UC-NRLF $B MDb SMS c=oo-... ::;;> A vi A \ i X 1 . 11 E BK W (J R A JM IM A R , roR ruv] USE or bb:ginners. BV J. SSIXJUS. Second edition, enlarged and improv-ed* ^^;.:-^::-<>.c-<:^-^:;>-c:<':>^oi-^-:::---^>^:>o--:::>c>:;:>c:>::>c.--c>::.^;:>:;::Ni:N ^;?t Oir -^ T> REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, >?^r^/7W s^^^J^.. Shelf No.. .yf.. MANUAL HEBREW GRAMMAR FOR THE USE OF BEGINNERS. BY J. SEJXAS x\ ^econb etJitian enlarged anti imjprobeb ANDOVER I PRINTED BY GOULD AND NEWMAN. 1834. V^ PREFACE. At the request of many friends who have used the first edition of my Manual Hebrew Grammar, I have concluded to publish a second edition enlarged. The additions ai'e designed to facilitate the acquisition of Hebrew, and make assistance from the living teacher less indispensabje. The lessons and rules, though comparatively few and brief, are, I believe, sufficient to give an easy and rapid insight into the general formation of the language. Some years' experience as a teacher, and the favorable opinions of those whom I have had the pleasure of teaching, convince me that with proper attention to the following rules, and with the aids of oral instruction as given to my classes, any one desirous to become acquainted with this language may be enabled in a short time and with little trouble, to read with much pleasure and satisfaction. This edition is enlarged by more copious rules ; by exercises in spelling, reading, and translating ; and by a full table of the Accents. Also a table of the characteristics of the conjugations in the future tense and in the participles has been added ; and the list ofanomalies at the end has received some accessions. Those who read this work will doubtless wonder at, or find fault with, the singular arrangement of the rules ; but although I do not follow the order of philosophy, yet I follow, as it seems to me, the order of na- ture ; or perhaps I should say, the order which I have found most advan- tageous and satisfactory to my pupils. Others also, conversant with He- brew, have expressed their entire approbation of the plan here pursued. As trifling as these lessons may appear to many, it has cost me sever- al years' labor to collect and 'arrange them. By a careful and frequent reading of the Bible, with all the necessary helps before me, I have ob- tained what these sheets will set forth. A reviewer in the Christian Examiner suggested the expediency of giving to n and n the sound of th ; of pronouncing p like qu ; and also of representing ^ and ID by sh. For the kind notice which he was pleased to take of the Manual, I would express my gratitude ; but I must here say, that according to my views of the Hebrew language, and the present arrangement of the best Lexicons in regard to il) and U5, the al- terations suggested are inexpedient. IV PREFACE. A few short rules and notes are repeated in some instances for the purpose of refreshhig the memory of the learner as he proceeds. The portions included in brackets with the exceptions of the examples, should be thoroughly committed to memory. Instead of printing some thirty or forty pages of Paradigms, I have published on a single sheet, the charac- teristics of all the conjugations. This Tabular View is very useful and convenient ; and can be procured of the printers and the pubhsher of this work. I humbly hope, through divine favor, that the time devoted to pre- paring this Manual will not prove to have been spent in vain. A desire to benefit others and promote the best of all studies the study of the Bi- ble, has been my strongest inducement to undertake it. J. SEIXAS. June, 1834. 0;;^ The time required in a course of Hebrew instruction as given by me, is six weeks, one lesson of about an hour being given each day. Since publishing the first edition of this Grammar, I have published a Chal- dee Manual of twenty pages, which I deem sufficiently copious for a beginner who is already acquainted with Hebrew.* I have also in manuscript, Syriac and Arabic Manuals, which 1 hope to have printed when there is a suflicient de- mand for them. '*' This little work can be obtained from Messrs. Gould and Newman, the printers and pub- lishers. fuUIVEESITY) HEBREW ALPHABET. POWERS OF THE LETTERS AND VOWELS. ^ C (aideph) not heard in reading ; if it have a vowel, sound the vowel ^ ( as K OM, t e, N o, i)i 00, etc. a 6 ^g -ri d n h 1 V T s n kh t Final *) . letters if IJ 3 ^ D 52 m ] 3 n D 5 Y y gn S ts 1 r tb 5/1 to 5 n t Vowels. T sounds aw in cause. " a in Jar, '^ or' 1 a in ale, o in bone.* 00 in 6oo^^ ce in meet. e in me/. a in hat. a in same, in /20/e. see 5. ?/ mJlilL i in 62V. in ?2o/. e in met. As some of the letters resemble each oth- er, it would be well for the learner to notice the following: 1. 6 n 5 ^ 8. z T 1 n 2. ^ ^ 3 n 9. kh n n /i 3. cz n 1^ 10. kh n n f 4. d n 1 r 11. m 12 D / 5. iJ 1 ^ ^ 12. m u D 5 6. t; ^ 1 n 13. ts :s 3? gn 7. z T 1 V Note. The letters a , a , n , 5 , B , n , are by some, sounded M, gh, dh, kh, ph, th, i. e. when they have no point (Dagesh) in them. See 8. ^ is pronounced kau; as ^VSit a-kol-kau ; '^h le-kau ; but with '^ , "rj'na ic- foZc, "TiV iawA;, etc. ' ^'' When 3> cw(/5 a syllable it is sounded ng ; as y^r dang, not dagn. The dot over to and ty , is often used for the vowel o l" (- ), i. e. it answers fM?o purposes ; as^^h (kho-shek)i!QX'^'i:hi'^^_'S gno-sher,'^'t^ yo-shab,T!Mi'ti so-na. * The vowel oo ( !) ) is a dot in the letter "j ; the vowel o in hoiie is a dot over a letter, thus : i o, a ho, n do ; all the other vowels are placed under the letters. HEBREW ALPHABET. NAMES OF THE LETTERS AND VOWELS. 1 ^^ (auleph) not sounded ; if it have a vowel, sound the vowel. 2 S baith Vowels. 3 3 geemel Zo?ig*. 4 '^ dauleth T Kaumets au in caw5e. 5 n ha Tsa'ree a in o/e. 6 1 vauv 1 or *" Kho lem o in bone. 7 T zayin 1 Shoorek oo in boot 8 n khaith ^^ Khee rek ce in meet Filial 9 20 7 lau'med Short. - Pat'takh a in father. 30 V Segole e in me/.^ n ] 40 50 60 12 maim D saumekh T^ Kau mets (short) o in wo^e. ' Kibboots u in yw//, KheeVek {short) i in 6e7. 70 r . 5^ gnaym Composite Shevau. 80 S/a Very short vowels. ^ By means of these two dots ( : ), called Simple Shevau (see 7), three Y 90 !^ tsauda composite Shevaus are made ; viz. 100 p ^o/e -: Shevau Pat takh,J a in hat. 200 n raz5/i " Segole in met- to 5ee/z " Kau mets o in not. 300 "d 5/iecn Note. Shevau, e^^Aew sounded, is a very 400 T\ tauv short e ; as "^ps pewa, or p'wa. See 7. * Segole is sounded like a in ale, 1. When it stands in a simple (unmixed) syllable ; as qD3 ka-seph ; 2. Before the quiescents n fi<; as 113 p73 mik-na, n^ , ''a , ^{ir ; 3. Before a guttural in which there is an implied Dagesh ; as ')''h^^ (for T^nN ) , D'^nnrj (for Q^nnn ). The gutturals and the letter ^ (with a very few exceptions) do not receive a Dagesh. See ^ 4. t *] stands for 500, d 600, ; 700, V\ 800, y 900, fi^* 1000, 3 2000, etc. 57. 5. \. or Khau-teph Pattakh, Khau-teph Segole, Khau-teph Kaumets. GENERAL REMARKS. 1. The small point found in the centre of a letter is called Dagesh; the small point in n final is called Mappik ; as n'^ttJN'ia, fi^na, ?iT^, :)SD, r73, nr)2^, n^s, n^^i^n^l- 2. A Jiorizontai stroke between words is called 3Iaccaph* which serves to connect them ; as Ss-^'i^iN, ""^iS-yi^ . 3. A perpendicular line placed under a letter is called Metheg, or Matheg ; as anNH , nlr^NT , riN^nT , ii^0^_ ; ^ the syllable with Me- theg, should be read with some stress. In a few cases Metheg is found withShevau; asH^D, tDNT, Di;?.! . Note 1. When this occurs between a Kaumcts and Shevau, it shows that the Kaumets is long; as njT^i^ (au-khe-lau) she ate, hnt nVsij (ok h-1 au) /oorZ.* If Metheg is the on/*/ accent on the word, it is tonic ; in all other cases, it is euphonic. Note 2. When it falls on the ultimate or penult syllable of a verse, it is call- ed ( p^Vo ) Silluk, which signifies stop ; as : ti^s ';y , : V^.i^tn * These dots ( : ) are called p^ios tl'io i. e, end of a verse. 4. i< n n 5? are called Gutturals ; these, with the letter "^ , do not admit Dagesh, but the vowel which precedes them is usually length- ened as a compensation for Dagesh, (see 66. (4) * note) ; as ^"}.2 for rj-^3, !:^' for "b^jn , Jtihw^f for NinN , V^NJi for V"^'^^ 5 see 7. 1. * note. The gutturals (although not confined to any particular point- ing) commonly take a composite Shevau when other letters would take a simple one ; as ( fimjPS ), Cl^b^^^ , tin^las? . t 5. Short Kaumets ( o in note or not) can be distinguished from the long one in the following ways : 1. When a Shevau (expressed or implied) or Maccaph follows it without an accent intervening ; as "^^^JJ a-khol-khau, S^^^^. j a-khol- khem, -"b^iS! a-khol, "^J.:^: , Qp/^l , nJarT , -i'*^*"; , -^3 , -nit , etcj 3. When a Dagesh follows it; as ''^^Irj khonnanee for^^5 3 2ii ; "^^^ for "^33^, etc. See & 56. 4. Note. * Maccaph and Metheg are Euphonic accents ; Silluk is both a pause and tonic accent. All the other marks above and below words are tonic accents. See 41. Note. Instead of Metheg, we sometimes find another accent ; as ^s^toi for ^ji'ias ; npny'' for r!pJi3> ; ^s^'a^si for ^srii , etc. ''^ '" t -. T It -. IT ' -. T ; ; IT ; ' t Letters which are not gutturals sometimes take composite Shevau ; as ph^"; , c^'ainp^. , ^V^^ , ^\}X'^ for 'is^a , nnp^V for r\r\'^h . X A silent Shevau is understood (implied) under the last letter of every word, provided such letter have no vowel under it, and is not a quiescent. See 6. This mark ( "^ or "" ) is placed over words in this grammar to show the ac- cented syllable ; words without it (or some other mark), are accented on the last syllable. 8 Exceptions. ntt , ""^^tt , ~fi^ , ^3^ , nstj , HteV, n)a\ , and a few oth- ers; i. e. Kaumets being long in these examples. 6. The letters ^I'rii^, (called Quiescents) are silent in forms like the following ; thus : N in rr^tJi^^a , N'ns , i^'^\ , inlDJ^^^ , n^&iS ; n in ^rr^rt, iib'^S , n^^^r), ii^it, n^, nV:3; t in ^-'2, "irir^, fi<^n, tnnri, nn\ ^nn , i^iri, "iifi<, la'^^b, is^^it, ^ 3 ; "^ in "^q-ij, "^^n, for TiilV^i , n;Jn''3 , n^'n'^a , see 61. 3. 63. Of course no quiescent can have a vowel. Note 1. In such forms as ^^s ((I'-lay, -^^e), iVsji {a-lauy, a-lo7j) ,['^^^'3 (kau- sooy), iVft {goy) "^bS (ne-suy), i is sounded; and in such forms as n^ni , '*Vp (io-ra), I'-.y , "^I'y ,'m'i:>a (mits-voth) , rti'V, ri|i.i: (tslvvau),^ is sounded. i- or Ji- at the end is read auv. Note 2. In such forms as r\^r]\ , T,^'n'^^ , ^'e^V. > although the Shevau is silent, yet the letters over it are not properly quiescents. Of Shevau (:), {Simple). 7. Shevau simple is of two kinds ; viz. silent and pronounced. Shevau is silent, 1. When it follows the vowels _,..,., ^ (short), and _ (with- out "^ following), unless there be a Dagesh in the letter over Shevau ; as ^7.^- yab-dal, ti'^'iVi tadsha, i<^l yar, N^p^ yik-rau, T^^J^W^ mem- sha-let, Jl^p^ miJc-va, ^^ip/ia &2V-A;ee-a^, 'jh^'p shul-kJiaun, Tt'l^^gnoh- dauh, T^'z^ a-MoI-khau, ln^^\l3 shom-rau, t'ih'2^ a-Jchol-khem* Such forms as "i-jiV 'ill J TiPl, '''nSW , etc. are with vocal Shevau, on ac- count of the Dagesh. ^n":!, Tj-i.^n ? ^^^V~> ^^-^.1 f Tih^'=^.1\ i t^ip'^r;, -\i^in, '^Vn f "i^i^n , are with vocal Shevau, because a Dagesh is implied in "^ , V , and . See 23. Note 1. 59. Note 1. 2. At the end, or when it is the last point of a word ; as i<^*T va- y^ ^^2 y^fi, ^^12 va-yasht, riJ^ at, m "PiN aut, ^ID , ^^3, j^"^!} , p'-P^lIj j]'^^.1 ^^-y(ib^, ^'ointosf. 3. After a long vowel which has a pause or tonic accent on it ; as : nblDN au-khal-tau, =iah5N a-naukh-noo, ""nrop , nsiD^^m , NV^ , pb' , rrfi^'^Sn , n73-ip.t. See 41. Note 4. * Some of the short vowels become long when they stand before a guttural in which a dugesh is implied, or when thev stand for a long vowel ; as Ch2 for trt3=tP3; ^ri.s for Vr!a=^5r;5 ; yrn for ',^rin=V^1 ^ l'n:< for ".^Pit (T^rii<) ; :3'in for s^^n ; ^Vs; for tiVis"^ . See 6G. (4). t When two different accents are on a word, the second one marks the tone; but if both accents are alike, then the^r^i marks it ; as bntjri , KSK , -ittsin. . 9 4. In the middle of a word if another one follow it, (but see 2.) ; as *\^12'^'^^ yish-me-gnoo, =l^sn^ yit-pe-roo, mb^n^ maJc-she-both. Pronounced Shevau. Shevau is pronounced, 1. At the beginning of a word ; as Ci^T ve-im or v^m, "^-^ , ''nD . 2. When it follows a long vowel that has not the tone upon it ; as Tlh^n hau-ye-tau or hau-ifthau, ^h'^n ta-tse-oo, ^^n"n , 1*5? gno. ^ i. Jinal- *1 T yau. to, ito so.t 2 bi. ^ 3 kau. ''^, ito sho.t ? g^- b lau. etc. etc. a mau. 'JN* 00. f ni^ au. see 6. .1 3 nau. 12 boo. &^2 bau. see 6. D sau. etc. etc. gnau. \y ee. ni^ a. see 6. s T pau. *>^ gnee. i^p na. see 6. fau. ^'IS tsee. etc. 2 tsau. etc. ni^^ 0. see 6. * a C^^ is always hard. t The point over u; and ':; often answers for the vowel Kholeni ; as S5'C (so- na) = N3 'r ; rrcW (mosha) = n "i'b . I 1 at the beginning of a word is pronounced oo, not too; as nai 00-60. u in full, bull. II i in bit ; as Cs m, ",a im, J^"^ ?/i/c, yo min, etc. 11 h kau. "1 rau. C3 sau. t2 T shau. n tau. fi< a.^ Til ro. see 6. p. ka- etc. n ta. \v a. see 6. S fa. *'?. ba. (; etc. ^3 na. (( w^ a. t '. i etc. 3 na. HN a.* (( etc. na ma. etc. u Of Simple and Composite Shevau. Simple Shevau. be or b' . See 7. Pro- nounced Shevau. 1. ve or v'. " " S pe or p . etc. ^ is not to be sounded ke ; e. g. 'TjS,^^^,^X, T^.l^}, '^ri, T|1D, etc., are always pronounced bank {baukK)^ lauk Qaukh), ak {akh), shak {shakh),pok (pokh), tik {iikh), nook {nookh), etc. Composite (compound) Shevau. ^ a. See p. 6. Compos- ite Shevau. n ha. etc etc. i^ 5. t: n kho. t: etc. Rules for Reading. 1. Sound the consonants before the vowels; as a , 3 , 6aw, ^aw, not aub, auk. See Rule 5. ^ Pallakh is sounded like a in father; but when a Dagesh or silent Shevau (expressed or implied) follows it, it is sounded like a in hat} as fi^ ydrrif V% bdl, '2;"7j; kd-ddsh or kdd-ddsh, (see 6. Also 56. 4. Note). t See p. 6. * note. 12 2. No letter, except the last one of a word, must be sounded, unless it have a vowel belonging to it ; as VrJ< a-lauv, not a-lauyv ; n'^UJfetnS b'ra-sheet or be-ra-sheeth, (^here J< and "^ are without a vowel ; n though without a vowel, is the last letter of a word). The last letter of a word without a vowel, is always sounded, (or rather, united to the preceding syllable) unless such letter be a quiescent, see 6. 3. The vowel Shoorek ( O is a dot in the letter Vauv ( 1 ) ; the Vauv ( 1 ) however, is not to be sounded; as "'TJ^ oo-mee, not voo-mee ; inn to-hoo, not to-hoov ; Vn haii-yoo, not hau-yoov. 4. The vowel Kholem ( 1 or ~ ) is a point either over the right of the letter vauv ( T ) or over the left of some other letter ; as tl'nri te-hom, nn'zT bd-hoo, nikN nt or, "^th kho'Shehh or hho-sheh* It will be re- collected that vauv ( T ) is not to be pronounced unless it have a vowel after or under it, as in the following examples ; 'llj?*; yik-kau-voo,i M^Vl^ ye-hO'Vau, ''Vp ko-vd. 5. When h , ? , or n ends a word, the ro2Z7e/ must be pronounced before the consonant; as n^^i roo-akh, not roo-kha; 5"'p"n rau-kee-dngy not rau-kee-gnd ; n*)b^. e-lo-dh, not e-lo-hd. 6. When i' cn^/s a syllable it is sounded like n^ ; as 5>'7 c?an^, not dagn, l'^^^.. yeng-shdn, not yegn-shdn. Note 1. The letters iN, n, b , tJ, D, are often lengthened out to fill up the line, thus : 5< Jt ^ & Sn . Note 2. Such forms as the following, which are few in number, are to be regarded ^s fancies or errors. Sli^l , ?l''t25?ni=) ; CN'nsn^, f^'^p'^J, "JTiitJ?.; t'^r-.\ ^"^^^ ; '^^'^'r.^rl ^^^ ^^^^ others, i. e. with enlarged^ diminished, inverted, suspended, and spotted or dotted letters. The following Exercises will be sufficient for the pre- sent, to exemplify the foregoing ' Rules for Reading,' and also the preceding Sections.\ * The dot over to and ^ is often used for the vowel Kholem, i. e. it answers two purp s;s; viz. it distinguishes the letter and stands for Kholem; as SSto so- naj Ntoa b'so, ua bosh, n^'W mo-sha ; forms like z'-a^ are to he read ri-mos. t Dagesh /orie (see 56.) doubles the letter in which it is found. See 56. 4. Note. t It must be remembered that Plobrew is read beginning at the right hand, and proceeding towards the left. 13 EXERCISE 2. Jtfmrf Syllables. f\i^_ af !:.V el DwV ira n;^ ub* ni-1 badt:: : : - 12 bad p ben ]S bin ] n bun ni5 bart b^_ gal d? gesh 15 gid 15 gur n/M gasbt d'l dam ^^. del ni dib 11 dun n^l dalt nri bar D?l_ bera ]" bin bp bui n^n halt nr zar DT zem t|T zif DT zum niT zart :^n kbag DH kbem t:n kbit 5^n kbuf Din khart etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. EXERCISE 3. TWO SYLLABLES, SIMPLE AND MIXED. A simple and mixed syllable. 7\vo mixed syllables. ~ T au-mar ^?^. ek-kobt ins bau-khar 115:^3 bil-mod J '" -r gau-dal n^ns:5 T gof-reet irini dau-rash r\irh/i dal-totj Tin hau-dar mri bav-vott Dm vau-b^b zik-raum n3T zau-bat ^VP- khad-ra pV.n khau-l^k etc. etc. * u infull; or according to some, u in but. t Dagesh /or Note. For further particulars respecting the accents see t nib-) nin*^!? "inn D^^bwy ^d3 nin^b ^nn mna nirr^' hip risa nw-H'? It a IV T ; ) " A " ) : ' I tm ninnb nsn nin^-5?ip : tiip -i:n^n nin'^' b^n-^ nnn^ ^'^n'^ nin'^ Vip iVs ib:D^"In1 m'i3?^ Ston^i ni5?\^^ bhin^ i hin^ ^ip J linn n^*&^ I 3" jx - -. - V 'C'x; X ; i^*** J-; ( x ; 19 DIVISION OF THE ALPHABET. [ 9. The Hebrew Alphabet is divided into Radi- cals and Serviles, ^^51 ilI23!D )T\^i< are called serviles, because they are used for many purposes in the language. The rest of the letters are called radicals, because they form the roots of words. A radical can never become a servile (see 39), but a servile may become a radical when found in the Root. Seven of the above serviles are called Prefixes, because they are often prefixed to words ; they follow, with their respective significations.* tat signifies From, on account of, out of, by means of, hi comparison of of, at, to, on, since, etc. ('D is a contraction of ]53 ), See 60. 71. ti " Who, which, because, that, etc. ( tD is a con- traction of ^m ). See 64. 68. n " The, this, that, who, which, O, etc. 1 " And, but, yet, then, that, or, nor, even, now, so, etc. !D " As, like, according to, when, in, through, etc. ^ " To, as to, for, of, from, near, before, at, on account of, upon, by, through, in, (perhaps withy ^ is a contraction of 7i^ See 71. D " In, with, by, over, among, when, throughout, for, through, against, on, to, under, etc.] * The learner need only commit the significations of the Prefixes which are printed in Italics. t This prefix usually takes Tsaree (),when it is followed by the letters K , n , h , y , or n . See 60. also 4. 20 Note. The Article (Jl) is frequently supplied after some of the a- bove Prefixes ; as n'''dN'^!3 in the beginning] ^'''^'1 o,^d the life giving power, spirit; W'z in the day, for QVnz ; V^.i^S in the land or earth, for y~i.>fr72 ; 1:^2 in the cloud, for ]53?n3 ; n5;3 according to the time^ for n^;n3 ; t]1[^.^ to the cast, irt72 from the mountain. See 59 64 inclusive. The syllables "itt, '^'1, "'D, are sometimes joined to the prefixes for euphony ; as i73S in, i?33 like, as, "^53 according to, like^ ""Cb , '^t^'D, to, by, at, '^'IS as, like, "^7.3 in, '^it: from. OF NOUNS. [ 10. Nouns are generally derived from verbs* in three ways, viz.J 1. By changing their vowels;* as i^ld'^^ grass, from t^l^'^i it flourished, became green ; "y^V herb, from Dip 5?; 12"15? ez;emwg5from D'lJ?; 3!''l}_ (^^'IT ) 5ee(/, from 5!''1T; il^H /^/e,a 6ea5/, from n*^!!;! IjP*^ morning, from 1jP!2; "113'^ a it^or^, ^/tz/ig*, from 'ID'^ ; TD^ res/ (sabbath), from TOX^ ; etc. 2, j5?/ dropping one (seldom two) of the radical (root) letters ;* as "j^ an enclosure, a garden, from 'jy /le enclosed ; pn a /aw;, from pj^H; 3. ^1/ adding {to a perfect or imperfect verb,) one or more of the following serviles 1'^^1D!Q^{|^, (technically call- ed) Heemantive. The Heemantive letters are commonly added thus: Ti, ^ or ^ at the end, t^ or 12 at the beginning, n at the beginning or end, ^ or 1 is insertedJi * The root of all words is generally a verb of the 3d pers. masc. sing, praeter Indicative ; it commonly contains three letters and is pointed with (x) under the first, and (-) under the second radical; as "itts he said, hi'n he divided. See 10. 3. Examjyles etc. Also 15. * note. t When a root ends in n or t< it is pointed with two ( t ) ; as nS'n he saw na; y he made, etc. t The examples enclosed in brackets are not to bo committed. See Preface. 21 Note 1. A perfect verb consists of three letters, an imperfect one of tico, seldom one. Note 2. Some nouns are pointed like verbs ; as ni-a a T/ear, from nStti Ae repeated. Note 3. Some verbs are derived from nouns ; as Vrii* he pitched a tent, from Vrfjs a tent ; V^*! he ran about, from V^.l afoot ; etc. ' Examples of Heemantive Nouns. nttrra cattle from t3ri3 n^n /z/e, a beast " ^:n ( Ji:;n ) he lived, teas strong. ^ns fruit " n*lD 7 was fruitful. '^ys affliction " Srr::^ he afflicted. nip^ a collection " Sl^j:^ Ae collected. nVlJT:^. UJ he ruled. rtn72t & ri"^?2t a song " 'n^J (properly ^72T ) he sang. ^^T2 ajourney " 5>(D3 hejourneyed. D5 this frequently applies to the sing, and plur. of both genders. 3. Feminine sing, nouns ending in Ji-_ in the absolute, change it into ^7 in the construct ; as f^^I?^ the collection of , Jib.^ , tlSj"^ etc. ; the absolute form is Mlp^ , etc. See 11. Note 3. 4. A few duals and plurals end in ^ ; as "^31 a) h windows, ^^^ hands, 'I'i-j , ""SlUjri , perhaps ^X^ > and with Kaumets ( x ) '^3'l"'^^!^ . Note. "^Stt (Ps. 45: 9.) probably stands for d^iatt stringed (musical) instru- ments, from -,^ a string. 5. The Plural of rT'z (a house,) is t]'^Pi3 forQTina or t3"'n:3 from nn' or dds . See 10 below. 6. Some masc. nouns take a fem. termination, and vice versa; as rrilij fathers, ti'^UJ: women. 7. Some nouns have both forms of the plural ; as ti'^l^l and niTa") (from tn'"*) days, S"":*^ and m*3'ij (from n:"lIJ) years, t]'^n'i733 , construct ''ri'i?:^ ( '^n;^:2 ) from rj723 . 8. The dual forms tJ-^b"^ heavens.^ and D"; waters, are plurals. 9. Nouns fem. ending in n''- or n^ , form their plurals by t\T ; as rri-^'nii? from iT^-in:^ , nr 5i: from nob . iO. The following nouns, in their derivative forms, are anomalous : nfij {a father, constr. '^3N , rarely iN ) ; 'r^^ (a brother, constr. "^hN ) ; T\^r^^ {a sister)., "lis^-l {head, plur. t3">'4JN'l) ; 0";^ (waters, constr. '' and W^. ); tJI"^ (a day, plur. t:"'72^, constr. '^ ) ; ^^S> {a city), n";! (a AoMse, const, n^z), HB {a mouth), )^^ (a son), n? {a daughter), '1:3 (a * rras C'^wt* words of truth, inBtedid of '''ntos j q03 61133 W a fountain, n^^^-'r"' deliverance, help, 12a and "iiS a son. See 14. [0= note. 12. Nouns ending in '^- often form their masc. plur. by adding D ; as 'nSD a stranger, plur. ti'^n^a . So also we have ^iii a nation, plur. C:';i>I, constr. ''.';iii . 13. In a few words n^f is used for rri (fem. plur.) ; as Vn^f^ra for 5"'n'i223 from rj52 . T T Exceptions to Gender. 12. Names of Females, proper names of places, cities, towns, countries, winds, and objects double by nature or custom, Sixe feminine though of a masculine termination ; as bn^ Rachel, t3i< a mother^ ^''h'^P. Egypt, "\V^ Zion, Y\y\ the wind, spirit, "J"^^ the eye, b^."J the foot., 1^ a hand, '\i^ the ear, D"^. Js'.a a pair of shoes, Q"^/: TN72 a pair of scales, Q'^nnD two rivei's.f Of Jl LOCAL.J [ 13. This is a n suffixed to a noun of place, and signifies to or towards; as J^S^^i5 towards the land, earth, ^^ri^^ to the tent, T]12^'^112 towards Efrypt, H'ln and TV; "^ J ~ I * ' '* ilinn to the mountain, ilS^Dn to the south, t^r\1l2 to Ma- TTT ;*" TXT rah (from Sll^, H chansjed into H), lDi^2 to Zion, T T ^ -^ T n'D'^'atl^n towards the heavens, T[T\^\ (constr. jTir'^^ ) to the t; T t;- t ^ house, niJ to JVob, JlD^'^ to Dedan,] '. '. T J * From C?7 (blood) we find |C5')Q'n for C^'an; and from n;^ (a hand) comes CSn;'. instead of QSn^ . t tn\ri5r (mid-day), and a few others, have the form of the Dual. The rea- son of this is very uncertain. t Examples are not to be committed. 24 DERIVATIVE PRONOUNS. [ 14. These are parts ov fragments of the Primitive pronouns (67.) (as ^ from '^DiS;, ^3 from '^3n3wV, etc. n m the 2d persons Sing, and Plur. being changed Into ID, *!] , or !?] ,) which are joined to the end of nouns and sup- ply the places of pronouns possessive. They are called Sirffixes or Postfixes^ and are Inseparable pronouns. Examples, IpD a book riD Once. ^ T T T ^ T T n Poetic. nn (1*^ ,ri'^:^) ^\ i__ ^n i /i25 (2V5.) a?" *! and "'_. are sometimes paragogic ; as in'^h a heast, ^")t^- glorious J ^\''B'^72'n who hringeth down, "'^'iii'^ inhabiting, 3b^ a king, ^33 1, irj. ! ?3! ^ ^/^^> I'em.J and i'd^ a son. ' '' Note 1. When the above suffixes are appended to dual and plural nouns (masc), the t] of D"]- and D*'-. is omitted ; as d"; n^ hands, *:]'^n'j (masc), ^"^l^ (fern.), thy hands; Q'^nsp hooks , '\'^^'z^jO his hooks ; the ^ however between the noun and suffix, will distinguish the plural noun ; as '^7)^2^^ their children, from 13 a child. See 73. Note. 1. Note. 2. When suffixes are added to nouns (fem.) ending in n, the il is changed into n ; as ?t;^N awoman^ wife, "^n^N (not ""n^^) ^^ 2^>i/e, ^J^^JN f% 2^(/c, iPitii his wife; Jl^^bTa a work, inlDN^^ Ais z^Jor^. * When this suffix has the vowel (-) or ( ^) before it, the noun to which it is attached is plural ; as "^ra^s my enemy, '^n'^'is or ''^'^'s my enemies ; the plur. "> coalesces with the pronoun. See 73. Notes 1.2. (in.) my thy masc. thy fem. his (its.) her (its), our your masc. your fem. their masc. ^ their fem.] 25 Note 3. After DT (fern, plur.) a "^ is generally placed before the suffix ; as dri"'n'ihsUJ7:b as to their families, from Hfl^m a family, m'22 daughters, "^"^hiz^ thy daughters : here "^ seems to be superfluous. See 73. Notes 1. 3. Note 4. Nouns ending in ^i- take the suffix IJl instead of "f , and rj instead of H-.; as =inb> his (its) leaf, from n^.:^ ; vj^.*^^ her appear- ance, from rii^.^i^. But this is not always the case. Some nouns and particles take "^ before their suffixes like plur. nouns ; as ^1 -IS thy father, ITIK his brother, T'V.^ upon, by him, 1^55 to me, '^''hi*^ to thee, etc. In Poetry iV.y upon, with, t^S unto, '^tilzfrom, >'}V_ even, are used for Vs ^ Vi< , ]tt, -ly. See 71. 11.10." OF VERBS. Praeter Tense. [ 15. The third person masc. sing, praeter active Indicative, is the root of nearly all words."^ In Hebrew there are but three moods; viz. Indicative, Infinitive, and Imperative : and two tenses ; Praeter and Future : the English Present is expressed by a Participle. The root generally consists of three letters ; and is pointed with (.r) Kaumets and (-) Pattakh, or with two (t) Kaumets when its last letter is i^ or ?1 ; as 'H'DK he said, p'lS he divided, ^2^ and 'Tpjl he went, l^ljP Ae call- ed, Tl^Tl he was, T]^"^ he saw,* Note. A few roots have (J) and ( ) (Kaumets and Tsaree); as N^?3 he (it) filled, was filled, Jt^^^ he feared, was afraid, ysh he was pleased; and a very few take {^ ) and (~) {Kaumets and Kholem); as Hd*^ he was able. These are commonly intransitive, and are called verbs final Tsaree, verbs final Kholem. The active participle Kal of these verbs has the same form as the root ; thus, i or *)ni>SP ; "^"lOh^ they shall lack, for ^nehi . 27 Note 1. T prefixed to ^future tense, often throws it back into the praeter ; as IpS?"] he shall visit, 'npC'^} and he visited. See 23. Note 2. The above pronouns are called Praeformatives and Suf- formatives. See preceding page | note. The Praeformatives exclude the 2 (characteristic) of Niphal, and the n (characteristic) of Hiph., Iloph. and Hithpacl. See 45. Note. Note 3. Ti- paragogic is very common in the 1 pers. sing, and plur. of the Fut., and 2. pers. sing. masc. of the Imperative; as Jil:t:pN Iioill kill, for ^tDpN ; r;:2ib2 for pbs; niD-inJi for ^niN; Jibi3 (reg- " ):' T J : J - : ' r ; IT -J F T -J ' T '.IT * o ularly n]rii:) for b*33 from bba; (Ji- is paragogic 3 times; viz. in riN^p:* and InhpN ^a/, and n3;d*i^ Piel); Imperative Ump arise thou, from. Dip n'l'D'^ , Jl^'^'p. etc See 49. Note. 4. The punctuation of the above praeformatives is regula- ted by the species of verb and conjugation ; as {Kal) ^pS^ , ^"j^.!! 1*73^^, pTh';, pth;:, b^N"", b^N (for b^wN.N), ri"^i;n, rttos'N, ti^ni?, rT"'fT' , i'D'j^ , ^'73hn , T^oni , '^rzy^^ , 'n:^"^ ; no"" from nnD ; nujt rij^ from i'iJ^; N'nn from iN^'z ; "jn"; from in:; N'ln from mN"i; i<'T['''). from nN7; r\tl n'^n from nn"^. See 58. with the Note. Also 98. Note 5. There are a few Pluriliteral verbs; as *iJet:n, b?")3, Note 6. Some verbs double their first and last radicals, and some their first and second ; as b3':;3 b^bD"; from ^13; Ju)>Ni:: from N^t: ; jsj'^'i'UJ , 3>^yn->yn from ^'i'Ui . Some double their last radical ; as bbi< from b^i<; ]3J!{.i? from ]i<'2J ; "jwi^n from "j^n . Some double their second and "^^"I'SO fro"i ^^T rjib"^ is from nB*": &Dh is from ^Dh. Names and Significations of the Conjugations. [ 17. Kal, Niphal, Piel, Pual, Hiphil, Hophal, Hith- pael. L Kal is active ;* as 'IjPS he visited^ ^'^^ he feared^ (i^m /ic came^ from Ki3 ; D^^ /le c^ecrf, from WU', see 28. 54.). 2. Niphal is passive ; as "IjP&n /le w?a5 visited. Some- times it is active or reflexive. * The Examples are not to be committed in any case, either before or after this. 28 For Piel &: Pual, see 6. 7. below. 3. Hiphil is causative ; as "T^J^Sn he caused to visit. (It is sometimes like Kal in signification). 4. Hophal is passive of Hiphil ; as If^Sn he was caused to visit. See {d) below. 5. Hlthpael is both active and passive ; as Ij^Snn he visited himself, Ij'iSnri he was blessed, '^r.n^.H ^^ walked continually.] ('^^pSlin and "^^pEnri occur). Recapitulation. [ (a) All roots are in Kal ; as ^pjP /le killed. (b) D prefixed is Niphal ; as ^OpD he was killed. For Piel and Pual see 6. 7. below, (c) h 1 I n prefixed, and "^ (not always) inserted de- note Hiphil; as b^^^^Xl ^^ caused to kill; iljP^n it water- td, n^^r\ , rh^r\ . {d) JT\,^T\ or n prefixed is Hophal ; as iPt^pH he was caused to kill, Dljdn he was made to lie down, QjPlin and Dptl it was established ; n'^Jil , ^^?in, once IP'llln. (e) nn prefixed is Hithpael ;^ as ^LPjPrjn he killed himself, jnln and m are very rare. See 38. 39.] The n characteristic (with but one exception, viz. Q'^pS'in^ Participle, Judges 19: 22,) is always assimilated when a letter of the same organ follows it ; as 1^/\T\ for n?.^nn ; nnion for nn-jnri ; N^a^n and mjp\n for nn .t * The second radical commonly takes a Dagesh in this conjugation. t The characteristic t^ is often assimilated when other letters follow it; as aBn for tt33nn ; nssrt for nssrn ; tsasn for sasrin ; 53-tr| for sstriri ; Ctti^s for Dtti-ins ; ipttnan for unn . 29 The general meaning of Hithpael is, to represent one's self to be, or do that, which the root indicates ; as n^iinrr he -pretended to he sicJc^ from nbh ; DSh^H ^^ acted cunningly, from QlDti ; QTalnn (with D characteristic assimilated) thou wilt show thy self upright, from DTJl^; ^"ISnn thou loilt show thyself pure, from *1"}3 ; ISnnri thou wilt show thyself merciful f from IDln. PIEL. [6. Piel is active, and is generally causative or inten- sive of Kal ; it is characterised by a Kheerek under the firsts and a Dagesh in the second radical ; as d^njP he caus- ed to be holy, he consecrated ; TlVX he commanded, (with sufT. ('in) ^ni!2 he commanded him); TvVp (JlVp) he sent; n'^rj he preserved alive ; ^^'^ ( '13'^ ) he spoke.* Other forms are like vNV^ , ?^3 (^^i!)); once ^^r^] for '^r^D, and bm ('bT}h ) for ^nr; . See 44.] When the second radical is a Guttural (y, h , Jl , N ,) or n , Dag- esh is czc/wc^ec? ; asyi5,3, ^?r' ^r!m> ^\!^ 5 '"^^^. > 6tc. ; and in this case the frst radical commonly takes Tsaree under it ; as ^na ( ^*}5 ) he blessed, instead of ^"^.r^ ; ^ND , '^nij , bilD , 1'^T^^ , JTli: , etc.| See 4. The Infin and Imper. Piel are formed by changing the vowel Khee- rek or Tsaree of the first radical, into Pattakh or Kaumets ; as '^^p_ to make holy, n^U5 (h':r"*j ) to send, send thou, ^2.^ (""^5.7 ) speak thou, ( ^\^ , "ii?5 ), t]n: to comfort, -^ phk , n^n , yN3 , '-li^a , I'jps , nios (from nD3 ), r\Mi\l2 {ni^'q ) ; ':j-;\:2 to bless, bless thou, ^^p^ .J Peculiar forms. ^3h (Hosea 6: 9) is for ti^h from Si^h ; Imper. Apocopated forms, lii , D!l ( Dtl ), "j^ , b^ , etc. for n|)2 , inDSrs , etc. * Piel and Pual have the same letters as Kal, but different vowels. The Dag- esh characteristic of these conjugations is occasionally omitted even when the second radical is neither a Guttural nor i . See 4. t note. ] With prefix, -iSna in speaking, with svffix "'"iS-ra lohen I spoke, 152:^3 in my gathering, when I gather. ' ' ' '" t Verbs iy ( ^'j ) and yy have the following forms in Piel ; Ctoi-i (instead of C^-1 , from Cii-i ) ; ^^yv , t:^";p, "(iis , nri-i^ , from 35^ , tip , etc. ; "^i-ia (in- stead of -,-;'.^ , from ^-^s ) ; ^^i^ (rarely like aao ) from naa ; hhi^ , etc. Exceptions. 55^ , n^iS , "tliy , n!j5 , n;^p , ni^y , V^S > ^? ; C^p and Qj? are from C!ipi* ^aj-! is from asin . 30 PUAL. [ 7. Pual is the passive of Piel ; it is characterised by a Kihhoots (In a few cases short Kaumets) under the first, and a Dagesh (not always) in the second radical (see preceding page ^^note); astli'^p he was made holy; H]^^, (mb ) he was taken, fern, mpb ; (iHSlT, !?m); ^V*^' (iV^**) /^e zt'a5 6or?2, 'T^ilj and *! ^P ^^ ^^-^ spoiled, (D'^&<)) ^VS ^^^^ ^ ('^s) and :?5> have forms like the following in Pu- al ; ni-iD (not often like :22D) from n^D ; ts^ip , t!7jin , ]:i2 , bbis? , i^^in. See 44. Exceptions are like T:\:z , n^y , etc. PARTICIPL-ES, INFINITIVES, AND IMPERATIVES. [ 18. When the^r5/ letter of a root has a Kholem (l ") for its vowel, it usually indicates the present partici- ple Kal; as jlto3? making, yielding, doing, from SltlS}? he made, did; ^"IT (5?"1*T) seeding, producing, from 5? "IT; to 'sin creeping, moving, from to'DH; 'H^.tJ he who spills, pours out, from ^^^ ', DD "J!) he is judging, from tiS^ . Fem. singulars end in !l-, Jl-, or Jl-.; masc. p/wr. in Q*^-., fem. plur. in ni."^ 12 distinguishes the participles in Piel, Pual, Hiphil, Hophal, and Hithpael ; see the following small print.] [ The Article ( n ) prefixed to a participle denotes who, that, which ; as U57i'nr (fem. ni^?J"in ) which is creeping, moving ; ^b'o!l that is go- ing ; liion which is surrounding. Plur. masc. tn'^i^li^n who are going * The participles in all the conjugations take the lormsof nouns or adjectives. 31 outy from i?22^ ; construct forms "'^lit^ the goers out of^ those going out ; ^^^ the knowers of, those knowing *^ (With "^ epenthetic and parago- gic, ^"'73'in from ^^in , ""nuii"^ from i'li:; ). See 81. The Participle Niphal prefixes Z to the root ; as '173^: being desired i. e. lovely, desirable ; p53 , !2D3 , from 1^3 and iiD. !i_- , D- , n~ fem. ; t]*^-. plur. masc. ; m* plur. fem.* All the participles beyond Niph- al are formed by prefixing 72 to the root; thus, PlWn73 (fem. nsnnX3 ) brooding, Piel ; b'^'T^^ causing to divide (from ^"12 ), ??"inT75 seeding (from 2>"}T), ^"^373 causing to come i. e. bringing (from fi^is), t3''p53 es- tablishing (from t^p ), Hiphil;* ^V."!^^ walking (from ^bn ), Hithpa- el.* With "^ paragogic ''\''^:^'n , ^n'^^^^r j etc. Hiphil. See 81.] [ 19. When the second letter of a root has a Shoo- rek ( 'I ) or Kibboots ( ^ ), it Indicates the passive participle Kal; as n'llfi^ (n-lfi5)'(fem. rnl^Nl.) cursed, ^l^^ ('^nS 'TJ^IB) blessed, he is blessed, a blessed one, 1 or H fem.; 3*^- or ni plural.^] [ 20. When the second letter of the root has a Kholem (i ~) or short Kaumets (see 5), it indicates the Infinitive or Imperative Kal ; as "Jti^^ (with prefix ^ ^^527 1) to rule; lb?" (lb?^) /o cultivate, serve; nitS? Jlto?. to do, to make ; '^^^ -^^^wV VSwXf(?ea/; with suffix ^7^NJ to eat thee/h e. thy eating, thou eatest, tDp^pl^ ^0 e/ you, i.e. you eat ; n^i^ -"^12^ say thou; ^i'DX i^T "1:dt remember thou. See 33. 49. The o//ier persons of the Imper. are distinguished by sufformatives ; thus: ^^ thou fem.; as '^'yn^ say thou, '^t:'^ do thou ; ") ye masc; as '^'^ti be ye fruitful, II^Di^ * The participles in a/i the conjugations take the forms of nouns or adjectives, t The prefixes a 3 V are often prefixed to the Infinitives in all the conju- gations; as Hiss's, to say, saying, t^i'^vh to make, in making, as to the making, i:>53-^s when he heard, r\-ii^'^)ofrom. seeing. These are similar to the Latin Gerunds. ' 32 say y^; 513 (^1 1 1) ye fem.; as HDiS return ye, from For the Imp. and Infin. in the other conjugations, see 30. small print. 31. 40. Also 17. 6. small print. Construction. (Construct state). [ 21. When two nouns come together signifying different things, of, or of the, must commonly be placed be- tween them; as n^iri^wX Hli the spirit of God,n''^n ^DS the faces of the waters, ^^P^ ^2t) faces of the expanse, ^^IS^^n "^12^ the waters of the flood, Q'jnlSjq "^12^)2^ the waters o/* Egypt. Final D of the Dual and Plural is dropped in this state; the fem. Ti is generally changed in- to n, n_, or n J as '^plD sons of not D'^^S; n^^H 6ea5^ o/J not Tl'^U; TM2ih the wife of not JluiJ]^. Nouns ending in t^ change it into Sl^^ in the construct; see 11. 3. Also 66.(2).] Note. The second noun is of course in the Genitive case. See 11. Exceptions. 1. 2. Of 1 CoNVERSivE OF THE Practer. [ 22. The prefix 1 ( 1 , 1 , ^ , 1 ), often changes the Praeter tense into a Future; as n!:5i^ thou hast eaten, Tp'Di^^ and thou shalt eat ; '^Zl'^n^ I destroyed, '^r\'Ti12'^ TJ TJ ..X *^ .T and I will destroy ; ^tl (from ^'Tl ) Ae lived, ^TV] and he shall live; "^^tl they were, ^''ni and they shall be; ^'n^D'^pn (Hiph. of Q^p) / have ' established, '^H^S'^pni and I will establish^] * These sufforraatives are appended in the same manner to ofAer conjuga- tions ; as "^ntofe-n !i-i'in Mphal; i^t))^ ^iVtip, tiaVtaj; Piel; nsTSn (for ni^T^irL from -jtn) Hiphil; etc. throughout. t This 1 frequently changes the tone syllable. See GO. (7). V^ OF THE ^ 33 ((UlTIVEESITY Of *) CoNVERSivE OF THE Future, [23. I I I -h prefixed to ^future tense, generally throws it back into the praeter ; as Itli^'' (llZpi"^ ) he shall say, n53fi^^1 and he said; ^'HD^ he shall divide, ^"mD^I and he divided; ^^DD ^/le shall go, ii^'Pi} and she went ; fi3 ) ; rrNl") tiNn-ji (from Nis), i:^': (n-j::^": ) ):i':i (from ni^ ) ; Shevau is vocal in these examples, Dagesh being implied in "^ . See 7. 1. small print. Note 2. When N (a guttural cannot take Dagesh,) follows, 1 takes jfiLflM/ne^s, i. e. Pattakh is lengthened (see 4.); as ii^ni< I shall hide, i^nhNT and I hid; ^{^''^{ I shall fear, N"^"fi5nb) ^0 56^, (^m/?^), from T]tn; niD^^!? (nMJ to number, from JlD^; ni^^Jl (with prefix and suffix nni'^nn,) and i'ln /o^^. See 55. 95. * The adjective is sometimes omitted; as Is. 10: 10, ' their gods C^s^^oiTtt (were strong) in comparison of tlwse of Jerusalem.' 35 2. When the third pers. fem. ( ri ) is suffixed to these verbs, the radical t] is changed into 11; as nrT^il she (it) was, from JT^n ; innSS she (it) opened, from niSD. See 52. 53. 3. When '^n (/), H (thou), ^D (we), fin ]n (ije), or n3 (ye or //le^ fem.), is suffixed to these verbs, the radical n is changed into '^; as ^Tl/'toi^ I have done^ made, D'^to^ thou (fem.) hast done, XlU^tiV ye have done, from nto5?; ^^n'^J^*) , n'^S^'l (with t\ paragogic and "^ omitted JinS^I), Gn^Vl , ^3^?^1 , from nu^n he saw; ^H^fl^ from nn^".* il is generally dropped before ^ [they) ; as l\D5? /Aey did, made, ^^^ , int3 , ^-^n . See S 53. T T T ^ Anomaly, "^ni^^ ^o^ '^H*'!^? ^^^"^ '^^?- 4. The Imperatives of these verbs are formed thus; nto?. make, do thou, ^to?'^ fem., ^tD? do ye, t^y^'S^^ fem. ; riKI ^ee f Aow, regard, fem. ''l^l , plur. ^i^l , tl^h^^ , from ^^"Jl^ J^?.r[5 niri, (ri'^ni ) be thou; fem. '^^n and '^'^n, plur. ^"^ri ; ^7.^ redeem thou, HpS /wrw /Aow. See 4. 55. 88.]* VERBS is and ^D. [ 27. Verbs whose first radical is 3 or ^ often drop it in the Imperative and Infinitive; and in the Infinitive, they postfix n ; as ^^2S: go thou, rii^S to go ( ini^SlZl in to go him, when he went), from l^{S'' ; "^b and ""Tjb go thou, C^k^i?,. S^* *^^^ ^^0 ^P^ (21.?.T^ ) to go, from 'Tj!?^ DtD -nta Dtp dwell, sit thou, t\^^ to dwell, sit, from Dp '^; 3?'^ A;woi^ fAow, n:p^ (n?i^) ^^ A^woi^, from :?!;;; * In some cases the > is omitted ; as tv^r; for rr^' n , etc. 36 0*1 and t2}"J possess thou, from IdJy^ ; 'jD "']n g'etJe /Aow, Infin. nn "n?l , once JIjH (Ps. 8: 4) for HDri , from "inD ; "iri^ I!::^ approach, Infin. nm (nd":\b ) fromt::\D; i^tD lift up, pardon, Infin. nj^to and n^^'iD fromfi<'t!3. The verb njP7 /6 took is conjugated like a verb DS; as HjP (rinpj take thou, Infinit. nn^ (nH^b). Infinitive with suffixes, '^nntp and ^t\;2j:d from nd;;; innjp, ^"1?!, inip:;, etc. See*83. 84. 90.*91.] Note. nD2 (/z/i />) occurs for NtJ3 Ps. 4. 7. VERBS b and ^IP . [ 28. Verbs which have 1 for a middle (second) radical have but two letters in the praeter tense Kal ; the Infinitive (which has three letters) is considered as the root; as Dp (once tl^p ) he arose, KS (not ]^13) he wenty ^5 (Is. 40: 12 plDI ) he measured, '^D^'d (not ''Xn'aite) I placed, DMto ye placed, ^3^^ 2^?6 ro5e, ^nri, fA^y J/e^Z, Jini5 (with T\ paragogic,) thou sojournedst, ntd he placed, appointed, from U'^'p , i^lS, ^1!D, D^lD (t:Vifl) , ni^, 1*15, nrd (n^?:).^ See 44. 54.] OF DEFECTIVE VERBS. [ 29. These are such roots as lose one of their radicals in conjugating ; thus, If a root has lost its first letter, it is a '^ or D ; if it has lost its second letter, it is a 1 ; if it has lost its third (last) letter, it is a H ; hence, by restoring what is lost, you form the perfect root.t] * A few exceptions occur here like y^ft , ni-i' , hin , 5>1 ( V^'O ,) etc. which are conjug^atcd like rco^M/ar verbs. t It often happens that when a Tsarec ( ) is under the Praeformativo, "^ (sel- dom n ) has been dropped ; when a Kaumets (t ) is under it, 1 or the doubled rad- ical has been dropped ; and when a Dagesh follows the Praeformative, 3 has been dropped ; but see 30. 37 Note. As some verbs have their second radical repeated (doubled), as i^D , b^a , etc. they often lose such last letter. See Note 3. below. Examples. '^ri'] it shall be, from tl'^Tl he (it) was ^ K*l^1 and he saw, from Ti^'l . See S 15. Also 23. XT ^ to^l and he made, from liti'^', "^JT^I and it was. from l^vnb ^0 cause to shine, from n^^^ (S 31.); tftD^I wd he placed, from DlilD. See 15. "^ note. 111^1 wd[ he placed, gave, from "jPD ; ^'CO'^I and he planted, from 5?t2D . p^l aw6? Ae 6wz7/^ made, from riDil; 12*^1 W6? he com- manded, from ^12. T T 5^lll 6fwd Ae ^wez^^ flP^ri /Ae knowledge of, SniP^^ /o A:wo!^?^ from T1^ ( 27); '^b^l wc? he went, from i^D^I and he brought, from l^iS; ^2^1 and he formed, from n:^^ future Srjdi^ ^Dl^ etc. from fjiD^ l^2:in , etc. fromfiiS'^, etc. See 51. ^nfl^^l ci^d he placed him, from H^D; this form howev- er is peculiar as it respects the Dagesh, Note 1. If a verb (root) drop two letters, they are 3 (at the begin- ning) and n (at the end); as ^1)12 ond they smote, ti'Dil and he smote them, from rr32 . Note 2. When hp are left, always prefix b ; as hj? (nhp ) take thou, hp-^T , hj2rin , nnpl: , etc. from npb . "^PnD , nrn: ^iPin ( n par- ^g-)j f^^ ( "^^) etc., come from "jn:. See 42. Note 1. Note 3. It is frequently necessary to double the second radical ; as ISui^n and they subsided, from ^S^U ; b^^tl Hoph. of b^^ ; ^Vjl and ^Vj^rt from bbp ; bnn Hiph.of b^hT^^^ ''sb; iD^ from iiD ; PIBIS?^ is from P)^i>. See 17. 6. | note. 38 Note 4. Some verbs require N for a third radical ; as !)52 he toent, from i2 ; 1?3 thei/ restrained, from frjbs , n:l'"' from fi^:^; . See 53. Note 5. In a very few cases "^ may be inserted ; as tDip^ Q'l);^ from D^'4J ; l^n^ 1^1 from 'j"'3 . Seldom must ^ be prefixed; as b"'3n Infin. Hiph. from b^N ; '^:iTn (fut. Piel) from 'IJN . Note 6. Verbs ''B in the future Kal have two forms, thus : Tlin'^'^ and ib-i-" ; ^p"^ and 'nP'^"' ; nu;\' s>^^ and ^T*'': etc. OF NIPHAL. [ 30. A dot (^DagesK) in the first radical of a verb in the future tense, implies that the D of Niphal is omit- ted; as IIS}*^ it shall he divided, i^^p*^ it shall be called; V\^^ let them be slathered, from imp ; milDni and it was corrupt^ from nntD; i^^52m and it was filled^ from ^^^53; nDnjPSjrTl and ihejwere opened, from HJPS; H^Q*^. ? 'IH^S^j from nn^; tl3&? from 5^&5; "IwV^^I from l^rji. Note. When the first radical is N , In , H , 3? , or ^ , (these cannot receive Dagesh,) the Praeformative takes the vowel () Tsaree; as riN^n it shall he seen, for ilN'^Pi (or ni$^:pi); pV.tJ?.^ ^5^^, '5^r.> iny\ , etc.] Infinitive and Imperative. [ 1 1 -l^n or 1 1 l^n distinguish the Infin. and Imper. of this conjuga- tion ; as tiNn^n (with prefix t]N"i5n2 ) to be created them i. e. their being created ; l^isn ( Ti.sn ) he separated, also to he separated i. e. being separated; "iTO^ri to he watchful, also he thou watchful, take care; "I^i'n , inp,^n from ^^^ ( 51.), "l)*^n from ih^, i">tl^! ^^^^ ^^h, "jnsrr, D 73.77 from DD72, bnn from ^^n , m'^t] from m^ , Tiari from T^3, ion from niD . HyiSn from S^n , Dipri from tip.* See 99.] Anomaly. UJI^i* for UJn'^n . Sometimes 5 characteristic remains in the Infinitive ; as ti053 , ChVi , niVwa , ^^n?. > VN:y3 , etc. The prefixes 3 5 V sometimes exclude n characteristic and take its vowel ; as Vtisa for Vpsns ; rristnV for niit^nV ; etc. Anomalous is i-ina for :knna See CI. (2). 39 OF HIPHIL. {Infinitive and Imperative.)* [31. The Infin. and Imper. of this conjugation may be distinguished by the vowel (-) Pattakh under 51 char- acteristic ; as y'^'^^^fl to cause to divide^ from 7l[Sl ; ^^SIH (for ^^2S'^!^ or NSin see 51) cause to come^ bring out^ from i^S^ rhm and ni^r^n from nb^; 'l^l2iriT\; Dsn and D^Iin from DDD ; nr::n from n^D ; etc. Sn is used when the verb is defective in 1 ; as *y^i^T\ T T to cause to shine, from 11^^; Dllin and D'^IDil cause to ' t T return i. e. restore ; DDtl from DHD . T T n or 1?1 is used when the verb is defective in '^ ; as ^'^^in and I'^Hn from 1^^^ See 99.] Apocopated, un from nt:: ; rjri from JilDS ; etc. Peculiar forms. 'DTsh from ^^^^j ?l^.n from ns*i ; see 50. In- finitive nisn from JiD3 . Anomalies, b'^^'^ri from bb; ; n"'D"'rr :3"^t:ri and nt:*'?! from nto; ; m'iSj^ri , 5'^iinn , v^y\ , IT^'^^H ' "^^"Tn > etc. niS^ ("Tli^^ ) accusative, and niS{ ("Zlfi^ ) with, [ 32. This particle is found joined to all the suf- fix-pronouns; as '^n^^ me, "Tp^ ('^Dfi^) thee, iril^ him (it), nrix Aer (it), Dpni^ yow, Drii< ^/tem, etc. '^ri^^ it^eV/i me, ^riM ( '!]^)^5 ) w;^//i ^/lee, i^l^^ i^;27/i /im, DD^^ ii;i//i them, etc. Se'e 71.] Infinitive and Imperative Kal. 33. The short Kaumets which distinguishes the Infinitive and Imperative is frequently placed under the * The Infin. and Imper. of Hoplial and Hithpael have the same forms as the Praeter, verbs nh excepted. Hophal Imper. occurs but twice; as nnswrr, 53 Sn for nsB , but even these are doubtful. 40 first radical when the Infin. and Imper. take sxiffixcs^ or the Jem. or paragogic tl ; as n^D5?P Jor to cultivate her (it); ni^ilip to watch it; U^Op^ in their journeying^ when they journeyed; ^^'^'p^i when I call ; ^Dl^{*lp w^e call, our calling; ^iDDSl to overthrow me, my overthrowing ; ^DDH pity me, for '^DDDH from ^DH; ^D^lDT remember us ; ''D^l^'J} preserve me ; etc. With Jl parag. Hl^lli preserve thou, etc. Fem. rifi^^.S::, etc. See 48. 49. Roots beginning with ^ . 34. Verbs whose first radical is ^ , frequently drop it in the first pers. sing, fut., i. e. the two N's (Au- lephs) coalesce in one ; as 7!D^^ ( pil^ once 75*^^ ) ^ ^^^^^ eat, for h'^m-, nrfwX 1 will say, for 'MZm-, nni^ and nril I shall love; ^TV^ I shall tarry ; etc. O/* D Epenthetic, 35. When a dagesh'd D comes before a suffix or affix, it is called Epenthetic ; as tlSnnri under, about it; Tl^^^^^ not she (it), she is not ; JlSflDjn thou shalt finish it, for n^^ri ; ri3.^"5&in thou shalt eat it, for nf^.l^ri;* ^ni*^ he will teach him; 'IS'lt^S^I^ thou wilt crown him; ISHp take (him) it, il^Hp take (her) it, from Hj^b . See 97. (7). This 3 is merely euphonic, and adds nothing to the sense. See 97. (7). Sometimes the Dagesh is omitted; as ^?l3!a!dlj^ , *'DDn:2D\ iriDnn:p\ indM'onp, 'iD?ni,etc. See 97.(7). In Interrogative, [ 36. n prefixed to a word is usually Interrogative ; * niV2.Hn ye or f^cy ^AaW eat, nS'^V.^P ye or ^tinl3.* See 17. (c) with the * and t notes. See 98. 99.* 100.] [ 39. When 2S begins a root the n is transposed and changed into D ; as ^D'^^DISlri we prepared ourselves with Jbod, from "IVI; p'^il?!^3 w;e will justify ourselves, for p'^llSHD, ^^roS^^ for iT^DISn';; roots p^lS and ;:?:nir.] 40. The verb nHi!) (/^e bowed down, worshipped,) becomes tlinip in this conjugation (see 53. (2) ) ; as ^nrid'^1 and he bowed himself down, ^IHlnti^l and they bowed down, ^yntT^tl bow thyself down, linjinin bow yourselves down; fut. niHiipi^ I will etc, Infin. rnnjntDln!?, (with prefix and suffix '^n'^inrildnS when I bow myself down); n'^inritpJl thou hast eXQ,.,y^)T\y\^^V\^ they ov ye shall . . ^ etc. ; Qr^inritli^ {participle plural) is a corrupt reading for Q'^inrp'D . In Chaldee and Sjriac, T\ is sometimes chang- ed into n , Dan. 2: 9. See 98. 99. 100. Note I. Verbs li? , "^S" , and TJ , generally form their Hithpael thus : tsttipnti, ]3i3riri, from tnp, yo. (]^3); y^nnti, nninpn, etc. from y-i^n , niD ', etc. Note 2. A few words take Segolc (instead of Pattakh) under the first radi- cal in this conjugation : as "iptonsn (=T\ttr:3Mr! ) for ^nian^nn : future Chin*', ^ J t> ' .^; ,f V .V ^ -. ITV . . ' . -. IT- -. ' IT-.- -. ' tnsns , !)Vnilnn ; praeter !i^rt:n (=^-irTt3nn) for s^ntin . This is done on IT-.- -. -. ' IT-.- : ' '^ IT -. . " IT -.- -. ' IT - account of the guttural with Kaumets; see 59. (3). Note 3. In a very few instances iiC/iecreA; (instead of Pattakh) is placed un- der the stcond radical ; as ip-a^j^j-iri (for n ) ; '^nV'^ariri (for -n ). PAUSE AND OTHER ACCENTS. 41. Tlie principal pause accents are i^ ^thnaiikh; ji Kauton ; isi Rebeeang ; ii Scgoletau ; N Silluk ; 1 1^ Soph patisooh-^ See 3. Note 2. m, (5) (6) (8). * iThere is but one exception to this rule; viz. (Jer 49: 3) riStsui^rin Imper. fid piur. (cm. frora t3^ . <.. t The letter k is used to show the position of the accents. These accents are also called Disjunctives. 43 Note. All the accents are ionic except Maccaph and Metheg. See 2. 3. Note 1. and * note. The following Table exhibits the forms, situations, and names of the other accents ; these are either disjunctives or conjunctives, and are all tonic. The words 'llDX and IJp'D are here employed to ex- hibit the position of the accents. It must be recollected that *^12^ is to be accented in every instance (in this ta- ble,) on the last syllable ; and T]^5Q always on the first. Those accents marked by a (*) are Disjunctives. The accents which are found below the words are as follows : *1^^ 'Ti^!a Tarkhau or Tifkhau. *n^l 1\bl2 Tebeer. =^^1^53 Yeteeb. "I'm T[^p Mehoopaukh or Mahpakh. ^12i^ 'rh'n Shofaur Holakh or Munaukh. ^rii^ ^^53 Ma-a-reekh or Merkau. 1]3iJ ^^p^ Dargau. The followmg are placed ahove the words. *1&fiJ 1\bh Zaukaph Gaudole. n^fij *^7p Azlau (not Kadmau). *-l^&^ fpl2 Zarkau. *113&i 'np^ Pauzare or Pauzare Gaudole. **Tai^ 'TJ^p Gereesh or Garesh, (not Azlau). *1!aiiJ Shena Gereesheen, or Geraushayim, or Garshayim. **^'DfiJ "rpp^ Tirtsau, Tarsau, or Teleeshau Gedolau. hl2Jl '^^;a, Talshau or Teleeshau Ketanna. 44 *^^i< Kadma or Pashtau. '!j7!p Tera Kadmeen. The following are not of so common occurrence as the foregoing. n^i^ Yauraakh or Y^rakh. l^ftj Tera Tangma, Tera Khootreen, or Merkau Khe- foolau. nm SMlshaleth. ^nm Kama Faurau. '^'D^ Holakh or Munaukh superior, 1!Q^^ Mehoopaukh or Mahpakh superior, ^12^ Zarkau anterior. ~ T There axe four accents which are found both above and below the words at the same time ; viz. *1^Sj Mehoopaukh with M^^reekh. ^'m Zarkau with Maareekh. "^Xlt^ Holakh with Mehoopaukh. I'DIJ^ Zarkau with Mehoopaukh. There is but one found in the same Une with the word ; viz. *J*1^fi^ Pausek, Peseek, or Legarma. Note 1. It will be seen that although several of the accents have the same- frm, they can be distinguished by their position. For the accents Mctheg (l) and Maccaph ( ) see 2. 3. with the * note. Note 2. Most of the accents are confined to the tone (accented) syllable ; some, however, are always on the^r^i, and some are always on the last syllable, whether the tone be there or not. Note 3. These accents are used in the various synagogues; 1. As notes of music ; 2. To determine (in most cases,) the emphatic syllable ; and 3. To divide the text into its different members. Note 4. When a word has two accents alike, the^r^i marks the emphasis ; as ya ma'yim, rT"^-! t< ar'tsau, etc. : but, when they are not alike, the last marks it; as !J-i^l vay-rjo-me-roo' ; s/s au-nau ; etc. Note 5. All the accents (excepting Maccaph and Metheg) are tonic; see 2. 3. with the * note. 45 Note 6. A small circle over a word thus, Ns'in, indicates that there is another reading to be preferred, which may be found either at the bottom of the page, or in the margin. The word i^p ( ^nj; ) or the letter 'p, which stands on the left of the marginal reading, signifies read. The word in the text is called S'^ns written. Sometimes this circle denotes some peculiarity ; as JrT'ttfciiil which, at the bottom of the page, is said to be Tiil'a i. e. a enlarged. A word with an asterisk over it, also points to the foot of the page ; as fte'i^y , the note to which, is pnito -nhS in ( p-nsit; *^ryA)uy'^^)\.e.aDagesh after S/ioorek, which is contrary to analogy, TECHNICAL NAMES OF VERBS ; OR NAMES OF THE VARIOUS CLASSES OF DEFECTIVE VERBS. 42. The different species of defective verbs take their names from the letters contained in the ancient Par- 3d 2d 1st adigm (Model) 7 ^ D /le wrought ; thus, A verb "^^ is a verb whose /rsi radical is *! ; as J^T^jetc. " :S " " "3; " 033, etc. " hi " " N; " ij^N, etc. "13? " second " 1;" Dlp,Ni2,etc. " '3' " " " ^ " ;''3,n'^0,etc. " h " " "rfouWed;" 320,!5!?a,etc. " rb " third " n'; " nN1,n^5,etc. T T TT " h " " " i<; " ins, J^!D, etc. Note 1. The verb hj^b to take, is called a verb bs, because it sometimes loses its b . The verb in 3 to give, is called a verb :d and "jb , because it frequently drops its first and last radicals ; 3 standing for Xhejirsty and b for the third letter. Note 2. Verbs ending in n, as rTi3, riJl\^ , etc., are called verbs nb , because the n radical is assimilated before another n ; as "^in^S I concluded (a covenant), for "^r^n^S; rin3 for Ijri^Sj Crj'^S for ar^nns; vh^ fornnrnij ; Dr.h^n for cmnhttjirr : nr^n (nnn') she is dis- mayedj for iriJ^nn ; '^V\h I diedy for "t^nb ; nb (with )r\ paragogic Jinb ) 46 thou didst die, for nnS (Jirinb) ; n^ (with In paragogic n^'i?) thou hast placed, for t^rf4 (nnnu? ) * Note 3. Verbs ending in 1 are called verbs ]^, because they as- similate (or lose) their "j before another one ; as ^sH we lodged, for 5)32^ from pb; =132 we considered, for ^322 from p:2 or y^'z. Note 4. JinN is a verb i^5 . GROUND-FORM OF THE FUTURE TENSE. 45. The future of all the conjugations is commonly formed from * These last two examples are also verbs IS ; as nsw , t\Vs i. e. y doubled, viz. iitih . See -jy and yj on pre- ceding page. i I'is , ai'tt , tj-ja , and -ii't ; V^ > ^1 *"*^ ^""^ *^r exceptions ; i. e. they retain their middle radical (or its substitute). 47 their respective Infinitive construct (see 90. 91.* note) ; as 4pB , SpB^ ; N-fz , Ni'^n ; fi-^^ ,ti^ipN ; tip , ^J2^]>1 ; io (-no), do; ("iD ; ), n^sD-:; ^a/.* "^72- (^^.sn ). '^l^^ Niphal b'^'Tin, b'^'^n: bl^:, ^"^i^Sn, "T^^?rT, //ipAzV. hV-;?, n^^^ ; ^1^ ^"^.n^ PzW, etc. See 98. 99. The ground-form of Hithpael future (and in general, the praeter,) is the Infin. Piel; as 1]\n ^V.^n"] , etc. See 17.6. small print. 98. 99. All the participles beyond Niphal (excepting verbs is^ and yi> in Hiphilt), are formed from their respective Infinitive ; as hVi? t]\'^'n Note. In the future tense the 3 of Niphal, and the in characteris- tic of HipJiil, Hophal, and Hithpael, are omitted. See 16. Note 2. The participles which take 12, also omit It characteristic. See 98. 100. In 3. few examples however, the in of Hiphil is retained in the fu- ture ; as nirn*! from rTi^; ^"'^in'; from 5>'^^; ^b'^H'^n'; from bV^; etc. In owe instance the n of Hophal is retained ; as rrfyijpti^ (participle 3d pers. plur. fem.) for m*:s>2j:ri . See 98. 100. Infinitives coming before Futures of the same Root. 46. The Infinitive in these cases marks intensity, assurance, or certainty; ?iS [Kal) T\M2r\ Dl'^: thou shalt surely die; 'j'lriTaPi ni'n ye shall etc. ; bSi^n bbi^ thou mayest freely eat ; n^jn"^ vn he shall surely be; Hiphil tl^^i* fl^"?^ -^ f^itt greatly multiply ; Piel ^^l.^^. T?.^ J t^?27/ greatly bless thee. It sometimes signifies continuance of action, especially when the future precedes it ; as ni'^Dl N"ii:^ N2^.2 and it con- tinued going {to go) and returning (to return); tJlD'^ bsUJ'^J and he would always judge.X When "^nb^ {not) comes before an Infinitive, the preposition i^ is prefixed to i\ie former ; as "bSN "'inblb #o not eat i.e. not to eat. VERBS "^ DOUBLED. Imper. and Infinitive. 47. These are formed (in Kal) thus ; iD turn thou, fem. "'iD , plur. do, fem. tl3'^2D; tn'"!, tfi 6e S27enf, plur. 173*- ; '^S'n (ronnee) * The forms Jita^iSttJ-; , e-i!!P , "^-i^ayp , ^SB^.n; , ^5^1,; > are peculiar. t These are formed from the praeter ; as C^pn fptt ; i^^'irt ^'''n'n ; SBn aOtt ; etc. See 100. t This fi-equently takes place in the praeter ; as (Kal) n^:^ rista he has greatly triumphed; and with Kal hifinitive, dnid Pual praeter, ':^^'-{p Ci-ita he was surely torn in pieces. 48 sing thou, plur. 13^; '*'yi'npiti/ me; V;^ remove, open thou, ^5 ,bn5coi- mit, commend thou ; 5Tl'y (in parag.) make bare ; ^i^ (^'^b ) to multiply^ ^"4J l2 , niJi-np , nizp^"; , t\^S\ . See 90. 96. PARAGOGIC n. 49. This often occurs at the end of the second pers. sing. masc. Imperative^ and the first pers. sing, and plur. future ; as T^^ljp and Wbli: hear thou, 'n'173'ii preserve thou, ^"J2i3 keep thou, ti^^p arise thou, rjil^ return thou, nib go thou from ^b^ , ^^yi know thou from if'Tl , ni'iJ szV ^^OM from i'iJ^, TOi\ approach thou from UJ^D, rrSln^ire ^Aom from inD , titip faite *4J^ ; ^!'^^3^5 (Kethib once 'liSN ), from *in3 ; n73pSN from' Dp3 ; Mt3^^N from 113^73 ; n^,!i3 from HD^ ; etc. Imperative ni^'n^n , etc. ; Infinitive with prefix and suflix "^1^5^^ > ^^^' Note 1. Paragogic !i is found in the first person singular and plu- ral of all the conjugations except Pual, Hophal, and Hithpael. Note 2. It is twice found in the third pers. masc. sing, future ; as nr^'i^ Pfe/; l^^'^hi Hiphil of uinn ; and twice in the second pers. singular ; as ntjnPi and nnj^in Kal of NIS . Note 3. It seldom occurs in the Praeter ; as nnn3 from "jn; ; nnnasi, etc. 49 Note 4. The forms nnrr , n^N , n3F) , mj? , are from nn^ , ^-iwX , APOCOPATED FORMS. 50. ] , ^1 , 1 , is used for HZ ye, they ; as ]yb*i3 /tear ^^e for ili^*^^ ; jwNf.np and ]^n for nbs^n , Hiphil i^i for n?: , Piel bnr\H for tilrnnn from rr^h , ^^n"; for Ji^.3ni from Jibj Hithpael i^-)!] , ^^ ''J , "rt^Vl > '=T"i^i('7'^""i ),'ISKT, 'jDn,5?nrn, nbrn (from nnb ), niDrii (from rfM3), t:^l etc. from nt23 , DJ^^l nfi<*l and J ^^\1 , Hiphil See 23. Note 3. 66. (7). Most of the foregoing forms are also found without T conversive. Imperative Piel on ( ofl ) for JlSn , ]^ for !!); . For HtpA. Imper- ative see above. Kal future "ji^ 'Ji''"^ from "J^a or ^2.', t'p^ ~^I^'"^ ^l?."] from Dip ; -nD\ from n^D . VERBS ^S. 51. These verbs generally change their ' into T in Niphal, Hiph- il, and {in three verbs only) Hithpael; as Niphal N'i'ii from N"!^ , SJ^ia from y*T^ , 5?'ri3 from rij'' : Futures i<"ir , i>1^'' , yu:^N : ID^^? , Imper- ative 1*)v:;irT , from ^0^ ; Hiphil N*^:in (apoc. N2Tr! ) ; Future i'ir (apoc. NSti'') ; Participle ^^''^172 ; /mper. and /rt/?w. N^C-in (once fi^i?.*)!! for Ni:':?l) ?"':'in, from t<2:^; once ^'iJirr for ^"ii'^ri or ^'^i-fJl from ^^^j -,Vk^^ from -jV^. h''D'in (apoc. hDn) from Hi;; JV/wre n-'^'i'^ (tl?."'*"'), ^''=:'''", T^:^^i etc.; iTil'i^, Jinin, n'lr , tTlID , from ^Ti; ; Hophal praeter i'^HM (rarely like niasi ), 3>'iin (once S^nih), blD^lJl from ^Id; ; Future iUJI'' (rarely like a*^;" ) from nu3; ; bsi'', ^5^^1,^513, b5=lN, ^b^l"* and^i!:::;, from bs^; //j^w. rTi.^^irr and nn^li from 1^; ; Hithpael in three verbs only, !T7inri , ns^nn , 5>'7inin .* * The verbs *i ^ , -jtt^ , ata^ , -i^; , p3^ , V^;^ , ne^ , are exceptions, i. e. they do not change 1 into i in Hiphil; as iiV'^^Ti , p'^i'^n , "I'^^'^n , la'^tain (staM ) V'S'v. , n^-;r! Keri, (Kethib -ittin for -i^i'n) ; Future ^h^^^r)^_ , ^h^^^'!,,h'>)>l-^_ , ^^''??.^j ^^^?.?. ^V"?^^ ^""^"^ ^^^5 C-i^o-^K from nb-^; etc. Ttco verbs re- tain > in Niphal ; as rrn-;;'; , Vh\=;i 7 50 Peculiar forms. I'lDH: (Ezek 23: 48) is for inpia Niphal, or the Rabbinic Nithpael with D assimilated, root 'ID'* . See Deut. 21: 8 1S32 (for -iSId: or ^53ni ) ; also Prov. 27: 15 Min">2i2 , root mu5 . VERBS with i%7p?"A: H. 52. A few roots (verbs) end in a Mappik'd n : as MIOS to desire, "5^ ^0 he high, to lift up, "52 to shine, enlighten, Tliyr\ , T\iy)2 , n^b , etc. These are conjugated like regular verbs; as Sirj^^ (once N?i^5 ) she is lifted up, ^iSliil , etc. The nouns derived from them, retain H and (sometimes) Mappik ; as rT33 7V\h^ nlfn height, exaltation, pride, plural fi'^Ji'^ij , m'rii^ . The verbs nbrn , Mi^rn , ni2T\i2t\'^'\ , i^nanT^nM , nhluzDr^b , rrbVrna , come from tinb , Siri3 , nn^ , rrnb . VERBS nb and ^b . 53. (1) Verbs nb sometimes change their tl into "^ before ^ (ye or they), very seldom before tl she, and also in the participles {Kal) Active and Passive ; as ^^hh (for ^Dh) Mer/ trusted, Fut. I'^H'^:*;, ].';^^% 'j?.^'^^ 1'1'^Dh"', ; Imp. T^nN come ?/e; JT'bin she trusted, for UDDh : H'^b'iil she is revealing, "^^DD ("^^03 ) covered, "^nT3 (^^T2 "'ta ) e/espfsecZ. D!? "^5)71=1 and despised (of) 6_y people. See 80. (2) The verbs ninu ('^20^)3 Gen. 21: 16), n>N{':5 , ni&i^2 , ^1filn from n^lrj ), plur. 'l"n ; !i;;n live thou, plur. 1"tl, with T ^^h"] ; 'l'^:^3 inquire ye, ^''nfij come ye, ^QiJ for 1Si< ; J^D") Aca/ Mom is for NS^i. See 26. 4. ' ** Infinitives are like Hb^ "iba m'ba , m'b^;, etc. See 26. 1. 95. DAGESH FORTE. 56. The uses of Dagesh/or^e are the following ; 1. It shows the omission of a letter ; as hp"] for npb") from hpb ; SX^^^ for yi::-^ from 5>t:3 ; in") for IW"^ from ]n3 ; Int^ for npriTg ; tl^b'^n for C'^b-iJbn or tD^^UJ bn : nuJN for ntJ2N ; tl'ilvTS for tnp p; =120 for =a2D ; ^isna for isah: ; 'iNui-' for 'iN-iJ:"' future iVfpA. of INUJ ; t:';nilJ for Q'^nrij , jn^5 for nSN . This dagesh is also called Compen- sative. This compensation is sometimes neglected; as IJip"; , ^iD"] , etc. 2. It is one of the characteristics of Piel, Pual, and Hithpael; see 17. 5. (e). 6. 7. 3. It frequently marks 3 Epenthetic ; see 35. Also 97. (7). 4. It is sometimes Conjunctive ; as iiT"ritt (mazza), nbs ^iJ^Jti"? , ID'^ tph72 , ns-nTi:i? , 'li^iS ^72^p , etc. Note. Dagesh forte doubles the letter in which it is placed. See No. 5. Note. 52 5. It rs sometimes Euphonic ; as ')>n"'T , IPinr. i f^sH , ^Tan , n73b' , NSN,u;"ipx3 for uJ^pT:, irci::! for ia'^sitin , rr^'sr: for !ri^:r3, ""b^iuj for ""^n-^: or '^i'iJ , ID^b for nD"*? , etc. Note. Dagesh forte always doubles the letter in which it occurs ; as njP'', read as if written tlj^p"; yikkakh; "'S'^ (="23'i ) ronnee. See 5. 2. NUMERALS. 57. (1) Cardinal numerals from 3 to 10 are masc. with a fem. termination, and vice versa; as D'':^ SlUirUJ three sons. ni23 u;r^ three daughters. (2) The termination 6% added to the cardinals from 3 to 9 inclu- sive, increases them tenfold; as d^^ (UJ^^ZJ) three^ CilJ^UJ thirty ; i>"*z:n mwe, D'^3^*4Jn ninety. (3) The Ordinal numerals are made by adding to the Cardinals % (masc), or n"^- {fem.); as "^D'tlJ, fem. n''3*23 second, (from t]")*:'*? two); '''4J"'V4J , fem. n'^^'^riJ MzVc?; '^^*"'2'1 , fem. n^y^n-j fourth; etc. *Th5J {one, first,) is both cardinal and ordinal. The/ewmme of 1hi< (construct "ThN ) is nhi< (nhi^ ) . The construct of D"; \U5 (^z^;o) is Cri; , the feminine is t3;r]UJ , cow5^ C'n'j; ; the const, masc. dual is ^yjp y femi- nine "^Fiip . D""- added to ^Ujy (litj:^) ten., doubles it; as t3"^n^:? twenty. (4) The Cardinals sometimes have a Dual form, and are used ad- verbially ; as t]';n^':3"i5 sevenfold, etc. (5) In using the letters of the alphabet to denote numbers, it: (9 and 6) is used for n"^ (10 and 5) ; this is done to avoid using a name of the Deity, viz. n^ a contraction of Ji^rT] . Some write 71:: (9 and 7) for T"* (10 and 6) to avoid using two letters of the name n^r;"^ . N stands for 1000, 3 2000, etc. See page 6. t note. (6) Sometimes the numbers are repeated ; as D^ 5.^3 ^ll'^P ^^o (by) two; tl^^'^ n>"iUJ seven (by) seven; etc. GUTTURALS. 58. When the Gutturals take Composite Shevau, they common- ly give to their preceding letter, the vowel with which Shevau is com- pounded ; thus ll'^^TZ , 4nyN , ii2?2 , ^^^2 , ^^^.^. 1 ^^^Vr y PlHr V'X^h- > 172'J2 , inNn , 5DNib , rriiJ^^i , ""rt^i , '':;h3 , etc. See 16. Note 4. Note. Should a simple Shovau follow the Guttural, then the com- 53 pound vowel loses its Shevau, or the vowel with which Shevau is com- pounded; as ^"i:??:, "^^iZl, 1r?^. , ''^^4^^v. '^.^^'"l^'! , ^^"l^lJi'! and Some of the foregoing examples occur with both forms ; as y stl^ and ysh^ , St^-^ , Stj^ and ST5j3 , t:^\^T: and ti'^h^r^ . PUNCTUATION OF THE ARTICLE (n) AND PREFIXES. Article tl .* 59. ( 1 ) Its proper vowel is Pattahh with a Dagesh following ; as D*;^'*^:! the heavens, tiysn the wafers, D'^i^y'jrT , :>a'0?2ri r3"'"i:)!itv2, y'l^D-in , ny^ii , etc. The prefixes b S 3 often exclude the article and take its pointing ; see 61. 2. Note 1. The Dagesh is commonly omitted when *] or ?3 follows n ; as t^p^T} , Sfi^^n , lan^n , etc. See 7. 1. small print. Note 2. Cases hke t]''i>'7'^52irr are very rare. The Shevau here, as also in the preceding Note is pronounced. (2) When a Guttural or *l follows, it commonly takes Kaumets ; as Note. It generally has Pattakh before the gutturals Ji and M ; as i\tm , ^Vnn , ^^hri , etc. (3) It usually takes Segole before a guttural with Kaumets or ^S^c- vau'Kaumets; as n"'-inn , ti'>^vr\ , G'^t'jhn , "^hn , n-\hn .* TV' T V ' T t: V ' IT V ' V IT V Exceptions, nnn (n^rn ), V"ikn ,CTt''b , ii^''2 , V^h^ , 5>'^p-ib , pi<3 , ^'^H^, n^.n^, D'l'nin^., s-^-j^-b., n^^n!?, si^na, ti^-ii'^hs. Mp/m? b^S3 for buisria ; m*i<"nb for m*i<"jn^ ; Hiphil ^""htb for ^''V^pn"? , etc. ; 5^7.^)3 (Niph. for :i^.^T3 ) is peculiar. Sometimes the Article remains; as tJibuins, DT'iriD, ^^^Ina, h2T73nb, dlDhiiS, etc. (3) Before a Composite Shevau they take the vowel with which Shevau is compounded; as "^tJlnhb , (once ^?''^^Jb Ps. 136. 3), b*:DN3 , riib^Nb, '^i^rI3 , nh3 , etc. ^;nJ<5 , *'3^^b , "^ini^'b , "^Dii^s , etc. are for 'f nN3 , etc. See 62. (4) Note 2. 63. The following forms are peculiar; S^Nb for S^Nb; d'^lnbt^b, 'iribNb,D"^rfbfi<3, t'^Jib^S; niTn'^S, Tiin^'^, ^W?, see 63; once ^1^''t. > pronounced t]\^'bN^.. See 63. (4) Before an accented syllable they commonly take Kaumets ; as ta-itib , inb , \iJN3 , Niib , D33 , nii (for "i:?-! ), u;di (uj^'^iji ), t-TT * T'lVfx' ^t' T-T' :: ' C-r' ATT' C"r' /"T* ITT The construct forms are like ttil , ^pi , DCNi , r Vl , n:?1 , etc. "^n is the plur. const, of Tt a hook. (4) When a composite Shevau follows, it takes the vowel with which Shevau is compounded ; as "^iJiJi , niI35>l , !n.':r}1 , rilbuNI. , "^'^rh] . ""P^l , '^i'^^\, etc. are for "':^^^S , ''i^^^T , etc. See 61. (3). Note 1. If the letter over the composite Shevau is not a guttural, then 1 takes Shoorek; as ant!) , n^bq ,'^|^?'.^ > S-'^a^ , ''j5S:si , itBl^ari!) , etc. Note 2. Before C^n'Vs* and 13^^? (which lose their pointing under K,) 1 takes Tsaree in the former case,'and Pattakh, in the latter; as Cri'Viii for C^n'^s*;! ; 'S'ts^i for 'i3"-:5Tl3 (Ps. 68: 21) is pronounced Ci'^Hbt^b. , for D''ri>Nb. . See 61. (3). With prefix '2? ^ITl"^^ , read "^snii.UJ .* See 64. Prefix 115 . 64. This is a contraction of the Relative pronoun ^'^iiN (see 68) ; N is omitted and "^ is assimilated ; as H^buiVvlJ which (are) 6y Solomon instead of HTibuJb *^^?;^J ; ^5"*n p.^ which we waited for ; nnbu: , ''UJfi^'^"^: , 'n^^iD , (with prefix 12 ) "n^SUJs . The Dagesh is sometimes omitted ; as ^iT.'Jl'^'iJ (read '^3'IN;;^ ). Other examples (with a guttural following), b^/ii , ^tj;p and Dn\p , S ' - V T - IT Note. This prefix occurs twenty-one times^ Eccles, chap. 2. beginning at verse 7. PattaJch Furtive. ^ 65. This is a Pattakh placed under ^naZ h , y , and n ; as HI *^, nzttt , nSsa , n-^X , 51 , ^a-^y , ^-^p.'i , V^^ , ni?^: , rr^z^'n , etc. ; in- stead of h^"! , n^Ta , rinB3 , h^-i , ^j , ^^'a^ , s^-^p^ , 5>^d , nih , n-^a^a , syllables which cannot occur in Hebrew. See page 12. 5. Note. The vowel which precedes h , 3? , ti , must either be changed into Pattakh, or a Pattakh furtive added; as ynii'; or S^s^'i , 5>:3^') or tk."'^''. Pattakh is furtive in such forms as nhb'iJ , nS'Tau: , for rihi\25 , VOWEL CHANGES. 66. (1) The vowels are changed or dropped when the word is increased; as ipSD^ ^"^p^."] (see (5) below), N2J723 Q^i^iTTpD , ^^D JT^pg, T T :IT ' T ;IT ' - -r -; T V t - ; ' r " t : ' cp; ^^V.^, is-^uj^. ni'^-ij^o''^:?. n^-i^T:, pm nnpTh, ^n*:! t]:5^^i"7, l?t2p^ '^^.'^R?, ^'4;h ""^^tj, pn 'j'^Qj -3 '''^S and ^5^3, -J^Jtrr ]"'TNri1 , Uncommon forms. ]5 lD''33, D'^z t3''n3, etc. See 11.5. 10. Note 1. A vowel is said to be changed, when it takes the place of its cor- responding one. Note 2. A vowel is said to fall away or be dropped, when another one takes its place which does not correspond with it. * In writing, the Hebrews put for nifT'; and with prefixes ii\t !J?3 UNIVEESITY ^^ TliK 57 N. B. Whenever a vowel is dropped (fulls away) as in some of the foregoing examples, Shevau takes its place ; when two vowe]s fall away Kheerek {sometimes Pattakh, seldom Segole) takes the place of the first vowel ; as *i2'i t:'^"!^" ^Ir"^ > "Bip 'tSTj;; 'Vp '^'I'^i^. > the occurrence of two Shevaus at the ico^mnino" of a word can never take place. Gutturals usually take Composite Shevau. See 4. (2) The construct state and Maccapli generally (but not always) drop, shorten, or change, one or more of the vowels ; as li"^ , "jSi , - 3 , "iD:',n''r, rr^a , n^:^--, ^i2D^,M:p73, ipt, n^ , cb'rT, M^n, f^^''^^ tt' ^^ / vt' -IS" Tl;* i|*t' t' ' ' T" n^72 , ^in , ]n5< , D-iza , D""^h , rr^N , Ji:^^^^ , r;^3"773 , etc. become li'T, -]3 -|3 , -^3 ( bs "iV^ etc.), -1?^; , n-T , rT"? , rr^.^ , n?.j?^ , nsp^Ta , 1)21 , ^: . -a^n , )i?'-i , pth , bin-| -b'lii , nps -^ps , V-^?^, T^^. , II ;, n^h 1 n?I^ f^^^^^ > J^T4^ > f^2*^ ("*?.*^ pJur. const.), nb5^ , ni^ , ^lin , JIN , "'p.s , ^;:h ("^n ""ti )> fT>^^. , fi^-r ^^ "^fel'^ , etc. Peculiar is Ip. , which in the construct becomes "]Ji. See 21. Note. The suffix state occasions a change of vowels ; as tlD/li'T , 'nn'^21 , Til' 73 , TDiri; etc. See the al)ove examples. (3) Sometimes a vowel is lengthened on account of the Article (Sl) ; as tJ?, Gijrj ; y^.^. , V"^i3 for !]'^S ; ^"12 for ^^2 ; pbn:, for pb.t^i'; ; ^ir^nn for '!]^2nr! ; ^-n'a for 1]^'z. ; bNsnn for b-i<4nn ; b^'A for b%\i3 ; "Cy cnn for -C'i?|nn . See 4. 7. 1. * note. (5) The following changes take place in the vowels on account of the Pause and (sometimes) other accents; as ^^N , ^7:n ; ^"^"^ , ^"^1 ; n:^ rrj ^?:^ ^.p^^ cp;, cp,;; ^i^p^:, ^\^y, rripj?, r^ip^-, riN-i^ , rsN-1"' ; ^wN::72n,i.Nk7:n; :i:33'0\ nns-d*': mps, ^'ips. The tone-syllable is sometimes removed on account of ] paragogic without a change of vowels ; as '{^'ips?'^ , ^^is*:)'' , "j^i^TS'lin . See (8) below ; also 41. (6) Tsaree is sometimes changed into Pattakh on account of the pause accents; as "iDn for ^^n: *ib'^'\ for ^b*T ; "i^Ds'^i for "iies^l : UJa^l for t-\;il ; fib"'73wN: for Db/72N . * In a few cases 5 and -i are found with Dagesh ; as !i-'^2ii'' , '?|'!i.^ rr^S , etc. See 7. 1. * note. The dot found in ji final is always Mappik ; see 1. 8 58 (7) Sometimes the ione-syllahle is removed on account o^monosyl- lahleSj the pai'tide b>? , and i conversive ; and these commonly change the vowels; as ^*:-^^sJ-I for Tnsn ; ^2-sn-Nnn forqiNnJi: N3-nsh for ^sn; C3-r"JtJ2"' for buis-* ; t3UJ-nn:D"^i for '2PQ^^: qoni , PDn-bN ( PlDin-^^t ) for qDn; '^n'^z'i') '^ri")|'=T; nsDN"! , Psbij , {^m pause, : nCDi^i t^cDJj ) ; D|?\2 , n^.J<^T, for op^T , n^pN*] . See 22. t note. 23. Note 3. (8) In Nouns, Pronouns, etc., short vowels are commonly lengthen- ed or changed, when pause and (sometimes) other accents fall upon them; as Q^b xi^T2,v^\ i'^t.-'hb ''hb , -""ID "^ns , ""bn ^b"n , :-Ii!:-^^^ T :aT' . -i .^T V .ex/' VlV "Ja' ' ^ '" AT-' -IT-' 5 ;. 'a'l'N , nns^. nni; , ^!?3 ^p^ , 'tt^ ^2 , ^^^ ^b , '^rjij^ rynj^ . See (5) above. (9) Verbs b guttural, and 'ib , in many cases end in Pattakh; as ^T^o-; (in pause hp^D"; ), ^y\'^ (^tli^), "i^i^"' ("^^.i^"*) "i^i^'^l nTit^'T , nbisri (Ll\b'22n ), yn;^') (5?na-: )? ^V-??^ (nb.u373 ). See 65. PRIMITIVE PROIVOUIVS, < 67. Separable Personal Pronouns. rarely. TAow, masc. Thou, fem. In pause. At : IT :.\T ^v\ iJe,(it). w\in ^^n S/ie, (it). Plural flDHD.Nl. . Wc, JIT ": L:m Ye, masc. ]nwy T ~ ]m Ye, fem. ri52n Dn They, masc. nDn ir^. TAet/, fem. * In a few cases, it becomes necessary to render this pronoun inc ; as '3t< fc> 'SS ''^T.IS bless mo my father, even me. t !)5h\ is used six times, and 35S ( ) once (Jer. 42: 6), instead of r)5|n\N . 59 Note 1. The pronouns of the 3d person are often used as demon- stratives ; ^inrr Y^hrz that land, NJirrfi t^i-^z on that day, Srin t]'^73^a in those days, etc. The Article is usually attached to them. Note 2. The forms t-;72nb Ji-;hb , Jiysiis ^^n3,n72nX3 njhtt, ,l72ri3 nsnS, occur without any additional signification. <> 68. Relative Pronoun. "llliiSI^ who, (lie who), which, that, what, whose, whom, sing, and plural. 69. Demonstrative Pronouns. T\\, ni^'r this, ihat.^ With the Jrticle, Tim and m^Tl the same. Uncommon forms. J-iT>!l , ^1^71 , T^ri , iT , ^t , riT . JlT and =lt are sometimes relative. nVJ?., K^. these, those.^ With the e^r/ec/e, nVi^JH, and pi^iTI the same. <> 70. Interrogative Pronouns. *^12 Who, what person, whom, whose ; once what. Tlp^ , T\12 , n^ What, what thing, why ; as an adverb how. 71. Suffixes united to Prefixes and Particles. (1^3 ) 3 in, with, by^ etc. See 9. Note. ^3 T me, myself, thee. itself, him. us. lnh3 D3 them. ' etc'. * nt is sometimes construed as a plural, and nV.i* is found as a singular ; see Gen. 27: 36. 1 Sam. 29: 3. Job 19: 19. 1 Chron. 11: 11. 2 Chron. 3: 3. 3 i^^ 11^-!23 "^^72^ t::f\j23 t]p3 D-D ens D- n^3 etc. (1^^ ) b (laF doubtful) ib ' nb riDb 'at r . ^> ri:bb T Vt t^>. X Dnb 1^;^, F-5 60 as, ZzA;e, etc. See 9. Note. me. thee, you. them. ( I'^b ) b /o, as to, etc. See 9. Note. " '* him, himself, it. " thee, thyself. " Mei fern. etc. {s^ ' ?3 ) 'J73 73 /row, 07 account of, etc.* See 9. Note. " />, i<. " her, it. " ws. (( (( u ?/0M. " Mm. n&? or -nJ< accusative. ^n'M me, 'Tjnii^ (JiiDni^ ri^n.\) ^ni< Mce, irij< him, it, rrniN Aer, i7, ^dHm MS, S^Dni^. (D::nifi<) yow, DnV{ (cnnc^. cnn\N) Mem raasc, jnni^ ( ]nnf ]niN njni^ ) them fem. DM or -n^? with. V ^m M7iM me, 'TjriN ryni* !jni>{ ^^;^7^ ^Aee, ir)w^ with him, it, rjm with her, it, =12nfi< m'M us, dDm 2^;i7/t yow, Dnw\ (Dr^n^^ ) m;/M Mem.J bfi$ ("'^.N ) ww^o, ^0, against, in, into, etc. (bJ< wo^, bN God). * -jto is generally doiii/ed, and is expressed by Dagesh/orfc; as fl a Mitt (= !jn5to3te) from him; ^a>sw (= 533tt:w)//-om m5, etc. t "^5 ( "^S ) at the end of verbs signifies me ; as "3\p3 he visitedme., etc. See 97. t This preposition (when added to suffixes), is seldom found with the pointing of the .Accusative ; as nin'H (for riPS ) toith her, -iris (for "irii^ ) with him, etc. i^i: a ^ih ^r,2T2 (W^ ) fjz;)2 ^7273 :)rf:73 nn:b =127273 ri3727: :) 27372 V tJ^'^ nrj^. tins 73 e^c. 61 ^i<(''bN^ unto me, T?^. > '^''\^.^ Tr ^. ' ^^""^^.^ ti^'^^.ij , Dn-'V.^^. (^bN 'nbN "^rfbN wz/ G^oc?, ^"^H-N , T^^^bN {once with prefix, iribfi^b), rj-^rrbN, ^3^rfbN, tis%n;bN, etc.). n'^'^^^^ b^ on account of. ^n-in^Nb^, '^'^n'i'^N b^'. ^^^ > "^11?^ > ^n^ > ^"iriN q/]?er, behind, other, another way, hachcards. ]S 'nriwN afterwards, '^'lhi< , T^ltl^ , tJlD^inhN , etc '^j '^^'?. t "^V^ where. rr3*N where (art) thou, ^N , D^N , etc. Ilh t X^i!^.not, no, nothing, without. '^S^'^Nwo/ /, me, ':]3'^N ^^'l^i^thou art not, ^sb^^f Ae z's not, we are not, JlS^i^. not she, she is not ^ t32\Nt i^'^V^'^ ^^V^. t^^y ^^^ not. '^T'?^?; '=|''T'^fi< Aappi/ ari Mom, ^fnUiN , T^^'w^N , Q^D'^'^i^N, etc. See ' 72. Note 2. Y\, yz, m'3'3 between, among, ""pa, 'rj^S Tj^S, ^:"'V?. ''^^h'irs between us, C)';\'^3 between two, CnT3'^3 between them, etc. na , Tl2 , 'lib , l^b^ , "T^^b a/one, besides, except, "^^^b fty myself, i. e. alone, "iT^b 'o himself, i. e. alone, TTl^b to thyself, i. e. alone, 'jn'Tinb t^^^^b by themselves. ('^?^ '^? in equal portions). ^Pib3 , "^rib^b wof, besides, except. '^inb:2 isl'"^ '^^^j besides thee. i:^zfor, through, around about. '^1^'^ for me, around about me, T^?2 , ^3"V;3 , etc. "I5>ba, ''?.?b2 0t!:^b2 except, only, "^i^ba^ besides, 'T^^.^^ba besides thee, etc. bb^3, ^=1^5>2 that, on account of ^bb^2 , ^?.=1^?';3 ( *^ V ) /''^^ % sake, Qninya , etc. Nb?l behold. See 36. 1\l> i^?.^, J^in fte/^^^^. ^b^ri '3 2.!l ^l\n behold me, I, '^sri (^\!t ^5:?! ^sri ) behold thee, thou, "isfl , 12b n , etc. nb^T, TiblT exce/jf, without. "^nb^T '^nb^T, etc. Itll. together, at the same time or place, entirely. T^tH^ "l*^"^^- the same. ^?. > "'^ V '^^^fi *^j <^^Cj ^^^i were. ^'^i^. Mom arf, wilt, ii'li^. Ae 2*5, tSl^J*^, you are, will, "^'^ UJ,"] there is to me, i. e. I have. b3 ( b^^ ), -b5 a//. ^b3 ( ^b3 ), ib? Hb3 , t:\d (once Nb? ), 5)5^3 , C3b3 , tbs and Qnbs , rr2nb3 and nn? 3 . 15^^ (l^Vi ) '^^^^> 50 Maf, ow account of, according to, in order that. 62 '"Cb before, in the presence of. '^3D~bi' before, '^:S~b" , "'SBb , ^ith 6e/b7*e me, '^^'^DD Di^, ^"'\^^ 6e/bre thee, l*':^ b?, ')'^3Db 6c/brc him, Srt'^psb , etc. "^33^ on account of, because of C{~P:s^, etc. ^\\ i !^^^\ before, over against, against, n^/ab 1Ji\72 the same, (see 72. Note 1.); "i^^: , "^^^5 , i'^^,5; 'i'7^33 as over against him i.e. suited to him. Tii> , *li:5>3 , 'iv yet, while, again. ^I'i^lQ since. "'I'fs^a, '^Snii' i^Ai7e / am, 'Tl'is? while thou art, TlVT)^ , '^iHiv ^':^S^^ frj^hf\^ while he, we, S'll^ Mc^ (are) yet (alive).* *15 C"^*!!? ) to, even to, even, until, unto, so that, provided that, forever. T^li? unto thee, '^'ly , ri5> , ClD'^'IS^ . "''1735!' with, for or ^o wc. by , ''b.5> upon, with, by, against, without, concerning. '^\^ "^blj , ^^7^ i^bi^ n5\J:^, siD'^V.i^^, tin'^b.??. D:? l^JzM, in, within. V:^:? , '^^aiJ ^?33>, 1*732?, rT732/ , ^:?j5?, t:5732? , tlTS^ t)n725?. inn^ (nri;^ ) wot^j. (tn'^3 , fin-^a wotr, ^Ais day). nlin under, instead of, beneath, for. "^ntiri '^2rihn, T^lririt^; ^^1^!^^ about it, etc. <> 72. Particles (Separate and Combined). Nb (fi^ib) 'J'^k (ri?.) wof, ^Aere 2*5 not, none, 0^ if not, wheth- er, TN then, tiilj {niyd) there, nt nij:-]52 "^3 because, "I'^i^'^^^ un- til, "^3 t^ although.) iii or, ^^^ owZy, 6m/, Pl^l also, yea, ^b , N^b O that! if, )B not, lest, nhn bN wnc?er, DSTSfi^, t3:73N; surely., truly, indeed, Tib^h, rrb^^bTS above, etc. nt373, Mt2bV73 fec/oz^J, beneath, under, ri73yb , M73y , m*73^ (from JlTSi^) wear, by, against, as, like as, 'n73S'b ; i^iij , n3N , i<3 now, O that! I beseech, ah I pray you, b^? , b3 not, do not, "^a 1 pray you., ^5T"by on account of, 'niUN-'ji'^b }? ), li* ("'tl?'.), 1$ "'tl?!, "1^] t3^"i2>b eternally. )7 and ng^.S are for ntn^iy , till now, hitherto, yet. 63 forever, a long time, t^'nS , rtT^b , HTsb why, wherefore, ni'li^ b? because of, on account of, ]N where 1 when ? whither ? n:N , nr.2$ here, where, thither, whither. iiz is frequently par a^o^jc ; as bSi^^i^S (for !:SN2 ) in the dark; see 9. Note. Note 1. Many of the foregoing particles take the Prefixes S 3 V >2 without any additional signification ; as Min and nrtP^ beneath, C"i.t2. and CV4S before, 5^59. aioce, m'hsj^a backicards* Note 2. Nouns and Verbs are sometimes used as particles ; as ht22 safely, securely, Ci^':;^7a uprightly, 'C''l:tih before, C'SS'ja before, for icards, in ancient times, Msnii fearfully, STta , a'^ta^'Ti tcell, 'skilfully, ri'i'n.^ speedily, ninn much, enough, CS'an car/y, "'I'^'i? happy. 73. PECULIAR FORMS OF SUFFIXES TO NOUNS. N^ for n_- ; as nVs a// of it, for n^3 , Ezek. 36: 5. ^ID- for ^_ (n parag.) My fem. ; '^^-_ for ^''_. My, plur. noun. "^rii (Chald. form) Azs ; ^rt_ (/w's) is suffixed only to nouns ending in i^n''-. for rp~ her, plur. noun ; n_ occurs only in nouns ending in ri-.t n3D for "JS yoz/r fem. ; !12D"'_ your, plur. noun. QH for t]^7.-. Mefr (them) masc. ; ti?3lii_. for fin"^ (Jl parag.) MczV, plur. noun. ^2 for ]_ or ]~ , Wil- for ]in-- MezV fem. (n parag.) ; plur. ii2!7.%, for Note 1. The plural < is sometimes omifierZ before thesufilx; a.s^hl-n thy icays, for '^'^r.n- ; ISS Ai^ 5ore5, for TtiS . See 14. Note 1. Sometimes a plur. noun takes a sing. sufl5x ; as "^rii-r:^ for ^niTy . In a few cases a sing, noun has a plur. suffix ; as |r|in?nn thy praise, for ^ti'^nn . Note 2. When a noun ends in i, the suffix ^ sometimes coalesces with it ; as ITS my nation, fori-i-ia from i'?A . See 14. * note. Note 3. The i which is commonly placed after m' in the fem. plur. before suffixes ( 14. Note 3.) is sometimes omitted ; as ^riTS)a for ^^''^'isw . <) 74. Kal Participles. (Participial nouns). '^yi^ i:2:> he is serving, he who serves, a server, y^y^ ^'J2X' , n'ij'i'' , (^^?3in, ^n'iJi\ n-inio; see 18. small print). * The particles frequently have both Prefixes and Suffixes united to them ; as !:jsn5<^ (^nst^ )/rom with thee i. e. from thee, f^'Qy'a from with thee, ':^\V"sW from upon, by thee, ''Vy W from me, etc. t Ezek. 36: 5 St.- (her) stands for t?t_ . t "^n occurs for -,n ("jTiriS ) Isai. 3: 17. 64 t3Di*i2) t3B, ^jj-js , :3.';i^( :3:fi<, ^tib , it^gr , pai-^ , qv-jj , u:^.ilri, ^"nis , iSu: , etc. irnj^'s sAe 2s visiting, a visiter, D^ib'ij hearing^ ri'lb's? standing, (once ni^W for D'Tl^'i^ ""ir^^^ "'^.^^ ni'lj^'s they are visiting fern., m'sj^'in , m'^wStUJ , m'n?3>, nSiXZ^ , etc. 75. Participles of verbs (roots) ending in Tsaree and Kholem.f ^^;i he is fearing, a fearer, construct fi<"^^ a fearer of, ysn , 4<^.2 , ^?1, ]'4^^ t]7?,t), etc. JlN'^,^ HN"!.^ she is fearing, ii:Qh > J^*^^.^ , n:lp;' J^^ui-; , etc. ti^ii^,1 they are fearing, those who fear, const, ""i^n^ the fearers of m'N"^7 ^^^y <5{re fearing, those who fear fem., mzui*; , etc. ^r)^ Ae 2S a6/e, prevailing. ^^^ (ni:^^ ) Ae is fearing. nbb^ sAe IS a6/e, prevailing. il^i"; feminine. fi'^rb*; ^'i ), t]'^j5 , Q-^tiM"^ , ti'^:b. , (once each, C^-ip and t]"'Di3 ). rriNa l) ny watching (and answering) i. e. every living being, n^. dying, y^ a mocker., scorner. * Other examples, nsJf'i , np^Jt MJ?.?.T , '^l^'iVi'' niV"' ^"<* '^iV > KS^ for riKJt'i'i , in::.'!'' for ns:fi"i. t Those have the same form in the 3d pers. singf. masc. praet. Kal. See 15. Note. 65 77. h . i^lN an enemy, plur. f^n-^it? , const. ''5'!'^*^ enemies of-, tina with suff. "^h^ breaking me ; ff^sa plur. of ]''3. 78. h . DSID (i'^^iTD) surrounding, encompassing ; DNiJ (Jer. 30: 16) for DDUJ, root DD'iiJ . ~ T >79. VERBS ri^ and ^, M!:i5, fem. Ji^i'-J and l^l^biiJ, plur. masc. tr^fi^, plur. fern, rribia and m'^^i-i: ni^ni&< from nni^: rj^-ris from nns. Ti'y^ , const. riS;^ , fem. rry^i, plur. masc. t:'':f"i, plur. fem. m*yn . n^'Jl, fem. Tirn and J-l^in . Masc. plur. D"'Di" , const. *^Dfn . N2a (^273), fem. ni<2i:)3 (nJ^.i:i72); ^?:'f'', fem. n:^''' {once for ilN^'"') nN:r '^ and nrii"^ . t3Nn2 for tlN'l'z from ^2i ; t3''Nt2n for tJ"^Nt2n . Note. The Participles in aZZ the Conjugations receive the same endings as Nouns; as iny^ji mij cnera?/, "^ii'lj^ "^^'x 7ny enemies, ^^s.^^'isi , etc. i>sj5 irj? /i05e rising vp against me i. e. my enemies ; ^'^>?.|;5 , etc. ; ^"'n.l/ii* those cursing thee. 80. PASSIVE PARTICIPLES (KAL). I^ps n^pD (nps nps ) Ae zs visited.^ a visited person. (^^*^2> , y^lXS^ZJ , JTllpS , rriips sAe is visited, a visited person. J^*^p.^ , ri'ipB, rin^h, Tii 3 3 (with "^ paragogic). D'^'}^pS, S'^lj^S tliey are visited, those visited; const. ^"l^lpD , '^!b1^^i^ , m'TlpS ^Ac3/ are visited, visited ones fem., n'fS'lt) they are burnt. ^=11:5 , "^ira revealed, fem. ^t;^V3 , plur. masc. t]^-;lbi3, plur. fem. ni'^l^il, root nVi ; n;it23 from !nt:3 . See Note 1. ' 'yr^'^Z, *^1t53 ("^jp: ) forgiven, from Ni2J3; "^^03 "^ID^ covered, from JlD3 . ni:^; from n:r^. fitip (cp) from C"p ; V^ from b=173; masc. plur. "CT^^Y^^ from iZJin; fi"*^ (rarely), from CI t: or C}''U5. Note 1. The "^ is sometimes dropped; as iB^for '?)35; wy for -isto:? . 9 66 Note 2. This participle is occasionally active; as ^i^iST he remembers, etc. Note 3. Some of the above forms are given in the Lexicons as Adjectives. 81. PARTICIPLES WITH THE ARTICLE (n). ^n'-ri who is speaking, who spoke, ^I'^n ^ Q^^ni ?r7 , nfi^ii'^n , m'lli'^Jl, ^bltin; ^ISiyn which is poured out, H^l^^f^T: which is purposed, rT'*it:sn, rn'rhi^rt, etc. "l?3i?rT , tJ'^'n^'ii^n , a'^'l73l3>rt that stand, who are abiding, etc. Kal. ^^h|n he who is desired, the lovely one or thing, d'^TTahiln which are desirable, ti'^i^'^S.lZVri (S-Nr^X^srr), nfi<273Sri who loere found, C^nfi^Uisn those that were left, Niphal iS^TJlri, n^.2'i7:n, t3''-i3^^n , ni'iinittn , Piel. ^n'a^srt C]'^:D^'a72n , nb!?si7Dri , Pu- al N^^iri'/^n , t:''jP^Th^ri, 'j*'372n, (with parag.) ^b'^STrTan , '^n'^S^72Jj , Hiphil. niD2nn73n which is turning itself.^ brandish- ing, Hithpael. Note. The Article is occasionally prefixed to the Praeter ; as t^sn who came, "'inS (for -('irjna ) in zchich he placed, ijin that, who, lives, ttsisVtin ( tt parag. for ^iVnin ) who {they) went. See 15. with the t note. 82. PARTICIPLES WITH SUFFIXES. '^^^'IN my enemy, "^nfi^ "'S?''*^ ""^V enemies, '^"'^."li^ , T^^'l'N , r7'^3'j*i< , irn^'iN , Q5"'n>N , t3n'n';i\\ , from n^.^ . ^Ha from h'^i] ; "^n*!; from nt^ ; "^^^n from ni<"i ; "^i?'-! my feeder, shep- herd, ''^"n my feeders (const, ""i;"! ), T^V'l , etc., from l^y^ ; Vi^ know thou, 'i;'7, 15>'7, etc. ; with affix ^H^l confess him. "* :i^ , -I'i? sit, dwell thou. 2?l come on^ givey 'lin (per- haps inn Hos. 4: 18 for inti; ) give ye. p2 and p:^'^ powr ^Aom. JT^iJa"; '<^':. , '^^ ('^;pj, ^^i*; pos- sess thoUy lUJ^i , etc. ^^. , Ti"' descend thou, etc. nnh nn'-! T I" j<] ^0 thou, iN:r 5inj:, n:'^Nir from ns** . 1i<^") fear ye. 84. VERBS Di3 . iTijij (25^ "*a:^, approach, remove thou, once "^u; -T , twice Vij'-T , for "^tj-i and l^-i . Nil? , NiDD (Ps. 4: 7 no: with J< and to changed into their cognates,) take, lift up, pardon; Parag. n with affix '2=lJ (n parag. ) 6e mighty. iSij? (with 2 epenthetic) curse thou him, tliJP (with tl paragogic). ^ 88. VERBS ih . n^.5 reveal, remove thou, fem. 'ira, plur. =1^-1, fem. nr.ifi3 . nV.?, asccnrf , etc. !-tilJ5> c?o, maAre ^Aom, "^to^ , 1^23?^, , etc. n25> answer, etc. '^s'bi' answer me, i:y s?n^ ye, testify ye. n;;n niti (fi^.!?!. ) 6e Mom, fem. '"^rr ^'in ("i-iJi ), plur. rn etc., with prefix n'^m Jl''m ; ^'^h^ "^bNi. lament thou. =l''i>s inquire ye, and ^"^nij cootc ?/c. Is. 21: 12. =lBiJ is for no^ (for NS'n ) Aca? thou, iiD2 is for Ni!3D . See 84. 89. VERBS ^"^ . N'lp call, proclaim thou, plur. Jli^-ip^ and 'INHJ:, (ir^^."lp. call ye (upon) him), fem. ]N^.p and ]i^'lp , with D epenthetic Jisknp rc? it. ^fi^*!^ (for ^N")": ) fear ye. n:"'i<: ^o ye (for n:fi91. VERBS :D. n'43\ 94. VERBS :? doubled. Sd ~iD (i3p) to turn, compass. iph , ip^ina when he appointed. Sph2 when he set a compass. "173^2 when it is hot Job 6: 17. 'ui2hl (Is. 47: 14) is for D72h>, C is a suffix. dn "Qn to complete, consume, f72ri '^) ^0 multiply, "112 ^a ex- pire, with pref andsuff. fi'n^!? m*72*lJ, rriih, etc., are peculiar; but see Lex. md and iiSh . i^iJia wj^cn i7 shone; but see List of Anomalies l^Sl . iJil (Ps. 22: 9) stands for b:^^ b-l Zc< him commit (his affairs unto the Lord, he will deliver him). 15^, t]3:Dnb , nD3hb are peculiar. 'J* 95. VERBS rh . HbS , "1^3 , mb^ ^0 reveal, remove. Hby , "ib^ , ni^y c-i , riNn (once IrtN"! ), m"}<^ (m'N"3 ) ^0 see, regard, etc., once in^N^ . Once n:nEzek. 21: 15. ni5<^ (for tn'fi^l ) to behold. 96. VERBS ikh . N^l? , riN^p (once DJ^^J^ ) to call, meet, "^i*^)^ I call. Nb^ niJ(bX3 mNb72 > V5>2 , "^Siljn , "^tni^ "^ThN and ^thN . See 48. 49. * The Conj ufirations PoeZ, Poal, Hithpoel ; Polel, Polal, Hithpolel ; Pilel,Pu- lal, Hithpalel ; Pilpel, Polpal, Hithpalpal, are only other names for Piel, Pual, Hithpael. See 17. 6. t note. 7. Note. 40. Note 1. Also page 72. Peculiar Conjugations. 71 VERBAL AFFIXES OR SUFFIXES. 97. (1) These are fragments of the Primitive pronouns (67,) ap- pended to verbs transitive, and form the accusative (objective) case ; as ^Dnips or "^^riiiS thou hast visited me, instead of "^j^^-nnjiD ; etc. These, for the most part, are the same fragments as the suffixes at- tached to nouns ( 14) ; the vowel, however, which unites them to the Verb, is generally (but not always) different. (2) The following changes take place in the Sufformatives, when verbal suffixes or affixes are united to them ; thus : Jl_ third pers. fern. sing, praet. becomes ri_ or ri n or ^n second " " " " " ^n or H Dn " " plur. masc. " " iFl or XH HD second and 3d " '* fern. Imp. and Ful. 1 or _ T * (3) The following changes take place in the Vowels when verbal affixes are added to the verb ; thus, ijDD becomes IJiS or "ipB (very rarely like ipz , ^[^.3) ; as O'lj^D he visited them ; J^'^ps {she visited), be- fore an affix n^ij^D or n^j^D , etc. throughout. Note 1. Verbs rtV lose their n in the 3d pers. sing. masc. praet. when ver- bal suffixes are added to them ; as C5S he aiisucered them, ^i^^^s.^ he commanded him, ''5\2J , !:j!is "r^VS. ', I'toSS it covered them; so in the future; as Cini heioill build them up, etc. Note 2. When the first radical is a guttural it takes Coniposite Shevau ; as ysr: he delighted^ t i: rt he delighted (in) them ; r!?i\jT>5 she seized her, for nin \}is< . The Future, Imper., Infin., and Participles, of all the conjugations, are so plainly distinguished by their characteristics, that it is unnecessary to present examples of them with verbal affixes. (4) Verbal affixes are in some cases appended to verbs ending in J (3) paragogic; as ?lj=lN]i72'; thei/ shall find her, "'Ziknp^ thei/ shall call me, Ti^^inS'iJ'^, ^3Tn-^-v23'' , TSnsb"^, n5-i:^n:s>*' , "':*3ni\3'in. (5) When these affixes are appended to interjections and adverbs, they are generally the nominative case; as ^: s/^wX he is not, rii's'^i* she is not, etc. See 71. 35. (6) The masc. C {thern) is sometimes used for the fem. ] ; as fii^SJ-nS";} and they drove them (fem.), for 'jl"^"),^'^^ ; Q^i^^GN!] ^^v "jl'^DN^l . (7) The Epenthetic D is often found before verbal suffixes, see 35. In many cases it is expressed by Dagesh forte , as in the following ex- amples. ^NIN I will show thee, for 1:Nn5? from MMn ; !l33^ he will smite theCf for nS^s^ from 1153 ; "'s'b'^ hejudgedme, for ''32'2'7 from ]2'^; 72 ''SnD'^ he chastised me, from "nD"^ ; '^sb'iih it shall bless 7e, from ^'la; Jisn^S"; ^e will save us, for ^::ni:'; from 'il^J j ^r^R^ > !^5^.^!^ , etc. See ^ 71. rM ^ '^'^^ ' Also 35.*'* Note. ''^ ("^s) is the afRx me, ""^ the suffix m^^. See 71. f note. (8) In a few cases the 3d plur. fem. has the masc. form ; as tl^i'D^,'^ for n:^'73yt3i; see Gen. 30: 38. 1 Sam. 6: 12. Twice the 2d plur. masc. is used for the feminine: as ^^"ipn for !i2nnpPl; :ihDnn for nanbnn. See Gen. 30: 39. for another peculiarity. PECULIAR CONJUGATIONS. The following are simply peculiar forms of Piel, Pual, and Hithpael; thus: 1. nniD Poel, nnib Poal, nninDn (with n trans- posed, see 38) HithpoeL bbin, ip.in, y^n, ninra Poe/, etc. See 40. Note 1. 17. 6. J note. 7. Note. 2. nri^lp Po/e/, D^ip Po/a/, D^.ipnn HUhpoUl See 17. 7. Note. 3. i3Ni.?i , I??.! i^iVe/, ^^_^^wNt_ Puiai, !:Vop_nn , ninririn Hithpakl See 40. * 4. !:3)3, wNDwN^D (verbs IS?), ^?b5, :Pprip (verbs h) 'piipei,^jtT6 Poipai,b':h'Dr\n, ^5b,^nn, 5?u:3?nrin (38) J. -p. ^ i ..... ,.. .. ... HithpalpaL 5. nn*inD Pealal active, 1^"l'Dn Pealal passive. 6. n?.i^n Peoe/. 7. ^^iin, nnnn, from ^^-j, nnn r/pM 8. tt0ni2 is from ClDH; n^h^^^ is Pwa/of nSV 9. For the JYithpacl conjugation see 51. Peculiar forms. See 16. Note 6. 17. 6. J note. 7. Note. Pluriliterals. These are tiSD"!, T^nS, riDbDnD*; from DDlS, ^n5;q from ^Sn3, etc. See 16. Note 5. 73 Table of the Characteristics of the Conjugations in the Future tense, in the In- finitive and Imperative Moods, and in the Participles.* 98. FUTURE TENSE. Id -in -i"^ i&^ or Id in h ii. Niphal. T T r TV T T ' y" -r p's"; , Dip": ni'pN , verbs ^^ ; Ql'-^jn, nO"; , verbs yV ; 3?^^,: , ^"4?^^ . ^^^^^ "D ; hiz^ , N^i< , verbs nb ; "i^l'TN from t'^l . I-I1_D I'lLn l-lh I-II_Nl.t PiEL. ^tli"? etc. ^nn*; ^l^N , etc. n-^;;:} for IT 211 u''^'^ > ^^."