TME COMPASS AND SQUARE FOR \^/OMEN CInLY THE COHPASS AND SQUARE FOR WHEN ONLY Copyright 1916, by The Woman's Order of Esoteric Masonry. The Master Mind Prsss, Los Aneeles. PREFACE. THE COMPASS and square is a small compilation of fragmentary lore designed as a finger post to point the way for the student who seeks to know that Equilibrium, Unity, and Harmony in Existence are essen- tial in Evolution to establish Equality, Justice, Liberty and Peace. Books are innumerable, — Sciences are many, — Life is short, — Obstacles are great, — Hinderances are frequent; — Seek ye therefore the essence of Knowledge, which is truth. The original Delphic Oracle says: — KNOW THYSELF THROUGH THE MYS- TERIES OF SEX ! 337672 This Booklet is Dedicated to of |Co2 ^ngal^g, CU^ltfornm The Only Incorporated School ever established, exclusively devoted to woman's attainment of the Mystic and Higher Knowledge. That she may recover her lost inher- itance, is the earnest and sincere, soul desire of the writer. GO LITTLE SOOK AND DO GOOD Devotedly Yours in Service. 33° Los Angeles, California. June, 1916 EXPLANATION. THIS Compilation is designed for Women only, for the simple rea- son, that Man needs no small finger-board to tell him there is a vast and valuable Knowledge, and the way to find it. He has had access to same for Centuries, through the Tuan made secret fraternities and certain Church Hierarchies, where this Lore has been usurped and concealed under cunning phrases and recondite symbolism, and to which all Women have been denied admission, considered as undeserving, and incapable. Thus, man, would only scorn and de- ride this very humble and plain attempt to suggest the Way of Truth to Woman, whose place has (since developed man- kind existed), ever been assigned to servitude and dense ignorance, by mas- culine authority, as best for the Evolu- tion of the Race. 1 HE C01M?ASS AND SQUARE Present conditions of this Man ruled world today, demand, that Woman raise herself out of this sand and mire, and seeks to understand, if all real KNOWLEDGE should remain concealed, for the benefit of self-aggrandizement, and selfish power, of a very few of only one-half of mankind, while the strug- gling multitudes, en masse, must suffer and perish. Woman's Inheritance, is Divine Rea- son, which will grant her Poise and Peace, and she must seek it, to know the meaning of all Life. ''So mote it be.'' ''Show me but one worthy person, who is capable of, and fit to receive the Sacred, Secret Mysteries, and I will show him the right and infallible way to come by it. "Yet this, I must tell thee, it would sink thee to the ground to hear this mystery related, for it cannot ascend to the Heart of mankind, how near God is to them, and how to be found. "The common Chemist, works with the common fire, and without any me- THE COMPASS AND SQUARE dium, wherefore he produces nothing, for he works not as God doth to preser-- vation, but to destruction; hence it is, that he ends always in ashe s/' (Agrippa.) ''The error in all creeds, is, that they define the Deity, by expressing every- thing that He is not Albert Pike, in Legenda — 32° P. 16 Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation The Compass and Square. LESSON FIRST. THE dominant motive in arrang- ing this Compilation, is, to bring before Women, the necessity of their awakening to know and fully un- derstand, that there is a concealed Knowledge of the Real in all Life and Nature that is their inheritance, and concerns them more than it does man, who possesses it. Knowledge is Power; ignorance is weakness. Knowledge liberates, igno- rance enslaves. Herein, lies the secret of its usurpation. The masses of hu- manity, being enslaved, gives Liberty, Selfish-ease and Crafty power to a dom- inant few, who have most successfully exploited the various Races of Mankind, during the existence of human life upon the Planet. Everywhere, and among all the va- rious phases of mankind over the Globe, 11 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE one and the same condition is found for women, varying only in form. That is their dense ignorance en masse, of all but the trivial illusions and falsities of Life, rendering them inane, helpless and hopeless, to cope with their bond- age. For multiplied centuries of the vast long ago, all that was worthy of effort in education was so concealed under a complex style of phraseology, and a net- work of symbology, that it eventually became only the *'Lost Word'^ and so buried under the rubbish of bigoted egoism, that all influence, or conception of its majestic power and sacred value has disappeared. There is evidence that the great mo- tive of the mighty Law of Nature, in producing manifestation by form, was the expansion of Mind and Soul con- sciousness. That continued growth in evolution, which leads to Unity in Uni- versal Wisdom, and is the only treasure worth while, or worthy of great effort by fallen conscious life, — i. e., the 12 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE Widow's Son — for Nature ever d e - stroys that which does not grow; and to know the REAL, free from false teaching, under the mighty Laws of Life and Being, is the inheritance of man-kind. The same condition has environed and limited real knowledge that has fallen to the lot of other human pos- sessions. Its actual holders naming themselves the '^favored few'' strive to retain it exclusively for self-interest. Imparting knowledge, does not di- minish its store ; one can remain as rich as ever, after making others rich, but the vain, human mind places a very high value upon self-distinction, fear- ing its loss. Knowledge, however held, is essen- tially power, and in many respects, it serves the same purpose as money pos- sessions, gaining selfish ease, adoration, and the power of governing. This radiates a more brilliant halo, in the midst of ignorance, which ever implies general weakness easily exploited. 13 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE Thus, we have flourishing Church hierarchies, and various Secret Frater- nities, all under arbitrary, masculine domination. Subject to these continued conditions, there is in time, developed a state of affairs which affords no in- ducement to impart real knowledge, there not being sufficient intelligence abroad to appreciate or understand the great truths and philosophies of Life, although announced in their plainest garb of simplicity. Ignorance,^ Fanaticism, and Preju- dice, opposing all effort in that direc- tion. Ignorance ever generates igno- rance, multiplying supreme misery, and this alone should imply that the com- passionless material law of "I will mul- tiply'^ should be controlled by reason and justice, for it is in this dense ignor- ance that the deep sleep of Adam con- tinues to be the baneful inheritance of all the various Races of mankind, up to the present time, its somnolent influ- ence stultifying and destructive, sway- ing the varied mentality of the masses 14 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE to that extreme degree that they fail to seek or comprehend ; remaining content to have some one do their thinking for them, at a stipulated salary. Woman especially, owing to her cred- ulity, is the chief support of this para- sitic class, who regard her as a soulless commodity, a focused center of con- tempt and ridicule, for her superficial life of vanity and insincerity. As the ''mother's'' of men, she has always dwelt in a deep channel of in- feriority, serving and admiring her self-styled superiors; accordingly, her supreme desire and aspiration has ever been, and continues to be, up to the present time, to serve and worship some Master, physically, morally and spirit- ually, not realizing that the great ma- jority of so-called Masters and Leaders of blind humanity of the past, were men of evil, selfish, motive, whom, to serve, worship and admire, only in- creases her inferiority and degrada- tion. 15 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE Enlightenment, and a general broad conception of facts only, will endow Woman with a New Life ; a new under- standing, a proper aspiration, a knowl- edge of her own higher self, and a log- ical hope of immortality. Then, as the intelligent Soul of the Race, she can aid in overthrowing the evil customs and conditions that have cursed our ignorant and unhappy World, for countless aeons of time. Thus, establishing a better environment for the development of Soul and Mind, in the propagation of human life. Priceless education will develop all the requisites for that necessary com- panionship to unite Love and Wisdom ; those infallible guides to the Haven of Equilibrium, Liberty, and abiding Peace. It is the duty of Woman to cultivate a mentality, strong and positive, pos- sessing her own body and intellect, en- dowed with the ability to recognize how she has ever been mis-guided, and the crafty motive of her deceivers. 16 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE Until this is thoroughly understood, she can never be a capable voting citi- zen, but only a tool for the Jesuitic methods and influence, of Politics. Church hierarchies, are centers of political power, and all Governments of importance are controlled by Secret Fraternities since they murdered Mor- gan. Black Magicians are as numerous as in the days of ancient Atlantis, and they find lucrative fields of labor every- where, by the credulity of the masses. The much vaunted medical profession, is one of the most fruitful planes of action, and thousands of ignorant women are dragged into unnecessary surgical operations for imaginary ills; their health and usefulness destroyed, that the Surgeon may have practical experi- ence, combined with an exorbitant fee. Search ye, the hidden paths for price- less knoivledge. The day of mental lib- eration approaches. The World is growing ripe for the wisdom faculty, and the golden threads must be unrav- eled from the web of secret Knowledge. 17 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE Give humanity that which is locked within the doors of antiquated organi- zations, and the whole world will be the gainer for having access to foun- tains of Truth. Peace and Good Will, shall then be united, and shower the blessing of Jus- tice over all the Races of man-kind. Nature, is the great teacher of hu- manity, for it is the Revelation of God, and those who know this Revelation, acknowledge no superior, but law, and bend the knee only to the Creator. The only Master for Woman to rev- erence, is her own higher self, in this important School for the Soul, called Life ; an arena of experience and disci- pline, that prepares it to return from exile, to that brighter existence beyond the Portal of Death. Life, arising out of death, is one of the great mysteries which symbolism has represented in a thousand ingen- ious ways; and the wisdom of all an- cient Nations, comes to us through symbols, representing Truth. 18 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE These symbols can be traced over the complete Globe and back to the long forgotten Centuries. In every age of the World's history, we find the Cross, the Circle and the Swastika. They are as old as man himself, and reveal the most important teaching, that there is one true and original Law, invariable, eternal, calling with irrestible voice to Duty and Justice. It is the Law of Unity, and Aphro- dite, is its principle. This knowledge of Law is the inher- itance of the Race, but has been con- cealed and lost; is only known as the "Lost Word,'' and by perseverance in study, and investigation, alone, can we ever recover any perception and under- standing of the Great Divine Laws governing the Universe and our own existence. Those who aspire to again walk with Gods as in the time of the mythical Adam, must study the mystic ''G" and learn to model their life after the Di- vine plan. 19 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE An understanding of this Plan of Life and Law, is most essential to Woman in her struggling evolution, for she Vv^ill be forced in time by its power and influence to awaken from her long senseless slum^ber to which, she should never have allowed herself to have been subjected. The lost knowledge of Secret Frater- nities, concerns Woman more than Man, and is based upon the mystery of the separation of androgynous man- kind, into distinct male and female ; the understanding of Generation and re- birth, and the giant accomplishment of the Great Work in the return of hu- manity again to Unity, plus the gain of knowledge by experience, during the separation. The original Delphic Oracle reads: ^'Know thyself, through the mysteries of sex,'' but the original was destroyed during the period of selfish usurpation, which plunged the World of man-kind in chaotic ignorance, black as Eternal Night, and present conditions are but 20 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE a small example of the degradation in evil results. Yet there is a faint glim- mering of hope, that these most terri- ble Twentieth Century environments may hasten the striking of the hour when a shackeled and benighted hu- manity will majestically rise up and demand the Truth which shall make them FREE. Women were known in the Lodge up to 1806, and the historical Josephine was the last high Priestess of Masonry, held a prisoner at Malmaison by two Governments until the last moment of her life, that she might not reveal her Knowledge of the atrocious Masonic French Revolution, and for which the ambitious and soulless Napolean mar- ried her. Their charming life together being a fable. 21 LESSON SECOND. OF all the various secret fraterni- ties, Free Masonry, is the most powerful, — to know one, you know all, — and is under a hierarchial form of government ; its influence, com- bined with that of dominant Church hierarchies, forming a most insidious and mighty adversary to the general progress and enlightenment of the masses. Of this, the majority of the order must be cognizant, however un- instructed they are in the grand philos- ophy, science, and religion of their own spiritual truths, which embrace a scope of knowledge vast and inspiring, ex- pressed in symbology and allegory, no definite explanation of which can be given in detail in a work so small as this. The number of degrees are super- fluous. The three Blue Degrees, with the united Mark-Master, belonging to the Fellow-Craft degree, and the sub- 22 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE lime Royal Arch degree, originally con- tained all the instruction of the ancient mysteries; but they were dismembered of their value, about the middle of the 18th century, and the present Order is a system of degree commercialism; a graft ; devoid of the original knowledge and purpose of the fraternity. Selfishness, is the mighty fountain source of all evil, and combined with an oath, — protection of the barbarous age, equal for the unworthy as the worthy, who are freely admitted for the price, per capita, — it forms a coalition which is not productive of Race elevation, or Justice and Good Will to man-kind. The great vice of the age is falsity, and its twin companion dishonesty, under which the majority of secret fra- ternities, have been misled, not realiz- ing the mighty scope of their philosophy and religion. Masonry is a vast field of profound knowledge of science, philosophy and re- ligion, and whether Masons know it or not, its symbols represent the Creator 23 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE and his Wisdom, Word and manifesta- tion, aiding its students to comprehend the great high-way from protoplasm back to God. The different and superfluous de- grees were invented as the number of initiates increased, in order that there might be an inner apartment of the Temple, for a favored few, to whom alone the m^ore valuable secrets are in- trusted and who can effectually wield the influence and power of the order. Thus Masonic mysteries have been made use of to build wider and higher the mighty selfish fabric of their own power, and the sacred altar, has been changed to the gilded throne, on which to reign supreme, while the multitudes of hu- manity like dumb cattle, have been con- tent to accept fraud and falsity, cun- ning and hypocrisy, in preference to Truth, Honor and Justice. The four essential degrees of Mason- ry before mentioned, present a wide and inexhaustible field for study and con- templation, worthy of the most careful 24 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE attention of all sudents, as they differen- tiate states of Life, material and Cos- mic; and innumerable deductions may be drawn from the symbolism of the furniture of the Tabernacle, etc., and from the Cosmical philosophy of Life that determined the construction of King Solomon's Temple, (an allegory.) As above, so below. The first order of Life is the physical universe, or alienation in time, symbol- ized by the first or Entered Apprentice degree. All symbols have more than one meaning, but necessarily refer indirect- ly to the great dual forces of existence, united or separated under the Law of Generation and re-birth, and the return of Jakin and Bohaz again to Unity and Equilibrium. This also was the basic foundation of all Cults and philosophies of ancient religions ; the Seven Churches of Asia originally having a code of three progressive degrees. It is impossible to do more than touch the fringe edge of this vast and recon- dite net-work of symbolism, in any small 25 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE volume, but as the demands of the School increase in woman's expansion of con- sciousness, a larger and more explicit work can reasonably be expected. While Masonry is a grand system of scientific lore, and a religion of lofty understanding, its essence is its univer- sality, and it embraces no distinct creed or sect. The first requirement of the Entered Apprentice, is a belief in that existing power called God, as the Great Architect of the Universe. Passing through the columns of Jakin and Bohaz, he enters the Lodge, — i. e., material universe, — by a torture, being told to take heed upon what he enters, signifying to be watchful and attentive to your trials and experiences in Life, — learn the Law, He is told of three precious jewels, which are a Listening Ear, a Silent Tongue, and a Faithful Heart. In ancient Masonry, it reads, an Instruc- tive Tongue, which does not refer to the ''Heart that conceals and the 26 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE Tongue that never reveals/' The change was made when the Jesuits and Masons were a united body, (and at the present time, all Jesuits and Jesuitic principles are not confined to Rome) . The first degree candidate, is told to search himself for that which it is known he does not possess, i. e., the strength of knowledge, — he is not clothed. Search yourself, brother, is equivalent to the dis-membered Delphic Oracle, Know thyself. The number three is conspicuous in this degree, confronting the candidate before he enters, and by it, he gains ad- mission; it is the triune Key that un- locks the Universe. There are three Blue degrees, three Grand Masters, three altar lights, three principle offi- cers, three Gates of the Temple, three assasins, and Hiram was slaim by three blows. These have a profound meaning, and Body, Soul and Spirit, are worthy of contemplation. The candidate takes a most blood 27 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE curdling oath to never reveal the secrets of Masonry, which he does not know and has no brilliant prospect of ever know- ing, for in their entirety they are lost to the Order. His attention is called to the floor of the Lodge, covered with black and white squares representing good and evil, and he is told the brethren walk thereon without stum- bling, but there is nothing said about the faltering, blundering, multitudes out- side, wrecking their lives through igno- rance of Divine Law. After the ceremony of removing the bandage from the eyes, the Master says : ^^Brother, you first discover three great lights in Masonry by the assistance of three lesser ones; the three greater lights are the Bible, on which is placed the Compass and the Square. Three burning tapers in a triangular group represent the Sun, Moon and Master of the Lodge.'' But he is not told that the Bible pre-eminently represents the Law nothing more, and the Compass and Square, without the letter ^^G^' symbol- 28 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE izes Man and Woman regenerate, hav- ing transcended the law of the material plane, and the three lesser lights, are also Man and Woman, properly guided by the Master, (Mercury or Wisdom) being able to see their way to regener- ation or the three greater lights. 29 THE FELLOW-CRAFT DEGREE THE word ^^fellow^' means an asso- ciate, an equal. "Craft^' a draw- ing together, secret power. In Ancient Masonry, this degree sig- nifies physical and terrestial paradise universe, and combined with the Mark Master, in its originality, it teaches that here is gained the gift of Eternal Life, as a mark of approval of a man's life. The evidence that his work has been ac- cepted. Strike, Brother, and make your mark! has a far-reaching significance. The candidate is here to establish a belief in a resurrection to a future life, and the trend of the symbology evi- dences the great dual Law sustaining life on the material plane, and establish- ing it as progressive. This degree, pre-eminently teaches the vast necessity of knowledge, which alone constitutes Mastery. It is here in the Middle Chamber, where the candidate has been admitted for the sake of the let- so THE COMPASS AND SQUARE ter ''G" or (Generation), that he is ex- pected to learn the value of the knowl- edge and a requisite understanding of the mighty Dual Law of Life, which is SO necessary to woman and man, (as the Elohim of this plane), that they may preserve and sustain the integrity and progressive evolution of their Race on its way to the acquirement of Eternal Divine Reason. This priceless lore has been lost and destroyed by the Giant Evil of Selfish- ness, and thus we mentally behold to- day our Planet plunged in destructive degeneracy, crime and chaos. It is the duty of men and women to ask. Why? and seek the fountain source of this gigantic wrong. It is not told to humanity, from the Pulpit or by the Press. Americans greatest Masonic Adept, has written, that knowledge is the most genuine of all human treasures; it is the light dispelling the darkness of igno- rance, and upon its acquisition depends the growth of soul, which at the birth of 31 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE man, exists only in potency. But he re- fers to a definite kind of knowledge ; it is not acquired in colleges, and is con- cealed from humanity in general. It does not come knocking at our door, we must seek it where it is to be found ; we must know facts, concealed and re- vealed, and must ever base our judg- ment upon motive. We must aspire, reflect, and compre- hend; ever evolving toward that sover- eign power, of which we are but a living reflection. The great dumb masses of the people, are blinded by superstition, defenseless through ignorance, bound by chains of despotism, toiling to pay tribute to the Soul, in bondage to church heirarchies, who exterminate heretics, in the name of a God of Mercy, and a loving Re- deemer. Poor and humiliated, yet ever longing for the light of understanding ; and this condition is symbolized by the candidate in the Lodge, unclothed, blind-folded, penniless, destitute, and shackled by the cable tow. 32 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE A powerful Organization, under- stands this fact, but their most stren- uous effort is directed toward a per- petual continuance of this deplorable state for humanity, regardless of the re- sults. False religions and suppression, has forced Woman to wander far from the path of wisdom and understanding, in this great school of experience, called Life. Thus, her summary in harvest, has ever been ignorance, pain, and sorrow, having no aspiration to investigate for herself, accepting what ever is told her, under the Man Rule, and should a faint gleam of light penetrate her benighted soul, she immediately calls it New Thought, not realizing that all thought of importance is as old as the world, and free to acquire, never doled out at five dollars a lesson ''per capita,'' and Truth alone, means Liberty, in expansion of consciousness. All falsity and perfidy, is eventually, enslavement, degradation, and destruction. 33 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE It is the privilege and duty of Woman to learn Why the mysteries of Secret Fraternities are so carefully concealed from her, also to know that Polygamy (one of the darkest pages of American history) and its influential Mormon Church was established by Masons of High Degree and retained in good standing. The Fellow-Craft Degree, is pre-emi- nent in duality, and Woman is here sym- bolized in ways of ingenuity and cun- ning, her name being always ignored; only brethren are mentioned, misleading the candidate. The knocks, the grips, the cable-tow, the circuit of the Lodge, the synthesis of numbers, etc., all refer to the dual forces, and the multitudes failed to pass over Jordan (the celestial stream) by not understanding the androgynous ear of corn, and leaving the divine, feminine first letter ^'H'' out of the pass- word; also the candidate fails to observe the golden door of the Tabernacle, and the virtue of the hidden manna. 34 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE In the Middle Chamber, where he is to make his mark of approval for divine Life, he is advised to ^'study the Book of Nature, brother, it bears the stamp of Deity,'' (not the Bible) ; and the condi- tions of the outside world today, should suggest to him to 'Wejlect brother^' upon what all this mis-leading falsity and be- littling the ability, power, and influence of Woman, has done for the Race of which you are supposed to be a sustain- ing unit, Bohaz, equally with Jakin, those superb brazen pillars cast between Suc- coth and Zaradatha, sustains the Tem- ple. No civilization can ever be perma- nent without these united forces in equi- librium, and in very ancient Masonry the candidate was told to work well his allotted time, and if his Master (i. e., higher self) approved of the work, he could take his tools to the column of Bohaz, and receive his wages (i. e.. Im- mortality) . The progressive idea of the instruc- tion of the degrees, following. But this 35 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE was in the time of Masonry, when it meant something lofty in Truth and Spirituality. It is today a dead and voiceless shell, tossed up on the strand of time, a soulless, selfish, commercial and political power, a menace to the Spiritual enlightenment of the Race; and the only possible redemption and restoration of its profound philosophic and scientific religion ; and its magnifi- cent conception of Truth in symbolism, is through the enlightenment of woman; a further admonition is ^^Seek, Brother, to knoiv for yourself, the motive of those by whom you have been misled for cen- turies/' 36 LESSON THIRD IN approaching the sublime Master's Degree, where we encounter the im- portant allegorical tragedy, it must be understood at the beginning that this is but a legend, bearing a two-fold mean- ing. The student will here recognize in Hiram, or Khurom, the Osiris of Egyp- tians; Mithras, of the Persians; Bac- chus, of the Greeks; and the Christ of Hebrew mythology. Analyzing these names, you will dis- cover the two-fold meaning of Fire and Light. The ancient world idea, which refers to that mighty Royal Secret mentioned upon page 101, of that monumental work ^'Morals and Dogma,'' and is thus formulated by Adepts, Free-Masons and Catholics — I, — N — R — I, is the word, which indicates the unity of your origin. Igne Natura Renovatur Integra, and 37 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE lesus, Nazarens Rex Indeorium, are the opposite poles of the same doctrine. Yod-He-Vau-He, is the word of the Kabalists pointing to their unity of origin. But Free-Masonry and the V/estern Religions, have lost the synthetic Law, and with it the knowledge of those Keys, which can open the tomb of Hiram. This third degree of the Blue Lodge was dismembered of its most important instruction about 1750; however, the symbology gives us a clue to that which was taken away. After a few minor preliminaries of some significance the candidate is admitted on the pass- word, Tubal-Cain, and the two points of the compass, pressing the naked breasts. Tubal Cain, is a most important word of extended symbology, and the two points of the compass may remind one that over the complete Journey of Life, we are ever pressed by obstacles, wounded by sorrows, and tortured by experiences, under a dominating envi- ronment of law, merciless and compas- 38 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE sionless, and becoming a crushing bur- den of responsibility, unless we attain to a proper understanding of obedience and co-operation in expansion of con- sciousness, forced by the keen cutting lessons of tribulation. There are also other meanings to this symbology. After a significant period of travel, the candidate is prepared for an un- necessary oath, which no civilized man would countenance, if he knew to what he was being subjected ; and it is repu- diated by all, but moral cowards. It is worthy of investigation by women. The Brethren fear each other they are any- thing but Free-Masons. To swear to not violate the wife, daughter, mother or sister (and in an- cient Masonry the concubine) of a Mas- ter Mason knowing them to be such, classes all others not so fortunately re- lated, as legitimate prey. Thus, we have white slavery. One London syn- dicate realizing forty-seven thousand pounds in one year in this infamous 39 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE traffic. Secret Fraternities and church hierarchies are oftimes more powerful than Law. As in all the degrees, the Master pre- sents that most important symbol, called the apron, (triangle and cube) made of plain white, lamb-skin — of any other material, it loses its value as a symbol. The Senior Warden, in all the degrees, teaches the traveler how to wear it. Those two officers represent spirit and soul. Spirituality aids us to obtain the higher knowledge, and the Soul Wisdom, gives us the understanding of how to use it. The portion of this degree connected with the legend of the Tyrian artist, is profoundly interesting, and worthy of the earnest attention in study, of all thoughtful women and men. Instruction in Masonry is always by symbols, and in the Thirty-third Degree Lectures upon symbolism, Albert Pike tells us that in symbology. Masonry sur- passes all other mystic fraternities. The lectures of the Order, are but 40 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE hints toward their interpretation and each student must interpret and develop the symbols for themselves. However, the great Book of Nature, has her pages open before us, therein to find the Laws, Commandments and Keys, to the Holy Mysteries. Nature is our greatest teacher, for it is the revelation of that majestic power called God. Whatever is brought before the aspir- ant in the work of the degrees has a sig- nificant meaning, but the marvelous problems of .Truth contained in this Third Degree, can not even be inti- mated in a brief composition. However, its whole scope is to teach the resurrec- tion from the dead, as the last degree, taught a belief in a future life. But, no more, does it now teach, that to the wise the Way of Life is from above; that they may depart from the Hell beneath this, has been lost. This degree, also points out the cause of failure in life, by the fable of Hiram, and proves that there can be no resur- 41 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE rection from failure, only by the andro- gynous grip pf the perfect 10, also the Five points of Fellowship, are the great dual forces in equilibrium, resurrected to a new life ; again the perfect number 10; and 10 plus 10 equal 20, or two, duality of law. There are three gates in Masonic sym- bology; the south gate, which signifies the point of greatest spiritual instabil- ity ; the west, the point of greatest alien- ation from the Universal God Power; and the east, that quarter where the Spiritual Life of Mankind is moving to- ward God. Thus, the travelers' course is from west to east, in search of light. The three important officers, represent Spirit, Soul and Body, and are stationed as follows. Junior Warden at the south. Senior Warden at the west, and the Worshipful Master, at the gate of the East. They assume the names of the three assassins, as follows: Jubela, south; Jubela, or '^o'' west, and Jube- lum, east. 42 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE These supposed ruffians, represent falsehood, superstition and ignorance. The last letters of their respective names disclosing the sacred monosyllable, A-U-M. A, signifies Agni or Fire ; U, is Ushas, or dawn, and M. is Mitra, the Sun, or the full glory of the recreated state. A, is masculine, U, is feminine, and M. an- drogynous. Jubel, or Guibul, is a Hebrew word, meaning out-flowing, or emnating from the Deity, also limited. Thus the Widow's Son, or fallen conscious Life to be assassinated, is the God within, or that potency, that limited divine princi- ple, which must, by growth in expansion of consciousness to perfect understand- ing, restore us again to Unity, or the Source of our Being. The candidate meets Jubela at the south gate, and is struck a blow across the throat, or organs of speech, with a twenty-four inch gauge, numerically, 2 signifies the multitude, and 4, this natu- ral plane of Life. 43 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE Thus we read : the multitudes on this plane of existence, are severely injured by false speech in regard to the A, or Fire understanding. False religions are the responsible factors. The aspirant moves on to the western gate, and is there accosted (as at the south gate) by Jubelu, demanding of him something he does not possess, whereupon he is struck a severe blow across the chest, or seat of emotion, with the square, which represents dual force in the matter. The assassin, represents the letter U, the feminine Soul Element drugged into bigotry and imbecility by orthodox su- perstition, principally since the time of the criminal Constantine, when the emo- tions of humanity have been so swayed by allegory and fable. The traveler seeks the eastern gate, and after a demand, is seized, roughly handled, and struck a violent blow on the forehead, or abode of mind, with the gavel (or ruling force) by the ruffian 44 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE Jubulum, which is fatal, felling him to the floor. This assassin is ignorance. Thus the force, of ignorance of that im- portant Law, represented by the andro- gynous letter M, is death, or unconscious life. Knowledge of Law, and Wisdom in its utility, only, can lead the aspiring candi- date to self-conscious Life in other worlds. The assassins now carry the candi- date out at the eastern gate or to God, and he is covered with rubbish, which implies that he has gone out of this Life, in such dense ignorance, that he will be soon cast off by the rythmic law, of the ever-moving Life wave (i. e., rubbish, that which is cast off), and accordingly at Low Twelve, or the benighted state in which he passed away, the assas- sins return him to the westerly gate, where ancient Masonry tells us they placed him in a tomb, six feet perpen- dicular; in other words, he returned to a human body, to be one of the multi- tude in incarnation, repeating the jour- 45 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE ney of life lashed to the ^^Wheel of the Law/' A knowledge of the real, must be gained on this plane of existence, and so long as we slumber in ignorance, must we live in a repeated experience of mis- takes, despair, misery, and sorrow ; ever struggling, longing, and hoping, but un- redeemed. This boundless field of symbolism, il- lustrating the SouFs journey to immor- tality, where it goes no more out from the Heaven World, has no superior rep- resentation of Truth and Law, in all the Occult Fraternities of the world, and it forcibly impresses the fact that each individual soul launched upon the turbu- lent sea of material existence, is definite- ly responsible for its own search and attainment of Light. It is but a moral coward that seeks for a World Redeemer, upon whom to cast his sins and burdens. Humanity can only be its own Redeemer, seeking con- stantly for more light and better condi- tions than those of the past, where the 46 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE multiudes have been perpetually swayed into incompetency, by blind emotional- ism, silly, effeminate adoration, and dis- mal selfish animal greed and avarice, soulless and merciless ; yet, who can aid humanity, but mankind en masse, united in bonds of sympathy