X m > I a H4 n o r m o H z. BANCROFT LIBRARY < THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MR. P. J. flEALY'S COLLECTION RARE CALIFORNIA Early Views, Maps and Copies of Original Historical Manuscripts H. TAYLOR CURTIS AUCTIONEER MR. P. J. HEALY'S COLLECTION OF Rare California First Editions, Maps Pictures, Cartoons, Etc. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION WITHOUT LIMIT In the Sutler Street Sales Room 566 Sutler Street April 5,6,7, 1911 At 8:15 Each Evening H. TAYLOR CURTIS AUCTIONEER CONDITIONS OF SALE 1 The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2 The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the sale injuriously. 3 The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4 The lots to be taken away at the buyers' expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, unless otherwise specified by the auctioneer or managers previous to or at the time of sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in de- fault of which the undersigned will not hold himself respon- sible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5 The undersigned will not hold himself responsible for the cor- rectness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any lot, and make no warranty whatever. 6 To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchasers, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 7 Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots un- claimed within one day from the conclusion of sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is \vithout prejudice to the right of the Auc- tioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks lit. II. TAYLOR CURTIS, Auctioneer. FIRST SESSION April 5, 8:15 P. M. CATALOGUE 1 Letter from Consul Larkin to Vice Consul Leidesdorff, dated April 13, 1846, notifying- the vice consul that there was a council of war then in session '"to see what good can be done for the country." This is by far the most important of Consul Larkin's letters, and its ab- sence from Larkin's collection marred a very impor- tant chapter in Mr. Bancroft's History of California. This letter contains other important historical data. 2 Letter From Commander Montgomery to Vice Consul Leidesdorff informing the consul that he, Montgom- ery, would on the next morning land a body of men under arms and hoist the American flag, read Admir- al Sloat's proclamation, and confer the proper author- ity upon the Alcalde. Yerba Buena, July 8, 1846. This is certainly the first document relating to the history of this city under the government of the United States. 3 Letter of Lieut. J. W. Rever to "Mr. Kern or other offi- cer of the U. S., in command at New Helvetia." This letter bears the same relation to Sacramento that the communication of Commander Montgomery does to San Francisco, and is of equal importance his- torically. The above letters are specimens of more than 500 documents of similar character in possession of the writer, and which he intends to offer for sale in this market, when properly summarized and cat- alogued. This letter is dated Sonoma, July 9, 1846. It will be unnecessary to remind the intelligent collector of the importance of the foregoing three items. These letters are not in the Bancroft Library, the Library of Congress, nor in any of the Departmental Libraries in Washington. They are unique, and are historical units of the first importance. Their reproduction will be limited to 100 copies of each letter, and it is the intention of the owner of the originals to print no more until this hundred is dis- posed of to bona fide collectors. A list of the purchasers will be kept, and no purchaser can have more than one copy of each letter. 4 Memoirs of My Life J. C. Fremont. This is all that was published of what was promised to be a complete story of the conquest of California. 1887. 5 California Pilgrim with all the Illustrations J. A. Ben- ton. 1853. 6 The Libraries of California F. H. Apponyi. 1878. 7 The Story of the Files, etc. E. S. Cummins. 1893. 8 Mineral Springs of California Anderson. 1890. 9 In Memoriam J. G. Elaine Cal. Legislature. 1893. 10 Natural Wealth of California Cronise. 1868. 1 1 History of Seattle. Biographies and portraits of all the famous men of that town at that time. Full Mor F. J. Grant. 1891. 12 Overland Monthly. Vol. I. First efforts of Bret Harte. 1868. 13 Western Wilds. Illus. J. H. Beadle. 1878. 14 Endura, or Three Generations B. P. Moore. 1885. 15 Patrons of Husbandry F. S. Carr. 1875. 1 6 Centennial Book of Alameda County Halley. 1876. 17 Our Boys. Literary Offerings A. P. Dietz. 1879. 1 8 History of Stockton and San Joaquin Co. G. H. Tink- ham. 1880. 19 The New Penelope and Such F. F. Victor. 1879. 20 Memorial Address J. A. Benton. 1892. 21 Caxton's Book W. H. Rhodes. 1876. 22 Sir Rae. A poem. 1876. 23 Iris. Illustrated poem. 1879. 24 Onti Ora. Illirs. poem. 1881. 25 Aegle and Elf. A Fantasy. 1887. 26 Eudora. A Tale of Love. Illus. 1888. 27 Legend Laymone. Illus. 1890. The foregoing six items are from the pen of M. B. M. Toland, and are seldom found so complete. 28 The Little Boy Who Lived on the Hill Annie Laurie, et als. 1895. 29 True Bear Stories Joaquin Miller. With notes by Dr. Jordan. 1900. 30 The One Fair Woman Joaquin Miller. 1876. 31 Songs of the Sierras Joaquin Miller. 1871. 32 What I Saw in California Bryant. 1848. 33 Three Years in California Walter Colton. 1850. 34 State Register for 1857 and 1859. 2 vols. 35 Last Days of the Republic P. W. Dooner. 1879. 36 God in Nature and Revelation Woodman. 1888. 37 Checkered Life California Book Ver Mehr. 1877. 38 Life's Sunbeams and Shadows J. C. Pelton. 1893. 39 Report of Expedition Down the Zuni and Colorado Riv- ers. Illus. Sitgreave. Scarce. 1853. 40 Western Annals J. M. Peck. Gives Much California story. 1850. 41 Reform of Revolution J. S. Hittel. 190x3. 42 Yermah, the Dorado Wait. 1897. 43 Our Sister Republic Mexico Evans. 1870. 44 Life in Golden State Evans. 1873. 45 Tell It All, Polygamy Mrs. Stenhouse. 1877. 46 Wife No. 19 Anne E. Young. 1876. 47 Mormonism Unveiled J. D. Lee. 1877. 48 The Mormon Prophet C. V. Waite. 1866. 49 Life Among the Mormons By Army Officer. 1868. 50 Key to Science of Theology P. Pratt. 1863. 51 Expose of Polygamy in tJtah Stenhouse. 2d Ed. 1872. 52 Wines and Vines of California F. E. Wait. 1889. 53 The Wine Press and Cellar E. H. Rixford. 1883. 54 California and Alaska Webb. Illus. 1891. 55 California at the Columbian Exposition. 1894. 56 A Psychological Study Thos. H. Bates. 1897. 57 Souvenir .Veteran Fireman's Visit from New York to San Francisco. 1887. 58 History of San Francisco Fire Department, 1849 to 1890 -H. C. Pendleton. Scarce. 1890. 59 Mexican War and Warriors J. Frost. 1850. 60 Mexico Under Maximilian H. M. Flint. 1867. 6 1 Campaign of General Scott R. Lemmes. 1852. 62 Vagabond Life in Mexico Gabril Ferry. 1856. 63 Chile Con Carne S. C. Smith. Illus. 1857. 64 Travels on the Western Slope of the Cordilleras M. Wheat. 1857. 65 View of South America and Mexico by a Citizen of the United States. 2 Vols in one. Full Calf. 1825. 65^ War in Nicaragua Wm. Walker. 1860. 66 History of Mexican War John S. Jenkins. 1848. 67 Narrative of Texas-Santa Fe Expedition G. W. Kendal. 1847. 68 Picturesque Arizona E. Conklin. Illus. 1878. 69 Natural Wealth of Arizona R. J. Hinton Wraps. 1878. 70 Resources of Arizona, Maps, etc. P. Hamilton. 1884. 71 Daniel, a Model for Young Men W. A. Scott. 1854. 72 The Wedge of Gold, etc. W. A. Scott. 1855. 73 Trade and Letters, Three Discourses W. A. Scott. 1856. 74 The Giant Judge. Illustrated by Nahl. With Dr. Scott's autograph. 1858. 75 Esther, the Persian Queen. 1859. The foregoing five items by Dr. W. A. Scott, whose portrait is also of- fered for sale, are seldom found together and in such good condition. 76 Men and Memories of San Francisco in the Spring of '50 By Barry and Patten. Bound with the original wraps. 77 A Rigid Earth Stephen Barton. 1888. 78 Diary of a Physician in California, etc. J. L. Tyson, N. Y. 1850. 79 Four Months Among the Gold Finders in California J. T. Brooks, N. Y. 1849. 80 Historical Outline of Lower California Taken from Father Clavijero. Published in 1789. Valuable List of Mines. San Francisco. 1862. 81 Pioneer Days of California John Carr. 1891. 82 The Big Bonanza Dan De Quille. 1877. 83 Reminiscence of a Ranger Horace Bell. 1881. 84 In the Heart of the Sierras J. M. Hutchings. Illus. 1886. 85 Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California J. M. Hutchings. Illus. 1860. 86 The Yosemite W. Bruce. Illus. 1880. 87 Yosemite and Other Poems J. B. Washburn. 1887. 88 Lights and Shades in San Francisco B. E. Lloyd. Illus; 1876. 89 Garnered Sheaves Richardson. 1871. 90 San Francisco and Thereabouts Chas. Keeler. Illus. 1903. 91 California, a Book for the Traveler C. Nordhoff. 1874, 92 Northern California and the Sandwich Islands C. Nord- hoff. 1874. 93 Seeking the Golden Fleece J. D. Stillman. 1877. 94 Geology of California Tyson. 1850. 95 Mosaic Gleanings, Souvenir M. R. Frazier. 1877. 96 The Government and the Pacific Railroads Haymond. 1888. 97 The Island World C. M. Tyler. Illus. 1885. 98 The American Safeguard I. Cox. 1867. 99 Buyers' Guide Price and Haley. Harte and Twain items. 1872. 100 In Bonds Laura Preston. 1867. 101 Squibbs of California P. Cox. Illus. 1876. 102 Report on Washington Territory W. H. Ruffner. 1887. 102^ The Confederation of British North America Bolton and Webber. Maps. 1866. 103 Mullan's Miners' Guide to the Pacific Coast. 1865. 104 Homes and Fortunes in West and South F. B. God- dard. 1869. 105 The Intercolonial Railroads S. Fleming. Illus. 1876. 1 06 Macdonald's British Columbia. 1862. 107 Oregon, Its Institutions G. Hines. Autograph. 1868. 108 Very Far West, Indeed R. B. Johnson. 1872. 109 Missions and Missionaries of California Z. Engehardt. First vol. All published. 1908. no Life on the Plains and Among the Diggings A Delano. 1854- in Judge Turner's Defense From Charges Preferred by Stephen J. Field., etc. Illus. 1856. 112 Impeachment of Judge Turner. 113 Manifesto of Don Jose Figueroa. Full Morocco. Ed- mond Randolph's autograph. 1856. 114 Grand Lodge of Cal., F. & A. M., 1850. i vol. 1854. 115 Grand Chapter of California. First session. 1856. 116 California Gold Book Allen & Avery. 1893. 117 The Manititlans R. E. Smilie. 1877. 118 Valhalla Julia Clinton Jones. 1878. 119 California of the South Lindley & Widney. r888 1 20 Constitutional Convention of California. Debates in English and Spanish. 2 vols. 1850-1851. 121 Autograph Copy of Resources of California, Map.^-J. S. Hittle. 1879. 122 Ramona Helen Jackson, Bosn. 1896. 123 Wylackie Jake of Covelo G. S. Evans. 1904. 124 Woman's Wrongs. Story of Mary and Fidelia Mrs. R. S. Hume Porland. 1872. 125 Coming Conflict, Prohibition T- B. Stewart. 1887. 126 The Revellers, Poem F. S. HafTord. 1893. 127 Time and Eternity George MacHenry. 1871. 128 Reasonable Christianity L. Hamilton. 1881. 129 Hutching's Yosemite Valley and Big Trees. Scenery of 8 California, and Foley's Souvenir Guide. Three items. 130 Yosemite Guide Book J. D. Whitney. Two maps. E. J. Muybridge autograph. 1871. 131 Poems by E. R. Sill, Boston. 1891. 132 Thistle-driftJohn Vance Cheney, N. Y. 1887. i$2 l /2 Pacific History Stories Harr Wagner. 1901. 133 Songs and Sonnets J. E. Mathis. 1899. 134 Tales of the Sierras J. W. Hayes. 1900. 135 Holy Orthodox Church Rev. S. Dabovich. 1898. 136 From Glory to Glory M. L. Winkler. 1903. 137 Astrea, Goddess of Justice E. P. Thorndike. 1881. 138 The Canoe and Saddle, etc Theo. Winthrop. 1866. 140 John Brent, California Story Theo. Winthrop. 1862. 141 After Death, What? W. H. Platt. 1878. 142 Jewish and Christian Ethics E. Benamozegh. 1873. 143 Lewis and Clark Sketch of W. R. Lighton, Boston. 1905- 144 Asaph Alice K. Cooley, N. Y. 145 A California Pilgrimage By One of the Pilgrims. 1884. 146 Life of Col. L. A. Norton port, Pioneer. 1887. 147 Society in Search of Truth J. F. Clark. 1878. 148 History of Southern Methodism on Pacific Coast J. C. Simmons and O. P. Fitzgerald, Tenn. 1886. 149 Fancy's Etchings F. B. Cook. 1892. 150 Teachings of the Ages. 1874. 151 Short Stories of California Authors. 1885. 152 Inglenook, Story for Children Carrie Carlton. 1868. 153 Life in Prairie Land E. W. Farnham, N. Y. 1855. 154 Oakland and Surroundings. Illustrated. 1885. 155 California As It Is. 156 The Bride of Infelice A. L. Halstead. 1892. 157 Chinese Immigration G. F. Seward. Gov. Low's copy. 1881. 9 158 The Round Trip John Coclman, X. Y. 1879. 159 The Man From Mars Thos. Blot. 1891. 160 American Family in Germany J. R. Browne. Illus. 1866. 161 Yusef Crusade in the East J. R. Browne. Illus. 1858. 162 Land Titles of San Francisco A. Wheeler. Perfect copy with manuscript corrections. Map and the Van Ness ordinance inserted. 1852. 163 Legislative Assembly. Record of the Proceedings of the Ayuntamiento of San Francisco from Aug. until May, 1849. Wraps. Rare. 1860. 164 Ireland and the Pope J. G. Maguire. 'Tis said this book lost the Governorship for the writer. 1888. 165 People I Have Met Mary Watson. 1890. 1 66 The Bucket Com. Lilien Wise. 1887. 167 The Still Hour A. Phelps. 1860. 1 68 The Catacombs of Rome Rev. W. I. Kip, X. Y. Illus. 1854- 169 Wealth and Poverty of Nations W. X. Griswold. 1887. 170 The New and the Old J. W. Palmer. Illus. S. C. Hastings' copy. N. Y. 1859. 172 Facts by a Woman. Hairbreadth Escape of a Book- agent Anonymous. 1881. 173 Pioneers of Prosperity D. H. Walker. 1895. 174 Lectures and Other Things R. L. Harford. 1885. 175 First Impressions of Pacific Slope H. Rice, N. Y. 1870. 176 Mutiny of the Bounty. Story of Pitcairn Islands, 1790- 1894 Rosalind A. Young. Illus. 1894. 177 Reform, with Appendix R. De Clairmont. 1894. 178 How to Live 200 Years P>v F. C. Havens and others who have not made good. 1896. 179 Going to Jericho. Sketches of Travel J. F. Swift. 1868. 1 80 Notes of Travel in Europe C. A. Sumner. Illus. 1886. 10 181 Anselmo. G. R. Parburt. 1865. 182 History of California J. Royce, N. Y. 1886, 183 Seventy Years on the Frontier A. Majors. Illus. Pre- face by Buffalo Bill. 1893. 184 The Golden Gate James Linen. Illus. by Nahl, etc. Rubricated title. 1869. 185. Whisperings of Time D. M. Hills. 1878. 186 Between the Tides W. S. Walker, Los Gatos. Illus. 1885. 187 Two True California Stories J. V. Webster. 1883. 189 Overland Monthlies. July, August, September, Novem- ber 1865. January, February, March, June, July, August, September, October 1869. January, March, May, June, July, August, September, December 1870. Containing original Bret Harte matter. 190 Outcroppings of California Verse. 1866. 191 The Lost Galleon. The real first edition. 1867. 192 East and West Bret Harte, Boston. 1871. 193 Poems by Bret Harte, Boston. 1871. 194 Condensed Novels Bret Harte. Boston. 1871. 195 Complete Works of Bret Harte. Illus. Introduction by J. M. Bellew, London. 1871 ? 196 Poems by John R. Ridge. Portrait. 1868. 196^ Mountains and Molehills F. Marryat. Illus. 1855. 197 Archaeology S. V. Blakeslee. 1876. 198 Phoenixian John Phoenix. 1856. 199 Nothing But Chaff J. W. Stow. 1879. 200 Probate Confiscation J. W. Stow. 1879. 201 The Pioneer Geraldine Bonner. 1905. 202 Sonora W. F. Nye. 1861. 203 The Golden State R. G. McLellan. 1872. 204 A Whirl Asunder Gertrude Atherton. 1895. 205 American Wives and English Husbands. 1902. 206 Ancestors Atherton. 2 vols. Paper. 1908. 11 207 Patience Sparhawk Atherton. 1897. 208 The Conqueror Atherton. 1902. 209 Digging Gold Among the Rockies Ingham. 1882. 210 California Vegetables Wickson. 1897. 211 California Fruit E. J. Wickson. 1899. 212 Five Years Within the Golden Gate Isabel Saxon,. Philadelphia. 1868. 213 Recollections of Pioneer Work in California Rev. J. Woods, pioneer minister. 1878. 214 Popular History of California L. Norman. 1883. 215 Rosa, the Educating Mother H. M. Cottinger. 1887. 216 Santa Barbara, etc E. Roberts. Illus. 1887. 217 Viavi Hygiene. The foundation of one of San Fran- cisco's greatest industries by H. and H. Law. 1899. 218 Introduction to Municipal Law J. X. Pomeroy, Boston. Fifth edition. 1880. 219 Memoir of I. E. Dwinell H. E. Jewett. 1892. 220 The Klondike Book for Gold Seekers Chic. 1897. 221 Health, Happiness, etc. L. P. McCarty. 1890. 222 Jim Skaggs, a Sierran Sketch P. J. Figel. 1881. 223 Kaw-Wau-Nita and other Poems C. L. Woods. 1873. 12 SECOND SESSION April 6, 1911, 8:15 P. M. 224 History, Society, Colonial Wars. First General Court in Los Angeles. 1896. 225 Cal. Society Sons of American Revolution. Portraits and other data. 1897. 226 Historical Society of Southern California. First paper Los Angeles. 1890. 227 Oration on Independence Day Thos. Starr King, 1852. Gov. Low's copy. 1892. 228 Pacific Monthly. Sketch and portrait of Thomas Stan- King. 229 f Address before First Unitarian Society on Thos. Starr King by R. B. Swan (1864) and address on same by Horace Davis (1899) two items. 230 Pacific Monthly, December, 1863. California in 1846 by T. O. Larkin. Poem by Fanny Green McDougal. 231 The Mining Stock Market. "How They Do It." By One That Was Done For J. Gilroy. 1879. 232 The Mining Directory. San Francisco. 1864. 233 General Orders, Board of Supervisors, San Francisco. 1872. 234 Lower California, Its Geography and Character. Papers by A. S. Taylor, Jacob P. Leese, and Charles D. Pos- ton, N. Y. 1868. 235 Oration J. A. Benton, 1868. Address Daniel C. Gil- man, 1872. Oration E. A. Sherman, 1881. Three items. 236 Thoughts for the Crisis B. Brierly. 1856. Society and Religion H. Bushnell. 1856. First Biennial Message of Gov. Low. 1865. Three items. 237 Discourse on Abraham Lincoln J. D. Strong. 1865. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln E. A. Sherman. 1882. Two items. 238 The Temple of Solomon, Masonic O. Fisher, K. T. 1864. 239 Address on the History of California John W. Dwi- nelle, 1866. 13 240 Stephen J. Field, arrested, conspiracy, etc. 241 Character of Stephen J. Field. Two items. 1889. 242 How Congressmen are Bribed. California's remon- strance against the Pacific Railroad debt. Two items. 1881. 243 Sketch of H. F. Page. Portrait. 1880. 244 Buckleyism Jeremiah Lynch. 1889. 245 Twenty-one Years in California Jim McCue. 1882. 246 Jim McCue's Theory of Educating the Horse. Two items. 1882. 247 Life and Career of Tiburcia Vasques E. T. Sawyer. 1875- PAMPHLETS 248 Prof. Watts' three reports on the Oil Regions of Califor- nia, with Maps and Illustrations. 1894-1900. 249 Elasticity, a Mode of Motion R. Stevenson. 1895. 250 California's Golden Jubilee. Illus. Story of Gold Dis- covery, etc. 1898. 250^ Degroot's Sketches of Washoe Mines and Recollections of California Mining Life. Nahl's Illustrations. Two items. 1860-1884. 251 A Treatise on Earthquake Dangers. The last chapter of this essay treats of our shake in 1868. Mr. Rowland- son tells us why nothing official was published relat- ing to that seismic vibration. 1869. Biographical Notice of Joseph Le Conte S. B. Christy. 1902. 253 Memorial of Washington Harriett. Adopted by Pioneers. 254 Case of the Piiis Fund (I. W. McEnerney. 1902. 256 Ralston Memorial Speeches, Resolutions and Portrait, and three San Francisco newspapers with comments. 18/5- 257 Argument of Horace Hawes before U. S. Land Commis- sioners. This prqxjr gives much of the documentary history of this city. 1854. 258 The Antigone of Sophocles Fairclough and Murray. 1902. 259 Our Land and Land Policy. The first considerable work of Henry George. It should be read in connection with Progress and Poverty. 1871. 14 260 The Bonanza Mines. This is the famous Dewey expose, and gives hints of the manner in which the large fortunes were acquired. 1878. 261 Coins and Medals of the California Pioneers. 1877. 262 Captain Lees' Expose of the Forgeries and Frauds of H. S. Tibbey, of the Dupont Street Commission, etc. 1879. 263 California Carpet Bag No. i. Contains an illustrated California story. 1853. 264 Mayor Phelan's Message to Board of Supervisors. 1899. 265 Chronicle of the War. Roster of California Troops. 1898. 266 Golden Resources of California Experience in the Mines Monroe Thompson. 1856. 267 Papers of Cal. Historical Society. Vol. I pt. I. 1887. 268 Planting of the Liberty Tree, San Francisco, April 19, 1894. 269 Maritime Melodies, the two series. 1889, 1892. 270 The Black List. Tale of California H. Ewing. 1893. 271 Chronicle of the War. Roster oi California Volunteers A. I. Street. 1898. 272 Golden Gate Sketches C. A. Sumner. 1884. 273 Argonaut Stories. From London to O'Neill. 1906. 274 Progress and Poverty Henry George. This is one of the early editions of one of the greatest books of the century and should be read by people who think that they know something of the land problem. 1879. 275. The Key to the Kingdom of, or Heaven Upon Earth, by Spider. Notice how this title fits the last item. 276 Gabriel's Testament E. J. Joseph. This is a book of 225 pages, and H! 1891. 277 Titled Plebeian M. W. Wagner. 1890. 278 T'he Little Lady of Lagunitas R. H. Savage. PAPER 279 Miss Devereux of Mariguita Savage. 280 The White Lady of Khaminavatka Savage. 281 A Daughter of Judas -Savage. 282 I Swear, with author's autograph F. H. Powers. 1891. 285 Untold Tales of California, by the Embalmer J. A. Filcher. 1903. ,..'.., 286 Calabasas. Amusing Stuff of Arizona J. C. Brown. '''' 15 287 Millionaires of a Day T. S. Van Dyke. 1890. 288 Sketch Book by Charles Schofield. See his narrative of a California pioneer. He tells everything. 1886. 289 Seraltha A. M. Rawson. This story is alleged by in- ference, at least to be "based upon catastrophes in so- ciety." 1893. 290 Shut in Valley Clara Spanieling Brown. 291 Zanthon James Doran. 1891. 292 The Heroine of '49 M. P. Sawtelle. 1891. 293 Told in Whispers L. H. Irvine. Don't read this as a cure for insomnia; for this purpose you will find it a mockery, a delusion and a snare. 1894. 294 Traffic in Girls Mrs. C. Edholm. 1900. 295 The Garden of Eden Martha A. Wright. This is a deceiving title, and covers a lot of matter that never found shelter in Eden. 1894. 296 Is This True? L. B. Cooper. 1893. 296^ Idols Dethroned Flora P. Howard. 1897. 297 Rose Ashes Carrie Stevens Walter. 1890. 298 From the Old Pueblo. Stories told and printed in Los Angeles. 1902. 299 Interview With a Monocle L. Jordan. Two parts. Perfect condition. 1902. 300 Iniquity in High Places H. C. Kinne. 1899. 301 Ideala Charles Grissen. This is Oregon poetry. 1893. 302 The Conquest of Poverty Helen Williams. 1901. 303 The Story of San Diego Walter G. Smith. 1892. 304 All About California. With suppliment. Two items. 1871. 305 Pacific Coast Association of the Native Sons of Vermont. San Francisco, Cal. 1881. 306 Catalogue of Kate Johnson's Art Collection. 1894. 307 Speech of John P. Jones on Free Coinage of Silver. Washington. 1890. 308 Unconstitutionality of Local Option Law J. B. Felton. 1874. 309 San Francisco Society by Anonymous Watson. 1887. 310 Reminiscences of the Crumbling Past. An illustrated brochure of the Missions of California. 1897. 311 Adventures in Nicaragua Jos. Worth. 1872. 312 Report of Fourth Industrial Exhibition of Mechanics' Institute. This report shows how the money was made and who helped to make it. 1864. 16 313 The Railroad System of California. Oakland and Vicin- ity. Both of the maps in this copy. 1871. 314 Lest We Forget. The Story of the Innumerable Cara- van. Both by David Starr Jordan. 1895-98. 315 The Existing Revolution Chas. E. Pickett. Pickett's name is inseparably connected with the story of Cal- ifornia. 1861. 316 Earthquakes Geo. Adam, M.D. Illustrated. 1906. 317 The First California Story Book. Illus. About 1860. 318 The San Francisco Fairy, a Tale. 1868. 319 Sutro Tunnel. Argument for, in Congress, and its ad- vantages as a deep drain for the Comstock ledge. 1865-1870, 1873. Three items. 320 Memorial Service, C. P. Huntington. Memorial of James C Flood. Document in re of Will of James G. Fair. Three items. 321 In Memoriam, Stephen J. Field. With portrait. 322 California of the Padres Mrs. E. Hughes. 1875. 323 Delinquent Tax List for 1868. With map. 324 First Number of "The Argonaut." 1877. 325 Constitution and By-Laws of Bohemian Club. 1892. 326 Early Bohemia. One of 500 copies. Deckle edge paper. Untrimmed. 327 Hamadryads, a Masque of Apollo, and four other Bo- hemian items. 328 Christmas Jinks of 1891, and two other jinks. Barnes, Bromley, Stewart, etc. Three items. 329 United States vs. Jane L. Stanford. Wilson & Choate's brief, with Mrs. Stanford's autograph. 1895. 330 History of Joint Celebration at Monterey. Oration by Major Sherman and Poem by Miss Pittsinger. 1886. 331 Year Book of Sons of Revolution. Los Angeles. 1895. 332 First Report of Sons of the Revolution of California. G. W. Peachy 's portrait. 1896. 333 Dictionary of Chinook Jargon. Olympia, W. T. 1873. 334 Aspiration and Realization G. G. N. Morgan. Poem. 1874. 335 Origin of the Free Public Schools of San Francisco. With letters and documents relative thereto. An im- portant document. 1865. 336 Speech of Edmond Randolph. 1859. Address of M. Evans, K. T. Grass Valley. 1856. Two items. 17 337 The Income Tax Law of 1894. The Power of the State to Control Compensation. The Chicago Elevator Case, and the Granger Cases. Opinions of Mr. Jus- tice Field in the above cases. Three items. 338 Official Guide to Triennial Conclave Knights Templar. Portrait of the late King Edward as a Templar. 1904. 339 Dr. Paley's Foolish Pigeons Kate Kennedy. 1906. 340 She of the Holy Light John G. Claxton. 1893. 341 The Way Out of the Jungle John Albertus. Circa 3000. 342 Xehalem, Story of the Pacific in i/oo Rogers. 1898. 343 Autobiography of Carl Formes. 1891. 344 From the Ballroom to Hell T. A. Faulkner. The title shows that the author acquired his experience in Los Angeles. Hot stuff. 1892. 345 How to Control Fate Through Suggestion, and Not Hypnotism but Suggestion H. H. Brown. Two items. 1902. 346 Panglima Muda ; Romance of Malaga Rounsevill Wild- man. Illustrated. 1895. 347 Poseidons Paradise, Romance of Atlantis Birkmaier. 1892. 348 The Eternal Light, or The Xew Government F. King. This is supposed to be a satire. 1896. MAPS AND PICTURES FRAMED, ETC. 349 Map of Marysville. With buildings on the margin. Beautiful copy. 1856. 350 Map of Oakland Boardman. 1868. 351 Map of Bay of San Francisco. 1867. 352 Map of San Francisco Butler. 1863. 353 Map of Washington Territory. 1870. 354 Entrance to San Francisco. 1884. 355 San Diego Property Union. 24x29^2. Circa 1875. 356 Redwood City. 23x32. July 18, 1878. 357 Ross Valley. 24x33. May, 1876. 358 Old Sausalito Land & Dry Dock Co. 19x34. July 22, 1873- 18 359 Vina Station. 23x52. Sept. 8, 1875. 360 Copper Mines of Calayeras County. Colors. Rare, 3ix 48. July I, 1864. 361 Colored Lithograph of Golden Gate Park. 23x28. 1892. 362 Sausalito Land & Ferry Co. 23x32. Circa 1875. 363 East Napa. 27x34. April, 1873. 364 France in Colors. On hand-made board. 20x23^/2. 1790, 365 Austrian Possessions in The Netherlands. Colors. On hand-made board. 21x25^2. 1789. 366 Military Map of the Northern Part of France. Colors. On hand-made board. 21x31. Excessively rare. 367 Twenty-three Tinted Lithographs of California Scenes in 1853. Issued in connection with Pacific Railroad Survey. Also large folding map of State in 1853. Rare. A fine collection. Survey of Tide Land Commissioners No. i. 1869. Survey of Tide Land Commissioners No. 2. 1869. Survey of Tide Land Commissioners No. 8. Rare. 26x31. July 1 8, 1871. Survey of Tide Land Commissioners No. 9. 1871. 3676 Survey of Tide Land Commissioners No. 10. 1871. Survey of Tide and Submerged Lands of San Francisco and San Pablo Bays, by T. J. Arnold, by order of the State Harbor Commission. 1875. Guide Map of San Francisco J. J. Hoag. Contour lines showing elevations. 1903. 368 Lithograph Portraits of Charles de Young, M. H. de Young, Rev. I. S. Kalloch and I. M. Kalloch. &/ 2 xi2. S. F., 1879. 369 Gold Bar Gravel Mines. Wood cut. nxiS*/?. S. F., 1855. 370 Tinted Lithograph of Santa Cruz. 21x31. S. F. Circa 1865. 371 Tinted Lithograph Birds'eye-view of San Francisco. 20x29. 1873. 372 Map Sacramento Valley Railroad. 17^x27. Excessive- ly rare. S. F. 1854. 373 Lithograph of Chronicle Building. 12x18. 1890. 19 374 Colored Lithograph of San Francisco in 1846-47. 21x24. 375 Steamer Day. Cartoon by E. Jump. Rare. 16^x30. Circa 1865. 376. Emperor Norton I. Cartoon by E. Jump. 14x19. Cir- ca 1860. 377 Map of Santo Domingo. 14x20. Colors. Circa 1775. 378 Lithograph of San Diego. 14x21. S. F., 1873. 379 Lithograph of Santa Barbara. 14x21. S. F. 1873. 380 Lithograph of San Bernardino. 14x21. S. F. 1873. 381 Lithograph of Los Angeles. 14x21. S. F. 1873. 382 Map of Chinatown. Colored Plate showing location of various kinds of dens of vice. Rare. 9x22. S. F. 1885. 383 Geological Map of San Francisco. 8xn. Rare. Wash. 384 Tinted Lithograph of Benicia. 8xn. Wash. 1853. 385 Tinted Lithograph of Mission San Diego. Wash. 1853. 386 Tinted Lithograph of Mission San Fernando. Wash. 1853. 387 Map San Francisco Street Car Lines. 13x15^. S. F. 1866. 388 Tinted Lithograph of San Francisco in 1849. This is a copy of the rare first local imprint of 1868. 21^x37. Old walnut frame. S. F. 1868. 389 San Francisco From Harrison Street. 1854. 390 San Francisco From Rincon Point. 1856. 391 Bird's-eye of San Francisco. The first of the kind. 1855. 392 Map of Hawaiian Islands, showing craters and govern- ment survey by H. Giles. 1876. 393 California and Nevada Leicht and Craven. 1873. 394 Map of Santa Qara County. 1875. 395 Map of Haley & O'Neil Tract. 1867. 396 Map of Bay View Tract. 1867. The above two are scarce. POCKET MAPS 398 Ringgold's Map of San Francisco Bay and Vicinity. th. Wash. 1851. 20 399 Vincent's Map of California. Contains fine old copper plate of San Francisco. Rare. S. F. 1860. 400 Virginia, Gold Hill and Devil's Gate. Cloth. S. F. 1865. 401 Southern Mining Districts of Lower California. Colors. Cloth. S. F. 1865. 402 Wilkes' Map of Oregon and Northern California in 1841. Excessively rare. Full green leather. Wash. 1845. 403 N. W. Coast of Mexico. Colors. Cloth. 8vo. S. F. 1882. 404 Portions of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Oak- lang Waterfront. 4to. Colors. Cloth. S. F. 1894. 405 California Express Company Local Stamp. G. & H. Block of 20. Catalogued at $200. 406 Letterhead of Napoleon the First. Found in the quarters occupied by him in Russia. This rare item was among the trophies of George Sumner, brother of Charles Sumner. He acted for the U. S. Government as a consular attache in Russia about 1838. 407 Two Views of Downievielle. 1852. 408 View of Esquimalt Nahl. 1858. 409 Golden Gate and Bay of San Francisco, with shipping. 1855- 410 San Francisco. Hand-colored engraving taken when this city was under French influence. 411 Marysville. Colored lithograph. 1856. 412 Columbia. Colored lithograph. 1855. 413 Sonora. Colored lithograph. 1856. 414 Nevada. Colored lithograph. 1856. 415 Aspinwall. Tinted lithograph. 1855. 416 Portrait of Dr. Scott, pioneer pastor. 1856. 417 Diploma Mechanics' Institute. 1857. 418 Occidental Hotel, an historic hostelry. 419 Map of Reese River Mines. 1863. 420 Map of Treasure Hill Mines. 1869. 421 Map of Folsom. T. L. Judah. 1855. 422 Official Map of San Mateo County, showing San Fran- cisco. 1868. 21 423 Battles of Mexico. Colored. 1847. 424 Beideman Tract M. Hoadley. With descriptive pamph- let. 1861. 425 Masonic Temple. Site of first Mechanics' Fair. 1861. 426 Certificate of Membership of California Pioneers Nahl. Such a document has not been offered in this market. 1870. 427 Map of San Francisco Wackenreuder. Shows the city laid off in section lines. 1861. 428 San Francisco in 1862. First panorama of the city. Five views. 429 San Francisco From the Residence of Mr. Larco. This is one of the largest of city views. 1859. 430 San Francisco City and Harbor. This is the rare etch- ing by Armstrong, and has not been sold for years. 1849. 431 San Francisco in 1849. Showing the locations of the different business houses, etc. 432 Steel Engraving San Francisco. Excellent copy. 1875. 433 Small Engraving of City. 1856. 434 View of San Francisco. 1860. 435 First Mineral Map of California. Colored. Exceedingly rare. 1853. 436 Interior View of Chamber of Commerce. Believed to be unique. 1852. 437 Leavenworth, Story of the Prairies J. D. Nourse. 1848. 438 The Little Brown Dog, Tale of Presidio E. S. Worth- ington. 1898. 439 Grandma's Letters. Illustrated. 1889. 440 Booklovers' Magazine. Complete set in original wrap- pers. A rare item for the anecdotard. 441 Picturesque California and Pacific Coast John Muir. Complete set in paper wrappers. The fullest and most expensive work ever issued about the Pacific Coast. 442 The Calif ornian, March 15, 1848. A facsimile of the newspaper which gave publicity to the discovery of gold on the "American Fork." 22 THIRD SESSION April 7, 1911, 8:15 P. M. 443 Journal of the First Session of California Legislature. This document contains valuable data not found else- where. San Jose. 1850. 444 Journal of the Fourth Session of Cal. Legislature, with appendix. 1853. 445 Sixty Years in California Wm. Heath Davis. With reviews of the book inserted. Scarce. 1889. 446 Calif ornian Illustrated Magazine. Vol. I. Contains rare first number. Fine. S. F. 1891-2. 447 Samuel H. Willey. History of the College of California. S. F. 1887. 448 History of Butte County. Half Mor. Over 100 pages. devoted to discovery of gold. 4to. S. F. 1882. 449 History of El Dorado County. Half Mor. 4to. Oakland. 1882. 450 History of Sacramento County by Win J. Davis. Full Mor. Chicago. 1890. 451 California Text Book. First text book printed in State. Marvin & Hitchcock. S. F. 1852. 452 Oakland Directory. First edition. 122 pages history. 1869. 453 San Jose Directory. First edition. 1870. 454 San Jose Directory. As new. With map. 1874. 455 San Jose Directory. As new. 1876-7. 456 Stockton Directory. As new. 1873-4. 457 Nevada County Directory. As new. 1871-2. 458 Colville's Gazeteer of San Francisco. 56 pages devoted to Walker Expedition, Meiggs' forgeries, and chron- ological history of Vigilance movement. Excessively rare. 1856. 459 San Francisco Blue Book. This book shows where the 23 society of the city held forth before the disturbance of the i8th of April, '06. 1906. 460 California Federation of Women's Clubs. A companion volume. 461 Directory of Graduates of University of California. 1905. 462 California Scrap Book O. T. Shuck. Judge Winan's copy. 1869. 463 Thos. Starr King in Verse O. T. Shuck. 1905. 464 California Anthology O. T. Shuck. 1880. 465 Representative Men of the Pacific O. T. Shuck. Illus. 1870. 466 History of Colusa County Rogers. Portraits of Pio- neers. Full Morocco. 1891. 467 History of Alameda County H. M. Wood. Portraits of Pioneers. 1883. 468 Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry G. Oliver. Full Mo- rocco. 1855. 469 Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry Albert Pike. 1871. 470 Encyclopedia of Freemasonry A. G. Mackey. Half Mor. 1874. 471 Charter of San Francisco. Not adopted. Full leather. Gilt edges. 1895. 472 Sons and Daughters of California. This book is beau- tifully illustrated. Portraits of Junipero Serra and many Native Sons and Daughters. 1899. 473 San Francisco, the Metropolis and Entrepot of the Pa- cific. This is also a work of art in the original red wrappers. 1899. 474 Natural Law of Money J. J. Valentine. 1896. 475 Lifetime Recollections E. E. Molineux. 1902. 476 Pandora, a Novel Salzscheider. 1901. 477 California Verses Chas. H. Phelps. 1882. 478 Constitution and By-Laws of I. O. O. F. 1858. 479 American Citizenship T. Evans. 1892. 480 Life and Adventures of L. D. Lafferty. 1875. 481 A Perfect Day Ina D. Coolbrith. 1881. 482 Snapshots of Eastern Trip F. D. Miller. 1892. 483 Latest Poems Anna M. Reed. 1896. 24 484 Across the Continent S. Bowles. Map. 1865. 485 Our New West S. Bowles. Illus. 1869. 486 Across the Continent J. H. Redseker. 1879. 487 March of Empire M. Stafford. 1884. 488 New Life in New Lands G. Greenwood. 1872. 489 Progressive Essays H. M. Kottinger. Illus. 1889. 490 The Prairie Traveler Capt. Marcy. 1859. 491 Driven From Home J. Gedalius. 1905. 492 The Irresistible Current Lowenberg. 1908. 493 The View of Roses M. H. Peck. 1893. 494 Madrona D. T. C. 1876. 495 The Coming Empire McD. & Taylor. 1877. 496 The Sleeping Princess A. E. Pratt. Illus. 1892. 497 An Affair of the South Seas Irvine. 1901. 498 A Trip to Alaska G. Wardman. 1884. 499 Poems J. W. Steele. 1885. 500 Golden Harp Strains, etc. E. A. Sec. 1900. 501 Poetry of the Pacific May Wentworth. First Califor- nia Anthology. 1866. 502 The lives of the Saints S. Dabovich. 1898. 503 Preaching in the Russian Church. 1899. 504 Manuelo's Narrative. 1887. 505 The Street and the Flower Wagner & Bunyan. 1883. 506 How to Read Faces Mrs. Stanton. Illus. 1881. 507 The Mysteries of the Heart Devotion Kathryn Tingley, a leader in Theosophy. 1892. 508 Historical Review of Louisiana Purchase B. Herman. 1898. 509 Thirty Years in U. S. Senate T. H. Benton. 2 vols. 1859- 510 General Sherman's Memoirs. 2 vols. 1875. BANCROTI LIBRARY 511 Hopkin's Railway Ribrary Catalogue F. J. Teggart. 1895- 512 Seward's Travels Around the World. 1873. 513 Annals of San Francisco. Full Mor. 1854. 514 Argument in the Blythe Case. 1893. 515 Cal. Hist. & Genealogical. Pub. No. in. 1902. 516 Midsummer Music of Bohemian Club. 1904. 25 517 Pioneer Times in California Win. Grey. 1881. 518 The American Claimant M. Twain. Illus. X. Y. 1892. 519 Tom Sawyer Abroad M. Twain. Illus. N. Y. 1894. 520 Mark Twain Life and Works W. M. Clemens. (The foregoing Twain items are first editions.) 1892. 521 Dow's Patent Sermons E. G. Paige. 2 vols. See May Wentworth Poetry of the Pacific, page 242. 1857. 522 A Season's Sowing Chas. Keeler. Profusely illustrated. 1899. 523 The March of Portola. Log of the San Carlos. 1909. 524 On the Heights, verse L. H. Foote. Limited edition. Autograph copy. 1897. 525 Red Letter Day, and Other Poems L. H. Foote, Bos- ton. 1882. 526 Omar and Fitzgerald, Poems J. G. Jury. 1903. 527 Life of P. B. Cornwall B. Cornwall. Portrait. Pri- vately printed. 1906. 528 Psychological Calendar. 1902. 529 Psychological Year Book Janet Young. 1904. 530 Poems by Edward Pollock. Portrait. Phila. 1876. 531 Overland Tales Josephine Clifford. 1877. 532 Stories of California E. M. Sexton. Illus. N. Y. 1902. 533 Madame Jane Junk and Joe Oragine. 1876. 534 Pacific Coast Pulpit Photographs and Sermons of Pio- neer Preachers. 1875. 535 Leaves of an Unfinished Pastorate A. L. Stone. N. Y. 1882. 536 Pioneer Pastorate and Times A. Williams. 1879. 537 Presbyterian Clergyman Looking for the Church F. S. Mines, first pastor of Trinity Church, San Francisco. Portrait. N. Y. 1866. 538 Log of an Ancient Mariner. Illus. This old salt sailed very close to the limits of probability, and is favorably mentioned by Mark Twain. 539 See His Bear Story Mark Twain. Illus. 1878. $39% The Jumping Frog Mark Twain. The rare edition with the bunged "i" in the second word of the last line of last page. No title page. 26 540 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn M. Twain. Illus. 1885. 541 Poison Fountain Zach. Montgomery. 1878. 542 Egyptian Sketches J. Lynch. Illus. London. 1890. 543 Cozenza Metrical Tale N. Furlong. Illus. 1890. 544 Sketch Book of Napa and Other Counties C. A. Men- efee. Local History. Illus. 1873. 545 History of Trinity Church, San Jose. Illus. 1860-1903. Parish records. San Jose. 1903. 546 Through Dust and Foam R. & G. Hook. Illus. 1876. 547 Land of Gold H. R. Helper. Baltimore. 1855. 548 Blood Money W. C. Morrow. Full calf. 1882. 549 Occidental Sketches Ben. C. Truman. Half calf. 1881. 550 Dare Mary W. Glasscock. Half calf. Gilt. 1882. 551 Dance of Death. Attributed to A. Bierce. 1877. 552 Dance of Life Mrs. Dr. J. Milton Bowers. 1877. 553 Poems E. J. Dobson. 1874. 554 Day Dreams W. W. Lockington. 1880. 555 Satan in Society Speaks Right Out. 1881. 556 Robert Greathouse John F. Swift. N. Y. 1870. 557 Fremont's First and Second Expeditions Through Ore- gon and California. Illus. 1845. 558 Life of J. C. Fremont J. Bigelow. Illus. 1856. 559 Fremont's Life and Exploration Upham. 1856. 560 Life of Kit Carson C. Burdett. Illus. 1862. 561 Seven Years' Street Preaching of Rev. W. Taylor. 1856. 562 The Gold Seekers' Manual. D. T. Ansted. 1849. 563 Treatise on the Chemistry of Gold, etc. ^E. Pique. Illus. 1860. 564 Quartz Operators' Handbook Wheeler & Randal. 1865. 565 Coal Mines of the Western Coast Goodyear. 1877. 566 Gold Mines in California, with new methods. 1885. 567 First Annual Catalogue of State Museum. 1882. 568 Elementary Exercises and West Coast Botany. 1897. 569 Synopsis of Vascular Plants in Our Vicinage H. H. Behr. 1884. 570 Silk Growers' Manual L. Prevost. 1867. 27 571 Ocean Cruise and Regatta, Pacific Yacht Club. Illus. 1881. 572 Nat Zoan, Romance H. A. Stewart. 1876. 573 Sunday Talks and Poems J. J. Owen. 1881. 574 La Rabida, Souvenir Poem Mary Lambert. 1893. 575 S. F. Chronicle, History of. 1879. 576 S. W. Pacific R. R. Co. Statutes, Documents, Maps, etc. Fremont Item. 1867. 577 Mullan's California State Claims. 1886. 578 Laulii, Daughter of Samoa A. A. Willis, etc. 1889. 579 Little Lawyer, Legal Adviser H. A. Gaston. 1880. 580 Essays and Stanzes of S. F. Public Schools. 1894. 581 The Siwash Indians of Pacific Northwest I. A. Costello Illus. 1895. 582 The New Empire and Representative Men Wilson Hamilton. 1886. 583 Arboreal Song of the Alameda M. H. Field. 1878. 584 The German-French War Krause. 1872. 585 Backsheesh. Travels in Old World Mrs. Beckman. 1900. 586 Mayor Phelan's Address to Supervisors. 1901. 587 Bancroft's Tourists' Guide. Around the Bay. North and South. Two books. 1871. 588 Between the Gates B. F. Taylor. Illus. Chic. 1880. 589 New El Dorado, Journey to Alaska M. M. Ballou. 1890. 590 Crossing the Plains to Oregon C. K. Crawford. Illus. 1898. 591 Greeley's Overland Journey Horace Greeley. N. Y. 1860. 592 Sunset Land, Pacific Slope Rev. J. Todd. Boston. 1870. 593 Better-days Thos. & Anna M. Fitch. Chic. 1892. 594 Tales of Soldiers and Civilians Ambrose Bierce. 1891. 595 Monk and Hangman's Daughter Bierce & Danziger 1892. 596 The Land of the Sunset Sea Hannah B. Gage. 1884. 597 The Nine Swords of Morales G. H. Meyer. 1895. 598 The Abandoned Claim F. H. Loughead. Boston. 1891. 599 The Key to the Secret Vault R. W. Murphy. 1890. 28 600 Secrets Told Alice Kingsbury. Illus. 1879. 601 The New Philosophy A. Crane. 1905. 602 Secrets of Time and Space S. H. Watson. 1905. 603 The Temple of the Rosy Crose F. B. Dowd. This work comes near being occult. And so does Duffy's which follows. 1888. 604 From Darkness to Light Terence Duffy. 1893. 605 Riley's Narrative. Hartford. 1833. 606 Byron's Gallery. Many steel engravings. As new. 607 Alexander Pope, Works of. Fine. 608 Hogarth. Complete Works. 2 vols. Full calf. London. 1810. 609 History of the American Revolution Peterson. Leather. 610 Lord Chesterfield, Works of. 611 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Jr. Wallace Irwin. 1902. 612 Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum W. Irwin & G. Burgess. 1902. 613 The City That Was Will Irwin. 1906. 614 Wonder Worker of Padua C. W. Stoddard. 1896. 615 The Legend of Aulus F. MacD. Shearer. 1896. 616 Four-Leaved Clover. Stanford Rhymes C. K. Field. 1896. 617 The Games of California and Stanford. 1900. 618 Nestlings. Poems E. F. Weller. Illus. 1892. 619 Oak Leaves. Poems Mary Lambert. 1892. 620 The Sounding Sea. Poems J. F. Garvey. 1896. 621 Blossoms of Thought. Poems J. B. Washburn. 1886. 622 Sketches in Prose and Verse Anita C. Black. 1897. 623 Poems Lorenzo Sosso. 1888. 624 New Era, a Dream Chas. W. Caryl. Denver. 625 1'he Youth's Liberal Guide H. M. Kottinger. 1877. 626 Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress. S. F. 1908. 627 The Fate of the San Francisco, 1906, Grafters, and 101 Sandwiches by Another Hand M. E. S. 1902. 628 The Rubaiyat of Omar Cayenne G. Burgess. N. Y. 1904. 629 Are You a Bromide? G. Burgess. Red margins. N. Y. 1906. 29 630 Into the Light Edward R. Taylor. 1902. 631 Visions and Other Verse Edward R. Taylor. 1903. 632 Widows Grave and Otherwise The Wilmarths. 1903. 633 The Limerick Up-to-Date Book Mumford, et al. 1903. 634 Cynics' Calendar of Revised Wisdom Mumford, et als. 1905. 635 Auto Guest Book of Mobile Maxims Mumford, et als, 1906. 636 In the San Benito Hills C. A. Gunnison. 1891. 637 In Macao. Thrilling Story. Same pen. 1892. 638 The Beautiful Eyes of Ysidra Ditto. 1894. 639 You and Some Others A. G. Foster. 1908. 640 The Natural Sciences A Symposium. 1886. 641 The Raisin Industry Gustav Eisen. 1890. 642 Orange Culture, etc. Garey & Rose. 1882. 643 Orange Culture in California W. A. Spalding. 1885. 644 Horse Owners' Training Manual C. G. Johnson. 1871. 645 Handbook, Lick Observatory Holden. Illus. 1888. 646 Dixon's Marine Guide to San Francisco. 647 The Seven Days' Voyage B. B. Sharp. 1884. 648 North Pacific Coast Ports, Maps, etc. 1894. 649 Nervous Breakdown, How to Avoid It A. Abrams. 1901. 650 Eradicating the Plague From San Francisco. Illus. 1909. 651 The Man From Nowhere, and Two Others F. H. Long- head. 1891. 652 As Harvey Argyle Saw It. Illus. 1902. 653 Illustrated Handbook of California. Lon. 1870. 654 Pleasant Hours W. Frank Stewart. 1869. 655 The Flower That Grew in the Sand E. Higginson. 1896. 656 Thomas Guard's Lectures, etc. N. Y. 1883. 657 Lyrics Daniel O'Connell. 1881. 658 Captivity of the Oatman Girls Without Title. Yreka. 1857' 659 Ho! For Elf Land Alice Kingsbury. 1877. 660 Juanita, and Other Sketches J. L. Hopkins. Denver. 1884. 661 The Golden State; Its Resources]. J. Powell. 1874. 30 662 Wonders of the Yellowstone. Maps, etc. Richardson. 1873- 663% Expedition of Lewis & Clark. Edited by P. Allen and A. McVickar. Map. 2 vols. N. Y. 1900. 664 The Language of Light Terence Duffy. 1897. 665 Catechism on the Science of a Universal Religion G. Z. Wacht. See page 117 of this tract. 1890. 666 Basic Statements of Truth M. E. Cramer. 1899. 667 Our Little Doctor J. J. Owen. 1893. 668 Life of Father Upchurch, founder of the A. O. U. W. Revised by Sam Booth. 1887. 670 Journal of Army Life R. Glisan. 1874. 671 Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the Navajo Country J. H. Simpson. A scarce copy of an early illustrated Pa- cific Coast book. This copy has the colored illustra- tions complete. 1852. 672 The Four Evangelists Dordrechti. 1665. In Anglo Saxon and Gothic characters, with Alphabets of the same. This beautifully printed and rare volume was long one of the show books in the old Odd Fellows' Library. It was presented to that library by J. W. Dwinelle, and has his autograph. 673 Narrative of Edward McGowan. Illustrated. In or- iginal wraps. Fine copy, and not plentiful. 1857. 674 Life of John D. Sloat E. A. Sherman. Illus. Much California history. 1902. 675 The City Guard. History of Co. "B" f rorn^r to '94. Illus. 1894. ( 676 Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal No. I. 1858. 677 El Dorado. Adventures in the Path Empire B. Taylor. 1850. 678 California Nautical Magazine. Vol. i. 1863. 679 The Structural and Industrial Materials of California. 1906. 680 Life Among the Choctaw Indians T. A. Morris. 1860. 681 Society of Colonial Wars. 1896. 682 Mexico and Its Religion R. A. Wilson. 1855. 683 Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres V. Nolte. 1854. 31 684 Hall's History of San Jose. The only edition. Early history. 685 Trial of David S. Terry by the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco. Half Morocco. 1856. 686 Hawaiian Life and Mashallah ! Both by Chas. Warren Stoddard, with his autograph in each copy. First editions. 1881-1894. 687 The Luck of Roaring Camp, and Other Sketches. Illus- trated. Large paper copy. 1872. The foregoing collection of Books, Maps, Pictures and Prints pertaining to San Francisco and other localities in California and the Pacific Coast, were mostly printed in San Francisco, and are in the original cloth bindings. The collection is confidently offered to San Francisco collectors, with the view of creating a taste for collecting books relating to California, written by Californians. printed in California, and sold in California in open market. The list of California pamphlets offered to the public in this sale is an experiment, and if favorably received, many others will be offered in like manner druing the season. Their importance as historical documents need not be dwelt upon. P. P. Healy. San Francisco. California. 32 H. TAYLOR CURTIS Auctioneer SUTTER STREET SALES ROOM 566 Sutler Street Extract from the Will of Edmond de Goncourt: (Trans.) "My wish is that my Drawings, my Prints, my Curiosities, my Booksin a word these things of art which have been the joy of my life shall not be consigned to the cold tomb of a museum, and subjected to the stupid glance of the careless passer-by; but I require that they shall all be dispersed under the hammer of the Auctioneer, so that the pleasure which the acquiring of each one of them has given me shall be given again, in each case, to some in- heritor of my own tastes." Book Sales a Specialty PAMPHLET BINDER Manufactured bg GAYLORD BROS. Inc., Syracut*, N. Y. Stockton, Calif.