^'p^, _^5l''^'^ 1-1 ID I -I In l-ih i-iiw\t Pi/AL. rfnbin , etc. iTij^ , fihin , etc. 3 n '^ &i HiPHiL of verbs Perfect, T\7 , ~ ~ - (f "l^^ ' "^^i ^ "^P\ 7 nan 'Tittn , verbs rfb ; Dn , etc. from [or DS nt22 ; r from nn ; "^r^l from nw ; DP): from D^an . By accession ,^ ,, 5 n 3*wH (3 n ; N) Hiphil orverbs13?03?),or :? DPj: for tin^ from Qsr? , '^r:,::' from ^^n . [doubled, ID in i*^ ifi< HiPHiL of verbs ^ . 'n"i''T from Ji^^ ; ^''''ij^'rt'^ , b'^b'''' . =lb''b''n"' verbs "^'s ; rtfi* is for rtfi^N ; rt^^ni'M from 15N . See 45. Note. !3, )?} !^^ !&5 (jfij or IX) HoPHAL of verbs Per/Torrid. D^ n V j^^ (^^:a^y " " Ds,;::r:e,r^- "^D in 1*^ 1i^ (seldom *; etc.) " " ^B, fe, or n?.*: for nS'i'^ , ^Bn ("nsn ), verbs h ; ib^^.. from bs^ . [3? doubled. nD nn n*; nws Cn^?) Hithpael. n is sometimes assimilated ; see 17, (c) with the t note. 38. * For the conjugation Kal, and the Praeter of the other conjugations, see the Tabular View referred to in the Preface. + I>a;'es/i cAarac^cmfic is occasionally omitted ; as to p a "^ for WJJa"* ; "'pan for ''ttj|5an ; etc. ' "' " " * ' *'"* 10 74 ^ 99. INFINITIVES AND IMPERATIVES. In In (d d) Nu>hal. ir-nrr, C)"-:rT, "^":'.3-, i^n-in for '?. Chald. -din^c^ for 'in. nifi often reject n and take its vowel. Note. For Piel and Pual see Tabular View. Also 17. 6 small print. il HiFiiiL ci' verbs Perject^ D , ar Tw n " r; , or 3? doubled.^ in ( n ) " " ^s. S'^D'^n and rtjn for nain, root nt:^ . 'D'^!:"'- fem. 2pers. : Chald. a"'5;iJJ:5 for 'dn. ri^nn from nnN ; "^qn from fi^is. Apocopates, inn for nsnrj ; qnn for riBnn ; "i^n from n53 ; '^vn , from nbs? . r T Note. Sometimes the Infinitive has the pointing of the praeter; as ni:2J^ri for 'j>t: , t-iij^ri , ':in"'73br7 , ^.^t]^ (rad. pj^-^ ), r'^D- is for b"'5Nn. HoPHAL. The Infinitive is like the Praeter, excepting in verbs T\7 -, which have ( ) or ( "I ~ ) for ih^ final vowel; as n^.in rib^n nib^ii The Imperative occurs in two words only; as !ii3U:rT , i:2n from ri^5. Infin. n'l?- and nnlnn from 1^^ . HrPHPAEL. Infin. and Imper. like the Praeter, excepting in verbs fip ; as Infin. liV^rin and nSV^nfi; imper. n'p^nri, apocopated ^^pri . n is sometimes assimilated; as ^3TrT from niT . See 26. 38. 39. 40. ^ 100. PARTICIPLES. NiPHAI., Is like the Praeter ^ excepting the final vowel, which is (t), { i ~^ ), * Sometimes n becomes ri or n ; as nfisri , '3/i|.''^vl verbs ' ; cVnn from ^\h . ssf.iri and nsi-in are Irom sii"; and 1:; .' See 51. 75 or(v); as ^Cijp: , fi'ip; , ^^^l> ^k^A' ^^.l fro ^*5^ j ^^H- ^^*"-' "l^is const., m*5=i: fern. plur. from ns^ . I ! I ^ in 'I n ^ PiEL. qs-ij^ . 13>V^ for ^3sVn^ . Plur. const. "'nnOT: from nhia . "^riJi^^a from l^b . \-\\12 '\12 in^ PuAL. n"75<73, nST72, "T^ssp^:. /3 HiPHiL of verbs Perfect, DE, or tw* 12^ (by accession) tJ '' " l^*, or 3? doubled. ?n73 fi-'^'iyj , from yin ; r">^ ^oi^ T^^. > ^""^^ ^^"^ ^"'^'?- ' ^^'^^^ "'^ " n"t2"'Dfor niuiXJ; ]^\72^ from ^TiJ; nniT: ti-^nixs from nnv With'' parag. '^':^^^"4:73t^ , etc. \12 \)2 HoPHAL of verbs Perfect^ or TV 1^^ (>^2m ) " " ilS. Seldom P^^> ^D (seldom t] ) " " ^SD, 13?, or !? cZowJ/erf. m'att from r:t22 . Once m^ispri^ for p5Q . See 45. Note. HjQ HlTHPAEL, n is sometimes assimilated; as 15112^ for ^Mt2n73 , etc. Vii'-^ for 7i<3n?3 . See 17. (e), with t note. Also 38. 39. 40. with the Notes. Those who wish to see full tables of the Paradigms, are referred to Professor Stuart's Grammar, y^/if/t edition. This Grammar is decidedly superior to any one published in English. * In some few cases the to (characteristic of Piel and Pual participles) is omit- ted ; as na'^ for ti^t')! ; r;;'^V for nf^htz ; taniw for ta'nittto ; hhy^s. for VVws^; CXJ^n'^ for Cop!)"'^; Vss for Vss'w ; etc. In gome cases the Dagesh char- acteristic is omitted 76 To FIND THE Root. 101. 1. Divest the word of all its acijuncts, and if tftree or more letters be left they are the root; as Qn'^nn'na^jtta in their stations, from *n73\IJ he watched, stationed : 3 prefix m, Dfl suffix their, 173'>p^ Heemantive noun a station, m" ( ni ) fem. plural, "^ generally placed after ni ; 14. Note 3. i^t'l^!) and his iron, from bt*)5 ; nibbsh confusion and '^b'^Vl^h con- fused are Primitives ; riVj^bji?! crooked ways, from b'^Jf^ ; D'^D^'S^ eye- lashes, beams of the rising sun. 2. If two letters remain, (the root requires Mree,) prefix thereto "^ or 3 (to np prefix r, fijlb to fake), or insert T (rarely '*), or postfix H (seldom n), or double the second radical. Examples. ^^111 , ^t""5^ ' ""^ii ' ^^^. ' ^tl.1 , &,c. from :f}2 to know ; r^b.": from ^h^ . ''^'^!^ ^^^'ll? , ^'^3 '^j^i* , UJ^*; " til '' approach ; l^t ft'O"! > ' \ . ' [10? . etc. rij:;^i , sis-'Tp.^jpri , tnp: , c^ipN , aip;* " t^p " rise up. ^kN-iq^:: , ri^N'^nn , N^n: , ^^''Sw^j , i from tl^l ; IT^ w^^ they cast down from li"^ . Note 1. The verb "jriD (he gave) sometimes drops both 3's; as ninn ^/toM Aas^ given for MlJ^n: (n parag.) ; nn (~nn ) for n:n to give, place., with suffix "'nn to give me i. e. my giving, once (Ps. 8: 2) nrn VV^^ etc. fi-om i"i^' "?.'!- from rrr ; 'iJp.iD from ^2l'-> ^'^P > P]D(5< from P)0^ ; ^^ni'&t , im'n from r^^":^ ; CS"' , 'r^^i'n , 'rn'n from n"j; . Note. There are a few exceptions to this rule ; as n^5?"in from ^^n ; y^^"^ he is sittings dwellings (also fut. Hiph. apocop.) from i'^^ . Note 4. A few words require 5< at the beginning to form the root, as b""^?! to cause to destroy, ^xom b^i^ ; "'^^.TI? from *^TN ; ^hN (1 pers. fut.) from n'nN; ;]D^ from !:]Di<; l^bb^ from PibiJ . Nn\l (for Jir^Mt.!! Deut. 33: 21) from nnN is an anomaly. [^ 102. ROOTS of common occurrenccf M'nS he created. t T n^n he was, it happened, (Infin. nrn ). ^/35^ he said, (Imper. fem. "'"JT^N say thou). nij"! Ae saw, appeared, (Imper. i^^."5 ) >iri^ Ae Twovcc?, Part. f. nDn-nT: . Mlp ^e called, invoked, met. rito;^ Ae TwoJe, did, performed. btJ^ ^e divided. ^-1 ifiTl Ifil (Nia ^0 ^0,) he went, produced' ^i^ to shine. See 15. * note. 28. jns he gave, placed, (Infin. nJj} "nln). npb/te foo^, (Infin. nh^, Imper. nj^ and nnp ) . mp Ae collected. xt-r ^12^ he moved, crept. J? "IT it seeded. ^n2 Ae blessed, knelt down, (^"^.^ " and ^na Piel). rins Ae, it ic as fruitful. fi<{"i3^ i^ produced, flourished. nil (S^'i ) Ae multiplied. aC-zlz he filled, fulfilled. 15. Note. blDi< he ate, consumed. Ji'n^ he was afraid, [fearing). S^T' he knew, (Infin. n3?^ , Imper. '^ n). nb;^ he begot, Infin. nnb"^ . n:^ Ac formed, (in pause : 'nit^ ). ni^ to die. See 15. * note. 28. nl2 he commanded, Piel. Qi^J t31^ n"''!; ^0 place, put, make. See 15. * note. i*v23"* "j^"^ ^^ c^t^'e/^ placed, sat. CTp ^0 nse up, establish, stand, etc. ri"iuj nv25 l:"i25 dnia 103. NOUNS of common occurrence.* t3"]^\z3 heavens. V">N. 71-^ earth, land. 'iHn empty. ^l?3n (kho-shek) darkness. TJia desolate. fi^DS (const. "^22 ) plural form, face, presence. hin spirit, wind. D*;^ (constr. ^"n and ''75''73 ) ?f7#cr, waters. '^IN and liN72 Zi^A/. ^l2 ^00 J, goodness. iny evening. y'^p^'l a expanse. ^j^j'a morning. \ Di"' Jtfy, plur. c^;, (d'i'n-b3, | T^^an continually). ^ln (constr. ^in ) mc/sf, middle, \ ' amon^. ! f^^^^J ? ^?^5^ , ^^^ food. Oip^ (const, filp^ ) a place. \ tT>^2;) dryness.] til (constr. d^ and C*;, plur. t:'73;] ) a sea. iX^S. grass. 2?nt ynt seed, posterity. nipy herh. ']'^12 kind, species. ("JTS from). yy a <) no^, wo, there is not ; iy also, even to, in, forever ; Ct{ if, not, whether, nor, or ; fi^ also, so, even; lis? again, yet, while, besides ; Tif2, ^12, T:i2 what; n^ab for what, wherefore ; D^ with {u^ people); "^^^ai? with me ; CO (r^^) there [t'uj a name, t3a tJ'^il: Wt; to place.) b<^ri is he, and i^irr (M^^) issAe, ^Jq is Wio, and "': isr/ie; ''3NUJrt Ae deceived me, Hiph. of N'iJ: . See 67. 70. 97, (7) Note.] * These should be committed. 79 ^> 105. Varioi's Uses of the Serviles nVDi nd^ -n/wNj,. The following table is intended to exhibit in one view, the various uses of the serviles which are scattered throughout this Manual. The learner will find much benefit from it, especially when some peculiar combination of the serviles occur. ^{ at the beginning, 1. is the 1st Person future. See 16. '' " 2. is a Heemantive letter. See 10. 3. or, ii. is Prosthetic. See Lexicon ?'nTN , ^jn 5 & . " " 4. is (in a few cases) for n of Niphal, Hiphil, and Hithpael ; as cn'TN see 30. small print Anomaly. ''ribN^j?. , D"'3'2:n , ]5u\ , "!?nr5< , ibb'inujfic , see List of Anomalies. ii at the end L is (rarely) Paragogic, 15, f note. 16. til St? , i<=ir)brf, N=)i!32'' see Anomalies. 2. is for nor rt seen. 11. 73. fi^ inserted (in a few cases) is Epenthetic; as IfT^jTScrr , 'Tji^DtJXSiSf , see Anomalies. Also 76. ^ at the beginning is 3d Pcrs. masc. fut. sing, and (with 1, "jl, or \ at the end) plur. of all the Conjugations. See 16 with Note 4. 98. "^ inserted 1. is Characteristic of Hiphil, see 17. (c). 2. is Heemantive, see 10. 3. with the Examples. " 3. is Epenthetic, see 44 ni'^b/ipn , Dn'^N. 18. small print. 74 ^'^a'iri, ^""^^^ But see n.9. ^ 14 Note 3. 97 (2). " '^ at the end 1. is a Suffix pronoun, see 14. with the * note. 73 Note 2. 71 f note. 14^^. See 73 'Hi . For '^z (n) see 71 t note. 97 (7) Note. 79 Note. 82. 2. is Construct plural, 11 with Exceptions 1.2. 3. is (in a few cases) Par ^o^u-, see 11. 11, Note 3. 14 ^f^f" note. But see 14 note 4 small print. -^ 18 small print. 74. 80. 81. 80 ^ at the end 4. is (seldom) Construct singular^ see 11. 10. *' " 5. is (rarely) Dual and Plural, see II Ex- ceptions 4, with the Note. " " 6. is Heemantive, see 10. 3, with Examples, etc. " " 7. is 2d pcrs. S2n^. fem. Imper. (see 20. 26, 4.) and (with n at the beginning) Future, 16. See page 32 20, * note. *' " 8. is Ordinal numeral, see 57, (3). n at the beginning 1. is 3d per s. Jetn. sing., 2d masc. ixnd (with % at the end)/em. Future, see 16. Also (with riD , ] , ^1 at the end) 2d and 3d fem. plur. Future, 16. " *' 2. is Heemantive, see 10, 3. n at the end 1. is 2d pers. sing. masc. B.nd fem., see 15. 97,(2). For n see 97, (2). " " 2. is Construct fem., see 11. But see 11, 11 Note 1. " " 3. is Heemantive, see 10. 3. " " 4. is Fem. singular (ri- n^), see 11. 57, (3). 5. is Fem. plural (ni ri ), see 11. U, 9. " *' 6. is (seldom) 3d fem. sing. Pratt, see 15. 97, (2). " '' 7. is 3d fem. sing. Participle, see 18. 19. 7480. 3 at the beginning I. is 1st pers. plural future, see 16. " " 2. is Characteristic of Niplial, see 17, (6). 51, Peculiar forms. 30. * note. 3 inserted is Epenthetic, see 14 (=1S tlS ). 35. 44, Note. For n: see 16. 20. \ 97, (5). 3 at the end ( "J ) 1. is Paragogic, see 15. 16, f and notes. 97. (4). *' " 2. is Suffix 3d fm. ;}/Mr., see 14. *' " 3. is 2d and 3d pers. fem. plur. Future, see 16. For in ( rr: ) see 15. 16. 20. " " 4. is 2d pers. fem. plur. Imper., see 20. 50. " (-j p') 5. is Heemantive, see 10. 3. For )\ }% see 11, 11 81 12 at the beginning 1. is Characteristic of the Participles in Piel, Pual, Hiph., Hoph., and Hithpael, see 100. 18, with small print. ^5, Note. 40. 38. 17 (e). 2. is Heemantivey see 10. 3, with Examples^ etc. 3. is a Pre>?a;, 9. 24. 60. ^ at the end (Q t]n)l. is a Suffix, see 14. 97, (1). For DS see 14. (D) 2. is (seldom) Formative of Adverbs, see Lex. Cttr, t]3tti< d:72&? . (D'^-. a_) 3. is Plur. masc.y see 11, with Exceptions 1. 6. 1^. 19. 7481. " " (Ci';_ ) 4. is Z>M7, see 11, with Exceptions, 8. For DI5 see 15. t23 at the beginning is a Prefix, see 9. 64. n at the beginning 1. is the Article, see 9. 59. 18, small print. 81. 2. is Interrogative, see 36, with Note 1. 3. is Characteristic 0^ Hiph., Hoph., and Hith- pael Praet., Infin., and Imperative, see 17, 3, (c). 4, {d). 5, (e), with the t note. 31. 99. See i^, 4. on this table. " *' 4. is Characteristic of Niph. Imper. and Infin., see 30, small print. 99. ^ 20, page 32, * note. See N , 4. 17, (e) t note. Jl at the end 1. is i^ew. sw^-. (generally) aSsoZw^e, (sometimes) construct, see 11, with Exceptions 3, 11 ' Note 2. 18. 19. 2. is Heemantive, see 10. 3. (n Si n) 3. is >Sw#z pronoun, see 14. 71. For H (Aes) see 14. For n , n^ see 14. 16. 20. 73. 4. is 3d pers. /cw. praet. in all the conjugations, 11 82 15. But see 18. 19. 7480. For rt2 see 16. 20. " " 5. is Paragogic, see 15. 16, with t note. 16, Note 3. 49, with the Notes. 11. 11, Note 3. 73. 6. is Local, see 13. 1 at the beginning is a Prefix, see 9. 62. Also 22. 23. *] inserted (i) 1. is the Active participle^ see 18. 74. (l) Passive participle, see 19. 80. (i) /n/^w. and Imper., 20. " (i) 2. is Epenthetic, see 44. " 3. See 45, with the * note. 1 at the end ( 1 or - ) 1. is 3d pers. plur. Praeter^ and 2d pers. plur. Imper. masc, see 15. 20. For ^ Pi see 97, (2). ^3(2) 15. Also 44, Note. " " " 2. is (with n at the beginning) 2d and (with ^ at the beginning) 3d ^crs. plur. masc. future, see 16. " (i 1 ^ ^n) 3. is Sujfix pronoun, see 14. For 13, i?3 , 123, see 14. 35. 71. Also 9, Note. " ( T ) 4. is Paragogic, 11. 11, Note 3. 14, {^ note. 5 at the beginning is a Prefix, see 9. 20, t note. 61. i3 at the end ( ^ ^ ) is a Sujiz pronoun, see 14. 71. 7 at the beginning is a Prefix, see 9. 20, t note. 61. 3 at the beginning is a Prefix, see 9. 20, t note. 61. SYLLABLES. n^ at the beginning is Participle Hithpael, see 18, with the * small print. 45, Note. 100. 52. 38. 40. 17, (e). jnn at the beginning is Praet., Infin., and Imper. Hithpael, see 99. 17, (e). 38. 40, with the Notes. 83 For m , nn see 17, (e). 17, (e) t note. For ti see 17, (e), with the t note. For forms like Pitri , nuJJj , hUJFi , nil3?3 , etc. DDri, r^Dri, dots, etc. see 38. 39. For nc^ see above " t< at the beginning " 4. riD rT] nn n&^ (hn) at the beginning i^^^wre i^/Mpoef, see 98. 17, (e) f note. 38. 40, Note 2. "J^ ( 1- ) ^^ ^^6 end is Paragogic. See above " 3 at the end " 1. j*^_ y^_. " " is Masc. Dmce? and P/Mr. See above " a at the end" 5. I*^,. " " is ParagogiCf 2d pers. fern. sing. fut.,h 16. jnn " " is Paragogic, 2d pers.masc.praeter, see ^15. 49, Note 3. ^);r) = QH " " is 2d pers. plur. before verbal suffixes, 97, (2). il2 (once ^73 Ex. 15. 5) at the end, their., them, 14. 97, (1). n^ (n^)), n:D,p n3!5 at the end, see 14. 73. *ni at the end see 73. tl3 (once njn profit 15.) at theend,i^^]^ (m)^ U^. l^n. 1^1; P^5 (P^^)' P*^'3. P^^ (ph^), etc. See 9, Note. 10, 2. riNDhs, i?''bib, 5>V^ri, ^''p^T:, cib^s (Qib'^3), toibu^'a . See 9, Note. Also 10, 3, with Examples of Heemantive Nouns. _ 59 62 inclusive. t:""nBD books, U^lh^'Pi generations, histories, n'^'D"^ likeness, JTi^N a wo- man, In^lrt a beast, D^h ^^^^i of n\2JN the wife of, D*; J5?3 a pair of shoes, tl^p,73 a collection, Sl^p^ a collection of, n'"iJtt'l 6e^m- mw^, "^^SD 6aoA:s o/, ''*f^N"3 Aec?s o/*, etc. See 10, 3, Exam- ples of Heemantive Nouns, % 11. 11, 3. Also 21. '^'neq my feooA:, S"lDD his book, Q^CD their book, '^'njDD thy book, tlD'lCD 2/OMr 600A:, rr^&^l Ae/* O^s) Aea3 thy girls ^ ^'^nl'^i^s % (fem.)^iWs, Dn''ni'-i5>3 their girls, H'^nin^.3 her girls, ]^i*n"i"li*3 5bt^, llldbl they shall learn masc, fem. tisnabn . See 16. Genesis 1: 1. n'^iDt^ns in the beginning. For the prefix S see 9, with the Note. For the termination D"^- see 11. See Lexicon ri"'9i<'^ . ^ns he created, see 15. a'^nbN (rorf;* a sing, noun with a phir. form {U'^-., see ^11); see Lexicon nnrisi . DN see 32. 71. tl^h^tl the heavens. See 9. 59. For n"]- , see 11, 8. DJ^l For the prefix "? see 9. For ni$ see 32. 71. y^.^rj ike earth. For the prefix n see 9. See Lex. yiN . Gen. 1: 5. fi^'np^T and he called. For the prefix and conversive T see 9. 23. For the praeformative "^ see 16, with Note 1. Root N'lj^ 15. d'^J^b^, see above. ^'iMb as to the light, b see 9, with the Note. Root 'IIN . Di"^ day. See Lexicon. ** Nominatives generally /oZiotr their Verbs, and adjectives their substantives S6 !7^nVi and as to the darkness. For the prefixes 1 and b see ^ 9, with the Note. See Lex. ^lUh and rj'*i?H . ^^|5 he called. See 15. nb^b night. See 11, 11, Note 3. Lex. b*:? ; and for (,) under b (b ), 66,(8). 'iT'l and it was. For T see 9. 23, with Notes 1. 3. Root JT'n . l"n3?. evening. See 10, 1. ^rt'^T anaf iV was. See above. ^|52 morning. See 10, 1. si'' day. See above. nhN ;?rs^ See 57, 3. Gen. 8 : 19, 20. -b3 all. See 2. 104. Also 66, (2). See Lex. b3 or bi3 . ^l^n the beast. See 9. 3. 10, 1. Root ':h (n;h ). -b3 all. See above. iU^.rr Me reptile. See 9. See Lex. ia^S . "blD"' an(/ all. For T see ^ 9. See above. Pji:??! the fowl See 9. Lex. Pji's^ . b3 a^, everi/ thing. iZJ^in moving. See 18. b? wpore. See 71. 104. V^Nii Me earth. See 9. Lex. y^jN . ain'^nnS'iJ^b as^o Meir kinds, b see 9. Suffix nrr 14. n 11. * 14, Note 3. See Lex. nnsi2;73 , and n are Heemantives 10, 3. ^i<2; they went. See 15. Root N2{; . -]tt from. See 71. 104. 2. SiiPiJi Me ar^. 9. Lex. n^Pi . jn'.l arf Ae built. 1 see 9. 23. 16. Root nja 15. 29. hi: Noah. Lexicon. nzttt a/i after. Heemantive noun, see 10, 3. Root hnj . 87 V C.^ . -^ Ti^nr^^ to Jehovah. See 9. 63. h|?^2 and he took. ! 9. 23. ^ 16. Root h|-?b , 29, Note 2. 1:37: /rom ( of ) all. 73 see 9. 1:3 see above. Jl^risn Me ca^^/e. ^ see 9. Also 10, Examples of Heemantive Nouns. !Ti'tlt2Ji the clean, n see 9. Page 85, * note. Lex. ^int2 or nSnt: . if373T and from all. 1 see 9. 62, (2). 72 9. See above. Pli'yri the fowl. See above. ^int2n offerings, n see 11. Sing. fem. nb'3? Lexicon. See 10, 1. Root nby . \fz;\p;^ on the altar. 1 see 9. Z2 Heemantive 10,3. Rooth^J. SENTENCES, yjte ^S'dD 2^ t^fls poured out upon the earth, see 17. 2, with (6). Root ^5\lj . b 9. Lex. Yyi InVlT; Vt:73n Jehovah caused (it) S^e^A /Acre {he) was horn a son. See 17, 7. Root V"^?$1 1^ ^"'^2^rT who are going out from the land. See 18, small print with * note. Root fi^it; . *^l\{i 'nsiiN cursed is the man. See 19. Root "1*^ . 9. 10, 1. 88 'in'a.ri '^^"^l^ blessed is the man. See 19. Root ^"12. l:')*^ >\i:73bT rtnc? to rule over the day. See 20, with t note. Root T drtb -j73J^ sai/ thou to them. See 20. Root "im . 71. 9. 14. niijy "^^i'T *'i3')5 knead thou (it), anc? wa^e thou caJces. See 20. 85. RootUJtib. 9. 20. 26,4. 88. Root nujy. See Lex. n-iy. m* 11. yn5jn-n5$ 'JNbT:^ Jiinn ^-is be ye fruitful (Root rr^s ), see 15. 20. 88. and multiply ye, (Root nnn ), 15. 20. 88. and fill ye, 9. 15. 20. the earth, 2. 32. 9. "^^p l^fe'^P hear ye my voice. See 20. Root S>72tD . 14. Lex. bip. nis^ ^3i''ij re^wm yc (Root n^i^ ), see 20. 85. my daughters, nf 5 11. "^ 14, with * note. CnN t3%"f'::N ^'nn-;} an J G^o? 5Zesse ascend, and bury thy father as he hath made thee swear (promise), see 26,4. 55. 4. 9. 62, (2). 20. 32. 71. For Maccaph ( - ) see 2. 11, 10. 14, Note 4 small print. 9. 61 (3). 68. 17, 3, (c). 14. 97, (1). For Silluk under y, and Soph-pausook after "^ , see 3, Note 2. rttt")^^?! N2 Dain look now towards the heavens, see 31.56, (1). Root t:n; . 72. 9. 59. 13. Lex. fi*)^*^ , and 11, 8. wDS^?3 pin^ rt^ ^^>^a< is sweeter than honey, 70.24. 9. 60. "ifi^^ ii&^ "^rj^vl ^l^i-^l ^"^ ^^^ damsel was exceedingly handsome, Lex. n^^;5, see 26,2. 25. t:'*":s?2-irT"nM rri&l'^b ^'Db'^') and they went to see the camels, see 16. Root ^b^ , see Lex., and also 29 f note. 26, 1. fi"?7bN!. nnrj"; m'toS'. dl'^3 m Mc day (that) ^Ae Xor^Z G^ocf made (lit. to make), see 26. 95. nibN ?15$2 sAe crtwe fo Am, see 28. 54. 14, Note 4 small print. Vi. inN ^r\^\ I came with him, QnNs , 'r}?3p , ^2?3^ , J1N2 , TO[P, 15. 28. 54. 32. 71. ^{n 'n"; ?c^ Mere be light, see 29, Examples. 101, 2. B'lJJJi N*^;;;! and the man saw, see 29, Examples. 101, 2. For ^ con- versive see 23. nns^ ti^\\ and he placed it (her), see 29, Examples. 101,2. 29, f note. 32.71. inna ui'^i^ ]r)^1 awj he placed each ('^''N) its part, see 29 1 note and Examples. 101. nziTXJ ]1^'.2 an<^ Ac 6m7^ an altar, see 29, Examples. 101, 2. 23. 12 90 : 13*^3 5^52"^^ and he planted a vineyard, see 29, t note and Examples. 101. For ^^ under S ( 3 ) see 66, (8). Also 3, Note 2. Vj^DTSb ^'^.!.T cind he icent on his journey ings^ see 29, t note and Ex- amples. 101. ^\'?y. ^^^ ^' I ioill not add to curse, i.e. I will not curse again, V\6i< (for ^i-isiN ) root 7\^_1 see 29, Examples. See 51. 98. For ^^jPb see 17, 6, small print, with the t note. When the Student begins to use his Bible and finds any difficulty respecting the Serviles, he will be particular to refer to the Table 105, and also to these Exercises. "^b^'lO ^^^D~'^"l"E?^ he separated from me, see 30, small print. Also 99. t]k\")3il CVS in the day (of) their being created, see 30, small print. ^n^2 TSni"* he toill instruct him in the way, see 35. Root n"^'' . 51. 98. 45, Note. "iirj^n Ti^^^2 than the day of his being horn (his birth) ; for the prefix 12 , and Dagesh in "^ see 60. 24. See 30, small print. 51. 14, )' Rootl^V P'^t:iCS-ri73 how shall we justify ourselves? see. 16,3. Root p^lij . See 39. For the Dagesh in, and Kaumets under 1 , see 17, {e) * note. 66, (5). ]=inx:n rri^ 3/c shall surely die, see 28. 92. 46. 16, with note. fi^in 'nbnb not to go, i. e. so as not to go, see 46. 28. 92. 17311 Dpisb^ nntti^ commune with your hearty and he patient, see 20. 47. 87. For dagesh in 73 see 56, 1. For T see 20. Root ''ilTaipT *^S"i sing thou, and rejoice thou, see 47. 87. 20. Root ]2^ "'S'iJn rj''];^ Ae 2f'z7/ enlighten my darkness, Root W:, see 52. ^Qy 1. 98. 45, Note. Also 16, Note 2. *^23 '^^n'' '^'^'i^^. ''^^y ^^^ ^^ gracious to thee jny son, Root ]2h. see "J 45, with the * note. ^Vrp\ and may he he gracious to thee, see 62,(2). Exceptions. Root Tt^ . 66, (1). For Dagesh in 3 see 56, I. For Dagesh in T see 97, (7). 91 tilbl*:?!? 'hn and he shall live for ever , Root ^"^f] see 44. For i see ' 62, (3). inhn'ij^^ ^?rj 'i'^^'^'\^ and the people bowed down and worshipped^ ^qq ^^ 23. 44. 38. 40. MS2'n^5 ^nriTlJ^.I a?idf he (not they^ bowed himself towards the earth, Root nhUJ . see 38. 40. For Dagesh in D see 8. Also ^ 13. m, (8). in3n ""ntiN a/i!c?' he had smitten him (literally after to smite him), RootniD:. See 31, with the Peculiar forms. 99.26. For Dagesh see ^Q^ 1. JTl'irir7--ni^. n^vs ll'^'n b\vin Moses began to explain (lit. he explain- ed) the law ; Root b^; . See 51. 101, 3, Note 3. For ^ija ( = n\^3) see 17, 6, small print. 1nt Cib 1"Dn ^l^ turn ye, and remove yourselves, and go ye, Roots rrrs, ^D^, j^i^i; see 26, 4. 55. 88. 27. 84. (For Ci^ see 71). 54. 85. For the prefix T see 62, (2). For ^ ye, see 20. fiDriN DN/i; "^-ib biDiN J^b I am not able of myself to bear you, Root br>; see 15, Note. 51. ^ 71, page 61. 27. 91. 32. iDlDnN'^pb 1!i3 ii'23'"?j i^/io dwells on the mountain to meet you, see 18. 81. 53, (2) Note 2. 96. r*^2'l73tj i'DST "jS?.! cmd we turned and we removed towards the mount y Roots n2S , 5>DD , see 16 Note 4. 50. For T convers. see 23. For Dagesh in D see 56, 1. For il'ja'i^ijri see 59, (1). 8. 13. nsnb to destroy them, Root tim . See 47. 94. 66, (1). & is a suffix. For dagesh forte in 73 see ^ ^Q, 1. tJTat]) *iy wra^zV ^0 destroy them (until they are destroyed), root fiJDln . See 47. 94. 61, (1). For Dagesh in n and 12 see 8. 56, 1. fi3 *^^nr> bNT tiniTft bN c?o not molest them, and do not war with them^ Roots n^2 (Kal) , iin^ (Hithpael) . See 98. 50. For Dag- esh lene in 1^,3, and 2 see 8. miaj?") -IS^O 1=ij5 amc ye, rewoue yc, and pass ye through, see ^85. 92 For da^esh in D see 56, 4 and Note. Root 5?D3 , see 27. 84. nP)-nn, "^nri, inri, nnb nnr, Jinn,etc. come from ]n2 . See 27. 29, Note 2. 42, Note 1. 91. See Anomalies. 'T^"':Bb nn "^ri'bnn ini^,"^^ see, I have begun (Wi^hW o^ bb^n) to give to thee (lit. 6c/bre thee), see 26, 4. 44. 27. 71. nuJnb "din bhn 6e^m Moz^, possess thou, (in order) fo inherit (the land), bn- Jmp. /fz>/i. of bbn , see 31. 99. 'ijn Imp. Kal (in pause) of ^^^ , see 27. 83. rr^nb 27. 90. iriJlTaNI nnjP.Tn"] iris^ i:;:'! ac? command him, and support him and encourage him, see 17, 6 small print, Apocopated forms. 32. 17, 6 small print. *:|b *i^.^ri p"! only he toatchful (take care) for thyself, see 30, small print. Sn'in^ji dnb n"*"! hn'^IJri") and thou shouldst how down to them and thou shouldst serve them, Root nhtlj . See 26, 3. 38. 40. For dagesh lene in n see 8. For n see ' 15. For 1 convers. see 22. Qrrb^ 71. tin'ii??^! 22. t^ 8. 15. d 14, also 97,(1). pn^/wjt^ ^^."^n yc s/mZ/ swre/y 6e destroyed, see 30 small print. ^99. 30. 98. } parc^. 16, with note. 46. a''n?3 t]b3 all of them are dead, t:''*^ ^3^3 all of us are alive, we are all alive, see b3 71. Cihn fi^b") wc? ^AoM shalt not pity (spare) them. Root l^n . Q sm^x see 14. 97, (1). For Dagesh forte in 3 see 56, 1. tS'^^^.lnpilriT Si"}N^3rt 'iiN-l^ until to destroy (he destroys) those who are left, and those who are hidden, see 20. 81. 18 small print, with the * note. For the Dagesh in both D's see 59, (1), with * note. Dagesh in n is lene, 8. *nM?a finbs b^ln thou shalt he ahle to destroy than speedily^ Root b:^^, see 51. Root nb3 , 26, 1. 17. 6, small print, "iri^ Infin. Piel used adverbially, see Lex. ^m . Bni< ':]'7"'73Uif7 ny until thou destroy (lit. to destroy thee,) them, see 31, Anomalies. '1]b!D^l^ *^=12?^^2 '^3?';t and he afflicted thee, and he caused thee to hun- 93 ger, and he caused thee to eat (fed thee), Root 5135 . See 98. For the Dagesh forte omitted in ^ after 1 conversive of the fu- ture, see 23, Note 1. For the other two verbs which are Hiphil, see 98. 45, Note. For the suffix ^ see 14. 97, (1). ^N'^^a^ i^^^? "^^ for the Lord is bringing (will bring) thee. Root NT2 . see 100. 45, Note. 18 small print. For 72 instead of 73 see 66, (l)N.B. IsHynn i^;^^ 5iikj>t;n Y^'^ ^^^^'' ^^^^^ surely loathe it, and thou shalt certainly abhor it, Piel Infinitives and Futures, see 17, 6, small print. 98. 46. For I see 35, or ^l 14. 97, (1). ^nD3 ]^'^'^^ 1^^^ 1^^^ ^'^ oi'der to humble thee, and in order to prove thee ; both forms Piel Infinitive of verbs Tib . See 26, 1. 17, 6, small print. fi'l'^W'vp^l "'iTST^ [v|lh l^t ^e. alone (desist from me), and I will destroy them, Hiph. Imp. of JlD^ , see 31, Peculiar forms. 50. 99, Apocopates. ^112)2 71 (page 60), with * note. Cn73rrb DiN^^tin he brought them out to slay them, see 17, 3 and (c). 51. 99 * note. Roots N2^ and r\M2 . ^b-r'DS hew out for thyself, see 20. 5. iViji ^liriNbl ni"n^-nf< lrT2<")']r to fear the Lord and to love him, see 48. fin/^n fi'^ntt^ (t3''")^-/3 page 12, 6, Note 2.) ye have been rebels, Root rr^T^ , 'plur. Part. Hiph. see 100. 18. 26, 3. Cp.nN: "^riy"!! t]"i^73 since the day (of) my knowing (lit. to know me) you, see 27. 90. D^3 '^r)^2';n I protest against you, Hiph. of ll^? ; for ( "f ~^ ) epenthet- ic see 44. 9. 71. D'^Pj3 , "^n2 , etc. come from rT^a ( house), see 11,5, 10. ^r , '^73''72 are from D*;^ (water), see 11, 8, 10. 21. ^n^ Ti a^P ame, descend, hasten, see 85. 83. 17, 6 small print. Tjs^ni '^i)'^5^ "^^^[^.^ and he will love thee, and he will bless thee, and he will increase thee. Root iinN Conjuga. Kal with suffix T^ (see 14. 97, (1)). Root ^13 Conjuga. Piel, 17, 6, with small 94 print. Root tll^ , Hiphil. For ^ conversive in these verbs see 22. '^^.c'^'l. J ^"?.^''"l > ''^''1 J etc. For such forms (i. e. futures with the omission of Shevau under "') see 62, (2) Exceptions. DlDb lirr appoint ye for yourselves, Root iirj"' . see 27. 83. ^"'ninj^ "'SilbN the God of thy fathers, STj'bN is a pluraHs excellentia}, used by way of eminence, iij is anomalous, see 11, 6, 10. fi'^^psn the women^ see Lex. l): and ri'^iw^ , and 11, 6. , iTT^rin riib^;b ^S'^JiriT and ye regarded it as a light thing to go up to the mount, Root "jin , Hiphil. Root nby , see ^ 26, 1. 95. 13. ^b to thee, *2 with, hy, against thee, see 71. 66, (8). Dn'N ^5T and we smote them. Root T1^2 , 1 pers. plur. Hiphil. See 50. 98. 101, 3. ^7^7373 SnMi22 in their going out from the sanctuary, Root Ni^ . See 27. 90. Prnslab") and to weep (for) Aer, Root ii^a . See 26, 1. For the small s see page 12, 6, Note 2. n'l'IJN ^"4?nn shall I certainly bring back? Root ilUJ , lTifi?i. and Fut. Hiphil. See 36. 46. 98. 99. ^-15 3 'tari incline thou, I pray, thy bucket. Root nt23 , jF/2p/t. Imp. 2d fm. see 20. 31. h'^b'lfnn n^'ib ii"'")h^ ^\ !^^.^^^ ^^''Nrr'] awl see 8. For dagesh/or^e in 5 and b see 56, 4. For "iJI see 4, t note. 62, (4) Note 1. ib tDib'iJ;^ pb"nii{ QnSJ'i'^r; do ye know Lahan? Is he well? see 36, rt , n . libnN (generally "ibtifi^) D^t anc? Ae spread his tent, Root nt2D , see 50. 101, 3. For H (instead of T ) see 14. 5)233 Nb t^?e 2^27/ wo^ smite him. Root li^2 , Hiphil. see 98. 35. 101, 3. i:'^2:n 'n':? Slb3;j ixb*] and she was no longer able to conceal him^ Root bD; . For I^^Si^n see 31. 14. For Dagesh forte in 22 see 56, 5. n:?*lb pH"^^ irihwN! iitnni (for i^^nni ) and his sister ( ninN ) plac- ed herself far off, (in order) to observe, etc. Root ^^^ , see Anomalies. For dagesh in 2 see 17, (e) and * note. 56, 2. For n^^. see 90. Ha^ Hn^ Ae Aas completely triumphed, see 46, J note. Stoy 1733 ?iA;e 5 , aS'^D, QIT'S, etc. are from nc mouth. See 11, 10. irT^rt, iDn', iis (once), rin^ri;"', ^nhty, Tis^bT:, -^nz^, -"ss (owce), 'Sb^, etc. are from n^n , 1^^''5 , "j^ , Ji^T^L^": , n^f:^ , etc., i , in , and " are paragogic. See 11, 11 Note 3. 14, 0C/=' note. 96 ^T,, '^: (^5;), t=^:, ni:, v^.:, t*^;, tt,> ''='^.:' ^t^:^ firj*^??"^ , etc. are from Si"^ a Jay, see 11, 10. t:-^ tt; t:t' t : ' ' t : ' tI' t;' ;' t;' t>: (from hpb), riD-^z, !iu;v,n, ti:s>>ijifi (or *n), ^n''kn; etc., see 49. 8387. '^5l!^0\l^n> ^73t3ri, nrij-in, D^sn, tj^infij, "^FiTshsri , i^^ntan , see 17, (c) with f note. 40, Note 2. bin-lb "J^iJ a tree planted, see 19. SO. tV\'l ^ztnv\ *^UJwNf z^;AtcA the wind drives (him, it) away, Root P]*]: . See 35. ^j?^ &5^ fut. Kal, D suffix. n^^pl?] lb''3i;;n be ye wise, be ye warned, Roots b^p, "ip^ Imper. Hiph. and Niphal. See 31. 99. 30, small print. 51. ni "^pnn "^"^.'^JN the happinesses of (prosperity to) all who trust in him, See Lex. ^m 71. 72, Note 2. 11, 1. 79. '"l^ ("^nlS ) ISn wzy enemies have increased. Roots ii*^ , *T122 . See 42. 54. 76. . "^^^ ^"^"^.2 ^^^y ^^^ rising up against me. Root t^p . See ^4. 76. 71 b? . lUJNn ta-^^a Ac wAo /i/jfs wp my head. Root Gl'n , part. Hiphil. See 100. 18, small print. 45, Note. 97 nk:73b to {for) the leader of the music, Root ^223 Piel part. See 100 18, small print. 56, 2. 65. "fry ''^^")p,3 M'Acw / caZ/, answer me, see 20 with 33. Root r;:^ , see 26, 4. 55. 88. For "^j see 97, (7) Note. nD2 (for fi'; zf shall fly, STJipn, ]?.'iDwNt, n*ni?jn , iairi;^, D^.n-i: , etc. See 17, 6 I note. Also page 72 large print. ^5^ ir^'i^ (owce b:D"ik\ ) I shall eat, l^iiX , nrj'M nrj5<, 'nhi?., etc. see 34. njnhn, ^isV^'ij ^iV^' "^?5":J 'i^T'''> "^V^Pr-^ "^^np* THsa^i'^N, ir^; , 'isnp , etc. See 35. - n, n, ri ( ti ) interrogative, see 36. Ti< or Dnts coming before futures, see 37. =12 H , =] -5 , etc. See 42, Notes 2, 3. Note. Dagesh lene occurs after ^l^'n^ because this word is read as if written ''3'iJJt, i.e. with an implied silent Shevau under "'j as '3 tifn^, '? Siin^ , 'n np^ , etc. See 8. 99 &l3Sn who came^ "^lin that lives, tJ^ll who hath placed^ see 81, Note. 9. 28. 44. For Dagesh forte in iu and ^3 , see 59, with * note. For the omission of it in h see 59, (2). In order to account for the various changes of the vowels, the stu- dent should read carefully 66. Also 59 65 inclusive. For forms like 1%"tU? , Ji^ii'^ , fi^in^iU, UJ^*^, t:^^ , '':^U?, fii'!?^ , n^l?u3 , tlJl'IJ , i^^rriJ , nri.\'^ , i. e. with prefix t, see 9. 64. For forms like ^b\r7 , i^t:- "ilrnn , D72ri , \r"'n , Tian , iOn , I72nn , tiipr^ , etc. See 30 small print. 99, Niphal. NiiDST: ''215? bl15 mi/ sin is too great to be forgiven, see Lex. py . 20.24. !3';73rt !|i-ii3';2 ^^^ ^^^ waters were assuaged. Root tJ5*^ , see 29, Note 3. Also 16, Note 4. For Dagesh in 3 see 56, 1. ^npp b-jln 7i|{ Mew li 2^a5 begun to call, etc. See 29, Note 3. 17, 4 and (J). 1'ip 'rj^tjl ""TD m;Ao Aa 6?/es (that are) lifted up^ i. e. proud looks, see 12. 54. 76. a'^:yD ;)!:N tlSS 0?.^^.? ^P.^ (^^r >lD'i"') Ac m;7/ increase you (from what) ye are, (to) a thousand times (more). Root ?]D^ fut. Hiphil. See 5L 98. 101, Note 3, with * note. For fi^DS see { 71. ti'^n filDSSn") and behold ye are this day, etc. from 1^\T\ and Dp. see 71, page 61. CD^J735 t3'^3S TT^sn-i^b ye s/tfl?/ not regard faces in judgment, i. e. ye shall not judge partially, Root ^"y: Hiphil, see 43, Note. 98. na^ 'lanjt li'iJ^T and they will bring us an answer, Root iiVJi Hiphil, see 98. For 'JSn^ see 71, page 60. 100 CDn 3 n^/or you to encamp^ Root rt:h Kal, see 26, 1. For b (instead *of^)see61,(3). C^n^nb to show you (cause you to see), Root ni^n Hiphil, see 26, 1. Foresee 61, (2). nnn-^N thou shall not he terrified, Root nnh Niphal, see 30, small print. 98. :>7:t:/l nni^ la^^p approach thou and hear, see 48. 62, (4) Note 1. UJin^ nrh d^I flowing (from n^T participle act. fem. Kal,) (with) milk and honey, see 54. 76. i-1^^^1 fipHwNt nirr; nnnNt) smce Jehovah loves you, and since he would keep it (viz. the oath), see 48. Also Lex. ii^"ii 32. 33. For i>ag-es7i in "^i see 56, 1. 60, (1). fin5< iD'^nhn Dliin tr\i3n'\ and thou shalt smite them ; thou shalt ut- u;5;.J3i'iik\ from ^S>^ fut. Hithpalpal. 2>52r)5< from ^^"^ fut. Hithpael. nstl^'^. (fo'' 'DH ) f''oni ^^"n praet. Hithpael. 1\nN from nni< (NDN?) imp. K. ^:nN - nriN (Nnt< ?) praet. K. Jzpnj^. - pn3 fut. Kal. nN3 from Nis Kal. '>'13 from n '^'7. ^^sna (for 'nna ) from 113 praet. Hiphil. :^n2(for zjfrom i1^ infin. Niph. '^n;;inJ3^i;n^ from nrri: infin. Hith- palel. n73*4?!n3 from DuJ infin. Hoph. 103 tl^lsia from !i^2 part. fern. Kal. T3 - T^3 praet. Kal. ^na - JiTl part. Kal. filDD-iJ-ia - D-iJn infin. Poel. "1T3 - ^Ti imp. Piel. '^\ni^j5''3 from ^j^; , r:^j7-: . i:32 - ^lin infin. Kal. t; IT It ^2z - Nis praet. Kal. riin infin. Kaly :::y infin. Piel. r|?3 - ^ri>n imper. Kal. rn^its - n*2 . t:^3 , t-ji^ from ^^n infin. Kal. 3^U32 from ^1^:3 infin. Piel. V^^s , '^V^^ from -'^ a'^ns ""Da etc. from n^n . . T T . - fi^nri^^ for MriiiJ^ from n^^^ 3d fem. praet. Kal. hi from h]::>, imp. Kal, or Jib:; imp. Piel. n^^ for nnrf^ from rrh fern. Kal. D-j\ from 5?:;2 infin. Kal. "^^3 imp. kal. D'^Ji}. , in'iJit from iL':i3 infin. Kal. n'^ir'T from fib'1 or !:bn imp. Kal or Piel. ''fll from )^'n praet. Kal. ^^7. > f?l from SJn'^ infin. Kal. r?:?-^ ^-n from 2?T^ imp. Kal. ^IJi"'-]'^ from iLn-^ infin. Kal (Piel ?). n I irT'*:TJ^.!-[ from h:t praet. Hiph. j nn , n^h , =iarj from nn"* imp. K. ^^\^{nn from tiz , u;:;^ Hiph. nNirs - fi^is praet. fem. Hoph. nnrr - njT^ imp. or praet. K. p"i3n - ppn infin. Niph. ^nrj - N-is imp. Hiph., or nn'' imp. Kal. 'nnrr from ^^H infin. Hiph. n^n - r-,^'^ praet. Hiph. i^^n - j-::in infin. Kal. i:;"?! - n^rr infin. Poel. S^:;!! - ^'^ praet. Hiph. nb^n - l-;i':^ fem. praet. Hoph. m^T] - -mri infin. Niph. pli7. - PP" infin. Hiph. ^5f ^^7. ~ T^"^ praet. Pluthpaal. ^^1^;. - triJiimp. Kal. n'lnin - "ISJ? infin. Chal.Aph. ^5^n - inj Chald. Hoph. rriin - ^i^ praet. Hiph. ii2TJi - n^: praet. Hoph. l"n*n - tiT imp. Hiph. mWin - ni- infin. Hiph. ^s^'i'irr - i>i"> praet. Hoph. ^1?^^, rrirn from ib"^ infin. Hoph. nb^T.-i from rbr: Pual. ^':i^r^ - .NZ^Mmp. Hiph. dTn'in-iJl'n - ^f^ Hiphil. ^'^rn - ^'f^ imp. Hiph. bn^it-j from bnn Pual (bbn Hoph.?). 104 n'^T^ from in infin.Chal. Aph. ]^n:72'7TJi- "j^T Chald. Ithpael. ib'^Tn from bbT Hiphil. =13111 (for 'Tnn) from JilDT imper. Hithpael. DS'^m'-iTn from rt^lT infin. Niph. nn^'Snn - Nnh 3d fem. Hiph. ^fjVlUn. " '^^ praet. Kal, n interrogative. ^V^^ - ^'^ Chald. Aph. "^t^riii praet., and "'tshri infin., from firi"'?3ri - r)^iJ2 Hiph. ^:D73r! - ^::73 Hoph. D73ri - tOlD infin. Niph. rDTan - nC)73 3d plur. Hiph. Ti^n^iCTjn- N:i72 Hiph. Dn'in73in - n'n?^ infin. Hiph. nn^n , "'ri^" from n^Tz Hiph. iniNnsn from N13 infin. Niph. JIT ' TllTi from 1112 or ti:"" imp. Hiph. riTShsir: from ens Hithpael. h^zr: - hi 2 or h:"" Hiph. h^X'n - ni3 or h3; Hoph. bV" - bb5> Chald. Aph. riDZti - P113 infin. Hiph. rriDn - niD Hiph. b^rr - nbs? imp. Hiph. nb^ti - nb2> Hiph. i^b?" - rib3> Hoph. 'T^ncn - !T1D part. Kal with article and suffix. D^^err from 'I'nD infin. Hiph. 105 ^D*i\t:i:!-i from nil: Hithpa. 5:?r7 from 52:'^ Hophal. n-^z^ri - D^'' Hiphil. 5>2n - 5?2'' Hophal. tjPrr - U^p Hophal. ni:prT (for 'pn ) from t^Xp infin. Hiphil. irs^ri from -JSiS infin. Hiph. ia*;h - nn-\ imp. Hiph. nTih - n-ih fern. imp. Kal. nis^jn - nian infin. Hiph. i"irr - sr-in infin. Poel. =37ann - Ct:-! imp. Niph. ^qnil - ni"" Hiph. with sufF. ;]nr: - tisi imp. Hiph. n^Z-in - n:i^ 3d fem. Hiph. 3u;n - '2W imp. Hiph. D'^3;2JJ1 - 'n'Dt infin. Hiph. riTa'i^n - t:^;^ infin. Hophal. ^72'^n - CTp/^D Hophal. ^^rj - J15>\L" or yy\i; imper. Hiphil. nnnn'^pri from nir:? Hithpalel. y'^j^n^'n - 5>yuj Hithpalpal. :i'i3u:Nnrj - ^'i< Hithpolel. ^n^nnii - mr, Chald. Aph. n^nrj - m:\ Hithpael. nririli - Jir Hithpael. 7nn & Tnn from rn Hiphil. nnatinn from nnn infin. Hithpa. bhnn - r;i:n imp. Hithpa. Ji-^nn - nnu\ praet. and imp. Uiphil. 14 l^'^^i^ from tJ2n infin. Hiphil. rnri (-bnn ) from ^nn Piel, (bbn Hiphil ?) ^M^nri from nn imp. Hithpael. ^;ri/:r7^nrf from nri^ Hithpalpal. n"i3:nn from ^i3 infin. Hithpa. n"'3:nin ('z) from Nn: Hithpael. naii^n^r from nn?2 infin. Hith- palpal. rtSIT from nm Pual. "niTaT (for ^nv^l) from mm . ^2n^-]T from n"iT Piel. n-iT - Tm Piel, with suff. ^Vn^ from ^in Kal. "^r^Vltj. - '-"^n Kal. "I'p'in and iptl frorn PP^ 1"^"- K- n^nh from ^it:^ 3d fem. Kal. roil and it2h^. from i" - niru^t - Hiph. '^N ' bw\>^ from bfi^"^ fut. Hiph. "ii\;; from -n\\ fut. Hiph. "i^^?. - ^-fi^ - Niph. nwN<^ , n.^:: from rjriN fut. Kal. ^fo^ from w\-)'3 3d plur. fut. Kal, with suffix. l^nN; "q :nN;; from tiDN fut. Kal. in^ from ^n'2 fut. Kal. ^i^:, - ::i3 fut. Kal. n^: - nsi - Kal. i^z-^ - UJn-^ - Piel. u;S'' infin. Kal. t ^.^nA-" fut. Piel. W:^ - Hiph. n-i:i - Niph. nwN"J - Kal. Mn"" - Piel. I*!^"' '^^n-i-'from nn"* fut. Hiphil. fiS-n: pn: from n^ . =1 tf--' , i^i"^ from i:7:n fut. Kal and Niphal. n:'^*!"; from i::.^ fut.Piel, n parag. Pj^n fut. Kal. mrt fut. Kal. niN Chald. Aph. riT fut. Hiph. nn"" - Hiph. ^f^ - Hiph. n^n - Kal. rib^b^n: - !:b"^ - Hiph. bri: - briN - Piel. "j^""?:!::: r;73n3d plur. fut. Kal; j[ paragogic. l^nn"^ from bnn fut. Piel. in5?i -fi 5>i" praet. Poel. 'ibS-i"' from bSN fut. Kal, (Hoph. ?) T\'iy^ - :' fem. part. Kal. jjp"^ part. Pual. n-l'^ fut. Hiph. nn"" fut. Hiph or Hoph. rr\^ fut. Hiphil. riTD fut. Kal. rrti - Hiph. nnt - Niph. ^f for ^i^if"^ from CTaT fut. Kal. SIT T 1^ from WT fut. Hiphil. ^T*"^ - niT - Kal. T tjn> - rnt-r - Kal. nh^ for ih-^ from lin fut. Hiph. nil"" from mh fut. Kal. -A' jn"'Tn; - nrn 3 plur. fut. Kal. i ^in-' - rr^n fut. Kal. It V 107 in^h"^ from nnn fut. Hiph. 1721^,^1 for ^73^.05^ ( 14. 53.) bni - bin(b'^h)fut. Hiphil. from HDD fut. Piel. bh: - bb'n fut. Hiph. j-ts'btD'i^'; from lDD-)3 fut. Piel. ''Vn^ {'\Ym) from bii"' praet. Piel. !in3"' from nnD fut. Hiph. n^h;; from dli'^ praet. Piel. ns';^ 1 n'b.';'^ from nniD fut. Hoph. ril72ni - trt^ fut. fern. Kal. nnb*" from lb"* part. fem. Kal. i:n^n;j - en'* praet. Piel. irb^ - Tib fut. Hiph. 1h> - n^n fut. Kal. t]3-.V: - I^ib - Hiph. ^^h^ from l^n fut. Kal. )^.: - 1=ib - Kal. jron;: - riDn 3 plur. fut. Kal. nnTa;" - ina - Poel. ripn-^ - ppn fut. Hoph. ma"*. (6is) from nna fut. Niph., not -,h5 - rt"ih - Kal. Kal. ^h"-^" - "^riN - fut. Hiphil. nV.'?^ from Nb fut. Piel. nh;i 51 nn:^ from nhD fut. Kal, and ^ir72i - N2272 - Niphal. nn^t fut. Niphal. '^'3?. - ^^73 - Kal. t^l ^^c?.: from nt:a fu^t. Hiph. "^^.1 - n*l^ - Hiphil. D-; -d;:- ni::3 - Kal. ^nh^- - ^^fi< - Kal. ^TJ) - ^^"^ " ^^^ T^ll - yw\3 - Hiphil. bh^. - blT* - Niphal. ^^=: - 2?n''. - Chald. :3it22^ - na-^ - Hiph. ""-.^ Nia - Hiphil. ^^^^-^J. _ J.^-. - Hiph. ^,32 - hi: or h:"" fut. Hiph. Pji-i - ^0-. - Kal. ''^fer. - pn-^ fut. Hiphil. ^T"". " ^"^"^ " Niphal. i<^u;3': - wNt)3 fut. Niph. 3d plur. m i32 - ^^2 - Hiph. N paragogic. '33'hsr)-'- ^:iD - Piel. fD^ from niD fut. Kal. nfs^lD'; - p3 - Polel (Pilel?) ^^1 n2t> - Hiph. 11332 - ti53 - Hiphil, ins sufF. n^D: niD - Hiphil. b:3\ - nb^ - Kal. ^5> - nn:? - Hiph. bs: - bT, - Chald. tas?*"* - t:i5> or D-^^ fut. Kal. JibS:^ - bs; - Hophal nn ?; - n5> fut. 3d f plur. Kal. nVS^ - bb; - constr.orfem. 1?: - *nl5> - Hiph. infin. Kal. 2 Lexicon lifS). iiD5^ from JiDlD fut. Piel. n^'D'^B"^ fr om JIB'* praet. Pual. 108 jD*^ from irrrc fut. Hiphil. ^^.'"l - n^S fut. Hiph. rj5^ - -nns fut. Hiph. ^*:' for ^TNi*'^ fem. part. Kal. i>^:i from a^i"^ fut. Hophal. :s>3t:l^ from S^ili: fut. Chal. Hithp. tlY^tiSt-; - ^""it - Hithpael. U>5i-) > 5>^n _ Hophal. i^ ?v.. Pii"^ Kal. p2'^_ - pif> - Kal. -in:'-* - -i:i- - Kal. Hsi^ lnS22^ from i::"' fut. Kal. '^'^"-^ from nii"^ fut. Kal. - -r ^=i:r - Kal. n'Z^ - Kal. tiii"^ praet. Kal. npb fut. Kal. npb - Hophal. yp^ - Kal. nn-|p^ from n-ip 3d plur. fut. Kal. Sl^^p fut. Kal. ntp - Kal. n-lip - Hiph. riiX-i - Kal. l-r&n - Niphal. Nn; imp. Kal. N'T' fut. Kal. ^nS-" (for 1^1^) from n^"^ fut. Hiph. sYl fro ^"^^ ^ut. Hiphil. nV; - rrnn fut. Hiphil. V.?r^^,' ^=i"i - Kal. 'I'^V - "i^-^ infin. Kal. P]'-^"] for i\'^y^ from qn^ fut. Kal. ^iS"* from n'T' fut. Hiphil. i^l-i"" - n^"' infin. Kal. 1-11*^ fut. Hiph. l.'^.l")': - mn - Kal. X^^l - "jn (]1^)fut. Kal. 7=1-1^ - fiti fut. Kal. ^^\ - rps^ - Niph. ^'^\ - 5>"T^ & ns^n fut.^Kal. 'na-lj'' - mij'^ fem. part. Kal. a'^iJ'' (Keri) from ^Tij fut. Kal. "^^tl - n"!U3 fut. Kal. =inii^ - nn-i; - Niph. -^m - i<'i;2 - Hiph. ta*^-!): from fil^/JJ fut. Hiph. tD'^^*; - C??.9 - Kal. \:xy]^ - nbu3 - Kal. iirij*; - np\i3 - Kal. a/iUi'"^ - D^/i^ - Hithpoel. ir^;; - UJ;^ , 3 epenthetic. tS\ - T\V^ fut. Kal. 5>^-t QlDr^J"' from iJUJ"' fut. Hiph. IDIS^*; from t:D"23 fut. Kal. rrr\'4''. - '^'^'^ - 3 plur. fem. ' * kal. inn'iJ'; 3 sing, masc; lini?^'! (inn-^p^) 3 plur.fut., from T\r\^ Hithpalel. ^pujpn'-p"', from ppiJ fut.Hithpalpal. t^rf-:. from nriN fut. Kal. - JTifi< - Hithpael. - s - Jiba - Hithpael. 109 W from mn fut. Piel. ^152^1". - 5^^'' - Hithp. 1"'Tn"; - pT - Chald. Ithp. ^"?.nC!? - i^">^ - fut. Tiphel. CSn'i. _ j^|;j3 _ Hithpael. Dn"" ^api"^ ^^n"^ from C^n fut. Kal. ^ l73n^ from D72n fut. Niph. ni^n"; - m:? - Hithpa. 'in: - ^=in & 'ins fut. Hi. tZSipri^ - t2=lt; Chald. Ithp. nttsi^n"; from nn fut. Hithpalpal. Sfi<3 for S^t:^ from Si^"; . ^'nN3for ^'iNS from ^'iDpraet. Kal. 'IS from ^j {'i). nins - nt-is. 'ji-nn"3 - p-inv b3, b:Dn - b^sKal. 1::d - bb-^ infin. Kal. T i^^3 for rr'lrS from Vs, 71. 73. CDn':?3 from b*3, 71. r::nb3 from Vs, 6 71. T '.IT-. ' J 1^3 - i<"!:3 praet. Kal. nnj3 - nb3 Piel. <:nb3 - NbD 2 fem. praet. Kal. inu^S - rrntJ plur. part. Pilel. nss - 1:3 imp. Kal. niiss, -lias from nsD. r :' ITT : T t ^nibss from 5ib3 infin. Hiph. 103 '^DS from nD3 pass. part. Kal. ^jn&S from JlD3 3 fem. sing. Piel. n^3, "^PinS, t2n^3 from n^3 Kal, '42 Note 2.* n"'^ib from mj< infin. Hiph. "liNb - "iii infin. Niph. n3^ , n3^3 from InsK rrib , n'lb' - nb"^ infin. Kal. Si:mb from nb"^ infin. Kal. with suffix. jinV^, l^inb^ from i^iti Chald. "n-^tpTl-rb from iuj-^ infin. Hiphil. ibntib - bbn infin. Niphal. nr:if^ - J-it^'i; infin. Hiph. f^ltl^!?^'^ - J^rittj infin. Hithpal. tiJyn'nnTib from n.-^ infin. Hith- palpal. BJi'^hb from "'iib. n^^hb - Bl^n infin. Kal. niD-^b - ID"" infin. Kal. nrrp'^b - nnp-* or r^p'^. Ml'-i-^b - n"!"^ infin. Kal. jiui*^^ - lui"^ infin. Kal. ^V. n3b C^l^) from ^b'' imp. Kal. n3b' from "^b"" infin. Kal. ]2bb - ]nb infin. Hiph. * '>^^b - 11J2 &, -"T. !n3"jD^ (for na-n??}?) from MS-)^. rj3b' (for !iD y) from 1=ib 3 fem.praet. ' Kal. '' 110 il5)b' for ^23^ from )^b Kal, 42, Note 3. b''B2b from bS3 infin. Hiphil. ni^y':: - ^-^ i"fi"- Niphal. jb. t]":b - lib part. Kal. 1^35?^ from 'ntJi^ infin. Hiphil. ni32b - fli^ infin. Hiph. yfnb - Nn"; infin. Kal. nb , nbb from nb"* infin. Kal. 12 bW from bTN part. Pual. filDDNa - DN^ infin. Kal. V ; T T ^353 - Nis part. Hiph. ^nystt - ns3 fem. part. Piel. n3UJna73 n5-:;fi'n3b for MD'iii^ni ln73b 5zwce a^ the be- ginning J see Lexicon !173 & rj3:i73 from nS3 part. Hiphil. 'J^">r!^ from l^wSt Chald. Aph. r^tl^l^ " ^t[? Chald. Aph. ^n - ry^M Chald. Peal. Dri:a - n^ & tiri. t3n.?3Jl)3 from t3rj or arr. ni5>:5pn73 from y2J:p part. plur. Hophal. CJ'^'iiTD from tTT^ part. Hiph. tJ'^2n^ - I^T part. Hophal. nnyn^a for 'ia from 15>tt part. Kal. T\m^ from ni part. Hoph. *j^\l^ - ti:'' part. Hiphil. 3D173 - SIlD part. Hoph. nD1?3 - ^ID"* part. Hophal. ^-ir^ - Nit"' part. Hoph. Ii^^'ysn - Nna part. Kal. t3''fi<*ni^ for D'^nia from n^"^ part. Hiphil. Ci"'^"^-5"i73 from y^S'n. ^1^. - ^I^; Chald. inF73 from t^'b'm Kal. t]^n:Q73 - 1inJ2 part. Pual. 'TjTaTa, ^73tt, etc. from )12. ti^n'D'D from ma part. Hiphil. V^sa - yi\2 part. Hithpoel. n:a - nS"' or h^D part. Hoph. :73 (for a-'- a Ps. 45 : 9) from ] . h'^sa - nr or niD part. Hiph. D'^Da from n=lc) part. Hiphil. rr'^SU^a - n;5>73, 3 epenthetic. 5];^'^ - q^?"^ part. Hophal. 1N*::a - N22a 2 plur. imp. Kal. DSi<:ib - 5^2:72 Infin. Kal. ^nka - ^i^a Kal. T T ^D-ib'^i^a from bhp part. Piel. '73'^p.a - 13" p part. Hiphil. n3p - i^3p part. Hiphil. ''^i'^ipa - pp part. Pual. N^^pa (Numb. 10: 2) from N^p infin, Kal. "JRI)!^ - '1=1 p part. Pilpel. m-ia - "T-i^ infin. Kal. ntanb - t3^a part. Pual. JD'^Sda - nS'IJ part. Hiph. '^i:'^D"i:75 - bD-iJ part. Hiph. nn-^a (for rinn;iJ73) part. fem. Piel. ^^'^Itli?''^?^ (for n''inn-2ja 40) from nTl'J^ part. Hithpalel. Pib, tiPih, ""n^j from r\u72 Kal. ibn3 from bbn praet. Niph. bt!5 from bri3 praet. Piel. I3tl2 - :ri3 Niph. or Piel. 112 tD'^nhp. - tiTan part. Niphal. ''n:h3 - "jDH 2 fem. Niph. rih3 from 'n'nn Niphal. nti: - nnn Niphal. to-^D - ^3"* fut. Kal. T t3^"2 - n'l"' fut. Kal. 13 ^31- ^^2 fut. Hiph. ti33 - 'nii'D Niphal. t)YVD2 - nD"" part. fem. Niph. ^532 - "nDD Nithpael, with, n assimilated. tl^3 from *1172 Niphal. nnpj - SID Niphal. Dn^:^: - lay fut. Hophal. nOD for N^3 from NX^3 imp. Kal. ^i2>3 from "^^^ Niphal. nnV^Dq JnNV.^3 nj?bs:3 from fi^bs 3 fem. Niphal. b^BS from bs3 Pilel. p-,D^3 - pn2 fut. Hithp. Jin53 from ^i23 imp. Kal. }>2l - ^^P Niphal. lirs & N=li2J2 (for n^^3) from N\!;3 'Splur.kal. 'JltoS "^J]^: from Ni2;3 part. pass. ' Kal. ' C^'il^D from tJT^'v^ fut. Hiphil. ^3'aJ3 (for '2-^:) from rr^js praet. *"Piel 17,6. nnn-iiq from m^i; Nithpael, n trans- posed 38. rjihJZi'4^^ from nn-r fut. Hithpalel. nynuJ3 - ni>u3 Hithpael, n transposed 38. ^n=i^3jpn3 from pn3 Kal. ^0^13 npin3 nh3 , nn3 , from ina Kal. S"'do from Uno part. Kal. iD3D - ^no. nirnnD- "nno Pealal. nn5> from TT5> imp. Kal. n'TS? - 'I'lS^ imp. Kal.' ^^D$ (for nii::^) from nU5S> pass. part. ' Kal. niy5> from niz32> 3 fem. praet. Kal. nns from ns3 infin. Kal. ib.^* - b?s. t]ri:a33 - IZJ^S praet. Kal. Nl (nN2?.) from 5i^ from Nii"' 2 fem. plur. imp. Val. DNit from N2'' infin. Kal. ^npi^* - pi: infin. Piel. n'n'Z from i^Jz:! praet. fem. Kal. ^d: (for "^^DZt) from ne^s pass. part. Kal. * According to some editions of the BiblQ S^Pp^se. 113 ^3^nri72i from riTaiT praet. Pilel. p:? - pit-i imp. Kal. ni?.i: : - p2 infin. Kal. tJ^?jP from t]=ip praet. Kal. ^^.R - Q=ip Chaldee. i^^S - :3np imp. Kal. H3J5 (for i3|-?) from nnp 3 praet. Kal with suffix. I3i|? from nnp imp. Kal. 35. ^i^j J^rjR ^J'o npb imp. Kal. rij-? (Ez. 17 : 5) from npb praet. Kal. fihjj (Hos. 11:3) from npb praet. Kal with suffix. rssnj: from npb imp. 2 sing. Kal, 3 epenthetic, & fem. suffix. 5iin|5 from npb imp. 2 sing. Kal, 3 epenthetic, & masc. suffix. nh^ & nhp from npb infin. Kal. n^P from Ti^p 2 plur. imp. Kal. I^-HR J ,1^"?.R froi ^^P 2 plur. fem. imp. Kal. ni'ip from fi^^p 3 fem. praet. ^Kal. Jll^t'i (for m*i<^) from rjfi<"n infin. Kal. n^ (nil) from n^-n infin. Kal. Tn (Isai. 45: 1) from 111 infin. 15 Kal; (Judges 19: 11) fon^: praet. Kal. "Jt!, JT^") from l"!"^ imp. Kal. '^'^I^^ll - ^"1"' infin. Kal. D'j'n from m^ participle Kal. "IT . ''^.^ , ^S^i from p-i infin. & imperative Kal. tifi from yi>^ fem. infin. Kal. )'^?^ - pi Pilel. J'^^'i (for Ci":'^J from y^"^ plur. part. Kal. '^'?.r^'l from iIJI'^ imp. Kal. n-iin, i3n'p-), etc. from u3^'> infin. Kal. Nil3 from fi i^fin. Kal. IR^ - nn'y praet. Kal. n 1n>'::NPi from !:5w\ fut. Piel. ^*3n (for nin) from nn.N fut. Kal. ii:\\:2r from Jiils fut. Kal. l-;n.\in ln${iri \-ii^3ri from N^i3 fut. Kal. rrni^inri from i^is fut. Kal. incnn - nt:n 2 plur. fem. ' Kal. tjnn from ~S3 fut. Kal. 114 'D/i^TD'iri from ^%T fut. Piel. '^nr^,-'nn- rr^n - Kal. rt;n!^ - fiin "1> - ii^-' 1^-- - ^b?i nVnnn - bnn ^:'in n:^'^ ^"Tsin - '^^sn ^f:in ini-* - Kal. - Pual. MD/ritzsn - n:3a - - Kal. - Hiph. - Niph. fpznn - pn^ ^ paragogic. - 2 fem. Kal, - Hiph. - Hiphil. - Kal. - Piel - Hiphil. '^'nn particip. Kal. ini-* fut. Hiph. with epenthetic suffix. P|p""in 7\'Q.V\ from PjO*^ fut. Hiphil. Tr^in (jlini) from ^^^ fut. Hiph. t^Tn from bTN fut. Kal. . . ,.. "Stn (for nstn) from nST fut- Kal. Crtn from nST fut. Kal. 3^tr! - "iTwN - Piel. ntn - Kal. TtlN - Kal. n'^n - Kal. vvn - Niph. ^in (nujh) fut. Kal. nhn ( nnn ) from nns fut. fem. Kal, & nnn fut. masc. Niphal. DIj] from nC23 fut. Kal. an - inDi - Hiph. ni^ui^'^n - nuJ:> - Niph. n^n - nni> - Kal. DSn - riDlD - Piel. ^iD^n - nor) - Hithpael. tKn bhn tJin from t3T fut. Kal. or Niphal. n\h nnh' Kal. 115 ]bn from )^)^ fut. Kal. "nizh - nh73 - Hiph. hTsn - nU72 - Niphal. "^^ri - nn^ - Hiph. (Kal ?) ^2ri for 1730 - from CTsn 3 plur. Kal. O^ri from JiD^ fut. Hiphil. ^^p. - j-jn73 - Hiphil. "lan - ^^72 (n^^) fut. Hiph. In7:n - -its.n fut. Kal. jn, Ji:ri from "jn: imp. Kal. Jljn (Ps. 8: 3) from ^n: infin. Kal. yi2n from S^T fut. Chaldee. P"'3n, 'inp.'^rn from p=i3 fut. Hiph. ;isn from qo.\ fut. Kal. n:5yr) (for insi') from ]5y 2 plur. fut. Niphal. 1^3?^) (for'^'D) from nb2> fut. Niphal. ^tl^^J? from nny fut. Hophal. ^-ilS^'Pi - in2> - fem. Kal. -5- irisp - nDi< - Kal. t]:D"'niir'iDri see Lex. 7=12 fc n:i 5t^ . 'ntPi (nsr)) from n-iD fut. Hophal. n:rkFi from b?^;: fut. Kal. =i>i - ninn - Kal. ^I'n - nm - Hiphil. 'nb^'in from b:-| 1 sing. Tiphel. ylin from y:-| fut. Niph. nnit^^n - n:i-i - Piel. nwVi;ri - i^x^D _ Kal. ^5-^5 ^^n- :T:5 - Pilpel. D?3Vori - Ct:;^ - Hithpoel. ri:hb'^n (for ninb' ) from nb'^: fut. 2 sing. Kal, with epeiith. suffix. ^ph from -^^J fut. Kal. n:irn M:\\'in from N=i;3 fut. Kal. Ji3>;dr^n from syyii fut. Polpal. ri-sDn from nr)':3 fut. Kal. inn'4;r) from nnr fut. 2 sing. Hithpalel. ]''-)3l3'rn from 13^^ fut. 2 sing. fem. (] parngogic) Hithpael. ypiwn from Tivo fut. Hithp. nn -nn - ins infin. Kal. "pr^i - "jna infin. Kal. -isnn - 'i-iS fut. Hithp. ^^nn - n'l^ fut. Hithp. nrin (for ^^r^n^ ) from "jnD praet. Kal, H paragogic. '-ihnn from mh fut. Hithp. onri , cnn from c^an fut. Kal. ynn from n^n fut. Kal. bsriPi - bns - Hithpael. :n"inn - rai:"* - Hithpael. "irin & nnin from '^n'> fut. Hiphil. INDEX ALPHABET . . 5. 6 " Division of . 19 Article r, . . 19. 30. 53. 66 Accents ... 17. 42 45 their influence on vowels 57 58 Apocopated forms ... 49 Affixes Verbal . . . " . 71 Accusative t-ii< (-nt< ) . .39. 60 ri5 (""ini^) preposition with . 39. 60 Anomalies list of . . . 101 Begad Kefat (Beghadh Kephath) letters .... 9 Comparison , . 33 34 CONJUGATIONS " names and signifi- cations of 27 30 " characteristics of 2830 " Peculiar 72 Construction (Construct state) 32 DAGESH " forte ... 51 " " compensative 51 " " characteristic 51 " " conjunctive 51 " " euphonic 52 " lene . . , 9. 14 Degrees of comparison 3334 Epenthetic 5 . . . 40. 71 " s; expressed by Dag- esh . 7172 " ... 31.46.63 " V. > -46 Euphonic Syllables ... 20 Future tense 26 " Ground-form of 46 47 " Punctuation of . 27 " Letters omitted in 27. 47 Page. " Letters retained in 47 " Characteristics of 73 Gender 21 " Exceptions to . . .23 GUTTURALS 7. 52-53. 57 Ground-form of the future tense 46 47 " " Hithpael . . 47 " " Participles beyond Kal 47 Hiphil . . . . 28. 39. 7375 n paragogic . . 23. 26. 27. 48 n of Hiphil, Hophal, and Hithpael omitted . . . . 27. 47 n of Hiphil and Hophal retained 47 n local 23 n interrogative . . . 40 41 Hithpael . . . .28. 7375 " Peculiarities of . 41 42 List of Anomalous forms . .101 Local n 23 Letters enlarged, diminished, in- verted, suspended, dotted . 12 Mappik .... 7.50 Maccaph ... 7. 44. 57 Metheg 7.44 I'to paragogic . . . . 20. 63 iw ( ^W ) suffix pronoun . . 24 )2 negative . -33 NOUNS " Derivative . . 20 " Primitive ... 21 " Heemantive . . 2021 " Compound . . . 21 " Gender and Number of 21-23 " Terminations of . 2123 " Exceptions to Gender and Number of 2223 " Anomalous . 22 118 Page. NOUNS with paragogic letters 23. 24. 0= note. " Exceptions to Gender of 23 " Suffix pronouns attached to .... 24 " used as Particles . 63 " Construct state of 32. 2123- [57 } 5 paragogic . . .26. 71 5 epenthetic ... 40. 71 " expressed by dagesh 71-72 5 of Niphal omitted in the future 27. 47 Negative tt . . . 3334 Numerals . . . . 6. 52 NIPHAL < praeter . .27.28 future ... 38. 73 " imperative and infini- tive . . . 38.74 " participle . 31. 74 NITHPAEL conjugation . 50. 72 PARTICIPLES <' Kal, active and passive 30 31. 63 [66 Niphal 31. 66. 74 Piel, Pual, Hiph- il,Hophal,Hith- pael 3031.66.75 " with suffixes . 66 " with the Article ( n ) . 30. 66 PARAGOGIC LETTERS 23. 24. 26. [48. 63 PARTICLES (Separate and com- bined) . . 62-63 " united to Prefixes and Suffixes . 5062 " coming before the future 41 Va.ttakh furtive . .12. 56 Prefixes . . . 19.5356 PRONOUNS " Primitive . . 58 " Derivative or Suffix 24 " Relative . 59 I Page. I " Demonstrative . 59 " Interrogative . 59 Punctuation of the Article ( n ) 53 " Prefixes 5356 Peculiarity of the verb r;h">3 42 Piel and Pual . . ." " . 29. 30 Quiescents 8 Radicals 19. e 3 Roots, Nouns, and Particles of common occurrence . 77 78 Root how to find the . 36. 7677 Silluk 7.42 Short Kaumets (Kaumets o) . 7 Shevau, Simple and Composite . 6 " Silent .... 8 " Pronounced . . .9 Serviles . . . . 19.83 " Table of the uses of 7983 Suffixes, appended to Nouns . 24 " Verbs 7172 " " " Prefixes and Particles 59-63 Syllables euphonic . . .20 Superlative degree ... 34 Table of the characteristics of the Conjugations . . . 73 75 Technical names of Defective verbs 36 " " verbs with a guttural . 46 Transposition of n characteristic ofHithpael ... 41 n of Hithpael changed into 13 . 42 VERBS " Conjugations of . 2730.72 " Praeter tense of . 2526 " Future tense of . .2627 ** Ground-form of the fu- ture tense of . 46 47 " Modes and tenses of . 25 " Persons and Gender of 25 26 " Root of . . .20.25 " Root of begin'g with K 40 " Defective ... 36 " Praeformatives of 2627.73 " Punctuation of Praeform- atives of . . 27.73 " Suffiarmatives of . .26 " Apocopated forms of . 49 119 Page. Page. :rb S Paragojic letters added u ' . . to . 26-27.48 li yy . . 46. 47. 64. 68. 70 (( Pluriliteral . . 27.72 (( Imperative Kal 31.35. 47. 48. ti 64% . . [51 (( r^ . 34. ti " " of defec- tive 67. 68 Imperative Niphal 38. 74 (I ii h guttural . . 46. 58 with epenthetic n (~ ) and ,_.... 46 (. " Piel . . 29 a Hiphil . 39.74 VOWELS . .5.6 a Infinitive Kal 31. 34. 35. 48. a Long and Short . 6 ti [6870 " Niphal . 38. 74 11 Lengthened (chang- ed) . . 8.57-58 " Piel . . 29 Hiphil 39.74 li Shortened (changed) 56. 57. [58 Dropped . 56. 57 -ersive of the Praefcr . 32 11 11 " of defective 6870 " before the future 47 li 1 Con\ " following -pVa 47 1 Conversive of the FMfwre . 33 ii used as Particle.s , .63 derived from Nouns 21 Verbal Affixes or Suffixes . . 71 u Final Tsaree and Kho- m'n"' and Hiri^ Jem . . -25.64 11 v: " Peculiar pro- ^3 . 35. 49. 67. 6869 nunciation of 55 /s . . . 35.67.69 (( " Punctuation of <( B guttural . . 46. 52 Prefixes be- (( iy . . fore . 55-56 ERR ATA Page. 5 the vowel _ should stand on a line with u in full 38 twelfth line from the top, for ^Ij?"; read ^IIP": . 47 fourth line from the top, for ^""i^rr , ^'^^{n , read ^"^J??l , "I'^^n . 54 fifth line from the top, for D^bn read Dnnb ; this occurs in a few copies only. 64 second line from the bottom, for 1 read 15 ; this was occasioned by the drawing out of the type. 68 89, for MS&^np read !i2N"3p . The following were occasioned by the breaking of the type. 8 bottom line, for nai^^T put ^7:^*2 25 third line from bottom, put a period after Sufformatives. 27 twelfth line from top, put a semicolon after fiip . 28 bottom line, for tstti-^DN read t:^'fnnfi< . THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THF. LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. F&Sic^5l93< 1 " *6 7( G9 AUG 8 1946 LD 21-95m 7,'37 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY t^