N UC-NRLF Q3S STUDY OUTLINE SERIES ITALIAN ART Many clubs are convinced of the advantage of studying one subject thruout the season, and for this work a carefully prepared program is needed. Local or state committees and state library commissions have spent time in preparing outlines which would be suitable for use else- where if they could be made available by print- ing. It is proposed in this series to centralize such work and to conserve the effort spent in making a good outline by putting it in shape for distribution. Clubs themselves by an actual test- ing of the outlines thus offered will be able to offer suggestions and criticism which will lead to a revision of form. The Study Outline and Its Use The series will include outlines on art, litera- ture, travel, biography, history and present clay questions. The outlines vary in length. If more topics are given than the number of club meetings for the season, those topics that are more difficult to handle or on which there is less available material, may be dropped. If there are fewer topics than the scheduled meetings, certain topics may be divided. Lists of books are appended to some of the outlines. It would be well for the club to own some of the recommended books. Others can be obtained either from the local public library or from the state traveling library. When very full lists are given it is not necessary for any club to use all the books, but the longer list leaves more room for choice. The best material on some subjects may be found, not in books, but in magazines. These may be looked up under the subject in the Readers? Guide to Periodical Literature. Maga- zine articles and illustrated material may be ob- tained from the Wilson Package Library. For terms see fourth page of cover. A list of the study outlines now in print will be found on page three of this cover. For later additions to the list write to publisher. ITALIAN ART It GENERAL SURVEY A STUDY OUTLINE PREPARED FOR THE WISCONSIN LIBRARY COMMISSION THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.. AND NEW YORK CITY 1916 /i STUDY OUTLINE ON ITALIAN ART GENERAL SURVEY EARLY CHRISTIAN ART Motives: Religion and decoration The Catacombs BYZANTINE ART AND ITS INFLUENCE Architecture St. Mark's at Venice Minor arts Carving of ivory and precious stones Glass making Mosaics Gold and silver smithing Illumination of manuscripts Tapestries ROMANESQUE AND GOTHIC PERIOD Architecture Cathedral of Milan Cathedral of Pisa Painting a Florentine school Cimabue Giotto b Sienese school The Lorenzetti Influence of monastic orders St. Francis of ; 2 : ; . .; ...... .STUDY- OUTLINE ON FIFTEENTH CENTURY AND THE EARLY RENAISSANCE Florentine school -Fra Angelica and his angels Masaccio Frescoes in the Brancacci chapel Fra Filippo Lippi Madonna (Uffizi) Madonna and angels (Louvre) Botticelli Venus rising from the sea Coronation of-the Virgin" Spring Filippino Lippi Adoration of the Magi Madonna appearing to St. Bernard Frescoes in Santa Maria Novella - Verrocchio: Ghirlandajo, Lorenzo di Credi Sculpture at Florence Ghiberti and the bronze doors of the Baptistry, Risano ^ Brunelleschi, The Duomo ^- Donatello St. John the Baptist St. George Annunciation 'Delia Robbia The singing and dancing children Madonnas and Perugia Signorelli Frescoes at Orvieto Pan Perugino Christ giving the keys to Peter Apollo and Marayas Alessandro Braccesi Pinturicchio St. Jerome preaching Funeral of St. Bernardino Life of Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini Francesca ; Gentile da Fabriano ; Giovanni Santi ; Lo Spagno ITALIAN ART Ferrara and Bologna Francia; Lorenzo Costa Padua S Mantegna Frescoes in the Ducal palace at Mantua Madonna and child (Uffizi) Triptych St. George and the Dragon Verona and Vincenza Vittore Pisano; Montagna Venice The Bellinis Jacopo Gentili, Corpus Christi >^ Giovanni Madonna of the Two Trees Our Lady and the two saints Altar piece for San Giobbe The Frari Madonna p. Carpaccio Scenes from the life of St. Ursula Presentation in the temple St. George and the dragon Carlo Crivelli, Antonello da Messina, Catena SIXTEENTH CENTURY (HIGH RENAISSANCE) Florence and Rome - Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper Mona Lisa Battle of the Standard Madonna of the Rocks Raphael Portrait of himself Madonna del Granduca La belle Jardiniere Julius II The Disputa School o Athens Madonna della Sedia St. Cecelia Sistine Madonna Transfiguration STUDY OUTLINE ON Andrea del Sarto Madonna and child with St. Francis : St. John (Uffizi) Assumption Madonna and child with St. Elizabeth; John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Frescoes in the Annunziata - Michelangelo As a sculptor As a painter As an architect Albertfcnelli, Fra Bartolommeo, Guilio Romano Browning and the painters of Florence Sculpture Benvenuto Cellini Bologna Bernini . Siena II Sodoma St. Sebastian St. Catherine Frescoes in Monte Oliveto (Cycle of St. Benedict Ferrara and Bologna Dosse Dossi, Garolfo Lombardy Luini Daughter of Herodias Parma Correggio Holy Night Marriage of St. Catherine The Reading Magdalen St. Thomas Venice . . - Giorgione Judgment of Solomon The Concert Nymph and Satyr; Three ages of man ITALIAN ART -Titian Presentation of the Virgin Sacred and Profane Love Madonna of the Roses Tribute money The ascension of the Virgin Bacchus and Ariadne Bella; Flora Paola Veronese San Sebastian Supper at the house of Simon the Pharisee Rape of Europa Venice enthroned Tintoretto Miracle of St. Mark Marriage at Cana Mercury and the Graces Portraits (the doges) The Doge's palace Palma II Vecchio Santa Barbara Paris Bordone SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES The mannerists Bronzino Baroccio Vasari, the biographer The eclectics The Carracci Domenichino Guido Reni Aurora Beatrice Cenci St. Michael and the Dragon Carlo Dolci Madonnas The naturalists Caravaggio Salvator Rosa : ITALIAN ART Late Venetians II Padovanino II Canaletto Tiepolo Feast of Cleopatra NINETEENTH CENTURY Painting Appiani Morelli Segnatini Sculpture Canova Art collections in Italy The Vatican Pitti palace Uffizi List of Study Outlines Contemporary Drama. Prepared by Prof. Arthur Beatty for the Wisconsin Library Commission. Ibsen, Maeter- linck, Hauptmann, Sudermann, Echegaray, Rostand, Tche- koff, Brieux, Robertson, Jones, Pinero, Phillips, Shaw, Gals- worthy, Yeats, Gregory, Synge, Fitch. List of plays, most important ones starred. Interpretative notes and suggestive ideas for discussion and study. I2p 25c. Contemporary English Literature. Prepared by Prof. Arthur Beatty for the Wisconsin Library Commission. Swinburne, Meredith, Hardy, Kipling, Bridges, Gissing, Conrad, De Morgan, Wells, Bennett, Galsworthy, Yeats, A. C. Benson, Chesterton, Noyes, W. W. Gibson, Masefield. List of most important works. Critical references. Certain books studied with interpretative notes. 2ip 25c. Dietetics. Programs for 10 club meetings. The study is based on four selected books and the Farmers' Bulletins, icp. Under one cover with "Home Economics." England and Scotland: History and Travel. Prepared by C. E. Fanning. Intended for travel study club which has a historical foundation for its work. Bibliography. List of additional topics. lop 25c. Home Economics. Prepared by the Home Economics Di- vision, Agricultural Extension Department, Purdue Univer- sity. Programs for 10 club meetings. The study is based on three selected books and the Farmers' Bulletins, up. Un- der one cover with "Dietetics." 25c. Italian Art: A General Survey. Prepared for the Minne- sota Library Commission. Chronological order of subjects 6p I5c. Mexico. Prepared by Study Club Department, Wisconsin Library Commission. 2p. To be used in the same year with South America Past and Present or Panama. Under one cover with Panama. I5c. Municipal Civics. Prepared by Anna L. Guthrie. A topical outline with references by page to books and periodicals. Bibliography. 32p 25c. Panama. Prepared by L. E. Stearns for the Wisconsin Library Commission. 4p. Under cover with Mexico. Present Day Industries in the United States. Prepared by the Study Club Department, Wisconsin Library Commission. Topical outline without references. 6p isc. Slav Peoples. Prepared by Gregory Yarros. The history, present distribution and culture of the Slavs. A topical out- line with references under each topic. Bibliography. 24?. 25c. South America. Prepared by Corinne Bacon. Topical outline with chapter and page references as a help in the preparation of papers. Full bibliography. 32p 25c. United States since the Civil War. Prepared by C. E. Fanning. Intended for clubs studying advanced American his- tory and modern problems. Bibliography. lop 25c. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or son. Cor. ments in : j campaij n. 47P- V1ETHO1! Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. that the tiffl rs, or the t;||lf! b will woriwjj r or the meeijijJ! Hography, ^j|}(]j h each mejjji by a colla:;,:.; :ipal C ivies, m& below illusijijij l.D. A Slffl anagemer|ji| igs and sjjjjj nsulted. \ the stud.|| meeting ;d referer|| tvidson, l|jjj t Divide, 3j Bird, He|| ay, P rcsc; jffl reference j| t-^JQ | MS* /^i\ P a V*A -iA* ( (Nj - ft^c EIVEB i D*i- L-Qy\ft| FS f^\ * *-* ^.. - MAY 10 196859 - RECEIVED _ - ' LD 21A-60m-7,'66 (G4427slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley IMF U ilVI t^f npu^^r\ r r - JUt ) IJ3x^ LD 21-100m-8,'34 -i ? ] I.50I i.ooii d to fur| rental ch^|: each td )any White Plains, N. Y. < '.avU ' '^ros Syracuse, PAT. JAN. 21, 1308 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY