Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofbooksOOmercrich CATALOGUE MERCANTILE LIBRARY, BOOKS IN THE CITY OF NEW YOEK. PUBLISHED BY THE MEKCANTiLE LIBKABY ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK : F. F. TAYLOR, PRINTER AND STATIONER, No. 30 Bkoad Street. 1866. PREFACE. The necessity of a new GUalogne of the Library hae been apparent for aome time, as no complete one htut been made for dxteen yeatt. The expense of the nndertaldng was, howcTer* evidently to be so great that no Board until the present one has felt It aafe to undertake such an eztenaiYe work. Daring the administration of the Board of 18M-6 a manuscript Catalogue was commenced, but for aome reason was not continued. It was found to be of no material assistance towards the present Catalogue, the work having to be begun anew. Almost the first act of the present Board was to H>pointthis Commitlae, which imme- diately commenced operations. During June their President visited Cambridge and Boston, for the purpose of examining the system of cataloguing employed at Harvard College and in the public librariea of Boston; and on his return a corps of five eatalogucn, under the supervision of the Librarian, went actively to work. No sufficiently complete record of the aceesslons and losses of the Library was kept during the sixteen years since the Isst Catalogue. The first step was therefore to make an inventory of the Librai^, involving the handling of at least one hundred and fifty thousand volumes, as each book had to be dealt with at least twicei This invsntoty eonsisti of over sixty thousand cards or slips, in two sets. One of these sets is alphabstsd by names of authors, including the titles of anonymous books. TIm other set oontains the titles of the books, and is classed by subjects. These two sets of cards correspond respeetively to the Alphabetical Catalogue and the Classifled Index in the printed Catalogue, and there is a third set for the Novels. In preparing this inventory, permanent fhtuse economy as well as present conve- nience was con t emplated. The seU of cards referred to, after being copied for the printer, have been preserved in drawers made for the puri>ose. A regular oataloguing department is to be maintained, and it is intended that no book shall be added to the Library without the addition of the corresponding cards in this card catalogue of Inventoiy, and that all losses and changea shall in like manner be represented on these csxds. This oataloguing is to be kept up daily and strictly. Thus, whenever another catalogue shall be required, instead of the wearisome and expensive process just completed, the work can be made ready for the printer at any time, at short notice, without disturbing the regular work of the Library, and at little expense besides mere transcribing. Two books are also to be kept upon the desk of the Library as Accession Catalogues, in which nil books hereafter added are to be entered; and these, with the present Catalogue, will constitute a complete record of every book in the Library. The present Catalogue is substantially upon the same plitB as the previous one, namely, an alphabetical list under names of authors, a classifled index, arranged by subjects, and a separate list of novels entered in duplicate, under their authors' names and under titles. A somewhat smaller typo than that of the old Catalogue, and a double-oolumned page, were adopted, and a considerable saving in bulk waa thus secured. The experience and knowledge of our late Librarian, Mr. Grant, have been of great service in the conduct of this very laborious and difficult undertaking; and our thanks are also due to the gentlemen who have assisted him in the manual labor of it, for the cordiality, industry and efficiency of their co-operation. > A. T. FBANCIS, Chairman Cbm. ifficm si % PewantHe fikarfi ^ssoriation, for 1865-6, ROBERT WALKER IRWIN. AARON C. ALLEN. SAMUEL B. LYON. A. JUDSON STONE. JAMES W. EDWARDS. EDWIN P. WEED, GEORGE B. EMORY, NATHANIEL D. WHITE, ALBERT H. WHEELER, AUGUSTUS T. FRANCIS, GEORGE C. LEE, JACOB S. ISAACS. HLiiranan. A. W. GREEN. ^J5j5istant 5.il3rar(ana, F. H. HOUSTON, , L. A. MIRICK. Cataloigue (Sommittw, A. T. FRANCIS, EDWIN P. WEED, JAS. W. EDWARDS. CATALOGUE OF THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY. Abailabd et Huloise. Lettres; avec un Essai parM. etMino. Guizot 8^ Paris. 1839. Abbatt, llicli. Linear Perspective. 8^ Loiid. 1853. Abbot, Abiel. History of Andover, Mass. 12^. Andover. 1829. Abbot, A- ami K. AbLotGeuealogy. 8^. Bost 18.17. Abbot, E. H. i,. . i. ,. ul" llumplireys and Ab- bot's Iteport on MLis. lliver. 8'. Bost 18G2. Abbot, Ezra. Literature of Dootiine of Fu- ture Life. >Se(j Aloer, W. li. Abbot, H. L. Report ou Mississippi River. See Hu^n'HKEYS, A. A. Abbot, R. C. E. Rise of the Swiss Confed- enitiou. 8'. Oxi'ord. 1861. Abbot, Waldo. Our Sunday School. 12^. Bost I8(i;j. Abbott, A. O. Prison Life in the South, 18G4-5. 12^. N.Y. 18G5. Abbott, B. V. & A. Digest of N. Y. Statutes and Reports. 5 v. 8\ N.Y. 1860-63. Abbott, C1i!>h. Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen. 8^ Lond. 1802. Abbott, Jac. American History. 8 v. (v. 1, Aboriginal America; v. 2, Discovery of America; v. 3, Southern Colonies; v. 4, Northoni Colonies; v. 5, Colonial Wars; v. 6, Revolt of the Colonies; v. 7, Revolutionary War; v. 8, W^ashiug- ton.) 16°. N.Y.' 1860-1865. 1 Abbott, Jac. China and the English. 16°. N.Y. 1835. Cornerstone. 12". Bost 1834. Same. 12^ N.Y. 1852. History of Alexander the Great 16°. N.Y. 1863. Alfred the Great IG . X.Y. 1861. Chai-lesL 16°. N.Y. 1865. Charles H. 16^. N.Y. 1864. Cleopatra. 16^ N.Y. 1863. Cyrus the Great 1G\ N.Y. 18(>4. Darius the Great 16^. N.Y. 1860. Queen Elizabeth. 16°. N.Y. 18r,0. Genghis Khan. 16^. N.Y. 1860. Hannibal. 16°. N.Y. 1857. Julius Cffisar. 16'. N.Y. 1864. ^largaret of Anjou. 16^ N.Y. 1861. Mary Queen of Scots. 16°. N.Y. 1863. Nero. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Peter the Great 16=. N.Y. 1860. PjTihus. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Richard! 16°. N.Y. 1857. Richard U. 16^. N.Y. 1858. Richard lU. 16°. N.Y. 1858. R(miulus. 16°. N.Y. 1865. William the Conqueror. 16°. N.Y. 18GL " Xerxes the Great 16°. N.Y. 1864. A Summer in Scotland. 12°. N.Y. 1848. The Teacher. 12°. Bost 1836. CATALOGUE OF THE Abbott, Jac. Way to do Good. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Young Christian. 12°. N.Y. 1833. Abbott, J. S. C. See Napoleon I. and Jose- phine. Correspondence. Child at Home. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Empire of Austria. 8°. N.Y. 1859. . French Kevolution of 1789. 8°. N.Y. 1859. History of Hernando Cortez. 16°. N.Y. 1855. '* Henrj'IV. 16°. N.Y. 1856. " Josephine. 16°. N.Y. 1863. ' " Maria Antoinette. 16°. N.Y. '64. •' Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1862, ' «♦ King Philip. 16°. N.Y. 1857. '• Madam Eoland. 16°. N.Y. 1862. «' Russia. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Italy, from the Earliest Period. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Kings and Queerfs. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Mother at Home. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Practical Christianity. 12°. N.Y. 1862. South and North; A Trip to Cuba and the South. 12°. N.Y. 1860, Abdt, E. S. Residence in the U. S. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1835. Abeei., D. Besidence in China. 12°. N.Y. 1834. Abel, F. A., and Bloxam, C. L. Handbook of Chemistry. 8°. Phil. 1854. Abelard and Heloisa, Lives of. (Title want- ing.) 8°. Abell, Mrs. L. E. Eecollections of Napo- leon at St. Helena. 8°. Lond. 1845. Abell, Mrs. L. G. Housewife's Book. See Saxton's Handbooks, 4th Ser. Abenhamin. Civil Wars of Granada. 8°. Lond. 1801. Abekceombie, J. Harmony of Christian Faith and Character; and Culture and Disci- line of the Mind. 18°. N.Y. 1839. Intellectual Powers. 18°. NY. 1839. Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 18°. N.Y. 1833. Abeet, J. W. Report on New Mexico. See United States. Ablesimoff. a. Komicheskaya Opera. 8°. St. Petersburg. 1792. About, E. Cas de M. Guerin. 12°. Paris. 1863. Germaine. 12°. Paris. 1858. L'Homme a I'Oreille Cassee; and Let- tres d'un bon jeune Homme a sa Cousine Madeleine. 12°. Paris, 1861- 1862. About, E. Madelon. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Les Manages de Paris. 12°. Paris. 1856. Same. 16°. Paris. 1864. Le Nez d'un Notaire. 12''. Paris. 1863. Nouvelle Carte de I'Europe. 8°. Paris. 1860. Le Progres. 12°. Paris. 1864. Question liomaine. 8°. Brux. 1859. LeKoidea Montagues. 12°. Paris. 1860. Same. 16°. Paris. 1863, Rome Contemporaine. 8°. Paris. 1861. Theatre Impossible. 12°. Paris. 1862. Trente et Quarante; and Les Parents de Bernard. 16°. Paris. 1865. Greece and the Greeks. 12°. Edin. 1855. Rome of To-Day. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Abeantes, L. p. Junot, Duchesse d'. Me- moirs of Celebrated Women. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1835. Napoleon, his Court and Family. 2 v. 8°. Lond, 1836. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1854-5. Une Soiree chez Mme. Geoffrin. 16°. Brux. 1837. Abeege de I'Histoire Ancienne. 16°. Brux. 1833. Abeege de I'Histoire Romaine. 12°. Paris. 1819. Absteact of Evidence on Slave Trade. 8° Lond. 1791. Abu Taleb Khan. Travels in Asia, Africa and Europe. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1810. Academia Espanola. Diccionario. 8°. Paris. 1826. Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Historia e memorias. 11 v. 4°. Lisbon. 1797-1831. Academie, Fran9oi8. Dictiomiaire. 2 v. 4°. Paris. 1798-9. Academie Nationale Agricole, Manufactu- riere, etc. Journal des Travaux. 8°. Paris. 1849. Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. V. 8-10,24-27,32-43. 4°. Paris. 1839-53. Index to v. 1-31 of Comptes Rendus.' 4°. Paris. 1853. Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Seances et Travaux. v. 39-60. 8°. Paris. 1857-62. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Journal, v. 1-8. 8°. Phil. 1817-39. Catalogue of Library. 8°. Phil. 1836. AcAEETE, Mons. Voyage up the River of Plate. See Acugna, C. d'. Account of a Late Conference on Occurren- ces in America. (P. 60.) 8°. Lond. 1766. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. Account of Louisiana. 8°. Lond. 180i. Account of Several Late Voyages and Dis- coveries. (Narbrough, Tiismau, Wood, Marten.) 12'=. Loud. 1711. Account of Spanish Settlements ill America. ,8°. Edin. 17G2. Account of Debate in House of Commons, Jul}', 1782, on America. 8°. Lond. 1782. Account of United Provinces of Rio de la Plata. 8^ Lond. 1825. , Accounts and Extracts of MSS. in Biblio- theque du Roi. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1789. AcEBBi, J. Travels in Sweden, Finland and Lapland. 2 v. 4P. Lond. 1802. AcHAED, A. Les Demieres Marquises. 16°. Paris. 1863. Le Due de Carlepont. 8^ N.Y. 1864. L'Eau qui dort. 16^. Paris. 1860. Les Femmes Honnetes, etc. 16°. Paris. 1863. Le Fils du Fauconnier. 8^ N.Y. 1864. Histoire d'un Homme. 12^. Paris. 1863. Madame Rose, etc. 16°. Paris, 1864. Madame de Sarens. 16°. Paris. 1865. Mile, du Rosier. 16°. Paris. 1856. Maurice de Treuil. 16°. Paris. 1858. Parisiennes et Proviuciales. 16°. Paris. 1861. La Traite des Blondes. 16°. Paris. 1863. AcHiLLi, G. Dealings with the Inquisition. 8°. N.Y. 1851. AcKEEMAN, R. History of Cambridge Uni- versity. 2 V. 4°. Lond. 1815. History of Oxford University. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1814. Microcosm of London. 3 v. 4°. Lond. n.d. Repository of Arts, Literature, etc. 14 v. 8°. Lond. 1809-15. AcosTA, J. Nueva Granada en el Siglo XVI. 8°. Paris. 1848. AcosTA, Jos. Historie of the East and West Indies. 8°. Lond. 1604. AcEOSs the Atlantic. 12°. Lond. 1851. AcT^\. See Agassiz, Mrs. AcTES des Apotres. 8°. Paris. 1789. AcTES et Memoires concemant les Nogooia- tions entre la France et les Etats Unis. 3v. 12°. Lond. 1807. Acton; or, The Circle of Life. 12°. N.Y. 1849. AcuGNA, C. d', Acarete, and Grillet and Be- chamel. Voyages and Discoveries in South America. 8^. Lond. 1698. Adaie, J. History of the American Indians. 4°. Lond. 1775. Adaie, R. Peace of the Dardanelles. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1845. Adalbebt, H. W., Prince. Travels in South of Europe and Brazil. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Adam, A. Roman Antiquities. 8°. N.Y. 1814. Same, with notes by Boyd. 12°. Glas- gow. 1836. Adam, R. Religious World Displayed. 8^^. Phil. 1818. Adam, W. Adam Genealogy. 12°. Albany. 1848. Adam,W. Slavery in British India. 8°. Bost. 1840. Adam, W. P. Policy of Retaliation. 8°. Lond. 1852. Adams, Mrs. A. Letters, with Memoir by C. F. Adams. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1840. Adams, Miss A. Journal and Correspond- ence. 1786. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1841-2. Adams, C. Women of the Bible. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Words that Shook the World; or, Luther his own Biogi-apher. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Adams, C. B. Catalogue of his. Collection of Shells. (P.) 12°. Middlebury. 1847. Catalogue of Shells collected at Pana- ma. (P.) 4°. N.Y 1852. Contributions to Conchology; No. 2, Helicidaj; No. 9, Laud Shells of Jamaica; No. 10, Land MoUuscre of Jamaica. (P.) 12°. var. dates. Monograph of Stoastoma. (P.) 4°. Am- herst. 1849. Monograph of Vitrinella. (P. ) 4°. Am- herst 1850. Adams, C. F. What makes Slavery a Na- tional Question. 8°, Bost. 1855. Adams, C. W. A Spring in the Canterbury Settlement. 12°. Lond. 1853. Adams, E. Geographical Word Expositor. 16°. Lond. 1856. Adams, E, G. Historical Discourse at Tem- pleton. 8°. Bost. 1857. Adams, F. A., Root, G. F., and Sweetseb, J. E. Singer's Manual. 18°. N.Y 1849.* Adams, G. Natural and Experimental Phi- losophy. 5v. 8°. 1799. Adams, G. Adams Genealogy. 8°. Bost. 1860. Adams, Hannah. Abridged History of New England. 12°. Bost. 1805. Memoir, by herself. 12°. Bost. 1832. Adams, H. W. The Book of Job in Poetry. 8°. N.Y 1864. Adams, John. Horsemanship. 3 v. 8°. Lend. 1865. CATALOGUE OF THE Adams, John (cont'd). Flowers of Modem Travel. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1816. Adams, John, Pres. Works, with Life, by C. F. Adams. 10 v. 8°. Bost. 1856. Correspondence "with Mr. Cunningham. 8°. Bost. 1823. Defence of the Constitution of the U. S. 3v. 8°. Phil. 1797. Letters to his Wife. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1841. Adams, John, and Sewall, J. Essays of No- vanglus and Massachusettensis. 8°. Bost. 1819. Adams, John, Jr. Doctrine of Equity. 8°. Phil. 1859. Adams, J. G. Memoir of Mrs. M. H. Adams. 16°. Bost. 1865. Adams, J. Q. Address, July 4, 1821. 8°. Wash. 1821. Dei-mot MacMorrogh. 8°. Bost. 1832. Duplicate Letters ; on the Fisheries and the Mississippi. 8°. Wash. 1822. Eulogy on ]Mi\ Monroe. (P. 12.) 8°. Bost. 1831. Jubilee of the Constitution. 8". N.Y. 1839. Lectures on PJietoric and Orator5^ 2 v. 8°. Camb. -1810. Letters on Masonry. 8°. Bost. 1847. Letters on Silesia. 8°. Lond. 1804. • Letters to his Son, on the Bible. 16°. Auburn. 1850. Oration on Life of Lafayette. 8°. Wash. 1835. Poems. 16°. W^ash. 1848. Oration, July 4, 1831. (P. 12.) 8°. 1831. and Others. Correspondence on a de- sign to dissolve the Union. 8°. Wash. 1829. Same. (P. 10.) Same, 2fl ed. (P. 41. ) 8°. Bost. 1829. Adams, Josiah. Haven Genealogy. 8°. Bost. 1843. Adams, Nathaniel. Annals of Portsmouth. "^ 8°. Portsmouth, N. H. 1825. Adams, Nehemiah. Broadcast. 12°. Bost. 1863. Discourse on Daniel Webster. 8°. Bost. 1852. Friends of Christ in the New Testament. 8°. Bost. 1853. Life of John Eliot. 12°. Bost. 1847. South-Side View of Slavery. 12°. Bost. 1854. Adams, R. Shipwreck on Coast of Africa. 8°. Bost. 1817. 12°. 8°. Adams. T. The Three Divine Sisters; Faith, Hope and Charity. 16°. N.Y. 1847. Adams, W. Address to the New England Society. 8°.. N.Y. 1853. Discoii'rse on Life of Eev. J. C. Brig- ham. 8°. N.Y. 1863. The Three Gardens ; Eden, Gethsemane, Paradise. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Adamson, J. L. Scripture Metaphors. 8°. Edin. 1849. Addey, M. Life of T. J. Jackson. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Addison, C. G. Damascus and Palmyra. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1838. The Temple Church. 8°. Lond. 1843. Addisoi^, C. J. System of Punctuation. 16°. Lond. 1826. Addison, J. See Spectatoe. Works. 3 V. 8°. N.Y. 1837. Same, with Notes by Hurd, Greeli, &c. 6v. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Dialogues on Ancient Medals. Lond. 1726. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 14. Addisoniana. 2 V. 18°. Lond. 1803. Additional Papers concerning Quebec, Lond. 1776. Addeess to the Freemen of New Jersey, Sept. 2, 1812. (P. 1.) 8°. Trenton. 1812. Addeess on a Mariner's Church in New York. (P. 4.) 8°. n.d. n.p. Addeess of Members of Congress on a War with England. (P. 1.) 8°. N.Y. 1812. Addeess of Mr. Penrose and others, on the InsuiTection at Harrisburg. (P. 35.) 8°. Harrisburg. 1839. Addeess to the People of England on Law for Personal Safety. (P. 52.) 8°. Lond. 1778. Addeesses to Medical Students. 1855-6. 12°. Edin. 1856. Adelung, J. C. Sketch of Sanscrit Literature. 8°. Oxf. 1832. • Adlaed, G. Dudley Genealogy. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Adlek, G. J. Notes on the Agamemnon of iEschylus. 8°. Chambersburg. 1861. ADiiEEEELD, G. History of Charles XII. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1740. Adlum, J. Cultivation of the Vine in Amer- ica. 12°. AVash. 1828. Administeation (The) of the Code. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Admonitoey Letter to the Prince of Wales. (P. 28.) 8°. Lond. 1806. Adolphus, J. History of England, 1760-83. 3 V. 8°. Lond. 1802. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. Adolphus, J. L. Letters to Mr. Heber on the Waverley Novels. IG^. Bost. 1822. ADVENTUiiEii (The). /S'ee Hawkeswouth, J. Advextuues of Hunters and Travellers. 12^. Phil. 18o2. Advice to a Young Christian, 12°. N.Y. 1850. Advice to a Young Gentleman on Entering Society. 18°. Phil. 1839. Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. Catalogue. 8". Edin. 1831. ^GiNETA. See Pauluh, ^scHYLUs. Tragedies. (Greek.) 12°. Leip. 1817. Same. See Didot's Greek Classics. Tragedies, Literally Translated by Buck- ley. 12°. Lond. 1849. Tragedies, transl. by Potter. 18°. N.Y. 183G. Same. 18°. Lond. 1839. Same. See British Poets, v. 50. Agamemnon, with transl. by Conington. 8°. Lond. 1848. Prometheus and Agamemnon, transl. by Herbert. 12°. Camb. 1849. JEsop. Fables, transl. by James. 8°. Lond. 1848. Same. 8°. N.Y. n.d. and others. Fables, transl. by Croxall. 18°. Phil. 183G. ^sop Junior in America. 12°. N.Y. 1834. African Repository, v. 38-40. 8°. Waish. 1862-4. African Servitude; "When, Why, and by Whom Instituted. 8°. N.Y. 18G0. Afternoon of Unmarried Life. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Agassiz, L. Bibliographia Zoologiaa et Geo- logic. V. 1-3. 8°. Lond. 1848-52. ^Comparative Embryology. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Essay on Classification. 8°. Lond. 1859. Introduction to Natural History. 8''. N.Y. 184?. Journey to Switzerland. 8°. Lond. 1833. Lake Superior; with Narrative of the Tour, by Cabot. 8°. Bost. 1850. Methods of Study in Natural History. 8°. Bost. 18G3. Natural History of the United States. V. 1^. 4°. Bost. 1857. and Gould, A. A. Principles of Zoology. 12°. Bost. 1848. Agassiz, Mrs. (Acttea.) A First Lesson in Natural History. 12°. Bost. 1859. Age (The) of Pitt and Fox. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1846. Agincourt. See Seroux. Agnel, H. R. Chess for Winter Evenings. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Book of Chess. (Same as j)receding. ) 12°. N.Y. 1864. Aguilar, Grace, Essays and Miscellanies. 8°. Phil. 1853. Women of Israel. 2. v. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Aguiere de Venero, M. New Physiognomy. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Ahn, F. French Course. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Method for German. 16°. Phil. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. System for Spanish. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Aide-Memoiee to the Militiiry Sciences. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1846-52. Aids to Faith; A Reply to Essays and Re- views. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Aiken, J. Labor and Wages. 8°. Lowell. 1849. Aiken, P. F. Constitutions of Great Britain and the U. S. 12°. Lond. 1842. AiKiN, A. Illustrations of Arts and Manu- factures. 16°. Lond. 1841. Tour in North Wales, &c. 8°. Lond. '97. AiKiN, J. Annals of the Reign of George III. 2v. 8° Lond. 1825. Course of English Poetry. 12°. N.Y. 1806. English DeUneated. 12°. Lond. 1803. Essays on Song-writing; with a Collec- tion of Songs. 12°. Lomi 1810. Letters from a Father. 16°. Phil. 1796. Same. 12°. L(md, 1838, Letters to a Young Lady on English Poetry. 18°. N.Y. 1806. Lives of Selden and Usher. 8°. Lond. 1812. Selections from British Poets. 8°. PhH. 1830. (For continuation, see Frost, J.) AiKiN, J. and Mrs. Barbauld. Evenings at Home. 12°. N.Y. 1864. AiKiN, Lucy. Court of Charles I. 2 v. 8°. PhU. 1833. Court of Queen EHzabeth. 8°. Phil, 1823. — Court of James I. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1822. Epistles on Women, with Miscellaneous Poems. 16°. Bost. 1810. '■ Life of Addison. 8°. Phil, 1846. Memoir of John Aikiu, with Select Writings. 8°. Phil. 1824. AiKMAN, J. Animal Kingdom, with Plates. 18°. Edin. 1839. AiMARD, G. Curumilla. 12°. Paris. 1800. L'Eau qui Court. 12°. Paris. 1863, Grand Chef des Aucas. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1858. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE AiMAED, G. La Grande Flibuste. 3 v. 18''. Paris. 1859. Atme-Maktin, L. Education des Meres de Famille. 8°. Paris. 1838. Education of Mothers. 8°. Phil. 1843. Lettres a Sophie, sur la Physique, etc. 2v. S'^. Brux. 1821. AiNSLiE, H. Scottish Songs, Ballads and Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1855. AiN'SUE, J. Land Surveying ("vsith 4°. Atlas). 8°. Edin. 1849. AiNSWORTH, R. Latin and English Diction- ary. 8°. Lond. 1830. AiNswoRTH, W. Researches in Assyria, etc. 8°. Lond. 1838. Ainswobth's Magazine, v. 1-26. 8°. Lond, 1842-54. AiEY, G. B. Gravitation; and Perturbations in the Solar System. 12°. Lond. 1834. Six lectures on Astronomy. 8°. Lond. 1848. Trigonometry. 12° Lond. 1855. AiTKEN, ^Y. Science and Practice of Medi- cine. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1864. Aitkin, T. J. Elements of Physiology. 12°. Lond. 1838. Akbee, Emperor. Ayeen Akbery (Institutes). 2v. 8°. Lond. 1800. Akenside, M. Poems. 16°. Lond. 1835. Same. See British Poets, v. 28. Pleasures of the Imagination, and other Poems. 18°. N.Y. 1819. Akerly, J. Military Maxims of Napoleon. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Voltaire and Rousseau against the Athe- ists. 12°. N. Y. 1845. Akerly, S. Cultivation of the Locust. (P. 4. ) 8°. n.p. 1823. Language of Signs. (P. 4.) 8°. n.p. 1823. Akeeman, J. Y. Ancient Coins of Hispania, Gallia, and Britannia. 8°. Lond. 1846. Archaeological Index to British Antiqui- ties, 8°. Lond. 1847. Numismatic Illustrations of the New Testament. 8°. Lond. 1846. Rare and Unedited Roman Coins. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1834. Roman Coins relating to Britain. 8°. Lond. 1844. Study of Ancient and Modern Coins. 16°. Lond. 1848. Akins, T. B. Settlement of Halifax, N. S. 16°. Halifax. 1847. AiiAUX, G. d'. Soulouque et son Empire. 12°. Paris. 1856. Alban, E. High-pressure Steam Engine. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847-8. Albany. Report of AVater Commissioners. 8°. Albany. 1857. Albany Academy. Semi-centennial. Jime, 1863. 8°. Albany, 1863. Albany Almanac, 1847-1856. 2 v. 12°. Al- bany. 1847-56. Albany Argus (Daily), v. 10-14. P. Albany. 1835-9. Albany Board of Trade. Review of Trade for 1861-2. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1862- 1863. Albany Business Directory for 1852. 12°. Albany. 1852. Albany Congregational Convention. Reports on the $50,000 Fund. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Albany Directorj^ 1813, 16, '18, '20-5, '27, . '54, '56-9, '64-5. 12°. Albany. 1813-65. Albany Evening Journal, Feb. 8-May 5, 1840. f°. Albany. 1840. Albany Institute. Transactions, v. 3 (Cata- logue of Library) and v. 4. 8°. Al- bany. 1855-64. Albany Library. Catalogue of Books. 16°. Albany. 1821. Albany Y''oiing Men's Library Association. Catalogue. 8°. Albany. 1853. Albin, T. Sonnets. 12°. Swaffham, (E.) 1834. Albion, The. v. 1-33. f°. N.Y. 1833-1854. Albion Gallery. Engravings with Descrip- tions. f°. N.Y. 1843. Albites, a. Authors of France. 24°. Lond. 1859. Albohazen, Hali. Liber Completus in Judi- ciis Stellarum. f°. Venice. 1485. Albro, J. A Fathers of New England, an Addi-ess. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1845. Albro, Life of Thos. Shepard. 16°. Bost. 1847. Sermon, on death of W. Allston. (P. ) 8°. Bost. 1843. • Alcedo, a. de. Dictionary of America and the West Indies. 5 v. 4°. Lond. 1812- 1815. Alciatus, a. Emblemata Omnia. 8°. Paris. 1589. Alcock, R. Capital of the Tycoon. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Alcott, Miss L. M. Hospital Sketches. 12°. Bost. 1863. Alcott, W. A. Gift Book for Young Ladies. 12°. Buffalo. 1852. House I Live In. 18°. Bost. 1837. Lectures on Life and Health. 12°. Bost. 1853. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. AijCott.W. a. liCtters to Young Men. 12°. Bumilo.*lH4i). (Ell. ) Library of Health. G v. 12='. Bost. 1837-42. Tea jiud Coffee. 16° Bost 1839. Vetretublo Diet. 12^^. Bost 1838. AiDEN, J., tin (I Hancock, A. British Nudi- branchiiite ISIollusca. 5 pai-ts. 4°. LoncL 1845. Alden, T. American Epitaphs. 5 v. 18^ N.Y. 1814. Missions to Senecas and Munsees. 18°. N.Y. 1827. Ajldtse Edition of British Poets. 39 v. 16°. Lond. 1830-39. ikt names of au- thors. Aldbich, E. F. Letter on Constmction of Steam Vessels. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Aldrich, T. B. The BeUs. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Poems, 16°. N.Y. 1863. Aleman, M. Guzman d'Alfarache. 4°. Lond. 1656. Same, in French. See Le Saoe. Alembebt, J. L. R. d'. Encyclopedic. See Diderot. Alexandeb, a Canon of Old and Now Testaments. 12°. Princeton. 1826. Colonization on West Coast of Africa. 8°. Phil. 1846. Founders and Alumni of Log College. 12°. Princeton. 1845. History of the Israelitish Nation. 8°. Phil. 1853. . Outlines of Moral Science. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Practical Sermons. 8°. Phil. 1850. Alexandeb, J. E. L'Acadie; Seven Years in British America. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1849. Sketches in Portugal. 8°. Lond. 1835. Transatlantic Sketches. 8°. Lond. 1833. Western Africa, and Kaffir-land Cam- paign. 8P. Lond. 1837. Alexander, J. H. Index to Calendar of Marj'land State Papers. 8°. Bait 1861. International Coinage. (P. ) 8°. Bait 1855. Universal Dictionary of Weights and Meiisures. 8°. Phil. 1850. Alexander, Jas. W. American Mechanic and Workingman. 2 v. 18°. PhiL 1847. Consolation ; a Series of Discourses. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Discourses on Christian Faith and Prac- tice. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Faith; Discourses. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Alexandeb, Jas. W. Forty Years' Letters. Ed. by J. Hall. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Life of A Alexander. 8^ N.Y. 1854. Merchants' Clerk Cheered and Counsel- led. 16°. N.Y. 1856. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Sacramental Discoui-ses. 16°. N.Y. 1860. Thoughts on Preaching. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Alexandeb, Jos. A. Acts of the Apostles Explained. 12°. N.Y. 1802. Isaiah Translated and Explained. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 186^1. Mark Explained. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Matthew Explained. 12°. N.Y. 1862. New Testament Literature and Church History. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Psalms Translated and Explained. 3 v. 12^. N.Y. 1864. Sermons. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Alexandeb, S. Origin of some Clusters and NebuliB. (P.) 4°. Camb. n.d. Syllabus of Lectures on Astronomy. (P. ) 8°. Princeton. 1845. Alexandeb, W. Journey to Beresford Hall. 4°. Lond- 1841. Alexandeb, W. L. Christ and Christianity. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Alexis, W. 3. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1780-6. Andrews, John. Plans and Descriptions of Capitil Cities. 4°. Lond. 1771. Andrews, Jos. Journey from Buenos Ayres to Potosi, &c. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1827. Andrews, J. R. Four Months' Tour in the East 8°. Dubhn. 1853. Andrews, S. J. Life of oiu- Lord upon Earth. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Andrews, S. P. Discoveries in Chinese. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Love, Marriage and Divorce. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Andrews, W. E. Review of Fox's Book of Martyrs. 2 v. 8°. Bait n.d. Andros, R. S. S. United States Customs Guide. 12°. Bost. 1859. Andeyane, a. Memoirs of a Prisoner of Stttte. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1842. Anoel Voices; or, Counsel for Overcoming the World. 16°. Bost. 1849. Angeus, p. de. Obras y Documentos relnti- vos a la Historia de las Provincias del Rio de la Piatt. f°. Buenos AjTes. 1836. Angell, J. K., and Ames, S. Law of Private Coriwrations. 8°. Bost 1861. Angell, J. R. Handbook of French Litera- ture. 12°. Phil. 1857. Anoelo, Michael. Writings, with Memoirs by Duppa. 4°. Lond. 1806. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE ANGLO-Indiftii Almanac for 1858. 8°. Lond. 1858. Akqus, J. Bible Hand-book. 12°. Lond. 1854 Animal Biography. 8°. Lond. 1840. Animal Magnetism ; being Dr. Franklin's Ee- port, &c. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1837. Animal Mechanics. See Libeaky of Useful Knowledge, v. 4. Animal Phj-siology. See Libraky of Useful Knowledge, v. 4. Anjou, L. a. Reformation in Sweden. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. v. 94-102. 8°. Leip. 1855-9. Annales de Chimie et de Physique, v. 70-1. 8°. Paris. 1839. Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. 8°. Phil. 1863. Annals of British Legislation, v. 1-4. r.8°. Lond. 1856-9. Annals of Congress. See United States. Annals of the Deaf and Dumb. v. 11-12. 8°. Hartf. 1859-60. Annals of Electricity, Magnetism and Chem- istry. V. 1-10. 8°. Lond. 1837-42. Annals of Georgetown College Astronomical Observatory. No. 1. 4°. N.Y. 1852. Annals of Philosophic Discovery, v. 1. 8°. Manchester. 1843. Annals of Philosophy. 28 v. 8°. Lond. 1813-26. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 41 V. 8°. Lond. 1838-58. Anne, Queen, Life of. 18^. Lond. 1714. Anne, T. Les Deux Marquis. 18^^. Paris. '57. La Eeine de Paris. 5 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. Annesley, a. Law of Marine Insurance. 12°. Middletown. 1808. Annet, Mme. L. d'. Un Mariage en Province. 2 V. 18°. Paris. 1856. Anniversaey Calendar, Natal Book, etc. 2 v. in 'one. 8°. Lond. 1832. Annuaike pour I'an 1852 et 1853. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1852-3. Annuaike de Bureau des Longitudes, 1852, 1853. 2v. 18°. Paris. 1851-2. Annuaike des Deux Mondes. v. 1-12. 8°. Paris. 1851-64. Annuaike de I'Economie Politique, etc. 11 v. 18°. Paris. 1853-63. Annumre General du Commerce, etc. 1843, '47, '50. 8°. Paris. 1843-50. Annuaike Historique Universel. 6 v. 8°. Paris. 1855-62. Annuaike de I'lnstruction Publique. 12 v. 16°. Paris. 1852-63. Annuaike de la Marine et des Colonies, 1856. 8°. Paris. 1856. • Annuaike de la Societe Imperiale des Anti- quaires. 16°. Paris. 1853. Annual Biography and Obituary, 1817-1837. 21 V. 8°. Lond. 1817-37. Annual Register, 1758-1864. 106 v. 8°. Lond. 1768-1865. Index to same, 1758-1819. 8°. Lond. 1826. Annual Review and History of Literature. V. 1-7. 8°. Lond. 1802-8. Annual of Scientific Discovery. See Wells, D.A. Anquetil, L. p. Histoire de France. 13 v. 8°. Paris. 1830. Summary of Universal History. 9 v. 8°. Phil. 1805-9. Ansell, C. Friendly Societies, 8°. Lond. 1835. Anson, G. Voyage Round the World. 8°. Lond. 1748. ^ Same. 8°. n.p. n.d. Anspach, F. R. Discourse on Death of H. Clay. (P.) 8°. Hagerstown. 1852. The Sepulchres of our Departed. 12°. Phil. 1854. Anspach, L. A. History of Newfoundland. 8°. Lond. 1819. Anspach, Margravine of. Memoirs, by her- self. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1826. Ansted, D. T. Ancient World. 12°. Phil. 1847. Geologist's Text Book. 16°. Lond. 1845. Geology. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1844. Gold Seeker's Manual. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Great Stone Book of Nature. 12°. PhiL 1863. Ionian Islands in 1863. 8°. Lond. 1863. Ansted, D. T., Tennant, Prof., and Mitch- ell, V/. Geology, Mineralogy and Crystallography. 8°. Lond. 1855. Anstey, C. New Bath Guide. 16°. Lond. 1830. Pleader's Guide. 8°. Phil. 1803. Anstie, F. E. Stimulants and Narcotics. 8°. Lond. 1864. Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress. 8°. Lond. 1776. Answer to Warren on the Sacred Theory of the Earth. 12°. Lond. 1734. Answer to Six Months in a Convent. 12°. Bost. 1835. Answer to War in Disguise. (P. 4.) 8°. N.Y. 1806. Anthon, C. Ancient and Mediaeval Geogra- phy. 8°. N.Y. 1850. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 15 Anthon, C. Classical Dictionary. 8°. N.Y. 1841. First Latin Lessons. 12° N.Y. 1845. Manual of Greek Literature. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Anthon, C. E. Pilgrimage to Treves. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Anthon, G. C. Displacement of Greek Pro- fessor in N. Y. Univei-sity. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Anthon, J. Law Student. 8°. N.Y. 1850. ANTHKOPOLOGiCAii Review. V. 1. 8°. Lond. 18(53. Antigua and the Antiguans, 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1844. Anti-Jacobin, or Weekly Examiner. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1799. Anti-Jacobin Keview and Magazine. 8°. Lond. 1799-1801. Anti-Masonic Convention, Phil., 1830. Pro- ceedings. 8°. Phil. 1830. Anti-Masonic Documents; Letters of Emi- nent Men, etc. 8°. Bost. 1849. Antioch College. Dedication Proceedings. 18°. Yellow Springs. 1854. Antiquarian Itinerary. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1816. Antiquarian Repertory. 4 v. 4°. Lond. 1775-84. Antiquarian and Architectural Year-Book, 1844, 8°. Lond. 1845. Antiquitates Americana). See RoTAii So- ciety of Northern Antiquaries. Antisell, T. ^Manufacture of Photogenic Oils from Coal. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Physical Geography and Agriculture; an Address. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Antoninus, M. A. Commentaries (in Greek). See Theophbastus, in Didot's Greek Classics. Commentaries. Trans. 8°. Lond. 1747. Thoughts. Tr. by G. Long. 16°. Bost ISCA. Antoninus Liberalis, and others. Works; Greek, with Latin transl. and notes by Xylander. 12°. Basle. 1568. Anville, J. B. B. d'. Ancient Geography. Trans, by Horsley. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1814. Anzeiger fiir Bibliographic. 1851, '2, '5. 8°. Halle. 1852-6. Apess, William. Eulogy on King Philip. 2d cd. 12°. Bost. 1837. Apocalypse Unveiled. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Apocryphal New Testament. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Apolocue dcs Projets des Chefs de la Revo- lution Fran9aise. See Bugjeaud, T. R., L'Alg^rie. Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica. (Greek.) 12°. Leip. 1817. Argonautics. Frbm the Greek, by Pre»- ton. 4 v. 8°. 1811. Appeai. to the People of Great Britain. 8°. Lond. 1775. AcPEAL to the People of the North. (P.) 8°. Loui.sv. 1861. Appert, B. Bagnes, Prisons et Criminels. 4 v. in 2. 8°. Paris. 1836. Appia, p. L. Ambulance System. 12°. Edin. 1862. Appianus Alcxandrinus. See Didot's Greek Classics. Appleton, D. & Co. Cyclopa}dia. 5eeNEW American Cyclopaedia; also, American Annual Cj'clopajdia. Cyclopaedia of Biography. Ed. by Hawks. r.8°. N.Y. 1856. Cyclopaedia of Drawing. Ed. by Wor- then. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Dictiomiry of Machines and Engineer- ing. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1847-8. Library ^lanuaL 8°. N.Y. 1847. List of Publications. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Mechanic's Magazine. 3 v. 8°. and 4°. N.Y. 1851-3. New Catalogue of English and American Books. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Northern and Eastern Traveller's Guide. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Railroad and Steamboat Companion. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Second Catalogue of European Books. (P. 56.) 8°. N.Y. n.d. Southern and Western Traveller's Guide. 12°. N.Y. 1853. United States Guide Book. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Appleton, J. Commencement Addresses. 8°. Brunsx^-ick. 1820. Appleton, N. Power Loom, and Origin of Lowell. (P.) 8°. Lowell. 1858. Application of Political Rules, in a Letter to Earl Temple. (P. 38.) 8°. Lond. 1766. Apprentices' Library, N. Y. City. Catalogue. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Apuleius, L. Opera. 7 v. See Valpt's Delphin Classics. Metamorjihoses. Transl. by Head. 12°. Loud. 1852. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. TransL by Lane. 3 v. Large 8°. Lond. 1840. Same. 8°. Phil. 186a 16 CATALOGUE OF THE Abago, F. Sammtliclie Werke. 16 v. 12°. Leip. 18d4-G0. Biographies of Scientific Men. 1st and 2d series. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1859. Eloge of James Watt. Transl. by Muir- head. 8°. Lond. 1839. Le9ons d'Astronomie. 12°. Paris. 1845^ Life of James Watt. 8°. Edin. 1839. Lectures on Astronomy. Transl. by Kelly. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same. 4tli revised ed. 16°. Lond. 1854. Same. Ed. by Lardner. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Same. Ed. by same. 3d ed. (F-) 8°. N.Y. 1848. Meteorological Essays. Transl. by Sa- bine. 8°. Lond. 1855. Popular Astronomy. Transl. and ed. by Smith and Grant. 8°. Lond. 1855. Akago, J. yo'yage Bound the World, 4°. Lon(£ 1823. Akam, Eugene. Trial of. 12°. Knares- borough. 1815. Araguy, E. d'. Galienne. 12°. Paris. 1860. Abator. See Taylok, J. Aratds. See Didot's Greek Classics (Poetaj Bucolici, &c.). Abblay, Mme. d'. Diary and Letters. 2 v. 8°. PhiL 1842. Same. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1843-6. Arbuthnot, C. Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures. 4°. Lond. 1727. AncANAof Science and Art. 11 v. 12°. Lond. 1828-38. ARCHiEOLOGisT and Journal of Antiquarian Science. Nos. 1-10. 8°. Lond. 1842. ARCHAio-Ploutos; a Supplement to "Treasury of Ancient and Modern Times." f . Lond. 1619. Archambatjlt. Precis Elementaire de Phy- sique. 12°. Paris. 1855. Archdale, J. Description of Carolina. 4r. Lond. 1707. Archer. Tours in Upper India and the Him- alayas. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1833. Architecture. Part I. Ancient Architec- ture. 16°. N. Haven. 1831. Archives Diplomatiques. v. 1-4. 8°. Paris. 1861. Abcturus; a Journal of Books and Opinion.. 3v. 8°. N.Y. 1841-2. Abey, H. W, Girard College and its Founder. 12°. Phil. 1852. Arfwedson, C. D. The United States and Canada in 1832-4. 8°. Lond. 1834. Argensola, L. L. d'. Conquete des lies Moluques. 2 v. 12°. Amst. 1706. Argenson, Marquis d'. Essays. 8°. Lond. 1789. Arguments and Opinions in the West Wash- ington Market Case. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Argyll, Duke of. Presbytery Examined. 12°. Lond. 1848. Abiosto, L. Orlando Furioso. See Paenasso Italiano. Same. 3 v. 4°. Venice. 1772, Same. 6 v. 18°. Prato. 1821. Same. See Dante, Petrarch, etc, Same. Trans, by J, Hoole, 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1799, Same. Trans, by same. 6 v. 18°. Phil. 1816. Aristides. Answer to Admonitory Letter to Prince of Wales. (P, 28.) 8°. Lond. 1806. Aristides, See Van Ness, W. P. Aristophanes. Comedies. (Greek.) See Didot's Greek Classics. Comedies. With Fragments of Menan- der and Philemon. (Gr. and Latin.) See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Comedies. Trans, by T. Mitchell. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1820-22. Same. See British Poets, v. 44. Clouds; and Peace. Transl. by a Gradu- ate of Oxford, 8°. Oxf. 1840. Aristotle, Works, (Greek,) See Didot's Greek Classics, v. 30, 35. Analysis of Writings. See Lewt2s, G. H. Histoire des Aiiimaux. (Gr. and French.) 2 v. 4°. Paris, 1783, Ethica et PoHtica. (Latin. ) 4°. Paris. 1506. Ethics and Politics. Transl. by Gillies. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1813. ]\Ietaphysics. Transl. by Taylor. 4°. Lond. 1801. Nicomachean Ethics. Transl. by Browne. 16°. Lond. 1850. Poetics. Transl. by Twining. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1812. Ehetoric, with Analysis by Hobbes; and Poetics, "v\dth Notes and Analysis by Buckley. 12°. Lond. 1850. Arkansas. Geological Rei^ort on Northern Counties, by D. D. Owen. r.8°. Little Ptock. 1858. Same, on Middle and Southern Coun- ties, by same. r.8°. Phil. 1860. Arlincoubt, Vicomte d'. L'Herbag^re. 16°. Brussels. 1837. L'ltalie Rouge. 12°. Paris. 1850. Abmin, R. Nest of Ninnies. See Shakespeare Soc. Publications, v. 9. MERCANTILE LIBRAKT. 17 Abminids, J. Works. Transl. by Nioholls antlBagnaU. 3 v. 8°. Auburn. 1853. AiiMiTAGE, J. History of Brazil, 1808-31. 2 v. 8=. Lond. 1836. iiVuMTTAOE, T. Sermon on Death of S. H. Cone. 8=. N.Y. 1855. Armsby, J. H. Eastern and European Hos- pitals; an Address. (P. 44.) 8°. Albany. 1852. Hospitals of the United States; an Ad- dress. (P. U.) 8". N.Y. 1853. AitMSTKONO, A. The Last Trumpet; a Ser- mon. (P. a) 8°. N.Y. 1824. AjiMSTBONO, G. D. Yellow Fever in Norfolk, Va., in 1855. 12^. PhU. 1856. Theology of Christian Exjjerience. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Armstrong, Jacob D. Life and Adventures. (P.) 8^. N.Y. 1852. Armstrong, J. History of Minorca. 8"^. Lond. 1756. Armstrong, J., M.D. Art of Preserving Health; a Poem. 16"^. Kennebunk. 1804. Armstrong, Gen. J. Life of Gen. Mont- g gomery. See Sparks' Am. Biog., 1st K^' ser., V. 1. Life of Gen. "Wayne. See Same, v. 4. Notices of the War of 1812. 2 v. 12° N.Y. 1836. Armstrong, L. Masonry a Work of Dark- ness; a Sermon. CPU.) 8° N.Y. 1830. Armstrong, 11. Steam Engine Boilers. 8°. ^Loud. 1839. Armstrong, W. J. Sermons, with Memoir. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Army and Navy Chronicle, v. 2-10. 8°. Wash. •1836-40. Army of the Potomac, Congressional Report on. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Testimony of Gens. McClellan, Burn- side and Hooker, on. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. A^aiY Register of Great Britain, 1774. Imperf. 8°. Lond. n.(f. Army Register of the United States, May, 1863. S\ N.Y. 1863. Arxaud, a. Pierre. 2 v. 18° Brux. 1836. Ai.NAUD, F. T. M. d'. Anne Bell. {See below, Euph^niie.) 8^. Paris. 1769. Les £poux Malheureux. 12°. Paris. 1788. Euphemie;unoDrame. 8°. Paris. 1768. Arnauld, a. Logique de Port Royal. 16°. Paris. 1840. Arnim, a. von. Contes Bizarrcs. 12°. Paris. 1856. 2 Arnold, A. C. L. Free Masonry and other Secret Societies. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Arnold, E. Elements d'Arithnietique. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Arnold, G. B. Reports as Ministor at Large. Nos. 1-7. 8=. N.Y. 1834-47. Arnold, H. P. European Mosaic. 12°. Bost. 1864. Arnold, M. Essays in Criticism. 12°. Bost. 1865. Heinrich Heine. 16°. Phil. 1863. Poems. 12°. Bost 1856. On Translating Homer. 12°. Lond. 1861. Arnold, S. G. American Lidustry; an Ad- dress. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Histoiy of Rhode Lihrnd. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Spirit of Rhode Island History; an Ad- dress. (P.) 8°. Prov. 1853. Arnold, Theo. Vocabulary, English and German. 8°. Zullichau. 1784. Arnold, Thos. Lunarian and Seaman's Guide. 8°. Phil. 1822. Arkold, Rev. Thos. Christian Life. 12°. Phil. 1850. History of Lat«r Roman Commonwealth. 8°. N.Y. 1846. History of Rome. v. 1-2. 8°. Lond. 1838-40. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Same, 1864. Lectures on Modem History. 8°. Lond. 1843. Same, edited by Reed. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Miscellaneous Works. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Sermons at Rugby. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Travelling Journals. 16°. Lond. 1852. Arnold, Rev. Thos., Pococke, E. etc. His- tory of the Roman Empire. 12°. Loud. 1853. Arnold, T. J. Reynard the Fox; after Gothe. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Arnold's Chronicle; or. Customs of London. 4°. Lond. 1811. Arnot, Hugo. Address on Accession of the Prince Regent. (P. 26.) 8°. Lond. 1812. Arnot, W. Race for Riches. 12°. Phil. 1853. Arnott, Neil. Smokeless Fire-place. 8°. Lond. 1855. Abnould, a. Les J^suites. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1846. Arnould, a., and Lavergne, A. Les Trois Aveugles. 18°. Brux. 1839. Arrianits, F1. Works. See Didot's Greek Classics, V. 26. Same. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. 18 CATALOGUE OF THE AuKlArrus, FL Expedition of Alexander. Transl. byPtooke. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1813. Voyage round the Euxine. TransL by Vincent. 4°. Lond. 1805. Akrowsmith, J. Paper-banger's Companion. 16°. Phil. 1852. Abt of Contentment. 12° KY. 1803. Aet of Conversation. 12°. N.Y. 18G4. Art and Industry in the Crystal Palace. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Aet Journal, v. 11-26. 4°. Lond. 1849-64. Aet Journal Illustrated Catalogue of the Great Exhibition. 4°. Lond. n.d. Aet and Nature under an Italian Sky. 8°. Edin. 1852. Art of Ornamental Hair Work. 16°. Lond. 185G. Aet of Politicks; an Imitation of Horace. (P. 61.) 8°. Lond. 1729. Art Eecreations. 12°. Bost. 1863. Art Union; a Journal, &c. v. 1-10. 4°. Lond. 1839^8. Art de Verifier les Dates. 43 v. 8°. Paris. 1819-44. Arthur of Little Britain. Transl. by Lord Berners. 4°. Lond. 1814. Arthur, T. S. Advice to Young Men. 18°. Bost. 1847. Out in the World. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Arthur, T. S., and Carpenter, W. H. History of Georgia. 16°. Phil. 1852. History of Kentucky. 16°. Phil. 1852. History of Virginia. 16°. Phil. 1852. Arthur, W. Etymological Dictionary of Family Names. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Arthur, W. Italy in Transition. 12°. N.Y. 1800. Life of S. Budgett. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Tongue of Fire ; or, Power of Christian- ity. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Artis, E. T. Antediluvian Phytology. 4°. Lond. 1838. ARTiZAN(The\ V. 13-15. 4°. Lond. 1855-7. Arundale, F., BoKoivn, J., and Birch, S. Antiquities from the British iluseum. 4°. Lend. n.d. Arundell, F. J. V. Discoveries in Asia Minor. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1834. Seven Churches of Asia. 8°. Lond. 1828. Arvine, K. Cyclopgedia of Anecdotes of Literature and Art. r.8°. Bost. 1852. Cyclopaedia of Moral and Keligious An- ecdote. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Ash, J. English Dictionary. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1775. AsHBURNHAM, J. Narrative of Attendance on Charles I. 8°. Lond. 1830. Abher, C. W. Zur Frage rom FreihandeL (P.) 8°. Berlin. 1851. AsHTON, Mrs. S. G. Mothers of the Bible. 8°. Bost. 1855. Asiatic Journal, v. 22-41. 8°. Lond. 1837-43. Asiatic Eesearches. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1801-3. Aslake; a Tale of the Massacre of the Nesto- rians. 8°. Lond. 1858. AsMAR, M. T. Memoirs of a Babylonian Princess, by Herself. 18°. Phil. 1845. AssAssiNATS sur 81 Prisoniers, (Title gone. Bound with Alliance des Jacobins, which see.) Asselinean, C. and A. Fontainebleau. 12°. Paris. 1855. Associated Banks of New York City. Ee- port of Loan Committee, June 12, 1862. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Association of Banks for the Suppression of Counterfeiting. 4th and 8th Annual Eeports. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1857-61. Association for Eeligious Instruction of Negroes in Liberty County, Ga. 13tli Annual Eeport. 8°. Savannah. 1848. AssoLLANT, A. Histoire du Celebre Pierrot. 16°. Paris. 1860. La Mort de Eoland. 12°. Paris. 1860. Scenes de la Vie des Etats-Unis. 12°. Paris. 1859. Assurance Magazine, v. 1-11. 8°. Lond. 1852-64. AsTLE, T. Origin and Progress of Writing. 4°. Lond. 1803. AsTOR Library, N. Y. City. Catalogue of Authors. 4v. in2. r.8°. N.Y. 18o7-9. Catalogue of Books in Asiatic, etc.. Lin- guistics. 8.° N.Y. 1854. Index to the Catalogue. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Astrology as it is. 12°. Lond. 1856. Atcheson, N. American Encroachments on British Eights. 8°. Lond. 1808. Athen.i^um (The) ; a Weekly Journal. 28 v. 4°. Lond. 1832-59. ATHEN^aiuM (L') Fran9ais. v. 1-2. 4°. Parif?. 1852-3. Athenjeum Club, N. Y. City. Proceedings on Death of Mr. Lincoln. (P. ) Large 8°. N.Y. 1865. Athenian Letters. 3 v. 8°. Basle. 1800. Atheos; or, The Tragedies of Unbelief. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Atheestone, E. Fall of Nineveh. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1828-30. Last Days of Herculaneum ; and Abra- dates and Panthea. 12°. Lond. 1821. Midsummer Day's Dream. 12°. Lond. 1824, MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 19 Ath FUTON, W. Defeat of Northwestern (Gen. Winchester's) Army. 12° Frankfort. 1842. A.TKINS, Job. Miner's Own Book. 8''. Kichm. 1860. Atkins, John. Voyage to Guiana, Brazil and the West Indies. 8°. Lond. 1735. Atkinson, J. Medical Bibliography. A.-B. 8°. Lond. 1834. Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and Western Si- beria. 8'=, N.Y. 1858. Upper and Lower Amoor. 8"". N.Y. 18G0. Atkinson, W. Political Economy. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Atkinson and Clark. Naval Pocket Gunner. 8°. Lond. 1814. Atkinson, H. G., and IVLlrtineau, H. Man's Nature and Development. 8^. Lond. 1851. Atlantic Magazine, v. 1-2. 8° N.Y. 1824-5. Atlantic Monthly. v, 1-14. 8°. Bost, 1857-64. Atlantic and Pacific Canal Co. Survey of Rivers Atrato, etc. (P. G6.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Charter. (P. 66.) n.p. n.d. Atlantic Telegraph. Proceedings of Meet- ing, N.Y., Mch. 4, 1853. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Atlantic Telegraph Company. Inaugura- tion Banquet. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1864. Atlas (The). (Newspaper.) v. 1-18. P. Lond. 1828-43. Atlas (The) ; a Literary and Historical Jour- nal. V. 4. f^. N.Y. 1831-32. Atlas Classica. 4°. Phil. 1824. Atlas General. f°. Paris. 1762. Atlas Geographus, of America. 4°. Lond. 1717. Attache in Madrid. 12^. N.Y, 1856. Attempt to Demonstrate the Practicability of Emancipation. (P.) 8". N.Y. 1825. Atterley, Jos. Voyage to the Moon. 12''. N.Y. 1827. Atwater, C. History of Ohio. 8°. Cine. 1838. Writings. 8°. Columbus. 1833. Atwood, a. Young Man's Way to Honor. 16°. Phil. 1860. • AuBER, P. Rise of British Power in India. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1837. AuBERLEN, Gess, ctc. See Foundations of our Faith. AuBiGNE, J. H. M. d'. Germany, England and Scotland. 8=*. Lond. 1848. Luther and Calvin. 18°. N.Y. 1845, AuBiGNE, J. H. M. d'. The Protector; a Vin- dication. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Reformation in the 16th Century. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. n.d. Same. 4v. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Same. 4v. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Same. 5v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Same. 4v. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Same. Transl. by H. White. N.Y. n.d. v.l. 12°. 12^ Writings, with Memoir by Baird. N.Y. 1846. Auckland (New Zealand) and Country Ad- jacent. 8°. Lond. 1853. Auckland, Wm., Lord. Journal and Corre- spondence. 4v. 8°. Lond. 18G1-2. AuDiGiER, H. d'. La Vie de Gar^on. 16°. Paris. 1859. Audubon, J. J. Bitds of America. 4 v. f°. Lond. 1827-'38. Same. Lv. r.8°. N.Y. 1840-4. Ornithological Biography of Birds of America. 5v. 8°. Phil. 1831-9. SjTiopsis of Birds of North America. 8°. Edin. 1834-9. Audubon, J. J., and Bachman, J. Quadru- peds of North America. 3v. r.8°. N.Y. 1846. Same, plates of. 3 v. f°. N.Y. 1845-8. AuEB, L. Natural Printing Process. (P.) 8°. Vienna. 1853. AuERBACH, B. Auf der Hohe. 16°. Stutt- gard. 1865. Deutscher Volks-Kalender, 1859-65. 7 v. 12°. N.Y. 1859-65. Edelweiss. 12°. Stuttg. 1861. Joseph im Schnee. 12°. Stuttg. 1860. Schwarzw'alder Dorfgeschichten. 4v. 12°. Mannheim. 1849. Events in Vienna. 1848. 12°. Lond. 1849. Auger, H. Les Perles de Genghis-Khan. 2 V. 12°. Paris. 1859. AuGHEY, J. M. Iron Furnace; or, Slavery and Secession. 12°. Phil. 18G3. AuGHEY, S. Renovation of Politics; a Ser- mon. (P.) 8°. West Chester. 1861. AuGiER, V. Le Beau-pere et le Gendre. See Pigault-Lebrun. AuGUSTiNUSju' St. Confessions. 24°. Oxf. 1848. AuGUSTiNUS, L Gemma3 et Sculptura} Anti- qufe. 4°. Franeker. 1694. AuLDJO, J. Ascent of Mt. Blanc. 8°. Lond. 1830. AuRELius Victor, S. Historia Romana. See Valpy'b Delphin Classics. 20 CATALOGUE OF THE AuBOEA Borealis; or, Flashes of Wit. 16°. Bost. 1831. AusoNiTJs, D. M. Opera. See Valpy's Dol- phin Classics. Same. See Wai^ker, G. Corpus Poet, Lat. Austin, Jas. T. Life of Gerry. 2 v. 8°, Bost. 1828. Austin, John. Province of Jm-isprudence 8°. Lond. 1832. Lectures on Jurisprudence. 3 v. S°. Lond. 1863. Austin, J. M. Voice to Youth. IS''. Utica, 1809. Austin, Mrs. S. (Tr.) Characteristics of Gothe. 3v. 12°. Lond. 1833. Gothe and his Cotemporaries. (Same as above.) 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1836. — : — Fragments from German Prose Writers. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Germany, 1760-1814. 8°, Lond. 1854. Austin, W. S., and Kalph, Jr. Lives of Poets Laureate. 8°. Lond. 1853. Authentic Correspondence as to Lords Wel- lesley and Moira. (P. 26.) Lond. 1812. Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Autobiogeaphy; a Collection of Lives. See authors' names. Autobiography of an English Soldier in the U. S. Army. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1853. Autobiography of an Indian Army Surgeon. 12°. Lond. 1854. Autobiography of a New Churchman. 12°, Phil. 1852. Autographs for Freedom. See Griffiths, J. AuTRAN, J. La Vie Eurale. 12° Paris. 1856. Autumn Leaves: a Collection of Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Avery, E. K. Vindication of Kesult of his Trial. 12°. Bost. 1834. Avery, Old Jim. Farrier and Receipt Book. 12°. n.p. 1859. AviLA, H. C. d'. Civil Wars of France. f°. Lond. 1678. Aydelotte, B. p. Collegiate Departments for English. (P.) 8°. Cine. 1838. Ayscouoh, S. Index to Shakspeai-e. 8°. Lond. 1827. Aytoun, W. E. Bothwell; a Poem. 12°. Bost. 1856. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. 8°. Edin. 1849. Life of Richard L 16°. Lond. 1840. Aytoun, W. E., and Martin, T. Ballads of BonGaultier. Bq.l6°. Lond. 1849. Aytoun, W. E., and Martin, T. Napoleon Ballads. 12°. N.Y. 1852. AzARA, F. de. Quadrupeds of Paraguay, v. 1. 8°. Edm. 1838. Same, in French, 2 v. 8°, Paris. 1801. Azeglio, M. d'. Ettore Fieramosca. 16°. Milan. 1847. Niccolo de' Lapi. 12°. Florence. 1850. Azuni, M. D. a. Maritime Law of Euroj)e. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1806. Babbage, C. Decline of Science in England. 4°. Lond. 1830. Institutions for Life Assurance. 8°. Lond. 1826. Machineiy and Manufactures. 18°. Phil. 1832. Same. 16°. Lond. 1835. Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. 8°. Lond. 1837. Principles of Manufactures. See Bar- low, P. Babcock, R. Discourse on Life of A. Jud- son. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Babcock, T.H. Arithmetic. 12°. N.Y, 1829. Babington, C. Review of Macaulay on the Clergy. 8°. Camb. CE.) 1849. Babington, T. Christian Education in its Earliest Stages. 12°. Bost. 1819. Babson, J. J. History of Gloucester, Mass. 8°. Gloucester. 1860. BabyiiON the Great; or, the British Capital 2v. 8°. Lond. 1825. Bache, a. D. Address at Leaving Chair of American Association. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1851. Atlantic and Pacific Tides, etc. (P. ) 8°. N. Haven. 1856. Discussion of Girard College Observa- tions, 1840-5. 2d section, parts iv., v., \i. (P.) 4°. Wash. 1862. Eulogy on Hon. J. A. Pearce. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1863. Experiments on Radiation and Absorp- tion. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Height of U. S. Atlantic Tides. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Notes on the Gulf Stream, to 1854. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Rejiort on Education in Europe. 8°. Phil. 1839. Reports on Coast Survey. See United States. Safety Apparatus for Steam Boilers. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Tides on U. S. Gulf Coast. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 21 Bache, F. See Wood, G. B. Bache, R. Notes on Colombia. S^. PhiL 1827. Bachhoffner, G. H. Chemistry Applied to Fine Arts. 8==. Lontl. 1837. Bachman, J. See Audubon, J. J. Back, G. Arctic Land Expedition, 1833-5. 4P. Loud. 1836. Same. 8°. Phil. 1836. Same. 8°. Phil. 1837. Backer, A. and A. ficrivaius de la Compa- gnie de J^sns. 2 v. 4°. Liege. 1853. Backgammon, its History and Practice. 16°. Loud. 1844. Backus, I. History of Baptists in New Eng- land. V. 1. 8°. Bost. 1777. Life and Times of A. Hovey. 12°. Bost. 1859. Bacon, B. C. Statistics of Colored People of Phil. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1856. Bacon, Delia. Philosophy of Plays of Shak- speare. 8°. Bost. 1857. Bacon, E. Abstract of a Journal to Africa. (P. 68.) 8°. Phil. 1822. Bacon, Ezek. Recollections of 50 Years Since; a Lecture. (P. 42.) 8°. Utica. 1843. Bacon, F., Lord. Works. (Lat. and Eng.) 10 V. 8-^. Loud. 1824. Same. (Lat. and Eng.) Ed. by B. Montagu. 17 v. S°. Loud. 1825-34. Same. (Lat. and Eng. ) Ed. by Sped- ding and others. 15 v. 12°. Bost. 1860-61. Essays, with Notes by "NMiately. S°. L(uid. 1856. Essays, and Wisdom pf the Ancients. 12^ Loud. 1836. Essays; also, Locke on the Understand- ing. 18^. N.Y. 1844. Fables of the Ancients. 16°. Loud. 1803. Moral and Historical Works. 16°. Loud. 1852. Prolicience and Advancement of Learn- ing. 12°. Lond. 1825. lUcoN, J. F. Six Years in Biscay. 8°. Lond. 1838. Bacon, L. The American Church: a Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Slavery Discussed, in Occasional Essays. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Thirteen Historical Discourses. 8°. N. Haven. 1830. Bacon, L. W. Discourse, 200th Anniversary of Hopkins' Grammar School. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1860. Bacon, O. N. History of Natick. 8°. Bost 1856. Bacon, T. First Lnpressions in^Hindostan. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Bacon, W. T. Poems. 12°. Bost. 1838. Baden, G. L. History of Norway, with Hol- berg's Continuation. 8°. Lond- 1818. Badger, A. G. History of the Flute. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Badger, G. P. Nestorians and their Rituals. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Baena, J. A. de. Cancionero. 2 v. 12°. Leip. 1860. Bailey, E. First Lessons in Algebra. 12^ Bost. 1834. BAII.EY, H. L Liturgy Compared with the Bible. 12°. LoncL 1845. Bah.ky, J. T. Historical Sketches of Brook- lyn. 12°. Brooklyn. 1840. Bailey, J. W. Knox College, by whom Founded, etc. (P.) 8°. Chic. 1860. Origin of Greensand. (P.) 8°. Camb. '56. Bailey, Nathan. English Dictionary. f°. Lond- 1755. Same. 8°. Edin. 1800. Bailey, Noah. The Echo, and Other Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1807. Bailey, P. J. The Age, a Satire. 16°. Bost. 1858. Festus, a Poem. 12°. Bost 1845. Same. 12°. Bost 1853. Litemational Policy of the Great Powers. 12°. Lond. 1861. :The Mystic, and Other Poems. 16° Bost. 1850. Bailey, S. Discourses on Various Subjects. 8°. Lond. 1852. Essays on Formation and Publication of Opinion. 12°. PhU. 1831. Essays on Pursuit of Truth, and Prog- ress of Knowledge. 12°. Phil. 1831. Review of Berkeley's "Theory of Vision." 8°. Lond. 1842. Theory of Reasoning. 8°. Lond. 1851. Baillie, Joanna. Poetical and Dramatic Works. 8^. Phil. 1832. Same. 8°. Lond. 1851. Dramas. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Metrical Legends. 8°. Lond. 1821. Baillie, John. Life Studies. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Memoir of St Augustine. 16°. N.Y. 1859. Baillie, N. B. E. Ltyid Tax of India. 8° LoncL 1853. Bailly, J. S. Ancient History of Asia. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1814. 22 CATALOGUE OF THE B.LLLY, R Tour in North America, 1796-7. 8^ Lond. 185G. Bain, A. Eudimeuts of Electricity. 16^. Edin. 1848. The Senses and the Intellect. 8°. Lond. 1855. Study of Character; with an Estimate of Phrenology. 8°. Lond. 1855. Baines, E. History of French Kevolution, 1792-1815. 2 V. and Atlas. 8°. Phil. 1835. Bajnes, E., Jr. History .of Cotton Mamifac- ture in Gr. Britain. 8°. Lond. 1835. Baied, H. C. Protection Necessary to the American Farmer. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Baibd, H. M. Modem Greece. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Baird, J. S. S. Classical Manual. 16°. Lond. 1852. BaitvD, E. See Aubigne, J. H. M. d'. Writ- ings, with Memoir, by E. B. Christian Eetrospect andEegister, 1801- 51. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Same, 1852-5. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Impressions of the West Indies and North America. 2 v. 12°. Edin. 1850. Memoir of Eev. J. Sandford. 12°. Phil. 1836. Eeligion in America. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Eeport on Eeligion in America, to Evan- gelical Alliance. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1855. Same. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Visit to Northern Europe. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 184L Baied, E. H. Cotton Spinner's Guide. 12°. Phil. 1851. Baied, S. F. Catalogue of North American Birds. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1859. Catalogue of North American Mammals. (P.) 4°. Wash. 1857. Circular on Collecting Nests an^l Eggs. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1861. Baied, S. F., and Gieaed, C. Catalogue of North American Eeptiles in Smith- sonian Institution. Part I. Serpents. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1853. Bated, W. British Entomostraca. 8°. Lond. 1850. Bajon, Mons. Histoire de Cayenne. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1777. Bakkb, D. E. Biographia Dramatica. Con- tinued by Eeed and others. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1812. Bakee, G. E. Life of W. H. Seward, with select Writings. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Baexb, J. M. Commerce of U. S. with the Mediterranean. 8°. Phil. 1847. Bakee, p. C. Oration, Anniversary of Bunker HilL (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. European Eecollections, an Address. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Bakes, E. Chronicle of the Kings of Eng- land. f°. Lond. 1660. Baker, S. W. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon. 8°. Lond. 1855. Bakee, T. Elements of Mechanism. 16°. Lond. 1852. Eailway Engineering. 8°. Lond. 1848. Statics and Dynamics. 12^. Lond. '51. Bakee, W. M. Life of Eev. D. Baker. 8°. Phil. 1858. Bakewell, F. C. Electric ScieDce. 12°. Lond. 1853. Great Facts, or Inventions in 19th Century. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Manual of Electricity. 12°. Lond. 1857. Natural Evidences of future Life. 8°. Lond. 1835. Philosophical Conversations. 12°. Lond. 1833. Same. 12°. Lond. 1842. Bakewell, E. Introduction to Geology. 8°. Lond. 1838. Balei, A. Abregede Geographic. 8°. Paris, 1847. Abridgement of Universal Geography. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Atlas Ethnographique du Globe. f°. Paris. 1826. ~ — Introduction a 1' Atlas Ethnologique. 8°. Paris. 1826. Balbienie, J. Philosophy of the Water Cure. 16°. N.Y. 1846. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Balbo, C. Life of Dante. 2 v. 12°. Lond. '52. Balch, W. S. Ireland as I Saw it. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Eomanism and Eepublicanism Incom- patible; a Lecture. (P.) 8°. N.Y. '52. Baldwin, A. C. Traveller's Yade Mecum. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Bald-^^nin, D. Evils of Tobacco, a Prize Essay. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1854. BALD\\aN, E. Sermon, Thanksgiving, Nov. 16, 1775. (P. 53.) 8°. N.Y. 1776. Annals of Yale College., 8°. N. Haven. 1831. Baldwin, G. C. Eepresentative Men of the New Testament. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Eepresentative Women. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Sketches of Party Leaders. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Baldwin, E. S. Opinion in Schuyler Fraud Case. cP.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 23 BA.LDTVIN, R. S. Speech on* Admission of California. (!».) 8°. Wasli. 1850. BiuDv/iN, S. D. Armageddon; or, Over- throw of Eomanism, etc. 12^. Cine. 1«G2. Baldwin, liev. Thos. Baptism of Believers, aiitl Clase Communion. 12^. Bost. Lsik;. Baldwin-, Thos,, and others. Pronouncing Gazetteer. 12'^. Phil. 1845. Same. 9th ed. 12^ Phil. 1851. BaIvDwin, T., «nd Thomas, J. Lippincott's U. S. Gazetteer, r.8^. Phil. 1854. Baldwin, W. C. African Hunting. 8"^. N.Y. 18(53. BAiiFESN, W. P. Lessons from Jesus. 16°. N.Y. 1859. BALyooE, Clara L. English Literature from the 14th Century. 16^. Load. 1852. Women of Scripture. 16^. Lond. 1847. Balfouu, J. H. Class Book of Botany. 8". Edin. 1852. :\Ianual of Botany. IG^ Lond. 1849. Balfouk, W, Import of Words Sheol, Hades, etc. 12^. Bost. 1832. Letter to Dr. Allen on Universal Salva- tion. (P. GO.) 12^. Charlestown- 1828. Letter to Mr. Whitman on term Gehen- na. (P. G9.) 12^ Bost 1834. Ball, B. L. Rambles in Eastern Asia. 12°. Bost. 1855. Ball, C. History of the Indian Mutiny. 2 v. 4°. Lond. n.d. Life and Adventures, by Himself. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Ball, L Animal Economy. 12^. N.Y. 1808. Ball, J. Peaks, Passes and Glaciers. 8°. Lond. 1859. Ball, S. Cultivation, etc. , of Tea in China. 8°. Lond. 1848. BAiiLANTYNE, J. Refutation of Statements, etc., in Lockhart's Scott. 8°. Lond. 1838. B.vLLAXTXKE, R. M. Rcsideuce in Hudson's Bay Territories. 12°. Edin. 1848. Ballakd, F. W. Huguenot Settlers of New York. (P.) 1G° N.Y. 18G2. Lecture on Messrs. A. & A- Lawrence. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1865. Ballard, J. Guaging Unmasked. 8^ Cork. 1812. B.vLLEYDiEn, A. La Guerre de Hongrie, 1848-9. 8^ Bnix. 1853. Revolutions d'Autriche, 1848-9. 8°. Brux. 1853. Ballou, H. Miscellaneous Poems. 12°. Bost. 1852. iBaixou, H. On the Atonement 16°. Bost. 1832. Baixou, M. M. History of Cuba. 12°. Best 1854. Ballou, Moses. Divine Character Vindica- ted. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Balmes, J. Philosophic Fondamentale. 2 v. 1G°. Paris. 1852. Protestantism and Catholicity Compared. 8°. Bait 1851. Baltimobe. Annual Reports of School Com- missioners, 31st^32d. 2v. 8°. Bait 1860-1. Baltimore Board of Trade. Annual Reports, 8th, 11th, 13th. (P.) 8^. Bait 1858-G3. Baltimore Directory, 1845, 7, '9, '51, '3, '64. 8°. Bait 45-64. Baltimoke, Picture of. 18°. Bait. 1832. Baltimore Library Company. Catalogue. 8°. Bait 1809. Baltimore Mercantile Library. Catalogue. 8°. Bait 1851. Balzac, H. de. Les C^libataires. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1857. C^sar Bii-otteau. 16°. Paris. 1860. Les Chouans. 16°. Paris. 1859. Le Contrat de Manage. 12°. Paris, n.d. La Cousine Bette. 12°. Paris. 1846. Le Cnr6 de Village. 16°. Paris. 1859. £tudes Philosophiques. 8°. Paris. 1845. La Femme de Trente Ans. 16°. Paris. n.d. Histoire des Treize. 16°. Paris, n.d. Honorine. 12°. Paris. 1856. LesBlusionsPerdues. 18°. Brux, 1837. Louis Lambert, etc. 16°. Paris. 1858. La Maison du Chat-Qui-Pelote. 16°. Paris. 1860. La Maison Nucingen. 12°. Paris. 1856. Les Marana. 16°. Paris. 1858. Maximes et Pens^es. 16°. Paris. 1852. Le M^decin de Campagne. 16°. Paris. 1858. Modeste Mignon. 16°. Paris. 1856. (Euvres. 16 v. 8°. Paris. 1843-46. CEu\Tes lUustr^es. 8°. Paris, n.d. La Paix du Menage, etc. 16°. Paris. 1860. Les Parisiens en Province. 16°. Paris. 1857. Les Paysans. 16°. Paris. 1857. Pierrette. 12°. Paris. 1854. Les Rivalites. 12°. Paris. 1857. Scenes de la Vie Parisienne. 8°. Paris, 1844. Sc^ nesde la Vie de Province. 8°. Paris. 1843. 24 CATALOGUE OF THE Balzac, H. de. Ursule Mirouet. 18^. Paris. 1857. Bamtylde, J. Poems. See Beitish Poets, V. 37. Bancks, J. Honse of Austria and German Empire. 8°. Lond. 1743. Banceoft, E. Natural History of Guyana. 8°. Lond. 1769. Banceoft, G. History of the United States. 8v. 8°. Bost. 1838-63. Letters on Exchange of Prisoners in the American Eevolution. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Literary and Historical Ivliscellanies. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Banceoft, ]Mr., and his Boston Critics. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Bandinel, J. African Slave Trade. 8°. Lond. 1842. Baxfield, T. C. Statistical Companion for 1852. 16°. Lond. 1852. Banfield, T. C, and Welp, C. K. Statis- tical Companion for 1850. 12°. Lond. 1852. Bangor Directory. 16°. Bangor. 1864. Bank Convention, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1837. Proceedings. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1837. Bankee's Almanac for 1851. 8°. Bost. 1851. Commonplace Book. 12°. Bost. 1851. Magazine, v. 13-17. 8°. Lond. 1853-7. Magazine, v. 1-18. 8°. N.Y. 1847-64. Bankeupt and Insolvent Acts of 1842 (Eng- lish); with notes and indexes. (P. 21.) 8°. Lond. n.d. Banks of N. Y., Eeport to, on Interest on Deposits. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Proceedings, Sept. 29, 1862, on Tax Law. (P.) 4°. N.Y. 1862. Banks in U. S. • Diagram of Condition, 1811-62. (Folded sheet.) (P.) n.d. Banks, J. The Unhappy Favorite ; a Tragedy. (P. 76.) 18°. Lond. 1821. Banks, J. Address to Wm. Penn Institute. (P. 20.) 24°. Beading. 1841. Banks, T. C. Dormant and Extinct Baron- age of England. 4 v. 4°. Lond. 1807- 1837. Genealogical, etc., Gleanings on English Nobility. 4°. Lond. 1837. Banks, W. The English Master, a Guide, to Beading, etc. 8°. Lond. 1829. Banning, E. P. Common Sense on Chronic Diseases. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Pathology of Chronic Diseases. 12°. N.Y. n.d. Banvaed, J. Novelties of the New "World. 16° Bost. 1852. Banvaed, J. Plymouth and the Pilgrims. 16°. Bost. 1851. Romance of American History. 12°. Bost. 1852. Tragic Scenes in the Historj^ of Mary- land, etc. 12°. Bost. 1856. Wisdom, Wit, etc., of Ancient Philos- ophers. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Baeante, a. G. p. B. de. Dues de Bourgogne de la Maison de Valois. 8°. Paris. 1842. Histoire de la Convention Nationale. 4v. 16°. Brux. 1851-2. Histoire de Jeanne dArc. 16°. Paris. 1859. Litterature Fran9aise au XYIIIme Siecle. 12°. Paris. 1847. Melanges Historiques et Litteraires. 3 V. 16°. Brux. 1835. Questions Constitutionelles. 8°. Paris. 1849. Baebadoes. Acts of Assembly, 1648-1718. f°. Lond. 1721. Baebaea, C. Mes Petites Maisons. 12^. Paris. 18C0. Baebauld, Mrs. A. L. Works, with Life, by Lucy Aikin. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1826. Baebe-Maebois, F. de. Complot d'Arnold et de Sir H. Clinton. 12°. Paris. 1816. • History of Louisiana. 8°. Phil. 1830. Babbee. G. D. Ancient Oral Records of the Cimri. 12°. Lond. 1855. Baebee, J. W. Conn. Historical Collections. 8°. N. Haven. 1837. Historical Collections of Mass. 8°. Wore. 1839. History and Antiquities of New Eng- land, New York, and New Jersey. 8°. Wore. 1841. Incidents in American History. 12°. • N.Y. 1847. Interesting events in History of the United States. 12°. N. Haven. 1830. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Baebee, J. W., and Howe, H. Historical Collections of New Jersey. 8°. N.Y'. 1844. Historical Collections of New York. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Baebee, Jona. Grammar of Elocution. 12°. N. Haven. 1832. Introduction to Grammar of Elocution. 12°. Bost. 1834. Baeboue, J. The Bruce. See Jamif^on, J. (Ed'r.) Baeca. See Caldeeon de la Barca. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 25 Babcelo, J. Practical Spanish Teacher. See PufNEY, \V. Bakclay, H. Agricultural Tour in the United States and Canada. 12°. Lond. 1842. Babclay, J. T. City of the Great King. r.8°. PhiL 1858. Map of Jerasalem and Environs. Fold- ed to 12^. Phil. n.d. Baeclay, Kobt. Apology for the Quakers. 8°. Lond. 1780. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1826. Account of Life and Writings. 18°. Phil. 1805. Sketch of Life of. (P. 45.) 12°. Phil. . n.d. Babclay, S. Personal Recollections of the American Pievolution. 12''. N.Y. 1857. Barclay, W. Address to Alumni of Colum- bia College. (P. 9, P. 44.) 8^. N. Y. 1826. Letter on Life Insurance. (P.) 16°. n.p. 1832. Baed, S. a. See Squieb, E. G. Babdwell, W. Heidthy Homes, and How to Make Them. 8". Lond. n. d. Temples, Ancient and Modem. 8°. Lond. 1837. Baeeith, Wilhelmina, Margravine of. Me- moirs of, by Hersell'. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1828. Baeetti, J. Italian and English Dictionary. 2 V. in one. 4°. Venice. 1795. Same, ed. by Comelati and Davenport. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Jom-ney from London to Genoa. 4 v. in 2. 18°. Dublin. 1770. Baefoed. Epistle to Lord Chesterfield, on European Afiivirs. (P. Gl.) 8°. Lond. 1730. B.\JiHAM, H. Hortus Americanus. 8°. Kings- ton. 1794. Baeham, R. H. Ingoldsby Legends. 12°. PhiL 1856. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Life of Theodore E. Hook. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Baehydt, D. p. Industrial Exchanges and Social Remedies. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Life, a Poem. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Baeing-Gould, S. Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas. 8°. Lond. 1863. Baeker, Emily. Extracts from Eminent Authors. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Baeker, J. Incidents in Life of. 8°. Wash. 1855. Letters Developing a Conspiracy for his Ruin. 8°. N.Y. 1826. Babkee, J. Speeches on his Trial for Con- spiracy. 8°. N.Y. 1826. Babkee, W. B. Lares and Penates, or CiHeia and its Governors. 8°. Lond. 1853. Bablow, Joel. The Columbiad, a Poem. 2v. 12°. Phil. 1809. PoHtical Writings. 12°. N.Y. 1796. Baelow, John. Connection of Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy, (v. 2 of Smau^ Books on Great Subjects.) Man's Power over Himself to Control Insanity, (v. 3 of Small Books on Great Subjects.) Barlow, P. Strength and Stress of Timber, Iron, &c. 8°. Lond. 1817. Treatise on Manufactures and Machin- erj-- of Gr. Britain; also, Babbage on Manufactures. 4°. Lond. 1836. Barn Yard Rhymes. 8°. N.Y. 1838. Babnabd, C. H. Voyage Round the World. 1812-16. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Babnabd, D. D. Address to Albany Young Men's Association. (P. 42.) 8°. Al- bany. 1834. An Address to Literary Societies of Rut- gers CoUege. (P. 44.) 8°. Albany. 1837. Address, on Death of Hon. A. Spencer. (Also in P. 45.) 8°. Albany. 1849. Discourse on Hon. S. Van Rensselaer, and History of Rensselaerwyck. (P. 46.) 8°. Albany. 1839. Lecture on European Politics. (P. 44.) 8°. Albany. 1854. Lecture, on Life of Madison. (Also in P. 17,46.) 8°. Albany. 1837. Plea for Repose; an Address. (P. 34.) 8°, N.Y. 1845. Speech at Paris, on Death of Daniel Webster. (P. 45.) 8°. BerHn. n.d. Babnabd, F. A. P. Letters on College Gov- ernment. (P.) 8®. N.Y. 1855. On the Pendulum; and on Ritchie's Electric Clook. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. ^ Report on Plan of Instruction for Uni- versity of Alabama. (P.) 8°. N.Y. '55. Babnabd, G. Landscape Painting. r.8°. Lond. 1858. Babnaed, H. National Education in Europe. . 8°. N.Y. 1854. School Architecture. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Same, enlarged. 8°. Hartf. 1854. Tribute to Gallaudet. 8°. Hartf. 1852. Babnabd, J. G. The C. S. A. and the Battle of Bull Run. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Dangers and Defences of New York. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1859. 26 CATALOGUE OF THE Baenaed, J, G. The Gyroscope. (P.) 8^. KY. and Hartf. 1858. Peninsular Campaign. 8^. N.Y. 1864. Baenaed, J. G. and Baeby, W. F. Engineer and Artillery Operations of Army of ! Potomac. 8^. N.Y. 1863. Baenes, a. The Atonement. 8°. Phil. 1859. The Church and Slavery. 12^. Phil. 1857. Miscellaneous Essays and Beviews. 2 v. 12^ N.Y. 1855. Oration to Phi Beta Kaj^pa, Aug. 18, 18-iO. (P.) 8^. Phil. 1840. Scriptural Views of Slavery. 8^. Phil. 1846. Sermon to Gen. Assembly, May 28, 1852. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Way of Salvation. 12° N.Y. 1836. Same. 8°. Phil. 1855. Babnes, Charlotte. Plays, Prose and Poetry. 8°. Phil. 1848. Baeneb, "Wm. Se Gefylsta (The Helper), an Anglo-Saxon Delectus. 12'^. Lond. 1849. Grammar in the Dorset Dialect, and History of S. ^Y. English. See Philo- logical, Society; Transac, 1864. Poems in the Dorset Dialect. 12^ Bost. 1864. Early Historj' of Albany. 8"^. Albany. 1864. Baenet, J. Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois in the Bebellion. 8^ Chic. 1865. Baeney, Mary. Memoir of Commodore Bar- ney. 8^. Bost. 1832. Bakxi, J. Philosophie de Kant. 8^. Paris. 1857. Baenijm, H. L. Memoir of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch. 8^. N.Y. 1828. Baenum, p. T. Humbugs of the World. 12°. N.Y. 1866. Life, by himself. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Baenavell. See Eoosevelt, E. B. Baenwell, E. G. Life and Times of John DeWitt. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Baeon, J. Life of Edward Jenner. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. Babon, M. Comedies. See Eepeetoite ! General, etc. - ' Babe, Jas. Anglican Church Architecture. 16°. Oxford. 1846. Baeeau, T. H. Legislation de ITnstruction Publique. 8°. Paris. 1853. Baeee, L. Nouvelle Biographie Classique. 18°. Paris. 1844. Babee, E. Genealogical Memoirs of Eoyal House of France. P. Lond. 1825. Baebebe, p. Histoire Naturelle de la France fiquinoxiale. 16°. Paris. 1741. Baebett, B. F. Beauty for Ashes; or, In- fants after Death. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Life of Swedenborg. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Baebett, E.S. Woman; a Poem. 16°. Lond. 1841. Baebett, Eliz. B. >S'ee Browning, Mrs. E. B. Baebett, J. H. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 12°. Cine. 1864. Baebett, P. Tables of European Exchanges. 4°. Lond. 1771. Baebett, S., Jr. Priniciples of Grammar. 12°. Albany. 1848. Baebett, S. A. Maintonomah, and Other Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1849. Baebett, W. See Scoville, J. A Baebl See Du Baeei. Baebington, a. Physical Geography. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Baebington, D. Possibility of Approaching tiife North Pole. 8°. N.Y. 1818. Baebington, J. Historic Memoirs of Ireland. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1835. Personal Sketches of his Own Times. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Baeeon, E. Secret Memoirs of Queen Caro- line. 8°. Lond. 1820. Baeeow, I. Works, with Life, by Hamilton. 3v. 8°. Edin. 1842-45. Treatise of the Pofte's Supremacy. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Baeeow, Sir J. Autobiogi-aphic Memoir. 8°. Lond. 1847. Life of Earl Howe. 8°. Lond. 1838. Life of Sir W. Sydney Smith. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Travels in China. 8°. Phil. 1805. Travels in Southern Africa. 8°. N.Y. 1802. Same. 2 v. 4°. 'Lond. 1806. Voyages in the Arctic Eegions since 1818. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Baeeow, J., Jr. Excursions in the North of Europe. 12°. Lond. 1835. Life of Peter the Great. 18°. N.Y. 1834. Same. 16°. Lond. 1839. Mutiny of the Bounty. 18°. Lond. 1839. Naval Worthies of Queen Elizabeth's Eeign. 8°. Lond- 1845. Pitcairn's Island and Mutiny of the Bounty. 18°. N.Y. 1832. Tour in Austrian Lombardy, Tyrol, &c. 12°. Lond. 1841. Tour Bound Ireland in 1835. 12°. Lond. 1836. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 27 Barbow, J. , Jr. Visit to Iceland in 1834. 12^. Lontl. 1835. Bakkow, W. Essays on Education. 8°. Phil. 1825. Barbows, E. p., Jr. Memoir of E. Judson. 12°. Bost. 1852. Baeruel, a. History of the Clergy During the French lievoliition. 12^. DubL 1705. Memoirs of Jacobinism. 3 v. 8^ Lond. 1797-8. Barey, J. S. Stetson Genealogy. 8°. Bosi 1847. History of Hanover, Mass. 8^ Bost '53. History of Massachusetts. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1855-7. Barry, P. Fruit Garden. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Barry, W. Historj' of Framingham. 8°. Bost. 1847. ■ Baestow, G. History of New Hampshire to 1818. 8°. Concord. 1842. Barter, C. The Dorp and the Veld; or, Six Months in Natal. 12^ Loud. 1852. Barth, H. Travels in North and Central Africa. 3 v. 8^. N.Y. 1857-9. Barthe, N. T. Comedies. See Repertoire General, etc. Barth KLEMY, J. J. Voyage du Jeune An- aeharsis. 7 v. (and 4° Atlas.) 18"^. Ptms. 1810-20. Travels of Anacharsis the Younger. 4 v. 8*^. Lond. 1796. Barthez. iSec BiOiiET. Bartholmess, C. Histoire de I'Acad^mie do Prusso. 2 v. 8^ Paris. 1850. Bartholomew, O. Addrtiss, 50th Anniver- sary of Cong. Church, Augusta, N.Y. (P.) 8^. Hamilton. N.Y. 1849. Bartlett, D. W. Life of Lady Jane Grey. 12=. Auburn. 1853. What I saw in London. 12°. Auburn. 1852. Bartlett, E. Certainty in Medicine. 8°. Phil. 1848. Discourse on Hippocrates. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. History of Fevers in the U. S. 8°. Phil. 1847.*^ Bartlett, J. Familiar Quotations.' 1G°. Camb. 1856. Same. 4th ed. 12^. Bost. 1863. Bartlett, J. R. Destruction of the Gaspee. r.8=. Prov. 1861. Dictionary of Americanisms. 2d ed. 8^. Bost. 1859. Explorations in Texas, &c. N.Y. 1854. 2 V. 8°. Bartlett, J, R. Progress of Ethnologj'. t° N.Y. 1847. Bibliography of Rhode Island. B^. Prov. 1864. Bartlett, M. R. Astronomy. 4°. Utica. 1825. Bartlett, R. Remarks on Preservation of Pubhc Archives. cP. 17.) 8^ Concord. 1837. Bartlett, R. M. Commercial and Banking Tables. 4°. Cine. 1853. Bartlett, S. R. Concord Fight; a Poem. 12°. Bost 1860. Bartlett, W. A. Defence Before Naval Court. (P.) 12°. N.Y: 1857. Memorial for Restoration to Navy List. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1856. Reply to Testimony before Senate Com- mittee. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1856. Bartlett, W. H. Nile Boat; or Glimpses of Egypt 8°. Lond. 1849. Pictures from Sicily. 8°. Lond. 1853. Bartlett, W. H., and Willis, N. P. Canadian Scenery Illustrated. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1842. Bartlett, W. H. C. Elements of Natural Philosophy. Mechtmics. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Elements of Spherical Astronomy. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Bartlett and ^^'ELFOBD. Catalogue of books for side. 8°. N.Y. n.d. Bartol, C. a. Discourse on Death of Gen. C. R. Lowell, Jr. (P.) 8^. Bost 1864. Pictures of Europe. 12°. Bost 1855. Sermon on Death of Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. Bost 1852. Babtoli, R. p. D. Histoire de Loyola etdes J^suites. 2v. 8°. Paris. 1844. Bartolomeo, p. da San. Voyage to East Indies. 8°. Lond. 1800. Babton, B. Household Verses. 12°. Lond. 1845. Memoirs, Letters and Poems. Ed. by his daughter. 12°. PhiL 1850. Poems. 12. Phil. 1821. Barton, B. S. Fascination by Rattlesnakes. (P. 47.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Barton, E. N. Cause and Prevention of Yellow Fever. 8°. Phil. 1855. Babton, J. L. Commerce of the Lakes. 8°. BuffiUo. 1847. Reminiscences of Western N. Y. ; a Lec- ture.' (P. 44.) 8°. Buffalo. 1848. Babton, W. Life of Rittcnhouso. 8°. Phil. 1813. Babton, W. C. P. Hints for Naval Officers in the West Indies. 18°. PhiL 1830. 28 CATALOGUE OF THE Baetbam, J. Travels from Pennsylvania to Lake Ontario. 12°. Lond. 1851. Bakteam, W. Travels in the Carolinas and Florida. 8°. Dublin. 1773. Bascom, J. Political Economy. 12°. An- dover. 1859. Base-ball Player's Pocket Companion. 12°, Bost. 1859. Bassett, J. M. Union Men and their Suffer- ings in Northern Missouri. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Bassnett, T. Mechanical Theory of Storms. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Bastian, a. Ein Besuch in San Salvador. 8°. Bremen. 1859. Bastiat, F. Harmonies ficonomiques. 8°. Paris. 1850. Bastille in America. By an Eye-witness. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1861. Batcheldeb, J. National Accountant. 4°. Bost. 1847. Bate, H. The Flitch of Bacon ; a Comic Opera. (P. 72.) 8°. Lond. 1780. Bateman, T. Life and Character of 8°. Lond. 1827. Bates, Mrs. D. B. Four years on the Pacific Coast. 12°. Bost. 1858. Bates, H. W. The Naturalist on the Amazon. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1863. Bates, J. Inaugural as President of Middle- bury College. (P. 6.) 8°. Middlebury. 1818. Bates, "W. Harmony of Divine Attributes. 12°. N.Y. 1831. Spiritual Perfection Unfolded. 16°. Lond. 1834. Battle-Fields of the South; Bull Bun to Fredericksburgh. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Bauchek, F. Method of Horsemanship. 12°. Phil. 1851. Baudissin, a. Graf von. Philippin Welser. 3v. 12°. Han. 1864. Bauer, A. G-erichtsverfassung des Konig- reichs Westphalen. 8°. Marburg. 1811. Baunscheidt, C. Bauuscheidtismus, a New Cure. 8°. Buffalo. 1862. Bautain, L. E. M. Extempore Speaking. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. ' Bawe, Mme. de. Les Soirees des Jeunes Personnes. 16°. Paris. 1862. Baxlet, H. W. South and North America and Hawaiian Islands. 8°.' N.Y. 1865. Baxter, G. E. W. Humour and Pathos. 8°. Lond. 1842. Baxter, M. Louis Napoleon the Destined Monarch of the World. 12°. Phil. 1863. Baxter, E. Call to the Unconverted. 18° N.Y. 1847. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Choice Works. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Dying Thoughts. 16°. Lond. 1834. Jesuit Juggling. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Saints' Everlasting Best. 12°. N.Y. '59 Select Practical Writings, with Life bj Bacon. 2 v. 8°. N. Haven. 1831. Baxter, W. Pea Eidge and Prairie Grove 16°. Cine. 1864. Bayard, F. M. Voyage dans les £tats-Unis, 8°. Paris. 1795. Bayard, J. Constitution of the United States 12°. Phil. 1838. Bayard, P. du Terrail, Chevalier. Feats, Gests and Prowess of. 2 v. 8°. Lond, 1825. Bayard, W. Eeply to Contostavlos as to th( Greek Frigates. (P. 7.) 8°. N.Y. 1826, Bayle, a. J. L. Elementarj^ Treatise or Anatomy. 18°. N.Y. 1837. Bayle, P. Dictionnaire Historique et Cri- tique. 16 V. 8°. Paris. 1820. Historical and Critical Dictionary. 10 v f°. Lond. 1734-42. Same, Abridged, with Author's Life. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1826. Baylee, J. Verbal Inspiration. 12°. Lond. 1854. Bayley, Jas. E. History of the Catholic Church in N.Y. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Memoirs of Eev. S. W. G. Brute, sm 4°. N.Y. 1861. Bayley, John. History of the Tower oi London. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1825. Baylies, F. History of New Plymouth. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1830. Wool's Campaign in New Mexico. (P. 40.) 8°. Albany. 1851. Bayly, T. H. Poems". 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1844. Bayne, p. Christian Life. 12°. Bost. 1855. Essays in Biography and Criticism. 1st ser. 12°. Bost. 1860. Same. 2d ser. 12°. Bost. 1858. Testimony of Christ to Christianity. 12°. Bost. 1862. Baynes, T. S. Logic, or. Art of Thinking. 8°. Edin. 1850. Bazancouet, v. B., Baron de. Le Mexique Contemporain. 12°. Paris. 1861. Bazin, a. Histoire de France, 1610-1661. 4v. 16°. Paris. 1846. Philosophy of History. Transl. by GaudeU. 8°. Lond. 1829. Beach, Eliz. T. P. Pelayo, an Epic. 12°. N.Y. 1864. MERCANTILE LIBKART. 29 Beach, S. B. Escalala, a Poem. 12^. Utica. 1824. Beach, W. American Medical Practice, 8°. N.Y. 1817. Improved System of Midwifeiy. 4^. N.Y. 1847. Medical and Botitnical Dictionary. 8^. N.Y. 1848. Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology and Health. S°. N.Y. 1848. Beadle, D. W. American Lawyer and Fonn-book. ir. N.Y. 1851. Beadle's Dime Base BaU Player. 16°. N.Y. n.d. Beale, Lionel. Microscope Applied to Clini- cal Medicine. 12^. Lond. 1854. Beale, Lionel J. Laws of Health. 12°. Phil. 1851. Beale, T. Natural History of the Sperm Whale. 12°. Lond. 1839. Beall, J. Y. Trial of. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Be.\.mes, T. Kookeries of Loudon. 8°. Lond. 1852. Beamish, N. L. Discover^' of America by the Northmen. 8°. Lond. 1841. •Beans, E. W. Manual for Practical Survey- ors. 12°. Phil. 1854. Beard, C. History of Port Royal. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1863. Beakd, .J. R. Life of Toussaint L'Ouver- ture. 12°. Lond. 1853. Rise, Progress, and Decline of Trinitari- anism. 8°. Lond. 1848. Beardmore, N. Hydraulic Tables ; and Tide Tables, 1852-54. 12°. Lond. 1852. Beardsley, L. Reminiscences. 8°. N.Y^ 1852. Bearsley, H. Book of Prescriptions, and Index of Diseases and Remedies. 8°. Phil. 1865. Pocket Formulary, and Synopsis of Pharmacopoeias. 12°. Phil. 1851. Beatson, R. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Biitain, 1727-83. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1804. Beattie, Jas. Works. 16°. Phil. 1809. The Minstrel. See Repudlic of Letters,* V. 4. The Minstrel, and other Poems. 16°. Alnwick. -1807. Nature and Immutability of Truth. 18°. Edin. 1805. Same. 24°. Lond. 1827. Poems. See British Poets, v. 32. Same. Sec Milton, J. Same. 16°. Lond. 1831. Beattie, W. Life and Letters of T. Camp- bell. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Beatty, a. Essays on Agriculture. 12". Maysville. 1844. Southern Agriculture. 12°. N.Y'. n.d. Beauchamp, A. de. Histoire de Bresil, 1800-10. 3v. 8°. Paris. 1815. Beauchesne, a. de. Life of Louis XVII. TransLbyHazlitt. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. '53. Beaudoux, Iklme. C. L. La Science Mater- nelle; ou. Education des Filles. 16°. Paris. 1844. Beaitfort, F. Karamania. 8°. Lond- 1818. Beaufoy, M. Mexican Illustrations. 8°. Lond. 1824. Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments. V. 1. 4°. Lond. 1834. Beauhabnais, Hortense. Memoirs of. 16°. Phil. 1833. Beaujour, F. de. Commerce of Greece, 1787-97. 8°. Lond. 1800. United States from 1800 to 1810. 8°. Lond. 1814. Beaulieu, Mme. M. de. Genevieve dans les Bois. 16°. Paris. 1821. Beaumarchais, p. a. C. de. Comedies. See Repertoire G^n^ral, etc. Drames. See Same. Beaumont, F., and Fletcher, J. Works, ed. by A. Dyce. 11 v. 8°. Lond. 1843-46. Works, with Introduction by Darley. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1860. Beaumont, G. de. L'Irlande, Sociale, Poli- tique et Religieuse. v. 1. 10°. Paris. 1863. Beaumont, G. de., and Tocjqueville, A. de. Penitentiary System of the U. S. 8°. Phil. 1833. Beaumont, Sir J. Poems. See Bbitlsh Poets. V. 5. Same. 16°. Lond. 1853. Beaumont, W. Experiments on the Gastric Juice. 8°. Plattsburg. 1833. Beauties of German Literature. 18°. Lond. 1847. Beauvallet, L. Rachel and the New World. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Beauvoir, Mme. R. de. Confidences de Mile. Mars. 2v. 18°. Paris. 1855. Beaver, P. African Memoranda. 4°. Lond. 1805. Beawes, W. Lex Mercatoria, a Commercial Code. f°. Lond. 1783. Same. f°. Lond. 1792. Same. Ed. by J. Chitty. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1813. 30 CATALOGUE OF THE Beccaeia, C. Crimes and Punishments. 18°. Edin. 1778. Bechade, H. La Chasse en Algerie. 12='. Paris. 1860. Bechee, a. B. Landfall of Columbus, witli Bonnefoux's Life of Columbus. 8°. Lond. 1856. Becher, J. T. Book-keeping for Savings Banks. 8°. Lond. 1829. Bechstein, J. M. Natural History of Cage Birds. 16°. Lond. 1841. Beck, F. Young Accountant's Guide. 4°. Bost. 1831. Beck, J. B. History of Medicine in the American Colonies. 8°. Albany. 1850. Lecture to N. Y. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons. (P. 42.) 8°. N.Y. 1829. Letter on a Medical School in Columbia College. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1832. Beck, L. C. Botany of Northern United States. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri. 8°. Albany. 1823. Report on Mineralogy of New York. See New Yoek. Natural History, v. 8. Beck, L. C, Mather, "W. W., and others. Eeports on Geology of New York, for 1837. See New York. Beck, T. R. Country Medical Institutions; a Lecture. (P. 44.) 8°. 1825. Eulogy on S. De Witt. (P. 45.) 8°. Albany. 1825. Biographical Notice of. (P. 45.) 8°. Utica. 1855. Beck, T. E. and J. B. Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. 2 v. 8°. Utica. 1850. Becker, W. A. Charicles; or. Private iMe of Ancient Greeks. 12°. Lond. 1845. Becket, a. Dramatic and Prose Miscellanies. 12°. Lond. 1838. Shakspeare himself again. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1815. Beckett, G. A. a. Comic Blackstone. 12°. Lond. 18 i6. Comic History of England. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847-8. Comic History of Rome. 8°. Lond. n. d. Beckett, S. B. Guide to the White Moun- tains. 12°. Portland. 1853. Beckett, W. a. Universal Biography. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1834. Beckford, p. Thoughts on Hunting. 12°. Lond. 1847. BECxroRD, W. Account of Jamaica. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1790. Excursion to Alcoba9a and Batalha. 12°. PhU. 1835. Beckford, W. History of France. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1794. History of Spain. 2 v. 8°. Dubl. 1793. Italy, Spain and Portugal. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1834. Same, with Excursion to Alcoba9a, etc. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Memoirs. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1859. Beckmann, J. History of Inventions. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1817. Same. Revised. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1846. Beckwith, E. G. Exploration for Pacific R. R. See United States. Beckwoueth, J. P. Life and Adventures. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Beddoes, T. New Method for Consumption. (P. 88.) 8°. Bristol. (E.) n.d. Bedell, G. T. The Cause of the Greeks; an Address. (P. 10.) 8°. Phil. 1827. Bedford, John, 4th Duke of. CoiTespond- ence. 3 v. 8°. Loud. 1842-6. Beecher, Cath. E. Appeal to the People on Interpreting the Bible. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Common Sense Applied to Religion. 12° N.Y. 1857. Domestic Economy. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Duty of American Women. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Letters to the People on Health and Happiness. 12°. N.Y. 1855. • Physiology and Calisthenics. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Religious Training of Children. 8°. N.Y. 1864. True Remedy for the Wrongs of AVomen. 8°. Rost. 1851. Beechee, Chas. David and his Throne. 18°. N.Y. 1855. The Incarnation. 16°. N.Y. 1849. Redeemer and Redeemed. 12°. Bost. 1804. Review of Spiritual Manifestations. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Beecher, Edw. Concord of Ages. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Conflict of Ages. 12°. Bost. 1853. Narrative of Alton Riots. 12°. Alton. 1838. Beecher, Edw. and Charles. Review of Council at Georgetown, Aug. 1863. (P.) Bost. 1863. Beecher, H. W. Address, Manchester CEng.), Oct. 9, 1863. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 31 Beechek, H. W. Eyes and Ears. 12°. Bost. I Belgian (The) Traveller. 18G2. I 183G. V. 2. W. Lond. Freedom and War; Discourses on thp Times. 12^. Bost. 18G3. Fruits, Flowers and Farming. 12°. KY. 1859. Industry and Idleness. 18=". Phil. 1850. Lectures to Young Men. 16°. Bost. 184G. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1800. Life Thoughts. 12^ Bost. 1858. New Star Papers. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Notes from Plymouth Pulpit 12°. N.Y. 1859. Star Papers. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Beecheb, L. The Apostolic Age and the Present, their Missionary Facilities. (P. 70.) 12°. n.p. n.d. Autobiograph}^ ed. by Chas. Beecher. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 18G4-5. National Prosperity, a Thanksgiving Sermon. (P. 4.) 8°. N.Y. 1820. Plea for the West. 2d. ed. 10°. Cine. 1835. Trial of, before Cincinnati Presbytery. 8°. N.Y. 1835. Works. 3v. 12°. Bost. 1852. Beechey, F. W. Voyage to Pacific and Behring's Straits. 8°. PhiL 1832. Same, Botany of. See Hookeb, W. J. Same, Zoology of. See Richardson, J. Beechey, F. W. and H. W. Expedition to North Coast of Afxica. 4°. Lond. 1828. Beesox, J. Plea for the Indians. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1858. Beets, N. Life of J. H. Van der Palm. 12°. N.Y. 1805. Belcheb, E. Last of the Arctic Voyages. 2v. 8°. Loud. 1855. Voyage Round the World. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1843. Voyage of the Samarang. 2 v. 8°. Loud. 1848. Belcher, J. Clergy of America. 12°. Phil. 1855. Historical Sketches of Hymns. 12°. Phil. 1859. Rehgious Denominations of the U. S. 8°. Phil. 185G. Belden, a. R. Thrilling Incidents and Narratives. 12°. Auburn. 1852. Belden, E. P. New York, Past, Present and Future. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Belfast, Earl of. Poets and Poetry of 19th Century. 12°. Lond. 1852. Beloiojoso, C. T., Princess de. Eminaj Recits Turco-asiatiques. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 185G. Histoire de la Maison de Savoie. 8°. Paris. 18G0. Belinaye, H. Sources of Health and Dis- ease in Communities. 10°. Bost. 1833. Beusle, D. W. Historj' of Independence Hull. 12°. Phil. 1859. Belisle, O. S. Romanism in the United States. 12°. Phil. 1853. Belknap, J. American Biography. 3v. 18°. N.Y. 1844. E^rly American Discoveries. See Knapp, S. L., Library of Am. Hist. History of New Hampshire. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1813. Same, ed. by J. Farmer, v. 1. 8°. Dover. 183L Life and Select Writings. 18°. N.Y. '37. Bell, A. Elements of Algebra. 12°. Edin. '45. Elements of Plane Geometry. 12°. Edin. 1837. Key to Practical Mathematics. 12°. Edin. 1847. Key to Treatise on Algebra. 12°. Edin. 1845. Sohd and Spherical Geometry, and Conic Sections. 12°. Edin. 1837. Treatise of Practical Mathematics. 2 v. 12°. Edin. 1842. Bell, A. History of Feudalism. 8°. Lond. 18G3. Bell, C. Anatomy of Expression. 8°. Lond. t. 1844. Animal Mechanics. 8°. Lond. n.d. The Hand. 8°. Lond. 1834. Same. 12°. Phil. 1833. Institutes of Surgery. 2 v. 12°. Edin. 1838. Same. 8°. Phil. 1840. NervoTis System of the Human Body. 8°. Edin. 1836. Same. •«°. Phil. 1840. Bell, C. A. Organs of the Senses. 18°. Lond. n.d. Bell, Currer, ElUs, and Acton. See Bbonte, Misses. Bell, Doctor. Lessons on the Human Frame, 16°. Pliil. 1839. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary Queen of Scots, 2v. 18°. Edin. 1831. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1831. Bell, G. M. Philosophy of Joint Stock Banking. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1840. 32 CATALOGUE OF THE BxLL, Jas. Geograpliy. 6 v. 8°. Glasgow. 1836. Bell, Jas. S. Kesidence in Circassia. 2 v. 8° Loud. 1840. Bell, John, of Antermony. Travels in Asia. 2v. 8° Lond. 1764 Bell, John, M.D., of Edinburgh. Observa- tions on Italy. 4F. Edin. 1825. Same. 12=, Bost. 1826. Bell, John, and Bell, C. Anatomy of the Human Body. 4 v. 8"^. Edin. 1773- 1774. Bell, John, M. D. , of Phila. Baths and Min- eral Waters. 12^. Phil. 1831. Mineral and Thermal Sjjrings of the U. S. 12°. Phil. 1855. Regimen and Longevity. 12^ Phil. 1842. Eeport on Sanitary Measures in Cities. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Bell, J. D. A Man. 12^ Phil. 1860. Bell, E. Cabinet of Biography. (English Poets.) 2 V. Lond. 1839. History of Russia. 3 v. 16=. Lond. 1836. Life of Canning. 12=. N.Y. 1846. Wayside Pictures Through France, etc. 8=. Lond. 1849. Bell, T. British Quadrupeds. 8=. Lond. 1837. Bell, W. 0. Analysis of Pope's Essay on Man. 16°. Lexington, n.d. Zoology of Voyage of the Beagle. Rep- tiles. See Daewin, C. Beluni, V. I Puritani (opera). 8°. Paris. n.d. La Norma (opera). 8=. Paris, n.d. La Somuambula (oi)era). 8=. Paris. n.d. Bellot, J. R. Memoirs and Journals. 2 v. 8=. Lond. 1855. Bellows, H. W. Address, on Morality and Pubhc Amusements. (F.) 8=. N.Y. 1857. Duty and Interest Identical; a Sermon. (P.) 8=. N.Y. 1861. Re-statements of Christian Doctrine. 12=. N.Y. 1860. Suspense of Faith; an Address. (P.) 8=. N.Y. 1859. Sequel to Suspense of Faith ; a Sermon. (P.) 8^. N.Y. 1859. Unconditional Loyalty; a Sermon. (P ) 12=. N.Y. n.d. Belloy, Marquis de. Les Toques. 12". Paris. 1860. Beloe, W. Anecdotes of Literature. 6 v. 8=. Lond. 1807-12. Beloe, W. The Sexagenarian. 2v. 8^ Lond. 1817, Belot,A. Trois Nouvelles. 16°. Paris. 1864. Belouino, p. Histoire d'un Coup d'f:tat. 8=. Paris. 1852. Belsham, W. History of Great Britain, Wil- liam III. to George I. 2 v. 8=. Lond. 1798. Kings of Great Brittxin of the House of Brunswick. 8=. Lond. 1796. Reign of George III. to 1793. 4 v. 8=. Lond. 1795. Beltbami, J. C. Pilgrimage in Europe and • America. 2 v. 8=. Lond. 1828. Beltz, G. F. Review of the Chandos Case. 8=. Lond. 1834. Beman, N. S. S. Letters to Archbishop Hughes. (P.) 8°. Troy. 1851. Beman, S. Nightingale, or Jenny Lind Song- ster. 12=. N.Y. 1850. Be!^ebo, p. Le Prose. 8= Florence. 1548. Bement, C. N. American Poulterers' Com- panion. 12= N.Y. 1856. Same. 12=. N.Y. 1863. Rabbit Fancier. See Saxton's Hand- books, 3d Series. Bemis, G. Hasty Recognition of Rebel Bel- ligerency. 8=. Bost. 1865. Precedents of American Neutrality. 8°. Bost. 1864. Report of the Case of John W. Web- ster. 8=. Bost. 1850. Benedict, D. History of all Religions. 12= Prov. 1824. Benedict, E. C. Run through Euroi:)e. 12=. N.Y. 1860. Benedix, R. Eigensinn, ein Lusts pi6l. See WiLHELMi, A. Benet, S. V. Military Law and Courts- Martial. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Bengal Chamber of Commerce. Report, May-Oct., 1860. (P.) 8=. Calcutta. '60. Bengel, J. A. Gnomon Novi Testamenti. 2v. 8=. Lond. 1850. Benges, Miss E. O. Life of Anne Boleyn. 8=. Phil. 1822. Same. 12=. Phil. 1850. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. 2 v. 12=. Phil. 1851. Benicia, why it should be a Port of Entry. (P. 65.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Benjamin of Tudela. Itinerary^ ed. by A. Asher. 2 v. 8=. Lond. 1840. Benjamin, A. Rudiments of Architecture. 8=. Bost. 1814. Benjamin, Park. Meditation of Nature; a Poem. (P. 62.) 8=. Hartf. 1832. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 33 Benxett, E. T. Gardens, etc., of Zoological Society. 2 v. 8=. Lond. 1835. Bennbtt, G. J. Pedestrian Tour in North WiUes. 8=^. Lond. 1838. Bennett, J. A. Arithmetic. 8^. N.Y. 1835. Same. 8^. N.Y. 1843. Book-keeping by Single Entry. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Bennett, John. Letters to a Young Lady. 12^. Hudson. 1811. Bennett, John C. Poultry Book. 12^ Bost. 1850. Bennett, Jos. Sermon, 25th Anniversary of his Ordination. (P.) S°. Bost. 1846. Bennett, J. G. Memoirs of. 8^. N.Y. 1855. Bennett, J. W. Ceylon and its Capabilities. 4° Lond. 1843. Benque, W., and Kawolle, C. Sketches for Laying out Central Park. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Benson, E. Memoir on Dutch Names near N.Y. 12°. Jamaica, (L. L) 1825. Vindication of Captors of Andre. 12°. N.Y. 1805. Bent's Literary Advertiser, 1835-9. 5 v. 4°. Lond. 1835-9. Bentham, J. Works. Ed. by J. Bowring. 11 V. 8°. Edin. 1838-43. Book of Fallacies. 8^. Lond. 1824. Chrestomathia. 8^ Lond, 1816. — r- Church of England and its Catechism. 8\ Lond. 1818. Constitutional Code. v. 1. 8'^. Lond. 1830. * Defence of Usury. 12°. Lond. 1816. Elements of Art of Packing Special Juries. 8°. Lond. 1821. Essay on Pohticid Tactics. 4P. Lond. 1791. • Fragment on Government. 8°. Lond. 1823. Introduction to Principles of Morals and Legislation. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. Lord ]kt)ugham Displayed. (P. ) 8°. Lond. 1H32. Not Paul, but Jesus. 8°. Lond. 1823. Panopticon (a Penitentiaiy). 3 v. 16°. Dubl. 1791. Papers on Codification and Public In- struction. 8°. Lond. 1817. Principles of Legislation, ed. by J. Du- mont. 8°. Bost. 1830. Scotch Judicial Reform. 8°. Lond. 1808. To His Fellow-Citizens of France, on Houses of Peers, etc. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1830. 3 Ben- of Bektham, J. Tratados de Legislacion. 8 v. 18°. Paris. 1823. Benthamiana; Select Extracts from tham's Works. 8°. Lond. 1843. Bentlzt, R. Dissertations on Letters Phalaris. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Bentley, W. Sermon on Death of Gen. J. Fiske. (P.) 8°. Salem. 1797. Bentlet's Miscellany, v. 1-55. 8°. Lond. 1837-64. Quarterly Review, v. 1-2. 8°. Lond. 1859-60. Benton, N. S. History of Herldmer County. 8°. Albany. 1856. Benton, T. H. Abridgment of Debates in Congress, 1789-1856. 16 v. 8°. N.Y. 1857-60. Address on Pacific R.B., Bosi, Dec. 20, 1854. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1854. Address on Pacific R. R., Jan. 16, 1855. (P.) 8^. Wash. 1855. Examination of the Dred Scott Case. 8^ N.Y. 1858. Letter to People of Missouri, on Pacific R.R., Mch. 4, 1853. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Speech on California Land Titles. (P. ) 8°. Wjxsh. 1849. Speech on Oregon Question, May, 1846. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1846. Thirty Years' View of the American Govemmeni 2 v. r.8°. N.Y, 1854. Bentz, L. and Roatlle, A. J. C. de. Ele- ments of Agriculture. 16°. Phil. 1849. Benyowsky, M. a de. Memoirs and Travels. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1790. Beo\\tjlf. From the Anglo-Saxon, by Wack- erbarth. 16°. Lond. 1849. Bebanger, p. J. de. (Euvrea 32°. Paris. 1815. (EuvTes Completes. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1847. Demieres Chansons, 1834-1851. 8°. Paris. 1857. Ma Biographic, 8°. Paris. 1857. Lyrical Poems, Transl. by Anderson, 12°, Edin. 1847. Memoirs, by Himself. 8°. Lond. 1858. Songs, 12°. Lond. 1837. Two Hundred of his Lyrical Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Berard, C. Le9ons Fran9aises. 12°. Phil. 1822. Berens, E. History of the Prayer Book. 12°. Oxf. 1841. Beresford, J. Bibliosophia, or, Book Wis- dom. 16°. Lond, 1810. Beretnino om Norges okonomiske Tilstand i Aai-ene 1846-50. 4°. Christiania. 1853. 34 CATALOGUE OF THE 12°. Phil. 12°. Phil. the 12= Me- J. F. Lecture on the Jesuits. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1850. Prophecy and the Times. 1856. The Stone and the Image. 185G. Bekghatjs, H. Geographisches Jahrbuch, 1850-1. 2v. 4°. Gotha. 1850-1. Bergman, T. Physical and Chemical Essays. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1788. Beeick, F. H. The Grand Crisis ; The Lord Soon to Come. 12°. Bost. 1854. Beeikgton, J. Literary History of Middle Ages. 16°. Lond. 1848. Bebkeley, E. The World's Laconics. N.Y. 1853. Bekkeley, G. (Bishop). "Works, with moir. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1820. Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher. 8°. Lond. 1767. Bekkeley (The) Men. The Napoleon Dy- nasty. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Beekenhout, J. Biographia Literaria. v. 1. (no more published). 4°. Lond. 1777. Beekshire Jubilee, Pittsfield, Mass., 1844. 8°. Albany. 1845. Beblin AUgemeiner Wohnungs-Anzeiger, 1857-8. 8°. Berlin. 1857-8. Bebnan, W. History and Art of Warming and Ventilating. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1845. Beenakd, a. de. Les Frais" de la Guerre. 2v. 18°. Paris. 1856. Le Portrait de la Marquise. 2 v. Paris. 1858. Baenard, C. de. Les Ailes d'lcare. Paris. 1856. XJn Beau Pere, and Le Veau d'Or. 16°. Paris. 1863. Le Gentilhomme Campagnard. 16°. Paris. 1864. Le Nccud Gordien. 16°. Paris. 1863. Le Paratonnerre ; la Peine du Talion ; le Pied dArgile. 16°. Paris. 1864. LeParavent. 16°. Paris. 1862. Beenard, Claude, and Bobin, C. On the Blood. 12°. Phil. 1854. Beenard, F. Trade and Government of America, 1,763-8. 8°. Lond. 1774. Beenaed, J. Retrospections of the Stage. 2v. 12°. Bost. 1832. Bebnard, M. Notes of his Lectures on the Blood, by W. F. Atlee. 8°. Phil. '64. Beenaed, P. La Bourser et la Vie. 12°. Paris. 1855. Beenaedi, J. E. D. L'Origine et Progres de la Legislation Fran9aise. 8°. Paris. 1816. 18^ 12= 2v. 2 V. Berneys, a. German Historical Anthology. 12°. Lond. 1835. Beeneaud, T. de. Travaux de la Society Linneenne de Paris, 1822. 12°. Paris. 1823. — Vine-dresser's Manual. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Beenhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar. Travels in North America. 2 v. in one. 8°. Phil. 1828. Bernouilli, J. and Wallis, J. Permutations and Combinations. 8°. Lond. 1795. Berrian, W. Facts against Fancy; a True View of Trinity Church. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. — History of Trinity Church. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Semi- Centennial Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Travels in France and Italy. 8°. N.Y. 1828. Berridge. J. The Christian World Unmask- ed. 12°. Bost. 1853. Beebiman, M. W. Militiaman's Manual. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Beetal, a. Les ;6tablissements Philan- thropiques aux £ltats-Unis. 12°. Paris. 1855. La Famille Need. 16°. Paris. 1855. Beethet, E. Lea Chauffeurs. 16°. Paris. 1863. Le Dernier Irlandais. 16°. Paris. 1865. Odilia. 12°. Paris. 1863. L'Oiseau du Desert. 8°. N.Y. 1863. La Roche Tremblante, etc. 16°. Paris. 1864. Berthollet, C. B., and A. L. Elements of the Art of Dyeing. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. Berteand, a. Lettres sur les Revolutions du Globe. 18°. Paris. 1833. Revolutions of the Globe. 12°. Lond. 1835. Bertrand L. Au Fond de mon Garnier. 12°. Paris. 1862. Bertrand de Moleville, A. F. Costume of Austria. See Costumes, &c. Private Memoirs of Last Year of Louis XVL 3v. 8°. Lond. 1797. Bertrand de St. -Germain, Dr. Des Mani- festations de la Vie et de I'lntelligence. 8°. Paris. 1848. Berwick, J. Fitzjames, Duke of. Memoirs, by himself. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1779. Beezelius J. J. Annuaire des Sciences Chimiques. 24°. Paris. 1839. Essay on Chemical Nomenclature. Transl. by Bache. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 35 Bebzeuus, J. J. Traite de Chimie. 8". Paris. 1830-1. — Use of the Blow-pipe in Chemistry. 8°. Lond. 1822. Beschebelle, Freres et Litais de Gaux. Grammaire Nationale. 8^. Paris. J847. Beschereli^, Jeune. Cours Complet de la Langue Fran9aise. 6 v. 16°. Paris. 1851. Besse, a. de. Turkish Empire. 12°. Phil. 1854. Besser, L. Die Naturgeschichle der Arbeit. 8°. Leip. 1855. Best, Mrs. Abroad, and How to Live there. 12°. Lond. 18G0. Betham, W. Baronetage of England. 5 v. 4°. Lond. 1801-5. BetAam, E. M. Snow Flakes ; and the Stories they told the Children. 4°. Lond. n.d. Bethune, G. W. Lays of Love and Faith, and Other Poems. 8=. N.Y. 1848. Memoirs of Mrs. Joanna Bethune. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Orations and Occasional Discourses. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Bettner, G. Harmonise Ccelestes ; or, Christian Melodies. 8°. N.Y. 1833. Beudant, F. S. Mineralogie et G^ologie, See CouRS £li:m, d'Hist. Nat. See Ecschenberoer, W. S. W. Bevan, S. Sand and Canvas, or Adventures in Egypt. 8°. Lond. 1819. Beveridge, W. Private Thoughts on Re- ligion. 2 V. 16^ Lond. 1834. Beverley, R. History of Virginia. 8°. Lond. 1705. Same. 8°. Lond. 1722. Same. Ed. by Campbell. 8°. Rich. 1855. Bewick, T. History of Birds and Quadru- peds. 8°. Phil. 1824. History of British Birds. 2 v. 8°. Newcastle. 1847. Bewick, T. and J. Select Fables. 8°. New- castle. 1820. Beyle, L. A. C. (Bombet, L. A. C") Lives of Haydn and Jilozart 12°. Prov. 1820. Memoirs of Rossini. 8°. Lond. 1824. Bezont, E. Cours de Mathematiques. 6 v. 8°. Paris. 1798. Trait6 de Navigation. (Sequel to above. ) 8°. Paris. 1769. Bezzi, G. a. Readings in Italian Prose Literature. 16°. Lond. 1852. Bibb, H. Life of an American Slave, by Himself. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Bible. For Text with Comment, see Claeke, A. ; Commentaby Wholly Biblical ; D'Oyly and I^Iant; Henry, M. ; Il- lustrated Commentary, etc., Jexks, W. ; Patrick, Lowth, etc. ; Scott, T. ; Stier, R. Greek and Latin. 3 v. See Didot's Greek Classics. Cum Concordantiis. (Lat. ) f°. Lyons. 1521. Authorized Version. 8°. N.Y. 1818. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1819. 12°. N.Y. 1820. 12°. N.Y. 1821. 12°. N.Y. 1834. in Danish. 8°. Christiania Same. • Same. Same. Same, 1835. Same, in Dutch. 8°. Lond. 1812. Same, in French. 12°. N.Y. 1815. Same, in French. 12°. N.Y. 1820. Same, in Gaelic. 12°. Edin. 1807. Same, in German. 8°. Lond. n.d. Same, in Italian, transl. by Diodati. 8°. Lond. 1819. Same, in Polish. 8°. Berlin. 1813. Same, in Spanish. 8°. N.Y. 1830. Same, in Welsh. 12°. Caer Grawnt. 1808. Pictorial, with Original Notes. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1836-7. Old Testament, Hebrew, ed. by Hahn. 8°. Leip. 1839. Same, Greek Septuagint Version, after Vatican ed. 8°. Lond. n.d. Same, transl. from Septuagint, by L. C L. Brenton. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1844, New Testament, Greek. 16°. Worces- ter. 1800. Same, Greek, with notes by Alford. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1856-63. Same, Greek, ed. by P. Wilson. 16°. Phil. 1833. Same, English Hexapla. 4*^ Same, Authorized version. 1818. Same, Authorized Version. 12°. N.Y. 1819. Same, Authorized Version. 16°. N.Y. 1820. Same, transl. and paragraphed by T. W. Coit. 12°. Camb. 1834. Same, from Genevan Testament of 1657. 12°. Lond. 1842. Same, from Syriac Peshito, by MordoclL 8°. N.Y. 1851. Lond. '41. 12°. N.Y. 36 CATALOGUE OF THE Bible. New Testament, from Syriac Pe- shito, by Murdoch. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Same, on basis of Abp. Newcome's translation. 8°. Bost. 1809. Same, transl. by L. A. Savryer. 12"^. Bost. 1858. Same, from Tyndale's translation of 1526. 12° Lond. 1836. Same, in Dutch. 8°. Lond. 1812. Same, in French, De Sacy's version. 8°. Paris. 1816. Same, in French, De Sacy's version. 16°. Paris. 1820. Same, in Murathee. 8°. Bombay, n.d. Same, in Spanish. 12°. N.Y. 1819. Parts of. Caedmon's Anglo-Saxon Par- aphrase. See Caedmon. Pentateuch in Mahratta. 8°. Bombay. n.d. Job. See Adams, H. W. The Book of Job in Poetry. Psalms Translated and Explained. See Alexander, Jos. A. Isaiah, Translated and Explained. See Alexander, Jos. A. Isaiah, New Translation. See Lowth. Gospels in Anglo-Saxon. Ed. by Thorpe. 12°. Lond. 1842. Matthew, English and Hebrew. (P. ) 12°. Lond. 1849. , Matthew Explained. See Alexander, Jos. A. Matthew, Transl. by Schaff from German of Lange. See Lange. Mark Explained. See Alexander, Jos. A. Gospel of John, in Mohawk. 18°. N.Y. 1818. Acts Explained. See Alexander, Jos. A. Pastoral Epistles, ^'ee Ellicott, C. J. Paul's first Epistle to Corinthians, Eng. andHeb. 12°. n.p. n.d. Three Epistles of St. John, in Delaware. 18°. N.Y. 1818. Bible Companion. 18°. N.Y. 1853. Bible Cyclopjedia. 2 v. r.8°. Lond. 1841- 1843. Bible of Every Land, a History of the Scrip- tures. 4°. Lond. n.d. Bible Explained in Questions and Answers. 8°. Bait. 1808. Biblical Kepertory and Princeton Keview. V. 3-36. 8°. Phil. 1831-64. Repository. See American Biblical Re- pository. Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscel- lany. 12°. Lond. 1830. Bibliographie de la France, ou Journal de rimprimerie. v. 30-32. 8°. Paris. 1841-3. BiBLioTHECA Americana; a Catalogue of Books on America. 4°. Lond. 1789. Anglo-poetica; a Catalogue of Early English Poetry. 8°. Lond. 1815., Geogi-aphica. 2 v. 8°. Leip. 1857-8. Juridica, mit Supplement. 2 v. in one. 8°. Leip. 1840. Londinensis. /See London Catal. , 1814- 1849. Medico-Chirurgica, et Anatomico-Phy- siologica. 8°. Leip. 1848. Mechanico-Technologica, mit Supple- ment. 2 V. in one. 8°. Leip. 1844^50. (Economica. 8°. Leip. 1841. OrientaHs. 2 v. 8°. Leip. 1846-61. PhUologica. 8°. Leip. 1853. Psychologica. 8°. Leip. 1845. Sacra. Ed. by E. Robinson. 8°. N.Y. 18^13. Sacra and Am. Bibl. Repos. v. 1-21. 8°. Andover. 1844-64. Same, Index to. v. 1-12. 8°. Andover. 1857. ScriiDtorum Classicorum, mit Supple- ment. 2 V. in one. 8°. Leip. 1847-53. Theologica. 8°. Stuttgard. 1833. Veterinaria. 8°. Leip. 1843. Zoologica. V. 1. 8°. Leip. 1861. BrBLioTHEK der Handlungswissenschaft. 8°. Leip. 1846. der Neueren Sprachen, mit Supplement. 2 V. in one. 8°. Leip. 1842-50. der Schoner -Wissenschaften. v. 2. 8°. Leip. 1846. BiBLioTHEQUE Economiquc. Astronomie. 2 v. 32°. Paris. 1826. Chimie Inorganique. 32°. Paris. 1826. Histoire du Moyen Age. 32°. Paris. '27. Hygiene Domestique. 32°. Paris. 1826. Mineralogie. 32°. Paris. 1827. Physique des Corps Ponderables. 32°. Paris. 1826. Physique des Corj^s Imponderables. 32°. Paris. 1826. BiCHAT, M. F. X. Recherches Physiolo- giques. 12°. Paris. 1843. BicHELL, R. West Indies as they are. 8°. Lond. 1825. BicKERSTETH, E. On the Lord's Supper. 16°. Phil. 1841. BiEVRE, G. M. de. Comedies. See Reper- toire General, etc. BiGELOw, A. Travels in Malta and Sicily. 8°. Bost. 1831. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 37 BiGELOW, E. B. The Tariflf Question. 4°. Bost. 1862. BiOELOW, G. T., and Bemis, G. Trial of Abner Rogers. 8°. Best. 184-i. BiGELOw, Jac. Collection of Plants of Bos- ton. 8°. Bost. 18U. Elements of Teohnolog)-. 8°. Bost. 1829. Nature in Disease, and other Essays. 12°. Bost. 1854. Useful Arts and Applications of Science. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1847. BiGEivOW, John. Les Jfituts-Uuis. 8°. Paris. 1863. Life of John C. Fremont 12°. N.Y. 1856. Jamaica in 1850. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Library Association, Clinton, Mass. Cat- alogue. 8°. Clinton. 1861. BioLAND, J. View of the Worid. 5 v. 8°. Bost 1812. Letters on French Historj'. 12°. Bait 1819. Study of History. 12°. Lond. 1805. BiGLY, Cantell A. -Sec Peck, G. W. Bigot, V. Miasion des Abnaquis. 16°. N.Y. 1858. Bill, H. Life and Adventures of. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Billings, R. W. Baronial and Ecclesiasticid Antiquities of Scotland. 4 v. 4°. Edin. 1845-52. Power of Form, Applied to Geometric Tracery. 8°. Lond. 1851. BiLLiNGTON, J. Architectural Director. 8°. Lond. 1848. Bingham, H. Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands. 8°. Hartf. 1847. BmoHAJti, J. A. Reply to Counsel for Assas- sins of Pres. Lincoln. 8°. Wash. 1865. Bingham, Jos. Origines Ecclesiasticre. 9 v. 8°. Lond. 1843-5. Binghamton Directory for 1857. 12°. Bing. 1856. BiNGLEY, W. Animal Biography. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1829. Travels in Africa; from Modem Writers. 12°. Lond. 1819. Travels in Asia; from Modem Writers. 12°. Lond. 1822. Travels in North America; from Modem Writers. 12°. Lond. 1821. Travels in North Europe; from Modem Writers. 12°. Lond. 1822. Travels in South America; from Modem Writers. 12°. Lond. 1820. BiNOLEY, W. Travela in South Europe; from Modern Writers. 12°. Lond. 1821. Bingley's London Journal. 2 v. in one. f°. Lond. 1777-83. BiNNEY, C. J. F. Prentice or Prentiss Gene- alogy. 8°. Bost 1852. BiNNEY, H. Habeas CorjDus under the Con- stitution. 2d ed. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1862. Same. Part Third. 8°. Phil. 1865. Inquiry into Formation of Washington's Farewell Address. 8°. Phil. 1859. BiNNEY, T. Is it Possible to make the Best of Both Worlds? 16°. Lond. 1853. Study fyr Young Men, or. Sketch of T. F. Buxton. 16°. Bost 1851. BiNNEY, W. G. Catalogue of North Ameri- can Gasteropods. (P.) 8". n.p, n.d. BiNNS, E. Anatomy of Sleep. 12°. Lond. 1842. BiNNs, J. Recollections of his Life. 12°. Phil. 1852. Biographia Britannica, or, Lives of Persons in Great Britain and Ireland. 5 v. f°. Lond. 1747-66. Same. 7 v. Lond. 1778-93. Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors in Great Britain and Ireland. 8°. LomL 1816. BiooBAPHicAL Dictionary of Soc. for Diif. of Useful Knowledge, v. 1-7. 8°. Lond. 1842-4. Magazine, v. 1-7. 8°. Lond. 1851-5. Sketches of Eccentric Characters. 18°. Bost 1832. Same. 18°. Cooperstown. n.d. Biography for the Study of Youth. 16°. Edin. 1*836. BiooRAPHiE des Repr^sentants a I'Assembl^e Nationale. 12°. Paris. 1848. BiooBAPHiEs of Successful Philadelphia Mer- chants. 12°. Phil. 1864. BioN. Poems. See Didot's Greek Classics, Poetaa Bucolici. Same. TransL by Chapman. See The- OCRITTS. Same. Transl. by Fawkes. See Hesiod. Bird, G. Elements of Natural Philosophy. 12°. Lond. 1839. Same. 16°. Lond. 1844. Lectures on Electricity and Galvanism. 16°. Lond. 1849. Bird, I. Bird Genealogy. 12°. Hartf. 1855. BiRiNooccio, v. Pirotechnia. 4°. Venice. 1558. BiRKBECK, M. Journey from Virginia to Illinois. 8°. Lond. 1818. 38 CATALOGUE OF THE BiKKBECK, M. Letters from Illinois. 8°. Lond. 1818. BiEEs, T. Bible and Modem Thouglit. 12°. Cine. 1864. Horte Evangelicse; or, Litemal Evidence of the Gospel. 12°. Lond. 1852. Memoir of Kev. E. Bickersteth. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Modern Eationalism and the Scriptures. 16°. Lond. 1853. BiELiNGER, A. Schwabisch-Augsbiu'gisches W6rterbuch. 8°. Munich. 1864. Birmingham Triennial Directory. 12°. Birm. 1818. Conference, 1851. Eeport on Beform Schools. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1851. r- Philosophical Institution. Transactions, Oct. 3, 1836. (P.) 8°. Birm. 1836. BiBifeY, J. G. On the Decision in Strader et al. vs. Graham. (P.) 8°. Cine. 1852. BiET, W. K. Handbook of the Law of Storms. 8°. Liverp. 1853. Table-moving explained. 12°. Lond. 1853. BiSBiE, D. T. Appeal for "Water Line from Norfolk, Va., Westward. (P.) 8°. Nor- folk. 1857. BiscHOFF, J. History of Woollen Manufac- ture, and of Sheep. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1842. Bishop, Anna. Travels in Mexico. 8°. Phil. 1852. Bishop, D. Introduction to Study of the Mind. 12°. Lond. 1849. Bishop, G. Every Woman her own Lawyer. 12°. N.Y. n.d. Bishop, Harriet E. Ploral Home, or First Years of Minnesota. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Bishop, J. P. Commentaries on Criminal Law. V. 1. r.8°. Bost. 1856. Bishop, J. S. Concise History of the War (for Perrin's Map). 16°. Indianapo- lis. 1864. Bishop, S. Poems. See Beitish Poets. V. 37. Bisset, a. Strength of Nations. 12°. Lond. 1859. Bisset, K. Eeign of George III. to 1801. 4v. 8°. Phil. 1811. Eeign of George IH. to his death. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1822. Black's Guide through Edinburgh. 10th ed. 8°. Edin. 1857. Picturesque Guide through North and j South Wales. 8th ed. 8°. Edin. 1857. ! Picturesque Tourist through England | and Wales. 2d ed. 12°. Edin. 1850. ! Black's Picturesque Tourist through Ire- land. 2ded. 16°. Edin. 1857. Picturesque Tourist through Scotland. 8th ed. 12°. Edin. 1850. Black, J. Life of Tasso. 2 v. 4°. Edin. 1810. Black, E. H. Dictionary of Words derived from Latin. 24°. Lond. n. d. Manual of Words derived from Greek. 18°. Lond. 1841. Black Book ; or, Corruption Unmasked. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1828. Black Hawk. Life. Dictated by himself. 18°. Bost. 1845. Blacker, V. British Army in India, 1817-19. 1 V. 4°. Lond. 1821. Blackie, W. G. Imperial Gazetteer, v. 1. 8°. Glasgow. 1852. Blacklock, A. Treatise on Sheep. 18°. N.Y. 1841. Blacklock, T. Poems. See British Poets. V. 35. Blackmore, E. Alfred, an Epic Poem. 12°. Lond. 1723. Poems. See Bkitish Poets, v. 15. Blackstone, W. Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 v. 8°. Portland. 1807. Same, with Life and Notes. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1836. Same, with Notes for American Stu- dents. 4v. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1859. Same. Ed. by Sharswood. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1862. Great Charter and Charter of the For- est. 4°.. Oxf. 1759. Poems. See British Poets, v. 37. Blackwall, a. Introduction to the Classics. 18°. Lond. 1725. Sacred Classics Defended and Illus- trated. 3d ed. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1737. Blackwater Chronicle, a Virginia Expedi- tion. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Blackwell, Anna. Poems. 16°. Lond. '53. Blackwell, Eliz. Laws of Life. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Blackwell, Eliz. , and Emily. Medicine as a Profession for Women. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, v. 1-96. 8°. Edin. 1817-64. — — Same, American ed. v. 39, 42-4, 48-54, . 67-95. 8°. N.Y. 1836-64. Same, Index to. v. 1-50. 8°. Edin. and Lond. 1854. Blagden, G. W, Eemarks and a Discourse on Slavery. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1854. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 39 Blaikie, W. Heads and Hands in the World of Labor. 17^. Lond. 1865. Blaine, D. P. Eucyclopajdia of Rural Sports. 8^. Lond. 1840. Blatnville, H. M. D. de. Mannel de Mala- cologic et de Conchyliologie. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 18-25-7. Bl-^ib, a. Hi'otory of Waldenses. 2 v. S". Edin. IH'S2. Blair, D. Grammar of Natural and Experi- mental Philosophy. IS"^. Hartf. 1824. Same. 2l8t ed. 18°. Hartf. 1826. Universal Preceptor. 18°. Greenfield. 1826. Blaie, H. Lectures on Rhetoric. 2 v. 8°. Brooklyn. 1812. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1817. Same. 2 v. in one. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Same. Abridged. 12°. N.Y. 1819. Sermons. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1807. Same. 4 v. 8°. n.p. 1833. Blair, J. Chronological and Historical Ta- bles. 8°. Lond. 1844. Same, revised and continued by Rosse. 12°. Lond. 1856. Blair, Robert. The Grave, a Poem. 4°. Lond. 1813. Same. 12°. Phil. 1851. Poems. See British Poets, v. 21. Blake, A. V. American Bookseller's Trade List, with Supplement. 2 v. 4^. Clare- mont, N. H. 1847-8. Blake, H. N. Three Years in the Army of the Potomac. 12°. Bost. 1865. Blake, Jas. Annals of Dorchester, Mass. 8°. Bost. 1846. Blake, J. L. Biblical Reader. 12°. Bost. 1826. Biographical Dictionary. 2d ed. N.Y. 1839. Same. r.8°. Phil. 1856. ^ Every-day Scripture Readings. N.Y. 1853. Farm and Fireside. 12°. Auburn. 1852. Same. 12°. Auburn. 1854. Fanner's Every-day Book. 8°. Auburn. 1852. * History of the American Revolution. 16°. N.Y. 1846. Juvenile Companion and Fire-side Reader. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Lessons in Modem Farming (for Schools). 8° N.Y. 1851. Blake, S. Genealogy of Descendants of Wm. Blake. 8°. Bost. 1857. Blake, W. J. History of Putnam Co., N. Y. 12°. N.Y. 1849. r.8°. 12= Blakely, J. Theology of Inventions. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Blakeman, R. Credulity and Superstition; and, Animal Magnetism. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Blaket, R, Essay on Logic. 12°. Lond. '57. Essay on Moral Good and Evil. 8°. Lond. 1847. Historical Sketch of Logic. 8°. Lond. 1851. Historical Sketches of Angling Litera- ture. 12°. Lond. 1856. History of Philosophy of Mind. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Lives of the Primitive Fathers. 8°. Lond. 1842. Temporal Benefits of Christianity. 8°. Lond. 1849. Blanc, L. Histoire de Dix Ans, 1830-40. 2 v. 8°. Brux. 1847. Histoire de la Revolution Fran9ai8e. 12 V. 8°. 1847-62. Same, v. 2. 12°. Brux. 1848. Organization du Travail. 24°. Paris. 1848. History of the French Revolution of 1789. V. 1. 8°. Phil. 1848. History of Ten Years, 1830-40. 2 v. 8^. Lond. 1844. Blanchakd, L. Life and Remains of Miss Landon. 2 v. 12° Phil. 1841. Sketches from Life, with Memoir. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Bland, M. Geometrical Problems Deduciblo fromEuchd. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1819. -^ — Problems in Philosophy. 8°. Lond. 1830. Bland, R. Proverbs, chiefly from Erasmus' Adagia. 2 v. in one. 12°. Lond. 1814. Bland, R., and others. Collections from Greek Anthology. Ed. by J. H. Meri- vale. 12°. Lond. 1833. Bland, T. Present State of Chili. 8°. Lond. 1820. Bland, CoL T., Jr. Bland Papers; Ed. by C. Campbell. 2 v. in one. 8°. Peters- burg. 1840-43. Bland, W. Hints on the Form of Ships and Boats. 12°. Lond. 1852. Blandin, F. Topographical Anatomy. 2 v. 8° and 4°. N.Y. 1834. Blanquart, E. Photographic sur Papier. 8° Paris. 1851. Blanqui, a. Histoire de I'ficonomie Politique en Europe. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1845. Blaqxjiere, E. Letters from Greece. 8°. Lond. 1828. 40 CATALOGUE OF THE Blabbu, p. de. La Nanceide. (Latin Poem, with French by Schiitz.) 2 v. 8°. Nancy. 1840. Blasis, C. Manuel de la Danse. 18°. Paris. 1830. Blatchford, S. (Ed'r. ) Statutes of New York. 8°. Auburn. 1852. BiiATCHLEY, C. C. Causes of Popular Poverty. See Pleasures of Contemplation. Blayney,F. Life Annuities. 8°. Lond. 1817. Blaze de Bury, H. Campagnes dAutriche. 12°. Paris. 1854. £crivains et Poetes de TAllemagne. 1G°. Paris. 1851. Germania, its Courts, Camps and People. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1850. Memoirs of the Princess Palatine. 8°. Lond. 1852. Bledsoe, A. T. Essay on Liberty and Slavery. 12°. Phil. 1856. Idler in France. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1839. Idler in Italy. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1841. Bligh, W. Narrative of the Mutiny of the Bounty. 8°. Lond. n.d. Bliss, H., Jr. Colonial System ; Trade, etc., of Brit. America. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1833. Bliss, L., Jr. History of Kehoboth, Mass. 8°. Bost. 1836. Blodget, L. Climatology of the U. S. r.8°. Phil. 1857. Commercial and Financial Strength of the U. S. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1864. Blofeld, J. H. Algeria, Past and Present. 8°. Lond. 1844. Blois, J. T. Gazetteer of Michigan. 12°. Detroit. 1840. Blok, K. History of Celebes. 4 v. 8°. Cal- cutta. 1817. Blomtield, E. Lectures on the Philosophy of Histoi-y. 4°. Lond. 1819. Blondel, J. F. Cours d' Architecture. 9 v. 8°. Paris. 1771-7. Blood, H. A History of Temple, N. H. 8°. Bost. 1860. Bloodgood, S. D. Sexagenary; or, Keminis- cejices of the American Kevolutiou. 12°. Albany. 1833. Bloomfield, K. Farmer's Boy; a Poem. 18°. Phil. 1801. Rural Tales and Other Poems. sm.4°. Lond. 1802. Same. 18°. Bait. 1802. Bloomfield, S. T. Recensio Synoptica, a Digest of New Testament Annotations. 8v. 8°. Lond. 1826-8. Blot, P. What to Eat, and How to Cook It. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Blount, T. Ancient Land Tenures, ed. by Beckwith. 4°. Lond. 1815. Bloxam, M. H. Gothic Ecclesiastical Archi- tecture. 12°. Lond. 1846. Blue-Laws. See Hinman, R. R. Blumenbach, J. F. Elements of Natural History. 8°. Lond. 1825. Blundell, J; Diseases of Women. 8°. Phil. 1840. ^ Blunt, C. H. Beauty of the Heavens. 8°. Lond. 1845. Blunt, E. M. American Coast Pilot. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Stranger's Guide to New York City. 1 8° N.Y. 1817. Blunt, I. J. Sketch of the Reformation in England. 16°. Lond. 1838. Blunt, Jos. Formation of the American Confederacy. 8°. N.Y. 1825. Shipmaster's Assistant and Commercial Digest. 8°. N.Y. 1837. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Blunt, J. J. Undesigned Coincidences in Old and New Testaments. 8^. Lond. 1847. Blyth, J. Outlines of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. 12°. Lond. 1849. Boaden, J. Authenticity of the Portraits of Shakspeare. 8°. Lond. 1824. Life of Mrs. Jordan. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1831. Life of J. P. Kemble. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons. 8^ Phil. 1827. On Shakspeare's Sonnets. 8°. Lond. 1838. Boardman, H. a. The American Union, a Thanksgiving Sermon. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1851. Bible in the Counting-house. 12°. Phil. 1853. Bible in the Family. 12°. Phil. 1851. Discourse on Life of Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1852. Federal Judiciary; a Thanksgiving Ser- mon. (P.) 8°. Ph41. 1862. New Doctrine of Intervention ; an Ad- dress. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1852. Boardman, S. L. Agricultural Surv^ey of Somerset Co., Me. 8°. Augusta. 1860. Boardman, W. E. Higher Christian Life. 12°. Bost. 1859. Boase, H. S. Primary Geology. 8°. Lond. 1834. Bobbin, Tim. See Collieb, John. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 41 Boccaccio, G. II Decameron. 4 v. 8°. Florence. 1823. Le Decameron. (French, from Ital. ) 8°. Paris. 1846. BoDEMAKN, T. and Kebl., B. Assaying. Transl. by W. A. Goodyear. 12°. N.Y. 1805. BoDZNHAMEB, W. Diseases of the Rectum, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1855. BoDENSTEDT, F. Emst Blcibtrcu. 12°. Mu- nich. 1863. Kleiner Erziihluugen. 2 v. 12°. Mu- nich. 1853. Morning-Land; or, Days in the Ea.st. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1851. BoDiN, C. L'Abbe Maurice. 2 v. 24° Brux. 1837. Melchior. 2 v. 24°. Brux. 1839. BoDiN, F. Summary' of History of England. 18°. Lond. 1840. BoDiNiER, J. V. Theses pour les Doctorats en M^decin, etc. 4°. Paris. 1844. Bodleian Library. Catalogue of Books given by R. Gough. 4°. Oxf. 1814. BoECKH, A. Public Economy of Athens. Transl. by Lewis. 8°. Lond. 1842. Same, transL by A. Lamb. 8°. Bost 1857. BoEHBiNOER, F. Die Vorreformatoren. 2 v. 8°. Zurich. 1856. BoELTE, A- Die Mantelkinder. 2 v. in one. 18°. Vienna. 1864. BoEBHAAVE, H. Accouut of his Life and Writings. 8°. Lond. 1743. New Method of Chemistry. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1853. BoEBKE, L. Sammtliche Werke. 5 v. 12°. N.Y. 1858. BoETHTOs, A. M. T. S. De Consolationc Philosophia). See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Same. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Ver- sion, with English Transl. and Notes byCardale. 8°. Lond. 1829. BoEur, J. F. A. French Grammar. 12°. N.Y. 1837. BooEBT, W. H. Daniel Boone and the Ken- tucky Hunters. 12°. Auburn. 1854. Bogue's Guide for Travellers. Belgium, Switzerland, etc. 2 v. 16°. LoucL 1852. BoHN, H. G. Handbook of Proverbs. 12°. Lond. 1857, Unreciprocated Foreign Copyright. (P. ) 8°. Lond. 1841. Catalogue of Books for Sale. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same, v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1847. Bohn's New Handbook of Games. 12°. Phil. 1850. BoiABDO, M. M. Roland I'Amoureux ; French version by Le Sage. 2 v. 16°. Dublin. 1783. Same. See Le Sage, (Euvres. BoiD, E. Descriptionof the Azores. 8°. Lond. 1834. BoiELDiEu, F. A. La Dame Blanche (Opera). r.8°. Paris. n.d. BonjEAU, D. Introduction to Political Econ- omy. 8°. Lond. 1811. On the German Language. 12°. Lond. 1840. Boileau-Despbeaux, N. (Euvres, avec les (Euvres de Malherbe et les Poemes de Rousseau. 8°. Paris. 1835. (Euvres. 5 v. 12°. Amsterd. 1775. Satires, translated. 8°. Lond. 1808. BoisMONT, A. B. de. On Hallucinations. 8°. Phil. 1853. BoissT, L. de. Comedies. See Repeetoibe G^n^ral, etc. BoJESEN, E. F. Manual of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Ed. by Arnold. 12°. N.Y. 1848. BoEEB, G. H. Anne Boleyn, a Tragedy. 12°. Phil. 1850. Cala}-nos, a Tragedy. 12°. Phil. 1848. Plays and Poems. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1856. Podesta's Daughter, and Other Poems. 12°. PhiL 1852. Poems of the War. 12°. Bost 1804. BoLDENYi, J. LaHongrie. r.8°. Paris. 1851. BouNGBBOKE, H. Voyagc to the Demarary. 4°. Lond, 1807. BoLiNOBBOKE, H. St. Johu, Viscouut Disser- tation on Parties. 8°. 1775. Letter to Sir W. Windham. 8° Lend. 1753. Letters and Correspondence (as Sec'y of State). 4v. 8^ Lond. 1798. Letters on Patriotism. 8°. Lond. 1749. Letters on the Study and Use of History. 8°. Paris. 1808. Philosophical Works, ed. by D. Mallet. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1754. Political Tracts. 8°. Lond. 1775. Remarks on the History of England. 8°. Lond. n.d. BoLMAB, A. Benin's Fables. 12°. Phil. 1828. Bolton, Hannah. Drawing from Objects. 8°. Lond. 1850. Bolton, J. Harmonia Ruralis, or, British Song Birds. f°. Lond. 1794-6. Bolton, R., Jr. History of Westchester County. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1848. 42 CATALOGUE OF THE Bolton, W. J. Evidences of Christianity. 12°. Bost. 1854. Bombay. Geographical Society. Rules. 8°. Bombay. 1836. BoMBET, L. A. C. See Beyle, H. BoMBONNEL, Le Tucur de Pantheres. 12°. Paris. 1860. BoN Gaultieb. See Aytoun, W. E., and Martin, T. Bonaparte. See Napoleon I.; Napoleon III. Bonaparte, C. L. American Ornithology. See Wilson. Memoirs of Himself, v. 1. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Bonaparte, Joseph Napol6on. Memoires et Correspondence. Ed. by A. du Casse. 2v. 8°. Paris. 1853. Bonaparte, Lonis. Documents as to the Government of Holland. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. Reply to Sir W. Scott's Life of Napoleon. 8^ Phil. 1829. Bonaparte, Lucien. Charlemagne, a Poem. Transl. by Butler and Hodgson. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1815. Same. Transl. by same. 2 v. 18~. Phil. 1815. BoNAR, A. A. Life and Remains of R. M. McCheyne. 8°. N.Y. 1850. BoNAB, H. Desert of Sinai. 12^. N.Y. 1857. Eternal Day. 18°. N.Y. 1851. Hymns of Faith and Hope. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Land of Promise; a Journey from Beer- sheba to Sidon. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Night of Weeping. 18°. N.Y. 1849. Story of Grace. 18°. N.Y. 1848. Bond, A. Memoirs of Pliny Fisk. 12°. Bost. 1828. Bond, H. Genealogies of Watertown, Mass. 8°. Bost. 1855. Bond, J. W. Minnesota and its Resources. 12°. Chicago. 1856. Bond, R, F. Isodynamic Escapement for Astronomical Clocks. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1860. Bond, T. E. Treatise on Dental Medicine. 8°. Phil. 1852. BoNDE, Baron K. La Suede et son Com- merce. 8°. Paris. 1852. Bone, J. H. A. Petroleum and Petroleum Wells. 16°. Phil. 1865. BoNELLi, L.H. de. Travels in Bolivia. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. BoNEB, C. Chamois Hunting in Bavaria. 8°. Lond. 1853. 16° 2v. Boniface, A. Nouvelles Le9ons de Littera- ture. 8°. Brux. 1837. BoNNECHosE, E. de. Christophe Sauval. 2 v. 18°. Hague. 1837. BoNNEFoux, Baron de. Vie de Christophe Colomb. 8°. Paris, n.d. Same, transl. See Becher, A. B. Bonner, J. Child's History of Greece. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1857. Child's History of Rome. 2 v. N.Y. 1856. Child's History of United States. 16°. N.Y. 1855. Bonnycastle, J. Elements of Geometry. 8°. Lond. 1789. Introduction to Arithmetic. 8°. Lond. 1810. Introduction to Astronomy. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1787. Treatise on Algebra. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1813. Bonnycastle, R. H. Canadas in 1841. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1842. Newfoundland in 1842. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1842. : BoNo^n, J. Nineveh and its Palaces. 8°. Lond. 1852. BoNSTETTEN, C. V. dc. Man of the North and of the Sotith. 12°. N.Y. 1864. BoNYNGE, F. Future Wealth of America. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Book (The) and its Story; a Narrative for the Young. 12°. N.Y. 1853. of Commerce. 12°. N.Y. 1833. of Costume. 8°. Lond. 1846. of English Songs, 16th to 19th Century. 8°. Lond. n.d. of Family Crests. 2 v. 10° Lond. 1845. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1859. Five Hundred Curious Puzzles. N.Y. 1859. of Jasher. 8°. N.Y. 1840. of Mormon. 12°. N.Y. n.d. of Mottoes of Nobility, Gentry, etc. Lond. 1851. of Notable Things. 8°. Glasg. 1840. of Shakspeare Gems ; a Series of Land- scape Illustrations. 8°. Lond. 1845. of Table-Talk. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1836. of the Telegraph. 12°. Bost. 1851. of Trades. 18°. Glasg. 1837. of Common Prayer. See Pbotestant Epis. Church. Boole, W. H. Antidote to Vandyke's Pro- slavery Discourse ; a Sermon. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1861. 12^ 16= MERCAJS'TILE LIBRARY. 43 Boone, T. C. Marriage Looking Glass. 16°. Lond. 18-48. BooEMAN, J. Letter to Trinity Church; with Mr. North's Argument. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1855, Booth, B. Book-keeping. 4°. Lond. 1789. Booth, D. EngliHh Dictionary. 4°. Lond. 1836. English Grammar. 12°. Lond. 1837. Booth, H. Locomotives and Fixed Engines. See Walkeb, J. Booth, J. C. Geological Survey of Delaware. 8°. Dover. 1841. See Smithsonian Eeport. Booth, J. C. and Morfit, C. Encyclopaedia of Chemistry. 8^. Phil. 1850. Booth, J. C. Recent Improvements in Chemi- cal Arts. (P.) 8^.. Wash. 1852. Booth, ]\Iary L. History of New York City. r.8^ N.Y. 1859. Booth, R. R. Personal Forgiveness and Pubhc Justice; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1865. Boothe, R. Family of, with Notes on Strat- ford 12^ N.Y. 1862. Bopp, F. Comparative Grammar. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1845. BoBDEAt^x Wine and Liquor Dealer's Guide. 12°. N.Y. 1858. BoBDEN, S. Formuht) for Constructing Rail- roads: 8^ Bost. 1851. BoRiE, V. L'Aimee Rustique. 12°. Paris. "63. Borrow, G. Bil)le in Spain. S\ Phil. 1843. . Lavengro. 12° N.Y. 1851. Romantic Ballads, from Danish, etc. 8°. Lond. 1826. Wild Wales. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1862. The Ziucali, or, the Gipsies in Spain. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1841. Same. 12° N.Y. 1842. BoscANA, G. Indians of Alta California. See Robinson, A. Bosquet, A. Essays on Inventions, etc., for <6eafaring Men. 8°. Lond. 1818. BossANGE, H. Catalogue dos Livres, etc., en Vente. 8°. Paris. 4841. Same. 8°. Paris. 1845. Same. Premier Supplement. 8°. Paris. 1847. • Same. Troisieme Supplement. 8°. Paris. 1850. Catalogue do Livres Anciens. 8°. Paris. 1846. ■ Catalogue des Livres Pubhes en AUe- magne. 12°. Paris, n.d. Ma BibUotheque Fran9aise. 12°. Paris. 1855. BossoLi, C. War in Italy. 4°. Lond. 1859. BossuET, J. B. CEuvres Comi^letes. 12 v. 8°. Paris. 1836. Discours B\ir I'Histoire Universelle. 12°. Paris. 1843. Oraisons Funebres. 18°. Paris. 1815. History of France. 4 v. 18°. Edin. 1762. Universal History. 12°. N.Y. 1821. Variations of the Protestant Churches. 2v. 8°. Dubl. 1829. Same. 2 v. 8°. Dubl. 1836. BosTOCK, J. Elementary Physiology. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1825-8. Same. 8°. Lond. 1836. History of Medicine. 8°. Lond. 1835. Boston, T. Human Nature in its Fourfold State. 18°. N.Y. 1849. Boston, City of: Auditor's Annual Reports, 41st to 51st (P.) 8°. Bost. 1853-63. Births, Marriages and Deaths; Annual Reports for 1852-5, '58, '62, '63. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1853-64. City Census, 1845, by L. Shattuck. 8^. Bost 1846. Same, for 1855, by J. Curtis. (P.) 8°. Bost 1856. Cochituate Boiu-d, Reports, 1855, '59, '61, '62. (P.) 8°. Bost 1855-62. Mimicipal Register, 1854, '58, '62. 8°. Bost 1854-62. Memori»\l of Joshua Bates. r.8°. Bost. 1865. Memorial of Edward Everett, r.8^. Bost 1865. Public Library; Dedication Proceedings. 8°. Bost 1858. Public Librarj'. Catalogue. 8°. Bost 1854. Public Library; Index to Books in the Upper Hall. r.8°. Bost 1861. Public Library; Index to Books in the Lower Hall. r.8°. Bost 1858. Public Library; Supplement Nos. 1-8, to above. (P.) r.8°. Bost 1858-64. School Committee's Annual Reports, 1857-62. 8°. Bost 1858-63. Tax List, 1845, '52-9, 1862. (P.) 8°. Bost 1846-63. Taxes, Abstract of Assessors' Returns of 1861. 8°. Bost 1862. Boston Ahnanac, 1859, '64, '65. 8°. Bost. 1859-65. Boston Athenreum. Catalogue of Library. 8°. Bost. 1827. Boston Board of Trade. Annual Reports, Ist - 11th. 8°. Bost. 1855-65. 44 CATALOGUE OF THE Boston Board of Trade. Report of Commit- tee on Steam to New Orleans. (P.") 8". Best. 1856. Boston Board of Trade, Report on Commu- nication of Messrs. Sampson and Tajs- pan. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1856. Boston Book; Specimens of Metropolitan Literature. 12°. Bost. 1850. Boston Business Directory, 1863-4. 12°. 1863^. Boston Directory for 1789. Reprint. (P.) 24P. Bost. 1852. Boston Directory, 1813, 18, '42-65. 16°, 12°, and 8°. Bost. 1813-65. Boston Journal of Natural History, v. 1-5. 8°. Bost. 1837-47. Boston Library. Catalogue. 8°. Bost. 1830. Boston Mercantile Library Association. Cat- alogue. 12°. Bost. 1839. Same. 8^. Bost. 1844. Same. 8°. Bost. 1850. * Same. 8°. Bost. 1854. Boston Quarterly Review. 5 v. 8°. Bost. 1838-42. Boston Review, v. 1-4. 8°. Bost. 1861-4. Boston Slave Riot, and Trial of A. Bums. r.8°. Bost. 1854. Boston Society for Medical Improvement. Report on Sulpliuric Ether. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1861. Boston Society of Natural History. Cata- logue of Library. 8°. Bost. 1837. BosTWTLCK, E. Bost wick Genealogy. 12°. Bur- lington, Vt. 1851. BosTwicK, H. Cause of Natural Death. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Seminal Diseases. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Venereal Diseases. 4°. N.Y. 1848. BoswELL, J. Account of Corsica, and Me- moir of Paoli. 8°. Lond. 1769. Life of SamuelJohnson. 4 v. 12°. Lond. n.d. Same. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. Same, with Tour to the Hebrides. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1833. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1837. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1860. " Same, with Notes by Various Hands. 10 V. 16°. Lond. 1835. Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson. 8°. N.Y. 1810. Same. 12°. Lond. 1860. BoswELL, Peter. Poultry Yard. 18°. Lond. 1841. BoswoRTH, J. Anglo-Saxon Grammar. 8°. Lond. 1826. 2v. BoswoETH, J. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. 8 . Lond. 1838. Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. 8 . Lond. 1823. Origin of Germanic and Scandinavian Languages, etc. 8°. Lond. 1836. Same. 8°. Lond. 1848. Scandinavian Literature, with Speci- mens. 8°. Lond. 1836. BoswoRTH, N. Hochelaga Depicta; a History of Montreal. 12°. Montreal. 1837. BoTTA, Mrs. A. C. L. Hand-Book of Uni- versal Literature. 12°. N.Y. 1860. (Miss Lynch). Poems. 8° N.Y. 1849. BoTTA., C. Storia della Guerra dellTnde- pendenza. 4 v. 8°. Milan. 1819. Storia d'ltalia. 15 v. 24°. Capolagc 1833. History of Italy under Bonaparte. 8°. Lond. 1828. Same. 2 v. in one. 8°. Phil. 1829. War of American Independence. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1826. Same. 2 v. 8°. N. Hav. 1834. Same. 2 v. 8°. N. Hav. 1840. Same. 2 v. 8°. Cooperstown. 1848. BoTTA, P. E. Letters on Discoveries at Nin- eveh. 1st series. 8°. Lond. 1850. BoTTA, V. Dante as Philosopher, Patriot and Poet. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Life of Count Cavour. 8°. N.Y. 1862. La Questione Americana. (P.) 8°. s. 1. 1861. Public Instruction in Sardinia. (P. ) 8° Hartf. 1858. BoTTARELLi, F. Italian Exercises; with Key, by Rota. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1838^1. Boucher, J. Causes and Consequences ol the American Revolution. 8°. Lond. 1793. Same. 8°. Lond. 1797. BoucHERON, M. Un Ut de Poitrine. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. BoucHETTE, J. British Dominions hi North America. 4°. Lond. 1837. Description o* Lower Canada. 8°. Lond. 1815. BouDiNOT, E. Letters and Papers on Chero- kee Affairs. (P.) 12°. Athens, Ga. 1837. BouE, A. La Turquie d'Europe. 4 v. 8°. Paris. 1840. BouGAiNVTLLE, L. dc. Voyage Round the World. Tr. by Forster. 4°. Lond. 1772, BouGEACLT, A. Principes de Composition el de Style. 16°. Paris. 1851. BouLDEN, J. E. p. An American Among thi Orientals. 12°. N.Y. 1855. MERCANTILE LIBUART. 45 ouBBON, A. de (Prince cle Conti). Works; with Discourse by F^n^lon. 8°. Lond. 1711. OURDALOUE, L. CEuvres. 3 v. 8°. Piiris. '34, ouiJuoN, I. La Pliysioguomie et la Phreuo- logie. 12^. Paris. 1842. louKDoN, L. P. M. Algebra. Ed. by C. Davies. 8°. Phil. 1844. touRNE, B. F. The Captive iu Patagonia. 12^. Bost. 1853. JoriiNE, J. Catechism of the Steam Engine. 12°. N.Y. 18G4. ■ Hand-book of the Steam Engine. 12°. N.Y. 1865. (Ed'r.) Treatise on the Steam Engine, by the Artizau Club. 4°. Lond. 18G2. JouKNE, V. PoeticalWorks. 8°. Oxf. 182G. JouRRLENNE, F. de. MemoLTS of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 v. IG^. Edin. 1831. • Same. 8°. Phil. 1832. — Same. 2 v. 18 \ N.Y. 1843. • BouRSAULT, E. Comedies. See Kepeetoibe General, etc. 3oussiNGAULT, J. B. Rural Economy, or, Chemistry applied to Agriculture. 12°. N.Y. 1845. BoussiNGAULT, S. S. Viajes Cientificos a los Andes Ecuatoriales. 8°. Paris. 1849. BouTELL, C. Moniimental Brasses of Eng- land, etc. r.8^. Lond. 1849. BouTEixE, J. A. , and Burke, R. Burke Ge- nealogy. 8^ Bost. 18G4. BouTERWEK, F. Histoire de la Litterature Espagnole. 8°. Paris. 1812. History of Si^anish and Portuguese Lit- erature. Transl. by T. Eoss. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1823. BouTMY, M. Personal History of Louis Philippe. 12\ Lond. 1848. BouTON, N. Discoui-se, 2()0th Anniversary of Norwalk, Conn. (P.) 8^. N.Y. 1851. - History of Concord, N. H. 8^. Concord. 1856. BouTWELL, G. S. Address on Secession, Jan. 8, 1861. (P.) 8°. Bost. 18G1. Manual of U. S. Tax System. 8^. Bost. 1863. Tax Payer's Manual. 8". Bost. 1865. Thoughts on Educational Topics and Institutions. 12*. Bost. 1859. BouvLER, Hannah M. Familiar Astronomy. 8\ Phil. 1855. BovEE, C. N. Intuitions and Simimaries of Thought. 2v. 12°. Bost. 1862. Thoughts, Fancies and Feelings. 8°. N.Y. 1857. BowDEN, J. History of the Society of Friends in America. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1850. BowDEX, J., CooKE, J. E,, and O.ndebonk, H. U. Works on Episcoxjacy. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1831. M^canique Celeste, translation of. See Laplace, P. S. de. BowDiTCH, N. Practical Navigator. (Same eds. of '44 and '48.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. BowDiTCH, N. L Memoir of N. Bovrditch. 4°. Bost. 1840. Suffolk Surnames. 8°. Lond. and Bost. 1861. BowDLEB, Miss H. Poems and Essays. 8°. N.Y. 1811. BowDoiN College. CatiUogue of Libraay. 8'^. Brunsw. 1863. Bo WEN, A. Picture of Boston. 18°. Bost. 1833. Bo>VEN, E. Coal and the Coal Trade. (P.) 8°. PhiL 1862. Coal and CoiU Oil. 12°. PhiL 18G5. Pictorial Sketch Book of Pennsylvania. 8^ PhiL 1853. U. S. Post Office Guide. 8°. N.Y. 1851. BowEN, F. Documents of the Constitutions of England and America. 8°. Camb. 1854. Life of Benjamin Lincoln. See Spabes' Am. Biog., 2d Ser., v. 13. Lite of J. Otis. See Sparks' Am. Biog. , 2d Ser., v. 2. Life of Sir W. Phips. See Spabkb' Am. Biog., 1st Ser., v. 7. Life of Steuben. See Spabks' Am. Biog. , Ist Ser., v. 9. Metaphysics Applied to Religion. (Low- ell Lectui'es.) 8°. Bost. 1849. Pohtical Economy. 8°. Bost. 1856. Treatise on Logic. 12°. Camb. 1864. BowEN, H. L. Memoir of Tristam Burges. 8°. Prov. 1835. BowiSN, T. J. Central Africa; Adventures and Missionary Labors. 8°. N.Y. 1857. BowEB, Alex. Life of Luther. 8°. Phil. 1824. BowEB, Arch. History of the Popes. 4 v. 4°. Lond. 1749-59. Bowes, G. S. Illustrative Gatherings, etc. ; a Manual of Anecdotes. 12°. Phil. 1863. Bowl of Punch. 12°. PhiL 1844. Bowles, Caroline. See Southey, Caroline. Bowles, W. L. Lessons in Criticism. 8°. Lond. 1826. 46 CATALOGUE OF THE Bowles, "W. L. The Missionary; a Poem. 12° Phil. 1815. Same. 16=. Lend. 1816. Poems. See Milman, H. H. Scenes and Shadows of Days Departed; and Poems. 16°. Lond. 1837. Sermons on Subjects of Raphael's Car- toons. 8°. Salisbury, (Eng.) 1838. Bowman, Anne. Charade Dramas. 16°. Lond. 1856. Kangaroo Hunter. 12°. Bost. 1864. Bowman, J. E. Introduction to Practical Chemistry. 12°. Phil. 1849. Bowman, S. M., and Irwin, R. B. Sherman and his Campaigns. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Bowman, W. Lectures on the Eye. 8°. Lond. 1849. Boweing, J. Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. 8°. Lond. 1824. Cheskian Anthology. ^6°. Lond. 1832. Life of Bentham. See Bentham, J., Works. Matins and Vespers. 18°. Lond. 1841. Minor Morals for the Young. 12°. Phil. 1837. Poetry of the Magyars. 8°. Lond. 1830. Report on Commerce and Manufactures of Switzerland. See Great Brit.vin. Report on Commercial Relations be- tween France and Great Britain. See Great Britain. Specimens of Russian Poets. 12°. Lond. 1823. Same. 12°. Bost. 1822. Visit to the Philippine Islands. 8°. Lond. 1859. Boweing, T. Church of the Saviour; or. Early History of Christianity. 16°. Lond. n.d. BowYEE, G. Commentaries on Universal Public Laws. 8°. Phil. 1854. BowYER, R. Plates to Hume's England. f°. Lond. n d. BoxHORN, M. Z. Metamorphosis Auglorum. 16°. Hague. 1653. Boy's Treasury of Sports and Pastimes. 18°. 1847. Same. 12°. KY. 1864. Boy's Adventures in the Wilds of 'Australia. 12°. Phil. 1854. Boyardo. See Boiardo. Boyd, A Episcopacy and Presbytery. 8°. Lond. 1841. Boyd, A. K. H. Autumn Holidays. 12°. Bost. 1865. Counsel and Comfort. 12°. Bost. 1864. Boyd, A. K. H. Every-day Philosopher. 12°. Bost. 1863. Graver Thoughts. 1st series. 12°. Bost. 1863. Same. 2d series. 12°. Bost. 1865. Leisure Hours in Town. 12°. Bost. 1863. — ■ — Recreations of a Country Parson. 12°. Bost. 1861. Boyd, Belle. See Hardinge, Mrs. I. B. Boyd, H. Woodman's Talc and other Poems. 8°. Lond. 1805. Boyd, J. R. Eclectic Moral Philosophy. 8°. N.Y. 1846. • Elements of English Composition. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Shorter Catechism, with Analysis, Proofs, etc. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Boyd, W. History of Literature. 4 v. (v. 4 wf^ting.) 8°. Lond. 1843-6. Boyd, W. H. Pennsylvania Business Direc- tory. 8°. Phil. 1861. Business Directory of Essex, Hudson and Union Counties, N. J. 12°. N.Y. 1859. New York City Tax Book. 8°. N.Y. 1857. BoYDELL, J. and J. (Publishers.) Shak- speare Illustrated. f°. Lond. 1803. BoYER, A Dictionnaire Fran9ois-Anglois et Anglois-Fran9ois. 2 v. 4°. Lyons. 1792. Complete French Master. 8°. Lond. 1768. French-English and English-French Dictionary. 8°. Bost. 1827. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1853. BoYLE, R. Works, with Life. 6 v. 4°. Lond. 1772. Occasional Reflections. 16°. Oxf. 1848. Select Works. 16°. Lond. 1835. BoYNTON, C. B. English and French Neu- trality. 8°. Cine. 1864. BoYNTON, E. C. History of West Point and of the Military Academy. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Boys, E. Captivity in France and Flanders. 12°. Lond. 1831. Boys, J. Works. f°. Lond. 1622. Exposition of the Offices of the Church. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Official Calendar of the Church. Ed. by Stewart. 8°. Phil. 1849. Boys' and Girls' Library. 27 v. See the sep- arate Works. 18°. N.Y. 1833-7. BoYSE, S. Poems. See British Poets, v. 31. MKUCANTILE LIBRARY. 47 k)ZMAN, J. L. History of Maryland, 1633- IGGO. 2v. 8°. Btilt. 1837. Jbabazon, Cftpt. SoKliers and their Science. 12°. Lond. 1860. Jkacciolini, F. Lo Schemo degli Dei. 18°. Leghorn. 1821. Jeace, C. L. Address on the Industrial School Movement. (P.) 8^ N.Y. 1857. - Best Method with Pauper and Vagrant Children. (P.) 8°. N.Y. Iir59. -Home Life m Germany. 12°. N.Y. 1853. HungarjMn 1851. 12°. N.Y. 1852. - Norse Folk; a Visit to Norway and Sweden. 12°. N.Y. 1857. I Races of the Old World. 12°. N.Y. 1863. 3race, J. Scripture Portraits. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Jbachwogel, a. E. Ein Neuer FalstafF. 3 v. in one. 12°. Leip. 1863. - Historische Novellen. 2 v. in one. 12°. Leip. 1863. Jkackknridge, H. M. Early Spanish Dis- coveries in New Mexico. (P.) 8°. Pittsb. 1857. History of the War of 1812. 12°. Bait 1817. - History of the Western Insurrection. (Pa., 1794.) 8°. Pittsb. 1859. Mexican Letters. (P. 65.) 8°. Wash. 1850. - Recollections of Persons and Places in the West. 12°. Phil. 1834. - Voyage up the Missouri. 12° Bait. 1815. - Voyage to South America. 2 v. 8°. Bait. 1819. Brackett, a. G. History of the United States Cavalry. 12°. N.Y. 1865. - Lane's Brigade in Central Mexico. 12°. Cine. 1854. Bbaconnier, E. Application do la G6ogra- phie a THistoire. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1845. Bradbury, J. Travels in America. 8°. Liverp. 1817. Bradford, A, Distinguished Men in New England. 12°. Bost. 1842. History of Massachusetts, 1620-1820. 8°. Bost 1835. History of Massachusetts, 1764-1775. 8°. Bost 1822. History of Massachusetts, 1775-1789. 8°. Bost 1825. History of Massachusetts, 1790-1820. 8°. Bost 1829. Bradford, A. Memoir of B«v. J. Mayhew. 8°. Bost. 1838. ' Bradford, A. W. American Antiquities. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Bradford, G. W. Memoirof J. Miller. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1862, Bradford, J. M. Sermon, on the Dutch Struggle for Emancipation. (P. 50.) 8°. Albany. 1814. Bradford, S. D. Works. 8°. Bost. 1858. Bradford, Sarah H. History of Peter the Great 16°. N.Y. 1858. Bradford, T. G. Comprehensive Atlas. 4°. Bost 1835. Atlas of the United States, &c. f°. Bost 1838. Bradford, W. History of Plymouth Plan- tation. 8°. Bost 1856. Bradford, W. J. A. Ndtes on the North- west 12°. N.Y. 1846. Bradley, T. Practical Geometry, Linear Perspective, etc. 8°. Lond. 1834. Bradley, G. S. The Star Corps; or, Notes during Sherman's March to the Sea. 12°. Milw. 1865. Bradshaw, J. Scheme for Making the Eng- lish Language Universal. 8°. Lond. 1847. Brady, James T. Christmas Dream. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Brady, John H. Guide to Knole House. 16°. Lond. 1839. Brady, R. Historical Treatise of Cities and Boroughs, r. Lond. 1690. History of England. 2 v. f°. Loud. 1685. Introduction to Old English History. f°. Lond. 1685. Bratd, J. Magic, Witchcraft, Hypnotism, etc. 8°. Lond. 1852. Braim, T. H. History of New South Wales. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1846. Brainard, J. G. C. Poems, with Memoir. 12°. Hartf. 1842. BR.V1NERD, T. Life of John Brainerd. 8°. Phil. 1865; " Braithwaite, J. B. Memoirs of J. J. Gur- ney. 2 v. 8°. PhU. 1854. Bratthwaite's Retrospect 26 v. 8°. Lond. 1840-52. Bbakelonda, J. de. Chronica de Rebus Ges- tis Samsonis Abbatis, etc. See Cam- DI3* Society. Braman, D. E. E. Information about Texas. 12°. Phil. 1857. Bramston, J. Autobiography. See Camden Society. 48 CATALOGUE OF THE Branaoan, T. Avenia; a Tragical Poem. 18°. Phil. 1805. Female Character Vindicated. 18°. Phil. 1808. Brand, C. Voyage to Peru. 8°. Lond. 1828. Brand, H. W. Preservation of Alimentary Substances. 1G°. Lond. 1838. Brand, J. Popular Antiquities. 3 v. 16^. Lond. 1841-2. Brande, W. T. Dictionary of Materia Medica and Practical Pharmacy. 8°. Lond. 1839. Manual of Chemistry. . 3 v. 8^. Lond. 1836. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Outlines of Geology. 12°. Lond. 1829. Brande, W. T., and Cauvin, J. Dictionary of Science, Literature and Art. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Brande, W. T., and Taylor, A. S. Chemistry. 8°. Phil. 1863. Brandes, K. Sir J. Franklin, die Unterneh- mungen fiir seine Rettung, etc. 8^. Berlin. 1854. Brandon, R., and J. A. Gothic Architecture. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1847. Parish Churches. 8°. Lond. 1848. Brandt, J. D. Gunnery Catechism. 12°. N.Y. 1S64. Brannon, W. p. Vagaries of Vandyke Brown. 12^. Cine. 1865. Brathwayte, R. Essays on the Senses. *See Brydges, E., Archaica. Bray, Mrs. A. E. Description of Part of Devonshire. 3 v. 12=. Lond. 1836. Bray, C. Philosophy of Necessity. 8°. Lond. 1863. Bray, W. Tour into Derbyshire and York- shire. 2ded. 8°. Lond. 1783. Memoir of Tower of London. See Bkittox, J. Brayley, E. W. Isle of Thanet and Cinque Ports. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1817. Londiniana. 4 v. 8°. 1829. Brayley, E. W. , and Br.iTT6N, J. History of late Houses of Parliament. 8°. Lond. 1836. Brayley, E. W., and others. Description of London and Middlesex. 5 v. Loud. n.d. Brayley, E. W. (Ed'r. ) Graphical and His- torical Illustrator. 4°. Lond. 1834. Bbayman, J. 0. Daring Deeds of American Heroes. 12°. Buffalo. 1852. Brazer, J. Sermon on Death of L. Salton- stalL (P.) 8°. Salem. 1845. Brazil. Customs, Laws. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Breakfast, Dinner and Tea. 12° N.Y. '60. Breck, J. Flower Garden. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1S63. Breckinridge, J. Address to Literary So- cieties, N. Y. University. (P. 17.) 8°. N.Y. 1836. Discussions on Romanism. See Hughes, J. Breckinridge, R. J. The Christian Pastor, an Ascension Gift; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1845. Memoranda of Foreign Travel. 12°. Phil. 1839. Our Country. From Danville Quar. Rev. (P.) 8°. Cine. 1861. Breen, H. H. St. Lucia, Historical, Statis- tical and Descriptive. 8°. Lond. 1844. Brees, S. C. Glossary of Civil Engineering, 8°. Lond. 1844. — Railway Practice. 4°. Lond. 1838. Same, Appendix, with Glossary. 4°. Lond. 1839. Brehat, a. de. Les Chemins de la Vie. 4 v. 18°. Paris. 1864. Les Millions du Cousin Gaspard. 6 v. 18°. Paris. 1864. Brehaut, T. 0. Cordon Training of Fruit Trees, with Supplement by C. M. Hovey. 8°. Bost. 1864. Brehm, a. E. Reise-Skizzen aus Nord-Ost Afrika. 3 v. 8°. Jena. 1855. Bremen Adress-Buch fur 1857-8. 2 v. 8°. Bremen. 1857-8. Bremer, Miss F. Easter Offering. (P. 30. ) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Homes of the New Worid. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Life in the Old World. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1860. DasHaus. 16°. Leip, 1864. Die Nachbarn. 16°. Leip. 1859. Die Tochter des Prasidenten. 16. Leip. 1857. Biiemner, R. Excursions in the Interior of Russia. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Been AN, J. Composition and Punctuation. 18°. Lond. 1849. Brent, J. C. Letters on the National Insti- tute, Smithsonian Legacy, etc. (P. 23. ) 8°. Wash. 1844. Beenton, J. A. Voices from the Press. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Brebeton, J. A. Florje Columbiana) Prodro- mus. 16°. Wash. 1830. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 53 Browne, C. F. Artemus ^YeLr^\, bis Travels. 12° N.Y. 1865. Browne, C. T. Life of R. Southey. 16°. Lend. 1854. Browne, D. J. American Bird Fancier. See Saxton's Hand-Books, 2d series. American Poultry Yard. 12°. N.Y. '50. Field Book of Manures. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Trees of America, Native and Foreign. 8°. N.Y. 18'16. Browne, E. H. Exposition of the Thirty- nine Articles. 8*". N.Y. 18G5. Browne, Jas, History of the Highlands and Clans. 4v. 8°. Glasg. 1843. Browne, J. Ross. Crusoe's Island ; with Adventures in California and Washoe. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Yusef, a Crusade in the East. 12°. N. Y. 1853. Browne, Junius H. Four Years in Secessia. 8°. Hartf. 1865. Browne, P. Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. f°. Lond. 1789. Browne, E. W. History of Greek Classical Literature. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1851. History of Roman Classical Literature. 8°. Lond. 1853. Selections from King's College Exami- nation Papers. 16°. Lond. 1850. Browne, Thos. Poems on Several Occasions. 12°. N.Y. 1801. Browne, Sir T. Pseudodoxia Epidemica. 4°. Lond. 1672. Religio Medici, and Hydriotaphia. 12°. Lond. 1838. Browne, W. G. Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria. 4°. Lond. 1799. Browne, W. Poems. See British Poets, v. 5. Brownell, C. DeW. Indian Races of North and South America. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Same. 8°. Hartf. 1865. Beownell, H. H. Discoverers, Pioneers, etc., of North and South America. 8°. Bost. 1853. Browning, C. A. The Convict Ship. Phil. 1850. Browning, E. B. Aurora Leigh. 18°. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Aurora Leigh and Other Poems. N.Y. 18«0. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Casa Guidi Windows. 12°. Lond. Drama of Exile, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1845. — — Essays on Greek Christian Po«tg anfl the English Poets. 12°. N.Y. 1863. 12°. N.T. 12°. 1851. 2v. Beownino, E. B. Last Poems, with Memo- rial, by T.Tilton. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Napoleon HI. ia Italy, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Poems. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Prometheus Bound, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Browning, R. Dramatis Personae. 12*. Bost. 1864. Men and Women. 12°. Bost 1856. Same. 12°. Bost 1864. Poems. 2v. 18°. Lond. 1849. Same. 12°. Bost 1859. Sordello, and Other Poems. 12°. Bost 1864. Browning, W. S. History of the Huguenots, 1598 to 1838. 8°. PhiL 1845. Bbownt.ee, W. C. Christian Father at Home. 18°. N.Y. 1837. Letters on the Roman Catholic Contro- versy. 8°. N.Y. 1834. -■ Lights and Shadows of Christian Life. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Oration to Rutgers College Literary So- cieties. (P. 10.) 8°. N. Brunsw. 1827. Religious Principles of the Society of Friends. 8°. Phil. 1824. Bbownlow, W. G. Rise, Progress, and De- cline of Secession. 8°. PhiL 1862. Bbownlow, W. G., and Pryne, A. Debate on Slavery. 12°. Phil. 1858. Bbownson, O. a. Convert; or. Leaves from My Experience. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Essays and Reviews. 12°. N.Y. 1852. New Views of Christianity, etc. 12°. Bost 1836. Bbownson's Quai-terly Review. 21 v. 8°. Bost and N.Y. 1844r-64. Bruce, H. Custom House Guide. 8°. N.Y. '63. Warehouse ]\Ianual. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Bbuce, Jas. Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. 5 v. 4°. Edin. 1790. Same, abridged. 18°. Lond. 1839. Bruce, Jas. Classic and Historic Portraits. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Bruce, M. Poems. See Bkitish Poets, v. 87. Brucker, J. See Enfield, W. Brueys, D. a. Comedies. See Repkrtoibb General, etc. Bruen, M. Life and Character of. 8*. N.Y. 1831. Brucsch, H. Aim dem Orient, 10*. Berlin. 1864. Bbumot, F. Theatre dec Grec«. 3 t. 4° Paris. 1730. Greek Theatre. Tr. by Mrs. Lennox. 3 T. 4°. Lond. 1759. 54 CATALOGUE OF THE Bbunet, G. Les Evangiles Apocryphes. 16°. Paris. 1848. Bbunet, J. C. Manuel du Libraire. 4th ed. 5v. 8°. Paris. 1842-4. Same. 5tli ed. 6 v. 8°. Paris. 1860-5. Betan, M. Dictionaiy of Painters and En- gravers. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1816. Same. Ed. by G. Stanley. 8°. Lond. 1849. Bbyan, T. Praktiscbe Englische Grammatik. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Beyant, a. Attractions of the World to Come. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Millenarian Views. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Betant, C. S., and Muech, A. B. Sioux Massacre in Minnesota. 12°. Cine. 1864. Beyant, E. What I saw in California. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Beyant, H. B., and others. Bryant and Stratton's Counting House Book-Keep- ing. r.8°. N.Y. 1863. Same. r.8°. N.Y. 1865. Same. For Common Schools. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Same. 1865. Beyant, J. Lond For High Schools. r.8°. N.Y. 6 V. 8°. Antient Mythology. 1807. Dissertation on the War of Troy. 4°. Lond. n.d. Observations on Ancient History. 4°. Camb. (E.) 1767. On the Poems of T. Kowley. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1781. Sentiments of Philo Judseus on the Logos. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1797. Beyant, Dr. J. Pocket Manual of Homoeo- pathic Medicine. 18°. N.Y. 1851. Beya2?t, W. C. Discourse on Washington Irving. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Fountain, and other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Letters of a TraveUer. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Same. 2d ser. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Poems. 12° N.Y. 1836. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1864. Selections from American Poets. 18°. N.Y. 1840. Thirty Pot: ms. 12°. N.Y. 1864. "White-footed Deer, and Other Poems. 18°. N.Y. 1844. (The) Festival at the «' Century Club." 8*. N.Y. 1865. Bbyce, J. Account of Y'ellow Fever, and of a Cure. (P. 58.) 8°. Edin. 1796. See Lee 12°. 18°. 2 V. Beyce, K. J. System of Education for L-e- land. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1828. Beydges, Sir S. E. Archaica, a Reprint of Old Tracts. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1815. Atavias Regite. 4°. Florence. 1820. Autobiography. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1834. Bertram, a Poetical Tale. 8°. Lee Priory. 1814. Excerpta Tudoriana. 8°. Kent. 1814. Imaginative Biography. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1834. Introduction to Raleigh's Poems. Raleigh, W. Letters from the Continent. 8°. Priory. 1821. Note on Suppression of Memoirs. Paris. 1825. Odo, Count of Lingen, a Poem. Geneva. 1824. Recollections of Foreign Travel. 8°, Lond. 1825. Restituta; Titles, etc., of Old Books Revived. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1814. Sonnets and Other Poems. 8°. Lond. 1785. Beydone, p. Tour through Sicily and Malta. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1773. Beydson, T. Heraldry in Reference to Chiv- alry, etc. 8°. Lond. 1795. BucH, L. von. Reise durch Norwegen und Lappland. 2 v. 12°. Berlin. 1810. Travels in Norway and Lapland. 4°. Lond. 1813. Buchanan, C. Works. 12°. N.Y. 1812. Sermons on Missionary Subjects. 12°. N.Y. 1812, Buchanan, D. Taxation and Commercial Policy of Great Britain. 8°. Edin. '44. Buchanan, G. History of Scotland. Transl. and continued, by J. Aikman. 4v. 8°. Glasg. 1827. Buchanan, J. History, Manners, etc., of North American Indians. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1824. Buchanan, J., D.D. Modem Atheism. 12°. Bbst. 1857. Buchanan, J., Pres. Mr. Buchanan's Admin- istration. 8°. N.Y. 1866. Buchanan, J. R. Neurological Anthropology. 8°. Ginc. 1854. Buchanan, Rob't. Ten Years' Conflict; Dis- ruption of Church of Scotland. 2 v. 8°. Glasg. 1849. Waste Places of our Great Cities. (P.) 24°. Glasg. 1853. Buchanan, Robertson. Mill-work and Other Machinery. 8°. Edin. 1814. MERCAISTTILB LIBRARY. 6fe Buchanan, W. M. Book-keeping. 4°. Loud. u.d. Technological Dictionary. 18°. Lond. 184(L BucHEB, L. Die Londoner Industrie-Aus- stellung von 18(52. 12°. Berlin. 1863. Uuterw^<,'s. 12°. Berlin. 18G2. BticHKini, A. Gescliichte der Englischen Poesie. 2 v. 8°. Darmstadt. 1855. BiJCHNER, Luise. Das Schloss zn Wimmis. 16='. Leip. 1864. Buck, C. Works. 6 v. 12°. PhO. 1822. Theologicid Dictionary. 8°. Phil. 18?3. BucKE, C. Beauties, Harmonies and Sub- limities of Nature. 4 v. 8°. LoncL 1823. Same. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Book of Human Character. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1837. Classical Grammar of the English Lan- guage. 12°. Lond. 1829. Life of Akenside. 12°. Lond. 1832. Ruins of Ancient Cities. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1840. Same. 2 v. 18°. N,Y. 1841. Buckingham, J. S. America, Historical, Statistic and Descriptive. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Autobiography. 2 v. 12° Lond. 1855. Travels among the Arabs of Syria and Palestine. 4°. Lond. 1825. Travels in Assyria, Media and Persia. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1830. Buckingham, Duke of. The Chances, a Com- edy. (P. 75.) 18°. n.p. n.d. Buckingham and Chandos, Dake of. Court and Cabinets of George III. 4 v. 8°. Lond 1853. Court of England during the Regency. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1856. Court and Cabinets of William FV. and Victoria. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1861. Buckingham, J. T. Personal Memoirs of Editorial Life. 2 v. 16^ Bost 1852. Spacimens of Newspaper Literature. 2 v. 12°. Bost 1850. Buckingham, T. New Universal Gazetteer. 8°. Lond. n.d. BucKLAND, A. C. Letters on Early Rising. 12°. Bost 1825. BucKLAND, F. T. Curiosities of llatural History. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same, 2d. series. 12^. N.Y. 1364. BucKLAND, W. Geology and Mineralogy. 2v. 8° Lond. 1836. — Same. 12°. Phil. 1837. Buckle, H. T. Essays. 12°. N.Y. 1|63. BucKLi, H. T. History of Civilization, 2 t. 8°. N.Y. 1858-64. Same. v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1857. Buckler, J. C, and C. A. Architecture of the Abbey oi St Albans. 8°. Lond. 1847. BucKLEB, T. H. Fibro-Bronchitis and j^.heu- matic Pneumonia. 8°. Phil. 1853. Buckley, T. A. See Council of Trent. Great Cities of the Ancient World. 16°. Lond. 1852. BucKLiN, I. B. Book-keeping by Double Entry, f. Troy. 1833. BucKMiNSTEB, J. S. Works, Trith Memoir. 2v. 12°. Bost 1839. BucKNiLL, C. J., and Tuke, D. H. i.';mual of Psychological Medicine. 8°. PhiL 1858. • BuDD, G. Diseases of the Liver. 8°. FhiL 1857. BuDOE, E. Mirror of History; or, Lives of Great Men. 12°. Lond. 1S51. Budget (A) of Fun for Little Folks. 12°. Bost n.d. Budget of Letters; or. Things I saw Abroad. 12°. Bost 1847. BuEL, J. Farmer's Instructor. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1844. BuFP, H. Familiar Letters on Pby:jios. 16°. Lond. 1852. BuFFA, J. Travels in Morocco. (P. 57.) 8°. Lond. 1810. Buffalo Board of Trade. Constltullon, etc. (P.) 8°. Buffalo. 1845. Annual Statement of Trade. (P.) 8°. Buffalo. 186-1. Committee of Publio Defence. Deport on Lake Vessels, Comir^crce, etc., 1861. (P.) 8°. Buffalo. 18G2. Buffalo Directory for 1842, '54, '63, '04. 12° and 8°. Buffalo. 1842-64. Button, G. L. L., Comtede. Histoire Nr.tu- relle. 38 v. 4°. Paris. 1749-lGCi. Natural History. 20 v. 8°. Lond. 1812. Stmie, abridged- 2 v. 8°. Lond- 1821-22. Same, abridged. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1831- 1834. Buttum, E. G. Pocket Guide to Euro^ 12°. N.Y. 1859. Six Months in the Geld Mines of CaH- fornia. 12°. Phil. 1850. BuoE-vUD, J. Jacquet-Jacques. 12°. Paris. 1863. BuoKZ-UD, T. R., Mar^chal de. L'Alg^rie. 8°. Paris. 1842. BuiLDEB (The) ; a Weekly Journal, v. 1-18. f°. Lond- 1843-60. 56 CATALOGUE OF THE Building Associations, their Character, etc. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1852. BuxLHiE, L. Les Soirees d'£te. 12°. Paris. 1863. BuiST, B. American Plower Garden Direc- tory. 8°. PhiL 1841. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. ■ — -Family Kitchen Gardener. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Bose Manual 12°. Phil. 1844. BiJLAU, F. Geheime Geschichten und Bath- selhafte Menschen. 2 v. 16°. Leip. 1863. BuiiFiNCH, T. Age of Chivaby. 12°. Bost. 1859. Age of Fable. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. ^egends of Charlemagne. 12°. Bost. 1864. '■ Poetry of the Age of Fable. 12°. Bost 186-4. BuiiFiNCH, T., and S. G. Shaikspeare Adapt- ed for Beading Classes. 12°. Bost. 1865. BxjiiKLEY, John, and Cummiks, J. Voyage to the South Sea. 8°. Lond. 1743. Bull, G. (Bp. of St. David's). Works, with Life. 8v. 8°. Oxf. 1846. Bull, M. Defence of Experiments on Fuel. (P.) 8°. Phn. 1828. Experiments on Fuel and Combustion. 8°. Lond. 1827. Bull, T. Hints to Mothers. 12°. Lond. '37. Same, revised. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Same, revised. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Same. 12°. Phil. 1853. BuLiAK, J. and H. A Winter in the Azores. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1841. BuLLARD, Mrs. A. T. J. Lights and Scenes in Em-ope in 1850. 12°. St. Louis. 1852. Bullitt, J. C. Keview of Binney on Habeas Corpus. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1862. Bullock, J. American Cottage Builder. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Rudiments of the Art of Building. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Bullock, W. Six Months' Travel in Mexico. 2 v. 12". Lond. 1825. BuLSTBODB, W. Essay on Transmigration. ler Lond. 1692. BuLWER, E. L- See Lttton, E. B. BuLWEB, E. R. (Owen Meredith.) Lucila U\ Bosi 1863. Poems. 2v. 12°. Bost. 1863. BuL"WE», H. L. France, Social, Literary and PoUtical. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1834-5. BuNBURT, Miss S. Life in Sweden. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. Star of the Court — Anne BoIojti. 16°. Lond. 1844. Bungay, G. W. Off-hand Taliings of Notice- able Men. 12°. N.Y. 1854. BuNGENEB, F. Borne et la Bible. 12°. Paris. 1859. Trois Sermons, etc. Ire Partie. Un Sermon a hi Cour. 16°. Paris. 1861. Trois Sermons, etc. 3me Partie. Un Sermon au Desert. 16°. Paris. 1861. Un Sei-mon sous Louis XIV. , etc. 16°. Paris. 1859. History of the Council of Trent. 12°. Lond. 1852. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Priest and Huguenot 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1853. Bunker Hill, Battle and Monument. 18°. Charlestown. 1844. Bunker Hill Monument Association. Li- auguration of Statue of Warren- 8°. Bost 1858. BuNKLEY, J. M. Testimony of an Escaped Novice. 12°. N.Y. 1855. BuNN, A. Old England and New England. 8°. Phil. 1853. BuNNEB, E. History of Louisiana. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Bunnett, Fanny E. Louise Juliane, Electress Palatine. 12°. N.Y. 1862. BuNSEN. C. C. J. Gott in der Geschichte. 3 V. 8°. Leip. 1857. Die Zeichen der Zeit 2 v. 12°. Leip. 1855. Christianity and IVIankind. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1854, Church of the Future. 12°. Lond. 1847. Egypt's Place in History. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848-54. Hippoly tus and his Age. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1852. Bunting, E. Ancient Music of Ireland. 4°. Dublin. 1840. Bunting, T. P. Life of Jabez Bunting, v. 1. 8°, N.Y. 1859. BuNYAN, J. Grace Abounding; Heart's Ease, etc. 18°. Lond. 1840. Greatness of the Soul, etc. 18°. N.Y. 1849. Holy War. 12°. Lond. 1803. Pilgrim's Progress, with Life by WestalL 8°. N.Y. 1822. Same, with Life by Southey. 12°. Bost 1832. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. .49 Bketon, N. Characters. See Bbydges, E., Ai-chiiica. Small ITandfuU of Fra'jjrant Flowers (1515), and A Flourish upon Fancy (1582). (Reprint.) 4.". Lond. 1815. BitEWER, J. N, Beauties of Ireland. 2 v. 8^ Lond. 1825-6. Brewebtox, G. D. War in Kansajj. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Bkewsteb, D. Letters on Natur^ Magic. 16°. Lond. 1838. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 18°. N.Y. 1831. Same. 16°. Lond. 1831. Martyrs of Science; Life of Galileo, etc. 12°. Lond. 1841. More Worlds than One. 16°. Loud. 1854. Treatise on Magnetism. 12°. Edin. 1837. Treatise on Optics. 16°. Lond. 1831. Same. 12°. Phil. 1833. • Bhewster, F. E. Philosophy of Human Nature. 12°. Phil. 1851. BiiEwsTER, Marg't M. Work : or, Plenty to Do and How to Do It. 2d ser. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Brewster, Wm. Life and Times of Bev. A. Steele. 8°. Phil. 1857. Briancourt, M. Organization of Labor. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Brichetau, I. Medical Clinics of the Hospi- tal Necker. 8°. Phil. 1837. Brick Presbyterian Church, N. Y. Form of Admission, and Catalogue of Members. 12°. N.Y. 1821. BRicKELii, J. Natural History of North Caro- lina. 8°. Dubl. 1737. Bride of Fort Edward; a Drama. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Bridge, B. Conic Sections. 8°. N. Hav. 1836. Bridgetman, T. Florist's Guide. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Young Gardener's Assistant. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Bridges, G. W. Annals of Jamaica. 8°. Lond. 1828. Bridgewater Treatises. 12 v. See names of authors. 8°. Loud. 1830-36. Same. Parts 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 & 8. 10 v. 8°. Phil. 1836-37. Some. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 8. 5 v. 12°. Phil. 1833-34. Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. See Bab- BAGK, C. Bbidgman, Eliza J. G. Life of E. C. Bridg- man. 12°. Phil. 1864. Bmdgman, T. Epitaphs from Copjj's Hill Burial Ground. 12°. PhiL 1851. Epitaphs from King's Chapel Burial Ground. 12°. PhiL 1853. Pilgrims of Boston and their Descend- ants. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Bbidonell, J. Indian Weights, Measures, and Money. r.8°. Calcutta. 185i. Brief Examination of Lord Sheffield "On Commerce of the U. S." 12°. Phil. 1791, Betet Review of *' Considerations on Annex- ation of Boston and Charlestown." (P.) 8°. Bost. 1854. Brief Narrative of Conduct of the Natives to the Dutch. TransL by O'CaUaghan, 8^. Albany. 1863. Briefb aus Italien und Frankreich. 16°. Hamburg. 1850. Brifpault, F. T. Prisoner of Ham. 12°. Lond. 1846. Bbioos, Caroline A. Utterance; a Collection of Poems. 12°. Bost 1852. Bbioos, G. W. Bow in the Cloud; Fifteen Discourses. 12°. Bost 1856. Brigham, a. Influence of Mental Cultivation on Health. 12°. Hartf. 1832. Same. 12°. Phil. 1845. Influence of Religion on Health. 8°. Bost 1835. Letter to Dr. Reese on Phrenology. (P. 17.) 8°. n.p. 1836. Brigham; W. Charter, &c., of New Ply- mouth. See Massachusetts. Bright, J. Speech on American Affairs, Dec. 4, 1861. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Speeches on the American Question. 12°. Bost 1865. Bright, J. B. The Brights of Suffolk, Eng- land. 8°. Bost. 1858. Bright, R. Travels through Lower Hun- gary. 4°. Edin. 1818. Bright, W. Grape Culture. 12° Phil. 1860. Bbightly, F. C. Digest of U. S. Laws, 1789- 1865. 2v. 8°. Phil. 1865. Brightwell, Lucy C. Memorials of Amelia Opie. 8°. Norwich. (E.) 1854. Bbtixat-Savarin, a. Hand Book of Dining. TransL by Simpson. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Physiology of Taste. Tr. by F. Robin- son. 16°. PhiL 1854. Bbimlet, G. Essays. 12°. Phil. 1862. Brinu:t, F. Life of W. T. Porter. 12°. Phil. 1860. 50 CATALOGUE OF THE Beinton, D. G. Notes on the Floridian Pen- insula. 12°. Phil. 1859. Beisbane, a. Association; an Exposition of Fourier. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1843. Social Destiny of Man. 8°. Phil. 1840. Beissot de Warville, J. P. Travels in the United States. 16°. KY. 1792. Beisted, C. a. Five Years in an English University. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Letter to Horace Mann. 18°. N.Y. 1850. Beisted, John. Hints on National Bank- ruptcy of Britain. 8°. N.Y. 1809. Resoui'ces of the British Empire. 8°. . N.Y. 1811. Bbistol County Almanac, for 1852. 16°. Bost. 1852. Bettish Almanac and Companion, 1828-65. 38 V. 12°. Lond. 1828-65. Index to same. 1828-43. 12°. Lond. 1843. ——Annual and Epitome of Progress of Science. 3 v. 18°. Lond. 1837-9. — — Association for Advancement of Science. Reports, 1831-64. 27 v. 8°. Lond. 1835-65. , Cabinet for 1853. 18°. Phil. 1853. Catalogue of Books Published, Oct., 1837, to Dec, 1852. v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1853. Chronologist. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1789. Critic. V. 5-42 (with 2 indexes). 8°. Lond. 1795-1813. Same. Table cf Books Reviev/ed in v. 1-20. 8°. Lond. n.d. Critic and Theological Review, v. 25- 34. 8°. Lond. 1839-43. Drama; a Collection of Tragedies, etc. 2v. 8°. Phil. 1838. Essayists. Ed., vrithLidex, by A. Chal- mers. 45 V. See under separate works. 16°. Lond. 1808. and Foreign Bible Society. Annual Re- ports, 2d-18th, and 57th, 59th, 60th. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1811-64. Foreign Evangelical Re^dew. v. 1. 8°. Edin. 1S52. Foreign IMedical Review, v. 23-24. 8°. Lond. 1847. Foreign Medico-Chirnrgical Review. V. 1-21. 8°. Lond. 1848-58. Foreign Review, v. 1-18. 8°. Lond. 1835-44. GaUeries of Art. 8°.* Lond. 1824. Gazetteer and Travelling Road-book. 9v. 8°. Lond. n.d. Husbandi-y. See Lxbeaey of Useful Knowledge, v. 1-3. Beitish Magazine, v. 15-22. 8°. Lond. 1839-42. Martial, an Anthology of English Epi- grams. 2v. 18°. Lond. 1800. Museum. Books of Reference in Read- ing Room. 8°. Lond. 1859. Museum. Catalogue of Printed Books. V. 1. f°. Lond. 1841. Museum. Historical and Descriptive. 12°. Edin. 1850. Naval Biography, and Outline Naval History. 24°. Lond. 1839. Plutarch. 4 v. 8°. Belfast. 1808. Quarterly Review, v. 15-40. 8°. Lond. 1852-64. Poets. Sanford and Walsh's Ed. 44 v. 18°. Phil. 1819. Beittan, S. B. Illustration and Defence of Universalism. 12°. Albany. 1847. Man and his Relations. 8°. N.Y. 1864. ■ Tables Turned, a Review of Rev. C. M. Butler- (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1854. Beittan, S. B. , and Richmond, B. W. Dis- cussion on Spiritualism. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Beitton, J. ^ee Beayley, E. W., and God- win, G., Jr. Authorship of Junius, and Memoir of Col. Bai-re. r.8°. Lond. 1848. Dictionary of Architecture and Archa9- ology of Middle Ages. 8°. Lond. 1838. Beitton, J. and Beatley, E. W. Memoirs of the Tower of London. 12°. Lond. 1830. Beitton, J. (Ed'r.) The Original Picture of London. 18°. Lond. n.d. Beoad Hints at Retirement; an Ode to J. P. Kemble. (P. 25.) 8°. Lond. n.d. Beoaddus, a. Sermons and Writings, with Memoir. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Broadway Journal, v. 1. f°. N.Y. 1845. Beock, W. Biographical Sketch of Sir H. Havelock. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Beocsedon, W. Excursions in the Alps, 8°. Lond. 1833. Beocklesby.. J. Elements of Astronomy. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Elements of Meteorology. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Views of the Microscopical World. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Beocquieee, B. de la. Travels to Palestine, 1432-3. 8° Hafod. 1807. Beodeeip, W. J. Leaves from the Note-book of a Naturalist. 12°. Lond. 1852. Zoological Recreations. 12°. Lond. 1847. Same. 12°. Phil. 1849. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 51 Brodhead, J. R. History of New York, 1609- 1G61. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Report on New York Colonial History. 8°. Albany. 1845. Broeder, G. Grammatik der Lateinischen Sprache. 8°. Leip. 1820. Brome, a. Poems. See British Poets, v. 5. Bromley, R. A. Histoiy of the Fine Arts. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1793-5. Brommb, T. Atlas zu Humboldt's Kosmos. See Humboldt. Bromwell, W. J. History of Immigration to the United States. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Bronsox, H. History of Waterbury. 8°. Waterbury. 1858. Bronson, J. H. Decision on the Pass Claim. (P. 65.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Bronte, Misses C, E., and A. Poems. 12°. Phil. 1848. Brook, B. History of Religious Liberty in Great Britain. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. Brooke, J. Private Letters. Ed. by J. C. Templer. 3v. 12°. Lond. 1853. Brooke, S. A. Life and Letters of F. "W. Robertson. See Robertson, F. W. Brookes, R. General Gazetteer. 8°. Phil. 1806. Brooklyn (city). Manual of Common Coun- cil, 1859-64. 8° and 12°. Brooklyn. 1858-64. Acts and Ordinances. 8°. Brooklyn. 1836. Athenaeum. Catalogue of Library. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Brooklyn Directory, for 1842, '46, '48-65. 12°. Brooklyn. 1842-'65. Brooks, C. History of Medford, Mixss. 8°. Bost. 1855. Laws of Reproduction, and Marriage of Relations. (P.) 8°. Camb. 1856. Brooks, C. T. German LjTrics. 12°. Bost. 1853. Brooks, J. Report on Seigniorage, July, 1852. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1852. Brooks, J., and Hughes, J. Controversy on Church Property. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Brooks, J. G., and Marj^ E. Rivals of Este, and other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1829. Brooks, J. T. Four Months in California. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Brooks, L. Method for Averaging Accounts at 6 per cent. 8°. Gt. Falls, N. H. 1851. Same, Bt 7 per cent. 8°. Gt. Falls, N.H. 1851. Bbooks, T. Apjiles of Gold, etc., a ReUgious Discourse. 18°. N.Y. 1825. BiiOoif, H. Selection of Legal Maxims. 8°. Phil. 1852. Bbossabd, a. Considerations sur les R4pub- liques de la Plata. 8°. Paris. 1850. Bbot, a. La Chute des Feuilles. 2 v. IB**. Brux. 1837. , ^vf-ll Brother Jonathan, v. 1-6. f°. N.Y. 1842-3. Brotherhead, W. Book of the Signers. P. ' Phil. 186L Gen. Fremont and the Injustice done him. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1862. Brothers in Unity. Catalogue of Library. 8°. N. Haven. 1846. Same. 8°. N. Haven. 1851. Brougham, Henry. Colonial Policy of the European Powers. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1803. Contributions to the Edinborg Review. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1856. Critical and ISIiscellaneous "Writings. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1841. Dialogues on Instinct; and, Fossil Oste- ology. 18°. Phil. 1845. Discourse on Natural Theology. 12". Lond. 1835. Dissertations on Science as Connected ^^-ith Natural Theology. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. On Education. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Letter on the late French Revolution. 8°. Lond. 1848. Men of Letters and Science under George m. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1845-6. Opinions on Law, Theology, Politics, Science, etc. 12°. Lond- 1837. Political Philosophy. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1844. Sketches of Public Characters, Dis- courses, etc. 2 V. 12°. Phil. 1830. Speeches, 1810-38. 4 v. 8°. Edin. 1838. Statesmen of Time of George III. 1st ser. 12°. Lond. 1839. Same. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1839. Same. 2d series. 8°. Lond. 1839. Same. 2d series. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1839. Same. 3d series. 12°. Phil. 1844. Brougham, Lord, and Routh, E. J. View of Newton's Principia. 8°. Lond. 1855. Brougham, John. Bunsby Papers. 2d series. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Bboughton, J. C. Hobhouse, Lord. Italy; Remarks during Several Visits. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1859. Travels in Albania, 1809-10. 2 v. 8". Lond. 1855. Historical Illustrations of Canto IV. of Childe Harold. 8°. N.Y. 1818. 52 CATALOGUE OF THE Bbouohtov, J. 0. Hobhouse, Lord. Same. 2t. 8° Phil. 1817. Letters from Paris, during Last Eeign of Napoleon. 8°. Phil. 1818. Bboughton, T. D. Popular Poetry of the Hindoos. 16°. Lond. 1814. Bboussais, F. J. V. Examen des Doctrines Medicales de Laennec, etc. 2 v. 18°. Brux. 1836. Lectures on Phrenology. 8°. Lond. 1847. Physiology Applied to Pathology. 8°. Phil. 1832. Bbown, Aaron V. Speeches and Writings. 8°. NashviUe. 1854. Beown, Andrew. Letter Concerning Family History, 1812. 4°. n.p. n.d. Bbown, Andrew. Philosophy of Physics. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Bbown, C. Expedition to South America. 8°. Lond. 1819. Bbown, C. A. Shakspeare's Autobiographical Poems. 12°. Lond. 1838. Bbown, D. Bestoration of the Jews. 16°. Edin. 1861. Bbown, D. B. Eeply to H. Binney on Habeas Coi-pus. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1862. Bbown, D. P. The Forum; Forty Years at the Philadelphia Bar. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1856. Brown, George. Adventures in South Africa. 16°. Lond. 1855. Bbown, Goold. English Grammar, abridged. 18°. N.Y. 1826. Grammar of English Grammars. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Institutes of English Grammar. 8°. N.Y. 1830. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Memoir of R. F. Mott. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1827. Bbown, H. Anti-Masonic Excitement of 1826- 29. 12°. Batavia. 1829. History of Illinois. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Bbown, Jas, B. Life of John Howard. 18°. Bost. 1831. Bbown, John. Northern Courts; Sovereigns of Sweden and Denmark. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1818. Bbown, John, of Cambridge, Eng. Sixty Years' Gleanings from Life's Harvest. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Bbown, John, M.D. Spare Hours. 12°. Bost. 1863. Bbown, Ber. John. Athelstan, a Tragedy. (P. 72.) 8°. Lond. 1756. Beown, Ptev. John (cont'd). History of Rise and Progress of Poetry. 8°. Newcastle. 1764. Thoughts on Civil Liberty, Licentious- ness and Faction. 12°. Dubl. 1765. Bkown, Rev. John, of Newington, Eng. Dis- courses and Sayings of Our Lord. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Bkown, Jona, M.D. History of St. Domingo. 2v, 12°. Phil. 1837. Brown, J. J. American Angler's Guide. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Bbown, J. N. (Ed'r.) Encyclopeedia of Re- ligious Knowledge. 8°. Brattleboro'. 1837. Brown, J. N. , and Taylor, W. B. Discussion on the Sabbath. 12°. Phil. 1853. Brown, 0. Memoranda of the Preston Family. 8°. Albany. 1864. Brown, R. Domestic Architecture. 4°. Lond. 1842. Sacred Architecture. 4°. Lond. 1845. Brown, S. Citizens' and Strangers' Directory to New York. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Brown, S.R. Western Gazetteer. 8°. Auburn. 1817. Brown, Tarleton. Memoirs, by Himself. Ed. by C. Bushnell. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Brown, Thos. History of the Shakers. 12°. Troy. 1812. Brown, Thos. Conchologist's Text Book. 12°. Glasg. 1837. Zoologist's Text Book. 2 v. 12°. Glasg. 1832-3. Brown, Thos. , M.D. Inquiry into Cause and Effect. 8°. Lond. 1835. Observations on Darwin's Zoonomia. 8°. Edin. 1798. Philosophy of the Human Mind. 3 v. 8°. Andover. 1822. Brown, T. I. Questions on the Marine Steam Engine. 12°. Phil. 1863. Brown, T. N. Life and Times of Hugh Miller. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Brown, Rev. W. Antiquities of the Jews. 2v. 8°. Phil. 1823. Christianity Among the Heathen since . the Reformation. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1816. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1821. Brown, W. L. Essay on the Natural Equal- ity of Men. 12°. Phil. 1793. The Black Man ; His Antecedents, Genius, etc. 8°. Bost. 1863. Brown University. Catalogue of Library. 8°. Prov. 1843. Browne, C. F. Artemus Ward, his Book. 12°. N.Y. 1864. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 61 ; TTERFiELD, D. Camp and Outpost Duty i for Infantry. 10\ N.Y. 18G2. BuTTMANN, P. Catalogue of Irregular Greek Verbs. 8°. Lond. 1844. Lexilogus ; an Examination of Words in Homer and Hesiod. 8^. Lond. 1836. Butts, J. E. Laws of the Sea. 12°. Bost. 1850. Buxton, C. Memoirs of Sir T. F. Buxton. 8°. Lond. 1848. Buxton, T. F. African Slave Trade and its Remedy. 8^. Lond. 1840. BuzoT, F. N. L. Memoires sur la Revo- lution Fran9aise. 8^. Paris. 1823. Byam, G. Wanderings in Western America. •12°. Lond. 1850. Wild Life in Central America. 12°. Lond. 1849. Bytteld, N. Account of the Late Revolu- tion in New England. (From London ed. of 1689.) 4°. N.Y. 1865. Byuss, J. B. Sophisms of Free Trade. 12°. Lond. 1851. Byllesby, L. Sources and Effects of Une- qual Wealth. 12°. N.Y. 1826. Bybd, W. Westover Manuscripts. 8°. Peters- burg. 1841. Bykdsall, F. History of the Loco Foco Party. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Bybn, M. L. Adulteration of Food and Drink. 12^ Phil. 1852. Artist's and Tradesman's Companion. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Complete Practical Brewer. 16°. PhiL 1852. Complete Practical Distiller. 16°. Phil. 1853. Byrne, J. C. Twelve Years' Wanderings in the British Colonies. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Byene, O. American Engineer and Ma- chinist's Assistant. 4°. Phil. 1853. • Apprentice, or First Book for Me- chanics, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Artisan's and Engineer's Hand-book. 8°. Phil. 1853. Calcidator's Companion. 16°. Phil. 1854. Mechanics, their Principles and Appli- cation. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Mechanic's Manual. 24°. N.Y. 1856. Met«l Worker's Assistant. 8°. Phil. 1851. Same. 8°. Phil. 1864. Method of Calculating Logarithms. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Byrne, O. Model Calculator. 8°. Phil. 1852. Bybon, G. G. N.,Lord. Works. 8°. N.Y. n.d. Same. 8 v. 16°. Phil. 1825. Wprks, Letters and Journals, ed. by T. Moore. 17 v. 1G°. LoncL 184«. Works. 8°. Phil. 1852. Same. 8°. Bost. 1853. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. 12°. Bost. 1863. Don Juan. 2 v. 18°. Phil. 1825. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Poetical Works. 8°. Pliil. 1834. Same. 8°. Phil. 1838. Same. 8°. Phil. 1845. Select Poetical Works. 12°. Bost. 1849. Bybon, J. Narrative of Shipwreck off Pata- gonia. 12°. Wigan. 1784. Caballero, F. Clemencia. 12°. Leip. 1860. Cuaderos de Costimibres. 12°. Leip. 1865. Cuentos y Poesias Populares Andaluces. 16°. Leip. 1861. £lia. 12°. Paris. 1864. La Familia de Alvareda. 12°. Leip. 1860. LaGa^-iota. 16°. Leip. 1860. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Relaciones. 12°. Leip. 1862. Cabanis, p. J. G. Rapports du Physique et du Moral. 12°. Paris. 1843. Cabell, J. L. Testimony of Modern Science to Unity of Mankind. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Cabinet of Curiosities; or. Wonders of the World. 8°. Lond. 1831. Cabinet Lawyer; a Popular Digest of the Laws of England. 16°. Lond. 1850. Cabot, S. Memoir, with History of Maritime Discovery. 8°. Phil. 1831. Same. 8'*. Lond. 1832. Cabrera, P. F. Research into American History. See Rio, A. del. Caddelij, Cecilia M. History of Missions in Japan and Paraguay. 12°. Lond. 1856. Cadell, W, a. Journey in Carniola, Franco and Italy. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1820. Spanish and English Dictionaiy. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Cadet Life at West Point. 12° Bost. 1862. Cadwaladeb, J. Reply to Gen. J. Reed, 1783. Reprinted. (P.) 12°. Trenton. 1846. Cady, C. W. Indiana Annual Register, 1845, 1846. 18°. Indianapolis. 1844-(3. 62 CATALOGUE OF THE Cadt, D. Opinion in State vs. G. Clarke. (P. 48.) 8^. Albany. 1851. Cedmon. Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of Scripture, in Anglo-Saxon, with Transl. and Notes by Thorpe. 8°. Lond. 1832. C^sAB, C. J. Opera Omnia. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Commentaries, with Hirtius. Transl. by Duncan. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1833. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1856. Commentaries, Literally Translated. 16°. Lond. 1851. — - Same. 12°. N.Y. 1859. C^SAB, C. J., and Hikttos, A. Opera. 18°. Title wanting. Caffaho, Father. Defence of the Drama. 12°. N.Y. 1826. Cahagnet, L. a. Magn^tisme. v. 3. 12°. Paris. 1854. Caillie, E. Travels to Timbuctoo. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. Caines, G. Law Merchant of the U. S. v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1802. Caied, Jas. Letter on Lands of Illinois K.R. Co. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1859. Plantation Scheme in West of Lreland. 8°. Edin. 1850. Prairie Farming in America. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Caird, John. Sermons. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Caienes, J. E. The Slave Power. 8°. Lond. 1862. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Cairo (111. ) Business Mirror and City Direc- tory, 1864-5. 8°. Cairo. 1864. Calcutta Public Library. Catalogue. 8°. Calcutta. ^1855. Calcutta Keview. v. 26-35. 8°. Calcutta. 1856-60. Caldcleugh, a Travels in South America. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1825. Caldeeon de la Barca, Mme. Life in Mexico. 2v. 12°. Bost. 1843. Caldeeon de la Barca, P. Dramas, Transl. by McCarthy. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1853. Theatre. (French.) 3 v. 12°. Paris. '45. Teatro Escogido. See Tesoeo d«l Teatro Espanol, v. 3. Calderwood, H. Philosophy of the Infinite. 8°. Edin. 1854. Caldicott, T. F. Hannah Corcoran; her Conversion, etc. 16°. Bost. 1853. Caldwell, C. Autobiography. Ed. by Har- riet W. Warner. 8°. Phil. 1855. Memoirs of General Greene. 8°. Phil. 1819. Caldwell, C. Phrenology Vindicated. 12^. N.Y. 1838. Physical Education. 12°. Bost. 1834. Thoughts on Impolicy of Capital Pun- ishment. (P.) 8°. Louisv. 1848. Thoughts on Unity of Human Eace. 8°. Cine. 1852. Caldwell, J. S. Law of Arbitration. 8°. BurUngton, Vt. 1853. Eesults of Eeading. 8°. Lond. 1843. Caldwell, E. Gold Era of Victoria. 8°. Lond. 1855. Calef, E. More Wonders of the Invisible Worid. 12° Salem. 1823. Same; also, Mather's Wonders of the Invisible World. 12°. Salem. 1861. Calhoun, J. C. Works. 4 v. 8°. f^.Y. 1853-4. Works. V. 1, on Government. 8°. Co- lumbia. 1851. Address on Slavery, read in Senate, March 4, 1850. (P. 31.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Eemarks on Eemoval of Deposits. 8°. Wash. 1834. Life of. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Life and Character of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1843. CALIF0RNL4.. Debates in Constitutional Con- vention. 8°. Wash. 1850. Catalogue of State Library. 8°. Sacra- mento. 1860. California Academy of Natural Sciences. Proceedings, Feb. 22, 1858. (F-) 8°. n.p. n.d. Cat JFORNiA Elustrated. 8°. N.Y. 1852. California State Eegister, for 1857, 1859. 12°. San Fran. 1857-9. Callan, J. F. Military Laws of the U. S. 8°. Bait. 1858. Callander, J. Terra Australis Cognita; or, Voyages to Southern Hemisphere. 3v. 8°. Edin. 1764. Callcott, jMi'S. M. Essays towards the History of Painting. 12°. Lond. 1836. Scripture Herbal. 8°. Lond. 1842. Callender, Jas. T. History of the United States for 1796. 8°. Phil. 1707. Callender, John. Historical Discourse on E. I. See Ehode Island Hist. Soc. Collections. Gallery and Yvan. Insurrection in China. 12°. Lond. 1853. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Callet, F. Logarithmes. 8°. Paris. 1795. Same. 8°. Paris. 1809. Callicot, T. C. Hand-book of Geography. 8°. N.Y. 1853. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. m Calling and Responsilulities of a Governess. 12^. Lend. 1852. CAUiisTHENEs (Pseudo). Historia Fabulosa. See Arrianus, in Valpy's Delphin Classics. Callistratus. Opera. /See Phtlosteatus, in Didot's Gr. Class. Calm (A) Appeal on the Expulsion of Rev. J. R. Wilson. (P. 12.) 8°. Albany. 1832. Calm (A) Observer. Prospects, etc., ofN. Y. and Erie R. R. (P. 22.) N.Y. 1843. Calmet, a. Dictionary of the Bible. 4 v. 4°. Charlestown. 1812-17. [For Supplem. vol. of Sacred Geograjshy, See Wells, E. ] Phantom World. 12°. Phil. 1850. Calpurnius Siculus. ^See Walker, G. S. Corpus Poet. Lat. Calvert, G. H. Arnold and Andr^; a His- torical Drama. 12^. Bost. 1864. Comedies. 12°. Bost 1856. The Gentleman. 12°. Bost. 1863. Intro^luction to Social Science. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Oration ; 40th Anniversary of Battle of Lake Erie. (P.) 8°. Prov. 1854. Scenes and Thoughts in Europe. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Same. 2d Series. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Calvert, Gen. Harry. Journals and Cor- respondence. 8°. Lond. 1853. Calvin, J. Secret Providence. Transl. by Lillie. 18°. N.Y. 1810. Cambreleno, 0. C. Report on Commerce and Navigation, with Review of Same. 8°. Bait. 1830. Cambridge (Mass.) Directory, 1854, '63, '65. 12°. Camb. 1854-05. Cambridge Essays, 1855, and 1858. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1855-8. Cambridge Prize Poems. 16°. Lond. 1847. Cambridge (Mass.) High School. Catalogue of Libraiy. 8°. Camb. 1853. Cambridge Mathematics. See the separate works. Camden, W. Britannia. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1772. Camden Society's Publications, v. 1-43. 4°. Lond. 1838-48. Vol. 1, Arrival of Edward IV., ed. by Bruce ; v. 2, Kynge Johan, a Play, by Bishop Bale, ed. by Collier; v. 3, Poems on the Dep- osition of Richard H., ed. by Wright; v. 4, Plumpton Correspondence, ed. by Stapleton; V. 5, lAnecdotes, &c., illustrative of Early English History and Literature, ed. by Thome; v. 6, Political Songs of England, from John to Edward H., ed. by Wright; v. 7, Hayward's Annals of Four Years of Eliza- beth's Reign, ed. by Bruce ; v. 8, Ecclesiasti- cal Documents, ed. by Hunter; v. 9, Norden's Description of Essex (1594), ed. by ElUs; v. 10, Warkworth's Chronicle of Reign of Ed- ward rV. ., ed. by Halliwell; V. 11, Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder, ed. by Dyce; v. 12, Egerton Papers, ed. by Collier; v. 13, Chron- icle of Joceline de Brakelonda, ed. by Roke- woode; v. 14, Narative of the Contests in Ice- land, in 1641 and 1690, ed. by Croker; v. 15, Chronicle of Wm. of Rishanger; Miracles of Simon de Montfort, ed. by Halliwell; v. 10, Latin Poems, attributed to W.alter Mapes, ed. by Wright; v. 17, Travels of Nicander in England, in Reign of Henry Vill., ed. by Cramer; v. 18, Three Early English Metrical Romances, ed. by Robson; v. 19, Diary of Dr. John Dee, and Catalogue of his MSS., ed. by Halliwell; v. 20, Apology for LoUjird Doctrines attributed to Wickliflfe, ed. by Todd; V. 21, Rutland Papers; or, the Courts, &c., of Henry VH. and VIlI., ed. by Jerdan; V. 22, Diarj' of Bishop Cartwright in 1686-7, ed. by Hunter; v. 23, Letters of Literary Men of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries, ed- by Ellis; v. 24, Proceedings against Alice Kyteler, for Sorcery, in 1324, ed. by AVright; V. 25, Galfrid's Promptorium Parvulorum (vol. 1), ed. by Way; v. 26, Letters on the Suppression of Monasteries, ed. by Wright; V, 27, Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leiqester, 1585-6, ed. by Bruce; v. 28, Polydore Vergil's Reigns of Hen. VI., Ed. IV., and Rich. Ill, ed. by Elh's; v. 29, Cro- niques de London depuis 1260 jusqu'a 1344, ed. by Aungier; v. 30, Thornton Romances; Early Enghsh Metrical Romances, ed. by Halliwell; v. 31, Vemey Papers, of Pi'oceed- ings in the Long Parliament, ed. by Bruce; V. 32, Autobiography of Sir John Bramstone, ed. by Braybrooke ; v. 33, Letters of James, Etu-1 of Perth, to his Sister, 1688-96, ed. by Jerdan; v. 34, Liber de Antiquis Legibus, 1578-1774, ed. by Stapleton; v. 35, Chronicle of Cahiis; Reigns of Henry VH. and VIH., to 1540, ed. by Nichols; v. 36, Polydore Vergil's English Hist , Vol. 1 (to Nomiau Conquest), ed. by Ellis; v. 37, Relation; or, true Account of Eng. about 1500 (Fr. Ital.), ed. by Sneyd; V. 28, Ellis's Obituary of Wm. Smith; v. 39, Twysden's Considerations upon the Govern- ment of England, ed. by Kemble ; v. 40, Vis- itation of Huntington, under Wm. Camden, ed. by Ellis; v. 41, Letters of Queen Eliza- 64 CATALOGUE OF THE beth, and James VI. of Scotland, ed. by Bruce; v. 42, Chronicon Petroburgense; v. 43, Chron. of Queen Jane; Two Years of Queen Marj; Rebellion of Wyat, ed. by Nichols. Casieleon (Le) ; Journal non Politique. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1834-5. Camoens, L. de. Lnsiad. Transl. by Mickle. 2v. 8^. Lond. 1798. Same. See British Pqets, v. 47. Poems. Transl. by Viscount Strangford. 16°. Phil. 1805. Camp, Q. S. Democracy. 18°. N.Y. 1841. Camp and Barrack Room; or, the British Ai-myasltls. 12°. Lond. 1846. Camp Cookeiy and Hospital Diet. 16°. N.Y. 1861. Campaigns and Cruises in Venezuela and Nevr Grenada. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1831. Campan, Mme. L. J. H. Court of Marie An- toinette. 2v. 8°. Phil. 1850. Private Journal, Anecdotes of French Court, &c. 12°. Phil. 1825. Campanius Holm. T. New Sweden; with Notes by Duponceau. 8°. Phil. 1834. Campbell, Alex. Popular Lectures and Ad- dresses. 8°. Phil. 1865.' Campbell, Arch. Sale of Authors; a Dia- logue after Lucian. 12°. Lond. 1767. Campbell, Arch. Voyage round the World. 12°. N.Y. 1817. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1819. Campbell, C. History of" Virginia. 8°. Richm. 1847. Same. 8°. Phil. 1860. Orderly Book of Gen. Lewis' Army in 1776. 8°. Richm. 1860. Campbell, D. Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry. 16°. Lond. 1849. Campbell, G. Four Gospels, with Notes. See Bible. Philosophy of Rhetoric. 8°. Bost. 1823. India as it May be. 8°. Lond. 1853. Modern India. 8°. Lond. 1852. Campbell, Jas. Ireland; its Historj', Past and Present. 8°. Lond. 1817. Campbell, John, LL.D. History of Span- ish America. 8°. Lond. 1741. Lives of British Admirals. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1758. Same, Continued by Various Persons. 8v. 8°. Lond. 1813. Same. 8 v. 8°. Lond, 1817. Same, Abridged and continued by G. Giimian. 12°. Glasgow. 1841. Political Survey of Britain. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1774. Campbell, Maj.-Gen. John. Thirteen Years in Khondistan. 8°. Lond. 1864. Campbell, John. Negro-Mania. 8°. Phil. 1851. Campbell, John, Lord. Lives of the Chief Justices of England. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Same. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1857. Lives of the Lord Chancellors of Eng- land. 4 V. 8°. Lond. 1849. Shakspeare's Legal Acquirements. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Campbell, John J. Song of the Bell, and Other Poems, from the Germaji. 16°. Edin. 1836. Campbell, J. L. I^Ianual of Agriculture. 12°. Phil. 1859. Campbell, J. L., and Hadlet, A. M. Teachers' Miscellany. 8°. Cine. 1856. Campbell, Maria. Life of Gen. Hull; also, Campaign of 1812, by L F. Clarke. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Campbell, T. Letters from Algiers. 12°. Phil. 1836. Life of Petrarch. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1841. Life of Mrs. Siddons. 12°. N.Y. 1834. Pilgrims of Glencoe and Other Poems. 8°. Lond. 1842. Pleasures of Hope and Other Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1800. Same. 12° N.Y. 1842. Same; also, Pleasures of Memory, by S. Rogers. 16°. Albany. 1814. Poems. See Rogers, S. Same. 16°. Lond. 1836. Same. 12°. Bost. 1860. Same. Ed. by Sargent. 8°. Bost. 1854. Same, with M^ihoir by Aytoun. 16°. Bost. 1864. " Theodoric and Other Poems. 18°. N.Y. 1825. — - (Ed'r.) Frederic the Great and his Times. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same. 2 v. 12° Phil. 1842. Same. 2d series. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1843. Specimens of the British Poets. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1819. Same. 8°. Phil. 1853. Campbell, T., and Stone, W. L. Poetry and History of Wyoming. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Campbell, T., Gifford, W., Hi^nt, L. and others. Lives of British Dramatists. 2 V. in one. 16°. Phil. 1846. Campbell, Walter. My Indian Journal. 8°. Lond. 1864. Old Forest Ranger. 8°. N.Y. 1853. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 57 BuNYAN, J. Same, with same. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Same, \sath Life by T. Scott. 18°. Lond. 1841. BuoNAPAKTE. See Bonapabte; Napoleon L ; Napolkon ni. BuRAT, A. Geologio Appliqu^e; ou, Mine- raux Utiles. 8°. Paris. 184G. BuRBiDGE, T. Poems. 1G°. Loud. 1838. Buhbldoe, T., and Clough, A. H. Ambar- vaUa. 1G°. Lond. 1849. BuKCHABD, C. Case of llev. J. Knapp. (P. 50.) 8°. N.Y. 1846. BuRCHARD, G. History of Congregationalism. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 18C5. Bdechard, N. Address to American Insti- tute. (P. 42.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. BuRCKHARDT, J. L. Notcs on the Bedouins andWahabys. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1831. Travels in Nubia. Lond. 4°. 1819. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. 4°. Lond. 1822. BuRDER, H. F. Self-DiscipUne. 16°. N.Y. 1^G2. BuRDER, W. Eeligious Ceremoniea and Customs. 8°. Loud. 1841. BuRDON, \V. Materials for Thinking. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. BuBOE, W. Commentaries on Law of Surety- ship. 8°. Bost. 1857. Burger, G. A. SammtUehe Werke. 4 v. 16°. Gottingen. 1844. Songs and Ballads. See Uhland, L. BuRGES, G. Greek Anthology for Schools. 8°. LoncL 1852. Buboes, T. Address to American Institute. (P. 11.) 8°. N.Y. 1830. Speech at Public Dinner, March 30, 1831. (P.) 12°. u.p. n.d. Battle of Lt\ke Erie, and Notices of Com. Elliott. 12°. Phil. 1839. Burge-ss, E. Address to Colonization Society. (P. 68.) 8°. Wash. 1818. Burgess, T. H. Climate of Italy and Con- sumption. 8°. Lond. 1852. Physiology of Blushing. 8°. Lond. 1839. BuBGH, J. Political Disquisitions. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1775. BuRGON, J. W. Inspiration and Interpreta- tion. 8^. Oxf. 1861. Life and Times of Sir T. Gresham. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Bdbgoyne, Gen. J. Dnmiatic and Poetical Works, with Life. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1808. Orderly Book. 8m.4°. Albany. 1860. BuBGOYNE, Geh. J. State of the Expedition from Canada. 4°. Lond 1780. BuRGOYNE, Sir J. Treatise on Blasting ami Quarrying Stone. 12°. Lond. 1840. Buried City of the East. (From Botta's Nineveh.) 8°. Lond. n.d. BuRK, J. History of Virginia, continued by Jones and Girardin. 4 v. 8°. Peters- burg. 1804-16. BuRK, J. C. F. Memoir of J. A. BengeL 8°. Lond. 1842. Burke, E. Works. 7 v. 8°. Bost. 1826. Same. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1837. Same. 8 v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Account of European Settlements in America. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1765. Treatise on the SubUme and Beautiful. 8°. Montrose. 1803. Same. 12°. Bait. 1833. Reflections on the French Revolution. 18°. Lond. n.d. Select Speeches. See Chatham, Lord. Burke, E. List of Patents m U. S. 1790- 1847. 8°. Wash. 1847. Burke, J. B. Anecdotes of the Aristocracy. 2 V. 12°. LoncL 1849. " Family Romance ; or. Domestic Annals of the Aristocracy. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. Genealogical, etc.. Dictionary of Landed Gentry of Great Britain. r.8°. Lond. 1863. Burke, J. and J. B. Encyclopajdia of Her- aldry. 8°. Lond. 1847. Genealogical Dictionary of Landed Gen- try of Great Britain. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Same, Supplement to. 8°. Lond. 1848. Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 8°. Lond. 1847. Burke, P. Celebrated Trials of the Aris- tocracy. 8°. Lond. 1849. International CopjTight Law of Eng- land and France. 12°. Lond. 1852. Burke, W. Mineral Springs of Virginia. 8°. Richmond. 1851. BuRKHARD, J. G. Elements of Philosophy of Natural History. 12°. N.Y. 1804. BublamaqVi, J. J. Natural and Political Law. 8°. Camb. 1807. Burleigh. J. C. Legislative Guide. 8°. Phil. 1852. Burmeister, H. Eeiso nach Brazilian. 8°. Berlin. 1853. Comparative Anatomy of the Negro. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. Manual of Entomology. 8°. Lond. 1836. 58 CATALOGUE OF THE BuBMEisTEB, H. Organization of Trilobites. 4°. Lond. 1846. BuEN, Lt-Col. Naval and Military French Technical Dictionary. 12°. Lond, 1852. Same. 12°. Bost. 1853. BuKN, Rich. Statistics and History of Cot- ton Trade. 8°. Lond. 1847. BuBN, R. S. Agricultural Tour in Belgium, &c. 12°. Lond. 1862. Illustrated Geometry. 8°. Lond. 1853. Practical Ventilation. 12°. Lond. 1850. BuBNAP, G .W. Lectures on the Doctrines of Christianity. 12°. Bost. 1848. Lectures on the History of Christianity. 12°. Bait. 1842. Life of L. Calvert See Spaeks' Am. Biog., 2d Ser., v. 9. Objections to Unitarian Christianity An- swered. 18°. Bost. 1848. Sphere and Duties of Women. 16°. Bait. 1848. BuBNELL, G. R. Rudiments of Hydraulic Engineering. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1858. Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mortars, &c. 16°. Lond. 1857. BuENEs, Sir A. Cabool, Journey to and Res- idence in. 8°. Lond. 1842. BuENET, G. (Bp. of Sarum. ) Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles. 8°. Lond. 1827. History of his own T^me. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1724. Same. 8°. Lond. 1839. History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 3 v. f°. Dubl. 1730. Same. 3 v. in six. 18°. Lond. 1825. Nauwkeurige Voyagie door Italien, Switzerland, &c. (Dutch. ) 4°. Utrecht. 1687. BuENET, Jacob. Notes on the Early Settle- ment of the N. "W. Territory. 8°. N.Y. 1847. BxiENET, John. Education of the Eye with Reference to Painting. 4°. Lond. 1837. Landscape Painting in OUs. 4°. Lond. 1849. Practical Essays on the Fine Arts. 8°. Lond. 1848. Practical Hints on Composition. See Educ. of the Eye. Practical Hints on Color. See Educ. of the Eye. Practical Hints on Light and Shade. See Educ. of the Eye. BuBNET, John. Practical Hints on Portrait Painting. 4°. Lond. 1850. Progress of a Painter in the 19th Cen- tury. 12°. Lond. 1854. Rembrandt and his "Works. 4°. Lond. 1849. Turner and his Works. 4°. Lond. 1852. BuENETT, C. M. Insanity Tested by Science. 8°. Lond. 1848. . ' BuBNETT, G. Specimens of English Prose Writers to 1700. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1807. BuBNETT, G. T. Outlines of Botany. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1835. BuENETT, P. H. Path of a Protestant Law- yer to the Catholic Church. 8°. Lond. 1860. BuBNEY, C. History of Music. 4 v. 4° Lond. 1789. Same, abridged. See Busby, T. Memoirs of Metastasio. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1796. Present State of Music in France and Italy. 8°. Lond. 1773. BuBNEY, J. Discoveries in the Pacific, from 1579 to 1723. 4°. Lond. 1803. BuENHAM, G. P. History of the Hen Fever. 12°. Bost. 1855. BuENLEY, W. H. Present Condition of Trini- dad. 8°. Lond. 1842. BuENS, J. Cyclopaedia of Sermons. 8°. N.Y. 1856. BuBNS, R. Works. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. Same. See Bbitish Poets, v. 38-9. Address to the Deil. 12°. Loud. 1830. Correspondence with Clarinda. 12°. N.Y. 1843. Poems. 8°. Title wanting. Same. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1839. Same. 18°. Leip. 1845. BuENS Centenary, Boston, Jan. 25, 1859. Proceedings. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1859. BuEB, A. Private Journal and Correspond- ence. 8°. N.Y. 1838. BuBE, D. H. Atlas of New York State. P. N.Y. 1829. BuBE, Fearing, Jr. Field and Garden Vege- tables of America. 8°. Bost. 1863. Same. 8°. Bost. 1865. BuBE, Fred. Elements of Practical Geology. 12°. Lond. 1838. BuEE, L. G. Life of W. H. Harrison. 18°. N.Y. 1840. BuBEiLL, A. M. Law Dictionary and Glos- sary. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Treatise on Circumstantial Evidence. 8°. N.Y. 1856. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 59 I BBiTT, E. Thoughts and Things at Home and Abroad. 12°. Bost. 1854 AValk from London to John O'Groat's. 8°. N.Y. 18G4. — — Year Book of the Nations, for 1855. 12°. Lond. 1855. BuBRiTT, E. H. Geography of the Heavens. (With folio Atlas.) 12°. Hartf. 183G. Burroughs, S. Memoirs of his own Life. 2 V. in one. 12°. Albany. 1811. BuBBOw, E. J. Elements of Conchology. 12°. Lond. 1825. BuEEowEs, G. Disorders of Cerebral Circu- lation. 8°. Phil. 1848. BuEE0^\'K8, T. H. State Book of Pennsyl- vania. 12°. Phil. 1846. BuEEOws, M. Pass and Class; an Oxford Guide Book. 12°. Oxf. 1860. BuET, N. C. Hours Among the Gospels. 12°. Phil. 1865. BuET, W. A. , and Hubbard, B. Geography, etc. , of South Shore of Lake Superior. 16°. Detroit. 1846. BuETiN, F. X. de. Knowledge necessary to Amateurs in Painting. 8°. Lond. 1845. BuETON, E. Antiquities and Curiosities of Home. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1828. BuBTON, J. H. Book Hunter. 12°. Edin. 1862. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1862. History of Scotland, 1689-1748. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1853. Life and Correspondence of David Hume. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1846. Lives of Simon Lord Lovat and Duncan Forbes. 12°. Lond. 1847. Narratives of Scotch Criminal Trials. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Political and Social Economy. 12°. Edin. 1849. BuBTON, Eich'd. Ancient and Present State of London and Westminster. 4°. West- minster. 1810. BuETON, Rich'd F. Abeokuta and the Cam- aroons. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1863. City of the Saints, and Across the Kocky Mountains. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Falconry in the Valley of the Lidus. 12°. LontL 1852. First Footsteps in East Africa; Travels inHarar. 8°. Lond. 1856. Goa and the Blue Mountains. 8°. Lond. 1851. Lake Regions of Central Africa. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. 3 v. 8°. Lond, 1855. Burton, Rich'd F. Pilgrimage to El-Medi- nah and Meccah. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Scinde, or the Unhappy Valley. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1851. Sindh, and Races in the Valley of the Indus. 8°. Lond. 1851. BuBTON, Rob't. Anatomy of Melancholy. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1826. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1836. Same. 8°. Lond. 1845. Same. 8°. Lond. 1849. Same. 8°. Phil. 1859. Same. 3 v. 12°. N.Y. 1864. BuETON, T. Cromwellian Diary. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1828. BuBTON, Warren. Culture of the Observing Faculties. 16°. N.Y. 1865. District School as it Was. 16°. Bost 1850. Helps to Education. 12°. Bost. 1863. Burton, Wm. E. Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor. 2 v. r.8° N.Y. 1859. BuBY. See Blaze de Bury, Baroness. Buby, R. de. Philobiblion. 8°. Albany. '61. Busy, T. T. Rudimentary Architecture. 16°. Lond. 1853. Bubbequius, a. G. Travels in Turkey. 12° Lond. 1744. Busby, T. Grammar of Music. 18°. Lond. 1818. History of Music. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1819. Bush, Belle. Voices of the Morning. 16°. Phil. 1865. Bush, Mrs. F. Memoirs of the Queens of France. 2 v. 12°. PhiL 1847. Bush, G. Anastasis; or. Resurrection of the Body. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Hebrew Grammar. 8°. N.Y. 1839. Illustrations of Scripture. 8°. Brattle- boro'. 1836. Life of Mohammed. 18°. N.Y. 1830. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Mesmer and Swedenborg. 12°. N.Y. 1847. New Church Miscellanies. 12°. N.Y. 1855. The Past Required; a New Year's Ser- mon. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1855. The Soul ; Inquiry into Scripture Pyschology. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Treatise on the Millennium. 12°. N.Y. 1832. BCscH, J. G. Hamburgischen Handlung. 12°. Hamburg. 1797. BuscH, M. Hand-book for Travel in Egypt Transl. by Wrankmore. 12°. Trieste. 1858. 60 CATALOGUE OF THE BusHNAN, J. S. Fishes, their Structure, etc. See Natuealist's Library, Homoeopathy and the Homoeopaths. 16°. LoncL 1852. Philosox^hy of Instinct and Keason. 1G°. Edin. 1837. BusHNELL, C. J. First Three Business Tokens in N. Y. City. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Life of Levi Hanford. 8°. N. Y. 1863. BusHNELL, H. Barbarism the First Danger; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Christ and His Salvation. 12°. N.Y. 186-i. Christ in Theology. 12°. Hartf. 1851. Christian Nurture. 16° Hartf. 1847. Same, enlarged. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Fathers of New England; an Oration. (2d copy, P. 44.) 12°. N.Y. 1850. God in Christ. 12°. Hartf. 1849. Nature and the Supernatural. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Oration to Phi Beta Kappa, Aug. 1848. (P. 34.) 8°. Camb. 1848. Sermons for the New Life. 12°. N. Y. 1858. Work and Play ; Literary Varieties. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Busk, H. The Eifle, and How to Use It. 16°. Lond. 1858. Same. 16°. Lond. 1863. Busk, Mrs. Wm. History of Spain and Por- tugal. 8°. Lond. 1833. • Mediteval Popes, Kings, etc. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1854-6. BussEY, G. M. Fables, Original and Se- lected. 8°. Lond^ n.d. BussEY, G. M., and Gaspey, T. History of France and the French. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1843. History of Napoleon. 2 v. r. 8°. Lond. 1840. BuTCHEB, E. Prayers, for Families and Individuals. 8°. Lond. 1822. BuTLEE, B. F., of New York. Address on Constitutional History of N. Y. (P. 44. ) 8°. N.Y. 1848. Bepresentative Democracy in the United States; an Address. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1841. Butler, Gen. B. F. How to Prosecute and End the War; a Speech, April 2, 1863. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. BuTLEE, Caleb. History of Groton, Mass. 8°. Bost. 1848. BuTUEB, Caroline H. Life in Varied Phases. 8°. BoBt. 1857. Butler, Chas. Memoirs of English, Scotch, and Irish Catholics. 4 v. 8°. Lond. '22. Reminiscences. 2 v. 12°. Bost. and N.Y. 1824-7. Butler, Chas. The American Gentleman. 18°. Phil. 1836. ■ Same. 16°. Phil. 1849. The American Lady. 16°. Phil. 1836. BuTLEE, C. M. Modern Necromancy; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1854. St. Paul in Rome; a Series of Lectures. 12°. Phil. 1865. Butler, F. Sketches of Universal History. 8°. Ilartf. 1821. Butlee, Mrs. F. A. See Kemble, F. A. BuTLEE, G. Principles of Imitative Art. 8°. Lond. 1852. BuTLEE, H. D. Family Aquarium. 12°. N.Y. 1858. BuTLEE, J. (Bp. of Durham.) Works. 8°. Lond. 1828. Same. 12°. Lond. 1841. Analogy of Religion. 8°. Hartf. 1819. Same. 18°. Lond. 1826. Same. 12°. Camb. 1830. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Ethical Discourses and Essay on Virtue. Ed. by Champlin. 12°. Bost. . 1859. Three Sermons on Human Nature. 12°. Camb. (E.) 1849. Sequel to above ; Six Sermons on Moral Subjects. 12° Camb. (E.) 1849. Butler, j\I. History of Kentucky. 8°. Lex- ington. 1834. Butlee. S. Poems. 24°. N.Y. 1839. Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1835. Same. See Beitish Poets, v. 10. Poetical Remains^ with Notes by Thayer. 8°. Lond. 1827. Butler, Rev. S. Geographia Classica and Atlas. 2v. 8°. Phil. 1835-6. Butler, T. B. Philosophy of the Weather. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Butler, Wm. Allen. Martin Van Buren. 16°. N.Y. 1862. Two Millions. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Butler, Wm. Archer. Lectures on History of Ancient Philosophy. 2 y. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1856. Sermons, Doctrinal and Practical. 12°. Phil. 1856. Same. 2d Series. 12°. Phil. 1857. Butt, J. History of Italy, from Abdication of Napoleon I. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1860. Butter, W. Infantile Remittent Fever. (P. 58.) 8°. Lond. 1806. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 66 Campbkll, Wm. British India. Decline of Hindooism, etc. 8°. Lond. 1839. Crown Lands of Australia. 8^. Glasgow. 1855. Campbell, Wm. W. Annals of Tryon County. 8". N.Y. 1831. Same. 12°. N.Y. 18-18. Life and Writings of Do Witt Clinton. S°. N.Y. 1849. Memoir of Mrs. Judith S. Grant. 18°. N.Y. 1844. Campbell's Foreign Monthly Magazine. 4 v. 8°. Phil. 1842-3. Campe, J. H. El Nuevo Robinson. 3 v. 24^. Paris. 1825. Camper, P. Kindermoord. 8°. Leeuwarden. 1774. Campin, F. Mechanical Engineering. 8°. Phil. 1864. Can Woman Regenerate Society ? 16". Lond. 1844. Canada. Catalogue of Library of Parliament. 3 V. 8'. Toronto and Quebec. 1857-G2. Relations des Jesuites dans la Nouvelle France. 3 v. 8°. Quebec. 1858. Geological Survey Reports, 1852-56. 8°. Quebec and Toronto. 1853-7. Same, for 1857. (P.) 8°. Toronto. 1858 Same. Plans of Lakes and Rivers. 4° Toronto. 1857. Canada Directory; 1851, and 1857-8. r.8° Montr. 1851-7. Canada and the Oregon. Canadian Portfolio. (P. Candidus. Statement Garden Theatre. 1809. Candolle, a. P. de. Organograi^hie V^ge- tale. 2v. 8°. Paris. 1827. Canfield, H. J. Breeds and Management of Sheep. 12°. Salem, O. 1848. Canina, L. L'Architettura Antica. G v. f °. Rome. 1839-44. Cannabich, J. G. F. Lehrbuch der Geogra- phic. 8=. Ilmenau. 1823. Canning, G. Select Speeches. 8°. Phil. 1835. Speeclios, with Memoir by Thierry. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. Memoir. 2 v. in one. 12°. N.Y. 1830. Canning, J. D. Harp and Plow. 12°. Green- field. 1852. Caknon, J. 8. Lectures on Pastoral Theol- ogy. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Canons of Good Breeding. 18°. Phil. 1839. Cantatrice per Disgrazia. v. 1. 12*^. Parma 17G3. 5 12^. Lond. 1846. 55.) 8°. u.p. n.d. Respecting Covent (P. 25.) 8^. Lond. Cantu, C. Margherita Pusterla. 12°. Flor- ence. 1845. Histoire de Cent Ans (1750-1850). 3 y, 12°. Paris. 1852. Cap, p. a. Principes de Phannaceutique, 18°. Phil. 1830. Cape of Good Hope Association for Explor- ing Central Africa. Proceedings. (P.) 12°. Cape Town. 1833. Cape of Good Hope Literary Gazette. 3 v. 4°. Cape Town. 1830-33. Capefigue, B. H. R. Les Cours d'Amonr, etc. 12°. Paris. 1863. L'£glise, pendant les Quatre Demiers Siecles. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1854. Gabrielle d'Estr^es et la Politique de Henri IV. 12°. Paris. 1859. Histoire de Philippe Auguste. 5 v. 16°. Brux. 1830. Histoire de la Restoration. 4 v. 16°. Paris. 1848. La Ligue et Henri IV. 12°. Paris. 1843. i Louis XVL 12°. Paris. 1856. ' Philippe d'Orleans, Regent de France. 12°. Paris. 1845. La Reforme et Henri TV. 12°. Paris. 1843. La Reforme et la Ligue. 12°. Paris. 1843. Richelieu, Mazarin et la Fronde. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1844. La Soci6t6 et les Gouvemements de I'Europe. 4 v. 8=. Paris. 1849. Diplomatists of Europe. 16°. Lend. 1845. Capen, N. Indissoluble Nature of the Union. (P.) 8°.' Bost. 1862. Capendu, E. Cotillon U. 16°. Paris. 18G4. Les Coups d'£pingle. 16°. Paris. n.d. Marcof le Malouin. 16°. Paris. n.d. — — Le Marquis de Loc-Renan. 16°. Paris. n.d. Le Mat de Fortune. 8° N.Y. 1865. Pour un Baiser. 16°. Paris, n.d. Le Fri Catalan. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Capes, J. M. A Sunday in London. 12*. Lond. 1850. Capper, J. Emigrant's Guide to Australia, 12°. Liverp. 1853. Caprices; Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1849. C APRON, E. J. History of California. 12». Bost. 1854. Capron, E. W. Modem Spiritualism. 12*. Bost. 1855. Caraguel, C. Souvenirs d'un Volontaire de Garibaldi. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1861. CARD0Nira» D. D.! Miscellany of Eastern Learning. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1771. 66 CATALOGUE OF THK Cabdozo, J. N. Political Economy. 8°. Charleston. 1826. Cabew, T. Poetical Works. 12°. Edin. 1824. Same, ^ee Bkitish Poets, t. 4. Caeey, Alice. Lyra, and other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Man-ied, not Mated. 12°. N.Y. 1856. ■ Pictures of Countrj' Life. 12^. N.Y. '59. Poems. 16°. Bost. 1855. Caeey, Alice and Phoebe. Poems. 12°. Phil. 1850. Cabey, E. Memoir of W. Carey, D.D. 12°. Bost. 1836. Cabey, G. C. Arithmetic. 8°. Lond. 1818. Caeey, H. C. Credit System in France, Great Britain, and the U. S. 8°. Lond. 1838. Currency. 8°. Phil. 1840. Essay on Bate of Wages. 8°. Phil. 1835. Harmony of Interests (and other Essays, bound together). 8°. rar. p. var. d. Letters to the President. 8°. Phil. 1858. Letters to Hon. S. Colfax. 8°. Phil. 1865. Principles of Political Economy. 3 v. 8° Phil. 1838-40. Principles of Social Science. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1858-9. Prospect, at Opening of 1851. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1851. Slave Question. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1849. Slave Trade. 12°. Phil. 1853. Caeey, M. Addresses of the Phila. Society on National Industry. 12°. Phil. 1820. Common Sense Addresses to the South. (P. 10.) 8°. Phil. 1829. Essays on Political Economy. 8°. Phil. 1822. Internal Improvements of Pennsylvania. (P. 10.) 8°. Phil. 1831. Letters on the Colonization Societj'. 2d ed. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1832. Same. 7th ed. (P. 13.) 8°. Phil. 1833. New Olive Branch. 8°. Phil. 1820. . Same. 2d ed. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1821. Nine Letters to Dr. Seybert, on U. S. Bank. 8°. Phil. 1810. Non-renewal of U. S. Bank Charter. CP.) 8°. Phil. 1810. Olive Branch, 12°. Bost. 1815. Public Charities of Philadelphia. (P. 12.) 8°. Phil. 1830. Vindicise Hibemica?. 8°. Phil. 1837. (Pub.) American Pocket Atlas. 12°. thiL 1796. Caeey, Phoebe. Poems and Parodies. 16°. Bost. 1854. Cabibbeana; Letters and Essays on Various Subjects. 4°. Lond. 1741. Caeion, F. Johann Georg I. von Sachsen. Boman. 3 v. 16°. Leip. 1865. Caeitat, H. Catalogue of Approved Books. 8°. Lond. 1802. (Bound with the two following:) Catalogue of Library of Caritat's Lite- rary Boom. 8°. N.Y. 1803. Catalogue of Caritat's Circulating Li- brary. 8°. N.Y. n.d. Caelen, Emilie F. Der Einsiedler auf der Johannis-Klippe. 18°. Stuttg. 1856. Cakleton. See Coffin, C, C. Caeleton, G. Memoirs, by Himself. 8°. Edin. 1809. Caeleton, G. AV. Our Artist in Cuba. 16°. N.Y. 1865. Caet^ton, J. H. Battle of Bu^na Vista. 16°. N.Y. 1848. Keport on Mountain Meadows Massacre. (P.) 8°. Little Rock. 1860. Caeleton, J. W. Sporting Sketch Book. 12°. Lond. 1842. Caeli, J. E. Lettres Americaines. v. 1. 8°. Paris. 1788. Caeliee, a. L'Esclavage. 8°. Paris. 1862. Caelile, J. Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Mind. 10°. Lond. 1851. Caelile, W. Introduction to Practical Mathematics. 8°. Phil. 1854. Caelisle, F. Howard, Earl of Tragedies and Poems. 8°. Lond. 1801. Caelisle, G. W. F. Howard, Earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. 12°. Bost. 1855. Poetry of Pope, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Travels in Armenia, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Caelisle, Sir A. Preservation of Health and Prevention of Disease. 8°. Lond. 1838. Caelton, E. The New Purchase. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1843. Something for Everybodj^ 12°. N.Y. 1846. Caelyle, a. Autobiograi^hy. 12°. Bost. 1861. Caelyle, J. D. Specimens of Arabian Poetiy. 8°. Lond. 1810. Caelyle, T. Chartism. 12°. Bost. 1840. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 4 v. 12°. Bost. 1838-9. French Eevolution. 2 v. 12°. Bost 1838. Same. 3 y. 12°. Lond. 1839. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 67 C.vBLTLB, T. French llevolution. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 18G1. Same. 2 v. 12". N.Y. 1863. German liomauce ; Specimens and Notes. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Heroes and Hero Worship. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Same. See Sartor Resartns. History of Friedrich XL, called Tlie Great 5 v. 12°. N.Y. 185^-65. Ltitter Day Pamphlets. 12°. Bost. 1850. Life of Schiller. 12°. Bost 1833. Same. 12°. KY. 1837. Same. 12^. Phil. 1859. Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1845-9. Past and Present 12\ Bost 1843. Sartor Resartus. 18°. Bost 1836. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Same; also, Heroes and Hero Worship. 12°. Lond. 1863. Ca.bi.tle, T., Critical Essay on Writings of. 16°. Lond. 1853. Cabmichael, a. Memoir of J. G. Spurzheim. 12°. Bost 1833. Cakmichakl, Mrs. Five Years in Trinidad. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1834. Carnarvon, Earl of. Druses of the Lebanon. 8-^. Lond. 1860. Cabnes, J. A. Voyage to West Africa. 12°. Bost 1852. Caknochan, J. M. Address, on Study of Science. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. Congenital Dislocations of the Femur. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Exsection of the Entire Ulna. (P.) 8^ N.Y. 1854. Caroline Louisa, Princess of Wales. Letter to the Prince Begent (P. 26.) 8°. Lond. 1813. Carolinian (A). Slavery in the Southern States. (P.) 12°. Camb. 1852. Carpenteb, H. S. Transition; Memoir of Emma Whiting. 12^. N.Y. 1863. Carpentek, IMary. Address on Ragged Schools. (P.) 8°. Birmiughimi. 1861. Reformatory Schools. 8: Lond. 1851. Carpenter, T. C. Memoirs of Jeflfersou. 2 V. 8°. n.p. 1809. Carpenter, W. Angler's Assistant. 16°. Lond. 1848. English Synonymes, 18°. Lond. 1842. Carpenter, W. Introduction to the Study of the Scripture.s. 8^. Lond 1826. Carpenter, W. B. Animal Phy-siology. 12''. Lond. 1848. Correlation and Conservation of Forces. See YouMANs, E. L. Manual of Physiology. 16°. Lojul. 1846. Mechanical Philosophy, Horology and Astronomy. 12°. Lond. 1844. Microscope and its Revelations. 12^ Lond. 1856. Principles of Physiology. 8°. Phil. '51. Same, Revised by F. G. Smith. 8^ Phil. 1853. Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors. 8°. Phil. 1850. Zoology. 2v. 8° Lond. 1845. Carpenter, W. H. History of Massachusetts . 18°. Phil. 1853. Carpenter, W. H., and Arthur, T. S. His- tory of New Jersey. 18°. Phil. 1853. History of New York- 16^. Phil. 1853. History of Vennont 16°. Phil. 1853. Carpenter, W. W. Travels in Mexico. 12°. Lond. 185L ' Carpenter, .J. S. Trials of D. T. Chase, J. W. Fellows, and J. .Bull. (P.) 8^. N.Y. 1829. Carpmael, W. Law of Patents Explained. 8°. Lond. 1846. Reports of Patent Cases, v. 2. 8'. Lond. 1851. Carpzoviu.s, D. J. G. Critica Sacra Veteris Testanjenti. 4°. Leip. 1748. Cabr, D. C. Life of Linmeus. 12°. Holt. 1837. Care, Sir J. Caledonian Sketches. 8°. Lond. 1809. Northern Summer; Travels Bound the Baltic. 12°. Hartf. 1806. Stranger in France; a Tour to Paris. V. Loud. 1803. Same. 8°. Bait. 1805. Same. 12°. Brattleboro. 1806. Carr, T. S. Classical Pronunciation of Proper Names. 12°. Lond. 1842. Manual of Cla'=sical Mythology. 16"*. Lond. 1846. Carr, W. Dialect of Craven (Yorkshire). 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1828. Carrard, B. See Essays on Spiiit of Legis- lation. Carrel, A. Counter-Revolution in England under Charles II. and James 11. Also, Reign of James IL, by C. J. Fox. 12°. Lond. 1846. 68 CATALOGUE OF THE Cabret, E. L'Amazone. 6 v. 18°. Paris, 1856. Carkick, J. D. Life of Sir W. Wallace. 2 v. 18°, Edin. 1830. Cakrieke, E. Climat de I'ltalie. 8°. Paris. 1850. Carroll, Anna E. The Great American Battle. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Eelaiions of Government to Revolted Citizens. (P.) 8°. Wash. n.d. Reply to Mr. Breckinridge. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1861. Review of Pierce's Administration. 12°. Bost. 1856. Star of the West; or, National Men and Measures. 12°. N.Y. 1857. . Union of the States. (P.) 12°. Bost. y 1856. War Powers of the General Government. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1861. Carroll, B. R. Historical Collections of South Carolina. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 183G. Carson, A. Baptism Considered. 12°. N.Y. 1832. History of Providence as Manifested in Scripture. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Principles of Biblical Interpretation. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Carson, Caroline M. Soirees Litteraires. 12°. Phil. 1853. Carson, J. Illustrations of Medical Botany. 2 V. 4°. Phil. 1847. Lectures on Materia Medics^ and Phar- macy. 8°. Phil. 1863. Memoir of J. B. Rogers, M.D.; an Ad- dress. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1852. Carstairs, J. Lectures on the Art of Wri- ting. 8°. Lond. 1838. Manuel de Calligraphie. 18°. Paris. 1829. Methode d'ficriture. 8°. Paris. 1829. Carstensen, G., and Gildermeister, C. New York Crystal Palace. 4°. N.Y. 1854. Cartee, C. S. Elements of Map Drawing. 12°. Bost. 1859. Carter, Eliz. Letters to Mrs. Montague. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1817. Carter, J as. Two Lectures on Taste. 12°; Colchester. 1834. Carter, John. Specimens of Ancient Art in England. f°. Lond. 1838. Carter, N. H. Letters from Europe. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1827. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Carter, P. Crumbs from the Land o' Cakes. 16°. Best. 1851. Carter, P. Scotia's Bards. 8'^. N.Y. 1854, Carter, R. Summer Cruise on the Coast of New England. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Carter, R. B. Influence of Education and Training on Nervous Disease. 12°. Lond. 1855. Carter, T. History of the Reformation. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Cartwright, Miss F. D. Life of Slajor John Cartwright. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1826. Cartwright, W. Poems. See British Poets. V. 5. Carus, C. G. Anatomic Comi)ar6e. 2 v. 8°. and 4°. Brux. 1838. King of Saxony's Journey through Eng-' land and Scotland. 8°. Lond. 1846. Carus, W. Memoirs of Rev. C. Simeon, with Select Writings. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Caruthers, E. W. Life of Rev. D. Caldwell. 8°. Greeifsboro'. 1842. Revolutionary Incidents, 2d ser, 12°. Phil. 1856. Carvalho, S. N. Travel, Ac, with Fre- mont's last Expedition. 12°, N.Y. 1857. Carver, J. Travels in North America. 8°. Lond. 1781. Reisen durch Nord Amerika. 8°. Ham- burg, 1766-8. C.VRY, H. Memoir of Rev. H. F. Cary. 2 v. 8°. Lond, 1847. Memoirs of the Civil War in England. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1842. Testimonies of the Fathers to the Thirty-nine Articles, 8°, Oxf, 1835. Gary, H. F. Eariy French Poets. 18°. Lond. 1846. English Poets, Johnson to Kirke White. 18°. Lond. 1846. Cary, S. F. National Temperance Offering. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Cary, T. G, Memoir of T. H. Perkins. 8°. Bost. 1856. Case, W. Poems. Etiited, with Appendix, by Rev, S. Dodd. 12°, N,Y. 1852. Cases, Las. See Las Cases. Cases of Personal Identity. r.8°. Albany. 1854. Cases Relating to the Law of Railways. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1854-6, Casey, S, Infantry Tactics. 3 v. 24°. N.Y. 1862. Cash Book in Gujeratee Language. (MS.) 8°. Cass, L. Address to Hamilton College Alum- ni. (P. 42, 44.) 8°. Utica. 1830. Discourse to Amer. Hist. Society. (P. 42.) 8°. Wash. 1836. MERCANTILE LIBRARY, 69 Cass, L. Fmiice, its King, Court aiid Gov- enimeut, 8°. N.Y. 18i0. Same. ir. N.Y. 184L Speech on (jomiiromine, Mch. 13-14, 1850. (P. 31.) 8^. ii.p. n.d. Life of. (P.) 8^ Bait 1848. OnUinos of Life of. (P.) 8°. Albany. KSlS. CvssAGNAc. See Ctb.vnieb See Repertoire General, et<;. Chabert, J. B. de. Voyage dans TAmerique Septentrionale. 4°. Paris. 1753. Chaboulon, F. de. Memoirs of Napoleon in 1815. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1820. Chadwick, D. Financial Aspect of the Sani- tary Question; a Lecture. (P.) 8°. Manch. (E.) 1855. Chaffers, W. Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain. 8°. Lond. '63. Chaisneau, C. Atlas d'Histoire Naturelle. f°. Paris. 1802. Chaldee Reading Lessons. 12°. Lond. n.d. Chalkhill, J. Thealma and Clearchus; a Poem. 12°. Chisw. 1820. CiiALLEN, J. Christian Morals. 12°. Phil. 1859. Chalmebiana. See Gurnet, J. J. Chalmers, A. Biographical Dictionary. 32 V. in 16. 8°. Lond. 1812-17. History of University of Oxford. 2 v. 8°. Oxf. 1810. Index to British Essayists. 10°. Lond. 1808. Projector; a Periodical. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1815. Chalmers, G. Revolt of the American Colo- nies. 2 V. 8°. Bost. 1845. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1822. Poetic Remains of some Scottish Kings. 8\ Lond. 1824. Chalmers, T. Works. 8°. Phil. 1830. Same. 12 v. 12°. Glasg. n.d. Adaptation of Nature to Man. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1835. Same. 12°. Phil. 1833. Same. 8°. Phil. 1836. Application of Christianity to Ordinary Life. 12°. Bost. 1821. Correspondence. Ed. by Hannah. 8°. Edin. 1853. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1853. PoHtical Economy. 12° N.Y. 1832. MEKCANTILK LIBUARY. 71 Chalmeus, T. Posthumous Works. 8 v. 8^ Edin. 1847-9. IveveLition and Modem Astronomy. 8°. PhU. 1818. Sermous on Public Occasions. 12^. Glasg. 1835. Chalybaus, H. M. Speculntive Philosophy, from Kant to HeRel. S^. Edin. 1854. Chamberlain, N, H. Paper (m New Eng- land Architecture. (P.) 8^ Bost 1858. Chamberlaine, J. Designs from Bologna, Roman, Florentine and Venetian Schools. f°. Lond. 1812. Engravings from Designs of Carracci. f\ Lond. 1797. Portraits from Holbein's Court of Henry VIIL 4*=. Lond. 1828. Cuamberlayne, E. Angliae Notitia; or, Present Sttite of England. 12^ Lond. 1084. Chamberlayne, W. Pharonnida; a Poem. 2v. 10°. Lond. 1820. Chambers, R. Ancient Sea Margins. 8°. Edin. 1848. Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen. 4 v. Gksg. 1835. BookofDay.s. 2 v. r.8°. Edin. 18G2-3. Conditions of Health and Long Life. 18"^ N.Y. 184(5. Cyclopiedia of English Literature. 2 v. r.8^ Edin. 1844. Same. 2 v. r.8^ Lond. 1858-04. English Language and Literature. 8''. Hartf. 1837. Same. 4th ed. 10^ Edin. 1837. Iceland and the Faroe Islands. 12'^. Lond. 1850. Index to Heirs at Law and Next of Kin. 12^ Lond. 1847. Life and Works of Bums. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Life of King James L 2 v. 18^. Edin. 1830. Life of Sir W. Scott (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1832. Rebellions in ScoUand, 1038-00. 2 v. 10^. Edin. 1828. Same, 1089 and 1715. 10^. Edin. 1829. Same, 1745-0. 2 v. 10°. Edin. 1830. Scottish Songs and Ballads. 3 v. 12°. Edin. 1829. Select Writings. 7 v. 12°. Edin. 1847. Chambers, R. and W. Gazetteer of Scotland. 8°. Edin. 1850. Information for the People. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1842. Chambers, R. and W. Information for the People. 2v. 8°. PhiL 1800. Chambers, T. W. Memoir of T. Frelinghuy- sen. 8°. N.Y. 1803. Noon Prayer-meeting in Fulton St 12°. N.Y. 1858. Chambers, Thos. K. Lectures on Renewal of Lifkj. 8°. Phil. 1805. Chambers, W. Improved Dwelling-houses. r.8°. Lond. 1855. Things as they are in America. 12°. Phil. 1854. Tour in Holland and Belgium. 8°. Edin. 1839. Tour in Switzerland. 8°. Edin. 1842. Chambers, W. and R. Atlas for the People, 4°. Edin. 1847. Edinburgh Journal, v. 1-5. f°. Edin. 1832-0. Same, new series, v. 1-20. 8°. Edin. 1844-53. Same, American edition, v. 2, 7, 8, 12. f°. N.Y. 1833-43. Educational Course. 30 v. See the sep- arate works. Encyclopedia, v. 1^ 8°. Lond. 1800- 1802. Journal. V. 1-20. 8°. Lond. 1854^03. Same, new series, v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1804. Miscellany. 20 v. 12°. Edin. 1845. Papers for the People. 10 v. 8°. Edin. 1850. Pocket Miscellany, v. 1-2. 18°. Bost 1852. Repository, v. 1. 12°. Bost. 1853. Chamier, F. Review of French Revolution of 1848. 2v. 8°. Lond- 1849. Chamisso, L. a. von. Werke. 4 v. 12°. Leip. 1830. Champfleurt, Les Aventures de Mile. Ma- riette. 10° Paris. 1850. Le Bourgeois de Molinchart 12°. Paris. 1855. Contes d'Automne. 12°. Paris. 1854. Contes Domestiques. 12°. Paris. 1852. Contes Vieux et Nouveaux. 12°. Paris. 1852. Grandeurs de la Vie Domestique; also, M. de Boisdhy^'er. 4 v. 18°. Paiis. 1850. Champion, R. Great Britain and the United States. 8°. Lond. 1784. Champiain, Sieur de. D^couvertes de la Nouvelle France. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1830. Champlin, J. T. Greek Grammar. 12°. N.Y. 1852. 72 CATALOGUE OF THE CH.VMPOLLION Figeac, J. J. ^gypte An- cienne. 8°. Paris. 1843. Chancery Injunction ! Letters to the Prin- cess of Wales. Witli History of The Book, etc. (P. 26.) 8°. Lond. 1813. Chandlee, J. Life of William of Wykeham. 8^ Lond. 1842. Chandlek, J. E. English Grammar. 8^. Phil. 1847. Chandler, P. W. American Criminal Trials. 2v. 8°. Bost. 1861. Chandler, T. B. Life of S. Johnson, of I King's CoUege. 8°. N.Y. 1824. Changes in Commercial Systems of Foreign Nations. 8°. Wash. 1843. Channing, E. T. Life of W. Ellery. See Sparks' Am. Biog., 1st series, v. 6. Channing, Walter. Etherization in Child- birth. 8°. Bost. 1848. A Physician's Vacation. 8°. Bost. 1856. Channing, W. E, Address to Phil. Merc. Libr. Company. (P. 20.) 8^. PhU. 1841. Conversations in Rome. 8°. Bost. 1847. Discourses. 12'=. Bost. 1830. Discourses and Essays. 8°. Bost. 1830. Emancipation. (P.) 24°. N.Y. 1841. Lecture on War. (P. 19.) 8°. Bost. 1S39. National Literature. See Eeynolds, E. Eemarks on Scott's Napoleon. (P. 9 and 46.) 8°. Bost. 1827. Self-Culture. 12°. Bost. 1839. Sermon, Dedication of 2d Unitarian Church, N. Y. (P. 9.) 8°. N.Y. 1826. Sermon, Ordination of Eev. J. Sparks. (P. 50.) 12°. Bost. 1819. Slavery. 12°. Bost. 1836. Works. 5v. 12°. Glasgow. 1840. Same. 8°. Glasgow. 1840. La Esclavitud. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Channing, W. F. Municipal Electric Tele- graph. 8°. N. Haven. 1852. Channing, W. H. Memoir of W. E. Chan- ning. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1848. Memoir of J. H. Perkins. See Perkins, J. H. Sermon ; Ordination of Eev. J. W. Hig- ginson. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1847. Chantalon, T. de. Voyage a la Martinique. 4°. Paris. 1763. Chapin, a. B. Puritanism not Genuine Prot- estantism. 12°. Bost 1847. Chapin, E. H. Characters in the Gospels. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Christianity True Manliness. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Chapin, E. H. Discourses on the Beati- tudes. 16°. Bost. 1853. Same. 18°. Bost. 1853. Extemporaneous Discourses. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Humanity in the City. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Chapin, J. E. Historical Picture Gallery. V. 5. 4°. Bost. 1856. Chapin, L. B. Vegetable Kingdom. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Chapin, O. Chapin Genealogj% 8°. North- amjjton. 1862. Chapin Gathering, Springfield, Sept. 17, 1862. 8°. Springf. 1862. Chapman, F. W. Chapman Family. 8°. Hartf. 1854. Pratt Family. 12°. Hartf. 1864. Chapman, G. See Marlowe, C. Hymns of Homer, Batrachomyomachia, etc. , transl. ; also, two Original Hymns. 12°. Chiswick. 1818. Chapman, H. S. New Zealand Portfolio. 8\ Lond. 1843. Chapman, L A. History of Wyoming. 12°. Wilkesbarre. 1830. Chapman, J. Cheap Books and How to Get Them. 8°. Lond. 1852. Chapman, J. Cotton and Commerce of India. 8°. Lond. 1851. Chapman, J. G. American Drawing-book, parts 1-3. 4°. N.Y. 1847. Chapman, J. E. Instructions to Young Marksmen. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Chapman, N. Select Speeches. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1818. Chapman, E. Treatise on Eopemaking. 12°. Lond. 1858. Chapman, S. Sectional Map of Minnesota. Folded in 18°. Milw. 1855. Chapman, W. Book-keeping. 8°. Phil. 1823. Chapone, Mrs. H. Letters on the Improve- ment of the Mind. 18°. Bost. 1832. Chappe d'Auteroche, J. Voyage to Observe the Transit of Venus. 8°. Lond. 1778. Chappell, E. Voyage to Hudson's Bay. 8°. Lond. 1818. Chappell, W. Collection of National Eng- 1 lish Airs. 4°. Lond. 1838. I Chappus, a. M. E evolutions du Commerce. ! 18°. Paris. 1809. I Chaptal, J. A. Des Douanes et des Prohibi- i tions. 8°. Phil. 1819. j Chymistry Applied to Agriculture. 12^. i Bost. 1835. I Elements of Chemistry. 8°. Bost 1806. MERCANTILE LIBRARY, in Chapters in Telegraph History. S°. Roeh. 1861. Chapus, E. Les Soirees de Chantilly. 16°. Paris. 1855. Charactebistics of Men of Genius. 2 v. 12". Bost. 1847. Charity and the Clerpy. 12°. Phil. 1853. Charivari (Le). 11 vols. f°. Paris. 1843-55. Charke, Chnrlotte. Life, by Herself. Also, Antolnography of Marj- Robinson. 18°. Lond. 1828. Charles, Mrs. E. Mary the Handmaid of the Lord. 12°. N.Y. 18G5. Wanderings over Bible Lands and Seas. 16°. N.Y. 1866. Charles I. of England. Works; with Life. f°. Lond. 1687. Charles V. of Gemiany. See Bradford, W, Charles X. and Louis Philippe. Secret History of Revolution of 1830. 8°. Lond. 1837. Charleston, S. C. Report of City Commit- tee on Yellow Fever of 1858. (P.) 8°. Charleston. 1H5\). Charleston Book ; a Miscellany. 12°. Charleston. 1845. Charlestown Business Directory, 1850, '52, '64. 8°. Bost. and Chariest. 1850-64. Charlestown Municipal Register. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1864. Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoiro de St. Domingue. 4 v. 16°. Amst. 1733. History of Paraguay. 2 v. 8°. LoucL '69. Same.' 2 v. 8°. Dubl. 1769. Voyage to North America. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1761. Charlton, E. A. New Hampshire as It Is. 8°. Claremont. 1857. Charms of Benevolence, and Patriotic Mentor. 18°. Phil. 1814. Charnock, J. History of ^Marine Architec- ture. 3v. 4°. Lond. 1800. Charts, etc., of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. f°. N.Y. 1840-52. Charts, etc., of North America. f°. N.Y. 1844-52. Chase, G. W. History of Haverhill, Mass. 8^ Haverhill. 1861. Chase, F. E. Early History of New Hamp- shire and Vermont. 12°. Claremont. 1856. Chase, H., and Sanborn, C. W. North and South. 8°. Bost. 1856. Chase, L. B. History of Mr. Polk's Admin- istration. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Chase, Mary M., and hor Writings. 12°. Bost. 1855. Chase, S. P. Argument in Electric Tele- gi-aph Case. (P.) 8'^. N.Y. 1853. Chase, T. Hellas, her Monuments and Scenery. 12°. Camb. 1863. Ch.vsles, p. Le Dix-huitierao Siicle en Angleterre. 2 v. 16°. Pju-is. 1846. Etudes sur I'Antiquite. 18^. Paris. 1847. Etudes sur I'Espagne. IG . Paris. 1847. !£^tudes sur les Hommes au XlXme Si^cle. 16=. Paris. 1849. ^.£tudes sur Shakspeare, Marie Stuart, etl'Aretin. 16°. Paris. 1851. Litterature et Mceurs des Anglo-Ameri- cains. 16°. Paris. 1851. Mceurs et Voyages. 16°. Paiis. 1855. Les Camps et les Bivouacs Hougroi.s. 16°. Paris. 1855. Anglo-American Literature and ISIan- ners. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Notabilities in France and England. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Chastel, 8. Charity of the Primitive Churches. TransL by Matile. 12°. Phil. 1857. Chastellux, F. D., Marquis de. TraveLs in North America. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1787. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1828. Chateaubriand, R. F. A-, Vicomte de. Atala; R^ne; Les Abencerrages; Voyage en Amerique. 12". Paris. 1847. Chuto de I'Empire Romaiue. 4 v. 16*. Brux. 1831. G^nie du Christianisme. 5 v. 8°. Paris. 1816. Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1812. M^moircs d'Outre-Tombe. 12 v. 8°. Paris. 1849-50. Congress of Verona. 2 v. 8°. Lond. '38. Genius of Christianity. Transl. by White. 8°. Pbil. 1856. Memoirs, by Himself, v. 1. 12°. Lond. 1848. Recollections of Italy, Enghmd and America. 8°. Phil. 181(i. Sketches of Engli.sh Literature. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Chatelet, Duke de. Travels in Portugal. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1809. Chateliee, L. C, and others. Guide du M^- canicien Constructeur et Conducteur de Machines Locomotives. 2 v. Paris. 1851. Chatham, W. Pitt, Earl of. Corre-spondeuce. 4v. 8°. Loud. 1838-40. 74 CATALOGUE OF THE Chattaway, E. D. Railways in Great Britain and Ireland. 12\ Lond. 1855-6. Chatterton, T. Poems and Select Prose Writings, with Memoir. 2 v. . 16'^. Camb. (E.) 1842. Poems. See British Poets, v. 29. Same ; with Commentary by J. Milles. 4:\ Lond. 1782. Chatto, W. a. History of Playing Cards. 8°. Lond. 1848. Third Preface to "Wood Engra\dng." (P.) 8^. Lond. 1839. Chaucer, G. Canterbury Tales and Other Poems. 2v. 18^. Lond. n.d. Canterbury Tales Modernized. 3 v. 8"^. Lond. 1742. Legende of Goode Women. Ed. by Cor- son. 12°. Phil. 18G3. Poems. 5 V. 12^^. Chiswick. n.d. Poems. See British Poets, v. 1. Poems, with Essay, by Tyrwhitt. 8°. Lond. 1847. Select Poems, ed. by Deshler. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Chaudon, L. M. Memoirs of Voltaire. 8°. Lond. 178G. Chaumonot, p. J. M. La Vie. (Written 1G88). 12^. N.Y. 1858. Suite de La Vie. 12°. KY. 1858. Chautard, L. Escapes from Cayenne. (P.) 8°. Salem. 1857. Chauvenet, W. Spherical and Practical As- tronomy. 2 V. 8°. Phil. 1864. Cheeseman, L. Ishmael and the Church. 12°. Phil. 1856. Cheetham, J. Life of Thomas Paine. 8°. N.Y. 1809. Cheever, G. B. American Common-place Book of Prose. 12°. Bost. 1837. Bible in Public Schools. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Century of Preparation; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Curse of God on Political Atheism; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1859. Defence of Capital Punishment; also, Lewis on the Death Penalty. 12°. N.Y. 1846. God against Slavery. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Guilt of Slavery. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Hill Difficulty, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1849. (.Ed'r. ) Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 12°. N.Y. 1848. On the Life of Cowper. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Pilgrim in the Shadow of the Jungfrau. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Cheever, G. B. Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mt. Blanc. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Powers of the World to Come. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Studies in Poetry. 12°. Bost. 1830. Windings of the River of the Water of Life. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Cheever, H. T. (Ed'r.) >See Congar, O. Au- tobiography. Island World of the Pacific. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Life in the Sandwich Islands. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Life and Trials of a Y^outhful Christian. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Reel in a Bottle. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Tract on Church Fellowship with Slave- holders. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. Voices of Nature to the Soul. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Whale and his Captors. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Chelsea (Mass.) Directory, 1864. 8°. Chel- sea. 1864. Chemical. Gazette. v. 1-15. 8°. Lond. 1843-57. Chemist (The). A Chemical Journal, v. 1; also, new ser., v. 1-5. 8°. Lond. 1849-58. Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies. See Library of Useful Knowledge, v. 13. Chemistry, Elements of. 16°. Lond. 1831. Chenevix, R. Essay on National Character. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1832. Chenier, a. Poesies, avec un Notice par Latouche. 16°. Paris. 1851. Chenier, M. J. de. Poesies Diverses. 12°. Paris. 1818. Cherokees and U. S. Government, Relations of. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Cherbuliez, v. Un Cheval de Phidias. 16°. Paris. 1864. Le Comte Kostia. 16°. Paris. 1816. Le Prince Vitale. 16°. Paris. 1864. Chesney, F. R. Past and Present State of Fire-Arms. 8° Lond. 1852. Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828-9. 8°. Lond. 1854. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1854. • Survey of the Euphrates and Tigris. 2 V. r.8° N.Y. 1850. Chess Hand-Book. By an Amateur. 12°. Phil. 1859. Chess Monthly, v. 1-4. 8°. N.Y. 1857-60. Chess Player's Chronicle. 1st ser., 12 v., 1841-51; 2d ser., v. 4; 3d ser., v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1841-61. Chess Player's Hand-Book. 24°. Bost. 1844. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 16 . ! sTER, E. W. Address to 7th Ward (N. Y. ) Am. Eopublicau Association. (P. 23. ) 12°. n.p. n.d. ;Jhesterfield, Lord. Works. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1779. Same, ed. by Lord Mahon. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. - Letters to his Son. 8°. (Title wanting. ) -Same. 12^. N.Y. 1858. -Same. 8°. Phil. 18G4. -Same. 12=. Phil. 18G5. [!iiE.sTERnEL,D Tmvesti ; or, School for Mod- em Manners. 12\ Phil. 1812. Chesterton, G. L. Proceediu.cjs in Venezuela, 1819-20. 8°. Loud. 1820. Ohevaixer, E. La Huronne. 1G°. Paris. 1804. CHEVAiiEER, H. E. Peaux-Rouges et Peaux- Blanches. 16°. Paris. 1864. Chevalier, J. D. Les Maladies etlesPlantes de St. Domingue. 16°. Paris. 1752. -Same. 2 v. 8°. Paris. ' 1820. Chevauer, M. Mexico, Ancient and Modem. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1804. - Mexico Before and After the Conquest. 8°. Phil. 1840. - Probable Fall in Value of Gold. Ed. byCobden. 8=. N.Y. 1859. Society and Politics in the .U. S. 8°. Bost. 1839. Chevallier, a., Lamy, and Robiquet. Dic- tionnaire des D^uomimitions Chim- iques et Pharmaceutiques. v. 1. 8°. Paris. 1853. Ohevallier, T. Lecture on Study of Mathe- matics. (P. 16.) Durham. (E.) 1836. Cheves, L. Speech at Nashville Conven- tion. (P. 31.) 8°. n.p. 1850. Chevbeul, M. E. Harmony and Contrast of Colors. 12° Lond. 1855. Chevy Chase, a Poem. 4°. Lond. 1813. Chew, S. Lectures on Medical Education. 12°. Phil. 1804. Cheyne, G. Life, with Extracts from Writ- ings. 10°. Oxf. 1846. Principles of Religion. 8°. Lond. 1715. Chicago (City). Annual Review of Trade (from Chicago Tribune), for 1857-60, '63. (P.) 8°. Chic. 1858-64. Chicago Reform School. Annual Reports, 2d-8th. (P.) 8°. Chic. 1857-64. Chicago Report on Sewerage of European Cities. (P.) Chic. 1858. Chicago Board of Trade. Annual Statements. 3d and 4th. 8°. Chic. 1801-2. Same, Ist, 2d, 5th. (P.) 8°. Chic. 1859-63. Chicaoo Directory, 1844, '57, '64-6. 8°. Chic. 1844-65. Chicago River and Harbor Convention, 1847. Memorial and Proceedings. (P. 47.) 8°. Albany. 1848. Chichester, D. Early History of Mt. Mor- ris, N.Y. ; a Discourse. (P.) 8°. Gene- see. 1855. CHiCKASfAUGA the Price of Chattanooga. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1864. Chickabaw Nation. Constitution, Laws and Treaties. 8°. Tishemingo City. 1860. Chickerino, J. Immigration into the United States. 8°. Bost 1848. Chickering, J. W. Sermon, on Death of Rev. J. Bennett (P.) 8°. Bost. 1847. Child, D. L. (Ed'r.) -See Pebson, W. Life and Writings. Slavery under the Laws of War. (P. ) 12°. Bost 1861. Child, F. J. English and Scottish Ballads. 8 V. 12°. Bost 1857. Child, Mrs. L. M. Anti-slavery Catechism. (P. 19.) 18°. Newburj-port. 1839. Appeal in Favor of Africans. 12°. Bost. 1833. Autumnal Leaves. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Biographies of Good Wives. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Condition of Women in Various Ages. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Coronal; a Miscellany. 18°. Bost. 1832. , Correspondence with Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason. (P.) 12°. Bost 1860. Isaac T. Hopper; a True Life. 12°. Bost 1853. Letters from New Y'^ork. 12°. Bost. 1844. Same. 2d series. 12°. Bost 1845. Looking Toward Sunset 12°. Bost. 1865. ^Memoirs of Mmes. de Stael and Roland. 18°. N.Y. 1847. Progress of Religious Ideas. 3 v. 12°. N.Y. 1855. The Right W^ the Safe Way. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1862. Child-criminal (The), How Should he be Treated? (P.) 12°. Lond. n.d. Children's Aid Society. Annual Reports, lst-12th. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854-65. Facts in its Work. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Children's Story; a Book of Good and Great Men. 12°. N.Y. n.d. Chillingworth, W. Works. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1920. 76 CATALOGUE OF THE China Mission Advocate; a Magazine. 8°. Louisv. 1839. Chinese Repository, v. 1-3. 8°. Canton. 1833-5. Chiosso, Capt. Gymnastics in National Ed- ucation. (P.) 8^. Lond. 1851:. Chlpman, R. M. History of Harwinton, Conn. 8°. Hartf. 1860. Chipman, S. Poor-houses in tlie State of New York. 8°. N.Y. 1835. Chikchmair, M. Grammatica della Lingua Tedesca. 18°. Venice. 1778. Chittenden, L. E. Proceedings of Peace Convention, Washington, 18G1. 8°. N.Y. 1864. CmTTT, J. Law of Bills of Exchange. 8 \ Lond. 1803. Same. Ed. by Hulme. 8°. Springf. 1842. Law of Contracts. 8°. Springf. 18-18. Chivers, T. H. Virginalia; or, Songs of ray Summer Nights. 12°. Phil. 1853. Choate, R. Works, with Memoir. 2 v. S°. Bost. 1862. Discourse on Daniel Webster. (P. ) 8° Bost. 1853. Choice Examples of Art Workmanship, f °. Lond. 1851. Choice Notes from Notes and Queries. 16°. Lond. 1858. Chopin, and Ubicixi, A. Provinces Danu- biennes et Roumaines. 8°. -Paris. 1856. Chokley, H. F. See Collas, A. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1836. Music and Manners in France and Ger- many. 3 V. 4°. Lond. 1844. Thirty Years' Musical Recollections. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1862. Choblton,W. The Cold Graperj'. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Choules, J. G. Cruise of the North Star. 12°. Bost. 1854. Oration, 4th Anniversarj-- of the Ameri- can Institute. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1842. Chretien, C. P. Essay on Logical Method. 8°. Oxf. 1848. Christern, F. W. Catalogues of Books, etc., published in Germany, 1855-65. 8 parts. 12°. N.Y. 1855-65. Christian ABC; Alphabets with Texts. 18°. Bost. 1858. Christian Alliance of N. Y. City. Annual Re- ports, 1-2. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861-62. Christian Examiner. - v. 1-77. 8°. Bost. 1824r-64. Christian Florist ; Names of Plants, \iith Texts. 24°. Phil. 1835. Christian Indian; or. Times of the First Set- tlers. 12°. N.Y. 1825. Christian Missionary Civilization. 8°. Lond. 1842. Christian Missions; Travels, etc. , of English Missionaries. 12°. Lond. 1832. ! Christian Observer, v. 1-3; 10-15, and v. lofnewser. 8°. Bost. and N.Y. 1820- 1843. Christian Observer. v. 10-28. 8°. Lond. I 1847-1864. Christfan Parlor Book. 6 v. 8°. N.Y. 1850- 1855. Christian Remembrancer, v. 15-47. 8°.* Lond. 1848-64. Christian Retirement. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Christian Review, v. 15-28. 8°. N.Y. 1850- 1863. Christian Scholar. 12°. Oxf. 1849. Christian Spectator, v. 1-5. 8°. N. Haven. 1819-1823. Christian Theism. 8°. Lond. 1845. Christian Traveller; Western Africa. 8°., Lond. 1841. Christian Union. Statement of Principles. (P.). 8°. N.Y. 1843. Christian Views ; a Series of Discourses. 12°. Bost. 1848. Christian Work Throughout tl^e World. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1863-4. Christiani, C. Unterricht fiir Werdende Kaufleute. 12°. Hanover. 1790. Chrlstianity; the Deliverance of the Soul and its Life. 16°. Bost. 1847. Christie, R. Military, etc. , Operations in the Canadas, 1812-15. 12°. Quebec. 1818. Christison, R. Granular Degeneration of the Kidneys. 8°. Phil. 1838. Treatise on Poisons. 8°. Edin. 1836. Christison, R., and Grittith, R. E. Dis- pensatory'- of Great Britain and the U. S. 8°. Phil. 1848. Christmas, H. Cradle of the Twin Giants, Science and Historj-. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1849. Echoes of the Universe. 12°. Phil. 1850. Hampden Controvers5\ 8°. Lond. 1848. Life of Nicholas I. of Russia. 16°. Lond. 1854. Shores and Islands of the Mediterra- nean. 3 V. 12°. Lond. 1851. Sultan of Turkey. 12°. Lond. 1854. -.Universal Mythology. 16°. Lond. 1837. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 77 iciSTMAS, Miss. (E(Vr). Blots on the Es- cutcheon of Kome. 12''. Lond. 1851. Christmas Carols, %vith Music. S°. Lond. 183G. Christmas with the Poets. 8°. Lond. 1851. Christy, D. Cotton is King. 12^. N.Y. 185G. Ethiopia; Her Gloom and Glorj-. 12°. Cine. 1857. Chronicles of the Bastile. 8". N.Y. 1859. Chronicles of Cooperstown. 12^. Cooperst. 1838. Chronicles of the Crusades of Richard I. and of St. Louis. 12°. Lond. 1848. Chronique du Journal General de I'lmpri- merie, etc. v. 1. 8°. Paris. 1859. Chronological Tables of Ancient and Mod- em History. f°. Oxf. 1835-40. Chrysostom, St. John. Homilies on the Gospel of St. John. Part I. 8^ Oxf. 1848. CHtruBUCK, E. See Judson, Mrs. E. C. Church, A. Discourse, Gth Anniversary of the Georgia Hist. Society. (P.) 8°. Sa- vannah. 1845. Church, A. E. DiflFefential and Integral Calculus. 8^. N.Y. 1850. Church, J. Cabinet of Quadrupeds. 2 v. 4''. Lond. 1805. Church, P. Philosophy of Benevolence. 12° N.Y. 1836. Prize Essays on Religious Dissensions. 12^ N.Y. 1838. Church, T. History of King Philip's War. 18°. Exeter, N.H. 1829. Church Anti-Slavery Society Convention, Worcester,' 1859. (P.) 8^ N.Y. 1859. Church of England Magazine, v. 7-13. 8^. Lond. 1839-42. Church of England Quarterly, v. 5-14, and 36-44. 8°. Lond. 1839-58. Church of the Epiphany, Phil. Statement as to Resignation of Rector. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1856. Church Monthly, v. 1-7. 4° and 8°. Bost. 1861-4. Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn. Manual, CP.) 16°. N.Y. 1859. Church Poetry. 18°. Lond. 1847. Church Review. See American Quarterlj* Church Review. Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. r.8°. Carab. (E). 1845. Church of England. Homilies; Appointed under Queen Elizabeth. 8°. N.Y. 1815. Churchill, C. Poems. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1763. . Same. Ed. by W. Tooke. 3 v. J2°. Boat. 1854. Churchill, C. H. Mount Lebanon; a Ten Years' Residence. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1853. Churchill, F. Diseases of Females. 8°. Phil. 1839. Diseases of Pregnancy and Child-bed. 8°. Phil. 1850. Churchill, J. F. Treatise on Pulmonary Phthisis. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Churchman (A). Caste and Slavery in the American Church. (P. 22.) 8°. N.Y. 1843. Churchman, J. Account of his Gospel Labors. 8°. Lond. 1781. Churi, J. H. Sea Nile, the Desert, and Nigritia. 8°. Lond. 1853. Churton, E. Universal Amanuensis. 18°. Lyons. 1841. Chubton, Rev. E. Early English Church. 12°. N.Y. 1842. CiBBEB, C. Apology for his Life. 8°. Lond. 1740. Same. 18°. Lond. 1828. Careless Husband; a Comedy. (P. 75.) 18°. Lond. 1725. Dmmatic Works. 5 v. 16°. Lond. 1735-6. Cicero, M. T. Opera Omnia. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. DeOratore. 8°. N.Y. 1823. Same, wit^j English Notes. 12°. Bost. 1823. Dialogus de Partitione Oratoria. 12°. Lyons. 1554. Epistolao ad Lentuhmi et Alios. 12°. Paris. 1541. Orationes Selectae. 12°. Bost. 1836. Rhetoriea. 24°. Lyons. 1560. Tusculan Disputiitions, Dreimi of Scipio, etc. (Latin), with English Notes by Chase. 16^. Camb. 1851. Same, with English Notes by Anthon. 12<=. N.Y. 1852. Epistles to Atticus.^ TransL by Guthrie. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1806. De Finibus. Transl. by Parker. S**. Lond. 1812. Letters to his Friends. TransL by Melmoth. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1814. Last Two Pleadings Against Verres. Transl. by Kelsall. 8°. Lond. 1812. Nature of the Gods. 8°. Lond. 1741. Orations, transl. by Duncan; Ofl&ces, by Cockman; Cato and La^lius, by Mel- moth. 3v. 16°. N.Y. 1856. Same. Transl. by Guthrie. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. 7B CATALOGUE OF THE CiCEKo, M. T. Orations. Transl. literally by Yonge. 2 v. 16°. Loud. 1851-2. ■' Oratoiy and Orators. 2 y. 8°. Lond. 1808. Kepublic. Transl. by Featherstonliaugli. 12° N.Y. 1829. Tusciilan Disjiutations. 8°. Lond. 1758. Same. 12=. Lond. 1841. Same. 12'^ N.Y. 1852. CiEZA, P. de. Seventeen Y'ears' Travel in Peru, etc. 4°. Ijond. 1709. Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. Annnal Keview of Trade, 1850-1864. (P. and P. 33.) 8°. Cine. 1850-64. Reply to McLean on the Falls of the Ohio. (P.) 8°. Cine. 1853. Cincinnati Directory, 1819, and 1849-65. 8^ Cine. IS 19, and 1849-65. CiECLE of the Sciences. 5 v. 32^. LoncL 1787-93. CmcuiiATiNG Credit, with Hints on Banking. 8°. Edin. 1832. CiST, C. Cincinnati in 1841. 12^. Cine. 1841. — — Cincinnati in 1851. 12^. Cine. 1851. Cities and Principal Towns of the AVorld. V. 1. 12°. Lond. 1830. City; or Physiology of London Business. 12° Lond. 1845. City Election Hand-book. 8°. N.Y. 1844. City of London Literary and Scientific Insti- tution. Catalogue of the Library . 16°. Lond. 1835. CiviALE, J. Medical Treatment of Stone and Gravel. 8^. Phil. 1841. Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, v. 1-20. 4°. Lond. 1838-57. Civil War in PortugiU. 8°. Lond. 1836. Claggett, E. Elocution IMade Easy. 12''. N.Y. 1856. Claiborne, J. F. H. Life of Gen. Sam Dale. 12^. N.Y. 1860. Life of Gen. Quitman 2 v. 12°. NY. 1800. Clabidge, E. Cholera, its Cure by Hydrop- athy. (P.) 8". Lond. 1849. Facts in Support of Hydropathy. 8^. Lond. 1844. Clabk, B. C. Plea forHayti. 2d ed. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1853. Claek, C. John Noakes and Mary Styles; with Glossary. 12°. Lond. 1839. Clabk, D. W. Elements of Algebra. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Life of Bishop Hedding. 12°. N.Y. '55. CL.U1K, E. L. Daleth; or, Egypt Illustrated. 8°. Bost. 1804. Inscriptions in Christ Church Burial Ground, Phil. 12^. Phil. 1864. Claek, F. G. Sermon, 7th Anuiver.sary of his Installation. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. Claek, G. Memoranda Legalia, a Digest of English Laws. 8°. Lond. 1800. Claek, Henrj'. Address, 82d Anniversarj'- of Battle of Hubbardton. (P.) 8°. Rut- land, Vt. 1859. Clark, H. G. Plan for City Hospital. (P. ) 8°. Bost. 1800. Clark, Hugh. History of Knighthood. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1784. Clark, Jas. Sanative Influence of Climate. 12°. Phil. 1841. Same. 8°. Lond. 1841. Clark, John. Drawing and Perspective. 16° Edin. 1837. Drawing and Water Colors. 12°. Lond. 1849. Clark, J. A. Gathered Fragments. 12°. Phil. 1836. Glimpses of the Old World. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1840. Memoir of Anzonetta R. Peters. 12°. Phil. 1837. Clark, J. H. Sight and Hearing; how Pre- served, &c. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Clark, J. T. C. Flower-gaiden Directory. 8°. Wash. 1856. Claiborne, N. H. jS^otes on the War in the \ Clark, J. V. H. Lights and Lines of Indian Character. 12°. S;^-racuse. 1854. • Onondaga; or; Reminiscences. 2 r. 8". Syracuse. 1849. Clark, Jos. S. Congi-egational Churches in Ma.s.s., 1620 to 1858. 8^. Bost. 1858. Clark, L. Semi-centennial Sermon, to N.Y. East Conference. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Clark, L. G. Knickerbocker Sketch Book. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Clark, N. G. Elements of English. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Clark, R. W. Life Scenes of the Messiah. ; 12°. Bost. 1855. ! South. 12°. Richm. 1819. Claiebois, v. de. Naval Architecture. 8^. Lond. 1846. Clapp, T. Autobiographical Recollections. 12°. Bost. 1858. Clarence, C. W. Biographical Sketch of Ralph Farnham. (P.) 16°. Bost. 1860. Clarendon, E. Hyde, Earl of. Histoiy of the Reboilion.S v. 8°. Oxf. 1707. Same. 6 v. 8°. Oxf. 1827. ■ Life, by Himself. 3 v. 8°. Oxf. 1759. State Papers, from 1621. 3 v. 8°. Oxf. 17G7. MBBCANTILE LIBRARY. S. A. History of 8i John's Church, Elizabothtown, N. J. 12^. Phil. 1857. Clark, S. W. English Grammar. 12^. N.Y. 1847. Clakk, T. Hand-book of Comparative Grammar. 8^. Lond. 18G2. Clark, T. M. Oration, July 4, 18G0. (P.) 8^. Prov. 1860. Term Sermon, Nov. 5, 1854 (P.) 8". Hartf. 1854. Clark, U. Guide to Spiritualism. 12^ Bost. 1803. Clark, W. History of England. 12°. Cine. '52. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Clark, W. G. Gazpacho ; or Summer Months in Spain. 12^ Lond. 1850. Liteniry Remains. Ed. by L. G. Clark. 8° N.Y. 1844. Clarke, Adam. Bible, with Commentary and Notes. 6 v. 8° N.Y. 1831-48. Life; by Himself. 12\ N.Y. 1833. Life; by Himself and Daughter. 8°. Lond. 1841. Succession of Sacred Literature. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830-1. Glarke, Andrew. Tour in France, Germany and Switzerland. 12°. Lond. 1843. Clarke, C. C. Shakspeare Characters. 8°. Lond. 1863. Clarke, E. D. Travels in Europe, Asia and Afrieii. 11 v. 8°. Lond. 1816-24. Same. v. 1-6 only. 12"". N.Y. 1815. Same. v. 1-2 only. 12°. N.Y. 1813. Same. v. 1-2 only. 8^ Edin. 1839. Clarke, F. Camiwigu of 1812. See Camp- bell, M. Life of Hidl. Clarke, T. G. Book-kt<'piug l)y Double Entry. 8". PorUand. 1841. I Clarke, F. L., and Dunlap, W. Life of Lord WelUngton. 8°. N.Y. 1814. j Clarke, Jas. F. Christian Doctrine of For- giveness of Sin. 12^. Bost. 1852. j Eleven Weeks in Europe. 12''. Bost. 1852. Poem before Phi Beta Kappa. (P. 34.) 8°. Bost. 1846. , Theodore Parker and his Theology ; a Senuou. (P.) 8°. Bosst. 1859. Clarke, Jas. S. Progress of Maritime Dis-' covcry. 4°. Lond. 1803. Clarke, John. Cause and Origin of Evil. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1720. Essay on Study. 18°. Lond. 1737. Clarke, McDonald. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Clarke, M. St. C, and Hall, D. A. Con- tested Elections. ,SV^ United States. History of U.S. Bank. 8°. Wash. 1832. Clabke, Mrs. M. C. Concordance to Shakr speare. 8°. Bost. 1853. Clarke, S., and Williams, J. C3'clopa3dia of Commerce and Commercial Law. 4°. Lond n.d. Clarke, Sara T. See Lippincott, Mre. S. T. Clarke, T. B. Disorganizations of Europe. 8°. Lond. 1803. Clabkson, T. Essay on Slavery. 8°. Lond. 1786. History of Abolition. 3 v. 12°. N.Y 1836. Same, abridged by Lewis. 12°. Wil- mington. 1816. Life of William Peun. 2 v. 12". Phil. 1814.* Portraiture of Quakerism. 3 v. 8^ N.Y. 1806. Researches Concerning God and He- ligion. 8°. Lond. 183G. Classical Museum. 5 v. 8^. Loud. 1844- 1848. Claude, J. On the CompoEitjon of a Ser- mon- 12°. Lond. 1849. CiiAUDiANUs, C. Opera Omnia. See Vai^x'b Delphin Classics. Same. See Walreb, G. S. Corpus Po- etarum Latinorum. Works. Transl. by Hawkins. 2 v. 8*1 Lond. 1817. Claudio. Antidote to Poison; on Answer to Mr. Jeffeiys. (P. 28.) 8° Lond. 1806. Claveau, a. Nouvelles Oontemptiraines. 12^. Piiris. 1860. Clavic.ero, F. S. History of Mexico. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1817. Claxton, T. Life of, by Himself. 12°. Bost. 1839. Clay, C. M. Writings. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Clay, H. Address Refuting Gem Jackson's Charges. (P. 41.) 8°. Lexington. 1837. Correspondence. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Speech on Sub-Treasury, Feb. 19. 1838. (P. 56.) 8°. Troy. 1838. Speeches. Ifcd. by Colton. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Same. Ed. by Mallcry. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Clay, J. C. The Swedes on the Delaware. 18°. Pbil. 1835. Clay, W. L. Memoir of Kev. J. Clay. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1861. Clayton, Ellen C. Queens of Song. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Clayton, G., Jr. Angelolog5\ 8°. N.Y. 1851. O1.AYTON, R. (Bishop of Clogher). Jouniid from Cairo to Sinai. 12°. Lond. 1753. 80 CATALOGUE OF THE CiiEAVELAKD, E. L. Sermon on Death of Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1852. W., and Backus Brothers. Village Homes. 8° N.Y. Banking System of State of , 8°. N.Y. 1857. Directory for Visitors. 1G°. 2v. 12°. 12" CLEAVEIiAND, H. American 1864. Cle.a^t:land, J. New York. Cleaveland, N. N.Y. 1849. Olegg", S., Jr. Treatise on Coal Gas. Lond. lvS41. Same. 2d ed. 4°. Lond. 1853. Cleghorn, G. Ancient and Modern Art. 16°. Edin. 1848. Cleghorn, J. System of Agrtculture. Edin. 1831. Clement, J. Memoir of A. Judson. Auburn. 1851. Clejient, p. Portraits Historiques. Paris. 1855. Clements, G. Customs Guide for 1851 and 1852-3. 2v. 12^. Lond. 1850-3. Clerk, J. Naval Tactics. 4P. Lond. 1790. Clerk's and Magistrate's Assistant. 12"^. Poughkeepsie. 1834. Clerke, T. W. Rudiments of American Law and Practice. 8°. N.Y. 1842. Cleviiland, C. D. Compendium of Ameri- can Literature. 12^. Phil. 1858. Compendium of English Literature. 12°. Phil. 1847. - — Same. 12°. Phil. 1864. English Literature of the 19th Century. 12°. Phil. 1851. Cleveland, H. R. Life of H. Hudson. .See Sparks' Am. Biog., 1st Ser., v. 10. Cleveland, H. "W. S. Hints to Riflemen. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Cleveland, R. J. Voyages and Commercial Enterprises. 2 v. 12°. Camb. 1842. Cleveland (City). Inaugiu-ation of the Pcny Stittue. (P.) 8°. Cleveland. 1861. Cleveland Directory, 1864-5. 8°. Cleveland. 1864. * CiJAB, P. H. Gj'^mnastic Exercises. Lond. 1825. Clifford, E. Fractional Arithmetic. Lend. 1842. Clifford for Ever I Trial of Clifford Brandon for Assault. (P. 25.) Lond. 1809. Clinton, De Witt. Discourse before N.Y. Hist. Society. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1812. — — Letters on Natural History and Internal ' Resources of New York. 12°. N.Y. 1822. 8= vs. 8°. Clinton, De Witt. Memoir on Antiquities of Western New York. (P. 41.) 8°. Albany. 1818. Speeches to the Legislature, 1817-23. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1823. Tribute to Memory- of. 12°. Albany. 1828. Clinton, G. W. Address to Hort. Society of Western New York. (P.) 8°. Canan- daigua. 1830. Address to N.Y. State Normal School. (P. 44.) 8°. Albany 1856. Oration to Phi Beta Kappa. 8°. Schenect. 1858. Preliminary List of Plants of Buffalo. (P.) Buffalo. 1864. Clinton, Sir H. Narrative of his Conduct in North America. 8°. Lond. 1783. Clinton, H. F. Epitome of Chronology' of Greece. 8°. Oxf. 1851. Clinton Monument Association. The Clin- ton Monument. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1848. Cloney, T. Narrative of Transactions in Wexford, in 1798. 8°. Dublin. 1832. Clopper, J. Fragments of the History of Bawlfredonia. 8°. Bait. 1818. Cloquet, H. Human Anatomy. 8°. Best. 1830. Private Life of Lafayette. 8°. Lond. '35. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Close, F. Footsteps of Error. 8°. Lond. 1863. Clough, a. H. Bothie of Toper-na-Fuo- sich. 12°. Camb. 1849. Poems, with Memoir. 18°. Bost. 1862. Clubs of London. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1828. Cludius, H. H. Betrachtungen iiber die Lehren der Religion. 2 v. in one. 12°. Bremen. 1782. Wahrheit der Christlichen Religion. 12°. Bremen. 1782. Clulow, W. B. Aphorisms and Reflections. 12°. Lond. 1843. Cluskey, M. W. PoHtical Text Book. r.8°. Phil. 1860. Clyde, J. Romaic and Modem Greek Com- pared. 8°. Edin. 1855. CoAD, J. Wonderful Providences of God to the Author. 16°. Lond. 1849. CoALE, W. E. Hints on Health. 16°. Bost. 1852. Coast Depot of Valley of the Rio Grande. (P. 30, 32.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Coast (The) Survey. From N. Y. Times, Nov. 18, 1858. i Coast (The) Survey; its Cost, Abuses, &c. 1 From same. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1868. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 81 C0.1ST (The) Survey; a Reply. (P.) 8^. N.Y. n.d. CoATEs, B. U. Memoir of T. Sny. (P. IG.) 8^. Phil. 1835. - Cotton in India. (P.) B^'. PhiL 1858. Ct.BB, J. B. Leisure Hours. 8°. N.Y. l528. Cobb, J. H. Manual for the Mulberry. 12°. Bo8t i8;n. Cobb, L. Review of Webster's Orthography. (P.) 8^^. N.Y. 1831. Cobb, S. Carpenter of Oxford; modernized from Chaucer. (P. 61.) 8^. Lond. 1712. Cobb, T. R. R. Law of Negro Slavery in the U. S. 8°. Phil. 1858. €oBBB, Frances P. Broken Lights. 8°. Lond. 1864. - Cities of the Past 16°. Lond. 1864. - Essay on Intuitive Morals. 2 parts. 8^ Lond. 1855. Cobbett, W. . Advice to Young Men. 18°. N.Y. 1833. - Cottage Economy. 12^. N.Y. 1833. Histoi-y of the Roformatiou in Groat Britiiin and Irehmd. 12^ N.Y. 1832. - Legacy to Parsons ; also, Legacy to Laborers. 18°. N.Y. 1835. - Paper against Gold, and Glory against Prosperity. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1815. - Parliamentary History of England. 36 v. 8°. Lond. 180(3-20. - Picture of the V^iited States. 12 v. 8°. Lond. 1801. - Porcupine's Political Censor for March, 1797. (P.) 8^. Phil. 1797. - Regency and Reign of George IV. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1834. - Republican Judge. (P. ) 8°. Lond. 1798. - Rural Rides in Surrey, Kent, etc. Lond. 1830. -Same. 12^ Lond. 1835. -Same. 12°. PhU. 1835, Z!oBniN, J. Annual Historian for 1S31. Lon\ 8°. Lond. 1859. Coleridge, S. T. Works. Ed. by Prof. Shedd. {7v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Works. 8°. Phil. .1846. Aids to Reflection. 12°. Phil. 1839. Same. 8°. Phil. 1840. Biographia Literaria. 12°. Phil. 1817 Same. 8°. Phil. 1834. Same. 12°. Phil. 1848. Church and State ; also, Lay Sermons. 16°. Lond. 1839. Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. 12°. Lond. 1840. The Friend; a Series of Essays. 8°. BurHngton. 1831. Same. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1837. Hints Towards a Theory of Life. 8°. Phil. 1847. Lectures on Shakspeare and Milton. 8°. Lond. 1856. Letters, Conversation, andRecoUectioni of. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Literary Remains. Ed. by H. W. Cole- ridge. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1836-9. On Method. 12°. Lond. 1849. Notes on English Divines. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. Notes, Theological, Political, etc. 16°. Lond. 1853. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 83 Coleridge, S. T. Poems. 12". N.Y. 1848. Same. 3 v. 1G°. Bost. 1835. Specimens of Table Talk. 12^ N.Y. '35. Same. 8°. Phil. 184G. Coles, E. Discourses on God's Sovereignty. 8°. PhU. 1854. Coles, L. B. Beauties and Deformities of Tobacco Using. 12°. Bost. 1851. Philosophy of Health. W. Bost. 1851. CoLET, Mme. Louise. Enfances Celebres. 1G° Paris. 18G2. CoLEY, H. Poisons and Asphyxia. 8°. N.Y. 1832. CoLEY, J. Sutlej Campaign of 1845-G. 1G°. Loud. 185G. CoLEY, J. M. Di^ases of Children. 8°. Lond. 1846. Colfax, R. Proofs of the Inferiority of the Negroes. (P. 14.) 8°. N.Y. 1833. ConoNY, G. de. Memoirs. Transl. and ed. by D. D. Scott. 1G°. Edin. 1844. CoLiAS, A. Authors of England; Portraits, with Notices by H. F. Chorley. 4°. Lond. 1838. CoLLE, C. Comedies. See Repebtoibe Ge- neral, etc. Collectanea Curiosa; on History of EngLind and Ireland. 2 v. 8=^. Oxf. 1781. CoLi^CTioN of the Constitutions of the U. S. 12°. Phil. 1783. Collection of Drawings of American Ma- chinery, r. N.Y. 1852. Collection of Memorials on Quaker Minis- ters, etc. 8°. n.p. n.d. Collection of Modem Voyages and Travels. 11 V. 8^ LomL 1805-9. Collection of Papers on the Dispute with the Colonies. 8°. Lond. 1777. Collection of Rare Documents on Discov- ery and Conquest of America. 4°. N.Y 18G0. Collection of Scarce Tracts, 1763-70. (Can- dor Tracts.) 4v. 8^ Lond 1788. Collection of State Tracts, of Revolution of 1G88 and Reign of William HI. 3 v 4°. Lond. 1705-7. Collection of Voyages of Dutch East India Co. 8^. Lond. 1703. Collection of Voyages and Travels. G v. P. Lond. 1704-32. College of Physicians and Siirgeons in New York. Charter, etc. (P.) 8^. N.Y. 1845. CoLLEN, G. W. Britannia Saxonica; a Map of Britain during the Octarchy. 4°. Lond. 1833. CoLLES, A- Venereal Disease and Mercury. 8°. Phil. 1837. Colletta, p. History of Naples. 2 v. 8**. Edin. 1857. CoLLETTE, C. H. Henry VIII. and the Ref- ormation. 12^. Lond. 1864. Collier, Jeremy. Historical, Geographical, Genealogical and Poetical Dictionary. 4v. r. Lond. 1701-21. CoLLiEB, John. (Tim Bobbin.) Lancashire Dialect and Poems. 12°. Lond. 1833. Collier, J. P. See Shakspeare; also Shak- SPEARE Society. Book of Roxburghe Ballads. 4°. Lond. 1847. Five Old Plays. 8°. Lond. 1833. History of English Drama to Shak- speare. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1831. New Particulars on Shakspeare's Works. 12°. Lond. 1836. Notes and Emendations to Shakspeare. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Old Ballads. 12°. Lond. 1840. Poetical Decameron. 2 v. 12°. Edin. 1820. Reasons for a New Edition of Shak- speare. 8°. Lond. 1841. Shakspeare's Library; Romances, etc., used by him. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1843. CoLLiNGWooD, G. L. N. Correspondence and Memoirs of Lord Collingwood. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Collins, A. Peerage of England. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1768. Collins, D. Account of New South Wales. 4°. Lond. 1804. Collins, F. Voyages to Portugal, Spain, etc. 12°. Phil. 1809. Collins, L. Historical Sketches of Ken- tucky. 8°. MaysviUe. 1848. Collins, P. McD. Voyage down the Amoor. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Collins, S. Miscellanies. 12°. PhiL 1842. Collins, Wilkie. Memoirs of William Col- lins. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1848. Sights Afoot. 8°. PhiL n.d. Collins, Wm. Poems. See British Poets, V. 23. Same. See Milton, J. Same. 16°. Lond. 1830. CoLMAN, G. Dramatic Works. 4 v. 12*. Lond. 1777. CoLMAN, H. Agriculture of France, Belgiom, etc. 8°. Bost. 1848. European Agriculture. 2 v. 8°. Bost 1849. European Life and Manners. 2 v. 8**. Bost. 1849. What is Religion? 16°. Lend. 1846. M CATALOGUE OF THE CoLMAN, J. F. Island Bride, and Other Poems. 12°. Bost. 1846. CoLNET, C. J. L'Hermite du Faubourg St. Germain. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1825. CoLOMBAT de risere. Diseases of Vocal Or- gans. 18°. Bost. 1845. CoLOMBEY, E. Histoire Anecdotique de la Litterature Frau9aise. 16°. Paris. 1858. Colombia; Siendo una Kelacion de aquel Pays. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1822. Colombia, An Account of. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1822. Colonial and Asiatic Eeview. v. 2. 8°. Lond. 1853. Colonial Magazine. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1842-3. Colonial Policy of Great Britain. 8°. Lond. 1816. Colonisation en Algerie. 4°. Paris. 1844. Colonization, Eemarks on. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Colonization Society of N. Y. City. 5th Re- port, (P. 56.) 7th do., (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1837-9. .CoLQUHOuN, P. Commerce and Police of the Thames. 8°. Lond. 1800. CoLTON, Calvin. American Eevivals of Ee- Hgion. 12°. Lond. 1832. Four Years in Great Britain. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Life of Hem-y Clay. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1843. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Last Seven Years of Life of Clay. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. 12°. N.Y. 1853. . Protestant Jesuitism. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Public Economy for the United States. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Eights of Labor. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Same. 3d ed. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. -i Thoughts on the Eeligious State of the Country. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Tour of the American Lakes. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1833. CoLTON, Chauncey. Inaugural, Bristol Col- lege, Apr., 1834. (P. 44.) 8°. Bristol, Pa. 1834. OoLTON, C. C. Lncon; or. Many Things in Few Words. 18°. N.Y. 1823. CoiiXON, G. H. Tecumseh, a I'oem. 12°. N.Y. 1842. .CoLTON, G. W. General Atlas. f°. N.Y. '65. CoLTON, J. H. Map of Iowa. Folded in 18', N.Y. 1856. Map of Kansas and Nebraska. Folded in 18°. N.Y. 1856. CoLTON, J. H. Map of Washington and Ore- gon. Folded in 18°. N.Y. 1855. Map of Wisconsin. Folded in 18°. N.Y. 1856. Traveler's Guide Book ; North and Canada. 16°. N.Y. 1852. CoLTON, W. Deck and Port. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Land and Lee. 12°. N.Y. 185L Sea and the Sailor. 12°. N.Y. 185L Ship and Shore. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Three Years in California. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Visit to Constantinople and Athens. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Columbia College. Addresses of New Profes- sors. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Statutes, with Historical Sketch. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Columbia College, Letter to Trustees of, by a Citizen. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Columbia College, Eeport of Alumni of, on QuaUfications of Trustees. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Columbia College, Eeview of Proceedings of Alumni of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Columbian Lady's and Gentleman's Maga- zine, v. 6-9. 8°. N.Y. 1846-8. Columbiana; by Students of Columbia Col- lege. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Columbia's Naval Triumphs; a Poem. 16°. N.Y. 1813. Columbus, Ohio, Directory, 1864. 8°. Co- lumbus. 1864. Columbus, C. Letters on his Voyages. Transl. and ed. by Major. 8°. Lond. 1847. Life and Voyages. 8°. n.p. n.d. Memorials of, with Memoir. 8°. Lond. 1823. CoLVOCOKESSES, G. M. Four Years in a Gov- ernment Exploring Expedition. 12°. N.Y. 1852. CoLWELL, S. Christianity and our Political Institutions. 8°. Phil. 1854. The South; and Effects of Disunion on Slavery. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1856. Ways and Means of Payment. 8°. Phil. 1859. CoMAZzr, J. B. Morale des Princes. 16°. Hague. 1754. Combe, A. Management of Infancy. 18°. ■N.Y. 1859. Mental Derangement. 8°. Bost. 1834. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Physiology of Digestion. 16°. N.Y. 1836. Same. 12°. Edin. 1841. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 85 Bost. 12= Combe, G. Constitiition of Man. 12°. Bost. 1829. Same. 12°. Bofit, 1835. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1842. Elements of Phrenology. 12°. 1835. Lectures on Moral Philosophy. Bost. 1830. Lectures on Phrenology. Ed. by Board- man. 12°. N.Y. 1839^ Lectures on Popular Education. 12°. Bost. 1834. Life of A. Combe. 12°. Phil. 1850. Notes on the United States. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1841. System of Phrenology. 8°. Edin. 1833. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Combe, G. , Cox, R. , and others. Moral and Intellectual Science. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Comfort, J. W. Practice of Thomsoniaii Jkledicine. 8° Phil. 1845. CoT^no (Le) Almanack, pour 1842. 12°. Paris. 1841. Comic Lectines on Everything. 12°. N.Y. n.d. Comic Sketches; a Series of niustrations. Ob- long. (No title.) CoMiNEs, P. de. Memoirs. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1712. Same. 2 v. 12°. Loud. 1855. Commentary and Review of Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws. 8°. Phil. 1811. CoiniEXT-VRY Wholly Biblical. 3 v. 4°. Lond, n.d. Commercial Directory .of the Union. 4°. Phil. 1823. CoMMERz-Bibliothek in Hamburg. Katalog. 4°. Hamb. 1841. CoMjnTTEE of Observation, Elizabethtown, Md., 1775-7. Extracts from Proceed- ings. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1862. CoxiMON-PiiACE Book of British Eloquence. 18°. Lond. 1827. Common School Journ;J. o v. 8°. Bost. 1839-43. Companion to the Newspaper, for 1833. 4°. . Lond. 1834. CoMPABLSON of Proposals of Bank and South Sea Company. (P. 39.) 8^. Lond. 1720. Complete Account of Debate in Commons, July 9, 1782. 8°. Lond. 1782. • Complete East India Pilot. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1797. Complete Grazier. 8°. Lond. 1833. Complete Guide to Ornamental Leather Work. IG^. Bost. 1854. Complete Letter Writer. 16°. N.Y. 1848. CoMSTocK, J. L. History of Precious Metals. 12°. Hartf. 1849. Introduction to Botany. 12°. Hartf. 1833. Natural Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Outlines of Phj^siology. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Readings in Zoology. 12°. N.Y. 1853. CoMTE, A. Catechisme Positiviste. 12°. Paris. 1852. Cours de Philosophic Positive. 6 v. 8°. Paris. 1830-42. Discours sur I'Ensemble de Positivisms. 8°. Paris. 1848. Systeme de Politique Positive. 4 v. 8°. Paris. 1851-4. Philosophy of Mathematics. Transl. by Gillespie. 8° N.Y. 1851. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1858. , CoNANT, Mrs. H. 0. Life of Judson. 12°. Bost 1856. . CoNANT, W. C. Remarkable Conversions. 12°. N.Y. 1858. CoNCLSE Historical Account of the British Colonies in North America. 8°. Lond. 1775. CoNCLSE Histoiy of Eastern Penitentiary of Penn. 8°. Phil. 1835. OoNCOBD, N. H., Directory, 1864. 18°. Con- cord. 1864. CoNDB, J. Domination des Arabes en Es- pagne. 8°. Paris.- 1825. CoNDEB, J. Dictionary of Geography. 12°. Lond. 1834. Modern Ti-aveller. 33 v. 18°. Lond. 1824-34. CoKDiLLAC, E. B. de. La Logique. 12°. Paris. 1811. Origin of Human Knowledge. 8°. Lond. 1756. CoNDOBCET, J. A. N. C. de. Progress of the Human Jlind. 8°. Lond. 1795. Fortschritte des Menschlichen Geistes. 12°. Tiibiugen. 1796. OoNDUCToa to Attractive Places in Boston, etc. 18°. Bost. n.d. Cone, S. H. Life of. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Confederate States. Articles of War. (P. ) 8°. Charieston. 1861. Confiscation Bill. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. CoNFEBENCE ou Missious, Livcrpool, 1860. Proceedings. 8°. Lond. 1860. Confessions of a French Priest. Ed. by S. F. B. Morse. 16°. N.Y. 1837. Confucius. Four Books of. 8°. (Title wanting. ) 86 CATALOGUE OF THE CoNTUCiiTs et Mencius. Quatre Livi-es de Philosophie. 12°. Paris. 1846. CoNGAB, O. Autobiography, and Memoir by H. T. Cheever. 12°. N.Y. 1851. CoNGKEGATioNAii Convention of Long Island. History of. (P.) 24°. N.Y. 1839. Congregational Quarterly, v. 1-6. 8°. Bost. 1859-61. CoNGBEs de Statistique. Compte Kendu, 1853. 4°. Brux. 1853. Compte Rendu, 1855. 4°. Paris. 1856. CoNGEESs of Eastadt. Official Correspond- ence. 8°. Lond. 1800. CoNGKESsioNAii Directory. 8°. Wash. 1865. CoNGBESsioNAii Globc, 23d to 38th Congress. 53 V. 4°. Wash. 183^64. CoNGKEVE, W. Dramatic Works. See Wy- CHEBLET. Mourning Bride; a Tragedy. (P. 76.) 18°. Lond. n.d. Poems. See British Poets, v. 14. CoNKLixG, A. Address on Life of Dewitt Clinton. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1828. Admiralty Jurisdiction, etc., of U. S. Courts. 2v. 8°. Albany. 1848. Young Citizen's Manual. 18°. Albany. 1836. CoNKLiNo, F. A. Production and Consump- tion of Cotton. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1865. CoNKEiNG, M. C. lilother and Wife of Wash- ington. 12°. Auburn. 1850. CoNNAissANCE des Tcmps pour 1856. 8°. Paris. 1853. Connecticut. Acts and Laws. 8°. N. Lond. 1784. Catalogue of Volunteers to July 1, 1864. 8°. Hartf. 1864. Code of 1650, and Blue Laws. 18°. Hartf. 1833. Geological Survey; Report of 1835. 8°. N. Haven. 1837. Public Documents, Sessions 1861-4. 4v. 8°. Hartf. 1861-4. State Librarian's Registration Report, for 1858. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1859. State Reform School. Annual Reports, lst-12th. (P.) 8°. Hartf. or N. Haven. 1853-64. Connecticut, Contributions to Ecclesiastical History of. 8°. N. Haven. 1861. Connecticut Courant. v. 37-8. f°. Hartf. 1802-3. Connecticut Historical Society. Collections. v. 1. 8°. Hartf. 1860. Connecticut Register; 1797, 1801-6, '15, '47, '51, '54-58, '62-5. 18°. N. Lond. and Hartf. 1801-65. Connecticut State Agricultural Society. Transactions, 1854-60. 7 v. 8°. Hartf. 1854-60. CoNNELLAN, T. King's Letter, in Irish ; with Grammatical Introduction to Irish. 16°. Lond. 1825. Connoisseur. See Thornton, B. Connelly, P. Reasons for Abjuring Rome. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1852. Connolly, T. W. J. History of Corps of Royal Sappers and Miners. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1855. Conrad, R. T. Aylmere; or, the Bondman of Kent. 12°. Phil. 1852. Conscience, H. Le Conscrit. 16°. Paris. 1865. Le Demon de 1' Argent. 16°. Paris. 1865. Le Demon du Jeu. 16°. Paris. 1863. Le F16au du Village, et, Le Bonheur d'etre Riche. 16°. Paris. 1865. Le Gentilhomme Pauvre. 16°. Paris. 1864. La Guerre des Paysans. 12°. Paris. 1865. La Mere Job; La Grace de Dieu; La Grand Mere. 16°. Paris. 1864. Scenes de la Vie Flamande. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1854-5. Les Veillees Flamandes. 12°. Paris. 1855. Conslderant, v. Le Socialisme. 8°. Paris. 1839. European Colonization in Texas. CP- ) 8°. N.Y. 1855. Considerations on the Noiih American Colo- nies. 8°. Lond. 1765. Considerations on some Recent Social Theories. 12°. Bost. 1853. Considerations on Taxing the Colonies. (2d copy, in P. 60.) 8°. Lond. 1766. Conspiracy against the Freedom of the Peo- ple. (P. 22.) sq.l6°. N.Y. 1843. Constable, H., and others. Gold and the Gospel; a Prize Essay. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Constable's Miscellany. See the separate Works. CoNSTANCio, F. S. Grammaire Portugaise. 12°. Paris. 1832. ^ Constant, A. Last Incarnation. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Constant, B. Adolphe; Anecdote Trouvee, etc. ; et, La Tragedie de Wallensteiu. 24°. Paris. 1849. La Religion. 5 v. 8°. Paris. 1824-31. Philosophical Miscellanies. See Cousin, v., and others. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 87 iNSTANTiNUS Manftsscs. Fragmeuta. See NicKTAS Eugonianus. Constitution of Society. 8^. Lond. 1835. Constitution of the Uiiited States. 12°. Phil. lBo4. CoNSTiTCTioNAL Text Book. 12^. N.Y. 1854. Constitutions of the States aud the United States. 8'. N.Y. 1852. Constitutions of the Thirteen States. 12°. Phil. 1783. CoNTEs Theologiqaes, etc. 8°. Paris. 1783. Contest of the Twelve Nations. 8°. Edin. 182G. Continental Monthly, v. 1-6. 8°. N.Y. 1862-4. Continental, Tourist. 8°. Lond. n-d. CoNTOSTAVLos, A. The two Greek Frigates. (P. 7.) 8^. N.Y. 1826. CoNTEOVEBSiAL Discussion of Catholics with Rev. J. S. Chi'istmas and others. (P. 70.) 12^. Montr. 1827. CoxTEO^TSKSY between Mr. Brooks and Arch- Bishop Hughes. 8^. N.Y. 1855. CoNTBovEB-sY on the Old Stone Mill at New- port 12° Newport 1851. Convention (3d) of Instructors of Deaf and Dumb. Proceedings. (P.) 8P. Co- lumbus, O. 1853. Same, 4th. Proceedings. (P.) 8°. Eich- mou(L 1857. Convention of Congregational Ministers, Al- bany, 1852. Proceedings, and Dr. Hawes' Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Convention of Friends of Domestic Industry. Journal. 8°. Bait 1831. Convention of Friends of National Industry, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1819. Proceedings. (P. 4.) 8°. N.Y. 1819. Convention for Improvement of Free People of Color. 3d Annual Meeting. (P.) 8°. PhU. 1833. Convention of Managers of Houses of Refuge and Reform Schools. 1st Session. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. S;ime. 2d Session. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 18G0. CoN\'ENTioN on Navigation of Connecticut River. Proceedings. (P.) 8°. Wind- sor, Yt 1830. Convention for Promoting Abolition, Phil., Dec. 1818. Proceedings. (P. 68.) 8^. Phil. 1818. Convention of Soldiers of 1812, Oct J7, 1856. Proceedings. (P. 50.) 8°. Albany. 1857. CoNVEBSATioNs at Cambridge. 16°. Loud. '36. CoNVEBSATioNs between Dominic and Pat- rick. 12°. Albany. 1860. CONVEBSATIONS ou Geology. 12°. Lond. 1828. CONVEBSATIONS on Harmouy. 8°. Lond. 1855. CONVEBSATIONS on Nature and Art 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1837-8. ComvAY, Derwent See Inolis, H. D. Conway, M.D. Golden Hour. 8^ Best 1862. Rejected Stone. 8°. Bost 1862. Conway, T. W. Report on Freedmen in the Gulf Department. (P.) 8°. N. O. 1864 CoNYBEABE, J. J. Dlustrations of Anglo- Saxon Poetry. 8°. Lond. 1826. CoNYBEABE, W. D., and Philups, "W. Ge- ology of England and Wales. 8°. Lond. 1822. CoNYBEABE, W. J. Essays. 8°. Lond. 1855. CoNTBEABE, W. J., and HowsoN, J. S. Life and Epistles of St Paul 2 v. 8=*. N.Y. 1854. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1860. CoKYNOHAM, D. Sherman's March through the South. 12°. N.Y. 1865. OooK, F. J. Ticonderoga and Essex County. 8°. Keeseville. 1858. Cook, G. H. Report of Experiments to Im- prove Onondaga Salt (P. 47.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Cook, J. Voyages, with Maps, etc. 2 v. 8*. Lond. 1842. Maps and Plans to Voyages of. P. Lond. n.d. Voyages, abridged. See Kippis, A. Cook, J., and Kino, J. Voyage to the Pacific, 1776-80. 3 v. 4°. Lond. 1784. Cook, JoeL Siege of Richmond, l^Iay and June, 1862. 12°. Phil. 1862. Cook, M. D. Founders, etc., of Federal St Church; an Address. 8°. New- buryport 1862. Cooke, C. T. White Mustard Seed for Liver Complaints. 16°. N.Y. 1827. Cooke, G. W. China; London Times Cor- respondence, 1857-8. 12°. Lond- 1858. Conquest and Colonization of North Africa. 12°. Edin. 1860. History of Party. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. CooKE, Mrs. H. B. Autobiography. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Cooke, J. Book-keeping. 12°. Lond. 1788. Cooke, J. E. Presbyterian Ordination. See BOWDEN, J. Same. 8°. Lexington. 1829. 88 CATALOGUE OF THE Cooke, Josli, Sermon on Death of O. Phelps. (R) 8=. Buffalo. 1851. Cooke, Josiah P. Elements of Chemical Physics. 8°. Bost. 18G0. Eeligion and Chemistry. -8°. N.Y. 1864. Cooke, P. Divine Law of Beneficence. 16°. N.Y. n.d. Cooke, P. P. Froissart Ballads, and Other Poems. 12^. Phil. 1847. Cooke*, P. St. G. Cavalry Tactics. 16°. N.Y. 1862. Scenes and Adventm-es in the Army. 12° Phil. 1857. Same. 8^ N.Y. 1863. Cooke, W. Memoirs of S. Foote. 12°. N.Y. 1806. Cooke, W. Commentary of Medical and Moral Life. 8°. Lond. 1852. Same. 8°. Phil. 1853. CooLEY, J. E. American in Egyi3t. 8°. N.Y. 1842. Cooley, T. M. Life of Lemuel Haynes. 12° N.Y. 1837. CooxEY, W. D. Inner Africa Laid Open. 8°. Lond. 1852. Maiitime and Inland Discoveiy. 3 v. 16°. Lond. n.d- CooiiDGE, A J., and Mansfield, J. B. History of New England. 2 v. 8^. Bost. 1859. CooLiDGE, G. Poem, to Boston Mechanic Apprentices' Libr. Association. (P. 23. ) 8°. Bost. 1844. CooLiDGE, K. H. Report on Sickness in U. S. Army. See United States. Coombs, J. J. Trial of Aaron Bun\ 8°. Wash. 1864. Cooper, Mr. Paper on Big-bone Lick. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. CooPEB, Rev. Mr. History of North America. 12°. Albany. 1818. CooPEE, B. B. Life of Sir A. Cooper. 2 v. 8°. Loud. 1843. Cooper, J. F. American Democrat. 12°. Cooperstown. 1838. Battle of Lake Erie. 12°. Cooperstown. 1843. Gleanings in Europe ; England. 2 v. 12°. PhiL 1837. Gleanings in Europe; France. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1837. Gleanings in Europe; Italy. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1838. History of the U. S. Navy. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1839. Same, with continuation. 8°. N.Y. 1853. 2 V. 2 V. 12°. CooPEB, J. F. Letter to his Countrjinen. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Lives of American Naval Ofl&cers, 12°. Phil 1846. Notions of the Americans. Phil. 1845. Review of the Mackenzie Case. See Mackenzie, A. S. Sketches of Switzerland. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1836. Memorial of. 8° N.Y. 1852. CooPEK, J. G. Poems. See Bkitish Poets, V. 28. CooPEK, J. G. Forests and Trees of North America. 8°. n.p. n.d. CoopEB, S. Militia Tactics and Regulations. 12°. Phil. 1836. Cooper, Miss S. F. Rhyme and Reason of Country Life. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Rural Hours. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Cooper, T. Information on America. 8°. Lond? 1795. Information on Gas-Light. 8°. Phil. 1816. Lectures on Political Economy. 8°. Columbia, S. C. 1829. Manual of Political Economy. 18°. Wash. 1834. Cooper, T. Two Orations Against Taking Away Human Life. 12°. Lond. 1846. CooTE, C. Continuation of RiLssell's History of Europe. 12°. Keene. 1822. CooTE, C. T. Pui'posesof Anacostia Lyceum; an Address. (P. 15.) 8°. Wash. 1835. CooTE, H. Homologies of the Human Skel- eton. 8°. Lond. 1849. Copeland, R. M. Country Life; a Hand Book of Agriculture, etc. 8°. Bost. 1859. Same. 8°. Bost. 1863. Copland, J. Dictionarj'^ of Practical Medi- icine. 3v. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Coppee, H. Elements of Logic. 12°. Phil. 1858. Elements of Rhetoric. 12°. Phil. 1859. CopwAY, G. Running Sketches in Europe. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Traditional History of the jib way Na- tion. 12°. Bost. 1851. Copyright Law of 1842 (English) ; with Ex- planations, etc. (P. 21.) 8°. Lond. n.d. CoQUELiN, C, et GuiLLAiianN. Dictionnaire d% r^conomie Politique. 2 v. r.8°. Paris. 1854. CoQUEREL, A. Christianity and its Adaptation to Man. 12°. Lond. 1847. Corbet, R. Poems. See British Poets, v. 4. Same. 8°. Lond. 1807. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. CoRDER, Susanna. Life of Elizabeth Fry. 8°. Phil. 1855. CoBDERius, M. Colloquionim Centttria Se- lecta. 16°. Edin. 1818. CoRDiNER, J. Description of Ceylon. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1807. CoRDNER, J. The American Conflipt; an Ad- dress. (P.) 8^. Montreal. 1864. Cordova, J. de. Lecture on Texas. (P.) 16°. Phil. 1858. Cordova, R. J. de. The Prince's Visit. 8°. N.Y. 1861. CoRKRAN, J. F. HiHtory of the Constituent Assembly. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. CoRMENiN, L. de. Les Orateurs Parlemen- taires. 18°. Paris. 1838. Same. 18^. Brux. 1854. Orators of Fmnce. 12°. N.Y. 1847. CoRNARO, L. Discourses on Sober and Tem- erateLife. 24°. Phil. 1791. Same. 18°. N. Haven. 1823. Same, with Memoir and Notes. 18°. N.Y. 1846. CoRNE, II. Souvenirs d'un Proscrit. 12°. Paris. 1864. CoRNELLLE, P. (Euvrcs; avec lo Commen- tairo de Voltaire. 12 v. 8°. Paris. 1801. Theatre. See Repertoire General, etc. CoRNEiLLE, P. et T. Chefs-tVceuvres; avec les Notes do Voltah-e. 8°. Tours. 1795. CoRNETLLB, T. Theatre. See Rkpertoire General, etc. Cornelius, E. Sermon on Death of Rev. S. Worcester. (P.) 8° Salem. 1821. Cornelius Nepoa. Opera. See Valpy's Del- phin Classics. Corner, Julia. History of China and India. 8°. Lond. 1847. CoHNHiLL Magazine, v. 1-10. 8°. Lond. 1860-1. Corning et al. vs. Rathbun et al. Bill in Chaucei-y, Dec. 1836. (P.' 48.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Cornish, T. H. Historical Picture of Wo- man. 12° Lond. 1838. Cornwall, Barry. See Procter, B. W. Cornwall, N. E. Music as it Was, and as it Is. 12°. N.Y 1851. Sermon, Jiibilee of Society for Propa- gation of the Gospel. (P.) 8°. N. Ha- ven. 1851. Cornwall; its Mines and Miners. 12°. Lond. 1855. CoRNWALLis, C, Earl. Answer to Sir H. Clinton. 8°. Lond. 1783. CoHNWALLia, K. The Prince of Wales in America. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Correct Copies of the two Protests against the Repeal of the Staifap Act. (P. 380 8°. Paris. 1766. CoRREio Braziliense, ou Armazem Literario. V. 1-9. 8°. Lond. 1808. Correspond ANCE entre Mirabeau etLa Marck. 3v. 8°. Paris. 1851. CoRRESPONDANCE Origiualc dcs flmigrfe. 8°. Paris. 1793. Correspondence on Emigration to Hayti. (P. 68.) 8°. N.Y. 1824. Correspondence of Scientific Men of 17th Century. 2 v. 8° Oxf. 1841. Correspondence of U. S. Envoys and Tal- lejTand. 12°. Lond. 1798. CoRRY, J. History of Bristol. 2 v. 8°. Bris- tol. (E.) 1816. CoRSAiB (The), a Weekly Gazette. 4°. N.Y. 1839-40. Corson, Caroline. Soirees Litt^raires. 16°. Phil. 1863. Corson, H. Elocutionary Manual. 12°. Phil. 1865. ConsoN, J. W. Loiterings in Europe. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Cortes, J. D. Essay on Catholicism, Liber- alism and Socialism; with Memoir. 12°. Phil. 1862. CoRViNUS, J. Der Hnngerpastor. 3 v. in two. 16°. Berlin. 1864. Cory, I. P. Fragments of Phoenician and other Writers. 8° Lond. 1832. Inquiries into Ancient and Modem Phi- losophy. 12°. Lond. 1833. Costa, E. Cap: "Si Pater" et § "Cum in Bello" Commentnria; dso, De Suo et Alieno Posthumo Commentaria. f°. Salamanca. 1584. Coste. Instructions sur la Pisciculture. 12°. Paris. 1856., Costello, D. Tour through the Valley of the Meuse. 12°. Lond. 1846. Costello, Louisa S. Jacques Coeur, the French Argonaut. 8°. Lond. 1847. Memoirs of Eminent English Women. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1844. Memoir of Mary, Duchess of Burgundy. 8°. Lond. 1853. CosTiLL, O. H. Treatise on Poisons. 18°. Phil. 1848. Costumes of Various Counti'ies, viz. : Austria, byBertrand de Moleville; China, by Mason; Russia; and Turkey. 4 v. 4°. Lond. 1802-17. CoTHEAL, W. Book-keeping. 8°. N.Y. 1860. CoTHREN, W. History of Ancient Woodbuiy. I " 8°. Woodbury, Ct. 1854. 90 CATALOGUE OF THE CoTMAN, J. S. Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1839. CoTSELii, G. Treatise on Anchors. 12°. Lond. 1856. CoTTA, B. Briefe iiber Humboldt's Kosmos. 4v. 8°. Leip. 1848. Cottage Lectures; or, Pilgrim's Progress Explained. 18°. Phil. n.d. Cottage (The) and its Visitor. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Cotter, J. K. Mass and Kubrics. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Cottekill, H. Seven Ages of the Church. 8°. Lond. 1849. CoTTiN, Mme. Elisabeth, ou leg Exiles de Siberie. 16°. Edin. 1817. CoTTixG, J. K. Synopsis of Lectures on Ge- ology. 8°. Taunton. 1835. Cottle, J. Eeminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Cotton, Cheap, by Free Labor. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1861. Cotton from the Pod to the Factor3^ 18". N.Y. 1845. Cotton, A. Public Works in India. 8°. Lond. 1854. Cotton, C. See Walton, L Poems. See BRmsH Poets, v. 5. Same. 16°. Lond. 1734. Cotton, H. Editions of the Bible, 1505 to 1820. 8°. Oxf. 1821. Typographical Gazetteer. 8°. Oxf. '21. Cotton, N. Poems, ^ee British Poets, v. 35. Cotton, W. Sir Joshua Reynolds in his Works. 8°. Lond. 1856. CoTTRELL, C. H. Eecollections of Siberia. 8°. Lond. 1842. Couch, J. Illustrations of Instinct. 12°. Lond. 1847. CoTJES, E. E. Outlines of Mechanical Phi- losophy. 8°. Bost. 1851. Studies of the Earth. 4° Wash. 1860. CouLTAs, H. Principles of Botany. 12°. Phil. 1853. What may be Learned from a Tree. 8°. Phil. 1860. Coulter, J. Adventures on West Coast of South America and in California. 2 v. 12°. Lond, 1847. Council of Trent. Canons and Decrees. Transl. by Buckley. 12°. Lond. 1851. Same. Transl. by Waterworth. 8°. Lond. 1848. Catechism. Transl. by Buckley. 16°. Lond. 1852. Country Gentleman, v. 11-14. 4°. Albany. 1858-9. County Annual Register, for 1809-10. 2 r. 8°. Lond. 1810-11. Courcelle-Seneuil, J. G. Entreprises In- dustrielles, etc. 8°. Paris. 1855. Operations de Banque. 8°. Paris. 1853. CouRCiLLON, E. de. Le Cure Manqu^; or, Customs of France. 12°. N.Y. 1855. CouRRiER des £tats-Unis. v. 3-11. f°. N.Y. 1830-9. CouRS £lementaire d'Histoire Naturelle. See Beudant; Jussieu; Milne-Edwards. CouRsde Mathematiques, a I'Usage des ficoles Militaires. 8°. Paris, 1813. CouRSON, A. de. Histoire des Peuples Bretons. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1846. Court and Camp of Buonaparte. 16°. Lond. 1831. Court and Lady's Magazine, v. 10-13. 8°. Lond. 1837-8. Court Magazine. See the preceding. Court and Times of Charles I. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Court and Times of James I. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Courtenay, J. French Revolution; a Letter to Dr. Priestley. (P. 59.) 8°. Dublin, 1790. Courtenay, T. P. Commentaries on the His- torical Plays of Shakspeare. 2 v. 12'^. Lond. 1840. Life and Works of Sir W. Temple. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Courtney, W. S. Review of Dods on Spiritualism. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1854. Cousin, V. Mmes. de Che\T.-euse et de Haute- fort. 8°. Paris. 1856. Fragments de Philosophic Cartesienne. 12°. Paris. 1845. Fragments Philosophiques. 4 v. 16°. Paris. 1847. Histoire de la Philosophic Moderne. 7 v. 16°. Paris. 1846-7. De rinstruction Pubhque en Hollande. 2v. 18°. Brux. 1838. Mme. de Longueville. 12°. Brux. 1853. CEuvres, 4me Serie. Litterature. 3 v. 16°. Paris. 1849. ffiuvres, 5me Serie. Instruction Pub- lique. 2v. 16°. Paris. 1850. Premiers Essais de Philosoi^hie. 8°. Paris. 1855. Education in Holland. 8°. Lond. 1838. • Elements of Psychology. 8°. Hartf. 1834. Lectures on History of Modem Philos- ophy. 8°. Bost. 1832. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 91 Cousin, -V. Lectures on History of Modem Philosophy, completed. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Lectures on the True, the Beautiful and the Good. 8=. N.Y. 1854. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Philosophy of the Beautiful. 16°. Lond. 1848. Eeport on Public Instruction in Prussia. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Secret History of the French Court under Eichelieu and Mazarin. • 12°. N.Y. 1859. Youth of Mme. de Longueville. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Cousin, V., Jouttrot, T., and Constant, B. Philosophical Miscellanies. 12°. Bost. 1838. CouTiNHo. Commerce of Portuguese Colo- nies in South America. 8°. Lond. '07. CoYENT Garden Journal. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1810. CovENTBY, G. Inquiry on Authorship of Junius. 8°. Lond. 1825. CovEEDALE, M. Vcrsiou of the Bible. See Bible. Memorials of. 8°. Lond. 1838. CowELL, B. Spirit of 76 in Rhode Island. 8°. Bost. 1850. CowELL, J. Thirty Years Among Players. 8°. N.Y. 1844. CoAVLEY.A. Works. 12°. Lond. 1826. Same. See British Poets, v. 6. CowPEB, Mary, Countess. Diary, 1714-20, 12°. Lond. 1864. CowPEE, W. "Works. Ed. by Grimshawe. 8 V. 16°. Lond. 1835. Same. Ed. by Southey. 15 v. 8°. Lond. 1836-7. Poems. See Bbitlsh Poets, v. 36-7. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1814. 3v. 18°. Lond. 1830. 3v. 18°. Bost. 1839. Ed. by Boyd. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Ed. by Gary, 3 v. 8°. Lond. Same. Same. Same. Same. 1839. Same. 12° Bost. 1853. Private Correspondence. 12°. Bost. 1824. Cox, F. A. Biblical Antiquities. 12°. Lond. 1852. Cox, F. E. (Transl.) Sacred Hymns, from the German. 16°. Lond. 1841. Cox, G. Tales of the Gods and Heroes. 16°. Lond. 1863. Cox, H. Residence in Burmah. 8°. Lond. 1831. Cox, Robert. Sabbath Laws and Duties. 8°. Edin. 1853. Selections from the Phrenological Jour- nal. 12°. Lond. 1836. Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Cox, S. H. Discourse on Death of Rev. E. Mason. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Interviews, Memorable and Useful. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Quakerism not Christianity. 8°. Bost, 1833. Cox. S. S. Eight Years in Congress. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Eulogy on Mr. Douglas. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1862. Speech on Admitting the Cabinet to De- bate. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1865. CoxE, A. C. Advent. A Mystery. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Impressions of England. 12°. N.Y. '66. St Jonathan. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Saul; a Mystery. 12°. N.Y. 1845. CoxE, D. Description of Carolana. 8°. Lond. 1727. Co:p, J. R., and Cooper, T. See Emporium of Arts and Sciences. CoxE, T. View of the United States. 8*. Lond. 1794. CoxE, W. History of the House of Austria. 5v. 8°. Lond. 1820. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, with 4° Atlas. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1847. Memoirs of Horatio, Lord Walpole. 2v. 8°. LoncL 1820. Memoii-s of Kings of Spain. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1815. Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. 4°. Lond. 1780. Same. 8°. Loud. 1787. Travels in Poland, Russia, etc. 3 v. 8°. Dublin. 1784. Same. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1802. Travels in Switzerland. 2 v. 8°. Dub- lin. 1789. Coyer, Abbe. Relations about the Patago- nians; also, Writings and Conduct of Rousseau. 16°. Lond. 1768. CozzENS, F. S. Acadia. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Sparrowgrass Papers. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Same. 12° N.Y. 1863. CozzENS, I. , Jr. Geology of New Y'ork Island. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Crabb, G. Dictionary of General Knowledge. 12°. Lond. 1830. Historical Dictionary. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1825. $2 CATALOGUE OF THE Ceabb, G. History of English Law. 8° Bur- lington, Vt. 1831. Technical Dictionaiy. 16°. Lond. 1851. Technological Dictionary. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1823. Ceabbe, Rev. George. Works. 8 v. 1G°. Lond. 1823. Posthumous Poems. 12°. PhU. 1835. Tales. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1813. Tales of the HaU. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1819. Cbabbe, George, A. M. Life of Rev. G. Orabbe. 12°. Phil. 1835. Same. 12° N.Y. 1837. Natural Theology. 8°. Lond. 1840. Cbafts, W. Select Writings. 8°. Charleston. 1828. Craggs, R. Poems. See British Poets, V. 37. Craig, A. R. Philosophy of Training; or Normal Education. 12°. Lond. 1847. Craig, N. B. History of Pittsburg. 12°. Pittsb. 1851. Misstatements in Brackenridge's History of the Whiskey Insurrection. 18°. Pittsb. 1859. Craighill, W. p. Army Officer's "Pocket Companion. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Ceaioie, D. Elements of Anatomy. 4°. Edin. 1838. Cratk, G. L. English Causes Celebres. v. 1. 16°. Lond. 1840. English Literature and Language. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1861. -. History of Literature and Learning in England. 6 v. 18°. Lond. 1844-5. Outline of History of English Language. 16°. Lond. 1851. -^ — Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficul- ties. 2y. 18°. Lond. 1831. Same. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1831. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1839. Romance of the Peerage. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1848-50. Craik, G. L., McFarlane, C, and others. Pictorial History of England. 8 v. 8°. Lond. 1837-44. Cr.vmer, J. A. Description of Ancient Italy. 2v. 8°. Oxf. 1826. Cramp, W. Philosophy of Language. 8°. Lond. 1838. Cramptox, R. S. Bible Use of Wine ; a Ser- mon. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1859. Cranch, C. p. Poems. 12°. Phil. 1844. Cra^-mer, T. Life of. See Republic of Let- ters, V. 3. Ceantz, D. History of Greenland. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. Crashaw, R. Poems. See BEiTisri Poet-, V. 5. Crawford, J. Philosophy of Wealth. 12 . Lond. 1846. Crawford, Mabel S. Life in Tuscany, li^ . N.Y. 1859. Crawford, W. Report on Penitentiaries in U. S. See Great Britain. Crawfued, J. Embassy to Court of Ava. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1834. Embassy to Siam and Cochin China. 2 ■ V. 8°. Lond. 1830. Crayon (The), a Journal of Art. v. 3-7. 4°. N.Y. 1856-60. Creasy, E. S. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. 12°. Lond. 1851. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1862. History of Ottomans. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1854. Invasions of England. 12°. Lond. 1852. Memoirs of Eminent Etonians. 8°. Lond. 1850. Rise and Progress of English Constitu- tion. 12°. Lond. 1853. Creation and the Deluge ; a New Theory. 8°. Phil. 1854. Crebellon, p. J. de. (Euvres. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1750. Same. v. 1. 24°. Paris. 1807. Theatre. See Repertoire General, etc. Creichton, J. Memoirs, by Himsolf. Also, Autobiographies of W. Giflford and T. Ellwood. 18°. Lond. 1830. Creigh, A. Masonry in Pennsylvania. 12°. Phil. 1854. Ceequy, Marquise de. Souvenirs, 1710- 1803. 10 V. in 5. 16°. Paris. 1842. Cresswell, Mrs. F. Memoirs of Elizabeth Fry 8°. Lond. 1856. Cressy, E. Encyclopcedia of Civil Engineer- ing. 8°. Lond. 1847. Cretikeau-Joly, J. Histoire de la Com- pagnie de Jesus. 6 v. 12°. Paris. 1845-6. Histoire du Sonderbimd. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1850. Creviek, J. B. L. Histoire des Empereurs Romains. 9 v. 8°. Paris. 1824. Crichton, a. Converts from Infidelity. 2 v. 18°. Edin. 1827. History of Arabia. 2 v. 12°. Edin. 1834. Same. 2 v. 24°. N.Y. 1834. Crichton, A., and Wheaton, H. History of Scandinavia. 2 v. 16°. Edin. 1837. Same. 2 v. 16°. Edin. 1838. Same. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1843. MERCANTILE LIBKAET. 98 acKET. Field; or, History and Science of Cricket. 12°. Bost. 1859. Crimea, BatUes of. (P.) 8^ N.Y. 1855. Cbitekion (The), v. 1-2. f°. N.Y. 1855-6. Cia-nc (The), v. 12-lC. f ^ Lend. 1853-7. Ckitic (The). Ed. by AV. Leggett. v. 1. 8^. N.Y. 1829. Ceitic Criticised, aod Worcester Vindicated. (P.) 8^. Best. 18G0. Ckitic in Parliament and in Public since 1835. 12". Lond. 18-11. CBmcAL Researches in Philosophy and Geog- raphy. 8'^. Glasg. 1824. Chittenden, S. "W. Book-keeping. 8^. PhiL 1863. Chockeb, S. L. Eulogy on Pros. Lincoln. (P.) 8^ Best. 1865. Ceockek, Z. Catastrophe of the Presbyterian Church. 12°. N. Haven. 1838. Cbockett, D. Life of Martin Van Buren. 12°. Phil. 1835. Sketches and Eccentricities. liI'. N.Y. 1833. Cbocetobd's; or, Life in the AV- ^ v^". N.Y. 1828. Croft, H. Love and Madness; u retries oi Letters. 12°. Lond. I78G. Ckofton, D. Genesis and Geology. 12°. Bost. 1853. CiiOuKii, J. W. Johnsoniana. 12°. Phil. 1842. Ci;tua;i;, T. C. Kesearches in the South of Ireland. 4°. Lond 1824. Croly, G. Apocalypse of St John. 12°. Phil. 1827. Beauties of the British V^Aa. 1-2^ N.Y. 1831. Life and Times oi *..v...p,. ^ " . N.Y. 1831-2. Memoirs of Edmund Buikt . Lond. 1840. Poetical Works. 3 v. 12''. himd. ib'-K}. Scenes from Scripture, imd other Poems. 8^ Lond. 1851. Sermons. 8°. LomL 18 iS. Ckombie, a. English Etymology and Syntax. 8°. Lond. 183G. Cr.oirwELL, O. ' Life of. See Eepublic of Letters, ▼. 5. CiioMWELL, T. Oliver Cromwell and his Times. 12°. Lond. 1822. Ckoncher, J. H., and Le Gray, G. Pho- tography. 16°. Phil. 1853. Cp.ooks, G. R., and Schem, A. J. Latin- English School Lexicon. 8°. Phil '59. Crosby, A. Second Advent 12°. Bost 1850. Crosby, H. Lands of the Moslem. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Cbobby, N. Annual Obituary Notices, 1857, 1858. 2 v. 8°. BoBt 1858-9. CnosLAKD, Mrs. H. Memorublo Womeui 12\ Bost 1854. Ceosland, Mrs. N. Light in the Valley; or, My Experiences in Spiritualism. 12°. Lond. 1857. Cboss, M. Selections from the Edinburgh Review. 6 v. 8°. Paris. 1835-6. Cbossley, J. Sir Philip Sidney and tho Arcadia. 16°. Lond. 1853. Ceossley, J. T. , and AL^tin, W. Arithmetic. 16°. Lond. n.d. CsoucH, E. A. Introduction to Lamarck's Conchology. 4°. Lond 1827. Cbousaz, J. P. de. Art of Thinking. 2 y. 8°. LomL 1724. Cbo%ve, C. Night side of Nature. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Same. 18°. Lond. 1854 Same. 16°. l^ond. 1663. Cbowe, E. E. History of France. 3 v. 12°. PhiL 1831. Same. 3 y. 16°. Load. 1836. Same. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1858-63. Cbozilb, H. P. Sermon, on Benth of J. T, Crozier. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Ceuchley's Picture of London. 16. Lend. 1852. Ceuden, a. Concordance to the Bible. 4°. Lond. 1761. Same. Ed. by D. King. 8°. Glasg. 1841. Cbummell, a. Address, at Cape Palmas, July 26, 1860. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Crump, W. H. World in a Pockut Book. 12°. PhiL 1850. CRUSiua L. Lives of Romau ^o..... - .. 12°. Lond. 1733. Cbitveilhieb, G. Anatomy of Human Body. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Cuba, Correspondence on Tripartite Con- vention for. (1^.) 8°. Bost 1853. Cuba and the Cubans. 12°. N.Y. 1850. CuBiTZ, F. W. Deutscher Volkskalend;er fur 1854. 16°. Leip. 1853. CuDwoRTH, R. Intellectual System of the Universe. 2 v. 8°. Audover. 1838. CuLLEN, E. Isthmus of Daiien Ship CanaL 8°. Lond. 1853. CuLLEN, W. Physiology and Practice of Physic. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1827. CuLLUM, G. W. Militaiy Bridgea 8°. N.Y. 1863. CuLPEPER, N. Herbal and Family Physician. 16°. Halifax. 1848. Cultivator (The). First series. 10 v. P. Albany. 1834-43. 94 CATALOGUE OF THE CP. 73.) 8= Cultivator (The). 2d and 3d series. 15 v. 8°. Albany. 1844-58. Culver, E. D. Forms under the Prohibitory Liquor Law. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Culver, B. Practical Keader. 12°. Phil. 1855. Cumberland, J. British Theatre. 43 v. 18''. Lond. n.d. Minor Theatre. 15 v. 18°. Lond. n.d. Cumberland, B. (Bishop.) Origines Gen- tium Antiquissimas. 8°. Lond. 1724. Cumberland, B. Calvary; a Poem. 16°. Bost. 1796. _ The Carmelite; a Tragedy. (P. 72.) 8°. Lond. 1785. . Memoirs, by Himself. 4°. Lond. 1806. Same. 12°. Bost. 1806. Same. 8°. Phil. 1856. The Natural Son; a Comedy 8°. Lond. 1785. Observer. 16°. Lond. 1808. ■ Same. Also, The Connoisseur. Lond. 1826. Cumings, S. Western Navigator, v. 1. f°. Phil. 1822. CuMMiNG, John. Apocalyi)tic Sketches. 1st series. 12°. Phil. 1854. Benedictions. 16°. Bost. 1854. Christ our Passover. 12°. Phil. 1854. Comforter. 12°. Phil. 1854. Daily Life. 12°. Bost. 1855. Finger of God. 12°. Phil. 1854 Great Consummation. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Same. 2d series. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Great Preparation. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Same. 2d. series. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Great Tribulation. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Same. 2d series. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Is Christianity from* God? 12°. 1854. Lastof the Patriarchs. 12°. Phil Lectures on our Lord's Miracles Phil. 1854. Lectures on our Lord's Parables. 12°. Phil. 1854. Minor Works. 2d. series. 12°. Phil. 1854. Moses Bight and Colenso Wrong. 12°. N.Y. 1803. Prophetic Studies. Lectures on Daniel. ' 12°. Phil. 1854. Beadings on Exodus. 12°. Bost. 1854. Beadings on Leviticus. 12°. Bost. 1855. Beadings on St. Mark. 12°. Bost. 1855. Beadings on St. Matthew. 12°. Bost. 1855. Signs of the Times. 12°. Phil. 1855. N.Y. 1856. 12°. Cumming, John. Teach us to Pray. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Voices of the Day. 12°. Bost. 1854. Voices of the Night. 12°. Bost. 1854. Wellington; a Lecture. 12°. Lond. 1853. Cumming, John, and French, D. Hammer- smith Protestant Discussion. 12°. Lond. 1848. Cumming, R. G. Hunter's Life in South Africa. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Hunter's Life among Lions, &c. 12°. N.Y. 1860. La Vie au Desert. Ime et 2me S^rie. In French, by A. Dumas. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1860. CuMMiNGS, A Memoir of Payson. 12°. Bost. 1830. CuMMiNGS, J. W. Italian Legends and Sketches. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Silver Stole; Epitaphs for a Child. 8^^ N.Y. 1859. Songs for Catholic Schools. 16°. N.Y. 1860. CuMMiNGs, P. Dictionary of Congregational Usages, etc. 12°. Bost. 1853. CuMMiNGs, T. S. History of the Academy of Design. 8°. Phil. 1865. Cummins, Maria S. Der Lampenputzer. 16**. Leip. 1856. Cunningham, Abner. Address to Owen, Kneeland, and other Infidels. (P. 14.) 8°. N.Y. 1833. Cunningham, Alex. Bhilsa Topes; or, Bud- dhist Monuments. 8°. Lond. 1854. Cunningham, Allan. History of British Lit erature for Fifty Years. 12°. Paris 1834. Life and Land of Burns. 12°. N.Y» 1841. Lives of British Painters and Sculpton 6v. 18°. Lond. 183U-9. Same. 5 v. 18°. N.Y. 1831-4. Pictures by the First Masters; wit Notices. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Poems and Songs. 18°. Lond. 1847. Songs of Scotland. 4 v. 8°. Lone 1825. Cunningham, J. Poems. See British Poeta V. 32. Cunningham, J. D. History of the Sikha 8°. Lond, 1849. Cunningham, P. Hand Book of Londoi 2v. 12°. Lond. 1849. London in 1853. 18°. Lond. 1853. fl Story of NeU Gwyn. 12°. Lond. 185S MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 95 c^UNNiNQHAM, P. Two Years in New South "Wales. 2v. 12'^. Lond. 1827. Cunningham, W. M. Cross' Templar's Chart. , 12° Phil. 1863. CuNYNGHAiiE, A. Opiuni War. 18". Phil. 1845. Cube, J, Kailway Locomotion and Steam Navigation. 8°. Lond. 1847. CuREAN, J. P. Speeches. See Foeensic Elo- quence. Same. See Phillips, C. CuEEAN, W. H. Life of J. P. Cun-an. 12°. N.Y. 1855. CuEEENCY and Exchanges. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1841. CuREENCY Explosions, their Cause and Cure. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. CuERENCY, lleport on, by Committee of Meet- ing at N. Y., 1858. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1858. CuREiE, W. W. Life of J. Currie. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1831. CuREY, J. P. Volunteer's Camp and Field Book. 18°. N.Y. 18G1. CuEsoEY Review of the Schuylkill Coal. (P. 4.) 8°. N.Y. 1823. CuETis, G. T. History of the Constitution. 2 V. 8°. N.Y. 185-4-8. Law of Copyright. 8°. Post. 1847. Law of Patents. 8°. Post. 1849. Supremacy of Congress over the Terri- tories. (P.) 8°. Post. 1859. CuETis, G. W. Duty of the American Scholar to Politics; an Oration. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 185G. Howadji in Syria. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Lotus Eating. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Nile Notes. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Rhyme on Rhode Island. See Vinton, F. ; Oration, etc. Curtis, J. H. On Preservation of Health. 18°. Lond. 1838. Curttss, D. S. Western Portraiture, and Emigrants' Guide. 12°. N.Y. 1852. CuRTius Rufus, Q. Opera. See Vaxpy's Del- phin Classics. De Gestis Alexandri Magni. 12°. Phil. 1849. Life of Alexander the Great. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1809. Di Fatti di Alessandro Magno. 24°. Lucca, n.d. CuRWEN, S. Journal and Letters, 1775-84. 8°. N.Y. 1842. CuRzoN, R. Armenia. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Monasteries of the Levant. 12°. N.Y. 1849. CusHiNG, A. Letters on the First Charter of Massachusetts. 18°. Post. 1839. CusHiNG, C. History of Newburyport. 12°. Newburyport. 1826. Review of Late Revolution in France. 2v. 12°. Post. 1833. CusHiNG, L. S. Law and Practice of Legis- lative Assemblies. 8°. Post. 1856. * Manual of Parliamentary Practice. 12^. Post. 1860. Rules of Proceeding and Debate in De- liberative Assemblies. 18°. Post. 1845. Same. 18°. Post. 1858. CusHMAN, H. W. Cushman Genealogy. 8®. Post. 1855. Cushman Celebration, Aug. 1855. 8°. Post. 1855. CussY, F. de. Reglements Consulaires dea fitats Maritimes. 8°. Leip. 1851. CusT, E. Noctes Dominica); or, Sunday Night Reading. 8°. Lond. 1848. CusTANCE, G. Constitution of England. S°. Lond. 1808. CusTiNE, Marquis de. Russia. 12°. N.Y. 1854. CusTis, G. W. P. Recollections of Washing- ton. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Cutbush, J. System of Pyrotechny. 8*'. Phil. 1825. Cutter, W. Life of Lafayette. 12®. N.Y. 1849. Cutts, J. M. Conquest of California and New Mexico, 1846-7. 12°. Phil. 1847. Cutts, Mary. Autobiography of a Clock, and Other Poems. 1G°. Post. 1852. Cuvier, Paron. Histoire et Anatomie dea Mollusques. 4°. Paris. 1817. Ossemens Fossiles de Quadrupfedes. 4v. 4°. Paris. 1812. Lo Rigne Animal. 4 v. 8°. Paris. 1817. Animal Kingdom. 4 v. 8°. N.Y. 1831. Revolutions of the Surface of the Globe. 12°. Phil. 1831. Theory of the Earth. 8°. N.Y. 1818. Cuvillier-Fleury. li^tudes Historiques et Litt^raires. 16°. Paris. 1855. Portraits Politiques et R6volutionnaires, 12°. Paris. 1852. Voyages et Voyageurs, 1837-54. 12°. Paris. 1854. CuYiiEB, J. C. Trial of R. Dunbar for Mur- der. (P. 48.) 8°. Albany. 1850. Cutler, T. L. Cedar Christian, etc. 12*. N.Y. 1864. Czeeny. Exercises in Velocity. 4°. Post. ZLd. 96 CATALOGUE OF THE Dablon, C. Kelation des J^suites en la Nouvelle France, 1673-79. 8°. N.Y. 1860. D'A^KANTEs. ^ee Abrantes, Ducliesse d'. Da Costa, J. M. Medical Diagnosis. 8"^. Phil. 1864. Dadd, G. H. American Cattle Doctor. 12°. • N.Y. 1859. Modern Horse Doctor. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Dagg, J. L. Manual of Theology. 8°. Charleston. 1857. DAGiiEY, K Death's Doings. 8°. Lond. 1826. Drawing and Painting. 4°. Lond. 1822: Daguerreian Journal. Vols. 1-4. 8°. N.Y. 1850-3. Dahlgren, J. A. Boat Armament of U. S. Navy. 12°. PMl. 1856. Naval Percussion Locks and Primers. 12°. Phil. 1853. Keport on Cruise of Ordnance Ship Ply- mouth. 8°. Wash. 1857. Eeport on 32-pounders. 8°. Wash. 1850. Dahlmann, F. C. History of the English Kevolution. 8°. Lond. 1844. Life of Herodotus. 8°. Lond. 1845. Daxcho, F. Episcopal Church in S. Caro- lina. 8°. Charleston. 1820. Dale, T. Poetical Works. 12°. Lond. 1836. Dael, C. W. H. Essays and Sketches. 12°. Bost. 1849. Historical Pictures Retouched. 12°. Bost. 1860. Sunshine; a Lecture on Health, 12"^. Bost. 1864. Dallas, R. C. History of the Maroons. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1803. Recollections of Byron. 8°. Phil. 1825. Dallaway, J. Architecture in England. 8°. Lond. 1833. Constantinople, Ancient and Modern. 4°. Lond. 1797. Dal Rio, E. The Game of Chess. 8°. Lond. 1820. Daleymple, Sir D. See Hailes, Lord. Daleymple, J. Memoirs of Great Britain and L-eland, 1681-1702. 3 v. 4°. Lond. 1771-3. - — Same. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1790. Dalton, J. C. Human Physiology. 8°. Phil. 1859. Same. 8°. Phil. 1864. Daly, C. P. Are the Southern Privateers- men Pirates? (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Discourse ; 35th Anniversaiy of Am. In- stitute. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1864. Daly, C. P. Surrogates' Courts of New York. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Naturalization. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 'i860. When was the Drama Introduced into America? (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Dalyell, J: G. Darker Superstitions of Scotland. 8°. Glasgow. 1835. Dalzel, a. Grteca Majora. 2 v. 8°. Camb. 1811. Same. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1832. v Graca Minora. 8°. Camb. 1821. Dameeum, W. Map of Southern New York. Folded in 8°. N.Y. 1815. Damiron, p. Cours de Philosophie. 4 v. 18°. Brux. 1834. Dampier, W. Voyage Round the World. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1699. Dana, A. H. Ethical and Physiological In- quiries. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Dana, C. A. Household Book of Poetry. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Dana, D. Sermon, on Death of W. Bartlctt. (P.) 8°. Andover. 1841. Dana, D. D. The Fireman. 12°. n.p. 1858. Dana, J. D. Coral Reefs and Islands. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Geology. See United States Expl. Ex- ped., vols. 11-12. Geology for Schools. 12°. Phil. 1854. ■ Manual of Geology. 8°. Phil. 1863. System of Mineralogy. 12°. N. Haven. 1837. Same. -8°. N.Y. 1844. Same. 8°. N.Y. .1850. Science and the Bible. Review of Prof. Lewis. (P.) 8°. Andover. 1856. Science and Scientific Schools. (P. ) 8°. N. Haven. 1856. Text Book of Geologjr. 12°. Phil. 1864. Zoophytes. See United States Explor. Exped. , vols. 8, 10. Dana, Jtlary S. B. Doctrine of the Trinity. 12°. Bost. 1846. Dana, R. H. Poems and Prose Writings. 12°. Phil. 1833. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Dana, R. H., Jr. To Cuba and Back. 12°. Bost. 1859. . Remarks on Removal of Judge Lorlng. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1855. Two l^ears before the Mast. 16°. N.Y. 1864. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Dana, S. L. Muck Slanual for Farmers. 12°. Lowell. 1842. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1859. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 97 NA., S. L. Essay on Manures, ^ee Sax- ton's Hand Books, 2d Series. NCouKT, F. C. Comedies. 2 v. ^See Eepeb- ToiKE General, etc. Daxdo, J. Book-keeping. 4°. PhU. 1842. Dandolo, V. Art of Rearing Silk Worms. 12°. Lond. 1825. Dane, J. Declaration of Remarkable Provi- dences; with Dane Pedigree. (P.) 8'^. Bost. 1854. Danfoeth, H. M. Sermon, on Death of Capt. James Ayer. (P.) 8°. Buffalo. 1863. Daxforth, J. N. Memoir of William C. Walton. 12°. Hartf. 1837. Daniel, G. Merrie England in Olden Time. ^ 12°. Lond. 1842. Daniel, S. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 2. Daniel, U. B. Rural Sports. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1807. Daniels, T. H. Plan for Central Park. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Danskin, y7. A. How I became a Spiiitual- ist. 12°. Bost 1858. Dante Alighieri Canzoniere. (Italian and English.) 12°. Lond. 1840. La Divina Commedia. See Fabnasso Italiano. Same. 8°. Florence. 1828. Inferno. (Text with Prose Transl. ) 12'. Title wanting. Infenio. Transl. 12°. Lond. 1849. Siinie, seventeen Cantos. Transl. by Parsons. 8°. Bost. 18G5. Purgatory. 12°. Lond. 1853. The Visions. Transl. by Cary. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1831. Same. 8°. Lond. 1845. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Purgatory. Transl. by C. B. Cayley. 16°. Lond. 1853. Dante, Petrarch, Ariosto, Tasso. Poems, in Italian. 8°. Florence. 1828-30. Dan'vers (Town). Reception of Mr. Pea- body. 8°. Bost. 1856. Danville Qutu-terly Review, v. 1-A.\ 8°. DanvUle. 1862-4. D'Arblay, JIme. Sec Arblat, Mme. d'. Dauby, P. • The Fniit Garden. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Darby, W. Emigrants' Guide. 8°. N.Y. '18. Geographical Description of Louisiana, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1817. Lectures on Discovery of America. 12°. Bait. 1828. Tour from New Y'ork to Detroit. 8°. N.Y. 1819. 7 Darby, W. View of United States. 2 v. 18°. Phil. 1828. Dabby W., and Dwight, T. United States Gazetteer. 8°. Hartf. 1833. Dares Phrygius. Opera Omnia. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Darley, F. 0. C. Illustrations of Rip Van Winkle. f°. N.Y. 1848. Illustrations of Sleepy Hollow. f°. N.Y. 1849. Darling, J. Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. 8°. Lond. 1854. Daelinoton, W. Address to Philadelphia Soc. for Promoting Agriculture. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1844. American Weeds and Useful Plants. 12°. N.Y. 1859. ^lemoirs of J. Bartram and H. MarshalL 8°. Phil. 1849. Darnell, E. Journal of Kentucky Volun- teers and Regulars in 1812-13. 16°. Phil. 1854. Daerow, D. Christ's Second Appearing. 12°. Albany. 1810. Dareow, p. [Militia Tactics. 12°. Hartf. '21. Dabu, N., Comte. Histoire de la R6publique deVenise. 7 v. 8°. Paris. 1819. Dabu, P. , Comte. Des Chemins de Fer. 8°. Paris. 1843. Des Embranchements du Chemin de Fer de Paris a LiUe* 4°. Paris. 1844 Trac6 du Chemin de Fer de Paris a Chalons. 4°. Paris. 1843. Darwin, C. Extracts from Letters to Prof. Henslow. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Fertilization of Orchids. 8°. Lond. 1862. Geology of the Voyage of the Beagle. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1842-6. Geology and Natural History of Voyage of the Beagle. 8^ Lond. 1839. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1846. ]\Ionograph on Cirripedia. 8°. Lond. 1851. Origin of Species. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Zoologj'^ of Voyage of the Beagle. 3 v. 4°. Lond. 1840-2. Dabwin, E. Zoonomia; Laws of Organic Life. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1801. Dash, Comtesse. See St. Mars, Mme. de. Dates and Distances ; a Tour through Europe. 8°. Lond. 1831. Daubeny, C. Active and Extinct Volcanoes, etc. 8°. Lond. 1848. Atomic Theory. 8°. Oxf. 1831. Climate; its Differences and Influences. 8°. Oxf. and Lond. 1863. 98 CATALOGUE OF THE Daubeitt, C. Excursion to Lake Amsanctus. 8°. Oxf. 1835. ■ Report on Mineral Waters. 8°. Lond. 1837. DAuBiGNE. See Aubigne, J. A. Merle d'. Daumee, G. F. EnthiilluDgen iiber Caspar Hauser. 12°. Frankf. 1859. Daumont, a. L'lle de Cuba. 8°. Paris. 1837. Batjney, W. (Edr.) Ancient Scotch Melo- dies. 4°. Edin. 1838. Daunt, W. J. O'N. Becollections of Daniel O'Connell. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1848. Daveis, C. S. Address at Commencement, Fryeburg,Me. (P.) 8°. Portland. 1825. Davenant, W. Poems. See Beitish Poets, V. 5. Works, r. Lond. 1673. Davenpoet (Iowa"). Directory, 1856-7. 12°. Davenport. 1856. Davenpoet, A. B. Davenport Genealogy. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Davenpoet, J. Aide-Memoire to History of India. 16°. Lond. 1864. Davenpoet, K A. Life of Ali Pasba, Vizier of Epirus. 12°. Lond. 1837. Dictionary of Biography. 8°. Exeter, N, H. 1836. History of the Bastile and its Captures. 18°. Lond. 1838. Lives of Self-made Men. 18°. Lond. 1841. Narratives of Peril and Suffering. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1840. Davesies de Pontes, Mme. Poets and Poe- try of Germany. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1858. Davidson, B. Analytical Hebrew and Cbal- dee Lexicon. 8°. Lond. 1848. Syriac Reading Lessons. 12°. Lond. n.d. Davidson, D. Connexion of Sacred and Pro- fane History. 3 v. in one. 12°. N.Y. 1854. ■ Davidson, G. F. Trade and Travel in the Far East. 12°. Lond. 1846. Davidson, Miss L. M. Amir Khan, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1829. Poetical Remains. 12°. Phil. 1841. Davidson, Miss M. M. Poetical Remains, with Memoir by Irving. 12°. Phil. 1811. Davidson, R. Elijah, and Other Poems. 12^ N.Y. 1860. Davidson, S. Introduction to the New Testa- ment. 3 vols. 8°. Lond. 1848. Treatise on BibUcal Criticism. 2 vols. 8°. Edin. 1852. N.Y. 8° Davidson, W., and Hudson, A. Sources, etc., of Fever. 8°. Phil. 1841. Davie, J. C. Letters from Paraguay. 8°. Lond. 1805. Davies, C. Algiebra. See Bouedon, L. ]\I. P. Algebra. 12°. Phil. 1844. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Analytical Geometry. 12°. Phil. 1844. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Arithmetic for Schools. 16°. N.Y. 1855. Descriptive Geometry. 8°. Phil. 1844. Differential and Integral Calculus. 8°. Phil. 1844. Drawing and Mensuration. 12°. N.Y". 1846. First Lessons in Arithmetic. 12°. Phil. 1845. Grammar of Arithmetic. 1850. Logic and Utility of Mathematics. N.Y. 1850. Practical Geometry. 12°. Phil. 1844. Shades, Shadows, and Linear Perspec- tive. 8°. Phil. 1840. Surveying and Navigation. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Davies, C. M. History of Holland. 3 v. S°. Lond. 1841-4. Davies, E. Celtic Researches. 8°. Lond. 1804. Davies, H. , and Laurent, E. Mercantile and Banknipt Law of France. 12°. Lond. 1855. Davies, H. E. Laws Relating to City of New York. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Davies, J. Handmaid ; or, Literature Sub- servient to Morality. 12°. Lond. 1841. Davies, John. Estimate of the Human Mind. 8°. Lond. 1848. Davies, John, M.D. Pathology and Sur- gery. 8°. Phil. 1839. Davies, John. (TransL") History of the Car- ibby Islands. f°. Lond. 16GG. Davies, Sir John. Poems. See Beitish ^ Poets, V. 4. Davies, S. Sermons. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1828. Davies, Thos. Dramatic Miscellanies. 3 v. 12°. Dublin. 1784. Life of David Garrick, etc. 2 v. Lond. 1781. Davies, Thos. Biographical Sketch of. N. Haven. 1843. Davies, T. A. Answer to Hugh Miller. N.Y. -1860. DAviLA, H. C. See Avila, H. C. d'. Da Vinci, L. See Vinci, L. da. 12° 12°. 12° MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 99 DA^^H, A. Ancient America, a Lecture. (P. 40.) 8°. Buffulo. 1852. Discovery of America; a Lecture. (P. 19.) 8°. N.Y. 1839. History of New Amsterdam. 12". N.Y. 1854. Davis, Alex. J. ArcMtectimil Etchings, &c. f°. n.p. n.d. Davis, And. J. Approaching Crisis. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Great Harmonia. 3 v. 12°. Bost 1851. Present Age, and Liner Life. 8°. N.Y. 1853. . Princii^les of Nature. 8°. N.Y. 18-47. Davis, C. A. Major Jack Downing's Letters. 12°. Bost. 1834. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1834. Davis, C. H. Astronomical Ephemeris for 1855. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1853. Coast Survey of U. S. (P. ) 8°. Camb. 1849. Davis, Dan. Manual of Magnetism. 12°. Bost. 1842. Same. 12°. Bost. 1851. Davis, D. D. Hydrocephalus. 8°. Phil. 1840. Davis, E. The Half Century. 1800-1850. 12°. Bost. 1851. Teacher Taught. 12°. Bost. 1839. Davis, G. L. L. Day-Star of American Free- dom. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Da\'is, H. W. War of Orniuzd and Ahriman in 19th Ceutuiy. 8°. Bait. 1852. Davis, J. Life of T. Kinnicutt. 8°. Bost. 1854. Da^is, J. B. History of Nice. 8°. Lond. 1807. Davis, J. F. China and its Inhabitants. 2v. 16°. Lond. 1836. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1836. China during the War and since the Peace. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1852. DA^'IS, M. L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1836-7. Davis, Mrs. T. History of Sabbatarian Churches. 12°. Phil. 1851. Da\'ls, N. Carthjxge and her Remains. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Davis, N. S. American Medical Association, from its Organization. 8°. PhiL 1855. Davis, P. M. History of the late War. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Davis, T. T. Eulogy on Daniel Webster. (P. ) 8°. Syracuse. 1852. DA^^s, W. Bibliographical and Literary An- ecdotes. 12". Lond. 1817. Davison, F. Poetical llhapsody, and other Pieces. 2 v. 8^. Lond. 1846. I Davy, E. On Fulminic Acid and its Combi- nations. (P. 24.) 8°. Dubl. 1829. Davy, Sir H. Works. 9 v. 12°. Lond. 183^ 1840. Agricultural Chemistry. 8°. Lond. '36. Consolations in Travel. 18°. Phil. 1830. Elements of Chemical Philosophy. 8°. Lond. 1812. Fragmentary Remains. 8°. Lond. 1858. Safety Lamps. 8°. Lond. 1825. Salmonia; or. Days of Fly-fishing. 16°. Lond. 1832. Davy, J. Account of Ceylon. 4°. Lond. 1821. Life of Sir Humphry Davy. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Researches, Physiological and Anatomi- cal. 8°. Phil. 1840. Dawbakn, Eliz. Recreation and Usefulness. 16°. Lond. n.d. Dawson, Flora. Princes, Public Men, and Pretty Women. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1864. Dawson, H. B. See Federalist (The). Assault on Stony Point. 8°. Morrisania. 1860. Correspondence on the Federalist. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Correspondence on General Putnam. 8°. Morrisania. 1860. Sons of Liberty in New York. 8°. N. Y. 1859. Dawson, J. W. Acadian Geology. 12°. Edin. 1855. Archaia; Studies of the Hebrew Scrij>- tures. 12°. Montreal. 1860. On Stembergia^. (P.) 8". n.p. n.d. Dawson, M. Life of Gen. Han-ison. 8°. Cine. 1824. C. W. Five I'ears in the West Indies. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1852. . C. W. Maxims, Experiences, and Ob- servations. 12°. Bost. 1844. Day, G. E. Day Genealogy. 8°. Northamp- ton. 1848. Day, G. E., M.D. Domestic Management and Diseases of Advanced Life. 8°. Lond. 1849. Day, H. N. Art of Rhetoric. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Rhetorical Praxis. 12°. Cine. 1861. Day, Jas. Construction of Railways. • 8°. Lond. 1848. Day, Jer. Introduction to Algebra. 8°. N. Haven. 1819. Day, Sherman. Historical Collections of Pennsylvania. 8°. PhU. 1843. Day, Day, 100 CATALOGUE OF THE Day, S.P. English America. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1864. Dat, T. Four Tracts; Reflections on Eng- land and America. 8°. Lond. 1785. Day, T. Discourse before Conn. Hist. So- ciety. (P.) 8°. Hartf. 1844. Day, W. Case of Church Discipline in Brook- lyn. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Dayton (O.). Business Directory, 1864-5. 8°. Dayton. 1864. Deacon, A. Perspective Drawing. 8°. Lond. 1841. Dead Shot; or. Sportsman's Complete Guide. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Deaf and Dumb; Review of Messrs. Weld and Day. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Deaf and Dumb. Observations on Educa- tion of. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1834. Deakin, H. C. Deliverance of Switzerland, a Dramatic Poem. 8°. Lond. 1830. Dean, A. Address to Albany Institute. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1833. Address to N. Y. Young Men's State Association. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1841. Introductory Lecture, Hudson, N. Y., (P.) 8°. Hudson. 1840. Lecture to Albany Y. ]ML Association. (P.) 8^ Albany. 1839. Philosophy of Human Life. 12°. Bost. 1839. Dean, B. W. Report of Deaths, Births, and Marriages in Vermont. 8°. n.p. 1857- 1859. Dean, J. W. History of the N. E. Geneal- ogical Register. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Life of Rev. M. Wigglesworth. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1863. Deane, J. Ichnographs from Sandstone of Connecticut River. 4°. Bost. 1861. Deane, J. P. Law of Blockade. 8°. Lond. 1855. Deane, S. Papers on Case of. 8°. Phil. 1855. Deane, AV. R. Deane Genealogy. 8". Bost. 1849, Deabbobn, H. a. S. Commerce of Black Sea. 3v. 8°. Bost. 1819. Deabborn, N. Boston Notions. 16°. Bost. 1848. Debaey, T. Residence in the Canary Islands, etc. 12°. Lond. 1851. Debates of House of Commons on Govern- ment of Quebec. 8°. Lond. 1839. Debay, a. Medecine du Visage, et Hygiene de la Peau. 16°. Paris. 1850. De Bow, J. D. B. Industrial Resources of South and West 3 v. 8°. N.O. 1852. De Bow, J. D. B. Statistical View of the United States. 8°. Wash. 1854. De Bow's Commercial Review, vols. 1-29. 8°. N.O. 1847-60. Debeett, J. Baronetage of England. 8°. Lond. 1840. Genealogical Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland. 8°. Lond. 1849. Decanver, H. C. See Cavender, C. H. Decimal Association. Proceedings. CP-) 8°. Lond. 1854. Dee, J. Private Diary and Catalogue of Manuscripts. See Camden Society's PubUcations. Defence of Ignorance. 16°. Lond. 1851. De FivAs, A. Classic French Reader. 12°. N.Y. 1851. DeFoe,D. Works. 20 v. 12°. Oxford. 1841. Same. 3 v. Ed. by Hazlitt. 8°. Lond. 1843. Aventures de Robinson Cnisoe. 8°. Paris. 1840. De Forest, J. W. European Acquaintance. 12°. N.Y. 1858. History of the Indians of Connecticut tc 1850. 8°. Hartf. 1853. Oriental Acquaintance. 12°. N.l^ J.856, De Forest, T. R. Olden Times in New York. 12°. N.Y. 1833. De Graff, S. Stair Builder's Guide. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Degrand's Boston Weekly Report. 4 v. f°. Bost. 1819-21. De Haas, W. Indian Wars of Western Vir- ginia. 8°. WheeUng. 1851. Dehon, T. Sermons, on Public Means of Grace. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Deighan, p. Book-keeping. 8°. Dublin. 1807. DeKay,J.E. Sketches of Turkey. 8°. N.Y. 1833. Zoology of New York. See New York. De Kroyft, S. H. A Place in thy Memory. 12°. N.Y. 1850. De la Beche, H. T. Geological Manual. 8°. Phil. 1832. Geological Observer. 8°. Lond. 1851. How to Observe. Geology. 12°. Lond. 1836. Lecture on Mining, &c. (P.) 16°. Lond. 1851. Researches in Theoretical Geology. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Delafield, E. Biographical Sketch of Dr. Rodgers. (P. 45.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Introductory Address, N.Y. Coll. of Phy- sicians, etc. (P.) N.Y. 1837. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 101 ::LAriKLD, J. Address to N. Y. State Agric. Society. (P. 42.) S°. Albany. 1852. DEfiAFiELD. J. , Jr. Description of Washing- ton County, 0. (P.) 8^. N.Y. 1834. Origin of Antiquities of America. 4°. N.Y. 1839. Df.i.amotte, p. Choice Examples of Art Workmanship. 4°. Lond. 1851. Practice of Photograph3\ 12^. Lond. 1855. Delano, A. Life on the Plains and in the Diggings. 12°. Aubui-n. 1854. Delano, Amasa. Voyages and Travels. 8°. Bost. 1817. Delany, M. R. Report of Niger Exploring Party. (P.) 8^. N.Y. 18G1. Delany, Mrs. M. G. Autobiography and Correspondence. 6 v. 8°. Lond- 1861- 1862. Delaplaine, J. Repository of Distinguished Americans. 4°. Phil. 1815. De La Rive, A. Electricity in Theor}' and Practice. 2 v. 8°. Loud. 1853. Delavan, E. C. Temperance of Wine Coun- tries; a Letter. (P.) 8^ n.p. 1860. Trial of, for Libel. (P.) 12°. Albany. 1840. Delavau et Fkanchet. Le Livre Noir. 4 v. 8°. Paris. 1820. Delaatgne, C. (Euvres; 4 v. 16°. Bnix. 1832. Theatre. 4 v. 16^ Paris. 1826. Delectus Sententiarum Gra3carum. 12°. Camb. 1819. Delepierre, 0. Histoire Litt^raire des Fous. 12°. Lond. 1860. History of Flemish Literature. 8°. Lond. 1800. Delessert, E. Six Semaines dans Sar- daigne. 12°. Paris. 1855. Voyages dans les deux Oceans. 8°. Paris. 1848. Deleuze, J. P. F. Royal Museum of Nat- ural History. 8^. Paris. 1823. Delille, J. (Euvres Completes. 8°. Paris. 1840. Delisser, R. L. Interest and Average Ta- bles. Oblong, N.Y. 1854. Dellon, M. Neue Reise-Beschreibung nach Ost-Indien. 12°. Dresden. 1700. Deijloye, H. L. Chants et Chansons de la France. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1843. Delmar, a. Gold Money and Paper Money. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Life of Gen. McClellaiL 12°. N.Y. 1864. NatiomJ Banks. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1865. Db Lolme, J. L. Constitution of England. 8°. Lond. 1821. Same, ed. by Stephens. 2 v. 8°. Lond. '38. Delord, T. Les Matinees Litt^raires. 12°. Paris. 1860. Deltuf, p. Fid^s. 16°. Paris. 1865. De Luc, J. A. Lettres sur la Terre. 5 v. 8°. Paris. 1779. Letters on the Physical History of the Earth. 8°. Lond. 1831. Delvincoubt, M. Cours de Code Civil. 2 v. 4°. Paris. 1824. Demabest, J. T. Commentary on 2d Epistle of Peter. 8° N.Y. 1865. Demababa after Fifteen Years of Freedom. 8°. Lond. 1853. Demetz, F. a. La Colonie Agricole de Met- tray. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1861. Demilt Dispensary. Reports, 2d-6th years. 1852-7. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1853-7. Demilt Library. iSee Apprentices' Library. Democbat (The) ; or, Intrigues, «tc. , of Jean LeNoir. 10°. N.Y. 1795. Democbatic Convention, Fitchburg, ^lass. Address agfunst Coalition. (P.) 8°. Bost 1852. Democratic Review. Vols. 1-31, and v. 42. 8°. Wash, and N. Y. 1838-58. Democratie Pacifique. Vols. 1-7. f. Paris. 1843-6. De Moivre, a. Annuities upon Lives. 8°. Lond. 1725. De Moboan, a. Arithmetic and Algebra. See Libbaby of Useful Knowledge, v. 8. Arithmetical Books since Invention of Printing. 8°. Lond. 1847. Book of Almanacs. 8°. Lond. 1851. Formal Logic. 8°. Lond. 1847. Gnomonic Projection of the Sphere. 8°. Lond. 1836. Spherical Trigonometry. Library of Useful Knowledge, v.. 9. De Mobgan, Mrs. From Matter to Spirit 8°. Lond. 1863. Demosthenes. Opera. (Greek and Latin.) See Didot's Greek Classics, v. 16. Orations. Transl. by Leland. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1806. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1831. Same. 2 v. Also, Sallust's Catiline. 18°. Lond. 1832. Dempsey, G. D. Drainage of Towns and Buildings. 12°. Lond. 1849. Dendy, W. C. Phenomena of Dreams. 16°. Phil. 1832. Philosophy of Mystery. 12°. N.Y. 1845. 102 CATALOGUE OF THE Denham, D., Clappekton, and Oudney, Travels in Africa. 8°. Bost. 1826. Same. 4 v. 18=^. Lond. 1831. Denham, J. Poems. See British Poets, v. 6. Denina, C. Eivoluzioni della Germania. 6v. 8^. Florence. 1804. Denison, E. B. Clock and Watch. Making. 16°. Lond. 1850. Denison, H. M. Lectures to Business Men. 8°. Charleston. 1858. Denman, J. L. Vine and its Fruit. 12°. Lond. 1864. Denmark. Dansk Hofog Stats-Calender, '47. Af J. P. Trap. 8=^. Copenhagen, n.d. Dennis, G. Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Dennis, J. Original Letters. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1721. Dennistoun, G. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1851. Memoirs of Sir K. Strange and A. Lum- isden. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1855. Denon, D. V, Travels in EgjTpt. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1803. Denton, D. Description of New York. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Same. 4° N.Y. 1845. Denton, W., and E. M. F. The Soul of Things. 12°. Bost. 1863. Deon, H. Conservation et Bestauration des Tableaux. 16°. Paris. 1851. De Peystek, J. W. Battle of the Baltic, 1658. (P.) 8°. Poughk. 1858. De Peyster Papers. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Dutch at the North Pole, and in Maine. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. Eclaireur; a Military Journal, Aug., 1854, to Aug., 1855. 8°. Poughk. 1855. Same, Aug. , 1854, to Feb. , 1855. (P. 30. ) 8°. Poughk. 1855. • Life of Torstenson. 8°. Poughk. 1855. LifeofTraun. 8°. CatsldU. 1863. Organization of Militia. (P.) 4°. n.p. n.d. Proofs of Early Dutch Settlement in Acadia. 8°. Tivoli. 1858. Proofs of Early Dutch Settlement in Maine. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Secession in Switzerland and in the U.S.; anAddr<-ss. (P.) 8°. Catskill. '63. Winter Campaigns, (P.) 16°. n.p. n.d. Depons, F. Voyage to Terra Firma. 3 v, 8°. N.Y. 1806. De Pontes. See Davesies de Pontes. Depping, G. B. Histoire des Expeditions Man times des Normands. 16°. Paris. 1846. Depping, G. B. Evening Entertainments. 2v. 12°. Phil. 1833. Depping, G. B., and Michel, F. Waylaud Smith. 16°. Lond. 1847. De Puy, H. W. Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Heroes. 12°. Buffalo. 1853. De Quincey, T. Autobiographic Sketches. 12°. Bost. 1853. Avenger, and Other Papers. 12°. Bost. 1849. Beauties of. 12°. Bost. 1862. Biographical Essays. 12°. Bost. 1850. Same, with Suspiria de Profundis. 12°. Bost. 1855. Cffisars. 12° Bost. 1854. Essays on Philosophical Writers. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1853. Historical and Critical Essays. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1853. Letters to a Young Man whose Edu- cation has been Neglected. 18°. Phil. 1843. Same; with Other Papers. 12°. Bost. 1854. ■ ■ Life and Manners. 12°. Bost. 1851. Literary Beminiscences. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1851. Memorials, and Other Paj)ers. 2 v. 12^. Bost. 1856. Miscellaneous Essays. 12°. Bost. 1860. Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers. 2v. 12°. Bost. 1853. Note Book of an English Opium Eater. 12°. Bost. 1855. Theological Essays, etc. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1854. De Quincy. See QuATPtEMERE De Quincy. Derby, E. Stanley, Earl of. Iliad, transl. See Homer. Derby, G. H. Phcenixiana. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Squibob Papers. 10°. N.Y. 1865. Derby, J. B. Political Eeminiscences. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1835. Dekmoncourt, Gen. Duchess of Bern in La Vendee. 12°. Phil. 1833. De Sanctis, L. Eome, Christian and Papal. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Descartes, M. Histoire et Geographic de Madagascar. 8°. Paris. 1846. Descartes, E. Methode pour bien Conduire sa Eaison. 4°. Paris. 1668. Meditations, and Selections from Phi- losophy. 10°. Edin. 1853. Method of Conducting the Eeason. 16°. Edin. 1850. Same. 16°. Edin. 1853. Opera Philosophica. 4°. Amst. 1650. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 103 i )KscouRTrLZ, M. E. Voyages d'un Natura- ILsto. 3 V. 8''. Paris. 1809. DEScaii^ioN ofBiiyue's Panorama of Voyage to Europe. ' (P. 47.) 8°. Phil. 1849. Desceiption de I'figypte. Text 10 v., Atlas 13 V. r. Paris. 1809-22. Desdouits. La Physique en Action. 2 v. 8^. Paris. 184C. Deseze, J. B. A. M. L'Abeillo Fran9aise. 12°. N.Y. 1821. Desl.\.xdes, L. Manhood, its Premature Decline and Restoration. 18°. Bost. 1845. De Smet, p. J. Oregon Missions. 1G°. N.Y. 1847. Des IMicHELS, O. C. Manual of History of Middle Ages. 16°. Lond. 1841. Des MouLiNs, J. Ancient Druids. 16°. Lond. 1794. Desnos, J. 0. Tableau Historique de I'ln- dustrie et du Commerce. 16°. Paris. 1829. Desperthes. Naufrages; augmentee par Duromesnil. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1835. Desplaces, a. Galerie des Pontes Vivants. 12°. Paris. 1848. Desplaces, E. Le Canal de Suez. 16°. Paris. 1858. • Destiny of Nicaragua. 8°. Bost. 1856. Destouckes, G. N. Comedies. 2 v. See Re- PERToniE General, etc. Destouches, p. (Euvres Choisies. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1810. Destruction of Jerusalem a Proof of Divine Origin of Christianity. 12°. Phil. 1814. Destutt de Tracy, A. L. C. Political Econ- omy. 8°. Georgetown, D. C. 1817. Comentario sobre el Espiritu de las Leyes de Montesquieu. Spanish of Salas. 16°. Valencia. 1822. Desultoeia; the MSS. of an Eccentric. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Detail of some Particular Services in Amer- ica, 1776-9. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Detroit City Directory, 1856-7, '61, '64-5, '65-6. 4v. 8°. Detroit. 1856-65. Deumier, J. L. Oehlenschlager; £tude Bi- ographique, etc. 16°. Paris. 1854. Deutsche Monatsschrift. 2 v. 8°. Bremen. 1851. Deutsche Viertcljahrs Schrift. v. 27-50. 8°. Stuttg. 1851-62. Deutscheb XJniversitats-Almanach, 1859. 12°. Leip. 1859. Deutscher Volkskalender. See Auerbach, B.; CuBiTz, F.W.; Nieritz, G. Deutsches Museum, v. 1-9. 8°. Lcip. 1851- 1855. De Veitelle, I. Mercantile Dictionary. 12°. N.Y. 1864. De Vere, a. Picturesque Sketches in Greece and Turkey. 12°. Phil. 1850. Song of Faith, &c. 16°. Lond. 1842. Waldenses and Other Poems. 16°. Oxf. 1842. De Vere, Scheie. See Scheie de Vere. Devil on Two Sticks in England; a Contin- uation of Le Sage. 6 v. 12°. Lond. 1790-1. De Vinxe, T. L. Profits of Book Composi- tion. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Devoe, E. The Refuge System. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1848. Devoe, T. F. Market Book. v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Dew, T. Laws of Ancient and Modem Na- tions. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Dewae, D. !Moral Philosophy and Christian Ethics. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1826. Dewees, J. Great Future of America and Africa. 8°. Phil. 1854. Dewees, W. P. [Midwifery. 8°. PhiL 1853. D'Ewes, S. Autobiography and Correspond- ence. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1845. De Wette, W. :M. L. Human Life; or, Practical Ethics. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1842. Introduction to the Old Testament/ 2 V. 8°. Bost. 1843. Theodore ; or, the Skeptic's Conversion. 12°. Bost. 1841. Dewey, C. See Massachusetts. Reports on Natural History. Dewey, O. Discourses on Human Life. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Discourses on Human Nature, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Discourses on Nature of Religion, Com- merce, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Discourses on Theology and Practical Religion. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Discourses oa various Subjects. 12°. N.Y.. 1835. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Human Progress, and Modem Reforms; a Lecture. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Moral Views of Commerce, Society and Politics. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Old Worid and the New. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Patriotism; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1859. Problem of Human Destiny. 8°. N.Y. 1864. 104 CATALOGUE OF THE Dewhurst, H. "VV. Guide to Phrenology. 18° Lend. 1831. De Witt, C. Histoire de Washington; Precedee d'line £tude sur Washing- ton x^ar Guizot. 8°. Paris. 1855. De Witt, F. Statistics of Industry of Massa- chusetts. 8°. Bost. 1856. De Witt, J. Life Annuities. See Baknwell, E. G. True Literest and Political Maxims of Holhmd and West Friesland. 12°. Lond. 1702. De Witt, Kev. J. Sermon on Death of Eev. J. H. Livingston. (P. 45.) 8°. NewBruns. 1825. De Witt, T. Sermon in North Reformed Dutch Church. 8^ N.Y. 1857. History of the School of the Ref. Dutch Church in New York. 12°. N.Y. 1853. De Witt, W. Pi. Sermon on his 70th Birth- day. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 18G2. Dextek,' H. M. Congregationalism. 8°. Bost. 1865. Our National Condition; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1856. Sermon on Eternal Punishment. (P. ) 8°. Bost. 1858. Verdict of Reason on Future Punish- ment. 12°. Bost. 1865. D'HoMEKGUE, J. Silk Culturist's Manual. 12°. Phil. 1839. D'HoMERGUE, J. , and Duponceau, P. S. Es- says on American Silk. 12°. Phil. 1830. DiAiiOGUE on the Atonement. (P.) 16°. Bost. 1833. Dialogue on the Constitution, AjDplied to the American Question. (P. 52.) 8°. Lond. 1776. Diary of an Austrian Secretary of Legation at the Court of Peter the Great. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1863. Diary of Siege of Detroit by Pontiac. 4°. Albany. 1860. Diaz del Castillo, B. Memoirs; and Con- quest of Mexico. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1844. Dlbdin, T. Last Days of the Last of the Dibdins. 8°. Lond. n.d. DrBDiN, T. F. Bibliographical Tour in France and Germany. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1829. BibUomania ; a Bibliographical Romance. 8°. Lond. 1809. Same. 8°. Lond. 1842. Bibliophobia. 8°. Lond. 1832. Historical and Literary Tour in England and Scotland. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. DiBDiN, T. F. Introduction to Greek and Latin Classics. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1827. Library Companion. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. Reminiscences. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Dicey, E. Schleswig-Holstein War. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1864. Six Months in the Federal States. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1863. Dick, T. Celjestial Scenery. 24°. N.Y. 1838. Covetousness. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Improvement of Society, etc. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Mental Illumination and Moral Im- provement. 12°. Phil. 1836. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Philosophy of a Future State. 12°. N. Y. 1829. Philosophy of Religion. 12°. Brook- field, Mass. 1829. Practical Astronomer. 12°. N.Y. 1846. ■ Sidereal Heavens. 18°. N.Y. 1840. Dickens, C. See All the Year Round; Household Narrative ; Household Words. American Notes. 8°. N.Y. 1842. Same. 8°. Phil. n.d. Same. 16°. Leip. 1842. Child's History of England. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1853-4. Home and Social Philosojihy. From Household Words. 12°. N.Y. 1852. In Memoriam W. M. Thackeray. See Taylor, Theo. Memoirs of Grimaldi. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Same. 16°. Lond. 1846. Same. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1838. Pictures from Italy. 16°. Lond. 1846. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Sunshine on Daily Paths. 12°. Phil. 1854. World Here and There. 12°. N.Y. '52. DicKERsoN, E. N. The U. S. Navy; an Ar- gument in the Mattingly Case. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. DiCKERSON, O. C. Revel of the Rum Fiend. 16°. Brooklyn. 1859. DicKEsoN, M. W. Numismatical Manual. 4°. Phil. 1859. Dickinson, A. My First Visit to Europe. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Dickinson, B. Prize Letters to Students. 18°. N.Y. 1831. Dickinson, J. Political Writings. 2 v. Wil- mington. 1801. Dickinson, J., Jr. India and its Govern- ment 8°. Lond. 1853. MERCANTILE LIBRARY, 105 icKiNsoN, R. Elements of Geography. 8°. Boat. 1813. icKsoN, Jas. H. Cultivation of Flax. 16°. Lond. 184G. i 'rcKsox, John. Unity of the Physical Sciences. 12^ Lond. 1859. iJicKSON, S. H. Chrono-Thermal Sj'stem of, Medicine. 8^. N.Y. 1845. Essays on Life, SleeiJ, Pain, etc. 12°. Phil. 1852. Inaugural, Jefferson Medical College. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1858. DiCTioNAKY of Cotemporary Biography. 12°. Lond. 1861. Dictionary of Merchandise. 8°. Phil. 1805. DicnoNARY of Quotations, Latin, Greek, French, etc. 12°. Phil. 1848. Dictionary of Slang. 16°. Lond. 1860. DiCTioNNAiRE Bihliographique des Livres Bares. 4 v. 8°. Ptuis. 1802. DicTioNNAiRE du Commerce et des Marchon- dises. 2v. 8°. Paris. 1839. Dictionnaire Encyclop^dique des Amuse- mens des Sciences. 2 v. 4°. Paris. 1792. Dictionnaire de I'lndustrie Manufacturi^re, etc. 10 V. 8°. Paris. 1833-41. Dictys Cretensis. Opera Omnia. SecVAU»Y'B Deli^hin Classics. Diderot, D. Drames. See Repertoire General, etc. (Euvres. 7 v. 8°. Paris. 1818. Diderot, D., and Alembert, J. L. R. d*. Encyclop^die. 25 v. f°. Lucca. 1759. DiDiER, F. J. Letters from Paris and other Cities. 8°. N.Y. 1821. Didot's Greek Classics, v. 1-36. (Greek with Latin transl.) r.8°. Paris. 1839-51. Vol. 1. Homer, et Cycli Epici Reliquiae. 2. Plato, Aristophanes, Menander, Philemon. 3. Xenophon. 4. Poly bins. 5. Appianus. 6. 12, 24, 28. Plutarchus. 7. Hesiodus. 8. Lucianus. 9. Thucydides. 10. Theophrasti Characteres. 11, 29, 31, 36. Fragmenta Histori- corum Groicorum. 13. .aischylus et Sophocles. 14. 17. Diodorus Siculus. 15. Scholia in Aristoj)lianem. 16. Demosthenes. 18, 25. Euripides. 19. Herodotus. Didgt's Greek Classics. Vol. 20. Pausanias. 21, 22. (Continued.) 27. Flavins Josephus, Poetse Bucolici et Didactic!. 23. Oratores Attici. 26. Arrianus. 30, 35. Aristoteles. 32. Philostratonim, Eunapii et Ho- merii Opera. 33. Scholia in Theocritum, Nican- drum, et Oppianum. 34. Diogenes Laertius. Didbon, M. Christian Iconography. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1851. DiEFENBACH, L. Die AltenVolker Europa's. 8°. Frankf. 1861. DiQBT, K. Memoirs, by Himself. 8°. Lond. 1827. DiGBY, K H. Broad Stone of Honor. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1846. Dignowity, a. M. Bohemia under Austrian Despotism. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Bnjjov, J. B. History of Indiana, v. 1. 8°. Indianapolis. 1843. Inquiry into Political Sovereignty. (P.) 12^ Indianapolis. 1860. Dilwobth, T. Arithmetic. 12°. Lond. 1773. Same. Improved by R. Wiggins. 8°. N.Y. 1822. Book-keeper's Assistant 8°. N.Y. 1803. DiNSMOoR, R. Poems and Letters. 12°. HaverhUl. 1828. Diodorus Siculus. See Didot's Greek Clas- sics, V. 14-17. Historical Library. Transl. by Booth. 2 V. 8°. LoncL 1814. Diogenes. Vindication of Sir. Jefferys. (P. 28.) 8°. Lond. 1806. Diogenes. (Newspaper.) v. 1. 4°. Lond. 1853. Diogenes Laertius. See Didot's Greek Clas- sics, V. 34. Vies des Philosophes. 18°. Paris. 1841. Same. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1847. DiONYSius Halicamassensis. Roman Anti- quities. Transl. , with notes, by Spel- man. 4 v. 4°. Lond. 1758. Discourses in Murray St Church in 1830.. 8°. N.Y. 1830. Discovery of the Vital Principle; or. Phy- siology. 8°. Lond. 1838. Discussions on the Proposed Constitution of 1853 in Massachusetts. 8°. Best 1854. DiSDiER, H. Conciliation du Droit et du Devoir. 2 v. 8°. Geneva. 1859. DisoswAY, G. P. Earliest Churches of New York. 8°. N.Y. 1864. 106 CATALOGUE OF THE N.Y. 12= 1824. 1839. 12°. Disr/U!:li, B. , a Literary and Political Biogra- pliy. 8°. Lond. 1854. DisiiAELi, L Amenities of Literature. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Calamities of Authors. 2 v. 12°. 1812. Curiosities of Literature. 3 v. Bost. 1834. Same. 4 v. 12°. Bost. 1859. Same. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Same. 2d Series. 3 v. 8°. Lond. Literary Character. 12°. Lond. Miscellanies of Literature. 3 v. N.Y. 1841. Quarrels of Authors. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1814. Dissensions (Les) des Eepubliques de La Plata. 8°. Paris. 1865. Dissertation on a Congress of Nations. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. 8°. Oxf. 1820. Dissertation on the Advantages of Per- petual Union between Great Britain and the Colonies. 8°. Phil. 1766. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1838. DisTURNELii, J. Gazetteer of New York. 8°. Albany. 1843. Guide between Washington, Baltimore, Phila., N.Y. and Boston. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Guide through the Middle, Northern and Eastern States and Canada. 18°. N.Y. 1847-8. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1850. Guide through the U. S. and Canada. 1850, '51, '52, '53. 4 v. 18°. N.Y. 1850- 1853. Influence of Climate. 1860. Map of Valley of Mexico. 16°. N.Y. 1847. New York State Register. York, etc. Northern Traveller. 16°. N.Y. n.d. Post Office Directory, 1863. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Same, for U. S. and Canada, for 1864. 8°. N.Y. 1864. U. S. Almanac. See United States, etc. U. S. Register. See United States, etc. DrrsoN, G. L. Adventures -on Northern Coast of Africa. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Circassia; a Tour. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Para Papers. 8°. Paris. 1858. (P.) 4°. N.Y. Folded in See New Dn^ERS Merits sur la Revolution de Juillet, (Pamphlets bound together.) 12°. Paris. 1831-2. Divine, S. R. Photographic Manipulation of Chemicals. 12°. N.Y. 1804. Divine (The) Organic Law of Capital Punish- ment. (P.) 8°. Detroit. 1848. Dix, Dorothea L. Prisons in the U. S. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1845. Dis, J. A. Communication to State Senate on Trinity Church. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. Speeches and Addresses. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Winter in Madeira, etc. 12°. N.Y. '50. Dix, J. R. Handbook of Newport and Rhode Island. 16°. Newport. 1852. Local Loiterings around Boston. 12°. Bost. 1845-6. Pen and Ink Sketches ; also, Chatterton, a Romance. 12°. Bost. 1845. Pulpit Portraits of American Divines. 12°. Bost. 1854. Dix, M. Exposition of Galatians and Colos- sians. 8°. N.Y. 1864. The Inspiration of the Scriptures ; a Sermon. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1862. Dix, S. a. Poem, before Bost. Merc. Libr. Asso., Jan. 3, 1848. (P. 44.) 8°. Bost- 1848. Dix, W. G. The Unholy Alliance. 12°. N.Y. 1855. The University of the South ; an Ad- dress. (P.) 8°. Nashv. 1859. Dixox, E. Scalpel, v. 1-10. 8°. N.Y. 1849, 1858. DixoN, E. S. Ornamental and Domestic Poultry. 12°. Phil. 1851. Dixon, J. Tour in the U. S. and Canada. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Dixon, R. V. Treatise on Heat. Part I. 8°. Dubl. 1859. Dixon, W. H. John Howard and the Prison World of Europe. 16°. Lond. 1849. Lives of ArchbishoiDS of York. Ed. b}'' Raine. v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1863. London Prisons. 16°. Lond. 1850. Personal History of Lord Bacon. 8°. Bost. 1801. Robert Blake, Admiral. 12°. Lond. 1852. William Penn, a Biography. 12°. Phil. 1851. D'Leina, W. Spring Wild Flowers. 32°. Lond. 1849. Doane, a. S. Surgery Illustrated. 8°. N.Y. 1836. MEECANTILE LIBRARY. 107 DoANE, G. W. Address, on Death of Rev. J. D. Ogilby. (P.) 8=^. N.Y. 1851. Ends, etc., of Burlington College; an Address. (P.) 8^ Biirlington. (N. J.) 1818. Heiitage of Jerseymen ; an Address. (P.) 8^ Burlington. 1848. Influence without Intervention; an Ad- dre.ss. (P.) S'^. Burlington. 1852. Protest, etc., in Reply to Halsted and' others. (P.) S'\ Phil. 1852. Songs by the Way. 12^^. N.Y. 1824. Woman's Mission. 16^. N.Y. 1839. DoANE, G. W. Review of Protest, etc., of. (P.) 8^ Cine. 1852. DoBBS, A. Countries near Hudson's Bay. 4°. Lond. 1744. DoBELL, S. Balder. 12"^. Lond. 1854. Poems. 18°. Bost. 1860. The Roman. 12°. Lond. 1852. DoBNEY, H. H. Future Punishment. 12°. Rochester. 1858. DoBRiznoFFER, M. Account of the Ablponcs. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1822. DoBSON, E. Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles. 12^. Lond. 1850. Masonry and Stone-cutting. With 4°. V. of Plates. 12°. Lond. 1849. Rudiments of Art of Building. 12°. Lond. 1849. DoBsoN, Mrs. Susanna. Life of Petrarch. 8°. Phil. 1817. DocHARTY, D. B. Arithmetic. 12°. N.Y. '54. Same. 12° N.Y. ^803. Geometry and Calculus. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Documents on Climate and Soil of Florida. (P. 41.) 8°. N.Y. 1832. DoD, B. L., and Burnet, J. R. Dod Gene- alogy. 8°. Newark. 1864. DoD, C. R. Electoral Facts, 1832-53. 16° Lond. 1853. Manual of Dignities. 16°. Lond. 1842. DoDD, G. Curiosities of Industry and Ap- plied Science. 8°. Lond. 1852. DoDD, J. B. Algebra. 12°. N.Y. 1854. DoDD, M. A. H. Poems. 12°. Hartf. 1844. DoDD, S. East Haven Register, and Dod Genealogy. 12°. N. Haven. 1824. DoDD, W. Discourses to Young Men. 18°. Lond. 1840. Doddridge, P. Discourses on Regeneration. 16°. BallstonSpa. 1815. Family Expositor. V, v. 8°. Bost. 1807-8. -.— Life of Col. Gardiner. 16°. Lond. 1796. Doddridge, P. Miscellaneous Works. 8°. Lond. 1830. Same, with Introductory Essay by Fos- ter. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. 24°. N.Y. 1832. DoDERLEiN, L. Hand Book of Latin Syno- nymes. 16°. Andover. 1858. Dodge, Miss M. A. Country Living and Country Thinking. 12°. Bost. 1864. Gala Days. 12°. Bost. 1863. New Atmosphere. 12°. Bost. 1865. Skirmishes and Sketches. 12°. Bost. 1865. Stumbling Blocks. 12°. Bost. 1864. Dodge, J. R. West Virginia. 12°. Phil. • 1865. Dodge, R.' European Tour. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Dodge, W. E. The War and our Prosperity; a Lecture. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1865. Dods, J. B. Electrical Psychology. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Dodsley, J. (Pub.) Collection of Poems. 6v. 16°. Lond. 1775. Dodsley, R. Economy of Human Life. 18°. Lond. n.d. Same. 16°. Lond. 1798. Old Plays, with notes. 12 v. 12°. Lond. 1825. For Supplement to above, see Collier, J. P. Five Old Plays. Select Poems. See British Poets, v. 26. Dod\s'Ell, E. Tour through Greece. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1819. DoHENY, M. Felon's Track. 8°. N.Y. 1849. History of the American Revolution. 18°. Dublin. 1846. Dolby, T. Christian's Economy of Human Life. 24°. N.Y. 1845. Shaksperian Dictionaiy. 12°. Lond. 1832. Dole, F. C. de. Blues and Carmines of Indigo. 12°. Phil. 1863. Dolgobouky, p. Priucipales Families de la Russie. 8°. Berlin. 1858. Dollar Magazine. See Holden's Dollar Magazine. DoMAT, J. Civil Law. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1850. DoMENECH, E. Seven Years in the Deserts of North America. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1860. Domestic Animals and Fowls, Breeding, etc. 12°. Lond. 1854. Domestic Happiness. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Domestic Portraiture; or, Children of Legh Richmond. 12°. N.Y. 1833. DoMESTicus. Doctrine of Incest Stated. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1827. 108 CATALOGUE OF THE Donaldson, John. Agricultural Biography. r.S'^. Lond. 1854. Clay Lands and Loamy Soils. 12°. Lond. 1852. Manures, Grasses, Farming, etc. 8°. Lond. 1842. Donaldson, John W. Classical Scholarship and Learning. 12°. Camb. 1856. Christian Orthodoxy and Modem Biblical Learning. ^°. Lond. 1857. New Cratylus. 8° Camb. (E.) 1839. Varronianus. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1844. Donaldson, Jos. Recollections of Life of a Soldier.. 18°. PhU. 1845. Donaldson, P. Present Systems of Medi- cine and Chirurgery. 8°. N.Y. 1821. Donizetti, G. Figlia del Regimento. (Ope- ra.) 8°. Paris, n.d. Lucia di Lammermoor; Opera Complet. 8°. Paris, n.d. Eoberto Devereux. (Opera.) 4°. Paris. n.d. Donne, J. Poems. See British Poets, v. 4, Donovan, E. British Fishes. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1802-8. Naturalist's Repository. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1834. Donovan, M. Domestic Economy. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1836-7. DoRAN, J. Annals of the English Stage. 2 v. 12° N.Y. 1865. Habits and Men. 12°. N.Y. 1855. History of Court Fools. 12°. Lond. '58. Knights and their Days. 12°. N.Y. '56. Monarchs Retired from Business. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1857. New Pictures and Old Panels. 12°. Lond. 1859. Princes of Wales, of House of Planta- genet. 12°. Lond. 1860. Queens of England, of House of Han- over. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Table Traits. 12°. N.Y. 1855. DoEAT, C. J. La Declamation Th^atrale; Poeme. 12°. Paris. 1771. DoRCHESTEE, Historj'' of. 8°. Bost. 1859. Doee; by a Stroller in Europe. 12°. N.Y. 1858. DoKEMus, J. C. Address to Springfield (HI. ) Lyceum. (P. 19.) 8'\ n.p. 1839. Doer, B. Memorials of Christ Church, Phil. 8°. Phil. 1862. Travel in Egypt, Holy Land, etc. 12°. Phil. 1856. Doer, E. P. Lake Commerce. See Buffalo Directory, 1864. DoBE, F. O. Liventor's Assistant; or, Patent Laws. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Dorr, J. A. Justice to the South; an Ad- dress. (P..) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Dorset, C. Sacladlle, Earl of. Poems. See British Poets, v. 13. D'Orsey, A. J. English Grammar and Com- position. 2v. 16°. Edin. 1845. DouAi, A. Fata Morgana; Preis-Novelle. 8°. St. Louis. 1858. Doubleday, T. Financial and Statistical History of England. 8°. Lond. 1847. Law of Population and Food. 8°. Lond. 1846. Mundane Moral Government. 8°. Edin. 1852. Douce, F. Hlustrations of Shakspeare. 8°. Lond. 1839. Douglas, H. Naval Warfare with Steam, 8°. Lond. 1858. Douglas, Jas., Esq. Errors Regarding Re- ligion. 12°, N.Y. 1831. Philosophy of the Mind, 8°. Edin. 1839. Douglas, Jas. M. D. Reply to an Anony- mous Letter. (P.) 24°.' N.Y. 1824. Douglas, Rev. Jas. Dissertation on the An- tiquity of the Earth. 4°. Lond. 1785. Douglas, Mrs. M. Life of Prof. Gellert, and Moral Lessons by him. 3 v. 8°. Kelso. 1805. Douglas, S. Secret Society in N.Y. , entitled Kappa Lambda. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. Douglas, T. Review of Autobiography of. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1857. Douglass, F. My Bondage and my Free- dom. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Douglass, W. British Settlements in North America. 2 v, 8°. Lond. 1755. Dove, P. E. Elements of Political Science. 8°. Edin. 1854. Theory of Human Progression. 8°. Lond. 1850. Dove (The) and the Eagle; a Poem. 12°. Bost. 1851. Dover, Lord. Life of Frederic the Great. 2 V. 18°. N.Y. 1832. Dover, (N. H.) Directory, 1865. 12°. Dover. 1865. Dow, A. History of Hindostan, from the Persian. 3 v. 8°. Dublin. 1792. DowE, W. Biography of Lord Chatham. 12°. Lond. 1857. Dowdeswell, G. M. Merchant Shipping Acts. 12°. Lond. 1856. DowLER, B. Tableaux of New Orleans. (P. ) 8°. N.O. 1852. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 109 ./LING, J. History of Eomanism. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 8° N.Y. 1853. DowLiNo, J. G. lutrocluction to Study of Ecclesiastical History. 8°. Lond. 1838. DowNAME, J. Consoliitions for the Afflicted. 4° Lond. 1613. DowNEE, D. E. Intemperance the Great Destroyer; a Sermon. (P. 20.) 16°. N.Y. 1841. Do^'NEs, G. Letters from Continental Coun- tries. 2v. 12^. Dubl. 1832. DowNES, John. Occultations in the U. S. in 1848, '49, '50. 3 parts. (P.) 4°. Phil. and N.Y. 1847-9. DowN^ES, Jos. Mountain Decameron. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1836. Downey, W. S. Proverbs. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Downing, A. J. Architecture of Country Houses. 8° N.Y. 1850. Cottage Kesidences. 8°. N.Y. 1842. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Fmits and Fruit Trees of America. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 8° N.Y. 1859. Landscape Gardening. 8° N.Y, 1859. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Rural Essays. 8°. N.Y. 1853. (Ed'r). See Horticultueist. Do\^^'iNG, A. J., and Wightwick, G. Hints on Building in the Country. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Downing, C. T. Stranger in China. 2 v. 12^ Phil. 1838. Downing, Major Jack. See Davis, C. A. Downing, S. Hydraulics. 8°. Lond. 1855. Doyle, J. Catiilogue of Books for Sale. Part 1. 8°.' N.Y. 1848. Doyle, M. The Agricultural Laborer. 8°. Lond. 1855. Cycloi^aedia of Husbandly. 12°. Lond. 1839. niustrated Book of Poiiltry. 8°. Lond. 1854. D'Oyly, G. Remarks on Drummond's (Edi- pus Judaicus. 8°. Loud. 1813. D'Oyly, G., and ALvnt, 11. Bible with Com- mentai-y. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1850. Drake, C. D. Address on Washington's Birthday. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1862. Oration on Death of Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. St. Louis. 1852. Speeches during the Eebellion. 12°. Cine. 1864. Suits by Attachment. 8°. Bost. 1854. Drake, D. Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. 12°. Cine. 1815. Principal Diseases of the Mississippi Valley. 8°. Phil. 1854. Drake, F. Memoir of a Metaphysician. 12°, Lond. 1853. Drake, Sir F. Life of. 4°. Lond. 1828. Voyage in 1595. Ed. by Maynarde. 8°. Lond. 1849. Drake, J. E. Culprit Fay. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Drake, J. E., and Halleck, F. The Croak- ers. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Drake, L. Heroes of England. 18°. Lond. 1846. Drake, N. Essays. 5 v. 12°. * Lond, 1805- 1810. Evenings in Autumn. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1822. Literary Hours. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1800. Memorials of Shakspeare. 8°. Lond. 1828. Mornings in Spring. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1828. Noontide Leisure. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1824. Shakspeare and his Times. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1817. Same. 8°. Paris. 1838. Winter Nights. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1820. Drake, S. G. Address to N. E. Hist.-Ge- neal. Society. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1858. Founders of New England. 8°. Bost. 1860. History of Boston. 4°. Bost. 1857. History of the Indians. 8°. Bost. 1834. Indian Captivities. 12°. Auburn. 1850. Memoir of Sir W. Ealeigh. 8°. Bost. 1862. Old Indian Chronicle. 18°. Bost. 1836. Eesearches in British Archives as to Families of New England. 4°. Bost. 1860. Eeview of Savage's Winthrop's Journal. 8°. Bost. 1854. Draper, J. History of Spencer, TM[as8. 8°. Worcester, n.d. Draper, J. C. On Eespiration. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Draper, J. W. Address to Alumni of N.Y. University. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. Chemistry. 16°. N.Y. 1846. - — Same. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Future Civil Policy of America. 8°. N.Y. 1865. History of Intellectual Development of Europe. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Human Physiology. 8°. N.Y. 1858. 110 CATALOGUE OF THE Dkaper, J. "W. Natural Philosophy. 16°. N.Y. 1847. Organizatipn of Plants. 4°. N.Y. 1845. Dbayton, J. American Revolution in South . Carolina. 2 v. 8°. Charleston. 1821. View of South Carolina. 8°. Charleston. 1802. Drayton, M. Poems. See British Poets, v. 2. Dkaytox, W. Farewell Address to Washing- ton Society. (P.) 8°. Charleston. 1833. Dresden Adress- und Geschafts Handbuch, 1857-8. 2v. 8°. Dresden. 1857-8. Dresser, H. E. Battle Record of the Ameri- can RebeUion. 8° N.Y. 18G3. Drew, B. North Side View of Slavery. 12°. Bost. 1856. Drew, JacH. Life of S.Drew. 16°. N.Y. '35. Drew, John. Manual of Astronomy. 12°. Lond. 1845. Drew, S. Remarks on Paine's Age of Reason. 12°. N.Y. 1831. Drew, T. The John Brown Invasion. 8°. Bost. 1860. Drew, W. A. Glimpses and Gatherings in London in 1851. 12°. Augusta. (Me.) 1852. Drexel, J. Joseph iEgypti Prorex Descrip- tus. 48°. Antwerp. 1841. Deeyss, C. Chronologie Universelle. 12°. Paris. 1853. Drinkwater, J. History of Siege of Gibral- tar. 18°. Edin. 1839. Dro^vn, W. and S. Compendium of Agricul- ture. 12°. Prov. 1824. Dring, T. Recollections of the Jersey Prison Ship. 8°. Morrisania. 1865. Drujvoiond, J. Thoughts for the Christian Life. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Drummond, Sir W. Odin; a Poem. Part I. 4°. Lond. 1817. Origin of Several Empires, etc. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. Satires of Persius. See Persius. Dritmmond, W., of Hawthornden. Poems. See British Poets, v. 5. Same. 18^ Lond. 1790. Same. 16°. Lond. 1856. Dkury, R. Adventures in Madagascar. 18'. Lond. 1829. DuYDEN, J. Works, with Life by Mitford. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1800. Marriage A-la-Mode ; a Comedy. (P. 75.) 18°. n.p. 1725. Poetical Works. See British Poets, v. 11, 12. Dryden, J. Poetical Works. 5 v. 16°. Lond. 1832. Select Poems. 16°. Lond. 1852. DuANE, J. C. Manual for Engineer Troops. 12°. N.Y. 1863. DuANE, W. Canada and the Continental Congress; an Address. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1850. Visit to Colombia. 8°. Phil. 1826. Du Barei, Mme. M. J. G. de V. Memoirs, by Herself. 4 v. 18°. Lond. 1830. Dublin Libraiy Society. Catalogue. 8°. Dubl. 1857. Dublin Penny Journal, v. 1-4. 8°. Dubl. 1832-5. Dublin Review, v. 1-15; 25-53, and now ser., V. 1-2. 8°. Dubl. 1836-64. Dublin University Examinations for 1851. 12°. Dubl. 1855. Dublin University Magazine, v. 1-64. 8°. Dubl. 1833-64. Du Bois, J. A. People of India and their Institutions. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1818. Dubourg, J. H. See Hamond. Du Cerceau, J. Life and Times of Rienzi. 12°. Phil. 1836. Du Chaillu, p. B. Adventures in Equatorial Africa. 8°. N.Y. 1860. DucHE, J. Caspipina's Letters; also. Life of Wm. Penn. 16°. Bath. 1777. Discourses on Various Subjects. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1790. DucKETT, G. F. Technological Military Dic- tionary, German, English, French. 8°. Lond. 1848. Duc(EURJOLY, S. J. Manuel des Habitans du St. Domingue. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1602. DucouRT, L. Life in the Desert. 12°. N.Y. 1860. DuDEVANT, ;Mme. M. A. Adriani. 16°. Paris. 1863. Les Beaux Messieurs de Bois-Dore. 2 V. 12°. Paris, n.d. Le Chateau des Desertes. 12°. Paris. 1862. Comtesse de Rudolstadt. 3 v. 24°. Brux. 1844. Confession d'une Jeune Fille. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Consuelo. 4 v. 12°. Paris. 1845. La Dauiella. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1864. La Derniere Aldini; also, Les Maitres Mosaistes. 12°. Paris. 1843. La Derniere Aldmi; also, Myrza'; Les Visions de la Nuit; Georges de Gu^rin. 12°. Paris. 1857. ElleetLui. 12°. Paris. 1860. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. Ill DuDEVANT, Mme. M. A. La Filleule. 1G°. Paris. 18C4. - Histoire do Ma Vie. 13 v. 1C° Paris. 1855. - L'Homme de Neige. 3 v. 16°. Paris. 18G4. - Same. 1G='. Paris. 1857. -Horace. 12''. Paiis. 1857. - Indiana. 16°. P^ris. 1843. - Isidora. 16°. Paris.. 1865. -Jacques. IT. Paris. 1844. -Same. 12°. Paris. 1857. -Jeanne. 12°. Paris. 1861. Lelia; also Spiridion. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1845. Lettres d'un Voyageiir. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1837. Lucrezia; also, Floriani; Laviuia. 12°. Paris. 1857. La Mare an Diable. 12°. Paris. 1856. Le Marquis de Villemer, 12°. Paiis. 1862. Mauprat. 2 v. 18°. Brux. 1837. Same. 12°. Bnix. 1844. Same. 12°. Bnix. 1851. Melanges. 12°. Paris. 1844. Le Meunier d'Angibault 12°. Paris. 1862. Mont-Reveche. 12°. Paris. 1861. Narcisse. 12°. Paris. 1859. Pauline; also, Les ^lajorcains; Georges deGu6rin; Mouny Robin. 12°. Paris. 1843. Le Pech6 de M. Antoine. 16°. Paris. 1857. • La Petite Fadetto. 12°. Paris. 1857. Promenades autour d'uu Village. 12°. Paris. 1858. LaQuintinie. 12°. Paris. 1863. Le Secretaire Intime; also, Mattea; La Valine Noire. 16° Paris. 1863. Les Sept Cordes de la Lyre; also, Ga- briel. 12°. Paris. 1843. Simon; also, La Marquise; M. Rousset; Mouny-Robin. 12°. Paris. 1857. Simon; also, L'Uscoque. 16°. Paris. 1843. Teverino ; also, Leone Leoni. 12°. Paris. 1854. Valentine. 16°. Paris. 1843. Valvedi-e. 12°. Paris. 1861. La Villc Noire. 12°. Paris. 1861. Dudley, Sir B., and Lady. Vortigem and Rowena; a Comic Tragedy. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1795-1807. Dudley, D. Dudley Genealogies. 8°. Bost. 1848. Dudley, D. Social and Political Aspects of England and the Continent. 12°. Bost. 1862. Dudley, J. G. Cotton, its Growth, Trade and Manufacture. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Dudley, J. W. "Ward, Earl of. Letters to the Bishop of Llandaflf. 8°. Lond. 1841. Dudley Observatory. Address of Committee of Albany Meeting. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1858. Circular on Appointment of Messrs. Mitchell and Briinnow. (P.) 4°. Al- bany, n.d. Correspondence of Trustees and Direc- tor. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1858. Defence of Dr. Gould, by the Scientific Council. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1858. Inauguration. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1856. Report of Astronomer in Charge, for 1863. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1864. (The), and the Scientific Council; a Statement by the Trustees. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1858. Speeches of Messrs. Wilder and Olcott, and Resolutions of Board. (P.)* 8°. Albany. 1858. Duelling, Essay on. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1830. DuEK, J. Discourse on Life of Chancellor Kent. (P. 45.) 8°. N.Y. 1848. Law of Representations in Marine In- surance. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Part}' Divisions; a Lecture. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1841. DuEB, J., and Sedgwick, R. Examination of the Controversy on the Greek Frigates. (P. 7.) 8°. N.Y. 1826. DuEB, W. A. Life of the Earl of Stirling. See New Jeesey Historical Society. Collections. Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Uvited States. 12°. N.Y 1833. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1844. Duties of the Rising Generation; an Address. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1848. Eulogy on Adams and Jeflerson. (P. 46.) 8° Albany. 1826. DuFAU, P. A. La Republique et la Monarchie, 12°. Paris. 1852. DuiT, A. The Indian Rebellion. 12°. N.Y 1858. Duff, P. North American Accountant. 8°. N.Y 1848. DuFFEUiN, Lord. Yacht Voyage to Iceland. etc. 12°. Bost. 1859. DuFFiELD, J. T. Princeton Pulpit. 8°. N.Y. 1852. 112 CATALOGUE OF THE DuTFiN, F. Perspective; a Guide for Self Instruction, f^. Lond. 1852. DuFFsr's Hibernian Magazine, v. 1-2, and new series, V. 1-5. 8='. Dubl. 1860-64. DuFiEF, N. G. French and Englisli Diction- ary. 3v. 12°. Phil. 1810. Nature Displayed, in a Method for French. 8^. N.Y. 1825. Nature Displayed, in a Method for Spanish. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1825. DuFRESKY, C. K. Comedies. See Eeper- ToiKE General, etc. Dtjfton, W. Diseases of the Ear. 12°. Phil. 1848. DuGANXE, A. J. H. Twenty Months in the Gulf Department. 12°. N.Y. 1805. DuGD.viE, T. and B. Cariosities of Great Britain. 8 v. 8°. Lond. n.d. DuHALDE, J. B. History of China. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1741. Du Hausset, Mme. Private Memoirs. 12°. N.Y. 1827. DuiGNAN, M. G. Positive Facts. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Duke, E. Druidical Temples of Wilts. 12°. Lond. 1846. Duke, R. Poems. See British Poets, v. 13. DuiiAURE, J. A Histoire Abr6g6e des Diif(6- rens Cultes. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1825. Principaux fivenemens de la Revolution Fran9aise. 8°. Paris. 1826. Dumas, A. Amaury. 12°. Paris. 1860. Ange Pitou. 12°. Title gone. Ascanio. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1848. Same. 12°. Paris. 1860. Aventures de John Davys. 2me serie. 16°. Paris. 1861. Les Baleiniers; Journal du Docteur Maynard. 16°. Paris. 1861. Black. 12°. Paris. 1860. La Bouillie de la Comtesse Berthe. 16°. Paris. 1862. . La Boule de Neige. 16°. Paris. 1862. Bric-a-brac. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1861. Le Capitaine Pamphile. 16°. Paris. '64. Le Capitaine Paul. 12°. Paris. 1862. Le Capitaine Richard. 12°. Paris. 1860. Catherine Blum. 16°. Brux. 18G4. Same. 12°. Paris. 1860. Causeries, Ime et 2me serie. 16°. Paris. 1800. Charies le Temeraire. 16°. Paris. 1860. Cecile. 16°. Paris. 1848. Le Chasseur de Sauvagine. 16°. Paris. 1861. — — Le Chateau d'Eppstein. 12°. Paris. 1860. Dumas, A. Le Chevalier d'Harmental. 12°. Paris. 1860. Le Chevalier de Maison Rouge. 16°. Paris. 1850. La Colombe; also, Maitre Adam; Le Calabrais. 16°. Paris. 1863. Les Compagnons de Jehu. 3 v. 16°. Paris. 1864. Le Comte de Monte Christo. 4°. Ligny, n.d. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1846. — -Same. 6 v. 12°. Paris. 1850. Same. 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1861. La Comtesse de Charny. 4 v. 18°. Brux. 1852. La Comtesse de Salisbury. 16°. Paris. 1861. Les Confessions de la Marquise. 16°. Paris. 1862. Conscience ; also, L'Innocent. 12°. Paris. 1861. La Dame de Monsereau. 3 v. 18°. Paris. 1847. La Dame de Volupte. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1865. Les Deux Dianes. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1861. Les Deux Reines. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1864. > Dieu Dispose. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1862. Les Drames de la Mer. 16°. Paris. 1860. La Femme au CoUier de Velours. 16°. Paris. 1851. Fcrnande. 12°. Paris. 1848. Une Fille du Regent. 16°. Paris. 1865. Le Fils du Forcat. Also, M. Coumbes. 16°. Paris. 1865. Les Freres Corses. 12°. Paris. 1851. Same. 12°. Paris. 1862. Gabriel Lambert. 12°. Paris. 1860. Georges. 12°. Paris. 1848. Un Gil Bias en Californie. 16°. Paris. 1861. La Guerre des Femmes. 12°. Paris. 1861. Histoire d'un Casse-Noisette. 12°. Paris. 1860. Histoire d'un Chien et d'onze Poules. 2v. 18°. Paris. 1858. L'Horoscope. 12°. Paris. 1860. Ingenue. 12°. Paris. 1860. Jacques Ortis. See Foscolo, U. Jane. 16°. Paris. 1862. Jehanne La Pucelle. 16° Paris. 1862. Louis XIV. et son Siecle. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1844-5. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 113 i\R, A. Les Louves de Macheconl. 2 v. 12^. Taris. 18G0. Madame de Chamblay. 2 v. 16^ Paris. 18G2. ■Les Manages du P^ro Olifus. 16°. Paris. 1861. La Maison de Glace. 2 v. IS'^. Paris. 1860. ■ Les Mc'dicis. 16°. Paris. 1860. Memoires. v. 1-3. 12°. Brux. 1852. • Memoires d'une Aveugle ; also, Madame chi Deflfand. 16°. Paris. 1862. Memoires de Garibaldi. 16°. Paris. 1861. Memoires d'un Mddecin. 6 v. 16°. Brux. 1848. • Same. 5 v. 12°. Paris. 1860. Le Meneur de Loups. 12°. Paris. 1860. • Les Mohicans de Paris. 4 v. 16°. Paris. 1864. Les Morts Vont Vite. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1861. Napoldon. 16°. Paris. 1865. line Nuit a Florence. 16°. Paris. 1861. (EiuTes. V. 1-7. 8° Brux. 1842-4. Olympe de Cleves. 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1860. Le Pago du Duo de Savoie. 2 v, 16°. Paris. 1862. Le Pasteur d'Aslibourn. 12°. Paris. 1860. Pauline et Pascal Bruno. 12°. Paris. 1848. Un Pays Inconnu. 16°. Paris. 1865. Le Pere Gigogne. 12°. Paris. 1860. Le Pere la Ruine. 12°. Paris. 1860. La Princesse Flora, 16°. Paris. 1865. Les Quarante-Cinq. 6 v. 1C°. Brux. 1847. Same. 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1860. La Reine Margot. 16°. Paris. 1851. Same. 12°. Paris. 1860. La Route de Varennes. 16°. Paris. 1860. LeSalteador. 16°. Paris. 1863. Salvator. 5 v. 16°. Paris. 1865. Souvenirs d' Antony. 12°. Paris. 1848. Les Stuarts. 16°. Paris. 1863. Snltanetta. 16°. Paris. 1864. Sylvandire. 12°. Paris. 1848. ■ Le Testament de M. Chauvelin. 16°. Paris. 1861. ■ Trois Maitrcs. 16°. Paris. 1861. • Les Trois Mousquetaires. 8°. N.Y. 1846. •Same. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1862, 8 Dumas, A. Le Trou de L'Enfer. 12°. Paris. 1862. La Tulipo Noire. 16°. Paris. 1865. Le Vicomte de Bragelonne. 6 v. 12*. Paris. 1851. Same. 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1860. Une Vie d' Artiste. 16°. Paris, 1860. (Transl.) La Vie au Dcisert. See Gum- ming, R. G. Vingt Ans Apres. 12°. Paris. 1849. Same. 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1859. Slcetclies of Naples. Transl. by Roland. 8°. Phil. 1845. Travel in Egypt and ArAbia Petraea. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Travel in the South of France. 12°. Lond. n.d. Dumas, A., and Dauzat, A Quinze Jours auSinaL 18°. Paris. 1847. Dumas, A., Jr. Aventures de Quatro Femmes. 16°. Paris. 1865. La Boite d* Argent. 16°. Paris. 1862. La Dame aux Camt'lias. 16°. Paris. '65. Roman d'une Femme. 16°. Paris. 1855. Tristan le Roux. 16°. Paris. 1856. Trois Hommes Forts. 16°. Paris. 1858, La Vie a Vingt Ans. 16°. Paris. 1856. Dumas, J. B. Le9on8 sur la Philosophie Chimique. 8°. Paris. 1836. f Chimie Appliqude aux Arts. 5 v. et 4°. Atlas, 8°. Paris. 1828^35. Dumas, M. Memoirs of his own Time. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1839. DuMESNLL, J. B. G. Latin Synonyms. 8°. Lond. 1825. DuMMER, J. Defence of New England Charters, (P. 60.) 8°. Lond. n.d. DuMOXT, G. !M. B. Memoires Historiques sur la Loui.siane. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1753. DuMONT, E. Recollections of Mirabeau. 8°. Phil. 1833. DuMONT, J. Voyage to the Levant. 12°. Lond. 1696. DuMONT, p. J. Histoire de I'Esclavage en Afrique. 12°. Paris. 1819. DuMouRiEz, C. F. Autobiography. 8°. Dub- lin. 1794. DuNBAK, E. E. Controversy between Tappan and Dunbar. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1846. DuNBAB, J. Natural History of Bees. 16°. Edin. 1840. Duncan, Mrs. America as I Found It 12°. N.Y. 1852. Duncan, A. Surveyor's Guide. 12°. PhiL 1854. Duncan, C. Campaign with tho Turks. 2 T. 12°. Lond. 1855. 114 CATALOGUE OF THE Duncan, H. Sacred Philosophy of the Sea- sons. 4v. 12°. Best. 1839. Same. 1G°. Edin. 1836-38. Duncan, J. Introduction to Entomology, IG^'. Edin. 1840. Natural History of Beetles. 16°. Edin. 1835. — - Natural History of British Butterflies, 16°. Edin. 1837. Natural History of British Moths. 16°. Edin. 1836. Natural History of Exotic Moths. 16°. Edin. 1841. Natural History of Foreign Butterflies. 16°. Edin. 1837, Duncan, J. , and Rabbi, A. History of Russia, 2v, 12°. Lond. 1804. Duncan, J. F. God in Disease. 12°. PhiL 1852. Duncan, Jona. Dukes of Normandy, from RoUo to King John. 12°. Lond. 1839. Religious Wars of France. 12°. Lond. 1840. Duncan, J. liL Travels in United States and Canada. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1823. Duncan, W. C. Life and Acts of John the Baptist. 12°. N.Y, 1853. DuNCKEB, M. Geschichte des Alterthums. 4v. 8°. Berlin. 1855. DuNCKLEY, H. Free Trade and its Result^ 8°. Lond. 1854. DuNCOMBE, C. Essay on Banking, Currency, etc. 12°. Cleveland. 1841. DuNDONALD, Earl of. See Cochrane, Lord. DuNGUsoN, R. Dictionary of Medical Science. 8°. Phil, 1846, Same. 8°, Phil. 1860. General Therapeutics. 8°. Phil. 1836. Human Physiology. 2 v. 8°. Phil. '32, Same. 2 v, 8°, Phil. 1838. Influence of Atmosphere, etc, on Health. 8°. Lond. 1835. New Remedies, their Preparations and Effects. '8°. Phil. 1839. Practice of Medicine. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1842. Dunham, S, A, Biographies of Literary and Scientific Men, 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1836. History of Denmark, Sweden, and Nor- way. 3v. 12°. Lond. 1839. History of Europe during Middle Ages. 4v. 12°. Lond. 1833. History of the Germanic Empire. 3 v. 12°. Lond, 1834. History of Poland. 12°. Lond. 1831. History of Spain and Portugal. 5 v. 12°. Phil. 1832-3. DuNLAP, J. Drinking Usage in Great Britain and Ireland. 12°. Lond. 1839. DuNiiAP, S. F. Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man. 8°. N.Y. 1858. DuNiJLP, W. Address to Students of Na- tional Acad, of Design. (P. 11; P. 12.) 8°. N,Y. 1831. Archers and Mountaineers of Switzer- land; an Opera. 8°. N.Y. 1796. History of Arts of Design in the United States. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1834. History of New Netherlands and New York to 1787. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1839-40. History of New York. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1840. History of New York for Schools. 2 y. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Life of Charles Brockden Brown. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1815. Life of Wellington. See Claeke, Fran- cis. DuNLOP, J. History of Fiction. 3 v, 8°.' Edin. 1816, History of Roman Literature to the Augustan Age. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1827. Memoirs of Spain, 1621-1700. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1834, DuxLOP, R. G. Travels in Central America. 8°. Lond. 1847. Dunn, J. Oregon Territory and British Fur Trade. 16°. Phil. 1845. Dunn, M. Winning and Working of Collier- ies. 8°. Newcastle. 1848. Dunnel, H. G. . Dunnel and Dwinell Gene- alogy. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Dunshee, H. W. History of the School of the Reformed Prot. Dutch Church, N. Y. 12°. N.Y. 1853. DuNSTER, H. P. Discoveries of Columbus and the English in America. 12°. Lond. n.d. DuNTON, J. Life and Errors of. 2 v, 8°. Lond. 1818. DuNTZER, H. Briefe von Schiller's Gattin. 16°. Leip. 1856. Schiller und Goethe. 8°. Stuttgard. 1859. DuNTZEE, H., and Herder, F. G, von. Her- der's Ungedruckte Briefe. 12°. Frank- furt. 1856-7, Same. 12°. Frankfurt. 1858. DuPAECQ, E. de la B. Elements of Military Art. 8°. N.Y. 1863. DupiN, C, Baron. Commercial Power of Great Britain. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. Duplessis, p. Les Boucaniers. 5 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. MERCANTILE LIBllART. 115 >CPONCEAU, P. S. Discourse on an Inde- pendent National Literature. (P. 15.) 8^ Phil. 1834. - Dissertation on Chinese System of "Writ- inor, and a Vocabulary of the Cochin Chinese Language. 8=. PhiL 1838. )UPPA, R. Life of Michael Angelo. 4°. Lond. 180G. )u Pui, J. Exposition of the Prophecies of the Apocalypse. 8°. PhiL 1853. )iTPUis, C. F. Ahiigi de FOrigine de Tous les Cultes. 18°. Paris. 1833. -Same. 8^. Paris. 1836. )x7Puis, J. Journal of a Residence in Ashan- teo. 4^. Loud. 1824. )upoT, L. Theatre de Sophocle. 4°. Paris. 1773. )UPUYTKEN, G. Injuries and Diseases of the Bones. 8°. Lond. 1847. hjSANT, C. F. Animal Magnetism. 12°. N.Y. 1837. - Memoir of an only Son. 12°. Andover. 1823. )XJBBZN, J. P. Observfttions in Egypt, Pales- tine, &c. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1845. ■ Observations in Europe. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1844. )UEFEE, C. History of Williams College. 8°. Bost. 18G0. )URFEE, J. Works. Edited by his Son. 8°. Providence. 1840. — Address to R. L Hist. Society, 1847. (P. 42.) 8°. Providence. 1847. Ubfey. T. The Richmond Heiress ; a Comedy. (P. 75.) 18°. Lond. 1718. hJKHAM University Calendar foy 1839. 8°. Durham. 1838. tKiNGSFELD, Ida vou. Die Literatcn, 2 v. 24°. Vienna. 1803. URKiE, D. S. Holt Genealogy. 8° Albany. 18G4. — Steele Geneidogy. 4°. Albany. 1859. tJRUY, V. Chronologic de I'Atlas Historique de la Fnuice. 8°. Paris. 1849. US8AUCE, H. Treatise on Coloring Matter from Coal Tar. 12°. Phil. 18G3. Tretitise on Matches, Gun Cotton, etc. 12°. Phil. l8G4. Treatise on Tanning, Cunying, etc. 12°. Phil. 18G5. UTAKD, et Sasserre. Dictiounaire de Juris- prudence Usuelle. 8°. Paris. 1845. UTBOCHET, H. Memoires pour Ser^•ir a THistoiro Anatomique, etc. 2 v. 8^. Paris. 1837. Ptjtton, S. W. 8. Address on Death of Dea- con N. Beers. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1849. DuTTON, S. W. S. Address on Death of E. Ives. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 18G1. Sermon, on death of C. Goodyear. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1860. DuYCKixcK, E. A. Memorial of J. Allan. 8°. N.Y. 1864. DuYCKiNCK, ^. A. and G. L. Cyclopedia of American Literature. 2 v. r.8°. N.Y. 1855. Supplement to same. r.8°. N.Y. 18G6. DwiGHT, B. W. Modem Philology. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 2d series. 8°. N.Y. 1864. DwiGHT, H. E. Travels in North Germany in 1825-6. 8°. N.Y. 1829. DwiGHT, H. G. 0. Christianity Revived in the East 12°. N.Y. 1850. DwiGHT, M. A. Grecian and Roman Mythol- ogy. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Same. For Schoola 12^. N.Y. 1863. Introduction to the Study of Art 12°. N.Y. 1856. - DvnGHT, N. Lives of Signers of Declaration of Independence. 12°. N.Y. 1830. DwiGHT, Theo. Character of Thomas Jeflfer- son. 8°. Bost 1839. History of the Hartford ConventioiL 8°. N.Y. 1833. Life of Garibaldi 12°. N.Y. 1861. DwiGHT, Theo. W. Inaugural Address; Our Municipal Law. 8°. N.Y. 1859. DwiGHT, Tim. Greenfield Hill ; a Poem. 8°. N.Y. 1794. Theology Explained and Defended. 4 v. 8°. N.Y. 1825. Same. 4 v.. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Travels in New England and New York. 4v. 8°. N. Haven. 1821-2. Incidents in Life of. 16°. N. HaveiL 1831. DwiNELLE, J. W. Colonial History of San Francisco. 8°. San Fr. 1863. DwYEE, J. H, Essjiy on Elocution. 12°. N.Y. 1828. » Dtce, a. Notes on Shakspeare. 8°. Lond. 1853. Remarks on Collier's and Knight's Edi- tions of Shakspeare. 8°. Loud. 1844. Dyer, C. Sermon on Death of Rev. C. Jukes. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1862. Dyeb, G. History of the University of Cam- bridge. 2 V. 8°. Loud. 1814. Dyer, J. Poems. See British Poets, vol. 19. Dyer, T. H. Life of John Calvin. 8°. Lond. 1850. Modern Europe, 1453-1857. v. 1. 8° Lond. 1861-4. 116 CATALOGUE OF THE Dyee and Color Maker's Companion. 12°. Lend. 1849. Dymond, J. Essays on Principles of Morality. 8°. N.Y. 1839. Inquiry into the Accordance of "War with Christianity. 12°. Phil. 1834. Eadie, J. Biblical Cyclopredia. 12°. Lond. 1849. Early Oriental History. 12°. Lond. 1852. Eager, S. W. History of Orange County, N.Y. 8°. Newburgh. 184G-7. Eagles, J. The Sketcher. 8^. Edin. 1856. EAMi, G. "W. Voyage in the Indian Archi- pelago. 8°. Lond. 1837. Earle, p. History of the Bloomingdale Asy- lum. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Institutions for Insane in Prussia, Aus- tria, &c. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Eaele, T. On Railroads and Internal Com- munication. 8°. Phil. 1830. Eably Magnetism in its Higher Relations to Humanity. 8° Lond. 1846. Eakly Travels in Palestine. Ed. by T. Wright. 16°. Lond. 1848. Eaep, G. B. Gold Colonies of Australia. 12°. Lond. 1852. East India Company. Culture and Manu- facture of Cotton. 8°. Lond. 1836. Eastburn, J. W. Yamoyden, a Poem. 12°. N.Y. 1820. Eastburn, M. Sermon on Death of Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Eastern Dispensary. Annual Reports, 1852- 1858. 8°. N.Y. 1853-9. Statistics of five Dispensaries, 1854-7. (P.) 8°. N.Y. Vaccine. Prevention of Small Pox. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. Eastern Europe and the Emperor Nicholas. 8°. Lond. 1846. Eastlake, C. L. Contributions to the Lit- erature of the Fine Arts. 8° . Lond. 1848. Materials for a History of Oil Painting. 8° Lond. 1847. Eastman, Mrs. Mary H. American Aborigi- nal Portfolio. 4°. Phil. 1854. Dahcotah; Life and Legends of the Si- oux. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Eastman, S. C. White Mountain Guide- book. 12°. Concord. 1863. Easton, J. Causes of King Philip's War. Ed. by Hough. 4°. Albany. 1858. Eastwood, B. Culture of the Cranberry. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Eaton, A. See New York Geological, etc., Survey. Chemical Instructor. 12°. Albany. 1826. Geology for Schools. 12°. Troy. 1820. Index to Geology of Northern States. 12°. Troy. 1820. Eaton A., and Wright, J. North American Botany. 8°. Troy. 1840. Eaton, Charlotte A. Rome in the 19th Cen- tury. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1852. Eaton, Cyrus. Annals of Warren, Me. 8". Hallowell. 1851. History of Thomaston, Rockland, &c., Me. 2 v. 12°. Hallowell. 1805. Eaton, W. Life of. 8°. Brookfield. 1813. Eaton, W. H. Book-keeping. 4°. Worcester. 1854. Ebees, J. Seven Years in the King's The- atre. 12°. Phil. 1828. Ebebt, F. a. Bibliographical Dictionary. From German. 4 v. 8°. Oxford. 1837. Eccentricities of Literature and Life. 8**. Bost. 1822. EccLESiNE, J. B. American Underwiiter's Manual. 8°. N.Y. 1862. EccxEsroLOGicAii, late Cambridge Camden Society. Handbook of English Eo- clesiology. 18°. Lond. 1847. Instrumenta Ecclesiastica. 4°. Lend. n.d. EccLESTON, J. Introduction to English An- tiquities. 8°. Lond. 1847. EcHARD, L. History of England, f °. Lond. 1707. Echo (The), and Other Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1807. Echo des Feuilletons. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1841-2. Echoes from the Gun of 1861. 16°. Bost. 1864. Eckermann. J. p. Conversations with Goethe. 12°. Bost. 1839. EcKERT, G. N. Letter to Gov. Pollock on the Financial Troubles. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1855. EcKFELDT, J. R., and Dubois, W. E . Manual of Gold and Silver Coins. 8°. N.Y. 1851. New Gold and Silver Coins and Bullion. 12°. Phil. 1850. New Varieties of Gold and Silver Coins, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1851. i EcKiNG, S. Essays on Faith, Grace, and Re- U, pentance. 12°. Chester. 1791. Eclectic Magazine, vols. 1-63. 1844r-1864. 8°. N.Y. 1844-64. Eclectic Museum. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1843. ' MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 3I.ECTIC Review, v. 1-119. 8°. LoncL 1805- 1864. cx)xoMisT (The), v. 11-17. f. Lond. '53-9. DDJL (Die). Nebst den MythiscLen Erziih- lungen der Skalda. Trausl. into Ger- man, with Notes, by Simrock. 12^. Stultgard. 1855. DDI8, W. Letters from America. 1769-1777. 8°. Lond. 1792. DDY, D. C. Heroines of the Missionary Enterprise. 12°. Bost. 1850. — Young Man's Friend. 16^ Bost. 1865. DDY, R. History of 60th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols. 12°. PhiL 1864. DDY, T. M. Patriotism of Illinois. 2 v. 8°. Chicago. 1865. DE, R. B. Facts in Chemistry. 18°. Lond. 1837. DELMAN, G. W. Guide to Value of California Gold. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1850. DOAE, C. H. Gems and Growth, a Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1801. — Curse of Canaan; three Lectures. CP.) 8° N.Y. 1802. DQAit, J. G. Crusades and the Crusaders. 12°. Bost. 1860. — Modem Europe. For Boys. 12*'. N.Y. 1855. DOAR, S. Variations of Popery. 8°. Lond. 1838. DOE, F. M. McClellan and the Peninsular Campaign. 12°. Lond. 1804. Same. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1865. — Exploits and Triumphs of Paul Morphy. 12°. N.Y. 1859. DQEB, H. Positivist Calendar. 8°. Thomp- son, L. L 1856. DGEWORTH, M. and R. L. Practical Educa- tion. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1801. DGEWOKTH, R. L. Mcmoirs of, by Himself and Daughter. 8°. Bost 1821. DiNBUBGH Journal of Natural History. f°. Edin. 1835. DiNBtTROH and Leith Post Office Directory, 1852-3 and 1854-5. 8°. Edin. 1852- 1854. DINBUBGH New Philosophical Journal. 47 V. 8°. Edin. 1838-01. DiNBUKOH Review, vols. 1-120. 8°. N.Y., Bost, and Edin. 1803-64. Disox, J. S. National Education. 8°. Lond. 1855. DLESTON, J. Correspondence of Sir I. New- ton, Prof. Cotes and others. 8°. Lond. 1850. DMONDs, C. R. Life of Milton. 16°. Lond. 1851. 117 2 v. Edmonds, C. R. Life of Washington. 16°. Lond. 1838. Edmonds, E. Quadrupeds of Massachusetts. See Massachusetts. Edmonds, J. W. Address on the Constitu- tion and Code. (P. 48.) 8°. N.Y. 1848. Edmonds, J. W. , and Dexter, G. T. Spiritual- ism. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Edmonds, S. Emma E. Nurse and Spy ia the Union Army. 8°. Hartf. 1865. Educator (The). Prize Essays. 12°. Lend. 1839. Edward, D. B. History of Texas. 12°. Cine. 1836. Edwards, A M. Aquarium in America. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Edwards, Bela B. Writings, with Memoir by Park. 2 v. 8°. Bost 1853. Biography of Self-Taught Men. 12°. Bost 1832. Slavery in Ancient Greece. iSee Rey- nolds, E. Edwards, Bryan. . History of British Colo- nies in the West Indies. 3 v. 4°. Lond- 1793-1801. Edwards, C. Feathers from my own Wings. 12°. N.Y. 1832. Juryman's Guide. 8°. N.Y. 1831. Lectures at National Academy of De- sign. (P. 16.) 8°. N.Y. n.d. Edwards, E. Manchester Worthies. 8°. Manchester. 1855. Memoirs of Libraries. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1859. Edwards, F. S. Campaign in New Mexico. 12°. Phil. 1847. Edwards, H. M. Anatomy and Physiology. 8°. Bost 1841. Zoologie. See Cours J^lc^mentaire d'His- toire Naturelle. Zoology. 12°. Lend. 1856. Edwards, Jona. Works. 8 v. 8°. Worces- ter. 1808. Charity and its Fruits. Ed. by T. Ed- wards. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Life and Character of, with Sermons. 12°. Edin. 1799. Alemoirs of Rev. D. Brainerd. 8°. N. Haven. 1822. Treatise on the Religious Aflfections. 12°. Bost 1821. Edwards, John. Uncertainty of Human Knowledge. 8°. Lond. 1714. Edwards, J. E. Random Sketches of Travel. 12°. N.Y. 1857. 118 CATALOGUE OF THE Edwakds, E. Report on the Great Exhibi- tion, St. Louis. (P.) S°. St. Louis, n.d. Edwards, E. , and Hopewell, M. The Great West; a History of St. Louis. 8°. St. Louis. 1860. Edwards, Sam. Book-Keeping. S''. Dubl. 1781. Edwards, Sutherland. History of the Opera. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1862. Eussians at Home. 8°. Lond. 1861. Edwards, T. Canons of Criticism. 8°. Lond. 1750. Edwards, W. Book-Keeping. 4P. N.Y. '34. Edwards, "W. F. Lifluence of Physical Agents on Human Life. 8°. Lond. 1832. Edwards, "W. H. Voyage up the Amazon. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Eells, J. , .Jr. Sermon on Death of Mrs. O. D. Smith. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Eells, W. W. Sermon on Death of Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. Newburyport. 1852, Egan, p. Sporting Anecdotes. 12". Lond. 1820. Egede, H. Description of Greenland. 8°. Lond. 1818. Egerton, F. Tour in India. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Egloffstein, F. W. von. Geology and Geog- raphy of Mexico. 8°. N.Y. 1864. £gron, A. Le Livre de rOuvrier. 16°. Paris. 1844. Egypt, Familiar Description of. 12°. Lond. 1839. Ehninger, J. W. Etchings from Hood's "Bridge of Sighs." f°. N.Y. n.d. Illustrations of Irving's "Dolph Hey- liger." f°. N.Y. 1851. Eichendorff, J. von. Aus dem Leben ei- nes Taugenichts. 12°. Bost. n. d. EiCHMANN,F. Die Eeformen des Osmanischen Eeiches. 8°. Berlin. 1858. EiKON Basilike. 8°. Lond.- 1824. EiSDELL, J. S. Industry of Nations. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Elder, W. Biography of E. K. Kane. 8° Phil. 1858. Debt and Eesources of the United States. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1863. How our National Debt can be Paid. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1865. Elderhorst, W. Blow-pipe Analysis. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Elements (The) of Matter. (P. 47.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Elements of Eigging and Seamanship. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1794, Elephant Club. 12°. Phil. n.d. Elte, E. Oration to Charleston Eiflemen (P. 2.) 8°. Charleston. 1821. Eliot, J. Biographical Dictionary of Firs Settlers of New England. 8°. Salem 1809. Eliot, S. History of Liberty. Parti. Eome 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1849. Same. 8°. Bost. 1853. Passages from History of Liberty. 12° Bost. 1847. Eliot, W. G. Lectures to Young Men. 12^ Bost. 1854. Lectures to Young Women. 12°. Bost 1854. Eliot, W. H., Jr. Eliot Genealogy. 8°. 1^ Haven. 1854. Elezabeth (N. J.) Directorj^ 1865. 12° N.Y. 1865. Elizabeth, Queen . Letters of. See Camdei Soc. Publications. Ellesmere, Earl of. Northern Archaeology Lond. 1848. Ellet, C, Jr. Army of the Potomac. (P. 8°. Wash. 1864. Essay on Laws of Trade. 8°. Eichmond 1839. Military Incapacity and What it Costs (P.) 8°. Wash. 1862. Mississippi and Ohio Eivers. 8°. Phil 1853. Physical Geography of Mississippi Val ley. (P.) 4°. n.p. n.d. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Characters of Schiller 12°. Bost. 1839. Domestic History of Amer. Eevolution 12°. N.Y. 1850. Family Pictures from the Bible. 8°i N.Y. 1849. Nouvelettes of the Musicians. sm.4° N.Y. n.d. Pioneer Women of the West. 12°. N.l' 1852. Poems. 12°. Phil. 1835. Watching Spirits. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Women of the American Eevolution. V. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Women Artists in all Ages and Coui tries. 12°. N.Y. 1859. • Ellicott, a. Journal as U. S. Boundar Commissioner. 4°. Phil. 1803. Ellicott, C. J. Commentary on the Pastorj Epistles. 8°. Andover. 1865. Commentary on Philippians, Colossianj and Philemon. 8°. Andover. 1865. Lectures on Life of Christ. 12°. Bos 1862. MERCANTILE LIBRAUT. 119 Elliot, J. Debates on Adoption of Federal Constitution. 5 v. 8^. Wash. 183G-45. Funding System of the U. S. and Great liiitain. 8". Wash. 1845. Elliott, C. B. Travels in Austria, Eussia and Turkey. 2 v. 12^. Phil. 1839. Elliott, C. W. Now England History, 986- 1776. 2v. 8^. N.Y. 1857. St. Domingo; its Kevolution and its Hero. 12^^. N.Y. 1855. Elliott, E. Com Law Rhymes; and Other Poems. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1833. Elliott, E. N. Cotton is King. 8^ Augusta, Ga. 1860. Elliott, F. R. American Fruit Grower's Guide. 8^. N.Y. 1851. Elliott, J. D. Biographical Notice of. 12°. Phil. 1835. Elliott, S. M. The HighlflBid Brigade; two Letters. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Elliott, W. Carolina Sports. 12''. Charles- ton. 18-4G. Ellis, A. Bible r*. Tradition. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Ellis, B. Medical Formulary. 8°. Phil. 1844. Ellis, C. Histoiy of Roxbury Tovm. 8°. Bost 1847. Ellis, G. Irish Ethnology. 12°. Dublin. 1852. Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances. 12^. Lond. 1848. Specimens of the Early English Poets. 3v. 8° Lond. 1811. Ellis, G. A. Ellis Correspondence. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1829. History of the State Prisoner, called the Iron Mask. 12°. Lond. 1827. Ellis, G, E. Artillery Election Sermon. (P. 42.) 8°. Bost. 1846. Life of Anne Hutchinson. See Spabks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 6. Life of John Mason. See Spabks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 3. Life of William Penn. See Spabks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 12. Oration on Battle of Bunker Hill. (P. 62.) 8°. Bost. 1841. The Evangelical and Philosophical Spirit in Religion, a Sermon. (P. ) 8°. Bait. 1852. Ellis, G. V. Demonstrations in Anatomy. 12°. Lond. 1849. Ellis, H Journal of Embassy from Eng- land to China. 8°. Phil. 1818. Ellis, H. Voyage do la Baye de Hudson fait en 1746-7. 16°. Paris. 1749. Ellis, Sir H. Townley Gallery. 12°. Lond. 1836. Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1833. Original Letters Illustrative of English Hist. 1 St ser. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. Same. 2d ser. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1827. Same. 3d ser. 4 v. 8°. Loud. 1846. Ellis, J. Avoidable Causes of Disease and Deformity. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Ellis, R. The British Tariff, 1836, '38, '39, '45. 4v. 12°. Lond. 1836-45. Laws and Regulations of Customs. 12°. Lond. 1837. Laws and Regulations on Shipping. 12°. Lond. 1837. Ellis, Mrs. S. S. Daughters of England. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Irish Girl and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Mothers of England. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Pictures of Private Life. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Poetry of Life. 2 v. 12°. PhiL 1835. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Prevention better than Cure. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Summer and Winter in the Pyrenees. 12°. Lond. 1841. Wives of England. 12°. N.Y. 1843. Women of England. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Ellis, T. J. Leaves from the Diary of an Army Surgeon. 12°. N.Y. 1803. Ellis, W. History of Madagascar. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. Memoir of Mary M. Ellis. 12°. Bost 1836. PoljTiesian Researches. 4 v. 8°. N.Y. 1833. Same. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1831. Three Visits to Madagascar, 1853-4-6. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Ellison, T. Hand-book of the Cotton Trade. 8°. Lond. 1858. Slavery and Secession in America. 12°. Lond. 1861. Ellsworth, H. W. Text Book on Penman- ship. 12^. N.Y. 1862. Ellsworth, H. W. Valley of the Upper Wabash. 8°. N.Y. 1838. Ellwood, T. Life, by Himself. niEVE, A. HomcEopathia Revealed. (2d copy, P. 30.) 8^ N.Y. 1846. EuTEorius. Opera Omnia. See Val,py's Del- phin Classics. Evangelical Guardian and Review. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1817-18. Evanoelio en Triunfo. 4 v. 16°. Perpinan. 1823. Evans, A. B. Leicestershire "Words, etc. 16°. Lond. 1848. Evans, C. Letter to Mr. "Wesley in Answer to "Calm Address." ^P. 51.) 12". Lond. 1775. Political Sophistry Detected. (P. 51.) 12". Bristol, Eng. 1776. Evans, D. ISI. Facts, Failures and Frauds. 12". Lond. 1859. Evans, E. A National Patriotic Poem. (P.) 8°. "Wash. 1854. Pedestrian Tour through "Western States. 16". Concord, N. H. 1819. Evans, F. "W. Shakers; Compendium of their Origin, etc. 12". N.Y. 1859. Evans, J. History of all Christian Sects. 12". N.Y. 1844. Parnassian Garland. 18". Phil. 1814. Shakespeare's Seven Ages Illustrated. 12". Lond. 1831. Evans, L. Analysis of Map of Middle Brit- ish Colonies in America. 4°. Phil. 1755. Evans, O. Young Mill-wright. 8". Phil. '29. Evans, R.H. (Ed'r.) Old Ballads. 4 v. 12". Lond. 1810. Evans, R. M. Evenings with the Chroniclers. 16°. Lond. 1841. Evans, R. W. Treatise on "Versification. 12". Lond. 1852. Evans, T. W. La Commission Sanitaire des fitats Unis, etc. 8". Paris. 1865. Evans, W. J. Sugar Planter's Manual. 8". LoncL 1847. Evelyn, J. History of Religion. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1850. Evelyn, J. Life of Mrs. Godolphin. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Memoirs of. Comprising Diary, 1641- 1706. 5v. 8". Lond. 1827. MisceUaneous Writings. Ed. by Up- cott. 4°. Lond. 1825. Silva; or, a Discourse on Forest Trees. 2v. 4°. N.Y. 1812. Evening Journal Almanac, 1858-63. (P.) 12". Albany. 1858-63. Evening Mirror, v. 10-13, 15-17, 19-21, 23-24. f". N.Y. 184^56. Evening Post. 1810-11 ; '37-49; '55-60. 44 v. f°. N.Y. 1810-60. Evening Thoughts. By a Physician. 12°. Lond. 1850. Evebest, C. "W. Poets of Connecticut. 8°. Hartf. 1843. Everest, R. Journey Through the United States and Canada. 8°. Lond. 1855. Everett, A. H. Address to the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Bowdoin College. (P. 15.) 8". Bost. 1834. America. Survey of Powers on the West- em Continent. 8°. Phil. 1827. Essays and Poems. 12". Bost. 1845. Essays. Second Series. 12". Bost. 1846. Life of Patrick Henry. See Sparks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 1. Life of Joseph "NVarren. See Sparks' Am. Biog., 1st ser., v. 10. Everett, E. Address; Anniversary of Am. Colonization Society, 1853. (P. 12.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Addre.ss; Anniversary of Arrival of Gov. W^inthrop. (P. 12.) 8". Charieston. 1830. . Address, consecration of Cemetery at Gettysburg. S\ Bost, 1864. Address, Boston Merc. Libr. Associa- tion. (P. 18.) 8°. Bost 1838. Address, Introductory to Franklin Lec- tures, 1831. (P. 13.) 8°. Bost. 1832. Address, Phi Beta Kappa Society, New Haven. (P. 14.) 8°. N. Haven. 1833. Address, U. S. Naval Academy Exami- nation. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1863. Eulogy on J. Q. Adams. (P. 31.) 8°. Bost. 1848. Eulogy on T. Dowse. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1859. Eulogy on Lafayette. (2d copy, P. 15.) 8". Bost. 1834. Lecture on the Discovery of America. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1853. Lecture on the W^orkingmcn's Party. (P. 44.) 8°. Bost. 1830. 124 CATALOGUE OF THE EvEKETT, E. Life of John Stark. See Spakks' Am. Biog., 1st ser., v. 1. Life of George Washington. 12°. N. Y. 1860. Mount Vemon Papers. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Oration. Boston, July 4, 1860. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1860. Oration, N. Y., July 4, 1861. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1861. Orations and Speeches. 8°. Bost. 1836. Same. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1859. Practical Education and Useful Knowl- edge. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Kemarks at Plymouth Festival. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1853. Remarks at Faneuil Hall, July 4, 1853. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1853. Speech on Central American Treaty. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1853. Everett, Erastus. System of Versification. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Everett, W. Lectures on the University of Cambridge, Eng. 16°. Camb. 1865. Evees, p. Compendium of Comparative Anatomy. 8°. Phil. 1839. EvEEYDAY Wonders. Facts in Physiology. 16°. Lowell. 1851. Evidences of Christianity. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. '34. EwAN, J. Geography of the Australian Col- onies. 16°. Sydney. 1854. EwBANK, T. Hydraulic and other Machines. 8°. N.Y. 1842. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Inorganic Forces to Supersede Human Slavery. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Life in Brazil. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Thoughts on Matter and Force. 12°. N.Y. 1858. World a Workshop. 12°. N.Y. 1855. EwEE, F. C. Oration; Masonry and Chris- tianity. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Public Health of New York. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Beply to Requests for a Political Ser- mon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. EwiNG, T. Lecture on England. (P.) 8°. Columbus, O. 1856. EwiNG, T. Universal Geography. 12° N.Y. 1820. EwiNG, W. Speech, Dec. 6, 1859, on Expul- sion of Colored People from Tennessee. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Exact Account of the fall of the Prince of Peace. (P. 1.) 8°. N.Y. 1808. Examination of Charges against Aaron Burr. 8°. Phil. 1803. Examination of Clark's Senate Report on Trinity Church. (P. 54.) 8°. Albany. 1846. Examination of the Doctrine of the Moon's Rotation. 8°. Edin. 1847. Examination of Lord Sheffield on Commerce of United States. 8°. Phil. 1791. Examination of the New Tariff proposed by Mr. Baldwin. 8°. N.Y. 1821. Examination of Pretensions of New England to Commercial Pre-eminence. 18°. . Phil. 1841. Examination of the South Sea Company's Scheme. (P. 39.) 8°. Lond. 1720. Examinee (The). PoHtical Essays, v. 2. 8°. N.Y. 1814. Examinee (The). A Weekly Paper. 1838-49, 1850-7; 18 V. f°. Lond. 1838-57. Excellent Woman, as described in Book of Proverbs. -12°. Bost. 1851. ExcELsiOE. Helps to Progress in Religion, Science, etc. 6 v. 12°. N.Y. 1854- 1856. Excelsiok; or, The Realms of Poesie. 12°. Lond. 1852. Exchange (The). A Home and Colonial Review, v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1862. Exhibition (The) of 1851. Official Cata- logue. 4°. Lond. 1851. Official Descriptions, etc. 3 v. r. 8°. Lond. 1851. First Report of Commissioners. 8°. Lond. 1852. Reports by the Juries. r.8°. Lond. .1852. Exhibition of Art Industry in Paris, 1855. 4°. Lond. n.d. Exiles in Virginia. Society of Friends in Revolutionary War. 8°. Phil. 1848. ExMOOE Scolding and Courtship. 12°. Lond. 1839. ExpiLLY, J. J. Dictionnaire Ge'ographique, etc., des Gaules. 6 v. f. Paris. 1702- 1770. Explanations; Sequel to Vestiges of Nat. Hist, of Creation. 12°. Lond. 1845. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Exposition Universelle de 1851. Travaux de la Commission Fran9aise. 8°. Paris. 1854. Expository Outline of the Vestiges of Crea- tion. 16°. Lond. 1846. Extractor (The), v. 2. 8°. Lond. 1829. For Continuation of above, See Polae Star. ExTEACTs from the Diary of a Lover of Lit- erature. 4°. Ipswich. 1810. MEnCANTlLE LIBRARY. 125 Extracts from Papers of House of Commons relative to the West Indies. 8°. Lond. 1840. Eyleet, R. F. Domestic Life of Frederick William III. of Prussia. 8^ Lond. 1845. Eyrie^, J. B. B. Abr(-gd des Voyages Mo- dernes depuis 1780. 14 v. 8°. Paris. 1822-4. EzECHiEL. Christus Patiens, et EeliquiaB. See Didot's Greek Classics. Fabens, J. W. The Camel Hunt 12°. N.Y. 1853. Life on the Isthmus. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Resources of Santo Domingo. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 18G3. Faber, F. W. Bethlehem. 12°. Bait. 1864. Faber, G. S. Difficulties of Infidelity. 12°. N.Y. 1825. Difficulties of Infidelity; also, Modern Infidelity, by R. Hall. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Difficulties of Romanism. 12° Phil. 1830. Mysteries of the Cabiri. 2 v. 8°. Oxf. 1803. Dissertations on the Prophecies. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1811. Predicted Downfall of the Turkish Power. 12°. Lond. 1853. Revival of the French Emperorship An- ticipated. 12° Lond. 1853. Fabian, B. Australia. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Fabiani, Mme. Fabia. La Princesse Bulbulis. 2v. 18°. Paris. 18G2. Fabre, F. Julien Savignac. 16°. Paris. 1863. Facciolati, J., and Fokcellini, E. To tins Lalinitatis Lexicon. 2 v. 4°. Lond. '28. Facetle Cantabrigienses. 16°. Lond. 1836. Facts and Figures; a Record of Statistics. 8°. Lond. 1842. Facts for Everybody. 12°. Lond. n.d. Facts for the People on the Rebellion. (P. ) 8°. Dctfoit. n.d. Facts Involved in the Rhode Island Contro- versy. (P. 41.) 8°. Bost. 1842. Facts on Transmission of Qualities to Oflf- spring. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Faden, W. (Pub.) Maps illustrating British Campaigns in the Revolutionary War. Atlas P. Lond. 1765-81. Fa:DRELANDET (Ncwspapcr) for 1855. f°. Copenhagen. 1855. Fahnestock, W. M. The Bible Sabbath, a Tract. (P.) 24°. N.Y. 1850. Fairbairn, H. Political Economy of Rail- roads. 8°. Lond. 1836. Fairbaien, p. Hermeneutical jNIanual. 8°. Phil. 1859. Typology of Scripture. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1857. Fairbairn, W. Cast and Wrought Iron for Building Purposes. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Useful Information for Engineers. 8^ Lond. 1856. Fairbanks, G. E. History of St. Augustine, Fla. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Fairbanks, L. Book-keeping. 8°. Portland. 1841. Same. 8°. Bost. 1851. Fairfax Correspondence. Memoirs of Reign of Charles L 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Memorials of the Civil War. 2 v. 8°. Lond. imo. Fairfax, E. Godfrey of Bulloigne. See Tas- so, T. Fairfield, H. Memoir of. 16°. Bost. n.d. Fairfield, S. L. Abaddon, and Other Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1830. Autobiography and Poems. Ed. by IVIrs. J. Fairfield. 12° Bost. 1864. Last Night of Pompeii, and Other Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Mina, with Other Poems. 12°. Bait. 1825. Poems. 18°. N.Y. 1823. Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England to 19th Century. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Home of Shakespeare. 16°. Lond. 1847. Falconer, T. Discover}' of the Mississippi, etc. 12°. Lond. 1844. Oregon Question. 8°. Lond. 1845. Falconer, W. Marine Dictionary. Ed. by Burney. 4°. Lond. 1815. The Shipwreck; a Poem. 16°. Lond. 1825. Poetical Works. 12°. Lond. 183C. Falconer, W., M.D. Influence of Climate on Man. 4°. Lond. 1781. Falkener, E. Museum of Classical Antiqui- ties. 8°. LoncL 1855. Theatres and other Remains in Crete. 8°. Lond. 1854. Falkener, T. Patagonia and Parts Adjoin- ing. 4°. Hereford. 1774. Fall River Directory, 1857, 1864. 2 v. 8°. Fall River. 1857-64. Fame and Glory of England Vindicated. 16°. N.Y. 1842. Familiar Historj^ of Evangelical Churches of New York. 16°. N.Y. 1839. Familiar Views of Lunacy. 16°. Lond. 1850. Famlly Almanac for 1863. 12°. Lond. 1852. 126 CATALOGUE OF THE Family Book. 12° N.Y. 1835. Family Magazine, v. 5-7. 8°. N.Y. 1838-40. Family Tour through South Holland, &c. 16°. Lond. 1836. Fancoukt, C. St. J. History of Yucatan. 8°. Lond. 1854. Fanning, D. Adventures in North Carolina. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Fanning, E. Voyages round the World. 8°. Lond. 1833. Voyages to the South Seas, &c. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Fanshawe, Lady Anne. Memoirs of Herself. 12°. Lond. 1830. Far (The) West. 2 v. in 1. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Fahaday, M. Thoughts on Conservation of Force. See Youmaxsj»E. L., Correla- tion of Forces. Lectures on Chemical History of a Can- dle. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Lectures on the Forces of Matter. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Lectures on Non-metallic Elements. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Eesearches on Electricity. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Sami3. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1855. Faeewell to Time; or, Last Views of Life. 12°. N.Y. 1828. Farini, L. C. The Eoman State, 1815 to 1850. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1851. Farm (The) ; a Manual of Agriculture. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Farmer, Henry. Mass in B Flat. 8°. Bost. 1859. Farmer, Henry T. Imagination, and Other Poems. 12°. Lond. 1819. Farmer, Hugh. Demoniacs of the Nevr Tes- tament. 8°. Lond. 1775. Farmer, J. Eegister of First Settlers of New England. 8°. Lancaster, Mass. 1829. Farmer, J., and Mooee, J. B. Historical Collections. 3 v. 8°. Concord, N. H. 1822-4. Farmer, J. Map of Southern Michigan. 18°. N.Y. 1856. Farmer, K Essay on the Learning of Shak- speare. 12°. Lond. 1789. Same. 8°. Lond. 1821. Farmer, Sarah S. Tonga and the Friendly Islands. 12°. Lond. 1855. Farmers' Festival, Lenox, Mass., Dec. 28, 1864. (P.) 4°. Lee, Mass. 1865. Farmer's Magazine, v. 19-21. 8°. Lond. 1861-3. Faenam, D. L. Description of a Hydi-aulic Apparatus. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Farnham,-^ Mrs. E. W. California In-Doors and Out. 16°. N.Y. 1856. • Ideal Attained. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Life in Prairie Land. 16°. N.Y. 1846. •^-^- Woman and her Era. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Faenham, J. T. Early days of California. 12°. Phil. 1859. Farnham, T. J. Adventures in California. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Mexico, its Geography, People and In- stitutions. 8° N.Y. 1846. Oregon Territory. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Faequhae, G. Dramatic Works. See Wych- EELEY. Same. 3 v. 16°. Dublin. 1775. Farr, E. Ancient History. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. 1850. History of the Persians. 12°. N.Y. '50. Farrae, a. S. Critical History of Free Thought. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Science in Theology; a course of Ser- mons. 12°. Phil. 1860. Farear, C. C. S. The War^ its Causes and Consequences. 12°. Cairo, 111. 1864. Faerar, Mrs. Eliza. EecoUections of Sev- enty Years. 16°. Bost. 1866. Young Lady's Friend. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Farrar, F. W. Essay on the Origin of Lan- guage. 16°. Lond. 1860. Faerae, J. Optics. 8°. Bost. 1826. Trigonometry. See Laceoix and Bezout. FASiiioNABLE Tour; or„ Guide to Middle and Northern States and Canada. 16°. Saratoga. 1832. Fasquelle, L. Method for French. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Fast-Day Sermons on the State of the Coun- try. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Fate of Infidelity. 18°. N.Y. 1848. Fau, J. Anatomy of External Man. (With 4°. Plates.) 8°. Lond. 1849. FATJJAS-St. Fond, B. Essai de Geologic, v. 1. 8°. Paris. 1805. « Fauna Boreali-Americana. See Eichaedson, J., and others. Faueiel, C. C. History of Proven9al Poetry. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Faust, B. C. Catechism of Health. 18°. N.Y. 1798. Faustus, his Life, Death and Doom. 12°. Lond. 1864. Fauvel-Goubaud, F. Cosmophonography. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Phreno-Mnemotechny. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Faux, W. Memorable Days in America; a Tour. 8°. Lond. 1823. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 127 Fawcett, B. Sermon on Religious Liberty. (P. 52.) 8°. Lond. 1773. Fay, T. S. Crayon Sketches. 12°. N.Y. 1833. Ulric; or, The Voices; a Poem. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Fay, W. Sermon to Boston For. Miss. Soci- ety. (P. 6.) 8°. Bost. 1825. Fayj;, a. Norske Folke-Sagn. 8°. Christi- ania. 1844. Feaen, J. Anti-Tooke. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1824, Feaknside, W. G. , and HAKBAii. History of London. 8°. Lond. n.d. Feaeon, H. B. Journey in America. 8°. Lond. 1818. Feathekstonhaugh, G. "W. Excursion thro' the Slave States. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Geological Report. See United States. Federalist (The). By Hamilton and others. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1788. Same. 8°. Phil. 1864. Same, ed. by Dawson, v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1863. F£E, A. L. A. L'Instinct et I'Litelligence des Animaux. 16°. Paris. 1853. Feinagle, G. von. New Art of Memory. 12°. Lond. 1813. Felice, G. de. History of Protestants of France. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. Fellens, J. B. , et Dufoitk, L. P. L'Echo des Feuilletons. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1841-2. Fellow, R. Game of Croquet. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Fellowes, R. Religion of the Universe. 12°. Lond. 1836. Fellows, C. Travels in Asia Minor. 8°. Lond. 1839. Same. 8°. Lond. 1852. Fellows, J. Veil Removed; a Review of Humphrey's Life of Putnam. 12°. N.Y. 1843. Felltham, O. Resolves; Divine, Moral and Political. 4°. Lond. 1840. Felt, J. B. Annals of Salem, Mass. 2 v. 12°. Salem. 1845. Ecclesiastical History of New England. V. 1. 8°. Bost. 1855. History of Ipswich, Mass. 8°. Camb. 1834. Memorials of W. S. Shaw. 1852. "^ 12°. Bost. Felton, C. C. Letters from Europe. 12°. Bost. 1865. Life of Wm. Eaton. See Spakks' Am. Biog., 1st ser., v. 9. — — Memorial of J. S. Popkin. See Popkin, J. S. Felton, J. B. The Horse-shoe; a Poem. 12°. Camb. 1849. Felton, J. H. The Decimal System. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Female Revolutionary Plutarch. 3 v. 18°. Lond. 1808. Fenelon, F. de S. de L. CEuvres. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1835. Les Aventures de Tel^maque. 12°. Lond. 1795. Same. 12°. Cork. 1800. Same. 12°. Phil. 1812, 1821, 1824. Same. 24°. Lond. 1824. Dialogues des Morts, avec des Fables. 16°. Limoges. 1805. On Charity. 16°. Lond. 1802. Dialogues on Eloquence. 12°. Lond. '08. Lives of Ancient Philosophers. 16°. N.Y. 1844. Selections from Writings of. 12°. Bost. 1831. Fenn, J. Original Letters, of Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard m. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1787. Same. 2 v. in one. sq.l2°. Lond. 1840. Fenneb, B. Raising the Veil; or, Scenes in the Court. 12°. Bost. 1856. Fenton, E. Epistle to Mr. Southerne. (P. 61.) 8°. Lond. 1711. Poems. See Bkitish Poets, v. 14. Fergus, H. History of the United States. 2 V. 16°. Lond. 1830-2. Ferguson, A. Essay on Civil Society. 8°. Phil. 1819. History of the Roman Republic. 8°. Edin. 1783. Same. 8°. Lond. 1827. Same. 8°. Title wanting. Moral and Political Science. 2 v. 4°. Edin. 1792. Ferguson, J. Account of his own Life. See Whitefield, G., Joui-uals. Ferguson, J. Address to Alkiny Institute. (P. 42.) 8°. Albany. 1838. Ferguson, W. America by River and Rail. 8°. Lond. 1856. Febgusson, a. Toxu' in Canada. 12°. Edin. 1834. Febgusson, J. Illustrated Handbook of Ar- chitecture. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1855. Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis Re- stored. 8^ Lond. 1851. Peril of Portsmouth. 8°. Lond. 1852. Principles of Beauty in Art. r.8°. Lond. 1849. Febgusson, R. Poems. 12°. Phil. 1815. Same. See British Poets, v. 37. 128 CATALOGUE OF THE Feeishta. History of Delckan. 2 v. 4°, Lend. 1794. Fekland, J. B. A. Cours d'Histoire du Canada, 1534-1663. 8°. Quebec. 1861. Fekmin, p. Description de Surinara. 2 v. 8°. Amst. 1769. Febnald, W. p. New Age for the New Church. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1860. Dedication Sermon, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1859. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1859. View at the Foundations; or. Causes of Character. 12°. Bost. 1865. Fekkand, a. L'Esprit de I'Histoire. 4 v. 8°. Paris. 1809. Fekeaeio, G. II Costume Antico e Moderne. 26 V. 8°. Turin. 1829-33. Ferreeo, E. Art of Dancing. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Feeeey, B. EecoUections of Pugin and his Father. 8°. Lond. 1861. Ferei-Pisani, C. Lettres sur les £tats-Unis. 16°. Paris. 1862. Feeeiae, J. Ilhistrations of Sterne. 12°. Lond. 1812. Feeriee, J. F. Institutes of Metaphysics. 12°. Edin. 1854. Feeeis, B. Settlements on the Delaware. 8°. Wilmington. 1846. Feeeis, B. G. Utah and the Mormons. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Feeeis, Mrs. B. G. Mormons at Home. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Feeeis, F. T. Epidemic Cholera. 8°. N.Y. 1835. Feeeis, I. Address to Y. M. Chr. Associa- tion, May 28, 1852. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Address, Opening of N. Y. University Law Department. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Address; Opening of Rutgers Institute, (P. 19.) 8°. N.Y. 1839. Feeeis, J. States and Territories of the Great West. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Feeey, G. Vagabond Life in Mexico. 16°. Lond. 1856. Fessenden, T. G. American Kitchen Gar- dener. See Saxton's Rural Hand- Books, 2d Ser. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Complete Farmer and Rural Economist. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Democracy Unveiled. 12°. N.Y. 1806. Terrible Tractoration and Other Poems. 16°. Bost. 1836. Fetridge, W. p. See Harper's Hand-Book. Feuchteesleben, E. von. Dietetics of the Soul. 16°. Lond. 1852. Feuchteesleben, E. von. Medical Psychol- ogy. 8°. Lond. 1847. Feuchtwangee, L. Treatise on Brewing, Distilling, and Rectifying. 12°. N.Y. 1858. • Treatise on Gems. 8°. N.Y. 1838. Same. 12"^. N.Y. 1859. Feuebach, a. von. Account of Casper Hauser. 18°. Bost. 1832. Criminal Trials. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Feuebach, L. Essence of Christianity. 8". Lond. 1854. Feuillet, O. Bellah. 16°. Paris. 1859. Histoire de Sybille. 8°. N.Y. 1863. La Petite Comtesse. 12°. Paris. 1860. Scenes et Comedies. 16°. Paris. 1859. Feval, p. Aimee. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1860. AliziaPauli. 16°. Paris. 1860. LeBossu. 16°. Paris. 1863. Les Compagnons du Silence. 3 v. 16°. Paris. 1861. Les Derniercs Fdes. 16°. Paris. 1862. Le Drame de la Jeunesse. 18°. Paris. 1864. Le Fils du Diable. 4 v. 16°. Paris. 1848. Same. 8°. Paris. 1861. Les Habits Noirs. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Jean Diable. 8 v. 18°. Paris. 1863. Madame Gil Bias. 9 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. Same. 3me Partie. 5 v. 18°. Paris. 1857. Le Paradis des Femmes. 7 v. 18°. Paris. 1855. Le Tueur des Tigres. 16°. Paris. 186L Few (A) Answers to the Question, Why do You Receive the Testimony of Sweden- borg? (P.) 12°. Bost. 1833. Few (A) Words on the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. 8°. Lond. n.d. Feydeau, E. Fanny. 12°. Paris. 1859. FicHTE, J. G. Characteristics of the Present Age. 12°. Lond. 1847. Destination of Man. 12°. Lond. 1846. Nature of the Scholar. 12°. Lond. 1845. Vocation of Man. 12°. Lond. 1848. Way Towards the Blessed Life. 12°. Lond. 1849. Destination de I'Homme. 8°. Paris. 1832. FicQUELMONT, Comtc dc. Le C6t6 Religieux de la Question de I'Orient. 8°. Paris. 1854. FiDLER, I. Observations on the United States and Canada. 12° N.Y. 1833. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 129 Field, Rev. D. D. Brainord Genealogy. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Centennial Address. 12°. Middletown. 1853. Field, D. D. Address on Legal Eeform. (P. U.) 8° Albany. 1855. Why Naturalized Citizens should vote for Fremont; a Speech. (P.) Troy. n.p. n.d. Field, G. Outlines of Philosoi)hy. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Field, H. M. Irish Confederates, and Re- bellion of 1798. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Summer Pictures from Venice and Co- penhagen. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Field, J. Life of John Howard. 8°. Lond. 1850. Field, J. E. Three Years in Texas. (P. CO.) 12°. Bost. 1836. Field, R. S, Address to Survivors of New Jersey Constitutional Convention. (P. ) 8°. Princeton. 1853. Provincial Courts of New Jersey. See New Jersey Historical Society. Col- lections, V. 3. Field, T. W. Pear Culture. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Fielding, H. Works. 12 v. 16°. Lond. '24. Fielding, T. Select Proverbs; also, Pastimes aijd Customs. 16°. Lond. n.d. Fielding, T. H. Painting, in Oil and Water Colors. 8°. Lond. 1839. Practical Perspective. 8°. *Lond. 1836. Theory of Painting. 8°. Lond. 1842. Fields, J. T. Poem, before Boston Merc. Libr. Association. (P. 18.) 8°. Bost. '38. Poems. 12°. Bost. 1849. Same. 16°. Camb. 1854. Fields, W./ The Scrap Book. 8°. Phil. 1851. Fifty Years' Recollections of an Old Book- seUer. 8°. Cork. 1835. FioANiERE, F. F. de la. Catalogo dos Manu- scriptos Portuguezcs existentes no Mu- seu Britannico. 12°. Lond. 1853. FiGUiER, L. L'Ann^e, Scicntifique et Indus- trielle. 12°. Paris. 1862. FiLLMO^jE, M. Biography of. 12°. Buffalo. 1856. Fillmore, M., and Donelson, A. J. Lives of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. FiLSON, J. See Imlat, G. Financial Register. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1837-8.' Finch, I. Travels -in the United States and Canada. 8°. Lond. 1833. Finch, J. Natural Boundaries of Empires. tl6°. Lond. 1844. CH, Marianne. Englishwoman's Expe- rience in America. 8°. Lond. 1853. FiNCHAM, J. History of Naval Architecture. r.8°. Lond. 1851. FiNDLAY, A. G. Modem Atlas. 8°. Lond. '47. FiNDLAY, R. Vindication of the Sacred Books and Josephus. 8°. Glasg. 1790. FiNDLAY, W. History of Insurrection in West Pennsylvania. 8°. Phil. 1796. Fine Arts Quarterly Review, v. 1-2. r.8°. Lond. 1863-4. Finger Post to Public Business. 12°. N.Y. 1864. FiNLAY, G. History of Byzantine Empire. 2v. 8°. Edin. 1853-4. History of Greece, B.C. 146-A.D. 717. 8°. Edin. 1844. History of Greece and Trebizond, A.D. 1204-1461. 8°. Edin. 1851. FixLAY, W. M. Arithmetical Magazine. 8°. N.Y. 1803. FiNiiAYSoN, G. Mission to Siam and Hutf, 1821-2. 8°. Lond. 1826. Finn, J. Sephardira; or, History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal. 12°. Lond. 1841. FiOEMONA ; Oder, Briefe aus Italien. 12°. Kreuznach. 1803. Fire Lands Pioneer, v. 1-6. 8°. Sandusky. 1858-65. Fireside Games. 12°. N.Y. 1859. First Book of Geometry.^ 18°. Lond. 1835. FntST Five Years of the s'abbath Reform. 8°. N.Y. 1862. * First Reformed Dutch Church, Hudson, N. Y. Manual and Record. 24°. Hudson. 1854. First Thoughts. 12°. N.Y. 1855. FiscHEL, E. The English Constitution. 8°. Lond. 1863. Fischer, E. S. Natural Philosophy. 8".^ Bost. 1827. Fish, F. W. The Mind and the Heart; Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Fish, H. C. Pulpit Eloquence of the 19th Century. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Fish, W. H. Memoir of Dr. Wilmarth. 16°. Bost. 1854. Fishbourne, E. G. China and the Present Revolution. 12°. Lond. 1855. Fisher, A. Voyage to the Arctic Regions, 8°. Lond. 1821. Fisher, D. Military Tactics. 8°. N.Y. 1805. Fisher, G. P. Sermon, on Death of Prof. J. W. Gibbs. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1861. Fisher, G. T., Jr. Photogenic Manipulation* 16°. Phil. 1845. Fisher, J. C. Mosaic Account of the Crea- tion. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1858. 130 CATALOaUE OF THE Fisher, J. H. The Constitution ; an Ad- dress. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1862. Fisher, K. S. Book of the World. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Gazetteer of Maryland. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Gazetteer of the United States. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Fisher, E. S., and Colby, C, American Statistical Annual for 1854. 12"^ N.Y. 1854. Fisher, Sam. W. Sermon on Death of Capt. E. Winslow. (P. 45.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Sermons and Addresses. 8*'. N.Y. 1860. Fisher, Sidney G. Trial of the Constitution. 8°. Phil. 1862. Fisher, W. L. Examination of Owen's Sys- tem of Society. 8°. Phil. 1826. Fisher's Colonial Magazine. See Colonial Magazine. Fisher's Drawing-room Scrap Book for 1851- 52. 2v. 4° Lond. 1850. Fisher's Eiver Scenes and Character^. By Skitt. 12°. N.Y. 1859. FiSK, G. Egypt and the Holy Land. 12°. N.Y. 1848. FiSK, W. Travels in Europe. 8°. N.Y. 1838. FiSEJE, D. W. Book of the Chess Congress. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Fisk's Burial Cases, Account of. (P. 47.) 24°. N.Y. 1850. Fitch, Abel F., and others. Trial for Con- spiracy against the Mich. Central E. E. (P.) 8°. Detroit. 1851. Fitch, Asa. Eeports on Insects of New York. 8°. Albany. 1865. Fitch, H. S. Essay on the Pacific Eailway. (P.) 8°. SanFr. 1859. Fitch, S. S. Diseases of the Chest. 12°. Phil. 1841. Lectures on the Lungs. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Fitton, E. B. New Zealand. 12°. Lond. 1856. Frrz Clarence, Lt. Col. Journal from India to England. 4°. Lond. 1818. Fitzgerald, J. E. Hudson's Bay Company and Vancouver's Island. 12°. Lond. 1849. Fitzgerald, P. Life of Sterne. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1864. FrrzHUGH, G. Cannibals All ! or, Slaves without Masters. 12°. Eichmond. 1857. Fitzosborne, T. See Melmoth, W. Five Hundred Mistakes in Speaking Correct- ed. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Five Points' Monthly Eecord. 8°. N. Y. 1854-8. Flagg, E. Commercial Eelations of the U. 8. See United States. Venice, the City of the Sea. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Flagg, W. Studies in the Field and Forest. 12°. Bost. 1857. Flanders, H. On the Constitution of the U. S. 12°. Phil. 1860. Lives of the Chief Justices of the U. S. 1st and 2d series. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1855- 1858. Must the War go on? (P.) 8°. Phil. 1863. Flash, H. L. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Flaubert, G. Salammbo. 8°. Paris. 1863. Flaxman, J. Illustrations of Hesiod. f°. Lond. 1817. Illustrations of the Iliad of Homer, f . Lond. 1805. Illustrations of the Odyssey of Homer. f°. Lond. 1805. Lectures on Sculpture. 8°. Lond. 1829. Fleetwood, J. History of the Bible. 8'*. N. Y. 1855. Fleming, A. Properties of Aconite. 8°. Lond. 1845. Fleming, F. Kaffraria and its Inhabitants. 12°. Lond. 1853. Fleming, G. Travels in Mantchu • Tartary. 8°. Lond. 1863. Fleming, J. ^ Molluscous Animals and Shell Fish.V. Edin. 1837. Fleming, E. Eise and Fall of Papal Eome. 12°. Lond. 1848. Fleming, W. Vocabulary of Philosophy. 12°. Phil. 1860. Fletcher, A. Sermon, for Bays water Asy- lum. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1824.* Fletcher, G. Studies of Shakspeare. 8". Lond. 1847. Fletcher, G. and P. Poems. See British Poets, V. 5; also, Fletcher, P, Fletcher, Jas. History of Poland. 18°. N.Y. 1831. Fletcher, John. Dramatic Works. See Beaumont, F. Fletcher, Eev. John. American Patriotism, etc. (P. 51.) 12°. Shrewsbury. (E.) 1776. Vindication of Wesley's "Calm Ad- dress." (P. 51.) 12°. Lond. n.d. Fletcher, John. Studies on Slavery. 8°. Natchez. 1852. Fletcheu, J. P. Notes from Nineveh, etc. 12°. Phil. 1850. Fletcher, Jos. Education; National, Volun- tary, and Free. 8°. Lond. 1851. MERCANTILR LIBRARY. 131 I ^Fi^ETOHER, P, Purple Island; a Poem. 8°. Lond. 181G. Same; oiso, Christ's Victory and Tri- umph, by G. Fletcher. 8°. Lynd. 1783. Fleuey, C. Manners of the Ancient Israelites. 12'^. Lond. 1837. Fleuky, E. Saint Just et la Terreur, 2 v. 16°. Pai'is. 1852. Fleuey, L. Histoire do France, pour le Jeunesse. 16°. Phil. 1863. History of the Discovery of America; for Children. 12='. Lond. 1859. Fliegende-Blatteb. v. 10-26. 4°. Munich. .1849-56. Flinpees, M. Voyage to Australia, 1801-3. With P. Atlas. 2 V. 4°. Lond. 1814. FuNT, C. L. On Grasses and Forage Plants. 8^. N.Y. 1858. Milch Cows and Dairy Farming. 8°. Bost. 1859. Feint, Jas. Sermon, on Deaths of President Taylor, and Hon. N. Silsbee. (P.) 8°. Salem. 1850. Sermons. 12°. Bost. 1852. Flint, John, and Stone, J. H. Flint Gene- alogy. 8°. Andover. 1860. Flint, T. Art of Being Happy. 12°. Title gone. Geography and History of the- Missis- sippi VaUey. 2 v. 8°. Cine. 1828. Same. 8°. Cine. 1832. Indian Wars of the West 12°. Cine. 1833. Lectures on Natural History. 12°. Bost. 1833. Memoir of Daniel Boone. 16°. Cine. '45. Ten Years in the Valley of the Missis- sippi'. 8°. Bost. 1826. Flejteb, G. D. Account of Puerto Kico. 8°. Lond. 1834. Floral Cabinet and Magazine of Exotic Botany. 3 v. 4°. Loud. 1837-40. Floklvn, J. P. C. de. (Euvres. 10 v. 24°. Paris. 1820-4. ^- Numa Pompilius. 24°. Paris. 1825. History of the Moors of SpaiJi. 16°. N.Y. 1840. Floeida. Journal of Constitutional Conven- tion, 1838. 8°. St. Joseph. 1839. Governor's Message and Documents, Nov. 22, 1852. 8°. Tallahassee. 1852. Floeus, L. a. Epitome Rerum Romanorimi. 2 V. See Valpy's Dolphin Classics. . Same, 24°. Lisbon. 1824. Flourens, p. Cuvier; Histoire de ses Tra- vaux. 12°. Paris. 1845., Human Longevity. . 12°. Lond. 1855. Flower Garden, or Directions for Garden Flowers. 12°. Lond. 1845. Flower Garden, with Essay on Poetry of Gardening. 16°. Lond. 1852. Flowers of Fabi^. 18° N.Y. 1847. Flowers that Never Fade, 16°. Bost. 1853. Fluctuations in the Price of Gold in 1863. Folded in 8°. N.Y. 1863. Flugel, J. G. English-German and Ger- man-English Dictionary. 2 v. 8°. Leip. 1856. Flying-Post (The) of April 7-9, 1720. (P. 39.) f°. Lond. 1720. FoA, Eugenie. Le Petit Eobinson de Paris. 12°. Bost. n.d. FcEDERALiST. See Federalist. FoissAC, P. Me'te'orologie. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1854. Foley, Fanny. Eomance of the Ocean. 12°. Phil. 1850. FoLGER, R. M. Exchange Tables, Sterling. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Exchange Tables, Sterling and Federal. 8°. N.Y. 1849. FoLKARD, H. C. The Sailing Boat, English and Foreign. 12°. Lond. 1853. FoLLEN, C. Works, with Memoir. 5 v. 12^ Bost. 1841. German Grammar. 12°. Bost. 1828. German Reader for Beginners. 12°. Bost. 1845. FoLLEN, Mrs. E. L. Life of Charles Follen. 12°. Bost. 1844. Poems. 12°. Bost^ 1839. FoLsoM, G. Annual Discourse to Maine Hist. Society. (P.) 8°. Portland. 1847. Catalogue of Documents on Maine in English Archives. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Despatches of Hernando Cortes. 8°. N.Y. 1843. FoLTZ, J. M. Endemic Influence of Evil Government in Minorca. 8°. N.Y. 1843. FoNBLANQE, A. England under Seven Ad- ministrations. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1837. FoNDEY, W. H. Oration; July 4, 1838. (P. 18, 42.) 8°. Albany. 1838. Fontaine, A. de. Book of Prudential Rev- lations. 8°. Bost. 1845. Fontaine, F. G. de. History of American Abolitionism. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. « Fontaine, J. Memoirs of a French Refugee Family. 12°. N.Y. 1838, Memoirs of a Huguenot Family. See Mauey, Ann. FoNTENELLE, B. L. B. de, (Euvres. 6 v. 8°. Paris. 1825. 132 CATALOGUE OF THE FoNTENELLE, B. L. B. de. Entretiens sur la Pluralite des Mondes; also, L'Astro- nomie des Dames, par Lalande. 12°. Paris. 1826. Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds. 16°. Lond. 1809. FoNTENELLE, Julie de. Manuel des Sorciers. 18°. Paris. 1830. Foot, J. F. Treatise on Elocution. (P. 13.) 8°. N.Y. 1833. Foot, J. I. Sermons, -vvith Memoir. 8° Phil. 1841. FooTE, A. H. Africa and the American Flag 8°. N.Y. 1854. FooTE, A. L. K. The School of Christ. 16° Bost. 1855. FooTE, S. Dramatic Works. 3 v. 16°. N.Y 1814. FooTE, W. H. Sketches of Virginia. 8° Phil. 1850. FoEBES, A. History of California. 8°. Lond 1839. FoEBES, C. S. Iceland, its Volcanoes, Gey- sers and Glaciers. 8°. Lond. 1860. FoEBEs, E. Literary Papers. 12°. Lond. 1855. Monograph of British Naked Eyed Me- dusa. 4°. Lond. 1848. Forbes, Mrs. E. A. First Impressions of Eu- rope. 12°. KY. 1865. FoEBES, F. E. Five Years in China. 8°. Lond. 1848. Eleven Years in Ceylon. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1841. "^ FoEBES, H. Extracts from Manual of Volun- teer. 16°. N.Y. 1859. Few Words on Popery and Despotism. (P.) 12°. Bost. 1850. Four Lectures on Events in Italy. (P. ) 12°. N.Y. 1851. Manual for the Patriotic Volunteer. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1855. Beport on the Unemployed in New York City. (P.) 24°. N.Y. 1855. FoEBES, Jas. Horticultural Tour Through Germany, etc. 8°. Loud. 1837. Hortns Woburnensis. 8°. Lond. 1833. FoEBES, Jtis. Oriental Memoirs. With 4°. Atlas. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1834. FoEBES, Jas. D. Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa. 16°. Edin. 1855. Norway and its Glaciers. r.8°. Edin. 1853. FoEBES, Jas. G. Sketches of the Floridas. 8°. N.Y. 1821. FoBBES, John. Happiness, Work and Knowl- edge. 18°. Lond. 1850. FoEBES, John. Homoeopathy, Allopathy and Young Physic. 12°. Phil. 1846. Manual of Medical Bibliography. 8°. LoKid. 1835. Physician's Holiday; or, a Month in Switzerland. 12°. Lond. 1849. Water Cure. 12°. Phil. 1847. FoEBEs, John, and others. Cyclopasdia of Practical Medicine. 4 v. r. 8°. Lond. 1833-5. FoEBUSH, A. Psalmodist's Assistant. ObL Bost. 1806. FoEBY, R. Vocabulary of East Anglia. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1830. FoECE, P. Grinnell Land ; Remarks on English Maps. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Supplement to "Grinnell Land." (P.) 8°. Wash. 1853. National Calendar. 14 v. 16°. Wash. 1820-36. Notes on Lord Mahon's Histoiy of the Declaration of Independence. 8°. Lond. 1855. Tracts, etc. , on American Colonies. 4 V. 8°. Wash. 1836-46. FoED, J. Dramatic Works. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1831. FoED, R. Spaniards and their Country. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Handbook for Travellers in Spain, ^ee Handbook, etc. FoED, T. History of Illinois. 12°. Chicago. 1854. FoEEiGN and Colonial Quarterly Review. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1843. FoEEiGN Conspiracies against the Liberties of the United States. 16°. N.Y. 1835. FoEEiGN Missionary, v. 12-22. 8°. N.Y. 1853-64. Foreign Missionarj^ Chronicle, v. 1-17. 8°. Pittsb. and N.Y. 1833-47. Foreign Quarterly Review. v. 1-37. 8°. Lond. 1827-46. Same, Continuation of. See West- minster and Foreign Quar. Rev. Foreign Review and Continental Miscellany. 5 V. 8°. Lond. 1828-30. Forensic Eloquence. Irish Trials for Treason, ■v\dth Speeches by Curran. 8°. Bait. 1805. Forest Arcadia of Northern New York. 12°. Bost. 1864. Forester, T. Norway in 1848-9. 8°. Lond. 1850. Rambles in Corsica and Sardinia. 8°. Lond. 1858. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 133 FoEFAB, E. Analytical Physics, or Trinology. 12° Loncl. 1852. Lectures on Physics. 8°. Edin. 1853. Form of Government of Presbyterian Church. 18°. Phil. 1845. FoBMAN, J. G. Phrenology AppliecL 8°. Cine. 1841. Sermons; the Christian Martyrs, etc. (P.) 8°. Post. 1851. FoEKEST, Mary. Women of the South Dis- tinguished in Literature. 8°. N.Y. '65. FoKEEST, T. Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas. 4°. Lond. 1779. FoREEST, W. S. Sketches of Norfolk and Vicinity. 8°. PhiL 1853. Yellow Fever in Norfolk, etc. 12°. N. Y. 185G. FoEET, S. Climate of the United States. 8° N.Y. 1842. FoESTEE, C. One Primeval Language. 2 v. with Chart. 8°. Lond. 1851. FoESTER, H. R. Pocket Peerage. 18°. Lond. 1851. FoESTEE, J. Arrest of the Five Members by Charles L 12°. Lond. 18G0. Life of Goldsmith. 8°. Lond. 1848. Sir John Eliot; a Biography. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1864. Statesmen of the Commonwealth. 8°. Lond. 1846. FoESTER, J., and others. Lives of British Statesmen. 6 v. 16°. Lond. 1831-8. FoRSTEE, T. Pocket Encyclopredia of Natu- ral Phenomena. 12°. Lond. 1827. Forsyth, John, Jr. Address to Alumni of Eutgers College. (P. 44.) 8°. New Bruns. 1836. Forsyth, Jos. Antiquities, Arts, and Letters in Italy. 16°. Lond. 1835. FoESYTH, W. Caiativity of Napoleon at St. Helena. 2 v. 8?. N.Y. 1853. Same. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1853. History of Trial by Jurj'. 8°. Lond 1852. Hortensius; a Historical Essay. 8°. Lond. 1849. Life of Cicero. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1865. FoET Hill Cemetery. Handbook. 16°. Au- burn. 1853. FoET Wayne Directory, 1864-5. 8°. Ft. Wayne. 1864. FoETuxE, E. Journey to Capitals of Japan and China. 8°. Lond. 1863. Journey to Tea Countries of China. 8°. Lond. 1852. Three Years in Northern China. 8°. Lond. 1847. Fortune, T. Epitome of Stocks and Publio Funds. 18°. Lond. 1799. Same, enlarged. 16°. Lond. 1850. FosBEEY, T. V. Hymns for the Sick and Suffering. 16°. Lond. 1850. FosBEOKE, T. D. Arts, etc., of the Greeks and Romans. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1833- 1845. British Monachism. 8°. Lond. 1843. Encyclopaedia of Antiquities. 2 v. 8^ Lond. 1843. Synopsis of Ancient Costume. 4°. Lond. 1850. FoscoLO, U. Jacques Ortis. French of A. Dumas. 16°. Paris. 1847. FosDicK, W. W. Ariel, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1855. FosGATE, B. Sleep Physiologically Consid- ered. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Foss, E. Judges of England, 1066 to 1272. 8°. Lond. 1848. Foss, J. Captivity at Algiers. 16°. Newbury- port. n.d. FosTEE, B. F. Clerk's Guide. 12°. Bost 1837. Education Reform; a Review of Wyse. 8°. N.Y. 1837. Merchant's Manual 12°. Bost. 1838. Origin and Progress of Book-keeping. 8°. Lond. 1852. Penmanship. 8°. Albany. 1830. Same. 8°. Bost. 1835. Writing and Writing Masters. (P.) 8^ N.Y. 1854. FosTEE, G. G., and Enoush, T. D. French Eevolution of 1848. 8°. Phil. 1848. FosTEE,Jas. Married State. 16°. N.Y. 1845. FosTEE, John. Essay on Popular Ignorance. 16°. N.Y. 1821. Essay on Importance of Religion. 12°. Bost. 1827. ^ Essay on Improvement of Time, etc. 12°. Lond. 1863. Essays. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Essays on Christian Morals. 16°. 1844. Essays on Decision of Character. Bost. 1839. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Lectures, 2d series. 8°. Lond. 1847. FosTEE, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. Geology of Lake Superior. >S«e United States. Fostee, Lillian. Wayside Glimpses. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Foster, Mrs. Hand Book of Modem Euro- pean Literature. 16°. Lond. 1849. N.Y. 18° 134 CATALOGXJE OF THE Foster, K. S. Christian Purity. 12°. N.Y. 1851. FosTEB, T. C. Letters on the Condition of Ireland. 8° Lend. 1846. Foster, ^Y. K. First Principles of Chemistry. 12°. N.Y. 1855. FoucAUD, £. Les Artisans Illiistres. 8°. Plans. 1844. FoucHE, J. , Duke of Otranto. Memoirs. 8°. Bost. 1824. FoucHEE, P. TJne Eeputation de Jeune Fille. 18°. Bmx. 1837. FouDEAS, Marquis de. Un Caprice Eoyal. 16°. Paris, n.d. Les Gentilshommes Chasseurs. 16°. Paris. 1856. Les Miseres Dor(iS. 16°. Paris, n.d. Same. 4-v. 18°. Paris. 1862. Une Vie Aventureuse, 16°. Paris, n.d. FouiNET, E. Le Village sous les Sables. 2 v. 18°. Brux. 1837. FouiiKE, W, p. Discourse in Commemora- tion of Founding of Phil. Acad, of Nat. Sciences. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1854. Eemarks on Cellular Separation. (P. ) 8°. Phil. 1861. Foundations of Our Faith; Papers by Auber- len, Gess, etc. 12°. Lond. 1863. Fountain, E. J. Treatment of Phthisis by Chlorate of Potash. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Fountain of Living Waters. 18°. N.Y. 1850. Four Dissertations on a Union between Great Britain and the Colonies. 16°. PhU. 1766. FouE Old Plays. 12°. Camb. 1848. Four Years in the West Indies. 8°. Lond. 1833. FouECEOY, A. F. Connaissances Chimiques. 10 V. 8°. Paris. 1801. Elements of Natural History and Chem- istry. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1788. Supplement to Same. 8°. Lond. 1789. Fourier, C. (Euvres Completes. 6 v. 8°. Paris. 1845-6. Passions of the Human Soul. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1851. Fourth (The), 1854. Log of the Smoothing Iron. (P.) 24°. N.Y. n.d. FowLE, W. B. Hundred Dialogues. 12°. N.Y. 1859. FowLE, W. F. Catalogue of his Library. 8°. Bost. 1864. Fowler, C. H. Colenso's Fallacies. 16°. Cine. 1864. Fowler, G. Lives of Sovereigns of Kussia. v. 1. 12°. Loud. 1852. FowEEE, H. American Pulpit. 8^. N.Y. 1856. Fowler, J., Jr. Address on Death of Pres. Lincoln. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1865. Oration, July 5, 1847. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Fowler, J. W. Society; a Lecture. (P. 22.) 8°. Utica. 1843. Fowler, L. N. Marriage. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Fowler, Mrs. L. N. Physiology and Phre- nology. 2 V. in one. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Fowler, O. S. Hereditary Descent. 12*^. N.Y. 1847. ■ Home for AU. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Maternity. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Memory and Intellectual Culture. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Fowler, 0. S., and others. Practical Phrenology. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Same. 12° N.Y. 1864. Fowler, W. C. Elementary Grammar. 16°. N.Y. 1859. Elements of the English Language. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Same, revised. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Memorials of the Chaunceys. 8°. Bost. 1858. The Sectional Controversy. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Fownes, G. Chemistry as Exemplifying the Wisdom of God. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Elementary Chemistry. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Fox, C. J. Memorials and Correspondence. Ed. by Lord J. Bussell. 2 v. 12° Phil. 1853. I Eeign of James II. See Carrel, A Fox, G. Works. 8 v. 8°. Phil. 1831. Journal; Ed. byArmistead. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1852. Fox, H. J., and Hoyt, W. B. Quadrennial Methodist Eegister. 12°. Hartf. 1852. Fox, J. , and Harris, C. A, Diseases of the Teeth. 8°. Phil. 1855. Fox, J. Book of Martyrs. 8°. Lond. 1824. Same. 8°. Phil. 1843. Fox, S. Anglo-Saxon Poetical Calendar. 8°. Lond. 1830. Fox, W. J. Finsbury Lectures. 8°. Lond. 1835. Lectures to the Working Classes. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1845-9. Eeligious Ideas. 8°. Lond. 1849. FoxTON, F. J. Popular Christianity. 8°. Lond. 1849. FoY, M. S.^ Guerre de la Peninsule. 4 v. 8"* Paris. 1828. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 135 Fbagmenta Hisfcoricorum Graecorum. See Didot's Greek Classics, v. 11, 29, 31, 36. FRAGMENTS of Literature. 2 v. 12°. Glasg. 1825-8. Fbancatelli, C. E. French Cookery. 8°. Phil. 18-lG. France. Eapport fait des Papiers troiives chez Robespierre et ses Complices. 12°. n.p. n.d. Les Sept Codes duRoyaume. 24°. Paris. 1830. Tableau General du Commerce de la France, 1843-5. 3 v. f°. Paris. 1844- 1846. Code Napoldon, from the French. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Commercial Code. Text, with Transl. and Notes by Rodman. 8". N.Y. 1814. ■ Report on Juvenile Criminals. Transl, , with Introduction, by Gladstone. (P. ) 12°. Reigate. 1850. France, History of, to 1852. 12°. N.Y. 1862. France, Map of. Folded in 4°. Paris. 180G. France (La) Litt^raire. V. 12-13. 8°, Paris. 1843. Fbanchere, G. Voyage to Northwest Coast of America. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Francis' New Guide to New York and Brook- lyn. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Francis' Metallic Life Boat Corporation. Ac- count and Certificates. 8°. N.Y. 1853. FbANCis, C. Life of John Eliot See Sparks' Am. Biog., 1st ser., v. 5. Life of S. Rale. ^S'ee Same, 2d ser. , v. 7. Francis, F. J. Survey of Geology. 12° Lond. 1839. Francis, G. Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Manufactiires. 8°. Lond. 1842. Levelling, for Railroads and Canals. 12°. Lond. 1846. Francis, G. H. Orators of the Age. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Francis, J. Annals and Anecdotes of Life Assurance. 8°. Lond. 1853. Chronicles and Characters of the Stock Exchange. 8°. Lond. 1849. History of the Bank of England. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1862. History of the English Railways. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1851. Francis, J. W. Anniversary Discourse, N.Y. Academy of Medicine. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. New York during the last Half-century ; a Discourse. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Old New York. 12°. N.Y, 1858. Francis, J. W. Old New York ; with Memoir byTuckerman. r.8°. N.Y. 1865. Francis, J. W., Jr. Memorial of Life and Character of. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Francis, S. W. Memoir of Prof. V. Mott 8°. N.Y. 1865. Report of Prof. Mott's Surgical Clin- iques. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Francis, V. M. The Fight for the Union; a Poem. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Thesis on Hospital Hygiene. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Franck, A. Catalogue des Livres Anciens et Modernes. 8°. Paris. 1849. France, A. H. Guide to Study of Scriptures. 12°. Phil. 1823. Memoirs of. 12°. Phil. 1831. Fbancken, JE. Stellige God-Geleertheyd. 2v. 16°. Dordrecht. 1720. Francceur, L. B. Course of Pure Mathemat- ics. 2v. 8° Camb. 1829. Fbankl, L. a. Aus Egypten. 8°. Vienna. 1860. Nach Jerusalem. 2 v. 12°. Leip. 1858. Frankland, B. Outlines of Literary Culture. 12°. Lond. 1853. Frankxand, C, C. Visit to Courts of Russia and Sweden. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1832. Franklin, B. Works, with Memoir. 6 v. 8°. Phil. 1809-17. Works, ed. by Sparks. 10 v. 8°. Bost 1836-40. Autobiography. 24°. N.Y. 1824. — -Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1837. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1839. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1843. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Constitution and Government of Penn- sylvania. 8°. Lond. 1759. Essays, with Autobiography. 24°. N.Y. 1831. Experiments and Observations on Elec- tricity. 4°. Lond. 1769. Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Pa- pers. 12°. Bost. 1833. Literarj' Remains. 4°. Lond. 1834. Letters to, from his Family and Friends. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Pictorial Life of, with Anecdotes. 12°. Phil. 1847. Franklin Statue Memorial. 8°. Bost. 1857. Franklin, Rev. B. Man's Cry and God's Gracious Answer. 16°. N.Y. 1863. Franklin, H. Letter on City Finances. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1858. Franklin, Jas . History of the United States. 12°. Lond. 1784. 136 CATALOGUE OF THE Feanklin, Jas. Present State of Hayti. 12°. Lond. 1828. Franklin, Sir John. Jonmey to the Polar Sea, 1819-22. 4°. Lond. 1823. Same, with Account of Second Journey, 1825-7. 4v. 18°. Lond. 1829. Second Jonmey to the Polar Sea, 1825- 1827. 4°. Lond. 1828. Fkanklin Institute. Journal, v. 1-77. 8°. Phil. 1826-64. Eeport on Explosions of Steam Boilers, Parti. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1836. Keports of 22d, 25th, and 26th Exhibi- tions, (P.) 8°. PhiL 1852-8. Franklin Journal. See Franklin Institute. Franks, A. W. Book of Ornamental Glazing Quarries. 8°. Lond. 1849. Franz, A. Der Preussische Staat. 2 v. 8°. Quedlinburg. 1854. Franz, J. C. A. Treatise on the Eye. 8°. Lond. 1839. Fraser, C. Reminiscences of Charleston. 8°. Charleston. 1854. Fraser, J. B. Journey to Khorasan. 4°. Lond. 1825. Mesopotamia and Assyria. 16°. N.Y. 1842. ^ • Same. 16°. Edin. 1842. * Tour through the Him alas. 4°. Lond. 1820. Travels in some Persian Provinces. 4°. Lond. 1826. Winter Journey from Constantinople to Teheran. 2 v. 8'^. Lond. 1838. Eraser, E. Scientific Wanderings. 12°. Edin. 1843. Eraser's Magazine. v. 1-70. 8°. Lond. 1830-64. Freaet, E. Parallele de I'Architecture iVn- tique et de la Moderne. f°. Paris. '50. Frederick II., of Prussia, ffiuvres Pos- thumes. 15 v. 8°. Berlin. 1779. Panegyric of Voltaire. 8°. Lond. 1779. Posthumous Works. 13 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Free Convention, Eutland, Vt. Proceedings. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1858. Free Masons . Historical Narrative, by Grand Lodge of New York. (P. 40.) 8°. N.Y. 1849. Free School Society of New York, Account of. 8°. N.Y. 1814. Free Trade Convention, Phil., 1831. Me- morial to Congress. (P. 13.) 8°. N.Y. 1832. Free Will Baptist Quarterly, v. 5-11. 8°. Dover, N. H. 1857-63* Freedley, E. T, Legal Adviser. 12°. Phil. 1857. Philadelphia and its Manufactures. 1 2° , Phil. 1859. Practical Treatise on Business. 16°. Phil. 1859. • Freeland, E. B. The New Eeligion; two Discourses. (P.) 12°. Bost. 1862. Freeman, E. A. History of Architecture. 8°. Lond. 1849. History of Federal Government, v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1863. Window Tracery in England. 8°. Oxf. 1851. Freeiman, Eev, F. Africa's Eedemption the Salvation of our Country. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Freeman, F. History of Cape Cod. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1860-62. Freeman, J. Life of Eev. W. Kirby. 8°. Lond. 1852. Freeman, J. J. Tour in South Africa. 12°. Lond. 1851. Freeman, S. American Clerk's Magazine. 12°. Bost. 1805. Freer, Martha W. Life of Jeanne d'Albret. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1855, Fregier, H. H, Des Classes Dangereuses dans les Grandes Yilles. 8°. Brux. 1840. Freleigh, D. M. Homceoj)athic Practice. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Fremantle, Lt.-Col. Three Months in the Southern States. 12°. N.Y. 1864, Fremont, Jessie B, Story of the Guard. 16°. Bost. 1863. Fremont, J. C. See United States. Expedition to Eocky Mountains and Oregon, 1842-4. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Geographical Memoir on Upper Cali- fornia. 8°. Phil. 1849. Fremont, J. C. Life of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Life of. 12°. Bost. 1856. Fremy, a. La Come'die dii Printemps. 12°. Paris. 1863. Same. 4 v. in 1. 18°. Paris. 1862. French, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana, v. 1, 2, 3, 5. 8°. N.Y. 1846-51. Ii-on Trade of the United States^ 8°. N.Y. 1858. French, H. F. Farm Drainage. 12°. N.Y. 1859. French, J. H. Gazetteer of New York. 8°. Syracuse. 1860. French, J. W. Grammar. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Practical Ethics. 8°. N.Y. 1865. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 137 Fbebet, N. Letter from Thrasybulus to Leucippe. 10° Lend. 1826. Fresenius, C. R. Qualitative Chemical Anal- ' ysis. 8° N.Y. 18G4, Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 8°. Lond. 1846. Same. 8°. Lond. 1854. Feey, J. Schweizerbilder. 2 v. in one. 16°. ^Aarau. 1864. Feeygan, M. and Mme. Letters from Cau- casus and Georgia. 8°. LoncL 1833. Fbeytao, G. Neue Bilder aus dem Leben des deutschen Volkes. 12°. Leip. 1862. Soil und Haben. 16°. Leip. 1858. Same. 2 v. 16°. Leip. 1859. Same. 2 v. 16°. Leip. 1865. Die verlorene Handschrift. 3 v. 16°. Leip. 1864. Same. 3 v. 16°. Leip. 1865. Feezieb, a. F. Voyage to the South Sea. 4°. Lond. 1717. Feiedeich. Die Armesiinderglocke. 18°. Berlin, n, d. Feiend of Peace. By Philo Pacificus. v. 1. 8°. Bost. 1822. Feiends. Religious Society of. Appeal on Behalf of the Colored Races. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1858. Case of the Seneca Indians. 8°. Phil. 1840. Further Illustration of the Case of the Seneca Indians. 8°. Phil. 1841. Further Proceedings of Committee on Seneca Indians. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1850. Feiends' Intelligencer, v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1838. Feieze, J. History of Efforts for Extension of Suffrage in Rhode Island. 12°. Prov. 1842. Feisch, J. L. Dictionnaire Fran9ois-AIle- mand et Allemand-Franyois. 8°. Leip. 1730. Feitze, E. Berg oder Burg. 12°. Hanover. 1863. Deutsches Leben vor Fiinfzig Jahren. 12^ Hanover. 1863. Die Gebriider Koltrum.* 2 v. 16°. Leip. 1865. Des Geheimraths Sohn. 18°. Bocken- heim. 1863. Die Herren von Ettershaiden, 2 v. in one. 18°. Vienna. 1864. Die Maske des Reichthums. 12°. Han- over. 1863. Solitude. 18°. Vienna. 1863. Aus dem Strome der Gcgenwart. 18°. Leip. 1803. Zug um Zug. 12°. Hanover. Aus Amerika. 2 v. 16°. Leip. Feitze, E. 1863. Feobel, J. 1857. Seven Years in Central America. 8^ Lond. 1859. Feoissaet, J. Chronicles. Transl. by Lord Bemers. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1812. Chronicles. 2 v. r.8°. Lond. 1839. Same. Ed.byJohnes. r.8°. N.Y. 1844. Feom Matter to Spirit; Ten Years of Spirit- ualism. 12°. Lond. 1863. FEoaiBEEO, E. O. Art of Painting on Glass. 12°. Lond. 1851. Feojie, Capt. Method for Trigonometrical Survey. 8°. Lond. 1851. Feomentin, E. Dominique. 12°. Paris. 1865. Feontiee Lands of Christian and Turk. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1853. Feossaed, E. Lettres ficrites de TOrient. 12°. Toulouse. 1855. Feost, J. American Speaker. 12°. PhiL 1836. Beauties of EngUsh History. 16°. N.Y. 1846. Book of the Army. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Book of Good Examples. 12°. N.Y.« 1847. Book of the Indians. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Book of the Navy. 8°. N.Y. 1842. Book of Travels in Africa. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Border Wars of the West. 8°. Auburn. 1853. Heroic Women of the West 12° PhiL 1854. History of California. 8°. Auburn. '50. Same. 12°. Auburn. 1853.* Pictorial History of America. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1857. Pictorial History of Mexico and the Mexican War. 8°. Phil. 1856. Pictorial History of the United States. 4 V. in 2. 8°. Phil. 1844. Pictorial Life of Washington. 8°. Phil. 1848. Pictorial Modem History. 8°. Phil. '46. Remarkable Events in American His- tory. 8°. Phil. 1848. Select; Works of British Poets. 8°. Phil. 1838. Feost and Fire. Natural Engines, etc. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1865. Feothingham, E. L. and A. L. Philosophy as Absolute Science, v. 1. 8°. Bost. 1864. 138 CATALOGUE OF THE Fbothingham, N. L. Sermon; 20tli Anni- versary of his Ordination.^ (P. 16.) 8°. Bost. 1835. Sermons in the Order of a Twelvemonth, 12° Bost. 1852. Fbothingham, 0. B. Seeds and Shells; a Sermon. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1862. ■ Unisons of the Liberal Faith; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.y. 1865. Fbothingham, R. History of the Siege of Boston. 8°. Bost. 1849. Life of Joseph Warren. 8°. Bost. 1865. Tribute to T. S. King. 12°. Bost. '65. Feoude, J. A. History of England, v. 1-8. 8°. Lond. 1858-64. Same. v. 1-4. 12°. N.Y. 1865. . Nemesis of Faith. 12°. Loud. 1849. Fby, B. St. J. Lives of Whatcoat, McKen- dree and George. 18°. N.Y. 1852. Fey, Caroline. Autobiography and Letters. 12°. Phil. 1849. The Listener. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1832. Sabbath Musings. 16°. N.Y. 1849. A Word to Women, etc. 12°. Phil. '40. Fby, Elizabeth. Memoirs. Ed. by her Daughters. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Fby, W. H. Artificial Fish Breeding. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Feyee, J. Account of East India and Persia f°. Lond. 1698. Feyxell, a. History of Sweden. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1844.. Fugitive Pieces by Several Authors. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1761. FuLCHEB, G. W. Life of Gainsborough. 12°. Lond. 1856. FuLLAETON, J. Regulation of Currency. 8°. Lond. 1844. FuLLEE. A. • Complete Works, with Memoir. r.8°. Lond. 1845. Principal Works, with Memoir. 12°. Lond. 1852. FuLLEE, A. S. Grape Culturist. 12°. N.Y. 1864. FuLLEE, Francis A. and Metta V. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1851. FuLLEE, H. Sparks from a Locomotive. 12°. N.Y. 1859. The War in America; an Address. (P.) 12°. Lond. 1861. FuiiLEE, J. G. Conversations on Strict and Mixed Communion. 12°. Bost. 1831. FuixEB, Metta V. Fresh Leaves from West- ern Woods. 12°. Buffalo. 1852. Mormon Wives. 12°. N.Y. 1856. FuKLEE, R. Duty to the African Race, an Address. (P.) 8\ Bait. 1851. FuLLEE, R. F. Chaplain Fuller. 12°. Bosi 1863. FuLLEE, S. Two Sermons, on Death of Rev. S. Fuller. (P. 50.) 8°. Andover. 1843. FuLLEE, S. Margaret. See Ossoli, S. M. F. FuLLEE, T. Church History of Britain. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Good Thoughts in Bad Times, etc. 12°. Bost. 1863. History of English Worthies. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1840. Holy and Profane States, with Memoir. 12°. Camb. 1831. Fulton, J. D. Roman Catholic Element in American History. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Fume, Joseph. A Paper of Tobacco. 16°. Lond. 1839. FuNEs, G. Historia del Paraguay, Buenos Ayres, etc. 3 v. 8°. Buenos Ayres. 1816. FuNNELL, W. Voyage Round the World. 12°. Lond. 1707. FuEEONG, L. American Coast Pilot. 8°. Newburyport. 1806. « FuEMAN, Gabriel. Notes on Brooklyn. 16°. Brooklyn. 1824. Same, with Memoir. 4°. Brooklyn. 1865. FuEMAN, Garrit. Maspeth Poems. sm.4°. N.Y. 1837. FuENESS, W. H. Discourse, Anniversary of Derby Academy, Hingham, Mass. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Gems of German Verse. 12°. Phil. n.d. Jesus and his Biographers. 8°. Phil. 1838. Veil Partly Lifted, 12°. Bost. 1864. FuENiss, W. Land of the Caesar and the Doge. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Old World. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Waraga; or, Charms of the Nile. 12°. N.Y. 1850. FusEEi, H. Writings, with Life by Knowles. 3v. 8°. Lond 1831. Fysh, F. Examination of Bush's "Anas- tasis." 12°. Lond. 1847. French Rl^'olution and Prophecy. 8°. Lond. 1842. Gaetani, p. Crestomatia Italiana. 12°. Leip. 1783. Gage, T. New Survey of West Indies and South America. 12°. Lond. 1699. Gajani, G. The Roman Exile. 12°. Bost. 1856. GAiiBEAiTH, W. Plates to Ainslie's Survey- ing. 8°. Edin. 1849. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 139 Gk-LE, A. History of Lee, Mass. 8°. Lee. 1854. Gale, G. Gale Genealogy. 8°. No title. Gale, L. D. [Elements of Chemistry. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Elements of Natural Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1843. Gale, S. C. Valedictoiy to Senior Class of Yale College. (P. 44.) 8°. N. Haven. 1854. Galerie des Contemporains Illustres. 10 v. 16°. Paris. 1844. Galebie de Florence et de Palais Pitti. 4 v. r. Paris. 1804-14. GALEiirE dii Palais Royal. 3 v, f°. Paris. 1786-1808. . Galfridus Grammaticus. Promptorinm Parvnlorum. See Camden Society. Galibert, L. Histoire de Venise. 8°. Paris. 1847. Galignani's New Paris Guide, for 1841. 24°. Paris. 1841. Same, for 1854. 24°. Paris. 1854. Galileo Galilei, Life of. See Republic of Letters, v. 4. Gall, F. J. Functions of the Brain. 6 v. 12°. Bost. 1835. Gallagher, J. Pilgrimage of Adam and David. 12°. Bost. 1849. Gallatin, A. Address on Usury Laws. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. Considerations on the Ourrency. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1831. Inaugural of the N. Y. Historical So- ciety. (P. 22.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. . Memoir on N. E. Boundary. (P.)» 8°. N.Y. 1843. Oregon Question. (P. 41.) 8° N.Y. 1846. Peace with Mexico. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Right to the North Eastern Boundary. 8°. N.Y. 1840. Gallatin, J. Letter on Financial Affairs. (P.) 4°. N.Y. 1865. National Debt, Currency, etc' (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. National Finances. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Gallaudet, T. M. Sermon, First Service in St. Ann's Church. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. Gallenga, a. History of Piedmont. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1855. Invasion of Denmark in 1864. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1864. Gallery of Engravings. Second Series. 4 v. 4°. Lond. n.d. Gallery of Nature and Art. 2 v. r. 8°. Lond. 1823. Gallier, J. Builder's Price Book. 8°. N.Y. 1833. Galloway, R. Manual of Qualitative Analy- sis. 12°. Lond. 1850. Galt, J. Cursory Reflections on the Regent's Accession. (P. 26.) 8° Lond. 1812. Diarj', Illustrative of the Times of George IV. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1838-9. Life of Lord Byron. 16°. N.Y. 1836. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. 16°. Lond. 1846. Literary Life and Miscellanies of. 3 v. 12°. Edin. 1834. Lives of the Players. 2 v. 12°. Bost. '31. Tragedies. 4°. Lond. 1812. Galt, J. M. Essays on Insane Asylums. (P.) 8°. Richm. 1850. Treatment of Insanity. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Galton, F. Art of Travel. 12°. Lond. 1856. Tropical South Africa. 12°. Lond. 1853. Vacation Tourists, 1860. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1861. Same. 1861. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1862. Gamache, C. de. Court and Times of Charles L 2 V. 8°. Lond. 4 848. GAifBS, J. The German University in America. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1860. Gammell, W. Address, Opening of Cabinet of R. L Hist. Society. (P. 42.) 8°. Prov. 1844. History of American Baptist Missions. 12°. Bost. 1849. Life of Samuel Ward. See Sparks' Am, Biog.', 2d ser., v. 9. Life of Roger Williams. 12°. Boston. 1846. Same. See Sparks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., V. 4. Gandee, B. F. The Artist; or, Instructor in Painting, etc. 16°. Lond. 1835. Gandell, H. W. Philosophy of History. 8°. Lond. 1829. Gandon, a. Les 32 Duels de Jean Gigon. 16°. Paris. 1862. Ganilh, C. Political Economy. 8°. N.Y. 1812. I Gannett, E. S. Sermon on Death of Hon. J. Davis. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1847. Sermon on Death of Hon. C. Paine. (P.) 8°. Northfield, Vt. 1853. Sermon on the State of the Country. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1856. Ganot, Prof. Treatise on Physics. 12°. Lond. 1853. Garbett, E. L. Principles of Design in Ar- chitecture. 12°. Lond. 1850. 140 CATALOGUE OF THE Gabden, a. Anecdotes of the Eevolutionary War. 8°. Charleston. 1822. Same, v. 3, from ed. of 1828. r.8^. Brooklyn. 1865. Gabden, J. History of Henry III. of France. 8=^. Dublin. 1783. Gaeden (The) that Paid the Rent, 12°. Lond. 1860. Gaedenek's Magazine, v. 15-19. 8"^. Lond. 1839-43. Gabdeneb's Monthly, v. 1, t°.; v. 2-6, 8"". Phil. 1859-64. Gabdeniee, B. (Edr.) The Examiner, v. 2. 8°. N.Y. 1814. Gardening ; Practical Training. 16*^. Lond. 1850. Gaedens, etc. , of the Zoological Society de- lineated. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1835. Gabdinee, a. F. Journey to Zoolu Country. 8°. Lond. 1836. Gardinee, F. Commentary on St. Jude. 12°. Bost. 1856. Gabdinee, G. A. Mr. Fendall's Argument, on Trial of, etc. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1853. Gabdinee, 0. C. The Great Issue ; or, Three Presidential Candidates. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1848. Gaednee, a. K. Eulogy on Dr. J. W. Fran- cis. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. History of Midwifery; a Lecture. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Old Wine in New Bottles. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Gaednee, C. K. Eegister of Officers of the U. S. Army, 1789-1853. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Gaednee, D. International Law. 12°. Troy. 1844. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Gaednee, D. P. Medical Chemistry. 12°. Phil. 1848. Gaednee, G. Travels in Brazil. 8°. Lond. 1846. Gaednee, W. Music of Nature. 8°. Bost. 1838. Sights in Italy. 8°. Lond. 1847. Gaeibaldi, G. Autobiography. Transl. by Dwight. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Gaeibaldi, Recollections of. 12°. Lond. '60. Garland, H. A. Life of John Randolph. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Gaeneau, F. X. Histoire du Canada. 2 v. 8°. Quebec. 1859. Gabnett, T. Tour through Scotland and the Western Isles. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1800. Gaebaed, L. H. Chambersburg in the Col^ , Gaussen, S. R. L. Theopneusty. 12°. N.Y. ony and Revolution. 8°. Phil. 1856. Gaebigue, a. Catalogue of Books. 16°. N.Y. 1850. Gaeeod, a. B. Materia Medica and Thera- peutics. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Gabth, S. The Dispensary. 12°. Lond. 1699. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 14. Gabvey, M. a. The Silent Revolution, Steam and Electricity. 18°. Lond. 1852. Gasc. Le Livre des Peres de Famille. 16°. Paris. 1844. Gascoigne, G. Poems. See Beitish Poets, V. 1. Gaskell, E. C. Life of Charlotte Bronte. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Same. 2 v. in one. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Gaskell, P. Artisans and Machinery'-. 12°. Lond. 1836. Gaspaein, a. de. LAmerique devant L'Eu- rope. 8°. Paris. 1862. Les £coles du Doute et I'ficole de la Foi. 8°. Geneva. 1853. LaFamiUe. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1865. Un Grand Peuple qui se releve. 12°. Paris. 1862. America Before Europe. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Science vs. Modern Spiritualism. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Uprising of a Great People. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Gaspaein, Mme. de. Bande du Jura. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1865. Les Horizons Celestes. 12°. Paris. . 1860. Les Horizons Prochains. 16°. Paris. 1864. Les Tristesses Humaines. 12°. Paris. 1863. Vesper. 12°. Paris. 1862. Human Sadness. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Gass, p. Lewis and Clarke's Expeditions. 8°. Lond. 1808. Same. 12°. Phil. 1810. Gastineait, B. Les Amours de Mirabeau. 16°. Paris. 1860. Les Drames du Mariage. 16°. Paris. '65. Gault, R. de. Popery, the Man of Sin. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Gaitlt de St. Germain, P. Vie de Nicolas Poussin. 8°. Paris. 1806. Gaulteee, L. Le9ons de Geographic. 18°. N.Y. 1813. Lecciones de Geographia. 24°. Paris. 1825. 1850. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 141 Gautiee, T. Le Capitaine Fracasse. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1864. Caprices et Zigzags. 12". Paris. 1852. La Croix de Bemy. See Gikaedin, Mme. E. de. Les Grotesques. 16°. Paris. 1856. Le Roman de la Momie. 12°. Paris. 1858. Quand on Voyage. 16°. Paris. 1865. Romans et Contes. 16°. Paris. 1863. Wanderings in Spain. 12°. Lond. 1853. Gavard, Ch. Galeries Historiques de Ver- sailles. 8°. Paris. 1838. Gavazzt, a. Biography of. 12°. KY. 1853. Lectures, with Life. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Gat, J. Gay's Chair. Poems. 18°. Bost. 1820. Poems, with Life by Sanford. 18°. Phil. 1819. Poems, with Life by Johnson. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1854. Gay, Sophie. Set Gieakdin, Mme. de. Gayarre, C. Histoire de la Louisiane. 2 v. 8°. N. Orieans. 1846. History of Louisiana. 3 v. 8°. v. 1 & 2, N.Y. 1854; v. 3, Phil. 1854. Louisiana as a French Colony. 3d ser. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Romance of History of Louisiana. 12°. N.Y. 1848. School for Politics. 12° N.Y. 1854. Gazette of the Union, v. 10-12. f° N.Y. 1849-50. Gedike, F. Griechisches Lesebuch. 12°. Berlin. 1809. Geee, J. L Beyond the Lines. 12°. Phil. '63. Geijer, E. G. History of the Swedes. 8°. Lond. n.d. . Geikee, J. C. Life in the Woods. 12°. Bost. 1865. Geisendoee, Mme. W^ Fruits d'Automne. 12°. Geneva. 1862. Geldaet, Mrs. T. Memorials of Samuel Gurney. 12°. Phil. 1859. History of England. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Geix, W. Geography and Antiquities of Ithaca. 4°. Lond. 1807. Itinerary of Greece. 4°. Lond. 1810. Journey in the Morea. 8°. Lond. 1823. Pompeiana. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1832. Same. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1832. Topography of Rome and Map. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1832. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1834. Geli£rt, C. F. Moralische Vorlesungen. 2 V. 8°. Leip. 1770. Moral Lessons. See DouaLAs, Mrs. M. Gellius, A. Noctes Atticse. 3 v. See Val- py's Delphin Classics. Gems of Spanish Poetry. 12°. N.Y. 1855. GENERAii Assembly. ^ee Presbyterian Church. General Collection of Voyages and Discover- ies, 15th and 16th Centuries. 4°. Lond. 1789. General Railroad System for New Jersey. (P.) 8°. Newark. 1860. General Register of Politics and Literature. 18°. Edin. 1828. General View of Fine Arts. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Genesee Consociation. Reply to Emerson on Masonry. (P.) 8°. Rochester. 1829. Genet, E. C. Upward Forces of Fluids. 8°. Albany. 1825. Address to Legislature. (P. 42.) 8°. Al- bany. 1825. Genin, J. N. History of the Hat. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1850. Genin, S. Select Works, with Memoir. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Genin, T. H. Napolead. 18°. St. Clairsville, O. 1833. Genlis, Mme. F. S. B. St. A. de. Alphonse. 2v. 16°. Paris. 1824. Annales de la Vertu. 5 v. 16°. Paris. 1819. Belisaire. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1808. Same. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1824. Le Comte de Corke. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1819. Histoire de Henri Le Grand. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1816. Jeanne de France. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1818. M'lle de la Fayette. 16°. Paris. 1821. Les Meres Rivales. 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1819. Nouveaux Contes Moraux. 6 v. 16°. Paris. 1819. Prtlmyre et Flaminie. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1821. Les Petits Emigres. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1825. La Religion Comme la Base du Bon- heur. 12°. Title wanting. Les Souvenirs de Felicie L***. 16°. Paris. 1821. Suite des Souvenirs de Felicie L***. 12°. Paris. 1823. Theatre de Societe. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1823. LesVeill^esdelaChaumiere. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1823. 142 CATALOGUE OF THE Genlis, Mme. F. S. D. St. A. de. Vie Peni- tente de Mme. de la Valliere. IG''. Paris. 1816. Zuma. 18°. Paris. 1817. Memoirs of Her Own Life. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1825. Gentle Life. Essays. 12^. N.Y. 1864. Gentleman's Magazine, v. 1-217. 8^. Lond. 1731-1864. Index, 1731-1818. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1818-21. Gentleman's Magazine. Ed. by "W. E. Bur- ton. V. 3-4. 8°. Phil. 1838-9. Gentleman's Magazine of Fasliions. v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1828. Gentoo Laws. Transl. by N. B. Halhed. 8°. Lond. 1777. Genuine Memoirs on Cape Breton and St. John. 8^ Lond. 1860. Genuineness, etc., of the Word of God. 12^. N.Y. 1846. Geoefeey of Monmouth. British History. See Giles, J. A., Six Old English Chronicles. Geogbaphical Account of Kussian Ports on the Black Sea. (P. 18.) 8°. Lond. '37. Geological Society of London. Proceedings, 1826-37. 2 V. S''. Lond. 1834-7. Geologist (The), v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1842. Geometry. See Library of Useful Knowl- edge, V. 12. George, Amara. Vor Tagesanbruch. 12°. Frankfort. 1859. George, Anita. Annals of Queens of Spain. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1850. George, A. C. Counsels to Converts. 12°. Cine. 1864. George III., his Court and Family. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. Georgetown College. Annals of the Obser- vatory. V. 1. 4°. N.Y. 1852. Georgia Historical Society. Collections. 2 V. 8°. Savannah. 1840-42. Georgian Era (The). 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1832- 1834. Gerando, J. M. de. Means and Art of Moral Progress. 12°. Bost. 1832. Gerard, A. and Montesquieu. Essays on Taste. 12°. Phil. 1804. Gerard, G. Biblical Criticism. 8°. Bost. 1823. Gerard, J. La Chasse au Lion. 16°. Paris. 1865. A d /entures of a Lion Kil'er. 12°. N.Y. 1860. . Gerard, J. W. London and New York ; their Crime and Police. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. Gerard, P.-A.-F. Races Humaines d'Eu- rope. 12°. Brux. 1849. Gerhard, E. Griechische Mythologie. 2 t. 8°. Berlin. 1855. Gerhard, F. Illinois as It Is. 12°. Chicago. 1857. Gbrhardt, C. Aide-jMemoire pour 1' Analyse Chimique. 16°. Paris. 1882. Geehardt, M. E. B. Taschenbuch der Miinz-, Maas-, und Gewichts-Kunde. 16°. Berlin. 1798. Gerhaet, E. V. Introduction to Study of Philosophy. 12°. Phil. 1858. Gerisher, C. Book-Keeping. 8°. N.Y. 1817. German Museum for 1800. v. 1-2. 8°. Lond. 1800. German Reformation of 19th Century. 8°. Lond. 1846. Germany. History of, to 1813. 12°. Lond. 1847. Geestacker, F. Aus Meinem Tagebuch. 2 V. 12^ Leip. 1863. Die Flusspiraten des Mississippi. 3 v. in one. 18°. Leip. 1862. Heimliche und Unheimliche Geschich- ten. 2v. 16°. Leip. 1862. Im Busch. 3 v. in one. 18°. Jena. '61 Inselwelt. 2 v. 12°. Leip. 1860. Der Kunstreiter. 3 v. in one. 16°. Leip. 1861. Die Regulatoren in Arkansas. 3 v. in one. 18°. Leip. 1862. Unter dem ^Equator. 3 v. in two. 16°. Leip. 1861. Journey Round the World. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Gervinus, G. G. Einleitung in der Ges- chichte der Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. . 8°. Leip. 1853. Geschichte ' des Neunzehnten Jahrhun- derts. 6v. 8°. Leip. 1855-61. Mission of German Catholics. 12°. Loud. 1846. Gervinus und Seine politischen Ueberzeu- gungen. 8°. Leip. 1853. Gesner, a. Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia. 8°. Halifax. 1849. Nova Scotia Geology. 8°. Halif. 1836. Treatise on Coal and other Distilled Oils. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Gesner, S. CEuvres. 2 v. 8°. Paris, n.d. Gessert, M. a. Art of Painting on Glass. 12°. Lond. 1851. Gessner, L. Le Droit des Neutres sur Mer. 8°. Berlin. 1865. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 143 Gesta Romanonim. Select Tales from. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Getty, J. A. Holmes' Art of Blietoric, and Quintilian on Education. 12". Phil. 1849. GiBBES, G. M. Letters to American Peace Society. (P.) 8°. Paris. 1842. Gdbbes, L. K. On Carcinological Collections in U. S. (P.) 8°. Charleston. 1850. GiBDEs, R. W. Documentary History of American Revolution, 1764-82. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1853-7. GiBBiNGs, E. See Index Expurgatorius. Gibbon, E. Autobiography. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1830. Same. 12°. N.Y. 184G. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 4v. 8°. N.Y. 1829. 4v. 8°. N.Y. 1837. 6v. 8°. Lond. 1846. 6v. 12°. Bost. 1850-53. 6v. 12°. Lond. 1854. 6v. 12°. N.Y. 1862. 6v. 12°. N.Y. 1864. (Student's Gibbon). Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. -. Same. Same, Abridged. See Smith, W. Miscellaneous Works. 8°. Lond. 1837. Gibbon, J. Artillerist's Manual. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Gibbons, H. Address to Delaware Acad, of Nat. Sciences. (P. 13.) 8°. Wilming- ton. 1833. Gibbons, J. S. Banks of New York, and Panic of 1857. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Gibbons, W. Modern Skepticism. (P. 11.) 8°. Wilmington. 1829. GiBBS, G. Administrations of Washington and Adams. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1846.* GiBBS, J. Letters from Graefenberg. 12°. Lond. 1847. GiBBS, M. Practical Forms and Precedents. 8°. N.Y. 1854. GiBBS, V. Argument for a Criminal Infor- mation against Mr. Clifford. (P. 25.) 8°. Lond. 1809. GiBBS, W., and Genth, F. A. Ammonia- Cobalt Bases. (P.) 4°. Wash. 1856. Gibert, M. Changes of the Blood in Dis- ease. 8°. Phil. 1841. Gibrat, J. B. Trait e de la Geographie Mod- erne. 16°. Toulouse. 1789. Gibson, J. Book-keeping. 8°. Phil. 1827. Guide and Directory of the State of Louisiana. 12°. N. Orfeans. 1838. Gibson, T. A. French, English and Latin Vocabulary. 12°. Edin. 1832. Gibson, William M. Prison of Wcltevreden. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Gibson, Walter M. Essay on the Filial Du- ties. 8°. Lond. 1848. GiDDiNGs, J. Index to The London Times, for 1862-3. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1863-4. GiDDiNGS, J. R. Exiles of Florida. 8°. Co- lumbus. 1858. History of the Rebellion. 8°. N.Y. '64. Speech on Bill to pay Pacheco's Heirs. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1849. Speeches in Congress. 12°. Bost. '53. GiDDiNGS, Major. Campaign in Northern Mexico. 12°. N.Y. 1853. GiESEBEECHT, W. Gcschichte dor Deutschen Kaiserzeit. 2 v. 8°. Brunswick. 1855. GiESEi.ETv, J. C. I. Ecclesiastical History. 3 V. 8° Phil. 1836. GiFFASD, E. Visit to Ionian Islands and Morea. 12°. Lond. 1837. GoTOKD, A. Aborigines of New Jersey. (P. 34.) 8°. n.p. n.d. GnTOED, G. Address on Patent Laws. (P. 31.) 8°. N.Y. 1849. GiFFOED, J. Political' Life of William Pitt. 6v. 8°. Lond. 1809. GiFTOED, W. Life, by Himself. See Ckeich- TON, J. GiHON, J. H. Geary and Kansas. 12°. Phil. 1857. GiLBAKT, J. W. History of Banking in America. 8°. Lond. 1838. History of Banking in Ireland. 8°. Lond. 1836. Lectures on Ancient Commerce. 12°. Lond. 1847. Logic of Banking. 12°. Lond. 1859. Logic for the Million. 12°. Lond. '51. Treatise on Banldng. 8°. Lond. 1836. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Same. 8°. Phil. 1855. GUiBEET, D. Parochial History of Cornwall. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1838. GiLBEBT, J., and Churchill, G. C. The Dolomite Mountains of Caiiuthia, etc. 8°. Lond. 1864. Gilbert, J. H. Annual Report of Co. D, 23d Reg. N. G. S. N. Y., 1863. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Gilbert, T., and Pbass, F. The Writing Reader. 8°. N.Y. n.d. GiLCHBisT, 0. Ben Jonson's Enmity to Shakspeare Refuted. 8°. Lond. 1808. GiLDAs. Works. See Giles, J. A. Six Old English Chronicles. Giles, Dr. Odyssey Construed Word for Word. See Homer. 144 CATALOGUE OF THE Giles, H. Christian Thought on Life. 12°. Bost. 1850. Illustrations of Genius. 12°. Bost. 1854. Lectures and Essays. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1850. Geles, J. A. History of Ancient Britons. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1847. Life of Alfred the Great. 8°. Lond. 1848. Six Old English Chronicles. (Ethelwere, Asser, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Gildas, Nennius, and Kichard of Cirencester.) 12°. Lond. 1848. GiLFiLLAN, G. Bards of the Bible. 12°. N. Y. 1851. Book of British Poesy. 12°. Lond. 1851. Gallery of Literary Portraits. 12°. Edin. 1848. Modem Literature and Literary Men. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Scottish Martyrs, Heroes, and Bards. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Second Gallery of Literary Portraits. 12°. Edin. 1850. GiLFiLLAfN, E. Poems and Songs. 12°. Edin. 1851. GiLHAM, W. Manual for Volunteer Militia. 8°. Phil. 18G1. Gill, E. L. The Skater's Manual. 24°. N.Y. 1862. Gill, T. Catalogue of Fishes of East Coast of America. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Gillespie, W. Exposure of Combe's "Con- stitution of Man. " 8°. Edin. 1837. Gillespie, W. M. Manual of Boad-Makiug. 8°. N.Y. 1837. Kome as Seen by a New Yorker. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Treatise on Laud Surveying. 8°. N.Y. 1855. GiLLESPY, J. C. History of Green Lake Co. , Wisconsin. 12°. Berlin, Wis. 1860. GiLLETT, E. H. Life Lessons in School of Christian Duty. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Life and Times of John Huss. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1863-4. Gillette, A. D. The Last Gift. 18°. N.Y. 1854. Sermon on Death of President Lincoln. (P.) 8°. Wash. 18G5. Gilliam, A. M. Travels in Mexico. 8°. Phil. 1846. Gillies, J. Historical Collections on Success of the Gospel. 8°. Kelso. 1845. History of Greece. 4 v. 8°. N.Y. 1814. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1822. Gillies, J. History of Greece. 8°. PhiL 1843. Reign of Frederick II. of Prussia. 8°. Lond. 1789. Gillies, R. P. Memoirs of a Literary Vet- eran, 1794-1849. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1851. GiLLiNAu, J. Life of S. T. Coleridge. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. GiLLMORE, Q. A. Operations against Charles- ton. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Siege of Fort Pulaski. Official Report. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Treatise on Limes, Cements, and Mor- tars. 8°. N.Y. 1863. GiLLKAY, J. Works, from Original Plates. f°. Lond. n.d. GiLLY, W. S. Our Protestant Forefathers. (P.) 24° Lond. 1835. Sermon on Missions. (P. 19.) 8°. N.Y. 1839. Valdenses, Valdo, and Vigilantius. 12°. Edin. 1841. GiLLY, W. O. S. Shipwrecks of the Royal Navy. 1793-1849. 12°. Lond. 1850. Oilman, A. Oilman Genealogy. 8°. Albany. 1863. Oilman, Caroline. Oracles from the Poets. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Poetry of Travelling in the United States. 12°. N.Y. 1838. The Sybil. New Oracles from the Poets. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Verses of a Life-time. 12°. Bost. 1849. Oilman, C. R. Hints on Cholera. (P. 24.) 8°. N.Y. 1S32. Examination of Case of C. B. Hunting- ^ ton. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. Syllabus of Lectures on Medical Juris- prudence. (P.) 8°. n.p, n.d. Oilman, D. C. Historical Discourse at Nor- wich, Conn. 8°. Bost. 1859. Idea of a Graded School. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Scientific Schools in Europe. (P. ) 8°. n.j). n.d. Oilman, S. Contributions to Literature. 12°. Bost. 1856. Gilmer, G. R. LiteraryProgress of Georgia; an Address. (P.) 8°. Athens, Oa. 1851. GiLMOEE, J. R. Among the Pines. 16°. N.Y. 1863. Down in Tennessee. 16°. N.Y. 1864. My Southern Friends. 16°. N.Y. 1863. Patriot Boys and Prison Pictures. 16°. Bost. 1866. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 145 GiiJ>iN, W. Central Gold Region. 8°. Phil. 18G0. Gilpin, Rev. W. Forest Scenery. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1834. Gelpin, W. S. Landscape Gardening. 8°. Lend. 1835. GiLKOY, C. G. Art of Weaving. 8°. N.Y. 1844. GiLsoN,A. Czar and Sultan. 16° N.Y. 1853. GiOBEBTi, V. II Gesuita Moderno. 7 y. 12°. Capolago. 1847. GiBARD, C. Bibliographia Americana His- torico-Naturalis. (P.) 8° Wash. 1852. GiBAED, G. Synonymes Fran9ois. 16°. Paris. 1799. GiBABD, S. Will o^ -with Biography. 8°. Phil. 1839. GiBARD Will Case. Defendant's Argument, and Judgment. 8°. Phil. 1844. GiEARDiN, tl. de. Bon Sens, Bonne Foi. 12° Paris, 1848. Instruction Publique en France. 12°. Paris. 1842, La Politique Universelle. 12°. Paris. 1854. Le Supplice d'une Femme, 8°. N.Y. 1865. GiRARDiN, Mme. S. de. (Sophie Gay.) Le Comte de Guiche. 16°. Paris. 1864. La Comtesse d'Egmont 16°. Paris. 1863. Contes d'une Vieille Fille a ses Neveux. 16°. Pjiris. 1863. Le Faux Fr^re. 16°. Paris. 1864. Lettres Parisiennes. 16°. Paris. 1843. Les Malheurs d'un Amant Heureux. 16°. Paris. 1864. Un Mariage sous I'Empire, 16°. Paris. 1863. Marguerite. 12°. Paris. 1853. Le Moqueur Amoureux. 16°. Paris. 1863. Nouvelles. 16°. Paris. 1862. (Euvres. v. 1. 12°. n.p. n.d. Salons Celebres. 18°. Brux. 1837. Les Tristesses Humaines. 16°. Paris. 1863. Celebrated Saloons ; also, Parisian Let- ters. 16°. Bost. 1851. GiRARDiN, Mme. S.. de., and others. La Croix de Berny. 16°. Paris. 1865. ERDiN, St. M. Notices sur I'Allemagne. 2v. 16°. Brussels. 1835. Souvenirs d'un JoumaUste. 8°. Paris. 1858. Lectures on Dramatic Literature. 12°. N.Y. 1849. 10 GiEAUD, J. P., Jr. Birds of Long Island. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Description of 16 New Species of Birds. f°. N.Y. 1841. GntAULT, A. N. Vie de George Washington. 18°. Phil. 1836. GiBAULT-DuvxviER, C. P. Grammaire des Grammaires. 8°. Brux. 1851. GiSBORNE, L. Isthmus of Darien in 1852. 12° Lond. 1853. GiSBORNE, T. Duties of Higher and Middle Classes. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1795. GiusTiNiANi, L. Jesuitism in United States. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Gladstone, T. H. The Englishman in Kansas. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Gladstone, W. E. Letters on Neapolitan State Prosecutions. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Glance at New York. 18°. N.Y. 1837. Glas, G. Discovery and Conquest of the* Canary Islands. 4°. Lond. 1764. Glasgow Athenaeum Album. 4°. Glasgow. 1848. Glasgow Geography. 5 v. 8°. Glasgow. 1819. Glasgow Post Office Annual Directoiy, 1853- 54 and 1854-5. 2 v. 8°. Glasg. 1853-4. Glasse, S. Lectures on the Festivals. 8°. Lond. 1797. Gleig, G. R. British Army at Washington and New Orleans. 12°. Lond. 1827. British Military Commanders. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1831. Family History of England. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1836. History of the Bible. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 183L History of the British Empire in India. 4v. 16°. Lond. 1830. The Leipsic Campaign. 12°. Lond. 1852. Life of Wellington. Partly from the French. 8°. Lond. 1862. Lives of Manny, De Vera, Wolfe. See Republic of Letters, v. 4. Memoirs of Warren Hastings. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1841. The Subaltern. 12°. Edin. 1845. Gleim, F. W. Sammtliche Werke. 4 v. in two. 12°. Carisruhe. 1819. Gleizes, J. A. Selena. 8°. Paris. 1838. Thalysie. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1840. Glencairn, Isabella, Countess of. Severity of a Case Sanctioned by Lord Nelson. (P. 26.) 8°. Lond. 1812. Gliddon, G. R. Ancient Egypt 4°. N.Y. 1843. Egyptian Archaeolog3^ 8°. Lond. 1849. 146 CATALOGUE OF THE GuDDON, G. E. Indigenous Eaces of tlie Earth. See Nott, J. C. Eefutation of Cooley's • ' American in Egypt." (P. 21.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Glimpses of the Dark Ages. 16°. N.Y. 1846. Globe (Le) ; Atlas Classique Universel. 4°. Paris, n.d. Glossaey of Provincial Words in Teesdale. 12^. Lond. 1849. Glossary of Terms used in Architecture. 8°. Lond. 1836. Same; illustrated and enlarged. 3 v. 8°. 1845. Glossaey of Terms used in British Heraldry. 8°. Oxford. 1847. Gloyer, E. Works. See British Poets, v. 33. Medea; a Tragedy. (P. 74.) 8°. Lond. 1762. Gluck, C. W. von. Iphigenie en Aulide (an Opera). 8°. Paris. n.d. Gluck, L Lectures on Amaurosis. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854-5. Lectures on Cataract. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Lectures on Choroiditis-glaucoma. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1855. Glynn, J. Construction of Cranes and Ma- chinery. 12°. Lond. 1849. On the Power of Water. 12°. Lond. 1853. Glynn, E. Poems. See British Poets, v. 37. Gmelin, L. Hand-book of Chemistry, v. 1, 3, 7. 8°. Lond. 1848-52. GoADBY, H. Animal and Vegetable Physiol- ogy. 8°. N.Y. 1858. GoADBY, J. Sermon, 50th Anniv. of Church at Poultney, Vt. (P.) 8°. Eutland, Vt. 1852. GoBAT, S. Three Years' Eesidence in Abys- sinia. 12°. N.Y. 1850. GoDDARD, H. Eoyal Architectural Society's Prize Model Cottages. 4°. Lond. n. d. GoDDARD, P. B. History and Bibliograph/ of Syphilis, ^ee Eicord, P. GoDDARD, T. H. History of Most Prominent Banks in Europe, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1831. The Merchant. 4°. N.Y. 1828. GoDDARD, W. A. Goddard Genealogy. 12°. Worcester. 1833. Godet, T. L. Bermuda; its History, etc. 8°. Lond. 1860. Godey's Lady's Book. v. 42-69. 8°. Phil. 1851-64. GoDKiN, E. L. Hungary and the Magyars. 8°. Lond. 1853. GoDLEY, J. E. Letters from America. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1844. GoDMAN, J. D. iJntroductory Lectures, Eut- gers Medical College. (P. 9.) 8°. N.Y. 1826. GoDOY, M., Prince of Peace. Memoirs, by Himself. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Godwin, G., and Beitton, J. Churches of London. 2 v. 8°. liond. 1838. History in Euins; a Sketch of Architec- ture. 12°. Lond. 1853. London Shadows. (P.) 8°. Lond. '54. Godwin, Mary W. Posthumous Worlcs. 4 v. 16°. N.Y. 1798. Godwin, P. Cyclopaedia of Biography. 12°. N.Y. 1866. Doctrines of Fourier. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Hand-book of Universal Biography. 12°. N.Y. 1852. History of France, v. 1. Ancient Gaul. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Political Essays. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Godwin, W. Enquirer (The). 8°. Lond. 1797. Enquiry Concerning Political Justice. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1793. History of Commonwealth of England. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1824-8. Life of Geoffrey Chaucer. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1804. Lives of the Necromancers. 8°. Lond. 1834. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Lives of E. and J. Philips. 4°. Lond. 1815. Thoughts on Man. 8°. Lond. 1831. GoDWTN, T. Moses and Aaron; Hebrew Eites. 8°. Lond. 1685. GoEDE, C. A. G. A Foreigner's Opinion of England. 8°. Bost. 1822. Goethe, J. W. von. S'ammtliche Werke. 20 V. 12°. Stuttg. 1815. Same. 6 v. r.8°. Stuttg. 1854-5. Autobiography. 8°. N.Y. 1824. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Campaign in France. 12°. Lond. 1849. Correspondence with a Child. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1839. Same. 12°. Bost. 1861. Correspondence with Schiller. See Schiller, F. Faust. Part 1. Transl. by Birch, 8°. Lond. 183.9. Same. Transl. by Brooks. 12°. Bost. 1856. Same. 12°. Bost. 1864. Same. Transl. by Filmore. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same. Transl. by Hayward. 12°. Bost. 1856. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 147 Goethe, J. W. von. by Hills. 1G°. Faust. Part 1. Transl. Lond. 1840. Same. Transl. by Lefevre. 18°. Lond. 1841. Same. Transl. by Talbot. 8°. Lond. 1839. Same ; with Otlier Poems. Transl. by Anster. 12^^. Lond. 1835. Same; Part 2; witli Other Poems. Transl. by Bernays. 8°. Lond. 1839. Goetz von Berlichingen; a Drama. 12°. Phil. 1837. • Novels and Tales. Transl. by Boylan. 12°. Lond. 1854. Poems and Ballads. Transl. by Aytoun and Martin. 12°. Edin. 1859. Eeynard the Fox. Transl. by Arnold. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Theory of Colors. Transl. by Eastlake. 8°. Lond. 1840. Goethe, J. W. von, and Schiller, F. Se- lect Minor Poems. Transl. by D wight. 12°. Bost. n.d. GoGUET, A. Y. Origin of Laws, Ai-ts and Sciences. 3 v. 8°. Edin. 1775. Same. 8°. Edin. 1825. Gold-headed Cane. Memoir^of Physicians. 12°. Lond. 1828. Gold and the Gospel. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Golden Dreams and Leaden Bealities, 12°. N.Y. 1853. GoLDONi, C. Life, by Himself. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1814. Same. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1828. GoLDONi, C, and others. Italian Comedies. 12° N.Y. 1849. GoLDSBORouGH, C. W. United States Naval Chronicle, v. 1. 8°. Wash. 1824. Goldsmith, J. Geographical View of the World. 12°. Bost. 1827. Goldsmith, L. Conduct of France towards America. (P. 41.) 8°. N.Y. 1810. Histoire Secrete du Cabinet de Napo- leon. 8°. Lond. 1810. Statistics of France. 8°. Lond. 1832. Goldsmith, O. Miscellaneous Works. 2 v. 12°. Glasg. 1834. Same. Ed. by Lrving. 8°. Phil. 1836. Same. Ed. by Prior. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. '50. The Bee. See Republic of Letters, v. 3. Citizen of the World. 18°. Lond. n.d. Same. 12° Lond. 1840. History of the Earth and Animated Na- ture. 5 V. 12°. Phil. 1823. Same. 8°. Lond. 1852. •* History of England. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1779. Goldsmith, O. History of England. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1783. Same. 2 v. 8° Bost. 1815. Same, continued by Lynam. 3 v. 8*. Lond. 1825. Same, abridged. 16°. Lond. 1803. Same, abridged. 8°. Bost. 1815. Same, abridged and continued by Mrs. White. 12°. Derby. 1816. History of Greece. 2 v. 8°. Lond. '20. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1820. Same. (Pinnock's.) 12°. Phil. 1845. Poems. 16°. Lond. n. d. Same. See British Poets, v. 30. Same, ed. by Corney. sm.4°. Lend. 1845. Same . Also, Beattie's MinstreL 18". N.Y. 1820. Same, with same. 18°. Lond. 1838. Select Writings. Sec Irving, W. Life of Goldsmith. Compendio de la Historia Griega, 12°. Paris. 1825. Golovine, I. Histoire d' Alexandre L de Bus- sie. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Eussia under Nicholas I. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1846. GoLOWNiN, W. Captivity in Japan. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. GrOLTZ, B. Die Deutschen Ethnographische Studien. 2 v. in one. 12°. Berlin. 1860. GoNcouRT, E. et J. Histoire de Marie-An- toinette. 16°. Paris. 1863. Een^e Maiiperin. 16°. Paris. 1864. GoNDRECouRT, A. de. Le Pays de la Peur. 5v. 18°. Paris. 1861. Une Vraie Femme. 3 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. Gonzales, E. Les Freres de la Cote. 12°. Paris. 1856. L'Hotesse du Conn^fcable. 12°. Paris. 1863. La •Princesse Eusse. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1860. Same. 16°. Paris. 1865. La Serment de la Veuve Nouvelle. 18°. Paris. 1861. Les Proscrits de Sicile. 16°. Parfs. 1865. Good, J. M. See Polehampton, E. Book of Nature. 8°. Bost. 1826. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Study of Medicine. Ed. by Cooper. 5 v. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Good Words, v. 1-4. 8°. Edin. 1860-3. GooDALB, S. L. Breeding Domestic Animals. 12°. Bost. 1861. 148 CATALOGUE OF THE GrooDE, W. Fulfilled Prophecy. 8°. Lond. 1863. GooDEiiii, W. American Slave Code. 12°. N.Y. 1853. American Slavery an Obstacle to Con- version of the World. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1854. The Kansas Struggle. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. The Nationalities, a Sermon. (P.) 16°. n.p. n.d. The Old and the New. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Sermon on Death of Eev. D. Temple. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1851. — Slavery and Anti-Slavery. 8°. N.Y. '55. Slavery Limitation Abandoned; a Ke- port, etc. See Ameeican Abolition Society. Goodhue, J. F. History of Shoreham, Vt. 8°. Middlebury. 1861. Goodhue, Sarah. Valedictory and Monitory Writing. Keprinted from ed. of 1681. (P.) 16°. Bost. 1850. GooDHUGH, W. English Gentleman's Library Manual. 8°. Lond. 1827. Goodman, G. Court of James I. of England. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Goodman, W. Social History of Great Bri- tain under the Stuarts. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1843. Goodrich, Chauncey A. British Eloquence. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Greek Grammar. 12°. Hartf. 1836. Goodeich, Charles A. History of the United States. 12°. Hartf. 1829.. Same. 12°. Hartf. 1838. Outlines of Modern Geography. 16°. Bost. 1831. GooDBiCH, C. E. Diseases of Grape and Sugar-cane. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Goodeich, C. E. , and others. Science and Mechanism, from the New York Ex- hibition of 1853-4. f°. N.Y. 1854. Goodeich, S. G. Fireside Education. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Pictorial History of England. 12°. Phil. 1846. Pictorial History of France. 12°. Phil. 1846. Peter Parley's Own Story. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 185L Recollections of a Life-time. 2 v. 12*^. N.Y. 1856. Sketches from a Student's Window. 12°. Bost. 1841. The Young American. 12°. N.Y. 1845. GooDWELL, G. Currency. (P.) 8°. N.Y.» 1846. Goodwin, D. E. Southern Slavery; a Eeply to Bishop Hopkins. 12°. Phil. 1864. Goodwin, E. C. Wayside Songs. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Goodwin, H. C. Pioneer History ; and. Border Wars of New York. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Goodwin, N. Genealogical Notes. 8°. Hartf. 1856. Foote Genealogy. 8°. Hartf. 1849. Olcott Genealogy. 8°. Hartf. 1845. Goodwin, T. S. The Natural History of Se- cession. 12°. N.Y. 1864. GoEDON, A. Pope Alexander VL and his Son. 8°. Phil. 1844. GoEDON,,G. W, Lecture on Lotteries. (P. 13.) 8°. Bost. 1833. Gordon, J. History of Lreland to 1801. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1806. Gordon, Mrs. M. Christopher North; a Memoir of John Wilson. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Gordon, T. History of the Greek Eevolu- tion. 2 V. 8°. Edin. 1844. Gordon, T. F.'^ Digest of U. S. Laws. 8°. Phil. 1827. Gazetteer of State of New York. 8°. Phil. 1836. Gazetteer of New Jersey (Bound with the foUowing). 8°. Trenton. 1834. History of New Jersey. 8°. Trentoru 1834. History of Pennsylvania. 8°. Phil. 1829. Spanish Discoveries in America. 2 v. 16°. Phn. 1831. Gordon, W. The Universal Accountant. 2 V. 8°. Edin. 1777. GoEDON, Eev. W. History of the Independ- ence of the United States. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1788. Sermon on PubHc Affairs, 1774. (P. 53. ) 8°. Bost. 1775. GoEGEi, A. Mein Leben und Wirken in Un- gam. 2 V. 8°. Leip. 1852. My Life and Acts in Hungary. 8°. N.Y. 1852. GoEiNG, C. E., and Pritchard, A. Micro- scopic Illustrations. 8°. Lond. 1830. Gorman, J. B. Philosophy of Animated Existence. 8°. Phil. 1845. GoREiE, p. D. Episcopal Methodism. 12°. Auburn. 1852. Lives of Eminent Methodist Ministers. 12°. Auburn. 1852. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 149 GoBTON, J. Biographical Dictionary. 2 v. in four. 8^. Lond. 1830. Same. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. GoBTON, J., and Weight, G. W. Topographi- cal Dictionary of Great Britain and Ireland, 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1833. Goss and Co. Hygeiana. 8°. Lond. 1827. GossE, P. H. The Aquarium. 12°. Lond. 1854 The Birds of Jamaica. 12°. Lond. 1847. .Canadian Naturalist. 12°. Lond. 1840. Evenings at the Microscope. 12°. N.Y. 1860. A Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica. 12°. Lond. 1851. The Ocean. 12°. Phil. 1856. Sacred Streams. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Tenby; a Seal-Side Holiday. 12°. Lond. 1856. GosTiCK, J. Spirit of German Poetry. 8°. Lond. 1845. Gouge, W. M. Fiscal History of Texas. 8°. Phil. 1852. Paper Money and Banking in U. S. 8°. N.Y. 1833. Same. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1835. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1840. Inquiry into Dispensing with the Bank. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1837. Gough, J. B. Autobiography. 16°. Bost '48. GouLBURN, E. M- Thoughts on Personal Religion. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Gould, A A. The Invertebrata of Massa- chusetts. See Massachusetts. Gould, B. A., Jr. An American University; an Oration. (P. 44.) 8°. Hartf. 1856. Reply to Trustees of Dudley Observa- torj'. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1859. Report on Discovery of Planet Neptune. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1850. Gould, E. S. Lt3ture on American Criti- cism. (P. 17.) 8°. N.Y. 1836. The Very Age ; a Comedy. 16°. N.Y. 1850. Gould, Miss H. F. Poems. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1836. Gould, Jay. History of Delaware County, N.Y. 12°. Roibury. 1856. Gould, John. Biographical Dictionary of Painters, etc. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1839. Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle. See Daewin, C. Gould, M. T. C. Art of Short-hand. 18°. Phil. 1829. Gould, T. A A Bouquet of Poesy. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Gould, T. B. Letters, with Memoir by W. Hodgson. 12°. Phil. 1860. Gould, W. M. Zephyrs from Italy and Sici- ly. 12°. N.Y. 1852. GouEAUD. See Fauvel-Goueaud. Gouelie, J. H. Address on History of N.Y. Merc. Libr. Association. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1839. Lecture on Commerce. (P. 17.) 8°. N.Y 1836. Origin and History of **The Century." (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Gouveeneub, S. L. Oration, on French Rev- olution of 1830. (P. 11.) 8°. N.Y. 1830. Gove, Mary S. Lectures to Women on Anat- omy, etc. 16°. N.Y. 1846. GowEB, C. F. Scientific Phenomena of Do- mestic Life. 12°. Lond. 1847. GowEB, J. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 1. GozLAN, L. Le Baril de Poudre d'Or; also, La Marquise de Belverano. 16°. Paris. 1860. Le Dragon Rouge. 16°. Paris. 1859. Les Amotions de Polydore Marasquin. 16°. Paris. 1857. Le Notaire de ChantiUy. 12°. Paris. 1856. LesNuits du P6re-la-Chaise. 16°. Paris. 186L Geaah, W. a Expedition to Greenland. 8*. Lond. 1837. Gbabowski, S. Alt-und Neu-Frankreich. 18^. Berlin. n.d. Auf den Brettern der Grossen Welt. 18°. Bockenheim. 1863. Aus dem Officier-leben. 16°. Berlin. '63. Der Deserteur. 18°. Berlin. 1863. Fort Edward. 18°. Berlin, n.d. Die Giinstlinge. 18°. Berlin. n.d. Der Herr Indiens. 18°. Berlin. n.d. Die Vendetta. 18°. Berlin, n.d. Geace Geeenwood. See Lippincott, Mrs. Geafton, H. D. a Treatise on the Camp- and March, etc. 12°. Bost. 1854. Geapton, R. Chronicle of England, 1189- 1558. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1809. Geaham, a. J. Handbook of Phonography. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Graham, D. The Pioneer ; Essays. 12°. Pittsburgh. 1812. Geaham, G. F. English Synonymes. 16°. Lond. 1846. Same. Ed, by Reed. 12°. N. Y. 1856. Geaham, G. F. Musical Composition. 4°. Edin. 1838. Geaham, Isabella. Life and Writings ot> 12°. N.Y. 1817. 150 CATALOGUE OF THE Geaham, Jas. Life of Gen. Morgan. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Geaham, John A. Description of Vermont. 8°. Lond. 1797. Memoir of Tooke; and Proofs of his Identity with Junius. 8°. N.Y. 1827. Gbaham, J. D. Lunar Tidal Wave in Lake Michigan. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Report on Harbors in Wisconsin, etc. iS'ee United States. Report on Mexican Boundary. See United States. Graham, Maria. Residence in Chile. 4''. Lond. 1824. Gbaham, S. Lecture to Young Men on Chastity. 18°. Bost. 1838. Lectures on Science of Human Life. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1839. Gbaham, T. Chemical Reports and Memoirs. 8°. Lond. 1848. Elements of Chemistry, v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1850. Same. 8°. Phil. 1858. Gbaham, T. J. Chemical Catechism. 8°. Lond. 1829. Lidigestion, Tic Doloureux, etc. 8°. Phil. 1831. Geaham, W. Elocution. 12°. Edin. 1845. Geaham's Magazine, v. 21-52. 8°. Phil. 1842-58. Gbahame, Jas. History of North America. See Knapp's Library of Am. History. History of the United States to 1688. 2 T. 8°. Lond. and Bost. 1833. Same. Continued to 1776. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1846. Gbahame, Rev. Jas. British Georgics; a Poem. 16°. Edin. 1812. The Sabbath, and Other Poems. (P.) 8° Edin. 1839. Geaingeb, R. D. Cultivation of Organic Science. 8°. Lond. 1848. Gbammatre Russe, expliquee en Francais. 8°. Moscow. 1839. Gbammab of Law. 12°. Lond. 1839. Geammab of Mpougwe Language. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Gra2oiont, a. , Count de. Court of Charles n. Ed. by Scott. 12°. Lond. 1859. Geaitofoet, Mme. Marie de. L'Autre Monde. 16° Paris. 1857. Octave. 16°. Paris. 1861. Gband Pieeee, J. H. Parisian Pastor's Glance at America. 16°. Bost. 1854. GBANDvrtiLE. Petites Miseres de la Vie Humaine. 8°. Paris. 1846. Gbangee, J. Biographical History of Eng- land. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1804. Same, continued. See Noble, M. Geaniee de Cassagnac, A. Bonaparte Plot. 16°. Lond. 1851. Causes de la Revolution Franpaise. 2 v. 8°. Brux. 1850. Same. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1850. Histoire du Directoire. v. 1. 8°. Paris. 1851. Voyage aux Antilles. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1842. Grant, A. Nestorians; or. The Lost Tribes. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Geant, Mrs. Anne. Memoirs of an American Lady. 2 v. 12°., Lond. 1808. Superstitions of Highlands of Scotland. 12°. N.Y. 1813. Geant, Jas., of the 62d Regiment. Memoira of Sir J. Hepburn. 12°. Edin. 1851. Memorials of the Castle of Edinburgh. 12°. Edin. 1850. Geant, Jas., of the Morning Advertiser- Bench and Bar. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1839. British Senate ; a 2d series of Random RecoUections. 2 v. 12°. PhiL 1838. Great Metropolis. 1st series. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Same, 2d series. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1838. Ireland and the Irish. 16°. Phil. 1845. Metropolitan Pulpit. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Walks and Wanderings in the World of Literature. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1840. Geant, R. History of Physical Astronomy. 8°. Lond. 1852. Geant, R. E. Outlines of Comparative An- atomy. 8°. Lond. 1841. Geantham, J. Iron Ship-building. 12°. Lond. 1858. Granvuxe, a. Counter-Irritation. 8°. Phil. 1838. Same. (P. 24.) 8°. Phil. 1839. Spas of Germany. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1837, Sudden Death. 8°. Lond. 1854. Travels to St. Petersburgh. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1829. Geasse, Count de. Operations of the French Fleet of. r.8°. N.Y. 1865. Gbattan, H. Speeches. See Phillips, C. Same. 8°. Dubl. 1811. Life and Times of. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Geattan, T. C. Beaten Paths and Those Who Trod Them. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1862. Civilized America. 2 v. 8°. Lond* 1859. MERCANTILK LIBRARY. 151 Grattan, T. C. History of the Netherlands. 12° PhU. 1831. Same. 1G° Lond. 1833. Grattan, W. Connaught Kangers. 2d series. 2v. 12°. Lend. 1847. Grauebt, E. F. Method for Portuguese Language. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in America. 16°. N.Y. 1844. Graves, R. J. Clinical Lectures. 8°. Phil. 1838. Graves, W. Two Letters on Conduct of Rear Admiral Graves, 1781. 4°. Mor- risania. 1865. Gravier, J. Journal du Voyage en 1700. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Gray, Alonzo. Address on Female Educa- tion. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Gray, Alonzo, and Adams, C. B. Elements of Geology. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Gray, Asa. See Torrey, John. Botanical Text Book. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Elements of Botany. 12°. N.Y. 1836. — - How Plants Grow. 12°. N.Y.- 1859. Introduction to Botany. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Manual of Botany of Northern States. 12°. Bost 1848. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Gray, D. Poems, with Memoir. 12°. Bost. 1864. Gray, F. C. Letter to Gov. Lincoln in Harvard College. (P. 11.) 8°. Bost. 1831. Prison Discipline in America. 8°. Bost. 1847. Gray, Mrs. H. Emperors of Rome. 12°. Lond. 1850. History of Etruria. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1843. History of Rome. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1847. Tour to Sepulchres of Etruria. 12°. Lond. 1841. Gray, Henry. Anatomy; ed. by Holmes. 8°. Lond. 1864. Gray, Horatio. Memoirs of Rev. B. C. Cut- ler. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Gray, Hugh- Letters from Canada. 8°. Lond. 1809. Gray, Jas. Earth's Antiquity and the Mo- saic Record. 12°. Lond. 1849. Gray, John. Lectures on Money. 8°. Edin. 1848. Gray, R. Letters from Germany, Switzer- land and Italy. 8°. Lond. 1794. Gray, S. F. Natural Arrangement of Brit- ish Plants. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1821. Gray, T. Works. 18°. Lond. 1821. Gray, T. Works. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1835-6. Poems. See British Poets, v. 29. Same. See Milton, J. Same. 16°. Lond. 1836. Same, with Life by Mitford. 8°. Eton. 1847. Poems and Letters. 18°. N.Y. 1821. Gray, T., and Collins, W. Poems. f° Glasg. 1787. Gray, T., and Mason, W. Correspondence, ed. by Mitford. 8°. Lond. 1853. Gray, W. Origin of English Prose Litera- ture. 8°. Oxf. 1835. Graydon, a. Memoirs of his Own Time. 8°. Edin. 1822. Same, ed. by LittelL 8°. PhiL 1846. Grayson, W. S. Theory of Christianity. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Great Britain. Acts of Parliament, under George IL and George HI. f . Lond. 1740-9. Army Register, 1774. 8°. Wanting to p. 88. Ai-ts and Manufactures, Report on. f °. Lond. 1836. British Museum, Report on. 2 v. f °. Lond. 1835-6. Buckingham's Claims on East India Co., Report on. 8°. Lond. 1836. Census, 1831 ; Population, etc. 3 v. f °. Lond. 1833. Census, 1851. f°. Lond. 1851. China, Report on Commercial Relations with. f°. Lond. 1847. East India Co., Reports on. House of Commons, Feb., 1830, to Aug., 1832. 4°. Lond. 1830-33. Same, Reports, July to Oct., 1831. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1831. Same, Reports in House of Lords. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1330. Same, Reports on Charter of, March, 1831, to June, 1833. 4°. Lond. 1833. Ecclesiastical Revenue in Ireland, Re- ports on. 3v. f°. n.p. 1833^6. Education in Ireland, Reports of Com- missioners, 1834-1853. 11 V. 8°. DubL 1851-4. Emigration. Reports to Colonial Gov- ernors. f°. n.p. 1843. Explorations between Lake Superior and Red River. f°. Lond. 1859. Explorations in British America by Capt. PalHser. f°. Lond. 1859. Factories Inspectors' Reports, half year to Apr. 30, 1861. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1861. Same, Returns relating to. T. Lond. '39, 152 CATALOGUE OF THE Geeat Beitain. Fine Arts, Eeport of Com- missioners on. (P. 21.) S°, Lond. '42. France, Eeports by Villiers and Bowring on Commercial Relations with. 2 v. f . Lond. 1834-5. Fraud, and Friendly Societies, Com- mons Bills for. f°. Lond. 1850. Friendly Societies, Report on Law of. r. Lond. 1825. Health, Board of; Eeports. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1849-53. Hudson's Bay Co., Eeport of Select Committee on. f°. Lond. 1857. Hungary, Correspondence on. {°. Lond. 1850. ■ Import Duties, Eeport on. 4P, Lond. 1840. Libraries, Public, Eeport on. f°. Lond. 1849. Lodging Houses Act, Eeport on "Work- ing of. (P.) r. Lond. 1854. London Water Supply, Appendix 2 to Pari. Eeport on. (P.) 8°. Lond. '5t). Same, Eeports and Papers on. (P.) P. Lond. 1851. Miscellaneous Bills, Ho. of Commons, May to Aug., 1838. f. Lond. 1838. Municipal Corporation Boundaries Ee- port. 3v. f. Lond. 1837. Navigation Laws, Collection of. 4^^. Lond. 1818. Same, two Eeports to Lords on Work- ing of. 2v. f^. Lond. 1848. North American Boundary, Correspon- dence on. f°. Lond. 1843. Paris Universal Exhibition, Eeport on. 3 parts. 8°. Lond. 1856. Parliament. See Cobbett, W. Parlia- mentary History of England. Parliamentary History of, from Earliest Times to Eestoration. 24 v. 8°. Lond. 1761-2. Parliamentary History and Debates, Commons, 1660-1743. 14 v. 8°. Lond. 1742-4. Same, Lords, 1660-1742. 8 v. 8^. Lond. 1742-3. Same, Both Houses, 1743-1774. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1792. Same, Commons, 1743-1774. 11 y. 8°. Lond. 1766-75. Parliamentary Eegister, 1774-1780. 17 V. 8°. Lond. 1775-80. Same, 1780-1785. 17 v. 8^. Lond. 1781-5. Parliamentary Papers. 23 v. f . Lond. 1797-1817. Geeat Britain. Parliamentary Eeports. 35 V. f°. Lond. 1783-1813. Partnership Law, Eeport on. P. Lond. 1837. Penitentiaries in the U. S., Eeport on, by W. Crawford. f°. Lond. 1834. Police of London, Eeport of Select Committee on. f° Lond. 1828. Poor Laws, Commissioners' Eeport on Working of. f. Lond. 1834. Printing, Eeport of Committee on. f . Lond. 1855. Eecords, Eeports of Commissioners on. 1800-1819. f°. Lond. 1819. Eevenue, Population, Commerce, Ta- bles of, 1820-23, and 1845. 4 v. f°. . Lond. n.d. School of Mines and Applied Science, Litroductory Lectures to. 8°. Lond. 1850. Science and Ai-t, 1st Eeport of Depart- ment on. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1854. Scotch State Papers, Calendar of, by Markham and Thorpe. 2 v. r.8°. Lond. 1858. Slave Trade in East India and Ceylon, Eeturns and Correspondence. f°. Lond. 1838. South Sea Company, Inventory of Ef- fects of Officers. 2 v. P. Lond. 1721. State Papers, Miscellaneous, 1501-1726. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1778. Sugar; Papers on Culture of, in India, etc. r. Lond. 1822. Switzerland, Eeport on Commerce and Manufactures of, by Bowring. f. Lond. 1836. Tariffs of Foreign Nations, and Treaties with them. 6v. f. Lond. 1841-50. Tariffs; Commerce with India, etc., by J. Macgregor. P. Lond. 1848. • Taxation, Currency, and Prices; Tables, 1784-1837. f°. Lond. 1837. Towns and Populous Districts, Eeports of Commissioners. 2 v. f . Lond. 1845. Vienna Statistical Congress Eeport on Judicial Statistics, f. Lond. 1860. West Indies; Extracts from Papers on. 8''. Lond. 1840. Gbeat Beitain. History and Present State of the British Empire. 12°. Edin. '37. Gbeat Exhibition. See Exhibition, etc. Geeat Eepublic Monthly, v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Geeat Truths by Great Authors. 12°. Phil. 1865. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 153 Gbeat Western Sanitary Fair; History of. 8° Cine. 1864. Geeece. Epitome of History of. (In Greek. ) 2v. 12°. Venice. 1807. Geeece. Epitome Historiae Grsecaa. 18°. N. Haven. 1822. Greece, Ancient and Modem. History of. 8°. PhiL 1831. Gbeece, Modem. History of, from Modem Traveller, with Continuation. 8°. Bost. 1827. Gbeece. History of, for Schools. 16°. Edin. 1838. Greek Anthology, Transl. See Buboes, G. 16°. Lond. 1862. Gbeelet, H. Alcoholic Liquors; a Tract. (P.) 12°. N.Y. n.d. American Conflict; a History of the Re- bellion. V. 1. 8°. Hartf. 1864. Annual Address to Indiana Agricultural Society. (P.) 8f. N.Y. 1853. Art and Industry, in the Crystal Palace. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Crystal Palace; a Lecture. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Glances at Europe. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Hints toward Reforms. 12°. N.Y. 1850. History of the Struggle for Slavery Ex- tension. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Overland Journey to San Francisco. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Greeley, H., and Raymond, H. J. Associa- tion Discussed. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Green, A. Autobiography; ed. by J. H. Jones. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Discourses, at the College of New Jersey. 8°. Phil. 1822. Green, C. Theological Essays. (MS.) 4°. New Lebanon, n. d. Green, C. , and Wells, Seth Y. View of the Shakers. 12° Albany. 1823. Green, H. Pathology of Croup. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Polypi and (Edema Glottidis. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Green, Jac. Notes of a Traveller in England and Europe. 3 v. 18°. N.Y. 1831. Green, Jona. Diseases of the Skin. 8°. Phil. 1838. Green, Jona. H. Arts and Miseries of Gambling. 12°. Cine. 1843. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Gambling Unmasked. 18°. Bait. 1844. Gbeen, Jos. H. Mental Dynamics. 8°. Lond. 1847. Gbeen, Mary A. E. Lives of Princesses of England. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1849. Green, M. Poems. See British Poets, V. 17. Gbeen, R. Cultivation of Flowers. 12°. Bost. 1828. Green, S. Life of Mahomet. 18°. Lond. 1840. Green, T. J. Texan Expedition Against Mier. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Green, W. H. Pentateuch Vindicated. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Green Peas, Picked . from the Patch of In- visible Green. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Geeenbank's Periodical Library. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1833. Greene, G. W. Biographical Studies. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Discourse to R. I. Hist. Society. (P. ) 8°. Prov. 1849. Historical Studies. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Historical Review of the American Revo- lution. 12°. Bost. 1865. History of the Middle Ages. Part 1. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Life of Gen. Greene. See Spares' Am. Biog. , 2d series, v. 10. Gbeene, Max. The Kansas Region. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Gbeene, R. See Brydges, S. E., Archaica. Dramatic Works. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1831. Greene, Mrs. R. J. Cushions and Comers. 16°. Bost. 1866. Gbeenee, W. Gunnery in 1858. 8°. Lond. 1858. Gbeenhow, Rob't. History of Oregon and California. 8°. Bost. 1848. Gbeenhow, Mrs. Rose. My Imprisonment. 12°. Lond. 1863. Gbeenleap, J. History of Churches in New York City. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1850. Greenleaf, p. H. Consolatio; or. Comfort for the Afflicted. 12°. Bost. 1849. Greenleaf, S. Law of Evidence. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1848-64. Testimony of the Four Evangelists. 8°. Bost. 1846. Gbeenwell, Dora. Patience of Hope. 16°. Bost. 1863. Present Heaven. 16°. Bost. 1863. Two Friends. 16°. Bost. 1863. Geeenwood, F. W. p. History of King's Chapel. 12°. Bost. 1833. Lives of the Twelve Apostles and John the Baptist. 12°. Bost. 1846. Miscellaneous Writings. 12°. Bost 1846. 154 CATALOGUE OF THE Geeek, Mrs. J. K. Quakerism; or, Story of My Life. 12°. Dublin. 1852. Same. 12=^. Phil. 1852. Greg, W. R. Creeds of Christendom. 8°. Lond. 1851. Essays on Political and Social Science. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1853. Gregg, J. Commerce of the Prairies. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Gregg, S. History of Methodism, v. 1. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Gregorotius, F. Corsica, Picturesque, His- torical, etc. 12°. Phil. 1855. Gregory, G. Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences. 3 v. 4°. N.Y. 1821-3. Life of Chatterton. 8°. Lond. 1789. Gregory, J. Course of Civil Engineering. 8°. Lond. n.d. Industrial Resources of Wisconsin. 16°. Chicago. 1853. Gregory, O. Evidences, etc., of Christianity. 12°. Lond. 1847. Mathematics for Practical Men. 8°. Lond. 1833. Memoirs of J. Mason Good. 12°. Bost. 1829. Memoirs of Rev. R. HaU. 16°. Bost. 1833. Gbegory, W. Handbook of Organic Chem- istry. 12°. Lond. 1852. Outlines of Chemistry. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1845. GEENviLiiE Papers. Ed. by W. J. Smith. 4 V. 8°. Lond. 1852-3. Geenzboten. v. 1, and new series, v. 1, 3. 8°. Leip. 1851-3. Geeppo, J. G. H. On Champollion's Hiero- glyphic System. 12°. Bost. 1830. Geesley, W. Ecclesiastes Anglicanus. 12°. Lond, 1840. Geesset, J. B. L. (Euvres. 2 v. 16°. Nismes. 1808. Come'dies. See Repertoire Ge'ndral, etc. Geeswell, W. p. Annals of Parisian Ty- pography. 8°. Lond. 1818. Early Parisian Greek Press. 2 v. 8°. Oxford. 1833. Geeytlle, F. Maxims, Characters and Re- flections. 8°. Lond. 1756. Grew, N. Catalogue of Rarities of the Royal Society. T. Lond. 1681. Geet, Earl. Colonial Policy of Lord J. Rus- sell's Administration. 2 y. 8°. Lond. 1853. Grey, Maria G., and Shirreef, Emily. Thoughts on Self-culture. 12°. Bost. 1851. Greyhound (The). By Stonehenge. 8°. Lond. 1853. Greylock, G. See Taghconic. Geieb, C. F. English and German Diction- ary. 2 V. 8°. Phil. 1852. GRiFnN, E. D. Remains; -wdth Memoir. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1831. Plea for Africa; a Sermon. (P. 68.) 8°. N.Y. 1817. Griffin, Gerald. Life of, by his Brother. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Grhtin, George. The Gospel its own Ad- vocate. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Griffin, J. Epitome of Practical Navigation. 8°. Lond. 1843. Griffin, J. J. Chemical Recreations. 12°. Glasg. 1838. Same. Second Division. 12°, Lond. 1860. Crystallography. 8°. Glasg. 1841. Griffin, R. Specimens of the Novelists and Romancers. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1831. Griffith, Mrs. Eliz. Morality of Shak- speare's Drama. 8°. Lond. 1775. Griffith, H. W. Lift for the Lazy. 12°. Lond. 1849. Griffith, J.W. Chemical and Microscopical Characters of the Blood. 18°. Lond. 1846. Text-book of the Microscope. 12°. Lond. 1864. Griffith, Mattie. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Griffith, Moses. Cure of Fevers and Con- sumption. (P. 58.) 8°. Lond. 1795. Griffith, Mrs. M. Discoveries in Light and Vision, etc. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Griffith, R. Collection of Prologues and Epilogues. 4v. 12°. Lond. 1779. Griffith, R. E. Formulary for Preparing Medicines. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Medical Botany. 8°. Phil.^ 1847. Griffith, T. Live while you Live. 18°. N.Y. 1847. Griffith, T. W. Early History of Maryland. 8°. Bait. 1821. Griffiths, J. W. Marine and. Naval Archi- tecture. 4°. N.Y. 1851. Griffiths, Julia. Autographs for Freedom. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Griffiths, T. Chemistry of the Crystal Pal- ace. 16°. Lond. 1851. • Chemistry of the Four Elements. 16°. Lond. 1842. Chemistry of the Four Seasons. 8°. Phil. 1846. Griggs, W. N. The Celebrated Moon Stpry. 18°. N.y. 1852, MERCANTILE LIBRAKY. 155 Gbigsby, H. B. Virginia Convention of 1776. 8°. Kichm. 1855. Geillet, J., and Bechamel, F. Jonmey in Search of Lake Parima. See Acugna, C. d'. Grimblot, p. Letters of William III. and Louis XIV., 1697 to 1700. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. GnniEs, J. S. Phreno-Geology. 12°. Bost. 1851. Phreno-Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Gkimke, F. Free Institutions. 8°. Cine. 1848. GsiMKE, T. S. Science and Literature. 12°. N. Haven. 1831. - — Oration, July 4, 1833. (P. 13.) 8°. Charleston. 1833. Gbimm, H. Die Venus von Alilo, 'Eafael, und Michael Angelo. 12°. Bost. 1863. Life of Michael Angelo. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1865. Geimm, J. Deutsche Mythologie. 2 v. in one. ^°. Gottingen. 1854. Geimm, J. and W. Deutsches Worterbuch. V. 1-3. A-Forsche. 8°. Leip. 1854-62. Grimshaw, W. Etymological Dictionary. 12°. Phil. 1821. History of France to Death of Louis XVL 12°. Phil. 1829. Same. 12°. Phil. 1830. Same, to Abdication of Napoleon. 12°. Phil. 1828. History of the United States to 1821. 16°. Phil. 1824. Same. 12°. Phil. 1832. Same, to 1848. 12°. Phil. 1853. Geimshawe, 'T. S. Memoir of Legh Rich- mond. 12°. N.Y. 1829. Geindeod, R. B. Bacchus; an Essay on In- temperance. 12°. N.Y. 1840. Geiscom, J. Address to Newark Mechanics' Association. (P. 11.) 8°. Newark. 1831. Discourse on Character and Education. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1823. ■ Monitorial Instruction. 12°. N.Y. 1825. Year in Europe. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1823. Geiscom, J. H. Animal Mechanism and Physiology. 16°. N.Y. 1839. Improved House Ventilation. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 18G2. Sanitary Condition of Laboring Popula- tion of New York. 8°. N.Y. 1845. • Sanitary Legislation, Past and Future. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Uses and Abuses of Air. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Griswold, A. Sermons. 12°. Chicago. 1856. Geiswold, E. W. Female Poets of America. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Poets and Poetry of America. 8°. Phil. 1842. Same. 8°. Phil. 1845; same, 1847. Same. 8°. Phil. 1850; same, 1858. Poets and Poetry of England in the 19th Century. 8°. Phil. 1845. Prose Writers of America. 8°. Phil. 1847. Same. 8°. Phil. 1853. Republican Court. 4°. N.Y. 1855. Sacred Poets of England and America. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Geonow, R. H. Reminiscences. 2d series. 12°. Lond. 1863. Reminiscences. 3d series. 12°. Lond. > 1865. Grose, F. Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (Slang). 8°. Lond. 1823. Glossary of Provincial and Local Words. 12°. Lond. 1839. Geosh, a. B. Odd Fellow's Manual. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Geosier, G. B. G. a. Description of China. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1788. Gross, Mr. Presidential Power, etc. ; a Re- view of Binney. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1862. Refily to Mr. Binney on Habeas Corpus. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1862. Gross, J. B. Heathen Religion in its Popular Development 12°. Bost. 1856. Grosse, J. Novellen. 2 v. 12°. Munich. 1862. Grossi, T. Marco Visconti. 12°. Florence. 1849. Grosvenor, L. Address, on Life of Gen. Putnam. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1855. Grosvenor, R. Leaves from My Journal. 16°. Lond. 1854. Grote, G. History of Greece. 12 v. 8°. Lond. 1846-66. Same. 12 v. 12°. Bost. 1851. ' Same. 12 v. 12°. N.Y. 1853-65. Plato and the Companions of Socrates. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1865. Recent Politics of Switzerland. 12°. Lond. 1847. Geote, Mrs. H. Collected Papers. 8°. Lond. 1862. Life of Ary Scheffer. 12°. Lond. 1860. Geotius, H. De Jure Belli et Pacis. With Transl. and Notes byWhewell. 3 v. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1853. Rights of War and Peace. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1715. Same. 8°. Camb. (E,) 1853» 156 CATALOGUE OF THE Grottus, H. Le Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix. 2v. 4°. Basle. 1746. Truth of the Christian Eeligion. 8°. Loiid. 1777. Gboye, W. R. Correlation of Physical Forces. 8°. Lond. 1846. Same. See Youmans, E. L. Correlation, etc. Geund, F. J. The Americans. 12°. Bost 1837. Present Position of Europe. 12° Phil. 1860. Guardian (The). 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1808. Same. Also, Lounger, by H. Mackenzie. 8°. Lond. 1825. GuAEiNi, B. n Pastor Fido; e la Idropica. 4°. Lond. 1736. Pastor Fido; or, the Faithful Shepherd. 16°. Edin. 1809. GuENON, F. On Milch Cows. 8°. N.Y. 1856. GuEEiCKE, H. E. F. Manual of Church History. 8°. Andover. 1857. GuEEiN, Eugenie de. Journal et Fragments. 16°. Paris. 1865. Lettres. 12°. Paris. 1865. Journal. 12°. Lond. 1865. GuEEiN, L. F. Manuel de I'Histoire des Conciles. 8°. Paris. 1846. GuEETsr, M. de. Journal, Lettres et Poemes. 12°. Paris. 1865. Guernsey, O., and Willaed, J. F. History of Rock County. 8°. Janesville, Wis. 1856. GuERRABEULA, Gincvra. Memoir of. 8°. N.Y. 1863. GuEERE d'ltalie. Campagne de 1859, Hlustre. 4°. Paris. 1859. Guest, Lady C. Mabinogion. 4 Parts. 8°. Lond. 1842. Guest, E. History of English Rhythms. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1838. Guest, M. Poems, with Extracts from Jour- nals. 16°. Cine. 1824. Guest, R. History of Cotton Manufacture. 4°. Manch. (E.) 1823. GuHL, E. Die Frauen in der Kunstges- chichte. 18° Berlin. 1858. GuiA de la Isla de Cuba. 24°. Havana. 1838. Gutbert, a. Dictionnaire Geographique et Statistique. 8°. Paris. 1850. GuiOciAEDiNi, F. Istorie d'ltalia. 8 v. 8°. Florence. 1819. Same. Transl. by Fenton. f°. Lond. 1599. Guide to Architectural Antiquities near Ox- ford. 8^ Oxf. 1846. Guide Book of the Central Railroad of New Jersey. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Guide Book to the Gold Regions of Eraser River. 18°. N.Y. 1858. Guide Book to "West Point and Vicinity. 16°. N.Y. 1844. Guide to Devotion. In Raised Characters^ for the Blind. 4°. Bost. 1846. Guide to New Rochelle and Vicinity. 16°. N.Y. 1842. Guide to Service; the Dairy Maid. 18°. Lond. 1838. Guide to Trade; the Chemist and Druggist. 18°. Lond. 1838. Guide to Trade; the Printer. 18°. Lond. 1838. GuiDO ; and Other Poems, by lanthe. 12°. N.Y. 1828. GuiGNES, C. L. F. de. Voyages a Peking, Manille, etc. With f°. Atlas. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1808. Guild, R. A. Account of Writings of Roger Williams. (P.) 8°. Prov/l862. Librarian's Manual. sm.4°. N.Y. 1858. Life of Rev. J. Manning. 8°. Bost. 1864. GUELLAUMIN, MOUS. merce. Gunxm, J. 1724. GuiRAUD, A. Flavien, ou de Rome au Desert. 18°. Brux. 1837. GuizoT, F. P. G. L' Amour dans le Mariage. 12°. Paris. 1860. Democratie en France. 12°. Paris. 1849. Essais sur I'Histoire de France. 2 v. 18°. Brux. 1837. £tude sur Washington. See De Witt, C. Etudes sur les Beaux-Arts. 12°. Paris. 1852. Etudes Biographiques sur la Revolution d'Angleterre. 16°. Brux. 1851. Histoire de la Civilisation en Europe. 12°. Paris. 1847. Histoire de la Civilisation en France. 4 V. 12°. Paris. 1846. Histoire du Protectorat de R. Cromwell et du Retablissement des Stuarts. 2 V. 8°. Paris. 1856. — — Histoire de la Republique d'Angleterre et de Cromwell. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1854. Histoire de la Revolution d'Angleterre. 2v. 12°. Paris. 1846. Meditations et Etudes Morales. 12°. Paris. 1852. Dictionnaire du Com- 2 v. r.8° Paris. 1839. Display of Heraldry. f°. Lond. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 157 GuizoT, F. P. G. Memoires pour Servir a I'Histoire de mon Temps. 7 v. 16°. Ptms. 1858-1865. Monk; Chute de la B^publique. 8°. Paris. 1851. Origines du Gouvernement Kepresenta- tif en Europe. 2 v. 12°. Brux. 1851. Un Projet de Mariage Royal. 12°. Paris. 1863. Trois Generations; 1789-1814-1848. 16°. Paris. 1863. Washington. Un Essai. 18°. Paris. 1844. Same. 16°. Brux. 1851. Causes of Success of EngHsh Revolution. 8°. Lond. 1850. Corneille and His Times. 8°. Lond. 1852. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Democracy in France. 16°. N.Y. 1849. Essay on Washington. 16°. Bost. 1840. Same. 16°. Bost. 1851. Fine Xrts; their Nature and Relations. 8°. Lond. 1853. ■ History of Civilization in Europe. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Same. 12°. Lond. 1837. N.Y. 1838. 12°. Lond. 1846. 12°. N.Y. 1846. History of the English Revolution. 2 v. 8°. Oxf. 1838. History of Oliver Cromwell and the English Commonwealth. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1854. Same. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1854. History of Richard Cromwell and the Restoration. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1856. Love in Marriage; a Memoir of Lady Russell. 16°. N.Y. 1864. Meditations on the Essence of Chris- tianity. 12°. N.Y. 1865. % 1 Memoirs of George Monk. 8°. Lond. 1838. Memoirs to Illustrate the History of my Time. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1858-61. Origin of Representative Government in Europe. 12°. Lond. 1852. Shakspeare and his Times. 8°. Lond. 1852. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1852. GuizoT, F. P. G., et Mme. Guizot. Essai sur Abailard et H^loise. See Abailabd, etc. Guizot, G. Alfred le Grand et I'AngleteiTe sous les Anglo-Saxons. 16°. Paris. 1856. Same. 12°. Same. 3v. Same. 4 v. GuucK, L. H. Climate and Diseases ot Hawaiian Islands. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1855. GuiiLY, J. M. Water Cure in Chronic Dis- eases. 12°. N.Y. 1846. GuMMEEE, J. Elementary Astronomy. 8°. Phil. 1846. GuMMEEE, S. R. Elocution. 12°. Phil. 1857. GiJNDEEODE, Caroline, and Aenim, Bettine von. Correspondence. 12°. Bost. 1861. GuNDLiNG, J. Deutsch und Danisch. 18°. Leip. 1864. Der Jesuit. 18°. Leip. 1864. GuNN, A. Memoirs of Rev. J. Livingston. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Gtjnn, J. C. Domestic Medicine. 8°. N.Y. 1849. GuxVN, T. B. Physiology of New York Boarding Houses. 12°. N.Y. 1857. GuNTEE, E. Mathematical Works. 4°. Lond. 1673. GuELEY, R. R. Life of J. Ashmun. 8°. Wash. 1835. Life and Eloquence of Rev. S. Lamed. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Mission to England for Am. Coloniza- tion Society. 12°. Wash. 1841. GuENEY, J. H. Historical Sketches, 1400- 1546. 16°. Lond. 1852. GuENEY, J. J. Chalmeriana. 12°. Lond. '53. Thoughts on Habit and Discipline. 12°. Phil. 1854. Views and Practices of Society of Friends. 12°. N.Y. 1840. GuENEY, T. System of Short Hand. See Sae- JEANT, T. GuEOwsKi, A. de. America and Europe. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Diary, March 4, 1861, to Nov. 12, 1862. 12°. Bost. 1862. Same, Nov. 18, 1862, to Oct. 18, 1863. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Russia as it Is. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Slavery in Historj'. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Turkish Question. (P.) 16°. N.Y. '54. A Year of the War. 8°. N.Y. 1855. GusECK, B. von. Madame de Brandebourg. 18°. Vienna. 1863. GusTAvus Vasa, of Sweden. Life of. 8°, Lond. 1852. GusTiN, S. J. Notice of Design for Central Park. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. GuTCH, J. M. Robin Hood Garlands and Ballads. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1850. GuTHEiE, A. Memorial on Boiler Explo- sions. See United States. GuTHEiE, G. J. Clinical Lectures on Com- pound Fractures. 8°. Phil. 1839. 158 CATALOGUE OF THE GxJTHEiE, Mrs. Maria. Tour throngli the Crimea. 4°. Lond. 1802. GuTHEiE, T. Christ and the Inheritance of the Saints. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Gospel in Ezekiel. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Guthrie, W. Geographical Grammar. 8°. Lond. 1792. History of England to 1688. 3 v. f °. Lond. 1767-8. History of Scotland. 10 v. 8°. Lond. 1744-51. GuTHEiE, Kev. W. Christian's Great Liter- est. 12°. N.Y. 1856. GuTTEEiDGE, W. Tables of British Measures of Capacity. 12°. Lond. 1825. GuTZKOw, K. Dramatische Werke. 7 t. 16°. Leip. 1848. Zer Zauberer von Kom. 9 v. 12°. Leip. 1861. GuTZLATF, C. China Opened. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1838. Chinese History. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1834. Gut, J., Jr. Illustrated London Geography. 8°. Lond. 1852. Guy, W. a. Forensic Medicine. 16°. Lond. 1844. GuTNEMEE, A. M. A. Dictionnaire d'Astro- nomie. 8°. Paris. 1852. GuTOT, A. Appalachian Mountain System. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1861. Carl Ritter; an Address. (P.) 8°. Princeton. 1860. Earth and Man. 12°. Post. 1865. Tables, Meteorological, etc., prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. 8°. Wash. 1858. Same. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1859. GwiLT, J. Anglo-Saxon Grammar. 8°. Lond. 1829. Encyclopcedia of Architecture. 8°. Lond. 1854. Elements of Architectural Criticism. 8°. Lond. 1837. Rudiments of Architecture. 8°. Lond. 1839. GwYNNE, J. Military Memoii-s ' of the Great Civil War, etc. 4°. Edin. 1522. Haas, G. E. Der Alte Cardinal. 4 v. in two. 18° Vienna. 1864. Haas, J. D. Specimens of German Romance and History. 8°. Lond. 1839. Habersham, A. W. My Last Cruise. 8°. Phil. 1857. Habersham, L. S. Diseases of the Alimen- tary Canal. See Medical News, v. 15- 16. Habington, W. Poems. See Beitish Poets, V. 5. Habits of Good Society. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Hackett, H, B. Commentary on Acts. 8°. Bost. 1858. Illustrations of Scripture. 12°. Bost. 1860. HIaceett, J. Expedition to Join the South American Patriots. 8°. Lond. 1818. Hackett, J. H. On Shakspeare's Plays and Actors. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Hacklandee, F. W. Werke. 20 v. in ten. 12°. Stuttg. 1855. Same. 34 v. 16°. Stuttg. 1863. Der Augenblick des Gliicks. 16°. Stuttg. 1857. Die Dunkle Stunde. 5 v. 12°. Stuttg. 1863. Das Soldatenleben im Frieden. 12°. Stuttg. 1846. TagundNacht 2 v. 12°. Stuttg. 1861. Wachtstubenabenteuer. 3 v. in one. 12°. Stuttg. 1845-53. Der Wechsel des Lebens. 3 v. 12°. Stuttg. 1863. Hackley, C. W. Algebra. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Elementary Geometry. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Hackley, R. S. Titles to East Florida Lands of. (P.) 12°. Brooklyn. 1822. Haddon, J. Rudimentary Arithmetic. 16°. Lond. 1849. Rudimentary Book-Keeping. 16°. Lond. 1859. Hadley, G. Hindostanee Grammar. 8°. Lond. 1801. Haebne, Canon de. American Question. 12°. Lond. 1863. Hagemeister, J. de. Commerce of New ' Russia, Moldavia, and Wallachia. 12°. Lond. 1836. Hagen, F. H. von der. See Nibelungen Lied. Hagen, H. Synopsis of North American Neuroptera, etc. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1861. Hagenbach, R. R. Die Christliche Kirche, 4ten zum 6ten Jahrhunderts. 8°. Leip. 1855. Hagebman, H. B. Trial for Assault ou W. Coleman. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1818. Hague, W. Christianity and Statesmanship 12°. N.Y. 1855. Home Life. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Discourse on Life of A. Judson. (P. ) 8°. Bost. 1851. MEEOANTILE LIBRARY. 159 Hahn Hahn, Ida. rTom Jerusalem. 12°. Lond. 1852. Letters from the Holy Land. 12°. Lond. 1849. Hahn, K. E. Das Document. 16°. Leip, 1865. Haight, Mrs. Letters from the Old "World. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1840. Haight, N. Argument in Behalf of Remains of Old Sugar House Prisoners. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Hailes, Sir D. Dalrymple, Lord. Armals of Scotland. 8°. Edin. 1776. Same. 3 v. 8°. Edin. 1819. Secondary Causes Assigned by Gibbon for the Growth of Christianity. 4°. Edin. 1786. Hain, J. Statistik des (Esterreichischen Kaiserstaates. 2 v. 8°. Vienna. 1852, Haines, C. G. Memoir of T. A. Emmet. 18°. N.Y. 1829. Haines, E. M. Town Laws of Wisconsin. (P.) 8°. Chicago. 1858. Hakluyt Society. See Deake, F. ; Hawkins, E. ; Raleigh, W. Haldane, a. Memoirs of R. and J. A. Haldane. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Haldane, R. Books of the Bible Proved Canonical. 16°. Edin. 1853. Haldeman, S. S. Affixes. 12°. Phil. 1865. Analytic Orthography. 4°. Phil. 1860. Tour of a Chess Kmght. 16°. Phil. 1864. Hale, C. Review of Proceedings of Nunnery Committee. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1855. Hale, Mrs. C. V. R. M. Saturday Evenings. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Hale, E. E. Election Sermon. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1859. Kansas and Nebraska. 12°. Bost. 1854. Letters on Msh Emigration. (P.) 8° Bost. 1852. Ninety Days' Worth of Europe. 12°. Bost. 1861. Sermon to Boston Soc. for Prevention of Pauperism. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Hale, H. Ethnography and Philology of the Exploring Expedition. See United States. Hale, M. Spiing Water vs. River Water. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1835. Hale, Sir M. Jurisdiction of Parliament. 4°. Lond. 1796. Hale, S. Annals of Keene, N. H. 8° Keene. 1851. History of the United States. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1841. Hale, Sarah J. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. 8°. Phil. 1850. Flora's Interpreter. 16° Bost. 1865. New Cook Book. 12°. Phil. 1857. Sketches of American Character. 16°. Bost. 1831. Three Hours, and Other Poems. 12°. Phil. 1848. - — Woman's Record. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Hale, W. H. History of the Jews. 12°. Lond. 1850. Hale, W. H., Cox, F. A., and Others. Bio- graphical Annals of the Hebrew Na- tion. 12°. Lond. 1851. Hales, S. Groeijende Weegkunde. (Vege- table Statics.) 12°. Amst. 1734. Half Hours with Old Humphrey. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Halfoed, H. Essays and Orations. 12°. Lond. 1833. Halhed, N. B. See Gentoo Laws. Halibuiiton, T. C. Bubbles of Canada. 12°. Phil. 1839. History of Nova Scotia. 2 v. 8°. Hali- fax. 1829. Rule and Misrule of the English in America. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Hall, Arethusa. Life of Rev. S. Judd. 12°. Bost. 1854. Hall, A, O. Manhattaner in New Orleans. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Hall, B. Fragments of Voyages and Trav- els. 2v. 16°. Phil. 1831. Same. 8°. Lond. 1840. Journal on Coast of Chili, etc. 3 v. 16°. Edin. 1827. Patchwork. 2 v. 12°. PhU. 1841. Skimmings; or, a Winter at Schloss Hainfeld. 12°. Phil. 1836. Travels in North America. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1829. Voyage to the Eastern Seas. 18°. N.Y. 1827. Voyage to Corea and Loo Choo. 8°. Phil. 1818. Hall, B. F. Land Owner's Manual. 8°. Auburn. 1847. Republican Party and its Candidates. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Hall, B. H. College Words and Customs. 12°. Camb. 1851. Same. 12°. Camb. 1856. History of Eastern Vermont. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Hall, B. R. Teaching a Science. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Hall, C. F. Arctic Researches. 8°. N.Y. '65. 160 CATALOGUE OP THE Hall, C. H. Memoirs of Andrew Hofer. 8°. Lond. 1820. Hall, C. E. Mesraerism ; its Rise, Progress and Mysteries. IG''. N.Y. 1845. Hall, E. Farewell to First Cong. Church, Norwalk. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1855. Hall, E. B. Discourse on Life of J. How- land. (P.) 8°. Prov. 1855. Memoir of Mary L. Ware. 12°. Bost. 1853. Hall, E. H. Great West. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Hall, Fanny W. Rambles in Europe. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1839. Hall, G. J. Sought and Saved; Prize Essay o:i r.agged Schools. 12°. Lond. 1855. Hall, H. Roots of French Language. 8°. Lond. 1826. Roots of Latin Language. 12°. Lond. 1840. Hall, Jas., Judge. Memoir of T. Posey. See Spaeks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 9. Reply to N. Am. Review on ' ' Sketches in the West." (P. 41.) 16°. Phil. 1838. Romance of Western History. 12°. Cine. 1857. Sketches in the West. 2 v. 12°. PhiL '35. The West; its Soil, etc. 12°. Cine. '48. Hall, Jas., Geologist. Geological Survey of Iowa. See Iowa. Geological Survey of Wisconsin. See Wisconsin. Geology of New York. See New Yoek. Natural History, v. 12. Hall, John. History of First Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N. J. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Hall, John C. Interesting Facts of the An- imal Kingdom. 8°. Lond. 1841. Hall, Jos. Poems, ^ee Bkitish Poets, v. 4. Satires. Ed. by Singer. 16°. Chisw. '24. Select Writings. 16°. Andover. 1845. Treatise, Devotional and Practical. 16°. Lond. 1834, Hall, M. Mutual Relations of Anatomy, Physiology, etc. , and Practice of Med- icine. 8° Lond. 1842. Twofold Slavery of the United States. 16°. Lond. n.d. Hall, Mrs. M. Queens of England before the Conquest. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1854. Same. 8°. PhiL 1854. Hall, Nath'l. Sermon on Death of Dr. R. Thaxter. (P. 46.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Hall, Newman. Land of the Forum and Vatican. 16°. N.Y. 1855. Christian Philosopher; or Death of Wm. Gordon; also, Memoir of Dr. J. God- man, by T. Sewall. 12°. Phil. n.d. Hall, N. K. Opinion in Case of Rev. J. D. Benedict, with Documents. (P.) 8°. Buffalo. 1863. Hall, R. Works, with Memoir. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1832-3. Same. 4 v. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Miscellaneous Works, etc. 12°. Lond. 1846. Modern Infidelity. See Fabee, G. S., Difi&culties of Infidelity. Hall, S. C. Book of British Ballads. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1842-4. Hall, Mrs. S. C. Pilgrimages to English Shrines. 2d series. 8°. Lond. 1853. Hall, S. T. The Peak and the Plain, le*'. Lond. 1853. Hall, S. W. Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Asth- ma and Consumption. 8°. N.Y. 1847«* Hall, W. W. Bronchitis and Kindred Dis- eases. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Health and Disease. 16°. N.Y. 1859. Sleep. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Throat Ail, Bronchitis and Consump- tion. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Hallam, a. H. Remains in Prose and Verse. 12°. Bost. 1863. Hallam, H. Constitutional History of Eng- land. 3v. 8°. Bost. 1829. Europe During the Middle Ages. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Same. 8° N.Y. 1837. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Same. 8° N.Y. 1859. Same. 3 v. 12°. Bost. 1861. Same, Supplemental Notes to. 8°. Lond. 1848. Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1837-9. ^Same. 2 v. §°. N.Y. 1860. Same. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Halleck, F. G. Alnwick Castle, and Other Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1827. Croakers. See Drake, J. R. Fanny; a Poem. In MS. 18°. N.Y. '34. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Selections from British Poets. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1840. Halleck, H. W. Elements of Military Art and Science. 12°. N.Y. 1861. International Law. 8°. San Fr. 1861. Mining Laws of Spain and Mexico. 8°. SanFr. 1859. Hallee, a. Physiology. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1754. Hallee, A. V. Moderate Monarchy; Life of AKred the Great. 12°. Lond. 1849. MERCAN'EILE LIBRARY. 161 HAm:Y, E. Adieu to Union College Theo- logical Society. (P. U.) 8^. Albany. 1847. Pantheism of Germany ; a Sermon. (P. ) 8°. Albany. 1850. Halliday, a. History of the West Indies. 12°. Lond. 1837. Halliday, S. B. The Lost and Fonnd; or, Life among the Poor. 12=. N.Y. 1859. Halliwell, J. 0. See Shakespeare Society. BoBotian Numerical Contractions, etc. 12°. Lond. 1839. Character of FaLstaff. 1G=. Lond. 1841. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Early History of Freemasonry in Eng- land. 12°. Lond. 1840. Harrowing of Hell; Edited and Trans- lated. 12°. Lond. 1840. • Fairy Mythology of the Midsummer Night's Dream. 8°. Lond. 1845. Historical Sketch of English Provincial Dialects. 8°. Albany. 1863. Introduction to the Midsummer Night's Dream. 8°. Lond, 1841. Letters of the Kings of England. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1848. Letters Illustrating the Progress of Science in England. 8°. Lond. 1841. Life of Shakesijeare. 8°. Lond. 1848. Moral Play of Wit and Science, etc. 8°. Lond. 1848. Shakespeariana. 8°. Lond. 1841. Hali.ock, W. a. Life of Rev. Justin Ed- wards. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Memoir of Harlan Page. 18°. N.Y. '35. Halm, F. Son of the Wilderness; a Poem. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Halpine, C. G. Life and Adventures of Private Miles O'Ptcilly. 12°. N.Y. 18G4. Lyrics by the Letter H. 12°. N.Y. 1854. H/\jLsey, L. J. Literary Attractions of ihe Bible. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Halsted, Caroline A. Life of Margaret Beaufort. 8°. Lond, 1839. Life of Richard III. 8°. Phil. 1844. HAiSTED, H. Motorpathy. 12°. Roch. 1853. Halsted, O. New Method of Curing Dys- pepsia. 12°. N.Y. 1830. Halsted, W., and others. Ansv/cr to Bishop Doane. (P.) 8°. Trenton. 1852. Vindication of Laymen who Requested Charges against Rishop Doane. (P.) 8°. Trentche Kolonisation. vol. 1. 8°. Kiel. '5G. Geschichte von Brasilien. 8^. Berlin. 1860. Handy, W. R. Text Book of Anatomy and Dissection. 8°. Phil. 1854. Hankin, Christiana C. (Ed'r.) See ScnrM- MELPENNINCK, Mrs. Hanmek, T. Correspondence, with Memoir. 8°. Lond. 1838. Hann, J. Elements of Plane Trigonometry. 1G°. Lond. 1849. Elements of Spherical Trigonometry. 1G°. Lond. 1849. Examples in Integral Calculus. 16^. Lond. 1850. Hann A, W. Memoirs of Dr. Chalmers, 4 v. 12^. N.Y. 1850-2. Hannay, J. Satires aud Satirists. 12°. Lond. 1854. HvNNETT, J. Bibliopegia; or. Art of Book- binding. 12'-. Lond. 1848. Hannover, A. The Microscope. 8°. Edin. 1853. Hanover Succession Justified. 8°. Lond. 1714. Hansard, G. A. Book of Archcrv. 8°. Lond. i 1840. Hansard, T. C. Typographia. 8°. Lond. 1825. Hanson, J. H. The Lost Prince. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Hanson, J. W. History of Danvers, Mass. 12°. Danvers. 1848. History of Gardiner, Me. 12°. Gardi- ner. 1852. Hanson, L. History of Orders of Knight- hood. 2 v. in one. 8°. Lond. n, d. Han WAY, J. British Trade to the Caspian; and Travels to Persia. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1754. Reflections on Life and Religion. 8°. Lond. 17G1. Revolutions of Persia. 2 v. 4° 1753. Virtue in Humble Life. 2 v. 4° 1777. Haraszthy, a. Grape Culture and Wine Making. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Harbaugh, H. The Heavenly Home. 12°. Phil. 1853. Harbinger (The), v. 1-5, 4°. v. 6-8, f°. Bound in 4 v. N.Y. 1845-49. Harbinger of Peace. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1828- 1830. Harbor and River Convention, Chicago, July 5, 1847. Proceedings. (P.) 12°. Chic. 1847. Harcourt, R. Voyage to Guiana. sm.4°. Lond. 1613. Hardcastle, D., Jr. Banks and Bankers. 1842. Tactics. 2 v. 32°. 2v. Lond. Lond. 12°. Lond Hardee, W. J. 1855. Same. 2 v. Same. 2 v. Phil. 4 V. 12° 18°. Phil. 18G0. 18°. Phil. 1861. Hardie, J. Biographical Dictionary. 8°. N.Y. 1805. Description of New York City. N.Y. 1827. History of the Treadmill, etc. (P. 70.) 12°. N.Y. 1824. New Freemason's Monitor. 12°. N.Y. 1819. Yellow Fever in New York in 1822. (2d copy, P. 70.) 12°. N.Y. 1822. Harding, J. D. Elementary Art; or. Chalk and Lead Pencil. f°. Lond. 1846. Lessons on Trees-, f . Lond. 1850. Hardinge, G. Works. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1828. Hardinge, Mrs. I. Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Hardwich, T. F. Manual of Photographio Chemistry. 16°. Lond. 1855. Same. 16°. Lond. 1864. 164 CATALOGUE OF THE Haedwick, C. Christ and other Masters. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1863. History of the Articles of Keligion. 8°. Phil. 1852. History of the Christian Church during the Keformation. 12°. Camb. 1856. Haedwick's Annual Biography for 1856. 16°. Lond. 1856. Haedy, F. Memoirs of the Earl of Charle- mont. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1812. Haedy, T. D. Memoirs of Lord Langdale. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1852. Haee, J. C. Contest with Rome. 8°. Lond. 1852. Miscellaneous Pamphlets. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1855. Mission of the Comforter. 12°. Bost. '54. Haee, J. C, and A. W. Guesses at Truth. 1st Series. 16°. Lond. 1838. Same. 16°. Lond. 1847. Same. 2d Series. 16°. Bost. 1848. Haee, K. Attrition Apparatus for Ozone Ex- periments. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Chemical Apparatus and Manipulations. 4°. Phil. 1836. Galvanism and Electro Magnetism. 8°. Phil. n.d. Letter to Dr. Whewell on his Demon- stration that Matter is Heavy. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Objections to Electrical Theories of Franklin, etc. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. . Objections to Eedfield's Theory of 'Storms. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Proofs that Credit is Preferable to Coin. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1834. Keview of Certain Doctrines of Liebig. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Spirit Manifestations. 8°. N.Y, 1856. Suggestions on Beforra of Banking Sys- tem. (P. 17.) 8°. Phil. 1837. Haee, T. Election of Eepresentatives. 8°. Lond. 1861. Hasewood, Harry, Dictionary of Sports. 12°. Lond. 1835. HA.EFORD, J. S. Life of Michael Angelo. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1858. Haegeove, W. History of York. 3 v. 8°. York. (E.) 1818. Haeing, AV. Der falscho Woldemar. 3 v. in (me. 18°. Berlin. 1863. Koland von Berlin. 3 v. in one. 16°. Berlin. 1861. Der Warwolf. 2 v. in one. 16°. Berlin. 1863. Haelan, J. Memoir of India and Afghanis- tan. 12°. Phil. 1842. Haelan, R. Fauna Americana. 12*'. Phil. 1825. Haele, W. L. a Career in the Commons. 12°. Lond. 1850. Haeleian Miscellany. 12 v. 8°. Lond. 1808- 1811. Same, Selections from. 4°. Lond. 1793. Haemox, D. "W. Voyages and Travels in North America. 8°. Andover. 1820. Haemony of Confessions. See Scott, T. Ar- ticles of Synod of Dort. Harmony of Education. 16°. Lond. 1848. Haeney, J. H. Algebra. 12°. Louisv. 1840. HxVPvNey, J. M. Crystalina; a Poem. 12°. N.Y. 1816. Haep of a Thousand Strings. 12°. N.Y. '58. Haepee, L. Report on Geology, etc., of Mississippi. See Mississippi. Haepee, R. G. Letter on Colonization. (P.) S°. Bait. 1818. Select Works, v. 1. 8°. Bait. 1814. Haepee, R. G., and Walsh, R., Jr. Corre- spondence on Russia. 8°. Phil. 1813. Haepee and Brothers: List of Publications, 1855, '59, '63. 3 v. 12°. N.Y. 1855-03. Habpee's Handbook for Tiavelers in Europe. By W. P. Fetridge. 12°. N.Y. 1862^ — — Same. 2d Year. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Haepee'b New Monthly Magazine, v. 1-29. 8°. N.Y. 1850-65. Haepee's New York and Erie R. R. Grdde- book. 12°. N.Y. 1851. . Haeeee, M. Der arme Tom. 2 v. 16°. Ber- lin. 1864. Haeeington, J. Sermons; vv^ith Memoir. 12°. Bost. '1854. Haeeis, G. Life of Lord Chancellor Hard- wicke. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Haeeis, Jas. Woiks. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1803. Harris, Jas., Earl of Malmesburj'. Diaries and Correspondence. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1845. Haeeis, John. Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1744-8. Haeeis, John, Britannia; or. Moral Claims of Seamen. 12°. Lond. 1837. Mammon. 16°. Bost. 1837. Man Primeval. 8°. Lond. 1849: Patriarchy. 12°. Bost. 1855. Pre -Adamite Earth. 12°. Bost. 1847. Haeeis, J. D. Summer on the Caribbean Sea. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Haeeis, L., and Phetteplace, E. W. Book- keeping. 16°. Norwich, N.Y. 1834. Haeeis, L. M. Harris Genealogy. 8°. Bost. 186L HJLEBis, N. Book-keeping. 8°. Hartf. 1840. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 165 Hatiris, Thad. M. Life of Oglethorpe. 8^. Bost. 1841. Natural History of the Bible. 8°. Bost. 1820. Hakkis, Thatl. W. Insects of Massachusetts, etc See jMassachusetts. Same, enlni^'ed. 8^. ^ost. 1862. Hakeis, Thos. Life of Bainbridge. 8°. Phil. 1837. Haeeis, Thos. L. Arcana of Christianity. V. 1. 8^ N.Y. 1858. Epic of the Starry Heaven. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Song of Satan. 8^ N.Y. 1858. HLiEEis, W. Lives and Writings of James L, Charles I., Oliver Cromwell, and Charles XL 5 v. 8". Lond. 1814. Haeeis, W. C. Highlands of Ethiopia. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Haeeis, W. S. Rudimentary Electricity. 16°. Lond. 1848. Rudimentary Galvanism. 16°. Lond. '56. Rudimentary Magnetism. Part 3. 16°. Lond. 1852. Haeeis, W. T. Epitaphs from Burying Ground in Old Cambridge. 12°. Camb. 1845. Haeeison, F. Meaning of History. 12°. Lond. 1862. Haeeison, G. Laws of Latin Grammar. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Haeeison, J. Stricture of the Urethra. 8°. Lond. 1852. Kaebison, M. History of English Language. 12°. Loud. 1848. Haeeison, W. H. Aborigines of Ohio Valley. (P. 41.) 12°. Bost. 1840. • Brief Sketch of Life of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1835. Life of. 18° Bost. 1839. Sketch of Life of. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1839. Haesha, D. a. Life of Charles Sumner. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Haet, a. M. History of the Valley of the Mississippi. 12°. Cine. 1853. Haet, A. S. Elementary Treatise on Me- chanics. 8°. Dubl. 1847. Haet, E. L., and Steeet, O. Descendants of Amos Morris. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Haet, H. G. Now Annual Army List. 8°. Lond. 1855. Haet, J. C. Designs for Parish Churches. 8°. N.Y. 1857. H.VET, J. S. Class Book of Prose. 12° Phil. 1845. Greek and Roman Mythology. 16°. Phil. 1853. Haet, J. S. Life of Spenser. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Thoughts on Sabbath Schools. 16^ Phil. 1864. Haet, N. C. Documents on New York House of Refuge. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Haete, W. Essay on Satire; with Boileau's Discourse on Satire. (P. 61.) 8°. Lond. 1730. Life of Gustavus Adolphus. 2 v. 8*. Lond. 1767. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 29. Habttoed, Countess of, and Pomfeet, Coun- tess of. Correspondence, 3 v. 8*. Lond. 1806. Haetfoed Directory, 1842, 1864-5, '65-6. 3v. 16°. Hartf. 1842-65. Haetley, C. B. Lives of Wetzel, Kenton, etc. 12°. Phil. 1859. Haetley, D. Observations on Man. 8®. Lond. 1834. Haetley, R. :M. Essay on Milk. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Intemperance in Cities. 12°. N.Y. *51. Haetley, S. Lessons at the Cross. 16°. Bost. 1853. Haetmann, F. Acute Diseases. 2 v. 12**. N.Y. 1847-8. Chronic Diseases. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Haetshoene, C. H. Ancient Metrical Talea. 12°. Lond. 1829. Haetshoene, J. Commercial Tables, etc. f*. Bost. 1852. Haktson, H. Countess of Salisbury; a Trage- dy. (P. 74.) 8°. Lond. 1767. Haetzenbusch, J. E. Obras Escogidas. 8". Paris. 1850. Same. 2 v. 12°. Leip. 1863. Haevaed College. Addresses at Inaugura- tion of Pres. Everett. (P.) 8°. Boc^t 1846. Addresses at Inauguration of Pres. Walker. (P.) 8°. Camb. 1853. Catalogue of Library, with 1st Supple- ment. 5v. 8°. Camb. 1830-4. Induction of Prof. Huntington. (P.) 8°. Camb. 1855. Memorial to the Legislature. (P.) 8°. Camb. 1851. Report of Overseers' Committee on Joint Rules. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1857. Report of Overseers' Committee on thft Library. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1863. Keport on Rights of President and Fel- lows, and Overseers. (P.) 8°. Camb. 1856. Report on Rules as to College Preacher, etc. (P.) 8°. Best. 1855. 166 CATALOGUE OF THE Harvey, G. Four Letters, and Sonnets. Ee- printed. 4°. Lond. 1814. . Same. See Beydges, S. E. Archaica. Habvey, W. Works, with Memoir. 8°. Lond. 1847. Haevey, W. H. Manual of British Marine Alga3. 8°. Lond. 1849. Sea Side Book. 16°. Lond. 1849. Habwood, J. E. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1809. Haskel, D. Chronological View of the World. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Haskel, D., and Smith, J. C. Gazetteer of the United States. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Haskell, D. N. Address to Bost. Merc. Libr. Association. (P. 44.) 8°. Bost. 1848. Haskell, Mrs. E. F. . Housekeeper's Ency- ■ clopffidia. 12°. N.Y. 18G1. Haskett, W. J. Shakeiism Unmasked. 12°. Pittsfield. 1828. Haskoll, W. D. Clerk of Works and Young Architect's Guide. 18°. Lond. 1849. Haslett, C. Mechanic's and Engineer's Book of Eeference. 16°. N.Y. 1856. Hasse, C. E. Diseases of Organs of Circula- tion and Eespiration. 8°. Lond. 1846. Hasse, F. E. Life of Anselm of Canterbury. 8°. Lond. 1850. Hassell, J. Memoirs of G. Morland. See Malcolm, J. P. Hasslee, F. E. Documents as to Coast Sur- vey. 3 V. in one. Also, Weights and Measures. 8°. N.Y. 1834-6. Hasted, F. Writings. 8°. n.p. n.d. Hastings, Mr. Winter in the West Indies and Florida. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Hastings, Lady Flora. Poems. 16°. Edin. 1842. Hastings, H. L. Great Controversy between God and Man. 12°. Eoch. 1858. Hastings, T. Dissertation on Musical Taste. 12°. N.Y. 1853.. History of Forty Choirs. 12°. N.Y. '54. Manhattan Collection of Tunes. Ob- long. N.Y. 1840. Hastings Guide. 16°. Hastings. (E.) 1819. Hatfield, E. G. American House Carx:>en- ter. 8°.. N.Y. 1850. Hatton, E. Arithmetic. 4^. Lond. 1731. Hauff, W. Sammtliche Werke. 10 v. 16°. Stuttg. 1837. • La Caravane. 16°. Paris. 1855. Haughton, G. C. FirstPrinciplesof Eeason- ing. 8°. Lond. 1839. Haughton, G. D. Sex in the World to Come. 12°. Lond. 1841. Haupt, H. Theory of Bridge Construction. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Hausee, M. Briefe aus Californien, etc. 16°. Leip. 1859. Haussez, Baron d'. Great Britain in 1833. 2v. 16°. Phil. 1833. Haxjt, M. La Crise Americaine. (P.) 8°. Paris. 1862. Hatjtefeuille, L. B. Droits ct Devoirs des Nations Neutres. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1858. Havaed, E. Memoirs of Sir Sidney Smith. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1839. Haven, Alice B. Memoir of. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Haven, J. Address, on Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. Amherst. 1853. Mental Philosophy. 8°. Bost. 1858. Moral Philosophy. 12°. Bost. 1859. Haveehill Directory, 1865. 12°. HaverhilL 1865. Hawes, Mrs. A. H. Grafted Bud; a Memoir of A. E. Hawes. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Hawes, G. W. Ohio Gazetteer, for 1859-60. r.8°. Cine. 1859. Same. 1864-5. r.8°. Indianapolis. 1864. Wisconsin and Minnesota Gazetteer. 8°. Indianapolis. 1863. Hawes, J. Address, 2d Centennial of Hart- ford. 16°. Hartf. 1835. Lectures to Young Men. 24°. Hartf. 1848. Hawes, S. Pastime of Pleasure. 12°. Lond. 1845. Hawkee, p. Instructions to Young Sports- men. 8°. Phil. 1846. Hawkeswoeth, J. Adventurer. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1808. Same. 8°. Lond. 1825. • Voyages in the South Sea. 3 v. 4°. Lond. 1773. Hawkins, A. Picture of Quebec. 12°. Que- bec. 1834. Hawkins, B. Germany; her Hi-tory, Liter- ature, etc. 8°. Lond. 1838. Hawkins, C. Life and Adventures of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Hawkins, J. Key of Commerce. 4°. Lond. 1718. Hawkins, E. Voyage to the South Sea, 1593. 8°. Lond. 1847. Hawkins, W. G. Life of J. H. W. Hawkins. 12°. Bost. 1859. Lunsford Lane. 12°. Bost. 1863. Hawks, F. L. Auricular Confession in the Episcopal Church. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical His- tory of the United States. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1836-9. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 167 Hi-WKS, F. L. Documentary History of Prot. Episc. Church in the United States. V. 1. Connecticut. 8"". N.Y. 18G3. (Ed'r. ) Expedition to Japan, under Com- modore Perry. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Same. 4°. See United States. Monuments of Egypt; and Voyage up the Nile. 8°. N.Y. 1850. HAWI.EY, G. Address, Albany Academy. (P. 42.) 8°. Albany. 1835. Hawthorne, N. (Ed'r. ) Journal of an Afri- can Cruiser. By H. Bridge. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Life of F. Pierce. 12^. Bost. 1852. Our Old Home. 12°. Bost. 18G3. Haxthausen, a. von. "The Kussian EmiDire. 2v. 8°. Lend. 1856. yTranscaucasia. 8°. Lond. 1854. Tribes of the Caucasus, and Account of Schamyl. 12°. Lond. 1855. Hay, D. R. Beauty in Coloring Systema- tized. 12°. Edin. 1825. First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty. 12°. Edin. 1846. Geometric Beauty of the Human Figure. 4°. Edin. 1851. Harmony of Form. 4°. Edin. 1842. Laws of Harmonious Coloring. 8°. Lond. 1838. Nomenclature pf Colors. 8°. Edin. 1845. Proportion; or, Geometric Principle of Beauty. 4°. Edin. 1843. Proportions of Human Head. 4P. Edin. 1849. Hayden, G. T. Wear and Tear of Human Life. 8°. Dubl. 1846. Hayden, W. B. Phenomena of Modern Spiritualism. 16°. Bost. 1855. Haydn, Jos. Book of Dignities. 8°. Lond. 1851. Dictionary of Dates. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same, revised by Vincent. 8°. Loud. 1860. Haydon, B. K. Autobiography and Journals. Ed. by Taylor. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Lectures on Painting. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1840. Painting; also, Essay on the Fine Arts, byHazlitt. 8°. Edin. 1838. Hayes, E. Ballads of Ireland. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1856. Same. 12°. Bost. 1857. Hayes, I. L Arctic Boat Journey. 12°. Bost. 1800. Hayes, R. Negociator's Magazine. 8°. Lond. . 1777. Haygabth, W. Greece; a Poem. 4°. Lond. 1814. Hayley, W. Essay on Old Maids. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 17^6. Poems and Plays. 6 v. 12°. Lond. 1788. Hayme, R. W. von Humboldt's Lebensbild, etc. 8°. Berlin. 1856. Hayne, R. Y. Reply to Webster. (P.) 8°. Charleston. 1830. Speech on Bankruptcy Bill. (P. 10.) 8°. Wash. 1826. Haynes, D. C. Baptist Denomination. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Haynes, T. W. Baptist Cyclopaedia. 8°. Charleston. 1848. Hays, Mary. Memoirs of Distinguished Women. 3 v. 8°. Title wanting. Haytek, C. Perspective, Drawing, Painting, etc. 8°. 1S45. Haywaed, C, Jr. Life of S. Cabot. See Sparks' Am. Biog., 1st ser., v. 9. Haywood, G. Surgical Reports and Mis- cellaneous Papers. 12°. Bost. 1855. Hayward, John. First Four Years of Queen Elizabeth. See Camden Society; Pub- • lications. Hayward, John. Book of Religions. 12°. Bost. 1842. Gazetteer of Massachusetts. 12°. Bost. 1849. New England Gazetteer. 8°. Bost. 1839. New England and New Y'ork Law Register, for 1835. 16°. Bost. 1834. New Hampshire Gazetteer. 12°. Bost 1849. Vermont Gazetteer. 12°. Bost. 1849. Hazard, E. State Papers. 2 v. 4°. PhiL 1792. Hazard. J. Poems. 18°. Brooklyn. 1814. Hazard, R. Address, on Death of Chief- Justice Durfee. (P. 42.) 8°. Prov. '48. Hazard, R. G. Freedom of Mind in WilUng. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Hazard, S. Annals of Pennsylvania. 8°. Phil. 1850. Pennsylvania Archives. ^'ee PennsyIi- VANIA. Register of Pennsylvania. 16 v. r.8°. Phil. 1828-36. U. S. Commercial and Statistical Regis- ter. 6v. r.8°. Phil. 1839-42. Hazen, E. English Grammar. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Popular Technology. 2 v. in one. 18°. N.Y. 1842. 168 CATALOGUE OF THE Hazlitt, W. Characteristics. 16''. Lond. 1837. Characters of Shakspeare's Plays. 12°. Bost. 1818. Same. 16°. Lond. 183f8. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Classical Gazetteer. 12°. Lond. 1851. Conversations of J. Nortlicote. 12°. Lond. 1830. Criticisms on Art; and, Picture Galle- ries. 16°. Lend. 1843. Dramatic Literature of the Age of Eliz- abeth. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Eloquence of the British Senate. 2 v. 12°. Brooklyn. 1809. Essay on Fine Arts. See Haydon, B. E., Painting. Essays on Principles of .Human Action. 12°. Lond. n.d. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, completed. 3v. 12°. Lond. 1854. . Lectures on the English Comic Writers. 8°. Phil. 1819. Same. 16°. Lond. 1841. Lectures on the English Poets. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 4 v. 8°. . Lond. 1828. Same. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1847.. Literary Remains. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. — Same. 8°. N.Y. 1836. Plain Speaker. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1826. Political Essays. 8°. Lond. 1819. Eound Table. 2 v. 16°. Edin. 1817. Sketches and Essays. 12°. Lond. 1839. Spirit of the Age. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Table Talk. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. . Same. 2d series. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Winterslow; Essays and Characters. 16°. Lond. 1850. Hazlitt, W. C. History of the Venetian Eepublic. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1860. Head, E. Handbook of Spanish and French Schools of Painting. 12°. Lond. 1848. Head, E. W. Shall and Will; or. Future Auxiliary Verbs. 16°. Lond. 1858. Head, F. B. Bubbles from the Bnmnens of Nassau. 16°. Lond. 1836. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Same. See Eepublic of Letters, v. 5. Defenceless i^Uxte of Great Britain. 12°. Lond. 1850. The Emigrant. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Faggot of French Sticks. 2 v. in one. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Fortnight in Ireland. 8°. Lond. 1852. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Head, F. B. The Horse and his Eider. 12^ Lond. 1860. Journeys across the Pampas and Andes. 16°. Bost. 1827. Mr. Kinglake. 8°. Lond. 1863. Life of James Bruce. 16°. Lond. 1838. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1841. Narrative of his Administration in Can- ada. 8°. Lond. 1839. Head, George. Eome, a Tour. 3 v. 8*. Lond. 1849. Tour through the Manufacturing Dis- tricts'. 12°. Lond. 1836. Head, J. H. Home Pastimes. 12°. Bost. 1860. Head, J. W. Tennessee Eeports, 1858-9. 2 V. 8°. Nashv. 1860. Headland, F. W. Action of Medicines. 8°. Phil. 1863. i Headley, H. Beauties of Ancient English Poetry. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1810. Headley, /. T. Adirondack. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Alps and Ehine. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Chaplains and Clergy of the Eevolution. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Grant and Sherman, their Campaigns, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Great Eebellion. v. 1-2. 8°. Hartf. 1863. Imperial Guard of Napoleon. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Italy and the Italians. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Letters from Italy. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Life of Cromwell. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Life of Havelock. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Life of Gen. Scott. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Lives of Gens. Scott and Jackson. 12". N.Y. 1852. Miscellanies. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Nai^oleon and his Marshals. 2 v. 12*. N.Y. 1846. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 185L Parlor Book. 8°. NY^ 1850. Power of Beauty. 18°. N.Y. 1852. Sacred Mountains. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Sacred Plains. 16°. Bost. 1859. Second War with England. 2 v. 12^ N.Y. 1853. Sketches and Eambles. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Washing! on and his Generals. 2 v. 12^ N.Y. 1847. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1850. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 160 Hkadley, p. C. Gills of the Bible. 1G°. N.Y. 186G. Harvest Worlc of the Holy Spirit; Labors of Rev. E. P. Hammond. 12°. Bost. 1863. Hero Boy; Life of Gen. Grant. 10°. N.Y. 1804. ■ Life of Empress Josephine. 12°. Au- burn. 1850. Life of Farragut. 12°. N.Y. 1805. ■ Life of Kossuth. 12°. Auburn. 1852. Life of Gen. Sheridan. 16°. N.Y. 1865. ■ Life of Gen. Sherman. 12°. N.Y. 1865. ■ Miner Boy; Life of Ericsson. 16°. N.Y. 1865. • Patriot Boy ; Life of Gen. Mitchel. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Women of the Bible. 12°. Auburn. 1850. Heap, G. H. Central Route to the Pacific. 8°. Phil. 1854. Heabd, J. V. D. Sioux War of 1862-3. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Heard, J. M. Free Public Library System of Massachusetts. 8°. Clinton, Mass. 1860. Heaene, T. (Ed'r.) Works. 4 v., viz., v. 1-2, Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle; v. 3-4, P. Laugtoft's Chronicle. 8° Lond. 1810. Heath, A. S. and A. H. Photography. 8*^. N.Y. 1855. Heath, B. Revisal of Shakspcare's Text. 12°. Lond. 1765. Heather, J. F. Mathematical Instruments. 10°. Lond. 1858. Heathman, W. G. Switzerland in 1854-5. 8°. Lond. 1855. Heaton, G. The Clergyman in the Gaol, an Essay. 16=. Lond. 1847. Heaven our Home. 16". Bost. 1864. Hebbe, G. C. Universal History, v. 1 and 2. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Heber, Mrs. Amelia. Life of Bishop Heber. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1830. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1830. Heber, R. Journey in India. 8°. Phil. 1828. Same. 2 v. 12-. Phil. 1820. Life of- Jeremy Taylor. 8°. Lond. '38. Poems. 18°. Hingham. 1830. Same. 16°. Phil. 1841. Sermons in England. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Hebrew Reading Lessons. 12°. Lond. n.d. Hecker, J. T. Questions of the Soul. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Heckewelder, J. Mission to the Indians, 1740-1808. 8°. Phil. 1820. Hedendaagsche Historic of Tcgenwoordigo Staat van Spanje en Portugal. 12' Amst. 1750. Hedericus, B. Grrecum Lexicon Manuale, 4°. Lond. '1821. Hedge, F. H. Address to Divinity Gradu ates, Harvard College. (P. 34.) 8° Camb. 1S40. Prose Writers of Germany. 8°. Phil 1848. Reason in Religion. 12°. Bost. 1865. Hedley, J. Working and Ventilation of Coal Mines. 8°. Lond. 1851. Hedeich. Im Hochgebirge. 18°. Berlin. 1862. Heeeen, a. H. L. Historical Treatises. 8°. Oxf. 1836. History of the States of Antiquity. 8°. Northamp. 1828. Same, entitled ''Manual of Ancient History." 8°. Oxf. 1833. History of the Political System of Eu- rope. 2 V. 8°. Northamp. 1820. Same. 2 v. 8°. Oxf. 1834. Politics, Intercourse, Trade, etc., of An- tiquity. 5v. 8°. Oxf. 1833. Reflections on Politics of Ancient Greece. 8°. Bost. 1824. Manuel Historique du Sj'steme Politique del'Europe. 18°. Brux. 1834. Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures on the Philoso- phy of History. 12°. Lond. 1S57. Subjective Logic. 12°. Lond. 1855. Heidelberg and the Wjy Thither. 16° Lond. 1845. Heighway, O. W. T. Leila Ada, the Jewish Convert. 12°. Phil. 1853. Relatives of Leila Ada. 16°. N.Y. '56. Heialvnn, a. Materials for Translating from English into German. 12°. Lond. '51. Heine, H. Sammtliche Werke. 6 v. 8°. Phil. 1854. Book of Songs. Transl. by Leland. 10°. Phil. 1804. Pictures of Travel. Transl. by Leland. 12°. Phil. 1803. Heisch, p. J. Memoir of Lavater. 18°. Lond. 1842. Helderbergia; or. Heroes of the Anti-Rent War. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1855. Helfenstein, E. H. Legend of Rockland Lake. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Helffeeich, a. Organismus der Wissen- chaft und Philosophic der Geschichte. 8°. Leip. 1856. Heliodorus. .ailthiopica. (In Greek.) 12°. Leip. 1772. 170 CATALOGUE OF THE Heller, C. B. Keisen in Mexiko. 8°. Leip. 1853. Helleb, E. Posenschrapers Thilde. 1G°. Stuttg. 1863. Helmholtz, H. L. F. Interaction of Natural Forces. See Youmaxs, E. L. Correla- tion, etc. Helms, A. Z. Travels from "Buenos Ayres to Lima. 18°. Lond. 1807. Helpee, H. E. Impending Crisis of tlie South. 12^. N.Y. 1859. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1860. Helps, A. Claims of Labor. 16°. Lond. '45. Companions of mj Solitude. 16^^. Lond. 1851. Conquerors of the New World, v. 1. 12°. Lond. 1848. Friends in Council. 2 v. 12°. Lond. . 1847-i). Same. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1849. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1863. — Same, 2d ser. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1859. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1863. ■ Fruits of Leisure; Essays. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Organization in Daily Life. 12°. Lond. 1862. Spanish Conquest in America, v. 1 and 2. 8°. Lond. 1855. Same. v. 1-3. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Helvetius, C a. (Euvres. 5 v. 8°. Paris. 1793. Del'Esprit. 16°. Paris. 1843. Origin of Despotism. 16°. Amst. 1764. Treatise on Man. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 10. Hemans, j\Irs. Felicia. League of the Alps, and Other Poems. 8°. Bost. 1826. Poems. 18°. Ilartf. 1827. Same. 2 v. 18°. N. Haven. 1828. Same. 8°. Phil. 1836. Same. 12°. Bost. 1861. Eecords of Women, with Other Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1828. Same. 12°. Phil. 1840. Hemans, ]\Irs. F. Memoir of, hj her Sister. 12°. Edin. 1839. Hemenway, Abby M. Poets and Poetry of Vermont. 12°. Eutland. 1858. Hempel, C. J. Homoiopathic Materia Med- ica. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Henault, C. J. F. Abre'ge Chronologique de I'Histoire de France. 12°. Paris. 1761. Henck, J, B, Field Book for Eailroad En- gineers. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Henderson, E. Biblical Eesearches and Travels in Eussia, etc. 8°. Lond. '26. Henderson, E. Eesidence in Iceland. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1818. Same. 12°. Bost. 1831. Henderson, J. History of Brazil. 4°. Lond. 1821. Henderson, J. J. Trade of Buffalo, 1854. (P.) 8°. Buffalo. 1855. Henderson, M. A. Song of Milkanwatha. 16°. Cine. 1856. Henderson, W. Homoeopathic Practice of Medicine. 8°. Lond. 1845. Homosopathy Fairly Eeprescnted. 8°. Phil. 1854. Henderson, W. A. Housekeeper's Instructor. 8° Lond. n.d. Henfrey, a. Eeports and Papers on Botany. 8°. Lond. 1849. Vegetation of Europe. 16°. Lond. 1852. Hengstenbeeg, E. W. Christology of the Old Testament. 3 v. 8°. Alexandria, D.C. 1836. Egypt and the Books of Moses. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Henkle, M. H. Life of Bascom. 8°. Louisv. 1854. Hennell, C. C. Christian Theism. 8°. Lond. 1845. Origin of Christianity. 8°. Lond. 1845. Hennikee, F. Visit to Egypt, Nubia, Pales- tine, etc. 8°. Lond. 1823. Henningsen, C. F. Past and Future of Hun- gary. 8°. Cine. 1852. Twelve Months xnth Zumalacarregui. 12°. Phil. 1836. Henkion, Baron. Histoire des Missions Ca- tholiques. 4 v. 8°. Phil. 1846-7. Henry, A. Travels in Canada and Indian Territories. 8°. N.Y. 1809. Henry, C. S. Christian Antiquities. 8°. Phil. 1837. History of Philosophy. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. . 1843." True Idea of the University; an Address. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. Henry, Jas. Moravian Life and Character. 12°. Phil. 1859. Henry, John J. Campaign against Quebec, 1775. 12°. Lancaster. 1812. Same. 16°. Watertown. 1844. Henry, Jos. The Coast Survey. (P.) 8°. Princeton. 1845. Contributions to Electricity and Mag- netism. 4°. Phil. 1839. Galvanic Multiplier. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Meteorology and Agriculture. (P. ) 8°. n.p. n.d. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 171 Henrt, M. Communicant's Companion. 10°. N.Y. 1848. Daily Communion with God. 18°. N.Y. 1848. Exposition of Old and New Testament. 3v. r.8°. Lond. 1828. Method for Prayer. 18°. N.Y. 1849. Miscellaneous Works. r.8°. Lond. 1830. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Pleasantness of a Eeligious Life. 32°. N.Y. 1850. IIenby, Paul. Life and Times of Calvin. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Henry, Philip. Life and Times of. 16°. N.Y. 1849. Henby, W. Experimental Chemistry.' 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. Henry, W. S. Campaign Sketches of War with Mexico. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Henry of Huntingdon. Chronicle. 12°. Lond. 1853. Henry the Minstrel. Wallace. See Jamie- son, J. Same. Kevised by W. Hamilton. 12°. N.Y. 1820. Henshaw, J. P. K. Memoir of Bishop Moore. 8°. Phil. 1843. Henshaw, J. Si Manual for United States Consuls. 18°. N.Y. 1849. Henslow, J. S. Botany. 10°. Lond. 1837. Henslowe, P. Diary, 1591-1009. >S'ee Shake- speare Society. Henslowe, W. H. Phonarthron, etc. ^ a Natural System of Speech. 8°. Lond. 1840. Hepworth, G. H. Whip, Hoe, and Sword. 12°. Bost. 1864. Herald (The). A Newspaper, v. 3. f°. N.Y. 1795-0. Herald of Health, v. 3. 8°. N.Y. 18G4. Herbert, C. Italy and Italian Literature. 12°. Lond. 1835. Herbert, Lord E. ; of Cherburj'. Life, by Himself. 8°. Lond. 1820. Life and Reign of Henry YIII. 1072. Herbert, G. Remains, with Memoir. 10^. Lond. 1830. Writings, with Memoir. 12°. Bost. '51. Herbert, H. W. American Game in its Seasons. 12°. N.Y. 1853. ■ Captains of the Old World. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Captains of the Roman Republic. 12°. N.Y. 1854. (Ed'r). The Dog; by Dinks, Mayhew and Hutchinson. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Herbert, H. W. Field Sports of the United States. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Fish and Fishing of the United States; with Supplement. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Same. sq.8°. N.Y. 1851. sq.8°. N.Y. 1859. to Horse-keepers. 12°. N.Y. Same. Hints 1802. Same. ■o 12°. N.Y. 1804. Horse and Horsemanship of the United States, etc. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Knights of England, France, and Scot- land. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Manual for Young Sportsmen. 12°. N.Y. 1804. ^Memoirs of Henry VIII. and his Six Wives. 10°. N.Y. 1855. Oliver Cromwell. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Persons and Pictures from French and English Histor3^ 12°. N.Y. 1854. Sporting Scenes and Characters. 2 v. 12°. Phil. n.d. (Ed'r). Sportsman's Vade Mecum, by Dinks. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Herbert, L. ImFluge. 18°. Beip. 1864. Herbert, W. Attila, a Poem ; and, Attila, a History. 8°. Lond. 1838. Livery Companies ol London. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Herbert, Hon. W. (Transl.) Poems from Icelandic, etc. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1804. Herder, F. G. von. See Dontzer, H. Aus Herder's Nachlass. 3 v. 12°. Frankf. 1856-7. Hermann, C. F. Political Antiquities of Greece. 8°. Oxf. 1830. Herndon, W. L. Exploration of Amazon. See United States. Hebnisz, S. Conversation in English and Chinese. Oblong. Bost. 1854. Herodotus. Works. (Greek). See Didot's Greek Classics. Same. 12°. Leip. 1819. Works, transl. by Beloe. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1791. Same. 3 v. 10°. Lond. 1830. Same. 3 v. 18°. N.Y. 1830. Same, transl. byCary. 12°. Lond. 1848. Same, transl. by Rawlinson and others. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1858-00. Geography of, with Maps. 4°. Camb. (E.) 1841. Heron, R. History of Scotland. 6 v. 8°. Perth. 1794-9. Herb, R. Jeweller's Hand Book. 12°. Albany. 1855. 172 CATALOGUE OF THE Hebeeea, a. de. History of America. 6 v. 12°. Lond. 1725-G. Heeeick, J. Herrick Genealogy. 8°. Ban- gor. 1846. Heeeick, E. Poems. See Beitkh Poets, v. 5. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1825. Heeeies, J. Elements of Speech. 12°. Lond. 1773. Hebemann, a. (Ed'r.) Composiciones Joco- sasenProsa. 16°. Leip. 1861. Heeemann, C. G. Lehrbuch der Christliclien Eeligion. 16°. Erfurt. 1799. Heeschel, J. F. "W. ' Discourse on Natural Philosophy. 16°. Lond. 1830. Same. 10°. Phil. 1831. Manual of Scientific Liquiry. 12°. Lond. 1849. Physical Geography. 12°. Edin. 1862. Kesults of Observations at the Cape of Good Hope. 4°. Lond. 1847. Treatise on Astronomy. 16°. Phil. 1834. Same. 16°. Lond. 1837. Heeshbeegee, H. E. The Horseman. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Heettell, T. The Demurrer. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1828. Married Women's Eight of Property ; a Speech. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1839. Hebtz, H. King Eeno's Daughter. Transl. by Chapman! 16°. Lond. 1845. Same. Transl. by Martin. 16°. Lost. 1850. Heevey, G. W. Principles of Courtesy. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Ehetoric of Conversation. 12°. N. Y'. 1853. Heevey, J. Meditations and Contemplations. 2v. in one. 12°. N.Y. 1805. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1824. • Theron and Aspasio. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1825. Heevey, John, Lord. Memoirs of Eeign of George n. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1848. Heevey, T. K. Book of Christmas. 16°. Lond. 1837. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Heezen, a. My Exile. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1855. Hekzog, C. G. Theological and Ecclesiasti- cal Encyclopedia. Transl. and ed. by J. H. A.' Bomberger. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1858-60. Hesekiel, G. Bel Kaiser Carl's Leben. 2 v. in one. 16°. Berlin. 1862. In Kaiser Joseph's Tagen. 2 v. in one. 10°. Berlin. 1862. Unter Maria Theresa. 2 v. in one. 16°. Berlin. 1862. Hesiod. Works (Greek). Also, Theognis; Sybilline Verses; Musaus; Orpheus; Phocylides. 18°. Venice. 1543. Same. Also, Apollonius, Musaeus, Colu- thus, Quintus, Tryphiodorus, Tzetzes, and Fragments of Asius, etc. See Di- dot's Greek Classics. Same. Transl. by Elton. Also, Bion, Moschus, Sappho, Musa3us, Lyco- phron. 16°. Lond. 1832. Same. 18° N.Y. 1834. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1838. Hetheeington, W. M. History of Church of Scotland. 8°. N.Y. 1848. History of Eome. 16°. Edin. 1839. Hettnee, H. Geschichte der Deutschen Literatur in 18ten Jahrhundert. 8°. Bruiisw. 1862. Geschichte der Englischen Literatiu', 1660-1770. 8°. Brunsw. 1856. Geschichte der Franzosischen Literatur im 18 ten Jahrhundert. 8°. Brunsw. 1860. Athens and the Peloponnesus. 16''. Edin. 1854. Hewett, D. American Traveller; or Nation- al Director5^ 12°. Wash. 1825. Hewins, J. M. Hints on Church Music, etc. 12°. Bost. 1856. Hewit, a. Eise and Progress of South Car- olina and Georgia. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1779. Hev.-itt, a. S. Statistics and GeograjDhy of , Iron. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Hewitt, Mary C. Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Hewlett, H. G. Heroes of Europe. 16°, Bost. 1861. Hewson, W. Works. 8°. Lond. 1847. Heyne, B. Tracts on India, and Account of Sumatra. 4°. Lond. 1814. IIeyse, p. Anfang und Ende. 12°. Bost. n.d. Die Einsamen. 12°. Bost. n.d. Vier neue Novellen. 12°. Berlin. 1859. Heywood, J. Eecommendations of Oxford University Commissioners. 8°. Lond. 1853. Heywood, J. H. Discourse on Life of Dan- iel Webster. (P.) 8°. Louisv. 1852. Heywood, S. Distinctions in Society under the Anglo-Saxons. 8°. Lond. 1818. HiBBEET, Sam. Philosophy of Ajjparitions. 8°. Edin. 1825. HiBBEET, Shirley. Book of the Aquarium. 16°. Lond. 1856. Hibeenia; or. Sketches of History, etc., of Ireland. 12°. N.Y. 1854. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 173 HiCKET, W. Constitution of the United States. 12°. Phil. 1854. HicKiE, James. Key to Button's Mathemat- ics. 8°. Lond. 1849. HicKOK, L. P. Empirical Psychology. 12°. 8chenect. 1854. Rational Cosmology. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Rational Psychology. 8°. Auburn. '49, System of Moral Science. 8°. Schenect. 1853. Hicks, E. Journal. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Hicks, T. Eulogy on T. Crawford. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. HiEovEB, Harry. See Treatise, etc., on Horses. HiGGiNS, G. Anacalypsis; or, Origin of Lan- guages. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1836. Celtic Druids. 4°. Lond. 1829. Hora) Sabbaticae. 8". Lond. 1851. HiGGiNs, W. M. Alphabet of Electricity. 18-^. Lond. 1834. Alphabet of Geology. 18° Lond. '37. Book of Geolog3'. 1G°. Lond. 1852. Earth; its Condition and Phenomena. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Experimental Philosopher. 12°. Lond. 1838. Same, entitled "Entertaining Philoso- pher." 12°. Lond. 1844. Philosophy of Sound, and History of' Music. 1G°. Lond. 1838. Researches in the Solar Realm. 16°. Lond. 1852. HiGGiNsoN, S. Ten Chapters in the Life of John Hancock. 8^. N.Y. 1857. HiGGiNsoN, T. ^. Out Door Papers. 12°. Best. 18G3. Woman and her Wishes. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1853. Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland. Transactions, 1841-61. 11 v. 8^ Lond. 1841-61. Highlakd Society of Scotland. Report on Poems of Ossian, by H. Mackenzie. 8°. Edin. 1805. HiGHMOKE, A. History of the Artillery Com- pany of London. 8°. Lond. 1804. History of Public Charities of London. 8°. Lond. 1810. HiGHTox, E. The Electric Telegiaph. 16°. Lond. 1852. HiarNTJS, C. J. Poeticon Astronomicon. 4°. Venice. 1485. Hjldketh, J. Dragoon Campaign to Rocky Mountains. 16». N.Y. 1836. HiLDRETH, R. Atrocious Judges. 12°. N.Y. 1856. HiLDRETH, R. History of the United States, to the Federal Constitution. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Same, from the Federal Constitution. 3v. 8°. N.Y. 1849-51. History of the United States. 6 v. 8°. N.Y. 1849. History of the United States, abridged. 12°. Bost. 1831. Japan as It Was and Ls. 12°. Bost. 1855. ^^ Theory of Morals. 12°. Bost. 1844. HiLDKETH, S. P. Contributions to Early His- tory of Northwest. 16°. Cine. 1864. Pioneer History of Northwest Territory. 8°. Cine. 1848. Early Settlers of Ohio; and Col. Meigs' Journal. 8°. Cine. 1852. HiLDROP, J. Miscellaneous Works. 2 v. 16^. Lond. 1754. HiTJDYARD, F. Law of lilarine Lisurauces. 8°. Harrisburg. 1817. Hell, A. Sermon on Death of Hon. J. Da- vis. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Htt.t. , B. E. Epicure's Almanac, 1841, 1842. 2v. 16°. Lond. 1842. Hill, F. Crime; its Amount, Causes, Rem- edies. 8°. Lond. 1853. Htt.t., G. Ruins of Athens, and Other Poems. 8°. Bost. 1839. Hill, G. C. Benedict Arnold; a Biography. 12°. Bost. 1858. Gen. Putnam; a Biography. 16°. Bost. 1858. Capt. John Smith; a Biography. 16°. Bost. 1859. Hill, H. D. Institutions of Ancient Greece. 12°. Lond. 1819. Hill, I. New Theory of the Formation of the Earth. 16°. Bait. 1823. Hn.L, Jas. Law of Trustees. 8°. Phil. 1854.* Hill, John. Arilhmetick. 12°. Lond. 1761. Hill, J. B. History of Mason, N. H. 8°. Bost. 1858. Hill, M. D. Suggestions for Repression of Crime. 8°. Lond. 1857. Hill, M., and Cornwallis, C. F. Two Prize Essays on Juvenile Delinquency. 12°. Lond. 1853. Hill, N. Memoir of. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Hill, R. Reflections and Devotions. 16°. N.Y. 1836. Village Dialogues. 3 v. 12°. N.Y. 1825. Hill, S. S. Travels in Sandwich and Society Islands. 12° Lond. 1856. • Travels on the Shores of the Baltic, etc. 12°. Lond. 1854. 174 CATALOGUE OF THE Hill, S. S. Travels in Siberia. 2 v. 12° Lond. 1854. Hill, T. (Ed'r. ) . Letters and Memoir of W. A. Shirley. 8°. Lond. 1849. Hill, T. Liberal Education; an Address. (P.) 8=. Camb. 1858. MaiD of Solar Eclipse of March 15, 1858. (P.) 8°. V/ash. 1858. HiLLARD, E. B. Last Men of the Kevolution. 12°. Hartf. 18G4. HiLLAED, G. S. Connection of Geography and History. 12°. Bost. 1846. Dangers and Duties of Mercantile Pro- fession. 18°. Bost. 1850. First Class Reader. 12°. Bost. 1856. LifeofMcClellan. 12°. Phil. 1864. Life of Capt. John Smith. See Sparks' Amer. Biog., 1st Ser., v. 2. Selections from Landor. See Landoe, W. S. Six Months in Italy. 2 v. 12°. Bost. '54. Hellhouse, J. A. Dramas, Discourses, and other Pieces. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1839. Hadad. 8°. N.Y. 1825. Percy's Masque. 16°. N.Y. 1820. HiLiiiARD, F. American Law of Beal Prop- erty. 2 V. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Elements of Law. 8°. Bost. 1835. Law of Mortgages. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1864. Same. 8°. Phil. 1860. HiLLiARD, H. W. Speeches and Addi-esses. 8°. N.Y. 1855. HiLLiER, G. Attempted Escapes of Charles I. from Carisbrook Castle. 12°. Lond. 1852. HiLLYER, G. M. Address to Alpha Delta Phi Society. (P. 19.) 8°. Cine. 1839. HiMEEius. Opera, ^ee Didot's Greek Clas- sics. HiNCKS, W. Illustrationsof Unitarian Chris- tianity. 12°. Lond. 1845. &ND, W. Y. Canadian PiCd Eiver and' As- sinniboine and Saskatchewan Expedi- tions, 1857-8. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1800. Explorations in Interior of Labrador. 2 V. 8°. Loud. 1863. PIiXD, J. 11. The Comets. 12°. Lond. 1852. Solar System. 16°. Lond. 1851. Hindoos (The). 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1834. Hinds, S. Insx)iration and Authority of Scripture. 8°. Oxf. 1831. Pdse and Early Progress of Christianity. 12°. Lond. 1850. The Three Temples of the One True God Contrasted. 8°. Oxf. 1830. Hinds, W. Harmonics of Physical Science. 16°. Lond. 1853. HiNEs, D. T. Life and Adventures, by Him- self. 12°. N.Y. 1840. HiNES, G. Oregon, its History and Pros- pects. 12°. Buffixlo. 1851. HiNKLEY, E. Prime Numbers and Factors, to 100,000. 8°. Bait. 1853. HiNMAN, R. R. Blue Laws of Connecticut and other States. 8°. Hartf. 1838. First Puritan Settlers of Connecticut. 8°. Hartf. 1846. Same, enlarged, v. 1. 8°. Hartf. 1852. Himnan Genealogy. 8°. n.p. 1856. ■ Historical Collections of Connecticut during the Revolution. 8°. Hartf. '42. Letters from English Kings and Queens to Governors of Connecticut. 12°. Hartf. 1836. HiNTON, J. H. History of the United States. 2v. 4°. Bost. 1834. Hints on the Art of Teaching Modern Lan- guages, etc. 16°. Lond. 1841. Hints to Both Parties on the Orders in Coun- cil. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1808. Hints on the Case of Canada. (P. 55.) 8°. Lond. 1838. Hints for Improvement of Early Education. 16°. Salem. 1826. Hints on Letter Writing. 18°. Lond. 1821. HippisLEY, G. Expedition to the Orinoco andApure. 8°. Lond. 1819. HiPPisLEY. J. H. Chapters in Early English Literature. 12°. Lond. 1837. Hippocrates. Works. Transl. by F. Adams. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1849. HiPSLEY, W. Equational Aiithmetic. 16°. Lond. 1852. HiRSCH, M. Literal Calcuhis and Algebra. 8°. Lond. 1827. Hirst, H. B. Book of Cage Birds. 12°. Phil. 1843. Eudymion. 12°. Bost. 1848. Penance of Roland, and Other Poems. 16°. Bost. 1849. Hirst, T. Music of the Church. 12°. Lond. 1841. HiRTius, A. Commentaries. See Caesar. Hiscox, E. T. Baptist Church Directory. 16°. N.Y. 1859. HisPANioLA, Hayti, St. Domingo. (P. (jo.) 8°. Lond. 1851. HisTOiRE du Cabinet des Tuillcries. See Alliance des Jacobins, etc. HiSTOiRE Populaire de la France, v. 1-2 in one. 8°. Paris. 1862. HisTOiRE du Systeme des Finances sous la Jlinoritd de Louis XV. 3 v. 16°. Hague. 1739. MEUCANTILE LIBRARY. 175 HisToiEE de Trente Heures, Fevrier, 1848. 16°. Paris. 1848. HisTOEiAS del Oriji,'en de los Indies de Gua- temala. Transl. by Ximeuez. 8"^. Lond. 1857. Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings; or, Biographical Review. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1807-12. HiSTOKic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings, with Memoirs. 2 v. 8°. Lond. n. d. HisTOEicAL Account of British Colonies in North America. 8°. Lond. 1775. HisTOEiCAL Account of Circumnavigation of the Globe. 16°. Edin. 1837. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1837. HisTOKicAL Account of Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1779. Historical Account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. 16°. Edin. 1840. Historical Illustrations of the Passions. 2 V. 8". 1825. Historical Letters, including a History of the World. 16°. Richm. 1812. Historical Magazine, and Notes and Queries. V. 1-8. 4°. Bost. and N.Y. 1857-64. Historical Outline of Amer. Colonization Society. (P. 68.) 8°. Bost. 1824. Historical Pictures of the Middle Ages. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1846. Historical Pocket Library. v. 1-4. 18°. Bost. 1818. Historical Register of the United States, 1812-14. 4v. 8°. Wash. 1814-16. Historical Sketch of Worcester County Me- chanics' Association. 12°. Wore. '61. Historical Society of Pennsylvania. See Pennsylvania Hist. Society. HisTORiscH-Genealogisch Calender fiir 1784. 32°. Leip. 1784. HisTORiscHES Gesellschaft der Wisconsin. . See Wisconsin, etc. History of America. 16^. Phil. 1808. History of American Naval Buttles. 12°. Bost. 1837. History of Banks. 16°. Bost. 1837. History of Buccaneers. 8\ Bost. 1856. History of City of Chester, Eng. 8°. Ches- ter. 1815. History of China. 12°. Lond. 1854. History of Congress, 1789-93. 8°. Phil. 1843. History of County of York, Eng. 2 v. 8°. Title wanting. History of Covenanters. 2 v. 18°. Edin. 1837. History of Evangelical Churches of New York. 18°. N.Y. 1839. History of Greek and Roman Philosophy and Science. 12°. Lond. 1853. History of Hebrew Monarchy. 8°. Lond. 1847. History of Indian Revolt, 1856-8. r.8°. Lond. 1859. History of a Little Frenchman and his Bank Notes. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1815. History of Napoleon's Expedition to Russia. 8°. Title wanting. History of the Negotiations on the N. E. Boundary. (P. 20.) 8°. N.Y. 1841. History of the Ottoman Empire. By S. Ja- cob, etc. 12°. Lond. 1854. History of the Polish Revolution. (P. 15.) 8°. N.Y. 1834. History of the Prime Ministers and Favor- ites in England. 12°. Lond. 1763. History of the Principal States of Europe, from Peace of Utrecht. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1826. History of the Protestant Church in Hun- gary. 12°. Bost. 1854. History of Prussia. 8°. Lond. 1756. History of Quadrupeds. 8°. Newcastle. 1791. History of the Railrojid Conflict in 84th Legislature of New Jersey. (P.) 8°. Trenton. 1860. History of Religion, and Principal Denomi- nations. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1744-64. History of Rise and Fall of South Sea Stock. (P. 39.) 8°. Lond. n.d. History of Silk, Cotton, Wool, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1845. History of the Two Acts; for the Safety of His Majesty, and for Preventing Sedi- tion. 8°. Lond. 1796. History of the War in America. 8°. Lond. 1780. History of Wonderful Inventions. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Hitchcock, D. K. Vindication of Russia and the Emperor Nicholas. 12°. Bost. 1844. Hitchcock, E. Discourse on Utility of Nat- ural History. (P.) 8°. Pittsfield. 1823. Dysjiepsia Forestalled and Resisted. 12°. Amherst. 1831. Elementary Geology. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Geological Reports. See Massachusetts. Geology and Revealed Religion. See Reynolds, E. Geology of the Globe. 8°. Bost. 1853. History of a Zoological Temperance Convention. 16°. Northamp. 1850. Life of Mary Lyon. 12°. Northamp. '52. 176 CATALOGUE OF THE Hitchcock, E. Religion of Geology. 12°, Bosfc. 1851. Religious Trutli, Illustrated from Sci- ence. 12^. Bost. 1857. Religious Lectures on the Four Seasons. 12°. Bost. 1853. Reminiscences of Amherst College. 12°, Northamp. 1863. Sermon to Mass. Home Miss. Societj', (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Sermon on Religious Bearing of Man's Creation. (F-) 8°. Albany. 1856. Hitchcock, E., and others. Report on Ge- ology of Vermont. See Vermont. Hitchcock, E. A. Alchemy and the Alche- mists. 12°. Bost. 1857. Christ the Spirit. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1861-3. Swedenborg a Hermetic Philosopher. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Hitchcock, R. D. Laws of Civilization; an Address. (F.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Our National Sin; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Thanksgiving Sermon, Sept. 11, 1864. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Hittell, J. S. Evidences against Chris- tianity. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Mining in the Pacific States. 16°. San Fr. 1861. New System of Phrenology. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Resources of 'California. 12°. San Fi\ 1863. Same. 12°. San Fr. 1865. Hittell, T. S. Adventures of J. C. Adams. 12°. Bost. 1861. , Hjort, H. S. Norsk Laesebog. 12°. Chris- tiania. 1854. HoADLY, C. J. Records of New Haven Colony. 2 v. 8°. Hartf. 1857-8. HoAKB. W. H. Ecclesiastical History before the Reformatioii. 16°. Lond. 1852. HoBAUT, J. H. Address at Funeral of Bishop Moore. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1816. Analysis of Butler s Analogy. 18°. N.X- 1848. Apology for Apostolic Order. 12°. N.Y. 1844^ Companion for the Altar. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Memorial of. 12° N.Y. 1831. Posthumous Works, with Memoir. 3 v. 8° N.Y. 1833. HoBBEs, J. R. Picture Collector's Manual. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1849. HoBBEs, T. Works, ed. by Molesworth. 11 V. 8°. Lond. 1839-44. HoBBES, T. On Human Nature, and on Lib- erty and Necessity. 16°. Lond. 1812. HoBHOusE, J. C. (.'••ee Beoughton, Lord. HoGEYN, R. D, Dictionarj^ of Medical Terms, 12°. Lond. 1835. Dictionary of Scientific Terms. 12°. Lond. 1849. i Manual of the Steam Engine. 16°. Lond. 1842. HoccLEVE, T, Poems. 4°. Lond. 1796. • HocKEN, E. O. Amaurosis and Amaurotic Affections. 8°. Phil. 1842. Hodge, A. A. Outlines of Theology. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Hodge, C. Commentary on Ephesians. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Last Hours of Albert B. Dod. (P.) 8°. Princeton, n.d. Sermon on Death of Mrs. M. Rice. (P.) 8°. Princeton. 1844. Way of Life. 18° Phil. 1841. Hodges, A. D. Hodges Genealogy. 8°. Bost. 1853. HoDGKiN, T. Morbid Anatomy of Serous and Mucous Membranes. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1838, Promoting and Preserving Health. 16**. Lond. 1841. HoDGSKiN, T. Popular Political Economy. 12°. Lond. 1827. Hqdgson, a. Journey through North Amer- ica. 8°. N.Y. 1823. Hodgson, J. Doctrine of Fluxions. 4°. Lond. 1736. Hodgson, W. French and English Grammar. 12°. Lond. 1818. Hodgson, W. Life and Letters of T. B. Gould. 12°. Phil. 1860. HoDSON, G. H. Memoir of Major Hodson. 12°. Bost. 1860. HoE (The), Designed to Uproot "The Bram- ble" of John Gregory. (P. 17.) 8°. Bost. 1836. HoFEB, E. Die Alten von Ruhneck. 12°. Stuttg. 1862. Ausgewiihlte Gcsellschaft. 12". Stiittg. 18G3. Die Honorationenstochter. 12°. Stiittg. 1861. Lorelei, 12°. Stiittg. 1862. In Siinden. 3 v. 8°. Vienna. 1863. Tolleneck. 3 v. in one. 18°. Vienna. 1864. Unter der Fremdherrschaft. 3 v. in two. 12°. Stiittg. 1863. Hoffmann, C. F. Administration of Leisler. See Sparks' Amer. Biog., 2d ser., v. 3. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. .177 Hoffman*, C. P. Echo; or, Borrowed Notes for Home Circulation. 8". Phil. 1844. Vi.Lfil of Faith, and Other Poems. 16^ N.Y. 1842. Winter in the West 2 v. IG^. N.Y. '35. Hoffmann, D. Chronicles of Cartaphilus. V. 1. r.8^. Lond. 1853. HoFFaiA.NN, E. T. W. Sammtliche Werke. 8^^. Paris. 1841. ~ — Contes Nocturnes. 12°. Paris. 1846. Contes Posthumes. French of Champ- fleury. 12°. Paiis. 1856. Hoffmann, M. Estate and Eights of New York City Corporation. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Hoffmann, W. The Monitor. 12°. N.Y. 1862. HoFLAND, airs. B. Young Pilgrim. 16°. N.Y. 1828. HoFLAND, T. C. British Angler's Manual. 12° Lond. 1848. HoGAN, ^. 8. Prize Essay on Canada. Also, Second Prize Essay, by A. Morris. 8°. Montr. 1855. HoGAN, W. Popery as it "NVas and Is. 8°. Hartf. 1854. Hoa ARTH, G. Me moirs of the Musical Drama. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1838. Musical History, Biography and Criti- cism. 2v. 16°. Lond. 1838. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1845. HoGAETH, W. Analysis of Beauty. 12°. Lond. n.d. Works; from the Original Plates. Atlas r. Lond. 1835-7. Hogarth Moralized; Select Works, with ex- planations by Trusler. 8°. Lond. 1841. HoGE, W. J. Sermon at Eesigning Pastorate of Brick Church. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Hogg, E. Visit to Alexandria, Damascus and Jerusalem. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1835. Hogg, J. Anecdotes of Sir W. Scott, with Memoir. 16°. N.Y. 1834. • Forest Minstrel. 18°. Phil. 1816. Poetical Works. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1825. — Same. 5 v. 16°. Glasg. n.d. Hogg, John. London as it Is. 16°. Lond. 1837. Hogg, T. J. Two Hundred and Nine Days on the Continent. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1827. Hogg's Instructor, v. 6. 8°. Ediu. 1856. HoLBACH, P., Baron d'. Moral Universal. 3 V. 12°. Valladolid. 1821. • Sisteraa de la Naturaleza. 18°. Paris. 1822. HoLBER(}, L. Life, by Himself. 18°. Lond. 1827. HoLBRooK, J. Ten Years among the Mail Bags. 12°. Phil. 1856. 12 HoLBEOOK, Josiah. Easy Lessong in Geome- try. (P. 47.) 24°. Bost. 1829. (Ed'r. ) Scientific Tracts, v. 2. 12°. Bost. 1832. HoLcx)MBE, J. P. Digest of Decisions of U.S. Supreme Court. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Leading Cases in Commercial Law. 8°. N.Y. 1847. HoLCROFT, T. Follies of a Day; a Comedy. (P. 72.) 8°. Lond. 1785. The Noble Peasant; a Comic Opera. (P. 72.) 8°. Lond. 1784. HoLDEN, F. A. Capron Genealogy. 12°. Bost. 1859. Holden's Dollar Magazine, v. 1, and 5-8. 8°. N.Y. 1848-51. HoLDicH, J. Sermon, on Pres. W. Fisk. (P.) 8°. Middletown. 1839. Holding, E. Homely Hints to Sunday School Teachers. 16°. N.Y. 1847. Holgate, J. B. American Genealogy. 4°. N.Y. 1851. Atlas of American History. f°. N.Y. 1842. Key to Historical Chart 8°. N.Y. '38. Present Age of the World and Prophecy. 12°. Albany. 1853. HoLiNSHED, R. Scottish Chronicle. 2 v. 4°. Arbroath. 1806. Holland, E. G. Essays, and a Drama. 12°. Bost. 1852. Holland, H. Chapters on Mental Physiol- ogy. 8°. Lond. 1852. Essays on Scientific Subjects. 8°. Lond. 1862. Holland, H. R., Lord. Foreign iJeminis- cences. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Lives of Lope de Vega and G. do Castro. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1817. Memoirs of the Whig Party, v. 1. 12°. Lond. 1852. Holland, J. Fossil fuel and the Coal Trade. 8°. Lond. 1835. Manufactures in Metal. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1831-4. Holland, John. Memoirs of Rev. J. Sum- merfield. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Holland, John, and E\'erett, J. Life and Writings of J. Montgomery. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1855. Holland, J. G. Bittersweet; a Poem. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1866. Gold Foil. 12°. N.Y. 1866. History of Western Massachusetts. 2 v. 12°. Springf. 1855. 178 CATALOGUE OF THE Holland, J. G. Lessons in Life. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Letters to the Joneses. 12°. N.Y. '64. Letters to Young People. 16°. N.Y. 1859. Life of Pres. Lincoln. 8°. Springf. '66. Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects. 12^. N.Y. 1866. Holland, Lady. Memoir of Eev. Sydney Smith. 2v. 12°, N.Y. 1855. Holland, W. M. Life and Opinions of Mar- tin Van Buren. 16°. Hartf. 1835. Hollaed, H. De I'Homme et des Eaces Hu- maines. 12°. Paris. 1853. HoLLEY, A. L. Treatise on Ordnance and Armor. 8°. N.Y. 1865. HoLLioK, F. Neuropathy. 18°. Phil. 1847. Rollings, J. F. Life of Cicero. 12°. Lond. 1839. Life of Gustavus Adolphus, 12°. Lond. 1838. HoLLiNGSHEAD, J. Underground London. 16° Lond. 1862. HoLLiNGSwoRTH, A. G. H. Holy Land Re- stored. 12°. Lond. 1849. HOLLINSHEAD, R. See HOLINSHED, E. HoLLis, T. Memoirs of. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1780. HoLLisTEB, G. H. History of Connecticut. 2 V. 8°. N. Haven. 1855. HoLLisTER, H. Hiatory of the Lackawanna Valley. 12°. N.Y. 1857. HoLLowAY, W. Dictionary of Provincialisms. 8° Lond. 1840. Holly, H. H. Designs for Country Seats, Churches, etc. r.8°. N.Y. 1863. HoLMAN, J. Travels in China, New Zealand, etc. 8°. Lond. 1840. Voyage round the World. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1834-5. Holmboe, M. C. a. Traces de Buddhisme en Norvege. 8°. Paris. 1857. Holmes, Abiel. Annals of America. 2 v. 8°. Camb. 1829. Holmes, D. Pure Gold; or, Truth in its Native Loveliness. 12°. Auburn. 1851. The Wesley Offering. 12°. Auburn. 1852. Holmes, E. Exploration of Aroostook Terri- tory. 8°. Augusta. 1839. Holmes, Edward. Life of Mozart. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Holmes, Edwin. Sermon on Death of F. H. Eathbone. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Holmes, J. S. Oration, July 5th, 1858. 8°. Bost. 1858. Holmes, O. W. Astrasa; a Poem. 12°, Bost. 1850. Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. 12°. Bost. 1858. — - Same. 12°. Bost. 1865. Currents and Counter-Currents in Medi- cal Science. 12°. Bost. 1861. Homoeopathy and Kindred Delusions, 12°. Bost. 1842. ■— Humorous Poems. 16°. Bost. 1865. Poems. 12°. Lond. 1846. — - Saiiie. 12°. Bost. 1853. Same. 18°. Bost. 1862. Professor at the Breakfast Table. 12''. Bost. 1860. ~ Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. — - Songs in Many Keys. 12°. Bost. 1864. ^ Soundings from the Atlantic. 12°. Bost. 1864. Urania; a Ehymed Lesson. (P.) 8^. Bost. 1846. Holmes, T. System of Surgery. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1860-4. Holmes, W. P. Sketches on the Shores of the Caspian. 8°. Lond. 1845. HoLSTEiN, H. L. V. D. Memoirs of Bolivar. 8°. Bost. 1830. Memoirs of La Fayette. 12°. N.Y. 1824. Holt, J. Adieu to People of Kentucky, and Letter to Wm. Speed. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1861. Letter on the IPolicy of the Government. (P.) 8°. Louisv. 1861. • Treason and its Treatment; an Address. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1865. HoLTHAUs, P. D. Wanderings of a Journey- man Tailor. 8°. N.Y. 1844. HoLTHOTJSE, H. J. New Law Dictionary. 12°. Phil. 1847. HoLTON, I. F. New Grenada. 8°. N.Y. 1857. HoLTZAPFFEL, C. Turning and the Lathe. V. 1-3. 8°. Lond. 1843-50. Holyoake, G. J. Public Speaking and De- bate. 12°. N.Y. 1853. HoMANS, J. S. Cycloj^cedia of Commerce. 8°. N.Y. 1858. HoMBKON, M. Aventures les plus Curieuses des Voyageurs. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1847. Home, Mr. Select Views in Mysore, 4°. Lond. 1794. Home, D. D. Incidents in my Life. 12^. N.Y. 1863. Home, John. Works, with Memoir. 3 v. 8° Edin. 1822. Home Ballads, by our Home Poets. 16°. N.Y. 1865. Home Book of the Picturesque. 4°. N.Y. '52. Home and Foreign Eecord of the Presby- terian Church. 8°. Phil. 1850. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 179 I Home and Foreign Review, v. 1-4. 8°. Lond. 18G2-4. Home Mission Record. v. 1-4. f°. N.Y. 1849-53. Home Missionary, v. 22-36. 8°. N.Y. 1850- 18G4. Home Pastimes, or Tableaux Vivants. 12°. Bost 1860. Home, a Poem. 16°. Bost 1806. Home Recreations; a Collection of Perils and Adventures. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Homer. Carmina, et Cycli Epici Reliquiae. (Greek and Latin.) ham. Journals. 12°. N.Y. 1825. Knight, E. P. Inquiry into Principles oi Taste. 8°. Lond. 1808. Landscape ; a Poem. 4°. Lond. 1794. Knight, Mrs. S. G. Tit-Bits. 12°. Bost. 1864. Knight, W. Oriental Outlines. 12°. Lond.; 1839. Knighton, Dorothea, Lady. Memoirs of Sii W. Knighton. 8°. Phil. 1838. Knighton, W. European Turkey. 12°. Loud. 1854. Knoepfel's Schoharie Cave. Account of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. Knoes, a. E. Schwedischen Kirchenverfas- sung. 8°. Stuttg. 1852. Knolles, R. Historie of the Turks. f° Lond. 1638. Knoering, Baroness. Peasant and his Land- lord. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Knowles, G. B. , and Westcott, F. Flora". Cabinet. 3 v. 4°. Lond. 1837-40. Knowles, Jas. English Dictionar}". 8°. Lond. 1845. Knowles, J. D. Memoir of Mrs. A. Judson. 12°. Bost. 1829. Memoir of Eoger Williams. 16°. Bost. 1834. Knowles, J. S. Daughter; a Play. 16°. N.Y. 1837. Dramatic Works. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 185< Elocutionist. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Idol demolished. 16°. Edin. 1851. r MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 205 KnovrLEs, J. S. Love-Chase. 12"*. N.Y. '38. Select Dramatic Works. 18°. Bait. 1835. Knowles, John. Life of Fuseli. 3 v. 8° Lond. 1831. Knowlton, Miner. Text Book of Military Academy. 4P. West Point. 1841. Knox, J. Journal of Campaigns in North America. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 17G9. Knox, f. P. History of St. Thomas, W. L 12°. N.Y. 1852. Knox, Capt. R. History of Ceylon. f°. Lond. 1681. Knox, R., M.D. Great Artists and Anato- mists. 12°. Lond. 1852. • Manual of Artistic Anatomy. 12^. Lond. 1852. ^lanual of Human Anatomy. 16°. Lond. 1853. Races of Men. 12°. Lond. 1850. i\ X, V. Christian Philosophy. 16°. Lond. 1835. Essays. 8°. Lond. IB27. Liberal Education. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1795. Winter Evenings. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1805. KoBELx,, F. von. Chemical Discrimination of Minerals. 8°. Glasgow. 1841. Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom. See ScHouw, J. F. Koch, C. W. Eevolutions de I'Europe. 4 v. 12°. Paris. 1814. Revolutions of Europe. 3 v. 8°. Edin. 1828. — ^Same. 8°. Lond. 1839. Koch, J. B. F. Memoires de Masseua. 7 v. 8°. Paris. 1848-50. Kohl, J, G. Kitschi-Gami. 12°. Bremen. 1859. Reisen in Canada, New Y'ork und Penn- sylvania. 8°. Stuttg. 1856. Reisen in Nordwesten der Vereinigten Staaten. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Kitchi-Gami. 8°. Lond. 1860. Lecture on a Chartographical Depot. (P.) 8° n.p. n.d. History of Discovery of America. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1862. Travels in Austria, etc. 8° Phil. 1844. Travels in Canada, New York, etc. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1861. Travels in England and Wales. 8°. Phil. 1846. Travels in Ireland. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Travels in Russia. 8°. Lond. 1848. Travels in Scotland. 8°. Phil. 1844. Kohlkausch, F. History of Germany. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Kolb, G. Fr. Vergleichenden Statistik der Volkerzustands- und Staatenkunde. 8°. Zurich. 1857. Kolnische Zeituug. July, 1849, to Dec, 1850. 3 v. f°. Cologne. 1849-50. KoNiG, T. Aus der Gegenwart. 2 v. 12°. Leip. 1855. KoNiGLicHE bayerische Akademie derWissen- schaften zu Miinchen. Sitzungsbe- richte. 3. v. 8°. Munich. 1863-64. KoEAN. See Mohammed. KoKNER, C. T. Sammtliche Werke. 8°. Ber- lin. 1838-9. Con-espondence with Schiller. See SCHILLEE, F. Life and Writings. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1827. KoKTUM, C. A. Jobsiad. Transl. by C. T. Brooks. 12°. Phil. 1863. Kossuth, L. In New England, and Speeches. 8°. Bost. 1852. Select Speeches. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Life of. 12°. N.Y. 1851. KosT, J. Practice of Thorn sonian Medicine. 8°. Mt. Vernon, O. 1847. KosTEB, H. Travels in Brazil. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1817. KoszTA (The) Correspondence. (P. 40.) 8°. n.p. n.d. KoTZEBUE, A. von. Dramas, in Greek. 12°. Vienna. 1801. Life, by himself. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1830. Travels in Italy. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1806. Same. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1806. KoTZEBUE, M. von. Journey into Persia. 8°. Phil. 1820. KouBEAKiEWicz, M. Rcvclations of Austria. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1840. KovATsi, R. B. de. Adventures. 12°. Roch. 1855. KE.UTSIE, C. V. Poles in the United States. 18°. Phil. 1837. Keajtsik, K. (Same as preceding.) Bio- graphical Sketch of. 8°. n.p. n.d. Keamee, M. Italiiinische Grammatica. 12°. Nuremberg. 1753. Keamee, W. Diseases of the Ear. 8°. Lond. 1837. Same. 8°. Phil. 1838. Keapf, J. L. Travels in Eastern Africa. 12°. Bost. 1860. Keasinski, V. Polish Question. 8°. Lond. 1855. 206 CATALOGUE OF THE Krasinski, v. Eeligious History of Slavonic Nations. 16°. Lond. 1849. Same. 8° Edin. 1851. Krauth, C. p. The Bible Perfect; an Ad- dress. (P.) n.p. 1852. Sunday Service, by Liturgies of tlie Beformation. (P.) S°. Gettysburg. 1853. Kbebs, J. M. Address to Literary Societies of Lafoyette College. (T?. 42.) 8°. Easton. 1847. Kbider, J. Sporting Anecdotes. 8°. Phil. 1853.. Kbummachee, F. a. Parables. 18°. Lond. 1824. Same. 12°. Lond. 1854. Krummacher, F. W. Elijah the Tishbite. 16°. N.Y. 1847. Last Days of Elisha. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Martyr Lamb. 16°. N.Y. 1849. Krusensteen, a. J. de. Life of. 8°. Lond. 1826. KuoLER, F. Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte. 2v. 8^ Stuttg. 1856-58. Kleine Schriften und Studien zur Kunst- geschichte. 8°. Stuttg. 1853. Pictorial History of Germany. 8°. Lond. 1845. KuHNER, E. Greek Grammar. 12°. N.Y. '43. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Latin Grammar. 12°. Bost. 1851. KiJRNBERGER, F. Dcr Amerika-Miide. 12°. Frankf. 1855. Kurtz, J. H. Manual of Sacred History. 12°. Phil. 1855. KiJSTEL, G. Processes of Silver and Gold Extraction. 8°. San Fr. 1863. Kyan, J. H. Elements of Light. 8°. Lond. 1838. Labanoef, a. Lettres de Marie Stuart. See Mary, Queen of Scots. Labarte, J. Arts of the Middle Ages. 8°. Lond. 1855. La Bedollieue, fi. de. Les Metiers et Pro- fessions de France. 8°. Paris. 1842. Labillardiere, J. J. Voyage a la Ee'cherche delaPerouse. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1800. Voyage in search of La Pe'rouse ; with 4°. vol. of Plates. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1800. Labitte, C. See Satyre Menippee. XiABORDE, A. L. J. de. Jardins et Chateaux de la France. f°. Paris. 1808. View of Spain. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1809. Laboede, L. E. S. p. J. de. Commentaire Geographique sur I'Exode et les Nom- bres. f°. Paris. 1841. Laborde, L. E. S. p. J. de. Journey through Arabia, etc. 8°. Lond. 1836. La Borde, M. History of South Carolina College. 8°. Columbia, S.C. 1859. Laboulaye, E. L'£tat et ses Limites, etc. 16°. Paris. 1865. Etudes Morales etPolitiques. 8°. Paris. 1862. Le Parti Liberal. 16°. Paris. 1861 Paris in America. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Separation War without End. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Why the North Cannot Accept Separa- tion. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. La Bruyere, J. de. Les Caracteres. 2 v. in one. 18°. Paris. 1829. Same. 12°. Paris. 1844. La Chaussise, N. de. Comedies. See Eepee- TOIEE General, etc. Lackington, J. Life of, by himself. 18°. Lond. 1830. Lacombe, C. M. de. Henri IV. et sa poli- tique. 12°. Paris. 1860. La Monarchic en Europe, v. 1. 8°. Paris. 1853. La Condamine, C. M. de. Voj-age a I'^fiqua- teur. 4°. Paris. 1751. Laconics, or, Best Words of the Best Au- thors. 3 v. 12°. Phil. 1829. Same. 3 v. 18°. Lond. 1840. Lacordaire, a. L. Les Manufactures de Tapisserie des Gobelins, etc. 8°. Paris. 1853. Lacroix, M. Pe'rou et Bolivie. See Laee- NAUDIEEE. Lacroix, P. F. de. Constitutions of Europe and the United States. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1792. L'Histoire de la Ee'volution de St. Domi- nique. 2 V. 8°. Paris. 1820. Lacroix, S. F. Arithmetique. 8°. Paris. 1830. Calcul Diffe'rential et Integral. 8°. Paris. 1820. . Calcul des Probabilites. 8°. Paris. 1822. Complement des £le'mens dAlgebre. 8°. Paris. 1817. :6leme-ns dAlgebre. 8°. Paris. 1825. Geometric. 8°. Paris. 1830. Trigonometric. 12°. Paris. 1827. Elements of Algebra. Also, Legendre's Elements of Geometry. 8°. Bost. 1831. Lacroix, S. F., and Bezout, E. Trigonom- etry and Algebra applied to Geometry. Also, Farrar's Elementary Trigonom- etry. 8°. Bost. 1833. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 207 La. Curne de St. Palaye, J. B. History of the Troiibadours. 8''. Lond. 1771. Life of Froissart. 12''. Loud. 1801. Lacy, Capt. Modern Shooter. 8°.» Lond. 1842. Ladd, J. B. Literaiy Remains, with Life. 12°. N.Y. 1832. Ladies' Companion, v. 7-20, and new ser. , v. 1.8°. N.Y. 1837-44. Ladies' Repository, v. 24. 8°. Cine. 1864. Ladreyt, C. Chrestomathie de la Littdra- ture Fran9aise. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Repertoire de Litterature Fran9aise. 12°. Phil. 1842. Study of French Simplified. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Lady's Magazine, v. 10-11. 8°. Lond. 1837. ■ Same. See Court and Lady's Magazine. LafaeCxE, M. Autobiography. 12°. Phil. 1841. Lafayette, G. M. de. Memoires et Corre- spondance. 6 v. 8°. Paris. 1837. ^Memoirs and Correspondence, v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1837. Speech on Censorship of Press. (P. 10.) 8°. N.Y. 1824. Qatayette. Historical Sketches of. 18°. N.Y. 1824. jatayette. Life of. 16°. N.Y. 1824. jATayette. Pictorial Life of. 12°. Phil. 1847. jatayette College. Inauguration of Presi- dent Junkin. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1834. iATEVER, M. Arphitectural Instructor. 4°. N.Y. 1856. jAFitau, J. F. Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais. 2 v. 4°. Paris. 1733. — McEurs des Sauvages Am^riquains. 2 v. 4°. Paris. 1724. il FoNTAixE, J. de. Fables Choisies, f°. Paris. 1755-9. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1810. — Theatre. 18°. Paris. 1823. — Fables. 8°. Lond. 1842. Present for the Young (Fables). Bost. 1839. lA GiRONiiiRE, p. p. de. Twenty Years in the Philippines. 12°. N.Y. 1854. AONT, G. de. The Knout and the Russians. 12°. N.Y. 1854. IQEANGE de Chancel, J. de. Tragedies. See Repertoire General, etc. A Gbaviere, J. de. Guerres Maritimes de France. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1847. — Souvenirs d'un Amiral. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 18G0. '!| — ^Voyage en Chine. 12°. Bmx. n.d. 4 GtjJeronniere, a. de. La France, Rome, et ritnlie. 8°. Paris, 1861. 4v. 18= 2t. 16= 8° La Guebonniere, A. de. Les Hommes d'£tat de I'Angleterre au XlXme Sie- cle. 12°. Paris. 1855. Napoleon III 12°. Lond. 1853. La Harpe, J. F. de. Lyce'e, ou Cours de * Litterature. 18 v. 8°. Paris. 1815. Same. 16 v. 8°. Paris. 1827-29. La Hodde, L. de. History of Secret Societies. 8°. Phil. 1856. La Hontan, N. de. Nouveaux Voyages dans I'Ame'rique Septentrionale. 2 v. in one. 16°. LaHaye. 1703. New Voyages to North America. 8°. Lond. 1735. Laing, S. German-Catholic Church. Lond. 1846. Journal of Residence in Norway. Lond. 1836. (Transl.) Heimskringla. From the Ice- landic. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1844. Social and Political State of Denmark, etc. 8°. Lond. 1852. Social and Political State of France, Prussia, etc. 8°. Lond. 1842. Social and Political State of Europe. 8°. Lond. 1850. Tour in Sweden.' 8°. Lond. 1839. Laibd, M., and Oldfield, R. A. K. Expe- dition into Interior of Africa. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Laird of Logan; or, Scottish Wit. 16°. Glasgow. 1841. Laxande, J. J. de. Astronomie des Dames. ^ee Fontenelle, B. le B. de. La Plu- ralite des Mondes. Lallemakd, M. Treatise on Spermatorrhcea. 8°. Phil. 1861. Lallerstedt, G. La Scandinavie. 12°. Pa- ris. 1856. Lalor, J. Money and Morals. 8°. Lond. 1852. Lalor, T. M. Law of Property in New York State. 8°. N.Y. 1855. La Marck, a. M. R. de. See Correspon- DANCE entre ]\Iirabeau, etc. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de. Histoire Naturelle. 9v. 8°. Paris. 1835-8. Lamartine, M. L. a. Prat de. (Euvres. 14 V. 8°. Paris. 1847-49. Same. 4 v. 18°. Brux. 1834-6. Same. 14 v. 8°. Paris. 1847-9. Les Confidences. 8°. Paris. 1849. Les Constituants. 4 v. 12°. Brux. '54. Cours Familier de Litterature. 4 v. 8°. Paris. 1856-7. ___- Fior d'Aliza. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Genevieve. 8°. Paris. 1851. iM 208 CATALOGUE OF THE Lamaettne, M. L. a. Prat de. Harmonies Poetiques et Religieuses. 2 v. 18°. Brux. 1834. Histoire des Girondins. 8 v. 8°. Paris. 1847. Histoire de la Restauration. 8 v. £". Paris. 1851-2. Same. 8 v. 16°. Paris. 1851-2. Histoire de la Russie. 8°. Paris. 1855. Histoire de la Turquie. 4 v. 8°. Paris. 1855. Jocelyn. 2 v. 18°. Brux. 183G. Raphael. 8°. Paris. 1849. Le Tailleur de Pierres de Saint-Point. 8°. Paris. 1851. Toussaint L'Ouverture. 8°. Paris. '50. Trois Mois an Pouvoir. 12°. Paris. '48. ■ Voyage en Orient. 2 v. 1G°. Paris. 1843. Atheism among the People. (P.) 12°. Bost. 1850. Confidential Disclosures. 12°. N.Y. '49. England in 1850. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. History of Girondists. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1847-8. Same. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1849. Same. v. 1. 12°. Lond. 1863. History of the Restoration. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1851-3. ■ Same. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. 1851-3. History of Turkey. 3 v. 12°. N.Y. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. N.Y. 1860. Memoirs of Celebrated Characters. 8° Lond. 1854. Same. 12°. Loud. 1854. Same. 3 v. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Pilgrimage to Holy Land. Phil. 1835. Stone Mason of Saint-Point. 1851. Three Months in Power. 16°. Lond. 1848. (Ed'r.) Narrative of Fatalla Sayeghir. 12°. Phil. 1836. Lamb, C. Works. 8°. Lond. 1840. Prose Works. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1835. Same. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1849-50. Eliana. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Essays of Elia. See Repuelic of Letters, V. 3. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Letters, with Life. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1837. '55. 18°. 2v. 2v. 12= 12°. N.Y. Lamb, C. Letters, with Life. 12°. Lond. 1849. Literary Sketches, etc. ; Final Memori- als^ 12°. N.Y. 1848. Poems. See Rogees, S. | Same. 16°. Lond. 1836. .| Rosamund Gray, etc. 16°. Lond. 1849. Specimens of English Dramatic Poets. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1835. Same. 2 parts in one v. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Lamb, E. B. Ancient Domestic Architecture. f°. Lond. 1840. Lamb, J. Hebrew Characters Derived from Hieroglyphics. 8°. Lond. 1835. Lamb, R. Journal during the American War. 8°. Dubl. 1809. Lamballe, M. T. L., Princesse de. Secret I Memoirs of the Royal Family of France. 8°. Phil. 1826. Lambe, Wm. Water and Vegetable Diet in Consumption, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Lambert, E. R. History of New Haven. 12°. N. Haven. 1838. Lambeet, J. Book Keeping. 8°. Lond. 1812. Travels in Canada and the United States. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1810. Lambeet, T. S. Human Physiologj^ etc, 12°. N.Y. 1865. La Mennais, H. F. de. ASaires de Rome, 16°. Brux. 1837. CEuvres Completes, 10 v. 12°. Paris. 1844. Lamont, J. Seasons with the Sea-Horses. 8°. Lond. 1861. Lamothe-Langon, ;fi. L. de. Evenings witl Prince Cambacerc's. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1838. Same. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1838. Lamoueoux, J. V. F. Cours £lementaire d( Geographic. 8°. Paris. 1829. Lampadius, W. a. Life of Mendelssohn 12°. N.Y. 1865. Lamping, C, and Feakce, M. de. French ii Algiers. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Lamson, a. Church of the First Three Cen turies. 8°. Bost. 1865. Lancastee, D. History of Gilmanton, N. H 8°. Gilmanton. 1845. Lancastee, J. Autobiography. (2d copy, P 14.) 8°. N. Haven. 1833. Improvements in Education. 16°. N.l'! 1807. Lancaster, Harrisburg, Lebanon, and YorL Directories, 1863-4. 12°. Jersey Citj 1863. \ MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 209 Lance, W. East Indian, Colonial and United States Securities. (P.) 4". Lond. 1857. Lancelot, C. Method of Learning Greek. 12°. Lond. 1749. Method for Learning Latin." 2 v. 8"^. Lond. 1758. Lancet (The). See London Lancet. Lanci, M. Hieroglj^hes figj'ptiens. 8°. Paris. 1847. Land we Live in; or, the British Empire. V. 1. r.8°. n.d. Land of Powhatan ; a Poem. 18''. Bait. 1821. Landais, N. Dictionnaire Fran9aise. 2 v. S''. Paris, n.d. Landelle, G. de la. L'ificole de la Vie. 8°. N.Y. 1865. La Meillenre Part. 12°. Paris. 1863. Landeb, K and J. Niger Expedition. 2 v. 18° N.Y. 1832. Same. 2. v. 18°. N.Y. 1837. Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1838. ^ ".nt)er, Sarah W. Spectacles for Young Eyes. Berlin. 16°. Bost. 1865. — Same. Moscow. 16°. Bost. 1864. Same. Rome, 16°. Bost. 1866. Landis, R. W. Liberty's Triumph; a Poem. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Landon, E. H. Councils of Catholick Church. 12°. Lond. 1846. General Ecclesiastical Dictionary, v; 1. 12°. Lond. 1849. Landon, L. E. Golden Violet. 18°. Phil. 1827. Poems. 8°. Phil. 1841. Vow of the Peacock, and Other Poems. 18°. Lond. 1825. Same. 16°. Lond. 1835. Landon, L. E. Genius of. 12°. Lond. 1841. Landoe, E. W. Adventures in Northern Eu- rope. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1836. Landor, E. W. The Bushman. 8°. Lond. 1847. Landor, W. S. Works. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1846. Citation of Shakspeare for Deer Stealing. etc. 12°. Lond. 1834. Imaginary Conversations. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1826-29. (Ed'r.) Letters on Russia and Revolu- tion. 16°. Lond. 1854. Poems. 12°. Lond. 1831. • ■ Popeiy ; British and Foreign. (P.) 16°. Bost. 1851. Selections from, by G. S. Hillard. 12°. Bost. 1856. - — Pericles and Aspasia. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1836. 14 Landor, W. S. Pericles and Aspasia. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1839. Landsborough, D. History of British Sea Weeds. 12°. Lond. 1849. Landseer, J. Lectures on Engraving. 8°. Lond. 1807. Landt, G. Feroe Islands. 8°. Lond. 1810. Lane, B.J. Mysteries of Tobacco. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Responses on Tobacco. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Lane, E. W. Modern Egyptians. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1836. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1836. (Ed'r.) Selections from the Kur-An. See Mohammed. (Tr.) Thousand and One Nights. See Arabian Nights, etc. Lane, *J. C. Report on Uniting Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. (P. 66.) 8°. N.Y. 1855. Lane, R. J. Life at the Water Cure. 12°. Lond. 1846. LAirFRANcus.g(Abp.) Opera Omnia. 2 V. 8°. Oxf. 1844. Lang, J. D. Cooksland in Australia. 12°. Lond. 1847. History of New South Wales. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1834'. Histoi-y of Polynesian Nations. 12°. Lond. 1834. Lang, W. History of Mesmerism. 16°. Edin. 1843. Langdon, W. B. Catalogue of Chinese Col- lection. 8°. Lond. 1843. Langb, J, P. Gospel of Matthew, with Com- mentary. From German by P. Schafl^ 8°. N.Y. 1865. Lange, M. Neuer Schachpartien. 12°. Leip. 1857. PaulMorphy. (German.) 8°. Leip. 1859. PaulMorphy. 12°. Lond. 1860. Langford, R. Introduction to Trade. 8°. Lond. 1832. Same. 12°. Lond. n.d. Merchants' Accounts; or, Book-keeping. 8°. Lond. 1838. Langford, J. A Religion and Education in Relation to the People. 16°. Lond. 1852. Langhorne, J. Poems. See British Poets, V. 30. Langley, L. Principia Saxonica. 16°. Lond. 1839. Langsdorff, G. H. von. Travels. 8°. Phil. 1817. Langstroth, L. L. Hive, and Honey-bee. 12°. Northampton, Mass. 1853. 210 CATALOGUE OF THE Langtoft, p. Chronicle. See Heaene, T. Langteee, S. D. Catalogue of Library of. 8°. Wash. 1842. Language; Its Connection with Man's Con- dition and Prospects. 12°. Prov. '36. Language of Flowers. 24°. N.Y. 1847. Lankesteb, E. (Ed'r.) Memorials of John Eay. 8°. Lond. 1846. Lankestee, E., Poetee, J. K., etc. Vege- table Substances for Food and Manu- facture. 3 V. 12°. Lond. 1829-33. Lanman, C. Adventures in the Wilds of United States and Canada. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1856. Dictionary of Congress. 8°. Phil. 1859. Haw-ho-noo ; or Records of a Tourist. 12°. Phil. 1850. Letters from the Alleghany Mountains. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Letters from a Landscape Painter. 16°. Bost. 1845. Private Life of D. Webster. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Summer in the Wilderness. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Tour to the Saguenay. 12°. Phil. 1848. Lanman, J. H. History .of Michigan. 8°. N.Y. 1839. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1841. Lansdowne, G. Granville, Lord. Poems. See Beitish Poets, y. 17. Lanzi, L. History of Painting in Italy. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1827-8. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 183L La Peeouse, J. F. G. de. Voyage round the World. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1799. Lapham, J. A. Wisconsin; its Geography, etc. 12°. Milwaukee. 1846. Laplace, A. B. Les Soirc'es d'£te. 16°. Pa- ris. 1863. La Place, P. A. de. Eomans et Contes. 8 v. 8°. Paris. 1788. La Place, P. S. de. Essai sur les Probabili- tes. 8°. Paris. 1814. Mecanique Celeste. Transl. by N. Bow- ditch. 4v. 4°. Bost. 1829-30. Illustrations of Celestial Mechanics. 8°. Lond. 1832. La Placette, J. de . Death of the Righteous. 18°. N.Y. 1833. Nouveaux Essais de Morale. 4 v. 16°. " Amst. 1697. La Poete, M. de. La Science des Ndgocians. obi. Paris. 1792. Same. obi. Paris. 1798. Lappenbeeg, J. M. History of England. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1845. Lapeade, J. de. En France et en Turquie. 16°. Paris. 1863. Laednee, D. (Ed'r). Cabinet Cyclopaedia, See the Separate Works. Elements of Geometry. See Euclid. Great Exhibition of 1851. 12°. Lond. 1852. Handbooks of Philosoph;' and Astrono- my'. 3v. 12°. Phil. 1851-54. Same. Third Course, v. 3. 16°. Lond. 1853. Lectures on Science and Ait. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Lectures on Steam Engine. 12°. N.Y. 1828. Railway Economy. 12°. Lond. 1850. Treatise on Arithmetic. 16°. Lond. '34. Treatise on Geometry. 16°. Lond. 1840. Treatise en Heat. 16^. Lond. 1833. Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneumat- ics. 16°. Lond. 1831. Laednee, D., and Walkee, C.V. Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, etc. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1841-44. Laednee, N. Credibility of Gospel History. 15 V. 8°. Lond. 1730-57. Same, v. 1. 12°. Lond. 1734. Laeenaudieee, M. de. Mexique et Guate- mala. 8°. Paris. 1847. Lakke, J. K. Gen. Grant and his Cam- paigns. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Laekin, J. Brass and Iron Founder's Guide. 16°. Phil. 1853. Laeoche, B. Abolition de I'Esclavage dans les Colonies Fran9aises. 8°. Paris. 1851. La Rochefoucauld, L. F. A. F., Duo de. Voyage dans les l^tats-Unis. 8 v. in four. 8°. Paris. 1799. Travels in United States. 4°. Lond. 1799. La Roche Jaquelein, Marquise de. Auto- biography of. 12°. Phil. 1816. Same. 16°. Phil. 1827. La Roque, J. de. Voyage to Arabia Felix. 16°. Lond. 1826. La Roquette, M. de. Notice Biographique du Professeur Keilhau. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1858. Laeea, M. J. de. Obras de Figaro. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1857. Lasa, J. H. von der. Leitfaden fiir Schach- spieler. 8°. Berlin. 1857. Las Casas, B. de. Spanish Discoveries in! America. 12°. Lond. 1699. Las Cases, M. J. E. D. Memorial de Saintf He'lene. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1842. MERCANTILK LIBRART. 211 JCiAS Cases, M. J. Napoleon. Same. 16^. Same. 12°. Same. 12°. Laspee, H. do. La Sekre, R. de. Last E. D. Life and Exile of 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1823. Loud. 1836. N.Y. 1855. N.Y. 18G2. Calisthenics. 8°. Lond. n.d. Histoire de I'Entre'e de la Eeine Mere, etc. See Perlin, E. Days of Eminent Christians. 16°. Edin. 1841. Lasteyeie, C. p. de. History of Confession. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1848. Late Occurrences in North America, etc. (P. 60.) 8°. Lond. 1766. Late Regulations respecting American Colo- nies. (P. 60.) 8°. Lond. 1765. Latest Revised Sound Tariff. 12°. Copen- hagen. 1821. Latham, R. G. Descriptive Ethnology. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1859. ■ Elements of Philology. 8°. Lond. '62. English Language. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same. 8°. Lond. 1848. Essays on Philology, etc. 8°. Lond. 1860. Ethnology of British Colonies, etc. 16°. Lond. 1851. Germania of Tacitus. See Tacitus. — '— Man and his Migrations. 16°. Lond. 1851. Native Races of Russian Empire. 12°. Lond. 1854. Natural History of the Varieties of Man. 8°. Lond. 1850. Latheop, J. Sermon, Thanksgiving. (P. 53.) 8°. Bost. 1775. Latilla, E. Treatise on Fresco Painting, etc. 8°. Lond. 1842. < Latimer, H. Sermons and Life of. 12°. Bost. 1832. Latouk, S. de. Life of Scipio Africanus. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1787. Lateobe, B. H. Anecdotes of Frederick II. 12°. Lond. 1788. Latrobe, C. J. Rambler in Mexico. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Rambler in North America. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Lateobe, J. H. B. History of Mason and Dixon's Line; an Address. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1855. Latude, H. M. de. Autobiography of. 12°. Dubl. 1834. Laxjrance, J. Geology in 1835. 12°. Lond. 1835. ^^B EL Hill Cemetery. 1844. Guide to. 8°. Phil. Laurent de I'Ardeche, P. M. Histoire de I'Empereur Napole'on. 8°. Paris. 1840. Laurent, J. C. M. German Grammar. 12°. Lond. 1847. Laurent, P. E. Tour in Greece. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1823. Laurie, J. Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Homoeopathic Practice of Physic. 8®. Lond. 1847. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Laurie, R., & Whittle, J. East India Pilot* 2v. f°. Lond. 1797. General Atlas. 4°. Lond. 1807. Laurie, S. S. Abridgment of Minutes of Committee of Council of Education. 16°. Edin. 1856. Laurie, T. Dr. Grant and the Mountain Nes- torians. 12°. Bost. 1853. Laurie, W. F. B. Second Burmese War. 12°. Lond. 1853. Lavallee, T. Histoire des Fran9ais. 4 v. 12°. Paris. 1847. La Varenne, C. de. Les Autrichiens et ritalie. 16°. Paris. 1858. Lavater, J. C. Essays on Physiognomy. 4 V. 8°. Lond. 1804. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1818. Lavaysse, M. Venezuela, Trinidad, etc. 8°. Lond. 1820. Laveegne, a. de. L'Aine de la Famille. 16°. Paris. 1863. Le Chevalier du Silence. 16°. Paris. 1864. Laveegne, Leon^e de. Rural Economy of England, etc. 8°. Edin. 1855. Lavoisiee, a. L. Elements of Chemistry. 2 V. in one. 8°. N.Y. 1806. Lavoisne, C. V. Historical, Chronological and Geographical Atlas. f°. Phil. 1821. Lavollee, C. La Chine Contemporaine. 12°. Paris. 1860. Law, H. Civil Engineering. Part 1. 16°. Lond. 1848. Law, W. Address to the Clergy. 16°. Phil. 1856. Law Association of Philadelphia. Catalogue of Library. 8°. Phil. 1861. Law Magazine, v. 3 and 4. 8°. Lond. 1857. Law Register. See Livingston, J. Law of Special Reprisals. (P.) 8°. n.p. '58. Lawrence, Abbott. Letters to Mr. Rives. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1846. Lawrence, Amos. Diary, Correspondence, and Life. 8°. Bost. 1856. Lawrence, Edwin. Xamayca, a Poem. 16°. Lond. 1847. 212 CATALOGUE OF THE Lawrence, Eugene, Lives of British Histo rians. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Laweence, F. Life of H. Fielding. 12°, Lond. 1855. Laweence, H. Border and Bastille. 8°, N.Y. 1863. Laweence, I. Lawrence Genealogy. 8°. Al- bany. 1853. Genealogy of Family of J. Lawrence. 8°. Bost. 1857. Laweence, M. W. Memoir of Mrs. Hamlin. 12°. Bost. 1854. Laweence, T. Lawrence Genealogy. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Laweence, W. Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, etc. 8°. Lond. 1822. Same. 12°. Lond. 1838. Same. 12°. Lond. 1848. Laweence, W. B. Address to Academy of Fine Arts. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1825. Address on History of Nev/ Jersey. (P. 42.) 8°. Somerville, N. J. 1843. Discourses on Political Economy. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Institutions of the United States. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1832. Lectures on Political Economy. (P. 13. ) 8°. N.Y. 1832. - — Visitation and Search. 8°. Bost. 1858. Laweence Academy, Groton, Mass. Jubilee. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Laweence, Mass., Directory. 16°. Lawrence. 1854. Laws of Etiquette. 24°. N.Y. 1836. Lawson, J. Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Lawson, J. P. Remarkable Conspiracies. 2 V. 16°. Edin. 1829. Lawson's Merchant's Magazine, v. 2. 8°. Lond. 1853. For continuation of same, see Meechant's Magazine, etc. Lawson, T. (Ed'r.) Army Meteorological Eegister. See United States. Lav/son, W. J. History of Banking. 8°. Lond. 1850. Lawton, H. a. Elodie and Other Poems. 12'^. Lond. 1848. Lay, G. T. Chinese as They Are. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same. (P. 40.) 8°. Albany. 1843. Claims of Japan and Malaysia. 2 v. 12^ N.Y. 1839. Layaed, A. H. Discoveries in Nineveh, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Nineveh and its Remains. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Same. 2 v. in one. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Same. 2 y. 8°. Lond. 1849. Lea, Lea, Layaed, A. H. Nineveh and its Eemains. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Same, abridged. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Layman (A). Review 6f Duffield on Apostolic Succession. (P. 21.) 8°. Detroit. 1842. Lays and Ballads from English History, etc. 16°. Lond. 1845. Lays of the Minnesingers. 12°. Lond. 1825. Lazaexjs, M. E. Comparative Psychology. v. 1. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Human Trinity; or, Three Aspects of Life. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Trinity Analyzed and Hlustrated. 8°. N.Y. 1851. I. New Red Sandstone of Pennsylvania. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1856. . L , and others. Check Lists of Shells of North America. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1860. Leach, "W. E. MoUusca of Great Britain. 8°. Lond. 1852. Leadbeatee, M. Leadbeater Papers. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1862. Leader (The), v. 5, 7, 8. 4°. Lond. 1854-57. Leake, L Q. Life of Gen. J. Lamb. 8°. Al- bany. 1850. Leake, W. M. Researches in Greece. 4 Lond. 1814. Topography of Athens. Tour in Asia Minor. 8 Travels in the Morea. 1830. Lear, E. Journal of an Artist in Calabria 8°. Lond. 1852. Leavitt, T. H. Facts about Peat. 8°. Bost. 1865. Leavitt & Co. ' Catalogue of Books for sale (P. 56.) 8°. Title wanting. ]|E Bas, C. W. Life of Cranmer. 2 v. 16' N.Y. 1833. Life of Wiclif. 16°. N.Y. 1832. Le Bas, P. Histoire des Tem.ps Modernes 2 V. 12°. Paris. 1842 Lebeau, C. Histoire du Bas-Empire. 21 "x 8°. Paris. 1824-36. Le Boys des Guays, J. E. Letters to a Ma of the World. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Le Beethon, J. J. P. Guide to the Frenc Language. 8°. Lond. 1837. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Le Beun. See Pigault Le Brun. Lebeun, p. (Euvres. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 184 Lebeun's Manuel Complet du Voyageur da) Paris. 24°. Paris. 1830. Le Beuyn, C. Voyage au Levant. 5 v. ■ Rouen. 1725. Travels in Muscovy, Persia, etc. 2 f°. Lond. 1737. 3°. Lond. 1821. Lond. 1824. 3 V. 8°. Lond. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 213 Le Beuyn, C. Voyage to the Levant. f°. Lond. 1702.' Lechfoed, T. ritxin Dealings; News from New Eiiglima. 12^. Lond. 1642. Lecky, W. E. H. History of Rationalism in Europe. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 18G6. Le Clerc, J. Lives of Primitive Fathers. 12°. Lond. 1701. Lecomte, F. War in the United States. 12°. N.Y. 18G3. Lecomte, J. Secrets de Famille Ghita. 16°. Paris. 1863. Le Comte, L. Travels in China. 8° Lond. 1737. Le Conte, J. Address to Graduates of Medical CoUege of Georgia. (P.) 8°. Augusta, Ga. 1849. Le Conte, J. L. Classification of North American Coleoptera. Parti. (P.) 8°. 1861-2. Description of some New Insects. (P. ) 8°. n.p. 1844. — Monogi-aphy of North American His- teroides. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1845. Synopsis of Cleridre. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Lecoq, H. Geographie Physique, etc. 8°. Paris. 1836. Lecount, p. Treatise on Eailways. 12°. Edin. 1839. 'Lectures on Condition of the People. 12°. Glasgow, n. d. Lectures on Corporations and Personal Property. (P. 48.) 8°. Albany. 1851. Lectures on Evidences of Christianity. 8°. Phil. 1855. Lectures on Evidences of Christianity, at the University of Virginia. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects. 12°. Camb. 1858. Lectures on Painting, by Barry, Opie and Fuseli. Ed. by E. N. Wornum. 12°. Lond. 1848. Lectures on Results of the Exhibition of 1851. (1st and 2d ser.) 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1852-3. ^ Ledderhose, C. F. Life of P. Melancthon. 12°. Phil. 1855. Ledrede, R. de. Trial of Dame Alice Kyteler. See Camden Society. Lee, Alex. Chemical Diagrams. 12°. Lond. 1833. Lee, Alf. Life of the Apostle Peter. 16°. N.Y. 1852. ■ Life of Susan Allibone. 8°. Phil. 1854. t Vindication of the Coiirt of Bishops at Camden, N. J. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1854. Lee, Maj.-Gen. C. Life and Letters. 12°. N.Y. 1792. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1813. Proceedings on Court-Martial of. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Lee, Chas. Elements of Geology. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Lee, E. B. Life of J. P. F. Eichter. 12°. Bost. 1864. Life of Eev. J. Buckminster and his Son. 12°. Bost. 1849. Lee, G. Two Lectures on Tanning. (P. 24.) 8°. N.Y. 1838. Lee, Mrs. Hannah. Huguenots in France and America. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1852. Life of Martin Luther. 16°. Bost. '39. Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture. 12°. Bost. 1854. Sketches of Sculpture and Sculptors. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1854. Lee, Maj. H. Campaign of 1781. 8°. PhiL 1824. Evidence in Support of Anti-Tariff Me- morial to Congress. 8°. Bost. 1832. Observations on Jefferson's Writings. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Lee, Gen. H. War in the Southern United States. 2v. 8°. Phil. 1812. Lee, Holme. The Silver Age. Essays. 2 v. 12° Lond. 1864. Lee, R. Life of Cu^^er. 12°. N.Y. 1833. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Lee, E. H. Life of Arthur Lee, LL.D. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1829. Life and Correspondence of. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1825. Lee, Eobert. Last Days of Alexander, and First Days of Nicholas, of Russia. 12°. Lond. 1854. Lee, Sam. Hebrew Grammar. 8°. Lond. 1827. Nature, etc., of Prophecy. 8°. Camb. 1849. Lee, Sophia. Chapter of Accidents, a Com- edy. (P. 73.) 8°. Lond. 1782. Lee, S. p. Cruise of the Dolphin. See Uni- ted States. Leech, D. D. T. United States Post Offices, 1855. 8°. Wash. 1855. Leeds, W. H. Public Buildings of London. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1838.' Eudimentary Architecture. 12°. Lond. 1848. Lefanu, a. Life and Writings of Mrs. F. Sheridan. 8°. Lond. 1824. Lefeanc, £. Histoire de la Litt^rature. 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1840-41. 214 CATALOGUE OF THE Le Gai^ E. School of the Guides. 18°. N. Y. 1860. Legaee, H. S. Writings and Life of. 2 v. 8°. Charleston. 1845-6. Legend of the Whirlpool. 18°. Buffalo. '40. Legendke, a. M. Elements of Geometry, See Lackoix, S. F. Elements of Alge- bra. Elements of Geometry and Trigonom- etry. 8°. N.Y. 1830. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1866. Legeb, T. Animal Magnetism. 12°. N.Y. 1846. The Magnetoscope. 8°. Lond. 1852. Leggett, W. See Ckitic (The); also, Plain- dealek (The). Leisure Hours at Sea; Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1825. Political Writings. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1840. Legislative Eestrictions on the Carrying Trade of the New York Ptailroads. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Le Gonidec, J. F. M. M. A. Grammaire Celto-Bretonne. 12°. Paris. 1838. Legeand, p. J. B. Fabliaux. Transl. by G. L. Way. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1815. Le Geay, G. Traite de Photographic. 8°. Paris, n.d. Le Geos, W. B. Fables and Tales in Verse. 4°. Lond. 1835. Lehmann, C. G. Manual of Chemical Physi- ology. 8°. Phil. 1856. Physiological Chemistry. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1855. Lehmanowski, Mrs. Africa, a Poem. (P. 12.) 16°. Andover.^1826. Leibnitz, G. W. (EuYres. 2 v. 12° Paris. 1846. Kefutation of Spinoza, with Remarks by de Careil. 16°. Edin. 1855. Leicestee, R. Dudley, Earl of. Correspond- ence during his Government of the Low Countries. See Camden Society. Leichhaedt, L. Overland Expedition in Australia. 8°. Lond. 1847. Leifchild, J. K. Life of Dr. J. Leif child. 8°. Lond. 1863. Leigh, E. Essay on Credit. (P. 39.) 8°. Lond. 1719. Leigh, W. H. Travels in South Australia. 8°. Lond. 1840. Leighton, E. Works, with Life. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1846. Expositions of the Creed, Lord's Prayer, etc. 16°. Lond. 1835. Leighton, W. A. British Angiocai-pous Lichens. 8°. Lond. 1851. Leisuee Hour. v. 5-11. 8°. Lond. 1856-62. Leithead, W. Electricity. 12°. Lond. 1837. Le Keux, J. Engravings of Oxford. See Ingeam, James. Le Kexix, J., and others. Memorials of Cambridge. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Leland, C. G. Poetry and Mystery of Dreams. 12°. Phil. 1856. Sunshine in Thought. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Leland, H. P. Americans in Rome. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Leland, S. Leland Magazine; a Genealogi- cal Record. 8°. Bost. 1850. Le Long, J. Bibliotheque Historique de la France. f°. Paris. 1719. Leliveld, F. Aanmerkingen over het Storten von Olie, etc. 8°. Ley den. 1775. Lemeey, N. Chymistry. 8°. Lond. 1720. Lemieeee, a. M. Tragddies. See Repeetoieb Ge'ne'ral, etc. Lemmon Slave Case. Report, Arguments, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Lemoinne, J. fitudes Critiques et Biogra- phiques. 12°. Paris. 1852. Nouvelles £tudes, etc. 12°. Paris. 1863. Wellington, from a French Point of View. 16°. Lond. 1852. Lemon, N. (Ed'r.) Jest Book. 16°. Camb. 1865. Lempeieee, C. Notes in Mexico. 12°. Lond. 1862. Lempeieee, J. Classical Dictionary. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Universal Biography. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1810. Lempeieee, W. Lectures on Natural History, etc. 8°. Lond. 1830. L'Enclos, Ninon de. Lettres, avec sa Vie. 16°. Amsterdam. 1776. Lennox, Mrs. C. Shakspeare Illustrated. 3y. 12°. Lond. 1753-54. Lenoie, a. Muse'e de Monumens Frangais. 6v. 8°. Paris. 1800-06. Le Noemand, M. A. Secret Memoirs of Empress Josei^hine. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1848. Leo, H. Local Nomenclature of the Anglo- Saxons. 12°. Lond. 1852. Leonaed, C. E. Mechanical Principia. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Leonaed, P. Western Coast of Africa. 12° Phil. 1833. Leone, Abbate. Jesuit Conspiracy. 8°. Lond. 1848. Leo-Wolf, J. Observations on Hydrophobia. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1831. I MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 215 Le Page du Pratz. History of Louisiana. 8<^. Lend. 1774. Lepelle de Bois-G.uliLais, F. Life of Rosa Bonheur. (P.) 8''. N.Y. 1857. Le Play, F. Les Ouvriers Europe'ens. f°. Paris. 1855. Le Prince De Beaumont, Mme. Anecdotes duXIVe Siecle. 16°. Lond. n.d. Lepsius, R. Discoveries in Egypt, etc. 8°. Lond. 1852, Le Quesne, C. Constitutional History of Jersey. 8°. Lond. 1856. Lerminiek, E. Histoire des Legislations Comparees. 16°. Brussels. 1838. Lehoux, P. Du Christianisme. 16°. Boussac. 1848. L'J&galitd. 8°. Boussac. 1848. L'Humanite; son Principe, et son Ave- nir. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1845. La Societe'. 2 v. in one. 16°. Boussac. . 1847. Le Sage, A. Atlas Historique, G^n^alogique, etc. f°. Paris, n.d. Le Sage, A. R. (Euvres. 16 v. 8°. Paris. 1810. Comddies. See Repeetoike Gdndral, etc. Gil Bias. 4v. 18°. Paris. 1824. Same. 8°. Paris. 1838. Same. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1845. (Transl. ) Roland I'Amoureux. See Boi- AEDO. Adventures of Gil Bias. 12°. PhiL 1863. Aventuras de Gil Bias de Santillana. 4v. 4°. Valencia. 1788. Same. 8°. Paris. 1847. Lescallier, D. (Transl.) Le Trono En- chante. 2 v. in one. 8°. N.Y. 1817. Lesdernieb, Mrs. E. P. Voices of Life. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Lesley, J. P. Coal and its Topography. 12°. Phil. 1856. Iron Manufacturer's Guide. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Leslie, Chas. Theological "Works. 7 v. 8°. Oxf. 1832. Leslie, C. R. Hand-Book for Young Paint- ers. 12°. Lond. 1855. Recollections. 12°. Bost. 1860. Leslie, Miss E. Lady's Guide to Politeness. 12°. Phil. 1864. Ladies' Receipt Book. 12°. Phil. 1850. New Receipts for Cooking. 12°. Phil. 1854. Leslie, J. Catalogue of Theological Works, etc. 8°. Lond. 1846. i Leslie, Sir J. Natural and Chemical Philos- ophy. 8°. Edin. 1838. Philosophy of Arithmetic. 8°. Edin. 1838. Leslie, Sir J., and others. Polar Seas and Regions. 16°. Edin. 1835. Lesseps, JF. de. Isthmus of Suez Question. 8°. Lond. 1855. Lessing, G. E, Sammtliche Werke. 30 v. in fifteen. 8°. Carlsruhe. 1823-5. Education of the Human Race. 16°. Lond. 1858. Laocoon ; or, Limits of Poetry and Painting. 8°. Lond. 1838. Lessons on Shells. 18°. N.Y. 1833. Lester, C. E. Artist, Merchant and States- man, etc. 2 V. in one. 12°. N.Y 1845. Artists of America. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Condition and Fate of England. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1843. Glory and Shame of Englijnd. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1845. My Consulship. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Sam Houston and his Republic. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Lester, C. E., and Foster, A. Life of Americus Vespucius. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Lester, J. W. Criticisms. 16°. Lond. 1847. Letter to Lord Ashburton on Corn and Flour Trade. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1842. Letter to an English Friend on the Ameri- can War. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Letter to N. Jeflferys on his "Review of the Conduct of the Prince of Wales. " (P. 28.) 8°. Lond. 1806. Letter to Bishop Onderdonk on Missionary Organization. (P. 20.) 8°. n.p. 1841. Letter on the South Sea Scheme. (P. 39.) 8° Lond. 1720. Letter from the Nobles, etc. , of Scotland to PopeJohn, A.D. 1320. 8°. N.Y. 186L Letter- Writing Simplified. 16°. N.Y. '44. Letters after a Tour in France, Italy, etc. 8°. Edin. 1817. Letters by •' Historicus" on International Law. 8°. Lond. 1863. Letters on Present State of France. 8°. Lond. 1769. Letters from the Cape of Good Hope, in. Reply to Mr. Warden. 16°. N. Y '17. Letters of Certain Jews to Voltaire. 8°. Paris, Ky. 1845. Letters on Church and State, Schools and Colleges. (P.) 8°. Princeton. 1853. Letters from the Danube. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1847. 216 CATALOGUE OF THE Letters on the Eastern States. 12°. N.Y. 1820. Letters of Eminent Men to D. Hume. 8°. Edin. 1849. Letters of an Englishman on Louis Napo- leon, the Empire, etc. 16°. Lond. 1852. Letters to Dr. Franklin, from his Family and Friends. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Letters on Incorporations. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1827. Letters from Madras. 12°. Lond. 1843. Letters from the North of Scotland. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1815. Letters from Eome, A.D. 138. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Letters to Mr. Strong on Ketaliation, War, etc. 8°. Providence. 1818. Letters to Sylvanus Urban on the New Bio- graphical Dictionary. 8°. Lond. '39. Letters from* Three Continents. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Letters on Tobacco. 18°. Fitchburg, Mass. 1860. Letters to my Unknown Friends. 16°. Lond. 1848. Letters on Virginia Springs. 18°. Phil. 1835. Letters to Wilberforce on Hereditary De- pravity. 12°. Lond. 1816. Letters on the Writings of the Fathers, etc. 12°. Lond. 1844. Letters to a Younger Brother. 24°. Middle- bury, Vt. 1815. Lettres d'un Negotiant a son Fils. 16°. Strasburg. 1789. Lettsom, J. C. Hints on Beneficence, Tem- perance, etc. 3 V. 8°. Lond. 1801. Leuchars, E. B. Construction, etc., of Hot Houses. 12°. Bost. 1851. Levasseur, a. Lafayette in America. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1829. Levasseur, V. Atlas National de France. f°. Paris. 1846. Levee, D. Young Sea-Officer's Sheet Anchor. 4°. N.Y. 1843. Leveeett, F. p. (Ed'r.) Latin Lexicon. 8°. Bost. 1839. Leveeett, Sir J. Memoir and Genealogy. 8°. Bost. 1856. Le Vert, Mrs. O. ^Y• Souvenirs of Travel. 2v. 12°. Mobile. 1857. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Levi, D. Defence of Old Testament. 8°. Lond. 1797. Levi, L. (Ed'r.) Annals of British Legisla- tion. 4v. 8° Lond. 1856-9. Levi, L. Commercial Law. v. 1 ; 2 Parts. 4°. Lond. 1850-1. Law of Nature as afifected by Divine Law. 8°. Lond. 1855. — - — Mercantile. Law of Great Britain. 8°. Phil. 1854. Taxation. 12°. Lond. 1860. Levien, D. a. Case of the Slaver Echo. 8°. Albany. 1859. Levinge, K. G. a. Echoes from the Back- woods. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1849. Levison, J. L. Mental •Culture. 12°. Bost, 1834. Levizac, J. P. V. L. de. French Grammar. 12°. N.Y. 1823. Levy, U. P. Defence before Court of In- quiry. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Manual of Rules for Men-of-War. 18°. N.Y. 1862. Memorial against Action of Naval Board. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1855. Lewald, Fanny. Bunte Bilder. 2 v. in one. 18°. Berlin. 1862. DieKammerjungfer. 16°. Berlin. 1864. Das Madchen von Hela. 2 parts in one. 16°. Berlin. 1860. Lewes, G. H. Aristotle. 8°. Lond. 1864. Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences. 12°. Lond. 1853. Life and Works of Goethe, etc. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1856. Life of Eobespierre. 12°. Lond. 1849. , Physiology of Common Life. 2 v. 12°. . N.Y. 1860. Lewis, A. History of Lynn and Nahant. 8°. Bost. 1844. Poems. 12°. 'Bost. 1831. Lewis, A., and J. E. Newhaug. Histoiy of Lynn. 8°. Bost. 1865. Lewis, D. New Gymnastics. 12°. Bost. 1863. Same. 12°. Bost. 1864. Weak Lungs, and How to Make them Strong. 12°. Bost. 1864. Le\\T[S, E. J. American Sportsman. 8°. Phil. 1855. Hints to Sportsmen, etc. 12°. Phil. 1851. Lewis, Estelle A. Myths of the IVIinstrel. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Lewis, G. C. Dialogues on Government. 12°. Lond. 1863. Essays on Administrations, 1783 to 1830. 8°. Lond. 1864. Lifluence of Authoritj' on Opinion. 8°. Lond. 1849. Credibility of Early Eoman History. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1855. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 217 Lewis, G. C. Observation and Reasoning on Politics. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1852. . Origin of the Romance Languages. 8". Oxf. 1835. Lewis, J. History of the English Trans- lations of the Bible. 8=. Lond. 1818. Lewis, M., and Claeke, W. Expedition to Missouri and Colorado Rivers. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1814. Lewis, M. G. Life and Correspondence. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Tales of Wonder. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 180L Lewis, Mrs. S. A. Child of the Sea, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Lewis, Tayler. Believing Spirit; a Discourse. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Discourse on State, Family and Church (Bound with Preceding). 8°. Ando- ver. 1843. Divine Human in the Scriptures. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Penalty of Death. See Cheevee, G. B. Capital Punishment. Six Days of Creation. 12°. Schenect. 1855. ^ State Rights. 16°. Albany. 1864. Lewis, Lady Theresa. Lives of Clarendon's Friends and Contemporaries. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Lewis, Thomas. Origines Hebrcese. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1724-5. Lewis, W. Lessons in Chess, 1st series. 16°. Lond. 1812. Same, 2d series. 8°. Lond. 1834. Lewis, W. H. The Christian Union and the " Episcopal Church. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Confession of Christ.' 12°. N.Y. 1852. Lewiston and Auburn Directory. 12°. Lew- iston. 18G4. Lexington, Ky., Directory. 8°. Lexington. 1864. Lexiphanes; a Dialogue. 12°. Lond. 1783. Leybourn, T. Mathematical Questions. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1817. Leyden, J. Discoveries and Travels in Af- rica. 2v. 8°. Edin. 1817. Lherbette, A. J. De la Libertc Commer- ciale. 8°. Paris. 1835. L'Homond, C. F. Viri Illustres Urbis Romre. 16°. N.Y 1828. LiBEAEY Company of Philadelphia. Cata- ^^ logue. 8°. Phil. 1807. ^L- Same. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1835-56. ^^J— Same; 1st and 2d Supplements. 2 v. ^B 8°. Phil. 1844-9. ^^^EAEY of Entertaining Knowledge. See ^^H Names of Authors. LiBEABY of Fine Arts. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1831- 1832. LiBEAEY of Useful Knowledge. 13 v. 8°. Lond. 1830-39. LicHTENSTEiN, H. Tiavels in South Africa. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1812. LiDDEL, R. Seaman's New Vade Mecum. 8°. Lond. 1787. LiDDELL, H. G. History of Rome. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1855. Same. 12°. N.Y 1861. LiDDELL, H. G., and Scott, R, Greek-Eng- lish Lexicon. r.8°. N.Y. 1851. Same. r.8°. N.Y. 1858. LiEBEE, F. Ancient and Modem Teachers of Politics; a Lecture. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Character of the Gentleman; an Address. (P.) 8°. Cine. 1846. Same. 12°. Columbia, S. C. 1847. Same. 12°. Phil. 1864. Civil Liberty and Self-Govemment. 8°. Phil. 1859. Constitution, etc. , of Girard College. 8°. Phil. 1834. Continued Self-Education; an Address. (P.) 8°. Columbia. 1851. Great Events, by Eminent Writers. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Lecture on Athenasums. (P. ) 8°. Co- lumbia, S. C. 1856. (Ed'r. ) Letters after a Trip to Niagara. 8°. Phil. 1834. Political Ethics. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1838-9. Reminiscences of Niebuhr. 12°. Phil. 1835. Two Lectures on the Constitution, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y 1861. Washington and Napoleon. (P. ) 4°. • N.Y. 1864. Writings as issued by Loyal Publication Society. 8°. N.Y. 1863-5. LiEBEE, 0. ]\I. Assay er's Guide. 16°. Phil. 1852. Report on Survey, etc. See South Caeo- LINA. LiEBiG, J. Animal Chemistry. 8°. Lond. 1842. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Chemistry applied to Agriculture, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Chemical Analysis of Organic Bodies. 12°. Glasgow. 1839. Connection, etc. , of Forces. See You- MANS, E. L. Correlation, etc. — - Letters on Chemistry 18°. N.Y. 1843. Same. 16°. Lond. 1844. 218 CATALOGUE OF THE LiEBiG, J. Letters on Chemistry. 16°. Lond. 1845. Same. See Saxton's Eural Hand Books, 4th ser. Hand Book of Organic Analysis. 12°. Lond 1853. Modern Agriculture. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Natural Laws of Husbandry. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Agricultural Chemistry. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Chemistry of Food. 8°. Lond. 1847. LiEBiG, J. , and Kopp, H. Annual Keport of the Progress of Chemistry, etc. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1849-52. Life in Bombay and Neighboring Out-Sta- tions. 8°. Lond. 1852. Life in Heaven. 16°. Bost. 1865. Life Insurance Convention, New York, Pro- ceedings. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Life Lisurance ; its Nature, Origin, etc. 16°. N.Y. 1852. Light and Dark of the Eebellion. 12°. Phil. 1863. Light in Darkness. 16°. Bost. 1864. Light, H. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, etc. 4°, Lond. 1818. Lighthill, E. B. Treatise on Deafness. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Lilly, W. Introduction to Astrology. 8°. Lond. 1835. Same. 12°. Lond. 1852. Lincoln, A. See Teibute, etc. Speeches, Messages, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Selections from Speeches, etc., of. 16°. Bost. 1865. Speech at Cooper Institute, Feb. 27, 1860. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Poems in Memory of. 12°. Phil. 1865. Lincoln, A., and Douglas, S. A. Debates. 8°. Columbus. 1860. Lincoln, Mrs. A. H. ^'ee Phelps, Mrs. A. H. Lincoln, F. W., Jr. Address to Apprentices' Library Association, Boston. (P. 23.) 8°. Bost. 1844. Lincoln, E. W. Lives of the Presidents. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Lincoln, W. Address on Death of C. C. Baldwin. (P.) 8°. AVorcester. 1835. History of Worcester, Mass. 8°. Wor- cester. 1837. Lincoln, Wm. S. Alton Trials. 12°. N.Y. 1838. LiNcoLNiANA. 4°. Bost. 1865. Lindley, G. Guide to the Orchard- and Kitchen Garden. 8°. Lond. 1831. Lindley, J. Botany. 8°. Lond. 1838. Elements of Botany. 8°. Lond. 1841. Lindley, J. Flora Medica ; Medicinal Plants. 8°. Lond. 1838. Glossary of Botanical Terms. 8°. Lond. 1848. Introduction to Botany. 8°. N.Y. 1831. Same. 8°. Lond. 1835. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Key to Botany. 8°. Lond. 1835. Ladies' Botany. 12°. Lond. 1841. Lecture on Substances used as Food. (P.) 12°. Lond. u.d. Natural System of Botany. 8°. Lond. 1836. School Botany. 16°. Lond. 1839. ' Theory of Horticulture. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Vegetable Kingdom. 8°. Lond. 1846. Lindley, T. Voyage to Brazil. 8°. Lond. 1808. Lindo, E. H. History of Jews in Spain and Portugal. 8°. Lond. 1848. Lindsay, A. W. Crawford, Lord. Lives of the Lindsays. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Sketches of Christian Art. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Lindsay, E. Chronicles of Scotland. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1814. Lindsay, W. M. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1856. LiNDSLEY, J. B. Address to Alumni of Nashville University. (P.) 8°. Nashv. 1855. Ajjpeal for Nashville University. (P. ) 8°. Nashv. 1856. Linen, J. Songs of the Seasons, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Ling, P. H. Gymnastic Exercises. 16°. Bost. 1853.^ LiNGAED, J. Abridged History of England 8°. Bait. 1855. History of Anglo-Saxon Church. 2 v 8°. Lond. 1845. History of England. 10 v. 8°. Phil 1827. LiNGUET, S. N. H. Analysis of Voltaire's Works. 8^. Lond. 1779. Linn, E. A., and Saegent, N. Life of Dr. Linn. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Linn, W. Legal and Commercial Common- place Book. 8°. Ithaca, N.Y. 1850. LiNN^us, C. Lachesis Lapponica; Tour in Lapland. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1811. ' Philosophia Botanica. 8°. Vienna. 1783. Systema Naturae. 3 v. 8°. Stockholm.! 1766. LiNONiAN Society. Catalogue of Library. 8 . N. Haven. 1846. MERCANTILE LIBKARY. 219 LiNONiAN Society. Catalogue of Members for 100 Years. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1853. . Centennial Anniversary. (P. ) 8°. N. Haven. 1853. LiNSLEY, D. C. Essay on Morgan Horses. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Linton, C. Healing of the Nations. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Linton, J. J. E. Liquor Law for Upper Canada. (P.) 8° Toronto. 1860. LioT, W. B. Panama, Nicaragua and Te- huantepec. 8°. Lond. 1849. Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer. See Thomas, J., etc. LiPPiNcoTT, Mrs. S. T. Greenwood Leaves. 8°. Bost. 1852. Poems. 12°. Bost. 1851. Tour in Europe. 12°. Bost. 1854. LippiTT, F. J. Tactical Use of the Tliree ■ Arms. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Lisco, F. G. Parables of Jesus Explained. 12°. Phil. 1850. List (A) of the Voters against Repeal of the Stamp Act. (P. 38.) 8°. Paris. 1766. List, C. Outlines of Astronomy. 18°. Phil. 1846. Outlines of Natural Philosophy. 18°. Phil. 1846. List, F. Political Economy. 8°. Phil. 1856. Lister, M. Paris in 1698. 12°. Lond. 1699. Lister, T. H. Life of Lord Clarendon. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. Liston, R. Practical Surgery. 8°. Phil. '38. Liszt, F. Des Boht-miens et de leur.Mu- sique. 16°. Pari's. 1859. Life of Chopin. 12°. Phil. 1863. Litchfield County Centennial Celebration. 8°. Hartf 1851. Literary Gazette, 1817-43, '53-59. 4°. Lond. 1817-59. Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Catalogue of Librarj'. 8°. Quebec. '64. Literary Miscellany, v. 1. 8°. Camb. 1805. Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. Transactions, v. 1. 4°. N.Y. 1815. Literary and Scientific Repository. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1820-22. Literary and Theological Review. 6 v. 8°. N.Y. 1834-39. Literary World. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1839-40. Literary World, v. 1-13. 4°. N.Y. 1847- 1853. Littell's Living Age. v. 1-83. 8°. Bost. t 1844-64. Eiiii, J. Genealogy of First Settlers of Passaic Valley. 8°. Feltville, N. J. '51. Little, G. Life on the Ocean. 12°. Bost 1844-5. Little, J. Trial of, for Heresy. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Obedience to Law; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Little, Brown & Co. Catalogue of Books. 8°. Bost. 1853. Same. 8°. Bost. 1857. Little Book Open; Prophecy of Christ's Coming. 8°. Phil. 1863. Little (A) Justice for Col. Wardle. (P. 27.) 8°. Lond. 1809. Little JOHN vs. Greeley. Rulings, Argu- . ments, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Litton, A. Report on Missouri Mines. See Missouri. LiTTRE, E. Application de la Philosoi^hie Positive au Gouvernement. 8°. Paris. 1850. LivERMORE, A. A. Acts of the Apostles, with Commentary. 12°. Bost. 1844. Four Gospels, with Commentary. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1847. War with Mexico Reviewed. 12°. Bost 1850. LivERMORE, G. Historical Research on Negroes as Slaves, etc. 8°. Bost 1863. LrvERMORE, Harriet. Millennial Tidings. 16°. Phil. 1831-9. LivERMORE, S. T. History of Cooperstown, with Life of J. F. Cooper. 12°. Albany. 1862. Liverpool, R. B. Jenkinson, Earl of. Me- moirs of his Life and Administration. 8°. Lond. 1827. Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. Report of Council. (P.) 8°. Liverpool. 1861. Liverpool Directory for 1855. 8°. Liverpool. 1855. Lives of Ancient Philosophers. 8°. Lond. 1702. Lives of Apostles and Early Martyrs, v. 1. 18°. N.Y. 1833. Lives of Balboa, Cortes, and Pizarro. 18°. N.Y. 1847. Lives of British Physicians. 16°. Lond. 1830. Lives of Christopher Columbus and Americus Vespucius. 18°. N.Y. 1847. Lives of Eminent American Merchants. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Lives of Eminent Persons. 8°. Lond. 1833. Lives of English and Irish Admirals. 2 v. in one. 16°. Dubl. 1783. Lives of English Saints. 14 v. in six. 16°. Lond. 1845. 220 CATALOGUE OF THE Lives of Missionaries in Southern India. 16°. Lond. n.d. Lives of Princes of tlie House of Orange. 8°. Lond. 1734. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, etc. 16°. Edin. 1837. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1832. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1849. Lives of Wellington and Peel. 16°. N.Y. '52. Livingston, E. Penal Code for Louisiana. 8°. Lond. 1824. Penal Code. See United States. Livingston, J. Law Eegister for 1852, '54, '56-8, '65. 8°. N.Y. 1852-65. Monthly Law Magazine. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Portraits and Lives of Eminent Living Americans. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Livingston, J. H. Commencement Address. (P. 42.) 8°. N. Brunswick. 1810. Livingston, V. Eemarks on the Oxford Theology. 18°. N.Y. 1841. Livingstone, D. Missionary Travels in South Africa. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Livius Patavinus, T. Historiarum Libri qui Bupersunt, 20 v. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Historiarum Liber Primus. 12°. Cam- bridge. (E.) 1831. Historiarum Libri Quinque. 12°. Edin. 1779. History of Rome. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1856-63. Same. (Transl. by G. Baker.) 6 v. 8°. Phil. 1823. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. Same. 7 v. 16°. Lond. 1833-34. LizAES, J. Use and Abuse of Tobacco . 12°. Phil. 1859. Lloyd, G. T. Thirty-three Years in Tasma- nia, etc. 12°. Lond. 1862. Lloyd, H. H. History of the Eebellion. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Lloyd, H. H. & Co. Map of the Adiron- dack Region. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Lloyd, J. T. Steamboat Directory, etc. 8°. Cine. 1856. Lloyd, R. Poems. See British Poets, v. 37. Lloyd, T., and Gaines, G. Trial of T. 0. Selfridge. (P. 3.) 8°. Bost. 1807. Lloyd, W. Letters from the West Indies. 12°. Lond. n.d. Lloyd, W., and Geeaed, A. Journeys through the Himalayas. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1840. LoBB, R. Contemplative Philosopher. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1817. Locke, J. Works, with Life. 3 v. P. Lond. 1759. Works. 10 V. 8°. Lond. 1823. Essay on the Understanding. 8°. Lond. 1853. Same. 8°. Phil. n.d. Same. See Bacon, F. Reasonableness ofi' Christianity; also, Essay on Saint Paul's Epistles. 16°. Lond. 1836. Thoughts on Education. 16°. Lond. 1836. Locke, J. G. Locke Genealogy. 8°. Bost. 1853. Locke, J. L. Histoi-y of Camden, Me. 12°. Hallo well. 1859. Locke, J. M. Preservation of Organic Sub- stances. (P.) 8°. Cine. 1856. LocKHAET, J. G. (Ed'r). Ancient Spanish Ballads. 4°. Lond. 1823. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1842. Ballantyne Humbug Handled. 8°. Edin. 1839. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1831. Same. 18°. Lond. 1835. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1838. Life of Robert Burns. 18°. N.Y. 1831 Life of Sir W. Scott. 6 v. 16°. N.Y 1837-8. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1837. Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. 3 v. 8° N.Y. 1820. LocKHAET, J. J. Attica and Athens. 8° Lond. 1842. LocKMAN, J. (Ed'r.) Travels of the Jesuits, 2v. 8°. Lond. 1743. LocKPOET and Middleport Directory, 1863-4 12°. Lockport. 1863. LococK, W. Theory and Practice of Per spective. 8°. Lond. 1852. Locomotive (Die). (Weekly.) v. 1. 4° Phil. 1853. Lodge, E. (Ed'r.) British Peerage. 8° Lond. 1856. Illustrations of British History, etc 3v. 4°. Lond. 1791. Portraits of Illustrious British Persons 8v. 16°; Lond. n.d. Lodge, T. Glaucus and Silla, and othei Poems. 16°. Chiswick. 1819. Loeve-Veimaes, a. Histoire des Litteraturc Anciennes. 16°. Paris. 1825. Le Nepenthes. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1833. j Loew, H. North American Diptera. (P.~ 8°. Wash. 1862. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 221 LoJBTUS, W. K. Travels in Clialdea and Su- Biana. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Logan, Jas. Scottish Gael. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1831. Same. 8°. Bost. 1833. Logan, John. Poems. See Beitish Poets, V. 37. Logan, J. H. History of South Carolina, v. 1. 12°. Charleston. 1859. Logic of the Ancients. (Latin MS.) 4°. n.p. 1785. LoHEE, F. Land nnd Leute in der alten und neuenWelt. 12°. Gottingen. 1858. LoKE, D. E. Divers Views, etc., of Petro- leum V. Nasby. 12°. Cine. 1866. LoMBAED de Langres. Anecdotes de la Re- volution Fran5aise. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1823. LoMON, A. Souverdrs de TAlgerie. 12°. 1823. London Almanack for England and Wales, 12°. Lond. 1841. London Art-Union. Prize Annual for 1845, 1847. 2 V. 4°. Lond. 1845-7. London Catalogue of Books. 1814-39. 8°. Lond. ,1839. Same. 1816-51. 8°. Lond. 1851. Same. 8°. Lond. 1831-55. London City Mission. Annual Reports, 13- 19; also, Lond. Cit. Miss. Mag., v. 19. 8°. Lond. 1848-54. London City Mission Magazine, v. 18. Lond. 1853. For v. 19, see preceding title. London City Directory, 1853, '55, 'Gl. 3 v. r.8°. Lond. 1853-61. London, Edinburg and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, v. 9. 8°. Lond. 1855. London Encyclopedia. 22 v. 8°. Lond. 1845. London in 1838. 18°. KY. 1839. London Institution. Catalogue of Library. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1835-43. London Journal of Arts and Sciences, 1820- 30, 1852-4. 23 V. S°. Lond. 1820-1854. For continuation of same, see Newton's Loudon Journal. London Lancet, 1851 to 1864. 24 v. 8°. iN.Y. 1851-64. tiTDGN Library Catalogue. 2 v. in one. 8°. Lond. 1847-52. -Same. 8°. Lond. 1842. - Same, Supplement. 8°. Lond. 1856. •NDON Medical Gazette. 9 v. 8°. Lond. 1837-42. NDON Quarterly Review. v. 2-22. 8°. Lond. 1854-64. London Review. 2 y. 8° Lond. 1835-6. London Saturday Journal, v. 1-5. 8°. Lond. 1839-41. London Society, v. 1-5. 8°. Lond. 1862-4. London Stage; a Selection of Plays. 4 v. 8°. Lond. n.d. London Sun ; with Account of Victoria's Coronation. f°. Lond. 1838. London at Table ; or, How, When, and Where to Dine. 16°. Lond. 1851. London Times (Daily). 21 v. f°. Lond. 1849-55. LoNDONDEEET, H. Vane, Marchioness of. Courts of Vienna, Constantinople, etc. 8°. Lond. 1844. Long, E. History of Jamaica. 3 v. 4"^. Lond. 1774. Long, G. British Museum ; Egyptian Anti- quities. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1832-6. ■ Decline of Roman Republic, v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1864. France and its Revolutions. 8°. Lond. 1850. Long, J. H., and Buel, R. H. Cadet Engi- neer; or. Steam for the Student. 8°. Phil. 1865. Long, J. North American Indians. 4°. Lond. 1791. Long, P., and others. America and West Indies. 8°. Lond. 1845. LoNGACEE, J. B., and Heeeing, J. (Ed'rs.) Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Amer- icans. 4 v. 8°. Phil. 1834-9. Longfellow, H. W. Courtship of Miles Standish, etc. 12°. Bost. 1859. (Ed'r.) Estray. 12°. Bost. 1847. Golden Legend. 8°. Bost. 1852. EvangeUne. 12°. Bost. 1865. Household Poems. 16°. Bost. 1865. Poems. 2v. 16°. Bost. 1850. Same. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1855. Same. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 186L Same. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1863. Same. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1864. (Ed'r.) Poets and Poetry of Europe. 2 V. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Seaside and Fireside. 12°. Bost. 1850. Song of Hiawatha. 16°. Bost. 1856. Tales of a Waj-side Inn. 12°.' Bost. '63. Voices of the Night. 12°. Cambridge. 1839. (Ed'r.) The Waif. 16°. Camb. 1845. LoNGiNus, D. Treatise on the Sublime. Transl. by a Graduate of Trinity Col- lege. 16°. Lond. 1757. Same. Transl. by W. Smith. 16°. N.Y. 1832. 222 CATALOGUE OF THE Longman, "W. Lectures on English History. V. 1. 8°. Lend. 1863. Longman & Co. Catalogue of Books. 8°. Lond. 1842. LoNGWOKTH, N. Letter on the Grape, Wine, and Strawberry. (P.) S°. Cine. 18-16. LooKER-ON. See Bobeets, W. LooMis, A. W. Address to Pittsburgh Board of Trade. (P. 22.) 8°. Pittsb. 1842. LooMis, E. Astronomical Observations. (P. ) 4°. n.p. n.d. On Certain Storms, Dec, 1836. (P.) 4P. Wash. 1860. Liaugural, as Prof, of Mathematics. (P. 18.) 8°. N.Y. 1838. Natural Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Observations on the Magnetic Dip. (P. ) 4°. n.p. n.d. Same, 4th Series. 4°. n.p. n.d. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. (P. ) •8°. N.Y. 1848. Practical Astronomy. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Progress of Astronomy. 12°. N.Y". 1850. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Storm of Dec. 20, 1836. (P.) 4°. n.p. n.d. Treatise on Astronomy. 8°. N.Y. 1865. LooMis, J. V. Laws of Carrying Trade and Insurance. 16° N.Y. 1849. LoED, D. Oration before Phi Beta Kappa, (P. 42.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. LoED, D. N. Characteristics of Figurative Language. 12°. N.Y. 1855. ■ Exposition of the Apocalypse. 8°. N.Y. 1847. LoED, E. Address on Erie Kaih'oad Charter. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Epoch of Creation. 12°. N.Y. 1851. History of Erie Eailroad. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Letter on the Currency. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1861. Life of Rev. J. S. Christmas. 8°. N.Y. 1831. Plenary Inspiration of Scripture. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Same. 2d Series. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Principles of Currency and Banking. 12°. N.Y. 1829. Prophetic Office of Christ. 12°. N.Y. 1859. LoED, J. New History of the United States. 12°. Phil. 1854. LoED, J. C. Lectures on the Progress of Civilization. 12°. Buffalo. 1851. LoED, J. C. The War of the Giants, an Ad- dress. (P.) 8°. Buffalo. 1851. LoED, P. B. Algiers and Barbary. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1835. LoED, W. W. Christ in Hades. 12°. N.Y. '51. LoEENz, J. F. Die Elemente der Mathe- matik. 2 v. 8°. Leip. 1797. LoEGUES, R. de. La Vie de Christophe Co- lomb. 2 V. 8°. Paris. 1856. LoEiMER, J. Political Progress not Necessa- rily Democratic. 12°. Lond. 1857. LoEiMEE, P. Scottish Reformation. 12°. N.Y. 1861. LoEiNG, C. G. Correspondence on Relations with Great Britain. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1862. England's Liability for Indemnity. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1864. Neutral Relations of England and the United States. 8°. Bost. 1863. LoEiNG, J. S. The Hundred Boston Orators, etc. 8° Bost. 1852. LoEEAiNE, Claude. Beauties of. f°. Lond. 1825. LosKiEL, G. H. Mission among the Indi- ans. 8°. Lond. 1794. LossiNG, B. J. Biographies of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 12°. N.Y. 1848. History of the Fine Arts. 16°. N.Y. 1840. History of the United States. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Life of Philip Schuyler. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Mount Vernon, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Our Countrj^men. 12°. Phil. 1855. Pictorial Description of Ohio. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. 2 V. 8°. N.Y. 1851-2. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Pictorial Histoiy of the United States. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Lothian, Marquis of. The Confederate Se- cession. 12°. Lond. 1864. LoTHEOP, S. K. Address; Centennial of Bos- ton Cadets. (P. 62.) 8°. Bost. 1841. Life of S. Kirkland. See Spaeks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 15. Loud, Mrs. M. St. L. Wayside Flowers. 12°. Bost. 1851. Loudon, J. C. Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum. 8 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. (Ed'r. ) Architectural Magazine. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1834-7. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 223 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopseclia of Agriculture. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1835. Encyclopteclia of Cottage, Farm and Garden Architecture. S°. Lond. 1842. Encyclopaedia of Trees and Shrubs. 8°. Lond. 1842. Loudon, Mrs. J. C. Amateur Gardener's Cal- endar. 12^. Lond. 1817. Suburban Horticulturist. 12°. Lqnd. 1842. British Wild Flowers. 4°. Lond. 184G. Entertaining Naturalist. IG''. Lond. 1843. Facts from the World of Nature. 16°. Lond. 1848. Gardening for Ladies. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Lady's Country Companion. 16°. Lond. 1845. .'• Ladies' Flower Garden of Bulbous Plants. 4°. Lond. 1841. Ladies' Flower Garden of Greenhouse Plants. 4°. Lond. 1848. Magazine of Gardening. 8°. Lond. 42. Louis, P. C. A. Researches on Phthisis. 8°. Lond. 1846. Louis XVn. Life of. 16° N.Y. 1853. Louisiana, Account of. (P. ) 8°. Lond. '04. Louisiana. Debates in Constitutional Con- vention. 8°. N.O. 1864. Louisiana Guide. See Gibson, John. Louisiana, Historical Collections of. See French, B. F. Louisiana Native American Association. Ad- di-ess to Citizens. (P. 19.) 8°. N.O. 1839. Louisiana Native American State Convention. Proceedings. (P. 20.) 8°. N.O. 1841. Lounger (The) . See Mackenzie, H. L'Ouverture, Toussaint. A Biography and Autobiography. 12°. Bost. 1863. Louvet, J. B. Mes Perils depuis 31 Mai, 1793. See Dumont, P. J. Histoire de I'Esclavage, etc. Lovelace, R. Poems. 2 v. 8°. Chiswick. 1817-18. LovELL, J. E. United States Speaker. 12°. N.Y 1861. LovELL, R. Sonnets. See British Poets, v. 37. Lover, S. Songs and Ballads. 16°. Lond. 1839. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 16°. Phil. 1847. LoviBOND, E. Poems. See British Poets, v. 37. Low, D. British Domestic Animals. 8°. Lond. 1845. Low, D. Elements of Agriculture. 8°. Edin. 1834. Same. 8°. Lond. 1838. Simple Bodies of Chemistry. 8°. Lond. 1848. Low, H. Sarawak, its Inhabitants, etc. 8°. Lond. 1848. Low, S., Jr. Charities of London in 1861. 16°. Lond. 1862. Lowe, J. State of England as to Agricul- ture, etc. 8°.. N.Y. 1824. Same. 8°. Lond. 1824. Lowell, Mass. Directory, 1851, 1864-5. 2 V. 18° and 12°. Lowell. 1851-64. Lowell, Mrs. A. C. Seed-Grain for Thought and Discussion. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1856. Lo^vELL, J. R. Biglow Papers. 12°. Camb. 1848. Fable for Critics. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Fireside Travels. 16°. Bost. 1864. Poems. 1st and 2d series. 2 v. 12°. Camb. 1844-8. Same. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1849. Same. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1853. Same. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1860. Same. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1861. Vision of Sir Launfal. 16°. Camb. 1848. Lowell, J. A. Review of Hooper on Specie Reserves. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1860. Lowell, R. Fresh Hearts that Failed Three Thousand Years Ago. 12°. Bost. 1860. Lower, M. A. (Transl. ) Chronicle of Battel Abbey. 8°. Lond. 1851. Curiosities of Heraldry. 8°. Lond. 1845. Dictionary of Family Names. 8°. Lond. 1860. English Surnames. 12°. Lond. 1842. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1849. LowiG, C. Organic and Physiological Chem- istry. 8°. Phil. 1853. Lowndes, J. Modern Greek and English Lexicon; also, Modern Greek Gram- mar. 8°. Corfu. 1837. Lowndes, J. J. History of Law of Copyright. 8°. Lond. 1840. Lowndes, W. T. Bibliographer's Manual. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1834. Same. 6 v. in eleven. 12°. Lond. 1857- 1865. LowREY, G. P. Argument on Taxing Foreign Residents. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Is the Alabama a British Pirate ? (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1863. LowRiE, J. C. Manual of Missions, obi. N.Y. 1854. 224 CATALOGUE OF THE LowBiE, J. C. Two Years iu Upper India. 12'=. N.Y. 1850. LowTH, G. T. Wanderer in Arabia. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1855. LowTH, H. Atlas of European History. f°. Lond. 1851. LowTH, K. English Grammar. 16''. Lond. 1772. Isaiah; transl. with notes. 8°. Bost. 1815. • Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews. 8°. Andover. 1829. LowviLLE (N. Y.) Academy. Semi-Centen- nial. 8°. Lowville. 1859. Loyal National League. Inaugural Proceed- ings. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Inaugui-al Speeches. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Loyalist Poetry of the Eevolution. 8*^. Phil. 1857. Loyalty of Colored Americans in Eevolution, etc. (P.) 12°. Bost. 1861. LoYD, S. J. Keflections on Mr. Palmer's Pamphlet. (P.) 8°. Loud. 1837. Kemarks on the Circulation, etc. (P. ) 8° Lond. 1840. LuBiENSKi, £. Guerres et Edvolutions d'ltalie, 1848-9. 8°. Paris. 1852. LuBOJATZKY, F. Ein Jahr aus dem Leben August der Starken. 18°. Vienna. 1863. Vor Leipzig und in Jiitland. 18°. Vienna. 1864. LucANUS, M. A. Pharsalia. See Walker, G. S., Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. Pharsalia. Transl. by May. 16°. Lond. 1831-2. Same. Transl. by Eiley. 12°. Lond. 1853. Same. Transl. by Eowe. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1812. . Lucas, J. A. H. Tableau Methodique des Minerales. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1806-13. Lucas, S. Charter of English Colonies in America. 8°. Lond. 1850. Secularia; or, Surveys of the Main Stream of History. 8°. Lond. 1862. LuccocK, J. Notes on Eio Janeiro and Southern Brazil. 4°. Lond. 1820. Luce, S. B. Seamanship; Compiled for U. S. Naval Academy. 8°. N.Y. 1863. LuciANUS Samosatensis. Opera. See Di- dot's Greek Classics, v. 8. Works, Transl. and with Notes by Tooke. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1820. Select Dialogues, Greek, with Latin of E. Murphy. 12°. N.Y. 1818. LucKocK, B. Sermon on Death of W. II. Bard. (P. 15.) 8°. N.Y. 1834. LucEETros Cams, T. Opera. 3 v. See Vai py's Delphin Classics. De Eerum Natura, See Walkee, G. S, Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. Nature of Things. Transl. into Pro.u by J. S. Watson, and into Verse by o M. Good. 16°. Lond. 1851. LuDWiG, H. E. Literature of American Abi ■ riginal Languages. Ed. by Triibner. 8°. Lond. 1858. Literature of American Local History. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Ludlow, F. H. Hasheesh Eater. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Ludlow, J. Address, Albany Female Acad- emy. (P. 44.) 8°. Albany. 1834. LuDOLPHUS, J. History of Ethiopia. f° Lond. 1682. LuDWiQ, C. Teutsch-Englisches Lexicon, 4°. Leip. 1765. LuDWiG, O. Zwischen Himmel und Erde 16°. Berlin. 1862. LuFEMAN, J. Select Plans of Countries, Ci ties, etc. 4°. Lond. 1809. LuGOL, J. G. A. Eesearches on Scrofulou; Diseases. 12°. N.Y. 1845. LuMSDEN, A. Antiquities of Eome. 4P Lond. 1812. LuMLEY, B. Eeminiscences of the Opera 8°. Lond. 1864. LuMSDEN, J. Sweden; its Eeligious Stat' and Prospects. 16°. Lond. 1855. Lunettes, H. Guide to Politeness, etc. 12" Phil. 1864. LuNT, G. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Same. 16°. Bost. 1854. Three Eras of New England, etc. 12^ Bost. 1857. LuNT, W. P. Discourse at Interment of J Q. Adams. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1846. Sermon on Daniel Webster. (P. ) 8*^ Bost. 1852. Lush, E. Act to Abolish Arrest on Mesn Process, etc. 12°. Lond. 1838. LuTFULLAH. Autobiography. 16°. Leif 1857. Luther, C. W. View of Homceopathy. 8^ Dubl. 1848. Luther, M. Select Works. 4 v. 8°. Lone 1826. ^ Table Talk. 12°. Lond. 1848. LuTTRELL, N. state Affairs, 1678-1714. 6 ^ 8°. Oxf. 1857. Lyall, W. Intellect, Emotions and Mor; Nature. 8°. Edin. 1855. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 225 LxALL, W. R., and others. Histoiy of Greece, Macedonia and Syria. 12^. Lond. 1852. Lyceum of Natural History of New York. Annals, v. 1-7. 8°. N.Y. 1824-G2. Charter, Members, etc. (P.) 8^ N.Y. 1864 Index to Library. (P.) 8^. N.Y. 1830. Lycophron. Poems. See Hesiod. Lyde, a. F. Buds of Spring. 12"^. Bost. 1838. Ltdgatb, J. Select Minor Poems. Ed. by HaUiwell. IG^. Lond. 1840. Lyell, C. Antiquity of Man. 8°. Lond. 1863. • Same. 8^ Phil. 18G3. . Elements of Geology. 12°. Lond. 1828. Same. 12°. Lond. 1838. Same. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1841. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1866. Manual of Elementary Geology. 8°. Lond. 1851. Principles of Geology. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1835. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1837. Same. 3 v. 12°. Bost. 1812. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Same. 8°. N.Y 18G2. Second Visit to the United States. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1849. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Travels in North America. 2 v. in one. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Lyfoed, W. G. Western Address Directory. 12°. Bait 1837. Lyle, W. W. Lights and Shadows of Army Life. 12°. Cine. 1865. Lyman, A. Voyage to California. 12°. Haitf. 1852. Lyman, A. S. Questions on Chart of Uni- versal History. 12°. PhU. 1845. Lyman, R. History of Roman Emperors. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1850. Lyman, T., Jr. Diplomacy of the United States. 2v. 8°. Bost. 1828. Political State of Italy. 8°. Bost. 1820. Lynch, Anne C. See Botta, Mrs. A. C. Lynch, W. F. Expedition to Dead Sea. See United States. — -Same. 8°. Phil. 1849. Naval Life. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Lynd, S. W. Memoir of Rev. W. Staughton. 12°. Bost. 1834. Lyndsay, D. Poetical Works. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1806. Lynn (Mass.) and Swampscot Directory, 1865. 8°. Lynn. 1865. Lyon, C. H. Initia Latina. 12°. N.Y. 1834. 15 Lyon, D. H. U. S. Tariflf of 1828. 12°. N.Y. 1828. Lyon, G. F. Journal during Parry's Voyage. 16°. Bost. 1824. Residence and Tour in Mexico. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1828. Lyon, L. On Lightning Conductors. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Lyon, N. Political Writings, with Life. 12**. N.Y. 1861. Lyon, P. Tables of Cross Sections and Ca- bic Contents of Excavations and Em- bankments. 8°. Phil. 1853. Lyra Germanica. Transl. by Catherine Wink- worth. 16°. N.Y. 1856. Lyee (The). Fugitive Poetry of 19th Cen- tury. 18°. Lond. 1838. Lyrics of a Day; or. Newspaper Poetry. 16°. N.Y. 1864. Lysias and Isocbates. Orations. 4°. Lond. 1778. Lysons, D. On Camphire, Calomel, Bath Waters and Epilepsy. (P. 58.) 8°. Bath. (E.) 1777. Lyttelton, G., Lord. Works. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1776. Letters. 24°. Phil. n.d. Life of Henry H. of England. 4 v. 8°. Dubl. 1768-72. Poems. See British Poets, v. 31. Lytton, E. B. Athens, its Rise and FaU. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Caxtoniana. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Conversations with an Ambitious Stu- dent. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. 2 V. 8°. PhiL 1841. Duchess de la Valliere. 12°. N.Y. 1836. England and the English. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1833. King Arthur. 16°. Leip. 1849. Same. 12°. Lond. 1849. Lady of Lyons. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Letter to John Bull on his Landed Prop- erty. 8°. Lond. 1851. NewTimon. 8°. Phil. 1846. Not so Bad as we Seem ; a Comedy. 8°. Lond. 1851. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Poetical and Dramatic Works, v. 1. 12°. Lond. 1852. Richelieu, a Play. 8°. N.Y 1839. Schiller's Poems, etc., transl. See ScniLLEK, F. Siamese Twins, and Other Poems. 8°. N.Y 1831. 226 CATALOGUE OF THE Lytton, E. B., and Forbes, J. Water Treat- ment. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Lttton, K. B. (Owen Meredith.) Lucile. 12°. Bost. 1863. Same. 16°. Bost. 1866. Poems. 2v. 12°. Bost. 1863. Same. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1866. Mably, G. B. de. Government and Laws of the United States. 8°. Lond. 1784. McAlpine, W. J. Estimates, etc., for Ship Canal, Albany to New Baltimore. (P. ) 8°. Albany. 1853. Macaulay, T. B. Biographical and Histori- cal Sketches. 16°. N.Y. 1857. Critical and Historical Essays. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1844. Same. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1853. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 5 v. 12°. Phil. 1841-44. Same. 8°. Phil. 1846. Same. 5 v. 12°. Phil. 1851. Same. 5 v. 12°. N.Y. 1863. . Essays, with Memoir. 6 v. 12°. N.Y. '60. Same. 6 v. 12°. N.Y. 1864. . Essays and Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Histoiy of England. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1849-61. Same. 5 v. 8°. N.Y. 1849-61. 5v. 8°. Phil. 1856. Same. Same. Same. 1856-61. 5v. 12°. N.Y 5 V. 12°. Bost. 1858. Same. 5 v. 12°. Bost. 1862. Same. 5 v. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Same. 5 v. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Inaugural, University of Glasgow. (P. ) 8°. Lond. 1849. Life of Pitt. 18°. Phil. 1859. Same. 24°. N.Y. 1859. Scenes and Characters from "Writings of. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Speeches. 8°. Lond. 1854. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Macauley, J. History of New York. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1829. McCall, Hen. S. Clerk's Assistant. 8°. Al- bany. 1863. M'Call, Hugh. History of Georgia. 2 v. 8°. Savannah. 1811-16. Maccall, W. Agents of Civilization. 12°. Lond. 1843. Education of Taste. 12°. Lond. 1846. Elements of Individualism. 12°. Lond. 1847. M'Callum, p. F. On the Duke of Kent's Persecution. (P. 27.) 8°. Lond. 1828. McCheyne, E. M. Life and Ptemains. See BONAE, A. A. McClellan, G. B. Annies of Europe. 8°. Phil. 1862. Manual of Bayonet Exercise. 12°. Phil. 1856. Oration at "West Point. See West Point Battle Monument. Eeport on Campaigns of Army of Poto- mac. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Same. See United States. Eeport from Seat of Wacin Europe. See United States. McClellan, Gen., from Aug. 1, 1861, to Aug., 1, 1862. (P.) 8°. N.Y. n.d. McClellan's Campaign. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. McClelland, A. Canon and Interpretation of Scripture. 12°. N.Y. 1850. McClelland, J. Geology, etc., of Kemaon. 8°. Calcutta. 1835. M'Clintock, F. L. Discoveiy of Fate of Sir John Franklin. 12°. Bost. 1860, M'Clintock, J. (Ed'r). Eminent Methodist Ministers. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Sermon, Funeral of Pres. Lincoln. (P.^ 8°. N.Y. 1865. McClung, J. A. Sketches of Western Ad- venture. 12°. Dayton. 1854. McConkey, Harriet E. B. Indian Massacre.' of 1862-3. 12°. St. Paul. 1864. McCoNNELL, J. L. Western Characters. 12° N.Y. 1853. McCoKD, Louisa S. Caius Gracchus, a Trage dy. 16°. N.Y. 1851. McCoEMAC, H. Philosophy of Humai Nature. 8°. Lond. 1837. McCoEMicK, E. C. Arizona, its Eesources etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1865. Oration, July 4, 1864. (P.) 8°. Pres cott, Ariz. 1864. St. Paul's to St. Sophia. 12°. N."i 1860. "Visit to the Camp at Sebastopol. 12' N.Y. 1855. M'CosH, J. Intuitions of the Mind. 8 N.Y. 1866. Method of Divine Government. 8 N.Y. 1851. The Supernatural and Natural. 12' - N.Y. 1862. M'CosH, J. , and Dickie, G. Ty23ical Forn and Special Ends in Creation. 8 N.Y. 1856. McCoy, A. Funeral Oration on Daniel We' ster. (P. 45.) 8°. Bost. 1853. McCoy, I. Histoi-y of Baptist Indian Mi sions. 8°. Wash. 1840. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 227 Ceie, T. History of the Bass Bock. See Miller, H. Geology of the Bass. . Life of John Knox. S''. N.Y. 1813. — •- Same. 16°. Ediu. 1810. • Eefonnation in Italy in 16th Century. 8°. Etlin. 1833. Reformation in Spain. 8°. Edin. 1829. Sketches of Scottish Church History. 2v. 12°. Edin. 1846. McCuLLAGH, W. T. Industrial History of Free Nations. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1846. Memoirs of R. L. Sheil. 2 t, 12°. Lond. 1855. Macculloch, J. Geological Classification of Rocks. 8°. Lond. 1821. System of Geology. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1831, McCuLLocH, J. R. Dictionary of Commerce. 8°. Lond. 1835. ' Same, with Supplement. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. • Same, vrith Supplement. 8°. Lond. 1847. Essays on Exchange, etc. 8". Bost. 1850. ' Essays on Interest, etc. 8°. Phil. 1851. Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Dictionary. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1841-2. ■ Rate of Wages and Condition of Labor- ing Classes. 16°. Lond. 1851. " Statistical Account of the British Em- pire. 2v. 8° Lond. 1837. Taxation and the Funding System. 8°. Lond. 1845. ' Treatise on Commerce. 8°. Lond. 1833. -^ Treatises on Economical Policy, with Sketches of Quesnay, Smith, and Ricardo. 8°. Edin. 1853. M'CuLLOH, J. H., Jr. Researches on Abo- rigines of America. 8°. Bait. 1817. M'Debmot, M. Dissertation on Taste. 8° Lond. 1823. Pleasures of Tragic Representations. 8°. Lond. 1824. MA.cDLiR>nD, J. Life of Lord Burleigh. See Republic of Letters, v. 3. Macdonjlld, D. G. F. Lecture on British Columbia, etc. 8°. Lond. 1863. Macdoxald, G., and Allan, J. Botanist's Word Book. 16% Lond. 1853. Macdonald, Jas. M. Ecclesiastes Explained. 12^. N.Y. 1856. Credulity, as Illustrated by Impostures, etc. 18°. N.Y. 1843. — — History of Presbyterian Church at Ja- maica, L. L 12°. N.Y. 1847. Macdonald, Jas. M. Key to Book of Reve- lation. 12°. N. Lond. 1848. My Father's House; or, Heaven. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Sermon on Death of Rev. J. Camahan. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Macdonald, Join. Lives of Massie, Mc- Arthur, WeUs, and Kenton. 12°. Day- ton. 1852. Macdonald, Mrs. MaryN. Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Macdonald, W. R. Paraphrase of "Econo- my of Human Life. " 12°. Lond. 1817. Macdouall, J. Voyage to Patagonia and Terra del Fuego. 12°. Lond. 1833. M'DouoALL, G. F. Voyage of the Resolute in Search of Sir John Franklin. 8°. Lond, ](^57. M'DowELL, J. Address to Alumni of College of New Jersey. (P. 18.) 8°. Princeton, 1838, Macduff, J, R. Story of Bethlehem. 16**. N.Y. 1860. Sunsets on the Hebrew Mountains. 12**. N.Y. 1863. McEllioott, J. N. American Debater. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Maceboni, F. Memoirs, by himself- 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. McFaklan, p. Collection of Gaelic Poems, etc. 16°. Edin. 1813. MacFablanb, C. French Revolution. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1844. Glance at Revolutionized Italy. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1849. Great Battles of the British Army. 12°. Lond. 1853. History of British India. 12°. Lond. 1852. Japan. 8°. Lond. 1852. Lives of Banditti. 16°. Lond, 1839. Same, 2 T, 16°. Phil. 1836, Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1833. Our Indian Empire. 2 v, in one. 12°. Lond. 1847. Turkey and its Destiny. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1850. MacFarlanr, J. Mountains of the Bible. 12°. N.Y. 1849. MacFaelane, R History of Propellers and Steam Navigation, etc 12°, N.Y. 1851. M'Gauley, J. W. Lectures on Natural Philosophy. 2 v. 8°. DubUn. 1850. MacGavogk, R. W. Tennesseean Abroad. 12°. N.Y. 1854. McGee, T. D. History of Irish Settlers in America. 12°. Bost. 1851. 228 CATALOGUE OF THE McGee, T. T>. Eeformation in Ireland, 154.0- 1S30. 12° Bost. 1853. MacGeoghegan, J. History of Ireland. 8°. N.Y. 1845. McGiLCHRisT, J. R. Cobden; a Biography. 16°. N.Y. 1865. MACGrLLivKAY, J. Voyags of the Eattlesnake. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1852. MacGllliveay, W. History of British Birds. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1837-40. Lives of Zoologists. 16°. Edin. 1834. Manual of British Ornithology. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1840-42. Natural History of British Quadrupeds. See Nattjbalist's Library. Travels of A. von Humboldt. 18°. N.Y. 1833. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1838. * MacGowan, D. J. Missionary Claims on Medical Profession. (P. 21.) 8°. N.Y. 1842. MacGkegoe, J. Commercial Statistics of All Nations. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1844^8. Commercial Tariffs, etc. See Gbeat Britain. History of British Empire. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Holland and Dutch Colonies. 8°. Lond. 1848. Language of Patent Specifications. 8°. Lond. 1856. My Note Book. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1835. Our Brothers and Cousins; a Tour in Canada and the U. S. 16°. Lond. 1859. Progress of America. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Hesources and Statistics of All Nations. V. 1. 8°. Lond. 1835. MacGsegos, p. Logic. 12°. N.Y. 1862. M'GuniE, E. C. Eeligious Opinions and Character of Washington. 1^°. N.Y. 1836. McHarg, C. K. Life of Talleyrand. 12°. N.Y. 1857. McHenry, G. Cotton Trade and Slavery. 8°. Lond. 1863. McHeney, J. Waltham; a Poem. 24°. N.Y. 1823. Machias, I>Ie. Centennial Anniversary Me- morial. 8°. Machias. 1863. Machiavelli, N. Opere. 10 v. 8°. Flor- ence. 1818-20. Discorsi sopra la Prima Deca di Livio., 18°. Milan. 1820. Works. f°. Lond. 1695. Art of War. 8°. Albany. 1815. Macsiavelli, N. Discourses on First Dec- ade of Livy. 16°. Lond. 1836. History of Florence. 2v. 12°. N,Y. 1845. Same, with The Prince, etc. 16°. Lond. 1847. Same. 12°. Lond. 1854. Machpelah; a Book for the Cemetery. 18°. N.Y. 1865. M'Ilvaine, C. p. Discourse on Divination. (P.) sq.l6°. Eoch. 1855. — -Evidences of Christianity. 8°. N.Y. 1832. The Truth and the Life; Sermons. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Valedictory Offering; Sermons. 16°. Lond. 1853. Macelwain, G. Memoirs of John Abemethy. 8°. N.Y. 1853. LIacintosh, a. F. Military Tour in Euro- pean Turkey. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1854. M*Intosh, C. Greenhouse, Hothouse and Stove. 12°. Lond. 1846. McIntosh, Maria J. Woman in America. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Mackay, a. Travels in the United States. 3 V. 12°. Lond. 1849. Macbay, C. Egeria, and Other Poems. 16°. Lond. 1850. (Ed'r.) Fisher's Drawing-Eoom Scrap Book. 4°. Lond. 1850. History of London. 16°. Lond. 1838. History of the Mormons. 12°. Lond, 1846. Same. 12°. Auburn. 1852. Life and Liberty in America. 12°. N.Y, 1859. Memoirs of Popular Delusions. 3 v. 8° Lond. 1841. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1852. Salamandrine; a Poem. 12°. Lond 1842. Scenery and Poets of the English Lakes 8°. Lond. 1846. Voices from the Mountains and froi! the Crowd. 16°. Bost. 1853. j Mackay, J. T. Flora Hibernica. 8°. Dub 1836. Mackay, E. W. Progress of the Intellect, i Greeks and Hebrews. 2 v. 8°. Lont 1850. McKaye, J. Birth and Death of Nation; (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Mastership and its Fruits. (P. ) 8 N.Y. 1864. McKean, J. G. Cruise of the Somers. 16 N.Y. 1844. MERCANTILE LIBRAllY. 229 :' Iackeldt, F. Conipcndhim of Modern Civil Law. V. 1. 8". N.Y. 1845. ■'IcK^iiL, Quint in. Lament of. 8°. N.Y. 1858. McKellab, T. Lines for tlie Gentle and Loving. 16°. Phil. 1853. McKenney, T. L. Tour to the Lakes. 8°. Title wanting. Travels among the Indians. 2 v. in one. 8° N.Y. 1846. McKexney, T. L., and Hall, J. History of the Indian Tribes. 3 v. f°. Phil. 1838-44. Mackenzie, A. Voyages from Montreal; and, Fur Trade. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1802. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1802. Mackenzie, A. S. American in England. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Same. 2 v. in one. 12°, N.Y. 1847. Life of Decatur. See Sparks' Am. Biog. , 2d ser., v. 11. Life of Paul Jones. 2 v. in one. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Life of Commodore Perry. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1841. Spain Revisited. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Year in Spain. 3 v. 16°. N.Y. 1836. Mackenzie, A. S. Proceedings of Court Martial on; also. Review of same, by J. F. Cooper. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Mackenzie, C. Five Thousand Keceipts. 8°. Phil. 1831. Mackenzie, Mrs. C. Life in the Mission, etc. ; or, Six Years in India. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Mackenzie, D. Emigrant's Guide in Aus- tralia. 18°. Lond. 1845. Mackenzie, B. L. Dictionaiy of English Synonyms. 16°. Lond. 1854. Mackenzie, G. S. On Education. 16°. Lond. 1840. Theory of Taste. 16°. Edin. 1843. Travels in Iceland. 4°. Edin. 1812. Mackenzie, H. Lounger. 2 v. 16°. Lond. '08. Same. 8°. Lond. 1820. Same. See Guakdian (The). Miscellaneous Works. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Report on Ossian's Poems. See High- land Society. Mackenzie, H., and others. The Mirror. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1825. ■ Same. 16°. Lond. 1808. Same. 8°. Lond. 1825. Mackenzie, J. Memoirs of Calvin. 12°. Phil. 1823. Mackenzie, J. T. Paper on Trade and Com- merce of India. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1859. Mackenjzie, K. R. H. Burmah and the Bur- mese. 10°. Lond. 1853. Mackenzie, K. S. Second Campaign in China. 12°. Lond. 1842. Mackenzie, E. Strictures on Tarleton's His- tory of the Campaigns of 1780-81. 8°. Lond. 1787. Mackenzie, W. L. Life and Times of Van Buren. 8°. Bost. 1846. Lives and Opinions of Butler and Hoyi 8°. Bost. 1845. Sons of the Emerald Isle. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1844. Mackey, a. G. Lexicon of Freemasonry. 12°. Phil. 1855. Manual of the Lodge. 8° N.Y. 1865. Text Book of Masonic Jurisprudence. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Mackie, J. M. Cape Cod to Dixie and the Tropics. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Cosas de Espana. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Life of S. Gorton. See Sparks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 5. Life of Leibnitz. 12*». Bost 1845. Life of Schamyl. 12°. Bost. 1856. Macktnnon, L. Atlantic and Transathiutic. 12°. N.Y. 1852. ]Mackinnon, "W. a. History of Civilization. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1846. Mackintosh, J. History of the Kevolution of 1688. 8°. Phil. 1835. Law of Nature and Nations. 16°. Lend. 1835. Life of Sir T. More. See Republic of Letters, v. 3. Memoirs. Ed. by his Son. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Same. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1835. Miscellaneous Works. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1846. Same. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1854. Progress of Ethical Philosophy. 8°. Edin. 1836. Reign of James H. 4°. Lond. 1835. Vindiciffi Gallicoe. 8°. Lond. 1791. Mackintosh, J., and others. History of England. 10 v. 10°. Lond. 1830-40. Same. 3 v. 12°. Phil. 1835. Mackintosh, T. S. Electrical Theory of the Universe. 12°. Bost. 1846. Mackness, J. Dysphonia Clericorum ; or, Clergyman's Sore Throat. 8°. Lond. 1848. Macknight, T. Life and Times of Edmund Burke. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1858-60. M'Laughlin, D. Book-keeping. 8°. N.Y. 1847. 230 CATALOGUE OF THE McLaughlin, E. A. Coral Gift. 12°. N.Y. 1851. MACLAtJEiN, C. Newton's Philosopliical Dis- coveries. 4°. Lond. 1748. M'Lauein, J. On Happiness, Piety, etc.; with Memoir. 12°. Phil. 1836. MXean, J. Twenty-five Years in Hudson's Bay Territory. 2 v. 12^ Lond. 1849. MacLean, Eev. J. Sermon on Death of Prof. Dod. (P.) 8°. Princeton. 1846. Macleae, G. F. Christian Missions in the Middle Ages. 12°. Camb. 1863. Macleay, H. Eob Eoy and the Clan Mac- gregor. 12°. Phil. 1819. McLees, a. Alphabets for Engravers, etc. 4°. N.Y. 1855. McLehose, W. C. Correspondence of Burns andClarinda. 12°. N.Y. 1843. McLellan, L Fall of the Indian, and Other Poems. 12°. Bost. 1830. McLeod, A. Scriptural View of War of 1815. (P. 57.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. McLeod, D. Life of Fernando "Wood. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Life of' Walter Scott. 12°. N.Y. 1852. McLeod, H. D. Dictionaryof Political Econ- omy. V. 1. 8°. Lond. 1863. Theory and Practice of Banking. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1855. McLeod, J. Voyage to China, Corea and Lewchew. 12°. Lond. 1819. McLeod, J. N. Sermon on Death of Eev. A. W. Black. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. McLeod, N. A Highland Parish. 16° N.Y. 1866. Macluke, W. Opinions on Various Subjects, V. 1. 8°. New Harmony, Ind. 1831. McMastees, S. Y. a Methodist in Search of the Church. 18°. Claremont. 1862. Mac-Micking, E. EecoUections of Manilla and the Philippines. 12°. Lond. 1851. Macmillan's Magazine, v. 1-10. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1860-64. MacMullen, J. The N. Y. Society Library; a Lecture. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Nathan Hale; a Poem. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. McMullen, T. Handbook of Wines. 12°. N.Y. 1852. McMf (^RiE, H. Sketches of Louisville, etc. 8". Louisv. 1819. Macnally, L. Fashionable Levities; a Com- edy. (P. 73.) 8°. Lond. 1785. McNally, W. Evils in Naval and Merchant Service. 12°. Bost. 1839. McNaughton, J. Address to N. Y. State Med- ical Society. (P. 42.) 8°. Albany. 1838. M'Neile, H. Lecture on Life of Franklin. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1841. MACNEiLii,H. Poems. See Beitish Poets, V. 39. Same. 12°. Phil. 1815. MacneviNjW. Eamble through Swisserland. 8°. Dublin. 1803. Macnish, E. Anatomy of Drunkenness. 12* N.Y. 1835. Book of Aphorisms. 18°. Glasg. 1840. Introduction to Phrenology. 12°. Bost.; 1836. Modem Pythagorean, with Life. 2 v. 16°. Edin. 1838. Philosophy of Sleep. 16°. N.Y. 1834. Macoy, E. Masonic Manual. 32°. N.Y. 1854. True Masonic Guide. 12°. N.Y. 1853. McPheeson, D. War in China. 8°. Lond. 1843. Macpheeson, D. Annals of Commerce, etc. 4 V. 4°. Lond. 1805. Macpheeson, E. Political History of the U. S. during the Eebellion. 8°. W^ash. 1865. Macpheeson, Jas. Introduction to History of Great Britain and Ireland. 4°. Lond. 1771. Secret History of Great Britain from the Eestoration. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1776. Macpheeson, John. Dissertations on Cale- donians, Picts and Scots. 4°. Lond. 1768. McQueen, H. Orator's Touchstone. 12°. N.Y. 1854. McQueen, J. Geographical Survey of Africa. 8°. Lond. 1840. West India Colonies. 8°. Lond. 1824. Maceay, W. D. Manual of British Historians to 1600. 8°. Lond. 1845. Maceeady, E. N. SuwaiTow and his Cam- paigns. 12°. Lond. 1851. Maceeady, Mrs. Memoir of, with Opinions of the Press. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. McSheeey, J. History of Maryland. 8°. Bait. 1849. M'Sheeey, E. El Puchero; or, a Mixed Dish from Mexico. 12°. Phil. 1800. McSweeney, D. Book Keeping. 8°. Cork* 1804. Macvicae, J. G. The Beautiful, Picturesquo and Sublime. 8°. Lond. 1837. Economy of Nature. 8° Lond. 1856. Enquiry into Human Nature. 8°. Edin.. 1853. Philosophy of the Beautiful. 12°, Edin. 1855. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 231 McViCKAB, J. Address, on Death of W. M. De Kham. (P. 15.) 8°. N.Y. 1834. Ou Abolisliing Damages for Protest. (P.) 8^^. N.Y. 1829. • Early Years of Bp. Hobart. 12°. N.Y. 1834. Life of Samuel Bard. 8°. N.Y. 1822. Political Economy. 8°. -N.Y. 1825. Professional Years of Bishop Hobart. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Tribute to Memory of Sir W. Scott. (P. 13.) 8°. N.Y 1833. McViCKAB, W. A. Report on City Missions. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1867. MacWalter, J. G. Table Tipping. 1G°. Lond. 1854. MacWhortee, a. Yahveh Christ. 12°. Bost. 1857. McWhorter, G. C. Hand Book of the New Testament 16°. N.Y. 1864. Macy, O. History of Nantucket. 12°. Bost. 1835. Madagascar, Past and Present. 8°. Lond. 1847. Madden, D. O. Revelations of Lreland, 12°. Dubl. 1848. Madden, F. (Ed'r. ) Layamon's Brut. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Madden, R. R. Infirmities of Genius. 2 v. 1G°. Phil. 1833. Life of Lady Blessington. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Travels^ in Turkey and Egypt 2 v. 16°. Phil. 1830. Twelve Months in the West Indies. 2 V. in one. 16°. Phil. 1835. United Irishmen. 2 v. 12°. Lond. '42. Madden, T. M. Change of Climate. 12°. Lond. 1864. Maddock, a. B. Consumption and Medica- ted Inhalation. 8°. Lond. 1847. Madison, J. Letters and Writings, 1769- 1836. 4v. 8°. Phil. 1865. Papers; Correspondence and Debates. 3v. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Papers; Debates in Congress and the Federal Convention. 3 v. 8°. Wash. 1840. y Madison, Wise, and Dane County, Statistics of. (P.) 8°. Madison. 1853. Madrid in 1»35. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Magazine of Domestic Economy. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1836-9. Magazine of Horticulture, v. 12-30. 8°. Bost 1846-62. Magazine of Natural History, v. 9-13. 8°. Lond. 1836-40. Magazine of Popular Science. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1836-1837. Magazine of Science and School of Arts. 3 V. 8°. Lond. 1842. Magazine of Zoology and Botany, v. 1-2. 8°. Lond. 1836. Magendie, F. Formulary for Several New Remedies. 12°. N. Haven. 1820. Prussic Acid in Diseases of the Breast 12°. N. Haven. 1820. Human Physiology. 8°. N.Y. 1844. ]\Iagician's Own Book. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Maginn, W. Fraserian Papers, with Memoir. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Homeric Ballads. See Homer. Odoherty Papers. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Shakspeare Papers. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Magny, C, Marquis de. Traite des Ar- moires. v. 1. 4°. Paris. 1845. Magoon, E. L. Living Orators in America. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Orators of the Revolution. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Proverbs for the People. 12°. Bost 1849. Westward Empire. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Magrudeb, a. B., and Orvis, E. E. Debate on Endless Punishment. 12°. RicLm. 1855. Magbudei^, W. H. N. Memoirs of S. B. Bangs. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Maguiee, E. Dogma of Immaculate Concep- tion. 16°. N.Y. 1855. Maguire, J. F. Father Mathew; a Biog- raphy. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Mahan, a. Doctrine of the Will. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Intellectual Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1845. — r- Same. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Modern Mysteries Exposed. 12°. Post 1855. Mahan, D. H. Advanced Guard, Out-post, and Detachment Service. 18°. N.~Y. 1853. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1863. Elements of Civil Engineering. 8°. N.Y. 1838. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Elements of Militai-y Engineering, Pt. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Industrial Drawing, and Instruments. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Treatise on Field Fortification. 18°. N.Y. 1856. Mahan, M. Answer to Colenso. 8°. N.Y. 1863. 232 CATALOGUE OF THE Mahan, M. Church History of First Three Centuries. 12°. N.Y. '18GO. Palmoni. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Mahogany (The) Tree. 8°. Liverpool. ii.d. Mahomet. See Mohammed. Mahon, Lord. The Forty-Five (Insurrection of 1745). 16°. Lond. 1851. Historical Essays. 12°. Lond. 1849. History of England, Peace of Utrecht to Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. History of England, from Peace of Utrecht. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1840-54. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Same. 7 v. 12°. Post. 1853-4. ■ History of War of Succession. 8°. Lond. 1836. Life of Belisarius. 12°. Phil. 1832. Life of Prince of Conde. 12°. N.Y. '45. Maimbourg, L. History of the Crusades. f°. Lond. 1685. Main, R. Rudimentary Astronomy. 16°. Lond. 1852. Main, T. J., and Beown, T. Indicator and Djaiamometer. 8°. Lond. n.d. Same. 8°. Lond. 1847. Marine Steam Engine. 8°. Lond. 1852. Same. 12°. Phil. 1863. Maine, H. S. Ancient Law. 8°. Lond. 1861. Maine. Adjutant General's Report, for 1861. 8°. Augusta. 1862. Board of Agriculture ; Annual Reports, 2-8. 7v. 8°. Augusta. 1858-63. Catalogue of Documents in English Ar- chives. See FoLSOM, G. Debates of Constitutional Convention, 1819. 12°. Portland. 1820. Report on Geology of Public Lands, by C. T. Jackson. 8°. Augusta. 1838. Third Annual Geological Report, by C. T. Jackson. 8°. Augusta. 1839. Plates to Jackson's Geological Report. 4°. n.p. n.d. Maine Historical Society. Collections. 6 v. 8°. Portland. 1831-59. Maintenon, Mme. de. Secret Correspond- ence. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1827. Mainzee, J. Singing for the Million. 8°. Lond. 1842. Mate, J. Book-keeping Methodized. 8°. Edin. 1757. Book-keeping Modernized. 8°. Edin. 1800. Latin Syntax. 12°. N.Y. 1828. Maistee, J. de. Du Pape. 16°. Paris. 1843. Generative Principle of Political Consti- tutions. 16°. Bost. 1847. 8° 12= '23. Maitland, C. Apostles' School of Prophetic Interpretation. 8°. Lond. 1849. Church in the Catacombs. 8°, Lond. 1846. Maitland, F. L. Surrender of Napoleon. 16°. Bost. 1826. Maitland, S. R. Dark Ages. 8°. Lond. '45. Eight Essays. 16°. Lond. 1852. Eruvin; or, Essays on Man. 1G°. Lond. 1850. Essays on the English Reformation. Lond. 1849. Makepeace, W. Makepeace Genealogy'. Bost. 1858. Makins, G. H. Manual of Metallurgy. Phil. 1865. Malan, C. Traites Suisses. 16°. Lond. Malcolm, A. Arithmetick and Book-keep- ing. 8°. Edin. 1718. Book-keeping. 8°. Lond. 1743. Malcolm, Jas. P. History of Caricaturing. 4°. Lond. 1813. Manners and Customs of London, 1700. 3 V. 8° Lond. 1811. Same, during 18th Century. 2 v. ' Lond. 1810. Malcolm, John. History of Persia. 2 v. Lond. 1815. Malcom, H. Sermon on the Atonement. 14.) 8°. Bost. 1833. - — Travels in Asia. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1839. Same. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1840. Malden, H. Distinguished Men of Modern Times, Abridged. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. '44. ISIalheebe, F. de. Qiiuvres. See Botleau- Despreaux, N. Malispini, R. and G. Sfcoria Fiorentina. 4^ Florence. 1816. Malkin, J. H. Historical Parallels. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1831-5. History of Greece. 8°. Lond. 1829. Malkin, D. Ballad of Edwin and Emma. 12°. Lond. 1849. to 8°. 4°. (P. Poems. See Bp.iTrsH Poets, v. 2( 16^ 9y 1847 Mallet, G. Le Conteur Ge'nevois, etc Paris. 1851. Mallet, P. H. Histoire de Danemarc. 12°. Geneva. 1 787-8 v Northern Antiquilies. 12°. Lond. Mallet, R. (Ed'r. ^ Scientific Record of Ex hibition of 1862. 4°. Lorid. n.d. Mallet du Pan, J. Memoirs and Coire spondence. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Malone, E. Authenticity of Pretended Shak speare MSS. 8°. Lond. 1796. Malone, R. E. Cruise in the AustraHai Colonies. 12°. Lond. 1854. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 233 Malory, T. Ilistoiy of King Arthur. Ed. by T. Wright. 3 V 1G°. Lond. 1858. La Mort d' Arthur. 3 v. 18°. Lond. 181G. Malte-Brun, C. Piinciples of Geography. 8°. Ediu. 1834. Universal Geography. 8 v. 8°. Bost. 1824-31. Malthus, T. R. Essay on roj)ulation. 2 v. 8'^. Georgetown. 1809. Political Economy. 8°. Bost. 1821. Same, with Memoir. 8°. Lond. 1836. Man and his DweUing Place. 12°. N.Y. '59. Manasses, C. Fragmenta. See Nicetas Eu- genianus. ilANCHESTER (E. ) Directory, 1855. 8°. Manch. (E.) 1855. IiIanchester (E.) Art Treasures Exhibition. See Hand-book to British Paintings. Manchester, N. H. Directory, 1844, '46, '50, '52, 'G4. 5 V. 18*^. Manch. 1844-64. Mande\ille, G. H. Flushing, Past and Present. 18°. Flushing, L. I. 1860. Mandeville, H. Course of Readiug. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Elements of Reading and Oratory. 8°. Utica. 1845. Fourth Reader. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Mandeville, J. Voyage to Hierusalem. 8°. Lond. 1839. Manetho. >S'ee Poet^i Bucolici, etc., in Didot's Greek Classics. Mangan, J. C. (Transl. ) German Anthology. 2v. 16°. Dubl. 1845. Mangnall, R. Historical and Miscellaneous Questions. 16°. Lond. n.d. Manilius, Ikl. Astronomicon. 2 v. See Val- py's Delphin Classics. Manley, J. R. Address to N. Y. County Medical Society. (P. 17.) 8°. N.Y. 1836. Mann, Herman. History of Dedham, Mass. 8°. Dedham. 1847. Mann, Horace. Few Thoughts for a Young Man. 18°. Bost. 1850. Lectures on Intemperance. (2d copy, P. 42.) 24°. Syracuse. 1852. Powers and Duties of Woman. 16°. Syracuse. 1853. Reply to Thirty-one Boston School- masters. (P. 71.) 8°. Bost. 1844. Report of Educational Tour. 16°. Lond. 1846. Reports on Schools of Mass. See Mas- sachusetts. Speech on Slavery, in Congress, Aug. 17, 1852. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Mann, J. Bird-keeper's Manual. 16°. Bost. 1848. Mann, Mrs. Mary. Life of Horace Mann. 12°. Bost. 1865. Mann, Mrs. Mary, and Peabody, Eliz. P. Culture of Infancy. 12°. Bost. 1863. Mann, R. J. Planetary System of the Uni- verse. 16°. Lond. 1845. Manners and Customs of the Japanese. 12°. Lond. 1841. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1841. Manners and Customs of the Jews, etc. 12°. Hartf. 1833. Manni, D. M. Sigilli Antichi. 30 v. in 8. 4°. Florence. 1739-86. Manning, J. A. Lives of Speakers of House of Commons. 8°. Lond. 1850. lyiANNiNG, R. Moral Entertainments. 2 v. 16°. Dubl. 1819. Mansel, H. L. Limits of Religious Thought. 12°. Bost. 1859. Philosophy of Consciousness. 8°. Edin. 1860. Mansfield, E. D. American Education. 8°. N.Y. 1851. - — Legal Rights, etc., of Women. 12^ Salem. 1845. Life of Gen. Scott. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Life of Dr. Drake. 12°. Cine. 1855. Mexican War. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Natural Position of Mackinaw City. (P.) 8°. Cine. 1857. Utility of West Pomt; an Address. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Mansfield, R. B. Log of the * ' Water Lily. " 16°. Leip. 1854. Mai;t, R. Happiness of the Blessed. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Hora3 Liturgicc-e. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Primitive Christianity Exemplified. 8°. Lond. 1842. Mante, T. History of the Late War. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1772. Mantell, G. a. Fossils of the South Downs. 4°. Lond. 1822. Geological Excursions round Isle of Wight. 16°. Lond. 1847. Geology of South East of England. 8°. Lond. 1833. Medals of Creation. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1844. Petrifactions and their Teachings. 16°. Lond. 1851. Thoughts on Animalculoe. 12°. Lond. 1846. Manual of British Rural Sports. By Stone- henge. 16°. Lond. 1856. 234 catalooup: of the Manual of Commercial Correspondence. Eng. and French. 12^. N.Y. 1850. Manual of Geographical Science. With f°. Atlas. 8=^. Lond. 1852. Manual of Liberty. 8° Lond. 1795. Manual for Mechanics' Institutions. 12°. Lond. 1839. Manuel, P. La Police de Paris. 2 v. 8^. Paris. 1793. Manusceipt (The), v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1^28. Manuscript from St. Helena. (Attributed to Napoleon!) 12°. N.Y. 1817. Manzoni, a. I Promessi Sposi. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1836. Les Fiances. 12°. Paris. 1850. Map of the Whole World. 4°. Lond. 1676. Mapes, W. Latin Poems. Ed. by T. Wright. See Camden Society. Mapleson, T. W. G. Handbook of Heraldry. sm.d°. N.Y. n.d. Mapotheh, E. D. Physiology and Disease. 16°. Dubl. 1862. Maps Illustrating Kevolutionary War. Maps of Society for Diflfusion of Useful Knowledge. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1844. Maquet, a. La Eose Blanche. 16°. Pari^. 1863. Les Vertes-Feuilles. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1862. Maeana, J. P. Letters of a Turkish Spy. 8 V. 12°. Lond. 1748. Maeble Worker's Manual. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Maecel, Abbe. Chefs-d'CEuvre de I'Elo- quence Fran9aise. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1844. Maecellus Sidetes. Bee Poet^ Bucolici, in Didot's Greek Classics. Maecet, Jane. Conversations on Chemistry. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1837. Conversations on Natural Philosophy. 12°. Lond. 1836. Same, ed. by Jones. 12°. Phil. 1826. Conversations on Political Economy. 18°. N.Y. 1820. Conversations on Vegetable Physiology. 12°. N.Y. 1830. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1832. John Hopkins' Notions on Political Economy. 12°. Bost. 1833. Maech, C. W. Keminiscences of Congress; a Biography of Webster. 12°. N.Y. '50. Sketches, etc. , in Madeira, Portugal and Spain. 12°. N.Y. '56. Makchant, J. Puerilia; a Collection of Songs. 16°. Lond. 1751. Marchmont, Earl of. Selections from Papers of. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1831. Maeci, a. F. Prim-Getallen van 1 tot 400,- 000. 12°. Amst. 1772. Maecou, J. Geological Map of United States and British Provinces. 2. v. 8°. Bost. 1853. Makcy, E. E. Homoeopathy and Allopathy. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Marcy, K. B. Prairie Traveller. 16°. N.Y. 1859. Maecy, E. B., and McClellan, G. B. Ex- ploration of the Eed Eiver, etc. See United States. Maeetzek, M. Crotchets and Quavers. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Maegoliouth, M. History of the Jews in Great Britain. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1851. Maegueeittes, Julie de. Ins and Outs of Paris. 12°. Phil. 1855. Maeine Society of New York. Charter and Members. sm.4°. N.Y. 1792. Maeine Steam Engine; for Naval Officers, etc. 8°. Lond. 1849. Maeinee, W. Account of the Tonga Islands. 8°. Bost. 1820. Same. 2 v. 16°. Edin. 1827. Maeion, F. Pictorial Life of. 12°. Phil. 1847. Maeiotti, L. Italy in 1848. 12°. Lond. 1851. Italy; its History and Literature. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1841. Italy ; Past and Present. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1848-9. Maeiposa (The) Company. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Maeivaux, p. C. de C. de. Come'dies. See Eepeetoiee Gene'ral, etc. Maekhat.i, C. E. Grammar and Dictionary of Quichua. 12°. Lond. 1864. Franklin's Footsteps ; a Sketch of Green- land, etc. 16^. Lond. 1853. Travels in Peru and India. 8°. Lond. 1862. Maekham, G- English Hous-Wife. 8°. Lond. 1660. Maekham, Mrs. History of England. 12°. Lond. 1848. History of France. 12°. Lond. 1848. Maekham, W. O. Surgical Practice of Paris. 8°. Phil. 1841. Maekland, J. H. Eemarks on English Churches. 16°. Lond. 1847. Maekle, J. Life of. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1844. Maekoe, p. The Times; a Poem. (P. 69.) 12°. Phil. 1788. Maeks, J. J. Peninsular Campaign. 12°. Phil. 1864. Maelboeough, Duke of. Life of. See Eepub- Lic of Letters, v. 5. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 235 Paris. Paris. Paris. Maeles, J. L. do. Domination des Arabes enEspagne. 2 v. 8° Paris. 1825. Marlowe, C. Works. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1826. MAKiiOWE, C, and Chapman, G. Hero and Leander. See Old English Poets, v. 5. Same. 12°. Chiswick. 1821. Maemier, X. L'Adriatiqiie et le Montenegro. 2 V. in one. 12°. Bnix. n.d. • L'Avare et son Tre'sor. 12°. 1863. An Bord de la Neva, etc. 12°. 1856. - — Les Fiances du Spitzberg. 12°. 1859. Histoire de laLitte'rature en Danemarck et Suede. 8°. Paris. 1839. ■ Histoires AUemandes et Scandinaves. 16°. Paris. 1860. Lcttres sur TAmerique. 3 v. 16°. Brux. 1851. • Lcttres sur la HoUandc. 12°. Paris. 1841. ■ Lettres sur le Nord. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1840. • Lettres sur la llussie, etc. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1843. Les Memoires d'un Orphelin. 16°. Pa- ris. 1865. Le Roman d'un He'ritier. 10°. Paris. 1864. Les Voyageurs Nouvcaux. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1851. Maemion, a. History of Seaports of Ireland. 8°. Lond. 1855. Same. 8°. Lond. 1858. MAT.inoN, S. Cupid and Psyche; a Poem. 12°. Chiswick. 1820. Amalia. 2 v. in one. 12°. Leip. Maemol, J. 1862. Maemontel, J. F. de. 1814. Autobiography. Same. 4 v. 16°. Same. 2 v. 18°. Bdlisaire. 16°. Paris. 180J 4v. 16°. Lond. Edin. 1803. , Lond. 1829-30. Maemontel, J. F. de., and Geesset, J. B. L. Select Transl. from. 16°. N.Y. 1801. Maeon, E. Histoire Litteraire de la Revolu- tion. 12°. Paris. 1856. Maeoncelli, p. Additions to *• My Prisons;" Memoirs of S. Pellico. 16°. Camb. 1836. Maee, W. Arithmetic. 16°. Edin. 1847. Mareyatt, F. Diary in America. 12°. N.Y. 1839. llilARRYATT, F., Jr. Mountaliis and Molehills. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Maeryatt, F. S. Borneo and tho Indian Islands: 4°. Lond. 1848. Maeetatt, H. Residence in Jutland. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1860. Maesden, J. B. History of Christian Church- es. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1856. Influence of Mosaic Code on Legisla- tion. 8°. Lond. 1862. Maesden, Wm. Bibliotheca Marsdeniana. 4°. Lond. 1827. Malay Grammar. 4°. Lond. 1812. History of Sumatra. With f°. Atlas. 4°. Lond. 1811. Maesh, C. C. Book-keeping. 8°. Phil. 1851. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Lecture on Book-keeping. 16°. N.Y. 1837. Single Entry Book-keeping. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Maesh, G. P. Address to New England So- ciety. (P. 34.) 8°. N.Y. 1845. Artificial Propagation of Fish. 8°. Bur- lington, Vt. 1857. The Camel; its Habits, etc. 16°. Bost. 1856. Human Knowledge; an Address. (P. 34.) 8°. Bost. 1847. — ~ Inaugural at Columbia College. See DvTLGST, T. W. Inaugural, etc. Lectures on the English Language. 8°. N.Y 1860. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Man and Nature. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Origin and History of English Language. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Speech on Mexican War. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1848. Study of English; a Lecture at Colum- bia College. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. M.UISH, H. Politicks of England and France. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1800. Maesh, J. Decimal Arithmetic. 4°. Lond. • 1742. Maesh, Rev. J. Sunday Liquor Traffic; a Sermon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1849. Temperance Battle not Man's but God's. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Half Century Tribute to Temperance. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Maesh, Josiah. Life of G. Fox. 12°. Phil. n.d. Maesh, L. R. Oration on Gen. Woodhull. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1848. Maesh, Miss. English Hearts and English Hands. 16°. N.Y. 1858. Maesh, Mrs. Protestant Reformation in France. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1851. Maesh, W. T. Church and State. 16°. Lond. 1849. 236 CATALOGUE OF THE Marshall, C. Passages from Diary, 1774- 1776. 12°. Phil. 1839. Passages from Diary, 1774-7. 12°. Phil. 1839-49. Maeshall, E. C. First Book of Oratory. 12°. N.Y. 1851. History of U. S. Naval Academy. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Marshall, H. Enlisting, Discharging, and Pensioning of Soldiers. 8°. Phil. 1840. History of Kentucky. 2 v. 8°. Frank- fort. 1824. Marshall, Jas. Population of Great Britain. 4°. Lond. 1833. Marshall, John. English Colonies in North America. 8°. Phil. 1824. Life of George Washington, with Atlas. 5v. 8°. Phil. 1805. Same. 5 v. 8°. Phil. 1807. Same, with Atlas. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1832- 1833. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1836-8. • Same. 12°. Phil. 1838. Writings on the Federal Constitution. 8°. Bost. 1839. Marshall, Lt. John. Eoyal Naval Biogra- phy. 12 V. 8°. Lond. 1823-35. Marshall, J. A. Farmer's and Emigrant's Hand-Book. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Marshall, S. Law of Lisurance. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1808. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1810. MARSH.VLL, T. F. Speeches and Writings of. 8°. Cine. 1858. Marshall, T. W. M. Christian Missions. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Marshman, J. C. Lives of Carey, Marshman, and Ward. 2 v. 8° Lond. 1859. Marston, J. E. Campaigns of Bliicher. 8°. Hamburg. 1815. Marston, John. Works. Ed. by J. O. Halli- well. 3v. 16°. Lond. 1856. Marten, F. Observations in Greenland, etc. See Account (An) of Several Late Voyages, etc. Martialis, M. V. Opera. 3 v. Bee Valpy's Delphin Classics. Same. See Walker, G. S. Corpus Po- etarum Latinorum. Martin, B. Lives of Philosophers and Mathematicians. 8°. Lond. 1784. Martin, C. and L. Civil Costume of Eng- land. 4°. Lond. 1842. Martin, Fran. X. History of Louisiana. 2 V. 8°. N.O. 1827. History of North Carolina. 2 v. 8°. N.O. 1829. Statesman's Year Book for Lond. 1865. Equation Tables. 4°. Eoch. Martin, Fred. 1865. 12 i\lAETIN, G. W. 1853. Martin, Henri. Manin and/ Venice in 1848- 49. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1862. History of France ; Age of Louis XIV. 2v. 8°. Bost. 1865. Martin, Hor. Pictorial Guide to the ]\Iam. moth Cave. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Martin, Jos. Gazetteer of Virginia anc District of Columbia. 8°. Charlottesv. 1835. Martin, P. J. Geology of Western Sussex 4°. Lond. 1828. TtlARTiN, B. M. British Colonial Library 10 V. 16°. Lond. 1836-7. V. 1, Canada; v. 2, Australasia; v. 31 South Afdca; v. 4, 5, West Indies; v 6, Nova Scotia; v. 7, British Mediter ranean Possessions; v. 8, 9, Eastlndi; Company's Possessions; v. 10, Britisl Possessions in Indian and Atiauti Oceans. China, Political, Commercial, and Social 2v. 8°. Lond. 1847. History of the British Colonies. 5 8°. Lond. 1834-5. History, etc. , of Eastern India, v. 1- 8°. Lond. 1838. Hudson's Bay Territories and Vancoi ver's Island. 8°. Lond. 1840. Ireland Before and After the Union. 8' Lond. 1848, Progress and Present State of Britis India. 12°. Lond. 1862. Martin, S. Useful Arts, their Birth an Development. 16°. Lond. 1851. Martin, T. Lord Bacon, his Life an Works. 12°. Lond. 1835. Martin, W. C. L. Poultry Yard. 16°. Lorn 1855. Martin, W. T. History of Franklin Co 8°. Columbus. 1858. Martineau, a. Church History in Englau* 12°. Lond. 1853. Martineau, Harriet. See Atkinson, H. G. Corporate Tradition, etc. Local Du on Shipping. 8°. Lond. n.d. Eastern Life, Present and Past. 3 12°. Lond. 1848. Same. 8°. Phil. 1848. Five Years of Youth. 18°. Bost. 184 History of England, 1816-46. 2 v. ^ Lond. 1849-50. Household Education. 12°. Lond. 18 ! Same. 12°. Phil. 1849. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 237 Maktineait, narriet. How to Observe; Mor- als and Mrtnuors. 12°. N.Y. 1838. — Introduction to History of England, 1800-1815. H". Lend. 1851. — Life in the Sick Room. 12^. Bost. 1845. — Miscellanies, 2 v. 12^. Bost. 1836. — Our Farm of T^eo Acres. 12°. N.Y. 1865. — Prize Essays. 18"^. Bost. 1836. Retrospect of Western Travel. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1838. — Society in America. 2 v. 12'^. N.Y. 1837. — Contes sur rjficonomie Politique. 6 v. 16°. Brax. 1834 Maktineau, J. Endeavors after the Christian Life. 12°. Lond. 1843. — Same, 2d ser. 12°. Bost. 1848. — MisceUanies. 12°. Bost. 1851. — Sermon on Commercial Morals. (P. ) 8°. Lond. n.d. M/VRTiNi, K. W. Vor Hundert Jahren. 2 v. in one. 18°. Vienna. 1864. MAKTL.iNG-Man (The) ; or, Says I to Myself, How is This? (P. 4L) 8°. N.Y. 1819. Mai^tyn, B., and Kippis, A. Life of first Earl of Shaftesbury. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Mae'itn, H. Journal and Letters. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Martyn, J. , and Chambeks, E. Memoirs of Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1742. Martyb, p. De nuper Repertis Insulis. (P.) 4P. Basle. 1521. Maktyes to the Revolution in the British Prison Ships. 8°. N.Y. 1855. MAP.vEii, A. Redivivus. (Pseud. ) The Crisis ; or. The Delicate Investigation. (P. 26.) 8°. Lond. 1812. MvRviN, W. Law of Wreck and Salvage. 8°. Bost. 1858. Marx, A. B. L. van Beethoven. 8°. Berlin. 1859. Music in the 19th Century. 8°. Lond. n.d. Marx, K. F. H. Moral Aspects of Medical Life. 8°. Lond. 1846. Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Mary, Queen of England. Two Years of. See Camden Society. Mary, Queen of Scots. Letters, ed. by I^Irs. Strickland. 12^ Lond. 1844. Lettrea. Ed. by A. Labanoff. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1844. Mary, Queen of Scots. Secret History of Life of. 8°. Lond. 1726. Maryiand. Boundary Commission Report. (P. 31.) 8°. Wash. 1850. Conventions, 1774r-5-6; Proceedings. 8°. Bait. 1834. Geological Report, 1840. 8°. Bait. 1841. Governor's Message on Boundary Re- port. 8°. Wash. 1850. Report on new Map, 1834. 8°. Bait. 1834. Same, 1836. 8°. Bait. 1837. Statistics, etc., by Census of 1850. f°. Wash. 1850. LIaryland Historical Society. Catalogue of Maps, MSS., Medals, Coins, etc. 8°. Bait. 1857. Maryland Institute. Annual Reports, 8-9. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1856-7. Book of the Exhibition, lOth-llth. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1857-8. Same, 12th. 12°. Bait. 1860. Reports of Managers and Treasurer, 10th-12th. 3v. 8°. Bait. 1858-60. Maryland Journal. v. 19-20. f°. Bait. 1792-3. Maseres, F. (Ed'r. ) Tracts on the Civil War in England. 8°. Lond. 1815. Mason, Chas. Parochial Sermons. 8°. Bost. 1865. Sermon on Death of Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Mason, Cyrus. Discourse on N.Y. City Uni- versity. (P. 34.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Mason, E. Pastor's Legacy^ with Memoir. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Sermon on Death of Elder Hj^e. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1845. Mason, G. C. Reunion of Sons and Daugh- ters of Newport. 8°. Newport. 1859. Mason, G. H. Costume of China. See Cos- tumes, etc. Life with the Zulus. 12°. Lond. 1855. Mason, H. M. Compend of Ecclesiastical History. 8°. N.Y. 1828. Mason, J. Self Knowledge. 18°. Bost. 1809. Mason, J. Circulation and Distribution of Wealth. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Mason, J. M. Sacramental Communion. 8°. N.Y. 1816. Sermon on Death of Mrs. Graham. (P. 2.) 8°. N.Y. 1812. Writings. 4 v. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Mason, L. Address on Church Music. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Manual of Boston Academy of Music. 18°. Bost. 1839. 238 CATALOGUE OF THE Mason, L. Musical Letters from Abroad. 12° N.Y. 1854. Mason, T. M. Kefutation of *« Vestiges of Creation." 12°. Lond. 1845. Mason, \V. Works. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1811. Correspondence with "VValpole. See Walpole, H. English Garden; a Poem. 12° York. 1783. Poems. 3v. 8°. York. 1773-97. Masonic Monthly, v. 1. 8°. Bost. 1863-4. Massachusetts. Acts and Resolves, 185^7, and 1862. 5 v. 8°. Bost. 1854-02. Same, 1858, '59, '60. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1858-60. Births, Marriages and Deaths. See, be- low, Eegistration. Board of Agriculture ; Annual Eeports, 1854-63. 10 V. 8°. Bost. 1854-63. Board of Education. 2d Annual Report, and Secretary's Eeport. (P. 19.) 8°. Bost. 1839. Same; Eeports, 7-8. (P. 71.) 8°. Bost. 1844-5. Same; Eeports, 10, 16-25, 28. 8°. Bost. 1849-66. Same, 26th Eeport. (P.) Bost. 1863. Census, 1855. Abstract of. 8°. Bost. 1857. Charters and General Laws. 8°. Bost 1814. Codifying the Common Laws; Eeport on. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Constitutional Amendments of 1853. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1853. Constitutional Convention of 1820-21 ; Debates, etc. 8°. Bost. 1853. Constitutional Convention o£ 1853; De- bates, etc. 3 V. 8°. Bost. 1853. Fishes, Eeptiles and Birds, Eeport on. 8°. Bost. 1839. Geology, Final Eeport on, by E. Hitch- cock. 3v. 4°. Amherst. 1841. Geology, Plates on. Oblong. Amherst. 1841. Governor's Annual Addresses, 1859, '62- '65. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1859-65. Governor's Speeches, and the Answers, 1765-75. 8°. Bost. 1818. House of Eepresentatives; Documents, 1833-56. 8=. Bost. 1833-56. Lidustry, Statistics of, for 1855. 8°. Bost. 1856. • Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Eeport on, by T. W. Harris. 8°. Camb. 1841. Insurance Eetums, Dec. 1, 1843. (P. 22.) 8°. Bost. 1844. Massachusetts. Invertcbrata, Eeport on, 8°. Camb. 1841. Loring, E. G. , Eeports on Eemoval of. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1855. Natural History of Herbaceous Plants; Eeport by C. Dewey. 8°. Bost. 1840. Natural History of Quadrupeds ; Eeport by C, Edmonds. (Bound with Preced- ing.) 8°. Bost. 1840. Plymouth Colony Compact, Charter and Laws. Ed. by W. Brigham. 8°. Bost. 1830. Plymouth Colony Eecords. Ed. by N. B. Shurtleff and D. Fulsifer. 11 v. 4°. Bost. 1855-61. Provincial Congress and Committee of Safety. Journals. 8°. Bost. 1838. Eailroad Eeturns for 1861. 8°. Bost. 1862. Eailroad Annual Eeports, 1837, '40, '42, '46-8, '64, '59. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1838-60.' Same, for 1843. (P. 23.) 8°. Bost. 1844. Eegistration Eeport for 1855, '59, '65. 3v. 8°. Bost. 1857-65. Same, for 1853, 'bQ, '58. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1854-9. Sanitary Commission Health Eeport. 8°. Bost. 1850. School Eeturns, abstract, 1839-40. 8°. Bost. 1840. Same, 1845, 1846. 8°. Bost. 1846. Senate Documents, 1831-56. 26 v. 8°. Bost. 1831-56. Seneca Indian Memorial, Eeport on. (P. 20.) 8°. Bost. 1840. State Library, Catalogue cf. 8°. Bost. 1858. Tax List Aggregates, 1801. (P.) 8°, Bost. 1862. Tax Eeturns of Corporate Shares anc Savings' Banks, 1861. 8°. Bost. 18G2, Worcester Lunatic Asylum, Documents, 8°. Bost. 1837. Same. Annual Eeports, 1848, '54, '57; '59, '64. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1849-65. Massachusetts Colonization Societ3^ An nual Meeting, 1833. (P. 62.) 8°. Bost 1833. Massachusetts Historical Society. Cata logue of Library. 8°. Bost. 1811. Same. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1859-60. Collections. 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Series 37 V. 8°. Bost. 1806-65. Proceedings, 1855-64. 5 v. 8°. Bost. 'C\ Proceedings in Memory of W. H. Pres cott. 8°. Bost. 1859. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 239 1-3. '30, 18°. and n.d. 12°. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Trans actions, v. 1, No. 3. (P.) r.8°. B6st 1852. Same, 18G4. 8°. Bost. 18G5. Massachusetts Quarterly Review, v. 8°. Bost. 1848-50. Massachusetts Register, 1824, '26, '29, '33, '35, '37, '42-4, '52-3, '57-9. and 8°. Bost. 1824-59. . Same. (Fleet's Pocket Almanac Register.) 1787-8. 2 v. 24°. Bost. MASsib, A. J. Le Parfalt Notaire, 3 v, Paris. 1821. Masse, J. N. Anatomy of Human Body, N.Y. 1845. Massey, G. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Massey, W. Origin and Progress of Letters. 8°. Lond. 17G3. Massey, W. History of England under George in. 3 v. 8° Lond. 1855. Massie, J. W. America, and her Claim for Anti-Slavery Sympathy. 12°. Lond. 1864. Evangelical Alliance. 8°. Lond. 1847. ^' sTLLON, J. B. CEuvrea. 13 v. 8°. Paris. 1810. Sermons. 8°. Bost. 1845. SII.LON, J. B., and Bourdaloue, L. Ser- mons. 12°. Hartf. 1805. JTassinger, p. Plays. 3 v. 16°. N.Y. 1831. Masson, C. F. p. Memoires Secretes sur la Russie. 4v. 8°. Amst. 1800-2. ]Masson, D. British NoveUsts. 12°. N.Y. 1859. . Life of Milton, v. 1. 8° Bost. 1859. Masson, J. R. Encjxlope'die des Enfans. 8°. Paris. 1807. Masson, M. Les Contes de 1' A teller. 16°. Paris. 1862. La Voix du Sang. 16°. Paris, 1864. . Celebrated Children. 16°. Lond. 1853. Massy, R. T. Analytical Ethnology. 16°. Lond. 1855. Materials for History, with Notes by F. Moore. 1st. ser. 4°. N.Y. 1861. Mathematicai. Monthly, v. 1-3. 8°. Camb. 1859-61. Mathematics, Study and Difficulties of. Library of Useful Knowledge, v. Mather, C. Christian Philosopher. Charlestown. 1815. Magnalia Christi Americana. f°. Lond. 1702. Same. 2 v. 8°. Hartf. 1820. Same. 2 v. 8°. Hartf. 1855. "Wonders of the Invisible World. Sec Calef, R. See 12' i Mather, I. Early History of New England. Ed. by S. G. Drake. 6m.4°. Bost. 1864. History of King Philip's War. sm.4°. Bost. 1882. Remarkable Providences. 16°. Lond. 1856. Sermon, on Death of Rev. M. Wiggles- worth. (P.) 12°. Bost. 1849. Mather, J. Ships and Gales; Harbors of Refuge. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1858. Mather, W. W. Ohio Geological Report. See Ohio. Geology and Mineralogy of New London and W^indham Counties, Conn. 8°. Norw. 1834. Geology of New York. See New York, Mathews, C. Pen and Ink Panorama of New York City. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Mathew^s, J. M. Bible and Civil Govern- ment. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Mathews, Mrs. A. J. Memoirs of Charles Mathews. 4 v. 12°. Phil. 1839. Mathews, T., and Young, Maj. Whist and Short Whist. 18°. N.Y. 1851. Matthias, B. Rules of Order for Conduct- ing Societies, etc. 16°. Phil. 1851. Mathias, T.' J. (Ed'r.) Garland of Flowers. 8°. N.Y. 1806. Mathias, T. J. On the Writings and Char- acter of Gray. 12°. Lond. 1815. Pursuits of Literature. 8°. Lond. 1798. »Mathiot, G. Electrotyping of the U. S. Coast Survey, (i?.) 8°. N. Haven. 1853. Matter, J. Histoire Critique de Gnosticisme. 3 v. 8°. Strasb. 1843-4. Matteuci, C. Phenomena of Living Beings. 12°. Lond. 1847. Matthews, H. Diary of an Invalid. 12°. Lond. 1835. Matthi^, a. History of Greek and Roman Literature. 12°. Oxf. 1841. Mattison, H. Immortality of the Soul, 12°. Phil. 1864. Mattson, M. American Vegetable Practice. 2v. 8°. Bost. 1845. Maturin, E. Lyrics of Spain and Erin. 12°. Bost. 1850. Maty, P. H. Index to Philosophical Trans- actions. See Royal Society, etc. Maude, J. Visit to Falls of Niagara. 8°. Lond. 1826. MAUDiT(Le). 2v. 18°. Paris. 1864. Mauduit, J. R. Inleiding tot de Kegel Sneeden. 12°. Leyden. 1764. 240 CATALOGUE OF THE Maunder, S. Biographical Treasury. 12''. Lond. 1838. . Same. 12°. Lond. 1841. Scientific and Literary Treasury. 12°. Lond. 1841. Select British Biography. 12°. Lond. 1839. Treasury of History. 12°. Lond. 1844. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Treasury of Knowledge. 16°. N.Y. 1836. Same. 12°. Lond. 1844. Treasury of Natural History. 12°. Lond. 1848. Universal Class Book. 12°. Lond. 1844. Same. 12°. Lond. 1847. Maundeviule, J. iSee Mandeyille, J. Maundeell, H. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, in 1697. 8°. Lond. 1810. Matjeice, F. D. Ecclesiastical History of 1st and 2d Centuries. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1854. Learning and "Working; and. Religion of Rome. 12°. Camb. (E.) 1855. Letter to Dr. Jelf on "Eternal." (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Lord's Prayer; Nine Sermons. 12°. Phil. 1852. Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. 12° Lond. 1854. Prophets and Kings of the Old Testa- ment. 8°. Bost. 1853. Theological Essays. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Maxtbice, T. Dissertation on Oriental Trini- ties. 8°. Lond. 1801. Indian Antiquities. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1796. On the Ruins of Babylon. 4°. Lond. 1816. Same, Appendix to. 4°. Lond. 1818. Maxjeoy, p. Question d' Alger en 1844. (P.) 8°. Paris. 1844. Matjky, J. S. Principles of Eloquence. 18°. N.Y. 1841. . Esprit, Pense'es et Maximes de. 8°. Paris. 1791. Mauet, Ann. Memoirs of a Huguenot Fam- ily. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Maitey, L. F. a. La Terre et I'Homme. 16°. Paris. 1857. Mauey, M. F. The Amazon and Atlantic Slopes of South America. 8°. Wash. 1853. Astronomical Observations. See United States. ——Physical Geography of the Sea. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Mauey, M. F. Physical Geography of the Sea. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Sailing Directions. See United States. Zones of Stars, etc. See United States. Mauey, Sarah M. Englishwoman in Amer- ica. 12°. Lond. 1847. Statesmen of America in 1846. 12°. Phil. 1847. Maus, H. Chemin de Fer de Chambdry a Turin, etc. f°. Turin. 1850. Mayor, W. British Nepos. 12°. Lond. 1798. Universal History. 25 v. 18°. N.Y. 1804. Mawe, J. Travels in Brazil. 8°. Lond. '22. Yoyager's Companion. 18°. Lond. 1825. Maximiuan, Prince of Wied. Travels in Brazil. 4°. Lond. 1820. Travels in North America. With f°. vol. of Plates. 4°. Lond. 1843-4. Maxims, Morals and Golden Rules. 18°. Lond. 1843. I^Llximus, Philosophus. See Poet^ Bucolici, etc., in DIdot's Greek Classics. Maximus Tyrus. Dissertationes. See Theo- pheastus, in Didot's Greek Classics. Dissertations. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1804. ]Maxwell, a. M. Run through the United States. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1841. Maxwell, H. Trial of Barker, etc. , for Con- spiracy. 8°. N.Y. 1827. Maxwell, J. S. The Czar, his Court and People. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Maxwell, W. H. Irish Rebellion of 1798. 8°. Lond. 1852. Life of Wellington. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1839-41. Ramble in Germany. 12°. Bost. 1827. Same. 8°. Lond. 1827. Recollections of a Soldier of Fortune. 12°. Dubl. 1842. Victories of the British Armies. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. May, Caroline. American Female Poets. 8°. Phil. 1848. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Treasured Thoughts from Favorite Au thors. 12°. Phil. 1850. May, Edith. Poems. 12° Phil. 1856. May, T. E. Constitutional History of Eng land. 2v. 8°. Bost. 1862. Maydiston, R. De Concordia inter Ricar dum II. et Civitatem London. Se Camden Society. Mayee, B. Emancipation Problem in Mary land. (P.) 8°. n.p, 1862. MERCANflLE LIBRARY. 241 Ma.yek, B. Me-xico as it Was and as it Is. 8° N.Y. 1844. Life of Capt. Canot. 12''. N.Y. 1854. Mayeb, J. R, Forces of Inorganic Nature. Also, Celestial Dynamics; and Mechan- ical Eqniv. of Heat. See Youmans, E. L. Correlation, etc. Mayer, Lewis. History of German Reformed Church. 2v. 8^. Phil. 1851. Mayetv, Luigi. Views in Egypt, f*. Lond. 1801. IMayhew, E. Illustrated Horse Doctor. 8^. Phil. 1865. - Illustrated Horge Management. 8°. Jjond. 18G4. Mayhew, H. Boyhood of M. Luther. 12°. N.Y. 1864. - German Life and Manners, etc. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1864. ' - London Labor and London Poor. 3 v. 8°.. Lond. 1861. - Prisons of London, etc. 8^. Lond. '62. - Wonders of Science. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Mayhew, I. System of Book-keeping. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Mayhew, J. Sermon on Repeal of Stamp Act. (P. 53.) 8°. Bost. 1766. tfAYNARD, F. Voyage de Paris a SebastopoL 16°. Paris. 1855. SIaynard, T. Drake's Voyage, 1595. 8°. Lond. 1849. Maynb, R. C. Four Years in British Colum- bia, etc. 8^ Lond. 1862. Mayo, A. D. Address at Green Hill Ceme- tery. (P.) 8°. Amsterdam, N.Y. 1858. - Graces and Powers of Christian Life. 12^. Bost. 1852. - Sermon on Death of D. Webster. (P.) 8°. Gloucester, Mass. 1852. - Symbols of the Capital; or Civilization in New York. 12°. N.Y. 1859. ^Iayo, H. Management of Digestive Organs. 12°. Loud. 1S40. - Philosophy of Living. 8°. Lond. 1838. - Popular Superstitions. 12°. Phil. 1852. ^Iayo, R. New System of Mythology. 4 v. 8°. Phil. 1815-19. -Same. 8°. Lond. 1815. Political Sketches in Washington. 8°. Bait. 1839. -- — Revenue and Commercial System of United States. 2 v. 4°. Wash. 1847. - Treasury Department, etc. 4°. Wash. 1847. .4IAT0, T. Pathology of the Mind. 16°. Lond. 1838. -Same. 8°. Phil. 1839. 16 MAZziNf, G. Life and Writings of. v. 1. 12". Lond. 18G4. Royalty and Republicanism in Italy. 12°. Lond. 1850. Mead, D. M. History of Greenwich. 12**. N.Y. 1857. Meade, W. Old Churches, Families, etc., of Virginia. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1837. Meadows, T. T. Chinese and their Rebel- lion. 8°. Lond. 1856. ME.VGHER, T. F. Last Days of the 69th N. Y. Reg't in Virginia. (P.) 8°. N.Y.'Gl. Speeches on Independence of Ireland. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Meaes, J. W. Bible in the Workshop. 12®. N.Y. 1857. Mease, J. Picture of Philadelphia. 12°. Phil. 1811. Mechanics' and Engineers' Magazine. 6 ▼. 4°. Glasg. 1841-47. Mkchanics, Machinery, etc., for Schoolfl. 16°. Edin. 1837. Mechanics' Magazine. 9 v. 8°. N.Y. 1833-7. Mechanics' Magazine, v. 1-60. 8°. Lond. 1823-58. MEcnr, J. J. How to Farm Profitably. 16"*. Lond. 1859. Mechlin and Winder. United States Navy and j^Iarine Register. 8°. Wash. 1848. Medbery, Mrs. R. B. Life of Mrs. S. E. York. 12°. Bost. 1853. Medhurst, W. H. China; its State and Prospects, etc. 12°. Bost. 1838. Interior of China. 8°. Lond. 1850. Medical and Surgical Monographs. 3 r. 8°. Phil. 1838-40. Vol. 1. Babington, B. ; Morbid Con- ditions of the Blood. Brodie, B. 0. ; Certain Local Nervous Affections. Itard, J. E. M. C. ; Surgical Treatment of Deafness. Farr, W. ; Formulary of New Medicines. Bright, R. ; Cases of Renal Disease. Andral, G. ; The Grippe. Louis, P. C. A. ; Examination of Patients. Corznack, J. R. ; Creosote. Carmichael, R. ; On " Colles on the Ve- nereal. " Andral, G. ; Treatment of Ty- phoid Fever by Purgatives. Dubois, E. F. (of Amiens) ; On Animal Mag- netism. Beck, C. J.; Ligatures for Arteries. Maunoir, T. ; On Cataract. Clutterbuck, H. ; On Pyrexia. Brodie, B. C. ; Injuries of the Spinal Cord. Burne, J. ; Diseases of the Caecum. Louis, P. C. A. ; Emphysema of the Lungs. Taylor, A. S. ; Lungs of New- born Children. 242 CATALOGUE OP THE Vol. 2. Sj^me, J. ; Diseases of the Kectum. Osborne, J. ; Dropsical Dis- eases. Coulson, W. ; Diseases of tlie Bladder. Clendinning, J. ; Pathology of the Heart. Rowland, R. ; On Neu- ralgia. Dunglison, R. ; Insane Poor. Cooper, Sir A. ; Spermatocele. Vol. 3. Stokes, W.; Heart, and Wine in Typhus Fever. Taylor, A. S. ; Perforations of the Stomach. Ashwell, S. A.; Incisions, in Disease of the Uterus. Hughes, H. M. ; Fi- brinous Concretions of the Heart. Carpenter, W. B. ; Nervous System in Invertebrated Animals. Scoutetten, H. ; Cure of Club-Feet. Key, C. A. ; Syphilitic Cases. Henry, W. C. ; Phys- iology of the Nervous System. Graves, R. J. ; Asiatic Cholera. Medical Critic and Psychological Journal. v. 1-3. 8°. Lond. 1861-3. Medical Missionary Society in China. Min- utes, 1850, 1851. (P.) 8°. Canton. 1852. Medical News. v. 15-21. 8°. Phil. 1857-64. Medical Provision for Railroad Accidents. (P.) 12°. Yonkers. 1861. Medical Society of the State of New York. System of Medical Ethics. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1846. Transactions, 1840, '49, '50,' '57. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1840-57. Medical Society of New Y''ork City. Report on a Secret Medical Association. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1831. Medico-Chieuegical Review. See Beitish and Foreign Med.-Chir. Review. 8°. Lond. n.d. Medley ^f Joy and Grief; Selections. 12°. N.Y. 1822. Medwat, J. Life of Rev. J. P. Smith. 8°. Lond. 1853. Medwin, T. Conversations of Lord Byron. 12°. N.Y. 1824. Life of Shelley. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1847. Mehan, T. Hand-book of Ornamental Trees. 18°. Phil. 1853. Meek, F. B., and Hayden, F. V. New Fossils, from Nebraska. 8°. Phil. 1857. Meet For Heaven. 12°. Bost. 1864. Mehegan, G. H. Universal Modem History. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1779. Mehwald, F. Nach Norwegen. 12°. Leip. 1858. Meigs, C. D. Females and their Diseases. 8°. Phil. 1848. Meigs, C. D. Life of Dr. Morton. (P. 50.) 8°. Phil. 1851. Meigs, J. A. Hints to Craniographers. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1858. Meigs, J. F. Diseases of Children. 12°. Phil. 1848. Meigs, M. C. Report on Battle of Chatla- nooga. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1804. Meigs, R. J. Arnold's Expedition against Quebec. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Meijeebeeg, C. J. Svensk Spraeklaera. 8''. Gotheborg. 1856. Meiele, J. The Traveller. 12°. N.Y. 1811. Meissnek, a. Heinrich Heine; Erinnerun- gen. 16°. N.Y. 1856. JiIelbouene Chamber of Commerce. Reports on Colony of Victoria. (P.) 8°. Edin. 1853. Meldbed, F. Leonilda; a Romance. 12°. Lond. 1857. ' Melena, E. Der Junge Stelzentanzer. 16°. Jena. 1865. Meliora; a Quarterly Review, v. 4, 6. 8°. Lond. 1862-4. Melish, J. Geography of the United States, 8°. Phil. 1822. Atlas of United States and British Pos- sessions. 8°. Phil. 1813. Traveller's Directory in the United States. 12°. Pbil. 1815. Mellen, G. Age of Print; a Poem. (P. 12.) 8°. Bost. 1830. Book of the United States. 8°. Hartf. 1838. Same. 8°. Hartf. 1842. Mello Moeaes, a. J. de. Corographia dc Brasil. 3 v. 8°. Rio de Janeiro. 1859. Doutrina Social. 16°. Rio do JaneirOi 1857. Ensaio Corografico do Brasil. 16°. Ric de Janeiro. 1854. Os Portuguezes Perante o Mundo. v. 8°. Rio de Janeiro. 1856. Physiol ogia das Paixoes e Affecjoes 3v. 8° Rio de Janeiro. 1854. Mello Moeaes, A. J. de, and Seequeiea SiLVA, I. A. de. Guerra da Brasil t 1630. 4°. Rio de Janeiro. 1855. Melly, G. Khartoum, and Blue and Yfhit Nile. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1851. Melmoth, "W. Fitzosborne's Letters. Lond. 1754. Same. 16°. Lond. 1807. Same. 12°. Bost. 1815. Importance of a Religious Life. Lond. 1830. 8' 24' MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 243 iLtLO, F. M. de. Historia de Cataluna, See Tesoko de Historiadores Espanoles. Melodino, Poetical Relics of. From a MS. of 1645. 8°. Lond. 1815. Melun, a. de. De I'lntervention de la So- citite pour Soulager la Misere. 8^. Pa- ris. 1849. Melvill, H. Sermons. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Sermons on Sacred History, Ist scr. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Sermons on Sacred History, 2d ser. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Mr.T.viLLE. Mardi; and a Voyage Thither. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Omoo ; or, South Sea Adventures. 12°. N.Y. 1847. . Typee; a Polynesian Life. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lon^l' 18-17. Melvin, J. Expedition to Quebec in 1775. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Me:jes, J. S. (Ed'r). Christian Literature; Evidences. 8°. Lond. 1847. History of Sculptiu-e, Painting, etc. 12°. Bost. 1834. . Life of Canova, etc. 8°. Ediu. 1825. Life of Empress Josephine. 16°. Edin. 1831. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1838. Memoir of John Gallison, Esq. (P. 5.) 8°. Bost. 1821. Memoiees de Litterature. v. 1. 16°. La Haye. 1715. Memoirs of Geological Survey of Great Brit- ain. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1^46. Memorable Accidents and Transactions. 12°. Glasgow. 1784. Memorials of the Peninsular War. 18°. Edin. 1831. Men of the Time. 16°. Lond. 1852. Same. 16°. Lond. 1853. Menandeb. See Didot's Greek Classics. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Brief e. 1833- 47. 8°. Leip. 1864. ^ (P.) 8° N.H. 1839. MiNEEVA. Ein Journal, v. 1-3, and new ser., V. 1. 8°. Jena. 1854-8. Mining Magazine. 6 v. 8°. N.Y. 1853-7. Mining Manual and Almanac. 12°. Lond. 1851. Mining Eeview, v. 4-5. 4°. Lond. 1838-9. Mining and Smelting Magazine, v. 1-4. 8°. Lond. 18G2-3. Minnesota. Eeports of Commissioner of Statistics, for 1859-60. 2 v. 8°. Hartf. and St. Paul.- 1860-62. Eeport on Emigration to British Ore- gon. 8°. St. Paiil. 1858. Minnesota Gazetteer. See Y/isconsin and Minnesota Gazetteer. Minnesota Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1865. 8°. St. Paul. 18G5. Minot, G. (Ed'r.) Statutes and Treaties of the U. S. See United States. Minot, G. E. History of Insurrection in Massachusetts in 1780. 8°. Bost. 1810. History of Massachusetts. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1798-1803. Minot, L. Poe"ms written A.D. 1352. 2 v. Lond. 1825. MiNTUEN, E. B., Jr. From New York to Delhi. 12° N.Y. 1858. Minutes of a Conspiracy against American Liberty. (Eeprint of Ed. of. Lond. 1786.) 8°. Phil. 1865. MiNUTOLi, J. F. Altes und Neues aus Spanien. 8°. Berlin. 1854. MiNUTOLi, M. , Baroness von. EecoUections of Egypt. 12°. Phil. 1827. Mikabaud, J. B. de. Nature and her Laws. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1816. Meeabeau, H. G. E., Comte de. See Coe- EESPONDANCE cntre Mirabeau et La Marck. Memoires, par Lui-meme. 9 v. 16°. Brux. 1834-5. Letters from England. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1832. Secret History of Court of Berlin. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1789. MiEABEAU, H. G. E., Comte de. Life, by himself, his Father, etc. 4 v. 8° Lond. 1835. MiEABEAU, H. G. E., Comte de. A Life History. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1848. Same. 12°. Phil. 1848. Mieanda's Expedition. Account of. (P.) 8*"-'. N.Y. 1808. MiEiCK, B. L. History of Haverhill, Mass. 12°. Haverhill. 1832. MiEEOE. Weekly, v. 1-38. 8°. Lond. 1828-1 1841. Same. New Ser. Monthly, v. 1-16. 8^. Lond. 1842-9. MiEEOE of Fashion. 8°. N.Y. 1853. MiEEOE for Magistrates. Ed. by J. Hasle- wood. 3v. 4°. Lond. 1815. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 249 MiREOB (Tho). Sec Mackenzie, H., and others. MiscELiiAKEA Antiqua Anglicana. 4°. Lond. 181G. Miscellaneous Poems from United States Lit. Gazette. 18". Bost. 182G. Miscellany (A) on Taste. (P. Gl.) 8°. Lond. 1732. Miseries of Human Life. 12° N.Y. 1853. Missionary Chronicle. See Foreign Mis- sionary Chronicle. Missionary Herald, v. 17-CO. 8°. Bost. 1821-G4. ■: Missionary Magazine. 2 v. 8° Phil. 180G- 1807. Missionary Voyage to South Pacific Ocean. 4°. Lond. 1799. MississipPL Purport on Geology and Agri- culture, by L. Harper.- 8°. Jackson. 1857. Mississippi Valley Business Directory. 8°. Cine. 1844. Missouri Geological Sui-vey. 1st and 2d •Eeports, by G. C. Swallow; also. Pre- liminary Keport on Mines, by A. Litton. 8°. Jeff. City. 1855. Missouri Journal of State Convention. 4 v. 8^ St. Couis. 18G1-2. Missouri State Directory. See Illinois and Missouri State Directories. MiTCHEL, J. Jail Journal. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Mitchel, O. M. Addres-s, Dedication of Hamilton College Observatory. (P.) 8^. Utica. 185G. Astronomy of the Bible. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Pliinetary and SteUar Worlds. 12°. N.Y. 18G3. Popular Astronomy. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Mitchell, A. Memoirs and Papers. 2 v. 8° Lond. 1850. Mitchell, C. Newspaper Directory of Great Britain. 16=^. Lond. 181G. Mitchell, D. G. Battle Summer. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Fresh Gleanings. 12°. N.Y. 1847. My Farm of Edgewood. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Same. 12°. N.Y. 18G4. Wet Days at Edgewood. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Mitchell, J. (Col.) Fall of Napoleon. 3 v. 12°. Lond 1846. Mitchell, J. K Five Essays. 12°. Phil. '59. • Origin of Epidemic Fevers. 12°. Phil. 1849. Mitchell, John. Manual of Assaying. 12**. Lond. 1846. Falsifications of Food. 16°. Lond. 1848. Mitchell, Kev. John. Notes from Over the Sea. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Mtchell, N. History of Bridgewater, lilass. 8°. Bost. 1840. Mitchell, S. A. Accompaniment to Map of United States. 8°. Phil. 1838. Mitchell, Thos. The Gospel Crown of Life. 12°. Albany. 1851. Mitchell, T. L. Expedition into Interior of Australia. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Mitchell, Wm. Astronomical Observatory » at Harvard. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1851. Mitchell, Wm. Book Keeping. 8°. Phil. 1796. Mitchell, Wm. Doctrinal Guide for Young Christians. 16°. N.Y. 1833. MiTCHiLL, S. L. Address to N. Y. Horticul- tural Society. (P. 8.) 8°. N.Y. 1826. Catalogue of Organic Remains present- ed to N. Y. Lyceum. (P. 8.) 8°. N.Y. 1826. Discourse on Jefferson. (P. 8; P. 46.) 8°. N.Y. 1826. ]!kIiTCHisoN, W. (Ed'r.) Songs of Scotland. 12°. Glasgow. 1851. MiTTORD, M. E. Works. 8°. Phil. 1846. Recollections of a Literary Life. 3 v. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Same. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1852. MiTFORD, Wm. Harmony of Language. 8°. Lond. 1774. History of Greece. 8 v. 8°. Bost.. 1834 Same. 8 v. 8°. Lond. 1835. MiTscHEKUCH, E. £le'mens de Chimie. 3 v. 8°. Brux. 1835. Practical Chemistry. 8°. Lond. 1838. Mix, E. Practical Mathematics. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Moberly, C. E. Lectures on Logic. 12^ Oxf. 1848. MoBius, T. Catalogus Librarum Islandico- rum et Norvegicorum ^tatis Medice. 8°. Leip. 1856. Mock Philosophy. 12°. Bost. 1811. ^lIoDERN Orator. 8°. Lond. 1847. Modern Standard Drama. 13 v. 12°. N.Y. 1846-55. MoFEATT, J. C. Life of Chalmers. 8°. CiQC. 1853. Study of ^Esthetics. 12°. Cine. 1856. MoFFATT, J. M. Book of Science. 2 v. sq. 16°. Lond. 1834-5. Same. 2 v. in one. sq.l6°. Phil. 1835. 250 CATALOGUE OP THE MooRiDGE, G. (Old Humphrey. ) Addresses. 18°. N.Y. 1847. Country Strolls. 18°. N.Y. 1847. Eph. Holding's Hints to Sunday School Teachers. 18°. N.Y. 1847. My Grandparents. 18°. N.Y. 1848. Observations. 18°. N.Y. 1847. Owen Gladdon's Wanderings. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Pithy Papers on Singular Subjects. 18°. N.Y. 1850. Pleasant Tales for Young People. 18°. N.Y. 1849. Thoughts for the Thoughtful. 18°. N.Y. 1848. Walks in London, etc. 18°. N.Y. 1843. Mohammed. Koran; transl. by G. Sale. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1833. Selections from Kur-An. Transl. by E. W. Lane. 8°. Lond. 1843. Mohammed Ibn Omar El Tounsay. Voyage au Ouaday. 8°. Paris. 1851. MoHL, H. von. Anatomy, etc. , of the Vege- table Cell. 8°. Lond. 1852. MoHii, M. Aus der Gewerbswissenchaftli- chen Ergebnissen einer Reise nach Frankreich. 8°. Stuttg. 1845. MoHLEB, J. A. Symbolism. 8°. N.Y. 1844. MoHR, F., and Redwood, T. Practical Phar- macy. 8°. Lond. 1849. MoHB Brothers and Co. Rice Business, etc. , for Akyab, Rangoon and Bassein. (P.) 8°. N.Y. n.d. Sailing Directions for Akyab, Rangoon, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. n.d. MoiGNO, F. N. M. Tole'graphie ^lectrique. 8°. Paris. 1849. MoiB, D. M. Poems. 16°. Edin. 1852. Sketches of Poetical Literature. 16°. Edin. 1851. MoiR, G. Wallenstein. See Scnn,LER, F. MoLENES, p. de. Les Caprices d'un Regulier, etc. 16°. Paris. 1863. Les Commentaires d'un Soldat. 12°. Paris. 1860. Histoires Intimes. 16°. Paris. 1860. Histoires Sentimentales et Militaires. 16°. Paris 1860. MoLisBi, M. L'Or est une Chimere. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1860. MoLESwoRTH, R. Denmark in 1692. 12°. Glasgow. 1752. MoLiERB, J. B. P. (Euvres. 6 v. 18°. Paris. 1823. Same. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1845. The'atre. See Repertoire Gdndral, etc. Molina, F. Bosqucjo de Costa Rica. 8". N.Y. 1851. Costa Rica and Nicaragua Boundary. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1851. Molina, J. I. History of Chili. 2 v. 12°. Middletown. 1818. MoLLER, G. Deukm'alcr der Deutschen Bau- kunst. f°. Leip. n.d. Gothic Architecture. 8°. Lond. 1824. MoLLHAUSEN, B. Das Mormonenmadchen. 6 V. in two. 18°. Jena. 1864. Journey from the Mississippi to the Pa- cific. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1858. MoLLTEN, G. Voyage dans Columbia. 8°. Paris. 1824. Same. Travels in Africa. 4°. Lond. 1820. MoLUNO, C. E. Faust's Death, a Tragedy. 16°. Phil. 1865. MoLTKE, Baron von. Russians in Bulgaria. 8°. Lond. 1854. MoNBODDO, J. Burnet, Lord. Origin of Language. 4 v. 8°. Edin. 1774-'77. MoNCADA, F. de. Espedicion contra Turcos y Griegos. See Tesoeo de Historiadores Espanoles. MoNCAULT, C. L' Amour dans les Temps Modernes. 12°. Paris. 1863. MoNDAT, Dr. V. La Sterilite et les Moyens d'y Remedier. 8°. Montpellicr. 1840. Sterility and its Treatment. 12°. N.Y. 1844. MoNETTE, J. W. History of Mississippi Val- ley. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1846. MoNGE, G. Application de I'Analyse a la Geometric. 4° Paris. 1849. Monitor of Fashion. 4°. N.Y. 1803. Monk, C. J. The Golden Horn, Asia Minor, etc. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1851. Monk, H. W. Interpretation of the Revela- tions, etc. 12°. Lond. n.d. MoNNAED, C. Histoire de la Suisse. 12°. Paris. 1854. MoNOD, A. Woman; her Mission and her Life. 18°. Lond. 1852. Monro, V. Rambles in Syria. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1835. Monroe, J. Treatise on Chess. 12°. 1859. Monroe, J. Vie\v of Conduct of the Execu- tive, as to the Mission to the French Republic. 8°. Phil. 1797. Monroe, J. Demonstration at Removal of Remains of. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Monselbt, C. Les Ruines de Paris. 2 v. 18®.- Paris. 1857. Monstrelet, E. de. Wars of France, 1400- 1516. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1845, MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 251 MoNTAOu, B. Life of Bacon. See Bacon, F. (Ed'r. ) Selections from Taylor, Latimer, etc, 16°. Lond. 1839. . Same. IG^'. N.Y. 1845. Montagu, Ed. W., Jr. Rise and Fall of Ancient Rcpublicks. 12^ Phil. 1806. Montagu, Eliz. Letters. 3 v. 12°. Bost. 1825. On Shakspcare. 8°. Lond. 1770. Montagu, G. British Birds. 8° Lond. 1831. Montagu, M. W. (Lady). Works. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1837. Letters from the Levant. 16''. Lond. 1838. Montagu, R. Nnval Architecture. 8°. Lond. 1852. Montague, C. (Earl of Halifax. ) Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 13. Montague, E. P. Expedition to Dead Sea. 12°. Phil. 1849. Montaigne, M. Essais. 10 v. 24^. Lond. •17G8-9. Works. 8°. Lond. 1842. Same. 8°. PhiL 1853. Same. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Montalembert, C. F., Comte de. De TAvenir Politique de I'Angleterre. 8°. Paris. 1856. Life of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. 4°. Lond. 1839. . Mcmks of tho West. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1801. Montalivet, M. C. B., Comte de. Louis Philippe et sa Listo Civile. 18°. Brux. 1851. Montefiore, J. Commercial Dictionary. 4°. Lond. 1803. Synopsis of Mercantile Laws. 8°. N.Y. 1830. Trader's and Manufacturer's Compen- dium. 2 V. in one. 8^. Lond. 1804. Monteith, W. Kara and Erzcroum. 8°. Lond. 1856. Russian Conquest of Finland. 12*^. Loud. 1854. MoNTEmi, A. H. French, German, Latin, Spanish and Italian without a Master. 8°. Phil. n.d. Montemont, a. Lettros sur I'Astronomie. 2v. 8°. Paris, n.d. Montengon, J. Euscbio. 3 v. 18°. Paris. 1824. • MoNTEPiN, X. de. L'Avcnturicr. 10 v. 18''. Paris. 1857. Les Amours d'un Fou. 12°. Paris. 1856. Montepin, X. de. La Comtesae Marie, 2 v. 16°. Paris, n.d. Le Drame de Maisons-Lafitto. 16**. Paris, n.d. Un Drame dans les Montagnes. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. Le Fil d'Ariane. 12°. Paris. 1856. Uu Fils de Famille. 16°. Paris. 1856. L'Idiot 2v. 12°. Paris. 1856. Le Moulin Rouge. 8 v. 18°. Paris. 1865. Le Tresor de Famille. 3 v. 18°. Paris. 1865. Les Valets de Cceur. 16°. Paris, n.d. Montesquieu, C. (Baron de). CEuvres Com- pletes. 6v, 8°. Ptiris. 1816. Same. 8 v. 8°. Paris. 1822. Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. 16°. Glasgow. 1752. Spirit of Laws. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1773. Montgomery, C. Eagle Pass. 12°. N.Y. 1852. LIontgomebt, Elizabeth. Reminiscences of Wilmington. 8°. PhiL 1851. ^Iontgomery, J. Lectures on Literature, eto. 16°. N.Y. 1836. Pelican Island, and Other Poems. 18°. PhiL 1827. Poems. See Rogers, S. , Campbell, etc. Same. 4 v. 18°. Bost. 1825. Same. 8°. Lond. 1850. Prose, by a Poet 2 v. 18°. Phil. 1824. Sacred Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1854. West Indies, and Other Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1810. World Before the Flood. 18°. N.Y. 1814. Montoomeby, J., and others. Authors of Italy, Spain and Portugal. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1835-7. Montoomeby, Jas. Treatise on Cotton Spin- ning. 8°. Glasgow. 1830. Montgomery, John J. Writ of Habeas Cor- pus and ilr. Binney. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1862. Montgomery, M. W. History of Jay Co., Indiana. 12°. Chicago, n.d. Montgomery, R. Messiah; a Poem, 12°. Lond. 1836. Omnipotence of the Deity. 16°. Phil. 1828. Montgomery, T. H. Montgomery Genealo- gy. 8°. Phil. 1863. Montgomery, W. F. Symptoms of Preg- nancy, etc. 8°. Phil. 1857. Monthly Chronicloi 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1838- 1841. // 252 CATALOGUE OF THE Monthly Journal of Agriculture. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 184G-8. Monthly Journal of Industrial Progress. See Journal, etc. Monthly Magazine. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1839- 1841. Monthly ]\Iagazine and British Register, v. 6, and v. 81-97. 8°. Lond. 1798, and 1835-43. Monthly Mirror, v. 1-20, and new ser,, V. 2. 8°. Lond. 1795-1807. Monthly Register of the United States, v. 1-3. 8°. Charleston and N. Y. 1807-8. Monthly Religious Magazine, v. 16-32. 8^ Bost. 1856-G4. • Monthly Repository. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1836- 1837. Monthly Review, v. 1-81; and new ser., v. 1-108. V. 1-81. 8°. Lond. 1749-1825. Same, Index, to 1818. 5 v. 1786-1818. Monthly Review and Literary Miscellany. V. 1. 8^. Charleston. 1806. Monthly Visitor. 15 v. 8°. Lond. 1799-1802. MoNTHOLON, C. T. , Marquis de. History of Napoleon's Captivity. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1846-7. Same. 4 v. 8°. N.Y. 1846-7. MoNTLosiER, Comte de. Memoires de la Revolution. 2 v. 8° Paris. 1830. MoNTPENSiEE, Anne M. L. d'Orleans, Du- chesse de. Memoirs, by herself. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1848. Montreal Directory. 12°. Montreal. 1843. MooDiE, Mrs. Susanna. Life in the Clear- ings. 12°. Lond. 1853. Roughing it in the Bush. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Moody, C. P. Sketches of the Moody Fam- ily. 16°. Bost. 1847. Moody, P. Bookkeeping. 4°. Phil. 1845. Moore, B. Sermon on Regeneration. (T. 59.) 8°. N.Y. 1792. MooEE, C. C. Address to Alumni of Colum- bia College. (P. 6, and 44.) 8°. N.Y. 1825. George Castriot. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Moore, Corn. Freemason's Guide. 16°. Cine. 1852. Moore, E. Poems. See British Poets, v. 23. The World. 4. v. 16°. Lond, 1808. Moore, F. Diary of American Revolution. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1800. ^ Lyrics of Loyalty. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Materials for History. 4°. N.Y. 1861. (Ed'r.) Rebel Rhymes and Rhapso- dies. 18°. N.Y. 1864. Moore, F. (Ed'r.) Rebellion Record. 6 v. 8°. N.Y. 1862-3. Song«5 of the American Revolution. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Moore, G. Health, Disease and Remedies. 12°. N.Z. 1850. Man and his Motives. 12°. Lond. '48. Power of the Soul over the Body. 12°. Lond. 1845. Use of the Body in Relation to Mind. 12°. Lond. 1846. Views of the Nile. f°. Lond. 1843. Moore, G. H. Employment of Negroes in the Revolution. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Treason of Maj.-Gen. C. Lee. 8°. N.Y. 1860. MooRis, H. Dictionary of Quotations. See Treasury of Knowledge. Life of Ethan Allen. 12°. Plattsburg. 1834. MooRE, Jac. B. See Farmer, J. Annals of Concord, N. H. 8°. Concord. 1824. Memoirs of American Governors. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Moore, J. G. Patent Office and Laws. 12°. Phil. 1855. Moore, Jas. Kilpatrick and our Cavalry. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Moore, Jas. C. British Army in Spain. 8°. Lond. 1809. Moore, J. S. (Ed'r.) Pictorial Book of Bal- lads. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1847-8. Moore, J. W. Encyclopa3dia of Music. 8°. Bost. 1854. Moore, John. France in 1792. 8°. Lond. 1793. Society and Manners in France, etc. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1779. Same. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1803. Moore, Jos. and D. System of Exchange. 12°. N.Y. 1800. Moore, M. A. Life of Gen. E. Lacy. (P.) 8°. Spartanburg, S. C. 1859. Moore, N. F. Ancient Mineralogy. 12°. N.Y. 1834. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1859. History of Columbia College. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Moore, T. Works. 5 v. 24°. N.Y. 1821. Dublin Mail. 18°. N.Y. 1822. (Ed'r.) Byron's Life, Letters, etc. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1830. Fables for the Holy Alliance, etc. 18°. Phil. 1823. History of Ireland. 4 v. 10°. Lond. 1837^0. MERCANTILE LIBRAPwY. 263 MoouE, T. History of Ireland. 2 v. S''. N.Y. 1858. LaUa Rookh. etc. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Life of Lord E. Fitzgerald. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1831. Life of R. B. Sheridan. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Memoirs, Letters, etc. Ed. by Lord J. Ru>sell. G V. 8^ Lond. 1853. Odes on Cash, Corn and Catholics. 12°. Phil. 1828. — "Same. Poems. 12°. Lond. ISCl. . Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion. 1G° Phil. 1833. Moore, T. Popular History of Ferns, etc. 16°. Lond. 1851. Mooee's Rural Handbook. See Saxton's Rural Handbooks, 4th ser. MooHSOM, W. Letters from Nova Scotia. 12°. Lond. 1830. MoEAL Play of Wit and Science. See Siiak- 6PEAEE Society Publications, v. 37. MoRALisTES Grecs. 12°. Paris. 1815. MoKAN, C. Money. 12°. N.Y. 1803. MonATiN, L. F. de. Comddias. 3 v. 18°. Madrid. 1821. MoRATiN, N. de, and L. F. de. Poesias. 18^ Valencia. 1830. Moravian Historical Society. Memorial of Monuments. 8°. N.Y. 1860. MoRDECAi, A. Report of Commission to Europe. See United States. MoRDECAi, S. Richmond in By-gone Days. 12°. Richmond. 1860. More about Jesus. sq.l6°. N.Y. 1859. More, C. Life of Sir T. More. 8^ Lond. 1828. More, Hannah. Works. 8°. N.Y'. 1835. -Same. 7 v. 12°. N.Y. 1835. -Same. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1837. - Accomplished Lady. 16°. Bost. 1838. - Christian Morals. 18°. N.Y. 1813. Practical Piety. 12°. Burlington, N. J. 1811. iIoBE, Martha. Mendip Annals. 16°. N.Y'. 1859. loRE, T. History of Richard III. 12°. Lond. 1821. — Utopia. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1808. -Same. 16°. Lond. 1838. doBEAU, V. Life and Campaigns of. 12°. N.Y. 1806. loEEAU de Jonnes, A. f)k'ments de Sta- tistique. 12°. Paris. 1847. loEEL, B. A. Des Degenerescences d' I'Es- pece Humaino. With 4°. Atlas. 8°. Paris. 1857. MoRELL, J. E. Analysis of Sentences. 8°. Lond. n.d. Same. 12°. Lond. n.d. Elements of Psychology. 8°. Lond- 1853. Philosophical Tendencies of tho Age. 8°. Lond. 1848. Philosophy of Religion. 8°. Lond. 1849. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Speculative Philosophy of Europe. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1846. MoEELL, J. R. Algeria. 8°. Lond. 1854. Russia as It Is. 16°. Lond. 1854. Turkey, Past tnd Present. 16°. Lond. 1854. MoEELLius, A. Specimen Rei Nummaria) Antiqua3. 12°. Paris. 1683. MoEETON, A. H. Civilization, 8°. Lond. 1836. MoEEWooD, S. On Inebriating Liquors. 8°. Dubl. 1838. MoRFTT, C. Address, Maryland Institute. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1850. Manufacture of Soap and Candles. 8°. Phil. 1847. Manures; their Composifion, etc. 18°. Phil. 1848. (Ed'r.) Tanning, Currying, etc. 8°. Phil. 1852. IMoEGAN, G. T. Inflammation and its Effects. 8°. Phil. 1838. MoEGAN, J. History of Algiers. 4°. Lond. 1831. Morgan, Jas. F. England under the Nor- mans. 12°. Lond. 1858. Morgan, L. H. Diffusion against Centraliza- tion. 16°. Rochester. 1852. League of the Iroquois. 8*. Rochester. 185L Morgan, N. H. Our Family Genealogy. 8°. Hartf. 1851. Morgan, Lady S. Book of the Boudoir. 16°. N.Y. 1829. Dramatic Scenes. 2 v. in 1. 12°. N.Y. 1833. France. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1817. France in 1829-30. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1830. Italy. 2y. 8°. N.Y. 1821. Life of Salvator Rosa. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. Memoirs, by hersell v. 1-2. 8°. Lond. 1862. Passages from my Autobiography. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Morgan, Sir T. C. and Lady. Book without a Name. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1841. 254 CATALOGUE OF THE MoKQAN, W. See Society for Equitable As- surances. Morgan, W. Freemasonry Exposed. 8°. N.Y. n.d. MoEGANN, M. Essay on Falstaff. 16*^. Lond. 1777. MoRHOFius, D. G. Polyhistor. 4°. Lubec. 1732. MoEiER, J. Journey tlirough Persia, etc. 4". Lond. 1812. Second Journey through Persia, etc. 4°. Lond. 1818. MoEiN, A. Le9ons de Mecanique Pratique. 8^^. Paris. 1853. MoBisoN, B. Book Keeping. 8"^. Milton, Pa. 1831. MoBisoN, J. H. Life of Hon. J. Smith. 12°. Bost. 1845. MoRiTZ, C. p. Greek and Eoman Mythology. 12°. N.Y. 1830. MoELEY, H. English Writers before Chau- cer. 8°. Lond. 1864. MoRLEY, "W. H. Justice in British India. 8°. Lond. 1858. MoRLOT. A. Views on Archaeology. (P. ) 8°. Wash. 1861. MoRMOx. See Book of Mormon. MoRNAND, F. La Vie de Paris. 16°. Paris. 1855. Morning Courier and N.Y. Enquirer. 46 v. f°. N.Y. 1830-60. Morning of Life; a Memoir. 16°. N.Y. 1851. Morning Watch ; a Narrative. 12°. N.Y". 1850. MoRPHY, P. Games; with notes by J. Low- enthal. 12°. N.Y. 1860. MoRRELL, Abby J. Voyage to the South At- lantic. .12°. N.Y. 1833. MoRRELii, B. , Jr. Voyages to the South Sea. etc. 8°. N.Y. 1832. MoRRELL, L. A. American Shepherd. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Morris, Alex. Prize Essay on Canada. See HOGAN, J. S. Morris, Amos. Memoranda of Descendants. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Morris, B. F. Christian Character of Insti- tutions of United States. 8°. Phil. 1864. Nation's Tributes to Abraham Lincoln. 8°. Wash. 1865. Morris, Edm. Derrick and Drill. 12°. N.Y. 1865. How to Get a Farm, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Ten Acres Enough. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Morris. Edwd. The Secret; a Corned}'. (P. ' 74.) 8°. Lond. 1799. Morris, E. J. Tour in Turkey, etc. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1842. Morris, Geo. P. Poems. 16°. N.Y. n.d. Same. 18°. N.Y. n.d. Morris, Gouvemcur. Oration on Death of Washington. (P. 45.) 8°. N.Y. 1800. Morris, J. G. Lepidoptera of N. America. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1860. Martin Behaim ; an Address. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1855. Synopsis of Diurnal and Crepuscular Lepidoptera. (P.) 8°: Wash. 1862. Morris, O. W. Quantity of Eain at Various Heights. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Climate of New York and Kansas. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1858. Morris, P. Postscript to Peter's Letters. , (P. 2.) 8°. N.Y. 1820. MoBRis, R. Lights and Shadows of Free- masonry. 8°. Louisville. 1852. Morrison, C Book Keex^ing. 8°. ' Edin. 1828. Morrison, Jas. Book Keeping. 12°. Lond. 1829. Same. 4°. Edin. 1808. Morrison, R. Vocabularypf Canton Dialect. 2v. 8°. Macao. 1828. Morrison, Mrs. S. Life of Robt. Morrison. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Morrison, W. M. Stranger's Guide to Wash- ington. 16°. Wash. 1844. Morse, A. Genealogy of Ancient Puritan Families. 8°. Bost. 1859. Genealogy of Early Planters in Massa- chusetts. 8°. Bost. 1855. Morse, J. American Universal Geography. 2v. 8°. Bost. 1819. Same. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1814. Same. Abridged. 8° Charleston. 1819. Annals of the Revolution. 8°. Hartf. 1824. Report on Indian Affairs. 8°. N.H. 1822. Sermon on Death of R. Cary, Esq. (P. 46.) 8°. Bost. 1790. Morse, J. , and Parish, E. History of New England. 8°. Lond. 1808. Morse, J., and R. C. Universal Gazetteer. 8°. N.H. 1823. Morse, Sam. F. B. Academies of Arts; an Address. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1827. Discourse on National Academy of De- sign. (P. 9.) 8°. N.Y. 1827. — Electro-Magnetic Telegraph; a Reply to Prof. Henry. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1855. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 255 Morse, Sam. F. B. Fine Arts; a Keply to N. Am. Review. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1823. (Ed'r.) Confessions of a Frencli Priest, etc. See Confessions, etc. 12°. K.Y. 1837. MoESE, Sidney E. Bible and Slavery. (P.) S". N.Y. 1855. Letter on Slaver}'. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Madness of the Hour. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. MoKTAKA Abduction Case. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. MoKToiEB, C. B. BetUehem and its School. 12^. N.Y. 1858. MoKTiMEE, G. W. Pyrotechny. 12°. Lond. n.d. Same. 12". Phil. 1852. MoKTON, J. C. (Ed'r. ) Cyclopaedia of Agri- culture. 2v. 8°. Glasg. 1855. MoKTON, J. St. C. Defences of New York City. See United States. MoETON, N. New England's Memorial. 8°. BoBt. 1826. Morton, V. Geometry. See Libraby of Use- ful Knowledge, v. 9. Morton, S. G. Crania Americana. 4°. Phil. 1839. - Human Anatomy. 8°. Phil. 1849. Morton, W. T. G. Claim as to Anocsthetic Properties of Ether. 8°. Wash. 1853. MoscHELEs, I. Life and Letters of Beetho- ven. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 184L MoscHus. Poems. See Hesiod. Same. See Poet^e Bucolici, etc., in Didot's Greek Classics. Moschzisker, F. a. Guide to German Lit- erature. 2v. 16^. Lond. 1850. MosELEY, H. Illustrations of Mechanics. 18^. Lond. 1839. Lectures on Astronomy. 12^. Lond. 1839» Mechanics Applied to the Arts. 16°. Lond. 1834. Same. 8''. Lond. 1839. Mechanics of Engineering and Architec- ture. 8°. Lond. 1843. MosELEY, Jos. Modem Legislation. 12°. Lond. 1852. Moses, H. Collection of Antiquities. 4". Lond. n.d. Moses, M. Commercial Directory. 8°. N.Y. 1830. MoBHEiM, J. L. Ecclesiastical History. 4 v. 8°. N.Y. 1824. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Stime. 8°. Lond. 1826. Same. 8^ N.Y. 1859. MosHER, C, Jr. Letter to the Mosher Fam- ily. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. MosQUERA, T. C. de. Geography of New Grenada. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. Moss, J. W. Manual of Classical Bibliogra^- phy. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1857. Mobsman, S., and Banister, T. Australia Visited and Revisited. 12°. Lond. '53. Most Exact Map of the World. By D. L. 4°. Lond. 1676. Mother's Magazine, v. 1-6, and 18. 8°. N.Y. 1833-50. Motherwell, W. Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern. 2 v. 16°. Glasgow. 1846. Same. 4°. Bost. 1827. Poems. 16°. Glasgow. 1847. Posthumous Poems. 16°. Bost. 1851. Motives for Missions. 16°. Lond. 1853. Motley, J. L. Causes of the Civil War. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. History of the Netherlands, v. 1-2. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Same. v. 1-2. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Rise of the Butch Republic. 3 v. N.Y. 1856. Same. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Same. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Same. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1865. LIoTT, A. Sketches of Persons of Color, 12°. N.Y. 1826. MoTT, V. Pain and Anaesthetics. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1862. Reminiscences of Medical Teaching. (P. 42.) 8°. N.Y. ;1850. Travels in Europe and the East. 8°. N.Y. 1842. MoTTLEY, J. Life of Peter I. of Russia. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1739. MouAT, F. J. Adventures in Andaman Isl- ands. 8°. Lond. 1863. MouHOT, H. Travels in Indo-China, etc. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1864. Mottle, T. English Counties Delineated. 2 V. 4°. Lond. 1837. Heraldry of Fish. 8°. Lond. 1842. MouLTON, J. W. Analysis of American Law. 12°. N.Y. 1859. JiIouLTON, R. K. Constitutional Guide. 18°. N.Y. 1834. Moultrie, J. Poems. 16°. Lond. 1838. Moultrie, W. Memoirs of American Revo- tion. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1802. Mounier, J. J. Influence of Philosophers, etc., on French Revolution. 8°. Lond. 1801. Mount Auburn Cemetery. Catalogue of Lots, etc. 16°. Bost. 1860. 8*^. etc. 256 CATALOGUE OF THE MouNTFOKD, \V. Christianity. 16°. Bost. '47. Euthanasy. 1G° Bost. 1848. MouY, C. de. Lg Eoman d'uu Homme Se- rieux. 'l6°. Paris. 1864. MowATT, Mrs. A. C. Autobiography of an Actress. 12°. Bost. 1854. MowEY, S. Silver Region of North America. 12°. N.Y. 1864. MoxoN, E. Sonnets. 8°. Lond. 1837. MozAET, W. A. Marriage of Figaro (an Op- era). 4°. Lond. n.d. Letters. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1866. Mrongovius, C. C. Grammatik der Polnis chen Sprache. 12°. Dantzic. 1837. MuDiE, E. British Naturalist. 2 y. 16°. Lond. 1835. Domesticated Animals. 16°. "Winches- ter, 1839. Same. 18°. Winchester. 1839. The Earth. 12°. Phil. 1836. Gleanings of Nature. 8°. Lond. 1833. The Heavens. 16°. Phil. 1836. Same. 12° Phil. 18?6. Lessons in Astronomy. 16°. Lond. 1842. Man as an Accountable Being. 18°. Lond. 1840. Man in his Physical Structure. 16°. Bost. 1838. Natural History of Birds. 18°. Lond. 1834. Observation of Nature. 18°. N.Y. 1833. MoFFLiNG, F. K. F. von. Missions to Con- stantinople and St. Petersburg. 16°, Lond. 1855. Passages from my Life. 8°. Lond. 1853. MiJGGE, T. Leben und Lieben in Norv/egen. 2 V. in one. 32°. Frankf. 1858. Nordisches Biiderbuch. 12°. Frankf. 1857. Der Prophet. 3 v. in one. 16°. Leip. 1862. MuHLBACH, L. Erzherzog Johann und seine Zeit. 12 V. 16^. Berlin. 1859-63. Die Fliichtlinge in London. 3 v. 18°. Altona. I860. Franz llakoczy. 2v. 18°. Vienna. 1861. Friedrich der Grosse und sein Hof. 3 v. in one. sq.l6°. Berlin. 1859. Friedrich der Grosse und seine Gesch- wister. 6 v. in two. sq.l6°. Berlin. 1864. Same. 2te Abtheilung. 3 v. iu one. sq.l6°. Berlin. 1864. Graf von Benjowsky. 4 v. 18°. Jena. 1865. Mjhlbach, L, Der Grosso Kurfiirst und seine Volk. 4 v. in two. 16°. Jena and Leip. 1865. Historisches Biiderbuch. 24°. Berlin. 1862. Same. 3 v. 18°. Berlin. 1862. Historisches Lebensbilder. 2 v. 16". Berlin. 1864. Hofgeschichten. 3 v. 18°. Berlin. 1862. Der Junge Kurfiirst. 3 v. 16°. Jena. '65. Kaiser Joseph als Selbstherrscher. sq. 16°. Berlin. 1859. Kaiser Joseph und l^Iaria Theresia. sq. 16°. Berlin. 1863. Kaiser Joseph der Zweite. sq.l6°. Ber- lin. 1858. Kaiser Joseph und Marie Antoinette. sq.l6°. Berlin. 18G4. Kaiser Leopold II. und seine Zeit. 3 v. in one. 18°. Vienna. 1861. Kaiserinn Josephine. 3 v. 16°. Berlin. 186L Kmiigin Hortense. 12°. Berlin. 1861. Konig Ileinrich VIII und sein Hof. 3 V. 18°. Berlin, n.d. Die letzten Lebenstage Katharina IL sq.l8°. Prag. 1859. Die Leibeigene. 18°. Altona. 1860. Mademoiselle Clairon. 18°. Altona. 1861. Maria Theresia und Trenck. 2 v. 16^ Brunn. 1861-2. Napoleon in Deutschland. 4 v. 12**. Berlin. 1860-63. Prinzessin Tartaroff. 2 v. 18°. Berlin, 1860. Prinz Eugen und seine Zeit. 8 v. in 4. 16°. Berlin. 1864. ■ Eastatt und Jena. 12°. Berlin. 1863. Der Sohn seiner Zeit. 2 v. in one. 18°. Berlin. 1860. MuHLEisEN, J. Genuine and Spurious Ee- ligion. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1849. Muhlenberg, H. A. Life of Gen. Muhlen- berg. 12°. Phil. 1849. Mtjlenbekg, W. a. Letters on Protestant Sisterhoods. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1853. MuLENEELS, L. vou. Coursc of German Lit- erature. 8°. Lond. 1830. Lecture in London University. 8°, Lond. 1829. MCHP.Y, A. Medicine in -France, England, etc. 8°. Phil. 1838. MuiR, W. Life of Mahomet. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1861. MuiEHEAD, J. p. liife of Jas. Watt. 12°. N.Y. 1859. ftERCANTILE LIBRARY. 257 MuiiCHiNocK, W. P. Ballads and Songs. 12^. N.Y. 1851, MuLDBB, G. J. Chemistry of Animal Phys- iology, etc. 8°. Edin. 1849. MuLFOKD, J. S. History of New Jersey. 8°. Camden. 1848. MuLLALY, J. Laying of the Atlantic Cable. S°. N.Y. 1858. -Milk Trade in New York. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1853. Trij) to Newfoundland. sq.l2° N.Y. 1855. MuLLAN, J. Miner's Guide to Oregon, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Mullen, S. Pilgrim of Beauty, and Other Poems. 8°. Lond. 1845. Ml LLER, C. O. Ancient Art and its Remains. 8°. Lond. 1847. -Same. 8° Lond. 1850. History of the Doric Race. 2 v. 8° Oxf. 1830. - Scientific System of Mythology. 8°. Lond. 1844. - Literature of Ancient Greece. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. -Same. 8°. Lond. 1858. MiJLLEK, C. O., Grotefend, G. F., and others. Attica and Athens. 8°. Lond. 1842. MiJLLEB, G. Life of Trust. 12°. Bost. 18G1. -Same. 12=^. Bost. 18G5. MiJLLER, J. Embryology, etc. Transl. byW. Baly. 8°. Lond. 1848. Physiology of the Senses. 8". Lond. 1848. — — Principles of Physics, etc. 8°. Lond. 1847. MiJLLEB, J. von. Sammtliche Werke. 40 v. in 20. 18°. Stuttg. 1831-5. - History of the World. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. 1847. MiJLLER, J. G. Geschichte der Amerikan- ischen Urreligionen. 8°. Basel. 1855. MiJLLER, M. Ancient Sanskrit Literature. 8°. Lond. 1859. - Lectures on Language. 1st and 2d ser. 2v. 12"^. N.Y. 1862-G5. MiJLLER, Otto. Charlotte Ackermann. 12°. Frankf. 1854. - Ekhof und seine -Schiiler. 2 v. in one. 12°. Leip. 1863. - Der Klosterhof. 3 v. in two. 16° Ber- lin. 1862. Mttller, S. Voyages from Asia to America. 4°. Lond. 1761. i>LOLs, L'Abbd. Manuel du Dimanche. 16°. Paris. 1855. 17 MuLocK, D. M. Poems. 12°. Bost. 1860. "Woman's Thoughts about Women. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Munch, B. Son of the Wilderness. 12°. N.Y. 1848. MiJNCH, F. Der Staat Missouri. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Mi/NCHEN Adressbuch, 1856-8. 3 v. 8°. Mu- nich. 1856-8. MuNDT, T. Krim-Girai. 2 v. 16°. Berlin. 1859. Same. 12°. Lond. 1856. Robespierre. 8°. Lond. 1856. MuNDY, Capt. Sketches in Lidia. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1833. Munich. See MiJNCHEN Adressbuch. MuNN, L. C. American Orator. 12°. Bost. 1853. MuNRO, R. The Genesee Country. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1804. MuNSELL, H., Jr. Manual of English Gram- mar. 16°. Albany. 1851. MuNSELL, Joel. Albany Annual Register, 1849. 12°. Albany. 1849. Annals of Albany, v. 1-10. 12° Albany. 1S50-9. (Ed'r. ) Collections on History of Albany. V. 1. 8°. Albany. 1865. Every day Book of History and Chro- nology. 12°. Albany. 1843. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Chronology of Paper and Paper-]klaking. 8°. Albany. 1857. Typogi-aphical Miscellany. 8°. Albany. 1850. MuNSTER, S. Dictionarium ; Latina, Grreca et Hebraica. 4°. Basle. 1562. MuRAT, A. America and the Americans. 12°. N.Y. 1849. MuRCHisoN, J. H. British Mines. 12°. Lond. 1855. MuRCHisoN, R. L Address to British Asso. for Adv. of Science. (P.) 8^. Lond. 1846. Siluria. 8°. Lond. 1854. Silurian System of Rocks. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1839. MuRDEN, Mrs. Eliza. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1827. Murdoch, J. E., and Russell, W. Orthoph- ony, or Vocal Culture. 12°. Bost. 1845. Same. 12°. Bost. 1849. MUEDOCK, J. Sketches of Modern Philoso- phy. 16°. Hartf. 1846. Mure, W. Language and Literature of Antient Greece. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1850- 1853. 258 CATALOGUE OF THE MuKGEK, H. Les Buveurs d'Edu. 2 v. 18°. Brux. 1854. Le Dernier Rendez-vous, etc. 16°. Paris. 1856. Same. 16°. Paris. 1864. . Madame Olympe. 16°. Paris. 1863. Le Pays Latin. 16°. Paris. 1851. Same. 16°. Paris. 1864. Le Eoman de toutes les Femmes. 16°. Paris. 1865. Le Sabot Eonge. 16°. Paris. 1865. Scenes de la Boheme. 18°. Paris. 1851. Same. 16°. Paris. 1864. Scenes de Campagne; Adeline Protat. 16°. Paris. 1856. Scenes de la Yie de Jeunesse. 16°. Paris. 1865. Les Vacances de Camille. 16°. Paris. 1864. MuKPHY, A. Zenobia; a Tragedy. CP- 74.) 8°. Lond. 1768. MuKPHY, H. C. (Ed'r.) Anthology of New Netherlands. 8°. N.Y. 1865. MuKPHY, J. C. Arabian Antiquities of Spain. f°. Lond. 1813. MahometanEmpire in Spain. 4°. Lond. 1816. MuEPHY, J. G. Chemistry for Students. 12°. Phil. 1851. Murphy, J. McL., and Jeffeks, W. N. Nau- tical Routine, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Mup.PHY, P. Meteorology in Relation to Astronomy. 8°. Lond. 1836. MuEPHY, W. D. State Officers and Mem- bers of N. Y. Legislature. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1861. Murray's Handbooks. See Handbook, etc. Murray's Handbook of Church and State. 16°. Lond. 1852. Murray, Amelia M. Letters from America. 2 V. in one. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Murray, C. A. Travels in North America. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Murray, Hen. Portrait Painting in Oil Colors. 16°. Lond. 1851. Murray, Hugh. Discoveries in North Amer- ica. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1829. Encyclopaedia of Geography. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1834. . History of British America. 3 v. 16°. Edin. 1839. History of the United States. 3 t. 16°. Edin. 1844. Pictorial History of United States. 8°. Bost. 1851. — — Travels of Marco Polo. jSee Polo, M. Murray, Hugh, and others. Account of British India. 3 v. 16°. Edin. 1833. Same. 3 v. 18°. N.Y. 1832. China from Earliest Ages. 3 v. 16°. Edin. 1836. Discoveries in Africa. 16°. Edin. 1832. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1836. Encyclopajdia of Geography. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1837. Murray, Jas., M.D. Electricity a Cause of Cholera. 12°. Dubl. 1849. Murray, Jos. New Maid of the Oaks; a Tragedy. (P. 52.) 8°. Lond. 1778. Murray, John. On Flame and Safety Lamps. (P. 24.) 8°. Lond. 1836. Murray, John F. World of London. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1845. Same. 16°. Lond. 1844. Murray, L. English Grammar. 2 v. in one. 8°. N.Y. 1819. Same. 16°. N. Lond. 1836. English Reader. 12°. Albany. 1819. Sequel to same. 12°. N.Y. 1801. Memoirs, by himself. 8°. N.Y. 1827. Power of Religion. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1836. Murray, N. Decline of Popery; an Address. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. The Happy Home. 16°. N.Y. 1858. Letters to Bishop Hughes. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Men and Things in Europe. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Parish Pencilings, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Preachers and Preaching. 12°. N. Y. '60. Reply to Bishop Hughes. 18°. N.Y. 1848. • Romanism at Home. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Murray, P. J. Life of J. Banim. 12°. Lond. 1857. Murray, R. Marine Engines and Steam Ves- sels. 16°. Lond. 1852. Murray's Family Library. See the Separate Works. 80 V. 16°. Lond. 1828-42. , MusiEUS. See Hesiod. | MusciPULA, sive Cambromyomachia ; with Transl. 16°. N.Y. 1840. Musi^E Napoleon. See Galerie, etc. Museum Criticum; or Cambridge Classical! Researches. 2 v. 8°. Cambridge. (E.) 1826. Museum of Foreign Literature and Sciejicc. 44 V. 8°. Phil. 1822-42. Museum of Literature. 8°. Bost. 1850. Museum (The), v. 1-3. 8°. Edin. 1862-64. Musgrave, R. Irish Rebellions. 2 v. 8*. Dublin. 1802. MERCANTILE LIBRAKY. 259 16°. 16°. MusQRAVE, S. On Grecian Mythology, and Newton's Theory of the Olympiad, 8". Lond. 1782. MusHET, D. Papers on Iron and Steel. 8°. Lond. 1840. Musical Library. 8 t. 4°. Lond. 1842. Musical Review. 4°. N.Y. 1854. Musical World. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1836. MuspRATT, S. Chemistry. 2 v. r.8°. Glasg. n.d. MussET, A. de. Comedies et Proverbes. Paris. 1851. Confession d*un Enfant de Si^cle. Paris. 1864. Contes. 12°. Paris. 1854. Nouvelles. 16°. Paris. 1863. MussET, A. de, et Stahl, P. J. Voyage ou il vous plaira. See Stahl, P. J. IklussET, P. de. La BaYolette. 12°. Paris. '56. Extra vagants et Originaux du XVIIme Siccle. 12°. Paris. 1863. Femmes de la Regence. 12°. Paris. 1848. LuietEUo. 12°. Paris. 1862. MussEY, R. B. Health; its Friends and Foes. 12°. Boston. 1862. MusTox, A. The Israel of the Alps. 12°. Lond. 1852. MuTKit, Mrs. Travels in India, China, etc. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1864. Mutiny at Spithoad and the Nore> 16°. Lond. 1842, MuTTERiNGs and Musings of an Invalid. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Mutual Life Insurance Co., N.Y. Report of Business, 15 years. 4°. N.Y. 1859. Mutzelburct, a. Der Hexentanz. 3 parts, 18°. Berlin, n.d. — Der Himmel auf Erden. 6 v. in 2. 12°. Berlin, n.d. — Rheinsberg; oder die Jugend Friedrichs des Grossen. 2 v. 18°. Berlin, n.d. MuzzEY, A. B. Thoughts for a Young Man. 16°. Bost 1865. • The Young Maiden. 16°. Bost. 1851. Muzzy, Harriet. Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1821. My Cave Life in Vicksburg. 16°. N.Y. 1864. My Children's Diary. 18°. N.Y. 1826. My Daughter's Manual. 18°. N.Y. 1837. My Progress in Error and Return to Truth. 12°. Bost. 1842. Mybrs, F. Lectures on Graat Men. 12°. Lond. 1856. Mybrs, J. Life and Travels of. 8°. Lond. 1817. Mtebs, J. C. Journal of the 192d Regiment. 16°. PhiL 1864. Mtlius, O. Stiefkinder und andera Erzah- lungen. 8°. Milwaukee. 1862. Myrtle, M. See Johnso*?, Miss A. C. Mysteries of Isis. By Uniche. 18°. N.Y. 1858. Mystery Revealed. Facts Relating to British Ministry. 8°. Lond. 1750. Mythological Fables. Transl. by Dryden, Pope, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Nack, J. Romance of the Ring, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1829. i^ADAB. Quand j'e'tais £tudiant. 12°, Paris. 1856j NAOEii, G. Pronunciation of German, 12®. Lond. 1841. Nairne, C. M. Lecture on Atheism. (P. 44,) 8°. Albany. 1848. Oration at Lafayette College. (P, ) 8®. Easton, Pa. 1858, -^ — Oration at Rutgers College. (P.) S**. N.Y. 1857. Oration on Truth; Hamilton College. (P.) 8°. N.Y, 1854. Namur, p. Systeme des Connaissances Hu- maines. 8°. Brux. 1839. l^^APiER, O. War in Syria. 2 t. 12°. Lond. 1842. Napisb, E. E. Excursions along the Mee Saussctee, Mme. A. A. Progres- sive Education. 12°. Bost. 1835. Study of the Life of Women. 12°. PhH. 1844. Nedeblandsch India, in haare tegenwoordi- gen Toestand. 12°. Batavia. n.d. Neele, H. Literary Eemains. 8°. N.Y. '29. Nefp, J. K. Army and Navy of America. 8°. Lancaster, Pa. 1851. Same. 8°. n.p. n.d. Negbis, a. Dictionary of Modern .Greek Proverbs. 18°. Edin. 1831. Modem Greek Literature. Set Eet- N0LD8, E. Neill, E. D. Dahkotah Land and Life. 8°. Phil. 1859. History of Minnesota. 8°. Phil. 1858. Neill, J., and Smith, F. G. Compendium of Medical Science. 8°. Phil. 1848. Neill, P. Fruit, I lower and Kitchen Gar- den. 12°. Ecin. 1838. Neili, W. Discov.rse reviewing a Ministry of Fifty Yef.rs. 8°. Phil. 1857. Neilson, C. Burg^oyne's Campaign. 12°. Albany. 1844. Neilson, W. Greek Exercises. 8°. Dundalk. 1804. NEisoif, F. G. P. Contributions to Vital Statistics. 4°. Lond. 1846. Neligan, J. M. Diseases of the Skin. 12°. Phil. 1852. Neligan, W. H. Eome; its Churches, etc. 16°. N.Y. 1858. Nelson, D. Cause and Cure of Infidelity. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Nelson, H., Lord. Dispatches and Letters. 7 V. 8°. Lend. 1845-6. Nelson's Guide to the Hudson, etc. 16°. N.Y. 1860. Nennius. History of the Britons. See Giles, J. A. Six Old English Chronicles, Nepos, See CoRNELirs Nepos. Nerval, G. de. La Boheme Galante. 12°. Paris. 1855. Nekvil, C. Contes Eccentriques. 12°. Paris. 1855. Netscher, p. M. Les HoUandais au Bresil. 8° Hague. 1853. Neueb Anzeiger fur Bibliographie, 1856, 1861. 2v. 8°. Dres. 1856-61. Netjes Gesangbuch. 12°. Nuremberg. 1791. Neumann, C. Chemical Works. 4°. Lond. 1759. Nevins, W. Select Eemains of. 12°. N.Y. 1836. New Almaden Mine. Case of. 8°. Phil. 1863. New American Cyclopaedia. 16 v. 8°. N.Y. 1858-63. For continuation, see American Annual Cyclopedia. New Annual Kegister. 16 v. 8°. Lond. 1784-96. New Bedford. Celebration, 200th Anniver- sary' of Dartmouth. 8°. N. Bedf. 1865. Laying Corner Stone of Public Library. (P.) 8°. N. Bedf. 1856. New Bedford Directory, 1836, '38, '39, '41, '45, '49, '52, '65. 8 v. 12°. N. Bedf. 1836-65. MERCANTILE LIBRARY 263 Nf.w Bedfobd Public Library. Catalogue of. (P.) 8°. N.Bedf. 1858. New Bond of Love. 16°. N. Y. 1853. New Brunswick CN. J. ) Directory. 12°. N. Y. 1865. New Brdnswick (Province) Directory. 8°. St. John's, N. B. 1865. New Brunswick Keview. v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1855. New Collection of Voyages, etc. 7 v. 8°. Dond. 1767. New College, London. Lectures at Opening. (P.) 12°. Lond. 1851. New Dictionary of Quotations from Greek, Latin, etc. 8°. Phil. 1859. New Dido; a Poem. 16°. N.Y. 185L New Discussion of the Trinity. 16°. Bost. 1860. New Elegant Extracts. 12 v. 18°. Chiswick. 1823-7. New and Elegant Imperial Atlas. f°. Lond. 1808. New ENGL.A.ND and her Institutions. 12°. Bost. 1835. New England Business Directory, 1860, 1865. 2t. 8°. Bost. 1860-65. New England Historic-Genealogical Society. Celebration of Shakespeare's Birthday. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1864. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, v. 1-18. 8'^. Bost. and Al- bany. 1864. New England Magazine. 9 v. 8°. Bost. 1831-5. New England Primer. Reprint of ed. of 1777. ^4°. Hartf. 1843. New England Society, N. Y. City. Semi-Cen- tennial Celebration. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. . Annual Reports, 1854, '58-9. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859-64. New Englander (The). 23 v. 8°. N. H. 1843-64. New Hampshire. First Geological Report, by C. T. Jackson. 8°. Concord. 1841. Laws. Session of 1862. 8°. Concord. 1862. New Hampshire Annual Register, 1857, '60, '66. 4v. 16°. Concord. 1857-66. New Hampshire Historical Society. Col- lections. 6v, 8°. Concord. 1824-50. New Hampshire Pocket Almanac and Regis- ter for 1804. 18°. Amherst. 1803. New Haven Colony Historical Society. Pa- pers, V. 1. 8°. N. Haven. 1865. Njsw Haven Directory, 1864-5, '65-6. 12°. N. Haven. 1864-5. New Haven Young Men's Institute. Cata- logue of Library. 8°. N. Haven. 1851. New Jersey. Acts of Assembly, 1702-76. -4®. Burlington, 1776. Appendix to Senate Journal, 16th and 17th Sessions. 2 v. 8°. Belvidere. 1860-1. Correspondence of Executive. 1776- 1786. Newark. 1848. Geological Survey; 1st Report, by H. D. Rogers. 8°. N. Brunswick. 1855. Geology of; Final Report, by H. D. Ro- gers. 8°. Phil. 1840. Geology of Southern Part; Report, by G. H. Cook. 8°. Trenton. 1857. Minutes of 85 th General Assembly. 8°. Jersey City. 1861. New Jersey Business Directory, 1850-1. By S. B. Kirkbridge, Jr. 8°. Trenton. '50. New Jersey Conference Memorial. 12°. Phil. 1865. New Jersey Historical Society. Collections. 5 V. 8°. Newark. 1846-58. Proceedings. 8 v. in three. 8°. Newark. 1847-59. New Jersey Register for 1837; by J. C. Potts. 12°. Trenton. 1837. New Jerusalem Missionary, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1823-4. New Jerusalem Tracts, v. 1. 12°. Bost. 1830. New Letter Writer. 16°. Lond. 1856. New London City Directory, 1863, '65-6. 2 V. 16°. N. Lond. 1863. New Mexico, Journal of Legislature, Dec, 1866. (P.) 8°. Santa Fe. 1862. New Mirror. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1843-4. New Mirror for Travellers. 12°. N.Y. 1828. New Monthly Magazine. See Colburn's New Monthly Magazine. New Netherlands. Remonstrance of, etc. , 1649. 4°. Albany. 1856. New Orleans as I Found It. Pt. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1845. New Orleans Business Directory. 12^ N.O. 1865. New Orleans Chamber of Commerce. Pro- ceedings on Bars of Mississippi. (P.) 8°. N.O. 1859. New Orleans Directory. See Gibson, J., Guide, etc., of Louisiana. New Orleans Weekly Delta, v. 4-11. f°. N.O. 1848-56. New Quarterly Review, v. 1-11. 8°. Loud. 18§2-62. New Review, v. 1-2. 8°. Dubl. 1863-64. New System of Cookery. 10°. N.Y. 1817. 264 CATALOGUE OF THE New Tarifif (English, 1842); with Duties, etc. (P. 21.) 8°. Lond. n.d. New Themes for Protestant Clergy. 12°. Phil. 1851. New Themes Condemned. 12°. Phil. 1853. New Theoi-y of Vegetable Physiology. 16°. Edin. 1847. New Voyages and Travels. 9 v. 8°. Lond. var. d. New Whole Duty of Man. 16°. Lond. 1827. New Yoek (City). Affidavits on Abuses in City Government. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Almshouse Commissioner. Beport for 1846. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Same. Reports for 1847-8. 8°. N.Y. 1848-9. Assessments and Taxes in N. Y. ; State Laws on. 8°. N.Y. 1859. — — Board of Aldermen. Documents for 1835-46, 1855-6. 13 v. 8°. N.Y. 1835- 1856. Same. Proceedings, 1835-46. 31 v. 8°. N.Y. 1835-46. Board of Aldermen and Assistants; Documents, 1832-4. 8°. N.Y. 1833-4. Same; Joint Meetings, 1831-6. 8°. N.Y. 1836. Same; Proceedings, 1831-46, 1850-51. 15 v. 8°. N.Y. 1831-51. Board of Assistants; Documents, 1832- 36. 5 V. 8°. N.Y. 1835-8. Same; Proceedings, 1836-40. 15 v. 8°. N.Y. 1836-40. Board of Councilmen; Documents, 1855-7. 4v. 8°. N.Y. 1855-7. Board of Education; Annual Beports, 1849-1860, 1863. 12 v. 8°. N.Y. 1849-64. Same; Documents, 1843-62. 12 v. 8°. N.Y. 1843-62. Same; Documents on Free Academy, 1847t52. 8°. N.Y. 1847-52. Same; Journals, 1854-58. 5 v. 8°. N.Y. 1854-8. Same; Manual, 1850, '52, '53, '54, '56, '58, '61. 5 V. 8°. and 16° N.Y. 1850- ' 186L Board of Health; Proceedings as to Cholera. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Central Park; Annual Reports, 1857, '60, '64. 7 V. 8°. N.Y. 1858-65. Same; Annual Beport, 1858. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. Charities and Correction ; Commis- sioners' Beport for 1864. 8". N.Y. '65. Charter of 1730 (Montgomerie 'Charter). (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1819. NewYokk (City). Charter of 1730 (Mont- I gomerie Charter). With Amendments. \ (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1832. Charter, with Notes, and Treatise on Powers, etc., of May or. 8°. N.Y. 1836. j Chief Engineer of Fire Dep't; Annual i Beports, 1856-9. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1856-9. Same; Annual Beport, 1860. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Same; Aldermen's Beport on Charges by. (P. 32.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. . City Inspector; Beports, 1831, '44, '46-7. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1832-48. Same; Beports, 1853, '59, '60, '62. 4 v. 8°. N.Y. 1853-62. Comptroller; Annual Beports, 1829, '39, '46, '47. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1830-48. Same; Beports. 1853, '55, '56, '60, '62, '64. 6v. 8°. N.Y. 1853-65. Counsel to the Corporation; Opinions, 1849-60. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Croton Water; Clinton's Beport on. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1832. Enrollment List, 7th Congr. District. 8°. N.Y. 1803. ^Finance Department, State Laws and City Ordinances on. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Fire Marshal's Beports, Dec, 1854, to May, 1860. 8°. N.Y. 1854-60. Food, Diet, Pleating, etc. , Beport on by J. S. Gould. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Governors of the Almshouse; Beports, 1849-54. 6v. 8°. N.Y. 1850-5. Same; Beports, 1851, '55, '56. 8°. N.Y. 1852-7. Same; Beports, 1852, '55, '58, '59. 8^. N.Y. 1853-60. Hackley Street Cleaning Contract. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Hague Street Catastrophe; Beport on. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Harbor Commission; Beports. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Harrison Obsequies ; Beport of Commit- tee, and Mr. Frelinghuysen's Oration. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Health ; City Laws and Ordinances on. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Laws and Ordinances, 1817. 8°. N.Y. '17. Same, 1827, '33, '34, '38-9, '45, '59. 5 v. 8°. N.Y. 1827-59. Manual of the Corporation, 1841-65. 24 V. 18°., 16°., 12°. N.Y. 1841-64. Messages to Common Council, by Mayor Lee, 1833-4. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Same, by Mayor Lawrence, 1834-7. 8". ' N.Y. 1837. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 265 V YoBK (City). Real Estate of Corpora- tion, 1832. (P.) 4°. N.Y. 1832. Same, 1860. 4°. N.Y. 1860. Sanitary Measures in Cities; Dr. Bell's Report. See Bell, J., of Phil. Volunteering and Funds by City and County; Report on. 8^. N.Y. 1865. New York (County). Board of Supervisors. Documents, 1864. 2 v. 8°. N.Y^ 1864. . Same, Proceedings, 1809-47 and 1858- 1864. 15 V. 8°. N.Y. 1858-65. . Same, Report on Reducing Expenses. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Same, Reports of Committees on Sub- stitutes; and, March, 1864, on Volun- teering. 8°. N.Y. 1863-4. ' Same, Report of Committee on Volun- teering, July, 1864. 8°. N.Y. 1864. ■ Enrollment of 1863-4. f°. N.Y. 1864. New York (State). Acts. etitions, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1858. EW York Shippers' and Consignees' Guide. 12^. N.Y. 1861. BW l^oRK Society Library. Catalogue. 8°. N.Y. 1838. — Same. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Supplement to Catalogue. 12°. N.Y. 1825. [— Same.' 8". N.Y. 1841. |ew York Spectator, v. 1-5. f. N.Y. 1797- 1802. JEW York State Agricultural Society. Trans- actions, 1841-59. 19 V. 8'^. Albany. 1842-60. [ew York State Army List, January, 1862. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1862. |eW York State Business Directory, 1850, 1859. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1850-9. Same, 1864. 8°. Albany. 18G4. EW York State Gazetteer. >s'ee Gordon, T. F. ; Spafford, H. G. — Same. 12°. Albany. 1842. EW York State Medical Society. Transac- tions, 1860-61. 2 V. 8°. Albany. 1860-1. EW York State Register. '43, '5, 1845-6, by O. L. Holley. 2 v. 12°. Albany. 1843-6. — Same, 1858, by J. Disturnell. 12°. N.Y. 1858. EwYoKK Teacher, v. 12. 8°. Albany. 1863. EW York Times. 27 v. f°. N.Y. 1851-64. EW York Times and Commercial Intelligen- cer. 6v. f°. N.Y. 1836-41. EW York Times and Evening Star, Jan.- July, 1841. f°. N.Y. 1841. EW York Transcript, extra; Enrollment of Persons liable to Draft, f. N.Y. 1863- 1861. Tew York Tribune (Daily). 40 v. T. N.Y. 1841-64. rupf York Weekly Messenger, v. 3-4. f°. N.Y. 1833-5. New York Weekly Mirror, t. 1-5. 4°. N.Y. 1845-7. New York Young Men's Anti-Slavery Society. Address. (P. 15.) 8°. N.Y. 1834. New Yorker, v. 2-10. To the Public. 4°. N.Y. 1836-41. New Zealanders. 16°. Lond. 1830. Newark Business Directory, 1857-8. 12°. Newark. 1857. Newark Directory, 1835-59, '64-5, '65-6. 24 V. 18°., 16°. and 12°. Newark. 1835-65. Newark Library Association. Catalogue. 8°. Newark. 1857. Newberry, J. S. New Fossil Fishes. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1856. Newbold, T. J. British Settlements in Ma- lacca. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1839. Newbtjegh Directory, 1856-7, '60-1, '62-3, '64-5. 4v. 12° Newburgh. 1856-65. Newbubyport. See Public Library of New- buryport. Newburyport Directory, 1858, '64-6. 2 v. 18°. Newburj'port. 1857-64. Newcomb, H. Cycloptedia of Missions. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Newcomb, S. Our Financial Policy during the War. 16°. N.Y. 1865. Newdegate, C. N. Customs and Tariffs of all Nations. 4°. Lond. 1855. Newell, C. Revolution in Texas. 16°. N.Y. 1838. Newell, R. H. Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Same. 2d series. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Same. 3d series. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Palace Beautiful, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Newell, Robert H. Zoology of English Poets. 16°. Lond. 1845. Newhall, F. H. Sermon on Death of John Brown. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1859. Newhall, W. S., a Memoir. 12°. Phil. 1864. Newland, H. The Erne; its Legends, and its Fly-fishing. 12°. Lond. 1851. Newman, E. History of British Ferns. 8°. Lond. 1840. History of British Ferns and Allied Plants. 8°. Lond. 1844. Newman, Emily M. Analysis of Sounds ; or, English Pronunciation. 12°. Lond. 1834. Newman, F. W. Contrasts of Ancient and Modem History. 16°. Lond. 1847. History of Hebrew Monarchy. 8°. Lond. 1847. Lectures on Political Economy. 12°. Lond. 1851. 270 CATALOGUE OF THE Newman, F.W. Phases of Faith. 12° Lond. 1850. KegalKome. 12°. Lond. 1852. Eeply to "Eclii^se of Faith." See Rogers, H., Defence, etc. The Soul; her Son-ows aud Aspirations. 12°. Lond. 1849. Newman, J. B. Philosophy of Fascination. 16°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Newman, J. H. Apologia pro Vita sna. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Essay on Christian Doctrine. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Life of ApoUonius Tyanseus. See Hinds, S. Erise, etc. , of Christianity. Newman, J. P. From Dan to Beersheba; Travels in Palestine. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Newman, S. Mercantile Tables. 8°. Lond. 1804. Newman, S. C. Rehoboth; a Historical Dis- course. (P.) 8°. Pawtucket. 1860. Newnham, W. Human Magnetism. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Reciprocal Influence of Body and Mind. 8°. Lond. 1842. Newport Directory, 1856-7. 16°. Newport. 1856. Newport Illustrated. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Newton, I. Chronology Abridged; with Ob- servations, by Souciet. 4°. Lond. 1728. Mathematical Principles of Natural Phi- losophy. 3v. 8'^. Lond. 1803. Method of Fluxions, etc. 4°. Lond. 1736. Opticks. 12°. Lond. 1721. Principia Mathematica. 2 v. 8°. Glas- gow. 1833. Universal Arithmetick. 8°. Lond. 1769. Newton, J. Cardiphonia. 2 v. 16°. Phil. 1795. Letters and Sermons. 6 v. 16°. Phil. 1795. Letters to his Wife. 16°. Whitehall. 1814. Life of, by himself. 18°. N.Y. 1806. Messiah; 50 Discourses. 2 v. 16°. Phil. 1812. Posthumous Works. 2 v. 16°. Phil. 1813. Newton, J. F. Three Enigmas Explained. 8°. Lond. 1821. Newton, T. Dissertation on the Prophecies. 8°. Lond. n.d. Newton, W.^ Display of Heraldry. 8°. Lond. 1846. Newton's London Journal of Arts an' Sciences. Newser., v. 1-20. 8°. Lond 1855-64. News of the Churches and Journal of Mis- sions. V. 8. 4°. Edin. 1861--2. News from New England. Reprint from ed. of 1676. (P.) 4°. Bost. 1850. Newspaper Press Directory for Great Brit- ain, for 1862, '63. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1862-3. Ney, M. Life. 2 v. in one. 8°. Phil. 1834. Niagara Falls Hydraulic Company. Report, Dec, 1853. (P. 47.) 4°. n.p. 1853. Nibelungen Lied, aus der St. Gallen Hand- schrift. 8°. Breslau. 1816. Same. From Lachmann's text, by J. Birch. 8°. Berlin. 1848.* Nicander. See Poet^ Bucolici, in Didot'a I Greek Classics. NicoLiNi, G. B. Arnoldo da Brescia. 12^ Florence. 1852. NiCETAS Eugenianus. Narratio Amatoria with Fragments of Constantinus Ma- nasses. (In Greek.) 2 v. in. one. 16°. Leyden. 1819. NicHOL, J. P. Architecture of the Heavens. 8°. Edin. 1839. Same. 8°. Lond. 1850. Contemplation of Solar System. 12^ Edin. 1844. Same. 12°. Edin. 1847. Planet Neptune. 12°. Edin. 1848. Planetary System. 8°. Lond. 1851. Stellar Universe. 16°. Edin. 1848. System of the World. 12°. Edin. 1846. NicHOL, J. P., and others. Cyclopoedia oi Physical Sciences. 8°. Lond. 1857. Nicholas, J. L. Voyage to New Zealand. S V. 8°. Lond. 1818. Nicholas, P. H. History of Royal Marines. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1845. Nicholas, S. S. Conservative Essays. 8°. Phil. 1863. Martial Law. First published 1842. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1862. Nicholas I. of Russia. See Nicolas I. Nicholles, J. The Teeth. 8°. Lond. 1833. NicHOLLS, B. E. Helps to Bible Reading. 12°. Lond. 1849. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1854. NiCHOLLS, J. Recollections during Reign oi George in. 12°. Phil. 1822^ Nichols, C. W. Lecture on Book-Keeping. ! (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. i Nichols, G. W. The Great March. 12°. N. YJ I 1865. MERCANTILE LIBUARY. 271 JicHOLS, J. Anecdotes of Wm. Hogarth. S''. LoncL 1785. Illustrations of Literary History of 18tli Century. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1722. - Progresses, etc. , of Queen Elizabeth. 3 V. 4:°. Lond. 1823. Progresses of James I. 4 v. 4°. Lond. 1828. TiCHOLS, Rev. J. Sermon on Death of D. Hildreth. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1860. ficHOLs, R. S. Songs of the Heart, etc. 8°. Phil. 1851. IicHOLS, T. L. Address, Anniversary of the Burning of the Caroline. (P. 19.) 8°. Buffalo. 1839. - Esoteric Anthropology. 18°. Port Ches- ter. 1853. TiCHOLSoN, Mrs. A. Famine in Ireland. 12°. N.Y. 1851. - Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger. 12°. N.Y. 1857. IicHOLsoN, Jas. B. Art of Bookbinding. 12". Phil. 1856. ficnoLsoN, John. Operative Mechanic and Machinist. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1826. liCHOLSoN, P. On the Five Orders of Archi- tecture. 8°. N.Y. 1837. I-. — Guide Book for Carpenters. 2 v. 4°, Lond. 1849. Nicholson, W. British Encyclopaedia. 12 v. 8°. Phil. 1819-21. TicoL, J. Introductory Book of the Sciences. 16^. Edin. 1844. - — Manual of Mineralogy. 12°. Edin. 1849. {icoLAs, H. Battle of Agincourt, etc. 8°. Lond. 1832. - Chronology of History. 16°. Lond. 1833. - Life of Sir C. Hatton. 8°. Lond. 1847. Nicolas, N. H. British Orders of Knight- hood. 4v. f°. Lond. 1842. — History of Royal Navy. 2 v. 8^ Lond. 1847. - Life of W. Davison. 8°. Lond. 1823. Peerage of England. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1825. IicOLAs I. Les Dernieres Heures de la Vie de I'Empereur. 8°. Vienna. 1855. {icx)LE, P. Moral Essays. 4 v. in two. 8°. Lond. 1696. TIOOLLKT, J. N. Magnetic Dip in the United States in 1841. (P.) 4°. n.p. n.d. - Report on Basin of Mississippi. See United States. ^SpOLSON, W. Scottish Historical Library. 8°. Lond. 1702. NiEBUHE, B. G. Ancient Ethnography and Geography. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1854. History of Rome. 5 v. 8°. Camb. 1831- 1844. Lectures on Ancient History. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Same. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1852. Lectures on Roman History. 8°. Phil. 1848. Same. 3 v. 16°. Phil. 1852. Life of C. Niebuhr. 16°. Phil. 1836. NiEBUHR, B. G. Life and Letters, with Es- says on his Character. 12° N.Y. 1852. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Niebuhr, C. Travels through Arabia. 2 v. 12°. Dubl. 1792. Niemcewicza, J. U. List do K. Kniaziewicza. 18°. Paris. 1835. Nu^^BiTZ, G. Deutscher Volkskalender, 1854, 1855. 2v. 8°. Leip. 1853-4. NiEUDORF, Emma. Lenau in Schwaben. 16°. Leip. 1855. NiOHTiNGAUi, Florence, Notes on Nursing. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Nightingale, Florence. Tribute to. 16°. Lond. 1864. NiHELL, J. Prediction of Crises by the Pulse. (P. 58.) 8°. Lond. 1750. NiLEs, H. Principles and Acts of American Revolution. 8°. Bait. 1822. NiLEs' Weekly Register, v. 1-74. 8°. and 4°. Bait. 1837-48. Same. Index to v. 1-12. 8°. Bait. 1818. Nimble-Chops, A. Democracy; a Poem. (P. 59.) 8°. N.Y. n.d. NiMROD. The Horse and the Hound. 12°. Edin. 1842. Hunting Tours. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1836. Nineteen Beautiful Years. 16°. N.Y'. 1864. Nineteenth Century, v. 1-2. 8°. Phil. '48. NisABD, C. fitudes sur la Renaissance et Reforme. 12°. Paris. 1855. Les Gladiateurs de la Republique des Lettres. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1860. Nixon, W. Poems. 12°. Dubl. 1823. NoAD, H. M. Chemical Analysis. 12°. Lond. 1864. Lectures on Electricity, etc. 12°. Lond. 1839. Manual of Electricity, etc. Part 1. 8°. Lond. 1855. Noah, M. M. Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Travels in England, France, Spain, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1819. NoBACK, C. and F. Miinz-, Maas- und Ge- wichtsbuch. 8°. Leip. 1858. 272 CATALOGUE OF THE NoBACK, F. Lelirbuch der Handels-Wissen- schaft. 8°. Leip. 1851. Noble, D. The Brain and its Physiology. 8°. Lond. 1846. Noble, L. L. Course of Empire, and Other Pictures by Cole. 12°. N.Y. 1853. After Icebergs with a Painter. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Noble, M. Continuation of Granger's Bio- graphical History of England. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1806. Noble, S. Doctrines of the Christian Re- ligion. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Plenary Inspiration of Scripture. S''. Bost. 1828. Eegeneration and Good Works. (P. ) 16°. Bost, 1833. NocTES Ambrosianae. 5 v. 12°. N.Y. 1854. NoDiEE, C. Contes Fantastiques. 12°. Paris. 1850. Contes en Prose et en Vers. 2 v. 16°. Brux. 1837. Ines de las Sierras. 18°. Brux. 1837. Souvenirs et Portraits. 8°. Paris. 1833. Souvenirs de la Eevolution et de I'Em- pire. 2v. 16°. Paris. 1850. Noel, B. W. Christian Baptism. 16°. N.Y. 1850. Union of Church and State. 8°. Lond. 1849. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Nolan, F. Egyptian Chronology Analysed. 8°. Lond. 1848. NoLCKEN, C. A. V. Laesning for Allmogen. 16°. Lund. 1855. NoLLET, J. A. LArt des Experiences. 3 v. 16°. Paris. 1787. ^ NoLTE, V. Fifty Years in both Hemispheres. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Funfzig Jahre in beiden Hemispharen. 8°. Hamburg. 1854. NoNNUS Panopolites. Dionysiaca. 8°. Ant- werp. 1569. NoKDEN, F. L. Travels in Egypt and Nubia. 8°. Lond. 1757. NoRDEN, J. Description of Essex. See Cam- den Society. NoEDEN, Marie. Agnes und Marie. 3 v. in 1. 16°. Nordhausen. 1860. NoEFOLK Merchants' and Mechanics' Ex- change. 3d Annual Eeport. (P.) 8°. Norfolk. 1860. NoRiAO, J. La Betise Humaine. 12°. Paris. 1864. La Dame a la Plume Noire. 16°. Paris. 1863. NoRiAC, J. Le lOle Regimei^. Illustre. 12*. Paris. 1863. Memoires d'un Baiser. 12°. Paris. 1863. SurleRail. 12°. Paris. 1863. NoEiE, J. W. Marine Atlas. 2 y. (With Ad- ditions to 1824.) f°. Lond. 1821. NoKMAN, B. M. New Orleans and Environs. 18°. N.O. 1845. Notes in Cuba and Mexico. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Rambles in Yucatan. 8°. N.Y. 1843. NoEMANDT, A. Commercial Handbook of Chemical Analysis. 12°. Lond. 1850. Same. 12°. Lond. 1865. NoERis, J. S. Early Friends in Maryland. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1862. NoEEis, S. Handbook for Locomotive En- gineers. 12°. Phil. 1852. NoEEis, T. American Angler's Book. 18°. Phil. 1862. North, R. Lives of F., D., and J. North. 3 V. 8°. Lond. 1826. North American Miscellany, v. 1, 2, 4. 8°. N.Y. 1851-2. North American Review, v. 3, 4, 11-99. S°, Bost. 1816-64. Same; Index to v. 1-25. 8°. Bost. 1829. North British Review, v. 1-41. 8°. Edin. 1844-64. North Briton, v. 1, Part 2; and v. 2. f°. Lond. 1768-70. North Carolina. Geological Survey ; 1st Annual Report, by E. Emmons. 8°. | Raleigh. 1852. Same; Geology of Midland Counties, by E. Emmons. 8°. N.Y. and Raleigh. 1856. Same; Agriculture of Midland Counties, by E. Emmons. 8°. Raleigh. 1858. North Church, Salem, Mass. Installation ot\ Rev. C. Lowe. (P.) 8°. Salem. 1855. North (The) and the South. Reprinted from N.Y. Tribune. (P.) 8°. N.Y. '55. NoRTHALL, W. K. Before and Behind the Curtain. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Life of Yankee Hill. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Northampton. (Pseud.) To George Ban* croft, Traducer and Eulogist of Jack- son. (P. 41.) 8°. Wash. 1846. Northampton, Lord. (Ed'r.) The Tribute; a V Collection of Poems. 8°. Lond. 1837,' NoRTHBEOOKE, J. Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, etc. Sec Camden So- ciety. NoETHcoTE, J. Artist's Book of Fables. IQ*/ Lond. 1845. MERCANTILE LIBUART. 273 I^OOTHCOTE, J. Life of Titian. 2 v. 8^. Lond. 1830. - Memoirs M Sir J. Eeynolds. 8^. Phil. 1817. - One Hundred Fables. 8°. Lond. 1828. f^oETHEND, C. Teacher and Parent. 12°. Bost. 1853. ISfoKTON, Alf. Address to Bost. Mer. Libr. Association. (P. 16.) 6°. Bost. 1836. KoKTON, And. Evidences of the Genuine- ness of the Gospel. 3v. 8°. Bost. 1837- 1844, - Reasons for not Believing the Doctrine of the Trinity. 12^. Bost. 1833. - Tracts concerning Christianity. 8°. Camb. 1852. {Norton, A. B. History of Knox County, O. 8°. Columbus. 1862. SToETON, A. T. Sermon, on Death of Mrs. C. E. Post. (P.) 12°. Alton. III. 1860. JfouTON, Mrs. C. E. S. Child of the Islands. 8=. N.Y. 1846. - The Dream, and Other Poems. 12°. Lond. 1841. -Same. 12° N.Y. 1845. - Lady of La Garaye. 12°. N.Y. 1864. -Poems. 16°. Bost. 1833. -Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1859. - Undying One, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1854, SToRTON, C. K Travel and Study in Italy. 12°. Bost. 1860. Norton, J. The Orthodox Evangelist. Eepr. from ed. of 1657. (P.) 8°. Bost 1851. !^ORTON, J. P. Elements of Scientific Agri- culture. 12° Albany. 1850. !ToRTON, W. A. Treatise on Astronomy, 8°. N.Y. 1839. 'Norton, W. A., and Porter, J. A, First Book of Science. 12°. N.Y. 1858. ^'oeton's Literary Gazette and Publisher's Circular, v. 1-2, and new ser., v. 1-2. 4°. N.Y. 1851-5. nTorton's Literary Kegister, for 1852-4, 12°. N.Y. 1852-4. :ToRWAY. Statistiske Tabeller (Imports, Ex- ports, etc.), 1850, '52, '54. 3v. long 4°. Christiania. 1851-6. Same (Population, etc), 1845, long; f°. Christiania. 1847. ^OBWiOH (Conn.) Directory, 1857, '64, '65. 3v, 12°. Norwich. 1857-65. * ^OBWOOD, J. G." Report on Illinois Coals. 8°. Chic. 1857. ^OTA, A. La Fiera; Coramedi*. 12°. Bost. '65. "JoTES to Assist the Memory on Various Sci- ences. 12°. Lond. 1827. 18 Notes on the Origin of the District of Coi um- bia. 8°. Title wanting. Notes on Cuba. 12°. Bost. 1844. Notes on Farming. 12°. N.Y. 1787. Notes on Hospital Life. 12°. Phil. 1864. Notes and Memoranda on Death of a Lata Td: Rev. (Bp. Burnet). (P. Gl.) 8°. Lond. 1715. Notes and Queries. Series 1, 2, 3. 31 v. sm. 4°. Lond. 1849-64. Notice of Adams' Eulogy of Monroe. (P. ) 8°. Wash. 1832. Notice Biographique sur le General Jackson. (P. 45.) 8°. Paris. 1829. Notice Statistique sur la Guyane Fran9aiBe. 12°, Paris, 1843. NoTiciosos de Ambos Mundos. 8 v. 4®. N.Y. 1836-43. NoTT, C. C. Sketches of the War, 12°. N.Y. 1863. NoTT, E. Addresses at Union College Com- mencement. 16° Schenectady. 1814. Sermon on Death of Gen. Hamilton, (P. 50.) 8°. Albany. 1806. NoTT, H. J. (Ed'r. ) Novellettcs of a Travel- ler. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1834. NoTT, J. C. , and Gmddon, G. R. Indigenous Races of the Earth. 4°. PhiL 1857. Types of Mankind. 8°, Phil. 1854. Same. 8°. Phil. 1860. Nourse, J. D, Remarks on the Past. 12". Louisv. 1847. NouvEA-U Manuel des Notaires. 12^. Paris. '18. NouvELiiE Biographic Gcnerale. Ed. by Ho- fer. V. 1-42. A— St. Andre. 8°. Paiia. 1855-62. NouvioN, V. de. Histoire du E«gue de Louis-Philippe L 4 v. 8°, Paris. 1857- 1859. NovEEBE, J. G. Essay on Dancing. 2 v. 8**. Load. 1782. NoYEs, D. History of Norway, Me, 6°, Nor- way. 1852. NoYEs, E. Lectures on the Truth of the Bible. 12° Bost 1853. NoYEs, G. F. Bivouac and Battlefield. 12». Bost 1863. NoYES, G. R. (Ed'r.) Theological Essays, from Various Authors. 12°. Bost. '60. Notes, J. O. Roumania. 12°. N.Y. 1858. NoYES, W, C. Address to Law Graduates, (P.) 8°. Utica, 1856. Nucius, N. Second Book of Travels. 8m> Camden Society, Nugent, G. N. T. Grenville, Lord. Lands,.' Classical and Sacred. 2 v. 8°. Load. 1845. 274 CATALOGUE OF THE Nugent, G. N. T. Gren-ville, Lord. Memo- rials of Hampden. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1832. Nugent, T. History of Vandalia (Mecklen- burg). 2 V. 4°. Lond. 1766-9. NuNEs, J. A. Day Dreams. 12°. Phil. 1863. NuNNEKT for Coquettes. 16°. Lond. 1770. NuESEEY Basket; a Handbook for Young Mothers. 18°. N.Y. 1854. NuTBEOWNE Maid. 18° Lond. 1836. Nuts to Crack; by Oxford and Cambridge Scholars. 16°. Phil. 1835. NuTT, D. Catalogue of Theological Books in Foreign Languages. 8°. Lond. '57. NuTTALL, P. A. Classical and Archaeological Dictionary. 8°. Lond. 1840. NuTTALL, T. North American Sylva. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1849. Ornithology of United States and Cana- da. 2v. 12°. Camb. 1832-4. Travels in Arkansas Territory. 8°. Phil. 1821. Nutting, L H. Analytic English Grammar. 16°. Bost. 1858. Nye, G. Tea and the Tea Trade. (P. 33.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Nysteom, J. W. Screw Propellers and En- gines. 8°. Phil. 1852. Technological Education and Shipbuild- ing. 16°. Phil. 1865. Oakes, C. H. Who's Who in 1854. 18°. Lond. n.d. Obeekiech, Henrietta L. von Waldner, Baro- ness von. Autobiography. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1852. Obeelin, J. F. Memoirs of. 18°. Pittsburg. 1830. Same. 12°. Cambridge. 1832. O'Beien, E. Lawyer's Character and Kule of Life. 18°. Lond. 1842. O'Beien, P. Eesidence in the Danubian Principalities. 12°. Lond. 1854. Obseevee (Tlie). See Cumbeeland, K. O'Byene, W. K. Naval Biographical Dic- tionary. 8°. Lond. 1849. O'Callaghan, E. B. (.Ed'r.) Documentary History of New York. See New Yoek State. ^ History of New Netherlands. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1846-8. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1855. (Ed'r.) Hostility of Natives to the Dutch Settlers. 8°. Albany. 1863. Jesuit Kelations. 1632-72. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. (Ed'r.) Orderly Book of Gen. Bur- goyne. 8°. N.Y. 1860. O'Callaghan, E. B. Eemonstrance of NeTf Netherlands. See New Netheelands. O'Callaghan, J. Usury Kep«gnant to Di« vine Law. 12°. Burlington. 1834. OcEOLA Nikkanochee. Narrative of his Early Days. 8°. Lond. 1841. OcHOA, E. de. Biblioteca de Escritores Es- panoles. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1840. Novelistas Espanoles. v. 2. 8°. Paris. 1847. O'CoNNELL, C. M. Excursions in L-eland. 12°. Lond. 1852. O'CoNNELL, D. Ireland; Native and Saxon. V. 1. 12°. Dublin. 1844. O'CoNNOE, A. History of the L:ish. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1822. O'CoNNOE, J. M. Treatise on War. With 4°. V. of Plates. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1817. O'CoNNOE, K. F. Eockland County Distance Table. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. O'CoNOE, C. Negro Slavery not Unjust; a Speech. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Odd Fellows. History of. (P. 22.) 8°. N.Y. 1842. Oddy, J. J. European Commerce. 2 y. 4°. Lond. 1805. Same. 8°. Phil. 1807. Oddy, S. A.(Pub.) General Atlas. 4°. Lond. 1811. Odell, J. Loyal Verses. See Stansbuey, J, Odioene, J. C. Origin of Speculative Ma- sonry. 16°. Bost. 1830. O'DoNovAN, J. Irish Grammar. 8'^. Dubl. 1845. Oelckees, T. Humoristische Geschichten. 4 V. in two. 16°. Leip. n.d. Oeested, H. C. The Soul in Nature. 12°. Lond. 1852. Oesteeeeich. Handels- und Gewerbe-Adres- senbuch. 2 v. 8°. Vienna. 1856-58. Oettingee, E. M. Bibliographic Biogra- phique. r.8°. Leip. 1850. Johann Strauss und seine Zeitgenossen. 4 V. 16°. Berlin. 1862. Ogden, E. D. (Ed'r.) United States Tariff. See United States. Ogden, G. M. Defence of Columbia CoUege. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Ogden, J. Science of Education. 12°. Cino. 1859. Ogden, U. Antidote to Deism. 2 v. 16°, Newark. 1795. Ogilby, J. Description of Africa. f°. Lond* ^ 1670. Description of Asia. f°. Lond. 1673. Embassies to China. 2 v. f°. Lond» 1669-71. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 275 Ogilby, J. Survey of England and Wales. r. Lond. 1698. OoELBY, J. D. Address to Philoclean Society of Eutgers CoUege. (P. 43.) 8°. N. Brunsw. 1833. Argument Against Lay Baptism. 12°. N.Y. 18-12. OGHiBY, Martin, "W. C, and Knight, C. Menageries. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1830-1. Natural History. 2 v. 1G°. N.Y. 1842. Ogilvie, G. Master Builder's Plan. 12°. Lond. 1858. Ogilvie, J. Imperial Dictionary. 3 v. r. 8°. Glasgow and Edin. 1850-5. Ogilvie, J. G. Trial of J, Johnson for Mur- der. (P. 3.) 8°. N.Y. 1824. Ogle Co., Illinois. History of. (P.) ^. Polo, ni. 1859. Ohio. Adjutant General's Annual Keport for 1864. 8°. Columbus. 1865^ Canals; Documents, 1828. 8°. Colum- bus. 1828. Commissioner of Common Schools; 4th Annual Report. 8°. Columbus. 1858. Commissioner of Statistics. Annual Reports, 1858-63. 6 v. 8°. Columbug. 1859-64. Constitutional .Convention, 1851. De- bates. 2 V. 8°. Columbus. 1851. Executive Documents, 1860-63. 8 v. 8°. Columbus. 1860-63. •' — Geological Survey. Annual Reports, 1-2. By W. W. Mather. 2 v. 8° Columbus. 1838. Governor's Message, Jan. 6, 1862. 8°. Columbus. 1862. Journal of House of Representatives, 1861. 8°. Columbus. 1861. Journal of Senate, 1861. 8°. Columbus. 1861. Laws, Sessions 1861-4. 4 v. 8°. Colum- bus. 1861-4. Revised Statutes. 2 v. 8°. Cine. 1860. • School Laws. 8°. Columbus. 1858. ■ State Board of Agriculture. Reports, 1857-63. 7 V. 8°. Columbus. 1858-64. • State Board of Equalization. Reports, 1859-60. 8°. Columbus. 1860. ■State Library. Report for 1858. 8°. Columbus. 1859. too Gazetteer. See Kilbourn, J. >lte) Gazetteer and Traveller's Guide. See Jenkins, W. too State Gazetteer and Business Directory. See Hawes, G. W. ^iCio Historical and Philosophical Society. Transactions, v. 1. 8°. Cine. 1839. Oil Creek Business Directory. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Oil Dorado of West Virginia. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1865. O'Keeffe, J. Recollections. 2 v. in one. 8°. Phil. 1827. Oken, L. Elements of Physio-philosophy. 8°. Lond. 1847. Okey, C. H. Laws of Intercourse between Great Britain and France. 8°. Paris. 1842. Olcott, H. S. Yale Agricultural Lectures. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Old English Drama. 12°. Lond. 1824. Old English Poets. (Marlowe and Chap- man's Hero and Leander.) 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1820. Old Humphrey. See Mogbidge, G. Old Things and New; a Satire. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1835. Oldfield, T. The Spiritual Medium. 16°. Bost. 1852. Oldham, O. Reader. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Oldknow, J. A Month in Portugal. 16°. Lond. 1855. Oldmixon, J. British Colonies in America. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1708. Oldys, W. British Librarian. 8°. Lond. 1738. Olin, S. Greece and the Golden Horn. 12°. N.Y. 1854. . Life and Letters. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Travels in Egypt, etc. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Works of. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Oliphant, L. Journey to Katmandu. 10°. N.Y. 1852. Minnesota and the Far West. 8°. Edin. and Lond. 1855. — > — Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1859. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Shores of the Black Sea in 1852. 8° Edin. 1853. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret O. W. Life of Edward Irving. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Oliphant, T. La Musa Madrigalesca. 12°. Lond. 1837. Olive and the Pine ; Poems. 12°. Bost. 1859. Oliver, G. Dictionary of Symbolic Mason- ry. 12°. Lond. 1853. Philosophy of Freemasonry. 8°. Lond, 1840. Oliver, P. Puritan Commonwealth. 8*. Bost. 1856. 276 CATALOGUE OF THE Lausanne. Lausanne. 16°. Lau- OiiTVEK, S. Critical Grammar of English Language. 8°. Lond. 1825. Outer and Boyd's Scottish To\mst. 16°. Edin. 1852. Oliviee, U. AdolpheMory. 16° 1864. La Fille du Forestier. 16° 1865. Le Manoir du Vieux-clos. sanne. 1865. OiiiiENPORFF, H. G. Method for French. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Method for German. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Same, with Grammar. 12°. Lond. 1838. Method for Italian. 12°. N.Y. 1849. — Method for Spanish. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Key to Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Neue Methode Leren de Englisch. 8°. Frankf. 1850. Olmstead, J. M. Noah and his Times. 12°. Bost. 1853. OiiMSTED, D. Introduction to Astronomy. 8°. N.Y. 1839. . Same. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Introduction to Natural Philosophy. 2v. N. Haven. 1831-2. Letters on Astronomy. 8^. Oration to Phi Beta Kappa. N. Haven. 1827. Olmsted, F. A. Incidents of a Whaling Voyage. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Oemsted, F. L. Cotton Kingdom and Slav- ery in the South. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Journey in the Back Country. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Journey in the Slave States. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Journey in Texas. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Walks and Talks of an American Farm- er in England. 12°. N.Y. 1852. OiiMSTED, F. L. , and Vaux, C. Plan for Im- provement of Central Park. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Olshausen, H. Commentary on the New Testament. 6 v. 8°. N.Y. 1858. O'Meara, B. E. Napoleon in Exile. 12°. Hartf. 1822. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1822. ■ Same. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Once a Week. v. 1-11. 8°. Lond. 1859-64. Onderdonk, B. T. Trial of. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Bost. 1840. (P. 9.) 8°. Onderdonk, H., Jr. Capture and Death of Gen. N.Woodhull. 16°. N.Y. 1848. Queens County in the Olden Time. 4°. Jamaica, L. I. 1865. Kevolutionary Incidents in Queens Co. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Eevolutionary Incidents in Suffolk and Kings Counties, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Onderdonk, H. U. Episcopacy Tested by Scripture. See Bowden, J. Sermon to Episcopal Convention. (P. 12.) 8°. N.Y. 1832. One Thousand Hints for the Table. 16°. Lond. 1862. O'Neael, J. B. Bench and Bar of South Carolina. 2 v. 8°. Charleston. 1859. O'Neil, a. Dictionary of Spanish Painters. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1833. O'Neill, C. Calico Printing and Dyeing. 8°. Lond. 1862. Ongaro, F. Dair. La Kosa dell'Alpi. 12°. Bost. 1865. Onis, L. de. Negotiations between Spain and United States in 1819. 8°. Bait. 1821. Onkelos. Targum. See Etheridge, J. W. Only Once; Original Papers. (P.) 4°. N.Y. 1862. Opdyke, G., vs. T. Weed. Libel Case. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Treatise on Political Economy. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Opie, a. Complete Works of. 5 v. 8°. N.Y. 1836-8. Same. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1843. Opie, J. Lectures on Painting. See Lec- tures on Painting. Opinions of Authors on the Book-selling Question. 8°. Lond. 1852. Opinions on Transferring Savings Deposits to the State. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. Opinions on Marriage of a Deceased Wife's Sister. (P.) 8=. N.Y. 1827. 0-PcEiAD (The), a Satire. (P. 25.) 8°. Lond. 1810. ■ Oppianus. ^ee Poet^ Bucolici, in Didot's Greek Classics. Cynegetica et Halieutica. 8°. Leip. 1813. Opportunities for Industry. 12°. Phil. '59. Oracle of Rural Life. 16°. Lond. 1840. Orange (N.J.) Library Association. Cata- logue of Library. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Orann. Poems, ^ee Ossian. Oratores Attici. See Didot's Greek Classics. Orchard, G. H. History of Foreign Bap- tists. 12°. NashvUle. 1855. ; MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 277 Okdronaux, J. Eulogy on Eev. Z. Greene. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Preservation of Health in Armies. 18°. N.Y. 1861. 0'Eeii.ly, B. Greenland and the North West Passage. 8°. N.Y. 1818. 0'Keili.y, H. Sketches of Rochester. 12°. Rochester. 1838. O'RiELi.T, H. Memorial for Aid to Ocean Telegraph. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1852. O'RiELLY, H., and Allen, H. Proceedings of N.Y. Canal Conventions. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. O'RiELLY, H. , and Speed, J. J. Suggestions on Telegraphing. (P.) 4°. n.p, n.d. Oriental Collections. 2 v. 4°. Lond. n.d. Oriental Field Sports. f°. Lond. 1807. Oriental Herald and Colonial Review, v. 1-23. 8°. Lond. 1824-9. Oriental Pilot, or East Ladia Directory. f°. Lond. 1800. Origin of the Material Universe. 12°. Bost. 1850. Origin and Progress of Language. 18°. Lond. 1848. Origin and Progress of Despotism in the East. 12°. Amst. 1764. Original Bath Guide. 12°. Bath. (E.) n.d. Original Papers on Disturbances in Bengal. 2v. 8°. Lond. 17G5. Original Poems. By A. S. G. 16". Bost. 1822. ORLiiANs, Helen L. E,, Duchesse d'. Corre- spondance. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1855. Life of. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Orleans, Louis Philippe, Due d'. Mou Journal. 2 v. in one. 12°. Paris. 1849. Orlich, L. von. Travels in India. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1845. Ormay, L. d'. Paris en 1848. 12°. Paris, n.d. Orme, G. Roger Miller. 10°. Lond. 1851. Orme, W. Life of Rev. R. Baxter. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1831. Ormsby, R. McK. History of the Whig Party. 12°. Bost. 1860. Orpheus. See Hesiod, ed. Venice, 1543. Hymns. Transl. by T. Taylor. 8°. Chiswick. 1824. Orr's Circle of the Sciences, v. 1. 8°. Lond, 1854, Orr, J. Unitarianism. 12°. Bost. 1863. Orton, J. R. Cftmp Fires of the Red Men. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Osborn, a. Notes on Geology. (P.) 8°. tN.Y. 1858. rn, E. Life, by himself. 18°. N.Y. 1847. OsBOEN, H. S. Palestine. 8°. Phil, 1859. OsBORN, S. Leaves from an Arctic Journal. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Osborne, E. Colloquies of. 12°. Lond. n.d. Osborne, L. Arthur Carryl, and other Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Vision of Rubeta. 8°. Bost. 1858. Osgood, Frances S. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Same. 16°. N.Y. 18G1. Osgood, G. History of School District, No. 13, North Danvers. (P.) 8°. Salem. 1855. Osgood, S. God with Men. 12°. Bost. 1853. Hfearth-stone. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Mile Stones in our Life Journey. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Student Life. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Studies in Christian Biography. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1860. OsLER, E. Life of Lord Exmouth. 12°. Lond. 1835. Ossian. Poems of. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1803. Genuine Remains of. 12°. Lond. 1841. Orann, Ulin, &c. 8°. Montrose. 1816. OssoLi, Countess M. F. At Home and Abroad. 12°. Bost. 1856. Life Within and Without. 12°. Bost. 1859. Papers on Literature and Art. 12°. N:Y. 1840. Summer on the Lakes. 12°. Bost 1844. Woman in the 19th Century. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Same. 12°. Bost. 1855. Memoirs of. 2 v. 12° Bost. 1852. OsTEN Sacken, R. Catalogue of North Amer- ican Diptera. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1858. Appendix to same. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1859, OsTERWALD, J. R. Pflichtcn der Communi- cauten. 12°. Bremen. 1791. O'SuLLiVAN, M. Guide to an Irish Gentle- man in Search of a Religion. 12°. PhiJ. 1833. Oswald, J. Common-sense in favor of Reli- gion. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1772. Oswego Board of Trade, Reciprocity with* British America Vindicated. (P. ) 8°. Oswego. 1860. Oswego City Library. Catalogue. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Oswego Commercial Times' 2d Review of Trade, etc. (P.) 8°. Oswego. 1859. Oswego Directory, 1864-5. 8°. Oswego. 1864. Otis, F. N. History of Panama Railroad. 12°. N.Y. 1861. 278 CATALOGUE OF THE Otis, H. G. Letters in Defence of Hartford Convention. 8° Bost. 1824. Otis, H. N. Otis Genealogy. 8". Bost. 1851. Otis, J. Eights of the Colonies Asserted. (P. 60.) 8°. Lond. 17G6. Otis, O. G. Oration, Washington's Birthday. (P. 43.) 8°. Albany. 1832. Ottee, W. Life of E. D. Clarke. 8°. N.Y. 1827. Ottley, D. (Ed'r.) Observations on Diseases of Head and Neck. 8°. Lond. 1848. Otto, E. German Conversation-Grammar. 12°. Bost. 1863. Otto, F. History of Kussian Literature. 8°. Oxf. 1839. Otto, Louise. Neue Bahnen. 2 v. in one. 24^ Vienna. 1864. Zwei Generationen. 3 v. in one. 18'^. Leip. 1856. Or«^AY, T. Works and Life. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1813. The Orphan; a Tragedy. (P. 76.) 18°. Lond. 1726, • Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 10. OuDENAKDE, N. A. Book of St. Nicholas. 8°. N.Y. 1836. OuB Coal and Coal Pits. 12°. Lond. 1853. OuE Country; a Plea for Home Missions. 16°. N.Y. 1858. OuE Farm of Four Acres. 16°. Lond. 1860. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. OuB First Mother. 16°. N.Y. 1852. OuE Great Captains ; Grant, Sherman, Thom- as, Sheridan, Farragut. 12°. N.Y. 1865. OusELEY, W. History of Persia. 16°. Lond. 1799. Travels in the East. 3 v. 4°. Lond. '19. OusELEY, W. G. Notes on the Slave Trade. (P. 80.) 8°. Lond. 1850. Statistics of United States. 8°. Lond. 1832. Same. 8°. Phil. 1832. Outceoppings ; Poems. 4°. SanFr. 1866. Outline of Kevolution in Spanish America. 8°. Lond. 1817. Outline of System of National Education. 16°. Lond. 1834. OuvAEOEE, Comte. Esquisses Politiques et Litteraires. 8°. Paris. 1848. Stein and Pozzo di Borgo. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1847. OvEEBECKT, J. Poinpeji. r.8°. Leip. 1856. OvEBMAN, F. Manufacture of Iron. 8°. Phil. 1850. Manufacture of Steel. 16°. Phil. 1851. Mechanics for Millwrights. 12°. Phil. 1851. OvEBMAN, F. Moulder's and Founder's Guide. 16°. Phil. 1851. Practical Mineralogy. 16°. Phil. 1851. OviDius Naso, P. Opera Omnia. 9 v. See "Valpy's Delphin Classics. Same. See Walkee, G. S. Corpus Poet. Latin. Metamorphoses. Latin, with notes by Minellius. 8°. Lond. 1787. Fasti, Tristia, etc. Transl. by H. T. Eiley. 12°. Lond. 1851. Heroides, etc. Transl. by H. T. Eiley. 12°. Lond. 1852. Metamorphoses. 12°. Lond. 1858. Poems. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1833. Owen, D. D. Geological Eeconnoissance in Arkansas. See Arkansas. Geological Exploration in Iowa, etc. See United States. Geological Survey in Kentucky. See Kentucky. Geological Survey of Wisconsin, etc. See United States. OwEn, H. Plere and There in Portugal. 12°. Lond. 1856. Owen, J. Fashionable World Displayed. 16°. Lond. 1806. Owen, 0. F., Mrs. Heroines of History. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Owen, Eich. British Fossil Mammals and Birds. 8°. Lond. 1846. Lecture on Animal Eaw Materials in Ex- hibition of 1851. (P.) 12°. Lond. n.d. Nature of Limbs. 8°. Lond. 1849. On Parthenogenesis. 8°". Lond. 1849. Zoology of the Voj^age of the Beagle. See Daewin, C. Owen, Eobt. Ee volution in Human Mind, etc. 8°. Lond. 1849. Owen, E. D. Footfalls on the Boundary of another World. 12°. Phil. 1800. Same. 12°. Phil. 1863. Hints on Architecture. 4°. N.Y. 1849. Wrong of Slavery, etc. 12°. Phil. 1864. Owens College. Introductory Lectures. 12°. Lond. 1852. OxFOED Academy Jubilee, N. Y., 1854. 8°. N.Y. 1856. OxroED and Cambridge Magazine. 8°. Lond. 1856. OxroBD English Prize Essay^. 5 v. 12°. Oxf. 1830-6. OxroED Essays, 1856, 1858. 2 v. 8°. Oxf. and Lond. 1856-58. Oxford Sausage. 12°. Lond. 1815. Oxford University. Catalogue of Graduates of. 8°. Oxford. 1772. MERCANTILE LIBKAUT. 279 Oxford University Calendar. 12°. Oxf. 185G. Oxford University and City Guide. 1G°. Oxford. 1821. 3zANAM, J . See Huttox, C. Recreations in Mathematics. 3zANEAUx, G. Systeme d'^tudes Philoso- pbiques. 8°. Paris. 1830. 3ZEI.L, J. Logic. 12=. Lend. 1717. Pacca, B. Memoirs of. 2 v. 12"^. Lend. 1850. Pacific Railroad. Geological Report on S. W. Branch, etc. (P.) S''. St. Louis. 1859. Pacific Railroad. Missouri Charter, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. Pacius, J. Legura Conciliatarum Centurice Vm. 16=^. Lyons. 1706. Packard, A. S. , Jr. How to Collect Insects. 8^. Augusta. 1863. ?ADDT Land and Killarney. 12^. Lond. 1853. ?AEZ, J. A. Public Life of. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1854. ?AEz, R. Wild Scenes in South America. 12°. N.Y. 1862. ?AGANEL, C. Histoire de Scanderbeg. 12°. Paris. 1855. ?AGE, D. Handbook of Geology. 12°. Edin. 1859. -. — Past and Present Life of the Globe. 12°. Edin. 1861. - Rudiments of Geology. 16°. Edin. '44. 'AGE, T. J. La Plata, Argentine Confeder- ation and Paraguay. 8^ N.Y. 1859. *AGES from the Ecclesiastical History of New England. 12°. Bost. 1847. AGET, Jas. Surgical Pathology. 8°. Phil. 1854. AGET, John. Hungary and Transylvania. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1839. — Same. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1850. — Macauley's Charges against "Wm. Penn. 16°. Edin. 1858. AQiTT, E. Heresiography. 16°. Lond. 1661. AiGE, A. C. Address to Law Graduates. (P. 43.) 8°. Albany. 1852. AiNE, M. Cholera Asphyxia in New York. 8°. N.Y. 1832. — Discourse on the Soul and Instinct. 12°. N.Y. 1849. — Institutes of Medicine. 8°. N.Y. 1862. — Same. 8°. N.Y. 1865. — Review of Geology. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. ^— Therapeutical Arrangement of Materia Medica. 12°. N.Y. 1842. AIBE, R. Treat. Works, with Memoir. 8°. Bost 1812. Paine, R. Troup. Memoir of, with Writings. 4° N.Y. 1852. Paine, T. Age of Reason. 16°. N.Y. 1848. American Crisis. 8°. Lond. 1801. Jests, Bon Mots, etc. 16°. Phil. 1794. Paine, T. Life of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1835. PaijAdini, L. a. La Famiglia del Soldato. 12°. Florence. 1859. Paxais Royal. See Galerie du Palais Royal. Palenzuela y Ramon. Metodo para ap- prender el Ingles. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Paley, F. a. Manual of Gothic Architecture. 18°. Lond. 1846. Paley, Rev. W. Works. 5 v. 8°. Bost 1810-12. Same. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1818. ■ Same. 5 v. 24°. Lond. 1823. Evidences of Christianity. See Memes, J. S. (Ed'r.) Same. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Horre Paulina, 12°. N.Y. 1849. Natural Theology. 16°. Albany. 1803. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1836. Same. 2 t. 18°. N.Y. 1843. Principles of Moral and Political Phi- losophy. 8° Bost 1810. Same. 8°. Bost 1821. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Paley, W., Esq. Law of Principal and Agent 8°. Lond. 1833. Same. 8°. Lond. 1843. Palfrey, J. G. History of New England. 3 V. 8°. Bost 1858-64. Jewish Scripture and Antiquities. 2 v. 8°. Bost 1838. Judaism and Christianity. 8°. Bost 1854. Life of Wm. Palfrey. See Sparks' Arc. Biog., 2d ser., v. 7. .Sermons on Duties of Private Life. 12°. Camb. and Bost 1835. Palgrave, F. History of Normandy and England. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1851-64. Merchant and Friar. 16°. Lond. 1837. Rise and Progress of England under Anglo-Saxons. 2 v. 4° Lond. 1832. Palgrave, F. T. Golden Treasury of Songs, etc. 12°. Camb. 1863. Pallas, E. Influence de I'Electricite' sur I'Organisme. 8°. Paris. 1847. Pallas, P. S. Travels in Russia. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1802-3. Palleske, E. Schiller's Life and Works. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1860. Palmer, Dr. and Mrs. Four Years in the Old World. 8°. N.Y. 1866. 230 CATALOGUE OF THE Paumer, a. H. Memorial on a Work on Japan and the East. (P. 33.) S°. n.p. n.d. Palmeb, J. H. Eeply to Mr, Loyd. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1837. Palmeb, J. W. Golden Dagon. IT. N.Y. 185G. PAiiMEB, John. Travels in United States and Canada. 8°. Lond. 1818. PAiiMEE, Jos. H. Book-keeping. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Paumeb, Mrs. Devonshire Dialogue. 12°. Lond. 1839. Pat.tvteb, Ray. Education of Women; an Address. (P. 43.) 8°. Albany. 1852. Closet Hours. 12°. Albany. 1851. Formation of Eeligious Opinions. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Our Religious Affairs ; Discourses to 1st Cong. Church. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1856. Palmer, RoundelL Book of Praise. 16°. Camb. 1884. Palmeb, S. History of Printing. 4°. Lond. 1733. Palmer, T. H. Teacher's Itlanual. 12°. Bost. 1843. Palmeb, W. Ecclesiastical History. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Origines Liturgicae, 2 v. 8°. Oxf. 1839. Palmeb, W. R. Reconnoissance of Rivers. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1843. Palmeeston, Viscount. Opinions of. With Memoir. 8°. Lond. 1852. Pameouk, F. McG. de. Locomotive Engines on Railways. 8°. N.Y. 1836. PANA3IA Railroad Company. Contract with New Granada, 1850. (P.) 8°. N.Y. '56. Pananti, Signor. Residence in Algiers. 4°. Lond. 1830. Pahegyeici Veteres. 5 vols. Sec Valpy's . Del- pbin Classics. Panoplist. v. 1-2. 8°. Bost. 1806-7. Panoplist and Missionary IVIagazine. v. 1, 2, and 11. 8°. Bost. 1809-10 and 1815. Paper Money in the Colonies. (P.) 8°. St. Louis. 1S51. Papers on Attack on Hatfield, etc., 1677. r.8°. N.Y. 1859. Pabbury, G. Lidia and ^gyj)t. 12°. Lond. 1S4L Pardee, xi. G. Cultivation of the Straw- berry. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Pardoe, Hiliss Julia. City of the Magyar. 3 V. 12°. Lond. 1840. • Court and Reign of Francis I. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1849. 8^. 12° Pabdoe, Miss Julia. Episodes of Frencla History. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Life of Marie de Medicis. 3 v. Lond. 1852. Louis XIV. 3 V. 8°. Lond. 1847. Same. 2 t. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1865. River and the Desert. 2 v. in one. Phil. 1838. Paris, A. Mn^motechnie. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1833. Paris, E. Traite des Machines a Vapeur. 8°. Paris, n.d. Paris, J. A. Philosophy in Sport made Science in Earnest. 12°. Lond. 1839. Treatise on Diet. 8°. N.Y. 1828. Same. 8°. Phil. 1841. Paris. Report to City Government of, on Cholera, Transl. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1849. Paris Directory. See Annuaibe Gene'ral du Commerce, etc. Pabis Chit-Chat. 2 v. 18°. Phil. 1816. Paris et ses Curiosites. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1807. Paris and its Historical Scenes. 2 v. 12° Lond. 1831. Pabis Universal Exhibition, 1855. Catalogue of British Section. 8°. Lond. 1855. Parish, W. Buenos Ayres, and Rio de Plata. 8°. Lond. 1852. Parish Will Case; Will, Arguments, Testi- mony, etc. 3v. 8°. N.Y. 1856-7. Argument of J. K. Porter, in Court o) Appeals. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1862. Medical Opinions. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Statement of Facts for Daniel Parisl and Others. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Statement of Facts, and Oi^inions Court of Appeals. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862- Parish Will Case (The) in Court of Appeals- (P.) 8^ N.Y. 1884. Pars, K A. Discourse, Funeral of Txof. Stuart. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Election Sermon, 185L (P.) 8°. Bosfel 1851. Sermon on Clerical Duties. Andover. 1844. Park, J. A. Law of Marine Lasuranoe. 1789. 8°. Lond. 1790. 8°. Lond. 1800. 8°. Lond. 1809. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1842. Miriam; a Poem. 12°. Bosi l8 (P.) 8P 8P. Lond. Same. Same. Same. Same. Park, L, J. 1838. Park, M. Mission to Africa. 4°. Lond. 1815 Travels in Africa. 4°. Lond. 1799. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 281 Park, M. Mission to Africa. 12''. N.Y. 1813. ■ ^ Life and Travels of. 18°. N.Y. 1841. Park, R. Handbook for Eiu-ope. 1G°. N.Y. 1853. Parke, J. G. Exploration for Pacific Rail- road. See UNiTiiD States. Parke, W. T. Musical Memoirs. 2 v. 12"^. Lond. 1830. Parker, Mr. Account of Bombay. (P.) 8^ n.p. 1838. Parker, A. J. Address to Medical Graduates. (P. 43.) 8^. Albany. 1851. Parker, A. J., and others (Ed'rs). Revised Statutes of New York. See New York. Parker, C. Address to Rutgers College Alumni. (P. 43.) 8^. N.Y. 1853. Parker, E. G. Golden Age of American Ora- tory. 12°. Bost. 1857. Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. 8°. N. Y. 1860. Parker, G. Life's Painter of Variegated Character. 8°. Lond. 1789. Pat^ker, H. Harmony of Ages. 12°. Bost. 1856. Parker, J. W. Adventures in Texas. 12°. Louisv. 1844. Parker, Joel, D.D. Sermons. 12°. Phil. 1852. Sermon on Death of Dr. J.C. Bliss. (P.) • 8°. NY. 1856. Parker, Joel, LL.D. Daniel "Webster as a Jurist. (P.) 8°. Camb. 1853. Habeas Corpus and Martial Law. (P. ) 8° Phil. 1802. International Law; Trent Case. (P.) 8°. Camb. 18G2. Personal Liberty Laws, etc. (P. ) 8°. Bost. 1861. Parker, John A. Quadrature of the Circle. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Parker, L. Treatment of Syphilis. 8°. Phil. 1840. Parker, N. H. Iowa as it is in 1856. 12°. Chicago. 1856. Iowa Handbook. 12°. Bost. 1856. Minnesota Handbook. 12°. Bost. 1857. Parker, R. G. Aids to English Composition. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Outlines of History. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Parker, R. G., and Zachos, J. C. Lessons in Reading and P^locution. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Parker. T. Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. 12°. Bost. 1843. ' Discourse on Religious Matters. 8°. Bost. 1842. Letter on Slavery. 12°. Bost. 1848. Parker, T. Prayers. 12°. Bost. 1862. Sermons on Theism, etc. 12°. Bost. 1853. Speeches, Addresses, etc. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1852. World of Matter and World qf Man. 8°. Bost. 1865. Parker, W. B. Notes in Texas. 12°. Phil. 1856. Parker's Journal; a Weekly Gazette, v. 1. 4°. N.Y. 1850-51. Parkes, Bessie R. Essays on Woman's Work. 16°. Lond. 1865. Parkes, S. Catechism of Chemistry. 8°. Lond. 1834. Same. 12°. Lond. 1837. Chemical Essays. 8°. Lond. 1830. Rudiments of Chemistry. 12°. Lond. 1826. Parkes, Mrs. W. American Family Ency- clopedia. See Webster, T. Domestic Duties. 12°. N.Y. 1828. Parkhurst, J. Hebrew and English Lexi- con. 8°. Lond. 1807. Parkinson, J. Examination of Fossil Ani- mal and Vegetable Remains. 3 v. 4°. Lond. 1804-11. Study of Fossil Organic Remains. 8°. Lond. n.d. Parkinson, R. Rationalism and Revelation. 8°. Lond. 1838. Parkman, F. California and Oregon. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Histoiy of the Conspiracy of Pontiac. 8°. Bost. 1851. Same. 8°. Bost. 1863. Pioneers of France in America. 8°. Bost. 1865. Parkyns, M. Life in Abyssinia. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1853. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Parlor Theatricals. 16°. N.Y. 1859. Parnasso ItaHano. 2 v. 8°. Leip. 1826. Parnauvel, O. T. Trip to Turkey. 16°. Lond. 1855. Parnell, E. a. Chemical Analysis. 8°. Lond. 1842. PARNEiii, H. Penal Laws against Irish Cath- olics. 8°. Lond. 1825. Treatise on Roads. 8°. Lond. 1838. Parnell, T. Works. See British Poets, v. 13. Poems. 16°. Lond. 1833. Poems. 16°. Bost. 1854. Parny, £. CEuvres Choisies. 8°. Paris. '26. Parola, L., and Botta, V. Del Pubblico Insegnamento in Germania. 8°. Turin. 1851. 282 CATALOGUE OF THE Paer, S. "Works. 8 v. 8°. Lond. 1828. (Ed'r.) Metaphysical Tracts. 8°. Lond. 1837. Preface to Bellendenus. 8°. Lond. 1788. Paerish, E. Introduction to Pharmacy. 8°. Phil. 1859. Treatise on Pharmacy. 8°. Phil. 18G1. Phantom Bouquet. 12°. Phil. 1862. Pabeot, F. Journey to Ararat. 8°. Lond. 1845. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Paerott, B. p. Facts as to Hooped Guns. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Paeey, J. H. Cambrian Plutarch. 8°. Lond. 1834. Paeey, W. E. Voyage for North-West Pas- sage. 4°. Lond. 1821. Same. 8°. Phil. 1821. Second Voyage for North-West Passage. 4°. Lond. 1824. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1824. Appendix to Same. 4°. Lond. 1825. Third Vo^^age for North-West Passage. 8°. Phil. 1826. Three Voyages. Abridged. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1841. Paesons, B. Anti-Bacchus. 12°. N.Y. 1840. Paesons, C. G. Inside View of Slavery. 12°. Bost. 1855. Paesons, G. S. Nelsonian Eeminiscences. 12°. Lond.' 1843. Paesons, H. A. Book of Niagara Falls. 3d ed. 24°. Buffalo. 1836. Same. 4th ed. 24°. Buffalo. 1836. Paesons, J. Eemains of Japhet; or, Euro- pean Languages. 4°. Lond. 1767. Paesons, S. B. The Rose. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Parsons, Theoph. Laws of Business for Business Men. 8°. Bost. 1857. Law of Contracts. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1860. Same. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1864. Law of Promissory Notes, etc. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1863. Mercantile Law. 8°. Bost. 1856. Memoir of. 12°. Bost. 1859. Parsons, Thos. W. Poems. 12°. Bost. 1854. Parsons, U. Discourse on Battle of Lake Erie. (P.) 8°. Providence. 1854. Indian Names of Places in Ehode Isl- and. (P.) 8°. Providence. 1861. Letter on Military Surgery. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Life of Sir W. Pepperell. 12°. Bost. 1855. Officers in the Battle of Lake Erie. (P. ) 8°. Albany. 1862. Parson's (The) Home; a Poem. 12°. Lond. 1849. Parsons & Co. Catalogue of Trees. 8°. Flushing. 1855. Parterre of Fiction, Poetry and History, etc. V. 1 and 3. 8°. Lond. 1834-5. Parterre; a Story Teller, v. 3 and 4. 8°. Lond. n.d. Parthenon; a Magazine. 8°. Lond. 1826. Parthenon Library. Catalogue. 16°. N.Y. 1842. Paeticulae Account of Battle of Bunker Hill. (P. 5.) 8°. Bost. 1825. Paetington, C. F. History and Views of London. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1835. Paeton, J. Gen. Butler in New Orleans. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1864. (Ed'r. ) English Humorous Poetry. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Life of J. J. Astor. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Life of Aaron Burr. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Same. 3 v. 12°. N.Y. 186L Same, abridged. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Life of Benjamin Franklin. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Life of Horace Greeley. 12°. N. Y.*1855. Paeteidge, a. On Education, ^ee Peyre- Feeey, F. Paeuta, p. History of Venice. f°. Lond. 1658. Pascal, B. Lettres a un Provincial. 12°. Paris. 1843. Pensees. 12°. Paris. 1844. Pense'es et Lettres. 2 v. 8°. Paris. '44. Miscellaneous Writings. 12°. Lond. 1849. Provincial Letters. 12°. N.Y. 1828. Same. 12°. Lond. 1847. Thoughts on Religion. 18°. Amherst. 1829. Thoughts, Letters, etc. 12°. N.Y. '59. Pascal, Jaqueline ; or. Convent Life at Port Royal. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Paschkowsky, T>. von. Geld und Kunst. 4 V. in two. 16°. Jena. 1865. Pashley, R. Travels in Crete. 2 v. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1837. Pasley, T. H. Natural Philosophy. 8°. Lond. 1836. Physiology of Mesmerism. 8°. Lond. 1848. Passages from the History of a Wasted Life. 12°. Bost. 1853. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 283 *ASSAGES from Modem History. 18°. Lond. 1848. 'ASSAY ANT, J, D. Tour of an Artist in Eng- land. 2v. 12=^. Lond. 1836. •aston Letters. See Fenn, J. *ASTORALE ad Usum Romanum. 4l°. Ingold- stadt. 1629. 'ateeculus, C. V. Historia Romana. ^ee Valpy's Delphin Classics. — History of Rome. 8°. Lond. 1814. 'aterfamilias' Diary of Everybody's Tour. 16°. Lond. 1856. 'ATEESON City and Business Directory, 1860- 1, '63-4. 2v. 12°. Paterson. 1860-63. — Same. 1865-6. 12°. N.Y. 1865. ATERSON, D. Roads in Great Britain. 16°. Lond. 1778. ATEESON, W. Central America. 8°. Lond. 1857. ATMORE, C. Angel in the House. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1856. I — Same. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1864. (Ed'r.) Children's Garland. 16°. Camb. 1863. — Faithful for Ever. 16°. Bost. 1861. Victories of Love. 12°. Bost. 1862. ATMORE, P. G. My Friends and Acquaint- ance. 3v. 12°. Lond. 1854. ITON, A. A. Goth and Hun; Transylvania in 1850. 8°. Lond. 1851. Highlands and Islands of Adriatic. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. iTRiA. France, Ancienne et Modeme; 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1847. ^TEicK, S. Discourse on Prayer. 16°. N.Y. 1841. — Heart's Ease. 16°. N.Y. 1841. — Same. 16°. N.Y. 1861. TEicK, S., LowTH, R., and others. Com- ■^ mentary on Old and New Testament. ^ 4v. r.8°. Lond. 1840. TEIOT Preachers of American Revolution. 12°. N.Y 1860. teiot's (The) Review of Mr. Jefferys' Pamphlets on Prince of Wales. (P. 28.) 8°. Lond. 1806. HEIOTS (The) of '76; Sketches of the Sur- vivors. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1864. XTEN, G. Artillery Drill. 10°. N.Y. 1861. — Cavallerie Taktik. 12°. N.Y 1861. — Cavalry Drill and Sabre Exercise. 16°. N.Y 1861. — Infanteric Taktik. 2v, 12°. N.Y 1861. Infantry Tactics. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. 1861- 1802. TTEEsoN, R. Insects Mentioned by Shak- I speare. 16°. Lond. 1838. Patterson, R. Campaign of 1861 in Shen- andoah Valley. 8°. Phil. 1865. Patterson, W. Climate of Ireland. 8°. Dublin. 1804. Pattison, W. Poems. See British Poets, V. 14. Pattisson, W. Plans of Country Residences, etc. f°. Lond. 1852. Patton, J. H. History of United States. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Paul, A. Blanche Mortimer. 4 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. Le Chevalier de Floustignac. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. Une Dette de Jeu. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1861. Paul, R. B. Antiquities of Greece. 12°. Oxf. 1835. Paulding, H. Cruise of the Dolphin. 12°. N.Y. 1831. Paulding, J, K. Backwoodsman; a Poem. 12°. Phil. 1818. Letters from the South. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Life of Washington. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. '35. New Mirror for Travellers. 12°. N.Y. 1828. Salmagundi. See Ieving, W. Slavery in the United States. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Paulding, J. K. andW. L. American Com- edies. 12°. Phil. 1847. Pauli, C. W. H, Analecta Hebraica. 8°. Oxf. 1842. Pauli, R. Life of King Alfred. 8°. Lond. 1852. Paulus .^gineta. Seven Books. Transl. by F. Adams. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1844. , Pausanias. Descriptio Grsecise. See Didot's Greek Classics. Same. 12°. Leip. 1819. Description of Greece. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. Pauthier, G. Description de Chine. 8°. Paris. 1837. Pauw, C. de. Dissertations on Egyptians and Chinese. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1795. Dissertations on Greeks. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1793. Selections. Ed. by D. Webb. 12°. Bath. 1795. Pavie, T. R^cits de Terre et de Mer. 12°. Paris. 1860. Paxton, G. Illustrations of Scripture. 2 y. 8°. Phil. 1822. Paxton, J. D. Letters from Palestine. 1^°. Lond. 1839. 284 CATALOGUE OF TH^ Payne, A.E. M. The Geral-Milco. 12^. N.Y. 1852. Payne, J. Universal Geography. 3 v. 4P. Lond. 1809. Payson, E. Memoir and Sermons. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1851. Sermons for Christian Families. 1G°. Bost. 1832. Pazos, V. United Provinces of South Amer- ica. 8°. Lond. 1819. Peabody, a. p. Christianity the Eeligion of Nature. 12°. Bost. 1864. (Ed'r.) Conversation; its Faults and its Graces. 16=^. Bost. 185G. Lectures on Christian Doctrine. 12°. Bost. 1844. Peabody, E. P. (Ed'r.) iEsthetic Papers. 8°. Bost. 1849. (Ed'r.) Crimes of the House of Austria. 16°. N.Y. 1852. Peabody, G. Biographical Sketch of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. Peabody, O. W. B. Life of Gen. Putnam. See Spakks' Am. Biog. , 1st. ser. , v. 7. Life of J. Sullivan. See Spakks' Am. Biog., 2d. ser., v. 3. Peabody, W. B. O. Life of David Brainerd. See Spaeks' Am. Biog, , 1st ser. , v. 8. Life of Cotton Mather. See Sparks' Am. Biog. , 1st ser. , v. G. Life of J. Oglethorpe, ^ee Spaeks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 2. Life of A. "Wilson. See Spaeks' Am. Biog. 1st ser., v. 2. Eeports on Natural History of Massa- chusetts. See Massachusetts. Peabody, W. O. Literary Eemains. Ed. by E. Peabody. 12°. Bost. 1850. Peabody Institute, of Baltimore. Catalogue of Proposed Books. 8°. Bait. 186L Same, No. 2. sm.4°. Bait. 1863. Peabody Institute, of South Danvers, Mass. Catalogue of Library. 8°. Bost. 1855. Peale, E. Notes on Italy. 8°. Phil. 1831. Peaece, E. E. History of Inns of Court and Chancerj^ 8°. Lond. 1848. Life and Letters of Marquess WeUesley. 3v. 8°. 'Lond. 1846. Peaece, S. Annals of Luzerne County. 8°. Phil. 1860. Peaels of Thought. 18°. N.Y. 1858. Peaeson, J. Exposition of the Creed. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Peaeson, E. Bilious Fevers of 1797-9. (P. 58.) 8°. Birmingham. 1799. Epidemic Catarrhal Fever. (P. 58.) 8°. Lond. 1803. Pearson, E. Inflammatory Diathesis in Hy- drophobia. (P. 58.) 8°. Birmingham. 1798. Peaeson, T. Infidelity. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Peck, G. Our Country; its Trial and Tri- umph. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Peck, G. W. ^lelbourne and the Chincha Islands. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Peck, J.- M. Gazetteer of Illinois. 18°. PhiL 1837. Guide to Emigrants. 18°. Bost. 183G. Peck, J. M. Life of Daniel Boone. See Spaeks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 13. Peck, N., and Peice, T. S. Eeports on British Guiana and Trinidad. (P.) 8°. Lond. n.d. Peck, W. G. Elements of Mechanics. 12°, N.Y. 1859. Peckston, T. S. Gas-Lighting and Appa- ratus. 8°. Lond. 1841. Peddee, J. Farmer's Land Measurer. 1S° N.Y. 1854. Pedley, C. History of Newfoundland. Lond. 1863. Peel, Sir E. Memoirs of. 2 v. 12°. Lond 1842. Opinions; Collected by W. T. Ilaly 12°. Lond. 1843. Speeches. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1853. Peel, W. Eide through the Nubian Desert 12°. Lond. 1852. Peele, G. AVorks. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1829-39 Peees, B. O. American Education. 12^ N.Y. 1838. Peet, H. p. Legal Eights, etc., of Deaf ant Dumb. (P.) 8°. Utica. 1856. Letters to Pupils on Leaving N. Y. In stitute for the Deaf and Dumb. (P. 16°, N.Y. 1854. Eeport on Education of Deaf and Dnr in Higher Branches. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. ^ Statistics of the Deaf and Dumb. (I' 8°. N.Y. 1852. Pegge, S. Anonymiana. 8'. Lond. 1809. i Curialia Miscellanea. 8°. Lond. 181" Peiece, B. Algebra. 12°. Bost. 1843. Curves, Forces, etc. 2 v. 12°. Bo?- 1841-6. -Geometry. 12°. Bost. 1841. On Sound. 8°. Bost. 1836. Trigonometry. 12°. Bost. 1840. History of Harvard University. 8 Camb. 1833. Peiece, B. K. History of the Crusades. I'i Bost. 1851. Peiece, C. H. Examination of Drugs, Chers icals, etc. 12° Camb. 1852. t MERCANTILE LIBRART. 285 iJCECE, J. M. Analytic Geometry. 12°. Camb. 1857. assNEE, E. The American Question. 12°. N.Y. 18G1. ILA.YO; a Poem. By Isabel. 12°. N.Y. 1836. iXL, F. New York Administration, from 1807 to 1819. (P, 57.) 8°. N.Y. 1819. fXLAKiN, C. Life of Fourier. 12°. N.Y. 1848. SLiiATT, A. Curiosities of Glass-making. 8°. Lond. 1849. XLETAN, E. La Nouvelle Babylonne. 12°. Paris. 18G3. 5LLEW, G. Life of Lord Sidmouth. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. ELLico, S. Opero Scelte. 8°. Paris. 1837^ My Prisons. 12°. N.Y. 1833. Same. 16°. Camb. 1836. ELTiEE, J. G. Paris en 1795. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1795. aiMBEETON, H. Sir Isaac Newton's Philoso- phy. 3°. Lond. 1728. EMBLE, W. On Justification by Faith. 8°. Oxf. 1629. ENA, D. M. de la. Manual de Nueva York. 18°. N.Y. 1851. BNCLL Mark. White Sulphur Papers; or, Life at the Virginia Springs. 12°. N.Y. 1839. ENHALLow, S. Indian "Wars. 4°. Cine. 1859. ENN, G. Life of W. Penn. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1833. — Mineral and Mosaic Geologies. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. "BNN, Wm. Rise and Progress of the Qua- kers. 18°. Phil. 1855. 'ENNANT, T. British Zoology. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1812. — Journey from Downing to Alston Moor. 4°. Lond. 1801. — Journey to Isle of Wight. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1801. Literary Life, by himself. ^°- Lond. 1793. London, Westminster and Southwark. 2v. f°. Lond. n.d. View of Hindostan. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1798. f^ENNEcuiK, A. Works. 8°. Leith. 1815. Penniman, Major. Tanner-Boy; Life of Gen. Grant. 16°. Bost. 1864. Winfield, the Lawyer's Son ; Life of Gen. Hancock. 12°. Phil. 1865. Pennington, M. Life of Mrs. E. Carter. 8°. Bost. 1809. Pennsylvania. Archives, 1664-1790. Ed. by S. Hazard. 11 v. 8°. PhlL 1852-5. Pennsylvania. Colonial and State Eecords, 1683-1790. 10 V. 8°. Harrisb. 1838-53. Constitution. Published Feb. 26, 1790. (P. 51.). 12°. Phil. 1790. Geological Exploration, by H. D. Holers. 8°. Harrisb. 1838. Governor's Message, Jan., 1840. (P. 35.) 8°. Harrisb. 1840. Quartermaster-General's Report for 1864. 8°. Harrisb. 1865. Senate Reports on an Armed Force in the Capitol, etc. (P. 35.) 8°. Harrisb. 1839. State Library; Catalogue. 8°. Harrisb. 1839. Same.' 8°. Harrisb. 1859. Pennsylvania Agricultural Society. Trans- actions, 1861, '62, '63. 8°. Harrisb. 1863. Pennsylvania Business Directory; Boyd's. 1861. 8°. Phil. 1861. Same; Gopsill's, 1865-6. 8°. Jersey City. 1865. Pennsylvania Historical Society. Chambers- burg. Ste Gaerabd, L. H. Memoirs, v. 1. Parts 1-2. 8°. Phil. 1826. -^Publications. 7 v. 8°. PhH. 1848-60. Pennsylvanl\ State Register for 1831. 12''. Phil. 1831. Pennsylvanla vs. Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Co. Commissioner's and En- gineer's Reports. 8°. Saratoga. 1851. Penny Cyclopnodia. 29 v. 8°. Lond. 1833-43. Supplement. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1845-6. 2d Supplement. 8°. Lond. 1858. Penny Magazine, v. 2-14. 4°. Lond. 1833- 1845. Penny, V. Employments of Women. 12°. Bost. 1863. Penrose, E. See Markham, Mrs. People's Illustrated Journal of Arts, etc. 4°. Lond. 1852. People's JournaL v. 1-5. 8°. Lond. 1846-8. People's and Howitt's Journal, v. 6-11. 8°. Lond. 1848-51. Pepe, G. Memoirs. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1846. Pepys, S. Diary and Correspondence. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1828. Perceval, G. History of Italy. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. Perceval, Si Speech on Conduct of Duke of York. (P. 27.) 8°. Lond. 1809. Percival, J. G. Clio. Part 3. 12°. N.Y. '27. Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1823. Poems and Life. 2 v. 18°. Best- 1859. Report on Geology, etc. See WiscoNsnr. 286 CATALOGUE OF THE Percival, J. G. Report on the Iron in Dodge and Washington Counties. (P.) 8°. Milwaukee. 1855. Percival, P. Land of the Veda. 12°. Lond. 1854. PEECivAii, R. Account of Ceylon. 4P. Lond. 1805. Percy, J. W. Romanism in Rome. 12°. Lond. 1847. Percy, John. Metallurgy. 8°. Lond. 1864. Percy, T. Reliques of Ancient Poetry. 3 v. 8° Phil. 1823. Same. 3 v, 12°. Lond. 1839. Percy Society. Publications. 11 v. 12°. Lond. 1840-6. V. 1, Old Ballads, etc. See Collier, J. P. — V. 2, Evil Marriage; King and a Poor Northern Man, ed. by Dyce; Two Angry Women of Abingdon, by H. Porter, ed. by Dyce; Kind Heart's Dream, by H. Chettle, ed. by Rim- bault. — V. 3, Songs, etc. , on London Trades, ed. by Mackay; Lyric Poetry of Age of Edward L, ed. by Wright. — V. 4, Old Christmas Carols, ed. by Wright; Nursery Rhymes, ed. by Halli- well. — V. 5, Political Ballads of the Commonwealth, ed. by Wright. — v. 6; Search for Money, by W. Rowley; Robin Goodfellow, ed. by Collier; Gal- lants at an Ordinarie, ed. by Halliwell; History of Patient Grisel. — v. 7, Lyd- gate's Minor Poems. See Lydgate, J. — V. 8, Strange Histories, etc., chiefly by T. Deloney; Songs of Ireland, of Revolution of 1688, ed. by Croker; Boke of Curtasye, ed. by Halliwell. — v. 9, Seven Sages. See Wright, T. — V. 10, Pastime of Pleasure. See Hawes, S. — V. 11, Sir Tryamoure, ed. by Hal- liwell. Pereira, J. Lectures on Polarized Light. 8°. Lond. 1843. Same. 16°. Lond. 1854. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Same. 8°. Lond. 1842. Treatise on Food and Diet. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Perfect Gentleman; or Etiquette, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Perils and Adventures on the Deep. 16°. Edin. 1839. Perils and Captivity. 16°. "fcdin. 1827. Perils of the Sea. 18°. N.Y. 1837. Perkins, E. E. Gas and Ventilation. 12°. Phil. 1856. Perkins, G. R. Plane Trigonometry. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Perkins, J. H. Annals of the West. 8°. Cine. 1847. Memoir and Writings of. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1851. Perkins, Joshua. (Ed'r.) Duties of Human Life. 12°. W. Killingly. 1858. Perkins, Justin. Residence among Nestori- ans. 8°. Andover. 1843. Sermon on Death of Rev. W. R. Stock- ing. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1854. Perkins, S. History of the United States, 1815 to 1830. 12°. N.Y. 1830. History of War of 1812. 8°. N. Haven. 1825. Perlin, E. Description d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse. 4°. Lond. 1775. Perret, p. La Bague d' Argent. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Perrin, J. French Grammar. 18°. N.Y. 1817. Perrot, A.M. Li vre de Guerre. 24°. Paris. n.d. Perrott, E. Appeal for the Perrott Family. (P. 26.) 8°. Lond. 1812. Perry, A. L. Elements of Political Econo- my. 12°. N.Y. 1866. Perry, B. C. Human Hair and its Diseases. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Perry, C. View of the Levant. f°. Lond. 1743. Perry, G. G. History of Church of Eng- land. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1861. Perry, G. W. Peasantry of England. 12^ Lond. 1846. Perry, M. C. Japan Expedition. See Uni- ted States. On Geographical Discovery and Com- merce. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Perry, W. C. The Franks. 8° Lond. 1857. German University Education. 12°. Lond. 1846. Peesius, a. F. Opera. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Same. 5ee Walker, G. S. Corpus Poet. Lat. Satires. Transl. by W. Giflford. See British Poets, v. 44. Same. Transl. by W. Drummond. 8°. Lond. 1803. Same. Transl. by B. Holyday. See JUVENALIS, D. J. Person, W. Life and Writings. Ed. by D. L. Child. 16°. Camb. 1820. Personal Narrative of the First Voyage of Columbus. 8°. Bost. 1827. MERCANTILE LIBKART. 287 ?ERsoz. Culture of the Vine. See Saxton's Rural HandbookB, 4th series. ?EKTH, J. Drummond, Earl of. Letters. See Camden Society. Perthes, B. de. Antiquitcfs Celtiques et An- tediluviennes. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1847. Perthes, C. T. Memoirs of Frederick Perthes. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1856. Perthes, F. IM. Life of John Chrysostom. 12°. Bost. 1854. Peetz, G. H. Leben des Feldmarschalls von Gneisenau. 8°. Berlin. 1864. Leben des Freiherr von Stein. 6 v. 8°. Berlin. 1850-5. Pertz, M. Grundziige der Ethnographie. 12°. Leip. 1859. ESCHEL, C. F. Elements of Physics. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1845-6. etee, "W. (Ed'r.) Poets and Poetry of Greece and Rome. 8°. Phil. 1847. ETER IIL and Catharine IL of Russia. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1798. Peterborough, C. Mordaunt, Earl of. Life. See Republic of Letters, v. 5. 'etermann, a. Mittheilungen aus Perthes GeographischerAnstalt. 9v. 4°. Gotha. 1855-63. Search for Franklin. (P. 40.) 8°. Lond. 1852. 'etees, De W. C. Life of Kit Carson. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Petees, Hugh. Account of. (P.) sm.4°. n.p. n.d. 'etees, J. R. Remarks on the Chinese. 8°. Phil. 1847. *eters, R. Digest of Decisions in the Fed- eral Courts. 2v. 8°. Phil. 1848. ■ (Ed'r. ) Statutes at large, ^ee United States. *bterson, E. History of Rhode Island. 8°. N.Y. 1853. etebson, H. Poems, 12°. Phil. 1863. *eteeson, R. E. Familiar Science. 12°. PhU. 1851. »eteeson's New Cook Book. 12°. Phil. 1864. *ETiGEU, J. L. Centennial Oration, to Charleston Library Society. (P.) 8°. Charleston. 1848. ^TiT, J. L. Architectural Studies in France. r.8°. Lond. 1854. Petbabca, F. Le Rime. See Dante, Pe- trarch, etc. - Same. See Paenasso Italiano. - game. 2 v. 8°. Florence. 1821. -Same. 3 v. 18°. Milan. 1826. - Sonnets, and other. Poems. 12°. Lond. 1859. Peteaeca, F. View of Human Life. 8°. Lond. 1791. Pettigeew, T. J. Life of Nelson. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Medical Portrait Gallery. v. 2. r.8°. Lond. 1839. Pettit, Lizzie. Household Mysteries. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Petzholdt, a. Letters on Agricultural Chem- istry. 12°. Lond. 1844. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Petzholdt, J. (Ed'r.) Anzeiger fiir Biblio- graphic. See Anzeiger, etc. Handbuch DeutscherBibliotheken. 8°. Halle. 1853. Katechismus der Bibliothekenlehre. 16°. Leip. 1856. Peuchet, J. Dictionnaire de la Geographic Commer9ante. 5 v. 4°. Paris. 1799- 1800. Peyee-Feeey, F. Epistolary Composition; also, Discourse on Education, by A. Partridge. 12°. Middletown. 1826. Petsteb, J. W. de. History of Carausins. 8°. Poughkeepsie. 1858. Life of Torstenson. 8°. Poughkeepsie. 1855. Purser's Fire Escape. (P. 36.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Peyton, J. L. Statistics of Hlinois. (P.) 8°. Chicago. 1855. Pfeiffee, Mrs. I. Journey to Iceland, Swe- den, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Last Travels. 12°. N.Y. 1861. • Visit to Holy Land, Egypt, etc. 12°. Lond. 1852. Voyage round the World. 12°. N.Y. '52. Second Voyage round the World. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Phjedeus. Opera. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Same. ^eeWALSEE, G. S. Corpus Poet. Lat. Fables. See Horatius, F. Works. Lond. 1831, and Same, N.Y. 1835. Phantom Flowers. 12°. Bost. 1864. Pharmaceutical Journal. 2d ser. v. 3 & 4. 8°. Lond. 1861-3. Pharmacopeia of United States. 8°. Phil. 1842. Same. 8°. Phil. 1851. Same. 12°. Phil. 1863. Phelan, M. Billiards without a Master. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Game of Billiards. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Phelps, Adaliza C. Life of Christ and other Poems. 12°. Bost. 1852. 288 CATALOGUE OF THE Phelps, Mrs. A. H. Caroline Westerloy. 18°. N.Y. 1833. (Transl.) Dictionary of Chemistry. 12°. N.Y. 1830. Lectures on Botany. 12°. Hartf. 1831. Phelps, E. W. Bee-Keeper's Chart. See Saxton's Eiiral Handbooks, 3d ser. Phelps, N. A. History of Copper Mines and Newgate, Conn. (P.) 8°. Hartf. 1845. History of Simsbury, Granby, etc. 8°. Hartf. 1815. Phelps, O. S. Genealogy of O. Phelps. 8°. St Catharine's. 1862. Phelps, R. H. History of Newgate of Con- necticut. sm.4:°. Albany. 1860. Phelps, S. D. Holy Land and Egypt, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Phelps, S. D. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Phenix (The); a Collection of Fragments. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Philadelphia Board of Health. Reports, 1860-61. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1861-5. Philadelphia Board of Trade. Reports, 1859-65. 7v. 8°. Phil. 1859-65. Philadelphia Book; Specimens of Litera- ture. 12°. Phil. 1836. Philadelphia Business Directory, 1847, '53, '58, '63-4. 4v. 18°., 16°, 8°. Phil. 1847-63. Philadelphia Directory for 1814, '20, '37, '39-56, '59, '64, '65. 24 v. 12°. and 8°. Phil. 1814-65. Philadelphia, Picture of. 18°. Phil. 1835. Philadelphia Society for Promotion of Na- tionallndustry. Addresses. 12°. Phil, 1820. Phile. See Poet2E Bucolici, in Didot's Greek Classics. Philemon. See Akistophanes, in Didot's Greek Classics. Philip, A. P. W. Sleep and Death. 8°. Lond. 1834. Vital Functions. 8°. Lond. 1839. Philip, J. Letter on Missions at Cape of Good Hope. (P. 14. ) 8°. Princeton. 1833. — ;^ Researches in South Africa. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1828. Philip, R. The Hannahs. 18°. N.Y. 1848. Life of Bunyan. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Life of G. Whitefield. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Love of the Spirit. 1S°. N.Y. 1848. ThoLydias. 18°. N.Y. 1848. The Marthas. 18^. N.Y. 1848. Young Man's Closet Library. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Philip, R. Select Workg. ^See James, J. A., etc. Philippart, J. Life of Bernadotte. 8°. Bait. 1815. — — Northern Campaigns. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1813. Philips. Gotham and the Gothamites. 18^ N.Y. 1823. Phillimoee, J. G. History of England un- der George IH. v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1863. Principles of Jurisprudence. 8°. Lond. 1856. Roman Lav/. 8°. Lond. 1848. Phillimore, R. International Law. 4 v. 8**. Lond. 1854-61. Pniiijpps, C. S. M. Jurisprudence. 8°. Lond. * 1863. Phillippsohn, L. Development of the Re- ligious Idea. 8°. Lond. 1855. Phillips, A. Sterling Exchange. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Phillips, C. Recollections of Curran, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1818. Phillips, C, Curean, J. P., and Grattan, H. Speeches. 8°. Phil. 1831. Specimens of Irish Eloquence. 8°. N.Y. 1820. Phillips, E. Universal English Dictionary. f°. Lond. 1696. Phillips, G. Syriac Grammar. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1837. Phillips, G. F. -Painting in Water Colors.. 8°. Lond. 1839. Phillips, G. S. Memoirs of E. Elliott. S''. Lond. 1852. Phillips, G. S. American Republic Fore- shadowed in Scripture. 12°. Cine. '64. Phillips, H. Companion for the Orchard. 8°. Lond. 1831. Recollections ot Half a Century. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1864. Phillips, H., Jr. Paper Money of Pennsyl- vania. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1862. Phillips, J. Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, etc. 8°. Lond. 1841. History of Inland Navigation. 4^*. Lond. 1792. Guide to Geology. 16°. Lond. 1838. Manual of Geology. 12°. Lond. 1855. Treatise on Geology. 12°. Edin. 1837. Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1837-39. Phillips, J. Works. See British Poets, v. 13. Phillips, J. A. Gold Mining and Assaying. 16°. Lond. 1852. Phillips, M. L. Worlds beyond the Earth. 12°. Lond. 1855. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 289 Phillips, R. Million of Facts. 12*. N.Y. 183G. Same. See Teeasuey of Knowledge. Phillips, S. Artillery Election Sermon. (P. ) 8<^. Bost. 1741. Phillips, S. C. Address, Introductory to Franklin Lectures. (P. 14.) 8°. Bost. 1833. Phillips, T. Life of Reginald Pole. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 17G7. Phillips, T. Lectures on Painting. 8°. Lond. 1833. Phillips, Sir T. Wales, its Language, etc. 8=^. Lond. 1849. Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, Letters, etc. 12°. Bost. 18G3. Phillips, Willard. Inventor's Guide. 12°. Bost. 1837. Manual of Political Economy. 8°. Eost. ^ 1828. Treatise on Law of Insurance. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1854. Phillips, Wm. Conquest of Kansas. 12°. Bost. 1856. Introduction to Mineralogy. 8°. Lond. 1823. Same. 12°. Lond. 1837. Same. 12°. Lond. 1853. PuiLo; an Evangcliad. 12°. Bost. 1850. Philobiblion; a Monthly Journal, v. 1-2 in one. 4°. N.Y. 1862. Philological Society. Transactions, 1864. 8°. Lond. 1864. pHiLOMOEUS. On the Latin Poems of Sir T. More. 16°. Lond. 1842. Philosophlv Grajca. (In Greek.) 8°. Oxf. 1834. Philosophical Magazine. 4 series. 143 v. 8°. Lond. 1798-1864. Philosophical Theories and Experiences. By a Pariah. 16°. Phil. 1846. Philosophical Transactions. See Royal So- ciety of London. Philosophy of Evil. 2 v. in one. 18°. Phil. 1845. Philosophy of Modern Miracles (Spiritist). (P. 33.) %'=. N.Y 1850. Philosophy of Phrenology. 16°. Glasgow. 1845. StiLosTRATUs, Callistratus, Eunapius and Himerius. Opera. See Didot's Greek Classics. Philo-Veritas. Diamond cut Diamond; a View of Mr. Jefferj'S. (P. 28.) 8°. Lond. 1806. - Diamond New-Pointed. Supplement to Preceding. (P. 28.) 8°. Lond. 1806. 19 Phin,J. Open Air Grape Culture. 12°. N.Y 1862. Phipps, C. J. Voyage towards North Pole. 4°. Lond. 1774. Phipps, E. Life of R. P. Ward. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1850. Phocylides. See Hesiod, ed. Venice, 1543. PHffiNix, J. iS'ee Deeby, G. H. Phcekix, J. P. Speech for Mint in New York. (P. 31.) 8°. n.p. 1850. Pheenological Developments of J. V. Stout and Fanny Elssler. (P. 20.) 16°. N.Y. 1841. Phrenological Journal, v. 10-20. 8°. Edin. 1837-47. Physic and Physicians. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Physiology of the Opera. 16°. Phil. 1852. PriYsiscH-MoEALiscHE Zeitbcdurfnisse. 16°. Bremen. 1794. PiANCiANi, L. Dell'Andamento deUe Cose in ItaHa. 8°. Milan. 1860. Piatt, J. J. and S. M. B. Nests at Washing- ton, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Piatt, Mrs. D. Belle Smith Abroad. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Pichabd, H. Pocket Dictionary of English and Dutch. 16°. Zalt-Bommel. 1843. PicHATi L. L. Gaston. 16°. Paris. 1860. PicHOT, A. Charles-Quint. 8°. Paris. 1854. Galerie des Personages de Shaksi^eare. 8°. Paris. 1844. Pick, E. Memory; and How to Lnprove it. 16°. Lond. 1862. PiciLiBD, K. E. Recollections of Peter Still and Wife. 12°. Syracuse. 1856. PiCKELL, J. Early Life of Washington, and Potomac Company. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Pickering, C. Races of Men. 12°. Lond. 1851. Same. See United States Exploring Expedition, v. 9. Pickering, C, and Dana, J. D. Descrip- tion of Ctiligus Americanus. (P. ) 8°. n.p. n.d. Pickering, T. Letter to Gov. Sullivan on a War. (P. 1.) 8°. Bost. 1808. Political Essays. 16°. Canandaigua. 1812. Review of Adams and Cunningham Cor- respondence. 8°. Salem. 1824. Picket, A. and J. W. Academician ; a Peri- odical. 8°. N.Y 1820. Pickett, A. J. History of Alabama. 2 v. 12°. Charleston. 1851. PicKFOED, J. H. Hygiene. 8°. Lond. 1858. Pickwick Treasury of Wit. 24°. Lond. 1845. 290 CATALOGUE OF THE PiCTOEiAL Bible. See Bible, Pictorial. P1CTOP.1AL Book of Ballads. 2 v. 8° Lond. 1847-8. PiCTOKiAL, Handbook of London. 1G°. Lond. 1854. PiCTOELVL History of American Eevolution. 8°. N.Y. 1845. PiCTOEiAx. History of Kussian "War. 8°. Edin. 1856. PiCTOEiAL Life of Napoleon I. 12°. Phil. '47. PiCTUEE of Dublin. 12°. Dublin, n.d. PiCTUEE of Philadelphia. 18°. Phil. 1835. PiCTUEE of New York in 1846. 18°. N.Y. 1846. PiCTUEE of New York, or Traveller's Guide. 18°. N.Y. 1807. PiCTUEES and Painters. 12°. N.Y. 1849. PiCTUEEs of the French. 8°. Lond. 1840. PiESCE, E. L. Eeport on Negroes at Port Koyal. (P.) 12°. Bost. 18G2. PiEBCE, F., and King, W. E. Lives of. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Pleece, J. History of Gorham, Maine. 8°. Portland. 1862. Piebce, AV. L. The Year; a Poem. 16°. N.Y. 1813. Pieeee, H. a. Atlas der Abbildungen zu Lexikon. f°. Altenburg. 1849-52. (Ed'r.) Universal Lexikon, mit Supple- ment. 20 V. 8°. Altenburg. 1849-53. PiEEPONT, J. Airs of Palestine. 8°. Bait. 1816. Introduction to National Eeader. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Phrenology and Scripture. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1850. Poems. 16°. Bost. 1840. Proceedings of Meeting of his Friends, and his Eeply to the HoUis St. Com- mittee. (P. 62.) 8°. Bost. 1839. Pieeee, J. H. G. Parisian Pastor in America. 12°. Bost. 1854. PiEEEON, A. Histoire de la Litte'rature Eo- maine. 12°. Paris. 1852. PiEESON, H. W. (Ed'r.) American Missionary Memorial. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Private Life of Jefferson. 8°. N.Y. 1862. PiESSE, G. W. S. Art of Perfumery, etc. 12°. Phil. 1857. Pigauet-Lebeun, G. C. A. Angclique et Jeanneton. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1820. L'figoisme. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1819. La Famille Luceval. 4 v. 16°. Paris. 1819. L'Homme a Projets. 4 t. 16°. Paris. 1819. PiGArLT-LEBEUN, G. C. A. J^romc. 4 t. 16°. Paris. 1822. Monsieur Botte. 16°. Paris. 1820. L'Observateur. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1820. Tableaux de Societe. 4 v. 16°. Paris. 1821. Theodore ; on les Peruviens. 16°. Paris. 1820. PiGGOTT, A. S. Dental Surgery. 8°. Phil. 1854. PiGNOTTi, L. History of Tuscany. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1826. PiGOTT, G. Scandinavian Mythology. 12^ Lond. 1839. Pike, J. G. Eeligion and Eternal Life. 18^ N.Y. 1835. True Happiness. 18°. N.Y. 1848. Pike, N. Arithmetic. 8°. Troy. 1832. Pike, Z. M. Travels to Sources of Missis- sippi and Western Eivers. 8°. Phil. '10. Same. 4°. Lond. 1811. PiLLANs, James. Eationale of Discipline. 8°. Edin. 1852. PiLLET, E. M. Views of England. 12^ Bost. 1818. PiLPAT. Fables. 16°. Lond. 1852. Pm, B. Gate of the Pacific. 8°. Lond. 1863. • PiNDAB. 'Odes. Transl. by D. W. Turner. 16°. Lond. 1834. Odes. Transl. by C. A. "Wheelwright. 16°. Lond. 1852. PiNDAE and Anacreon. Odes. Transl. by Wheelwright and Bourne. 16°. Lond. 1830. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1837. PiNDAE, Peter, Jr. Parnassus in Phila- delphia; a Satire. 12°. Phil. 1854. PiNEEiii, B. Etchings of Italian Manners and Customs. f°. Eome. 1844. Pineda, A. Biblioteca. 12°. Eome. 1853. PiNKEETON, J. (Ed'r.) Collection of Travels. 17 V. 4°. Lond. 1808-14. Same. 11 v. 4°. Phil. 1810-12. History of Scotland. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1797. Literary Correspondence. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. Petralogy; a Treatise on Eocks. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1811. PiNKEETON, E. Observations on Eussia. 8°. Lond. 1833. PiNKNEY, E. C. Poems. 18°. Bait. 1825. PiNKNEY, Eev. W. Life of Wm. Pinkney 1 8°. N.Y. 1853. PiNKNEY, W. Life, Writings, and Speeches See Wheaton, H. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 291 PiNNEY, J. Antidote for Causes that Abridge Human Life. 8^. Lend. 1847. - Human Life and its Three Eras. 8°. Lond. 1856. Pdjney, N. Practical French Teacher. 12°. Hartf. 1847. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1857. PiNNEY, N. , and Barcelo, J. Spanish Teach- er. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Pioneer; a Monthly Magazine, v. 2-3. 8°. SanFr. 1854-5. PioMiNGo ; a Series of Essays. 12°. Phil. 1810. Piozzr, H. L. Anecdotes of Johnson. 12°, Lond. 1786. - Autobiography and Literary Remains, 12°. Bost. 1861. - British Synonymy. 2 v. 8'', Lond. 1794. - Love Letters. 8°. Lond. 1843. PiKANEsi, P. Bellezzi delle Novelle. 12°. Paris. 1823. Pitkin, T. Commerce of the United States. 8°. N.Y. 1817. - Same. 8°. N. Haven. ^835. - History of the United States. 2 v. 8° N. Haven. 1828. PiTiLAN, Benn. Manual of Phonography. 12°. Cine. 1860. Pitman, I. Manual of Phonography. 8°. Lond. 1842. -Same. 8°. N.Y. 1844. PiTKAT, J. C. Americans Warned of Jesuit- ism. 12^. N.Y. 1851. Pitt, C. Poems. See British Poets, v. 21. Pitt, W. (Lord Chatham. ) Correspondence. See Chatham, Earl of. Pitt, William. See Celebrated Speech of a Celebrated Commoner. - Speeches in Parliament. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1808. - Life of. 12". Phil. 1806. ' -Same. 12°. Phil. 1808. Pittenger, W. The Great Railroad Adven- ture. 12°. Phil. 1804 Pitts, F. E. Defence of Armageddon. 12°. Bait. 1852. Pitts, J. Account of the Mahometans. See MAUNDRELIi, H. Pittsburgh Business Directory. 12°. Pitts- burgh. 1837. PlTTSBDRGH City Directory. 8°. Pittsburgh. 1850-52. PnrsBURGH and Alleghany City Directory, 1863-4, '64-5, '65-6. 8°. Pittsburgh. 1863-65. PtUsNinth, Last of the Popes. 12°. N.Y. '55. Plain-Dealer; a Weekly Newspaper, t. 1. f. N.Y. 1836-7. Plain Letter to the Prince of Wales. (P. 28.) 8°. Lond. 1806. Plain Needle-Work. 18°. Lond. 1852. Plain Sense on National Industry. (P. 4.) 8°. N.Y. 1820. Plain Sermons, by Contributors to "Tracts for the Times." 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Plan for Shortening Passage from New York to London. 8°. Portland. 1850. Planche, G, L'ficole Fran9aise de Peinture et Sculpture. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1855. Etudes Litteraires. 12°. Paris. 1855. Nouveaux Portraits Litteraires. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1855. Planters' Bank in Mississippi. Acts on. (P.) 18°. N.Y. 1831. Planting, Useful and Ornamental. See Li- brary of Useful Knowledge, v. 10. Plater, E., Countess. Life of. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Plato. Opera. See Didot's Greek Classics. Works. Transl. by F. Sydenham and T. Taylor. 5 v. 4°. Lond. 1804. ffiuvres. Trad, par M. Schwalbe'. 4 v. 12°. Paris. 1842-6. Dialogues. Transl. and ed. by W. Whewell. 2 v. 12°. Camb. 1859. Platon. Greek Church in Russia. 12°. N.Y. 1815. Universal Biography. 5 v. 8°. Lond- 1825-6. Plattner, C. F. Use of Blow Pipe. 8°. Lond. 1845. Platts, J. English Synonymes. 12°. Lond. 1845. Literary and Scientific Class Book. 12^. Lond. 1830. Plautus, M. a. Comedies. See Valpy's Del- phin Classics. Comedies. Transl. by H. T. Riley. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1852. Seven Comedies. TransL by G. S. Cot- ter. 8°. Lond. 1827. Playfair, Jas. System of Chronology. P. Edin. 1784. Playfair, John. Works and Life. 4 v. 8°. Edin. 1822. Elements of Geometry. 8°. Phil. 1854. Pleasants, J. , and Bradley, T. B. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Pleasures of Contemplation. Also, Causes of Popular Poverty, by C. C. Blatchley. 12°. Phil. 1817. Plinius Secundus, C. Opera. 12 v. iSee Val- py's Delphin Classics. 292 CATALOGUE OF THE Plinius Secundus, C. Opera. Latin and French. 20 v. 8°. Paris. 1829-33. Excerpta ex Historia Naturali. 12°. Lond. 1829. Natural History. Transl. by P. Holland. 2v. P. Lond. 1601. Plinius Csec. Secundus, S. Letters. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1786. Punt, T. Crime in England. 12°. Lond. 1851. Plomek, T. and W. Trial of Col. Wardle. (P. 27.) 8°. Lond. 1809. Plough, Loom, and Anvil, v. 1-10. 8°. N.Y. 1848-57. Plowden, F. History of L-eland. 3 v. 8°. Dubl. 1811. Plumer, W. S. Law of God Explained. 12°. Phil. 1864. Plumley, G. S. Extracts from Mrs. A. Pip- ley's Keligious Diary. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Plummee Hall. Ste Salem Athenaeum. Plumttok, Sir E. Letters in the Eeigns of Edward IV., Richard IIP, Henry VII., and Henry VIII. See Camden Society. Plumptue, J. Collection of Songs. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1806-8. Plurality of Worlds. 12°. Lond. 1855. Plutaechus. Opera. 4 v. ;See Didot's Greek Classics. Same. (Greek.) 6 v. 12°. Paris. 1572. Same. Transl. by J. and W. Lang- horne. 8 v. 8°. Phil. 1811. Same. 4 v. 8°. Phil. 1822. 4v. 12°. N.Y. 1836. 7v. 18°. Lond. 1831-2. Iv. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Transl. by Dryden, and Pevised H. Clough. 5 V. 8°. Post. 1859. Les Vies des Hommes Illustres. 15 v. 18°. Paris. 1811. Plymouth Colony Eecords. See Massachu- setts. Pocahontas; a Drama. 16°. N.Y. 1837. Pocket end Stud; Hints for the Stable. 18°. Lend. 1848. Pocket Dictionary of English and Eussian. 16°. Leip. n.d. Poe, E. a. Eureka; a Prose Poem. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Eavcn, and other Poems. 8°. Lond. 1816. Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1805. Works and Life. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Poems, by Eaglestone. 12°. Albany. 1857. Same. Same. Same. Same, by A. Poems, byMeditatus. 12°. Phil. 1853. PoEscHE, T., and Goepp, C. New Eome. 12°. N.Y. 1853. PoETiE Bucolici et Didactici. See Didot's Greek Classics. Poetic Works of Louis Napoleon. 24° Lond. 1852. PoETEY of the Anti-Jacobin. 16°. Lend. 1854. PoEY, A. De I'Anticrepuscule Prismatique. (P.). 4°. n.p. n.d. Appel aux Meteorologistes. (P. ) 8°. n.p. n.d. Catalogue des Tremblements de Terre dans les IndesOccidentales. (P.) r.8°. Versailles. 1858. Des Caracteres des Eclairs en Boules. (P.) 8°. Paris. 1855. Des Chutes de Greles a I'lle de Cuba, CP.) 8°. Paris. 1855. Observations sur la Comete Donati (P.) 4°. n.p. n.d. Et'i^artition Gdographique des Meteores (P.) 8°. Paris. 1858. Les Tempetes £lectriques, etc. (P. r.8°. Versailles. 1855. Tremblements de Terre en Cuba, 1551- 1855. 8°. Paris, 1855. PoEY, F. La Historia Natural de Cuba. v. 1 4°. Habana. 1851. Poinsett, J. R. Discourse on National InstJ tute for Promotion of Science. (P. 20. 8°. Wash. 1841. Notes on Mexico. 8°. Phil. 1824. Polae Star (The). Continuation of the * ' E3 tractor." 11 v. 8°. Lond. 1829-32. Polehampton, a. Kangaroo Land. 12' Lond. 1861. Polehampton, E., and Good, J. N. Galler of Nature and Ait. 6 v. 8°. Lone 1821. Polhemus', a. Address to Eutgers Colleg xMumni. (P. 43.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Police and Crimes of London. 8°. Lone 1829. Politianus, a. Eusticus. 8°. Paris. 1527- Political Dictiouar3\ v. 1. 16°. Lond. 184l Political Essays; on Texas, 1844; and p Democracy, 1852. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.( Political Magazine and Parliamentary Joji nal. 3 V. 8°. Lond. 1780-82. Politics for American Christians. 8°. Tid 1852. Pole, J. K. Life of, and Sketch of Mr. Da las. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1844. PoLKO, £lise. Die Bettler-Oper. 3 v. in tw 16°. Hanover. 1864. MERCANTILE LTBRAltY. 293 OLKO, £lise. Musikalisclie Miiichen, Phau- tasien, undSkizzen. 18°. Leip. 1859. — Musical SketclicF;. 16°. Phil. 1864. 'OU.AKD, E. A. First Year of the War. 8°. Richmond. 1862. 1 Same.- 8° N.Y. 1864. — Second Year of the War. 8°. N.Y. 1863. — Same. 8°. N.Y. 1864. — Third Year of the War. 8^ N.Y. 1865. OLLEN, J. H. Five Years at Saint Saviour's, Leeds. 12°. Oxf. 1851. OLO, M. Travels. 16°. Edin. 1814. — Same. 18°. N.Y. 1845. OLON-ius; a Collection of Wise Saws, etc. 16° Lond. 1852. OLSON, A, Law of Nations. 12°. Lond. 1848. 'OLY^NUs. Stratagems of War. 4°. Lond. 1796. OLYANTHus; a Literary Magazine. 4 v. 8°. Bost. 1812-14. OLYBius. Opera. See Didot's Greek Classics. — History. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1693. ?oialogy; his Paraphrases of Wisdom, etc. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1842. Polytechnic Journal. 7 v. 8°. Lond- 1839- 1842. OLYTECHNiscHES Joumal (Diugler's). v. 115- 162. 8° Stuttg. 1850-61. — Index to V. 119-158. 8°. Stuttg. 1861. OMEROT, J. N. Introduction to Municipal Law. 8°. N.Y. 1864. .\)MFiiET, J. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 10. ?0MPEn. 2v. 16°. Bost. 1833. - Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1834 -Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1836. B-'OMriGNAN, L. de. Tragedies. See Kepek- TOiRE General, etc. ?0NTET, D. French Grammar. 12°. Lond. 1847. ont-Jest, R. de. Bolino, le Ne'grier. 12°. Paris, n.d. ■.-'ONTMARTiN, A. de. Causerics Littdraires. 12°. Paris. 1855. - Contcs et Nouvelles. 16°. Paris. 1856. - Contee d'un Planteur de Choux. 16°. Paris. 1864. - Les Deux Prostrates. 4 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. - La Fin du Proces. 16°. Paris. 1861. -Mdmoires d'un Notaire. 16°. Paris. 1864. - Or ct Clinquant. 16°. Paris. 1859. - Pourquoi je reste a la Campagne. 16°. Paris. 1860. PopLE, G. A. Churches; their Structure, etc. 16°. Lond. 1846. Ecclesiastical Architecture in England. 8°. Lond. 1848. PooLE, R. S. Horse Egj^ptiacse. 8°. Lond- 1851. PooLE, Mrs. S. Englishwoman in Egypt 18°. Phil. 1845. PooLE, T. E. Life in Sierra Leone. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1850. < Poole, W. F. Index to Periodical Literature. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Index to Subjects of Reviews. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Poor, H. V. Eailroads and Canals of the United States. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1860. PooEE, B. P. Early Life of Bonaparte, etc. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1851. Life of Louis Philippe. 12°. Bost 1848. Pope, A. Works. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. 1808. Same. 3 v. 12°. Phil. 1819. 3 v. 12°. Princeton. 1828. 3v. 16°. Lor-d. 1844. Life by Roscoe. 8 v. 8°. Lend. Life by Dyce. 3 v. 16°. Bost Same. Same. Same. 1847. Same. 1853. Homer, transL See Homer. Poems. 2y. See British Poets, v. 20- 21. Eape of the Lock. See Republic of Letters, v. 5. Pope, C. Laws of Customs and Excise in Great Britain. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1818. Merchant's and Ship-Owner's Customs Guide. 8°. Lond. 1823. Yearly Joumal of Trade, '37-8, '42, '43, '54-5, and '56. 8°. Lond. 1837-56. Pope, J. Report of Campaign in Virginia* See United States. Pope, J., and Dale, J. G. . Exploration for Pacific R. R. See United States. Pope, L., Jr. Eulogy on D. Webster. (P.) 8°. Memphis. 1853. Pope, T. Bridge Architecture. 8°. N.Y. 1825. Pope or President? 12°. N.Y. 1859. Pope Family, with notice of Col. Pope, etc. 8°. Bost 1862. PoPHAM Celebration. Ed. by E. Ballard. 8". Portland. 1863. PoPKiN, J. S. Memorial (Lectures, etc.), "with Life. Ed. byC. C. Felton. 16°. Camb. 1852. Popular Rhymes and Fireside Stories of Scotland. 8° Edin. 1842. 294 CATALOGUE OF THE Popxji^R Science EeTie'W'. t. 3. 8°. Lond. 1864. PoECHAT, J. Trois Mois sons la Neige. 12°. Phil. 1863. PoEPHYRT. Select Works from the Greek. 8°. Lond. 1823. Poet Eoyal, MM. de. See Lancelot, C. ; Nicole, P. PoETEB, Anna M. Ballad Eomances and Other Poems. 18°. Phil. 1816. PoETEE, Arthur L. Chemistry of the Arts. PoETEE, C. L. Pebbles from the Lake Shore. 12°. Phil. 1855. PoETEE, D. Constantinople and its EnTirons. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Cruise to the Pacific. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1822. Expedition to Foxardo. 8°. Wash. 1825. PoETEE, E. Khetorical Keader. 16°. An- dover. 1831. PoETEE, G. K. Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. 16°. Lond. 1832. Same. 12°. Phil. 1832. . Manufacture of Silk. 16°. Lond. 1831. Progress of British Nation in 19th Century. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1836-8. Same. 8°. Lond. 1847. PoETEE, Jas. History of Turkey; continued, with Memoir by G. Larpent. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1854. PoETEE, Jane. Pastor's Fireside. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1845. PoETEB, J. K. Address to Albany Y. M. Association. (P. 43.) 8°. Albany. 1850. Argument on Personal Liability Laws. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1862. PoETER, J. L. See Handbook for Travellers in Syria, etc. ■ Five Years in Damascus. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1855. GiantCitiesof Bashan, etc. 12°. Lond. 1865. PoETEE, N. Educational Systems of Puritans and Jesuits. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Historical Discourse, Farmington, Conn. 8°. Hartf. 1841. PoETEE, B. K. Campaign in Russia under Napoleon. 8°. Title wanting. Travels in Russia and Sweden. 8°. Phil. 1809. PoETEE, W. T. Hunting and Shooting of North America. See Hawkee, P. In- structions to Young Sportsmen. PoBTEUs, B. Evidences of Christian Revela- tion. 16°. Bost. 1803. Poeras. Set British Poets, v. 37. PoETix)Lio (The). 1801-'20, and 1825. 5 v. 4°., 21 V. 8°. Phil. 1801-25. PoETico (The). 5 v. 8°. Bait. 1810-18. Portland, Me. Directory, for 1863-4. 16°. Portland. 1863. PoETLOCK, J. E. Treatise on Geology. 16°. Lond. 1849. PoETLOCK, N. Voyage round the World. 4°. Lond. 1789. Portsmouth, N. H., Directory, 1864. 18°. Portsmouth. 1864. PoETSMOUTH, Va., Relief Association. Re- port to Contributors. 8°. Richm. 1856. PoETWiNE, E. Steam Engine, etc. 18°. Lond. 1847. Post, H. A. V. Visit to Greece and Constan- tinople. 8°. N.Y. 1830. PosTLETHWAYT, M. Dictionary of Trade, etc. See Savart, J. PoTE, R. G. Nineveh, its History and Ex- plorers. 16°. Lond. n.d. PoTHiEE, R. J. (Euvres. 13 v. 8°. Paris. 1817-20. Pott, A. F. Die Ungleichheit menschlicher Rassen. 8°. Halle. 1855. Pott, H. A. G. von. Geschichte der Gesell- schaft fur die Gesammte Mineralogie. 8°. St. Petersburg. 1842. PoTTEE, A. Address to Mechanics' Lit. and Benev. Soc'y, Poughkeepsie. (P. 17.) 8°. Schenect. 1836. Discourses, Charges, etc. 12°. Phil. 1858. (Ed'r.) Discourses on Science and Lit* erature, by Brougham, Sedgwick and Verplanck. 18°. N.Y. 1848. Handbook for Readers and Students. 18°. N.Y. 1843. Political Economy. 18°. N.Y. 1841. Science Applied to Useful Arts. 12°. Bost. 1841. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Sermon, Consecration of Bp. White- house. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. PoTTEE, A., and Emerson, G. B. School and Schoolmaster. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Potter, E. R. Address to R. I. Hist. Society. (P. 43.) 8°. Prov. 1851. Reports on Public Schools. See Rhode Island. PoTTEE, H. Pastoral Letter to Diocese of New York. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1854. Sermon on Death of Pres. Taylor. (P. 45.) 8°. Albany. 1850. PoTTEE, J. Archseologia Grceca. 8°. N.Y. 1825. Same; ed. by Boyd. 12°. Lond. 1837. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 295 roiTEB, J. H. Consumptive's Guide to Health. 12^. N.Y. 1852. Potts, G. Lecture on Popular Reading. (P. 20.) 8°. n.p. 1841. TotTCHET, F. A. Histoire des Sciences Natu- rcUes au Moyen Age. 8°. Paris. 1853. PoucHET, G. Plurality of the Human Race. 8°. Lond. 18G-4. PouGHKEEPsiE Directory, 1856-7, '64-5. 2 v. 12°. Poughkeepsie. 1856^64. PoussiN, G. T. Chemins de Fer Amdricains. 4°. Paris. 1836. — De la Puissance Am^ricaine. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1836. — United States; its Power and Progress. 8=". Phil. 1851. PouTEAXJ, C. CEuvres Posthumes. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1783. Powell, B. Christianity without Judaism. 12°. Lond. 1857. Essays on Inductive Philosophy, etc. 12°. Lond. 1855. — Experimental and Mathematical Optics. 8°. Oxf. 1833. — History of Natural Philosophy. 16°. Lond. 1834. — Order of Nature, and Revelation. 12°. Lond. 1859. Powell, Jas. W. The Eye, its Imperfections and their Prevention. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Powell, John J. Law of Contracts and Agreements. 2 v. in one. 8°. Walpole, N.H. 1809. Powell, P. M. See Hastings Guide. Powell, Sarah. Cabin Book. 8°. Lond. 1852. Powell, T. Living Authors of America. Istser. 12°. N.Y. 1850. — Living Authors of England. 12°. N.Y. 1849. — Talfes from Boccaccio, and other Poems. 12°. Lond. 1856. PowEB, G. Mussulmans in Spain and Portu- gal. 8°. Lond. 1815. Power, P. B. The I Wills of Christ. 12°. N.Y. 1862. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1863. — The I Wills of the Psahns. 12°. N.Y. 1863. PowEB, T. Impressions of America. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1836. Power, W. T. Sketches in New Zealand. 12°. Lond. 1849. — Three Years in China. 12°. Lond. 1853. PoWERscouRT, Viscountess Theodosia. Let- ters and Papers. 12°. Lond. 1845. PowNALL, T. Administration of the British Colonies. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1774. PoYER, J. History of Barbadoes. 4°. Lond. 1808. PoYNDER, J. Literary Extracts. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Popery in Alliance with Heathenism. 8°. Lond. 1835. PoTNTZ, A. World of Wonders, etc. 8*". Lond. 1845. Practical Arithmetic. 12°. Lond. 1828. Practical Guide to the Greek Testament. 12°. Lond. 1849. Practical Hints to Emigrants. 12°. Lond. 1853. Practical Mechanic's Journal, v. 3-8, and 2d Ser., v. 1-7. 4°. Glasg. and Loud. 1850-63. Practical Miner's Guide. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Practical Suggestions for the Sick. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1837. Practical Treatise on Dyeing and Calico Printing. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Practical Wisdom ; or, the Manual of Life. 16°. Lond. 1835. Pradt, D. D. de. Mdmoires sur la Re'volu- tion d'Espagne. 8°. Paris. 1816. Colonies and Present American Revolu- tions. 8°. Lond. 1817. Congress of Vienna. 8°. Lond. 1816. Europe and America in 1821. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1822. Sistema de la Europa. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1825. Praed, W. M. Poems. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Pbaqat, J. Hungarian Revolution. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Prairiedom. Rambles and Scrambles in Texas. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Pratt, D. Opinion in Storms vs. Bank De- partment. (P. 48.) 8°. Albany. 1854. Pratt, E. History of Eastham, Well fleet and Orleans, Mass. 8°. Yarmouth. 1844. Pratt, P. P. Voice of Warning and Instruc- tion to All People. 18°. N.Y. 1837. Pratt, S. D. Inklings. 12°. Auburn. 1852. Pratt, S. J. Gleanings through Wales, Hol- land, etc. ; Also, Humanity, a Poem. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1798-9. Pratt, W. T. Law of Benefit Building So- cieties. 12°. Lond. 1850. Preceptor (The); a Course of Education. 8°. Lond. 1754. Pbeces Paulinas; or, Devotions of Paul. 16°. Lond. 1855. 296 CATALOGUE OF THE Pekndekgast, T. Mastery of Languages. 8°. Lond. 18G4. Peentice, a. Sketches, etc., of Mancliester. 8°. Lond. 1851. Peentiss, G. Life of S. S. Prentiss. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Peesbee, H. "WolkenknkTikslieim. 12°. Frankfort. 1858. Peesbyteeian Cliiirch. Board of Foreign Missions. Beports, 1-27. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1838-64. General Assembly; Education Manual. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1862. Same; Minutes, 1854, 1863. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Phil. 1863. Same; Eeport on Relations of Cliurch to Home Missions. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Peesbyteeian Clergyman Looking for the Church. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Same, enlarged. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Peesbyteeian Historical Almanac, 1863, '4. , 2v. 8°. Phil. 1863-4. Peesbyteeian Quarterly Eeview. v. 1-11. 8°. Phil. 1852-62. Peesbyteeian Theological Seminary of the Northwest. Inaugural Addresses. 8°. Phil. 1860. Peescott, W. H. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Conquest of Mexico. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1843. N.Y. 1849. N.Y. 1851. Phil. 1860. Phil. 1863. Phil. 1864. N.Y. 1847. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 3v. 8°. 3v. 8°. 3v. 8° 3v. 8". 3v. 8°. Conquest of Peru. 2 v. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1860. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1863. Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1864. • Life of C. B. Brown. See Spaeks' Am. Biog., 1st ser., v. 1. Life of Charles V. after his Abdication. See EoBEETSoN, W. Eeign of Charles V. — - Eeign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1838. Same. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Same. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Same. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Present (The), v. 1. 8°. n.p. 1843-4. Peesent Practice of Surveying and Levelling. 8°. Lond. 1846. Peesent State of Finances in Austria. 8°. Leip. 1853. Peesentment of Grand Jury on Blackwell's Island Prison. (P. 48.) 8°. N.Y. '49. Peesse (La). 5 v. f°. Paris. 1851-3. Peesslee, C. W. Map of Texas. 16°. Gal- veston. 1858. Peeston, J. Divine Essence and Attributes. 12°. Lond. 1624. Peeston, L. Bookkeeping. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1835. Peevost, a. F. CEuvres Choisies. 39 v. 8°. Paris. 1810-16. Peice, D. Principal Events of Mohamme- dan History. 4 v. 4°. Lond. 1821. Peice, E. K. The Family as an Element of Government. 12°. Phil. 1864. Peice, G. Fire and Thief-proof Deposito- ries. 8° Lond. 1856. Peice, J. M. Tables of Sterling Exchange. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Peice, E. On the American Eevolution. 18°. Lond. 1785. Same. (P. 41.) 12°. Best. 1818. Eeversionary Payments and Annuities. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1803. Peice, S. Voyages round the World, 1520- 1820. 12°. Lond. n.d. Peice, T. "Wisdom and Genius of Shakspeare. 12°. Lond. 1839. Peice, U. On the Picturesque. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1796-8. Same; with Essay on Taste, by T. D. Lander. 8° Edin. 1842. Peichaed, J. C. Egyptian Mythology. 8°. Lond. 1819. Eastern Origin of Celtic Nations. 8°. Lond. 1831. Same, ed. by E. G. Latham. 8°. Lond. 1857. Insanity. 8°. Lond. 1835. Natural History of Man. 8°. Lond. 1843. Physical History of Mankind. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1836-47. Peideaux, H. Connection of Old and New Testaments. 4 v. 8°. Charlestown. 1815-16. Imposture Displayed in the Life of Ma- homet. 8°. Lond. 1718. Peideaux, T. S. Economy of Fuel. 16°. Lond. 1853. Petdham, C, History of Ceylon. 2 v. 8° Lond. 1849. Kossuth and Magyar Land. 12°. Lond. 185L Peiest, J. Amei ican Antiquities. 8°. Albany. 1833. Peiesthoods and Clergy unknown to Chria- tianity. 12«. Phil. 1857. MERCANTILE LIBRARY 297 EiESTLEY, J. DiRcoveries in Vision, Light, etc. 4='. Lond. 1772. — Early Opinions concerning Clirisf. 4 v. 8°. Birmingham. 1786. — English Grammar. 8°. Lond. 1833. — Evidence of Revealed Religion. 8°. Lond. 1794. I Harmony of the Evangelists. 4°. Lond. 1780. I History of Corriiptions of Christianity. 2 V. 8°. Birmingham. 1782-93. Institutes of Natural and Revealed Re- ligion. 2 V. 8'^. Birmingham. 1782. Lectures on History and General Policy. 4°. Birmingham. 1788. Same. 8° Dublin. 1791. • Same. 8°. Lond. 1840. ' Memoirs of HimSfelf ; with Observations on his Writings, by T. Cooper and W. Christie. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1806-7. HEME, B. Y. See Muscipula, etc. EiME, N. S. History of Long Island. 12°, N.Y. 1845. Pkime, S. I. Five Years of Prayer a"nd the Answers. 12°. N.Y. 1864. - Letters from Switzerland. 12°. N.Y. '60. • Memoirs of Rev. N. Murray. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Power of Prayer. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Thoughts on Death of Little Children. 16=. N.Y. 1852. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1865. Travels in Europe and the East. 12°. 1855. ?EiiiE, W, C. Boat Life in Egypt, etc. N.Y. 1860. Same. 12° N.Y. 1864. Coins, Medals and Seals. 4 Mother Dear, Jerusalem ! 1865. • Owl Creek Letters, etc. 12* • Tent Life in the Holy Land. 1860. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1863. ■Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Pkimee on the Origin of Knov/ledge. 16°. Saratoga. 1835. Prince, 0. H. Digest of Lhws of Georgia. 8°. Athens. 1837. Phince, T. Chronological History of New- England. 8°. Bost. 1826. • Sermon, Thanksgiving, 1746. (P. 53.) 8°. Bost. 1746. Pbince, W. R. and W. Vine and Vineyards. 8°. N.Y. 1830. PaiNCE (The) on St. Patrick's Day. (P. 26.) . 8°. Lond. 1812. 2v. 16° N.Y. '61. 12°. N.Y. N.Y. '48. 12°. N.Y. Peince (The) of V\''aleB; a Second Plain Let- ter. (P. 28.) 8°. Lond. n.d. PniNCETON, Mass., 100th Anniversary of. (P.) 8°. Wore. 1860. Peingle, J. J. Oration, July 4, 1800. (P. 1.) 8°. Charleston. 1800. Peingle, T. Residence in South Africa, with Memoir. 12°. Lond. 1835. Peinsep, H. T. Tibet, Tartary and Mongo- lia. 12°. Lond. 1851. Pepkt Collector; knowledge for forming a Collection of Prints. 4°. Lond. 1844. Peintikg Machine ; or, Companion to the Li- brary. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1834. Peioe, J. Life of Goldsmith. 2 v. 8° Lond. 1837. Life of E. Malone. 8° Lond. 1860. Peioe, M. Poems. See Beitish Poets, V. 15. Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1885. Peioe, R. C. A. (Transl.) Ancient Danish Ballads. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1860. Ppjson Association of New York. 1st Annual Report. (P. 23.) 8°. N.Y. 1845. Annual Reports, 3 (Part 1), 9, 10, 19, 20. 4 V. 8°. N.Y. or Albany. 1847-65. Same, 1-5, 7, 9-12, 18. (P.) 8°. N.Y. or Albany. 1845-63. Statement of Objects and Results. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Peison Discipline Society. Annual Reports, 2, 12, 13, 15, 19, 21, 22, 28, 29; for 1826-7 to '53-4. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1828- 1855. Peitchaed, a. English Patents, 1800-41. 12°. Lond. 1841. Microscopic Illustrations. See Goeing, C. R. Peitts, I. (Compiler.) Mirror of Olden Times; Border Life. 8°. Abingdon, Va. 1849. Peitzel, G. a. Thesaurus Literaturas Botan- icffi. 4°. Leip. 1851. Petvileges of the Island of Jamaica Vindi- cated. (P. 38.) 8°. Lond. 1766. Peoblem of American Destiny Solved. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Peoceduee Criminelle, instruite au Chatelet de Paris. 8°. Paris. 1790. Peoceduees in de Zaak von P. Marcus op en tegen F. A. van der Kemp. 8°. Ley- den. 1782. Peoceedings df Bar of N.Y. City on death of Chancellor Kent. (P. 46.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Peoces Celebres de la Revolution. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1814. 298 CATALOGUE OF THE Peoclamation by Congress for Thanksgiv- ing at Peace of 1815, etc, 8°. Albany. 1858. Peoclus. Fragments of. Transl. by T. Taylor. 8=. Lond. 1825. Two Treatises. Transl. by T. Taylor. 12°. Lond. 1833. Pkocteb, Adelaide A. Legends and Lyrics. 1st Series. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Poems. 16° Bost. 1863. Same. 16°. Bost 1864. Pboctee, B. "W. English Songs, etc. 12°. Bost. 1851. Essays and Tales in Prose. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1853. Life of Kean. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Marcian Colonna and Other Poems. 8°. Lond. 1820. Poems. See Milman, H. H. Pkoctek, F. History of Book of Common Prayer. 12°. Camb. 1855. Pboctee, G. History of Italy. 8°. Lond. '44. Peoctob, H. History of the Crusades. 8°. Phil. 1854. Pboctoe, R- Journey across the Andes. 8°. Lond. 1825. Pbogeess of Homoeopathy. 8°. Lond. 1847. Peogeess of Pilgrim Good Intent. 16°. N.Y. 1828- Peogeess of Eussia in the East. 8°. Lond. 1838. Peogeessive Annual for 1863. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1863. Peopeetius, S. a. Opera. 2 v. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Same. ^ee Walkee, G. S. Corpus Poet. Lat. Peotecttve War Claim Association of New York, Report. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Peopiac, G. de. Petit Tableau de Paris et desFran9ais. 18°. Paris. 1820. Peoschko, F. I. Der Schwarze Mann. 18°. Vienna. 1863. Peospective Review, v. 3-10. 8°. Lond. 1847-54. Peospectus of the Remembrancer. (P. 2.) 8°. Lond. 1818. Peotestant Episc. Church in New York. Journal of 51st Convention. (P. 56.) 8". N.Y. 1836. Journals of 52d, 63d, 77th, 79th, and 80th Conventions. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1837- 1863. Peotestant Episc. Church of the U. S. See Psalms in Metre. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Book of Common Prayer. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Peotestant Episc. Ch., etc. Pastoral Let- ter to Church in the Rebel States. (P.) 8°. Augusta, Ga. 1862. Peotestant Episc. Ch. in Vermont. Journal of 46th Convention. (P. 56.) 8°. Bur- lington. 1836. Peotestant Episc, Ch. Miss. Soc. for Sea- men in N. Y. Annual Reports, 1-20. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1845-64. Peotestant Episc. Quarterly Review, v. 1-7. 8°. N.Y. 1854-60. Peotestant in Ireland in 1853. 16°. Lond. 1854. Peotestant Vindicator, v. 2. Bound with N. Y. Observer for 1836. f°. N.Y. 1835-6. Peottd, R. History of Pennsylvania. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1797-8. Peoudhon, p. J. Les Confessions d'un Re'volutionnaire. 12°. Paris. 1850. Creation de I'Ordre dans THumanite'. 12°. Paris. 1849. La Guerre et la Paix. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1861. Idee G^nerale de la Revolution an XlXmeSiecle. 12°. Paris. 1851. Du Principe Federatif. 12°. Paris. 1863. Qu'est-ce que la Proprie'te' ? 2 v. in one. 8°. Paris. 1848. Systeme des Contradictions £cono- miques. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1846. Peout, S. Sketches, at Home and Abroad. 4°. Lond. 1844. Peout, W. Chemistry, Meteorology and Digestion. 8°. Lond. 1834. Peovidence, R.I. Directory, 1841, '44, '47, '50, '52, '64, '65. 7 v. 12°. and 8°. Prov. 1841-65. Tax List, 1850, '52. 2 v. 12°. Prov. 1850-2. Peovidence Athenaeum. Catalogue of the Library. 8°. Prov. 1837. Same. 8°. Prov. 1853. Peoyaet, L. B. L'£colier Vertueux. 18°. Lyons. 1822. Peudentius, a. C. Opera. 3 v. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Peus, Mme. Residence in Algeria. 8°. Lond. 1852. PsALMANAAZAAE, G. See EssAYS ou Rcligious Subjects. Description of Formosa. 12°. Lond. 1704. Psalms in Metre; Selected from the Psalms of David. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Pseudo-Callisthenes. See Callisthenes (Pseudo). MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 299 Public Characters; or, Contemporary Biog- raphy. 8°. Bait. 1803. pE*UBiiic Defaulters Brought to Light. (P, 5. ) 8°. N.Y. 1822. Public Library of Boston. See Boston. Public Library of Newburyport. Catalogue. 8°. Newburyport. 1857. ■ Public School Society of New York. Annual Report, 37th; with History. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1842. — Manual of Discipline and Instruction. 8° N.Y. 1850. PuBLicoLA. Thirteen Essays on Manufac- turing Policy. (P. 12.) 8°. Phil. 1830. iPucELER Muskau, L. K. H. C. von. Semi- lasso in Africa. 5v. 12°. Stuttg. '36. — Vorletzer Weltgang von Semilasso. 3 V. 12°. Stuttg. 1835. Egypt and Mehemet AH. 3 v. 12°. Loud. 1845. — Tour in England, Ireland and France. 8°. Phil. 1833. — Tutti Frutti. 12°. N.Y. 1834. PuFFENDOKF, S. Histoire de Suede. 3 v. 16°. Amst. 1743. — Introduction a I'Histoire de rUnivers. 8v. 16°. Amst. 1743-5. — Introduction to History of Europe. 2 V. 8°. Loud. 1764. — Law of Nature and Nations. f°. Lond. 1717. PuGiN, A. Specimens of Gothic Architec- ture. 2 V. 4°. Lond. 1825-6. PuGiK, A, and A. W., and Walker, T. L. Examples of Gothic Architecture. 3 v. 4°. Lond. 1838-40. PuGiN, A. W. Floriated Ornament. 4°. Lond. 1849. Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume. 4°. Lond. 1846. Pointed or Christian Architecture. 4°. Lond. 1841. PuGNA Porcorum, etc. See Specimens of Macaronic Poetry. Pujol, L. French Lessons. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1859-00. PuLsiFER, D. (Ed'r.) See Massachusetts. Plymouth Colony Records. PuLPrr Orator; a Series of Discourses. 12°. Bost. 1804. PuuszKY, Francis and Theresa. White, Red and Black; or, Sketches of American Society. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Pdlszkt, Theresa. Memoirs of a Hungarian Lady. 8°. Phil. 1850. — — Tales and Traditions of Hungarj'. 12°. N.Y. 1852. PuLTE, J. H. Homoeopathic Domestic Phy- sician. 12°. Cine. 1852. Woman's Medical Guide. 12°. Cine. 1853. Punch ; or, London Charivari, v. 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16-18, 20-23, 31. 4°. Lond, 1843-56. PuNCHARD, G. History of Congregationalism. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Punishments of China. f°. Lond. 1801. Punjab Missionary Conference, Lahore, 1862- 1863. 8°. Lodiana. 1863. PuNSHON, W. M. Lectures and Sermons. 12°. Cine. 1860. PuRDiE, T. Form and Sound. 8°. Edin. 1849. PuBRAUL of Lum Sing. 10°. N.Y. 1825. PuRSH, F. Flora Americce Septentrionalis. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1814. PusEY, E. B. Law of Marriage with Deceased Wife's Sister. 8°. Oxf. 1849. Putlitz, G. zu. Badekuren. 12°. Bost. n.d. Das Herzvergessen. 12°. Bost. n.d. NoveUen. 16°. Stuttg. 1863. Vergissmeinnicht; eine Arabeske. 12°. Bost. 1864. Was sich der Wald erzahlt. 12°. Bost. n.d. Putnam, A. Natty, a Spirit; his Portrait and Life. 16°. Bost. 1856. Putnam, A. W. History of Middle Tennes- see ; or. Life of Gen. J. Robertson. 8°. Nashv. 1859. Putnam, G. Address at Funeral of General Lowell. (P.) 8°. Camb. 1864. Putnam, G. P. American Facts. 8°. Lond. 1845. Book Buyer's Manual. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Catalogue of Books for Sale. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Chronology. 12°. N.Y. 1833. Memorandum Book of Trip to Italy, etc. 16°. N.Y. 1847. Statistics of United States. 12°. Lond. 1845. World's Progress; a Dictionary of Dates. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Same; Supplement to. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Putnam, J. P. Digest of Common Law De- cisions. See United States Digest. Digest of Equity Decisions. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1852. Putnam, Miss LI. L. Record of an Obscure Man. 12°. Bost. 1861. Tragedy of Errors. 12°. Bost. 1862. Tragedy of Success. 12°. Bost. 1862. Putnam, W. Elocution and Oratory. 12°. Auburn. 1854. 300 CATALOGUE OF THE Putnam's Home Cyclopaedia of Literature and Art. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Putnam's Monthly Magazine, v. 1-10. 8°. N.Y. 1853-7. PuTTENHAM, G. (or "W.) Arte of English Poesie. 4°. Lond. 1811. PuTTEB, J. S. Constitution of the Germanic Empire. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1790. PiJTZ, W. Manual of Ancient Geography and History. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Manual of Modern Geography and His- tory. 12°. N.Y. 1851. PuTNODE, G. de. De la Monnaie du Crddit et de rimpot. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1853. Pyckoft, J. Course of English Eeading. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Pye, H. J. Alfred, an Epic Poem. 4° Lond. 1801. Pye, J. Patronage of British Art. 8°. Lond. 1845. Pyne, G. Perspective. 1G°. Lond. 1849. Pykkee, J. L. Sammtliche Y/erke. 3 v. 8°. Stuttg. 1832-4. QuACKENBOs, G. P. Composition and Ehet- oric. 12°. N.Y. 18G5. First Lessons in Composition. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Natural Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1863. School History of the United States. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 12° N.Y. 1857. Quakebism; or, The Story of My Life. 12°. Phil. 1852. QuABANTiNE Buildiugs, Staten Island. De- struction of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Quaeantine Convention, Phil., May, 1857. Proceedings. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1857. Quaeantine Convention (Third), New York, 1859. Proceedings, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1859. QuAEiTcn, B. Catalogue of Books for Sale. 8°. Lond. 1864. QuABLES, F. Emblems, Divine and Moral. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Enchiridion. 16°. Lond. 1856. Quaeteely Christian Spectator. 10 v. 8°. N. Haven. 1829-38. Quaeteely Journal of Agriculture, v. 10-13- 8°. Edin. 1840-2. Quabteely Journal df the Chemical Society. 10 V. 8°. Lond. 1849-58. QuABTEBLY Joumal of Education. 10 v. 8°. Lond. 1831-35. QuABTEEiiY Journal of the Geological Society. Y.2-13. ST. Land. 1846-57. Same. v. 1-2. Same; Indexes. QuAETEELY Bevicw South. V. 6 QuAETEELY Joumal of Mathematics, v. 1-2. 8°. Lond. 1857-8. QuAETEEEY Joumal of Microscopical Science. V. 1-4. 8°. Lond. 1853-G. QuAETEELY Joumal of Science, v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1864. QuAETEEEY Jbumal of Science, Literature and Art. v. 1-29. 8°. Lond. 1816-30. QuAETEELY Rcview. v. 1-114. 8°. N.Y., Bost. or Lond. 1810-63. ;°. Lond. 1818. See V. 20, 40, 60. of Methodist Church, 14. 8°. Eichm. and Nashv. 1852-60. QuATEEEAGEs, A. dc. Uuitd dc I'Espece IIu- maine. 12°. Paris. 1861. QuATEEMEEE dc Qainc3% A. C. Architectes du Xle-XVIIIe Siecles. 2 v. Large 8°. Paris. 1830. Imitation of the Fine Arts. 8°. Lond. 1837. Queen Philippa's Golden Booke. 12°. Lond. n.d. Queen's College. Introductory Lectures. 16° Lond. 1849. QuEKETT, J. Histology. 8°. Lond. 1852. QuELQUES Femmes de la Eeforme. 18°. Lausanne. 1859. QuEEAED, J. M. La France Litteraire. 10 v. 8°. Paris. 1827-39. La Litterature Fran<;aise Contemporaine, 1827-40. A— Bon. 2V. 8°. Paris. 1840- 1842. Questions of the Day. 12°. Lond. 1857. QuiTELET, L. A. J. Facts, Laws, etc., of Natural Philosophy. 12° Glasgow. 1835. Theory of Probabilities. 8°. Lond. 1849. QuEVEDO y Villegas, F. G. de. Obras Es- ' cogidas. 8°. Paris. 1842. Works. 3v. 12°. Edin. 1798. QuiN, M. J. Steam Voyage down the Danube. .2v. 12°. Lond. 1836. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1836. QuiNAULT, P. Come'dies. See Eepebtoibb Ge'neral, etc. QuiNBY, M. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping Ex- plained. 12°. N.Y. 1859. QuiNCY, J. Address, Dedication of Dane Law College. (P. 44.) 8°. Camb. 1832. Address, at Leaving Mayoralty of Bos- ton. (P. 43.) 8°. Bost. 1829. Annexation of Boston and Charlestown. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1854. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 301 QuiNCY, J. Essays on Soiling Cattle. 8°. Bost. 18G0. History of Boston Athenaeum. 8°. Camb. 1851. History of Harvard University. 2 v. 8°. Ccmb. 1840. Life of J. Qiiincy, Jr. 8°. Bost. 1825. • Municipal History of Boston. 8°. Bost. 1852. QuiKcy, J. P. Charicles ; a Dramatic Poem. 12°. Bost. 185G. Lyteria; a Dramatic Poem. 12°. Bost. 1854. MS. Corrections from a Copy of the Fourth Folio of Shakspeare. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1854. QuiNCY, 111., Directory, 1864-5. 12°. Quincy. 1864. QuiNET, E. See Michelet, J. Poman Church and Modern Society. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Quint, A. H. Potomac and Kapidan, 18C1-3, 12°. Bost. 1864. QuiNTAitA, M. J. Vidas de Espanoles Cele- bres. 8°. Paris. 1845. QuiNTiLiANus, M. F. Institutes of the Ora- tor. Transl. by J. Patsall. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1774. QuiNTON, J. A. Heaven's Antidote to the Curse of Labor. 18°. N.Y. 1850. QuiNTiTS Smyrnaeus. • Post Homerica. ^ee Hesiod, in Didot's Greek Classics. • Same. 8°.*Strasburg. 1807. QniviEKEs, C. M. de. Deux Ans en Afrique. 18°. Paris. 1855. Eaebe, a., and Duncan, J. History of Kas- sia. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1854. RABEiAis, F. ffiuvres. 8^. Paris. 1838. Works. 4 V. 16°.' Lond. 1807. Same. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1845. Same. 2 v. 16° Lond. 1849. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1863. Raben, M. p. Cursus Philosophicus. 16°. Leip. 1703. Rachel. Memoirs of. 12°. KY. 1858. Racine, J. (Euvres Completes. 6 v. 8°. Paris. 1827-8. Theatre. See Eepeetoike General, etc. Letters to his Son. 18°. Lond. 1785. Eadcxiffe, a. Joumeythrough Holland and Germany, etc. 8°. Dubl. 1795. Radcliffe, C. B. Lectures on Epilepsy and other Nervous Diseases. 12°. Phil. '60. Radcliffe Library. Catalogue of Works in Medicine and Natural History. 8°. Oxf. 1835. Radiquet, M. Souvenirs de I'Amerique Es- pagnole. 12°. Paris. 1856. Rae, J. Political Economy. 8°. Bost. 1838. Raff, G. W. Manual of Pensions, Bounty, etc. 8°. Cine. 1862. Raffenel, A. Voyage dans I'Afrique Occi- dentale, with 4°. Atlas. 8°. Paris. 1846. Raffles, T. Letters from France, Savoy, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1818. Life of Rev. T. Spencer. 8°. Bost. . 1814. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Raffles, Sir T. S. History of Java. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. ' Life of. By his Widow. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1835. Rafen^esque, C. S. American Nations. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1836. Ancient History; or, Annals of Ken- tucky. 8°. Frankfort, Ky. 1824. Atf antic Journal and Friend of Knowl- edge. 8°. Phil. 1832-3. Genius of Hebrew Bible. 12°. PhiL 1838. Medical Flora of the United States. 2 V. 8°. Phil. 1838. Safe Banking. 12°. Phil. 1837. Ratn, C. C. Americas Arctiske Landes Gamle Geogrs«phie. 8°. Copenhagen. 1845. America Discovered in the 10th Cent- ury. 8°. N.Y. 1838. La De'couverte de I'Ame'rique. 8°. Co- penhagen. 1843. Ontdekking van Amerika in de Tiende Euw. (P. 41.) 8°. Leeuwarden. 1838. Ragged School Union Magazine, v. 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, in two. 8°. Lond. 1851-60. Raguet, C. Principles of Free Trade Hlus- trated. 8°. Phil. 1835. Treatise on Currency and Banking. 8°. Phil. 1839. Rahusen, R. Sammlung einiger Predigten undReden. 8°. Bremen. 1784. Ratkes, C. Notes on India. 8°. Lond. 1852. Raikes, H. Origin of English Constitution. V. 1. 8°. Lond. 1851. Raikes, T. City of the Czar. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1838. France since 1830. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1841. Journal from 1831 to 1847. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1856. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1858. Raisson, H. Code Galant. 18°. Paris. 1834. 302 CATALOGUE OF THE Raleigh, W. Works. 8 v. S''. Oxf. 1829. Discovery of Guiana. 8°. Lond. 1848. History of the World. f°. Lond. 1614. Same, continued. See Eoss, A. Poems. 4°. Lee Priory. 1813. Same. See British Poets, v. 5. Raleigh, W. Life of. 12°. Lond. 1711. Same. 12°. Lond. 1790. Ralfe, J. British Naval Chronology. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. RAiiFS, J. British Desmidiee. 8°. Lond. 1848. Eambleb (The). Se6 Johnson, S. Rambles in Sweden and Gottland. 8°. Lond. 1847. Ramel, J. P. Journals. See Salvandy, N. A. de. Paris, etc. Rammohun Roy. Precepts of Jesus. Also^ 1st and 2d Replies to Marshman. 8°. N.Y. 1825. Same. 8°. Lond. 1833. Second Reply to Marshman. 5°. Lond. 1834. Translations from the Veda. 8°. Lond. 1832. Ramsay, Albert C. (Ed'r.) Other Side of the Mexican War. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Ramsay, Allan. Works and Life. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1851. Poems. See British Poets, v. 26. Ramsay, Andrew. Geology of Arran. 8°. Glasgow. 1841. Ramsay, A. M. Philosophy of Religion. 2 v. 4°. Lond. and Glasgow. 1749-51. Ramsay, D. American Revolution. 2 v. 8°. Trenton. 1811. History of Revolution in South Caro- lina. 2 v. 12°. Trenton. 1785. History of South Carolina. 2 v. 8°. Charleston. 1809. History of United States to 1808. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1818. Life of Washington. 12°. Bait. 1818. Oration on Cession of Louisiana. (P. ) 8° Charleston. 1864. Oration on Death of Washington. (P.) 8°. Charleston. 1800. Universal History Americanized. 12 v. 8°. Phil. 1819. Vida de Jorge Washington. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1825.^ Ramsay, E. B. Scottish Life and Character. 12°. Bost. 1861. Ramsay, G. Distribution of Wealth. 8°. Edin. 1836. Human Happiness and Duty. 8°. Lond. 1853. Ramsbotham, F. H. Obstetrics. 8°. Phil, 1842. Ramsey, J. G. M. Annals of Tennessee. 8°. Charleston. ^853. Randall, H. S. Life of Jefferson. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Practical Shepherd. 12°. Rochester. 1864. Sheep Husbandry. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Randall, S. S. School System of New York. 8°. Troy. 1851. Incentives to Cultivate Geology. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Randolph, C. J. (Ed'r.) Parlor Gardener. 24°. Bost. 1861. Randolph, E. Vindication of Himself pub- lished in 1795. 8°. Richmond. 1855. Randolph, E. Address on History of Cali- fornia. 8° SanFr. 1860. Randolph, T. J. Life of Jefferson. See Jep- EERSON, T. Memoirs, etc. Bost. 1830. Randolph, J. Letters to a Young Relative. 8°. Phil. 1834. Random Recollections of an Old Doctor. 8°. Bait. 1846. Rank, J. Burgei oder die Drei Wiinsche, 16°. Vienna. 1865. Ranke, L. Civil Wars in France. 12°. N.Y. 1853. History of the Popes. 3 v. 8°. Lond. '41. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Same. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. History of the Reformation. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1845-7. History of Servia. 8°. Lond. 1847. Same. 12°. Lond. 1853. Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Nine Books of Prussian History, v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1848. Ranken, a. History of France. 9 v. 8°. Lond. 1801-22. Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of the Steam En- gine, etc. 12°. Lond. 1859. Ranking, J. Conquest of Peru, etc. , by Mon- gols. 8°. Lond. 1827. Ranking, W. H. (Ed'r.) Half-Yearly Ab- stracts of Medical Sciences, for 1851. 8°. Phil. 1851-2. Ranlett, W. H. The Architect; Designs for Cottages, etc. 2 v. 4°. N.Y. 1849. Rapelje, G. Travels in America, Europe, Asia and Africa. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Raphael, M. J. History of the Jews. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1855. Rapin, R. Critical Works. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1706-16. MKRCANTILE LIBRART. 303 Upin de Thoyras, p. de. History of Eng- land. 15 V. 8° Lond. 1728-32. ^.^Same. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1732-33. I^EY, J. S. Art of Training Horses. 16°. Lond. 1858. pASGOs Historicos de Magnanimidad y Valor. 12°. N.Y. 1835. ^Labk, E. Anglo-Saxon Grammar. 8°. Co- penhagen. 1830. UsPAiL, F . V. Nouveau Systeme de Clii- mie Organique. With 4°. Atlas. 8°. Paris. 1838. I Nouveau Systeme de Physiologie Vdgd- tale. 2v. 8°. Paris. 1837. New System of Organic Chemistry. 8°. Lond. 1834. Jathe, W. L. Manual of Gymnastics. 1G°. N.Y. 1865. Batisbonne, L. Lnpressions Litteraires. 12°. Paris. 1855. - Morts et Vivants. 12^ Paris. 1860. BUttjray, a. Vancouver's Island and British Columbia. 12°. Lond. 1862. EUxT, H. Alexander von Humboldt. 4 v. in two. 12°. Frankfort. 1860. -DerFluchunsererZeit. 2 v. 12°. Leip. 1863. - Garibaldi. 3 v. in two. 16°. Berlin. 1864. -Jean Paul. 4 v. 12°. Leip. 1861. - Theodor Korner. 2 parts in one. 16°. Leip. 1863. -Mozart. 12°. Frankfort. 1858. - Nach der Arbeit; Ulustrirter Volkskal- ender, 1859. 1860. 2 v. 12°. Frank- fort. 1859-60. William Shakespeare. 4 v. in three. 12°. Berlin. 1864. - Der Stem des Jahrhunderts, A. von Humboldt. 3 v. in one. 16°. Leip. 1860. Eauch, F. a. Psychology and Anthropology. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Eauk, J. Florian. 2 v. in one. 16°. Leip. 1853. Eatjmer, F. von. America and the Ameri- cans. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Contributions to Modem History. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1836-7. England in 1835. 8°. Phil. 1836. England in 1841. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1842. (Ed'r. ) Historischea Taschenbuch. 3d ser. 10 v. 12°. Leip. 1849-59. Same, 4th ser. v. 1-4. 12°. Leip. 1860- 1863. *— Italy and the Italians. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1840. Kaumek, F. von. Political History of Eng- land. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Eaumer, K. von. Life and System of Pesta- lozzi. 8°. Lond. 1855. PtAUPAcn, E. Nibelungen Treasure; a Tra- gedy. 18°. Lond. 1847. Kausse, J. H. Errors in Water-Cure Prac- tice. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Graefenberg Water Cure. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Eavensceoft, J. S. Works and Life. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1830. Eaven, E. Golden Dreams and Leaden Eeal- ities. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Eavenstein, E. G. Eussians of the Amur. 8°. Lond. 1861. Eawdon, Wright, Hatch, and Edson. New SecurityforBankNotes. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Eawle, W. H. Law of Covenants for Title. 8°. Phil. 1852. Eawxinson, G. Five Great Monarchies of the East. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1862. Same. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1864. Historical Evidence of the Truth of Scripture. 12°. Bost. 1860. Eawlinson, H. C. Inscription at Behiatun. 8°. Lond. 1846. Eawlings, a. Eulogy on Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1852. Eawson, J. English Synonymes. 12°. Phil. 1850. Eawson, S. S. Memoir of E. Eawson. 8°. Bost. 1849. Eawstorne, L. Gamonia; the Art of Pre- serving Game. 8°. Lond. 1837. Eay, I. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 8°. Bost. 1838. Mental Hygiene. 16°. Bost. 1863. Eay, J. Correspondence. 8°. Lond. 1848. Memorials of. See Lankestee, E. Wisdom of God in Creation. 24°. Lond. 1827. Eay, W. Poems and Life. 12°. Auburn. 1821. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1826. Eay Society Publications. See the Several Works. Eaymond, D. Thoughts on Political Econo- my. 8°. Bait. 1820. Eaymond, Mme. E. Histoire d'und Famille, etc. 16°. Paris. 1864. Les Eeves Dangereux. 16°. Paris. 1864. Eaymond, G. Life of E. W. EUiston, Come- dian. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1844. Eaymond, H. J. Administration of President Lincoln. 12°. N.Y. 1864. 304 CATALOGUE OF THE Raymond, H. J. Letters to Mr. Yancey. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Life of President Lincoln. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Political Lessons of the Eevolntion. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Eaymond, Miclxel, Mensonge. 2 v. 18°. Brussels. 1837. Raymond, Miner. Election Sermon. (P.) 8°. Bost. 185-4. Raymond, "VV. Distinguished Men of Colum- bia County. 8\ Albany. 1851. Raynal, T. G. F. Commerce des Europeens dans les Indes. 7 v. 8°. Hague. 1774. Same. 17 v. 24°. Lond. 1792. European Settlements in East and West Indies. 6 v. 12°. Edin. 1804. History of Revolution of America. 12°. Lond. 1781. Rayner, B. L. Life of Jefferson. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Same. 12°- ^°s*- 1^^^- Reach, A. B. Claret and Olives. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Read, C. R. The Australian Gold Fields. 8°. Lond. 1853. Read, H. F. Dramatic Poems. 8°. Eost. 1848. Read, HoUis. Commerce and Christianity. 18°. Phil. 1859. Hand of God in History. 12°. Hartf. 1849. Life of Babajee. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Negro Problem Solved. 12° Palace of the Great King. 1859. Read, T. B. House by the Sea. 16°. Phil. 1855. Lays and Ballads. 12°. Phil New Pastoral. 16°. Phil. 1855. The Onward Age; a Poem. 16° 1852. Poems. 16°. Phil. 1853. Same. 2 v. 10°. Phil. 1866. Summer Story, and Other Poems Phil. 1865. Sylvia; or. The Last Shepherd Phil. 1857. Reade, C. The Eighth Commandment. 12°. Bost. 1860. Reade, J. E. Prose from the South. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1847. Reade, W. W. "Savage Africa. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Veilof Isis; or. Mysteries of the Druids. 8°. Lond. 1861. N.Y. 1864. 12° N.Y. 1849. Cine. 12°. 16^ Reading, Allentown, Easton, Portsville, and Bethlehem Directory. 8°. Lancaster, Pa. 1864. Reading Directory for 1866. 12°. Albany. 1866. Readings in Poetry. 16°. Lond. 1852. Readings in Science. 16°. Lond. 1838. Reason, Revelation and Faith. 12°. Lond. 1848. Reason vs. Passion ; or, the Covent Garden Dispute. (P. 25.) 8°. Lond. n.d. Rebel Brag and British Bluster. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Eebellion (The), or All in the Wrong, (P. 25.) 8°. Lond. 1809. Eecamiee, Mme. Julie B. Souvenirs et Cor- respondance. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1860. Recent Liquiries in Theology. 12°. Eost 1860. — Same. 12°. Bost. 1861. Eecollections of the Peninsula. 12°. PhiL 1824. Eecollections of a Eamble from Sydney to Southampton. 12°. Lond. 1851. Eecollections of Eussia. 12° Edin. 1855. Recollections of Table Talk of S. Rogers; and, Porsoniana. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Recollections of the United States Army. 16°. Bost. 1845. Recokds of Salem Witchcraft. 2 v. 4°. Eox- bury. 1864. Eecokds of the Spanish Inquisition. 8°. Bost. 1828. Eeceeation; a Gift Book for the Young. 16°. Edin. 1844. Eectoe (The) Eectiiied; Eeply to Eev. W. Berrian. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Eecueil de Pieces. 9 v. 8°. Various. Eecueil de Poesie Fran9aise. 18°. Lond. 1829. Eeddie, J. International Law. 8°. Edin. 1841. Law of Maritime Commerce. 8°. Edin. 1841. Eedding, C. Modern Wines. 8°. Lond. 1833. Same. 12°. Lond. 1851. Eemaikable Misers. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1863. Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea. 16°. Lond. 1833. Eeminiscences of Thomas Campbell. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1860. Eeden, F. W. von. Deutschland und das Uebrige Europa. 8°. Wiesbaden. 1854. Eedee, C. von. Aus dem Leben eLaes Hage- stolzen. 2 v. 16°. Nordhausen. 1860. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 305 Iedfield, a. a. Hand Book of Tax Law of July 1, 18G2, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1863. iEDFLEXD, I. F. Law of Wills, and of In- sanity, etc. 8°. Bost. 1864. iEDFiELD, John H. On Cyproea Reticulata andC. Histrio. (P.) 8^. n.p. 1847. Some New Species of Shells. (P. ) 8°. n.p. 1846. Redfield Genealogy. 8°. Albany. 1860. New Species of Bullia and Marginella. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1848. Iedfield, J. S. Piedfield Genealogy. 4°. Albany. 1839. Iedfield, J. W. Comparative Physiognomy. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Iedfield, W. C. Cape Verde Hurricane of Aug. and Sept., 1853. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1854. — Causes of Hurricanes. (P. 24.) 8°. n.p. 1838. Cyclones of North Pacific. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1856. — Gales and Hurricanes of Western At- lantic. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1835. — Letter on Steamboat Explosions. (P. 24.) 8°. N.Y. 1839. (Ed'r.) Papers from Commander Rogers, etc., on Cyclones. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1856. Prevailing Storms of the Atlantic Coast. (P. 11.) 8°. n.p. n.d. - — Remarks on Espy's Theory of Storms. (P. 24.) 8°. n.p. 1839. - — Remarks on New Brunswick Tornado of June, 1835. (P. 24.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Reply to Mr. Espy. (P. 24.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Reply to Dr. Hare on Whirlwind The- ory. (P. 24.) 8°. n.p. 1842. Further Reply to Dr. Hare. (P. 24.) 8°. n.p. 1842. Storm of Dec, 1839. (P. 24.) 8°. 1841. Three Hurricanes in the Atlantic. 8°. N. Haven. 1846. ■BSbFORD, G. Body and Soul.. 8°. Lond (Ed'r.) Pastor's Sketch Book. N.Y. 1827. BDPATH, J. Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Bost. 1860. — Life of John Bro^vn. 8°. Bost, 1860. isi&PATH, J. , and HixTON, R. J. Handbook of Kansas and Rocky Mountains. 18°. N.Y. 1859. SDWOOD Library and Athenaeum. Cata- logue. 8°. Providence. 1843. 8°. Bost. 1860. 20 n.p. (P.) '47. 18°. 12°. Reed, A. Martha; a Memorial. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Reed, A., and Matheson, J. Visit to Amer- ican Churches. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Reed, A. and C. Life of Dr. Andrew Reed. 8°. Lond. 1863. Reed, C. C. Memoir of. (P. 12.) 8°. N.Y. 1832. Reed, H. Lectures on English History and Poetry. 16°. Phil. 1855. Lectures on English Literature. 12**. Phil. 1855. Life of Joseph Reed. See Sparks' Am. Biog. , 2d ser. , v. 8. Two Lectures on the American^nion. 12° Phil. 1856. • Reed, J. W. History of the Reed Family. 8°. Bost. 1861. Reed, R. T. Six Months in a Convent. 18^' Bost. 1835. Reed, S. Observations on Growth of the Mind. 18°. Bost. 1838. Reed, W. B. Life and Letters of Joseph Reed. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1847. (Ed'r. ) Letters from Gen. Washington to Jos. Reed. 8°. Phil. 1852. Reemelin, C. Vine Dresser's Manual. See Saxton's Rural Handbooks, 3d series. Rees, a. (Ed'r.) Cyclopaedia; or Universal Dictionary. 47 v. 4° Phil. n.d. Rees, J. American Dramatic Authors. 12**. Phil. 1845. Rees, W. The Mississippi Bridge Case. (P.) 8°. Rock Island. 1854. Reese, D. M. Humbugs of New York. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Epidemic in Baltimore, in 1819. 12". Bait. 1819. Phrenology Known by its Fruits. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Quakerism vs. Calvinism. 12°. N.Y. '34. Report on Moral Insanity. (P. ) 8°. Phil. 1858. Review of 1st Report of Anti-Slavery Society. (P. 15.) 8°. N.Y. 1834. Reese, J. J. Analysis of Physiology. 12". Phil. 1852. Reeve, H. Characteristics of Painters. 8°. Lond. 1842. Reeve, T. Law of Descents in United States. 8°. N.Y. 1825. Reflection on Contentions with the Col- onies. (P. 51.) 12°. Edin. 1776. Reflector (The). See Hunt, J. H. Leigh. Reformed Dutch Church in North America. Proceedings of Synod, 1771-1812. v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1859. 306 CATAI.OGUE OF THE Eetormed Dutch Church. History of Wid- ows' Fund. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1854. Refutation (A) of Letters to Prince of Wales. (P. 28.) 8°. Lond. 1806. Kegistees des Baptesmes et Sepulture au Fort Duquesne de 1753 a 1756. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Begnaed, J. F. The'atre. See Bepeetoiee General, etc. 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1813. Begnault, filias. Histoire du Gouverne- mente Provisoire. 8°. Paris. 1850. Begnault, Eugene. Criminal History of English Government. 12°. N.Y. 1843. Begnault, M. V. Crystallography. 8°. Lond. 1#18. Beichaedt, C. F. Nicaragua im Jahre 1852. 8°. Brunswick. 1854. Beiche, C. C. Discourses on Works of Na- ture. 12°. 'Phil. 1791. Beichel, S. T. Moravians in North Carolina. le*'. Salem. 1857. Beichenbach, C. von. Besearches on Mag- netism. 12°. Lond. 1850. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Besearches on Dynamics of Magnetism in Belation to Vital Force. 8°. Lond. 1850. Beichenspeegee, a. Vermischte Schriften iiberChristlicheKunst. 8°. Leip. 1856. Beid, A. English Dictionaiy. 12°. N.Y. '65. Beid, D. B. Alterations in House of Com- mons. 4°. Edin. 1825. Same. 4°. Edin. 1837. — ^Same. 8°. Lond. 1844. Examinations in Chemistry. 2 v. 12°. Edin. 1825. ■ Budiments of Chemistry. (P.) 16°. Edin. 1837. Same. 8°. Lond. 1844. Beld, H. Chemistiy of Nature. 12°. Edin. '37. Chemistry of Science and Art. 12°. Edin. 1840. Outlines of Medical Botany. 12°. Edin. 1832. Steam Engine. 12°. Edin. 1838. Beed, Mrs. H. Woman; her Education and Influence. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Beed, J. Voices of the Soul Answered in God. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Beid, M. Croquet. 12°. Bost. 1863. Beid, T., D.D. Works. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1822. — .-Same. 8°. Edin. 1836. Intellectual and Active Powers of Man. 2v. 8°. Phil. 1793. Same, abridged. 12°. Camb. 1850. Beid, T. Clock and Watch Making. 8°. Glasgow. 1849. Beid, W. Law of Stoi-ms. 8°. Lond. 1838. Law of Storms applied to Navigation. 8°. Lond. 1849. Beigaet, J. F. Life of Bobert Fulton. 8°. Phil. 1856. Beil, Dr. W. iEgypten als Winteraufent- halt fiir Kranke. 18°. Bnmswick. 1859. Beinhaed, F. V. Life and Confessions of. 12°. Bost. 1832. Plan of the Founder of Christianity, 12°. N.Y. 1831. Beligious Conference. 12°. N.Y. 1808. Belation of Maryland. 4°. N.Y. 1865. Belation of a Voyage to Buenos Ayres. 18°. Lond. 1716. Beligieuse (La). 18°. Paris. 1864. Beligion as Seen through the Church. 12'*. N.Y. 1845. Beligious Conference between Lorenzo and Evander. 12°. N.Y. 1808. Beligious Discourses, by a Layman. 12°. N.Y. 1828. Bellstab, L. Drei Jahre von Dreissigen. 3v. 8°. N.Y. 1858. 1812. Ein Historischer Boman. 4 v. in two. 16°. Leip. 1860. Bemaekable Women. 12°. Bost. 1858. Bemaeks on Banks and Banking. (P. 62.) 8° Bost. 1840. Bemaeks on Value of South Sea Stock. (P. 39.) 8°. Lond. 1720. Bemaeks in Defence of West Point Military Academy. (P. 18.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Bemaeks on Liberty of Conscience, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1828. Bemaeks on * ' Natural History of the Ves- tiges of Creation." 12°. Phil. 1846. Bemaeks on Proceedings in Parliament, on - Canada. (P. 55.) 8°. Lond. 1837. Bemaeks on Science of History. 12°. Bost. 1849. Bemaeks on Seventh Annual Beport of Mr. Mann. (P. 71.) 8° Bost. 1844. Bemembeance of Bonchurch, Isle of Wight 12°. Lond. n.d. Bemembeancee (The) of Public Events. 16 v. 18°. Lond. 1775-83. Bemington, a. G. Prose and Verse. N.Y. n. d. Beminiscences of an Emigrant Milesian. 12°. Lond. 1853. Beminiscences of an Officer of Zouaves. N.Y. 1860. Beminiscences of Thought and Feeling. Lond. 1852. Bemonstkance Against the Non-recognition of the Garay Grant. (P. 65.) 8°. n.p. n.d. 16°. 3 v. 12° 12^ MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 307 Een'an, E. Essais de Morale et de Critique. 12^ Paris. 1859. Les Peuples Sdmitiques dans I'Histoire do Civilization. 8°. Paris. 18G2. Vie de Jesus. 12". Paris. 1863. Life of Jesus. 12° N.Y. 18G4. Religious History and Criticism. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Renaudot, E. Ancient Accounts of India and China. 8°. Lond. 1733. Kendell, E. D. Antediluvian History. 12°. Bost. 1851. [Renee, A. Madame de Montmorency. 18°. Paris. 1858. Rei-jnell, J. Memoir of a Map of Hindostan. 4° Lond. 1792. Renneville, Mme. de. Biographie des Femmes Illustres. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1825. Mythologie des Demoiselles. 12°. Pa- ris. 1829. Rennie, J. Alphabet of Botany. 18°. N.Y. 1832. Alphabet of Insects. 18°. Loud. 1832. Alphabet of Medical Botany. 18°. Lond. 1834. Alphabet of Natural Philosophy. 18°. Lond. 1836. Alphabet of Natural Theology. 18°. Lond. 1834. Alphabet of Scientific Angling. 18°. Loud. 1836. Alphabet of Scientific Gardening. 18°. Lond. 1836. - — Alphabet of Zoology. 18°. Lond r Architecture, Habits, etc., of 3v. 16°. Lond. 1835. Natural History of Birds. 16° 1844. Supplement to the Pharmacopoeias. 8°. Lond. 1833. NNiE, J., and Westwood, J. O. Insect Architecture, etc. 3 v. 12°. Lond. and Bost 1830-31. NOUAKD, A. A. Annales de I'lmprimerie des Aides, 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1825. asEuvER County Sunday School Union. Report of. (P. 56.) 8°. Troy. 1837. Unwick, J, Discourse on De Witt Clinton. (P.) 8°. N.Y 1829. Elements of Mechanics. 8°. Phil. 1832. First Principles of Natural Philosophy. 12°. N.Y 1842. Life of De Witt CHnton. 18° N.Y 1840. Life of Robert Fulton. See Sparks Am. Biog,, Istser., v. 10. 1838. 2 v. N.Y. 1833. Birds. N.Y. Renwick, J. Lives of Jay and Hamilion. 18°. N.Y. 1840. Life of Rittenhouse. See Spaeks' Am. Biog., 1st ser.. v. 8. '^ ■ Life of Count Rumford. See Spaeks* Am. Biog. , 2d ser. , v. 5. Outlines of Geology. 12°. N.Y. Outlines of Natural Philosophy. 8°. N.Y. 1822-3. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1826. Treatise on Steam Engine. 8°. 1830. Repebtoiee Ge'ndral du The'atre Fran9ais. 61 V. 12°. Paris. 1813. V. 1-3. P. Corneille.— V. 4. T. Corneille. — ^v. 5-7. Racine. — v. 8-9. Crdbillon.— V. 10-13. Voltaire.— v. 14- 20. Moliere.— V. 21-23. Regnard.— V. 24. Rotrou. — v. 25. Lagrange de Chancel. — v. 26. De Pompignan. — V. 27. Saurin. — v. 29. Diderot. — ^v. 30,49. Beamarchais.— V. 31. Qui- nault.— V. 32. Boursault.— v. 33-4. — Dancourt. — v. 35. Brue'ys. — v. 36. Dufresny.— V. 37. Baron.— v. 38. Le Sage, Lemierre. — v. 39. N. Des- touches. — V. 40-1. G. N. Destouches. — y. 42. De Marivaux.— v. 43. De Boissy. — V. 44. D'Allainval. — v. 45. De la Chaussde. — v. 46. Gresset. — v. 47. Colld.— V. 48. T. Barthe.— v. 49. See V. 30.— V. 50. De Chabannes.— v. 51. De Bievre. Repeetorium Bibliographicum ; or, British Libraries. 8°. Lond. 1819. Repeetoey of Patent Inventions. v. 10-18, and Enlarged Series, v. 1-31; vath Index. 41 v. 8°. Lond. 1832-58. Reply to "Ballantyne Humbug Handled." 2v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Reply to "Bible Reader." (P. 23.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Reply to the Remonstrance of Trinity Church. (P. 54.) 8°. N.Y 1846. Same; rejoinder to, in MS., bound with preceding. Report of Award on the Greek Frigates. (P. 7.) 8°. N.Y. 182G. Report of Committee on Life Boat Models. f°. Lond. 1851. Report of Committee of Citizens of Boston on Increase of Duties. (2d copy, P. 8.) 8°. Bost. 1827. Report of the D'Hauteville Case. 8°. Phil. 1840. Report on Explosion of Steamboat New England. (P. 24.) 8°. N. Haven. *33. 308 CATALOGUE OF THE Report of the Merchants of Liverpool on the Payment of the Town Dues. 8°. Lond. 1835. Report in Warner and Ray vs. Beers, "and Bolander vs. Stevens. (P. 19.) 8° N.Y. 1840. Reports and Documents of N. Y. and Har- lem, N. Y. and Albany, and N. Y. and Housatonic R. R. Companies. 8^ N.Y. 1838-40. Reports on Progress of Zoology and Botany, 1841-2. Reports of Houses of Refuge, Reform and Industrial Schools, Homes for the Destitute. Bound together. 17 v. 16° and 18°. var.p. var.d. Reports of Ragged Schools in Great Britain. Bound together. 6 v. 16°. and 8°. var.p. var.d. Reports of Reform Schools in Great Britain and Ireland. Bound together. 8°. var.p. var.d. • Reports on Zoology for 1843-4. 8°. Lond. 1847. Reprint of the Reed and Cadwallader Pamphlets. 8°. n.p. 1863. Republic of Letters ; a republication of Standard Works, v. 3-5. 8°. N.Y. 1835. Republic of the United States; its Duties, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Republican Convention, Pittsburgh. Pro- ceedings. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Republican Convention, Chicago. Proceed- ings. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1860. Republican Quarterly Review. v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Rebesby, J. Travels and Memoirs. 8°. Lond. 1821. Restaut, p. Grammaire Fran9aise. 18°. Amsterdam. 1770. Restoration of Belief. 12°. Phil. 1853. Retrospective Review, 1820-28, and 1853-4. 8v. 8°. Lond. 1820-54. Retz, J. F. de. Me'moires, par Lui-meme. 2v. 12°. Paris. 1844. Memoirs of Himself. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1817. Retzsch, M. Umrisse zu Schiller's Lied von der Glocke. 4''. Stuttg. 1837. Illustrations of Faust. 4°. Lond. 1843. Reumont, a. de. Carafas of Maddaloni. 12°. Lond. 1854. Zeitgenossen Biografien und Karakter- istiken. 2 v. 12°. Berlin. 1862. , W. T. Trade between Great Britain and the United States. 8°. Lond. 1833- Reuter, F. bile Kamellen. 2 v. in one. 16**. Wiemar. 1865. Reveille-Parise, J. H. Physiologic et Hy- giene. 8°. Brussels. 1840. Revelations of Russia. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1844. Revely, H. Works of the Masters in Schools of Design. 8°. Lond. 1820. Revere, J. W. Tour in California. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Revett, N. See Stuart, J. Review of the "American in Egypt." (P. 21.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Review of Brougham's Translation of Demos- thenes. 12°. Lond. 1840. Review of Dr. Channing's Dedication Ser- mon, etc. (P. 9.) 8°. Bost. 1827. Review of the Decision on the Manor Ques- tion. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1859. RE^^DEW of Grounds for Legislative Interfer- ence with Trinity Church. (P. 54.) 8°. Albany. 1846. Review of Basil Hall's Travels in North America. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1830. Review of Kennedy's Discourse on Lord Bal- timore. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1846. Review of the Lady Superior's Reply to " Six Months in a Convent." 8°. Bost. 1835. Review of the Laws of the United States, Provinces, etc. 8°. Lond. 1790. Review of New Themes for the Protestant Clergy, etc. 12°. Phil. 1852. Review of Spring on Native Depravity. (P. 14.) 8°. N.Y. 1833. Review of the Tract Controversy. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1845. Review of Trade, etc., of New York from 1815. (P. 4.) 8°. N.Y. 1820. Revival (The) and its Lessons. 24°. N.Y. 1858. Revoil, B. H. L'Ange des Prairies. 16°. Paris. 1864. Chasses et Peches de I'autre Monde. 16°. Paris. 1856. Les Parias du Mexique. 16°. Paris. 1865. La Sireno de I'Enfer. 16°. Paris. 1864. La Tribu du Faucon Noir. 16°. Paris. 1863. Revolutions de Paris. 19 v. 8°. Paris. 1790-1805. Revue Contemporaine. 42 v. 8°. Paris. 1856-64. Revue Critique des Livres Nouveaux. v. 18-22. 8°. Paris. 1850-54. Revue des Deux Mondes. 84 v. 8°. Paris. 1842-64. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 309 ruE Encyclop^dique. v. 45-52. 8°. Paris. 1830-31. r.F.vuEFran^aise. 7 v. 8°. N.Y. 1834-7. '.WE Germanique. v. 12-30. 8*^. Paris. 1860-4. vuE Natioiiale et fitrangere. v. 16-18. 8°. Paris. 1864. ju':vuE de Nouveau Monde. v. 1-4. 8°. N.Y. 1850. l^KVUE de Paris, 1839-40, 1851-56. 24 v. 8°. Paris. 1839-56. Iii'ivuE des Romans des Plus Ce'lebres Ro- manciers. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1831. YBAUD, Mme. C. Espagnoles et Fran9aises. 12°. Paris. 1863. — L'Oncle Cesar. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1859. — Ce qu'on pent voir dans une Rue. 16°. Paris. 1860. YBAUD, L. La Comtesse de Mauleon. 16°. Paris. 1859. — Le Coq du Clocher. 12°. Paris. 1856. — Le Coton; son^^girae, Ses Problemes, etc. 8°. Paris. 1863. Le Dernier des Commis Voyageurs, etc. 16°. Paris. 1863. £conomistes Modemes. 8°. Paris. 1862. £tudes sur les Reformateurs. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1848. L'Industrie en Europe. 12° Paris. 1856. Jerome Paturot et une Position Sociale. 2 V. in one. 16°. Paris. 1847. — Jerome Paturot et les Rdpubliques. 4 V. 12°. Paris. 1849. — Mathias I'Humoriste. 16°. Paris. 1860. — La Vie a Rebours. 16°. Paris. 1860. Beynaud, a. a. L. Traitd de Mathdmatiques, de Physique, et de Chimie. 8°. Paris. 1824. Reynaud, J. Portraits Contemporains. 12°. Paris. 1859. Reynolds, E. Use of the Eyes; also, Hitch- cock on Geology, etc. ; Channing on National Literature; Negris on Modern Greek Literature; Robinson's German Universities; Reynolds on Physical Culture, etc.; Edwards' Slavery in Ancient Greece. 16°. Edin. 1835. Reynolds, E. W. Our Campaign; or. Thoughts on Life. 12°. Bost. 1851. Eeynolds, F. The Dramatist, a Comedy. (P. 74.) 8°. Lond. 1793. Life of Himself. 2 v. in one. 8°. Phil. 1826. - — Notoriety; a Comedy. (P. 74.) 8°. Load. 1793. Reynolds, G. Introduction to Merchant's Accounts. 8°. Lond. 1829. Reynolds, J. Complete Works. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1824. Discourses. 4'^. Lond. 1842. Literary Works. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1835. Same. 16°. Lond. 1852, Reynolds, J. N. Address on Expedition to the Pacific. 8°. N.Y. 1836. Voyage round the World. 8°. N.Y. 1835. Rhazes. Small-pox and Measles. TransL by Greenhill. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1848. Rhees, W. J. List of Public Libraries. 8°. PhiL 1859. Rhind, W. Age of the Earth. 12°. Edin. 1838. — »r Elements of Geology and Geography. 12°. Edin. 1837. Rhind, W. G. Six Days of Creation. 12". PhiL 1855. Rhoads, J. Primary Arithmetic. 12°. Phil. 1844. Second Part of Arithmetic. 12°. Phil. 1849. Rhode Island Geological and Agricultural Survey, by C. T. Jackson. 8°. ProT. 1840. Index to Proceedings of the General As- sembly, 1758 to 1850. 8°. Pro v. 1856. Proceedings of General Assembly in 1647. 8°. Prov. 1847. Records of Colony and State, 1636-1783. 9v. 8°. Prov. 1856-64. Report on Poor and Insane, by T. R. Hazard. 8°. Prov. 1851. Report on Public Schools, etc., for 1854, by E. R. Potter. 8°. Prov. 1855. Rhode Island Educational Magazine, v. 1. 8°. Prov. 1852. Rhode Island Historical Society. Collec- tions. 5v. 8°. Prov. 1827-43. Rhode Island Institute of Instruction. Journal. 3 v. 8°. Prov. 1846-49. Rhododaphne; a Poem. 12°. Lond. 1818. RicARDO, D. Political Economy and Taxa- tion. 8°. Georgetown, D. C. 1819. RiCAEDO, J. L. Anatomy of the Navigation Laws. 8°. Lond. 1847. Ricaedo, S. a National Bank. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1838. Observations on Money Pressure. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1837. Ricci, S. de. Female Convents. 12°. N.Y. 1834. Rice, E. L. Introduction to American Lit- erature. 12°. Cine. 1846. 310 CATALOGUE OF THE Life of J. B. Taylor, KiCE, J. H. and B. H. 12°. N.Y. 1833. I Rice, N. L. Komanism the Enemy of Edu- cation, etc. 12°. Cine. 1853. Ten Letters on Slavery. (P. ) 24°. St. Louis. 1856. EiCE, N. P. Trials of a Public Benefactor; or, Etherization. 12°. N.Y. 1859. KicE, W. Pastor's Manual. 16°. Springfield. 1863. KiCH, C. J. Journey to Site of Babylon. 8°. Lond. 1839. Residence in Koordistan. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. KicH, G. E. , and Wainweight, J. H. Ephem- era. 16°. Bost. 1852. EiCH, 0. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. 2 v. 8° Lond. 1835-46. Catalogue of Books on America. 8°. Lond. 1832. Richard, G. Substitute of Steam. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1825. Richard of Cirencester, ^ee Giles, J. A. Six Old English Chronicles. Richards, Mrs. C, H. B. Springs of Action. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Richards, G. Sermon on Death of D. Web- ster. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Richards, Maria T. Life in Judea. 12°. Phil. 1854. Richards, W. Compleat Penman. 4°. Lond. 1753. Richards, W. C. Day in the New York Crystal Palace. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Richardson, — . Ode to a Singing Bird. See British Poets, v. 37. Richardson, A. D. Secret Service, the Field, the Dungeon and the Escape. 8°. Hartf. 1865. Richardson, C. English Dictionary. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1839. English Philology. 4°. Lond. 1815. Richardson, C. J. Studies of Ornamental Design. 1"°. Lond. 1848. Richardson, D. L. Literary Leaves. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1840. Richardson, Mrs. E. Proceedings in 2nd Church in Reading. (P. 69.) 12°. Charlestown. 1832. Richardson, E. J. Oration, July 4, 1850. (P. 44.) 8°. Utica. 1850. Richardson, G. F. Geology for Beginners. 12°. Lond. 1843. Richardson, H. D. Dogs. 12°. Dubl. 1847. Domestic Fowls. See Saxton's Rural Handbooks, 1st ser. Hive and Honey bee. 16^ Dubl. 1849. I Richardson, H. D. Hive and Honey-Bee. See Saxton's Rural Handbooks, 1st ser. The Hog. See same. The Horse. See same. Pests of the Farm. See same. Richardson, Jas. Travels in Morocco. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1860. Travels in Sahara. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Richardson, Rev. Jas. Two Farewell Ser- mons. (P. 34.) 8°. Bost. 1847. Richardson, Sir John. Arctic Expedition. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1851. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Franklin's Second Expedition to Polar Sea. 8°. Phil. 1828. Richardson, J. , Swainson, "W., and Kirby, W. Fauna Boreali- Americana. 3 v. 4°. Lond. 1829-32. Richardson, J. , and others. Zoology of Capt. Beechey's Voyage 4°. Lond. 1839. Richardson, M. A. Romance of the English and Scottish Border. 8 v. in four. 8°. Newcastle. 1846. Richardson, M. Horsemanship. 12°. Lond. 1853. Richardson, R. Travels along the Mediter- ranean. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1822. Richardson, W. Shakspeare's Characters. 8°. Lond. 1812. RiCH^yRDsoN, W. A. Banking Laws of Mas- sachusetts. (P.) 8°. Lowell. 1852. Richardson, "W. H. Journal of a Soldier in Mexico. 12°. Bait. 1848. RiCHE, B. Eight Novels. See SnAKSPE^yss Society. RicHER,E. The Religion of Good Sense. 16°. Belfast. 1852. RiCHERAND, A. Elements of Physiology. 8°. PhiL 1825. RiCHESsE (La) de la HoUande. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1778. Richmond, J. W. Rhode Island Repudia- tion. 8°. Prov. 1855. Richmond, L. Annals of the Poor. 16°. N.Y. ■ 1850. Domestic Portraiture. 12°. N.Y. 1833. RicHTER, J. p. F. Sammtliche Werke. 5 v. 8°. Paris. 1836-7. Das Schonste, etc., aus Seiner Schriften. 11 V. 16°. Leip. 1826-37. Campaner Thai, etc. 12°. Bost. 1864. Levana. 12°. Lond. 1848. Same. 12°. Bost. 1863. Same. 12°. Bost. 1864. Life of. 2 V. 12° Bost. 1842. t I i MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 311 KiCHTHOFEN, R K. H., von. Politischen Zustande der Mexico. 8° Berlin. 1859. RicKARD, F. I. Mining Journey across the Andes. 12°. Lond. 1863. BiCKARDs, G. K. Population and CapitaL 12°. Lond. 1854. RiCKETsoN, D. History of New Bedford- 12°. N. Bedford. 1858. Rickey, A. S. Forest Flowers of the West. 12°. Phil. 1851. RicoRD, Mrs. E. Philosophy of Mind. 12°. Geneva, N.Y. 1840. RicoRD, F.W. Stories of Ancient Rome. 16°. N.Y. 1852. RicoRD, P. Illustrations of Syphilis; with Bibliography, etc., by P. B. Goddard. 4°. Phil. 1852. Letters on Sjphilis. 8°. Phil. 1852. EiDDELL, J. L. Catalogus Florae Ludovicianse. (P.) 8° n.p. n.d. Drawings for the Stereoscope. (P. ) 8°. n.p. n.d. Introductory Lecture to Medical Stu- dents. (P.) 8°. N.O. 1851. • Microscopic Observations on Yellow Fe- ver. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Monogi-aph of the Silver Dollar. 8°. N.O. 1845. Lindsay's Plan of Aerial Navigation, etc. (P.) 8°. N.O. 1847. Riddle, J. E. Illustrations of Aristotle, from Shakspeare. Oxf. 1832. Manual of Christian Antiquities. 8°. Lond. 1839. RiDGELY, D. (Ed'r.) Annals of Annapolis. 12°. Bait. 1841. Ridley, G. Review of Phillips' Life of Re- ginald Pole. 8°. Loud. 1766. RiDNER, J. P. Artist's Chromatic Handbook. 12°. N.Y. 1860. RiDPATH, G. Border History of England and Scotland. 4°. Lond. 1776. RiEDESEL, Mme. Friederike C. L. von. Let- ters on the War of Independence. 12°. N.Y. 1827. RiEHL,W. H. Culturgeschichtliche Novellen. 16°. Stuttg. 1864. Reethmuller, C. J. Hamilton and his Con- temporaries. 12°. Lond. 1864. EiTFAULT, J. R. de. Manuel de Chimie. 18°. Paris. 1825. BiFLE (The) ; Its Uses and Advantages in War. 8°. Lond. 1852. Eights of Morality. 16°. Lond. 1832. Eights of Parliament Vindicated in Stamp Act. (P. 38.) 8^ Loud. 1766. RiKEB, J. Annals of Newtown, N. Y. 8*^. N.Y. 1852. RiLET, J. Shipwreck of Brig Commerce. 8°. N.Y. 1817. RiLLiET, M. A. Calvin and Servetus. 12°. Edin. 1846. RiLUET, F., and Barthez, E. On Pneumo- nia. 8°. Phil. 1839. Revebault, E. F. Bibliotheca Madrigaliana. 8°. Lond. 1841. Book of Songs and Ballads. 12°. Lond. 1851. RiMMEL, E. Book of Perfimies. 12°. Lond. 1865. RiMMER, W. Elements of Design. 8°. Bost 1864. Ring, M. Milton iind seine Zeit. 12°. Frankf. 1857. Rosenki-euzer und Illuminaten. 4 v. in ^wo. 16°. Berlin. 1861. Vaterlandische Geschichten. 2 v. in one. 18°. Berlin. 1862. RiNGELBERGius, J. F. Dc Ratioue Studii. From Latm, by G. B. Earp. 12°. PhiL 1847. Ringgold, €. Charts of the Coast of Califor- nia. r.^°. Wash. 1851. Same, 1^.8°. Wash. 1852. RiNTOUL, A. L. Guide to Painting Photo- graphs. 16°. Lond. n.d. Rio, a. del. Ruins of Ancient City in Guate- mala. Also, History of Americans; by P. F. Cabrera. 4°. Lond. 1822. Rio Grande, Depot and Port on. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. RiOFREY, A. M. B. Physical Education. 8°. Lond. 1838. Ripley, E. *Histoi'y of Concord Fight. (P. 13.) 8°. Concord. 1832. Ripley, G. Latest Forms of Infidelity. 8°. Bost 1840. Specimens of Foreign Standard Litera- ture. 15 V. See the SejDarate Works. Ripley, G., and Taylor, B. Handbook of Literature and Fine Arts. 12°. N. Y. 1852. Ripley, R. S. War with Mexico. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Rise and Progress of the Dispute between People of America and Administration. (P. 51.) 8°. Lond. n.d. RisHANGEB, W. de. Chronicle of the Barons' Wars. See Camden Society. RisTORi, Adelaide. Life of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. '63. Ritchie, Jas. 10th Annual Report of the Ministry at Large in Roxbury. (P. 77.) 8°. Roxbury. 1859. 312 CATALOGUE OF THE ErrcHiE, J. S. Wisconsin and its Eesoiirces, 12°. Phil. 1857. Ritchie, L. Russia and the Russians. 12°. Phil. 1836. The Wye and its Associations. 12°. Lond. 1841. Ritchie, R. The Farm Engineer. 8°. Glas- gow. 1849. Railways; their Rise, Progress, etc. 12°. Lond. 1846. Ritchie, W. Geometry Applied. 12°. Lond. 1833. ■ Differential and Integral Calculus Ap- plied. 12°. Lond. 1847. RiTNEE, J. Vindication of Gen. Washington. (P. 41.) 8°. Harrisb. 1837. RiTSON, Jos. (Ed'r.) Ancient Songs and Ballads. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1829. Annals of the Caledonians. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1828. • Bibliographia Poetica. 12°. Lond. 1802. English Anthology. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1793. Letters. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1833. Life of King Arthur. 12°. Lond. 1825. Northern Garlands. 12°. Lond. 1810. Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry. 12®. Lond. 1833. Robin Hood. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1832, Select Colled ion of English Songs. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1813. RiTTER, A. Moravian Church in Philadel- phia. 8°. Phil. 1857. RiTTER. C. Allgemeine Erdkunde. 8°. Ber- lin. 1862. Geschichte der Erdkunde und der Ent- deckungen. 8°. Berlin. 1861. Geographical Studies. 12°. Bost. 1863. RiTTEE, H. History of Ancient Philosophy. 4v. 8°. Oxford. 1838-46. Rival Impostors ; Two Letters to G. W. Wardle and W. Cobbett. (V. 21.) 8°. Lond. 1809. RivAKOL, A. C. ffiuvres. 12°. Paris. 1852. RivERO, M. E., and Tschudi, J. J. von. Peruvian Antiquities. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Rivers, T. The Orchard House. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Rives, W. C. Life and Times of James Madison. 8°. Bost. 1859. Riviere, H. La Posse'dee, etc. 12°. Paris. '63. RiviSTA Contemporanea. v. 6-31. 8°. Turin. 1856-62. Roads and Railroads, Vehicles and Travelling. 12°. Lond. 1839. RoBACK, C. W. Astrology and Magic. 8°. Bost. 1854. RoBBERDS, J. W. Life and Writings of Wm. Taylor. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1843. RoBBiNS, C. History of the Second Church in Boston. 8°. Bost. 1852. Bobbins, E. English History. 12°. N.Y. '43. Grecian History. 12°. N.Y. 1833. Robert, A. Le Combat de THonneur. 16°. Paris. 1864. Les Diables Roses. 4 v. 18°. Paiis. 1858. Robert, Clemence. Die Gr'afin von Lussan. 18°. Bockenheim. 1863. Un Mariage de Haine. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. Les Victimes du Fanatisme. 16°. Paris. 1864. Robert, Cyprien. Die Slawen der Tiirkei. 16°. Stuttg. 1851. Robert du Var. Histoire de la Classe Ouvriere. 4 v. in 2. 8°. Paris. 1845. Robert of Gloucester. See Hearne, T. Roberts, Edmund. Embassy to Cochin Chi- na, Siam and Muscat. 8°. N.Y. 1837. Roberts, Emma. Memoirs of the Houses of York and Lancaster. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1827. Scene? and Characteristics of Hin- dostan. 2v. 12°. Phil. 1836. Roberts, G. Dictionary of Geological Terms. 12°. Lond. 1839. Roberts, J. Oriental Illustrations of Scrip- ture. 8°. Lond. 1844. Roberts, Mary. Conchologist's Companion. 12°. Lond. 1834. Popular History of MoUusca. Eq.l6°. Lond. 1851. Progress of Creation. 16°. Lond. 1846. Seaside Companion. 12°. Lond. 1835. Roberts, O. W. Voyages and Excursions in Central America. 16°. Edin. 1827. Roberts, W. Looker-on. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1808. Roberts, W. , Esq. History of Letter Writ- ing. 8°. Lond. 1843. Life of H. More. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1834. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Roberts, W. H. Poems. See British Poets, V. 37. Robertson, D. Trial of Aaron Burr. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1808. Robertson, F. W. Lectures on Literary and Social Topics. 12°. Bost. 1859. Life and Letters. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1865. On St. Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians. 12°. Bost. 1860. Sermons Preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton. 5 v. 12°. Bost. 1859-64. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 313 BoBEETsoN, Jas. Mission of the Secession Church to Nova Scotia. 12° Edin. '47. Robertson, Rev. Jas. Secret Mission to Danish Islands in 1808. 16°. Lond. '63. Robertson, Jas. C. Becket, a Biograj^hy, 12°. Lond. 1859. History of the Christian Church. 8°. Lond. 1854. Robertson, Jos. Theological Lectures. 8°. Edin. 1806. Robertson, J. P. and W. P. Four Years in Paraguay. 2 v. 16°. Phil. 1838. BoBEETSoN, T. The Whole French Lan- guage. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Robertson, \V. Dictionary of Latin Phrases. 12°. Lond. 1829. ioBERTSoN, W. Historical Works. 6 v. 8°. Edin. 1813. Ancient India. 8°. Phil. 1812. History of America. 12°. Phil. 1799. Same. 2 v. 8°. Albany. 1822. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1829. Same, abridged. 16°. N.Y. 1848. History of Reign of Charles V. 3 v. 8°. Albany. 1822. Same. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1857. Same. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1860. . Same. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1864. — History of Scotland under Mary; also, Ancient India. 8°. N.Y 1829. History of South America. See Knapp, S. L. 'Library of American History. loBERTsoN, W. H. Treatise on Diet and Regimen. 16°. Lond. 1838. k)BERTS0N, W. P. Visit to Mcxico, etc. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. k)BESPiERRE et ses Complices. See France. Rapport, etc. OBiNsoN, — . History of England. 12°. Title wanting. OBINSON, A. Life in California. 12°. N.Y. 1846. OBiKSON, C. Discoveries in the West until 1519. 8°. Richmond. 1848. OBINSON, E. German Universities. See Reynolds, E. BiNsoN, E., and Smith, E. Biblical Re- searches in Palestine. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1841. Maps to Same. See Kiepebt, H. Later Researches in Palestine. 8°. Bost. 1856. Memoir of Rev. W. Robinson and his Ancestors. 8°. N.Y. 1859. )BiNsoN, Mrs. T. A. L. (Talvi.) Language and Literature of the Slavic Nations. 12°. N.Y 1850. Robinson, T. California and its Gold Re- gion. 8°. N.Y 1845. Mexico and her Chieftains. 12°. Phil. 1847. Organization of United States Army. 2v. 12°. Phil. 1848. Robinson, H. B. Life of General Sir T. Picton. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Robinson, H. N. Mathematical Recreations. 8°. Albany. 1851. Robinson, J. C. Catalogue of Soulages Col- lection. 8°. Lond. 1857. Robinson, J. H. Expedition up the Oronoco, etc. 8°. Lond. 1822. Robinson, J. H. Religion of Manhood. 12°. Bost. 1854. Robinson, Jas. Art of Making British Wines, etc. 16°. Lond. 1848. Robinson, Jas. Merchants', Students', and Clerks'. Manual. 8°. Bost. 1856. Robinson, John. Archaeologia Graajca. 8°. Lond. 1807. Robinson, Mary. Life, by herself. See Charke, C. Robinson, Sam. Catalogue of American Min> erals. 8°. Bost. 1825. Robinson, Sara T. L. Kansas. 12°. Bost 1856. Robinson, T. Last Days of Bp. Heber. 16°. N.Y. 1831. Scripture Characters ; with Memoir. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1837. Robinson, T. R. Poems. 16°. Brooklyn. '08. Robinson, W. D. Mexican Revolution. 8°. Phil. 1820. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1821. RoBisoN, J. Proofs of a Conspiracy against European Religion and Govemmente, 8°. Phil. 1798. RoBSON, J. Residence in Hudson's Bay. 8*. Lond. 1752. RoBsoN, W. Life of Cardinal Richelieu. 12°. Lond. 1854. RoccA, A. J. M. de. War of the French in Spain. 8°. Phil. 1823. Same. 2 v. 18°. Edin. 1831. RocHAU, A. L. Wanderings through Italian Cities. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. Roche, M. Book Keeping. 8°. Phil. 1835. Rochefort, C. de. Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles. 4°. Rotter- dam. 1565. Rochester, J. Wilmot, Earl of. Poems. See British Poets, v. 10. Rochester Directory for 1841, '44, '45-6, '47- 8, '49-50, '51-2, '55-6, '63-4. 8 v. 12*'. and 8°. Rochester. 1840-55. 314 CATALOGUE OF THE BocHESTEE and Monroe County Business Di- rectory, 18G5. 8°. Rochester. 1865. Rock Island Directory, 1855-6, '56-7. 2 v. 12°. Eock Island. 1855-6. .EocK Island and its Surroundings in 1853. (P.) 8°. Rock Island. 1854 EocK Life Assurance Company. Deeds, etc. 8°. Lond. 1854. EocKiNGHAM, Marquis of. Memoirs of. See Wentwokth, C. W. ' EocKWELL, C. Sketches of Foreign Travel. 2v. 8°. Bost. 1842. EoDD, T. Catalogue of Books. 8°. Lond. '32. Same. 8°. Lond. 1837. (Transl.) Charles the Great; and, Spanish Ballads. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1812. Bode, C. R. United States Post-Office Di- rectory. 8°. N.Y. 1853. EoDENBERG, J. A Pilgrimage through Ire- land. 12°. Lond. 1861. . EoDGEKS, J. Sermon, Thanksgiving, 1783. (P. 52.) 8°. N.Y. 1784. EoDGEBs, M. M. Contagious Diseases. (P.) 8°. Rochester. 1854. Roe, F. a. Naval Duties and Discipline 12°. N.Y. 1865. EoE, R. Introduction to Book-Keeping. 8° Lond. 1825. Radiography; a System of Short-hand 8°. Lond. 1821. Roebuck, J. A. Colonies of England. 8° Lond. 1849. History of the Whig Ministry. 2 v. 8° Lond. 1852. EoELKER, B. Constitutions of France. 12° Bost. 1848. Manual for the Use of Notaries Public 8°. N.Y. 1853. , ) RoELLNER, F. Das Monarchische Princip 8°. Brunswick. 1856. EoEMEB, J. Cavalry; its History and Uses in War. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Dictionary of French and English Idi- oms. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Polyglot Reader. 12°. N.Y. 1855. RoEssLE, T. Gardener's Handbooks, v. 1. 8°. Albany. 1860. Roger, C. Collation of English Translations of the Holy Scriptures. 4°. Lond. '47. Eogeb of Wendover. Flowers of History. 2 V. 16°. Lond. 1849. Rogers, D. New York City Hall Recorder. V. 1-4 in two. 8°. N.Y. 1816-19. Trial of Hall vs. Grant for Slander. (P. 3.) 8°. Elizabethtown. 1821. Eogebs, Eliza. Lives of the Caesars. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1811. Rogers, E. C. Automatic Powers of the Brain. 12°. Bost. 1853. Philosophy of Mysterious Agents. 12°. Bost. 1853. Rogers, H. Defence of "The Eclipse of Faith." Also, Newman's Reply. 12°. Bost. 1854. Eclipse of Faith. 12°. Lond. 185i Same. 12°. Bost. 1852. Greyson Letters. 12°. Bost. 1857. Reason and Faith. 16°. Lond. 1850. Same. 18°. Bost. 1853. Rogers, H. D. Geological Surveys. See Ne"v\ Jersey; Pennsylvania. Rogers, H. D., and Johnston, A. K. Atla^ of North America. f°. Lond. 1857. Rogers, H. J. Telegraph Dictionary. 8°. Bait. 1845. Rogers, J. W. Appeal for Irish Peasantry. 8°. Lond. 1847. Rogers, N. P. Selections from Writings of, 12°. Concord. 1847. Rogers, R. Account of North America. 8°. Lond. 1765. Journal during the Late War. 8°. Lond. 1765. Rogers, R., and Col. Bradstreet, Diary of the Siege of Detroit. 8°. Albany. 1860. Rogers, S. Poems. 16°. Lond. 1827. Same. 12°. Bost. 1854. Italy. 18°. Phil. 1823. -^-Same. 12°. N.Y. 1823. Pleasures of Memory. Also, Pains of Memory, by R. Merry. 18°. N.Y. '20. Table Talk. Also, Porsoniana. IG'. N.Y. 1856. Same. 12°. Bost. 1859. Rogers, S., Campbell, T., Montgomery, J., Lamb, C. and Kirke White. Poems. 8°. Phil. 1836. Rogers, T. J. Lives of the Departed Heroes, etc., of America. 16°. N.Y. 1834. New American Biographical Dictionary. 8°. Easton. 1824. Rogers, W. B. Geological Survey of Vir- ginia. See Virginia. Rogers, W. Voyage Round the World. 12°. Lond. 1712. RoGET, P. M. Animal Physiology. 8". Lond. 1830. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1836. Physiology and Phrenology. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1838. Thesaurus of English Words, etc. 8*. Lond. 1852. Same. 12°. Bost. 1854. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 315 BtooET, p. M. Treatises on Electricity, Gal- vanism, etc. 8''. Lond. 1832. EtoKiTANSKY, C. Pathological Anatomy, v. 2. 8°. Lond. 1849. Roland, G. Treatise on Fencing. 8°. Edin. 1823. SoiiAND de la Platiere, Mme. M. J. P. Me- moires. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1827. Appeal to Posterity. 8°. N.Y. 1798. boLES, J. Inside View of Slavery. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. loLLiAD CThe) ; Probationary Odes, etc. 8°. Lond. 1799. BoLLiN, C. Histoire Eomaine. 20 v. 18°. Paris. 1816. Ancient History. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1837. -Same. 2 v. 8^. N.Y. 1858. - History of Europe. v. 6. 8°. Phil. 1822. -History of Rome. 16 v. 8°. Lond. 1754. MAN Candles. 12°. Lond. 1861. loMANCE of Travel. 16°. Lond. 1850. Same, new scries. 16°. Lond. 1851. loME, History of. 8°. Lond. 1830. Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1836. I Same. 8°. Phil. 1837. Same. From Julius Caesar to Vitellius. 12°. Lond. 1853. loi^iE (N. Y. ) Directory. 18°. Rome. 1857. loME, Camden, and Oneida Directory. 12°. Rome. 1864. loMEB, Mrs. Life of the Duchess of Angou- leme. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1852. The Rhone, Darro, and Guadalquivir. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1843. Temples and Tombs of Egypt, etc. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1846. lOMiEU, Mme. Marie S. La Femme an XIXe Si^cle. 12°. Paris. 1859. LoMiLLT, Siif S. Life, by himself. 2 v. 16° Lond. 1842. KALDS, E. , and Richardson, T. S. Chemi- cal Technology. 8°. Lond. 1855. NALDS, H. Description of Selected Apples, etc. f°. Lond. 1831. NDTHALER, E. Life of Hcckewelder. 12°. Phil. 1847. loNGE, J. Autobiography and Justification. 16°. Lond. 1846. toNNA, A. Teatro Scelto. 8°. Paris. 1837. iooD, O. N. On a New Theory of Light. (P.) 8° n.p. 1860. — Value of Physical Science. (P.) 8°. Troy, N.Y. 1859. X)oiiBAcn, O. A. Bibliotheca Americana, with three Supplements. 4 v. 8°. N.Y. 1852-61. Roosevelt, R. B. Game Fish of North America. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Superior Fishing. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Root, J. Horrors of Delirium Tremens. 8°. N.Y. 1844. RoPEB, W. Life of Sir T. More. 16°. Lond. 1822. Roquefort, J. B. B. de. Dictionnaire Fran- 9aise. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1829. Roquette, O. Neue Erzahlungen. 16°. Stuttg. 1862. RoRDANSz, C. "W. Guide to European Com- merce. 8° Bost. 1819. Rosa, F. M. de la. Obras Completas. 8°. Paris. 1844. RoscHER, W. Kolonien, Kolonialpolitik, etc. 8°. Leip. 1856. RoscoE, D. C. Bookkeeping. 12°. Hagers- town. 1818. RoscoE, H. Life of W. Roscoe. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1833. RoscoE, T. Italian Novelists. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1836. Life of Cervantes. 16°. Lond. 1839. Life of William the Conqueror. 12°. Phil. 1846. Tourist in Spain, Italy, etc. 3 v. 8°. Lond. n.d. RoscoE,W. Life of Leo X. 6 v. 8°. Lond. '06. Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1846. Life of Lorenzo de Medici. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1803. Same. 2 v. 8**. Lond. 1825. Origin and Vicissitudes of Literature, Science and Art, etc. 4°. Liverpool. 1817. Roscommon, "W. Dillon, Earl of. Poems. See British Poets, v. 10. Rose, H. Chemical Analysis. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848-9. Manual of Analytical Chemistry. 8°. Lond. 1831. Ti-aitd d' Analyse Chimique. 8°. Brux. 1836. Rose, H. J. (Ed'r.) New General Biographi- cal Dictionary. 12 V. 8°. Lond. 1840- 1848. RosECRANs' Campaign. 12°. Cine. 1863. RosELEUR, A. Manipulations Hydroplas- tiques. 12°. Paris. 1855. Rosenberg, C. G. Jenny Lind in America. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Life of Jenny Lind. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Rosenberg, D. Rites and Worship of the Hebrews. 12°. N.Y. 1859. RosENKRANz, K. Die Pocsie und ihre Ge- schichte. 8°. n.p. n.d. 316 CATALOGUE OF THE BosiNi, G. Luisa Strozzi. 12°. Florence. 1850. Eoss, A. History of the World (continua- tion of Kaleigh's). f . Lond. 1652. Koss, A. Red River Settlement. 12°. Lond. 1856. Ross, A. A. History of Rhode Island. 12^. Prov. 1838. Ross, D. Atmopathy and Hydropathy. 16°. Lond. 1848. Ross, F. A. Slavery Ordained of God. 12°. Phil. 1857. Ross, G. Leading Cases for Commercial Law. 2v. 8°. Phil. 1854. Ross, Jas. C. Voyage in Antarctic Regions. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Ross, Joel H. Rules of Health. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Importance of Artificial Moisture. (P. ) 8°. n.p. n.d. Spirit World. 18°. N.Y. 1852. Ross, John. Appendix to Second Voyage for North West Passage. 4°. Lond. 1835. Memoirs of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1838. Failure of Search for Sir J. Franklin. 8°. Lond. 1855. Second Voj'age in Search of North West Passage. 4°. Lond. 1835. Steam Navigation. 4°. Lond. 1837. Ross, W. A. Yacht Voyage to Norway. 12°. Lond. 1849. Ross, W. P. M. Accountant's own Book. 12°. Phil. 1848. Book-Keeping. 4°. Phil. 1847. Ross (The) Slaves. History of. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1848. RossE,J. W. Index of Dates. 16°. Lond. '59. Rossini, G. Mose' in Egitto. (Opera.) r.8°. Paris, n.d. Otello. Opera. r.8°. Paris, n.d. Semiramide. Opera, r. 8°. Paris, n. d. Stabat Mater. (Oratorio.) 4°. Rotter- dam, n.d. Roth, E. Christus Judex; a Tale. 12°. Phil. 1864. RoTROU, J. Tragedies. See Repertoire General, etc. RoTTECK, C. von. History of the World. 4 v. 8°. Phil. 1840. . RouPELL, G. L. Treatise on Tjrphus Fever. 8°. Phil. 1840. R0USSEA.U, J. B. (Euvres Completes. 25 v. 8°. Paris. 1823-5. (Euvres Choisies. 18°. Paris. 1804. (Euvres Poetiques. See Boileau-Des- PBEAUX, N. Rousseau, J. B. Les Coups d'Epee dai I'Eau. 12°. Paris. 1863. Les Confessions. 12°. Paris. 1861. Julie ; ou La Nouvelle Heloise. 18 Paris. 1804. Same. 18°. Paris. 1806. Same. 16°. Paris. 1860. Confessions. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1790. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1856-7. Same. 2 v. 16°. N.Y. n.d. Eloisa. 3v. 12°. Lond. 1810. Original Letters. 18°. Lond.» 1799. RoussEL, N. Catholic and Protestant Ni tions Compared. 8°. Bost. 1855. RoussEL, P. Systeme Physique et Moral delaFemme. 16°. Paris. 1845. Routledge's American Handbook. 16' Lond. 1854. Rowan, F. M. French Revolution. 2 v. i one. 18°. N.Y. 1845. Rowan, S. N. Sermon on Death of Rev. t B. Romeyn. (P. 46.) 8°. N.Y. 1825. Sermon on Resigning Pastorate. (P. 6. 8°. N.Y. 1818. Rowbotham, J. English Dictionary. 16^ Lond. 1838. German Grammar. 16°. Lond. 1832. RowE, N. Fair Penitent; a Tragedy. (P. 76. 18°. Lond. 1727. Poems. See British Poets, v. 13. Tamerlane;, a Tragedy. (P. 76.) 18° Lond. 1726. RowELL, C. S. Dental Manual. 12°. N.Y 1855. Rowlett, J. Tables of Interest. 4°. Phil 1802. Rowley, T. See Chatterton, T. RowTON, F. (Ed'r.) Female Poets of Grea Britain. 8°. Lond. 1848. New Theory of Oratory. > IS''. Lond 1850. RoxBURGHE, John, Duke of. Catalogue o: Library. 8°. Lond. 1812. RoxBURY Directory for 1850, '64. 2 v. 16° Lond. 1850-64. Royal Agricultural Society. Journal, v. 1, 2, 11. 8°. Lond. 1839-50. Royal Asiatic Society. Transactions, v. 1-3. 4°. Lond. 1827-35. Royal Blue Book for 1856. 18°. Lond. 1856. Royal College of Physicians, London. Pharmacopoeia. 8°. Lond. 1838. Royal Geographical Society. Journal, v. 1-34. 8°. Lond. 1831-64. Same, Index to v. 1-10. 8°. Lond. 1844. Royal Institution of Great Britain. Cata- logue of Library. 8°. Lond. 1821. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 317 )YAL Lectures on Education. 12°. Lond. 1855. 3YAL Institute of British Architects. Trans- actions. V. 1. 4°. Lond. 1839-42. DYAL Society of Literature of United King- dom. Transactions, v. 1. 4° Lond. 1827-29. ♦ )TAL Society of London. Abstracts of Transactions, 1800-37. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1832-7. — Acta Philosophica. v. 2. 24°. Amster- daok 1672. Catalogue of Scientific Books in Li- brary. 8°. Lond. 1859. — Index to v. 1-70 of Philosophical Trans- actions. 4°. Lond. 1787. Philosophical Transactions, 1638-1851. 108 V. 4°. Lond. 1749-1851. 5YAL. Society of Northern Antiquaries, Co- penhagen. Funds and Founders. (P. 47.) 8°. n.p. n.d. — Anniversary, 1851. (P. 47.) 8°. n.p. 185L Antiquitates Americanse. 4°. Copenha- gen. 1837. DYALL, Mrs. A. Sketches in United States. 12°. N. H. 1826. Southern Tour. 8°. Wash. 1830. DYER, A. Manoel. 18°. Brux. 1834. )YEE, C. E. Des Institutions de Cre'dit Fonder. 8°. Paris. 1845. )YLE, J. F. Culture of Cotton in India. 8°. Lond. 1851. Fibrous Plants of India. 8°. Lond. '55. JDBECK, T. G. Beskrifning ofver Sverigcs Staeder. 8°. Stockholm, n.d. JDIMENTS of Greek. 12°. Bait. 1855. JDIMENTS of Knowledge. 16°. Ediu. 1838. JDING, R. Annals of British Coinage. 3 v. 4°. Lond. 1840. jFFiN, E. Calcareous Manures. 12°. Eich- mond. 1852. — Essay on Agricultural Education. (P.) 8°. Richmond. 1853. jiTNER, H. Fathers of the Desert. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1850. jfiana; or Poetical Sinnings of Wm. Eufus. 12°. N.Y. 1826. JOBY Magazine, v. 1. 12°. Lond. 1835-6. [JGE, A. Aus Friiherer Zeit. 2 v. 12°. Ber- lin. 1862, rjGGLEs, S. Duty of Columbia College, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Review of Mr. Banks' Address on Amer- ican Commerce. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Semi-Centcnnial Address to Alumni of Yale College. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Ruins of Sacred and Historic Lands. 16°. Lond. 1850. RUMFOED, B, Thompson, Count. Essays. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1796. RuMSEY, J. Life of Thomas Bateman. 8° Lond. 1827. RuoFF, A. J. F. Homoeopathic Medicines, Nosologically Arranged. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Rupp, J. D. History of Lancaster County, etc. 8°. Lancaster. 1844. Ruppius, O. Geld und Geist. 18°. Berlin. 1863. — Der Pedlar. 18°. Berlin. 1862. — — Das Vermachtniss des Pedlars. 18°. Berlin. 1859. Waldspinne. 16°. N.Y. 1856. ZweiWelten. 18°. Berlin. 1863. Rural Annual and Directory. 12°. Roches- ter. 1856. Rural Visitor; a Periodical. 4°. Burlington. 1811. RuscHENBERGEE, W. S. W. (Ed'r^ First Books of Natural History. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1847-8. Origin and Progress of Academy of Nat. Science, Philadelphia. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1852. Voyage Round the World. 8° Phil. 1838. Rush, B. Medical Inquiries, etc. 4 v. 8°. Phil. 1805. Inquiries on Mental Diseases. 8°. Phil. 1830. Rush, Jacob. Charges on Moral and Re- ligious Subjects. 12°. Phil. 1804. wSame. 18°. Lenox. 1815. Rush, Jas. Philosophy of Human Voice, 8°. Phil. 1833. Rush, R. Memoranda of Residence at Court of London. 8°. Phil. 1833. Same, 2d series. 8°. Phil. 1845. Occasional Productions. 8°. Phil. 1860. Washington's Domestic Life. 8°. Phil. 1857. RusKiN, J. Elements of Drawing. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Same. 12°. Lond. 185Y. Elements of Perspective. 12°, N.Y. 1«60. Lectures on Architecture and Painting. 12°. Lond. 1854. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Modern Painters. 5 v. 8°, Lond. 1846-60. Same. 5 v. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 5 v. 12°. N.Y. 1856-64. 318 CATALOGUE OF THE EusKiN, J. Notes on Construction of Sheep- folds. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Political Economy of Art. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Pyrecious Thouglitg from. 8". N.Y. 'GG. Selections from Writings of. 12°. Lond. 1861. Sesame and Lilies; also, on Study of Architecture in Schools. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Seven Lamps of Architecture. 8°. Lond. 1849. Stones of Venice. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1853. Same. 3 v. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Same. 3 v. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Study of Architecture in our Schools. See, above, *' Sesame and Lilies." True and Beautiful. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Two Paths; Lectures on Art. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Unto this Last; Essays on Political Economy. 16°. Lond. 1862. EussEiiL, A. Principles of Statistical Li- quiry. 8°. N.Y. 1839. EussELii, John, Esq. Tour in Germany. 8°. Bost. 1825. Same. 2 v. 16°. Edin. 1828. EussELii, John (Fourth Duke of Bedford). Correspondence. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1642- 1846. EussELL, Lord John. Causes of French Eev- olution. 8°. Lond. 1832. Life of Charles J. Fox. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1859. Life of William Lord Eussell. 4°. Lond. 1819. EussELL, J. S. Steam and Steam Naviga- tion. 12°. Edin. 1841. EussELL, M. Ancient and Modern Egypt. 18°. N.Y. 1831. Same. 16°. Edin. 1831. Same. 10°. N.Y. 1836. Connection of Sacred and Profane His- tory. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1827-37. History of Barbary States. 18°. N.Y. '35. Same. 16°. Edin. 1835. History of Nubia and Abyssinia. 16°. Edin. 1833. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1833. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1835. Life of Oliver Cromwelh 2 v. 16°. Edin. 1829. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1833. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1836-8. Palestine. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Polynesia. 16°. Edin. 1842. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1843. Eussell, LadyEachel. Letters. 16°. Lond. 1828. Same. 12°. Phil. 1854. Eussell, E. North America. 8°. Edin. 1857. Eussell, T. Sonnets. See British Poets, »v. 37. Eussell, W. History of America. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1778. History of Ancient Europe. 2 v. 8°. Phil 1801. History of Modern Europe. ^ 5 v. 8°. Phil. 1815. Same. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1829. Same. lOv. 8°. N.Y. 1830. Eussell, Wm. American Elocutionist. 12°, Bost. '51. Orthophony; Cultivation of the Voice, 12°. Bost. 1849. Sequel to Primary Eeader. 16°. Bost, n.d. Eussell, W. H. Canada; its Defences, etc, 12°. Bost. 1865. t Letter on Bull Eun. (P.) 8°. N.Y. '61. My Diary in India. 2 v. 12°. Lond, 1860. My Diaiy, North and South. 10°. Bost 1863. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Pictures of Southern Life. (P.) 8-. N.Y. 1861. Eeview of Gen. Todleben's "Defence of Sebastopol." 12°. N.Y. 1865. Eussell, W. S. Guide to Plymouth and Eecollections of the Pilgrims. 18°. Bost. 1846. EussiA. History of, under Peter the Great See Eefublic of Letters, v. 5. EussiAN Empire; its Eesources, etc. 12°. Cine. 1856. EuTER, M. Concise History of Christian Church. 8°. N.Y. 1839. EuTGEES Female Institute. Catalogue of Li- brary. 12°. N.Y. 1849. EuTHERFORD, S. Eeligious Letters. 8°. N.Y. 1826. EuTTENBEE, E. M. History of Nevrburgh. 8°. Newburgh. 1859. Obstruction to Navigation of the Hud- I son. 8°. Albany. 1860. I EuTTER, J. O. N. Human Electricity. 12°. Lond. 1854. EuxTON, G. F. Adventures in Mexico, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Eyan, Jas. Elements of Algebra. 12°. N.Y. 1824. Elements of Arithmetic. 12°. H.Y. '27. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 319 ,, John. Preparation of Flax-Cotton, etc., by Claussen's Process. 8^. Lond. 1852. N, M. MedicalJurisprudence. 8°. Lond. 183G. j^xan, R. Dramatic Table Talk. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1825-30. — Poetry and Poets. 3 v. IG^. Lond. 1826. YDE, E. Text Book for Architects, etc. S*'. Lond. 1854. YDER, A. P. 0n Economy of Fuel. 8°. Lond. 1852. Yi^ND, A. Assay of Gold and Silver Wares. 12°. Lond. 1852. YLAND, F. Diseases of Larynx and Trachea. 8°. Phil. 1838. YLAND, J. E. Life and Correspondence of John Foster. 12°. N.Y. 1846. • Life of Dr. Kitto. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1856. XLE, J. C. Lecture on Bishop Latimer. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1855. Home Truths. 16°. N.Y. 1854 I Musle-Huddeen. The Gulistan, or Rose Garden. 16°. Bost. 1865. —Same. Transl. by F. Gladwin. 8°. Lond. 1808. iBBATH Reform. See Fiest Five Years, etc. iBBATHiEB, F. Institutions and Customs of Ancient Nations. 8°. Lond. 1776. IBTNE, J. Import of Words Sheol, Hades, etc. 8°. Bost. 1825. ABiNE, L. Address, 100th Anniversary of Death of Gen. Wolfe. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1859. American Loyalists. 8°. Bost. 1847. Same, enlarged. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1864. Life of E. Preble. See Spaeks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 12. Report on American Fisheries. See United States. iBEE, G. E. Nineteen Months a Prisoner 12°. N.Y. 1865. 4J3EINJS Corolla Regiae Scholiae Salopiensis. i°. Lond. 1850. B4CKVII.LE, T., Earl of Dorset. Poems. See BraTisH Poets, v. 13. Same. See Old English Poets. Same. 18°. Lond. 1820. iCEAMENTO, Cal. Busiucss Directory. See San Francisco. Directory, 1856. 8°. San Fr. 1856. ^CBED Circle, v. 1-2. 8°. N.Y. 1855. iCRED Classics. See the Separate Works. ACBED Music. 4°. Lond. n.d, ■ACT. See SiLvssTBE dc Sacy. Sadlee, M. T. Life and Writings of. 8°. Lond. 1842. Sadler, P. L'Art de Correspondance An- glaise et Fran9aise. 12°. Brux. 1850. Saduer's Catholic Almanac. See Catholic Almanac, Sady Musle-Huddeen. See Saadl SiEMUNr. Edda. Transl. by A. S. Cottle. 8°. Bristol. (E.) 1797. Saffell, W. T. R. Records of the Revolu- tionary War. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Satfoed, J. M. Geological Reconnoissance of Tennessee. See Tennessee. Saffoed, W. H. Blennerhassett Papers. 8°, Cine. 1864. Life of H. Blennerhassett. 12°. Cine 1853. Sage, R. B. Scenes in the Rocky Mountains, 16°. Phil. 1846. Western Scenes and Adventures. 12° Phil. 1855. Saginaw (The) Valley; its Salt, etc. (P.) 8' n.p. n.d. Sailoes' Magazine, v. 1-36. 8°. N.Y. 1829- 1864. Saint Ange. Demieres Guerres de la Russia centre la Turquie. 12°. Brux. 1853. St. Ceoix, Baron de. On the Life of Alex- ander the Great by the Ancient Histo- rians. 4°. Bath. 1793. St. Domingo. History of. 8°. N.Y. 1824. St. Eveemond, C. de. Works. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1828. St. Felix, J. de. Rosalinde et Rosemonde. 3v. 18°. Paris. 1858. St. Geoege, C. History of England. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1830. St. George's Church, N.Y. Answer of Com- mittee of Congregation, etc. (P.) 8°, N.Y. 1849. Communication to Rector by Committee of Congregation. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Report of Committee to Negotiate with Trinity Church. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1849. St. Geoege's Society, N.Y. Annual Report, 1863. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Constitution. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Saint-Germain, B. de. Intelligence a I'Aide de rOrganisation. 8°. Paris. 1848. Saint-Germain, J. T. de. La Feuille de Coudier, etc. 16°. Paris. 1863. Lady Clare. 16°. Paris. 1862. Mignon. 16°. Paris. 1862. Pour une fipingle. 16°. Paris. 1862. St. James' Magazine. v. 1-11. 8°. Lond. 1861-41. 320 CATALOGUE OF THE Lond. Lond. St. John, B. Adventures in the Libyan Desert. 12=^. Lond. 1849. Montaigne; a Biography. 2 v. 12^. Lond. 1858. Purple Tints of Paris. 2 v. 12' 1854. Sabalpine Kingdom. 2 v. 12° 1856. Village Life in Egypt. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Same. 2 v. 16° Bost. 1853. St. John, C. Tour in Sutherlandshire. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1849. St. John, F. Eambles in Germany, France, etc. 12°. Lond. 1853. St. John, H. R. History of British Con- quests in India. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1852. History of the Indian Archipelago. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. Life of Columbus. 16°. Lond. 1850. St. John, J. A. Egypt and Mohammed Ali. 2v. 8°. liond. 1834. Egypt and Nubia. 8°. Lond. 1845. Four Conquests of England. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1862. Lives of Celebrated Travellers. 3 v. 18°. N.Y. 1844. Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1842. Nemesis of Power. 16°. Lond, 1854. Residence in Normandy. 18°. Edin. 183L St. John, J. R. Lake Superior Country, and Copper Mines. 12°. N.Y. 1826. St. John, P. B. The Three Days of 1848. 18° N.Y. 1848. St.. John, Sam. Elements of Geology. 12°. N.Y. 1851. St. John, Spenser. Life in the Forests of the Far East. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1862. St. John de Crevecoeur, J. H. Letters from an American Farmer. 8°. Lond. 1782. St. Leger, B. Stories from Froissart. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1832. St. Leonards, E. Sugden, Lord. Handy Book on Property Law. 12°. N.Y. '58. St. Louis Directory, for 1864. 8°. St. Louis, 1864. St. Louis. History, and Annual Review of Trade, etc. (P.) 8°. St. Louis. 1854. St. Louis. Thoughts About, by J. H. (P. ) 8°. St. Louis. 1854. St. Louis Chamber of Commerce. Annual Report for 1860. (P.) 8°. St. Louis. 1861. Proceedings as to Navigation of Missis- sippi. (P.) 8°. St. Louis. 1842. St. Louis Mercantile Library Association.) Catalogue of Library. 8°. St. Louis. 1850. Same. 8°. St. Louis. 1858. St. Luke's Hospital, N.Y. Origin, Progress, Charter, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. St. Marie, Count. Algeria in 1845. 8'. Lond. 1846. St. Mars, ]\Ime. de (Comtesse Dash). Le Chateau de la Roche Sanglante. 16°. Paris. 1865. LeLivredesFemmes. "16°. Paris. '60. Le Nain du Diable. 3 v. 18°. Paris. 1862. La Sorciere du Roi. 5 v. in two. 18°. Paris. 1861. Same. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1865. St. Paul Library Association. Catalogue of Books. 8°. St. Paul. 1864. St. Pierre, J. H. B. de. Beauties of " Stud- ies of Nature. " 8°. Lond. 1799. Studies of Nature. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1786. Same. 8°. Phil. 1836. Saint Simon, L. de Rouvroy, Due de. Me- moirs, abridged by B. St. John. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1857. Smnte Beuve, C. a. Causeries du Lundi. V. 4. 12°. Paris. 1852. Derniers Portraits Litte'raires. ' 12°. Paris. 1852. Nouveaux Lundis. 4 v. 16°. Paris. 1863-5. Portraites Contemporains. 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1847. S.VINTES, A. History of Rationalism in Ger- many. 8°. Lond. 1849. Saintine, X. B. Chrisna. 12°. Paris. 1859. Picciola. 12°. Paris. 1845. Same. 16° Paris. 1865. Seul. 12°. Title Wanting. Solitary of Juan Fernandez. 12°. Bost. 1851. S.1INTS (The) our Exami^le. 16°. Lond. '52. Smsset, E. Philosophic et Religion an XlXme Siecle. 18°. Paris. 1845. Sakuntala, von Kalidasa; iibersetzt von E. Meier. 16°. Stuttg. 1852. Sala, G. a. Accepted Addresses. 12°. Lond. 1862. Breakfast in Bed. 16°. N.Y. 1863. Journey due North. 12°. Bost. 1858. Salazar, F. L. de. Historia del Fray Ge- rundio Campazas. 5 v. 18°. Paris. '24. Sale, G. (Ed'r. ) Koran. See Mohammed. Sale, Lady. Journal of Disasters in Afif- ghanistan. 8°. Lond. 1843. MERCANTILE LIBRARY, 321 Proceedings, on Death of Pres. Taylor. (P.) 8°. Salem. 1850. ALEM Athenffium. Catalogue of Library. 8°. Salem. 1842. Same. 8°. Bost. 1858. Dedication of Plummer Hall; also, Judge White's Memoir of Plummer Family. 8". Salem. 1858. am:m Directory, 1842, '46, '50, '51, '53, '57, '64. 7 V. 18°. and 16°. Salem. 1842- 1864. ALKELD, J. Roman and Grecian Antiqui- ties. 18°. N.Y. 1846. A.LLES, E. F. de. Histoire G^ndrale des Races Humaines. 16°. Paris. 1849. lALLusTros, C. C. Opera. 2 v. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Catiline. See Demosthenes. Orations, etc. iiiMON, T. Chronological Historian. 12°. Lond. 1723. Modern History. 32 v. 8°. Lond. 1724- 1739. LLMOND, J. Review of the War in Mysore. 8°. Lond. 1800. 4X.T, H. Voyage to Abyssinia. 4°. Lond. 1814. Same. 8°. Phil. 1816. Young's and ChampoUion's Hieroglyph- ics. 8°. Lond. 1825. iiiTER, H. H. Asthma; its Pathology and Treatment. 12°. Phil. 1864. iLVANDY, N. A. de. Paris, Nantes, et la t Session. Also, Ramel's Journal. 8°. p Paris. 1832. iLVERTE, E. Des Sciences Occultes. 8°. Paris. 1843. History of Names of Men, Places, etc. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1864. Philosophy of Magic. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1846. — Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1847. xzMANN, C. G. Gymnastics for Youth. 8°. Phil. 1802, jOELUNG von Predigten, etc. v. 1. 8°. Leer. 1799. liPSON, E. Brief Remarker on the Ways of Man. 12°. Hudson. 1818. Same. 12°. Hudson. 1820. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Sham Patriot Unmasked. 32°. Hudson. N.Y. 1802. JIPSON, M. B. Rationale of Crime. 12°. N.Y. 1846. MPSON, T. Electrotint. 12°. Lond. 1842. JIPSON, W. Discourse on History of Law. 3°. Wash. 1826. 21 Samuels, M. Memoirs of Moses Mendels- sohn. 12°. Lond. 1827. San Feancisco. Municipal Reports. 1859- 1860, '61-5. 5 V. 8°. San Fr. 1859-65. San Francisco Business Directorj^ 1863. 16°. San Fr. 1863. San Feancisco Chamber of Commerce. An- nual Meetings, 1859-60. (P. ) 8°. San Fr. 1859-60. San Feancisco Directory, 1858, '64-5. 2 v. 8°. San Fr. 1858-64. San Feancisco Mercantile Library. Cata- logue. 8°. SanFr. 1854. San Francisco, Stockton, Marys ville, and Portland Business Directory, 1864^5. 8°. SanFr. 1864. Sanborn, E. D. Eulogy on Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. Hanover, N. H. 1853. Sanborn, S. H. Official Tyranny in the U. S. Navy. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Sanchez, T. A. Coleccion de Poesias Castel- lanas. 8°. Paris. 1842. Sancho, I. Letters, with Memoir. 8°. Lond. 1802. Sand, G. See Dudevant, Mme. Sand, M. Callirhoe. 3 v. 18°. Paris. 1863. Same. 16°. Paris. 1864. Sandbt, G. Mesmerism and its Opponents. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Sandeau, J. Catherine. 12°. Paris. 1851. Same. 16°. Paris. 1862. La Croix de Berny. See Gieardin, Mme. S. de, and others. Fernand, Vaillance, Richard. 12°. Pa- ris. 1852. Madame de Sommerville ; aZ50, La Chasse au Roman. 16°. Paris. 1852. La Maison de Penarvan. 12°. Paris. 1859. Nouvelles. 16°. Paris. 1861. Sacs et Parchemins. 12°. Paris. 1860. Sanders, F. W. Essay on Uses and Trusts. 2 V. in 1. 8°. Phil. 1855. Sanderson, J. American in Paris. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1847. Sanderson, J., and others. Biography of Signers of Declaration of Indepen- dence. 12 V. 8°. Phil. 1820-27. Same. 8°. Phil. 1852. Sanderson, J. P. Republican Landmarks. 8°. Phil. 1856. Sandfoed, D. Remains; with Memoir. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1830. Sandiee, L. French Pronouncing Book. 8". Lond. 1847. Sands, R. C. Works; with Memoir. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1834. CATALOGUE OF THE Sandwich Island Notes. By a Haole. 12°. KY. 1854. Sandwith, H. Narrative of tlie Siege of Kars. 12°. Lond. 1856. Sandys, C. Consuetu dines Kancias; Cus- tomesofKent. 8°. Lond. 185L Sandys, W. (Ed'r.) Christmas Carols, An- cient and Modern. 12°. Lond. 1833. Christmas Tide, its History, etc. 8°. Lond. 1852. Sanpoed, E. History of the United States. 8°. Phil. 1819. Sanfobd, E., and "Walsh, R. (Ed'rs.) British Poets. (See British Poets. Sanfokd, J. L. Studies and Illustrations of the Great Rebellion. 8°. Lond. 1858. Sangee, G. p. Statutes at Large, etc. >S'ee United States. Table of Cases, etc. S>qq United States Digest, V. 6, Sangston, L. Bastiles of the North. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1863. Sanitaey Association of N. Y. City. Re- ports on PubUc Health. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. Sanitaey Commission. Se,e, United States Sanitary Commission. Sanitaey Commission of New Orleans. Re- port of Prof. Riddell on Sewerage. 8°. N.O. 1854. Sanitaey Review, v. 1-4. 8°. Lond. 1855-8. Sansom, J. Sketches of Lower Canada. 12°. N.Y. 1817. SiNsoN, H. Memoires. v. 9-15 in 2. 16°. Paris. 1863-4. Santagnello, M. Dictionary of Peculiarities of Italian. 8°. Lond. 1820. Santaeem, E. F. de B. y S., Viconde de. Americus Vespucius and his Voyages. 16°. Bost. 1850. Cosmographie dans le Moyen Age. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1849-52. Saphie, M. G. Declamations-Soire'e. 16°. Vienna. 1863. Fliegendes Album. 16°. Vienna. 1864. Humoristische Bibliothek. 4 v. in two. 16°. Vienna. 1864. Sappho. Poems. *See Hesiod; transl. by Elton. Saedon, V. Les Ganaches; Comddie. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Sabgant, W. L. Robert Owen and his Social Philosophy. 12°. Lond. 1860. Sabgent, E. (Ed'r.) Arctic Adventures. 12°. Bost. 1857. Life of H. Clay. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Original Dialogues. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Sabgent, E. (Ed'r.) Songs of the Sea; wit! Other Poems. 16°. Bost. 1847. Standard Speaker. 12°. Phil. 1858. ^Same. 12°. Phil. 1863. Same. 12°. Phil. 1865. Velasco; a Tragedy. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Sabgent, J. Memoir of Henry Martyn. 12** N.Y. 1844. Sabgent, J. T. Theodore Parker, etc. Sermon. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Sabgent, L. M. Dealings with the Dead. \ V. 8°. Bost. 1856. Letter on Dr. Nott's Temperance Views (P.) 8°. n.p. 1847. Notices of Histories of Boston. (P. ) 8" 1! Bost. 1857. Reminiscences of S. Dexter. 18°. Bos: 1857. Sabgent, N. Life of Henry Clay. (P.) 8 Phil. 1844. Saegent, W. Life of Major Andre'. 12 Bost. 1861. Saemiento, a. J. Themis; Justicia par Todos. 12°. Madrid. 1856. Saemiento, F. L. Life of Pauline Cushmar 12°. Phil. 1865. Saemiento, J. F. Civilisation et Barbaric Quiroga et Aldao. 12°. Paris. 1853. Saboni, H. S. Musical Vade Mecum. 12 N.Y. 1852. Sabbans, B. Lafayette; and the Revolutioi of 1830. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1833. Saeeazin, J. Guerre d'Espagne et de Portu gal, 1807-14. 8°. Paris. 1814. Saetain's Union Magazine. See, Union Ma: azine. Sass, H. Journey to Rome and Naples. 12* N.Y. 1818. Satteelee, a. H. Medals, etc. , in Honor o the Presidents. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Satueday Magazine, v. 6-9. 8°. Lond. 1835- 1836. Satueday Review, v. 1-3. f°. Lond. 1855- 1857. Satyee Menippe'e. Ed. by C. Labitte. 12° Paris. 1848. Saueb, M. Expedition to Northern Russia 4°. Lond. 1802. Saulcy, F. de. Jom-ney round the Deac Sea, etc. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1853. Same. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1854. Saundees, E. What is Phrenology? IS'' Lond. 1835. Saundees, F. Memories of the Great Metrop- olis. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Mosaics. 12°. N.Y. 1859. New York in a Nutshell. 18°. N.Y. '53J MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 323 fiAtJNDEiis, F. Salad foT the Social. 12^. N.Y. 185a Salad for the Solitary. 12^. N.Y. 1853. Saunders, J. Eminent Living Political Re- formers. V. 1. 8°. Loud. 1838. Saunderson, N. Elements of Algebra. 2 v. 4°. Camb. (K) 1740. Method of Fluxions. 8''. Lond. 1756. Satjein, B. J. Tragedies. See Repertoire Ge'n^ral, etc. Saurin, J. Sermons. 8 v. 8°. Schenect. 1813-16. Savage, Jas. Genealogical Dictionary. 4 v. 8°. Bost. 1860-2. JSavage, John. '98 and '48; Revolutionary History and Literature of Ireland. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Living Representative Men. 12°. Phil. 1860. Poems. See British Poets, v. 18°. Lond. n.d. Decorative Printing. 4l^ Lond. Savage, R. 19. - Same. Savage, W. 1822. Savannah and Boston. Supplies sent to Sa- vannah, etc. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1865. Savarin. See Brillat-Savaein. Savaky, C. Letters on Egypt. 2 y. 12° Lond. 1799. - Le Coran et la Vie de Mahomet. 2 v. 8°. n.p. 1787. SAV.^JlY des Bruslons, J. Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. Traiftl. and ed. by M. Postlethwayt. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1757. -Same. 2 v. f. Lond. 1774. 5jA\iGNY, F. C. von. Vocation of our Age for Legislation. 12°. Lond. 1831. Savonarola, G. Life and Times of. 12^. Lond. 1843. Savonarola, J. Facts and Figures from Italy. 12°. Lond. 1847. Sawyer, F. W. Plea for Amusements. 18°. N.Y. 1847. ISAWYER, G. S. Southern Institutions; or, Slavery and the Slave-Trade. 8°. Phil. 1858. Sawyer, Leicester A. Critical Exposition of Baptism. 16°. Cine. 1844. -Elements of Biblical Interpretation. 16°. N. Haven. 1836. -Elements of Mental Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1846. -Elements of Moral Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1845. - Organic Christianity. 12°. Bost. 1854. 3AWYER, Lemuel. Autobiography. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1844. Sawyer, T. J. Memoir of Rev. S. R. Sauth. 12°. Bost. 1852. Sawyer, T. J., and Wescott, J. Discussion onUniversalism. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Sax, J. B. Organic Laws. 16°. N.Y. 185L Saxe, J. G. Clever Stories of Many Nations in Rhyme. 12°. Bost. 1865. Money King and Other Poems. 16*. Bost. 1860. Poems. 12°. Bost. 1850. -Same. 12°. Bost. 1852. Same. 16°. Bost. 1859. Same. 16°. Bost. 1864. Saxon Chronicle. Transl. and ed. by J. In- gram. 4°. Lond. 1823. Saxton, L. C. FaU of Poland. 2 v. 12^ N.Y. 1851. Saxton's Rural Handbooks. 3 ser., with Moore's as 4th ser. 4 v. 12°. N.Y. 1856. V. 1. Horses, by H, D. Richardson; The Hog, b}' same ; Hive and Honey- Bee, by same ; Pests of the Farm ; Do- mestic Fowl, by H. D. Richardson; The Cow, by M. M. Itfilburn, ed. by A. Stevens. V. 2. Every Lady her own Flower Gardener, by Louisa Johnson; Ele- ments of Agriculture, by F. G. Skin- ner; American Bird Fancier, by D. J. Browne; Essay on Manures, by S. L. Dana; American Kitchen Gardener, by T. G. Fessenden; American Rose Cul- turist. V. 3. The Horse's Foot, by W. Miles; Rabbit Fancier, by C. '^L Be- ment; Manual of Managing Bees, by J. M. Weeks; Vine-Dresser's Manual, by C. Reemelin; Bee-Keeper's Chart, by E. "W. Phelps; Chemistry Made Easy, by J. Topham. V. 4. Familiar Letters on Chemistry, by J. Liebig; Dog and Gun, by J. J. Hooper; Culture of the Vine, by Per- soz; Skilful Housewife's Book, by Mrs. L. G. AbeU. Say, J. B. Political Economy. 2 v. in one. 8°. Bost. 1824. Same. 8°. Phil. 1832. Same. 8°. Phil. 1836. Say, T. American Entomology. 3 v. 8®. Phil. 1824-5. Saybrook Platform. 18°. N. Lond. 1810. Sayeghib, F. See Lamaetine, M. L. A. P. de. (Ed'r.) Sayers, E. American Flower Garden Com- panion. 12°. Cine. 1846. 324 CATALOGITE OF THE Sayous, a. Histoire de la Littdrature Fran- 9aise. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1853. Scalpel (The). See DrsoN, E. H. Scenes and Adventures in Spain, by Poco Mas. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1845. Same, Abridged. 18°. Phil. 1846. Scenes from Christian History. 16°. Bost. 1852. Scenes of the Civil War in Hungary. 12°. Lond. 1850. Scenes and Impressions in Egypt and Italy. 8°. Lond. 1825. Scenes in the Eocky Mountains, Oregon, etc. 16°. Phil. 1846. Scenes in Spain. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Scenes where the Tempter has Triumphed. 12°. Lond. 1849. Scenes de la Vie des Animaux. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1842. Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in Califor- nia. 8°. SanFr. 1862. ScHAAD, J. C. Ocean "Waves in Lyric Strains, etc. 8°. Pittsb. 1856. Schaeffee, C. W. Lutheran Church in America. 12°. Phil. 1857. ScHATF, P. Amerika, Politischen, Socialen, etc. 8°. Berlin. 1854. America, Political, etc. 12°, Anglo-American Sabbath; (P.) 8°. n.p. 1863. Germany, its Universities, Theology, and Religion. 12°. Phil. 1857. 'History of Apostolic Church. 8°. N.Y. 1853. History of Christian Church, to A.D. 31L 8°, N.Y. 1859. Life of St. Augustine. 8°. N.Y. 1854. - — Person of Christ the Miracle of History. 16°. Bost. 1865. ScHALK, E. Campaigns of 1862 and '63. 12°. Phil. 1863. Summary of the Art of War. 12°. Phil. 1862. Schauenbueg, E. Eeisen in Central-Afrika. 2v. 8°. Lahr. n.d. Schedel, H. E. Emancipation of Faith. 2 V. 8°. N.Y. 1858. ScHEFFEL, J. V. Ekkehard. 12°. Frankf. 1855. ScHELE De Vere, M. Stray Leaves from the Book of Nature. 12°. N.Y. 1855. ScHELLEK, I. T. G. Latin Grammar. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. ScHELLiNG, F. W. J, von. SammtUche Werke. 16 V. 8°. Stuttg. 1856. Einleitung in die Philosophie der My- thologie. 2v. 8°. Stuttg. 1856-7. N.Y. 1855. an Essay. 18°. sem ScHELLiNG, F. W. J. von. Philosophie der Offenbarung. 8°. Stuttg. 1858. ScHEM, A. J. Ecclesiastical Year Book. 12°. N.Y. 1860. ScHENCK, P. A. Gardener's Text Book. Bost. 1851. Schenectady Directory, 1857, '64-5. 18°. and 12°. Schenect. 1864-5. ScHEBR, J. Bliicher, seine Zeit und Leben. 3 v. 12°. Leip. 1862. Deutsche Kultur- und Sittengeschichte. 12°. Leip. 1858. Drei Hofgeschichten. 16°. Leip. 1862. ScHEKZEB, K. von. Aus dem Natur- und Volkerleben im Tropischen Amerika. 12°. Leip. 1864. Wanderungen durch die mittel-ameri- kanischen Freistaaten. 8°. Brunsw. 1847. ScHLEFFELiN, S. B. Foundatious of History. 12°. N.Y. 1863. ScHiEFERDECKEE, C. C. Treatment of Chil- dren by Water Cure. 12°. Phil. 1852. ScHiLLEE, Charlotte von, und ihre Freunde. 3v. 8°. Stuttg. 1860-5. ScHiLLEE, F. Sammtliche Werke. 2 v. 8°. Stuttg. 1824. Same. 2 v. 8°. Stuttg. 1855. Kabale und Liebe. 8°. Tiibingen. 1818. Works. V. 2. 16°. Lond. 1847. Same. v. 2. 16°. Lond. 1860. Esthetic Letters, Essays, etc. Bost. 1845. Bride of Messina. 8°. Lond. 1837. Correspondence with Korner. 3 v. Lond. 1849. DonKarlos. 12°. Mannheim. 1837. r- Early Dramas and Eomances. 16°. Lond. 1849. Historical Dramas. 16°. Lond. 1854. History of the Eevolt in the Nether- lands. 18°. N.Y. 1847. Historical Wo;rks. 2 v. 18°. Edin. 1828. Poems and Ballads. 16°. Edin. 1828. Same. 8°. Edin. 1844. Same. 16°. Leip. 1844. Thirty Years' War. 2 v. 18°. Edin. 1828. Same. 16=. N.Y. 1846. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1864. Wallenstein's Camp. 16°. Bost. 1837. William Tell; a Drama. 18°. Prov. '38. ScHiLLEE, F., and Goethe, J. W. von. Cor- respondence. 12°. N.Y. 1845. ScHiLLEE, F. Und Lotte. 8°. Stuttg. 1856. ScHillee's Beziehungen zu Eltern, Gesch- wistem, etc. 8°. Stuttg. 1859. 16-^ 12*^ MERCANTILE LIBRARY 325 I- ScHiMMELFi'rNNiG, A. War between Turkey and Russia. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1864. ScHiMMELPENNiNCK, M. A. Life and Letters. 2v. 12^ Phil. 1859. Memoirs of Port EoyaL 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1853. ScHiRMER, A. Ein Familiendaemon, 18°. Wien. 18C3. Das Handelshaus Wilford, 4 . parts in 2v. 18°. Berlin. 1861. ScHiiATTEE, G. F. Abstammung des Mens- chengeschlechts von einem Urpaare. 8°. Mannheim. 1861. ScHLEGEL, A. W. Sammtliche Werke. 10 v. 8° Wien. 1822-5. ^aSsthetic and Miscellaneous Works. 16°. Lond. 1849. Lectures on Dramatic Art and Litera- ture. 8°. Phil. 1833. Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1840, Same. 12°. Lond. 1846. Lectures on History of Literature. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1818. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1841. ScHLEGEL, F. Lectures on Modem History. 16°. Lond. 1849. Philosophy of History. 2 v. 8°. Lond. '35. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 184L Philosophy of Life and of Lahgnage. 16°. Lond. 1847. ScHiiEiDEN, J. M. The Plant; a Biography. 8°. Lond. 1848. Scientific Botany. 8°. Loud. 1849. ScH^(EiEEMACHER, A. A. E. Bibliographischcs System der Gesammten Wissenschafts- kunde. 2 v. 8°. Brunswick. 1852. Schleiehmachee, F. Study of Theology. 12°. Edin. 1850. Introduction to Plato's Dialogues. 8°. Cambridge (E.) 1836. Schlesier, G. Life of William Von Hum- boldt. See Klencke, H. Scklesinger, M- War in Hungary. 2 t. 12°. Lond. 1850. rHLOSsER, F. C. History of 18th and 19th Centuries with Reference to Mental Progress. G v. 8°. Lond. 1843-5. 8CHMKLINO, C. Angria's Kiste. 4 parts in 2 v. 18°. Berlin, n.d. Ursachen uad Wirkungen. 18°. Berlin. n.d. ScHMiD, H. Almenrausch uad Edelweiss. 16°. Berlin. 1864. Schmidt-Weissenfels. Rahel tind ihre Zeit. 16°. Leip. 1857. SoHMiTZ, L. Elementary Latin Grammar. 16° PhiL 1852. ScHMiTz, L. History of Greece. 12°. Lond. 1851. Same. 12°. N.Y. 185L History of Rome. 16°. Lond. 1847. Same. 12°. Andover. 1847- Latin Grammar. 16°. Edin. 1849. ScHMiTziiER, J. H. Secret History of Russia under Alexander and Nicholas. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. ScHMOLDEE, B- Wcgwciscr nach Oregon und California. 8°. Mayence. 1849. ScHMUCKJER, S. M. Errors of Modern In- fidelity. 12°. Phil. 1848. ScHMUCKER, S. S. Popular Theology. 12°. Phil. 1860. ScHNiTziiER, J. H. Statistiques de la France. 4v. 8°. Paris. 1846. ScHOEDLEE, F. Book of Nature. 2 v. 12^, Lond. 1851. ScHOEiiCHEK, V. Des Crimes du deux D^ cembre. 8°. Lond. 1852. Life of Handel. 12°. N.Y. 1857. ScHOMBEEO, A. C. History of Roman Law. 8°. Oxf. 1785. ScHOMBEBG, J. D. Thcocratic Philosophy of English History. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1842. ScHOMBUEOK, R. H. Description of British Guiana. 8°. Lond. 1840. History of Barbadoes. 8°. Lond. 1848. Natural History of Fishes of Guiana. See Naturalist's Library. System to Reduce Unwritten Languages to Writing. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1848. ScHON, J. F., and Crowtheb, S. Expedition up the Niger. 12°. Lond. 1842. ScHONBEEO, C. L. The Chain Rule; Com- mercial Arithmetic. 18°. Lond. 1842. ScHONBEEG, E. von. Travcls in India. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1853. School for Guardians; a Comedy. (P. 72.) 8°. Lond. 1767. School Journal and Vermont Agriculturist V. 3. 8°. Windsor. 1849-50. School of Mines and of Science, etc. See Great Britain. Schoolcraft, H. R. American Indians. 8®. Buffalo. 1851. Catalogue of Indiasi Books. 8°. Wash. 1849. Discourse to Michigan Hist. Society. (P.) 8°. Detroit. 1830. Indian Tribes of the United States. See United States. Memoir on a Fossil Tree. (P. 5.) 8**. Albany. 1822. MythofHiiwatho. 12° PhiL 1856. 326 CATALOGUE OF TEE ScHOOLCEAFT, H, K. Narrative of Expedition to Itasca Lake. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Narrative of Expedition to Sources of the Mississippi. 8°. Phil. 1855. Notes on the Iroquois. 8°. Albany. 1847. Oneota. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Kesidence among the Indians. 8°. Phil. 1851. Travels from Detroit to the Mississippi. 8°. Albany. 1821. Travels in Mississippi Valley. 8°. N.Y. 1825. View of Missouri Lead Mines. 8'^. N. Y. 1819. Schoolfellow (The). 12°. N.Y. 1856. ScHooLMASTEB (The). 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1836. ScHouw, J. F. Earth, Plants, and Man. 16°. Lond. 1852. ScHEADEE, A. Die Erbschleicher. 2 v. in one. 16°. Leip. 1864. ScHEAMKE, T. New York Croton Aqueduct. f°. N.Y. and Berlin. 1846. ScHEEBEE, M. Medical In-door Gymnastics. 8°. Lond. 1856. ScHEOEDEE, F. Shores of the Mediterranean. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1846. ScHEOEDEE, J. F. Maxims of Washington. See Washington, G. ScHUBAET, C. F. D. Sammtliche Gedichte. 3v. 24°. Frankfort. 1829. ScHUBAETH, E. L. Ecpcrtorium der Tech- nischen Literatur. 8°. Berlin. 1856. ScaauBEET, F. Quarante Melodies. 1.8°. Paris, n.d. ScHUBEET, G. H. Mirror of Nature. 12°. Phil. 1849. ScHucKiNG, L. Annette von Droste. 16°. Hanover. 1862. Aus Alter und Neuer Zeit. 2 r. in one. 18°. Wien. 1864. Aus der Franzosenzeit. 24°. Wien. 1863. Die Geschwornen und ihr Eichter. 3 v. in two. 16°. Hanover. 1861. ScHULTz, C. History of Mineral Waters. 8°. N.Y. 1865. ScHULZ, A. Welsh Tradition and German Literature. 8°. Llandoveiy. 1841. ScHTTLZ, O. A. Adressbuch fiir den Deut- schen Buchhandel. 8°. Leip. 1855. ScHULZE. E. Gothisches Glossar. 4°. Magde- bri-r-f. n.d. ScHiJSTEE, C. G. T. Dictionnaire Allemande etFranyaise. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1844. ScHusTEE, S. Drawing Book. Obi. N.Y. 1853. Schwann, T. Structure and Growth of Ani- mals and Plants. 8°. Lond. 1847. ScHWAETz, M. S. Gold und Name. 3 v. in one. 16°. Berlin. 1864. Jugenderinnerungen. 2 v. in one. 16"*. Berlin. 1864. ScHWAEz, J. . Account of Palestine. 8°. P ■ - 1850. ScHWEGLES, A. History of Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1856. ScHVTEEDT, H. Schiller's Geburtstag. 12°. Leip. 1859. Science of Geology. 18°. N. Haven. 1838. Science of Mind; or, Pneumatology. 12°. Xond. 1856. Science Revived; a Poem. 4°. Lond. 1802. SciENTnnc American, v. 12-13. f°. N.Y. 1856-7. Same, new series, v. 1-5. f° N.Y. 1859-6-1. ScoFFEEN, J. Chemistry of Gold. 16°. Lond. n.d. Chemistry no Mystery. 16°. Lond. 1839. Philosophy of Common Life. 12°. Lond. 1857. Projectile Weapons of War and Explo- sive Compounds. 16°. Lond. 1852. ScoFFEEN, J., OxLAND, R., and others. Use- ful Metals and their Alloys. 8°. Lond. 1857. ScoEESBY, W. American Factories and their Female Operatives. 16°. Bost. 1845. Franklin Expedition. 8°. Lond. 1850. Journal of a Voyage to Australia, and Round the World. 8°. Lond. 185^. Magnetic Investigations. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1839-52. Memorials of the Sea. 12°. Lond. 1851. Voyage of the Mary Russell. 12°. Lond. 1850. Zoistic Magnetism. 8°. Lond. 1849. Scot, G. Model of Government of East New Jersey. See N. J. Historical Society. Scotia Rediviva; Tracts on Scotland, v. 1. 8°. Edin. 1826. Scotia's Bards. See Caetee, P. Scotland. Enumeration of Inhabitants of. 8°. Glasgow. 1823. Scott, C. Analogy of Ancient Craft Mason- ry to Natural and Revealed Religion. 8°. Phil. 1850. Scott, C. H. The Danes and the Swedes. 12°. Lond. 1856. Scott, C. R. Excursions in Mountains of Ronda and Granada. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. Rambles in Egypt and Candia. 2 v. S°. Lond. 1837. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 327 FT, D. B. History of United States. 12«. N.Y. 1852. rx, Drecl. Case of. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. IT, G. G. Secular and Domestic Archi- tecture. 8^. Lond. 1858. TT, H. L. Militarj' Dictionary. 8° N.Y. 18(52. rr, Jolin, of Amvrell. Essays on Ehglish Poets. 8". Lond. 1785. - Poems. See British Poets, v. 32. fcoTT, John, of Gala. Paris in 1815. 12°. Bost. 1816. -Same. 12°. N.Y 1816. - Tour to Waterloo and Paris. 12°. Lond. 1842. JcoTT, Rev. John. Luther and the Reforma- tion. 2v. 18°. N.Y. 1833. JcoTT, J. B. Appeal on Removal of Justices of Marine Court. (P. 20.) 8°. N.Y. '40. 5C0TT, J. W. Soldier's Pocket Companion. 18°. N.Y. 1861. 5C0TT, Jos. United States Geographical Dictionary. 8°. Phil. 1805. tJcoTT, M. Y. Fatal Jest, and Other Poems. 18°. N.Y. 1819. >coTT, R. Principles of Writing. 12°. Edin. 1820. 5COTT, R. Cotton Spinner and Manufacturer. 8°. Phil. 1851. tjcoTT, T. (Ed'r.) Articles of the Synod of Dort. 12°. Utica. 1831. - Holy Bible, with Notes and Observations. 3 V. 8° N.Y. 1852. - Remarks on Tomline's "Calvinism Re- futed." 2v. 8°. Phil. 1817. - Theological Treatises. 6 v. 12°. Mid- dletown. 1822. aScoTT, Sir W. Autobiography. 12°. Phil. 1831. - Ballads and Lyrics. Ib^. Bait. 1811. - Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 3 v. 12°. Phil. 1841. - Doom of Devorgoil, and Auchindrane. 16°. N.Y 1830. - History of Scotland. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1830. - Same. 2 v. 16°. Phil. 1830. - - Lay of the Last Minstrel. 16°. N.Y. 1811. - Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. 18°. N.Y. 1830. -Same. 16°. Lond. 1831. -Same. 16°. N.Y 1861. - Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1827. -Same. 8°. N.Y. 1827. -Same. 3 v. 8°. N.London. 1834. 3 v. 16= 12°. Scott, Sir W. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 2 V. 8°. Exeter. 1836. Same. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Same. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1839. Same. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Marmion. 12°. Bost. 1863. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. 8°. Edin. 1821. Miscellaneous Prose Works. 6 v. Bost. 1829. Poetical Works. 8°. N.Y. n.d. Same. 8°. Phil. 1851. Poetry of the Waverley Novels. Bost. 1851. Religious Discourses, by a Layman. 12°. Phil. 1828. Tales of a Grandfather. 4 v. 12°. Bost. 1834-45. Waverley Poetry. 12°. Bost. 1851. (Ed'r. ) Tristrem. 8°. Edin. 1806. Works of Jonathan Swift. See Smtft, J. Une Ldgeude de Montrose. 2 v. 24°. Brux. 1827. Waverly ; ou, H y a Soixante Ans. 4 v. 18°. Paris. 1826. Scott, W. Harmony of Phrenology with Scripture. 12°. Edin. 1836. Scott, W. B. Memoir of David Scott. 8°. Edin. 1850. Ornamental Designs for Silver and Gold Work. 4°. Edin. n.d. Scott, Winfield. Infantry Tactics. 3 v. 18°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1854. Life and Services. 12°. Phil. 1852. Memoirs. By Himself. 2 v. 12° N.Y. 1864. Scott, W. A. The Bible and Politics. (P.) 8°. San Fr.- 1859. Daniel, a Model for Young Men. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Story of Samson. Trade and Letters. Scottish Review, v. 1856-60. ScouTTETTEN, H. History of Cholera Mor- bus. 8°. Bost. 1832. ScovTLLE, J. A. Old Merchants of N.Y. City. Istser. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Same. 2d ser. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Same. 3d ser. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Scrap Table (The) for 1831. 16°. Bost. '30. ScRATCHLEY, A. Life Assurance Societies and Savings Banks. 8°. Lond. 1851. ScEiBE, E. (Euvres Choisies. 5 v. 12°. Paris. 1845. LeFilleuld'Amadis. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 'oQ, 12°. SanFr. 1858. 16°. N.Y. 1856. 4-8. 8°. Glasgow. 328 CATALOGUE OF THE SoBiBE, E., et BoissEAUX, H. Les Trois Maupin. 12°. Paris. 1858. ScEiPTUKE Dialogues. 8°. Lond. 1808. ScKivENOK, H. History of the Iron Trade. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same. 8°. Lond. 1854. ScKOPE, G. P. Considerations On Volcanoes. 8°. Lond. 1825. — — Principles of Political Economy. 16°. Lond. 1833. ScsuTON, J. Practical Counting House. 8°. Glasgow. 1777. ScuDAMOEE, C. Visit to Grafenberg. 8°. Lond. 1843. ScuDAMOEE, W. E. Office of the Litellect in Religion. 8°. Lond. 1849. ScuDO, P. Le Chevalier Sarti. 12°. Paris. 1857. Critique et Litterature Musicales. 12°. Paris. 1852. Sculpture and the Plastic Art. 12°. Bost. 1850. Sea Book (The). Narratives of Voyages, etc. 8°. Lond. n.d. Seabuey, S. Sermon on Death of Rev. A. Carey. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1844. Sealsfield, C. Gesammelte "Werke. 15 v. in 7. 18°. Stuttg. 1845-7. Cabin-Book; or, National Characteris- tics. 16°. Lond. 1852. Seaman, E. C. Essays on the Progress of Nations. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Seaes, B., Edwaeds, B. B., andFELTox, C. C. Classical Studies. 12°. Bost. 1849. Seaes, E. H. 'Pictures of the Olden Time. 12°. Bost. 1857. Seaes, R. Illustrated Descrij^tion of Russia. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Pictorial History of China and India. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Sketches in Continental Europe. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Secession ; a Poem. 16°. Phil. 1864. Secession; the Renjedy and Result. 18°. N.Y. 1861. Seckee, T. (Abp.) Works. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. Sermons on the Late War. 12°. Lond. 1758. Second Appeal for an Asylum for Insane Poor in Pennsylvania. (P. 20.) 8°. Phil. 1841. Second Collection of Poems, Songs, etc., against Popery. 4°. Lond. 1689. Second Reformed Dutch Church, Albany. Dr. Wyckofifs Quarter Century Cele- bration. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1862. Second Stage of Arithmetic. 18°. Lond. 1841. Seceet History of the Court of St. Cloud. 8°. Phil. 1806. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1807. Seceet Societies of the Middle Ages. 12°. Lond. 1837. Seceet Societies; their Use and Abuse. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1862. Sedgwick, A. Studies of Cambridge Uni- versity. 12°. Camb. (E.) 1835. Same. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1850. Sedgwick, C. Memoir of L. M. Davidson. See Spaeks' Am. Biog., 1st ser., v. 7. Sedgwick, Mrs. C. A Talk with my Pupils. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Sedgwick. C. M. Letters from Abroad. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Means and Ends. 18°. Bost. 1839. Memoirs of Joseph Curtis. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Sedgwick, H. D. Refutation of the Arbitra- tion on the Greek Frigates. (P. 7.) 8°. N.Y. 1826. Vindication as to Greek Frigates. (P. 7.) 8°. N.Y. 1826. Sedgwick, J. Law of Storms. 8°. Lond. 1852. Sedgwick, S. J. Physical Education. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Sedgwick, T. The American Citizen. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Interpretation of Statutory and Constitu- tional Law. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Public and Private Economy. 2 parts. 12°. N.Y. 1836-8. Treatise on the Measure of Damages. 8°. N.Y. 1852. See, G. von. Grafin und Marquise. 4 v. in two. 18°. Vienna. 1864. Seebohm, B. Life of Stephen Grellet. 2 v. in one. 8°. Phil. 1862. Seelet, R. H. Election Sermon. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1856. Seelye, S. T. Sermon on Death of Mrs. S. D. Aiken. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1856. Seemann, B. Popular History of the Palms. 12°. Lond. 1856. Voyage of H. M. S. Herald. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1853. Segue, J. A. Women; their Condition and Influence. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1803. Segue, L. P. de. Histoire Ancienne. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1847. Histoire du Bas Empire. 18°. Paris. 1833. Histoire Romaine. 2 v. 16°. Paris. '50. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. dant les Eegues de Louis XIV. et XV. 3v. 8°. Paris. 1801. Four Ages of Life. 12°. N.Y. 1826. Memoirs, by Himself. 8°. Bost. 1825. Segub, p. de. Histoiy of Charles VnL of France. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1842. Napoleon's Expedition to Russia. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 183G. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1843. Seigneux de Corrovan. See Essays on Spirit of Legislation, etc. Jeileb, G. F. Kurze Geschichte der geoflf- enbarten Religion. 12°. Erlangen. 1777. tSEixAs, J. Manual of Hebrew Grammar. 8°. Phil. .1852. iEiziNGER, J. G. Bibliothekstechnik. 8°. Leip. 1855. Jelby, p. J. See Jabdine, W., and Selby, P. J. British Forest Trees. 8°. Lond. 1842. Natural History of Parrots. See Natu- ealist's Library, Ornithology, v. 10. Natural History of Pigeons. See Same, V. 9. (ELECT Collection of Tracts on Commerce. 8°. Lond. 1859. Ielection of Eulogies on Adams and Jeffer- son. 8°. Hartford. 1826. Jelections from Correspondence of Execu- tive of N. Jersey, 1776-86. 8°. New- ark. 1848. Ielections from French Anas. 2 v. 12°. Oxf. 1797. ^elections from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, in English, French and German. 24°. Lond. 1841. ELECTIONS from Poetry of the Hindoos. 12°. Lond. 1814. iElf-Fobmation; or, the History of a Mind. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1837. lELiiEES, J. Color Mixer; Receipts for Mix- ing Colors. 16°. Phil. 1865. emanaeio de la Nueva Granada. 8°. Paris. 1849. BMMES, R. Campaign in Mexico. 12°. Cine. 1852. — Service during Mexican War. 8°. Cine. 1851. ■MMES, R. , and others. Cruise of the Ala- bama and the Sumter. 12°. N.Y. 1864. BMPLE, Miss. Costumes in the Netherlands. f°. Lond. n.d. BKECA Indians. See Fbiends, Society of. Case, etc. (P.) 329 Phil. 1817. Dubl. Seneca Indians, Documents on Revolution among. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1857. Seneca, L. A. Morals. 18°. Phil. 1834. Seniob, N. W. Biographical Sketches. 12°. Lond. 1863. Essays on Fiction. 12°. Lond. 1864. Three Lectures on Obtaining Money, etc. 8°. Lond. 1830. Transmission of Precious Metals, etc. 8°. Lond. 1830. Seegeant, J. Address to Apprentices' Libra- ry Company of Philadelphia. (P. 44.) 8°. Phil. 1832. Lecture to Same. (P. 19.) 8°. 1839. Select Speeches. 8°. Phil. 1832. Sebies of Indos tan Letters. 18°. N.Y. Seble, ^. Horse Solitaria3. 2 v. 12° 1835. Seemons on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. 12°. Bost. 1865. Seemons on the Divinity and Holy Spirit. 16°. Lond. 1835. Seemons at St. Paul's Church. 16°. N.Y. 1865. Seemons on the Resurrection. (P.) 16°. Lond. 1835. Seemons on Retirement, Self-Denial, etc. 16°. Lond. 1835. Seeoux d'Agincourt. History of Art, by its Monuments. 3 v. f°. Lond. 1847. Seeeano, F. de P. Balanza de Comercio de Vefa Cruz, 1856. 4°. Vera Cruz. 1857. Seevices at Funeral of Rev. J. Brodhead. (P. 50.) 8°. N.Y. 1855. Seven Wondees of the World. 16°. Lond. 1853. Sevigne, M. de R. C. de. Lettres a sa Fille, etc. 8v. 8°. Paris. 1806. Lettres Choisies. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1815. Letters to her Daughter and Friends. 9v. 12°. Lond. 1811. Sewaix, J. B. Evenings with the Bible and Science. 16°. Bost. 1864. Sewall, R. K. Ancient Dominions of Maine. 8°. Bath. 1859. Sketches of St. Augustine. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Sewall, T. Memoir of Dr. J. Godman. See Hall, N. Sewabd, Anna. Louisa; a Poem. 12°. N. Ha- ven. 1789. Memoirs of Dr. Darwin. 8°. Phil. 1804. Monody on Major Andre, etc. 16°. Lond. 1817. Sewabd, W. Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons. 5 v. 12°. Lond. 1795-7. 330 CATALOGUE OF TUE Sewakd, W. H. Works. 3 v. 8°. KY. 1853. Defence of William Freeman. (P. 48.) 8°. Auburn. 1846. Introduction to Natural History of New York. See New Yoke. Life of J. Q. Adams. 8°. Auburn. 1849. Oration on Death of J. Q. Adams. (P. 45. ) 8°. Albany. 1848. Select Writings. See Bakeb, G. E. Speeches on Admission of California, March 8 and 11, 1850. (P. 31.) 8°. Wash. 1850. Sewel, W. Guide to Low-Dutch Language. 24°. Amsterdam. 1747. History of the Quakers. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Sewell, J. Elementary Treatise on Steam and Locomotion, v. 1. 16°. Lond. *o2. Sewell, R. Practice under Pension, Bounty, and Prize Laws. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Sewell, W. Introduction to Plato's ^ Dia- logues. 12°. Lond. 1841. Sewell, W. G. Free Labor in British West Indies. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Seybeet, a. Statistics of the United States, 1789-1818. 4°. Phil. 1818. Seyd, E. California and its Resources. 18°. Lond. 1858. Setffaeth, Xj. Recent Discoveries in Bibli- cal Chronology, History, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Seymour, E. S. Sketches of Minnesota. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Seymour, H. Topography and History of New York. (P.) 8°. Utica. 1856. Seymour, M. H. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. 8°. Lond. 1849. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Seymour, W. T. The Chaucerite; Poetical Lectui-es. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1851. Sforzosi, L. History of Italy. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Shaetesbury, a. Ashley, Earl of. Character- isticks. 3 V. 8°. Lond. 1737. Same, Mth Letters. 8°. Basle. 1790. Shakers, Proceedings Concerning. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Shakespeae, H. Wild Sports of India. 16° Bost. 1860. Shakspeaee, W. Works; Knight's Pictorial Edition. 7 v. 8°. Lond. n.d. Works. Ed. byL Reed. 10 v. 8°. N.Y. 1817. Works. 7 V. 8°* Bost. 1836. Same. 8°. Phil. 1852. Works. Ed. by H. N. Hudson. 11 v. 16°. Bost. 1851-2. Shakspeare, W. Works. Ed. by H. N. Hud- son. 11 V. 16°. Bost. 1863. Works. Amended after J. P. Collier's Folio. 8v. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Works. Ed. byR. G. White. 12 v. 12°. Bost. 1857-61. Works. Adapted for Reading Classes, etc., by T. and S. G. Bulfinch. 12°. Bost. 1865. Autobiographical Poems. See Brown, C. A. Hamlet. 12°. N.Y. n.d. Poems, with Memoir, by A. Dyce. 16°. Lond. -1837. Poems. 12°. Lond. 1840. Religious and Moral Sentences from, Compared with Holy Writ. 16°. Bost. 1859. Select Comedies. 18°. Bost. 1825. Seven Ages of Man. Illustrated by Mulready and others. 8°. Lond. 1848. Sbakspearian Reader; Select Plays. Ed. by J. W. S. Hows. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Supplement to Plays ; being Seven I Dramas Ascribed to him. Ed. by W. G. Simms. 8°. N.Y. 1848. (Euvres Dramatiques. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1835. Dramatische Werke. In German, by A. W. von Schlegel and L. Tieck. 12 V. in 6. 12°. Berlin. 1843^. Shakspeare, W., and Jonson, B. Select Poems. 18°. Phil. 1819. Shakspeare, W., and Milton, J. Sonnets. 18°. Lond. 1830. Shakspeare Gems, in Landscape Illustra- tions. 8°. Lond. 1845. Shakspeare Society's Publications, v. 1-41. 8°. Lond. 1841-50. V. 1. Collier, J. P. Mem. of E. Alleyn, with Notices of Ben Jonson, Massinger, etc. — v. 2. Gosson, S. The School of Abuse; Pleasant Invective against Poets, Pipers, etc. — Heywood, T. Apology for Actors; with Intro- duction and Notes. — v. 3. Ludus Cov- entrise; Collection of Mysteries. — v. 4. Thynn, F. Debate between Pride and Lowliness. — v. 5. Dekker, T., Chettle, H. , and Haughton, W. Patient Gris- sil; a Comedy. — v. 6. Extracts from Accounts of Revels at Courts of Eliza- beth and James L— v. 7. First Sketch of Shakspeare's Merry Wives of Wind- sor. — v. 8. Notes of Ben Jonson's Conversations with Wm. Drummond. — V. 9. Armin, R. A Nest of Ninnies. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 331 (16080— V. 10. Timon; a Play. Now first Printed.— V. 11. Nash, T. Pierce Pennyless's Supplication to the Devil. —V. 12. Heywood, T. First and Second Parts of King Edward IV.; Histories. — v. 13. Northbrooke, J. Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, etc. (1577.)— v. 14. Halpin, N. J. Oberon's Vision compared with Lylie's Endymion. — v. 15. First Sketches of Second and Third Parts of King Henry VI. —V. 16. Chester Plays; a Collection of Mysteries, v. 1. — v. 17. Alleyn PajDers ; lUust. Life and Times of Edw. Alleyn and Early English Stage. — V. 18. Forde, John. "Honor Triumphant;" and, "A Line of Life;" Tracts. — v. 19. Tarlton's Jests; and News out of Purgatory; with Life. — V. 20. Legge, T. Latin Play of Eichardus IH. True Tragedy of Richard IH.— v. 21. Ghost of Richiu-d the Third; a Play.— v. 22. Sir Thomas More ; a Play. — v. 23. Shakspeare Society's Papers, v. 1. — v. 24. The Old Taming of the Shrew, upon which Shakspeare founded his Comedy. — v. 25. Illustrations of the Fairy Mythol- logy of Midsummer Night's Dream. — V. 26. Shakspeare's Play of Henry the Fourth.— V. 27. Diary of Philip Hen- slowe, from 1591 to 1609.— v. 28. Shak- speare Society's Papers, v. 2. — v. 29. Heywood, T. Fair Maid of the Ex- change; a Comedy. — Heywood, T., and Rowley, W. Fortune by Land and Sea. — V. 30. Marriage of Wit and Wis- dom; an Ancient Miracle Play. — v. 31. Collier, J. P. Memoirs of Principal Actors in Shakspeare's Plays. — v. 32. Eight Novels. Employed, by English Dramatic Poets of Reign of Elizabeth. —V. 33. Udall, N. Ralph Roister Doister; a Comedy. — v. 34. Norton, T., and Sackville, T. Tragedy of Gorboduc— V. 35. Chester Plays; Col- lection of Mysteries, v. 2.— v. 36. Shakspeare Society Papers, v. 3. — v. 37. Moral Play of Wit and Science; and Early Poetical Miscellanies. — v. 38. Life of Inigo Jones, by P. Cun- ningham. — V. 39. Shakspeare Society's Papers, v. 4. — v. 40, 41. Works entered at Stationer's Office, 1577-87.' 2 v. UKSPERiANA ; Catalogue of Books, Pam- phlets, etc., relating to Shakspeare, etc. 16° Lond. 1827. Shaleb, W. Sketches of Algiers. 8*^. Bost. 1826. Shamokin, Pa. Dedication of Coal Estates to the Poor. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1855. Shaean, J. Travels in the Four Quarters of the Globe. 12°. Bait. 1808. Shaep, R. Letters and Essays; Prose and Verse. 12°. Phil. 1835. Shaepe, E. Decorated Window Tracery in England. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Shaepe, S. Egypt under the Ptolemies. 4°. Lond. 1837. Egypt under the Romans. 8^ Lond. '42. Shaepe's London Magazine, v. 1-15; and new series, v. 2-25. 8®. Lond. 1845- 1864. Shaepless, J. Genealogy of the Sharpless Family. 16°. Phil. 1816. Shaeswood, G. Lectures on Commercial Law. 12°. Phil. 1856. Shattuck, L. Census of Boston. See Boston. Descendants of Wm. Shattuck. 8°. Bost. 1855. History of Concord. 8°. Bost. 1835. Shaw, Chas. Description of Boston. 16°. Bost. 1817. Shaw, Cuthbert. Poems. See Beitish Poets, V. 31. Shaw, Rev. J. Book-Keeping Epitomized. 16°. Leeds. 1794. Shaw, J., M.D. Poems, and Life. 16° Phil. 1810. Shaw, Sam. Journals, with Life. 8°. Bost. 1747. Shaw, Sim. Chemistry of Manufacture of Porcelain, Glass, etc. 8°. Lond. 1837. Shaw, T. Travels in Barbary and the Le- vant, r. Oxf. 1738. Shaw, T. B. Outlines of English Literature. 12°. Lond. 1848. Shaw, T. G. Wine, the Vine and the Cellar. 8°. Lond. 1863. Shea, J. A. Clontarf; and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1843. Shea, J. G. (Ed'r.) Dictionnaire Fran9ois- Onontague. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Discovery of Mississippi Valley. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Early Voyages on the Mississippi. 4°. Albany. 1861. The Fallen Brave; Memorial of Ameri- can Officers. 4°. N.Y. 1861. Shea, J. H. Book-Keeping. 8°. Bait. 1841. Sheahan, J. W. Life of S. A. Douglas. 12*'. N.Y. 1860. Shebbeaee, J. History of Sumatra. 2 v. 8°. Lond. n.d. 132 CATALOGUE OF THE Shedd, W. G. T. History of Christian Doctrine. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 18G3. Philosophy of History. 12°. Andover. 1856. Shee, M. a. Life of. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1860. Sheepfold and the Common; or, the Evan- gelical Kambler. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Sheffield, J., Duke of Buckingham. Works. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1740. Poems. See British Poets, v. 14. Sheffield, Lord. Navigation and Colonial System of Great Britain. 8°. Lond. 1806. Sttett,, R. L. Sketches of the Irish Bar. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Sketches, Legal and Political. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1855. Speeches; with Memoir. 8°. Lond. 1847. Sheldon, D. W. Sin and Redemption. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Sheldon, E. M. Early History of Michigan. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Sheldon, F. (Ed'r.) Minstrelsy of English Border. 8°. Lond. 1847. Shelley, Lady. (Ed'r. ) Shelley Memorials. Also, Essay on Christianity, by P. B. SheUey. 12°. Bost. 1859. Shelley, Mrs. M. M. Rambles in Germany and Italy. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1845. Shelley, Mrs. M. W., and others. Literary and Scientific Men of France. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1838-9. Same. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1840. ■ Literary and Scientific Men of Italy. 2 V. 12°. Phil. 1841. Shelley, P. B. Essays, Letters, etc. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1840. Poems. See Coleeidge, S. T. Same. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1862. Prometheus Unbound, and Other Poems. 8°. Lond. 1823. Shenstone, "W. Works. See British Poets, V. 24. Shepard, C. U. Report on Geology of Connecticut. See Connecticut. Treatise on Mineralogy. 3 v. in one. 12°. N. Haven. 1832-5. Shepard, J. Double Entry Book-Keeping. 8°. Lansingburgh. 1840. Shepherd, E. Columbian Accountant. 12°. N.Y. 1812. Shepherd, W. Life of Poggio Bracciolini. 4°. Liverpool. 1802. Sheppaed, J. Trees; their Uses, etc. 18°. Lond. 1848. Sheppard, J. H. History of the New Eng- land Historic-Genealogical Society. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1862. Memoir of S. G. Drake. 8°. Albany. 1863. Sheppard, W. • Law of Common Assurance. 4°. Lond. 1669. Sherburne, E. Poems. See British Poets, V. 5. Sherburne, J. H. Life of John Paul Jones. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Tourist's Guide in England and on the Continent. 12°. Phil. 1847. Sheeer, M. Military Memoirs of Duke of Wellington. 2 v. 16°. Phil. 1833. Sheridan, C. F. Late Revolution in Sweden. 8°. Lond. 1783. Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic Works. 8°. Lond. 1840. Same. 16°. Lond. 1848. • Speeches. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1842. Sheridan, T. Lectures on Elocution. 16". Prov. 1796. Sheeidaniana. 12°. Lond. 1826. Sherman, H. Digest of Marine Insurance Law. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Governmental History of the United States. 12°. N.Y. 1843. Sherrill, H. Homoeopathic Practice of Medicine. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Sherwood, A. Gazetteer of Georgia. 18°. |!; Charieston. 1827. Sherwood, H. H. Motive Power of Life, Magnetic Phenomena, etc. 8°. N.Y.jfc 1841. Shew, J. Consumption and Water Treat- ment. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Hydropathy. 8°. N.Y. 1844. ^ Tobacco Diseases. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851 Sheys, B. American Book-Keeper. 8°. N.Y. 1818. Shier, J. Directions for Testing Cane Juice. 12° Lond. 1851. Shillaber, B. P. Knitting Work. 12°. Bost 1859. Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Mrs. Partington's Carpet Bag of Fun. 12°. N.Y. n.d. Shillinglaw, J. J. Arctic Discovery. 12f*. Lond. 1850. Shimeall, R. C. Bible Chronology Exam- ined. f°. N.Y. 1859. Christ's Second Coming. 8°. N.Y. 186§.. Ship (A), History of. 18°. Lond. n.d. Shipp, B. Progress of Freedom, and Othei Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1852. MERCANTILE LIBRART. 33S ING and Commercial List and N. Y. Price Current, v. 18-24. T. N.Y. 1832-8. ;y, J. Dramas and Poems. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1833. HmRETF, p. Tour through North America. 8°. Edin. 1835. poBEEL, F. Description of Persia. 12°. Phil. 1845. I — Persecutions of Popery. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1844. hooter's Handbook. 12°. Edin. 1842. poET, T. V. What is Christianity? 12°. N.Y. 1844. ^OKT Manual of Pleading under the Code. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1856. aoRT Narrative of the Boston Massacre. 8°. Bost. 1849. PORTLAND, E. Southern Districts of New Zealand. 12°. Lond. 1851. SUCK, J. L. (Ed'r.) Portfolio Chinensis. Macao. 1840. lucKFORD, S. Sacred and Profane History Connected. 4 v. in two. 8°. Phil. 1824. iUBTLEFF, J. B. Governmental Instructor. 12°. N.Y. 1845. JUETLEFF, N. B. Decimal System for Libraries. 4°. Bost. 1856. — (Ed'r.) Plymouth Colony Kecords. See Massachusetts. lUTTLEWORTH, J. K. Public Education and the Committee of Council. 8°. Lond. 1853. kuTTLEWORTH, P. N. Consistency of Reve- lation with Itself and Reason. 18°. N.Y. 1832. R. Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax, etc. 16°. Lond. 1838. Soul's Conflict and Victory. 16°. Lond. 1837. ■BLEY, J. L. Father Abbey's Will. (P.) 8°. Camb. 1854. — History of Union, Me. 12°. Bost. 1851. BLY, E. Astrology. 4°. Lond. 1785. BORNE, W. War in France and Belgium, 1815. 2 v., with f°. Atlas. 8°. Lond. 1844. Same. 8°. Phil. 1845. 3KEii, J. Spectacles. 8°. Bost. 1850. ODONs, J. H. Norton's Handbook to Eu- 16°. N.Y. 1860. Discourses Concerning Govern- 3 v. 8°. Phil. 1805. Life of Rev. R. Hill. 12°. N.Y. Aphorisms. 2 v. 12°. Lond. rope. ONEY, A. ment. Y, E. 1834. 9KKY, H. 2v. 8^ 12= Pembroke. Chiswick. 12°. Bost. 8°. Diary of Times of Charles II. . Lond. 1843. Sidney, P. 1807. Arcadia. f°. Lond. 1627. Miscellaneous Works, with Life. Oxford. 1829. Same. 8°. Phil. 1860. Sidney, P., and Countess of Psalms, in Verse. 12°. 1823. Sidney, P. Life and Times of. 1859. Sidney, S. Three Colonies of Australia. Lond. 1852. Siebold, C. W. Anatomy of the Invertebrata. 8°. Bost. 1854. SiEBOiiD, P. F. von. Elucidation of Dis- coveries of Vries. 8°. Amst. 1859. SiEVEKiNG, Amelia W. Principles of Chari- table Work. 12°. Lond. 1863. Seeveeing, Amelia W. Life of. 12°. Lond. 1863. SiGMOND, G. G. Tea; its Effects. 16°. Lond. 1839. SiGOURNEY, Mrs. L. H. Connecticut Forty Years Since. 16°. Hartf. 1824. Examples of Life and Death. 16°. N.Y. 1852. Letters to Mothers. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Letters to Young Ladies. 16°. N.Y. 1837. Past Meridian. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Poems. 12°. Phil. 1834. Same, lUustrated. 8°. Phil. 1849. Western Home, and Other Poems. Phil. 1854. Zinzendorf, and Other Poems. N.Y. 1837. SiLius Italicus. Punica. See Wauce S. Corpus Poet. Lat. Sill, G. S. Descendants of John Sill. Albany. 1859. SiLLiMAN, B. (Ed'r.) iSee American Journal of Science, etc. Elements of Chemistry. 2 v. 8°. N. Haven. 1830-1. Journal in England, Holland, etc. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1810. Manual of Cultivation of Sugar Cane. See United States. Tojir between Hartford and Quebec. 12°. N. Haven. 1820. Same. 12°. N. Haven. 1824. Visit to Europe, 1851. 2 v. 12". N.Y. 1853. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1854. SiLLiMAN, B. Biographical Notice of. (P.) 8°. n.p, iLd. 12°. 12°. G. 12° 334 CATALOGUE OF THE SiiiLiMAN, B. , Jr. First Principles of Chem- istry. 12°. Phil. 1847. First Principles of Physics. 12°. Phil. 1859. Keport on Petroleum in Venango Co, , Pa. (P.) 8°. K. Haven. 1855. SHiLiMAN, B., Jr., and Goodkich, C. E. Illustrations of the New York Exhi- bition. 4°. N.Y. 1854. Stt.t.tman, Mrs. G. S. Origin of Aerolites. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. SiLVESTEE, J. B. Universal Palaeography. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1850. SiLVESTRE de Sacy, A. G. de. General Gram- mar. 12°. N.Y. n.d. SmcoE, J. G. History of the Queen's Eangers. 8°. N.Y. 1844. SiMMONDS, P. L. Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom. 8°. Lond, 1854. Sir J. Franklin and the Arctic Regions. 16°. Lond. 1851. Simmons, J. W. Greek Girl; a Poem. 16°. Bost. 1852. SiMMS, F. W. Treatise on Levelling. 8°. Lond. 1846. SiMMS, J. E. History of Schoharie County, and Border Wars of New York. 8°. Albany. 1845. Trappers of New York. 12°. Albany. 1851. SiMMS, W. G. Atalantis; a Poem. 8' 1832. History of South Carolina. Charleston. 1840. Life of Chevalier Bayard. 1847. Life of Gen. Greene. 12°. Life of Gen. Marion. 12°. Life of Capt. John Smith. 1846. Poems. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Southern Passages and Pictures. N.Y. 1839. Supplement to Shakspeare's Plays. See Shakspeaee, W. Views and Eeviews in American Litera- ture, etc. 2d series. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Simon, J. General Pathology. 8°. Phil. '52. Reports on Sanitary Condition of Lon- don. 8°. Lond. 1854. Simon, J. F. Animal Chemistry. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1845. Same. 8°. Phil. 1846. Simon, Jules. Le Devoir. 12°. Paris. 1856. Simon, T. C. Scientific Certainties of Plan- etary Life. 16°. Lond. 1855. N.Y. 12°. 12°. N.Y. N.Y. 1858. N.Y. 1844. 12°. N.Y. 16^= SiMOND, L. Tour and Eesidence in Great Britain. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1817. SiMONDS, T. C. History of South Boston. 12°. Bost. 1857. SiMONTON, J: W. Congressional Corruption. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. Simpson, A Life of T. Simpson. 8°. Lond. 1845. — — Oregon Territory; British and American Claims. (P. 41.) 8°. Lond. 1846. Simpson, G. Overland Journey Eound the World. 12°. Phil. 1847. Simpson, J. Necessity of Popular Educa- tion. 12°. Edin. 1834. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1834. ■ Visit to Flanders. 18°. N.Y. 1816. Simpson, J. H. Military Eeconnoissance to the Navajo Country. 8°. Phil. 1852. Simpson, J. Y. Ansesthesia. 8°. Phil. 1849. Clinical Lectures on Diseases of Women. 8°. Phil. 1863. Homoeopathy. 8°. Phil. 1854. Simpson, M. Address, Funeral of Pres. Lin- coln. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1865. Simpson, S. Biography of Stephen Girard. 12°. Phil. 1832. Simpson, T. Discoveries on North Coast of America. 8°. Lond. 1843. Simpson, T. Treatise of Fluxions. 4°. Lond 1737. Sims, C. S, Origin and Signification of Scot- tish Surnames. 8°. Albany. 1862. Sims, J. M. Silver Sutures in Surgery. 8". N.Y. 1858. Sims, E. Handbook to British Museum Li- brary. 16°. Lond. 1854. Index to Heralds' Visitations, etc. , in British Museum. 8°. Lond. 1849. Manual for the Genealogist, etc. Lond. 1856. Sims, W., and Teewin, E. (Compilers.) Eates of Merchandise, with Duties and Drawbacks. 8°. Lond. 1782. SiNCLAiE, Catherine. Hours in England and Wales, 12°, N.Y, 1838. • Journey of Life. 16°. Lond. 1847. Shetland and the Shetlanders. 12°. N.Y. 1840, Sinclair, Sir J, Code of Agriculture. 8°. Lond." 1832, Correspondence and Eeminiscences. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1831. Statistical Account of Scotland. 21 v 8°. Edin. 1791-9. SiNCiiAiE, J. D. An Autumn in Italy. 18". Edin. 1829. MERCANTILE LIBKART. 335 teNDiNG, P. C. History of Scandinavia. 12°. N.Y. 1858. JiNGEB, S. W. Text of Shakespeare Vindi- cated. 8°. Lond. 1853. Jingle Blessedness. 12°. N.Y. 1852. liNGiiETON, A. Letters from the South and West. 8°. Bost. 1824. liNNETT, p. Picture of Paris. 18°. Lond. 1847. liNNETT, Mrs. P. Byways of History. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1847. JiKEY, J. B. Les Cinq Codes. 8°. Paris. 1818. liBB, C. H. Ceylon and the Cingalese. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1850. China and the Chinese. 2 y. 8°. Lond. 1849. iiSMONDi, J. C. L. S. de. Histoire des Ed- publiques Italiennes. 12 v. 8°. Brux. 1826. — Nouveaux Principes de rficonomie Poli- tique. 2 V. 8°. Paris. 1827. — French under the Merovingians. 8°. Lond. 1850. — History of the Crusades against the Albigenses. 12°. Bosfc. 1833. — History of the Fall of the Koman Em- pire. 2v. 16°. Lond. 1834. Same. 8°. Phil. 1835. — History of the Italian Kepublics. 16°. Lond. 1832. — History of the Literature of the South of Europe. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1827. — Political Economy and Philosophy of Government. 8°. Lond. 1847. — Progress of Nations for last 25 years. (P. 8.) 8°. Phil. 1825. • Progress of Keligious Opinions. (P. 10.) 8°. Bost. 1827. ITGREAVES, L. Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado. See United States. Lectures on Arithmetic. 12°. Lond. 1842. Months in the "West Indies. 12°. N.Y. 1826. eater's Pocket Companion. 18°. Bost. 1860. KELTON, J. Poems. See British Poets, v. 1. — Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1843. KENE, J. H. Three Eras in Ottoman His- tory. 8°. Lond. 1851. ■KENE, W. F. Highlanders of Scotland. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1837. KETCH of the Caledonia Springs, U. Canada. (P. 19.) 24°. Montreal. 1839. KETCH of Life and Character of Wm. Penn. (P. 45.) 12°. Phil. n.d. KiTCH of Life and Public Services of W. H. Harrison. (P. 45.) 8°. N.Y. 1839. Sketch of Military and Political Power of Russia. 8°. N.Y. 1817. Sketch of Old England, by a New England Man. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1822. Sketch of Origin and Results of Ladies' Prison Associations. 16°. Lond. 1832. Sketch of a Railway Judiciously Constructed. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Sketch of the Resources of the City of New York. 8°. N.Y. 1827. Sketch of the Seminole War. 12°. Charles- ton. 1836. Sketches of Boston, Past and Present, and its Vicinity. 16°. Bost. 1851. Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monu- ment. 16°. Charlestown. 1844. Sketches of Canadian Life. 12° Lond. 1849. Sketches of Germany and the Germans. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Sketches of the Hindoos. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1792. Sketches of Imposture, etc. 16°. Lond. 1837. Same. 16°. Lond. 1840. Sketches of the Institutions and Manners of the Romans. 12°. Lond. 1826. Sketches of Ireland Sixty Years Ago. 16^. Dubl. 1847. Sketches of Isles of Scilly. 12°. Lond. n.d. Sketches of Lives of Distinguished Females. V. 15. 18°. N.Y. 1837. Sketches of London. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1839. Sketches of Newport and its Vicinity. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Sketches of the New York Press. (P. 41.) 8°. N.Y. 1844. Sketches of Paris. 12°. Phil. 1838. Sketches of Persia. 12°. Phil. 1828. Sketches of Popular Tumults. 12°. Lond. 1837. Sketches by a Traveller. 12°. Bost. 1830. Sketches in Verse. 8°. Phil. 1810. Skinner, A. N. Biographical Sketch of. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1859. Skinner, F. G. Elements of Agriculture. See Saxton's Rural Handbooks, 2d series. Skinner, J. E. H. Tale of Danish Heroism. 12°. Lond. 1865. Skinner, J. S. See Monthly Journal of Ag- riculture ; and Plough, Loom and Anvil. Essay on the Ass, the Mule, etc. See YouATT, W. The Horse. Skinner, O. A. Seimon on Death of Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Universalism Illustrated and Defended. 12°. Bost. 1839. 336 CATALOGUE OF THE Skinner, S. Etymologicon Linguce Angli- canse. P. Lond. 1671. Skinner, T. H. Aids to Preaching and Hear- ing. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Skioldebband, a. F. Journey to the North Cape. 8°. Lond. 1813. Skottowb, a. Life of Shakspeare. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. Sladb, a. Travels in Turkey, Greece, etc. 2v. 16°. Phil. 1833. Slade, J. Imaginary Colloquies, etc. 18°. Lond. 1838. Slang Dictionary. 12° Lond. 1865. Slavery, Eemarks on Extending into Mis- souri. (P.) 8°. West Chester, Pa. '56. Sleeman, W. H. Thugs or Phansigars of Lidia. 2v. 16°. Phil. 1839. Sleeper, M. G. FonthiU Recreations. 16°. Bost. 1866. Sleigh, J. W. Pine Forests and Hacmatack Clearings. 8°. Lond. 1853. Slib, D. War of the Gauges. (P.) 8°. Cleve- land, O. 1854. Slight Reminiscences of the Rhine, Switzer- land, and Italy. 2 v. 12°. PhH. 1835. Sloan, S. City and Suburban Architecture. 1.4°. Phil. 1859. Homestead Architecture. 8°. Phil. '61. Sloane, H. Voyage to Madeira, etc. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1707-25. Small Books on Great Subjects, v. 1-22. 16°. Lond. 1843-54. V. 1. Philosophical Theories and Experience. — v. 2. Barlow, J., Con- nection between Physiology and Intel- lectual Philosophy. — V. 3. Barlow, J., Man's Power over Himself to Prevent Insanity. — v. 4. Introduction to Prac- tical Organic Chemistry. — v. 5. Greek Philosophy to Age of Pericles. — v. 6. Greek Philosophy from Age of Socra- tes to Christian Era. — v. 7. Christian Doctrine and Practice in Second Cen- tury. — V. 8. Exposition of Vulgar Er- rors. — V. 9. Introduction to Vegetable Physiology. — v. 10. On the Principles of Criminal Law. — ^v. 11. Christian Sects in the Nineteenth Century. — V. 12. General Principles of Grammar. — ^v. 13. Sketches of Geology. — v. 14. Man before Christianity. — v. 15. Thoughts and Opinions of a States- man. — V. 16. Responsibility of Em- ployers. — ^v. 17. Christian Doctrine and Practice] in Twelfth Century. — V. 18. Philosophy of Ragged Schools. — V. 19-22. Man Subsequent to Chris- tianity. Same ; first 12 v. of the preceding. 3 v. 18°. Phil. 1847. Smallet, E. Worcester Pulpit. 8°. Bost. 1851. Smaet, B. H. Beginnings of a New School of Metaphysics. 8°. Lond. 1839. Manual of Logic. 16°. Lond. 1849. Practice of Elocution. 8°. Lond. 1832. Walker Remodelled; New Pronouncing Dictionary. 8°. Lond. 1836. Smart, C. Poems. See British Poets, v, 30. Smeaton, a. C. Builder's Pocket Companion. 18°. Lond. 1840. Same. 16°. Phil. 1850. Smeaton, J. Building of Eddystone Light- house. f°. Lond. 1791. Miscellaneous Papers. 4°. Lond. 1814. Smectymnuus. Slavery and the Church. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1856. Smedley, E. Poems. 8°. Lond. 1837. Sketches of Venetian History. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1831-8. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1832. Smedley, E. A. Treatise on Moral Evi- deiice. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1850. Smee, a. Electro-Biology. 8°. Lond. 1849. Elements of Electro-Metallurgy. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1852. General Debility and Defective Nu- trition. 16°. Lond. 1862. Instinct and Reason. 8°. Lond. 1850. Potato Plant. 8°. Lond. 1846. Principles of Human Mind Deduced from Physical Laws. 8°. Lond. 1849. Process of Thought. 8°. Lond. 1851. Smellie, W. Philosophy of Natural History. 8°. Bost. 1824. Smidt, H. Der Bergenfahrer, 3 Parts in one. 18°. Berlin, n.d. Smtdt, H. Deutsche Schiffe und Danische Kaper. 2 v. in one. 16°. Leip. 1864. Diesseits und Jenseits. 4 Parts. 18°. Berlin, n.d. Hie Danemark ! Hie Schles-svig ! 2 Parts in one. 18°. Berlin, n. d. Jan Blaufink oder See und Theater. 2 V. in one. 16°. Berlin. 1864. ■^ Michael de Ruiter. 4 Parts. 18°. Ber- lin, n.d. Windstille und Sturmboen. 18°. Leip. 1864. Smiles, S. Brief Biographies. 16°. Bost. '61. Industrial Biography ; Iron- Workers and Tool-Makers. 12°. Bost. 1864 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 337 3. S. Life of George Stephenson. 12° Bost 1863, ! -ives of the Engineers. 3 y. 8°. Bost. '61. 1 'hysical Education. 18°. Edin. 1838. Self-Help. 16°. N.Y. 1863. uiiKE, R. Review of a Battalion of In- fantry. 8^ N.Y. 1810. |«TH, Mr. Facts on Real Character of Amer- ican Colonization Society. (P.) 8°. Liverpool. 1833. , A. Essays on Philosophical Subjects. 4°. Lond. 1795. — Nature and Causes of the "Wealth of Nations. 6 v. 16°. Lond. 1835-9. Same. 8°. Lond. 1864. — Theory of Moral Sentiments, 2 t. in one. 8° Bost 1817. Theorie der Sittlichen Gefuhle. 8°. Leip. 1791. Albert A Month at Constantinople. 12°. Lond. 1850. Story of Mont Blanc. 12°. N.Y. 1853. ITH, Alex. City Poems. 16°. Bost 1857. Dreamthorp. 12°. Bost 1864. Edwin of Deira. 16°. Bost 1861. Poems. 16°. Bost 1853. — Summer in Skye. 12°. Bost 1865. PTH, Arch. Peru as it Is. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1839. ETH, Asa D. Sermon on Death of Mr. J. Brewster. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Sermon on Death of Rev. C. Hall. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. A. W. Elementary Treatise on Me- chanics. 8°. N.Y. 1849. ITH, B. (Ed'r.) Documentos para la His- toriade la Florida, v. 1. 4°. Lond. '57. H, C. Monthly Military Repository. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1796-7. , C. A. Sermon on Death of Pres. Taylor. (P. 45.) 8°. Albany. 1850. a, C. B. Life in Earnest. 12°. Hartf. 1848. a, C. H., Esq. Ancient Costume of Great Britain, etc. f°. Lond. 1848. Fac-Similes of Original Documents, etc. 4°. Lond. 1845. TH, Lieut. -Col. C. H. Introduction to Natural History of Mammals. See Nat- uraxist's Library. Natural History of Dogs. 2 v. 16°. See same. Natural History of Horses, etc. 16°. See same. - Natural History of Human Species. 16°. Edin. 1848. -Same. 12°. Bost 1851. Smith, C. H. J. Landscape Gardening. 12°. Lond. 1852. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Smith, C. L. See Tasso, T. Jerusalem Deliv- ered. Smith, Chauncy, and Bates, S. W. Cases Relating to the Law of Railways. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1854. Smith, D. Dyer's Instructor. 12°. PhiL 1853. Smith, Edm. Poems. See British Poets, V. 13. Smith, Edm. R. The Araucanians. 12^ N.Y. 1855. Smith, Edw. Consumption; its Early Stages. 12°. Lond. 1862. Same. 8°. Phil. 1865. Journey through N. E. Texas. 12°. Lond. 1849. Smith, Eli, and Dwight, H. G. O. Mission- ary Researches in Armenia. 8°. Lond. 1834. Smith, E. B. Ma-ka-ta-me-she-kia-kiak; or, Black Hawk. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Smith, Elisha. Botanic Physician. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Smith, Eliz. O. Old New York; a Tragedy. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Woman and her Needs. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Smith, E. P. Manual of Political Economy. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Smith, Emeline S. Poems and Ballads. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Smith, Mrs. E. V. History of Newburyport 8°. Newburyport. 1854. Smith, F. H. My Experience in Spiritual- ism. 16°. Bait 1860. Regulations of Military Institutions ap- plied to Common Schools. (P. ) 16°. N.Y 1849. Smith, F. H., and Duke, R. T. W. Ameri- can Statistical Arithmetic. 12°. Phil. 1845. Smith, F. W. Argument for Defence on Trial of. (P.) 8°. Bost 1865. Memorial of Massachusetts Legislature in favor of. (P.) 8°. Bost 1865. Review of Argument for prosecution of. (P.) 8°. Bost 1865. Smith, George, Bp. of Victoria. Consular Cities of China. 12°. N.Y 1847. Lewchew and the Lewchewans. 16°. Lond. 1853. Smith, George, F. A. S. Gentile Nations. 8°. N.Y 1855. Hebrew People. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1850. 338 CATALOGUE OF THE Smith, George, F. A. S. History of Method- ism. 3v. 12°. Lond. 1857-Gl. Same. v. 1. 12°. Lond. 1859. Patriarchal Age. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Religion of Ancient Britain. 8°. Lond. 1846. Smith, George, M.D. History of Delaware Co., Pa. 8°. Phil. 1862. Smith, G. W. History of Greece. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Smith, Gerrit. Sermons and Speeches. 8°. N.Y. 1861. Speeches in Congi-ess. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Speeches and Letters on the Eebellion. 2 V. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864-5. Smith, Goldwin. Does the Bible Sanction American Slavery? 16°. Camb. 1863. The Empire; a Series of Letters. 12°. Oxf. 1863. Irish History and Irish Character. 12°. Oxf. 1862. Letter to a Member of the Southern Independence Association. (P.) 16°. Bost. 1864. Smith, Goldwin. Welcome to, by New York Citizens. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Smith, Henry B. Christian Union; a Ser- mon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Memorial of A. G. Phelps. 12°. N.Y. 1860. ■ Beformed Churches and General Church History. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1855. Science of Church History. (P.) 8°. Andover. 1851. Smith, Henry B., and Hitchcock, R. D. Sketches of Prof. E. Robinson. 16°. N.Y. 1863. Smith, Henry H. Address to Alumni of Penn. University, 109th Anniv. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1859. Smith, H. L Education. 18°. N.Y. 1844. Smith, H. L. Scientific Relations of Homoe- opathy. (P.) 8°. Cleveland. 1851. Smith, Horace. Modern Dunciad, etc. 16°. Lond. 1835. Smith, Horace and James. Rejected Ad- dresses. 16°. Bost. 1841. Same. 16°. Bost. 1851. Smith, Horace W. (Ed'r.) Nuts for Future Historians to Crack. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1856. Smith, Horatio. Festivals, Games, and Amusements. 18°. N.Y. 1831. Smith, Major J. T. Management of Mints. 8°. Madras. 1848. Smith, Ja§. Lights and Shadows of Artist Life. 12°. Lond. 1853. Smith, Jas. Mechanic; a Compendium of Inventions. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. Smith, Jas. Memoirs, Letters, etc. Ed. by Horace Smith. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1841. Smith, Col. Jas. Remarkable Occurrences during Captivity of, among the Indians. 24°. Phil. 1834. Smith, Jas. Rural Records. 12°. Lond. 1845. Smith, Sir Jas. E. English Flora. 4 v. S'^ Lond. n.d. Grammar of Botany. 8°. N.Y. 1822. (Ed'r. ) Selections from Correspondence of Linn93us and Others. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1821. -- — Tour on the Continent in 1786-7. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1793. Smith, Jerome V. C. Class Book of Anatomy. 12°. Bost. 1834. Pilgrimage to Egypt. 12°. Bost. 1852. Turkey and the Turks. 12°. Bost. 1854. Smith, John Jay. Designs for Monuments ahd Mural Tablets. 4°. N.Y. 1846. Summer's Jaunt across the Water. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1846. Smith, John Jay, and Watson, J. F. Ameri- can Historical and Literary Curiosities, 4°. Phil. 1847. Same. 2d ser. 4° N.Y. 1860. Smith, Capt. John. Travels and Adventures. 2v. 8°. Richmond. 1819. Smith, John, M.D. Trade and Travels in the Gulph of Guinea. 18°. Lond. 1851. Smith, John. (Ed'r. ) Our Scottish Clergy. 2v. 8°. Edin. 1848-9. Smith, Capt. John (of Arkansas). Fete Ex- traordinary. (P. 41.) 24°. n.p. n.d. Smith, John A. Functions of the Nervous System. 12°. N.Y. 1840. Mutations of the Earth. See the follow- ing. Prelections on Subjects connected with Moral and Physical Science. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Smith, John Calvin. Harper's Gazetteer of theWorid. r.8°. N.Y. 1845. Smith, John Cotton. Correspondence and Miscellanies. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Smith, John Pye. Relation between Scrip- ture and Geology. 8°. Lond. 1848. Smith, John Storrs. Social Aspects. 12°. Lond. 1850. Smith, John Thos. Antiquarian Rambles in London. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1846. Book for a Rainy Day. 12°. Lond. 1845. Nollekens and his Times. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1829. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 339 MlTn, John Wm, Compendium of Mercan- tile Law. 8°. N.Y. 1855. — Law of Contracts. 8^. Pliil. 1856. — Law of Landlord and Tenant. 8°. Phil. 1856. Imith, Jos. Old Redstone ; or, Western Presbyterianism. 8^. Phil. 1854. •MiTH, Jos. , Jr. See Book of Mormon. anTH, Jos. Mather, Address, Inaug. of N.Y. Hospital. (PO 8°. N.Y. 1855. Anniv. Address to N.Y. Academy of Medicine. (P. 43.) 8=. N.Y. 1851. Public Duties of Medical Men. (P.) 8°. NY. 1846. aiiTH, Jos. Morgan. Poem before Senior Class of Yale CoUege. (P. 44.) 8^. N. Haven. 1854. MiTH, Josh. H. Causes of Death of Major Andre. IT. Lond. 1808. MITH, Josh. T. Local Self-Government and Centralization. 8^. Lond. 1851, Northmen in New England. 12^. Bost. 1839. Progress of Philosophy among the An- cients. 12°, Lond. 183G. MITH, J. Hyatt. Gilead; or, the Vision of All Souls' Hospital; an Allegory. 12°. N.Y. 1863. IVHTH, J. Lewis. Report of a Case of Hy- drophobia, 8°. N.Y. 1856. MITH, M. British Possessions in North America. 24°. Bait. 1814. MITH, Moses, Sermon at Enlisting in U. S. Army. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1863. IkiiTH, 0. H. Early Indiana Trials and Sketches. 8°. Cine. 1858. LriTH, P. History of the World, v. 1-3, 8°. N.Y. 1865-6, OTH, R., and Carson, A Trial for Murder ofCapt. J. Carson. (P. 3.) 8°. Phil. 16. , R. A. Philadelphia as It Is. 12°. Phil. 1852, ECTH, R. S. Topographical Drawing. 8°. N.Y. 1854. trrn, Saml. Aditus ad Logicam. 24°. Oxf. 1649, pncH, Saml. Memoirs of a SoWier of the Revolution, 1776-86. 8°. N.Y. 1860. CEXH, Saml. B. Application of Electro-Mag- netism. 8°. N.Y. 1850-53. Renunciation of Popery. (P. 14.) 8°. Phil. 1833. ITTH, Saml. S. Causes of Variety of Com- plexion and Figure in Human Species. 8°. N. Brunswick. 1810, ITH, Seba. New Elements of Geometry. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Smith, Stephen R. Causes of Infidelity Re- moved. 18°. Utica. 1839. Smith, Sydney. Works. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1839- 1840. Same. 3 v. 12°. Phil. 1844. Elements of Moral Philosophy. 12°. . N.Y. 1856. Miscellaneous Sermons. 12°. PhiL 1846. Selections from Writings, v. 1. 16°. Lond. 1854. Wit and Wisdom. (Selections from AVritings.) 12°, N.Y. 1856. Smith, Sydney, and others. Table Talk. Ed. by C. Evelyn. 12°. N.Y. 1853. ' Smith, T. Five Years' Residence in NepauL 2v. 12°. Lond. 1852. Smith, Rev. T. Wonders of Nature and Art, 14 V. 8°. Phil. 1806-7. Smith, T. L. Elements of Laws of United States. 12°. Phil. 1853. Smith, T. Southwood. The Divine Gov- ernment. 16°. Lond. 1826. Lecture over Remains of Jeremy Beu- tham. 12°. Lond. 1832. PhUosophy of Health, v. 1 and 2. 18°. Lond. 1835-9. Treatise on Fever. 8°. Lond. 1830. Use of the Dead to the Living. 8°. Lond. 1828. Bound with Lecture over Remains of J. Bentham. Smith, Wm. History of New York to 1762. 4°. Lond.' 1757. Same. 8°. Albany. 1814. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1829-30. Smith, Wm. Annual Statement of Commerce of Cincinnati. 8°. Cine 1860. Smith, Wm. Ahiman Rezon ; a Help to Free- masons. 8°. Phil. 1783. Smith, Wm., LL.D. Chronology of Greek and Roman History. 8°. Lond. 1849. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Anti- quities. 8°. Lond. 1842, — Dictionary of the Bible. 2 v. 8°. Bast. 1860. Same. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1863. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biog- raphy and Mythology. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1849. Same. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1854-7. History of Greece. 12°. N.Y. 1854. -Same, abridged, 16°. N.Y. 1860. Student's Gibbon. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Smith, Wm. Missionary Voyage to the Pacific. 16°. N.Y. 1813. 340 CATALOGtJE OF THE Smith, Wm. Memoirs of J. G. Ficbte. 12°. Best. 1846. Smith, Wm. Thcimdale; or the Conflict of Opinions. 12''. Bost. 1859. Smith, Wm., D.D. Sermon on American Affairs. (P. 52.) 8°. Bristol. 1775. Smith, W. B. Fruit, Flowei* and Kitchen Garden. 18°. Lond. n.d. Smitij, W. H. Canada, Past, Present and Future. 2 v. 8°. Toronto. 1851. Smith, W. H. Birmingham and its Vicinity. 8°. Lond. 1836. SiJtlTH, W. H. Brooklyn and Kings Co. Record. 12°. Brooklyn. 1855. Smith,. W. L. G. China and the Chinese. 12°. N.Y. 1863. SmTtH, Gen. W. Rudolph. History of Wis- consin. 2v. 8°. Madison. 1854. — >- Observations on Wisconsin. 12°. Phil. 1838. Smith, Wm. R. Uses of Solitude; a Poem. 8°. Montgomery. 1860. Smith, and Du Moi?lin. See Illinois Busi- ness Directory. Smithsonian Institution. Sec also names of Authors of Publications. Ani^ual Reports of Regents; 6, 8-12, 15- 19; 1852-64. 11 v. 8°. Wash. 1852-64. Same, 4th, for 1849. (P. 33.) 8°. Wash. 1850. Booth and Morflt's Report on Improve- ments in Chemistry. 8°. Wash. 1851. ■ Contributions to Knowledge, v. 1-13. 4°. Wash. 1848-63. Meteorological Observations for 1855. 8°. Wash. 1857. Miscellaneous Collections. 5 v. 8°. Wash. 1862-4. Smollett, T. History of England from the Revolution to the Death of George II. 8°. Phil. 1797-8. ^ Same. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1822. * Same. 8°. Lond. 1823. . Same. 8°. Phil. 1832. Same. 8°. Phil. 1837. Miscellaneous Works. 8°. Lond. 1845. Poems. See Bkitish Poets, v. 33. Select Works. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1833. Travels through France and Italy. 16°. Lond. 1824. Smuckeb, S. M. Arctic Explorations and Dis- coveries. 12°. N.Y. 1860. History of Catherine IL 8°. Phil. 1855. History of the Four Georges. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Life and Times of Alex. Hamilton. 12°. Phil. 1860. Smucker, S. M. Memorable Scenes of His- tory. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Smyth, C. P. Three Cities in Rtissia. 2 v, 12°. Lond. 1862. — ^ Teneriffe, an Astronomer's Experiment. 12°. Lond. 1858. Smyth, G. C. (Ed'r.) History of the Reign- ing Family of Lahore. 8°. Calcutta. 1847. Smyth, G. L. Ireland; Statistical and His- torical. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1844-7. Smyth, Mrs. G. (Ed'r.) Memoirs of Sir R. M. Keith. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1849. Smyth, T. Unity of the Human Race. 12''. N.Y. 1850. Same. 12°. Edin. 1851. Smyth, W. Elements of Algebra. 8°. Port- land. 1830. Smyth, W. H. Cycle of Celestial Objects. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1844. — — The Mediterranean. 8°. Lond. 1854. Smyth, W. W. A Year with the Turks. 12°. Lond. 1854. Smyth, W., and Lowe, F. Journey from Lima to Para. 8^. Lond. 1836. Snelgeave, W. Account of Guinea and tho Slave Trade. 8°. Lond. 1734. Snell, D. W. Manager's Assistant. 16°. Hartf. 1850. Snelling, W. J. Polar Regions of America Explored. 8°. Bost. 1831. ^ Truth; a Gift for Scribblers. 18°. Bost. 1832. Snobko Sturleson. Heimskringla; transl. by S. Laing. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1844. Sno-v\^, C. H. History of Boston. 8°. Bost. 1825. Snow, Jos. Churchyard Thoughts in Verse. 12°. Lond. 1847. Snow, W. P. Paper on the Lost Polar Expe- dition. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1860. Two Years' Cruise off Tierra del Fuego, etc. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1859. Snowden, J. R. Bill relating to the U. S. Treas- ury and Mint. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1858. Measure to Secure a safe Treasury, etc (P.) 8°. Phil. 1857. Snowe, J. The Rhine, from Cologne to Mainz. 2 v. 18°. Frankfort. 1840. SoANE, G. Life of the Duke of Wellington. 2v. 18°. Lond. 1840. New Curiosities of Literature. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1847. Sociable (The). One Thousand and One Home Amusements. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Social and Domestic Religion. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1859. MERCANTILE LIBRART. 341 SociAii Law Library in Boston. Catalogue. -8°. Bost. 18G5. ^ociAii Science Review, v. 1-2. 8°. Lend, ISG-L ociETE Imperiale des Antiquaires de France. Aanuaire. 1G°. Paris. 1853. - ociETE d'fimulation d' Abbeville. Memoires. 8° Abbeville. 1861, .SociETE Fran9aise deStatistique Universelle. Bulletin. 2 v. in one. 4°. Paris. 1830-1. Journal des Travaux, 1833, 1835-49. 6 y. 4°. and 8°, Paris. 1833-49. SociETE de Geograpbie. Bulletin. 24 v. 8°. Paris. 1851-62. SociETi: Linn^enne de Paris. Mdmoires. 5t. With 4°. Atlas. 8°. Paris. 1822-27. Society of Arts. Journal, v. 1-12. 8°. Lond. 1853-64. Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, London. Lectures connected with Ed- ucational Exhibition. 16°. Lond. 1855. Papers on Chemistry, etc., 1810-43. 8°. Lond. n.d. Papers on Polite and Fine Arts, 1810-43. 8°. Lond. n.d. Transactions. v. 1-47 and 51. 8°. Lond. 1806-37. Society for Diffusion of Political Knowledge. See Handbook of the Democracy. Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. See Libkaby of Useful Knowledge. Maps. 2v. R Lond. 1844. Report on Literary and Scientific Listi- tutions of England. 12°. Lond. 1841. Society for Equitable Assurances. Deed of Settlement, Reports, Addresses, etc. 8°. Lond. 1820. Same. 8° Lond. 1833. Society for Promotion of Useful Arts in New York State. Transactions, v. 4. 8°. Albany. 1819. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Sermons before the Society. 20 v. BnL4°. Lond. 1702- 182a Society for Reformation of Juvenile Delin- quents, N.Y. Rei?ort of the Building Committee. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Beply of Managers to j^Ir. Hale. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1855. Reports, 7, 15. 17, 21, 29-48. (P.) 8". N.Y. 1832-65. Rules of House of Refuge. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Statutes, Decisions, etc. , as to House of B«fuge. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1862. Society for Relief of Half-Orphan and Des- titute Children. Annual Reports, 18- 28. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1854-64 Soeten, M. Medulla Algebrse. 18°. Amst. 1702. Soldier's Armor of Strength; Devotional Exercises. 12°. Brooklyn, 1863. SoLGEB, R. Anton in Amerika, 2 v. in one. U°. Bromberg. 1862. SoLis, A. de. Historia de la Conquista do Mejico. f°. Madrid. 1684. Same. 5 v. 18°. Madrid. 1798. Sam-e. 8°. Paris. 1844. Same. TransL 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1738. Solitude Sweetened; or. Miscellaneous Medi- tations. 18°. Title wanting, SoLLOGUB, Count The Tarantas. 12°. Lond. 1650. Solly, S. Human Brain. 8°. Lond. 1847. Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England. 8°. Oxi: 1853. SoMEEs, Mrs. Selections from Modem Frenoh Poets. 8°. Dubl. 1846. SoMEEViLLE, Mary. Connection of the Phy«h ical Sciences, 16°. Phil. 1837. Same. 12°. Lond. 1858. Mechanism of the Heavens. 8°. Lond. 183L Physical Geography. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1848. Preliminary Dissertation on Mechan- ism of the Heavens. 18°. Phil. 1832. SoMEBViLE, W. Poems. See Bkitish Poets, V. 17. SoMMEBviLLE, Lydia. Histoire de, 18°. Pai-is. 1822, Song Leaves. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Songs and Ballads from Uhland, etc., transL by C. T. Brooks. 12°. Bost. 1842. Songs and Carols; from MS. in the Sloan© Collection. 18°. Lond. 1836. SoNos of England and Scotland. 2 v. 16". Lond, 1835, Songs of WiUiams College. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. Sonnets from Shakspeare. 12°. Lond. 1791. SoNNiNi, C. S. Travels in Greece and Turkey. 2 r. 12°. Lond. 1801. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt. 4**. Lond. 1800. SoNOEA. Provencional Descripcion. sni.4®. St. Augustine. 1863. Sons of Liberty in 1776 and 1856. (P.) 8". N.Y. 1856. Sons of New Hampshire. Festival 8°. Bost 1850. Second Festival 8°. Bast 1854. 342 CATALOGUE OF THE So"NS of the Sires; History of the American Party. 16°. Phil. 1855. SoOTAG, Henriette. Life of. 8°. N.Y. 1852. SoPEE, E. Practical Stenographer. 16°. Lond. 1856. Sophia Dorothea, Consort of George I. Memoirs of. 2 t. 8°. Lond. 1846. SoPHOciiES. Opera, ^ee Didot's Greek Clas- sics. Tragosdice Septem. (Greek.) 12°. Paris. 1787. Antigone. (Greek and English.) 8°. Lond. 1848. Electra. (P.) 16°. Athens, Ga. 1852. Tragedies. Transl. by Francklin. 18°. N.Y. 1834. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1838. 18°. N.Y. 1844. Transl. into Prose. 12°. N.Y. Same. Same. 1837. Same, selections from. See British Poets, V. 50. SoTHEBT, "VV. (Transl.) Iliad and Odyssey. See HoMEE. Oberon; a Poem. See "WiEiiAND. Saul; a Poem. 16°. Post. 1808. Tour in Wales, Sonnets, Odes, etc. 4°. Lond. 1794. Tragedies. 8°. Lond. 1814. Translation of Yirgil's Georgies. See VlKGrL. SorciET, E. On Newton's Chronology. See Newton, L SouLAGEs Collection. See Eobinson, J. C. Soule, E., Jr. Memorial of the Spragne Family. 12°. Post. 1848. SoTJLES, F. Histoire des Troubles de VAme- rique Anglaise. 4 y. 8°. Paris. 1787. SoiJLiE, F. Diane et Louise. 16°. Paris. 1859. Un £td a Meudon. 16°. Paris. 1859. Au Jour le Jour. 16°. Paris. 1864. Le Magnetiseur. 16°. Paris. 1858. Un Malheur Complet. 16°. Paris. 1858. Les Memoires du Diable. 8°. Brux. 1837. Same. ' 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1843. Un Eeve d'Amour. 16°. Paris. 1859. Sathaniel. 16°. Paris. 1859. Le Vicomte de Beziers. 16°. Paris. *60. South, J. F. Household Surgery. 16°. Lond. 1847. South, R. Sermons. 4 v. 8°. PhiL 1845. South African Almanac and Directory for 1831. 12°. Cape Town. 1831. South Boston (The) Unitarian Ordinaticai. (P. 620 8°. Bost. 1841. South Carolina. Journal of Convention, 1832-33. 8°. Columbia. 1833. Eeport on Geology, by M. Tuomey. 4°. Columbia. 1848. Eeport on Geological Survey, by O. M. Lieber. 8^. Columbia. 1858. South Caeolina Historical Society. Collec- tions, V. 1. 8°. Charleston. 1857. South Carolinian (A). Appeal on Slavery. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1834. South Congregational Church, Boston. In- stallation of Eev. E. E. Hale. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1856. South Kensington Museum. Catalogue of Educational Division. 8°. Lond. 1857. South Sea Islander; State of Society in Otaheite. 12°. N.Y. 1820. Southaed, S. L. Mystery of Godliness. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Southeen Aid Society. Annual Eeports, 1-3, 6. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854-59. Constitution, Address, etc. 8°. n.p. 1854. Southebn Business Directory and Commer- cial Advertiser, r. 1. 8°. Charleston. 1854. Southeen Literary Messenger, v. 2-31. 8°. Eichmond. 1836-60. Southeen Presbyterian Eeview. v. 1. 8°. Columbia. 1834. Same. v. 6-9. 8°. Columbia. 1852-6. Southeen Quarterly Eeview. v. 7-28. 8°. Charleston. 1845-56. Southeen Eeview. 8 v. 8°. Charleston. 1828-32. Southeen (A) Traveller's Yisit to New Eng- land; a Poem. (P. 12.) 8°. Bost. 1830. Southeen and "Western Eailroad Convention. Address. (P.) 8°. N.O. 1851. Southey, Caroline. Birthday and Othe: Poems. 12°. Edin. 1836. Chapters on Churchyards. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Solitary Hours and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Southey, Chas. C. (Ed'r.) Life and Corre- spondence of E. Southey. 6 v. 12°. Lond. 1850. Southey, E. All for Love; and, Pilgrim to Compostella. 16°. Lond. 1829. Beauties of Prose "Woirks. 12°. Lond. 1833. Book of the Church. 2 v. 8°. Bost. '25. Same. 8°. Lond. 1837. (Transl.) Chronicle of the Cid. 8°. LoweU. 1846. MERCANTILE LIBr.ARY. 343 12^ 12°. N.Y. SouTHEY, R. Colloquies on Society. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1831. Commonplace-Book. 8°. Lond. 1849. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Curse of Kehama. 2 v. 18° N.Y. 1811. Doctor. 7v. 12°. Lond. 1836-47, Same. 2 v. in one. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Essays, Moral and Political. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1832. History of the Peninsular War. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1828-37. Esprielia's Letters. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1814. Letters from Spain and Portugal. Bristol. 1799. Life of William Cowper. 2 v. Bost. 1839. Life of OHver CromweU. 18°. 1845. Life of Lord Nelson. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Life of John Wesley ; and Rise and Progress of Methodism. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Madoc; a Poem. 2 v. 8° Bost 1821. Oliver Newman Cunfinished), with other Poems. 16°. Lond. 1845. Poeticid Works. 10 v. 16°. Lond. 1838. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1842. Roderick; a Poem. 18°. PhiL 1815. Selections from Letters. 4 v. 12°. Lond- 1856. rEd'r. ) Specimens of Later English Poets. 3v. 8° Lond. 1807- Tale of Paraguay; a Poem. 18°. Bost. 1827. Vision of Judgment; a?so,BjT:on's Vision of Judgment. 18°. N.Y. 1823. SouTHEY, R., and Bell, K Lives of British Admirals. 5 v. 16°, Lond. 1833-40. SouTHEY, T. Colonial Sheep and Wools. 8°. Lond. 1852. SouTHGATE, Henry (Comp'r). What Men have said about Woman. 16°. Lond. 1865. SouTHGATE, Horatio. Tour through Armenia, Persia, etc. 8°. Lond. 1840. Visit to the Syrian Church of Mesopo- tamia, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1844. SouTHWicK, S. Address, Opening of Albany Apprentices' Library. (P. 43.) 8°. Al- bany. 1821. fiouvESTRE, £. Les Anges du Foyer. 16°. Paris. 1864. Au Bord du Lac, etc. 16°. Paris. 1859. Chroniques de la Mer. 12°. Paris. 1856. SouvESTBE, £. Les Clairi^res. 16°. Paris. 1863. Au Coin du Feu. 16°. Paris. 1865. Confessions d'un Ouvrier. 12°. Paris. 1857. Contes et Nouvelles. 16°. Paris. 1858. Dans la Prairie. 16°. Paris. 1859. Les Derniers Bretons. 12°. Title want- ing. La Derniere fitape, 12°. Paris. 1857. Les Derniers Paysans. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1851. Deux Miseres. 16°. Paris. 1859. L'Echelle de Femmes. 16°. Paris. 1863. EnFamille. 16°. Paris. 1859. La Goutte d'Eau. 16°. Paris. 1864. Histoires d' Autrefois. 16°. Paris. 1859. L'Homme et r Argent. 16°. Paris. 1859. Le Mat de Cocagne. 16°. Paris. 1859. Le Memorial de Famille. 16°. Paris. 1865. Le Mendiant do Saint Roch. 16°. Paris. 1859. Le Monde tel qu'il sera. 16°. Paris. 1859. Les P6che's de Jeunesse. 16°. Paris. 1858. Pendant la Moisson. 16° Paris. 1859. Un Philosophe sous les Toits. 12°. Paris. 1857. Pierre et Jean. 16°. Paris. 1859. En Quarantaine. 12°. Paris. 1856. Re'cits et Souvenirs. 16°. 1860. Le Roi du Monde. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1863. Scenes de la Chouannerie. 16°. Paris. 1861. Scenes et Rdcits des Alpes. 16°. Paris. 1860. Scenes de la Vie Intime. 16°. Paris. 1860. Les Soirees de Meudon. 16°. Paris. 1857. Sous les Filets, etc. 16°. Paris. 1857. Sous les Ombres. 12°. Paris. 1859. Sous La Tonnelle. 16°. Paris. 1859. Souvenirs d'un Bas-Breton. 16°. Paris. 1860. Sur la Pelouse. 16°. Paris. 1858. Theatre de la Jeunesse. 16°. Paris. 1860. Attic Philosopher in Paris. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Brittany and La Vendue. 12°. Edin. '55. SouzA, J. G. de. Anthologie Universelle. 12°. Leip. 1859. 344 CATALOGUE OF THE SowEEBT, G. B., Jr. Conchological Manual. 8°. Lond. 1839. SowEKBY, H. Popular Mineralogy. 16°. Lond. 1850. SoYEE, A. Pantropheon; or, History of Food. 8°. Lond. 1853. S^AiTOED, K. G. Gazetteer of New York State. 8°. Albany. 1813. Same. 8°. Albany. 1824. Spalding, J. J. De Christen in Emstige Overweeging. 8°. Utrecht. 1771. Spalding, J. "W. Japan and Around the World. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Spalding, L. Address. Inaugural of Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Fairfield, N.Y. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1814. Bill of Mortality, Portsmouth, N. H. (P.) 4°. n.p. 1807. Dissertation on Animal Heat. (P.) 16°. Walpole, N. H. 1797. New Chemical Nomenclature. (P. ) obi. f°. Hanover, N. H. 1799. Keflections on Fever. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1817. Spalding, M. J. Early Catholic Missions in Kentucky. 16°. Louisville. 1844. Spalding, "Wm. History of English Litera- ture. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Italy and the Italian Islands. 3 v. 16°. Edin. 1841. Spallanzani, L. Natural History of Animals and Vegetables. 2 v. 8°. Edin. 1803. Spaee, J. Differential Calculus. 12°. Bost. 1865. Spabke, E. Primitive Devotion in Feasts and Fasts of English Church. 12°. Lond. 1682. Spakks, J. Letter to Lord Mahon. 8°. Bost. 1852. • Letters on the Protestant Episcopal Church. 8°. Bait. 1820. Life of Allen; Arnold; Ledyard; Lee; Marquette; Pulaski; Eibault; La Salle. See, below, in Library of American Bi- ography. Life of J. Ledyard. 8°. Camb. 1829. Life of G. Morris, with Select Corre- spondence. 3v. 8°. Bost. 1832. Life of Washington. See Washington, G. Works, etc. Same. 8°. Bost. 1837. Same. 8°. Bost. 1839. Remarks on a Reprint of Letters from Washington to Joseph Reed. 8°. Bost. 1853. Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon. 8°. Camb. 1852. Spaeks, J. CEd'r.) Correspondence of the ' Revolution; Letters to Washington. 4 v. 8°. Bost. 1853. (Ed'r.) Diplomatic Correspondence of J the Revolution. 12 v. 8°. Bost. 1829- 1830. (Ed'r.) Library of American Biogra- phy. 1st series. 10 v. 16°. Bost. 1834-8. V. 1. Life of J. Stark; by E.Everett. Life of C. B. Brown; by W. H. Pres- cott. Life of R. Montgomery; by J. Armstrong. Life of E. Allen; by J. Sparks.— V. 2. Life of A. Wilson; by W. B. 0. Peabody. Life of Capt. J. Smith; by G. S. Hillard.— v. 3. Life of B. Arnold; by J. Sparks. — v. 4. Life of A. Wayne; by J.Armstrong. Life of Sir H. Vane; by C. W. Upham. — V. 5. Life of J. Eliot; by C. Francis. —V. 6. Life of W. Pinkney ; by H. Whea- ton. Life of W. T. EUery; by E. T. Channing. Life of C. Mather; by W. B. O. Peabody.— V. 7. Life of Sir W. Phips; by F. Bowen. Life of L Put- nam ; by W. B. O. Peabody. Life of L. M.' Davidson; by Miss Sedgwick. Life of D. Rittenhouse; by J. Ren- wick. — V. 8. Life of J. Edwards; by S. Miller. Life of D. Brainerd; byW. B. O. Peabody. — v. 9. Life of Baron Steuben; by F. Bowen. Life of S. Cabot; by C. Hay ward, Jr. Life of W. Eaton; by C. C. Felton.— v. 10. Life of R. Fulton; by J. Renwick. Life of H. Hudson; by H. R. Cleve- land.. Life of J. Warren; by A. H. Everett. Life of Father Marquette; by J. Sparks. Same. 2d series. 15 v. 16°. Bost. 184^8. V. 1. Life of R. C. de la Salle; by J. Sparks. Life of P. Henry ; by A, H. Everett.— V. 2. Life of J. Otis; by F. Bowen. Life of J. Oglethorpe ; by W. B. 0. Peabody.— V. 3. Life of J. Sulli- van ; by W. B. O. Peabody. Life of J. Leisler; by C. F. Hoffman. Life of N. Bacon; by W. Ware. Life of J. Mason; by G. E. Ellis.— v. 4. Life of R. Williams; by W. Gammell. Life of T. Dwight; by W. B. Sprague. Life of Count Pulaski; by J. Sparks.— V. 5. Life of Count Rumford; by J. Renwick. Life of Z. M. Pike; by H. Whiting. Life of S. Gorton; by J. M. Mackie.— V. 6. Life of E. Stiles; by J. L. Kingsley. Life of J. Fitch; MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 345 by C. Whittlesey. Life of A. Hutchin- son; by G. E. Ellis,— V. 7. Life of J. Ribault; by J. Sparks. Life of S. Rale; by C. Francis. Life of W. Pal- frey; by J. G. Palfrey.— V. 8. Life of C. Lee; by J. Sparks. Life of J. Reed; by H. Reed. — v. 9. Life of L. Calvert, of Maryland; by G. W. Burnap. Life of S. Ward; by W. Gammell. Life of T. Pusey; by J. Hall.— v. 10. Life of N. Greene; byG. W.Greene. — v. 11. Life of S. Decatur; by A. S. Mackenzie. — V. 12. Life of E. Preble; by L. Sabine. Life of W. Penn; by G. E. Ellis.— v. 13. Life of D. Boone; by J. M. Peck. Life of B. Lincoln; by F. Bowen. — V. 14. Life of J. Ledyard; by J. Sparks. —V. 15. Life of W. R. Davie; by F. M. Hubbard. Life of S. Kirkland; by S. K. Lothrop. AEKMAN, A. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. 2v. 8°. Dubl. 1785. •AYTH, H. Game of Draughts. 12°. Buffalo. 1863. JPEAE, C. Punishment of Death. 12°. Bost. 1844. 5PECIMENS of Macaronic Poetry. 8°. Lond. 1831. 5PECTAT0R (The). 10 V. 16°. Lond. 1808. Same. 8°. Lond. 1852. Same. 4 v. 16° Lond. 1860. Spectator (The) ; a Weekly Journal, v. 11- 16, and 24-29. f°. Lond. 1838-52. JpECULUM Episcopi : the Mirror of a Bishop. 12° Lond. 1849. iPEECHES in Congress on Bill for Removal of Indians. 12° Bost. 1830. PEED, J. Historie of Great Britaine. f°. Lond. 1623. JpEKE, J. H. Discovery of the Source of the Nile. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Ipence, Jas. American Union; its Effect on National Character and Policy, etc. 8°. Lond. 1862. JPENCE, Jos. (Ed'r.) Anecdotes, etc., of Books and Men. 8°. Lond. 1820. Polymetis; or, the Roman Poets and Ancient Art. f°. Lond. 1747. tPEKCEB, A. Memorial of. 8°. Albany. 1849. tPENCEB, C. C. Treatise on Music. 16°. Lond. 1858. NCER, E. Tour through France and Italy. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1853. Travels in the Western Caucasus. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. Turkey, Russia, and the Black Sea. 12°. Lond. 1854. Spencer, G. 1851. Spencer, H. Same. Same. English Grammar. 12°. N.Y. N.Y. 1861. Same. Same. 8°. Lond. Education. 12' 12°. N.Y. 1863. 12°. N.Y. 1865. 8°. Lond. 1848. 8°. N.Y. 1864. 12°. N.Y. 1865. New System of Philosophy. 1862. Same. 12° N.Y. 1864. Illustrations of Universal Progress. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Principles of Psychology. 8°. Lend. 1855. Social Statics. 8°. Lond. 1851. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Spencer, I. S. A Pastor's Sketches. 12*. N.Y. 1851. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Sermons. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Spencer, J. A. History of the Reformation in England. 16°. N.Y. 1846. Travels in Egypt and Holy Land. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Spencer, J. C. Argument on Assessment Laws. (P. 48.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Spencer, Theo. Conversion Practically De- lineated. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Spencer, Thos. Electrography. 8°. Glasg. 1840. Use of Voltaic Electricity for Working in Metals. (P. 24.) 8°. Liverpool. 1839. Spencer, Rev. Thos. Life and Discourses. See Ratfles, T. Spenser, E. Poems. See British Poets, y. 2. Same. 5 v. 12°. Lond. 1825. Same. 5 v. 12°. Bost. 1839. Faery Queen. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1865. Sperry, H. T. Country Love vs. City Flir- tation. sm.4° N.Y. 1865. Spicer, H. Strange Things Among Us. 12°. Lond. 1863. Spielhagen, F. Auf der Diine. 2 v. 16°. Berlin. 1862. Clara Vere. 16°. Berlin. 1862. Problematische Matieren. 12°. Berlin. 1863. In der Zwolften Stunde. 16°. Berlin. 1863. Spiers, A. English-French and French-Eng- lish Dictionary. 2v. 8°. Paris. 1849. Manual of Commercial Terms in Eng- Hsh and French. 12°. Phil. 1847. 346 CATALOGUE OF THE Spiees, a., and Surenne, G. French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Same. 8°. N. Y. 1863. Spineto, Marquis. Hieroglyphics and Egyp- tian Antiquities. 8°. Lond. 1845. Spinoza, B. (Euvres. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1842. Spieit Congress; a Poem. 16°. N.Y. 1859. Spieit of Humanity. 24°. Albany. 1834. Spieit of Missions, v. 6 and 9-29. 8°. N.Y. 1841 and 1844-64. Spieit of the Public Journals, 1797-1812. 16 V. 12°. Lond. 1802-13. Spieit Eappings ; or, Life and Times of Billy McConnelL 8°. Cine. 1851. Spieit of the Times, v. 15, 17, 24. f°. N.Y. 1845-54. Spieitual Magazine, v. 1-5. 8°. Lond. 1860- 1864. SpiEiTUAii Manifestations in Philadelphia. 16°. Phil. 1851. Spieitual Telegraph, v. 1-8. 12°. N.Y. 1853- 1855. Spieitual Visitors. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Spittle, Eev. S. Diary. 24°. Bost. 1854. Spix, J. B. von, and Maetius, C. F. P. von. Travels in Brazil. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. Splenb, M. Almse Matres. 12°. Lond. n.d. Spoefoed, J. Family Record of Descendants of John Spofford. 8°. Haverhill. 1851. Spon, L History of Geneva. f°. Lond. 1687. Spoonee, E. Parson and People. 16°. N.Y. 1865. Spoonee, L. Essay on Trial by Jury. 8°. Bost. 1852. New System of Paper Currency. (P. ) 8°. Bost. 1861. Unconstitutionality of Slavery. (P. ) 8°. Bost. 1860. Spoonee, S. Anecdote^ of Painters, Engra- vers, etc. 3 V. 16°. N.Y. 1853. Biographical an,d Critical Dictionary of Painters, Sculptors, etc. 8°. N.Y. '53. Spoeting Magazine, v. 22-30. 8°. Lond. 1852-7. Spoetsman and his Dog. 16°. Lond. 1850. Spottiswoode, J. History of Church of Scotland. 3 v. 8°. Edin. 1841. Speague, C. Address to Mass. Soc. for Sup- pression of Litemperance. (P. 44.) 12°. Bost. 1827. Curiosity; a Poem. (P. 10.) 8°. Bost. 1829. Ode at Anniv. of Settlement of Boston. (P. 11.) 8°. Bost. 1830. Oration, 4th July, 1825. (P. 2.) 8°. Bost 1825. 12°. N.I 16°. N.T N.Y. 1831 See Spaek 45.) Al Speague, "VV. B. Address, Opening of Vei mont Classical Seminary. (.F- 43.) 8^ Albany. 1830. Address to Societies of Hamilton Col^ lege. (P. 43.) 8°. Albany. 1849. Address at Funeral of Mrs. J. Wyckofi (P. 46.) 8°. Albany. 1848. Address, Opening of Brooklyn Femal Academy. (P. 43.) 8°. Albany. 1846 Address to Phi Beta Kappa of Yale Co] lege. (P. 43.) 8°. N. Haven. 1843. Annals of American Pulpit. 7 v. 8*^ N.Y. 1856-65. Discourse on Death of Hon. T. S. Wi] Hams. (P. 46.) 8°. Albany. 1849. Lecture to Albany Y. M. Assoc. (P 18.) 8°. Albany. 1838. Lectures on Christianity. 1837. Lectures to Young People 1831. Letters to a Daughter. 16^ Life of Timothy Dwight. Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 4. Oration on Lafayette. (P. bany. 1834. Sermon on Death of Ptev. S. Millei (P. 45.) 8°. Albany. 1850. Sermon on Death of Hon. S. Van Eens selaer, (P.) 8°. Albany. 1839. Sermon on Graves and Cilley Duel (P.) 8°. Albany. 1838. Our Triennial Catalogue; an Address t< Yale Alumni. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1860. Visits to European Celebrities. 12° Bost. 1855. (Ed'r. ) The Excellent Woman Describ ed in Book of Proverbs. 12°. Bost 1851. Speat, T. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 13 Speatt, T. a. B., and Foebes, E. Traveli in Syria, etc. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1847. Speing, G. Contrast between Good and Bac Men. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Dissertation on Eule of Faith. 8° N.Y. 1845. Distinguishing Traits of Christian Char acter. 8°. N.Y. 1813. First Things; Lectures on First Eevela tions to Mankind. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. '51 Fragments from the Study of a Pastor V. 1. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Glory of Christ. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Memoir of Eev. S. J. Mills. 8°. N.Y 1820. Mercy Seat; Thoughts on the Lord'i Prayer. 8°. N.Y. 1850. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 47 iXG, G. Old and New Church; Two Ser- mons. (R) 8° KY. 1858. - Personal Eeniiniscences of Life, etc. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1866. - Power of the Pulpit. 8°. N.Y. 1848. - Pulpit Ministrations. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1864. — Sermon on Female Character. (P. 6. ) 8°. N.Y. 1825. PKiNGEK, J. S. Forest Life and Forest Trees. 12°. N.Y. 1851. PKiNGFiELD Directory, 1863-4, '64-5*. 2 v. 12°. Springfield. 1863-4. PEOAT, Mrs. N. Family Lectures. 18°. Bost. 1819. PEOULE, Dr. Z. A brief Epistle from. (P.) 12°. n.p. n.d. PEUNEE, K. von. Historisch-Geographischer Hand-Atlas. 3 v. f°. Gotha. 1855. PUEGEON, C. H. Sermons. 5th and 8th se- ries. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1859-65. Smooth Stones from Ancient Brooks. 16°. N.Y. 1860. PUEZHEiM, G. Education. 12°. Bost. 1832. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Examination of Objections to Doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim. 12°. Bost. 1833. • Observations on Insanity. 8°. Bost. '35. Phrenology; or Doctrine of Mental Phenomena. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1832. ■ Same. 2 v. 8° Bost. 1838. QUAEEY, C. Agricultural Chemistry. 12°. Phil. 1842. - QUiEE, E. G. Aboriginal Monuments of Mississippi Valley. 8°. N.Y. 1847. • American Ethnology. (P. 47.) 8°. n.p. n.d. ■Antiquities of New York State. 8°. Bufialo. 1851. • Documents on Discovery of America. 8°. N.Y. 1860. • Lettre a M. A. Maury, a propos d'une Lettre de M. Brasseur de Bourbourg. (P.) 12° Paris. 1855. ■ Monograph of Authors who have Written on Central American Languages. 8°. N.Y. 1861. ■Nicaragua; its People, Scenery, etc. 2 V. 8°. N.Y. 1852. ■ Notes on Central America. 8°. N.Y. '55. ■ Serpent Symbol and Worship of Princi- ples of Nature in America. 8°. N.Y. 1851. • States of Central America; their Geogra- phy, etc., and Inter-Oceanic Railway. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Squiee, E. G. "Traditions of the Algonquins. (P. 40.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Volcanoes of Central America, (P. 30. ) 8°. n.p. n.d. Waikna; or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. 12°. N.Y. 1855. and Davis, E. H. See Smith- Contributions to Knowledge, Squiee, E. G, SONIAN V. 1. Squiee, M. P, 12° (P.) 16° Reason and the Bible. N.Y. 1860. Squints through an Opera-Glass. N.Y. 1850. Squiee Papers; List of the Long Parliament, etc. 8°. Lond. 1859. Staats, C. Tribute to De Witt Clinton. 12°. Albany. 1828. Stable Practice. 16°. Lond. 1852. Stackhouse, T. History of the Bible. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1733. (Ed'r.) Speculative and Practical Di- vinity. 3v. 8°. Dumfries. 1776. Stade Dues; Memorandum on. 8°. (P.) Lond. 1858. Stael-Holstein, Anner L. G. Necker, Ba- ronne de. (Euvres Completes. 17 v. 8°. Paris. 1821. De I'Allemagne. 4 v. 12°. Paris. 1818. Same. 8°. Paris. 1820. Corinne. 12°. Paris. 1859. De la Littdrature. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1792. Considerations on the French Revolu- tion. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1818. -- — Correspondence with Grand-Duchess Louise. 8°. Lond. 1862. Germany. 3 v. in two. N.l''. 1814. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1859-61. Ten Years' Exile. 8°. Lond. 1821. Staffoed, T. Pacata Hibernia; or Warres inli-eland. 2 v. imp. 8°. Dubl. 1810. Staffoed, W. C. History of Music. 16°. Edin. 1830. Stagg, E. Poems. 12°. St. Louis. 1852. Stahl, p. J. Les Bonnes Fortunes Parisien- nes. 12°. Paris, n.d. Stahl, P. J., et Musset, A. de. Histoire . d'un Homme Enrhume', etc. 16°. Paris. n.d. Stainton, H. T. (Ed'r.) Entomologist's An- nual. 16°. Lond. 1855. Staleo, J. B. Philosophy of Nature. 12°. Bost. 1848. Staiviboul and the Sea of Gems. 12°. Lond. 1852. Standaed Library Cyclopedia of Political, etc.. Knowledge. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1848-49. 348 CATALOGUE OF THE Standish and Noble. Hints on Planting Ornamental Trees. 16*^. Lond. 1852. Stanfoed, J. Christian's Pocket Library. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1796-1800. Collection of Discourses. 8°. N.Y. 1816-20. Stanhope, Earl. (Lord Mahon. ) See Mahon, Lord. Life of Wm. Pitt. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1861-2. Stanhope, Lady H. Memoirs of Herself. 3 v. 12° Lond. 1846. Travels. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1846. Stanhope, Leicester. Greece in 1823-4. 8°. Phil. 1825. Stanislaus, F, A. Voyage to St. Domingo. 8°. Lond. 1817. Stanley, A. D, Geometry and Trigonometry. 12°. N. Haven. 1848. Stanley, A. P. Lectures on Eastern Church. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Lectures on Jewish Church. 8°. Lond. 1863. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Life and Correspondence of Dr. Arnold, 12°. N.Y. 1845. Sermons before Prince of Wales. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Sinai and Palestine. 8°. Lond. 1856. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Stanley, W. Faith and Practice of a Church of England Man. 16°. Lond. 1848. Stansbuey, H. Expedition to Great Salt Lake Valley. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1852. Same. 3 v. 8°. Wash. 1853. Stansbuey, J., and Odell, J. Loyal Verses. 8°. Albany. 1860. Stanton, F. P. Lecture on U. S. Navy. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Stanton, H. B. Eeforms and Eeformers of G. Britain and Ireland. 12°. N.Y. '49. Stanton, K. L. The Church and the Kebel- lion. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Staples, W. K. History of the Destruction of theGaspee. (P.) 8°. Prov. 1845. Staek, C. History of Dunbarton, N. H. 8°. Concord, N. H. 1860. ^_Memoir of Gen. J. Stark. 8°. Concord, " N. H. 1860. Staekey, D. p. Theoria; a Poem. 16°. Dubl. 1847. Stabkie, T. Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 8°. Phil. 1860. Stakling, Eliz. Noble Deeds of Woman. 16°. Lond. 1848. Stabs and Earth; or. Space, Time and Eter- nity. 12°. Bost. 1849. State of the Cape of Good Hope in 1822. 8 Lond. 1823. State Convention of Mechanics, XJtica, c Present System of State Prison Disc pline. (P.) 8°. Utica. 1834. State Papers and U. S. Public Document 2v. 8°. Bost. 1819. State Temperance Committee of Massachi setts. Annual Keport, May, 1855. (P 8°. Bost. 1855. SiAtE Trials. Kichard II. to George II 11 V. f°. Lond. 1742-81. State of the Union. 8°. Wash. 1855. State Woman's Eights Convention. Addre to Legislature. (P.) 8°. Albany. 185 Statement (A) and Declaration of Views c Eepeal of Trinity Church Act of 181 (P. 54.) 8°. N.Y. 1846. Staten Island Committee of Safety. Addres (P.) 24°. Stapleton, N.Y. 1847. Statics, Pyronomics and Dynamics. 16 Edin. 1837. Statistical Society of London. Journs V. 1-26. 8°. Lond. 1839-63. Statistics of Dane Co., Wisconsin. (P. 40 8°. Madison. 1852. Statistics of New York Sugar Market, 1841 1861. 4°. N.Y. 1861. Statius, p. p. Opera Omnia. 4 v. /S Valpy's Delphin Classics. Same. See Walkee, G. S. Corpus Pof Lat. Staunton, G. L. Embassy from Great Bk ain to China, with f°. Atlas. 2 v. 4 Lond. 1797. Staunton, G. T. (Transl. and Ed'r.) 'j Tsing Leu Lee; Selections from Pen Code of China. 4°. Lond. 1810. Staunton, H. Chess-player's Companio: 12°. Lond. 1849. Chess-player's Handbook. 12°. Lon 1848. Chess Tournament. 16°. Lond. 1852. Staunton, Wm. Dictionary of the Churc 8°. N.Y. 1839. Steamboat Case lately Discussed in N. Legislature. (P.) 8°. Trenton. 18lJ Steaens, E. J. Notes on Uncle Tom's Cabi 12°. Phil. 1853. Steabns, J. F. History of First Presbyterif Church in Newark. 8°. Newar! 1853. Sermon on Death of Daniel Webstc (P.) 8°. Newark. 1852. Steaens, John. Address, First Meeting N. Y. Acad, of Medicine. (P.) 8°. N. 1847. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 349 s, John. Address to*N. Y. State Medi- cal Society. (P. 4.) 8°. Albany. 1820. ENS, S. Mystery of Animal Magnetism. 8°. Lond. 1791. (Bound with the fol- lowing.) Tour to London and Paris. 8°. Lond. 1790. AEN6, W. A. Election Sermon. (V.) 8*^. Bost. 1864. - Sermon on Death of Daniel Webster. (P.)V. Bost. 1852. BBiNG, H. History of Christian Church. 2 V. 16°. Lond. 1833. -History of Reformation. 2 y. 16°. Lond. 1836. - Lives of Italian Poets. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1831. BBiNs, C. M., Jr. Herbarium. 5 v. 4°. N.Y. 1819. BBINS, R. P. Historical Address at the Centennial Celebration of Wilbraham, Mass. 8°. Bost. 1864. DMAN, C. History of the American War. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1794. ■DMAN, E. C. Alice of Monmouth, and Other Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1864. Poems, Lyric and Idyllic. 16°. N.Y. '60. DMAN, J. W. Norwich Jubilee. 8°. Nor- wich. 1859. EDMAN, A. Wanderings in South Africa. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1835. 5ELE, A. Life of Wm. Brewster. 8°. Phil. 1857. ;ele, J. B. Sacred Poetical Paraphrases and Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1863. ELE, Joshua. On Establishing the Melody of Speech by Symbols. 4°. Lond. 1775. ELE, O. G. History of Buffalo Public Schools. (P.) 8°. Buffalo. 1863. BELE, R. €risis of Property. (P. 39.) 8°. Lond. 1720. Dramatic Works. 16°. Lond. 1791. - A Nation a Family. (P. 39.) 8°. Lond. 1720. TheTatler. 5 v. 16°. Lond. 1808. -Same. 8°. Lond. 1824. ENSTEA, P. Grondebeginsels der Meet- kunst. 8°. Leyden. 1770. - Grondbeginsels der Steerrekunde. 8°. Amst. 1771. ■ENSTRur, J. J. S. Alternation of Genera- tions. 8°. Lond. 1845. 3TEN8, H. Story of my Career. 16°. Bost. 1863. JTENS, K. Volkskalender, 1854r-5. 2 v. 16°. Berlin. 1854-5. Stein, P. Aus dem Schwabischen Volka Leben. 16°. Leip. 1858. Steinbrenneb, G. W. Early History of Masonry. 16°. N.Y. 1864. ' Steiner, L. H. Rebel Occupation of Fred- erick, Md. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Steinitz, P. The Ship; its Origin and Prog- ress. 4°. Lond. 1849. Steinmetz, a. Japan and her People. 12°. Lond. 1849. Novitiate; a Year among the Jesuits. 16°. N.Y. 1846. Stephanini, J. Personal Narrative of Suffer- ings. 12°. N.Y. 1829. Stephen, J. War in Disguise. 8°. N.Y. 1806. Stephen, Sir J. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 12°. Phil. 1843. Ecclesiastical Biography. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Same. 8°. Lond. 1860. Lectures on History of France. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Stephen, T. Book of the Constitution. 8°. Glasgow, n.d. Stephens, Alex. Memoirs of J. H. Tooke. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1813. Stephens, Mrs. Ann H. Illustrated New Monthly, v. 1-3. 8°. N.Y. 1856-7. Ladies' Guide to Fancy Work. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Pictorial History of the War for the Union, v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1866. Stephens, H. Book of the Farm. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Manual of Practical Draining. 8®. Lond. 1847. Stephens, Jas. F. Illustrations of British Entomology. 12 v. 8°. Lond. 1828-46. Stephens, J. L. Incidents of Travel in Central America. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1841. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1863. Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia, and the Holy Land. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, etc. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Stephens, T. Literature of the Kymry. 8°. Llandovery. 1849. Stephenson, R. Great Exhibition; its Palace and Contents, etc. 16°. Lond. 1851. Locomotive and Fixed Engines, etc See Walkee, Jas. 350 CATALOGUE OF THE Stepney, G. Poems. See British Poets, V. 13. Sterling, J. Essays and Tales. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Poems. 16°. Title wanting. Sterling, Wm. Velasquez and liis Works. 16°. Lond. 1855. Stern, A. Ein Scliiiler Calvins. 18°. Leip. '65. Stern, H. A. Wanderings in Abyssinia. 8°. Lond. 1862. Sternberg, A. von. Kianstlerbilder. 3 v. in one. 16°. Leip. 1861. Sterne, L. Works. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1808. Same. 8°. Phil. 1833. Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. 12°. N.Y. 1795. Same; with Letters and Sermons. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Stetson, I. Universal Writer; or Short- Hand Shortened. 18°. N.Y. 1824. Stexjart, H. Planter's Guide; Bemoval of Trees, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Steven, W. History of the High School of Edinburgh. 12°. Edin. 1849. Stevens, A. Centenary of American Meth- odism. 12°. N.Y. 1865. History of Methodist Episcopal Church in the U. S. v. 1-2. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Same. v. 1-2. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Stevens, A. H. Address to N.Y. State Med- ical Society. (P. 43.) 8°. Albany. '49. Stevens, C. E. Anthony Burns; a History. 8°. Bost. 1856. Stevens, H. Catalogue of My English Li- braiy. 18°. Lond. 1853. Stevens, I. I. Letter on Northern Pacific E. E. Koute. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1860. ■ Eeport of Eailroad Exploration from St. Paul to Puget Sound. See United States. Stevens, J. A. , Jr. Valley of the Eio Grande ; its Topography and Eesources. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Stevens, J. H. Duty of Union in a Just War; a Sermon. (P. 4.) 8°. N.Y. 1813. Stevens, W. B. History of Georgia, v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Same. v. 2. 8°. Phil. 1859. Steveesloot, L. Jona de Profcet. 4°. Ley- den. 1730. ■ Stevenson, A. History and Illumination of Lighthouses. 12°. Lond. 1850. Stevenson, D. Indiana's Roll of Honor, v. 1. 8°. Indianapolis. 1864. Stevenson, David. Civil Engineering in North America. 8°. Lond. 1838. . Same. 12°. Lond. 1839. Stevenson, W. G. Thirteen Months in the EebelArmy. 16°. N.Y. 1862. Stewart, A. Slavery in New Jersey. 8^, N.Y. 1845. Stewart, A. M. Camp and Battle-Field. 12°. Phil. 1865. Stewart, C. History of Bengal. 4°. Lond. 1813. Stewart, Commodore. Biographical Notice of. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1838. Stewart, C. S. Brazil and La Plata. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Journal of a Voyage to the Pacific and Eesidence in Sandwich Islands. IG", N.Y. 1828. Same. 12°. Bost. 1839. . Sketches of Society in Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1835. Visit to the South Seas in 1829-30. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1831. Stewart, Dugald. Works. 10 v. 8°. Edin. 1854-8. Elements of Philosophy . of Human Mind. 3v. 8°. Bost. 1814-27. Same, abridged. 12°. Bost. 1854. Life and Writings of Wm. Eobertson. 8°. Lond. 102. Philosophical Essays. 8°. N.Y. 1811. Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man. 12°, Camb. 1851. Stewart, Duncan. Arabic Grammar. 8^. Lond. 1841. Stewart, Jas. Lungs; their Use, and Pre- vention of Diseases. 18°. N.Y. 1848. Prize Essay on Cholera Infantum. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Stewart, John. Stable Economy. 16°. Edin, 1840. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Stewart, K. J. Freemason's Manual. 12°. Phil. 1851. Geography for Beginners. 1G°. Eich- mond. 1864. Stewart, P. Poems in Gaelic and English, 12°. Edin. 1802. Stier, E! AVords of the Angels; their Visits to the Earth, etc. 16°. Lond. 1863. — - Words of the Lord Jesus, v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Stifter, a. Studien. 2 v. 8°. I>est. 1864. Stiles, H. E. Genealogy of the Stiles Family. 4°. Albany. 1863. - — History of Windsor, Conn. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Supplement to same. t. 2. 8°. Albany. 1863. MERCANTILE LIBRAET. 351 ■Bes, H. R. (Ed*r.) Interment of American Patriots who Died in British Prison Ships. 8°. N.Y. I8G0. i[- (Ed'r. ) Letters from Prisons and Prison- Ships of the Kevolution. " 8°. N.Y. 1865. }- Munsell Genealogy. 8°. n.p. n.d. Es, W. H. Austria in 1848-9. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1852. LE, A. Elements of General Pathology. 12°. Phil. 1848. JLLE, C. J. How a Pree People Conduct a Long War. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1863. |- IMemorial of Fair for Sanitary Commis- sion at Philadelphia. 4°. Phil. 1864. t^LixG. See Jung-Stilling. LiNGFLEET, B. Literary Life and Select Works. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1811. ^LiNGFLEET, E. Origincs Sacrse; Grounds of Faith in Scripture. 4°. Lond. 1663. JMsox, A. L. History of American Express Companies and Kailroads. 8°. N.Y. 1859. |iLiNG, P. J. Australian and Califomian Gold Discoveries. 12°. Edin. 1853. BT^UNG, Wm. Annals of the Artists of Spain. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Cloister Life of Charles V. 8°. Lond. 1852. Same. 12°. Bost. 1853. iLiNG, Earl of. Trial of, for Forgery. 8°. Edin. 1839. fiLixG, W. Alexander, Earl of. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 4. 5TED, Mrs. H. Letters from Italy. 8°. Lond. 1845. W. Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. 12°. Williamsburg. 1747. K. Memoirs of. 18°. Pittsburg. 1854. CKDALE, J. J. History of the Inquisi- tions. 4°. Lond. 1810. -(Ed'r.) Sketches of Java. 8°. Lond. '12. DKDALE, P. Life and Writings of. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1809. CKHARDT, J. A. Chemistry of Agriculture. 12°. Lond. 1855. CKTON, L. H, Address to Friends of Peace in N.J. (T. 2.) 8°. 1814. ■CKTON, R. F. Letter on Slavery. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1850. - Eemarks on Death of Webster. (P. ) 8°. Wash. 1853. -Sketches of Life, with Speeches and Letters. 8° N.Y. 1856. - Speech on Flogging in the Navy. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Stocqueleb, J. H. Fifteen Months in Khu- zistan and Persia. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1832. Life of the Duke of Wellington. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Oriental Interpreter, etc. 12°. Lond. n.d. Stoddard, A. Sketches of Louisiana. 8°. Phil. 1812. Stoddard, R. H. Abraham Lincoln; an Ode. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1865. (Ed'r.) Late English Poets. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Stoddart, J. Glossology. 12°. Lond. 1849. Same. 12°. Lond. 1858. Stoddart, T. T. Angler's Companion in Scotland. 12°. Edin. 1847. Stoever, D. H. Life of LinnjEus. 4°. Lond. 1794. Life and Times of Miihlenberg. 12°. Phil. 1856. Stokes, J. Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Companion. 12°. Phil. 1850. Stokes, Jordan. Speech on Expelling Free Persons of Color from Tennessee. (P. ) 8°. NashviUe. 1860. Stokes, AVhitley. (Ed'r.) Gwreans an Bys. The Creation of the World; A Cornish Mystery. See Philological Society. Stokes, Wm. On Diseases of the Chest. 8°. Phil. 1837. Lectures on Theory and Practice of Physic. 8°. Phil. 1839. Stolle, E. Einheimische und Auslandische Patentgesetzgebung. 8°. Leip. 1855. Stolle, F. Deutsche Pickwickier. 3 v. in 1. 16°. Leip. 1859. Stolz, a. Spanisches fiir die Gebildete Welt. 12°. Freiburg. 1859. Stone, C. P. Notes on Sonora. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1861. Stone, E. M. Annual Reports of the Min- istry at Large in Providence. (P. 77. ) 8°. Prov. 1857-1858. History of Beverly, Mass. 12°. Bost 1843. Stone, E. W. Rhode Island in the Rebellion. 12°. Prov. 1864. Stone, J. S. Memoir of James Milnor, D.D. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Stone, Mrs. Fashions of English Society from Time of Elizabeth. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Lond'. 1846. Stone, T. T. Sermons. 12°. Bost. 1854. Stone, W. L. Letter on Animal Magnetism. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1837. Letters on Masonry and Anti-Masonry. 8°. N.Y. 1832. 352 CATALOGUE OF THE Stojoe, W. L. Life of Joseph Brant 2 v. 8". N.Y. 1838. Life of Red Jacket 2t. 8^ N.Y. '41. Maria Monk; a Refutation of the •' Aw- ful Disclosures." (P. 56.) 8^ N.Y. 1836. Poetry and History of Wyoming. See Campbell, T. , and Stone, W. L. Stone, W. L. (son of the preceding.) Life of Sir W. Johnson. 2 v. 8°. Albany. 1865. Stoxehexge. See Gbeyhound (The). Stobch, H- Gouts d'£conomie Politique, 5 V. 8°. Paris. 1823. Stobch, L. Aus einer Bergstadt 3 v. in 2. 16°. Leip. 1852. Stobeb, D. H., and Peabody, W. B. O. Re- ports on the Fishes, etc. , of Massachu- setts. See Massachtsetts. Stobek, F. H. Dictionary of the Solubilities of Chemical Substances. 8°. Camb. 1863. Same. 8=. Camb. 1864. Review of Dr. Antisell's Work on Pho- togenic Oils, (P.) 8^. n.p. 1860. Stobeb, H. R. Criminal Abortion in Amer- ica. 8P. PhiL 1860, Stobies from Italian Writers. 12°. Lond. 1835. Stobies from the Lips of The Teacher. 16°. Bost 1863. Stobk, W. Description of East Florida. 4°. Lond. 1769. Stobke, E. G., and Bbockett, L. P. His- tory of the Great American Rebellion. 2v. 8°. Auburn. 1865. Stobbs, R S., Jr. Obligation to Obey Civil Law. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Semi-Centennial Sermon to Mass. Home Miss. Society. (P.) 8°. Bost 1849. Stobt, J. Address on Settlement of Salem. (P. 43.) 8°. Bost 1828. Commentaries on Constitution of the United States. 3 v. 8°. Bost 1833. Same. Abridged. 8°. Bost 1833. Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence^ 2v. 8°. Bost 1839-43. Constitutional Class Book. 12°. Bost 1834. Familiar Exposition of the Constitution. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Miscellaneous Writings. 8°. Bost 1835. Same. 8°. Bost 1852. Law of Partnership. 8°. Bost 1850. Power of Solitude; a Poem. 12°. Sa- lem. 1804- Same, 12°. Bost n.d. Stoby, R. Peace in Believing; Memoir of Isabella CampbelL 12°. N.Y. 1830. Stoby, W. W. Law of Contracts not under SeaL 8°. Bost 1851. Poems. 16=. Bost 1856. RobadiRoma. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Stoby of the MadiaL 18°. N.Y. 1853. Stoughtox, J. Philip Doddridge; his Life and Labors. 16°. Lond- 1851. Spiritual Heroes; Sketches of Puritans. 12°. Lond. 1848. Sxoirr, A. B. Chinese Immigration, etc. (P.) 8°. SanFr. 1862. Stottt, p. F. Nicaragua; Past Present and Future. 12°. Phil. 1859. Stow, J. Survey of London. 8°. Lond. 1S42. Stowe, H. R House and Home Papers. 12' . Bost 1865. Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. 8°. Bost 1853. Little Foxes. 16°. Bost 1866. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. 2 v. 12°. Bost 1854- Stowe House Library. Catalogue. 8°. Lond. 1849. Stoweu:^ H. Model for Men of Business; or, Nehemiah. 12°. Lond. 1854, Stoweli^ W. H., and Wilson, D. History of Puritans in England- 12°. N.Y. 184j Stbabo. Greography. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1854 1857. Stbachey, E. Hebrew Politics in the Tim* of Sargon and Sennacherib. 8°. 1853. Shakspeare's Hamlet 8°. Lond. li Stbada, F. De Bello Belgico; or, Low-Coun treyWarres. P. Lond. 1650. Stkaix, L G. Journey in Chili, etc. 12" N.Y. 1853. Stbatt, H. AUitter; or. Melody of Language 18°. N.Y. 1836. Stbaxg,J. (jermanyinl831. 2y. 8**. 1836, Glasgow and its Qubs. 8°. Glasg. U Stbaxge, R. Address to Literary Societi of Rutgers CoUege. (P. 43.) 8°. Nc Brunswick- 1840. Stbaxgeb in Liverpool 18°. Liverpool 182( Stbaxgzb's Guide in New York and Yicinil^ 16°. N.Y. 1853. Stbattox, T. Book of the Priesthood. 12" N.Y. 1831. Stbauss, D. F. Das Leben Jesu- 7°. Leip 1864. Ulrich von Hutten- 2 v. in one. 8*, Leip. 1858. Life of Jesus. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1846. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 353 vss, F. Helen's Pilgrimnge to Jemsa- lem. 2v. 12°. Bost 1825. iBAUss, F. A- Sinai and Golgotha. 16°. LonA 1849. A. B. Council of Revision of New York State. See New Yoek. Drawings and Tintings. 8°. N.Y. 1844 Frontenac; a Poem. 12^ N.Y. 1849. — Poems. 8=. N.Y. 1845. Poems, Anniversary of Pittsfield Young Ladies' Institute. (P. 43.) 8^ Albany. 1852. Woods and Waters, 12^ N.Y. 1860. TEKET, G. E. Notes of a Tour in North of Italy. 8^. Lond. 1855. rBEETER, G. L. Newspapers and Periodicals of Salem, Mass., 1786-1856. 8°. Salem. 1856. rmcKZH, J. Life of Cicero. 12°. Bait 1835. TKLCEUiSD, Miss A- Lives of Queens of England. 12 v. 12=. PhiL 1841-7. Same. 12 v. in six. 8°. Phil. 1851. 12 V. 12°. Phil. 1860. 12 V. in six. 8=. Phil. 1860- (Selections.) 2 v. V. 1-6. 12° Same. Same. 1864.^ Same. 2d series. 12°. PhiL 1841. Lives of Queens of Scotland. 12° N.Y. 1851-7. Same. 8 v. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 8 v. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth. PhiL 1853. aacKLAKD, W. P. History of American Bible Society. 8°. N.Y. 1849. History of Methodist Episcopal Mis- sions. 12°. Cine. 1850. Life of F. Asbury. 8°. N.Y. 1858. aacTURES on Cobbett's Unmanly Observa- tions, etc. (P. 28.) 8° Lond. 1806. !Bir5 for the Mastery; two Allegories. 8°. LoncL 1852. iXGFELLOw, T. Slavery, its Origin, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1861. — Views in Favor of Slavery. 12°. Rich- mond. 1856. BEL, p. A. Salzburgers and their De- scendants. 12°. Bait 1855. WBOSO, G. B. Cadet Life at West Point 12°. Bost 1862. ■TBONo, J. D. Sermon on Death of Free. Lincoln. (P.) 8°. San Fr. 1865. r«0No, N. T. Appeal for the N. Y. Indians. (P. 20.) 8^ N.Y. 1841. neoTHER, D. Virginia Illustrated. 8°. N.Y. 1857. 23 Steoud, W. Physical Cause of Death of Christ 12°.' Lond. 1847. Stbuensee, G. von. Grafin und Marquise. 4v. 12°. Vienna. 1864. Herz und Welt 3 v. in two. 16°. Breslau. 1862. Wogen des Lebens. 4 v. 16°. Breslau. 1863. Stbuggles of the Early Christians. 12°. Bost 1858. Stbuthers, J. Peasant's Death, And Other Poems, 16°. Glasgow. 1806. Stbutt, J. Regal and Ecclesiastical Anti- quities of'England. 4°. Lond. 1842. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. 8°. Lond. 1834. Stbuve, G. Alte Geschichte. 3 v. in one. 8°. N.Y. 1852. Diesseits und Jenseits des Oceans. 8*. Coburg. 1863. Geschichte des Mittelalters. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Geschichte derNeu-Zeit 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Revolutions-Zeitalter. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Stbzeij:cki, P. E. de. New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. 8°. Lond. 1845. Stuabt, And- Genealogy of the Stewarts. 4°. Lond. 1798. Stuabt, Arabella W. Lives of Mrs. Ann H., Sarah B., and Emily C. Judson. 12^. Auburn. 1852. Stuabt, C. B. Naval Dry Docks of the U. a 4°. N.Y. 1852. Naval and Mail Steamers of the U. S. 4°. N.Y. 1853. Stuabt, L W. Life of Nathan Hale. 12°. Hartf. 1856. Life of Gov. TrumbulL 8°. Bost 1859. Stuabt, J. Three Y'^ears in North America. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1833. Stuabt, J., and Revett, N. Antiquities of Athens, etc. 16°. Lond. 1841. Stuabt, Lt-CoL Residence in Northern Persia and Turkey. 8°. Lond. 1854. Stuabt, M. Hints on Interpretation of Prophecy. 12°. Andover. 1842. Letter to Dr. Channing on Religious Liberty. (P. 11.) 8°. Bost 1830. Miscellanies. 12°. Andover. 1846. Scriptural View of the Wine Question. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1848. Stuabt, R. Dictionarj' of Architecture. 3 ▼. 8°. Lond. n.d. Same. 3 v. in 2. 8°. PhiL 1851. Anecdotes of Steam Engines. 2 v. 18*. Lond. 1829. 354 CATALOGUE OF THE Stubbs, a. Eecord of Christ Church, New Brunswick. (P. 40.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Student (The); or, Oxford and Cambridge Miscellany. 2 v. 8°. Oxf. 1750-1. Student (The) ; ed. by N. A. Calkins, v. 1- 11, 8°. N.Y. 1850-5. Student (The) and Schoolmate. (Continua- tion of preceding.) v. 1-6 in 3. 8°. N.Y. 1856-8. Student's Cabinet Library, v. 1. See Key- NOLDS, E. Student's Guide to the Locomotive. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Student's Gibbon. See Smith, "VV. Student's Hume. See Hume, D. Studies in EeHgion. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Stuege, J. Visit to the United States. 12°. Bost. 1842. Stubgeon, W. Lectures on Galvanism. 12". Lond. 1843. Eesearches in Electricity, Magnetism, etc. 4°. Lond. 1852. Stueleson, S. Heimskringla. See Snokko. Stukm, C. C. Keflections on the Works of God. 2v. 16°. Phil. 182L Same. 24°. Lond. 1839. Stuem, J. C. Mathesis Compendiaria. f°. Altdorf. 1698. Stuet, C. Two Expeditions into South Aus- tralia. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1834. Stuetevant, J. M. Sermon on Death of Eev. W. Kirby. (P.) "8° N.Y. 1852. Suckley, G. New SalmonidsB. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1858. Suckling, J. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 5. Suddaeds, W. (Ed'r.) British Pulpit. 8°. Phil. 1836. Sue, E. Le Commandeur de Malte. 12°. Paris. 1858. La Femme de Lettres. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. Les Fils de Famille. 8 v. 18°. Paris. 1856. El Gitano, u el Contrabandista. 18°. Paris. 1836. Le Juif Errant. 4°. Paris, n.d. Mathilde. 4 v. 16°. Paris. 1864. . Les Mysteres de Paris. r.8°. Paris. n.d. Same. 4 v. 12°. Brux. 1845. Same. 4 v. in 2. 12°. Paris. 1859. Same. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1865. Les Secrets de I'Oreiller. 3 v. 16°. Paris. 1865. Les Sept Pe'che's Capitaux. 6 v. 16°. Paris. 1851-65. Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Opera. 3 v. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Lives of the Twelve Ccesars. 8°. Lond 1796. L'Histoire des Empereura Eomains, 18°. Amst. 1699. Suffolk, Henrietta, Countess of. Corre- spondence with Hon. G. Berkeley. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1824. Suggestions for a Domestic Currency. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Sullivan, F. S. Constitution and Laws of England. 2 v. 8°. Portland. 1805. Sullivan, Jas. History of Maine. 8°. Bost. 1795. Sullivan, John L. Address in Favor of a Eock Water Company. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1833. Answer to Mr. Colden on Steamboat Monopoly. (P.) 8°. Troy. 1823. Description of a Submarine Aqueduct. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1830. Sullivan, W. Address to Suffolk Bar. (P. 2.) 8°. Bost. 1825. Letters on Historical Causes and Effects. 8°. Bost. 1838. Letters on Public Character^and Events. 12°. Bost. 1834. Sully, M. de B., Due de. Memoirs. 5 v. 8°. Phil. 1817. SuLPiciA. Satira. See Walkee, G. W. Cor- pus Poet. Lat. SuLPiTTUs, S. Eemarks on Mr. Adams' Ad- dress, July 4, 1821. (P.) 8^ Bait. '21. SuMMAEY of Political Economy. 8°. Camb. 1826. SuMMEE Tour in Europe. 12°. Charleston. 1852. Summeely, F. See Cole, H. Sumner, C. Address to Harvard Phi Beta Kappa. (P. 34.) 8°. Bost. 1846. Barbarism of Slavery; a Speech. 8^ N.Y. 1863. Eulogy on ]\'Ir. Lincoln. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1865. Orations and Speeches. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1850. Recent Speeches and Addresses. 12**. Bost. 1856. The War System; an Address. (P. 43.) 8°. Bost. 1849. White Slavery in the Barbary States. 16°. Bost. 1853. SuMNEB, G. Oration, July 4, 1859. 8°. Bost, 1859. Pennsylvania Prison System in France. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1847. mtKEB, G., M.D. CJompcndium of Botany. 12°. Hartf. 1820. UMNER, S. History of Mis^isco Valley. 8° Irasburgh, Vt. 1860. UMNER, W. H. History of East Boston. 8° Bost. 1858. UN (The), June 28, 1838; with (Coronation of Victoria. P. Loud. 1838. UNBEAM (The); a Journal of Literature and Music. 2 V. 4°. Lond. 1838-9. UKDkY Evenings; an Introduction to the Study of the Bible. 3 v. 18°. N.Y. 1833-6. DNDAT Magazine. 8°. Lond. 1865. UNDAY Morning News. v. 1. f°. N.Y, 1835- 1836. tJNDAT School Journal. 2 v. P. Phil, and N.Y. 1833-4. ONDAY School Reports. 8°. Lond. n.d. DNDAY School Union of Meth. Episc. Church. Annual Reports, 184d-5 to 185^^5. 8°. N.Y. 1845-55. ONDERLAND, L. Book of Human Nature. 12°. N.Y. 1853. NDT, E. Beretning om Fante-eller Lands- trygerfolket i Norge. 12°. Christiania. 1852.* — Om Dodeligheden 1 Norge. 12°. Chris- tiania. 1855. Om Giftermaal i Norge. 12°. Chris- tiania. 1855. ONliOHT on the Landscape, and Other Poems. 12°. Cine. 1853. JPERNATURALIRM of N«w England, N.Y. 1847. JFPRESSED Book aboTit Slavery. 12^, 1864. ■JPPEESSED (The) Tract and the Rejected Tract. (P.) 24°. N.Y. 1858. JEENNE, G. French and English Dictionary. 12°. N.Y, 1846. New French Manual. 16° N.Y. 1852. TRKEY, H- Howard, Earl of. Poems. See British Poets, v. 1. Same. 16°. Lond. 1831. . H., and Wyatt, T. Works. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1815. rBTEY of the Province of Moray. 8°. Aber- deen. 1798. VTLLE, Mme. Le Compagnon du Foyer. 16°. Paris. 1854. (N. J.) Centennary; with Addresses, etc. (P.) 8°. Newark. 1853. JTCUTFE, T. Sixteen Years in Chile and Pern. 8°. Lond. 1841. HHERLANB, J. Argument in State t'5. H. Livingston. (P. 48.) 8°. Hudson. 1850. MERCANTILE LIBRARY 355 12°. N.Y. Sutherland, Mrs. L. S. Appeal to the Pub- lic. (P. 27.) 8°. Lond. 1809, ' Sutherland, P. C. Voyage in Baifin's Bay and Barrow's Straits. 2 v. 12°. Loud. • 1852. Sutton, C. Disce Mori; Learn to Die. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Godly Meditations on the Lord's Supper. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Sutton, R. (Lord Lexington.) Lexington Papers. 8°. Lond. 1851. Slt-ton, T. Dictionary of Photography. 12^ Lond. 1858. • SiJTEKN, J. W. Essay on the *' Birds" of Aristophanes. 8° Lond. 1835. SwAEN, C. English Melodies. 16°. Lond. '49. Swain, J. Redemption; a Poem. 12°. N.Y. 1827. SwAiNsoN, W. Birds. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1836-7. Birds of "Western Africa. See Natural- ist's Library. Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1838. Fly Catchers. See Naturalist's Li- brary. Habits apd Instincts of Animals. 16°. Lond. 1840, Malacology; or. Shells and Shell Fish. 16°. Lond. 1840. New Zealand and its Colonization. 8*. Lond. 1859. Preliminary Discourse on Study of Nat- ural History. 16°. Lond. 1834. Quadrupeds. 16°. Lond. 1835. Taxidermy and Biography of Natural History. 16°. Lond. 1840. SwAiNsoN, "W. , and Richardson, J, Birds of ■ North America. See Richardson, J. Fauna Boreali-Americana. Swallow, G. C. Geological Reports. See Missouri; also, Pacific Railroad. Swan, J. A. Prophecy of the Santon, and Other Poems. 12°. Wore. 1847. Swan, Jas. G. The Northwest Coast. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Swan, Jos. The Brain In Relation to the Mind. 8°. Lond. 1854. Sweat, Margaret J. M. Highways of Travel. « 12='. Bosk. 1859. Sweden. Tabell-Commissionens Femarsbe- rattelse om Folkmangden, etc., 1850. 4°. Stockholm. 1854. Commerce-Collegii Berattelse om Fab- rikernas, etc., 1854. 4°. n.p. n.d. Commerce-CoUegii Berattelse om Sver- igeslnrikes, etc., 1854. 4°. n.p. n.d. 356 CATALOGUE OF THE Sweden. Commerce-Collegii Berattelse om 'Sverigesutrikes Handel, 1854. 4°. n.p. n.d. Styrelsens ofver Fangelser ocli Arbets- inrattningar, etc., 1854. 4°. Stock- holm. 1856. BwEDENBORG, E. Aiigelic Wisdom concern- ing Divine Love and Wisdom. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Angelic Wisdom concerning Divine Providence. 12°. Bost. 1840. Animal Kingdom. Transl. by A. Clis- sold. 8°. Lond. 1845-6. Same. Transl. by J. J. G. Wilkinson. 8°. St. Clairsville, O. 1850. Apocalypse Kevealed. 3 v. 12°. Bost. 1836. Athanasian Creed; or, Apocalypse Ex- plained. 18°. Bost. 1828. Compendium of Theological Works of. r.8°. Bost. 1853. Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. 18^ Bost. 1828. Doctrine of the New Church. 12°. Bost. 1839. Doctrine, etc. , concerning Faith. 8°. Bost. 1828. Doctrine, etc., concerning the Lord. 18°. Camb. 1821. Same. (P.) 16°. Bost. 1833. Doctrine, etc. , concerning Sacred Scrip- ture. 18°. Bost. 1829. Earths in our Solar System. 18°. Bost. 1828. Gems from, with Memoir. 18°. Lond. 1852. Heaven and Hell. 12°. Bost. 1837. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Heavenly Arcana. 13 v. 8°. Bost. 1837- 1848. Internal Sense of Prophetical Books. 12°. Bost. 1833. Last Judgment and Destruction of Babylon. 16°. Bost. 1828. Nature of Influx. 12°. Bo^t. 1794. Planets and Earths in Starry Heavens. 18°. Bost. 1828. True Christian Religion. 8°. Bost. 1 1833. What is Taught in the New Church. 12°. Edin. 1827. SwEDENBOEG, E. Documcnts on Life and Character of. 8°. N.Y. 1847. SwEDENBORG, E. Life, and Account of his Writings. 12°. Bost. 1831. SwEENT, R. Odds and Ends. 12°. N.Y. 1826. 12°. Al. N.Y, Sweet, R. Flora Australasica. 8°. Lond. 1827-8. Sweet, S. N. Practical Elocution. bany. 1846. SwEETSER, W. Mental Hygiene. 12° 1850. SwETT,J.A. Diseases of the Chest, 8°. N.Y. 1852. SwEXT, S. Defence of Col. Pickering. (P.) 12°. Bost. 1859. Who was the Commander at Bunker Hill? (P. 41.) 8°. Bost. 1850. Swift, J. Works. 24 v. 12°. N.Y. 1812-13, Works, ed. by W. Scott. 19 v. 8°. Edin. 1824. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1851. Works; Tale of a Tub, Battle of the Books, Thoughts and Essays, and Ad- vice to a Young Lady. 16°. N.Y. '57. City Cries. (P. 61.) 8°. Lond. 1732. Law is a Bottomless Pit; or, History of John Bull. 16°. Bost. 1794. — Poetical Works. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1833, Select Poems. 18°. Phil. Title Want- ing. Travels of Lemuel Gulliver. 8°. Lond. n.d. Swift, S. Account of Addison County, Vt. 8°. Middlebury, 1859. Swinburne, A. C. Atalanta in Calydon; a Tragedy. 16°. Bost. 1866. Chastelard; a Tragedy. 16°. N.Y. 1860. Swinburne, H. Travels in the Two Sicihes. 2 V. 8°. Dubl. 1783. ■ Swindell, J. G. Well-Digging, Boring Pump-Work, etc. 12°. Lond. 1849. Swinton, W. Rambles among Words. 12^ N.Y. 1864. Swisshelm, Jane G. Letters to Country Girls. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Swords' Pocket Almanac for 1860. 16". N.Y. 1860. Syeilline Verses. (In Greek.) See Hesiod, ed. Venice, 1543. Syde^am, F. Opera. 8°. Lend.- 1846. Works.- 2 V. in one. 8°. Lond. 1848. Sydenham Society. Publications. See the Separate Works. Sylvan Sketches; with Illvistrations from the Poets. 8°. Lond. 1831. Syme, J. Principles of Surgery. 8°. Phil. '(}Q. Sy]vie, J. B. Readings for Railways. 16". Lond. n.d. Syme, M. Embassy to Ava. 2 v. 18°. Edin. 1827. Symington, A. J. Sketches of Faroe and Iceland. 12°. Lond, 1861. MEllOANTILE LIBRARY. 357 MS, J. C. Arts and Artisans at Home -. and Abroad. 8°. Edin. 1839. 1^ — School Economy, 12°. Lond. 1852. ItpHER, J. R. History of the Pennsylvania 11 Eeserve Corps. 8^. Lancaster. 18G5. jkBACUSE Directory, 1853-4, '57, '59-60, '64- 65. 4 V. 12". and 8°. Syracuse. 1853- 18G4. fSTEM of Natural History. 8°. Brattleboro'. 1834. 5A.BAD, E. Modern War. 12°.'N.Y. 1863. JAPARY, F. de. Magnetisme et Magn^tothd- rapie. 8°. Paris. 1853. JEREDY, J. Asiatic Chiefs. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1856. LBELLARiscHE Uebersichten des Hambur- gischen Handels im Jahre 1859-63. 4°. Hamburg. 1860-4. A.BLE Alphabetique de la Biographie de France. 8°. Paris. 1857-8. M3LE Talk; a Selection. 16°. Edin. 1827. iBLEAu Genc'ral du Commerce Belgique. f°. Brux. 1836. UJLEAU General du Commerce de la France, 1848. 4°. Paris. 1849. LBLEAU General de I'Empire Othoman. v. 1. f. Paris. 1787. LBLEAU Ge'ndral des Mouvements du Cabo- tage, 1848. 4°. Paris. 1849. LBLEAU des Ouvrages qui out paru en France, 1852-6. 8°. Paris. 1852-6. ABLEAU de Paris. 3 v. S°. Amst. 1782. iciTus, C. C. Opera Omnia. 10 v. SeeYAii- py's Delphin Classics. Annalium Libri Sedecim. 12°. Lyons. 1542. Historiarum Libri Quinque. 12° N.Y. 1825. Same. 12°. Hartf. 1826. Same. 6 v. 8°. N.Y. 1822. Same. 5 v. 16°. Lond. 1831. Same. 8°. Phil. 1846. — Germania; with Ethnological Disserta- tions, etc., by 11.' G. Latham. 8°. Lond- 1851. kGHCONic; or, Letters about our Summer Home. 12°. Bost. 1852. ULORBoy. 18°. Bost. 1865. aNTER, D. W. History of Descendants of Joseph Taynter. 8°. Bost. 1859. ONTOR, C. M. Taintor Family Genealogy. 16°. Greenfield. 1847. on-, J. R. European Life, Legend and Landscape. 8°. Phil. 1859. P. G., and Steele, W. J. Dynamics of a Particle. 12°. Camb. (E.) 1856. Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, v. 2, and new ser., 1-27. 8°. Edin. 1832-60. Talbot, E. A. Residence in Canada. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. Talbot, G. H. French Pronunciation. 12®, N.Y. 1854. Talbot, H. F. Antiquity of Book of Genesis* 8°. Lond. 1839. English Etymologies. 8°. Lond. 1847. Talboys, D. a. & Co. Bibliotheca Classica. 12°. Oxf. 1838. Catalogue of Theological Books. 16". Lond. 1835. Tale of the Basyn, the Frere, and the Boy. (Two Ancient Tales. ) 18°. Lond. 1836. Talfourd, T. N. Athenian Captive; a Tra- gedy. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Ion; a Tragedy. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Miscellaneous Writings. 12°. Phil. 1842. Speeches on the Copyright Bill- 16^. Lond. 1840. Tragedies and Sonnets. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Talfourd, T. N., Bloomfield, C. J., etc. History of Greek Literature. 12°. Lond. 1851. Talisman (The). See Vebplanck, G. C. Tallage, W. Malta under Phenicians, Knights and English. 12°. Lond. '6L Talleyrand, C. M. Letter to Pope Pius VIL (P.) 24°. N.Y. 1854- Life of. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1848. Reminiscences of. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1848. Talliviadge, F. A- Trial ot (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Tallmadge, J. Address at Dedication of N. Y. University Building. (P. 17.) 8°. N.Y. 1837. Talmage, G. Sermon, on History of Re- formed Dutch Church, Green Point (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Tams, G. Visit to Portuguese Possessions in Africa. 12°. Lond. n-d. Tandon, J. L. French Grammar. 8°. Lond. 1760. Taney, R. B. Decision in Merryman Case. 8°. Phil. 1862. Tangletown Letters. 12°. Buffalo. 1856. Tannehill, W. Sketches of Literary History. 8°. Nashv. 1827. Tanner, H. S. American Traveller. 16*. Phil. 1839. — — Description of Central United States. 16°. Phil. 1841. Map of Michigan and Wisconsin. 16*. PhiL 1846. 358 CATALOGUE OF THE TANQtmREL des Planches, L. Lead Diseases. 8°. Lowell. 1848. Tappan, D. Sermons on Important Subjects. 8°. Bost. 1807. Tappan, H. F. Annual Report on Michigan University. (P.) 8°. Ann Arbor. 1856. Discourse on Death of President Lincoln. (P.) 8°. BerUn. n.d. Doctrine of the Will, and Conscious- ness. 12°. KY. 1810. Doctrine of the Will Applied to Moral Agency. 12°. KY. 1841. Elements of Logic. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1856. — — Illustrious Persons of the l&th Century. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Public Education. (P.) 8°. Detroit. '57. Beview of his Connection with. Michigan University. (P.) 8° Detroit. 1864. Pteview of Edwards on the Will. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Step from the New World to the Old. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1852. The University; a Discourse. (P.) 8°. Ann Arbor. 1858. University Education. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Tappan, H. P. , and others. History of the Controversy in New York University. (P. 41.) 8°. N.Y. 1838. Tappan, W. B. Poems. 16° Phil. 1822. Same. 18° Phil. 1836. Sunday School, and Other Poems. 12°. Bost. 1848. Takdieu, a. Du Cholera Epiddmique. 8°. Paris. 1849. • Treati,se on Epidemic Cholera. 12°. Bost 1849. Tahgums. (See ETHERroGE, J". W. Taeitf of the Sound of Ore. 12°. Copenh. 1821. Takleton, B. Campaigns in North America in 1780-1. 4°. Lond. 1787. Same. 8°. Dubl. 17S7. Tascheeeau, J. La Vie et les Ouvrages de Moliere. 12°. Paris. 1844. Tasis.tro, L. F. Random Shots and Southern Breezes. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Tasman, J. Discoveries on South Terra In- cognita. See Account of Several Voy- ages-, etc. Tassie, W. Catalogue of Devices and Mot- toes. 16°. Lond. 1816. Tasso, T. Gerusalemme Liberata. See Dante, Petrarch, etc. Same. See Paenasso Italiano. Godfrey of Bulloigne. Transl. by E. Fairfax. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Tasso, T. Jerusalem Delivered. Transl, by J. Hoole. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1803. Jerusalem Delivered. Transl. by J. H. Hunt. 2v. 18°. Phil. 1822. Same. Transl. by J. H. Wiffen. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Same. Transl. by C. L. Smith. 2 v. 16^ Lond. 1851. Rinaldo. Transl. by J. Hoole. 8''. Lond. 1792. Tate, J. R. Naval Book-keeping. 8°. Ports- mouth. 1840. Tate, T. Principles of Mechanical Philoso- phy. 8°. Lond. 1853. Tate, W. Modern Cambist. 8°. Loud. 1849. Tatham, G. N. New Jersey Joint Monopo- lies. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1852. Tatler (The). See Steeus, R. Tatnall, E. Phsenogamous and Filicoid Plants of Newcastle Co. , Delaware. 8^ Wilmington. 1860. Tauleb, J. Life and Sermons of. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Taunton Directory, 1857, '63. 2 v. 18^ Taunton. 1857-63. Tauea, E. von. Der Ring der Kaiserin. 2 v. in one. 18°. Wein. 1864. Die Witkowetze. 18°. Wein. 1863. Tautphceus, Baroness. Uneins; oder, Krieg im Krieg. 12°. Phil. 1863. Tax Law Decisions. (P.) 18°. N.Y. n.d. Tax Law, Stamp Directory, etc. (P.) 16°. Milwaukee. 1863. Taylee, C. B. Angels' Song; a Christmas Token. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Facts in a Clergyman's Life. 12°. 1849. Memorials of English Martyrs. N.Y. 1853. Records of a Good Man's Life. N.Y. 1844. Truth; a Narrative of Church History in the 17th Century. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Taylee, J. J. Christian Aspects of Faith and Duty. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Religious Life of England. 12°. Lond. 1845. Taylee, R. (Ed'r.) Scientific Memoirs. 8°. Lond. 1837. Tayeoe vs. Delavan. Report of Trial. (P. 20.) 8°. Albany. 1840. Tayloe, Alex. S. First Voyage to California. (P.) 8°. San Francisco. 1853. Tayloe, Alf. B. Report on Weights and Measures to Pharmaceutical Asso. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1859. N.Y. 12*. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 359 \TX)R, Alf. S. Elements of Medical Juris- l prudence, v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1836. Glory of Regality. 8°. Lyrics, etc. 8°. Cine. fAYLOR, Arthur. Lond. 1820. f.'AYLOE, B. Book of Romances, 1G°. Bost. 1852. - Cjclopicdiaof Modern Travel. 185G. - Eldorado; Adventures in California. 2 V. 12°. N.Y. 1850. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1861. -At Home and Abroad. 12°. N.Y. 1860. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. -Same. 2d series. 12°. N.Y. 1862. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1865. - Journey to Africa. 16°. N.Y. 1854. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1856. - Lands of the Saracen. 12°. N.Y. 1855. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1856. - Northern Travel. 12°. N.Y. 1864. - Poems of Home and Travel. 12°. Bost. 1863. - Poems of the Orient. 16°. Bost. 1855. - Poet's Journal. 12°. Bost. 1863. - Rhymes of Travel. 12°. N.Y. 1849. - Travels in Greece and Russia. 12°. N.Y. 1859. - Views Afoot. 12°. N.Y. 1860. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. - Visit to India, China, and Japan. N.Y. 1855. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1880. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1862. rAyix)R, C. F. The Movement Cure. Phil. 1864. Caylor, E. E. L. Christian Sanctuary. N.Y. 1853. Taylor, E. S. (Ed'r.) History of Playing Cards. 16=. Lond. 1865. rAYix)R, F. W. The Flagship. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1840. AYiiOR, H. Bee-keeper's Manual. 12°. Lond. 1839. — Edwin the Fair. 12°. Lond. 1842. - — Eve of the Conquest. 16°. Lond. 1848. — Notes from Books. 12°. Lond. 1849. — Notes from Life. 12°. Lond. 1847. — Philip Van Arteveldc. 2 v. 12°. Camb. 1835. 12° 12° 18°. Bost. 1863. 16°. Lond. 1836. a Vlay. 16°. Lond. -Same. 1 v. 18' — The Statesman. — Virgin Widow; 1850. Taylor, L Advice to the Teens. 18°. Bost. 1820. Ancient Christianity. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Elements of Thought. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Tayloe, L Fanaticism. 12°. N.Y. 1834. Home Education. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Lectures on Spiritual Christianity. 12®. N.Y 1841. Logic in Theology. 12°. Lond. 1859. Loyola and Jesuitism. 12°. Lond. 1849. Memoirs and Poems of Jane Taylor. 12°. Bost. 1826. Natural History of Enthusiasm. 12°. N.Y 1834. Physical Theory of Another Life. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Saturday Evening. 12°. N.Y. 1832. Spirit of Hebrew Poetry. 8°. N.Y. 1862. Spiritual Despotism. 12°. N.Y. 1835. Transmission of Ancient Books to Mod- em Times. 8°. Lond. 1827. Wesley and Methodism. 12°. Lond. 1851. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Words and Places. 12°. Lond. 1864. Worid of Mind. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Taylor, Jas. B. Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers. 12°. Richm. 1838. Taylor, J. O. The District School. 12°. N.Y. 1834. Taylor, Jas. W. Alleghania; the Union and Slavery. (P.) 8°. St. Paul. 1862. Taylor, Jane. Works. 5 v. 12°. Bost. 1832. Contributions of Q. Q. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1826. Taylor, Jeremy. Works. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1835. Great Exemplar. 16°. Lond. 1835. Holy Living and Dying. 12^ Amherst. 1831. Liberty of Prophesying. 16°. Lond. 1834. Reading^ for Lent. 16°. N.Y. 1851. Select Sermons. 12°. Lond. 1834. Selections from Works. 16°. Bost: 1833. - — Same. 16°. Bost. 1863. Taylor, John. Arator; Agricultural Essays. 12°. Petersburg. 1818. Essays on Various Subjects. 12°. Georgetown. 1822. Junius Identified with Sir P. Francis. 8°. N.Y. 1828. Tyranny Unmasked. 8°. Wash. 1822. Taylor, John E. Michael Angelo as a Poet. 12°. Lond. 1840.' Taylor, John N. American Law of Land- lord and Tenant. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Tayloe,J. W. Description of Iowa. (P.) 8°. Dubuque. 1860. 360 CATALOGUE OF THE Life of Thackeray. 12°. N.Y. Dissertation on Aristotle. 4°. Taylob, Mrs. Itinerary of a Traveller in the Wilderness. 18°. N.Y. 1825. Tatloe, N. W. Moral Government of God. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1859. ■ Practical Sermons. 8°. N.Y. 1858. Tatlob, K. New Zealand and its Inhabitants. 8°. Lond. 1855. Taylor, R. (Ed'r.) Scientific Memoirs, etc. V. 1. 8°. Lond. 1837. Taylor, R. C. Statistics of Coal. 8°. Phil. 1848. Taylor, Theo. 1864. Taylor, Thos. Lond. 1812. Elements of Arithmetic. 8°. Lond. 1823. Theoretic Arithmetic. 8°. Lond. 1816. Taylor, Tom. Pictures in Exhibition of 1862. 16°. Lond. 1862. Taylor, T. H., and others. Occurrences in Convention of Diocese of New York. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Taylor, W. History of German Poetry. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. Taylor, W. B. S. History of Dublin Uni- versity. 8°. Lond. 1845. History of Fine Arts in Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1841. Taylor, W. C. Handbook of Silk, Cotton, and Woollen Manufactures. 18°. Lond. 1843. Historical Miscellany. 12°. Lond. 1829. History of Ireland. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1833. History of Mohammedanism. 12°. Lond. 1834. Illustration of Bible from Egyptian Monuments. 12°. Lond. 1838. Life of Sir Robert Peel. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Manual of Ancient and Modern History. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Memoirs of the House of Orleans. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1850. Modem British Plutarch. 1846. Natural History of Society. N.Y. 1841. Revolutions, Insurrections, spiracles of Europe. 2 v. 1843. Romantic Biography of Age of Eliza- beth. 2v. 12°. Phil. 1842. Tour in Lancashire. 16°. Lond. 1842. Taylor, Z. Life and Services of. 8°. N.Y. | 1846. ' 12°. N.Y. 2v. 12°. and Con- 8°. Lond. Taylor and his Generals; a Biography. 12®; Phil. 1847. Tazkwell, L. W. Commercial Negotiations between United States and Britain. 8°. Lond. 1839. Teatro Classico Italiano. 8°. Leip. 1829. Teateo Italiano Antico. 9 v. 8°. Milan. 1809. Technologiste (Le). v. 12-17. 8°. Paris. 1851-6. Tefet, B. F. Hungary and Kossuth. 12°. Phil. 1852. Methodism Successful. 12°. N.Y. 1 SCO. Webster and his Master-Pieces. 2 v. 12°. Auburn. 1854. Tegg, T. Book of Utility. 12°. Lond. 1828. Dictionary of Chronology. 12°. Lond. 1835. Tegner, E. Frithiofs Saga. 8°. Lond. 1835. Same. 8°. Stockholm. 1839. Tegoborski, M. L. Productive Forces of Russia. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1855. Tehuantepec Matters, Review of Report on. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1852. Teignmouth, Lord. Life of Sir W. Jones. 2v. 16°. Lond. 1835. — #-Same. 8°. Lond. 1837. Sketches of Scotland and the Isle of Man. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1836. Tellkampf, J. L. Essays on Law Reform, etc. 12°. Lond. 1859. Tesiple. E. Travels in Peru. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1830. Temple, Sir W. Works. 2 v. f°. Lond. 1740. Introduction to English History. 12°. Lond. 1G95. Letters from the Hague. 12°. Lond. 1699. Temple Bar. v. 1-12. 8°. Lond. 1860-4. Templeton, W. Engineer, Millwright, and Mechanic's Companion. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Practical Examinator on Steam and the Steam Engine. 10°. Phil. 1853. Tempsky, G. F. von. Mitla; a Journey in Mexico. 8°. Lond. 1858. Ten Years of Imperialism in France. By A. Flaneur. 8°. Lond. 1862. Tench, W. Letters Written in France. 8°. Lond. 1796. Tengee, Mariam. AnnaDalfy. 3v.ini. 16°. Berlin. 1862. Tennant, W. AnsterFair. 16°. Lond. 1821. Tennant, Rev. W. British Government in India. 8-. Edin. 1807. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 361 ENNANT, Rev. W. Indian Recreations. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1804. NEMAN N, W. G. Grundiiss der Ge- schichte der Philosophie. 8^. Leip. 1829. - Manuel de I'Histoire de la PMlosopliie. 2 V. 8°. Paris. 1829. - Manual of the History of Philosophy. 8°. Oxf. 1832. Same. 1G°. Lond. 1852. SNNENT, Sir J. E. Ceylon. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1860. — Story of the Guns. 12°. Lond. 1864. SNNESSEE. Biennial Reports of State Geolo- gist, 1857, 1859. (P.) 8°. Nashville. 1857-9. Code. 8°. Nashville. 1858. Geological Reconnoissance, by J. M. Safford. 8=. Nashville. 1856. — Geological Reports, 4th and 5th, by G. Troost. 8^. Nashville. 1837. House Journal for 1859. 8^. Nashville. 1859. Public Acts for 1859-GO. 8°. Nashville. 1860. — Reports from Public Offices and Insti- tutions, 1857-8, 59-60. 2 v. 8°. Nash- ville. 1860. Senate Journal. ■ 8°. Nashville. 1859. — State Agricultural Bureau ; 2d Biennial Report. 8°. NashviUe. 1858. State Library^; Catalogue. 8''. Nashville. 1855. — Statute Laws. 2 v. 8°. Knoxville. 1831. gWNESSEE Reports. See Head, J. W. iNNEY, S. Geology. 12°. PhH. 1860. aiNEY, W. C. Memoir of Mrs. C. P. Keith. 12°. N.y. 1864. NNEY, W. J . History of the Rebellion. 8°. N.Y. 1865. NNYSON, A Poems. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1842. Same. 16°. Bost. 1848. — Same. 2 v. 18°. Bost. 1861. -Same. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1863. Enoch Arden, etc. 12°. Bost. 1864. Same. 12°. Bost. 1865. ^ Idyls of the King. 12°. Bost. 1859. Same. 12°. Bost. 1864-5. In Memoriam. 16°. Bost. 1850. — Maud, and Other Poems. 12°. Bost. '55. ^ The Princess. 10°. Lond. 1847. iiNYSOX, F. Days and Hours. 16°. Lond. 1854. BENTius Afer, P. Comcodia) Sex. 4 v. See Vaij»y's Delphin Classics. -Same. 8°. Lond. 1731. -Same. 18°. Halle. 17C2. Tekentitjs Afer, P. Comedies. Transl. by G. Colman. See British Poets, v. 44. Tebnaux, H. Bibliotheque Americaine. 8*. Paris. 1837. Voyages, etc, , pour servir a I'Histoire do la decouverte de I'Amerique. 20 v. 8"*. Paris. 1837-41. Teebael, p. du. Les Chevaliers du Clair de Lune. 5v. 18°. Paris. 1860. Memoires d'une Veuve. 4 v. 18°. Paris. 1865. Les Nuits dela Maison Doree. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1865. Teree Haute Directory, 1864. 8°. Terre Haute. 1864. Terror of the Lord; account of the Earth- quake in New England, Oct., 1727. 18°. Bost. 1727. Teeby, a. R. Travels in South America. 12°. Hartf. 1834. Tebry, C. Scenes and Thoughts in Foreign Lands. 16°. Lond. 1848. Terry, Rose. Poems. 12°. Bost. 1861. Teschemacher, J. E. Address to Boston Natural Hist. Society. (P. 21.) 8°. Bost. 1841. Teschemacher, J. R. Tables for Exchange. 4°. Lond. 1802. Tesoeo de Historiadores Espanoles. Men- doza, ]\Ioncada, Melo. 8°. Paris. 1840. Tesoeo de NoveUstas Espanoles. 8°. Paris. 1847. Tesoeo della Prosa Italiana. 8°. Florence. 1841. Tesoeo del Teatro Espanol. 5 v. 8°. Paris. 1838. Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing. 16°. Albany. 1810. Texas. Laws. 2 v. 8°. Houston. 1838. Texas Almanac for 1857. 8°. Galveston. 1856. Texas Committee. Addresses, etc. (P.) 8*. N.Y. 1836. Texas, History of. 12°. Cine. 1848. Texas Western Railroad Co. Survey of a Route for the Southern Pacific R. R. (P.) 8°. Cine. 1856. Texiee, E. Amour et Finance. 12°. Paris. 1856. Chronique de la Guerre d'ltalie. 12°. Paris. 1859. Tableau de Paris. 2 v. f°. Paris. 1853. Thacher, G. H. Key to the "Trustees' Statement" of Dudley Observatory. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1858. Thacher, J. American Medical Biography. 2 V. in one. 8°. Bost. 1828. 362 CATALOGUE OF THE Thacher, J. Essay on Demonology, etc. 16^. Bost. 1831. History of Plymouth. 12° Bost. 1832. Military Journal, from 1775 to 1783. 8^^. Bost. 1823. Same. 8°. Bost. 1827. Thacher, P. 0. Charge to Grand Jury. (P. 62.) 8°. Bost. 1832. Thacher, T. A. Discourse on Professor Kingsley. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. Life of E. C. Herrick. 8°. N. Haven. 1862. Thackeray, F. Britain under the Romans. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1843. Thackeray, W. M. Ballads. 12°. Bost. 1855. Cornhill to Cairo. 12°. N.Y. 1846. English Humorists. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Four Georges. 16° N.Y. 1860. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Irish Sketches. 8°. Phil. n.d. Same. 2 v. in one. 8°. Phil. n. d. Kickleburys on the Rhine. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1851. Roundabout Papers. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Thackrah, C. T. Effects of Arts, Trades, etc., on Health. 8°. Lond. 1832. Thackwray, W. Use of the Globes. 4°. Lond. 1810. Thaer, a. D. Principles of Agriculture. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Thalatta; a Book for the Seaside. 16°. Bost. 1853. Thaetn, R. Arbitrary Arrests in the South. 16°. N.Y. 1863. Thatcher, B. B. Boston Tea Party; a Me- moir of G. T. Hewes. 16°. N.Y. 183L Same. 18°. N.Y. 1835. Indian Biography. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1837. Indian Traits. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Thayer, E, Family Memorial of New Eng- land Settlers. 12°. Hingham. 1835. Thayer, W. M. Bobbin Boy. 16°. Bost. '60. Farmer Boy. 16°. Bost. 1864. Good Girl and True Woman; Life of Mary Lyon. 16°. Bost. 1863." Hints for the Household. 12°. Bost. 1853. Pioneer Boy. 16°. Bost. 1864. From Poorhouse to Pulpit; Life of Dr. Kitto. 16°. Bost. 1859. Printer Boy. 16°. Bost. 1861. Same. 16°. Bost. 1864. • Spots in our Feasts of Charity. 16°. Bost. 1854. Thayer, W. M. Youth's History of the Re- bellion. 2v. 16°. Bost. 1864-5. Same. 12°. Bost. 1866. Theatric (The) Count; a Burlesque. (P. 25.) 8°. Lond. 1809. Theatricxjs. Theatrical Taxation. (P. 25.) 8°. Lond. 1800. Theleer, E. a. Canada in 1837. 12° Phil. 1841. Thelwall, a. S. Iniquities of the Opium Trade. 12°. Lond. 1839. Thelwall, Mrs. Life of John Thelwall. v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1837. Thenard, L. J. Traite' de Chimie. 5 v. 8°. Paris. 1834-5. Thenot, T. p. Practical Perspective. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Theocritus. See Poet^; Bucolici, in Didot's Greek Classics. Theocritus. Scholia in Theocritum. See Di- dot's Greek Classics. Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus. Transl. by M. J. Chapman. 8°. Lond. 1836. Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, and Tyrtaeus. Transl. by J. Banks. 16°. Lond. 1853. Theodore; or, the Gamester's Progress; a Poem. 16°. Lond. 1802. Theognis. /S'ee Hesiod,. Venice, 1543. Theologia Germanica. 16°. Andover. 1856. Theologicae Eclectic, v. 1. 8°. Cine. 18G4. Theologicae Essays. 1st and 2d ser. 8°. N.Y. 1846-7. Theological and Literary Journal, v. 4-13. 8°. N.Y. 1851-61. Theologische Studien und Kritiken. 8 v. 8°. Hamburg and Gotha. 1854-61. Theophilus (or Rugerus). Encyclopcedia of Christian Art of the 11th Century. 8°. Lond. 1847. Theophrastus. Characteres. See Didot's Greek Classics. Characters. 8°. Lond. 1824. Les Caracteres. See La Bruyere, J. de. Theory of Effect in Art. 16° Phil. 1851. Theory and Practice of Warming and Ven- tilating Buildings. 8°. Lond. 1825. Theremin, F. Eloquence a Virtue. 12". N.Y. 1850. Theremin, L. F. F. The Awaking. 32°. Bost. 1855. Thesaurus Poeticus; Select Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1826. Thibaut, B. F, Grundriss der Reinen Math- ematik. 8°. Gottingen. 1822. Thicknesse, p. Memoirs of. 8°. Dubl. 1790. Thiebault, Baron. Relation de I'Expeditioa du Portugal. 1807-8. 8°. Paris. 1817. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 363 s-.BAULT, D. Anec^ptes of Frederick the Great, etc. 2. v. 8°, Phil. 1806. nnY, A. Histoire dAttila et des ses Successeurs. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1856. KEY, J. N. A. Histoire du Tiers fitat. 8". Paris. 1853. — Conquete de lAngleterre par les Nor- mands. 4 v. 8°. Brux. 1835. - Lettres sur I'Histoire de France. 8^^. Brux. 1836. — Conquest of England by the Normans. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1825. — Same. 8°. Loud. 1841. — History of the Merovingian Era. 8^. Phil. 1845. niEES, L. A. Atlas des Campagnes de la Revolution. 4°. Paris. 1846. — Discours sur les Relations de France avec les £tats Unis. (P. ) 8°. Paris. 1846. — Histoire du Consulat et de I'Empire. 20 V. 8°. Paris. 1845-62. — Histoire de J. Law. 12°. Paris. 1858. — De la Propri^td. 8°. Paris. 1848. — Histoire de la Revolution Frau9aise. 10 V. 8°. Paris. 1845-6. - Consulate and Empire of Napoleon, v. 1-7. 8°. Lond. 1845-7. -Same. 5 v. 8°. Phil. 1861-3. — History of the French Revolution.- 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. -Same. 4 v. 8^". Phil. 1842. -Same. 4 v. 8°. Phil. 1844-7. -Same. 4 v. 8°. Phil. 1852. -The Mississippi Bubble. 12°. N.Y. 1854. -Same. 12°. N.Y. 1864. - Rights of Property. 16°. Lond. 1848. 'hieiis, L. a., and Bodin, F. History of the French Revolution. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1825. •hings as they are ; Notes of a Traveller in Northern and Middle States. 12°. N.Y. 1834. 'hings to be Thought of. 18°. N.Y. 1854. 'hielwall, C. History of Greece. 8 v. 16°. Lond. 1835-44. — Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1845. HOLUCK, F. A. G. Circle of Human Life. 18°. Edin. 1847. — Guido and Julius. 16°. Bost. 1854. 'hom's Irish Almanac and Directory. 2 v. 8°. Dubl. 1855-6. ?HOMAS, C. W. Adventures in Africa. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Jhomas, F. W. John Randolph, of Roanoke. 12° Phil. 1853. Thomas, G. Account of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Thomas, I. History of Printing in America. 2 V. 8°. Worcester, Mass. 1810. Thomas, J. Travels in Egypt and Palestine. 12°. Phil. 1853. Thomas, J. A. Argument in Case of Florida Bonds. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1854. Argument in Case of M. Laurent. 8°. Lond. 1853. Thomas, J. J. Farm Implements. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Fruit Culturist. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Thomas, R. Glory of America; Lives of Officers in the War of Independence. 12°. N.Y. 1836. History of American Wars. 12°. Hartf. 1847. Thomas, R. B. Farrfier's Almanack for 1842. (P. 69.) 12°. Bost. 1841. Thomas, S. Banker's Guide. 24°. Lond. 1762. Thomas, T. Workingman's Cottage Archi- tecture. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Thomas, T. G. Statement to N. Y. Med. and Surg. Society. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Thomas, J., and Baldwin, J. (Ed'rs.) Lip- pincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer. 4°. Phil. 1860. Same. r.8°. Phil. 1863. Thomason, D. R. Fashionable Amusements. 12°. N.Y. 1831. Thomason, E. Memoirs during Half a Cen- tury. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1845. Thomassy, R. Ge'ologie de la Louisiane. 4°. N.O. 1860. Thome, J. A., and Kimball, J. H. Emanci- pation in the West Indies. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1838. Thompson, Alex. G. Tribute to late Rev. Dr. Bethune. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Thompson, Augustus C. The Better Land. 12°. Bost. 1854. The Mercy Seat. 12°. Bost. 1863. Thompson, B. (Transl.) German Theatre. 6v. 16°. Lond. 1811. Thompson, B. F. History of Long Island. 8°. N.Y. 1839. Same. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Thompson, C. Travels in France, Italy, Arabia, etc. 3 v. 8° Reading. 1744. Thompson, D. P. Address to Vermont His- torical Society. (P. 43.) 8°. Burling- ton. 1850. History of Montpelier, Vt. 8°. Mont- pelier. 1860. 364 CATALOGUE OF THE Thompson, E. P. Austria. 12°. Lond. 1849. Life in Russia. 12°. Lond. 1848. Passions of Animals. 12°. Lond. 1851. Thompson, G. A. Visit to Guatemala. 16°. Lond. 1829. Thompson, H. (Ed'r.) Ballads. 8°. Lond. 1850. Thompson, H., Neale, J. M., Newman, J. H., etc. History of Roman Literature. 12° Lond. 1852. Thompson, J. P. Hints to Employers. 32°. N.Y. 1851. Last Sabbath in Broadway Tabernacle. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1857. Memoir of David Hale. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Memoir of Samuel Pitts. 12°. N.Y. '55. Views of Egypt. 12°. Bost. 1854. • Young Men Admonished. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Same. 12°. Buffalo. 1852. Thompson, R. A. Christian Theism. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Thompson, Theoph. On Consumption. 8°. Phil. 1854. Thompson, Waddy. Recollections of Mexico. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Thompson, Wm. Natural History of Ireland. 8°. Lond. 1849. Thompson, Rev. Wm. Poems. See Beitish Poets, V. 28. Thompson, L. Geography and Geology of Vermont. 12°. Burlington. 1848. History of Vermont. 18°. Burlington. 1833. Same. 8°. Burlington. 1842. Thoms, W. J. (Ed'r.) Anecdotes of English History and Literature. See Camden Society. Collection of Early Romances. 3 v. 16°. Lond. 1828. Thomson's Mercantile Directory. 8°. Bait. 1851. Thomson, A. Time and Timekeepers, 12°. Lond. 1842. Thomson, A. T. Management of the Sick Room. 12°. Lond. 1841. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 8°. Lond. 1835. Thompson, Arthur S. Story of New Zealand. 2v. 12°. Lond. 1859. Thomson, C. Autobiography of an Artisan. 12°. Lond. 1847. Thomson, D. P. Introduction to Meteorol- ogy. 8°. Edin. 1849. Stranger's Vade Mecum; or Liverpool Described. 12°. Liverpool. 1854. Thomson, H. B. Military Forces of Great Britain and Ireland. 8°. Lond. 1855. Choice of a Profession. 12°. Lond. '57. Thomson, J. Poems. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1830. Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1847. Same. 12°. Lond. 1849. Same. See Milton, J. The Seasons. 18°. Bost. 1810. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1819. Same. 24°. Exeter. 1836. Same. 8°. Lond. 1847. Same. 16°. Lond. 1847. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Thomson, J. B. Arithmetic. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Thomson, Johir. History of St. Andrew's Society. 10°. N.Y. 1856. New General Atlas. f°. Edin. 1817. Thomson, J. L. Wars of the United States. 8°. Phil. 1854. Thomson, J. M. Practical Dyer's Assistant. 10°. Lond. 1849. Thomson, M. Doesticks; what he Says. 16°. N.Y. 1859. Elephant Club. See Elephant Club. Pluribustah. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Witches of New York. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Thomson, Mrs. A. T. Memoirs of the Jac- ■ obites. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1845-6. Memoirs of Sarah, Duchess of Marl- . borough. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Reign of George II. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1850. Thomson, R. Chronicles of London Bridge. 12°. Lond. 1827. Same. 16°. Lond. 1839. Coronation Ceremonies of England. r.8°. Loud. 1820. ■ Illustrations of British History. 2 v. 18°. Edin. 1828. Thomson, R. D. Records of General Science. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1835-6. Thomson, S. Wanderings among Wild Flow- ers. 16°. Lond. 1854. Thomson, Prof. T. Attempt to Establish Chemistry by Experiment. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. ^ Chemistry, Animal. 8°. Edin. 1843. Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1831. Geology, Mineralogy, etc. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Heat and Electricity. 8°. Lond. 1830. History of Chemistry. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1831. History of Royal Society. 4°. Lond. '12. Outlines of Mineralogy, etc. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 365 HOMSON, Prof. T. System of Chemistry. 4 V. 8° Phil. 1818. HOMSON, T., M.D. Western Himalaya and Tibet. 8°. Lond. 1852. HOMSON, Wm. Laws of Thought. 18°. Lond. 1842. Same. 16°. Lond. 1849. HOMSON, W. M. The Land and the Book. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1859. — Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 18G0. — Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1865. HOKBURN, G. Fifty Years' Reminiscences of New York. 18°. N.Y. 1805. I — Forty Years' Residence in America. 12°. Bost. 1834. I — Life and Writings ; by Himself. 12°. N.Y. 1852. boREAU, H. Cape Cod. 12°. Bost. 1865. — Excursions. 12°. Bost. 1863. — Letters. 12°. Bost. 1865. Maine Woods. 12°. Bost. 1864. Walden. 12°.' Bost. 1854. Same. 12°. Bost. 1864. Week on Concord and Merrimack Rivers. 12°. Bost. 1862. lOREAU, P. Book-Keeping. 4°. Lond. 1815. ^OKESBY, R. Diary. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. Letters to, by Eminent Men. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1832. koRNBURY, W. Life in Spain. 12°. N.Y. '60. t- Life of J. M. W. Turner. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1862. aoRNTON, A. Sporting Tour through France. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1806. IaoRNTON, B., and others. Connoisseur. 3 V. 16°. Lond. 1808. — Same. See Cumberland, R. Observer. OBNTON, E. East India Gazetteer. 8°. Lond. 1857. :OBNTON, J. B. Digest of Conveyancing and Testamentary Laws. 8°. Bost^ '54. lORNTON, J. Q. Oregon and California in 1848. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1849. lORNTON, J. W. Colonial Schemes of Pop- ham and Gorges. 8°. Bost. 1863. — The Landing at Cape Ann. 8°. Bost. 1854. — Oliver's * • Puritan Commonwealth" Re- viewed. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1857. Pulpit of the American Revolution. 12°. Bost. 1860. lORNTON, T. C. History of Slavery. 12°. Wash. 1841. BNTON, W. T. Over-Population and its Remedy. 8°. Lond. 1846. ENWELL, E. Lady's Guide to Perfect Gentility. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Thornwell, J. H. Discourses on Truth. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Hear the Soiith. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Letter on Public Instruction in South Carolina. (P.) 8°. Columbia. 1853. Thorpe, B. (Ed'r.) Analecta Anglo-Saxon- ica. 8°. Lond. 1834. Northern Mythology. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Thorpe, M., Jr. Calendar of Scotch State Papers. See Great Britain. Thorpe, T. Catalogue of Curious Books. 8°. Lond. 1842. Thorpe, T. B. Our Army at Monterey. 12"*. Phil. 1847. Our Army on the Rio Grande. 12°. Phil. 1846. Thoughts on the Degradation of Science in England. 8°. Lond. 1847. Thoughts on Domestic Education. 12°. Bost. 1829. Thoughts to Help and to Cheer. 12°. Bost. 1854. Thoughts on the Importance of the Manners of the Great. 24°. Phil. 1788. Thoughts in Past Years; Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Thoughts and Stories on Tobacco. 18°. Bost. 1852. Thrale, Mrs. See Piozzi, Mrs. Three Words to Novel fleaders. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Three Years in Chili. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Three Years on the Kansas Border. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Three Years in the Pacific. 8°. Phil. 1834. Thkilijng Adventures of the Early Settlers. 12°. Phil. 1864. Thrilling Incidents in the W'ars of the United States. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Thrilling Stories of the Great Rebellion. 16°. Phil. 1865. Throop, M. H. The Future; a Political Essay. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Thrupp, J. The Anglo-Saxon Home. 8°. Lond. 1862. Thrltp, J. F. Antient Jerusalem. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1855. Thucydides. De Bello Peloponnesiaco. See Didot's Greek Classics. Same. 2 v. 12°. Leip. 1820. Same. Transl. by H. Dale. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1849. History of the Grecian War. Transl. by T. Hobbes. 8°. Lond. 1812. Same. Transl. by W. Smith. 2 v.' 8°, Phil. 1818. 366 CATALOGUE OF THE Thucydides. History of the Grecian War. 3v. 16^. Lond. 1831. Same. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Thubston, D. History of Winthrop, Me. 12=^. Portland. 1855. Thubston, G. H. Pittsburgli as it Is. 12°. Pittsb. 1857. TiBULLUs, A. Opera. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Same. See Walker, G. S. Corpus Poet- Lat. Same. TransL by J. Grainger. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1812. TiBY, P. Deux Couvens au Moyen Age. 16°. Paris. 1851. TiCKELL, T. Poems. See Beitish Poets, V. 17. TiCKNOR, C. Medical Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1838. Philosophy of Living. 18°. N.Y. 1836. TiCKNOR, G. History of Spanish Literature. 3v. 8°. N.Y. 1849. Same. 3 v. 12°. Bost. 1863. Life of W. H. Prescott. 12°. Bost. 1864. TiECK, L. Gesammelte NoYcllen. 12 v. in 24. 16°. Berlin. 1852. TiETZ, von. St. Petersburgh, Constanti- nople, and Napoli di Bomania. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Tiffany, J., and Bullard, E. F. Law of Trust and Trustees. 8°. Albany. 1862. Tiffany's Monthly, v. 1-^ 8°. N.Y. 1856- 1857. TiLDEN, B. P. Notes on the Upper Bio Grande. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1847. TiLLEY, H. A. Eastern Europe and Western Asia. 12°. Loud. 1864. TiLLEY, J. Arithmetical Table Book. 12°. Lond. 1836. TiLLOTsoN, J, Works, with Life. 10 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. THiT, E. J. Elements of Health and Female Hygiene. 12°. Phil. 1853. Preservation of Health of Women. 24°. N.Y. 1851. Times, J. Knowledge for the People. 4 v. 18°. Lond. 1831-2. Popular Errors. 12°. Lond. 1841. School Days of Eminent Men. 12°. Lond. 1864. Wellingtoniana. 16°. Lond. 1852. Year Book of Facts for the Great Exhi- bitions in 1851 and 1862. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1851, '62. Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, 1830-G4. 26 V. 16°. Lond. 1839-64. Times. See London (The) Times. TiMPERLEY, C. H. Encyclopoedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote. 8". Lond. 1842. TiMPSON, T. Memoirs of Mrs. E. Fry. 12^, Lond.. 1847. TiRABOsciii, G. Storia della Letteratura Ita- liana. 9 v. in 14. 8°. Florence. 1805- 1813. TiscHENDORFF, C. Travels in the East. 12°. Lond. 1847. TiscHER, J. F. W. Life of M. Luther. 12". Hudson. 1818. TissoT, L S. A. Verhandeling over der Ziek- ten der Geleerden. 8°. Utrecht. 1768. Titan; a Magazine. Conjoined series, v. 23- 29. 8°. Lond. 56-9. To Daimonion; or, the Spiritual Medium. 16°. Bost. 1852. TocHMAN, G. Lecture on Poland, (P. 23.) 8^. Bait. 1844. Petition in behalf of Kosciusko's Heirs. (P.) 8° n.p. 1847. Supplementary Petition for same. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1848. TocQUEviELE, A. de. L'Ancien Ptegime et la Bc^volution. 8°. Paris. 1850. De la Democratic en Amerique. 3 v. • 8°. Paris. 1864. Melanges, Fragments Historiques, etc. 8°. Paris. 1865. Democracy in America. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1838. Same. Part 2. 8°. N.Y. 1840. Old Regime and the Revolution. N.Y. 1856. Memoirs, Letters and Remains of. 12°. Bost. 1862. To-DAY ; a Literary Journal, v. 1-2. 8°. Bost. 1852. ToDij, H. J. Life and Writings of J. Milton. 8°. Lond. 1809. Lives and Writings of Gower and ChaUi cer. 8°. Lond. 1810. Todd, J. Daughter at School. 12°. North- ampt. 1854. Lectures to Children. 2d series. 16". Northampt. 1858. Sabbath School Teacher. 12°. North- ampt. 1837. Students Manual. 12°. Northampt. '37. ToDD, R. B. Clinical Lectures on ParalysLi, etc. 8°. Phil. 1855. Todd, R. B., and Bowman, W. Physiologi- cal Anatomy, etc. 8°. Phil. 1850. Todd, S. E. Young Farmer's Manual. 12". N.Y. 1800. 12^ 2v. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 367 D, J. Miscellaneous Works. 2 v. 12°. Lend. 1747. >o, 0. Annual Statement of Trade, etc., 18G1. (P.) 8°. Toledo. 1862. .usEN, A. Klopstock, Lessing and Wieland. 8°. Lond. 1848. ;, J. Dental Physiology and Surgery. 8°. Lond. 1848. ;, K. Panama in 1855. 16°. N.Y. 1855. iNS, E. Beautieg of English Poetry. .16°. Lond. 1847. iMLiNE, G. Memoirs of William Pitt. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1821. MLixs, F. G. History of England. 3 v. in 6. 8°. Lond. n.d. MLiNsoN, C. (Ed'r.) Cyclopaedia of Use- ful Arts. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1854. — Illustrations of Useful Arts. No. 2, Manufacture of a Pin. 18°. Lond. '56. Natural Philosophy for Beginners. 12°. Lond. 1848. — Objects in Art Manufacture. No. 1, Paper. 12°. Lond. 1854. -Same. 12°. Lond. 1858-9. — Student's Manual of Natural Philosophy. 12°. Lond. 1838. MLiNsoN, L. Recreations in Astronomy. 16°. Lond. 1840. MLiNsoN.W. P. Kansas in 1858. 12°. N.Y. 1859. NE, T. W. Life, by himself; Continued by his Son. 2 v. 8°. Wash. 1826. H Same. 18°. Lond. 1828. NNA, Mrs. C. E. Works. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1844-5. — Letters on Mesmerism. (P. ) 12°. Phil. 1847. Poems. 16°. Lond. 1846. — Persecutions of the Vaudois. 18°. N.Y. 1848. pKE, A. Pantheon; or, Gods and Heroes. 16°. Bait. 1833. PKE, J. H. Diversions of Purley. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1807-8. Same. 8°. Lond. 1840. Miscellaneous Tracts. Bound together. 8°. Lond. 1769-1807. DKE, T. History of Prices. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. — Same. 8°. Lond. 1848. )NE, W. Chronological Historian. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1828. Glossary of Obsolete Words and Phrases. 12°. Lond. 1834. PITER, E. Nouvelles Genevoises. 8°. Paris. 1851. Topn<'EK,R. Le Presbytere. 12°. Paris. '52. Rosa et Gertrude. 10°. Paris. 1847. ToPHAM, J. Chemistry for Agriculturists. ;See Saxton's Rural Handbooks, 3d ser. ToPLADY, A. M. Works, with Memoir. 6 v. 8° Lond. 1825. Fast Sermon, Dec. 13, 1776. (P. 52.) 8°. Lond. 1787. ToPLis, J. Observations on the Weather. 12°. Lond. 1849. ToBOKTO Board of Trade. Annual Report for 1858. (P.) 8°. Toronto. 1859. Same, for 1861. 8*. Toronto. 1862. ToEEENS, R. Letter to Lord Melbourne on the Money Market. (P.) 8°. Lond. 1837. Political Economy and Representative Government in Australia. 8°. Lond. 1855. ToEEENTE, M. Slavery in Cuba. 12°. Lond. 1853. ToEEES, M. de, and Haegous, L. Dufief's Nature Displayed, adapted to Spanish. V. 1. 8°. Phil. 1811. ToEEEY, J. Compendium of Flora of North- ern and Middle States. 12°. N.Y. '26. Flora of New York, ^ee New Yoek. Natural History, v. 6-7. History and Value of Water Gas Pro- cesses. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. ToEEEY, J., and Geay, A. Flora of North America, v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1838-40. Toebey, Jesse, Jr. Moral Instructor and Guide to Virtue. 12°. Phil. 1830. ToEBT, W. Account of State Prison in New- York City. 8°. N.Y. 1801. ToTT, F. de. Memoirs. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1786. TouLMiN, C. Lays and Legends of English Life. 4°. Lond. 1852. TouLMiN, J. Sermon on the American War. (P. 52.) 8°. Lond. 1776. TouE in Holland in 1784. 8°. Wore. 1790. TouE in the United States and Canada. 8°. Lond. 1828. Toubguenef, I. Nouvelles Scenes de la Vie Russe. 12°. Paris. 1863. Peres et Enfants. 16°. Paris. 1863. TouBNAY, S. Law of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. 8°. Lond. 1851. TouBNEFOBT, J. P. de. Voyage to the Le- vant. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1741. Toussenel, a. Tristia; la Chasse de France. 12°. Paris. 1863. To WEB, F. B. Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct. 4°. N.Y. 1843. TowBB, P. Slavery Unmasked. 12°. Eoch. *1856. 868 CATALOGUE OP THE TowLE, G. M. Glimpses of History. 12=*. N.Y. 18GG. TowLER, J. (Ed'r.) American Photographic Almanac for 1865. 1G° Phil. 18G5. Silver Sunbeam ; a Textbook of Photog- raphy. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Town, S. Analysis of English Derivatives. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Speculative Masonry. 16°. Salem, N.Y. 1822. TowNSEND, Eliz. "W. White Dove and Other Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1855. TovirNSEND, Hannah. History of England in Verse.* 12°. Phil. 1852. TowNSEND, Howard. Lecture to Medical Students. (P. 43.) 8°. Albany. 1853. TowNSEND, John. Memoirs of. 12°. Bost. 1831. TowNSEND, John, Henry and Richard, and their Descendants. 12°. N.Y. 1865. TowNSEND, John F. Relations between Pro- fessions of Law and Medicine. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1854. TowNSEND, Jos. Elements of Therapeutics. 8° Bost. 1807. Etymological Researches. 4° Bath. 1824. Geological and Mineralogical Research- es. 4°. Bath. 1824. Journey through Spain. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1792. TowNSEND, P. S. Yellow Fever in New York in 1822. 8°. N.Y. 1823. Topography and Diseases of Bahamas. 8°. N.Y. 1826. Modern State Trials. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1850. TowNSHEND, C. H. Facts in Mesiperism. 12°. Bost. 1841. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Sermons in Sonnets, and Other Poems. 12°. Lond. 1851. Traces of the Roman and the Moor. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Tract, entitled Discourse between Hampden and Cromwell. 4°. Lond. 1847. Tracts on the Antiquities of Scotland. 8°. Edin. 1836. Tracts for the Christian Seasons, v. 1. 12°. Oxf. 1849. Tracts for Priests and People. 12°. Bost. 1862. Tracts for the Times. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1840-42. Tracy. See Destutt de Tracy. Tract, J. History of Am. Board of Comm. for For. Missions. 8°. N.Y. 184$. Tracy, S. Mother and her Offspring. 16». N.Y. 1853. Traice, W. H. J. Handbook of Mechanics Institutions. 8"^. Lond. 1856. Tratt.t,, T. S. Outlines of Lectures on Medi- cal Jurisprudence. 8°. Phil. 1841. Physical Geography. 12°. Edin. 1838. Traill, W. Elements of Algebra. 8°. Edin. 1796. Train, G. F. Spread Eagleism. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Young America in Wall Street.' 12°. N.Y. n.d. Traits of American Indian Life and Charac- ter. 8°. Lond. 1853. Trall, R. T. Hydropathic Encyclopaedia. 2 v. 12°.»N.Y. 1852. Prize Essay on Tobacco. (P.) 12", N.Y. 1854. Tranchepain, St. A. de. Voyage des Ursu- lines a la Nouvelle Orleans. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Transport Voyage to the Mauritius and back. 16° Lond. 1851. Trautwine, J. C. Report on Mouths of Atrato River. (P. 66.) 8°. n.p. 1852. Traveller's Guide through Middle and Northern States, etc. 18°. Saratoga. 1834. Travis, G. Letters to Edward Gibbon. 8°. Lond. 1794. Treasury of Knowledge. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1836. V. 1. Brown, G., English Grammar; Cobb, L., English Dictionary; Wil- liams, E., New Universal Gazetteer; Epitome of Chronology and History; Classical and Law Dictionary,— v. 2. Moore, H., Dictionary of Quotations; Phillips, R., Million of Facts; Knapp, S. L., American Biography. Treasury of Travel and Adventure. 12^. N.Y. 1865. Treatise on Life Insurance. (P. 23.) 12". N.Y. 1844. Treatise on Proper Condition for Horses; by Harry Hieover. 12°. Lond. 1852. Treatise on Brewing. See Outlines of Chem- istry, in Library of Useful Knowl- edge. TredctOld, T. Elements of Carpentry. 4". Phil. 1847. Machinery used in Steam Navigation. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1851. Principles of Warming and Ventilating 8°. Lond. 1836. > Railroads and Carriages. 8°. N.Y. '24 MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 369 Sbsgellzs, S. p. The Jansenists. 12^. Lond. 1851. *mKL£wvj, C. Perranzabiiloe; tiie Lost Church Found- 12**. Lond. 1843. ■rklawxt, E. J. K^collections of Shelley I and Byron- 12° Bost 18-58. Ibucblet, a. Instructions d'un Pere a ses Eafaaa sax la Beligion. 3 t. 12^ Genera. 1779. 'xnczxHEEBE, S. Coustitatiomi of the U. S. and England. 12°. Lend. 1854- — - Political Experience of the Ancients. 16°, Lond- 1852. BEX'CH. R. C. Authorized Version of the New Testament and its BeTision. 12''. K.Y. 1858. — Calderon, his Life and Grenios. 8°. N. Y. 1856. English, Past and Present 12°. N.T. 1855. — Fitness of Scripture for Unfolding the Spiritual Life of Man, etc 12=. PhiL 1854. Lessons in Proverbs. 16^. Lond. 1853. Same. 12^ X.Y. 1853. — Notes on the Miracles. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Notes on the Parables. 8**. N.Y. 1850. 1— Same. 8^ N.Y. 1856. Poems. 12». N.Y. 1856. — Sacred Latin Poetry. 16°. Lond- 1849. — Select Glossary of English Words. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Sermons Preached in Westminster Ab- bey. 12". N.Y. 1860. » Study of Words. 16°. Lond. 185L Same. 16°. N.Y. 1854. Same. 12°. N.Y. 186L — Synonyms of the New Testament Parti. 12°. Camb. (K) 1854. — Same. Part 2. 12°. N.Y. 1864. £XCH, W. L. P. On the National System of Education in Ireland. 8°. DubL 1855. ci; F. de. Life, by himsel£ 24°. I^ond. 1855. Same. 8°. Albany. 1^53. Memorias de, por el Mismo. 2 v. 12°. Madrid- 1804. iPAix, E- W. Monument?, Tombs, etc ; Working Details, etc 4*. Lond- 1850. fXOM Directory, for 1854-5, '57, '59. 3 r. 8°. and 12°. Trenton, N. J. 1854-9. Same. 1865-6. 12°. Albany. 1865. A, M- Visite a I'Exposition de Paris, 1855. 16^. Paris. 1855. W. H, Diplomacy of the Bevolu- tion- 12°. N.Y. 185'2. 24 TsESOOTT, W. H. Diplomacy of Administra- tions of Washington and Adams. 8*. Bost 1857^ TssvoB, A. Life and Times of William IIL 2v. 8°, Lond- 1835-6. Tmvoux, Dictionnaire dc Fran9oi3 et Latin- 8 v. T. Paris. 1771. Tbiaz. of Assafgans of Pres. Lincoln. 8". PhiL 1865. Tbiai. of Dr. S. A. Bryant and others for the Murder of Shelby Butler. 8°. Tusca- loosa. 1860. TszAi. (The). CalTin and Hopkins vs. th« Bible and Common Sense. (P. 2.) 8°. Bost 1819. Tbial of Charles L and some of the Begi- cidcs. 16°. Lond- 1838. Tblal of M. A- Clark and others for Con- spiracy against CoL Wardle. (P- 27.) 8°. Lond- 1809. Tbiai. of J. Hendrickson for the Murder of his Wife. 8°. Albany. 1853. Tbiai. of C. B. Huntington for Forgery. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Tbiai. of the Officers and Crew of the Savan- nah for Piracy. 8°. N.Y. 1862. TBI-COI.OBBD Sketches in Paris. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Tbibute to Memory of Mr. Lincoln, by Citi- zens of Troy. 8°. Albany. 1865. Tbtbute to Memory of Mrs. M. L, Sprague. (P. 46.) 12°. Albany. 1837. TbqcbIiK, L p. Insect Enemies of Fruit and Fruit Trees. 4°. N.Y. 1865. Tbimen, a. Church and Chapel Architec- ture. 8°. Lond. 1849. Tbuoceb, J. Practical Greology and Mineral- ogy. 8°. PhiL 1842. Tbixity Church, New York. Arguments of Counsel before Senate Committee (P.) 8°. Albany. 1857. Charter of, Defended. (P. 54.) 8°. N.Y. 1846. -Chart«r and Laws, and Proceedings relative to. (P. 54.) 8°. Albany. 1846. — r^ Ei^amination of Mr. Clark's Keport on- (P.) 8°. Albany. 1846. Examination of Senate Committee Ee- portinl8o5. CP-) 8°. N.Y. 1857. — Memorial, etc., of Citizens, for Bepeal of Trin- Ch. Act (P. 54.) 8°. N.Y. 1846. — Memorial, etc, against Bepeal of Act of 1814. (P. 54.) 4°. N.Y. 1846. — Bemonstrance against Repeal of Act of 1814. (P. 54.) 8°. N.Y. 1846. — Same. (P. 54,) 8°» Albany. 1847. 370 CATALOGUE OF THE Trinitt Clitirch, New York. Reply to Re- port of Select Commitee on. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1857. Review of Reports presented to Legisla- ture. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1857. Title of; an Exposure of Miller's Letter. (P.) 8^. Albany. 1856. Troubles of; from N. Y. Musical World. (P.) 8". N.Y. 1857. — - A Word for. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. Tbinity School. 150th Anniversary. (P.) 4°. N.Y. 1859. Teh* through Lakes of North America. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Trip of Steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter. 8°, Brooklyn. 1865. Tarpp, A. Crests from the Ocean World. 12°. Bost. 1862. Teipp, H. (Ed'r.) Selections from Percy's Reliques, etc. 12®. Lond. 1849. Tbips in the Life of a Locomotive Engineer. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Teistan. Recueil des Poemes relatifs a ses Aventures. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1835. Triumphs of Perseverance and Enterprise. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Tboli/Ope, a. North America. 12°. N.Y. 1862. Sketch of Life of Thackeray. 5ee Tay- lor, Theo. West Indies and Spanish Main. 12°. N.Y. 1860. TBOiiiiOPE, Frances. Belgium and Western Germany. 8°. Phil. 1834. Paris and the Parisians. 8°. N.Y. 1836. Tboixope, T. a. Decade of Italian Women. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1859. Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar. 12°. Lond. 1861. Teollope, W. Belgium since 1830. 12°. Lond. 1842. Teollopiad (The). A Satirical Poem. 16°. N.Y. 1837. Tbonchet, L. Picture of Paris. 18°. Lond. n.d. Teonson, J. M. Yoyage to Japan, Kamts- chiitka, etc. 8°. Lond. 1859. Tboost, G. Geological Reports. ation of the Dutch. (P 50.) 8 Utica. 1814. Vanderkiste, R. W. Six Y«ars' Mission : London. 16°. Lond. 1852. Van der Weyde, P. H. Quadrature of tl Circle. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Van Deusen, E. H. Sketch of Dr. T. 1 Beck. (P. 45.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Van Doeen, W. H. Mercantile Morals. 16 N.Y. 1852. Vandyke, H. J. Abolitionism; a Sermoi (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Sermon; Thanksgiving, 1860. 8°. N."! 1800. Vane, C. W. Guerre de la PeninSlile. 2 ■ 8°. Paris. 1828. Story of the Peninsular War. 12°. N."! 1848. War in Germany and France, 1813-1 12°. Phil. 1831. Van Evrie, J. H. Negroes and Negi Slavery. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Van Heuvel, J. A. Eldorado, Defence < Sir W. Ealeigh, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1814. Van Ness, W. P. The Charges against I Burr. 8°. Phil. 1803. Van Oven, B. Decline of Life in Healt and Disease. 8°. Lond. 1853. Van Rensselaer, C. Eulogy on Webste: (P. 45.) 8°. Burlington, N. J. 1852. Van Rensselaer, J. Lectures on Geolog] 8°. N.Y. 1825. Van Rensselaer, S. Affair at Queenstown i 1812. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1856. Van Santvoord, C. Discourse on Life ( Webster. (P. 45.) 8°. Saugerties. '5! Life of A Sidney. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Lives of the Chief Justices. 8°. N.l 1854. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 383 .N ScHAACK, H. C. Henry Cruger. 8°. N.Y. 1859. — Life of P. Van Schaack. 8°. N.Y. 1842. rANUXEM, L. Geology of New York. See New York. Tan Vechten, J. Menaoirs of J. M. Mason, D.D. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Tan Winkle, C. S. Printer's Guide. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Tapeeeau, G. Dictionnaire des Contern- porains. 8°. Paris. 1858. Takia. Morale, Politique, Litt^rature. 16°. Paris. 1860. Taenhagen. F. a. de. Vespuce et son Premier Voyage. (P.) 8°. Paris. 1858. ''aenum, J. B., Jr. Seat of Government of United States. 8°. Wash. 1854. -Washington Sketch Book. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Taes, E. de. La Joueuse. 16°. Paris. 1863. ''assas Female College. President's Visit to Europe. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Tatee, J. S. Grammatik der Russischen Sprache. 8°. Leip. 1814. - Literatur der Grammatiken, Lexika, etc. 12°. Berlin. 1847. Tattel, E. de. Law of Nations. 8°. Phil. 1865. Tattemaee, a. Album Cosmopolite. 4°. Paris. 1837. - Letter on International Exchanges. 8°. Paris. 1853. iTaudoncouet, G. de. Memoirs of the Ionian Islands. 8°. Lond. 1816. Taughan, C. J. Christ the Light of the World. 16°. Lond. 1865. — Plain Words on Christian LiTing. 16°. Lond. 1865. AtroHAN, D. New System of Vegetable Physiology. (P.) 8°. Cine. 1848. AUGHAN, H. Sacred Poems, etc. 16°. Lond. 1847. /^AUGHAN, R. The Age and Christianity. 8°. Lond. 1849. - Causes of the Corruption of Christianity. 8°. Lond. 1834. - Essays on History, Philosophy, and Theology. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1849. - History of England. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1840. - Life of Wycliffe. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1831. - Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1831. - Revolutions in English History. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1859-61. -Same. 8°. N.Y. 1860. Vaughan, R. (Ed'r.) Protectorate of Crom- well. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1839. Vaux, C, Villas and Cottages. 8°. N.Y. '57. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Vaux, J, H. Memoirs by himself. 18°. Lond. 1827. Vaux, W. S. W. Nineveh and Persepolis. 8°. Lond. 1850. Vega, G. de la. Works. 12°. Lond. 1823. Vega, L. de. Thdatre Espagnol. 2 v. 12°, Paris. 1842. Vegetable Physiology, Rudiments of. (P.) 16°. Edin. 1844. Vegetable Substances used for Food. 16°. N.Y. 1844. Vegetaeian Messenger, v. 6-9. 8°. Lond. 1856-9. Vehse, E. Memoirs of Court of Prussia. 12°. Lond. 1854. Velasquez, P. Discovery of Iximaya and the Aztec Children. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Velazquez de la Cadena, M. Elementos de la Lengua Inglesa. 8°. N.Y. 1810. Dictionary of Spanish and English. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Velpeau, a. a. L. M. Operative Surgery. 4°. N.Y. 1847. — - Treatise on Diseases of the Breast. 8°. Phil. 1840. Venables, R. L. Domestic Scenes in Rus- sia. 12°. Lond. 1839. Venegas, M. Histoire de la California. 3 v. 12°. Paris. 1767. Veneeoni, J. Complete Italian Master. 18°. Lond. 1840. Venezuela. Monagas' Attempt for a Des- potism. (P. 65.) 8°. N.Y. 1848. Venice under France and Austria. 2 v. 8°. 8°. Lond. 1824. Venn, H. Life of Xavier. 8°. Lond. 1862. Ventouillac, L. T. French Librarian. 8°. Lond. 1829. Paris and its Environs. f°. Lond. '29. Veea, a. Speculative and Experimental Science. 8°. Lond. 1856. Veebeugge, J. Examea van Land-und-Zee Chirurgie. 16°. Amsterdam. 1714. Veegennes, C. G., Comte de. Memoire sur LaLouisiane. 8°. Paris. 1802. Veegil, p. English History, etc. See Cam- den Society. Publications, v. 36. Reigns of Henry VI., etc. See Same, v. 28. Veeicour, L. R. de. Christian Civilization. 12°. Lond. 1850. Modern French Literature. 12°. Best. 1848. 384 CATALOGUE OF THE Veeity, E. Changes in the Nervous System from Civilization. 8°. Lend. 1839. Vebmilye, T. E. Lecture to Albany Y. M. Association. (P. 43, P. 17.) 8°. Al- bany. 1837. Sermon on Death of Mrs. C. Van Rens- selaer. (P. 45.) 8°. N.Y. 1844. Veemont. Annual Eeports of Births, Mar- riages and Deaths, 1-3. 3 v. 8°. Bur- lington and Middlebury. 1859-60. General Statutes. 5 parts. (P.) 4°. n.p. n.d. Report on Geology, by E. Hitchcock and others. 2 v. 4°. Claremont, N. H. 1861. Vebmont Historical Society. 21st Annual Meeting. (P.) 8°. Burlington. 1860. Proceedings, July and October, 1862. (P.) 8°. St. Alban's. 1862. Veemont Register and Farmer's Almanac, 1865-6. 2v. 18°. Montpelier. 1865-6. Veemont State Papers; Records, Documents, etc. 8°. Middlebury. 1823. Veeney, H. Journal, etc., of Gen. Sir H. Calvert. 8°. Lond. 1853. Veeney, R. Verney Papers, ^ee Camden Society. Veenon, E. History of Jamaica. 8°. Lond. 1740. Veenon, J. Letters illustrating the Reign of William HL 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1841. Veeon, L. Me'moires d'un Bourgeois de Paris. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1853. Paris en 1860, etc. 12°. Paris. 1860. Veeplanck, G. C. Address to Literary So- cieties of Columbia College. (P. 11.) 8°. N.Y. 1830. . Advantages and Dangers of the Ameri- can Scholar. 8°. N.Y. 1836. Anniversary Discourse to N. Y. Histori- cal Society. (P. 5.) 8°. N.Y. 1818. Discourses on American History, Art and Literature. 12°. N.Y. 1833. Essay on Contracts. 8°. N.Y. 1825. Essays on Evidences of Revealed Reli- gion. 8°. N.Y. 1824. Influence of Moral Causes on Opinion, Science, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Lecture, N.Y. Mechanics' Institute. (P. 14.) 8°. N.Y. 1833. Speech on Law Reform. (P. 19.) 8°. Albany. 1839. Veeplanck, G. C, Beyant, W. C, and Sands, R. C. Miscellanies. 3 v. 18°. N.Y. 1833. The Talisman for 1829, 1830. 2 v. 18°. Phil. 1828-9. Veeeen, a. Address at Funeral of S. Lou- trel, Esq. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Address at Laying Corner Stone of the French Church. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Veeeius Flaccus, M., et Festus, S. Pom- peius. Opera. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Veetot, R. a. de. Establishment of tho Bretons among the Gauls. 2 v. 12°> Lond. 1722. History of Knights of Malta. 2 v. f . Lond. 1728. History of Revolutions in Spain. 5 y. 12°. Lond. 1724. Vestiges of Civilization. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Vestiges of Natural History of Creation. Set Explanations; aiid, Remarks. Same. 16°. N.Y. 1845. Veteean Corps of War of 1812. Charter, Constitution, etc. (P.) 24°. Brooklyn. 1857. Vethake, H. Inaugural as President of Washington College, Va. (P.) 8°, Lexington. 1835. Lecture on Political Economy. (P. 14.) 8°. N.Y. 1833. Same. (P.) 8°. Princeton. 1831. Principles of Political Economy. 8". Phil. 1838. VicAES, J. England's Worthies. 16°. Lond, 1845. ViCAT, L. J. On Calcareous Mortars and Cements. 8°. Lond. 1837. Vico, J. B. Principes de la Philosophie de I'Histoire. 8°. Brux. 1835. Same. 2 v. 16°. Brux. 1835. La Science Nouvelle. 12°. Paris. 1844. VicTOE, O. J. History of the Rebellion. V. 1 and 2. 8°. N.Y. 1862-3. VicTOEiA Magazine, v. 1-3. 8°. Lond. 1863- 1864. ViCTOEY of the O. P's, and Trial of Clifford vs. Brandon. (P. 25.) 8°. Lond. n.d. ViCTOEY Won; Memorial of Last Days oi G. R. 16°. N.Y. 1856. YiDAL, E. E. Illustrations of Buenos Ayres. 4°. Lond. 1820. ViDocQ, E. F. Memoirs of himself. 4 v. 18°. Lond. 1829. Same. 12°. Phil. 1859. Yiel-Castel, Baron de. Le Testament de la Danseuse. 16°. Paris. 1864. Viele, E. L. Handbook for Active Semce. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Viele, Mrs. "Following the Drum." 12°. N.Y. 1858. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 385 [BNXA Statistical Congress. Report, etc. See Great Britain. EUSSEUX, A. History of Switzerland. 12''. Phil. 1832. — Same. 8°. Lond. 1846. EW (A) of Exertions for Colonizing Free People of Color. (P. 68.) S"^. Wash. 1817. Uw of South America and Mexico. 2 v. ♦ 12°. N.Y. 1826. Ews in the South Seas. f°. Lond. 1808. ONE, G. T. Six Months in America. 12". Phil. 1833. ONOLES, C. Observations on the Floridas. 8°. N.Y. 1823. LLARS, U., and Crevat, A. L'ficriture R^- generde. 4°. Paris. 1833. JLLAvicENcio, M. Geografia del Ecuador. 8°. N.Y. 1858. LLE, G. High Farming -without Manure. 16°. Lond. 1864. ILLE, T. de. Rosange. 2 v. 18°. Paris. 1857. Hardouin, G. Conquest of Constan- tinople. 8°. Lond. 1829. tXEMAiN, A. F. Cours de Litterature Fran9aise au XVIILne Si^cle. 4 v. 12°. Paris. 1847. - Cours de Litterature Fran9aise du Moyen Age. V. 1. 12°. Paris. 1848. Diacours et Melanges Litte'raires. 12°. Paris. 1846. fitudes d'Histoire Moderne. 12°. Paris. 1846. £tudes de Littt^rature Ancienne et fitrangere. 12°. Paris. 1846. - Histoire de Cromwell. 8°. Brux. 1851. La Vie a Paris. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1858. ERS, C. Essai 8ur la Re'formation. 8°. Paris. 1804. RS, G., and Bowrikg, J. Commercial Relations, etc. See Great Britain. OE, S. Elements of Astronomy. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1801. Same. 8°. Phil. 1811. nt,F. Semi-Annual U.S. Register. 8°. Phil. 1860. «T, G. G. Moral System. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1841-6. IT, Wm. Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. 2v. 4°. Lond. 1800-05. L. da. Treatise on Painting. 12°. Lond. 1835. Prelatical Usurpation Exposed. (P. 2.) 8°. n.p. 1812. ATioN of Friends from a Book called "Quakerism.' (P.) 8°. PhU. 1852. 25 ViNET, A. fitudes sur la Litterature Fran- 9ai3e. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1849-51. Pastoral Theology. 12°. N.Y. 1853. ViNGTAiN, L. De la Liberte de la Presse. 12°. Paris. 1860. ViNGUT, G. F. de. Selections from Spanish Poets. 16°. N.Y. 1856. ViNTON, F. Oration to Sons of Rhode Island. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Vinton, J. A. Vinton Memorial. 8°. Bost 1858. ViRGiLius Maro, P. Opera. See Valpy's Delphin Classics. Same. See Walkeb, G. S. Corpus Poet Lat Eneis. 8°. Chiswick. 1820. "Works. Transl. by Pitt and Wharton. 4v. 18°. Lond. 1763. Georgics. 12°. Middletown. 1808. Virgile Travesty; par M. Scarron. 18°. Paris. 1651. Virginia. Convention of 1775. Proceedings. 4°. Richm. 1816. Conventions of 1829-30. Proceedings. 8°. Richm. 1830. Geological Survey. Report, by W. B. Rogers. 8*. Richm. 1840. Statistics, ordered by Convention of 1850-1. 8°. Richm. 1851. Virginia Historical Register. 3 v. 12°. Richm. 1848-53. Virginia State Agricultural Society. Trans- actions. 8°. Richm. 1853. Virginia, Case of Tobacco Planters in, etc. (P.) 12°. Lond. 1733. Virginia. Is She a Repudiating State ? (P. ) 8°. Richm. 1858. Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1842. Visit to British Museum. 18°. Lond. 1838. Visit of Sabbath School Teachers of Massa- chusetts to New York. 12°. Boat 1855. Visit to South Sea Company and the Bank. (P. 39.) 8°. Lond. 1720. Visit to Texas. 18°. N.Y. 1836. Visitor's Guide to Passaic Falls. 18°. Pater- son. 1859. Vitet, L. fitudes sur les Beaux Arts. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1847. ViTRUviDS, P. M. L. De Architettura. f°. n.p. 1535. Vivien, O. £tudes Administratives. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1852. Le Prefet de Police, r.8°. Paris. 1845. Vlaardingen. Handvesten, Octroyen, etc. f°. Hague. 1772. 386 CATALOGUE OF THE Vocabulary of Hawaiian Language. 8°. Laliainaluna. 1836. VoGT, C. Lectures on Man. 8°. Lond. 1864. Voice from America to England. 8°. Lond. 1839. Voice to America, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Voice from the Danube. 12°. Lond. 1850. VoLCKHAUsEN, Adeline. Der Tannenhof. 3 V. in one. 16°. Leip. 1865. VoLKSKALENDER dcs Kladderadatscli, 1859, 1861. 2v. 12°. Berlin. 1859-61. VoLNEY, C. E. C. de. Les Euines. 8°. Paris. 1808. LeKovine. 2 v. 18°. Lond. n.d. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. CEuvres. 75 v. 8°. Paris. 1838. Dictionnaire Phiilosopliique. 4 v. 12°. Paris. n.d. ■ Essai sur les Mceurs et I'Esprit des Nations. 12°. Paris. n.d. LaHenriade. 18°. Lond. 1820. Histoire de Eussie sous Pierre le Grand. 18°. Lond. 1830. Melanges de Litterature et de Morale. 2 V. in one. 8°. Paris. 1833. Politique et Legislation. 12°. Paris. n.d. Pucelle d'Orleans. 12°. Amsterdam. 1788. Siecle de Louis XIV. et de Louis XV. 18°. Paris. 1836. Siecle de Louis XIV. 12°. Paris. 1858. The'atre. See Eepertoire Gc^ne'ral, etc. Works. Y. 3-5. 8°. Lond. 1780. Anti-MachiaYel. 12°. Lond. 1741. Dramatic Works. 5 v. 16°. Lond. 1761- 1762. History of Charles XH. 16°. Otsego. 181L Same. 12°. Hartf. 1831. Same. 12°. Hartf. 1836. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1864. History of Europe. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1754-7. History of Peter the Great. 12°. Lond. 1840. Letters on England. 8°. Lond. 1733. Miscellanies. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1779-80. Philosophical Dictionaiy. 6 v. 12°. Lond. 1824. Philosophical, Literary, and Historical Pieces. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1780. Cuentos y Satij-os. 18°. N.Y. 1825. Diccionario Filosofico. 10 v. 18°. N.Y. 1825. VooRHiEs, J, S. Catalogue of Law Books. 12°. N.Y. 1858. VosE, G. L. Handbook of Eailroad Con- struction. 8°. Bost. 1857. VosE, E. Wealth of the World Displayed. 8°. N.Y. 1859. Voyage d'un Franyais en Angleterre. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1816. Voyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie et New York. 3v. 8°. Paris. 1801. Voyage Historique et Pittoresque de Eouen au Havre. 18°. Eouen. 1839. , Voyage to Peru. 16°. Lond. 1753. Vries, D. p. de. Voyages from Holland to America. 4P. N.Y. 1853. VuLLiET, M. Geography of Nature. 12°. Bost. 1856. Vyse, H. Operations at the Pyramids of Gizehinl837. 3 v. 4°. Lond. 1840-2. Waagen, G. F. Galleries of Art in Great Britain. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1857. Life of Eubens. 12°. Lond. 1840. Treasures of Art in Britain. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1854. Works of Ai't and Artists in England. 3 V. 12°. Lond. 1838. Wace, Master. Chronicle of the Norman Conquest. 8°. Lond. 1837. Wachenhusen, H. Die Grafin von der Nadel. 12°. Berlin. 1863. Ein Neuer Polykrates. 3 v. in 2. 16°. Berlin. 1859. Eouge et Noir. 2 v. in 1. 12°. Berlin. 1864. Wachsmuth, W. Historical Antiquities of the Greeks. 2 v. 8°. Oxford. 1837. "W^ackerbarth, a. D. See Beowulf. 16°. Lond. 1849. Wackerbarth, F. D. Music and the Anglo- Saxons. 8°. Lond. 1837. Waddington, G. History of the Church to the Eefoi'mation. 8°. Lond. 1833. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1834. Waddington, G. , and Hanbury, B. Journal of a Visit to Ethiopia^ 4°. Lond. 1822. Waddington, J. Track of the Hidden Church. 12°. Bost. 1863. Wade, J. British History. 8°. Lond. 1847- 1848. History of Middle and Working Classes. 12°. Lond. 1835. Unreformed Abuses in Church and State. 12°. Lond. 1849. Wafer, L. Description of Isthmus of America. 12°. Lond. 1699. Wagner, K. F. C. Enghsche Sprachlehre. V 8°. Bmnswick. 1822. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 387 ITagxeb, M., and Scherzer, C' Reisen in Nord Amerika. 3 v. 12^. Leip. 1854. Vjigstapf, \V. R. History of Fi-iends. Pt. 1. 8^. N.Y. 1845. Vagstatfe, T. Piety Promoted. 12°. N.Y. 1823. ^AHSHiH, A. R A. B. Anciemt Alphabets and Hieroglypliics Explained. 4°. Lond. 1806. Vailly, L. de. Stella et Vanessa, 12°. Paris. 1855. V*Aii.LY, N. F. de. Priiicipes de la Langue Fran9aise. 16°. Paris. 1807. V^i^iNWEiGHT, J, H. Grold Currency and Funded Debt. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. f^AiNWKiGHT, J. M. Election Sermon. (P. 16.) 8°. Bost. 1835. Land of Bondage; a Tour in Egypt. 1.8°. N.Y. 185L Same. 4°. N.Y. 1852. Religious Education and Filial Duty. 8^. N.Y. 1829. Thirty-four Sermons. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Bait's State Papers, See United States. ITaitz, T. Die Indianer N«rdamerica,'8. 8°. Leip. 1865. Introduction to Anthropology. 8°. Lond. 1863. i^AKEFiELD, E. G. England and America. * N.Y. 1834. (Ed'r.) Art of Colonization. 8°. Lond. 1849. ^AKJEFiELD, P. Introduction to Botany. 12°. Lond. 1807. — Same. 16°. Phil. ISU. — Variety ; or Selections and Essays. 1G°. Loud. 1809. AKELEY, J. B. Lost Chapt-crs from Early History of American Methodism. S°. N.Y. 1858. Takeman, W. F. Archseologica Hibemica. 16°. Dubl. 1818, Alices, A. Compendium Ethiwe Arsstote- licffi, etc. 24^. Ley den. 1636. JjOAio-n, M. E.. C William of Wykeliam and his Colleges. 8°. Lond, 1852. iTajlime, a. (Ed'r.) Select Circulating Li- brary, Prtrt 1. 4°. Phil. 1839. — Same. v. 9-16. 4^. PhiL 1837-41. ?"aldie, Jkliss. Rome in the iSth Century. 2v, 12°. N.Y. 1827. Taldie's Literary Omnibus, v. 1. f . N.Y. 1837. 7alt)0, S. p. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. 12^. Hartf. 1«20. -r— Tour of Pres. Monroe, 12°. Hartf. 1820. Waldor, M. La Rue aux Ours. IS''. Brux. '37. Walbron, W. W. Huguenots of Westchester andFordham. 16°. N.Y. 1864. Waleseode, L. (Ed'r.) Demokratische Stu- dien. 8°, Hamburg. 1860. Walford, E. Hardwick's Annual Biography, 1855-6. 16°. Lond. 1856. Walker, A. Beauty in Woman. 8°. Lond. 1846. Intermai-riage. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Physiognomy founded on Physiology. 12°. Lond. 1834. Woman PhysiologicallyConsidered. 12°. N.Y. 1843. WAiiKER, A. Jackson and New Orleans, 12°. N.Y. 1856. Walker, C. V. Electric Telegraph Manipu- lations. 12°. Lond. 1850. Walker, D. British Manly Exercises. 18°. Phil. 1837. Defensive Exercises. 12°. Lond. 1840. Games -and Sports. 18°. Lond. 1837. Walker, G. S. Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. 8°. Lond. 1835. Walker, Jas. Locomotive and Fixed En- gines. Also, Treatises by Stephenson, Locke, and Booth. 8°. Phil. 1831. Walker, Jbs. Letters on the West Indies. 8°. Lond. 1818. Walker, Jas., D.D. Sermons Preached in Harvard College. 12^. Bost. 1861. Walker, Jas., and Wolfe, J. Valencia Har- bor as a Packet Station. (P.) 8®, Loud. 1858. Wai-ker, Jas. B. God Revealed in Creation- 12°. Bost. 1855. Philosophy of Skepticism, etc 12^. N.Y. 1857. Walker, Jason F. Sermon on Death of Mr. T. D. Sheldon. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1855. Sermon on Death of Miss F. E. Stowe. (P.) 8°. Rutland. 1853. Walker, J. B. R. Memorial of Wall^ers of Plymouth Colony. 8°. Northampton. 18«1. Walker, John. Elements of Elocution and Oi-atory. 12°. Phil.* 1852, Pronouncing English Dictionary. 12°. N.Y. 1815, Rhetorical Grammar, 8°. Bost. 1822. Rhyming Dictionaiy. 12°. Lond. 1824. Walker, Jona. Trial and Imprisonment of. 12°. Bost 1«45. Walker, R. Elements of the Theory of Me- chanics. 8P, Oxf. 1830. Walker, R. J. Appeal for th« Union. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1856. 388 CATALOGUE OF THE WiiKEE, T* Oration on Life of Webster. (P.) 8°. Cine. 1852. Waiter, Thos. Art of Dining, etc. 18°. Phil. 1887. — " The Original; a Periodical. 8°. Lond. 1836. WAiiKEE, Timothy. Introduction to Ameri- can Law. 8°. Cine. 1846. Wax,kee, T. L. Examples of Gothic Archi- tecture. ;S'ee PuGiN, A. and A. W. Walkek, W. F. Arithmetic. 8°. Troy. 1841. Walker, W. S. Poetical Eemaius of. 16°. Lond. 1852. Walks about New York. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Wall, C. W. Ancient Orthography of the Jews. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1835-41. Wallace, D. A. Theology of New England, 12°. Bost. 1856. Wallace, H. B. Literary Criticisms, etc. 12°. Phil. 1856. Wallace, T. On Brougham's "Discourse on Natural Theology." 12°. Lond. 1835. . Additional Observations on the Same. 12°. Dublin. 1835. Wallace, W. Alban the Pirate ; a Komaunt. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Wallace, Wm. Life and Keign of George IV. 3v. 16°. Lond. 1831. Wallace, W. C. Accommodation of the Eye to Distances. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Light, Heat, and Electricity, etc. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Structure of the Eye; with Keference to Theology. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Wallack, J. W. Life of. 8°. Lond. 1865. Waller, E. Poems. See British Poets, V. 6. Wallis, S. T. Glimpses of Spain in 1847. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Lecture on Condition and Prospects of Spain. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1852. Leisure ; its Moral and Political Econo- my. 8°. Bait. 1859. Spain; Her Institutions, Politics, etc. 16°. Best. 1853. Walmsley, H. M. Sketches of Algeria. 12°. Lond. 1858. Waln, K. Life of Marquis de la Fayette. 8°. Phil. 1825. Walpole, F. The Ansayrii and the Assas- sins. 3 V. 8°. Lond. 1851. Four Years in the Pacific. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. Walpole, H. Anecdotes of Painting in Eng- land. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1786. Same. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1828. Walpole, H.* Catalogue of Contents of Strawberry Hill. 4°. Lond. 1842. Catalogue of Eoyal and Noble British Authors. 5v. 8°. N.Y. 1806. Historic Doubts on Life of Richard IIL 4°. Lond. 1768. Journal of Eeign of George III. 2 y. 8°. Phil. 1845. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1859. Letters. 9 v. 8°. Lond. 1861. Same. 4 v. 8°. Phil. 1842. Letters to Sir H. Mann. 2 v. 12°. N.Y, 1833. Letters to Countess of Ossory. 2 y, 8°. Lond. 1848. Walsh, H. Sermon, Opening of St. Mary's Church, N. Y. (P. 9.) 8°. N.Y. 1826. Walsh, J. J. Memorial of Futtehgurh Mis- sion. 8°. Phil. 1859. Walsh, B. Appeal from Judgment of Great Britain. 8°. Phil. 1819. — -Didactics. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1836. Walsh, Eev. E. Notices of Brazil. 2 y. 8°. Lond. 1830. Same. 2 y. 12°. Bost. 1831. Eesidence at Constantinople. 2 y. 8^. Lond. 1836. Walsh, E. M. (Transl.) Conspicuous Living Characters of France. 12°. Phil. 1841. Walsh, W. Poems. See British Poets, y. 13. Walshe, a. Catechism on Eegimentai Standing Orders. 8°. Lond. 1852. WfLTEB, T. U., and Smith, J. J. Cottage and Villa Architecture. 4°. Phil. 1846. Walton, H. H. Treatise on Ophthalmic Surgery. 8°. Phil. 1853. Walton, I. Lives of Donne, Wotton, and Others. 2 v. 16°. Bost. 1832. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Walton, I., and Cotton, C. Complete Angler. 16°. Edin. 1833. Same. 12°. Lond. 1856. Walworth, C. Gentle Skeptic. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Walworth, E. H. Hyde Genealogy. 2 y. 8°. Albany. 1864. Wanostrocht, N. Eecvieil Choisi de Traits Historiques, etc. 12°. Lond. 1799. Wansey, H. Excursions in the United States. 8°. Salisbury. 1796. War Inconsistent with Eeligion. 12°. N.Y. 1815. War Lyrics; a Selection of. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Waeburton, a. EoUo and his Eace. 2 y. 8°. Lond. 1848. MERCANl'ILE LIBRARY. 389 WAUBiTRTO-jr, E. Conqnest of Canada. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1849. • Crescent and the Gross. 2 v. 12° N.Y. 1845. " -Same. 12^. N.Y. 1850-1. ■ Hoclielaga, or England in tlie New World 12^. N.Y. 1846. ■ Memoir of the Earl of Peterborough. 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1853. Memoirs of Prince Kupert and the Cav- aliers. 3v. 8° Lond. 1848. VTARnuKTON, W. Divine Legation of Moses. 8°. Lond. 17o5-8. Same. 2 v. 8°, Lond. 1837. Letters to Hurd. 8^. Bost. 1809. Ward, A. Around the Pyramids. 12^. N.Y. 1863. jVaed, a. H. Genealogy of the Eice Family. 8^. Bost. 1858, — History of Shrewsbury, Mass. 8° Bost. 1847. — Histoiy of Ward Family. 8°. Bost 1851. Vabd, F. De "W. Address on History of Ko Ch- ester. (P.) 8°. Rochester. 1860. ^AiiD, H. The Cape and the Kaffirs. 16°. Lond. 1851. ^AED, H. G. Mexico in 1827. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1828. Vaep, Jas. The World in its Workshop. 16°. Lond. n.d. Taed, Jas. W. Woman; a Poem. 12°. Cine. 1852. ^AED, John D. N. Y. and N. J. Steamboat Controversy. (P.) 8° Newark. 1863. — Tract on Formation of the Eai'th. (P. ) 8°. Jersey City. 1854. AED, Matthew F. Account of Trial of. 8°. • N.Y. 1854. Taed, N. The Simple Cobbler of Aggawam. 12°. Bost. 1843. Taed, N. B. Growth of Plants in Glazed Cases. 8°. Lond. 1842. '"abd, E. p. Revolution of 1688. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1838. •AED, S. Lyrical Recreations. 12°. N.Y. 1865. AED, S., Jr. Address, Opening of Stuyve- sant Institute. (P. 7.) 8°. N.Y. 1837. 'ASDt S. W. Treatise on Algebraic Geome- try. 8°. Lond. 1835. 'iBD, T. Passaic; Poems, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1842. 'aed, W. History, Literature and Eeligion of the Hindoos. 12°. Hartf. 1824. 'IBD, W. G. Ideal of a Christian Church. 8° Lond. 1844- Ward, W. H. Ocean Marine Telegraph- (P.) 8°. Lond. 1861. Warden, D. B. Bibliotheca Americana. 8°. Paris. 1840. Description of District of Columbia. 8°. Paris. 1816. Origin, Nature, etc., of Consular Estab- lishments. 8°. Paris. 1813. Statistical, Political and Historical Ac- count of United States- 3 v. 8°. Edin. 1819. Wabdee, J. A. Hedges and Evergreens. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Waedlaw, E. Civil Establishment Tried by the Word of God- (P.) 16°. Glasgow. 1833. Lectures on Magdalenism. 18^. N.Y. 1843. Wakdrop, J. Curative Effects of the Ab- straction of Blood. 8°. Phil. 1837. Waee, H., Jr. Works. 4 v. 12°. Bost 1846. Formation of Christian Character. 18°. Bost 1850. Foundation, Evidences, etc., of Eeli- gion. 2 V. 12°. Camb. 1842. Memoirs of Eev. Noah Worcester. 12°, Bost 1844. Progress of Christian Life. 16°. Bost. 1847. Temperance Address, Cambridge. (P. 12.) 8° Camb. 1832. Waee, J. Hints to Young Men. 16°. Bost 1850. Lifeof Henry Ware, Jr. 2 v. 12°. Bost 1846. Philosophy of Natural History. 12° Bost 1860, Waee, J. F. W. Home Life. 16° Bost. '64. Waee, Mrs. K A. Power of the Passions and Other Poems, 12°. Lond. 1842. Waee, Mary G. Death and Life. 12°. Bost 1864. Thoughts in my Garden. 12°. Bost '63. Waee, W. (Ed'r.) American Unitarian Biog- raphy. 2v. 12°. Bost 1850. Memoir of N. Bacon. See Sparks' Am. Biog. , 2d ser. , v. 3. Sketches of European Capitals. 12°. Bost 1851. Works and Genius of W. Allston. 12°, Bost 1852. Waring, E. S. Tour to Sheeraz and History of Persia. 4°. Lond. 1807. Waring, G. E., Jr. Elements of Agricul- ture. 12°. N.Y. 1857. Waekworth, J. Chronicle of Eeign of Ed- ward IV. See Camden Society. 190 CATALOGUE OP THE Waenee, F. Ecclesiastical History of Eng- land. 2v. f°. Lond. 1756-7. Waenee, G.J. Oration, July 4, 1797. (P. 4.) 8°. N.Y. 1797. Warnee, H. W. The Liberties of America* 12°. N.Y. 1853. Wabnee, Jas. F. Universal Dictionary of Musical Terms. 8°. Bost. 1842. Waenee, J. W. Immigrant's Gnide^ and Citizen's Manual. 18°. N.Y. 1848. Waenee, John E. Notes of an Attach* in Spain- 8°. Lond- 1851. Para; or Scenes on the Amazon. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Waenee, Major. Schamyl, le Prophete du Caucasus. 16°. Paris. 1854. Waenee, jVliss Susaiu The Law and the Testimony. 8°. N.Y. 1853. The Word; Walks from Eden. 16°. N.Y. 1866. Waenee, E. Illustrations of Scott's Novels. 3v. 12°. Lond. 1824. Letter to Gan-ick on Glossary to Shak- speare, 12®. Lond. 1768. Literary Recollections. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. Wash, G. F. Dynamics, Machinery, etc. 8°. Lond. 1851. Wareen, Emory F. History of Chantauque County. 18°. Jamestown, N.Y. 1846. Waeeen, John C. Address before American Medical Association. 8°. Bost. 1850. Address to Boston Society of Natural History. 8°. Bost. 1853. Etherization. 12°. Bost. 18-18. Great Tree on Boston Common. 8°. Bost. 1855. Life; ed. by E. Warren. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1860. Mastodon Giganteus of North America. 4°. Bost. 1855. Physical Education, and Preservation of Health. 18°. Bost 1846. Same. 18°. Bost. 1854. Waeeen, Jos. Inauguration of Statue of. 8°. Bost. 1858. Waeeen, Mrs. M. Histoiy of American Eevolution. 3 v. 8°. Bost 1805. Waeeen, S. Intellectual and Moral Develop- ment of the Present Age. 16°. Edin. 1853. Lily and the Bee; an Apologue. 16°. N.Y. 1851. • Moral, Social and Professional Duties of Attorneys. 16°. Edin. 1848. (Ed'r. ) Select Extracts from Black- stone's Commentaries. 8°. Lond. 1837. Waeeen, S. E. Drafting Irrstruraents and Operations. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Elementary Problems in Perspective, 8°. N.Y. 1863. Waeeen, T. R. Yachtsman's Primer. 12^, N.Y, 1863. Waeeeniana. 12°. Bost 1852. Waeeinee, F. Cruise of Frigate Potomac. 12°. N.Y. 1835. W.1ETENBUEG, K. An Trubcn Tagen. 2 v. in one. 16°. Leip. 1861. Die Vater den Stadt 3 v. in one. 16°. Leip. 1860. Waeton, John. Death-bed Scenes and Pas- toral Conversations. 2 v. in one, 8°. Phil. 1828. Waeton, Jos. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 34. Waeton, T. History of English Poetiy. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. Observations on Spenser's Fairy Queen. 2v. 8°. Load. 1807. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 34. Waewick, E. The Poet's Pleasaunce. 8^. Lond. 1847. Washbouene, H. Book of Family Crests. 2v. leP. Lond. 1859. Washb^en, E. History of Leicester, Mass. 8°. Bost 1860. Judicial History of Massachusetts. 8°. Bost 1840. Washington, G. Writings, \sith Life, by J. Sparks. 12 v. 8°. Bost 1833-9. Diary, 1789-1791. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Fac Similes of Letters to Sir J. Sinclair. 4°. Wash. 1844. Farewell Address. See United States, Washington's Farewell, etc. Same. (P.) 24°. n.p. ».d. • Same. 4°. N.Y. 1850. Same. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Maxims; Collected by F. Schroeder. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Official Letters to Congi-ess during the War. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1795. Orders during the Revolutionary War. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Political Legacies; with Sketch of his niness, Death, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1800. Washington's Birthday; Celebration, New York, 1851. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1851. Washington and the Generals of the Eevolu- tion. 2v. 12°. Phil. 1847. Washington, G. Memory of; with Sketches of his Mother, Wife, etc. 12°. Bost '52. Washington, G. Pictorial Life of. 12°. Phn. 1847. MERCANTILE LIBRAUT. 391 \Vashington City. Corporation Laws. 8°. Wash. 1853. AVashington and Georgetown Directory, 1858, '64, '65. 3 v. 8°. Wash. 1858-65. Washington Light Infantry (Charleston, S. C.) Semi-Centennial. (P.) 8°. Charleston. 1857. Washington Sketch Book. By Viator. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Li- auguration. 8°. Bost. 1857. Washingtoniana. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Wasson, D. a. The Radical Creed; a Ser- mon. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1865. Waterfokd, N. Y. Catalogue of School District Library. (P.) 16°. Waterford. 1864. Watekhouse, B. The Botanist. 8° Bost. '11. Watekhouse, G. E. Natural History of Mammalia. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1846-8. Natural History of Marsupialia. See Naturalist's Library. Zoology of Voyage of the Beagle. See Darwin, C. Watering Places of Great Britain. 4°. Lond. 1831. Waterland, D. Doctrine of the Trinity. 12°. Camb. (E.) 1800. Waterman, C. H. Flora's Lexicon. 12°. Bost. 1852. Waterman, E. (Ed'r. ) Life and Writings of John Calvin. 8°. Uartf. 1813. Waterston, R. C. Moral and Spiritual Cul- ture. 12°. Bost. 1842. Waterston, W. Cyclopasdia of Commerce, etc. 8°. Lond. 1844. Manual of Commerce. 16°. Edin. 1840. Waterton, C. Essays on Natural History. -, 16°. Lond. 1838. Wanderings in South America. 16°. Lond. 1836. Watertovtn, Wis. Advantages and Statis- tics of. (P.) 16°. Watertown. 1856. Water-worth, J. (Ed'r.) ^^ee Council or Trent. Wathen, G. H. Arts, Antiquities, etc., of Ancient Egypt. 8°. London. 1843. Watkins, C. F. Causes of Delight in the Human Mind. 12°. Lond. 1841. Watkins, J. Biographical Dictionary. 8°. Lond. 1807. Life and Times of William IV. 8°. Lond. 1831. Watkins, T. Travels through Switzerland, Italy, etc. 2 v. 8^ Lond. 1794. Watkinson, R. a. The End as Foretold in Daniel. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Watson, A. American Home Garden. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Watson, E. History of Canals in Western New York. 8°. Albany. 1820. Men and Times of the Revolution. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Watson, H. C. Camp Fires of the Revolu- tion. 8°. N.Y. 1865. Heroic Women of History. 8°. Phil. '52. Watson, Hewett C. Geographical Distribu- tion of British Plants. 12°. Lond. 1835. Watson, John. Medical Profession in An- cient Times. 8°. N.Y. 1856. WeavingbyHand and Power. 8°. Phil. 1864. True Physician; a Discourse. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Watson, John F. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1833. Same. 8°. Phil. 1857. Historic Tales of Olden Time in New York. 12°. N.Y. 1832. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Watson, J. M. Handbook of Calisthenics and GjTiinastics. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Watson, Jos. Instniction of the Deaf and Dumb. 8°. Lond. 1809. Watson, Rich'd, Bp. Apology for the Bible. 12°. N.Y. 1796. Theological Tracts. 6 v. 8°. Camb. 1785. Watson, Rich'd. Life of Rev. J. Wesley. 16°. N.Y. 1831. Watson, Robert. History of Reign of Philip n. 8°. N.Y. 1818. History of Reign of Philip III. 8°. N.Y. 1818. Watson, T. Lectures oi\ Physic. 8°. Lond. 1848. Watson, W. C. Pioneer History of Cham- plain Valley. 8°. Albany. 1863. Watt, Jas. Theory of Composition of Water. 8°. Lond. 1846. Watt, P. Joint-Stock Banking. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1836. Life Insurance. 8°. Edin. 1837. Watt, R. Bibhotheca Britannica. 4 v. in two. 4°. Edin. 1824. Watt Institution. Inauguration of Statue of Watt. (P.) 8°. Edin. 1854. Watts, A. A. Song of the Special Constable. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Watts, L Works. 6 v. 4°. Lond. 1810-11. Beauties of. 12°. Lond. n.d. Same. 18°. Elizabethtown. 1786. Improvement of the ]\Iind. 18°. Bost 1833. 392 CATALOGUE OF THE Watts, I. Improvement of the Mind. 16°. Bost. 1860. Knowledge of Heavens and Earth. 12°. Lond. 1852. Logic. 12°. Exeter. 1806. Same. 12°. Lond. 1813. Miscellaneous Thoughts in Prose and Verse. 12°. Elizabethtown. 1796. Poems. See Beitish Poets, v. 23. Kational Defence of the Gospel. 12°. N.Y. 1831. Waud, S. W. Algebraical Geometry. 8°. Lond. 1835. Waverley Anecdotes. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1833. "Wayeeley Circulating Libraiy. Catalogue. 12°. N.Y. n.d. Wax Flowers ; How to Make Them, etc. 12°. Bost. 1864. Wayfarikg Sketches among Greeks and Turks. 12°. Lond. 1847. Wayland, F. Discourse on Hon. N. Brown. (P.) 8°. Bost 1841. — — Discourse on 50th Anniversaiy of Dr. Nott's Presidency. (P.) 8°. Bost. '55. Encouragements to Religious Effort. (P. 11.) 8°. Phil. 1830. Limitations of Human Responsibility. 16^ N.Y. 1838. Memoir of Dr. Chalmers. 16°. Bost. 1864. Memoir of Rev. A. Judson. 2 v. 12°. Bost. 1853. Occasional Discourses. 12°. Bost. 1833. Political Economy. 8°. N.Y. 1837. Sermons at Brown University. 12°. Bost. 1849. Thoughts on Baptist Missionary Organ- izations. (P.) 16°. Bost. 1859. Thoughts on the Collegiate System. 16°. Bost. 1842. Waylen, E. Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Wayside Hymns. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Wayte, S. C. Equestrian's Manual. 12°. Lond. 1850. Weal-Reaf. Record of Essex Listitute Fair. 4°. Salem. 1860. Weale, J. Ensamples of Railway-Making. 8°. Lond. 1843. London Exhibited in 1851. 12°. Lond. 1851. (Ed'r.) Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms used in the Arts. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1850. Wealth of Society. (P. 4.) 16°. Phil. 1820. Weavee, G. S. Hopes and Helps for the j Young. 12°. N.Y. 1853. I Weavee, R. Popery Considered. 12°. Lond. 1851. Weavee, W. A. Review of Article on U. S. Diplomatic 'Correspondence. (P. 15.) 8°. Wash. 1835. Weavee, W. L. History of Windham, Conn. 8°. Willimantic. 1864. Webb, B. Continental Ecclesiology. 8°. Lond. 1848. Webb, R. Tables of Advance. 8°. Bost. '05. Webbe, C. Life in City and Suburb. 12°. Lond. 1836. Webbee, C. W. Hunter-Naturalist 8°. Phil. n.d. Romance of Natural History. 8°. Phil. 1852. Spiritual Vampirism. 12°. Phil. 1853. Webee, C. M. Der Freischiitz. (An Opera.) 4°. Paris, n.d. Webee, F. A. Taschenworterbuch der Eng- lischen und Deutschen Sprache. 16°. Leip. 1833. Webee, Godfrey. Theory of Musical Com- position. 2 V. 8°. Bost 1846. Webee, H. (Ed'r.) Ancient Metrical Ro- mances. 3v. 12°. Edin. 1810. Weber, Jas. Memoirs of Marie Antoinette. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1805-12. Weber, J. J. Volkskalender, 1854-5. 2 v. 8°. Leip. 1854-5. Webee, K. Der Prophet. 3 parts in 2 v. 18°. Berlin, n.d. Webstee, D. Works. 6 v. 8°. Bost. 1851-3. Address, Founding of Bunker Hill Mon- ument (P. 43.) 8°. Bost 1825. Address on Settlement of New England. (P. 43.) 8°. Bost 1821. Beauties of. 12°. N.Y. 1839. Diplomatic and Official Papers. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Discourse on Adams and Jefferson, etc. 8°. Rochester. 1853. Same. (P. 10 and P. 46.) 8°. Bost '26. Great Orations, etc. 8°. Rochester. 1853. Speech at Niblo's Saloon. (P. 17.) 8°. N.Y. 1837. Speech on Slavery. (P. 31.) 8°. N.Y. 1850. Speeches and Forensic Arguments. 3 v. 8°. Bost 1843. Webstee, D. Celebration of 72d Birthday. ' (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1854. Celebration of 74th Birthday. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1856 Inauguration of Statue of. 8°, Bost. 1859. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 393 ^TER, D. Life and Memorials of. 2 v, 16°. N.Y. 1853. Life of. 10°. Phil. 1853. Personal Memorials of. (P.) 8°. Phil. 1851. h-Same. 8^. Phil. 1852. Private Correspondence of. 2 t. 8°. Bost. 1857. — Reception of, at Boston, 1852. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1852. Remarks on Life and Writings of. (P. ) 8°. Phil. 1831. E. Phonographic Teacher. 16°. N.Y. 1852. G. W. Sermon on Death of D. Webster. (P.) 8°. Wheehng. 1853. ESBSTER, Jas. Travels in the Crimea. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. ^STEE, John W. Description of Island of St. Michael. 8°. Bost. 1821. — Manual of Chemistry. 8°. Bost. 1826. STER, John W. Trial of, for Murder of Dr. Parkman. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1850. BSBSTER, M. H. Address to Albany Listi- tute. (P. 43.) 8°. Albany. 1837. EBSTER, N. American Dictionary. 4°. N.Y. 1828. -Same. 4°. Springfield. 1852. -Same. 4°. Springfield. 1859. -Same. 4°. Springfield. 1804-05. — Brief History of Epidemics. 2 v. 8°. Hartf. 1799. - Collection of Essays, etc. 8*^. Bost. 1790. -Sjvne. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Dictionary for Schools. 16°. Bost. '07. Dissertation on English Language. 8°. Bost. 1789. — (Ed'r.) Selection of Lessons in Read- ing and Speaking. 12^ Phil. 1809. ■ffisTER, p. Political Essays, on Money, Finance, etc. 8°. Phil. 1791. ajSTER, R. History of Presbyterian Church in America. 8°. Phil. 1858. 3STER, T. Elements of Physics. 12°. Lond. 1837. On Letters Patent for Inventions, Copy- right, etc. 8°. Lond. 1848. asTER, T., and Pakkes, Mrs. American Family Encyclopaedia; Receipts, etc. 8°. N.Y 1859. — EncyclopoDdia of Domestic Economy. 8°. N.Y. 1845." 3STERIAN Orthography. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1857. DDELL, H. A. Voyage dans la Bolivie. 8°. Paris. 1853. Wedgwood, H. Development of the Under- standing. 12°. Lond. 1848. Dictionary of English Etymology. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1859-G2. Weeely London Journal, v. 7-13. f°. Lond. 1777-83. Weekly Register. 8°. Lynchburg. 1864. Weeks, J. M. History of Salisbury, Vt. 12°. Middlebury. 1860. Manual for Bees. See Saxton's Rural Handbooks, Ser. 3. ^ Same. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Weems, M. L. Life of Benjamin Franklin. 12°. PhU. 1835. Life of George Washington. 12°. Phil- 1816. Wehl, F. Hamburgs Literaturleben ^m 18ten Jahrhundert. 12°. Leip. 1856. Weidemeyer, J. W. North American But- terflies. 8°. Phil. 1864. Weightman, R. H. Memorial on Admission of New Mexico. (P. 65.) 8°. Wash. 1851. Weel, G. The Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Weinhold, K. Altnordisches Leben. 8°. Berlin. 1856. Weisbach, J. Machinery and Engineering. * 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847-8. Weiss, C. Histoire des Refugie's Protestants de France. 2 v. 16°. Paris. 1853. History of French Protestant Refugees. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Weiss, J. Life and Correspondence of Theo- dore Parker. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Sermon on Death of Webster. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1853. Weissbach, C. Cur aller Krankheiten. 18°. 8tra.sburg. 1737. Weisseneels, S. Biographische Skizzen, etc. 2 V. in one. 12°. Berlin. 1862. Welby, H. Mysteries of Life, Death and Futurity. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Welch, A. S. Analysis of the English Sen- tence. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Welchman, E. Apparent Death from Suffo- cation, and Resuscitation. (P. 24.) 8°« N.Y. 1845. Welcome Guest, 1860-1. 8°. Lond. 1860-61. Weld, C. R. Auvergne, Piedmont and Sa- voy. 12°. Lond. 1850. History of the Royal Society. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Pyrenees, East and West. 12°. Lond. 1859. Search for Sir John Franklin. 8°. Lond. 1851. 394 CATALOGUE OF THE Weld, C. E. Two Months in the High- lands, etc. 12°. Lond. 1862. Vacation in Brittany. 12°. Lond. 1856. Weld, H. H. (Ed'r. ) Dictionary of Sacred Quotations. 12°. Phil. 1851. Weld, L , Jr. Travels in United States and Canada. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1799. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1800. Weller, H, Conflict of Ages. 8°. Laporte, Ind. 1855. Welles, A. History of the Welles Family. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Wellesley, R., Marquess. Despatches and Correspondence. 8°. Lond. 1838. Wellington, A. Wellesley, Duke of. Speeches in Parliament. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1854. "^ELLINGTON, Duke of. Historical Sketch of. 16°. Lond. 1853. — '— Memoir of. From the London Times. 12°. Lond. 1852. Military and Political Life of. 16°. Lond. 1852. Victories of. 16°. Lond. 1852. Wellington, Duke of, and Peel, Sir E. Lives of. 16°. N.Y. 1852. Wells, A. N. Picturesque Antiquities of Spain. 8°. Lond. 1846. • Welles, D. A. Familiar Science. 8°. Phil. 1856. Year Book of Agriculture. 8°. Phil. 1856. (Ed'r. ) Things not Generally Known. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1863. Welles, D. A, and Bliss, G. (Ed'rs.) An- nual of Scientific Discoveries. 16 v. 12°. Bost. 1850-65. Welles, E. (Ed'r. ) Sacred Geography. 2 v. 4°. Charlestown. 1817. Wells, H. The American Express and Buf- falo. (P.) 8°. Albany. 1863. ■ Sketch of the Express System. 8°. Albany. 1864. Wells, J. G. (Pub.) National Hand Book. 16°. N.Y. 1856. Wells, W. C. Essay on Dew, etc. 8°. Phil. 1838. Wells, W. N. English Grammar. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Wells, W. V. Explorations in Honduras. 8°. N.Y. 1857. Life of Samuel Adams. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1865. Walker's Expedition to Nicaragua. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Wellsted, J. E. Travels in Arabia. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1838. Welsford, H. Mithridates Minor; Essay ou Language. 8°. Lond. 1848. Origin, etc., of English Language. 8°. Lond. 1845. Welsh, D. Life and Writings of Dr. Thos. Bvovm. 8°. Edin. 1825. Wemyss, F. C. Chronology of Americar Stage. 12°. N.Y. 1852. Theatrical Biography. 12°. N.Y. n.d. Twenty-six Years as Actor and Manager, 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1847. (Ed. ) Modern Standard Drama, v. 10- 12. 12°. N.Y. n.d. Wemyss, T. Job and his Times. 8°. Lend 1839. Wendell, J. L. Cases in Courts of Ne^ York State, 1828-35. 8°. Alban3^ 1836 Wentwoeth, W. C. New South Wales. Lond. 1819. Wekne, F. Expedition to the White Nile 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1849. Werther, C. L. Klein-Deutschland. 2 v. ii one. 16°. Berlin. 1861. Wesley, J. Calm Address to American Col onies. (P. 51.) 12°. Lond. n.d. Compendium of Natural Philosophy 3v. 16°. Lond. 1836. Journals while in America. 4 v. 12° var. d. Journals, 1741-1743. 16°. Bristol. 1769 Journals, 1760-1762. 16°. Bristol. 1767 Sermons on Several Occasions, 16° Hudson. 1810. Wesley, J. Answer to, by W. D. (P. 51. 12°. Lond. 1775. Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, v. 2-10 8°. Lond. 1846-54. Same. 5th ser. v. 1-3. 8°. Lond 1855-7. Wessemberg, F. a. von. Life in Athens ii Time of Pericles. 18°. Lond. n.d. West, C. A. Hobart's Analysis of Butler' Analogy. 12°. N.Y. 1848. Yv'^EST, J. Eesidence at Eed Eiver Colony. 8° Lond. 1824. Same. 8°. Lond. 1827. West, W. History of Warwickshire. 8' Birmingham. 1830. West Point Military Academy. Catalogue o Library. 8°. N.Y. 1853. ^ Official Register. 12°. N.Y. 1854-9. Eeport on Admission by Competitiv Examination. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. Eeport on Eestoring Discharged Cadets (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1862. Textbook of Civil Engineering. (P.) 4' n.p. 1841. MERCAHTIL15 LIBRARY. 395 T "Washington Market Case; Arguments. 18='. N.Y. 1860. ESTCHESTER County Directory. 12°. N.Y. 1860. ESTCOTT, T. Life of John Fitch. 12°. Phil. 1857. Estermann's Jahrbuch der Illustrirten Deutschen Monatshefte. v. 1-lG. 8°. Brunswick. 1857-64. ESTERN Address Directory. 12°. Bait. 1837. 'estern Advertiser and Business Directory. 8=. Cine. 1857. ''estern Business Director}'. 8°. N.Y. 1842. ''estern Gazetteer and Emigrant's Direc- tory. 8°. Auburn. 1817. Western Journal. (P. 64.) v. 1. 8°. Auburn. 1848. ESTERN Journal and Civilian, v. 8. 8°. St. Louis. 1855. Western Monthly Magazine, v. 1-5. 8°. Cine. 1833-6. Western Review. 3 v. 8°. Cine. 1828-30. ^ESTERN Sanitary Commission; Report on St. Louis Military Hospitals. (P.) 8°. St. Louis. 1862. - Report on Southern Union Refugees. (P.) 8°. St. Louis. 1864. — Sketch of its Origin and Labors. 8°. St. Louis. 1864. iTestern Texas, the Australia of America. 16°. Cine. 1860. ^estoarth, W. Colony of Victoria. 8°. Edin. 1853. ESTHALL, C. Training for Running, etc. 18°. Lond. n.d. ESTMACOTT, R. Handbook of Sculpture. 12°. Edin. 1804. IT'estminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. V. 45-82. 8°. Lond. 1847-64. ^ESTMiNSTfiR Rcvicw. V. 1-45. 8°. Lond. 1824-46. — Same. New Ser., v. 2-26. 8°. Lond. 1852-64. ESTMORELANu and Cumberland Dialects. Specimens of. 12°. Lond. 1839. 7eston, P, C. J. Address, July 4, 1857. (P.) 12°. Georgetown. 1857. Veston, S. Four Months in Mines of Cali- fornia. (P.) 8°. Prov. 1854. Veston, S. (Ed'r.) Fan-hy-chcu; a Tale from the Chinese. 8°. Lond. 1814. Veston, Silas. Visit to a Volcano. 8°, Prov. 1856. Vestwood, J. O. Arcana Entomologica. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1845. * Wethered's Combined Steam. Facts on. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Wetheeell,, C. M. Analysis of White Sul- phur Water. (P.) 8°. Lafayette. 1859. Cost of Illumination in Lafayette, Ind. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. New Apparatus for Determining Car- bonic Acid, etc. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. Wetmore, a. (Ed'r.) Gazetteer of Missouri. 8°. St. Louis. 1837. "Wetmore, J. C. "Wetmore Family. 8°. Al- bany. 1861. Wet, F. Les Anglais chez Eux. 16°. Paris. 1856. Trop Heureux. 12°. Paris. 1863. "Whalley, p. Inquiry into Shakspeare's Learning. 8°. Lond. 1748. "Wharton, F. State Tiinls under W^ashington and Adams. 8°. Phil. 1849. Theism and Skepticism. 12°. Phil. '59. Vi^HARTON, F. , and Stille, M. Medical Ju- risprudence. 8°. Phil. 1855. "Wharton, G. and P. Queens of Society. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Wits and Beaux of Society. 12°. N.Y. 1861. Wharton, J. E. Commercial Position of New York, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. * ' What do You Want ?" A Poetical Epistle. (P. 25.) 8°. Lond. n.d. What to do with Cold Mutton. 16°. N.Y. 1865. Whateey, R. Easy Lessons in Reasoning. 16°. Bost. 1860. Elements of Logic. 12°. Bost. 1855. Same. 18J. N.Y. n.d. Elements of Rhetoric. 8°. Oxf. 1830. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1854. Essays on Danger to Christian Faith 8°. Lond. 1839. Essays on Peculiarities of Christianity. 8°. Lond. 1837. Essays on Writings of Paul. 8°. Lond. 1837. Historic Doubts on Napoleon. N.Y. 1853. Kingdom of Christ Delineated. Lond. 1745. Lectures on Political Economy. 8°. Lond. 1832. Lessons on Morals and Christian Evi- dences;- 16°. Camb. 1856. Rhetoric. . 12°. Lond. 1849. Rise, Progress, etc. , of Christianity. 16°. N.Y. 1860. Scripture Revelations of a Future State. 12°. Phil. 1855. 16°. 8°. 396 CATALOGUE OF THE Whately, B. Scripture Eevelations ou Good and Evil Angels. 16°. Pliil. 1856. Secondary Punishments, Transporta- tion, etc. 8°. Lond. 1832. Selection of English Synonyms. 16°. Lond. 1852. (Ed'r.) Bacon's Essays. See Bacon, F. WHATEiiY, T. Eemarks on Some of Shak- speare's Characters. 8°. Lond. 1785. Wheat, M. T. Progress and Intelligence of Americans, etc. 8°. n.p. n.d. Wheat Sheaf; a Suggestive Keader. 16°. Phil. 1853. Wheatley, C. Illustration of Common Prayer Book. 8°. Lond. 1845. Wheatley, C. M. Catalogue of Shells of United States, etc. 16°. N.Y. 1842-5. Mesozoic Ked Sandstone of Atlantic Slope. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1861. Wheatley, H. Eod and Line. 16°. Lond. 1849. Wheatley, J. Een>arks on Currency and Commerce. 8°. Lond. 1803. Theory of Money, Commerce, etc. 4°. Lond. 1807. Wheatley, P. Negro Equalled by Few Eu- ropeans; also. Poems. 2 v. 16°. Phil. 1801. Wheaton, H. British Claim to Eight of Search, etc. 8°. Phil. 1842. Elements of International Law. 8°. Phil. 1836. Same. 8°. Bost. 1863. History of the Northmen. 8°. Phil. 1831. Life and Writings of Wm. Pinckney. 8°. N.Y. 1826. Same. See Spaeks' Am. Biog. , 1st ser. , V. 6. Progress of Germany. (P. 34.) 8°. Bost. 1847. Wheaton, N. S. Eesidence in London; also Tours in England, France, etc. 12°. Hartf. 1830. Wheaton, E. Memoir and Select Writings of. 16°. Bost. 1854. Whedon, D. D. Freedom of the Will. 16°. N.Y. 1864. Wheelee, D. E. Discourse on Washington's Birthday. (P.) 8° N.Y. 1851. Paper on New York Harbor. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1856. Supreme Court a Branch of U. S. Gov- ernment. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1860. Wheelee, G. Homes for the People. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Wheelee, G. Eural Homes. 16°. N.Y 1851. Wheelee, H. G. History of Congress. 2 v 8°. N.Y. 1848. Wheelee, Jas. History of Manchester. 12° Lond. 1836. Wheelee, J. H. History of North Carolina 2 v. in 1. 8°. Phil. 1851. Wheelee, J. T. Analysis and Summary o; Herodotus. 16°. Lond. 1852. Life and Travels of Herodotus. 2 v 12°. Lond. 1855. Wheelee, W. A. Dictionary of Notec Names of Fiction. 12°. Bost. 1865. Wheildon, W. W. Memoir of Willard. I Bost. 1865. Whelpley, J. The Triangle; Three Theolo gical Points. 8°. N.Y. 1832. Whetstone, G. Mirrour of Treue Hon- neur; a INIemoir of Earl of Bedford. 4°. Lond. 1815. Whewell, W. Architectural Notes on Ger- man Churches. 8°. Camb. 1842. Astronomy and General Physics. Lond. 1836. Same. 16°. Lond. 1852. Elements of Morahty. 2 v. 16° 1845. English University Education. Lond. 1838. History of Inductive Science. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1837. History of Moral Philosophy in Eng- land. 8°. Lond. 1852. Inaugural Lecture on Great Exhibition. (P.) 16°. Lond. 1851. Indications of the Creator. 16°. Phil. 1845. On Liberal Education. 8°. Lond. 1845. Same. 12°. Lond. 1850. Philosophy of Inductive Sciences. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1840. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1847. Platonic Dialogues. See Plato. Sermons in Trinity College. 8°. Lond. 1847. Whichee, Mrs. M. F. Widow Bedott Papers. 16°. N.Y. 1856. Whig Almanac, 1846-1851. 16°. N.Y. 1846- 1851. Whig Club ; or Modern Patriotism . 8^ 1794. WniMVvHAMS by Four of Us. 18°, 1828. Whipple, A. W., and others. Explorations for a Pacific Eailway. See United States. N.i;i 12^. Lond. Bost. MEKCANTILK LIBKAKT. 397 ■LE, E. P. Essays and Eeviews. 2 v. ir. N.Y. 1848. Lectures on Literary Subjects, etc. 16°. Bost. 1850. Washington and Principles of Eevolu- tion. 12°. Bost. 1850. LE, J. Discourse on Life of Webster. (P.) 8°. Prov. 1852. ON, W. Dissertation on Old and New Testaments. 8°. Lond. 1733. Life of Dr. S. Clarke. 8°. Lond. 1730. iTAKEE, E. W. Abridgment of Universal Histor/. 4v. 4°. Lond. 1817. TAKEE, J. Gibbon's History EcTiewed. 8°. Lond. 1791. BY, D. Last Thoughts. 8°. Lond. 1822. rrcHEE, H. Spirit Eappings Examined, etc. (P.) 10°. Eochester. 1853. riE, A. On the Plague and on Quaran- tine. 8°. Lond. 1846. Popular History of Mammalia. 16°. Lond. 1850. iTE, C. Three Years in Constantinople. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1846. ITE, D. A. New England Congregational- ism. 8°. Salem. 1861. tiTE, G. Account of the Yazoo Fraud. (P.) 8°. Marietta. 1852. Historical Collections of Georgia. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Statistics of Georgia. 8°. Savannah, 1849. G. G. Life of Lewis Wetzel. 16°. Phil. 1859. G. S. Memoir of Saml. Slater, and History of Cotton Manufacture. 8°. Phil. 1836. CTE, Gilbert. Natural Histoiy of Selbome. 18°. Edin. 1832. hSame. 18°. Phil. 1832. Same. 10°. Lond. 1833. [TE, H. Early History of New England. 12°. Concord. 1845. - History of England. 16°. Edin. 1851. . Historj' of France. 16°. Edin. 1850. Hit-toiy of Great Britain and Ireland. 16°. Edin. 1849. .TE, H. K. Beauties of. 18°. Bost. 1826. • Poems. 6'ee Eogees, S. ■Same. 16°. Lond. 1830. - Eemains, etc, 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1811. Same. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1815. ITE, Hiigh. Meditations and Addresses on Prayer. 14°. N.Y. 1849. OCE, Jas. Eighteen Christian Centuries. 12°. Lond. 1858. ' White, Jas. Eighteen Christian Centuries. 16°. Phil. 1859. History of England. 16°. Lond. 1864. History of France. 12°. Edin. 1859. Same. 8°. N.Y.. 1859. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1862. White, Jas. One Hundred Machines. 4°. Manch. 1822. White, John. Voyage to China. 8°. Lond. 1824. Same. 8°. Bost. 1826. Voyage to New South Wales. 4°. Lond. 1790. White, Jos. Antiquities of Egypt. Pt. 1. 4°. Oxford. 1801. White, Jos. Address on Col. E. Williams. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1855. White, Jos. B. Life, by himself. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1845. White, Josh. E. Letters on England. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1816. White, N. F. Voices from Spirit Land. 12°. N.Y. 1854. White, Eich'd G. Life of Shakspeare, etc. 12°. Bost. 1865. National Hymns. 8° N.Y. 1861. Shakspeare's Scholar. 8°. N.Y. 1854. Works of ShaJtspeare. See Shakspeaee, W. White, Eob't. Madeira; its Climate and Scenery. 16°. Lond. 1851. Treatise on Pictures. 8°. Lond. 1845. White, T. H. Italy and the Ehineland. 16°. Lond. 1841. White, W. All Eound the Wrekin. 8°. Lond. I860.. On Foot through Tyrol. 12°. Lond. '56. To Mont Blanc and Back. 16°. Lend. 1854. Northumberland and the Border. 12". Lond. 1859. Eaihvay and Electric Communications, Arctic Explorations, etc. 12°. Edin. 1850-1. White, Wm. Protestant Episcopal Church in America. 8°. Phil. 1820. White, W. N. Gardening for the South, etc. 16°. N.Y. 1859. ' White Mountain Guide Book. 16°. Con- cord. 1863. Whitecae, W. B. Four Years aboard a Whaleship. 16°. Phil. n.d. Whitefield, G. Jounials ; also, Life of Fer- guson. 8°. Lond. 1829. Eemarks on "Enthusiasms of Method- ists and Papists Compared." (P.) 16°. Phil. 1749. \ 398 CATALOGUE OF THE Whitefield, G. Sermons. 8°. Lond. 1828. Twenty-three Sermons. 16°. Lend. 1745. Voyage from London to Savannah. 8°. Lond. 1739. Whitehead, C. E. Oration and Poem before Delta Phi. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Whitehead, W. Variety; a Poem. A'ee Brit- ish Poets, V. 37. Whitehead, W. A. Biography of Gov. W. Franklin. (P.) 8°. n,p. 1848. Early History of Perth Amboy, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Same. See New Jeesey Hist. Society. East Jersey under the Proprietary Gov- ernments. 8°. n.p. 1846. See same, v. 1. Whiteside, J. Italy in 19th Century. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1848. Whiting, H. Address to Michigan Hist. Society. (P.) 8°. Detroit. 1831. Life of Z. M. Pike. See Spaeks' Am. Biog., 2d ser., v. 5. Ontwa; a Poem. 12°. N.Y. 1822. Whiting, W. War Powers under United States Constitution. 8°. Bost. 1864. Whitlaw, C. On Inflammation, Fever, Can- cer, etc. 8°. Lond. 1831. New Medical Discoveries. 2 v. in one. 8°. Lond. 1829. Whitley, N. Application of Geology to Agriculture. 8°. Lond. 1843. Whitling, H. S. Pictures of Nurnberg and Franconia. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1850. Whitlock, G. C. Elements of Geometry. 8°. N.Y. 1848. Whitman, B. Letter on Pievivals. (P. 69.) 12°. Bost. 1831. National Defence. (P. 69.) 12°. Camb. 1829. Two Letters on Religious Liberty. (P. 11.) 8°. Bost. 1830. Whitman, J. Inquiry into Rights of Ships of War. (P.) 8^. N.Y. 1858. Whitman, Mrs. Sarah H. Edgar Poe and his Critics. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Hours of Life, and Other Poems. 16°. Prov. 1853."^ Poem before R. I. Hist. Society. (P. 42.) 8°. Prov. 1847. Whitman, W. Drum Taps. 12°. N.Y. 1865. • Whitman, W. E. S., and True, C. H. Maine Troops in War for the Union. 8°. Lewiston. 1865. Whitman, Z. G. History of the Artillery Company. 8°. Bost. 1820. Whitmarsh, C. S. (Ed'r, ) Hymns for Mothers and Children. 12°. Bost. 1866. Whitmore, W. H. Cavalier Dismounted. (P.) 8°. Salem. 1804. — — Memoranda of Lane, Reyner and Whip- ple Families. 8°. Bost. 1857. Whitney, A. Project for a Railroad to the Pacific. (P. 64.) 8°. N.Y. 1849. Whitney, J. D. Geological Survey of Iowa, *S^ee Iowa. ■ Geological Survey of Wisconsin. See Wisconsin. Geology of Lake Superior Land District. See United States. Metallic Wealth of United States. 8°, Phil. 1854. Whitney, L. H. History of the War for the Union. 2 v. 8°. Phil. 1863. Whitney, S. W. Open Communion. 18°, N.Y. 1853. Whitney, T. Address to Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. (P.) 8°. Milwaukee. 1863. Whitney, T. R. Defence of the American Policy. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Whiton, J. M. History of New Hampshire. 16°. Concord. 1834. • Whittemore, T. Commentaiy on Revelation of St. John. 12°. Bost. 1848. Life of Rev. W. Balfour. 16°. Bost. 1852. Life of Rev. H. Ballou. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1854. Whittiee, J. G. Chapel of the Hermits, and Other Poems. 16°. Bost. 1853. Home Ballads and Poems. 16°. Bost. 1861. Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. 12°. Bost. 1850. Panorama, and Other Poems. 16°. Bost. 1856. Poems. 8°. Bost. 1849. Same. 8°. Bost. 1850. Same. 2 v. 18°. Bost. 1863. Songs of Labor. 16°. Bost. 1850. ^ Stranger in Lowell. 16°. Bost. 1845. Supernaturalism of New England. 16°. N.Y. 1847. War Time; and Other Poems. 16°. Bost. 1864. Whittingham, B. Expedition against Rus- sians in Siberia, etc. 12°. Lond. 1856. Whittlesey, C. Ancient Mining on Lake Superior. (P.) 4°. Wash. 1863. Life of John Fitch. ^See Sparks' Am. Biog., 2d Ser., v. 6. MERCANTII-E LTBRART. 399 [ITTLESEY Family in the United States. 8°. N. Huven. 1855. [iTTocK, N. Shop Fronts of London. 4°. Lond. 18-10. [OLE Internal Navigation of the United States. 8°. Phil. 1826. kYTE, J. C. History of British Turf. 2 v. 8^. Lond. 1830. 4.KD, N. Great Guns. 8°. N.Y. 1863. - Prospectus for Ice Navigation. (P. ) 8°. N.Y. 1859. BOEG, K. F. Fremstilling af Nordens Mythologie. 8°. Copenhagen. 1843. :kede, J. V. Ein Deutscher Landes- knecht. 3 v. in one. 18°. Jena. 1864. Der Lange Isaack. 3 v. 12°. Leip. 1863. Kriegs und Lagerbilder. 18°. Leip. 1864. Aus dem Tagebuch eines Franzosischen Offiziers in Mexico. 18° Leip. 1864. DKEKSHAM, J. P. Methods of Instruction. 12°. Phil. 1865. - School Economy. 12°. Phil. 1864. SLiFFE, J. Apology for Lollard Doctrines. 4°. Lond. 1842. eOjAnd, C. M. Poetische Werke. 8°. Paris. 1839. Gandalin; a Poem. 12°. Lond, 1838. Oberon. 2 v. 16°. Newport. U:.?. Same. 2 v. 16°. Lond. 1826. BTEN, J. H. See Tasso, T. Jerus ''Ie.'m !)« - livered. - Memoirs of the House of Russell. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1833. - (Transl.) Works of G. de la Vega. See Vega, G. de la. »AN, A. L. Duality of the mind. 8°. Lond. 1844. 3GEES, G. Life of Socrates. 12°. Lond. 1840. JOINS, J. Embanking Lands from the Sea. 16°. Lond. 1852. >HT, D. P. Descendants of Thomas Wight of Dedham. 12°. Bost. 1848. T, O. W. Lives and Letters of Abelard andHeloise. 8^ N.Y. 1861. HTMAN, J. M. (Ed'r. ) Annals of Boston Primary School Committee. 8°. Bost. 1860. iHTON, J. History and Management of Bees. 12°. Lond. 1842. ffiTwicK, G. Hints to Architects. 8°. N.Y. 1847. - Palace of Architecture. 4°. Lond. 1840. COFif, H. Adventures of a Roving Di- plomatist 16°. N.Y. 1857. WiEOFF, H. My Courtship and its Conse- quences. 16°. N.Y. 1855. Sketches of Louis Napoleon. 8°. N.Y 1849. WiLBERroECE, E. Social Life in Munich. 8°. Lond. 1864. WiEBEEFORCE, R. I. Fivc Empires; an Out- line of Ancient History. 18°. Lond. 1847. WiLBEEFOECE, R. I. and S. Life of W. Wilber- force. 5v. 8°. Lond. 1838. Same. 12°. Phil. 1839. WiEBERFOECE, S. Protcstaut Episcopal Church in America. 16°. Lond. 1846. WzLBEEFOECE, W. Practical View of Chris- tianity. 12°. Phil. 1835- Welbur, H. Elements of j-ti^ffi^eEiy- 18°. N. Haven. 1829. Lexicon of Useful Kn > ^k i: -^ >, 1 S ' N.Y. 1830. WiLCKEN, P. J. Dr. Robert I'i.ake o v. in 1. 18° Vienna. 1863. Verirrte Herzen. 3 v. in 1. 12°. Leip. 1863. Wilcox, C. Remains, with Memoir. 8°. Hartf. 1828. Wilcox, C. M. (Transl.) Evolutions of Aus- trian Infantry. 16°. N.Y. 1860. Rifles and Rifle Practice. 16°. N.Y. 1859. YI-n.j> Oats Sown Abroad. 12°. Phil. n.d. Wllde, R. H. Love, Madness, and Imprison- ment of Tasso. 2v. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Wilde, W. R. Beauties of the Boyne and Blackwater. 8°. Dublin. 1849. Irish Popular Superstitions. 16°. Dub- lin, n.d. Observations on Aural Surgery, etc. 8°. Phil. 1853. Wildenhahn, a. Life of Luther. 5 v. in 3. 16°. Leip. 1861. Wilder, R. G. Mission Schools in India. 12°. N.Y. 1861. WiLDWOOD, W. See Theilling Adventures, etc. WHiHELMi, A. Finer Muss Heirathen ! Lust- spiel. 12°. Bost. 1865. Wilkes, C. Narrative of U. S. Exploring Expedition. 6 v. 8°. Phil. 1845. Same. 5 v. 8°. Phil. 1845. Same. See Ukited States. Theoi-y of Winds. 8°. N. Y.' 1856. Voyage Round the World. 8°. N.Y. 1851. Western America. 8°. Phil. 1849. Wilkes, G. Europe in a Hurry. 12°. N.Y. 1852. 400 CATALOGUE OF THE Wllkes, G. McClellan from Ball's Bluff to Antietam. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1863. McClellan, Who He Is, etc. (P.) 12° N.Y. 1862. Railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific. (P. Gi.) 8°. N.Y. 1845. ' Wilkes, J. Correspondence. 5 v. 12°. Lond. 1805. Letters to his Daughter, etc. 4 v. 16°. Lond. 1804. WiLKEE, F. B. Davenport (Iowa), Past and Present. 8°. Davenport. 1858. WiLKiE, G. Manufacture of Iron in Great Britain. 8°. Edin. 1857. Welkins, J. Essay on Language. f°. Lond. 1668. Wilkinson, E. Letters During British Inva- sion of Charleston. 16°. N.Y. 1839. Wilkinson, G. B. South Australia. 12°. Lond. 1848. Wilkinson, J. Memoirs of My own Times. 3v. 8°. Phil. 1816. Wilkinson, J. B. Letter on Opening Mouths of the Mississippi. (P.) 8°. Phil. '60. Wilkinson, J. G. Dalmatia and Montenegro. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1848. Egj'ptians in Time of Pharaohs. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1837. Same. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1841. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1854. Same. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1857. Handbook for Travellers in Egypt See Handbook, etc. Topography of Thebes, Egypt, etc. 8°. Lond. 1835. Wilkinson, J. J. G. Human Body and its Connexion with Man. 12°. Phil. 1851. WiLKS, G. A. F. The Popes from Linus to Pius IX. 8°. Lond. 1851. WiLKS, W. The Half Century, its History. 12°. Lond. 1852. Will, H. Outlines of Chemical Analysis. 8°. Bost. 1855. Outlines of Qualitative Analysis. 16°. Bost. 1847. WiLLABD, E. Appeal against Injurj' done by Marcius Willson. (P.) 16°. N.Y. 1847. History of United States. 8°. Phil. '42. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1846. Journal and Letters from France and Great Britain. 12°. Troy. 1833. Last Leaves of American History. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Theory of Circulation by Eespiration. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1861. Compendio de la Historia de los Estados Unidos. 12°. N.Y. 1865. WiLLARD, John. Treatise on Equity Juris- prudence. 8°. Albany. 1855. WiLLARD, Jos. Anniversary Address at Lan- caster, Mass. 8°. Bost. 1853. Major S, Willard and his Descendants. 8°. Bost. 1858. WiLLARD, Sid. Memories of Youth and ]\Ian- hood. 2 V. 12°. Camb. 1855. WiLLARD, Sol. Sermon. Thanksgiving for Capture of Quebec. (P. 53. ) 16°. New London. 1760. WiLLARD, Sylvester D. Memoirs of Physi- cians of Albany County. 8°. Albany. 1859. WiLLEMENT, E. E. Catechism of Familiar Things. 12°. Phil. 1852. WiLLETT, W. M. Memoirs of Col. M. Willett. 8°. N.Y. 1831. New Life of Summerfield. 8°. Phil. 1857. WiLLEY, B. G. Incidents in White Moun- tain History. 12°. Bost. 1857. William of Malmesbury. Chronicle of Eng- lish Kings. 12°. Lond. 1847. Williams, A. D. Rhode Island Free Will Baptist Pulpit. 12°. Bost. 1852. Williams, B. Manual for Model Drawing. 8°. Lond. 1852. Williams, Chas. Seven Ages of EngLand. 16°. Lond. 1838. Wilt jams, C. R. Tour in Jamaica. 8°. Lond. 1826. Williams, D. E. Life of Sir Thomas Law- rence. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1831. Williams, E. See New York Annual Regis- ter. Statesman's Manual, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1846. Statistical Companion for 1846. 18°. N.Y. 1846. Williams, F. Memoirs of Royal Family and Court of England. 3 v. 12°. Lond. 1860. Williams, F. S. Our Iron Roads; their His- toiy, etc. 8°. Lond. 1852. Williams, Mrs. H. D. A Year in China. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Williams, Helen M. Letters from France in Time of Robespierre. 12°. Phil. 1796. Political Correspondence of Louis XVI. 3v. 12°. N.Y. 1803. Sketches in French Republic. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1801. Williams, Henry L. , Jr. Boys of the Bible. 12°. N.Y. 1806. Williams, H. W. Diseases of the Eye. 12°. Bost. 1863. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 401 ITHiLiAMs, J. Christian Scholar. (P. 34.) Hartf. 1846. UTiLijAMS, Jas. The South Vindicated. 8°. Lond. 1862. UTiLLiAMs, John. Life of Alexander the Great 16°. Edin. 1829. Same. 16°. Lond. 1829. — Same. 18°. N.Y. n.d. Missionary Enterprises in South Sea Islands. 8°. N.Y. 1837. Redeemed Captive returned to Zion. 16°. Northampton. 1853, iTiLLiAMs, J. B. Practical Geodesy. 8° Lond. 1846, l^zjiLLScs, J. F. L. Inventions and Dis- coveries. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1820. HiiiiAMS, J. J. Account of Tehuantepec. 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1852. mciAMS, J. L. Territory of Florida. 8°. N.Y. 1837. nxiAMS, J. W. H. Unsoundness of Mind Medically and Legally Considered. 8°. Lond. 1856. JTiiiLiAMs, L. Map of Railroads from Rome to Albany, etc. 18°. n.p. 1846. riLLiAMS, Mrs. Biography of Revolutionary Heroes, 12°. Prov. 1839. ''iLiiiA.MS, P. Recollections of Malta, Sicily, etc. 16°. Edin. 1847. ^iLLiAMs, R. Spiritual Life and Health. 8°. Prov. 1863. '"iLUAMS, S, History of Vermont. 2 v. 12°. Buriington. 1809. ILLIAMS, S. W. Williams Family in Amer- ica. 12°. Greenfield. 1847. — Survey of Chinese Empire. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1848. TiLLiAMs, T., and Calveet, J. Fiji and the Fijians. 8°. N.Y. 1859, s, W. See Appleton's N. and E. Traveller's Guide; also, Appleton's R. R, and Steamboat Companion; Apple- ton's S. and W. Traveller's Guide; and, Appleton's U. S. Guide Book. Traveller's Guide through United States and Canada. 18^ Phil. 1851. ILLLA.MS, W. R. Lectures on the Lord's Prayer. 12°. Boat. 1851. — Miscellanies. 8°. N.Y. 1850. Religious Discourses. 12°. Bost 1850. Sermon to Baptist Gen. Convention. (P. 15.) 8°. N.Y. 1834. Worship at Work. 18°. N.Y. 1854. AMSBUEGH. Acts relative to Local Im- provements. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857. AMSBURGH Water Works. History, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1855. 26 WiLLLiMsoN, A. Jews not Lawful Heirs of Abrahamic Will. 18°. N.Y. 1852. Williamson, G. Military Surgery. 8°. Lond. 1863. Williamson, H. History of North Carolina. 2v. 8°. PhiL 1812. Williamson, J. Medical Observations re- lating to West Indies. 2v. 8°. Edin. 1817. Williamson, J. D. Argument for Truth of Christianity. 12°. N.Y. 1836. Defense of Universalism. 12°. N.Y. 1840. Williamson, R. S. Survey for Pacific Rail- road. See United States. Williamson, W. D. History of Maine. 2 v. 8°. HallowelL 1839. Willing, M. P. E. Sketches of two Extem- pore Sermons. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1858. Willis, L. Semi-Centennial Address, Uni- versalist Church, N, Y. (P.) 8°. Salem. 1859. Willis, N. P. A I'Abri; or, the Tent Pitched. 16°. N.Y. 1839. The Convalescent. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Descriptions of American Scenery. See Babtlett, W. H. Famous Persons and Places. 12°. N.Y. 1854. Fun-Jottings. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Health Trip to the Ti-opics. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Hurry-graphs; Sketches of Scenery, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Life Here and There. 12° N.Y. 1850. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1853. Melanie, and Other Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1837. Life of Jenny Lind. 12°. Phil. 1851. Out Doors at Idlewild. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Pencillings by the Way. 8°. N.Y. '44. People I have Met. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Poem before Society of United Brothers. 8°. N.Y. 1831. Poems. 8°. N.Y. 1844. Same. 12°. Phil. 1848. Same. 18°. N.Y. 1861. Rag-Bag; a Collection of Ephemera. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Rural Letters. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Sketches. 8°. Bost. 1827. Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean. 12°. N.Y. 1853. (Ed'r.) Trenton Falls. 16°. N.Y. 1851. Willis, R. Architectural History of Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. 8**. Lond. 1849. ^m CATALOGUE OF THE Willis, E. Machines for Working in Wood, Metal, etc. (P.) 16°. Lond. n.d. Willis, W. Genealogy of McKinstry Fam- ily. 8°. Bost. 1858. ■ History of Law, Lawyers, etc. , of Maine. 8°. Portland. 1863. History of Portland. 8°. Portland. 1865. Journals of Kev. T. Smith and Kev. S. Deane, etc. 8°. Portland. 1849. Willis and Sotheean. Catalogue of Books. 8°. Lond. 1857. WiLUSON, J. On Sanctification of the Sab- bath; with History of the Church of Scotland. 8° Edin. 1819. WlLLisTON, S. Premium Tract on Prayer. (P.) 16°. n.p. n.d. WiLLKOMM, E. Dichter und Apostel. 2 v. 16°. Frankfort. 1859. Frau Yon Gampenstein. 3. v. in one. 16°. Leip. 1865. . Kheder und Matrose. 8°. Frankfort. 1857. Auf zerborstener Erde. 18°. Bocken- heim. 1863. WiLLM, J. Education of the People. 12°. Glasg. 1847. WiiiLMOEE, G., and Beedell, E. Mercantile and Maritime Guide, 8°. Glasg. 1856. WiLLMOTT, K. A. Bishop Jeremy Taylor, etc. 16°. Lond. 1847. ■ Gems of Epistolary Correspondence. 12°. Lond. 1846. Journal of Summer in the Country. 16°. N.Y. 1852. Letters of Eminent Persons. 8°. Lond. 1839. Lives of Sacred Poets. 16°. Lond. 1834-8. (Ed'r.) Precious Stones; Aids to Ke- flection. 16°. Lond. 1853. Wills, A. Wanderings among the High Alps. 16°. Lond. 1858. Wills, J. On the Philosophy of Unbelief. Lond. 1835. Wills, W. H. Old Leaves; from Household Words. 12°. Lond. 1860. WnxsoN, H. Use of a Box of Colors. 8°. Lond. 1842. WiLLSON, M. American History. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Critical Keview of Common School His- tories. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1847. History of the United States. 12°. N.Y. 1847. Same. 16° N.Y. 1864. Outlines of History. 8°. N.Y. 1554. WiLLsoN, M. Eeply to Mrs. Willard's "Ap- peal." (R) 8°. N.Y. 1847. Treatise on Civil Polity and Political Economy. 16°. N.Y. 1845. WiLME, B. P. Manual of Writing and Print- ing Characters. 4°. Lond. 1845. WiLMER, L. A. Journals and Adventures of Ferdinand de Soto. 8°. Phil. 1858. Our Press Gang. 16°. Phil. 1859. Wilmington (Del.) Directory for 1857, '65-6. 2v. 12°. Wilmington. 1857-65. Wilson, Alex., and Buonapaete, L. Ameri- can Ornithology. 4 v. 18°. Edin. 1831, Same. 16°. Bost. 1840. Wilson, And. Annual Keview of Trade, etc., of Montreal. (P.) 8°. Montreal. 1857. Wilson, B. Life of Wm. White, D.D. 8°. Phil. 1839. Wilson, Rev. D. Divine Authority of the Lord's Day. 12°. Bost. 1831. Evidences of Christianity. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1829. Same. 2 v. 12° Bost. 1833. Pilgrim Fathers. See Stowell, W. H. Wilson, D. Annals of Scotland. 8°. Edin. 1851. Same. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1863. Prehistoric Man. 2 v. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1862. Wilson, Edw. (Comp'r.) Naturalist's Poeti- cal Companion. 16°. Lond. 1852, Wilson, Erasmus. Diseases of the Skin. 8". Phil. 1863. Five Gateways of Knowledge. 16°. Camb. 1855. Eastern or Turkish Baths, etc. 16*. N.Y. 1865. Syphilis, Constitutional and Hereditary. 8°. Phil. 1852. Wilson, G. Electricity and Electric Tele- graph. 16°. Lond. 1852. Eeligio-Chemici. Essays. 16°. Lond. 1852. Wilson, H. Business Directory of N. Y.L City. 18°. N.Y. 1865. i Wilson, Henrietta. Chronicles of a Garden 16°. N.Y. 1864. Wilson, Henry. Anti-Slavery Measures o: Congress, 1861-4. 16°. Bost. 1864. Wilson, H. B. History of Merchant Tailor" School. 4°. Lond. 1814. Wilson, H. H. Dictionary, Sanscrit aiK English. 4°. Calcutta. 1832. History of British India. 3 v. 8°. Lond 1845-8. Introduction to Sanscrit Grammar. 8' Lond. 1841. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 403 etc. 16°. tLSON, J. P. Jackson. liSON, J. E. \', Hen. "Wonderful Characters; Me- moirs and Anecdotes. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 182G. H-Same. 8^ N.Y. 1834. ILSON, J. Phrasis; Treatise on Language. Albany. 1864. ILSON, Jas. Introduction to the Natural History of Fishes. 4P. Edin. 1838. -- Natural History of Quadrupeds and Whales. 4P, Edin. 1837. — Rod and the Gun. 8^^. Edin. 1844. — Treatise on Entomology. 4°. Edin. '35. [LsoN, J. L. Western Africa; its History, N.Y. 1856. Sermon on Death of John P. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Address, Anniversary of New- burgh Library Association. (P. 17.) 8°. Newburgh. 1857. LSON, John. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 3 v. 12°. Phil. 1842. Dies Boreales. 12°. Phil. 1850. — Genius and Character of Bums. 12°. N.Y. 1845. Poems, ^ee Milman, H. H. Recreations of Christopher North. 3 v. 16°. Edin. 1842. [iSON, John. Specimens of British Critics. 12°. Phil. 1846. bsoN, John. (Printer.) Treatise on Eng- glish Punctuation. 12°. Bost. 1850. :.soN, John. (Publisher.) Shaksperiana. Books relating to Shakspeare. 16°. Lond. 1827. JBON, John, and others. Noctes Ambro- sianiB. 4v. 16°. Phil. 1843. -Same. 5 v. 12°. N.Y. 1854. «0N, John M. Memoir of Duke of Wel- lington. 2 V. 8°. Lond. n.d. ON, Jos. French and English Diction- ary. 8°. Lond. 1845. ON, Jos. M. See Pbesdytkbtan Histori- cal Almanac, etc. N, R. Invasion of Russia by Napoleon. 8°. Lond. 1860. Private Diary during Campaigns of 1812-14. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1861. N, R. A. Mexico and its Religion. 12°. N.Y 1855. New History of Conquest of Mexico. 8°. Phil. 1859. Papers on Prescott's and Wilson's His- M tories. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1861. lAjoN, R. T. Histoire de I'Arm^e Britan- M nique en Egypte. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1803. tHiON, S. R. Sermon, Dedication of I Church of Pioneers. (P.) 8°. Cine. '51, Biography of American Military Naval Heroes. 2 v. 12°. N.Y, Wilson, T. and 1821. Historical Address, Centennial of Palm- er, Mass. 8°. LowelL 1855. Wilson, T. (Bp.) Parochialia; Instructions to the Clergy. 12°. N.Y 1812. . Sacra Privata; Private DeVotions. 12°. N.Y. 1841. Select Works. See James, J. A., Venn, etc. Wilson, Wm. A Little Earnest Book upon a Great Old Subject 16°. Lond. 1851. Wilson, W. D. Elementary Treatise on Logic. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Wilson, W. R. Records of a Route through France and Italy, etc. 8°. N.Y. 1835. Travels in the Holy Land and Egypt 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1847. Travels in Russia, etc. 2 v. 8^. N.Y, 1828. Wilson's Orderly Book. Expedition against Ticonderoga and Crown Point 8**. Albany. 1857. Wilton, E. The Negeb, or South Country of Scripture. 12°. Lond. 1863. WiMAN, E. Annual Report of Board of Trade. See Tobonto, etc. WiMMER, H. Die Kirche und Schule in Nord Amerika. 8°. Leip. 1853. WiNCHELL, A. Geological Survey, etc. See Michigan. Rocks between Carboniferous and Ham- ilton Limestones, of Michigan. (P. ) 8°. N. Haven. 1862. Winchester, E. Ten Letters to Mr. Paine. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1795. WiNCKELMANN, J. Wcrke, V. 1, with 4°. Atlas. 8°. Dresden. 1839. History of Ancient Art 2 v. 8°. Bost 1849. Windsor, Capt Review of his Trial. (P. ) 8°. n.p. rud. Windsor, L. Inquiry into the Ministerial Commission. 12°. Claremont. 1844. Wine Trade of Portugal. Meeting at Pezo- da-Regoa. (P.) 12°. Lond. 1844. Winer, G. B. Chaldee Grammar. 8°. An- dover. 1845. Wines, E. C. Commentaries on Ancient Hebrew Laws. 8°. N.Y. 1853. Trip to Boston. 12. Bost 1838. Two Years and a Half in the Navy. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1832. WiNO, H. R. Essay on Mathematical and Physical Study. (P. 43.) 8°. Albany. 1834. 404 CATALOGUE OF THE WiNGMELD, W., and Johnson, G. "W. (Ed'rs.) Poultry Book. 4°. Lond. 1853. WiNKWoKTH, Miss C. (Transl.) See Ltea Germanica; also, Theoix)gia Germa- nica. Winning, W. B. Manual of Comparative Philology. 8°. Lond. 1838. WiNSLOW, C. F. Cosmography. 16. Bost. 1853. WiNSLOW, p. Anatomy of Suicide. 8°. Lond. 1840. Diseases of Body and Mind. 8''. Lond. 1842. Obscure Diseases of Braia and Mind. 8°. Phil. 1816. Same. 8°. Lond. 1860. (Ed'r.) See Journal of Psychological Medicine; also, Medical Critic, etc. "WiNSLow, H. Christian Doctrines. 12°. Bost. 1844. - Elements of Intellectual Philosophy. 12. Bost. 1859. Moral Philosophy. 12°. N.Y. 1856. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1862. WiNSLOw, J. B. Samenstel des Menschen- lyke Lichnams. 4 v. in 2. 8°. Rotter- dam. 1753. WiNSLow, M. Christianity among the Hea- then. 12°. Andover. 1819. Hints on Missions to India. 16°. N.Y. 1856. WiNSLOW, O. Personal Declension and Ee- yival of Religion. 12°. N.Y. 1848. "WiNSLow, S. N. Biographies of Philadel- phia Merchants. 8°. Phil. 1864. WiNSNES, H. Laerebogi de forekjellige Grene af Huusholdningen. 12°. Chris- tiania. 1854. "WiNSOB, J. History of Duxbury, Mass. 8°. Bost. 1849. Winter, W. Poems. 12°. Bost. 1855. WiNTEEBOTHAM, W. View of the Chinese Empire. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1796. View of the United States, etc. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1795. Wintekfeld, a. v. Die Reisen von Bambus and Comp. 3 v. 16°. Leip. 1865. WiNTHKOP, E. Prophetic Symbols. 12°. N.Y. 1854. History of New England. 2 v. 8°. Bost. 1853. WiNTHBOP, R. C. Addresses and Speeches. 8°. Bost. 1852. Archimedes and Franklin; a Lecture. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1853. Life and Letters of Gov. John Winthrop. 8°. Bost. 1864. WiNTHEOP, R. C. Memoir of Nathan Apple- ton. 8°. Bost. 1861. Oration; Inauguration of Franklin Statue. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1856. Winthrop, T. Canoe and the Saddle. 12°. Bost. 1863. Life in the Open Air, etc. 12°. Bost, 1863. Wirt, W. Address to Literary Societies of Rutgers College. (P.) 8°. N. Bnms- wick. 1830. Letters of a British Spy. 12°. N.Y. 1832. Life of Patrick Henry. 8°. Phil. 1831-8. Same. 12°. Phil. 1838. WiETH, J. G. A. Geschichte der Deutschen Staaten. 4 v. 8°. Karlsruhe. 1847-50. Wisconsin. Assembly Journal, 1859, '60, '61. 3v. 8°. Madison. 1859-61. General Laws, etc., 1859, '60, '61. 3 v. 12°. Madison. 1859-61. Geological Survey; 1st Annual Report, by E. Daniels. 12°. Madison. 1854. Same; 2d Annual Report, by J. G. Per- cival. 12°. n.p. n.d. Same ; Report on, by J. G. PercivaL 8°. Madison. 1856. Same; v. 1, by J. Hall and J. D. Whit ney. r.8°. n.p. 1862.- Same ; Report of Commissioners. (P, 8° Madison. 1858. Governor's Message and Documents 1859, '60, '61. 3 V. 8°. Madisoc; 1859-61. Laws* See, above, General Laws; dsc below. Private Laws; Revised Statutes Statutes. Private and Local Laws, 1859, '60, '61 3v. 12°. Madison. 1859-61. Report on Investigation of State Office; Sept. 12, 1856. (P.) 8°. Madison. '5i Report on Investigation of State Depar ments. (P.) 8°. Madison. 1859. Revised Statutes. 8°. Chicago. 1858. School Laws. (P.) 8°. Madison. 1^" Schools; Sup't's Annual Reports, 7- (P.) 8°. Madison. 1856-61. Senate; Journal, 1859, '60, '61. 3 v. >\ Madison. 1859-61. | State Library; Catalogue. 8°. Madiso- 1859. Statutes, Session of 1854, '55. (P.) Madison. 1854-5. Trial, in Bashford vs. Barstow. (l 8°. Madison. 1856. Wisconsin. Account of. (P. 40.) 8°. Ti wanting. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 405 oNsiN Gazetteer. See Hunt, J. W. oxsiN. Natural Resources, etc., of. 8°, Madison. 18C2. ONSIN Stfite Agricultural Society. Trans- actions, 1851-60. 6 V. 8°. Madison. 1852 -GO. oN'siN State Historical Society. Annual Reports and Collections, v. 3-4. 8^. Madison. 1855-9. Same. v. 1-2. (P.) 8^. Madison. 1855-6. — Zweiter Jahresbericht. 12°. Milwaukee. ,, 1856. isE, D. Young Man's Counsellor. 12°. N.Y. 1853. ISE, H. A. Los Gringos. 12°. N.Y. 1857. ISE, J. ]VL End of Popes, Nobles, and Kings; a Lecture. (P. 43.) 8°. N.Y. 1852. — History of the Israelites, v. 1. 8°. Al- bany. 1854. ISE, J. Vindication of Government of New England Churches. 12°. Bosi 1860- ISEMAN, N. Lectures on the Catholic Church. 2 v. in one. 12°. Lond. 1847. Recollections of Last Four Popes. 12°. Bost 1858. I — Science and Revealed Religion. 8°. Andover. 1837. Sermons on our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. 8°. N.Y. 18^5. — Sermons on Moral Subjects. 8°. N.Y. " 1865. — Sermons, etc., during Tour in Ireland. 12°. Bost. 1859. isLizENus, A Tour to Northern Mexico. 8°. Wash. 1848. B. B. Condition of the Heathen. (P. 6.) 8°. Bost 1824. i — History of Old South Church in Boston. 8°. Bost. 1830. Memoir of Mrs. S. Huntington. 12°. Bost. 1826. nn, E. Railroad Accidents. 12°. Bost. 1656. ITHAM, H. T. M. Fossil Vegetables of Great Britain- 4°. Edin. 1833. BtHEB, G. Hallelujah; Hymns. 12°. Lond. 1857. — Hymns and Song.s of the Church. 12°. Lond. 1856. — Poems. See British Poets, v. 5. ITHEKINO, \V. Arrangement of British Plants. 4v. 8°. Lond. 1796. hhers, p. Aristarchus; or, Composition. 8°. Lond. 1791. — Same. 8°. Lond. 1822. "WiTHEESPOON, J. Works. 4v. 8°. PhiL '01. Nature and Effects of the Stage. 16° N.Y. 1812. Sermon on Religious Education of Chil- dren. (P. 59.) 8°. Elizabethtown. 1859. WiTHiNOTON, L. The Puiitan; Essays. 2 v. 16°. Bost 183a WiTTiCH, W. German for Beginners. 12°. Lond. 1838. WiTTWEB, W. C. A von Humboldt; sein Leben und Werken. 8°. Leip. 1860. WoDDEKSPooN, J. Historic Sites of Suffolk. 12°. Ipswich. 1841. WoEHiiEB, F. Analytical Chemist's Assist- ant 12°. PhiL 1852. WoLCOTT, J. Works of Peter Pindar. 2 v. 12°. Phil. 1792. Same. 4 v. 24°. Bost 1811. Same. 8°. Lond. 1824. WoLP, F. J., and Hofmann, C. Primavera y Flor de Romances. 2 v. 8°. Berlin. 1856. Wolfe, U. Demonstration in Honor of Jas. Monroe. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Wolff, H. D. Madrilena; Pictnies of Span- ish Life. 8°. Lond. 1851. Wolff, Jens. Tour to Copenhagen. 4°. Lond. 1814. Wolff, Jos. Mission to Bokhara. 8°. N.Y. 1845. Travels and Adventures. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1860. Wolff, 0. L. B. Encyclopaedie der Deutsch- en National Literatur. 8 v. in four, 4° Leip. 1840- Hausschatz Italienischer Poesie. 8°. Vienna. 1846. WoLLASTON, J. V. Variation of Species. 12°. Lond. 1856. WoLLASTON, W. Religion of Nature Deline- ated. 8°. Lond- 1750. WoLLSTONECBAFT, Mary. See Godwin, JMary W. Rights of Woman. 12°. N.Y. 1833. WoLSEY, Cardinal. Life and Times of. 3 t- 12°. Lond. 1842. W0L8EY, T. Life. See Republic of Letters, V. 3. Woman's Hospital Association. Annual Re- ports, 1855-63. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 185&-64. Woman's Mission. 16°. N.Y. 1839. Women's Patriotic Association. Proceedings, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1864. Wood, G. Future Life. 12°. N.Y. 1858. Wood, G. B. Practice of Medicine. 2 v. 8°. Phil 1847. 406 CATALOGUE OF THE Wood, G. B., and Fkanklin, B. Dispensa- tory of United States. 8°. PMl. 1858. Wood, H. Annual Reports of the Minister at Large in LoweU. (P. 77.) 8°. Low- ell. 1848-^5. Wood, J. Attempt for Northwest Passage. See Account of Several Late Voyages, etc. Wood, Jas. Elements of Optics. See Vince, S. Astronomy. Wood, John. Description of Bath. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1765. Wood, John. Sketching from Nature. 8°. Lond. 1850. Wood, J., Jr. Manual of Perspective. 8°. Lond. 1843. Wood, John. Administration of John Adams. 8°. N.Y. 1802. Same. 12°. Phil. 1846. Wood, John. Journey to Source of Eiver Oxus. 8°. Lond. 1841. Wood, J. A. Pott's Disease; Cases Success- fully Treated. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1859. Wood, N. A. Treatise on Railroads. 8°. • Lond. 1838. Wood, R. Essay on Homer, etc. 8°. Lond. 1824. Wood, R. S. Attempt to Explain Electricity. (P. 23.) 8°. Phil. 1844. Wood, S. First Settlement on Long Island. (P.) 8°. Brooklyn. 1824. Same. 8°. Brooklyn. 1828. Wood, T. Mosaic History of the Creation. 8°. N.Y. 1831. WooD,W. Conchology. 8". Lond. 1835. Wood, W. B. Recollections of the Stage. 12°. Phil 1855. Wood, W. !RL Fankwei; or, Voyages near India, China, etc. 12°. N.Y. 1859. Sketches in South America, Polynesia, etc. 12°. Phil. 1849. WooDAKD, D. Narrative of Imprisonment among Malays. 8°. Lond. 1805. WooDBRiDGE, J. Practical Religion. 12°. N.Y. 1837. WooDBEiDGE, T. Autobic^Taphy of a Blind Minister, etc. 12°. Bost 1856. WooDBUBY, L. Writings. 3 v. 8°. Bost. 1852. Woodbury, W. H. Eclectic G^^rman Reader. 8°. N.Y. 1852. New Method of Learning German. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Woodcock, W. J. Scripture Lands. 12°. Lond. 1849. WooDCROFT, B. Sketch of Steam Navigation. 4°. Lond. 1848. Woodland Gleanings; Descriptions of Trees. 16°. Lond. 1837. Woodman, J. S. The Scientific Department of Dartmouth College. (P.) 8°. Hano- . ver. 1863. Woodruff, S. Tour to Malta, Greece, etc. 12°. Hartf. 1831. Woods, D. B. Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Woods, J. Letters of an Architect from France, Italy, etc. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1828. Woods, L. Works. 5 v. 8°. Bost 1851. Theology of the Puritans. 8°. Bost. 1851. Woods, L. , Jr. Eulogy on Daniel Webster. (P.) 8°. Brunswick. 1852. Woods, N. A The Past Campaign. (Crimean War.) 2 V. 12°. Lond. 1855. Woodruff, S. Tour to Malta, Greece, etc. 12°. Hartf. 1831. Woodward, A. Memoir of CoL T. Knowlton. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1861. Woodward, C. Study of Polarized Light, etc. 8°. Lond. 1848. Woodward, E. M. Our Campaigns. 12°. Phil. 1865. Woodward, J. E. and F. W. Country Homes. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Graperies and Horticultural Buildings. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Woodward, J. Camp Diseases. 8°. Phil. '63. WooDWORTH, F. C. American IVIiscellany. 6v. 12°. Bost 1855. Stories about Animals. 12°. N.Y. 1849. Stories about Birds. 12°. Bost 1851. WooDWORTH, J. Reminiscences of Troy. 4°. Albany. 1860. WooDWORTH, S. ^ Poems. 12°. N.Y. 1818. WOODWORTH, W.' Oration, July 4, 1834. (P. 15.) 8°. Albany. 1834. WooLEY, C. Two Years' Journal in New York. 8°. N.Y. 1860. WooLLEY, J. Elements of Descrij^tive Ge- ometry. 4°. Lond. 1850. Plates for Descriptive Greometry. Part 1. 4°. Lond. 1850. WooLiviAN, J. Journal. 12°. N.Y. 1845. WooisousE, W. S. B. Measures, Weights and Moneys of all Nations. 16°. Lond. 1859. WooiiBYCH, H. W. Memoir of Judge Jeffi-eys. 8°. Lond. 1827. Same. 12°. PhiL 1852. WooLSEY, T. D. Eulogy on Prof. C. C. Felton. (P.) 8°. Wash. 1862. Historical Discourse on Yale College. 8°. N. Haven. 1850. 8^. An- (P-) 12= ■pboiiSEY, T. D. Introduction to Interna- tional Law.* 12^ Bost. 1860. -Same. 8=^. N.Y. 1861. -Sketch of Prof. W. A. Lamed. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1862. - Sermon on Death of Prof. "W. A. Larned. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1862. - Sermon on Death of Rev. C. A. Good- rich. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1860. K^ooLwicH and its Environs. 16°. Woolwich. 1837. iiVooiiWOKTH, J. M. Nebraska in 1857. 16°. Omaha City. 1857. Worcester, H. A. Discourse on Christian Life. (P. 12.) 16°. n.p. n.d. tVoRCESTER, J. E. English Dictionary. 4°. Bost. 1860. — Gazetteer of United States, dover. 1818. — Gross Literary Fraud Exposed. 8°. Bost 1853. — Historical Atlas, f. Bost. 1826. — History, Ancient and Modern. Bost. 1826. OBCESTEB, N. Friend of Youth ; Selections in Prose and Verse. 12°. Bost. 1822. VoECESTER, S. Remarks on Writings of Swtdenborg. (P.) 8°. Bost. 1832. i^ORCESTEE, S. M. Life of Rev. S. Worcester. 2v. 12°. Bost. 1852. - Sermon, Centennial of Tabernacle Church. (P.) 8°. Salem. 1835. Worcester Almanac, Directory, etc. 12°. Worcester. 1864. Worcester as It Is. 4°. Worcester. 1856. Worcester DirectorJ^ 2 v. 12°. Worcester. 1863-5. OECESTER Magazine and Historical Journal. 2v. 8°. Worcester. 1826. ORDS of Christ. * 16°. Bost. 1837. OBDS in Earnest to Young Men in Cities. 16° N.Y. 1851. Words for the People. 18°. Hartf. 1865. ORDS to a Young Man's Conscience. 32°. Albany. 1848. Wordsworth, Chas. Law of Joint Stock Companies. 8°. Lond. 1842. ordsworth, Chr. Athens and Attica. 8°. Lond. 1836. — Diary in France. 12°. Lond. 1846. — Greece. 8° Lond. 1844. — Lectures on the Apocalypse. 8°. Lond. 1849. — Memoirs of Wm. Wordsworth. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1851. — St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome. 8°. Lond. 1853. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 407 Wordsworth, Chr. " WhoJ Wrote Eikon Ba- silike?" Answered. 8°. Lond. 1824. Wordsworth, Wm. Poetical Works. 8°. Paris. 1828. Same. 6 v. 16°. Lond. 1836-7. Same. 7 v. 16°. Lond. 1841-2. Same. 8° Phil. 1851. The Prelude. 12°. N.Y. 1850. Yarrow Revisited and other Poems. 16°. N.Y. 1835. Working Man's Companion; Cottage Even- ings. 18°. Lond. 1832. Working Man's Companion; The Physician: Cholera. 18°. Lond. 1832. . Working Man's Companion; Results of Ma- chinery. 18°. Lond. 1831. Working Man's Companion; Rights of In- dustry. 18°. Phil. 1832. Working Man's Way in the World. 12°. Lond. n. d. Works of the Learned; Books lately Printed, etc 11 V. 4°. Lond. 1699-1710. World (The). See Moore, K World (The). Newspaper. 9 v. P. N.Y. 1860-64. World's Temperance Convention. Proceed- ings, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1853. WoRNUM, R. N. (Ed'r. ) See Lectures on Painting. Epochs of Painting. 18° Lond. 1847. Same. 16°. Lond. 1859. Worsaae, J. J. A. Danes and Norwegians in Britain. 12°. Lond. 1852. WoRSLEY, I. View of the American Indians. 12°. Lond. 1828. Worth, G. A. Random Recollections of Al- bany. 8°. Albany. 1850. Wobthen, W. E. Rudimentary Drawing. 16°. N.Y. 1864. Worthy, A- N. Botanic Medicine. 8°. For- syth, Ga. 1842. Wortley, Lady E. S. Travels in United States. 12°. N.Y. 1851. Visit to Portugal, Madeira, etc. 8°. Lond. 1853. WoRTMAN, T. Political Enquiry and Liberty of the Press. 8°. N.Y. 1800. WoTTON, H. Reliquias Wottonianao, etc. 16. Lond. 1685. Wranoham, F. (Ed'r.) The Pleiad; Abridg- ments on the Evidences of Christianity. 16° Edin. 1828. Wraxall, L. Naval and Military Resources of Europe. 8°. Lond. 1856. Wraxall, N. W. Historical Memoirs of his own Times. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1836. Same. 8°. Phil. 1837. 408 CATALOGUE OF THE Wraxall, N. W. History of France. 3 v. 8^. Dublin. 1796. Same. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1814. Memoirs of Courts of Berlin, Dresden and Vienna, etc. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1800. Posthumous Memoirs. 3 v. 8. Lond. 1836. Tour in the Baltic. 8°. Lond. 1807. Wkeck Register and Chart for English Coast, for 1860. (P.) n.p. n.d. Wright, D. Executor's, Administrator's and Guardian's Guide. 12°. Auburn. 1851. Weight, E., and Saegent, G. W. On Taxa- tion, etc. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1862. Weight, Fanny. Course of Popular Lec- tures. 12°. N.Y. 1831. Few Days in Athens. 12°. N.Y. 1831. Views of Society and Manners in Amer- ica. 8°. N.Y. 1821. Weight, G. Gentleman's Miscellany. 12°. Exeter. 1797. Weight, G. W. Life of Louis Philippe. 8°. Lond. 1842. Weight, H. C. Defensive War a Denial of Christianity. 12°. Lond. 1846. — '■ — Marriage and Parentage. 12°. Bost. '54. Weight, H. G. Headaches ; their Causes and Cure. 16°. N.Y. 1856. Weight, J. American Negotiator. 8°. Lond. 1763. Weight, J. W. Philosophical English Gram- mar. 16°, N.Y. 1838. Weight, E. Life of Maj.-Gen. Wolfe. 8°. Lond. 1864. Weight, T. Anecdota Literaria; Poems. 8°. Lond. 1844. ArchfBological Album. 4°. Lond. 1845. Biographia Britannica Literaria; Anglo- Saxon. 8°. Lond. 1842. Same. Anglo-Norman. 8°. Lond. 1846. Celt, Eoman, and Saxon. 12°. Lond. 1852. Early Christianity in Arabia. 8°. Lond. 1855. England under House of Hanover. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1848. English Literature, etc.,in]VIiddle Ages. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1846. Domestic Manners, etc., in England during Middle Ages. 8°. Lond. 1862. Seven Saws in English Verse. 16°. Lond. 1815. (Ed'r. ) Chester Plays ; Mysteries found ed on Scripture. ;See Shakspeaee So ciety. Early Travels in Palestine. 12°. Lond, 1848. Weight, T. Narrative of Proceedings against Dame Alice Ky teler, 1324. See Camden Society. Political Songs of England. 16°. Lond. 1839, Popular Treatises on Science written in Middle Ages. 12°. Lond. 1841. Three Chapters of Letters on Suppres- sion of Monasteries. 4°. Lond. 1843. Weight, T., and Halliwell, J. 0. (Ed'rs.) Eeliquise Antiquse. 2 v. 8°. Lond. '41. Weight, T., and Jones, H. L. Accounts of Cambridge. See Le Keux, J. Weight, W. Oil Eegions of Pennsylvania. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Weight, W. H. Treatise on Mortars, etc 12°. Bost. 1845. Weightson, E. H. History of Modem Italy. 8°. Lond. 1855. Weonski, H. Philosophic Absolue de I'His- toire. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1852. Wuetz, H. Modes of Increasing Heat of the Mouth Blowpipe. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1858. Papers read before Am. Asso. for Ad- vancement of Science. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1858. Wyatt, M. D. French Exposition of the Products of Industry. T. L(5nd. 1849. Wyatt, T. History of Kings of France. 12*. Phil. 1846. Manual of Conchology. 8°. N.Y. 1838. Memoirs of Distinguished American Of- ficers. 8°. Phil. 1848. Works. See Sueeey, Earl of. Wyatt, Sir T. Poems, ^ee Beitish Poets, v. 1. Same. 16°. Lond. 1831. Wyatt, W. E. Lecture to Library Asso. at Baltimore. (P. 20.) 8°. Bait. 1841. Wycheeley, W. ; Congeeve, W. ; Vanbeugh, J. ; Faequhae, G. Dramatic Works. 8°. Lond. 1840. Same. 8°. Lond. 1860. Wyckoff, J. N. Address to Eutgers College Alumni. (P. 44.) 8°. Albany. 1840. Wyckoff, W. H. American Bible Society and the Baptists. 12°. N.Y. 1842. Wyld, E. S. Philosophy of the Senses. 16**. Edin. 1852. Wylie, J. A. Papacy; its History, etc. 8**. Edin. 1852. Pilgrimage from the Alps. 8°. Edin. |] 1856. Wylie, M. Bengal as a Field of Missions. 8°. Lond. 1854. Wyman, T. B. , Jr. Genealogy of Hunt Fam- ily. 8°. Bost. 1862-3. 12= L.^ Bost. 1846. TNDHAM, Mrs. I. Appeal respecting Col. GreviUe. (P. 26.) 8°. Lond. 1812. tuN, F. W. Diaries of a Lady of Quality, 1797-18-14. 12^ Lond. 1864. rNNE, F. W. History of British Empire in America. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1770. fNNE, Jas. Epidemic Cholera of 1848-9. 12°. Lond. 1852. Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Americans. 8°. N.Y. 1850. (- Memoir of Major S. Kinggold. (P.) 8°. Bait. 1847. I— Private Libraries of New York. 8°. N.Y. 1860. f- Study of Legal Medicine. (P. ) 8°. N. Y. 1859. Vital Statistics of United States. 4°.- N.Y. 1857. rNTEB, A. Curiosities of Civilization. 12°. Lond. 1860. rsE, F. America; Its Eealities and Re- sources. 3v. 8°. Lond. 1846. rsE, T. Education Eeform. v. 1. 8°. Lond. 1836. tTHE, J. C. History of the British Turf. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1840. rTTENBACH, J. H. Eoman Antiquities of Treves. 8°. Lond. 1839. s, J. Description of New^ Species of Birds. (P.) 8°. n.p. 1859. Francis. Missionary Life of. 8°. Lond. 1862. ■NOPHON. Opera. See Didot's Greek Clas- sics. — Same. 2 v. 12°. Leip. 1819. -Anabasis. 18°. Leip. 1828. — Anabasis and Cyropedia. 2 v. 18°. N.Y. 1844. -Cyropedia. 8°. Phil. 1810. Expedition of Cyrus. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1742. — Memorabilia of Socrates. 12°. Lond. 1847. [j)EN, T. Poems. See British Poets, V. 17. C. Life of Kevs. J. and M. Hallock. 12°. N.Y. n.d. College. Art Exhibition. (P.) 8°. n.p. n.d. — Biographical Record of Class of 1850. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1861. — Catalogue of Cabinet of Coins. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1863. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 409 Yale College. Catalogue of Paintings in Trumbull GaUery. 8°. N. Haven. 1860. Statistics of Class of 1848. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1852. Triennial Catalogue. (P.) 8°. N. Haven. 1865. Yandell, L. p. History of Medical Depart- ment of Louisville University. (P.) 8°. Louisville. 1852. Yapp, G. W. Duties on Imports into France. 8°. Lond. 1855. Yareell, W. History of British Fishes. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1836. Supplement to same. 8°. Lond. 1839. Yates, J. V. N. , and Moulton, J. W. His- tory of New York State, v. 1. 8°. N.Y. 1824-6. Yates, W. H. Modem History and Condi- tion of Egypt. 2 V. 8°. Lond. 1843. Yeab Book of Agricultural Facts for 1861. 16°. Edin. 1862. Yerrinton, J. M. W. Report of Trial of G.C.Hersey for Murder. 8°. Bost. '62. Yoakum, H. History of Texas. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1856. Yonge, C. D. Dictionary of Epithets. !&". Lond. 1856. Yonge, Miss. Book of Golden Deeds. 16°. Camb. 1865. History of Christian Names. 2 v. 12°. Lond. 1863. Landmarks of Histoi-y. 16°. Phil. 1863. YoNKEES and Glenwood. 4th July Celebra- tion in. (P.) 8°. N.Y. 1857: YoBKE, 0. Reliques of Father Prout. 2 v. 18°. Lond. 1836. You ATT, W. Cattle; Breeds, Management, etc. 8°. Lond. 1834. The Dog. 8°. Phil. 1847. The Horse. 12°. Lond. 1831. Same. 8°. N.Y. 1843. Same. 8°. Phil. 1847. Same. 12°. Lond. 1855. The Pig. 8°. Lond. 1847. The Sheep. 8°. Lond. 1837. YouMAKs, E. L. Class Book of Chemistry. 12°. N.Y. 1864. Handbook of Social Science. 12°. N.Y. 1857. (Ed'r. ) Correlation and Conservation of Forces. 12°. N.Y. 1865. Young, Alex. Chronicles of Massachusetts Bay Colony. 8°. Bost. 1846. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers. 8°. Bost. 1844. Discourse on Life of Hon. M. Bowditch. 8°. Bost. 1838. 410 CATALOGUE OP THE Young, Arthur. Course of Experimental Agriculture. 2 v. 4°. Lond. 1770. Travels in France, etc. 8°. Dublin. 1793. Young, Arthur. Fractional Family; Spirit- Mathematics. 8°. N.Y. 1864. Young, Augustus. Natural History of Ver- mont. 8°. Burlington. 1856. Young, A. W. American Statesman. 8°. N.Y. 1855. Young, C. W. Greatness Eeviewed, or the Kise of the South. (P.) 12°. Savannah. 1851. Young, E. Centaur not Fabulous. 8°. Lond. 1755. Complaint, or Night Thoughts. 24°. Lond. 1807. Same. See Beitish Poets, v. 26. Same. See Milton , J. Same. 2 v. 24°. Phil. 1820. Same. 24°. Brunswick. 1822. Same. 24°. Exeter. 1834. Same. 12° N.Y. 1856. Poems. 2v. 16°. Lond. 1834. Young, G. R. Letters on American Fisheries and Colonial Policy. (P. 55.) 8°. Lond. 1844. Young, J. Intellectual Philosophy. 8°. Glas- gow. 1835. Mystery; or Evil and God. 12°. Phil. 1856. Province of Reason. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Young, J. E,. Advantages of Mathematical Study. 12°. Lond. 1846. Elements of Algebra. 8°. Phil. 1832. Young, J. H., Twisden, J. F., and Jakdine, A. The Mathematical Sciences, ^ee Orr's Circle of the Sciences. Young, P. History of Mexico. 8°. Cine. 1847. Young, S. Woman's Influence. (P. 18, and P. 43.) 8°. Albany. 1837. Young, T. Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities. 8°. Lond. 1823. Young Americans Abroad. 16°. Bost. 1852. Young Clerk's Assistant. 8°. Lond. n.d. Young Gentleman's Book. 12°. Lond. 1834. Young Husband's Book. 24°. Phil. 1836. Young Men's Advocate, v. 1. f°. N.Y. 1832. Young Men's Association, Albany. Catalogue of Library. 8°. Albany. 1853. Young Men's Association, Buffalo. Catalogue of Library. 8° Buffalo. 1865. Young Men's Association, Chicago. Cata- logue of Books. 8°. Chicago. 1859- 1865. Young Men's Association, Milwaukee. Cata- logue of Library. 8°. Milwaukee. '61. Young Men's Association, Troy. Catalogue of Library. 8°. Troy. 1859. Young Men's Christian Association of Brook- lyn. Catalogue of Library. 8°. Brook- lyn. 1862. Young Men's Christian Association of Lon- don. Lectures, 1849-55. 4 v. 12°. Lond. 1850-5. ^ Same, 1855-8. 2 v. 12°. N.Y. 1855-9. Young Men's Institute, Hartford. Catalogue of Library, etc. 8°. Hartf. 1844. Young Men's Magazine. 2 v. 8°. N.Y. 1857- 1859. Young Men's Mercantile Library Association, Cincinnati. Catalogue, 8°. Cine. 1855. Young Traveller's Tour in America. 16°. Lond. 1852. Youth's Handbook of Entertaining Knowl- edge. 2v. 12° Lond. 1844. Youth's Monthly Visitor. 3 v. 12. Lond. 1823. Yriarte, T. de. Literary Fables. 12°. Bost. 1855. YvAN, Dr. Voyages et Recits. 2 v. 12°. Brux. 1853. Zaba, N. F. History and Literature of Po- land. 16°. Lond. 1856. Zabrisexe, F. N. Farewell Sermon, Living- ston Reformed Dutch Church. (P.) 12°. N.Y. 1859. Zater, Ibn. Solwan, or Waters of Comfort. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1852. Zakrzewska., M. E. Practical Illustration of " Woman's Right to Labor." 16°. Bost. 1860. Zallony, M. p. Essai sur les Fanariotes. 8°. Marseilles. 1824. Zanesville Athengeum. Catalogue of Books. 12°. Zanesville. 1843. Zarate, a. de. Histoire de Perou. 2 v. 12°. Paris. 1774. Zavala, L. de. Las Revoluciones de Mejico. 2v. 8°. Paris. 1831. Zayos y Sotomayor, M. de. Novelas. 2 v. in one. 8°. Paris. 1847. Zeising, a. Hausse und Baisse. 3 v. 16°. Berlin. 1864. Zettschrift f iir Allgemeine Erdkunde. v. 6, and new series, v. 1-13. 8°. Berlin. 1856-62. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Staatswissen- schaft. 3v. 8°. Tubingen. 1857-9. Zeller, J. Histoire de I'ltalie. 12°. Paris 1853. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 411 «LAAB, E. De Hoogduitsche Spraak- meester. 8°. Amst. 1772. — Grammaire Hollandaise. 8°. Utrecht. 1781. N, J. G. Solitude. 24°. Lond. 1808. Same. 12°. N.Y. n.d. JMMERMAN, W. Die Deutsche Revolution, etc. See Wibth, J. G. A. NCKE, F. B. The School of the Future. 12°. Lond. 1852. )IST (The). A Journal of Physiology and Mesmerism, v. 12-13. 8°. Lond. 1855-6. )LMKOFrEK, G. J. Sermons on Education. 2v. 8°. Lond. 1806. )OLOGT, Rudiments of. (P.) 16°. Edin. 1842. )BNiJN, Rosina M. Bible Narratire. 12°. Lond.' 1842. Recreations in Geology. 16°. Lond. '39. Same. 16°. Lond. 1841. — Recreations in Physical Geography. 16° Lond. 1848. ZoRETLLA, J. Obras. 3 v. 8°. Paris. 1852. ZoucH, T. Memoirs of Sir P. Sidney. 4°. York. 1809. ZscHOKKE, J. H. D. Gesammelte 'Schriften. 15 V. 12°. Aarau. 1851. Same. 17 v. 16°. Aarau. 1859. Stunden der Andacht. 8°. Aarau. '49. Autobiography. 8°. Lond. 1845. History of Switzerland. 16°. Lond. 1834. Same. 12°. N.Y. 1855. Hours of Meditation. 18°. N.Y. 1844. Incidents of Life among the Alps. 12°. N.Y. 1844. Meditations on Death and Eternity. 16°. Bost. 1863. Meditations on Life and its Duties. 16° Bost. 1863. ZuMPT, C. G. Latin Grammar. 12°. N.Y. 1860. Zurich Letters. Correspondence of English Bishops, etc. , with Helvetian Reform- ers. 8°. Camb. (E.) 1846. CLASSIFIED INDEX. SYNOPSIS OF THE CLASSIFIED INDEX. THEOLOGY. ored Books and Exegetical Theology. Natural Theology and Evidences, urch History and Historical Theology. Philosophy of Keligion. Btematic and Polemic Theology. Devotional Works and Sermons, ►miletics and Pastoral Theolgy. Practical Theology. MENTAL AND MOKAL SCIENCE, ilosophy, General Treatises. Education, mtal Philosophy. Moral Philosophy, gic and Ehetoric. Practical Ethics. POLITICAL SCIENCE. Commerce and Trade. Social Science. LITERATURE. Essays and Miscellanies. Classical Writers. Periodical Literature. Encyclopaedias. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, AND TRAVELS, liversal Geography and Tfavels. Modern History, dversal History. Europe, hnography, Manners and Customs. Africa, Asia, and South Seas, icient History. North and South America, jdiaeval History. United States. BIOGRAPHY. •vemment and Law. !litical Economy. story and General Treatises, ilology. etry and Fiction, and Criticism. ■llective. cUvidual. Genealogies. Names. MATHEMATICS. neral Treatises. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, NATURAL SCIENCES. neral Treatises. smogony. itural Philosophy. tronomy. Chemistry. Zoology. Botany. Geology. MEDICAL SCIENCE. omy and Physiology, iene. iteria Medica. Pathology. Medical Jurisprudence. Mental Disorders. THE ARTS. )chanical Arts. n\ Engineering, .▼igation and Surveying, litary Arts. Chemical Technology. Agriculture and Domestic Arts. Sports and Games. Fine Arts. For full list of subjects, see Contents, at end of Classified Index. CLASSIFIED INDEX. THEOLOGY. Bible. blia Hebraica. Hahn's Ed. tus Testamentum, juxta Septua- ginta. eek Sep tuagint Version. me, Transl. by Brenton. blia cum Concordantiis. (Latin. ) We. Old and New Testaments. We, Pictorial, with Notes. We, in German. We, in Frenclj, • We, in Spanish. We, in Italian. Wc, in Dutch, ife, in Danish. >fe, in Polish. Me, in Welsh. IVe^v Testament. Testament, Greek, ne, ed. by Wilson. ne, Greek and Latin, ne, Fac-simile of Genevan, ae, Transl. by Tyndale. , Transl. by Coit. ne, from the Syriac Pcshito. ae, Authorized Version, ^lish Hexapla. sv^ Testament, Basis of Newcome's Transl. Transl. by Sawyer, in French; De Sacy's Ver- sion. in Spanish, le, in Dutch, le, in Murathee. le, >cryphal New Testament, fivangiles Apocryphes. Bible. DidoVs. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. DidoCs. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Brunet. Parts of the Bible. tateuch in Mahratta. Bible, dions from Proverbs and Eccle- siastes in English, French, Italian, and German. Aony of the Evangelists. Priestley. 27 Anglo-Saxon Version of Gospels. Bible. Gospel of St. John in Mohawk. Bible. First Corinthians in Hebrew and English. Bible. Three Epistles of St. John in Del- aware. Bible. Biblical Reader. Blake. Every Day Scripture Readings. Blake. Canon of Scripture. Introduction to Old Testament. De Wette. Books of the Bible Proved Canon- ical. Ilaldane. Canon of Old and New Testaments. Alexander. Succession of Sacred Literature. Clarke. Commentaries and Biblical Aids. Commentary, wholly Biblical. Bible, with Commentary and Notes . Clarke. Commentary on the Bible. Jenks. Bible, with Notes. D'Oyly. Illustrated Commentary on Bible. Critical Commentary. Patrick. Last Thoughts. Whitby. Bible, with Notes. Scott. Exposition of the Bible. Henry. Commentaries on Laws of Moses. Michaelis. Commentaire Gdographique sur I'Ex- ode et les Nombres. Laborde. Commentaries of Jewish Rabbies. ;S^ee Biographical Notices. Turner. Lectures on Jewish Scriptures. Palfrey. Psalms, Translated and Explained. Alexander. Commentary on the Psalms. Home. Illustrations of Proverbs. Arnot. Ecclesiastes Explained. Macdonald. Isaiah; New Translation. Lowth. Isaiah, Translated and Explained. Alexander. Music of the Bible. Hutchinson. Commentary on New Testament. Olshausen. Greek Testament. Alford. Practical Guide to Greek Testament. Annotations on New Testament. Bloomfield. Gnomon Novi Testamenti. Bengd. Hand-Book of New Testament. McWhorter. Synonyms of New Testament. Trench. 418 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Four Gospels, witli Commentary. Livermore. Rome et la Bible. Bungener. Words of the Lord Jesus. Stier. Matthew Explained. Alexander. Gospel according to Matthew. Lange. Gospel according to Mark. Alexander. Homilies on St. John. Chrysostom. Notes on the Parables. Trench. Parables Explained. Lisco. Lectures on the Parables. Kirk. Lectures on the Parables. Cumming. Notes on the Miracles. Trench. Miracles of Christ. Hovey. Lectures on the Miracles. Cumming. Acts of the Apostles, with Commen- tary. Livermore. Commentary on Original Text of the Acts of the Apostles. IlackeU. Acts of the Apostles Explained. Alexander. Epistle to Eomans Explained. Colenso. Expository Sermons on Corinthians. Bohertsoji. Exposition of Galatians and Colossians. Dix. Commentary on Philippians, Colos- sians, and Philemon. > Ellicott. Commentary on Ephesians. Hodge. Commentary on Second Epistle of Peter. Demarest Commentary on Pastoral Epistles. EllicoU. Commentary upon St. Jude. ■ Gardiner. Commentary on the Eevelation. Whittemore. Concordance to the Scriptures. Cruden. New Concordance. Jenks. Guide to Study of Scrij)tures. Franck. Bible Hand-Book. Angus. Introduction to Study of Scriptures. Carpenter. Sunday Evenings; Introduction to Bible. Help to Eeading of the Bible. Nicholls. Bible Companion. Tyng. Illustrations of the Scriptures. Paxton. Daily Bible Illustrations. KiUo. Law, and the Testimony. Warner. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Conyheare. Notes on New Testament Literature, etc. Alexander. Bible of Every Land. History of Scriptures. History of the Bible. Fleetwood. History of the Bible. Stackhonse. Manual of Biblical Bibliography. Home. Book and its Story. English Translations of Scriptures. Boger. Annals of the English Bible. Anderso7i. History of the English Translations of the Bible. Lewis. Literary Attractions of the Bible. ITalsey. Bible and its Teachings. Adams. Encfclopsedias. Theological Dictionary. Buck, Church Dictionary. Jlook, Cyclopoedia of Biblical Literature. Kitto. Dictionary of the Bible. Smith. Dictionary of the Bible. Calmet. Bible Cyclopsedia. Biblical Cyclopaedia. Eadie. Encyclopaedia of Eeligious Knowl- edge. Brown. Theological and Ecclesiastical Ency- clopaedia. Ilerzog, Exegctical TForks. Principles of Biblical Interpretation. Carson. Treatise on Biblical Criticism. Davidson. Institutes of Biblical Criticism. Gerard. Critica Sacra Veteris Testamenti. Carpzovins. Canon and Interpretation of Scrip- tures. McClelland. Elements of Biblical Interpretation. Sawyer. Introduction to Critical Study of Scriptures. ITorjie. Hermeneutical Manual. Fairbaim. Introduction to New Testament. Davidson. Gospel History. Mrard. Orthography of the Jews and Origi- nal Text of the Bible. Wall. Antiquity of Book of Genesis. Talhoi Targums of Onkelos, etc. Etheridge. Eemarks on Drummond's (Edipus Judaicus. D'Oyly. Pentateuch and Book of Joshua. Colenso. Pentateuch Vindicated. Green. Answer to Colenso. Mahan. Moses Eight and Colenso "Wrong. Camming. Colenso's Fallacies. Fowler. Job and his Times. Wemyss. Laws of the Ancient Hebrews. Whines. Genius and Spirit of the Hebrew Bi- ble. Bafinesque. Figurative Language of Scriptures. Jones. Authorized Version of New Testa- ment. Trench. Simple Interpretation of Eevelation. Monk. Lectures on Truth of the Bible. Foyes. Philosophy of the Mosaic Eecord. Kennedy. Six Days of Creation. Lewis. Mosaic History of Creation. Wood. Genesis and Geology. CroflOP^. Cosmogony and Natural History of Hebrew Scriptures. Bawson. Earth's Antiquity in Hannony with Mosaic Eecord. Gray. THEOLOGY. 419 Uans Age in the World according to Bible and Science, \stronomy of the Bible. MitcheL Sveuings with Bible and Science. SewaiL Bibk Explained in Questions .and and Ansvrers. [lectures on Lord's Prayer. WiUiams. Biblical Antiquities. Jibli-cal Antiquities. Cox. 5iblical Arcliu3ology, Jahn. Lntiquities of the Jews. Brown. ifanners and Customs of the Jews. iebrew Politics in Times of Sen- nacherib. Strachey. mtes and Worship of the Hebrews. Eosenberg. iloses and Aaron; Rites of Ancient Hebrews. Godwyn. Noab. and his Times. Ohnsiead. !»Ionuments of Egypt. Hawks. Sgypt and Books of Moses. ^ Ilengstenherg. llustrations of Bible from Monu- ments of Egypt. Taylor. )riental Illustrations of Scripture. Bobtrts. isco veries at Nineveh. 8fe E asteen Empires, Numismatic Illustrations of New Testament. Akerman. scripture HerbaL Callcoit. I^atural History of the Bible. Harris. Ifiihiical CScograpliy. Biblical Geography. Cokman. >acred Geography. Wells. i>cripture Geography and Histoiy. Hughes. listorical Geography of Bible. Coleman. Biblical Researches in Palestine. Robinson. >acred Mountains. Headky. lountains of the Bible. M'Farlane. acred Streams. Gosse. Sacred History* iistory of the Bible. Gleig. ible Narrative Chronologically Ar- ranged. Zorniir)^ ntediluvian History. Eendell. 