and love the foun- dation of Brotherhood. Few Masons advance farther than this Master Mason's Degree, conse- quently they fail to obtain the pass- word that was lost by the tragical death of the Tyrian artist. Candidates are told that the ^^Lost Word'' could only be given in Jerusalem (place of peace) in the presence of the Three Grand Masters. Referring back to the Ancient Mys- teries, we read that the Three Grand Masters, brought with them each a small gauge, or stick; one three inches long, the others respectively four and five inches in length. These they placed to- gether in such a way as to form the For- ty-seventh Problem. Thus, we learn the ''Lost Word", and 47 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE one of the Grand Masters, was necessa- rily a woman, for only Isis and Osiris, can form the hypothenuse or the House of Horus, and one of the Grand Masters has been assassinated. The ^Vord^' is lost, and only a faint resemblance of the letter G is found upon the left breast, over the heart. Read, and reflect! Oh, Lord, my God, is there no help for the widow's son ! Profound symbology ! 48 LESSON FOURTH IN the Scottish Rite, the Royal Arch, is the thirteenth degree. (The Scot- tish Rite, came from Paris originally, with twenty-five degrees. Eight more were added later, in Charleston, South Carolina, the Home of the Masonic See) , but the Royal Arch Degree in the Ancient Order, is properly the fourth and last of Masonry. It is indescribably august and sub- lime, the summit and perfection of the Ancient Order. It impresses the belief in a Supreme Deity, and reminds us to be reverential, commanding a vista be- yond the tomb. The preliminary symbol is the six- pointed star, in which are clasped hands, (one feminine). The names of the principal officers are changed to High Priest, King and Scribe. The robe of the High Priest in the east, is blue, and signifies Law. The robe of the King, at the west, is purple, 49 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE a manifestation of obedience under the Law, and the Scribe at the south, in deep scarlet, indicates the suffering from chaotic instability, the opposite pole of equilibrium. As in the preceding degrees, all the work and symbology of this most in- structive degree is vastly important. The burning bush of Moses, the with- drawing of the veils, and the effulgent glory of the magnificent Arch, adorned in colors of brilliant hue, behind the last veil, cannot be described in words. It is a small representation of Na- ture's beautiful rainbow, the most per- fect arch, resting on earth, and rising to the Heavens. Here again, is to be found a law of correspondence, in that, all the redeemed are to find in eternity, their place in that perfect arch, for the support of Life, which, though based on earth, yet rises to the heaven world ; and in this ultimate state, each soul will give its own clear and perfect analysis of the White Light, of the God power that falls upon it. 50 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE This arch is significantly placed, over the Temple, with the Keystone missing. The candidate is placed in the opening where the Keystone belongs; his feet resting on the roof of the Temple be- neath. The position of his arms, form- ing a horse-shoe arch. The descending within the Temple and its mysterious lighting, is so plain in symbology, that it needs no explana- tion. The with-drawing of the First Veil, reveals all the implements of the first degree, most brilliantly illuminated, with Entered Apprentices at their labor, etc.; and a voice says: ^^Son of Man, mark well the entering in of the gateT This means, appreciate your oppor- tunity and preserve in memory your past experiences. For to pass beyond the portal of death, without knoivledge and memory means to live in a state of being only. The raising of the Second Veil dis- closes all the paraphernalia pertaining to the second and third degrees under an 51 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE illumination of most brilliant and varie- gated coloring ; and through a long per- spective view of the Middle Chamber, is seen the Holy of Holies and Hiram lying prostrate on the floor, surrounded by weeping brethren. By his side is a cof- fin on which are the initial letters : H, T, W, S, S, T, K, S. This symbology is plain. After lift- ing the veils of matter in passing over to other planes of consciousness, the first visions of the new experience, is the re- flection upon the various lessons of the past. All vibration is intensified and the play of light in various colors, is radiant and dazzling, and by imitating the vir- tues of Hiram, we are able to soar to kindred spirits, like ''He that was slain,'' becoming by virtue and integrity, a force in spiritual progress in that great living Temple beyond the Veils of ob- scurity. Again we see behind the last Veil, a human being suspended in the opening of the Arch previously occupied by the 52 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE candidate and surrounded by brillian- cies too vivid for mortal eye to dwell upon. By mechanical art the man is seen to gradually ascend and a Key- stone fitting firmly in his place, has in- scribed upon it, the letters H, T, W, S, S, T, K, S., arranged in circular form with the letter ''H'' at the top ; and the circle is important as a symbol. This reads: Hiram Tyre Widow's Son Soars To King Solomon ; a progres- sive soaring beyond kindred spirits, which students must study and inter- pret for themselves. Observe that only Man ascends. Pre- sumably Woman is supposed to follow her alloted occupation here, which is principally descending. Not by the Di- vine Law, but by the pressure of impact and injustice in a man-ruled world. The ^^lost word" is said to be restored in this degree, and by careful investiga- tion, a suggestion of it may be discov- ered. The story of Adam and Eve is quite as disreputable as the Bible Fable of 53 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE those mythical characters (Man is re- sponsible for the world conditions, not Eve), but the loss of the trowel is im- portant The Hebrew characters on the Scroll, read, *^Lord everlasting, everlasting Lord/' The same, forward or reversed ; and this Scroll was always intrusted to Hiram Abiflf who carefully concealed it ; and the manner of its discovery is im- portant. A diligent and faithful study of the symbology of the necessary degrees of Masonry, will develop force in thought and intuition, and reveal more Truth than has ever been given from all the pulpits of the world, since the time of the criminal Constantine; and women devoted to Orthodoxy and its hier- archies, should know that ninety per cent of the Anglo-Saxon clergy are Ma- sons; some informed and some not, but all bigoted and self-important, and, in England, drunken and licentious, a most formidable foe to the emancipa- tion of women. Also, there is direct 54 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE proof that at one time the Masons and Jesuits were united, and in the time of Pope Alexander the sixth, Free-Ma- sonry was under the direct favor and patronage of the Roman Church. (The history of this infamous Pope, might be instructive to women). In a letter dated in Rome, September the sixteenth, 1502, by the ruling Alex- ander, and also in one dated January 1517 by Pope Leo, the tenth, both granted bulls to the traveling Masons, investing them with certain privileges and immunities. Not all the Jesuits and Jesuitic prin- ciples of the present time are found con- nected with the Church. ''The Pot calls the Kettle blackJ' All mystic fraternities are controlled by men standing guard over usurped knowledge, (stolen goods) to which woman is denied access, (and the mo- live of thus standing guard, should con- cern woman) f but she can develop strength of character, and cease to sup- port man-made Bibles, and religions, 55 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE ridiculous and ignorant in conception. She can study the Book of Nature in all its Divine revelations, and she can un- derstand that the symbology of the Ma- sonic apron, and the Swastika, will give her a higher and more noble message of Truth than all the pulpit orators of two thousand centuries. Woman contributes a salary for her own enslavement, and has seriously re- tarded her own evolution, by always ac- cepting what has been told her by man as ultimate. It would add to her edu- cation to investigate for herself, and seek to know the character of somxe of the much-admried and appreciated, so- called men of God, (some of the feiv), as Constantine, Henry the Eighth, John Wesley, John Calvin, and others whom she has covered with glory and admira- tion as founders of religious cults, (but whom are now somewhat displaced by the Shriners, Nobles (?) of Islam, a barbarous and polygamous cult.' John Calvin, the renegade Roman Catholic and his fanatical religion mur- 56 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE dered the philosopher, Severitus, and burned his valuable writings. One of his books that escaped the flames can be seen in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, one page of which contains more of Truth and value to the Races of man- kind, than all of the innumerable falla- cies of John Calvin. But woman slumbers in egotistic pride of Christian fortitude, and is puffed up over patient resignation, pre- ferring chronic invalidism and being fed with a spoon, to energetic thinking for herself. Our school for Women is no place for the religious fanatic, or the idle, heart- less, selfish woman of gossip, criticism, fashion and folly, who cheerfully prosti- tutes her highest principles for luxu- rious alimony. But we depend upon the woman who understands the Law of Unity, and has advanced beyond the decadent influence of snobbery, conventionalism, and weak ideas of so-called class distinction; in other words, the progressive Twentieth 57 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE Century woman of brain and honor, to seek the Truth that will make her free, and then to permanently sustain that glorious name of Liberty in giving her moral strength and support to a per- petual Center of learning for woman, that she may save her last and best hope of Earth, an Enlightened Mind, Study the Book of Nature for your- self, Sister, it bears the stamp of Deity, and continue your own journey in search of light Could I but tell thee, wouldst thou know That God is just and good and right. Did God himself but tell thee so, thou wouldst not know Thyself, must grow up out of darkness into light. 33° 58 THE LAST WORD SUGGESTIVE OF THE LOST WORD IN order to become the knower of the Universal One Self, thou hast first f Self to be the knower, help nature and work on with her, then she will make obeisance, regarding thee as one of her creators. The portals of her secret chambers will open wide, and lay bare before thy gaze the sacred treasures of her bosom, which are revealed only to the eye of Spirit; that Eye which never closes. Learn the Law that leads to Light and Life. Teach us, God, to pray ! A-U-M. 59 AT 1511 Reid Street, Los Angeles, California, is located the Head- quarters of the Woman's Order of Esoteric Masonry, the only Incorpor- ated School of Occultism in existence, exclusively for women. There is no monetary consideration whatever for any of the teachings but certain requisites are necessary for membership. All women who desire to become mem- bers are expected to be students, and to be in possession of stability of charac- ter, and well poised for the pursuit of Truth, overcoming all vain and super- ficial Life tendencies. All members must be loyal to the Cause of Woman's Enlightenment and Emancipation, and to the single standard of morality. Envy, jealousy, vanity and derogatory gossip are powerful foes to progress, and must be avoided. But condemna- tion of Crime, of social evils, and cor- 60 THE COMPASS AND SQUARE rupt systems of every description in the abstract is the duty of each member. Cant, hypocrisy, affectation, and in- justice, in every form in which it pre- sents itself must be strenuously op- posed. Hypocrisy is soul destructive and intolerable. All letters of inquiry can be addressed to the Secretary of the Woman's Order of Esoteric Masonry, 1511 Reid St., Los Angeles, California. FINIS 61 337672 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY