1^ V pi0lg Spirit iit i^t §0!trg 0f ®^rist. EIGHT LECTURES PREACHED BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, IN THE FEAR 1868. ON THE FOUNDATION OF THE LATE REV. JOHN BAMPTON, M. A. Canon of Salisbury. BY GEORGE MOBERLY, D.C.L. FORMERLY HEAD MASTER OF WINCHESTER COLLEGE ; NOW LORD BISHOP OF SALISBURY. SECOND edition: JAMES PARKER AND CO. 1870. LOAN STACK OXFORD: BY T. COMBE, M.A., E. B. GARDNER, E. P. HALL, AND H. LATHAM, M.A. PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. IS70 EXTRACT FROM THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE LATE REV. JOHN BAMPTON, CANON Of SALISBURY. " I give and bequeath my Lands and Estates to the " Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of " Oxford for ever, to have and to hold all and singular the " said Lands or Estates upon trust, and to the intents and *' purjioses hereinafter mentioned ; that is to say, I will and " appoint that the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ox- " ford for the time being shall take and receive all the rents, " issues, and profits thereof, and (after all taxes, reparations, " and necessary deductions made) that he pay all the re- " njainder to the endowment of eight Divinity Lecture Ser- " mons, to be established for ever in the said University, and " to be performed in the manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the first Tuesday in " Easter Term, a Lecturer be yearly chosen by the Heads " of Colleges only, and by no others, in the room adjoining " to the Printing-House, between the hours of ten in the " morning and two in the afternoon, to preach eight Divinity " Lecture Sermons, the year following, at St. Mary's in " Oxford, between the commencement of the last month in " Lent Term, and the end of the third week in Act Term. OO'J vi Extract from Canon Banipton^s Will. " Also I direct and appoint, that the eight Divinity Lecture " Sermons shall be preached on either of the following Sub- '* jects — to confirm and establish the Christian Faith, and to " confute all heretics and schismatics —upon the divine au- " thority of the holy ScrijDtures — upon the authority of the " writings of the primitive Fathers, as to the faith and prac- " tice of the primitive Church — upon the Divinity of our " Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ — upon the Divinity of the " Holy Ghost — upon the Articles of the Christian Faith, as " comprehended in the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. "Also I direct, that thirty copies of the eight Divinity " Lecture Sermons shall be always printed, within two " months after they are preached ; and one copy shall be " given to the Chancellor of the University, and one copy " to the Head of every College, and one copy to the Mayor " of the city of Oxford, and one copy to be put into the Bod- " leian Library ; and the expense of printing them shall be " paid out of the revenue of the Laud or Estates given for " establishing the Divinity Lecture Sermons ; and the " Preacher shall not be paid, nor be entitled to the revenue, " before they are printed. , " Also I direct and appoint, that no person shall be quali- " fied to preach the Divinity Lecture Sermons, unless he hath " taken the degree of Master of Arts at least, in one of the " two Universities of Oxford or Cambridge j and that the " same person shall never preach the Divinity Lecture Ser- " mons twice." TO THE REV. THE HEADS OF COLLEGES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, THESE LEOTUEES, PREACHED BY THEIR APPOINTMENT, ARE RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/administrationofOOmobericli PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. In publishing a Second Edition of these Lectures, I am anxious to say a few words of Preface which may tend to explain some points in them which I cannot but fear have been somewhat misunderstood. I do not attempt to explain more fully or to defend more completely the main thesis of the Lectures^ namely, the maintenance of the twofold theory of the Collective and the Personal Priesthood, or_, which is the same thing put into a different shape, the Compatibility of the Plenary Powers of the Universal Church dating from the great Pentecost, with the Organic or Repre- sentative Powers of the Priesthood, dating from the gift of the Holy Spirit by the breath of Christ, as recorded in the twentieth chapter of St. John. Well aware as I am that the subject is most im- perfectly and superficially discussed in the Lectures, I must yet leave it as it stands, believing the view which 1 have taken to be just and true in the main, and if just and true, certainly important, particularly at this time and in regard to the present circumstances and needs of the Church. But those circumstances bring one point of the theory into very particular and exceptional prominence, — I mean the position and authority of lay-people in Church X Preface. Councils ; and I feel very anxious to state more pre- cisely than has been stated in the Lectures the view which I have intended to take. I have no idea that the lay-people ever had a dis- tinctly consultative, still less a decisive, voice in Church Synods. The learned argument of Mr. Joyce in his recent letter to the Bishop of Derry establishes, what I never doubted, the contrary. It has been no part of my object to insinuate the opposite to his conclu- sions ; but I have endeavoured, beginning at the be- ginning, and tracing the course of Church proceedings synthetically, to shew that the lay element, anciently recognized as real, even in respect of matters of faith, was gradually, in the course of ages, shut out more and more, until the theory, propounded in its breadth by Archbishop Manning, of an exclusive revelation to the clergy ^ united to their centre'' the Bishop of Rome, became the recognized view of the Ultramontane party in the Church. It has been generally held by theologians (excepting always those of the high Roman School) that the retro- spective acceptance of the whole Church, including lay-people as well as clergy, is necessary in order to give Conciliar decrees their full CEcumenical character and weight. This view, — the view of Gerson, and his friends at Constance, and of the Gallican Church, — of Archbishop Laud, and the Anglican High Church, of ' Janus^ in modern Catholic Germany, involves the truth for which I desire to contend ; and borrowing the sentiment of my dear friend the late Rev. John Keble, I venture to say that if the assent of the lay- people is thus necessary even in the highest of all instances, the settlement of the faith, it is matter not of principle, but of convenience and wisdom to decide at what point, and in what proportion, this Christian counsel shall be listened to and acknowledged. Preface. xi My argument in the Fourth Lecture goes no further than this. I have urged, and I feel very deeply the importance of the view, that the full co-operation of the laity of the Church, — not as matter of benevolence or bounty, but as matter of debt and duty, is not more abso- lutely necessary in practice, than it is indispensable in theory to the full powers and efficacy of the Church. It formed no part of xnj p'^i^^ — indeed, it was impos- sible in so short a sketch to deal with such things, — to suggest when, or where, or in what proportion the lay element should mingle with the clerical in synod or council. No doubt, since the publication of the Lectures, the march of events has exhibited in a very marked way the opposite danger ; and we are now called upon, not so much to prove the propriety of admitting the lay element into some proportion of counsel, as to protest against its swallowing up and overwhelming the clerical by mere superiority of numbers and social weight. God forbid that any words of mine should seem to sanction or assist so fatal a danger. If the encroach- ment of sacerdotalism is full of evil on the one hand, the tyranny of lay usurpation is certainly not less to be dreaded on the other. Our brethren in Ireland are called upon to deal mth the practical questions arising out of this subject very suddenly, and under circumstances of great difficulty and discouragement. May the Holy Spirit of God direct and sanctify their counsels, so that the grace and wisdom of the whole body, clerical and lay, may be united in due proportion to guide and govern its anxious course, suddenly deprived, as it has been, of the orderly but somewhat enervating direction of State control. What that due proportion is, and by what means it is to be established, it is not for me to define ; but I will venture to say, looking to the theory as well as to xii Preface, the earliest practice of the Church of Christ, that while the office of teaching helougs specially to the ordained clergy, g*iving them the ^ prerogative ' voice in matters of faith, the authority, even in those great things, belongs in such sort to the universal body, as that the lay people too, in their place and degree, have the right and duty of sanctioning (and therefore, of course, of refusing to sanction) the determinations of the ordained clergy ; while in other subjects, more or less secular, their in- fluence and counsel is of the greatest importance and necessity. That they should be freely elected by the members of the Church ; that they should themselves be not mem- bers only, but communicants ; that they should have authority, real in all cases, but graduated according to the nature of the cases ; that they should, at least when required, vote separately in their own order, — all these seem to be of the nature of principles, secondary no doubt to the main principle, but fundamental and neces- sary. Into further detail it is not my plan or duty to enter. The great and pressing object, — painfully press- ing and immediate in Ireland, hardly less pressing though less immediate in England, is that the Church should prepare itself to act as an united body, gathering together its entire corporate strength, clerical and lay alike, in due proportion, so as to be ready, whether established or unestablished, to work with the full powers of the Holy Spirit who, dwelling in the Church as the soul dwells in the body, giveth to every man severally as He willeth. Salisbury, Dec. 22, 186;}, CONTENTS. LECTURE I. The Gradual Development of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Revelation i. 4, 5. Grace he unto you, and peace, from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come ; and from the seven Spirits which are before His throne ; and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and tlw first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth ........ Page i LECTURE IL The Spirit-bearing Church with its Divinely constituted Organs. St. .Tohn i. 32, 33. And John bear record, saying, I saw the Spirit de- scending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon Him, And I knew Him not : but He that sent me to bajytize tvith water, the same said unto me. Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and re- maining on Him, the same is He which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost . . . . . . -33 xiv Contents. LECTURE III. The Teaching and Authority of the Apostles. I Corinthians iii. 21-23. Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cej^has, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to corns; all are yours ; and ye are Chrisis ; and Christ is God's 62 LECTURE IV. The Ecclesiastical, or Post-apostolic Teaching of the Church. 1 Timothy iii. 1 5. The Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth ........ 94 LECTURE V. Holy Baptism. St. Matthew xxviii. 18-20. And Je^s came and spake unto them^ saying. All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye there- fore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, amd of the Holy Ghost : teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com^manded you : and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world . . . . .128 Contents. xv LECTURE VI. The Holy Communion. I COEINTHIANS X. 1 7. For we being many are one hread, and one body : for we are all partakers of that one bread . . . -159 LECTURE VIL Ordination and Absolution. St. Luke xii. 41, 42. Then Peter said unto Uim, Lord^ speakest Thou this parable unto us, or even to all ? And the Lord said. Who then is that faithful and wise steward, Ivhom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season ? . . .192 LECTURE VIIL The Personal Priesthood. I COEINTHIANS xii. 1 3. For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, wlietlier we be bond or free ; and Jiave been all made to drink into one Spirit 225 LECTURE I. THE GRADUAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Grace he unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne ; and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. — Rev. i. 4, 5. /""iOD, tlie object of human worship, the Creator and Governor of the worlds, and the Author and Giver of all good, is naturally conceived of by the human understanding as One. Whether we regard the religion of the nations exterior to the chosen people as derived from primitive know- ledge, or in any way evolved by human thought from man's natural instinct, or by his argument from the observation of nature, alike the religious conviction at which he originally, essentially, and naturally arrives, is that the supreme God is One. Primitive knowledge of course can know but of one, and the philosophy of B K 2 Oneness of God. [lect. causes stops irrationally short of its own necessary con- clusion if it fails to reach one. Even the existence of evil, embarrassing as it is to the natural religionist, is, in itself, rather a difficulty to be accounted for than any kind of counter-argument or disproof of the Oneness of God. Poljrfcheism is the corruption — it may probably have begun by being the fanciful deduction — from Mono- theism. Even in the classical Polytheism there is a deep central Monotheism which underlies the whole fanciful system of gods many and lords many. Un- identified into distinct doctrine, more or less lost sight of amid the names^ natures^ and offices assigned to separate deities — God, as distinct from Jupiter, Apollo^ or Minerva — God, the Maker, Disposer^ and Governor of all things^ the Being whose Utterance is Fate, is an idea^ half seen as it were, and so to say, looking out from curtains,, yet not unfamiliar to the minds of the great writers of antiquity, God in His Unity^ One God, and none other equal or co-ordinate with Him^ is the basis of all real religion^ natural or revealed. If religion is to rule and govern the whole heart of man_, so that no part nor portion of his complex being is to lack its due relation to God and heaven ; if, again, true religion can be but one to all men, so that all men ought to bear one only relation, of worship, love, and obedience to Him, — there cannot be conceived to i.] The First Age : the Father. 3 be any plurality, any diversity in God the object of that universal worship, love, and obedience. If the allegiance be one and utterly the same that is required from all men in all their nature, the object of that allegiance must be utterly one. The moment that the mind con- ceives more than a single object of religious allegiance, the allegiance itself is shattered, the aim divided ; it becomes a duty to serve two masters ; the entire conse- cration of the heart to God is made impossible. That which we thus regard as the basis of all true worship whatever, was also, as a matter of history, the beginning of the worship of the True God in that choseu portion of mankind among whom the traditions of ori- ginal religion were retained, and to whom the subsequent revelations of God^s truth and will were made. It has pleased God to make Himself known among them in three ages. The first age of Divine knowledge and worship, be- ginning at the creation of man, may be understood to have extended up to the coming of Christ. If a more exact date be required, it may be found in the birth of the Baptist*, or his preaching (^ the Law and the Prophets were until John, since then the kingdom of God is preached b'), or in the Incarnation of our Lord, or His Crucifixion, or His Resurrection, or His Ascen- * 'Apx'^ "^ov evayyfXlov 'Irjffov XpitTTov, Tlov tov ©eoO iyevfTo 'laafj/rjs fiami^wv /c.t.A. St. Mark i. 1. «> St. Luke xvi. 16. B 2 4 The First Age: the Father. [lect. sion, or in the descent of the Holy Ghost^ or rather, in all these dates together — for inchoate in the first of them^ and growing more complete in each that succeeds, it was not finally estahlished till the last of them was fulfilled. One God— 'The Lord thy God, O Israel, is One God' — One God amid the gods many and lords many whom the nations had devised and were bowing down to, was the God of Adam, of Seth, of Enoch, of Noah, of Mel- chizedech — the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the ' I am ' of Moses and Aaron, the memorial, the boast, and the defence of the nation that was called by His Name. To believe in One God, eternal, self-being, almighty, to trust in His love and providence, to pray to Him for help and forgiveness, to obey His laws, to keep His commandments, to submit in resignation and conformity to His will, to refrain from all idea of dividing the worship and duty, of right His, to any other being, whether as rival or mediator — this drawn out into moral details by the traditional law of primitive religion, and into a multitude of ceremonial details by the Law of Moses, may be understood as the summary of all religion during the first age. The object of religion was the one, undivided, undistinguished Godhead. True religion, whether more or less enlightened by immediate direction from heaven, consisted in the due relation of man to that one, undistinguished, undivided Godhead. I.] Indications of the Second Age. 5 It is conceivable that this simple knowledge^ and with it this simple worship of God in His absolute and un- distinguished unity, might have been all that man in his life on earth might have needed, if he had remained in his original uprightness, and had never fallen. That which sufficed for unfallen Adam might probably have sufficed for all his unfallen progeny. It is a deep and just thought that as the fall of man necessitated the separate operation of the Three Persons of the most holy Trinity to restore him to the favour of God and salvation, so the doctrine of the most holy Trinity, first in its anticipations supporting the hopeful faith of patriarchs, and afterwards in its full develop- ment, became also the basis — more than the basis, the summary — of all Divine revelation, in the faith of which mankind should obtain that favour and that salvation c. Accordingly, from the very time of the fall of man, there begin to appear in the records of inspiration in- dications, dim indeed, casual as it were and indistinct, which read by the light of after-knowledge, are seen to indicate the future development of the unity of the Godhead into more than a single Person. These nevertheless were for the most part (perhaps it may be truly said altogether) understood by those to whom they were addressed, perhaps by those by whose lips they were spoken, without any such meaning. If, for example, Moses wrote ' God said, let us make man c Vide Note A. 6 Gradual Indications of [lect. in our own image'*/ we cannot suppose that either Moses or the Jews divined the deep and naturally undiscover- able meaning in them, which the Christian revelation illuminating makes visible to our eyes. In like manner, if it is recorded that three [men] stood by Abraham at his tent door ^, and that he bowed himself toward the door, and said, ^ My Lord, if now I have found favour in Thy sight, pass not away I pray Thee from Thy servant ' — although the Patriarch's words, spoken no doubt by the Spirit of God, indicated a truth which they did not declare, of Three in One, yet we may not imagine that either Abraham who spoke them, or the Jews who read them, conceived accurately the profound meaning of the words which his tongue was thus guided to utter. Gradually however, as the great promise of a Re- deemer came to be more fully given, particulars were added by prophet after prophet which brought out with more and more clearness— at least to our eyes, looking back upon the words, and reading them by the light of our own knowledge — the idea of a distinction of Persons in the sacred unity of God. ' The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on My right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool^.' No doubt the Jews had not thought out the problem, 'If David call Him Lord, how is He then his Son ? ' yet there lay the Divine doctrine all but apparent, like d Gen. i. 26. e Ibid, xviii. 2. f Pa. ex. 1 ; St. Matt. xxii. 45. ij the Second Age: the Son. 7 a diamond in a mine, waiting only for the ray from heaven to make it reflect the Divine truth with un- mistaken brightness. The Child to be born^ whose Name should be called 'Wonderful^ Counsellor, the Mighty God_, the Ever- lasting Father, the Prince of Peace ^ ' — the ' Son of the Virgin whose Name should be called Immanuel^ which being interpreted is, God with us ^ ' — the ^ Rod out of the stem of Jesse V on whom the sevenfold Spirit of Jehovah should abide — the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David, who should bear the name of Jehovah our Righteousness'', He whom the Angels of God should worship, whose throne is for ever and ever, who in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of His hands'; — the Person, I say, whom these and many, other such pas- sages of the Prophets designated in such terms, must needs, we might have thought, have been looked forward to (had not the veil lain upon the hearts of the people and their teachers) as God, and yet not as utterly iden- tical, or to be confused with the Divine Father. All these sayings however, clear as they seem in the retrospect, assuredly did not, even if they conceivably could have done so, set clearly before the minds of the Jews that which they speak with unquestionable distinctness to ours. Nor when the actual fulfilment K Isa. ix. 6, h Ibid. vii. U. i Ibid. xi. 1, 2. k Jer. xxiii. 5, 6. i Heb. i. 6, 8, 10. 8 The Second Age: the Son. [LECT. began, and the Son of God, having" taken man's nature upon Him in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, of her substance, came among men, the anciently predicted Immanuel, did the doctrine of God in more than a single Person present itself to the possessors of the ancient Scriptures as one for which they were at all prepared by the study of the prophecies. It is true of course that they wished and hoped for a temporal Messiah, and it is correspondingly true that the low estate and personal meekness of the Messiah when He came set them upon blaspheming, and at last putting to death, the Son of Man, who seemed to dis- appoint those hopes and wishes. But independently of all this, sayings such as 'I and My Father are One ; ' ' My Father worketh hitherto, and I work ; ' ' Hereafter shall ye see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of Heaven ; ' ' The Son of Man which is in Heaven ; ' * What and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up where He was before ; ' ' Say ye of Him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world. Thou blasphemest, because I said I am the Son of God;' 'The Father is in Me, and I in Him"';'— certainly did not strike on the minds of the hearers as being what they were prepared by the prophecies to hear from the lips of any one, whoever he might be, and of whatever dignity or power. m St. John x. 30, v. 17 J St. Matt. xxvi. 64 ; St. John iii, 13, vi. 62, X. 34, xvii, 21. I.] The Second Age : the Son. 9 No ; the truth seems to be this : — Till the second age of the development of the doctrine of God had actually taken place; nay more, till the Lord Himself was on the point of leaving the earth in the fleshy and spoke the words which alone, so far as I know, contain in a collected form the doctrine of the separate Persons in the Godhead — ^ Baptizing them into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost "/ and till the actual descent of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost, bringing all things to the Apostles'* minds which the Lord had said unto them, taught them the meaning of these things and thereby guided them into all truth, — none knew fully, not even the Apostles themselves (as we may judge from a multitude of in- stances both of their conduct and their sayings even to the last), that God had revealed Himself to them in another Person, and that He with whom they had companied in those years when He went in and out among them, was the Eternal Son, by whom all things were made, of one substance, power, and eternity with the Father, true Jehovah. It is beside my present purpose to enter more fully into the consideration of this, which I have called the second age of the development of the doctrine of God — the age of Immanuel, God among men. It was necessary that Christ should be born, and suffer, and rise again from the dead the third day°. It was neces- n St. Matt, xxviii. 9. o St. Luke xxiv. 26, 46. 10 The Second Age : the Son. [lect. sary that He should not only give us the pattern of sin- less obedience and perfect holiness, but that He should also bear our sins in His own body on the tree, giving His life a ransom for many^ reconciling God to sinners by reconciling sinners to GodP, blotting out upon the Cross the handwriting that was against us q, the fatal indictment of our guilt. It was necessary. And God forbid that in our pride of shallow reasoning we should attempt to question the necessity of that Divine Sacri- fice, or its efiicacy for our salvation ! If the atonement of Christ for sin, the purchase of the souls and bodies of men by His Blood shed upon the Cross, be not the truth, the very truth, of God, then is the Church of God mistaken from the beginning; nor is there any word or record of God safe from the arts of those who would elevate their own philosophy into the ultimate criterion of all truth, and the only reasonable rule of all belief. As it was with the gradual announcements of the second age of the Divine development, so was it also with the third. Not in the same number indeed, nor with anything like the same fulness and distinctness, as in the case of the Person of the Son of God, but still neither unfrequently nor indistinctly when we come to look back upon them, the being of a third Person in the holy Godhead and the offices of the Holy Spirit had been indicated in the ancient Scriptures. p 1 St. Peter ii. 24 ; St. Matt. xx. 28 ; Kom. v. 6-11. 1 Col. ii. 14. I.] Indications of tlie Third Age. ir All expressions — and there are many such — signify- ing a plurality in God_, still more such as give indi- cation of three, may be taken as instances of the first kind. Some of these I have already referred to. When, again, we read that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters ; that God by His Spirit garnished the heavens '* ; that the hosts of heaven were made by the breath or spirit of His mouth; that the Lord God and His Spirit sent the Prophet Isaiah ^ ; that the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul t ; that God put His Holy Spirit in Moses; that the Israelites rebelled and grieved the Holy Spirit " ; that the Lord's Spirit should not always strive with men^; that it should come to pass afterwards that God should pour His Spirit upon the seed of Jacob y; that He should pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, so that their sons and their daughters should prophesy; and that upon the servants and the handmaids He should pour out His Spirit''; — when, I say, we read expressions like these, and you well know how numerous they are in the Old Testament, while we acknowledge that the Jews understood them of God Himself, without conceiving the least idea of any dis- tinction of Persons in the single Godhead, yet neither is it to be denied that such expressions read by the light of subsequent revelation do reflect the sacred Truth of ' Gen. i. 2; Job xxvi. 13. « Isa. xlviii. 16. t 1 Sam. xvi. 14. " Isa. Ixiii. 10, 11. " Gen. vi 3. y Isa. xliv. 3. ^ Joel ii. 28. 12 Indications of the [LECT. God^ and show how from the beginning' the develop- ment of the great doctrine of the three Persons in the one Godhead, has been gradual and uniform. "^ The indications of the third age, the age of the Holy- Spirit, occur more frequently and more decisively from the early part of our Lord^s own history, and in the first three Gospels. They begin with the conception and birth of Christ : ' The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee : therefore also the Holy Thing that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God*;^ *Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife : for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost ^/ The preaching of the Baptist brings forcibly out the great contrast between his baptizing and the Lord^s. 'I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose : He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire ^/ The separate personality of the Holy Spirit comes out with great clearness in the narrative of the Lord's baptism, giving indication at the same time of a future dispensation of the Spirit : ' Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, the same is He which baptizeth witE~the Holy Ghost St. Matt. i. 20. c St. Luke iii. 16. d gt. John i. 33. L] Third Age: the Holy Ghost, 13 degrees of sin incurred by blasphemy against the Son of Man and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost ®. The commentary of St. John on the Lord^s promise of the rivers of living water '', given on the great day of the Feast of Tabernacles, is very much to my present point. For they show how words of the Lord in which no express mention is made of the Holy Spirit — ' He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water ^ — together with the whole set of passages of the Old Testament which are to be adduced as explaining the words S ('as the Scripture hath said'), when interpreted by the inspired Apostle, are found to have meant nothing less than the un- questionable declaration of the coming dispensation of the Holy Spirit. ' This spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive ; for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.' And in the first commission of the Twelve, in words however which belong also to their ultimate mission as apostles into all the world, they are bidden to take no thought when they are delivered up, how or what they shall speak, ' for it shall be given you in that same hour, what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speak- eth in you^' e St. Matt. xii. 32. f St. John vii. 39. K Isa. xii. 3, xxxv. 6, 7, xliii. 19, xliv. 3 ; Joel ii. 28 ; Zech. xii. ] 0, xiv. 8. Cf. St. John iv. 14. ^ St. Matt. x. 20. 14 The Third Age : the Holy Ghost. [lect. But all the previous intimations of the coming dis- pensation of the Holy Spirit are of minor importance in comparison with the full outpouring of information upon the subject given by our Lord Himself in that solemn discourse held on the eve of the Crucifixion, and recorded in the thirteenth and following chapters of St. John. It is not needful to quote at length such well-known words : let it suffice to say summarily that the Lord promises another Paraclete besides Himself, to comfort them when He is gone; that in the coming of that Paraclete, both the Father and the Son should dwell with and in the people of God, and that, so truly and closely that they might be said to see the Lord again in that indwelling, that He should teach them all things, even things to come, and bring all things to their re- membrance whatsoever He had said unto them ; that He should convict the world of sin, and fully teach them the great topics of righteousness and judgment, and that His own departure in the flesh was absolutely needful before this Paraclete could come, or ^ that day' of peace, of comfort, and enlightenment dawn upon the inherit- ance of God i. With these preliminary announcements and prepara- tions, after the Apostles had waited, in great uncer- tainty as it would seem, respecting the nature of that 'power from on high,^ and ' the promise of the Father,^ for ten days since the Lord^s Ascension into heaven, the i St. John xiv. 16, 19, 23, 26, xvi. 7, 8. I.] The Third Age: the Holy Ghost. 15 Holy Ghost descended on the great day of Pentecost. A sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, an appearance of separate tongues, like as of fire, which sat upon each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. At that moment, the third age of the development of God for the restoration of the world finally began ; never to come to an end or to be superseded upon the earth till the restitution of all things, when the Son of Man should come again in the clouds of Heaven, in like manner as the disciples had recently seen Him go into Heaven. This third age crowns, but in no respect supersedes, the other two. God the Father is still the Creator, the great object of all true worship, the beginning of all things, the Father of Christians (being the Father of Christ), the Giver of the Holy Ghost. The Son is still our only Redeemer, our Lord, and our God. Though absent from us in the flesh for our good. He is still ever present with us. He walketh among us, and in our churches ; when we meet, two or three, to pray in His name. He is in the midst of us. He is in our poor, in our sick, and in our suffering people. If any despise or persecute even His little ones, it is He who is despised and persecuted. He is with us even unto the end of the world. But the most immediate, characteristic, and peculiar presence of God among us in this the third age, is His presence in the Holy Spirit. 1 6 The Age of the Holy Ghost. [lect. The Holy Spirit dwelt in the Redeemer Himself with- out measure or degree, sanctifying and making holy in the most perfect manner the Man Christ Jesus. Of that fulness the Lord breathed upon the Apostles even be- fore the Ascension. When on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came down in the fuller and more peculiar manner that characterizes His presence in the Church, the Church received the full gift which her Lord had partially bestowed upon her before; and in that pre- sence she retained His presence also. Thenceforward, the Spirit sanctifying the Church at large and the se- parate members of it_, Christ walked in the Church, and the separate members became Christ-bearing; Christ being formed in themJ, according to the language of St. Paul in the Epistle to the Galatiahs, by the Holy Spirit. Thenceforward, I say, the Holy Spirit dwelt in the Church of Christ, dwelling in the separate souls of Christian people. Great words these, brethren, and very wonderful words ! — which, though they be the expression of the ordinary belief of Christians ever so slightly learned in the mysteries of the Christian faith, contain in them the germ of all the deep questions on the subject of God and man which have perplexed, and will no doubt continue to perplex, tbe minds of men till the end of time. That God should create at all, and make a world — J Gal. iv. 19. I.] ExU'eme Mystery of tJie Doctrine. ij obvious and undeniable as is the fact that He has done so — is a truth in which lie embedded all the endless controversies of the relation which the absolute bears to the finite. That God who is a Spirit, should yet be three in Person, of whom one should be in some specific sense the Holy Spirit, is a mystery purely of Revelation, and therefore one which, when once stated in such terms as are made known to us, we can no further explain or elucidate. That God who is a Spirit, almighty, original, eternal, should have created other spirits, as of angels and men, and created them free agents — agents capable of free obedience or free transgression — agents capable of coun- teracting His will, and doing what He would fain have not done, — is a mystery of natural religion and philo- sophy so profound as altogether to baffle, as it seems to me, all attempt to fathom or comprehend its marvellous- ness. It is the very wonder of omnipotence. If we could comprehend it as clearly as we necessarily and by the force of reason and instinct accept and believe it, we should have mastered in their very germ the endless questions of foreknowledge and freedom, predestination and free-will, which are not so properly questions of Revelation, as corollaries of the one great question, How it can be that the Supreme Spirit, unfettered by any conditions, or laws, or principles, save those of goodness and truth, which are part of His own essential 1 8 Mystery of the creation [lect. Being", can have created other beings, to be (under what- ever conditions, laws^ and principles) beings possessed of a freedom given and created by Himself^ and yet in its exercise independent of Himself, beings capable of think- ing and doing that which He would fain they did not do, and introducing evil into His world. With most of these questions we have at present no concern. It is suiEcient to have indicated where their sources lie. But in the last of them our present interest is nearer; for many of the points on which we shall have to speak in connexion with the subject of the administration of the Holy Spirit in the Church of Christ, become, I will not say more easy, but less liable to unnecessary and irrelevant difficulty, if we endeavour to fix our thoughts for a while on the original mystery — the mystery of the Omnipotent and Omnipresent Spirit creating subordinate spirits, localized in space, limited in capacities and powers, in the midst of all the conditions arising from their forming a part in a great and multifarious world, and free — free to obey, or disobey, to act out their Creator's design and will in creating them, or to run counter to it. Let us think for a few moments of ourselves. I feel that whatever be the precise nature or powers of that which I call my spirit, it lives in this body. Though it be ever so diverse in its own kind from the nature of the body, yet strictly and absolutely within it it has its present necessary abode. From the body as t] of agents free to sin. 19 from a centre^ with the body as with an instrument, it sees, thinks, energizes. So subtle is the union which it has with the body, that I cannot by any delicacy of anatomy or self-inspection trace the frontier line at which actions in which body and spirit are both engaged pass from the one to the other. With the health of my body, my spirit is light, vigorous, lively ; with the decay or sickness of my body, the functions of my spirit are languid and feeble, and unequal to their usual activity. My body is in all points such as other bodies are. It has no freedom. The blood which circulates in my veins, circulates by a force and under a law independent of my knowledge and will, and only recently discovered by my kind. The food that I eat, the motions of which my limbs are capable, the growth that I have reached, all the details of my bodily being, are part of the great irrational and imfree system of things which I see round about me in heaven and earth, in mineral, in plant, in animal, according to their various kinds. But within this body — where I know not, and how I know not — there dwells a being of a totally different kind and dignity from this outward frame which I call my body. Affected by the body, confined in the body, acting with the body so closely and subtilly that I cannot with any minute accuracy distinguish their operations, this spirit that is within me is a wonderful — the most wonderful — creation of the God of heaven and earth. I can do what no plant, nor mineral, nor animal, however great c % 20 Mystery of the creation [lect. their so-called powers of instinct, can do. I can sin. I can rebel. I can fly in the face of the God that made me. There dwells in my body a free being — decayed, I am informed, and degenerate from the type in which God made my first father, and, as I feelingly know, much more inclined to sin than to obedience, to evil than to good, yet not so far altered from that primal type as to be otherwise than a free being, — sharing, therein, the kind of angels, sharing, if it may be said with reverence, the kind of God, — free, within limits, no doubt, and surrounded by all sorts of impassable and inevitable conditions, but free, God, the Omni- potent Spirit, who made me, who surrounds me with all the manifold conditions of my being, who is Himself round me, near me, watching me, trying me, does not naturally nor ordinarily interfere with my freedom. He might fill me with Himself. He might supersede all the powers and the powers of choice which He has given me. He might so far occupy with His operation my still uncoerced will, making my free soul beat so abso- lutely true to airs divine as that there should be only the possibility, not the likelihood, scarcely the danger, of its running counter to His own most good and holy will. How near to this perfection of a free creature He made our first parents I know not. Certainly I suppose that they in yielding to temptation departed more grossly, more sinfully, more wantonly from their naturally high and pure estate than their decayed descendants do when I.] of agents free to sin, 2 1 in their unfeebled and degenerate state tliey yield to the like temptations; — just as I imagine there never could be conceived to be any sin so utterly sinful and shocking as that of the rebel angels. But whatever was the primal condition of our first parents, and the re- lation in which their free spirits stood to the almighty creating Spirit who made them and pronounced them ' very good/ there can be no doubt that from the fall of man, and as regards the descendants of Adam, the state of things has been materially and grievously changed. The free spirits of men, visited as we know occasionally, and as we may suppose not unfrequently, by the influence of the Almighty Spirit, so as to think thoughts above their own thoughts, and speak words above their own words, were still in the main left to themselves. The temptations to which they were ex- posed had become heavier, nearer, more numerous by far than before. The strength was less. The simple directness of the will was warped. The free, created spirit fell continually. No longer harmonizing in all its movements with the almighty creating Spirit, it in- curred extreme corruption of sin ; and the habits of sin, growing on from father to son, pervaded large tracts of humankind with an awful degeneracy from which the spirit of man himself could in no wise rescue or restore itself. It seems to me to be important to keep asunder in thought the natural energies of the spirit of man from 22 Decayed state of created [LECT, the supernatural energies produced by the direct infusion or influence of the Holy Spirit of God. Difficult as it isj or impossible in particular cases to distinguish them, yet in reality they are different, and in thought may easily be kept unconfused. The free, created spirit of man, the wonderful work of God, has its own powers ; and these, differing greatly in different individuals, are sometimes capable of extraordinary efforts, which never- theless lie altogether within the scope of the natural powers of humankind. It seems to me to be a mere rhetorical confusion, capable however of leading to very mischievous consequences, to regard the intellectual achievements of great men, as of Homer, of Milton, or of Newton, as aught but natural achievements, or to attribute them in any strict sense to the infusion, or inspiration, or whatever other word be preferred, of the Holy Spirit of God. However, it is, I suppose, to be believed, that the decayed moral nature of man after the Fall was saved by some interposition on the part of the Creator from exhibiting the full effects of corruption. It is difficult to reconcile the extreme and hideous sin which reigned far and wide in the heathen world with the high thoughts of moralists and poets, and the conscience of good and the loftier feelings which here and there we become aware of in the conduct and sentiments of in- dividuals, unless we believe that while the decay was very great indeed, and the deffection from the original I.] spirits since the Fall. 23 state of good, the merciful Creator, who among the Jews was preparing a restoration for the whole race, was upholding, beyond their nature, the heathen nations also from sinking, like the evil spirits, to a depth of debasement which should be too low to be restored. However this may be, there can be no doubt that even in the first age, as I have called it, of the develop- ment of the doctrine of God, when He was hitherto known among men only as the single creating Spirit, it pleased Him, in some way not natural but super- natural, to infuse into the spirits of some men a light or power which was not their own, nor part nor conse- quence of their own originally-bestowed faculties, but God^s. The holy men of old in the Jewish Church, speaking as they were moved by the Holy Ghost '^, not improbably sibyls and priests of the heathens, uttering unconsciously words not their own, passed over the limits of the natural powers of their kind, and with more or less of unconsciousness gave utterance to that which was put into their mouths by the almighty Spirit who created them, and at other times left them to the natural operation of their own powers. Now what I wish particularly to observe at this point of my argument is, that the uninfluenced freedom of the spirit of a man is a considerably more difficult thought than that such spirit should receive from the almighty creating Spirit help, or influence, or direction. k 2 St. Pet. i. 21. 24 Credibility of Divine help [lect. It is more hard to conceive that the created spirit of a man^ particularly in its decayed and degenerate state, when the imaginations of his heart are only evil con- tinually, should be absolutely left to the free working of its own natural powers, than that the Creator- Spirit should in some way occupy, enlighten, strengthen, straighten it. His work it is, even in its decay. He designs and wills its restoration. He is round it, with it, entirely conscious of its inmost secrets. He can, if He will, pervade it wholly. If He will. He can by a mere act of power replace or recreate it in its pristine perfection. Surely supernatural aid from the Creating Spirit is not a thought which ought to be considered a strange, still less an incredible one. On the contrary, looking, as we are looking, at the original relation of the creating and created spirits, it would seem to be a very credible and likely thing that, beyond and above the natural powers of the kind, God should ' inspire ■* some or many of them, according to His will, in such ways as might tend to keep the race to which He was continually adding multitudes of fresh souls, all debased and at enmity with Himself, from falling utterly and hopelessly away, and so should prepare the restoration which in His infinite mercy He had always designed. But while we speak of the Divine Spirit, omnipotent and omnipresent, as able to impart of His own powers, strength, light, knowledge not their own into the free spirits of men whom He created, whereby He may more I.] to degenerated spirits. 25 or less completely occupy them^ dwell in them, and fill them with Himself, let it not be supposed for a moment that any portion of such power belongs to any created spirits whatever, whether obedient and retaining still their first estate •, or disobedient and fallen. No angel nor devil has any gift of ubiquity. If any created spirit be in one place, he is not in another. If he is busy pro- tecting or endangering the soul of one, he is not with another. Moreover, no created spirit can penetrate, or enter into, or fill, or possess by actual indwelKng the spirit of a man. The good spirits derive their holiness from the Holy Spirit. As to the evil spirits, from whom all such aid has been wholly withdrawn, and who are thereby left to the unmitigated badness and misery of free spirits in rebellion, we know indeed that they have been allowed to dwell in the bodies of men, as Satan entered into Judas Iscariot, inflaming desires, suggesting thoughts, creating opportunities and offering excuses for sin. But the free spirit of a man is not liable to direct invasion or occupation by any created spirit whatever ™. It may, no doubt, enslave itself. It may yield and yield till it is in no sense its own master any longer. The evil spirit may thus have mastered it and reduced it to hopeless captivity. Yet even then, in this consummation of the victory of evil, it is a victory from without. The free spirit has put on bondage. But the Holy, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Spirit of the 1 Vide Note B, m Vide Note C. 26 Creator-Spirit alone ubiquitous, omnipotent, [lect. Most High God can if He will, and as He will, inspire and sanctify, or occupy and utterly fill the spirits of all, men and angels, whom He has created. If He be in one Spirit, He is not less in another. If it be true that He is still, in these days, far from the spirits of the heathen, or dealing with them only in occasional visitations as with the heathen in the days before Christ, He is not the less dwelling in the Church and the members of the Church, not less in the souls of the departed just than in those who are still fighting in His strength the battle of God against the world, the flesh, and the devil. And this we believe that the Holy Spirit of God doeth, in this the third age of the development of the doctrine of God, to the Church of God in general, and to the separate souls of Christian men and women. We believe that as He dwelt in Christ without measure, so, but in measure. He dwelleth in the souls of Christian people, whereby they are no longer in the simple natural state in which they were born, but in a new and super- natural state. What the powers and what the privileges are of this new state, and how they are communicated to Christ^s people, I propose to discuss in the succeeding discourses. Suffice it for the present to say, that in this indwelling, and in all the great things that belong to it, consists the operation whereby mankind, lost in Adam, are to be restored in Christ. Innocent and unfallen, man only knew the Father. What other revelations might have been designed for him, and when and how I.] upward course of the knowledge of God. 27 to be made^ we know not. It was in the course of his restoration from the state of loss and ruin that he came to know of the other holy Persons^ and of their separate action on his behalf. ^ The upward course of the know- ledge of God/ says the great St. Basil_, ^ begins from the One Spirit, and through the One Son, reaches to the One Father. And reversely, the downward course of goodness, and the natural order of sanctification, and the kingly dignity, beginning from the Father, reaches through the Son, to the Spirit °.' Thus has God, who before the Fall was at one with His human children, filling them with His Holy Spirit, and keeping them in all innocent goodness, so that their will was altogether at one with His will, since the Fall gradually brought them near to Himself, bringing there- by Himself near to them ; — in the first age their distant Father, accepting their worship through priests, giving to His chosen people, and perhaps to others, occasional indications of His will, keeping mankind from total ruin and the condition of devils, sustaining hopes more and less distinct of a restoration to be wrought afterwards ; — in the second age, their Brother, their Friend, their Example, their Atoning Sacrifice, their Risen Lord and King ; — in the third age, their close, inward, heart- sanctifying Inmate, the source of all Divine strength, and all acceptable service. And so, restored and sanc- tified man returns by gradual ascent upward to the n Vide Note D. 2S Upward course of the knowledge of God. [lect. Father. ' For,' as St. Basil says again, * receiving the gifts, we first meet Him who distributeth them [the Spirit] : next we apprehend Him who sent Him [the Son] ; and so we lift our thought to the first Fountain and Cause of all good things^ [the Father] o. I forbear all attempt to speculate on the mysterious language of the Holy Scriptures respecting the seven- fold nature of the Holy Spirit, so remarkably foreshown in the golden candlestick of the seven lamps in the tabernacle Pj in the prophecies of Isaiah and Zeehariah, and referred to over and over again in the Book of the Revelation of St. John, indicating^ as it might seem, yet some further mystery — to be revealed, it may be, here- after — in the being of God. Nor will I endeavour to come to any clear understanding of the manner or way in which we may conceive the Holy Omnipotent Spirit to act upon the free subordinate spirits which He has created. What is the precise meaning, for example, of being born of the Spirit, I suppose we cannot dis- cover ; nor is it important to enquire. We can under- stand with sufficient clearness what would be the con- dition of a free subordinate spirit left absolutely to the workings of its own will. We can understand how, if the will be warped, or evil, it might sink down into utter and unlimited ruin and despite of God. On the o Vide Note E. p Exod. XXV. 31, 37 ; Isa. xi. 2 ; Zech. iv. 2 ; Rev. i. 4^ iii. 1, iv. 5, V. 6. I.] General conceptions of spiritual help. 29 other hand^ we can conceive^ sufficiently at least for our purpose, that God may, if He will, repair it anew in its original goodness and strength; or how, short of this, He may, if He will, fortify it with powers not its own in its feebleness and danger ; that He may do so in degrees varying from the faintest whispers of good, the slightest and most occasional help, to the fullest occu- pation and, so to speak, repletion with Himself, making man not less man, but as it were Divine q. We can sufficiently understand the difference between such help as is occasional and uncovenanted, and such as is per- manent and promised. Nor is there any difficulty in conceiving that help given in the permanent and pro- mised way may be gradually taken away if misused and neglected, and so, the Divine and supernatural element once infused into the spirit of man, gradually and totally withdrawn. And such general conceptions will suffice to enable us to understand practically the expressions of Holy Scripture, when we read of the birth of the Spirit, being filled with the Spirit, speaking by the Spirit, the Spirit speaking in men, grieving or quenching the Spirit, or the Spirit not always striving with man. The operations of the Holy Spirit, whether in the Church at large or in the separate hearts of Christians, are secret, invisible, and at least ordinarily undistinguish- able by any inward consciousness from the natural work- ing of the mind of man. But lest that which is thus 1 2 St. Pet. i. 4. 30 Outward assurances of spiritual help. [lect. invisible should for that reason be disbelieved^ or coun- terfeitedj or in any of the various ways in which human incredulity or human enthusiasm might do it wrong, abused to the injury of man, it has pleased God to bind His invisible operations to outward and visible methods, which give assurance of that of which otherwise we might be uncertain. The great channel whereby the invisible Spirit is communicated to men is the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, visible, to be recognized of all men, a city set upon a hill. The assurance of the first gift of the invisible Spirit to the separate human spirit, is to be seen in the water and the sacred words which by Christ's institution convey and accompany the birth of the Spirit. The assurance of the life and growth of the Holy Spirit, of the con- tinuing love and favour of God, and of our being very members incorporate in the body of Christ which is the blessed company of all faithful people, is in the faithful partaking of the blessed eucharistic bread and wine, which communicate the spiritual food of the body and blood of Christ, and unite us more closely than anything else on earth with God. The proof that we are not under delusion in believing ourselves thus helped by the invisible Spirit, and gradually drawing nearer to God and heaven, is to be found in the fruits of the Spirit, in love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance'*. So mercifully is the ' Gal. V. 22. I.] Plan of tJu Lectures. 31 viewless operation of the Spirit, invisible to others^ un- felt in ourselves,, bound to things which we can hear and see, and surelj know, in order that the humble spirit of a Christian man, walking before God in patient and orderly ways^ may receive the blessed assurance that by the working of God he is being drawn up to high and heavenly things^ and gradually becoming more assimilated to the likeness of his Lord. I propose in the ensuing Lectures to trace in some degree the administration of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christj to trace it from the unmeasured fulness with the Holy Spirit dwelling in Christ Himself to the measured and divided sufficiency with which the same gift was imparted to the Apostles and through them to the Church at large. It will be my object to show that, compatibly with the existence by successive ordination of persons expressly empowered to administer the life-giving and life-sup- porting rites of the Church, the real and ultimate pos- sessor of all the power and privilege, under Christ, is the Church itself; the Church entire; not apostles, not bishops, not clergy alone ; but the entire body of Christ, comprising apostles, bishops, clergy, and lay-people, — all in their respective places contributing, and bound to contribute, to the great work of diffusing more widely, and deepening where it is diffused, the living energy of the Holy Spirit, so far as it is given to human agency to aid in diffusing and deepening it. 32 Plan of the Lectures. It is obvious that so great a subject must necessarily be dealt with in a very slight and superficial way in the course of eight Lectures, and I am painfully aware that what is necessarily and in itself slight and superficial will be still more so in my hands. But I have wished to descend upon various great questions of Church con- stitution and administration from the height of a great principle ; and for this purpose a superficial and some- what hasty view may not be without advantage. Many great things are more capable thus of being seen in their mutual relation to each other, than if the details of each were more thoroughly searched into. I shall endeavour^ if it please God, in the next Lec- ture to speak of the general doctrine of the Spirit-bear- ing Church with its divinely constituted and ordained organs, that is to say the Priesthood. The two follow- ing Lectures will deal with the subject of apostolical and ecclesiastical teaching and authority. Then will follow three Lectures on the two Sacraments of the Gospel and the two great sacramentals, Ordination and Absolution. The concluding Lecture will be devoted to the subject of the Personal Priesthood, by which every member of Christ is permitted to draw near to the Father, and pre- sent himself in his body and soul a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God for Christ^s sake, rendering there- by his own rational and intelligent service. LECTURE IL THE SPIRIT-BEARING CHURCH WITH ITS DIVINELY CONSTITUTED ORGANS. And John hare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon Him. And I knew Him not: hut He that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me. Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him^ the same is He which haptizeth with the Holy Ghost. — St. John i, 32, 33- T^HE event recorded by St. John the Evangelist in these two verses forms, I apprehend, an epoch of the greatest possible importance in the history of the Church of God. With the proper relation of being borne by the second and third Persons of the Holy Trinity to one another in their own eternal and equal Godhead, we have at present no concern. Nor is it of any importance to our present discussion to speculate upon the degree or manner in which the Holy Spirit dwelt in and with the Man Christ Jesus for His own sanctification while He ^grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and the grace of D 34 TJu Holy Spirit given without [lect. God was upon Him %^ from His conception in the womb of tlie Blessed Virgin Mother till the day of His baptism in the river Jordan. But when that baptism was completely done ^, and the Lord had gone np out of the water,, having fulfilled all righteousness « by accepting the ministrations of the Baptist, the descent of the Holy Spirit as here recorded^ and His remaining upon the Lord, seem to mark the precise commence- ment of that with which I am more immediately concerned) the administration of the Holy Spirit for the restoration of mankind. The visible descent of the dove not only designated, but empowered also, the Man Christ Jesus to be in all time to His Church the sole baptizer with the Holy Ghost ^j the one and single Source through whom, by such channels and media as He should choose and empower, the Holy Spirit should pass in an orderly and covenanted way for the sanctifi- cation and salvation of men. In like manner, when we read, two chapters later in St. John^s Gospel, that God giveth not His Holy Spirit by measure [unto Christ] e, and that He consequently speaketh the words of God, we are, no doubt, to under- stand that in the Man Christ Jesus, ^ whom God hath sent,^ the Holy Spirit dwelleth, not as in other men, divided severally according to the will of God, but a St. Luke ii. 40. t, vide Note F. c St. Matt. iii. 15. * St. John i. 33. e St. John iii. 34. II.] measure to Christ, for men. 35 entirely, absolutely, without separation of office or distinction of gift. Not only did His human spirit altogether conspire and agree according to its human powers with the Holy Spirit, but it was also made to be so much greater in capacity than that of other men, so superhuman in ability to receive, to entertain, and to impart, that no gift, no power, no fulness, nor large- ness of divine and spiritual influence can be conceived but such as He possessed in the most unlimited and complete abundance, and could bestow on others. Out of His fulness have all we received. The gift was in Him entire. He had the spring, the fountain, the very source of the welling waters of the Holy Spirit of God. This gift of the Holy Spirit was, no doubt, imparted thus to the Man Christ Jesus for our sake. Blending with the fulness of His own personal sanctification, it was yet not identical with it. He needed it not for Himself, we may be sure. It was given to supply these ' differences of administration ^ ' which all proceed from the same Lord. It was to be communicated from Himself to His people. But this communication was not to take place instantly and at once. It was necessary that He should first live for a while in the flesh upon the earth, teaching, preparing, and fulfilling prophecy, proving Himself, by all the wonderful works that He did?, to be the expected Messiah, the hope I 1 Cor. xii. 5. « Vide Note G. D % S6 Given by Christ to the [lect. of Israel. It was necessary that He should transact on the earth all the work of His glorification — the glorification as of the corn of wheat which dies and is buried before it rises to its new and multiplied life ^. It was necessary that He should give His life upon the cross a ransom for many, and rising from the dead after preaching to the spirits in prison,, should be exalted to His Father's right hand in heaven. Then, when all this was duly done, and the glorifi- cation of the Lord consummated by His ascension in the flesh, everything preliminary to the full efiusion of the Holy Spirit was completed. Ten days more of solemn waiting, and then at length, in visible form as of divided tongues of fire, and with the sound of a mighty rushing wind, He descended on the great day of Pentecost. It was from the Father that the dove had come forth and remained upon the head of the Son on the banks of Jordan. It was by the Son that the tongues of fire were sent down which sat upon the head of twelve in one of the chambers, if it be so, of the Temple of Jerusalem. I say, brethren, upon the head of twelve ; for though I am aware that many of the greatest ancient writers speak of the tongues as one hundred and twenty, the number of the disciples who were together at the election of St. Matthias, yet even these appear to acknowledge at other times that, for the purpose of succession and h St. John xii. 23, 24. II.] Twelve Apostles at Pentecost. 37 derived authority^ the gift was in the apostles alone. So_, for instance, St. Augustine, who at other times speaks confidently of there having been a hundred and twenty tongues, says, ' He thoroughly bathed the apo- stles with the spring of living light, so that they afterwards, like twelve rays of the sun, and as many torches of truth, should illuminate the whole world, and inebriated, should fill it with new wine, and should water the thirsty hearts of the nations i/ I wish, therefore, to be understood, not as denying that the number of those on whom the tongues rested exceeded twelve — though I confess that I doubt it — but as meaning that on twelve, and twelve only, they rested in such sort as to make them the patriarchs of the family of Christ, the channels for the communication of the graces of the Holy Spirit, in His orderly and covenanted methods, to the sons of men. In this great event, then, the Holy Spirit, who had dwelt without measure in the Lord Himself, was by Him imparted to twelve men, in order to be imparted to others. The Twelve were become, for purposes of spiritual administration, the living and life -giving Church. They were become the Spirit -bearing and Spirit-transmitting body of Christ; He in them, and they in Him ; one in the oneness of the Holy Spirit, in some sort, as He was one with the Father. All the great things said in the seventeenth chapter of i Vide Note H. SS The Twelve became the Church. [lect. St. John were now fully true of them. They, in their spiritual being and aspect,, were not of this world — that is, they did not owe their origin to this world — even as their Lord was not of this world. It seems to me to be important to dwell for a short time on this point — I mean the condition of the Twelve during the short time that elapsed before they began to teach or baptize or bring others into the communion of the body of Christ. In them, conjointly, dwelt for the present the fulness of the Holy Spirit, in so far forth as He was given jfrom Christ to be transmitted for the sanctification of mankind. Personal graces, administrative graces, all the diversities of gifts to be given in many divisions to men in the Church through human agency, were to issue from that great gift which, hitherto undivided, except to twelve holders, rested for such transmission upon them alone. As in the case of the miraculous feeding of the multitudes of four or five thousand J the Lord gave to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitude, so the gifts which were to sanctify the innumerable company of the mem- bers of the body of Christ in all future ages should flow down from one single source through twelve channels. Governors and governed, teachers and taught, graces inward and graces outward — all Christians should derive the orderly communication of the cove- nanted indwelling of the Holy Spirit through the J St. Matt. xix. 19, xv. 36. II.] Position of the Twelve. 39 agency of these twelve men on whom the tongues sat^ like as of fire, on that great day. As I must not be understood to deny that the gift of Pentecost was extended^ except for purposes of trans- mission and derivation_, to others besides the apostles, so neither do I mean to signify that the gift bestowed on the apostles at Pentecost was the first and only aid of the Holy Spirit which they had received. On the contrary, during all the time of their companionship with the Lord from their first believing, they always undoubtedly possessed — ' pro modulo tamen et mensura/ to adopt the words of St. Jerome speaking on this very point ^ — the gift of the Holy Spirit. Without Him they could not have believed originally. By Him they had wrought miracles. By Him they had confessed Christ, and clung to Him under the pressure of difficulties of doctrine of no slight magnitude — ^ Lord, to whom shall we go ? ' — and not wholly deserted Him, even when for a while they forsook Him and fled in the moment of extreme danger in the Garden of Gethsemane. More- over the breath of the Lord, as recorded in the twentieth of St. John^, had been a further and most signal step in that ' profectus apostolicus ' of the same St. Jerome, the growth and progress of the apostles, before the last great effusion gave them the real ' baptism of the Holy Ghost,^ which, completing their own graces, enabled k St. Hieron. Epist. cxx. ad Hedibiam, vol. i. pp. 835, 836. 1 St. John XX. 22. 40 Three aspects of the Twelve. [LECT. them to become the channel divinely appointed for diffusing those graces to other men. And not to the apostles only is it to be believed that occasional and partial gifts of the Holy Spirit were given before Pentecost"^. We cannot doubt that to the same Holy Spirit we must attribute all that is good in angels or men, all the special influences by which holy men spake at any time as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, all the imperfect yet hopeful feeling after God, if haply they might find Him, among the heathen, all the zeal of God which St. Paul acknowledges even in the midst of error and blindness among the Jews, all the willingness and eagerness to receive the message of sal- vation, when once it was preached, whether in Jews or Gentiles. But all this, true as it is, does not in any degree interfere with the statement which I have ventured to lay broadly down — namely, that the covenanted graces of the Holy Spirit, those of which Christian men were orderly to drink in the body of Christ, those which were to issue from the great gift of Pentecost, were all for the present moment centred, under Christ, in the Twelve. If then we were to endeavour to speak with exactness respecting the position held by the Twelve, we seem to be able to distinguish three several aspects in which they are to be regarded as recipients of the Holy Spirit. First, as Christian men, receiving the inward sanctify- m Vide Note I. II.] Baptism of tJte Twelve. 41 ing graces, the like of whicli all Christians partake of in the body of Christ. These graces, which in the case of ordinary Christians, inchoate and nncovenanted before baptism, have their covenanted beginning in baptism the sacrament of the heavenly birth of water and of the Holy Spirit, began to the Twelve in a manner exceptional and diflPerent from that in which they begin to Christians in general, as the beginning of a series must always be different from the continuance of it. None can point definitely to the time at which the apostles were bap- tized. Perhaps the truest answer to the question when were thej^ baptized would be to say that in the ordinary sense and regular manner they were never baptized at all. Yet in saying this, there are two or three points that should not be forgotten. First, that they surely received John's baptism, that is, they were solemnly washed with water as persons repenting of sin, and look- ing forward to receive forgiveness in Christ; secondly, that the Lord Himself said to Peter, ' He that hath been bathed, needeth not save to wash his feet"/ and although the main scope of these words was no doubt referrible to the times in which the Gospel should be fully preached, and the 'bath' regularly received as the outward means and pledge of the new birth, yet we can hardly suppose that they had no personal application to the apostle to whom they were spoken at the very moment when he sought to decline the washing of his feet by the Lord's n St. John xiii. 20. 42 Baptism of tJie Twelve. [lect. hands. Indeed, St. Augustine ° and Thomas Aquinas conclude from this verse that the apostles had certainly received the bath of regeneration from the hands of the Lord Himself. And thirdly, that they were expressly told by the Lord immediately before the Ascension that 'not many days hence p' they should be baptized with the Holy Ghost^ and that, in terms which by the contrast with John^s baptism seem unquestionably to denote Chris t^s baptism properly so called. Putting all these things together, it seems most in accordance with the language of Holy Scripture to conclude that either the fulness of the gift of Pentecost superseded the ^ bath^ of water indispensable in all other cases, or more probably that, superadded to the bath of Jordan, and completing and crowning the gradual increase of that ' apostolic growth^ of which St. Jerome speaks, it filled up the sacrament, and completed to those who, being them- selves the first could not receive it by the agency of any other men, the administered birth of water and the Spirit. Certainly in all other cases, even in so remark- able instances as those of Cornelius the first Gentile con- vert, and Saul the persecutor, separated as he was from his mother's womb to be an apostle q, and called by the miraculous appearance and voice of the Lord Himself on the road to Damascus, the water could not be, and was not, dispensed with. ' Can any man forbid the water/ {to vbcap) asked St. Peter at Csesarea, ' that these o Vide Note J. p Acts i. 5. i Gal. i. 15 ; Eom. i. 1. II.] Baptism of tJie Twelve. 43 should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we^?' 'Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the Name of the Lord^,' said Ananias, sent by God to restore the sight of the trembling and astonished persecutor and called apostle, and to admit him to the full sacrament of Holy Baptism. But whatever were the baptism, or the equivalent of baptism, in the case of the apostles, there can be no doubt that they received all those ordinaiy graces which to other Christian people have their covenanted be- ginning in baptism, and are continued and cherished by the use of prayer and the other means of obtaining he help of the Holy Spirit. Whatever they were besides, they were Christian men as we are — planted into the body of their Lord, looking forward therein to their divine in- heritance, liable to sin, requiring the continual help and support of the Spirit, unassured of final safety until the day when death coming upon them in the stedfastness of their repentance and faith should ' bind them fast ' for ever *To the bright shore of love*.' This first. And secondly, they were Christian men holding personally extraordinary gifts for external ser- vice, such as the gift of tongues, and others of a like ' Acts X. 47. s Acts xxii. 16. * Christian Year — Eighth Sunday after Trinity. 44 The Twelve immediately [lect. kind. Probably they were endowed with these in dif- ferent measures and degrees, — perhaps each of tliem with some more than with others ; perhaps all in a higher degree than other gifted Christians, — yet were these not different in kind from those which were given to others, for the edifying of the Body of Christ — gifts given according to the will of the Spirit to every man to profit withal. And eminently among these high gifts was the inward vision of the revealed truth of God, divinely qualifying them to be the sacred prophets of that truth to all generations of mankind. And, thirdly, they had what no other men ever had, or could have after them— the full gift of the Holy Spirit for diffusion by the use of outward means among the countless multitudes of Christian people who should come after them. 'As out of the twelve patriarchs,^ says Hooker, ' issued the whole multitude of Israel according to the flesh,'' so ' according to the mystery of heavenly birth our Lord^s apostles we all acknowledge to be the patriarchs of the whole Church".'' They were, for the time, the Church ; not members only, not governors or teachers only — others in all time should be these — but comprising in themselves, as in the first reservoir from the sacred spring, all membership, and all governorship, the whole of which in all subsequent generations of the Church should trace its descent, so « Eccl. Polity, Bk. V. ch. Ixxvii. II.] begin to baptize others. 45 far as it should be legitimate, through them to the Holy Spirit of Christ Himself. No sooner, however, had the Twelve received the power from on high for which they had been bidden by the Lord to tarry in the city of Jerusalem ^, than they began to impart of it to others. Perhaps we may not un- duly generalize here, and drawing a Christian universal from this particular, say that the true fire of the Holy Spirit can never be present in any man without its setting him instantly upon endeavouring to diffiise that light and heat to others beside himself. However, on that very morning they began to baptize, and baptizing, whether by their own unassisted hands or no, not fewer than two hundred and fifty people apiece between nine o'clock in the forenoon and night, had already exhibited the beginning of that irrepressible growth of the sacred body of Christ, which should cause it to resemble the grain of mustard-seed in its enlargement, and the mul- tiplication of the buried corn of wheat. To the three thousand men and women that day planted into the body of Christ the Holy Spirit was given. One and all they received the ordinary graces of Holy Baptism, the birth of water and the Holy Ghost. Nothing was want- ing to them, in order to the making of their calling and election sure, except to keep, to strengthen, to cherish and increase in their hearts the Divine grace which, together with the means of cherishing and increasing it, ^ Acts i. 3. 46 The Church on the Evening of Pentecost, [lect. was already theirs. Thus began — to be continued to the whole multitude of Christian people in every age of the Church — the transmitted graces of personal holiness and acceptableness in Christ, the precious personal graces^ by means of which men and women planted into Christ are to reach salvation. If then what I have said be true, and on the morning of the first great Whit Sunday the Twelve constituted the Church_, so as to have become, so to speak, the bod}'- of Christ visible upon the earth, how stood the case on the evening of that same day, when now three thousand men and women were already baptized y_, and so had been made to drink into that one Spirit whose presence constitutes and binds into one that great and sacred "Body? And how stood the case when the Lord went on to add daily, as we read, to the Church such as were in process of salvatiin, and multitudes of men and women, to the number of many thousands more, were brought into the body z ? It seems to me to be very important indeed to en- deavour to realize the state of things, in respect, I mean, of the divine and spiritual powers and privileges of the body, which was necessarily brought about by this change. There can, I suppose, be no doubt that in the lan- guage of Holy Scripture it is the Church, entire and complete, not any class, or rank, or caste of persons y Acts ii. 41, 47. = Acts iv. 4, v. 14, vi. 7. II.] The Church the successor of Christ. 47 within it J which is spoken of as the Spirit-bearing body of Christ, the successor of Christy the holder of power and privilege in Christy — nay, even as Christ Himself upon the earth. ^ As the body of a man is one and hath many mem- bers, and all the members of that one body, though they be many ' and have various offices of duty and degrees of strength and honour, 'are one body^ so also is Christ a.' No person can, I suppose, have any doubt that this great saying applies to the Church at large^ not to the apostles or clergy within the Church only, but to the entire Church, including all its members whether clerical or lay. In like manner we believe, with St. Cyprian and St. Augustine ^, that when Christ promised to St. Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven c^ He promised them to the Church at large, whose faith and whose unity St. Peter on that occasion represented. We believe that in the case of the admission of a child or a converted heathen into the body of Christ by Holy Baptism, it is the Church at large, the common parent of Christians **, who bears as a mother the newly made member of the body. We believe that in Holy Communion it is the whole Church, the body of Christ, which commemo- rates the life-giving sacrifice of the Lord, feeding its unity and its holiness by feeding on the meat indeed and the drink indeed of His spiritual body and blood ®. We a 1 Cor. xii. 12. b Vide Note K. «= St. Matt. xiv. 18. d Gal. vi. 26. « 1 Cor. x. 17, xi. 2G ; St. John vi. 55. 48 A divine succession within tJte Church, [lect. believe that in absolution it is the Churches peace that is given; that in excommunication the sentence is to be pronounced upon such as, when their sin has been told to the Church, refuse to hear the Church f. If a council makes decrees in matters of faith, it does so not as over- ruling the Church, nor as issuing laws of faith to the Church upon its own authority, but as representing more or less faithfully the entire Church, and speaking in its name, so that its decrees are really binding in exact proportion to that faithfulness. All these things speak plainly to the great truth that in the Church in its entireness, in all its members, not in some only, dwells the fulness of the Holy Spirit, and so the ulti- mate authority which nothing but the indwelling of the Holy Spirit can give. If an ordinary parish priest teaches his people, he still speaks as the parson, that is, as bearing in his small sphere the person g of the Church. This is one great half of the truth, never to be for- gotten. But all this is entirely compatible with that other not less important half, namely, that there exists in this Spirit-bearing body a divinely descended priest- hood, who, ordained by imposition of hands in due succession from the apostles, are divinely authorized to represent the entire Church in these various functions, reserving some of them entirely in their own hands to administer, yet even in these wielding powers which are ultimately the powers of the whole body, and in others f St. Matt, xviii. 17. s Gerens personam Ecclesiae. II.] A representative Priesthood. 49 asking, in various degrees^ the joint action of other members of the body besides themselves. It is not necessary in order to constitute a true re- presentation either that the representatives should be selected and empowered in the first place by universal choice and delegation, or that they should require, in order to be continued in their representative position^ any renewal of reference to the universal will. It is however, I imagine, essential to a faithful representation, considering that the representatives are only men, and therefore liable to the infirmities of human feeling and passion, that the whole body should in some manner and degree that should be real, however small, have a certain amount of power to act; that it should not be absolutely and entirely excluded, I do not say from any participation in the actual administration of such powers, but at least from contributing its sanction (and if its sanction, then by obvious consequence its possible refusal of sanction) in such ways and degrees as to con- stitute a reality however subordinate, or indirect, . or retrospective, even in the highest and most sacred in- stances of the exercise of such powers. And herein the view which I have stated differs from that of the Roman Catholic writers, who, admitting the representative character of the clergy, and carrying it further, so as to maintain the virtual representation of the whole Church in the single person of the Bishop of Rome, do really destroy in fact what they acknowledge in 50 A represejitative Priesthood. [LECT. terms, while they entirely disallow that amount of real participation which appears to be absolutely essential to any real representation at all^. This then is the position which I desire to take, and this is indeed the very thesis which it is my purpose to illustrate in these Lectures — namely^ that while on the one hand the Spirit-bearing Church in all its members is the ultimate possessor of every sort of divine power and privilege in and under Christ the Head^ so that the persons who exercise spiritual office and authority within it are, in strictness of speech^ real representatives of the body of which they are thus made to be the organs, — on the other hand it is most true, and most earnestly to be maintained, that they also hold by direct descent from the apostles the gift of the Holy Spirit, conferred in the apostolic laying on of hands, which gift empowers^ enables, and authorizes them, as nothing else can do, to discharge those offices and exercise those powers which thus in the name and on the behalf of the whole Church they discharge and execute towards the separate members of it. It is obvious, I trust, that I am speaking now^ not of the personal graces bestowed upon the single souls of Christians for their separate growth in holiness, but of the official graces, if I may so call them, which, inherent in the whole body, are exercised within it representatively by the clergy. h Vide Note L. II.] A representative Priesthood, 51 Perhaps it is necessary^ in order to distinguish these things clearly from one another, to add a few more words of explanation. We believe, then, that there are ministered to every person once made a member of the body of Christ personal graces of inestimable value, whereby he has within him the birth of the Holy Ghost, the privilege of sonship, arid the right of personal prayer and unimpeded access to the throne of the mercy of God, so that even if he were alone in the world it would be possible for him (though, no doubt, in his isolation deprived of many great blessings and comforts in the Church) yet to make his divine calling and election sure in Christ to the end. But each individual person needs for his perfection to come, in a multitude of ways, under the operation of the collective graces, so to call them, which dwell in the Church of God as such, beyond and above those personal ones which dwell in himself and in all his brethren and neighbours in the Church together. For the body of Christ is not a mere aggregate of sanctified individuals. Consisting as it does of all the members, yet it is more than all the members together. It possesses gifts which are not merely the united gifts of the aggregated mem- bers, but gifts of the body as such. The individuals only derive their life from the life of the body. They do not draw the life of their baptism from the minister- ing priest or from their godparents. The Church is their mother in Christ, and the priest and the godparents E 2 52 A representative Priesthood. [LECT. are in their respective offices representatives of the Church, as the Church is the representative of her Lord. It is with the Church, and the separate Christians who compose the Church, as it is with the natural body to which St. Paul so often compares them. It is not the life that is in the hand, the life that is in the eye^ the life that is in the ear, which, together with the life of all the other members, make up the life which is in the body. On the contrary, it is the life which is in the body which is the principle of the life that is in each and all of them. If the body should die, they die of course, and all together. They cannot club together their derivative lives, and make a joint-stock of life to supersede, or be equivalent to, or outlive the life that is in the body. And extremely parallel to the case of the members of the natural body, is that of the members of the Body of Christ. They have, no doubt, a life in them which once derived from the life of the body is truly their own, and not dependent, so far as regards themselves and the absolute necessities of their own personal salvation, upon the life that is in others ; yet even for their own perfection it is in many ways ne- cessary that graces different from those which are de- termined to the growth of individuals should dwell among them, while for the continuance of the succession of Christian people in other generations, and for the performance of such works upon individuals as they need for their full perfection, it is necessary that some II.] A represetitative Priesthood. 53 persons should be qualified by express qualification to exercise upon them those powers which ultimately reside in the body at large, so as to be the organs of the body for these purposes, the channels of those graces which may be called collective rather than personal, official rather than directly sanctifying. But returning to what is my more immediate subject, the official graces or powers, I repeat that the holders of them are, when properly regarded, to be considered as divinely descended representatives, exercising within the body the powers which essentially and ultimately belong to the body itself at large. I must repeat that these two things are not in any degree inconsistent in themselves, or incompatible with one another; and that no reason whatever is to be alleged, drawn from the nature of the case, why a true representation of others should not be intrusted to an hereditary or long descended class of holders, or why a succession of men inheriting authority for the purpose from such a long descent, sufficiently authorized in its beginning and its subsequent steps, should not at the same time be true representatives of the whole body to which they belong. If the case were one of merely human institution, such as the civil polity of a state, there would, no doubt, be a great likelihood of their being found to be practically incompatible ; for the hereditary holders of power might very probably forget their representative character altogether, and those whom 54 ■ Divine descent and trne [lect. they claimed to represent might come to find that their mind and wish, however universal and undouhted, was entirely ignored and lost sight of by their so-called re- presentatives. Usurpation and tyranny gradually grow- ing up would probably issue in their natural consequence of revolution and disunion. Yet even in this case the evil would not be really inherent in the nature of the case, but in the passions of men. That such ill consequences may occur even in the case of the Church is, alas ! only too clearly proved by the course of its history. Usurpation has, in that case, also proved to be the fruitful source of every sort of division and disunion. But the Church has within it the secret of restoration. The primitive constitution of the Church, fairly studied and obediently followed, would seem to point out, if men would honestly and faithfully adopt it, the true remedy. In the recognition of the due relation of the separate members of the Spirit-bearing body to each other, and of the whole to Christ, lies the rule which is to reconcile in all time interests, so to call them, and actions which might otherwise be liable to conflict. The powers of all are derived, none are original. The Holy Spirit is alike the source of all, and the primitive usage and practice of the Church of Christ seem to assign to all the true and perfectly intelligible limits of their respective authority. There is assuredly re- served to the Church at large, at least in its primitive II.] representation not incompatible. 55 constitution^ authority to remonstrate and to overrule tyrannical pretensions on tbe part of those who hold the official powers^ as the holders of these official powers have also the right in their respective places and degrees to rebuke and repress the extravagances of individual fancy^ or of congregational caprice and self-will. If either of these two essential principles of the constitution of the Church should be omitted or for- gotten (as indeed each has been woefully forgotten in some portion of the Church), extreme evil cannot fail to be the consequence. If the holders of ministerial office and power come to be regarded merely as repre- sentatives of their brethren, deriving all authority to exercise their functions from the express or implied delegation of the multitude in each successive generation — which is, I presume, more or less the extreme Pro- testant view — one of two consequences can hardly fail to follow : either there will *be a mere Congregationalism, in which every community, either great or small (and communities will gradually, by the continued operation of the same cause, become smaller and smaller), will feel itself at liberty to elect and depose its ministers, to determine without appeal upon the truth for itself, and to institute laws and rites of worship according to its own judgment — a consequence which would involve innumerable varieties of teaching and practice, and divisions and subdivisions without end — or, if it were 56 Both principles essential. [lect. attempted to set up any central and general authority, it would be impossible to establish, or, if it were im- pugned, to prove, the universal consent on which alone it could be intelligibly based, and extremely difficult to displace it, if, in consequence of its becoming cor- rupt or tyrannical, or for any other adequate reason, that universal consent, once given, should be withheld or changed. The case would not be very unlike the instances with which we are familiar in political life, of irresponsible power based upon a factitious universal suffrage. On the other hand, if the holders of such offices were to be regarded merely as descendants and inheritors of powers originally confined to twelve men, and subsequently handed down from them by direct and exclusive succession to themselves, I do not see how they could be regarded otherwise as a body, than a separate, irresponsible, supreme company, as compared with the mass of lay Christians. They would be, not indeed by blood, but by clear separation and difference, a caste in the Church, in whom would absolutely reside all the power, all the knowledge, all the prerogatives of authority of all kinds, while the large mass of men and women who constituted the immense numerical majority in the Church would have no duty but to listen, submit, and obey — no voice in counsel, no share in power, no right of judging, criticising, or objecting. In short, on this theory the clergy would be the real Church, and the lay-people simply dumb recipients of II.] TJu real life is in the body. 57 whatever the clerisy — that is the Church — chose to lay upon them. But in the joint and true theory, both these inconveniences are avoided. The powers inherited by the whole body are determined for administration to such as, holding by direct succession from the apo- stles, receive not the personal designation only, but the personal grace and empowerment also by the gift of the Holy Spirit conveyed by the imposition of apostolic hands, which authorizes and enables them to exercise upon the members of the ' body various sorts of authority which are really inherent in the body itself. They are for public purposes the organs of the body's life ; but the great life itself, the great deposit of the spiritual life, remains in the body at large. There is the true inheritor of Christ, the real agent which, in- stinct with the Holy Ghost, mighty in numbers, mighty in diverse gifts, mighty in faith, mighty in holiness, irresistible and all-powerful if it were as perfect as it might be in holiness, still more irresistible and all- powerful if it were at full and entire unity in itself — unity of doctrine, unity of love, and unity of action — contains in itself the real principle of absolute con- quest and mastery over the whole world. The analogy so much presented to us in Holy Scripture, of the natural body of a man, can hardly, as it seems to me, be pressed too far in its strong and close bearing upon my present point. One vitality diffused over the whole, special organs for special services of general and in- 58 Analogy of tJie natural body. [lect. dispensable use^ all needful for each_, each needful for all; — does not tlie likeness seem to fit in every par- ticular^ shewing by an example of which every one of us is fully capable of judging how ^ the whole ^ spiritual 'body fitly framed together and compacted by means of every joint of the supply, according to the working in the measure of each several part^ maketh the growth of the body unto the building up of itself in love ^ ? ' The strength and health of the whole natural body is needed to enable each separate member and limb, each bodily organ and faculty, to discharge its own proper functions successfully ; and yet no one of these separate members or organs derives its own peculiar functions nor the power to exercise them in the first place from that strength and health. The nervous sensibility help- ful to the eye as the organ of sight, or to the ear as the organ of hearing, or to the other organs for the discharge of their respective offices, is diff'used over the whole body; yet not only do these organs not derive their peculiar powers from that diffused sensibility, but if the organs themselves be from any cause inoperative^ no such diffused sensibility can restore them. The body is absolutely blind if the eye cannot see,, and entirely deaf if the ear cannot hear. The case appears to be closely, I might say singularly, parallel to that of the spiritual body, and may very justly, as it does most forcibly^ illustrate the case of a priesthood, strictly i Eph. iv. 16. II,] Occasional diffictdties. 59 representative in its own proper being, yet receiving- personal designation and powers, not by original deri- vation from the body which it represents, or continual reference to it, but by perpetual succession from a divine source and spring of authorizing grace. No doubt very many practical questions of no slight importance and difficulty may arise under peculiar cir- cumstances. It may happen that the succession requi- site for the due transmission, and so for the full inheritance of the priestly powers, may by various accidents be broken. Casual occurrences, like that of the throwing of the survivors of the crew of the ' Bounty' upon Pitcairn^s Island, or political compli- cations like those which led to the discontinuance of the episcopate in Protestant Germany, may cause either the inevitable interruption or the practical stoppage of functions which we believe to be essential to the full and perfect constitution of the body. Yet even in such cases as these, the analogy of the natural body does not fail to suggest the true solution of the difficulty. The whole body with its diffused vital sensibility, the whole body with its large and manifold powers, can do a great deal, if not to supply, at least to compen- sate for the loss — the temporary loss or deficiency of power in a single organ. We know how much more acute and sensitive than is ordinarily natural to them some of our senses are wont to become when others are for a long time interrupted in theiV exercise ; how 6o Compensation for imperfect [lect. keen^ for instance, hearing and touch are wont to become to those who have been very long deprived of the nse of sight or are born blind. We know how abnormal the sensitive powers which pervade the whole body sometimes become in their acuteness in cases of natural or artificial somnambulism. Yet surprising as these powers are in the way of helpfulness or partial compensation when any special organ is long inactive or originally deficient,, yet they cannot either restore the organ itself in its decay or be a full substitute for it if it be wanting. If the eye cannot see^ circuitous methods may, no doubt^ be adopted which may be more or less successful in conveying to the brain some idea of those impressions which sight would have imparted at once; yet these neither are nor can be the same, nor nearly equivalent to the ideas of real sight. And exactly so it may probably be with the organs of the spiritual body. The life that is in all the members may suflftce in some degree to supply something that in particular places is wanting, and under special circum- stances may ofier a practical substitute for the inter- rupted graces which should have flowed down in orderly succession from the ordaining apostles^ so that we may well believe that personal life in the Spirit may still be maintained even there and then; and yet it is necessary for the perfect condition even of the personal life, at least to future generations, that the locally or partially interrupted succession should be restored as II.] or deficient oi'gaiis. 6i soon and as completely as possible. Not all the nervous power and health of all the rest of the natural body can make an eye, nor enable the man who is blind, to see; nor can all the lay people together either be or make a priest. It only now remains to endeavour to trace, through the main ordinances of the Christian Church, the joint operation of these co-ordinate and closely related powers. Each has, in its turn in the course of the history of the Church, been greatly obscured ; each is, by many Christ- ian people, still held with such narrow and one-sided strength as to exclude practically, if not theoretically, the other. But in the maintenance of both — the real and effective maintenance of both, in their respective places, and with their respective authority — lie the strength, the weight, the stability, and the effectiveness of the Church in every part of its divine work. And so it must needs be, if, as we believe, both alike are the gift of the Holy Spirit of God, in whom alone man can hope to affect the soul of man, or help or guide, in any the least degree, himself or his brethren forward on the road that leads to holiness and salvation. LECTURE III. THE TEACHING AND AUTHORITY OF THE APOSTLES. Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yotir's; whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are your's; and ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's. — I Corinthians iii. 21-23. TT is the peculiarity of the Christian religion, as con^ trasted with all other systems which have at various times claimed the religious respect of men, that it is based on certain truths exterior to man, the belief of which is necessary as a qualification for the admission in the first place^ and afterwards for the continuance of men in the brotherhood and privileges of the Christian body. These truths are of two kinds : firsts abstract truths^ as of the nature of God ; and secondly, concrete truths^ or facts^ as of His doings towards men in the course of their history. The former class comprises those truths which, though unassisted reason might in some degree have discovered or guessed at them, as at the being and attributes of God, yet require the en- The Christian religion based upon revealed Truth. 6^, lightening and informing help of God in order to become fully and correctly known. The latter class comprises those which, though as facts which have been transacted on the earth thej' belong to a great degree to the class of things to be witnessed by historical and human evidence, are yet much blended with the former class in respect of all those particulars which give them re- ligious significance and import. Of the former kind is the truth of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, in all its details ; of the latter are the facts of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection^ which have their peculiar religious importance in the divine greatness and dignity of Him who suffered and rose again. These truths are, according to the Christian scheme, not only to be generally recognized by Christian men, but are to be closely, faithfully, and, if I may so say, affectionately, believed and accepted by each several one of them. Such distinct personal belief of them is one of the necessary qualifications for participating in the blessings of the Christian religion. It is not enough to adhere and to worship ; but a rational and intelligent belief in these truths (proportionate, no doubt, in point of intellectual fulness and accuracy to a man^s oppor- tunities and capacity of forming it), is requisite for every individual Christian. Such faith is one of the necessary cords or links of the great union which is allowed to bind man to God in Christ. It being thus essential to the existence and continu- 64 Christian religion based upon revealed Truth, [lect. ance of the Christian Church that these truths and facts should be certainly known and correctly believed by every individual partaking in the life of the Church, and it being also clear that the nature of these truths and the significance of these facts require a divine aid and help — ^that is, the aid of the Holy Spirit of God — in order to their being correctly known and believed by Christian people, it follows to enquire what methods it has pleased God to institute for this purpose, and by what provision of means His saving truths are to be brought home and assured to the faithful conscience of believers in every age of the Church. We believe that one very signal and special gift con- ferred on the twelve apostles in the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, was the knowledge of all truth, according to the promise made to them by the Lord in the sixteenth chapter of St. John^s Gospel % whereby they individually and collectively became, first possessors, and secondly, as possessors, imparters of the divine truths to the Church and to the world. In them, we believe, and in them at first alone, resided that divinely communicated knowledge which should prove sufficient, as knowledge, for the salvation of men. We are not told in what way it was made known to their minds, whether in words, or in vision, or in any other objective way, or whether it was that the actual infusion or presence of the Holy Spirit in their spirits lifted them a St. John xvi. 13. III.] Manner of the revelation to tJie Apostles. 65 subjectively, so to speak, to an elevation of remembrance and understanding of the words whicb the Lord had spoken to them, of sight, judgment, or of knowledge in matters of sacred truth, greater and higher than could have been attained by the natural powers of man. There are passages of Holy Scripture which would seem to suggest each of these methods. Perhaps the idea most expressly suggested by the language of St. John is that of guidance^, and by guidance I suppose we may un- derstand, not the superseding of their own powers so much as the enabling and directing them— the presence of the Holy Spirit in the spirit of men, not only point- ing the way, but also strengthening and enabling them by divine help, so as to make their own spirits capable of discerning the way of sacred truth. It is not necessary to attribute to them any larger measure of such knowledge, or any different kind of it than might, in God's wisdom, suffice to effect the purpose for which it was given. The nature and the extent, and along with the extent the limit of their divine knowledge, may well be understood from those words of St. John, in which he tells us why some only of the signs which Jesus did are recorded in his Gospel : * Many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book : but these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God ; and that believing ye might b Vide Note M. 66 Manner of tJte revelation [lect. have life through His Name*^/ A like limit, fixed in reference to a like object, we may, I suppose, under- stand to have bounded the divinely-imparted knowledge of the apostles. That which should suffice for the full life of the Church, that which should furnish the full matter of necessary faith, that which' should be enough when faithfully believed to bring all mankind to sal- vation in Christ, they possessed, we cannot doubt, abun- dantly; and with it they had. the duty, and with the duty the power, of making it known by word of mouth and by pen, while they lived and laboured personally upon the earth, and of transmitting it afterwards by adequate though not identical ways to the generations that should come after them, even to the end of the world. It is also, I suppose, not improbable (according to the analogy of the free and, if I may so call it, the arbitrary efiusion of the Spirit, who giveth to every man severally as He will d) that there may have been diversities, pos- sibly not insignificant ones, in the communication of the great gift to the Twelve. He who ' at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets <^,^ may not improbably have given to one of the Twelve a fuller participation of some one gift and less of another, whilst another of the same company may have had the latter gift in a higher degree, and the former in a lower one. There may have been equality c St. John XX. 30, 31. ^ i Cor. xii. 11. « Heb. i. 1. III.] to the Apostles. 6y ill diversity, or there may possibly have been inequality. Certainly, though we know nothing of all this, yet it cannot be denied that the general analogy of divine gifts as witnessed in the inspiration of ancient prophets, and in the language and imagery of parables, would lead us to expect that such was probably the case. But even if the actual gift were supposed to be abso- lutely equal, or identical to all the Twelve, we must not forget that there certainly were diversities, and these in all probability of no inconsiderable magnitude and con- sequence in the men themselves — diversities of character, of temper, of natural ability, strength and weakness, and the like ; and these, certainly not annulled by the pre- sence of the divine gift, would of necessity have had the effect of modifying the use and application, and so, prac- tically, it may be said, the possession of it so far as regards the communication of it to other men, even if it were supposed to be in itself entirely identical to them all. Now when we put these things together — when, I mean, we consider that the great gift of the Holy Spirit was thus possessed by twelve men ; that it was possessed by them with such limitations in respect of the object for which it was given; that it was probably possessed by them in different degrees of fulness, or at least 'with diversities of detail ; that it was certainly possessed in combination with different natural powers and characters by each ; that it was possessed by men who not only F % 68 Consequent necessity of [lect. could not read each others hearts, but also had their own independent mind and thought blended more or less undistinguishably with it, — ^when, I say, we consider all these things, and endeavour to give them the weight which they undoubtedly ought to carry, it seems plain that they not only suggest the idea of the inter- change of counsel, of comparison of mind and mutual support and advice among the holders of the great divided gift, but shew such mutual counsel to have been essential to them in theory and indispensable in practice. The conciliar action of the Church seems to follow as an inevitable consequence from the fact of the twelvefold division of the tongues of fire upon the heads of twelve equal men at Pentecost. And it is to be very particularly observed that the apostles, though singly possessed of this great gift, did uniformly act and speak with full acknowledgment of such necessity. On the occasion of the first very serious question, involving in a high degree both doctrine and discipline, which arose in the infant Church — the ques- tion whether it was to be held necessary that Gentile converts should be circumcised — that is to say, whether every person, whether born a Jew or no, should pass through Judaism as through an indispensable portal into the Church — the apostles and elders assembled together in council ^ for to consider of this matter ^.' Now let us reflect upon the signal significancy of this fact as going f Acts XV. 6. III.] mutual counsel and support. 69 far towards determining the original basis of the con- stitution of the Church in respect of the possession of divine truth and authority. Who are they who assemble 'to consider ■* respecting this great and vital question, this question which is eminently one in which both sacred truth and divine authority of discipline are so much engaged ? — the apostles and the elders. What need, I ask, to assemble, if the voice of one apostle singly — what need to call the elders into council, if the voice of the Twelve jointly — was to be esteemed in such sort the actual voice of the Holy Spirit, as that none others could either confirm or gainsay it ? ' And when there had been much disputing^ (debating, examining, inquiring, 7roA.Xijs (n/fTyTrjo-eoos yevo^ivqs — which undoubt- edly indicates the possibility, at least, of different views and opinions, and that on the part not of apostles only, but elders also), St. Peter rose, — ^not to allege his own personal or Apostolic authority as final on the subject, but to argue^ on common grounds which all could appre- ciate, and to explain his own forwardness by speaking on the ground of his having been selected by God to be the one by whose mouth the word of the Gospel was first preached to the Gentiles. And when, after the narrative of the successful mission of St. Paul and St. Barnabas, St. James, referring to the argument of St. Peter, and confirming it by quotation from the prophet Amos, had pronounced the conciliar decree> they did not hesitate, in the name of the apostles and yo Exeinplified in tJie Council of Jerusalem, [lect. elders and brethren^ to say that ' it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us/ not to lay upon the Gentile converts the burden, with which some, even in the days of apostolic inspiration, were desirous to load them s. Surely it ought to be never forgotten how in this the greatest instance of all, — greatest because it was the first, because the subject was one of fundamental con- sequence, and because of the probable presence of the whole Twelve in the council, — how, I say> per- sonal privilege and class power within the body, even of the apostles themselves, merge in the privilege and power of the entire body. No one apostle claims, even for a single moment, to be the single depositary of divine truth, nor to be commissioned to know and teach it independently of the fraternal and parallel gifts of the whole apostolic college. Nor does the whole apostolic college consider and determine the question alone. Not even so ; but now that the divine gift which was once in themselves alone, has by their agency been imparted beyond themselves to many others, at once the counsel of the others, according to their degree and position, becomes requisite in order to give to decree or doctrine the plenary authority of the Holy Ghost, who dwelleth in the whole body. The decree of Jerusalem does not issue from one apostle as from a monarch, nor from the college of the apostles as from an oligarchy, but from the apostles and elders and brethren, as from a great « Acts XV. 28. III.] Apostles' authority in teaching and governing. 71 constitutional body which must all speak^ according to its position and degree^ before the full voice of the Holy Spirit can be held to have spoken through its empowered human organs with authority unquestionable. Thus the divine knowledge of each apostle, and by consequence his authority in teaching (for be it ob- served that knowledge and authority in matters of this kind are practically identical), is seen to have two important and different characteristics. It is derived directly from the gift of God : but though so derived, it is not independent of the support, counsel, and brotherly unanimity of the others, in their degree, in whom any part of that great gift of God also resides. It is authoritative, and suflBcient in itself for unhesi- tating and efficient teaching ; but for plenary and uni- versal power it demands the consentient agreement, not of the other apostles only, but of the whole body of the Church at large. So, from the first, a direct descent of special gifts is seen to be compatible with a wide diffu- sion of ultimate authority, and the first recipients of divine light are not recipients of divine light only, but representatives also of the body, in which, through their own agency, the divine light has been diffused. The narrative of the Acts of the Apostles, and the indications of others of their acts contained in the Epistles, seem to bear out this statement in both its parts with perfect fulness. In the first nine chapters of the book of Acts, the apostles are represented as 72 Illustrated by the case of [lect. acting, singly or jointly as the ease may be, but every- where with full authority, unopposed and unquestioned, in all that they do. St. Peter and St. John at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple, and before the kinsmen of the high priest ; St. Peter in the matter of Ananias and Sapphira ; all the Twelve in the case of the or- dination of the deacons ; St. Peter and St. John in the laying on of hands at Samaria; all the Twelve in the acknowledgment of St. Paul when introduced by Bar- nabas ; St. Peter at Lydda and Joppa, — in all these instances, as I say, the Twelve, singly or jointly as the case might be, acted with authority unopposed and unquestioned in the first years of the Church. When however the great case of Cornelius the cen- turion had occurred at Csesarea, and St. Peter (strangely, as we might think, needing — even after the words of the Lord in the tenth of St. John, and the twenty- eighth of St. Matthew, and the enlightenment of the day of Pentecost — the further instruction of a mira- culous vision^) had ventured, on the strength of the visible eifusion of the Holy Spirit, to baptize Cornelius and his kinsmen and near friends, the great and novel act stirred, as we read, the Church in Jerusalem greatly. ' The apostles and brethren that were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God. And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, they that were of the circumcision contended with him ^' Is not b St. John X. 16 ; St. Matt, xxviii. 19 ; St. Mark xvi. 15. ' Acts xi. 1. III.] Cornelius at Ccesarea. 73 the mere fact, of their contendiDg with him — an apostle, and the first of the apostles — full of significance ? Who were the contenders ? Hardly, we can suppose, apostles ; more probably some of the brethren ; some perhaps of the great company of the priests who had recently sub- mitted to the faith. Any way, there were found those who publicly withstood the leading apostle in the great- est and most signal step yet taken in the history of the Church. How then did St. Peter reply ? Did he allege his own single inspired authority ? Did he ask a rescript from the other eleven, still apparently unscat- tered, laying down the inspired law from the apostolic college ? Far from it. He rehearsed the whole matter from the beginning. He laid before the apostles and brethren the grounds of his conduct. He satisfied them of its propriety by argument ; so that ^ when they heard these things they held their peace and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life ^.' I consider that these cases establish beyond question the points which I am now urging : first, that in their acts and in their oral teaching the apostles, separately or jointly, acted and spoke with an authority w^hich was complete, ample, and unquestioned ; but secondly, that for absolute and plenary power — for such power as belongs to the undoubted utterances of the Holy Ghost by the mouth of man — they needed the universal con- J' Acts xi. 18. 74 Their authority in writings. [lect. sent and agreement of all those in whom, according to their various degrees^ the Holy Spirit^ the only source of divine truth, resided. The apostles however did not only teach orally, with such powers as I have described, but some of them also wrote books, and the body of their writings, together with three books written by apostolic men, not apostles, constitute a most important portion of the sacred teach- ing which the inheriting Church possesses. How then do the principles which have been hitherto laid down bear upon these writings, and what aspect do they give to the great controversies which have agitated the Church of late years, respecting their divine character and authority ? Let us consider. If an apostle, travelling alone, preached the word of God orally in some heathen town, as in Corinth, Philippi, or Ephesus, we have already seen that his words were authoritative as coming from one of those upon whom either the Holy Spirit had rested at Pente- cost, or had been specially given since, for the teaching and conversion of the world : yet that at the same time they were not so finally authoritative as not to be con- ceivably capable of error (witness the case of St. Peter and St. Barnabas at Antioch) nor to be absolutely in- dependent of the joint and confirming authority of the other apostles and of the Church at large (witness, as I have already quoted, the history of the Council of III.] Infallibility of writings. "j^ Jerusalem, and the language of St. Paul in the Epistle to the Galatians^). If then_, after having left such a town, the apostle should write a letter, whether of doctrine, encouragement, or additional advice and coun- sel to those whom his preaching had converted to Christ, is there, in the nature of the case, any reason to suppose that his written words differed in point of authority from his spoken ones ? or that any infallibility, so to call it, attaches in any especial way to his writings beyond what attached to everything that he did or said ? And here, brethren, bear with me while I venture to protest against the use of the words ' infallible ' and ^infallibility^ in such an application altogether. It seems to me to be mere confusion of thought to attribute infallibility to books or statements, or propositions in words of any kind. I understand what is meant when I am told that a Gospel by St. John or an Epistle by St. Paul is certainly true and authoritative, because the apostles were infallible; but I can attach no meaning at all to the words that the Gospel or Epistle are them- selves infallible. They are true or not true, authoritative or not authoritative. But ^ infallibility ^ seems to me to be a word without meaning as applied to them. Infalli- bility, in any intelligible sense, is surely a quality oi per- sons. Persons may be said to be infallible who are in such sort possessed of the truth as to be incapable of being 1 Gal. ii. 2. 7<5 Infallibility of writings. [lect. deceived themselves^ or of deceiving others ; so that they may be consulted without possible risk of error arising from them : but a book,, an answer, a propo- sition or statement in words^ surely cannot in any in- telligible sense be called infallible. It is^ as I said, true or untrue, authoritative or not authoritative. I cannot see how it can be more. No doubt it may be held to be true because written or spoken by a person who is infallible, and so, by an impropriety of speech, be said to be infallible itself; but if this be, as I sup- pose it is, the only meaning with which the word is applied to the books of Holy Scripture, the impropriety is surely one which requires to be pointed out and to be guarded against. We are, then, driven, back upon the ^ infallibility^ of the men themselves, and this is a point respecting which we are not wholly devoid of grounds for forming some judgment. It may seem a slight thing to make this observation, but I hardly think that it is really without importance. For in truth this unfortunate word ^ infallible^ is in these controversies apt to be so lightly and incorrectly used, as to import a new and very perplexing element of obscurity and difficulty into a subject already suffi- ciently difficult in itself. Nor indeed do I see how the cause of truth would suffer, on any side or in any way, if we should be content to refrain from the use of it altogether "^. m Yide Note N. III.] TJteir authority in writings 77 But to return. Is it^ I ask, possible to assign to the letters of an apostle,, written as I have supposed, any authority different in kind or greater in degree than that which we assign to his spoken words ? I confess that I cannot imagine it to be possible. It is surely conceivable, a priori, that written words of an apostle may have been liable to the same extent of possible perverseness and error to which his spoken words and actions may have been liable. It is also conceivable that an apostle might have communicated his written words as well as his oral teaching to his brethren, lest at any time he should write or have written in vain ^. Do we seem in any, even in the smallest degree, to depreciate or lessen the value of the apostolic writings by such sayings as these ? Nay, brethren, I verily believe that we establish and uphold it, and set it on a basis which is quite unassailable by such attacks as it has recently been exposed to : for we shew that while the authority of these writings rests first upon the real apostolic authority of the single apostle, commissioned, enlight- ened, and empowered to teach, yet still a man, with his own character and circumstances, and one of several others as much commissioned, enlightened, and em- powered as himself, — it rests secondly and ultimately upon the recognizing confirmation and acceptance of the whole Spirit-bearing body, whose seal finally sanc- tions, and gives plenary confirmation and authority to " Vide Note 0. 78 shewn by the hypothesis [lect. all that is therein written, recognizing it as the very voice of the Holy Spirit, and therefore absolutely true and absolutely authoritative. The authority in the mat- ter of teaching, like all other authority in the body of Christ, is twofold in its source and in its kind : first personal, then universal j first sufficient, then plenary ; first unresisted, then irresistible. If it were possible to imagine the discovery of an original letter ^ by St. Paul or St. John or any other of the Twelve, a discovery which should leave no doubt whatever of its genuineness as being the real writing of the apostle, it would of course come to Christian people with all the weight that necessarily belongs to the writing of one of the inspired apostles, one of the original pillars of the Church; and such weight we should acknowledge a priori, before we had opened a page of the book or read a line of its contents. But I apprehend that we have St. PauFs own authority for saying that we — that is, the members of the Church of Christ, both lay and clerical — must exercise a distinct and undoubted judgment upon the book and its con- tents when once we have opened it and read them. ' Though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach any other gospel unto you than (or beyond) that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again. If any one preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, o Vide Note P. III.] of a newly discovered Epistle. 79 let him be accursed p/ Observe the repetition, brethren, — which is indeed not by any means a mere repetition, but a fuller and completer statement, adding another most important particular to what had been said before. The apostle does not only say, ^ any other gospel than that which we have preached' Had he stopped there, he might have seemed to set the authority of Christian teaching altogether and exclusively upon the personal preaching of the apostles, — ^but he adds, ^ than that ye have received' Surely it cannot be denied that he here invokes the Christian judgment of the members of the Church in general to pronounce upon the identity of any teaching supposed to be new with that which the apostles have authoritatively taught, and which the Church at large is conscious of having received. He sets up the validity and authority of Christian teaching upon two pillars which are not identical. It must, in order to be accepted as true and authoritative, har- monize with what the apostles have taught the Church, and what the Church knows that she has received. In other words, St. Paul must be understood, I apprehend, to recognize in respect to the all-important subject of Christian truth the very same two co-ordinate principles which I have endeavoured to maintain — the Divine descent of gifts determined to their special holders, and the great supporting, upholding authority of the uni- versal body, of which these specially endowed men are P Gal. i. 8, 9. So Twofold authority of [lect. the representatives. Precisely the same inference is to be drawn from the language of St. John in his First General Epistle. ^ These things have I written unto you^' he says, ^concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you : but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Himv fxev ovv aWoav €Kd(XTr) dvvdfieav iv TrepiyparrTa t6it(o Tvy- xdveiv TremcTTCVTaL' 6 yap ra KopvrjXia iiricrras ayyekos ovk tju cV ravra Koi napa t« ^iXiinra, ov8e 6 dno tov OvcriacrTrjplov rw Za^a-- pia diaXeyofifvos Kara top ovtov Kaipbv kcu iv ovpav& ttjv olKciav (TTda-iv €7r\r]pov. To p,evTOi, Jlvevfia Sfiov re iv *A^^aKov[i ivfpyelvj Kai €V ^avtfjX iiri rrjs Ba^vKavias TreTriarevrat, Koi iv rw Karap- pdKTj] eivai ixera 'lepeptiov, koI ficrd 'U^CKirjk em tov Xo^dp. — S. Basil. JDe Sp. /S. § 24. vol. iii. p. 64. Of. S. Hieron. In Lihro Didymi de Spiritu Sancto, § 6. vol. ii. p. 112. NOTE C, p. 25. ' Multse Scripturse sunt, quae sine ambiguitate convincant, alterius eum a cunctis conditionibus esse naturae. Quidam etiam Spiritu Sancto pleni esse dicuntur : nemo autem sive in Scripturis, sive in consuetudine, plenus creatura dicitur. Neque enim aut Scriptura sibi hoc vindicat, aut sermo com- munis, ut dicas plenum esse quempiam angelo, throno, domi- natione : soli quippe Divinse naturae convenit hie sermo .... *Angeli autem prsesentia, sive alicujus alterius excellentis naturae quae facta est, non implet mentem atque sensum : quia et ipsa aliunde completur.' — S. Hieron. De Sp. S. § 8, p. 115. NOTE D, p. 27. H Toiwv 6b6s TTjs Qeoyvmcrias eVrlv dno tov ivbs UvevfiaTos, 8ia TOV ivos Ylov inl tov eva Ilarepa. Kai dvdnaXiv, t} (jivaiKr) dya- 66tt}s, Koi 6 KaTCL (f)vo-LV dyia(rp,6s, Koi to ^aa-iKiKov d^ia)p.a e*c UuTpos, NOTES E-G. 26 r bia Tov Movoyevovs eVi to Hvcvfia dirjKei. Ovtq> koi al vrroarda-cis ofioKoyovvrai, koL to evare^es doyfxa t^s fiovapx^ias ov biairiimi. — S. ^2iBi\. De Sp. S. §18. NOTE E, p. 28. Ov iir]V enftbrj Trpwrov ivTovOa tov UvevfiaTOs 6 ^Anoa-ToXos eVe/x- vr]a6r], Kal BevTfpov tov Ylov, koI TpiTOV tov Qcov koi Ilarpos, ^8t] Xpr) KaOokov vop.i^eiv dpTe(rTpdpa irpSiTOV evTvyxdvopev t<5 diavepoPTi' eiTa evvoovpev tov dnocTTeCKavTa' eha dvdyopep Trjv iv6vpr)cnv eVi ttjv Tnjyfjv koX aiTiav tcou dyaOav. — S. Basil. Be. Sp. S. ^ 16. NOTE F, p. 34. On the completeness of the Lord's baptism before the descent of the rfoly Spirit, and the consequent disjunction of Baptism and Confirmation as separate rites, see Ham- mond's treatise De Confirmatione contrci DaHmwrn, c. vi. sec. iii. vii. NOTE G, p. 35. Most earnestly should I wish to recommend to theological students the work of the late Dean of Canterbury, Dr. Lyall, entitled Propcedia Prophetica. It is unfortunate that neither the title of the book, nor, I must add, the style in which it is written, is such as to introduce the argument so favour- ably as might be desired. But the argument itself is of the greatest justice and value. I do not know where else to 262 NOTE a. find the real argumentative weight of the Lord's miracles stated in so forcible, and I will add so original a way. I extract a very striking and characteristic passage : — ' But Hume proceeds to state another case, and one more incredible than that which we have here considered. " Sup- pose," says he, " that all the historians who treat of England should agree that on the ist of January, 1600, Queen Elizabeth died ; that before and after her death she was seen by her physicians, and her whole court, as is usual with per- sons of her rank ; that her successor was acknowledged and proclaimed by the Parliament ; and that, after having been interred a month, she again appeared, resumed the throne, and governed England for three years : I must confess that I should be surprised at the concurrence of so many odd circumstances, but should not have the least inclination to believe so miraculous an event. I should not doubt of her pretended death, and of those other public circumstances that followed it : I should only assert it to have been pretended, and that it neither was nor could be real. You would in vain object to me the difficulty and almost impossibility of deceiving the world in an affair of such consequence ; the wisdom and solid justice of that renowned queen ; with the little or no advantage she could gain from so poor an artifice. All this might astonish me, but I still would reply, that the knavery and folly of men are such common phenomena, that I should rather believe the most extraordinary events to arise fi'om their concurrence, than admit of so signal a vio- lation of the laws of nature." ' I incline to think that Hume has rightly expressed what, in the circumstances he has stated, would be the conclusion of most persons of sound understanding. But let us try what would be the effect, if we connect the events which he NOTE G. 263 has stated with a supposed antecedent expectation among mankind. ' And first let us amend the case, as here imagined. Queen Elizabeth is supposed dying in her bed, privately, surrounded by her physicians and court, that is by her friends and de- pendents. But instead of Queen Elizabeth let us substitute the name of Charles the First, whose head was cut off before thousands of spectators, and whose executioners were his bitter enemies, or at least men who had a direct interest in his death. This alteration of the circumstances of the case will bring it nearer to the one which, not improbably, was in Hume's mind at the time of writing. Moreover, it renders the fact to all appearance more unequivocally miraculous, and therefore, no doubt, more impossible in itself, and more difficult to consider as having really happened. ' The case being thus assumed, let us suppose mankind in general in the year 1648, though otherwise enlightened and highly civilized, yet in the matter of religion to have been immersed in ignorance as dark as that which prevailed throughout the world in the days of Augustus. Suppose, further, that one nation there was very numerous in itself, and individuals of which were to be found in almost all parts of the world, professing a purer form of religion, among whom a rooted opinion was well known to prevail, that in the very generation we are speaking of, a revelation would be made to mankind by God, the effect of which would be to subvert idolatry in the world, and to introduce a new religion in which the worship of the one true God would form the leading feature. Let us suppose, finally, that when the surrounding people had enquired what was to be the sign by which the arrival of this epoch was to be known, they had received for answer that, when the time arrived, man- 264 NOTES H, I. kind would know it by the King of England being put to deatb by the public executioner, and afterwards rising from the grave and resuming his throne. * The question now is, whether, if this fact had happened, or (which is nearly the same thing for all the purposes of the argument) if all mankind had believed it to have happened ; and if, dating from this belief of mankind, paganism had immediately begun to stagger, and had thence rapidly de- clined, and the worship of the alone true God had imme- diately begun to spread itself, by a simultaneous dispersion oyer all the nations of the world, so as to have become in the course of two or three generations the predominant faith : — the question, I say, is whether, in these circumstances, Hume would think " the knavery and folly of mankind " the most probable explanation of the phenomena 1 For my part I feel inclined to think that in such a case as is here supposed, the most sceptical reasoner that ever lived would look about him for some very different solution, and whether he found it or not, could at least understand why mankind in general should have been content to receive the facts as marked by the hand of God.' — Propcedia Prophetica, part ii. chap. i. p. 150. NOTE H, p. 37. ' Apostolos suos vivae lucis fonte perfudit, ut ipsi post- modum universum mundum tanquam duodecim solis radii, ac totidem lampades veritatis illuminent, et inebriati novo vino repleant, atque irrigent sitientia corda populorum.' — S. August. Serm. 185. de Tempore. NOTE I, p. 40. * Non ambigamus, quod cum in die Pentecostes discipulos NOTES J, K. 265 Domini Spiritus Sanctus implevit, non fuit inchoatio mune- ris, sed adjectio largitatis ; quoniam et Patriarchse, et Pro- phetse, et Sacerdotes, et omnes Sancti, qui prioribus fuere tem- poribus, ejusdem sunt Spiritus sanctificatione vegetati,' &c. — S. Leo, Serm. II. de Pentecoste. NOTE J, p. 42. *Ex hoc autem quod hie dicitur intelligitur quod jam Petrus baptizatus fuerat : intelligimus enim ejus discipulos per quos baptizabat, jam fuisse baptizatos, sive baptismo Joannis, sicut nonnuUi arbitrantur, sive, quod magis credibile est, baptismo Christi. Neque enim renuit ministerium bap- tizandi, ut haberet baptizatos servos per quos cseteros bapti- zaret, qui non defuit humilitatis ministerio quando eis pedes lavit.' — S. August. Ep. ad Seleucianum. Cf. Tractat. in Joh. Evang. cap. xv. vol. iii. pt. ii. p. 408. *Sed quidam dicunt, quod baptizati erant solum bap- tismate Joannis : quod non videtur verum, quia sic non erant loti : nam baptisma Joannis non mundabat interius a culpa, Et ideo dicendum quod baptizati erant baptismo Christi, secundum Augustinum. Et si objicis quod Christus- non baptizabat sed discipuli ejus, ut dicitur suprk iv., dico quod non baptizabat turbas, sed discipulos suos sibi familiares et domesticos baptizavit.' — Thomas Aquinas, In S. Joann. cap. xiii. NOTE K, p. 47. * Loquitur Dominus ad Petrum : Ego tibi dico, inquit, quia tu es Petrus, et super istam petram sedificabo Ecclesiam meam, et portse inferorum non vincent cam. Et tibi dabo claves regni ccelorum, et quae ligaveris super terram erunt 266 NOTE L. ligata et in coelis : et qusecunque solveris super terram, erunt soluta et in coelis. Et iterum eidem post Resurrectionem suam dicit, Pasce oves meas. Super unum sedificat Eccle- siam suam. Et quamvis apostolis omnibus parem po- testatem tribuat ac dicat, Sicut misit me Pater, et ego mitto vos, accipite Spiritum sanctum : si cui remiseritis pec- cata, remittentur illi : si cui tenueritis, tenebuntur : tamen ut unitatem manifestaret, unitatis ejusdem originem ab uno incipientem sud auctoritate disposuit. Hoc erant utique et ceteri Apostoli quod fuit Petrus, pari consortio prsediti et honoris et potestatis : sed exordium ab unitate proficiscitur, ut Ecclesia una monstretur.' — S. Cyprianus, De Unitate Ecclesice, p. 107. Cf. Ep. Ixxiii. Cyprianus Jubaiano, p. 201 ; Ixxv. Firmilianus Cypriano, p. 225, &c. Compare also S. August. De Doctrind Christiand, § 18; Enchiridion de Fide et Charitate, 6^ ; Ee A gone Christiano, § 30 ; Sermo 29 j. in Nat. Apost, Petri et Pauli. NOTE L, p. 50. The writers on the Roman Catholic side undoubtedly acknowledge the general principle of representation, at least in terms ; but the fact entirely disappears in the way in which the principle is dealt with practically. 'Episcopi sunt Ecclesia repraesentative, ut nostri loquun- tur/ says Bellarmine : ' quilibet enim Episcopus gerit per- sonam suae ecclesise particularis, et proinde omnes Episcopi gerunt personam totius Ecclesiae.' — Ee Condi. Auctoritate^ iii. 14. Again : ' Dico igitur concilium illud non posse errare quod NOTE L. 267 absolute est generale, et Ecclesiam universalem perfect^ re- prsesentat. Ejusmodi autem Concilium non est antequam adest sententia summi Pontificis. Nam Episcopi ceteri re- prsesentant quidam corpus Ecclesiae, et quod illi faciunt corpus Ecclesiae facere censetur. Ac legati Papse non ita reprsesentant caput Ecclesiae, i. e. ipsum Papam, ut quod ipsi faciunt absolute censeatur fecisse Papam : alioquin nulla requireretur confirmatio. Sed solum reprsesentant Ponti- ficem tanquam vicarii, et internuncii ipsius, qui ad ipsum referre debeant cum oriuntur dubia, et sententiam ejus ex- spectare et exsequi. Itaque tale Concilium cum non reprae- sentat absolute auctoritatem capitis, non nisi imperfect^ totam Ecclesiam repraesentat.' — Lib. ii. c. 11. The idea of representation, thus in terms recognized and in fact annulled by the older Roman Catholic writers, hardly finds any place in the still more thorough-going Ultramon- tanism of Archbishop Manning. ' The pastoral authority, or the Episcopate, together with the priesthood and the other orders, constitute an organized body, divinely ordained to guard the deposit of the Faith. The voice of that body, not as of many individuals, but as a body, is the voice of the Holy Ghost. The pastoral ministry as a body cannot err, because the Holy Spirit, who is indissolubly united to the mystical body, is eminently and above all united to the hierarchy, and body of its pastors. The Episcopate united to its centre is, in all ages, divinely sustained and divinely assisted to per- petuate and to enunciate the original revelation.* Very faint indeed in statements like these is the remaining recognition (if it can be called any recognition at all) of the 'mystical body' at large. 268 NOTE M. NOTE M, p. 65. St. John xvi. 13 : to Uvevfia ttjs aXrjBeias 6br]yr}(r€i Vfxas els iraa-av ttjv aXfjSeiap. The Vulgate renders roughly ' docebit vos omnem veritatem.' Maldonat well says, * Deducere in omnem veritatem non significat quoquo modo veritatem omnem do- cere, sed ita docere quasi magister discipulum manu ducat viamque illi accommodate ad ejus ingenium veritatis osten- dat : ut non omnia simul, non ordine prsepostero, priusque difficiliora, deinde quae faciliora sunt tradens, sed contr^ faciliora prius, mox difficiliora, suo quidque tempore, prout proficit, prout potest capere. Hoc est obrjyrja-ei.^ (Cf. Acts viii- 31 ; Rev. vii. 17 ; Ps. xxiv. 5, &c.) Certainly the idea con- tained in the word seems to be that of a guide or teacher ; not of one to supersede, or act instead of another, but of one who will point the road, and so lead a willing follower, as I have said in the text : — indicating that the help of the Holy Spirit does not consist in superseding the natural powers of a man, but guiding ^ and leading them, so that they may them- selves see and follow the way of divine truth. The thought of the Uvevfia Sdiryovv of the sixteenth chapter seems to connect itself with that of the Lord in the four- teenth chapter, saying iyd) elfxi tj 686s, rj aKr)d€iay koI rj ^corj — a passage the difficulty of which I have never seen fully ex- plained. It is easy to say eloquent things about it, as very beautiful passages are quoted from St. Ambrose, St. Augustin, and St. Bernard ; but the real question remains unsolved, why the Lord adds ' the truth, and the life,' and what these words, so added, signify. The following remarks may help to throw some little light upon them. » On the Divinenesa of the guidance, see S. Basil. De. Sp. 8. c. xix. NOTE M. 269 The Lord had said, ' Whither I go ye know, and the way^ ye know.' Thomas replied, *We know not whither thou goest, and how can we know the way V Thus far it seems clear that the Lord speaks of two things only : a point to which He was going, and a way by which that point is to be reached. The Apostles, it appears, ought to have understood both, but, speaking by the lips of Thomas, they acknowledge that they do not know the first, and therefore cannot know the second. What then was the first 1 It is plain from the conclusion of the sixth verse. It is the Father. What then was the second 1 It is Christ. Christ is the Way. ' No man cometh unto the Father but by Me.' Thus far all is plain ; and we may say with Maldonat, ' Si Christus minus fuisset in respondendo liberalis, minus nobis in hujus loci interpretatione laborandum esset.' Why then does He add to the plain answer, 'I am the Way,' the further words, ' the Truth and the Life ' ] It seems to me to be no answer to this question to shew from other passages (e. g. Col. ii. 3 ; St. John vi. 37 ; V. 21 ; xvii. 3) that Christ is indeed both 'the Truth and the Life.' Is it not possible that these words may be, so to speak, epexegetic of the first words, as though He said, 'Eyo) elfii T} 686s, ej/xl yap t) aXrjBeia, Koi rj ((orj 1 I am the Way, that is the answer to St. Thomas's question ; the Way to the Father. For (or, inasmuch as) I am the Truth and the Life. I am the Way to the Father, for planted in Me, and guided therein ^ Let it be observed that the Lord does not mean the way by which He is going Himself, but the way by which they are to go in order that where He is there they may be also (ver. 3). 270 NOTE N. by My Holy Spirit, My people are led into all truth, and therein have the earnest of life. * Sanctified through the Truth/ that is, I apprehend, led by the Uvevfxa o^rjyovv to know and acknowledge all Divine truth, and to act it out in holiness of life and conduct, Christians are in possession of Divine Life. Thus it is that I am the Way to the Father. I do not understand the Lord to say ' I am three things, the Way, the Truth, and the Life/ as if they were co-or- dinate : but rather ' I am the Way,' — so, answering St. Thomas, ' being both the Truth, and the Life.' NOTE N, p. 76. The distinction taken in the text as to the right and wrong use of the words ' infallible' and ' infallibility' may seem trifling, and of little real use. But the more I read controversies relating to the Church, and especially such as regard the claim of authority in teaching set up by the Church of Rome, the more I feel convinced that it really is not without some importance, and that good may be done by calling attention to it. * Infallibility' I suppose to signify such a sure and certain possession of truth as to render the possessor incapable of error; and 'infallible' as an adjective to be applicable to such persons, if there be such, as cannot either deceive, or be deceived, qui nequefalli neque fallere possunt. Infallibility then is a widely different thing from au- thority in pronouncing upon truth, or correctness in the decision pronounced. Infallibility cannot be said of writings, decisions, judg- ments. If it exists at all, it must be a quality of persons. Infallibility cannot admit of degrees. The possessor of it KOTE N". 271 must be capable of being identified as possessing it before- hand (I mean before his writings, decisions, judgments, are delivered), and not recognised afterwards or inferred from the correctness, even if that correctness should be supposed to be uniform and invariable, of those decisions or judgments. Is ' infallibility' rightly attributed to the Church 1 Granted that it has the promise of being guided into all truth, granted also that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (from which it is legitimately argued that it shall never wholly fall into error, but there shall always be witnesses of the truth, keeping it alive in the Church), do these privileges amount to what is rightly called infallibility ? I apprehend not, though I confess that we have sometimes been in the habit of expressing ourselves as though it did so. They constitute a security against universal error. They also constitute an assurance of the general maintenance of truth. But this is widely different from the possession of truth in certain identified persons rendering them incapable of being deceived or of deceiving, so that they may be con- sulted beforehand with a divine certainty of receiving from them the answer which is the utterance of the Holy Ghost, which alone can constitute any (legitimately so called) in- fallibility. The Roman writers tell us broadly, and insist upon it, that the decrees of General Councils are infallible. Now not to urge that Cardinal Bellarmine, who lays this down with the utmost confidence, adds the strange proviso, ' nisi manifestissimb constet intolerabilem errorem committic/ I complain that it ought to be proved beforehand, that such « Lib. ii. de Cone. c. 8. 272 NOTE K". and such persons meeting together under such and such circumstances are necessarily possessed of the Holy Spirit, either all, or the more part of them, in such a high way as that the Council in general is therefore incapable of being deceived, or of deceiving. A thesis which few, I imagine, in the face of the history of Councils, and human nature, would undertake to support. But Archbishop Manning, whose logic does not condescend to take account of fact or history, lays down the same doctrine with equal breadth : *,The decrees of General Councils are undoubtedly the voice of the Holy Ghost, both because they are the organs of the active infallibility of the Church, and because they have the pledge of a special Divine assistance according to the needs of the Church and of the Faith.' Orgcms of the active infallibility of the Church ? I seem to comprehend. Because the Church has the promise of being saved from falling totally into error, so that there shall always be those who shall possess and maintain the truth, therefore the Church may in some sense be said to be infallible. But this is a sort of ' passive' infallibility, a dead infallibility, useless for prac- tical purposes. It must be converted into an * active^ in- fallibility which can cope with emergent questions, and settle them without the possibility of error or mistake. But, in the first place, I deny that it is any infallibility at all, properly so called, even in a passive sense ; and secondly, I maintain that it is utterly, incapable of being converted into an active infallibility. And thirdly, even if these considerations should be thought insufficient, I demand to have it shewn what the conditions are under which per- sons meeting together in Council can be proved beforehand (and I specially insist upon the word ' beforehand,' as neces- sary in order to distinguish infallibility as the assured proof NOTE K 273 of correctness, from infallibility as the inferred conclusion from correctness) to be so thoroughly, universally, and in- dubitably filled with the Holy Spirit that their decrees, not yet given, shall be absolutely incapable of error. And this is a demand essential to the satisfying of the case, which I do not think that my old friend the Archbishop will con- descend to reply to. But the Archbishop further lays down Hhat the Defini- tions and Decrees of Pontiffs speaking ex cathedra, or as the Head of the Church and to the whole Church, whether by Bull, or Apostolic Letters, or Encyclical, or Brief, to many or one person, undoubtedly emanate from a Divine assistance, and are infallible.' Putting aside the impropriety of attributing the 'infalli- bility' to the decrees, rather than to the Pope pronouncing the decrees, we seem to have here an approach to what we want. 'The Bishop of Kome, then, is the person who, whenever he speaks as Head of the Church and to the whole Church, whether to one person or to many, is so assisted by the Holy Spirit as that he is incapable of deceiving or being deceived d ' ' The infallibility of the Head of the Church extends to the whole matter of revelation, that is, to the Divine truth and the Divine law, and to all those facts or truths which are in contact with faith and morals. The definitions of the Church include truths of the natural order, and the revelation of supernatural truth is in contact with natural ethics, politics, and philosophy. So again the judgments of Pontiffs in matters which affect the welfare of the whole Church, such as the condemnation of propositions. In all d I do not know how to reconcile these two clauses printed in italics. T 274 NOTE N. declarations that such propositions are, as the case may be, heretical, or savouring of heresy, or erroneous, or scandalous, or offensive to pious ears or the like, the assistance of the Holy Spirit certainly preserves the Pontiffs from error; and such judgments are infallible, and demand interior assent from all e ' I thought we were going to find what we were in search of — a person, so possessed of truth, that it was absolutely certain beforehand, that in whatever he should say, he was incapable of being deceived or deceiving. But no : even on the highest Roman theory, I find no such person. The Bishop of Rome is not held even by his most ardent fol- lowers to be in any such possession of truth. He may be, even according to their own divines, ignorant, perverse, heretical. We, reading history with our eyes open, may add, vicious, sensual, impious, stained with every sort of notorious sin, a man like John XIII, or XVIII, or XXII, like Boniface VIII, or Alexander VI. He may be all this : but when he speaks ' ex cathedrd' and upon any of the forementioned subjects, then, and then only, he is speaking by the Holy Ghost and is infallible. I find it difficult in the face of this audacious claim, — unheard of for the first thousand years of the Church, and then maintained in defiance of all Christian history, on the strength of the misinterpretation of two or three passages of Holy Scripture,— to remember that I am speaking only on the logical use and abuse of the words 'infallible' and ' infallibility,' and that I must put aside all idea of arguing against the substance of the Roman theory, even to the extent of urging how Pope Honorius I, ex cathedrd, adopted « Archb'.shop Manning, pp. 83, 84. NOTE K 275 the heresy of the Monothelites ; and how Pope Alexander III, ex cathedrd, condemned Peter Lombard of heresy respecting the human nature of the Lord, while thirty-six years after, Pope Innocent III, equally ex cathedrd, reversed the sentence and condemned his accusers. Putting aside all this however, and a thousand other instances of usurpation and wrong in matters political, moral, and physical on the part of the Popes, I wish to point out that even this audacious claim is not a claim of infallibility in any such sense as to warrant the application of the word infallible to the Pope, or to carry any of the consequences which follow readily enough when the application is once assumed and granted. To be notoriously, obviously, and confessedly a mere fallible man, and under certain circumstances and conditions very difficult to be certainly defined, and in respect to certain subjects equally difficult of definition, to be assured of freedom from error, — this, though a claim utterly baseless and de- ceptive, does not constitute infallibility in any proper sense of the term. There is no possession of truth, claimed, or to be inferred. If the claim made were well founded, all that it would shew is that in certain utterances, so many and no more, the Bishop of Rome had been made a mouthpiece of the Holy Spirit, and consequently, not that he was in- fallible, but that these utterances, so many and no more, were divine. But infallibility is a very convenient word. Once jump to the conclusion that the Pope is infallible, and the con- ditions and circumstances under which exemption from error is (however falsely) claimed for certain Papal utterances are forgotten, and the convenient phrase remains, to justify, beyond denial on the part of those who have admitted it, T 2 276 NOTE 0. innumerable acts of usurpation and aggression with which it really has no sort of connection. A very convenient word indeed ; and a very comfortable word to those who shelter themselves in Eome. But there is a worm in the gourd, so that its shelter is not worth much to those who will take any account of logic or of the facts of notorious history. The fact is that we have all been using the words 'in- fallible' and ' infallibility' in a very loose and inaccurate way, confounding them on the one hand with assured exemption from total error, and the general possession of truth, and on the other with authority in decrees, and truth in doctrines. What I wish to point out is the desirableness of using the words accurately. I apprehend that if only used accurately, they will be very rarely used at all. Certainly the loose and random use of them is altogether in the interest of Rome, which has never been slow in taking advantage of it. NOTE 0, p. 77. 'Ex iis commentatoribus quos habemus, Lucam videtur Marcion elegisse quem csederet. Porro Lucas non apostolus sed apostolicus, non magister, sed discipulus ; utique magistro minor, certe tauto posterior, quanto posterioris apostoli sec- tator, Pauli sine dubio : ut si sub ipsius Pauli nomine Evangelium Marcion intuHsset, non sufficeret ad fidem sin- gularitas instrumenti, destituta patrocinio antecessorum. Exi- geretur enim id quoque Evangelium quod Paulus invenit, cui fidem dedit, cui mox suum congruere gestiit. Si quidem propterea Hierosolymam ascendit ad cognoscendos apostolos et consultandos, ne forte in vacuum cucurrisset, id est, ne non NOTE P. 277 secundum illos credidisset, et non secundum illos evangeli- zaret.' — Tertull. Adv. Marcionem, lib. iv. c. 2. It is true that Tertullian (alone, so far as I know, of ancient interpreters of this passage of the Epistle to the Galatians) indicates his opinion that St. Paul felt some un- certainty of the soundness of his teaching until his com- munication with the Apostles at Jerusalem. For the purpose of my argument I have no need of any such idea. On the contrary, I believe St. Paul's personal authority to have been abundantly suflScient to teach without hesitation, mis- giving, or need of support. It is enough for me that for the satisfaction of the converts (Iva 8i8d^a) tovs ravra vivoirrcvov- ras oTi ovK els Kevov rpix^, Chrysost., V. Ellicott and Lightfoot in loco) he found it wise and desirable to ascertain and to be able to declare the uniformity of his teaching with that of the older Apostles. ' Ipse Apostolus Paulus,' says St. Augustine, ' post ascensionem Domini de coelo vocatus, si non inveniret in carne Apostolos, quibus communicando Evangelium ejusdem societatis esse appareret, Ecclesia illi omnino non crederet.' NOTE P, p. 78. The supposition of the text is precisely that of Tertullian in the passage quoted at length in the preceding note, and the conclusion drawn is in effect identical with that which he draws. The ' single document,' even supposing its genu- ineness absolutely undoubted, would not suffice to rule the faith of the Church, if it were devoid of the support of those that went before it — the preceding Apostles, and their writings. For just as St. Paul, whether for his own satis- faction or that of his converts, went up to Jerusalem /xjyTrtos 278 NOTE Q. els Kfvov Tpexrj rj eBpafie, SO for the satisfaction of the Church, his (supposed) writing must be ascertained to be in accord- ance with the Apostolic faith and writings which the Church already possesses. NOTE Q, p. 83. On the Preface to St. Luke's Gospel. It has been commonly assumed by interpreters of St. Luke's Gospel that in his Preface he attributes the authority of his narrative to 'eye-witnesses and ministers of the word' in such a manner as to disclaim, and exclude altogether, the idea of his having been an eye-witness himself of the events which he records. This interpretation of the Preface is a very universal one. It has, I suppose, arisen from the supposed contrast of the two clauses eVetST/Trfp TToXXoi, — eSo^e KafMOL : — and it seems to be held, somewhat inconsistently as it seems to me, even by writers who at other times attribute the authority of the Evangelist to the dictation of St. Paul, who received his own information from revelation. I am disposed, however^ to doubt this interpretation, for the following reasons : — I. It seems to put St. Luke into a position considerably lower and less authoritative than that which the Church has always assigned to him. It makes him say, 'Since many men have tried their hand at constructing a narrative, so will I,' — a parallelism which, whatever be the meaning of the words rraprjKoXovdrjKOTi avtodev Tcaaiv aKpi^as, is surely hardly consistent with the position of an inspired Evangelist, whose words the Church of Christ has always accepted as dictated by the Holy Spirit of God. NOTE Q. 279 2. If the words ■n-aprjKoXovdrjKOTi avcodev naaiu UKpi^ws mean that he has examined, and by diligent search ascertained, the accuracy of the narrative which he delivers (and this, I suppose, must be the meaning of the words on the usual interpretation), he plainly disclaims both the information of St. Paul and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He simply puts himself on a level with the other naiTators whom he unquestionably means to put into the background, and to allege nothing but his own industry and care in examining authorities as the ground of the superiority of his own narration as compared with theirs. If however the words of the Preface undoubtedly mean what this interpretation conveys, then, however inconvenient and inconsistent with our preconceived notions the conse- quences may prove, there is no help for it. The words are undoubted. There is no difference of reading of the least importance in them, and we must put up with any inferences which they legitimately bear. But I venture to except to this interpretation. It seems to me to proceed upon a somewhat hasty and superficial view of St. Luke's words. First, I take quite a different view of the logic of the passage, as will appear from the following considerations. 'H/xfis I apprehend means the Church. Ta neTrXrjpoipoprjiieva iv rjplv I suppose to mean the events of the life of the Lord, His miracles, and His discourses, as they are most surely believed by the members of the Church. Ka^cbs napedoaav rjfxiv k.t.X. These words I understand to assign the grounds on which the Church {f)ixeU) assuredly believes all these things. Now all this is preliminary in point of logic to anything 28o NOTE Q. said about unauthorized narrators, or St. Luke's own authority as preferable to theirs. He seems thus far to say, ' We, the Church, are in possession of a large number of facts recorded respecting the life and discourses of our Lord, by those who were during His lifetime upon the earth His companions, who saw His deeds, heard His words, and in various ways ministered unto Him.' Now then we proceed to the persons who have without adequate authority attempted to narrate these things. ' Many writers have tried their hands to draw up in order consecutive narratives of these things.' But, I suppose we may add, they had not sufficient warrant. They took them at second-hand. They were not eye-witnesses themselves. They merely 'tried their hand' at such narratives, and I fear that you, Theophilus, instructed and catechized as you have been in these things, may derive not confirmation in the truth, but mischief and error from their compilations. 'Therefore I' {TraprjKoXovdrjKas &c., whatever these words may mean) ' will teach you better, and in such a way that you may receive confirmatory instruction (tva iinyvSis) on the subjects in which you have been already catechized.' Thus it appears to me that the Evangelist, instead of excluding himself from the class of eye-witnesses in these words, rather puts himself (not indeed directly, but by im- plication) among them. He seems to say. Eye-witnesses have taught the Church, so I will teach you. Or, to put the same thing in another way: Unauthorized narrators, not eye-witnesses, have darkened the message which eye- witnesses have delivered, so I, better informed than they, will teach you more correctly. Thus it seems to me that, according to the logic of the passage, St. Luke, regarding Theophilus as one of the Church NOTE Q. 281 (^fieis) who requires accurate instruction in addition to his previous training in the history of the life of the Lord, puts himself by implication into the category of those who can give that accurate and trustworthy information, that is, the eye-witnesses. Leaving then the logic of the passage, let us now look more closely into the words in which St. Luke confessedly assigns the ground of his own authority, represented as greater and more to be trusted than that of the pseudo- evangelists. IlapriKoXovOrjKOTt avmOev nacriv aKpi^as. What is the meaning ot TraprjKoXovdrjKOTil The following is the article upon napa- KoXovdeco from Liddell and Scott's Lexicon, 4th edition : — ' UapaKoXovOeco, f. rja-o), to go heside or near, follow close or on ilie heels, nvi Ar. Eccl. 725, Plat., etc. : to follow close, dog one's steps, Dem. 519. 12., 537. 2 ; ovs Kiva- 809, KoXaKeva)v TraprjKoXovdeis Id. 28 1. 22 : of rules, to hold good throughout, tt. dt oXrjs t^s imnKTJs Xen. Eq. 8. 14 : tt. xpovois to follow all the times and dates, to trace accurately, Nicom. ap. Ath. 291 B ; so TT. Tois Trpdypaaiv c| apx^s Dem. 285. 2 2. ' II. metaph. to follow with one's thoughts, i. e. to under- stand, Totff TTpdypxKTi Dem. 285. 21 ; rols 8i5 Aeschin. 16. 9 ; so esp. as Stoical term, usu. absol. ; they also said iavrm irapa- KoXovOelv on... to understand that..., Epict. 2. 26, 3; also c. part.. Id. 4. 5, 21.' And it may be taken as a full account of the classical usage of the verb, except that in the passage of Demosthenes Be Oorond, there twice referred to under different senses, it seems to me to have more precisely the meaning of having personally accompanied the events, than of having followed them in thought and understood them. Let the reader 282 NOTE Q. judge. *AXX' cos eoiKev, €K€7vos 6 Kaipos, Koi rj rjjxepa eKeivT] ov fiovov evvovv koI nXoixriov livBpa iKokei, dWa Koi naprjKoXovdrjKOTa Tois irpdypacnv i^ ^pxv^y '^"'' avWeXoyLapevov dp6a)s t'lvo^ eveKa ravr enpaTTev 6 ^lKlttttos, koL tL ^ovkop-evos. However, the more important question is, What is the meaning of the verb in the later or Alexandrian Greek 1 And in answer to this question I would quote a passage from the fragments of Papias preserved by Eusebius f : Ei Se TTov Kai naprjKoXovdrjKois tis tols TTpea^vTepois Z'KOoij — ' if it chanced that some person who had been present with the elders (the Apostles) came ; ' and another of Eusebius him- self, commenting upon their words : Kai 6 vvv be rjpiv 8r]Xov- ficvos UaTTias tovs pev t5>v 'Attoo-toXcoi/ Xoyovs irapa tcop avrois naprjKoXovdTjKOTcop opoXoyel napeiXTjipevai. And there is a pas- sage of Josephus s which is so very clear and strong to my present purpose that I must quote it at length : ^avXot de Tives avOpconoi dia^dXKeiv pov rrjv laropiav eTriKe^^ciprjKacriVf oicnrep iv (r)(6Xfj p.€ipaKi(jav yvp.vacrpa TrpoKeladai vopL^ovres. Karrjyopias irapabo^ov Koi dia^oXrjs. biov eKelvo yiyuoxTKeiv on 8(2 tov aXXois Trapdbocnv npd^ecov dX7]6i.vS>p vmo-xvovpevov, avrov inLa-rao-daL ravras TrpoTcpov aKpi^oJs, fj Trapr^KoXovO-qKora tols yeyovocnv, rf irapa rav ilhoTcov irvvOavop.cvov. OTrep eyco pdXicrTa rrepl dp(j)OTepas vopi^ay TTenoLrjKevat ras TrpaypaTelas. rfjv piv yap dp-)(aioXoyiav^...Tov be TToXep.ov TTjV ia-Toplav eypayjra, rroXXiop pep avrov pyos irpd^ecop, nXeia-TCDP be avTOTrrrjs yepopepos. Here we have the two sources of knowledge expressly dis- tinguished from one another, personal witness, and derived information ; and any person who reads the whole passage contained in the previous chapters will see how definitely the writer means to declare by the words TraprjKoXovdrjKOTa rots yeyovoarip his own personal witness of the events he relates, f Hist. Ecd. iii. 39. s Contra Apionem, lib. i. c. 10. NOTE Q. 283 When then to all this we add the fact that there is an ancient tradition that St. Luke was one of the Seventy, or, at least, a personal disciple of the Lord, I confess that it appears to me to be a somewhat hasty reading of the Preface which leads interpreters to conclude, with well-nigh one voice, that St. Luke expressly disclaims in it the authority of having seen with his own eyes any of the events which he records. The only passages which I can find in which it is stated that St. Luke was of the number of the Seventy are the following. In the dialogue of Adamantius (probably not the same as Origen) : E. rroVouy Zax^v 6 Xpia-Tos dnoa-ToXovs ; A. TTparovs direa-reikev i^, /cat ftera ravra o^' evayyeKia-aadai. MdpKos ovv KCLi AovKcis €K Tcav o/3' oirres, IlauXo) to) dnoaToXa evayyeXicravTO. — Pseudo -Origen, Be rectd in Deuinfde. I do not find it in Theophylact himself, who on the con- trary says, 'Ek tovtov hr]\ov on ovk rjv 6 Aovkos dn dpx^js fiaOrjTrjS, dXK* varepoxpovos. But in the Synopsis of St. Luke attributed to Dorotheus we read, AovKUi 6 Qelos, 'Avrioxevs /xcV ^v, larpbs be, Koi T^v 6^0) iav noKvs' ov fxrjv dWa Koi rrjv ^E^paiKriv rrai- beiav i^rja-KTjo-aTo, Tois'lfpoa-oXvp.ois e7n(f}oiTr}(Tas, ore 8r) koi 6 Kvpios f}p.a>v edidaaKfv' &crT€ (^aal rives eva Koi dvrov yevecrdaL tS>v e/3§o- p.j]KovTa 'Attoo-toXwi'. — 0}:)era Tlieoiiihyl. vol. i. p. 266. 'ATTco-reiXf 8e kcu aXXou? e^doprjKovradvo KTjpvTreiP, e'l cov rjarav ot CTrra, of enl tSjv xVP^^ Teraypevoi' pcra tovtovs de tovs iirra, Koi MardaLOU tov npo avroav, MdpKov, AovmVy Bapvd^av /cat 'AttcXX^i/, Fov(f)ov, ^iyepa Koi roi/s Xoittovs rSiV ij3doiir)KovTa8vo. — Epipha- nius, lib. i. j . 50. €7reibr]Tep ttoXXoi iircx^i-PW^^' ^^^ Tivas p.€P iirixciprjTas ^tiiiJ, ^■qpX de TOVS nep\ KrjpivSov, Kai Mrjpivdov, Kai tovs dWovs' ftra ri dTOVS \6yOVS €^€Tav KaOio-TadOai els rrju iKKKr}(Tia(TTiKr]V apxf}Vf ovras €K TToWov dcboKipacrpevovs ev re rw Xoyco rrjs 7ri(TT€(os, Koi rrj TOV evdeos Xdyou TroXiTei'a. Canon 13. Uepi tov pfj toIs o)(Xois imTpiTreiv tus eKKoyas Trotel- aOai t5)v peWovTcov KaO'ioTaaQai, els iepaTelov. BAA2AM12N. Kai otto tov irapovTos Kavovos TrapioTaTat oTi ov fiovov eniaKOTToi to naXatop e-^T](\>i^ovTo vnb tS)v o\KcoVi dWa koi lepels, OTvep eKaiXvOrf. ZGNAPA2. Ov povov eTria-Koircov eKkoyrjv oi ox^oi Troielv eKcaXv- 6r](rav, aXX' ovBe lepels eKkeyecrOai 7rapex(oprj6r]a-av. — Concilia^ Bp. Beveridge. On the subject of the popular share in election of Bishops, see Beveridge's note on the fourth Canon of the first Nicene Council (vol. ii p. 97, notes). It is also to be particularly ob- served, in illustration of the gradual exclusion of the laity from Church authority, how this canon of the first Nicene Council, decreeing the presence of all the Bishops of the province at the election of a Bishop, is quoted in the second Nicene Council, and interpreted as excluding the lay people from all share in such election. NOTE BB, p. 116. It seems to me to be important in studying the history of the Reformation, to remember that the real practical settle- ment of the great question whether the Church should reform 298 NOTE BB. itself, and reproduce within its own body and by peaceful means the primitive state of religion, or, by refusing all legi- timate reformation, incur the terrible risks of violent dis- ruption, and all the untold losses which such disruption involves, took place not in the sixteenth century, but in the fifteenth. The Councils of Constance and Basle did really determine that the Roman theory, with all its terrible abuses, should be maintained in greater and more exclusive completeness than ever, and that nothing less than an earth- quake should liberate any considerable portion of mankind from its tyranny. At Trent there was no longer any question, nor hope. The points were all practically settled. The conclusions were foregone and inevitable. The Tri- dentine Bishops only put into system the details of the great victory which had been really won in the previous century. But when Christendom was summoned to meet at Con- stance in 1 4 14, there really did seem to be some prospect of that real reformation for which the whole Christian world cried out with one voice. The Western Church was indeed at that moment corrupt in many most important ways, cor- rupted in doctrine, terribly corrupted in morals, full of evil in the corrupt state of the monastic institutions, but nothing had yet been done to make these corruptions indelible, or to prevent the possibility, however great may have been the difficulty, of restoring the Church to a primitive model. The state of the Western Church at that moment may be compared to that of the Eastern at the present : needing much reform in many most important ways, but hitherto uncommitted, hitherto unpledged to maintain unbroken and for ever the very system under which the evils had grown, and with which they were indissolubly united. NOTE BB. ■ 299 The state of the Papacy seemed to offer a singular oppor- tunity. Peter di Luna (Benedict XIII), Angelo Corario (Gregory XII), and Balthasar Cossa (John XXIII), all claimed the Popedom. The first two had been deposed by the Council of Pisa, and the third (pirate, tyrant, adulterer, extortioner, violator of nuns) was a man whose detestable and notorious wickedness made it impossible for a Council composed not of creatures of the Roman Court, but of the learned men of Europe, assembled in open consultation, to maintain him in his high position. Chief among the learned men who took part in the Council were Peter d'Ailly, the Cardinal of Cambray, and his still more illustrious pupil and successor in the Chancellorship of the University of Paris, John Gerson, whose writings, and speeches in favour of reform at the Council of Pisa (1409), had produced a singularly deep and extensive effect. By their efforts (see extracts from the Schedules of the Cardinals of Cambray and St. Mark in Gieseler, iv. 290) others besides Bishops and Abbots, — Doctors, Canonists, even Ambassadors of the great countries of Europe, and Deputies of the Free Cities, took part in the Council. Nothing could exceed the force, and eloquence, and it may be added, the effect upon the Council, of the leaders of the reform. The sermons and speeches of Peter d'Ailly and Gerson are to be read at length in the collections of Von der Hardt. Their sentiments were in almost every point (I except of course the indefeasible supremacy which they assign to the Bishop of Home) such as the chief divines of the Church of England have held. It may be worth while to quote a remarkable passage from Gerson's Opus de modis uniendi, ac reformandi Ecclesiam in Concilio Universali as illustrating the view taken in these lectures : ' Catholica, 300 NOTE BB. Universalis Ecclesia ex variis membris unum corpus consti- tuentibus est conjuncta et nominata. Cujus corporis, Univer- salis Ecclesise, caput Christus solus est. Coeteri vero, ut Papa, Cardinales, et Prselati, Clerici, Eeges et Principes ac plebeii sunt membra insequaliter disposita. Nee istius Ec- clesise Papa potest dici nee debet caput, sed solum vicarius Christi, ejus vicem gerens in terris, dum tamen clavis non erret. Et in hac Ecclesia, et in ejus fide omnis homo potest salvari etiamsi in toto mundo aliquis Papa non posset reperiri. Hsec Ecclesia de lege currenti nunquam errare potuit, nun- quam deficere, nunquam scbisma passa est, nunquam hseresi maculata est, nunquam falli aut fallere potuit, nunquam pec- cavit. In ista etiam omnes fideles, in quantum fideles sunt, unum sunt in Cbristo. . . . Alia vero vocatur Ecclesia Aposto- lica particularis et privata, in catholica Ecclesia inclusa, ex Papa, Cardinalibus, Episcopis, Prselatis, et viris Ecclesiasticis compaginata. . . . Et hsec errare potest, et potuit falli et fallere, schisma et hseresin habere, etiam potest deficere. Et haec longi minoris auctoritatis videtur esse universali Ecclesia : — et est quasi instrumentalis et operativa clavium universalis Ecclesice, et executiva potestatis ligandi et solvendi ejusdem.' Vid. Gieseler, p. 286. But the Roman power, with its immense hold upon Christ- endom, was only in abeyance, and no sooner had the Council in conjunction with the Cardinals (for thirty delegates of the Council took part in the election with twenty-three Cardinals) elected a Pope (Martin V) of respectable character upon whom the various parties could unite, than all hopes of reform were suddenly and absolutely at an end. 'On the day after his election Pope Martin publislied a Brief con- firming all the regulations established by his predecessors, even John XXIII. All the old grievances. Reservations, NOTE BB. 301 Expectancies, Vacancies, Confirmations of Bishops, Dispen- sations, Exemptions, Commendams, Annates, Tenths, In- dulgences, might seem to be adopted as the unrepealable law of the Church. The form was not less dictatorial than the substance of the decree. It was an act of the Pope, not of the Council. It was throughout the Pope who enacted and ordained : it was the absolute resumption of the whole power of reformation, so far at least as the Papal Court, into his own hands. Whatever he might hereafter concede to the Church in general, or to the separate nations of Christendom, was a boon on his part, not a right on theirs. . . . The Council had given its sanction, its terrible sanction, to the immuta- bility of the whole dominant creed of Christendom, and to the complete, indefeasible hierarchical system.' — Latin Chris- tianity, vol. vi. pp. 65, 71 ; see also note on p. 65. But while the Council of Constance had thus given its entire weight to the Roman system of doctrine and discipline, and vindicated it by the death at the stake of Huss and Jerome of Prague, it did not tranquillize Germany, or mate- rially abate the cry for reform which still resounded in every country beyond the Alps ; and the wonderful successes of the Hussites in the Bohemian war, as they first led to the assembling of the Council of Basle in 14 31, so drove the assembled Fathers ' to take more serious views of the absolute and inevitable necessity of reformation in the Church.' But again the hopes of Christendom, less keenly excited after the bitter disappointment of Constance, were frustrated. The internal divisions of the Bohemians, and at last their total overthrow in the battle of Lepan \ removed the great and pressing urgency which had led to the revival of the subject of reformation ; and the transfer by Pope Eugenius of the •> May 30, 1434. — Latin Christianity, vol. vi. p. 101. 302 NOTE CC. seat of the Council from Basle to Ferrara and Florence, and the futile efforts under which it continued its sessions at Basle, put an end to whatever prospects there might have been of a large and searching and real Reformation, in which the rights of clergy and laity should alike be fully recognized, and the Church replaced upon a primitive basis. Thenceforward it was clear that the Papal system was to be upheld in every particular, justified in theory, and maintained with the most perfect exclusiveness in practice ; and that, by consequence, sooner or later, at least half of the Western Church must be finally lost to the obedience and communion of Rome. NOTE CC, p. 1 1 8. So speaks Archbishop Manning in his recent volume on the temporal mission of the Holy Ghost : — 'This office of enunciating and proposing the faith is accomplished through the human lips of the pastors of the Church. The pastoral authority, or the episcopate, together with the priesthood and the other orders, constitute an organized body, divinely ordained to guard the deposit of the Faith. The voice of that body, not as so many indi- viduals, but as a body, is the voice of the Holy Ghost. The pastoral ministry as a body cannot err, because the Holy Spirit, who is indissolubly united to the mystical body, is eminently and above all united to the hierarchy and body of its pastors. The episcopate united to its centre is, in all ages, divinely sustained and divinely assisted to perpetuate and to enunciate the original revelation.' This is, no doubt, the language which, unheard and un- dreamed of in the early ages of the Church, became the authorized language of strong Ultramontanism from the fif- NOTES DD, EE. 303 teenth century downwards : rejected as it is by ancient his- tory and the distinct language of the primitive Fathers, rejected by the Gallican Church of Gerson and Bossuet, rejected by the universal voice of Protestant Christendom. That the clergy are the commissioned organs for declaring the truth of the Gospel, I have sufficiently declared in the body of the Lectures ; but that ' the episcopate united to its centre,' the Pope of Rome, is so divinely sustained and assisted, as to be able to claim the voice of the Holy Ghost for that which they teach, I absolutely deny to be the truth as taught in Holy Scripture and primitive antiquity. I verily believe that in that claim lies the npioTov ^cvdos of debased Christianity, and the real essential cause of the miserable schisms and divisions which afflict the Church. NOTE DD, p. 122. See several of the most striking passages of St. Cyprian to this point extracted in Note Z, upon p. 113. NOTE EE, p. 123. 'First, then, I consider whether all the power that an (Ecumenical Council hath to determine, and all the assistance it hath not to err in that determination, it hath it not all from the catholic universal body of the Church and clergy in the Church, whose representative it is 1 And it seems it Iiath : for the government of the Church being not mon- archical, but as Christ is the head, this principle is inviolable in nature : every body collective that represents, receives power and privileges from the body which is represented ; else a representation might have force without the thing 304 NOTE EE. it represents, which cannot be. So there is no power in the Council, no assistance to it, but what is in and to the Church. But yet then it may be questioned, whether the representing body hath all the power, strength, and privilege which the represented hath 1 And suppose it hath all the legal power, yet it hath not all the natural, either of strength or wisdom that the whole hath. Now, because the repre- sentative hath power from the whole — and the main body can meet no other way — therefore the acts, laws, and decrees of the representative, be it ecclesiastical or civil, are binding in their strength. But they are not so certain and free from error as is that wisdom which resides in the whole : for in assemblies merely civil or ecclesiastical, all the able and sufficient men cannot be in the body that represents. And it is as possible so many able and sufficient men for some particular business may be left out, as that they which are in may miss or misapply that reason and ground upon which the determination is principally to rest. Here, for want of a clear view of this ground, the representative body errs ; whereas the represented, by virtue of those members which saw and knew the ground, may hold the principle inviolated. ' Secondly, I consider, that since it is thus in nature and in civil bodies, if it be not so in ecclesiastical too, some reason must be given why ; " for that body also consists of men ; " those men, neither all equal in their perfections of knowledge and judgment, whether acquired by industry, or rooted in nature, or infused by God ; — not all equal, nor any one of them perfect and absolute, or freed from passion and human infirmities. Nor doth their meeting together make them infallible in all things ; though the act which is hammered out by many together must in reason be per- NO^E EE. 305 fecter than that which is but the child of one man's sufficiency. If then a general Council have no ground of not erring from the men or the meeting, either it must not be at all, or it must be by some assistance and power upon them when they are so met together; and this, if it be less than the assistance of the Holy Ghost, it cannot make them secure against error. ' Thirdly, I consider, that the assistance of the Holy Ghost is without error. That is no question ; and as little there is, that a Council hath it. But the doubt that troubles is. Whether all the assistance of the Holy Ghost be afforded in such a high manner, as to cause all the definitions of a Council in matters fundamental in the faith, and in remote deductions from it, to be alike infallible ? Now the Roman- ists, to prove there is "infallible assistance," produce some places of Scripture ; but no one of them infers, much less enforces an infallibility.' The writer then proceeds to examine the texts John xvi. 13, John xiv. 16, Matt, xxviii. 20, Matt. xvi. 18, Luke xxii. 32, Matt, xviii. 20, Acts xv. 28, and speaks of them in general thus : — ' And for all the places together, weigh them with indif- ferency, and either they speak of the Church, including the Apostles, as all of them do, — and then all grant the voice of the Church is God's voice, divine and infallible ; — or else they are general, unlimited, and appliable to private assem- blies as well as general Councils, which none grant to be infallible but some mad enthusiasts ; — or else they are limited not simply unto " all truth," but " all necessary to salvation," in which I shall easily grant a general Council cannot err, suffering itself to be led by this Spirit of truth in the Scripture, and not taking upon it to lead both the Scripture X 3o6 NOTES FF, GG. and the Spirit. For suppose these places, or any other, did promise assistance, even to infallibility, yet they granted it not to every general Council, but to the Catholic body of the Church itself j and if it be in the whole Church prin- cipally, then is it in a general Council but by consequence, as the Council represents the whole. And that which belongs to a thing by consequent, doth not otherwise nor longer belong to it than it consents and cleaves to that upon which it is a consequent, and therefore a general Council hath not this assistance but as it keeps to the whole Church and spouse of Christ, whose it is to hear His word and determine by it. And therefore if a general Council will go out of the Church's way, it may easily go without the Church's truth.' — Laud, Conference with Fisher, sect, xxxiii. pp. 252, 266, Anglo-Catholic Library. NOTE FF, p. 124. Kai Trap' ivos evXa^ovs Koi bevrepov yevofievov epyov tiKrjpoijiopci ^fxas T^ avfi^ovXia tov Hvevparos yiyveadai. "Orav yap prjdep ^ av6pa>Tnvov 7rp6 6(jidaKpS)v Keip,evov, prjbe arKona oiKeias aTroXaixrecos irpos ras ivepyeias oppSxriv oi ocrioi, dXX* ort evdpearov rm Bern TTpoBepevoij 8tj\ov on Kvpios itrnv 6 ras Kapbias avrav Karevdvucov. "Onov de avBpes rrvevpartKoi t5>v ^ovXevparcop Kardpxovaiv, enerai de TovTois \a6s Kvpiov iv (Tvp(j)coviq t^s yvcufirjs, ris d/x0i/3aXei jx^ ovxi 777 Koivavia Toii Kvpiov rjpSiv *lT]a'ov Xptorov, tov to alpa avTov vnep Twv iKKkr}(na)V cKx^avTOi, ttjv ^ov\f)V yeyev^aOai j — S. Basil. Ep. 229, vol. iii. p. 510. NOTE GG, p. 132. *Superest ad concludendam materiolam, de observatione quoque dandi et accipiendi baptismum commonefacere. NOTES HH, 11. 307 Dandi quidem habet jus summus Sacerdos, qui est Episcopus, dehinc Presbyteri et Diaconi, non tamen sine Episcopi aucto- ritate propter Ecclesise honorem, quo salvo salva pax est. Alioquin etiam laicis jus est : quod enim ex sequo accipitur, ex sequo dari potest, nisi Episcopi jam aut Presbyteri aut Diaconi vocantur discentes. Domini sermo non debet ab- scondi ab ullo. Proinde et baptismus, seque Dei census, ab omnibus exerceri potest : sed quanto magis laicis disciplina verecundise et modestiae incumbit ? Cum ea majoribus com- petant, ne sibi adsumant dicatum Episcopis officium Episco- patus.' — TertuU. Be Baptismo, c. xvii. p. 230. NOTE HH, p. 133. ' XJt in necessitate et fideles haptizent. — Loco i peregrd na- vigantes, aut si ecclesia proximo^ non fuerit, posse fidelem, qui lavacrum suum integrum habet nee sit bigamus, baptizare in necessitate infirmitatis positum catechumenum, ita ut si supervixerit ad episcopum eum perducat, ut per manus impo- sitionem perfici ^ possit.' — Goncil. Eliheritanum, xxxviii. NOTE II, p. 137. The passage in St. Augustine (Tract, v. In Joh. Evang. c. i.) is a long one. The following extracts will sufficiently exhibit the writer's meaning : — '■ Potuit Dominus Jesus Christus, si vellet, dare potestatem alicui servo suo, ut daret baptismum suum tanquam vice su^, et transferre a se baptizandi potestatem, et constituere in > deest ap. Mansi. ^ in proximo M. * proficere M. X 2 3o8 NOTE JJ. aliquo serVo suo, et tantam vim dare baptismo translate in servum quantam vim habeat baptismus datus a Domino. Hoc noluit ideo, ut in illo spes esset baptizatorum a quo se baptizatos agnoscerent. Noluit ergo servum ponere spem in servo. ' Hoc autem Johannes non noverat in Domino. Quia Dominus erat, noverat : quia ab ipso debebat bapti^ari, no- verat : et confessus est quia Veritas erat ille, et ille verax missus a veritate : hoc noverat. Sed quid in eo non nove- rat] Quia sibi retenturus erat baptismatis sui potestatem, et non eam transmissurus, et translaturus in aliquem servum : sed sive baptizaret in ministerio servus bonus, sive baptizaret in ministerio servus mains, non sciret se ille qui baptizaretur baptizari nisi ab illo qui sibi tenuit baptizandi potestatem. ' Non ait, ipse est Dominus ; non ait, ipse est Christus ; non ait, ipse est Deus ; non ait, ipse est Jesus ; non ait, ipse est qui natus de virgine Maria, posterior te, prior te : non ait hoc, jam hoc enim noverat Johannes. Sed quid non noverat 1 Tantam potestatem baptismi ipsum Dominum habiturum et sibi retenturum, sive prsesentem in terra, sive absentem corpore in coelo et prsesentem maj estate, sibi reten- turum baptismi potestatem : ne Paulus diceret, Baptismus mens, ne Petrus diceret, Baptismus mens. Ideo videte, in- tendite voces Apostolorum. Nemo Apostolorum dixit, Bap- tismus mens. Quamvis unum omnium esset Evangelium, tamen invenis dixisse, Evangelium meum ; non invenis dix- isse, Baptisma meum.' — Pt. ii. vol. iii. p. 325. NOTE JJ, p. 139. * Nee illud te moveat, quod quidam non e^ fide ad baptis- mum percipiendum parvulos ferunt, ut gratia spiritali ad NOTE KK. 30^ yitam regenerentur seternam, sed quod eos putant hoc reme- dio temporalem retinere vel recipere sanitatem. Non enim propterea illi non regenerantur, quia non ab istis hac inten- tione ofFeruntur. Celebrantur enim per eos necessaria mi- nisteria, et verba sacramentorum, sine quibus consecrari par- vulus non potest. Spiritus autem ille sanctus qui habitat in Sanctis, ex quibus una ilia columba deargentata caritatis igne conflatur, agit quod agit per servitutem, aliquando non solum simpliciter ignorantium verum etiam damnabiliter indigno- rum. OfFeruntur quippe parvuli ad percipiendam spiritalem gratiam non tam ab eis quorum gestantur manibus (quamvis et ab ipsis si et ipsi boni et fideles sint) quam ab universa societate sanctorum atque fidelium, Ab omnibus namque offerri recth intelliguntur, quibus placet quod ofFeruntur, et quorum sancta atque individua caritate ad communicationem sancti Spiritus adjuyantur. Tota hoc ergo mater Ecclesia, quae in Sanctis est, facit : quia tota omnes, tota singulos parit.' — S. August. Ad Boni/acium, Ep. xcviii. vol. ii. p. 266. NOTE KK, p. 140. * Nemo mihi dicat quia non habet fidem cui mater im- pertit suam, involvens illi in sacramento, quousque idoneus fiat proprio non tantum sensu, sed et assensu, evolutam pu- ramque percipere. Numquid breve pallium est ut non possit ambos cooperire 1 Magna est Ecclesise fides. Numquid minor fide Canansese mulieris, quam constat et filise sufficere potuisse, et sibi 1 Ideo audivit, mulier, magna est fides tua ! sit tihi sicut petisti. Numquid minor fide illorum, qui paralyticum per tegulas dimittentes, animse illi simul et cor- poris obtinuere salutem ? Denique habes. Quorum fidem ut vidit, ait paralytico, Confide, fili, remittuntur tibi peccata. Et 310 NOTES LL, MM. paulo post : Tolle grahatum tuum et amhula. Qui hoc credit, facile huic persuadebitur merito Ecclesiam prsesumere non solum, parvulis baptizatis in sua fide salutera, sed etiam inter- fectis pro Christo infantibus coronam martyrii.' — S. Bernard, In Gomtica, Serm. Ixvi. NOTE LL, p. 141. ^Dum per sacratissimum crucis signum vos suscepit in utero sancta mater Ecclesia, quae sicut et fratres vestros cum summa Isetitid spiritaliter pariet, nova proles futura tantse matris, quo usque per lavacrum sanctum regenerates verae luci restituat, congruis alimentis eos quos portat pascat in utero et ad diem partus sui Isetos Iseta perducat : quoniam non tenetur hac sententid Evse quae in tristitia et gemitu parit filios, nee ipsos gaudentes, sed potius flentes.... Omnia sacramenta quae acta sunt et aguntur in vobis per ministerium servorum Dei, exorcismis, orationibus, canticis spiritalibus, in- sufflationibus, cilicio, inclinatione cervicum, humilitate pedum, pavor ipse omni securitate appetendus, hsec omnia, ut dixi, escse sunt quse vos reficiunt in utero, vel renatos ex baptismo hilares vos mater exhibeat Christo.' — Be Symholo ad Cate- chumenoa, vi. pp. 575, 555 ; cf. St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Introd. Lecture, § 13. NOTE MM, p. 142. '■ Et infantes quidem in brachiis dextris tenentur : majores vero pedem ponunt super pedem patrini sui.' — Ex S. Gregorii Lihro Sacramentorum, p. 74- The note on the word ' Patrini ' in the Benedictine Edition is as follows : ' Patrini sunt qui offerunt baptizandos eosque baptizatos de sacro fonte suscipiunt, Gallic^ parreins. Con- cilium sextum Arelatense, can. 9, et patroni eos quos ds NOTES NN, 00. .31.1 lavacri fonte suscipiunt, &c. Capitulum Herardi Turonensis Archiep. cap. 27, ut patres et patrini filios suos etfilidlos eru- diomt et enutriant. Qui et dicti sunt susceptores Jesse Am- branensis Episc. epist citata et signent ipsos infcmtes in/ronti- hus eorum susceptores viri vel foemince, id est, patrini vel matrince. Dicuntur et sponsores. Tertullianus lib. de Bap- tismo : quid enim necesse sponsores etia/ni periculo ingeri. S. Dionysius, cap. 2 et 7, Eccl. Hierar. appellat avahoxovs^ i.e. susceptores.' NOTE NN, p. 150. ' Cum ergo sint duge nativitates, ille (sc. Nicodemus) unam intelligebat. Una est de terra, alia de coelo : una est de carne, alia de Spiritu : una est de mortalitate, alia de seter- nitate: una est de masculo et foemina, alia de Deo et Ecclesit. Sed ipsae duse singulae sunt : nee ilia potest repeti, nee ilia.' — S. August. Tract, xi. In J oh, Evang. c. 3. vol. iii. pt. ii. p. 378. NOTE 00, p. 152. * He that affirms them (infants) to be truly regenerated or sanctified in their infancy must yield to us in this : that such children or infants as have been formerly regenerated in a measure sufficient to their salvation outgrow this measure of regeneration or sanctification after they come to the use of reason, or years of discretion, as they do their apparel or clothes which were fit for them whilst they were infants. And no question but the old man, after we come to the use of reason, grows stronger and stronger in all of us, until we abate his strength, and mortify his members by the Spirit.' — Dr. T. Jackson, vol. iii. p. 10 1. (bk. x. c. xxvii.) It is much to be regretted that the works of this writer are 312 NOTE PP. so imperfectly indexed. Owing to this, and to the somewhat desultory nature of the argument, they are not nearly so accessible for purposes of reference as they deserve to be. I remember well that many years ago Southey repeatedly re- commended me to read the writings of Dr. Jackson as a model of vigorous and genuine English, both in sentiment and style. NOTE PP, p. 156. The passage quoted in the text is from St. Augustine, De Baptismo, lib. iii. c. 16. * Primis temporibus cadebat super credentes Spiritus Sanctus ; et loquebantur Unguis quas non didicerant, quo- modo Spiritus dabat eis pronunciare. Signa erant tempori opportuna. Oportebat enim ita significari omnibus Unguis Spiritum Sanctum quia Evangelium Dei per omnes linguas cursurum erat toto orbe terrarum. Significatum est illud et transiit. Numquid modo quibus imponitur manus ut acci- piant Spiritum Sanctum, hoc expectatur ut Unguis loquantur ? Aut quando imposuimus manum istis infantibus, attendit unusquisque vestrum utrum Unguis loquerentur, et cum videret eos Unguis non loqui, ita perverso corde aliquis vestrum fuit ut diceret, non acceperunt isti Spiritum Sanc- tum ; nam si accepissent. Unguis loquerentur, quemadmodum tunc factum est? — Unde cognoscit quisque accessisse in Spiritum Sanctum "? interroget cor suum : si diligit Patrem, manet Spiritus Dei in illo. Non potest esse dilectio sine Spiritu Dei : quia Paulus clamat, Caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris per Spiritum Sanctum, qui datus est nobis.' See also a beautiful passage on the Holy Ghost regarded as the Soul of the Body of the Church, in the 267th Sermon on the day of Pentecost, vol. v. p. 1090, NOTES QQ, RR. 313 NOTE QQ, p. 160. 'Inde est quod exponens nobis Apostolus Paulus hunc panem, Unus panis, inquit, unum corpus multi sumus. O sacramentum pietatis, signum unitatis, vinculum cari- tatis ! Qui vult vivere, habet ubi vivat, habet undo vivat. Accedat, credat, incorporetur ut vivificetur. Non abhorreat a compage membrorum, non sit putre membrum quod re- secari mereatur ; non sit distortum de quo erubescatur ; sit pulchrum, sit aptum, sit sanum : hsereat corpori : vivat Deo de Deo : nunc laboret in terra ut postea regnet in coelo.' — S.August. Tract, xxvi. In Joh. Evang. c. 6. vol. iii. pt. ii. 499. NOTE RR, p. 166. I have often thought it would be useful to embody the mention of these blessings, as given in the Prayer-book, into a prayer, to be used either before communicating, or during the waiting-time in the actual service when there are many communicants. It might be iii some such form as this : — O Lord God Almighty, Who hast given Thine Only- begotten Son, not only to die for us, but also to be our spiritual food and sustenance in the Holy Communion, grant to me grace so to approach Thy blessed feast, that I may spiritually eat the Flesh of Christ, and drink His Blood ; that thereby Christ may dwell in me and I in Christ ; that I may be made one with Christ and Christ with me. Cleanse my sinful body by His glorious Body ; wash my soul by His most precious Blood. Grant me the sacred assurance that Thou still hast favour and goodness towards me ; that I am still, sinful and miserable as I have been, a very member incorporate in the mystical Body of 314 NOTES SS, TT. Christ, which is the blessed company of all faithful people ; that I am still an heir through hope of Thine everlasting kingdom. And, merciful Lord God, grant that thus par- taking of the Body and Blood of my Lord with all the Church, my body and my soul may be preserved to ever- lasting life, in Him and through Him Who alone is Life and Eesurrection and Salvation, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. NOTE SS, p. 171. ' Hoc est sacrificium Christianorum, multi unum corpus in Christo. Quod etiam sacramento altaris fidelibus noto frequentat Ecclesia ubi ei demonstratur quod in ea re quam offert, ipsa ofFeratur.' — S. Aug. De Civ. Dei, x. 7. vol. vii. p. 243. ^Apxicpei/s cKaaros iavTov yiyverai, diroa-cfxxTrcov ras ivTOS KUKias Koi doK&v del Trapeardvat ra Qea, Koi Kara ndcrav npa^iv Koi pr]criv ovTO) (ppiTTtov, CDS 6 dpp^tepfvs orav Oelco dvaiaaTrjpico Trapiararai. — Theophyl. Ad Rom. xii. i. NOTE TT, p. 171. There appears to be considerable diversity in the form of words used by priests in delivering, so to speak, the elements in Holy Communion to themselves. Some supply the first person throughout instead of the second, and say * The Body (or the Blood) of our Lord Jesus Christ which was given (or shed) for me, preserve my body and soul unto everlasting life. I take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for me, and feed on Him in my heart by faith with thanksgiving.' * I drink this in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for me, and am thankful.' NOTE TT. 315 In this, which is, I believe, the most usual practice, there is one signal inconvenience ; namely, that the priest professes actually to do in his own case, what in the case of all others he desires to be done. The feeding in the heart by faith, and the thankfulness which he solemnly urges upon others, he declares that he himself performs. I will not argue whether it is right or wrong for a person so to profess and declare about himself. I will only urge that the change of person involves something very different and much more considerable than a mere change of person, and whatever that difference may be, it has no right to be imported where it has no place. Feeling this inconvenience, some priests omit the latter clause in each case, and retaining the first person in the former one, stop short with the clause of prayer, without proceeding to that of solemn exhortation. It appears to me that something is lost by the omis- sion, while there is also a clear lack of authority for mak- ing it. For my own part, I can see no difficulty whatever in making use of the words precisely as they stand. The priest is not celebrant only, but he is communicant also, and it is not only right, but very useful and necessary too, that he should act and speak as keeping in mind both these facts. Indeed the whole service requires him to keep them both in mind. The absolutions are spoken just as much, and upon precisely the same terms to himself, as to the congregation. His, no doubt, is the voice, the organic voice, to speak the will of God, and to pronounce the words of delegated power ; but in no other point does he differ from all the rest to whom the words are spoken. Even ih^form is not otherwise than analogous to the language of Holy / 3i6 NOTE UU. Scripture, as in the Psalms, ' Praise thou the Lord, my soul, and all that is within me praise His holy name.' The same consideration may be applied to the posture in which the celebrant administers to himself. There seems to be no reason why he should not stcmd to say the words of administration, and ^meekly hneeV to receive the ele- ments. NOTE UU, p. 172. Ort avTos 6 Kvpios Koi 6 Qebs Koi Tra/ijSao-iXevs rificov *lr](Tovs 6 Xpia-Tos Tjj wkt\ f] irapehlhov iavrov vnep tZv dfiaprimv rjp.a>v, Koi TOP vnep Travrcov vylria-raTov Bdvarov o-apKij crvvavaKKiBeis p-era tS>v dyicov Koi dxpavrayv icai dpapcav avrov )(eip5>v, dvaffKe^ras eis TOP 1810V Trarepa, Beov he rjpoiv koi Beov rcov oXcop, €vxopt(TTr)cra9, €vX.oyr](Tas, ayida-as, Kkdcras BiedcoKe rois dyiois Koi paKapiois avrov liaBrjrais, koI dnoa-ToXois cIttodv ^iKCJimvas] Xa/3eTf, (jidyere. *0 AiaKovos. *EKreiVaTe. 'O ^Upevs iK(j)o)VQ>Sf TovTO ydp icTTi to a-apd pov to wep vp5>v Kkmpevov^ kolI hiabibo- fievov els a(f)€(nv apapricov. *0 Aaos. *Apr]v. *0 'lepevs \eyei cTrevxdpevos, 'Cla-avTOis koi to Trorrjpiov peTO. to denrv^a-ai Xa^oav, koL Kepda-as i^ olvov Koi vdaTos, dva^Xeyj/as els top ovpapbp Trpbs ae top thiop irarepa, Qeop 8e fjpwp, Koi Qeop Tap oKcop evxapco-rfjcras, evXoyrja-as, TrXrio-as irvevpaTos ayiov, pcTehoiKe to7s ayiois Koi paKapiois avTOv paBrjTOLS Koi dirooToKois elirap ^eK(f)a>P(os^ nieTe e^ avrov irdpres. 'O AidKovos. ^Ert eKreipare. *0 'Jepei/s €K(f)a>pa)S, Tovro ydp eVrt ro atpd pov to rfjs KaiP^s BiadrjKris, rb vnep vpSiv mi iroXKav iitxyvopepov. koi biahibopepov ets Hcj^ea-ip dpapricop. KOTE VV. 317 *0 Aaos. 'Afirjv. Ex Liturgid I), Marci, Liturg. Oriental. Renaudot, vol. i. p. 155. Cf. for St. James's Liturgy, Re- naudot, vol. ii. p. 33. NOTE VV, p. 173. See for a very full illustration of the statement in the text Mr. Neale's translation of the Liturgies of St. Mark, &c., and the Appendix I of the short formulae of Institution as they occur in every extant liturgy. The following extract is from that of St. Cyril of Jerusalem (Copto- Jacobite), of which Mr. Neale says, ' St. Cyril's is one of the most valuable of the second class of Liturgies (Hierosolymitan, assimilated to the Alexandrian). From its singular resemblance to, and in some respects its even more singular departure from that of St. Mark, it is very probably the real composition, or rather edition, of the Saint whose name it bears.' For Thine only-begotten Son, our Lord God, the Saviour and Universal King Jesus Christ, in that night in which He gave Himself up that He might suffer for our sins, before the death which by His own free-will He undertook for us all. People. We believe. Friest. He took bread into His holy, immaculate, pure, blessed, and quickening hands, and looked up to heaven, to Thee His God and Father, and the Lord of all, and gave thanks. People. Amen. Priest. And blessed it. People. Amen. 3i8 NOTE WW. Priest. And sanctified it, and brake it, and gave it to His holy Disciples and pure Apostles, saying : Take, eat ye all of it : Foil this is My Body which shall be BEOKEN FOE YOU, AND FOE MANY SHALL BE GIVEN FOE THE EEMissiON OF SINS : do this in remembrance of Me. People. Amen. Priest. In like manner also He mingled the Chalice after supper with wine and water, and gave thanks. People. Amen. Priest. And blessed it. People. Amen. Priest. And sanctified it. People. Amen. Priest. And tasted it, and gave it to His glorious holy Disciples and Apostles, saying, Take, drink ye all of it, This is My Blood of the New Testament which foe you is poueed foeth, and foe many shall be given to THE EEMISSION OF SINS : do this in remembrance of Me. People. Amen. Priest. For as often as ye shall eat of this Bread, and drink of this Chalice, ye announce My Death, and confess My Eesurrection, and keep My memory till I come. People. We announce Thy Death, Lord, and we confess Thy Resurrection. NOTE WW, p. 174. M.iyaX'q rj bvvafxis rrjs avvoSov, rjyovv t5)V iKKkrjaiciv. 'Skottcl TTas fxeyoKr] r)V rj bvvayns ttjs (rvvoboV rj ttjs €Kic\r]aias (VXV TOP Uerpov diro tS>v deafiav eXvae, tov UavXov to (TTOfxa avioi^ev' f) TovTcav ^rj(})os, ovx ws €Tvx€ kuI tovs em tcls irvevfiaTiKas dpxas ipXOfievovs KoraKoa-fieZ Staroi tovto koi 6 fieXkav ;^eipoToi'eri/, /cat Tas fKeipav evxas KoKel tots, koL avTol €7rf^T](f)i^ovTaif Koi NOTE XX. 319 iin^oaxnv dnep la-acnv ol ficuvrjfxevoi. ov yap 8f} Bcyns em t5>v dfivrjTcov €KKa\v7rT€LV airavTa. eari be ottov ov dieorrjKev 6 Upevs Tov dp)(op,evov' oiop orav divokaveiv berj tS)V piKTS}v p.v(rTr]pi(op' oixoicos yap Trdvres d^iovfieOa tSdv avrav. ov Kaddncp im ttJ9 TraXaids ra fiev 6 lepevs ^aOie, to. 8e 6 dp^ofievos' Koi 3epis ovk rjv T<5 Xaw perex^i-v o)V fierei^ev 6 iepevs' aXX ov vvv' aKKa Trdcriv ev (Tv iirevxerai 6 iepevs r<5 Xaw, irrevx^rai be 6 Xaos tw iepel. to yap ficTO. tov nvevfiaTos (Tov, ov8ev akXo earlv rj tovto. to. t^s evxaptarias irdXiv Koivd. ovBe yap tKelvos evxcipia-Tel p-ouos, dWa Ka\ 6 Xaos airas. npoTcpov yap avTav Xa^ibv (j)(ovrjVy etVa crvvTidepevcav oti d^iuts Kol diKaicos tovto yiyveTai, t6t€ apx^Tai Trjs evxapiarias. Ka\ tl Oavpd^eis eiirov p,€Ta tov lepecos 6 Xaos ^^eyyerat, OTrotrye /cm peT avTav Ta>v Xcpov^ip.^ Ka\ Ta>v avG) Svi/a/xecov, Koiv^ tovs Upovs iKiivovs vpvovs dvanep,Tr€i j TavTa de fioi trairra cKeiva etprjraif Iva cKaaros koi tS)V dpxop^pav vr](f)r}, Iva p.d6a)pev oti (rapA eapev a-rravTes ev, ToaavTrjv exovTes npos oXXjjXovs dia(f)opdv, oa-rjv p.eXr) npos /xcX?;, Ka\ prj to rrdv em tovs iepeas pnrroap.ev, aKXa Koi auroi, dcnrep koivov (rapaToSy Trjs eKKXija-ias &7rdaT]s ovTco cjipovTi^apev' tovto yap Ka\ d(r(j>aX€i.av nXeiova, Kai vplv e7ri8iSa)(7t pei^ova KaTaaKevd^eiv npos dpeTrjV. — S. Chrysost. Horn, xviii. in 2 Ep. ad Cor. vol. x. p. 568. NOTE XX, p. 175. *Fratres carissimi, tales oportet nos esse cum corpus Christi consecramus, cum consecratum mam,dttcantes, sacri- ficamus, cum vobis idem corpus in salutem corporis et animse porrigimus. Tales etiam vos oportet esse, cum sacrum Sacra- mentum de manibus nostris accipitis, scientes quod qui corpus Christi indigne accipit, et sanguinem ejus indignl bibit, ju- dicium sibi manducat et bibit. Neque enim credere debemus 320 NOTE YY. quod soli sacerdoti supradictse virtutes sint necessarise, quasi solus consecret, et sacrificet corpus Christi. Non solus sacrificat, non solus consecrat, sed totus conventus fidelium qui adstat, cum illo consecrat, cum illo sacrificat. Nee solus ligni faber facit domum ; sed alius virgas, alius ligna, alius trabes &c. comportat. Debent itaque adstantes habere de suo, sicut et sacerdos, fidem firmam, orationem puram, de- votionem piam.' — Guerrici Abbatis, De Purific, B. Marice, Serm. v. (apud Opera S. Bernardij vol. ii. p. 960.) Guerricus, from whose Sermons this remarkable passage is extracted, was a pupil and friend of St. Bernard. He is twice mentioned in his letters (Ep. 89, 90) : ' Si de fratre Guerrico desideras, immo quia desideras scire, sic currit non quasi in incertum, sic pugnat non quasi aerem verberans. Sed quoniam scit neque pugnantis esse, neque currentis, sed miserentis Dei ; ipsum rogat a te orari pro se, quatenus qui jam donavit ei et pugnare et currere, det et vincere et per- venire.' He became Abbot of ' Igniacum ' in the diocese of Rheims in the year 11 38, and died in 1157. * Plane quam sanse verbis doctrinse fuerit, luculentissimi atque disertissimi et ver^ spirituales Sermones ejus, quos in solemnitatibus prsecipuis in conventibus Fratrum fecit, et a Cantore ejusdem Ecclesise excepti sunt, manifesto decla- rant.' 'Porro ignitum eloquium Domini vehementer quod in sermonibus illis invenitur, ita movet, afiicit et accendit le- gentem, ut durissimus corde sit, qui non ex eorum lectione compunctus ad meliora proficere studeat.' — Preface to the Sermons of Guerricus. NOTE YY, p. 176. ' Attende igitur, ut prsedixi, et semper in mente habe, jugi NOTES ZZ, AAA. 32! memoria retine gratiam tibi singulariter a Deo collatam, quam nee Angelis prsestitit, nee ceteris hominibus concessit. Panis enim in manibus tuis in corpus unigeniti Filii Dei transubstantiatur : vinum in sanctissimum sanguinem D. N. Jesu Christi tua benedictione convertitur. Multum ardent Seraphim sanctae Trinitati prae ceteris cunctis spiritibus loco et caritate conjuncti. . . . Non tamen hoc privilegio prsenitent ut Corpus vel Sanguinem Redemptoris nostri in subjects creatura sanctificent, &c. ' Ipsi enim (sacerdotes) habent claves hujus sacramenti, ipsi sunt veri mediatores inter Deum et hominem, ipsi sunt vox et organum sanctae Ecclesise, ipsi offerunt Deo plebis pre- cationes et referunt propitiationes.' — S. Bernard, Instructio Sacerdotis, c. ix. xii. vol. ii. pp. 531, 535. NOTE ZZ, p. 176. This statement is borrowed from the note of the Bene- dictine editor of St. Bernard, who writing upon this passage of Guerricus, after declaring (what we do not doubt) that the priest is the only right and adequate minister for the consecration of the Eucharist, adds, ' Quanquam dici potest, adstantes etiam suo modo sacrificium offerre et conficere per sacerdotem et cum sacerdote, qui populi mediator est et minister. Unde in canone Missse oHm ita legebatur, et omnium circumstantium, qui tibi offerunt hoc sacrificium laudis, quibus verbis hsec inserta sunt, pro quihus tibi offeri- mus, vel qui tibi offerunt J — Notoe in S. Bernard, vol. i. p. cxviii. NOTE AAA, p. 177. Koivavia rov (rafiaros tov Xpiarov eariv' tlmv' avri tov, Sxrittp 322 NOTES BBB, CCC. fKclvo TO (rcofia rjuarai ra Xpicrra ovra Koi rnxels avra dia tov aprov rovrov ivovyaOa. — Theophyl. ad i Cor. x. i6. Koivcovia Xeyerai re Koi ecrriv aKi]6a>s dia to Koivcovelv r)fias 8t* avTTJs Tw XpuTTa, Koi jxcTcx^iv avTov T7]S aapKds T€ koi Qcottjtos* Koiva>v€LV de koi evovaSat dkXrjkois 8i' avTrjs' errei yap i^ ivo^ aprov fierakaix^dvofiev ol Travres h acofia Xpicrrov koi ev aip.a koi aX\rj\a>v fiehj yiyvoficBa, av(Ta-a>p.oi XpiCTTov xP'?/*"'"*Co'""fS- — Joann. Da- mascen. Orihod. Fidei, lib. iv. c. xiv. NOTE BBB, p. 182. Tavra ovx tva hiiKoiS iieri-xrfT^ Xcyo), aXX' Iva d^lovs eavTovs KaTa(rK€vd^r)T€. OvK et 7^9 Bvaias a^ios, ovde t^s jieTaXTj-^eas', ovKOvu ov^e Trjs ^vx^js' aKoveig icTTonTOs tov KTjpVKOs, Koi XeyovTOS, oaoL iv fi€Tavoia drreXOeTe TrdvTes. "Ocroi fjbrj fxeTexovcri, iv fxcTavoig. €io"iV. el t5)v iv fxeTavoia ci, fieraa-x^'iv ovk 6(j)€i\€is. 6 yap fMrj fierexcoy, Ta>v iv /jieTavota iaTiv. SKOTTet, TrapaKaXco' Tpdne^a irdpeari ^aa-iKiKf), ayyeXoi biaKovov- p,fV0L Tjj Tpani^rj^ avTos irdpecrTiv 6 ^aa-ikevs, Ka\ (tv €(TTT]Kas x«o-/^g>- fievos ; . . .TTcis yap 6 fifj perexoiv tS)V p,vcrTr]pia>v^ dvaiaxwros Ka\ irafims coTT^KWff. ...EiTre fxoi, el ris fls icmas to7s dna^ e(r(f)payio-fievois, Trjv eK Trjs eino-Tpo(})TJs o-ciTTjpiav avT&v dvapevov. Tore be e^ o\ov Trjs ^e^rjXaado-rjs avTOv TrjV X^P*" ylrvxrjs diroTfir]6rj(reTai. — S. Basil. De Sp. S. C. xvi. p. 47. NOTES MMM, NNK 335 NOTE MMM, p. 246. I may perhaps be allowed, in illustration of the expression in the text, to quote a passage from a former work of my own : — ' Thus much only the Scriptures seem to unfold respecting these two sacred Presences ' (the Presence of the Second and Third Persons of the Holy Trinity in the Church), Hhat the Holy Ghost dwells in the hearts of separate baptized Christians; that Christ dwells in the community of the Church ; that the bodies of Christians are, one by one, tem- ples of the Holy Ghost, but that all together are the Temple of Christ ; that each Christian is a separate stone instinct with the Holy Spirit, but that all together make up Christ's Temple ; that where several have been duly gathered into the Sacred Name (not without the water and the renewing of the Holy Ghost), there is Christ in the midst of them.' — - Sayings of the Great Forty Bay 8^ ii. p. 84. NOTE NNN, p. 249. Had the translators of the Bible in King James's reign foreseen the extent to which their work would have become the great standard of the English language in future times, they might perhaps have ventured on introducing occasionally a new word where no English one existed to supply the full meaning of the original, or to change the meaning of one already in use. It might have been a very bold thing to use the ' soul ' to express the Greek ^vxr]-> in both its senses (I mean as signifying both the immaterial, immortal part of man's nature, as distinguished from the mortal body = the immortal soul, and the specifically called ^^xh^ which (equally 33<5 NOTE NNN. immaterial) is contradistinguished from the nvevfxa or spirit, and is occupied with the desires and interests of this mortal life), but we should in all probability have become accustomed to such an usage, and been spared the extreme inconvenience which results from having to translate >/^x^ ^7 ^^^ word 'life,' as is the case now in a great number of places in the Gospels, — eminently in Matt. x. 39 ; xvi. 25 ; Luke xiv. 26 ; John X. II, &c. ; xii. 25 So too with the word rrapd- kKtjtos. From the fact of its being translated ' Comforter ' in the Gospel and ' Advocate ' in St. John's Epistle a great doctrine is obscured, and English readers have to be informed, as of a new thing, that the word is the same in the original language, and that both the words by which it is translated are really applicable in both books to both the Holy Persons to whom they appear to be applied separately. Had the translators ventured to keep the word ' Paraclete,' introducing a new word into the language to signify a new combination of ideas, this inconvenience would have been avoided. I might make the same observation with respect to the word dLadrjKT], which, translated almost indifferently by the words ' covenant ' and * testament ' (see especially the strange way in which these words are interchanged in the ninth and tenth chapters of the Hebrews), and capable from its con- nexion with 8iaTL6r)fiL of being translated equally well by the word 'dispensation' (cf. Luke xxii. 29; Acts iii. 25; Heb. viii. 10; x. 16), produces a perpetual difficulty in interpre- tation, while the English reader is left to discover for himself that it is but a single word in the original which is rendered in so various, and apparently irreconcileable ways. The word irapaKkr^Tos may be regarded (i) as a word of classical Greek, in which case it means (see Liddell and Scott's Lexicon) one called in; an advocate, called in to NOTE NNN". 337 speak, or plead, as before a magistrate. In the passage of St. John's Epistle this is clearly its leading meaning, and, if it were not for the other passages which combine another shade of meaning with this, there would be no fault to find with the word ' Advocate ' as the translation of it. (2) But it is also a word which is modified by the later use of the Alexandrian Greek. UapaKaXeo) is used in the New Testament in the two senses of ' to beseech ' and ' to comfort/ (It never occurs in St. John's Gospel.) The two senses occur in close juxtaposition in Acts xvi. 39 and 40. Of these two senses the first is much the most common ; the second is used, almost exclusively, in the passive voice. (Matt. v. 4 ; Luke xvi. 25 ; Acts xx. 12.) In the LXX it is used in the active (TrapaKokelTe, TrapaKaXeiTe tou \a6v fiov, Xc-yci 6 Qeos. Upeis XaXrjo-are els rrjv Kapblav 'Upovadkrjpf TvapaKakiarare avrrjp, k.t.X. Isa. xl. I, 2 j cf. Ps. cxix. 50 j Gen. xxxvii. 35, &c.) ; so also in those remarkable verses (2 Cor. i. 3 — 7) in which the idea of * comfort ' is in various shapes repeated not less than ten times in four verses. TlapaKkriais occurs twenty-nine times in the New Testament, twenty-one times in the sense of ' comfort ; ' cf. Nahum iii. 7j Isa. Ivii. 18. IlapaKXrjTcop is used in the Book of Job for a comforter ('YTroXa/Scbv Se 'la)/3 Xeyei, 'AKr}Koa roiavra ttoXXo, irapaKXrjTopes KaKav jravTes, Job Xvi. 2). So also 7rapaKaXci)v, 2 Sam. X. 3 : cf. Ps. Ixix. 20; Eccl. iv. i ; Lam. i. 9, 16 ; Isa. li. 12. The word irapdKXrjTos is quoted from Philo in Grinfield's Editio Hellenistica ; but in the classical sense as an advocate only. Thus the word Fa/raclete may be understood to have the sense of ' one called in ' (I suppose that the fundamental form must be passive) in order to plead, to exhort, and to comfort. z 338 NOTE NNN. ' Hinc patet,' as is well said by Corn, a Lap., * quod Christus quoque fuerit apostolorum et fidelium Paracletus ; id est primb advocatus, intercessor, orator, juxt^ illud Pauli' (Johannis 1) 'Advocatum hahemus apvd Dewrn Patrem, Jeswm Christum, ait S. Aug. Secundb, exhortator, incitator, im- pulsor: Tertib, consolator, ut vertit Syrus: hsec tria enim significat Grsecum irapdKKrjTos. Sed abiens Christus misit alium Paracletum, so. Spiritum Sanctum, qui in his tribus Christo successit. Ipse enim primb est advocatus fidelium, quia postulat pro nobis gemitibus enarrabilibuSf Rom. viii. 26. Ipse pariter est noster exhortator et consolator, qu8B duo hie (sc. Joh. xiv. 6) maximb spectat Christus, q. d. Ego hue usque vos, discipuli mei, docui, rexi, consolatus sum, ac proinde ob instantem meum discessum contristamini ; sed animos erigite, et confidite. Ego enim mei loco vobis submittam alium Paracletum, qui vos non ad modicum tempus, ut ego, sed tota vestra vitd, doceat, incitet, consoletur, et protegat.' '■oc<«J)Cffv>s>- ^ ^ SELECTION FROM Tf 1 3fWlM65|.TI®l:S OF MESSRS. JAS. PARKER AND CO, BEOAD-STREET, OXPOED, AND 377, STKAND, LONDON. OXFORD, 1869. ^ r5;«. c. CONTENTS. SCEIPTITEE Commentaries PA&l . 3 Ecclesiastical History . & The Prayer-book . . ■ r Doctrinal Theology . 8 Parish Work . ^ Devotional Works . 10 Oxford Editions of Devotional Works . la Biographies . . la Church Poetry . . 14 Sermons . . . 16 Headings for the Christian Seasons . 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