of Gargantua and Pantagruel, translated from the French by Sir Thomas Ur- quhart. . . Reprinted from the original edition, Edinburgh, 1838. Q. 30 + 501 p. pl. C Contains Books 1-3. Traite d'education de Gargantua ; Fischart's libersetzung ; ubersetzung von Regis. (In Am- stadt, F. A. F. Rabelais und " sein Traite d'ed." 1872. p. 136-47, 243-95.) c ArnstAdt, Friedrich August. Fran9ois Rabelais und sein " Traite d'education " mit beson- derer beriicksichtigung der padagogischen grund- satze Montaigne's, Locke's und Rousseau's. Leipzig, 1872. O. 6 + [2] + 295 p. C Besant, Sir Walter. Rabelais. Edinburgh, 1879, repr, '85. S. 3 + 194 p. (Blackwood's foreign classics.) C T Ehrichs, Ludwig. Les grandes et inesti- mables Croniques de Gargantua und Rabelais' " Gargantua et Pantagruel." Strassburg, 1889. O. [51 + 47 p. C Rabelais et ses oeuvres. C Fleury, Jean Paris, 1877. O. 2 v. Gebhart, 6mile. Rabelais ; la renaissance et la reforme, . . Paris, 1877, D, 10 + 300 + [I] p. C Haupt, Otto Emil, Luther und Rabelais in ihren padagogischen beziehungen. Langensalza, 1890. O. 47 p. C Hoffmann, Richard Arthur Julius. Ita- lienische humanisten und Rabelais und Montaigne als padagogen. Stettin, 1876. Sq. O. pt. i, 28 p. C 248 EDUCATION RabelaiSf Fran9ois (continued) MuNROE, James Phinney. Rabelais ; the revolt against medisevalism. (/« his Educational ideal. 1895. p. 8-35.) C T Neuhoff, Heinrich. Rabelais. Eisleben, 1880. Sq. O. 25 p. C Staffer, Paul. Rabelais ; sa personne, son genie, son oeuvre. 2^ ed. Paris, 1889. D. 14 + 507 + [I] p. C Thomson, James. Rabelais. {In his Bio- graphical and critical studies. 1896. p. 1-46.) C Raji^ic, Dusan. Beriicksichtigung der indi- vidualitat in der Massenerziehung geschichte und darstellung. Belgard, 1899. O. 11 + 283 + [2] p. C Rambosson, Jean Pierre. L'education ma- ternelle d'apres les indications de la nature. . . 2eed. Paris, \%-i2,. O. 106 p. C Randall, Samuel Sidwell. First principles of popular education and public instruction. New York, 1868. D. 256 p. C Mental and moral culture and popular edu- cation, including a . . . report on common school libraries . . . by H. S. Randall. New York, 1844. D. 236 p. C Ranke, Johann Fr. Die erziehung und be- schaftigung kleiner kinder in kleinkinderschulen und familien. 9. . . verm. aufl. Elberfeld, 1899. O. 7 + 338 p. C Rantoul, Robert, Jr. Introductory discourse — The education of a free people. {In Am. Inst. of Instr. Lectures, 1839. P- J^-SS-) C Ratich, Wolfgang. Ratichianische schriften, mit einer einleitung hrsg. von. Paul St6tzner. Leip- zig, 1892. D. V. 1-2. (Neudrucke padagog. schr. no. 9, 12.) C Israel, August. Wolfgang Ratke (Rati- chius). {In Schmid, K. A. Gesch. der erziehung. 1892. V. 3, pt. 2, p. 1-92.) C T Meyer, Johannes. {In Neue bahnen. 1892. Comenius und Ratke. K 3, p. 127-72.) T Raumer, K. G. von. Wolfgang Ratich, translated from the German. {In Am. jo. of ed. 1858. V. 5, p. 229-56.) C T Steinmetz, Th. Die herzogin Dorothea Maria von Weimar und ihrer beziehungen zu Ratke und zu seiner lehrart ; ein beitrag zur geschichte des Ratichianismus. Langensalza, 1895. O. 35 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 56.) C VOGT, Gideon. Wolfgang Ratichius, der vorganger des Amos Comenius. Langensalza, 1894. D. 6-1- 298 p. (Die klass. der padagog. v. 17.) C Raub, Albert N. Plain educational talks with teachers and parents. Philadelphia, 1869. D. 220 p. T Raumer, Karl Georg von. Uber den unter- richt in der naturkunde auf schulen. Berlin, 1823. Nar. O. 6 + 71 p. C Readw^in, Thomas Allison. Observations on education and mis<^ucation. Wokingham, 1839. O. 119 p. T Regener, Fr. Besondere unterrichtslehre ; im grundrisse dargestellt. Gera, 1896. O. 8 -|- 391 p. iU. C Resetritz, Friedrich Gabriel. Die erziehung des burgers. . . 2. aufl. Kopenha^en, 1776. D. [24] + 244 p. ' c Rhode, A. Eine sammlung wichtiger und zeit- gemasser padagogischer vortrage und aufsatze. 2. . . verm. aufl. Osterburg i. A., 1899. O. 4 + 476 p. C Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich. Jean Paul bear- beitet von Konrad Fischer. Langensalza, 1889-90. D. 2 V. (Die klass. der padagogik ; hrsg. von G. Frohlich. v. 9-10.) C T Levana ; nebst padagogischen stticken aus seinen iibrigen werken und dem Leben des verg- niigten schulmeisterleins Maria Wuz in Auenthal ; mit Richters biographie hrsg. von Dr. Karl Lange ... 2. verm. aufl. Langensalza, 1892. O. 6 -H 100 -I- 351 p. (Bibl. padagog. klass. 1892. v. 24.) C Levana ; or, The doctrine of education, translated from the German. London, 1848. 20 -f- 487 p. C T [Same.] Boston, 1863. D. 21 + 400 p. C [Same, with] Biography . . . and auto- biography. . . Boston, 1886. D. 44 -f- 413 p. T FUNCK, Z. Jean Paul Friedrich Richter. Schleusingen, 1839. D. 28 + [2] + 281 p. C Jean Paul's "Levana," oder erziehungs- lehre, nach plan und grundgedanken dargestellt und von dem standpunkte der heutigen padagogik beleuchtet von P. H. {In Paedagogium. 1892. V. 14, p. 685-97 and 749-64.) T _ KOber, R. von. Jean Paul's seelenlehre ; ein beitrag zur geschichte der psychologic. {In Gesellschaft fiir psycholog. forschung. Schriften. 1893. v. I, pt. 5, p. 515-51.) C K6HLER, Richard. Uber die bedeutung Jean Pauls fiir die padagogik der gegenwart. {In Paedagogium. 1890. v. 12, p. 297-307.) T Lange, Karl. Jean Paul Friedrich Richters leben. {In Richter, J. P. F. Levana, 1892. Bibl. padagog. klass. v. 24, pref., p. 1-90.) C — — Spazier, R. O. Jean Paul Friedrich Richter in seinen letzten tagen und im tode. Breslau, 1826. S. 8 4- 172 + I p. C Richter, Johann Andreas Lebrecht. Betrach- tungen ilber den zweck der erziehung und des 5ffentlichen unterrichts, und die mittel, denselben zu erreichen, vorziiglich in beziehung auf das system des humanismus. Dessau, 1830. Nar. O. 14 4- 176 p. C Rochow, Friedrich Eberhard von. Ausgewahlte padagogische schriften . . . hrsg. von J. Gansen. Paderborn, 1894. D. 41 1 p. {In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schr. v. 19.) C Geschichte meiner schulen. Leipzig, 1890. D. 72 p. {In Neudrucke padagog. schriften. no. I.) C PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 249 Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. Education. (In his Cobden and modern political opinion. 1873. p. 343-82.) C Rosenkranz, Johann Karl Friedrich. Phi- losophy of education translated from the German by A. C. Brackett. 2d ed. New York, i886. D. 28 + 286 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; W. T, Harris, ed. V.I.) CT Rottels, Johann Theodor. System der erzie- hung ; oder, Philosophische grundlage zur erziehung und bildung des menschen. Bonn, 1837. O. 14 + 224 + 2 p. C Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Emil ; oder, Uber die erziehung . . . mit einleitung . . . versehen von Karl Reiner, 3. verb. aufl. Leipzig \\%Zo^. O. 64 + 567 p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter, v. 8.) T Emil ; oder, Uber die erziehung Ubersetzt, mit einleitungen und anmerkungen versehen von . . . E. von Sallwurk . . . mit Rousseau's bio- graphic von . . . Theodor Vogt. . . 2,-3. aufl. Langensalza, 1883-93. O. 2 v. in I. (/« Bibl. padagog. klass. 1883-93. v. 6-7.) C Emile ; ou, De I'education. 1762. O. 4 V. pi. La IIaye-> C Emile ; ou, De I'education (extraits choisis) avec deux introductions par Paul Souquet. 2* ed. Paris, 1891. D. 22 + 313 + 2 p. (Bibl. peda- gog. ; M. H. Cocheris, ed.) C Emile; ou, De I'education, fragment du Hvre II : pub. avec . . . des notes par Jules Steeg. Nouvelle ed. Paris, 1900. D. 63 p. C Emile ; ou. Pieces relatives i 1' Emile. Paris, 1792. O. 475 p. (/« his CEuvres com- pletes. 1788-93. V. 14.) C Emile ; or. Concerning education ; extracts containing the principal elements of pedagogy found in the first 3 books, with an introd. and notes by Jules Steeg . . . tr. by Eleanor Worthington. Bos- ton, 1885. D. 157 p. C T Emile ; or, Treatise on education ; abridged, translated and annotated by W. H. Payne. New York, 1893. D. 45 + 355 p. (Internat. ed, ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 20.) C T Emilius and Sophia ; or, A new system of education ; translated from the French. London, 1783. S. 4 v. I por. 5 pi. C — ;- Rousseaus Emil (buch 1-3) Ubersetzt und mit einer einleitung und erklarenden anmerkungen versehen von Dr. Ludwig Wattendorff. Paderborn, 1899. D, [7] + 339 p. (Samml. d. bedeut. pad. schr. V. 24.) C Andr^, — , abbd. Refutation du nouvel ou- vrage de Jean Jacques Rousseau . . . intitule, "Emile, ou, De I'education," [Anon.] Paris, 1762. D. 277 p. C Bakitsch, Wojslaw. Die hauptpuncte der Rousseau'schen paedagogik ; wissenschaftlich be- leuchtet. Leipzig, 1874. O. 50 + i p. C Dr.'s dissertation. Bals, Heinrich. J. J. Rousseau und sein einfluss auf die volksschule. Kempten, 1895. D, 64 p. (Padagog. vortrage u. abhandl. v. 2, no. 3.) c Barnard, Henry. man ed. reformers. 1863. Rousseau. (/« his Ger- p. 459-86.) C Bauck, Louis. J. J. Rousseau und Mon- taigne ; ein beitrag zur geschichte der padagogik. Gumbinnen, 1885. Sq. O. 15 p. C CORWIN, R. N. Entwicklung und ver- gleichung der erziehungslehren von John Locke und Jean- Jacques Rousseau. Heidelberg, 1894. O. [4] + 115 p. C Davidson, Thomas. Rousseau and educa- tion according to nature. New York, 1898. D. 6 + [I] H- 253 p. (Great educators ; Nicholas Mur- ray Butler, ed.) C T 1763. FORMEY, J. H. S, S. [8] + 253 p. Anti-Emile. Berlin, C Francke, Adolphe. Rousseau. (/« his Reformateurs et publicistes de I'Europe. 1893. V. 3, p, 285-379.) C Gehrig, Hermann. Jean Jacques Rousseau ; sein leben und seine padagogische bedeutung. . . Neuwied wxid. Leipzig, i^'jf). D. 192 p, port. C. Rousseau und Basedow 1x8 p. C GOssgen, Carl. Burgb.jM., 1891. O. Gr^ard, V. C. L'education des f emmes. O, Rousseau, {In his 1897. p. 217-49.) c Hepprich, A, Rousseaus "Emil" und Salzmanns " Konrad Kiefer" ein vergleich. (/« Lehrer-Prtifungs und informations-arbeiten. 1897. V. 3, pt. 30, p. 44-59-) C Hildebrand, Julius. J. J. Rousseau vom standpunkte der psychiatrie. Cleve, 1884. Sq. O. 48 p. C HOLLER, F. A. Natur- und gesellschafts- prineip in Rousseaus padagogik. Leipzig- P lag witz, 1898. O. 7 + 129 + [I] p. C Krausbauer, Theodor. Rousseaus pada- gogik und die nachwirkungen derselben bis auf die neuzeit. Minden, 1886. O. 66 p. (/« Lehrer- prtifungs und informations-arbeiten. v. i, pt, 10.) C Lambert, Friedrich. Studien zu J. J. Rousseaus Emil. Halle a. S., 1893. Sq. O. pt. i, 34 P- C Lang, Ossian H. Rousseau and his Emile. New York, 1893. S. 36 p. (Teacher's manuals, no. 21.) T Lord, John. Socialism and education. (/« his Beacon lights of history. 1896. v. 8, p. 21- 61.) C M., M. J. Rousseaus ansichten Uber die erziehung zur sittlichkeit dargelegt. (/« Paeda- gogium. 1881. V. 3, p. 701-20.) T Morin, G. H. Essai sur la vie et la carac- t^re de J. J. Rousseau, Paris, 1851. O, 604 p. 250 EDUCATION Rousseau, Jean Jacques (continued) MoRLEY, John. Rousseau. London, 1873. O. 2 V. C MuNROE, James Phinney. Rousseau ; the child has a s6ul to be kept pure. (/« his Educa- tional ideal. 1895. p. 153-78.) C T NoiKOW, P. M. Das aktivitatsprincip in der padagogik Jean Jacques Rousseaus. Leipzig, 1898. O. 4 + 160 + [I] p. C Oltramare, Andre. Les idees de J. J. Rousseau sur I'education. (/« Centenaire du 2 juillet 1878. 1879. p. 67-133.) C (/« Recueil de mon. C pedagog. — J. J. Rousseau. 1896. p. 1-41.) Peltzer, Peter. Jean Jacques Rousseau's glaubenbekenntniss des Vikars aus Savoyen (Emil, buch 4) nebst einleitung und schluss. Koln [1885]. Sq. O. 38 p. C PhilippsthAl, Robert. Rousseaus und Pes- talozzis padagogische grund-principien, . . {In Paedagogiura. 1889. v. II, p. 494-515.) T Quick, Rev. R. H. Rousseau. {In his Essays on educational reformers. 1890. p. 239- 72.) C T RiFLESSiONi sopra la teoria, y la pratica della educazione contro i principj del Sig. Rousseau nel suo " Emilio." Venezia, 1772. S. 298 + [i] p. C Rousseau. {In Am. jo. of ed. 1858. v. 5, p. 459-86.) C T Saftu, Vasilie. Ein vergleich der physi- schen erziehung bei Locke und Rousseau, Bttca- rest, 1889. O. 75 + [I] p. C SallwOrk, Ernst von. Rousseaus stel- lung in der padagogik und in der geschichte der padagc^ik. . . 22 p. {In Padagog. studien. n. f. 1880. V. I.) T Schneider, Karl. Rousseau und Pesta- lozzi ; der idealismus auf deutschem und auf franzS- sischem boden ; zwei vortrage. 2. auflage hrsg. zum besten des Pestalozzi-vereins fur die provinz Posen. Bromberg, 1873. O. [3] + 59 p. C Spangenburg, E. H. a. Rousseaus " Emil ; Oder, Von der erziehung" im lichte der heutigen erziehungsansichten. Cassel, 1874. Sq. O. 44 p. C Spitzner, Rudolf Alfred. Natur und na- turgemassheit bei J. J. Rousseau. Jena, 1891. O. 4 + 103 p. C Texte, Joseph. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the cosmopolitan spirit in literature . . . trans- lated by J. W. Matthews. London, 1899. O- 27 + 393 p. C Walsemann, a. Die padagogik des J. J. Rousseau und J. B. Basedow vom Herbart-Ziller- schen standpunkte verglichen und beurteilt. Han- nover, 1885. O. 104 p. C Werry, Ferdinand. Jean Jacques und sein einfluss auf die httheren schulen Deutschlands. Millheim ander Huhr, iZt^. Sq. O. 11 p. C Royce, Samuel. Deterioration and race educa- tion, with practical application to the condition of the people and industry. . . Boston, 1878. D. 585 P- C Deterioration and the elevation of man through race education. 3ded. . . enlarged. Bos- ton, 1880 [c.'77]. D. 2 V. c Sabbadini, Remigio. La scuola e gli studi di Guarino Guarini Veronese ; con 44 documenti. Catania, 1896. O. 8 + 240 p. C Sachse, Friedrich. Nationale padagogik. {In Paedagogium. 1887. v. g, p. 510-25.) T Sadler, Michael Ernst. How far can we learn anything of practical value from the study of for- eign systems of education ? Guildford [I90O]. O. 19 P- C In what sense ought schools to prepare boys and girls for life? a lecture delivered before the Ruskin Society of Birmingham, December 13th, 1899. Birmingham [I899]. O. 17 p. C Sallwiirk, Ernst von. Wissenschaft, kunst und praxis des erziehers. Langensalza, 1899. O. 39 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 124.) C Salva, Anselmo. Educacion indirecta ; ligeros apuntes. Burgos, 1898. D. 143 p. C Salzmann, Christian Gotthilf. AmeisenbUch- lein . . . mit erlauterungen versehen von Karl Richter. 3. . . verm. aufl. Leipzig [I874]. O. 112 p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter, V. 2^) T Ameisenbtichlein ; oder, Anweisung zu einer verntinftigen erziehung der erzieher . . . bearbeitet von Dr. Wimmers. 2. aufl. Fader born, 1891. D. 108 -I- [I] p. {In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schr. v. 9.) C Ausgewahlte schriften mit Salzmanns lebens- beschreibung hrsg. von Eduard Ackermann. Lan- gensalza, 1889-91. O. 2 V. in I. (Bibl. padagog. klass. 1889-91. V. 29-30.) C Konrad Kiefer . . . mit erlauterungen ver- sehen von K. Richter. Leipzig [1880]. O. 16 -\- 166 + [I] p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter, v. 15.) T . mit erlauterungen ver- Leipzig [I88O]. O. 24 T Krebsbtichlein . . sehen von Karl Richter. + 176. (Same. v. 15.) Krebsbtichlein ; oder, Anweisung zu einer unvernUnftigen erziehung der kinder. 3. aufl. . . Erfurt, 1792. S. 44 + 234 + [i] p. C Bearbeitet und mit einer einleitung versehen von Wimmers. Paderborn, 1890. D. 156 p. {In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schr. 1888. v. 6.) C Noch etwas Uber die erziehung . . . mit er- lauterungen versehen von Karl Richter. 3. verb, aufl. Leipzig, 1874. O. 141 p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter, v. 2.) T Padagogische schriften . . . hrsg. von Ernst Wagner. . . Langensalza, 1887-88. D. 2 v. por. I pi. (Die klass. der padagogik ; hrsg. von G. FrOhlich, v. 3-4.) C T PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 251 Salzmann, Christian Gotthilf (continued) Padagogische schriften . . . hrsg. von Rich- ard Bosse und Johann Meyer. Wien, 1886-88. O. 2 V. (Padagog. klass. ; hrsg. von G. A. Lindner, V. 16-17.) T Uber die wirksamsten mittel kindern re- ligion beizubringen . . . mit erlauterungen versehen von Karl Richter. 3. verb. aufl. Leipzig [I877]. O. 192 p. (Padagog. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Rich- ter, V. 2».) T Volks- und jugendschriften. Einzig recht- massige originalausgabe. . . Stuttgart, 1845. Sq. T. V. I. por. C ACKERMANN, Eduard. Salzmanns leben und wirken. (/« Salzmann, C. G. Ausgew. schr. 1889-91. V. I, pref. p. 9-46.) C Gehmlich, Ernst. Erziehung und unter- richt im 18. jahrhundert nach Salzmanns Roman " Karl von Karlsberg." Langensalza, 1894. O. 42 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 42.) C Kreyenberg, Gotthold. Gotthilf Salz- mann und seine bedeutung fUr unsere zeit. 2. aufl. Frankfurt a. M.,\%cfo. D. 62 p. C MoRF, Heinrich. Salzmann als reformator des religionsunterrichts. {In Paedagogium. 1887. V. 9, p. 287-306.) T Werder, Fr. von. throp. (In Paedagogium. 95.) Salzmann der philan- 1884. V. 6. p. 278- T Sanborn, Edwin David. Education — the con- dition of national greatness. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1849. p. 149-73.) C Schenckendor£F, Emil von. Der praktische unterricht, eine forderung der zeit an die schule; sein erziehlicher, volkswirthschaftiicher und socialer werth. Breslau, 1880. O. 3 + 92 p. C Scherer, H. Neue bahnen. Betrachtungen tiber die padagogischen stromungen der gegenwart. (/« Neue bahnen. 1898-99. v. 9, p. 13-24, 352- 61 and 591-97 ; v. 10, p. 147-55 and 421-29.) T Scheve, Gustav. Die naturgesetze der erzie- hung und des unterrichts. . . Stettin, 1855. D. 96 p. C Schlegel, E. Die ermittelung der unterrichts- ergebnisse. Langensalza, 1895. O. 33 p. (Pa- dagog. mag. pt. 64.) C Schleichert, Friedrich. Die volkswirtschaft- lichen elementar kenntnisse im rahmen der jetzigen lehrplane der volksschule. Langensalza, i8g-j. O. 56 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 96.) C Schleiermacher, Friedrich Ernst Daniel. Aus Schleiermacher's leben in briefen. . . 2. aufl. Berlin, i860. O. 3 v. i por. C Erziehungslehre . . . hrsg. von C. Platz. Berlin, 1849. O. 26 H- [i] + 816 p. (/« his Sammtliche werke. 1849. ?*• 3. v. 9.) C T Life ; as unfolded in his autobiography and letters, translated from the German by F. Rowan. London, i860. D. 2 v. i por. C Monologen ; hrsg. , erlautert und mit einer lebensbeschreibung Schleiermacher's versehen von J. H. v. Kirchmann. Berlin, 1868. D. 6 + 100 p. C Padagogische schriften ; mit einer darstel- lung seiner lebens hrsg. von C. Platz. 2. aufl. Langensalza, 1876. O. 64 + 628 p. (Bibl. pa- dagog. class, hrsg. von Fr. Mann.) C T Abert, B. F. L. Uber individuelle und sociale erziehung nach Schleiermacher. Breslau, 1898. O. [6] -H 96 + [I] p. C ; Baxmann, Ernst Valentin Rudolf. Frie- drich Schleiermacher ; sein leben und sein wirken filr das deutsche volk. . . Elberfeld, 1868. D. [3] -f- 160 p. I por. C DiEBOw, Paul. Die padagogik Schleier- machers im lichte seiner und unserer zeit. Halle, 1894. O. 28 + 177 p. C Die padagogik Schleiermachers im zusammenhange mit seiner philosophic und den bildungsbestrebungen seiner zeit. Halle a. S., 1893. O. 31 p. C . DiESTERWEG, Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm. Uber die lehrmethode Schleiermachers. (In his Ausgewahlte schriften. 1890-91. v. i, p. 32-44.) C DiLTHEY, Wilhelm. Leben Schleierma- chers. Berlin, 1870. v. i, [8] + 542 -\- 145 p. C EiSENLOHR, Theodor. Die idee der volks- schule nach den schriften Fr. Schleiermacher's. Reutlingen, 1852. O. 15 -t- 124 p. C Hummel, Otto Emil. Padagogische zeit- und streitfragen im lichte der erziehungslehre F. Schleiermachers. (/« Paedagogium. 1894. v. 16, p. 685-702.) T Keferstein, Horst. Schleiermacher als padagog. 2. durch ein spezial-inhaltsverzeichnis vermehrte auflage. Jena, 1889. O. 2 -+- 24 -1- 340 p. C Kirchmann, Julius Hermann von. Schleier- macher's leben und schriften. (In Schleiermacher. Monologen. 1868. p. 1-17.) C Platz, Karl. Lebens-skizze und wurdi- gung Schleiermacher's als padagogen. (In Schleier- macher, F. E. D. Padagog. schr. 1876. v. 5, pref. p. 7-43.) C T Schmidt, M. Das apokryphe kapitel der erzie- hung. (In Neue bahnen. 1898. v. 9, p. 17V-95.) T Schmidt, Otto Ernst. Buch der hoffnung ; n. f. 2. bd : Padagogik und oflentliches leben. Hamburg, 1897. D. [5] + 456 p. C Schneider, Reinhold. Die ausgestaltung des selbstsverwaltungssystems auf dem schulgebiete bei Mager. Wiesbaden, 1899, O. [5] + 92 4- [i] p. C The Schoolmaster in literature ; containing selections from the writings of Ascham, and others, with an introduction by Edward Eggleston. New York [c. 1892]. O. 608 p. T 252 EDUCATION [Same.] {In Neuebahnen. 177-88, 225-36 and 273-88.) Schopenhauer, Arthur. Hummel, O. E. Die psychologischen und padagogischen grundge- danken Schopenhauers. {In Paedagogium. 1881. V. 3, p. 521-34 and 573-85.) T Jung, Arthur. Die padagogische bedeu- tung der Schopenhauerschen willenslehre. . . Ber- lin, 1890. O. 30 p. C Regener, Fr. Schopenhauers ansichten liber erziehung. Wiesbaden, 1894. O. 40 p. (Padagog, zeit- und streitfragen. 1895. v. 7.) C "94. V. 5, p. T Schubert-Soldem, Richard von. Uber den begriff der allgemeinen bildung ; antritts-vorlesung gehalten an der Universitat Leipzig. Leipzig, 1896. O. 16 p. C Schumann, Johann Christian Gottlob, and Voigt, Gustav. Lehrbuch der padagogik ; 10. . . aufl. Hannover, 1896. D. (Padagog. bibl. v. 1-2.) C Leitfaden der padagogik ftlr den unterricht in lehrerbildungsanstalten. 6.-7. aufl. Hannover, 1894-95. D. 2 V. (Same. v. 3-4.) C Schupp, Johann Balthasar. Der teutsche lehr- meister, mit einer einleitung und anmerkungen hrsg. von Paul Stotzner, Leipzig, 1891. D. 61 p. I por. {In Neudrucke padagog. schr. no. 3.) C Vom schulwesen mit einleitung und anmer- kungen hrsg. von Paul Stotzner. Leipzig, 1891. D. 106 p. {In same. no. 7.) C Sch^rarz, Friedrich Heinrich Christian. Erzie- hungslehre. 2. . . verb. aufl. Leipzig, 1829. O. 3 v. in 4. C Lehrbuch der erziehungs- und unterrichts- lehre. 3. . . aufl. Heidelberg, 1835. O. 3 v, in I. C Contents : 1. Lehrbuch der padagogik. 2. Lehrbuch der methodik. 3. Lehrbuch von dem schulen und andern anstal- ten der jugendbildung. and Curtman, W. J. G. Lehrbuch der erzie- hung . . . hrsg. von F. Freiensehnw. 8. aufl. Leipzig, 1880-82. O. 2 v. C Contents : 1. Allgemeine erziehungslehre. 2. Schul-erziehungslehre. SchTvencke, L. Erziehung und unterricht ; padagogische aussprUche alter und neuer zeit . . . gesammelt und gruppirt. Leipzig, 1857. D. 16 + 304- C Schw^ochoTV, H. Die schule hat die aufgabe auch die denkart und gesinnung der jugend zu bil- den. {In Lehrerprlifungs und informations-arbei- ten. 1884. V. I, pt. 4. p. 25-46.) C Sedgwick, William Thompson. Claims of modern life on education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1896. p. 225-38.) C Senden, S. S. van. Wie schutzen vrir uns vor der schul- und bUcherweisheit ? {In Samml. pada- gog. vortrage ; hrsg. vom Bremischen Lehrer-verein. 1886. V. I, p. 62-75.) C S^pr^s,^ Pierre Ypres la Ramee de. Manuel complet de I'enseignement universel ; ou, Application de la methode Jacotot . . . precede d'une intro- duction. Paris, 1840. Nar. D. 24 -f- 828 p CT Sergi, Giuseppe. Per I'educazione del carat- tere. 2» ed. . . aumentata. Milano, 1893. D. 6 -t- [I] H- 287 p. c Seward, William Henry. Discourse on educa- tion, delivered at Westfield, July 26, 1837. Albany, 1837. O. 26 p. c Sigismund, Berthold. Ausgewahlte schriften ; hrsg. rait biographic und anmerkungen versehen von Markscheffel. Langensalza, 1900. O. 50 -f- 496 p. (Bibl. pad. klass. v. 39.) C Simon, Jules. L'education actuelle et le sur- menage. . . {In Raunie, Emile. La reforme de 1' instruction nationale. 1888. p. 15-28.) C Smith, Adam. Bergemann, Paul. Adam Smith's padagogische ansichten und kritik dersel- ben. Wiesbaden, 1896. O. 78 p. {In Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1897. v. 9.) C [Same.] {In Neue bahnen. 1896. v. 7, p. 1-22, 65-89, 139-51 and 177-95.) T Smith, Lucien H. The new education ; a lec- ture delivered before the People's Ethical Society of Rochester. . . Rochester [i8g3]. O. 24 4- [ij p. CT Some principles and methods adopted . . . twenty years ago in an ideal school. New York, 1879. D. 23 p. T Souquet, Paul. Les ecrivains pedagogues du i6<' si^cle. . . 2™« ed. Paris, 1886. D. 193 -|- [I] p. (Bibliotheque pedagogique.) "T Contents : Erasme ; Sadolet ; Rabelais ; Luther ; Viv^s ; Ramus ; Montaigne ; Charron ; Saliat. Les ecrivains pedagogues du xvi« siecle ; extraits des ceuvres de Erasme, Sadolet, Rabelais ... . 3« ed. Paris, 1897. D. 193 + i p. (Bibl. pedagog. ; M. A. Cocheris, ed.) C Spalding, John Lancaster, bp. Education and the higher life. . . 5th ed. Chicago, 1897. D. 210 p. C T Things of the mind. . . Chicago, 1899. D. 235 p. C T Thoughts and theories of life and education . . . Chicago, 1899. D. 236 p. C T Spencer, Herbert. De l'education intellectu- elle, morale et physique ; traduit de I'Anglais. io« ed. Paris, 1897. O. 6 + 304 p. C Education, intellectual, moral and physical. New York, i86i. O. 283 p. C T [Same.] New York, 1900. O. 7 + 301 P- .. c Various other editions. Die erziehung ... in deutscher Uberset- zung ; hrsg. von Fritz Schultze. 4. verb. aufl. Leip- zig, 1898. D. 10 + [I] -f- 300 P- C PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION 253 Spencer, Herbert (continued) FOTH, Karl. Die reform unseres erzie- hungs-systems ; nach Herbert Spencer. (/« Paeda- gogium. 1880. V. 2, p. 137-55.) T Leitch, James. Practical educationists. Herbert Spencer. {In his 1876. p. 239-98.) T Quick, Robert Hebert. Herbert Spencer. (/« his Essays on educational reformers. 1890. p. 439-69.) C T Salvadori, Guglielmo. Herbert Spencer e I'opera sua. Firenze, 1900. O. 80 p. C Lista cronologica delle opere e degli scritti minori, p. 75-80. Spickernell, George Eastcott. . . . Whether a public or private education is preferable ? London [1863]. O. 24 p. C Spinoza, Benedict de. Tractatus de intellec- tus emendatione . . . tr. from the Latin by W. H. White , . . rev. by A. H. Stirling. New York, 1895. D. 30 + 62 p. T Spurzheim, Johann Franz Kaspar. Educa- tion : its elementary principles, founded on the nature of man ; withanapx. byS. R. Wells, contain- ing a brief description of the temperaments, and analysis of the phrenological faculties. . . New York, 1883. D. 12 + 334 p. ill. pi. por. T View of the elementary principles of educa- tion, founded on the study of the nature of man. 1st American ed. revised . . . from the 3d London ed. Boston, 1832. D, 12 + 318 p. C T Streich, A. Beitrage zu einer padagogik fur die deutschen schulen des Auslanders. . . Hanno- ver, 1888. O. 8 -t- 198 p. C Striimpell, Ludwig. Padagogischer abhand- lungen. Leipzig, 1894. O. 4 pts. in I v. C T Sturm, Johannes von. Kuckelhahn, L. Jo- hannes Sturm, Strassburg's erster schulrector, be- sonders in seiner bedeutung fiir die geschichte der padagogik. . . Leipzig, 1872. O. 3 + 161 p. C Laas, Ernst. Die padagogik des Johannes Sturm ; historisch und kritisch beleuchtet. Berlin, 1872. O. 6 +125 p. C Raumer, Karl Georg von. Life and edu- cational system of John Sturm. {In Amer. jo. of ed. V. 4. 1857. p. 167-82, 401-15.) C T Schmidt, Charles. La vie et les travaux de Jean Sturm. Strasbourg, 1855, O. 8 + 335 p, I por. C Subercaze, Benjamin. Promenades et excur- sions scolaires. Paris, X%^\. S. 36 p. C Sullivan, William. Introductory lecture. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1833. P- I-35-) C Tappan, Henry Philip. Public education ; an address delivered ... in the capitol at Lansing . . . January 28th, 1857. Detroit, 1857. O. 40 P- ' C Tappe, Fr. Wie erzieht man die schiller durch den unterricht zur selbstthatigkeit ? {In Lehrer- prtifungs und informations-arbeiten. 1897. v, 2, pt. 20, p. 39-51.) C Tischhauser, Christian. Padagogische w^inke fiir haus und schule. 3. . . verm. aufl. Basel, 1884. D. 9 + 230 p. C Togel, Paul Hermann. Die padagogischen anschauungen des Erasmus in ihrer psychologischen begriindung. Dresden, 1896. O. 14 + 130 p. C Toischer, Wendelin. Theoretische padagogik und allgemeine didaktik. Munchen, 1896. Q. 7 + 200 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichts- lehre fur hohere schulen. v. 2, pt. i'.) C Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich, count. La liberte dans I'ecole ; premiere traduction fran9aise par B. Tseytline et E. Jaubert. . . Paris, 1888. D. [6] + 285 p. C T Tommas^o, Niccol6. Sull' educazione. 2* ed. Firenze, 185 1, D. 351 p. C Suir educazione, pensieri. Milano, 1864'. D. 159 p. (Bibl. utile, v. 8.) C Tucker, Rev. William Jewett. Haste in the process of education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1894. p. 3-19.) C Unhold, Johannes. Uber den zweck der erzie- hung in der neueren padagogik. {In Neue bahnen. 1899. V. 10, p. 546-67 and 601-22.) T Vecchia, Paolo. La nuova scienza dell' edu- cazione applicata all' insegnamento primario. . . 6* ed. . . Torino, 1889-98. D. 3 v. in i. (Bibl. di filos. e pedagog. Collezione Paravia.) C Vegio, Maffeo. Erziehungslehre ; einleitung, libersetzung und erlauterungen von K. A. Kopp. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1889. O. 10 + [i] + 220 p. (Bibl. der kathol. pad. v. 2,) C Veniali, Francesco. Questioni pedagogiche. 3* ed, . . Torino, 1886. D. 19 + 268 p. (Bibl. pedagogico-didattica internaz. v. 2.) C Vergerio, Pietro Paolo. The treatise de in- genuis moribus. {In Woodward, W. H. Vit- torino da Feltre. 1897. p. 93-118.) C Vittorino da Feltre. Gerini, G. B. Vittorino da Feltre. {In his Gli scrittori pedagogic! italiani del secolo decimoquinto. 1896. p. 42-73.) C RosMiNl, Carlo de', cavaliere. Idea dell* ottimo precettore nella vita e disci plina di Vittorino da Feltre e de suoi discepoli, libri quattro. Bas- sano, 1801. D. 487 p. i por. C Woodward, William Harrison. Vittorino da Feltre and other humanist educators : essays and versions. . . Cambridge, 1897. D. g + 256 p. I pi. C T Titles of works quoted and referred to, p. 251-6. Vives, Juan Luis. Ausgewahlte padagogische schriften mit einleitung und anmerkungen versehen von Rudolf Heine, Leipzig [188I]. O. 64 + 424 p. (Padagc^. bibl. ; hrsg. von Karl Richter, V. 16.) T Ausgewahlte schriften ; aus dem lateinischen ttbersetz und . . . hrsg. von Jacob Wychgram. Wien, 1883. O. [98] + 339 + [4] p. por. (Padagog. klass. ; hrsg. von G. A. Lindner, v. 14.) T 254 EDUCATION Vives, Juan Luis (continued) Padagogische schriften ; einleitung ; charac- teristik ; ilbersetzung . . . Friedrich Kayser. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1896. O. (Bibl. d. kathol. padagogik. v. 8.) C KuYPERS, Franz. Vives in seiner pada- gogik ; eine quellenmaszige und systematische dar- stellung. (/« Neue jahrb. ftir philol. und pad. 1897, V. 156. p. 1-36, 65-86 and 113-38.) C Nam^che, Alexandre Joseph. Memoire sur la vie et les ecrits de Jean Louis Vives . . . 126 + [I] p. {In Brussels — Acad, royale. Mem. couronnes. 1 841. v. 15.) C Vogel, August. Die philosophischen grund- lagen der wissenschaftlichen systeme der padagogik (Locke, Kant, Hegel, Schleiermacher, Herbart, Beneke). . . 2. aufl. Langensalza, 1889. D. 4 +187 p. C Vor^rarts, Anastasius. Grundpfeiler flir mo- derne schul-ref orm ; oder, Erziehung und unterricht im modernen staate. . . Zm«, 1891. O. 34 + [i] p. C Wa>ldeck, Oskar. Aus der welt des elends. Dresden, 1895, O. pt. I. C Contents : I. Das gebiet der erziehung und des unterrichts. Walker, Francis Amasa. Discussions in edu- cation ; ed. by J, P. Munroe. New York, 1899. O. 5 + 342 p. C Walker, Rev. James. Introductory lecture. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1831. p. 1-14.) C Introductory lecture. {In same. Lectures, 1856. p. 1-18.) C Wayland, Rev. Francis. Introductory dis- course. {In same. Lectures, 1830. p. 1-24.) C Welton, James. Logical basis of education. London, 1899. D. 16 + 288 p. (Macmillan's manuals for teachers. Oscar Browning and S. S. F. Fletcher, ed.) T Weston, Edward Payson. tion. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. 1-36.) Extremes in educa- Lectures, 1864. p. C White, Rev. Elipha. Introductory discourse. (/« same. Lectures, 1837. p. 1-21.) C White, Emerson Elbridge. True education. (In same. Lectures, 1872. p. 69-89.) C Wiese, Ludwig Adolf. Padagogische ideale und proteste ; ein votum. Berlin, 1884. O. [5] + 139 + [I] P- c Williams, Rev. David. . . London, 1774. S. Treatise on education 8 + 261 p. C MOller, Franz Reinhard. David Wil- liams' reformbestrebungen auf dem gebiete der padagogik. . . Leipzig, 1898. O. 95 p. C Willmann, Otto. Didaktik als bildungslehre nach ihren beziehungen zur socialforschung und zur feschichte der bildung. . . Braunschweig, 1882- 9. O. avini. C Padagogische vortrage tiber die hebung der geistigen thatigkeit durch den unterricht. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1886. O. 13 + [i] + 132 p. C Uber die erhebung der padagogik zur wis- senschaft. Kempten, 1898. D. 40 p. (Pada- gog. vortrage u. abhandl. v. 4, no. 3.) C Wimpheling, Jakob. Elegantialf medulla ; oratoriaq3 pcepta ; "i ordine inuentu facile copiose, clare, breuiterqj reducta. . . Liptzk, p. Jacobii Thanner, 1504. Sq. O. [31 ] f. por. C Padagogische schriften ubersetzt, erlautert und mit einer einleitung . . . von Joseph Freund- gen. Paderborn, 1892. D. 573 p. {In Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schr. v. 13.) C Needon, Kurt Ossian. Jacob Wimphel- ings padagogische ansichten im zusammenhange dargestellt. Dresden, 1898. O. 8 + 62 p. C T Pearson, Karl. Note on Jacob Wimpfeling. (/wAjV Ethic of free thought. 1888. p. 198-209.) C Schmidt, Karl. Wimpheling. {In his Histoire litteraire de I'Alsace. 1879. v. i, p. i- 188.) C ScHWARZ, Bernhard. Jacob Wimpheling, der altvater des deutschen schulwesens. Gotha, 1875. O. 14 + 201 p. {In his Padagog. refor- matoren von der reformation, pt. i.) C Winch, William H. Problems in education. London, 1900. D, 157 p. C T Winship, Albert Edward. Genius and circum- stances in education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1888. p. 204-13.) C Winslon^, Rev. Hubbard. On the dangerous tendency to innovations and extremes in education. {In same. Lectures, 1834. p. 167-88.) C Wolf, Friedrich August. Uber erziehung, schule, universitat (" Consilia scholastica ") ; aus Wolf's litterarischen nachlasse zusammengestellt von Wilhelm Korte. Quedlinburg, 1835. D. 8 -h 333 p. tab. C Wolter, August. Padagogisches vademekum ; eine nachweisung gediegener padagogischer auf- satze und broschUren, Giitersloh, 1892. D. 8 + 123 p. C Wotton, William. Reflections upon ancient and modern learning. London, 1694. D. 32 + 359 P- T Wiinschmann, M. C. F. Gottfried Hoffmanns leben und bedeutung fiir das bildungswesen und die pad^ogische theorie seiner zeit . . . mit . . . be- rllcksichtigung seines . . . lehrers Christian Weise . . . Leipzig, 1895. O. v. i, pt. i. C Wiirkert, Johann Georg. Die encyclopaedia des Petrus Ramus ; ein reformversuch der gelehrten- schule des 16. jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1898. O. 56 4- I p. C Zehnder, Frau Josephine (Stadlin.). Padago- gische beitrage. Leipzig, 1863. D. 5 -I- 136 p. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 255 Zereziner, Karl Christoph Gottlieb. Grund- satze der schul-erziehung, der schulkunde und unter- richtswissenschaft fi'ir schul-aufseher, lehrer, und lehrerbildungsanstalten. 2. verb. aufl. Magde- burg, 1833. O. 16 + 537 p. C Ziller, Tuiskon. AUgemeine padagogik, 3. aufl. der " Vorlesungen tiber allgemeine padagogik," hrsg. von Dr. Karl Just. . . Leipzig, 1892. O. 16 + 430 p. C Grundlegung zur lehre vom erziehenden un- terricht. 2. aufl. hrsg. von Theodor Vogt. Z«^- 2?;^, 1884. o. 12 + 557 p. T Materialien zur speziellen padagogik. Des " Leipziger seminarbuches " 3. aus dem . . . nachlasse des verfassers sehr vermehrte auflage hrsg. von Max Bergner. , . Dresden, i886. O. 14 + 296 p. C Vorlesungen tiber allgemeine padagogik. Leipzig, 1876. O. 8 + 344 p. C DiTTES, Friedrich. Zilleriana. {In Paeda- gogium. 1886. V. 8, p. 580-97.) T Schmidt, Armin. 1st die zielangabe im Zillerschen sinne ein wesentliches erfordemis zur erreichung des unterrichtszweckes ? (/« Neue bah- nen. 1898. v. 9, p. 242-54.) T Walsemann, a. Das interesse sein wesen und seine bedeutung f iir den unterricht ; eine Ziller- studie. Hannover, 1884. O. 84 p. C T See also entries under Herbart above. Zincke, Rev. Foster Barham. Some thoughts about the school of the future ; a sketch of the solu- tion ... for the different educational questions of the day. London, 1852. O. [7] + 236 p. C 21. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING Abor, Mary R. Ailing-. An experiment in edu- cation ; also the ideas which inspired it and were inspired by it. New York, 1897. D. 7 + [2] 4- 244 p. C Ackermann, Eduard. Die formale bildung ; eine psychologisch-padagogische betrachtung. Lan- gensalza, 1889. O. 4 + 89 p. C Padagogische fragen, nach den grundsatzen der Herbartschen schule. 2. aufl. Dresden, 1891. O. 2 V. in 1. T Adams, John. Herbartian psychology applied to education ; being a series of essays applying the psychology of Johann Friedrich Herbart. . . Boston, 1898. D. 4 + 284 p. 2 ill. pi. (Heath's pedagogical library.) C T Aiken, Catharine. Exercises in mind-training, in quickness of perception, concentrated attention and memory. N^ew York, 1899. D. 6-1- [3] -J- 121 p. ill. C T Methods of mind-training, concentrated at- tention and memory. . . , New York, 1896. D. [7] -I- nop. ill. pi. C T Altenburg, Oskar. Die kunst des psycholo- gischen beobachtens ; praktische fragen der pada- gogischen psychologie. . . Berlin, 1898. O. 26 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychologie und physiologie. v. 2, pt. 3-) C Andreae, Carl. Uber die faulheit ; ein psy- chologischer versuch. Langensalza, 1896. O. 42 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 76.) C Armstrong, Henry Edward. Heuristic method of teaching. {In Eng.— Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1898. v. 2, p 389- 433-) T Arnold, August Ernst Gotthold Tobias. Peda- gogik ; Oder, Erziehungs-undunterrichts-lehre nach den anforderungen der gegenwart. Konigsberg in der Neumark, 1837. D. lo -f- 275 p. C Arnold, Sarah Louisa. Waymarks for teach- ers ; showing aims, principles, and plans of every- day teaching. , . New York, 1895. D. 276 p. T Baker, Abijah Richardson. On the adaptation of intellectual philosophy to instruction. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1833. p. 261-88.) C Baker, James Hutchins. Elementary psy- chology with practical applications to education. . . 232 p. ill. D. New York, 1896. T Bald^Tin, Joseph. Elementary psychology and education. . . New York, 1887. D. 18 4- 293 p. ill. pi. (Internat. ed. ser. ; ed. W. T. Harris. V. 6.) C T Psychology applied to the art of teaching. New York, 1892. D. [I4] -I- 381 p. ill. (Same, v.. 19.) C T Ballard, Rev. Addison. Arrows ; or. Teach- ing a fine art. 2d ed. New York [1898]. D. [7] -h 100 p. C Teaching, a fine art. {In his Arrows ; or. The true aim in teaching. 1890. p. 27-60.) T Bardeen, Charles William. Teaching as a business for men. . . Syracuse, 1885. O. 20 p. T Teaching as a business ; four addresses. Syracuse, 1897. D. 154 p. (Standard teacher's library.) C Barnard, Charles. Graphic methods in teach- ing. {In Teachers College Educational mono- graphs. 1889. V. 2. no. 6, p. 193-223.) C T Barnard, Henry, editor. Educational aphor- isms and suggestions. . . New York, 1861. O. pt. I. {In his Papers for the teacher.) C Papers for the teacher. Hartford, 1859-78. O, V. 1-3, 5-7, II, 17. iU. C T Contents : 1 American pedagogy. 2 Object teaching. 3 German pedagogy. 5 English pedagogy ; ist ser. 6 Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism. 7 German educational reformers. 1 1 English pedagogy ; 2d ser. 17 True student life. 256 EDUCATION Barnett, Percy Arthur. Common sense in edu- cation and teaching. . . New York, 1899. D. 9 + [I] + 321 p. T Teaching and organization, with special reference to secondary schools. . . London, 1897. D. 19 + 419 P- ill- T Bartels, Friedrich. Padagogische psychologie nach Hermann Lotze in ihrer anwendung auf die schulpraxis und auf die erziehung. Jena, 1891. D. 4 + 176 + 222 p. C Barth, Ernst. Uber den umgang ; ein beitrag zur schulpadagogik. Leipzig, 1870. O. 4 + [ij + 71 p. C Barth, G. K. Der begrifl konzentration in der unterrichtslehre in historischer und systema- tischer darstellung ; eine padagogische studie. Borna, 1895. O. 130 p. C Ban^ald, Richard. Theorie der begabung ; psychologisch-padagogische untersuchung liber existenz . . . bildsamkeit, wert und erziehung menschlicher begabungen. Leipzig, 1896. O. 10 + 289. C Baumann, Johann Julius. Einfiihrung in die padagogik ; geschichte der padagogischen theorien ; allgemeine padagogik (padagogische psychologie). Leipzig, 1890. O. 6 + I + 120 p. C T Baumgartner, Heinrich. Padagogik oder erziehungslehre, mit besonderer berticksichtigung der psychologischen grundlagen fur lehrer und erzieher. 3. umg. aufl. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1895. D. 8 + 238 p. C Psychologie oder seelenlehre, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der schulpraxis fur lehrer und erzieher. 4. . . aufl. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1899. O. 12 + 156 p. C Beckwith, Walter P. Departmental instruc- tion. (/« Am, Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1895. p. 206-22.) C T Bell, Walter George. Untrained minds. (/« London — Ed. Soc, Trans. 1884-85. v. i, p. 15-24-) T Beneke, Friedrich Eduard. Psychologisch- padagogische abhandlungen und aufsatze. . . Leip- zig, 1877. O. 8 p. C Bennett, Rev. Charles Wesley. History of the philosophy of pedagogics ; a lecture . . . July 23, 1872, before the New York State Teachers' Associa- tion. New York, 1877. D. 19 p. (Papers on ed. 1st ser. no. 5.) C History of the philosophy of pedagogics. Syracuse, 1893. D. 43 p. ill. C T Benoit, Francois. Experiences d'enseignement et d'education realistes. Paris, 1899. O. 41 p. C Bergemann, Paul. Zur klarstellung des be- grifles der apperzeption. Wiesbaden, 1894. O. 20 p. (Padagog. studien. 1895. v. 7.) C Bertagnoni, Luigi. Elementi di pedagogia e didattica. . . Faenza, 1876. D. 2 v. in i. i pi- C Bhagavdn D^g. The science of the emo- tions. London, 1900. D. 183 -f- 11 p. C Bismarck, Otto, Einrichtungs- und lehrplan fiir funf- und vierklassige volksschulen. Halle a. S., 1894. O. 9 + 178 p. ill. T Blanco y Sanchez, Rufino. Tratado elemen- tal de pedagogia. . . Madrid, 1900. D. 16 4- 271 p. ill. (Educacion y ensenanza.) C Blum, Eugene. Le mouvement pedologique et pedagogique. (In Rev. philos. de la France et de I'etranger. 1898. v. 46. p. 504-18.) C La pedologie ; I'idee, le mot, le chose. [Paris, 1899.] O. 33 p, C Bock, Eduard. Lehrbuch des schulunterrichts mit beriicksichtigung des erlasses Sr. Majestat des KOnigs und Kaisers Wilhelm H. vom i, Mai 1889, betreffend die sozialistischen ideen der gegenwart. Breslau, 1892. O. 8 + 296 p. C Bohm, Johann. Grundziige der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre ; zumachst f ur seminaristen und angehende lehrer. MUnchen, 1891. O. 15 + 296 + 16 p. C Praktische erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre fiir den unterricht in lehrerbildungsanstalten und fUr volksschullehrer. 3.-4. verb. aufl. MUnchen, 1899. O. 2V. C Contents : V. I. Erziehungslehre. 3. aufl. 2. Unterrichtslehre. 4. aufl. Boyer, Charles C. Principles and methods of teaching. . . Philadelphia [c. 1899]. O, 399 p, CT Braun, Thomas. Cours complet de pedagogie et de methodologie. . . Paris, 1885. O. 954 p. C Br4al, Michel Jules Alfred. Semantics: Studies in the science of meaning ; translated by Mrs. Henry Cust, with a preface by J. P, Postgate. London, 1900. O. 66 + 341 p. C Brinkmann, E. Uber individualitatsbilder (schiilercharakteristiken). Gotha, i2i()2. O. 48 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1893. v, 5,) C Brixle, Klaus. Zur volksschulpraxis der ersten drei schuljahre. Munchen, 1898. O. 4 + [i] + 97 P- C Brooks, Edward. Normal methods of teach- ing. . . Lancaster, 1883 [C, '793. D. 504 p. T Syllabus of a course in pedagogy embracing educational psychology, methods of teaching, school economy and history of education. Philadelphia, 1892. O. 62 p. C Brooks, William H. On the education of the five senses. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1831, p, 103-22.) C Brouard, Eugene, and Defodon, Charles. Questions de pedagogie theorique et pratique trai- tees en vue de la preparation aux examens profes- sionels de I'enseignement primaire. Paris, 1890, D. 8 + 407 p. C Bruck, Heinrich, and Keudel, H. Das erste schuljahr ; eine methodische behandlung samtlicher unterrichtsfacher der elementarklasse. FUr katho- lische lehrer und lehrerinnen bearbeitet. , . Gera, 1892, O. 4 + 199 p. C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 257 Bruggemann, Fr. Organisation und lehr- plan der mehrstufigen volksschule nach den for- derungen der gegenwart. . . Berlin, 1896. O. 132 p. tab. C Bruni Aretino, Leonardo. The tractate De studiis et Uteris. {In Woodward, W. H. Vitto- rino da Feltre. 1897. p. 119-33,) C Buisson, Ferdinand Edouard. Le devoir pre- sent de la jeunesse ; conference faite le 10 mars au College des sciences morales. Paris, 1899. D. 28 p. C Le9on de cloture du cours de pedagogic : Education de la volonte ; faite i la Sorbonne . . . le 22 juin 1899. Paris, 1899. O- 3^ + [i] p. C Burckhardt, Ferdinand. Die vorstellungs- reihe ; psychologisch-padagogische skizze. Meis- sen, 1888. O. 32 p. T Burton, Rev. Warren. On the best mode of fixing the attention of the young. {In Am, Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1834. p. 41-66.) C Butler, James. Outlines of practical educa- tion. London, 1828. D. 169 p. T Butler, Nicholas Murray. Psychology in its relation to pedagogy. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. 26-44) and (No. 4 in his Twelve papers.) C T Report of the standing committee on peda- gogics. I Trenton] i88g. O. 18 p. (N. J. Coun- cil of ed., Doc, no. 3) also (No. 6 in his Twelve papers,) , C T Training of teachers ; psychology in its relation to pedagogy. «. /. n. d. O. [I9] p. C Cadet, Felix. Lettres sur la pedagogic ; resume du cours de 1' Hotel de ville. . . Paris, 1882. D. 310 p. T Caird, Rev. John. The personal element in teaching. {In his University addresses, 1898. p. 360-72,) C Calderwood, Henry. On teaching : Its ends and means. 4th ed. London, 1885. S. 10 + [i] + 126 p. T Calkin, John B. Notes on education ; a prac- tical work on method and school management. Truro, N. S., 1888. D. 4 + 300 p. T Cauer, Paul. Wie dient das gymnasium dem leben ; ein beitrag zu den aufgaben praktischer geistesbildung. Dusseldorf, 1900, Q, 50 col. C Chadboume, Paul Ansel, Waste of labor in the work of education, Washington, 1875. O. 16 p. {In U. S,— Ed., Bur. of. Circ, of inform. 1875- no. 4.) C T [Same.] New York, 1877, D, 14 p, (Papers on ed. ist ser. no. 4.) T Charbonneau, Michel. Cours theorique et pratique de pedagogic, precedee d'une introduction par J. J. Rapet. 2™« ed, Paris, 1885. D. 20 + 480 p. T Christison, J. Sanderson. Brain in relation to mind. 2d ed. Chicago, 1900, D. 143 p. ill. pi. C 17 Clark, Thomas March, bp. The education re- quired by the times, {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1856, p, 79-105,) C Collar, George, and Crook, C. W, School management and methods of instruction ; with spe- cial reference to elementary schools. London, 1900, D. 8 + 336 p. C T Compayr^, Gabriel, Elements of psychology ; translated by W. H, Payne, Boston, 1890. D. 5 + [I] + 315 p. CT L'enseignement integral d'apres un livre recent (par Alexis Bertrand), Paris, 1898, {In Rev. philos, de la France et de I'etranger, v, 46, p, 19-44.) C Lectures on pedagogy . , . translated with an introduction, notes and an appendix by W, H. Payne. Boston, 1890 [C.'87]. D, 10 -h 491 p, C T Psychologic appliquee k I'education. 4™* ed. Paris [I892 ?]. D, 2 v. T Contents : 1. Notions theoriques. 2, Application, Psychology applied to education ; translated by W. H. Pajme, Boston, 1893, D. 9 + 216 p. T Cow^ham, Joseph H. Principles of oral teach- ing and mental training, . , 2d ed. London [I890?], D. [5] + 4 4- 223 p. ill. C Currie, James. Principles and practice of common school education. Cincinnati, 1884. O. 13 + 424 P- C T Cushing, Thomas. On the division of labor in instruction. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1839. p- 119-36.) C Daniell, M. Grant. Proper scope and plan of courses of study for public schools. {In same. Lectures, 1869, p, 129-48.) C Davis, Rev. Emerson. On mind and its de- velopments. {In same. Lectures, 1839. P- 59- 74.) C Daw^es, Richard, dean. Suggestive hints tow- ards improved secular instruction, making it bear upon practical life. . . 8th ed. London, 1861. S. 34 + 220 p. ill. tab. C De Garmo, Charles. Essentials of method ; a discussion of the essential form of right methods in teaching. . . Boston, iS8g. D. 119 p. T [Same.] Rev. ed. Boston, 1893. D. 133 T De Graflf, Esmond V. The school room guide to methods of teaching and school management, iiith ed. entirely rewritten. Syracuse, 1894. D. 396 p . ill . C T and Smith, M. K. Development lessons ... a guide for . . . teachers, , . New York [C. 1883]. O, 10 + 301 p. ill. T Deahl, Jaspar Newton. Imitation in educa- tion ; its nature, scope and significance. New York, 1900, O. 103 + [I] p. C T 258 EDUCATION Denicke, Harry. Einige bemerkungen uber wesen, wert, und anwendung der fragenden lehr- methode. {In Neue jahrb. furphilol. und padagog. 1889. V. 140, p. 71-85.) C Descartes, Rene. Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason, and seeking truth in the sciences ; translated by John Veitch . . . Chicago, 1899. 6 -I- [I] + 87 p. D. C Dew^ey, John. Significance of the problem of knowledge. Chicago, \^()T . O. 20 p. (Univ. of Chicago — Contr. to philos., no. 3.) C Dexter, T. F. G.. and Garlick, A. H. Psy- chology in the school-room. London, 1898. D. 8 + 413 p. ill. CT Dickinson, John W. Limits of oral teaching. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1882. p. 54-. 69.) C [Same.] Syracuse, 1890. S. 24 p. (School- room classics, no. 12.) C T Oral teaching ; its proper limits and meth- ods. {In Two premium essays. 1880 p. 1-20.) C Diester\7eg, Adolf. Wegweiser zur bilduiig fiir deutsche lehrer ; allgemeiner teil ; bearbeitet und mit einer einleitung versehen von Dr. A. Wacker. Paderborn, 1900. D. 52 -|- 195 p. (Samml. derbedeut. pad. schr. v. 26.) C Dietrich, A. Wie hat sich nach den forderun- gen der psychologic und auf grund der neueren lehr- mittel der anschauungs-unterricht gegenwartig zu gestalten ? Neuweid, 1895. O. 20 p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule. no. 65.) C Draper, Andrew Sloan. Cleveland public schools ; an address on the spirit of the teacher, at General teachers' meeting, Saturday, March 11, 1893. Cleveland [XZc^-i-)^. O. 24 p. C Events of the last year ; The university ex- tension movement ; The New York state normal and training school system ; an address delivered before the New York State Teachers' Assoc, at Saratoga Springs, July 7, 1891. n. t.-p. O. 22 p. C Powers and obligations of teachers ; the work of the last school year ; an address before the New York State Teachers' Assoc, at Watkins, N. v., July 6, 1888. n. t.-p. O. 32 p. C Spirit of school administration ; an address before the Georgia State Teachers' Assoc. , at Bruns- wick, Ga., April 30, 1891. n. t.-p. O. 32 p. C Teaching profession ; an address before the Mass. State Teachers' Assoc, at Worcester, No- vember 28, 1890. O. 27p. CT Dresslar, Fletcher B. Studies in the psychol- ogy of touch. Worcester [I894]. O. 56 p. C Drose, August, volksschullehrer. . 270 + [I] p. Du Bois, Patterson. Point of contact in teach- ing. Philadelphia, 1897. D. 7 + 88 p. C T Didaktik und methodik fUr Langensalza, 1879. O. 4 + C 1900. [Same.] 4th. ed. enlarged. S. 9 + 131 P- New York, CT Dunn, Henry. Popular education ; or. The normal school manual, containing practical sugges- tions for . . . teachers. . . 2d ed. London, \%yi. S. II + 241 p. T Eagles, Thomas Henry. Graphic work in school teaching. {In London — Ed. Soc. Trans., 1885-86. V. 2, p. 99-109.) T Edge'vrorth, Maria, and Edgeworth, R. L. Practical education. 2d ed. London, 1801. O. 3v. CT Edson, Rev. Theodore. On the comparative merits of private and public schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1837. p. 91-107.) C T Eisenlohr, Theodor. Die idee der volksschule nach den schriften Fr. Schleiermacher's. Reutlin- gen, 18 S2. O. 15 + 124 p. C Eliot, Charles William. The teacher's con- science. [Chicago] 1882. S. 8 p. ("Unity" leaflets.) T Elmendorf, John James. Psychology applied to education ; a paper read . . . Oct. 19, 1883. n. t.-p. O. 8 p. C Elterich, Julius Gustav. Handbuch fur den unterricht in der volksschulpadagogik. . . Leipzig, 1885. O. 8 + 232 p. C "Erato, pseud. An educational experiment by Erato. Chicago, 1898. D. 139 p. C Evans, William L. Memory training ; a com- plete and practical system for developing and confirming the memory ; adapted to all kinds of subjects. New York, 1889. D. 10 + [i] + 275 P- . . C Eve, Henry Weston, Sidgwick, Arthur, and Abbott, E. A. Three lectures on subjects connected with the practice of education. . . Cambridge, 1883. S. [7] + 96 p. (Pitt press ser.) T Fack, M. Die behandlung stotternderschiiler. Langensalza, 1894. O. 23 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 43-) C Zur beurteilung des Langeschen buches iiber apperzeption. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1892. V. 13, p. 129-40.) T Faraday, Michael. Observations on mental education. (London, 1854.] D. p. 39-88 (Lec- tures on education.) C Farnham, George Loomis. Sentence method of teaching reading, writing and spelling ; a manual for teachers. 3d ed. . . Syracuse, 1895. D. 55 p. c Farrar, Frederick William. General aims of the teacher ; and Form management, by R. B. Poole. . . London, 1883. S, [5] + 65 p. (Pitt press ser.) C T Felbiger, Johann Ignaz. Eigenschaf ten , wis- senschaften und bezeigen rechtschaffener schuUeute, bearbeitet von Wilhelm Kahl. Paderborn, 1900. D. 148 p. tab. (Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schr. V. 25.) C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 259 Fick, W. ilber den schlaf. Langensaha, 1897. O. 54 p. (Padagogisches magazin. pt. 90.) C Findlay, Joseph John. Teaching as a career for university men. . . London, 1889. S. [4] 4- 42 p. T Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Art of questioning. 4th ed. Syracuse, 1889. S. [34] p. (Schoolroom classics.) T Art of questioning [and Art of securing at- tention in a Sunday school class]. ^London-^ n. d. S. 64 p. C Educational aims and methods ; lectures and addresses. New York, 1900. D. 12 + 448 p. CT Lectures on teaching, delivered in the Uni- versity of Cambridge during the Lent term 1880. New ed. New York, 1885. D. 393 p. C T Socrates and his methods of teaching. {In Fitch, Sir J. G. Educational aims and methods. 1900. p. 46-80.) C T Florin, A. Die methodik der gesamtschule. 2. aufi. Zurich, 1886. O. 79 p. tab. C Fliigel, Otto. Uber das selbstgefiihl ; ein vor- trag. Langensaha, 1895. O. 24 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 67.) C Ober die personliche unsterblichkeit ; vor- trag. . . 3. aufl. Langensaha, 1899. O. 24 p. (Same. pt. 125.) C Uber die phantasie ; ein vortrag. 2. aufl. Langensalza, 1895. O. 25 p. (Same. pt. 10.) C Focken, Theodor. Begrifl und wesen der ap- perception und ihre wichtigkeit fiir den unter- richtenden lehrer. . . 2. verb. aufl. Minden, 1895. O. 52 p. {In Lehrer-priifungs und inform, arbei- ten. V. I, pt. 7.) C Foltz, O. Die phantasie in ihrem verhaltnis zu den hSheren geistes thatigkeiten. Langensaha, 1897. O. 31 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 89.) C Uber darstellenden unterricht ; ein kritischer versuch. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1887. v. 8, p. 129-34.) T Fornelli, N. False previsioni ; studio di psico- logia scolastica. Pavia, 1900. O. 29 p. C Forster, Eduard. Kurze methodik des elemen- tarunterrichts auf grund der ' ' Allgemeinen be- stimmungen" vom 15. Oktober 1872 betr. das volksschulwesen in Preussen. 3. verm. . . aufl. Berlin, 1895. O. [4] -f 143 p. C Free, Heinrich. Die experimentelle psycholo- gic. Wiesbaden, 1896. O. 31 p. C Friedrich, Johann. Geschichte der lehre von den seelenvermogen bis zum niedergange der scho- lastik. Bielefeld, 1899. O. 33 p. (Padagog. ab- handl.; neue folge, hrsg. von W. BarthoTomaus. V. 5. pt. I.) C Frohlich, Gustav. Die deutsche erziehungs- schule. . . 2. verb, und vermh. aufl. Dresden, 1899. O- [8] + 191 p. C Gabrielli, Arturo. Norma pedagogische edu- cative pei maestri di grado superiore. . . Milano [iSgS]. D. 146 p. C Gansen, Johann. Der aufsatz in der volks- schule. Kempten, 1898. D. 47 p. (Padagog. vortrage u. abhandl. v. 4, no. 5.) C Garlick, A. H. New manual of method. New ed. with appendix. London, iZgT. D. 20 -|- 378 p. ill. T Gehmlich, Ernst. Der gefUhlsinhalt der sprache. Langensalza, 1899. O. 84 p. (Pada- gog. mag. pt. 120.) C Gill, John. Art of teaching young minds to ob- serve and think. . . 5th ed. enlarged. London, 1880. S. 7 + 208 p. T Introductory text-book to school education, method, and school management. Chicago, 1880. S. 8 -h 276 p. T Gitschxnann, , Dr. Der wandel des lehr- ers in seiner bedeutung fur die verwaltung des schulamtes. {In Lehrer-priifungs und inform.- arbeiten. 1884. v. i, p. 1-24.) C Giu£Erida, Sante. Nuova corso di pedagogia elementare ad uso delle scuole normali. . . To- rino, 1900. D. v. I. C Gladman, F. J. School method ; notes and hints from lectures. . . London [I877 ?]. D. 167 p. T Gobinet, Charles. Instruction sur la mani^re de bien etudier. Paris, 1746. S. v. 6. C Gordy, John Pancoast. The new psychology. [7th ed.] New York [I90O]. D. 10 + 402 p. C Gorges, Adolf. Zw6lf einheiten fUr den un- terricht in der fortbildungsschule. Langensalza, 1892. O. 6 -+- 65 p. C GoyrAy, Jean L. Ideals and programmes. Syracuse, 1898. D. 102 p. C T Grabs, Hermann. Zur lehrplantheorie mit beziehung auf die volksschule. {In Padagog. stu- dien, neue folge. 1889. v. 10, p. i-n and 1890. V. II, p. 1-20.) T Granville, Joseph Mortimer. Secret of a clear head. Salem, 1879. S. 6 -H [i] + 108 p. C Secret of a good memory. Boston, 1881. S. 6 + [I] + 96 p. C Grasby, W. Catton. Teaching in three conti- nents : personal notes on the educational systems of the world. London, 1891. D. 15 + 344 p. CT Greene, George Washington. On Jacotot's method of instruction. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1833. p. 185-206.) C Greenough, James Camithers. Essentials of good teaching. {In same. Lectures, 1890. p. 47- 56.) C Methods and results. {In same. Lectures, 1881. p. 140-56.) C 26o EDUCATION Green'wood, James M. Principles of educa- tion practically applied. New York, 1887. D. 5 + 192 p. T Gregg, Jarvis. On the importance of an ac- quaintance with the philosophy of the mind to an instructor. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1835. p. 111-29.) C Gregory, John M. Seven laws of teaching. ^ox/o« [C.1886]. D. 8 + 144 p. T Grube, August Wilhelm. Das psychologische studium des volksschuUehrers auf grund und boden seiner praxis. . . Erfurt [I847]. O. 8 + 148 p. C Gruber, Hugo. Padagogische irrtUmer in schule und haus. Essen, 1900. D. [4] -t- 72 p. C Griillich, Adalbert. Lehrplan ftir die einfache volksschule ; ein beitrag zur methodik der volks- schule. 4. verm. aufl. [mit] anhang : Dieschulord- nung und ein lehrmittelverzeichnis. Meissen, 1900. O. 253 p. C Guarini, Giovanni Battista. De ordine docendi et studendi. (/« Woodward, W. H. Vittorino da Feltre. 1897. p. 159-78.) C Guastella, Cosmo. Saggi suUa teoria della conoscenza. . . Palermo, 1897. D. 570 + [i] p. C Hailman, William N. Application of the prin- ciples of psychology to the work of teaching. Bos- ton, 1884. D. 43 p. T Hall, Rev. Baynard Rust. Teaching, a sci- ence ; the teacher an artist. New York, 1848. D. 305 p. C Hall, Granville Stanley. Education of the will. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1882. p. 236- 69.) C Hall, Samuel Read. Instructor's manual ; or, Lectures on school-keeping. Rev. ed, Boston, 1852. S. 233 p. C Halleck, Reuben Post. Education of the cen- tral nervous system ; a study of foundations, especially of sensory and motor training. New York, 1897. D. 12 + 258 p. ill. C T Psychology and psychic culture. New York [I895]. D. 368 p. ill. C Hanchett, Henry Granger, M.D. Teaching as a science ; an address read before the Music Teachers' National Assoc, at Buffalo, July, i88o, and other essays. New York, 1882. O. 31 p. C Hancock, John. Piece-work. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1879. P- 147-67.) C Handbuch der speciellen methodik ; auf grundlage der lehrplane fUr die osterreichischen volks- und blirgerschulen . . . hrsg. von [Rob. Niedergesass]. Wien, 1893-99. O. 14 pts. in 4 v. ill. pi. C Hardie, William. Die fortbildungsschule. Halle a. S., 1897. O. 8 + 63 p. C Harris, William Torrey. Psychologic founda- tions of education. . . New York, 1898. D. 35 -f- 400 p. (/» Internat. ed. ser.; ed. W. T. Harris, V. 37.) C T Psychology, four articles : Two kinds of psy- chology ; How symbolic thinking grows into logical thinking ; How imitation becomes originality ; How to educate the feelings and emotions through the intellect and the will. n. t.-p. Nar. S. 35 p. C Supplemental report to the Report of the special committee on pedagogical and psychological observation, presented to the N. E. A. . . . July, 1890. Syracuse, 1890. O. 6 p. (School issues of the day. no. 15.) T Thoughts on educational psychology. iBloomington, 1890.] O. 77 p. C T Hart, John Seely. In the school-room ; chap- ters in the philosophy of education. Philadelphia, 1868. D. 276 p. C Hartmann, Berthold. Die analyse des kind- lichen gedankenkreises als die naturgemasse grund- lage des ersten schulunterrichts ; ein beitrag zur volksschul praxis. 2. verm. aufl. Annabergi. Erz- geb., 1890. O. [4] + 115 p. T [Same.] 3. aufl. Leipzig, 1896. O. 10 + 200 p. C Hassell, Joseph. What and how ; a guide to successful oral teaching. London [1887]. S. 79 p. T Hassheider, . Padagogische gedanken Uber die physischen ursachen des materialismus. {In Lehrer-prtifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1891. V. 3. pt. 24, p. 20-36.) C Hassmann, Fr. S. Rudolf. Allgemeine erzie- hungslehre fur lehrer- und lehrerinnen-bildungs- anstalten. . . 2. verb. aufl. . . Paderborn, 1900. O. 6 + 136 p. C Haven, Rev. Joseph. Mental science as a branch of education. {In Am. Instit. of Instr. Lectures, 1856. p. 53-78.) C Heilmann, Karl. Erziehungs- und unterrichts- lehre ; ein handbuch der padagogik. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1898-99. O. 2 v. ill. T Heimesch, Carl Heinrich. Die willensbildung ; eine psychologisch-padagogische betrachtung. Lan- gensalza, 1896. O. 41 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 81.) C Helm, Johann. Handbuch der allgemeinen pada- gogik. Erlangen, 1894. O. 11 + 315P. CT Herbart, Johann Friedrich. Application of psychology to the science of education, translated and edited with ... an introduction to the study of Herbart, by B. C. Mulliner. . . New York, 1898, D. 125 -I- 231 p. ill. pi. T [Same.] London, 1898. O. 125 + 231 p. C He\7ett, Edwin C. Treatise on pedagogy. . . Cincinnati, 1884. D. 228 p. C T Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Art of study; a manual for teachers and students of the science and the art of teaching. New York., 1900. D. 266 p. ill. C T THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 261 Hofler, Alois, and Witasek, Stephan. Physio- logische oder experimentelle psychologic am gym- nasium? Zwei vortrage. fVien, iSgS, O. 32 p. I ill. C J. Science of the mind applied New York, 1894 [C. '85]. D. T Hoffman, U to teaching. . . 379 P- '"• Holbrook, Alfred. The normal ; or, Methods of teaching the common branches. . . Lebanon, 1859. D. 456 p. C Holbrook, Martin Luther, M.D. How to strengthen the memory ; or, Natural and scientific methods of never forgetting. . . New York, 1886. D. 152 p. C Holman, Henry. Education, an introduction to its principles and their psychological foundations. New York, 1896. D. 12 + 536 p. T Hoose, James H. On the province of methods of teaching ; a professional study. . . Syracuse, 1893. S. 37 + 376 p. T Hopkins, Mrs. Louisa Parsons, Educational psychology ; a treatise for parents and educators. Boston, 1886. S. [3] + 96 p. T How shall my child be taught ? Practical pedagogy ; or. The science of teaching illustrated. Boston, 1887. D. 12 + 276 p. C T Horw^icz, Gustav Adolf. Der padagogische wert der neueren psychologic. (/« Paedagogium, 1879. V. r, p. 209-18 and 277-86.) T Ho'wland, George. Practical hints for the teachers of public schools. New York, 1889. D. 12 + 193 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. V. I3-) Hughes, James Laughlin. retain attention. Syracuse, \l CT How to secure and 4. S. 97 p. T 1886. Mistakes in teaching. s. 135 P- 4th ed. Syracuse, T Mistakes in teaching. English ed. with preface by the Rev. Canon Evan Daniel. London, 1898. D. 124 p. C T Huntington, Frederic Dan, bp. Unconscious tuition, a lecture. Boston, 1867. O. 25 p. C [Same]. room classics.) Syracuse, 1878. S. 45 p. (School- T Huther, August. Grundziige der psycholo- gischen erziehungslehre ; nebst einem anhang iiber charakterologie. Berlin, 1898. O. 4 + 169 p. C Die psychologische grundlage des unterrichts. Berlin, 1899. O- 83 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychologie und physiologic, v. 2, pt. 6.) C Die psychologischen grundprinzipien der padagogik. Berlin, 1900. O. 62 p. C Huysen, Gotthelf. Flinf kapitel zur idealen seite der padagogik. Bremen, 1880. D. 6 + [i] + 339 P- C Hyde, Rev. William de Witt. Practical ideal- ism. New York, 1897. D. 11 + 335 p. C Jacobi, Mrs. Mary (Putnam), M.D. Physio- logical notes on primary education and the study of language. New York, 1880. D. [3] + 128 p. ill. C T Jager, Oskar. Aus der praxis ; ein padago- gisches testament. 2. aufl. Wiesbaden, 1885. O. 6 + 168 p. C Jahn, Max. Psychologie als grundwissenschaft der padagogik ; ein lehr- und handbuch unter mit- wirkung von Dr. K. Heilmann. 2. . . verm. aufl. Leipzig, 1897. O. 7 4- 413 P- C Die zeitverhaltnisse des vorstellens und deren wichtigkeit fur den unterricht : ein beitrag zur psychologischen padagpgik. Leipzig, iZiii. O. 40 p. C James, Edmund Janes. Chairs of pedagogics in our universities : a discussion of the science and art of education as university disciplines. Phila- delphia [I887] O. 46 p. C James, William. Talks to teachers on psy- chology, and to students on some of life's ideals. New York, 1899. Sq. O. 11 + 301 p. T Janet, Paul, and Thamin, Raymond. Cours de psychologie et de morale, i" annee, psychologie theorique et appliquee. . . Paris, 1891. D. [V. I., (Cours complet d'enseignement dans les ecoles normales primaires. ) C Johnson, W. On the education of the reason- ing faculties. (/« Farrar, F. W. ed. Essays on a liberal education. 1867. p. 313-63.) C T Johnson, Walter Rogers. On the utility of visible illustrations. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1832. p. 65-85.) C Johonnot, James. Principles and practice of teaching. New York, 1886 [C. '78] D. 395 p. T Principles and practice of teaching, revised by S. E. Johonnot. New York, 1896. D. 20 H- 334 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 39.) . C T Jones, R. D. Opening address before the N. Y. State Teachers' Assoc, at Utica, August i, 1855. Albany, 1855. O. 12 p. C Joyce, Patrick Weston. Handbook of school management and methods of teaching. i8th ed. . . London, 1898. S. 8 + 326 p. C Kauermann, Fr. Beachte die individualitat der kinder ! (In Lehrer-priifungs und informations- arbeiten. 1895. v. 2, pt. 16, p. 14-25.) C Hay, David. Memory, what it is and how to improve it. New York, 1889. D. 26 4- [i] + 334 p. (Internat. ed. ser.; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 8.) CT Keber, Agathon. Zur methodik und pada- gogik. . . Cothen, \Zti. D. [5] -f- 272 p. C Eeferstein, Horst. Zur frage des egoismus. Langensalza, 1897. O. 37 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 93.) c Kein besonderes gefUhlsvermogen ; einige kapi- tel aus der padagogischen psychologie . . . von Einem praktischen schulmanne. Ketnpten, 1895. D. 71 p. (Padagog. vortrage u. abhandl. v. 2, no. 4.) C 262 EDUCATION Eenyon, Ellen E. The coming school ; a se- quel to " The young idea " by Caroline B. Le Row . . . New York [1889], Sq. S. 7 + 146 p. C Kern, Hermann. Grundriss der padagogik. 4. aufl. Berlin, 1887. O. 12 + 326 p. T Keudel, H. Das erste schuljahr ; eine metho- dische behandlung samtlicher unterrichtsfacher der elementarklasse. Ftir lehrer und seminaristen be- arbeitet. . . 2. aufl. Gera, 1892. O. 4 + 203 p. C Kiddle, Henry. Common-school teaching ; a lecture delivered before the Teachers' Assoc, of Brooklyn, September 28, 1877. New York, 1877. D. 38 p. (Papers on education. 1=' ser. no. 9.) C Harrison, T. F., and Calkins, N. A. How to teach ; a manual of methods for a graded course of instruction. . . New York, 1874. D. 269 p. T Eiessler, F. Die vorstellungsreihe, ihr wesen und ihr bedeutung fur den unterricht. {In Lehrer- priifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1893. v. 3, pt. 26, p. 1-15.) C Kirchner, Friedrich. Katechismus der pada- gogik. Leipzig, 1890. S. 6 4- 159 p. T Klein, Ernst Philipp. Rettet des deutschen volkes gemiit ! das gefiihlsleben und seine pflege in der volksschule. Osnabriick, 1892. D. 72 p. C Klemm, Louis Richard. Chips from a teacher's workshop. Boston, 1888. D. 408 p. (Educat. topics of the day.) T Klopper, K. Grundriss der padagogik fUr lehrerinnen, lehrerinnen-bildungsanstalten . . . mit riicksicht auf die prlifungs-ordnung fiir lehre- rinnen in Preussen. . . 2. . . verm, aufl, Rostock, 1884. O. 8 -f 288 p. C Kockel, F. W. Lehrplan fiir die einfachen volksschulen des konigreichs Sachsen vom 5. Nov. 1878. . . 8. . . . erweiterte aufl. Dresden, 1900, O. 157 p. C Kohlstock, K. Eine schtilerreise. Langen- salza, 1899. O. 8-1-36 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 131.) C Korner, Friedrich. Unterrichts- und erzie- hungs-kunst nach physiologisch-psychologischen ge- setzen und den forderungen des kulturlebens. . . Pest, 1870. O. 12 -H 482 -H [2] p. C Krause, August Siegmund. Kurtze und deut- liche anweisung zu nSthiger und nUtzlicher aufifer- ziehund unterrichtung der jugend. . . Budissin, ijig. Nar. S. [16] + 261 p. C Krause, Friedrich W. D. Die gliederung der lehrarbeit in der erziehungsschule. Dessau, 1894. D. 81 p. C Das leben der menschlichen seele und ihre erziehung ; psychologisch-padagogische briefe. Des- sau [1898-99]. D. 2 V. C Krichau, Rudolf. Lehrplan und pensenver- teilung fUr eine einklassige volksschule. Hanno- ver, 1897. O. [3] + 125 p. C Lacombe, Paul. Esquisse d'un enseignement base sur la psychologic de I'enfant. Paris, 1899. D. 13 -f- 212 + [I] p. C T La Hautiere, E. de. Cours de psychologic elementaire appliquee a I'education. Paris, 1888. D. 6 -f- 410 p. T Lainborn, E. Practical teacher. . . Lancas- ter, Penn., 1855. O. 113 p. T liandon, Joseph. Principles and practice of teaching and class management. New York, 1894. D. 16 -h 462 p. C T [Same.] 3d ed. enl. London, 1894. O. 16 + 500 p. C Lange, Karl. Apperception : a monograph on psychology and pedagogy, translated ... by the . . . members of the Herbart Club. . . ed. by Charles de Garmo. Boston, 1893. D. 9 -h 279 p. C T Lehrmethode und lehrerpers6nlichkeit ; vor- trag. . . Leipzig, 1895. O. 24 p. C Uber apperzeption ; eine psychologisch- padagogische monographic. 2. . . aufl. Plauen, 1887. O. [6] + 137 p. C T Lange, Wichard. Zehn jahre aus meiner pada- gogischen praxis. . . Hamburg, 1861. D. 6 + [I] -I- 268 p. C Lauckhard, Karl Friedrich. Padagogischen studien fiir eltem und lehrer. Neue ausgabe. Leipzig, l%^s■ Nar. O. 8 -|- 246 p. C Lauderbach, H. Y. Hints on school educa- tion and discipline. 5th ed. n. t.-p. D. 31 p. C Laurie, Simon Somerville. Institutes of edu- cation ; comprising an introduction to rational psy- chology. . . New York, 1892. D. [ii] + 272 p. CT Le Row, Caroline B. ' ' The young idea " ; or, Common school culture. . . New York [I888]. S. [7] + 214 p. C Leh m an n , Rudolf. Erziehung und erzieher. Berlin, 1901. O. 8 + 344 p. C Leonard, Rev. Levi Washburn. On the pres- ent conditions and wants of common schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 185 1. p. 163-79.) C Lind, George Dallas. Normal outlines of the common school branches. . . 3d ed. Danville, 1880. D. 200 p. T Lobsien, Marx, Die mechanische leseschwie- rigkeit der schriftzeichen auf psych ophysischer und experimenteller grundlage. Langensalza, 1898. O. 63 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. iii.) C Unterricht und ermiidung ; experimentelle untersuchungen. Langensalza, 1899. O. 70 p. ill. (Padagog. mag. pt. 127.) C Lomberg, O. Ober schulwanderungen. Lan- gensalza, 1887. O. 88 p. T Lotze, Rudolf Hermann. Padagogische psy- chologic nach H. Lotze in ihrer anwendung auf die schulpraxis und auf die erziehung von Friedrich Bar- tels. Jena, 1891. D. 222 p. T THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 263 Lio\irell, Mrs. Josephine (Shaw). Paper read before the members of the N. Y. State Assoc, of Teachers, 1880. New York, 1886. O. 18 p. C liuckfield, E. Ober erziehung zur aufmerk- samkeit. {In Neue bahnen. 1898. v. 9, p, 361- 72.) T Lukins, Herman T. Connection between thought and memory, a contribution to pedagogical psychology on the basis of F. W. Dorpfeld's mono- graph " Denken und gedachtnis," with an introduc- tion by G. S. Hall. Boston, 1895. D. 10 -f- 169 p. (Heath's pedagogical library.) C Ijyttelton, Edward. Principles and practice. (/« Thirteen essays on education. 1891. p. 1-26.) CT Maass> B, Die psychologic in ihrer anwendung auf die schulpraxis. 4. aufl. Breslau, 1887. O. 84 p. T MacDonald, Arthur. Power of suggestion. [Philadelphia, 1899.] O. 9 p. C Pedagogic hypnotism. [Louisville, 1899.] T. 12 p. C Recent instruments of precision for the mus- cular and tactile sensations. [IVashingtonl] 1899. O, 7 p. ill. C McLellan, James A., and Dewey, John. Ap- plied psychology : an introduction to the principles and practice of education. Boston [pref. 1889]. D. 31 -h 317 p. ill. ■ T McMurry, Charles Alexander. Elements of general method, based on the principles of Herbart. 2d ed. Bloomington, 1893. D. 201 p. C T How lo conduct the recitation . . . New York, 1890. S. 34 p. (Teachers' manuals, no. 13.) T and McMurry, F. M. Method of reci- tation. Bloomington, 1897. D. 319 p. T Maennel, B. Uber padagogische diskussionen und die bedingungen, unter denen sie niltzen kon- nen. 2. . . verm. aufl. Langensalza, 1898. O. 41 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 2.) C Maher, Michael. Psychology ; empirical and rational. 4th ed. London, 1900. D. 16 + 602 + 12 p. pi. C Maier, Gottfried. Padagogische psychologie fttr schule und haus, auf grund der erfahrung und neuren forschung. Gotha, 1894. O. 12 + 316 -|- [I] P- C Maillet, Eugene, L'education : elements de psychologie de I'homme et de I'enfant appliquee 4 la pedagogic. Paris, 1890. D. 12 -(- 678 p. T Marble, Albert Prescott. i. Development of character, 11. Two classes. iii. Ranking and marking : an address to the public school teachers . . . Worcester, March 30, i88i. Worcester, i88r. O. 24 p. C Directions to teachers : On the exercises commemorative of Garfield, Sept. 24, 1881. Wor- cester, 1881. O. 10 -)- [I] p. C The imagination ; an address before the Worcester County Teachers' Assoc, October, 1883. n. t.-p. O. 13 p. C Margerison, Thomas Ernest. Psychology and education. London, 1900. D. 102 4- 2 p. C Marion, Fran9ois Henri, Lemons de psycho- logie appliquee a l'education. . . 8« ed. Paris, 1895. D. 538 p. T [Same.] g^ ed. Paris, 1899. D. 538 p. T Mariotti, Louis. Conferences de pedagogic ; manuel des el^ves-maitres . . . 2^ ed. . . augm. Paris, 1S73. D. 7 -f- 404 p. ill. C Markel, Gustav. Uber die einbildungskraft und ihre bedeutung fur unterricht und erziehung. 2. aufl. Dobeln, 1892. O. 64 p. C Martig, E. Anschauungs-psychologie mit anwendung auf die erziehung. . . 4. verb. aufl. Bern, 1897. O. 10 H- 301 p. C Lehrbuch der padagogik ; ftir lehrer- und lehrerinnen-seminare sowie zum selbstunterricht. 2. . . aufl. Bern, 1892. O. 8 -|- 189 p. C Mehner, Max. Die induktion als psycholo- gisches fundamentalprinzip der gesamten unter- richtsmethodik. {In Neue bahnen. 1899. v. 10, p. 529-38 and 593-601.) T Melzi, Costantino. Antropologia pedagogica. Arona, 1899. D. 7 -f- 246 -f [i]. p. C Menet, Rev. John. Practical hints on teach- ing. London, 1867. D. n -h I2i p. tab. T Messer, August. Kritische untersuchungen uber denken, sprechen und sprachunterricht. Ber- lin, 1900. O. 51 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol. und physiol. V. 3, pt. 6.) C Die wirksamkeit der apperception in den personlichen beziehungen der schullebens. Berlin, 1899. O. 69 p. (Same. v. 2, pt. 8.) C Meyer, Bertha. Zur ersten erziehung ; ein wort an frauen und mutter. Berlin, 1869. D. 20 p. C Meyer, Johannes. Lehrplane fur einfache volksschule . . . nach massgabe der ministeriellen " allgemeinen bestimmungen vom 15 Oktober 1872 " bearbeitet. Hannover, 1879. O- 8 + 135 p. C Miss Preston's assistant. Preston papers. Rochester [C. 1890.] D. 10 + 144 p. T Mittenzwey, L. Die pflege der individualitat in der schule. Langensalza, 1895. O. 51 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 61.) C Moncrie£F, Ascott Robert Hope. Book about dominies . . . by A. R. Hope. 4th ed. Edin- burgh, 1871. D. 6 + [2] -t- 248 p. C Monroe, Will Seymour. Die entwickelung des sozialen bewusstseins der kinder ; studie zur psycho- logie und padagogik der kindheit. Berlin, 1899. . 88 p . (Samml . von abhandl . aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol. und physiol. 1899. v. 3, pt. 2.) C 264 EDUCATION Morgan, Conwy Lloyd. Psychology for teach- ers, with a preface by J. G. Fitch. London [pref . i8g4]. D. io + [i] + 25ip. ill. T Morgan, Thomas Jefferson. Studies in peda- gogy. Boston, i%()2. D. 355 p- CT Muller, Josef. Padagogik und didaktik auf modemwissenschaf tlicher grundlage . Mainz, 1893. O. 6 + [I] + 192 p. C Muller, Otto. Wesen, geschichte und padago- gischer wert der erotematischen lehrform. Berlin, 1895. O. 50 + [3] p. C Miinsterberg, Hugo. Psychology and life. Boston, 1899. O. 14 -)- 286 p. C T Nadler, Friedrich. Ratgeber far volksschul- lehrer. 6. verm. . . aufl. . . Langensalza, 1900. O. 10 + I + 685 p. ill. C Naegelsbach, Carl Friedrich von. C. F. von Naegelsbach's gymnasial-padagogik ; hrsg. von Georg Autenrieth. 3. durchgesehene aufl, . . Er- langen, 1879. D. 16 + 175 p. por. C Naudy, T. L'ecole, education et instruction en commun. Paris, 1882. D. [5] + 180 + 3 p. T N. E. Superintendents* Assoc. — Special committee. General principles to be observed in making a course of study . . . with their applica- tion to geography and arithmetic. . . 1890. O. 15 p. tab. C Outline course of study in elementary science, manual training, and language. . . 1890. O. 23 p. C Ne\r School of Methods, igoo. Hingham, 1900. Sq. D. [Announcement] C NeTVCOmb, George B. Teaching school-chil- dren to think. New York [i889> D. 22 p. C T Noetling, William. Notes on the science and art of education. New York [1895]. D. 195 p. ill. T Nogier, J. J. L'education des facultes men- tales. Paris, 1892. D. 173 + [I] p. C Nohl, Clemens. Essen [I898]. O. Neue beitrage zur schulreform. [3] + 96 p. C Padagogik ftlr h6here lehranstalten. «>«' (-^"^ der schule flir die schule. no. 83.) C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 267 Schmidt S. Gedankenzu einerkunftigcnerzie- hungslehre. Neuwied, 1896. O. 28 p. (Same. no, 67.) C Schmidt, Franz. t)ber den reiz des unterrich- tens ; eine padagogisch-psychologische analyse. Ber- lin, 1900. O. 36 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol. und physiol. v. 3. pt. 3.) C Schneider, Albert. The limitations of learn- ing and other science papers. . . Chicago, iqcxj. D. 100 p. C Schneider, J. Zur methodik des deutschen unterrichtes der volksschule. . . Dusseldorf, 1896. O. [8] + 117 p. C School and the schoolmaster. . . New York, 1842. D. f7] + 552 p. ill. pi. C T Contents : pt. I Potter, Alonzo, bp. The school, pt. 2 Emerson, G. B. The schoolmaster. Schoolmaster's difficulties abroad and at home. . . London, 1853. S. 6 + [i] + 229 p. T SchrefF, H. Die einiibung des unterrichts stoffes. (/« Lehrer-prlifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1894. V. 3. pt. 28, p. I-I3-) C Schumann, Johann Christian Gottlob. Ge- schichte der padagogik im umriss. 2. aufl. Han- nover, 1881. O. [4i + 256 p. C Sch-warz, Friedrich Heinrich Christian. Lehr- buch der methodik ; oder,- Der lehrkunst fur den erziehenden unterricht. 3. aufl. Heidelberg, x'i)'^^. O. 138 p. {In his Lehrbuch der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1835. v. 2.) C Lehrbuch der padagogik ; oder, Der erzie- hungskunde. 3. aufl. Heidelberg, 1835. O. 18 + 214 p. {In his Lehrbuch der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1835. v. i.) C Schvrochen, H., and Seydel, A. ed. Methodik des volksschulunterrichts in ubersichtlicher dartstel- lung ; ein lern- und wiederholungsbuch zur vor- bereitung auf padagogische priifungen. 5. verm. . . aufl. Gera, 1899. O. 8-1- 400 p. ill. C Scott, Harriet Maud, and Buch, Gertrude. Or- ganic education ; a manual for teachers in primary and grammar grades. Ann Arbor, iSgy. T>. 7 + 291 p. T Scripture, Edward Wheeler. Education as a science, n. t.-p. O. 4 p. C Seebold, Hermann. Entwurf eines lehrplans fureinklassige volksschulen, nach den ministeriellen bestimmungen vom 15. October, 1872. . . 4. aufl. Hannover, 1879. O. 56 p. C Seiffert, . Psychologische studien auf padagogische grundlage. {In Neue jahrb. fur phi- lol. und pad. 1895, v. 152, p. 361-78 ; 1896, v. 154, p. 257-71.) C Seyfert, Richard, Schulpraxis ; methodik der volksschule. Leipzig, 1896. S. 155 p. (Samml. GOschen. v. 50.) C Shavr, Edward Richard, National question book ; a graded course of study for teachers and students. New York [189O]. D. 12 -|- 382 p. T Three studies in education. New York [1899]. D. 31 p. T Contents : The spelling question. — Composition for elementary schools. — Value of the motor activi- ties in education. and Donnell, Webb. School devices ; a book of ways and suggestions for teachers. New York, 1886. S. 217 p. ill. T Shoveller, John. Scholastic education ; or, A synopsis of the studies recommended to employ the time and engage the attention of youth. . . 2d ed. London, 1824. O 8 + 178 p. 3 tab. T Sickel, Gustav Adolf Friedrich. Versuch einer erziehungsseelenlehre fur eltern und erzieher, wel- che niitzliche, glUckliche und gute menschen bil- denwollen. , , Halle, 1826. Nar. O. 14 -f- [i] + 349 P- C Sieler, Albin. Die padagogik als angewandte ethik und psychologie ; vortrag. . . Langensalza, 1898, O. 46 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 109.) C Sizer, Nelson. How to teach according to temperament and mental development. . . New York, 1888 [C. '76]. D. 331 p. ill, T Smith, Andrew Thomas. Mind evaluation for teaching purposes. [New York-^ 1893. O. 32 p. C Systematic methodology, designed to ra- tionalize and harmonize teaching processes. New York [I90O]. D. 366 p. C Sollier, Paul. Probleme de la memoire ; essai de psycho-mecanique . . . Paris, 1900. O. 218 + [I] p. C Les troubles de la memoire. Paris, 1892. D. 262 p. ill. C South^ick, Albert P. Quiz-book, on the theory and practice of teaching. Syracuse, 1887. D. 220 p. T Spencer, Frederic. Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 2d ed. Cambridge [Eng.\ 1899. D. 8 -I- 284 p. C T Staude, Paul. Uber belehrungen im anschlusse an den deutschen aufsatz, Langensalza, 1897. O. 32 p, (Padagog. mag. pt. 92.) C . Stearns, John, M.D. Philosophy of mind, de- veloping new sources of ideas, designating their dis- tinctive classes, and simplifying the faculties and operations of the whole mind. New York, 1840. O. 25 p. C Stearns, Rev. William Augustus. Life work of the teacher : an oration at the semi-centennial anniversary of the Albany Female Academy, May 17th, 1864. Boston, 1864. O. 19 p. C Stebbins, Rev. M. C, Practicality in teaching. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1866. p. 105- 38.) c Stiller, Ferdinand. Das ganze der erziehung und des unterrichts fUr eltern, erzieher . . . nach A. H. Niemeyers Grundsatzen bearbeit, Meissen, 1831. D. 3 pts. in 2 V. C 268 EDUCATION Stow, David. Training system of education, in- cluding moral school training for large towns, and normal seminary for training teachers to conduct the system, nth ed. enl. London^ 1859. O- 12 + 564 p. ill. I pi. C History and principles of Stow's training system ; with a . . . review of the prevailing state of education in the colleges and higher schools of the kingdom. . . Glasgow, 1852. O. 6 + 157 p. CT Stoy, Heinrich. Padagogik der schnlreise ; festgabe zur enthlillung das Stoydenkmals darge- bracht vom der Stoyschen erziehungsanstalt und tiberreicht von ihrem direktor. . . Leipzig, 1898. Q. 6 + 332 p. 65 ill. I pi. map. C Contents : 1 Allgemeine gesichtspunkte von Heinrich Stoy. 2 Beschreibung der drei reisen des jahres 1890. Bliedner, Arno. Zur erinnerung an Karl Volkmar Stoy. Langensalza, 1898. O. 15 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 112.) C Stroia« Joan. Theodor Waltz's system der erziehung ; darstellung . . . desselben im anschluss seiner " Allgemeinen padagogik," mit . . . be- rucksichtigung . . . des verhaltnisses zu Herbart. Hermannstadt, 1894. O. 4 + 91 p. C Striimpell, Ludwig. gik. Leipzig, 1880. O. Psychologische padago- 8 + 368 p. C T Sud>rez, Jose Bernardo. Guia del preceptor primario i del visitador de escuelas. . . Santiago, 1868. O. 8 + 132 p. 3 tab. C Sully, James. Outlines of psychology with . . . reference to the theory of education. . . New York, 1884. O. 24 + 711 p. C T S'vrett, John. Methods of teaching. . . New York, 1886 [C. '8O]. D. 14 + 326 p. T Sypher, Josiah Rhinehart. Art of teaching school. . . New ed. Philadelphia, 1872. D. 327 p. T Tanner, Amy Eliza. Association of ideas ; a preliminary study. Chicago, 1900. O. 62 p. (Univ. of Chicago— Contr. to philos. v. 2, no. 3.) C Tate, Thomas. Philosophy of education ; or, The principles and practice of teaching. 2d ed. . . enl. London, 1857. S. 12 + 338 p. ill. C T Taylor, A. R. Among ourselves ; a schoolmas- ter with his friends at the round table. New York [C. 190O]. S. 149 p. I ill. (Reading circle li- brary, no. 17.) C Teacher's manual of the science and art of teaching. 6th ed. London, n. d. D. 20 + 547 p. T Thaulo'W, Gnstav Ferdinand. Erhebung der padagogik zur philosophischen wissenschaft ; oder, Einleitung in die philosopbie der padagogik ; zum behuf seiner vorlesungen. . . Berlin, 1845. O. 14 4- 212 p. C Hegel's ansichten Uber erziehung und unter- richt. . . Kiel, 1853-54. O. 3 v. in i, facsim. C Th^ry, Augustin Franfois. Lettres sur la pro- fession d'instituteur. . . 7"* ed. Paris, 1882. D. 418 p. T Thompson, Charles Oliver. Hints towards a profession of teaching ; an address delivered before the Am. Inst, of Instr. at its annual meeting in . . . Boston, August 31st, 1867. Boston, 1867. O. 47 p. C Thorndike, Edward. The human nature club ; an introduction to the study of mental life. New York, 1901. D. 7 + 235 p. C T Thring, Rev. Edward. Education and school. 2d ed. London, 1867, D. 16 + 278 p. T Practical thoughts on education after 30 years' work. (/« London — Ed. Soc. Trans. 1884- 85. V. I, p. 25-36.) T Theory and practice of teaching. New . . . ed. Cambridge [Eng.-\ 1885. S. 14 + [i] + 262 p. T Thinking in shape and pictorial teaching. {In Teachers' Guild of Gr. Br. and Irel. Papers. 1887. V. I, p. 21-41.) T Titchener, Edward Bradford. Experimental psychology ; a manual of laboratory practice. . . New York, 1900. O. v. i. C T Tompkins, Arnold. Philosophy of teaching. Boston, 1894 [C. '9I]. D. 12 + 280 p. T Trebuss, G. Einfluss der methode des lehrers auf die charakterbildung der schUler. (/« Lehrer- prlifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1897. v. 3, pt, 30, p. i-ri.) C Trliper, Johannes. Ungeloste aufgaben der padagogik. . . (In Padagog. mag. pt. 71. 1896. p. 1-14.) c T\ro premium essays, i. Oral teaching : Its proper limits and methods, by John W. Dickinson. 2. The proper functions of the free high schools, by Horace H. Morgan. Boston, i88o. O. 46 p. C Ufer, Christian. Ober sinnestypen und ver- wandte erscheinungen. Langensalza, 1895. O. [4] + 29 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 62. Beitrage zur padagog. pathopsychologie ; hrsg. von Chr. Ufer. pt. 3.) C University of Texas — Committee on Affili- ated Schools. Suggestions concerning courses of study and methods of teaching in high schools. Austin, 1901. O. 83 p. C Van Wie, C. B. Methods in common branches. Syracuse, 1892. D. 197 p. ill. C T Vernier, C. La dissertation de pedagogic, theorie et pratique. . . Paris, 1890. D. 364 p. T Vieillot, J. Notions de psychologic appliquee aux choses de I'enseignement . . . Paris [1898]. D. 120 p. C Villari, Pasquale. Scritti pedagogici. Firemi, 1868. Nar. D. 4 + 414 + [i] P- C Vincent, John Heyl, bp. A study in peda- gogy. New York, 1890. D. 73 p. C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 269 Vogelf August. Methodik des gesammten deut- schen unterrichts in der volksschule begrlindet et entwickelt aus ihrer geschichte. Gutersloh, 1874. O. 6 + [I] + 159 P- C Wagner, L. Die elemente des teilens in ihrer psychologischen begrundung ; ein beitrag zur psy- chologischen padagogik. (In Neue bahnen. 1899. V. 10, p. 622-27.) T Waitz, Theodor. Allgemeine padagogik und kleinere padagogische schriften . . . hrsg. von O. Willmann. 3. aufl. Braunschweig, 1883. O. 79 + 552 p. C T [Same.] Neue ausgabe. Langensalza, 1899. I^- 12 4- 412 p. C Waldeck, Oskar. GrundzUge des wissenschaft- lichen padagogik und das akademische seminar. . . Leipzig, 1881. O. 2 + 53 + [ij p. C Waldstein, Louis, M.D. Subconscious self and its relation to education and health. . . New York, 1897. D. 171 p. C Walsemann, A. Das interesse, sein wesen und seine bedeutung fiir den unterricht ; eine Ziller- studie. Hannover, 1884. O. 84 p. C T Walther, Th. Die bedeutung der psychologic als einer grundlegenden wissenschaf t der padagogik. (In Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 6, pt. 5, p. i- 15.) C Weiskonig, Paul. Die normalw5rtermethode und deren nothwendige weiter bearbeitung. (In Paedagogium. 1886. v. 8, p. 770-86.) T Welch, Adonijah Strongf. Teachers' psychology , . . New York, 1889. D. 11 + 286 p. ill. C Wellington, O. H., M.D. Some principles and methods adopted and imperfectly tried twenty years ago, in an ideal school. [Anon.] New York, 1879. D. 23 p. C Wendt, Ferdinand Maria. Psychologische kin- dergartenpadagogik. (In Padagog. abhandl. 1887. p. 1-67.) C Das wahre wesen der gefiihle. Wiesbaden, 1895. O. 35 p. I ill. (Padagog. zeit- und streit- fragen. v. 8, pt. i.) C Westcott, Edith C. New education illustrated with photographs from life by F. B. Johnston. Richmond, Fa., 1900. Obi. O. no. 1-4. ill. T Contents : I. Primpry. — 2. Arithmetic. — 3. Geography. — 4. Manual training. W^hite, Emerson Elbridge. Elements of peda- gogy. . . A^ew York [I886]. D. 8 + 336 p. T Wickersham, James Pyle. Methods of in- struction. . . Philadelphia, 1873 [C '65]. D, 496 p. T Wittstock, Albert. Grundriss einer encyklo- padie der padagogik. Neue ausgabe. Leipzig [pref. 1865]. O. 8 -h 134 p. C Wohlrabe, Wilhelm. Lehrplan der sechsstufi- gen volksschule zu Halle a. S., fiir den unterricht in geschichte, geographic, naturlehre, raumlehre, Deutsch. Langensalza, 1892. O. 32 p. (Pada- gog. mag. pt. 18.) C Worst, Raimond Jakob. Die zwei ersten schul- jahre ; ein theoretisch-praktische, auf das neue psychologische system von Dr. Beneke gegrUndete anleitung zur behandlung sammtlicher unterrichts- gegenstande in der ersten elementarklasse. . . 3. aufl. Reutlingen, 1842. O. 13 -\- [7] -f- 350 p. pi. tab. C IToung, W. T. Art of putting questions. New ed. rev. by C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse, 1895. S. 65 p. C Zachos, J. C. An appeal to the friends of education, for the immigrant, and the freed-people of the South. Boston, 1864. O. 10 p. C Zaglia, Marcello. Nozioni elementari di psi- cologia e pedagogia. . . Milano, 1891. O. 212 + [I] P- C Zeissig, Emil. Neue bahnen fUr den formen- kundlichen unterricht der volksschule. (In Neue bahnen. 1898. v. 9, p. 301-17.) T Zerrenner, Karl Christoph Gottlieb. Metho- denbuch fUr volksschullehrer. 5. . . verm. aufl. Magdeburg, 1839. ^' ^4 + 689 p. ill. pi. C Ziegler, Konrad. Das dasein der seele. Win- den, 1887. O. 46 p. (In Lehrer-priifungs und inform. -arbeiten. v. 2, pt. 12.) C a. SPECIAL METHODS ENGLISH Text-books in composition and rhetoric are not included. Anderson, William E. English in elementary schools, n. t.-p. O. 8 p. C Arnold, Sarah Louise. Reading ; how to teach it. New York [C. 1899]. S. 288 p. i ill. T Austen, Peter Townsend. English examina- tions, n. t.-p. O. [5] p. C Avery, Mary L. Duty of the college graduate to the English language ; paper presented to the Assoc, of College Alumnae, at Northampton . . . October 22, 1887. n. t.-p. O. 15 p. C Aydelott, Rev. Benjamin Parkham. Address on collegiate departments of the English language and literature. . . Cincinnati, 1838. O. 21 p. C Bain, Alexander. On teaching English ; with examples, and an enquiry into the definition of po- etry. London, 1887. D. 13 + 256 p. T Bell, Alexander Melville. Address to the Na- tional Assoc, of Elocutionists. . . Washington, 1895. D. 25 p. (Volta bureau. [Publ.]) C Englische sichtbare sprache in zwolf lektio- nen. Rochester [C. 1895]. D. 80 p. ill. C Essays and postscripts on elocution. York, 1886. D. [5] + 212 p. New C Explanatory lecture on visible speech the science of universal alphabetics, delivered before the College of Preceptors. London, 1870. O. 16 p. I pi. C Faults of speech ; a self-corrector and teach- ers' manual. 4th ed. Washington, 1898. Sq. S. 6+ 71 p. C 270 EDUCATION Bellf Alexander Melville (continued) Hand-book of world-English. New York 5C. 1888]. O. 35 p. C Note on syllabic consonants : read . . . December, 1894. . . Washington, n. d. D. 10 p. (Volta bureau. [Publ.]) C On the use of notations in elocutionary teaching. . . Washington [pref. 1899]. ^- 23 p. (Volta bureau. [Publ.]) C Phonetic syllabication the cure for oratorical and other defects of speech. . . Washington \c. 1896]. D. 27 p. (Volta bureau. [Publ.]) ' C Popular manual of vocal physiology and vis- ible speech. 2d ed. New York [C. 1889]. Sq. S. 59 p. C T Principles of speech and dictionary of sounds ; including directions and exercises for the cure of stammering, and correction of all faults of articulation. Washington, 1900. D. 11 + 296 p. por. C Sermon reading and memoriter delivery. . . New ed. . . Washington, 1898. D. 42 p. (Volta bureau. [Publ.]) C Sounds of r. . . Washington, p. (Volta bureau. [Publ.]) D. Speech reading and articulation teaching. New York [pref. 189O]. S. 37 p. C Speech tones : a paper read . . . December 27, 1893. . . Washington, n. d. D. 18 p. ill. (Volta bureau. [Publ.]) C World-English, the universal language. [2d thousand.] New York [I888]. O. 29 p. C Bent, Samuel Arthur. Hints on language . . . in primary and intermediate schools. Boston, 1886, S. 75 p. T Blaisdell, Albert F. Guide to English litera- ture ; study of the English classics, a practical handbook for teachers. 4th ed. . . Boston, 1886 [C. '8i-86i. D. 303 p. C Bloch, S. S. Science and art of reading. . . (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1881. p. 157- 73.) C Boston School of Oratory. Catalogue, 1882- 83, 1891-92. Boston, 1882-91. D. ill. C Bo\7en, Herbert Courthope. English literature teaching in schools ; two lectures with examples. London, 1891. D. 56 p. ill. C T Bright, Orville T. Graded instruction in Eng- lish, for the use of teachers. Cincinnati [C. i882]. S. 80 p. T Brinsley, John. Posing of the parts ; or, A most plain and easie way of examining the acci- dence and grammar by questions and answeres. . . London, 1612. Sq. D, 338 p. C Broomell, George D. A paper on English spelling. Chicago, 1900. S. 27 p. C Broien, Goold. On grammar. (/» Am, Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1831. p. 137-82.) C Broken, James. An appeal from the absurdi- ties and contradictions which pervade and deform the old theory of English grammar to the true con- structive principles of the English language. Phil- adelphia, 1850. O. 18 p. C Butterfield, L. Alonzo. Visible speech. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1878. p. 53-64.) C Calkins, Norman Allison. Ear and voice train- ing, by means of elementary sounds of language. . . New York, 1889. S. lo + 80 p. (Reading circle library, no. 10.) C T First reading ; from blackboard to books, with directions for teachers to accompany Calkins's reading cards. New York, 1883. Sq. O. 107 p. ill. C Churchill, John Wesley. Abstract from a pa- per on the outlines of a philosophy of delivery. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1882. p. 272- 85.) c Clark, J. Scott. Study of English and Ameri- can poets ; a laboratory method. . . New York, 1900. O. 14 4- 859 p. T Study of English prose writers ; a laboratory method. . . New York, 1898. O. 15 + 879 p. C Clark, Solomon Henry. How to teach reading in the public schools. Chicago, 1899. D. 295 p. C Colby, J. Rose. Literature in the high school. (/« Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1896. v. 2, p. 145-64-) C T Collins, John Churton. Study of English lit- erature ; a plea for its recognition and organization at the universities. . . London, 1891. D. 20 + 167 p. C Cook, Albert Stanburrough. Phonological in- vestigation of old English, illustrated by a series of fifty problems. Boston, 1888. D. 26 p. C Cronson, Bernard. The thorough study of a masterpiece of literature. New York [1901], D. 44 p. C Dickinson, John W. Limits of oral training. Syracuse, 1890. S. 24 p. (School-room classics, no. 12.) T Eaton, Rev. Arthur Wentworth Hamilton. College requirements in English entrance examina- tions. . . ist-3d series. Boston, 1 892-1900. D. 3v. CT EUinger, Johann. Zur sprachlichen interpre- tation moderner englischer prosatexte an hbheren lehranstalten. {In Englische studien. 1898. v. 25, p. 410-21.) C English grammar viewed from all sides ; the opinions of eminent specialists in English. . . Bos- ton, n. d. D. 8 -f- 16 + 8 p, T Farnham, George L. Sentence method of teaching reading, writing and spelling ; a manual for teachers. 3d ed. . . Syracuse, 1895. D. 55 p. CT Fosdick, David, Jr. On elocution. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1837. p. 109-37.) C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 2/1 Garnett, James Mercer. Historical method in the teaching of English, a paper read . . . July 31, 1879. n. t.-p. O. 10 p. C Gayley, Charles Mills, and Bradley, C. B. Suggestions to teachers of English in the secondary schools. Berkeley^ 1894. D. 68 p. C T Glauning, Friedrich. Englisch. 89 p. (Hand- buch der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. V. 3.) C Gcw, James. Method of English for secondary schools. London, 1899. S. v. i. T Greene, Christopher A. Methods of teaching spelling, (in Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1851. p. i8i-20i.) C Hales, John Wesley. The teaching of English. (/« Farrar, F. W. ed. Essays on a liberal educa- tion, 1867. p. 293-312.) C T Harris, William Torrey. Review questions in grammar and reading and a select list of words diffi- cult to spell. Si. Louis, 1872. O. 15 p. C Harvard University. English in the secon- dary schools ; a plan for work in English adapted to the programmes of the Committee of ten. Cam- bridge, 1897. O. 12 p. I tab. T Twenty years of school and college English. Cambridge, 1896. O. 63 p. T Hill, Adams Sherman. General rules for punc- tuation and for the use of capital letters. Revised ed. Cambridge, xZ^o. D., 44 p. C Our English. New York [i{ + 245 p. S. [7] C Hinsdale, Burke Aaron, Teaching the lan- guage-arts ; speech, reading, composition. New York, 1896. D. 25 -h 205 p. (Internat. ed. ser., ed. W. T. Harris, v. 34.) C T Hopkins, Edwin Mortimer. Suggestions for the teaching of English classics in the high schools. Lawrence, 1897. O. 28 p. i tab. C Hudson, Rev. Henry Norman. Essays of edu- cation, English studies and Shakespeare. Boston, 1890. Sq. S. [54] + 26 + [33] p. T Hu£Fcut, Ernest Wilson. English in the pre- paratory schools. . . Boston, 1887. D. 25 p. (Monographs on education.) C T Hyde, Ellen. English in elementary schools. (/« Am. Inst of Instr. Lectures, 1892. p. iio- 24.) C Illinois University. English composition and literature in the high school ; papers read at the . . . University high school conference . . . May 14 and 15, 1896. . . Urbana, 1896. D. 18 p. C Kimball, Lillian G. Structure of the English sentence. New York [C. 190O]. D. 244 p. C Klinghardt, Hermann. Techmer's und Sweet's vorschlage zur reform des unterrichts im Englischen. (/« Englische studiea. 1886-87. v. 10. p. 48- 80.) C Laing, Mary E. Reading ; a manual for teach- ers. Boston, 1901. D. 6 + 167 p. C Lambert, William H. English in the high school. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1888. p. 54-68.) C Le Row, Caroline B. English as she is taught ; genuine answers to examination questions in our public schools. New York [I887]. Sq. S. 9 + 109 p. C McMurry, Charles Alexander. Special method in . . . reading. . . 5th ed. Bloomington, 1899. Sq. S. 132 p. T Mann, Horace. Lecture on the best mode of preparing and using spelling-books, delivered be- fore the Am. Inst, of Instr., Aug. 1841. Boston, 1841. D. 40 p. C T Marble, Albert Prescott. . t.-p. O. 15 p. Studies in literature. C March, Francis Andrew. Method of philologi- cal study of the English language. New York, 1872. D. 118 p. C Present condition of the spelling reform. (/» Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1878. p. 136- 61.) C Study of Anglo-Saxon, n. t.-p. O. 10 p. C Marsh, George Perkins. Apology for the study of English. {In Dwight, T. W., and Marsh, G. P. Inaugural addresses in Columbia College. 1859. p. 57-93-) C Metcalf, Robert C. How to teach language. Boston, 1888. S. 96 p. il. T Mason, Harriet L. Students' readings and questions in English literature. New York, 1898. S. 85 p. C Mooney, M. S. Foundation studies in litera- ture. . . New York, 1895. D. 14 + 292 p. pi. C Morley, John. On the study of literature ; the annual address to the students of the London Soc. for the Extension of University Teaching, delivered . . . Feb. 26, 1887. London, 1887. S. 53 p. C Ottmann, Hugo. Uber die wahl des lese- stoffes im englischen-unterricht auf der realschule erster ordnung. {In Englische studien, 1880. v. 3- P- 338-55-) C Palmer, George Herbert. Self-cultivation in English. New York [C. 1897]. D. 32 p. T Parker, Richard Green. On the teaching of composition in schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr, Lectures, 1837. p. 181-207.) C On the teaching of English grammar. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1838. p. 11 1-39.) C Pattee, Frederick L. Literature in the public schools. Cincinnati, 1891. O. 48 p. T Payne, William Morton. English in American universities ; by professors in the English depart- ments of twenty representative institutions . . . with an introduction. Boston, 1895. D. 182 p. (Heath's pedagogical library.) C T 272 EDUCATION Price, Thomas Randolph. Methods of lan- guage-teaching as applied to English ; three lec- tures delivered before the Normal School of Virginia. n. t.-p. O. 42 p. C Rand, Asa. On teaching grammar and com- position. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1832. p. 165-84.) C Reeder, Rudolph Rex. Historical develop- ment of school readers and method in teaching read- ing. New York, 1900. O. 92 + [i] p. C T Doctor's dissertation at Columbia University. Rhode Island Institute of Instruction. Three papers on reading and English literature in schools read . . . Jan. . . 1880, vdth the Journal of pro- ceedings. Providence, 1880. O. 83 p. C Richards, Zalmon. Reading ; styles and methods. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr, Lectures, 1867. p. 196-212.) C Russell, William. On reading and declama- tion. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1837. p. 241-62.) c School of Expression. Annual catalogue. 1887, 1893, 1895, 1901. Boston, 1887-1901. S. ill. C Sears, Lorenzo. English composition in col- leges, (/w Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1892. p. 151-73-) C Study of Anglo-Saxon. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1886. p. 76-89.) C Smith, James M. Study of English ; an address delivered before the Alumni of Hobart College. June 27, 1889. [Geneva, 1889.] Sq. O. 12 p. C Sonnenschein, Edward Adolf. Uniformity in the teaching of grammar. {In Teachers' Guild of Gr. Br. and Irel. Papers. 1888-90. p. 68- 82.) T Sorley, William Ritchie. Syllabus of a course of lectures on Elizabethan literature. Cambridge [Eng.-^, n. d. O. 30 p. (Cambridge University. Local lectures.) C Spear, Mary A. Preparing to read . . . with . . . drawings by D. R. Augsburg. 5th ed. Bos- ton, 1899. Sq. D. II +149 p. ill. 18 pi. T Stickney, J. H. Language element in educa- tion. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1880. p. 132-45.) C Stone, Charles Wellington. Rejoinder to the report of the Committee on composition and rhetoric to the Board of overseers of Harvard College. . . Cambridge, 1893. O. 30 p. T Thayer, Gideon French. On the spelling of words and a rational method of teaching their mean- ing. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1830. p. 123-41.) C Thurber, Samuel. Some of the main principles of secondary English teaching, n. t.-p. D. 13 P- C The Three parts of English study ; their cor- relation in secondary teaching. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1892. p. 132-48.) C To what end do high schools teach English ? a paper read . . . November 4, 1892. Boston, 1892. D. 36 p. C T Tillard, Henry Cotterill. Teaching of the mother-tongue in preparatory schools. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 199-205.) C T Trench, Richard Chenevix. English past and present. New York, 1855. D. 213 p. C Various editions. On the study of words. New York, 1859. D. 236 p. C Underwood, Francis Henry. English litera- ture and its place in popular education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1872. p. 186-98.) C Victor, Wilhelm. Die wissenschaftliche gram- matik und der englische unterricht. {In Englische studien. 1880. v. 3, p. 106-24,) C Way, A. S. English, {Jn Spencer, Frederic, ed. Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 1899. p. 121-40.) C T Webster, W. F. Syllabus of a course in Eng- lish presented before the Department of secondary education at Washington, July 8, 1898. n t.-p. O. 9p. C Weeks, Rev. William Raymond. Essay on learning to read and write the English language. New York, 1832. p. 19-24 + [ij. C Wendt, Gustav. Die behandlung der englischen prapositionem auf der realschule I. ordnung. {In Englische studien. 1881, v. 4, p. 100-29 '< 1882, V. 5, p. 279-93 ; 1883, V. 6, p, 216-43.) C Wetherbee, Emily G. Study of English lit- erature. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1886. p. 142-68.) C White, Richard Grant. Every-day English, a sequel to " Words and their uses." . . Boston, 1881. D. 31 + 512 p. C Words and their uses, past and present ; a study of the English language. 8th ed. Boston, 1884. D. 7 + 467 p. C Wilson, Jacob. Rough notes on the errors of grammar, and the nature of language. Canajoharie, 1858. O. 128 p. C Winchester, Caleb Thomas. Five short courses of reading in English literature. . . Boston, 1892. S. 5 + 99 P- C Woodward, F. C. English in the schools. Boston, 1887. D. 25 p. (Monographs on educa- tion.) T Ziehen, Julius. Zum Realienplan englisches Sprachlibungen in den drei oberclassen des Real- gymnasiums. (Englische Studien. 1899. v. 26, p. 238-45.) C GEOGRAPHY Text-books are not included. Augsburg, D. R. Easy drawings for the ge- ography class. New York [I89I]. Sq. O, 95 p. ill. T Backes, K. Wie verhelfen wir dem unter- richte in der heimatkunde zu einem nachhaltigeren erfolge? {In Neue bahnen. 1897. v. 8, p. 579- 98.) T THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 273 Beadle, William Henry Harrison, and Bartlett, A. F, Natural system of teaching geography. Chicago [I899]. Sq. D. 132 p. ill. T Bergemann, Paul. Die sozial-ethische auf- gabe der heimatkunde. 2. aufl. Langensalza, 1899. O. [3] + 50 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 26.) C Berndt, L. Welche bedeutung hat der richtig erteilte geographische unterricht fur die gesamtbil- dung der schuler? {In Lehrer-priifungs und in- form.-arbeiten. 1895. v. 2, pt. 16, p. 1-13.) C Boyer, John M., and Wicks, J. F. Geography by the Brace system ; or, How to study geography . . . Chicago [I891-92]. D. 3 v. in 2. T Contents : 1. South America ; Europe. 2. North America. Burroivs, Rev. Francis Robert. Teaching of geography in preparatory schools. (/« Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. V. 6, p. 219-28.) C T Cameron, Verney Lovett, and others. On the teaching of geography. {In London — Internat. Health Exhibition. 1884. Literature, v. 13, p. 481-99.) C Carter, James Gordon. On the development of the intellectual faculties and on teaching geog- raphy. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1830. p- 53-94.) C Carver, Elvira. How to teach geography. Rev. e'd. Boston [1894]. S. 62 p. T Chicago — Conference on geography. iSgz. Report on governmental map for use in schools. New York, 1894. O. 65 p. C Coler, Johann Christoph. Disputatio mathe- matica de studio atque objecto geographise. Mar- bur gi Cattorum, 1680. Sq. D. 32 p. C Co^vham, Joseph H. The school journey, a means of teaching geography . . . and elementary science, with additional journeys by G. G. Lewis and Thomas Crawshaw. London, 1900. O. 79 p. ill. C T Davis, William Morris. Geographical illustra- tions. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1892. p. 22-65.) C Geography as a university subject. {In Scot- tish geograph. mag. 1898. v. 14, p. 24-29.) C Systematic geography. {In National Her- bart Soc. Year book. 1898. v. 4, p. 81-91.) CT Diercke, C. Die anschauungsmittel flir den geographischen unterricht. {In Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deutschen volksschulunter- richts. 1888-91. V. 2, p. 44-72.) C T Dupuy, Paul. La geographie dans I'enseigne- ment primaire, {In Recueil des monographies pedagog. . . Expos. Univ. de 1889. v. 4, p. 271-333.) C li'enseigneinent superieur de la geographie en Belgique. {In Soc. roy. beige de gec^raphie. Bull. 1898. v. 22, p. 281-94.) C Famham, Amos W. Oswego normal method of teaching geography. Syracuse, 1896. D. 127 p. C T Frye, Alexis Everett. How to teach primary geography. . . Boston, 1895. Sq. T. 4 4- 60 p. ill. T Teachers' manual, to accompany Frye's ge- ographies. Boston, 1896. D. 3-1- 190 p. T Ganzenmiiller, Konrad. How to enliven ge- ographical instruction and to lighten it. n. t.-p. 0. 30 p. C Geistbeck, Michael. Geschichte der methodik des geographischen unterrichtes. {In Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deutschen volksschul- unterrichts. 1888-91. v. 2, p. 1-43.) C T Der geographische unterricht an den deut- schen hochschulen im Wintersemester 1898-99. (Petermann, A. F. Mittheilungen. 1898. v. 44, p. 227-29.) C Gopfert, A. Uber die methode des geographi- schen unterrichts. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1883. V. 4, p. 29-39.) T Gunther, Siegmund. Mathematiscbe geog- raphie. 44 p. {In Handbuch der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. v. 4.) C and Kirchhoff , Alfred. Didaktik und metho- dik des geographie-unterrichts. . . Miinchen, 1895. O. 2 V. 2 maps. T Guyot, Arnold Henry. Geographical teaching, {In his The earth and its inhabitants. 1866. p. 1-36.) C Harrison, Thomas F. Educational value of geography in the common schools ; a paper read be- fore the N. Y. Society of Pedagogy, Feb. 28, 1894. New York, 1894. O. 16 p. C Herbertson, Andrew J. Position of economic geography in education, n. t.-p. O. 7 p. C Report on the teaching of applied geography, prepared at the request of the Council of the Man- chester Geograph. Soc. n. t.-p. O. 22 p. C Hopkins, Mrs. Louisa Parsons. Handbook of the earth ; natural methods in geography. Boston, 1894. S. 78 p. T Kellogg, Amos M. Geography by objective methods . . . map drawing. . . New York, 1893. Sq. D. [5] -h 74 p. ill. T Keltie, John Scott. Geographical education. {In Royal Geogr. Soc. Suppl. papers. 1886. v. 1, pt. 4, p. 443-594.) T King, Charles Francis. Methods and aids in geography for the use of teachers and normal schools. Boston, 1894. D. 16 + 518 p. ill. maps. C T Kirchhoff, Alfred. Geographie. 67 p. maps. (Handbuch der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. V. 4.) C Kunz, M. Das modell im dienste des geogra- phischen unterrichtes. {In Paedagogium. 1879. V. 1, p. 716-35.) T 274 EDUCATION Levasseur, Pierre Emile. De I'importance de la geographic physique pour I'etude des forces pro- ductives des nations. [Paris, 1883.] O. 11 p. C L'enseignement de la geographie dans I'ecole primaire. Paris, 1880. S. 50 p. map. C Note sur la methode d'enseignement de la geographie. n. t.-p. O. 32 p. C McCormick, Henry. Practical work in geog- raphy for . . . teachers and advanced pupils. . . Chicago [1885]. D. 326 + 15 p. ill. maps. T Suggestions on teaching geography. Bloom- ington, 1899. Sq. D. 169 p. T McMurry, Charles Alexander. Course of study in geography for the grades of the common school. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1898, v. 4, suppl.) C T Geography plan for the grades of the com- mon school. Winona, 1891. S. 64 p. T Special method in geography for the third and fourth grades. 2d ed. . . enl. Bloomington, 1895. Sq, S. 202 p. C T Maltby, Albert Elias. Map modeling in geog- raphy. . . New York [I894]. Sq. O. 223 p. ill. maps. T Mannel, Bruno, Uber den associierenden cha- rakter der erdkunde. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1887. V. 8, p. 72-88.) T Map details required by the course of study in geography, n. p. n. d. O. 13 p. C Murdock, F. F. Teachers' outline of elemen- tary geography. North Adams, Mass. [I90O]. O. 191 p. T Nichols, Wilbur F. Topics in geography. Bos- ton, 1899. D. 202 p. T Northern Illinois Teachers' Association. Pa- pers on geography in the public schools. . . Aurora, 1894. O. 32 p. C Oldham, Henry Yule. Geography. {In Spen- cer, Frederic, ed. Chapters on the aims and prac- tice of teaching. 1899. p. 156-80.) CT Overtoil, J. H. Practical method of teaching geography. London, 1899. Obi. D. v. 2. ill. T Parker, Francis ^.Vayland. How to study geog- raphy. New York, 1890. D. 35 -\- 400 p. ill. CT Perkmann, R. Geographische lehrmittel. W^jVw, 1874. O. 39 p. (/» Vienna — Welt-ausstel- lung, 1873. Officieller ausstellungs-bericht. 1873- 74. V. 8, group 26, sec. 2 and 3.) C Red'way, Jacques Wardlaw. Teachers' manual of geography. Boston, 1892. D. 174 p. ill. C T Contents : — pt. I. Hints to teachers. 2. Modem facts and ancient fancies. The new basis of geography ; a manual for the preparation of the teacher. New York, 1901. D. 14 -t- 229 p. C Books of reference, p. 237-9. Remlakowsky, Hugo, Der erste geogra- phische unterricht als universalpropadeutik. . . Neuwied, 1899. O. 20 p. (Aus der schule fur die schule. no. 78.) C Reynolds, Joan Berenice. Teaching of geog- raphy in Switzerland and North Italy. . . Lon- don, 1899. ^' 12 -F 112 p. T Richter, J. W. Otto. Der geographische un- terricht, besonders auf hoheren schulen. IVien, 1877. O. 6 + 50 p. {In Padagog. studien. 1881. V. 2, no. II.) T Royal Geographical Society. Report of the proceedings of the Society in reference to the improvement of geographical education. London, 1886. O. 3 + 343 P- T Rusch, Gustav, Methodik des geographischen unterrichts. 4. . . aufl. Wien, 1897. O. 136 + I p. ill. (Handb. der speciellen methodik, pt. 3.) C Seignette, Adrien. Atlas-texte de geographie ; cours elementaire . . . Partie du Maitre. . . Paris, 1900. Sq. Q. 91 p. ill. maps. C Atlas-texte de geographie ; cours moyens. Partie du Maitre. . . Paris [I90O]. Sq. Q. 2 + 108 p. ill. maps. C Atlas-texte de geographie ; cours superieur. [L'atlas de I'el^ve.] Paris [I90O]. Sq. Q. 83 p. ill. map. C Atlas-texte de geographie ; cours superieur. Partie du Maitre. Paris [igoo.] Sq. Q. nop. ill. maps. C Stauber, Anton. Das studium der geographie in und ausser der schule ; gekronte preisschrift. Augsburg, 1888, O. 14 -h 170 p. C Steinhauser, Anton. Geographische bildungs- und unterrichtsmittel. . . Wien, 1873. O. 3 + 29 p. {In Vienna — Welt-ausstellung. 1873. Offi- cieller ausstellungs-bericht. 1873-77. v. 8, group 26, sec. 6.) C Tromnau, Adolf. Zur reform des lehrver- fahrens im geographischen unterricht. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1892. v. 4.) C [Same.] {In Neue bahnen. 1891. v. 2. p. 113-29 and 161-72.) T Trotter, Spencer, M.D. Lessons in the new geography for student and teacher. 2d ed. , . Boston, 1895. D. 8-1- [i] -f- 182 p. ill. maps. CT Social function of geography. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1898. v. 4, p. 57-80.) CT United States — Bureau of Education, In- quiries respecting the teaching of geography. Washington, 1885. F. 3 p. C Hydrographic Office. No. 98 : Report on uniform system for spelling foreign geographic names. Washington, 1891. O. 89 p. C Wilkins, Eva. Descriptive geography taught by means of map drawing. Teachers' ed. Syra- cuse, 1893. Sq. Q. 128 -t- [I] p. ill. T THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 275 Wittneben, A. Das verhaltnis der erdkunde zur geschichte nach dem lehrplan von 1892. (/« Neue jahrb. fUr philol. und padagog. 1895. v. 152, p. 419-38.) C Woodbridge, William Channing. On the best method of teaching geography. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1883. p. 207-40.) C Zander, C. Die methodik des geographieunter- richtes. Neuwied, 1898. O. 20 p. (Aus der schule filr die schule. no. 72.) C HISTORY Acton, John E. E. D. Acton, lord. Lecture on the study of history, delivered at Cambridge Je. nth 1895. London, 1895. D. 142 p. C T Adams, Charles Kendall. Manual of historical literature. . . New York, 1882. O. 38 + 665 p. CT [Same.] 3d ed. enlarged. New York, 1889. O. 38 + [I] + 720 p. C On methods of teaching history. G. S., ed. Methods of teaching hist. 171-81.) [In Hall, 1883. p. CT Recent historical work in the colleges and universities of Europe and America. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Annual report. 1889. p. 19-42.) C Adams, Herbert Baxter. Cooperation in uni- versity work, {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist, and pol. sci. v. i, no. 2, p. 39-57.) C tion. - History in American colleges. 1886-87. V. 6 and 7.) {In Educa- T Methods of historical study. Baltimore, 1884. O. 136 p. I pi. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist, and pol. sci. 2d ser. v. i, 2.) C New methods of study in history. {In Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jo. 1883. v. 18, p. 213-63.) C Seminary libraries and university extension. Baltimore, 1887. O. 33 p. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in Tiist. and pol. sci. 1887. v. 5.) CT Special methods of historical study. {In Hall, S. G., ed. Methods of teaching hist. 1883. p. 149-69-) CT Study and teaching of history ; Phi Beta Kappa address . . . February 18, 1898. Richmond, Fa., 1898. O. 18 p. C ; Study of history in American colleges and universities. Washington, 1887. O. 299 p. pi. (U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1887. no 2.) C T Teaching of history. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. i, p. 243-63.) C T Allen, John Gamaliel. Topical studies in American history. . . New ed. . . New York, 1899. D. 36 + 93 p. C Allen, William Francis. Gradation and the topical method of historical study. — Historical lit- erature and authorities. — History topics. {In Hall, G. S., ed. Methods of teaching hist. 1883. Apx. p. 1-92.) C T History topics for the use of high schools and colleges. Boston, 1894. S. 121 p. tab. C 1883. Reader's guide to English history. Obi. T. 49 p. Boston, C Altamira, Rafael. La ensenanza de la historia. 2daed. . . aum. Madrid, iSgS- O. 12-1-475 + 3 p. C American Historical Association. Study of history in schools ; being a report to the Assoc, by the Committee of seven. {In its Annual report. 1898. p. 427-572.) C T Andre^7S, Charles McLean. Some recent as- pects of institutional study. New Haven, 1893. O. p. 381-410. C Andre'ws, Elisha Benjamin. Indispensableness of historical studies for teachers. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1889. p. 1-14.) C Atkinson, William Parsons. On history and the study of history ; three lectures. Boston, 1884. S. 107 p. ' C T Bachelor, Albert William. Reference hand- book of American history by the library method for secondary schools. . . 1789-1889. Boston, 1895. D. 9 + 135 p. C Bar, A. Die religios-moralische geschichtsbe- trachtung bei Ziller, Gopfert und einigen geschichts- schreibem des 10. jahrhunderts. {In Neue bahnen 1895. V. 6. p. 113-47.) T Barnes, Mrs. Mary Downing (Sheldon). Aids for teaching general history. . . Boston, 1896. D. 22 + 8 p. T Studies in American history ; teacher's man- ual. Boston, 1893. D. 3 + 155 p. T Studies in general history ; teacher's manual , . . Boston, 1896. D. 8 + 167 p. T Studies in historical method. . . Boston, 1896. D. 4+144 p. ill. T Belo\7, Georg von. Die neue historische me- thode. {In Historische zeitschrift. Neue folge. v. 45, p. 193-273.) C Bengel, Johann. Geschichte der methodik des kulturgeschichtlichen unterrichts. Wiesbaden, 1896. O. 74 p. {In Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1897. V. 9.) C [Same.] {In Neue bahnen. 1896, v. 7, p. 505-24, 561-83, and 1898, V. 9, p. 411-38.) T Bernheim, . Geschichtsunterricht und geschichtswissenschaft. {In Neue bahnen. 1899, V. 10, p. 265-300 and 337-57.) T Bickmore, W. E. Questions on the introduc- tion to universal history and chronological combina- tions contained in the course of historical instruction. London, 1837. D. 41 p. C Biedermann, Karl. Der geschichtsunterricht auf schulen nach kulturgeschichtlicher methode. Wiesbaden, 1S85. O. 45 p. T Blair, Frank G. Social function of history. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1898. v. 4, p. 44-56.) C T 276 EDUCATION Blume, Edmund. Zum geschichtsunterrichte auf den seminaren. {In Padagogische studien, neue folge. 1882, V. 3, pt. 3, p. 1-17.) T Bliimel, Ernst. Die neueste geschichte in der volksschule. Bielefeld, 1888. O. 12 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. i, pt. 6.) C Bodenstein, K. Zum " system " im geschicht- unterricht ; ein methodisch-kritischer versuch. (/« Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1891. v, 12, p. 129-46.) T Bodin, Jean. Method vs ad facilem historiarum cognitionem. . . [Parisiis, 1583.] S. 16 + 378 + 29 p. C Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, viscount. Let- ters on the study and use of history. London, 1752. O. 2 V. C [Same.] London, n. d. D. 8 + 346 p. T Boughton, Willis. Study of local history. (/« Education. 1893. v. 13, p. 400-08.) T Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius. Oratio inauguralis dicta in . . . Batavorum Academia cum histori- arum professionem aggrederetur . . . 1648. . . Lug- duni Batavorum, 1649. Q. 4 4- 20 p. C Brettschneider, Harry. Zum unterricht in der geschichte vorzugsweise in den oberen klassen heherer lehranstalten. . . Halle a. S., 1895. O. 5 -f- 84 p. C Bro'wning, Oscar. Teaching of history in schools. {In Royal Hist. Soc. Teaching of his- tory in schools. 1887. p. 5-20.) C Brumbaugh, Martin Grove. Method of the social functions of history. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1898. v. 4, p. 31-43.) C T Burdick, Francis Marion. Is local history worth studying? {In Oneida Hist. Soc. Trans. 1887-89. V. 4, p. 89-101.) C Burgess, Isaac B. Method of teaching college preparatory history. {In Academy. 1888. v. 3, p. 293-305.) T BurgesSf John William. The methods of his- torical study and research in Columbia College. {In Hall, G. S., ed. Methods of teaching hist. 1883. p. 183-9.) C T Caird, Rev. John. The study of history. {In his University addresses. 1898. p. 223-53.) C Carroll, B. R. Claims of historical studies upon the youth of our country ; an oration delivered before the . . . Citadel Academy . . . April 8th, 1859. Charleston, 1859. O. 22 p. C Cesare, Carlo de. tJber die fortschreitende entwicklung der geschichtlichen studien im K6nig- reiche Neapel . . . aus dem Italianischen von Adolf Beer. {In Historische zeitschrift. 1861. v. 6, p. 293-348.) C Chamberlain, Mellen. The new historical school. {In Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. 1889-90. 2d ser., V. 5, p. 264-77.) C Channing, Edward, and Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of American history. Boston, 1896. D. 16 + 471 p. C T G. Instruction in history. Methods of teaching hist. CT Uber geschichts- 32 p. (Padagog. T Chmel, Joseph. tJber die pflege der geschichts- wissenschaft in Osterreich. {In Vienna — Akad. der wiss. — Phil.-hist. classe. Sitzungsb. 1848, v. I, p. 60-70, 131-49, 197-228, 345-72 ; 1850, V. 4, p. 29-49.) C Committee of Seven on the Study of American History. Report. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Annual rept, 1898. p. 427-572.) C T Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de, abb^. De I'etude de I'histoire, Lausanne, 1780. D. 478 p. {In his Cours d'etude. v. 12.) C Curteis, Arthur Mapletoft. Teaching of his- tory in preparatory schools. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 207-18.) C T Diester\reg, Dr. {In Hall, G. S., ed. 1883. p. 1-148.) Eberhardt, Karl Friedrich. unterricht. Eisenach, 1876. O. studien. 1881. v. i, no. 4.) Edwards, Ayres Mason. Note book with topics ; questions and references in the United States history for the use of teachers and pupils. Lewiston, Me., 1891. O. 99 p. C Ekeris, van. Der geschichtsunterricht in der volksschule. Bielefeld, liqi. O. 12 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 4, pt. 4.) C Emerton, Ephraim. The historical seminary in American teaching. (In Hall, G. S., ed. Meth- ods of teaching hist. 1883. p. 191-200.) CT English methods of teaching American history, {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report of the commis- sioner. V. 26, pt. 2, p. 1757-87.) C T Fling, Fred Morrow, and Caldwell, H. W. Studies m European and American history ; an in- troduction to the source study method in history. Lincoln [1897]. O. 336 p. T Foster, Frank Hugh. Seminary method of original study in the historical sciences, illustrated from church history. New York, 1888. D. 11 + 129 p. C T Fournier, Paul Eugene Louis. Apropos d'une "Introduction aux etudes historiques." {In Rev. des questions hist. Nouv. ser. v. 20, p. 159-72.) C Fr^d^ricq, Paul. L'enseignement superieur de I'histoire ; notes et impressions de voyage, Alle- magne, France . . . Angleterre . . . Belgique. Gand, 1899. O. 11 -j- 303 p. C Study of history in England and Scotland . . . translated from the French by H. Leonard. Baltimore, 1887. O. 54 p. {In Johifs Hopkins Univ. studies in hist, and pol. sci. 1887. v. 5.) C Study of history in Germany and France . . . translated from the French by Henrietta Leonard. . . Baltimore, 1890. O. 118 p. {In same. 1890. v. 8.) C T Study of history in Holland and Belgium . . . translated fr. the French by Henrietta Leon- ard. . . Baltimore, 1890. O. 62 p. {In same. 1900. v. 8.) C T THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 277 Free, Heinrich. Die ganzliche neugestaltung des weltgeschichtlichen unterrichts in der volks- schule. (In Neue bahnen. 1897. v. 8, p, 289- 305 and 345-72.) T Freeman, Edward Augustus. How the'" study of history is let and hindered ; an address, delivered in the Liverpool Institute 19th November, 1879. London, 1879. D. 32 p. C Methods of historical study ; eight lectures read in the University of Oxford in . . . 1884. . . London, 1886. O. 6 + i + 335 p. C T The office of the historical professor ; an in- augural lecture read in the Museum of Oxford, Oct. 15, 1884. . . London, 1884. D. 61 p. C Frick, Carl. Geographisches vademecum fUr den historischen unterricht. . . Leipzig, i88r. O. 3 + 91 p. C Fritzsche, Richard. Die gestaltung der sys- temstufe im geschichtsunterrichte. Langensalza, 1896. O. 3S p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 77.) C Nach welchen grundsatzen ist der geschichts- unterricht zu gestalten, wenn er monarchisch-patri- otische gesinnung wecken und historischen sinn bilden soil? Bielefeld, 1895. O. 26 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 7, pt. 10.) C Was gehort im geschichts unterrichte auf die systemstufe. {In Neue bahnen. 1895. v. 6, p, 341-57.) T Gefiroy, M. A., Zeller, J. S., and Thienot, J. Rapports sur les etudes historiques. Paris, 1867. Q. 356 p. C Geist, Hermann. Was bieten die antiken his- toriker der moderner jugend? Posen, 1891. O. 153 p. C Godard, Harlow. Outline study of United States history. Syracuse, 1895. D. 146 p. C T Gordy, Wilbur F., and Twitchell, W. I. Path- finder in American history, for the use of teachers, normal schools and more mature pupils in grammar grades. Boston, 1893. D. 2 v. in i. T Green, George Edward. Syllabus of a course of lectures on the origin and early history of the English colonies in N. America. Cambridge [En^.-^ 1886. O. 28 f. (Cambridge University — Uni- versity extension lectures.) C Greene, Mrs. H. W. H. History in the kin- dergarten ; a plan of study designed to develop and promote an intelligent love of country. New York, 1897. O. 67 p. ill. C Greenwood, James M. Teaching history. (In Education. 1884. v. 4, p. 623-32.) T Grosskopf, A. Sagenbildung im geschichts- unterricht ausgefuhrt an den bekanntesten griechi- schen heldensagen. Langensalza, 1899. O. 22 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 119.) C Gunther, Adolf. Vorschlage zu einer zeitge- massen gestaltung des geschichtsunterrichtes. Gotha, 1891. O. 48 p. (Padagog, zeit- und streitfragen. iSgi. v. 3.) C [Same.] {In Neue bahnen. 1890. v. i.) T Hall, Granville Stanley, editor. Methods of teaching history ; by G. Diesterweg, H. B. Adams, C. K. Adams, J. W. Burgess, E. Emerton, W. F. Allen and T. W. Higginson. Boston, 1883. D. 12 -f- 207 -1- 92 p. C [Same.] 2d ed. Boston, 1886. D, 14 4- 385 p. T Hannak, Emanuel. Der unterricht in der geschichte. . . Wien, 1873. O- 3 + 35 ?• (.1^ Vienna — Welt-ausstellung. 1873, Officiel. aus- stellungs-bericht. 1873-77. v. 8, group 26.) C Hart, Albert Bushnell. College entrance re- quirements in history. {In Educational review. 1895. v. 10, p. 417-29.) C T History in high preparatory schools. {In Academy. 1887. v. 2, p. 256-65, 306-15.) T How to study history. {In How to study history, literature, the fine arts. 1895. p. 3-20.) T How to study history ; How to teach history in secondary schools. {In his Studies in American education. 1895. p. 75-121.) C T Haskins, Charles Homer. Opportunities for American students of history at Paris [paper read Dec. 29, 1897]. {In Am. hist. rev. v. 3, p. 418- 30, Ap. 1898.) C T Haupt, Carl, Die aufgabe des geschichtsunter- richts am gymnasium. {In Neue jSirb. flir philol. und pad. 1887. v. 136, p. 104-10, 152-66, 270- 82, 385-92, 433-44-) C Heine, H. Die heimat im geschichtsunterricht. (In Neue bahnen. 1898. v. 9, p. 254-62.) T Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Why do children dislike history? {In Hall, G. S., ed. Methods of teaching hist. 1883. p. 205-7.) C T Hinsdale, Burke Aaron, How to study and teach history, with particular reference to the his- tory of the United States. New York, 1894. D. 23 + 346 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. V. 25.) C T History. Chicago, 1900. O. p. 197-216. ill. {In Elementary school record. 1900. v. i, no. 8.) T Hudson, Henry Norman. History in schools. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1871. p. ii6- 26.) C Huling, Ray Greene. History in secondary education. {In Educational review. 1894, v. 7 ; 1895, V. 8.) C T Jager, Oskar. Geschichte. no p. (Hand- buch der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. V. 3.) C Jameson, John Franklin. Historical writing in the United States ... a public lecture. . . {In Englische studien. 1889. v. 12, p. 59-77 ; v. 13, p. 230-46.) C Jay, John. Demand for education in American history. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Papers. 1891. V. 5, p. 19-46.) C 278 EDUCATION Judson, Henry Pratt. History in secondary schools. (/« Education. 1886. v. 5, p. 19-25.) T Kerslake, Thomas. Liberty of independent historical research. London^ 1885. O. 66 p. C Kohler, Richard. Ober die verbindung des cultur-geschichtlichen mit dem geschichtsunter- richte. {In Paedagogium. 1894. v. 16, p. 281- 303.) T Langlois, Charles Victor, and Seignobos, Charles. Introduction aux etudes historiques. PariV, 1898. D. 18 +308 p. C Introduction to the study of history, trans- lated by G. G. Berry, with a preface by F. Y. Powell. New York,\Z^Z. O. 27 + 349 p. CT Leeds, J. W. Against the teaching of war in history text-books. Philadelphia [1896?] D. 10 p. C liemonnier, Henri. L'enseignement de I'his- toire dans les ecoles primaires. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . Expos. Univ. de 1889. v. 4, p. 221-69.) C Lenglet du Fresnoy, Nicolas, abb^. Me- thode pour etudier I'histoire avec un catalogue des principaux historiens. . . Nouvelle ed. revue . . . et augm. par Drouet. Paris, ilT^.. S. 15 v. C New method of studying history . . . made English with variety of improvements and correc- tions ... by Richard Rawlinson. . . London, 1728. D. 2 V. C Tablettes chronologiques del' histoire univer- selle. . . Nouvelle ed. revue . . . et augm. par J. L. Barbeau de la Bruyere. Paris, 1778. S. 2 V. C Letters to a young nobleman. 1762. O. 3 + 250 + I p. London, C Lloyd, John Edward. History, {In Spencer, Frederic, ed. Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 1899. p. 141-55.) C T Lupton, W. M. Test and competitive history ; papers given for the civil service, army and navy examinations with answers. London, 1874. D. 53 P- C Mac Alister, James. Syllabus of a course of elementary instruction in U. S. history and civil government, Philadelphia, 1887. O. 44 p. C Mace, William Henry. Method in history for teachers and students. . . Boston, 1898, D. 17 + 311 p. CT Working manual of American history for teachers and students. Syracuse, 1895. D. 297 p. (Standard teachers' library,) C T Mac Kibbin, Stuart. Outline course of study in history, {In Education. 1890, v, 10, p. 159- 67.) T McMaster, John Bach. Social function of United States history, {In Nat, Herbart Soc, Year book. 1898. v. 4, p. 26-30.) C T McMurry, Charles Alexander. Special method for history and literature in the common schools. Bloomington [I893]. S. 96 p. C [Same.] 2d ed. Bloomington, 1894, S, 114 p. T Maurenbrecbftr, Karl Wilhelm, Uber me- thode und aufgabe der historisch'in forschung, Bonn, 1868. D. 28 p. C Mead, Edwin Doak. Importance of the study of history. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1888, p. 1-44.) C T Miqu^l, F. W, Beitrage eines mit der Herbart'- schen padagogik befreundeten schulmannes zur lehre vom biographischen geschichtsunterricht auf gymna- sien, Aurich, 1847. Nar. O. 61 p. C Monod, Gabriel. Du progres des etudes histo- riques en France depuis le xvi« siecle. {In Revue historique. 1876. v. i, p. 5-38.) C Miiller, Johann Georg. Briefe iiber das stu- dium der wissenschaften, besonders der geschichte ; jiinglingen meines vaterlandes zugeschrieben. 2. verm. aufl. Zurich, 1817. D. 4 + 322 p. C Ohl, E. Veranschaulichung der geschichte in der volksschule. (/« Paedagogium. 1890. v. 12, p. 308-17.) T Percival, James Gates. Oration delivered be- fore the P. B. K. Society, Sept. loth, 1822, On some of the moral and political truths derivable from the study of history. New Haven, 1822. O. 19 p. C Peter, Karl Ludwig. Der geschichtsunterricht auf gymnasien ; ein methodischer versuch alsbeitrag fur die neugestaltung der deutschen gymnasial- wesens. Halle, 1849. Nar. O, 10 -f- 238 p. C Phillips, Georg. Uber das studium der ge- schichte insbesondere in ihrem verhaltnisse zu der rechtswissenschaft. {In his Vermischte schriften. 1856. V. I, p. 15-37.) C Phillips, J. H, History and literature in gram- mar grades. Boston, iS()2i- D. 17 p. C Physical geography and history. {In Hall, G, S,, ed. Methods of teaching hist. 1883. p. 201 -4.) C T Pizard, Alfred. L'histoire dans l'enseignement primaire. Paris, 1891. D. 12 -l- 222 p. C T Porter, Belle Tracy. Literature and history, {In Illinois University — English composition . , , in the high school. 1896, p. 15-18.) C Prideauz, Mathias. An easy and compendi- ous introduction for reading all sorts of histories. . . 4th edition . . , added a Synopsis of councels by John Prideaux. . . Oxford, 1664. Sq. D. v. p, C Reed, William Bradford. Letter on American history. , , [Anon.j Philadelphia, 1847. O. 39 P- C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 279 Richter, Albert. Geschichtsunterricht im 17. jahrhundert. Langensalza, 1893. O, 27 p. (Pada- gog. mag. pt. 35.) C Die kulturgeschichte in der volksschule. Gotha,iSST. O. 84 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streit- fragen. 1888. v. i.) C Die methodik des geschichtsunterrichtes der volksschiile in ihrer geschichtlichen entwickelung. {In Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deut- schen volksschulunterrichts. 1888-91. v. 2, p. 73-132.) C T Robinson, James Harvey. Mediaeval and modern history in the high school. (In Nat. Her- bart See. Year book. 1899. v. 5, p. 42-68.) CT Teaching European history in the college. {In Am. Plist. Assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. i, p. 265-78.) C Rossbach, F. Die beriicksichtigung der kultur- geschichte im geschichtsunterricht. . . Neuwied, 1895. O. 15 p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule. no. 66.) C Historische richtigkeit und volkstiimlichkeit im geschichtsunterrichte ; vortrag. . . Langen- salza, 1892. O. 32 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 17.) C Rotteck, Karl Wenzeslaus Rodecker von. Observations sur la marche, le caractere et I'etat ac- tuel des etudes historiques en Allemagne. . . {In Paris — Inst.-Acad. des sci. mor. et pol. Mem. ; sa- vants etrangers. 1841. v. i, p. 633-77.) C Royal Historical Society. Teaching of history in schools ; an address delivered Oct. 22, 1887 by Oscar Browning . . . with a report of the Conference on the teaching of history in schools. London, 1887. O. 20 p. C Rude, Adolf. Quellen im geschichtsunterricht mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der kulturge- schichte. Gotha, 1892. O. 24 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1893. v. 5,) C [Same.] {In Neue bahnen. 1892. v. 3, p. 281-92 and 329-36.) T Ruggles, Edward Rush. Place of history in education and how to teach it. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1877. p. 86-98.) C Rusch, Gustav. Methodik des unterrichts in der geschichte. 4. . . aufl. Wien, 1898. O. 3 + 88 p. (Handb. der speciellen methodik. pt. 4.) C Salmon, Lucy Maynard. History in elemen- tary schook. (/« Educational review. 1891. v. i, p. 438-52.) C T History in the German gymnasia. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Annual report. 1897. p. 73-89.) C Teaching of history in academies and col- leges. {In Academy. 1890. v, 5, p. 283-92.) T [Same.] {In Brackett, A. C, ed. Woman and the higher education. 1893. p. 131-52.) T Schade, Rev, A. The philosophy of history ; based upon the works of Dr. R. RochoU. . . Cleveland, 1899. Nar. Q. 37 + 437 p. C Schiemann, Theodor. Einige gedanken iiber die benutzung und publikation diplomatischer de- peschen. {In Histor. zeitschr., neue folge. 1899. V. 47, p. 243-54.) C Schindler, Solomon. Study of history in the public schools. {In Arena. 1890. v. i, p. 4I-54-) School Bulletin Publications. Questions and answers in American history, Civil government, and School law given at the uniform examinations of the State of New York since June, 1892. Syracuse, 1894. Sq. S. 8 + 38 + [44] p. C Schouler, James. Spirit of historical research . {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Papers. 1889. v. 4, pt. 3, p. 95-106.) C Seeley, John Robert. Teaching of history, {In London — Internat. Health Exhibition. 1884. Literature, v. 15, p. 33-43-) C Smith, A. L. Teaching of modern history. {In Cookson, Christopher, comp. Essays on secondary education. 1898. p. I77-95-) C T Smith, Gold win. Lectures on the study of his- tory, delivered in Oxford, 1859-61. Oxford, 1865. D. 190 p. C T Spence, L. H. Teaching of modern history. {In Cookson, Christopher, comp. Essays on secon- dary education. 1898. p. 161-76.) C T Stubbert, Mary R. W. Cambridge school of history. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Annual report. 1898. p. 381-411.) C Stubbs, William. Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modem history. . . Oxford, 1887. D. 6 + 455P- CT Swenson, Laurits S. Teaching of United States history ; education and the teacher. Albert Lea, Minn., 1893. O. 21 p. C Thorpe, Francis Newton. In justice to the na- tion ; a plan for the study of American institutions in American schools. {In Education. 1887. v. 7, p. 149-64, 234-43.) T Torrens, William Torrens McCuUagh. On the use and study of history. Dublin, 1842. O. 7 + 328 p. C Trent, William Peterfield. Notes on the out- look for historical studies in the South. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Papers. 1890. v. 4, pt. 4, p. 55- 65.) c Tromnau, Adolf. Deutschlands kolonien ; ein beitrag fiir die schulgemasse behandlung des deut- schen kolonialbesitzes. Gotha, 1889. O. 79 p. map. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1890. v. 2.) C Turner, Frederick J. Significance of the fron- tier in American history. (/« Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1899. v. 5, p. 7-41.) C T The West, as a field for historical study. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. i, p. 279-319-) c Vaughan, Rev. Robert, On the study of gen- eral history. . . London, 1834. O. 44 p. C 28o EDUCATION Vossius, Gerardus Joannes. De philologiae parte altera quae Historice dicitur. (/« his De philologia liber. 1660. p. 51-80.) C 'Webster, Daniel. Address delivered before the N. Y. Historical Society Feb. 23, 1852. New York, 1852. O. 57 p. C Weigand, Heinrich. Der geschichts-unterricht nach den forderungen der gegenwart. . . 2. . , aufl. Hannover, 1900. O. 480 p. v. i. (Pada- gog. bibl., 21. bd., I. thl.) C Stoffauswahl und stoffanordnung fQr den ge- schichtsunterricht in schulen. (/« Paedagogium. 1894. V. 16, p. 167-82.) T {In T Der zweck des geschichtsunterrichts. 1893. V. 15, p. 377-86.) Welling, James Clarke. Science of universal history, its method and its relation to the physical sciences. . . Washington, 1894. O. 20 p. (Co- lumbia.! University studies.) C Wells, Joseph. Teaching of history in schools ; a lecture delivered at the University extension meet- ing in Oxford, August 6th, 1892. . . London, 1892. D. 39 p. CT Wheare, Degory. Method and order of read- ing both civil and ecclesiastical histories . . . made Eng. and enlarged by Edmund Bohun. 3d ed. enl. London, 1698. D. 72 + 362 + 16 p. C White, Andrew Dickson. Catechism of the revolutionary reaction. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Pa- pers. 1890. V. 4, pt. I, p. 67-92.) C European schools of history and politics. Baltimore, 1887. O. 76 p. (/« Johns Hopkins University studies in hist, and pol. sci. 1887. v. 5.) C On studies in general history and the history of civilization. New York, 1885. O. 28 p. (/« Am. Hist. Assoc. Papers. 1886. v. i, no. 2.) C Williams, George Abner. Topics and refer- ences in American history, with numerous search questions. Rev. and enl. ed. Syracuse, 1897. D. CT History work in I. V. 6, p. 510- T Teaching of his- 180 p. Winterburn, Rose Barton high schools. {In Academy, i 18.) Withers, Harry Livingston tory in England in the nineteenth century. {In Roberts, R. D., ed. Ed. in the 19th century. 1901. p. 106-20.) C T Ziegler, Konrad. Die geschichtsunterricht in dienste der erziehung, nach den grundsatzen der Herbart'schen padagogik. 2. aufl. Minden, 1894. O. 44 p. (/« Lehrer-prtifungs und inform. -arbei- ten. v. I. pt. 8.) C LANGUAGES, ANCIENT Abbott, Rev. Edwin Abbott. Latin through English. {In Teachers' Guild of Great Britain and Ireland. Papers. 1888-90. p. 14-34.) T Allen, Alexander. On teaching Greek. {In Central See. of Education. Papers. 1837. v. i, p. 256-73.) C Arens, Johannes. Aufgaben zur einlibung eini- ger abschnitte aus der syntax der griechischen modi. Sagan, 1884. Sq. Q. 13 p. C Bennett, Charles Edwin, and Bristol, George P. The teaching of Latin and Greek in the secondary school. New York, 1901. D. 16 + 336 p. C T Bonnell, Karl Eduard. Lateinisches vocabula- rium fUr anfanger sachlich und etymologisch geord- net. Berlin, 1858. S. 8 + 92 p. C Botticher, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm. De linguae Latinae Romanorumque litterarum studio ad augendam illustrandamque in juvenili institutione Christianam fidem ac doctrinam aptissimo commen- tatio. Berlin, i^^x. Sq. O. 50 p. C Bottler, Philip. Beitrage zur methodik des lateinischen unterrichts, hauptsachlich auf der unter- stufe. . . Mulhausen, 1900. Q. 34 p. C Br^al, Michel Jules Alfred. De I'enseignement des langues anciennes ; conferences. . . Paris, 1891. D. 154 p. C Burckhardt, Jakob. Civilisation of the period of the renaissance in Italy ; authorized translation by S. G. C. Middlemore. London, 1878. O. 2 v. C Bursian, Konrad. Geschichte der classischen philologie in Deutschland. . . Munchen, 1883. O. 2 V. C Cauer, Paul. Grammatica militans ; erfahrun- gen und wUnsche im gebiete des lateinischen und griechischen unterrichts. Berlin, 1898. O. 7 + i68 p. C Clifford, Arthur. Letter to the . . . Earl of Shrewsbury, on a new method of teaching and learning languages ; with a specimen of an intro- duction to the Latin language. Oxford, 1827. O. 2 pts. C Cornelius, Emmerich. Uber wechselbezie- hungen zwischen dem I^ateinischen und dem Deut- schen in der sexta und quinta des gymnasiums. {In Neue jahrb. fUr philol. und padagog. 1897. V. 156, p. 423-42 and 474-515.) C Dett'weiler, Peter. Lateinisch. 255 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. v. 3.) C Griechisch. 93 p. (Same. 1898. v. 3.) C Eckstein, Friedrich August. Lateinischer und griechischer unterricht ; mit einem vorwort von W. Schrader, herausgegeben von Heinrich Heyden. Leipzig, 1887. O. 13 -I- 501 p. C Gidel, Charles Antoine. De I'etude du Grec au commencement du 17* si^cle (1628) dans les classes du College de Clermont. {In Assoc, pour . . . etudes grecques. Annuaire. 1883. v. 17, p. 237-60.) C Giesebrecht, Friedrich Wilhelm Benjamin von. De litterarum studiis apud Italos primis medii aevi saeculis. Berlin, 1845. Sq. Q. 37 p. C Guigniaut, Joseph Daniel, ed. Rapport sur I'etude des lettres latines et de I'histoire Romaine en France. {In his Progres des etudes classiques. 1868. p. 41-60.) C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 281 Hale, William Gardner, Art of reading Latin : how to teach it. Boston, iSSj. D. 74 p. C Heussner, Friedrich. Das Lateinische in der einheitsschule. (In Der deutsche einheitsschulve- rein. Schriften. 1887-90. v. 4, p. 49-92.) T Hildreth's system of Latin : the most effective method for learning to read Latin at sight, n. t.-p. D. 16 p. C Hiller, Richard. Die latein-methode des J. A. Comenius. Zschopau, 1883. O. 46 p. C Hofifina.nn, , oberlehrer. 2,\xt[ methode des griechischen grammatikunterrichtes. . . Gross- Strehlitz, 1900. Q. 16 p. C Horawitz, Adalbert. Griechische studien ; bei- trage zur geschichte des Griechischen in Deutsch- land. pt. I. {In Berliner studien fiir classische philologie und archaeologie. 1884. v. i, pt. 2, p. 409-50.) C Hottinger, Johann Heinrich. Smegma orien- tale ; sordibus barbarismi, contemtui praesertim linguarum orientalium oppositum. HeidelbergcE, 1658. Sq. O. (9) + 548 p. C Jackson, Francis Aristide. Latin syllabus for the freshman year, prepared for the students in the University of Pennsylvania, 1866-7. [Anon.] Phil- adelphia, 1866. O. 9 + 116 -H 19 p. C Eirchberg, Thilo. Die etymologic und ihre bedeutung fur schule und lehrer. Langensalza, 1893. O. 32 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 27.) C Koch, Ernst Gustav. Die notwendigkeit einer systemanderung im griechischen anfangsunterrichte. (/« Neue jahrb. fiir philol. und padagogik. 1892. V. 146, p. 409-48.) C La-Roche, Paul. Uber die einfUhrung in die lecture der attischen redner auf gymnasien. . . Miinchen, 1855. O. 3 + loi p. C Laurie, Simon Somerville. Lectures on lan- guage and linguistic method in the school ; deliv- ered in the University of Cambridge, 1889. 3d ed. revised. Edinburgh, 1899. D. 9 + 200 p. C T Le Clerc, Jean. Ars critica, in qua ad stadia linguarum Latinae, Grsecas et Hebraicse via muni- tur. . . Editio quarta auctior. . . Amstelcedami, 1712. D. 3v. C Lengnick, Bernhard. Der bildungswert des lateinischen nach dem auf unseren gymnasien herr- schenden betriebe. Berlin, 1887. Sq. Q. 27 p. C Lentz, E. Gegenwart und zukunft des lateini- schen unterrichts auf den gymnasien. (/« Padagog. archiv. 1897. v. 39, p. 492-509.) T Menge, Rudolf. Die anfange des lateinunter- richts in sexta. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1886. V. 7, p. 129-37.) T Merrill, Thomas Abbott. An essay on the study of the Latin language in our schools and col- leges at the expense of writing and speaking in English. . . New York, i860. O. 58 p. C Moore, Nathaniel Fish. On the study of Greek ; Value of classical studies. {In his Lectures on the Greek language. 1835. p. 5-33.) C Morris, Edward P. Study of Latin in the preparatory course. Boston, 1886. D. 27 p. (Monographs on education.) C T Munroe, Hugh Andrew Johnstone. A few re- marks on the pronunciation of Latin. . . . Cam- bridge, 1874. O. 32 p. C Packard, Alpheus Spring. On the best method of teaching the ancient languages. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1833. p. 153-84.) C Paton, John Lewis Alexander. Latin. {In Spencer, Frederic, ed. Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 1899. p. 40-74.) C T Richardson, A. C. Methods of classical in- struction. . . Buffalo, 1885. S. 18 p. C Roberts, William Rhys. Greek. {In Spencer, Frederic, ed. Chapters on the aims and practice of ^teaching. 1899. p. 1-39.) C T Sanborn, Edwin David. Aids to the study of the classics. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1859. p. 31-64.) c Sanford, Sir Daniel Keyte. Preliminary lec- ture, delivered in the common hall of the Univer- sity of Glasgow, November the 7th, 1826 ; comprising a view of the course of study performed in the Greek class. Edinburgh, 1826. O. 7 -)- 32 p. C Sauveur, Lambert. Natural method ; intro- duction to the teaching of ancient languages. . . New York, 1878. D. 57 p. C Sauveur College of Languages. Programme . . . 6th, 8th-i2th session. . . Chicago, etc., i88t- 87. O. C Removed from Amherst College to the University of Ver- mont in 1884, and to State Normal School at Oswego, N. Y., in 1866. Stuart, Moses, compiler. Dissertations on the importance and best method of studying the original languages of the Bible . . . translated from the originals . . . with notes. Andover, 1821, O. 96 p. C Summer School of Languages at Amherst Col- lege. Circular and programme . . . 1884-85, 1887, under the direction of W. L. Montague. New York, etc., 1884-87. O. C Tougard, Albert, abbe'. Note sur I'etat des etudes grecques en France aux premiers temps du moyen age. {In Assoc, pour . . . etudes grecques. Annuaire. 1879. v. 13, p. 94-106.) C Trenkel, P. Stehen im lateinischen gram- matik, unterricht, methode und ziel im einklang. In Padagog. archiv. 1896. v. 38, p. 793-804.) T Volcker, G. Zum spaterem beginn des latei- nischen unterrichts. {In Neue jahrb. fiir philol. und padagogik. 1891. v. 144, p. 20-50.) C WeisTeeiler, Joseph. Grammatische und freie iibungen im lateinischen unterrichte mit riicksicht auf die lehraufgabe des humanistischen gymnasiums. {In same. 1892. v. 146, p. 520-34 and 553-72.) C Williams, Rev. C. Eccles. Teaching of Latin and Greek in preparatory schools. {In Eng — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educational subjects. 1900. V. 6, p. 187-97.) C T 282 EDUCATION Winston, George T. Pronunciation of Latin, n. t.-p. 4 p. / C LANGUAGES, MODERN Breymann, Hermann Wilhelm Bodo. Die neusprachliche reform-literatur von 1876-1893 ; eine bibliographischkritische tibersicht. Leipzig, 1895. o. 4 + 155 P- C Wasenius, M. Liste des manuels de fran9ais, d'allemand et d'anglais . . . parus en Finlande, 1600-1892. (In Helsingfors — Soc. neo-philol. Mem. 1893. V. I, p. 393-409.) C AUcock, Rev. Arthur Edmund. Teaching of modern languages. (/« Cookson, Christopher, cotnp. Essays on secondary education. 1898. p. 149-60.) C T Andersin, Hanna. Lauttexte und ihre verwer- tung im fremdsprachlichen unterricht. (/« Hel- singfors — Soc. neo-philol. Mem. 1893. v. i, p. 302-36.) C Arnold, Ernest Penrose, and Ware, Fabian. Teaching of modem languages in preparatory schools. (/« England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 229-47.) C T Ascoli, Graziadio Isaia. Kritische studien zur sprachwissenschaft, autorisirte Ubersetzung von Keinhold Merzdorf, zu ende gefuhrt von Bemhard Mangold. Weimar, 1878. O. 8 -f- 37 -f 417 p. C Barwald, Richard. Neue und ebenere bahnen im fremdsprachlichen unterricht; eine methodische untersuchung auf der grundlage praktischer unter- richtsversuche. Marburg, 1899. O. 4-1- 139 p. C Bel^um — Intdrieur et de Vinstruction pub- lique. Ministlre de V . Tableau de la situation de I'enseignement des langues germaniques dans les Athenees royaux et dans les ^ coles moyennes de I'Etat ; 1 850-1900, Bruxelles, 1900. D. 44 p. C Berlitz schools of languages. [Circular ; schools established 1878.] n. t.-p. O. 29 p. i ill. C Bierbaum, Friedrich Julius. Die reform des fremdsprachlichen unterrichts. Cassel, 1886. O. 136 p. C Bodri, F. Zweck, ziel u. behandlungsweise der sprachunterrichts in der volksschule. . . Wiesen- steig, 1869. O. 8 + 134 p. C Bouthillier de Beaumont, Edmond. Me- thode nouvelle de vocabularisation pour aider a I'etude pratique des langues vivantes. 2^ ed. Lau- sanne, 1887. D. 62 -H 2 p. C Br^al, Michel Jules Alfred. De I'enseignement des langues vivantes; conferences. . . Paris, 1893. D. 147 p. C Les langues vivantes dans I'enseignement primaire. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . Exposition Universelle de 1889. v. 4, p. 501-43.) Brebner, Mary. Method of teaching modern languages in Germany, being the report presented to the trustees of the Gilchrist educational trust on a visit to Germany in 1897, . . London, ii>gi. D. 7 + 71 + 3P. C Teaching of modern languages in Germany. (/« Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. V. 3, p. 481-98.) C T Breul, Karl. Die umgestaltung des medieval and modern languages tripos zu Cambridge. {In Englische studien. 1893. v. 18, p. 43-62.) C Das wissenschaftliche studium der neueren sprache in Cambridge. {In same. 1889. v. 12, p. 244-70.) C Colbeck, Charles. On the teaching of modem languages in theory and practice. Cambridge, 1887. S. [6] + 87 p. C T Comfort, George Fisk. Modern languages in education. {In Scribner's monthly magazine. 1872. V. 4, p. 414-24.) C Delbruck, Berthold. Das sprachstudium auf den deutsch universitaten ; praktische rathschlage fUr studirende der philologie. jfena, 1875. O. 24 p. C DufVenberg, Carl Oscar. Modersmalet som centralt laroamne. Stockholm, 1894. O. 3 + 181 + I p. C EUinger, Johann. Die Wendt'schen thesen. (/« Englische studien. 1899. v. 27, p. 111-16.) C Elliott, Aaron Marshall (and others). Methods of teaching modem languages ; papers . . . by A. M. Elliott, Calvin Thomas, E. S. Joynes . . . [and others]. Boston, 1893. D. 6 + 185 p. C T Ellis, Alexander John. On the acquisition of languages, a lecture delivered before the College of Preceptors on ... 13 Oct., 1875. London, 1875. O. 20 p. C Freudenthal, Edla. Gedanken liber den neusprachlichen unterricht in Finland. {In Hel- singfors — Soc. neo-philol. Mem. 1893. v. i, p. 119-30.) C Gerard, L. J, V. On the comparative method of learning foreign languages, a lecture delivered at the Leicester Museum . . . Feb. 19th, 1876. . . Leicester, 1876. O. 33 p. C Gouin, Fran9ois. Art of teaching and studying languages ; translated from the French by Howard Swan and Victor Betis. 2d ed. London, 1892. D. 23 + 407 p. C T Guex, Fran9ois. Des recherches phonetiques et de leur application k I'enseignement des langues vivantes. [Zurich, 1890.] Sq. Q. 48 p. C Gustafsson, Fridolf. Das studium der neue- ren sprachen in Finland. {In Helsingfors — Soc. neo-philol. Mem. 1893. v. i, p. 7-20.) C Harrison, Benjamin. Study of different lan- guages, as it relates to the philosophy of the human mind ; a prize essay read in the Sheldonian theatre, Oxford, July 4, 1832. . . Oxford, 1832. O. 48 p. C Hartmann, Karl August Martin. Reiseein- drUcke und beobachtungen eines deutschen neuphilo- logen in der Schweiz und in Frankreich. Leipzig, 1897. O. 8 + 194 p. C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 283 Hausknecht, Emil. Teaching of foreign lan- guages, translated by H. W. Atkinson. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. V. 3, p. 499-518.) C T Holiday courses in France and Germany for instruction in modern languages. (In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1897. V. I, p. 579-86.) C T Homme, Thorleif. The grammatical object. Kenyan, 1886. O. 24 p. C Jackson, Samuel, M.D. Nature improved ; or, A new method of teaching languages, exempli- fied by its application to Latin, Greek and French . . . Philadelphia, 1827. D. l66 p. C Jespersen, Otto. Der neue sprachunterricht. {In Englische studien. 1886-87. v. 10, p. 412-37.) C Keferstein, Horst. Der sprachunterricht im lehrer-seminar. {In Paedagogium. 1880. v. 2, p. 422-36.) T Hipping, Otto. Wort und wortinhalt. Lan- gensalza, 1896. O. 22 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 75.) C Klinghardt, Hermann. Der neue sprachun- terricht im ausland. {In Englische studien. 1893. V. 18, p. 62-92.) C Kreyenberg, Gotthold. Der alte und der neue curs im fremdsprachlichen unterrichte der deutschen hoheren madchenschule. (In Paedago- gium. 1894. V. 16. p. 145-66.) T Laurie, Simon Somerv'ille. Lectures on lan- guage and linguistic method in the school ; deliv- ered in the University of Cambridge, Easter term, 1889. Cambridge, 1890. D. 8 + 147 p. C T [Same.] 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1893. D. g + 197 p. T [Same.] 3d ed. rev. Edinburgh, 1899. D. 10 + 200 p. C L6vy, J. Study of modern languages, thorough method vs. natural method. Boston, 1878. D. 26 p. T Light, It. -col. Alexander W. Slight sketch of an easy method of teaching languages. Durham, 1821. O. 32 p. C Marcel, Claude. Language as a means of men- tal culture and international communication ; or, Manual of the teacher and the learner of languages. London, 1853. D. 2 v. T Study of languages brought back to its true principles ; or. The art of thinking in a foreign lan- guage. . . New York, 1885 [C. '69]. D. n + 228 ?• C Miles, Eustace Hamilton. How to learn phil- ology ; a simple and introductory book for teachers and learners. London, 1899. D. 23 -I- 291 p. ill. C Modern Language Association of America. Proceedings. 1884-87, 1889-97. Baltimore, 1885- 99. o. C Publications, 1884-1900. Baltimore, 1886- 1901. O. v. 1-15. ill. C Transactions and proceedings, 1884-87. Baltimore, 1886-88. O. v, 1-3. Title changed to Publications in v. 4. Smith, Charles Alphonso. The work of the Modern Language Assoc, of Amer. (In Mod. Lang. Assoc. — Publ. 1899. v. 14, p. 240-56.) C Modern Language Association — Central Divi- sion. Proceedings of the first annual meeting . . . December 30, 31, 1895, and January i, 1896. {In Mod. Lang. Assoc. Publ. 1896.) C Modern Language Association of Ohio. Pa- pers read at the 4th annual convention . . . Dec. 27, 1893. Columbus [I894]. O. C Proceedings of the 7th and 8th annual con- ventions . . . 1896-97. . . \Columbus, 1897?] O. C Modern language notes. Baltimore, 1886- 1900. Q. V. 1-15. C Montgomery, Jessie Douglas. Teaching of modem languages in Belgium and Holland. (In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. sub- jects. 1898. V. 2, p. 648-79.) C T Die neueren sprachen ; zeitschrift filr den neu- sprachlichen unterricht, mit dem beiblatt : Phone- tische studien. Marburg in Hessen, 1894-1900. O. ill. V. 1-7. C Ohlert, Arnold. Das studium der sprachen und geistige bildung. Berlin, \Zc)<^. O. 50 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol, und physiol. v. 2, pt. 7.) C Ordinaire, J. J. Methode pour I'enseigne- ment des langues. . . Paris, 1821. S. 132 p. C Pitschel, Ernst Hermann. Die neue methode im neusprachlichen unterricht. (In Padagog. ar- chiv. 1896. v. 38, p. 182-97.) T Prendergast, Thomas. . . . Handbook to the Mastery series. New York, 1868. D. 92 p. C Price, Thomas Randolph. Language and lit- erature, their connection in practical education. (In Educational review. 1896. v, 11, p. 12-28.) C The new function of modern language teach- ing. {In Mod. Language Assoc, of Am. Publ. 1901. V. 16, p. 77-99.) C Sauveur, Lambert. Introduction to the teach- ing of living languages without grammar or diction- ary. . . Boston, 1875. D. 76 + 20 p. C Schmittheoner, Friedrich Jakob. Methodik des sprachunterrichtes, nebst vorschlagen zur ver- besserung der teutschen und lateinischen grammatik und stilistik. Frankfurt am Main, 1828. D. 18 + 229 p. C Spencer, Frederic. French and German. {In his Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 1899. P- 75-120.) C T S\7oboda, Wilhelm. Die methode Toussaint- Langenscheidt. (In Englische studien. 1890. v. 14, p. 210-40.) C Vermittler im streite um die reform im sprachunterricht, {In same. 1892. v. 16, p. 229- 50.) c 284 EDUCATION Koch, J. A. A. {In Englische studien. Ticknor, George. On the best methods of teaching the living languages. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1832. p. 25-43.) C Tiemann, Hermann. Zur methodik des fremd- sprachlichen unterrichts in mittelschulen. (/» Pae- d^ogium. 1887. V. 9, p. 111-17, 170-76.) T Tra.ub« Peter E. Spanish pronunciation and accent. . . New York [1899]. O. 12 p. C Ware, Fabian. Teaching of modern languages in Frankfurt a/M. and district. (/« Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. V. 3, p. 461-80.) C T Weinthaler, Franz. Einiges aus der schul- praxis; ein beitrag zur modemen sprachunterrichts- frage. (In Englische studien. 1889. v. 13, p. 64-78.) C Wendt, Otto. Der neusprachliche unterricht im lichte der neuen lehrplane und lehraufgaben fur die hoheren schulen. Langensalza, 1894. O. 24 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 47.) C Die Wendt'schen thesen. 1899. V. 26, p. 369-87.) C Mangold, Wilhelm Julius. Die Wendt'- schen thesen. {In same. 1899. v. 26, p. 254-61.) C Wie studiert man neuere philologie und germanis- tik? von Einem alteren Fachgenossen. Leipzig, 1884. D. 31 p. C WinsloTT, Rev. Hubbard. On the study of language. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1847. p. 1-19.) C DUTCH Bouman, Hermannus. Die eerste trap van het leesonderwijs aanschouwingsoefeningen . . . 6''= verm. druk. Groningen, 1897. D. 12 + 124 p. C Jong» C. H. de. Lezen en praten. Amster- dam, 19,(^2. D. A, 4pt.; B, 2 pt. ill. C and Goudsmit, H. Handleiding bij lezen en praten methode voor het aanvankelijk leesonder- wijs. Amsterdam, 1892. O. 214 + [i] p. C Versluys, Jans. De eerste trap van het leeson- derwijs volgens een natuurlijke methode. 2"^=- I2^e druk. Amsterdam, 1895-99 [pt. I, 1898]. O. [7 pts.] ill. C Handleiding bij het eerste leesonderwijs. 3* . . . druk. Amsterdam, 1896. O. 210 p. C FRENCH. Beauvais, Louis Albert. Remarques detachees sur la langue fran9aise. Berlin, 1863. Sq. O. 16 p. C Boucherie, Anatole. . . . L'enseignement de la philologie romane en France. . . Montpellier, 1878. O. 30 p. C Burnier, J. J. Essay on the study of the French language especially considered as a spoken tongue, in view of teaching the rudiments of French pronunciation. Philadelphia, 1872. D. pt. I. 23 p. C Carr4, Irenee. L'enseignement de la lecture, de I'ecriture et de la langue fran9aise dans les ecoles primaires. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. Ex- pos. Univ. de 1889. v. 4, p. I-74.) C Chav^e, Honore Joseph. La part des femmes dans l'enseignement de langue maternelle. Paris, 1859. D. 252 p. ill. C Emerton, Rev. James Alexander. Inaugural address on the formation of the Cobden memorial class for teaching French by means of the trans- lation of the Bible. {In Molesworth, Rev. W. N. Prize essay. 1867. p. 53-98.) T Garrecht, A. Notice sur I'usage oral du Fran- 9ais dans nos gymnases ; suivie d'un specimen d'une syntaxe fran9aise en Fran9ais. . . Wertheim s. M., 1874. O. 36 p. C Girard, Jean Baptiste. De l'enseignement regulier de la langue maternelle dans les ecoles et les families. . . 9^ ed. Paris, 1894. D. 273 p. C Graevell, H. Der padagogische wert des Fran- zosischen. {In Padagog. archiv. 1897. v. 39, p. 362-74.) T Ingres, Maxime. Methode Ingres pour l'en- seignement de la langue fran9ais. 6d. canadienne. Montreal, n. d. O. 28 p. C Leber, , gymnasiallehrer. Quels services I'Allemagne a-t-elle rendus a I'etude de langue fran- 9aise ? Bonn, 1870. Sq. Q. 16 p. C Marty-Laveaux, Charles Joseph. De l'en- seignement de notre langue. . . Paris [1872]. Nar. S. 83 p. (Cours historique de langue fran9aise.) C Methode pour apprendre a lire par le systeme phonetique. i'* partie : Lecture phonetique. Paris, 1853. O. 30 + II p. C Perrin, Alfred. De la maniere d'enseigner le fran9ais aux indigenes d'Algerie et de Tunis. {In Revue pedagog. 1894. n. s. v. 24, p. 107-22.) C Stern, Sigmon M., and Meras, Baptiste. Plan for twenty-eight lessons for the class in French. . . New York, n. d. O. [8] p. C GERMAN Ambros, Josef. Methodik des schreibunter- richtes. . . 2. . . aufl. IVien,i8gs. O. 115 p. ill. (Handb. der speciel.' methodik. pt. 10.) C Bliedner, Arno. Versuch einer konzentration des litteraturkundlichen unterrichts. 29 p. (In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1882. v. 3.) T Bruel, Karl, compiler. Handy biographical guide to the study of the German language and liter- ature. . . London, 1895. D. 16 + 144 p. C Brunswick, A. FUr die alte methode des neusprachlichen unterrichts. {In Neue bahnen. 1895. V. 6, p. 533-42.) T Dahn, Ernst. Die geistesbildende kraft des unterrichts in der deutschen sprache und litteratur. {In Padagog. archiv. 1896. v. 38, p. 265-88.) T THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 285 DalCt Frank Harry Busbridge. Teaching of the mother-tongue in Germany. {In Eng, — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1897. v. i, p. 535-78.) C T Engelien, August, and others. Geschichte des deutschen unterrichts in der volksschule. Gotha, 1889. O. 3 + 521 p. ill. {In Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deutschen volksschulun- terrichts. 1888-91. v. i.) C T Fick, H. H. Der deutsche unterricht in Ameri- kanischen schulen, ein forderer der idealen entwick- lung. {In Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1896. v. 8, pt. 8, p. i-io.) C Firchau, , Rektor i Plane. Uber den pada- gogischen wert der dichtungen Uhlands. {In Leh- rer-priifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1891. v. 3, pt. 23, p. 21-7.) C Fritzsche, Richard. Praparationen zur ge- schichte des grossen kurfursten. Langensaha, 1897. O. 51 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 94.) C Gemtania ; zeitschrift fUr das studium der deutschen sprache und literatur. Manchester, N. H. 1893. Q. V. 5. C Hassheider, . Die vortragslibungen in der volksschule. {In Lehrer-prlifungs und inform. - arbeiten. 1891. v. 3, pt. 23, p. 1-20.) C Hildebrand, Richard Rudolf. Vom deutschen sprachunterricht in der schule und von deutscher erziehung und bildung uberhaupt, mit einem an- hang Uber die fremdwOrter. . . 3. . . aufl. Leipzig, 1887. O. 8 + 276 p. C Berlit, Georg. Rudolf Hildebrand, ein erinnerungsbild. {In Neue jahrb. fUr philol. und padagogik, 1894. v. 150, p. 545-80.) C KlAhr, Theodor. Rudolf Hildebrand. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1895, v. 16, p. 65- 76.) T Hilty« Carl. Lesen und reden. . . Frauen- feld, 1900. D. 130 p. C Hollkamm, Franz. .Die streitfragen des schrei- bleseunterrichts vom standpunkte der Herbarstchen psychologie aus betrachtet. Langensaha, 1897. O. 31 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 99.) C Hover, M. J. Der leseunterricht nach der sog. normal w5rtermethode. . . Neuwied, 1895. O. 17 p. ill. (Aus der schule fur die schule. no. 64.) C Kehrbach, Karl. Deutsche sprache und lit- teratur am philanthropin in Dessau, (i 775-1 793). (Philolog. studien. 1896. p. 374-400.) C Kley, Dr. . Die behandlung der sprachlehre im deutschen sprachunterrichte der volksschule. Neuwied, 1897. O. ii p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule. no. 69.) C Krauth, Rev. Charles Porterfield. Oration on the advantages arising to the American student from his access to German literature by means of the knowledge of the German language. . . Gettys- burg, 1832. O. 24 p. C Kuhn, Karl. Die forderungen an das lesen in der schule und die mittel denselben zu genligen. {In Lehrer-priifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1894. V. 3, pt. 28, p. 22-34.) C Laas, Ernst. Der deutsche aufsatz in der ersten gymnasialklasse (prima). Ein handbuch fur lehrer und schuler enthaltend theorie und materialien. . . Berlin, 1868. O. 22 + 392 p. C Lehmann, Joseph. Uber den gebrauch des sprachbuches in der volks- und burgerschule. IVien, 1895. O. 35 p. C Lehmann, Rudolf. Der deutsche unterricht ; eine methodik fiir hohere lehranstalten. Berlin, 1890. O. 13 4- 394 p. T Link, L. i. Die relativsatze im Deutschen nach form und inhalt betrachtet : 11. Die interpunktion . . . Neuwied, 1897. O. 32 p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule. no. 68.) C Linnig, Franz. Die rechtschreibung im Deut- schen, ein leitfaden ftir den orthographischen unter- richt an hoheren lehranstalten. . . Trier, 1869. D. 10 -(- [2] + 96 p. C Matz, Rud. Der deutsche aufsatz in der volks- schule. Minden, 1887. O. 30 p. {In Lehrer- prlifungs und inform.-arbeiten. V. 2, pt. 15.) C Nach welchen grundsatzen ist der unterricht in der muttersprache zu erteilen, dass er sowohl die verstandsthatigkeit des schiilers wecke und fOrdere, als auch auf die gemlitsbildung desselben heilsamen einfluss ausUbe ? Minden, 1833. O. 48 p. {In same. v. i, pt. i.) C Maushake, A. Anderungsvorschlage ftir den betrieb des grammatischen unterrichts in der volks- schule. {In Neue bahnen. 1894. v. 5, p. 79- 86.) T Meyer, Johannes. Der litteraturkundliche un- terricht auf der oberstufe der mittleren und h5heren madchen schule. {In same. 1897. v. 8, p. 72- 92.) T Zur umgestaltung des grammatischen unter- richtes in der volksschule. Gotha, 1889. O. 78 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1890. v. 2.) C Meyer-Markau, Wilhelm. Fremdwort und schule . . . das fremdwort in der deutschen sprache ; das fremdwort in der deutschen schule. Gotha, 1887. O. 141 p. (Same. 1888. v. i) C Verzeichniss von schriften und aufsatzen liber die fremdworter in der deutschen sprache. {In his Fremdwort und schule. 1887. p. 135-41.) C Michaelis, Gustav. Vorschlage zur regelung und vereinfachung der deutschen rechtschreibung. Berlin, 1874. O- 3^ P- C Mohr, Friedrich. Die literatur in der volks- schule. {In Paedagogium. 1881. v. 3, p. 339- 52.) T Pennsylvania Association of the Teachers of German. Proceedings. {In Americana Germanica. 1898-99. V. 2, no. 2, p. 71-93.) C 286 EDUCATION Peters, Hartwig. Die reform der deutschen schreibung ; vortrag gehalten . . . i, August 1879. Kiel, 1879. O. 20 p. C Pfister, Hermann von. Wie soil die volks- schule Deutsch lehren ? {In Samml. padagog. vor- trage. 1892. v. 5, pt. 7, p. 31-40.) C Raumer, Rudolf Heinrich Georg von. Der unterricht im Deutschen. (/« Raumer, K. G. von. Gesch. der padagogik. 1852. v. 3, pt. 2, p. 15- 251.) C Regeln und worterverzeichnis fur die deutsche rechtschreibung zum gebrauch in dem preussischen schulen. . . Berlin, 1880. D. 46 p. C Reimann, Karl. Die orthographischen ubungen in der volksschule. Minden, 1890. O. 42 p. (In Lehrer-prlifungs und inform. -arbeiten. v. 3, pt. 22.) C Reukauf, August. Leseabende im dienste der erziehung. Langensaha, 1896. O. 43 p. (Pada- gog. mag. pt. 84.) C Schiller, Karl Heinrich Friedrich Hermann. Studien und versuche iiber die eriernung der ortho- graphie ; in gemeinschaft mit . . . Heinrich Fuchs und . . . August Haggenmiiller. Berlin, 1898. O. 63 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol. und physiolgie. v. 2, pt. 4.) C Schilling, Friedrich. Der litteraturgeschicht- liche unterricht im sachs. Seminar. Leipzig, n. d. O. [3] + 60 + 2 p. C Schreck, Ernst. Wie fUhren wir unsere schtiler zum sicheren gebrauche der satz- und lesezeichen ? (In Lehrer-priifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1890. v. 3, pt. 23, p. 28-50.) C Schulze, Otto. Gedanken zur reform des un- terrichts in der deutschen sprache. Wiesbaden, 1895. O. 51 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. v. 8, pt. 2.) C [Same.] (In Neue bahnen. 1895. v, 6, p. 169-98 and 225-44.) T Zur behandlung deutscher gedichte. Lan- gensaha, 1894. O. 28 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 52.) C Sommert, Hans. Methodik des deutschen sprachunterrichts. 4. . . aufl. Wien, 1899. O. 227 p. (Handb. der speciellen methodik. pt. 2.) C Staude, Paul. Lehrbeispiele fiir den deutsch- unterricht nach der fibel von Heinemann und Schroder. Langensaha, 1898. O. 46 p. ill. (Padagog. mag. pt. 98,) C Steading, Hermann. Die behandlung der deutschen nationalliteratur in der oberprima des gymnasiums an den hauptwerken Goethes erlautert. Leipzig, 1898. S. 161 p. C Taschek, Wilhelm Emil. Wider die sprach- verwilderung ; ein zeitgemasses referat. (In Pae- dagogium. 1893. v. 15, p. 157-66.) T Tesch, P. Sang an Agir ; dichtung von . . . dem deutschen kaiser, Wilhelm II, erlautert von P. Tesch. . . Berlin, 1895. O. 20 p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule, no. 63.) C Thieme, P. Ober volksetymologie in der volks- schule ; nach einem vortrage. Langensaha, 1896. O. 17 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 80.) C Tietjen, Herm. F. Die wichtigsten sprach- storungen und ihre wirksame bekampfung durch die schule ; eine theoretisch-praktische anleitung fiir lehrer. Minden, 1887. O. 47 p. (In Lehrer- priifungs und inform.-arbeiten. v. 2, pt. 13.) C Walburg, Rev. A. H. German language and literature. Columbus [i^iq^ly D. 36 p. C Wendt, Gustav. Der deutsche unterricht und die philosophische propadeutik. 160 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. v. 3.) C Wittmann, Hermann. Das sprechen in der schule. Langensalza, 1898. O. 17 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 104.) C WoUer, Richard. BedeutungsvoUe Hohenzol- lernworte. Neuwied, 1897, O. 18 p. (Aus der schule fiir die schule. no. 70.) C MATHEMATICS Aldrich, George Isaac. Arithmetic ; what and how. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1892. p. 67-82.) C AUum, C. G. Teaching of mathematics in pre- paratory schools. (In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 249- 56.) C T Association for the Improvement of Geomet- rical Teaching. Annual report, 1888. Bedford, 1888. O. V. 14. C Badanes, Saul. Falsity of the Grube method of teaching primary arithmetic. New York, 1895. O. 47 p. C Becker, Johann Karl. Die mathematik als lehrgegenstand des gymnasiums, eine padagogische untersuchung. Berlin, 1883. O. 99 p. C Beetz, Karl Otto. Kritische beitrage zu den tagesstromungen in elementaren rechenunterricht. Gotha, 1 89 1. O. [3] + 50 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1 891. v. 3.) C Das wesen der zahl als einheitsprinzip in rechenunterricht. Wiesbaden, 1895. O. pt. i, (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. v. 8, pt. 3.) C Branson, E. C. Methods in teaching arith- metic. Boston, 1896. D. 39 p. ill. T Brooks, Edward. Course of study in arithme- tic for the public schools of Philadelphia. Phila- delphia, 1892. O. 57 p. C Cajori, Florian. Teaching and history of mathematics in the U. S, Washington, 1890. O. 400 p. (In U.S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of infor. 1890. no. 3.) C T Chevallier, Temple, canon. Study of mathe- matics as conducive to the developement of the in- tellectual powers . . . lecture delivered . . . March II, 1836. . . Durham, 1836. O. 40 p. C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 287 Colburn, Warren. On the teaching of arith- metic. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1830. p. 277-98.) C Dalseme, Jules. L'enseignement de I'arith- metique et de la geometric. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . Expos. Univ. de 1889. v. 4, p. 335- 77-) C Dauge, Felix. Cours de methodologie mathe- matique. 2^ ed. . . augm. Gand, 1896. O. 10 + 525 p. 12 pi. C De Morgan, Augustus. On the study and dif- ficulties of mathematics. New ed. Chicago, 1898. O. 6+1 + 288 p. ill. I por. C T Dedekind, Richard, Essays on the theory of numbers : i. Continuity and irrational numbers ; 11. The nature and meaning of numbers ; authorized translation by W. W. Beman. Chicago, 1901. D. [5] + ii5P- C Diesterweg, Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm. Die elementare geometric. {In his Ausgewahlte schrif- ten. 1890-91. V. 4, p. 114-40.) C Duhring, Eugen Karl. Das studium der mathe- matisch mechanischen wissenschaften und die leh- ren der geschichte. {In his Kritische geschichte der allgemeinen principien der mechanik. 1887. p. 509-605.) C Gillespie, William Mitchell. Subjects of in- struction in mathematics, as prescribed for admis- sion to the Polytechnic School of Paris, n. p. n. d. O. 48 p. C Grund, Francis Joseph. ' On geometry and al- gebra as elementary branches of education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1830. p. 183-204.) C Guimaraes, Rodolpho. Les mathematiqucs en Portugal au xix« si^cle ; aperfu historique et bibliographiquc. Co'inibre, 1900. Q. 164 + [3] p. (Expos. Univ. de 1900. Sect, portugaise.) C Hartmann, Berth. Zur diskussion iiber den elementaren rechenunterricht. {In Neue bahnen. 1891. V. 2, p. 130-40.) T Heinzerling, F. Uber den wahren werth des zeichnens ; eine sachgemasse einrichtung des zei- chenunterrichts . . . {In Padagog. archiv. 1864. V. 6, p. 241-60 and 338-52.) T, Hofer, Josef. Methodik des rechenunterrichts 3. aufl. Wien, 1896. O. 268 + 2 p. ill. (Handb, der speciellen methodik. pt. 7.) C Horn, D. Zum lehrplan fur lehrer-bildungsan- staltcn ; der mathematische teil. {In Padagog. stu- dien, neue folge. 1884. v. 4, pt. i, p. 1-16.) T Hortensius, Martinus. Dissertatio de studio mathematico recte institutendo . . . 1636. {In Grotius and others. Dissertationes. 1645. p. 585-93.) C Hudson, William Henry Hoare. On the teach- ing of elementary algebra. {In London — Ed. Soc. Trans. 1885-86. v. 2, p. 129-46.) T Jacob, Karl. Wert, aufgabe und methodik des zeichenunterrichts in deutschen schulen. Gotha, 1890. O. 80 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1890. v. 2.) C Janicke, Eduard, and Schurig, G. Geschichte des unterrichts in den mathematischen lehrfachern in der volksschule. Gotha, 1888. O. 3 + 235 p. ill. {In Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deutschen volksschulunterrichts. i888-gi, v. 3.) CT Joseland, Henry Lincoln. Teaching of mathe- matics. {In Cookson, Christopher. Essays on sec- ondary education. 1898. p. 94-106.) C T Eastner, Abraham Gotthelf. De eo quod studium matheseos facit ad virtutem, oratio inaug. Gottingae, 1756. O. 14 p. C Hlinghardt, Hermann. Das hohere schul- wesen Schwedens und dessen reform in modemen sinne. . . Leipzig, 1887. O. 12 + 168 p. C Enirr, Josef. Mathematische lehrmittel. Wien, 1874. O. p. 29-46. ill. {In Vienna — Welt-aus- stellung. 1873. Officicller ausstellungs-berichts. 1873-77. V. 8, group 26, sec. 2 and 3.) C Eraus, Konrad. Methodik des unterrichts in der geometric und im geometrischen zeichnen. Wien, 1895, O. 7 + 212 p. ill. (Handb. der speciellen methodik. pt. 8.) C Mackinlay, Major G. Realistic arithmetic, for teaching children the elements of arithmetic by means of special blocks. London, 1900. Sq. T. 24 p. pi. T McLellan, James A., and Dewey, John. Psychology of number and its applications to meth- ods of teaching arithmetic. . . New York, 1895. D. 14 + I + 309 p. C T Mathew^s, George Ballard. Algebra. {In Spen- cer, Frederic, ed. Chapters on the aims and prac- tice of teaching. 1899. p. 181-92.) C T Mehner, . Das " Tagebuch " des Wala- fried Strabus und die mathematik in den kloster- schttlen vor dem auftreten Gerberts. {In Neue bahnen. 1897. v. 8, p. 480-90.) T Meyer, Julius Lothar von. Mathematik und naturwissenschaften in der einheitsschule. {In Deutscher einheitsschulverein. Schriften. 1887. v. I, p. 43-63.) C T Niehus, P. ttber einige mangel in der rechen- fertigkeit bei der aus der schulpflicht entlassenen jugend. Langensalza, 1898. O. 32 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 115.) C Phillips, Daniel Edward. Genesis of number- forms. [Baltimore} 1897, O. {In Am. jo. of psychology, v. 8, p. 506-27.) C T Number and its application psychologically considered. [Worcester, 1897.] O. 61 p. C From Ped. sem. for Oct. 1897. Bibliography p. 58-61. Pickel, A. Die geometric der volksschule ; an- leitung zur erteilung des geometrischen unterrichts durchwegauf das prinzipder anschauung gcgrlindet ... 8. aufl. Dresden, 1897. O. 12 + 115 p. ill. C Quick, Rev. Robert Hebert. The first stage in arithmetic ; a lecture given at the College of Precep- tors, l6th May, 1888, London, 1888. O. 15 p- C 288 EDUCATION' Ramus, Peter. Oratio de studiis mathematicis. (/« Scaliger, G. C. Epistolas et orationes. 1612. p. 507-23) C Rattke, W. Uber die neugestaltung des geo- metrischen unterrichts. (/« Neue bahnen. 1890. V. I, p. 345-60.) T Regia Universita degli Studi di Napoli — Facolta viatematica. Programmi di insegnamento per I'anno scolastico 1886-87. Napoli, 1887. O. 126 p. C Reidt, Friedrich. Anleitung zum mathema- tischen unterrichts an hoheren schulen. Berlin, 1886. O. 10 + 252 p. ill. C Safford, Truman Henry. Mathematical teach- ing and its modern methods. Boston, 1887. D. 47 p. (Monographs of education.) C Mathematical teaching and its modern meth- ods. Boston, 1888. D. 51 p. T Schlemmer, Oskar. Die rechenfertigkeit ? (/« Lehrer-prlifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1888. v. 2, pt. 18, p. 1-26.) C Schneider, Georg Heinrich. Die zahl im grundlegenden rechenunterricht ; entstehung, en- twicklung und veranschaulichung derselben unter bezugnahme auf die physiologische psychologic. Berlin, 1900. O. 86 p. ill. (Samml. von ab- handl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol. und physiol. V. 3, pt. 7.) C Seeley, Levi. Grube's method of teaching arithmetic explained and illustrated. . . New York, 1 891. S. 177 p. ill. T Sherwin, Thomas. On teaching the elements of mathematics. (In Am, Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1834. p. 137-66.) C Simon, Max. Rechnen und mathematik. 128 p. (Handb. der eziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898, V. 4.) C Smith, David Eugene. History of modem mathematics. {In Merriman, Mansfield, and Wood- ward, R. S., comp. Higher mathematics. 1896. p. 508-70.) C Teaching of elementary mathematics. New York, 1900. D. 15 + 312 p. T Soldan, F. Louis. Grube's method of teaching arithmetic explained, with a large number of prac- tical hints and illustrations. C>4jVa^c?[C. 1878.] D. 66 p. T Stade, Paul. Ein neuer lehrplan fUr den zei- chenunterricht in der volksschule. Gotka, 1892. O. 23 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1893. V. 5-) C Starke, Ernst Richard. Die geschichte des mathematischen unterrichts in den gymnasien Sach- sens seit 1700. Chemnitz, 1897. Q. 5 + 71 + 3 p. C Steinmann, Gustav. Ueber die ausbildung der studirenden der mathematik und naturwissen- schaft flir das hdhere lehramt. Freiburg i. B., 1899. Q. 59 P- C Thieme, H. Der bildungswert der mathema- tik. (/« Padagog. archiv. 1897. v. 39, p. 440- 45-) T Tripier, Louis. Tables pour apprendre facile- ment a calculer. Paris, n. d. O. 16 p. C Volcker, G. Die reform des hoheren schul- wesens auf grund der Ostendorf'schen these : Der fremdsprachliche unterricht ist mit dem franzosi- schen beginnen. Berlin, 1887. O. 4 + [i] + 251 p. T Walker, Francis Amasa. Arithmetic in the primary and grammar schools. Arithmetic in the Boston schools. {In his Discussions in education. 1899, P- 207-55.) C T Walton, George A. Teaching numbers. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1879. p. 137-46.) C Whewell, William. Thoughts on the study of mathematics, as a part of liberal education. 2d ed. . . Cambridge [Eng.-^ 1836. O. 50 p. C Wolf, Friedrich. Was hat der rechenunterricht in der volksschule hauptsachlich zu berlicksichtigen, damit moglichst nachhattige erfolge erzielt werden? (/« Neue bahnen. 1894. v. 5, p. 426-39.) T Workman, Walter Percy. Geometry. {In Spencer, Frederic, ed. Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 1899. p. 193-207.) C T Young, Jacob William Albert. The teaching of mathematics in the higher schools of Prussia. New York, 1900. D. 14 + 141 p. C T Zeitschrift fUr mathematischen und naturwis- senschaftlichen unterricht. Leipzig, 1870-1900. O. ill. pi. V. 1-31. C MUSIC Az, Heinrich. Die bedeutung des gesanges und der gesangunterricht in der volksschule. {In Lehrer- prlifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1897. V. 3,pt. 30. p. II-44-) C Brooks, Edward. Special report on the teach- ing of music in the elementary schools. Phila- delphia, 1895. O. 20 p. C T Collin, Laure. Manuel d'enseignement de la methode chorale enfantine appliquee dans les ecoles maternelles . . . preface par M. Bourgault-Ducou- dray. . . Paris, 1883. O. 62 p. ill. (Bibl. pedagog. ; M. H. Cocheris, ed.) C Cornet, A. L'enseignement du chant. {In Recueil des monographies pedagogiques . . . Ex- position universelle de 1889. v. 4, p. 623-77.) C Curw^en, John. Account of the tonic sol-fa method of teaching to sing. . . London, 1854. O. 13 p. C Curw^en, John Spencer. Singing in schools, (/w London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Lit- erature. V. 13, p. 431-38.) C Descartes, Rene. Renati Des-Cartes musicse compendium. Trajecti ad Phenum, it^o. Sq. D. 58 p. ill. C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 289 Ellis. Alexander John. Pronunciation for sing- ers ; with especial reference to the English, Ger- man, Italian and French languages. . . London [pref. 1877]. Sq. D. 14 + 246 p. ill. C Speech in song . . . the singers' pronoun- cing primer. . . Lotidon. n. d. O. 137 -I- [i] p. (Music primers and ed. ser. ; John Stainer and C. H. H. Parry, ed. no. 6.) C ' France — Instruction publique et des beaux-arts , Ministirede V . Enseignement du chant : Travaux de la commission ; rapports et programmes. Paris, 1884. O. 191 p. T GateSf Fanny B. Musical interests of children. n.p. n. d. Q. 20 p. C Hallock, William, and Muckey, F. S. Voice production and analysis. iNew York 1897]. O. [24] p. ill. pi. C Harrington, Rev. Joseph, Jr. On the practi- cability of introducing vocal music as a branch of education into our common schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1838. p. 51-74-) C Helm, Johann. Die entwickelung des gesang- unterrichts. (In Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deutschen volksschulunterrichts. 1888-91. V. 4, p. 205-56. music.) C T Hiebsch, Josef. Methodik gesangunterrichts. 2. . . aufl. Wien, 1893. O. 4 + 143 p. ill. (Handb. der speciellen methodik. pt. 11.) C Hodges, Faustina H. Edward Hodges, doc- tor in music . . . organist and director in Trinity parish, New York, 1839-59 ; by his daughter. New York, 1896. O. 18 + 302 p. port. pi. C Howson, Edmund Whytehead. Teaching of music in public schools. (/« Thirteen essays on education. 1891. p. 27-52.) C T Johnson, Charles W. L. The motion of the voice, fj r^5 (paov^'s Ktvr/dt's, in the theory of an- cient music, p. 42-55. O. C Kretschmar, Hermann. Uber den stand der effentlichen musikpflege in Deutschland. (In Wal- dersee, Paul, ed. Samml. musikalischer vortrage. .1881. V. 3, no. 31-32. p. 209-54.) C Landa, A. Musical instruction in kindergar- tens, primary schools and normal schools. (In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Litera- ture. V. 13, p. 467-80.) C McNaught, W. G. Music in primary schools. (In same. v. 13, p. 417-30.) C Medini, Mme. F. Roena. The what and how of vocal culture. New York, 1893. D. 125 p. C Monro, David Binning. The modes of ancient Greek music. Oxford, 1894. O. 16 + 145 p. C Mooney, E. Music in schools. (In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 13, P- 439-49.) C Music. Chicago, 1900. O. p. 31-65. ill. (In Elementary school record. 1900. v. i, no. 2.) T New York (city) Philharmonic Society. An- nual report, 1847, 1854. New York, 1847-54. O. no. 5, 12. C Plew, Johannes. Der gesangunterricht. 56 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. V. 4.) C Pratt, Waldo S. Music as a university study ; an address delivered at Cornell University, Chi- cago, 1894. o. p. 413-32. C Randegger, Alberto. Singing. London. n. d. Sq. Q. 198 p. ill. (Music primers and ed. ser.; John Stainer and C. H. H. Parry, ed. no. 5.) C Ripley, Frederic H., and Tapper, Thomas. Natural course in music : The music primer. New York [C. 1895]. Sq. D. 128 p. ill. C Natural course in music : The music reader. New York [C. 1895]. Sq. D. 5 v. ill. C Short course in music. New York [C. 1898]. Sq. D. 2 v. ill. (Natural music series.) C Roder. Martin, tjber den stand der offent- lichen musikpflege in Italien. (In Waldersee, Paul, ed. Samml. musikalischer vortrage. 1881. v. 3, no. 25, p. 1-48.) C Sharp, Granville. Short introduction to vocal music. 2d ed. London, iTJI. D. 32 p. C Stainer, Sir John. Musical education in ele- mentary schools. (In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 13, p. 394-400.) C Stanford, Charles Villiers. Music. (In Bous- field, William, ed. Elementary schools. 1890. p. 27-48.) T WiLLEBY, Charles. Charles Villiers Stan- ford. (In his Masters of English music. 1893. p. 281-301.) C Stubbs, George Edward. Current methods of training boys' voices ; a paper written for the Mass. Choir Guild. New York [pref. 1894]. O. 16 p. C Tufts, John W. Handbook of vocal music, illustrating normal methods through the normal music course, the Cecilian series of study and song, the common school course. Boston, 1896. Sq. O. 308 p. ill. C United States — Education, Bureau of. Study of music in public schools. (Circular of information 1886. no. I.) C T Upham, Jabez Baxter, M.D. Music in our public schools ; a paper read at the meeting of the American Social Science Assoc, April 3, 1871. D. 8 p. C Vocal music as a branch of education in our common schools. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1872. p. 161-85.) c Venables, Leonard C. Singing in prepara- tory schools. (In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special re- ports on educat. subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 311-19.) CT 290 EDUCATION Weinwurm, Rudolf. Musikalische lehrmittel und das musikalische erziehungs- und bildungs- wesen. ^«V«, 1873. O. [3] +40 p. (/« Vienna— Weltausstellung. 1873. Officiel. ausstell.-bericht. 1873-77. V. 8, group 26.) C Widmann, Benedikt. Bildungswert des gesan- ges. Neuwied, 1900. O. i6 p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule. no. 81.) C Willock, Laura. Cheve method of sight sing- ing, and its value educationally. (/« London — Edu- cat. Soc. Trans. 1885-86. v. 2, p. 76-86.) T Woodbridge, William Channing. On vocal music as a branch of common education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1830. p. 231-55.) C PHILOSOPHY Bautain, Louis Eugene Marie, abbd. De I'en- seignement de la philosophie en France au dix- neuvi^me siecle. Strasbourg, 1833. O. 91 p. C B^nard, Charles. De la philosophie dans I'edu- cation classique. . . Paris, 1862. O. 6 + 676 p. C Boutroux, ifitienne £mile Marie. De I'organi- sation de I'enseignement philosophique dans les Facultes des lettres. {In Rev. internal, de I'en- seignement. 1882. V. 3, p. 421-50.) C Bryant, William M. The study of philosophy ; supplemented by an elementary course of reading. n.p. n. d. O. 12 p. C Caspari, Otto. Drei essays iiber grund- und lebensfragen der philosophischen wissenschaft. 2. aufl. Breslau, 1%'iA. O. 11 +98 p. C Dietrich, Karl. An die deutschen universita- ten ; protest gegen die moderne wissenschaft. . . [Anon.] Berlin, 1887. O. 24 p. i tab. C Pox Morzillo, Sebastiano. De philosophici studii ratione epistola. . . {In Grotius and others. Dissertationes. 1645. p. 594-609.) C Jardine, George. Outlines of philosophical education, illustrated by the method of teaching . . . logic ... in the University of Glasgow. . . Glasgow, 1818. O. 8 4- 3 -H 485 P- C Johnson, Samuel, D.D. Introduction to the study of philosophy . . . by A gentleman educated at Yale College. . . 2d ed. enl. . . New London, 1743. S. 4 4- 31 P- C Iiow^e, Johann Heinrich. Uiber den unterricht in der philosophischen propadeutik am gymnasium. Prag, 1865. O. 36 p. C Meinong von Handschuchsheim, Alexius von. Uber philosophische wissenschaft und ihre propadeutik. Wien, 1885. O. 12 + 182 p. C Neugeboren, Heinrich. Die philosophie an den siebenbUrgisch-sachsischen gymnasien. {In Paedagogium. 1880. v. 2, p. 687-703.) T Scheidler, Karl Hermann. Methodologische encyclopadie der philosophie : i. Prolegomena; Uber den begriff und das studium der philosophie im all- gemeinen. Jena, 1825. O. 16 -H 143 p. C Seth, Andrew. Present position of the philo- sophical sciences. Edinburgh, 1891. O. 32 p. C Snell, Friedrich Wilhelm Daniel. Lehrbuch fUr den ersten unterricht in der philosophie. 7. verb. aufl. Giessen, 1821. Nar. D. 2 v. in i. C Spitta, Heinrich. Die psychologische forschung und ihre aufgabe in der gegenwart. . . Freiburg i. B., 1889. O. 3 + 36 p. C Suttner, . Welche philosophische disci- plinen sollen auf unseren gymnasien gelehrt werden ? {In Vienna — Akad. der wiss. — Phil. -hist, classe. Sitzungsb. 1849. v. 3, p. 237-51.) C POLITICAL SCIENCE Adams, Henry Carter. Another view of eco- nomic laws and methods. {In Science economic discussion 1886. p. 98-103.) C Bar, Adolf. Hilfsmittel fur den staats- und gesellschaftskundlichen unterricht. Langensalza, 1895-98. O. 2 pts. (Padagog. mag. pt. 60 and loi.) C Baumstark, Eduard. Uber staats- und land- wirthschaftliche academien und deren verbindung mit universitaten. . . Greifswald, 1839. O. 4 -h 128 p. C Birmingham (Eng.) Assoc, for the Dis- semination of Political Knowledge. Con- stitution, laws and ist half-yearly report . . . 1849. Birmingham, 1849. S. 12 p. C Bliss, Philemon. Sovereignty. Boston, 1885. O. 15 -h 180 p. C Bourinot, John George. Study of political science in Canadian universities ; a paper read be- fore the Royal Society of Canada, and Trinity Uni- versity, Toronto, in May, 1889. Montreal, 1889. F. 16 p. C Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, baron. Discourse of the objects, pleasures and ad- vantages of political science. {In his Rhetorical and lit. diss. 1856. p. 371-418.) C Clow, Frederick Redman. Economics as a school study. (Economic studies. 1899. v. 4, p. 175-246.) c Bibliography, p. 242-6. Elementary economics in schools and col- leges. {In Qtly. jo. of ec. 1898. v. 12, p. 73- 75.) ^ Suggestions for the study of municipal finance. {In same. v. 10, p. 455-66.) C Conrad, Johann. Grundriss zum studium der politischen okonomie. 2. aufl. . . Jena, 1898. O. 3 pts. in I. C Cossa, Luigi. Guide to the study of political economy translated from the 2d Italian ed. with a preface by W. S. Jevons. London, 1880. D. 16 + 237 p. ^ Introduction to the study of political econ- omy . . . translated from the Italian by Louis Dyer. London, 1893. D. 10 + i + 58? P- C *rHEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 291 Cusumano, Vito. Uber die gegenwartige lage der volkswirtschaftlichen studien in Deutschland; aus dem Italienischen . . . von S. Emele. Sigma- ringen, 1881. O. 8 + 164 p. C Dixon, Frank Haigh. Teaching of economics in the secondary schools. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1897. v. 3, p. 128-37.) C T Ezner, Adolf. Uber politische bildung ; rede gehalten bei iibernahme der rektorswUrde an der Wiener Universitat. 3. aufl. Leipzig, 1892. O. 7 + 35 p. C Falkner, Roland Post. Academic instruction in political and economic science in Italy. (/» Am. Acad, of Polit. and Social Science. 1890. v. i, p. 635-61.) C Fischer, Gustav. Ueber die errichtung staats- wissenschaftlicher seminarien auf den deutschen universitaten. . . yena, 1857. O. 123 p. C Fischer, Karl. Staats-, wirtschafts- und so- zialpolitik auf hOheren lehranstalten. . . fVies- baden, 1892. O. 94 p. C Foster, William. Society for the special study of political economy, the philosophy of history, and the science of government, proposed by a citizen of Boston. Boston, 1857. O. 19 p. C Fritxsche, Richard. Die verwertung der bur- gerkunde im geschichtunterricht der volksschule. Langensaha, 1898. O. 38 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 108.) C Gilles, Josef. Der volkswirtschaftliche unter- richt auf h6heren schulen. Leipzig, 1893. Sq. Q. 40 p. C Hoadley, Arthur Twining. Economic laws and methods. (/« Science economic discussion. 1886. p. 92-103.) C James, Edmund Janes. Place of the political and social sciences in modern education, and their bearing on the training for citizenship in a free state. (Am. Acad, of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. 1S97. v. 10, p. 359-88.) C Das studium der staatswissenschaften in Amerika. (/« Jahrb. fiir nationalok. und statistik. 1883. V. 41, p. 62-87.) C Training for citizenship. (/« Nat. Her- bart Soc. Year book. 1897. v. 3, p. 101-16.) CT Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple. Training for citizen- ship, (/wsame. 1896. v. 2, suppl. no. i.) C T Eahler, Wilhelm Martin August. Die ent- wickelung des staatswissenschaftlichen unterrichts an der universitat Halle. {In Festgabe fUr Johannes Conrad. 1898. p. 113-82.) C Laughlin, James Laurence. Study of politi- cal economy. . . New York, 1885. D. 153 p. ill. C Levasseur, Pierre Emile. Resume histo- rique de I'enseignement de I'economie politique et de la statistique en France de 1882 a 1892. Paris. 1893. Q. 61 p. C London School of Economics and Po- litical Science. Programme of courses . . . 1898-99. . . London, 1898. O. C Hewins, William Albert Samuel. London school of economics and political science. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. v. 2, p. 76-98.) C T liunt, Edward Clark. Present condition of economic science and the demand for a radical change in its methods and aims. . . New York, 1888. D. 9 + 114 p. pi. C McMurry, Charles Alexander. Elementary schools and civic education. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1897. v. 3, p. 138-42.) C T Mayo-Smith, Richmond. Methods of investi- gation in political economy. {In Science economic discussion. 1886. p. 104-22.) C Mo^rry, William Augustus. Political education in the schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1878. p. 81-106.) C Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxon. Courses in poli- tics and journalism at Lille. {In Am. Acad, of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. 1896. v, 8, p. 342-49.) c Olascoaga, Ramon de. Estado actual de los estudios economicos en Espafia. Madrid, 1896. O. 147 + 3 P- C Olsner, Ludwig. Uber den volkswirtschaft- lichen unterricht. Frankfurt a. M., 1885. Sq. Q. 55 p. C Ortloff, Friedrich Hermann. Methodologie oder lehre des studiums der rechts- und staats-wis- senschaft. . . Braunschweig, 1863. O. 12 + 298 p. C Pache, Oskar. Die einfuhrung des gesetzes- kunde und volkswirtschaftslehre in der schule. {In Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1888. v. 1, pt. 3, p. i-io.) C Patten, Simon Nelson. Economics in elemen- tary schools. {In Am. Acad, of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. 1895. v. 5, pt. 2, p. 461-89.) C Educational value of political economy. Baltimore, 1890. O. 36 p. {In Am. Economic Assoc. Publ. 1890. V. 5, no. 6.) C Patterson, James Willis. Political education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1881. p. 44-68.) C Patuschka, A. Volkswirtschaft und schule unter mitwirkung von volkswirtschaftlern. Gotha, 1888. O. 74 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1890. V. 2.) C Litteratur— p. 59-74. Volkswirtschaftliche belehrungen in volks- und fortbildungsschulen. {In Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1888. v. i, pt. 3, p. 11-26.) C P6ri^, R. L'ecole du citoyen, histoire et morale, II I'usage des cours d'adultes. . . Paris [I89-?]. O. 66 -h 474 p. C 292 EDUCATION Rabbeno, Ugo. La crise actuelle dans la sci- ence econotnique. {In Revue sociale et politique 1894. V. 4, p. 385-418.) C Ritchie, David George. Teaching of political science at Oxford. {In Am. Acad, of Polit. and So- cial Science. Annals, 1891. v. 2, p. 85-95.) C Roscher, Wilhelm. Uber die stellung der nationalokonomik im kreise der verwandten wissen- schaften. {In Leipsic — Sachs, gesell. der wiss. Berichte . . . phil.-hist. classe. 1852. v. 4, p. loi-io.) C Row^e, Leo S. Instruction in French universi- ties with . . . reference to . . . public law and economics in the law faculties. {In Am. Acad, of Polit. and Social Science. Annals. 1892. v. 2, p. 62-85.) C Instruction in public law and political econ- omy in German universities. {In same. 1890. v. I, p. 78-102.) C Saint-Marc, Henri. Etude sur I'enseignement de I'economie politique dans les universites d'AUe- magne et d'Autriche. Paris, 1892. O. 140 p. C Seeley, Sir John Robert. [Study of political science]. {In his Lectures and essays. 1870. p. 290-317.) C T Sommerlad, Theodor. Uber das studium der wirtschaftsgeschichte. {In Festgabe fiir Johannes Conrad. 1898. p. 95-1 11.) C Stock^rell, Thomas Blanchard. Political func- tion of the public school. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1889. p. 179-98.) C Story, Joseph. On the science of government as a branch of popular education. {In his Lectures. 1834. p. 247-75.) C Supino, Cammillo. II metodo induttivo nell' economia politica. {In Rivista di sociologia. 1894. v. I, p. 7-24, 119-48, 178-97. 259-97, 375- 91.) C Thurston, Henry W. Teachers' manual ; eco- nomics and industrial history for secondary schools. Chicago, 1900. D. 23 + [i] p, i pi. C T Van Lieiv, Charles C. Training for citizen- ship. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1S97. V. 3, p. 117-27.) C T Washburn, Emory. Civil polity a branch of school education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1865. p. 174-207.) C On the political influence of school-masters ; [address] delivered before the Am. Inst, of Instr. . . Boston, 1835. O. 27 p. C White, Andrew Dickson. European schools of history and politics. 1887. {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies. 1887. v. 5.) C Provision for higher instruction in subjects bearing directly upon public affairs. {In Paris — Expos. Univ. 1878. U. S. Reports. 1880. v. 2, p. 349-8I-) C SCIENCE Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe. Methods of study in natural history. Boston, 1866. D. 6 -h 319 P- ill- C T American Society of Naturalists. Re- port of the committee on science teaching in the schools, adopted . . . December, 1891. Boston, 1892. O. 14 p. c Annales de I'agr^sation de I'enseigne- ment secondaire special (section des sciences physiques et naturelles). Annee, 1889-91. Paris, 1889-91. D. 3 nos. C Annales de I'agr^gation des sciences naturelles. Annee, 1889-93. Paris, 1889-93. S. 5 nos. c Annales de I'agr^gation des sciences physiques. Annee, 1889-93. Paris, 1889-93. Nar. D. and S. 5 nos. C Annales de la licence es sciences (mathe- matiques, physiques, naturelles.) Annee, 1889-97. Paris, i889-[97]. D. 10 nos. in 12. C Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Notes and queries on anthropology, ed. . . by J. G. Garson, M.D., and C. H. Read. 2d ed. London, 1892. S. lo 4- 242 p. ill. pi. c Arendt, Rudolf. Chemie. 74 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. v. 4.) C Armstrong, Henry Edward. Chemistry. {In Spencer, Frederic, ed. Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 1899. p. 222-59.) C T On the teaching of natural science as a part of the ordinary school course and on the method of teaching chemistry. {In London — Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 69-82.) C Association pour I'Enseignement des Sciences Anthropologiques. Assemblee generale du 12 juin 1899. {In Ecole d'anthrop. de Paris. Revue mens. 1899.) v. 9, p. 227-32. C Ayers, William O. Claims of natural history as a branch of common school education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1849. p. 119-47.) C Barnard, Henry. Science and art ; systems, institutions and statistics of scientific instruction, applied to national industries in different countries . . . 2d ed. New York, 1872. O. v. I. i pi. C T Bergemann, G. Die sittliche bedeutung des naturgeschichtlichen unterrichts fur die heranwach- sende jugend. {In Lehrer-prlifungs und inform.- arbeiten. 1884. v. i, pt. 5, p. 1-25.) C Berry, Arthur. Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on the forces of nature ; intended as an ex- position of the conservation of energy. (Cambridge University. University extension lectures.) C Bert, Paul. First steps in scientific knowledge . . . translated by Madame Paul Bert, revised . . . by W. H. Greene. . . Philadelphia [C. 1886-87]. S. 7 pts. in I. ill. C T THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 293 Beyer, Otto Wilhelm. Die naturwissenschaf- ten in der erziehungsschule. . . Leipzig, 1885. O. 6 + [I] + 205 p. C Bosschere, Charles de. Teaching of natural science in the primary normal school, Belgium. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Litera- ture. V. 14, p. 287-333.) C Botany. Chicago, 1900. O. p. 99-124. ill. {In Elementary school record. 1900. v. i,no. 4.) T Bourne, Gilbert Charles. Teaching of natural science. {In Cookson, Christopher. Essays on secondary education. 1898. p. 126-48.) C T Brendel, Karl. Die reform des naturkundli- chen unterrichts. Bielefeld [1894]. O. 13 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 7, pt. 4.) C Brinton, Daniel Garrison. Anthropology ; as a science and as a branch of university education in the United States. Philadelphia, 1892. O. 15 p. C British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of a committee appointed to con- sider the best means for promoting scientific educa- tion in schools. . . {London-^ 1868. F. 14 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1867-68. v. 54.) C Bro'vm, Bertha Millard. Physiology for the laboratory. Boston, 1900. D. 8 + 167 p. ill. C Cady, Isaac Foote. Place of natural history in a course of instruction. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1867. p. 176-95.) C Campbell, John Pendleton. Biological teach- ing in the colleges of the United States. Washing- ton, 1891. O. 183 p. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1891. no. 9.) C T Biology, and its place in a liberal education ; inaugural address delivered in the chapel of the University of Georgia, on Friday, Sept. 28th, 1888. n. p. O. 12 p. C Carnochan, John Murray. Address on the study of science, delivered in the New York Medi- cal College . . . October 20, 1857. New York, 1857. O. 43 P- C Carpenter, William Lant. Science-teaching. {In Bousfield, William, ed. Elementary schools. 1891. p. r-26.) T C^ran-Lemonnier, . Programme de I'en- seignement de I'histoire naturelle dans les col- leges . . . dispose en tableaux methodiques. 2* ed. Paris, 1837. Sq. F. 42 f. ill. tab. C Channing, Walter, M.D. On the moral uses of the study of natural history. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1835. p. 253-69.) C Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth. Report on the teaching of chemistry and physics in the U. S. Washington, 1881. O. 219 p. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1880. no. 6.) C T Coar, F. W. Study qf the stars in the gram- mar schools. Cambridge, n. d. O. 12 p. C Diller, Joseph Silas. The educational series of rock specimens collected and distributed by the U. S. Geol. Survey. 400 p. 18 ill. 47 pi. {In U. S. Geol. Surv. 1898. Bull. no. 150.) C Durgin, Clement. On natural history as a branch of common education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1831. p. 207-36.) C Eichelberg, J. F. A. Methodischer leitfaden zum griindlichen unterricht in der naturgeschichte fUr hohere lehranstalten. 2. . . vermehrte aufl. Zurich, 1845. O. pt. 3. C Epstein, Ludwig. Der botanische unterricht in der volksschule nach den forderungen dergegen- wart. {In Lehrer-priifungs und inform. -arbeiten. i888. V. 2, pt. 18, p. 27-35.) C Everett, Edward. Discourse on the impor- tance to practical men of scientific knowledge. . . Edinburgh, 1837. D. 236 p. (Students' cabinet library of useful tracts, v. 5.) C Farlo^r, William Gilson. Biological teaching in colleges. [New York.] O. p. 577-86. C From Popular science monthly, Mr. 1886. Fordyce, Charles. Nature study in the ele- mentary schools. Lincoln, 1900. O. no. 1-3. T Freeman, Lewis. Nature in education . . an address delivered before the Principals' Assoc, of Cincinnati . . . 1893. ^Cincinnati, 1893.] O. 8 p. C Gallow^ay, Robert. Education ; scientific and technical ; or, How the inductive sciences are taught and how they ought to be taught. , . Lon- don, 1881. O. 16 + 462 p. C Ganong, William Francis. Teaching botanist ; a manual ofinformation upon botanical instruction . . . New York, 1899. D. II + 270 p. ill. T Gould, Augustus Addison, M.D. On the in- troduction of natural history as a study to common schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1834, p. 225-45.) C Der stand der methodik in {In Paedagogium. 1887, T Great Britain — Parliament — Commons. Re- port from the select committee on scientific instruc- tion . . . with . . . proceedings . . . minutes of evidence and appendix. . . {London, 1868.] F, 32 -h 481 + [85] p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1867-68. V. 15.) C T ^ Science and Art Dept. of Com. of Council on Education. Directory . . . with regulations for establishing and conducting science and art schools, 1887-88. London, 1887-88. O. 2 v. C T Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science, Royal Commission on. Report. Lon- don, 1871-75. F. 5 pts. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1871-75.) C Grimk^, Thomas Smith. Address on the char- acter and objects of science . . . delivered ... at Charleston ... 9 May, 1827. . . {In his Reflec- tions. 1831. p. 1-57.) C Giinther, Siegmund. Geschichte des mathe- matischen unterrichts im deutschen mittelalter bis zum . . . 1525. Berlin, 1887. O. 18 + 408 -I- I p. ill. fac-sim. (Mon. Germ, paedagogica. 1887. V. 3.) C Gramzow, Otto, der naturgeschichte. V, 9, p. 776-98.) 294 EDUCATlhN Guthrie, Frederick. Outline of experiments and description of apparatus and material suitable for illustrating elementary instruction in sound, light, heat, magnetism and electricity, London, 1882. O. 41 p. C Hale, Rev. Benjamin. On the best mode of teaching natural philosophy. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1833. p. 289-309.) C Ha.rna>ck, Carl Gustav Axel. Naturforschung und naturphilosophie. n. p. [I886.] O. p. 161- 75. C Harris, Thaddeus William. Nature study and science, (in Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1896. p. 260-77.) C Harris, William Torrey. How to teach nat- ural science in public schools. Syracuse, 1887. S. 40 p. (School-room classics. 11.) T [Same.] 2d ed. Syracuse, 1895. D. 46 T Study of natural science — its uses and dan- gers. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1889. p. 15-30.) C Harrison, William Jerome. On a new method for the teaching of science in public elementary schools. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 119-43.) C Hause, Ewald. Die naturliche erziehung ; grundzuge des objectiven systems. 2. unveranderte aufl. Znaim, 1893. O. 8 + 480 p. C Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von. Notes of address. 1893. n.p. O. 11 p. C Hensoldt, H. Natural history in elementary schools ; a lecture delivered before the Franklin Institute, November 18, 1889. Philadelphia, 1890. O. 19 p. C Hill, Alexander. Physiology. {In Spencer, Frederic, ed. Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 1899, p. 273-84.) C T Hopkins, Mrs. Louisa Parsons. Elementary science. {In her Spirit of the new education. 1892. p. 252-61.) C T Observation lessons in elementary science : a manual for teachers. Boston, 1889. pt. 2, p. 43-90. T Hopkins, Thomas Cramer. Geology in the col- leges and universities of the United States. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report of the commissioner. 1893-94. V. I, p. 819-72.) C T Howe, Edward Gardiner, Advanced elemen- tary science ; being part 2 of systematic science teaching ; a manual of inductive elementary work. New York, 1900. D. 10 + 373 p. ill. i tab. (Internat. ed. ser.; W, T. Harris, ed. v. 48.) C T Systematic science teaching ; a manual of inductive elementary work. . . Ne^v York, 1894. D. 29 + 326 p. ill. (Same. v. 27.) C T Huxley, Thomas Henry. A lobster ; or. The study of zoology. {In his Discourses biological and geological. 1896. p. 196-228.) C T Illinois State Teachers* Association — Natural Science Section. Educational papers by Illinois science teachers, 1889-qo. Peoria, 1S91. O. v. I. T Jackman, Wilbur Samuel. Field work in na- ture study ; a handbook for teachers and pupils, n. p. [1894]. O. 55 P- C T Nature study and related subjects for the common schools. . . Chicago, 1896. D. and O. 2 pts. T Nature study for common schools. New York, 1892. D. 10 + 448 p. ill. 2d ed. C T Nature study for grammar grades. . . Dan- ville, III., 1896-98. [pt. I. '98.] D. 2 pts. in I V. [4] + 407 p. C [Same.] New York, 1899. D. [4] + 407 p. T Number work in nature study. ^Chicago, 1893.] O. pt. I, 31 + 198 p. C T Outlines of natural science for the common schools. Monongahela City, Pa., 1890-91. O. 289 p. T Begins with the month of Sept. Jenkin, Fleeming, On science teaching in laboratories. {In London — Internat. Health Ex- hib. 1884. Literature, v. 15, p. 16-25.) C Kendall, Joshua. Suggestion respecting the study of nature. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1862. p. 58-83.) C Kiessling, J. Physik. 73 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. v. 4.) C Eimmins, C. W. Science teaching in schools. {In Roberts, R. D., ed. Ed. in the 19th century. 1901. p. 121-39.) C Eingsley, John Sterling. Naturalist's assist- ant ; a handbook for the collector and student with a bibliography of 1 500 works necessary for the sys- tematic zoologist. Boston, 1882. D. 228 p. ill. C Eofoid, Charles Atwood. Plankton studies. I. Methods and apparatus in use in Plankton in- vestigations at the Biolog. Exper. Station of the Univ. of 111. ill. 7 pi. {In 111. State Lab. of Nat. Hist. Bulletin, v. 5, p. 1-25. 1897.) C Lange, Diedrich. Handbook of nature study . . . for elementary schools. New York, 1899. D. 16 + 329 p. ill. T Lange, Heinrich. Geschichte der methodik des physikalischen und chemischen unterrichtes in der volksschule. {In Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deutschen volksschulunterrichts. 1888-91, V. 2, p. 175-223.) CT Leblanc, Rene. L'enseignement experimental des sciences 4 I'ecole normal et a I'ecole primaire. Paris [1885]. O. 47 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 4.) C Lij-w, Ernst. Naturbeschreibung. 98 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. v. 4.) C THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING 295 liuben, August. Leitfaden zu einem methodi- schen unterricht in der naturgeschichte in biirger- schulen . . . u. seminarien ... 2. aufl. Berlin, 1841. D. 8 + 141 p. C McGee, W. J. Anthropology at Ithaca. (/« Am. anthropologist. 1898. v. 11, p. 15-22.) C Machold, Wilhelm. Ursachen, ziele und wege der reformbestrebungen des naturgeschichts- unterrichts in der volksschule. Bielefeld, 1890. O. 13 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 3, pt. 8.) C Mackall, Louis, M.D. American science ; its teachings. Washington, 1872, O. 28 p. C McMurry, Charles Alexander. Special method in natural science for the first four grades of the common school. Blooininglon [I896]. S. 210 p. CT Madison (Ind.) — Board of Education. Outline of nature study for the Madison, Indiana, public schools. 1899. Madison, 1899. D. 25 p, T Masci, Filippo. Dell' insegnamento scientifico nella scuola secondaria ; nota letta alia Reale aca- demia di scienze morali e politiche. Napoli, 1891. O. 32 p. C Mason, William Pitt. Some thoughts concern- ing the teaching of chemistry [May, 1898]. n. p. Q. 3P. C Merriam, Florence Augusta. Bird tablet for field use, abridged from Florence A. Merriam's Birds of field and village, by J. A. Clark. Wash- ington, 1898. Ob. Tt. Unpaged. C Modern methods, or, The art of teaching, v. 3 : Lessons in natural history. Boston [C. 189I]. O. 104 p. ill. T Murcli4, Vincent T. Object lessons in elemen- tary science, following the scheme issued by the London School Board. London, 1874. D. v. i. ill. C Teachers' manual of object lessons in ele- mentary science and geography combined. . . Lon- don, 1899. D. 3 V. ill. T Natural history lessons. New York, 1892. D. 10 -I- 98 p. 2 ill. (Teachers' handbooks.) C Netoliczka, Eugen. Methodik der naturlehre. 3. verb. aufl. von Konrad Kraus. Wien, 1896. O. 9 + i66 p. ill. (Handb. der speciellen methodik. pt. 6.) C New York (City) Normal College — Associ- ate AlumncB. Nature study leaflets, issued by the natural science committee. New York, 1899-1900. O. no. 1-4. T New York (State) Science Teachers' As- sociation. Preliminary report of the committee of nine. ^Syracuse, 1898.] O. 14 p. C From Jo. of pedagogy for Ap. i8q8. Norton, Sidney Augustus. A report on appa- ratus ; read before the Ohio Teachers' Association, July 6, 1865. n. p. O. 8 p. C Osbun, I. J. Means and methods in elemen- tary physics. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1881. p. 174-87.) C 0\7en, Daniel Edward. Simple science les- sons ; teacher's syllabus and note book arranged for Maine summer schools. «. /. n. d. O. 104 p. C Parkyn, Ernest Albert. Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on plant life, with special refer- ence to the physiology of plants . . . with glossary. Scarborough, n. d. O. 85 p. (Cambridge Univ. University exten.sion lectures.) C Payne, Joseph. True foundation of science- teaching. (/« his Lectures on the science and art of education. 1884. p. 185-205.) C T Perry, John. England's neglect of science. London, 1900. O. 7 + 113 p. C Pfundt, Otto. Welche forderungen der neue- ren naturgeschichtsmethodik vermag die volksschule auch unter ihren beschrankten verhaltnissen zu er- fullen ? Neuwied, 1898. O. 23 p. (Aus der schule fur die schule. no. 73.) C Phillips, Reginald William. Botany. (/« Spencer, Frederic, ed. Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 1899. p. 260-72.) C T Pokorny, Alois. Naturgeschichtliche lehr- mittel. Wien,\%i\. O. 28 p. (/« Vienna — Aus- stellungs-bericht. 1873-77. v. 8, group 26, sec. 2 and 3.) C Purdue University. Leaflets on nature study. Lafayette, Ind., 1898. O. no. 1-24 in i. ill. T Reatchlous, Henry Arnold. Science teaching in training colleges. {In London — Internal. Health Exhibition. 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 150-61.) C Reimann, Karl. Die reform des naturkund- lichen unterricht nach Friedrich Junge. Minden, 1893. O. 49 p. (/« Lehrer-priifungs und inform. - arbeiten. v. 3, pt. 27.) C Reinecke, C. L. Plan und stofiF fUr den vier- stufigen naturgeschichts-unterricht. . . Dresden, 1891. O. V. I. C Rice, William North. Science teaching in the schools ; an address delivered before the American Society of Naturalists. . . Boston, 1889. D. 46 p. (Monographs on education.) T Rieck, Karl. Der naturhistorische unterricht an volks- und biirgerschulen. {In Paedagogium. 1880. V. 2, p. 346-66.) T Roebber, Eduard. Uber den unterricht in der chemie an der hOheren biirgerschule. Hannover, 1857. O. 15 p. C Rothe, Karl. Methodik des naturgeschichtli- chen unterrichts. 3. aufl. Wien, 1897. O. \i^-'r i p. (Handb. der speciellen methodik. pt. 5.) C Russell, Rev. John Lewis. On the beneficial, moral, as well as intellectual tendencies of the knowledge and study of natural history. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1837. p. 71-89.) C Sallw^iirk, Ernst von. Die arbietskunde im naturwissenschaftlichen unterricht. Langensaha, 1895. O. 6 H- 56 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 66.) C 296 EDUCATION Salmon, David. Longmans' object lessons . . . with full notes of complete courses of lessons on elementary science, revised and adapted to American schools by J. F. Woodhull. New York, 1892. D. 8 4- 238 p. ill. C T Sanderson, Frederick William. Teaching of natural science. {In Cookson, Christopher. Es- says on secondary education. 1898. p. 107-25.) C T Schickhelm, Franz. Die methode des an- schauungsunterrichts auf psychologischer grundlage durchgef iihrt an der botanik. Halle, 1889. O. 6g p. (Samml. padag. abhandl. v. i.) C Schleichert, Franz. Experiment und beobach- tung im botanischen unterricht. Langensalza, 1895. O. 16 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 65.) C Schmidt, Emil. Anthropologische methoden, anleitung zum beobachten und sammeln fiir labora- torium und reise. Leipzig, 1888. D. 4 + 336 p. ill. C Schneider, Albert. Hints on drawing for students of biology. Chicago, 1899. O. 55 + [i] p. ill. I pi. C Science. Chicago, 1900. O. p. 153-73. ill. (In Elementary school record. 1900. v. i, no. 6.) T Scott, Charles B. Nature study and the child. Boston, 1900. D. 25 4- 618 p. ill. T Nature study in the elementary schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1894. p. 106- 20.) C Sedgwick, William Thompson. Educational value of the methods of science. {In Educational review. 1893, v. 5, p. 243-56.) C T Small* Evan William. Syllabus of a coursfe of twelve lectures on geology. Nottingham, n. d. O. 87 f. (Cambridge, Eng., University. Local lec- tures.) C Smith, T. Berry. Studies in nature and lan- guage lessons. . . Boston, 1890. O. I2r p. ill. T Soci^t^ scientifique de I'Enseignement par I'Aspect. Conferences faites au Havre par les instituteurs adjoints des ecoles communales. Paris, 1884. D. 8 -f- 578 p. ill. T Ste^^art, Robert Wallace. Physical science. {In Spencer, Frederick, ed. Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 1899. p. 208-21. C T Struthers, Joseph, Ward, D. W., and Will- marth, C. H. Chemistry and physics. . . Phila- delphia [i893]. D. 288 p. ill. (Students' quiz series ; B. B. Gallaudet, ed,) C Sw^ainson, William. Preliminary discourse on the study of natural history. London, 1834. S. 8 + 462 p. • T Tarr, Ralph Stockman. Suggestions for lab- oratory and field work in high-school geolc^y, and questions for use with Tarr's elementary geology. New York, 1897. D. loo p. C Tyndall, John. On the study of physics. {In his Fragments of science. 1896. p. 281-303.) C T United States — Education, Bureau of. Nat- ural science in secondary schools. Washington, 1882. O. 9 p. C Vassall, Archer. Natural science in prepara- tory schools. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special re- ports on educat. subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 257-65.) CT Waterbury, Robert L., M.D. Natural sci- ence in the public schools : a memorial to the Board of Education ... of New York, December 21, 1859. N'ew York, 1859. O. 15 p. C School lectures on natural history . . . [prospectus]. New York, 1858. Q. 11 p. C Wead, Charles Kasson. Aims and methods of the teaching of physics. Washington, 1884. O. 158 p. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1884. no. 7.) C T Wilk, E. Die synthese im naturgeschichtlichen unterricht. Langensalza, 1895. O. 44 p. (Pada- gog. mag. pt. 63.) C Wilson, Rev. James Maurice. On teaching natural science in schools. {In Farrar, F. W. Essays on a liberal education. 1867. p, 241-91.) CT Wilson, John D. How to study nature in ele- mentary schools ; a flexible manual for teachers. Syracuse, 1900. D. 67 p. C T Wilson, Mrs. Lucy Langdon Williams. Na- ture study in elementary schools ; a manual for teachers. New York, 1899. D. 19 + 272 p. ill. pi. T Winch, William H, Method in study of na- ture. {In his Problems in education. 1900. p. 79-98.) T Woodhull, John Francis. Natural science for the common schools by experimental methods ; an abstract from an address delivered before the Am. Inst, of Instr. D. 15 p. C Lithographed from MS. Teaching of physics in secondary schools. [New York] 1899. O. [5] + 42 p. C Wooster, L. C. Educational values of the natural sciences. [Emporia, n. d. ?] O. 18 p. C Wormell, Richard. Teaching of elementary chemistry. {In London — Ed. Soc. Trans. 1885- 86. V. 2, p. 20-31.) T Zeitschrift fUr mathematischen und naturwis- senschaftlichen unterricht. Leipzig, i870-i9CX3. O. ill. pi. V. 1-31. C SOCIOLOGY Bald\rin, James Mark. Social and ethical in- terpretations in mental development ; a study in so- cial psychology. . . New York, 1897. O. 14 + 574 p. C Bernes, Marcel. Quelques reflexions sur I'en- seignement de la sociologie. {In Revue internat. de sociologie. 1895. v. 3, p. 629-43.) C Cro^rell, John Franklin. Logical process of social development, a theoretical foundation for ed- ucational policy from the standpoint of sociology. New York, 1898. D. 9 + 35 + 8 p. ill. C TRAINING OF TEACHERS 297 Durkheim, Emile. Les regies de la methode sociologique. Paris, 1895. D. 8 + 186 p. C Embden, G., Sohn, G., and Stieda, W. Das verfahren bei enqueten iiber sociale verhaltnisse . . . nebst einem anhang nach dem englischen von J. M. Ludlow. Leipzig, 1877. O. 4 + 64 p. C Essence of science ; or, The catechism of pos- itive sociology and physical mentality ; by A student of Auguste Comte. New York, 1859. D. 92 p. C Fulcomer, Daniel. Instruction in sociology in institutions of learning, n. p. n. d. O. 18 p. C Harris, William Torrey. Method of study in social science. . . {In Am. Social Science Assoc. Journal. 18^. v. 10, p. 28-34.) C liindsay, Samuel McCune. Study and teach- ing of sociology. {In Am. Acad, of Polit. and So- cial Science. Annals. 1898. v. 12, p. 1-48.) C Progress in economic education. (/« Am. Social Science Assoc. Journal. 1869. v. i, p. 137-40.) C School of Social Economics. Circular of information, 1893-94. New York, 1893. O. pi. C Small, Albion Woodbury. Syllabus ; introduc- tion to the science of sociology. . . Waterville, Me., 1890. O. 149 p. C Spencer, Herbert. Principles of sociology. New York, 1883-97. O. 3 v. C T Strong, William. Study of social science. {In Am. Social Science Assoc. Journal. 1871. v. 4, p. 1-7.) C Warner, Amos Griswold, editor. Sociology in institutions of learning ; report of seventh section of the Internat. Congress of Charities . . . Chicago, 1893. Baltimore, \Z()\. O. 20 + 127 p. C 22. TRAINING OF TEACHERS Hinsdale, Burke Aaron, Teacher's profes- sional book list. June, 1894. [Ann Arbor, 1894.] O. 4P. C Mus^e p^dagogique. Catalogue des biblio- theques des ecoles normales. (Mem. et doc. scol. no. 32.) Paris, 1887. O. 53 p. C Teachers* Guild of Great Britain and Ireland. Catalogue of the library . . . with the rules and regulations. f3d issue). . . London, igcxa. O. [7] -i- 211 p. ' C Abbott, Osmer. Das system der englischen lehrerbildung dargestellt und beurteilt. Jena, 1898. O. 7 + 114 + I p. C Allen, John William. The teacher is an agent, not a servant. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1864. p. 37-55-) C Allen, Jerome. Training of teachers in Scot- land : notes made during the summer of 1892. New York, n. d. O. 14 p. C Ambros, Karoline von. Weib und lehrberuf ; eine erwiderung auf Elise Engelhards . . . abhand- lung liber die frage, " Welche folgen hat die heran- ziehung des weiblichen geschlechtes zum lehrberufe auf padagogischem und socialem gebiete ? " . . . Wien, 1896. O. 24 p. C Argentine Republic. Ley y decretos para la creacion y organizacion de la Escuela normal nacional del Parana. Buenos Aires, 1870. O. 23 p. C Arnold, Matthew. Extracts from reports on training colleges. {In his Reports on elementary schools. i88g. p. 261-302.) C T Atkinson, Frederick Washington. Study of American normal schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1896. p. 29-44.) C Bamberg, Fr. Repetitorium der padagogik ; ein hilfsbuch fiir seminaristen und lehrer zur ersten und zweiten prufung. Dresden, 1893. O. I2 + 131 p. C Bardeen, Charles William. The teacher as he should be. . . Syracuse, 1891. O. 19 p. C Bavaria. Kgl. AllerhOchste verordnung vom 21. Januar 1895 ; die priifungsordnung fUr das lehr- amt an humanistischen und technischen unterrichts- anstalten im konigreich Bayern. Ansbach, 1895. S. 44 p. C Bestinunungen liber das madchenschulwesen, die lehrerinnenbildung und die lehrerinnenprlifun- gen vom 31. Mai 1894. . . Berlin, i8g8. O. 83 p. C Beyer, Otto Wilhelm. Zur errichtung pada- gogischer lehrstuhle an unseren universitaten. Lan- gensalza, 1894. O. 4 -I- 72 p. C Bicknell, Thomas Williams. State normal col- lege — the next step in normal work. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1890. p. 85-101,) C Boone, Richard Gause. General culture as an element in professional training. ^Cincinnati, 1900.] O. [12] p. C Bormann, Karl. Die prlifung der lehrerinnen in Preussen nach ihrer vorbereitung, voUziehung und wirkung. Berlin, 1867. D. [5] -f 258 p. C Bbse, C. Zur seminarreformfrage ; ein beitrag zur losung derselben unter . . . rlicksicht . . . des Evangelischen Volksschullehrerseminars zu Olden- burg. Oldenburg, 1872. D. 43 p. C Boyden, Albert Gardner. History and alumni record of the State Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass., to July, 1876. Boston, 1876. O. 182 p. pi. por. C T Bram^^ell, Amy Blanche, and Hughes, H. M, Training of teachers in the United States of America. London, 1894. D, 12 + 198 p. C T Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci- ences — School of Pedagogy. Courses of instruc- tion for teachers and school officers. Season of 1899-1900. [Brooklyn.-^ O. 16 p. C 298 EDUCATION Brooklyn Trainings School for Teach- ers. Course of study and rules for the government of the training school for teachers. 1889. [Brook- lyn, 1889.] O. 8 p. C Brooks, Rev. Charles. School reform or teach- ers' seminaries. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1837. p. 159-79.) c Bryan, J. P. Kennedy. Peabody southern benefaction ; oration ; anniversary of Winthrop Training School for Teachers, May 11, 1888. . . Charleston, 1888. O. 32 p. C Sugge, E. Das franzosische volksschuUehrer- seminar. {In Neue bahnen. 1892. v. 3, p. 27- 32, and 85-90.) T Butler, Nicholas Murray. Duty of the uni- versity to the teaching profession ; an address de- livered before the N. Y. State Teachers' Assoc, July 8, 1890. M. />. [1890?] O. 8 p. C Training of teachers. Psychology in its re- lation to pedagogy. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. 26-42.) C T Cambridge University — Day Training Col- lege. Browning, Oscar. Presidential address [on The training of teachers] . . . Dec. 1898. [Ox- ford, pr.] 1899. D. 23 p. C Teachers' Training Syndicate. Examina- tions for certificates ; regulations for 1899. . . London, 1898. O. 59 p. C Report of committee for . . . 1897-98. Sq. Q. 5 p. C Camp, David Nelson. Relation of the teacher to advancing civilization. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1862. p. 84-115.) C Campbell, Alfred Hills. Place of the normal school. {In same. Lectures, 1889. p. 162-74.) C Chauvin, Leon. L'education de I'instituteur ; pedagogie pjatique et administration scolaire. Paris [I8891. D. 590 P- T Chicago Institute. Catalogue of the Chicago Institute, academic and pedagogic. 1900-01. Chi- cago [igoo]. O. 52 p. C T Chicago, 1900. CT O. — Preliminary announcement. 16 p. ill. pi. Summer School. [Announcement]. [Chicago, igoo.] O. 16 p. map. 1900. C Clerc, Alexis Jules. Organisation et adminis- tration materielle des ecoles normales. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . Exposition Universelle de 1889. V. 2, p. 455-83-) C College of Preceptors. 92. London, 1887-92. O. Calendar, 1887- O. — Lectures on education. London [^ret. 1872]. V. I. C Comptabilit^ des ecoles normales primaires ; guide legal et administratif des economes. Paris, 1888. O. 124 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scolaires. no. 61.) C Conant, Edward. How teaching may become a profession. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1879. p. 44-53.) C Craig, A. R. Philosophy of training ; or. The principles and art of a normal education, with a . . . review of its origin and history. . . 2d ed. Lon- don, 1847. O. 20 + 377 p. T Crom^rell, John Gabriel, canon. Some differ- ences that exist between the training, duties, and position of elementary teachers in Great Britain and on the continent. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 16, p. 59- 73.) • c Cushing, Thomas, Jr. The teacher in the nineteenth century. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1851. p. 71-101.) C Davis, George B. On the training of teachers for public elementary schools. {In London — Inter- nat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 16, p. 14-34.) c Dickinson, John W. State teachers' institutes. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. 84-90.) C T Dittos, Friedrich. Die bedeutung der lehrer- vereine in unserer zeit. {In Paedagogium. 1883. v. 5, p. 282-94.) T Die sprachenfrage mit besonderer beziehung auf lehrerbildung. (/« same. p. 33i-5i.) T Draper, Andrew Sloan. Qualifications of teachers ; how shall the qualifications of teachers be determined? {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888. no. 6, p. 58-69.) CT Dronke, Adolf. Die xxxiv. versammlung deutscher philologen und schulmanner zu Trier. {In Paedagogium. 1880. v. 2, p. 171-80 and 252- 61.) T Dyke, Charles Bartlett. Economic aspect of teachers' salaries. New York, 1899. O. 83 p. pi. (Columbia University contributions to philos- ophy, psychology and education, v. 7, no. 2.) £dson, Andrew Wheatley. Professional train- ing of teachers. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1887. p. 30-48.) C Emerson, George Barrell. The schoolmaster ; the proper character, studies and duties of the teacher. . . New York, 1842. D. p. 265-552. ill. {In Potter, A., and Emerson, G. B. School and the schoolmaster. 1842. pt. 2.) C T Engelhard, Elise. Preisgekronte abhandlung liber die frage, Welche folgen hat die heranziehung des weiblichen geschlechtes zum lehrberufe auf padagogischem und socialem gebiete. . . Wien, 1896. O. 39 p. c England — Education Dept. Training colleges ; reports. {In Report of the Committee of Council on education. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1859-99.) C See index volume for each year. Ernst, Karl. Theorie und praxis im padago- gischen seminar. . . {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1892. V. 13, p. 193-223.) T TRAINING OF TEACHERS 299 Findlay, Joseph John. Memorandum upon the registration and training of teachers in the sec- ondary schools in the states of the German empire. (7« Rept. of Commissioners on secondary ed. v. 5, p. 112-27. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1895. V. 47.) C T On the study of education. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. V, 2, p. 331-n-) C T Fisher, Oilman C. Woman as an educator. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1890. p. 10- 24.) C Fitch, Joshua Girling. Memorandum on the training of teachers. {In Rept. of Commissioners on secondary ed. v. 5, p. 76-89. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1895. V. 47.) C T Notes on American schools and training col- leges. London^ 1890. S. 133 p. C T Teachers' institutes and conventions in America. {In Teachers' Guild of Great Britain and Ireland. Papers, 1888-90. v. 2, p. 96-114.) T Flugel, Georg. Geschichte des Fuldaer Lehrer- seminars von 1836-86; im anschluss an die fest- schrift des im jahre 1886 gefeierten jubilaums hrsg. Fulda, 1894. O. [4] + 195 p. C Foerster, Eduard. Das kaiserliche Lehrerse- minar zu Strasburg ; festschrift zur einweihung des neuen seminargebaudes. Breslau, 1895. O. 232 p. ill. I pi. C , France — Instruction publique, Ministere de V . Ecole normale de Cluny ; rapport de la commission chargee de I'inspection de I'etablissement [1867]. [Paris, 1867.] Sq. Q. 15 p. C Sujets de concours pour I'admission k rEcole normale superieure d'enseignement pri- maire de Fontenay-aux-Roses (section des lettres) depuis; I'origine. [Concours de 1880-97.] Paris, n. d. O. 74 P- C Sujets de concours [de 1882-97] pour I'admission a I'Ecole normale superieure d'enseigne- ment primaire de Saint-Cloud (section des lettres) depuis I'origine. Paris, ti. d. O. 66 p. C Sujets de concours pour I'obtention des bourses de sejour k I'etranger en faveur des profes- seurs d'Ecole normale. . . Paris, n. d. O. 47 p. C Sujets donnes aux examens [de 1880- 96] du certificat d'aptitude aux fonctions de pro- fesseur dans les ecoles normales d'instituteurs et dans les ecoles primaires superieures (ordre des lettres) depuis I'origine Paris, n. d. O. 65 p. C Sujets donnes aux examens [de 1880- 99] du certificat d'aptitude aux fonctions de pro- fesseur dans les ecoles normales d'instituteurs et dans les ecoles primaires superieures (ordre des sciences) depuis I'origine. Paris, n. d. O. 63 p. C Frick, Otto Paul Martin. Das Seminarium praeceptorum an den Franckeschen stiftungen zu Halle, ein beitrag zur losung der lehrerbildungs- frage. Ha/ie a. S., 1883. O. [3] -f- 62 p. C Fries, Wilhelm. Die vorbildung der lehrer fur das lehramt. Miinchen, 1895. Q. 8 + 206 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre fiir hohere schulen. v. 2, pt. i.) C Friese, Fr. Die zweite volksschullehrerprtl- fung ; eine handreichung fiir priifende und prtiflinge ... 2. . . verm. aufl. . . Breslau, 1897, O. 157 p. C Frohlich, Gustav. Die erziehungsschule. . . Wien [I877]. O. 5 -h 42 p. {In Padagogischen studien. 1881. v. 2, no. 18.) T Frohschammer, Jakob. Uber die bedeutung der philosophic fiir lehrerbildung. {In Paedago- gium. 1891. V. 13, p. 553-64.) T Geistbeck, Michael. Zur reform der lehrer- bildung in Bayern. Miinchen, 1896. D. 35 p. C Geitner, Albert. Die gehalts- und pensions- bezuge der lehrer in den bayerischen sowie in den ubrigen grosseren deutschen stadten. . . Miin- chen, 1887. O. [4] -(- 52 p. C Germany. Priifungsordnung fiir die kandi- daten des hoheren lehramts vom 5. Feb. 1887 ; nebst den bestimmungen iiber die praktische aus- bildung derselben vom 15. Marz 1890 und dem min- isterialerlass vom 21. Feb. 1867, betreflend das colloquium pro rectoratu. Berlin, 1891. O. 56 p. C Glasgow^ Educational Society — Normal Seminary. Report, 1839. Glasgow, 1839. O. v. 5. C Goerth, Albrecht. Die priifung und ausbil- dung der lehrerinnen in Ostpreussen. {In Paeda- gogium. 1882. V. 4, p. 151-63.) T Zur frage der lehrerbildung. {In Neue bahnen. 1897. v. 8, p. 401-29.) T Gordy, John Pancoast. Rise and growth of the normal school idea in the U. S. Washington, 1891. O. 145 p. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1891. no. 8.) C T Gray, Thomas J. Report of the " Chicago com- mittee " on methods of instruction and courses of study in normal schools. O. 19 p. {In School issues of the day. [1890.] no. 4.) T Great Britain — Education Dept. See Eng- land — Education Dept. Elementary Education A cts. Royal Commis- sion on. Training college returns ; information ob- tained in answer to inquiries . . . addressed to the principals of training colleges in England and Wales in receipt of a government grant. London, 1888. F. 224 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1888. v.. 36.) C T Parliament — Commons. Report of the se- lect committee on elementary schools (certified teachers). [London^ 1872. F. 152 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. papers. 1872. v. 9.) C Special report from the select committee on teachers' registration and organiza- tion bill . . . proceedings, minutes of evidence. . . London, 1891. F. 24 + 380 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1890-91. v. 17.) C Teachers' registration bill. F. 2+10 p. Lon- C don, li Teachers' registration and organi- sation bill. London, 1891. F. 2 -I- 13 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap, 1890. v. 9.) C 300 EDUCATION Greenough, James Carnithers. Individualism in teaching. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1887. p. 90-103.) C Giinther, A. Zur lehrerbildungsfrage. Biele- feld, 1891. O. 19 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. V. 3, pt. ID.) C Hagar, Daniel B. Examination of teachers. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1878. p. 42- 52.) c Hall, Samuel Read. Lectures to female teach- ers on school-keeping. Boston, 1832. S. 179 p^ On the necessity of educating teachers. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1833. p. 241-59.) C Hannak, Emanuel. Training of teachers in Austria. (In Teachers college. Educational mono- graphs. 1888. V. 2, no. 3, p. 87-112.) T Harris, William Torrey. The future of the normal school. (In Educat. rev. 1899. v. 16, p. 1-15.) C T Helnicke, Gustav. Die w^ehrpflicht der lehrer. Bielefeld, 1888. O. 15 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. i, pt. 8.) C Hendy, Frederick James Roberts. Training of secondary teachers, and educational ideals. (In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. sub- jects. 1898. V. 2, p. 378-88.) CT Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Pedagogical chairs in colleges and universities. O. 11 p. (/« School issues of the day. [1890.] no. 5.) T Training of teachers. (In Butler, Nicholas Murray/ Ed. in the U. S. 1900. v. i, p. 359- 407.) C T Hochegger, Rudolf. Ober die kulturaufgabe des lehrers und die notwendigkeit eines freien lehrer- standes. Bielefeld, 1892. O. 29 + [i] p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 5, pt. i.) C Hochscheidt, H. Die berufsliebe des lehrers im Spiegel der gegenwart. Bielefeld [I896]. O. 14 p. (Same. v. 8, pt. 12.) C Hofmann, Rudolph. Die praktische vorbil- dung zum hdheren schulamt auf der universitat. Leipzig, 1881. O. 43 p. C Hollkamm, Franz. Erziehender unterricht und massenunterricht. Langensalza, 1893. O. 54 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 21.) C Hoose, James H. School supervision and ex- amining and licensing teachers in the state of New York. . . n. t.-p. O. 40 p. C Horn, . Die padagogische fakultat. (In Neue bahnen. 1897. v. 8, p. 233-43.) T Hughes, Miss E. P. Training of teachers. (In Roberts, R. D., ed. Ed. in the 19th century. 1901. p. 171-92.) C T Humphreys, Edward Rupert. National con- ference of social science ; education department ; " Endowments," " Examinations," and " The plan and objects of the Royal College of Preceptors " ; being the substance of three papers read at the meetings of the association, on the 13th and 14th Oc- tober. Birmingham, 1857. O- 23 p. C Industrial Education Association, see New York (City) — Industrial Education Associa- tion, below. International Congress of Teachers. Compte rendu du Congres international d'institu- teurs et d'institutrices tenu au Havre du 6 au 10 sep- tembre 1885. Paris, 1885. O. 3 + 211 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 5.) C Ireland — National Education, Commmissioners of. Correspondence on the subject of training schools in Ireland. 8 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1883. V. 53.) C Jackman, Wilbur Samuel. City training and practice schools. (In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. 45-52.) C T Jacobs, Walter Ballon. Training of teachers for secondary schools. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1896. p. 172-89.) C Jacoulet, Auguste Edouard. Notice historique sur les ecoles normales d'instituteurs et d'institu- trices. (In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . Ex- position Univ. de 1889. v. 2. p. 373-453-) C and Pecaut, Felix. Notices sur les ecoles normales superieures d'enseignement primaire de Fontenay-aux-Roses et de Saint-Cloud. (In Re- cueil des monogr. pedagog. Exposit. Univ. de 1889. V. 2, p. 635-83.) C James, Edmund Janes. Chairs of pedagogics in our universities ; a discussion. . . Philadelphia, 1887. O. 46 -i- 2 p. (Phila. Social Sci. Assoc. Papers.) C James, Thomas D. On model schools. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1838. p. 75-93-) C Jolly, Sarah. Thoughts on the vocation and progression of the teacher. London, 1854. S. 68 p. C Jost, Guillaume. Les examens du personnel de I'enseignement primaire. (In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . . Exposit. Univ. de 1889. v. 3, p. 231-377-) c Jouffroy, Theodore Simon. Rapport sur le concours . . . relatif aux ecoles normales pri- maires . . . (In Paris — Inst. — Acad, des sci. mor. etpol. Mem. 1841. v. 3. P- 313-58.) C Jiirgenson, D. W. seminarium zu Dorpat. D. 96 p. tab. Das Elementarlehrer- . Dorpat, 1833. Nar. C Keferstein, Horst. Betrachtungen tiber leh- rerbildung. 2. umgearbeitete aufl. Langensalza, 1898. O. 8 -f 51 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. i.) Die padagogische vorbilding im lehrersemi- nar. (In Paedagogium. 1884. v. 6, p. 534-56, 597-614 and 641-58.) T Kirchner, -, seminardirector . Das FUrst^ lich SchOnburgische Lehrerseminar zu Waldenburg nach seiner begrUndung, entwickelun^ und jUng- sten baulichen amgestaltung ; festschrift zur dop- pelfeier des 50jahrigen bestehens der anstalt. . . Waldenburg, 1895, O. 84 p. C TRAINING OF TEACHERS 301 Konig, Karl. Lehrervereine und lehrertage . . . Zaberni.E. [pref. 18953. O. [7l + i35P- C Krass, Mart. Geschichte der Miinsterschen Normalschule. . . Miinster, 1894. D. 82 + [i] p. c Kumm, Franz. Der deutsche lehrerverein zur hebung der volksschule, in seiner entwickelung und bedeutung kurz dargestellt. . . Wittenberg, 1891. O. 4 + 108 p. C Lakanal, Joseph. Rapport sur I'organisation des ecoles normales. {In Hippeau, Celestin. In- struction publique en France pendant la revolution. 1881. V. r, p. 408-22.) C T Lane, Albert G. County institutes. (In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. 69- 76.) C T Langermann, J. Die vorbildung der lehrer in praparandenanstalten. Bielefeld, 1889. O. 30 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 2, pt. 4.) C Laurie, Simon Somerville. On professorships and lectureships on education. {In London — Inter- nal. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 16, p. 121-32.) C Teachers' Guild addresses and the registra- tion of teachers. London, i%(^2. D. [6] 4- 300 p. T Training of the teacher. {In his Training of teachers and other educational papers. 1882. p. 1-118,) T Leach, James Edward. " Reciprocal influence of the teacher and his profession" . . . Mr. Leach's oration and Mr. J. A. Goodwin's poem before the Bridgewater Normal Association, August 15, 1849. • • Providence, 1850. D. 36 p. C Lewis, Frances W. Value of pedagogics to the college graduate ; a paper presented to the Associa- tion of Collegiate Alumnae, May 19, 1888. n.f. O. 14 p. C Lindner, Gustav Adolf. Die padagogische hochschule. Wien, 1874. Nar. O. 44 p. (Volks- bildung und schulwesen ; Alois Egger-MSUwald, ed. no 2.) C Mack, David. Claims of our age and country upon teachers. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1839. p. 137-54.) C Manley, Miss L., Williams, Miss, and With- ers, H. L. English students in foreign training colleges. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special repts. on ed. subjects. 1897. v. i, p. 72-100.) C T Mann, Horace. Lecture on special preparation, a prerequisite to teaching, 1838. n.p. O. [I6] p. CT Mansford, Charles. Training of teachers. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Litera- ture. V. 16, p. 1-14.) C Marie-Cardine> W. Les societes de secours mutuels entre les instituteurs et les institutrices. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . . Exposi- tion Univ. de 1889. v. 5, p. 35-287.) C Martig, E. Wie muss die padagogik als wissen- schaft im seminar behandelt werden, wenn den forderungen der zeit an die bildung der lehrer entsprochen werden soil ? {In Neue bahnen. 1898. V. g. p. 136-60.) Massachusetts — Education, Board of. Cir- cular of information : The normal schools. Re- quirements for admission in 1896. [Boston, 1895.] O. 7P. C Examination for admission to the Mas- sachusetts State Normal Schools, Sept. 8 and 9, 1896. [Boston, 1896.] O. 16 p. C State examination and certification of teachers ; . . . plan adopted Dec. 14, 1894. Boston, 1895. O. 22 p. C Mayo, Rev. Amory Dwight. Assault on the normal schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1877. p. 29-43.) C Meiklejohn, John, M.D. Professorships and lectureships on education. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 16, p. 97- I20.) C The training of teachers and the chair of education in the University of St. Andrews. St. Andrews, 1879. O' 63 p. C Metzroth, N. Das schulpflichtige kind ; rat- geber fur eltern. . . Mainz, 1892. D. 8 + 88 p. c Miller, Miss S. A. On the training of teachers for elementary schools. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 16, p. 34- 43.) c Milne, James M. Teachers' institutes ; their past and their future. Syracuse. 1894. O. 22 p. T Missouri, University of the State of. Special courses of instruction offered by professors in the University ... to the teachers of the state . . . 1894. Columbia, 1894. O. 16 p. C Mittenzwey, L. Die internatserziehung in den deutschen lehrerbildungsanstalten. {In Neue bahnen. 1898. v. 9, p. 538-44.) T Zur lehrerbildungfrage. {In same. 1897. V. 8, p. 468-74.) T Morrison, Thomas. Scotch training colleges. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Lit- erature. V. 16, p. 152-62.) C Mullener, Ch. Beitrage und vorschlage zur reorganisation der lehrerbildung auf padagogischer grundlage. . . Bern, 1892. O. 8 -I- 98 p. C Miiller, Georg. Zur entstehungsgeschichte des philologischen, padagogischen und katechetischen seminars an der Universitat Leipzig {In Padagog. studien, neue folge, 1896. v. 17, p. 1-43.) T National Educational Association of the U. S. Normal schools of Wisconsin ; a souvenir of the meeting held at Milwaukee, July 6-9, 1897 ; pre- pared by Albert Salisbury. [Milwaukee, 1897.] O. 44 + [2] p. ill. 1 pi. C See also p. 12. 302 EDUCATION TSl&vr Schools of Methods. For superin- tendents, specialists, and grade teachers. 1899. [Courses of study.] Chicago and Hingham, Mass. Q. 15 p. ill. ports. C New^ York (City) — Industrial Education Asso- ciation. Annual report, v. 1-4 in i. O. New York, 1885-88. T For later reports see Teachers College, below. By-laws. n. t.-p. O. 4 p. T Catalogue, children's industrial exhibition, March 31 to April 6, 1886. ^New York, 1886.] O. 88 p. T Industrial Education Association. Sq. O. 8 p. ill. Reprinted from Science, June, 1887. n. t. Principles and outline of work. n. d. O. T [4] p. Statement presented at the opening of the new building, Dec. . . 1886. New York, 1886. O. 4P. T Preceded by Kitchen Garden Association. Annual re- port. New York, 1881-84. D. v. 1-4 in i. T Continued as Industrial Education Association, above. 1880. O. - Lessons and songs, no. i. 8 p. New York, Report of the corresponding secretary constitution, by-laws and certificate of organization. New York, 1880. Sq. O. 12 p. T Kitchen Garden School, n. t.-p. Sq. O. 5 p. ill- T From the National Baptist. Paddock, Mrs. Sarah Sands. Paper read on industrial education, at a meeting . . . held March . . . 1884, when the Kitchen Garden Assoc, was dissolved. . . [Anon.] s^New York, 1884.] D. 19 p. T Neiv York CoUeee for the Training of Teachers, see Teachers College, below. New^ York (State) — Public Instruction, Dept. of. Regulations for teachers' training classes. Albany, 1900. O. 36 p. T New York, University of the State of. Instruction of teachers' classes. ^Albany, n. d,] O. 27 p. T Report of a committee of the regents . . . on the education of common school teachers pre- sented ... at their annual meeting . . . 8th Jan- uary, 1835. . . Albany, 1835. O. 51 p. C New^ell, McFadden Alexander. Confessions of a school-master. (/« Am. Inst, of Inst. Lectures, 1886. p. 129-46.) C Nigetiet, Heinrich. Geschichte des Lothrin- gischen Lehrerseminars von 1821-1896 ; festschrift zur feier des 25-jahrigen bestehens des Deutschen Lehrerseminars zu Metz. Metz, 1896. O. 171 p. C Norris, John Oscar. Extra-professional duties and privileges of the teacher. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1887. p. 76-83.) C Oliver, Henry Kemble. Lecture on teachers' morals and manners, delivered before the American Institute of Instruction . . . August, 1851. . . Boston, 1851. D. 40 p. C T Paris — Acole normale sup&ieure. Association amicale des anciens eleves de I'Ecole normale su- perieure f on dee le i" Janvier, 1846 ; reconnue comme etablissement d'utilite publique le 27 de- cembre 1877. [Versailles, 1898.] O. 226 + [i] p. ^ C L'Ecole normale (1810-1883) ; notice historique [par Paul Dupuyi ; liste des eleves par promotions, travaux litteraires et scientifiques, Paris, 1884. O. 6 + 415 + [i] p. C Section des Lettres. Sujets de concours pour I'admission. . . 1891-97. Paris, 1891. O. 32 p. C Perrot, Georges, and others. Le centenaire de I'Ecole normale, 1795-1895. [Anon.] Paris, 1895. Q. 45 -t- 699 p. ill. por. pi. C Ecole normale supirieure d ' Enseignement secondaire des jeunes Filles — Section des Lettres. Subjets de concours pour I'admission, [Concours de 1881-96.] Paris [188I]. O. 72 p. C Parr, S. S, The purpose of city training schools. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. 60-69.) C T Payne, Joseph. Training and equipment of the teacher for his profession. Importance of the training of the teacher. {In his Lectures on educa- tion. 1884-92. V. I, p. 103-40.) C T Payne, William Harold. Peabody Normal College, three communications from the president to the faculty. Nashville, 1894. D. 78 p. C Pember, Austin. Those who teach. {In his Croesus Minor. 1888. p. 57-88.) T Philadelphia School of Pedagogy. Record. Philadelphia, 1891. O. nos. 1-2. C Philbrick, John Dudley. Examining and cer- tificating teachers. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1869. p. 105-28.) C Powell, William Bramwell. Training schools. {In U. S.— Ed. Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. 52-50.) C T Priaulx, Osmond de Beauvoir. National edu- cation ; its principles and objects exemplified in a plan for a normal school. . . London, 1842. O. 15 + 347 + 64 p. C T Quick, Rev. Robert Hebert. Improvement of the teacher. {In London — Education Soc. Trans. 1885-86. V. 2, p. 55-75-) T Leeds lectures, no. i [On the training of teachers]. Reading [I877]. O. 25 p. C The schoolmaster, past and future ; a lec- ture. Cambridge, 1879. O. 23 p. C Universities in their relation to the training of teachers. {In London — Intemat. Health Exhib. 18S4. Literature, v. 16, p. 74-81.) C TRAINING OF TEACHERS 303 Reglements et programmes d'etudes des ecoles normales d'instituteurs et d'institutrices. Paris, 1886. O. 123 + [I] p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 6.) C Richelieu, Louis de. Nogle bemaerkninger an- gaaende religionsunderviisningen i de Iserde skoler. KJfbenhavn [I8471. O. 22 p. C Richter, Richard Immanuel. Zur frage der padagogischen vorbildung fiir das hohere lehramt. (/» Neue jahrb. fur philol. und padagog. 1896. V. 154, p. 209-24.) C Ricquier, Leon. Cours de lecture 4 haute voix des ecoles normales primaires professe a 1' Ecole normale de la Seine. . . 5« ed. Paris, 1899. D. 4 4- 192 p. C Rogers, Rev. Ebenezer Piatt. Dignity of teaching ; an address to the graduating class of the State Normal School, January 28, 1857. Albany, 1857. O. 24 p. C Riihle, Otto. Sechs jahre in einem sachsichen lehrerseminare. . . Leipzig, 1896. O. 1.-3. teil in I V. C Russia — Public Instruction, Ministry of. Statut de I'Ecole normale d'instituteurs de Molo- dietchna. Si.-P^tersbourg, i%-]^. O. 11 p. C Statut des ecoles normales d'institu- teurs pour les ecoles tartares d'Oufa et de Simphe- ropol. St.-P^tersbourg, 1874, O. 15 p. C Sailer, Johann Michael. Uber erziehung fiir erzieher bearbeitet . . . von Johann Gansen. 2. . . aufl. Paderborn, 1895. D. 266 p. (Samml. der bedeut. padagog. schr v. 22.) C Salaries of male teachers in New York city, Manhattan borough. {In New York Teachers' Magazine. 1889. v. 5, Sept. p. 206-14 ; Oct. p. 290-96.) T Salisbury, Albert. Historical sketch of nor- mal instruction in Wisconsin. [ Whitewater^ ^893. O. 79 p. ill. por. C T Sallwiirk. Ernst von. Das staatsseminar fUr padagogik. Got ha, 1890. O. 40 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. v. 3.) C [Same.] {In Neue bahnen. p. 8-23 and 49-68.) 1890. Volksbildung und lehrerbildung. (/« same. 1891. V. 2, p. 209-24 and 257-78.) T Sartori, August. Das Lubeckische SchuUehrer- seminar, 1807-1889. Ltibeck, 1889. Nar. Q. 26 p. C Sa'wyer, Henry Edmund. Some of the privi- leges and pleasures of teachers. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1861. p. 33-54.) C Schiller, Karl Heinrich Friedrich Hermann. Padagogische seminarien ftir das hohere lehramt ; geschichte und erfahrung. Leipzig, 1890. O. 6 + 171 p. CT Schwocho'W, H. Die fortbildung der lehrerin ; praktische anleitung zur vorbereitung auf die er- ganzungspriifung fiir volksschullehrerinnen. . . Im anschluss an die Prufungsordnungen. . . Gera, 1891. O. 112 + 2 p. C Die fortbildung des lehrers im amte. Leip- zig, 1899. O- pt- 2. C Die vorbereitung auf die mittelschulprlifung, 7. . . aufl. Leipzig, 1899. O. 199 p. {In his Die fortbildung des lehrers im amte. pt. 2.) C Scotland — Education Department. Training colleges of Scotland. Reports and papers. 1877- 99. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap.) C See Index vol. for each year. Seaver, Edwin Pliny. Professional training of teachers. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1890. p. 59-77.) c Sharpless, Isaac. Training of teachers. {In his English education. 1892. p. 52-74.) C T Smart, James Henry. Teachers' institutes. Washington, 1885. O. 206 p. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1885. no. 2 ) C T Smith, Andrew Thomas. 1871-1896; quarto- centennial history of the West Chester State Normal School of the first district at West Chester, Chester county, Penn. West Chester, 1896. O. 63 p. por. pi. C Staples, Samuel E. Normal schools and their origin: a paper read . . . June 5th, 1877. Worces- ter, 1877. O. 8 p. I pi. C Stehle, Bruno. Das Lehrer-seminar I. zu Col- mar i./E. von 1871-1896 ; festschrift zur feier des flinfundzwanzigjahrigen b^stehens des seminars I. Gebweiler, 1896. O. 88 p. i pi. C Stetson, W. W. Rural school problem. Train- ing of rural teachers. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1896. p. 126-36.) C Storr, Francis. Literature of education. {In London— Ed. Soc. Trans. 1885-86. v. 2. p. 1-19.) T Stcvre, Rev. Calvin Ellis. Common schools and teachers' seminaries. Boston, 1839. D. 126 p. CT Stoy, Karl Volkmar. Organisation des lehrer- seminars ; ein beitrag zur methodologie der pada- gogik angekniipft an einer hist, einleitung . . . tiber das I. lebensjahr des Lehrerseminars zu Bielitz. Leipzig, 1869. O. 8 + I04p. C Padagogische anlagen in Jena. . . 2. aufl. y^Mfl, 1858. O. 34 p. I pi. C Sw^eet, Samuel N. Teachers' institutes . . . their origin and progress. Utica, 1848. S. 139 + 2 p. T Teachers College (New York city). Circu- lar of information. 1887-98. New York, 1887- 98. O. T Circular for 1896-97 was represented in Bulletin no. 7. Educational leaflets. New York, 1887-92. O. V. I, no. 1-82. T See p. 4-5. 304 EDUCA TION Teachers College (continued) — — Educational monographs ; edited by Nicho- las Murray Butler. New York, 1888-91. O. v. 1-3, 4 no. I . T See p. 5. President. Report of the president. 1891, 1894-96, 1898-99. New York, 1891-99. O. T None published for 1891-92, 1892-93, 1893-94, "O'' 1896-97. Teachers College bulletin. New York, 1894-97. Q. no. 1-9 in 1. ill. T No more published. Teachers College record. . . New York, 1900-01. O. ill. V. 1-2, no. 1-3. C T Butler, Nicholas Murray. Beginnings of Teachers College. (/« Columbia University quar- terly. 1898-99. V. I, p. 342-46.) C T Dodge, Grace Hoadley. Brief sketch of the early history of Teachers College. New York, 1899. O. 34+ I p. T Hervey, Walter Lowrie. Historical sketch of Teachers College from its foundation to 1897. (/« Teachers College record. 1900. v. i, no. i, p. 12-35.) C T Newell, McFadden Alexander. New York College for the training of teachers. {In U. S, — Ed. Bur. of. Rept. of com. 1898-99. v. 2. p. 2458-64.) C T Russell, James Earl. Teachers College as a typical university professional school. (/» Colum- bia University quarterly. 1898-99. v. i, p. 333- 42.) C T See also New York (City) — Industrial Education Assoc, and Kitchen Garden Assoc, above. Thaulo\7, Gustav Ferdinand. Nothwendig- keit und bedeutung eines padagogischen seminars auf universitaten, und geschichte meines seminars ; zum behuf seines padagogischen seminars. . . Ber- lin, 1845. O. 9-1- 181 p. C Thompson, Charles Oliver. Hints towards a profession of teaching. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1867. p. 131-75.) C Thrandorf, E. Die padagogische behandlung der geschichte der padagogik im lehrer seminare . . . {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1897. v. 18, p. 1-15.) T Tiirnau, Dietrich. Rabanus Maurus, der prae- ceptor Germaniae ; ein beitrag zur geschichte der padagogik des mittelalters. Munchen, 1900. O. 3 i- 72 p. C Ufer, Christian. Durch welche mittel steuert der lehrer ausserhalb der schulzeit den sittlichen gefahren der heranwachsenden jugend ? eine pada- gogische skizze. 5. aufl. Langensalza, 1897. O. 30 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 86.) C United States — Education, Bureau of. Le- gal provisions respecting the examination and licens- ing of teachers. Washington, 1883. O. 46 p. (Circ. of inf. 1883. no. i.) C T The training of teachers in Germany. Washington, 1%-^%, O. 34 p. (Circ. of inf. 1878. no. I.) C T Valentine, T. W. Words fitly spoken. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1858. p. 57-86.) C Viles, Rebecca. The Lexington Normal School, read April 12, 1887. {In Lexington Hist. Soc. Proc. 1890. V. I, p. 95-100.) C Vog^, Theodor. Die bedeutung der padago- gischen universitatsseminare. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1893. v. 14, p. 64-86.) T Walker, Francis Amasa. Normal training in women's colleges. {In his Discussions on educa- tion. 1899. p. 303-19.) C T Ward, Herbert. Training of teachers of sec- ondary schools in France. {In Rept. of commis- sioners on secondary ed. v. 5, p. 94-112. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1895. v. 47.) C T Ware, Fabian. Teacher of modern languages in Prussian secondary schools, {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. V. 3, p. 519-53) C T Waterstraat, H. Lehrerbildung in Eng- land. {In Paedagogium. 1890. v, 12, p. 368- 85.) T Werther, Werner. Die priifungsordnungen fttr lehrer und lehrerinnen an den volksschulen, den mittelschulen und den haheren madchenschulen. . . Leipzig, iBgi. O. [4] -h 70 p. C White, I?ev. Charles. On the literary responsi- bility of teachers. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1838. p. 1-29.) C Wickersham, James Pyle. Are the normal schools as they exist in our several states, adequate to accomplish the work for which they were estab- lished? {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888. no. 6, p. 70-80.) C T Wiedemann, Franz. Zur weiterentwickelung der lehrerbildungsanstalten. Trautenau, 1895. O. 10 p. C Wigge, Heinrich. Die stellung des lehrers in der innern verwaltung der schule und die beurtei- lung seiner lehrthatigkeit. Bielefeld, 1891. O. 13 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 4. pt. 9.) C Wisconsin — Normal Schools, Board of Regents of. Proceedings, and the regulations adopted . . . 1857 ; together with the law creating the same. Madison, 1857. O. C Wittich, Wilhelm. On the seminaries for schoolmasters for the working classes in Prussia. {In Central Soc. of Ed. Papers. 1838. v. 2, p. 101-21.) C Wyss, Friedrich. Padagogische vortrage zur fortbildung der lehrer. . . 3. . . aufl. Wien, 1887. O. [3] -1- 194 + [I] p. See also various Teachers' Associations under Educational Societies, p. 9-14. Only a selection of some leading normal schools is here given. Colorado State Normal School (Greeley). Annual catalogue (ist-ioth) 1890-1900. Denver, etc., 1890-1900. O. pi. T [Special publications.] Post graduate courses 1896-97. Kindergarten dept. 1897-98 ; child study. Syllabi 1895-96 : History, literature and expression ; Physiography. T TRAINING OF TEACHERS 305 Connecticut State Normal Training School (New Britain). Annual catalogue, 1858, 1884, 1887-89, 1891-92, 1893-94, 1895-97, 1898- 99. New Haven and Hartford, 1858-99. O. pi. T Annual report of the trustees 1851, 1854. Hartford, 1851-54. O. T Illinois State Normal University (Nor- mal, 111.). Annual catalogue and course of study, 1866-67, 1895-1900. Normal, 1866-1900. O. and D. pi. T Indiana State Normal School (Terre Haute). Annual catalogue, 1889-94, 1896-1900. 2ist-3ist year. Indianapolis, 1890-1900. O. pi. T Biennial report 1890-96. Indianapolis, 1890-96. O. T Kansas State Normal School (Emporia). Annual catalogue, 1884-86, 1887-93, 1894-1900. Topeka and Emporia, 1884-1900. O. pi. T Biennial report of the Board of regents. 1895-96, 1897-98. Topeka, 1896-98. O. T Students' handbook, 1897, 1899. Topeka, 1897-99. O. T Massachusetts Normal Art School. Circular, 1887-88. Boston, 1887. D. no. 15. C Report of the Board of Visitors, with an appendix, 1874-75. Boston, 1874-75. O. C Massachusetts State Normal School (Bridgewater). Catalogue and circular, 1843, 1865, 1870-71, 1878-79, 1880-82, 1885, 1888, 1894-97, 1899-1900. Boston, 1843-1900. O. ill. pi. T History and alumni record to July, 1876, by A. G. Boyden. Boston, 1876. O. 182 p, ill. por. T Michigan State Normal College (Ypsi- lanti). Calendar, 1881-82, 1885-86 ; Register, 1887-88, 1890-91 ; Yearbook 1894-1900. Ypsi- lanti, etc., 1882-1900. O. and D. pi. T Its plan and purpose and an outline of its work. [Grand Rapids, 1893.] D. 136 p. i pi. T Putnam, Daniel. History of the Michigan State Normal School (now Normal College) at Ypsi- lanti, 1849-1899. Ypsilanti, 1899. O. 368 p. por. pi. C T New Hampshire Normal School (Ply- mouth). Syllabus of work for the graded schools of the state of New Hampshire . . . [compiled by A. H. Campbell]. Manchester, 1898. O. 91 p. T New Jersey State Normal School (Tren- ton). Annual report 1857, 1866, 1872, 1875, 1879- 80, 1883-85, 1887. 1889-99. Belvidere and Trenton, 1857-1900. O. ill. pi. T Induction of Prof. John S. Hart as principal of the Model School, Aug. 26, 1862. Trenton, 1862. O. 48 p. C New York (City) — Board of Education. First and second annual reports of the executive commit- tee on normal schools. New York, 1854-55. O- T New^ York City Normal College. An- nual announcement 1871, 1886. New York, 1871- 86. O. T Annual report of the president 1874, 1880, 1886, 1899. New York, 1875-99. O- T See also p. 92. Catalogue. 1891, 1893, 1895-96, 1898. New York, 1891-98. O. pi. T The new Normal College of the City of New York 1871. New York, 1871. O. 11 p. T New^ York State Normal School (Albany). Catalogue, 1870, 1879, 1883. Albany, 1870-83. O. pi. T Circular, 1897-1900. Albany, 1896-99. O. pi. T First and third quinquennial register and circular, 1849, 1859. Albany, 1849-59. O. T Report of the executive committee, 1844, 1846, 1848-52, 1856. Albany, 1844-56. O. T Reunion, State Normal College, Albany, June 14-15, 1900. [Albany, igoo.^ O. 40 p. pi. C New York (State) — Legislature. Report of the committee on colleges, academies, and com- mon schools relative to the causes of the panic at- tending the late public exercises of the State Normal School (Albany), n. t.-p. 1852. O. 32 p. T New York State Normal and Training School (Brockport). Circular, 187 1, 1890, 1896- 97, 1898-99. Albany and Brockport, 1871-1899. 0. pi. T Yearbook 1899, 1900. Brockport, 1899- 1900. O. T New York State Normal School (Cort- land). Cortland Normal School controversy . . . history of the case from Dec. 16, 1868 to Dec. 1, 1880. . . Syracuse, 1880. O. 92 p. C T New York State Normal and Training School (Fredonia). Circular, 1897-99, 1900- 1901. Fredonia, 1897-1901. O. pi. T Historical catalogue . . . 1867-95. n. p. n. d. O. 90 + 9 p. pi. T New York State Normal School (New Paltz). [Circular] 1896-98. «. /, O. T Year book 1899, 1900. n. p. T. T New York State Normal and Training School (Oswego). Circular, 1891, 1892, 1896, 1899. Oswego, 1891-99. O. T Extracts read at the 25 th anniversary. Oswego, 1887. O. II p. T Historical sketches relating to the first quar- ter century of the State Normal and Training School at Oswego Oswego, 1888. O. 303 p. por. pi. T HOLLIS, Andrew Phillip. Contribution of the Oswego Normal School to educational progress in the United States. Boston, 1898. D. 7 + 160 p. por. T POUCHER, I. B. Syllabus of work done in arithmetic in the Oswego Normal and Training School of Oswego, N. Y. 1891. Oswego, 1891. O. 45 p. T 3o6 EDUCATION New^ ITork State Normal and Training School (Plattsburg). [Circular.] 1895-96, 1899- 1900. n. p. O. pi. T Year book. 1900-1901. n. p. O. pi. T New^ York State Normal and Training School (Potsdam). First quarto-centennial his- tory, 1869-94. Potsdam, 1895. O. 227 p. pi. por. C New York (State) — Legislature. Report of the special committee of the Assembly on the state normal schools. May, 1879. (Assembly. Docu- ments, no. 152, 48 p.) C Assembly. Report of the com- mittee on colleges, academies and common schools in regard to the distribution of the literature fund, and the establishment of a normal school. [March 22, 1844.] ^Albany, 1844.] O. 77 + [i] p. C Pennsylvania State Normal School (Millersville). Catalogue and circular, 1870-71, 1873-1900. Lancaster, 1870-1900. O. pi. T 23. EXHIBITS AND MUSEUMS The American educational exhibit at the In- ternational Exposition of 1892 ; papers read before the . . . National Educational Association . . . Feb. 18, 19, 20, 1890, by J. H. Canfield, A. P. Marble [and others], . . Albany, 1890. O. 37 p. C Beeger, Julius. Die padagogischen bibliothe- ken, schulmuseen und standigen lehrmittelausstel- lungen der welt. . . Leipzig, 1892. O. 84 p. C Blake, Rev. Thomas William Jex. School museums. (In London — Internat. Health Exhib- 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 548-57-) C Buisson, Ferdinand Edouard. Rapport sur I'instruction primaire k I'Exposition Universelle de Philadelphie en 1876. . . Paris, 1878. O. 12 + [I] + 688 p. ill. pi. tab. C T Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence. Education at the Universal Exposition. {In Paris — Exposition Universelle. 1878. U. S. Reports. 1880. v. 2, p. 181-347.) C Chicago — World's Columbian Exposition — Massachusetts. Catalogue of the educational ex- hibit. Chicago, 1893. O. 68 p. C New York. Educational exhibit. [Al- bany, 1892.] n. t.-p. Q. 18 p. ill. C Cossio, M. B. Some account of the educa- tional museum of Spain. (/« London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 590- 98.) C CoTtrham, Joseph H. Subsidiary aids to school instruction, cabinet of objects, and excursions. (/« same. v. 14, p. 558-67.) C Field, Thomas. An educational museum. {In Thirteen essays on education. 1891. p. 169-91.) CT France — Instruction publique et des Beaux- arts, Ministlre d V . Le Musee Pedagogique, son origine, son organisation, son objet. . . Paris, 1884. 121 + [I] p. C Guez, Fran9ois, and others. Rapport sur le groupe XVII : Education et instruction. Lausanne, 1897. O. 655 p. ill. (Expos, nat. Suisse de Geneve, 1896.) C Hutchinson, Jonathan. Haslemere Educa- tional Museum. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special re- ports on educat. subjects. 1898. v. 2, p, 281-316.) CT Industrial Education Association. Catalogue [of] Children's industrial exhibition . . . March 31-April 6, 1886 : Cosmopolitan Hall . . . New York city. [New York, 1886.] O. 88 p. T London — International Health Exhibition. 1884. Special catalogue of the education division. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Lit- erature. V. 17, p. 3-372. pi.) C liUthi, E. Die schweizerischen permanenten schulausstellungen. {In Recueil de monogr. peda- gog. 1896. p. 347-65.) C Melbourne (Aust.) — Centennial International Exhibition. 1888. Exposition Internationale de Melbourne (1888). Paris, 1888. O. 162 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 68.) C Monroe, Will Seymour. Educational museums and libraries of Europe. {In Educational review. 1896. v. II, p. 374-91.) C T Moscow (Russia). Le Musee Polytechnique de Moscow. Moskva, 1900. S. 25 p. C Myres, John Linton. Educational Museum of the Teachers' Guild of Great Britain and Ireland. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. v. 2, p. 269-80.) C T New Orleans (La.) — World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition. 1884-85. Rapport sur I'instruction publique a I'Exposition Universelle de la Nouvelle-Orleans (1884-85) presente i M. le Ministre de I'instruction publique et des beaux-arts- par B. Buisson. Paris, 1886. O. 295 p. (Mu- see pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 17.) C Paris — Exposition Universelle, i8j8 — United States, Catalogue of the United States collective exhibition of education, compiled by J. D. Phil- brick. London, 1878. D. 123 p. C T Exposition Universelle de igoo. Etats-Unis. Catalogue general officiel. Groupe i : Education et enseignement ; classes 1^6. Paris [I90O]. D. 25 p. C Interleaved copy for jury. United States. Educational exhibit. [Albany, 1899.] n. t.-p. O. 10 p. (Circular I.) C Peabody, Selim Hobart. Educational exhibit of the World's Columbian Exposition [ 18933. iChi- cago.] O. 10 p. C ARCHITECTURE 307 Scherdlin, Daniel Eugene. Die schule auf der weltausstellung von Paris. {/« Paedagogium. 1879. V. I, p. 42-9, 111-23, 160-79, 376-91, 600- ti, 666-83, 736-44 and 782-99.) T Serrurier, G. Les musees scolaires. (In Re- cueil des monogr. pedagog. . . Exposit. Univ. de 1889. V. 6, p. 311-403.) C United States — Education, Bureau of. Schedule for the preparation of students' work for the Centennial Exhibition. . . Washington, 1875. O. 15 p. (Circ. of inf. 1875. no. 8.) C T Suggestions respecting the educational exhibit at the International Centennial Exhibition, 1876. Washington, 1875. O. p. 26. (Circ. of inf. 1875. no. 5.) C T Suggestions respecting the educational exhibit at the World's Industrial and Cotton Cen- tennial Exposition. Washington, 1884. O. p. 28. (Circ. of inf. 1884. no. 5.) C T Vyatka — Zemstvo. Histoire, but et organisa- tion de I'atelier de materiel scolaire appartenant au Zemstvo gouvernemental de Viatka. St. -Piter s- bourg, 1900. Nar. Q. 15 p. C 24. ARCHITECTURE AdamSt William Joseph. On the construction and furnishing of school rooms, and on school ap- paratus. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1830. p- 333-46.) C Alcott, William Andrus, M.D. Prize essay on the construction of school houses. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1831. p. 237-59.) C Bailey, Thomas Jerram. Planning and con- struction of Board schools. . . {In Royal Inst, of Br. Architects. Jo. 1899. 3d ser. v. 6, p. 405- 28. ill.) C Barnard, Henry. School architecture ; or. Contributions to the improvement of school-houses in the United States. 2d ed. New York, 1848. O. 383 p. ill. I pi. CT Blandot - Grayet, J^ambert. Maisons et ecoles communales de la Belgique dessinees et me- surees. . . Paris, 1864. F*. 5 + [8] p. 120 pi. C Bon^oannini, F. Gli edifizi per le scuole primarie. \Roma, 1879.] Obi. O. 7 + 59 + [3] p. 23 pi. C Briese, M. E. Die schule als kunstwerk. . . Berlin [ 18923. O. 19 p. ill. C Brings, Warren Richard. Modem American school buildings ; being a treatise upon, and designs for, the construction of school buildings. . . New ybr/6, 1899. O. II -f- 411 p. ill. CT Buckler, John Chessell. Sixty views of en- dowed grammar schools from original drawings. London, 1827. Q. Unpaged. 60 pi. C Chase, C. Thurston. Manual of school-houses and cottages for the people of the South. Wash- ington, 1868. O. 83 p. ill. C Clark, Theodore Minot. Rural school archi- tecture. Washington, 1880. O. 106 p ill. pi. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1880. no. 4.) CT England — Education Deft. Minutes of the Committee of Council on education, with appendices and plans of school-houses. 1839-40. London, 1840. O. 8 + 172 p. pi. C Freese, Jacob R. Report on school-houses and the means of promoting popular education. Wash- ington, 1868. O. 13 p. {In Paris— Expos. Univ. 1867. U. S. Reports. 1870. v. 5.) C Gardner, Eugene C. Town and country school buildings ; a collection of plans and designs ... New York, i2,?>2,. Sq. O. i2-t- i28-f ji] p. ill. C T Gebaude fiir erziehung, wissenschaft und kunst. {In Handbuch der architektur. 1889. 4. thl. 6. hlbd. hft. i.) C Germany. — Geistlichen unterrichts, und medi- zinal-angelegenheiten. Minister der. Bau und ein- richtung landlicher volksschulhauser in Preussen. Berlin, 1895. F. [3] 4- 25 p. ill. 8 paged pi. and Alias. Obi. F*. 4 p. 30 pi. C Hartw^ell, Henry Walker. Physical conditions of school life. School architecture. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1896. p. 60-76.) C Heinemann, J., M.D. Die neuesten schul- bauten in Bern ; eine hygienische studie. Bern, 1894. O. 40 p. I pi. C Hintrager, Carl. Der bau und die innere ein- richtung von schulgebauden . . . mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der verhaltnisse in Osterreich. Wien, 1887. Q. 8 -h 87 p. ill. C Hodgins, John George. Hints and suggestions on school architecture and hygiene. . . Toronto, 1886. Q. 135 p. ill, C Janke, Otto. Die beleuchtung der schulzim- mer. Langensalza, 1892. O. 22 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. II.) C Johonnot, James. School-houses ; architec- tural designs by S. E. Hewes. New York, 1871. O. 271 p. ill. pi. C Kendall, Henry Edward. Designs for schools and school-houses, parochial and national. Lon- don, 1853. F^ II p. 21 pi. C Kent, Charles A. A few facts concerning bet- ter school houses, including brief hints on material, heating, ventilation, light, etc. . . 2d ed. rev. Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1900. O. 12 p. ill. C Klette, Reinhold. Der bau und die einrichtung der schulgebaude. Karlsruhe, 1886. O. 3 -f- 123 p. 52 ill. C Maine — Common Schools, Deft of. Sketches, designs and plans for school buildings, school yards and outhouses. 1896. n. p. O. 63 p. ill. C 3o8 EDUCATION Manning, Warren H, Directions for survey- ing and arranging home and school grounds. Bos- ion, 1900. D. 12 p. ill. T Massachusetts — Education, Board of. Re- port of the general agent on : i. The condition of the schdol-houses in the commonwealth, and 2. Giv- ing plans and descriptions of school-houses suitable for our country towns and villages. Boston, 1873. O. 64 p. ill. CT Report of the secretary [Horace Mannj on the subject of school houses, supplementary to his first annual report. Boston, 1838. O. 64 p. C Moore, Joseph A. Ventilation of school build- ings in Massachusetts . . . Chicago, Sept. 20, 1893. O. 15 p. C Morrison, Gilbert B. School architecture and hygiene. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 1900. V. I, p. 409-64. ill.) C T Narjoux, Felix. Architecture scolaire. (/« his Architecture communale. 1870-80. v. 3.) C Les ecoles publiques ; construction et instal- lation en Belgique et en Holland. . . Paris, 1878. O. 12 + 253 p. ill. C Les ecoles publiques ; construction et instal- lation en Suisse. . . Paris, 1879. O. 7 -t- 265 p. ill. C Les ecoles publiques en Europe. T. 40 p. Paris, n. T Les ecoles publiques en France et en Angle- terra, construction et installation. . . Paris, 1877. O. 8 + 339 p. ill. C Edifices consacres a I'instruction publique. {In his Paris ; monuments eleves par la ville, 1850- 80. . . 1880-83. v. 8.) C R^glement pour la construction et I'ameuble- mentdesmaisonsd'ecole. /'anV, 1881. O. 62 + [I] p. ill. 6 pi. C Ne^v York (state) — Public Instruction, Dept. of. Designs for school-houses, being the accepted plans in the competition . . . under the provisions of chap. 675 of the laws of 1887 . , . with report of com- mittee. 38 pi. t^/(^a«j/, 1888.] Obi. Q. 39 + [I] p. C Notice sur la construction et le systeme de chauffage et de ventilation du Second gymnase de demoiselles a Charkofi. Charkoff, 1899. O. 27 p. C Palliser, Palliser & Co. Common sense school architecture, illustrating the . . . warming and ventilation and the . . . planning, arrange- ment and sanitary construction of school buildings for American cities, towns and villages. . . New York \z. 1889]. F. no -h [2] p. ill. 87 paged pi. C Planat, Paul. Construction et amenagement des salles d'asile et des maisons d'ecole. Paris, 1882-83. Sq. Ft. 3 V. ill. 244 pi. {In his Cours de construction civile, 1882-83. ser. 2, pt. I.) C Pomp^e, Pierre Philibert. Ecoles d'adultes. {In Paris — Expos. Univ. 1867. Rapports du jury internat. 1868. v. 13, p. 168-286.) C Robins, Edward Cookworthy. Technical school and college building ... a treatise on the design and construction of applied science and art build- ings , . . with a chapter on technical education. London, 1887. Q. 12 + 244 p. ill. 65 pi. C School hygiene and school construction ; con- ferences by the Medical Society of London and Nat. Health Society . . . 1884. {In London — In- ternat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 11, p. 277-564.) c Schfeab, Erasmus. Schulbauten und einrichti- gungen. Wien, 1874. O. 22 p. {In Vienna — Welt-ausstellung. 1873. Offic. ausstellungsbericht. 1873-77. V. 8, group 26, sec. 2 and 3.) C Thomson, James, architect. School houses. London, 1842. Sq. Fs. [3] p. 8 pi. C Woodbridge, William Channing. On the construction of schoolrooms. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1831. p. 272-89.) C Zweas, W. Das schulhaus und dessen innere einrichtung. . . 2. verm. aufl. Weimar, 1870. O. [4] + 167 -H [55] P- 5 pl. C 25. CHILD STUDY Wilson, Louis N. Bibliography of child study. {In Pedagogical seminary. 189S. v. 5, p. 541- 89.) C T Alcott, Amos Bronson. On the nature and means of early intellectual education as deduced from experience. . . {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1832. p, 127-63.) C Allen, Mrs. J. G. Child-study from the moth- er's standpoint. Rochester, 1896. S. 36 p. C American Social Science Association. Papers on infant development. {In its Journal. 1881. v. 15, p. 1-55.) C Bailey, Thomas P., Jr. Child-study in the Tompkins school. [Oakland, 1896.] O. 7 p. (Oakland — Tompkins School. Monographs. 1895- 96, no. 2.) T Bald^rin, James Mark. Mental development in the child and the race ; methods and processes. New York, 1895. O. 16 + 496 p. ill. T Barnes, Earl, editor. Studies in education . . . Stanford University, 1896-97. n. t.-p. O. ill. C T Barry, Charles A. What shall we do with our children? how to find their true natures, and the best way to educate them. Boston, i8gi. T. 35 p. CT Bizyenos, Georg M. Das kinderspiel in bezug auf psychologie und padagogik. Leipzi£', 1S81. O. [3] + 80 p. C CHILD STUDY 309 Boesch, Hans. Kinderleben in der deutschen vergangenheit. . . Leipzig, 1900. Nar. Q. 131 p. ill. pi. (Monographien zur deutschen kultur- geschichte, 5. bd.) C Bolton, Thaddeus L. Growth of memory in school children, n. t.-p. O. 19 p. 3 pi. C Bovirditch, Henry Pickering. Growth of chil- dren, studied by Gatton's method of percentile grades. (Fn Mass. — Health, State Board of. An- nual report, 1891, v. 22, p. 479-522.) C Brinkmann, E. Uber individualitatsbilder. {In Neue bahnen. 1892. v. 3, p. 173-202 and 221-38.) T Bro'v^n, Elmer Ellsworth, ed. Notes on chil- dren's drawings. Berkeley, Cal., 1897. Q. 75 p. ill. (California Univ. studies, v. 2, no. i.), C T Brow^n, H. W. Some records of the thoughts and reasonings of children. . . {In Russell, E. H. Study of children at the State Normal School at Worcester, p. 16-54.) T Bryan, William Lowe. Scientific and non- scientific methods of child study, n, t.-p. O. 4 p. C Burk, Caroline Frear. The collecting instinct. Worcester, 1900. O. 29 p. diagrams. C Burkhard, Ph. Die fehler der kinder ; eine einfUhrung in das studium der padagogischen patho- logic mit besonderer berilcksichtigung der lehre von den psychopathischen minderwertigkeiten. Karls- ruhe, 1888. O. 8 + 102 p. C Burnham, William Henry. Motor ability in children ; development and training. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1894. p. 127-40.) C Calkins, Norman Allison. Philosophy of edu- cation ; special course : The study of children. 1891. \^New York, 1891.] Sq. S. 34 p. C The study of children ; explanations and suggestions for beginners. [New York.^ n. d. Sq. S. 8 p. C University and school extension. (Philosophy of education) Special course : The study of children. [iV(f7«/ York] 1 891. D. 24 p. C Carr, Ezra S. Child culture ; an address deliv- ered before the State Agr. Soc. of California, Sept. 23, 1875. JVew York, 1877. D. 19 -<- 3 p. (Papers on ed. First series, no. 15.) T Chamberlain, Alexander Francis. The child ; a study in the evolution of man. London, 1900. D. 12 + 498 p. ill. C T The child and childhood in folk-thought ; the child in primitive culture. New York, 1896. O. 10 + 464 p. C T Bibliography, p. 405-34. Child-study monthly. Chicago, 1895-1900. O. ill. v. 1-5. T Chrisman, Oscar. Paidologie ; entwurf zu einer wissenschaft des kindes. jfena, 1896. O. 96 p. C Clouston, Thomas Smith. Growth and devel- opment of a child in body and mind. Edinburgh, 1884. D. 48 p. ill. (Health lectures for the people.) T Colozzo, G. A. Psychologie und padagogik des kinderspiels ; mit einer einleitung von N. For- nelli. . . Aus dem italienischen Ubersetzt . . . von Chr. Ufer. Altenburg, 1900. O. 8 + 272 p. (Intemat. bibl. fur pad. Bd. 2.) C Combe, Andrew, M.D. Flir Deutschlands mutter ; einige worte iiber die geistige behandlung der ersten kindheit ... ins Deutsche ubersetzt von . . . E. Hirschfeld. Bremer, 1841. O. lo 4- 42 p. C Compayr^, Gabriel. Die entwicklung der kindesseele ; nach der 2. aufl. des originals ubersetzt . . . von Christian Ufer. Altenburg, 1900. O. [5] + 460 p. (In Intemat. bibl. fUr padagogik. V. I.) C L'evolution intellectuelle et morale de I'enfant. Paris, 1893. O. 24 -f 371 -|- ^ij p. CT [Same.] 2* ed. . . corrigee. . . Paris, 1896. O. 24 + 371 + [I] p. C Intellectual and moral development of the child, translated from the French by Mary E. Wil- son. New York, 1896. D. v. i. (Intemat. ed. ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. v. 35.) C T Crom\7ell, A. D. Practical child study. . . Chicago, 1895. O. 133 p. ill. T Dessoir, Max. Die logik des kinder. {In his Psychologische skizzen. 1893. p. 48-65.) T Published under the pseudonym, Edm. W. Rells. Dobbie, William James. Experiments with school children on colour combinations. {In Univ. of Toronto — Studies: Psych, ser. 1900. v. i, p. 253-67) C Dreyer, Georg. Diejugendlitteratur ; ein bei- trag zur jugendschriftenfrage. Gotha, 1889. O. 87 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. v. 2.) C Drununond, W. B. The child, his nature and nurture. London [I90O]. S. 146 + [2] p. C T Dupanloup, Felix Antoine Philibert, bp. The child ; translated by Kate Anderson. Boston, n. d. D. 294 p. T Bgger, Auguste £mile. Observations et re- flexions sur le developpement de I'intelligence et du language chez les enfants. {In Paris — Inst. — Acad, des sci. mor. et pol. Seances et travaux. 1879. V. Ill, p. 209-45, 479-511.) C [Same.] 5""^ ^d. Paris, 1887. D. 102 + [!]?■ T Elsenhaus, Paul Christian. Die physiogno- mik in der schule. {In Neue bahnen. 1894. v. 5, p. 289-96.) T Emminghaus, H. Die psychischen storungen des kindesalters. Tubingen, 1887. O. 8 + 293 p. ill. T Fow^ler, Jessie A. Manual of mental science for teachers and students ; or. Childhood, its char- acter, and culture. London [I897]. D. 12 -f- [6] + 253 p. ill. C Franklin, Mrs, Netta. Home training of chil- dren. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 485-97.) C T 310 EDUCATION Frye, Alexis Everett. Mind charts. I. Pri- mary. II. Middle. III. High. San Bernardino, Cat., 1891. D. 15 p. T Gale, Harlow. Vocabularies of three children of one family to two and a half years of age. Minneapolis, 1900. Q. p. 70-117. i tab. C Garbini, Adriano. Evojuzione del senso olfat- tivo nella infanzia. (/« Archivio per I'antropolo- gia. 1896. V. 26, p. 239-86.) C Evoluzione della voce nella infancia ; me- moria letta il 3 luglio, 1892, all' Accademia d' agri- coltura, arti e commercio di Verona. Verona, 1892. O. 53 P- tab. C Gardner, Augustus Kingsley. Our children ; their physical and mental development. . . New York, 1876. D. 340 p. T Gilman, Mrs. Steila (Scott). Mother's record of the . . . growth of her child for the first fifteen years, by Mrs. Marion Vaughn. Boston [C, 18823. Unpaged, Sq. O. T Goring, Hugo. Buhnentalente unter kindern. Langensalza, 1894. O. 12 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 54.) C Grohmann, Johann Christian August. Ideen zu einer geschichte der entwicklung des kindlichen alters ; psychologische untersuchungen. Elberfeld, 1817. D. 18 + 420 p. C Groszuiann, Maximilian P. E. Working sys- tem of child study for schools. Syracuse, lix)"]. D. 70 p. C T Hall, Granville Stanley. Contents of children's minds on entering school. New York, 1893. S. 56 p. T Harden, Henry C. Brief address presenting a few points in the care of children. Boston, 1887. O. 14 p. C Hardy, George E. Literature for children ; a paper read before the Nat. Ed. Assoc, at Saratoga, July 14, 1892. New York, 1892. D. 16 p. CT Harris, William Torrey. Study of arrested development in children as produced by injudicious school methods, n. t.-p. O. 14 p. C Haskell, Ellen M. Child observation, made by the students ... of the State Normal School, Worcester. Boston, 1896. D. pt. i. T Heydner, Georg. Beitrage zur kenntnis des kindlichen seelenlebens. . . Leipzig, 1894. O. 96 p. C Hill, Caroline Southwood. Memoranda of ob- servations and experiments in education. [London-^ n. d. O. 39 p. C Hogan, Louise E. Study of a child. New York, 1898. O. 10 + 219 p. pi. T Illinois Society for Child-Study. Trans- actions. Chicago, 1894-99. O. v. 1-4. ill. T James, John H., M.D. Suggestions to teach- ers, regarding visual defects of school children. n. t.-p. D. 16 p. C Eeasbey, Edwina L. The culture of the cra- dle ; a series of papers on the education of very little children. 2d ed. New York, 1886. Sq. T. [99] P- C Kirst, Adolf. Praparationen zur behandlung von 12 fabeln von Hey auf der unterstufe. 2. aufl. Langensalza, 19CX). O. 55 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 116.) C Klaiber, Julius. Das marchen und die kind- liche phantasie. . . Stuttgart, 1866. Sq. S. 44 p. T Kussmaul, Adolf. Untersuchungen Uber das seelenleben des neugeborenen menschen. 2. aufl. Tubingen, 1884. Q. 32 p. T [Same.] 3. aufl. Tubingen, 1896. O. 38 p. C Lesshaft, P. De I'education de I'enfant dans la famille et de sa signification. Paris, 1894. O. 268 + [I] p. C liobisch, J. E. Entwickelungsgeschichte der seele des kindes. Wien, 1851. D. 134 p. C Lord, H. I. How to influence little children ; a lecture delivered before the Normal class of kin- dergarten teachers at London. New York, 1878. D. 31 p. (Papers on education, i^' ser. no. 20.) T liOTrden, Thomas Scott. First half year of an infant's life. Wooster, Ohio, 1895. O. 30 p. C liukens, Herman T. Point of difference be- tween race and individual development. (In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1896. v. 2, p. 56-70.) CT MacDonald, Arthur. Children with abnor- malities, based upon the reports of teachers, n, t.- p. Obi. S. 6 p. C Experimental study of children. . . Wash- ington, 1899. O. ill. (/« U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Report of the com. 1897-98, p. 985-1390.) C T Bibliography of child study, p. 1350-84. Malleson, Mrs. Frank. Notes on the early training of children. 3d ed. Boston, 1892. D. 127 p. T Marwedel, Emma. Conscious motherhood ; or. The earliest unfolding of the child. Boston, 1899 [c' 87]. D. 563 p. ill. T The missing link ; the continuation of the three-fold development of the child, from the kin- dergarten to the manual-labor school. ^San Fran- cisco, 1889.] O. 40 p. pi. T Meyer, Frau Bertha. The child, physically and mentally ; advice of a mother according to the teaching and experience of hygienic science . . . translated by Friederika Salomon, revised by A. R. Aldrich. New York, 1893. D. 155 p. C Minnesota Child Study Association. Handbook ; containing suggestions for the study of children. . . Winona, 1897. O. 60 p. C Moncrieff, Ascott Robert Hope. Book about boys. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1868. D. 12 + 226 k CHILD STUDY 3" Monroe* Will Seymour. Child study outlines. Boston, 1898-99. O. V. 2-3. T Die entwickelung des sozialen bewusstseins der kinder ; studie zur psychologie und padagogik der kindheit. Berlin, 1899. O. 88 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol. und physiol. v. 3. pt. 2). C Worcester, 1899. CT Money sense of children. O. 8 p. Status of child-study in Europe. Worces- ter, 1899. O. II p. C [Same.] (In Pedagogical seminary. 1899. V. 6, p. 372-81.) C T Das stadium der kinderpsychologie in ameri- kanischen normalschulen (seminarien.) Berlin, n. d. O. p. 30-41. C Das studium der kindesseele in Amerika. (/« Deutsche zeitschrift fiir auslandisches unter- richtswesen. 1898. v. 3. pt. 3, p. 193-208.) C Moore, Kathleen Carter. Mental development of a child. New York [I896]. O. 4 + 150 p. (Psychological review ; monograph supplement, no. 3.) CT Moses, J. Vom seelenbinnenleben der kinder. Langensalza, 1898. O. 16 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 105.) C Mosher, Martha 6. Child culture in the home ; a book for mothers. New York, 1899. D. 240 p. pi. C New Jersey Association for the Study of Chil- dren and Youth. Addresses and papers ; proceed- ings. V. I. Bloomfield, 1899. O. ill. T Newcomb, George B. Teaching school-children to think ; read at the meeting of the New York Society of Pedagogy, May 25, 1889. New York, 1889. D. 22 p. T Nicolay, Fernand. Les enfants mal eleves, etude psychologique, anecdotique et pratique. Paris, 1890. O. 7 + 530 p. C Oppenheim, Nathan. Development of the child. New York, 1898. D. 8 -f [i] + 296 p. pi. T Ottuszew^ski, W. Die geistige und sprach- liche entwickelung des kindes. Berlin, 1897. O. 43 P- C Peckham, George W., ^.Z>. Growth of chil- dren, n. t.-p. O. 45 p. tab. C Peper, Wilhelm. Die wissenschaftliche und praktische bedeutung der padagogischen pathologic, 32 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1898. v. 11, pt. I.) C Perez, Bernard. Die anfange des kindlichen seelenlebens ; mit erlaubnis des verfassers Ubersetzt von Chr. Ufer. Langensalza, 1894. O. 48 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 36.) C Le caract^re de I'enfant 4 I'homme. Paris, 1892. O. 4 + 308 -f- [I] p. C T L' enfant de trois i sept ans. 2'"« ed. pre- cedee d'une introduction de Ludovic Carrau, Paris, 1888. O. 25 + 307 p. (La psychologie de I'en- fant.) C T First three years of childhood ; edited and translated by A, M. Christie with . . . introduc- tion by J. Sully. London, 1885. D. 24 + 294 p. C T La psychologie de I'enfant ; I'art et la poesie chez I'enfant. Paris, 1888. O. 7 + 308 -t- [3] p. CT La psychologie de I'enfant ; I'enfant de trois 4 sept ans. Paris, 1886. O. 11 + 307 p. C La psychologie de I'enfant ; les trois pre- mieres annees de I'enfant. 3= ed. precedee d'une introduction de James Sully. Paris, 1886. O. 20 + 347 P- C Thierri Tiedemann et la science de I'enfant ; Mes deux chats ; fragment de psychologie com- paree. Paris, 1881. D. 78 -H [i] p. C T PIoss, Hermann Heinrich. Das kind in brauch und sitte der volker ; anthropologische studien. 2. aufl. Leipzig, 1884. O. 2 v. T Das kleine kind vom tragebett bis zum ersten schritt. . . Berlin, 1881. O. 12 + 120 p. ill. T Plutarch. De puerorum educatione libellus ; emendavit, explicavit C. G. D. Stein. Lipsiae, 1793. O. 16 + 198 + [I] p. C Traduction en grec vulgaire du traite Sur I'education des enfants, par Nicolas Sophianos. (/« Sophianos, N. Grammaire du grec vulgaire. 1874. p. 87-123.) C Poulsson, Emilie. Love and law in child train- ing ; a book for mothers. Springfield, 1899. D. 235 P- c Preyer, Thierry William. Mental develop- ment in the child ; translated from the German by H. W. Brown. New York, 1893. D. 26 -\- 170 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; ed. W. T. Harris, v. 24.) CT Mind of the child . . . translated from the German by H. W. Brown. New York, 1890 [C. '88- 89]. D. 2 V. (Internat. ed. ser. ; ed. W. T. Harris, v. 7, 9.) C T Contents : 1. Senses and the will. 2. Development of the intellect. Die seele des kindes ; beobachtungen uber die geistige entwicklung des menschen in den ersten lebensjahren. 2. verm. aufl. Leipzig, 1884. O. 12 + 487 p. C Queyrat, Frederic. L'imagination et ses vari- etes chez I'enfant ; etude de psychologie experi- mentale appliquee k I'education intellectuelle. . . Paris, 1893. D. 162 p. C Rells, Edm. W., pseudonym of Max Dessoir, q. V. Renard, Mme. Georges, ^fiducation publique des enfants arrieres. {In Revue philanthropique. 1898. V. 4, p. 52-60.) C 312 EDUCATION Reukauf, August. Abnorme kinder und ihre pflege. Langensalza, 1893. O. 19 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 29.) C Riggs, Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin. Children's rights. . . Boston, 1892. D. [5] + 235 p. T Rodman, Rev. Thomas P. On the appropri- ateness of studies to the state of mental develop- ment. {In Am, Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1847. p. 21-43.) C Royce, Josiah. Wie unterscheiden sich ge- sunde und krankhafte geisteszustande beim kinde ? Vortrag aus dem Englischen ubersetzt von Chr. Ufer. Langensalza, 1894. O. [4] + 24 p. (Pa- dagog. mag. pt. 44.) C Rovre, Stuart Henry. Physical nature of the child and how to study it. New York, 1899. D. 14 -H 207 p. C T Russell, E. Harlow. Study of children at the State Normal School at Worcester ; Thoughts and reasonings of children ... by H. W, Brown, n. t.-p. O. 54 p. C Rzesnitzek, Emil. Zur frage der psychischen entwickelung der kindersprache. Bresiau, 1899. O. 3 + 34 + [I] P- C Schinz, Albert. La moralite de I'enfant. (/« Rev. philos. de la France et de I'etranger. i''98. V. 45, p. 259-95.) C Schmerz, Leopold. Unsere kinder ; ein bei- trag zur fOrderung eintrachtigen wirkens von schule und elternhaus. Wien, 1882. O. [3] -^- 318 p. T Schultze, Karl August Julius Fritz. Die sprache des kindes ; eine anregung zur erforschung des gegenstandes. Leipzig, 1880. O. 46 p. C Shinn, Milicent Washburn. Biography of a baby. Boston, 1900. D. 3-1- 247 p. C T Notes on the development of a child. Berkeley, Cal., 1893-99. Q. 2 v. 424 p. i pi. (University of Cal. studies, v. i, pt. 1-4.) C T Siegert, Gustav. Die periodicitat in der ent- wickelung der kindesnatur. . . Leipzig, 1891. D. 92 + [I] p. C Problematische kindesnaturen ; eine studie fUr schule und haus. Kreuznach, 1889. S. 79 p. T Sigismund, Berthold. Kind und welt. . . Braunschweig, 1856. S. v. i. T Contents : v. r. Die fiinf ersten perioden des kindesalters. Kind und welt ; flir eltern und lehrer, sowie fUr freunde der psychologie ; mit einleitung und an- merkungen neu hrsg. von Chr. Ufer. 2. verm, aufl. Braunschweig, 1897. S. 36 -f 199 p. C Sina, Franz Gustav. Das kind . . . vortrag gehalten am 17. Mai 1894. . . Kempten, 1894. D. 43 p. (Padagog. vortrage abhandl. v. 2, no. I.) C Staude, Paul. Das antworten der schuler im lichte der psychologie. Langensalza, 1894. O. 19 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 39.) C Strachan, John. What is play ? Its bearing upon education and training ; a psychological in- quiry. Edinburgh, 1877, S. 6 -H 108 p. T Strumpell, Ludwig. Die padagogische patho- logic ; oder, Die lehre von den fehlem der kinder . . . Leipzig, 1890. O. 6 + 225 + [i] p. T Die verschiedenheit der kindernaturen. Leipzig, 1894. O. 6 + fi] + 36 p. {In his Pada- gog. abhandl. 1894. pt. I.) C T Studies in education ; a series of ten numbers devoted to child study and the history of education, 1896-97. ^Palo AliO] 1896-97. O. ill. C T Edited by Earl Barnes. Sully, James. Children's ways ; being selec- tions from the author's " Studies of childhood," with some additional matter. New York, 1897. D. 8 -f- 193 p. ill. C T O. — Studies of childhood. New York, 1896. 8 + 527 p. ill. C T Tarver, John Charles. Some observations of a foster parent. iVestminster, 1897. D. 20 + 282 p. T Taylor, Albert Reynolds. Study of the child. New York, 1898. D. 43 + 215 p. pi. (Inter- nat. ed. ser. ; W. T, Harris, ed. v. 43.) C T Thiel, Peter Johann. Die erziehung der per- sonlichkeit zum charakter ; ein beitrag zur pflege der " individualitat " in schule und haus. . . Neu- wied, 1892. D. 22 p. C Tiedemann, Dietrich, Record of infant-life ; an English version of the French translation and commentary by Bernard Perez ; with notes by F. L. Soldan. Syracuse, 1890. S. 46 p. (School-room classics, no, 13.) C T Perez, Bernard. science de I'enfant. . Thierri Tiedemann et la Paris, 1881. p. 7-38.) CT Tracy, Frederick. Psychology of childhood. 4th ed. Boston, 1897 [C. '94]. D. 13 + 170 p. CT Triiper, Johannes. Psychopathische minder- wertigkeiten im kindesalter ; ein mahnwort fUr el- tern, lehrer und erzieher. Gutersloh, 1893. O. 90 p. C Uebel, K. F. F. FUrsorge fUr kinder, deren er- ziehung in schulfreier zeit einer erganzung bedarf . . . Hamburg, 1892. O. 38 p. C Ufer, Christian. Geistesstorungen in der schule ; ein vortrag nebst 13 krankenbildern. Wiesbaden, 1891. O. [3] + 50 p. C Die verrohung der jugend und mittel dage- gen, von Einem juristen und jugendfreunde. . , Kentpten, 1 897, D. 84 p. (Pacfiigog. vortrage u. abhandl. v. 4, no. 2.) C HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL TRAINING 313 Warner, Francis. Children, how to study them ; a course of lectures. . . London^ 1887. S. 12 + 80 p. ill. C T 15 — [Same.] 108 p. ill. 2d edition. London, 1896. Course of lectures on the growth and means of training the mental faculty, delivered in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1890. D. 15 + 222 p. ill. tab. C T Mental and physical conditions among fifty thousand children seen 1892-94, and the methods of studying recorded observations. . . (/« Statist. Soc. of London. Jo. 1896. v. 59, p. 125-68.) C Nervous system of the child ; its growth and health in education. New York, 1900. D. 17 + 233 p. T A physician's view of method and practice in education. {In Teacher's Guild of Gr. Br, and Irel. Papers, 1888-90. p. 1-13.) T Study of children and their school training. New York, 1898. D. 19 + 264 p. ill. C T Winterburn, Florence Hull. From the child's standpoint ... a book for parents and teachers. New F<;r^ [C.1899]. D. 278 p. i por. T Nursery ethics. New York [C.1895]. D. 241 p. T "Wolf, Alfred. Lebende bildung und ihre wah- ren, ernsten grundgesetze ; beitrag zur volkserzie- hung. Leipzig, 1901. O. 160 p. C Youmans, Eliza Ann. Essay on the culture of the observing powers of children . . . edited with notes and a supplement ... by Joseph Payne. London, 1872. D. 12 + 66 p. C Ziehen, Theodor. Die ideenassoziation des kindes. Berlin, 1900. O. 59 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol. und physiol. V. 3, pt. 4.) C Zwingli, Ulrich. Wje man die jugendt in gtiten sitten vnd christenlicher zucht vferziehen vnnd leeren solle ettliche kurtze vnderwysung. Zurich, by Christoffel Froschouer, 1526. O. 21 p. (Samml. selten gewordener padagog. schr. 1879. no. 4.) C 26. HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL TRAINING Bibliography of English and American books and papers on school hygiene. {In Kotelmann, L. School hygiene. 1899. p. 353-82.) C T Burnham, William Henry. Bibliography of school hygiene. {In Nat. Ed. Assoc. Proc. 1898. p. 505-23.) ' C T Janke, Otto. Die litteratur der schulhygiene ; kritischer bericht. Gotha, 1892. O. 54 p. {In Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1892. v. 4.) C Abel, William Jenkinson. School hygiene, in- cluding simple direct'ons respecting ventilation, eyesight, infectious diseases, and first aid in inju- ries. . . 2d ed. London, 1890. D. 8 + 53 p. T Allen, Chilion B. and Allen, Mary A. Man wonderful in the house beautiful . . . teaching the principles of physiology and hygiene. . . New York^cx^ZZy D. 3 + 366 p. ill. C Allen, Nathan, M.D. Extracts from [hiS] new work on physical development ; physical culture in Amherst College [with a biographical sketch of the author, Feb. 1884]. n. t.-p. O. 26 p. C Physical culture in Amherst College. Lowell, 1869. Nar. O. 46 p. C American Association for the Advance- ment of Physical Education. Index of the Proceedings and Reports . . . 1885-95 ; by John M. Pierce. Boston, 1897. O. 11 p. C Program of the 12th convention, April 18- 20, 1901, New York City. n. p. n. d. O [I2] ?• C Report of tenth annual meeting . . . New York, April 25-27, 1865. Concord, N. H., 1896. C American physical education review. 1896-1900. O. V. 1-5. Boston C Amherst College. Anthropometric manual, giving the . . . mean physical measurements and tests of male college students and methods of secur- ing them. . . 2d ed. Amherst, 1889. O. 37 p. I tab. T Anthropometric tables, constructed on the standard of measure. . . Amherst, iSgo. O. [I9] p. I pi. T Gymnasium. Report of twenty years' ex- perience in the department of physical education and hygiene in Amherst College, June 27, 1881. . . Amherst, 1881. O. 18 p. C Anderson, William E. Physical side of edu- cation. ^Madison, 1888.] O. 18 p. i tab. C T Anderson, William G. Light gymnastics ; a guide to systematic instruction in physical training . . . New York, 1890. D. 234 p. ill. T Association of Collegiate AlumnsB. Health statistics of women college graduates. . . Boston, 1885. O. 78 p. C Baginsky, Adolf. Handbuch der schulhy- giene. . . 2. aufl. Stuttgart, 1883. O. 8 -H 619 p. ill. T Handbuch der schulhygiene zum gebrauche fUr arzte, sanitatsbeamte, lehrer, schulvorstande und techniker . . . mit untersttitzung von Otto Janke ... 3. aufl. Stuttgart, 1898. O. 2 v. ill. C Baker, Henry S. Relation of fatigue to social and educational progress. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1895. p. 33-52.) C 314 EDUCATION Bancroft, Jessie H. School gymnastics free hand ; a system of physical exercises for schools. New York, 1896. D. 298 p. ill. (Kellogg's teacher's library, v. 4.) T School gymnastics with light apparatus. Boston, 1900. D. 506 p. ill. C Baur, A. Die gesundheit in der schule . . . fQr schulvorstande, lehrer und schulamtskandidaten. Stuttgart, igor. D. 8 + 381 + [2] p. C Die hygiene der leibesiibungen . . . fUr turnlehrer, lehrer und arzte. Stuttgart, 1901. D. [3] + 203 p. ill. C Beecher, Catharine Esther. Letters to the people on health and happiness. New York, 1855. S. 192 + [I] + 29 p. ill. C Belgium — Int&ieur et de V Instruction publique. Minister e de /'. L'enseignement de la gymnas- tique dans les etablissements d'instruction moyenne de I'Etat. Bruxelles, 1900. D. 69 p. C Notice sur le role de l'enseignement moyen dans la lutte centre ralcoolisme. Bruxelles, 1900. D. 35 p. C Administration de V Enseignement pri- maire. Organisation de l'enseignement antialcoo- lique dans les ficoles primaires. Bruxelles, 1900. O. 40 p. tab. (Expos. Univ. de Paris en 1900.) C Bergey, David Hendricks, M.D. Handbook of practical hygiene. Easton, 1899. O. [4] + 164 p. C Berlin, Rudolf, and Rembold, Sigmund. Un- tersuchungen iiber den einfluss des schreibens auf auge und kbrperhaltung des schulkindes ; bericht an die . . . niedergesetzte kommission . . . 1882. Stuttgart, 1883. Q. 3 + 58 p. 2 pi. C Bert, Paul. La machine humane. Paris, 1867- 68. T. 2 pts. in I V. ill. (Conferences 4 la gare Saint- Jean, a Bordeaux.) C Bi^reni, Leon, M.D. La puberte chez I'homme et chez la femme. Paris, 1896. O. 200 p. C Bigg, Ada Heather-. Evenings of amusements. (/« Bousfield, William, ed. Elementary schools. 1890. p. 1 1 1-43.) T Binet, Alfred, and Henri Victor. La fatigue intellectuelle. Paris, 1898. O. 338 p. ill. pi. (Bibl. de pedagogic et de psychologic.) C Bintz, Julius. Die volksthtimlichen leibesUbun- gen des mittelalters. Hamburg, 1879. Sq. O. [3] + 34 ?• (Hamburg — Gelehrtenschule des Jo- hanneums. Programm.) C Bishop, Emily M. Americanized Delsarte culture. Meadville, Pa., 1892. S. 202 p. T Self-expression and health : Americanized Delsarte culture. 5th ed. rev. Chautauqua, 1895. S. 201 p. C Bissell, Mary Taylor. Physical development and exercise for women. New York, 1891. D. [8] + 108 p. pi. (Portia ser.) T Blaikie, William. How to get strong and how to stay so. New York [C. 1879]. S. 296 p. T How to get strong and how to stay so. . . Enlarged edv. . New York, 1899. D. 13 + [i;| + 510 p. pl.'v^por. C V Sound bodies at the Fifth Avenue School. New York [1884]. D. 15 p. ill. C Bobrick, G. A •school furniture. . . + Sip- Hygienic requirements of New York, 1892. O. [4] T Bohn, J. Praktische gesundheitspflege zum schulgebrauch. Trier, 1900. D. [4] -f- 54 p. ill. C Bernstein, M. Manual of instruction in the use of dumb-bells, Indian clubs and other exercises. New York [I88O]. T. 128 p. ill. pi. C *« Boston — Board of Supervisors. Report on physical training in the public schools. Boston, 1889. O. 20 p. (School document, no. 10.) T Boston — Physical Training Conference i88q. Physical training ; a full report of the papers and discussions . . . November, 1889, reported and edited by Isabel C. Barrows. Boston, 1890. O. 4 + 135 p. School Committee. Report of the committee on physical training. . . Boston, 1890. O. 24 p. (School document, no. 15.) T Report of the director of physical training, December, 1891, 1894-96. Boston, 1891- 96. O. 4 pts. C Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. An- nual catalogue of the instructors, students and grad- uates with a statement of the course of instruction and examinations, 1891-1900. Boston, 1892-1900. O. pi. C [Report] 1 890- 1 891. O. 4 p. C Bott, Samuel. Physical training of the scholars in Birmingham board schools. (/« Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. V. 2, p. 207-17.) C T Bouchut, Eugene. Hygiene de la premiere enfance, comprenant les lois organiques du mariage . . . Paris, 1862. S. 372 p. ill. C Bo'wen, Wilbur P. Teachers' course in physi- cal training ; a brief study of the fundamental principles of gymnastic training designed for teach- ers of the public schools. Ann Arbor [C. 1899]. D. 183 p. ill. C Brackett, Anna Callender. Technique of rest. . . New York, 1892. Nar. S. [5] + 178 p. C T Brausemretter, Ernst. Uber abhartung ; eine anweisung zur erziehung gesunder kinder. . . Wiesbaden, 1892. O. [3] -(- 80 p. C Brew^er, William A. The game of football ; a sermon . . . Nov. 21, 1897 ; with an introductory note by the Bishop of California. Sian Francisco, 1897. D. 16 p. C HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL TRAINING 315 Brinton, Daniel Garrison, M.D., and Napheys, George H. Personal beauty ; how to cultivate and preserve it, in accordance with the laws of health . . . Springfield, 1870. D. 346 p. i pi. C Brooklyn Association for the Ad- vancement of Physical Education. Pro- ceedings at its organization, November 27, 1885. Brooklyn, 1885. O. 8 p. C Burgerstein, Leo. Die arbeitskurve einer schulstunde ; vortrag, gehalten auf dem 7. interna- tionalen kongresse fur hygiene . . in London. Hamburg, 1891. O. 40 p. C Die gesundheitspflege in der mittelschule ; hygiene des korpers. , . Wien, 1887. O. 3 + [I] + X40 p. C and Netolitzky, August. Handbuch der schulhygiene. Jena, 1895. O. 10 + 429 p. ill. (Weyl, Theodor, Handbuch der hygiene, v. 7, pt. I.) C T Litteratur at end of each section. Burnett, Charles Henry, M.D. Hearing and how to keep it. Philadelphia, 1879. S. 152 p. ill. (American health primers ; W. W. Keen, ed.) C Burnham, William Henry. Outlines of school hygiene, n. t.-p. O. 71 p. C Burrage, Severance, and Bailey, H. T. School sanitation and decoration. . . New York [I899]. D. 16 + 224 p. ill. pi. T Biisgen, Ferdinand. De gymnasii Vitruviani palaestra. Bonnae [1863]. D. 30 + [2] p. C Caldwell, Charles, M.D. Thoughts on physi- cal education and the true mode of improving the condition of man. . . 2d British ed. Edinburgh, 1844. Q. 36 P- ill. C Call, Annie Payson. Power through repose. Boston, 1898. O. 169 p. C T Calhoun, Abner Wellborn. Effect of student life upon the eyesight. Washington, 1881. O. 27 p ill. (/« U. S.— Ed., Bur, of. Circ. of inf. 1881. no. 6.) C T Calthrop, Rev. Samuel Robert. Physical de- velopment and its relations to mental and spiritual development. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1858. p. 1-34.) C Camp, Walter. Walter Camp's book of college sports. New York, 1895. O. 13 + 328 p. ill. pi. C Carlisle, Sir Anthony. Means of preserving health and prolonging life. . . London, 1841. O. 47 + 154 p. C Carpenter, Alfred. Principles and practice of school hygiene. Ed. 2. London, 1887. D. 368 p. ill. T Carroll, Alfred Ludlow, M.D. Hygiene in schools and colleges. . . {In Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jo. 1874. V. 7, p. 266-69.) C Carter, Robert Brudenell. Report on the vision of children attending elementary schools in London. . . London, 1896. F. 16 p. ill. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1896. v. 64.) C Castle, Franklin Dick, M.D. Hygiene of the eye, considered with reference to the children in our schools. Philadelphia, 1875. O. 10 p. C C^sar, P. Die speisung armer schulkinder (Les soupes scolaires) ; ubersetzt mit einer vorrede und statistischen tabellen versehen von Agnes Blu- menfeld. . . Berlin, 1892. O. 99 p. C Chesterton, Thomas, compiler. Manual of drill and physical exercises. . . 3d ed. London [I893]. D. 170 p. ill. C Physical education under the School Board for London. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special re- ports on educat. subjects. 1898. v. 2, p. 185- 201.) C T Chreiman, Miss M. A. Physical education of girls. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature. 1884. v. 12, p. 203-27,) C Cohn, Hermann Ludwig. Hygiene of the eye in schools ; an English translation, edited by W. P. Turnbull. London [1883]. O. 6 4- 236 -f- 7 p. ill. T Siegert, W., and Coen, Rafael. Zur schul- gesundheitspflege. Bielefeld, 1889. O. 33 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 2, pt. 6-7.) C Conant, William Merritt, M.D. Educational aspect of college athletips. Boston, 1894. S. 20 p. C Conference in the Interest of Physical Training. Physical training ; full report of the papers and discussions of the conference held in Boston in Nov. 1889 ; reported and ed. by I. C. Barrows. Boston, 1890. O. 4 -{- 135 p, C T Corfield, William Henry. Health. New York, 1880. D. 8 -H 361 p. C Cossmann, , M.D. Uber die hygiene der geistigen und korperlichen arbeit. {In Padagog. archiv. 1897. v. 39, p. 645-63.) C Cramer, August, M.D. Uber die ausserhalb der schule liegenden ursachen der nervositat der kinder. Berlin, 1899. O. 28 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol. und physiol, v. 2, pt, 5.) C Cruden, George. Manual of musical drill and system of physical training. . . London, 1889. D, [3] + 231 p. ill. T Currier, Charles Gilman, M.D. Outlines of practical hygiene. 3d ed. . . enlarged. New York, 1898. O. 5 -t- [I] + 482 p. C Dallas, Mrs. C. M. Ely-. Physical educa- tion in the girls' and infants' departments in the schools of the London School Board. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. V. 2, p. 202-06.) C T Dally, Lt.-col. Frederic Jules Michel Aristide, Enseignement de la gymnastique et des jeux sco- laires. {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . Ex- position Univ. de 1889. v. 4, p. 679-736.) C De Brath, Stanley, and Beatty, F. Over-pres- sure. London, 1899, D. 8 -|- 236 p, i pi. 2 tab. T 3i6 EDUCATION Delsarte system of oratory . . . 4th ed. New York, 1893. D. 29 + 606 p. ill. I por. pi. C Delvaille, Camille. La protection et I'hygiene de I'enfance au Congres international d'hygiene et de demographie de Madrid. {In Revue philan- thropique. 1898. v. 3, p. 225-33.) ^ Devoe, Arthur, M.D. On the abatement of dental caries in public school children. O. 4 p. C From Pediatrics, v. 9, no. g. Dietetic and hygienic gazette. New York, 1894. Q. V. 10. C Draper, John Christopher, M.D. Text-book on anatomy, jjhysiology, and hygiene ; for the use of schools and families. New York, 1866. O. 18 + 300 p. 168 ill. C Dukes, Clement. Essentials of school diet ... 2ded. . . enlarged. London, 1899. D. 20 + 2ir p. T Health at school, considered in its mental, moral, and physical aspects. New enl. ed. Z<7«- don, iSS-]. D. 14 + [I] + 324 p. T Egleston, George Washington. Plea for physi- cal exercises among our people. «. /. n. d. O. 26 p. C Ekeris, van, Dortmund. Notwendigkeit, aufgabe und stellung der schularzte. 16 p. (Samml. padagog vortrage. 1899. v. 12, p. 75-90.) C Emerson, Charles Wesley. .(Esthetic physical culture. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1891. p. I12-31.) C Physical culture of the Emerson College of Oratory, Boston. 6th ed. Boston [C. 189I]. O. 14 + 154 P- por. pi. T Enebuske, Claes Julius. The gymnastic pro- gression of the Ling system. Boston, 1890. O. 16 p. C T Pedagogical aspect of Swedish gymnastics. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1891. p. 132- 44.) c Progressive gymnastic day's orders ; accord- ing to the principles of the Ling system. . . New York, 1893 'C. '90-92]. Obi. D. 13 -f- 84 p. ill. pi. T England — Education Dept. Copy of the re- port of Dr. Crichton-Browne upon the alleged over- pressure of work in public elementary schools [and] copy of Mr. Fitch's memorandum relating to Dr. Crichton-Browne's report. London, 1884. F. 79 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1884. v. 61.) C Eulenberg, Hermann, and Bach, Theodor. Schulgesundheitslehre ; das schulhaus und das un- terrichtswesen vom hygienischen standpunkte. . . 2. umgearb. aufl. Berlin, 1900. O. 12 -t- 1390 p. ill. C Euler, Karl. Geschichte des tumunterrichts. Gotha, 1891. O. 23 + 520 p. {In Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deutsch. volksschul- unterrichts. 1891. v. 5.) C T Faries, Randolph, M.D. Mechanism of physi- cal culture, n. t.-p. Q. 8 p. C Necessity of compulsory physical education in the public schools. O. p. 107-13. C Reprint from Public health, 1897. Farquharson, Robert. School hygiene and diseases incident to school life. London, 1885. D. 12 + [I] + 368 p. T Faust, Bernhard Christoph. Catechism of health for the use of schools and for domestic in- struction translated from the last improved German edition ... by J. H. Basse. Dublin, 1794. Nar. S. 6 4- 112 p. I ill. I pi. C Fonssagrives, Jean Baptiste. L'education physique des filles ; ou. Avis aux meres et aux insti- tutrices sur I'art de diriger leur sante et leur de- veloppement. 4* ed. Paris, \%%\. D. 10+334 p- , . 9 L education physique des gar9ons . . . avis aux families. . . Paris, 1870. D. 12 + 373 + I p. C Entretiens familiers sur I'hygiene. ed. Paris, 1881. D 10 + 406 + i p. Les systemes d'hygiene pedagogique. {In his Entretiens familiers sur I'hygiene. 1881. p. 130-65.) C Ford, Rev. Lionel. Public school athletics. {In Cookson, Christopher, comp. Essays on secon- dary education. 1898. p. 283-305.) T France — Instruction publique, des Cultes et des Beaux-arts, Ministere del'. Question du " sur- menage"; revision des programmes de I'enseigne- ment primaire ; travaux de la commission. Paris, 1888. O. 152 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 60.) C Travaux de la commission de gymnas- tique. Paris, 1889. O. 151 p. (Same. no. 77.) C Marine et des Colonies, Ministere de la. Manuel pour I'enseignement de la gymnastique et de I'escrime. 2« tirage. Paris, 1876. T. 257 + [I] p. ill. C Friesicke, Fr. Uber die gesundheitspflege in der schule. {In Paedagogium. 1882. v. 4, p. 533-52.) T Fuchs, Arno, compiler. Beitrage zur padagogi- schen pathologic, in verbindung mit padagogen und arzten. Gutersloh, 1896-98. O. 4 pts. in i. C Contents : 1. Fuchs, A. Die unruhe. 2. Die analyse pathologischer naturen. 3. Brauckmann, K. Behinderung der nasenat- mung. Bettmann, J., M.D. Anatomie und symp- tomatologie der behinderten nasenatmung. KUster, K. Die kindererziehung auf natur- wissenschaftlicher unterlage. 4. Gramzow, Otto. Fr. Eduard Beneke. George, Hector. Le9ons elementaires d'hygi- ene, rediges d'apr^s les programmes officiels, adoptes pour I'enseignement des ecoles normales primaires et des lycees. 9' ed. . . augm. Paris [pref. 1894]. D. 6 -f [2] + 344 p. C HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL TRAINING 1^7 Grady, Richard. Cooperation of the public schools in teaching ' ' good teeth, good health. " [Baltimore-^ 1900. O. 13 p. C Grasberger, Lorenz. Die leibliche erziehung bei den Griechen und Romern ; nach den quellen dargestellt. Wurzburg, 1864-66. O. 2 v. in i. 8 + 414 p. (/« his Erziehung und unterricht im klass. alterthum 1864-81. v. i.) C T Groos« Karl. Play of man, translated by E^. L. Baldwin, with a preface by J. M. Baldwin. New York, 1901. D. 9 + 412 p. C T Gu^rin, J. C, M.D. La sante ; hygiene et regime a suivre pour se bien porter. . . 2""* ed. Paris, 1872. Nar. O. 168 p. C Guttmann, Oskar. .Esthetic physical culture ; a self-instructor for all cultured circles, and espe- cially for oratorical and dramatic artists. Albany, 1884. O. 20 + 213 p. ill. C Die asthetische bildung des menschlichen korpers ; lehrbuch zum selbstunterricht ftir alle ge- bildeten stande. . . 2. verm. . . aufl. Leipzig, 1880. O. 34 -f 311 +4 p. ill. C Gw^athmey, James T. Tumbling for ama- teurs. Nashville, 1897. Obi. S. [38] p. ill. C Hart-veell, Edward Mussey. Condition and prospects of physical education in the United States ; address ... at the . . . meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education . . . April 7, 1892. [Boston ?] O. 29 p. C Physical training in American colleges and universities. Washington, 1886. O. 183 p. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1885. no. 5.) CT A provisional schematic study of leading topics in physical education. Boston [C. 1894]. O. 12 p. C Rise of college gymnasiums in the U. S. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Lit- erature. V. 13, p. 357-72.) C Some aspects of athletics and gymnastics at home and abroad. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1891. p. 166-81.) C Hart'wich, Emil Hermann. Woran wir lei- den ; freie betrachtungen und praktische vorschlage ilber unsere moderne geistes- und korperpflege in volk und schule. . . 3. . . aufl. Dusseldorf, 1882. O. 48 p. C Haverford College. Athletic annual, 1894- 95. n. p. O. 26 p. pi. C Athletic annual and . . . class book, 1899- 1900. n.p. 1900. O. ill. por. v. 7. C Hay\7ard, George, M.D. On some of the dis- eases of a literary life. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1832. p. 45-64.) C Headland, Frederick William, M.D. Medi- cal handbook. . . 2d ed. London, 1867. S. 8 + 348 p. C Heinroth, Johann Christian Friedrich August. Lehrbuch der seele.igesundheitskunde ; zum behuf academischer vortrage und zum privatstudium. Leipzig, 1823-24. O. 2 V. C Hertel, , Dr. Overpressure in high schools in Denmark ; translated . . . by C. G. Sorenson, with introduction by J. Crichton-Browne. London, 1885. D. 44 + 148 p. charts. T Hesse (Ger.) — Commission zur priifung der frage der ueberbiirdung der schiiler hoherer lehran- stalten des grossherzogthums . Verhandlungen ; be- richt und protokolle. Darmstedt, 1883. O. 2 pts. in I v. C Hinton, James, ed. Physiology for practical use ; with an introduction by E. L. Youmans. New York, 1874. O. 11 + 507 p. ill. C Hitchcock, Edward, M.D. Department of physical education and hygiene in Amherst College. Boston, 1879. O- 10 P- C Manual of the gymnastic exercises ... in Amherst College. . . Boston, 1884. D. 57 p. ill, T Hoggan, Frances Elizabeth (Morgan), M.D. On the physical education of girls. {In London — Frobel Soc. Essays on the kindergarten, 1889. p. 36-59-) T Holm, John. Gymnastics and other physical exercises. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 13, p. 337-45.) C Homburger, Teodor. Uber die naturliche be- leuchtung in den schulen ; wert des raumwinkel- messers. Karlsruhe, 1895. O. 55 p. C Hbpfner, Ludwig. Ober die geistige ermlidung von schulkindem. {In Zeitschr. fur psychol. und physiol. der sinnesorgane. 1894, v. 6, p. 191- 229.) C Hopkins, H. R. Law compelling the teaching of physiology and hygiene in the public schools ; with particular reference to alcoholics and narcotics, n. t.-p. O. II p. C Hopkins, Mrs. Louisa Parsons. Physical train- ing a means of mental and moral training. {In her Spirit of the new education. 1892. p. 29-49.) CT Hornemann, F. Die pflege des auges und der anschauungin der einheitsschule. {In Deutscher einheitsschulverein. Schriften. 1887-90. v. i, p, 64-99-) C T Hough, Theodore. Review of Swedish gymnas- tics. Boston, 1899. O. 41 p. C Intercollegiate athletic calendar : Yale, Har- vard, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Pennsylvania ; authentic records football, rowing, baseball, track athletics, golf, hockey, and international events ; 1852-1900. V. 3. Newark \\(fx>i^. Obi. D. 123 + 94 p. ill. pi. C Folios 37-8 missing. International Congress of Hygiene, Paris, 1878. ... Comptes rendus. . . Paris, 1880. O. 2 V. (Paris — Expos. Univ. internat. de 1878. Congres et conferences, no. 10.) C Du retablissement des tours . . . rapporteur Dr. Marjolin. [Hygiene du nouveau-ne.] Paris, 1878. O. 28 p. C Papers ; [the 6 questions discussed in the congress], [Paris, 1878?] O. C 3i8 EDUCATION International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. [Publications]. Sess. 6. Wien, 1887. Q. pt. 1-37 in 4 v. ill. C Die schularztdebatte ; bericht von Hermann Cohn. Hamburg, 1888. O. 52 p. C International Congress of Hygiene, Life Saving, and Social Economy, Brus- sels, 1876. [Proceedings]. Paris, 1877. O. 2 v. tab. C Jager, Otto Heinrich. Die gymnastic der Hel- lenen. . . Stuttgart, 1881. O. 3 + 336 p. 6 pi. CT James, Alice R. Girls' physical training, be- ing a series of healthy and artistic movements to music. London, 1898. F. 7 + [i] -F 99 p. ill. pi. C Janke, Otto. Die gesundheitslehre im lese- buch. Langensalza, 1895, O. 48 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 57.) C Grundriss der schulhygiene ; ftir lehrer und schulaufsichtsbeamte. Hamburg, 1890. O. 7 + 95 P- C Die hygiene der knabenhandarbeit. . . Hamburg, 1893. O. 8 + i 4- 105 p. C Korperhaltung und schriftrichtung, Lan- gensalza, 1893. O. 32 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 22.) C Jolly, William. Education in its physical rela- tions ; with special reference to prevalent defects in schools . . . edited for use in the United States. New York, 1893. T. 55 p. (Pocket pedagogical library, no. i.) C T Jones, A. K., compiler. Classified gymnasium exercises of system of R. J. Roberts, with notes . . . 4th ed. Springfield, Mass., \i(^, D. 140 p. ill. C Jones, Thomas Wharton. Defects of sight and hearing ; their nature, causes, prevention and gen- eral management ; edited by Laurence TurnbuU. Philadelphia, 1859. D. 247 p. ill. C Jothner, Julius. Gymnastisches in Philos- trats Eikones. {In Eranos Vindobonensis. 1893. p. 309-30.) C Hehoe, Simon D. Indian club exercise, with explanatory figures and positions. . . New York [C. 1866.] O. 78 + [I] p. ill. por. C Kellogg, John Harvey. Second book on physi- ology and hygiene. . . New York, 1894. D. 291 p. ill. I pi. C Kemsies, Ferdinand. Arbeitshygiene der schule auf grund von ermlidungsmessungen. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol. 1898. v, 2, pt. I, 64 p.) C Ermlidungsmessungen an schtilern. Neue bahnen. 1897. v. 8, p. 17-28.) (/« T Kerr, James. School hygiene, in its mental, moral and physical aspects. . . (/« Statist. Soc. of London. Jo. 1897. v. 60, p. 613-80. ill.) C Key, Axel. Schulhygienische untersuchungen ; in deutscher bearbeitung hrsg. von Leo Burgerstein. Hamburg, 1889. O. 6 + 346 p. pi. T Kingsley, Charles, canon. Health and educa- tion. New ed. London, 1887. ^- [3] +411 P- CT Kleinschmidt, A. Die liberbiirdungsfrage und die volksschule. (/« Paedagogium. 1883. v. 5, p. 352-57 and 424-39-) T Koch, Julius Ludwig August. Padagogik und medizin. {In Padagog. mag. pt. 71, 1896, p. 15- 33.) C Kotelmann, Ludwig Wilhelm Johann. School hygiene, translated from a copy revised and enlarged ... by J. A. Bergstrom and Edward Conradi. Syracuse, 1899. D. 391 p. ill. i por. C T Bibliography, p. 353-82. Uber schulgesundheitspflege. {In Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre fiir hohere schu- len. 1895. V. 2, pt. 2, p. 260-397.) C Krapelin, Emil. Zur Uberblirdungsfrage. Jena, 1897. O. 40 + [i] p. T Kraus, Fr. Die ermiidung als ein mass der constitution. Cassel, 1897. Sq. F. [3] + 46 p. pi. tab. (Bibliotheca medica ; Abth. D'. 1897. pt. 3.) C Krause, Johann Heinrich. und agonistik der Hellenen. . O. 3 V. 36 pi. Die gymnastik Leipzig, 1841. C Lagrange, Ferdinand. Physiology of bodily exercise. London, 1889. D. i6 + 395 p. T Lammers, August. Erhohung der kraft in menschen und volkem. Berlin, 1887. O. 31 p. {In Volkswirthschaftliche zeitfragen. 1887. v. 9, pt. 6.) C Lange, G. Uber die pflege der tumspiele in der volksschule. Bielefeld [I896]. O. 14 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 9, pt. 2.) C Laspee, Henry de. Calisthenics ; or, The ele- ments of bodily culture on Pestalozzian principles . . . London [I856]. O. 16 + 170 p. 137 pi. tab. C La^rrence, Penelope. Games and athletics in secondary schools for girls. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. v. 2, p. 145-58.) C T Lenzmann, R. Uber den schadlichen einfluss der behinderten nasenatmung auf die kijrperliche und geistige entwicklung des kindes. Bielefeld, 1890. O. 15 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 3, pt. 6.) C Leschke, Ernst. Die ethische und asthetische bedeutung des tumens. {In Padagogische studien, neue folge. 1886. v. 7, p. 1-17.) T Lewis, Dio, M.D, Five-minute chats with young women, and certain other parties. New York, 1874. D. 426 p. C In a nutshell ; suggestions to American col- lege students. New York, 1883. S. 209 p. ill. por. C T HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL TRAINING 319 Le^S, Dio (continued) New gymnastics for men, women and chil- dren. . . 25th ed. . . enl. New York, i8qi [C. '67-9O]. D. II + 286 p. ill. C Our digestion ; or, My jolly friend's secret . . , New York, n. d. D. 407 p. C Weak lungs and how to make them strong . . . [28th ed.] ^<7jfo«, 1881 [C. '63]. D. 358 p. ill. I por. C Lincoln, David Francis, M.D. Nervous sys- tem as affected by school-life. . . (In Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jo. 1876. V. 8, p. 87-110.) C Report on school hygiene. (/« same. 1874. V. 7, p. 261-65.) C Sanitary conditions and necessities of school- houses and school life. (/« Am. Public Health Assoc, Public health. 1886. p. 63-98.) T School and industrial hygiene. Philadel- phia, 1880. S. 152 p. (Am. health primers ; W. W. Keen, M.D., ed. v. 12.) C T Lincoln (Neb.) — Public Schools, Supt. of. Physical exercise [prepared by W. P. Bowen]. Lincoln, 1894. O. 14 p. C Link, L. Die erziehliche bedeutung der Ju- gendspiele. Neuwied, 1900. O. 11 p. (Aus der schule fiir die schule. no. 88.) C Low^enthal, Wilhelm. Grundzuge einer hy- giene des unterrichts. Wiesbaden, 1887. O. 8 + 152 p. C Lukas, Gustav. Methodik des turnunterrichtes. Wien, 1897. O. 5 + 160 p. ill. (Handb. der speciellen methodik. pt. 12.) C Lyttelton, Edward, and Cobb, G. F. Ath- letics. London, 1884. O. [3] + 88 p. {In Lon- don — Internat. Health. Exhib. 1884. Literature. 1884. v. 10.) C M y, L. Zur schularztfrage. (/« Neue bah- nen. 1898. v. 9, p. 81-5.) T Mac Alister, James. Physical training in edu- cation ; address delivered before the Philadelphia Tumgemeinde . . . October 28, i886. n. t.-p. O. lop. C Mac6, Jean. Histoire d'une bouchee de pain ; I'homme ; with a French and English vocabulary, and a list of idiomatic expressions. New York [I867]. D. 260 p. C History of a bit of bread ; being letters to a child on the life of man and animals ; tr. and ed. by Mrs. Gatty. 5th ed. London, 1876-84, 2 v. T History of a mouthful of bread ; and its effect on the organization of men and animals ; translated from the 8th French ed. by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. 1st Am. ed. New York, 1868, D. 398 + [I] P- C Servants of the stomach. New York, 1868. D. 311 p. 2 ill. C Maclaren, Archibald. Physical education. New ed., re-edited and enlarged by Wallace Mac- laren. Oxford, 1895. D, loi -f- 462 p. 400 ill. I pi. (Clarendon press ser.) C System of physical education, theoretical and practical. . . 2d edition. Oxford, 1885. D. 8 + 516 + [2] p. ill. C T Also ist ed. i86g. Training in theory and practice ; a thorough . . . application of natural hygienic principles to the special requirements of athletic training. New York [I866]. S. 138 p, C Manacein, Mariya. Le surmenage mental dans la civilisation moderne ; eflets — causes — rem- edes ; traduit du russe par E. Jaubert avec une pre- face par Charles Richet, /'aw, 1890. D. 14 + 286 p. CT Mann, Charles W. School recreations and amusements ; a companion volume to ' ' King's School interests and duties " prepared especially for teachers' reading circles. New York, 1896, D. 352 p. ill. C T Marble, Albert Prescott. Sanitary conditions for schoolhouses. Washington, 1891. O. 123 p. ill. pi. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1891. no. 3.) CT Marcuse, , Dr. Schularzt und lehrer. {In Neue bahnen. 1899. v. 10, 14-21 and 41-.) T Markby, Thomas. Athletics. {In his Prac- tical essays on education. 1868. p. 171-216.) C T Martin, Henry Newell, M.D. The human body ; a text-book of anatomy, physiology and hy- giene. . . 5th ed. revised by G. W. Fitz. New York, 1898. D. 14 + 408 p. ill. pi. (Am. sci. ser, : briefer course.) C Massachusetts Emergency and Hy- giene Association. Six lectures upon school hygiene ... to teachers in the public schools. Bos- ton, 1886. D. 201 p. T Matiegka, Jindfich, Uber die beziehungen zwischen korperbeschaffenheit und geistiger thatig- keit bei schulkindern. {In Vienna — Anthropolog. gesellschaft. Mittheil. 1898. v. 28, p. 122-26.) C MayheTT, Ira. Physical education. {In his Popular education. 1850. p. 28-192.) C Melio, George L., compiler. Manual of Swedish drill. . . 2d ed. London, 1894, D. 81 p. ill. T Mercuriale, Girolamo. De arte gymnastica libri sex ; in quibus exercitationum omnium vetus- tarum genera, loca, modi, facultates . . . explican- tur. 2da ed. . . Venetiis, 1573. Q. [12] + 308 + [27] p. ill. 23 paged pi. C Metcalf, John George, M.D. On the physi- ology of the skin. {In Am, Inst, of Instr, Lec- tures, 1839. p. 35-57.) C Mitchell, Silas Weir, M.D. Fat and blood and how to make them. . . 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1879 [C. '77]. D. 109 p. C Monroe, Will Seymour. Chorea among public school children ; an address before the Massachu- setts Teachers' Association, November, 1897. Bos- ton, 1898. O, 8 p, C 320 EDUCATION Montgomery, Jessie Douglas. School hygiene in Brussels. (/« England — Ed. Dept. Special re- ports on educat. subjects. 1898. v. 2, p. 680-93.) CT Morris, R. Anna. Physical education in the public schools ; an eclectic system of exercises, in- cluding the Delsartean principles of execution and expression. New York [C. i8g2]. O. 192 p. 94 ill. C T Morrison, Gilbert B. Ventilation and warming of school buildings. . . New York, 1887. D. 23 + 173 p. ill. (Internat. ed. ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. V. 4.) C T Mosso, Angelo. L'education physique de la jeunesse . . . traduit de I'ltalien par J. B. Bahar, et precede d'une preface du Commandant V. Le- gros. Paris, 1895. D. 43 + 259 p. C Die ermiidung ; aus dem Italienischen uber- setzt von J. dinger. Deutsche-original ausgabe. Leipzig, 1892. O. 12 + 333 p. ill. C Mo'wry, William Augustus. Movement for physical training in the Boston schools. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1891. p. 151-65.) C Miinchen Universitiit — Hygienisches Insti- tut. Jahresbericht der Untersuchungs-station flir . . . 1882-83. Miinchen, 1885. O. v. 3-4. C Ludwig-Maximilian-Universitat. New Jersey- — Education, State Board of. Re- port of special committee on manual training ; sub- mitted Feb. 7, 1889. [Irenton, 1889.] O. 14 p. CT New York Association for the Ad- vancement of Science and Art. Report of a special committee on the merits of a proposed method of supplying pure air to schools, churches, hospitals, asylums, dwellings, and all occupied houses . . . adopted March 8th, 1869, New York, 1869. O. 8 p. C New York (State) — Public Instruction, Dept. of. Act to amend the consolidated school law pro- viding for the study of the nature and effects of al- coholic drinks and other narcotics, in connection with physiology and hygiene in the public schools [May 7, 1895]. n. t.-p. Sq. Q. Unpaged. C Protest against the bill unnecessarily increasing instruction in physiology and hygiene with special reference to the nature of alcoholic drinks and other narcotics. . . [I895]. n. t.-p. O. 52 p. C Newsholme, Arthur. School hygiene ; the laws of health in relation to school life. London, 1887. D. 7 + 143 p. ill. C T Nissen, Hartvig. A B C of the Swedish system of educational gymnastics ; a practical hand- book for school teachers and the home. Philadel- phia, 1 891. D. [7] + 107 p. ill. T Onslow, Col. G. M, Physical culture and rec- reation. {In Bousfield, William, ed. Elementary school. 1890. p. 49-80.) T Osterberg, Mme. Martina Bergman. Ling's Swedish system ; gymnastic tables. . . London, 1887. S. 9 -t- [6] p. T Os^^ald, Felix Leopold. Physical education ; or, The health-laws of nature. New York, i88g [C. '82]. D. 257 p. T Overton, Frank, M.D. Applied physiology ; including the effects of alcohol and narcotics. [New York, 1897-98.] D. 3 V. ill. I pi. C Paget, Charles E. Healthy schools. {In Lon- don — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature. 1884. V. I, p. 367-440.) C PsLZ, Eugene. La gymnastique raisonnee ; moyen infallible de prevenir les maladies et de pro- longer I'existence. . . 6« ed. . . augm. . . [Paris] 1880. D. 358 p. 120 ill. I pl. C Petersen, Christian. Das gymnasium der Griechen nach seiner baulichen einrichtung. Ham- burg, \%^nr, Edward Richard. School hygiene. New York, igoi. D. ii + 260 p. C Smith, Edward, M.D. Health ; a handbook for households and schools. New York, 1875. D. 8 4- I + 198 p. ill. C Smyth, George A. Hygienic institutes, the utility of their work of investigation, and the need of it in this country. [Hartford, pref. 1883.] O. 27 p. C Snell, Simeon. Eyesight and school life. London, 1895. O. 8 + [3] + 70 p. T Stebbins, Genevieve. Delsarte system of ex- pression ; with the address of Fran9ois Delsarte before the Philotechnic Society of Paris. 5 th ed. New York, 1894. D. 58 + 271 p. ill. i pi. C Stecher, William A. School tactics for the use of schools and gymnastic associations. Cincinnati, 1887. O. 46 p. ill. C Stevenson, Thomas, M.D., and Murphy, S. F. Treatise on hygiene and public health. , . Philadelphia, 1892-94. O. 3 v. ill. pi. tab. C Sticker, Georg. Gesundheit und erziehung. Oiessen, 1900. D. 238 p. C Stimpfl, J. Physiologic und padagogik ; ein aufruf an die anatomen, physiologen, psychologen und hygieniker. {In Samml. padagog. vortrage. [i8g4]. V. 6, pt. 12, p. 1-7.) C Strange, William, M.D. Seven sources of health. . . 3d ed. London, 1864. S. 6 4- [I] + 312 p. C Sturm, Carl. Wohlstand fur alle ; eine social- hygienische studie. 1.-2. aufl. Berlin [1892]. O. 218 p. C S'wiffc, Edgar James. Eye defects in students and children, [ Worcester, 1897.] O. 20 p. C Taylor, George H., M.D. Health by exer- cise. . . New York, 1879. D. 408 p. ill. C Teachers' sanitary bulletin, April 1898-Mar. igoo. Lansing, 1898-1900. O. v. i, no. 1-9, v. 2, no. 1-12, v. 3, no. 1-3. C Thomas, R. E. Physical training under the Leeds School Board. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. v. 2, p. 218-23.) C T Tissi^, Philippe. La fatigue et I'entrainement physique. . . Paris, 1S97. D. 16 + 343 p. ill. CT Topham, T. W., M.D. Health of body and mind ; some practical suggestions of how to im- prove both by physical and mental culture. . . Brooklyn [C. 1897]. D. 296 p. ill. i por. C Treves, Frederick. Physical education. {In Stevenson, Thomas, and Murphy, S. F. Treatise on hygiene. 1892. v. i, p. 537-6i3.) C Trzoska, Franz. Der unterricht in der gesund- heitslehre auf den hbheren lehranstalten. . . Leip- zig, 1900. O. 26 p. C Vergerio, Pietro Paolo. Treatise de ingenuis moribus. {In Woodward, W. H. Vittorino da Feltre. 1897. p. 93-118.) C T Vierordt, Karl von. alters. Tubingen, 1881. ill. Physiologie des kindes- O. 7 p. + p. 207-496. C Voss, Georg von. Uber die schwankungen der geistigen arbeitsleistung. ill. {In Psychologische arbeiten. 1899. v. 2, p. 399-449.) C Wagner, Ludwig. Unterricht und ermiiding ; ermudungsmessungen an schlilern des neuen gym- nasiums in Darmstadt. Berlin, 1898. O. 134 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der pada- gog. psycho], und physiol. v. i, pt. 4.) C T Walsh, John Henry, Wood, Rev. J. G., and others. Athletic sports and manly exercises by " Stonehenge," Rev. J. G. Wood, etc. London, 1864. T. 477 p. ill. Warfield, Ethelbert Dudley. The place of athletics in college life ; a plea and a protest. Easton, Pa., 1894. D. 24 p. C Warner, Francis, M.D. Mental and physical conditions among fifty thousand children seen 1892- 94, and the methods of studying recorded observa- tions, with special reference to the determination of the causes of mental . dullness and other defects. {In Statist. Soc. of London. Jo. 1896. v. 59, p. 125-68.) C Physical expression, its modes and princi- ples. New York, 1886. D. 20 H- 372 p. ill. C Physician's view of method and practice in education. {In Teachers' Guild of Gr. Br. and Irel. Papers. 1888-90. p. 1-13.) T Three lectures on the anatomy of move- ment ; a treatise on the action of nerve-centres and modes of growth, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. London, 1887. D. 14 -f- 135 p. 18 ill. C Warre, Rev. Edmond. Athletics ; or. Physical exercise and recreation. London, 1884. O. 5 -f- 94 p. ill. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 10.) C Warren, John Collins, M.D. On the impor- tance of physical education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1830. p. 25-51.) C Washington (D. C.) — Public Schools, Board of Trustees of. Report of the director of physical training [Rebecca Stoneroad] 1896-97. Washing- ton, 1897. O. 22 p. C WasserAihr, . Die arztliche ilber wa- chung der schulen. {In Samml. padagog. vor- trage. 1888. V. I, pt. I, p. 1-7.) C Weber, Hermann. tJber schul-hygiene in England. . . Wiesbaden, 1884. O. 21 p. T Wehmer, R. Grundriss der schulgesundheits- pflege unter zugrundelegung der fiir Preussen glilti- gen bestimmungen. Berlin, 1895. O. 8 -^- 159 p. ill. C Welch, Follansbee G. Moral, intellectual, and physical culture ; or. The philosophy of true living . . . New York, 1869. D. 16 + 429 p. C PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 323 Weygadt, Wilhelm. Ueber den einfluss des arbeitswechsels auf fortlaufende geistige arbeit. {In Psycholog. arbeiten. 1899. v. 2, p. 118-262.) C White, Frances Emily, M.D. Hygiene as a basis of morals ; address . . . Woman's College of Pennsylvania, March 17, 1887. New York, 1887. O. i6p. C Wickenhagen, Hermann. Turnen und ju- gendspiele und die korperliche erziehung in hbheren schulen. 93 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und un- terrichtslehre. 1898. v. 4.) C Wickham, Rev. Charles Townshend. Health and physical training in preparatory schools. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1900. V. 6, p. 327-42.) C T Woodbridge, S. H. Physical conditions of school life. Ventilation of school buildings. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1896. p. 77-105.) C Woodhouse, Mrs. E. Physical education at the Sheffield high school for girls. {In England — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. V. 2, p. 133-44.) C T Wurzer, Ferdinand, M.D. Versuch uber die physische erziehung der kinder. . . Frankfurt am Mayn, 1797. Nar. D. 195 p. C Zanardus, Michael. Disputationes de uni- verso parvo mixto homine usque in senium conser- vando. . . Venetiis, 1619. O. [8] + 152 p. C Zander, Richard. Die bedeutung der kQrper- lichen nebungen fiir die entwickelung des korpers und fUr die gesundheit. Hamburg, 1897. O. 21 p. (Samml. gemeinverstandlicher . . . vortrage. n. f. V. 32, no. 271.) C Die ursache und verhindening der riickgrats- verkrummungen und der kurzsichtigkeit der schiiler. Bielefeld [i8g4]. O. Up. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 7, pt. 3.) C Zeitschrift fUr schulgesundheitspflege. Ham- burg, 1892-98. O. ill. pi. V. 5-1 1. C Zueblin, Charles. Municipal playground in Chicago. {In Am. jo. of sociology. 1898. v. 4, P- 145-58.) C Zur padagogischen pathologic und therapie. Langensalza, 1896. O. 44 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 71.) C 27. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Belgium — Industrie et du Travail, Ministlre de r — Direction de V Industrie. Rapport sur I'en- seignement professionnel en AUemagne, par Oscar Pyfleroen. Bruxelles , iZ^T . O. 11 + 354 p. C Rapport sur I'enseignement pro- fessionnel en Angleterre, par Oscar Pyfleroen. Bruxelles, 1896. O. 15 + 321 p. C Brickenstein, Laurence C. Fine arts and law, as special subjects of post-academic study, n. p. n. d. O. 8 p. C Caird, Rev. John. On general and professional education. {In his University addresses. 1898. P- 373-83.) C T Comparative diagrams illustrating the statis- tics of professional education during the decade 1880-90. (In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Report of the com. 1889-90. p. 837-73, ill.) C T Curricula of professional schools. (In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report of the com. 1 889-1 890, p. 875-1020.) C T De I'enseignement manuel et professionnel en AUemagne et dans les pays du nord. Paris, 1887. O. 104 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no, 14.) C T Edge'veorth, Richard Lovell. Essays on pro- fessional education. London, 1809. Sq. Q. 8 + 496 p. 1. p. C [Same.] 2d ed. London, \Z\i. O. 13 + [I] + 541 p. T France — Agriculture, du Commerce et des Tra- vaux publics, Ministlre de /'. Enquete sur I'en- seignement professionnel ; ou, Recueil de deposi- tions faites en 1863 devant la Commission de I'en- seignement professionnel sous lapresidence de . . . Behic. /"am, 1864-65. Q. 2v.ini. 7 pi. C Instruction publique, des Cultes etdes Beaux- arts, Minist^re de P. Ecoles manuelles d'appren- tissage et ecoles professionnelles. Paris, 1887. O. 8 + 140 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 46.) C T Jost, Guillaume. Notes sur quelques ecoles professionnelles d'AIlemagne. {In De I'enseigne- ment manuel et professionnel en AUemagne. 1887, p. 57-104.) C Leclerc, Max. Les professions et la society en Angleterre. Paris, 1894. D. 13 + 294 p. (L'education et la societe en Angleterre.) C Levasseur, Pierre Emile. Le developpement des colleges professionnels a Rome apres les Anto- nins. {In Rev. intemat. de sociol. 1899. v. 7, p. 1-6.) C Parsons, James Russell, Jr. Professional edu- cation. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Education in the U. S. 1900. v. 2, p. 465-549. pi. tab.) CT Pietzker, Friedrich, and Treutlein, J. P. Der zudrang zu den gelehrten berufsarten, seine ursa- chen und etvpaigen heilmittel. . . Braunschweig, 1889. O. 3 + 176 p. ill. C Statistics of professional instruction, 1889-go. (In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Report of the com. 1889- 90. p. 1021-62.) C T Vossius, Gerardus Joannes. De quatuor artibus popularibus. . . Amsterdam, 1660. Sq. O. [16] + 467 + [34] p. C Wittstock, Albert. Die liberfuUing der ge- lehrten berufszweige. Langensalza, 1892. O. 37 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 14.) C a. LAW Albany Law School, see Union Univer- sity, p. 204. 324 EDUCATION American Bar Association. Report of the committee on legal education and admissions to the bar. Philadelphia, 1879. O- 28 p. C See also Annual reports of the Association. Amos, Andrew. Introductory lecture upon the study of English law, delivered in the University of London . . . November 2, 1829. London, 1829. O. 39 P- C On the study of English law ; an introduc- tory lecture, delivered in the University of London . . . November 8, 1830. London, 1830. O. 21 p. C Anthon, John. The law student ; or, Guides to the study of the law in its principles. . . New York, 1850. O. 384 p. C Appleton, C. Observations sur la methode dans I'enseignement du droit en general, du droit romain en particulier. . . {In Revue internat. de I'enseignement. 1891. v. 21, p. 235-78.) C Ashley, Clarence Degrand. Methods of legal education in the state of New York ; a paper read before the New York State Bar Assoc. . . at Al- bany, N. Y., January 17, 1899. «• /• O. 16 p. C Training of the lawyer and its relation to general education ; a paper read before the Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. . . at Saratoga Springs, Septem- ber 7, 1899. n. /. O. 13 p. C Aubert, Ludwig Maribo Benjamin. Historiske oplysningen om det juridiske fakultet ved det Norske Fredriks Universitet. Christiania,i%'jo. D. 55 p. C Bald^^in, Simeon Eben. Graduate courses at law schools. . . (/« Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Journal. 1880. no. II, p. 123-37.) C Re-adjustment of the collegiate to the pro- fessional course ; the annual address before the section of legal education of the American Bar As- soc, delivered August 17, 1898, ^New Haven, 1898.1 O. 25 p. C Banks, David, and Ashley, C. D. In the mat- ter of the proposed bill to incorporate the New York Law School ; memorandum in opposition to the bill. n. t.-p. [I897 ?] O. 6 p. C Baumann, Johann Friedrich August, and Leh- mann, H. E. B. De litteris elegantioribus juris- prudentiae studium mirifice adjuvantibus dissertatio. Lipsiae, 1794. Sq. O. 65 p. C Bayard, Thomas Francis. Responsibilities of the legal profession in a republic ; an address de- livered before the graduating classes ... of the Yale Law School on June 26th, 1883. New Haven, 1883. O. 30 p. C Benech, Raymond Osmin. Study of law in France. (/» his Melanges de droit et d'histoire. 1857. p. 181-281.) C ^ Bethmann-HoUiireg, Moritz August vbn. tJber gesetzgebung und rechtswissenschaft als aus- gabe unserer zeit. Bonn, 1876. O. 3 -I- 66 p. C Biddle, Craig. Introductory lecture to the study of the law, delivered before the students of the Law Department of the University of Pennsyl- vania, Oct. 2d, 1882. Philadelphia, 1882. O. 36 p. c Blondel, Georges. De I'enseignement du droit dans les universites allemandes. Paris, 1885. O. 16 + 88 p. C Brun, Heinrich Ludwig Simon. Introduction it I'etude du droit. 2« ed. Paris, 1887. D. 400 p. C Bryce, James. Legal studies in the University of Oxford ; a valedictory lecture delivered before the University, June 10, 1893. London, 1893. O. 35 p. C Buscemi, Salvadore. L'insegnamento del di- ritto nella antica Universita di Messina. (In Mes- sina Universita. CCCL anniv. della Univ. di Messina. 1900. pt. 2, p. 57-78.) C Chicago University — Law School. Circular, 1859-60. Chicago, 1859. O. C Cohn, Morris M. Introduction to the study of the constitution ; a study showing the play of physi- cal and social factors in the creation of institutional law. Baltimore, 1892. O. 11 + 235 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies. Extra vol. 11. 1892.) C Colby, James Fairbanks. Collegiate study of law ; a paper read at the nineteenth annual meeting, August 20, 1896, of the Am. Bar Assoc, n. p. O. 21 p. C Legal and political studies in Dartmouth College, 1796-1896. Hanover [I896]. O. 21 p. C Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean Gustave. Prepara- tion 4 I'etude du droit ; etude des principes. Paris, 1887. O. II + 489 p. C Cummins, Rev. Alexander Griswold. Devel- opment of mankind in the development of law ; an address delivered . . . June 26, 1861, before the House of Convocation of Trinity College. Hart- ford, 1861. O. 22 p. C Deemer, Horace E. American law schools. {In Iowa University — Law dept. Commencement addresses. 1895. p. 22-31.) C Dernburg, Heinrich. Die reform der juris- tischen studienordnung. Berlin, 1886. O. 41 p. C Despagnet, Frantz. La fonction sociale des facultes de droit. {In Revue internat. de I'enseigne- ment. 1891. V. 21, p. 533-60.) C Dupin, Andre Marie Jean Jacques, comp. Manuel des etudiants en droit et des jeunes avocats ; recueil d'opuscules de jurisprudence. . . Paris, 1835. S. 10 -H 876 + I p. C D\7ight, Theodore William. Our municipal law and the best mode of acquiring a knowledge of it. {In Dwight, T. W., and Marsh, G. P. Inau- gural addresses in Columbia College. 1859. p. 1-55-) C Edfirards, Charles. Incentives to study the law ; a lecture delivered . . . before the Law Assoc, of the city of New York. New York. n. d. O. 27 p. C Fontaine de Resbecq, Adolphe Charles Theodore, comte de. Notice sur le doctoral en droit . . . suivie de la liste generale des docteurs admis. . . 1806-57. • • Paris, 1857. Q. 63 + 192 -hip. C PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 325 Goldschmidt, Levin. Das dreijahrige studium der rechts staats-wissenschaften. . . Berlin, 1878. O. 82 p. C Rechtsstudium und priifungsordnung ; ein beitrag zur preussischen und deutschen rechtsge- schichte. Stuttgart, 1887. O. 45 1 P- C Gorrini, Giovanni. La riforma universitaria ; studi e proposte ; il riordinamento delle facolti giuridiche. Roma, 1893. O. 5 + 295 + i p. C Grant, Francis. Law, religion and education considered in three essays. . . [Anon.] Edin- burgh, 1715. s. II + 147 + 149 P- c Great Britain — Commissioners appointed to inquire into the arrangements in the Inns of Court and Inns of Chancery for promoting the study of the law. . . Report. London, 1855. F. 308 p. C Hammond, William G. Legal education and the study of jurisprudence in the West and North- West. {Jn Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Journal. 1876. V. 8, p. 165-76.) C Harris, Wiley P. Address to the graduating class in the Department of Law, University of Mis- sissippi, June 23d, 1S69. . . Jackson, 1869. O. 16 p. C Hastie, William. Outlines of the science of jurisprudence, an introduction to the systematic study of law, translated and edited from the juristic encyclopaedias of Puchta, Friedlander, Falk and Aherns. Edinburgh, 1887. D. 44 + 282 p. C Ho£Fman, David. Course of legal study re- spectfully addressed to the students of law in the United States. . . Baltimore, 1817. Nar. O. 383 p. C Holland, Thomas Erskine. Legal education in a university and the proper relation of the faculty of laws to the legal profession. {In London — In- ternat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 15, p. 102-12.) C Hruza, Ernst. Der romanistische rechtsunter- richt im Osterreich ; ein beitrag zur reform der juris- tischen studienordnung. Ezernowitz, 1886. O. 30 p. C Huffcut, Ernest Wilson. Jurisprudence in American universities. {In Am. Acad, of Polit. and Soc. Sci. Annals. 1892. v. 2, p. 488-93.) C Jones, Robert. History of the French bar, ancient and modern. . . London, 1855. O. 39 + 251 p. C Kent, James. Address delivered before the Law Assoc, of the City of New York, October 21st, 1836. New York, 1836. O. 39 p. C Kent College of La'w — Law Dept. of Lake Forest University. Annual announcement. 19OO- 01. Chicago [I90O]. O. 27 p. C Circular of information, 1896-97, 1899- igoo, and Annual register, 1895-96, 1898-99. Chicago, 1895-99. O. C Liszt, Franz von. Die reform des juristischen studiums in Preussen ; rede gehalten . . . am 1 7 Oct. 1886. Berlin, 1886. O. 56 p. C Loccenius, Johan. De studio juris dissertati- uncula epistolica. {In Grotius and others. Disser- tationes. 1645. p. 559-64.) C liouisville. University of, see University of Liouisville — Law School, below. liuschin von Ebengreuth, Arnold. Quel- len zur geschichte deutscher rechtshorer in Italien. {In Vienna — Akad. der wiss. — Phil. -hist, classe. Sitzungsb. 1886. v. 113, p. 745-92 ; 1889, no. 2, 24 p. ; 1891, v. 124, no. II, 30 p.) C Vorlaufige mittheilungen iiber die geschichte deutscher rechtshorer in Italien. {In same. 1892. v. 127, no. 2, 144 p.) C Martineau, Ernest. La reforme de I'enseigne- ment dans nos ecoles de droit et la tradition du droit romain. (/« Journals d'economistes. 1899. ser. 5, V. 38. p. 170-77-) C Meili, Friedrich. Gutachten und gesetzesvor- schlag betreffend die errichtung einer eidgenossi- schen rechtsschule. . . Zurich, 1890. O. 4 + 121 p. C Meyer, Plazid. Uber codification, rechtswis- senschaft und rechtsstudium der zukunft. {In Zeit- schr. flir vergleichende rechtswissenschaft. 1887. V. 7, p. 81-101.) C Michigan, University of, see University of Michigan — Dept. of Law, below. Mittenzwey, L. Gesetzeskunde in verbin- dung mit volkswirtschaftslehre als unterrechtsdisci- plin. Gotha, 1889. O. 96 + 8 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1890. v. 2.) C National University — Law, Medical, and Dental Departments. Catalogue, 1898-99. Wash- ington, 1898. O. ill. C Needham, Charles W. Legal education ; sub- jects to be studied and the order and method of study, n.p. n. d. O. 14 p. C New York (City) Law School. Catalogue. 1896-1900. New York, 1897-igoo. O. C New York (City) University— Zaw Depart- ment. Annual announcement of lectures, 1858- 59. New York [I858]. O. C Ferris, Rev. Isaac. Address delivered at the opening of the Law Department of the Univer- sity of the City of New York, on the 25th October, 1858. n.p., 1858. O. 31 P- C New York, University of the State of, see University of the State of New York, below. North, Roger. Discourse on the study of the laws . . . with notes and illustrations by a Member of the Inner Temple. London, 1824. D. 15 + 105 p. I por. C Nowak, R. Reform der juristischen studien. Wien, 1877, O. 36 p. C Ohio State University — Law, College of. Catalogue, 1901-02. [Columbus, 1901.] (Univ. bull. ser. 5, no. 10.) C [Courses of study.] 1896-97. Columbus, 1896. O. (Univ. bull. ser. i, no. 6.) C 326 EDUCATION Orelli, Alois von. Rechtsschulen und rechts- literatur in der Schweiz, vom ende des mittelalters bis zur grundung der universitaten von Ziiricli und Bern ; festschrift. Zurich, 1879. O. 8 + 106 + I p. C Ortloff, Friedrich Hermann. Methodologie oder lehre des stadiums der rechts- und staatswis- senschaft. . . Braunschweig, 1863. O. 12 + 298 p. C Die reform des studiums der rechts- und staatswissenschaften ; mahnworte an lehrer und studierende. Berlin, 1887. O. 6 + 66 p. C Osenbriiggen, Eduard. Der rechtsunter- richt auf den universitaten, mit nachster beziehung auf die forderung einer praktischen richtung dessel- ben ; redegehalten . . . 20 Nov. 1844. . . Dorpat, 1844. O. 27 p. C Oudot, Fran9ois Julien, Premiers essais de philosophic du droit et d'enseignement methodique des lois franfaises ; suivis de lettres adressees a M. Giraud. Paris, 1846. O. 22 + 415 p. C Paxson, Edward M. Road to success ; or, Practical hints to the junior bar ; an address deliv- ered before the Law Academy of Philadelphia . . . April 14, 1888. Philadelphia, 1888. O. 37 p. C Pearce, Robert Richard. Guide to the Inns of Court and Chancery with notices of their ancient dis- cipline, rules . . . and customs ... an account of the eminent men . . . [and] the regulations of the four Inns of Court. London, i?>Si- O. 11 + 440 p. ill . C Paries, G., abbd. La faculte de droit dans I'ancienne Universitede Paris, 1160-1793. . . Paris, 1890. O. 3 H- 391 p. C Pierantoni, Augusto. II progresso del diritto pubblico e delle genti ; introduzione alio studio del diritto costituzionale ed internazionale. Modena, 1866. O. 6 + 162 -j- I p. C Pittsburgh Law School, see Western University of Pennsylvania, p. 208. Ritso, Frederick. Introduction to the science of the law ; shewing the advantages of a law educa- tion. . . London, 1815. Nar. O. 11 + 241 p. C Rosshirt, Konrad Eugen Franz. De studiis juris civilis et canonici in Germaniae universitatibus medii aevi. Heidelbergae, 1861, Sq. O. 26 p. C Rugbies, Thomas. The barrister ; or. Stric- tures on the education proper for the bar . . . with an introduction by the author. [Anon.] London, 1792. S. 2 v. C Riittimann, Johann Jakob. Zur geschichte und fortbildung der ZUrcherischen rechtspflege. Zurich, 1855. O. 33 p. C Savigny, Leo von. Die franzSsischen rechts- fakultaten im rahmen der neueren entwickelung des franzOsischen hochschulwesens. Berlin, 1891. O. 8 + 223 p. C Seefeld, C. A. Zur verbreitung der rechts- kenntniss. Hamburg, 1890. O. 28 p. (/« Deutsche zeit- und streit-fragen. 1891. v. 19, p. 273-300.) C Siegel, Heinrich. Die wissenschaftliche pflege des deutschen rechtes in Osterreich, zumal an der Wiener hochschule. {In Vienna Universitat. Die feierliche installation des rectors, 1879. P- I7~43-) C Simpson, Joseph. Reflections of the natural and acquired endowments requisite for the study of the law. 5th ed. . . with notes and commentaries ... by M. Dawes. London, n. d. O. 4 + 16 + 63 p. C Slater, John Herbert. Guide to the legal pro- fession. . . London, 1884. O. 7 + 407 p. C Smith, Philip Anstie. History of education for the English bar ; with suggestions as to subjects and methods of study. Loridon, i860. O. 12 + 202 p. C Stammler, Rudolf. Gutachtliche aeusserungen zu den vorschlagen zur organisation einer eidgenos- sischen hochschule fiir rechts- und staatswissen- schaft. n.p. [1899]. Sq. O. 28 p. C Stoerk, Felix. Les reformes les plus recentes de I'enseignement du droit dans les universites preus- siennes. {In Revue internat. de I'enseignement. 1891. V. 21, p. 452-64.) C Taft, William Howard. Address delivered be- fore the alumni and students of the Law Depart- ment Wednesday, June 27, 1894. Ann Arbor, 1894. O. 21 p. C Tamassia, Giovanni. Bologna e le scuole imperiali di diritto ; ricerche, Bologna, 1888. O. 48 p. C Thayer, James Bradley. Teaching of English law at universities ; read at Detroit August 27, 1895 . . . before the section on legal education of the Am. Bar Assoc. Boston, 1895. O. 18 p. C United States — Education, Bureau of. Re- port on legal education. . . Washington, 1893. O. 207 p. C University of Louisville — Law School. Law Department of the University of Louisville. 1900-01. 55th year. Louisville, 1900. O. C University of Michigan — Dept. of Law. Announcement, 1890-91, 1894-95, 1900-01. Ann Arbor, 1899-1900. D. C University of Pennsylvania — Dept. of Law. Catalogue, 1896-99. Philadelphia, 1897- 99. D. C See also p. 206. Yearly announcement, 1881-82. Phila- delphia, 1881. O. C Carson, Hampton Lawrence. Historical sketch of the Law Department of the University of Pennsylvania. . . Philadelphia, 1882. O. 37 p. C University of the State of New York. Examinations on subjects preparatory to the study of law, as required by the rules of the Court of Ap- peals, adopted May 4, 1882. n. p. O. ro p. Warren, Samuel. Popular and practical in- troduction to law studies, edited by I. G. Thomp- son. Albany, 1870. O. 12 -\- 406 p. C PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Z27 Washburn, Emory. Professional training as an element of success and conservative influence ; a lecture before the . . . Harvard Law School . . . Jan. nth, i86l. Boston, 1861. O. 24 p. C Wie studirt man jurisprudenz ? 2. aufl. verm, durch eine tabellarische Ubersicht der bestim- mungen zur erlangung der juristischen doctorwurde an den universitaten Deutschlands ; von Einem pracktischen juristen. Leipzig, 1885. D. 43 p. C "VJilMsLTiis, ]ohn, of the Inner Temple. Treatise on the study and practice of the law. . . London, 1823. O. 4 + 208 p. C Wolf; Julius. Vorschlage zur organisation einer Eidgenbssischen rechtsschule (in verbindung mit der Hochschule fiir staatswissenschaft) : erstattet dem Eidgenossischen departement des innem. Zurich, 1889. O. 6 + 79 p. C Wright, William. Advice on the study of the law : with directions for the choice of books, ad- dressed to attornies' clerks. . . [Anon.] London, 1810. O. 6 + I H- 157 p. C First ed. published anonymously. Advice on the study and practice of the law : with directions for the choice of books ; addressed to attorneys' clerks. 2d ed. enl. . . London, 1815. O. 5 + 5 + i8op. C Also 3d ed. with author's name. b. MEDICINE Albany Medical College. Catalogue and circular. 1838, 1847, 1870/71, 1888-89. Albany, 1838-89. O. C See also Union University, p. 204. and University of Albany, p. 205. American School of Osteopathy (Kirks- ville, Mo.). Catalogue ; session of 1897-98 ; first annual announcement. Kirksville \\^f^']\. O. 64 p. C Association of American Medical Colleges. Proceedings . . . 1898-99. Easton, Pa., 1898-99. O. C Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Annual catalogue . . . 1892-97, igoo-oi. Balti- more, I 892-1 900. O. C Bard, Samuel, M.D. Discourse on the impor- tance of medical education ; delivered on the 4th of Nov. 181 1. . . (/« Am. med. and philosoph. register. 1812. v. 2, p. 369-82.) C Beck, Theodoric Romeyn, M.D. On the util- ity of country medical institutions ; an introductory lecture delivered at the College of Physicians and Surgeons [Fairfield, N. Y.] Dec. 13, 1824. . . Al- bany, 1825. O. 20 p. C Bennett, John Hughes, M.D. Object and order of medical studies. Edinburgh, 1855. O. 12 p. C Present state of the theory and practice of medicine ; an introductory lecture ... in the University of Edinburgh, delivered Nov. 6, 1855. Edinburgh, 1855. O. 23 p. C Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery of Chicago. Annual announce- ment. Session of 1894-95, 1896-97. O. C Bernstein, Julius. Die vorbildung der medi- cin-studirenden im hinblinck auf den entwurf der neuen priifungsordnung. Braunschweig, 1899. O. 25 P- C Boston — College of Physicians and Surgeons. Annual announcement, 1882-83, 1884-85. Boston, 1882-84. O. and D. no. 3, 5. C Carmichael, Richard. Plan of medical re- form and reorganization of the profession, without subverting the existing colleges of physic and sur- gery. . . Dublin, 1841. O. 55 p. C College of Physicians and Surgeons (Baltimore). Annual announcement and catalogue, 1884-86, 1887-88, 1892-94. Baltimore [I884-93]. O. C Da Costa, Jacob Mendez, M.D. The scholar in medicine : an address delivered before the Har- vard Medical Alumni Assoc, June 29, 1897. Bos- ton, 1897. O. 14 p. C Davis, Edwin Hamilton, M.D. Short sketch of the New York Medical College, with its charter and a complete list of its ofi&cers and graduates. New York, 1883. O. 23 p. C Davis, Nathan Smith, M.D. Contributions to the history of medical education and medical insti- tutions in the United States . . . 1776-1876. Washington, 1877. O. 60 p. (U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Special reports.) C T Draper, John William, M.D. Historical in- fluence of the medical profession ; an anniversary discourse delivered before the New York Acad, of Med., Dec. 10, 1863. New York, 1863. O. 32 p. C Dunster, Edward Swift, M.D. Relations of the medical profession to modern education ; an ad- dress delivered at the commencement of the Medical Dept. of the Univ. of Vermont, June 16, 1869. New York, 1870. O. 25 p. C Dwight, Henry Edwin, M.D. Higher pre- liminary medical education, the influence of the German universities upon our profession ; an ad- dress delivered before the Am. Acad, of Med., December 4th, 1890. n. p. O. 12 p. C Eclectic Medical College of the City of NoTT York, see New York (City) Eclectic Medical College, below. Ecole Dentaire de Paris. Programme de I'enseignement, des conditions d'admission, et des examens. . . 21*^ circulaire annuelle, annee sco- laire 1900-01. Paris, igoi. S. 64 p. pi. C Edinburgh — Royal College of Physicians, and Royal College of Surgeons. Regulations to be ob- served by candidates for the double qualification in medicine and in surgery to be conferred conjointly. Edinburgh, 1862. O. 15 p. C Eliot, Charles William. Medical education of the future. (/« his Educational reform ; essays. 1898. p. 341-71.) C T 328 EDUCA TJON France — Agriculture, Ministhre de F. Pro- gramme des conditions d'admission aux ecoles na- tionales veterinaires et k I'emploi d'aide-veterinaire stagiaire i I'ficole d' Application de Cavalerie. Paris [I90O]. S. 31 P- C Marine, Mifiistkre ^de la. Programme des conditions d'admission a I'Ecole du Service de Sante de la Marine a Bordeaux, et aux Ecoles-annexes de medecine navale (Brest, Rochefort, Toulon) en 1901. Paris [I90I]. S. 32 p. C Georgeto'wn University (D. C). — Medical Department. Addresses delivered at the 25-26 com- mencement, 1874-75. Washington, 1874-75. O. C Gibbons, Henry. Annual address . . . Dela- ware Academy of Natural Science . . . Jan. 1833. Wilmington, Del., 1833. O. 23 p. C Haddock* Rev, Charles Brickett. Address . . . before the Vermont Medical College at Wood- stock, June 8th, 1842. Hanover, 1842. O. 24 p. C Heurn, Jan van. De studio medicinae bene in- stituendo dissertatio. {In Grotius and others. Dissertationes. 1645. p. 565-85.) C Holmes, Bayard, M.D. Is it desirable and practicable in medical schools to teach methods of investigation in medical literature ? n. p. O. 7 p. C Hosack, David, M.D. Sketch of the origin and progress of the medical schools of New York and Philadelphia. . . {In Am. med. and philosoph. register. 1812. v, 2, p. 225-36. pi.) C Hubbard, Oliver Payson, M.D. Lecture in- troductory to the 83d course of the N. H. Medical Institution at Dartmouth College, July 31, 1879. . . Concord, 1879. O. 36 p. C Illinois — Health, State Board of. Report on medical education, medical colleges and the regula- tion of the practice of medicine in the U. S. and Canada, 1765-1891. Springfield, 1890. O. C Jefferson Medical College of Philadel- phia. Annual announcement ; session of 1895- 97, 1900-01 ; register of students, 1894-96, 1899- 1900. [Philadelphia, 1895-1900.] D. pi. C Letters before the Board of Trustees, re- specting Charles M. Wetherell, candidate for th& chair of chemistry. Philadelphia, 1864. O. 7 p. , C Laurent, Dr. O. Les universites des Etats- Unis et du Canada, et specialement leurs institu- tions medicales. Bruxelles^ 1894. O. 311 -H [4] p. 22 ill. pi. and maps. tab. C Laycock, Thomas, M.D. Lectures on the principles and methods of medical observation and research. . . Edinburgh, 1856. O. 22 -h 223 P- , c Lente, Frederick Divoux, M.D. Higher edu- cation of medical men and its influence on the pro- fession and the public ; being the address delivered before the Am. Acad, of Med. . . Sept. 28, 1880. New York, 1880. O. 16 p. C Massachusetts — General Court — House. Re- port of the select committee on so much of the Gov- ernor's speech . . . June . . . 1830, as relates to legalizing the study of anatomy. . . Boston, 1831. O. 118 p. C Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Annual catalogue. 1876-79, 1888-89. Boston, etc., 1876-88. O. no. 10-12, 22. C Miami Medical College of Cincinnati. Annual announcement. 1898. Cincinnati, 1898. D. C Minot, Charles Sedgwick. Knowledge and practice, n. p. n. d. O. 24 p. C New England Female Medical College. Annual catalogue and report. 1863, 1870. Boston, 1863-70. O. no. 15, 22. C New ITork College of Dentistry. An- nouncement, 1894-95. yNew York, 1894.] O. C Neve York College of Pharmacy. Pros- pectus, 1894-96. New York, 1894-96. O. C Ne'w York College of Veterinary Sur- geons and School of Comparative Medi- cine. Annual announcement, 1884-85, 1893-94, 1895-96. New York [1883-95]. O. 3 nos. C New York Dental School. Annual an- nouncement, 1897-98. New York, 1897. O. C New^ York Eclectic Medical College. Announcement and catalogue, 1893-94, 1898-99. New York, 1893-98. O. C New York Homoeopathic Medical Col- lege and Hospital. Annual announcement, 1878, 1889, 1891-1902. New York, 1878-1901. Q. pi. v. 19, 30, 32-42. C New York Medical College and Hos- pital for Women. Annual announcement, 1897-99, 1900-01. s^New York, 1897-1900.1 D. ill. C New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Annual announcement, 1899-1900. New York [1899]. O. C New York (City) University — Medical De- partment. Annual announcement of lectures and catalogue, 1841-45, 1855-56, 1868-69, 1870-71, 1872, 1875-76, T879-80, 1890-91, 1892-93. New York, 1841-92. O. C Catalogue of the graduates and officers. July, 1872. O. Ill + [2] p. C New C Spring course of lectures, 1843 York, 1843. O. Bedford, Gunning Samuel, M.D. Valedictory address . . . February 28, 1845. New York, 1845. O. 20 p. C Draper, Henry, M.D. Lecture in- troductory to the course of 1868-9. • • New York [pref. 1868.] O. 16 p. C Draper, John William, M.D. Intro- ductory lecture on the history of chemistry, de- livered in the Univ. of New York. New York, 1846. O. 15 p. C PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 329 New York (City) University (continued) Introductory lecture to the course of chemistry on the relations of atmospheric air to animals and plants. . . New York, 1844. O. 16 p. C York, 1842. O. Valedictory lecture. 14 + [2] p. New C MoTT, Valentine, M.D. Address be- fore the graduates of i860 of the University Medi- cal College of New York. New York, i860. O. 25 p. C ■ Paine, Martyn, M.D. Defence of the medical profession of the United States ; being a valedictory address to the graduating class at the medical commencement of the University of New York, delivered, March 11, 1846. New York, 1846. O. 24 p. C University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Announcements, 1899-1900. New York, 1899. D. C New York University Bulletin of the Medi- cal Sciences. New York, igoi. O. v. i, no. i. C Ohio State University — College of Phar- macy. [Courses of study] 1896-97, 1899-1900, 1901-02. Columbus, 1896-1901. O. ill. (Uni- versity bulletins, ser. V , 4'7, 513.) C College of Veterinary Medicine. [Courses of study] 1896-97, 1899-1900. Columbus, 1896-99. O. ill. (University bulletins, ser. i^, 4".) C Pepper, William, M.D. Higher medical edu- cation, the true interest of the public and of the profession. . . Philadelphia, 1894. O. 100 p. C Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Charter, laws and code of ethics, with lists of offi- cers, members and graduates. . . Philadelphia, 1856. O. 28 p. C Announcement . . . 1874-5. Philadelphia, 1874. 54th annual session, O. 15 p. C Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine. Announcement of clinical and laboratory departments. 1 899-1900. [Philadelphia, 1899.] O. pi. C Porter, William Townsend, M.D. The teach- ing of physiology in medical schools ^Boston, 1898.] O. 16 p. C Purdue University — School of Pharmacy. l6th annual announcement, 1899-1900. Indian- apolis, 1899. D. 46 p. ill. C Richardson, Sir Benjamin Ward. Vocation of the medical scholar ; oration at the 83d anniversary of the Medical Society of London. [Anon.] Glas- gow, n. d. O. 26 p. C Thomson, John. Remarks on the memorial of the Town-council of Edinburgh to Lord John Russell . . . respecting the professorship of medi- cine and general pathology, by the present profes- sor. [^Edinburgh, 1888 ?] O. 43 p. C Thoughts on medical education and a plan for its improvement ; addressed to the council of the University of London. London, 1826. O. 51 p. C Toledo Medical College. Announcement. Session of 1900-01. Toledo [if^oo^. D. pi. C University of Bishop's College (Lenox- ville. Que.) Annual announcement of the Faculty of Medicine, Montreal . . . 1899-1901. [Mon- treal, 1899-1900.] O. pi. C University of Michigan — School of Phar- macy. Index to the contributions of original work done by the Alumni. 1870-76. Ann Arbor, 1876. O. See also p. 6g. University of Oregon — Medical Depart- ment. Annual announcement, 1892-93. Portland, 1892. O. C University of Pennsylvania — Medical De- partment. Catalogue and announcement, 1874-75, 1878-79. Philadelphia, 1874-78. O. pi. C See also p. 205. Report to the Alumni by the Medical faculty, 1848. Philadelphia, 1848. O. C Alumni Society. Proceedings, with annual address, 1886. Philadelphia, 1887. O. C Weiss, Giovanni. Marcello Malpighi e I'ana- tomia patologica. {In Messina (Sicily) University. CCCL anniv. della Univ. di Messina. 1900, pt. 2, p. 4I-55-) Welch, Archibald, M.D. Annual address to the candidates for degrees and licences in the Medi- cal Institution of Yale College, January 17, 1844. New Haven, 1844. O. 22 p. C Wilde, Sir William Robert Wills, M.D. Aus- tria : its literary, scientific, and medical institutions . . . Dublin, 1843. D. 24 -I- 325 p. i ill. i pi. I tab. C Woman's Medical College of Pennsyl- vania. BoDLEY, Rachel Littner, M.D. Intro- ductory lecture delivered at the opening of the twenty-sixth annual session, October 7th, 1875. Philadelphia, 1875. O. 16 p. C Valedictory address to the twenty-sec- ond graduating class, March 13th, 1874. Phila- delphia, 1874. O. 15 p. C Valedictory address to the twenty- ninth graduating class, March 7th, 1881. Phila- delphia, 1 88 1. O. 16 p. C Hunt, J. Gibbons, M.D. Introductory lecture to the spring course, 1875. Philadelphia, 1875. O. 16 p. C SCARLETT-DIXON, Mary J. , M.D. Valedic- tory address to the twenty-third graduating class, March nth, 1875. Philadelphia, 1875. O. 16 p. C White, Frances Emily, M.D. Valedictory address to the graduating class . . . delivered in Association Hall, March loth, 1880. Philadelphia, 1880. O. x6 p. C Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary for Women and Children. Annual catalogue and announcement, June, 1898. [New York, 1898.] O. 31 p. C 330 EDUCATION c. MILITARY AND NAVAL Barnard, Henry. Military schools and courses of instruction in the science and art of war. . . Philadelphia, 1862. O. pt. i, 339 p. C [Same.] Revised ed. New York, 1872. O. 960 p. {In his Nat. ed. 1872. Pt. 4, v. 3.) CT Chadwick, French Ensor. Report on the training systems for the navy and mercantile marine of England, and on the naval training system of France. 1879. Washington, 1880. O. 207 p. (U. S.— Navy Dept.) C Corps du Commissariat de la Marine. Programme des conditions d' admission. . . Paris [i8g5]. D. 30 p. C Costa, Francisco Felisberto Dias. L'Ecole de I'armee de Lisbonne : Histoire — Enseignement — Organisation. Lisbonne, igoo. Q. 227 p. pi. (Expos. Univ. de 1900 — Sect, portugaise — Instruct, publ. en Portugal.) C Dargan, George W. Address delivered at the annual commencement of the South Carolina Mili- tary Academy, July ist, 1891. Charleston, 1891. O. 24 p. C Dubois, Arthur. Le service militaire d'un an ; les dispenses commerciaux ; application de loi mili- taire aux eleves de I'Ecole des hautes Etudes com- mercials et des ecoles superieures de commerce reconnues par I'Etat. 3^ ed. Paris, 1895. D. 16 p. C ,EcoIe d' Application de Cavalerie (Ecole de Saumur). Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, n. d. D. 37 p. C iEcole des Mousses. Notice sur I'Ecole des Mousses et des Apprentis marins de la Marine na- tionale. Paris, n. d. S. 31 p. C £icole militaire d'Infanterie (£cole de Saint-Maixent). Programme des conditions d'ad- mission. Paris, n. d. D. 35 p. C Ecole speciale militaire de Saint-Cyr. Programme des conditions d'admission, en 1901. Paris [I90I]. S. 29 p. C Recueil des dessins de paysage donnes aux concours d'admission. [AnneeiSgi-igoo.] Paris. n. d. F. 8 pi. lith. C France — Guerre, Ministlre de. Instruction ministerielle sur I'aptitude physique au service mili- taire et I'aptitude particuli^re aux differentes armes. Paris [I894]. D. 89 p. C Programme des conditions d'admis- sion i r6cole du Service de Sante militaire en 1901. . . Paris [I90I]. S. 33 p. C Marine, Ministkre de la. Loi du 24 de- cembre 1896 sur I'inscription maritime. Paris, 1897. S, 30 p. C Programme des conditions d'admission il'l&cole navaleen 1901. /'am [I901]. S. 52 p. C Programme des conditions d'admis- sion et de I'avancement dans le personnel admin- istratif secondaire de la marine. Paris, 1893, S. 57 p. C Maia, Fernando Da Costa. Royal College Militaire. Lisbonne, 1900. Q. 95 -|- [2] p. pi. (Expos. Univ. de 1900 — Sect, portugaise — Instruct, publ. en Portugal.) C Military schools of Europe. . . iVashington, 1896. Q. 151 p. ill. pi. tab. (U. S.— Adjt.- gen. office — Mil. inform, div. [Publ.]. no. 9.) C Naval War College (Newport, R. I.). Ab- stract of course, 1895-96. Washington, 1895-96. O. pi. 2 V. C Goodrich, Casper Frederick. Closing ad- dress of the president of the [Naval] War College, delivered September 15, 1897. Washington, 1897. O. 13 p. C Kasson, John Adams. International arbi- tration ; how, and how far, is it practicable ? an ad- dress delivered before the U. S. Naval War College, Sept. 19, 1896. Washington, i8g6. O, 22 p. C McAdoo, William. Address delivered at the Naval War College, June 2, 1896. Washing- ton, 1896. O. 22 p. C Roosevelt, Theodore. Address before the Naval War College, Newport, R. I., Wednes- day, June 2, 1897. Washington, 1897. O. 24 p. C Stockton, Charles Herbert. Preparation for war ; a discussion of some of the various ele- ments to be considered in the formation of plans of operations and in the study of campaigns ; delivered ... at the Naval War College, May 31, 1899. Washington, 1899. O. 28 p. C Nithard, Robert. La nouvelle loi militaire et les dispenses des ecoles nationales d'agriculture et de rinstitut national agronomique. Paris, 1894. D. 21 p. C Plant, Edmund Carter. Geometrical drawing for army and navy candidates and public classes. London, 1899. Sq. Q. v. i. ill. C Contents : V. I. Practical plane geometry. Rebidre, Alphonse. Conseils aux candidats 4 Saint-Cyr et aux autres ecoles. Paris, 1888. D. 63 + [I] p. C Soares, Jose Augusto Celestino. L'Ecole na- vale de Lisbonne. Lisbonne, 1900. Q. 65 p. pi. (Expos. Univ. de 1900 — Sect, portugaise — In- struct, publ. en Portugal.) C Soley, James Russell. Report on foreign sys- tems of naval education. Washington, i88o. O. 335 p. (U. S.— Navy Dept.) C United States Artillery School (Fort Monroe, Va.). Regulations and programme of in- struction. 1882. Fort Monroe [i9)?,2-^. 15 H- 61 p. O. (Publ. V. I.) C TiDBALL, John C. Historical Sketch, from 1867-87. . . Fort Monroe, xZ^T. Q. 34 p. C PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 331 United States Military Academy (West Point, N. Y.). Addresses delivered in the chapel before the officers and cadets by Ashbel Smith and A. W. Doniphan June 16, 1848. New York, 1848. O. 21 p. C The annual examination, June, 1900. «. /. n. d. D. 21 p. C List of cadets admitted from its origin till Sept. I, 1886, with tables exhibiting the results of examinations for admission . . . compiled . . . by William Ward. Washington, 1%^-] . D. 72 p. C Official register of the officers and cadets 1849, 1859, 1863, 1866, 1868. 1875, 1877, 1S79-84. 1886, 1888, 1890-93, 1895-96, 1898, 1899. n. p. 1849-99. S. C Register of cadets from its origin to June 30, 1870 ; compiled by E. C. Boynton. Washing- ton, 1870. D. 57 p. C Regulations. New York, 1866. D. 22 + 74 p. C Regulations with appendix. . . New York, 1857. O. 172 p, C Report. . . Washington, i860. O. 350 p. (36th Congr. 2d sess. Senate. Mis, doc. no. 3.) C Report of a plan for a reorganization . . . on a basis of competitive examinations. . . [ Wash- ington] 1868. D. 16 p. C Report of the board of visitors for the year Washington, 1887. - O. pi. map. C 1886. Boynton, Capt. Edward Carlisle. History of West Point and its military importance during the American revolution, and the origin and prog- ress of the United States Military Academy. New York, 1863. O. 18 + 403 p. ill. pi. maps. C CULLUM, George Washington. Biographical register of the officers and graduates . . . 1802-67. New York, 1868. O. 2 v. C Park, Roswell. Sketch of the history and topography of West Point and the U. S. Military Academy. . . Philadelphia, 1840. S. 140 p. C Wood, Lieut. Oliver Ellsworth, compiler. West Point Scrapbook ; a collection of stories, songs and legends of the U. S. Military Academy. New York, 1871. O. 339 p. ill. i pi. C Association of the Graduates. Annual re- union. 1870-72. New York, 1870-72. O. C Virginia Military Institute (Lexington). Official register. 1873-74, 1885-86. [Lexington, 1873-85.] D. C Regulations, with an appendix, containing extracts from the general regulations of the army. Richmond, 1854. D.iiop. C Report of the Board of visitors, with ac- companying documents. Richmond, 1867. O. 56 p. C Smith, Francis Henney. Inner life of the V. M. I. cadet ; its responsibilities and its privileges ; introductory address to the . . . cadets at the Vir- ginia Military Institute . . . Sept. 10, 1866. . . Lexington, Va., 1873. D. 52 p. C Walker, Charles D. Memorial Virginia Military Institute : Biographical sketches of the graduates and eleves . . . who fell during the war between the states. Philadelphia, 1875. O. 585 p. C d. THEOLOGICAL Amee, William Albert. School of theology of the Jesusarian faith and church, formerly the Faith and church of truth, with change of name explained, concluding with celebrate days. . . Cambridge, 1889. O. 19 p. C Andover (Mass.) Theological Seminary. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1S34, 1867- 69, 1880-1900. Andover, 1834-1900. O. and D. ill. pi. C O. — General catalogue, 1880. 20 + 355 p. Andover, 1883. C Memorial of the semi-centennial celebration of the founding of the . . . seminary, at Andover. Andover, 1859, O. 8 -h 242 p. C Alumni Association. Address list of the living alumni. 1899. \Andover, 1899.] O. 34 P- C Necrology, 1891-93, 1897-99. Bos- ton, 1892-99. O. C Baldwin, Simeon Eben. Visitorial statutes of Andover Seminary. {In Am. Hist. Assoc. Annual report. 1891. p. 223-41.) C Arfvidsson, H. D. Den praktiska teologiens begrepp, indelning och betydelse. Goteborg, 1897. O. 105 p. c Begg, Rev. James. The art of preaching ; and the duty of the church towards her theological students. Edinburgh, 1863. O. 39 p. C Bender, Jos. Geschichte der philosophischen und theologischen studien in Ermland ; festschrift des . . . Lyceum Hosianum zu Braunsberg. . . Braunsberg, 1868. Q. 178 p. por. C Bible Normal College (Springfield, Mass.). Register of students, 1897-98. Springfield, 1898. D. C Bible Teachers College (Montclair, N. J.). Outline of some of the courses of study, n.p. [I9OO.] S. [12] p. c Prospectus of first session. . . Jan. -May, 1901. n.p. [I900.] S. 14 p. C Blaikie, Rev. William Garden. Colleges and theological institutions of America ; a lecture de- livered 2d Nov. 1870. Edinburgh, 1870. O. 23 P- C Chicago Theological Seminary. Year- book. 1897-98. [Chicago, 1897.] O. pi. C Chicago University — Divinity School. Cir- cular of information, 1894-95. Chicago, 1894. Sq. O. C 332 EDUCATION Church Divinity School of the Pacific (San Mateo, Cal.). Catalogue, 1899-1900. San Francisco, 1899. D. pi. C Crocius, Ludwig. Instructio de ration e studii theologici. {In Grotius and others. Dissertationes. 1645. p. 490-558.) C Crozer Theological Seminary (Chester, Pa.). Catalogue. 1897-99. Chester, Pa. [1897- 98]. O. pi. C Dre'vr Theological Seminary (Madison, N. J.). Catalogue, 1868-73, 1874-77, 1878-82 ; Yearbook, 1883-89, 1890-95, 1897-98, 1899-1901. New York, 1869-71, Madison, 1872-1900. O. pi. C Eliot, Charles William. On the education of ministers. (/« his Educational reform ; essays. 1898. p. 59-86.) C T Episcopal Theological School (Cam- bridge, Mass.). Catalogue, 1874-75, 1891-92, 1893- 95, 1896-97, 1898-1901. Cambridge, 1875-1900. D. ill. pi. C - Report of the faculty D. 16 p. June 18, 1890. C Trustees. Statement by the Trustees, to which is appended the correspondence between them and Nathan Matthews of Boston. Cambridge, 1873- O. 25 p. C General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. Act of incorporation, constitution and statutes, 1832, 1845, i860. New York, 1832-60. O. 3 nos. C Alumni. Catalogue of the alumni, also a list of the sermonizers . . . essayists and . . . prizemen , . . 1870. New York, 1870. O. 24 P- C Publications, 1847, 1856, 1868-74, 1876, 1887. New York, 1847-87. D. and O. C Catalogue, 1834-35, 1839-40, 1848-1900. New York, 1834-1900. D. and O. pi. C Constitution, with the address and resolu- tions of the Board of Trustees . . . December, 1821. New York, 1822. O. 12 p. C Dean. Annual report. 1877-78, 1886. New York, 1877-86. O. C Dedication of Hoffman and Eigenbrodt halls, 30 May, 1900 ; with addresses. \New York, 1900.] O. 81 p. pi. C Hervey, Walter Lowrie. Syllabus of a course of lectures on principles of religious teaching . . . 1901. n.p. O. 8 p. C Report of the special committee on the re- moving of the seminary. New York, 1870? O. 48 p. ill. C Trustees, Plan . . . with an address to the friends of religion and the church. , . 2d ed. Hartford, 1820. O. 23 p. C Proceedings. 1821-95. New York, 1854-95. V. 1-7, no. 2. O. C German Theological School of Newark (N. J.). Annual catalogue, 1897-98. Bloomfield, 1898. O. C Hartford Theological Seminary. An- nual register, 1866-67, 1878-97, 1900-01. [Hart- ford, i867]-i900. O. pi. C Historical catalogue. Hartford, li 141 p. pi. O. C Memorial of the semi-centenary celebration of the founding of the . . . Institute. Hartford, 1884. O. 146 p. C Tyler, Rev. Bennet. Inaugural address ; and addresses of Rev. Dr. [Nathan] Perkins and Rev. Mr. Riddel, on laying the corner-stone of the Theological Institute of Conn. . . East Wind- sor, May 14, 1834. Hartford, 1834. O. 28 p. C Hartford seminary record. Hartford, 1890- 99. O. ill. V. 1-9. C Heiner, Franz Xavier. Theologische fakultaten und Tridentinische seminarien ; ein wort zur auf- klarung und verstandigung. Paderborn, 1900. O. 83 p. C Jesinghaus, Walter. Quo tendimus ? ein wort an theologen und andere studierende. . . Leipzig [1894]. D. 27 p. {In Cyklus akadem. bro- schtiren. v. 3. pt. 5.) C Hnoke, Karl. Das Gottinger Rektorseminar im winter 1895/96. Berlin, 1896. O. 88 p. C Lane Theological Seminary (Cin.). An- nual Catalogue. 1900-01. Cincinnati, 1901. O. pi. C MacColl, Malcolm, canon. On theological teaching in a university. (/« London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884, Literature, v. 15, p. 66-80.) C Meadville (Pa.) Theological SchooL Catalogue. 1854-57, 1858-60, 1862-64, 1867-74, 1877-81, 1882-85, 1887/8. Meadville, 1855-88, O. and D. C Catalogue. 1898-1900, [Appendix : Gen- eral register.] [Meadville, 1899-1900.] O. pi. C Miles, Rev. Henry Adolphus. On natural theol- ogy as a study in schools. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1839. P- 105-18.) C National Theological Institute and University. Proceedings at the annual meetings . . . with the first annual report of the executive committee, presented May 1-2, 1867. Boston, 1867. O. C Oberlin College — Theological Seminary. Annual catalog, 1892-94. Oberlin, 1892-94. D. pi. C Park, Edwards Amasa, D.D. Theological education ; address before the American Educat. Society . , . May 30, 1865. Boston, 1865. O. 31 p. C PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 333 Presbyterian College of Montreal. Calendar. 1887-88. Montreal, 1887. O. pi. C Princeton (N. J.) Theolo^cal Seminary. Catalogue, 1880-81, 1884-87, 1889-91, 1893-1901. Princeton, 1880-1900. O. pi. C General catalogue. 1881-94. O. 1881, 1894. Trenton, C Alumni Association, Necrological report. 1875, 1877-1900. Princeton, 1875-igoo. O. C Green, Rev. William Henry. Discourses at the inauguration of W. H. Green as professor of biblical and oriental literature . . . delivered at Princeton, September 30, 1851. . . i. The charge by the Rev. S. B. Jones ; 2. The inaugural dis- course. . . Philadelphia, 1851. Nar. O. 71 p. C LiNDSLY, Philip. A plea for the Theologi- cal Seminary at Princeton, N, J, 3d ed. Trenton, 1821. O. 31 p. C Miller, Rev. Samuel. Importance of ma- ture preparatory study for the ministry ; an intro- ductory lecture delivered at . . . the Theological Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey, July 3, 1829. Andover, 1830. Nar. O. 30 p. C Sprague, William Buel, D.D. Discourse addressed to the Alumni of the Princeton Theologi- cal Seminary, April 30, 1862, on . . . the comple- tion of its first half century, with an appendix containing notices of the other commemorative exer- cises. Alhany, 1862. Nar. O. 72 p. C Rochester Theological Seminary. An- nual catalogue 1854-57, 1890-92, 1894-95, 1900-or. Rochester, 1854-1901. O. and D. pi. C General catalogue, 1850 to 1900 . . . with the historical discourse delivered . . . May the ninth 1900 by President A. H. Strong. Rochester, 1900. O. II + 354 p. C Strong, Augustus Hopkins. Historical discourse. {In Rochester Theolog. Sem. Gen- eral catalogue, 1850 to 1900. 1900. p. 309-49.) C RosenmuUer, Johann Georg. Einige bemer- kungen das studium der theologie betreffend ; eine abschiedsvorlesung. . . 2. verm. ausg. Erlangen, 1794. S. 189 p. C Seabury Divinity School (Faribault, Minn.). Catalogue, 1899-1901. [Faribault, 1900.] O. pi. C Society for Promoting Theological Education. Historical sketch, officers, act of incorporation, bequest, by-laws and list of members. Boston, i860. O. 13 p. C Directors. Address . . . with act of incor- poration, by-laws and list of members. Boston, 1832. O. 16 p. C Sweetzer, Rev. Seth. Ministerial education ; discourse . . . before Am. Education Soc. . . May 25, 1858. Boston, 1858. O. 18 p. C Syrian Protestant College (Beirut, Syria). Catalogue, 1886-87, 1894-96. Beirut, 1887-96. O. ill. 3 nos. C The Syrian Protestant College, n. p. n. d. O. 12 p. C Theological Seminary (Gettysburg, Pa.). Catalogue. 1894-95. Gettysburg, 1895. O. C Theological Seminary of Auburn. An- nual catalogue. 1899-1900. Auburn, N. Y., 1900. O. pi. C Theological Seminary of the Diocese of Ohio and Kenyon College (Gambler, O.). Catalogue, 1856-58, 1859-60, 1863-64, 1865-66. Gambler, 1857-65. O. C See also Kenyon College, p. 191. Theological Seminary of the Diocese of Virginia. Catalogue. 1895-96. n. p. O. pi. C Theological Seminary of the Presby- terian Church (Princeton, N. J.), ^^i? Prince- ton Theological Seminary, above. Theological Seminary of the Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States. Semi-centennial registfer 1825-1875. Lancaster, 1875. O. C Tohoku Gakuin (Sendai, Japan). Annual catalogue, 1892-93, 1896-97. Yokohama, 1893- 96. D. and O. pi. C Union Theological Seminary (New York). Catalogue of the officers and students. 1848, 1868-69, 1870-74, 1876-77, 1878-80, 1881-82, 1883-85, 1887-1900. New York, 1848-1900. O. pi. C General catalogue, 1836-76, 1836-86, 1836- 97. New York, 1876-97. O. C Revised course of study. 1894-95, i8g8- 1900. New York [ 1894-99.] O. 3 nos. C Services in Adams Chapel at the dedication of the new buildings. Dec. 9, 1884. New York, 1885. O. 82 p. pi. C Triennial catalogue. York, 1865. O. 78 p. Dec. 1865. New C Union Theological Seminary ... an ap- peal to the friends of the institution. New York, 1852. O. 30 p. C Prentiss, George Lewis. Union Theologi- cal Seminary . . . history and biographical sketches of its first fifty years. . . New York, 1889. O. 6 + 294 p. pi. C Union Theological Seminary ... its design and another decade of its history ; with a sketch of the life of Charles Butler. Asbury Park, 1899. O. 576 p. por. C 334 EDUCATION 28. SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL, AND ENGINEERING . Aitken, George Shaw. Architectural education of the public. {In Nat. Assoc, for the Advance- ment of Art. Trans. 1890. p. 175-87.) C Allievo> Giuseppe. L'educazione e la scienza, prelezione. . . Torino, 1882. O. 15 p. C American Social Science Association. Report on a developing school, and school-shops by a com- mittee appointed by the . . . Association and read January 10, 1877. Boston, n. d. O. 30 p. C Annales des baccalaureate scientifiques. Annee 1895-99. Paris [1895-99]. D. 5 v. in i. C Anopov, I. A. Opyt sistematicheskavo oboz- ryeniya . . . teknicheskavo i remeslennavo obrazo- vaniya v Rossi : [Attempt at a systematic review ... of technical and trade education in Russia]. S.-Peterburg, 1889. Q. 556 p. C Back, H. Der gewerblich-technische unter- richt in lehranstalten der Nordamerikanischen Union. . . Frankfurt a. M.,ii()^. O. 3 + 94 p. I ill. C Barkhausen, G. Betrachtungen iiber das ver- haltnis der hoheren einheitsschule zur technischen hochschule. {In Deutscher einheitsschulverein. Schriften. 1888. v. 4, p. 29-46.) C T Barnard, Henry. Science and art ; systems, institutions and statistics of scientific instruction, applied to national industries in different countries ... 2d ed. New York, 1872. O. v. i. i pi. {In his National ed. 1872. pt. 4, v. i'.) C T Barnard, W. T. Service report on technical education, with special reference to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad service ; Oct. ist, 1886. Balti- more, 1887. O. 168 + 70 p. C T Brooks, C. P. Technical education in Europe ; a paper read. . . March 25, 1897. Lowell, 1897. O. 26 p. C Caird, Edward. Progressiveness of the sciences. (/« ^iV University addresses. 1898. p. 31-55.) C Cattell, James McKeen. Scientific societies and associations. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Education in the United States. 1900. v. 2, p. 865-91.) C T Chittenden, Lucius Eugene. Value of instruc- tion in the mechanic arts ; an address before the Am. Inst, of the City of New York . . . Oct. 2, 1889. . . New York, 1889. O. 28 p. C Church, John Adams. Mining schools in the United States. New York, 1871. O. 24 p. C Colin, Alfred. Technical education ; sugges- tions about the course of instruction for the pro- posed technical school of Newark, N. J. n. p., i88i. O. 17 p. C Converse, John Heman. Lehigh University ; citizenship and technical education ; an address delivered on Founder's Day, October 8, 1896. Bethlehem, 1890. O. 16 p. c Cooper, Arthur James. Technical education for girls. {In Eng.— Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1897, v. i, p. 187-95.) C T Coulter, John Merle. Practical education ; an address before the students of the Indiana Univer- sity. Indianapolis, 1891. D. 16 p. C Cujrper, A. C. de. L'enseignement technique en Italic. Li^ge, 1878. O. 166 p. C Daivson, John William. Notes on a visit to scientific schools and museums in the United States, n.p. n. d. O. 13 p. C Deutsch-amerikanischer Techniker Ver- band. Mittheilungen, 1890-91. New York, 1890- 91. O. C Dixon, E. M. Workshop instruction in techni- cal schools. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v, 14, p. 16-24.) C Dor6, . De la necessite et des moyens d'ouvrir de nouvelles carrieres pour le placement des eleves de I'Ecole polytechnique. . . Paris, 1850. O. 34 p. C Dumreicher, Armand, freiherr von. Das ge- werbliche unterrichtswesen. . . Wien, 1874. O. 46 p. {In Vienna — Welt-austellung. 1873. Offi- cieller ausstellungs-bericht. 1873-77. v. 8, group 26, sec. 4.) C Egleston, Thomas. Some thoughts and sug- gestions on technical education . . . address before the Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers . . . Feb. 1888. Philadelphia, 1888. O. 39 p. C T Eidlitz, Leopold. Educational training of ar- chitects. {In Roy. Inst, of Br. Architects. Jo. 1896-97. 3d ser., V. 4, p. 213-17, 462-68.) C Electrical Engineer Institute of Correspon- dence Instruction. Can I become an engineer? New York, 1898, D. ill. 64 p. C Ellis, Thomas, and Griffith, E. J. Intermediate and technical education (Wales) ; a manual to the intermediate education (Wales) act, 1889, and the technical instruction act, i88g. . . 2d ed. [ JVest- minster, Tprei. iSSg.'] D. 119 p. CT Evert, G. Unsre gewerbliche jugend und unsre pflichten gegen sie. Leipzig, 1891. O. 40 p. {In Evangelischsoziale zeitfragen. 1891. ser. I, pt. 2.) C Favre, Louis. L'organisation de la science ; cours libre professe i la Sorbonne. Paris, 1900. D. 60 4- 409 p. (Bibl. des methodes dans les sci. exper.) C Felkin, Henry M. Technical education in a Saxon town. London, 1881. O. 4 + 76 p. ill. pi. T Fenner, William G. Technical education, a paper read . . . Nov. 14, 1882. Paterson, 1882. O. II p. C Ferree, Barr. Architectural education for America. New York, 1894. O. 5 -h 15 p. C Comparative architecture ; a paper read be- fore the Am. Inst, of Architects . . . Boston . . . Oct. 29th, 1891. New York, 1892. O. 15 p. C SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL, AND ENGINEERING 335 Fogo^^itz, Josef. Zur staatspriifung an den technischen hochschulen. Wien, 1879. O, 23 p. C France — Agriculture, du Commerce et des Tra- vaux publics, Ministhre de I'. Commission on technical instruction ; Report on technical instruc- tion in Germany and Switzerland. . . London, 1868-69. F. 2 pts. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1867-68. V. 55, and 1868-69. V- 47-) C Report on technical instruction in Sweden . . . with . . . miscellanea relating to va- rious establishments for technical instruction in France and other countries ; being an appendix to the translation of the reports and notes of the French . . . Commission on technical instruction. London, 1869. F. 69 p. (Same. 1868-1869. v. 47.) C Commerce, de V Industrie , des Posies et des T^l^graphes, Ministere de. Programme des condi- tions d'admission aux ecoles nationales d'arts et metiers (Aix, Angers, Chalons et Lille). . . Paris [I90O]. S. 28 p. C Recueil des sujets de concours pour I'admission aux ecoles nationales d'arts et metiers depuis 1874 [a 190O] avec la solution des problemes. Texte — Planches. Paris, 1898. O. 285 p. ill. 28 pi. F. 2 V. C Commerce et de V Industrie, Ministire du. Programme des cours des ecoles nationales d'arts et metiers. Paris, 1886. Q, 80 + [i] p. T Reglement des ecoles nationales d'arts et metiers; decret du 4 Avril, 1885. [Paris] n. d. Sq. O. 25 p. C T Commissaire de Surveillance administrative des Chemins de Per. Programme des conditions d'admission. . . Paris, n. d. D. 15 p. C Inspecteur particulier de I' Exploitation com- merciale des Chemins de Per. Programme des con- ditions d'admission. . . Paris, n. d. D. 14 p. C Inspection dipartementale du Travail dans V Industrie. Programme des conditions d'admis- sion. . . Paris, 1901. D. 15 p. C Instruction publique, Ministere de I' . Pro- gramme des examens du Certificat d'etudes phy- siques, chemiqueset naturelles. Paris [1893 ?]. D. 41 P- C Marine, Ministkre de la. Programme des connaissances theoriques et pratiques exigees des candidats aux grades de premier-maitre et maitre mecanicien pratique, second-maitre mecanicien pra- tique. . . Paris, 1900. D. 27 p. C Programmes des connaissances theo- riques et pratiques exigees des candidats aux grades de premier-maitre mecancien theorique, second- maitre mecanicien theorique, quartier-maitre me- canicien. . . Paris, 1900. D. 53 p. C Galloveay, Robert. Education ; scientific and technical ; or. How the inductive sciences are taught and how they ought to be taught. . . Lon- don, 1881. O. 16 4- 462 p. C Garnett, William. Technical education. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Litera- ture. V. 14, p. 106-15.) C Gaudet, Julian. L'enseignement de I'architec- ture. Paris, 1S82. Q. 30p. C General Conference of Architects, May, 1887. Papers read . . . May 4, on education . . . with an Appendix. . . London, 1887. D. 84 p. C Reprinted from the Builder ; for private circulation only. Das ge^erbliche fortbildungswesen ; sieben gutachten und berichte. . . Leipzig, 1879. O. 158 -t- (^2] p. (Verein flir socialpolitik. Schriften. V. 15.) C Grasby, W. Catton. Technical education. {In his Teaching in three continents. 1891. p. 108- 38.) C T Great Britain — Parliament. [Reports (6) on] scientific education ; technical and primary education. {In Sess. pap. 1867-68. v. 54.) C Schools Inquiry Commission. Report rela- tive to technical education. London, 1867. O. 30 p. C Technical Instruction, Royal Commission on. First report. London, 1882. F. 62 p. tab. {In Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1882. v. 27.) C Second report. London, 1884. {In same. 1884. v. 29-31.) F. 4 CT Grenoble, University de. Enseignement de I'electricite industrielle ; programmes et regle- ments de cours el d'examens. Paris, n. d. D. 23 p. C Hallidie, Andrew Smith. Address at the an- nual observance of Founder's Day, September 21, 1898. [California School of Mechanical Arts.] n.p. O. 8p. C Harvey, L. D. Report . . . upon the methods ... in this and other states and countries in giving instruction in manual training and in the theory and art of agriculture in the public schools Madi- son, 1901. O. 83 p. C Henderson, Howard. Political economy of higher and technical education, annual address, August 7, 1876. New York, 1877. D. 22 p. C Hey, Carl, and others. Geschichte des unter- richts in den technischen fertigkeiten in der volks- schule. Gotha, 1889. O. [3] -f 403 p. {In Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deutschen volks- schulunterrichts. 1888-91. v. 4.) C T Higgins, M. Education of machinists, fore- men and mechanical engineers ; paper to be read Dec. 1899. n.p. O. 39 p. C Hogg, Alexander. The railroad as an element in education ; address before the State Teachers' Assoc, of Texas . . . June 28, 1883. . . Louisville, 1884. O. 22 p. ill. C The railroad as an element in education. . . Special edition. . . Louisville, 1899. Sq. D. 112 p. C Hunt, Charles Wallace. President's address, 1898 ; the engineer, his work, his ethics, his pleas- ure ; [Amer. Soc. Mechanical Engineers], n. p. O. 15 p. C 336 EDUCATION Hu3dey» Thomas Henry. Address . Manchester, Nov. 29, 1887. London, P- . . at . . . 1887. 16 C Technical education, and other essays. New York, 1885. O. 50 p. (Humboldt library, no. 66.) C T Technical education. {In his Science and education. 1894. p. 404-26.) C T Industrial value of technical training ; some opinjons of practical men, with a prefatory note by the Marquis of Huntington [1889]. London, n. d. O. 36 P- C Institut chimique de I'Universit^ de Nancy. Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, 1899. D. 16 p. C Institut industriel du Nord de la France (^ Lille). Programme des conditions d'admission et de I'enseignement. Paris, 1901. Nar. D. 47 p. C Institution of Civil Engineers. Education and status of civil engineers in the United Kingdom and in foreign countries . . . 1868-70. London, 1870. O. 17 + 213 p. C Engineering education in the British domin- ions . . . with regulations of the Institution . . . as to the admission of students. London, 1891. O. 76 p. C International Congress for Technical, Com- mercial and Industrial Education. Compte rendu, 1886. Paris, 1887. O. [Session i.] C Contents : Sess. i. Bordeaux, 1886. Jacquemart, Paul. Enseignement technique. (In Paris — Exposit. Univ. 1889. Rapports du jury international. 1890-92. v. 2, p. 579-834.) C Jdmbor Gyula. Histoire, organisation et fonc- tionnement de I'Universite Technique Joseph de Budapest ; edite par Vincent Wartha. Budapest, 1898. O. 80 p. C Kennedy, Alexander Blackie William. Report on the examination of the science and technical teaching in Blair Lodge School, Polmont ; Dundee High School ; Sharp's Institution, Perth ; Robert Goudon's College, Aberdeen ; and the George Heriots Hospital School, Edinburgh. . . London, 1888. F. 12 p. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1888. V. 43.) , C Lachez, Theodor. Enseignement de I'archi- tecture ; I'Ecole imperiale et speciale des Beaux-arts, section d'architecture ; I'lficole centrale d' Archi- tecture . . . avec . . . rficole imperiale centrale des Arts et Manufactures. Paris, 1868. O. 7 + 128 p. C Leavitt, John McDowell. President's com- mencement address : Engine, anvil, lathe and foundry in St. John's College, June 15, 1881. Annapolis, 1881. O. 15 p. pi. C Leland, Charles Godfrey, compiler. List of the principal works on technical education. {In his Practical education. 1889. p. 270-80.) C T Letch-worth, William training in reform schools. . S. 47 p. Pryor. Technologic . Buffalo, 1884. Sq. T Levi, Leone. Report on technical, industrial and professional instruction in Italy and other countries. [London-^ 1868. F. 92 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1867-68. v. 54.) C Liege, University de. £ coles speciales des arts et manufactures et des mines . . . programmes generaux et programmes detailles [ 1864-69]. Bruxelles, 1864. O. C Institut ^lectrotechnique Montefiore. But ; programme ; conditions d'admission. Li^ge, n. d. O. 27 p. C London — City and Guilds of London Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education. Technological examinations . . . report and pass list. (Programmes.) [London-^ 1885. O. C London County Council — Technical Educa- tion Board. Report, 1897-99. ^London, 1898- 99.] Nar. F. v. 5-6. C Report of the special sub-committee on the building trades ; (adopted . . . 20th Feb., 1899). London [I899]. F. 12 + 63 p. T Lyman, Rev. Chester Smith. Scientific educa- tion in its relations to industry, an address delivered at the twenty-first anniversary of the Sheffield Sci- entific School of Yale College, July 15th, 1867. New Haven, 1867. O. 30 p. C Magnus, Sir Philip. Organisation des cours du soir pour I'enseignement technique en Angle- terre ; rapport presente k Bordeaux, le 20 septembre 1886. . . Bordeaux, 1887. O. 16 p. C Problems in technical education. {In London — Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Litera- ture. V. 14, p. 2-16.) C Mallet, John William. Chemistry applied to the arts, a lecture . . . May 30, 1868. Lynchburg, 1868. O. 38 p. C Manchester (Eng.) — Technical Instruction Committee, Report of its proceedings for the year ending October, 1899. ^Manchester, 1899.] O. 45 p. tab. C Mariani, Carlo. Dell' architectura del bisogno d'una riforma negli studi di quest arte e cenni sto- rici intorno all' architettura italiana volgarmente chiamata greco-romana. Genova, 1852. S. 114 + ip. C Melon, Paul. L'enseignement superieur et I'enseignement technique en France ; groupes uni- versitaires, facultes, ecoles speciales, techniques, etc. Paris, 1891. O. 19 -f- 155 p. map. C [Same.] + 342 + [I] p. 2"*« ed. Paris, 1893. O. 43 CT Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin. Scientific, technical and engineering education. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 1900. v. 2, p. 551-92.) C T SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL, AND ENGINEERING 337 Merriman, Mansfield. Past and present ten- dencies in engineering education ; presidential ad- dress . . . August 20, 1896. O. 17 p. C Mill, John. What is industrial and technical education ? two orations. . . London, 1871. Sq. D. Ill p. T Millis, C. T. Need and value of a technical education. {In Galton, F. W. Workers on their industries. 1896. p. 1-12.) C Montague, Francis Charles. Technical edu- cation ; a summary of the report of the Royal Com- mission appointed to inquire into the state of technical instruction ; with a preface by Sir Bern- hard Samuelson. London [pref. 1887]. D. 68 p. (Cobden club. [Publications].) C Morrison, George Shattuck. Civil engineering and the university ; an address delivered . . . June 16, 1897. O. 17 p. C Moss, John F. On the value of special and general workshop instruction in elementary, higher and evening schools. (/« London — Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 24- 33.) C National Association for the Promotion of Technical and Secondary Education. Annual re- port. i88g-ji900. London, 1889-1900. O. v. 2- 12. T Catalogue of books, reports, pamphlets, &c., on technical and secondary education ... in the offices of the . . . Association. . . London, 1889. O. 16 p. , C Memorandum of proceedings at a drawing room meeting for the promotion of technical educa- tion, held . . . 5th March, 1887, under the presi- dency of Professor Huxley. London, 1887. O. 41 p. - C Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting . . . and the conference of the representa- tives of technical education ... to discuss . . . the organisation of technical and secondary educa- tion. London, 1896. O. 40 p. C Report of the proceedings of the conference between the executive committee and representa- tives of county councils ... to discuss the work- ing of education clauses of the local taxation act, 1890. London, 1890. O. 36 p. C Report to the executive committee on . . . Scotch education, by H. Llewellyn Smith. Lon- don, 1889. O. 20 p. C Selected reports of committees of county councils ; [ist and 2d series]. London, 1891. O. 2 V. C Technical education in England and Wales . . . London, 1889. O- ^43 P- pl- tab. C T RosEBERY, Archibald Philip Primrose, Sth earl of. Address at the opening of the new wing of the Keighley Institute, Oct. 14, 1887. London, 1887. 15 p. (National association for the promo- tion of technical education.) C New South Wales — Legislative Assembly. Report upon . . . museums . . . scientific . . . instruction, and . . . evening classes in Great Britain and . . . Europe, by Archibald Liversidge. Sydney, 1880. F. 30 -f 237 p. C New York (City) — Webb's Academy and Home for Shipbuilders. Annual report. 1898-99. New York, 1898-99. O. V. 4-5. C Newbold, James Aucott. Technical education . . . London, 1888. Sq. S. 58 p. (Manchester tracts on education. No. 3.) T Ocagne, Mortimer d'. Les grandes ecoles de France. Paris [I873]. D. 12 -*- 396 p. C Paris — Facult/s des Sciences. Programme de I'examen du baccalaureat de I'enseignement secon- daire special. . . Paris, 1891. D. 41 p. C Programme des examens du bacca- laureat de I'enseignement secondaire classique. Paris, n. d. D. 64 p. C Programme des examens du bacca- laureat de I'enseignement secondaire modeme. Paris, n, d. D. 60 p. C Parsons, William Barclay. Engineering as a profession. Founder's day address, Cornell Uni- versity, Jan. II, 1901. O. [8] p. C Peabody, Andrew Preston. Scientific educa- tion of mechanics and artisans. (In Smithsonian Institution. Annual reports. 1872. p. 185-95.) C Podd^reguine, D. Ecole d'enseignement professionnel a Ivanovo- Wozniessensk (Gouverne- ment de Vladimir, Russie). [Moskva, 1900.] O. 16 p. ill. (Exposition Univ. de 1900.) C Pomp^e, Pierre Philibert. Enseignement se- condaire des adultes, cours polytechniques. En- seignement technique, agriculture, Industrie, marine et commerce. {In Paris — Expos. Univ. 1867. Rapports du jury internat. 1868. v. 13, p. 307- 733-) C Progranune des examens du Certificat de capa- cite pour la conduite d'automobiles, motocycles, etc., el reglement relatif a la circulation de ces vehicules. Paris, n. d. Nar. D. 22 p. C PyflFerven, Oscar. Rapport sur I'enseignement professionnel en Angleterre. Bruxelles, i?>^. O. 15 + 321 p. C Riedler, A. Zur frage der ingenieurerziehung. Berlin, 1895. O. 35 p. (/« Volkswirthschaft- liche zeitfragen. 1895. v. 16, pt. 6.) C Rios, Giner de los. Some account of the tech- nical education in the " Institucion Libre de En- senanza " at Madrid. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 275-86.) C Rood, Ogden Nicholas. Practical value of physical science ; inaugural address in the Troy University delivered before the faculty and trustees, July 20th, 1859. Troy, 1859. O- 21 p. C Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield. Technical educa- tion ; an address. London, 1889. O. 10 p. C Ruprich-Robert, Victor Marie Charles. Re- flexions sur I'enseignement de I'architecture en 1881. Paris, 1882. O. 48 p. C 338 EDUCATION Ruskin, John, Inquiry into some of the con- ditions affecting the study of architecture in our schools. . . New York, 1866. O. 29 p. C Russell, John Scott. Systematic technical edu- cation for the English people. London, 1869. O. 16 + 437 p. C T Russia — Conseild'£tat. Ecoles primaires d'arts et metiers, L' opinion du Conseil d'Etat . . . 1895. [Paris, n, d.] O. 15 p. C Fonts et Chaussies, Ministlre des. De I'en- seignement des occupations pratiques et etudes supplementaires k I'Ecole d' instruction generale du Chemin de fer Catherine II k Ekaterinoslav. Aka- t&inoslav, 1899. O. 32 p. C Public Instruction, Ministry of. Ecole Im- periale Superieure Technique de Moscou. [Moscou^ 1900. Sq. D. 48 p. C Saint Petersburg — Soci^te Imp^riale Tech- nique Russe. La commission permanente pour I'enseignement technique. [Paris, 1900.] O. 30 p . table. C Premiere ecole d'imprimerie, sous la haute protection de . . . le grand-due Constantin Constantinovitch. [Paris, 1900.] O. 5 p. C Samuelson, Sir Bernhard. Letter to the vice president of the Committee of Council on Educa- tion concerning technical education in various countries abroad. [London] 1868. F, 58 p, (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1867-68, v. 54.) C Schultz, Alfred. Die vorschriften tiber die ausbildung und priifung flir den stattsdienst im baufache von 6. Juh, 1886. , . Berlin, 1888. Q, 9 + 231 p. C Schurz, Carl, Technical instruction versus apprenticeship. . . New York, 1886. Sq. S. 18 p. T Seaver, Edwin Pliny. Mechanics arts high schools ; an address delivered ... at Washington, D. C, March , . . 1889. n.p. O. p. 160-67. C Sha'w, Richard Norman, and Jackson, T. G., compilers. - Architecture a profession or an art ; thirteen short essays on the qualifications and train- ing of architects. . . London, 1892. O. 35 + 244 p. C Sinclair, Rev. William Macdonald. Technical education, a lecture. [London, 1888?] O. 32 p. C Smith, Swire. Techical education and foreign competition, London, 1887. O, 34 p. C Smith, Walter. Technical education and in- dustrial drawing in public schools. Montreal, 1883. O. 99 p. T Society for the Promotion of Engineering Edu- cation. American industrial education ; what shall it be? preliminary report of a committee. . . July 2-3v 1900. O. 74 p. C T Proceedings, 1893-95, 1897-99. Columbia, Mo., etc., 1 894-1900. O. ill. pi, por. v, 1-3, 5-7. C Report of the committee on entrance re- quirements of engineering colleges. August, 1896. [Boston] 1897. O. 5 + 73 p. C South Kensington Museum. Conferences , . . in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus. 1876, New York, n. d. O. 8 4- 441 p. C T Spiers, Richard Phene, The French Diplome d'architecte and the German system of architectural education. {In Roy. Inst, of Br. Architects. Trans. 1883-84. p. 121-32.) C Stark, Franz. Die sociale und staatliche stel- lung des technikers ; referat gehalten in der wochen- versammlung des " Polytechnischen clubs in Graz " am lo. Marz, 1877. Graz, 1877. Nar. O. 70 p. C Stetson, Charles Bradbury. Technical educa- tion . . . what American public schools should teach. . . Boston, 1874. D. 4 + 284 p. T Stockholm — Tekniska Skolan. Cojamunica- tions sur Tekniska Skolan i Stockholm (Ecole des arts decoratifs et industriels). Programmes inclus par V. Adler. Stockholm, 1900. D. 30 p. C Stuttgart — Technische Hochschule. Jahres- bericht fiir das studienjahr 1899-1900. Stuttgart, 1900, Q. 55 p. pi. C Programm fUr das studienjahr 1900- 1901. Stuttgart, 1900. D. 87 p. C Tchizhov, Theodor Vasilievich. Ecoles pro- fessionnelles de Th. W. Tchigeoff, province de Kos- troma, Russie. Moscou, 1900. O. [3] + 143 p. por. pi. C Technical education : extracts from addresses delivered by John Fehrenbatch, Thomas Norton, Thomas H. French and others, June 22, 1887. . . Cincinnati, 1887. O. 22 p. C Teegan, Thomas Henry. Technical, indus- trial and commercial education in France. London, 1891. D. 12 + 223 4- [I] p. C T Thompson, Charles Oliver. Place of the poly- technic school in American education ; a paper read before the Am. Inst, of Instr. at Plymouth, N. H., July 13, 1877. n.p. 1877. D. 24 p. C Review of the reports of the British Royal Commissioners on technical instruction. . . Wash- ington, i?,?,^. O. 55 p. (/wU. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1885. no. 3.) C T Thurston, Robert Henry. Engineering as a learned profession. [New York. n. d.] O. 15 p. C Mis.sion of science ; an address . . . [before the] American Association for the Advancement of Science, at the Philadelphia meeting, September 5, 1884, Salem, 1885. O. 29 p. C Next great problems of science. New York, 1892. O. p. 42-50. C Reprinted from Forum, Sept., 1892. On the organization of engineering courses, and on entrance requirements to professional schools. Ithaca, n. d. O. 185 p. C Paper no. dxliv : Technical education in the United States, presented at the World's Engineering Congress, Chicago, July, 1893. n. p. O. 49 p. SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL, AND ENGINEERING 339 T\7ining, Thomas. Technical training ... a suggestive sketch of a national system of industrial instruction. . . London, 1874. O. 24 + 457 p. CT United States — Education, Bureau of. Technical education in France. (Circ. of inf. 1882. no. 6.) C T State Department, Technical education in Europe by J. Schoenhof. Washington, 1888. O. pt. I. C T Contents : pt. I. Industrial education in France. Vienna. — Technische Hochschule. Programm flir das studienjahr 1899-1900. Wien, 1899. O. 192 p. pi. C Wadsworth, Marsham Edward. Elective system in engineering colleges, [paper read . . . 1896.] n. p. O. 39 p. C Elective system in technological schools. n.p. 1896. O. 14 p. C Some statistics of engineering education [read . . . July i8g7]. n.p. O. 21 p. C Walker, Francis Amasa. Immediate problems in technological education. {In his Discussions in education. 1899. p. 1-122.) C T Place of scientific and technical schools in American education, n. t.-p. O. p. 293-303. C Ware, William Robert, Study of architectural history at Columbia college. [New York, 1896.] O. p. 56-67. I pi. C Watson, William. Papers on technical educa- tion. . . Boston, 1872. O. 55 p. C Webb, Sidney. London polytechnic institutes. (In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educa- tional subjects. 1898. V. 2, p. 59-75.) C T Wells, Sidney H. The secondary day school attached to the Battersea (London) Polytechnic, (/wsame. 1897. v. i, p. 196-210.) CT White, Andrew Dickson. Scientific and in- dustrial education in the United States ; an address delivered before the New York State Agricultural So- ciety. New York, 1874. O. 24 p. C White, Emerson Elbridge. Relation of educa- tion to industry and technical training in American schools. Washington, iZZi. O. 22 p. (/« U. S. — Ed., Bur. oL Circ. of inf. i88i. no. 2.) C T White, William Henry. Architecture and pub- lic buildings ; their relation to school, academy and state in Paris and London. . . Paris, 1884. O. 8 + 216 p. 2 pi. C Brief review of the education and position of architects in France since . . , 167 1. {In Roy. Inst, of Br. Architects. Trans. 1883-84. p. 93- 120. 4 pi) C Wie soil sich der bautechniker eine zweckent- sprechende ausbildung erwerben, . . Halle a. d. S.y 1892. O. 4 + 49 p. C Wyatt, Charles Henry. Manual of continuation schools and technical instruction. Manchester [pref. 1892]. O. II + r + 294 p. ill. T York Co. (Eng.) — County Council. Technical instruction handbook. Wakefield, 1899-1900. O. pt. 1-2, 4-9. C American Institute of Mining Engineers. Dis- cussions on technical education, at the Washington meeting . . . Feb. 22d-23d, 1876, and at a joint meeting [with] the Am. Soc. of Civil Engin. . . at Philadelphia, on June I9th-20th, 1876. Easton, 1876. O. 146 p. C Anderson School of Natural History at Penikese Island. Origin and progress ; report of the trus- tees for 1873. Cambridge, 1874. O. 30 p. pi. C All published. Baron de Hirsch Trade School (New York City). Catalogue 1896, 1900. New York, 1896-1900. O. ill. T Report of the superintendent, 1897, 1900. New York, 1897-1900. ill. T Berlin — Technische Hochschule. Chronik, 1 799-1899. Berlin, 1899. F. 268 -Hip. ill. pi. C Die hundertjahrfeier . . . 18-21 October, 1899 ; text von A. G. Meyer. Berlin, 1900. F. 210 p. ill. pi, C Programm fUr das studienjahr 1896- 97. Berlin [1896]. O. 155 p. C Verfassungs-statut. Berlin, 1882. 15 p. O. C California School of Mechanical Arts. (San Francisco). Circular no. 1-6. San Francisco [i895]-i90o. O. ill. pi. C Case School of Applied Science (Cleve- land, Ohio). Catalogue, 1884-89, 1890-96, 1898- 1900. Cleveland, 1 884-1900. O. pi. C Circular no. i. [Same.] n. d. n. d. O. D. 16 p. 4 p. ill. Remsen, Ira. Is science bankrupt ? An address delivered at the graduating exercises of the class of '97, of Case School of Applied Science. n. p. D. [19] p. C Colorado School of Mines, see School of Mines of Colorado (Golden). Columbian Institute (Washington, D. C). Southard, Samuel L. Anniversary address, 21 Dec, 1827. Washington, 1828. O. 29 p. C Correspondence School of Mines (Scran- ton, Pa.). Circular of information. 1893, 1894. [Scranton^ 1893-94. O. pi. C Dresden — Km. Polytechnische Schule. HOlsse, Julius Ambrosius. Die Konigliche polytechnische schule (technische bildungsanstalt) zu Dresden wah- rend der ersten 25 jahre ihres wirkens. . . Dres- den, 1853. Sq. Q. 54 + 30 p. tab. C 340 EDUCATION DurhUm College of Science (Newcastle- upon-Tyne). Calendar. Session 1885-86. New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1886. D. 164 p. C Eicole d'lng^nieurs (de Marseille.) Pro- gramme des conditions d'admission .et de I'enseigne- ment. Paris, 1900. D. 15 p. C Ecole de Chimie industrielle (de Lyon). Programme des conditions d'admission. . . Paris, n. d. D. 23 p. C Ecole de Dessin topographique du Service g^o^aphique de I'Arm^e. Pro- gramme des conditions d'admission. Paris [I883]. D, 10 p. C Ecole de MScaniciens (de Toulon). Pro- gramme des conditions d'admission ^ I'emploi d'eleve-mecanicien des equipages de la flotte et au cours des apprentis eleves-mecaniciens. . . Paris IigoO]. D. 34 + [I] p. C Ecole des Mines (de Saint-Etienne). Pro- gramme des connaissances exigees pour I'admission k I'Ecole. Paris [iqoo]. D. 22 p. C Ecole municipale de Physique et de Chimie industrielles (de Paris). Programme des conditions d'admission. . . ^Paris] n. d. D. IS p. C Ecole nationale d'Arts et Metiers (de Chalons). — Section normale. Programme des condi- tions d'admission. Paris, 1901. O. 14 p. C Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaus- s^es. Programme des conditions d'admission. . . Paris, n. d. Nar. D. 23 p. C Ecole nationale pratique d'Ouvriers et de Contremattres (de Cluny). Programme des conditions d'admission, suivi du programme de I'en- seignement interieur. /'ar^j [I90O]. S. 31 p. C Ecole nationale sup^rieure des Mines. Programmes des cours precedes d'une notice sur I'enseignement . . . par Adolphe Camot. . . Paris, 1889. O. 293 p. C Programmes des cours, precedes d'une Notice sur I'enseignement de I'Ecole, par Adolphe Carnot, et suivis des notations adoptees dans I'enseignement par Edouard Sauvage, et d'un Supplement k la no- tice historique par M, L, Aguillon, Paris, 1900. 34 + 310 p. C Ecole normale sup^rieure — Section des Sci- ences. Sujets de concours pour I'admission. . . Paris, i8gi. O. 31 p. C Ecole polytechnique. Programme des con- ditions d'admission, en 1891. Paris [189I]. S. 27 p. C FOURCY, A. Histoire de I'Ecole polytech- nique. . . Paris, 1828. O. [4] + 8 -H 516 p. C Ecole profesiSionnelle sup^rieure des Postes et des T^l^graphes. Programme des conditions d'admission. . . Paris ^19003. D. 60 p. C Ecole sp^ciale d'Architecture (Paris). Enseignement ; but, regime, programme. Paris, n. d. O. 31 p. C Programme de I'enseignement et des condi- tions d'admission. . . Paris, n. d. Nar. D. 18 p. C Ecole sp^ciale de Travaux publics. Programme des conditions d'admission et de 1 'or- ganisation de I'enseignement. . . Paris, 1899. D. 47 p. C Ecole supi^rieure d'Electricit^. Pro- gramme des conditions d'admission et de I'enseigne- ment. Paris [i8g7]. D. 14 p. C f Ecole sup^rieure d'Industrie de Bor- deaux. Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, 1899. Nar. D. 10 p. C Franklin Institute. Proceedings relative to the establishment of a school of design for women. «./. 1850. O. 8 p. T Wahl, William H., comp, Franklin Insti- tute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts ; a sketch of its organisation and history. Philadelphia, 1895. O. 103 p. C Georgia School of Technology. An- nual catalogue . . . announcement for 1895-96, 1898-99. Atlanta, 1899. por. pi. C Gordon Technical College (Geelong, Austr.). Annual report, 1892-93, 1895. Geelong, 1893-96. O. tab. C Hannover — Polytechnische Schule. Kar- MARSCH, Karl. Die polytechnische schule zu Han- nover, 2. . . erweiterte aufl. Hannover, 1856. O. [3] + 276 p. pi. tab. C HebreTV Technical Institute (New York). Annual report, 1889-1900; for the years 1884/88- 1899. New York, 1889-1900. O. no. 1-17. C Catalogue, 1893-1900 ; ninth-seventeenth year. New York, 1893-1900. O. pi. C itth year is skipped in numbering. Helsingfors (Finland) — Ecole centrale des Arts appliques a V Industrie. Rapport redige par C. B. Federly. Helsingfors, 1889. O. 31 p. I pi. C Huddersfield (Eng.) Technical School and Mechanics* Institute. Calendar, 1886- 87. Huddersfield, 1886. D. 236 p. ill. T Jacob Tome Institute (Port Deposit, Md.). Catalogue. 1895-96. ^Baltimore, 1895.] O. por, pi. C liO'wis Institute (Chicago, 111.). Annual regis- ter .. . No. 1-4. Chicago, 1897-1900. O. pi. CT Circular of information of Lewis Institute, founded by Allen C. Lewis ; devoted to science, literature, and technology. Chicago, 1897. O. 31 p. CT London County Council — School of Photo- Engraving and Lithography. Prospectus and time table. First term of the 6th session . . . Oct. i, 1900. London, 1900. O. 23 p. C — Report, 1899-I900. 9 -t- [291 P- 29 pi. London, 1900. C SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL, AND ENGINEERING 341 Lowellr Textile School (Lowell, Mass.). Annual catalogue, 1899-1900. [Lowell, 1900.] D. pi. C Manchester (Eng.) Technical School. Brief statement of its history, aims, equipment, and progress. . . Manchester, 1887. O. 10 p. C Report of a visit to several continental and English technical schools. London, 1891. O. 56 p. pi. T Syllabus of the departments, courses of study, and teachers, for the session 1887-88. Man- chester [1887]. O. 135 p. C Maryland Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanical Arts. Annual report, 1857. Balti- more, 1857. O. V. 9. C Charter, constitation and by-laws ... with a list of its members ... to which is added a brief description of the Institute's hall and extracts from the closing address delivered at the exhibition of 1851, by J. Vansant. . . Baltimore, 1852. O. 68 p. C Mason Science College (Birmingham). Calendar, 1880-88. Birmingham, 1881-89. D. C Mason College magazine, I J mingham [18881-93. O. v. 6-n. 3-93. Bir- C Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Account of the proceedings preliminary to the or- ganization of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. . . Boston, 1861. O. 23 p. C Alumni association, 18S5. Boston, 1885. O. 8p. ' C Announcement of summer courses, 1895. [Boston.-^ O. 10 p. C Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1865-67, 1868-1901. Boston, 1865-igoo. O. ill. V. 1-2, 4-36. C Architecture, Dept. of. [Annual exhibition.] Catalogue of drawings. Boston, 1892. O. pi. C [Course of instruction.] 1895. Cam- bridge, 1895. O. [l6] p. pi. C Brief account of its foundation, character, and equipment, prepared in connection with the World's Columbian Exposition. Boston, 1893. O. 39 P- ill. I pl- C Civil Engineering, Dept. of. [Course of instruction.] Boston, 1886. O. 12 p. C Commemorative address by Augustus Lowell at the graduation exercises . . . June 3, 1890 [twenty- fifth anniversary]. Cambridge, 1890. O. 24 p. C Course in general studies. Boston, 1896. O. 15 p. C Course vii ; natural history with special reference to the subsequent study of medicine, 1883-1884. [Boston, 1883.] O. 2 p. C Courses in electrical engineering and physics. Boston, 1893. O. 45 p. ill. pl. C List of the periodicals and society publica- tions in the libraries of the Institute, compiled by C. W. Andrews. 2d edition, May, 1893. Cam- bridge, 1893. O. 19 p. C by W. Norton, and of Meetings held in commemoration of the life and services of Francis Amasa Walker. Boston, 1892. Q. 39 p. 1 por. C Officers ; extracts from act of incorpora- tion ; objects and plan ; by-laws. Boston, 1862. O. 12 p. C Objects and plan of an institute of tech- nology ; including a society of arts, a museum of arts, and a school of industrial science proposed to be established in Boston. , . 2d ed. Boston, 1S61. O. 29 p. C Outline of studies in the department of practical geology, mining and metallurgy of the School of industrial science. . . Boston, 1864. O. 10 p. C President. Annual report of . . , presi- dent and treasurer, 1872-77, 1883-1900. Boston, 1872-1900. O. ill. C Since 1889 Report of Treasurer added. Publications of the Institute and of its offi- cers, students and alumni, 1862-1881, compiled by W. R. Nichols. Boston, 1882. O. 50 p. C [Same.] 1862-87, compiled by W. R. Nichols. 2d ed. revised by L. M, Boston, 1888. O. 96 p. Register of publications . . . ofiicers, students and alumni, 1 862-1 893, compiled by L. M. Norton and A. H. Gill. . . Boston, 1893. O. 162 p. C Report of the committee ... on the sub- ject of free scholarships ; also the indenture of trust, for the establishment of a fund for this purpose. Boston, 1867. O. 13 p. C Report of the secretary, including reports of Prof. Pickering on the Physical laboratory and of Prof. Watson on the Museum of descriptive geom- etry and machinery, 1870-71. [Boston, 1871.] O, 16 p. C Rules of the Faculty [188O]. n. p. O. 10 p. C Scope and plan of the School of industrial science, as reported by the committee on instruc- tion, . . Boston, 1864. O. 28 p. C Semi-annual examination papers [of the school], session of 1865-66. Boston, 1866. O. 25 p. C Society of Arts. Abstract of the proceed- ings, 1879-91. Boston [i879]-9i. O. ill. v. 18-29. c Atkinson, William Parsons. Classi- cal and scientific studies, and the great schools of England ; a lecture read before the Soc. of Arts of Cam- C [Boston, C the Mass. Inst, of Tech., April 6, 1865. bridge, Eng., 1865. Nar. O. 117 p. Summer courses. 1894, 1901. 1894, 1901.] O. II p. Supplement to the third annual catalogue ; the programme of the course of instruction in the Department of architecture. Boston, 1868. O. 14 p. C Swain, George F. Technical education at the Mass. Inst, of Technology. New York, 1900. O. ill. por. C 342 EDUCATION Melbourne (Australia) University — Ballarat School of Mines. Annual Report, 1884-95. Bal- larat, 1885-96. O. ill. tab. C Since 1892 title : Calendar for 1893-96 with annual report for 1892-95. Mexico — Escuela imperial de Minas. Anuario, ailo de 1863. Mexico, 1864. O. 30 p. tab. C Mexico (City) — Colegio de mineria. Castera, J. M. Colegio de mineria ; noticias sob re su origen y ereccion y su actual estado. Mexico, 1841. Q. P- 145-58, 169-78. (From El mosaico mexicano, V. 5.) C J. M. Tornel, director, suplica a U. que honre con su asistencia a los Actos que . . . tendrau lugar. . . Mexico, 1849. D. 19 p. C Michigan College of Mines (Houghton). Catalogue 1896-1900 . . . courses for 1898-1901. Houghton, 1898-1900. D. pi. maps, tables. C Prospectus, 1897-98, i{ ion, 1897-99. D. tables. 9-1900. Hough- C Views at th6 Michigan College of Mines. Houghton, n. d. Obi. S. i6 p. ill. C Wadsworth, Marshman Edward. Michi- gan College of Mines. Houghton, 1897. O. 16 P- ' C Michigan Mining School (Houghton). Catalogue, 1886-96. Houghton, 1888-96. O. ill. pi. maps. C Continued as Michigan College of Mines. Prospectus of Houghton, 1895. O. Reports of the director. sing, 1891-92. D. and O. tab. elective studies. 1886-92. 1895. C Lan- C Wadsworth, Marshman Edward. Paper on the Michigan Mining School . . . read before the State Teachers' Assoc, Dec. 27, 1893. Lan- sing, 1894. O. 14 p. c New York Trade Schools. Catalogue. Tenth-twentieth season, 1890-1901. JVew York, [i890]-i900. O. pi. C T Northampton Institute [City Polytechnic] (London, E. C.). Announcements, educational and social, for the session 1900-1901. ^London, 1900.] O. 200 p. pi. C Ontario School of Practical Science (Toronto, Ont.). Calendar. 1895-1901. Toronto, 1895-1901. D. pi. C AfiSliated to the University of Toronto. Oporto {^OT\Xi^2X^Academiapolytechnica. An- nuario, 1877-95. /'^r^^?, 1878-96. D.,S. andO. ill. tab. V. 1-7, 9-11, 13-18. C Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. An- nual report of the president. 1900. O. 18 p. C Course in chemistry. 1901. D, 30 p. C Course in electrical engineering. 1901. D. 32 p. C Course in engineering. 1901. D. 35 p. C Course in mechanical engineering. 1901. D. 34 p. C See also p. 176. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy). Annual register. 1851-52, 1859-74, 1878, 1886, 1889, 1891-93, 1895, 1898. Troy, 1851-98. O. pi- C From 1892 with Register of graduates since 1826, and geographical index. -; — Notice of the Winslow laboratory and the cabinets of mineralogy and geology. Troy, 1874. O. 13 p. pi. C Proceedings of the semi-centennial celebra- tion . . . 1874, with catalogue . • • 1824-74. Troy, 1875. O. 139 -h 83 p. C Rensselaer Institute : a polytechnic school . . . established by the Hon. Stephen Van Rens- selaer. . . Troy, 1847-48. O. C Report of a committee of the trustees con- cerning the system of instruction with proposed modifications. Troy, 1870. Sq. Q. 43 p. C Greene, B. Franklin. The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ; its reorganization in 1849- 50 ; its condition ... its plans and hopes for the future. . . Troy, 1855. O. 87 p. C Nason, Henry Bradford. Biographical rec- ord of the officers and graduates of the Rensselaer Pblytech. Inst., 1824-86, with an introduction by B. H. Hall. Troy, 1887. O. 7 + 614 p. por. C Rochester Athenseum and Mechanics Institute. Circular of information, 1896-97, 1898-1901. \^Ro- chester, 1896-1900.] O. ill. pi. C General information and plan of instruction of the Mechanics Institute, 1887-88. Rochester, 1887. O. C Rose Polytechnic Institute (Terre Haute). Addresses of inauguration and dedication ; with memorial notices, a historical introduction and first annual catalogue. Terre Haute, iZiii. O. 84 p. ill. pi. C Annual catalogue. 1884-85, 1888-1901. Terre Haute, 1884-1901. O. ill. pi. C Circular of information. 1886-87. [ Terre Haute, 1886.] O. 31 p. C Rose Polytechnic Institute . . . Founder, buildings, and instruction. [Hartford, 1884.] O. p. 433-64. por. pi. C From Barnard's Journal 0/ Education. Eaton, John. Discourse commemorative of Charles Oliver Thompson, late president of the [Rose Polytechnic] Institute, delivered . . . June 25, 1885. Terre Haute, 1885. O. 48 p. C Thompson, Charles Oliver. The modern polytechnic school : Inaugural address at the open- ing of the Rose Polytechnic Institute, March 7, 1883. Terre Haute, i9,i,2)- O- 27 p. CT ART AND INDUSTRIAL 343 Royal College of Science (London). Regis- ter of the associates and old students of the Royal College of Chemistry, the Royal School of Mines, and the Royal College of Science, with historical in- troduction and biographical notices . . . by T. G. Chambers. London, 1896. O. 122 + 231 p. por. pi. C Rutgers Scientific School. Annual re- port, 1865-94. Trenton, 1866-95. O. v. 1-30. C St. Petersburg — Technological Institute. Izvyestiya [Bulletin], 1878, 1880-81, 1883-85. Sanktpeterburg, 1878-85. O. ill. pi. C School of Mines and Metallurgy (RoUa, Mo.). Annual catalogue. 1900. Rolla, 1900. O. C A dept. of the University of Missouri. School of Mines of Colorado (Golden). Annual report, 1885-87, 1889. [Denver, i886]-90. O. ill. C O. — Catalogue, 1899-1901. ill. pi. [Golden-^ 1899-1900. C [Prospectus] Territorial School of Mines. Golden, 1874. O. 8 p. C School of Mining and Agriculture (Kingston, Ont.). Calendar, 1896-97, 1898-1901. Kingston, 1896-1900. D. ill. pi. C Affiliated to Queen's University. School of Practical Science (Toronto), see Ontario School of Practical Science. Stevens Institute of Technology (Ho- boken, N. J.). Annual catalogue, 1878-79, 1887- 96, 1899-1901. yNew York, i878]-i900. O. ill. C Exterior and interior views. . . n. p. Obi. Q. unpaged, pi. C Presentation of the new workshop, May 14, 1881. New York, i88i. O. 20 p. ill. C 94- — Stevens Institute indicator. Hoboken, ij O. ill. V. 5-1 1. Technical School of Cincinnati. An- nual catalog ; a manual training school ; high and intermediate departments. 1887-88, 1897-98, 1899- 1900. {Cincinnati, 1887-99.] O. 48 p. ill. C D. — Prospectus. 1886-87. \Cineinnati\ 1886. ill. C Technical education ; extracts from addresses delivered . . . June 13, 1888, upon the occasion of the second annual closing exercises. Cincinnati, 1888. O. 29 p. C Thomas S. Clarkson Memorial School of Technology (Potsdam, N. Y.). First circu- lar of information. 1896-97. [Potsdam,. 1896.] O. 35 p. pl. C Throop Polytechnic Institute (Pasadena, Cal.). Catalogue, 1900-01. Pasadena [I90O]. O. ill. pl. C Tokio (Japan) — Imperial College of Engineer- ing. (Kobu-Dai-Gakko). Calendar, 1877-78. Tokei, 1877. O. ill. C Catalogue of books contained in the library. Tokei, 1877. O. 3 + 60 p. C Reports by the principal and professors, 1873-77. Tokei, 1873-77. O. ill. C University of Michigan — Mines, School of. Announcement, 1876. Ann Arbor, 1876. O. C University of Minnesota — Engineering and Mechanic Arts, College of. [Announcement.] Minneapolis rigoi]. O. 66 p. ill. (Bull, v, 4, no. 3. 1901.) C School of Mines. [Announcement. ] Min- neapolis, 1901. O. (Bull. v. 4, no. 4.) C University of the State of Missouri — Mines and Metallurgy, School of (Rolla). An- nouncement and register, 1873. St. Louis, 1873. O. C Catalogue, 1889-95, 1896-97. Colum- bia, 1890-97. D. ill. pl. C See also p. 72. University of Nebraska — Mechanic Arts, School of. Bulletin, April, 1900. Lincoln, 1900. O. ill. (Univ. bull, ser. 5, no. 4.) C Vienna (Austria) — Polytechnisches Institut. Jahrblicher. Wien, 1819-39. O. pl. 20 v. C Technische Hochschule. Jahrbiich des Con- currenz-clubs an der Bauschule, studienjahr ; 1 880- 81. Wien, 1881. Sq. F. 8 p. 10 pl. C 29. ART AND INDUSTRIAL Abbott, Miss Josephine L. Outlines for the study of art in the three main divisions : architec- ture, sculpture, painting. Boston, 1891. O. 269 p. ill. T Aborn, Frank. Teachers' manual of object drawing. Cleveland, 1874. O. 5 + 80 p. pl. C Ames, Charles Henry. Relation of art to na- ture . . . read before the Industrial Art Teachers' Association, Boston, Jan. 2, 1892. n. t.-p. O. 19 P- C Armengaud, Jacques Eugene, Armengaud, Charles, and Armoroux, Jules. Practical draughts- man's book of industrial design . . . tr. from the French, rewritten . . . with additional matter by William Johnson. Philadelphia, 1892. F. 5 + 200 p. ill. pl. CT Art. Chicago, 1900 O. 30 p. ill, {In Ele- mentary school record. 1900. v. i, no. I.) T Ashbee, Charles Robert. Few chapters in workshop reconstruction and citizenship. London, 1894. O. 165 p. C T Bailey, Henry Turner. Illustrative sketching. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1894. p. 231- 42.) C and Sargent, Walter. An outline of lessons in drawing for ungraded schools. 1895. Boston, 1895. ' T 344 EDUCATION Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter. Art cul- ture : its relation to national refinement and na- tional morality. Oration before the Alabama Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa . . . July llth, 1854. New York, 1864. O. 43 P- C Bartley, George Christopher Trout. Schools for the people, containing the history ... of each description of English school for the industrial and poorer classes. . . London, 1871. O. 15 -\- 582 p. pi. C T Batchelder, Lizzie S., M.D. Memorial on industrial schools, delivered before the committee on education of the Massachusetts Legislature, February ist, 1872. Boston, 1872. O. 18 p. C Bauer, R. Uber eine wohlanstandigkeits-lehre an gewerbe- und fortbildungsschulen. Langensalza, 1898. O. 15 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 107.) C Belgium — Industrie et du Travail, Ministlre de r — Direction de V Industrie. Rapport sur la situa- tion de I'enseignement industriel et professionnel en Belgique. . . Annees 1884-96. Bruxelles, 1897. O. 25 -t- 479 p. C Beumer, Wilhelm, and HolzmUller, Gustav. Das gewerbliche fachschulwesen in Preussen . . . nebst einem anhang : Die entwicklung der fortbil- dungsschulen und der gewerblichen fachschulen in Preussen . . . von Dr. Beumer. Bonn [I894]. O. 57 p. C Boston — City Council. Report of a hearing be- fore the joint standing committee on the petition of E. E. Hale et als. in favor of the establishment of a developing school and school shops . . . Feb. 26, 1879. n. t.-p. O. 34 p. C Education, Board of. Industrial or me- chanical drawing ; papers on drawing. Boston, 1870. O. 51 p. C Industrial School Association. Some ac- count of an industrial school in Boston, for the season 1877-78. Boston, 1878. O. 12 p. C School Committee. Report of the committee on industrial education, 1879, 83. Boston, 1879- 83. O. (School documents.) C Report on industrial instruction in the Dwight school, October, 1882. Boston, 1882. O. II p. (Doc. no. 75.) C Brace, Charles Loring. Address on industrial schools, delivered to the teachers of the schools, November 13th, 1868. New York, 1868. O. 19 p. C Address upon the industrial school move- ment delivered at a union meeting of the ladies of the industrial schools at University Chapel, Novem- ber, 1857. New York, 1857. O. 27 p. C Bradley, Milton. Color in the school-room ; a manual for teachers. Springfield, Mass. [I89O]. D. 103 p. ill. T Elementary color, with an introduction by Henry Lefavour. Springfield \z. 1895]. D. 4 -t- 128 p. ill. I pi. T Bromig, Gustav Wolfgang Gottfried. Wie kann das gymnasium den sinn fiir kunst wecken? Hamburg, i8g6. Sq. Q. 34 p. C Biicher, Karl. Die gewerbliche bildungsfrage und der industrielle ruckgang. Eisenach, I'^'jl. O. 6 + 66 p. C T Burk, Addison B. Apprenticeship as it was and is ; with some suggestions about industrial schools for the training of workmen. . . Philadel- phia, 1882. O. 25 p. C Burnham industrial farm. Newark, \i 16 p. I pi. O. T Caird, Rev. John. The study of art. — The pro- gressiveness of art. {In his University addresses. 1898. p. 278-331.) C Calkins, Norman Allison. Educational de- mands of to-day ; an address delivered before the Industrial Education Association. . . New York, 1887. O. 16 p. C T Teaching color ; notes from lectures deliv- ered before primary teachers at the Saturday sessions of the New York Normal College. New York, 1877. D. 23 p. (Papers on education. First series, no. 2.) C Carter, Hannah Johnson. Suggestions for the teaching of color. {In Teachers College. Educa- tional monographs. 1890. v. 3, no. 3, p. 102-12.) CT Cattell, Jane P. Industrial education. Cin- cinnati, 1885. O. 14 p. T Chevalier, Alphonse and Grimaud, 6mile. Les secrets de I'industrie et de I'economie do- mestique. . . Poitiers, 1857. O. [4] + 392 p. C Clark, John S. Art idea in education and in practical life ; address given before the department of manual and art education at the World's Con- gress Auxiliary, Chicago, July 18, 1893. Boston, n. d. D. 15 p. (Prang art educational papers, no. 4.) C T Drawing in public education ; the features of the study which should be taught in primary, grammar and high schools ; an address delivered . . . July 9, 1879. Boston, 1880. O. i6 p. 6 pi. C Industrial education a necessary part of pub- lic education ; a paper read before the Am. Inst, of Instr., Saratoga, July 13, 1882. Boston, 1883. O. 47 p. C Industrial education, a necessary part of public education . . . [and] Manual education, a feature in public education . . . by C. M. Wood- ward. Boston, 1883. O. 66 p. C T Industrial education from a business stand- point ; an address delivered before the Philadelphia board of trade . . . June 6th, 1881. Boston, 1881. O. 19 p. C T The study of type forms and its value in education ; an address delivered before . . . Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, June, 1896. Boston [I896], O. 32 p. CT ART AND INDUSTRIAL 345 Clarke, Isaac Edwards. Art and industrial education. (/« Butler, Nicholas Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 1900. V. 2, p. 705-67-) C T Art and industry ; the democracy of art. . . Washington, 1886. O. p. 31-258. (/w U. S.— Ed. Bur. of. Special report on industrial educa- tion. 1885.) C T Art and industry ; education in the indus- trial and fine arts in the United States. Washing- ton, 1885-98. O. pt. 1-4. (U. S. — Bureau of Education.) C T Contents : 1. Drawing in public schools. 2. Industrial and manual training in schools. 3. Industrial and technical training in voluntary associations and endowed institutions. 4. Industrial and technical training in schools of technology and in U. S. land grant colleges. Drawing in public schools ; present relation of art to education in the United States, (/w U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1874. no. 2.) CT Clement, Mrs. Clara Erskine, and Hutton, Lawrence. Art academies and institutions for art education. {In their Artists of the 19th century. 1885. pref. p. 11-39.) C Cobb, Mrs. Mary E. Instructive and pro- ductive employments ; their suitability for industrial schools, n. p. n. d. O. 11 p. T Cocquiel, Charles de, chevalier. Industrial instruction in England ; being a report made to the Belgian government : translated into English. London, 1853. O. 4 + \li + 83 p. C Colin, Paul. Enseignement des arts du dessin. (/« Paris — Expos. Univ. 1889. Rapports du jury internat. 1890-92. v. i, p. 121-248.) C Cooke, Ebenezer. The A B C of drawing ; an inquiry into the principles underlying instruction in the elements of drawing. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1897. v. i, p. 115-56.) C T Neglected elements in art teaching. {In Teachers' Guild of Gr. Br. and Irel. Papers. 1887. V. I, p. 72-97.) T Our art teaching and child nature ; a review of the discussion. — Art section Internat. Conference. Health Exhib. 1884. {In London— Ed. Soc. Trans. 1884-85. v. i. p. 65-91.) T Courajod, Louis Charles Leon. Histoire de I'enseignement des arts du dessin au xviii* siecle ; I'Ecole royale des eleves proteges. . . Paris, 1874. O. 104 + 264 p. I pi. C Co'ward, Seth. Brush work in an elementary school. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1897. v. i, p. 101-14.) C T Dickinson, John W. Industrial education in the public schools. . . Boston, 1887. O. 10 p. (" Education " tracts, no. 3.) C Dimock, Elizabeth F. Teachers' manual for instruction in form and drawing in grades i and 2. Chicago primary schools. Chicago, 1885. O. 39 p. ill. C Dodel, Arnold. Instruction in drawing in pri- mary and intermediate schools in Europe and America ; a critical review of the Prang course in form-study and drawing . . . with an introduction by Louis Prang. Boston [I89O]. Sq. D, 30 p. C Drone, Eaton Sylvester. Industrial art educa- tion. {In Higher education and a common lan- guage. 1879. p. 106-20.) T Duppa, Baldwin Francis. Industrial schools for the peasantry. {In Central Society of Ed. Papers. 1837. v, i, p. 172-213.) T D\7ight, Mary Ann. Introduction to the study of art. New York, 1856. D. 278 p. C T Eaton, Daniel Cady. Study of the arts of design in American colleges. New Haven, 1882. D. 21 p. C Ecumenical Conference on Foreign Missions. New York, 1900. Industrial education. {In its Report. 1900. v. 2, p. 147-67.) T Egger-Miilliyald, Alois. Industrie und schule in Osterreich ; eine culturpolitische studie. Wien, 1874. O. 52 p. (Volksbildung und schulwesen ; Egger-MoUwald, ed. no. i.) C Ely, Richard Theodore. Economic aspects of industrial training. Baltimore, 1882 ? O. 8 p. C Emery, Mabel S. How to enjoy pictures, with a . . . chapter on Pictures in the school-room by Stella Skinner. 5th ed. New York, 1898. O. 8 + 290 p. ill. T England — Education Dept, General rules and regulations for the management of certified truant in- dustrial schools for the detention of truant children . . . London, 1894. F. 11 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1894. v. 66.) C Fairbanks, Charles Mason. How to study the fine arts. {In Hart, A. B., and others, How to study history, literature, the fine arts. 1895. p. 37-51.) T Fitz, Henry G. Free-hand drawing in educa- tion. New York, 1897. O. ii p. ill. C French, Anna D. Report on industrial educa- tion, read before the Association for the Advance- ment of Women, at Louisville . . . 1886. Buffalo, 1887. O. 17 p. T French, John H. Form study and drawing in the common schools. {In Teachers College, Educational monographs. 1889. v. 5, p. 143-92.) T Grandauer, Josef. Die specielle methodik des zeichenunterrichtes. 3. aufl. Wien, 1896. O. 112 + I p. (Handbuch der speciellen methodik. pt. 9.) c Grave, Wilhelm. Die fUrsorge fiir die gewer- bliche jugend. 26 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. V. 12. p. 133-58-) C Great Britain — Education, Committee of Council on — Science and Art Dept. Directory . . . with regulations for establishing and conducting science and art schools, 1866, 1887-88. London, 1866-88. O. 3 V. C T 346 EDUCATION Great Britain (continued) Thirty-fourth report, with appen- dices. London, 1887. O. 43 + 323 p. C T Supplement : Calendar and general directory for . . , 1887. London, 1886. O. 3 + 301 p. C T Reformatory and Industrial Schools, Inspec- tors appointed to visit. Report. London, 1851-99. F. (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap. 1851-99.) C See Index vol. for each year. Guiraud, Paul. Le main-d'oeuvre industrielle dans I'ancienne Grece. Paris, 1900. O. [4] -)- 217 4- [I] p. (Univ. de Paris— Bibl. de la Fac. des lettres. no. 12.) C Hall, James. With brush and pen ; a manual of the newer phases of public school art instruction. New York (c. 1897). O. 74 p. ill. T Harding, James Dufifield. Guide and com- panion to the " Lessons on art." London [I854]. Nar. Q. 6 + 178 p. ill. pi. C Lessons on art, 2d ed. London [I854]. Q- 9 + 155 P- ill. 48 pi. C Principles and practice of art. London, 1845. F.4 7 + 156 p. ill. 24 pi. C Harris, Alfred. Home arts and industries ; a lecture on industrial art teaching and the system of progressive schools in Germany, delivered . . . 9th May, 1888. London, 1888. O. 20 p. C Harris, David, "We help those who try to help themselves " ; a plea for industrial brigades as adjuncts to ragged schools. . . Glasgow, 1873. O, 60 p. I ill. C Harris, William Torrey, Esthetic element in education, read before the National Council of Edu- cation at Milwaukee, July, 1897. n. p. D. 16 p. C Art education the true industrial education. 9 p, O. {In School issues of the day. 1890. no. i.r 49-77. [Same.] 2d ed. Syracuse, 1897. D. Beauty in art vs. beauty in nature, n. t. O, 7 P Hayr^ard, John A, Apprenticeship schools for the young. Washington, iSSy. O. 11 p. C Henunersbach, Theodor. Wesen, bedeutung und eigenschaften der arbeit im christlichen sinne, und die erziehung zu arbeit und fleiss. . . Kemp- ten, 1895. D. 68 p. (Padagog. vortrage abhandl. v. 2, no 6.) C Hennecke, C. Hennecke's Art studies. 4th ed. enl. Chicago [I889], Q. 70 + 98 p. T Herberholz, Hugo. Lehrplan far gewerbliche fortbildungsschulen, , , Hannover, 1898. O. 38 P- C Hicks, Mrs. Mary Dana. Principles of the kindergarten the foundation for art education in the public schools. Boston, n. d. D, 24 p. (Prang art educational papers, no. 3.) T Hine, W. Egerton, Art teaching in preparatory schools. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 279-97.) C T Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Industrial education and public school reform. {In his Schools and studies. 1884. p. 178-99.) C T Hunt, William Morris. Talks on art ; compiled by Helen M. Knowlton. Boston, 1886-87. O. 2. V. CT Industrial Education Association, see Teachers' College, p. 4-5 and 302. Industrial School Association for German Girls (New York). Annual report, 1864. New York, 1865. D. v. 12. C lo'wa — Education Council, Industrial educa- tion : a report. 1888? O. 11 p. C Ireland — Reformatory and Industrial Schools, Inspectors appointed to visit. Report. Dublin, 1862-99. F- (Gr. Br.— Pari. Sess. pap, 1862- 99-) C See Index vol. for each year. Johnson, John Butler. A higher industrial and commercial education as an essential condition of our future material prosperity. 23 p. {In Soc. for the Prom, of Engin. Ed. Proceedings. 1898. v. 6.) C Johnson, Walter Rogers. On the importance of linear drawing and on the methods of teaching the art in common schools and other seminaries. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1830. p. 257- 75.) C On schools of the arts. {In same. Lectures, 1835, p. 271-91.) C Joynes, Edward Southey. Report on the in- dustrial education of women in Germany. Colum- bia, S. C, i?>()S- O. ID p. C Lange, Konrad. Die kiinstlerische erziehung der deutschen jugend. Darmstadt, 1893. O. 12 + 255 p. C Locke, Josephine C. Form study and drawing in the St. Louis public schools. [Anon.] St. Louis, 1888. O. 24 p. C London — School Board. Report of the indus- trial schools committee for 1897-1900. London [1898-19CX).] Nar. F. 3 V. C Luders, K. Denkschriften ilber die entwicke- lung der gewerblichen fachschulen und der fort- bildungsschulen in Preussen . . , 1879 bis 1890 . . . Berlin, 1891. F, 4 -<- 318 p. C Lukens, Herman T. Drawing in the early years, n. t.-p. O, p. 945-51. C A study of children's drawings in the early years. {In Pedag. sem. v. 4, p. 79 — no. ill.) CT MacAlister, James. Art education in the public schools. Boston, n. d. D. 2 -f- 18 p. (Prang art educational papers, no. i.) T Address given before the Nat. Educational Assoc, Dept, of Superintendence, Philadelphia, Feb. 25, 1891. ART AND INDUSTRIAL 347 Magnus, Hugo. Die methodische erziehung des farbensinnes. Breslau, 1879. O. 16 p. T Mit einer farbentabel und 72 farbenkartchen. Magnus, Sir Philip. Industrial education. London, 1888. D. 5 + 271 p. C T Industrial education in the nineteenth cen- tury. (/« Roberts, R. D., ed. Ed. in the 19th century. 1901. p. 140-70.) C T Mahan, Denis Hart. Industrial drawing . . . revised and enlarged by D. F. Thompson. New York, 1883 [C. '77]. O. 2 v. pi. C T Manchester (Eng.) — Technical Instruction Committee. The educational exhibit of the United States of America at the Paris Exhibition of 1900 ; now displayed in the Central Higher Grade Board School. ^Manchester, 1901.] Sq. S. 32 p. ill. plan. C Marble, Albert Prescott. Industrial education as part of the common school course ; address before the N. E. School Superintendents Assoc, Boston, May 29, 1885. Worcester, 1885. O. 8 p. C Martin, Myra B. Art education in American life ; a paper read before the Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc, at Saratoga, August 30, 1892. (/« Turner, Ross and others. Art in the schoolroom ; pictures and their influence, p. 27-36.) C T Meath, Reginald Brabazon, 12th earl of, editor. Prosperity or pauperism? physical, industrial, and technical training. London, 1888. O. 7 + 342 p. I ill. C T Some national and board school reforms. London, 1887. O. 8 + 143 p. ill. T Menge, Rudolf. Gymnasium und kunst. . . Wien, liTj. O. 4 + 39 p. (/« Padagog. studien. 1881. V. 2, no. 12.) T Mill, John. Primary, industrial and technical education. . . London, 187 1. D. 12 + 316 p. T MUller, Hans. Betrachtungen iiber das stu- dium der kunstwissenschaft. • . Koln, 1878. O. 32 p. C Nichols, George Ward. Art education ap- plied to industry. . . New York, 1877. O. 211 p. ill. pi. C T North End Union (Boston, Mass.). Trade schools ; [by R. T. Auchmuty and others]. Boston, 1893. Nar. Q. 39 p. ill. C Ontario (Can.) — Legislature. Industrial schools act, and extracts from the act respecting apprentices and minors. . . Toronto, 1887. T. 11 p. C Paddock, Mrs. Sarah Sands. Industrial and technological training. Boston, 1884. O. 17 p. CT Pearce, Joseph A. Report on the system of art teaching in the " Kunstgewerbe-Museum und Schule" and " Kunst Schule." {In Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1886. V. 29, p. 386-96. pi.) C Pennsylvania — Industrial Education, Com- mission on. Preliminary report, submitted to the Legislature, Feb. 27, 1889. . . Harrisburg, 1889. O. 422 p. I pi. C Report made to the Legislature, with appendices. Harrisburg, 1889. O. 4 + 592 p. ill. r pi. C Perkins, Charles Callahan. On drawing as a branch of general education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1871. p. 80-95.) C Perrot, Georges. Art history in the high school, translated from the Revue des deux mondes by S. W. Moore. Syracuse, 1900. S. p. 65-108. T Value to history of the study of the fine arts, translated . . . by D. C. Eaton, n. t.-p. O. 11 p. c Perry, Walter S. Teaching of drawing in grammar schools ; a paper . . . read before the , . . Nat. Ed. Assoc. Saratoga, July 11, 1883. Boston, 1883. D. 26 p. ill. C Potter, Edmund. Trade schools ; a letter to the Rev. Chas. Richson in reply to opinions on trade schools necessary to promote national educa- tion. . . London, 1854. O. 37 p. C Prang, Louis, Hicks, Mrs. Mary (D.), and Clark, J. S. Suggestions for a course of in- struction in color for public schools. Boston, 1893. D. 10 + 187 p. ill. pi. C T Prockesch, Louise. Methodik des unterrichts in den weiblichen handarbeiten. 2. verb. aufl. Wien, 1890. O. 152 p. (Handb. der speciellen methodik. pt. 13.) C Putnam, B. W. Drawing as a branch of edu- cation. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1858. p. 87-108.) c Riicklin, Friedrich. Die volksgewerbschule, ihre sozialwirtschaftliche aufgabe, ihre methode und naturgemasse gestaltung. Leipzig, 1888. O. 3 4- 177 p. C Runkle, John Daniel. Report of committee on industrial education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr,, Lectures, 1883. p. 54-76.) C Ruskin, John. Art culture ; a hand-book of art technicalities and criticisms selected and ar- ranged by W. H. Piatt. New York, 1885. O. 25 + 485 ?• T Saglio, Edmond. L'enseignement de I'art in- dustriel en Autriche. {In Revue des arts decoratifs. V. II, p. 227-39, 286-94.) C Scheel, J. J. AUerlei schtilerurbilder ; feder- zeichnungen fUr schul- und kinderfreunde. . . 2. aufl. Hamburg, 1900. S. t + 1 + 132 p. C Schmidt, Otto Ernest. Die padagogik der kunst. {In Paedagogium. 1892. v. 14, p. 158- 70.) T School Bulletin Publications. Questions and answers in Drawing given at the uniform examina- tions of the State of New York since June, 1892. Syracuse, 1894. Sq. S. 75 p. ill. C Search, Theodore C. Textile education in America ; an address delivered at the Parker House, Boston, on the occasion of thirtieth anniversary of the Nat. Assoc, of Wool Manufacturers, January 10, 1895. Philadelphia, 1895. O. 24 p. C 348 EDUCATIOlSr Selvatico, Pietro Estense, marchese. Gli am- maestramenti delle arti del disegno nelle accademie e nelle officine. . . Venezia, 1859. O- 7° p. C Smith, Samuel. The industrial training of des- titute children. London, 1885. O. 24 p. C Smith, Walter. Annual report on industrial art and education in the State of Massachusetts. 1872, 1880. Boston, 1873-81. O. C Art education, scholastic and industrial. Boston, 1872. O. 10 + [I] + 398 p. ill. 40 pi. CT Drawing in graded public schools ; what to teach and how to teach it. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1872. p. 121-60.) C Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manu- factures and Commerce. Report of the committee appointed to inquire into the subject of industrial instruction. London, 1853. O. 228 p. T South Kensington (Eng.) Museum. Art directory, containing regulations for promoting in- struction in art, with appendix (revised to Sept. 1876). London [I876]. O. 143 p. 3 paged pi. C Sparkes, John Charles Lewis. Schools of art ; their origin, history, |work and influence. . . {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Litera- ture. V. 8, p. 721-880. I tab.) C Stade, Paul. Ein neuer lehrplan fiir den zei- chenunterricht in der volksschule. {In Neue bah- nen. 1892. v, 3, p. 317-28 and 365-73') T Stimson, John Ward. Principles and methods in art education ; introductory suggestions to art students and teachers. . . New York, 1892. Sq. F. 32 p. I por. I pi. 14 paged pi. C Straight, H. H. Aim of industrial education in the public schools. . . Boston, 1883. D. 16 p. T Some practical aspects of industrial educa- tion. . . Syracuse, New York, 1882. O. 12 p. T Tadd, J. Liberty. New methods in education ; art ; real manual training ; nature study. . . New York, 1899. Q. 24 + 432 p. ill. C T Taylor, John A. Evolution of art. New York, 1891. D. p. 295-318. C Teaching of drawing and colouring as a prep- aration for designing and decorative work. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Litera- ture. V. 14, p. 200-74.) C Textiles. Chicago, 1900, {In Elementary school record O. p. 69-97. ill. 1900. v. I, no. 3.) T Thompson, Langdon S. Art in American colleges ; a paper read at the meeting of the Indiana College Assoc, at Indianapolis, December 27, 1883. n. t.-p. O. 9 p. C Educational and industrial system of draw- ing : manual training. Boston, 1888. O. no. i- 2. ill. C T Some reasons why drawing should be taught in our common schools. . . La Fayette, Ind. n. d. O. 24 p. C Thurston, Robert Henry. Demands of the state. O. p. 337-65. T Toronto — Industrial School Association. Its purpose and plan in establishing the Victoria Indus- trial School at Mimico. Toronto, 1887. T. 16 p. C Turner, Jonathan Baldwin. Industrial univer- sities for the people ; published in compliance with resolutions of the Chicago and Springfield conven- tions, and under the industrial League of Illinois. Jacksonville, 1853. O- 5^ p. C Turner, Rose, and others. Art in the school- room ; pictures and their influence. Boston [I892]. D. 2 + 36 p. (Prang art educational papers, no. 2.) T United States — Education, Bureau of. In- dustrial education in the U. S. . . Washington, 1883. O. 319 p. ill. pi. (Special report. 1883.) C T Labor, Dept. of. Industrial education. (Annual report of the commissioner. 1892. v. 8.) C Vaughan, Jeannie. Plea for industrial educa- tion. Columbus , Miss,, 1886. D. 8 p. C VioUet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel. Response a M. Vitet k propos de I'enseignement des arts du dessin. Paris, 1864. O. 48 p. C Viterbo, Spusa. L'enseignement des beaux- arts en Portugal. Lisbonne, 1900. Q. 18 4- [i] p. pl. (Expos. Univ. de 1900 — Sect, portugaise — Instruct, publ. en Portugal.) C Waldstein, Charles. Study of art in univer- sities ; lecture ... in the University of Cambridge . . . New York, 1896. D, 10 + 129 p. T Walker, Francis Amasa. Plea for industrial education in the public schools, addressed to the Conference of Associated Charities of the city of Boston, Feb. 10, 1887. Boston, 1887. D. 34 p. C Warren, Samuel Edward. Industrial science drawing. New York, 1883-86. O. 5 v. iU. pl. Contents : T V. I. Free-hand geometrical drawing. 2. Drafting instruments. 3. Elementary projection drawing. 4. Elementary linear perspective. 5. Plane problems in elementary geometry. Watts, James T. Teaching of drawing in preparatory schools. {In Eng. — Ed. Dept, Special reports on educat. subjects. 1900. v. 6, p. 267-77.) C T Weigert, Max. Die volksschule und der gewerbliche unterricht in Frankreich ; mit beson- derer berlicksichtigung des schulwesens von Paris. Berlin, 1890. O. 63 p. {In Volkswirthschaft- liche zeitfragen. 1890. v. 12, pt. 2-3.) C Western Drawing Teachers' Association. An- nual report, 1896-97. \Chicago-^ 1896-97. O. v. 3-4. c ART AND INDUSTRIAL 349 White, George G. Industrial drawing. New York, 1887. nos. 1-8. T Williams, H., compiler. Elements of drawing . . . figures and sketches of parts of the human form . . . with instructions for the young beginner. 4th ed. enl. . . rudiments of landscape painting in water colors . . . method of drawing perspective . . . Boston, 1828. Sq. Q. lO p. 28 pi. Wilson, Mrs. Lucy Langdon Williams, ed. Picture study in elementary schools. New York, 1900. D. 2 V. ill. T Wolfrum, Karl. Die offentliche Handels- lehranstalt zu Leipzig in den jahren 1831-1881 ; zur jubelfeier am 23 Januar 1881. Leipzig, 1881. O. 112 p. pi. C Armour Institute of Technology (Chi- cago). Year book for 1895-99, with announce- ments for 1896-1900. Chicago, 1896-99. O. 4 nos. C Brooklyn Art Association and Brooklyn Insti- tute of Arts and Sciences. Brooklyn art school, season of 1898-99. [Brooklyn, 1898.1 O. C Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Account of the exercises at the breaking of ground for the museum building at Institute Park . . . Sept. 14, 1895. Brooklyn, 1896. O. 11 p. pi. C Account of the exerpises at the laying of the comer stone of the museum building . . . on . . . Dec. 14, 1895. Brooklyn, 1896. O. 29 p. pi. C Catalogue of the exhibition of geographical appliances used in schools or libraries ; collected from various countries and exhibited by the Depart- ment of Geography. Brooklyn, 1891. O. 85 p. C Exhibition of works of art suitable for the decoration of school rooms . . . March the twenty- first to April the fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. . . [Brooklyn, 1896.] O. 39 p. pi. C Preliminary account of the Children's Museum . . . opened Dec. i6th, 1899. Brooklyn, 1900. O. II p. pi. C Prospectus. 1888-89, 1891/2-1900, Brook- lyn, 1888-1900. D. por. pi. C Year book, 1888-99. Brooklyn, 1889-99. D. ill pi. C T Biological Laboratory. Announcement, 1900. n. t.-p. O. II p. ill. C Department of Architecture. Catalogue of the first [and] third annual exhibition. Brooklyn, 1892, 1894. O. pi. C Department of Fine Arts. Illustrated cata- logue of the Goodyear collection of photographs of Italian architecture, and sculpture, and of the sur- vey of Italian mediaeval buildings. . . \New York, 1895.] O. 40 p. ill. pi. C School of Pedagogy. Courses of instruction for teachers and school officers ; season of 1898- 1901. [Brooklyn, 1 898-1900.] D. C Brooklyn — Citizens' Committee on Muse- ums. Purposes of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences ; report ... at a meeting . . . held February 26, 1890. Brooklyn, 1890. D. 15 p. C Report on the scope and purposes . . . Feb. 26, 1890. Brooklyn, 1890. O. up C Chamberlain, Rev. L. T. The purposes of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. . . Brooklyn, 1890, D. 18 p. C Ferree, Barr. Institute organization ; the plan and scope of the Brooklyn Institute and its application to other cities. New York, 1898. O. 20 p. C Cooper Union (New York City). Annual re- port. i86o-6i, 1864, 1866, 1868-69, 1871, 1873- 75. 1877-81, 1883-1900. New York, 1860-1900. O. port. C Charter, trust deed and by-laws . . . with the letter of Peter Cooper, accompanying the trust deed. New York, x'itZ. O. 62 p. C Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry (Philadelphia). [Circulars] 1894-97. Philadelphia, 1894-96. O. ill. pi. C Dedication Philadelphia, 1893. ceremonies, Dec. Sq. F. 39 p. pi. 17, 1891. C Preliminary circular of information. [Phila- delphiai 1891. O. 27 p. pi. C Year-book of the departments and courses of instruction. 1897-98,1899-1901. [Philadelphia, 1897-1900.] Sq. O. ill. pi. C Library. Reference lists, no. 1-3, 1894- 96. [Philadelphia, 1894-96.] O. C Ecole centrale des Arts et Manufac- tures. Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, n. d. D. 31 p. C Ecole nationale de C^ramique (de Sevres). Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, n. d. S. 12 p. C Ferris Industrial School (Big Rapids, Mich). Catalogue. 1895-96. Big Rapids, 1895. O. por. C Mexico (City) — Instituto cientifico industrial mexicano. Programa de educacion y enseiianza. Mexico, 1881. D. 20 p. C New York (City)— Church of the Holy Com- munion. Industrial school ; thirty-eighth year. New York, 1895. D. 75 P- " C New Tork School of Applied Design for Women. Annual report. 1895, 1897. New York, 1895-97. S. V. 3, 5. C 350 EDUCATION Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art. Annual rept. 1 878-1900, Philadelphia, 1879-1900. O. ill. no. 3-24. T Circular 1893-94, 1895-96, 1898-99, 1900- 190I. Philadelphia, 1893-1900. O. ill. T Circular of the committee on instruction, 1892-93. Philadelphia, 1892. O. C Circular of the School of Industrial Art. 1896-97, 1898-1901. ^Philadelphia, 1896-1900.] O. ill. pi. C Public Industrial A rt School. Annual re- port. 1891. Philadelphia, 1892. O. 15 p. pi. C Search, Theodore C. Pennsylvania's pri- macy in the textile industry and the importance to state and nation of technical training ; an address delivered June 7, 1895. . . Philadelphia, at the annual commencement of the Pa. Museum and School of Industrial Art. ^Philadelphia, 1895.] O. 14 p. C Pratt Institute (Brooklyn). Announcement for 1889-90 ; Circular of information, 1890-92. iBrooklyn, 1889-91.] D. 4 nos. C Art and industrial education ; cooperative educational work [with] the Prang Educational Company. [Brooklyn^ 1892. O. 12 p, C 1900. Catalogue, 1890-1900. O. ill. Brooklyn [I89O]- C Courses [I900- C [Brook- C Dept. of Science and Technology. of study and circular of information. 01.] [Brooklyn, 1900.] O. 19 p. pi. Free Library. Report, 1897-1900. lyn, 1 897-1900.] O. no. 1-4. Handbook of information. 1892-93. [Brook- lyn, 1893.] D. 42 p. ill. C Pratt Institute. 1888, Sq. S. unpaged. ill. C Pratt Institute monthly. Brooklyn, 1892-1901. O. ill. pi. por. v. 1-6, 9=^3. C Pratt Institute record. Oct. 1889-92. Foun- der's Day number. 1-4. Brooklyn, 1889-92. Sq. O. pi. C Rhode Island School of Design (Provi- dence). Catalogue. 2ist year, 1898-99. . . Provi- dence, 1899. O. ill. pi. C Rozbury (Mass.) — South End Industrial School. Annual report, 1-3, 5-8, 10-16. Boston, 1884-99. S. C Vienna — Handels-Academie-Verein. 5. jahres- bericht. 1877. Wien, 1877. O. 279 p. C Watt Institution and Edinburgh School of Arts. Inauguration of the statue of James Watt, May 12, 1854. Edinburgh, 1854. O. 23 p. C Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades (Philadelphia). Foundation deed. . . Philadelphia, 1888. Q. 29 p. C Proceedings on the opening ; October 31st, 1891. [Philadelphia, 1891.] O. 73 p. por. pi. C Wilmington Institute (Del.). Annual re- port. 1877, 1886. Wilmington, 1877-86. O. ill. T Worcester County Free Institute of Industrial Science. Addresses of inauguration and dedication, Nov. 11, 1868. Worcester, 1869. O. 132 p. ill. T Annual catalogue, 1870-74, 1876-77, 1880, 1883-84, 1886-87. Worcester, 1870-87. T Worcester county free institute of industrial science. [26] p. ill. O. n. t.-p. T Prepared for the International Exhibition 1876. Aldrich, Peleg Emory. Argument before the committee on education of the Massachusetts Legislature in favor of a grant of aid to the Worces- ter County Free Institute of Industrial Science, March 2, 1886. Worcester, 1886. O. 20 p. C Worcester Polytechnic Institute. An- nual catalogue, 1870-87, 1890-93, 1895-96, 1899- 1900. Worcester [i870]-i900. O. pi. v. 1-17, 20-23, 25-26, 29-30. C Fuller, Homer Taylor. Progress of tech- nical education, including a quarter-century review of the . . . Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Worcester, 1894. O. 30 p. C T Workingman's School and Free Kin- dergarten (New York City). An address by Prof. Felix Adler. — Reports of the school and kin- dergarten. . . New York [I88I]. O. 57 p. pi. CT Continued as Workingman's School, United Relief Works, S. E. C. [Annual report] April ist, 1891. [New York, 1891.] O. 36 p. T Haufe, Ewald. Die Workingman's school und das Drexel institut; ein beitrag zu den schul- reformen Amerikas. {In Neue bahnen. 1894. v. 5, p. 30-37.) T Wiirttemberg (Ger.) — Gewerbliche FortbiU dungsschuk. Commission fur die. Die enstehung und entwicklung der Gewerblichen fortbildung- schulen in Wiirttemberg. Stuttgart, 1873. Q. 6 + [I] + 57P. C a. HOME ECONOMICS AND HOUSEHOLD ART Banner, Bertha. Household sewing with home dressmaking. London, 1898. D. [9] + 157 p. ill. (Domestic science manuals.) T Belgium — Industrie et du Travail, Ministkrede r — Direction de V Enseignement industriel etprofes- sionnel. ficoles menagires. [Circulaire aux gou- vemeurs ; 21 Janvier 1899.] O, 23 p. tab. C French and Dutch on opposite pages. Enseignement de I'economie domestique. Huy, 1900. O. il p. (Expos. Univ. de Paris en 1900.) C Enseignement des travaux k I'aiguille. Huy, 1900. O. 11 p. (Expos. Univ. de Paris en 1900.) C Brant, Elizabeth N. Systematic cutting-out from units of measurement ; for class teaching. London, 1884. D. 62 p. pi. T HOME ECONOMICS AND HOUSEHOLD ART 351 Brietzcke, Helen K., and Rooper, Emily F. Manual of collective lessons in plain needlework and knitting, for use in elementary schools. . . London, 1885. D. 4 + 168 p. ill. pi. T Broughton, Mrs. J. Practical dressmaking for students and technical classes. London, 1897. D. 12 + 190 p. ill. T Campbell, Mrs. Helen Stuart. Household economics ; a course of lectures in the School of Economics of the University of Wisconsin. New York, 1897. O. 21 + 286 p. T Carlisle, E. M. F. Practical method of dress cutting for adults. . . 2d ed. London, 1899. D. 100 p. ill, T Simple cutting-out for home and school use. . . London, 1889. S. 2 pts. ill. T Contents : Pt. I. Underclothing. 2. Baby linen. Cartwright, Thomas. Domestic science . . . and hygiene treated experimentally. London, 1900. D. 215 p. ill. T Caulfield, Sophia F. A., and Saward, Blanche C. Dictionary of needlework ; an encyclopaedia of artistic, plain, and fancy needlework. 2d ed. London, n. d. Sq. Q. 528 p. ill. T Chalamet, R. El. La premiere annee d'econo- mie domestique. . . Paris, iZZZ. D. 224 p. ill. T Church, Ella Rodman. The home needle. Ne%v York, 1882. D. 1^8 p. ill. (Appleton's Home books.) T Cocheris, Mme. Pauline Augustine (Wagrez). Pedagogie des travaux a I'aiguille ^ I'usage des filles . . . suivie . . . d'une histoire de la machine k coudre. Paris, 1882. D. 9 + 287 p. ill. pi. T Pedagogie des travaux a I'aiguille i I'usage des ecoles de filles ; precedee d'une etude sur I'enseigne- ment de la couture en Angleterre, en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Italie et en Belgique. . . Nouvelle ed. augm. Paris, 1890. D. 9 + 305 p. ill. pi. C T Corn'well, Elmira. Columbian sewing book . . . for schools and families. Chicago, 1892. Sq. O. 24 p. ill. T Corson, Juliet. Family living on $500 a year . . . New York [1887]. S. [6] + 437 p. T Daniel, A. Laundry work. London [I90O]. O. 71 p. ill. T Davis, Jeanette E. Elements of modem dress- making . . . revised by C. M. Holahan. New York [I894]. D. 12 + 193 p. ill. T Domestic economy, a class-book for girls. New ed. . . London, 1880. S. 144 p. T Floyer, Mrs. L. S. Plain hints for examiners of needlework . . . added skeleton demonstration lessons . . . and glossary of terms used in , . . needlework. . . [Anon.] London, 1880. S. 135 p. ill. T Foster, Kate McCrea. Elementary needlework ; a suggestive manual for sewing in kindergarten and primary schools. . . Boston [c. 1896]. D. 16 -f- 138 p. ill. (Prang art education ser. M. D. Hicks, ed. v. i.) T Goodholme, Todd S., ed. Goodholme's Do- mestic cyclopaedia of practical information. . . New ed. New York, 1885. Q. 4 + 652 p. ill. C T Grenfell, Mrs. Henry. Dressmaking, a tech- nical manual for teachers. London, 1892, S. 11 + 83 p. ill. T Hale, Lucretia Peabody. Plain needlework, knitting and mending . . . compiled from the best English works. Boston, 1879. D. 59 p. ill. (Tilton's Plain needlework ser., 4.) C T Handbook for sewing-school teachers. New York [C. 1893]. D. 128 p. ill. T Hapgood, Olive C. School needlework : a course of study in sewing designed for use in schools. Boston, 1893. D. 5 -f [I] 4- 162 p. ill. (Pu- pil's ed.) C T [Same.] Boston, 1893. D. 5 + [i]+244 p. ill. (Teacher's ed.) T Hogan, Mrs. Louise E. History and present status of instruction in cooking in the public schools of New York city ; with an Introduction by A. C. True. Washington, 1899. O. 70 p. pi. (U. S.— Dept. of Agr.— Exper. sta. Bull. no. 56.) C T Huntington, Emily. Children's kitchen-gar- den book ; adopted from the original with additional songs. New York, 1881. D. 6 H- 56 p. T Kitchen-garden ; or, Object lessons in household work ; including songs, plays, exercises and games illustrating household occupations. New York, 1884 [C. 1878]. Q. 138 p. ill. T Johnson, Catherine F. Progressive lessons in the art and practice of needlework ; for use in schools. Boston, 1893. O. 12 + 117 p. ill. T Jones, Emily G. Manual of plain needlework and cutting-out. New ed. by Miss Heath and Miss Loch. London, 1889. D. 121 p. ill. pi. T Self-teaching needle-work manuals, adapted to the latest requirements of the new code ; ed. by S. Loch. New ed. London, 1889. O. 75 p- ill. T Kirkinrood, Louise J. Illustrated sewing primer, with songs and music ; for schools and families. New York, 1885. D. 71 p. ill. T Lambert, Miss Handbook of needlework . . . New York, 1842. O. 15 + 263 p. ill. T Maclear, Mrs. The cutter-out ; or. Diagrams and tables for cutting-out underlinen. London, 1887. Sq. F. pts. 1-2. T Diagrams in cases. Morris, May. Decorative needlework. Lon- don, 1893. Sq. O. [4] -t- 121 p. ill. I pi. T Large-paper copy. 352 EDUCATION Needle-craft : artistic and practical. 2d ed. New York, 1890. Q. 277 p. ill. (Metropoli- tan art ser.) T New York Association of Sewing Schools. Annual report, 1896-97. New York, 1897. S. C Obst, J. G. Die hauslichen arbeiten im dienste des unterrichts. {In Lehrer-priifungs und inform.- arbeiten. 1894. v. 3, pt. 28, p. 14-21.) C O^ren, Catherine. Progressive housekeeping : keeping house without knowing how, and knowing how to keep house well. Boston, 1889. D. 180 p. T ■ Ten dollars enough ; keeping house well on ten dollars a week. . . Boston, 1891 [C.'86]. D. 9 + 279 P- T Pa>rloa, Maria. Home economics. . . New York, 1898. D. 12 + 378 p. ill. T Peirce, Melusina Fay. Co-operative house- keeping ... a study in sociology. Boston, 1884. S. 189 p. C T Pepper, Mrs. J. Drafting and cutting gar- ments for manual training schools. New York, 1888. Obi. Q. 19 p. ill. T Pillo\7, Mrs. Margaret Eleanor. Domestic economy teaching in England. (In Eng. — Ed. Pept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1897. V. I, p. 157-86.) C T Richards, Mrs. Ellen Henrietta. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning ; a manual for housekeep- ers. Boston, 1882. S. 9 H- [I] -h 90 p. tab. T Cost of living as modified by sanitary sci- ence. New York, 1899. D. 3 -|- 121 p. T Domestic economy as a factor in public edu- cation. (/« Teachers College. Educational mon- ographs. 1889. V. 2, no. 4, p. 113-42.) T and Elliott, S. M. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning, a manual for housekeepers. 2d ed. rev. . . Boston, 1897 [C.'8i-97]. D. 6 -)- [i] -f- 158 p. T Roberts, Robert. House servants directory. Boston, 1827. D. 180 p. T Robinson, Mrs. L. T. Instruction for sewing classes ; in questions and answers. . . New York, 1896. O. 29 p. T Rosevear, Elizabeth. Manual of needlework, knitting and cutting-out. . . London, 1894. D. II + 136 p. ill. T Text-book of needlework, knitting, and cutting out, with methods of teaching. London, 1893. D. 16 + 460 p. ill. T Salmon, Lucy Maynard. Domestic service. New York, 1897. D. 24 -H 307 p. T Schallenfeld, Rosalie and Agnes. Der hand- arbeits-unterricht in schulen. . . 8. verm. . . aufl. von Albertine Hall. Frankfurt am Main, 1890. O. Sop. T Smith, Amy K. Needlework for student teach- ers. . . 5th ed. London, 1899. O. 16 + 222 + [6] p. ill. pi. T Springsteed, Anne Frances. Expert wait- ress : a manual for the pantry, kitchen and dining- room. New York, 1894. S. [8] + 131 p. T Stanley, Kate. Needlework and cutting-out , . . 5th ed. London, 1893. D. 14 + 200 p. ill. pi. T Tegetmeier, William Bemhard. Handbook of household management and cookery. . . New ed. London, 1879. S. 132 p. ill. T Waite, M. Needlework diagrams for cutting- out . . . for the use of teachers. . . 28 patterns drawn to scale. . . London, 1887. Q. [3] p. 7 folding pi. T Wakeman, Antoinette Van Hoesen and Heller, L. M. Scientific sewing and garment cutting. . . Boston, 1899. Sq. D. 155 p. ill. T. Willard, vl/rj. Harriet J. Familiar lessons for little girls on work in parlor, bed-room and laundry ; for industrial schools and for homes. Chicago, [C.188I]. D. 73 p. (Primers of domestic science, no. 2.) T Wilson, Mrs. Lucy tangdon Williams, com- piler. Domestic science in grammar grades. New York, 1900. D. 9 + 193 p. T Handbook of domestic science and house- hold arts for use in elementary schools. . . New York, 1900. D. 23 + 407 p. ill. T Wilton, Elizabeth Stone, countess of. Art of needle-work from the earliest ages. London, 1844. O. 9 + 405 P- T Women's Educational and Industrial Union. School of housekeeping. Boston, 1900-1901. Nar. S. 20 p. C Woolman, Mrs. Mary Schenck. Sewing course with models and directions as to stitches, materials and methods. 2d ed. . . New York, 1900 [C.'93]. Sq. O. unp. ill. T Youmans, Edward Livingstone. Handbook of household science, a popular account of heat, light, air, aliment and cleansing, in their scientific principles and domestic applications. New York, 1883 [C.'57]. O. 20 4- 470 p. ill. T For illustrating and enlarging the work of instruction in the following topics — which are a part of all well-considered and complete courses in Home Economics and Household Art — Columbia University has unusually complete collections available to either regular students or special investigators. Titles of books are not quoted here because most of this work is included in volumes (or serials) covering other information and discussion. The House : — Situation, plan and structure ; lighting, heating, ventilating ; apparatus and ap- f)liances for housework ; methods of housework ; aundering ; water supply ; disposal of waste ; fuels. The Home : — Organization of household ; do- mestic service ; cost of living ; nursing and emer- gencies ; care of children. MANUAL TRAINING 353 Food : — Materials ; analysis ; production and manufacture ; adulterations ; marketing ; prepara- tion and serving. Nutrition and dietetics ; dietaries ; government investigations. Physiolo^cal and Industrial Chemistry. Biology ; Botany. History of domestic science. Reports and catalogues of schools of domestic science, American and foreign. National and State publications. Periodicals : — Dietetic and Hygienic gazette and others of similar character. Household Art : — \rchitecture ; furnishing ; decoration (home and school). Historic ornament. Industries and Inventions : — Primitive condi- tions. Industrial Evolution. History of inven- tions and biography of inventors. Special Industries :^Laces, embroideries, rugs, tapestries, etc. and implements. Cord Work, Basketry and Raffia Work. Millinery. Dressmaking: — History of costume. Na- tional dress ; reform dress ; hygiene ; personal hygiene. Textiles: — Culture, manufacture, adultera- tions, cost, markets, etc. Reports and Catalogues of public, technical, industrial and church schools ; settlement work ; textile manufactures, etc. National and State pub- lications (Reports on fibre, foreign markets, etc.). Bulletins of the National Association of Wool Man- ufacturers. Transactions of the New England Cot- ton Manufacturers Associations. Periodicals : — Textile world and others of similar character. 30. MANUAL TRAINING American Manual Training Association. Bib- liography of manual training. New York, 1898. O. 24 p. T Selected bibliography of manual training. New York, 1900. O. 35 p. T Bibliography. Manual training. (/» Univ. of St. of N. Y.— High School Dept. Bull. no. 9, 1900. p. 247-59.) C Adams, Henry. Joints in woodwork ; a paper read before the Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society . . . March, 1877. . . London, 1894. O. 43 p. I Pl- T Allen, Jerome. To what extent and how can manual training be introduced into ungraded schools ? {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of — Circ. of infor. 1889, no. 2, p. 133-52.) C T American Manual Training Association. Pro- ceedings. 1894,1897-99. z/./., 1895-99. O. C Title-page' for 1899 reads Proceedings of the Eastern Manual Training Association. Proceedings for 1895-96 not published. Andr^n, Miss . Drawings and directions for the construction of the sloyd models, modified to suit English requirements. . . London, 1892. 48 cards 27^ x 22 cm. T Arbau, Josef, and others. Der handarbeits- unterricht fur die mannliche jugend und der slojd- unterricht in die schule, vom standpunkte der padagogik. . . Wien, 1885. O. 121 p. 100 ill. C Ashbee, Charles Robert. A few chapters in workshop reconstruction and citizenship. London, 1894. O. 165 p. T L' Association Danoise du Travail. Manuel h. I'ecole, systeme Mikkelsen. Le slojd danois ; guide a I'Exposition Universelle de 1889 a Paris. Copenhague, 1889. O. 28 p. C Austen, Peter Townsend. Manual and sense training, the great problem in education. \^New York, 1895.] Nar. O. 16 p. C Reprinted from Scientific American. Suppl. no. 1026, August 31, 1895. 83 Baker, Harriet, cutting-out manual, p. ill. 2 pl. High school needlework and . . London [I886]. S. 114 T Balliet, Thomas M. Manual training, its edu- cational value ; an address delivered before the Mas- sachusetts Teachers' Assoc. . . Maiden, 1896. 0. 18 p. C T Bamberger, G. Die arbeitsschule ; vortrag gehalten auf dem 13. deutsch-amerkanischen lehrer- tagzu Buffalo, N. Y., 26 Jl. 1882. Milwaukee, 1882. O. 20 p. T Education of head and hand : six manuals of exercises for the primary grades of public and private schools. Chicago [C. 189!]. D. 116 p. ill. T Barnard, Henry, editor. Manual labor and the use of tools, n. t.-p. Hartford [I871]. O. 8 p. C Barni, Giovanni. La pedagogia applicata al lavoro manuale educativo. Firenze, 1899. D. v. 1. ill. C Contents : I . Teoria e practica per I'insegnamento dei lavori in legno. Barraclough, Joshua, and Parkinson, G. L. Elementary clay modelling for standards i, 2,3. . . V. I. London, 1896. O. ill. T Barter, S. Manual instruction ; drawing. London, 1896. Sq. O. [3] + 48 p. 32 pl. T Manual instruction ; woodwork (the English Sloyd). London, 1892. Sq. O. 24 -(- 343 p. 302 ill. C T Manual training diagmms. Group A, nos. 1-8. 67 x 52 cm. T Barth, E., and Niederley, W. Des deutschen knaben handwerksbuch . . . 4. . . aufl. Biele- feld, 1878. D. 6 -t- 329 p. ill. C Die schulwerkstaat ; ein leitfaden zur ein- fiihrung der technischen arbeiten in die schule. . . Bielefeld, 1882. O. 4 + 308 p. 103 ill. C 354 EDUCATION Bartsch* F. Robert. Constructive work . . . lessons in paper and cardboard. Chicago [C. 1899]. O. [3] + 109 + [I] p. ill. I pi. T Beeton, Mrs. Isabella Mary. Book of needle- work. . . London [I88I]. various pagings. D. ill. pi. T Belfield, Henry H. Inaugural address as di- rector of the Chicago Manual Training School. . . Chicago, 1884. O. 15 p. T Manual training and the public school. (/« Teachers College. Educational monographs. 1888. V. I, no. I, p. 16-24.) T Belgium. Travail manuel pour gar9ons. [Huy, 1900 ?] O. 4 p. C Bergmeister, Joseph M. Fiir unsere knaben ; der jugend kunstfertigkeit und spiel ; ein hausliches beschaftigungsbuch. Miinchen, 1897. O. 7 + 216 p. ill. I pi. T Berlin course of easy woodwork . . . translated by W. G. Field. London, 1895. O. 47 P- iH- pi. T Bertrand, Et., Toussaint, , and Gombert, J. Travail manuel k I'ecole et dans la famille. . . Paris, 1890. O. pt. i, 8 + 200 p. ill. T Bevis, Alfred William. Course of practical lessons on hand and eye training. . . London, i8gs- 96. Sq. O. pt. 1-3. ill. T Contents : 1 . Paper folding. 2. Brick laying, string work, and parcel tying. 3. Wire work. Beyer, Otto Wilhelm. Present position of manual instruction in Germany in practice and theory, tr. by A. E. Twentyman. (/« Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898, V. 3, p. 627-48.) C T Biedermann, Friedrich Karl. Die erziehung zur arbeit; eine forderung des lebens an die schule. 2. . . ausg, Leipzig, 1883. O. 6 + fi] + 128 P- C Bjbrkman, Alf., and Severin, S. Ofversigt af svenska slojdforeningens verksamhet fran och med dess stiftande ar 1845 till medlet af ar 1881. Stockholm, 1881. O. 40 p. (Meddelande fran svenska slOjdforeningen. 8.) C Blake, tion. I, James Vila. Manual training in educa- Chicago, 1886. T. ii + 83 p. T BUktter fUr knaben-hand arbeit. v. 2-3, 6-13 in 3. Bremen, 1888-99. O- ^ Ed. by Woldemar Goetze. Boesser, Ernst. Versuch einer objecktiven stellungnahme zum knabenhandfertigkeitsunter- richt. . . Neuwied, 1900. O. 31 p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule. no. 86.) C Borgna, Giuseppe, cavaliere. L'esperimento di lavoro manuale del legno alia Scuola municipale Boncompagni in Torino, 1888. n. t.-p. O. 8 p. C Lo sl6jd ; o, Lavoro manuale educativo re- lazione. a*** ed. preceduta da autorevoli giudizi sullo sl6jd. Torino, 1887. O. 4 + 80 p. 2 pi. C Boston — Industrial School Association. Wood- working tools ; how to use them. . . Boston^ 1889. D. loi p. ill. C School Committee. Annual report of the committee on manual training schools, 1887, 1889, 1894. Boston, 1887-94. O. C Bro'vrne, James Crichton. Hand-craft. (/« Teachers College. Educational monographs. 1890. V. 3, no. 5, p. 151-82.) T Bruhns, Alois. Die schulwerkstatte in ihrer verbindung mit dem theoretischen unterrichte, dargestellt durch lehrgange, illustriert von Fried- rich Afh. . . Wien, 1886. O. 78 p. 30 pi. C [Same.] 2. aufl. Wien, 1895. O. [3] -\- 69 p. 32 pi. T Butler, Nicholas Murray. The argument for manual training. New York, 1888. S. [39] p. ill. (No. 12 (t//^? J Twelve papers.) CT Manual training : an address delivered be- fore the Am. Inst, of Instr. . . in Newport, R. I., July, 1888. New York, 1888. D. 20 p. (No. II of his Twelve papers.) C T Manual training. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1888. p. 214-34.) C T Manual training as an element in public education. New York, 1888. O. 13 p. (No. 2 of his Ten papers.) C Manual training movement. New York, 1889. O. 6 p. , C Report of Special committee on manual training to New Jersey state board of education ; submitted Feb. 7, 1889. [Trenton-^ 1889. O. 13 p. (No. 3 £^y^? J Twelve papers.) C Butow-Pyritz, A. Die volksschule und der handfertigkeitsunterricht ; eine beleuchtung der zeitfrage vom standpunkte der schule und des prak- tischen lebens. Leipzig [I887]. D. 46 -i- [i] p. C Carter, Charles M., and Roosevelt, G. F. State of Colorado ; manual training for eight years. [Z>mw/-, pref. 1898.] Obi. S. 85 p. ill. pi. C T Chapman, Evelyn. Slojd ; or, Hand-work as a factor in education. Brighton i£ng.] 1887. D. 14 p. C Chicago — World's Columbian Exposition. Denmark. Danish sloyd ; guide to the exposition of the Danish Sloyd Association. Copenhagen, 1893. D. 8 + 47 + [5] p. T Danish sloyd ; manual labor in school as an element of education. Copenhagen, 1893. O. 8 + 49 -t- [2] p. T Christian!, Anna. Die stellung des handar- beitsunterrichts in der schule und seine bedeutung fiir schule und leben. (/« Samml. padagog. vor- trage. 1892. v. 4, pt. 11, p. 17-27.) C Clauson-Eaas, Adolf von. Die arbeitsschule neben der lernschule und der hausliche gewerbfleiss. Berlin, n. d. O. 25 p. C Compton, Alfred George. First lessons in wood-working. New York [C.1888.] D. 10 -I- 188 p. ill. T MANUAL TRAINING 355 Coquelin, . Necessaire de travail manue ; cours elementaire. Sq. D. Paris, n. d. T Cutler, Caroline F. Primary manual training . . . Boston, 1892. Sq. D. 9 + 130 p. ill. T Daujat, , and Dumont, Georges. Cours normal de travaux manuels. Paris [1889]. O. 320 p. ill. T Dauzat, , and Deramond, . Les travaux manuels a I'ecole primaire k I'usage des ecoles de gar9ons. . . Paris [I89O]. O. 144 p. ill. T De I'enseignement manuel et professionel en Allemagne et dans les pays du nord. Farts, 1887. O. 104 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 14.) C Degerdon, Walter E. Grammar of wood- work ; a graduated system of manual training. London, 1892. Obi. Q. [44] p. ill. T Dumont, Georges, and Philippon, G. Les travaux manuels. Paris [I888]. O. 219 p. ill. T Dutton, Samuel Train. Manual training ; in what it consists ; its educational value ; its place in the schools. New Haven, 1888. O. 10 p. C Elm, Hugo. Der deutsche handfertigkeitsunter- richt in theorie und praxis ; ein handbuch . . . nebst einem begleitwort von E. v. Schenckendorff ... 2. aufl. Weimar, 1886. O. 16 + 208 p. ill. , C Eriksson, Lars. First and second course in the primary schools, n. p. n. d. 15 cards 15^ x 20J cm. T Evans, Thomas Jay. Notes on carpentry and joinery. . . London, 1897. O. ill. v. i. T Faivre, jfimile. Enseignement du travail manuel k I'ecole primaire. . . Paris, 1887. D. 6 + 115 p. ill. C T Fellenberg, Philip Emanuel von. Fellen- BERG, Wilhelm von. Educational institutions of Emmanuel De Fellenberg ; by his son, translated from the German. . . (/« Nat. Assoc, for the Prom, of Soc. Science. Trans. 1859. v, 2, p. 323-35.) C GOBAT, Charles Albert. Philippe Emman- uel de Fellenberg. {In Recueil de monogr. peda- gog. 1896. p. ioi-i8.) C Institutions of De Fellenberg. London, 1842. S. 49 + I -I- 105 p. T Letters from Hofwyl, by A parent, on the educational institutions of De Fellenberg, with Woodbridge's Sketches of Hofwyl. London, 1842. O. II + 372 p. T WooDRlDGE, Rev. M. C. Sketches of Hofwyl and the institutions of M. de Fellenberg. {In Letters from Hofwyl by I\ parent. 1842. p. 223-372.) T Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Hand work and head work. {In his Educational aims and methods. 1900. p. 145-76.) C T France — Instruction publique, des Cultes et des Beaux-arts, Ministire de /'. Ecoles manuelles d'ap- prentissage et ecoles professionelles. Paris, 1887. O. 8 + 140 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 46.) C T Instruction speciale sur I'enseignement du travail manuel dans les ecoles normales d'insti- tuteurs et les ecoles primaires, elementaires et superieures. Paris, 1886. O. 18 + 79 p. ill, (Same. no. 8.) C T Fregeiro, C. L. Enseiianza manual ; informe presentado al Excmo. Ministro de instruccionpublica . . . Ed. oficial. Buenos Aires, 1895. O. 50 p. ill. I pi. C Gabrielli, Gabriele. II lavoro manuale nella istruzione primaria; conferenzatenuta nella sala del Comizio agrario di Cesena, il 27 maggio 1888. Pa- lermo, 1888. D. 34 p. C Proposte pratiche per introdurre il lavoro manuale nelle scuole primarie e normali d'ltalia. Palermo, 1888. D. 64 p. C Gelbe, Theodor. Der handfertigkeitsuntw- richt ; ein beitrag zur klarung der frage und zur forderung der sache. Dresden, 1885. O. 7 -j- no + 2 p. 3 pi. C Gilman, Daniel Coit. Plea for the training of the hand. {In Teachers College. Educational monographs. 1888. v. i, no. i, p. 1-15.) T Golden, Michael Joseph. Laboratory course in wood-turning. New York, 1897. O. 69 p. ill. T Goss, W. F. M. Bench work in wood ; a course of study and practice . . . for the use of schools and colleges. Boston, 1888. D. 11 -f 161 p. ill. T Goteborgs folkskolors modellserie for metall- slojd. Goteborg, n. d. Obi. D. 16 p. ill. T Gbteborgs folkskolors modellserie for trasldjd. Goteborg [pref. 1891]. Sq. O. unpaged, ill. pi. T Gotze, Woldemar, M.D. Aus der lehrerbil- dungsanstalt des Deutschen vereins fUr knaben- handarbeit ; bericht . . . 1889, erstattet von ihrem leiter, nebst . . . vortragen. . . Leipzig, 1890. O. 10 + 139 p. ill. C Educational handwork adapted for teachers and pupils in rural districts. . . London, 1897 ? O. 40 p. ill. T Der handfertigkeitsunterricht an den lehrer- seminaren. . . Leipzig, 1894. O. 32 p. T Illustrated manual of hand and eye training on educational principles. . . London, 1894. D. 229 p. 69 ill. C T Manual training made serviceable to the school. . . translated into English by W. G. Field. London [I894]. D. 157 p. ill. T Schulhandfertigkeit. . . Leipzig, 1894. O. 14 + 82 p. ill. T Green, Beriah. On uniting in a system of edu- cation, manual with mental labor. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1834. p. 189-206.) C 356 EDUCATION Groppler, Franz, Widerspricht der arbeitsun- terricht dem prinzip der schule und wer soil ihn leiten? Bielefeld, 1889. O. 27 p. (Samml. pa- dagog. vortrage. v. i, pt. ir.) C Gruno'w, C. Kerbschnitt-vorlagen. Leipzig, 1884. F. 4 p. 12 pi. (Vorlagen fUr den hand- fertigkeits-unterricht.) T Ha.m, Charles Henry. Co-education of mind and hand. (/« Teachers College. Educational monographs. 1890. v. 3, no. 4, p. 113-50.) T Manual training in the public schools. (/« U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888, no. 6, p. 19-43.) C T Manual training ; the solution of social and industrial problems. New York, \'i'?ib. D. 17 + [3] + 403 P- ill. pi. C T Mind and hand ; manual training the chief factor in education, being 3d ed. of Manual train- ing, the solution of social and industrial problems. New York [C. 190O]. D. 26 + [2] + 464 p. ill. I por. C Haney, James Parton, M,D. Organization and administration of manual training in a city school system. New York [I90O]. O. 25 p. T Hannak, Emanuel. Training of teachers in Austria. (/« Teachers College. Educational mono- graphs. 1889. V. 2, no. 3, p. 87-112.) T Harden, Henry C. School as it is, and the necessity for manual and industrial training. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1889. p. 83-104.) C Harris, William Torrey. Psychology of manual training ; read before the Department of superin- tendence, Nat. Ed. Assoc. Washington, March 7, 1889. n.p. O. 22 p. CT Two papers on manual training, i, The intellectual value of tool work. 2, The educational value of manual training. Washington, 1 890. O. 14 p. C T Haufe, Ewald. Die erziehung zur arbeitstUck- tigkeit; eine hauptforderung an die moderne schule. Znaitn, 1896. O. C Haycock, George S. Clay-modelling for schools . . . London, 1894. Obi. D, 26 p. pi. T Heaton, William. Manual of cardboard model- ling . . . with a preface by T. G. Rooper. London, 1894. Sq. O. 158 + [I] p. ill. T Hew^itt, William. Graduated course of simple manual training exercises. . . London, 1893. D. 15 + 229 p. ill. pi. T Hinckley, Frederic A. Northampton system of manual training, n. t.-p. Obi. Q. unp. 51 pi. T Woodwork in the common school. Spring- field, Mass. [c. 1895]. O. [3] -+- 126 p. ill. T HoTman, B. B. Sloyd system of wood work- ing, with a . . . description of the Eva Rodhe model series, and sketch of the growth of the man- ual training idea. New York [C. 1892,] D. 242 p. ill. C T Hohn, E. Der handfertigkeits-unterricht und die h5heren schulen. . . Eisenach 1887. O. 25 p. c Holland, Anna M. Clay modelling for schools . . . Boston, 1899. O. 21 p. 18 pi. T Hollis, Ira Nelson. Manual training high school in its relation to preparation for college. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1896. p. 239-50.) C Holme, Charles. Course of instruction in wood- carving according to the Japanese method. Lon- don [I899]. D. 106 p. ill. pi. T Hudson, J. C. Pestalozzi series of educational woodwork. London, 1896. 84 cards, 38 X 27^ cm. 2 tab. T Contents : A. Exercises and models ; 9 cards. B. Models ; 40 cards. C. Alternative models ; 8 cards. D. Examination tests ; 27 cards. Table of exercises and models. B and C accompanied by a text-book entitled Woodwork, by J. C. Hudson assisted by John Cooke, also by a Synopsis of collective lessons. and Cooke, John. Cardboard modelling ... 30 drawings . . . notes on method of teach- ing. . . London, 1896. D. 30 p. 27 cards, 36^ X 26^ cm. I tab. T Hughes, E. P. The SlOjd system. [London-^ 1889. D. 7p. C International woodworker. Chicago, 1899, F. V. 8. C Ireland — Commission on Manual and Practical Instruction in Primary Schools. Report (ist and final). Dublin, 1897-98. F. T Minutes of evidence. Dublin, 1897- 98. F. 4v. T Appendices to the reports. Dublin, 1898, F. 461 p. T Jacobson, Augustus. Manual training schools . . . Toledo, 1885. O. 24 p. T Janke, Otto. Die hygiene der knabenhandar- beit. . . Hamburg, 1893. O. 8 + [i] + 105 p. C Jay, H., and Kidson, E. R. Exercises for technical instruction in wood-working. London, 1891. 3 pts. cards, 22^ X 26^ cm. T Jevrett, Eliot C. Manual training schools rep- resented at the Exposition. {In Paris — Expos. Univ. 1878. U.S. Reports. 1880. v. 2, p. 383- 415.) c Johansson, Alfred. Practical directions for making the high school series of slSjd models . . . translated and adapted for English teachers by M. R. Walker and William Nelson. London, no date. D. 9 +58 p. ill. T For working diagrams of the high school models, see NKI.SON, William, below. JuUy. A. Le9ons techniques k I'atelier sco- laire. . . 3™" ed. Paris, 1894. D. 96 p. ill. T Le travail manuel 4 I'atelier scolaire. . . Paris, 1894. D. 284 p. ill. T and Rocheron, . Le travail manuel i I'ecole primaire. . . S"'^ ed. Paris, 1896. D. 262 p. ill. T MANUAL TRAINING 357 Ealb, Gustav. First lessons in hand and eye training ; or, Manual work for boys and girls . . . translated and adapted for English use by W. G. Field. London [pref. 1893]. D. 143 p. ill. T Kellogg, Amos M. Forty lessons in clay modeling. New York [C. 1894]. D. 52 p. ill. T Eilbon, George B. Knife work in the school- room. Spring field [C. 1890-911. D. 192 p. ill. pi. T Manual training ; elementary woodwork ; series of 16 lessons taught in the senior grammar grade at Springfield, Mass. . . Boston, 1893. O. 3 + 99 p. ill. T liammers, August. Hand-bildung und haus- fleiss. Berlin, 1881. O. 31 p. C Larsson, Gustaf. American sloyd, 1 888-1900 . . . [Boston, 1900.] O. 27 + [I] p. ill. pi, CT Handbook of geometrical wood carving. New York, 1895. D. 33 p. ill. C T " Manu et mente" ; a text book of working drawings of models in Sloyd. . . [Boston^ 1893. Obi. O. unpaged, ill. T Manuet mente ; Sloyd for American schools. n. p. [1895]. O. 17 p. pi. T Sloyd as adapted in Boston ; [with] Dis- tinguishing characteristics of Sloyd : by L. J. Woodward. Bosioii, 1893. O. 18 p. pi. C T Teacher's sloyd manual. Boston, zSgo. O. 43 p. pi. tab. - T Laubier, D., and Bougueret, A. Le travail manuel a I'ecole de la rue Tournefort. Paris, 1886. Obi. Q. 39p. pi. T La^ey, T. Simmonds. Lessons in woodwork drawing ... a handbook for teachers ... in manual instruction. . . London, 1895. Q. 48 4- [i]p. ill. T LeblanCf Rene. L'enseignement manuel dans les ecoles du degre primaire {gar9ons). Paris [I895]. O. 8 + 228 p. ill. (Enseignement professionnel au degre primaire . . . dans les ecoles de gar9ons. V. 2.) T Le Conte, Joseph. Sense-training and hand- training in the public schools. San Francisco, 1888. O. 12 p. ' C Leland, Charles Godfrey. Elementary metal work ; a practical manual for amateurs and for use in schools. London, 1894. Sq. O. 16 + iii p. ill. T Industrial art in schools. Washington, 1882. O. 37 P- {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1882. no. 4.) C T Practical education ; treating of the develop- ment of memory . . . perception and . . . the con- structive faculty. 3d ed, London, 1889, D. 13 + 280 p. C T Wood-carving for beginners, revised by F. H. Ball and G. J. Fowler. Chicago, 1900. Sq. D. 24 p. ill. pi. (Useful arts and handicrafts ; F. D. Todd, ed. no. 3.) T and Lambert, Rev. F. C. Gouge-work and indented wood-work. Chicago, 1900. Sq. D. 24 p. ill. pi. (Same. no. 4,) T Littlewood, Walter and Kate. Cane and rush weaving on sloyd principles. . . London, 1897. Sq. O. 29 p. ill. T Lomb, Henry. Technical, manual training and industrial schools and institutions. . . n. t.-p. O. 8 p. T London — School Board. Report of the special committee on the subjects and modes of instruction in the Board's schools. . . London, 1888. F. 21 + 151 p. T Lord, Emily. Slojd as a means of teaching the essential elements of education. London, 1888. S. 44 p. T Love, Samuel G., and Willard, M. R. Indus- trial education ; a guide to manual training. . . New York, 1889. D. 15 + 306 p. ill. T Lucas, E. A. Elements of woodwork. . . [Anon.] [London-^ n. d. 6 p. 15 cards, 12 X 1 5^ cm. T Lukin, James. Working in sheet metal . . . plain directions to the amateur. . . [Anonj London, n. d. D. 44 p. ill. T Lyonnet, Henri. Notions sur les machines et travail manuel du fer et du bois. /'arzV, 1889. D. [2] + 99 p. ill. T MacAlister, James. Manual training in the public schools of Philadelphia. {In Teachers Col- lege. Educational monographs. 1890. v. 3, no. 2, p. 31-84.) T MacArthur, Arthur. Education in its rela- tion to manual industry. New York, 1884. D. 15 + 393 p. C T Mack, W. S. Hand and eye training in the public schools, n. t.-p. Q. 6 p. T Read before the Illinois State Teachers' Association. Dec. 1885. Magnus, K. H. L. , and Sumpf, K. Der praktische lehrer ; tibungen in der handfertigkeit fur den unterricht in physik, raumlehre, rechnen und zeichnen. Hildesheim, 1886. O. 12 + 151 p. ill. C Magnus, Sir Philip. Education in Bavaria. {In Teachers College. Educational monographs. 1888. v. I, no. 2, p. 25-48.) T Industrial education. London, 1888. D. [5] + 271 p. (Education library.) T - Marenholtz-Bulow, Bertha (von BUlow Wendhausen), freiin von. School work-shop ; translated by S. E. Blow. Syracuse, 1882. S. 27 p. C T Martin, P. Cours de travail manuel . . . Travail du bois — Travail des metaux — Modelage . . . Paris, 1888. D. 211 p. ill. T Cours normal de travail manuel. 3"" ed. . . Paris, 1894. D. 286 + [I] p. ill. T 358 EDUCATION Marvelf Louis H. Manual education in public schools. Boston, 1882. O. 34 p. 4 pl. T Marwedel, Emma, The missing-link ; the continuation of the three-fold development of the child, from the kindergarten to the manual-labor school. [San Francisco, 1889.] O. 40 p. pl. T Massachusetts — General Court. Report of the Commission appointed to investigate the exist- ing systems of manual training and industrial educa- tion. Boston, 1893. O. 14 + 320 p. ill. pl. CT Senate. Report of the commissioners of the State Manual Labor School. ^Boston, 1847.] O. 82 p. map. C Mather, William. Manual training ; a main feature in national education. Manchester (JEng.), 1887. O. 24 p. C Mayo, Rev. Amory Dwight. Industrial educa- tion in the South. Washington, 1888. O. 86 p. ill. pl. {In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1888. no. 5.) C T Meyer, Johannes. Die geschichtliche entvirick- lung des handfertigkeits-unterrichtes ; eine histo- rische studie. . . Berlin,!^'^. O. 113 p. C Mills, L. and V. Bent-iron work, diagrams and notes. London, n. d. 21 cards, 28 X 38 cm. T Mitchell, Charles F. Forty lessons in car- pentry workshop practice ; revised by G. C. Pope. London. 1891. D. 47 p. ill. (Polytechnic ser.) T Murray, W. W. Handbook for teachers ; a course in manual training. . . Rochester [C. 18973. Sq. S. 71 p. ill. T Nelson, William. Woodwork course for boys . . . arranged so as to cover the requirements of the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. London, 1893. Q. unp. ill. T Models with directions. Working diagrams of the high school series of slojd models, intended to accompany Johansson's "Practical directions." London, n. d. 22 cards, 29 X iQi cm. T and Sutcliffe, Albert. Cardboard modelling ... 32 models . . . for . . . standards 3-6 . . . London, n. d. Q. [4] p. 33 pl. T New England Conference of Educational Workers. Conference on manual training . . . held at Boston, April 8-11, 1891 . . . edited by Mrs. I. C. Barrows. Boston, 1891. O. 182 p. pl. CT Report on the preparation of teachers of manual training by the Committee on manual train- ing. Melrose, Mass. [1 899 ?] O. 72 p. i tab. T Ne'w Eng^land Superintendents' Association. Outline course of study in elementary science, man- ual training and language. . . 2d report, 1890. n. t.-p. O. 23 p. C T New Haven (Conn.) — Edtuation, Board of. Manual arts in the public schools of New Haven, Conn. New Haven, 1887. O. 15 p. C New Jersey — Education, Council of . Report of the special committee on manual training . , , 1888-89. iTrenton-i 1888-89. O. C New York (City) — Education, Board of. Man- ual of the course of study in shop-work . , . gram- mar grades. New York, 1897. O. 50 p. ill. T Manual-training course of study and teachers' manual. New York, 1892 [C.'SS]. D. 149 P- ill. T Manual training in the common schools ; report of the committee on course of study and school books. New York, 1887. O. 56 p. C Nymann, Maya, and Rodhe, Eva. " Eva Rodhe model series in woodwork." . . Goteborg, 1893. Sq. F. 6 p. 36 pl. T Title-page and text in English and Swedish. Palmer, Courtlandt. The new education ; manual (industrial) training an indispensable de- partment of it. . . New York, 1885. O. 24 p. C Pabngren, K. E. Ecole pratique de travail pour I'enfance et la jeunesse ; ecole secondaire . . . a Stockholm ; idee, activite de I'ecole et rapport . . . 1881-82. Stockholm, 1882. O. 45 p. I phot. C Mamma, hoad skall Jag gora ? monster f6r handarbeten i hem och skola. Stockholm, 1883. Sq. O. 32 p. 24 pl. T Praktiska arbetsskolan for barn och ung- dom ; (hogre laroverk for flickor och gossar). . . Stockholm, r886. D. 40 p. i ill. C Sur I'importance du travail manuel dans 1 'ed- ucation ; conference donnee le 11 fevrier 1880, dans le grand hemicycle de I'Academie royale des sciences de SuMe. Stockholm, 1882. O. 28 p. C P^roli, Eugenio. La scuola popolare e il lavoro manuale educativo in alcuni stati d' Europa ; Sve- zia, Finlandia, Danimarca, Svizzera, Sassonia. Milano, 1888. O. 219 p. pl. C Pastorello, Antonio. II lavoro manuale edu- cativo nella scuola primaria ; guida didattica per i maestri elementari ed alunni delle scuole normali . . . Rovigo, 1888. D. 128 p. ill. pl. tab. C Pearce, Dora. Clay modelling for little ones . . . 3d ed. . . London [1894]. S. 29 p. ill. pl. T Pearson, J. Charles. Manual instruction ; woodwork for standards 5, 6 and 7. London [pref. 1896]. Sq. F. 15 p. pl. T Pennsylvania — Legislature. Report of the commission on industrial education . . . [1889]. Harrisburg, 1891. O. 592 p. ill. pl. T Public Instruction, Dept. of. Report on woodwork in grammar schools by Edward Brooks. Philadelphia, 1893. O. r8 p. 7 pl. C Plumb, Ralph. Address ... in the Illinois legislature on manual training. «. /., 1893. O. 12 p. T MANUAL TRAINING 359 Ricks, George. London, 1889. O. Poulot, Denis. Methode d'enseignement ma- nuel ; pour former un apprenti mecanicien. Paris, 1889. F». 424 p. ill. pi. T Reynolds, J. H. Place of manual training in education. Manchester [Eng.-[, i%?>(). O. 8 p. C Richards, Charles R., and O'Neil, H. P. Manual training in the public schools. (In Teach- ers College. Educational monographs. 1890. v. I, no. I, p. 1-29.) T Hand-and-eye training. . . 2 V. ill. pi. in colors. T Ritningar a modeller fran Naas slojdlarare seminarium. Goteborg, 1898. unpaged. 30 pi. 31 X 47 cm. T Robbins, George. Ethical value of manual training, n. t.-p. O. p. 68-78. T Rudin, S. Handfertigkeits-unterricht ; bericht uber eine studienreise. Basel, 1886. O. 41 p. C Rudin-Schmeid, S. Bericht Uber die bestre- bungen fiir handfertigkeits-unterricht erstattet den freunden der handarbeitsschule f ilr knaben in Basel. Basel, 1883. D. 36 p. C Runkle, John Daniel. Manual element in education. Boston, 1882. O. 72 p. ill. T The manual element in education. {In Mass. — Ed., Board of. Annual report. 1882. v. 45, p. 131-200. ill. C St. John, George. Manual instruction ; wood- work. . . London [iSgi]; D. 82 p. ill. T and Turrell, W. M. County council course of manual instruction (woodwork) ; ist and 2d ser. London [1894]. Sq. F. 2 pts. pi. T Salicis, Gustave Adolphe. Enseignement du travail manuel. Paris, 1889. O. 74 -h [i] p. C [Same.] {In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. Expos. Univ. de 1889. v. 4, p. 379-455.) C Instruction pour I'enseignement manuel dans les ecoles primaires acceptee par le Conseil general de la Ligue ... 3 juin 1885. [Anon.] Paris, 1885. D. 32 p. C Manual training in France. {In Teachers College. Educational monographs. 1890. v. 3, no. 3, p. 85-101.) T Rapport sur une mission relative h. I'en- seignement du travail manuel dans divers pays etrangers. {In Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. 1884-89. no. 14. p. 1-55.) C T Salomon, Otto. Handfertigkeitsschule und volksschule ; bericht uber die theorie und praxis des arbeitsunterrichts in Schweden . . . Ubersetzt von W. Gartig. . . Leipzig, 1883. O. 7 -H 86 P- C Manual training ; an address to the National union of teachers, Apr. 8, 1890. . . London, 1890. D. 16 p. C d. Der slojd im dienste der schule. O. 19 p. Berlin, n. C Slojd in the service of the school. {In Teachers College. Educational monc^aphs. 1888. V. I, no. 6, p. 177-205.) T Theory of educational sloyd . . . revised and edited for English and American students . . . with ... a biography of Salomon. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1892. D. 12 4- 150 p. por. pi. T Nordendahl, C. , and Johansson, Alfred. Handbok i pedagogisk snickerislojd. . . Stockholm [189O]. D. 8 + [215] p. ill. pl. T Teachers' hand-book of slOjd as practised and taught at Naas . . . translated and adapted for English teachers by M. R. Walker and William Nelson. Boston, 1891. D. 9 + 213 p. ill. T SchenckendorflP, Emil von. Uber die ziele des deutschen vereins fiir knaben-handarbeit. {In Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1892. v. 4, pt. 11, p I-I5-) C Scherer, H. Der handfertigkeitsunterricht in der volksschule. Bielefeld, 1890. O. 13 p. (Same. v. 3, pt. 9.) C Der handfertigkeitsunterricht in der volks- und fortbildungsschule. Gotha, 1893. O. 22 p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1894. v. 6.) C [Same.] {In Neue bahnen. 1893. v. 4, p. 385-96 and 433-40.) T Schmitt, Eduard. La pedagogie du travail manuel ; choix d'une methode . . . I'enseignement manuel i I'etranger. Paris [I888]. D. 160 p. ill. pl. C T Schw^ab, Erasmus. Die arbeitschule als organi- schen bestandteil der volksschule ; ein beitrag zur losung der aufgabe unserer volkserziehung. fVien, 1873. O. 46 + [I] p. C Sch\7artz, Everett. Sloyd ; or. Educational manual training. Boston [C. 1893]. Sq. D. 275 p. ill. C T Seidel, Robert. Der arbeits-unterricht ; eine padagogische und soziale notwendigkeit, zugleich eine kritik der gegen ihn erhobenen einwande. Tii- bingen, 1885. O. 8 + 120 p. C Industrial education . . . translated by M. K. Smith. Boston, 1887. D. 10 + 160 p. C T Shinier, Edgar Dubs. Possibilities and the limitations of manual training in the public schools of New York city. New York, 1889. O. 14 p. C Shuttlev70rth, Sir James Phillips. Four peri- ods of public education as reviewed in 1832, 1839, 1846, 1862. London, 1862. O. 9 + 644 p. T Sickels, Ivin. Exercises in wood-working, with a short treatise on wood. . . New York, 1890. O. 158 p. ill. T Silow^, Carl, and Salomon, Otto. Kropps-stall- ningar vid Svensk pedagogisk snickerisl6jd. Stock- holm, n. d. D. and Sq. F'. 2 v. pl. T Sinunonds, Thomas C. Woodwork, carpentry and joinery, an elementary course of manual in- struction. London [1892]. D. b + ^o p. ill. T 36o EDUCATION Slater, J. W. Clay modelling for the stand- ards. . . London, 1895. Sq. O. 3 + 62 p. ill. T Slojrd bulletin. Boston, iS O. no. I. C Slojdundervisningsblad, 1885-189 2. Naas, 1885-92. Q. v. 1-7. ill. T Sluys, Alexis. L'enseignement des travaux manuels dans les ecoles primaires de gar9ons. Fifr- »iVrj, 1885. D. 112 + I p. (Bibliotheque Gilon.) T Manual training in elementary schools for boys. (/« Teachers College. Educational mono- graphs. 1889. V. 2, nos. 1-2, p. 1-86.) T Posada, Adolfo. A. Sluys y la Escuela mo- delo de Bruselas. {In his Ideas pedagogicas. 1892. p. 170-217.) C Smith, Lucien H. New education ; a lecture delivered before the People's Ethical Society of Rochester. . . Rochester [1893]. O. 24 + [i] p. T Soci^t^ des Ecoles enfantines. Association pour I'etude et la propagation des meilleures methodes d'enseignement . . . catalogue de materiel. Paris, 1884. O. 23 p. ill. T Society for Promoting Manual Labor in Lit- erary Institutions, ist annual report ; including the report of their agent Theodore I). Weld. New York, 1833. O. 120 p. C Speirs, Frederic W. The James Forten School ; an experiment in social regeneration through elementary manual training. . . [Phila- delphia, 1901.] 19 p. C Steams, Martha Watrous. School without books ; or, Educational handiwork. . . Battle Creek, 1897. Sq. O. 94 p. ill. pi. T 21 diagrams, 39 X T 49 cm. Pattern drawings. Battle Creek [1897]. Stetson, George R. Literacy and crime in Massachusetts, and the necessity for moral and in- dustrial training in the public schools. Boston, 1886. O. 31 p. T Strewe, Ad. Welche stellung nehmen wir gegeniiber der einfUgung des handfertigkeitsunter- richts fUr knaben sowie des haushaltungsunterrichts fUr madchen in der lehrplan der volksschule ein? 32 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1898. v. 11, pt. 8.) C Sturm, Paul. Art of modelling in clay. . . London, 1894. D. 39 p. ill. T Sutcliffe, John D. Hand-craft. . . a text- book embodying a system of pure mechanical art . . . being an English exposition of Slojd as culti- vated in Sweden . . . with an introduction by T. C. Horsfall. London, 1890. Sq. O. 79 p. pi. C T Tadd, J. Liberty. New methods in education ; art, real manual training, nature study. . . New York, 1899. Q. 24 + 432 p. ill. T Talbot, Henry. Manual training, art and the negro, an experiment. [Montgomery-)^ 1894. D. 34 P- ill- T Tarbuck, Miss, and Major, H. Newmann's sand-modelling for . . . infant and upper schools . . . London, 1899. Sq. Q. 3 + 135 p. pi. maps. T Thompson, Charles Oliver. Handicraft in school ; an address delivered before the Mass. State Teachers' Assoc, at Boston, December 29, 1879. Boston, 1880. O. 16 p. C Manual training in the public schools, an address. «. /.,i88-? O. 16 p. C Thompson, Langdon S. Educational and in- dustrial system of drawing ; manual training. Bos- ton [C. 1888]. O. no. 1-2 ill. T Thornton, J. S. Manual training in Germany. London, 1891. S. 8 p. T Trainor, Richard. Educational woodwork. 1st series. London, n. d. 30 cards. 18 X 14^^ cm. T Unvirin, Mary Louisa Hermione. Manual of clay-modelling. . . London, 1895. D. 12 + 88 p. 66 ill. T Univin, William Cawthome. Exercises in wood- working for handicraft classes in elementary and technical schools. London, 1887. F. 8 p. 28 pi. T Upham, Arthur A. Fifty lessons in wood- working. New York, 1892. S. 99 p. ill. C T Van Siveevelt, Charles. Le travail du bois h. I'Ecole normale et h. I'Ecole primaire ; traite pra- tique. . . Saint-GilleS'Bruxelles , 1889. D. 143 p. ill. C Villari, Pasquale. II lavoro manuale nelle scuole elementari. n. p. [1888.] O. 53 p. 2 pi. C Von Taube, G. The fitting school ; or, Edu- cational methods followed in the Gramercy Park schools. New York, 1886. O. 86 p. T Walker, Francis Amasa. Relation of manual training to certain mental defects. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1895. p. 23-32.) C Walker, Louisa. Varied occupations in string work. . . London, 1896. D. 14 + 254 p. ill. T Varied occupations in weaving London, 1895. D. 18 -I- 224 p. T Ward, Lester Frank. What shall the public schools teach ? [New York, \Z'iti.-) O. p. 574- 83. C Weckerle, F. Der handarbeitsunterricht flir knaben ; gegenwartiger stand dieses unterrichts- zweiges in der Schweis. [In Recueil de monogr. pedagog. 1896. p. 366-88. 2 tab.) C What manual training is and how it may be best conducted. Boston [i^'i,'^!-) O. v. p. C Wheeler, Charles Gardner. Woodworking for beginners ; a manual for amateurs. . . New York, 1900. D. 9 + 551 p. ill. T Whitaker, Channing, ed. Woodworking tools ; how to use them ; a manual. Boston, 1887. D. 9-1- lor p. ill. (Industrial school assoc.) T COMMERCIAL 361 Wiessner, Eduard. Geschichte des handfertig- keitsunterrichts fiir knaben. (/« Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deutschen volksschulun- terrichts. i888-gi. v. 4, p. 257-344.) CT Wilson, "W. H., and Nelson, William. Clay modelling . . . for standards i, 2 and 3. . . 2d ed. London [I895]. Obi. D. 11 p. 30 pi. T Wood, George. Manual instruction in wood- work ; a practical handbook for teachers. . . Leeds, 1892. Sq. Q. 10 + 104 p. 19 pi. T Woodward, Calvin Milton. Best organization for a manual training school in an urban com- munity. {/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1891. p. 182-97.) C [Same.] n.p. D. 19 p. T Educational value of manual training. . . Boston, 1890. D. 95 p. T Intellectual value of manual training. New York, 1889. O. 19 p. ill. C Manual education a feature in public educa- tion ; a paper read before the Nat. Teachers' Assoc, Saratoga, July 13, 1882. Boston, 1883. O. p. 49-66. C T [Same.] (/« Clark, J. S. Industrial edu- cation. 1883. p. 49-66.) C T . . . Manual training a valuable feature in general education ; read . . . December nth, 1885. Philadelphia, 1885. O. 26 p. C Manual training in education. New York, 1890. D. 8 + 310 p. ill. (Contemporary sci- ence ser. H. Ellis, ed.) , C T Manual training ; relation of manual train- ing to body and mind. {In U. S. — Ed,, Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. gi-102.) C T Manual training school ... its aims, methods, and results. . . Boston, 1887. O. 6 -t- 366 p. ill. T Manual training schools. {In London — Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 52-68.) C Rise and progress of manual training. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report of the commissioner. 1893-94. v. I, p. 877-949. ill.) C T ■ Young, Charles S. Manual training for the standards . . . exercises adapted to the govern- ment requirements in manual training for standard 5 (first year's course). Supplementary ed. Leeds. n. d. Obi. Q. 32 p. ill. T Chicago (111.) Manual Training School. Annual catalogue 1888-95. C/4«Va^<7, 1889-95. O. ill. V. 6-12. C Afterwards Chicago University — Chicago Manual Training School. [Catalogue.] 1 898-1900. Chi- cago, 1899-1900. Sq. O. C Illustrations of drawings and shopwork. Chicago, 1899. 16 p. pi. C Denver (Col.) — Manual Training High School. Courses of study, requirements for admis- sion, general and special information. [Denver-^ 1896. O. 30 p. ill. pi. C Hartford Public High School — Manual Training Department. Circular of information. Hartford, 1899. O. 21 p. ill. pi. C Miller Manual Labor School of Albemarle '(Va.). [Announcement.] June, 1888. Crozet, Va. [I888]. O. 39 p. pi. ill. C Twenty-fifth clause of Samuel Miller's will and the laws establishing the , . . school, n. p. O. 8 p. pi. C The Miller Manual Labor School of Albe- marle. June, 1892, Crozet, 1892. O. 99 p. pi, C Philadelphia — Northeast Manual Training School. Catalogue, 1894-95, 1899-1900. [Phila- delphia, 1894-99.] O. ill. pi. T St. Louis Manual Training School. Catalogue . . . 1898-99. [Si. Louis, 1898.] D. pi. C Toledo Manual Training School. [An- nouncement. 1884.] O. 28 p. T Annual report. 1-2, for 1885, i886. To- ledo, 1885-87. O. T 31. COMMERCIAL Belsium — IntMeur etde V Instruction publique. Minister e de /'. Cours de sciences commerciales dans les Aj;henees royaux et dans les Ecoles moy- ennes de I'Etat k section commerciale. Bruxelles, 1900. D. 18 p. C — ;— Section commerciale et industrielle des humanites modernes dans les Athenees royaux. Bruxelles, 1900. D. 69 p. C Birmingham (Eng.) — Chamber of Commerce. Commercial education in Birmingham ; report of the Education committee [Sept. 6, 1899.] F. 28 P- C Blackie, Rev. Walter Graham. Commercial education ; an address delivered ... to the mem- bers of the Glasgow local association of the Educa- tional Institute of Scotland, on Saturday, 17th Mar. 1888. Glasgow, 1888. O. 52 p. C Coutant, E. C. Annales des concours d'ad- mission aux ecoles superieures de commerce. Annee 1899. Paris [1899]. O. 78 p. C Cromveell, William Caryl. Banker's duty as educator. Indianapolis, 1899, O. 14 p. C Dill, James B. The " college man and the cor- porate proposition " ; abstract from the address at Williamstown, Mass., under the auspices of Wil- liams College, June 8, 1900. n.p. [C.1900.] O. 20 p. C Educational use of the typewriter, n. t.-p. O. II p. C 362 EDUCATION Fleming, Rufus. Commercial education in Scotland, 1900. (/« U. S. — Consular reports, v. 65, p. 85-91-) C France — Commerce, de V Industrie et des Colo- nies, Minist^re du. Programme des conditions d'obtention des bourses commerciales de sejour a I'etranger. Paris, 1895. D. 22 p. C Organisation des ecoles pratiques de commerce et d'industrie ; programme des examens du certficat d' aptitude au professorat industriel et du . . . professorat commercial. Paris [ 18923. D. 40 p. C Marine, Ministhre de la. Programme des conditions d' admission aux ecoles d'hydrographie et des examens pour I'obtention du diplome d'eleve de la marine marchande. . . Paris, n. d. D. 65 p. C Haskins, Charles Waldo. The place of the science of accounts in collegiate commercial educa- tion. (In Am. Economic Assoc. Publ. 1901. ser. 3, V. 2, no. i, p. 168-89.) C Herrick, Cheesman A. Commercial education. (/« Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1899. v. 5, sup.) C T James, Edmund Janes. Commercial education. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 1900, V. 2, p. 653-703.) C T Education of business men. . . New York, 1891. O. 39 p. (Am. Bankers' Assoc. Educa- tion of business men, no. i.) C T Education of business men in Europe. . . New York, 1893. O. 21 + 232 p. ill. (Same. Education of business men, no. 4.) C T Plea for the establishment of commercial high schools. . . New York, 1893. O. 17 p. (Same. Education of business men, no. 3.) C T Philadelphia's need of a Commercial high school. . . [Philadelphia^ 1894. O. 24 p. (Ed. Club of Phila.) C Relation of the college and university to higher education. (/« Am. Economic Assoc. Publ. 1901. ser. 3, v. 2, no. i, p. 144-65.) C Johnson, John Butler. Higher industrial and commercial education as an essential condition of our future material prosperity ; an address delivered August iS, 1898. «. /. O. 36 p. C Jourdan, Ed., and Dumont, G. Les Ecoles de commerce en Allemagne et en France. Paris, 1899. Nar. O. 40 p. C New C School money. MacMullen, John. York, 1889. S. 19 p. Packard, Silas Sadler. Theory and practice in teaching accounts ; read before the Western Pen- men's Assoc. . . December 27, 1895. n. t.-p. D. 22 p. C Philadelphia Museums — Commercial Mu- seum. [Circular of information.] ^Philadelphia, 1897 ?] O. 22 p. C Pollard, Arthur Tempest. Commercial educa- tion. (/« Thirteen essays on education. 1891. p. 117-30.) T Ri, Giuseppe dal. Notizie intorno all' industria ed al commercio del principato di Trento dal sacro concilio (1545). . . Trento, 1888. O. 36 p. C Russell, George Robert. The merchant, an oration before the Rhode Island Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society . . . September 4, 1849. Boston, 1849. Nar. O. 60 p. C Sadler, Michael Ernst. Higher commercial education at Antwerp, Leipzig, Paris and Havre. (In Eng. — Ed. Dept. Special reports on educat. subjects. 1898. V. 3, p. 554-626.) C T Sujets de concours [1881-190O] pour I'admission aux ecoles superieures de commerce . . . et pour I'obtention des bourses commerciales de sejour i I'etranger. Paris [I901 ?] O. 458 p. C Watt, W. E. Typewriter in school, n. t.-p. O. 24 p. ill. C Wolfrum, Karl. Die offentliche Handelslehr- anstalt zu Leipzig in den jahren 1831-1881 ; zur jubelfeier am 23 Januar 1881. Leipzig [I88I]. O. 112 p. pi. C Ecole coloniale (^ Paris). Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris [I901]. D. 14 p. C Ecole conunerciale. Programmes de 1 en- seignement. Paris, 1899. Nar. D. 59 p. C Programme des conditions d'admission, et plan d'etudes. Paris, 1899. Nar. D. 23 p. C Ecole d'Apprentis M^caniciens pour la Marine (au Havre). R^glement et programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, n. d. S. 15 p. C Ecole de Notariat (de Nantes). Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, n. d. S. 7 p. C Ecole de Notariat (de Paris). Programme des conditions d'admission et de I'enseignement. Paris, n. d. S. 13 p. C Ecole des hautes Etudes conuuerciales. Programme des conditions d'admission aux cours normaux et i I'ecole preparatoire. Paris, 1901. Nar. D. 36 + [3] p. C Programmes ofEciels des cours. Paris, 1899. Nar. D. 39 p. C Reglements. . . Paris, 1900. Nar. D, 44 p. C Section normale. Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, 1900. O. 11 p. C Ecole libre d'Hydrographie (de Dieppe). Programme des conditions d'admission et de I'en- seignement. . . Paris, n. d. D. 12 + [3] p. C Ecole libre d'Hydrographie (de Fecamp). Programme des conditions d'admission et de I'en- seignement. . . Paris, n. d. D. 20 p. C Ecole pratique de Commerce. Programme general des etudes et renseignements generaux. Paris, n. d. D. 146 p. ill. C Programme special des cours de pre'paration aux carri^res financiires. . . Paris, n. d. D. 37 p. ill. C AGRICULTURE 363 £!coIe pratique de Commerce et d'ln- dustrie de jeunes Filles (du Havre). Pro- grammes des conditions d'admission [aux] sections normales. Paris, 1900. O. ir p. C Ecole sup4rieure de Commerce (de Bor- deaux). Programme de I'enseignement. . . Paris, 1900. D. 43 p. C Programme des conditions d'admission. . . Paris, igoo. Nar. D. 34 p. C Ecole sup^rieiire de Commerce (de Dijon). Programme des conditions d'admission. . . Paris, 1900. S. 24 p. "■ C Ecole sup^rieure de Commerce (du Havre). Programme des conditions d'admission . . . Paris, n. d. D. 23 p. C Programmes detailles des cours normaux . . . /'ar»>, 1899. S. 35 p. C Ecole sup^rieure de Commerce (de Lille). Programme des conditions d'admission . . . et au cours preparatoire. . . Paris, 1900. S. 34 + [I] p. C Ecole sup^rieure de Commerce (de Lyon). Programme des conditions d'admission . . . et au cours preparatoire. . . Paris, 1901. Nar. D. 30 H- [I] p. _ C Programmes de I'enseignement normal. . . Paris, 1894. D. 47 p. C Ecole sup^rieure de Commerce (de Mar- seille). Programme de I'enseignement ; section co- loniale. Paris, 1900. D. 11 p. C Programme de I'enseignement ; section de la marine marchande. . . Paris, 1899. D. 50 P- . ^ Programme de I'enseignement ; section du commerce. . . Paris, 1896. D. 39 p. C Programme des conditions d'admission et du reglement interieur. . . Commerce ; section de la marine ; section coloniale. Paris, 1900. D. 36 p. ^ C Ecole sup^rieure de Commerce (de Mont- pellier). Programmes officiels des cours. . . Paris [I899]. Nar. S. 48 p. C R^glements interieurs. Paris \\%<^%'^. Nar. D. 21 p. C Ecole sup^rieure de Commerce (de Nancy). Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, 1901. D. 34 -t- [i] p. C Ecole sup^rieure de Commerce (de Nantes). Programme des conditions d'admission . . . Paris, 1900. Nar. D. 24 p. C Programmes officiels des couts. 1900. 52 p. Paris, C Ecole sup^rieure de Commerce (de Paris). Programme des conditions d'admission, . . Paris, 1901. Nar. D. 51 p. C Programmes officiels et detailles des cours ; renseignements generaux et reglement interieur. . . Paris, 1899. Nar. D. 92 p. C Renseignements generaux et reglement inte- rieur. . . Paris, 1898. Nar. D. 24 p. C Ecole sup^rieure de Commerce (de Rouen). Programme des conditions d'admission ; cours normaux ; cours preparatoire ; cours de re- vision. Paris, 1900. S. 35 p. C Programmes officiels des cours. . . Paris, 1899. Nar. D. 54 + [i] p. C Reglements. . . Paris, 1898. S. 35 p. C Folsom's Business College. Catalogue, 1874-75. Albany, 1874. O- iH- C Institut commercial de Paris. Ecole su- perieure de commerce . . . Ecole preparatoire au commerce d'exportation. . . Programme des condi- tions d'admission. Paris, igoi. D. 36 p. C Ecole superieure de commerce. . . Ecole preparatoire du commerce d'exportation. . . Pro- grammes officiels des cours ; renseignements gene- raux sur les conditions d'admission. Paris, 1901. D. 92 + [I] p. C liOndon (Eng.) — Merchant Taylors' School. Librorum impressorum qui in Bibliotheca Scholae Mercatorum Scissorum adservantur catalogus. Londini, 1826. O. 42 p. C Ncwr Haven — Collegiate and Commercial Insti- tute. Catalogue of officers and students. 1863-64, 1866. New Haven, 1863-66. O. C Packard's Business College, Graduating exercises, held at Carnegie music hall . . . May 2ist, 1895. . . New York, 1895. O. 32 p. por. C Pierce College of Business and Short- hand. Annual graduating exercises, 1 89 1. Phila- delphia, 1891. D. C A representative American business school for both sexes. 1 899-1 900. Philadelphia, 1899- 1900. Sq. D. ill. C Pratt Institute — Hejffley School of Commerce. Announcement. 1895-96. Brooklyn [I895]. O. 12 p. C 32. AGRICULTURE Maiden, J. H. A bibliography of Australian economic botany — Part, i, Sydney, 1892. O. [7] -h 61 p. C Agricultural and mechanical colleges ; for- estry education. . . Washington, 1896. O. (/« U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Rept. of com. of ed. 1893-94. p. 789-818.) CT Agricultural College of Pennsylvania. Catalogue, 1859-63, 1865-66, 1871-75, 1878-79, 1892-93. Philadelphia, 1859-92. O. pi. C From 1859 to 1862 known as the Farmers High School of Pennsylvania. In 1873 the name was again changed to Pennsylvania State College. For later catalogues see p. 78. Trustees — The Agricultural College of Penn- sylvania ; . . . Catalogue for 1862, as also, a succinct 364 EDUCATION history of agricultural education in Europe and America. . . Rise and progress of the College . . . &c. Philadelphia, 1862. O. 76 p. C Alabama Polytechnic Institute : State Agricultural and Mechanical College (Auburn). Catalogue. 1896-97. Montgomery, 1897. O. pi. C American Forestry Association. Proceedings at the annual meetings, 1885, 1891-97. Washing- ton, 1886-97. O. C American quarterly journal of agriculture and science, 1845, 1846-48. Albany, 1845-48. O. ill. por. map. v. i, 3, 4'-^, 5, 6 '-2, 71-2. 4 s- C Ed. by E. Emmons and A. J. Prime. From v. 5 title is Am. journal of agriculture and science. Anders, James M., M.D. Sanitary influences of forest growth ; read at a meeting of the [Phil. Soc. Sci.] Assoc, Jan. 29th, 1885. Philadelphia, 1885. O. 15 p. C Argentine Republic — Agricultura, Minis- terio de. Anales, 1899. Buenos Aires, 1899. Q. 2. serie, V. I. C Boletin, 1899. Buenos Aires, 1899. Q. no. 1-2. C Baumstark, Eduard. Uber staats- und land- wirthschaftliche academien und deren verbindung mit universitaten. . . Greifswald, 1839. O. 4 + 128 p. C Belsium — Intirieur et de V Instruction publique, Minisiere de V . Notice sur le^cours d'agronomie dans les Athenees royaux et les Ecoles moyennes de I'Etat pour gargons, 1881-1900. Bruxelles, 1900. D. 45 p. C Brereton, Robert Maitland. Propositions for educating and providing for the younger members of the English upper classes ; in California or in any of the English colonies. [London-^ 1876. O. 37 P- C British Columbia — Agriculture, Dept. of. Report, 1895-96. Victoria, 1897, Q. v. 5. C Dairymen's Association. Report, 1896-97. Victoria, 1897. Q. v. i. C Bro'wn, John Croumbie. Introduction to the study of modem forest economy. Edinburgh, 1884. D. 12 + 228 p. C School of forest engineers in Spain, indica- tive of a type for a British National School of For- estry. Edinburgh, 1886. D. 12 + 232 p. C Schools of forestry in Germany, with ad- denda relative to a desiderated British National School of Forestry. . . Edinburgh, 1887. D. 7 + 232 + [54] p. I tab. C Treatises on matters pertaining to modern forest science and modern forest economy. . . [Haddington, 1887.] D. 26 p. C Bruncken, Ernest. North American forests and forestry ; their relations to the national life of the American people. New York, 1900. O. 6 + 265 p. C T Buckham, Matthew Henry. What kind of an education shall we give to those of our children who are going to be farmers ? n. t.-p. O. 13 p. C Clemson Agricultural and Mechanical College of South Carolina. [Catalogue.] 1896. Clemson College [I896]. O. pi. C Cobbett, William. The woodlands ; or, A treatise on . . . the planting . . . cultivating . . . pruning . . . and . . . cutting down of forest trees and underwoods. . . London, i%2^. O. Un- paged, ill. C Connecticut Agricultural College (Mans- field). Annual report of the trustees . . . 1898- 1900; [and] Catalogue . . . 1899-1901. . . Hart- ford, 1900-1. O. C Convention of Agricultural Chemists. Pro- ceedings, 1881. New York, 1881. O. v. 3. C Cornell University — Agriculture, College of. Teacher's leaflets on nature-study. [Ithaca, 1898.] O. no. i-ii. C Dabney, Charles Williams. Agricultural edu- cation. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 1900. V. 2, p. 593-651.) C T Dakota Agricultural College (Brookings). Catalogue of the officers and students, for 1885. [Brookings, 1885.] O. pi. C Druce, Samuel Benjamin Large. Education of boys intended to be farmers. {In London Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 508- 21.) C Du Breuil, Alphonse. Cours elementaire the- orique et pratique d'arboriculture. . . 2"*^ ed. . . Paris, 1850. D. v. i. ill. pi. tab. C Ecole coloniale d' Agriculture (de Tunis). Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, n. d. D. 27 p. C Ecole nationale d' Agriculture (de Gri- gnon). Enseignement et programme des cours. Paris, 1900. D. 81 + [i] p. C Bcole nationale d'Horticulture (de Ver- sailles). Programme des conditions d'admission. Paris, n. d. D. 16 p. C Bgleston, Nathaniel Hillyer. Hand-book of tree-planting. . . New York, 1884. D. 126 p. i tab. ' C Fernow, Bemhard Eduard. Forestry for far- mers. {In U. S. — Agric, Dept. of. Yearbook. 1894. p. 461-500.) C T Relation of forests to farms. {In same. 1895. p. 333-40.) CT Florida Agricultural College (Lake City). Catalogue. 1886-87, 1 895-1900. yacksonville, 1887-1900. O. por. pi. C France — Agriculture, Ministkre de P. Pro- gramme des conditions d'admission dans les ecoles nationales d'agriculture. Paris, 1896. D. 20 p. C Instruction publique et des Beaux-arts, Min- istlredeV. L' enseignement de I'agriculture. Paris, 1887. O. 2 + [I] + 131 p. (Musee pedagog. Mem. et doc. scol. no. 34.) C T Fries, Wilhelm. Die vorbildung der lehrer flir das lehramt. MUnchen, 1895. Q. 8 + 206 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre fQr hbhere schulen. v. 2, pt. i.) C AGRICULTURE 365 Georgia — Agriculture^ Dept. of. Annual re- port, 1876, 1878. Atlanta, 1877-79. O. v. 3, 5. C Gohren, Karl Theodor von. Landwirthschaft- liche lehre und forschung. . . Wien, 1874. O- 51 p. (/« Vienna — Welt-ausstellung. 1873. Offic. ausstellungs-bericht. 1873-77. v. 8, group 26, sec. 4). C Great Britain — Agriculture, Board of. Re- port on the distribution of grants for agricultural education in Great Britain . . . 1895-96. London, 1896. O. pi. C Technical Education, Royal Commission on. Report on agricultural education in North Ger- many, France, Denmark, Belgium, Holland and the United Kingdom, by H. M. Jenkins. London, 1884. F. 442 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1884. V. 30.) C Report on agricultural education in North Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, Hol- land and the United Kingdom. London, 1884. V. 2, pt. I. (/« same. 1884. v. 31.) C Haddock, Rev. Charles Brickett. Address . . . before the Connecticut River Valley Agric. Soc. at their annual fair, at Hanover, N. H. September 27th, 1849. Hanover, 1850. O. 13 p. C Halliday, Samuel Dumont. History of the Agricultural College land grant of July 2, 1862 . . . with a statement of the condition of the fund derived therefrom as it now exists in each state in the union. Ithaca, 1890. Q. 20 + 106 -H [2] p. C Horticultural School for Women. First annual report, for seven months ending Jan. 9, 1871. Boston, 1871. O. C Hough, Franklin Benjamin. Elements of for- estry . . . particularly adapted to the wants and conditions of the United States. Cincinnati, 1882. O. 9 4- 381 p. ill. C Future policy of forest management in the United States. {In Br. Assoc, for the Advance, of Sci. Canadian economics. 1885. p. 131-37.) C Planting trees in school grounds. [ Wash- ington.^ O. 8 p. (U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Misc. publ. 1885. no. 27.) C T Illinois — Agriculture, State Board of. Statis- tical report, May-Dec, 1899. Springfield, 1899. O. no. 184-187. C Industrialist. Manhattan, Kan., 1898-99. O. ill. pi. por. tab. v. "iOr-lS- C Institut nationale agronomique. Pro- gramme des conditions d'admission k I'lnstitut national agronomique, a I'Ecole forestiere et 4 1'Ecole des Haras. Paris [I90O]. D. 32 + [i] p. C Iowa State Agricultural College. An- nual report of the secretary, 1864. Des Moines, 1864. O. v. 5. C loTva State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. Catalog, 1899-1900. Ames, 1900. D. C An illustrated compendium. [The year 1900.] Ames \icf)Oy Q. 64 p. ill. C James, Charles C. Practical agriculture. American ed. edited by John Craig. New York, 1899. D. 6 -H [I] -f- 203 p. ill. pi. C Jenkins, Howard Malcolm. School-farms and farm-schools. {In London — Internat. Health Ex- hib. 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 498-508.) C Kansas State Agricultural College. Catalogue. 1895-96, 1897-1900. Manhattan, 1896- 1900. O. pi. C Fairchild, George T. Populism in a state educational institution, the Kansas State Agricultu- ral College. {In Am. jo. of sociology. 1897, v. 3. p. 392-404.) C T Walters, John Daniel. Columbian his- tory of the Kansas State Agrictiltural College located at Manhattan, Kansas. Topeka, 1893. O. 76 p. ill. por. pi. C Kansas State Horticultural Society. Annual report on forestry for 1886. Topeka, 1887. O. no. 7. C Kansas University — Experimental Station. . . . Report of director, 1895. Lawrence, 1896. O. C Kulisz, Pantaleon Alexandrow. Zeit- und streit- fragen aus dem gebiete des landwirthschaftlichen unterrichts in Osterreich. Leipzig, 1884. O. [4] + 104 p. C McClellan, Rev. John Brown. On the higher teaching of agriculture. In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 14, p. 428- 46.) C Maine State College — Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Annual report, 1888-90. {In Maine — Agric, Board of. Annual report, 1888. v. 32.) C Maryland — Agricultural Chemist. Report, 1852, 1854, 1858, i860. Annapolis, 1852-60. O. ill. C Massachusetts Agricultural College. Annual report, [1863-64] 1866-1900. Boston [i864]-i90i. O. pi. nos. 1-2, 4-38. C General catalogue . Amherst, 1886-97. O. pi. 1862-86, 1862-97. C Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst. [Amherst, 1897.] O. 48 p. pi. C Massachusetts — General Court — House. Re- port of commissioners concerning an agricultural school, January, 1851. ^Boston, 1851.] Nar. O. 105 p. (House, no. 13.) C Michigan — Dairy and Food Commissioner. Annual report, 1893-94. Lansing, 1894. O. v. 1-2. C Michigan — Dairymen's Association. Report, 1892-95, 1899-1900. Lansing, 1893-1900. O. V. 8-10, 15-16. C 366 EDUCATION Michigan Sta 2 V. in I. C Braasch, , Dr. Uber die religios-sittliche bildung der deutschen jugend durch nationalen bil- dungsstoff. {In Neue bahhen. 1899. v. 10, p. 677-87 and 729-45-) T Brand, Rev. James. Place and importance of the Christian academy. {In Christian academy. 1891. p. 1-6.) C Bro\7n, Marianna Catherine. Sunday-school movements in America. New York, 1901. D. 269 p. C Bibliography, p. 246-57. Doctor's dissertation at Columbia University. Brunner, Johann Nepomuk. Katholische reli- gionslehre. 65 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. v. 3.) C Bryant, Mrs. Sophie. Intellectual factor in moral education. {In London — Educat. Soc. Trans. 1884-85. v. i, p. 1-14.) T Moral education. {In Teachers' Guild of Gr. Br. and Irel. Papers. 1887. v. i, p. 60-71.) T Buisson, Ferdinand Edouard. La religion, la morale et la science ; leur conflit dans I'education contemporaine ; quatre conferences . . , avril, igoo. Paris, 1900. D. 7 -I- 266 p. C 368 EDUCATION Biirgel, Friedrich Wilhelm. Geschichte des religionsunterrichts in der katholischen volksschule. Gotha, 1890. O. 10 + 305 p. {Jn Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der methodik des deutschen volksschul- unterrichts. 1888-91. v. 6, pt. 2.) C T Butler, Hev. Henry Montagu. Christian work in public schools. {In Roberts, R. D., ed. Ed. in the 19th century. 1901. p. 1-14.) C T Butler, Nicholas Murray. Religious instruction and its relation to education. (/« Christian knowl- edge lectures. 1900. p. 1-20.) C T Religious instruction in education. [New York, 1899.] O. 12 p. C Campbell, John. Observations on the anti- christian tendency of modern education. . . Edin- burgh, 1823. D. 7 + 142 p. T Caspar!, Walter. Uber den protestantischen religions-unterricht an den h5heren klassen der deut- schen gymnasien ; . . . rede . . . am 4. Nov. 1898 gehalten. Erlangen, 1898. Q. 27 p. C Cheever, Rev. George Barrell. Right of the Bible in our public schools. New York, 1854. S. 303 p. C Chicago — World's Columbian Exposition. Catalogue catholic education exhibit . . . also list of awards. . . Chicago, xZc^a^. Sq. O. [I2] -t- 327 + [43] P- C The Christian academy ; two addresses deliv- ered at Cleveland, O., May 27, 1891, by Rev. James Brand and Rev. C. R. Bliss. Chicago, 1891. O. , 16 p. C Christian knowledge lectures ; principles of religious education ; a course of lectures delivered under the auspices of the Sunday-school commission of the diocese of New York, with an introduction by H. C. Potter. . . New York, 1900. D. 20 -(- 292 p. C T Cincinnati (Ohio) — Education, Board of. Bi- ble in the public schools. Opinion and decision of the Supreme Court of Ohio in the case of John D. Minor et al. vs. the Board of Education of the city of Cincinnati et al. Cincinnati, 1873. O. p. 211-54. C Minor, John D., versus Cincinnati Board of Education. Bible in the public schools ; arguments, Superior Court of Cincinnati. Cincin- nati, 1870. O. 420 p. C Claisen, Francis. De schola confessionali jure borussico probata. Bonnae [I87O]. O. 53 + [i] p. C Coles, Abraham, M.D. Religious education in its relation to public schools and Sunday-schools, read before the East New Jersey Baptist S. S. con- vention, Sept. 16, 1868. . . Newark, 1868. O. 20 p. C • Combe, Andrew, M.D. On the introduction of religion into common schools, n. t.-p. O. 8 p. Combe, George. Secular instruction, or exten- sion of church endowments? letter to the duke of Argyle. . . Edinburgh, 1852. O. 7 p. C What should secular education embrace ? Edinburgh, 1848. O. 34 p. C Compayr^, Gabriel. Elements d'instruction morale et civique. 55"* ed. Paris, 1883. D. 8 H- 207 p. ill. C [Same.] Paris, 1884. D. 2 v. T Curry, Rev. Daniel. Christian education. . . New York, 1889. D. 131 p. (Merrick lectures ; 1st ser.) T Czilchert, Heinrich Robert. Zum religions- unterricht im zeitalter der aufklarung. Leipzig, 1898. O. [3] + 98 4- [I] p. C Dalla^^ay, R. C. Observations on the most important subjects of education . . . chiefly in- tended for private governesses. . . 2d ed. . . Greenwich, 1818. D. lo -f- 228 p. T De Garmo, Charles. Present status of religious instruction in England, France, Germany and the United States. (/« Christian knowledge lectures. 1900. p. 47-75-) C T Deutsche evangelisch - lutherische Synode. Katalog der lehranstalten . . . 1894-95. St. Louis, 1895. O. 48 p. c Dittmar, Heinrich. Spiegel der alten christ- lich-deutschen erziehung, aufgestellt in dem ver- machtnisse eines . . . vaters an die seinem, eine . . . reliquie aus den zeiten des dreissigjahrigen kriegs. . . Frankfurt a. M., 1833. T. 8 + [i] + 403 P- c Diz, Franz. Geschichte der schulbibel. gog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1892. v. 4.) [Same.] {In Neue bahnen. 1891. p. 473-89 and 521-38.) (Pada- C V. 2, T Dix, Rev. Morgan. Christian education ; a ser- mon preached in Christ Church, Hartford . . . June 20, 1886, before the graduating class of Trinity College. Hartford, 1886. O. 23 p. C Doane, William Croswell, bp. Educational work of the Christian Church. {In Christian knowl- edge lectures. 1900. p. 21-45.) C T Dorpfeld, Friedrich Wilhelm. Religioses und religionsunterrichtliches. 2. aufl. Giitersloh, 1895. O. 6 + [I] + 232 p. {In his Gesamm. schr. 1894-95. V. 3, pt. I.) C Zur methodik des religionsunterrichts ; zwei worte iiber zweck, anlage und gebrauch des schrift- chens : " Enchiridion der biblischen geschichte.". . 4. aufl. Gutersloh, 1894. O. 131 p. {In same. 1894-95. V. 3, pt. 2.) C Durell, Fletcher. New life in education. Philadelphia, 1894. D. 288 p. (Green fund book, no. ga.) T Education question ; special religious instruc- tion ; by a Clergyman of the Church of England. Edinburgh, 1841. O. 32 p. C England — Education Dept. Return of the pro- vision made by each school board in England and Wales respecting religious teaching and religious observances in school board schools. . . London, 1886. F. 14 p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1886. V. 51.) C . . . Syllabus of religious teaching for scholars and pupil teachers adopted by . . . the school boards of London, Liverpool, Manchester . . . Bradford and Bristol. . . London, 1877. F. 14 p. (Same. 1877. v. 67.) C RELIGIOUS 369 Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod. . . Cata- logue of the educational institutions . . . 1889- 1890. Columbus, Ohio, 1890. O. 51 p. i pi. C Faussett, Rev. Godfrey. Sermon on the neces- sity of educating the poor in the principles of the Established church ; preached before the University of Oxford at St. Mary's, on . . . Dec. I, 1 811. 2d ed. Oxford, i8ri. O. 23 p. C Fischer, Karl. Biblische psychologie, biologic und padagogik als die grundlagen christlicher erzie- hung und selbstzucht. Gotha, 1889. O. 12 + 119 p. C Fisher, Sydney George. Church colleges, their history, position and importance with some account of the church schools. [Anon.] Philadelphia, \'?><^^. O. 99 p. C Flezner, Abraham. Religious training of chil- dren. {In Internat. jo. of ethics. 1897. v. 7, p. 314-28.) C T Freiburg — Conseil municipal. Memoire sur I'enseignement religieux de I'Ecole fran9aise de Fribourg, presente . . . par . . . [G. Girard] et suivi de la reponse. Fribourg, 1818. Nar. D. 34 P- C Freybe, Albert. Die pflege der christlichen volkssitte durch die schule ; erweitete form des auf grund der ' ' Richtlinien " im auf trage des vierten deutschen schulkongresses am 6. Okt. 1886 in Han- nover gehaltenen vortrags. 2. abdruck. Giitersloh, 1887. D. 75 p. C Frisby, William Barro}l. . . . American Chris- tianity at the close of the nineteenth century ; essay delivered before the . . . General Theological Semi- nary . . . [1895.] n.p., 1895. O. 23 p. C Frbhlich, Gustav. Die simultanschule. . . Wien [pref. 1876]. O. 8 + 80 p. (/« Padago- gische studien. 1881. v. i, no. 7.) T Frohschammer, Jakob. Ober die forderung confessioneller schulen. (/« Paedagogium. 1890. v. 12, p. 209-22.) T Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, compiler. Child's book of religion ; for Sunday schools and homes. New edition. . . New Fbr^, 1876 [C. '663. D. 12 -i- 273 p. music. C Gibbons, James, cardinal. Should Americans educate their children in denominational schools? (In School issues of the day. no. i.) T and others. The two sides of the school question, as set forth at annual meeting of the N. E. A., July, 1889. Boston, \%Z^. D. 80 p. (En- velope series, v. 3, nos. 2 and 3.) C Giersing, Fr. Fr. Die christliche erziehung in schule und haus, aus dem danischen von Otto Gleiss , . . Autorisierte deutsche ausgabe. Hannover, 1884. O. 73 p. C Gifford, Thomas, Jr. Oration on the propor- tionate cultivation of the moral and the intellectual powers of man ; delivered [before] Pi Beta Phi Soc, July 24, 1814. Scheructady, x^\i^, D. 22 p. C Gillespie, James. Reflections on the training system ; or, Practical education. . . London, 1843. D. Ill p. T Gneist, Rudolf von. Die confessionelle schule . . . Berlin, 1869. O. 88 p. C Gough, John Ballantine. Temperance for the young. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1882. p. 133-64.) C Grabs, Hermann. Vermag der religionsunter- richt der beiden ersten schuljahre eine sichere grundlage fur die sittlich religiose bildung zu bie- ten? (/« Padagog. studien, neuefolge. 1887. v. 8, p. 1-18.) T Grimk^, Thomas Smith. Address on the ex- pediency and duty of adopting the Bible as a class book in every scheme of education. Charleston [1830]. O. 96 p. C Grosse, Hugo. Ober schulandachten. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1894. v. 15, 193- 226 and 1895, V. 16, p. 25-40.) T Gulliver, Rev. John Putnam. The school the ally of the pulpit, {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1859. p. 65-95.) C Halfmann, H.. and K5ster, J. Hiilfsbuch fiir den evangelischen religionsunterricht an den hohe- ren lehranstalten. Berlin, 1900. O. pt. i. ill. maps. C T Hall, Granville Stanley. Moral and religious training of children. . . {In Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jo. 1881. V. 15, p. 56-76.) C Religious content of the child-mind. {In Christian knowledge lectures. 1900. p. 159-89.) CT Harroiver, Rev. Pascal. The Sunday-school and its course of study. {In Christian knowledge lectures. 1900. p. 103-27.) C T Hassencamp, Friedrich Wilhelm. Die ein- flihrung der simultanschule unter besonderer be- rUcksichtigung ihrer kirchen-politischen seite. Elberfeld, 1876. O. 41 p. C Hauri, N. Der Sonntagsunterricht an den gewerblichen fortbildungs-schulen der deutschen Schweiz. . . St. Gallen, 1895. O. 31 p. C Heimerdinger, G. Zur reform des katechis- musunterrichts. Gotha, 1890. O. 32 p. (Pada- gog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1891. v. 3.) C [Same.] {In Neue bahnen. 1890. p. 177-86 and 217-37.) Hertlen, Eduard. Meine gegenwehr gegen die schulbureaukratie ; zugleich beleuchtung einiger wichtigen fragen des hoheren schulwesens. . . Stuttgart, 1896. O. 45 p. C Hervey, Walter Lowrie. The preparation of the Sunday-school teacher. {In Christian knowl- edge lectures. 1900. p. 129-58.) C T 3, G. Uber die erziehung zur wahrhaftig- keit. {In Padagog. archiv. 1864. v. 6, p. 40-56 and 81-107.) T 370 EDUCATION Hochhuth, L. Die sozialen fragen der gegen- wart im evangelischen religionsunterricht hoheren schulen. Wiesbaden, 1893. O. 47 p. C Hodge, Richard M. and Phillips, Alexander L. Sunday School curriculum ; a standard of excellence and a graded course of instruction. . . Nashville, 1900. S. 20 p. C Hodges, Rev. George. Content of religious instruction. (/« Christian knowledge lectures. 1900. p. 77-102.) C T Hofinann, A. Der religionsunterricht in ge- gliederten schulen nach den L. Wangemannschen schriften. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1888. V. 9, p. 209-24.) T Holahan, Rev. James. . . . History of the catholic schools of Kilkenny from Father Peter White's school about 1558 to the present time . . . [Anon]. Kilkenny, 1875. O. 47 p. C Hollingsworth, Rev. Nathan John. . Defence of the education of the rising generation, in the doctrines and worship of the established church; a sermon. . . Newcastle , xZx^ . D. 71 P- C Hopkins, Rev. John Henry. Defect of the principle of religious authority in modern education. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1849. P- 1-26.) C Hubbell, George Allen. The child and the Bible ; syllabus of a course of twenty-five lessons in education for Bible teachers . . . and parents. New York, 1900. O. 76 p. C Huntington, John Taylor. A church college. [1 882.] ^Hartford ?-^ O. p. 63-83. C Hutcheson, Mary E. Sunday school reform from the modem educational standpoint. Colum- bus, Ohio, 1900. D. [5] + 39 p. C Institution of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine, for the practical training of deaconesses, under the direction of the Rev. Pastor Fliedner. . . London, 1851. O. 32 p. C Ireland — National Education, Commissioners of. . . Minutes and proceedings from . . . 1866 to the present time relating to changes of rules ... as to religious instruction. London, 1872. F. 16 p. (Gr. Br. —Pari. Sess. pap. 1872. V. 46.) C Isaack, M. Die praktisch-erbauliche behand- lung des ersten hauptstiickes. Bielefeld [I896]. O. 10 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 9, pt. 3-) C Jodl, Friedrich. Moral, religion und schule ; zeitgemasse betrachtungen zum preussischen schul- gesetz. Stuttgart, 1892. D. 36 p. C Jung, J. Bedeutung und behandlung des kirchenliedes in der volksschule. Neuwied, 1898. O. 13 p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule. no. 76.) C Katzer, . Die methode Christi. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1886. v. 7, p. 65- 82.) T Eaufmann, Rev. Moritz. Social development under Christian influence . . . Donnellian lectures . . . University of Dublin in 1899-1900. Dublin, 1900. D. II + 190 p. C Eeane, John Joseph, bp. Christian education in America. Washington, 1892. O. 27 p. C Kent, Charles Foster. Use of geography in religious instruction. {In Christian knowledge lec- tures. 1900. p. 213-48.) C T Eirchner, Friedrich. Zur reform des religions- unterrichts. Berlin, 1876. O. 40 p. (Deutsche zeit- und streitfragen. v. 5, pt. 79.) C Eirst, Adolf. Das lebensbild Jesu auf der oberstufe ; konferenzvortrag. Langensalza, 1897. O. 32 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 72.) C Enabe, G. J. Was versteht man unter dem religiOsen und sittlichen inhalt der biblischen geschichte und wie ist er auf den drei stufen zu entwickeln und fruchtbar zu machen ? 2. verb, aufl. {In Lehrer-priifungs und inform.-arbeiten. 1895. V. 2, pt. II, p, 1-22.) C Ereitz, Wilhelm. Diesterweg und der religions- unterricht. {In Paedagogium. 1891. v. 13, p. 73-100.) T La Salle, Jean Baptiste de, abb^, Zweiundsie- benzig erwagungen iiber das schulamt . . . iiber- setzung von F. B. Dulmen i. W., 1895. S. 8 + 376 p. pi. C Landriot, Jean Franjois Anne Thomas, arch/- vhque. De I'esprit chretien dans I'enseignement des sciences, des lettres, des arts et dans I'education intellectuelle et morale. 2« ed. Paris, 1891. D. 5 -f 428 p. C Layman, Launcelot, pseud. The Bible in the school-room ; a letter to a London school-master. London, 1854. O. 24 p. C Lee, S. H. The English Bible and the college curriculum. [New Haven, 1887.] O. C Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Education of the human race ; translated by Fred. W. Robertson. 4th ed. . . London, 1883. S. 16 -h 79 p. T London — Protestant Educational Institute. Transactions for the year . . . 1872. . . London [1872]. O. map. C M., L. Altes und neues zum religionsunter- richte. {In Neue bahnen. 1899. v. 10, p. 479- 86.) T MacCunn, John. Making of character ; some educational aspects of ethics. 7 -I- 226 p. D. New York, 1900. (Cambridge ser. for schools and training colleges.) T McDotrell, Rev. William Eraser. The college student and the Christian confession. [1897.] n. t.- p. S. 16 p. C MacLean, George Edwin. Christian educa- tion ; church and state schools both Christian ; bac- calaureate sermon, June 3, 1900. Iowa City, 1901. O. 12 p. (Bull. State Univ. of Iowa. n. s. no. 32.) c RELIGIOUS 371 McMurry, Frank Morton. Use of biography in religious instruction. (/« Christian knowledge lectures. 1900. p. 191-211.) C T McQua,id, B. J., bishop. Christian free schools ; the subject discussed at Rochester, N. Y. n. t.-p. O. 30 p. C McS'w^eeny, Rev. Patrick F. Christian public schools, n. t.-p. D. II p. C Martin, Daniel Strobel. Relation of Christian educators to the modern phases of science. \Al- bany, 1873.] O. 18 p. C From University Convocation, Proc. 1873. Martin, F. Die schulbibelfrage. Bielefeld, l888. O. 16 p. Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. I, pt. 7.) C Memorials presented to the Legislature in the session of 1823 praying the repeal of the section of a law granting peculiar privileges to the trustees of the Bethel Baptist Church in the appropriation of the common school fund. . . New York, 1823. O. 48 p. C Methodist Episcopal Church — Education, Board of. Charter, constitution and by-laws. New York, 1885. O. II p. C Hand-book and annual report, 1880- 87, 1889-99. New York, 1880-99. O- C Quadrennial report, 1880-96. Syra- cuse, 1880-96. O. C Methodist Episcopal Church, South — Education, Board of . Annual report, August, 1897. Nashville, 1897. O. v. 3. C Meyer, Jurgen Bona. Religions-bekenntniss und schule ; eine geschichtliche darstellung und kritik. Berlin, 1863. O. 11 + 307 p. C Micheletti, A. M. Delia educazione cristi- ana ; note ed appunti pratici d'ordinamento d'una casa di educazione. . . Torino \\cfio'>-^ D. 527 p. C Miles, Rev. Henry Adolphus. On natural theology as a study in school. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1839. p. 105-18.) C More, Hannah. Thoughts on the importance of the manners of the great to general society. . . [Anon.] 3d ed. London, 1^%?). S. 134 p. T Morf, Heinrich. Salzmann als reformator des religionsunterrichts. {In Paedagogium. 1887. v. 9, p. 287-306.) T Moulton, Richard Green. Study of the Bible as literature. [In Christian knowledge lectures. 1900. p. 249-88.) C T Miiller, Rev. Michael. Public school educa- tion. Boston, 1872. D. 415 p. T National Educational Association. Denomina- tional schools ; a discussion at the meeting in Nash- ville, Tenn., July, 1889. n. t.-p. O. 71 p. C T Naville, Jules Ernest. Christliche schule, oder simultan-schule ? ein wort an denkende christen. Miinchen, 1873. O- ^6 P- C L'ecole chretienne et I'ecole lalque ; deux discours. Geneve, 1873. S. 83 p. C Nebel, Paul. Der evangelische religionsunter- richt auf den hoheren schulen des jetzigen konig- reichs Sachsen im 16. jahrhundert Leipzig, 1898. o. 3 + 174 + I p. C New College of the Free Church (Edin- burgh). Inauguration of New College, November, 1850 ; with introductory lectures on theology, phi- losophy and natural science. London, 1851. D. 8 + 232 p. pi. C New York (City) — Education, Board of. Re- port of the minority of the committee on by-laws, rules and regulations against the adoption of by- laws compelling the reading of the Bible in the public schools by penalties and forfeitures. New York, 1859. O. 21 + [2] p. C Noble, Rev. Frederick Alphonso. The need and the value of Christian schools in the present exigency of the New West ; a discourse delivered . . . May 24, 1885. Chicago, 1885. O. 23 p. C Northend, William Drummer. Importance of moral and religious education in a republic. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1851. p. 103-22.) C Northfield, Mount Hermon and Chicago ; be- ing an account of four Bible schools. New York, [C. 1892]. D. 67 p. I ill. pi. C Niisslein, Adam. Die confessionelle kinderer- ziehung nach bayerischen recht. Bamberg, 1890. O. 7 + 83 p. C Obst, J. G. Nicht auf aussere gedachtniss- massige aneignung eines moglichst reichen stoffes sondern auf begrtindungreligios-sittlicher gesinnung hat der religionsunterricht sein augenmerk zu richten. (In Lehrer-priifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1891. v. 3, pt. 24, p. 1-19.) C Oldenburg, J. i. Die schule als erziehung- sanstalt. 2. Wir wollen das wohl der schule und des lehrerstandes fordem auf christlicher grundlage. Minden, 1889. O. 36 p. (In same. v. 2, pt. I9-) C Ostermai, O. Die neueren reformbestrebungen auf dem gebiete des evangelischen religionsunter- richts der volksschule. (In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1896. v. 17, p. 129-58.) T Park, Roswell. On religious education. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1835. P- 99-110.) C Peabody, Rev. Andrew Preston. The Bible in the public schools. (In same. Lectures, 1876. p. ior-25.) C T Presbyterian Church in the U. S. — Educa- tion, Board of. Annual report, 1868, 1873-75. Philadelphia, 1868-75. O. no. 49, 54-56. C Preston, Thomas Scott. Catholic view of the public school question ; a lecture delivered . . . January 16, 1870. New York, 1870. O. 44 p. C Principles of religious education, see Chris- tian knowledge lectures. 1900. 372 EDUCA TION Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. — General Convention. Report of the joint commit- tee on Christian education. Baltimore, 1871. O. II p. C Protesant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge. Proceedings. New York, 1899. D. C Puauz, Frank. L'enseignement prive : pt. 3, Ecoles protestantes. (/« Recueil des monogr. padagog. . . Exposit. Univ. de 1889. v. 6, p. 439-71.) C Rausch, A. Zum religionsunterrichts auf ho- heren schulen. {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1893. V. 14, p. 193-210.) T Die religion in der volkschule. {In Paeda- gogium. 1880. V. 2, p. 411-21, and 593-600.) T Religion in the public schools. Boston, 1870. O. 18 p. C Der religionsunterricht in der volksschule in hinsicht auf das neue preussische volksschulge- setz ; eine stimme aus dem reichsland. Strassburg, 1892. O. 24 p. C Richelieu, L. de. Nogle bemserkinger an- gaaende religionsunderviisningen i de laerde skoler. Kjabenhavn [I847]. O. 22 p. C Rocheblave, Georges. De I'education des enfants. Montauban, 1897. O. I20 + [i] p. T Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio. Delia educazione cristiana, preceduto da una dissertazione sui meriti pedagogici del medesimo di F. Paoli. Milan, 1856. D. 251 p. C Russia — Conseil Scolaire du Saint Synode. Ecoles paroissiales en Russie. {^Boulogne sj Seine, 1900.] O. 16 p. (Exposition Univ. de 1900.) C Sachse, K. Die Itige und die sittlichen ideen. Langensalza, 1896. O. 16 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 83.) C Schalin, Bacharias. Christliche kindererzie- hung ; eine volksschrift fUr alle stande [tibersetzer A. Wiegand]. Leipzig, 1891. D. [4] + 80 p. C Schmidt, M. Religion als erziehungszweck und erziehungsmittel. {In Neue bahnen. 1899. V. 10, p. 1-14 and 73-9.) T Schulze, G. Zur einheitlichkeit der Christen- lehre im schul- und pfarrunterricht. Bielefeld, 1889. O. 12 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 2, pt. 5.) C Schumann, Johann Christian Gottlob, and Sperber, G. E. Geschichte des religionsunterrichts in der evangelischen volksschule. Gotha, 1890. O. 3 + 1 55 P- (-^w Kehr, Karl, ed. Gesch. der metho- dik des deutschen volkschulunterrichts. 1888-91, V. 6, pt. I.) C T Schwarz, Robert. Die sittlich-religi5se erzie- hung in der volksschule. Korneuburg, 1890. O. [3] + 16 p. C Scriptural education in Ireland ; memorials of the Dean and Chapter of St. Patrick's, Dublin, and of the clergy of the diocese of Derry, to . . . the Archbishop of Dublin with His Grace's replies . . . London, 1832. O. 29 p. C Sehling, Emil. Die religiose erziehung der kinder und der entwurf eines burgerlichen gesetz- buches fiir das deutsche reich. Erlangen, i?>i^i. O. 64 p. C Sicilian!, Pietro. Su I'insegnamento religioso ai bambini secondo i dettami della filosofia scien- tifica. 4* ed. . . aumentata. Bologna, 1881. D. 41 + 62 + [I] p. C Small, Augustus D. Jesus Christ the model teacher. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1881. p. 190-225.) C Smith, Matthew Hale. The Bible, the rod and religion in common schools ; The ark of God on a new cart ; a sermon. . . Review of the sermon by W. B. Fowle. . . Strictures on the sectarian character of the Common school journal, by a mem- ber of the Mass. Board of Education ; Corre- spondence between Horace Mann . . . and Rev. M. H. Smith. Boston, 1847. O. 59 p. C Smyth, Anson. Christian culture in public schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1861. p. 1-32.) C Society for Encouraging Religious Education. [Report.] Boston, 1880. Sq. S. 13 p. C Society for Theological Education. Rules, regulations and by-laws . . . incorporated Feb. 27, 1812. n. t.-p. S. C Spalding, John Lancaster, bp. Means and ends of education. Chicago, 1895. D. 232 p. T Spies, . Einheitliche gestaltung des re- ligionsunterrichtes in schule und kirche. Bielefeld [1895]. O. 12 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 8, pt. 2.) C Spry, John. Influence of education justified with regard to the profession of Christianity ; a ser- mon preached before the University of Oxford . . . 1744. Oxford, 1744. D. 30 p. C Staude, Richard. Zur anwendung der formal- stufen im religionsunterricht. {In Padagog. stu- dien, neue folge. 1891. v. 12, p. 193-205.) T Strack, K. Das Bibellesen in den volksschu- len. Neuwied, 1899. O. 27 p. (Aus der schule fUr die schule. no. 80.) C Thompson, Rev. Joseph Parrish. Shall our common schools be destroyed ? an argument against perverting the school fund to sectarian uses ; deliv- ered in the Broadway Tabernacle church, February 6th and 20th, 1870. New York, 1870. O. 32 p. C Thrandorf, Dr. E. Die behandlung des re- ligionsunterrichtes nach Herbart Ziller'scher me- thode. 2. . . verm. aufl. Langensalza, 1891. O. 58 p. C Die kirche und der religionsunterricht der erziehungsschule . . . {In Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1883. v. 4, p. 1-23.) T Kritische betrachtungen ilber die " kunst- katechese." 19 p. {In same. i88i. v. 2.) T Der religionsunterricht auf der oberstufe der volksschule . . . praparationen nach psycholo- RELIGIOUS 373 gischer methode. 2. umgearbeitete aufl. Dresden, 1898. O. 2 pts. in I. C Contents : 1. Das leben Jesu und der zweite artikel. 2. Die apostelgeschichte und der dritte artikel. Van Marter, Martha. Primary teacher with helps and exercises. . . New York [C. 1893]. D. 166 p. T Vemaleken, Theodor. Beitrage zur reform des religionsunterrichtes in bezug auf inhalt und lehrweise. (/« Paedagogium. 1889. v, 11, p. 141-45 and 341-48; 1890. V. 12, p. 473-84; 1891. V, 13, p. 277-87 ; 1892. V. 14, p. 93-7 and 232-36,) T Die simultanschule und der religionsunter- richt. (/« same. 1880. v. 2, p. 227-38.) T Die stellung der volksschule zu den confes- sionen. {In same. 1879. v. i, p. 301-14.) T Wadsworth, Rev. Willard W. Teachers' value in the foreign field, n. t.-p. D. 15 p. C Warfield, Ethelbert Dudley. Christian edu- cation ; inaugural address. {In Lafayette College — Pres. Addresses inaug. of W. 1891. p. 19- 39.) C Waterston, Rev. Robert Cassie. On moral and spiritual culture in early education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1835. p. 233-52.) C Welldon, James Edward Cowell. Religious education of boys. {In Thirteen essays on educa- tion. 1891. p, 53-82.) T Weshalb christliche Volksschule? vom Einem juristen, . . Giitersloh, 1892. D. 51 p, C White, Wilbert Webster. The divine library — its abuse and use ; or. How to study the Bible. [New York, 1900?] S. 15 p. C Whitman, Benaiah Longley, Hobart, A, S., and Andrews E. B. The denomination and its colleges ; three addresses. Philadelphia, 1895. O, 48 p. por. C Words^eorth, Rev. Christopher. Discourses on public education. London, 1844. D. 8 + 383 p. T Zange, Friedrich. Evangelischer religionsun- terricht. 273 p. (Handb. der erziehungs- und unterrichtslehre. 1898. v. 3.) C Das leben Jesu im unterricht der hoheren ischulen. Langensaha, 1895. O. 36 p. (Pada- g(^. mag. pt. 59.) C a. ETHICAL Abbott, Jacob. Duties of parents in regard to the schools where their children are instructed. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1834. p. 81-98.) C On moral education. {In same. Lectures, 1831. P- 43-64-) C T Adams, John, M.A. Relation of the school studies to moral training. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book, 1897, v, 3, p. 73-100.) C T Adler, Felix, Moral instruction of children. New York, 1892. D. 13 -H 270 p. (Internat. ed. ser. ; W. T. Harris, ed. v, 21,) C T Bailey, Thomas P., Jr. Ethological outlines. O, p. 45-63. ill. (Oakland — Tompkins School, Monographs. 1896-97. no. 3.) C Ethology ; standpoint, method, tentative results. Berkeley, 1899. O. 30 p. i ill. C Love and law ; an essay based on some talks to teachers and parents. San Francisco, 1899. O. 23 p. C Bartlett, Elisha, M.D. On the head and the heart ; or, The relative importance of intellectual and moral culture. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1838. p. 31-50.) C T Bates, Rev. Joshua. On moral education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1837. p. 49-69.) C Bergemann, Paul. Die evolutionistiche ethik als grundlage der wissenschaftlichen padagogik. {In Neue bahnen. 1894. v. 5, p. 11-29, 65-78 and 113-51.) T Pessimismus und padagogik. {In same. 1899. V. 10, p. 106-9.) T Die pessimistische unterstromung in der padagogik des 19. jahrhunderts. {In same. 1898. V. 9, p. 195-205, 233-42, 289-301, 345-52. 401- II and 457-73.) T Ober moral-unterricht. {In Padagog. stu- dien, neue folge. 1894, v. 15, p. 129-46.) T Zur ehrenrettung des evolutionismus in der ethik. {In Neue bahnen. 1899. v. 10, p. 218- 32.) T Blaekwell, Elizabeth, M.D. Counsel to pa- rents on the moral education of their children, in relation to sex. 7th rev. ed. London, 1884. S. 4 -f- 126 p. C Blanchard, J. On the importance and means of cultivating the social affections among pupils. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1835. p. 153- 80.) C Bodenstein, K. Das ehrgefUhl der kinder. Wie weit darf und wie muss der erzieher es anre- gen? Langensalza, 1899. O. 47 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 133.) C Bok, Edward William, compiler. Before he is twenty ; five perplexing phases of the boy question ^ considered. 2ded. New York [C. i^f)i\-[. D. 104 p. por. C T Brings, Franklin H. Boys as they are made and how to remake them ; a paper read before the Unity Club, Rochester. . , Syracuse, 1894, O. 24 p. C T Brooklyn Ethical Association, 15th, 17th year. Season 1895-96, 1897-98. ^Brooklyn, 1896- 98,] Sq. S. C 374 EDUCATION Bryant, Mrs, Sophie. Educational ends ; or, The ideal of personal development. . . London, 1887. D. 10 + 292 p. C T Short studies in character. London, 1894. D. 7 + 247 p. (Ethical library ; J. H. Muir- head, ed.) T Teaching of morality in the family and the school. London, 1897. D. 7 + i + 146 p. C Budde, H. Ethische cultur und schule. {In Paedagogium. 1894. v. 16, p. 217-49.) T Busse, Chr. Di^ erziehung zum gehorsam und zur wahrhaftigkeit. {In Lehrer-priifungs und in- form. -arbeiten. i8go. V. 3, pt. 21, p. 1-30.) C Busse, H. Beitrage zur pflege des asthetischen gefuhls. Langensaha, 1894. O. 28 p. (Pada- gog. mag. pt. 49.) C Butterfield, Gen. Daniel. Character and duty ; address delivered at the 95th annual commence- ment [of Union College] June 22d, 1892. . . [New York, 1892.] O. 15 p. C Canfield, James Hulme. Ethical culture in the college and university [address, Saratoga Springs] 1892. n. t.-p. O. 7 p. C Charron, Pierre. De la sagesse, trois livres. Nouvelle ed. . . Paris, 1797. T. 2 v. C Coivell, H. S. Character building in acade- mies. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1894. p. 59-69.) C Cross, Rev. Joseph. Parental responsibility ; an address delivered . . . October 24, 1888. n, t.- p. Sq. O. 14 p. C Day, Charles William. Hints on etiquette and the usages of society, with a glance at bad habits, by Ayv^os. 30th ed. enl. by a Lady of rank. London, l86i. S. 125 p. C De Garmo, Charles. Ethical training in the public schools. . . Philadelphia [1892]. O. 23 p. CT From Annals of Amer. Acaj. of Polit. and Soc. Sc. 1893. V. 2, no. 49. Dewey, John. Ethical principles underlying education. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1897. v. 3, p. 7-34.) C T Doring, A. Handbuch der menschlich-natUr- lichen sittenlehre fUr eltem und erzieher. . . Stuttgart, 1899. O. 16 -h 415 p. C Endris, A. J. Die frau und das haus des lehrers und deren einfluss. Wiesbaden [pref. 1894]. D. 135 p. C Ensor, George. Independent man ; or, An es- say on the formation and development of those principles and faculties of the human mind which constitute moral and intellectual excellence. Lon- don, 1806. O. 2 v. C Ethical culture schools . . . New York city. 1900-01. \New York, 1900.] O. 46 p. C Everett, Alexander Hill. On the progress of moral science and its application to the business of practical life. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1839. p. I55-79-) C T Everett, Rev. Charles Carroll. Ethics for young people. Boston, 1891. D. 4 + 185 p. C Fairchild, Rev. Edwin Milton. Society's need of effective ethical instruction in church and school and the suggestion of an available method. . . Chicago, 1899. O. p. 443-7. ill. C Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Evolution of char- acter. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1888. p. 145-75.) C T Foltz, O. Einige bemerkungen tiber die as- thetik und ihr verhaltnis zur padagogik. Langen- saha, 1893. O. 66 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 30.) C Franke, Th. Die entwicklungsgeschichte des sittlichen gefuhls und die padagogik. Bielefeld [I894]. O. 25 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 7, pt. 5.) C Freymark, A. Der charakter : eine unter- suchung seines wesens und des einflusses, welche die schule auf seine bildung auszutiben hat. Bielefeld [I89O]. D. [4] 4- 24 p. T Gerlicher, E. Die schule und die moralische erziehung. {In Paedagogium. 1880. v. 2, p. 519-33.) T Gerssdorf, Karl von. De ea parte politiae quae in custodienda morum sinceritate posita est. Halis Saxonum [1852]. Nar. O. 31 p. C Gifford, Rev. Orrin Philip. Making the most of life. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1887. p. 104-29.) C Gifford, Thomas, Jr. Oration on the propor- tionate cultivation of the moral and the intellectual powers of man ; delivered at the first anniversary of the Pi Beta Phi Soc, in Union College, July 25th, 1814. Schenectady, 1814. D. 22 p. C Gille, . Bildung und bedeutung des sitt- lichen urteils. LangenscUza, 1898. O. 19 p. (Pa- dagog. mag. pt. 102.) C Gilman, Nicholas Paine, and Jackson, E. P. Conduct as a fine art. Boston, i8g2. D. [9] -f- 149 + [238] p. T Contents : Laws of daily conduct, by N. P. Gilman. Character building, by E. P. Jackson. Gustafson, Alex Carl Johan. Temperance teaching in schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1886. p. 169-90.) C Harris, William Torrey. Moral education in the public schools. Ne7a York, 1877. D. 20 p. (Papers on education, ist ser. no. 7.) C Heider, F. Das wahre und das falsche ehrge- fUhl ; wie ist das erstere durch die schule zu fordem das letztere zu bekampfen ? (/« Lehrer- priifungs und inform.-arbeiten. 1896. v. 3, pt. 29, p. 1-18.) C RELIGIOUS 375 Hill, Frank Alpine. Esthetic elements in edu- cation. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1896. p. 199-222.) C Hints for the improvement of early education and nursery discipline . . . 9tli ed. London, 1S27. D. [3] + 198 p. T Hirn, Yrj5. The origins of art ; a psychological and sociological inquiry. London, 1900. O. 11 + 331 P- c Authorities quoted, p. 307-22. Hoare, Mrs. Louisa (Gumey) ? Hints on early education and nursery discipline. . . [Anon.] New York, 1887. D. 97 p. C T Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Lessons in life ; a series of familiar essays by Timothy Titcomb. ilth ed. New York, 1866 [C. '6I]. D. 344 p. C Hopkins, Mark. Connexion between taste and morals : two lectures. 2d ed. Boston, 1842. O. 63 p. C Ho^rard, Roger Strong, D.D. Earnestness. (/» Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1849. P- 59~ 77.) C Hyde, Ellen. Moral character the end of edu- cation. (In same. Lectures, 1883. p. 203-12.) C Hyde, Rev. William De Witt. Education of the will. (/« same. Lectures, 1891. p. 202-16.) C Jacobus, Charles. Character building in high schools. (/« same. Lectures, 1894. p. 37-50.) C Jahn, Max. Ethik als grundwissenschaft der padagogik ; ein lehr- und handbuch. 2. verm, aufl. Leipzig, 1899. O. 7 + 251 p. T Janet, Paul. Petits elements de morale. 4™* ed. Paris, 1890. D. 126 -(- [i] p. C Keferstein, Horst. Die moral in der schule. (In Paedagogium. 1888. v. 10, p. 443-52.) T King, Mary Perry. Comfort and exercise , an essay toward normal conduct. Boston, 1900. D. 138 p. C Kleinschnudt, Albert. Die schule der neuzeit in ihrer bedeutung als moralische bildungsanstalt ; ein wort der vertheidigung. (In Paedagogium. 1889. V. II, p. 446-59.) T Knigge, Adolf Franz Friedrich Ludwig, frei- herr von. Practical philosophy of social life ; or. The art of conversing with men, after the German of Baron Knigge by P. Will. ist. Am. ed. Lan- singburgh, 1805. O. 32 + 368 p. C Uber eigennutz und undank ; ein gegen- stUck zu dem buche, ' ' Uber den umgang mit men- schen." Leipzig, 1796. S. 438 p. C Kozle, Johann Friedrich Gottlob. Die pada- gogischer pathologic in der erziehungskunde des 19. jahrhunderts. . . GUtersloh, 1893. O. 11 + 494 p. C Kubel, Robert, (jber einige darstellnngen der christlichen sittenlehre durch wurttembergische evangelische theologen. n.p., 1889. 29 p. C Labbd, Edouard Charles. La morale enseignee par les grands ecrivains. . . Paris, 1896. D. Ill p. C Lacouture, Ch. Esthetique fondamentale. . . Paris, 1900. O. 17 + 422 p. C Landmann, Theodor. Auch ein beitrag " Zom moralunterricht." (In Paedagogium. 1890. v. 12, p. 433-47.) T La Salle, Jean Baptiste de. Les regies de la bienseance et de la civilite chretienne. . . Tours, 1827. Nar. S. 12 + 106 p. C Lenk, Rudolf. Bildung des sittlichen charak- ters. (In Paedagogium. 1894. v. 16, p. 81-93.) T liichtenberger, Frederic Auguste. L'educa- tion morale dans les ecoles primaires. (In Recueil des monogr. pedagog. . . . Exposition Univ. de 1889. V. 4, p. 75-I99-) C Lincoln, Luther Barker. On the means of cul- tivating a classic taste in the common school. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1839. p. 75-104.) C Luckey, G. W. A. Development of moral character ; an address delivered . . . July 13, 1899. Chicago, 1899. O. p. 127-36. C MacCunn, John. The making of character ; some educational aspects of ethics. New York, 1900. D. 7 -H 226 p. C T Frank. Notes on the early 3d ed. Boston, 1892. D. T Malleson, Mrs. training of children. 127 p. Margerison, Thomas Ernest. Ethics and ed- ucation. London, igoo. D. no -H [2] p. C Matthew^s, F. H. Dialogue on moral educa- tion. London, 1898. D. 257 p. C Miner, Rev. Alonzo Ames. Right-mindedness favorable to intellectual growth. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1867. p. 319-45.) C Moulet, Alfred. Der franzosische moralunter- richt ohne konfessionelle religionslehre. Bielefeld [I897]. O. 24 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. V. 9, pt. 8.) C Muthesius, Karl. Schillers Briefe Uber die asthetische erziehung des menschen. Langensalza, 1897. O. [3] + 75 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 100.) C Natorp, Paul. Sozialpadagogik ; theorie der willenserziehung auf der grundlage der gemein- schaft. Stuttgart, 1899. O. 8 + 352 p. C Osborne, Francis. Advice to a son ; a new edition with an introduction and notes by . . , Edward Abbott Parry. London, 1896. D. 31 -H 148 p. C Parker, Walter Scott. Character building in grammar schools. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1894. p. 20-9.) C Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. Record of Mr. Alcott's school, exemplifying the principles and methods of moral culture. 3d. ed. Boston, 1888, [C.'74.] D. 297 p. pi. T P^rez, Bernard. L'education morale d^s le berceau. 3* ed. Paris, iZgt. O. 20 -H 350 p. C [Same.] 2« ed. Paris, 1888. O. 24 -K 320 + [I] p. T 376 EDUCATION Potsch* Joseph A. Das undogmatische chris- tenthum und die unabhangige morallehre ; zwei ideale der modernsn padagogik, Kempten, 1894. D. 45 p. (Padagog. vortrage abhandl. v, 2, no. 2.) C A present to youths and young men. . . [New ed.] n, /., i8gi. O. 2 v. 13 + [2] + 1243 + [I] p. ill. C Paged continuously. Prudhomme, Henri. De I'education correc- tionnelle. Paris, 1878. O. 172 p. C Reichert, . Moralunterricht ? (/« Neue bahnen. 1899. v. 10, p. 539-46.) T Reimann, Karl. Die pflege der heimats- und vaterlandsliebe durch die schule. 2. verb. aufl. {/« Lehrer-prtifungs und inform. -arbeiten. 1894. V. 2, pt. 17, p. 1-44.) C Schiltz, Theodor. In sachen des moralunter- richtes. (/« Paedagogium. 1890. v. 12, p. 623- 33.) T School of Applied Ethics (Plymouth, Mass.). Program of third summer session, July 12- Aug. 15, 1894. n. p. [1894.] D. C Schreber, Daniel Gottlieb Moritz. Das buch der erziehung an leib und seele. . . 3. • . ver- mehrte auflage durchgesehen und . . . erweitert von Carl Hennig. Leipzig, 1891. O. 16 + 246 p. ill. C Schurtz, Heinrich. Urgeschichte der kultur. Leipzig, 1900. O. 14 + 658 p. C Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, yth earl of. Moral and religious education of the working classes ; speech . . . Feb. 28, 1843. London, 1843. O. 38 p. C Sheldon, Walter L. An ethical Sunday school ; a scheme for the moral instruction of the young. London, 1900. D. 7 + 206 p. C Wage earners' self-culture clubs of St. Louis. Philadelphia, 1900. D. p. 39-78. (Ethical ad- dresses, ser. 7, no. 3-4.) C Sicard, Augustin, abbd. Manuel d'education morale et d'instruction civique. 2"^ ed. Paris [1889]. D. 288 p. T Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia Howard (Huntley). Letters to young ladies. Ed. 2. Hartford, 1835 [C.'33]. S. 212 p. C D. C [Same.] 3d ed. New York, 1837. 259 p. Smiles, Samuel. Character. . , Chicago, 1888. D. 401 p. (Self-help ser.) C T Duty ; with illustrations of courage, patience and endurance. . . Chicago, 1888. D. 379 p. (Self-help ser.) C T Society for Ethical Culture. Annual report of the Board of Trustees, May 8th, 1893. iNew York, 1893.] O. C Spalding, John Lancaster, bp. Aphorisms and reflections ; conduct, culture and religion. . . Chi- cago, 1901. D. 292 p. C Stange, Carl. Einleitung in die ethik. i : System und kritik der ethischen systeme. Leipzig, 1900. O. 7 + 194 p. C Stockl, Albert. Das verhaltnis der padagogik zu religion und philosophic. Kempten, 1895. D. 56 + I p. (Padagog. vortrage abhandl. v. 2, no. 5-) C Taylor, Alfred Edward. The problem of con- duct ; a study in the phenomenology of ethics. . . London, igor. O. 8 + 501 p. C Tetlo^r, John. School instruction in morals and manners. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1890. p. 122-36.) C Veeh, L. Auch ein wort fUr die pessimistische padagogik. (/« Neue bahnen. 1898. v. 9, p. 646-53-) T Vessiot, Alexandre. Cours et methode d'en- seignement morale. 7« ed. Paris, 1900. Nar, D. 6 -I- I H- 271 p. C Wehmeier, B. Warum und in welcher weise muss die volksschule das schonheitsgefuhl ihrer schtiler bilden ? {In Lehrer-priifungs und inform. - arbeiten. 1894. v. 2, pt. 17, p. 45-63.) C Winterburn, Florence Hull. Nursery ethics. New York [C. 1895]. D. 241 p. T Wyss, Friedrich. Der burgerliche und moral- unterricht in der volksschule Frankreichs. {In Paedagogium. 1886. v. 8, p. 787-97.) T Der moralunterricht in der volksschule als erganzung des religionsunterrichtes. (/« same. 1887. V. 9, p. 761-75-) T b. HOME AND SELF-CULTURE Abbott, Edwin Abbott. Hints on home train- ing and teaching. . . Hartford, 1886. O. 558 -(- [40] p. ill. (Recent Eng. pedagogy.) T Ackermann, Eduard. Die hausliche erzie- hung. 2. aufl. Langensalza, 1895. O. 7 -1- 246 + 2p. C Adams, William Henry Davenport, Secret of success ; or, How to get on in the world. . . Amer. ed. by P. G. H. New York, 1879. D. 7 + [1] + 389 P- C Blackie, John Stuart. L'education de soi- meme (intellectuelle, physique et morale) ; conseils aux jeunes gens, traduits . . . par Felix Pecaut. 2« ed. Paris, 1882. D. 7 -H 103 + i p. C On self-culture. New York, 1874. S. 116 p. C Burder, Rev. Henry Foster. Mental disci- pline ; or, Hints on the cultivation of intellectual habits...- 2ded. London, i2)22. O. nop. CT Burton, Pev. Warren. Culture of the observ- ing faculties in the family and the school ; or. Things about home and how to make them instruc- tive to the young. New York, 1865. S. 170 p. C RELIGIOUS 177 Burton, Rev. Warren (continued) Helps to education in the homes of our country. Boston, 1863. D. 8 + 368 p. T Caraccioli, Louis Antoine. La conversation avec soi-meme. Nouvelle ed. . . augmentee. Paris, 1765. D. 56 + 401 + [2] p. C Channing, William Ellery. Self-culture. . . Boston, 1838. O. 8 + [I] p. C Clarke, James Freeman. Self-culture : physi- cal, intellectual, moral and spiritual ; a course of lectures. . . loth ed. Boston, 1884. D. [3] -h 446 p. C [3] - [Same.] 13th ed. Boston [C. 446 p. D. T Clarke, John. Essay upon study. . . 2d ed. London, \1Z1- S. 6 + 340 p. C Cordes, Gottlieb. Psychologische analyse der thatsache der selbsterziehung. Berlin, 1898. O. 54 p. (Samml. von abhandl. aus dem gebiete der padagog. psychol. und physiol. v, 2, pt. 2.) C Craik, George Lillie, and Knight, Charles. Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties . . . illus- trated by memoirs of eminent men. [Anon.] New York, 1840. S. 2 V. C Dutton, Samuel Train. Social phases of edu- cation in the school and the home. New York, 1899. D. 9 H- 259 p. C T Folsing^, Johannes, and Lauckhard, K. F. Padagogische bilder ; oder, Die modeme erziehung in der familie und kleinkincierschule in der nahe und feme betrachtet. Essen, 1847. O. 6 -f- 104 p. C Fuller, Thomas, M.D. Introductio ad pruden- tiam ; or. Directions, counsels, and cautions, tend- ing to prudent management of affairs in common life. New ed. London [1787]. D. 2 v. C Genlis, Stephanie Felicite (Ducrest de St. Au- bin), comtesse de. Adelaide and Theodore ; or. Let- ters on education. . . 2d ed. London, 1785. D. 3v. CT Lessons of a governess to her pupils ; translated from the French. Dublin, 1798. S. 2 V. C G^rando, Joseph Marie, baron de. Self-educa- tion ; or. The means and art of moral progress, translated from the Fr. by E. P. Peabody. 3d ed. enl. Boston, i860. D. 15 -f- 468 p. C Gladden, Rev. Washington. Plain thoughts on the art of living ; designed for young men and women. Boston, 1868. D. [4] + 236 p. C GodTvin, William. Letter of advice to a young American on . . . studies . . . advantageous for him to pursue. London, 1818. O. 15 p. C Guizot, Mme. Elizabeth Charlotte Pauline (de Meulan). Lettres de familie sur I'education. . . a^e ^d. Paris, 1828. D. 2 v. i per. C Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. The intellectual life. . . Author's ed. Boston, 1886. D. 19 + 455 p. C T Hervey, George Winfred. Rhetoric of conver- sation ; or, Bridles and spurs for the management of the tongue. . . New York, 1853. D. 380 p. C Hillis, Rev. Newell Dwight. Man's value to society ; studies in self-culture and character . . . i6th ed. New York, 1899 [C. '96-97]. D. 327 p. T Huntington, Frederick Dan, bp. Good talk- ing a fine art. Syracuse, 1881. S. 40 p. C T Lenoir, Marie Antoinette. La compagne de la jeunesse ; ou, Entretiens d'une institutrice avec son el^ve. . . [Anon.] Londres, 1791. S. 2 v. C liOfft, Capel. Self- formation ; or, The history of an individual mind . . . [Anon.] London, 1837. D. 2 V. C Iiyttelton, Rev. Edward. Mothers and sons ; or. Problems in the home training of boys. Lon- don, 1893. D. 9 + [3] + 169 p. T Macleod, Rev. Norman. The home school, or hints on home education. . . 4th ed. Edin- burgh, 1856. S. 14 + 175 p. T Martineau, Harriet. Household education, Philadelphia, 1849. D. 8 -f- 212 p. C T Mathew^s, William. Getting on in the world ; or. Hints on success in life. . . Chicago, 1883. D. 8 + 365 p. C Munger, Rev. Theodore Thornton. On the threshold. . . 12th ed. Boston, 1884. D. [5] + 228 p. C Orcutt, Hiram, Home and school training : a book for parents, teachers, and school officers. New [cnl.] ed. Boston [C. 1874-92]. D. 297 + 12 p. T Pauly, Frau Tony. fUr deutsche mutter. , D. 6 + 249 p. Unsere kinder ; ein buch Berlin, [pref. 1877]. C Rosa, Cesare. La famiglia educatrice ; studi e desideri itomo ai principii direttiri dell' educazione domestica. Ancona, 1880. D. 5 -f- 11 + 167 p. C Rumelin, Adolf. Hausliche und offentliche erziehung. . . Dessau, 188 r. O. 30 p. (Samml. gemeinverstandlicher vortrage und ab- handl. no. I.) C Smiles, Samuel. Self-help ; with illustrations of character, conduct and perseverance. . . Au- thor's rev. and enl. ed. New York [188-?]. D. 447 ?• C T Society to Encourage Studies at Home. An- nual report, 1878-82, 1896-97. [Boston-^ 1879-97. O. V. 6-9, 24. C Stephan, Gustav. Die halisliche erziehung in Deutschland wahrend des 18. jahrhunderts, mit einem vorwort von Karl Biedermann. Wiesbaden, 1891. O. 18 + 162 p. C Stephens, Henry Morse, and others. Counsel upon the reading of books . . . with an Introduc- tion by Henry Van Dyke. Boston, 1901. D. 306 p. C 378 EDUCA TJON Taylor* Rev. Isaac. Advice to the teens ; or, Practical helps towards the formation of . . . char- acter . . . from the 2d London ed. Boston, 1820. T. 12 + 187 p. C Home education, ist American from the 2nd London edition. New York, 1838. O. 8 + 322 p. C T Self-cultivation ... or. Hints to a youth leaving school . . . from the 3d London ed. Bos- ton, 1820. T. II 4- 164 p. C Thoughts on domestic education ; the result of experience ; by A mother. London, 1826. D. 8 + 366 p. C Todd, Rev, John. Student's manual, designed by specific directions, to aid in forming . . . the intellectual and moral character ... of the student. 4th ed. Northampton, 1835. D. 392 p. T [Same.] 17th ed. Northampton, 1852. D. 392 p. C Student's manual. New York, 1887. O. 198 p. T Trumbull, Henry Clay. Hints on child-train- ing. New York, 1898 [C.'gO]. Sq. D. 311 p. T Waters, Robert. Intellectual pursuits ; or, Culture by self-help. . . New York, 1892. D. 361 p. C Watts, Isaac. Improvement of the mind . . . [with] questions adapted to the work, for the use of schools. . . Boston, 1821. S. 219 p. C T [Same] [with] discourse on . . , education. London, 1825. T. 18 + 486 p. pi. C [Same.] edited by S. N, Fellows. New York [1885]. D. 200 p. T Young gentleman's library ... of useful and entertaining knowledge. . . Philadelphia, 1835. D. 336 p. ill. C 34. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION American Society for the Extension of Univer- sity Teaching. Annual report, 1898-1900. [Phila- delphia, 1899-1900.] O. C Concerning university extension ; its signifi- cance, method and results ; a statement for public information. . . Philadelphia, 1898. O. 17 p. C 1890-1899 ; [list of places at which the So- ciety] has conducted lecture courses ... in Phila- delphia, n. t.-p. O. 8 p. C James, Edmund Janes. Review of the work of the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching for the four years 1891-94. Philadelphia, 1895. O. 7 p. C Record of lecture courses delivered under the auspices of the . . . Society . . . 1890-98. Philadelphia, 1899. O. 34 p. C Syllabi of the Society . . . Fifteenth and Samson streets, Philadelphia . . . [I890-190O]. n. t.-p. O. 8 p. C Ten years' report, 1890-1900. \Philadel- fhia-^ 1901. O. 44 p. C University extension ; its definition, history, system of teaching and organisation. Philadelphia, 1891. O. 8 p. C Aspects of modern study ; being university extension addresses by Lord Playfair, Canon Brown, Mr. Goschen, Mr. John Morley, Sir James Paget, Prof. Max Mtlller, the duke of Argyll, the bishop of Durham and Prof. Jebb. London, 1894. D. 8 + [I] + 187 p. C Bergemann, Paul. t)ber volkshochschulen. Wiesbaden, 1896. O. 30 p. (In Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1897. v. 9.) C [Same.] (/« Neue bahnen. 1896. p. 393-414.) V. 7, T Bro\7n, Helen Dawes. University extension ; a paper presented to the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, October 26, 1889. n. t.-p. O. 10 p. C Buisson, Ferdinand Edouard, comp. L'educa- tion populaire des adultes en Angleterre ; notices sur les principales institutions par des membres de leurs comites. Paris, 1896. O. 35 -H 300 p. ill. pi. Q, Butler, Nathaniel, Jr. English language and literature, first lecture. [Chicago Soc. for Univer- sity Extension] 1892. ^Chicago, 1892.] O. 4 p. C Cook, Edward Tyas. University extension movement. {In London — Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 16, p. 252-66.) C Draper, Andrew Sloan. Events of the last year ; the University extension movement ; the New York state normal and training school system ; an address delivered July 7, 1891. Albany, 1891. O. 22 p. C Ferree, Barr. The popular lecture as an edu- cator. New York, 1898. O. 12 p. C Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. The University Extension movement, and its relation to schools. (/« his Educational aims and methods. 1900. p. 365-98-) C T Great Britain — Secondary Education, Royal Commission on. The relation between university extension teaching and secondary education. (/« Report of the com. v. 5, p. 289-305. Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1895. v. 47.) C T Grey, Albert. University extension movement. (/« London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Lit- erature. V. 16, p. 226-52.) C Harris, William Torrey. Place of university extension in American education. Philadelphia, 1892. O. 14 p. C UNIVERSITY EXTENSION 379 Henderson, Charles Hanford. University ex- tension. New York, iSgi. O, 15 p. C Henderson, George. Report upon the uni- versity extension movement in England. Philadel- phia, n. d. O. 32 p. T Indiana University — Extension teaching ; announcement, 1892-93. Bloomington, 1892. D. C James, George Francis, editor. Handbook of university extension. 2d ed. . . enlarged. . . Philadelphia, 1893. O. 19 -h 421 p. C Jebb, Richard Claverhouse. University exten- sion movement. {In Roberts, R. D., ed. Educa- tion in the nineteenth century. 1901. p. 193- 200.) C T Mackinder, Halford John, and Sadler, Mi- chael Ernst. University extension ; has it a future ? [2d ed.] London^ 1890. S. 7 + 136 p. maps. T University extension ; past, present and fu- ture. 3d ed. rev. and enlarged. London, 1891. D. 7 + [I] -H 144 p. 5 pi. 4 maps. T Markby, Thomas. University extension. (/« his Practical essays on education. 1868. p. 106- 70.) T Moulton, Richard Green. Address on the uni- versity extension movement. Philadelphia [I89O]. O. 19 p. T On university extension, [November 7, 1899]. n. t.-p. O. 7 p. ' C T University extension movement ; with an in- troduction by Prof. Stuart, M.P. London [I885]. O. 6 + 61 p. C T Nader, Engelbert. Das vi. sommer-meeting der University extension in Oxford. . , 1894 . . . (/« Englische studien. 1895. v. 21, p. 79-98.) C Zur geschichte der university extension. {In same. 1895. v. 21, p. 431-42.) C Neiv Tork (City) — People's University Exten- sion Society. Annual report. New York, 1900. S. C Oxford university extension gazette. Oxford, 1893-95. Q. V. 3'. 4«-", 5'-". C Patten, Simon Nelson. The place of univer- sity extension. {In University extension. 1894. V. 3. P- 257-92.) C T People's Institute of New York City. [Circu- lar.] 1901. Sq. S. [8] p. pi. C Phillips, Stephen Clarendon. On the useful- ness of Lyceums. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1832. V. 3, p. 65-102.) C T Roberts, Robert Davies. Eighteen years of university extension. Cambridge, Eng., 1891. D. 9 + 129 + [5] p. pi. map. C T On the requirements of a truly national sys- tem of higher education. {In London — Internat. Health Exhib. 1884. Literature, v. 16, p. 187- 97.) C Russell, James Earl. Die volkshochschulen (The extension of university teaching) in England und Amerika ; Deutsch mit anmerkungen von O. W. Beyer. Leipzig, 1895. O. iii p. C Sadler, Michael Ernst. Development of uni- versity extension. Philadelphia, 1892. O. 20 p. C A golden opportunity for university exten- sion. London [I89I]. O. 11 p. T Organization and function of local centres. Philadelphia, 1892. O. 8 p. C Skidmore, Sydney T. University extension. Philadelphia, n. d. O. 12 p. ' C T Sproull, William Oliver. University extension, especially its application in Cincinnati and its future influence upon colleges and universities in cities . . . 1892. n. t.-p. O. 15 p. C Tischendorf, Julius, and Marquard, A. Theo- rie und praxis des fortbildungsschulunterrichts ; pra- parationen fUr den unterricht an einfachen fortbil- dungsschulen. . , Leipzig, 1898. O. pt. i. C Contents : Pt. I. Fortbildungsschuljahr. University and school extension ; [courses for] 1889. [New York, 1889.] Sq. D. ill. C University extension, 1891-95. Philadelphia, 1892-96. O. V. 1-4. C T University extension bulletin ; a record of current university extension work, Nov. 1893- Aug. 1894. Philadelphia [1 894]. Q. v. I. C University Extension Congress, London, 1894. Report of the proceedings, including the reports of the expert committees. . . London, 1894. O. 102 p. C University extension lectures. Published by the American Society for the Extension of Univer- sity Teaching. Philadelphia, 1897-98. O. nos. 1-8. C University of Chicago — University Exten- sion Division — Lecture Study Dept. Circular of information, 1895. Chicago, 1895. Sq. O. C 1900. D. Circular A, C. Chicago, 1896- C Syllabus. No. 1-21, iy-2,'], 29, 31-47, 49-52, 54-91, 93-100, 102-18, 121-37, 139- 43. Chicago [i896]-i900. D. C University of Kansas — University Exten- sion. Prospectus of lecture courses for the aca- demic year, 1891-92. Topeka, 1891. O. C University of Michigan — Extension Teach- ing. Syllabus and references ; the interpretation of art. . . Ann Arbor, 1892. D. 19 p. C 38o EDUCA TION University of the State of New York— Extension Dept. Annual report, 1894-97. Albany, 1895-98. O. V. 2-5. C T The first report printed separately was issued as Regents' bulletin no. 24. The earlier reports may be found in the Re- gents' annual reports. See also p. 75. Circulars, no. 1-14, 16-29, 31-32- Albany, 1891-94. O. C Extension bulletin, Nov., 1891-May, 1893, July, 1895-July, 1898, no. 1-5, 7, 9-27. (/» its Extension dept. Annual report, v. 2-6.) C T Nos. 1-5 are no. 17-21 of the Regents' bulletin. Syllabus. Albany, 1892-94. D. no. I, 3-7, II, 13-16, 18-23, 25-26, 28-31, 32-41. C Woods, Robert Archey. English social move- ments. 1891. p. 119-41. C T a. SUMMER SCHOOLS Adams, Herbert Baxter. Summer schools and university extension. (/« Butler, Nicholas Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 1900, v. 2, p. 821-64.) C T Catholic Summer School of America (Cliff Haven, N. Y.). Handbook of information. Champlain summer school. 1900. [Plattsburgh, 1900.] T. 24 p. C Syllabus of lectures, sixth, ninth session, 1897, 1900. New York [1897, 190O]. D. ill. por. C Chicago Institute. Academic and peda- gogic ; summer school. July 2 to August 10, 1900. [Chicago, 1900.] O. 16 p. plan. C T Chicago — Woman's Club. Report of the Chi- cago vacation school committee, 1898-99. [Chicago, 1898-99.] O. 44 p. C Columbia University. Summer session 1900-01 ; announcement. Hew York [I900-0I]. O. 2 nos. C Report of the Director for the session of 1900. (/« Columbia University — President. An- nual report, 1900. p. 328-41.) C Concord (Mass.) Summer School of Phi* losophy. Concord lectures on philosophy ; com- prising outlines of all the lectures ... in 1882 ; with an historical sketch ; collected and arranged by R. L. Bridgman, revised by the several lectur- ers, approved by the faculty. Cambridge rc. 1883]. Q. 168 p. C Anagnos. Mrs. Julia Romana (Howe). Philosophise quaestor ; or. Days in Concord. Boston [i885]. D. 58 p. I pi. C Edinburgh University — Summer School. Summer school of art and science . . . summer meeting University Hall, August 3-29, 1896. . . Edinburgh, 1896. Sq. O. 35 p. C Martha's Vineyard Summer Institute. July and August, 1900. . . Boston, 1900. S. ill. C New York (State) — Public Instruction, Dept. of. Announcement of summer institutes for 1901. [Albany, 1901.] S. 28 p. C Ovrerx, Daniel Edward. Simple science les- sons ; teacher's syllabus and note book arranged for Maine summer schools, n. p. n. d. O. 104 p. C Parkyn, Ernest Albert. Syllabus of a course of lectures on animal physiology. Richmond, n. d. O. 34 + 26 p. (Cambridge University — Univer- sity extension lectures.) C University of Indiana — Summer School. Announcement, 1891, 1895-96, 1898. Blooming- ton, 1891-98. D. and O. C University of Minnesota — Summer School. Annual session, 1894, 1901. Minneapolis, 1894, 1901. O. C University of the State of New^ York. Home education bulletin. No. 30, July, 1899 : Summer schools. . . Albany, 1899. O. 44 p. C 35. DEAF AND DUMB Akerly, Samuel. Elementary exercises for the deaf and dumb. . . New York, 1821. O. 6 + 374 + [2] p. ill. C Alabama Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. Annual report, 1874. Montgom- ery, 1875. O. no. 14. C American annals of the deaf, 1876, 1884, 1894-95. Washington, 1876-95. O. v. 2i3 ; 29' ; 30'- 4; 39'- 3; 40». C American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Act of incorporation and constitution . . . Sept. 16. 1900. Washington, 1891. O. 14 p. C Circular of information, no. i, 1891 : The word-method, by David Greenberger. Washing- ton, 1891. O. 18 p. C Report of the proceedings of the ist-2nd, 4th-6th summer meeting, 1891-92, 1894-99. Roch- ester, etc., 1892-99. O. C American Asylum, see Hartford (Conn.). American Instructors of the Deaf and Dumb, Convention of. Proceedings, 1850-53, 1858, 1870- 78, 1886-93. Albany, 1850-93. O. ill. v. I-3, 5. 7-9. "-I3- C American Schools for the Deaf, Conference of Principals . . .of. Report of the committee on classification of methods of instructing the deaf ; committee, E. A. Fay, J. L. Noyes, A. G. Bell. Washington, 1893. O. 4 + 124 p. C Arnold, Thomas. Analogies of the language of sound and of touch, n. t.-p. O. 18 p. C Education of the deaf and dumb. . . French and German systems. London, 3873. O. 16 p. C DEAF AND DUMB 381 Languages of the senses with special refer- ence to the education of the deaf, blind. . . Mar- gate, 1894. O. 34 p. C Association for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes. Addresses upon the occasion of the laying of the corner stone of the new Institute building. . . New York [I884]. O. 28 p. C Association review ; an educational magazine ; published by the Amer. Assoc, to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Edited by Frank W. Booth. V. 1-2'' 3-5. Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, 1899-igoo. O. pi. C B^bian, Roch Ambroise Auguste. Manuel d' enseignement pratique des sourds-muets. . . Paris, 1827. Sq. Q. V. I. 32 pi. C Contents : V. 1. Modeles d'exercises. B^langer, Adolphe. Enseignement des sourds- muets ; bibliographie generale de tous les ouvrages parus en France ou en langue fran9aise. Paris, 1889. O. 114 p. C Bell, Alexander Graham. Address upon the condition of articulation teaching in American schools for the deaf ; delivered June 29, 1892. . . Boston, 1893. O. 72 p. C Establishment for the study of vocal physi- ology ; for the correction of stammering and other defects of utterance. . . Boston, 1872. O. 16 + [3] p. C Facts and opinions relating to the deaf from America. London, 1888.' O. 7 + 195 p. C Fallacies concerning the deaf and the influ- ence of such fallacies in preventing the amelioration of their condition. . . Washington, 1883. O. p. 48-86. (Volta bureau, [Pub!.].) C Growth of the oral method of instructing the deaf ; an address delivered . . . November 10, 1894. . . Boston, 1896. O. 23 p. I pi. CT Marriage ; an address to the deaf. 3d . . . ed. Washington, 1898. O. 17 p. (Volta bu- reau. [Publ.]) C Methods of instructing the deaf in the Uni- ted States ; statistics compiled from the Am. annals of the deaf, March, 1896 ; Sept. , 1898. Washington, 1896-98. O. [4] p. C The mystic oral school ; an argument in its favor. Washington, 1897. O. 38 p. C On reading as a means of teaching language to the deaf. . . 3d ed. Washington, 1890. O. 7 p. (Volta bureau. [Publ.].) C The question of sign-language and the utility of signs in the instruction of the deaf ; two papers. Washington, 1898. O. 29 p. C Upon a method of teaching language to a very young congenitally deaf child. Washington, 1883. O. 16 p. C Bell, Alexander Melville. Line-writing exer- cises. 1S86. [Washington, 1886.] O. 32 p. (Volta bureau. [Publ.].) C Universal line-writing and steno-phonog- raphy on the basis of " visible speech. " . . London, 1869. O. v. p. I ill. C Visible speech charts, n. t.-p. F. 6 p. pi. C Reprinted from Education of deaf children. June, i888. Bezold, Friedrich von. Das horvermogen der taubstummen mit besondere berlicksichtigung der Helmholtz'schen theorie, des sitzes der erkrankung und des taubstummen - unterrichts. Wiesbaden, 1896. O. 8 + 156 p. pi. C Nachtrage. Wiesbaden, 1897. O. 31 p- pi- c Boston — School Committee. Report of commit- tee on the Horace Mann School for the Deaf. Bos- ton, 1877. O. C Brauckmann, Karl. Die im kindlichen alter auftretende schwerhorigkeit und ihre padagogische wUrdigung, nebst einem anhang : Das ertaubte kind. Leipzig, 1896. O. 5 -f- [i] + 103 p. C Barton, Mrs. Gertrude (Hitz). Dr. A. Gra- ham Bell's private school ; line writing and kinder- garten. [ Washington, n, d.] O. 18 p. ill. (Volta bureau. [Publ.].) C California Institution for the Education of the Deaf and the Blind. Biennial report, 1875, 1892, Sacramento, 1875-92. O. v. n, 20. C Chicago — Public Instruction, Dept. of — Deaf- mute Day Schools. Annual report, 1884-85. Chi- cago, 1885. O. C Church Mission to Deaf-mutes. Annual report, 1873-98. New York, 1873-98. O. v. 1-26. C Clarke Institution for Deaf-mutes (Northamp- ton, Mass.). Annual report, 1867-70, 1871-77, 1881-1891. Boston, 1868-91. O. V. 1-3, 5-10, 14-24. C Teaching the deaf by articulation. . . Boston, 1876. O. 24 p. C Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Annual report, 1858, 1864, 1866-68, 1882-83, 1886- 1900. Washington, 1858-1900. O. v, I, 7, 9- II, 25-26, 29-42. C See also Gallaudet College, below. Currier, Enoch Henry. History of articula- tion-teaching in the New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb . . . read be- fore . . . the Am. Assoc, to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf . . July 11, 1894. New York, 1894. O. 22 p. I pi. C Davidson, Samuel Gaston. Discussion and results of oral work . . . [for the deaf and dumb]. Philadelphia, 1892. O. 15 p. C Emery, Philip A. Brief historical sketch of the Chicago deaf-mute day schools, from June, 1874 to June, 1886. . . Chicago, 1886. O. 11 p. C "Who killed cock robin?"; or. Crying evils in the deaf-mute world. . . Chicago, 1879. D. 63 p C 382 EDUCATION- Empire State Association of Deaf-mutes. Pro- ceedings of the iith-i4th convention, 1887-91. New York, 1887-92. O. C Fay, Edward Allen, editor. Historiesof Ameri- can schools for the deaf, 1817-1893, prepared . . . by the principals and superintendents of the schools . , . Washington, 1893. O. 3 v. ill. por. pi. C Marriages of the deaf in America ; an in- quiry concerning the results of marriage of the deaf in America. Washington, 1898. O. 7 + 527 p. C Bibliography, p. 500-19. Gallaudet, Edward Miner, and Bell, A. G. Education of deaf children : Evidence . . . pre- sented to the . . . Commission of the United Kingdom on the condition of the blind, the deaf and the dumb . . . ed. by J. C. Gordon. Wash- ington, 1892. F. V. p. ill. por. pi. C Gallaudet, Rev. Thomas. Sermon preached at the twenty-fifth anniversary of St. Ann's church for deaf-mutes, eighteenth street near Fifth ave.. New York . . . October 7th, 1877. New York, 1877. O. 24 p. I ill. C Gallaudet College (Washington, D, €.). [Announcement.] 1866, 1871-72, 1879-80. 1882- 83, 1886-87, 1891-92, 1894-95, 1896-97, 1899- 1900. Washington, 1866-1900. O. C Alumni' Association. Minutes and proceed- ings of Association meetings. 1889-99. [Grin- nell, la., 1900.] O. 74 p. por. pi. C Gillett, Philip G. Some noble benefactors of the deaf. Rochester, 1896. O. 33 p. C Gilman, Arthur. Miss Helen Adams Kellar's first year of college preparatory work. Washington [1897]. O. 12 p. I por. (Volta bureau. Re- prints of useful knowledge, no. 20.) C Gordon, Joseph Clayburgh. Practical hints to parents concerning the preliminary home-training of young deaf children. Washington, 1886. O. 45 p. pi. C Tabulations relating to the instruction of the deaf for 1899, compiled from statistics. . . n. t.-p. O. [6] p. C Great Britain — Royal Commission on the Con- dition of the Blind, the Deaf and Dumb. Education of deaf children ; evidence of E. M. Gallaudet and A. G. Bell . . . edited by J. C. Gordon. Wash- ington, 1892. F. 8 + 258 + [32] p. pi. T Green, Francis. New edition of Vox oculis subjecta, part i : A dissertation on the most curious and important art of imparting speech ... to the naturally deaf and . . . dumb (London, 1783). Boston, 1897. O. 27 p. C T Greenberger, David. The word-method. Washington, 1891. O. iS p. (Am. Assoc, to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Circ. of inf. no. i, 1891.) C T Gutzmann, Hermann, M.D. Facial speech- reading. Washington [iSgsh- O- 4^ ?• (Volta bureau. Reprints of useful knowledge, no. 21.) C Hart, Elizabeth. Training College for teachers of the deaf on the pure oral system at Ealing, n. t.- p. O. [7] p. C Hartford (Conn.) — American Asylum for the Education . . . of the Deaf and Dumb. Report, 1817-76, 1881-95, 1897-1901. Hartford, 1817- 1901. O. por. C Hitz, John. Dr. A. Graham Bell's private ex- perimental school, Scott Circle, Washington, D. C, 1883-85. . . Washington, 1898. O. 23 p. ill. I pi. (Volta bureau. [Publ.]) C Volta bureau ; names and addresses of per- sons interested in the education of the deaf. . . 1890, 2 pts. ; 1893. Washington, 1890-93. O. C Hoffinann, Hugo. Der erste sprech- und sprach-unterricht in der taubstummenschule ; mit . . . beriichsichtigung der neueren phonetischen gebnisse. Marburg, 1889. O. 5 + 63 p. i pi. C Hubbard, Gardiner Greene. Story of the rise of the oral method in America, as told in [his] writ- ings ; [edited by M. G. Bell]. Washington, 1898. O. 48 + [I] p. I por. C Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. Biennial [and annual] report of the trustees, superintendent and treasurer, 1863-72, 1874-80, 1883-98. Springfield, 1864-99. O. C ioth-i2th biennial (1863-68) ; 2Qth-38th annual (1869-78) ; 20th-2gth biennial [4oth-58th annual] (i88o-g8). 33d annual (1873) and 21st biennial (1881-82) wanting. Illinois — Public Instruction, Dept. of. Report of the superintendent of the State School for the Deaf ; for the biennial period ending July i, 1898. [JacksonTnlle, 1898.] O. 32 p. C Indiana Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. Annual report of the trustees and superintendent. {In successive volumes of Indiana — Officers of State. Annual reports.) C Kansas Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. Biennial report, 1877/8, 1890. Topeka, 1878-90. O. C Koch, Konrad. Die erziehung zum mute durch turnen, spiel und sport ; die geistige seite der leibes- Ubungen. Berlin, 1900, O. [3] + 224 p. C Ii'Epee, Charles Michel, abb^ de. Institution des sourds et muets, par la voie des signes method- iques. . . [Anon.] Paris, 1776. S. 2 v. in i. C Only method of completely restoring the deaf and dumb to society. Philadelphia, 1900, O. 4 p. I por. (Volta bureau. Reprints of use- ful knowledge, no, 22.) C Le Couteulx St. Mary's Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf-mutes. Annual re- port, 1882-83. Buffalo, 1884. O. pi. C Liverpool School for the Deaf and Dumb. Report for 1873-74. Liverpool, 1874-75. O- C LlandaiF — School for the Deaf and Dumb. Re- port for 1885. London, 1886. O. C DEAF AND DUMB 383 London — Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. Illustrated vocabulary for the use of the deaf and dumb. London, 1857. Sq. Q. 8 + 469 p. ill. I pi. T School for the Deaf and Dumb. Report . . . and annual sermon preached ... by C. J. Vaughan, 1886. London, 1887. O. 37 p. C Lyon, Edmund. The Lyon phonetic manual. Rochester, i8gi. O. 73 p. ill. pi. C Magnat, Edmond. Les elements de la parole; petit cours 4 I'usage des professeurs d'articulation. Paris, 1889. D. Sop. ill. C Mann, Edwin John. The deaf and dumb ; or, A collection of articles relating to the condition of deaf mutes. . . Boston, 1836. D. 312 p. ill. pi. C Mashburn, A. G. Some differences in the edu- cation of the deaf and the hearing ; read . . . April II, 1898. Little Rock, 1898. Sq. D. 15 p. (Volta bureau. [Publ.].) C Massachusetts — Education, Board of. Re- port relative to the instruction of the adult blind at their homes. ^Boston, 1900.] O. 33 p. C General Court. Deaf-mute education in Massachusetts ; report of the joint special commit- tee of the legislature of 1867 . . . with an appendix containing evidence, arguments, letters etc. . . Boston, 1867. O. 22 + 236 p. C Michigan School for the Deaf (Flint), nth, 2ist biennial report of board of trustees. 1873-74, 1893-94. Lansing, 1874-94. O. C Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind. Annual report, 1868, 1874. St. Paul, 1869-74. O. C Montana School for the Deaf and Blind (Boulder). Historical sketch, rules of ad- mission, etc. [by E. S. Tillinghast]. [Boulder-^ 1900. O. 16 p. pi. C Morf, Heinrich. Aus der geschichte der taub- stummenbildung. {In Paedagogium. 1892. v. 14, p. 551-67 and 629-39.) T National Association of the Deaf. Proceed- ings of the convention, 1880, 1889, 1899. JVew York, etc., 1880-1900. O. v. i, 3, 6. C National Deaf-Mute College. See Gal- laudet College, above. National Educational Association of the U. S. Proceedings of meeting held in . . . Madison, Wis. . . . July i6th, 1884, to consider the subject of deaf- mute instruction in relation to the work of the pub- lic schools. Washington, 1885. O. 65 p. C Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. Biennial report, 1881-96. Lincoln, 1883-96. O. V. 3-10. (/« Neb. — Public lands and buildings. Com. of. Biennial report.) C New England Industrial School for the Edu- cation and Instruction of Deaf-mutes. Annual report, 1881-82, 1887-89. Beverly, i?,Zi-%^]. O. 37 p. C Class of igoo. The Lincoln University class book, published by the senior class of 1900 . . . Lincoln University, 1900. Sq. O. [4] + 84 p. ill. por. pl. C Theological Department. Annual sermon by Rev. W. P. Swartz, Ap. 14, 1895; Inauguration of Rev. W. D. Kerswill . . . Ap. 16, 1895. Phila- delphia, 1895. O. 56 p. C The extent and unity of Bible study ; inaugural address of J. A. Hodge . . . Jan. 23, 1894. Philadelphia, 1894. O. 20 p. C Inauguration of Rev. R. L. Stewart . . . and of Rev. J. A. Hodge . . . Jan. 23, 1894. Philadelphia, 1894. O. 48 p. C Jeffers, Rev. E. T. The elect preacher ; address ... at opening of the Theological Depart- ment of Lincoln University for the year 1888-89. [Philadelphia-] 1888. O. 16 p. C Johnson, Wm. D. Linc<51n University ; or. The nation's first pledge of emancipation. Philadelphia, 1867. O. 32 p. C Livingstone College Catalogue, 1886-87, 1898-99. O. pl. (Salisbury, N. C). Salisbury, 1887-99. C Mayo, Rev. Amory Dwight. The new educa- tion in the South, n. t.-p. O. 16 p. C Methodist Episcopal Church — Freedmen's Aid Society. Annual report, 1873, 1875, 1878, 1880. Cincinnati, 1873-80. O. v. 6, 8, 10, 13. C Morris Brown College (Atlanta, Ga.). Catalogue, 1898-99. Atlanta, 1898. O. por. pl. C National Theological Institute and University. Proceedings at the annual meeting, and an address by Rev. J. D. Fulton, with second annual report of the executive committee . . . May I, 1868. Boston, 1868. O. 54 p. C Ne'W England Educational Commission for Freedmen. Extracts from letters of teachers and superintendents of the commission. 4th series, January i, 1864. Boston, 1864. O. 14 + [i] p. Name of organization changed in 1864 to New England Freedmen's Aid Society — Educational Commission. New England Freedmen's Aid Society — Edu- cational Conimission. Annual report, 1863-64. Boston, 1863-64. O. no. 1-2. C Organized under the name Educational Commission for Freedmen. 390 EDUCATION Nevr Orleans University. Catalogue, 1889- 91. New Orleans, 1890-91. O. pi. C Commencement souvenif. New Orleans, 1891. D. 14 p. C Philadelphia — Association of Friends for the Free Instruction of Adult Colored Persons. An- nual report, 1850-59, 1861-63. Philadelphia, 1858- 63. O. and D. C Philander Smith College (Little Rock, Ark.). Annual catalogue, 1890-93, 1894-96. Lit- tle Rock, 1891-96. O. por. pi. C Richardson, Mrs. Anna W. A word to the friends of the Lamson Normal School, Marshall- ville, Ga. n. p. n. d. O. 23 p. pi. C Roger Williams University. Annual catalogue, 1886-87, 1890-92, 1893-95, 1899-1900. Nashville, 1887-95. O. pi. C Rust University (Holly Springs, Miss.). An- nual catalogue, 1889-90, 1891-93. Cincinnati, 1890-93. D. ill. por. pi. C Year book ; record of graduates. Holly Springs, 1900. O. 45 p. pi. v. 33, C Shaw University (Raleigh, N. C). Cata- logue. 1886-87, 1889-90, 1891-92, 1893-94, 1895- 96, 1898-99. Raleigh, 1887-99. O. pi. C Slater Fund, see Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund. Smyth, John H. Negro delinquent children in Virginia. . . New York, May 24, 1898. D. [ii p.] C Southern Industrial Classes of Norfolk, Vir- ginia. Annual report. 1897-99. ^Norfolk.-^ Sq. Q. V. 2, 3. {In its Reports and papers. 1896- 98.) C Graded course in sewing. Sq. Q. 9 p. (/« its Reports and papers. 1896^-98.) C [Report of a tour made October, 1895, for the purpose of ascertaining the condition, mental and moral, of the colored women of the South ; by Mrs. E. C. Hobson and Mrs. Archibald Hopkins.] Sq. Q. 15 p. {In its Reports and papers. 1896- 98.) C Reports and papers, 1896-98. Sq. Q. C Type-written. Southern University (New Orleans, La.). Catalogue, 1891-92, 1893-96. New Orleans, 1892- 96. O. pi. C State Colored Normal and Industrial School (Normal, Ala.). Catalogue, 1895-96. O. 62 p. ill. pi. C Talladega College (Talladega, Ala.). Cata- logue, 1882-93, 1894-95, 1896-^8, 1899-1900. Talladega, 1883-1900. O. ill. pi. C Tillotson College (Austin, Tex.), Catalogue of officers and students. 1895-96,1897-1900. Aus- tin, etc., 1898-1900. O. pi. C Tougaloo University (Tougaloo, Miss.), Catalogue, 1894-95, 1897-98. Jackson, 1895-98. O. C WOODWORTH, Rev. Frank G. Tougaloo University, Mississippi. O. lip. ill. C Trustees of Donations for Education in Libe- ria. Annual report, 1851-52, 1854-55, 1865, i- 2, 4-6. Boston, 1851-65. O. C Trustees of the John F. Slater fund. Occa- sional papers. No. 1-10. Baltimore, 1894-97. O. C Contents : 1. Documents relating to the origin and work of the Slater trustees, 1882 to 1894. 2. Brief memoir of the life of John F. Slater, 1815 to 1S84, by S. H. Howe, D.D. 1894. 3. Education of the negroes since i860, by J. L. M. Curry. 1894. 4. Statistics of the negroes in the United States, by Henry Gannett. 1894. 5. Difficulties, complications, and limitations connected with the education of the negro, by J. L. M. Curry. 1895. 6. Occupations of the negroes, by Henry Gan- nett. 1895. 7. The negro and the Atlanta Exposition, by Alice M. Bacon. 1896. 8. Report of the fifth Tuskegee Negro Confer- ence, 1896, by J. Q. Johnson. 1896. 9. Report concerning the colored women of the South, by Mrs. E. C, Hobson and Mrs. C, E. Hopkins. 1896. 10. A study in black and white, by D. C, Gil- man. 1897. Proceedings, 1882-1901. Baltimore, 1882- 1901. O, C Vol. for 1882 has title " Organization of the trustees." Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Insti- tute. Annual report, ist, 5th, 7th, 9th, 15th, 18th (1881-83, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1896, 1899), Tuske- gee, Ala., 1883-1900. O. C 15th and i8th of Principal and Treasurer. 13th- 16th and 1 8th annual report of the Principal, 1894-97, 1899. Tuskegee, Ala., 1894- 99. O. and S. C Catalogue, 1895-96, 1897-98, 1899-1900. Tuskegee, Ala., 1896-1900. O. pi. C Report of the Tuskegee Normal School since its organization, July 4, 1881, to Aug. 30, 1883. Hampton, Fa., 1883. O. 16 p. C Thrasher, Max Bennett. Tuskegee ; its story and its work ; with an introduction by Booker T, Washington, Boston, 1900. D, 16 + 215 p, por. pi, C T U. S. Grant University, see Grant Uni- versity. United States — Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of. Semi-annual report on schools for freedmen, July 1867, July 1868-Jan. 1870. Washington, 1867-70, O. v. 4, 6-9. C Washington, Booker Taliaferro. Education of the negro. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 1900. v. 2. p. 893-936.) C T NEGRO EDUCATION 391 Washington and Georgetown (D. C.)— Colored Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, I87I-73- Washington, 1871-73. O. pi. tab. C Wayland Seminary. Washington, 1893-94. O. Catalogue, 1893-94. C Woodworth, Rev. Frank G. Kind and scope of education needed for the colored race ; a paper read before the Mississippi State Teachers' Assoc, (white) in December, 1892. n. t.-p. O. 11 p. a. INDIAN EDUCATION Armstrong, Samuel Chapman. Indian educa- tion at Hampton, Va. New York,\%Z\. O. 16 p. c Indian education in the east, at Hampton, Va., and Carlisle, Penn.; an address delivered in Boston . . . October, 1880. Hampton, Va., 1880. O. 7P. C Blackmar, Frank Wilson. Indian education. (/« Am. Acad, of Polit. and Social Science. 1892. V. 2, p. 813-37.) C Blair, Henry William. Schools — Indian appro- priation bill ; remarks in the House of Rep. . . August 8, 1894. n. t.-p. O. 16 p. C Du Bois, Constance Goddard. Condition of the Mission Indians of Southern California. Phila- delphia, 1901. O 16 p. C Gates, Merrill Edwards. Land and law as agents in educating Indians, n. t.-p. O. 23 p. I map. C Garvatt, Rev. J. J. Record of Hampton's re- turned Indian pupils. Philadelphia, 1885. O. 7 p. c Hailmann, William N. Education of the In- dian. {In Butler, Nicholas Murray. Ed. in the U. S. 1900. V. 2, p. 937-72.) C T Harris, William Torrey. Address before the graduates at the commencement exercises of the In- dian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa., March 2, 1899. Nar. F. 4 p. C Harrison, Rev. Jonathan Baxter. Colleges and the Indians and the Indian Rights Assoc. Philadelphia, 1888. O. 7 p. C Indian Rights Association. Annual report. 1883-1900. Philadelphia, 1884-1901. O. v. i- 18. C Are the eastern industrial training schools for Indian children a failure ? Philadelphia, 1886. O. 45 P- C Greeting to educated Indians. Philadel- phia, 1888. O. 6 + 7 p. C Text in Indian and English. [Publications.] 2d ser. no. i-iS, 20-56. [Nos. I, II, 20, 26, 32, 44, 50, 54, 56 are annual re- ports.] Philadelphia, 1893-1901. O. C Report of a trip made in behalf of the In- dian Rights Association to some Indian reservations of the Southwest, by S. C. Armstrong. . . Phila- delphia, 1884. O. 30 p. C Indian University (Bacone, Ind. Ter.). Cat- alogue, 1894-95. Muskogee, 1895. O. pi. C Jackson, Rev. Sheldon. Statement of facts concerning the difficulties at Sitka, Alaska, in 1885. Washington, 1886. O. 33 p. C Lake Mohonk Conference of Friends of the Indian. Proceedings of the annual meeting, 1883- 84, 1886-97. Philadelphia, 1883-97. O. v. 1-2, 4-15. C liinton, William S. Indian appropriation bill . . . speech in the House of Representatives ... June 7, 1894. n. t.-p. O. 8 p. C Ludlow, Helen W. 1878-1888 ; ten years* work for Indians at the Hampton Normal and Agri- cultural Institute at Hampton, Virginia. ^Hampton. Fa., 1888.] O. [6] -1-80 p. ill. C and Eastman, Mrs. Elaine (Goodale). Cap- tain Pratt and his work for Indian education. Philadelphia, 1886. O. 8 p. C Massachusetts Indian Association. Annual report, 1885-86, Boston, 1885-86. O. 16 p. C Meserve, Charles F. Tour of observation among Indians and Indian schools in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Kansas. Philadelphia, 1894. O. 43 P- T Michigan — Indian Affairs, Supt. of. Annual report made to the Bureau of Indian affairs at Washington, at the close of the fiscal year, 30th September, 1840. Detroit, 1840. O. C Morgan, Thomas Jefferson. Indian educa- tion. Washington, 1890. O. 28 p. (U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Bull, no, i.) C T Painter, Charles Coffin. Extravagance, waste and failure of Indian education. Philadelphia, 1892. O. 22 p. C Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. The Piutes ; second report of the model school of Sarah Winne- mucca, 1886-87. Cambridge, 1887. D. 18 p. C Piatt, Mrs, Elvira Gaston. Reminiscences of a teacher among the Nebraska Indians, 1843-1885. (In Nebraska Hist. Soc. Trans, and reports. 1892. V. 3. p. 125-43.) C Rhoads, James E. Our next duty to the In- dians. Philadelphia, 1887. O. 5 p. C Santee Normal Training SchooL Woon- spe wankantu. Catalogue, 1892-1894. Santee, Neb.,\iq^. O. 36 p. i ill. i pi. T Spencer, Frank Clarence. Education of the Pueblo child, a study of arrested development. New York, 1899. O. 97 + [I] p. (Columbia University contributions to philosophy, psychology and education, v. 7, no. i.) C T 392 EDUCATION United States — Education, Bureau of. In- dian education and civilization, a report prepared . . . by A. C. Fletcher under direction of the Com- missioner of education. Washington, 1888. O. 693 p. C Memorandum concerning education in Alaska [by S. Jackson] ; March 23, 1892, Wash- ington, 1892. O. 3 p. C ^ Report on education in Alaska ... by S. Jackson. 1886. Washington, 1886. O, 94 p. ill. per. pi. maps. C ■■ — [Same.] for 1889-90. (/« Report of the Commissioner of Ed. 1889-90, p. 1245-1300. pi.) C , Indian Affairs, Bureau of. Rules for the Indian school service. Washington, 1898. O. 33 P- C Indian Affairs, Commissioner of. Supple- mental report on Indian education. 1889. [ Wash- ington, 1889.] O. 22 p. C Indian Schools, Supt. of. Annual report, 1887, 1890, 1892-1900. Washington, 1888-1901. O. C General course of work and text-books adopted for Indian schools, [I897 ?], [ Washington.-\ O. 9 p. C Syllabus of language work and sugges- tions to teachers . . . for the use of Indian . . . schools. . . Washington, 1894. O. 42 p. C '- Syllabus of number work and sugges- tions to teachers . . . for . . . Indian schools. . . Washington, 1894. O. 44 p. ill. C Interior Dept, Annual report of the United States Indian Inspector for the Indian Territory . . . with the reports of the Superintendent of schools . . . and of the Indian Agent . . . for . . . 1899. Washington, 1899. O. 40 p. C Statistics of Indian tribes, Indian agencies, and Indian schools of every character. Corrected to Jan, i, 1899. Washington, 1899. D. 172 p. C Warren, Charles. Indian school at Carlisle barracks. . . Washington, 1880. O. 5 p. C Wo"wapi ; a magazine devoted to the cause of the Indians. Boston, 1883. O. C 37. EDUCATION AND SOCIOLOGY Addams, Jane. Function of the social settle- ment. (/« Am. Acad, of Polit. and Social Sci. Annals. 1899. v. 13, p. 323-45.) C The subjective necessity for social settle- ments. — The objective value of a social settlement. {In Philanthropy and social progress. 1893. p. 1-56.) C T Allard, Louis Jacques. Esprit des plus pres- sants besoins politiques, religieux, moraux et soci- aux d'une nation. . . Paris, 1885. D. [5] -J- 346 + [3] p. C Andrevrs, Elisha Benjamin. Patriotism and the public schools. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1890. p. 143-56.) C Public school as an instrumentality of social advance. {In same. Lectures, 1895. p. 3-22.) C Anson, Sir William ReyneU, bart. Oxford House in Bethnal Green. {In Economic review. 1893. v. 3, p. 10-22.) C Apel, , pastor. Die verbreitung gute lese- stoffs. Berlin, 1896. O. [3] + 109 p. (Central- stelle fUr arbeiter-wohlfahrtseinrichtungen. Schrif- ten. no. 8.) C Atkinson, Edward. School instruction and the labor question. {In Am. Inst of Instr. Lectures, 1886. p. 202-37. tab.) ^ C Baker, Charles. Mechanics' institutions and libraries. {In Central Soc. of Ed. Papers. 1837. V. I, p. 214-55.) T Baker, James Hutchins. The student as citi- zen. {In his Education and life. 1900. p. 211- 20.) T Bals, Heinrich. Die schule im paradise der sozialdemokratie. . . Kempten, 1893. D. 58 + [I] p. (Padagog. vortrage und abhandl. v. i, no. 2.) C Baltimore — Children's Aid Society. Annual report, 1861, 1869, 1872, 1877-80, 1883-86, 1888, 1890-91. Baltimore, 1861-91. S., D. and O. v. I, 9, 12, 17-20, 23-26, 28, 30-31. C Baltimore Manual Labor School for Indigent Boys. 9th Report [for 1853]. Baltimore, 1854. S. C Better way of assisting school children. London, 1893. D. 6 -|- 152 p. (Charity organi- zation series.) T Boston — Asylum and Farm School for Indigent Boys. Report, 1839, 1845, 1847, 1849, 1852, 1858, 1877, 1883, 1889, 1891-93. Boston, 1839-93. O. C Children's Aid Society. Report, 1865-67, 1869, 1873-78, 1880-93, 1898. Boston, 1865-98. O. v. 1-3, 5, 9-14, 16-28, 34. C Children's Friend Society. Annual report, 1841, 1848, 1853, 1856, 1871, 1881, 1883, 1885- 86, 1888. Boston, 1841-88. D. and O. v. 8, 15, 20, 23, 38, 48, 50, 52-53. 55- C Church Home for Orphan and Destitute Children. Annual report, 1867-68, 1871, 1874, 1876-78, 1882-83, 1888. Boston, 1867-88. O. v, lo-ii, 14, 17, 19-21, 25-26, 31. C Home for the Little Wanderers. Annual report, 1873-77, 1879-80, 1882, 1885-86. Boston, 1873-86. O. V. 8-12, 14-15, 17, 20-21. C Industrial Aid Society. Annual report, 1887, 1889-92. Boston, 1887-92. O. V. 52i 54- 57. c EDUCATION AND SOCIOLOGY 393 Boston (continued) Nickerson Home. Annals, 1876-77, 1882, 1891. Boston, 1876-91. O. V. 40-42, 47, 56. C Wells Memorial Institute. Annual report. 1889. Boston. 1889. O. ill. por. v. 10. C Boston Society for the Moral and Religious In- struction of the Poor. Annual report, 1819, 1821- 24, 1826-31. Boston, 1819-31. O. V. 3, 5-8, 10-14. C Boutwell, George Sewall. Intrinsic nature and value of learning and its influence upon labor. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1856. p. 19- 52.) C Brookljm — Children's Aid Society. Annual report, 1884-85, 1888-89, 1892-99. Brooklyn, 1884-99. D. V. 19-20, 23-24, 27-34. C Brooklyn Industrial School Association and Home for Destitute Children. Annual report of the board of managers, 1854, 1856, i860, 1862, 1864-67, 1869, 1871, 1873, 1876-1900. New York, 1854-1900. O. V. 1-2, 6, 8, 10-13, I5i 17. I9i 22- 46. C Brougham and Vauz, Henry Brougham, baron. Practical observations upon the education of the people ; addressed to the working classes and their employers. 9th ed. London, 1825. O. 33 p. C Bruckner, Nathanael. Erziehung und unter- richt vom standpunkt der sozialpolitik. Berlin, 1895. O. 8 + 159 p. C Chad^^ick, David. ' On working men's colleges. {In Nat. Assoc, for Prom. Soc. Sci. Trans. 1859. p- 323-35.) C Channing, William Ellery. Lectures on the elevation of the labouring portion of the commu- nity. Boston, 1840. S. [6] + 81 + [I] p. C College of Social Economics (New York City), see New York {City)— College of Social Economics. College Settlements Association. Annual re- port, 1890-1900. New York, 1891-1900, D. and O. V. i-io. C Bibliography of college, social and uni- versity settlements ; compiled by J. P. Gavit. 3d ed. enl. Cambridge, Mass., 1897. O. 74 p. por. C Report on the questions drawn up by pres- ent residents in our college settlements and sub- mitted to past residents. . . Boston, 1896. O. 24 p. (Church Social Union. Publications. 1896. no. 29.) C Comwallis, Caroline Frances. Philosophy of ragged schools. pAnon.] London, i^c^i. D. 128 p. (Small books on great subjects, v. 18.) T C nmmin gs, Edward. University settlements. {In Qtly. jo. of econom. 1892. v. 6, p. 257-79.) C De Garmo, Charles. Social aspects of moral education. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1897. V. 3, p. 35-57-) C T Dewey, John. The school and society. Chi- cago, 1899. D. 125 p. ill. pi. T Dutton, Samuel Train. Social phases of edu- cation in the school and the home. New York, 1899. D. 9 + 259 p. T Eaton, John. Illiteracy and its social, political and industrial effects ; an address delivered . . . before the Union League Club of New York City, December 21, 1882. [New York.] O. 25 + [2] p. C Edmunds, George Franklin. Learning, the principal safeguard of order and prosperity among nations. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1866. p. 195-219.) C Elementary education of the working classes. {In Nat. Assoc, for the Promotion of Social Sci. Trans. 1859. P- 363-411.) C Elslander, J. L'education au point de vue sociologique. Bruxelles, 1898. O. 336 + [i] p. C T England — Education Dept. General rules and regulations for the management of certified truant industrial schools for the detention of truant chil- dren. . . London, 1894. F. ii p. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1894. v. 66.) C Faraday Institute of Education and Philan- thropy. Annual report. 1898. Brooklyn, 1898. S. C Successor to Willing Workers' Institute. 1893-98. Fleischner, Ludwig. Der moderne sozialis- mus und die erziehung. {In Neue bahnen. 1899. V. 10, p. 357-65 and 410-20.) T Flossel, Ernst. Volksbildung und jugenderzie- hung . . . ein beitrag zur losung der sozialen frage durch systematische jugendpflege. Leipzig, 1891. D. [3] + 235 p. C Was fehlt unserer arbeiterjugend. 2. aufl. des buches " Volksbildung und jugenderziehung." Leipzig, 1892. O. 4 + 235 p. C Folks, Homer. The care of destitute, neg- lected, and delinquent children. [Albany, 1900.] O. 142 p. (Monographs on Amer. social eco- nomics.) C Forss, Charles. Practical remarks upon the education of the working classes. . . London, 182s • S. 58 p. T Fulcomer, Daniel. Instruction in sociology in institutions of learning. [Chicago! 1894.] O. 19 p. C Gardiner (N. Y.) — Industrial Colony Associa- tion. Annual report, 1897-99. n.p. O. v. 1-3. C Gotte, Wilhelm. Forschule der politik. Leip- zig, 1840. O. [3] + 479p. C Gregorovius, E. Das preussische lehrer- seminar und die sozialdemokratie. Wittenberg, 1891. O. 26 p. C Gunton Institute of Social Economics and Po- litical Science. Announcement, 1897-98. New York [I897]. O. pi. C 394 EDUCATION Guthrie, Rev. Thomas. Seed-time and harvest of ragged schools. . . Edinburgh, i860. O, 5 + 206 p. I pi. T Habricht Leonhard. Sozial demokratie und volksschule ; oder. Was kann der christliche lehrer thun, um den sozial-demokratischen gefahren entge- gen zu arbeiten ? . . . Faderborn, 1891. D. 60 p. C Harris, William Torrey. Compulsory educa- tion in relation to crime and social morals, n. t.-p. O. 13 p. T Sphinx riddles of education, n. t.-p. [1877]. O. p. 639-60. C Henderson, Charles Richmond. Social set- tlements. New York [C. 1899]. S. 196 p. C Hochegger, Rudolf. Uber individual- und sozial-padagogik. Gotha, 1891. O. 36 p. (Pa- dagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1892. v. 4.) C [Same.] {In Neue bahnen, 1891. v. 2, p. 9-25, and 65^1.) T Hodgson, William Ballantyne. On the impor- tance of the study of economic science as a branch of education for all classes. {In Royal Inst, of Gr. Br. Lectures on education. 1855. p. 261-316.) C Hole, James. " Light, more light ! " on the present state of education amongst the working classes of Leeds. . . London, i860. S. 7 -J- 155 p. C Howerth, Ira Woods. Social aim in educa- tion. {In Nat. Herbart Soc. Year book. 1899. V. 5, p. 69-112.) C T Hudson, James William. History of adult education ... a full . . . history of the mechanics and literary institutions, athenaeums, philosophical, mental and Christian improvement societies, literary unions, schools of design ... of Great Britain, Ire- land, America. . . London, 185 1. O. 16 + 238 p. tab. C Hull-House maps and papers ; presentation of nationalities and wages in a congested district of Chicago . . . with . . . essays by residents of Hull- House. . . New York [C. 1895]. O. 8 + 230 p. pi. tab. (Lib. of econom. and politics ; R. T. Ely ; ed. no. 5.) C T Institute of Social Economics. Prospectus and syllabus of courses, 1900-01. New York [I90O]. Sq. D. C James, Edmund Janes. Economic and social aspects of education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1891. p. 224-58.) C Janke, Otto. Die schaden der gewerblichen und landwirtschaftlichen kinderarbeit fUr die jugend- erziehung. Langensalza, 1897. O. 44 p. (Pada- gog. mag. pt. 88.) C Jarvis, Edward. Value of common school edu- cation to common labor. . . Washington, 1879. O. 37 p. {In U. S,— Ed., Bur. of. Giro, of inf. 1879. no. 3.) C T Keferstein, Horst. Aufgaben der schule in beziehung auf das social-politische leben. 2. aufl. Langensalza, 1896. O. 4 + 35 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 55.) C Knapp, John Matthew. The universities and the social problem ; an account of the university settlements in east London. London, 1895. D. 10 + 235 p. C T Lamy, Etienne Marie Victor. L'oeuvre sociale; les settlements anglais et americans ; conference faite le 15 mai 1897. Paris, 1897. O. 28 p. C, Lancaster, Joseph. Improvements in educa- tion, as it respects the industrious classes of the community, containing ... an account of the In- stitution for the education of one thousand poor children, Borough road, Southwark. . . 3d. ed. London, 1805. O. 16 + 211 + 17 p. C T Langer, Adam. Die soziale stellung des leh- rers. Kempten, 1896. D. 86 p. (Padagog. vor- trage abhandl. v. 3, no. 3.) C London — Ragged School Union. 27th annual report . . . read May 8, 1871. London, 1871. O. C London School of Economics and Po- litical Science. Arrangements for the session 1897-99 ; Programme of courses, 1899-1900. Lon- don, 1897-99. O. C Luer, Albrecht. Die volksschul-erziehung im zeitalter der sozialreform ; sozialpadagogische stu- dien. Leipzig, 1899. O- 8 + 324 p. C McDonald, Arthur. Social pathology and edu- cation. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report of the )0. p. 572-90.) C T McNeill, George Edwin. Factory children ; report upon the schooling and hours of labor of chil- dren employed in the manufacturing and mechani- cal establishments of Massachusetts. Boston, \^i<',. O. 76 P- c Massachusetts — General Court — Senate. Report of ... H. K. Oliver . . . specially ap- pointed to enforce the laws regulating the employ- ment of children in manufacturing and mechanical establishments ... for the year 1868. Boston, 1869. O. 105 p. C Maurice, John Frederick Denison. Studies in a working college. ( In his Learning and working . . . 1855. -p. 129-91.) C T Melbourne (Australia) — Workingmen's College. Prospectus, 1900. . . 13th ed. Melbourne, 1900. O. 112 p. ill. C Meyer, Johannes. Die soziale frage und die schule. Gotha, i9i9i9,. O. 66H-[i]p. (Padagog. zeit- und streitfragen. 1888. v. i.) C Quellenangabe— p. 67. Meyer-Markau, Wilhelm. Sozialdemokra- tische jugendschriften. 36 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. 1898. v. Ii, pt. 12.) C Michigan State Public School for De- pendent and Neglected Children. Bien- nial report, 1897-98. Lansing, 1899. O. C EDUCATION AND SOCIOLOGY 395 Mitchell, Rev. M. Reports on libraries and apparatus used in the instruction of adults. (In Re- port on the Paris Univ. Exhib., 1867. p. 183- 219.) C MowTy, William Augustus. What schools will do for a people. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1882. p. 40-53.) c Mulhausen (Ger.) — Soci^t^ industrielle. En- quete decennale sur les institutions d'initiative privee destinees a favoriser I'amelioration de I'etat materiel et moral de la population dans la Haute-Alsace . . . Mulhause, 1878. O. 31° P- pl- tab. C Naitsab, H. Der Jesuitismus im kampfege- gen die volksbildung. {In Neue bahnen. 1899. V. 10, p. 21-7 and 80-95.) T Natorp, Paul. Sozialpadagogik ; theorie der willenserziehung auf der grundlage der gemein- schaft. Stuttgart, 1899. O. 8 + 352 p. C Ne'W Jersey — Labor of Children, Inspector of. Annual report, 1883. Trenton, 1883. O. v. i. C Ne'^r York (City) — College of Social Economics. Catalogue, 1892-93. New York, 1893. O. i pi. Ne'well, McFadden Alexander. Education and labor ; inaugural address delivered at the Louis- ville meeting, August 14, 1877. New York, 1878. D. 15 p. (Papers on education, ist ser. no. 19.) C Pagel, Franz. Der freiwillige erziehungsbeirat ftir schulentlassene waisen ; ein versuch zur losung der frage : Was ist das deutsche volk seinen ver- waisten kindern schuldig ? Berlin, 1896. , O. 96 p. C Papers on the education of the working classes. (/« Nat. Assoc, for the Promotion of Social Science. Trans. 1857. p. 151-203.) C Patterson, James Willis. Influence of educa- tion upon labor. In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1872. p. 90-120.) C Perdonnet, Auguste. De I'utilite de I'instruc- tion pour le peuple. Paris, 1867. S. 72 p. (Conf. pop. a I'Asile imp. de Vincennes.) C Philadelphia Society for the Establishment and Support of Charity Schools. Annual report, 1832, 1834, 1840, 1847-48, 1853, 1855, 1857. Phila- delphia, 1832-57. O. C — — Constitution and laws . . . historical sketch of the institution and the life of Christopher Lud- wick [by B. Rush]. Philadelphia, i860. O. 85 p. I por. C Porter, George Richardson. Statistical inqui- ries into the social condition of the working classes and into the means provided for the education of their children. {In Central Soc. of Ed. 1838. v. 2, p. 250-72.) T Prospect Union review, March 1894-Nov. 1895. Cambridgeport, 1894-95. O. v. 1-3, no. 2. C Reason, Will. University and social settle- ments. London, 1898. D. 12 + 195 p. (Social questions of to-day ; H. de B. Gibbins, ed.) C Riis, Jacob August. Children of the poor. New York, 1892. O. 11 -F 300 p. ill. pi. C T Rissmann, Robert. Individualismus und sozi- alismus in der padagogischen entwickelung unseres jahrhunderts. {In Neue bahnen. 1892. v. 3, p. 8-26 and 57-84.) T [Same.] Gotha, 1892. O. 48 p. (Pada- gogische zeit- und streitfragen. 1893. v. 5.) C Salmon, David. Welsh charity schools. Lon- don, 1900. O. 12 p. C Scherer, H. Die allgemeine volksschule in riicksicht auf die soziale frage. Bielefeld [1892]. O. 15 p. (Sammlung padagog. vortrage. v. 5, pt. 5.) c School of Social Economics. Circular of information. New York, 1896. O. pi. C Schulze, Otto. Beruf und berufswahl. Lan- gensalza, 1898. O. 22 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 103.) C Self-supporting industrial training schools for the . . education ... of the children of the very poor and destitute, n. p. n. d. O. 11 p. T Shamokin (Pa.). Report of the proceedings and speeches at the dedication of coal estates, for the benefit of the poor ; a free college, and African colonization ... on the 22dof Dec. 1854. Phila- delphia, 1855. O- 31 P- c Sicili&ni, Pietro. La scienza nell' educazione secondo i principii della sociologia moderna. 3* ed. . . Bologna, 1884. D. 19 + 498 + [i] p. por. C Storia critica della teorie pedagogiche in relazione con le scienze politiche e sociali. Bo- logna, 1882. D. 7 + 492 + [I] p. por. C Siegemund, Richard. Die individuelle und soziale aufgabe der erziehung und die padagogik der sozialdemokratie ; vortrag gehalten ... 24 Septem- ber 1895. Netzschkau, 1896. O. 29 p. C Starr, Ellen Gates. Settlements and the church's duty. Boston, 1896. O. 16 p. (Church Social Union. Pub. 1896. no. 28.) C Sw^ift, Morrison I. The plan of a social uni- versity. Ashtabula [I89O]. O. 40 p. (Social university monographs, no. i.) C Talbot, Mary. Women's settlements. {In Economic review. 1895. v. 5, p. 489-500.) C Temming, Ernst. Volksschulerziehung und ethischer sozialismus. Bielefeld [i?>(^y O. 27 p. (Samml. padagog. vortrage. v. 9, pt. 6.) C Te'ws, Johann. Kinderarbeit. Ixingensalza, 1896. O. 13 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 73.) C Die mutter im arbeiterhause ; eine sozialpa- dagc^ische skizze. Langensalza, 1893. O. 14 p. (Same. pt. 33.) C Sozialdemokratische padagogik. 2. aufl. Langensalza, 1894. O. 26 p. (Same. pt. 9.) C Soziale streiflichter. Langensalza, 1894. O. 20 p. (Same. pt. 53.) C 396 EDUCATION TrUper, Johannes. Die schule und die socialen fragen unserer zeit. Gutersloh, 1890. O. 3 v. in I. T Contents • V. I. Die schulfragen und ihr verhaltniss zum socialen leben. 2. Die schule und die wirtschaftlichsociale frage. 3. Die aufgaben der dffentlichen erziehung ange- sichts der socialen shaden der gegenwart. Tuckwell, Gertrude M. The state and its children. London, 1894. D. 6 + [i] + 164 p. (Social questions of to-day ; H. de B. Gibbins, ed. V. 13.) C T University Settlement Society. Report and plans for the winter's work, November 1893. New York, 1893. O. 12 p. C Unversagt, Traugott. Zeitgemassige gedan- ken uber socialdemokratie, christentum und schule . . . Leipzig, 1893. D. 145 p. C Villari, Pasquale. La scuola e la quistione sociale in Italia. 2* ed. n. p. n. d. O. [4] + 36 p. C Vincent, George Edgar. The social mind and education. . . Chicago [I897]. O. 155 p. i tab. C T Dr's dissertation. Bibliography, p. 147-52. Volcker, G. Die schule und die soziale frage. Schonebeck a. E., 1891. O. 96 p, C Die volksschulreform , ein hauptmittel zur bekampfung der socialdemokratie ; von Einem lehrer in Elsass-Lothringen. . . Mainz, 1892. O. 122 p. C Vorlander, Karl. Eine " Socialpadagogik " auf Kantischer grundlage. {In Zeitsch. ftir philos. und philos. kritik. 1899. v. 114, p. 214-40.) C Wadlin, Horace G. Illiteracy in Massachu-. setts. Boston, 1888. O. 15 p. C Warren, Charles. Illiteracy in the U. S. in 1870 and 1880 ; vv^ith diagrams and observations . . . an apx, on National aid to education by J. L. M. Curry. Washington, 1884. O. 99 p. ill. (/« U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1884. no. 3.) CT Wartburg Orphans' Farm School. An- nual report, 1891. Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 1891. O. V. 25. c Washburn, Emory. On the political influence of school matters. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lec- tures, 1835. p. 61-87.) c Watts, Isaac. An essay towards the encour- agement of charity schools, particularly those . . . supported by Protestant Dissenters. . . London, 1728. D, 51 p. C White, Emerson Elbridge. Education of labor. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1878. p. 107- 17.) C Wigge, Heinrich. Die schulsynode. {In Neue bahnen. 1890. v. i, p. 97-115 and p. 137- 47.) T Willing Workers Institute of Brooklyn — New York city. 1893-98. [Brooklyn, 1898.] Sq. S. II p. C Willmann, Otto. Die soziale aufgabe der hoheren schulen ; vortrag gehalten ... 7. Februar 1891. Braunschweig, 1891. D. 24 p. C Wines, Enoch Cobb. State of prisons and of child-saving institutions in the civilized world. Cambridge [Mass.-^ 1880. Q. 23 + 719 p. C Woods, Robtert Archey, editor. The city wil- derness ; a settlement study by residents and associ- ates of the South End House. Boston, 1898. D. 7 + 3 + 319 p. C T The university settlement idea. {In Philan- thropy and social progress. 1893. p. 57-97.) C T University settlements ; their point and drift. {In Qtly. jo. of econom. 1900. v. 14, p. 67- 86.) C Wyse, Sir Thomas. On the lyceum system in America, with a consideration of its applicability to mechanics' institutions in this country. {In Central Soc. of Ed. 1838. v. 2, p. 203-28.) T 38. EDUCATION AND THE CHURCH Adams, Herbert Baxter. Church and popular education. Baltimore, 1900. O. 84 p. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist, and polit, science, ser. 18, nos. 8-9.) C T American General Committee of the City and County of New York. The Bible in the public schools ; report and resolutions , . . May 14, 1858. [New York, 1858.] O. 8 p. C Bentham, Jeremy. Church-of-Eng\andism and its catechism examined ; preceded by strictures on the exclusionary system, as pursued in the National Society's schools. . . London, 1818. O. 55 + 248 + 456 p. C " Suppressed in consequence of a hint from the Attorney- General to the publishers." Berg, F. E. vom. Suum cuique ! ein wort fUr die contessionelle volksschule. Langenberg, 1877. O. 108 p. C Bergemann, Paul. Zur schulbibelfrage ; eine historisch-kritische untersuchung. Langensalza, 1894. O. 44 p. (Padagog. mag, pt. 37.) C Blodgett, James Harvey. Parochial schools. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Report of the com. v. 26, pt. 2, p. 1617-71.) C T Bommel, Corneille Richard Antoinne van, bp. Die wahren grundsatze des offentlichen elementar- und gymnasial-unterrichtes in seinen beziehungen zur religion ; aus dem franzosischen ubersetzt . . . von P. J. A. Schmitz. Regensburg, 1849. O. 2 V. in I. C Bouquillon, Rev. Thomas. Education : to whom does it belong? Baltimore, 1891. O. 31 p. C [Same.] Second edition, with A rejoinder to critics. Baltimore, 1892. O, 31 + 42 p. C T EDUCATION AND THE STATE 397 Bouquillon, Rev. Thomas (continued) Education : to whom does it belong ? A rejoinder to the Civiliti cattolica. Baltimore, 1892. O. 41 p. C Bkandi, Rev. S. " Education : to whom does it belong?" A review. New York, 1892. O. 14 P- C Conway, Rev. James. The state last : A study of Doctor Bouquillon's pamphlet, " Educa- tion : to whom does it belong ?" . . . 2d . . . ed. New York, 1892. O. 116 p. C HoLAiND, Rev. R. I. The parent first ; an answer to Dr. Bouquilloi;x's query, " Education : to whom does it belong ? " 2d ed. «. /. O. 32 p. C Gent, Rev. George William. The church and her elementary schools. (In Economic rev. 1894. V. 4. P- 345-52.) C Hawkins, Dexter Arnold. Archbishop Purcell outdone ! the Roman Catholic Church in New York city, and public land and public money. New York, 1880. O. 30 p. C Honke, Julius. Ober die mitwirkung der kirche im preussischen schulwesen. (/« Padagog. studien, neue folge. 1893. v. 14, p. 129-59.) T Hue, A. Le clericalisme et I'ecole (La loi Fal- loux). [Toulouse\ 1900. D. 347 + 3 p. maps. C Jay, John. Moral education in the public schools, n. t.-p. i8gi. O. 7 p. C Keferstein, Horst. Kirche und schule, ihre gemeinsamen lebensaufgaben, interessen und wis- senschaftlichen grundlagen. Langensalza, 1894. O. 2 + 31 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 50.) C McQuaid, Bernard John, bp. Public school question as understood by a catholic American citi- zen : a lecture . . . before the Free Religious Asso- ciation (free thinkers) of Boston, in Horticultural Hall, on . . , February 13, 1876. Boston, 1876. O. 44 P- C Mead, Edwin Doak. Roman catholic church and the public schools. Boston. 1890. O. 92 p. C Meyer, Jurgen Bona. Der kampf um die schule ; historisch-padagogische erbrterungen iiber die fragen ; Staatsschule oder kirchen-schule ? Re- ligionsunterricht oder staatsschule? Bonn, 1882. O. [3] + 103 p. C Necessity of defending our common school system from aggressions of Roman Catholic priests, n. t.-p. O. 16 p. C Ne'w York (City) — Education, Board of. Re- port of minority of the Committee on by-laws . , . against . . . compelling the reading of the Bible in the public schools. . . New York, 1859. O. 21 4- [2] p. C Parkman, Francis. Our common schools, n. t.-p. O. 6 p. C Potter, Rev. Eliphalet Nott. Church colleges and the church university, n. p., 1888. O. 13 p. C Issued from Hobart College, Geneva. Preston, Thomas Scott. Catholic view of the public school question ; a lecture delivered . . . January 16, 1870. New York, 1870. O. 44 p. C Rehmke, Johannes. Das geschichtliche ver- haltnis von kirche und schule. (/« Paedagogium. 1881. v. 3, p. 586-610 and 637-57.) T Rolle, Hermann. Die selbstandigkeit der schule im mitten von staat und kirche. {In Pada- gog. studien, neue folge. 1889. v. 10, p. 193- 223.) T Sanz Lafuente, Miguel. Sobre la intervencion del clero en la ensenanza publica. (/« Madrid — Real acad. de ciencias morales. Memorias, 1867. V. 2, p. 145-86.) C Schullerus, Adolf. Bemerkungen zur schwei- zer familienbibel ; ein beitrag zur schulbibelfrage. Langensalza, 1894. O. 16 p. (Padagog. mag. pt. 38.) c Spear, Rev. Samuel Thayer. Religion and the state ; or. The Bible and the public schools. New York, 1876. D. 393 p. T Union League Club. Cherish, protect and preserve the free common schools ; report of com- mittee on political reform. New York, 1872. O. 16 p. C Welcker, Karl Theodor. Uber das rechte ver- haltniss von bUrgerlicher ordnung, kirche und ■schule, mit rUcksicht auf Badische staatsgrundsatze ; eine academische rede. . . Freiburg im Breisgau, 1828. O. 50 p. C Wendte, Rev. Charles William. In defense of the American public school system ; three dis- courses. . . n. t.-p. O. 21 p. C Whitman, Rev. Benaiah Longley, Hobart, A. S., and Andrews, E. B. The denomination and its colleges ; three addresses. Philadelphia, 1895. O. 48 p. por. C Wylie, David G. Three views of the public school question. Philadelphia, n. d, Sq. D. 14 p. c 39. EDUCATION AND THE STATE Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. State school su- pervision : Argument in favor of the " Ten dis- trict " bill, before the legislative Committee on education, March 2, 1881, Boston, 1881. O. 14 p. C Adams, Charles Kendall. State aid to higher education ; an address delivered at . . . Johns Hopkins University, Feb. 22, 1898. n. p. O. 29 p. C Adams, Herbert Baxter. The state and higher education. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1889. no. 2, p. 262-79.) ^ ^ Aldrich, Peleg Emory. Legal and constitu- tional powers of civil government in relation to education. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1877. p. 59-85.) c 398 EDUCATION Baines, Sir Edward. Letters to Sir John Rus- sell, on state education. 6th ed. . , London , \'ii\~i . O. [4] + ii8 p. C Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter. The obligation of the state to provide for the education of its citizens ; the extent of the obligation ; and the grounds on which it rests. Address before the Regents ... at first commencement . . . July lo, 1879. New York, 1879. O. 65 p. C Bascom, John. Means and manner of popular education. (/« Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1868. p. 157-78.) C Bensen, Heinrich Wilhelm. Die Offentliche erziehung aus dem gesichtspunkte des staates. . . Erlangen, 1831. O. 6 -f- 131 p. C Blackmar, Frank Wilson. History of federal and state aid to higher education in the U. S. Washington, 1890, O. 343 p. (In U. S.— Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1890. no. i. Contr. to Am. ed. hist., H. B. Adams, ed. no. 9.) C T Bornet, Louis. Manuel d'instruction civique ; traite scolaire sur les droits et les devoirs de I'homme etducitoyen. . . Neuchatel,\%t^. D. 240 p. C Brooks, Rev. Charles. On the duties of legis- latures in relation to public schools in the United States. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1849. p. 175-91-) C Butler, Nicholas Murray. Democracy and education. {In his Meaning of education. 1898. p. 99-122.) C T Con\eay, Rev. James. Respective rights and duties of family, state and church in regard to edu- cation. 2d ed. New York, 1890. D. 60 p. C Craik, Henry. The state in its relation to edu- cation. London, 1884. D. 10 + 166 p. C T Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe. Address deliv- ered before the General Assembly of Alabama, at Montgomery, December ist, 1882 [on public educa- tion]. Montgomery, 1883. O. 20 p. C Address delivered February 6th, 1885, in response to an invitation from the Senate and House of Representatives of Alabama. Montgomery, 1885. O. 16 p. C Address delivered February i, 1889. . . Montgotnery [1889]. O. 16 p. C National aid to education. {In U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1884. no. 3, p. 89-99.) CT National peril and remedy : addresses . . . before the Inter-State Ed. Convention . . . and be- fore the House Committee on Ed. at Washington. Richmond, 1884. O. 21 p. C Dem staate zum schutz ! Der kirche zum trutz ! Der einzige ausweg aus dem labyrinth der schul- frage von %* . . . Berlin, 1892. D. 31 p. C D orpfeld, Friedri ch Wilhel m . Di e f reie sch ul- gemeinde und ihre anstalten auf dem boden der freien kirche im freien staate. . . Gutersloh, 1863. O. 15 -I- 346 p. C Draper, Andrew Sloan. American schools for American citizenship ; an address before the Wis- consin State Teachers Association at Madison, Dec. 28, 1891. n. t.-p. O. 37 p. C Recovery of the law ; an address delivered at the annual commencement of the University of Michigan . . . July i, 1897. Ann Arbor, 1897. O. 20 p. c Ecroyd, William Farrer. National education ; some considerations as to the motives, limits and means of state action and interference in three let- ters to W. E. Forster. Leeds, 1873. O. 22 p. C Education and training, considered as a sub- ject for state legislation . . . by A physician. Lon- don, 1868. O. 107 p. C T Flashar, Eduard. Das princip der schule ; ein versuch, die frage uber das verhaltniss der schule zum staate und zur kirche wissenschaftlich zu beant- worten. Potsdam, 1850. Nar. O. 66 p. C Fortescue, Hugh Fortescue, 3d earl. State- and-rate-paid education. London, i886. T. 48 + 5 p. C Fouill^e, Alfred. Education from a national standpoint ; translated and edited ... by W. J. Greenstreet. New York, 1892. D. 20 -t- 332 p. (Internat. ed. ser. W. T. Harris, ed. v. 23.) C T Goring, Hugo. Die neue deutsche schule ; ein weg zur verwirklichung vaterlandischer erzie- hung. Leipzig, i?>()0. D. 12 + [ij + 178 p. CT Harris, William Torrey. General government and public education throughout the country. O. 8 p. {In School issues of the day. 1890. no. 14.) T How far may the state provide for the edu- cation of her children at public cost ? an essay read at St. Louis, before the Nat. Ed. Assoc, August 23, 1871. n. t.-p. O. 5 p. C Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Education in the state constitutions, n. t.-p. O. 20 p. C Judson, Frederick Newton. What shall the state teach ? a paper on the rightful limits of instruc- tion in schools maintained by the state at public ex- pense, read . . . December i6th, 1887. "• t.-p. O. 17 p. C Lancaster, Rev. Thomas William. Alliance of education and civil government, with strictures on the University of London. . . London, 1828. Sq. Q. II +92 p. T Lehmann, Johannes. Volkserziehung nach entwicklungsgeschichtlichen grundsatzen als staats- kunst der zukunft. . . Kiel [I896]. O. 60 p. C Maurice, John Frederick Dension. Has the church, or the state, the power to educate the na- tion ; a course of lectures. London, 1839. D. 12 + 364 p. T Mayo, .\mory Dwight. National aid to educa- tion. . . (/« Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Journal. 1882. V. 17, p. 3-22.) C Medd, John Charles. The state in relation to education. (In Economic rev. 1898. v. 8, p. 199-214.) C EDUCATION AND HEREDITY 399 Miller, Warner. Education as a department of government. Syracuse, 1882. O. 12 p. T Morpugo, Emilio. La democrazia e la scuola. Roma, 1885. D. 299 p. C Nolthenius, Willem Hendrik. Disputatio in- auguralis de educatione pauperum in civitate. Am- stelcedami, 1625. O. 9 + [2] + 132 p. C Quint, Rev. Alonzo Hall. Province of legisla- tion in regard to public education. (In Am. Inst. of Instr Lectures, i860, p. I3I-35.) C Radtke, Gustav. Welcher antheil gebiihrt staat, schule und haus an dem werke der jugender- ziehung? IVieit [pref. 1877.] O. 8 + [i] + 46 p. (In Padagog. studien. 1881. v. 2, no. 16.) Rigg, James Harrison. Free education. (In London— Internal. Health Exhib. 1884. Litera- ture. V. 16, p. 169-87.) C Bintelen, Viktor. Das verbal tniss der volks- schule Preussens zu staat und kirche. . . Pader- born, 1888. D. 9 + 217 p. C RoUe, Hermann. Die selbstandigkeit der schule im mitten von staat und kirche. (In Pada- gog. studien, neue folge. 1899. v. 10, p. 193- 223.) T Sadler, Michael Ernest. National education and social ideals. (In Roberts, R. D., ed. Ed. in the 19th century. 1901. p. 210-39.) C T Schaible, Karl Heinrich, M.D. The state and education ; an historical and critical essay. . . Lon- don, 1870. 4 -1- [i^ + i29 p. C [Same.] 2ded. London, 1%%^. O. [5] + 129 p. T Schatzmayer, Emil. Das gyndnasium und der staat. (/« Paedagogium. 1880. v. 2, p. 367- 81.) T Schmidt- War neck, Fedor von. Die volks- seele und die politische erziehung der nation. . . Berlin, 1884. O. 471 p. C Scott, Rev. W. The press and education ; an address before the Connecticut Editorial Assoc. . . . March 12, 1894. Suffield, 1894. Sq. S. 16 p. C Sharpless, Isaac. Relation of the state to education in England and America. (In Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Sci. Annals. 1893. v. 3, p. 669-90.) C Soldan, L. To ruin is not to reform, n. t.-p. O. 17 p. c State aid to higher education ; a series of ad- dresses delivered at the Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, 1898. O. [3] + 99 p. (Johns Hop- kins Univ. studies in hist, and pol. sci. Extra vol. v. 18.) C State education for the people. . . London, 1890. O. 8 -h 176 p. (In Subjects of the day. 1890. no. I.) C T Bibliography, p. 163-70. Sta1(,e education for the people in America, Europe, India and Australia. . . Syracuse, 1895. O. 176 p. T Taylor, C. E. How far should a state under- take to educate ? or, A plea for the voluntary system in the higher education. . . Raleigh, 1894. O. 48 p. C Taylor, Sir Henry. The statesman. . . Lon- don, i%j,b. D. 18 + 267 p. C Thurber, Samuel. Response of the public school to the demands of the public. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1895. p. 167-80.) C Van Slyck, Col. Nicholas. Right and duty of the state to educate its children. (In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1886. p. 191-201.) C Webster, William Clarence. Recent central- izing tendencies in state educational administration. New York, 1897. O. 78 + [ii p. C T Doctor's dissertation at Columbia University. White, Andrew Dickson. Relations of national and state governments to advanced education. . . (In Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Journal. 1874. v. 7, p. 299-322.) C Williams, Rev. W. B. Duty of the state to meet every educational want of its citizens. Boston, 1891. O. 52 p. C T 40. EDUCATION AND HEREDITY Guyau, Marie Jean. Education and heredity ; a study in sociology ; translated from the 2d edition by W. T. Greenstreet. London, 1891. D. 24 -f 306 p. (Contemporary sci. ser. ; Ellis Havelock, ed.) T Education et heredite ; etude sociologique. Paris, 1889. O. 15 4- 304 p. C Posada, Adolfo. M. Guyau y la peda- gogia moderna. (/« ^/j Ideas pedagogicas. 1892. p. 7-51.) C McClelland, Sophie. Heredity-criminality, etc., vs. education. New York, n. d. O. 28 p. C Royce, Samuel. Deterioration and race edu- cation, with practical application to the condition of the people and industry. . . Boston, 1878. D. 585 p. c Deterioration and the elevation through race education. 3d ed. . . enl. Boston, 1880. D. 2 v. C Schafer, Rudolf. Die vererbung ; ein kapitel aus einer zukUnf tigen psycho-physiologischen einlei- tung in die padagogik. Berlin, 1898. O. 8-1- 112 p. C 400 EDUCATION 41. EDUCATION AND CRIME Aa, Jan Simon, van der. De rijksopvoediugs- gestichten in Nederland. Amsterdam, 1890. O. 14 + 163 + 4 p. I pi. tab. C Albany- Industrial School. Annual re- ports of the Children's Friend Society, 1857-58. Albany, 1858. D. C Baltimore — St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys. 1 8th annual report rfor 1886]. Baltimore, 1887. O. ill. . C Barnard, Henry. Reformatory education. . . Hartford, 1857. O. 363 p. (National ed. pt. 4, V. 4.) C T Belgium — Justice, Ministhe de la. Statis- tique des prisons et des maisons speciales de reforme pour les annees 1878, 1879 et 1880 ; rapport . . . par A. Gautier. Bruxelles, 1884. Q. 7 + 15 + 139 P- C Bentley, Joseph. State of education, crime . . . and proposed national training schools for all England and Wales ; or. Education as it is, ought to be, and might be. London [i9n\2-\. D. 232 p. tab. C Birmingham (Eng.) — Conference on the Sub- ject of Preventive and Reformatory Schools. Re- port of the proceedings . . . gth and loth December, 1851. London, 1851. O. lOi p. C Boissevain, Matthijs Gideon Jan. Samen- werking tusschen overheid en bijzondere personen bij de dwangopvoeding van jeugdige misdadigers. Amsterdam, 1894. O. [7] + 135 + [I2] p. C Boston — Common Council. Report of the com- mittee appointed to investigate alleged abuses at the House of Reformation and House of Correction. Boston, 1864. O. 61 p. (City document, no. 35) C Report on the subject of the House of Reformation for Juvenile Offenders. Boston, 1832. O. 84 p. C House of Industry and Reformation. An- nual report of the directors, 1849. Boston, 1849. o. c House of Reformation for Juvenile Offend- ers. Remarks on a report of the standing commit- tee of the Common Council on the subject of the House of Reformation for Juvenile Offenders. . . Boston, 1833. O. 64 p. C Report, 1833. Boston, 1833. O. C Industrial Home. Plan of the Boston In- dustrial Home for the penitent friendless and unfor- tunate ; combining an Industrial school for vagrant children, a Penny savings bank, and an Industrial intelligence office. . . Boston, i^'^a,. O. 8 p. C Industrial School Association. Account of an Industrial School in Boston for the season, 1876- 78. Boston, 1877-78. O. II p. . C Industrial Temporary Home, Report, 1883, 1885. Boston, 1883-85. O. and S. C North Bennet Industrial School. Work of the school, 1881-89. Boston, 1887-89. O. C North- End Industrial Home. Report, 18S1- 82. Boston, 1881-82. D. C South End Industrial School. . . . Report, 1884, 1888-89, 1893. Boston, 1884-93. D. C Briggs, Franklin H. Industrial training in reformatory institutions. Syracuse, 1894. O. 13 P- C [Same.] 2d edition. Syracuse, 1898. Sq. S. 27 p. T Bristol (Eng.)— Par >5 Row Certified Industrial School. Report [for] 1874, 1876. Bristol, 1875- 77- S. c Burnham Industrial Farm. Annual report, 1886-88, 1892-96, 1898, 1900. V. p., 1886-1900. O. pi. c Berkshire Industrial Farm since 1897. Carpenter, Mary. Reformatory schools, for the children of the perishing and dangerous classes, and for juvenile offenders. London, i&e,i. O. il + 353 p. C T Chicago Reform School. Annual report, 1856-62, 1864-65, 1867, 1869-71. Chicago, 1856- 71. O. v. 1-6, 8-9, II, 13-15. C Connecticut — General Assembly. Report of the joint special committee on the State Reform School, with bill for a public act. Hartford, 1857. O. 23 p. C Connecticut Industrial School for Girls. Re- port of the (directors, 1870-75, 1877, 1881. Hart- ford, 1870-81, O. V. 1-5, 7, II. C Connecticut State Reform School. Annual report, 1863-64, 1870, 1872, 1875-76. New Ha- ven, 1863-76. O. V. 11-12, 18, 20, 23-25. C Convention of Managers and Superintendents of Houses of Refuge and Schools of Reform in the U. S. Proceedings of the first convention, held in the city of New York . . . May, 1857. New York, 1857. O. 146 -I- [I] p. C Del Baere, L. De invloed van opvoeding en onderwijs op de criminaliteit. Amsterdam, 1891. O. I02 + 4 p. C Detroit House of Correction. Annual report, 1868, 1871-72. Detroit, 1869-72. O. v. 7, 10- II. C Ducp^tiaux, 6douard. Expose de la situa- tion des ecoles de reforme de Ruysselede, de Wyng- hene et de Beernem, 1849-1858. {In Belgium— Statistique, Com. centrale de. Bulletin. 1866. v. 9, p. 1-132. 8 pi.) C Notice statistique sur la maison peniten- tiaire des jeunes delinquants k St. Hubert, province de Luxembourg. (/« same. 1853. v. 5, p. 269- 309.) C EDUCATION AND CRIME 401 Dutton, Samuel Train. Education as a cure for crime : read before the American Social Science Association, Sept. 5, 1889. Boston, 1890. O. 13 p. CT Education as a preventive and cure for crime. {In Am. Inst, of Instr. Lectures, 1886. p. 15-31-) c Forster, Thomas Ignatius Maria, M.D. 'H zwv Ttaidoov dyooyrj ; being a collection of letters, on early education and its influence in the prevention of crime. . . 2d ed. London, 1844. Nar. O. 8 + 103 p. C France — Assemble nationale constituante . Re- port of the special committee appointed to consider the treatment of juvenile offenders, presented 14th Dec. 1849. Reigate, 1850. O. 12 -H 32 p. C Great Britain — Reformatory and Industrial Schools, Inspectors appointed to visit. Report. London, 1851-99. F. (Gr. Br. — Pari, Sess. pap. 1851-99-) c See Index volume for each year. Hampden County Truant School (Mass.). Re- ports, 1886. Springfield, 1887. O. C Harris, Elisha, M.D. Educational and cor- rectional treatment of juvenile delinquents, and of depraved, neglected, abandoned and other children in danger of falling into a criminal career. New York, \%TJ. O. 18 p. C Halves, Benjamin. Treatment of juvenile of- fenders. (/« Central Soc. of Ed. Papers. 1837. V. I, p. 274-91.) T Ho'veard Association (London). Juvenile offenders ; a report based on an inquiry instituted by the committee 1898, with communications from Lord Rookwood, Lord Norton. . . London, n. d. O. 39 P- C Howe, Samuel Gridley, M.D. Letter to J. H. Wilkins, H. B. Rogers and F. B. Fay, commis- sioners of Massachusetts for the State Reform School for Girls. Boston, 1854. O. 36 p. C Illinois State Reformatory at Pontiac. Bien- nial report, 1891-98. Springfield, 1893-98. O. pi. V. 1-4. C Indiana Reform School for Boys (Plainfield). Annual report of the board of control. (In Annual reports of Officers of State.) C Indiana Reform School for Girls and Woman's Prison. Annual report of the managers. (/« same.) C Indiana Reformatory. Board of managers, 1897-9$ O. Biennial report of Jeffersonville, 1898. C Indiana Reformatory Institution for Women and Girls. Report of the managers for the year ending Oct. 31, 1880. Indianapolis, 188 1. O. v. 9. C Industrial School for Girls ( Dorchester, Mass.). Report, 1875-76, 1878, 1887-88. Bos- ton, 1876-89. D. C 36 Infant School and Children's Home Association (Charlestown, Mass.). Annual report . . . 1875, 1877. Charlestown, 1875-77. O. C lo'wa Reform School. Biennial report of the board of trustees . . . [with] the reports of the superintendent and the treasurer, 1875. Des Moines, 1876. O. v. 4. C Ireland — Reformatory and Industrial Schools, Inspectors appointed to visit. Report. Dublin, 1862-99. F. (Gr. Br. — Pari. Sess. pap. 1862-99.) C See Index volume for each year. Jeitter, E. Die k. wurttembergische strafan- stalt fiir jugendliche verbrecher in Schwabisch Hall. Erlangen, 1863. O. 8 + 65 p. tab. C Letchworth, William Pryor. Industrial train- ing of children in houses of refuge and other refor- matory schools. Albany, 1883. O. 44 p. C Lord, Henry William. Relations of education and industry to crime and pauperism ; idleness more demoralizing than ignorance ; an address in . . . Lansing, Jan. 22, 1879. • • Lansing, 1879. O. 15 p. C MacDonald, Arthur. Abnormal man . . . essays on education and crime and related subjects, with digests of literature and a bibliography. IVas hington, iSgj. O. 445 p. (/« U. S. — Ed., Bur. of. Circ. of inf. 1893. no. 4.) C T MacGregor, John. Law of reformatories ; or. Legislative measures for the establishment and support of public and private institutions for juve- nile offenders. . . London, 1856. D. 8 -f 156 p. C Maine Industrial School for Girls. Annual re- port, 1875-76, 1879, 1887-88. Augusta, 1876-88. O. V. 1-2, 5, 13-14. C Maine — State Reform School, Trustees of. An- nual report, 1855, 1862, 1869. Augusta, 1856-69. O. V. 2, 9, 16. C Martin, Samuel. Place of repentance ; or. An account of the London Colonial Training Institu- tion for the reformation of adult male criminals. . . 3d ed. London, 1853. D. [5] + 152 p. C Maryland — House of Refuge. Annual report, 1856, 1870, 1876. Baltimore, 1856-76. O. v. 5, 19, 25. C Massachusetts — General Court — House. Re- port of commissioners appointed to consider the subject of reform schools for girls, presented to the Legislature of Massachusetts, March 5, 1851. n. t.-p. O. 11 p. C Report of the commissioners for the establishment of a State reform school for girls under the resolves of April 12, 1854. Boston, 1855. O. 3 pi. 66 p. C Inspectors of State Almshouse at Monson, see Massachusetts — Inspectors of State Pri- mary School at Monson. Inspectors of State Primary School at Mon- son. Annual report. Oct. 1857, 1860-61, 1863, 1865, 1867-73, 1875-76, Sept. 30, 1878. Boston, 1857-79. O. no. 4, 7-8, 10, 12, 14-20, 22-23, 25. C 402 EDUCATION Massachusetts (continued ) State Industrial School for Girls, at Lan- caster. Annual report, 1856-59, 1861-63, 1865-66, 1868-70, 1871-73, 1875-76, 1882. Boston, 1857- 82. O. pi. V. 1-4, 6-8, lO-ii, 13-14, 16-18, 20-21, 26. C For later reports see Trustees of the State Primary and Re- form Schools and also Trustees of the Lyman and Industrial Schools. State Reform School at Westborough. Ab- stract of the thirteenth annual report. Framing- ham, i860. O. 16 p. C Annual report of the Trustees. Boston, i860. O. no. 14. C Allen, Joseph A. Westboro' State Reform School : Reminiscences. Boston, 1877. S. 94 P- C T Mass. — General Court — Senate. Docu- ments relating to the State Reform School. ^Boston, 1849.] O. 113 p. pi. C Trustees of the Lyman and Industrial Schools. Annual report, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1895-1900. Boston, 1896-1901. O. no. 1-6. C No. I contains closing report of the State Primary School at Monson. Trustees of the State Primary and Reform Schools. Annual report, with the annual reports of the resident officers, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1884-1894. Boston, 1885-95. O. V. 6-16. C Includes State Primary School at Monson, Lyman School for Boys at Westborough, and State Industrial School for Girls at Lancaster. Continued as Trustees of the Lyman and Industrial Schools. Mettray, its rise and progress. {In Am. jo. of ed. 1857. V. 3, p. 667-736.) CT Sauvestre, N. C. S. Une visite a Met- tray. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1872. D. loi + [i] p. I pi. C Blicliigan — House of Correction and Reforma- tory, at Ionia. Annual report of the Board of mana- gers . . . 1877-80, 1894. Lansing, 1878-94. O. pi. tab. V. 1-4, 7. C Industrial School for Boys. Biennial report of the board of trustees, 1894-96, Lansing, 1894- 96. O. C Industrial School for Girls. Biennial re- port, 1880-84, 1893-94. Lansing, 1880-94. O. V. 1-3, 8. Fuller, Afrs. Samuel L. Michigan Reform School for Girls ; a paper read before the convention of the Superintendents of poor in Repre- sentative Hall, Jan. 20, i88x. . . Lansing, 1881. O. 13 p. C Inspectors, State Board of . Biennial report. 1892. Lansing, 1893. O. C Michigan State Reform School. Annual re- port, 1860-61, 1863, 1865-72, 1875-76, 1880, 1885- 92. Lansing, 1861-92. O. tables. C From 1885-86 issued biennially. Minnesota — State Correctional and Charitable Institutions. Quarterly circular, 1889-95. Minne- apoht, 1889-95. O. no. 12-21, 24-34. C Nebraska Industrial Home (Milford). Bien- nial report, 1890-96, Omaha, 1890. O. v. 1-4. (In Nebr. — Public lands and buildings. Com. of. Biennial report, v. 7-10.) C Nebraska — Industrial School for fuvenile Offenders. Biennial report, Nov. 1880-96. Lin- coln, 1883-96. O. V. 1-8. (/« same. Biennial report. 1883-96.) C New Hampshire — Industrial School. Annual reports of the trustees, superintendent, and treas- urer, June 1885-86, Jan. 1897. Concord, 1885-96. O. C State Reform School. Report of the com- missioners, 1852. Concord, 1852. O. C New York (City) — Children's Aid Society — First Ward Lord Industrial School and W or ki tig- men's Public Reading Room. . . . Annual report, 1872. New York, 1872. D. C New York fuvenile Asylum. Act of incor- poration together with the by-laws and regulations. New York, \Zi^\. O. 28 p. C Annual report, 1852-53, 1855-97. New York, 1853-97. O. ill. pi. por. tab. v. i-2, 4-46. C Society for the Reformation of Juvenile' Delinquents. Act of incorporation, statutes and decisions relative to the House of Refuge in the city of New York. New York, 1862. O. 48 p. C Annual reports, 1825-31, 1834-54, 1856-93. New York, 1832-93. O. ill. pi. v. 1-7, 10-30, 32-69. C Documents relative to the House of Refuge . . . pub. by N. C. Hart. . . New York, 1832. O. 311 p. I por. I pi, C Final report of the Building committee of the House of Refuge, submitted to the Board of managers, June 6th, 1862, New York, 1862. O, 18 p. C House of Refuge . . . reply of the managers to the communications of J. R. Hale, published in the New York Tribune, n. t.-p. O. 9 p. C Report of special committee to the managers of the House of Refuge, on the investiga- tion by the State commissioners of public charities, of charges made through the public press, against the officers and managers of the House of Refuge, adopted by the board, with memorial to the Com- missioners and their report. New York, 1872. O. 30 p. C Rules and regulations for the govern- ment of the House of Refuge, as adopted by the managers of the Society for the reformation of juvenile delinquents . . . 1825, 1827. New York, 1826-27. Nar. O. C Wilson Industrial School for Girls. Annual report, 1858, 1879, 1892-94. New York, 1859-95. O. C EDUCATION AND CRIME 403 New York (State) — Charities, Board of. Re- port and proceedings relative to the management of the State Reformatory at Elmira. . . Albany. 1894. O. 2 V. 42 + 2438 p. C Reformatory {Elmira). Annual report, 1876-90. Elmira, 1876-90. O. ill. v. 1-15. C T Continued as Year book. Annual report of the Board of mana- gers, 1876-77, 1879-86, 1888, 1890, 1894, 1896. Albany, 1877-97. O. T Annual report of the superintending builder, 1876. Albany, 1876. O. C Four charts constructed from the records of inmates, showing the progress of groups of men and of individuals under the indefinite sen- tence plan with limitations as here applied. El- mira, 1886. O. 3 p. 4 pi. C 1900. — Papers in penology. Elmira, iJ V. 2-5. ill. [Same.] 2d-3d ser. 1891-98. 1872. Report of the commissioners. Albany, O. 23 p. 2 pi. C Year book, containing the annual re- port of the Board of managers, 1891-9S. [Elmira] 1891-99. O. ill. pi. por. V. 16-24. C T Vols. 1-15 have title Annual report. Elmira reformatory of to-day. Papers in penology. 1891. p. 115-48.) (In C Winter, Alexander. New York State Reformatory in Elmira. Original English ed. pub- lished simultaneously with the German ed ; with a preface by H. Ellis. London, 1891. D. 10 + 172 p. (Social science ser. v. 19.) C T Western House of Refuge. Annual report [for the year] 1849-52, 1854-60, 1861. Albany, 1850-61. O. ill. pi. V. 1-4, 6-12, 13. C Western House of Refuge for Women. An- nual report, 1894-98. Albany, 1895-99. O. v. 1-5. C Ohio — Reform Schools, Board of Commissioners for. Annual report, 1860-63, 1866, 1868-76. Co- lumbus, 1860-76. O. pi. V. 5-8, II, 13-21. C Otker, Friedrich. Die rettungshauser zu Ruys- selede und Beernem in Belgien. {In Deutsche vierteljahrs-schrift. i860, pt. i, p. 242-90.) C Pennsylvania Reform School. Annual report of the officers for . . . 1872-73. Pittsburgh, 1873-74. O. V. 19-20. C Pennsylvania, Western — House of Ref- uge. Annual report, 1859. Pittsburgh, i860. O. pi. C. Philadelphia Industrial Home for Girls. An- nual report, i860. Philadelphia, i860. O. C Plummer Farm School of Reform for Boys (Winter Island, Salem Harbor). [Catalogue] 1884. Boston, 1884. O. C Providence (R. I.) Reform School. An- nual report, 1879. Providence, 1880. O. v. 29. C Rhode Island — Charities and Corrections, Board of. Report in reference to the . . . State Reform School, 1880. Providence, 1880. O. C Robert, Charles Frederic. De I'ignorance. Paris, 1867. S. 70 p. (Conferences populaires faites a I'Asile imperial de Vincennes.) C Savornin Lohman, Alexander Frederik de, Jr. De gronden voor het karakter van de dwan- gopvoeding van jeugdige personeii. Amsterdam, 1896. O. [13] + 223 -f- 4 p. C Simpson, James, Necessity of popular educa- tion as a national object ; with hints of the treat- ment of criminals and observations on homicidal insanity. . . Edinburgh, 1834. Nar. O. 12 + 402 p. C T Spencer, Mrs. Sara J. Argument before the committee on the District of Columbia of the U. S. Senate, Jan. 26, 1876, . . . for a Girls' reform school. . . Washington, 1876. O. 12 + f2] p. . C Stetson, George R. Literacy and crime in Massachusetts, and the necessity for moral and in- dustrial training in the public schools. Boston, 1886. O. 31 p. C T United States — Education, Bureau of. State- ments relating to reformatory, charitable, and in- dustrial schools for the young. (Circ. of inform. 1875. no. 6.) C T Victoria — Department of Industrial and Re- formatory Schools. Report of the secretary for the year 1883. Melbourne, 1885. F. 128 p. C Warner, Charles Dudley. The Elmira system. [Boston, 1894.] O. 15 p. C Watson, John. Reformatory and industrial schools. {In Statistical Soc. of London. Journal. 1896. v. 59, p. 255-317-) C Wey, Hamilton Dox. Physical and industrial training of criminals. {In Teachers College. Edu- cat. monographs. 1888. v. i, no. 3, p. 48-96.) T Physical training of youthful criminals. n. p. n. d. O. 16 p. C Winchester (Mass.) — Industrial School for Girls. Report, 1857. Boston, 1857. D. C Wisconsin Industrial School for Boys. An- nual report, 1872-73. Madison, 1872-73. O. v. 13-14. C Wisconsin Industrial School for Girls. An- nual report, 18S0, 1888. Madison, 1881-89. O. V. 5, 13. C AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX ***, Dr 367 ***, Dr. Friedrich 222 Aa, J. S. van der 400 Abbott, E 104 Abbott, E. A 258, 280, 376 Abbott, J 367. 373 Abbott, J. L 343 Abbott, L 367 Abbott, 297 Abbott's CoUeg. Inst 218 Abel, W.J 313 Aber, M.R.A 255 Aberdeen — Synod 156 Aberdeen University iS7 Abert, B. F. L 251 Aborn, F 343 Academic costume 141-143 Academic degrees 141-143 Academische uitspanningen 137 Acadia University 172 Account of the visit of the Prince Regent to Oxford 162 Ackermann, E 251. 255. 376 Ackermann, R 132 Acland, A. H. D 124 Acland, T. D 162 Acton, J. E.E.D. A., /orrf 275 Adam, W 48 Adams, C.F. .67.97. 106, I3S. i79. 397 Adams, C. K.. 6, 69. 70. i37. i8i. 182, 27s, 397 Adams, F 37. 55 Adams, H 353 Adams, H. B.. S5. 8°. 82, 106. 275. 380. 396, 397 Adams, H. C 290 Adam!5, J 6, 180. 373 Adams, Jasper 137. 19° Adams, John 102, 234, 255 Adams, T.D 18 Adams, W. H. D 376 Adams, W. J '. 307 Adams Academy 133 Add Ran University 172 Addams, J 392 Addicks, B. 222 Addison, W. J i6o Address on the African School. . . 387 Adelbert College 172 Adelphi Academy 133. 172 Adelphi College 172 Adhemar. Vicomtess d' 212 Adler, F 373 Adler, G.J 94 Adler, V 234 Administration, School 106-113 Adrian College 172 Agassiz, J. L. R 292 Agnew, D 200 Agricola, R 18, 222 Agricultural and mechanical col- leges 363 Agricultural Chemists, Conven- tion of 364 Agricultural education 363-367 Aiken, C 255 Aiken, C. A 183 Aime, Martin L 212 Aitken, G. S 334 Aix, University d' 144 Akademische carri^re. Die 146 Akademische gutachten 146 Akerly, S 380, 383 Alabama Baptist Colored Uni- versity 387 Alabama — Education, Superin- tendent of 59 Alabama Inst, for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind 380 Alabama Polytechnic Inst. ..... 364 Alabama — Public Instruction... 59 Alabama State Colored Normal School 390 Alabama University 59 Albany (N. Y.) Academy 133 Albany Female Academy ai8 Albany Industrial School. ...... 400 Albany Law School, see Union University. Albany Medical College 327 Albany Young Men's Assoc 6 Albert Lea College 172 Albion College. 172 Alcorn University 172 Alcott, A. B 308 Alcott, W. A 55. 307 Alcuin 102. 222 Alderwan, E. A 7 7 Aldrich, A. R 113 Aldrich, G.I 106, 286 Aldrich, G. S 120 Aldrich, P. E 35°. 397 Alexander, A 199 Alexandre de Villedieu 233 Alfred University 172 Algeria — Education 46 All Souls College 161 Allain, E i Allard, L. J 392 Allcock, A. E 283 Allegheny College 173 Allen, A 280 Allen, C.B 313 Allen, E 120 Allen, E. E 386 Allen, F. H i7S Allen, J I03, 172, 297. 3S3 Allen, 1. A 402 Allen, J. G 275. 3o8 Allen, J. W 297 Allen, L. H 113 Allen, M.B 313 Allen, N 213, 313 Allen, N. T 26 Allen, W 175 Allen, W. F 80. 13s. 275 Allen, W. H 6 Allen Female Seminary 218 Allen University (S. C;. ..... 387 AUgemeine Schulordnung, Die.. . 26 AUievo, G loi, 322, 232, 244, 334 Allison, C. E 187 Allman, G. J i59 AUum, C. G 286 Alma College 172 Alpha Delta Phi 141 Alsted, J. H 102 Altamira, R 275 Altenburg, 255 Alternative, The 41 Altgelt, H 26 Alting, J 22 Altmann, A 26 Aitmann, W 146 Amante, B 48 American Book Co 12 Ambros, T 284 Ambros, K. von 297 Amee, W. A 331 American Annals of the Deaf. . . . 380 American Assoc, for the Ad- vancement of Physical Edu- cation 313 American Assoc, of Instructors of the Blind 384 American Assoc, to Prom. Teach- ing the Deaf 380 American Bar Assoc 324 American College for Girls 218 American education 55 American educational annual.. . . 3 American educational exhibit... . 306 American educational societies, see name of society 9-14 American Female Home Educ. Soc 312 American Forestry Assoc 364 American Historical Assoc 375 American General Committee of New York 396 American Inst, of Mining En- gineers 339 405 American Instructors of the Blind 384 American Instructors of the Deaf and Dumb, Convention of.. . 380 American Manual Training Assoc. 353 American physical education re- view J 313 American Printing House for the Blind 384 American quarterly journal of agriculture 364 American School of Class. Studies. 164 American School of Osteopathy . . 327 American Schools for the Deaf, Conf. of 380 American Social Science Assoc. 308, 334 American Society for the Exten- sion of University Teaching. 378 American Society of Naturalists. 292 American Society of Religious Education 367 American University 173 American univ. magazine 168 American Woman's Educ. Assoc.. 313 Ames, C. H 343 Amherst College 6, 172, 173, 313 Amhurst, N 163 Amiel, E 103 Amity College 173 Amos, A 1.35, 334 .\msterdamsche-Stud.-Almanak . 1 64 Anagnos, J. R. (H.) 380 Anagnos. M 385 Anders, G 337 Anders, J. M 364 Andersin, H 283 Anderson, C 41 Anderson, M. B 137, 306 Anderson, W. E 269, 313 Anderson, W. G 313 Anderson School of Natural Hist . 339 Andover Theol. Seminary 331 Andre, Abbe 349 Andrea, C 47. 255 Andreal, C 227 Andr^n, Miss 353 Andreucci, 212 Andrews, CO 387 .'Andrews, CM 275 Andrews, E.A i03 Andrews, E. B 275, 373. 392, 397 Andrews, T. W 194 Angell, J.'B 3. 69 Anhalt. E 146 Annales de I'agr^gation de I'en- seignement secondaire special 292 Annales de I'agr^gation des sci- ences naturelles 292 Annales de la licence des sciences. 292 Annales des baccalaur^ats 334 Annales des universitds 143 Anopov, I. A 334 Anson, W. R 392 Anthon, G . C 94 Anthon, J 324 Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 292 Antioch College 173 Antrobus, J 222 Apel, — 392 Aperfu du devel. du Gymnase privd de Mile. ChafT^ 212 Appleton, C 324 Appleton, J I7S Appleton, N 189 Aquaviva, B 222 Aranha, B 5° Arbaxi, J 353 Architects, Conference of 335 Architecture, School 307-308 Arendt, R 292 Arens, J 280 Arey, H. W 186 Arfvidsson, H. D 33i Argentine Republic — Agricultura, Ministerio de 364 4o6 EDUCATION Argentine Republic — Educadon, Com. nac. de S4 Argentine Republic — Justicia, culto € inst. pub 54 Argentine Republic — Ley y de- cretos 297 Arias, F.E.F 59 Arizona — Public Instruction .... 60 Arizona University 60 Arkan-sas College 173 Arkansas Cumberland College .. . 173 Arkansas Industrial University. . 60 Arkansas — Public Instruction. . . 60 Armengaud, C 343 Armengaud, J. E 343 Armknecht, W 124 Armoroux, J 343 Armour Inst, of Technology 349 Armstroff, W 106, 222, 367 Armstrong, H. E 255, 292 Armstrong, S. C 388, 391 Army and navy 330-331 Arndt, E. M 102 Arnold, A. E. G. T 26, 255 Arnold, E. P 282 Arnold, F 162 Arnold, M., 20, 21, 22, 37, 47, 52, loi, 124, 146, 297 Arnold, S. L 120, 255, 269 Arnold, T 101, 102, 222, 381 Amoldt, D H 152 Arnott, N 222 Amstadt, F. A 102, 247 Art and industrial 343-35° Art and industrial schools. . .349-350 Art and Manufactures 53 Arteaga y Pcreira, F . de 52 Arteago, F. de 212 Artillery School, U S 330 Ascham, R. . . . loi, 102, 103, 222, 223 Aschbach, J 15s Ascher, F 223 Ascherson, K. E. F 149 Ascoli, G. J 282 Ashbee, C. R 343, 353 Ashland University 173 Ashley, CD 324 Asmis, C 385 Asmodi Redivivus 124 Aspects of modern study 378 Associated West. Lit. Soc 10 Association Danoise du Travail. . 353 Association for Improved Instruc- tion of Deaf Mutes 381 Association for Promoting Higher Educ 212 Association for the Advancement of Medical Educ 212 Association for the Advancement of Women 212 Association for the Improvement of Geom. Teaching . . . 286 Association for the Improvement of Scottish Universities 156 Association g^nerale des 6tu- diants 22 Association of Amer. Medical Col- leges 327 Association of Cath. Colleges. ... 10 Association of College Alumnie, 212, 313 Association of Colleges 10, 124 Association of Medical Officers of Amcr. Inst, for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons.... 386 Association pour I'Enseignement des Sciences Anthropolo- giques 292 Association review 381 Asylum for Idiots (Surrey) 386 Athens— National University . . . 164 Athletics 313-323 Atkinson, E 392 Atkinson, F. W 124, 297 Atkinson, W. P. . . . 135, 137, 275, 341 Atlanta Baptist College 387 Atlanta University 387 Attwood, F. G 189 Aubert, L. M. B 324 Aubert, R 11 Auburn Theol. Seminary 333 Augsburg, D. R 272 August, herzog von Braunschweig, 26 Atigust, kurftirst von Sachsen .... 26 Augustana College 173 Aus dem Wingolf 141 Aus der schule 3 Austen, P. T 269, 353 Austin College 174 Auxiliary Education Soc 10 Avalon College 174 Avery, M. L 269 Avignon, University d' 144 Awkeny, A. T 70 Ax, H 288 Aydelott, B. P 6, 269 Ayers, W. 292 Aylifle, J 162 Babeau, A. A 22 Babington, T 367 Bach, T 316 Bache, A. D 21 Bacheler, A. W 275 Bachmann, F 124 Back, H 334 Backes, K 272 Bacon, F., baron Verulam 223 Bacon, W. P 210 Badanes, S ■ 286 Badley, J. H 212 Bagatta, G 223 Bagg, L. H 211 Baginsky, A 313 Bagot, D 41 Bailey, H. T 67, 68, 31S. 343 Bailey, M. E 113 Bailey. T. J 307 Bailey, T. P i. 308, 373 Bailey, W.R 41 Bain, A 135, 137, 223, 269 Bainbridge, E. G 118 Bainbrigge, W. H 120 Baines, E 44, 398 Baird, W. R 141 Bakeman, F. W 104, 179 Baker, A. R 255 Baker, C 385. 392 Baker, G. P i88 Baker, H 353 Baker, H, S 313 Baker, J. H., 6, 12, 62, 124, 137, 247. 25s, 367, 392 Baker, T 157 Baker University 174 Bakitsch, W 249 Baldwin, E 211 Baldwin, J 106, 255 Baldwin, J. M 296, 308 Baldwin, S. E 211, 324, 331 Baldwin, W. A 68 Baldwin School 6 Baldwin University 174 Balfour, G 37 Ballard, A 255 Ballard Normal School (Ga.) 387 Ballien, T 26 Balliet, T. M 106, 353 BalUol College 161 Balme-Frezol, P. A. A 212 Bals, H 249, 392 Balsiger, E 244 Baltimore — Children's Aid So- ciety 392 Baltimore College of Dental Sur- gery 327 Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons 327 Baltimore Manual Labor School. . 392 Baltimore — St. Mary's Industrial School 400 Baltimore University 174 Bamberg, F 297 Bamberger, G 353 Bancroft, A 223 Bancroft, C. F. P 124 Bancroft, G 125 Bancroft, J. H 84, 314 Bandow, K 212 Banks, D 324 Banks, G. N 157 Banner, B 35° Baptists, Seventh-Day — Educa- tion Society 367 Bar, A 275, 290 Baran, A 1 28 Barbe, W 137 Barbier, E 106, 367 Bard, S 66, 327 Bardeen, C. W , 4, 14, 55, 73, 104, 124, 227, 25s. 297 Barker, G. F 6 Barker, G. F. R 103 Barker, J. M 168 Barkhausen, G 334 Barnard, C 5, 255 Barnard, D. D 142 Barnard, F. A. P., 3, 6, 59, 71, _ ^ „ 103,168,212,344, 398 Barnard, H., 6, 14, 21, 26, 37, 55, 62, tor, 103, 114, 120, 137, 244, 249, 255, 292, 307, 330, , Txr ^ 3^4. 353. 400 Barnard, W. T 334 Barnard College 218 Barneaud, C 55, 79 Barnes, A 142 Barnes, E 308 Barnes, M. D. (S.) 275 Barnett, P. A 47, 256 Barni, G 353 Barraclough, J 353 Barrau, T. H 223 Barre — Private. Inst, for Feeble- Minded Youth 386 Barreda, G 120 Barron, H W 47 Barrow, W 124 Barrows, E. A (C.) 124 Barrows, S. J 55 Barry, C. A 308 Barteis, F 233, 256 Barter, S 353 Barth, E 26, 113, 256, 353 Barth, G. K 256 Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, J. . . . 103 Bartholemew, A. C 106 Bartholomai, F 234 Bartholomaus, W 26, 124 Bartlett, A. P 273 Bartlett, E 373 Bartlett, S. C 3. 137 Bartlev, G. C. T 37, 344 Bartsc'h, F. R 354 Barwald, R 256, 282 Bascom, J 398 Basedow, J. B 223. 224 Basel Universitat 168 Bassanville, A. L,., comtesse de. . . 212 Batchelder, L. S 344 Bateman, N 191 Bates. J 373 Bates, S. W 18 Bates College 174 Battle, K. P 76, 77 Battle Creek College 174 Bauck, L 249 Baudrillart, H. J. L 2a Bauer, R 344 Bauer, W 26 Baumann, H 26 Baumann, J. F. A 324 Baumann, J.J 18, 146, 256 Baumeister, K. A 124, 135 Baumgart, M. . . 141, 146 Baumgarten-Crusius, L. F. O. . . . 146 Baumgartner. H 256. 446 Baumstark. E 290, 364 Baur, A 314 Baur, G. A. L 22, 224 Bautain, L. E. M 290 Bavaria 207 Bavaria — Kgl. Allerhochste Ver- ordnung 297 Baxmann, E. V. R 251 Bayard, T. F 66, 324 Bayha, T 27 Baylor University 174 Beadle, W. H. H 273 Beale, A. C 114 Beale, D 2x2 B<5arn. Acad^mie du 144 Beatty, F 31S Beauchamp, A. de 124, 144 Beaudoux, C aia Beaurepaire, C. M. de R. de aa Beaussire, E. J. A 144 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 407 Beauvais, L. A 284 B^bian, R. A. A 381 Becher, R. H 230 Beck, T.R 327 Becker, H 106 Becker, J. K 286 Becker, W. A 20 Beckhaus, F. W. K 146 Beckwith, E. G i37 Beckwith, M. H 113 Beckwith, W. P 256 Bedford, G. S 328 Beebe, K 120 Beecher, C. E 212, 314 Beeger, J 27, 506 fleer, A 27, 46, SL 52 Beesau, A 224 Beeton, J. M 354 Beetz, K. O 286 Beger, A 105, 124 Begg. J.... 331 Beggiato, E 212 Bthrends, A. J. F 367 Bedtel, 1 27 Beitr, A 124 Beitiage z. erz. tint 224 Belar^rer, A 380 Belfied, H. H S. 354 Belgiun — Education 46 Belgiun — Education — Higher ... 143 Belgiun — Industrie et du Tra- vail Min. de r 323, 344, 350 Belgium— Inst. Sup^r 143 Belgium—Intdrieur et de I'lnst. Pub., Min. de 1', 46, 106, 124 213, 282, 314, 361. 364 Belgium — Justice, Min. de 400 Belgium — Travail manual 354 Bclin, F 144 Bell, A 224 Bell, A. G 381. 382 Bell, A. M 269, 270, 381 Bell, C. H 134- 142, 183 Bell, R 41 Bell, W. G 256 Bellevue Co.lege i74 Bellows, H. W. 173 Belmont Coriege ; i74 Belnont School i33 BeUit College i74 Bel»w, G. von 27s Berard, C 290 Berder, J 33^ Berech, R. O 324 Beiedetti, V 224 Beiedict, E. C 6, 76, 92 Betedict College 387 Beieke, F. E 137, 146, 224, 256 Beifey, A (S.) 213 Beigel, J I, 275 Beijamin, H 27 Beinet, J 213 Bemett, C. E 125, 280 Bemett, C. W 18, 256 Bemett, J, H 327 Benett College of Eclectic Medi- cine 327 Benit, F 256 Beioit-Ldvy, E 23 Beirath, K 247 Besen, H. W 398 Bert, S A 270 Beitham, J 106, 396 Beithem, H. L 37 3entley, j 400 Senton, J. A 179 Jenzonia College 174 Jerbig, G. C. B 27 3erea College 174 3erg, F. E. von 367, 396 Jergemann, G 292 -Jergemann, P.. 224, 256, 273, 37.3, 378, 396 Bergen Co. (N.J.) — Pub. Schools, 73 Jerger, B 23 Jerger, M 113 Jerger-Levrault, 146 Jergey, D. H 314 Jergmeister, J. M 354 Jerkeley, G 224 terkeley School 133 lerlin, R 314 ierlin course of woodwork 334 Berlin — Fichte-Kindergarten ... 113 Berlin — Lette-Verein 213 Berlin — Terhnische Hochshule. . 339 Berlin Universitat 149 Berlit. G 285 Berlitz schools 282 Berndt, L 273 Bernfes, M 296 Bernheim, — 27s Bernheim, E 146 Berninger, M. A 106 Bernstein, J 327 Berriat-Saint-Prix, J . 144 Berry, A 118, 292 Bersot, E 137 Bersot, P E 144 Bert, P 292, 314 Bertagnoni, L 256 Berthelot, A 106, 125 Bertrand, A 125, 224 Bertrand, E 354 Besant, Sir W 247 Bestimmungen iiber das madchen- schulwesen 297 Beta Theta Pi 141 Bethany College 174 Bethel College 174 Bethmann-Hollweg, M. A. von. . 324 Bethnal Green 36 Bethune, G W 211 Better way of assisting school children 392 Beumer, W 344 Bevan, JO 367 Bevis, A. W 354 Beyer, O. W., 23, 106, 153, 293, 297. 354 Beyschlag, D W 151 Beyschlag, J H.C. W 27 Bezold, F von 146, 222, 381 Bhagavdn Dds 2s6 Bianco, F. J. von 152 Biber, E 244, 367 Biber, G, E 224 Bible in Public Schools 396 Bible Normal Coll., see Spring- field (Mass.) Bible Teachers Coll , see Mont- clair 331 Bibliography 1-2 Bibliography of school hygiene. . 313 Bibliothek d. Kath padag 3 Bibliothek padag. klass . 3 Bickersteth, E 367 Bickmore, W. E 275 Bicknell, T. W 10, 106, 297 Biddle, C 324 Biddle, N 199 Biddle University 387 Biedermann, C 103, 275 Biedermann, F. K 354 Biehl, W 224 Bierbaum, F J 282 Bi^rent, L 314 Biereye, J 224 Biese, F 12s Bigelow, J 135. 225 Bigg, A, H 314 Bigg, H 37 Bigot, C. J I2S Bill to promote mendicancy 55 Binde, 20 Binder H 118 Binet, A 314 Binney, J. G 180 Bintz, J 314 Biography 101-106 Biot, E. C 46 Birkbeck, G 103 Birley, W . 37 Birmingham — Assoc, for the Dis- semination of Politial Know- ledge 290 Birmingham — Chamber of Com- merce 361 Birmingham — Conference on Re- formatory Schools 400 Birmingham — Education Com. . 37 Birtwell, C. W 68 Bischoff, C. H. E 146 Bishop, E.M 314 Bishop College 387 Bismarck, 256 Bissell, M. T 314 Bissing-Beerberg, A. von 367 Bisson, F. S. D. de C 37 Bittcher, C. F. H 27 Bizyenos, G. M 308 Bjorkman, A 354 Black, C I2S Black Hills College 174 Blackburn University 174 Blackie, J. S .44, 156, 159, 376 Blackie, W. G 361 Blackiston, J. R 106 Blackmar, P. W 55, 65, 391, 398 Blackwell, E 373 Blaikie, W 314 Blaikie, W. G 331 Blair, F. G 27s Blair, H. W 55, 391 Blair, S 67, 240 Blaisdell, A. F 270 Blake, H. W 118 Blake, J. V 3S4 Blake, S.J S5 Blake, T W J 306 Blanchard, J 373 Blanchard, M. E 98 Blanco y Sanchez, R 256 Blandot-Grayet, L 307 Blasberg, K 367 Blatter fiir knaben-handarbeit . . . 354 Bleuland, J 165 BUedner, A 105, 268, 284 Blind 381, 384-386 Blinn Memorial College 174 Bliss, C. R 367 Bliss, P 290 Bliss. W 211 Bloch, R. E loi Bloch, S. S 270 Blochmann, K. J 244 Blodgett, A . B 107 Blodgett, J. H 58, 396 Blomfield, C. J 37, i.s8 Blondel, G 324 Blow, S. E n3, 114 Bloxam, J. R i6i Blum, E 256 Blum, H 27 Blume, E 276 Bliimel 27 Blvimel, E 276 Boase, C. W i6i, 162 Bob 118 Bobba, R 13s Bobrick, G. A 314 Bocande, F.B 23 Bock, E. 2s6 Bodenstein, K 276, 371 Bodin, J 276 Bodleian Library 161 Bodri, F 283 Boehmer, J i\ Boesch, H 309 Boese, T 90 Boesser, E 3S4 Bohatta, H 20 Bohl, E 22s Bohm, H 120 Bohm, J 18, 104, 107, 256 Bohme, K 107 Bohmel, O 227, 237 Bohmert, K. V 213 Bohn, J 314 Boissevain, M. G. J 400 Bok, A. F IS4 Bok, E. W 373 Bohngbroke, H. St. J., vise. .22s, 276 Bolles, F 189 Bolljahn, J 49 Bologna Universita 165 Bolton, F. E I, I2S Bolton, F. S 118 Bolton, S. (K.) 213 Bolton, T. L 309 Bolton, T. O.-P 4t Bombay — Public Instruction .... 48 Bombay University 165 Bombard, M. C. F. von 12s Bommel, C. R. A. van 367, 396 Bonaparte, C. J 125 Bonet-Maur^ 144 Bongioannini, F 307 Bonicke, C iSS 4o8 EDUCATION Bonn Universitat 15° Bonnell, K. E 280 Bonstetten, C. V. de 225 Boodstein, 12s Boone, R. G SS. 64. 138, 297 Borden, C 218 Borgna, G 354 Bormann, K 225, 207 Bomemann, K 227 Bomet, L 398 Bornhak, C 146 Bomstein, M 314 Boroianu, D.G si Borromeo, C 103, 225 Bosanquet, B 20 Bose, C 297 Bosschfere, C. de 293 Bossert, A 222 Boston — Asylum and Farm School 392 Boston — Children's Aid Soc 392 Boston — Children's Friend Soc... 392 Boston — Church Home for Or- phans 392 Boston — City Council 344 Boston collection of kindergarten stories 118 Boston College 174 Boston — Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons 327 Boston — Common Council 400 Boston — Home for Little Wan- derers 392 Boston — House of Industry 400 Boston — House of Reformation.. 400 Boston— Industrial Aid. Soc. . . . 392 Boston — Industrial Home 400 Boston — Industrial School Assoc. 354, 400 Boston — Industrial School for Crippled Children 386 Boston — Industrial Temporary Home 400 Boston — Kindergarten for the Blind 385 Boston — Nickerson Home 393 Boston Normal School of Gymnas- tics -• 314 Boston— North Bennet Industrial School 4°o Boston — North-End Industrial Home 4°° Boston — North-End Union 347 Boston — Physical training 314 Boston Public Latin School 133 Boston — School Com., 213, 314. 3S4. 381 Boston School of Oratory 270 Boston Society for Moral Instruc- tion of the Poor 393 Boston Soc. for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge 10 Boston — South-End Industrial School . . . ._ 400 Boston — Supervisors 314 Boston — Women's Educ. Assoc . . 213 Boston University 174, 175 Boston — Wells Memorial Inst . . . 393 Botany 293 Bott, S 314 Botta, V 31. SJ Botte, L. F. W 237 Bottger, H 27 Botticher, J. P. W 280 Bottler, P 280 Boucharie, A 284 Bouchut, E 314 Boughton, W ... 276 Bougueret, A 3S7 Bouman, H 120, 125, 284 Bouquillon, T 396, 397 Bourinot, J. G 290 Bourmonte, A., cotnte de 144 Bourne, E. G 56 Bourne, G.C 293 Bourne, H. R. F 239 Bourne, W. O 93 Bousfield, W 37. 120 Bouthillier de Beaumont, E 282 Boutroux, E. E. M 290 Boutwell, G. S 6, 393 Bowditch, H. F 309 Bowdoin College 17s Bowdon College 176 Bowen, H C 114, 270 Bowen, W.P 314 Bower, A 159 Boxhorn, M. Z 276 Boyd, J 77 Boyden, A. G 68, 297 Boyer, C. C 256 Boyer, J.M .. 273 Boyesen, H. H 5 Boynton, E. C 331 Braasch, Dr 367 Brace, C. L 344 Bracket, A 49 Brackett, A. C 213, 314 Bradby, H. C 133 Bradford Academy 218 Bradley, C. B 271 Bradley, J. E 107, 190 Bradley, J. P 6, 200 Bradley, M 118, 344 Braem, A 27 Braga, T 167 Brainerd, C 92 Brainerd, E 106 Bramwell, A. B 297 Brand, J 367 Brandao, Z 50 Brandes, E 150 Brandi, S 397 Brandt, F. B 224 Brandt, M. G. W 225 Braniss, C. J 1 46 Branson, E. C 286 Brant, E. N 350 Brasch, M 103, 146, 153 Brasenose College 161 Brauckmann, K 381 Braun, E 225 Braun, T 256 Brausewetter, E 314 Br^al, M. J. A. . .23, 27, 125, 2s6, 280, 282 Brebner, M 282 Breckinridge, W. C. P 178 Brehme, A 51 Breithaupt, K 27 Brelet, H 135 Bremen, C. von 32 Brendel, K 293 Brenner, C. S 213 Brereton, J. L 37, 107 Brereton, R. M 37, 364 Breslau Universitat 150 Bressler, H 146 Brettschneider, H 276 Breul, K 282 Brewer, F. P 76 Brewer, W.A 314 Brewster, B. H 184, 198 Breymann, H. W. P 282 Brickenstein, L. C 323 Briefe eines vaters 141 Briefe iiber Berliner erz 27 Briefe iiber nat. erz 27 Briese, M. E 307 Brietzcke, H. K 351 Briggs, P. H 373, 400 Briggs, W. R 307 Brigham Young College 176 Bright, O. T 270 Brimmer, M 17s Brinckmann, H. R 150 Brinkmann, E 107, 256, 309 Brinsley, J 125, 270 Brinton, D.G 293, 315 Bristol, G. P 125. 280 Bristol (Eng.) College 133 Bristol (PaO College 176 Bristol — Park Row Certified In- dustrial School 400 British and Foreign School Soc . . to, 37 British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science 293 British Columbia — Agriculture, Dept. of 364 British Columbia — Education, Supt. of 53 Brixle, K 256 Brock, A. C 133 Brockett. L. P 18 Brocklesby, 1 103 Brodrick, G. C 161, 162 Bromig, G. W. G 344 Bronson, H 210 Brookfield Female Class. Sem .... 219 Brooklyn Art Assoc 349 Brooklyn Assoc, for the Advance- ment of Physical Education. 315 Brooklyn — Children's Aid Soc. . . 393 Brooklyn Daily Eagle 10 Brooklyn Ethical Assoc 373 Brooklyn Free Kindergar. Assoc. 113 Brooklyn Industrial School Soc. 393 Brooklyn Institute of Arts. ..297, 349 Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst.. 176, 342 Brooklyn Training School for Teachers 298 Brooklyn — Willing Workers Inst. 396 Brooks, A 5, 113, 116 Brooks, C 56, 298, 398 Brooks, C. P 334 Brooks, E 96, 107, 2':6, 286, 289 Brooks. W. H 256 Brooks, W. M 202 Broomell, G. D 2*0 Brosnahan, T 21 Brouard, E 23, .^56 Brougham and Vaux, H. B., baron 37, 225, 29a 393 Broughton, J 351 Broun, W. L. R 168 Brown, B. M 293 Brown, E. E. . . .60, 6r, 95, 125, 309 Brown, F. H 187 Brown, G 270 Brown, H. D 378 Brown, H. G 102 Brown, H. W 309 Brown, J 270 Brown, J. C s. 364 Brown, M 208. Brown, M. C 367 Brown, M. E 102 Brown, M. T 56, 225 Brown, S. G 1S3 Brown, S. W 186 Brown University 176 Browne, F.J 80 Browne, G. F 107 Browne, J. C 34. 3S4 Brownell, H 73 Browning, 5, 18, 138, 176 Bruce, W. C 187 Bruchmuller, E. W. J 153, 15s Briick, H 120, 156 Bruckbach, G ii» Briickmann, R (as Bruckner, N as Bruel, K 84 Briiel, L. A 37 Brugel, J 27, los, B9 Briigel, K fn Briiggemann, F 87 Bruhns, A 54 Brumbaugh, M.*G ff6 Brun, H. L. S 24 Bruncken, E 64 Bruneti^re, F las Bruni, Aretino L jS7 Brunner, J. N J67 Bruno, G 55 Brunswick, A 64 Brussels — Cong. Inter, d. I'Enseign. 46 Bruxelles, Universite Libre de. . . 43 Bruxelles, Universite Nouvelle de, 43 Bryan, J. P. K 2>l Bryan, W. L 319 Bryant, S 107, 213, 367, 374 Bryant, W. M 13, 56, 266, 290, Bryce, G 53 Bryce, J 48, 162, 324 e, J . . . e, R.J Bryn Mawr College 219 Bubbe, H. F las Biicher, K 344 Biichner, L 2131 Buchner, W 213; Buchtel College 176 Buck, G 267 Buckham, M. H 364 Buckhard. M. E 26 Buckingham, J. S 37 Buckland, A 6, 11^ Buckler, J. C 30I Bucknell University 176, 17; AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 409 Budde, H 374 Budinszky, A 145 Buena Vista College 177 Buffalo University 177 Bugge, E 213, 298 Biihler, F 113 Buisson, B 168 Buisson, F. E., 3, 56, 113. 257, 306, 367. 378 Bull, H 125 Bulletin Univ. de I'Enseign. Sec. 125 Bullitt, J. C 178 Bulloch, J. M 157 Bulwar, E. L 225 Bumstead, H 387 Bunse, C 125 Bunyan, J 118 Burbage, H . S 1 7 f' Burckhardt, F 257 Burckhardt, J 280 Burder, H. P 225, 376 Burdick, F. M 276 Burgel, F. W 368 Burgerstein, L 31S Burgess, I. B 276 Burgess, J W 168, 276 Burgh, J 225 Burk, A. B 344 Burk, C.F 309 Burke, F 107 Burkhard, P 309 Burlington College 6, 177 Burlington Military College 177 Burnet, G 225 Burnett. C.H 315 Burnham, W. H i, 300, 313. 31S Bumham Industrial Farm. ..344, 400 Burnichon, J 125 Bumier, J.J 284 Bumside, S. M 107 Burnside, W. S 41 Burrage, S 315 Burrows, F. R. . . . , 273 Burrows, M 161, 162 Bursian, K 280 Burstall, S. A i, 213 Burton, G. (H.) 381 Burton, J , 213 Burton, W 56, 257, 376, 377 Busby, R 103 Buscemi, S 324 Biisgen, F 315 Bush, G. G 63, 67, 189 Bushnell, H 142, 210, 211 Busse, C 374 Busse, H 374 Butcher, B. L 80 Butler, B. F 6 Butler, H. M 368 Btttler, J 257 Butler, N. Jr 179 Butler, N 378 Butler, N. M., 3, s, 6, 15, s6, 73, 9i> 123. 138, 169, 225, 227, 257, 298, 304, 354, 368, 398 Butler University 177 Biitow-Pyritz, A 354 Butterfield, D 374 Butterfield, L. A 270 Butterworth, H 225 Cabell, J . C 80 Cadet, F 21, 257 Cady, CM 50 Cady, I. F 293 Caen, Universite de 144 Cagliari Universitk 165 Caird, E 334 Caird, J.. . . .6, 223, 257, 276, 323, 344 Caius, T 162 Cajori, F 286 Calcar, E. (S.) van 114 Calderwood, H 257 Caldwell, C 6, 315 Caldwell, H. W 73, 276 Caldwell, M 6 Caldwell, S. L 70 Caldwell College 219 Cales, J M 213 Calhoun, A.W 31S California College 177 California Council of Education.. 5o California Home for Feeble-Minded Children 386 California Inst, for the Deaf' and Blind 381 California — Public Instruction. . 60 California School of Mechan. Arts, 339 California — State Teachers' Inst., 60 California Teachers Assoc 60 California University . . . .1,60, 61, 12s Calkin, J. B 257 Calkins, N. A. . 120, 262, 270, 309, 344 Call, A. P • 315 Calthrop, S. R 31s Cambridge — Soc. for the Colleg. Inst, of Women. ...213, 217, 221 Cambridge School 133 Cambridge (Eng.) University. . . . 157. 158, 298 Cambridge (Mass.) Episcopal Theol. School 332 Cameron, V. L 273 Camp, D. N 298 Camp, W 31S Campan, J. L. H. (G.) 273 Campbell, A. H 107, 298 Campbell, D 37 Campbell, H. S 351 Campbell, J 368 Campbell, J. A 44 Campbell, J. P 293 Campbell, J. V 70 Campbell, L 104 Campbell, L. J 118 Campbell, R.P 387 Campbell, V. J 118 Campe, J. H 225 Canada — Education 5 2-5 3 Canada, Lower 53 Canada — Parliament 53 Canada (Upper) — Public Instruc- tion S3 Canfield, J. H.. . . . 4, 77, 125, 374 Canisius College 177 Canney, T. S. A 37 Cantoni, C 49, 16.5 Canton, W 118 Capen, E. H 121 Capes, W. W 138 Capital University 177 Capon Springs Conference 387 Capponi, G 225 Caraccioli, L. A 377 Carey, M 121, ij,^ Carl, G. A 23 Carleton College 177 Carlisle, A 315 Carlisle, E. M. F 351 Carlisle, J. H loi Carlisle. J- M 79 Carlisle, N 132 Carll, M. M 121 Carmichael, R 327 Camahan, J 6, 199 Carnochan, J. M 293 Carpenter, A 315 Carpenter, H 113 Carpenter, M 215, 400 Carpenter, W. L 120, 293 Carr, E. S 309 Carrara Spinelli, G. B 125 Carr6. 1 2S4 Carrive, P 23 Carroll, A. L 315 Carroll, B. R 276 Carroll, C. F 107 Carroll, H.K 59 Car.son and Newman College. ... 177 Cartas sobre la educ. d. beilo sexo 213 Carter, CM 354 Carter, F 1 04 Carter, H.J s, 344 Carter, J. C 80, 173, i8o Carter, J. G 273 Carter, R.B 315 Carthage College 177 Cartwright, T 351 Carvalho, J. A. S. de 167 Carver, E 273 Cary, W 210 Casar, K. J 153 Case, T 239 Case School of Applied Science. . Caspari, 290 Caspari, W 368 Cassan, K 113 Castle, F. D 31S Castro Rodrigues, E. de 50 Catawba College 177 Catholic Summer School of Am- erica 380 Catholic University of America. . 177 Cattell, J. M 334 Cattell. J. P 344 Cattell, W.C 192 Cauer, M 30 Cauer, P 257, 280 Caulfield, S. P. A 351 Cazenovia Seminary 133 Cazes, P. de 53 Centenary College 177 Central America — Education .... 53 Central College 177 Central Penn. College 177 Central Soc. of Education 10 Central Tennessee College 387 Central University 178 Central University of Iowa 178 Ontral Wesleyan College 178 Centre College 178 Ceran-Lemonnier 293 Ceriol, P. F 225 Cesar, P 315 Cesare, C. de 276 Cesca, G 22s Otta, A 49 Chadbourne, P. A 257 Chaddock College 178 Chadwick, D 393 Chadwick, E 37 Chadwick, P. E 330 Chailley-Bert, J 23 Chalamet, R. E 225, 351 Chalmers, A 162 Chamberlain, A. F 309 Chamberlain, D. H 142 Chamberlain, J 37 Chamberlain, J. L 306 Chamberlain, L. T 13, 225, 349 Chamberlain, M 183, 276 Chamberlain, W. 1 48 Chamberlin, M. H 194 Chamberlin, T. C 70 Champlin, J. T 66, 179 Channing, E 276 Channing, W .^ 293 Channing, W. E 377, 393 Chansons enfantines 118 Chapin, C W 99 Chapin, H. B 210 Chapman, E 354 Chapman, G 225 Chapman, G. T 183 Charbonneau, M 257 Charleston (S. C) Industrial Mis- sion School Society 389 Charlestown Female Seminary. . . 219 Charlestown Infant School 401 Charron, P 374 Charterhouse School 133 Chase, C T 307 Chase, P 142 Chase, G. C 225 Chase, T.R 69 Chassay, P. E 213 Chassiotis, G 47 Chauncy-Hall School 134 Chauveau, P. J. O 52 Chauvet, A. E 225 Chauvin, L 298 Chavannes, D. A 244 Chavee, H.J 284 Cheever, G. B 368 Chesterton, T 315 Chevalier, A 344 Chevallier, T 286 Chi Psi 141 Chicago Bible School 371 Chicago — Conf. on Geography. . 273 Chicago Free Kindergarten Assoc. 113 Chicago Institute 14, 298, 380 Chicago Kindergarten College .... 113 Chicago — Manual Training School 361 Chicago — Dept. Publ. Instruction, 381 Chicago Reform School 400 Chicago Theol. Seminary 331 4IO EDUCATION Chicago University. 178, 324. 33i. 379 Chicago — Woman's Club 380 Chicago — World's Columbian Ex- position 51, 3061 354. 368 Child study 308-313 Child-study monthly 309 Children of all Nations 121 Children, school, Better way of assisting 392 Children's aid society, Baltimore, 392 Children's Home and Polytechnic Academy 387 Chili — Cong. Nac. Peda,g .i;4 Chili — Instrucci6n Publica 54 Chili — Justicia e Inst. Pub 54 China — Education 46, 47 Chittenden, L. E 334 Chmel, J 276 Chreimann, M. A 315 Chrisman, 309 Christ Church College i6i Christ's Hospital 36, 133 Christian Academy 368 Christian Brothers College 179 Christian knowledge lectures. . . . 368 Christian University 179 Christiani, A 354 Christiania Universitet 166 Christie, A. M 116 Christinger, J.J 234 Christison, J. S 257 Chrvsostomus, J., St 226 Church. E. R 351 Church, J. A 334 Church Divinity School of the Pa- cific 332 Church, Education and the. . 396-397 Church Education Soc 37, 41, 42 Church Mission to Deaf-Mutes. . . 381 Church of Scotland 45, 159 Church University 179 Churches and education 45 Churchill, J. W 270 Churton, R 161 Cincinnati — ^Education, Bd. of. . 368 Cincinnati Technical School 343 Cincinnati University 85 Circulars of information 55 Cities of the U. S. For municipal reports see alphabetical list, 81-101 Claflin University 388 Claisen, F 368 Clapp, J. M 173 Clapp, J. W 71 Claretie, L 144 Clark, A ....161, 162 Clark, H. A 170 Clark, H. B 84 Clark, J. S 270, 344 Clark, J. W 158 Clark, S. H 270 Clark, T. M . . .' 237. 307 Clark, W.G S9 Clark University 179, 388 Clarke, E. H 213 Clarke, F. W 203 Clarke, G 20 Clarke, I. E 345 Clarke, J 377 Clarke, T. E 107 Clarke. J. F 377 Clarke, T. H 95 Clarke Inst, for Deaf-Mutes 381 Clason, P 138 Classics, Study of the 13S-137 Claudel. J 226 Clausnitzer, L 27 Clauson-Kaas, A. von 354 Clavel, A 225 Clay, CM 210 Cleaveland, N 10, 175 Cleland, T. H 178 Clement. C. E 345 Clemson Ag. and Mech. College.. 364 Clerc, A. J 52. 298 Clericus Armaohanus 41 Clews, E.W 56 Clifford. A 280 Clifton. R. C 37 Clinton, De W 92 Clinton, G. W 138 Close, F 10 Clossner. K 27 Clouston, T. S 309 Clow, F. R 290 Coar, F. W 293 Coates, H. T 118 Cobb, G. F 319 Cobb, L 107 Cobb, M. E 345 Cobbett, W 364 Cocheris, P. A. (W.) 351 Cochin, P. S. A 244 Cocker, B. F 70 Cocquiel, C. de 345 Co-education 212-222 Co-education of the sexes 213 Coe College 179 Coelho, F. A 225 Coffin, S.J 192 Cog.swell, J- G 125 Cohn, H. L 315 Cohn, M. M 324 Cohrs, F 240, 241 Coimbra Universidade 167 Coit, T. W 6 Colbeck, C 282 Colburn, W 287 Colby, J. F 324 Colby, J. R 270 Colby College 179 Colbv oracle 179 Cole,C. W 5 Cole, L. T 201 Coler, T.C 273 Coleridge, A. D 133 Coleridge, H 102 Coleridge, Sir J. T 125 Coleridge, S. T 226 Coles, A 368 Colet, J 102, 133 Colgate Academy 134 Colgate University 179 Colin, A 334 Colin, P 345 Collar, G 107, 257 Collar, W. C 135 Collectoins 3-5 College addresses 6-8 College and the Church 3 College Bourget 179 College Entrance Exam. Bd..i2S, 169 College entrance requirements. . .. 169 College hymnal 141 College journal % . . . . 169 College of California 179 College of Charleston 180 College of Preceptors 298 College of St. Augustine 180 College of the City of New York. See N. Y. (City) College. College of the Holy Cross 180 College of the Sacred Heart 180 College of William and Mary 180 College Settlements Assoc 393 College societies 141-143 College Women's Club 213 College year book 141 Collignon, A 14s Collin, L 288 Collins, J. C 270 Collins, W. L 125 Collinson, E 226 Colombel, H 23 Colorado College 180 Colorado — Public Instruction.... 62 Colorado State Normal School. . . . 304 Colorado University 62 Colozzo, G. A 309 Colquhoun. J. C 41 Colton. C 176 Columbia Grammar School 134 Columbia Inst. Deaf and Dumb. 381 Columbia University — Summer School 380 Columbian Institute 339 Columbian University 180 Combe, A 309, 368 Combe, G 8, 226, 368 Combe, W 162 Comenius, J. A 326-228 Comenius-Stiftung i Comfort, G. F 282 Commercial education 361-363 Commission of Colleges in N. E.. . 11 Commission on Man. and Practical Instr. Ireland 41 Commissioner Education (U.S.) 55 Commissions, see also under Coun- tries 9-14 Committee of Council on Educ. .34-36 Committee of Fifteen 12 Committee of Seven 275 Committee of Ten 12 Committee of Twelve 12 Commons, J.R 77 Compaiiia Lancasteriana 54 Comparative diagrams illus. pro- fessional education 323 Compayre, G., 8, 18, 23, 125, 138, 144, 169, 257, 309. 368 Comptabilite des ecoles normales primaires 298 Compton, A. G 354 Comte, A 228 Conant, A. F 88 Conant, E 298 Conant, W. M 315 Concord School of Philosophy. . . 380 Concordia College 181 Condillac, E. B. de 276 Conference, Physical training 315 Conferences 9-14 Conferences p^dagogiques 11 Conferenz z. berathung v. re- form 147 Connecticut Agricultural College, 364 Connecticut Classical and High School Assoc 62 Connecticut — Com. of School Fund 62 Connecticut — Common Schools. . 62 Connecticut — Education, Bd. of.. 62 Connecticut — Education Soc 11 Connecticut — Gen. Assembly. 62, 400 Connecticut Industrial School... . 400 Connecticut School for Imbeciles, 386 Connecticut State Normal School, 305 Connecticut State Reform School 400 ConoUy, J 160 Conrad, J 147, 290 Conradt, E 228 Contributions to Amer. ed. hist. . 56 Osnvention of Agricultural Chem- ists 364 Convention of Managers of Houses of Refuge 400 Conversations at Cambridge 158 Converse, J. H 193, 334 Converse College i8i Conway, J 397. 398 Cook, Dr 45 Cook, A. S 270 Cook, E.T 378 Cook, G. H 200 Cook, J 45 Cooke, E 345 Cooke, J 356 Cooke, J . P 138 Cookson, C. G 9, 126 Cooley, T. M 70 Cooper, A.J 334 Cooper, C. H 158 Cooper, O. H 56, 107 Cooper, O. R 4 Cooper, T 158 Cooper-Huddlestone College 181 Cooper Memorial College 181 Cooper Union 349 Copenhagen Universitet 166 Coquelin 355 Corbin, J 126 Cordes, G 377 Corfield, W. H Cork, J. F 80 Cornelius, E 280 Cornell College 181 Cornell University 181-182, 364 Cornet, A a88 Corning, J. L 27 Cornish, R. H 5 Cornwallis, C. F 393 Cornwell, E 351 Cbrps du Commissariat de la Ma- rine 330 Corpus Christi College i57. 161 Correspondence School of Mines.. 339 Corson. H 138, 169 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 411 Corson, J. = 35 1 Corwin, R. N 239. ^49 Cossa, L 290 Cossio, M. B 306 Cossmann 31S Costa, F. P. D 330 Costume, Academic 141-143 Cotner University 182 Cotterill, C. C 9. 126 Coubertin, P. de 169 Couch, L. M. 162 Coulter, J. M 70, 138, 334 Council of Arts and Manufactures 53 Council on education, see England — Education Dept. Courajod, L. C. L 345 Courcelle-Seneuil, J. G 324 Cournot, A. A 23 Cousin, V 23, 27, 47, io3. 126 Coutant, E. C 361 Cowan, A 228 Coward, S 345 Cowell, H. S 374 Cowham. J. H 107, 257, 273, 306 Cowie, M 157 Cox, G. V 162 Coxe, E. B 192 Coy, E. A 134 Crafts, W. F 191 Craig, A. R i3S. 2q8 Craik, G. L 377 Craik, H 44, 398 Cramer, A 31S Cramer, F 20 Cramer, M. E 27 Crane, 210 Cranwell, E iS7 Crawford, E 213 Creasy, Sir E. S i33 Creighton University 182 Credaro, L 234 Credner 234 Creuzer, G. F i35 Crevier, J. B. L 14S Criegern, H. F. von 227 Crime, Education and 400-403 Crisis, The 42 Crocius, L 332 Cromwell, A. D .' 309 Cromwell, J. G 298 Cromwell, W. C 361 Cron. L 147 Cronson, B 270 Crook, C. W 107, 257 Crooks, G. R 184 Crosby, A i35 Crosby, J. H 210 Crosby. N 183 Cross, j 374 Crow, M. F 213 Crow, W 208 Crowe, J. F 187 Crowell, J. F 296 Crozer Theol. Seminary 332 Cruden, G 315 Crusius, T. T 228 Cuba — Education 59 Cucheval-Clarigny, P. A 23 Cullum, G. W 331 Cumberland College 182 Cumberland University 182 Cummings, E 393 Cummins, A. G 324 Cunningham, R 6 Curricula of professional schools.. 323 Curriculum 107 Currie, J 121, 257 Currier, C. G 315 Currier, E. H 381 Curry, D 368 Curry, J. L. M 56, 70, 398 Curteis, A. M 276 Curtin, J.C 56 Curtis, G. W 56, 76 Curtman, W. J. G 228, 252 Curwen, J 288 Curwen, J . S 288 Cushing, C 228 Cushing, T 228, 257, 298 Cust, L 133 Cusumano, V 291 Cutler, C. F 355 Cutler School 134 Cutting, H. C 73 Cuyper, A. C. de 165, 334 Cyclopedias and dictionaries. ... 3 Czermak, J 122 Czemv, J 27 Czilchert, H. R 368 Dabney, C. W 169,195, 364 Dabney, R. H 80 Da Costa, J. M 327 Dadelsen, H. von 242 Dagnet, A 228 Dahn, E 284 Dahn, F 27 Dakota Agricultural College 364 Dakota Public Instruction 62 Dakota University 62 Dale. F. H. B 27, 285 Dale, T 160 Dalhousie College 182 Dallas. C. M. E 315 Dalla-s, G. M 6 Dallaway, R. C 368 Dally, F. J. M. A 31S Dalsfeme, J 287 Daly, R 42 Dalzel. A 159 Damiron. J. P 23 Dammann, A 213 Damon, K 223 Dana, D 134 Dana. J. C 86 Dana. J.D 211 Daniel, A 351 Daniell, M. G 257 Danker. 126 Danneil. F 27 Dargan, G. W 330 Dartmouth College 182-183 Darwin, E 214 Dati, N 49 Dauge. F 287 Daujat 355 Dauzat 355 Davidson, R 6 Davidson, S. G 381 Davidson, T i. 18, 20, 228, 249 Davidson College 183-184 Da vies, E 214 Davies. J. R 191 Davis, C. K 70 Davis, E ' 257 Davis, E. H 327 Davis, G. B 298 Davis, Henry 187 Davis, Horace 61, 138, 193 Davis, J . E 351 Davis, W. M 273 Dawes, R 38, 257 Dawson, J. W 334 Day, C. W 374 Day, H.N 228 Day, J. R 202 Day, M. F 42 Day, R. E 74 De I'enseignement manuel. . .323, 355 Deaconess' School, Germany. ... 370 Deaf and Dumb 380-384 Deahl, J. N 257 De Berard, F. B 92 De Brath, S 31s Deck, N 158 Dedekind, R 287 Deemer, H. E 324 Defectives 386-387 Defence of German Universities.. 147 Defoden, C 23, 256 De Garmo, C, 107, 121, 234, 257, 368, 374, 393 Degerdon, W. E 355 Degrees 141-143 DeGroff, E.V 107, 257 Delamotte, W. A 162 De Lancey, W. H 6 De Land University 184 Delaware — Education, Bd. of.. . . 62 Delaware — Free schools 63 Delaware College 184 Del Baere, L 400 Delbriick, B 282 Delcourt, P 118 Delon, C 113 Delon, F. C 113 Delsarte syst. of oratory 316 Delta Kappa Epsilon 141 Delta Phi 141 Delta Upsilon 141 Deltour, F 135, 144 Deltzer, J. F 27 Delvaille, C 316 Demarest, D. D 200 Demeter, I. A 228 Demolins, E 126 De Morgan, A 287 Denicke, H 258 Denifie, F. H. S 138, 145 Denis, L 23 Denison, E 38 Denison University 184 Denk, V. M. O 23 Denkschrif t iiber die reform .... 28 Denmark 47 Denmark — Higher Education, 166-167 Dental Schools, see under Medi- cine 327, 329 Denver — Manual Training High School 361 Denver University 184 Denzel, B. G 228 De Pauw University 184 Depew, CM i8a Deramond 355 Derby, E. G. S., (Earl) 103 Dercs^nyi, T. L 228 D^renkoff, J 123 Demburg, H 324 Descartes, R 258, 288 Desmaze, C. A 144 Des Moines College 1 84 Despagnet, F 324 Dessi-Magnetti, V 165 Dessoir, M 309 Detroit College 184 Detroit House of Correction 400 Dettweiler, P 135, 280 Deutsch-Amer. Techniker Ver- band 334 Deutsche Einheitschulver., Der . . 11 Deutsche Evangel. -Lutherische Synode 368 Deutschen in Ungarn, Die. . ; . . . 48 Deutschen Lehrerkonferenzen, Die IS Deutscher universitats-kal 147 Deutsches Collegium 184 Deutschmann, E 28 Deut.schmann, P 107 De Veaux College 184 Devide, T 107 Devoe, A 310 Dewey. J 258, 263, 287, 374. 393 Dewey, M 214 Dexter, F. B 211 Dexter, T. F. G 258 Dias Costa, F. F 50 Dicescu, T 243 Dick. T 228 Dick bequest 45 Dickens, C 158, 162, 236 Dickey, J. M 388 Dickinson, J. W., 67, 107, 258, 268, 270, 298, 345 Dickinson College 184 Dickson, S. H 142 Dickson, W. P 164 Dictionaries 3 Diderot, D 228 Didon, J.H 23 Diebow, P 251 Dieck, R 214 Dieckmann, A 28 Diegelmann, E 28 Dienstvorschriften 28 Dierauer, J 244 Diercke, C 273 Diestelmann, R 223 Diesterweg, F. A. W., 121, 214, 228, 229, 232, 238, 244, 251, 258, 287 Diesterweg, G 276 Dietetic gazette 316 Dietrich, A 258 Dietrich, K '. 290 Dietrich, R 52, 229 Digest of evidence, Irish schools. 4a 4T2 EDUCATION Dike, S. W 214 Dill, J. B 361 Dill. S. M 42 Dillaway. C. K 82, g? Diller, J. S 2q3 Dillmann, C. von 126 Dillmann, C. F. A 126 Dillon, Mme 23 Dilthey, W 251 Dimock, E. P 34S Dinkier, R 18 Dinte, G. F 229 Dippe, A 147 Disciplina 107 Disney, H. W 3« District of Columbia — Public Schools 63 Dittenberger, T. W 152 Dittes, F., 16, 18, 50, 107, 227, 229, 234, 444, 255. 298 Dix, F 368 Dix, M 214, 368 Dixon, E. M 3.34 Dixon, F. H 291 Dixon, G 38 Doane, G.W 177, 221 Doane, W.C 368 Doane College 184 Dobbie, W. J 309 Dobert, P 214 Dr. Martin Luther College 184 Dodd, C. 1 107, 234 Dodel, A 345 Dodge, D.K 76 Dodge, G. H 304 Dodge, M. G 186, 187 Dodge, M. (M.) 118 Doggett, H.S 87 Dohm, H 214 Dolch, O 147 Dollinger, J. J. I. von. .126, 138, 154 Domestic economy 351 Donaldson, J 8, 21, 28 Dongi, A 114 Donnell, W 267 Donnelly, P 89 Dor, V. E 47 Dorchester Industrial School. ... 401 Dor^ 334 Doring, A 229, 374 Dorman, M. R. P 229 Dornan, C 103 Dorpat Universitet 167 Dorpfeld, F. W., 28, 107, 229, 368, 398 Doshisha Prep., Colleg., Scient. and Theolog. Schools 166 Dost, M 227 Dost, 239 Doty, D 56 Douarche, A 145 Dougherty, D 192 Douglas, C. H 169 Douglas, W 107 Douglass, D. B 6, 191 Dove, R. W 150 Dowding, A. J. C 107, 113 Doyle, J. W 42 Drake, D^ 6 Drake University 184 Drane, A. T 18 Draper, A. S., s. 56, 64, 74, 75, 84, 107, 258, 298, 378, 398 Draper, H 328 Draper, J. C 316 Draper, J. W 94, 327, 328 Drecrow, W. E 211 Dreher, J. D 56, 169, 200, 388 Dresden — K. Polytech. Schule.. 339 Dresser, H. W 229 Dresslar, F. B 258 Drew Theol. Seminary 332 Drews, B. J. D 234 Drexel Institute 349 Dreyer, G. 309 Dreyfus-Brisac, E 23, 147, 149 Drisler School 134 Drobisch, M. W 153 Drone, E.S 3, 345 Dronke, A 298 Drose, A 18, 258 Drown, T. M 193 Druce, S. B. L 364 Drummond, R. B lo.j Drummond, W. B 309 Drury College 184 Dublin University 158, 159 Dubois, A 330 Du Bois, C. G 391 Du Bois, P 258 Du Bois-Reymond, E. H 149 Du Breuil, A 364 Ducpetiaux, E 400 Dufau, P. A 385 Duffield, G 69 Dufvenberg, C. O 282 Dugard 214 Diihring, E. K 287 Dukes, C 316 Dulles, J • H 1 04 Dulon, R 56 Dumesnil, G 23, 28 Dumont, A 144 Dumont, G 355, 362 Dumreicher, A 334 Dungannon, A. H. T 42 Dunn, H 10, 38, 258 Dunshee, H. W 97 Dunster, E. S 323 Dupanloup, F. A. P., 126, 214, 229,309 Dupasquier, L 126 Dupin, A. M. J. J 324 Dupont de Nemours, P. S 23 Duppa, B. F 38, 47, 52. 345 Duproix, P 237 Dupuy, A 126 Dupuy, P 273 Durell, F 230 Durfee, C 209 Durgin, C 107, 293 Durham, J. S 388 Durham College of Sciences 340 Durkheim, E 297 Durell, F 368 Dursch, G. M 230 Duruy, A 23 Dutch language S84 Dutton, S. T., 83, 3SS, 377, 393, 401 Dwight, H. E 327 Dwight, M. A 345 Dwight, T 3, 107, 211 Dwight. T. W 186. 200. 324 Dyer, G 158 Dyke. C. B 298 E., W 230 Eagles, T. H 258 Earlham College 184 East India — Education 48 East India College 133 Eastman, E. (G.) 391 Easton, W 107 Eaton, A. W. H 169. 270 Eaton, D.B 211 Eaton. D. C 345 Eaton, J 56. 200, 342, 393 Eaton, O.V 193 Eberhardt, K. P 276 Eckert, A 214 Eckstein, F. A 135, 280 Ecole Centrale des Arts 349 Ecole Coloniale 362 Ecole Coloniale d' Agriculture .. . . 364 Ecole Commerciale 362 Ecole d' Application de Cavalerie. 330 Ecole d'Apprentis Mecaniciens pour la Marine 362 Ecole d'lng^nieurs (Marseille). . . 340 Ecole de Chimie Industrielle (Lyon) 340 Ecole de Dessin Topogr 340 Ecole de Mecaniciens (Toulon) . . 340 Ecole de Notariat 362 Ecole Dentaire 327 Ecole des Hautes Etudes Com- merciales 362 Ecole des Mines (St. Etienne). . . 340 Ecole des Mousses 330 Ecole Libre d'Hydrographie 362 Ecole Militaire d'Infanterie 330 Ecole Municipale de Physique (Paris) 340 Ecole Nationale d' Agriculture . . . 364 Ecole Nationale d' Arts et Metiers, 340 Ecole Nationale d' Horticulture. . 364 Ecole Nationale de Cdramique .. . 349 Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees 340 Ecole Nationale Pratique d'Ou- vriers (Cluny) 340 Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines 340 Ecole Normale Superieure 340 Ecole Polytechnique 340 Ecole Professionelle Superieure des Postes 340 Ecole Pratique de Commerce. 362, 363 Ecole Speciale d' Architecture. . . . 340 Ecole Speciale de Travaux Pub- lics 340 Ecole Speciale Militaire de St. Cyr 330 Ecole Superieure d'Electricite. . . 340 Ecole Superieure d'Industrie(Bor- deaux) 340 Ecole Superieure de Commerce.. . 363 Ecroyd, W. F 398 Ecumenical Conference 345 Edelmann, J 244 Edgar, J 45 Edgerly, J. G 107 Edgeworth, F. Y 108 Edgeworth, M 121 Edgeworth, R. L 121, 323 Edinburgh — New College of the Free Church 371 Edinburgh— Royal Coll. of Phy- sicians 327 Edinburgh Society for Prom. Reading amongst the Blind. 385 Edinburgh University 159, 214 Edmunds, E. F 393 Edson, A. W 68, 298 Edson, T 258 Education. .■;...; 22-54 For education in special coun- try, state, or city, see name of the place. Education — Administration. .106-113 Education — Agricultural 363-367 Education, Ancient 20 Education and crime 400-403 Education and heredity 399 Education and psychology. . . 255-269 Education and sociology 392-396 Education and state legislation. . 398 Education and the Church. . .396-397 Education and the State 397-399 Education — Art 343-35° Education as viewed by thinkers, 230 Education — Bibliography 1-2 For bibliog. of a special subject, see the subject. Education — Biography 101-106 Education — Classical 13S-137 Education — Collected works 3-5 Education — College 137-212 See also name of country of col- lege. Education — Commercial 361-363 Education — Commission 9-14 See also name of special com- mission. Education — Conference 9-14 See also name of special confer- ence. Education — Cyclopedia 3 Education — Dictionary 3 Education — Domestic 350-3S3 Education — Elementary 120-124 See also name of country or in- stitiition. Education — Essays 6-9 Education— Ethical 373-376 Education — Exhibits 306-307 Education — Higher 137-212 See also name of country or in- stitution. Education — History 18-22 Education — Home 376-378 Education — Indian 391-392 Education — Industrial 343-350 Education — Jesuits 21-22 Education — Jews 21-23 Education — Liberal 137-141 Education, Modern 20-21 Education — Mohammedans .. . .21-22 Education — Museums 306-307 Education — Negro 387-391 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 413 Education of the colored race .. . 388 Education of the masses 38 Education of women 212-222 Education— Organization. . . . 106-113 Education — Periodical i4~i7 See also special subject, or name of special periodical. Education, Pnnciples of 222-255 Education — Professonal 323-333 Education question 368 Education — Religious 367-378 Education — Scientific 334-343 Education— Secondary 124-137 See also name of country or in- stitution. Education — Society . .9-14 See also name of special society. Education — Technical 334-343 Education — Theory 222-255 Education — University 137-212 See also name of country or uni- versity. Educational Club (Phil.) 96 Educational Conference 38 Educational policy of India 48 Educational use of the type- writer 361 Educational series 3-S Edwards, A. M 230, 276 Edwards, B. B 137 Edwards, C 324 Edwards, H 121 Edwards, J . W 4° Egger, A. E 144. 309 Egger-Mollwald, A 28, 345 Eggert, G. P H 154 Eggleston, E 56 Egleston, G. W 316 Egleston, N. H 364 Egleston, T S, 334 Egypt — Education 47 Ehn, H 355 Ehrichs, L 247 Eichelberg, J. F A 293 Eichstadt, H K. A 152 Eidlitz, L 334 Eisenbach, H. F 154 Eisenlohr, T 28, 251, 258 Eisenstuck. C. G 230 Ekeris,— van 276, 316 Elbert, J 28 Electrical Engineer Institute. ... 334 Elementary education 120-124 Elementary education of the working classes 393 Eliot, C. W.. 8. 57, 108, 126. 169, 188, 230, 258, 327, 332 Eliot, S 102, 230 Eliot, W. G 208 Elizabeth College 219 Ellinger, J 270, 282 Elliott, AM 282 Elliott, C 3, 135 Elliott, C. B 65 Elliott, O. L 193 Elliott, S.M 352 Ellis, A.J 282, 289 Ellis, G.E 104 Ellis, Lady M 214 Ellis, T 334 Ellwangen Universitat 150 Elmendorf, J.J 258 Elmira College 219 Elmira Reformatory 5 Ellington, C. R 42 Elrod, M. J 138 Elsenhaus, P. C 309 Elslander, J 3q3 Elterich, J. G 258 Ely, C. A 138 Ely. E.H ■. ,35 Ely, R. T 76, 345 Embden, G 297 Emerson, C. W 316 Emerson, E 141 Emerson, G. B., 68, 135, 214, 240, 247, 267, 298 Emerson, T 108 Emerton, E 276 Emerton, J. A 284 Emery, M. S 345 Emery, P. A 381 Emery, W io8 Eminence College 184 Emlen Institution 388 Emminghaus, H 309 Emory, R 6 Emory College 185 Emory and Henry College 185 Empire State Assoc, of Deaf-Mutes 382 Emporia College 185 Encyklopadie — K. A. Schmid.ed. 3 Ende, A. van 47 Endei, R 154 Endemann, C 230 Endris, A. J 374 Enebuske, C. J 316 Engel, C 121, 154 Engel, C. F 154 Engel, J.J 230 Engel, M. E 234 Engelhard, E 298 Engelien. A 285 Engineering 334-343 Engmeering — Schools 339-343 England . .' 34-46 See also Great Britain. England — Education Dept., 21, 34. 35. 36. 46, 52. 56. 126, 15s, 164, 298, 299, 307, 316, . 345. 346, 368, 393 England — Education, Select Com .on 38 England — Higher Education, 156-164 England and Great Britain, Works on education in . . . .37-40 English 269-272 English grammar 270 English — Special methods. . .269-272 Enseignement primaire — Paris. . 23 Enseignement secondaire — Fin- land 47 Enseignement sup^rieur de la geographic 273 Ensor, G 374 Entwisle, W 38 Epileptic and crippled 386 Epinay, L. F. P. (d'E.) de la L. d', 121 Epstein, L 293 Erasmus, D loi, 102, 103, 230 Erato, pseud 258 Erby, R 199 Erdmann, J. E 147 Erfurt Universtitat 150 Eriksson, L 355 Erkelenz, H 214 Erlangen Universitat 150 Erler, W 126 frnst 1 28 rnst, K 298 Erskine College 185 Escayrac de Lauture, S 46 Escuela Nacional 54 Esquiros, ,H. A 230 Essays, Collected 6-9 Essays on endowment 138 Essays on practical education. . . 4 Essence of science 297 Esser, J 47 Esty, W. C 173 Ethical culture schools 374 Ethical education 373-37^ Etienne, A. A 28 Eton College (Eng.) 133 Eton College (N. C.) 184 Eucken, R 126 Eulenburg, A 30 Eulenberg, H 316 Euler, K 316 Euler. K. P ' .. 237 Eureka College 185 Evangelical Education Society. . 11 Evangelical Lutheran Synod.... 369 Evans, T. J 355 Evans, W- L 258 Eve, H.W 258 Eve, P. F 6 Everett, A. H 374 Everett, C. C 230, 374 Everett, E 6, 8, 188, 293 Evert, G 334 Ewing College 185 Examinations 106-113 See also College entrance. Exeter, Bp. of 43 Exeter College 161 Exhibits and museums 306-307 Exner, A 291 Extrait du Proc^s-verbal 23 Fabricius, W 147 Fack, M 258 Fadda, C 40 Fah. F 244 Fairbaim, R. B 6, 138, 201 Fairbanks, CM 345 Fairchild, E. B 196 Fairchild, E. M 374 Fairchild. G. T , . . 365 Fairchild, J. H 197, 214 Fairfield College 185 Fairmount College 185 Faivre, E 355 Falbork. H 51 Falkner, R. P 291 Faraday, M 230, 258 Faraday Institute 393 Farber, P 230 Fargo College 185 Faries, R 316 Farley, S 121 Farlow, W. G 293 Farmington Eng. and Classical School 134 Farnham. A. W 273 Famham. G. L 258, 270 Farquharson, R 316 Farrar. F. W 8. 135, 258 Farrand, E. M 70 Faulde, 242 Fauquier Inst 219 Faussett, G 369 Faust, B. C 316 Favaro, A 166 Favre, L 334 Fawcett, M. (G.) 214 Fay, E. A i, 382 Fay. E.W 66 Fa yet 23 Fechtner, E 147 Feeble-minded. Education of. 386-387 Feeble-minded child and adult . . 386 Felbiger. J. 1 258 Felkin, H. M 334 Fell, W 22 Fellenberg, P. E. von 355 Fellenberg, W. von 355 Fellow, H. C 108 Felsch, C 234 Felsenthal. B 22 Felton, C. C, 47, 135, 137, 188, 189 Female Medical Educ. Soc 214 Fenelon, la M. 214, 230. 237 Fenner, W. G 334 Feret, P 145 Fergusen, W. D 42 Fernandez y Gonzalez, F 168 Ferneuil, T 23 Fernow, B.E 364 Ferraris, C. F 165 Ferree, B 334. 349, 378 Ferrier, J. F 159 Ferris Industrial School (Mich.). 349 Ferrucci, C. F 214 Fichte, I. H. von 114. 230 Fichte, J. G 28, 230, 231, 237 Pick, E 10s Fick, H. H 285 Fick, R 1, 126, 147 Fick, W 259 Field, D. D 205. 210 Field. E. M. (S.) 1 Field, T 9, I3S, 306 Findlay, J. J 259, 299 Findley College 185 Finger, F. A 231 Finland — Administration cen- trale des ecoles 47 Finland — Enseignement second- aire 47 Firchau 285 Firnhaber, G. B 28 First thoughts 121 Fisch, J 126 Fischer, A 126 Fischer. A. S 114 Fischer. E. G 28, 38 Fischer, G 147, 291 414 EDUCATION Fischer, G. C 290 Fischer, G. P 211 Fischer, J. A 2.^1 Fischer, Karl .126, 291, 369 Fischer, Konrad 28 Fischer, 101 Fisher, S. G 369 Fisher, S. W 186 Fisk University 388 Fiske, J 138 Fitch. Sir J. G., 8, 24, 35. 38, 56, loi, 102, 104, 106, 108, 121, 214, 244, 2S9. 299, 3Si< 374. 378 Fitz, H. G 345 Fitzherbert, N. . . . '. 162 Fitz-Hugh, T 126, 13s Flach, H. L. M 147 Flashar, E 398 Fleischner, L 393 Fleming, M 108 Fleming, R 362 Fletcher, G. F 68 Fleury, J 247 Flexner, A 3^9 Fling, P. M 276 Florida Agricultural College 364 Florida Conference College 185 Florida — Public Instruction 63 Florida State Normal College for Colored Students 388 Florin, A 28, 259 Flossel, E 393 Floyer, L. S 351 Flfigel, E 223 Flugel. G 299 Fliigel, 234, 259 Focken, T 2S9 Foerster, E 299 Fogowitz, J 33S Folkmar, D 108 Folks, H 393 Follen, C. T. C 189 Falsing. J 377 Folsom's Business College 363 Foltz. 234. 259, 374 Folwell, W 70 Fonssagrives, J. B 316 Fontaine de Resbecq, A. C. T. . . 324 Forbes, S. A 64 Ford, C. L 70 Ford, L 316 Ford, P. L 121 Fordyce. C i93 Fordyce. D 231 Formey. J. H 249 Fornelli. N., 13S. 138. 165. 231. 234. 259 Forss, C 393 Forster, E 18. 28, 259 Forster. T. I. M 401 Fortescue. H. F.. earl 38. 398 Fosdick. D 270 Foster, B.F 38 Foster, F. H 276 Foster, John 8, 204, 231 Foster. Joseph 162 Foster, K.M 3S1 Foster, W 291 Foth, K 2S3 Fotheringham, J 231 Fouillee, A. J. E 231, 398 Four Amer. universities 169 Fourcy, A 340 Foiu-nier, J 26 Fournier, M 144, 154 Fournier, P. E. L 276 Fowler, J. A 309 Fowler, T 161, 223 Fowler, W. C 126 Fox, T. B 231 Fox Morzillo, S 290 France — Agriculture, Min. de 1'. 323, .328, 335, 364 France — Assembl^e Nationale, 24, 401 France — Commerce, de 1' Industrie et des Colonies, Min. du 362 France — Education 22-26 France — Education — Higher ..143-146 France — L'Enseign. Prim 121 France — Guerre, Min. de 330 France — Instruction Pub., 46, 114, 136, 135, 144, 314, 389, 399, 306, 316, 333, 3S5. 364 France — Marine, Min. de la.. 328, 362 Frances Mary Buss schools 215 Francke, A 249 Francke, A. H 231 Frank, F 28 Franke, E 231 Franke, T 374 Frankfurter, S 1 26 Franklin, A. L. A 126, 144. 146 Franklin, N 309 Franklin and Marshall College. . 185 Franklin College (Ind.) 185 Franklin College (O.) 185 Franklin Institute 340 Frantz, A 240 Frary, R 135 Fraser, A 156 Eraser, C 6 Fraser, J 36, 52, 56 Fraser, W 38 Frauenberuf 215 Frazer, J. F 205 Frederick the Great 231 Frederick College 185 Fredericksburg College 185 Fredericf], P 276 Free, H 227, 259, 277 Freedman's Commission 388 Freeman, E.A 277 Freeman, L 108, 293 Freese, J. R 307 Fregeiro, C. L 355 Freiburg — Conseil Municipal 396 Freiburg Universitat 150 Freidel, Dr 234 Freisen, J 154 Frelinghuysen, T 200 French, A. D 345 French, F. G 47, 51, 215 French, J. H 5, 345 French language 284 Freudenthal, E 282 Freybe, A 369 Freyhold, E. von 126 Freymark, A 231, 374 Frick, C 277 Frick, H. A 1 104 Frick, O. P. M 103,234. 299 Fricke, F. W 103 Friedberg, E. A 153 Friedemann, F. T 126 Friedlaender, K 28 Friedrich. G 126 Friedrich. J 237, 259 Friends' Seminary 134 Fries, W 299, 364 Friese, E 126 Friese, F 299 Friesenhahn, J 223, 227 Friesicke, F 316 Frieze, H. S 69, 70 Frisby, W. B 369 Frisch, F loi Fritz, T 18 Fritzsche, R 277, 285, 290 Frobel, F 114-115, 232 Frobel, K 115 Frobel Soc 116 Frohlich, G., 108, 126. 232, 234, 259, 299, 369 Frohschammer, J 103, 299, 369 Frothingham, O. B 369 Froude, J. A 103, 164 Fry, Caroline 14 Fry, J. B 56 Frye, A. E 59, 273, 310 Fuchs,' A 316 Fiiger, J 28 Fulcomer, D 297, 393 Fuller, H.T 350 Fuller, Mrs. Samuel L 402 Fuller, T 158. 377 Fulton, J 103 Funck, Z 248 Funk, F. X. von 150 Funke, C. A 18 Fiir alle wahrheitsliebenden 28 Furman University 185 Fumess, W. H 232 Fumivall, F. I. 38 Furstenberg, F. F. W. M., freiherr von 232 Gabelli, A 49 GabrielU, A 259 Gabrielli, G 49, 355 Gacon-Dufour, M.A.J '. 215 Gadesden, F 215 Gage, W. L 105 Gailhard, J 212 Gale, G. W. 191 Gale, H 310 Galiano, A. A 160 R^'l- J;--x- '32. 385 Gallander, 126 Gallaudet, E. M 382 Gallaudet, T 382 Gallaudet, T. H 103 Gallaudet College 382 Galloway, R 293, 335 Gambs, J 138 Games 1 18-120 Gamper, W 24s Gane, D. M , 232 Gannett Institute.. ..„ 219 Ganong, W. F 293 Gansen, J 259 Gantillon, P. J. F 156, 157 Ganzenmuller, K 273 Garbini, A 310 Garbovicianu, P 223 Garcia, J. C i68 Garcia i Garcia, J. A 54 Gardiner Industrial Colony Asso- ciation 339 Gardner, A. K 310 Gardner, E. C 307 Garfield, J. A 232 Garfit, A 38 Garlick, A. H 258, 259 Garnett, J. M 138, 271 Garnett, VV 335 Garrecht, A 284 Garrison, W. P 118 Garvatt, J.J 391 Gaston, W 198 Gates, F. B 289 Gates, G. A 190 Gates, M. E 169.200, 391 Gaudet, J 335 Gaufr^s, M.J 24 Gay, G. E 68 Gayley, CM 271 Gayley, S. A 192 Gaza, T 103 Gazzone, M 215 Gebaude 307 Gebele, J 28 Gebhardt, B 28 Gebhart, E 247 Geddes, J 101, 138 GefTroy, M. A 277 Gehmlich, E 28, 251, 259 Gehrig, H 249 Geismar, M. von 147 Geist, H 277 Geistbeck, M 273, 299 Geitner, A 299 Gelbe, T 355 Gelmini, A 18 Gemoll. A 127 Gemss. Prof 127 General Conf. of Architects 335 General Theol. Seminary 332 Geneva College 185 Geneve, University de 168 Genlis, S. F. D. de St. A., comtesse de. ........ 232. 377 Genoa Universita 165 Gent, G. W 397 Geographische unter., Der 273 Geography 272-275 Geometrical teaching 286 George, H 316 Georges, K. E 106 Georgetown College 185 Georgetown University 186, 328 Georgia — Agriculture, Dept. of. . 365 Georgia — Public Instruction.... 63 Georgia School Com 63 Georgia School of Technology. . . 340 Georgia Teachers' Assoc 63 Georgia Teachers' Soc 63 Georgia University 63 Gdrando, J. M. de 377 Gerard. L. J. V 282 Gerber, P. H 333 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 415 Gerhardt, 127 Gerhart, E. V 185 Gerini, G. B loi, 253 Gerlach, M. M 237 Gerlicher, E 374 Germaine, A. C I4S German -English College 186 German language 284-286 German Theol. School 332 German university catalogues .. . 147 German Wallace College 186 Germania 28s Germann, G. B , S6 Germany. See also Prussia. Germany — Cul. u. Offent. Unter. 127 Germany — Education. 26-34 Germany — Education — Higher., 146-1SS Germany — Geistl. unterricht. . . . 307 Germany — Pnifungsordnung 299 Gerould. J. T 183 Gerson. J 236 Gerssdorf, K. von 374 Gervais, E 152 Gesamte erziehungswesen, Das. . i Gesellschaft f. Deut. Erziehungs- gesch II Gesner, J. M 103. 15° Gettysburg Theol. Seminary 333 Gewerbliche fortbildungswesen. Das 33S Gibbons, H 328 Gibbons, J i77. 369 Gibbs, J 162 Gidel, C. A 280 Giersing, F. F 369 Giesebrecht, F. W. B. von. . . .49. 280 Giessen Universitat 15° Gifford, O.P 374 Gifford. T 369. 374 Gild, A 29 Giles, J. A 102 Gill, J 18, 102, 259 Gille. — 229, 374 Gille, A 232, 234 Gillespie, J 369 Gillespie, W. M 287 Gillett, P. G 382 Gillis, J 45. 291 Gilman, A 215, 382 Gilman, D.C., s, 61, 138, 169. 211, 215. i^^ Gilman. N. P 374 Gilman, S.S 310 Gindely, A 227 Girard, J. B 103, 232. 284 Girard, P 20 Girard College 186 Girardin, E. de 24 Girls' Academy 219 Girton College 219 Gitschmann, Dr 259 Giuffrida, S 259 Give, F. de 24, 108 Gladden, W 377 Gladman, F.J 259 Gladstone, W. E. .6, 42, 156, 159, 162 Glasgow — Asylum for the Blind.. 38s Glasgow Educational Society. . . 299 Glasgow University 160 Glauning, F 271 Glazebrook, M. G 9 Gleichmann, A 234 Gleim, B 103 Glendale Female College 219 Glockner, G 230 Gluck, J.F 182 Gneist, R 29, 369 Gobat, C. A 3SS Gobinet, C 259 Gobron, L 24 Godard. H 277 Godard, J. G 103 Goddard, W. G 103 Godley, A. D 162 Godrycz, J 232 Godwin, M. (W.) 215 Godwin, W ^77 Goepp, E 108 Goerth, A 299 Goethe, J. W. von 232 Gohren, K. T. von 36s Goldammer, H 114 Goldbeck, J.F 152 Golden, M. J 35 5 Golden Gate Kindergarten Assoc . 11 s Goldschmidt, H 115, n7 Goldschmidt, L 325 Goldschmidt, S 13S Goldthwait, W. C 232 Goltz, B 232 Goltzsch. E. T 29 Gombert, J 354 Gomme, A. B 118 Gonzaga College 186 Goode, G. B 56 Goodholme. T. S 351 Goodrich, C. F zzo Goodrich, H. A 87 Goodrich, S. G 232 Goodwin, D. R 17S Goodwin, W. W 142 Gopfert, A 273 Gordon, A. L 45 Gordon, H. E 13 Gordon, J. C 382 Gordon, J.F 42 Gordon, T 45 Gordon Technical Coll. (Aus- tralia) 340 Gordy, J. P 5. 259, 290 Gordy, W. F 277 Gorges, A 259 Goring, H 29, 223, 310, 398 Gorrini, G 165, 325 Gorth, A 229 Gory, G 232 Goschen, G. J S Goss, W. P. M 355 Gossgen, C 249 Goteborgs folkskolors modell- serie for metallslojd 35s Gotte, W 393 Gottingen Universitat 150, 151 Gotze, W 35.S Goudsmit, H 284 Gough, J. B 360 Gouin, F 282 Gould, A. A 293 Gould, A. W 1x8 Gould, E. B 40 Gove, A 61, 86 Government of Ireland 42 Gow, J 108, 271 Gowdy, J. L 259 Grabs, H 259, 369 Graduate courses 169 Graduate handbook 169 Gradus ad Cantabrigiam 158 Grady, R 317 Graevell, H 284 Grafe, G. A. H 233 Grafton Hall 219 Graham, P 159 Graham, T.J 42 Gramzow, 293 Grand River College 186 Grand Traverse College 186 Grandauer, T 345 Grandgent, L. H 21 Grant, Mrs 233 Grant, Sir A 159 Grant, E 102 Grant, F 325 Grant, H. M 178 Grant, J^ 45 Grant, R. E 160 Grant University 388 Granville, J. M 259 Grasberger, L 20, 317 Grasby, W.C 21, 259, 335 Graser, J. B 29, 104 Gratz College 186 Grave, W 34s Gray, A 215 Gray. F. C 233 Gray, J 38 Gray, T.J 4, 299 Gr^ard. V. C. O., 24, io8, 127, 215, 249 Great Britain. Se« also England. Great Britain — Agriculture, Bd. of 36s Great Britain — Comm. Appointed to Inquire into the Study of Law 325 Great Britain — Education 34-46 Great Britain — Education Dept. See England — Education Dept. Great Britain — Education — Higher 156-164 Great Britain — Education — Se- condary. .53. 127, 132, 133, 378 Great Britain — India Office 215 Great Britain — Oxford Univ. Comm 162 Great Britain — Parliament zz$ Great Britain — Pari. — Commons, 156, 162. 293 Great Britain — Reformatory Schools, Inspectors of 401 Great Britain — Royal Comm. on the Condition of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb 382 Great Britain — Schools Inquiry Comm 36, 5 2, 127 Great Britain — Technical Educa- cation, Comm. on 365 Great Britain — Universities Com. 156 Great Educators 3 Great public schools 127 Greece — Education 47 Greece — Education — Higher 164 Greece and Rome, Education in, 20 Green, A 135 Green, A. H 91 Green, B 355 Green, F 382 Green, G. E 277 Green, J. O 89 Green, J- R 163 Green, N. G 74 Green, S. S 108 Green, W. H 192. za Greenaway, K 118 Greenberger, D 382 Greene, B. F 342 Greene, C. A 271 Greene, G. W 259 Greene, H. W. H 115, 277 Greene, J. E 97 Greene, R. H 169 Greeneville and Tusculum College i86 Greenfield — High School 219 Greenough, J. C 259, 300 Greenwood, J. M 260, 277 Greer College 1 86 Gregg, J 260 Gregorovius, E 393 Gregory, J. M 64, 70, 260 Gregory, J- R i iS Gregory, R 38 Greifswald Universitat 151 Grenfell, Mrs. Henry 351 Grenoble, University de 144, 335 Gresham University 160 Gressler, J 29, 215 Gretschel, K. C. C iS3 Gretzinger, W. C i77 Grey, A 378 Grey, M. G. (S.) 215 Greyson. E 46 Griepenkerl, F. K 234 Grieve, W. H 1 20 Griffis, W. E 200 Griffith, E.J 334 Griffith, R. B 99 Griffiths, R. J 108 Griggs. H 86 Grimard. E 121 Grimaud. E 344 Grimaud, L 25 Grimke. T. S 6, 293, 369 Grimm, H. F 127 Grimm. J. L. K 29 Griscom. J 56, 108 Griswold College 1 86 Grohmann, J. C. A 310 Groizard y Coronado, C 52 Groningen Universiteit 164 Gronlund, L 4 Groombridge, R 160 Groos, K 317 Groppler, F 356 Grosse, H 105, 369 Grosskopf, A 25, 277 Groszmann, M. P. E 108, 127, 310 Grotius 8 Grove City College 186 4i6 EDUCATION Grube, A. "W 121, 260 Gruber, H 260 GnilHch, A 215, 260 Grumbach, H 29 Grumme, A 127 Grund, F. J 287 Grunicke, G 156 Grunow, C 35^ Guarini, G. B 260 Guastella, C 260 Guatemala — Inst. Nacional. . .11, 53 Gubernatis, A. de 3, 165 Guckkasten 118 Gudemann, M 22 Guerin, J. C 317 Guex, F S2. 282, 306 Guide through Cambridge 158 Guigniaut, J. D 280 Guild, R. A 176 Guilford College 186 Guillaume, J 24s Guillaume, L 21 Guimaraes, R 287 Guimps, R., baron de 24s Guiraud, P 346 Guizot, E. C. P. (de M.) 377 Guleke, H 52 Giill, F 102 Gulliver, J. P 369 Gunning, H 158 Gunnison, A. W 125 Gunsaulus, F. W 13 Giinther, A 277, 300 Giinther, H 234 Giinther, S 273, 293 Gunton Institute 393 Giissfeldt, P 29 Gustafson, A.C.J 374 Gustafson, F 282 Gustavus Adolphus College 1 86 Gutbier, A 29 Guthrie, F 294 Guthrie, T 394 Guttmann, 317 Gutzmann, H 382 Guyau, M. J 399 Guyot, A. H 273 Gwathmey, J.-.T 317 Gymnasien Osterreichs, Die... 127 Gymnastics 313-323 Haan, L. A 152 Habana, Universidad de la 59 Habrich, L 394 Hacker, L 232 Hackley, C. W 94 Hadden, J. C s Haddock, C. B 13.328, 36c; Hadley, A. T 169, 211 Hagar, D. B 108, 300 Hagen, K 115 Hagner, T. H 6 Hahn, G. P. R 223 Hahn, L. E ss, 14s Haight, B.I loj Hailmann, E. L 118 Hailmann, W. N., iS, 108, 115, 121, 260, 391 Hale, B 6, 1 90, 294 Hale, E $(, Hale. E. E 3 Hale, H. M 61 Hale, L. P 351 Hale, S.J. B 121 Hale, W: G 136, 281 Hales, J. W 271 Half mann, H 369 Hall, B. R 198, 260 Hall, C. W 71 Hall, E. W 108 Hall, G. S. . . . I, s, 260, 277, 310, 369 Hall, J 156. 346 Hall, J. M 233 Hall, S. R 260, 300 Halle Universitat 151 Halleck, R. P 260 Haller, A. von 151 Halliday, S. D 365 Hallidie, A. S 335 Halliwell, J. 158. 161 Hallock, W 289 Ham, C. H 4, s. 3S6 Hamburg — Realgym. des Johan, 127 Hamerton, P. G 3, 377 Hamilton, A 187 Hamilton, E 233, 24s Hamilton, J. H 108 Hamilton, R. W 233 Hamilton, Sir W 138, 159 Hamilton College 6, 186, 187 Hamilton Literary and Theolog. Inst 187 Hamlin, C. E 104 Hamline University 187 Hamlyn, V. W. C 138 Hammond, C 104 Hammond, H. E. D 127 Hammond, J. E 68 Hammond, W. G 325 Hampden County Truant School, 40 1 Hampden Sidney College 187 Hampton Normal Inst 388 Hance, E. W. B. M 56 Hanchett, H. G 260 Hancock, J 260 Handbook for sewing-school teachers 351 Handbook of British universities, 156 Handbook of courses in universi- ties 21S Handbuch der erziehungs lehre . . 3 Handbuch der methodik 260 Haney, J. P 336 Hanke, P 103 Hannak, E 5, 277, 300, 356 Hannover — Polytech. Schule 340 Hanover College 187 Hanschmann, A. B. . . .115, 233, 24s Hanus, P. H 127, 227, 233 Hapgood, O. C 3SI Harder, P 121 Hardie, W 260 Hardin College 219 Harding, J. D 346 Hardon, H . C 310, 356 Hardt, H. von der 152 Hardy, A. S 233 Hardy, G. E 310 Hare, R 206 Harlem CoUeg. Inst 134 Harley, L. R 96, 127, 206 Harnack, C. G. A 294 Harnisch, W 29, 233 Harrington, J 289 Harris, A 346 Harris, E 401 Harris, J. H 177 Harris, S. S 70 Harris, T. W 294 Harris, W. P 325 Harris, W. T., 3, 4, 12, 56, 108, 116, 121, 136, 169, 233, 234, 240, 260, 271, 294, 297, 300, 310. 346. 3S6, 374. 378, 391. ^ 394. 398 Harrison, B 282 Harrison, E 116, 119 Harrison, G. F. E 60 Harrison, LB 391 Harrison, T. F 262, 273 Harrison, W. J 294 narrower, P 369 Hart, A. B 8, 57, 188, 276, 277 Hart, E 382 Hart, J. M 147 Hart, J. S 260 Hart, S 103 Hartel, W. A., ritter von 147 Hartf elder, K 241 Hartford — American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb 382 Hartford Female Seminary 219 Hartford High School 134 Hartford High School — Manual Training Dept 361 Hartford seminary record 332 Hartford Theol. Seminary 332 Hartmann, B 260, 287 Hartmann, F 127 Hartmann, K. A. M 282 Hartmann, K. R. E. von 147 Hartshorn Memorial College.... 389 Hartshorne, C. H 158 Hartwell, C. S 108 Hartwell, E. M 317 Hartwell, H. W 307 Hartwich, E. H J17 Hartzell, J. C V. 389 Harvard, J 104 Harvard School 134 Harvard University. .6, 187-189, tr T T> ^71. 327 Harvey, L. D go. 335 Harwood, T 133 Haskell, E. M V. 310 Haskins, C. H 277 Haskins, C. W 362 Hasse, C 147 Hasse, P 127 Hasselblatt, A. F 167 Hassell, J 260 Hassencamp, F. W 369 Hassheider, 260, 285 Hassmann, F. S. R 260 Hastie, W 325 Hastings, L.S 121 Hastings, S. C 61 Hau^, E 49, 127, 350, 356 Hauiie, G 2^5 Haun, C. W 29 Haupt, C 277 Haupt, O. E 247 Hauri, N 369 Hauschild, E. I "245 Hause, E 294 Haushaltungsunterricht, Der... 215 Hausknecht, E 283 Hausmann, S 154 Hausser, L 152 HauswirtschaftUche unter. Der. . 215 Hautz, J. P 152 Haiiy, V 385 Havana, see Habana. Haven, E. O 70, 233 Haven, J 260 Haverfbrd College 189, 317 Hawaii — Public Instruction .... 59 Hawes, B 401 Hawes, J 215 Hawkins, D. A 6, 127, 389, 397 Hawks, P. L 66 Hawksley, T 38 Hawlev, J. R 57 Hawtrey, S. T 38 Hawtry, M 215 Haycock, G. S 356 Hayem, J 25 Havden, J 42 Hayes, R. B 4 Hayneccius, M 233 Hayward, G 317 Hayward, J. A 346 Hazeltine, M. W 138 Hazlitt, W. C I. 38 Headland, P. W 317 Headland, I. T 119 Headley, J. T 136 Healey, E 52 Hearst, P. A 6i Heathcote, G 224 Heather-Bigg, A 120 Heaton, W 356 Hebertson, A.J 45 Hebrew Technical Inst. (N Y). 340 Hebrew Union College 189 Hecht, C 21s Hechtenberg, A 233 Hecke, G 239 Hecker, J 74. 233 Heckman, G. C 192 Hedding College 189 Hedge, P. H 17."; Heerwart, E 116 Hegel, G. W. F 268 Heidelberg College 189 Heidelberg Universitat 152 Heidelberg University (O.) 189 Heidcr. F 374 Heidler, S. H 12s Heidrich, H 32 Heikel. P 47 Heilmann, K 260 Heimerdinger, G 369 Heimesch, C. H 260 Heine, H 277 Heinemann, F 29 Heinemann, J 307 Heinemann, K 108 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 417 Heiner, F. X 332 Heinroth, J. C. F. A 317 Heinzerling, F 287 Heinzig, B 25 Heller, L. M 3S2 Heller, T. E 38 Helm, J 233, 260, 28Q Helmholtz, H. L. P. von. . . . 147, 294 Helmstadt Universitat 152 Helnicke, G..^ 300 Helsinpffnrs — Ecole Centrale des Arts 340 Heman, K.F 29 Hemmersbach, T 346 HemmiriK, G. W 138 Henderson, C. H 370 Henderson, C. R 394 Henderson, G 379 Henderson, H 33S Henderson, J. C 57. 233 Henderson, W iS9 Hendrix College 190 Hendy, F.J. R 300 Henke, E. L. T i$3 Hennecke, C 346 Hennig, G. A 235 Henri, V 314 Henrich, R 29 Henry, C. S 6, 138 Henry, J 57 Henschke, U 215 Hensoldt, H 294 Heppe, H. L. J 29, 241 Hepprich, A 249 Herbart, j. F 233-236, 260 Herbart Society 11 Herberholz, H 127, 346 Herbert, A. E. W. M 108 Herbertson, A. J 273 Herbst, W 136 Herder, J. G. von. 104 Heredity, Education and 399 Herford, W. H 236 Hering, H 151 Herison, F 24s Hermann, G 104 Herodotus, Jr 141 Heron, D. C 158 Herrainz, G 236 Herrick, C. A 362 Herrmann, E 29 Hertel 47. 3i7 Hertlen, E 369 Hertling, G. F., freiherr von .... 151 Hertzberg, G. F 151 Hervey, A. B 5 Hervey, G. W 377 Hervey, W. L s, 304, 369 Herzog, J. A 236 Hess, G 369 Hesse — Comm. zur Priifung der Frage der Ueberburdurig der Schiller 317 Hetherington, W. M 45 Hetzel, P.J 119 Heubaum, A 231 Heurh, J. van 328 Heusde, P. W. van 127 Heuser, E 150 Heussner, F 281 Heutige volksschule, Die 29 Hewett, E. C 260 He wins, CM 108 Hewins, W. A. S 291 Hewitt, W 121, 356 Hey, C 335 Hey, W 102, 104 Heydner, G 310 Heynsius, A 165 Heywood, J 157, 161, 162 Hicks, M . D 346 Hickson, W. E 21, 29 Hiebsch, J 289 Higgin, W 42 Higgins, M 335 Higginson, T. W., 3, 95, 1S9, 215, 277 Higginson, W 188 Higher education 3, 137-212 Highland Park College 190 Highland University. 190 Hildebrand, J 249 Hilderbrand, R. R 28s Hildreth's system 281 Hilgard, E. W 61 Hill, A 109, 294 Hill, A. S 271 Hill, C. S 310 Hill, C. W 127 Hill, D. J 169. 206 Hill, F 21, 29, 38, SI. 52, 57 Hill, F. A 12, 109, 127, 37S Hill, G. B. N 189 Hill, J 6 Hill, T 7, 109. 142, 173. 188 Hilleman, 1 09 Hiller, R 227, 281 Hillis, N. D 377 Hillsdale College 190 Hilty, C 283 Hime, M. C 42, 127 Hinckley, F. A 3S6 Hine, W. E 346 Hingham Endowed School 36 Hinsdale, B. A., 4, 8, 49, 57, 70, 77, 109, 232, 240, 260, 271, 277, 296, 300, 346, 398 Hinton, J 317 Hintrager, C 307 Hints for the Improvement of early Education 375 Hintz, 386 Hintzmann, E 127 Hippeau, C, 25, 29, 38, 49, 52, 54, 57 Hippisley, A. E 46 Hiram College 190 Hirn, Yrio 375 Hirzel, K 127 History — Special methods. . .275-280 History of education 18-54 History of Thomas 119 Hitchcock, Rev. Edward 7 Hitchcock, Edward, M.D 173. 317 Hitchmann, F 385 Hitz, J 382 Hiwassee College 190 Hoadley, A.T 291 Hoadly, G 142 Hoar, G. F 57. i73 Hoare, E. N 42 Hoare, L. (G.) 375 Hobart, A. S 373. 397 Hobart College 190 Hobbs, W. H 81 Hobhouse, W 20 Hochogger, F 27, 46, 51 Hochegger, R 236, 300, 394 Hochhuth, L 370 Hochscheidt, H 300 Hodge, R. M 37° Hodges, F. H 289 Hodges, G 370 Hodgins, J. G 53. ioq, 307 Hodgson, W. B 215, 394 Hodson, H 42 Hofer. A 119 Hofer, J 287 Hoffman. B. B 356 Hoffman, C. F 207 Hoffman, D 7, 325 Hoffman, S.F.W loi Hoffman, U. J 261 Hoffmann, — 281 Hoffmann, F 138 Hoffmann, Heinrich 116 Hoffmann, Hiigo 236, 382 Hoffmann, M 147 Hoffmann, R. A. J 49, 247 Hoffmeister, H. W 227, 244 Hofler, A 261 Hofmann, A 370 Hofmann, A. W. von 147, 149 Hofmann, F 29 Hofmann, R 300 Hogan, L. E 310. 35i Hogg, A 335 Hoggan, F. E. M 116, 317 Hohlfeld. P 115 Hohmann, L 232 Hohn, E 356 Holahan, J. 370 Holaind, R . 1 397 Holbrook, A 261 Holbrook, M. L 261 Holden, W. W 76 Hole, J 394 Holiday courses 283 Holl, A v.. . 29 Holland, A. M 356 Holland, H. W 38 Holland, J . G 375 Holland, T. E 325 Holland — Education 47-48 Holland — Education — Higher. . . 164 Hollingsworth, N. T 370 Hollis, — " 189 Hollis, A. P 30s Hollis, I. N 3s6 Hollkamm, F 285, 300 Hollmann, S. C isi Holm, J 317 Holman, H 38, 236, 261 Holme, C 356 Holmes, B 328 Holtsch, H 227, 236 Holy Ghosi College 1 90 Holzmuller, G 29, 344 Homberg, T 215 Homburger, T 317 Home, M 45 Home economics 350-353 Home education 376-378 Homme, T 283 Homscheidt, J 109 Honke, J 29, 224, 397 Honolulu Free Kindergarten As- sociation 116 Hoose, J. H 74. 261, 300 Hope, A. J. B 42 Hope College 1 go Hopfner, L 317 Hopkins, E. M 271 Hopkins Grammar School 134 Hopkins, H. R 317 Hopkins, J. H 37° Hopkins, L. (P.)., 8, 115, 121, 261, 273, 294, 317 Hopkins, M 104, 209, 37s Hopkins. S 6t Hopkins, T. C 294 Horawitz, A 281 Horn, — 300 Horn, D 47. 287 Horn, E i47 Horn, F 21S Horn, J. F 127 Hornemann, F 30, 128, 317 Horsfall, T. C 109 Hortensius. M 287 Horticultural School for Women, 365 Horwicz, G. A 215, 261 Hosack, D 328 Hosmer, F. A 196 Hosmer, G. W i73 Hoss, E. E 215 Hotchkiss School 134 Hottinger, J . H 281 Hough, F. B. . . .57. 75. 169, 204, 36s Hough, T 317 Hou.sehold art 350-353 Houses of Refuge 400 Houyvet, C 136 Hover, M. J 28S How I was educated 3 Howard, G. E 169, 193 Howard, J. R 236 Howard, R. S 375 Howard, W. E. 109 Howard Association 401 Howard-Payne College 190 Howard University 389 Howe, E. G 294 Howe, T. (W.) 57. 2i5 Howe, B. G 401 Howe, W.W 66 Howerth, I. W 394 Howitt, W 14' Howland, G 109, 261 Howson, E.W 289 Hovt, J.G 208 Hovt, J. W 7. 21, 170 Hruza, E 325 Hubbard, C. B tig Hubbard, G. G 382 Hubbard, J.G 38 Hubbard, O. P 183.41", 328 Hubbell, G. A 240. 370 Huber, F. P 3° Huber, V. A 156 Hubert, W. E loi 4i8 EDUCA TION Hubler, P 231 Hubrecht, P. F 47 Hue, A 307 Huddersfield Technical School. . 34° Hudson, H. N 271, 277 Hudson, J. C 3S6 Hudson, J. W 304 Hudson, W. H. H 287 Huffcut, E. W 271, 325 Hughes, E. P 4. 300, 356 Hughes, H. M 297 Hughes, J. H 63 Hughes, J. L 115, 116, 236, 261 Hughes, R. M 180 Hughes, R. W 388 Hughes, T 21 Hugues de Saint- Victor 236 Hulbert, H. W 38 Huling, R. G 277 Hull-House 394 HuUer, F. A 249 Hiilsse, J. A 339 Hulton, S. F 162 Hume, R 104 Hummel, O. E.23S, 236, 24s, 251, 252 Humphrey, H 68, 103, 173 Humphrey, L 104 Humphreys, E. R 170, 300 Humphreys, W. C 57 Hungary — Education 48 Hunt, C. W 335 Hunt, J. G 329 Hunt, W. M 346 Hunter, S.J 66 Hunter, W. W 48 Huntington, E 351 Huntington, F. D s. 261, 377 Huntington, J. T 170, 370 Huntington, W. R 170 Hunton, E 170, 171 Hunziker, O 227, 245 Hutcheson, M. E 370 Hutchinson, J 147, 306 Hutchison, G 45 Huther, A 235, 261 Hutter, J. B 1 28 Hutton, L 345 Hiitzler, S 119 Huxley, T. H. . .8, 109, 139, 294, 336 Huysen, G 261 Hyde, E 271, 375 Hyde. E. M 193 Hyde, M. G 211 Hyde, W. De W. . . 67, 109, 261, 37s Hygiene iT-2-3,2i Iceland — Education 48 Idaho — Public Instruction 63 Idaho University 63 Idiots 386-387 Ihm, G 222 Illinois — Agriculture, Bd. of.... 365 Illinois — Asylum for Feeble- minded Children 386 Illinois College 190 Illinois — Education, Bd. of 64 Illinois — Health, Bd. of 328 Illinois Industrial University. ... 64 Illinois — Inst, for Feeble-minded Children 386 Illinois — Inst, for the Blind 385 Illinois Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb 382 Illinois — Public Instruction. .64, 382 Illinois Society for Child -study . . 310 Illinois State Normal University, 305 Illinois State Reformatory 401 Illinois State Teachers Associ- ation II, 294 Illinois University. . ._ 64, 271 Illinois Wesleyan University. . . . 190 Imber, N.H 22 Imperial Free Economical Soc . . 51 India — Education 48 India — Education — Higher 165 Indian education 391-392 Indian Rights Assoc 391 Indian University 391 Indiana Asbury University 190 Indiana — Assoc, of City and Town Supt 64 Indiana College Association 11 Indiana — Inst, for the Blind 385 Indiana Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb 382 Indiana — Public Instruction. ... 64 Indiana Reform School 401 Indiana Reformatory 401 Indiana — School for Feeble- minded Youth 386 Indiana State Normal School. . . 305 Indiana University 65 Industrial and art education, 343-350 Industrial and art schools. . .349-350 Industrial Education Association. See New York (city) — Indus- trial Ed. Assoc. Industrial School Assoc, for Girls (N. Y.) 346 Industrial schools 400-403 Industrial value of technical train- ing i^d Industrialist 365 Ingham University 190 Inglis, J 159 Ingram, J 162 Ingres, M .• • • • 284 Institut Commercial de Paris. . . 363 Institut Industriel du Nord de la France 336 Institut Nationale Agronomique, 365 Institute of Holy Angels. 219 Institute of Social Economics. . . 394 Institution of Civil Engineers. . . 336 Instruction Publ. en Hongrie. ... 48 Intercollegiate athletic calendar, 317 International Conf. on Educa- tion 11 International Cong, for Technical Education .• • • • 336 International Cong, of Higher Education 11 International Cong, of Hygiene.. 317, 318 International Cong, of Prim. Educ, 121 International Cong, of Teachers.. 300 International education series. . . 3 International Kindergarten Un- ion 116 International woodworker 356 Inter-state Educational Com. ... 57 Inverardi, R i Iowa College 190 Iowa — Education Council 346 Iowa — Public Instruction 65 Iowa Reform School 401 Iowa State Agricultural Coll. . . . 365 Iowa State Teachers' Assoc 65 Iowa State University i, 65 Iowa Wesleyan University 190 Ipswich Female Seminary 219 Ireland — Com. of Nat. Education, 40, 41, 300, 370 Ireland — Education — Higher, 156-164 Ireland — Manual Instruction, Comm. on 356 Ireland — Reformatory Schools, 346, 401 Ireland, Works on education in, 41-43 Irish Education Enqtury 41, 42 Irwin, C. K 42 Isaack, M 370 Isbell College 219 Iselin, 1 236 Isnardi, L 165 Israel, A 105, 248 Istruzione secondaria 128 Italy — Education 48-49 I taly — Education — Higher ....165-166 Italy — Pubblica Istruzione 49 Italy — Statistica, Direzione gen. della 49 ackman, W. S 294, 300 ackson, E. P 374 ackson, F. A 206, 281 ack.son, H. M. P. H 119 ackson, S 60, 283, 391 ackson, T. G 161, 162, 338 ackson, W. R 72 acob, K 287 acob Tome Institute (Md.) .... 340 acobi, M. (P.) 261 Jacobs, A. P 142 Jacobs, W. B 300 Jacobsen, H 245 Jacobson, A 4, 356 Jacobus, C 375 Jacoby, H 236 Jacotot, J, J 236, 252 Jacoulet, A. E 300 Jacquemart, P 336 Jager, O 237, 261, 277 Jager, O. H 20, 318 Jahn, F. L 237 Jahn, M 261, 375 Jahn, 104 Jahresverzeichnis d. schweiz. uni- versitatsschrift i, 168 Jdmbor Gyula 336 James, A. R 318 James, C. C 365 James, E. J., 261, 291, 300, 362, 378, 394 ames, G. F 379 ames, J • H 310 ames, T. D 300 ames, W 261 ameson, J. F 277 anet, P 103, 261, 375 anicke, E 287 anke, 307, 313, 318, 356, 394 apan — Education 49-50 apan — Education, Dept. of 50 apan — Education — Higher 166 apan — Public Instruction so ardine, G 290 _arvis, E 394 Jastrow, J 139 Jay, H 356 Jay, J 57, 277, 397 Jeaffreson, J. C 162 Jebb, R. C 20, 103, 139, 230, 379 JefTers, E. T 389 Jefiferson, T 80, 233 Jefferson Medical College 328 Jeitter, E 401 Jena — Padag. Universitats-Semi- nar 14, 152 Jena Universitat 152 Jenkin, F 294 Jenkins, H. M 365 Jenkins, O. P 193 Jenkins, S. D 122 Senks, H. F 82 enks, H. S 120 enks, J. W 291 ennings, J 237 epson, B 109 f Jerome, St 237 Jesinghaus, W 332 espersen, 283 esse, J. H 133 esuits 21-22 esus Christ 104 Jesus College 157 Jewel, J 104 Jewell, F. S 109 Jewett, E. C 356 Jewish Training School of Chicago 22 Jews 21—22 !odl, F 370 ohansson, A 3S6, 359 ohn A. Dix Industrial School. . 389 ohn B. Stetson University 190 Johns Hopkins University. . .190, 191 Johnson, A 122 Johnson, C 57 Johnson, C. F 139. ii^ Johnson, C. W. L 289 Johnson, H 175 Johnson, J . B 346, 362 Johnson, S 103, 290 Johnson, W 261 Johnson, W. D 389 Johnson, W. R 261, 346 Johnston, D 25 Johnston, J 48 Johnston, W 42 "ohnston, W. D 7° ohnston, W. P 170, 203 ohonnot, J 261, 307 oily, S 300 oily. W 318 oly, H I. 237 omard, E. F 25 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 419 Tones, A. K 318 tones, C.E 63 tones, E. G 35 1 tones, F. L 64 tones, M. E. M 123 tones, R 325 tones, R. D 261 tones, T. W 318 tones, W. C 61 tones, W. P 47 Jong, C H. de 284 loos, A 128 Jordan, J 60 tordansky, N 122 tordon, D. S 109, 119, 139. i03 torgensen, T- M 119 toseland. It . L 287 toslin, B. F 7 tost, G 109, 300. 323 tothner, J 318 tottrand, G 46 touffroy, T. S 3°° tourdain,C M.G. B., 25, 14s, 146, 215 tourdan, E 362 towett, B 104 Joyce, P. W 261 toynes, E. S 79, 282, 346 tudson, F. N 398 tudson, H. P 139. 278 tugendbildung. Die 30 tully, A 3S6 Jung, A 252 Jung, J 370 Jung, w 216 Juniata College 191 turgenson, D. W 3°° Just, K. S 13. 235 Justi, K. W 153 Justus, P 25 Kahle, W 242 Kahler, W. M. A 291 Kaibel. G 151 Kaiserwerth on the Rhine — Inst. for Training Deaconesses. . . 370 Kalamazoo College - 191 Kalb, G 357 Kalckstein, K 30 Kalker, H 30 Kames, H. H., lord 237 Kammel, H.J 30,230, 237 Kammel, 139 Kampschulte, F. W 150 Kannesmit uns.gym.sobleiben.' 128 Kansas Historical Soc 66 Kansas Inst for the Deaf and Dumb.... 382 Kansas — Public Instruction 66 Kansas State Agricultural Coll. . 365 Kansas State Horticultural So- ciety 36s Kansas State Normal School. . . . 305 Kansas University 66, 365 Kansas Wesleyan University. ... 191 Kant, 1 237 Kapp, A 128 Kappa Alpha Theta 141 Kdrm4nM6r 128 Karmarsch, K 340 Kasson, J. A 330 Kasten, H 229 Kastner. A. G 287 Katterfeld, A i, 103 Katzer 370 Kauermann, F 261 Kaufmann, G 147 Kaufmann, M 370 Kavanagh, J. W 42 Kay, D 237, 261 Kay, J 21, 38, 52 Kayser, W 227, 245 Kazan Universitet 167 Keachie Male and Female College, 191 Keagy, J. M.. 237 Keane, J.J 370 Keasbey, E. L 310 Keatinge, M. W 227 Keber, A 261 Keble College 161 Keen, W. W 191 Keep, R, P 4 Keferstein, H., 102, 104, 105, 128, 237, 241, 251, s6i, 283, 300, 375. 394. 397 Kehoe. S. D 318 Kehr, K 30 Kehrbach, K 285 Kehrein, J 18 Keil, H. 6. T 128 Keil, Richard 141 Keil, Robert 141 Kein gefiihlsvermogen 261 Keiper, P 30 Kekule, F.A 128 Kelland, P 156 Kellner, L 18, 104, 237 Kellogg, A. E 98 Kellogg, A. H 192 Kellogg, A. M 109, 273, 357 Kellogg, E. A 118 Kellogg, J. H 318 Kellogg, M 61 Kelly, R 91 Keltie, J. S 273 Kem^ny, F 25, 48 Kemper, A. G 178 Kemsies, F 318 Kendall, H. E 307 Kendall, J 294 Kendrick, A. A 202 Kendrick, J. R 3 Kennedy, A. B. W 336 Kennedy, D 205 Kennedy, J 109, 136 Kennedy, W 109 Kent, C A 307 Kent, C. F 370 Kent, G 7. 142 Kent, J 325 Kent College of Law 325 Kentucky — Inst, for Feeble- minded Children 386 Kentucky — Public Instruction . . 66 Kentucky State College 66 Kentucky University 66 Kentucky Wesleyan College 191 Kenyon, E. E 5. 262 Kenyon College 191, 333 Kerchove d' Exaerde, H. de. . . . 30 Kerfoot, J. B 7, 141 Kergel, W 136 Kern, F 128 Kern, H 262 Kernan, F 76 Kerr, J 48, 318 Kerslake. T 278 Ketchum, A.T 119 Kett, H 237 Kettler, T 216 Keudel, H 120, 256, 262 Key, A 318 Keyser, T. E 8 Kiddle, H 3. 262 Kidson, E. R 356 Kiehle, D. L 4, 77 Kiel Universitat 152 Kieler beytrage 147 Kiessler, F 262 Kiessling, J 294 Kiev Universitet 167 Kildare Place Society 42 Kilgour. H 238 Killmann, M 30 Kimball, L. G 271 Kimmins, C. W. 294 Kindergarten 113-120 Kindergarten and the school 116 Kindergarten engrafted on the Amer . pub . school 116 Kindergarten magazine 116 King, C. F 273 King, H.C 116 King, M 189 King, M. P 375 King, R.M 109 King, W. F 181 King's College (Cambridge) 157 King's College (N.S.) 191 King's College (Oxford) 160 Kingsley, C 20, 318 Kingsley, H. C 210, 211 Kingsley, J. S 294 Kingsley, N. W 216 Kingsley, W. L 211 Kink, R 15s Kinnicutt, T 176 Kipping, 283 Kirchberg, T 281 Kirchmann, J. H. von 251 Kirchner, — 300 Kirchner, F 262, 370 Kirchner, K 139 KirchofF, Alfred 273 Kirchoff, Arthur ai6 Kirk, E.N 380 Kirk, J. E 74 Kirkmann, F. B 128 Kirkpatrick, E i6a Kirkpatrick, E. A 68 Kirkwood, L.J 351 Kirst, A 310, 370 Kirsten, 103 Klahr, T 285 Klaiber, J 310 Klassiker der padag, Die 3 Klauwell, A 12a Klein, E.P a6a Klein, M 335 Kleine, R 238 Kleinschmidt, A 318, 375 Klemm, L. R 21, 26a Klette, R 307 Kley, Dr 285 Klinghardt, H., 109, 128,271, 283, 287 Kloesel, K 235, 238 Klopper, K 18, 26a Klotzer, R. F. J 20 Kluckholm, A. von 30 Kluge, F 141 Kliipfel, K. A 155 Klussmann, R i Knabe, G. j 370 Knapp, J. M 394 Knauf, N 104 Knigge, A. F. F. L 37s Knight, C 377 Knight, G. W S7. 77 Knight, S 133 Knight, W 164 Knilling, R 24s Knirr, J 287 Knobloch, J 216 Knoepfier, L as Knoke, K 332 Knoppel, A 335 Knortz, K 115 Knott, L. A 68 Knox, J. H. M 192 Knox, V 139, 338 Knox College 191 Knoxville College 389 Kober, R. von 248 Koch, E.G 28t Koch, J. A. A 284 Koch, J. F. W 147 Koch, J. L. A 318 Koch, K 382 Kochly, H.A.T 128 Kockel, F. W 26a Koehler, K. F i Kofoid, C. A 294 Kohler, Albert 109 Kohler, August 116 Kohler, O.J 216 Kohler, R 30, 119, 24s, 248, 278 Kohlstock, K 262 Koksma, F.M.C. E 46 Kolbe, A. W. H 153 Koldewey, P 30, 109 Kollar, A. F 145 Koln Universitat 15a Konig, K 301 Konigsberg Universitat 152, 153 Koolen, P. N 47 Koopman, H. L 207 Kopke, E. R.A 149 Koppen, F 148 Komer, F a6a Korps u. burschenschaften 141 Kortum, J. F. C 245 Kosegarten, J. G. L 151 Koster, J 369 Kotelmann, L. W. J 128, 318 Kotzebue, A. von 147 Kozle, J. F. G 235, 37S Krabbe, O. C 154 Krabinger, J. G 136 420 EDUCATION Kraft. F.K 8 Kramer, G 231 Kramer, J. yon 154 Kripelin, E 318 Krass, M 301 Kratz, H 128 Kraus, F 318 Kraus, J 116 Kraus, K 287 Kraus Alum . Kindergarten Assoc . 116 Kraus-Boelte, M 116 Krausbauer, T 23s, 249 Krause, A. S 262 Krause, E 216 Krause, F. W 109 Krause, F.W.D 237, 262 Krause, J. H 318 Krause, K.C.F 128 Krause, R 229 Krauth, C. P 285 Kreitz, W 370 Krems — Gymnasium 128 Kretzschmar, T. F 109 Kreyenberg, G 30, 216, 251, 283 Krichau, R 109, 262 Kriege, A.L 119 Kriege, M. H iis, 116 Kries, jvon 150 Kruger, O »3S Kriiger-Velthusen, H 139 Kriisi, H 123, 245 Kiibel, R 375 Kuckelhahn, L 253 Kuhn, K 285 Kuhn, W 195 Kulisz, P. A 36s Kultus u. unterricht 48 Kumm, F 301 Kummer, K.F 128 Kunow, E 30 Kunz, M 273 Kurth, G 104 Kussmaul, A 310 Kuypers, F 254 Kvacsala, J 227 Laacke, K. C. F 21, 30 I^as, E 128, 253, 28s Labaree, B 238 Labbe, E.C 375 La Bedolliere, E. de 119 La Borde, M 79 Labriola, A. . . . ^ 139 Lacey, W. B 238 La Chalotais, L. R. de C. de.' 104 Lachez, T 336 Lacombe, H. de 238 Lacombe, P 262 Lacouture, C 375 Lacroix, S.F 25 Ladd, G. T 8,139, 170 Ladendorf, A. J. F 238 Ladies' Am. Home Education Soc. 1 1 Ladies' Soc. for the Promotion of Education at the West 11 Lafayette College 191, 192 Lagrange, P 318 La Grange College 192 La Hautiere, E. de 262 Laing, M. E 271 Lajos F 48 Lakanal, J 301 Lake Forest University 192 Lake Mohonk Conference 391 Lambert, Miss 351 Lambert, F 249 Lambert, F. C 357 Lambert, W. H 271 Lamborn, E 262 Lammers, A 318, 357 Lamson, M. S 385 Lamy, E. M. U 394 Lancaster, J 104, 216, 238, 394 Lancaster, T. W 398 Landa, A 289 Landmann, T 375 Landon, J log, 362 Landriot, j. F. A. T 370 Lane, A. G 301 l.>ane, F. H 20 Lane Theol. Seminary 332 Lane University 192 Lang, A 119, 162 Lang, J. D 57 Lang, O. H..101, 235, 238, 240, 249 Lang, R 30 Lange, D 294 Lange, E 128 Lange, G 31S Lange, H 216, 294 Lange, K 109, 248, 262, 346 Lange, W I, 104, 262 Langenberg, E 102 Langer, A 109, 304 Langermann, J 30, 301 Langguth, A 232 Langlois, C. V 278 Langner, E 245 Langsteiner, J 247 Languages 280-286 Lantoine, H 128 Larcher, L. J 216, 238 Lardner, D 160 la Roche, P 136, 281 Laroverkskomitd 52 Larremore, R. L 91, 94 Larsson, G 357 La Salle, J. B. de 104, 370, 375 Lasell Seminary 219 Lasena, P 165 Laspee, H. de 318 Laspeyres, E 148 Latham, H 109 Latham, R. G 136 Latin and Greek — Methods. .280-282 Latino, E 238 Lattmann, K. A. J 136 Laubert, K 25 Laubier, D 357 Lauckhard, K. F 262, 377 Lauderbach, H. Y 262 Laughlin, J. L 291 Laurent, F 109 Laurent, 170, 328 Laurentie, P. S 25 Laurie, S. S., 8, 20, 39, 45, 103, no, 122, 128, 139, 227, 242, 262, 281, 283, 301 Lausanne, Academic de 168 Laval, L'Universit^ 204 Lavater, J. C 236 Laveleye, E. L. V. de. . . .51, 128, 238 Laverranz, C 148 Lavisse, E 25, 136, 144 Law 323-327 See also the Law schools of the various universities. Lawley, T. S 357 Lawrence, M 1 94 Lawrence, P 318 Lawrence Academy 134 Lawrence University 192 Lawrenceville School 134 Lawton, W. C 238 Laycock, T 159, 328 Layman, L 370 Leach, A. F 39, 133 Leach, J. E 301 Lear, E 119 Leavitt, J, M 336 Lebanon Valley College 192 Leber 284 Leblanc, R 294, 357 Lechler, C 119 Le Clerc, J 281 Leclerc, M 30, 323 I>e Conte, J 357 Le Couteulx St. Mary's Inst, for Deaf-mutes 382 Ledderhose, K.F 241 Lee, E 212 Lee, S. H 370 Leeds, G 193 Leeds, J. W 278 Ivcf fevre, T 119 Lefranc, A. J. M 145 Lego, A 338 Legouv^, E 238 Legroing-Lamaisonneuve, A 216 Lehigh University 192, 193 Lehmann, H. E. B 324 Lehmann, H.O 30 Lehmann, Johannes 128, 398 Lehmann, Joseph 285 Lehmann, R 30, 36a, 385 Lehmensick, F 122 Lehmhaus, F 12S Lehrt erziehen! 222 Leipzig — Gym. z. St. Thoma. . . . 128 Leipzig— Padagog. Central bibli- othek i^ 227 Leipzig Universitat ' 153 Leipziger, H. M 4, 5, 22 Leicester Academy 134 Leisner, 238 Leitao, C. A. M 50 Leitch J 238, 239, 24s, 253 I./eland, C. G 336, 357 Leland Stanford Junior Univer- sity 193 Leland University 389 I.«mayer, K 148 Lemonnier, H 278 Lenglet du Fresnoy, N 278 Lengnick, B 281 Lenk, R 375 Lenoir, M. A 377 Lenox College 193 Lente, F. D 328 Lentz, E 281 Lenzmann, R 318 Leo, H '229 Leonard, D. L 197 Leonard, G. C 141 Leonard, L. W 262 Leoni, L 238 L'Epde, CM 382 Lepzien, A. M. J 239 Le Row, C. B s, 262, 271 Le Roy, A 143 Leschke, E 318 Leslie, C 238 Lesshaft, P 310 Lessing, G. E 238, 370 lyctchworth, W. P 336, 401 Letelier, V 30 Lethbridge, R 165 Letourneau, C 18 Letter to the Viscount of Drum- lanrig 45 Letters to a young nobleman. . . 278 Levasseur, P. E., 122, 144, 274, 290, 323 Leverson, M.R 136, 139 Levi, L 336 Levy, J 283 L^vy, R.G 170 Levy, W. H 38s Lewins, R 159 Lewis, A. F 66 Lewis, D 102, 172, 318, 319 Lewis, F. W 301 Lewis, S 77 Lewis, T 204 I.«wis Institute (Chicago) 340 Lewit, J 22 Lexington Academy 131 Lexington — Colored Orphan In- dustrial Home 388 Lexis, W 148 Leyden Universiteit 164, 165 Leyser, J. A 225 Liard, L 144 Liberal education 137-141 Liberal University 193 Liberia College 50, 389 Libraries and schools 106-113 Lichtenberger, F. A 375 Lieber, F 186 Li^ge, University de 143, 336 Liese, A 30 Light, A. W 383 Ligue frang. de I'enseign 11 Liliencron, R. von ip Lincoln, D. F 319 Lincoln, H. H 110 Lincoln, J. L 136 Lincoln, L. B 375 Lincoln College 161 Lincoln Grammar School 36 Lincoln Institute 389 Lincoln (Neb.) — Pub. Schools.. 319 Lincoln University 193, 389 Lind, G. D 263 Linde, E no, 235 Lindner, G. A 3, 238, 301 Lindsay, S. M 297 Lindsley, J. B 19s AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 421 Lindsley, P 7, 8, 238, 333 Lineham, J. C loi Link, L 285. 319 Linnijj, F 285 Linton, W. J iip Linton, W. S 391 Linz, F 25 Lion, C. T 227 Lippert, F. A. M 102 Lips, J 143 Liston. R ISO Liszt, F. von 15 3. 325 Little, G. T I7S Little, M 128 Littlefield, G. A ' S7. 238 Littlewood, K 337 Littlewood, W 357 Livermore, M. A. (R.) 57. 216 Liverpool College 133 Liverpool School for the Deaf and Dumb 382 Livingstone College 389 Livret scolaire no Llandaff — School for the Deaf and Dumb 382 Llovd, J. E 278 Lloyd, J. F 42 Lobisch, J. E 310 Lobsien, M no. 262 Loccenius, J 325 Locke, J 238, 239 Locke, J. C 5. 345 Locke, W. W 93 Lodge, H.C 136 Loflt, C 377 Logan College 193 Lomb, H 357 Ixjmbard University 193 Lomberg, A no Lomberg, 262 Loncq, G. J ., 165 London — Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb _ .■ • 383 London — City and Guilds Instit- ute m(> London County Council — School of Photo-Engraving 340 London County Council — Techni- cal Education Board 336 London Education Soc 11 London Frobel Soc 116 London— International Health Exhibition .••■■, ^06 London — Merchant Tailors' School 363 London — -Protestant Educational Inst 370 London — School Board. 36, 37,346, 357 London School of Economics and Political Science 291, 394 London — Workingmen's Assoc... 39 London University 160 Long, G 39. 160 Loomis, E 7. 104 Loper-Houselle, M 216 Lord. E 8, 357 Lord, H. 1 310 Lord, H.W 401 Lord, I. E 2 Lord, J 249 Lorentz, F 102 Lorenz, H 223 Lorenz, O 30 Lorenz, S 19 Loring, G. B iSo Loschen, M. G 232 Lossing, B.J 221 Lot, F 143, 144 Loth, F.J 239 Lothi, E 306 Lothrop, G. V. N 139 Lotz, A 30 Lotze, R. H 262 Loudon, J 207 Louisiana Educational Soc ii Louisiana — Public Instruction... 66 Louisiana State University 7, 66 Louvain, Universite Catholique de 143 Love, S. G 357 Lovering, J 104 Low, E 294 Low, S 139 Lowden, T.S Lowe, J. H Lowe, K.R Lowell, C.R Lowell, J.(S.) Lowell (Mass.) Textile School.. . . Lowenfeld, L Lciwenthal, W Lower Canada. See Quebec. Lowrie, W. H Lowry, T. T Loyola Cofiege Lubbock, J Liiben, A Lucas, E. A Luchaire, A Luckey. G. W. A Luckfield, E Lucy Cobb Inst Liiders, C. F 30. Liiders, K Ludlow, H. W 388. Ludlow, J Luer, A Liinmann, O. von Lukas, G Lukens, H. T 141, 263, 310, Lukin, J Lund Universitet Lunt, E.C Lupton, W. M Luschin von Ebengreuth, A Luther, M 239, Luther College Lutterbeck, J. A. B Lyman, C. S 211, Lynam, C. C Lyon, C. H 57. Lyon, E Lyon, G Lyon, M Lyon, University de Lyonnet, H Lyschinska, M. J 116, Lyte, H.C. M 133. Lyttelton, E. 9, 128, 136, 263, 319, M., K M, L M.,M. J M— y, L Maass, B Mabie, H.W McAdoo, W Macalester College Mac Alister, J., i, 2, 5, 240, 27S, 319, 346. Mc Arthur, A 19s, McCabe, L.R MacCarthy, E. F. M 39. 57. M'Cartney, W Macartney, W. E McClain, E McClcllan, J. B McClelland, S MacClure, D MacColl, M McCombie, W McCook, J. J McCormick, H McCormick, J. G McCosh, J.. .3. 104, no, 128, 139, MacCracken, H. M McCrady, E MacCunn, J 370, MacDonald, A 262, 310, 394, McDonogh, J M'Dowell, J 7. McDowell, W. F Mace, J 122, Mace, W. H Macfarlane, J McGec, W. /. M'Ghee, R.J. McGill College and University.. . . MacGregor, J MacGregor, J. G McGuire, C Machold, W Mack, D , Mack, W. S , Mackall, L , 310 290 122 75 263 341 128 319 7 72 193 30 29s 357 14s 375 263 219 122 346 391 7 394 136 319 346 357 167 291 278 32s 240 193 150 336 128 1.36 383 25 220 14s 357 232 163 377 240 370 249 319 263 240 330 193 357 357 216 1 10 7 42 6S 365 399 186 332 240 66 274 76 199 139 78 375 401 104 199 370 319 278 156 295 42 103 401 139 5 205 301 357 29s McKean, H. S no McKendree College 194 Mackenzie, J 116 Mackenzie, M 116 Mackenzie, W 240 Mackenzie, W. W 39 MacKibbin, S 278 Mackinder, H. J 379 Mackinlay, G "287 Maclaren, A 319 McLaughlin, A. C 68 MacLean, G. E 370 Maclean, J 7, 199 Maclear, Mrs 351 McLellan, J- A 263, 287 Macleod, N 45, 377 McMaster, J. B 278 McMaster University 194 McMinnville College 194 MacMullen, J no, 240, 362 McMurray, W 203 McMurry, C. A., no, 129, 170, 235. 263, 271, 274, 278, 291, 29s McMurry, F. M 10, 263, 37 1 McMurry, L. B . no McNaught, W. G 289 MacNeil, A.B 173 McNeill, G.E 394 McQuaid, B. J 371, 397 Macray, W. D 161 McSweeney, P. P 371 M'Taggart, D 45 Mac Vicar, M 240 McVicar, P 307 Madan, F 163 Madison College 194 Madison (Ind.) — Education, Bd. pi 295 Madison University 194 Madrid Universidad j68 Madrazo, P. de i63 Maennel, B 263 Magdalen College t6i Magee, W.C 42 Magcr, K.W 30 Magevney, E 21 Magnat, E 383 Magnus, H 347 Magnus, K. H. L 357 Magnus, Sir P 5, 31, 336, 347, 357 Magoun, G. A s7 Mahaffy J. P 20 Mahan, D. H 347 Maher, M 263 Mahraun 240 Maia, F. Da C 330 Maiden, J. H 363 Maier, G 263 Maillet, E 263 Mailly, N. E 143 Maine — Common Schools., 66, 67, 307 Maine Industrial School 401 Maine State College 67, 365 Maine — State Reform School. ... 401 Maine University 67 Maintenon, F. (d'A.) S. marquise de 240 Mair, R. H 39 Maironi da Ponte, G 240 Malanco, L. L 54 Malarce, A. de 216 Maiden, H 139 Maiden, J 240 Mallary, R. C 194 Malleson, Mrs. Frank 310, 375 Mallet, J. W 336 Maltby, A.E 274 Manacein, M 319 Manchester (Eng.) — Technicalln- struction Comm 336, 347 Manchester (Eng.) Technical School 341 Manchester and Salford educ. bill 39 Mand, J 240 Maneuvrier, E 25 Mangold, W. J 284 Manhattan College 194 Manitoba — Education.. , 53 Manitoba College 194 Manley, L 301 Manly, B 185 Mann, C. W 319 422 EDUCATION Mann, E.J 383 Mann, F 24S Mann, F. E S Mann, H., 8, 39, 68, 173. 24°. 241. 271, 301 Mann, J 122 Mann, M. T. (P.) 116, 241 Mannel, B 274 Manning, E. A iis Manning, J 176 Manning, W . H 308 Manoflf, W. A 120 Mansfield, E. D., 57, no, 129, 216, 241 Mansfield, J.M 1 Mansford, C 301 Mant, R 42 Manual Labor School (Bait.).. . . 392 Manual of elem. instruction 122 Manual training 4, 3S3-361 Manual Train. Assoc, Amer. ... 353 Manual Training schools 361 Manufactures, Council of Arts and 5 3 Manzer, J. D 241 Manzer, R 241 Map details 274 Marbach, G. O iS3 Marble, A. P., no, 129, 241, 263, 271, 319. 347 Marburg Universitat iS3. iS4 Marcel, C 283 March, F. A 191, 192, 271 Marchand, J 144 Marcus, S 22 Marcuse 319 Marenholtz-Bulow, B. (von Bil- low Wendhausen), freiin von, 11S-117. 3S7 Maresch, H no Margerison, T. E 263, 375 Mariani, C 336 Marie-Cardine, W 301 Marietta College 194 Marietta College for Women. ... 219 Marion, F. H 25, 14s, 263 Marion College 194 Marion Female College 219 Mariotti, L 122, 263 Mark, H. T 39 Markby, T., 8, 129, 132, 216, 319, 379 Market G 263 Marquand, A 379 Marquette College 194 Marsden, R. S 159 Marsh, G. P 271 Marshall, W. 1 64 Martel, F 25 Martha's Vineyard Summer Inst., 380 Martig, E 263, 301 Martin, A 20 Martin, A. T 129 Martin, B. N 136 Martin, D. S loi, 371 Martin, E. S 189 Martin, F 371 Martin, G. H 68 Martin, H. N 319 Martin, J. C 42 Martin, M. B 347 Martin, P no, 357 Martin, S 401 Martin, W. A. P 47 Martin-Ginouvier, F no Martineau, E 325 Martineau, H 377 Martini, F 165 M arty-La veaux, C. J 284 Marvel, L. H 358 Marwedel, E 310, 358 Maryland — Agricultural Chemist. 365 Maryland — Education, Bd. of . . 67 Maryland House of Refuge 401 Maryland Inst, for the Prom, of the Mechan. Arts 341 Maryville College 194 Marxsen 20 Mascher, H . A 31 Masci, F 29s Mashburn, A. G 383 Masius, K. W. H 148 Mason, A. P 87 Mason, C 95 Mason, H. L 271 Mason, J . L 93 Mason, R.S 7 Mason, W. P 295 Mason Science College 341 Mass, T 8, 19 Massachusetts Agricultural Coll. 365 Massachusetts Coll . of Pharmacy . 328 Massachusetts — Education, Bd. of 67, 301, 308, 383 Massachusetts Emergency Assoc . . 319 Massachusetts — Gen. Court.. 173, 189, 328, 358, 365, 394, 401 Massachusetts Indian Assoc 391 Massachusetts — Idiocy, Comm. on 386 Mas.sachusetts Inst, of Technol- ogy 341 Massachusetts — Lyman and In- dustrial Schools 402 Massachusetts Normal Art School 305 Massachusetts — School for Idiotic Youth 386 Massachusetts Society for the Univ. Educ. of Women.. 216, 219 Massachusetts — State Industrial School 402 Massachusetts State Normal School 305 Massachusetts — State Primary and Reform Schools 402 Massachusetts — State Reform School 402 Massachusetts Teachers' Assoc. . 68 Masters, R IS7 Mathematics 286-288 Mather, R. H 104 Mather, W 358 Matheson, P. E no Mathews, A 210 Mathews, G. B 287 Mathews, W 377 Matiegka, J 319 Matrat, M 25 Matteucci, C 49 Matthes, K 241 Matthews, F. H 375 Matthias, A 129, 241 Matthias, M. de 216 Matz, R n9, 285 Matzen, H 166 Maudsley, H 216 Maurenbrecher, K. W 278 Maurice, J. F. D., 8, no, 132, 394, 398 Maury, A. P 7 Maushake, A 285 Mauxion, M 235 Maxwell, S. R 42 Maxwell, W. H 4, no, 227 May, D 216 Mayes, E 71 Mayhew, 1 241, 319 Mayo, A. D.. 57, 79, 301, 358, 389. 398 Mayo-Smith, R 291 Mead, E. D 176, 278, 397 Meadville Theol. School 332, D. O 190 Meath, R. B 347 Mechelin, L. A 47 Medd, J.C 398 Medical Ed. of Women, Assoc, for the 212 Medicine 327-329 See also the Medical schools of the various universities. Medini, F. R 289 Mehner 287 Mehner, C. M 239 Mehner, M 263 Meikleiohn, J 117, 224, 241, 301 Meili, F 32s Meinardus, K 129 Meiners, C 130, 1^8, 222 Meinong von Handschuchsheim, A. von 290 Melanchthon, P 1 29, 24 1 Melbourne — Centennial Int. Ex- hibition 306 Melbourne University 160, 342 Melbourne Workingmen's Coll. . 394 Melchers, K 24s Meleney, C. E 5 Melgund, Lord 45 Melio, G. L 319 Mellen, G. F 170 Melon, P 144, 336 Melville, H 203 Melzi, C 263 Memorials presented to the Legis- lature praying the repeal of privileges in the appropria- tion of the common school fund 37 1 Mendenhall, T. C 336 Menet, J 263 Menge, R 281, 347 Meras, B 284 Mercer University 194 Mercuriale, G 319 Merian-Genast, H 235 Mdric, E 144, 148 Meriwether, C 78 Merkle, M 241 Merklein, T 103 Merriam, F. A 295 Merriam, L. S 79 Merrill, J 89 Merrill, J. B 5 Merrill, T. A 136, 281 Merriman, M 337 Merton College 161 Mertz, G. K 21 Meserve, C. F 391 Messer, A 263 Messina University 165 Metcalf, J. G 319 Metcalf, L. S 170 Metcalf, R. C no, 271 Metcalf, T 7 Metcalfe, W is8 M^thode pour apprendre k lire. . . 284 Methodist Episc. Church 389 Methodist Episc. Ch. — Education, Bd. of 371 Metropolitan Academy 134 Mettray 402 Metzroth, N 301 Meuschen, J. G 22 Mexico 54 Mexico — Escuela Imp. de Minas. „. J4. 342 Mexico — Institute Cientifico In- dustrial .54, 349 Mexico — Instituto Literario 54 Mexico — Justicia ^ Inst. Pub. ... 54 Mexico (City) — Instruccion Pub- lica 54 Mexico (City) — St» Escuela de S'p Domingo 54 Meyer, A. F 119 Meyer, A. N 216 Meyer, Bertha 122, 263, 310 Meyer, Bruno 241 Meyer, J.. . 227, 248, 263, 285, 358, 394 Meyer, J. B 31, 241, 371 Meyer, J. G 397 Meyer, j. L. von 129, 287 Meyer, Plazid 325 Meyer-Markau, W 9, 285, 394 Mezger, K. L. F 129 Mhan- su- faer 241 Miami Medical College 328 Miami University 194 Miaskowski, A. von 236 Mich. J 241 Michaelis, E 118 Michaelis, G 285 Michelet, J 144, 216 Micheletti, A. M 371 Micheli, E 49 Michigan Coll. of Mines 342 Michigan — Dairy and Food Comm 36s Michigan — Dairymen's Assoc. . . 365 Michigan — Education, Bd. of . . . . 68 Michigan — House of Correction... 402 Michigan — Indian Affairs, Supt. of 391 Michigan — Industrial School.... 402 Michigan Mining School 342 Michigan — Public Instruction.. .. 68 Michigan — Public School for De- pendent Children 386 Michigan School for the Blind 385 Michigan School for the Deaf. . . . 383 Michigan Schoolmaster's Club... . 69 Michigan State Agricultural Coll.. 366 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 423 Michigan State Normal College ... 305 Michigan State Public School for Dependent Children 394 Michigan State Reform School . . . 402 Michigan University 69, 70 Middlebury College 194 Midland College i95 Migerka, F 57 Milan University 165 Milanese, G.C 19 Miles, E. H 283 Miles, H. A 332, 37i Military education 330-331 Military schools of Europe 330 Milkau, F 15° Mill, J 117.337. 347 Mill, J. S 164 Millar, J S3 Millard. N 13 Miller, A. A 241 Miller, A. C 170 Miller, G 42 Miller, H 104 Miller. K 388, 389 Miller, S m Miller, S. A 301 Miller, W 193. 399 Miller Manual Labor School (Va.) 361 Milligan College i9S Minis, C.T 337 Mills. L 3S8 Mills. V 3S8 Mills College 219 Millsaps College 195 Milman, H. H loi Milne, J. M 301 Milton, T 242 Milton College 19S Milzi, E 242 Miner. A. A 37S Minerva 139 Mining Engineers, Amer. Inst. of. 339 Mining, schools of 339-343 Minnesota Child-Study Assoc .... 310 Minnesota Inst, for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind 383 Minnesota — ^Public Instruction.. . 70 Minnesota State Agricultural So- ciety 366 Minnesota — State Correctional Inst 402 Minnesota State High School ... . 70 Minnesota University 70 Minor, J. D 368 Minssen,_J.F 129 Miquel, F. W 278 Miraglia, L 47 Miss Preston's assistant 263 Mississippi Agricultural Coll .... 366 Mississippi College 195 Mississippi Industrial Inst 219 Mississippi — Public Instruction . . 71 Mississippi University 71, 366 Missouri — Education, Bd. of 71 Missouri Inst, for the Blind 385 Missouri — Public Schools 71 Missouri — State Teachers Assoc . . 71 Missouri University 7. 71. 72, 301 Missouri Valley College 195 Missouri Wesleyan College 19s Mitchell, C.F 3S8 Mitchell, M 39S Mitchell, S. W 319 Mittenzwey, L 263, 301, 325 Modern education 20-2 1 Modem Language Assoc. . . .170, 283 Modem lang. notes 283 Modern languages — Methods, 282-286 Modern methods; or. The art of teaching 295 Moffat, J. D 208 Mohammedans 21-22 Mohl, R. von iSS Mohr, F 28s Moissan, H 178 Moldenhauer, F 129 Molesworth, W. N 39 MoUberg, A 216 Molmann, F ; 104 Mommsen, F 129 Moncrieff, A. R. H 263, 310 Monk. J. H 158 Monmouth College 195 Monod, G 278 Monongahela College 19s Monro, D. B 289 Monro, E 366 Monroe, J 197 Monroe, W. S..2, 60, 103, 227, 263, 306, 311, 319, 386 Montague, F.C 337 Montaigne, M. E. de 242 Montana — Agric, Labor, and In- dustry, Bureau of 366 Montana College 195 Montana — Public Instruction.. . . 72 Montana School for the Deaf and Blind 383 Montana State College of Agricul- ture 366 Montana — State Teachers Assoc. 72 Montana University.. 72 Montana Wesleyan University.. . 19s Montclair Bible Teachers' College. 331 Montefiore, T. G 232 Montengon, P 242 Montgomery, J. D 283, 320 Montgomery, T. H 206 Montgomery, Z 57 Montgomery Female College 219 Monti, E 49 Montpellier, Universite de 14s Montreal Presbyterian College, 19s. Hi Monumen*-a Germaniae paedagog. . 3 Mooney, E 289 Mooney, M. S 271 Moore, f. A 308 Moore, J. J 163 Moore, K. C 311 Moore, N. F 105, 281 Moore's Hill College 19s Moosherr, T 242 Morant, R. L 2.;, 46, 52, 53, 57 More, H 216, 371 More, T 102 More, T* 241 Morf, H..52, 103, los, 106, 117, 224, 233, 245, 251, 371, 383 Morgan, B. S 80 Morgan, C. L 264 Morgan, G 78 Morgan, H. H 129, 268 Morgan, J. E 141 Morgan, S. A 242 Morgan, T. J 9, 242, 264, 391 Morgan College 195 Morganti, G 49 Morgenstem, L. (B.) 11.5, 117 Mori, A so Morin, G. H 249 Morley, C 37. 39 Morley, H 156, 216 Morley, J 39, 250, 271 Morpugo, E 399 Morrill, J. S 57 Morris, E. P 281 Morri.s, G. S 139 Morris, M 351 Morris, R. A 320 Morris Brown College 389 Morrison, G. B 2, 308, 320 Morrison, G. S 337 Morrison, N. J 184 Morrison, T no, 301 Morrison Education Soc 11 Morris ville College 195 Mortimer, C. B 216 Mortimer, E. M 117 Moscati, P 49 Moscow — Musee Polytech 306 Moscow University 167 Moscow — Zemstvo 122 Moses, J 311 Mosher, M.B 311 Moss, J. F 337 Mosso, A 320 Mott, V 329 Moulet, A 375 Moulton. R. G 139.371. 379 Mount, J • A 366 Mount Hermon Bible School. ... 371 Mount Holyoke College. ... 219, 220 Mount Morris College '. . . 195 Mt. St. Mary's College 195, 220 Mount Union College 195 Mourier, L. A 141 Mower, A no Mowry, W. A. . no, 170, 291, 320, 39s Mozley, T 161 Mozzoni, A. M 216 Muckey, F. S 289 Muhlenberg College 195 Muhlenfels, L. von 160 Mulcaster, R 102, 242 Mulhausen — Soci^t^ Industrielle. 395 Mullener, C 301 Miiller, C. G 58 Muller, F. R 254 Muller, F. W 228 Muller, G IS3, 301 Muller, H 31, 347 Muller, J. G 278 Muller, J. T 31 Muller, Johannes 2, 31, 48 Muller, Josef 264 Muller, Michael 371 Muller, Moritz 242 Muller, 264 Mulligan, J 95, 136 Mullinger, J. B 19, 158 Mullner, K 49 Munch, W 242 Munchen Universitat 154, 320 Munger, T. T 377 Municipal reports, see alphabeti- cal list 81-101 Munro, D. C 139 Munroe, H. A. J 281 Munroe, J. P. ..2, 19, 223, 228, 230, 242, 24s, 248, 250 Munsterberg, H 264 Murch(5, V.T 295 Murdock, F. F 274 Murmellius, J 242 Murphy, S. P 322 Murray, D 73, 75, 170 Murray, J. O 70 Murray, T 159 Murray, T. H 101 Murray, W. W 358 Murry, A 216 Musee p^dagogique. 2, 3, 297 Museums and exhibits 306-307 Music 288-290 Muskingum College 195 Mussmann, J. G 148 Muteau, C 25 Muther, T 148, 155 Muthesius, K 375 Mutzell, J 148 Muzzey, A. B 139 Mykronius, F 105 Myres, J. L 306 Naas Seminarj' 4 Nadaillac, C 119 Nadbyl, B. von 150 Nader, E 379 Nadler, F 264 Naegelsbach, C. F. von 264 Nairne, C. M 200 Naitsab, H 39s Nameche, A. J 254 Nancy, Universite de 14s, 336 Napa College 195 Naper, J. L. W 43 Naples — Universita d. Studi. ... 165 Narjoux, F 21, 308 Nashville University 19s Nason, H. B 342 Nassau Co. (N.Y.)— Pub. Schools 75 National Assoc, for the Deaf. . . . 383 National Assoc, for the Prom, of ■Technical Education 337 National Baptist Educational Convention 11 National Board of Education. . . 43 NationalCongr. of Mothers. . .11, 122 National Convention of the Friends of Pub. Education 11 National Council of Education ..11, 12 National education 45 National Education Assembly. . . 12 National Educational Assoc, of Scotland 4S 424 EDUCATION National Educational Assoc, of the U. S 12, 301, 371. 383 National education in Scotland . . 45 National Herbart Society 11 National League for Protection of Amer. Inst s8 National Popular Education Bd., 12 National Theological Inst.. 332. 389 National University 7. I9S. i'^S Natorp, P 23s, 24s, 37S. .395 Natural history lessons 29S Natural science 292-206 Naudy, T 264 Naval education 33o~.53i Naval War Coll. (Newport) 339 Naville, J. E 232, 37 1 Navy 330-331 Nebe, A 224, 228, 241 Nebel, P 37i Neber, J as Nebraska Industrial Home 402 Nebraska Inst, for Feeble-minded Youth 386 Nebraska Inst, for the Blind. . . . 385 Nebraska Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb 383 Nebraska — Public Instruction ... 7 a Nebraska University 72. 73i 366 Nebraska Wesleyan University. . 196 Necessity of defending our com- mon school system from ag- gressions of R. C. priests. .. . 397 Necker, A. A. (de S.) 122 Nederlandsch Onderwijzers-Ge- nootschap 3 Needham, C. W 32s Needle-craft 35 a Needon, K. 234 Neff, J 106 Negroes 387-391 Neigebaur, J. D. F 129 Nelson, W 358, 361 N^not. H. P 146 Netherlands — Royal Commission, 48 Netoliczka, E 295 Nettleship, H 136 Nettleship, R. L 247 Neudrucke padag. schriften 3 Neueren sprachen. Die 283 Neugeboren, H 24s, 290 Neuhoff, H 248 Nevada — Public Instruction 73 Nevada University 73 Nfeve, F.J. B.J 143 Nevin, J. W 105 New Brunswick — Education, Supt. of 53 New Brunswick University 196 New College of the Free Church. 371 New England Assoc, of Colleges. 12, 13 New England Asylum for the Blind 38s New England Conf. of Educa- tional Workers 3S8 New England Educational Comm. for Freedmen 389 New England Female Medical College 328 New England Freedmen's Aid Soc 389 New England Industrial School for Deaf-mutes 3S3 New England Inst, for the Blind.. 385 New England's Supt. Assoc, 1 10, .-'64, 358 New Hampshire College of Agri- culture 366 New Hampshire Industrial School 402 New Hampshire Normal School. . 305 New Hampshire — Public Instruc- tion 73 New Hampshire State Reform School i02 New Haven — Collegiate and Commercial Inst 363 New Haven — Education, Bd. of. 358 New Jersey Assoc, for the Study of Children 311 New Jersey — Education, Bd. of, 73. 320 New Jersey — Education, Council oi 73. no. 358 New Jersey — Labor of Children, Inspector of 395 New Ter&ey — Public Instruction 73 New Jersey School for Deal -mutes 383 New Jersey State Normal School, 305 New Jersey — State Teachers' As- sociation 73 New Jersey Training School for Feeble-minded Children 386 New Mexico Coll. of Agriculture.. 366 New Mexico — Public Instruction. 73 New Mexico University 73 New Orleans — World's Industrial Exposition 306 New Orleans University 390 New School of Methods ?64, 302 New South Wales — Education, Dept. of so New South Wales — LegisL As- sembly 337 New Windsor College 196 New York (city) — Assoc, for the Advancement of Science and Art 320 New York (city) Assoc, of Sewing Schools 352 New York (city) — Baron de Hirsch Trade School 339 New York (city) — Children's Aid Society 402 New York (city) — Church of the Holy Communion 349 New York (city) Citizens' Assoc. 92 New York City Club 91 New York (city) College 7, 94 New York (city) Coll. of Dentis- try 338 New York (city) Coll. of Phar- macy 328 New York (city) — Coll. of Social Economics 39s New York (city) Coll. of VeteriiiT ary Surgeons 328 New York (city) Common Coun- cil 92 New York (city) Council of Polit. Reform 92 New York (city) Dental School.. . 328 New York (city) Eclectic Medical College 328 New York (city) — Education, Board of 305. 358, 371. 397 New York (city) Educational Al- liance 92 New York (city) Free Academy. 9 r, 92 New York (city) Free School Soc. 92 New York (city) Good Govern- ment Club 93 New York (city) High School Soc 93 New York (city) Homoeop. Medi- cal College 3 28 New York (city) — Industrial Edu- cational Association. . . . 300, 302, 306 New York (city) Infant School Soc 123 New York (city) Inst, for the Blind 38s New York (city) Inst.for the Deaf and Dumb 383 New York (city) Juvenile Asy- lum 402 New York (city) Kindergarten Assoc 117 New York (city) Law School 325 New York (city) Medical College.. 328 New York (city) Merchants' As- soc 93 New York (city) Normal College 92, 29s, 30s New York (city) — People's Insti- tute 379 New York (city) People's Univer- sity Extension Soc 93, 379 New York (city) Philharmonic Society 389 New York (city) Post-graduate Medical School 328 New York (city) Public Educa- tion Assoc 93 New York (city) Public School Soc 93 New York (city) Reformed Prot. Dutch Church 93 New York (city) — St. Anthony Club 141 New York (city) School of Ap- plied Design 4Q3 New York (city) Society for the Reformation of Juvenile De- linquents 402 New York (city) — Society for the Relief of the Destitute Blind. 38 ^ New York (city) Trade Schools. . . 342 New York (city) Training School for Deaconesses 220 New York (city) University. 04, 95. 323. 328. 339 New York (city) — Webb's Acad- emy 337 New York (city) — Wilson Indus- trial School 402 New York (city)— Workingman's School 350 New York State Assoc, of School Com. and Supt 75 New York (state) Asylum for Idiots 387 New York State — Charities, Bd.. of 383. 403 New York State — Common Schools 74 New York State — Educ. Exhibit. 74 New York (state) Inst, for the Blind 38s New York State — Legislature, 74, 190, 204 New York (state) Normal School. 30s New York State — Public Instruc- tion.. 74, 7S. Tio. 302. 308, 320. 380 New York State Reformatory. . . . 403 New York (state) Science Teach- ers' Association 395 New York State Teachers' Assoc. 75. 93 New York (state) University, 2, 75. 76, 112. 302. 326, 380 New York (state) — Western House of Refuge 403 New York teachers' monographs.. 4 New West Education Com.. .... . 13 Newberry College ig6 Newbold. J. A 337 Newcomb. G. B 264, 311 Newell, L. C 68 Newell, M. A 302, 304, 395 Newell, W.W 119 Newman, F. W 156 Newman, J. H 139 Newman, J. P 70 Newman, J. T 181 Newnham College 330 Newsholme, A 320 Newton, H. A 104 Newton, R 139 Newton, R.H 216 Niagara University 196 Niboyet, E 386 Nicaragua — Relaciones Ex. e Inst. Pub $i Nicholls. J.F 133 Nichols, G. W 347 Nichols, W. F 274 Nicolay, F 311 Niederer. R. R 216 Niedergesa.s, F. W 31 Niedergesass, R 242 Niederley, W 113, 333 Niehus. P 287 Niemeyer, A. H 243 Nietzsche. F. W 129 Nigetiet. H 302 Nightingale, A. F 170 Nijland, E 243 Nipher, F. E 65 Ni.sard, T. M. N. D 330. 341 Nissen, H 320 Nithard, R 330 Noack, L 34s Noble. F. A 371 Noble. F.H 6s Noetling. W 364 Nogier, J. J 264 Nohl, C 31. 264 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 425 Noikow, P. M «5o Nolthenius, R.P.J. T s8 Nolthenius, W. H 399 Nordendahl, C 359 Nordmann, P 47 Norfolk College 220 Norlen, W 102 Normal schools 207-304 Normal schools. List of ... . .304-306 Normalplan for undervisningen . . 50 Norman, H i8g Norris, J.0 302 Norske Luther College 190 North. R 325 North Carolina College 190 North Carolina Coll. of Agricul- ture • ■ • • • 366 North Carolina Inst, for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind i'^i North Carolina — Public Instruc- tion 76 North Carolina University 76, 77 North Central Assoc, of Colleges. . 1 3 North Dakota High School Bd.. 77 North Dakota— Public Instruc- tion 77 North Dakota University 77 North Illinois University 196 Northampton Institute (London), 342 Northampton — State Lunatic Hospital 387 Northend, C 10, no, 122, 264 Northend, W. D • 37i Northern Academy of Arts and Sciences 13 Northern Illinois Teachers' Assoc. 274 Northfield Bible School 37 1 Northrop, B. G.. . 9. 21. 97. no. Ill, 264, 366 Northwest Missouri College 196 Northwest Territories — Public Instruction S3 Northwest Texas Baptist College . 1 96 Northwestern College 196 Northwestern University 196 Norton, A 189 Norton, S. A 295 Norway 5° Norway — Education — Higher, 166, 167 Norway — Kirke- og undervis- nings-Depart So Norwich Free Academy 134 Norwich University 196 Noss, T. B . . 264 Notice sur la ventilation 308 Notre Dame University 196 Nott, E 204 Nott, S 243 Nott, Mrs. U. E 204 Nova, A 166 Nova Scotia — Education, Supt. of %i Nowak. R 32s Noyes, W. C 186 Nunn, J 39 Nussbaum. S 48 Niisslein, A 371 Nutting, M. O 220 Nymann, M 3S8 Oahu College 196 Oberbreyer, M 141 Oberholtzer, E. P 2gi Oberholtzer, S. L. (V.) in Oberlin College 196, 197, 332 O'Brien, J. T 43 Observations on a speech 43 Observations on present system of education 39 Obst, J. G.. ._. 264, 35 2, 371 Ocagne, M. d' 337 Occidental College 167 O'Conor, J. F. X 93 Odessa Universitet 167 Of the establishment of schools. . . 78 Offord, J 136 Ogden, J Ill, 243 Ogden College 107 Ogle, T.J Ill Ohio Asylum for Idiotic Youth. . . 387 Ohio College Assoc 17 Ohio — Common Schools 73 Ohio Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb, 383 Ohio Reform Schools 403 Ohio Theol. Seminary 333 Ohio University. . . .77. 197. 32s, 329 Ohio Wesleyan University 197 Ohl, E 27S Ohler, A. K 19 Ohlert, A 129, 283 Ohly ai6 Oklahoma — Public Instruction. . 78 Oklahoma University 78 Olascoaga, R. de 291 Olcott, H.S 366 Oldenberg, A 232 Oldenburg, J 371 Oldham, H. Y 274 Olearius, G 153 Olin, S 7, 141. 199 Olin, S. H 93 Olive. CD 129 Oliver, H. K 264, 302 Olivet College 197 OUendon, E. d' 2 Olmsted, D 7. 62 Olsner, L 291 Olt.ramare, A 250 Omaha University 197 On national schools 43 On teaching the deaf to under- stand language 383 O'Neil, H. P 5. 359 Onslow. G. M 1 20, 320 Ontario Agricultural College 366 Ontario Agricultural Union 366 Ontario — Education 53 Ontario — Legislature 347 Ontario School of Practical Science 342 Oporto — Academia Polytechnica. 342 Oppen 31 Oppenheim, N 311 Oppler, A 232, 243 Oral instruction of the deaf and dumb 383 Orcutt, H 122, 264, 377 Ordinaire, J.J _. 283 Oregon — Public Instruction 78 Oregon University 78 O'Reilly, J. B 142 Orelli, A. von 326 Organization and Administra- tion 1 06-1 1 3 Oriel College 161 OrtloflF, F. H 291, 326 Orton, J 217 Osborn, H. F 139 Osborne, F 375 Osbun, I.J 295 Osenbruggen, E . . ■ 326 Osgood, S 141 Oskaloosa College 197 Osnabriick in Osnabriick — Ratsgymnasiuin .... 130 Ossory, Bp. of 42 Ostcrberg, M. B 320 Ostermai, 371 Ostermann, W 235, 243, 264 Ostwald, W IS3 Oswald, P. L 320 Otker, F 403 Ottawa University 197 Otterbein University 197 Ottmann, H 271 Otto, E 264 Otto, Ferdinand 264 Otto, Friedrich 31 Otto, G... 167 Ottuszewski, W 311 Ouachita College 197 Oudot, F.J 326 Oulton, W Ill Our children's songs 119 Our public schools 39 Overberg, B.H 243 Overton, F 320 Overton, J. H 274 Owen, C 3S2 Owen, CM 383 Owen, D. E 29s, 380 Owen, R 243 Owens College i6o Oxford — Assoc, for the Higher Educ. of Women 217 Oxford and Cambridge under- graduate journal 163 Oxford review 163 Oxford University 160-163 Oxford university extension ga- zette 379 Ozanam, A. F 25, 49 Pache, 31, 291 Pachtler, G. M 22 Pacific Methodist College 197 Pacific University 197 Packard, A. S 281 Packard. G. T 58 Packard, S. S 362 Packard's Business College 363 Packer Colleg. Inst 220 Padagogische bibliothek 4 Padagogische klassiker 4 Padagogische zeitfragen 4 Paddock, S. S 302, 347 Paderborn Universitat 154 Padua University 165, 166 Padula, A 24? Page, A. L 115, 116,117 Page, D. P 264 Page, J. A 122 Page, M. H 58 Pagel, F 395 Paget, C E 320 Paget, R. H 366 Paine, M 329 Painter, C C 391 Painter, F. V. N ig, 243 Palgrave, F. T 119 Palliser 308 Palmer, A. C 105 Palmer, C 358 Palmer, F. B 243 Palmer, G. H ni, 139, 271 Palmer, I. 188 Palmer, R 3, 205, 243 Palmer, T. H 122, 243, 264 Palmer, T. W 140 Palmgren, K. E 358 Palmyra (N. Y.) Unification Prize Com 74 Palsgrave, J 39 Pantographic Academy 264 Pape-Carpantier, M 25, 119, 243 Papers on the education of the working classes 395 Pappenheim, E 2 28 Paquier, J 145 Para to, A 49 Paravicini, F. de 161 Paris, G. B. P 120 Paris — College de France 145 Paris — Ecole Normale Superi- eure 302 Paris — Ecole Normale Supcri- eure d'Enseignement Sec- ondaire 302 Paris — Ecoles Prim. Communales d. Filles 217 Paris — Exposition 2, 306 Paris — Facultes des Sciences. ... 337 Paris — Inst. National des Sourds- muets 383 Paris — Salles d'Asile pour I'En- fance 387 Paris — Soc. de I'Enseign. Sup.. . . 129 Paris, Universite de 145, 146 Parish school statistics 45 Park, A 264 Park, E. A 332 Park, R 331, 371 Park, W. E 134 Park College 197 Parker, F. W 264, 274 Parker, H. W 7 Parker, James 163 Parker, Joel 7 Parker, L. F 65 Parker, R. G 271 Parker, W. S 375 Parkhurst, C H s Parkhurst, J . L 264 Parkin, G. R 106 Parkinson, G. L 353 Parkman, F 397 Parks, C W 366 Parkyn, E. A 295, 380 426 EDUCATION Parloa, M 352 Parmentier, J jq Parmiter, T 36 Parola, L 31 Paroli, E 3S8 ParoUa, R 247 Paroz, J 19 Parr, S. S. 302 Parravicini, L. A 243 Parsons, E. B 142 Parsons, J. R 25, 31, 323 Parsons, J- W g Parsons, W. B 337 Parsons College 197 Parvin, T 192 Pascoe, C. E 129, 132 Passow, K. F. R 148 Passy, P. E 58 Pastorello, A 358 Patin, C 166 Paton, J. L. A 281 Patrick, J. N 265 Patridge, L. E 97. m Pattee, F. L 271 Patten, S. N 265, 291, 379 Patterson, J. W. . . .243, 291, 383, 30S Pattison, M 163 Patton, F. L 198, 199 Patton. W. W 389 Patuschka, A 291 Patzold, W 31 Paul, G 1 29 Paul, W 383 Paulhan, F 265 Paulsen, F 2, 31, 129, 136, 148 Paulus, C 243 Paulus, F. P 243 Paulus. J 243 Pauly, T 377 Pavia University 166 Paxson, E. M 326 Payne, J. .0, 19. 31. ns. ii7. 236, 243, 24s, 26s, 29s, 302 Payne, W. H iii, 243, 302 Payne, W. M 271 Paz, E 320 Peabodv, A. P 189, 337, 371 Peabody, E. P...111, 116, 117, 265, 375. 391 Peabody, M. H 116 Peabody, S. H 306 Peabody Education Fund 13 Peabody Institute 2,7 Peacock, E 165 Pearce, D 358 Pearce, J. A 347 Pearce, R. R 326 Pearson, J.C 358 Pearson, K 160, 254 Peaslee, J. B 265 P^caut, P 25, 243 P^chenard, P. L 243 Peck, H. T 58, III Peck. W. T Ill Peckham. G. W 311 Peers, B. O 58 Peet, H. P 383. 384 Peet, I. L 384 Peinlich, R 129 Peirce, B 189 Pellissier, P. A 265 Peltzer, P 250 Pember, A 9, 129, 302 Pendered, A.E 217 Pendergast, W. W 70 Pendes, — de 54 Penn College 197 Pennington Seminary 220 Pennsylvania Agricultural College 363 Pennsylvania Assoc, of Teachers. 285 Pennsylvania College 197 Pennsylvania College for Women, 220 Pennsylvania— Gen . Assembly. . 78 Pennsylvania — Industrial Edu- cation, Comm. on 347 Pennsylvania Inst, for the Blind. 386 Pennsylvania Legislature 358 Pennsylvania Museum 350 Pennsylvania — Public Instruc- tion 78, 358 Pennsylvania Reform School ... . 403 Pennsylvania Soc. for the Promo- tion of Pub. Boon 78 Pennsylvania State College 78 Pennsylvania State Normal School 306 Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-minded Children . 387 Pennsylvania — Western House of Refuge 403 Peiioyre, J.B iii Penzig, R 265 People's College 197 People's College of N. Y 198 People's University Extension Soc 93 Peper, W 311 Pepper, Mrs. J 352 Pepper, W. . . .105, 140, 170, 206, 329 Percival, J. G 278 Perdonnet, A 395 P^res, J 26s Perez, B 236, 311. 37S P^rie, R 291 Peries, G 146, 326 Periodicals 14-17 Perkins, A. C 243, 265 Perkins, C. C 347 Perkins Inst, for the Blind 386 Perkmann, R 274 Perlbach, M 151 Pern worth von Bamstein, A. . . . 142 Perrin, A 284 Perrin. J. W 58 Perrot, G 302, 347 Perry, A. L 209 Perry, B. F 185 Perry, C. C 31 Perry, E. D 2, 148, 170 Perry, G. B 122 Perry, J 29s Perry, W.C 148 Perry, W. F S9 Perry, W. S 347 Perthes, 129 Pery, G. A 50 Pestalozzi, J. H 243-246 Peter, K. L 129, 278 Peters, H 286 Peters, J. C. A 239 Petersen, C 320 Petersilie, A 31 Peterson, E 82 Petitions from Yorkshire and Owens' Colleges 35 Petre, E 22 Petty, Sir W 246 PfafT, C. H 148 Pfeifer, W 31 Pfeiffer. F. W. 102, 106 Pfister, H. von 286 Pfisterer, G. F 265 Pfiug, A 129 Pfundt, 29s Phelps, A. (H.) L 217 Phelps, R 158 Phelps, W. F 103, 246 Phi Beta Kappa 142 Phi Delta Phi 142 Phi Gamma Delta 142 Philadelphia — Assoc, of Friends for the Free Instruction of Adult Colored Persons 390 Philadelphia City Inst 96 Philadelphia Coll. of Pharmacy. . 329 Philadelphia — Commercial Mu- seum 362 Philadelphia Educational Club. . 96 Philadelphia Industrial Home... 403 Philadelphia — Northeast Manual Traming School 361 Philadelphia Polyclinic 329 Philadelphia Public Education Assoc 96 Philadelphia School of Pedagogy, 302 Philadelphia — Society for the E.S- tab. of Charity Schools 395 Philander Smith College 390 Philbrick, J. D 58, 217, 302 Philippine Islands — Education. . 59 Philippon, G 3SS Philippson, R 237 Philhps, A. L 370 Phillips, D. E 287 Phillips. G 278 Phillips. G. W 13 Phillips, J. H 26-;. 278 Phillips, R. W 29s Phillips, S. C 10, 379 Phillips, T 39 Phillips Academy (Andover) .... 134 Phillips Exeter Academy 134 Phillipsthal, R 246, 250 Philosophy 290 Physical training 313-323 Picavet, F.J 25 Piccolomini, A. S 246 Richard, A. E 25 Pickard, J. L m Pickel. A 265, 287 Piderit, K. W 130 Piemonte University 166 Pieper, J 104 Pierantoni, A 326 Pierce, E. L loi Pierce, H. M 220 Pierce, J 142 Pierce, M. F 352 Pierce Christian College 198 Pierce College of Business 363 Pierpont, J 320 Pierrepont, E 211 Pierson, A. L 320 Pietzker, P 323 Pigeonneau, H 1 30 Pigot, D. R 39 Pillans, J 45, 136, 156 Pillet, J 122 Pillow, M. E 352 Pinchot, G 366 Pinloche, A 31. 104, 130, 224 Pinn, C 217 Pinto, C so Pioger, J 320 Pires de Almeida. J. R 54 Pitschel. E. H 283 Pittsfield Young Ladies' Inst. ... 220 Pius II {pope) 246 Pizard, A 122. 278 Plan for promoting education ... 47 Plan of an instruction 130 Planat, P 308 Planck, A 241 Planck, K 320 Planck. M 246 Plant, E. C 330 Planta, P. C. von 246 Plato 246, 247. 265 Piatt, E. G 391 Platter, T 105 Platz, K 251 Playfair, J 159 Plea for university tests 156 Plew, J 289 Plo.<;s, H. H 26s, 311 Plugg^C. H 48 Plumb, R 358 Plummer Farm School 403 Plutarch 20, 311 Podd^reguine, D 337 Pogge 31 Pohle, E.. 130 Pohnert, K. H. B 103 Poirson, E 265 Pokorny, A 29s Polack, F 31 Pole, T 39 Polite lady 217 PoHtical science 290-292 Pollard, A. T 9. 362 Pollock, L 117 Pollock, M 43 Pomatto, L 265 Pomerania — Direct.-Versamm.. 13 Pomeroy. J.N 61 Pomona College 198 Pompde, P. P 246, 308, 337 Ponce, M. A 54 Pondelet. A 217 Poole, J 39 Poole, R 247 Poole, W. F 140 Poor, D. W 173 Pope, N 104 Porcia, J. di 247 Porter, B.T 278 Porter. G. R 39S Porter, J. A 211 Porter, J. G 85 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 427 Porter, T. K 204 Porter, N 22, 170, aio, 211, 247 Porter, S. (R.) 122 Porter, W. A 7 Porter, W. T 329 Portland University 198 Porto Rico — Education 59 Portugal — Education 50-51 Portugal — Education — Higher . . 167 Portugal — Instruccao Publica. . . 50 Posada, A 231. 247. 265, 360, 399 Posche, H IIS Possadsky, T 130 Posse, N 320 Poten, B 31 Potsch, J. A 21, 106, 376 Potter, A 58, 247, 267 Potter, C. N 200 Potter, E 347 Potter, E. N 204, 397 Potter, H 7. 204 Potter, H. C 140 Potts, R 158 Poucher, I. B 305 Poulot, D 359 Poulsson, E 117. 119. 311 Powell, L.P 63 Powell, W. B 302 Powers, H. P 217 Powers, J. K • • • 247 Practical treatise on day schools . . 122 Praed, W.M 7 Prang, L. H 347 Prantl, K. von i54 Prates), P 49 Pratt, A.M 119 Pratt, D.J 74.76, 140. 170 Pratt, J. W 59 Pratt, W. S 119. 289 Pratt Institute 35°. 363 Prendergast, T 283 Prentiss, G. L 333 Presbyterian Church 178, 371 Presbyterian College of S. C 19S Presbyterian College of the South- west 198 Present to youths 37^ Presting, B , 246 Preston, S 247 Preston, T. S 37i. 397 Preston, W.C 7 Preyer, T. W 31. 3ii Priaulx, O. de B 247, 302 Price, T. R 272, 2S3 Prideaux, M 278 Priestley, J 9 Prillieux, E.E 366 Primer of school management. ... 11 1 Prince, J.J m Prince, J. T 31. m. 265 Prince Edward Island — Educa- tion, Supt. of Tti Princeton Theol. Seminary 333 Princeton University 7, 198, 199 Principles of education 222-235 Principles of the national church, 39 Prinz, P 31 Private Colleg. Inst, for Women.. 220 Privatschule, Die 31 Problem, The 386 Prockesch, L 347 Professional education 323-333 Programmes des examens pour la conduited'aut9mobiles. 337 Progress in economic education. . 297 Prohle, H.C. F 237 Projet de loi, Le 26 Proposal for educational suffrage . 39 Prospect Union review 39"; Prosser, W. F 58 Protestant Episcopal Church, 13, 372, 384 Protestant Episc. Soc. for the Prom, of Evangel. Knowl- edge 372 Protestant Institution for Deaf- mutes 384 Proudfit, J. W 95 Providence Reform School 403 Prudhomme, H 376 Prussia — Geist. Unt.- u. Med.-an- gelegen 31, 130, 147 Prussia — Offent. Arbeit 31 Pryce, E. S 247 Psi Upsilon 142 Psychology 255-269 Ptaschuik, J 130 Puaux, F 372 Public Education Assoc. (N. Y.).. 93 Public Education Assoc. (Phil.) . . 96 Public School Soc 93 Public schools yearbook 130 Puget Sound University 199 Pugge, E '. . . 148 Purdue University. 199, 295, 329, 366 Pusey, E. B 140 Putnam, A. H 116 Putnam, B. W 347 Putnam, D 265 Putnam, H. C 320 Putnam, J.J 320 Putter, J. S 151 Pycroft, J 163 PyfFerven, 337 Pythias (pseud.) 238 Quarterly review of deaf-mute education 384 Quebec — Council of Arts and Manufactures 53 Sue bee — Public Instruction 53 ueen's College (Belfast) 163 Sueen's College (Cork) 163 ueen's College (Galway) 163 Queen's College and University. . 199 Queen's University of Ireland.163, 164 Queensland — Public Instruction.. 51 Suestions and answers iii ueyrat, F 247, 3 1 1 8uicherat, J. E.J 145 uick, R. H., 2, 22, I02, 105, IIS, 324, 228, 236, 339, 242, 246, 250. 253, 287, 302 Suincy, J i88, 189 uincy, f. P i n 8uinn, D 140 uint, A. H 399 Quiroga, P 54 Quito, Universidad de 54 Rabanus Maurus 247 Rabbeno, U 292 Rabelais, F 247, 248 Racine (College 199 Radcliffe College 220 Radclyffe, C. W 130 Radestock, P 265 Radmoski, J 384 Radtke, G 32, 399 Raikes, T. D 133 Raingo, G. B. J 46 Rajicic, D 248, 26s Ramage, B.J. 78 Ramage, C. T 45 Rambosson, J. P 248 Ramsauer, J 246 Ramsav, D in Ramus, P 146, 288 Rand, A 272 Randall, S. S 75. 248 Randegger, A 289 Randolph-Macon College 199 Randolph-Macon Woman's Col- lege 220 Ranitzsch, H 32 Ranke, J.F 248 Ranney, D. H 320 Rantout R 248 Raoul, L. V 7 Raper, C. L 76 Rappold, J 2 Rasche, E 265 Rashdall, H 140 Ratich, W 105, 248 Ratien, H 152 Rattke, W 288 Raub, A. N 248, 265 Rauch, F.A 105 Raumer, K. G. von, 19, 102, 105. 148, 224, 228, 230, 240, 241, 242, 246, 248, 253, 286 Raunie, E 26 Rausch, A 372 Rauscher, F.E 117 Ravelet, A 104 Rawson, R.W 48 Ray, R 136 Raydt, G 320 Raydt, H 39, 33 Raymond, J. H. R.W Raymond, R. W 192 Read, D 7, 72 Readwin, T. A 248 Reason, W 395 Reatchlous, H. A 295 Rebifere, A 330 Rebuffi, P 140 Recueil de monographies 4 Red River Valley University. ... 199 Reddall, H. F 130 Redington, C. T 43 Redway, J. W 274 Reed. A 39 Reed, C 37 Reed, H 206 Reed, W. B 205, 278 Reeder, R. R 272 Reform de 1' Education, La 224 Reform d. russ. universitaten, Die 167 Reform in higher education 3 Reform schools 400-403 Reformed Prot. Dutch Church ... 93 Refuge, Houses of 400-403 Reglements et programmes d' Etudes 303 Regeln u. worterverzeichnis 286 Regener, F 19, 20, 248, 252 Regia Univ. d. studii d. Napoli. . 288 Rehmke, J 397 Reichau, H 19 Reichert 376 Reid, D. B 156, 160 Reid, H 265 Reidt, F 288 Reimann, K 265, 286, 295, 376 Reimann, W 265 Rein, G. W., 2, 3, 14, 32, 152, 235, 243. 265 Reinecke, A iii Reinecke, C. L 295 Reinhardt, C. E. F 166 Reinke, W 32 Reinstein, J.B 61 Reisacker, A.J 130 Reiss, J 22 Reissert, 217 Religion in the public schools. . .. 372 Religionsuntemcht in der volks- schule, Der 372 Religious education 367-378 Rells, E. W 311 Remacly, H.J 20 Remarks on the Scotch Educ. Bill 45 Rembold, S 314 Rembrandt 105 Remlakowsky, H 274 Remsen, 1 130, 339 Rdmusat, C. E. J. (G. de V.) com- tesse de 217 Renard, Mme. Georges 311 Rendall, M.J 9. 136 Rendu, A 265 Rendu, E 32, 122 Rennell, T 158 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst 342 Report of conference 170 Report of the proceedings in Aber- deen . 45 Report on public instruction in Sweden 52 Requite aux deux chambres. ... 26 Resewitz, F. G 248 Ressel, G. A 3a Resumd du repertoire des ouvrages p^dagog a Rethwisch, C 130 Reukauf, A 286,312 Reuter, F 1 30 Reveille-Parise, J. H 321 Rev. William Stainer's Homes for Deaf and Dumb Children . . . 384 Reyer, E 32 Reyes, J. J 59 Reykjavik — Loertha sk61a 48 Reynolds, E 321 Reynolds, J.B 274 428 EDUCA TION Reynolds, J. H 130, 170, 350 Rhenish-Prussia — Direct. -Vers- samm 13 Rhoads, J. E 391 Rhode Island — Charities, Bd. of. 403 Rhode Island — Education, Bd. of 78 Rhode Island Institute of Instruc- tion 78, 272 Rhode Island — Public Schools. .. 78 Rhode Island School of Design. . 350 Rhodes, M 170 Ri, G. dal 362 Riant, R. A. A 321 Ribot, A.F.J 130 Ribot, T. A 23s, 26s Rice, A. H 204 Rice, J. M s8 Rice, W. N 29s Richard, E 26 Richard, J. W 241 Richards, C. R S. 359 Richards, E. H 5, 331, 352 Richards, J.K 77 Richards, W. P 266 Richards, Z 12, 272 Richardson, A. C 281 Richardson, A. W 39° Richardson, B. W 321, 329 Richardson, C. F 170 Richardson, W. G S9 Richelieu, L. de 303, 372 Richmond, E 122 Richmond, W 266 Richmond College 199 Richson, C 39 Richter, A 32, 279 Richter, B 321 Richter, C m Richter, J. A. L 248 Richter, J. P. F 248 Richter, J. W. O 274 Richter, K 229 Richter, R. 1 130, 303 Richthofen, E., freiherr von 130 Ricks, G lao, 122, 359 Ricquier, L 303 Rieck, K 295 Riedler, A 148, 337 Ricgger, J. A. S., ritter von 150 Rietschel, H . 321 Rifiessioni sopra la teoria del Sig. Rousseau 250 Rigg, J. H 39. 399 Riggs, K. D. W 117. 119. 312 Rigolage, J. E 130 Riis, J. A 395 Ringseis, J.N 148 Rintelen, V 399 Rio Grande College 200 Rios, G. de los 337 Ripley, F.H 289 Ripon College 200 Risch, K 148, 15s Rissmann, R 228, 233, 246, 395 Ritchie, D. G 292 Ritchie, F. -^ iii Ritningar a modeller fran NaSs Slojdlarare Seminarium 359 Ritso, F 326 Ritter 217 Ritter, C 105 Rivas y Ruiz, L 168 Roanoke College 200 Roark, R. N 266 Robbins, G 359 Robbins, T 209 Roberson, G 163 Robert, C. P 403 Roberts, C 321 Roberts, R 352 Roberts. R. D 379 Roberts, W. R 281 Robertson, W 45 Robins, E. C 308 Robinson, B 117 Robinson, E. G 3 Robinson, G. G iii Robinson, J- H 279 Robinson, L. T 352 Robinson, N. L 201 Robinson, R 266 Robinson, T. H 192 Robinson Female Seminary aao Rocco, L 2t7 Rocheblave, G 122, 372 Rochemoutaix, C. de 144 Rocheron, 356 Rochester, De L 321 Rochester Athenseum 342 Rochester Theol. Seminary 333 Rochow, F. E. von 248 Rockford College 200 Roder, M 389 Rodgers, A 6i Rodhe, E 358 Rodman, T. P a66, 312 Rodriguez, M. V 59 Rodriques, J. M 50 Roe, H 39 Roebber, E 295 Roger Williams University 390 Rogers, A. K 266 Rogers, E. P 303 Rogers, F 206 Rogers, J. E. T 163, 249 Rogers, W. M 130 Rohmeder, W 228 Rolando, A 49 Rolfes, E 266 Rolle, H 397, 399 Rollin, C 26() Rollins College 300 Romano, S 217 Rome, Ancient, Education in. . . 20 Romeiks, J 231 Ronge, B 117 Ronge, J 117 Ronne, L. von 32, 148 Ronzaud, H 14s Rood, O. N 337 Rooper, E. F 351 Rooper, T. G iii, 122, 266 Rooper, W. L 119 Roosevelt, G. P 354 Roosevelt, T 330 Root,N.W.T Ill Rardam, H. F 166 Rosa, C 377 Roscher, W 292 Roscoe, Sir H 4 Roscoe, H. E 337 Rose Polytechnic Inst 342 Rosebery, A. P. P 337 Rosenkranz, J. K. F 249, 266 RosenmuUer, J. G 333 Rosevear, E 352 Rosmini, C. de.. 102, 253 Rosmini-Serbati, A. , 266, 372 Ross, D 140 Ross, G. W 40, 53, 170 Rossbach, F 379 Rosse, L. P., earl 159 Rosser, L. V 59 Rossetti, C. G 119 Rosshirt, K. E. F 326 Rossi, L 165 Rossler, E. F 151 Rostock Universitat 154 Roth, E Ill Roth, F 32 Roth, K. L 130 Roth, W 32 Rothe, K 295 Rothe, R 105 Rothenbiicher, A 266 Rother, H 266 Rothfuchs, J 266 Rotteck, K. W. R. von 279 Rottels, J. T 240 Roumania — Education 51 Rounds, C 16 Rouse, W. H. D 133 Rousiers, P. de 58 Rousseau, J 119 Rousseau, J. J 249, 250 Rousselot, P 123, 217, 366 Rowe, L. S 96, 392 Rowe, S. H 136, 23s, 312, 331 Rowell. J.C 61 Rowntree, A iii Roxburie Free Schoole 83 Roxbury High School 135 Roxbury — South End Industrial School 350 Royal Coll. of Science (London) . . 343 Royal Geog. Soc 374 Royal Hist. Soc 379 Royal Holloway College 220 Royal Institution 4 Royal University of Ireland 164 Royce, J 171, 31 J g-'PrS ^ Wr ^So. 399 Kubenkamp, W m Riickert, P loa Riicklin, F 347 Rudbeck, O 167 Rude, A 32, 229, 266, 279 Rudin, S 359 Rudin-Schmeid, S 359 Rudolph, L 229 Rugby School 133 Ruggles, E. R 279 Ruggles, S. B 7. 205 Ruggles, T , 326 Riihle, 303 Riimelin, A 377 Runge, F 130 Runkle, J. A 142 Runkle, "J. D 347. 359 Runze, G. A. W m Ruprich-Robert, V. M. C 337 Rusch, G 274, 379 Ruskin, J 317, 338, 347 Russdorf, E. E. H. von 331 Russel, M 45 Russell, A.J 63 Russell, E. H 312 Russell, G. R 362 Russell, J S3 Russell, J. E 130, 304, 379 Russell, J. L 29s Russell, J. R 40 Russell, J. S 338 Russell, M 136 Russell, W 10, 133, 266, 272 Russia — Commission Imp. h. I'Ex- pos. Univ., 1900 51 Russia — Conseil d'Etat 338 Russia — Conseil Scolaire 372 Russia — Education 51 Russia — Education — Higher, 167-168 Russia — Ponts et Chaussees, Min. des 338 Russia — Public Instruction, 51, 130. 303. 338 Russia^ — Volksaufklarung 51 Rust University 390 Rutgers College 200 Rutgers Female College 220, 231 Rutgers Female Inst 221 Rutgers Scientific School 343 Riittimann, J. J 326 Ryerson, E 21, S3 Rzesnitzek, E 313 S.C 143 Saalfeld, A 153 Sabatife, R iii Sabbadini, R 350 Sabin, H 4, 64, 65, iii, 341, 321 Sabinus, G 105 Sachse, F 33, 350, 266 Sachse, K 373 Sada, L 49 Sadleir, R 43 Sadler, M. E., 40, 43, 46, 130, 217, 250, 362, 379. 399 Safford, T. H 288 Saftu, V 239, 250 Sagert, C 130 Saglio, E 347 Sailer, J. M 105, 303 St. Agnes School 221 Saint Ambrose College 200 St. Andrew's University 164 St. Benedict's College 200 St. Bernard College 201 St. Bonaventure's College 301 St. Charles' College 201 St. Edward's College 201 St. Francis College 201 St. Francis Solanus College 201 St. Francis Xavier College 301 St. Ignatius College 301 St. John, G 359 St.John, J. A 40 St. John s College (Cambridge Univ.) 157 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 429 St. John's College (Md.) 201 St. John's University 201 St. Joseph's Institute for Deaf- mutes 384 St. Lawrence University 20 1 St. Louis Manual Training School, 361 St. Louis Soc. of Pedag 13. 266 St. Louis University 201 Saint-Marc, H 292 St. Mary's College 201 St. Mary's Hall 221 St. Michael's College 201 St. Olaf College 201 St. Paul's College (Minn.) 201 St. Paul's College (RikkvesGakko) 166 St. Paul's School (Garden City) . . 135 St. Paul's School (London) 133 St. Peter's College 133 St. Petersburg — Imp. Alexander Lyceum 167 St. Petersburg — Imp. Russian Technical Society 338 St. Petersburg Technological Inst. 343 St. Petersburg University. . .167, 168 St. Stephen's College 7, 201 St. Viateur's College 202 St. Vincent College 202 St Kavier College 202 Saint- Yves, G 26 Salaries 303 Salerno — School 321 Salicis, A 5 Salicis, G.A 359 Salisbury, A 303 Salisbury, E. E 210 Sallwurk, E. von, 32, 112, 214, 229, 23s, 239, 246, 250, 266, 295. 303 Salmon, D 266, 296, 395 Salmon, L. M 171,279, 352 Salomon, O S, 359 Salva, A 250 Salvadori, G 253 Salve,— de 52 Salverda de Grave, J. L. A 40 Salzburg Universitat iS4 Salzmann, C. G 250, 251 Sammlung padag. abhandl 4 Sammlung padag. schrift 4 Sammlung padag. vortrage 4 Sammlung von abhandl 4 Samuelson, B 338 San Joa D. K 43. 281 Sands, N 94, a66 Sanford. E.C a Sanford, E . T 79 Sanio, F. D 235 Santa Clara College 202 Sta. Escuela de S'9 Domingo 54 Santee Normal Training School. . 391 Sanz Lafuente, M 397 Sardinia — Education 51 Sargent, D. A 321 Sargent, L. W 67 Sargent, W 343 Sartori, A 303 Sassi, G. A. de 165 Sattel, J 237 Satzungen f. d. studierenden . . . . 148 Satzungen u. bedingungen 148 Sauveur, J 46 Sauveur, L , 281, 283 Sauveur College 281 Savigny, F. K von 140 Savigny, L. von 144, 326 Savings banks io6-i 1 3 Savonarola loi Savornin Lehman, A. F. de 403 Saward, B. C 351 Sawyer, A W 172 Sawyer, H. E 303 Saxe, G. A 321 Saxony — Direct. -Versamm 13 Scarlett-Dixon, M.J 329 Scavia, G 217 Schab, R 23s Schade, A 279 Schaeffer, A 235 Schaeffer, E 321 Schaeffer, M . F 117 Schaeffer, N. C 266 Schafer, E. A 51 Schafer, F 266, 321 Schafer, R 241, 399 Schaible, K. H 217, 399 Schalin, B 372 Schallenfeld, R. and A 352 Schanz, P 148 Scharer, E 239 Schatzmayer, E 309 Schaumberger, H 105 Scheel, J.J 347 Schef er, T 119 Scheidler, K. H...140, 143, 148, 290, 321, 366 Scheller, E 265 Schelling 140 Schelling. P. H. J 130 Schem. A.J 3 Schenck, A 266 Schenck, N. H 7. 198 Schenckendorff, E. von. 119, 251, 359 Schepmoes, A. E 75 Scherdlin, D. E 307 Scherer, H...104, 224, 232, 237, 241, 251. 266, 359, 395 Scheve, G 251 Schickhelm, F 296 Schiebuhr, W 32 Schiemann, T 279 Schier, O 32 Schiller, J. C. F 105 Schiller, K. H. F. H 19,112, 130, 266, 286, 303, 321 Schilling, F 286 Schilling, M 224 Schiltz. T 376 Schindler, S 279 Schinz, A 312 Schipper, J. M 131 Schlaghart, G 105 Schlegel, E 251, 266 Schleichert, F 251, 296 Schleiermacher, F. E. D 251 Schleinitz, 235 Schlemmer, 288 Schlenker, C 32 Schlez, J. F. F 105 Schlipkoter, A 266 Schlosser, J. G 236 Schmahl, J. E 217 Schmeding, O. H. F 50, 136 Schmeider, I. E 242 Schmeidler, J 232 Schmelzer, K 131 Schmerler, H. E 232 Schmerz, L 312 Schmid, G 102 Schmid, J 105 Schmid, K. A 3, 19 Schmid, S 267 Schmid, U. R 143 Schmidhofer, F 58 Schmidt, Dr 131 Schmidt, A 255 Schmidt, C 253 Schmidt, E 143, 296 Schmidt, F. A 321 Schmidt, Franz 267 Schmidt, Frederich 32, 119 Schmidt, H.I 19 Schmidt, K 19, 32, 131, 254 Schmidt, M 112, 251, 372 Schmidt, O. E 251, 347 Schmidt-Warneck, F. von 399 Schmidttein, E. J 148 Schmit, H 26 Schmitt, E 359 Schmitthenner, F. J 283 Schneider, A 267, 296 Schneider, G. H 288 Schneider, J 267 Schneider, K 32, 250 Schneider, K. J. F 123 Schneider, M 117 Schneider, R 251 Schneiderhan, J 32 Schnell, F 32 Schneyer, F 105 Schoenen, G 131 Scholastic Registration Assoc .... 13 Scholz, A 103 Scholz, F 321 Scholze, E 32 Schonen, G 32 Schonfeld, H 171 School and the schoolmaster. . . . 267 School architecture 307-308 School Bulletin Pub 279, 347 School hygiene 308, 3\i-i23 School issues 4 School libraries 106-113 School Management Com 36 School of Applied Ethics (Ply- mouth) 375 School of Expression 272 School of Mines (Colorado) 343 School of Mines (Rolla) 343 School of Mining (Kingston). . . . 343 School of Social Economics. .297, 395 School savings-banks 106- 113 Schoolmaster, The 4, 251 Schoolmaster's Assoc 13 Schoolmaster's Club 69 Schoolmaster's difficulties 267 Schopenhauer, A 252 Schorn, A 19 Schotel, G. D. J t6s Schouler, J 279 Schrader, W 131 Schreber, D. G. M 376 Schreck, E 286 Schreff, H 267 Schreiber, J. H 150 Schribaux, E 366 Schricker, A 1 54 Schroder 32 Schroder, C 26 Schroder, E 231 Schroder, H 32, 131 Schroder, T. F 137 Schroer, M. M.A 32 Schroter, K 321 Schroter, R 321 Schubart, C. F. D loj Schubart, F 217 Schubert, F. W 237 Schubert, R 235 Schubert-Soldem, R. von 252 Schuhmann, J 49 Schiller, K. R 112 Schullerus, A 32, 397 Schultz, A los, 338 Schultz, H 151 Schultze, K.A.J. P i^, 312 Schulwesen Zurich, Das z?, Schulze, G 372 Schulze, K 23s Schulze, O 231, 286, 3QS Schumann, J- C. G. . 131, 252, 267, .^72 Schumann, W 321 Schupp, H 23s Schupp, J. B 105, 252 Schuricht, H 58 Schurig, G 131. 287 Schurman, J. G 182 Schurtz, H 376 Schurz, C 338 Schuschny, H 321 Schutze, H 4 Schiitzenberger, C 144 Schwab, E 112, 308. 350 Schwabe, P 242 Schwart, E 350 Schwartz, W. F. L 131 Schwarz, B 254 Schwarz, F. H. C 152, 252, 267 Schwarz, T. C. E 152 Schwarz, R 37* Schwatlo 321 Schwebel, 149 Schweitzer,P 72 Schwemer, R 131 Schwencke, L 252 Schwendimann, J 246 Schwicker, J. H 48, 131 Schwochen, H 267 Schwochow, H 252, 303 Science 206 Science, Natural. 292-296 Scientific education 334-343 Scientific schools ii')~iAi 430 EDUCA TION Scio College 20a Scotland a half -educated nation . . 4s Scotland — Education 43-46 Scotland — Education Dept.. . .43, 303 Scotland — Education — Higher, 156-164 Scotland — Universities Com.. . . . 156 Scotland, Works on education in, 44-46 Scott, A 200 Scott, A. E 131 Scott, C. B 296 Scott, H.M 267 Scott, J. M 108 Scott, R. P 131 Scott, W 62, 399 Scottish National Inst, for Imbe- cile Children 387 Scottish Universities Com 156 Scoutetten, R. J. H 9 Scriptural education in Ireland... 372 Scripture, E. W 267 Scudder, C. L 321 Seabury Divinity School 333 Search, T. C 347. 3So Sears, B 58, 137 Sears, E.I 58 Sears, L 272 Sears, P. H 1 34 Seaver, E. P 3°.^. 338 Secondary education 1 24-1 37 Secondary schools 132-13S Secular education 43 Sedgwick, E. (D.) 217 Sedgwick, W. T 171, 252, 296 Seebohm, F 102 Seebold, H 131. 267 Seefeld, C. A 326 Seeger, Heinrich 131 Seeger, Hermann von 15s Seeley, J. R 279. 292 Seeley, L 19. 33. 112, 288 Seelye, L. C 217 in Seguin, E 123. 386, 387 SehliniT, E 372 Seidel, F 117 Seidel, R 359 Seiffert 267 Seifferth, F 246 Seignette, A 274 Seignobos, C 278 Seiler, H 7,2\ Seip, T. L 19s Selbome, R. P 133 Self -culture 376-378 Self-supporting industrial train- ing schools 395 Selfe, R.E 102 Sehgman, E. R. A 140 Sellar, A.C 45 Sellmann, A. W 103 Selvatico, P. E 348 Semler, C 137 Sample, A. S. (H.) 217 Semple, H.C 180 Senckel, F 246 Senckpiehl, R 131 Senden, S. S. van 252 Senior, N. W 40 Sepr^s, P. Y. la R. de 252 Sergeant, J 7 Sergi, G 25a Series and collections 3-5 Serrurier, G 307 Servia — Public Instruction $\ Session normale 26 Seth, A 290 Seton Hall College 20? Severin, S 354 Sewall. F 117 Sewanee, see University of the South 207 Seward, T.F 4 Seward, W. H 352 Sewell, E.M 217 Sewell, W 137 Sexton, S 384 Seydel, A 367 Seydewitz, P. von 33 Seyfert, R 367 Seyffarth, L. W zi, 228, 246 Seyffert, M.L 131 Seymour, H 331 Shaftesbury, A. A. C, earl 376 Shamokin — Report of the dedi- cation of coal estates 395 Sharp, G 289 Sharpies, G 321 Sharp less, 1 40, 303, 399 Shattuck,T.C 6t Shaw, E. R 267, 322 Shaw, R. N 338 Shaw, T 366 Shaw University 390 Shea. J. D. G i86 Sheaffer, P. W 192 Shearer, W. J 113 Sheats, W.N 63 Shedd, W. G.T 7 Sheldon, E. A 123 Sheldon, W. L 376 Shepardson College 221 Sherbrooke, R. L 45 Sheridan, T 43 Sherman, T 157 Sherwin, T 105, 137, 288 Sherwood, S 76 Shield 143 Shimer, E.D 5 Shinn, J. H 60 Shinn, M. W 60, 61, 312 Shippen, E 96 ShirrefT, E.A. E. ..115, 116, 117, 315, 317, 332 Short, 137 Shoup, W.J 19 Shoveller, f 267 Shurtleff College 202 Shuttleworth, Sir J. P. K 40, 359 Sibley, J. L 187, 188, 189 Sicard, A 26, 376 Sicilian!, P 372, 395 Sickel, G. A. F 267 Sickels, 1 359 Sidgwick, A H2, 258 Sidgwick, E. M 217 Siebenhaar, K. F. H 137 Siegel, H 326 Siegemund, R 395 Siegenbeek, M 165 Siegert, E 112 Siegert, G 312 Sieler, A 231, 267 Sigismund, B 252, 312 Sigoumey, L. H. (H.) 376 Sigwart, C. von 155 Siljestrom, P. A 58 Silliman, B 193 Silliman, B. D 211 Silliman Colleg. Inst 221 Silow, C 359 Simmonds, T. C 359 Simmons, J.E 92, 93, 94, 131 Simon, Joseph 22 Simon, Jules 19, 131, 252 Simon, M 288 Simonot, E 26 Simpson, J 46, 326, 403 Simpson Centenary College 202 Sina, F.G 312 Sinclair, T 40, 58 Sinclair, S. B 123 Sinclair, W. M 338 Sing Sing Female Seminary 321 Singleton, J. E 120 Singleton, W. H 63 Sinker, R iS7 Sizer, N 267 Skeats, H.S 40 Skidmore, S. T 96, 379 Skinner, C. R 75 Skinner. E. D 359 Skrine, J. H 106 Slater, J. H 326 Slater, J. W 360 Sloane, W. M 104, 199 Slocum, W.F 13 Slojdundervisningsblad 360 Sloyd bulletin 360 Sluys, A 5. 360 Small, A. D 372 Small, A. W 397 Small, E.W 896 Smart, J . H 64, 30 j Smiles, S 376, 37 7 Smith, A. D 183 Smith, A K 352 Smith, A. L 270 Smith, A. T 58,123, 267, 301 Smith, B. P 183 Smith, C. A 283 SMth, C. B 112 Smith, C. F 4. 171 Smith, C. L 76 Smith, C. S 171 Smith, D. E 288 Smith, E. B 58 Smith, E. D "7 Smith, Edward 99, 322 Smith, Elbridge 10, 104, 112 Smith. F. H 171, 331 Smith, G 140, 163, 370 Smith, G. M 7 Smith, G. S 43 Smith, H.I 7 Smith, H. L 46, 134 Smith, Sir J. E 156, 158 Smith, J. M 372 Smith, L. A s8 Smith, L. H 252, 360 Smith, M. H 372 Smith, M. K . 235 Smith, N. A 117, 119 Smith, 105 Smith, P. A 326 Smith, R 192 Smith, S. S 199 Smith, Samuel 348 Smith, Swire 338 Smith, T. B 396 Smith, W. B 140 Smith, W. L 69 Smith College 221 Smitt, W 112, 231, 338, 348 Smyth, A 372 Smyth, E. C i7S Smyth, G. A 322 Smyth, J. H 3.90 Smyth, W t6t Snell, A 118 Snell, E. S 173 Snell, F. W. D 290 Snell, S 322 Snell. S. C 220 Snethlage. E 247 Snider, D.J. iis. 118 Snodgrass, W. D 208 Snow, M. S 71 Soares, J. A. C 380 Soci^t^ des Ecoles Enfantines. . . 360 Socidt^ Scientifique de I'Enseigne- iiient par 1' Aspect 29O Societies See name of society. .9-14 Society for Encouraging Religious Education 372 Society for Ethical Culture . . .118, 376 Society for Promoting Educ 43 Society for Prom. Manual Labor in Literary Inst 360 Society for Promoting Theol. Education 333 Society for the Colleg. Inst, of Women. See Cambridge — Soc, etc. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge 4 Society for the Encouragement of Arts 348 Society for the Preservation of the Irish Tongue 41 Society for the Prom, of Engineer- ing Education 338 Society for Theological Educa- tion 372 Society to Encourage Studies at Home 377 Sociology and education .... 392-396 Sociology — Methods 296-297 Socrates 105 Soden, A., freiherr von 131 Sohn, G 297 Soldan, F. L 288 Soldan, L 399 Soley, J. R 33o SoUer, H 131 Sollier, P 267 Some principles and methods. . . . 269 Sommerlad, T 292 Sommert, H 286 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 431 Somogyi. G m Songs (Kindergarten) 113-120 Sonnenschein, A 21, it2 Sonnenschein, E. A 272 Sonnenschein, W. S 2 Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia 3 Sorel, G "2 Sorley, W. R 272 Soule Collpge 221 Souqiiet, P •.- 2.52 South African Republic — Public Instruction 51 South America — Education 54 South Carolina College 7S, 79 South Carolina — Education, Dept. of 78 South Carolina Presbyterian Col- lege 202 South Carolina — Public Instruc- tion 78 South Carolina University 70 South Dakota — Public Instruc- tion 79 South Dakota University 79 South Kensington Museum. 2, 338. 348 Southard, S. L 7. '99 Southern Educational Assoc. ... 13 Southern Female College 221 Southern Industrial Classes of Norfolk 300 Southern University 202, 300 Southey, C. C 224 Southey, R 224 Southwest Kansas College 202 Southwestern Presbyterian Uni- versity 202 Southwick, A. P 267 Southworth, G. C. S 142 Spear, S. T 397 Stockl, A 19. loi^. 376 Stockton, C. H 330 Spain — Education 52 Spain — Education —Higher 16S Spalding, J. L. . . .9, 218, 252, 372, 376 Spalding, J. R 217 Spalding, T. A 37 Spangenburg, E. H. A 250 Spannenberg, L ^ 112 Sparkes, J. C. L 3-18 Sparks, J 188 Spazier, R. 248 Spear, M. A 272 Specht, F. A . . . 33 Special reports on educational subjects 36 Speeches at county meeting 46 Speirs, F. W 360 Spence, L. H 279 Spencer, D. E 80 Spencer, F 267, 283 Spencer, F. C 39' Spencer, H 252, 253. 297 Spencer, S. J 403 Sperber, G. E 372 Spickemell, G. E 253 Spieker, G zi Spielmann, C 112 Spiers, B 22 Spiers. R. P 338 Spies 372 Spinoza, B. de 253 Spirgatis, M 146 Spitta, H 200 Spitzner, R. A 250 Sprague, H. B 131, 219 Sprague, W. B 142, 333 Spring, L. W 5, 104 Springer, F 65 Springer, L 102, 165 Springfield (Mass.) — Bible Nor- mal College 331 Springfield Eng. and Classical Inst 135 Springhill College 202 Springsteed, A. F 352 Sproat, G. M 40 Sproull, W. O 370 Spry, J 372 Spuller, S. E 26 Spurzheim, J. F. K 253 Stade, P. .." 288, 348 Stadelmann, F 20 Stahelin, R 228 Stainer, J 289 Stallard, H. F 131 Stallbaum, J. G 137 Stammler, R 3 26 Stanford, C. V 120, 289 Stanford, J. (L.) 193 Stange, C 376 Stanley, A. P 102 Stanley, E 43 Stanley, E. L 40, 131 Stanley, K 352 Stapfer, P 248 Staples, S. E 303 Starck, B 246 Stark, F 338 Stark, J 4^ Starke, E. R 288 Starr, E. G 395 State aid to higher education .... 399 State, Education and the. . . . 397-399 States and territories of the U. S. 59-81 Statistical Society of London. ... 40 Statistics of professional instruc- tion Tiii Statistique de I'enseign. sec 131 Statistisches jahrb. d. hoh. schulen 131 Stauber, A 274 Staude, P 267, 286, 312 Staude, R 372 Staunton, H 132 Steams, J 267 Steams, M . W 360 Stearns, W. A 173, 267 Stebbins, G 322 Stebbins, M. C 267 Stecher, W. A 322 Stedman, A. M. M ifi3 Steele, F. A 118 Steele, J. D 105 Steflenhagen, H 112 Steffens, H 148 Stegemann, V 33 Steglich, A 103 Steglich, F. A IIS Steglitz — Gymnasium 131 Stehle, B 303 Steifif, K 1.-5 Steiger's educ- directory 17 Stein, F 1 49 Stein, Lorenz von 10 Stein, Ludwig 103 Steiner, B. C 62, 67, 171 Steinhaiiser, A 274 Steininger, H 33 Steinmann, G 150, 288 Steinmetz, T 248 Stephan, G 377 Stephens, H. M 133, 377 Stephens, M 118 Stephens, W. H 195 Stem, S. M 284 Sterzel, G. F 228 Sterzenbach, K 33 Stetson, C. B 338 Stetson, G. R 68, 360, 403 Stetson, W. W 303 Stending, H 286 Stevens Inst, of Technology 343 Stevens, W. Le C 140 Stevenson, T 322 Stewardson, L. C 193 Stewart, D 160 Stewart, J 156 Stewart, R. W 296 Stewart, S. E 74 Sticker, G 322 Stickney, J. H 272 Stieda, W 297 Stilly C.J 206 Stiller, F 243, 267 Stillman, J. M 193 Stimpfl, J 322 Stimson, H. A 183 Stimson, J. W 348 Stivin, A 123 Stockham, CoL 118 Stockholm — Ahlinska Skolan.. . . 52 Stockholm — Les ecoles prim 123 Stockholm — Tekniska Skolan.. . . 338 Stockwell, T. B 78, 1 23, 289 Stodart, M. A 218 Stoddard, P. H 140 Stoddard, J. F 106 Stoerk, F 326 Stoerl, H 2,2 Stokes, H. P 157 Stone, A. P 58, 112 Stone, C. W 187, 272 Stone, E. M 78, 97 Stone, M. S 112 Stone, R. C ^ 112 Stories (Kindergarten) 1 13-120 Storr, F 303 Story, J 292 Story, T.T 142 Stow, D 268 Stow, S. D. (L.) 220 Stowe, C. E 33, 123, 303 Stowell, H 40 Stoy, H 268 Stov, K. V 2, 3, 123, i^i Strabus, W 287 Strachan, J 312 Strack, K 372 Straight, H. H 348 Strange, W 322 Strassburg Universitat 154 Strassburger, B 2, 22 Streatfield, E.C 132 Streiber, J 102 Streich, A 33, 253 Strewe, A 360 Strictures on recent pub. meeting in Edinburgh 46 Strieby, M. E 197 Stroia, J 268 Strong, A. H m Strong, W .• . . . 297 Strumpell, L., 9, 149, 231, 23s, 237. 253, 268, 312 Struthers, Sir John 156 Struthers, Jos 118, 296 Stryker, M. W 186 Stuart, M 10, 281 Stubbert, M. R. W 279 Stubbs, G. E 289 Stubbs. f . W 158 Stubbs, W 270 Stvicki, G 246 Student life 141-143 Studentenleben, Das 143 Studies in education 312 Sturm, C 322 Sturm, J. von 103, 253 Sturm, P 360 Stuttgart — Lehrerversamm 13 Stuttgart — Technische Hoch- schule 33S Sudrez, J. B 268 Subercaze, B 253 Sujets de concours pour I'admis- sion aux Ecoles sup^r. de com- merce 362 Sullivan, W 2^^ Sully, J 5, 268, 312 Summer School of Lang 281 Summer schools 3S0 Summerfield, J 383 Sumpf, K 357 Supino, C 292 Suringar, W 31 Siissmann, G 131 Sutcliffe, A 358 Sutcliffe, J. D 360 Sutro, A 61 Siitterlin, A 239 Suttner 290 Sutton, E. V 384 Sutton, Sir R 161 Svrakov, K. D 224 Swain, G. F 341 Swain, J 65 Swainson, W 296 Swan, J. N 171 Swarthmore College 202 Sweden — Education 52 Sweden — Education — Higher, 166-167 Sweden — Folkskole-inspektorer . 52 Sweet, S.N 303 Sweetzer, S m Swenson, L. S 279 Swet, C 224 Swett, J. 58, 60, 112, 268 Swett, W. B 384 432 EDUCATION Swift, E.J 342 Swift, M. 1 1 32-395 Swinton, A. C 156 Switzerland — Education 52 Switzerland — Education — Higher 168 Switzerland — Statis. Bureau. ... 52 Swoboda, W 283 Sybel, H. K. L. von 149 Svle, H. W 384 Syllabus of religious teaching. ... 36 Symonds, J.A 21 Sypher, J. R 268 Syracuse University 202 Svrian Protestant College 333 Systemof pub. inst. in Zurich.. . . 52 Taaffe, T. G 201 Taber, A 205 Tabor College 202 Tadd, J. L 348, 360 Taft, A 8s Taft. C. P 171 Taft, W. H 326 Tait, A. D 156 Talbot, H 360 Talbot, M 321, 395 Talladega College 39° Talle vrand-P^rigord, A . A . de 26 Tallniadge, J 95 Tamassia, G 326 Tanner, A. E 268 Tanzer, A 94 Tappan, H. P 7. i9, MO. 253 Tappe, F 253 Tapper, T 289 Tarbuck, Miss 360 Tarbuck, H 360 Tarkio College 202 Tarr, R.S 296 Tarver, J. C 40, 312 Taschek, W. P '■ 286 Tate, T 268 Taylor, A. E 376 Tavlor, A. R 268, 312 Tavlor, C. E 399 Tavlor, G.H 322 Taylor, H 399 Tavlor, I S8, 378 Taylor, J.A 348 Taylor, J.O 9, S8 Taylor, S.H i37 Taylor, W. B. S 158 Taylor, W.H 79 Taylor University 202 Tcharnolusky, W Si Tchizhov, T. V 338 Teachers' Association of Cal 60 Teachers College 4. 5, i7. 303. 304 Teachers Co-op. Assoc 13 Teachers Guild of Gt. Brit 13, 297 Teacher's manual 268 Teachers' professional library. ... s Teachers' sanitary bulletin 322 Teachers — Training 297-306 Teaching — Methods 269-297 Teaching of agriculture 366 Teaching of drawing 348 Teaching^Practice 235-269 Teaching— Theory 255-269 Technical education 334-343 Technical schools 339-343 Teegan, T. H 26, 338 Tegetmeier, W. B 352 Tegner, E.K 167 Teichmann, A 168 Temming, E 232, 39s Temple C(jllege 202 Tenbrook, A 171 Tennessee Assoc, of Colleges 14 Tennessee Deaf and Dumb School, 384 Tennessee — Public Instruction.. 79 Tennessee School for the Blind . . 386 Tennessee — State Teachers' As- soc 79 Tennessee University 79 Tenney, E. P 171 Tepe, G 23s Tesch, P 286 Tetlow, J 140, 218, 376 Teutsch, F a Tews, J iz, 112, 123, 218, 395 Texas — Public Instruction 79 Texas University 79, 268 Text-book Commission (Wis.) ... 80 Texte, J 2SO Texte zur gesch. der erz 33 Textiles 348 Thacher, L. W 120 Thalheim, Dr 240 Thamin, R 261 Thaulow, G. F 268, 304 Thayer, A. W loi Thayer, G. F 272 Thayer, J. B 326 Thayer, W. R 189 Thayer Academy 135 Theological Seminary of the Re- formed Ch 33,i Theology 331-333 See also the Theological schools of the various universities. Thery, A. F 26, 218, 268 Thiel, P.J 312 Thiel College 202 Thieme, H 288 Thieme, K. T 33 Thieme, P 286 Thienot, J 277 Thiersch, F. W 132 Thimm, R 132 Thirteen essays 9 Thiry, J. H 112 Thomas, C 282 Thomas, E 20 Thomas, F. S 143 Thomas, F. W 48 Thomas, G. P 58, 140 Thomas, J. B 199 Thomas, M. C 2t8 Thomas, R. E 322 Thomas Cantimpratensis 140 Thomas S. Clarkson Memorial School of Technology 343 Thommen, R 168 Thompson, A. B 231 Thompson, CO... 268, 304, 338, 342, 360 Thompson, H. L 112 Thompson, J. B 200 Thompson, J.H 7 Thompson, J. P 372 Thompson, L. S 348, 360 Thompson, S. R 72 Thompson, W. O 194 Thomson, J 248, 308, 329 Thorbecke, A 152 Thorndike, E 268 Thornton, J. S s, 47 360 Thornwell, J.H 78 Thorpe, F.N 206, 279 Thoughts on domestic education. 378 Thoughts on medical education.. 329 Thrandorf, E 235, 304, 372, 373 Thrasher, M . B 390 Thring, E 106, 268 Throop Polytechnic Inst 343 Thurber, S 58, 272, 399 Thurston, H. W 292 Thurston, R. H 182, 242, 338, 348 Thwaites, R. G 81 Thwing, C. F 13, 140, 171, 218 Ticknor, G 284 Tidball, J. C 329 Tiedemann, D 312 Tiemann, H 228, 284 Tietjen, H. F 286 Tighe, R. S 43 Tiling, W. von i^„ 132 Tillard. H.C 272 Tillinghast, W. H 142 Timbs, J 132 Tischendorf, J 379 Tischhauser, C 253 Tissie, P 322 Titchener, E. B 268 Tobev, W. L 194 Tod, A. H 133 Todd, J 143. 173. 378 Todd, J.H 159 Todhunter, 1 9, 112 Togel, P. H 230, 2S3 Tohoku Gakuin 333 Toischer, W 253 Tokyo — Imp. Coll. of Engineering, 343 Tokyo Imperial University 166 Tokyo^ — Meiji Gakuin 166 Toledo Manual Training School. . 361 Toledo Medical College 329 Tollemache, L. A 10^ Tolman, W. H .'.■.".'.■.' 78 Tolstoi, D. A., count si. 132, 140 Tolstoi, L. N., count 253 Tomaschek, J. A . . . 155 Tomlins, W. L 120 Tommas&), N ,\ 2S3 Tompkins, A 112, 268 Tomsk Universitet 168 Tontschoff, N 235 Topham, T. W 322 Toppen, M los, is3 Torino University 166 Toronto — Industrial School As- soc 348 Torrens, W. T. M 279 Torrey, J 9s Tougaloo University 390 Tougard, A 281 Toulouse, University de 1 46 Toussaint 334 Tower, C. V 224 Towns of the U. S. For munici- pal reports, see alphabetical list, pp. 81-101. Townsend, Dr 42 Townsend, T. S 43 Townsend, W. J 102 Townsend Female Seminary. ... 221 Trabuc, J 26 Tracy, C 142, 211 Tracy, F 312 Trainer, J 112 Training colleges 36 Trainor, R 360 Transvaal 51 Trasenster, L 143, 218 Traub. P. E 284 Trebuss, G 268 Treitschke, H. G. von a, 132 Trench, R. C 272 Trendeleburg, F. A 149 Trenkel, P 281 Trent, W. P 279 Treutlein, T- P 323 Trevelyan, C. E 48 Trevelyan, G. O 156 Treves, F 322 Trimmer, S. K 15, 106 Trinity College (Cambridge Univ.) 157 Trinity College (Conn.) 203 Trinity College (N. C.) 202 Trinity College, University of . . . . 203 Trinity University (Texas) 203 Trinity University (Toronto) .... 203 Tripier, L 288 Tripp, G. H 189 Tromnau, A 274, 279 Troschel, F. H 58 Trotter, J. R 80 Trotter, S 274 Trowbridge, W. P 211, 366 Troxler, I. P. V 168 Trumbull, H. C 222, 378 Triiper, J a, 268, 312, 396 Trustees of Donations for Educa- tion in Liberia 14, i<)o Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund 390 Tryon, T 123 Trzoska, F 322 Tubingen UniversitSt 154, 155 Tucker, E. S 1 20 Tucker, W. J 183, 253 Tuckwell, G. M 396 Tuckwell, W 163 Tuer, A. W 123 Tufts, J. W Tufts College 203 Tulane University 203, 221 Tulloch, J 156 Tupetz, T 19 Turiello, P 49 Turkey — Education 52 Turley, E. A 9 Turnau, D 304 Turner, E 120 Turner, F. C n Turner, F.J 279 Turner, J. B 348 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 433 Turner, R 112, 348 Tuskegee Normal Inst 39© Twesten, A. D. C 152 Twining, T 339 Twitchell, W. 1 277 Two premium essays 268 Tyler, B 332 Tyler, CM 182 Tyler, L. G 180 Tyler, W. S 7. los. i73 Tyndall. J 296 Typewriter, Educat. use of the. . 361 tjber deutsche hohe schulen 132 Uebel, K. F. F 312 Ufer, C 236, 268, 304, 312 387 Underwood, F. H 272 Unhold, J 2i8, 253 Union Christian College 203 Union College 7. 203, 204 Union League Club 397 Union Thcol. Seminary 333 Union University 204 United States — Artillery School. . 33° United States — Census (nth) .. . 58 United States — Congress — Senate 1 7 1 United States — Education 55-59 See also name of special State or citv. United States — Education, Bureau of, 2, 26, 46, 50-52, 5 5. 58, 60,63, 112, 171, 274, 276, 289, 296, 304, 307. 326, 339. 348, 392, 403 United States — Education — Higher 168-212 See also name of special State or city. United States — Education — Secondary 133-13S United States — Hydrographic Office 274 United States Military Academy (West Point) 331 United States— Refugees, Freed- men, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of 39° United States — Special consular repts ' 112 United States, Works on educa- tion in the SS-S9 Universidad de la Habana 212 University Laval 204 Universities and colleges in the U. S. and Canada 172-212 Universities and their sons 171 Universities Commission 44 Universities, Foreign 143-168 Universities, State 5 9-81 University. See also name of uni- versity. University College 164 University College of North Wales 1 64 University College of South Wales 164 University College of Wales 164 University extension 378-380 University magazine 171 University of Albany 205 University of Bishop's College.. .. 329 University of Chicago. See Chi- cago University. University of Deseret 205 University of Indiana 379. 380 University of Kansas 379 University of Louisville 326 University of Michigan, 326, 329, 343. 379 University of Minnesota. . . .343. 380 University of Missouri 343 University of Nebraska 343 University of Oregon 329 University of Pennsylvania, 205, 206, 326, 329 University of Rochester 206 University of St. Joseph's College, 206 University of Southern California, 207 University of the City of N. Y. . . 329 See New York (city) University . University of the Pacific 207 University of the South 207 University of the State of New York. See New York (state) University. University of Toronto 207 University of Wales 164 University of Wooster 207 University of Wyoming 207, 366 University Settlement Society . . . 396 University teaching, see Univer- sity extension 378-380 Unser kind 120 Unsere nationale erziehung 105 Unversagt, T 396 Unwin, M.L. H 360 Unwin, W. C 360 Unwin, W.J 33, 123 Unwins, T 163 Upfold, G 7 Upham, A. A 80, 360 Upham, J. B 289 Uphues, G. K 246 Upper Canada. See Ontario. Upper Iowa University 207 Upsala Universitet 167 Urbana University 207 Urbantschitsch, V 384 Ursinus College 207 Uruguay — Instrucci6n Piiblica.. . 54 Ussing, J . L 20 Utah — District Schools 79 Utah — Public Instruction 79 Utah — Schools, Com. of 79 Utah State Agricultural Coll 366 Utah University 79 Utrecht Universiteit 165 Valentine, T. W 304 Valieri, A 103 Vallauri, T 166 Vallet de Viriville, A 19 Van de Water, G. R 182 Van Liew, C. C 112, 292 Van Wie, C. B 268 Van Wyck, A 77 Vanderbilt, J 92 Vanderbilt University 207 Vanderkindere, L 143 VanMarter, M 373 Van Slyck, N 399 Van Sweevelt, C 360 Varrentrapp, C 132, 150 Vassall, A 296 Vassar College 221 Vaughan, J. 348 Vaughan, R 279 Vecchia, P 253 Veeh, L 376 Vegio, M 253 Veith, G 106 Veitch, J 48 Venable, W. H 9, 232 Venables, L. C 289 Venediger, K 132 Venezuela — Instrucci6n Piiblica.. 54 Veniali, F 253 Verein f . Familien u. Volks-erz ... 118 Verein fur Wissen. Padag 14 Vergerio, P. P 253, 322 Vermilye, T. E 7 Vermont — Beneficiaries, Comm. of 384 Vermont — Common Schools 79 Vermont — Education, Supt. of.. . 79 Vermont — Gen. Assembly.. 79 Vermont — Public Instruction. ... 79 Vermont University 207 Vemaleken, T 373 Vernier, C 268 Verplanck, G. C .140, 173 Verrohung der jugend. Die 312 Verslag van d. staat d. hoogemid- dlebare en lag. scholen d. Nederlanden 48 Versluys, J 284 Versuch iiber die besste lehrart taubstumme zu unterrichten . 384 Vessiot, A 376 Veterinary colleges, see under Medicine 327-329 Vethake, H 7. 95 Victor, W 272 Victoria — Industrial Schools 403 Victoria University 164, 207 Vidrascu, P 228 Vieillot, J 268 Vienna — Handels-academie Ver- ein 350 Vienna — Polytechnisches Inst... . 343 Vienna — Technische Hochschule, 339. 343 Vienna Universitat 15s Viereck, L 132 Vierordt, K. von 322 Vilas, W. F 170, 171 Viles, R 304 Villari, P., 49, 123, 132, 140, 268, 360, 396 Villers, C. F. D 149 Vincent, G. E 9, 396 Vincent, J. H 3, 268 Vincent, M. R 7 Vincent, P 123 Vincent, W 40 Vinton, F 8, 199, 220 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E 348 Virginia — Education, Bd. of 79 Virginia Military Institute 331 Virginia — Public Instruction .... 80 Virginia Theol. Seminary 333 Virginia University 80 Vischer, W 168 Viterbo, S 348 Vittorino da Feltre 102, 253 Vives, J. L 106, 253, 254 Vogel, A. 3, 19, 132, 236, 246, 254, 269 Vogelgesang, E 218 Vogelreuter, A.0 137 Vogt, G 105, 248 Vogt, T 231, 304 Voice from the church 46 Voigt, G 236, 252 Voight, J. A 40 Volcker, G 33, 281, 288, 396 VoUcsschulreform, Die 396 Vollhering, W 132 Vollmann, J 143 Volpi, G. A 2i8 Volta Bureau 384 Von Taube, G 360 Voorhees, E. B 366 Vorlander, K 396 Vorwarts, A 254 Vos de Wael, G.A 123 Voss, G. von 322 Vossius, G.J 280, 323 Vrbka, A 228 Vries, 165 Vuagnat, A 118 Vyatka 123 Vyatka — Zemstvo 307 Wabash College 207 Wachler, J. F. L 149 Waddel,/. N 71 Wade, W. M 163 Wadham College 161 Wadlin, H.G 396 Wadsworth, M. E 339, 34a Wadsworth, W. W 373 Wagener, L 243 Wagner, .\. H. G 149 Wagner, E 236 Wagner, G 236 Wagner, L 269, 322 Wahl, W. H 340 Wahlberg, W. E 155 Wahle, K 132 Wainwright, J . M 8, 203 Wainwright, L 158 Wait, W. B 386 Waite, M 352 Waitz, T 268, 269 Wake Forest College 207 Wakeman, A. van H 352 Walburg, A. H 286 Walcker, K 218 Waldeck, O 254, 269 Waldever, H. W. G 149 Waldstein, C 348 Waldstein, L 269 Walker, A. S 159 Walker, C. A 177 Walker, CD 331 Walker, F. A. . .9, 171, 254, 288, 304. 339. 348, 360 Walker, G 1 20 Walker, J ^ 163, 188 Walker, L 360 434 EDUCATION Walker, W. A 90 Wall. A 158 Walpole, S 43 Walsemann, A 250, 255, 269 Walsh, J, H 322 Walsh, W. J 157 Walters, J. D 365 Walther, T 269 Walton, G. A 68, 113. 288 Wander, K. P. W 106 Ward, A 123 Ward, D. W 296 Ward, G. R. M 161 Ward, H 304 Ward, J 5 Ward, L. F 360 Ware, P 37. 4°. 282, 284, 304 Ware, W. R 339 Warfield. E. D 191. 322, 373 Warner, A. G 297 Warner, CD 171, 200, 403 Warner, P 3i3. 322 Warner. J. De W 182 Warre. E 322 Warren. C 58, 392. 396 Warren, H. P 132 Warren. J 48 Warren. J. C 322 Warren, L. E 384 Warren, S 326 Warren, S. E 348 Warren, W. P 218 Wartburg Orphans' Parm School, 396 Warth, O iS4 Wasenius, M 282 Washburn, E 134. 292, 327, 396 Washburn College 207 Washington, B. T 39° Washington and Jefferson Col- lege 8, 208 Washington and Lee University . . 208 Washington (Conn.) College... 207 Washington (D. C.) — Colored Girls' School 388 Washington (D. C.) Colored Schools 391 Washington (D. C.) — Pub. Schools 322 Washington (Penn.) College 208 Washington (Va.) College 208 Washington Kindergarten Union 118 Washington (State) Agricultural College 367 Washington (State) — Public In- struction 80 Washington State University .... 80 Washington University 8, 208 Wasserfuhr 322 Waterbury. R. L 296 Waters. R 378 Waterston. R. C 105. 373 Waterstraat, H 304 Watkins, A. B 76 Watson, D 171 Watson, P 242 Watson, P. R 102 Watson, J 403 Watson, J. C 7° Watson, W 339 Watson, W. H 76 Watt, W. E 362 Watt Institution 350 Wattendorff, L 33 Watts. 1 123, 378, 396 Watts, J.T 348 Way. A". S 272 Way, D. M 384 Wayland, P 8, 103, 171, 254 Way land Seminary 391 Wead, C. K 296 Weaver, E. A 118 Webb, 8 339 Weber, A 19 Weber, H 113, 322 Webster, D 183, 280 Webster, W. C 399 Webster, W. F 272 Weckerle, P 360 Weeks, E. R 132 Weeks, W. R 272 Weerts, J- H. T 237 Wegele, P. X. von 155 Wehmeier, B 132, 376 Wehmer, R 322 Wehner, H 229 Wehrli, J.J 106 Wehrmann. K 236 Weicker, G 22 Weigand, H 280 Weigert, M 348 Weiland L 151 Weilinger, A 152 Weiller, K 9 Weinstein, P 102 Weinthaler, P 284 Weinwurm, R 290 Weis. J. E 229 Weiskonig, P 269 Weiss. G 329 Weisse, G 140 Weisweiler, J 281 Welch, A 192, 329 Welch, A. S 123. 269 Welch. P.G 322 Weicker, K. T 397 Welldon, J. E. C 9, 373 Wellesley College 221 Welling, J. C 280 Wellington, O. H 269 Wellman. L. H 218 Wellmer, M 218 Wells, A 123 Wells, J 163. 280 Wells, S. H 339 Wells. W. H 113 Wells College 221 Welton, J 254 Wendt, P. M 269 Wendt, G 132, 272, 286 Wendt. 284 Wendte, C. W 397 Werder, F. von 251 Werra, T 33 Werry, P 2S0 Werther, W 34, 304 Wesendonck. H 236 Weshalb christliche volksschule ?. 373 Wesleyan Academy 13s Wesleyan Female College 221 Wesleyan University 208 Wessely. N. H 22 Wessenberg. I. H. K. von 20 West. A. F. ... 21, 102, 137, 171, 199, 247 West, C. E 204 West Point Military Acad. See U. S. Military Acad 331 West Virginia — Free Schools .... 80 West Virginia — Public Instruc- tion 80 West Virginia University 80 Westcott, E. C 269 Western College 221 Western Drawing Teachers' As- soc 349 Western Literary Inst 14 Western Pennsylvania Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb 384 Western Reserve University. 208, 222 Western University of Penn 208 Westminster College (Mo.) 209 Westminster College (Pa.) 209 Weston, E. P 254 Wetherbee, E. G 272 Wetherell. L 218 Wey, H. D .■;. 403 Wevgadt, W 323 Weygoldt 34 Weyland, J 4° What manual training is 360 Wheare, D 280 Wheaton College 209 Wheaton Female Seminary 222 Wheeler, B. 1 6i Wheeler, C. G 360 Wheelock, E 1 83 Whewell, W 158. 288 Whitaker, C 360 White, A. D., 3, S9. 7°. 140, i42t 171, 181, 182, 210, 280, 292, 339. 399 White, C 304 White, D. A 188 White, E 2S4 White, E. E.. .113, 199, 2S4. 269, 339. 396 White, P. E 323, 329 White, G. G 349 White, H 93 White. R. G 272 White, VV. n 339 White, W, W 373 Whiting, L 177 Whiting. W 179 Whitman. B. L 171, 373, 397 Whitney, A. S 34 Whitney. J. D 179 Whittemore, H 68 Whittier, J. G 120 Wickenhagen, H 323 Wickersham. J. P. ..78, 113, 269, 304 Wickham, C. T 323 Wickliffe, R 66 Wicks. J.P 273 Widgery. W. H s Widmann, B 290 Wie soil sich der bautechniker eine zv/eckentsprechende ausbildung erwerben? 339 Wie studiert man class, philol ?... 137 Wie studiert man neu philol.'.... 284 Wie studirt man jurisprudenz.. . . 327 Wiebe. E 118 Wieck. H 104 Wiedemann, P 123, 304 Wieley, N.M 83 Wiese, L. A 40, 46. 132. 218. 254 Wiessner, E 236, 361 Wiget, T 236 Wigge, H 113, 304. 396 Wightman, J. M 83 Wijnne, J. A 165 Wilberforce, R. 1 40 Wilberforce, S 40 Wilcox, S.M 59 Wilde, W. R. W 329 Wilderspin, S 123 Wiley. C.H 77 Wilgus, H.L 77 Wilk, E 296 Wilke. E 229 Wilke, G 239 Wilken. P 1S2 Wilkins, A. S 20 Wilkins. E 274 Wilkinson. J. H 113 Willamette University 209 Willard, E 106 WiUard, H.J 352 Willard, M.R 357 Willebv, C 2S9 Willems. P. G. H 26 Willev. S.H 61 William Jewell College 209 Williams 301 Williams. C. E 281 Williams, D 9. 132 254 WilUams, G. A 280 Williams, H 349 Williams, J 8, 171, 327 Williams, 5j'r M. M i57 Williams,? iST Williams, S.G 21 Williams, S.W 47 Williams. W 163 Williams. W. B 399 Williams, W.R 8 Williams College 209 Williamson Free School of Me- chan. Trades 35° Williston Seminary 222 Willmann. O 20. 254, 396 Willmarth, C.H 296 WiUms, E 218 Willock, L 290 Willock, W. A 123 Wilmington Institute 35° Wilmot, E. P. E 132 Wilson, G 157. 160 Wilson, T- D 296 Wilson, J. M 296 Wilson, Jacob 272 Wilson, John 4° Wilson, Joseph is8 Wilson, L.L.W 123. 296, 348, 35 2 Wilson, L.N 308 Wilson, W 16. 124 Wilson, W. H 361 Wilson, W. L 208 AUTHOR AND CLASSIFICATION INDEX 435 Wilson College 222 Wilton, E.S 352 Wiltse, S.E 120 Wimmer, H 59 Wimpheling, J 254 Winch, W. H 254, 296 Winchell, A 7°. 14°. 202 Winchell, N. H 132 Winchester, C. T 272 Winchester College i33 Winchester Industrial School 4°3 Wines, E. C 396 Wines, F. H 387 Winke u. wohlmeinende rath- schlage 22 Winship, A. E 59. 102, 254 Winslow, H 102, 254, 284 Winston, G. T 282 Winter, A A°i Winterburn, F. H i\i, 376 Winterbum, R. B 280 Winthrop Normal College 222 Wirth, M 52 Wisconsin — Forestry Comm 367 Wisconsin Industrial School 403 Wisconsin Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb 384 Wisconsin — Normal Schools 304 Wisconsin — Public Instruction... 80 Wisconsin — School and Univ. Lands, Bd. of Comm. of 80 Wisconsin vSchool for the Deaf — 384 Wisconsin Teachers' Assoc 80, 81 Wisconsin — Text -Book Comm.. . 80 Wisconsin University 81 Wise, T. A 48 Witasek, S 261 Withers, H. L 280, 301 Witherspoon, T. D 71 Withington, L 113 Witt, A 153 Wittenberg Universitat iS5 Wittich, W 34. 124, 304 Wittman, H 286 Wittneben, A 275 Wittstock, A 20, 238, 269, 323 Wohlrabe, W 103, 105, 113, 269 Wolf, A 313 Wolf. P ' 288 Wolf, F. A 2S4 Wolf, J 327 Wolff, M 26 Wolf's philosophisch-padag. va- demecum 2 Wolfrum, K 349, 362 Woller, R 286 Wolter, A 2, 254 Woman's College of Baltimore. .. 222 Woman's College of Frederick .. . 222 Woman's Medical Coll. (N. Y.) . . 329 Woman's Medical Coll. (Penn.) . . 329 Women, Education of 212-222 Women's Educational and In- dust. Union-school 352 Wood, A. k 163 Wood, C. W 220 Wood, G 361 Wood, J 46 Wood, J . G 322 Wood, T. H 84 Wood, O. E 331 Wood, T. W 143 Wood. W 91 Woodbridge, S. H 323 Woodbridge, W. C 27s, 290, 308 Woodbum, J. A 64 Woodford, S.L 8 Woodhouse, E 323 WoodhuU, J. F 296 Woodman, J. S 140 Woodridge, M. C 355 Woods, A 8 Woods, R. A 380, 396 Woodward, CM 4, 208, 361 Woodward, F. C 272 Woodward, W. H 253 Woodwork, see Manual training, 353-361 Woodworth, F. G 390, 391 Woolman, M. S 352 Woolsey, T. D 8, 211 Wooster, L. C 296 Wooton, E 143 Worcester, J. F 1S3 Worcester Co. Free Inst, of In- dustrial Science 350 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 350 Wordsworth, C 157, 373 Working-man's School (N. Y) . . . 350 Working-men's Assoc 39 Workman. W. P 288 Wormell, R 296 Worsley, T 158 Wort iiber die ressortverhalt. d. m adchenschulen, Ein 214 Wotton, W 254 Wowapi 302 Wright. C. D 141, 218 Wright, H.C 120 Wright, J. H 137. 171 Wright, T IS7 Wright, W 327 Wright-Humason School 384 Wrightson, J 367 Writers' Pub. Co 75 Wulckow, E.R 218 Wundtke, M 113 Wiinschmann, M. C. F 254 Wurkert, J. G 254 Wurst, R. J 269 Wiirttemberg 34 Wiirttemberg — Gewerbliche Fort- bildungsschule, Comm. fur die 350 Wurzburg Universitat 155 Wurzer, F 323 Wiistemann, E. F 106 Wyatt, C. H 339 Wychgram, J 218 Wyer, J. 1 2 Wylie, D. G 397 Wyman, M 113 Wynter, A 3S7 Wyoming — Public Instruction. . 81 Wyse, T 40, 396 Wyss, F 304, 376 Yale University 8, 209-212 YorkCo.(Eng.) — County Council 339 Yorkshire College 164 Youmans, E. A 313 Youmans, E. L 9, 352 Young, C.S 361 Young, E. P 113 Young, Sir G 141 Young, J. R 384 Young, J. T 96 Young, J. W. A 288 Young, M 210, 212 Young, S 8 Young, W. J 182 Young, W. T 269 Young Gentleman's Library. ... 378 Yrjo-Koskinen, Y . K 47 Zachos, J. C 260 Zaglia, M 269 Zanardus, M 323 Zander, C 275 Zander, R 323 Zange, F 104, 373 Zapp, A 34 Zamcke, F 149, 153 Zasius, U 106 Zedler, G 154 Zehnder, J. (S.) 254 Zeissig, E 269 Zeitschrift f. math. u. naturwis- sen. unt 288, 296 Zeitschrift fiir schulgesundheits- pflege 323 Zeller, C. A. F. von 246 Zeller, E 137 Zeller, E. G 149 Zeller, J. S 277 Zellem, A. C iS5 Zelter, J 104 Zerenner, K. C. G 255. 269 Zesch, M 34 Zezschwitz, G. von 246 Zeta Psi 143 Zeumer, J. C 152 Ziegler, F. V. von 149 Ziegler, K 236, 269, 280 Ziegler, T 20, 34, 132 Ziehan, J 272 Ziehen, T 236, 313 Ziller, T 2S5 Zillessen, F 34 Zimmermann, A 157, 171 Zimmermann, R. A. T 236 Zimmern, A so Zincke, F. B 255 Zingg, E 34, 229 Zoller, E 141 Zoller, F 246 Zollikofer, G. J 9 Zollmann, W 104 Zollner, J. K. F 149 Zubiaur, J.B 54 Zueblin, C 322 Zur padagog. pathologie 323 Zurich, Public Instruction of ... . 52 Zwez, W 308 Zwingli, U 313 Zwitzers, A. E 240 THIS BOOK IS DUE 01^ tsv r STAMPED BEL^w ^^^ ^^^^ AN INITIAL pTn?^^ ^'AV ANS^;^^J°-OCENTS^/;'4';^NAtTY OVERDUE. *'°° °N THE SEVENTH'^Dr '.'34 VE 14016 04 2:?!n52