'pUomc Historic Sacrae. istory of the Jews. See Jews. ur Bible Chronology. Shimeall. lecent Discoveries in Biblical Chro- nology. Seyfarth. acred and Profane History Con- nected. Shuckford. onnection of Sacred and Profane History, Russdl. )ld and New Testaments Connected. Prideaux. 'onnexion of Sacred and Profane History. Davidson. Patriarchal Age. SmUk. History of the Jewish Chnrcli, Stanley. Manual of Sacred History. Kurlx, Church of the Redeemed. Jarvis, Geschichte der Religion. Seller, Sacred Biof^raphy. Sacred Biography. Hunter. Scripture Portraits. Braes. Scripture Characters. Robinson. Family Pictures from Bible. ElleU Giant Judge; or, Story of Samson. Scott David and his Throne. Beecher. Pilgrimages of Adam and David. Gallaker. Last of the Patriarchs. Gumming. Joseph ^gypti Prorex Descriptus. DrexeiL Elijah the Tishbite. Krummacher. Last Days of Elisha. Krummacher. Scripture Dialogues. Female Scripture Characters. Jay. Our First Mother. Mothers of the Bible. AsMon. Women of Scripture. Balfour. Scripture Female Characters. Hood. Women of the Bible. Adams. Women of Israel. Aguilar. Women of the Bible. Headky. Girls of the Bible. Headky. Boys of the Bible. Williams. Bards of the Bible. Gilfillan. Mary the Handmaid of the Lord. Charles. Lives of the Apostles. Cave. Lives of the Twelve Apostles and John the Baptist. Greenwood. Life of John the Baptist. Duncan. Life of the Apostle Peter. Lee. Life of St. Paul. Conybeare. Prophecy. Interpretation of Prophecy. Stuart. Origin and Interpretation of Scrip- tural Prophecy. Turner. Nature, Progress, etc., of Prophecy. Lee. Dissertations on the Prophecies. Newton. Dissertation on the Prophecies. Faher. Characteristics and Laws of Pro- phetic Symbols. Winthrop. Fulfilled Prophecy a Proof of Re- vealed Religion. Goode. Apostles' School of Prophetic Inter- pretation. Maiiland. Typology of Scripture. Fairbaim. Types of Genesis. Jukes. Scripture Types and Prophecies. Einne. Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation. MCosh. Prophetic Studies; Daniel. Gumming. End as Foretold in Daniel. Waikinsor%, 420 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Present Age of the World, and Prophecy. Kolgate. Holy Land Eestored. Hollingsworih. Destiny of Nations. Camming. Little Book Open. Millennial Tidings. Livermore. Signs of the Times. (Jamming. Great Tribulation. Gamming Great Preparation. Camming. Great Consummation. Gumming. Millenarian Views. Bryant. Grand Crisis. Berich. Treatise on the Millennitmi. Bush. Second Advent. Crosby. Christ's Second Coming. ShimeaU. Letters to a Millenarian. Williamson. Lectures on Our Lord's Miracles. Gumming. Lectures on Our Lord's Parables. Gumming. Exposition of the Apocalypse. Lord. Apocalypse Unveiled. Apocalyptic Sketches. Gumming. Lectures on the Apocalypse. Wordsworth. Hyponoia; Thoughts on the Apoca- lypse. Hard. Prophecies of the Apocalypse. Da Pui. Key to Book of Kevelation. Macdonald. AjDocalypse of St. John, Groly. American Eepublic Foreshadowed in Scripture. Phillips. Stone and the Image. Berg. Defence of Armageddon. Pitts. Armageddon, or Overthrow of Mon- archy, etc. Baldwin. Predicted Downfall of Turkish Pow- er. Faher. Louis Napoleon Destined Monarch of the World. Baxter. Kevival of French Emperorship. Faber. Prophecy and the Times. Berg. Christology. Christology of Old Testament. Hengstenberg. Bemarkable Names of Christ in the Old Testament. Serle. Hidden Wisdom of Christ. Bungen. Life of Christ, Neander. Life of Our Lord. Andrews. Life of Our Lord. Ellicott. Life and Death of Our Lord, KMo. Jesus and His Biographers. Farness. Life Scenes of Messiah. Clark. Bethlehem. Faber. Glory of Christ. Spring. History of Our Lord as Exemplified in Works of Art, Jameson. Honrs among the Gopels. Burt. Martyr Lamb. Krummacher. Incarnation. Bcecher. Plan of Founder of Christianity. lleinhard. Great Exemplar. Taylor. Christ the Light of the World. Vaughan. Lessons from Jesus. Balfern. More about Jesus. Discourses of Christ. Brown. Physical Cause of Death of Christ. Stroud. Prophetic Office of Christ. Lord. Veil Partly Lifted. Farness. Das Leben Jesu. . Strcaiss. Vie de Jesus. Eenan. Life of Jesus. Renan. Person of Christ. Schrjff. Chnrch History- Ecclesiastical History. Mosheim. History of the Christian Church. Neander. Ecclesiastical History. Giesder. History of the Christian Church. Eider. History of the Christian Church, Stebhing. History of the Church of Christ. Milner. Same, abridged. Milner. Compend of Ecclesiastical History. Mason, General Ecclesiastical History. Landon. Ecclesiastical History. Palmer. History of the Church of Christ. Allen. Introduction to Study of Ecclesias- tical History. DowUng. Chronological Introduction to His- tory of the Church. Jarv'is. Du Christianisme et de son Origine Democratique. Leroux. State of Man Subsequent to Promul- gation of Christianity. Small Books. Early Christianity in Arabia, Wright. History of the Eastern Church. Stanley, History of Latin Christianity. Milman. History of the Church. Waddingion. Ecclesiastical History before Eefor- mation. Iloare. Hand of God in History. Read. History of the Apostolic Church. Neimder. History of the Apostolic Church. Schqf. Early History of Christianity. Bovmng. Church History of First Three Cen- turies. Mahan. Antiquities of the Christian Church. Bingliavfu Stiniggles of the Early Christians, Kise and Early Progress of Chris- tianity. Hinds. Church in Second and Third Centu- ries, Jercmle. Early Conflicts of Christianity. Kip. Primitive Christianity. Gave. History of the Church, A.D. 1-311. Schaff. Manual of Christian Antiquities. Rid(Me. THEOLOaY, 421 ipendium of Christian Antiqui- ties. Henry. Icsiastical History of First and Second Centuries. Maurice. aconibs of Rome. Kip. Dhurch in the Catacombs. MaiUand. Oatacombs of Rome. Primitive Christianity. Mant. Dhurch History ; First Six Centuries. Guericke. Indent Ecclesiastical History. Eusehius. Ohristliche Kirchen vom Vierten bis zura Sechsten Jahrhuudert, Hagenbach. Christian Church, its History to 590. t Robertson, ives of the Apostles and Early Martyrs. jives of the Primitive Fathers. Le Clerc. iives of the Primitive Fathers. Blakey. Ai'e of Constantine. Easebius. life of St. Chrysostom. Neander. life of John Chrysostom. Perthes. hristiau Life in Early and Middle Ages. Neander. athers of the Desert. Ruffner. louks of the West Montaknibert. ncient Christianity. Coleman. Scenes from Christian History. Issays in Ecclesiastical Biography. Stephen. [istory of the Anglo-Saxon Church. Lingard. hureh History of Britain. Fuller. larly English Church. Churion. Ihurch History in England. Martineau. icclosiastical History of England. Warner. termaiiy, England, and Scotland. Aubigni. [istory of Religious Liberty. Brook. [istory of the Protestants of France. Felice. vangelism, Catholicism, Roman- ism, etc. Finlay. .eligion of the Sclavonic Nations. Krasinski. [istory of Protestant Church in Hungary. cclesiastical History of New Eng- land. Fdt ages from Ecclesiastical History of New England, 1740 to 1840. 'Eglise Pendant les Quatre, Der- niers Siecles. Capefigue. Iiristianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet. Hue. istian Retrospect and Register, Baird. nistoricRl Theology. ^ amarks on Ecclesiastical History. Jortin. istory of Christian Doctrine. Shedd. istoire Critique du Gnosticisme. Matter. aristian Doctrine and Practice in the Second Century. Small Books. Christian Doctrine and Practice in the Twelfth Century. Small Books. Corruptions of Christianity. Priestley. Rise, Progress, and Corruptions of Christianity. Whately. Causes of Corruption of Chris- tianity. Vaugharu Christianity and Mankind. Bunsen. Conversion of Roman Empire. Merivale. Seven Ages of the Church. CotteriU. Development of the Religious Idea in Judaism, Christianity, etc. Philippsohn. Christianity without Judaism. Powell. Religious World Displayed. Adam. History of all Religions. Benedict. Genuine and Spurious Religion. Milhleisen. History of the Articles of Religion. Ilardwick. Progress of Religious Ideas. Child. Christ in History. TurnbvU. German Prbtestantism since 1750. Kahnis. Christianity among the Heathen. Brown. Docti-innl and Systematic Theology. Outlines of Theology. Hodge. Theology Explained. Dwighi. Manual of Theology. Bagg. Lectures on Christian Theology. Knapp. Outline of Study of Theology. Schleiermacher. Complete Body of Divinity. Stackhouse, Institutes of Theology. Qwlmers. Popular Theology. Schmucker. Lectures on Christian Doctrine. Peabody. Lehren der Religion. Cludius. Peculiar Doctrines of Christianity. Robertson. Doctrines of Christian Religion. Noble. Treatise on Christian Doctrine. Milton. Doctrinal Guide. Mitchell Christian Doctrines. Winslow. Doctrine Chretienne. Homond. Stellige God-Geleertheyd. Francken. Lehrbuch der Christliche B^eligion. Herriuann. Development of Christian Doctrine. Newmaru System of Philosophical Theology. Mitchdl. What is Christianity? Short Moral Government of God. Taylor. Moral Government of God. Jacocks. Divine Government. SniUJi. Method of Divine Government. M'Cosh. Discourses on God's Sovereignty. Coles. Divine Essence and Attributes. Preston. Nature and the Supernatural. BushneU. Harmony of Ages. Parker. Philosophical Principles of Reli- gion. Ramsay. Secret Providence. Calviti. Law and the Gospel. Tyng. Popular Christianity. Jfhxton. 422 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Tracts Concerning Christianity. Norton. Matters Pertaining to Religion. Parker. Spiritual Perfection Unfolded. Bates. Redeemer and Redeemed. Beecher. Way to Salvation. Barnes. Doctrine of Forgiyeness of SiiL Clarke. Atonement. Barnes. Treatise on Atonement. Ballou. Vicarious Sacrifice. BushneU. Theology of Christian Experience. Armstrong. True Theory of Christianity. Grayson. Pure Gold; Truth in Native LfOveli- ness. Holmes. Christian Faith and Practice. Alexanda: Faith. Series of Discourses. Alexaivler. Divine Life and New Birth. Oraik. Guido and Julius; or Sin and the Propitiator. Thduck. Rule of Faith. Spring. Justification by Faith. Pemhle. Conversion; Theory and Process. Spencer. Harmony of Divine Attributes in Man's Redemption. Bates. God in Christ. BushneU. Eternal Sonship of Christ. Kidd. Great Law Book. Kingsbury. Infants after Death. Barrett. River of "Water of Life. Clieever. Christ in Theology. BushneU. Spiritual Christianity. Taylor. Precepts of Jesus. Bammohun. Christen in Ernstige Overweeging. Spalding. Letters on Hereditary Depravity. Philo Juda3us on the Logos. Bryant. Reason and the Bible. Squier. Appeal to the People. Beecher. Religion of Good Sense. Biclier. Common Sense Applied to Religion. Beecher. Appeal to Common Sense. Oswald. Reason in Religion. Hedge. Foundations of our Faith. Principles of Christian Religion. HutcJdnson. Conflict of Ages. Beecher. Conflict of Ages Ended. Welter. Concord of Ages. Beecher. Peculiarities of Christian Religion. Whately. Difficulties in St. Paul. Whately. Religious Dissensions, Cause and Cure. Church. Discourses and Reviews. JDewey. Contrast between Christianity and other Systems. Sprague. Christ, and other Masters. Hardwick. History of Doctrine of Future Life. Alger. Scripture Revelations of Future State. Whately. Immortality of the SouL Matiison. Happiness of the Blessed. Mont Anastasis, or Resurrection of the Body. Bush. Examination of Anastasis. I^sh. Soul ; Scriptural Psychology. Bush. The Awaking. Theremin. Natural Evidences of Future Life. BakeweU. Essay on Transmigration. Bulstrode. TJieological Essays : from Princeton Review. Exposition of the Creed, etc. LeigMon. Exposition of the Creed. Pearson. Church of Rome. fl Rise and Fall of Papal Rome. Fleming. Papacy; History, Genius, etc. Wylie. History of Romanism. DoicUng. History of the Popes, Power. The Popes; Historical Summary. Wilks. History of the Popes. Banke. St. Hippolytus and Church of Rome in Tliird Century. Wordsworth. Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar. TroUope. Recollections of Last Four Popes. Wiseman. Pius Ninth, Last of the Popes. Ge'nie du Christianisme. Cliateatibriand. Councils of Holy Catholic Church. Landon. Histoire des Conciles. Guerin. History of Council of Trent. Bungener. Catecliism of Council of Trent Canons and Decrees of Council of Trent. Persecutions of Popery. Shoherl Blots on the Escutcheon of Rome. Qirisimas. Doctrines and Practices of Catholic Church. Wiseman. Mass and Rubrics of Catholic Church. Cotter. Pastorale ad ITsum Romanum. Conversations between Dominic and Patrick. Truth of God against Papacy. Popery in Power. Tumley. CoUoquia. Erasmus. Colloquies. Erasmus. Popery Considered. Weaver. Discussions on Catholic and Pres- byterian Religious, Hughes. Protestantism and Catholicity Com- pared. Bahnes. Symbolism. Mdhler. Popery Stripped of its Garb. Horner. Catholicism, Liberalism, and Social- ism. Cortes. Doctrine and Practice of Church of Rome. Bunsen. ' ' End of Controversy" Controverted. Hopkins. Difficulties of Romanism. Faber. THEOLOGY. 423 upremacy of the Pope. Barrow. )xi Pape. Maistre. logma of Immaculate Conception. Maguire. piritual Direction, and Auricular Confession. Michelet. tistory of Auricular Confession. Lasteyrie. iol Demolished; Reply to Wiseman on Transubstantiation. Knowles. ectures. GavazzL omplete Works. Hughes. on test with Rome: Answer to New- man. Hare. pologia pro Vita sua. Neioman. esuit Juggling. Baxter. ontest between Christianity and Romanism. Carroll. opery, the Man of Sin. Gault. operj^ as it Was, and as it Is. Hogan. omanism, as it Exists at Rome. Percy. opery in alliance with Heathenism. Foy^vler. ome, Christian and Papal. De Sanctis. etter from Rome on Popery. MidMeton. omanism, the Enemy of Educa- tion. Rice. ariations of Popery. Edgar. Ammersmith Protestant Discus- sion. Oumming. omanism at Home. Murray. etters to Bishop Hughes. Murray. ©ply to Bishop Hughes. Murray. ath to Catholic Church. Burnett. he Convert. Leaves from Expe- rience. Brownson. ish Gentleman in Search of a Re- ligion. 3foor€. aide to an Irish Gentleman. 0-SuJ.liixin. ffaires de Rome. La Mennais. Oman Church and Modern Society'. Quinet. iterary Policy of the Church of Rome Mendham. \dex Expurgatorius- Ed. by Gib- bings. • glish, Irish, and Scottish Catho- lics. BiUler. ission of the German Catholics. Gervinus. erman-Catholic Church. Lalng. ory of the Madiai. X Months in a Convent. Beed. nswer to Six Months in a Convent. eview of Reply to " Six Months in a Convent." emale Convents. Bicci. estimony of an Escaped Novice. Bunkley. omanism in the United States. Belisle. mfessions of a Catholic Priest. ootsteps of Error, or Superstition the Parent of Modem Doubt. Close. Roman Catholic Controversy. Brownlee. Foreign Conspiracies against United States. Intrigues of Jesuitism in United States. Giusiiniani. Pope or President? Catholic Church in New York. Bayley. Controversy on Church Property. Brooks. Catholic Almanac for 1864. Metropolitan Catholic Almanac for 1854 Present State of Greek Church. Plaion. Reformation, Reformers before the Reformation. TJllman. Die Vorreformatoren. Boehringer. Crusades against the Albigenses. SismondL Valdenses, Valdo, and Vigilantius. Gilly. History of the Waldenses. Blair. War with the Saints. Tonna. Life and Times of John Huss. GUlctt. Life and Times of Savonarola. Apology for Lollard Doctrines. WicUffe. Reformation in Sixteenth Century. AubignS. Reformation in Germany. Ranhe. History of the Reformation. Stebbing. Reformation in England, Germany, etc. Carter. History of Reformation. See Life of Calvin. Mackenzie, Christian Church during Reforma- tion. Hardwick. Luther and Calvin. Aubigni. Leaders of the Reformation. JMloch. Review of Fox's Book of Martyrs. Andreics. Calvin and Servetus. Tvceedie. Reformation in Time of Calvin. Aubigne. Esprit et Influence de la Reforma- tion. Villers. Political Consequences of Refor- mation. See Historical Trea- tises. JTeeren. Reformation in Italy. M'Ci'ie. Protestant Reformation in France. Marsh. History of French Protestant Refu- gees. Weiss. History of the Huguenots. Brovoning. Huguenots in France and America. See Priest and Huguenot. Bungencr. History of Port Royal. Beard. Select Memoirs of Port Royal. Sch hnmelpennin ck. Jansenists; Rise, Persecution, etc. Tregelies. Deutsche Schweiz, und die Bestei- gung des Monchs. Isiria. Zurich Letters, or Correspondence with Helvetian Reformers. 424 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Spanish Protestants, and Persecu- tion by Philip. Castro. Eeformation in Spain. M'Ckie. Articles of Synod of Dort. Scott. Reformation in Sweden . Anjou. Eeformation in England. Spencer. Reformation in England. Blunt Reformation in England and Ireland. Cobhett. Reformation in England. Maiiland. Reformation of Church of England. Burnet. Same, abridged. Burnet. British Reformation. Hopkins. Scottish Reformation. Lorimer. Reformation in Scotland. See Life of John Knox. M'Orie. Centennial Jubilee of the Reformation. German Reformation in 19th Century. Jesuits and Inquisition. Les Jesuites depuis leur Origine. Amould. Histoire de Loyola et des Jesuites. Bartoli. Loyola, and Jesuitism. Taylor. The Jesuits. Michelet. Lettres Ecrites a un Provincial. Pascal. Provincial Letters. Pascal. Modern Jesuitism. Michelsen. II Gesuita Moderno. Gioberti. La Compaguie de Jesus. Creiineau-Joly. Mornings among Jesuits at Rome. Seymour. Jesuit Conspiracy. Leone. Novitiate; Year among English Jesuits. Steinmeiz. Americans Warned of Jesuitism. Pitrat. Relations des Jesuites dans les Mis- sions de la Nouvelle France. Canada. History of the Inquisition. Records of the Spanish Inquisition. Dealings with the Inquisition. Achilli. Church of England. England's Sacred Synods. Joyce. History of Church of England. Perry. Ecclesiastical Documents. • Hunter. Dictionary of the Church. Staunton. Lost Church Found. Trelawney. Primitive Devotion in Feasts, etc., of Church of England. ' Sparlce. Scotland, and Scottish Church. CaswaU. Episcopal Church in America. Wilberforce. Documentary History of Episcopal Church in United States. Hawks. Mission of r.i)iscopal Church in the United States. Colton. Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of U. S. Waylen. Memoirs of Episcopal Church in United States. Wliile. America and American Church. CaswaU. Ecclesiastical History of United States. Hawks. Episcopal Church in South Carolina. Dalcho. History of Church of England in Colonies of British Empire. Anderson. Exposition of the 39 Articles. Bvmet. Testimony of Fathers to 39 Articles. Cary. Exposition of 39 Articles. Browne. History of the Prayer Book. Berens. History of Book of Common Prayer. Procter. Illustration of Book of Common Prayer. Wheaily. Book of Common Prayer. Protestant Ep. Church. Official Calendar of the Church. Boys. Antiquities of English Church. Palmer. Church of England. Homilies. Auricular Confession in Episcopal Church. Hawks. Ministry, Ritual, and Doctrines of Episcopal Church. Sparks. Works on Episcopacy. Bowden. Vindication of Episcopal Church. How. Church-of-Englandism. Bentham. Letters on Writings of the Fathers. Letters on the Church. Union of Church and State. JS^oel. Christian Union and Episcopal Church. Lewis. Hampden Controversy. Christmas. Faith and Practice of a Church of England Man. Stanley. Tracts for the Times. Remarks on the Oxford Theology. JJvingston. Ancient Christianity and the Oxford Tracts. Taylor. Phases of Faith. Newman. Essays, Ecclesiastical and Social. Cortyheare. Independent Whig; or Defence of Primitive Christianity. Primitive Church compared with the Protestant Episcopal. Hopkins. Novelties which Distiirb our Peace. Hopkins. Apology for Apostolic Order. Ilobari. Episcopacy and Presbytery. Boyd. Religious State of the Country. Colton. Book of the Church. Souihey. Church and State. Marsh. British Churches and British People. 3IlaU. Religious Life of England. Tayler. Five Years at St. Saviour's, Leeds. Pollen. Speculum Episcopi. Collections of Protestant Episcopal Historical Society. Episcopal Almanac for 1860. New York Ecclesiologist. THEOLOGY. 425 ;menta Ecclesiastica. EcdesiologiccU. PreHbylei-innii. : y of Church of Scotland. Iletherington. sh Church History. M'Oi'k. ry of Church of 'Scotland. Spotiiswoode. ption of Church of Scotland. Buchanan. >i of Covenanters. ! y of Church of Scotland. See Sanctification of the Sabbath. Willison. ry of Presbyterian Church in America. Webster. hes of Western Presbyterianism. Smith. ;adship of Christ. Miller, csbyterian Clergyman Looking for the Church. Dstminster Shorter Catechism. Boyd. esbytery Examined. Arrjyle. iangle, or Theological Points. Wlidpley. marks on Eefutation of Calvin- sm. Scott, rm of Government of Presbyterian Church. validity of Presbyterian Ordina- tion. Cooke. tastrophe of Presbyterian Church. Crocker, eshyterian Theological Seminary of North-west; Inaugural Ad- dresses. eshyterian Historical Almanac, 18G3-4. , e and Foreign Eecord of Presby- terian Church. Congregationnlisls. tory of Congregationalism. Punchard. ack of the Hidden Church. Waddington. otestant Separatists at Scrooby. Hunter. story of the Puritans. JVeaZ. etches of Puritans and Times. Stoughton. ritans in England. Stowell ritanism Not Genuine Protes- tantism. CJiapin. ngregationalism. Dexter. w England Congregationalism. WJiite. ngregationalists in New England to 1740. Uhde7i. eology of New England. Wallace. •uggles and Triumphs of Religious Liberty. Underhill. otsteps of Our Forefathers. MiaU. ybrook Platform. ctionary of Congregational Usa- ges, etc. Cmnmings. vernment of New England Churches. }Vise. ngregational Churches in Massa- chusetts. Clarke. American Congregational Union. Year-book for 1854, 1856. American Congregational Year-book for 1854, 1859. niethodism. History of Wesleyan Methodism. Smith. History of Methodism. Stevens. Eise and Progress of Methodism. See " Life of Wesley." Southey. Wesley and Methodism. Taylor. History of Methodist Church in Uni- ted States. Stevens. Centenary of American Methodism. Stevens. Early History of American Method- ism. ^ Wakeley. History of Methodism in Erie Con- ference. Gregg. History and Institutions of Method- ism. See Tour in United States and Canada. Dixoru Register of Methodist Church. Fox. Methodist Episcopal Church; Journals of General Conference, 1796, 1844. Episcopal Methodism. Gorrie. Methodism Successful. ^^^ffi' Methodist in Search of the Church. 3Ic3fasters. Catalogue of Works on Methodism. Cavender. Baptists nnci Baptism. Baptist Denomination ; History, etc. Haynes. History of Foreign Baptists. Orchard. Baptists of New England. Backus. Baptist Cyclopaedia. Ilaynes. Baptist Church Directory. lliscox. Baptist Annual Register. AUen. American Baptist Register for 1852. American Bible Society and Bap- tists. Wyckoff. Open Communion. Whitney. Strict and Mixed Communion. Fuller. Communion on Catholic Principles. Mason. Sabbatarian Churches. Davis. Essay on Baptism. Noel Baptism Considered. Carson. Critical Exposition of Baptism. Savcyer. Baptism of Believers Onlj'. Baldwin. Validity of Lay Baptism. Pgilby. Campbellism Examined. Jeter. Trinity and Unitarians. Doctrine of the Trinity. See Names of Christ. Serle. Importance of Doctrine of Trinity. Waterland. 426 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Trinity, in its Theological, Scientific, and Practical Aspects. Lazarus. Eise, Progress, and Decline of Trini- tarianism. Beard. Oriental Trinities. Maurice. Eeasons against Trinitarians. Norton. Eeply to Arguments in Support of Doctrine of Trinity. Dana. New Discussions of the Trinity. Light ia Darkness. Church of First Three Centuries. Lamson. Early Opinions Concerning Christ. Priestley. Doctrines of Christianity. Burnap. History of Christianit3^ Burnap. Objections to Unitarian Christianity. Burnap. Ee-Statements of Christiai»Doctrine. Bellows. New Views of Christianity, etc. Brownson. Illustrations of Unitarian Christian- ity, JTincks. Unitarianism in Present Time. Oir. American Unitarian Pulpit. Sprague. Unitarian Congregational Eegister, 1853. Future Punishment. Verdict of Eeason. Dexter. Human Nature. Philosophical Ex- position of Eeward and Pun- ishment Universal Eestoration Eefuted. Isaac. Future Punishment. Dohney. Doctrine of Universal Salvation. Sawyer. On Punishment of Wicked. Magruder. Letter to Dr. Allen. Balfour. Exposition and Defence of Univer- salism. Williamson. Universalism as an Idea. Brittan. Universalism Defended. Skinner. Divine Character Vindicated. Ballou. Bible vs. Tradition. Ellis. My Progress in Error. Import of Words Sheol, Hades, etc. Balfour. Eeply to Preceding. Sabine. Letter on Term Gehenna. Balfour. ti-wedeuhorgians. True Christian Eeligion. Swedenhorg. Doctrine of the New Church. Swedenhorg. Internal Sense of Prophetical Books. Swedenhorg. Statement of What is Taught in the Church. Swedenhorg. Doctrine Eespecting Scripture. Swedenhorg. Concerning Heaven and Hell. Swedenhorg. Apocalypse Eevealed. Swedenhorg. Last Judgment, etc. * Swedenhorg. Doctrine Concerning the Lord. Swedenhorg. Concerning the Planets, etc. Concerning Faith. Athanasian Creed. Divine Love and Wisdom. Heavenly Arcana. Heaven and its Wonders. New Jerusalem Tracts. Theological Writings. Nature of Influx. New Jerusalem Missionary. Swedenhorg. Swedenhorg. Swedenhorg. Swedenhorg. Swedenhorg. Swedenhorg. Swedenhorg. Swedenhorg. Quakers and !§iliakcr8. History of the Quakers. Sewel. Piise and Progress of Quakers. Penn. History of Society of Friends. Wagstaff. Society of Friends in America. Boioden. Early days in Society of Friends. Kelly. Principles and Doctrines of Quakers. Barclay. Views and Practices of Friends. Gurney. Eeligious Principles of Friends. Brownke, Portraiture of Quakerism. Clarkson, Quakerism not Christianity. Cox. Quakerism versus Calvinism. Beese. Quakerism ; Story of My Life. Greer. Friends' Intelligencer. American Annual Monitor for 18G2, Shakers, Origin, History, etc. Evans. Shakers, Doctrine, Practice, etc. Brown. Millennial Church. (Shakers. ) Green. Livestigator; or Defence of Shakers. Shakerism Unmasked. • Ilaskeii Testimony of Christ's Second Appear- ing. Christ's Second Appearing, Darrow. liUthcrans. Formula of Government of Lutheran Church. See " Popular The- ology." Schmucker. Early History of Lutheran Church in America. Schacffer. Salzburgers and their Descendants. Strobel. Schwedische Kirchenverfassunfr. Knoes. History of German Eeformed Church. Maytf, Reformed Prot. Dutch Church in North America. Acts and Pro- ceedings, 1771-1812. » JUorarians. Moravian Life and Character. Henry. Moravian Church in Philadelphia. Bitter. Moravians in North Carolina. See Missions. Beichd. Judaism. Modern Judaism. Allen. Iation between Judaism and Cliris- tianity. tory of Jews. See Jews. ]?Iornion8. ce of Warning. )k of Mormon, tory, etc., of. See Utah. THEOLOGY. Palfrey. 427 Fratt. nistory of Denominations. tory of All Denominations. Evans. 3k of Religions. Hayicard. ;toire Abrt'g^e de Dififcrens Cultes. Dalaure. itory of Christian Chnrches. Marsden. tory of Eeligion iind Denomina- tions. resiography. FagUt. •istian Sects in the Nineteenth Century. Small Books. itory of Variations of Protestant Churches. Bossuet. rmony of Confessions. erican Christian Record, igious Denominations in the United States. Belcher. lerican Ecclesiastical Year-Book. Schem. ligion in America. * Baird. lerica, Politisclienund Kirchlich- Ecligiosen Zustande. Schaff. ristianity in the United States. Cohcell. che und Schule in Nord-Ame- rika. Wirruner. itory of Evangelical Churches of New York. -~ Heathen Religions. athen Religion in Popular and Symbolic Development. Gi'oss. raael and the Church. Cheeseman. rdity of Druidical and Hebrew Religions. Liturgy compared with Bible. Bailey. Church of the Future. Bunsen. Ordinances. Lectures on Holy Festivals. Glasse. History and Observance of Lent. Kip. Sanctification of Sabbath. Willison. Obligation of Lord's Day. Wilson. HoraB Sabbaticoo. Higgins. Lord's Supper and Observance. Hale. On the Lord's Supper. Bickersieih. Communicant's Companion. Henry. Pflichten der Communicanten. Osiervald. Pastor's Manual. Bice. Spots in our Feasts of Charity. Thayer. igions of Syria. Wortabet. .erikanische Urreligionen. MMer. Ciiurch Polity. ritual Despotism. Taylor. janic Christianity. Sawyer. ligious Ceremonies and Customs Burder. ostolical and Primitive Church. Coleman. igdom of Christ. Whaiely. nisterial Commission. Windsor. 3k of the Priesthood. Straiton. lesthood and Clergy unknown to • Christianity. sign of the Church. MiUer. !al of a Christian Church. Ward. MB LiturgicsB. Ma'ixt. Homilctics. Power of the Pulpit. Spring. Best Method of Communicating Knowledge to Christian Socie- ties. See "Listitutes of Reli- gion." Priestley. Treatise on Preaching. Gresley. Aids to Preaching and Hearing. Skinner. Composition of a Sermon. Claude. Thoughts on Preaching. Alexander. Preachers and Preaching. Murray. Illustrative Gatherings. Bowes. Moral and Religious Anecdotes. Arvine. Pastoral Theology. Lectures on Pastoral Theology. Cannon. Pastoral Theology. Vinet. Instructions to the Clergy. Wilson. Clerical Manners and Habits. Mijler. Natural Theology. Natural Theology. Brougham. Observations on Brougham's Dis- course of Natural Theology. Wallace. Additional Observations. Wallace. System of Natural Theology. Crabbe. Natural Theology. Faley. Natural Theology. Chalmers. Natural Theology for Beginners. Bennie. Adaptation of Nature to Man. Chalmers. Adaptation of Nature to Man. Eidd. Hand as Evincing Design. Bell. History, Habits, etc. , of Animals. Kirby. Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. Babbage. Frimer on Origin of Knowledge. Philosophical Principles of Religion. Cheyne. Theism: Witness of Reason and Nature. Tulloch. Christian Theism. Thompson. Mundane Moral Government. ^ Doubleday, Probabilities an Aid to Faith. Tapper. 428 CLASSIFIED INDEX. God Revealed in Creation and by- Manifestation of Christ. Walker. Eeligion of Geology. Hitchcock. Geology in Relation to Religion. King. Natural Theology ; Researches in Fossil Osteology. See Dia- logues on Instinct. Brougham. Relations of Geology to Natural The- ology. JBuckland. Man Primeval. Harris. Testimony of the Rocks. 3Mer. Foot-Prints of the Creator. 3Iiller. Stars and the Earth. Religion and Chemistry. Cooke. Chemistry, etc., with reference to Natural Theology. Prout. Physiology with reference to Natu- ral Theology. Eogei. Astronomy, etc., with reference to Natural Theology. Wliewell. Structure of Eye with reference to Natural Theology. Wallace. God in Disease. Duncan. Indications of the Creator. Whewell. Christian Philosopher. Mather. Science and Revealed Religion. Wiseman. Science Connected with Natural Theology. Brougham. Religion of Nature Delineated. Wollaston. Light of Nature Pursued. Tucker. Marvellous Works in Nature. Reiche. Palace of the Great King. Bead. Christianity, the Religion of Nature. Peabody. Wisdom of God Manifested in Works of Creation. Bay. Sacted Philosophy of the Seasons. Duncan. Echoes of the Universe. Christmas. Theology of Inventions. Blakely. Eridcncca of Christianity. Evidences of Christianity. Paley. Christian Evidences. Whately. Principal Evidences of Christianity. Porteus. Evidences of Christianity. Wilson. Truth of Christianity. Williamson. Evidences of Revealed Religion. Verplanck. Wahrheit der Christlichen Religion. Gludius. Evidences, etc. , of Religion. Ware. Evidences of Christianity. Bolton. Lectures on Evidences, in Phila- delphia. Evidence of Revealed Religion. Priestley. Evidences of Christian Religion. Gregory. Evidences of Christianity. 31'Bvaine. Pleiad: Evidences. Wixin^ham. Lectures on Evidences in Universi- ty of nrginia. MemKs. Evidences of Christianity. Christian Literature: Evidences. Truth of Christian Religion. Grotius. Truth of Christian Religion. Keith. History of Religion. Evelyn. Bestoration of Belief. Hora3 EvangelicaB. Jnrks, Undesigned Coincidences in Old and New Testament. rAunt Evidences from Phrenology. Epps. Gospel its Own Advocate. Grl-ffin. Testimony of the Evangelists by Rules of Evidence. Grernleaf. Miraculous and Internal Evidences. Cha Imers. Miracles of Christ. 7y>iej/. Examination of Hume's Argument. See Mathematical Study. Young. Order of Nature and Revelation. Poicel Reasonableness of Christianity. Locke. Credibility of Gospel Historj^ Lardm. Historical Evidences. BawUnsm. Christ and Christianity. AlexnixJer. Supernatural Origin of Christianity. Elsh&r. Genuineness of the Gospels. Mrtm. Genuineness, etc., of Word of God. Testimony of Christ to Christianity. Baym. Is Christianity fron»God ? Gumming. Defence of the Gospels. Watts. Vindication of Sacred Books. Fiadlay. HoraB Paulina;. Pnley. Divine Authority of Scriptures. StiU'vn'jjM. Gospel Narratives. Miles. Sacred Classics. BlackwriM, Bible and Modern Thought. BirJcs. Evangelio en Triunfo. Supernatural in Relation to Natural. 3[- Cosh. Divine Human in Scriptures. Lewis. Dissertations on Old and New Tes- taments. Whi.don. Creed of Christendom. Greg. Divine Legation of Moses. Warhurion. Fulfilled Prophecy Proof of Re- vealed Religion. Goode. Destruction of Jerusalem Proof of Divine Origin of Christianity. Philosophical Character of Boling- broke. Hunter. Method of Authors against Chris- tianity. HoutteviUe. Dissertation on Life of ApoUonius Tyana^us. See Method of Au- thors. HouttevUle. Doubts concerning Battle of Bun- ker's Hill. Hudson. Minute Philosopher. Berkeley. Reason and Faith. Borers. Evidences against Christianity. Hittcll THEOLOGY. 429 e of Intellect in Religion. Scudamore. istian Orthodoxy. Donaldson. [in of Christianity. Henndl. itutes of Natural and Revealed Religion. Priestley. sistency of Revelation. Shuttleworth. s of Belief. lEall. pse of Faith. Rogei's. ly to " Eclipse of Faith." Newman. nee of "Eclipse of Faith." Rogers. [itations on Essence of Chris- tianity. Gu'izot nt Inquiries in Theology, being Essays and Reviews. ■its for Priests and People. iration and Interpretation. Burgon. em Rationalism and Inspira- tion. JBirJcs. iration and Authority of Scrip- tures. • Binds. oni ; or, Numerals Proof of In- spiration. 3fahan. 3al Inspiration. Baylee. ary Inspiration Asserted. Noble. opneusty, or Plenary Inspira- tion. Oaussen. ary Inspiration. Lord. fessions of an Inquiring Spirit. Coleridge. Philosophy ofReligion. logy of Religion. Butler. lysis of Butler's Analogy. Hohart. osophy of Religion. Morell. it is Religion ? dolman. and His Dwelling Place. la Philosophic et la Religion. Saisset. gion of the Universe. Felloioes. osophic Theology. Miles. hology and Theology. Alliott. its of Religious Thought. Mansel. ince of Reason. Young. stance and Shadow. James. itiou of Man. Fichte. Towards the Blessed Life. Fichte. mcipation of Faith. Schedel. Elcligious Ideas. Fox. larches concerning God and Re- ligion. Clarksdn. es of the Soul Answered in God. jReid. gious History and Criticism. Renan. a Religion. Constant. ■chisme Positiviste. Comte. stian Philosophy. Knox, igcs of Spirit-History of Man. Danlap. iral History of Enthusiasm. Taylor. iticism. Taylor. Religious Development of Greeks and Hebrews. Mackay. Light of Nature Pursued. Tucker. Theodore; Skeptic's Conversion. Be Wette. Conciliation du Droit et du Devoir. Disdier. Les Ecoles du Doute et I'Ecole de la Foi. Gasparin. La Religion comme la Base du Bon- heur. Genlis. Philosophy of a Future State. Bick. Mystery; or Evil and God. Young. Nature of Evil. James. Origin of Evil. King. Cause and Origin of Evil. Clarke. Philosophy of Evil. Two Treatises. Produs. Zeichen der Zeit. Bunsen. Worship of Genius. Ullman. The Age and Christianity. VaugJian. Letter from Thrasybulus. Freret. Infidelitr. History of Free Thought. Farrar. History of Rationalism. Lecky. History of Rationalism. Hurst. History of Rationalism in Germany. Saintes. Modern Rationalism. Birks. Rationalism and Revelation. Parkinson, Infidelity, Aspects, Causes, Agen- cies. Pearson. Philosophy of Unbelief. Wills. Errors Regarding Religion. Douglas. Difficulties of Infidelity. Faler. Irrationalism of Infidelity. Causes of Infidelity Removed. Smith. Christian Theism. Sennell. Cause and Cure of Infidelity. Ndson, Short and Easy Method with Deists. See Theological Works. Leslie. Gentle Skeptic. Walworth. Philosophj' of Skepticism. Walker. Phaethon ; Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers. Kingsley. Philosophic Ultimatum. Allibaco. Religion of Manhood. Robinson. Aiheos; or Tragedies of Unbelief. Philosophical Dictionary. Voltaire. Dictionnaire Philosophique. Voltaire. Diccionario Filosofico. Voltaire. Les Ruines. Volney. Le Rovine. Volney. Ruins. Volney. Letters of Jews to Voltaire. Voltaire and Rousseau against Athe- ists. Akerly. Anacalypsis. Diggins. Nemesis of Faith. F'oude. 430 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Secondary Causes Assigned by Gib- bon for Growth of Christianity. Hailes. Letters to Gibbon. Travis. Age of Eeason. Paine. Remarks on Age of Reason. Drew. Apology for the Bible. Watson. Defence of Old Testament. Levi. Antidote to Deism. Ogden. Mite of Infidelity. Converts from Infidelity. Crichton. Modern Infidelity. Tucker. Latest Forms of Infidelity, Bipley. Errors of Modern Infidelity. Schmucker. Modern Atheism. Buchanan. Treatise on Theism. Wharton, DcTotional. Mercy Seat, or Thoughts oa Prayer. Tfiompson. Sacra Privata. Wilson. Stunden der Andacht. Zschokke. Hours of Meditation. Zschokke. Guide to Devotion. (For the Blind.) Method for Prayer. Senry. Meditations. Servey. Pious Meditations. Kirkpatrick. Closet Hours. Fahner. Reflections and Devotions. Hill. Prayers. Butcher. Prayers. Parker. Discourse Concerning Prayer. Patrick. Meditations on Prayer. White. Sabbath Scripture Readings. Chalmers. Daily Scripture Readings. Chalmers. Sabbath Morning Readings; Exodus. Ciimming. Same; Leviticus. Cumming. Same; Matthew. Camming. Same; Mark. Cumming. Readings for Lent. Taylor. Mornings with Jesus. Jay. Preces Paulina. Sunday Night Reading. Cast. Assistant to Family Religion. Cogswell. Soldier's Armor of Strength. Social and Domestic Religion. Lord's Prayer; Nine Sermons. Maurice. Mercy Seat. SpHng. Teach us to Pray. Cumming. Godly Meditations. Sutton. Companion for the Altar. Ilobart. Christ our Passover. Camming. Imitation of Christ. Kempis. Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love. Juliana. Call to the Unconverted. Baxter. Saints' Everlasting Rest. Baxter. Dying Thoughts. Baxter. Grace Abounding. Bunyai Greatness of the Soul. Bunya) Holy War. Bunya- Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyai Cottage Lectures on Pilgrim's Prog- Christian Retirement. Treatises, Devotional and Practical. Hal Sabbath Musings. Fr Daily Communion with God. Henri Heaven our Home. Private Thoughts on Religion. Beveridg Essays and Miscellanies. Aguila Corner Stone. Ahboi Broadcast. Adar^ Occasional Reflections, Boyl Farewell to Time. Christian Philosopher Triumphing over Death. Ha* Discourses on Beatitudes. Chaph Solitude; Influence on Heart. Zimmerma) Consolation. Alexandt Comfort for Afilicted. Greenlea Night of Weeping. Bona'. Watching Spirits. Elk Seranons. Cyclopaedia of Sermons. Burtu Sermons before Society for Propaga- tion of Gospel. Pulpit of American Revolution. ThorntoPi Discourses in Murray Street Church in 1830. Plain Sermons. " British Pulpit. Suddardi New York Pulpit in Revival of 1858. Methodist Preacher. Sammlung von Predigten. Sermons on Retirement. Sermons on the Resurrection, Sermons Preached in Church of St. Paul. Fast-Day Sermons on State of the Country. Sermons Preached in Boston on Death of Lincoln. Friends of Christ in New Testament. Adams Three Divine Sisters. Adams Scripture Metaphors. Adamson Practical Sermons. Alexander Sacramental Discourses. Alexander Sermons. Alexander Sermons. Alison Sermon on Death of S. H. Cone. Armitage Sermons in Rugby School. Arnold Life Thoughts. Beecher Living Words from Plymouth Pulpit. Beecher THEOLOGY. 431 "ttermons. •ermoiis, by Bourdalone. mons. Jartoons of Eapliael. )0\v in the Clouds. lermons. Blair. See Ser- Ilassillon. Bowles. Bngcjs. Broaddus. lermons on Missionary Subjects. Buchanan. lermons for the New Life. Bushnell. hrist and his Salvation. Bushnell. lermons on Moral Subjects. Butler. ermons, Doctrinal and Practical. Butler. iermons. Caird. krmons on the Holy Spirit, lermons on Public Occasions. Chalmers. longregational Sermons. Chalmers. lermons, 1798-1847. Chalmers. levclation and Astronomy. Chalmers. )iscour8es. Channing. Extemporaneous Discourses. Chapin. 7ins Dictionnaire de Jurisprudence. Futan Principles of Jurisprudence. Fhillimor Jurisprudence. Fhillipp Lectures on Jurisprudence. Austh Themis. Justicia para Todos. Sarmieni Legum Conciliatarum Centuries VII. Faciu Duties of Attorneys. Warrer, Journal of Law. United States Law Magazine. Monthly Law Magazine. Livingstot Law Magazine. Great Britain. Eeports on Naviga- tion Laws. International Kiavv. International Law. Law of Nations. International Law. International Law. De Jure Belli et Pacis. Le Droit de Guerre et de Paix. Eights of War and Peace. La Guerre et la Paix. Lectures on International Law. Treatise on International Law. Inquiries in International Law. Wheaim Vatte Woolsei Fhillimon Grotiut Grotint Grotiut FroudhoTi Twist Gardm Fedd^ POLITICAL SCIENCE. 447 1 teniational. Lerminier. u nee of Christianity upon Inter- national Law. Kennedy. rnutional Law. Ilalleck. jitutes of International Law. Gardner. its and Duties in Time of Peace. Twiss. pts and Duties in Time of War. Ticiss. ciples of Law of Nations. Poison. ttime Law of Europe. Azuni. jtation and Search. Lavorence. s of Intercourse between Great Britain and France. Okey. ■ of Blockade. Deane. omacy. See Principles of Law of Nations. Poison. cy of the Great Powers. Bailey. )roit des Neutres sur Mer. Gessner. ts fct Devoirs des Nations Neu- tres en Guerre Maritime, llautefeuille. dity of British Claim to Visita- tion and Search. Wheaton. of Nations affecting Commerce during War. Upton. tral Relations of England and United States. Loring. cedents of American Neutrality. Bemis. zrs of Historicus. of International Copyright. Burke. lements Consulaires. Cussy. sular Estabhshments. Warden. ed States. Instructions to Con- suls. 'ed States Consul's Manual. lual for United States Consuls. Jlenshaw. Commercial Lia^r. imercial Law. Levi. ipendium of Mercantile Law. Smith. imercial Dictionary. Moniefiore. opoedia of Commerce. Clarke. nents of Mercantile Law. Parsons. iplete Commercial Code. Beaices. ■ Merchant of United States. Chines. 's of Business. Parsons. opsis of Mercantile Laws. Moniefiore. tures on Commercial Law. Sharswood. la upon Commercial Law. Ilolcombe. IS in Commercial Law of Eng- land. Ross. cantile Law of Great Britain. Levi. imercial Directory. Moses. •cantile Law of France. Bavies. ace. Commercial Code. ' of Joint Stock Companies. Wordsworth. ' of Principal and Agent. Paley. r Relating to Trustees. IIWI. r of Trusts and Trustees. , Tiffany. Laws of the Comjnon Carrying Trade. Loomis. Law of Partnership. Ghreat Britain. Report on Law of Partnership. Commentaries on Law of Partnership. Story. Law of Trade Marks. Upton. Law of Mortgages. Hilliard. Law of Contracts. Parsons. Law of Contracts. Smith. Doctrine of Contracts. Verplanck. Essay on Law of Contracts. Powell. Essay on Law of Contracts. Story. Law of Bills of Exchange, etc. Chitty. Law of Promissory Notes, etc. Parsons. Law of Bills of Exchange. Toumay. Law of Bills of Exchange, etc. Foster. Laws and Practice of Customs. Ellis. United States Customs Guide. Andros. Digest of Custom-House Duties. Jones. Custom-House Guide. Bi-uce. Warehouse Manual. ' Bi-uce. United States Form Book. Custom and Excise Guide; 1823. Pope. Law of Customs and Excise. Pope. Customs' Guide. Clements. United States. Bill relating to Cus- tom House Officers, etc. Admiralty Jurisdiction of the U. S. Courts. Conkling. Law of Maritime Commerce. Beddie. Laws of the Sea. Butts. Navigation Laws. Bicardo. Shipmaster's Assistant. Blunt. Law of Merchant Ships. Abbott. Merchant Shipping Acts. Bowdeswell. Laws connected with Shipping. Mis. Act for Abolition of Arrest on Mesne Process. Lush. Law of Common Assurances. Sheppard. Law of Insurance. See Insijeance. Civil and Common Ijavr. Modern Civil Law. Mackeldy. On Study of Civil Law. Irving. Topics of Jurisprudence on Freedom and Bondage. Hurd. Law of Freedom and Bondage. Hurd. Elements of the Laws. Smith. Comments on Civil Law. Costa. The Civil Law in its Natural Order. Domat. Elements of Law. Billiard. Law of Descents. Reeve. Surrogate's Courts of New York. Daly. Law of Suretyship. Burge. Law of WiUs. Redfidd. Law of Covenants for Title. RawU, 448 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Landowner's Manual. Hall. Law of Sales of Property. Jlllliard. American Law of Ileal Property. HUliard. Handy-Book on Property Law. St. Leonards. Law of Real Property of New York. Lalor. Law of Wreck and Salvage. Marvin. Executor's and Guardian's Guide. Wright Uses and Trusts, etc. Sanders. Measure of Damages. Sedgicick. Law of Marriage. Pusey. Conveyancing, Testamentary, and Registry Laws of U. S, Thornton. Law of Landlord and Tenant. Taylor. Law of Landlord and Tenant. Smith. Mining Laws of Spain and Mexico. JIalleck. Cases Relating to Law of Railways. Smith. Law of Benefit Building Societies. Fratt. Criminal liair* Principles of Criminal Law. Small Books. Commentaries on Criminal Law. Bishop. Criminal Law. See Contributions to Ed. Rev. Brougham. System of Penal Law for U. S. Livingston. Xew York. Code of Criminal Pro- cedure. Hfew York. Draft of a Penal Code. New York. Penal Code. Project of Penal Code for Louisiana. Livingston. History of Trial by Jury. Forsyth. Essay on Trial by Jury. Spoo7ier. Trial by Jury. See Discourse on the Family. Frice. military ILaw, United States Army Regulations for 186L United States Revised Army Regu- lations. Regimental Standing Orders. Walshe. New York Militia Law, 1862. Military Laws of United States. (Mian. IMilitary Law and Courts-Martial. Benet. Manual of Pensions, Bounty, and Pay. Raff. Pension, Bounty, and Prize Laws. ^ Sewell United States Pension Laws. fiCgislation and Administration. Principles of Legislation. Bentham. Tratados de Legislacion. Bentham. Legislation and Jurisprudence. Savigny. Modem Legislation. Mosely. Annals of British Legislation. Levi. Scotch Reform. Bentham. fitudes Administratives. Vivien. Politique et Lt^gislation. Voltaire. The Statesman. Taylor. Codes and "Digests. Codification. Bentham. Les Cinq Codes. Sirey. Cours de Code Civil. Belvincourt. France. Les Sept Codes du Royaume. France. Code Napoleon. Gerichtsverfassung Westphalen. Bauer. Cabinet Lawj^er. Digest of Laws of England. Digest of Laws of England. Clark. Great Britain. Acts of Parliament. Barhadoes. Acts of Assembly. Qiickasaws. Constitution, Laws, and Trea- ties. Gentoo Laws. Digest of U. S. Laws. Gordon. Digest of U. S. Laws, 1789-1865. Brightly, United States. Statutes at Large, v. 1-13. Decisions of the Supreme Court. Holcomhe. United States. Cases in the Federal Courts. United States. Digest of Decisions in Courts of Equity. United States. Common Law Decisions. United States. Acts Respecting Public Lands. American Slave Code. GoodeH United States. Index to Laws and Treaties. Manual for Notaries Public. Eoelkcr. New Hampshire. Laws Passed 1862. 3fassachusetts. Acts and Resolves. Fhode Island. Index to Acts. Connecticid. Code of 1650 and Blue Laws. Connecticid. Acts and Laws. New York. Civil Code. Keio York. Political Code. New York. Laws, 1691-1751. New York. Laws, 1691-1773. New York. Constitution and Laws. New York State Laws, 1787-1862. New York General Statutes, 1829-51. New York Revised Statutes, 1828-35. Digest of New York Statutes. Abbott. New York Revised Statutes. New Yoi'k. Code of Procedure. New York. Code of Civil Procedure. New York. State Book of Fonns. Digest of Cases in U. S. Courts. Wendell Prohibitory Liquor Law. Culver. New York. Fire Department Laws. New York. Laws on Canals. New York City. Laws and Ordinances. New York. Laws Relating to N. Y. City. New Jersey, Acts of Assembly, 1 702-1 77G. Ohio. Revised Statutes, 1860. Ohio General Laws, 1861-64. Wisconsin General Laws, 1859-61. Wisconsin Revised Statutes, 1858. POLITICAL SCIENCE. 449 isconsin Private and Local Laws, 1859-61 . ashington City Corporation Laws, gest of Laws of Georgia. Prince, inessee Statute Laws. tnessee Code, 1857-8. inessee. Public Acts for 1859-60. •aska. Laws, Kesolutions, etc., 1858-9. srk's Assistant Mcadl (rk's Assistant. Jenkins. lerican Clerk's Magazine. Frccmayi. lerican Lawyer. Beadle. ^al Adviser. Freedley. jictical Forms and Precedents. Gibhs. rj^man's Guide in New York. Edwards. ling Citizen's Manual. (N.Y.) Conkling. •fc and Magistrate's Assistant. \iveau Manuel des Notaires. Parfait Notaire. Masse. Parliamcntarf I^aw. lay on Political Tactics. Beniham. liamentary Practice. Jefferson. iCtice of Legislative Assemblies. Gushing. les of Proceeding and Debate. Gushhig. les of Order. Matthias. lual for Use of N. Y. Assembly. Glarke. ger Post to Public Business. jislative Guide. Burleigh. liaw of Evidence. f of Evidence. Greenleqf. 7 of Evidence. Starkie. jumstantial Evidence. Burrill. liaw Cases and Trials. larkable Criminal Trials. Feuerhach. jbrated Trials. Burke. lish Causes Celebres. Graik. )rated Trials of All Countries. uinal Trials. Jardin. jrican Criminal Trials. Ghandler. !6' of Personal Identity. lern State Trials. Toionsend. plete Collection of State Trials. e Trials of the U. S. }]^arton. is, Failures, and Frauds. Fvans. ados Peerage Case. Beltz. nsic Eloquence. Irish Treason Trials. 1 of Aaron Burr. Cooinbs. r's Trial for Treason. • Robertson. 1 of T. A. C. Jones. Is of David Barclay. Kerr. 1 of Jacob Barker. Maxwell. iches on Trials. Barker. ers on a Conspiracy. Barker. McKear^ Gooper, Bigelow, Hall Beniis. Terrinton. Fitmar^ Head. Trial and Imprisonment. Walker Papers in Case of Silas Deane. Case of Thomas, Lord Cochrane. Trial of C. B. Huntington for For- gery. Trial of C. L. VaUandigham. Trial of Officers and Crew of the Sa- vannah. Trial of Earl of Stirling. Procedures in de Zaak van Pieter Marcus. Cruise of the Somers. Naval Court Martial in Case of Mac- kenzie. Review of the Same. Trial of Eugene Aram. Trial of Abner Rogers. Trial of William Freeman. Report of Case of J. W. Webster. Trial of John Hendrickson. Trial of Matt. F. Ward. Trial of Stephen A. Bryant. Trial of Geo. C. Hersey. IVicd of the Assassins of Lincoln. Assassination of Lincoln, and Trial of the Conspirators. Tennessee Reports. American Print Works vs. C. W. Lawrence. Girard Will Case. Parish Will Case. Parish Will Case ; Medical Opinions. Parish Will Case in Court of Ap- peals. West Washington Market Case. Howard Insurance Company vs. Ma- thews and Others. Report of the D'ilauteville Case. New York City Hall Recorder. Rogers, Argument in Case of Jeanne du Lux. Jay. Opdyke vs. Weed. Libel Case. Boston Slave Riot. Decision in Dred Scott Case. Howard. Examination of Dred Scott Case. Benton. Case of Slaver Echo. Levien. Trial of Lyman Beecher. Trial of Bishop Onderdonk. Art of Packing Special Juries. * Beniham. Crimes and Pnnishmcnts. Essay on Crime and Punishment. Beccaria. Suggestions for Repression of Crime. HiU. Crime in England. Police and Crimes of the Metropolis. Crime; Amount, Causes, Remedies. Essays on Juvenile Delinquency, LesBagnes; Histoire, etc. Flint. mn. Hill Alhoy. 450 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Les Prisons de Paris. Alhoy. Bagnes, Prisons, et Criminels. Appert. London Prisons. Dixon. Criminal Prisons of London. Mayhem. State of Prisons in England, etc. Howard. Penitentiary System of the U. S. Beaumont. Great Britain. Eeport on the Peni- tentiaries of the U. S. Visit to the Philadelphia Prison. Turnhull. Concise History of Eastern Peniten- tiary. Interior View of N. Y. State Prison. Coffey. New York. Report on State Prison. Prison Association of N. Y. Re- ports. Account of State Prison in N. Y. Torrey. Secondary Punishments. Wliately. Essay on Prison Discipline. Heaton. Scenes in the Courts. Fenner. Reformatory Schools. Cai-penter. Documents on N. Y. House of Ref- uge. Hart. Sketch of Ladies' Prison Associations. Prison Architecture. Berdham. See, also, Capital Punishment. Public Documents : United States. United States. Debates and Proceedings in Congress, 1789-1837. United States. Congressional Globe, 1833-65. United States. Senate Journal, 1789-90. United States. Senate Journal, 1792. United States. Congressional Documents. (In the order of Sessions.) UiiUed States. State Papers, 1789-1819. UnUed States. State Papers, 1832-61. Class 1 : Foreign Relations. Class 2 : Indian Affairs. Class 3 : Finance Department. Class 4 : Commerce and Navigation. Class 5: Military Affairs. Class 6: Naval Affairs. Class 7: Post Office Department. Class 8: Public Lands. Class 9 : Claims. Class 10: Miscellaneous. United States. Presidents' Messages, 1789- 1846.<. Annual Messages, 1829-34. Jackson. United States. Messages and Documents, 1854, '56, and '61-65. Proclamations for Thanksgiving at Peace of 1815, etc. United States. Accounts of the Treasurer. United Slates. Contested Elections in Con- gress. UnUed States, Reports on Mexican Boundary. United States. Claims against Mexico. ] ' United States. Private Claims. [ United States. Report on Purchase of Camels. | f United States. Covode Investigation. | United States. Reports of SeQect Committee of I Five. United States. Abstracted Bonds. United States. Bastrop Grant Claims. ' United States. Congressional Directory, 1865. ; < United States. Papers on Foreign Affairs. | ■. Public Documents : Slate. > j I i Massachusetts. Senate Documents, 1831-56. j i Massachusetts. House Documents, 1833-56. j i ii Connecticut. Public Documents, 1861-64. Neto Jersey. Minutes of the Assembly, 1861 New Jersey. Journal of the Senate, 1860-61. : | Ohio. Journal of the Senate, 1861. Ohio. Journal of the House, 1861. Ohio. Message of the Governor, 1862. Ohio. State Board of Equalization, 1859-60. Ohio. Executive Documents, 1860-63. Wisconsin. Journal of the Senate, 1859-61. Wisconsin. Journal of the Assembly, 1859-61. Wisconsin. Message and Documents, 1859- 1861. Index to Maryland State Papers. Alexander, j ! Maryland. Message on Boundary. \ • Tennessee. Senate Journal, 1859-60. Tennessee. House Journal, 1859-60. Tennessee. Reports on Public Offices and In- stitutions. Florida. Message and Documents, 1852. Nebraska. Journal of the Council, 1857. Public Documents : New York State. New York. Colonial Manuscripts. New York. Journal of the Legislative Couu cil of the Colony, 1691-1743. New York. Proceedings of the Assembly. 1780. New York. Journal of the Senate for 182S '31-32, '35-39, and '49-64. New York. Senate Documents, for 1832 '35-39, and '48-64. j ^^eio York. Journal of the Assembly, foil 1830, '35-39, and '49-64. New York. Assembly Documents, for 1835 '39, and '46-64. POLITICAL SCIENCE. 451 ^ Fort. Index to State Documents and Laws. Tetp York. Index to Legislative Docnments. ^ew Yorks Speeches of the Governors. ir«o York. Eeport on Canal Frauds. "^e^ Yorks Report on N.Y. Harbor. few Yoi-k. Comptroller's Report, 1861. iTeto York. Muster Rolls of Volunteers du- ring the Rebellion. iTeto York. Report of Adjutant General, 1862, '64, and '65. irooklifn. Acts and Ordinances* Pnbltc Documents t Ne^v ITork Ciiy. Tew York. Boardof Aldermen; Proceedings, 1835-1846. ame; Documents, 1835-46, and 1855-56. /etc York. Boards of Aldermen and Assist- ants; Proceedings, 1831-36. ame; Joint Meetings, 1831-46. ame; Documents, 1832-34. Tew York. Board of Assistant Aldermen. Proceedings, 1836-40, and 1850-51. ame; Documents, 1832-36. "eiD York. Board of Councilmen; Docu- ments, 1855-57. ew York. Messages to Common Council. 'efio York. Opinions of Corporation Counsel, etc York. Board of Supervisors; Proceed- ings, 1809-47, and 1858-64. ime; Documents for 1864. 'ew York. Rejiorts of the Comptroller, for 1853, 1855-60, '62, and '64. 'ew York. Communication on the Real Estate of the Corporation, 1860. ew York. Reports of the Inspector. Abuses in City Government. Reports of Harbor Commission. Report of the Fire Marshal. Reports of Chief Engineer. Enrollment List of Seventh Congressional District, 1863. sio York. Income Record for 1863. York. Report of Committee on Substi- tutes, etc., 1863. York. Report of Committee on Volun- teering ; Call of July, 1864. Public l>ocuincnlS! CSrcat ESritnin. ■Oceedings of Parliament. See History op England. ml Britain. State Papers, 1501-1726. •eat Brilaiiu Parliamentaiy Reports. to< Britain. Parliamentary Papers. W< Britain. Comparative Tables of Taxa- tion, Currency, and Prices. eat Britain. Various Bills, 1838. cto York. eto. York, ew York, ew York. QW York. Great Britain. Effects of South Sea Comp. Great Britain. Affairs of East India Comp. Great Britain. Report on Claims on East India Company. Great Britain. Report on the Public Records. Great Britain. Report on Laws respecting Friendly Societies. Great Britain. Police of the Metropolis. Great Britain. Reports on Ecclesiastical Revenue in Ireland. Great Britain. Reports on the British Mu- seum. Great Britain. Reports on Foreign Literary Institutions. Great Britain. Municipal Corporation Boun- daries. Great Britain. Reports on Emigration. Great Britain. Bill for Prevention of Fraud; and Friendly Society Bill. Great Britain. Report on Printing. G)^at Britain. Report on Hudson's Bay Company. Political Econouij. Wealth of Nations. Smith, Political Economy. Atkinson, Political Economy. Boileau. Political Economy. Bowen. Political Economy. Cooper. Essays on Political Economy. Carey. Principles of Social Science. Carey. Principles of Political Economy. Carey. Political Economy. Destutt. Political Economy. Bascom. Political Economy. Cardozo. Lectures on Political Economy. See Collected Works, v. 8-9. Stewart. Political Economy. Vethake. Political Economy. Malthus. Political Economy. See Treatise on Civil Polity. WiHson. Political Economy. Whately. Political Economy. Wayland. Conversations on Political Economy. Marcet, Political Economy. 3rdl. Lectures on Political Economy. Senior. Political Economy. Scrope. Manual of Political Economy. Smith. Political Economy. Perry. Discourses on Political Economy. Lawrence. Lectures on Political Economy. Jones. Political Economy. M' Vicar. Hopkins' Notions on Political Econ- omy. Marcet. Thoughts on Political Economy. Raymond. Treatise on Political Economy. Opdyke. Treatise on Political Economy. Say, 452 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Political Economy and Moral Pros- pects of Society. Chalmers. Lectures on Political Economy. Newman. Popular Political Economy. Ilodgskin. Cours d'^conomie Politique. Storch. Principes d'Economie Politique. Sismondi. Political Economy, and Philosophy of Government. Sismondi. Dictionary of Political Economy. Macleod. Dictionnaire de I'ficonomie Poli- tique. Coquelin. Political Economy. Ganilh. Unsettled Questions of Political Economy. Mill. Progress of Political Economy in Europe. Twiss. Histoire de I'Economie Politique en Europe. Blanqui. Summary of Practical Principles of Political Economy. Political Economy, and Taxation. Ricardo. System of Political Economy. List. Elements of Political Science. Dove. Industry of Nations. Eisdell. Public Economy for United States. Colton. Unto this Last. Buskin. New Principles of Political Econ- omy, Rae. Political Economy. Foiter. Treatises and Essays on Subjects of Economical Policy. McCulloch. Political Econom3\ Destutt. Manual of Political Economy. Phillips. Addresses of the Philad. Society on National Industry. CJarey. ficonomistes Modernes. Beybaud. Contes sur I'Sconomie Politique. Mariineau. Des Douanes et des Prohibitions. Chaptal. Harmonies £conomiques. Bastiat Systeme des Contradictions ificon- omiques. Froudhon. Letters to John Bull. Lytton. New Olive Branch. Carey. Letters on Foreign and Domestic Policy of the Union. Carey. Harmony of Interests. Carey. Paper, Iron, Eailroad, and Currency Questions. Carey. Population and Capital. Bickards. Distribution of Wealth and Sources of Taxation. Jones. Laws of Distribution of Wealth. Mason. Distribution of Wealth. Bamsay. Transmission of Precious Metals, and Mercantile Theory of Wealth. Senior. Gold Discoveries and Consequences. Siirling. Rights of Labor. Colton. Labor and other Capital. Kellogg. Working Man's Companion. Eights of Industry; and, Results of Machinery. Rate of Wages, etc. McCulloch. Essay on Rate of Wages. Carey. Laws of Wages, Profits, and Rent. Tucker. Journal des Economistes. Commerce and Trndc* Anderson, Macpherson. Gilbart Fhillips. McCulloch. McCulloch. Chappus. M'CuUoch. History of Commerce. Annals of Commerce. Ancient Commerce. History of Inland Navigation. Dictionary of Commerce. Supplement to Dictionary. Revolutions du Commerce. Select Collection of Tracts on Com- merce. Treatise on Commerce. Book of Commerce. Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. Savary. Cyclopedia of Commerce. Watersion. Cyclopedia of Commerce. Homans. Manual of Commerce. Waterston. Hand-Book of Trade and Commerce. Dictionary of Merchandise. Dictionnaire du Commerce. GuUlaumin. Mercantile and Maritime Guide. Willmore. Commerce and Christianity. Bead Trade and Letters. • Scott. Dangers and Duties of the Mercan tile Profession. Hlllard. Merchant's Manual. Foster How to Do Business. See J^io to Write. Lehrbuch der Handels-Wissenschaft. Noback Traders Compendium. Montefiore The Universal Merchant. AUdridge Practical Treatise on Business. Freedley^ Manual of Commercial Correspond- ence. Unterricht fiir Kaufleute. Clerk's Guide: Correspondence. Mercantile Correspondence. Introduction to Business. Leitres d'un Negociant a son Fils Worth and Wealth. Accountant's own Book. European Commerce. European Commerce. The British Merchant. Commercial Power of Britain. London Commercial Dictionary. Chrisiiani Foster Ayiderson Langford \ Hm Boss Cddy Bordansi Kini Dupir Andersoi City^ or Physiology of London Busi- POLITICAL SCIENCE. 453 of the Thames. ColquJioun. Commercial Relations with Commercial Statutes. Commercial Eelations ■with of Serrano. MUbuni, all MacGregor. MacGregor. Sims. Ellison. Commerce, etc Great Brit an. France. Great Britain. Great Britain, China. Tableau General du Commerce de la France, 1843-^15, et 1848. Tableau General des Mouvements du Cabo- tage, 1848. Tableau Ge'ncral du Commerce de la Bel- gique, 1831-34. Commerce of the Mediterranean. Jackson. Commerce with Mediterranean Sea- ports. Baker. Commerce of New Russia, Moldavia, and Wallachia. Hagemeister. j Hamburgische Handlung. Biisch. TabeUariscJie Uebersichten dea Ham- burgischen Handels, 1859-63. Sweden. Commerce-CoUegiL Comercio de Vera Cruz. Oriental Commerce. Resources and Statistic* Nations. Commercial Statistics. Rates of Merchandize. Hand Book of Cotton Trade. Cotton, its Growth, Trade, and Man- ufacture. Dudley. Statistics of the Cotton Trade. Burn. lie Coton, son Regime, etc. Reybaud. Cotton Trade. McHenry. Exchange and Cotton Trade of Eng- land and the U. S. Eniz. Cotton and Commerce of India. Chapman. East India Company. Culture and Manufacture of Cotton, etc. Statistics of N. Y. Sugar Market. ' tory of the Iron Trade. ' .11 Trade of U. S., 1621-1857. Coal Trade of British America. Opium Trade in India and China. Commercial Products of the Vegeta- ble Kingdom. Simmonds. Brief Examination of Lord Sheffield on Commerce of U. S. United States. Treaties and Statutes Relating to Commerce. ited States. Commercial Relations. ifed States. Colonial Trade. 'ted States. Commerce and Navigation. ifed States. Commerce of British America, rumercial System of U. S. Mayo. I'nited States. Report on Western Harbors, etc. Laws of Trade. Ellet. Scrivenor. French. Johnson. Allen. United States. Harbor and River Improve- ments. Trade with the West Indies. TazeweH United States. Fisheries of American Seas. Future Wealth of America. Bonynge. Whole Internal Navigation of the U. S. Trade between Great Britain and U. S. Reuss. Great Britain and U. S. in their Commercial Connexion, Cliampion. Commerce of the Lakes. Barton. United States. Warehousing System. Express System. ' WeUs. Policy of Retaliation- Adam. War in Disguise. Stephen. Opinions on the Book-Selling Ques- tion. New York Shippers' Guide. WhUing. Examination of Pretensions of New England to Commercial Pre- eminence. Baltimore Board of Trade. Report, 1860. Boston Board of Trade. Reports, 1855-65. Chicago Board of Trade. Reports, 1860-6L Commerce of CincinnatL Smith. New York Chamber of Commerce. Reports, 1858-64. Philadelphia Board of Trade. Re- ports, 1859-65. Merchant's Exchange, Norfolk. Re- port, 1859. Toronto Board of Trade. Report, 186L Market Book. Historical Account. Be Voe. American Negotiator. Wright. Indian Commercial Tables. BridgndL Negociator's Magazine. JIayes. Yearly Journal of Trade, 1837-56. Pope. Merchants' Magazine. Colonial Magazine. De Bow's Commercial Review. Merchant's and Banker's Almanac. United States Economist. Lawson's Merchant's Magaziue. Merchanis' Magazine. Book-K«cping. National Accountant. Daichelder. Book-Keeping for Banks, etc. Becher. Young Accountant's Guide. Beck. Book-Keeping by Single Entry. Dennett. Book-Keeping by Double Entry. Booth. Counting House Book-Keeping. Bryant. Book-Keeping for Common Schools. Bryant. 454 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Book-Keeping for High Schools. Bryant Book-Keeping. Buchanan, Book-Keeping by Double Entry. Bucklin. Book-Keeping. Chapman. Book-Keeping by Double Entry. Clarke. Book-Keeping. Coffin. Book-Keeping. Cooke. New Method of Accounts. Cotheal. Book-Keeping. GriUenden. Book-Keeping. Dando. Book-Keeper's Assistant. Buworth. North American Accountant. Duff. Book-Keeping. * Eaton. Book-Keeping. Edwards. Book-Keeper's Atlas. Edwards. Book-Keeping. l)eighan. Book-Keeping. Fairbanks. Origin, etc., of Book-Keeping. Foster. Modern Book-Keeping. Gerisher. Practical Book-Keeping. Gibson. Practical Accountant. Goddard. Universal Accountant. Gordon. Eudimentary Book-Keeping. Iladdon. Introduction to Merchandize. Hamilton. Practical Book-Keeping. Harris. Clavis Commercii. Hawkins. Book-Keeping. Inglis. New Check Journal. Jackson. Book-Keeping in Italian Form. Jackson. Book-Keeping. Jackson. Book-Keeping. Jennings. Equation of Payments. Joerres. English Book-Keeping. Jones. Book-Keeping. Jo/ies. Paradoxes of Debit and Credit. Jones. Book-Keeping. Kelly. Perpetual Balance. Lambert. Book-Keeping; Italian Method. Lamfford.- La Science des Ndgocians. La Forte. Naval Book-Keeping. Liddel. Treatise on Book-Keeping. M'Laughlin. Practical Book-Keeping. McSweeney. Book-Keeping Methodized. Mair. Book-Keeping Modernized. Mair. Treatise of Book-Keeping. Malcolm. Study of Book-Keeping. Marsh. Book-Keeping. Marsh. Book-Keeping. Mayhew. Book-Keeping. Mitchell. Book-Keeping. Moody. Book-Keeping. Morison. Book-Keeping, Morison. Book-Keeping. Morrison. Book-Keeping. Palmer. Book-Keei5ing. Harris. Book-Keeping. Preston. Merchants' Accounts. EeynoJds. Merchants' Manual. Book-Keeping. Introduction to Book-Keeping. Book-Keeping by Double Entry. Book-Keeping, Practical Counting House. Book-Keeping Epitomized. Book-Keeping. Book-Keeping. American Book-Keeper. Naval Book-Keeping. Book-Keeping. Book-Keeping, Italian Method. Book-Keeping. Bobinson Boch Boi Boscoc Boss Scndon Shau Shea Shepani Sheys TaU Thoreav Turner Turner Banking and Cnrrcncj* On Currency. Money. See Harmony of Interests. Carey Money. Moran Philosophy of Wealth. Crawford Currency and Fina'ice. See Contri- butions to Ed. Eev. Brougham, Production and Consumption of Precious Metals. Jacc^i Gold and Silver Coins. Eckfeldt. Nature and Use of Money. Gray Theory of Money and Principles of Commerce. Wheatley, Currency and Commerce. Wheatley Young America in Wall Street. T'rain. Money and Morals. Lalor.' Legal and Commercial Common- place Book. Linn,; Nature of Money, etc. Webster: Essays on Interest, Exchange, etc. McCulloch. Regulation of Currencies, etc. Fullarton. Suggestions for a Domestic Currency. Cost of Obtaining Money, etc. Currency Question. Reversionary Payments, etc. Reform des Credits und Handels. Stocks and public Funds. European Exchanges. Chronicles of the Stock Exchange. N. Y. Stock Exchange Manual. Government and the Currency. Funding System. De la Monnaie, du Cre'dit, etc. Des Institutions de Cx66.it. Management of Mints. Present State of Finances in Austria. Financial Crises. See Harmony of Interests. Paper against Gold- Credit System. Credit System in France, U. S., etc. Senior. Joplin. Pnce. Coignd. Fortune. Barrel. Francis. Hamon. Middletoru EUiot. Puynode. Boyer. SmiiK Carey.i CobbeU. ColweU. Carey. POLITICAL SCIENCE. 455 Universal Cambist. Kelly. Modern Cambist. Tate. Tables of Advance. Webb. Dictionary of Weights and Meas- ures, uilex^inder. Tables of Exchanges. Teschemacher. System of Exchange. Moore. Documents on "Weights and Meas- ures. See Documents on Coast Survey. Ilassler. Commercial Tables. Hartshorn. International Exchanges. Vattemare. Commercial and Banking Tables. Barileit. Measures, Weights, and Moneys. Woolhouse. Miinz-, mass- und Gewichtsbuch. JSobadc Munz-, mass- und Gewichtskunde. Gerhardt. Decimal System. FeUoru History of Prices, 1793-1837. Tooke. Depreciation of our Currency. Huskisson.. Probable Fall in Value of Gold. Chevalier. Treasury Department. Mayo. United States. Report on Finances. United States. Eeport on Banks. Financial Policy during Rebellion. Neiocomb. Fluctuations in Price of Gold in 1863. Logic of Banking. Oilbari. Treatise on Banking. Oilbart. Operations de Banque. Courcelle. History of Banking. Lavoson. Banks and Bankers. Uardcastle. Theory and Practice of Banking. Macleod. History of Banks. History of Banks of Europe, etc. Goddard. History of Bank of England. Francis. Financial History of England. Doubleday. History of Banking in Ireland. GUbart. History of Bills of Credit Issued by N. Y., 1709-1789. Hickcox. History of Banking in America. GUbart. History of Banking in U. S. Gouge. History of U. S. Bank. Clarke. Letters on U. S. Bank. Carey. Fiscal History of Texas. Gouge. Die Banken. Hubner. Safe Banking. Rafinesque. Free Banking. Duncombe. Defence of Usury. Bentham. On Currency and Banking. Raguet. Principles of Currency and Banking. Lord. Circulating Credit; with Hints on Banking. Banking System of New York. Cleveland. Banker's Sure Guide. Tliomas'. Banker's Common-place Book. Johnson. Banks of New York. Gibbons. JTeio York. Report on Banks. financial Register. ♦ Banker's Magazine. Banker's Magazine. (Lond.) Public Edncation. Religion and Education in Relation to the People. Lanqford. Education; National, etc. Fletcher. Education of Poor in Europe. Kay. Improvements in Education. Lancaster. Outline of a System of National Edu- cation, Necessity of Popular Education. Simpson, Education of the People WillTn. School of the Future. Zincke. Education Reform. Wyse. Royal Institution. Lectures. American Institute of Instruction. Lectures. Society of Arts, etc. Lectures. American Education. Peers. The District School. Taylor. District School as it Was. Burton. Public Education. Shuttleworih, Minutes of Committee on Education. Laurie, History of Adult Education Hudson. Manual for Mechanics' Institutions. Hand-Book of Mechanics' Institu- tions. Ti'aice. School Economy. Wickersham. School Econom3^ Symons. Le Livre des Peres de FamiUe. Gasc. Instruction Publique. Cousin. Central Society of Education. Pub- lications, Society for Diff. U. K. Report on Literary Institutions in Eng- land. System of Education in Ireland. Trench. Great Britain. Reports on Educa- tion in Ireland. Educational Tour in Europe, 3Iann. Educational Institutions of Germany, James. Del Pubblico Insegnamento in Ger- mania. Parola. Public Instruction in Prussia. , Cousin. Instruction Publique en Hollande. Cousin. Instruction Publique en France. Girardin. Legislation de I'lnstruction Publique. Barrau. Die Schiile in Nord-America. See Kirche und Schule, Wimmer. American Educational Year Book. Family Almanac and Educational Register for 1853. Quarterly Journal of Education. Rhode Island Educational Magazine. New York Teacher. Common School Journal 456 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Annuaire de I'lnstruction Publique. E7iglish Journal of Education. Inledning till Skol-Arkitekturen. Siljesirom. Massachusetts School Eeturns. Massachusetts Board of Education. Eeports. Annals of the Boston Primary- School. Wirjhtman. Boston School Committee. Beports. Bhode Island Institute of Instruction. Jour- nal. Bhode Island Public Schools. Beport. Connecticut. Beport on Common Schools. New York. 'Beports of Begents of Univer- sity. New York. Instructions from the Begents of the University. New York. Decisions of Supt. of Schools. New York. Beport of Supt. of Schools. New York. Beport of Supt. of Public In- struction. Buffalo. Beport on Public Schools. New Yoi'k City Board of Education. Beports. Same. Manuals. Same. Journal. Same. Documents. New York City. Documents Belative to the Free Academy. New York City. System of Instruction for Public Schools. Common School System of N.Y. Bandall. History of the N. Y. African Free Schools. Andrews. Account of Free School Society of N. Y. Baltimore. Beports on Public Schools. Ohio. Beport on Common Schools. Ohio. School Laws. Blinois. Beport on Public Instruction. Michigan. System of Public Instruction. Public Ilea Ufa. United States. Sickness and Mortality on board Emigrant Ships. United States. Sickness in the Armies. Massachusetts Sanitary Commission Beport on Public Health. Sanitary Condition of Laboring Population of New York. Griscom. New York. Beport on Sanitary Condition. New York City. Laws on Public Health. New York City. Beport of Proceedings in relation to Cholera in 1849. New York. Beport on Quarantine Laws. Quarantine Convention. Proceedings. New York City. Beport on Food and Diet. Journal of Public Health. Sanitary Keview. Contributions to Vital Statistics. Great Britain. Beports of Board of Health. Sanitary Condition of London. United States. Mortality Statistics of Seventh Census. Vital Statistics of United States. History of Pestilential Diseases. Treatise on the Plague. Epidemic Cholera of 1848-9. Sanitary Measures in Cities. Diseases of Towns. Sanitary Movement See Papers on Bailway Communication. American Medical Association. Be- port on Public Hygiene. NeisoTt Simor, Wynne Wehstej Whiti Wynne Bell Kebbeli White Social Science. Introduction to Social Science. Calvert The People. Michelet Social Aspects. Smith Social Statics. Spencer Comte's Social Science. See Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences. Lewes Political and Social Economy. Burton Bon Sens, Bonne Foi. Girardin La Socidtd et I'Esprit Humain. Leroux Human Society. Huntington. Lectures on Condition of the People. Doutrina Social. Mello Moraesi Essays on Social Science. Gifeg, Questions of the Day. De rintervention de la Socie'te pour Soulager la Misere. 3feluin Organization in Daily Life. IlelpSi Hints toward Beforms. Greeley- (Euvres Completes. Fourier. Doctrines of Fourier. Godwin. Social Destiny of Man. Brisbane. Bevolution in Human MjLnd and Practice. Oice». Owen, and his Philosophy. Sargani. Examination of Owen's System. Fisher. Socialistes Modemes. Beybaui, Je'rome Faturot et Position Sociale. Beybaud. Je'rome Paturot et les Be'publiques. Beybaud' Considerations on Becent Social Theories. Hampden in the Nineteenth Century. Public and Private Economy. Sedgwick. Association Discussed. Gi'eeley. Industrial Exchanges and Social Bemedies. BarhydL Le Socialisme. Considirard. Le Progres. Aboui. Meliora. Ingestre. The Age and its Architects. Hood. POLITICAL SCIENCE. 457 De rHumanit^. Leroux. .Application de la Philosophie Posi- tive au Gouvernement. LiUri. Social Condition in Europe. Kay. Social Condition in England. Kay. Sir Thomas More : or Colloquies on Society. Southey. Moral Science Applied to Elevation of Society. Corribe. Bights of Morality. Improvement of Society. Dick. Necessity of Popular Education, etc. Simpson. Elevation of Laboring Classes. Channing. Hints oij Beneficence, Temperance, and Medical Science. Lettsom. Chartism. Carlyle. Des Classes Dang(^reuses. Fregier. Idde Ge'nerale de la BtJvolution au XlXme Siecle. Proudhon. Organization of Labor. Briancourt. Organisation du Travail. Blanc. TJnre formed Abuses. Wade. Postal Reform. Miles. Treatise on Life Annuities. Blayney. Eights of Property. Thiers. De la Propriete. Tlders. Die Naturgescliichte der Arbeit. Besser. Slaves without Masters. Fiizhugh. England and America Compared. Wakefield. Progi'oss of Nations. Seaman. Essays on Spirit of Legislation. Unequal Wealth. Byllesby. Entreprises Lidustrielles. Courcelle. Friendly Societies. A)isell. Benefit Building Societies. James. Essays on Law Eeform, etc. Tellkampf. Moral Claims of our Seamen. Harris. Middle and Working Classes. Wade. Le Livre de TOuvrier. Egron. Les Ouvriers Europcens. Le Play. Histoire de la Classo Ouvriere. liohert. Claims of Labor. Helps. Artisans and Machinery. Gaskell. Factories and Female Operatives. Scoresby. Agricultural Labourer. Doyle. Great Britain. Report on Poor Laws. • Great Britain. Report on State of Large Towns, etc. Lazarettos in Europe. Howard. Bapport sur Ilopitaux et sur la Mendicitd en Italie. Cerfberr. Children of Lutetia. (Paris Poor. ) Jerrold. Poor Houses, Jails, etc., in N.Y. Chipman. CJauses of Popular Poverty. Blatchley. Bhode Island. RejDort on Poor and Insane. Condition of Women. CliUd. Women in Society. Segur. La Femme au XlXme Siecle. Bomieu. Woman in Nineteenth Century. Ossoli. Woman and her Needs. Smith. Woman and her Era. Famham. Woman and her Master. Morgan. Rights of Woman. Wollstonecraft. Woman's Work. Parkes. Education and Influence of Woman. Beid. Woman in America. Graves. Woman in America. 3fcIniosh. Duty of American Women. Beecher. Remedy for Woman's Wrongs. Beecher. Lectures to Ladies on Practical Sub- jects. ^ Employments of Women. Penny. Legal Rights of Woman. Mansfield. Lectures on Magdalenism. Wardlaw. Meliora. Quarterly Review. Social Science Review. Journal of Social Progress. National Association for Promotion of Social Science. Transac- tions. Lxstitut Royal des Sourds-Muets de Paris. Circulaire. Public Charities. Endowed Charities of London. Charities of London in 1861. Low. Public Charities of London. Highmcyre. Principles of Charitable Work. Sieveking. Deaconesses, or Help of Women. Howson. Sisters of Charity. Jameson. Helping Hand. Kirkland. Sought and Saved. Hall. Beports of Ragged Schools. Beports of Houses of Refuge, etc. Beports of Reform Schools. Bagged School Union Magazine. New York. Reports on the Alms House. New York. Report on Charitable Institu- tions. New York. Report on Public Charities. New York Association for Improving the Con- dition of the Poor. Reports. New York Juvenile Asylum. Reports. Amei'ican Female Guardian Society. Reports. Mve Points Monthly Record. Instruction of Deaf and Dumb. Watson. New York Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Reports. Ajnericaii Annals of Deaf and Dumb. United States Sanitary Commission, poses and Work. • Pur- 458 CLASSIFIED INDEX. United States Sanitary Commission. Works and Purposes. Same, Documents. La Commission Sanitaire. Evans. Great Western Sanitary Fair. History of. Statistics. filaments de Statistique. Moreau. Facts and Figures Applied to Questions. American Almanac. British Almanac. Same, Complete Index. United States Almanac. United States Almanac. (Disturnell's. ) National Almanac. ^ Literary and Scientific Register. Almanack de Gotha. Whig Almanac. New Hampshire Pocket Almanac. Albany Almanac. Almanac for Pacific States. Notes on Early Almanacs. See Boeotian Numerical Contrac- tions, llalliwell. Soci6t4 Fran9aise de Statistique. Bulletin. Same. Journal des Trauvaux. Congrh de Statistique. Compte Rendu. Statistics- of France. Goldsmith. Great Britain. Census for 1851. Great Britain. Judicial Statistics. Great Britain. Army Register for 1774. Annuaire pour I'an 1852 et 1853. Annuaire de I'Economie Politique, etc. Annuaire de la Marine et des Colonies. Statistical Societj'' of London. Journal. Jahrbuch fiir Statistik. Hiihner. Electoral Facts, 1852 to 1855. Dod. Statistical Companion, 1846 Williams. Statistical Companion. World in a Pocket Book. Crump. Who's Who in 1854. Oakes. Year Book of Nations for 1855. Burritt. Vergleichenden Statistik. Kolb. Wealth of World Displayed. Vose. Statesman's Year Book for 1865. Martin. Index to Heirs at Law, etc. Chambers. National Calendar, 1820-1836. Force. Progress of the United States. Tucker. U. S. Commercial and Statistical Register. Hazard. Principles of Statistical Inquiry. Bussell. Statistical GTazetteer of U. S. Fisher. Statistical View of U. S. Pitkin. Commercial Directory of the Union. Industrial Rescftirces of the U. S. Statistical Annals. Seybeii American Statistical Annual, 1854. United States. Sixth Census, 1840. United States. Seventh Census, 1850. Statistical View of the U. S. JDe Boir United States. Preliminary Report on Eighth Census. United States. Eighth Census. United States Blue Book. United States Register. (Disturnell's.) United States Army Register. United States Register of Navy and Marine Corps. United States Register of Navy. West Point Military Academy. Re- gister. U. S. Post Office Guide. ' Bower United States Post Offices, 1851. U. S. Post Office Directory for 1853. Bodr V. S. Post Offices, 1855. Leech United States P. O. Directory, 1863-66. Massachusetts Branches of Industr3^ Massachusetts Tax Returns. Massachusetts Registration Reports. Vermont Registration Reports. Providence Tax List, 1850-52. Connecticut Register, 1801-64. New York. Census for 1835 and ^ 1855. New York. Marriage Licenses before 1784. Ohio Statistics. Reports, 1858-63. Law Register for the U. S. Livingston. New England and N. Y. Law Re- gister. Hayicard. Universal Pathfinder. Olmsted. Population. Principles of Population. Alison. Natural Laws of Population. Moreton. Principle of Population. Malthus. True Law of Population. JDoubleday. Over-Population and its Remedy. Thornton. Great Britain. Population in 1831. ' Taxation. Taxation and Funding System. McCidloch. Taxation. Levi. Taxation, etc. , of Great Britain. Buchanan. United States Tax Law. Manual of U. S. Tax System. Boutwdl. Tax Payer's Manual. Boutw^ New York. Laws Relative to Taxes in N. Y. City. Tariff. Sophisms of Free Trade. Byles. POLITICAL SCIENCE, 459 Principles of Free Trade. Baguet. Free Trade and its Kesults. Dunckley. Sophisms of Protective Policy. JBasUat. Tariff Question. Bigeloic. T>e la Liberte' Commerciale. Lherbetle. Examination of the New Tariff. Philadelphia Soc. Industry. Addresses. Beport on Increase of Duties. Exposition of Evidence for Anti- Tariff Memorial to Congress. Lee. United States Tariff of 1828. Lyon. United States Tariff, 1846, '61-65. French and American Tariffs. See Harmony of Interests. Carey. Duties on Imports into France. Yapp. Tariff of the Sound of Ore. British Tariff, 1836, '38, '39, '45. Ellis. Great Britain. Keport on Import Duties. G-reat Britain. Commercial Tariffs of Europe and America. Great Britain. Commerce with In- dia, etc. Zolltarife aller Lander. Huhner. Customs and Tariffs of All Nations. Neiodegate. Patents and Copyright. Patent Laws of All Nations. Hughes. Patent Gesetzgebung. Stolle. Die Internationale Patent Gesetzge- bung. Kleinschrod. Patent Laws in Foreign Countries. Urling. Patent Laws of All Nations. Exngsley. Inventor's Assistant. Dorr. Laws of Patents. Carpmael. Eeports of Patent Cases. Carpmael. Patentee's Manual. Johnson. Specifications of Letters Patent. Macgregor. On Letters Patent. Webster. Inventor's Guide. Phillips. United States. Patent OfiSce Infor- mation. Patent OflBce and Laws. Moore. Law of Patents. Curtis. United States. Patent Laws. United States. Laws Eelating to Patents. United States. Keport of Commis- sioner of Patents. List of U. S. Patents, 1790-1847. Burke. United States. Patent Office Eeports. Patented Models. Hunter. List of Patent Inventions. Pritchard. Law of Copyright. Lowndes. Law of Copyright. Curtis. Extension of Copyright. Talfourd. Insurance. Law of Insurance. Annesley. Law of Insurance. Marshall. Law of Insurance. Hughes. Law of Insurance. Phillips. Laws of Marine Insurance. Sherman. Law of Marine Insurances. Park. Marine Insurance. Duer. Law of Marine Insurances. midyard. Law of Fire Insurance. Angell. American Underwriter's Manual. Ecclesine. Society for Equitable Assurances. Deed, Eeports, etc. New York. Eeport of Insurance Department. Life Insurance ; Nature, Origin, etc. What is Life Assurance ? Jones. Popular View of Life Assurance. Hutchison. Life Assurance. Annals, etc. Francis. Science of Life Insurance. Watt. Life Assurance Institutions. Bahbage. Life Assurance Societies, etc. Scralchley. Bock Life Assurance Co. Deed. Mutual Life Insurance Co. Eeport. Assurance Magazine. United States Insurance Gazette. Immigration. Views on Foreign Immigration. Sanderson. Immigration into the U. S. Chickering. Immigration to the U. S. , 1819-55. Bromwdl. New York. Eeports of Commis- sioners of Emigration. Colonization. Lectures on Colonization. Merivale. Art of Colonization. Wakefidd. Kolonien, und Kolonial Politik. Boscher. Colonial Policy of Europe. Brougham. Colonial Policy of Great Britain. Colonies of England. Boebuck. Colonial Policy of Eussell's Admin- istration. 460 CLASSIFIED INDEX. LITERATURE. Historf and Cieneral Treatises. Geschichte der Alien und Neuen Litteratur. See Werke. Schlegcl History of Literature. Schlegel. History of Literature. Boyd. De la Litterature. Stael. Handbook of Literature. BoUa. Sketches of History of Literature. TannehiU. Histoire de la Litte'rature. Le Franc. History of Literature. Alves. £tudes de Littdrature. VUlemain. Lectures on General Literature. Montgomery. Origin and Progress of Letters. Massey. Outlines of Literary Culture. Frankland. National Literature. Charvning. Lycee, ou Cours de Littdrature. Lahai^e. Cours de Litte'rature. Lamartine. Nouvelles Le9ons de Litte'rature. Boniface. History of Fiction. Dunlop. Essays on Fiction. Senior. Musologie. System atische Ueber- sicht. Merleker. Die Poesie und ihre Geschichte. Bosenkranz. Kise and Progress of Poetry. Brown. Komantisch Diclitkunst. See Werke, V. 10. Schlegel. Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern. Motherwell. History of the Drama. See Deama. Histoire des Litteratures Ancien- nes. Loh ve- Veimars. Essays on Ancient Literature. Sears. History of Sanskrit Literature. 3Iuller. Introduction to Classics. Blackwall. Studien des Classischen Alterthums. See "Werke, v. 3-5. Schlegel. Greek and Roman Literature. Matthim. History of Greek Literature. Talfourd. Literature of Ancient Greece. Midler. Language and Literature of Greece. Mure. History of Greek Literature. Browne. Manual of Greek Literature. Anthon. Poets and Poetry of the Greeks. 3Iills. Histoire de la Littdrature Eomaine. Pierron. History of Roman Literature. Thoinpson. Roman Literature. Dunlop. History of Roman Literature. Browne. Literature of Europe. IMlam. Literary History of Middle Ages. Beringlon. Modern European Literature. Foster. History of Provencal Poetry. Fauriel. Literary History of Troubadours. La Came. Origin of Romance Languages. Lewis. Literature of South of Europe. Boscoe. Literary History of 18th Century. Nichols. Histoire de la Littdrature Espagnole. Bouterwek History of Spanish Literature. Ticknor Etudes sur I'Espagne, et sur les In- fluences de sa Littdrature. Chasles-i Essay on Spanish Poetry. See Vega, G. de la, Works. History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Bouterwek Storia della Letteratura Italiana. TirahoscM Readings in Italian Literature. Bezzi Literary History of Modern Greece. Negris History of Russian Literature . OiM Literature of the Slavic Nations. BoUnson Literature of Hungary and Transyl- vania. Bowring Poetical Literature of Bohemia. Bowring, History of Flemish Literature. Belepiem Progress of French Literature. See French Librarian. Ventouillae, Cours de Litterature Fran9ais du Moyen Age; VUlemaini Chrestomathie de la Litte'rature Fran- 9aise. Ladreyl Repertoire de Littdrature Fran9aise. Ladreyi^ The Authors of France. Alhit9$ Early French Poets. Caryi Histoire de la Litterature Fran9aise. Sayous. Littdrature Fran9aise au XVIIIme Siecle. Barante. Cours de Littdrature Fran9aise au XVIIIme Siecle. VUlemain, Geschichte der Franzosischen Lite- ratur. Iletiner. fitudes sur la Litterature Fran9aise. VineL Modern French Literature. Vericour. German Literature. Menzd: German Literature. Muhlenfels. Guide to German Literature. Moschzisker. Encyclopadie der Deutschen Litera- tur. Wolff. ficrivains et Poetes de TAUemagne. Bla^. Geschichte der Deutschen Literatur. Ilettner. Klopstock, Lessing, and Wieland. Tolhausen. Prose Writers of Germany. Hedge. Poets and Poetry of Germany. Bavesiis. Survey of German Poetry. Taylor. German Historical Anthology. Bernays. Literature of Northern Europe. ITowitL Scandinavian Literature. Bosworth. Histoire de la Litterature en Dane- mark et en Suede. Mannier. Ancient Northern Literature. See Northern Archasology. EUesmere. LITEUATUHE. 461 ish Literature and Language. Craik. ish Literature. Balfour. ish Language. Rice. nglish Literature. Shaw. ietory of English Literature. Spalding. lements of English Language. Clark. nglish Writers before Chaucer. Morley. nglish Language and Literature. Chambers. ifitory of English Language. Marsh. arly English Literature. IFippisley. ,eliqui£e Antiquoe. Wright. ectures on English Literature. Keed. iterature and Literary Men of Great Britain. MiUs. istory of Literature in England. Craik. ketches of English Literature. Chateaubriand. eschichte der Engl^schen Literatur. Ilettner. ,nglish Literature of 19th Century. Cleveland. ritish Literature of Last Fifty Years. Cunningham. nglish Prose Literature. Gray. pecimens of English Writers. Burnett. ourse of English Poetry. Aikin. eschichte der Englischen Poesie. Buchner. [istory of English Rhythms. Guest. rte of English Poesie. Puttenkam. [istory of English Poetry. Warton. tility of Anglo-Saxon Literature. Ingram. iterature of the Kymry. Stephens. afluence of Welsh Tradition on Literature. Schvlz. iterature of India. Jones. literature of American Languages. Ludewig. lectures on American Literature. Knapp. iyclopscdia of American Literature. Diiyckindc. upplement to Same. Duyckinck. 'and-Book of American Literature, lompendium of American Litera- ture. Cleveland. Hctionary of Noted Names of Fic- tion. Wheder. andbook for Students and Eeaders. Potter, loyal Society of Literature. Trans- actions. iassical Museum. Philolog7. *hilo8ophy of Language. SchJegel. 288ay on Language. Welsford. )rigin and Progress of Language. Monboddo. higin and Progress of Language. )iigin of Languages. See Theory of Moral Sentiments. Smith. UAeaOice of Language. Mi'tUer. Treatise on Languages. Jenour. Origin of Language . Farrar. One Primeval Language. Forster. Harmony of Primeval Alphabets. Forster. History and Structure of Languages. Wilson. Treatise on Language. Johnson. Nuces Philosophicae. Johnson. Essay on a Philosophical Language. Wilkins. Language: Connexion with Man's Condition and Prospects. Modern Philology. Buoight. Essays, Philological and Ethno- graphical. Latham. Critical Researches in Philology and Geography. Glossology; or Historical Relations of Languages. Stoddart. Comparative Philology. Latham. Comparative Philology. Winning. Mastery of Languages. Prendergast. Principles of General Grammar. Silvestre. Principles of Grammar. Barrett, Harmony of Language. Mifford. Remains of Japhet. Parsons. Origin of Germanic and Scandina- vian Languages, etc. Bosworth. Eastern Origin of Celtic Nations. Pritclmrd. Ungleichheit der Rassen. Pott Philological Proofs of Unity of Hu- man Race. Johnes. Journal of Philology. Philological Society. TransacHons. AUitter; or Melody of Language. Strait. Essay on Melody of Speech. Steele. Phonarthron ; or Sounds of Speech. , Henslowe. Analytic Orthography. Ilaldeman. Cosmophonography. Fauvd-Oouraud. Lee. Oriental Ijang^nges. Grammar of Hebrew Language. Manual of Hebrew Grammar. Hebrew Grammar. Bush. Hebrew and English Lexicon. Parkhurst. Dictionary; Latin, Greek, and He- brew. Munster. Rudimenta Hebraicoe Linguae. CevaUerius. Hebrew Reading Lessons. Analecta Hebraica. Pauli. Hebrew Characters. Lamb. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. Davidson. Syriac Grammar. Phillips. Syriac Reading Lessons. Davidson. Chaldee Reading Lessons. Chaldee Grammar. m,ner. Arabic Grammar. Stewart. Ancient Alphabets Explained. WaJishih. 462 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Anti- quities. Spineio. Champollion's Hieroglypliic System. Greppo. Lettres siir Hieroglypbes. Land Phonetic System of Hieroglyphics. Salt. Vocabulary, Persian, Arabic, Eng- lish. Hopkins. Persian Grammar. Jones. Persian Cuneiform Inscription. Rawl'mson. Chinese Grammar, ^ee Fan-hy-cheu; a Tale. Weston. Vocabulary of Canton Dialect. Morrison. Discoveries in Chinese. Andrews. Chinese System of Writing. Duponceau. Guide to Conversation in English and Chinese. Sanskrit Grammar. Sanscrit Dictionary. Sketch of Sanscrit Literature. Comparative Grammar. Comparative Grammar. Grammar of Moors' Dialect. Malayan Grammar. Malay Dictionary. Grammar of Mpongwe Language. Vocabulary of Hawaiian Language. Hernisz. Wilson. Witson. Adelunq. Clark. Bopp. Hadley. Marsden. Hovoison. Grammar and Dictionary of Quichua. Markham. Orcek Ijanguagc. Greek Grammar. Kuhner. Greek Grammar. Champlin. Introduction to Greek Language. Eendrick. Greek-English Lexicon. Liddell and Scott. Grsecum Lexicon Manuale. Iledericus. Rudiments of Greek Language. Method of Learning Greek. Lancelot. Greek Exercises. , Neilson. Fundamental Words of Greek. Valpy. Irregular Greek Verbs. Buttman. Lexilogus; Examination of Words in Homer and Hesiod. Buttman. Griechisches Lesebuch. Gedike. Delectus Sententiarum Groecarum. New Cratylus. Donaldson. Classical Pronunciation of Names. Cam Modern Greek and English Lexicon. Lowndes. Eomaic and Modern Greek Compared. Clyde. liatin Ijangungc. ■ Philological Study of Latin. Donaldson. Mysteries of Latin Kevealed. Jacobs. Method of Learning Latin. Lancelot. Self-Instructing Latin Classic. Jacobs. Budiments of Latin. Lyon. First Latin Lessons. Anthon. Dictionary of Epithets. Yongt, Principal Latin Eoots. IlaJl. Latin Synonymes. Doderlein. Latin Synonyms. Dumesnil Latin Prosody. Alvary. Latin Syntax. Mair. Latin Grammar. Kilhner. Latin Grammar. Schmitz, Latin Grammar. Zumpt. Latin Grammar. Scheller. Grammatik der Lateinischen. Broeder. ■ Latin Grammar. , Harrison. De Verborum Significatione. Festus. Latin-English Lexicon. Andrews. Latin-English Lexicon. Crooks. Latin Lexicon. Leverett. Latin and English Dictionary. Ainsworth. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. Facciolati, Dictionary of Latin Phrases. Eobertson. Dictionnaire, Fran9ois et Latin. Trevoux. Clerman fiangnagc Nature of German Language. Lecture on German Language. German Pronunciation. Method for German. Key to the Same. Method for German. German for Beginners. German Conversation Grammar. Method for German. Polyglot Eeader. German Header for Beginners. Materials for Translating. Electic German Beader. German Grammar. German Grammar. German Grammar. Hoogduitsche Spraakmeester. English and German Dictionary. Deutsches Worterbuch. Teutsch-Englisches Lexicon. English-German Dictionary. Taschenworterbuch. Vocabulary, English and German. English-German and German-Eng lish Dictionary. Dictionnaire des Langues AUemande et Fran9aise. Schuster. Sehwabisch-Augsburgisches Worter- buch. Birlinger. Gothisches Glossar, Schulze. Sew'd. Zeydelaar. Fichard. HjorL Boileau. 3Iilhlenfels, Nagel. Ollendorff. Ollendorff. Woodbury. WUtich. Otto. Ahn. Roemer. Follen. Heimann, Woodbury. Laurent. Bowbotham. Follen. Zeydelaar. Grieb. Grimm. Ludwig, FlweU. Weber. Arnold. Fii'igeL Guide to Low Dutch. Grammaire Hollandoise. English and Dutch Dictionary. Norsk Laesebog. LITERATURE. 463 usk Spraeklaera. Meijerherg. umatik der Eussischen Sprache. Vater. rtmaire Russe, en Franyais. vuet Dictionary of English and Russian. hanimatik der Polnisclien Sprache. 3Irongovius. Anglo-Saxon Illections from Greek Anthology. Bland. jrreek Anthology. Surges. Classic Poets. Mton. Lie Theatre des Grecs. Brumoy. Jreek Theatre. Brumoy. lymns. Orpheus. Lrgonautica, Hymni, etc. Orpheus. liad and Odyssey. Homer. 5ame. English Translations. Homer. }ame. French Translations. Homer. )armina, et Cycli Epici Rcliquiaa. Homer. lymns of Homer, etc. Chapman. [[omeric Ballads, transl. by Maginn. Homer. iVorks. Hesiod. lesiodi Carmina, etc JDidot's. Cragoediae. JEschylus. >ame. Translations. uEschylu^. gamemnon, with Translations. jEschylus. 'rometheus, and Agamemnon. ^schylus. Eschylus, et Sophocles. BidoCs. heatre de Sophocle. Dupuy. "ragoediaa Septem, Sophocles. Jitigone. Sophocles. 'ragedies, Translated. Sophocles. des, Translated. Pimlar. indar, and Anacreon. Odes Trans- lated. ragcediae, et Fragmenta. Euripides. lUripidis Fabulte. Didot's. ragmenta Euripidis, etc. DidoVs. :€cube Expliquce en Fran9ais. Euripides. ragedies, Translated. Euripides. omedies, Translated. Aristophanes. louds, andPeacJe, Translated. Aristophanes. rliolia in Theocritum, Nicandrum, et Oppianum, Didoi's. oetae Bucolici. et Didactici: Theoc- ritus, Biou, Moschus, etc. DidoVs. ''e^od, Bion, Moschus, Sappho, and Lycophron. Poems, Trans- lated. lylls of Theocritus, Bion, and Mos- chus; and "War-Songs of Tyrtaeus. 30 Narratio Amatoria, etc. Dionysiaca. Cynegetica et Halieutica. Argonautica. Same. Translated. Post Homerica. Dramas in Greek. Mcetas. Nonnus Panopolltes. Oppianus. Apollordus Pihodius. ApoUonius Bhodius. Quintus Smyrnams. Kotzehue. Ttntln. Poets. Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. Walker. Poets of Greece and Rome. Peters. Classic Poets. Elt(yn. Lives of the Roman Poets. Orusius. Comoediae. • Plautus. Same, Translated. Plautus. Seven Comedies, Translated. Plautus. ComoediiB Sex. Terentius. Comedies, Translated. TereMius. De Rerum Natura. Lucretius. Nature of Things. Lucretius. Opera Omnia. CatuUus. Selecta. Catullus. Poems, in English Verse. CatuUus. Opera Omnia. VirgUius. Worlcs, in English Verse. VirgUlus. vEneis, Translated. Vlrgilius. Georgics, Translated. VirgUius. Notes on the Bucolics and Georgics. Keightley. Opera Omnia. Iloratius. Works, Translated. Horatius. Odes, Translated. Horatius. Opera Omnia. 2V)ullus. Works. Tibullus. Opera Omnia. Properiius. Opera Omnia. Poems. Heroides, Art of Love, etc. Fasti, Tristia, etc. Metamorphoses. Astronomicon. Opera Omnia. Satires, Translated. Pharsalia, Translated. Punici. Epigrammata. Argonauticon. Satira. Opera Omnia, Satires, Translated. Third Satire, Translated. Ocidius. Ovidius. Ovidius. Ovidius. Ovidius. Manilius. Persius. PersVifS. Lucanus. Silius ItaUcus. Mariialis. Valerius. Sulpicia. Juvenalls. Juvenalis. Juvenalis, Satires, with Transl. Juvenalis and Persius. Same. Transl. by Holyday. Juvenalis and Persius. Bucolicon. Calpurnius. Opera Omnia. Claudianus. Works. Claudianus. 466 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Opera Omnia. Ausonius. Opera Omnia. Frudentius. Fabulffi ^sopiae. Phwdrus. De Concordia inter Kic. II et Civita- tem London. Camden Soc. Busticiis. PoliUanus. La Nanceide. Blarru. Latin Poems. Mapes. Specimens of Macaronic Poetry. Anglo-Saxon Poetry* Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Conyheare. Beowulf. Translated by "Wacker- barth. Translation of Beowulf. Kemlle. Beowulf, and other Poems. Kemhle. Metrical Paraphrase. Ccedmon. Layamon's Brut. Madden. Chronicle. Langtoft. Chronicle. Bohert of Gloucester. Poetical Calendar of Anglo-Saxons. Fox. Onelic and Scottish Poetry. Poems in Gaelic. Stewart. Collection of Gaelic Poems. McFarlan. Bards and Druids of Britain. Hash. Poems. Ossian. Genuine Kemains. Ossian. Poems of Ossian, Orrann, XJlin, etc. Scottish Ballads. Ancient Scottish Ballads. Ancient Scottish Melodies. Dauney. Scottish Ballads. Cliamhers. Scottish Songs. Chambers. Songs of Scotland. Cunningham. Scottish Songs, Ballads, etc. Ainslie. Songs of Scotland. Mitchison. Popular Ehymes of Scotland. See Select Writings, v. 7. Chambers. Papular Ehymes, Fireside Stories, etc. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. Aytoun. Jacobite Minstrelsy. English Poetry: General Collections. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. Hale. Poets and Poetry of Europe. Longfellow. Thesaurus Poeticus. Household Book of Poetry. Dand. Studies in Poetry. Cheeve]\ British Poets. British Poets. Campbell. British Poets. Aiken. British Poets. Frost. Female Poets of Great Britain. Bov)ton. Late English Poets. Stoddard. Later English Poets. Sauihey. Poets of England in 19th Century. Griswold Cambridge Prize Poems. Parnassian Garland. British Poetry. Beauties of British Poets. Selections from British Poets. Scotia's Bards. Poetic Remains of Scottish Kings. Beadings in Poetry. Golden Leaves from British Poets. New Elegant Extracts. Beauties of English Poetry. Poets' Pleasaunce. Collection of Poems. English Prologues and Epilogues. Poetical Decameron. Oracles from the Poets. Sibyl; or, New Oracles. Fisher's Drawing Boom Scrap* Book. Second Collection of Poems against Popery. School Girls' Garland. Children's Garland. English Humorous Poetry. English Eural Poetry. British Georgics. Naturalist's Poetical Companion. Poems in Dorset Dialect. Westmoreland and Cumberland Po- ems, -Songs, etc. Poetry of the Age of Fable. Mythological Fables. ■* Fables and Tales. Poets and Poetry of America. Specimens of American Poetry. American Poems. (By Dwight, Bar- low, etc.) Female Poets of America. American Female Poets. Selections from American Poets. Golden Leaves from the Poets. Original Poetic Effusions. Miscellaneous Poems. Anthology of New Netherland. Poets and Poetry of Vermont. Poets of Connecticut. New York Book of Poetry. Poets and Poetry of the West. Oidcroppings ; Selections of Califor- nia Verse. Poetical Tributes to Memory of Lincoln. Anthologie Universelle. British Martial ; English Epigrams. Sahrinoi Corolla. Evans Gilfillan Crohj llalleck Carter Chalmers Hows Tompkim. Warwid, Dodsle)j Griffith Collier Gilmar Gilmav JUrklana Patmoi'< I'artor Jcnk Graham Wilson Barnes Bidjinc: Le Gros Ginsvjoh Kdic: Griswoh Mai Bryai Uov:.- Murplv Hemenwa[ Everes Coggeshal Souzi LITERATURE I POETRY. 467 Sons* and Ballads. M Bnllads. CoUkr. )ld Biillads. Evans. English and Scottis"h Ballads. Child. Jritish Ballads. IlaU. 5ook of Ballads. Aytoun. long Writing, witk Collection of Songs. Aikin. A Musa Madrigalesca. OUphant Inglisli Anthology. BUson. Inglisli Songs. RUson. Torthern Garlands. RUson. incient Songs and Ballads. RUson. ncient Popular Poetry. RUson. ongs and Ballads. Rimbault. Ictorial Book of Ballads. Moore. ballad Book. AUingham. Fursery Rhymes of England. Percy Soc. ongs of England. Mackay. rolden Treasury of Songs. Palgrave. Airnament of Totenham, and the Feest. ook of Roxburglio Ballads. Collier. arly Naval Ballads. Percy Soc. ongs and Ballads relative to Lon- don Trades. Percy Soc. trange Histories. Percy Soc. lobin Hood Songs and Ballads. Ritson. lobin Hood Ballads. Gutch. ihristmas Carols. Sandys. >ld Christmas Coxols. Percy Soc. %ristmas with the Poets. %risimas Carols with Music. linstrelsy; Ancient and Modem. Mothenoell. linstrelsy of English Border. Sheldon. linstrelsy of Scottish Border. Scott. opular Ballads and Songs. Jamison. llads and Songs. Mulchbwck. ollection of Songs. Plumptre. ongs and Carols. ongs of England and Scotland. Kiys and Ballads from English His- tory. riginal Ballads. Thompson. ;ural Tales, Ballads, and Songs. Bloomfidd. brest Minstrel. Hogg. Inglish Sonnets. Ilousman. onnets. Moxon. onnets froni Shakspeare. lome Ballads. 'ong Leaves from Book of Life. 'olitical Songs of England. Wright. 'olitical Ballads during Common- wealth, Percy Soc. ^Odry of the Anti-Jacobin. National English Airs. Chappell. Historical Songs of Lreland. Percy Soc Ballads of Ireland. Hayes. Songs of the American Revolution. Moore, Revolutionary Memorials^ Case. Poems of the Revolution. Frene-au. Loyal Verses of the Revolution. Stansbury. Loyalist Poetry of the Revolution- Poems of the War. Roker. War Lyrics and other Poems. JBrowneU, War Lyrics, Selection of. Rebel Rhymes and Rhapsodies. Moore, Earlier Poetrj. Old English Poets. Early English Poets. Ellis. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Percy. Selection from Percy's Reliques. Tripp. Beauties of Ancient English Poetry. Headley. Vision and Creed of Piers Plough- man. Debate between Pride and Lowliness. Thynn. Early Metrical Romances. EUis. Metrical Romances. Weber. Romance of Sir Tryamoure. Percy Soc Three Early English Metrical Ro- mances. Camden Soc Early English Metrical Romances. Thomion. Nuibrowne Maid. Poems Written Anno 1352. Mnot Deposition of Richard II. Camden Soc Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage. Percy Soc Two Angry Women of Abington. Percy Soc King and Poor Northern Man. Percy Soc Book of Curtasye. Percy Soc Search for Money. Percy Soc Ghost of Richard the Third. Shakspeare Soc. Specimens of Lyric Poetry. Percy Soc Ancient Metrical Tales. Hartsho'me, Seven Sages in English Verse. Wright. Anecdota Literaria. Wrlgld. Excerpta Tudoriana. Brydges. Fairy Mythology of Midsummer Night's Dream. HalliweU. Mad Pranks of Robin Goodfellow. Percy Soc Poetical lYorks. Works. Addison. Works. Akenside. Sonnets. Albin. Poems. Aldnch. Poems. AUingham* Poems. Armstrong, Poems. Arnold. Poems. Bacon. Poetical Works. BaiUU. Songs, Ballads, and Poems. BaiUi^ Poems. BaUou. i&8 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Poems. Bamfylde. Poems. Poems. Barren. Poems. Poems. Barton. Poems. Household Verses. Barton. Poetical Works. Poetical Works. Beattie. Poems. Poems. Beaumont. Essays in Verse. See *' Poems. Bishop. Works. Poems. Blacklock. Poetical Works. Poems. Blackmore. Works. Poems. Blacksione. Posthumous Poems. Poems. Blackwell. Poems. Poems. Blair. Poems. Poems. Bolton. Poems. Poems. Boita. Poetical Works. PoeticalWorksi Bourne. Poems and Songs. Poems. Boyce. Poems. Poems. Brainard. Poetical Works. Fragrant Flowers, etc. Breton. Poems. Poems. Brome. Poems. Poems. Bronte. Poems. Poems. Brown. Poetical Eemains. Poems. Browne. Works. Poems. Browning. Works. Last Poems. Browning. Poems. Poems. Browning. Poems. Poems. Bruce. Poems. Poems. Bryant. Poems. Thirty Poems. Bryant. Poems. Sonnets, and Poems. Brydges. Poems. Poems. Buchanan. Poems. Poems. Burhidge. Poetical Works. Poems. Burbid^e and ClougJu Poetical Works. Poetical Works. Bums. Selections from Poetry. Poems. Butler. Poems. Poetical Eemains. Butler. Poems. Works. Butler. Poems. Works. Byron. Poems. Poetical Works. Campbell. Poems. Poems. Carcw. Poetical Works. Works. Carew. Poems. Poems. Carey. Poem. Poems. Carey. Poems. Poems. Curticright. Poems. Poems. Cawihorne. Poems. Poems. Chase. Poems. Poetical Works. Chatierton. Poems. Poems. Chatterton. Maspeth Poems. Poetical Works. Chaucer. Poems. Selections from Poetical Works. Chaucer. Poems. Poetical Works. ClmrchUl. Poetical Works. Poems. Clarke. Poems and Songs. Poems. Clough. Verses of a Life Time. Poems. Coleridge. Works. Poetical Works. Col&i'idge. Poems. Coleridge, Shelley and Keats. Poeti- Poetical Works. cal Works. Poems. Poetical Works. CoUins. Poems. Works." LITERATURE ; POETRY. 469 ax Gower. Songs and Ballads. Lover. MIS. Gray. Poems. Lovibond. iL-al Works. Gray. Poems. LowelL rs and Poems. Gray. Lyric Poems. LwiL . .ks. Green. Poetical Remains. Lyde. oems. Griffiih- Selection from Minor Poems. Lydgate. oems. Guest. Poetical Works. Lyndsay. oems. Habington. Poems. Lyttleton. •oems. HaU. Poems. Lyiton. emains. JIallam, Poems- Lytioju oetical Works. Ualleck. Poems. McDonald. yrics. Halpine. Poetical Works. MacneUl. Torks. Hammond. Poems. MalletL oems. HaHe. Poems and Ballads. Massey. oems. Harwood. Poems. May, oems. Hastings. Poems. May. oems and Plays. Hayley. Poems , Merivale. oems. Hazard. Works, Mickle. oetical Works. Heher. Poems. MiUer. oetical Works. Hemans. Poetical Works. MUman. Torks. Herbert. JFdman, Bowles, Wilson, Proctor. oetical Works. Herrlck. Poetical Works. oems. HewiU. Poems. MUnes. oems. Hocdev^. Poetical Works. MUon. oetical Works. Hogg. 3rdton, Thompson, and Young. Pc oems. Holmes. etical Works. umorous Poems. Holmes. MiUon, Young, Gray, Beattie, and oetical Works. Hood. CJollins. Poems. oems. Hooper. Poetical Works. Moir. oetical Works. Hosmer. Poems. Montague. allads and Poems. Howitt. Poetical Works. Montgomery. oems. Hughes. Poems. Moore. oetical Works. Hunt. Poetical Works. Moore. oems. Ingdow. Poems. Morris. foems. Jago. Poetical Works. MoihenoeU. ^oems. Jenyns. Posthumous Poems. Motherwell. foems. Johnson. Poems. MouUrie. .ttempts in Verse. Jones. Poems. Mvhck. iTorks. Jones. Poems. Murden. iDmestic Verses. Judson. Poems. Muzzy. oetical AVorks. Keats. Poems. Karramore. 'oems. Kemble. Songs of the Heart and Hearth- oems. Kimball. stone. Nichols. oems. King. Ballads and Poems. Nixon. oetical Works. Landon. Poems. Norton. oems. Langhorne. Poems- Osgood. oems. Lansdoione. Poems. Oiway. 'oems. Lawson. Poetical Works. ParnelL oices of Life. Lesdernier. Poems. Parsons. *oems. Lewis. Poems. Patteson. 'oems. Lindsay. Poetical Works. Percival. *Gems. Lippincoit. Poems. Peterson. *oems. Lloyd. Works. PhilUps. *oems. Jjoqan. Poems. Pinkney. *oems. Longfellow. Poems. PUL ?oems. Lovelace. Poems. Pot. kmnets. Lovell. Poems. PomfreU 470 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Poetical Works. Pope. Poems. SuckUng. Poems. Forteus. Poems. Surrey. Poetical Works. Praed. Works. Surrey. Poems. Prior. English Melodies. Swain. Poetical Works. Prior. Poetical Works. Sicift. Poems. Procter. Select Poems. Swift. Poems. Raleigh. Poems. Tappan. Works. Ramsay. Eomances, Lyrics, and Songs. Taylor. Poems. Ray. Poems of the Orient. Taylor. Poems. Read. Poems of Home and Travel. Taylor. Poem. Richardson. Poet's Journal. Taylor. Poems. Roberts. lihymes of Travel. Taylor. Poems. Robinson. Poetical Remains. Taylor. Poems. Rochester. Poems. Tennyson. Poetical Works. Rogers. Poems. Terry. Rogers, Campbell, Montgomery, Ballads. Thackeray. Lamb and White. Poems. Poems. Thompson. Poems. Roscommo7i. Poetical Works. Thomson. Poems. Rowe. Works. TickelL Sonnets. Russell. Posthumous and other Poem». Tonna. Poetical Works. SadcvUk. Sermons in Sonnets. Townshend. Poetical Works, Savage. Poems. Trench. Poems. Saxe. Poetical Works. Trumhull. Poems. Scott. Poems, Tuckerman. Poetical Works. Scott. Poetical Eemains. Walker. Ballads and Lyrics. Scott. Poems. Waller. Poems. Shakspeare. Poem?. Walsh. Select Poems. Shakspeare and Jonson. Lyrical Recreations. Ward. Sonnets. Shakspeare and Milton. Poems. Watts. Poems. Shaw. Poems. Warton. Poems. Shaw. Poems. Warton. Poems. Sheffield. Poems. Wieotley. Poetical Works. Shelley. Poetical Works. WhUe. Works. Shenstone. Home Ballads and Poems. Whiitier. Poems. Sherburne. Poetical Works. WMitier. Poems. Sigourney. Poems. Willis. Illustrated Poems. Sigourney. Poems. Winter. Poems. Simms. Poems. Wither. Poetical Works. Skelton. Works of Peter Pindar. Wolcott. Poems. Smart. Poems, Odes, Song.s, etc. Woodworth. Poems. Smedley. Poetical Works. Wwdsworth. Poems. Smith. Poetical Works. WyaU. Poems. Smith. Poems. Yalden. Poems and Ballads. Smith. Poetical Works. Young. Poems. Smollett. Poems. Somerville. Poems. Poetical Works. Souihey. Abaddon, and other Poems. Fairfield. Poems. Spaidding. Address to the Deil. Burns. Poetical Works. Spenser. Advent, a Mystery. Cox. Poems. Sprat Airs of Palestine, and other Poems. Pierpont Poems. Stagg. Alban the Pirate. Wallace. Poems. Stedman. Alfred; an Epick Poem. Blackmore. Poems. Stepney. Alfred ; an Epic Poem. Pye. Poems. Sterling. Alice of Monmouth, and Dther Poems. Stirling. Poems. Stedman. Poems. Story. All for Love, and Pilgrim to Com- Poems. Street. postella. Southey. I.ITBRATUEB; POETRT. 471 A'ick Castle, and other Poems. Ualleck. •adhh, and other Poems. •{,amca Discovered. "lir Khan, and other Poems. Davidson. Iromeda, and other Poems. Kingsky. :<1 in the House. Betrothal. Paimore. t'.l in the House. Espousals. Patmore. \;istcr Fair, with other Poems. Tennant. \.uyta, and other Poems. Calvert. V[ilielia, and other Poems. Pleasants. \iiel, and other Poems. Fosdick. hur Carryl, and other Poems. Osborne. me; a Tale of the Nestorians. !;Ga. Holmes. iiintis. Simms. Ha, King of the Huns; also Attila and his Predecessors. Herbert. oTo. Leigh, and other Poems. Broioning. V ulobiography of a Clock, and other Poems. (Juiis. ixdiimn Leaves. Lvenia, a Tragical Poem. Sranagan. jackwoodsman. Paulding. Balder. Dobell. Jallad Romances, and other Poems. Porter. Barn Yard Rhymes. Jells (The) Aldrich. Bertram, a Poetical Tale. Bi-ydges. Jiglow Papers, Loicell 5irth-Day. Bowles. iitter-Sweet. A Poem. Holland, 5ondman of Kent, and other Poems. Conrad. Jothie of Toper-na Fuosich. Clough. Jothwell. A Poem. Aytoun. Bouquet of Poesy. Gould. Boyhood, with other Poems. Elton. Bruce. Barbour. Dalvary, or the Death of Christ. Cwniberland. Caprices; Poems. Dasa Guidi Windows. Browning. C5ash, Corn, Catholics, and other Matters, Odes upon. Moore. Chapel of the Hermits, and other Poems. WliiUier. Characteristics of Painters. Reeve. Ohevy Chase, a Poem. Child of the Islands. Norton. Child of the Sea, and other Poems. Lewis. Christ in Hades; a Poem. Lord. City Poems. Smith. Clever Stories of Many Nations. Saxe. Clio; a Poem. No. III. Perclval. Clontarf, and other Pcems. Shea. Columbiad. Barlow. Ooluiribla's Naval Triumphs. Common Sense, a Social Satire. Va7idenhoff. Concord Fight BarUett. Coral Gift; or the Lovers of the Deep. McLaughlin. Corn Law Rhymes, and other Po- ems. Elliott. Country Love vs. City Flirtation. Sperry. Courtship of Miles Standish, etc. Longfellow. Croakers. Brake and Halleck. Crystalina; a Fairy Tale. Harney. Culprit Fay. Drake. Cupid and Psyche. Marmion. Curse of Kehama. Southey. Daisy Swain, the Flower of Shenan- doah. DagnaU. Day Dreams. Nunes. Days and Hours. Tennyson. Death's Doings in Twenty-four Plates. Dagley. Democracy Unveiled. Fessende)i. Dermot Mac Morrogh, or Conquest of Ireland. Adams. Dispensar}'. Garth. Dove and the Eagle. Dramatis Personje. Browning. Drawings and Tintings, Street. Dream, and other Poems, Norton. Drum Taps. Whitman. Dublin Mail, or Intercepted Corre- spondence. Jfoore. Echo ; with other Poems. Echo; or Boi-rowed Notes. Hoffman. Edwin and Emma; a Ballad. MaUd. Edwin of Deira. SmUh. Egeria; or the Spirit of Nature. Mackay. Elodie, and other Poems. Laicton. Endymion; a Tale of Greece. Hirst. England, and other Poems. Marsh. English Bards, and Scotch Re- viewers. Byron. English Garden; a Poem. Mason. English Songs, and other Poems. Procter. Enoch Arden, &c. Tennyson. Eolopoesis ; American Rejected Ad- dresses. Ephemera. Poems. Epic of Starry Heaven. Harris. Epistles on Women, etc. Aikiru Escalala; a Poem. Beach. Estray; a Collection of Poems. Longfellow. Evangeline. Longfellow. Eve of the Conquest, etc. Taylor. Fable for Critics. Lowell. Fables for the Hdly Alliance, etc. Moore. Fabliaux; Tales of the Twelfth Cen- tury. Le Grand. Faerie Queene; also, Epithalamiou. Spen,dds and Ends. Sweeney. >din, a Poem, Drummond. do, Count of Lingen. Brydges. Wife, and The Pine. Poems. )liver Newman, etc. Souihey. )mnipresence of the Deity. Montgomery. »ntwa; a Poem. Whiting. toward Age. Read. Oriental Harp. Coffin. •riando in Iloncesvalles. Merivale. k^ord Sausage, 'airis of Memory. Merry. alace Beautiful, and other Poems. Ken. 'alfrey. Hunt. anorama, and other Poems. IMdttier. aradise Lost. , Milton. aradise Regained. Milton. araphrase of the Economy of Hu- • man Life. Macdonald. arnassus in Philadelphia. Pindar. 'arson's Home. A Poem. assaic; Poems. Ward. ^stime of Pleasure. llawes. easant's Death; and other Poems. Struthers. (2)bles from the Lake Shore. Porter. yo; a Poem. Beach. lAayOy or the Cavern of Covadonga. ican Island, and other Poems. Montgomery. Miance of Roland ; and other Poems. Hirst onnida; a Heroic Poem. Chamberlayne Ugrim of Beauty; and other Poems. Mullen. t]^m of Glencoe; and other Poems. Campbell. er's Guide; a Comic Poem. Anstey. ures of Hope, with^ther Poems. Campbell. Pleasures of the Imagination. • Akenside. Pleasures of Memory, and other Poems. Rogers. Podesta's Daughter. Boker. Poems, by Eaglestone. Poems, by Meditatus. Poems of Religion and Society. Adams. Poetical Epistle to Washington. Poetical Rhapsody, and other Pieces. Davison. Poetry of Dreams. Leland. Poetry for the People, and other Poems. MUnes. Power of Solitude. Story. Power of the Passions, and other Poems. Ware. Prelude; or Growth of a Poet's Mind. Wordsworth. Priestcraft; or Monarch of the Mid- dle Ages. See Popery in Power. Turnley. "Princess; a Medley. Tennyson. Prince's Visit to the U. S. in 1860. Cordova. Progress of Freedom, and other Poems. Shipp. Prophecy of the Santon, and other Poems. Swan. Prometheus Unmasked, and other Poems. Shelley. Puerilla; or Amusements for the Young. Marchant. Purple Island. Fletcher. Pursuits of Literature; a Satirical Poem. Mathias. Queen Phihppa's Golden Booke. Records of Woman, with other Poems. Hemans. Redemption; a Poem. Swain. Rejected Addresses. Smiilu Reynard the Fox. Arnold. Rhododaphne; or the-Thessalian Spell. Rhyme and Reason of Country Life. Cooper. Rivals of Este, and other Poems. Brooks. Roderick the Last of the Goths. Souihey. Romance of the Ring, and other Poems. Nack. Rufana; or Poetical Sinnings of Wm. Rufus. Ruins of Athens, and other Poems. HUl. Rural Tales. Bloomfield. St. Jonathan, Lay of a Scald. Cox. Salamandvine ; or Love and Immor- tality. Mackay. Samor, Lord of the Bright City. M^lman. Satires. HaU. Saul ; a Mystery. Cox. Saul; a Poem. Sotheby. 474 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Scenes from Scripture, and other Poems. Oi'ohj. Scenes of Daj's Departed, etc. Boicles. School of the Heart, and other Poems. Alford. Science Revived; or the Vision of Alfred, A Poem. Seaside and Fireside. Lonnfelloic. Seasons. T/iomson. Secession ; and East Tennessee. Shipwreck. Falconer. Siamese Twins, with other Poems. Lyiion. Siege of Baltimore, and Battle of La Franche, with other Poems. TJmpliraville: SirTristrem; a Metrical Piomance. Scotl. Slictclies in Verse. Sketches of Life and Landscape. Iloyt. Snow Flakes. Betham-Edwards. Solitary Hours. Southey. Song of Milkanwatha. Henderson. Song of Satan. Harris. Songs in Many Keys. Holmes. Songs of Labor, and other Poems. Whiitier. Songs of the Sea, with other Poems. Sargent. Songs of the Seasons, and other Poems. Linen. Southern Passages and Pictures. Simms. Spirit Congress; a Poem. Spring Wild Flowers. D'Leina. Summer Story, Sheridan's Eide, and other Poems. Bead. Sunday School, and other Poems. Tappan. Sunlight and Hearthlight. Phelps. Sunlight upon the Landscape, and other Poems. Sunshine through the Clouds. Hamilton. Sylvia; an Eclogue, and other Poems. Bead. Tale of the Basyn, the Frere and the Boy. Tale of Paraguay. Southey. Tales. Crabhe. Tales from Boccaccio, and other Poems. Powell. Tales of the Hall. Crahhe. Tales of a Wayside Inn. Longfellow. Tales of Wonder. Lewis. Task, Table Talk, and other Poems. Cowper. Tecumseh ; a Poem. Colion. Terrible Tractoration. Fessenden. Thalatta ; a Book for the Sea Side. Thealma and Clearchus. Chalkhill. Theodore; or the Gamester's Progress. Theodric, and other Poems. Camphell. Thcoria; a Poem. Siarkey. Thoughts in Past Years. Poems. Three Hours, and other Poems. Hale. Times; a Poem.. Markoe. Tour through Wales, and other Poems. Soiheby. Tribute. Poems. Northampton. Trollopiad; a Satirical Poem. Truth, a Gift for Scribblers. Snelling. Two Millions. Butler. Ulric, or the Voices. Fay. Undying One, and other Poems. Norton. United Brothers; Poem before the Society of, and other Poems. Willis. Untaught Bard; a Poem. Urania; or, the True Use of Poesy. Allen. Uses of Solitude. Smith. Utterance ; Private Voices to Public Heart. Briggs. Vagaries of Vandyke Browne. Brannan, Variety, a Poem. Wliitehead. Victories of Love. Patmore. Vigil of Faith, and other Poems. Hoffman. Village Curate; a Poem. Hurdis. Virginalia. Chivers. Vision of Judgment; also, Byron's Vision of Judgment. Soxdhey. Vision of Rubeta; an Epic Poem. Osborne. Vision of Sir Launfal. Lowell. Voices from the Mountains, and from the Crowd. Mackay. Voices from Spirit Land. White. Voices of the Morning. Bush. Voices of -the Night. Longfellow. Vow of the Peacock, and other Poems. Landon. Waif; a Collection of Poems. Longfellow. Waldenses, and other Poems. De Vere. /Wallace, Sir Wm., History of. Henry. Waltham; an American Revolution- ary Tale. MPhnry. Warreniana. Waverley Poetry. Scott. Wayside Flowers. T^oud. Wayside Songs. Goodwin. Western Home, and other Poems. Sigourney. West Indies, and other Poems. Montgomery. White Dove, and other Poems. Townsend. White-footed Deer, and other Poems. Bryant. Woman; a Poem. Barrett. Woman; a Poem. }Vard. Woodman's Tale, and other Poems. Boyd. World before the Flood. Montgomery. Words for the Hour. Howe. Xamayca; a Poem. • Lawrence. Yamoyden; a Poem. Eastburn. Yarrow Revisited, and other Poems. ! Wordsworlh.\ Year (The); a Poem.^ Pierce.] Zinzendorf, and other Poems. Sigourney.] LITERATURE ; POETRY, 475 Sncred Poetrf • Sacred Poets of England and Amer- ica. Grisicold. Historical Sketches of Hytnns. Belcher. Hymns of the Church. TFUher. Sacred Poems and Hymns. Montgomery. Book of Praise. Palmer. Voice of Christian Life in Song. Charles. Hallehijah; Hymns. Wither. Emblems, Divine and Moral. Qua7-les. Hymns of Faith and Hope. Bonar. Hymns for Mothers and Children. Whitmarsh. Wayside Hymns. Hymns of Holy Refreshment. Huntington. Sacred Poems, and Private' Ejacula- tions. Vaiighan. Lyra Germanica. Sacred Hymns, from the German. Cox. Sacred Latin Poetry. French. Mother Dear, Jerusalem ! Prime. Book of Job, in Poetry. Adams. Psalms of David. ' Sidney. Psalms in Metre. Sacred Poetical Paraphrases. Steele. Dictionary of Sacred Quotations. Weld. Neues Gesangbuch. Songs for Catholic Schools. Cummings. Silver Stole. Cummings. Church Poetry. Song of Faith, etc. De Vere. Songs by the "Way. Doane. Christian Year. Kehle. Sunday Book of Poetry. Alexander. Lyra Innocentium. Kehle. Christian Melodies. Bettner. Cathedral. Poems. Cliristian Scholar. ' Elijah, a Sacred Drama, etc. Davidson. Churchyard Thoughts, in Verse. Snow. CJcruinn Poets. Nihelmigen Lied. Nihelungen Lied. Translated. Lays of the Minnesingers. German Lyrics. Brooks. Deutscher Liederhort. Erk. German Anthology. Mangan. Leisure Hours with German Poets. Kendriclc. Gems of German Verse. Farness. Spirit of German Poetry. Gostick. Song of the Bell, and other Poems. Campbell. Songs and Ballads. Uhland, Korner, etc. Qedichte. See Dramatische Schrif- ten. Andersen. Gtcdichte. See Werke. Chamisso. Sammtliche Werke . Gleim. Poems and Ballads. Goethe. Goethe and Schiller. Select Minor Poems. Book of Songs. Heine. Odes. Klopstock. Messiah. Elopstock. Poems, Tales, and Dramas. See Life and Writings. « Eorner. S'ammtliche Werke. Pyrker. Declamations-Soiree. Saphir. Fiiegendes Album. Saphir, Gedichte. See Werke, y. 8-9. ScUegd. Gedichte. Schubert. Poems and Ballads. SchiUer. Gedichte. Uhland. Poetisclft Werke. Wieland. Dichtungen. See Gesammelte Schrif- ten. Zschokke. Jona de Profeet. Steversloof. Icelandic Poetry. Saemund. Edda (Die). Nebst den Mythischen Erzahlungen der Skalda. Romantic Ballads from the Danish. Bon'ow. Ancient Danish Ballads. Prior. Specimens of Russian Poets. Bovring. Poetry of the Magyars. Boucring. Miscellaneous Poetry. Herbert. French Pocfs. Bicueil de Poesie Frangaise. Modern French Poets. Translated. Somers. Esquisses Poetiques de la Vie. Alletz. La Vie Rurale. Auiran. (Euvres. Beranger. (Euvres Completes. Btranger.* Dernieres Chansons. Beranger. Lyrical Poems. Beranger. Songs. Beranger. Charlemagne ; or Clmrch Delivered. Bonaparte. Poe'sies. Chenier. Poesies Diverses. Chinier, Les Chefs d'CEuvres. Comeille, ffiuvres. Delavigne. (Euvres Completes. DeliUe. CEuvres Choisies. Bestouches. La De'clamation Theatrale. Borat. (Euvres. Gresset. Poesies Completes. Houssaye. La Legende des Siecles: Hugo. Odes et Poesies Diverses. Hugo. Fables. La Fontaine. Meditations Poetiques. Lamartine. (Euvres. Lebrun. Poesies. Millevoye. (Euvres Choisies. Pamy. Virgile Travesty. Scarron. Poemes Relatifs a ses Aventures. TristaTX. 476 CLASSIFIED INDEX. La Henriade. La Pucelle d'Orleans. Voltaire. Voltaire. Italian Poets. Stories from Italian Poets. Hunt. II Tesoretto. Italienisclie Poesie. Wolff. Parnasso Italiano. Danie, Petrarca, Ariosto, Tasso. Poems. Michael Angelo as a Poet. Taylor. Orlando Furioso. Ariosto. Same, Transl. bylloole. Ariosto. El Cancionero. Baena. Lo Scherno degli Dei. Bracciolini. The Vision. Translations. ♦ Dante. Inferno. With Prose Translation. Dante. Same. Translations. Dante. Canzoniere. Transl. by Lyell. Danie. Kime. Petrarca. Sonnets, and other Poems. Petrarca. La Gerusalemme Liberata. Tasso. Jerusalem Delivered. Tasso. Einaldo; a Poem. ' Tasso. Spanish and Portuguese Poets. CoUeccion de Poesias Castellanas Anteriores al Siglo XL Sanchez. Ancient Poetry and Eomances of Spain. Bowring. Poetical Kelics. Melodino. Ancient Spanish Ballads. Lockhart. History of Charles the Great, and Orlando; Spanish Ballads. Bodd. Cuentos y Poesias Andaluces. Caballero. ^1 Libro de los Cantares. Tnieba. Primavera y Flor de Eomances. Wolf. Selections from Spanish Poets. Vingut. Gems of Spanish Poetry. Modern Poets and Poetry of Spain. Kennedy. Lyrics of Spain and Erin. Maturin. La Araucana. Ercilla. Poesias. Moratin. Works. Vega. Cuentos y Satiras. Voltaire. Literary Fables. Yriarte. Obras. Zorilla. Lusiad. Camoens. Poems. Camoens. Poetry of the East. Poetry of the East. Alger. Specimens of Arabian Poetry. Carlyle. Gulistan, or Eose Garden. Saadi. Popular Poetry of the Hindoos. Broughton. Sanscrit Poems. Milman. Drama. Dramatic Art and Literature. ScJdegel. Dramatic Literature. Girardin. Histoire de la Litterature Drama- tique. Janin. Dramatic Literature of Age of Eliza- beth. Ilazlitt. History of English Dramatic Poetry. Collier. Drtimatic Table Talk. Byan. Annals of English Stage. Doran. Seven Years of King's Theatre. Ebers. Eeminiscences of King's and Drury Lane Theatres. Eelly. Leaves from an Actor's Note-Book. Vandenlioff. Eetrospections of the Stage. Bernard. Before and Behind the Curtain. Northall. Apology for Actors. Heywood. School of Abuse. Gosson, Biographia Dramatica. Baker. Memoirs of Principal Actors in Shak- speare's Plays. Shakspeare Soc. Lives of the Players. Gait. Theatrical Biography. Wemyss. Chronology of American Stage. Wemyss. Lives of the British Dramatists. Campbell. Memoirs of the Musical Drama. Hogarth. Life of Mrs. Charke. Apology for his Life. Gibber. Adventures of an Actor; Picture of the French Stage. Hook. Memoirs. Goldoni. Life of Mrs. Jordan. Boaden. Memoirs of Charles Mathews. Mathews. Memoirs of Sarah Siddons. Boaden. Life of Sarah Siddons. Campbell. See, also, Shakspeaeiana. Greek and lintin Drama. See Gbeek and Latin Poets. Xlnglish Dramatic Poetry. Old English Drama. Specimens of Dramatic Poets. Lamb. Four Old Plays. Collection of Old Plays. Dodsley. Five Old Plays. Collier. Chester Plays. Shakspeare Soc. Ancient Mysteries Described. Hone. Ludus Coventrige. Shakspeare Soc. Five Court Masques. Shakspeare Soc. British Theatre. Cumberland. Minor Theatre. Cumberland. \ British DrajQn; Collection of Tragedies, etc. Modern Standard Drama. London Stage ; Collection of Plays. Collection of Farces. Inchbald, Golden Leaves from Dramatic Poets. Hows. Dramatic Authors of America Bees- LITERATURE ; POETRY. 477 American Comedies. Paidding. Charade Dramas. Bowman. Dramas. Baillie. Dramatic and Poetical Works. Baillie. Plays, Prose and Poetry. Barnes. Works. Beaumont and Fletcher. Dramatic and Prose Miscellanies. Beckett. Plays and Poems. Boker. Dramatic and Poetical Works. Burgoyne. Comedies. Calvert. Tragedies and Poems. Oarlisle. Dramatic Works. Cibber. Dramatic Works. Colman. Works. Farquhar. Works. Fielding. Works. Fooie. Dramatic Works. Ford. Tragedies. Gait. Dramatic Works. Greene. Dramas, Discourses, etc. Hillhouse. Dramatic Works. See Works. Home. Works. Jonson. Dramatic Works. Knowles. Select Dramatic Works. Knowles. Works. Marlowe. Works. Marsion. Plays. Massinger. Dramatic Scenes. Morgan. Works. Otway. Dramatic WoVks. Peele. Dramatic Poems. Bead. Dramatic Works. Sheridan. Dramatic Works. Shirley. Tragedies. Sotheby. Dramatic Works. Steele. Tragedies, etc. Talfourd. Wycherly, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar. Dramatic Works. Dramas. Almcda, or Neapolitan Revenge. America; a Dramatic Poem. Anne Boleyn. Boker. Arnold and Andre'. Calvert. Atalanta in Calydon. Swinburne. Athelstan; a Tragedy. Brown. Athenian Captive. Talfourd. Belshazzar; Dramatic Poem. Milman. Cains Gracchus; a Tragedy. McCord. Careless Husband. Cibber. Carmelite; a Tragedy. Cumberland. Chances; a Comedy. Buckingham. Chapter of Incidents. Lee. Charicles ; Dramatic Poem. Quincy. Chastelard. Swinburne. Calaynos; a Tragedy. Boker. Countess of Salisbury. Martson. Daughter; a Plaj'. Knowles. Deliverance of Switzerland. ' " Deakin. Doom of Devorgoil ; and Auchin- drane. Scoil. Dramatist; a Comedy. Reynolds. Duchess de la Valliere. I/ytton. Edwin the Fair. Taylor. Fair Maid of the Exchange. Shakspeare Soc. Fair Penitent; a Tragedy. Rowe. Fall of Jerusalem. Milman. Fashionable Levities. Macnally. Faust's Death, a Tragedy. Moiling. Follies of a Day. Holcroft. Fortune by Land and Sea. Shakspeare Soc. Gorboduc, Tragedie of. Shakspeare Soc. Gwreans an Bys; Cornish Mystery. Stokes. Hadad; Dramatic Poem. Hillhouse. Harrowing of Hell; Miracle Play. HalliweU. Ion; a Tragedy. Talfour. King Edward IV. Shakspeare Soc. King Bend's Daughter. Hertz. Love-Chase; a Comedy. Knowles. Lyteria; Dramatic Poem. Q^incy. Marriage a la Mode. Dryden. Marriage of Wit and Wisdom. Shakspsare Soc. Martyr of Antioch. 2Iilman. Medea; a Tragedy. Glover. IMiriam ; Dramatic Poem. Park. Mohammed; a Tragedy. MUes. Mourning Bride, Congreve. Natural Son ; a Comedy. Cumberland. Niebelungen Treasure. Baupach. Noble Peasant. Holcroft. Not so Bad as We Seem. Lytton. Notoriety; a Comedy. Reynolds. Old New York; or Democracy in 1689. - Smith. Orphan, or Unhappy Marriage. Otway. Patient Grissil. Shakspeare Soc. Percy's Masque; a Drama. Hillhouse. Philip Van Artevelde. Taylor. Philo; an Evangeliad. Judd. Pocaliontas ; a Drama. Point of Honor. Kemble. Provoked Wife ; a Comedy. Vanbrugh. Ralph Roister Doister. Shakspeare Soc. Richard the Third. Shakspeare Soc. Richardus Tertius. Shkaspeare Soc. Richelieu; a Play. Lytton. Richmond Heiress. Z)' Urfey. Roman; Dramatic Poem. Ddbell. Saint's Tragedy. Kmgsley. School for Guardians. School for Politics. Gayarri. Secret; a Comedy. Mori'is. Seven Temptations. ' Howitt. Sir Thomas More. SJiakspeare Soc. 478 CLASSIFlIi:D INDEX. Star of Seville. Butler. Tamerlane;^ Tragedy. Bowe. Thomas a Becket; and other Poems. IlolUsier. Timon; a Play. Shakspeare Soc. Tragedy of Errors. Putnam. TJnliappy Favourite ; Earl of Essex, Banks. Velasco ; a Tragedy. Sargent. Very Age; a Comedy. Gould. Virgin Widow; a Play. Taylor. Wit and Science; Moral Play. Halliwell. Zenobia; a Tragedy. Murphy. Sliakspcariana. Dramatic Works. Shakspeare. Same. Collier's Ed. Shakspeare. Same. Hudson's Ed. Shakspeare. Same. Knight's Pictorial Ed. Shakspeare. Same. White's Ed. Shakspeare. Hamlet; a Tragedy. Shakspeare. Supplement to Plays. Shakspeare. (Eavres Dramatiques. Shakspeare. Dramatische Werke. Shakspeare. Works, for Keading Classes. Shakspeare. Shakspearian Reader. Shakspeare. Select Comedies. Shakspeare. Eeview of Johnson's Shakspeare. Kenrick. Shakespeare's Text Eevised. Heath. Observations on Shakspeare. Tyrwhitt. Pretended Shakspeare MSS. Malone. Examination of Malone's Inquiry. Ireland. Confessions as to Shakspeare MSS. Ireland. Vortigern and Rowena. Dudley. Shakspeare's Genius Justified. Jackson. New Particulars Ptegarding S. Collier. Reasons for New Edition of S. Collier. Notes and Emendations. Collier. Text of Shakspeare Vindicated. Singer. Remarks on Collier's and Knight's Editions of Shakspeare. Dyce. Notes on Shakspeare's Plays, etc. llackeit. Shaksperiayia ; Catalogue of Books, etc. Shakespeariana. Halliwell Concordance to Shakspeare. Clarke. Verbal Index to Shakspeare. Twiss. Shakespearian Dictionary. Dolby. Index to Shakspeare. Ayscough. Concerning a Glossary to S. Warner. Shakespeare's Library. Collier. Shakespeare Illustrated. Lennox. Old Taming of a Shrew. Shakspeare Soc. First Sketch of Merry Wives of Windsor. Shakspeare Soc. Play of Henry the Fourth. Shakspeare Soc. First Sketches of Henry VI. Shakspeare Soc. Introduction to Midsummer Night's Dream. Shakspeare Soc Oberon's Vision Compared with Lylie's Endymion. Shakspeare Soc Lectures on Shakspeare. Hudsor, Notes on Shakspeare. Dya Shakespeare's Scholar. Whiti Shakspeare 's Himself Again. Beckei Studies of Shakespeare. Fletcher Commentaries on the Historical Plays of Shakspeare. Courienay Lectures on Shakespeare, etc. Coleridge Canons of Criticism. Edwardi Dramatic Miscellanies. Davies Shakspeare's Dramatic Art. JJlrici Tragic Poetry, as Illustrated by ^ee Lectures on Beed Morgann Halliwell Bichardson Hazliit Whatehi Clark Fichol Douce Shakspeare History, etc. Dramatic Character of Falstalf. Character of Sir John Falstaff. Shakespeare's Characters. Shakspeare's Characters. Characters of Shakespeare. Shakespeare Characters. Personnages de Shakspeare. Illustrations of Shakspeare. Early Illustrations of Shakespeare, and English Drama. Shakspeare Soc Philosophy of Plays of Shaksjpere. Bacon Analysis of Shakspeare's Hamlet. Sirachey Religious and Moral Sentences froni S. Comf)ared with Holy Writ. Shakspeare On Shakspeare's Knowledge and Use of the Bible. Wordsworl' Morality of Shakespeare's Drama. GriffiU Illustrations of Aristotle in Shak- speare. Biddk. Shakspeare Soc. Papers. Shakspeare Soc Shakespeare Papers. . Magiiin. Shakspeare Gems: Landscape Illus- trations. Poems. Shakspeare. Select Poems. Sliakspeare and Jonson. Sonnets. Shakspeare and Miltoni On the Sonnets of Shakespeare. Boaden. Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems. Seven Ages of Man. Life of Shakespeare. Memorials of Shakspeare. Shakspeare and His Times. Life of Shakspeare. Life of Shakespeare. William Shakespeare. Shakspeare and His Times. Citation and Examination of Shak- speare for Deer Stealing. Landor. Portraits of Shakspeare. Boaden, Brown. Shakspeare. Halliwell. Drake, Drake. Skotiowe, White. Hugo.i Guizot' LITERATUKE ; POETRY. 479 Home of Shakespeare. Fairholi. . Une Nuit du Midi. Mery. Life, Studies, etc., of Shakespeare. Hunter. \ Wallstein. See Adolpho. Constant. Wisdom and Genius of Shak speare. Price. Writings and Genius of Shakespeare. Montagu. | Gcrniau Drama. Learning of Shakespeare. Farmer. German Theatre. Thompson. Learning of Shakespeare. Whalley. Six Dramas. Amalle. Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements. Campbell. Dramatische Schriften. Andersen. Dramatische Werke. Gutzkow. French Drama. Historical Dramas. Schiller. Comedies. Allainval Badekuren. Putlitz. Comedies. Baron. Bride of Messina. Schiller. Com(idies. Barlhe. Don Karlos. Schiller. Drames. Beaumarchais.' Ernst Von Schwaben. Uhland. Comt'dies. Beaumarchais. Faust, Translations. Goethe. Comc'dies. Bievre. Goetz von Berlichengen. Goethe. Comedies. Boissy. Das Herz Vergessen. Putlitz. Comedie. BoursauU. Kabale und Liebe. Schiller. Comedies. Bruiys. Sakuntala. Kalidasa. Comedies. Chahannes. Son of the Wilderness. Halm. Comedies. Chauss6e. Wallenstein's Camp. Schiller. Comedies. Colli. William Tell. Schiller. Theatre. Corneille. (Euvres. Oribillon. Komicheskaya Opera. Ablesimoff. Comedies. Bancourt. Theatre. Delavigne. Italian Drama. Com tidies. Destouches. Teatro Italian© Antico. Drames. Diderot. Teatro Classico Italiano. Com Codies. Bufresny. Teatro Scelto. Ronna. Scenes et Comedies. Feuillet. Italian Comedies. Goldon and othei's. Theatre. Sec (Euvres, v. 5, 9. Florian. Quindici Tragedie. Alfieri. Theatre de Societe'. Genlis. Tragcdie. Aljieri. Comedies. Gresset. Dramas and other Poems. Meiastasio. Theatre. La Fontaine. Arnaldo da Brescia. Niccolini. Tragedies. Lagrange. La Fiera; Commedia. Nota, Tragedies. Lemierre. 11 Pastor Fido. Guarini. Comedies. Le Sage. Same, Translated. Guarini. Comedies. Marivaux. (Euvres. Molilre. Spanish Drama. Comedies et Proverbes. Mussel. Tesoro del Teatro Espanol. Tragedies. Pompignan. Theatre. Calderon. Comc'dies. Quinauit. Dramas. Calderon. Thc'atre. Racine. Obras Escogidas. Hartzenbusch. Theatre. Begnard. Comedias. Moratin. Trag(idies. liotrou. The'atre. • Vega. Trage'dies. Saurin. CEuvres Choisies. Scnbe. English Prose Fiction. Theatre. Voltaire. See, also, Novels. Dramatic Works. Voltaire. Early Prose Eomances. Thorns. Angelo, Tyran de Padoue. Hugo. Eight Novels used by English Dram- Euphc'mie. Arnaud. atists. Shakspeare Soc. Les Gauaches. iSardon. Welsh Popular Tales. See Age of Marion de Lorme. Hugo. Chivalry. BuJfinch. Les Six Femnies de Henri VILL Empis. German Komance. Carlyle. Le Supplice d'une Fomme. Girardin. Novels and Tales. Goethe. Theatre Impossible. About. Tales and Traditions of Hungary Pulszky. Toussaint L' Overture. Lamartine. Stories from Italian Writers. Les Trois Maupin. Scribe. Italian Novelists. Roscot. 480 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Italian Legends and Sketches. Oummings. Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans. Weil. Age of Chivalry. Bulfinch. Angel's Song; Christmas Token. Tayler. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. Arcadia. Greene. Brydges' Archaica. Arcadia. Sidney. History of King Arthur. Malory. La Mort d'Arthur. Malory. Arthur of Little Britain, History of. Brooke and Brooke Farm. Martineau. El Buscapi^. Cervantes. Camp Fires of the Eed Men. Orton. Christmas in the Olden Time. Mills. Chronicles of Cartaphilus. Hoffman. Devil on Two Sticks in England. Fan-hy-cheu; Chinese Tale. Weston. MiAistus ; his Life, Death, and Doom. Oesta Romanorum, Select Tales from. Gil Bias' Adventures. Le Sage. Hebrew Tales. Ilurwitz. Helon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Strauss. Hiawatha, and other Legends. Schoolcraft. Hugo; Legend of Eockland Lake. Helfelstein. Indian Fairy Book. Kind-Heart's Dream. Percy Sac. Knights of England, France, etc. Herbert. Lavengro; Scholar, Gipsy, Priest Borrow. Legends of Charlemagne. Bulfinch. Mabinogion. Guest. Meeting of Gallants. Percy Soc. Memoirs of Modern Philosophers. Hamilton. Merchant and Friar. Palgrave. New Atlantis. See Works. Bacon. Novellettes of a Traveller. Noii. Parterre, or Universal Story Teller. Pastor's Fireside. Porter. Patient Grisel. Percy Soc. Peasant and Landlord. Knorring, Philomena. Greene. Brydges' Archaica. Pictures of the Olden Time. Sears. Poet's Day Dreams. Andersen. Purraul of Lum Sing. Random Recollections of an Old Doctor. Rogue, or Guzman d'Alfarache. Aleman. Rosamund Gray, etc. Lamb. Royal Wanderer. Barron. Sentimental Journey. Sterne. Specimens of the Novelists, etc. Oriffin. Squib, or Seavchfoot. Cervantes. Stone Mason of Saint Point. Lamartine. Tales of a Traveller. Irving. Truth; or Persis Clareton. Tayle7\ Utopia. More. IVovcIs in Foreign JLan^^nagcs. L'Abbe' Maurice. Bodin. 1812; Historischer Roman. Bellsia 1831 ; Oder Polen's Letzte Page. Herber Adeline Protat. Murge Adolphe Mory. Olivie Adriani. Dudevan Agathe et C^cile. Kar. Agnes und Maria. Nordet Les Ailes d'Icare. Bemarc Aimee. Feoa' L'Aine de la Famille. Lavergm Alba. Enaul Almenrausch und Edelweiss. Schmic Alexander von Humboldt, Roman. Bat Alizia Pauli. Feva Alj)honse. Ge7ilv Alt- und Neu-Frankreich. Grabowsk\ Der Alte Cardinal. Haat Die Alte Jungfer. Naihusiui Die Alten von Ruhneck. Hofei Amalia. Mdrmo Amaury. Dumas L'Amazone. Car? Der Amerika-Miide. Kurnberger L'Ami Fritz. Erckmamx-Chatria L'Amour. Michelei L'Amour comme il est. Houssayc Les Amours d'un Fou. Mont^pin Amour et Finance. Texier Triiben Tagen. Wartenburg Andreas Hofer. Milhlbach Anfang und Ende. Heyse L'Ange des Prairies. Bevoil Ang(ilique et Jeanneton. Pigaidt-Lebrun Ange Pitou. Dumas Les Anges du Foyer. Souvestrc Les Anglais chez Eux. Wey Angria's Kiste. Schmeling Anna Dalfy. Tenger. Annette von Droste. Schucking. Antonia Vernon. Ancelot Anton in Amerika. Solger. Die Armesiinderglocke. Friedrich. Der Arme Tom. Harrer. Ascanio. Dvmas. Atala, Rene?, etc. Chateaubriand. Au Bord de la Neva. Marmier. Au Bord du Lac, etc. Souvestre. Au Coin du Feu. Souvestre. Auf den Brettern der Welt. GrabowsJci. Auf der Diine. Spielhagen. Auf der Hohe. Auerbach. Au Fond de mon Garnier. Bertrand. Auf zerborstener Erde. Willkojnm. Augenblick des Glucks. Hackldnder. Au Jour le Jour. Soulii. Aus alter und neuer Zeit. Shucking. Aus friiherer Zeit. Euge. LtTERATUltE. Alls dem Leben einea Hagestolzen. Reder. Aus dem Leber eines Taugenichts. Mchendorff. Aus dem Officierleben. GrabowskL Aus dem Schwabischen Volksleben. Steiii. Aus dem Stroma der Gegenwart. FrUse. Aus dem Tagebuch eines Oificiers. Wickede. Aus der Franzosenzeit. Shucking. Aus der Gegenwart. Konig. Aus einer Bergstadt. Storch. Ausgewalilte Gesellschaft. Ilofer. li' Autre Monde. Orandfort. L'Avare et son Tre'sor, Afatmier. Aventures de John Davys, Dumas. Aventures do Mile. Mariette, Qiampfleitry. Aventures de quatre Femmes. Dumas. Aventures de Robinson Crusoe. Defoe. Aventures de Telemaque. Fenilon. L'Aventurier. Montepin. La Bagne d'Argent Pen-et Les Baleiniers. Dumas. Bande du Jura; Premier Voyage. Gasparin. Bande du Jura; Les Prouesses. Oasparin. Barfiiszele. Auerbach. he Baril de Poudre d'Or. Qozlan. La Bavolette. Mussd. Le Beau-pere et le Gendre. PigauU-Lebrun. Vn Beau-p^re, etc. Bernard. Les Beaux Mesvsieurs deBois-Dore. Dudtvant Bei Kaiser Carl's Leben» Hesekid. Bellezze delle Novelle, Piranesi. B^lisaire, Genlis. Belisaire. Mcorrnoniel. Bellah. FeuUlet. Der Bergenfahrer. Smidt, Berg Oder Burg. F^itze. LaBetise Humaine, etc. Noriac. Die Bettler>Oper. Polke. Bianca-Adelma. I{Ull. Bilderbuch ohne Bilder. Andersen. Biographische Skizzen, etc Sdmudt- Weissenfels. Black. Dumas. Blanche et Marguerite. Eoussaye. Blanche Mortimer. Paul. La Ivoli^me Doree. Hugo. La Boheme Galante. Nerval. La Boite d'Argent. Dumas fils. Bolino le N6grier. Font-Jest. T^nmhonnd, le Tueur des Panthcres. . s Bonnes Fortunes Parisienues. Staid. 1.0 Bossu. FevaJ. Les Boucaniers. Dupkssis. La Bouillie de la Comtesse Berthe. Dumas. La Boule de Neige. " Dumas. Les Bourgeois de Moliuchart. Champfleury. La Bourse et la Vie. Bernard, 31 Bric-a-Brac Bunte Bilder. Burgei. Les Buveurs d'Eau. Catherine. Catherine Blum. Callirhoe. Le Capitaine Fracasse. Le Capitaine Pamphile. Le Capitaine Paul. Le Capitaine Eichard. Un Caprice Eoyal. Les Caprices d'un Re'gulier, etc. La Caravane. Les Causeries. Les Ce'libataires. Ce qu'on peut voir dans un Eue. Cesar Birotteau. Charles le Terae'raire. Charlotte Ackermann. Le Chasseur de Sauvagine. La Chasse an Chastre. La Chasse en Alg^rie. Le Chateau d'Eppstein. 481 Dumas. Jjewald. Hank. Murger, Landeau. Dumas. Sand. Gauiier. Dumas. Diimas. Iharuis. MmSras. Molkms. Uaviff. Dumas. Balzae. Reybaud, Balzac. Dumas. Muller. Dumas. Mery. B^chadc. Dumas. Le Chateau de la Eoche Sanglante. St. Mars. Le Chateau des D^sertes. Dudevant Le Chateau Vert. Mtry. Les Chauffleurs. Beiilvet Le Chemin le Plus Court Karr. Les Chemins de la Vie. Brihat. Le Chevalier de Floustignac. Paul. Le Chevalier D'Harmental. Dumas. Le Chevalier de Maison Eouge. Dumas. Le Chevalier du Silence. Lavergne. Le Chevalier Sarti. Scudo. Les Chevaliers du Clair de Lune. Terrail. Les Chouans. Balzac. Chrisna, Sainiine. Christine. Enmdt. Christophe Sauval. Bonnechose. Chroniques de la Mer. Souvestre. Chronique du Eegne de Charles IX. , etc. Merimie. La Chute des Feuilles. Brot Les Clairieres. Souvestre. Clara Vere. Spielliagen. Clemencia. Caballero. Clovis Gosselin. Kair. La Colombe, etc. Dumas. Le Combat de THonneur. Robert. La Comedie du Printemps. Fremy. Le Commandeur de Malte. Sue. Le Compagnon du Foyer. SurviUe. Les Compagnons de J^hu. Dumas. Les Compagnons du Silence, FSval. Le Comte de Corke. OenUs, Le Comte de Guiche. Qirardin, 482 Le Comte de Monte Christo. Le Comte Kostia. La Comtesse de Cbarny. La Comtesse d'Egmont. La Comtesse de Maule'on. La Comtesse de Rudolstadt. La Comtesse de Salisbury. La Comtesse Diane. La Comtesse Marie. CLASSIFIED INDEX. Dumas. CherhuUez. Dumas. Girardin. Beyhaud. Dudevant. Durnas. Uchard. Moniepin. La Confession d'une Jetine Fille. Dudevant. La Confess-ion d'un Enfant de Si^cle. Mussel. Les Confessions de la Marquise, etc. Dumas. Confessions d'un Ouvrier. Souvestre. Les Confidences. Ijamartme. Confidences de Mile. Mars. Beauvoir. Conscience. Dumas. Le Conscrit. Conscience. Une Conspiration an Louvre. Mery. Consuelo. ' Dudevant. Contes. Hoffmann. Contes. - Mussei. Contes Bizarres. Arnim. Contes d'Automne. Cliamffieury. Les Contes de TAtelier. Masson. Contes Domestiques. Cliampfleury. Contes d'un Planteur de Choux. Bonimartin. Contes Excentriques. Newil. Contes en Prose et en Vers. Nodier. Contes et Nouvelles. Souvestre. Contes d'une Vieille Fille. Girardin. Contes et Nouvelles. Bontmartin. Contes Fantastiques. Nodier. Contes Industriels. Jourdan. Contes Nocturnes. Hoffman. Contes Yieux et Nouveaux. Champfleury. Le Conteur Gcnevois. Malld. Le Contrat de Mariage. Balzac. Le Coq du Clocher. Beyhaud. Corinne. Stael. Cosette. V. 2. Les Mis^rables. Hugo. Cotillon II. Capendu. Les Coups d'fipe'e dans I'Eau. Bousseau. Les Coups d'Epingle. Capendu. La Cousine Bette. Balzac. La Croix de Berny. 3fme. Girardin, etc. Cuadros de Costumbres. Caballero. Cuentos Campesinos, Ti^ueba. Culturgeschiehtliclie Novellen. Biel. La Cure de Village. Balzac. Curumilla. Aimard. La Dame a la Plume Noire. Noriac. La Dame aux Camdlias. Dumas Jils. La Dame de Volupt^. Dumas. LaDaiiiella. Dudevant. Dans la Prairie. Souvestre. H Decameron, Boccaccio. Le Ddmon de 1' Argent. Conscience. Le Demon dti Jen. Consciern De Pres et de Loin. Jaco Le Dernier des Commis Voyageurs, etc. Beyhau La Derniere Aldini, etc. Dudevari Les Derniers Bretons. Souvestr La Dernier £tape. So^ivestr Les Dernieres Marquises. Achan Le Dernier Irlandais. Berth Le Dernier Eendez-Vous, etc. Ilurge Les Dernieres Fe'es. Fevo Les Derniers Paysans. Souvestr Der Deserteur. Grahoicsk Une Dette de Jeu. Ban Deutsche Pickwickier. Stoll Ein Deutscher Landsknecht der neuesten Zeit. Wicked Deutscber Volks Kalender. Auerhaci Deutscher Volks Kalender. Merit Les Deux Cousines. Juliei Les Deux Dianes. Duma; Les Deux f^rostrates. Ponimartb Les Deux Marquis. Amu Deux Miseres. Souvestn Les Deux Eeines. Dumat Deutsche s Leben vor Fiinfzig Jahrcn. Friiz^ Deutsch und Danisch. Deutsche Schiffe und Danische Ka- per. Sniid Les Diables Roses. Bohei Diane et Louise. Soul' Dichter und Apostel. WiUkcm. Diesseits und Jenseits. Sml Dieu Dispose. Dumc. Das Document. Hah; Doctor Ptobert Finke. WilcJcc. Dominique. Fromeytth Don Quichotte. Cervantes Dorf und Stadtgeschichten. Nathusius Le Dragon Rouge. Gozlan Un Drame dans les Montagnes. MonUpln Drame de la Jpunesse, etc. F^val Le Drame de Maisons-Lafitte. Monttpin Les Drames du Mariage. Gasiineau Les Drames de la Mer. Dtimas. Drei Geschichten. Holti. Drei Hofgeschichten. Scherr. Drei Jahre von Dreissigen. Bdlsiah. Due de Carlepont. Achard. Die Dunkle Stunde. Hackldnder. L'Eau qui Court. Aimard. L'Eau qui Dort. Achard. L'fichelle de Femmes. Souvestre. L'ficole de la Vie. Landelle. Edelweiss. Auerhach. L'Egoisme. Pigault-Lebrun. Eigensinn. Benedix. LITERATURE. Einer muss Heirathen. Eines Dichters Bazar. Eiu Jtibr. Die Einsamen. WUhdnii. Andersen. Luhojaizky. Ileyse. Der Einsiedler nuf der Johannes Klippe. Carlen. Ekhof und seine Schiiler. MiiUer. Ekkehard. Scheffel Elisabeth. 2faihusius. Elisabeth. Coiiln. Eha, etc. Caballero. Elle et Lui. Dvdevant Emina. Belgiojoso. Les Emotions do Polydore Maras- quin. Gozlan. En Fumant. Karr. Encore les Femmes. Karr. En Fainille. Souvestre. El Feliz Independente del Mundo. Almeyda. En France et en Turquie. Leprade. En Province. Enauli. En Qaarantaine. Souvestre. Les fipoux Malheureux. Armand. Die Erbschleicher. Schrader. Ernst Bleibtreu. Bodenstedt. Erzherzog Johann nnd Seine Zeit. Muhlbach. Erzherzog Johann und Mettemich. 3ruhlbach. Erzherzog Johann und Reichstadt. Muhlbach. Erzherzog Johann als Reichswer- weser. J^ihlbach. Eiziehung und Ehe. Cosmar. I'spagnoles et Fran9aises. Reybaud. Estelle. See (Euvres, v. 1. Florian. Un £te a Meudon. Soulii. Ettore Fieramosca. Azeglio. Etudes Philosophiques. Balzac. Europiiisches Sklavenlebcn. HacJddnder. Euscbio. Montengon. Der Falsche "Woldemar. lldring. La Famiglia del Soldato. Paladini. La Familia de Alvareda. Caballero. Ein Familiendaemon. Schirmer. La Famille Alain. Karr. La Famille Auboy. Meurice. La Famille Lucoval. PlgauU-Lebrun. La Famille Need. Bertal. Une Famille Tragique. Hugo. Fanny. Feydeau. Pantine. v. 1. Les Mis^rables. Hugo. Fata Morgana. Douai. Le Faux Frere. Girardin. La Femme au Collier de Velours. Dumas. Xa Femme de Lettres. Sue. La Femme de Trente Ans. Balzac. Les Femmes. Karr. Les Femmes comme EUes Sont. JToussaye. Les Femmes Honnetes, etc. Achard. Femand, etc. Fernande. Feu Bressier. La Feuille de Coudier, etc. Les Fiance's du Spitzberg. Les Fiances. Fide's. Le Fil d'Ariane. La Fille du Forestier. Une Fille du R6gent. Les Filles d'Eve. La Filleule. Le Filleul d'Amadie. Fior d'Aliza. Les Fils de Famille. Un Fils de Famille. Le Fils du Diable. Le Fils du Fauconnier. Le Fils du Forgat. La Fin du Proces. Flavien. Le Fleau de Village, etc. Florian. La Floride. Der Fluch unserer Zeit. Die Fluchtlinge in London. 483 Sandeaa, Dumas. Karr. Saint-Germain. Ma-iirnier. Manzoni, Ddtuf. Montepin. Urbain. Dumas. Houssaye. Dudevant. Scribe. Lamartine. Sue. Montipiru Feval Achard. Dumas. Pontmartin. Guiraud. Conscience. Bank. Mtry. Raxu Miihlbacli. Die Flusspiraten des Mississippi. Gerstdcker. Fontainebleau. Asselijieau, etc. Fort Edward. GrabowsH. Une Fortune Mysterieuse. Ancdot Les Frais de la Guerre. Bernard. Franz Rakoczy. Muhlbach. Frau von Gampenstein. WiUkomm. Der Freischulze. Horn. Les Freres Corses. Durnas. Les Freres de la Cote. Gonzalhs. Friedrich der Grosse und seine Ge- schAvister. Muhlbach. Friedrich der Grosse und sein Hof. Muhlbach. Friednch der Grosse von Schwaben, etc AuerbacK Fruits d'Automne. Geisendorf. Gabriel Lambert. Dumas. Gabrielle d'Estre'es. Capefgue. Galatee. ^ee CEuvres, v. 1. Moriaiu Galienne. D'Araquy. Garibaldi. Bau. Gaston. Pichat. La Gaviota. Caballero. Die Gebriider Koltrum. Fritze. Der Geheime Agent. Hackldnder. Geheime Geschichten. Bulau. Des Geheimraths Sohn. Fritze. Das Geisterhaus in New York. Anneke. Geld und Geist. Buppius. Geld und Kunst. Paschkowsky. Genevieve. Karr. 484 CLASSIFIED INDEX, Genevieve dans les Bois. BeauUeu. Genevieve. Lamartine. Genghis Khan. Auger. Georges. Dumas. Le Gentilhomme Campagnard. Bernard. Le Gentilhomme Pauvre. Conscience. Les Gentilshommes Chasseurs. Foudras. Georgine. Ancelot. Germaine. About. Gesammelte Marchen. Andersen. Gesammelte Novellen. Tieck. Gesammelte Schriften. I^atJmsius. Gesammelte Schriften. Zschokke. Christfried und Julchen. Naihusius. Die Gesch women und ihr Richter. Schi'icking. Un Gil Bias en Califomie. Dumas. Gil Bias de Santillana. (Sp.) Le Sage. Gil Bias de Santillane. (Fr. ) Le Sage. El Gitano, etc. Sue. Gold und Name. Schwartz. Gonzalve de Cordoue. See (Euvres, V. 3. Florian. La Goutte d'Eau. Souvesire. Grafin und Marquise. See. Die Grafin von der Nadel. Wachenhusen. Die Grafin von Lussan. Bohert. Graf von Benjowsky. Milhlhach. Grand Chef des Aucas. Aimard. La Grande Flibuste. Aimard. Grandeurs de la vie domestiques. Champfleury. La Guerre des Paysans. Conscience. Der Grosse Kurfvirst. Muhlhach. Les Grotesques. Gautier. La Guerre des Femmes. Dumas. Die Giinstlinge. Orabowski. Les Habits Noirs. Feval. Das Handelshaus Wilford. Schirmer. Das Haus. Bremer. Hausse und Baisse. Zeising. Heimliche und Unheimliche Ge- schichten. Gerstdcker. L'llerbagere. Arlincourt. L'Hermite de la Guiane. Jouy. L'Hermite du Faubourg Saint-Ger- main. Colnet. L'Hermite en Province. Jouy. Die Herren von Ettershaiden. Fritze. Der Herr Indiens. Grahowski. Herz und Welt. Siruensee. Der Hexentanz. Wutzelburg. Hie D'anemark ! Hie Schleswig ! Smidt. Der Himmel auf Erden. Muizelburg. TJne Histoire de Famille. Mery. Histoire de ma Vie. Dudevant. Histoire des Treize. Balzac. Histoire de Sibylle. Feuillet. Histoire d'une Casse-Noisette. Histoire d'un Chien, etc. Histoire d'une Conscience. Histoire d'une Famille, etc. Histoire d'un Homme. Duma: Duma} Enaul Baymonc Achara Stah. Histoire d'un Homme Enrhumd. Histoire Fantastique du Cdebre Pierrot. Assollani Histoires Allemandes et Scandinaves, Marmier Histoires d' Autrefois. Souveslr Histoires de Menage. Casiilh Histoires Intimes. Molenei Histoires Normandes. Kan Histoires Sentimentales et Militaires. Molhies Historisches Lebensbilder. MiiUbach Historische Novellen. Brachvogei Historisches Bilderbuch. Miihlhach Hofgeschichten. Mnhlbach. L'Homme a I'Oreille Cass^e. Abonl L'Homme a Projets. Pigault-Lebrun L'Homme de Neige. Dudevant L'Homme et I'Argent. Souvesire Die Honoratiorentochter. Ilofer Honorine. Balzac L'Horoscope. Dumas L'Hotesse du Connetable. Gonzales Horace. Dudevant Humoristische Geschichten. Oelckers Der Hungerpastor. Corvimis La Huronne. Chevalier L'Idiot. Moniepin Illusions Perdues. Balzac. Im Busch. Gerslacker. Im Fluge. Herbert. Der Improvisator. Andersen. In der Zwolften Stunde. Spielhagen. Ingenue. Dumas. In Hochgebirge. Hedrich. In Kaiser Joseph's Tagen. Hesekiel. Inselwelt. Gersiiicker. In Spanien. Andersen. I Promessi Sposi. Manzonl Die Irrlichter; ein Marchen. Bse. Isidora. Dudevant. Jacques. Dudevant Jacques Ortis. Foscolo. Jacquet-Jacques. Bugeaud. Jan Blaufink. Smidt. Jane. Dumas. Jean Diable. Feval. Jeanne. Dudevant. Jeanne de France. GenJis. Jean Paul. Ban. Jean Valjean. v. 5. Les Mis^rables. Hugo. Jehanne la Pucelle. Dumas. Jerome. Pigauli-Lebrun. LITERATURE. Der Jesuit. Gundling. Johann Georg I. von Sachsen. Carion. John Milton und seine Zeit. Ruig. Joseiih im Schnee. Auerbach. Le Joueur de Clarinette. Erdcmann. La Joueuse. Vars. Jugenderinnerungen. Schwartz. Le Juif Errant Sue. Jules Savignac. Fahre. Julie ou Nouvelle Heloise. Rousseau. Der Junge Kurfiirst Muhlbach. Der Junge Stelzentanzer. Melena. Kaiserin Josephine. ifiildbach. Kaiser Joseph der Zweite und seine Hof. Muldhach. Kaiser Leopold II. und seine Zeit Miililbach. Die Kammerjungfer. Leuoald. Der Ring der Kaiserin. Taura. Kitschi-Garai. Kohl. Kleia-Deutschland. Weriher. Klelnere Erzahlungen. Bodenstedt. Der Klosterhof. Midler. Kiinigin Hortense. Muhlbach. Konig Heinrich VIII. Muhlbach. Kriegs und Lagerbilder. Wickede. Kunstlerbilder. Sternberg. Der Kunstler. MinckwUz. Der Kunsti-eiter. Gersidcker. Le Lac des Cygnes. Enault. Lady Clare. Saint- Germairu Der Lampenputzer. Whelp. Der Lampenwarter. Cummins. Der Lange Isaack. Wickede. Langenstein und Boblingen. Nathusius. Leben und Lieben in Norwegen. Mugge. Une Legende de Montrose. Scott. Der Lcibeigene. Muhlbach. Le'lia. Dudevant. Lettres d'un Bon Jeune Homme, About. Lettres d'un Voyageur. Dudevant. Die Letzten Lebenstage Katharina II. MUmach. Ein Leidenschaftliches Herz. Grabowskl Lenau in Schwaben. Xleudorf. Die Literaten. Buringsfeldt. Le Livre des Femmes. St. Mars. Lorelei. Ilofer. Iiouis XIV. et son Siecle. Dumas. Louis Lambert, etc. Balzac. Les Louves de Machecoul. Damas. Lucrezia Floriani, etc. Dudevant. Lui et Elle. Mussel. Lnisa Strozzi. Rosini. Madame de Brandebourg. Guseck. Madame de Chamblay. Dumas. Madame Gil Bias. F^val. Madame de Sarens. Achard. Madame de Sommerville, etc. Madame Olympe. Madame Rose, etc. Madelon. Mademoiselle Clalron. Mademoiselle de la Fayette. Mademoiselle du Rosier. Mademoiselle Mariani. Das Madchen von Hela. Marchen und Historian. Le Magn(5tiseur. La Maison de Glace. La Maison de Penarvan. La Maison du Chat-Qui-Pelote. La Maison Nucingea. Un Malheur Complet 485 Sandeaiu Murger. Achard, About. Mi'ihlbach. Genlis. AcliardL Houssaye. Levoald, Andersen. SouUS, Dumas, Sandeau. Balzac Balzac. SouUS, Les Malheurs d'un Amant Heureux. Glr.ardin. Le Mangeur de Tartares. Ilonori. Manoel. Royer. Le Manoir du Vieux-Clos. Olivier. Die Mantelkinder. Boelte. Marcof le Malouin. Capendu. Marco Visconti. GrossL Les Marana. Balzac, La Mare au Diable. Dudevant, Margherita Pusterla. Caniu, Marguerite. Girardin, Le Mariage de Gertrude. Uchard. Un Mariage de Haine. Robert, Les Mariages de Paris. About. Les Mariages du Pere Olifus. Dumas. Un Mariage en Province. Aunet, Un Mariage sous I'Empire. Gay. Maria Theresia und Trenck. MiihlbacJu Marius. V. 3. Les Mist'rables. Hugo. Le Marquis de Loc-Renan. Capendu^ Le Marquis de Villemer. Dudevant Martin Luther. Wildenhahn. Die Maske des Reichthums. Fi'itze. Le Mat de Cocagne. Souvestre. Le Mat de Fortune. Capendu. Mathias I'Humoriste. Reybaud. Mathilde. Sue. Le Maudit. Mauprat Dudevant Maurice de Treuil. Achard. Le Mfc'decin de Campagne. Balzac. Les Me'dicis. Dumas. La Meilleure Part. Landelie. Meister Johann Strauss. Ottinqer. Melchior. Bodin. Les M(^moires du Diable. Soxdii. Me'moires d'un Baiser. Noriac Mc'raoires d'une Aveugfe. Dumas, M^moires d'un Medecin. Dumaa, Mdmoires d'un Notaire. Pontmartin. Memoires d'un Orphelin. Marmier, 486 Memorial de Famille; Le Mendiaut de Saint-Eoch. Le Meneur de Loups. Mensonge. La Mere Job, etc. Les Meres Kivales. Mes Petites Maisons. Le Meunier d'Angibault Michael de Euiter. Mignon. CLASSIFIED INDEX. Souvesire. Soiivestre. Dumas. Haymond. Conscience. Genlis. Barbara. Dudevant. Smidt. Saint- Germain. Les Millions du Cousin Gaspard. Brihat. Les Mise'rables. Ilurjo. Los Miserables. Hugo. Modeste Mignon. Balzac. Les Miseres Dorees. Foudras. Les Mohicans de Paris. Dumas. Le Monde tel qull Sera. Souvesire. Monsieur Auguste. Mery. Monsieur Botte. PigauU-Lehrun. Mont-Eeveche. Dudevant Le Moqueur Amoureux. Girardln. Das Mormonenmadchen. Miillhause. La Mort de Eoland. Assollant. Les Morts Vont Vite. Dumas. Le Moulin Eouge. Moniipin. Mozart. Bau. Miinchausen. Immermann. Musikalische Marchen, etc. Polka. Les Mysteres de Paris. Sue. Die Nachbarn. Bremer. Nach der Arbeit. Bau. Nadtje. ^ Enault. Le Nain du Diable. St. Mars. Napoleon in Deutschland. Mi'ihlhach. Narcisse. Dudevant. Natur und Frieden. Kerner. Le Nepenthes. Loeve-Veimars. Neue Bahnen. Otto. Neue Erz'ahlungen. Boquetfe. Ein Neuer Falstaff. Brachvogel. Ein Neuer Polykrates. WachepJiusen. Le Nez d'un Notaire. About Niccolo' de' Lapi. Azeglio. Le Noeud Gordien. Bernard. Norske Folke-Sagn. Faye. Le Notaire de Chantilly. Gozlan. Notre-Dame de Paris. Hugo. Nouveaux Contes Moraux. Genlis. Nouveaux Lundis. Saint-Beuve. La Nouvello Hdloise. Bousseau. Nouvelles. Girardln. Nouvelles, Mirimie. Nouvelles. • Musset Nouvelles. Sandeau. Nouvelles Contemporaines. Claveau. Nouvelles Gen^voises. Tdpffer. Nouvelles Scenes de la Vie Eusse. Dckiveau. Novelas Exemplares. Novelas Ejemplares. Novellen. Novellen. Novellen. Novellen. Cervaniet Zayas y Soiomayoi Grosse Meissner Meyer Putliiz Novellen und Dichtungen. Zschokke El Nuevo Eobinson. Campe Une Nuit a Florence. Dumas Les Nuits de la Maison Dor^e. Terrail Les Nuits du Pere-la-Chaise. Gozlan Nur ein Geiger. Andersen L'Observateur. Octave. Odilia. (Euvres. (Euvres. CEuvres. (Euvres. (Euvres lUustr^es. L'Oiseau du Desert. Olga. Olle Kamellen. Olympe de Cleves. L'Oncle Cesar. L'Or est une Chimere. Or et Clinquant. 0. Z. Le Page du Due de Savoie. La Paix du Menage. Palmyre et Flaminie, etc. Le Paradis des Femmes. Le Paratonnerre, etc. Le Paravent. Les Parias du Mexique. Les Parisiens en Province. Parisiennes et Provinciales. Le Pasteur d'Ashbourn. Pauline et Pascal Bruno. Pauline Foucault. Pauline. Le Pays de la Peur. Un Pays Inconnu. Le Pays Latin. Les Paysans. PigauU-Lehrun Grandfort Berihet Dumas Florian Girardln Balzac. Balzac Berihet ilnaull Beider. Dumas. Beybaud. MoUrl Ponfmariin Andersen Dumas Balzac Genlis Feval Bernard Bernard Btvoil Balzac. Acliard. Dumas, Dumas. Ulhach Dudevant. Gondrecourt Dumas. Murger. Balzac. Peaux-Eouges et Peaux-Blanches. Chevalier. Le Pt'che' de Monsieur Antoine. Dudevant La Pe'cheresse. Houssayc. Les Peche's de Jeunesse. Souvesire. Der Pedlar. Buppius. Pendant la Moisson. Souvesire. Le Pere Gigogne. Dumas. Le Pere la Euine. Dumas. Peres et Enfants. Tourguenef. La Petite Comtesse. Feuillei. La Petite Fadette. Dudevant Le Petit Eobinson de Paris. Foa. LITERATURE. 487 Les Petits Emigres. ^Genlis. Philippine Wolser. Haudissin. Une Pbilosophe sous les Toits. Souvestre. Picciolii. Saintine. Pierre. Arnaud. Pierre et Jean. Souvestre. Pierrette. Balzac. Le Portridt de la Marquise, Bernard. Posenschrapers Tiiilde. Jleller. La Possedee, etc. Ilivlere. Pourquoi je Eeste a la Campagne. Pontmartin. Pour un Baiser. Capendu. Pour une fipingle. Saint- Germavi. Le Pre Catalan. Capendu. Le Presbytere. Topffer. La Princesse Bulbulis. Fahiani. La Princesse Flora. Dumas. La Princesse Kusse. Gonzalh. Le Prince Vitale. Cherhuliez. Prinzessin Tartaro£f. Muhlbadh. Prinz Eugen und seine Zeit. Muhlhach. Problematische Naturen. Splelhagen. Promenades autour d'un Village. Dudevant. Promenades bors de men Jardin. Karr. Ler Prophet. Miigrje. Der Prophet. Weber. Les Proscrits de Sicile. Gonzalh. Quand j'e'tais !fitudiant. Nadar. Quand on Voyage. Gautier. Les Quarante-cinq. Dumas. Le Quatriemo Larron. Narrey. La Quintinie. Dudevant. Hastatt und Jena. Muhlhach. He'cits de Terre et de Mer. Favie. Becits et Souvenirs. Souvestre. Die Rcgulatoren in Arkansas. Gerstdcker. La Reine do Paris. Anne. La Reine Margot. Dumas. Beisenschatten. Andersen. Die Reisen von Rambus, etc. Winterfeld. Relaciones. Cdballero. La licUrjieuse. Renee Mauperine. Goncourt. Une Reputation de jeune Fille. Foucher. Un Reve d' Amour. SouliL Les Reves Dangereux. Raymond. Bheder und Matrose. ' WUlkomm. Bheinsberg. MtUzelburg. Les Rivalit^s. Balzac. Robespierre, Mundt. La Roche Tremblante, etc. Berthet. The Rogue. Alcman. Le Roi des Montagues. About. Le Roi du Monde. Souvestre. Eolund I'Amoureux. Boiardo. Eoland von Berlin. Jldring. Le Roman do la Momie. Gautier, Le Roman de toutes les Femmes. Murger. Le Roman d'un Heritier. Manirtxier, Le Roman d'un Homme Si^rieux. Moity. Romans. See CEuvres, v. 9. Florian. Romans et Contes. Gautier. Romans et Contes. La Place, Roman tische Sagen und Dichtungen des Mittelalters. See Werke. SchlegeL La Rosa dell'Alpi. Ongaro. Rosa et Gertrude. Tdpff«r. Rosalind et Rosemonde. Saint-Felix. Rosange. Ville. La Rose Blanche, etc. FnaulL La Rose Blanche. Maquet. Rosenkreuzer und Illuminaten. Bing. Rouge et Noir. WachenJiusen^ La Route de Varennes. Dumas. Une Route sans Issue. Ancelot. La Rue aux Ours. Waldor. Les Raines de Paris. MonsdeL Le Sabot Rouge. Murger. Sacs et Parchemins. Sandeau. Saint-Denis, v. 4. Les Mise'rables. Hugo. Salammbo. Flaubert Le Salteador. Dumas. Salvator. Dumas, Die Sansara. Meissner. Sathaniel. Soulii. Scenes de Campagne. Adeline Pro- tat. Murger. Scenes de la Chouannerie. Souvestre. Scenes de la Vie de Boheme. Murger. Scenes de la Vie de Champagne. Balzac. Le Curd de Village. Balzac. Le Mc'decin de Campagne. Balzac Les Paysans. Balzac. Scenes de la Vie des £tats-Unis. Assollant. Scenes de la Vie de Jeunesse. Murger. Scenes de la Vie Flamande. Conscience. Scenes de la Vie Intime. Souvestre. Scenes de la Vie Parisienne. Balzac. Scenes de la Vie de Province. Balzac Scenes du Foyer. La Famille Aubry. 3Ieurice. Scenes et Proverbes. FeuUlet. Scenes et Recits des Alpes. Souvestre. Ein Schiller Calvins. Stem. Das Schloss zu "Wimmis. Buchner. Der Schwarze Mann. Proschko. Die Schwarze Maske, etc. Horn. Schwarzw'alder Dorfgeschichten. Auerbach. Schweizerbilder. Fi-ey, Le Se'cretaire Intime, etc. Dudevant. Secrets de Famille. Lecomte. Les Secrets de I'Oreiller. Sue. Sein Oder nicht Sein. Andersen. 488 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Sc^lena. Gle'izes. Les Sept Cordes de la Lyre Gabriel. Dudevant Les Sept Pe'ch^s Capitaux. Sue. Le Serment de la Veuve. Gonzales. Un Sermon sous Louis XIV. Bungener. Seul. Saintine. Simon, etc. Dudevant. Simon L'Uscoque. Dudevant La Sirene de I'Enfer. Hevoil. La Sorciere du Eoi. St. Mars. Der Sohn seiner Zeit. MitUhach. Les Soire'es de Chantilly. Cliapus. Les Soire'es de Meudon. Souvestre. Les Soirees de Jeunes Personnes. JSaur. Das Soldatenleben im Frieden. Hackldnder. Solitude. Fintze. Soil und Haben. Freytaevices, etc. Tassic Contributions of Q. Q. , etc. Taylor Cape Cod. Thoreav Excursions. Thoreav Walden. Thoreav Week on the Concord, etc. Thoreav. Melanges, etc. Tocquevilk Rambles and Reveries. Tuckcrman. Miscellanies. Tudor An Author's Mind. Tupper. Spirit of the Times. Vale Varia. Morale, Politique, Litte'ra- ture. Verplanck. Miscellanies. Verplanck Talisman for 1830. Discours, et Mt^langes. Villemain. Melanges. * Voltaire. Miscellanies. Voltaire. Variety; Selections and Essays. Wakefield. The Original. Walker. Re'cueil de Traits et de Contes. Wanostrochi. Simple Cobbler of Aggawam. Ward. Lily and the Bee. Warreih Maxims of George Washington. Schrceder- Weal-Recif;^ Record of Essex Fair. Glances at Life. Webbe. Volks-Kalender, 1854-5. Weber. Negro Equalled by few Europeans. Wheailey. T-F/iea^-Sheaf. A I'Abri, or Tent Pitch'd. Willis. Convalescent. Willis. Famous Persons and Places. Willis. Hurry-graphs. Willis. Life Here and There. Willis. Out-Doors at Idlewild. Willis. People I have Met. Willis. Rag-Bag; Collection of Ephemera. Willis. Rural Letters, etc. Willis. Journal of Summer-Time. Willrnoit. Old Leaves. Wills. Our Press Gang. Wilmer. Five Gateways of Knowledge. Wilson. Little Earnest Book. ' WUson. LITERATURE. Life in the Open Air. Letters of the British Spy. Friend of Youth. WorJcing Man's Companion. Few clays in Athens. Curiosities of Civilization. Subtle Brains and Lissom Fingers. Book of Golden Deeds. Keliques of Father Prout. Youth's Handbook, Incidents of Social Life. Winihrop. Wirt Worcester. Wright Wynter. Wynter. Yonge. Yorke. Zschokke. Comic ^Vriters. Lectures on English Comic Writers. Hazlitt English Humorists of 18th Century. Thackeray. Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor. Burton. Pickwick Treasurj' of Wit. Jest Book. Lemon. Wit and Humor from English Poets. Hunt Composiciones Jocosas en Prosa. Herrmann. Jests, Bon Mots, etc. Paine. Facetiic and Miscellanies. Hone. Comic Almanack pour 1842. VoUcskaleiuler des Kladderadatsch. Harp of a Thousand Strings. Aurora Borealis; or Flashes of Wit. Ihds to Crack, by Oxford and Cambridge Scholars. Wldmwhamsy by Four of Us. Columbiana, a Bagatelle. Humoristische Bibliothek. Saphir. Tarlton's Jests, etc. Shakspeare Soc. Pierce Pennyless's Supplication to the Devil. Sliakspeare Soc. Gulliver's Travels. Swift Law is a Bottomless Pit. Swift Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith Whimsicalities. Hood. Whims and Oddities. Hood. Hood's Own; Selected Papers. Hood. Comic Annual for 184:2. Hood. Domic Miscellanies. Hood. Roundabout Papers. Thackeray. Petites Miseres de Vie Humaine. Grandville. Seines de la Vie des Animaux. Bibliosophia. Beresford. !J6mic Blackstone. Beckett 3omic History of England. Beckett 3omic History of Rome. Beckett Jistory of Bawlfredonia. Clopper. tfajor Jack Downing's Letters. Davis. tos. Partington's Carpet Bag. Shillabcr. Mayings of Mrs. Partington. Shillaher. Cnitting-Work. Shillaher. fcyings and Doings of Sam Slick. Haliburion. ftei-Jottings. Willis. Ekphani Club. Ingoldbby Legends. Widow Bedott Papers. Sparrowgrass Papers. Witches of New York. Doesticks. Phccnixiana. Squibob Papers. Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. Artemus Ward ; His Book. Artemus Ward; His Travels. Miles O'Reilly. Le lOle Re'giment. Dlustr^. Le Charivari. Punch, or London Charivari. Bowl of Punch ; Selections. Fun^ Comic Newspapers. Table Talk, Anecdotes, Prorerbs. Table Talk. Smith and others. Selections from the French Anas. Table Talk; a Selection. Book of Table Talk. Table Talk. Coleridge. Table Traits with Something on 495 Barham. Whicher. Cozzens. Thompson. Thompson. Derby. Derby. Newell. Browne. Browne. Halpine. Noriac. Doran. Hazlitt. Hazlitt. Bogers. Andrews. Erasmus. Alciaius. Arvine. Arvine. Spence. Them. Table Talk. Characteristics. Table Talk ; also Porsoniana. Anecdotes, Ancient and Modern. Apothegms of the Ancients. Emblemata Omnia. Cyclopedia of Anecdotes. Religious Anecdotes. Anecdotes and Observations. Anecdotes of Early English History and Literature. Camden Soc. Anecdotes of Painters, etc. Spooner. Literary Anecdotes. Davis. Commercial Anecdotes. Kirkland. Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons. Seward. Naval Anecdotes of British Seamen. Readings for Railways. Readings for Railways. Waverley Anecdotes, Blustrative. Johnsoniana; Anecdotes and Say- ings. Sheridaniana ; Anecdotes. Facetiaj Cantabrigienses. American Anecdotes. Satires, Translated. Proverbs, Chiefly from Erasmus. Proverbs of All Nations. Handbook of Proverbs. Proverbs for the People. Modern Greek Proverbs. Lessons in Proverbs. Syme. Hunt. Croker. Boileau. Bland. Fielding. Bohn. Magoon. Negris. Traich. 496 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Fables. Fables, Transl. by James. uEsop. Fables. ^sop and others. Fables of the Ancients. Bacon. One Hundred Fables. Northcote. Artist's Book of Fables. Northcote. Flowers of Fable. Fables. Filpay. Fables Choisies. La Fontaine. Excerpta ou Fables Clioisies. La Fontaine. Present for the Young. La Fontaine. Fables, Translated. La Fontaine. Fables. See (Eavres. Florian. Perrin's Fables. Bolmar. Select Fables. Bewick. Fables, Original and Selected. Bussey. uEsop Junior in America. Cabinet of Curiosities. Anniversary Calendar, Natal Book, etc. Exposition of Vulgar Errors. Small Books. Popular Delusions. Mackay. Pseudodoxia Epidemica. Brown. Every-Day Book and Table Book. Hone. Year Book of Daily Recreation. Hone. Book of Notable Things. Deutscher Volks Kalender, 1854. Guhitz. Ulustrirter Kalender, 1854-18G6. Volks Kalender, 1854-1855. Sieffens. Volks Kalender, 1854-1855. Weber. Alnianach de la Litte'rature, etc. Books of Quotations* Familiar Quotations. Barilett. Dictionary of Quotations. Dictionary of Quotations. Moore. New Dictionary of Quotations. I Treasured Thoughts. May. Horae Vacivae ; a Thought Book. Elmes. Laconics : Best Words of Best Au- thors. "World's Laconics. Berkeley. Lacon; Many Things in Few Words. Coiton. Select lYritings. Select Writings. Chambers. Fragmentary Remains. J)avy. Beauties from Writings. De Quincey. Select Remains. See Memoir, Durant. Collected Papers. Grote. Remains in Verse and Prose. JIallam. Literary Remains. Hazlitt. Discourses, etc. See Dramas. Ilillhouse. Prose and Verse. Hood. Remains of T. E. Hook. See Life. Barham. Writings, with Life. Hyde. Literary Remains. See Life. Landon Selections from Writings. Landor\_, Leadbeater Papers. Leadbeat Literary Remains. Ne Miscellaneous Writings. Parke Selections. Paui Literary Remains. Peabod, Newspaper Writings. Roger, Precious Thoughts. Buskin Select Writings. Buskin Select Works of W. H. Seward. See Life. Baker Select Writings. S. Smith Select Works. Swift Miscellaneous Writings. Talfourd Letters and Remains. See Memoirs. Tocqueville Philosophical, Literary and Histori- cal Pieces. Voltaire Essays and Writings. N Webster Collected Papers. N. Webster Beauties. H. K White Collected Works. See, also, Theological Works. Works. Adams. Works. Addison. Works. Ambrose. Works. Ames Sammtliche Wcrke. Arago. Miscellaneous Works. Arnold. Writings. Atwater. Works. Bacon* Moral and Historical Works. Bacoru Works. BarbauWrt Extracts from Eminent Authors i. Barker, Works. Barrow. Le Prose. Benibp4 Works. BentharA Works. BtrkelA Sammtliche Werke. BorrA CEuvres. Boileau-Despreaus^ Philosophical Works. Bolbvjbroh (Euvres Completes. BossvA Works. Bourboi Works. Boyl Works. Bradfor\ Sketches of Public Characters. Broughan Opinions on Politics, etc. Brougluxn Works. BuckminstfA Works. Bui Sammtliche Werke. Burger*^ Materials for Thinking. Burdon. Works. Burke. Works and Correspondence. Burke. Life and Works of Burns. Chamber^. Works. Bumf, . Works. LITER Byron. A.TURE. Works. 497 Johnson, Works. Calhoun. Works. W, Jones. Life and Writings of Chalmers. Ilanna. Werke. Kant v-rke. Chamisso. Gesammelte Schriften. Kleist. .rks. Channing. Sammtliche Werke. Eorner. Miscellaneous Works. Chesterfield. Literary Remains. Ladd. Letters and Works. Chesterfield. (Euvres Completes. Lamartine. A\\.rks. Choate. Prose Works. Lamb. ^\'t•i tings. a M. Clay. Works. Lamb. Literary Remains. Clirdon. (Euvres Completes. Lamennais. Cc^mplete Works. Coleridge. Works. Landor. Literary Remains. Coleridge. Opera. Lanfrancus. CKiivres. CorneUle. Obras de Figaro. Larva. Works. Cowley. Writings. Legare. Works. Cowper. (Euvres. ^ Leibnitz. Select Prose and Poetry. Crafts. (Euvi-es Choisies. LeSage. Works. Davy. Sammtliche Werke. Lessing. fragmentary Remains. Davy. Works. Locke. SVorks. De Foe. Works. Lyttleton. Euvres. Diderot. Letters, Lectures and Poems. McCheyne. iVorks. Dryden. Opere. MachiaveUi. *rose Works. Drydcn. Miscellaneous Works. Mackenzie. Vorks. Durfee. Miscellaneous Works. Mackintosh. Writings. B. B. Edwards. Works. Mason. iiscellaneous Writings. Evelyn. (Euvres. MassUlon. Euvres. Florian. Works. See Life. 3fazzini. Vorks. FoUen. Works. Mtford. Euvres. Fontenelle. Works in Verse and Prose. MdUm. Euvres Completes. Fourier. Select Prose Works. Mdton. Vorks. Franklin. Letters and Works. Montagu, iiterary Remains. FranJdin. Essais Montaigne. Euvres Posthumes. Frideric If. Works. Montaigne. *osthumous Works. Frederic 11. (Euvres. Montesquieu. iTorks. Oenin. Works. More. 2uvres. Gesner. Sammtliche Werke. MMer. [iscellaneous Works. Gibbon. (Euvres. Napolion IIL osthumous Works. Godwin. Works. Napoleon IIL ITerke. Goethe. Works. Opie, ammtliche Werke. Goethe. Works. Paine. [iscellaneous Works. Goldsmith. Opinions and Policy of Palmerston. Torks. Gray. Works. Parr. [iscellaneous Writings. Greenwood. Miscellaneous Writings. Pascal. emains. Griffin. Thoughts, Letters, and Opuscules. Pascal. Torks. Jlamilton. Select Thoughts and Sermons. Payson. [iscellaneous Works. Ilardinge. Opere Scelte. Pellico. rorks. Harris. Works. Pennecuik. immtliche Werke. Jlauff. Writings and Speeches of W. Pinkney. Torka Ilearne. Wheaton. immtliche Werke. Heine. Works. Playfair. Suvres. Helvetius. Works. Poe. OB Herder's Nachlass. Herder. Miscellaneous Pieces. Pope. [iscellaneous Works. Hildrop. Works. Pope. ^<»ks. Hobbes. Memorial, Lectures, etc. Popkin. 'Otks. Home. Select Works. Porphyry. 'iscellaneous Works. Humphreys. (Euvres. Poihier. Writings. Jefferson. (Euvres Choisies. Provost. 32 Jenyns. Obras Escogidas. Qwcucdo. 498. CLASSIFIKD INDEX. Works. Qiievedo. CEuvres. Babelais. Works. JRdbelais. CEuvres Completes. Bacine. Works. Baleigh. Critical Works. Bapin. Literary Works. Beynolds. Samintliclie Werke. Bichter. Das Schonste, etc., Schriften. Bichter. Obras Completas. Bosa. CEuvres Completes. Bousseau. Works. St. Evremond. Kemains. Sandford. Writings. Sands. Sammtliclie Werke. Schelling. Sammtliclife Werke. Schiller. Early Dramas and Komances. Schiller. Works, Historical and Dramatic. Schiller. Sammtliche Werke. Schlegd. .Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works. Schlegel. Miscellaneous Prose Works. Scoit. Works. Seward. Works. Sheffield. Miscellaneous Works. Sidney. Works. 8. Smith. Beauties of Prose Works. Southey. (Euvres. Spinoza. (Euvres Completes. Stael. Works. Sterne. Collected Works. Stewart. Select Works. Siillingfleet. Miscellaneous Writings. Story. Works. Swift. Opera Omnia. Sydenham. Writings. Jane Taylor. Writings. Wm. Taylor. Works. Temple. Miscellaneous Works, Toland. Works of Charlotte Elizabeth. Tonna. Miscellaneous Tracts. Tooke. Works. Toplady. (Euvres. Voltaire. Works. Voltaire. Works. Ware. Writings. Washington. Works. Webster. Kemains. White. Works. Witherspoon. Writings. Woodbury. Eeliquise Wottonianae. Wotton. Prose Writers of America. Griswold. Women of South in Literature. Forrest. Speeches and JIddresses. Eloquence of British Senate. Ilazliit. Modern Orator. Commonplace Book of British Eloquence. Selected Speeches. Qiapman. Select British Eloquence. Goodrich. Speeches of Phillips, Curran and Grattan. Irish Eloquence. PhUlips. Chefs d'CEuvre de I'Eloquence Fran- 9aise. 3Iarcel. American Eloquence. Moore. American Orator. Munn. Hundred Boston Orators. Lm'ing. Addresses. Appleton. Discourses. Bailey. Orations and Discourses. Beihune. Oraisons Fune'bres. Bossuet. Speeches on American Question. Bright. Speeches. Brougham. Speeches. Brown. Lectures and Addresses. Campbell. Speeches. Canning. Select Speeches. Canning. Speeches. ' Clay. Speeches and Addresses. Dix. Speeches during the Rebellion. Brake. Orations and Speeches. Everett. Sermons and Addresses. Fisher. Speeches in Congress. Giddings. Speeches, and History of Ireland. Grattan. Select Works, Speeches. Harper. Speeches and Addresses. liilliard. Oration, July 4th, 1858. Holmes. Speeches, with Memoir. Huskisson. Select Speeches. . Kossuth. Debates of Lincoln and Douglas. Lincoln. Speeches, Messages, etc. Lincoln. Selections from Speeches, etc. Lincoln. Speeches. Macaxday. Oration at West Point. McClellan. Speeches and Writings. Marshall. Commencement Addresses. Nott. Speeches, Sermons, etc. Parker. Speeches in House of Commons. Peel. Opinions in Parliament, etc. Peel. Speeches, Lectures, etc. Phillips. Speeches in House of Commons. Pitt Select Speeches. Sergeant. Discourses on Public Occasions. Stanford, Speeches. Sheil. Speeches. Sheridan. Speeches in Congress. Smith. Sermons and Speeches. Smith. Orations and Speeches. Sumner., Eecent Speeches. Sumner. Oration, July 4, 1859. Sumner. Speeches and Arguments. Webster. Webster and his Masterpieces. Teffi. Great Orations and Speech. Webster. Beauties of Webster. LITERATURE. 499 -l>eechesinParliftinent. Wellington, -ddresses and Speeches. Winthrop. liecturcs. Inaugurals of Professors of (Jolumhia College. Introductory Lectures at Keio College. Introductory Lectures at Otcens College. Introductory Lectures at Queen's College, London. Addresses, Inauguration of Washington Uni- versity. Lectures to Foum/ Men's Chr.Asso., London. Oration and Poem to Delta Phi. WJiitekead. Objects of Science and Literature. Brougham and others. Character, etc., of Science and Lit- erature. Grimke. Discourses on American ffistory, etc. Verplanck. Lectures on Literature, etc. Whipple. Advantages, etc., of the American Scholar. , Verplanck. Influence of Moral Causes on Lit- erature, etc. Verplanck. Sesame and Lilies. Ruskin. Ethics of the Dust. RusJcin. Lectures and Addresses. F. W. Robertson. Agents of Civilization. Maccall. Diffusion against Centralization. Morgan. Intellectual Development of Present Age. ^ Warren. Elements of Individualism. Maccall. Lectures to Working Classes. Fox. Fathers of New England. BushneU. Three Eras of New England. Lant. Popular Lectures. Wright. JLetters and Corrctipondence* Lettres. Letters. Letters. Letters. Familiar Letters. Diary and Letters. Journal and Correspondence. Letters and Correspondence. ihaUard el Ililo'ise. Mrs. Adams. J. Adams. Miss Adams. Alexander. Arhlay. Auckland. Bolinghroke. Correspondence of Burns and Cla- rinda. M'Lehose. Letters to Mrs. Montagu. Carter. Correspondence. Chalmers. Correspondence. Chatham. iters to his Son. Chesterfield. Private Correspondence. Clay. Letters, Conversations, etc. Coleridge. Correspondence. CoUingiwod. Private Correspondence. Cowpcr. Driginal Letters, Dennis. Letters. J)e C^incey. Letters to Bishop of Llandaff. Dudley. Letters of Queen Elizabeth and James VI. Camden Soc. Fitzosbome's Letters, Mdmoth. Letters to B. Franklin. Familiar Letters. Wanklin. Goethe und Werther, Briefe. Kestner. Correspondence with a Child. Goethe, Correspondence. Gray and Mason. Grenville Papers. Greyson Letters. Rogers. Lettres, Guerin. Correspondence of Gi'inderode and Von Arnim. Correspondence. Hanmer. Diaries and Correspondence. Harris. Correspondence with Countess of Pomfret. Hartford. Aus Herder's Nachlass. Herder. Correspondence. See Memoirs. Homer. Private Correspondence. Hume. Letta-s of Eminent Persons to D. Hume. Life and Correspondence of D. Hume. Burton. Letters in Exile. Huss. Correspondence. Izard. Letters and Remains. See Life. Milnes. Letters. Lamh. Diaries and Correspondence. Lawrence. Letters. L'Enclos. Lexington Papers. Suttoji. Letters. Lyttelton. CoiTCspondance Ine'dite. Mahillon et Montfaucon. Letters and Writings. Madison. Secret Correspondence. Maintenon. Correspondance in^dite de Marie Antoinette. Hunolsiein. Journal and Letters. Marty n. Letters from Italy, etc. MendeHssohn. Reisebriefe. Mendelssohn. Briefe. Mendelssohn. Letters, 1833-47. Mendelssohn, Correspondance entre Mirabeau et la Marck. Letters. Montagu. Journal and Correspondence. See Memoirs. Moore. Letters, 17G9-1791. Mozart. Dispatches and Letters. Nelson. Correspondence of Newton, Cotes, etc. Mleston. Letters to a Wife. Mwton. Correspondance. Orleans. Paston Letters. Fhnn. 500 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Letters of Earl of Perth. Camden Soc. Letters and Poems. See Life. Person. Literary Correspondence. Pinkerton. Love Letters. ■ Piozzi Plumpton Correspondence. Camden Soc. Letters and Papers. Povoerscourt. Letters to his Son. Racine. Letters to a Young Relative. Randolph. Correspondence. Ray. Letters. Ritson. Correspondance. Rousseau. Original Letters. Rousseau. Correspondence. Russell. Letters. Lady Russell. Letters. Sancho. Schiller und Lotte, 1788-9. Briefe von Schiller's Gattin. Di'mizer. Schiller's und Goethe's Briefwechsel. Di'intzer. Correspondence. Schiller and Goethe. Correspondence with Korner. Schiller. Schiller's Beziehungen zu Eltern, etc. Charlotte von Schiller und ihre Freunde. Lettres. Sevigni. Letters. Sevigni. Lettres Choisies. Sevigne. Journals. Shaw. Correspondence. Sinclair. Correspondence. J. C. Smith. Select Letters. Southey. Correspondence with Grand Duchees Louise. Stael. Correspondence with Mr. Berkeley. Suffolk. Letters from the Hague. Temple. Letters. Thoreau. Letters from Eminent Men. Thoresby. Letters. Walpole. Letters to Sir Horace Mann. Walpole. Letters to Countess of Ossory. Walpole. Letters to Mr. Hurd. Warhurton. Private Correspondence. Webster. Letters to his Daughter. Wilkes. Correspondence. Wilkes. Letters during Invasion of Charles- ton. Wilkinson. Original Letters, 16th-18th Cen- turies. Camden Soc. Letters of Eminent Persons. Willmoit. Gems of Correspondence. Willmott. Correspondence of Scientific Men of 17th Century. Book of the Signers. JBroiherhead. CSreck and Roman Classics. See also Geeek and Latin Poets. Graeca Majora. Dalzel. I^agmerUa Historicorum Graecorum. Philosophia Graeca ex Insignioribus. Moralistes Grecs. Analecta Latina Majora. Panegyrici Veteres. Museum Criticum. De Clitophontis et Leucippes Amori- bus. Achilles Taiius. Opuscula Varia. AntoniJius Liheralis. Opera. Apuleius. Metamorphoses. Apuleius. Scholia in Aristophanem. DidoCs. Opera. Aristotle. Ethica et Politica. Aristotle. Anabasis et Indica. Arrianus. De Consolatione Philosophise. Boethius. Same. Anglo-Saxon Version. Boethius. Opera. Ccvsar. Commentaries, Translated. Ccesar. Opera; also, Hirtius. Ccesar. Same, Translated. Ccvsar. Historia Fabulosa. 'Psendo- Callisthenes. Orationes. Cicero. Orations. Cicero. Two Last Pleadings against Verres. Cicero. Quajstiones Tusculanse. Cicero. Tusculan Disputations. Cicero. Epistolse ad Diversos. Cicero. Epistola; ad Lentulum et Alios. Cicero. Epistles to Atticus. Cicero. Letters. Cicero. De Oratore. Cicero. On Oratory and Orators. Cicero. Opera Philosophica. Cicero. Eepublic. Cicero. Nature of the Gods. Cicero. Five Books de Finibus. Cicero. Offices, Paradoxes, etc. Cicero. Clavis Ciceroniana. Emesius. Opera. Claudianus. Opera. Dares Phrygius. Opera. Demosthenes. Orations. Demosthenes. Orations against Philip. Demosthenes. Opera. Dictys Cretensis. Works. Epictetus. Noctes Atticae. Aulus Gellius. Opera. Herodotus. Same, Translated. Herodotus. Orationes, et Epistolse. Isocrates. On the Sublime. Longinus. Opera. Lucianus. Select Dialogues. Lucianus. Works. Lucianus. Orations of Lysias and Isocrates. Dissertations. Maximus Tyrius. Metamorphoses. Ovidius. Same, Translated. Ovidius. UTEllATURE. 501 Grfficifc Descriptio. Pausanias. rhilostratorum, Callistrati, Eunapii, Himerii, Opera. Philostratus. Opera. Plato. CEuvres. Plato. Works. Plato. Opera. PUnius. Same, Latin and French. Plinius. Excerpta ex Historia Natural!. Plinius. Natural History. Plinius. Letters. Plinius. Opera. Plutarchus. Same, English Translations. Plutarchus. Same, French Translation. Plutarchus. Rusticus. Politianus. Fragments. Proclus. Two Treatises. Proclus. Opera. Sallustius. Opera. Staiixis. Opera. Suetonius. Lives of the Twelve Caesars. Suetonius. L'Histoire des Empereurs Remains. Suetonius. Opera. Tacitus. Works. Tacitus. Comcedia} Sex. Terentius. Characteres. Theophrastus. Characters. Tlieophrastus. De Bello Peloponnesiaco. Thucydides. Same, Translations. Thucydides. Opera. Valerius Maximus. Opera. Verrius Haccus. Opera. Xenophon. Anabasis. Xenophon. Cyropedia. Xenophon. Expedition of Cyrus. Xenophon. Memorabilia of Socrates. Xenophon. Periodicals: ITIngazincii. Index to Periodical Literature. Poole. Comptes Rendus de V Academic de Sciences Morales, etc. Comptes Rendus de YAcademie des Sciences. African Repository. Ainsu^orth's Magazine. An the Year Round. Alpine Journal. American Annual Register. American Baptist Magazine. American Biblical Repository. American Geog. and Statist. Soc. Bulletin. Same. Journal. American Institute. Journal. American Mag. of Useful Knowledge. American Med. and Phil. Register. American Merchant. Americxin Monthly Magazine. American Monthly. American Monthly Magazine and Critical Re- view. American Museum. American Odd Fellow. American Oriental Soc. Journal. American Pioneer. American Penny Magazine. American Presbyterian and Theological Re- view. American Quarterly Register. American Quarterly Church Review. American Quarterly Review. American Register, or Gen. Repository. American Register, or Summary Review. American Repertory. American Review. American Sunday School Journal. American Sunday School Teachers' Magazine. American Theological Review. American Whig Review. Analedic Magazine. Analyst. Annalen der Physik und Chimie. Annates de Chimie et de Physique. Annals of the Deaf and Dumb. Anrmls of Electricity, etc. Annals of Philosophy. Annals and Iklagazine of Natural History. Annuaire des Deux Mondes. Annuaire de TEconomie Politique. AnnuMire Ge'neral du Commerce. Annuxiire Historique Universel. Annuaire de I'lnstruction Publique. Annual Biography and Obituary. Annual Register. Annual Review and History of Literature. Anthropological Review. Anti-Jacobin. Anti-Jacobin Review. Appleton's Mechanics' Magazine. Appleton's Railway Guide. Archoeologist. Architectural Magazine. Loudon. Arcturus. Argosy. Army and Navy Chronicle. Art Journal. American Homoeopathic Review. Art Union. Artizan. Asiatic Journal. Assurance Magazine. Athencnum. L'Athenceum Fran9ais. Atlantic Magazine. Atlantic Monthly. Banker's Magazine. (Lond.) 502 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Banker's Magazine. (S. Y. ) Benfs Literary Advertiser. Beniletfs Miscellany. Bentley's Quarterly Eeview. Biblical Kepeortory. Bibliotheca Sacra. Biographical Magazine. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Boston Journal of Natural History. Boston Quarterly Eeview. Boston Eeview. Braithioaite's Eetrospect. British Critic. British and Foxeign Evangelical Review. British and Foreign Medical Eeview. British and Foreign Medico-Chimrgical Ee- view. British and Foreign Eeview. British and Foreign Evangelical Eeview, British Magazine. British Quarterly Review. Broadway Journal. Brother Jonathan. Brovmson's Quarterly Beview. Bmlder. Galcidta Eeview. Le CdmeUon, CampbelVs Fweign MoBtHy Magazine. Cape of Good Hope Literary Gazette. (hiholic World. Qiamhers' Edinburgh Journal. Chambers' Journal. Chambers' Journal of Popular Literature^ etc. Chemical Gazette. (Taemist. Chess Monthly. Qiess Player's Chronicle. Qdna Mission Advocate. Chinese Eepository. Chrisiian Examiner. Christian Observer. (Bost. and N.Y.) Christian Observer. (Lond.) Qirisiian Parlor Book. Chrisiian Eemembrancer. Christian Eeview. Christian Spectator. Christian Work. Chronique du Journal Gene'ral de I'lmprinierie. Church of England Magazine. Church of England Quarterly Eeview. Church Monthly. Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. Classical Museum. Colonial and Asiatic Eeview. Columbian Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine. Common School Journal. Companion to the Newspaper. Congregational Quarterly. Continental Monthly. Cornhill Magazine, Correio BraziHense. Corsair. Country Gentleman. County Annual Eegister, Court Magazine. Covent Garden Journal. Crayon, Critic^ ed. by W. Leggett. Critic. (Lond.) Cidtiv(dor. Daguerrian Journal. Danville Quarterly Eeview. De Bole's Commercial EeviftW- Deniocratic Eeview. Deutsche Monatsschrift. Deutsches Museum. Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift. Diogenes. Dublin Penny JournaL Dublin Eeview. Dublin University Magazine. Duffy's Hibernian Magazine. Ihlectic Magazine. Eclectic Museum. Eclectic Eeview. Economist. Edinburgh, New Philosophical Journal- Edinburgh Eeview. Ethnological JournaL Ecropean Magazine. Evangelical Guardian. Evangelical Eeview. Excelsior; Helps to Progress. Exchange. Extractor. Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's. Monthly. Emporium of Arts and Sciences. English Journal of Education. English Eeview. Entertaining Magazine. Farmer's Magazine. Financial Eegister. Fine Arts Quarterly Eeview. Fire Land» Pioneer. Fisher's Colonial Magazine. Foreign and Colonial Quarterly Eeview. Foreign Missionary. Foreign Missionary Chronicle. Foreign Quarterly Eeview. Foreign Eeview and Continental Miscellany. Fortnightly Eeview. Eraser's Magazine. Freewill Baptist Quartearly. Fnends' Intelligencer. LITERATURE. 503 Gardener's Magazine. Hardener's Monthly. ikizeUe of the Union. (Jenlleinan's Magazine. dfenileman's Magazine. (Burton's.) Gentleman's Magazine of Fashions. Geologist German Mwseum. Godey's Lady's Book. Good Words. Graham's Magazine. Great Kepublic Grenzboten. HaWs Journal of Health. ITarbinger. Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Herald of Health. Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries. Hogrfs Instructor. Holden's Dollar Magazine. Home and Foreign Presbyterian Becord. Home and Foreign Review. Home Missionary. Hortixiulturisl. Hours at Home. Household Narrative. Household Words. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine. Hidchings' Illustrated California li^agazine. Illinois Monthly Magazine. Illustrated Magazine of Art Intelledmil Observer. International Monthly Magazine. Inventor. Irish Quarterly Review. Jeffersonian. -^ Jerrold's Shilling Magazine. Jewish Intelligence. Jfohnstone's Edinburgh Magazine. Journal of Agriculture. Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology. Journal of Design and Manufactures. Journal des f^conomistes. Journal of Education. Journal of Law. Journal de Pharmacie. Jourmd of Progress. Jowncd of Psychological Medicine. Journal of Public Health. Journxd of Sacred Literature. Journal of Science and the Arts. Knickerbocker. Knight's Penny Magazine. Ladies' Companion. Ladies' Repository. Lady's Magazine and Museum. Law Magazine. Lawson's Merchant's Magazine. Leisure Hour. Library of Fine Arts. Literary Gazette. Literary Miscellany. Literary and Scientific Repository. Literary and Theological Review. Literary World. (Lond- ) iifemry World. (N.Y.) LiiteWs Living Age. Livingston's Law Magazine. Die Locomotive. London City Mission Magazine. London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophi- cal Magazine. London Journal of Arts and Sciences. London Lancet London Medical Gazette. London Quarterly Review. London Review. London Saturday Journal. London Society. MacMillan's Magazine. Magazine of Domestic Economy. Magazine of Horticulture, Magazine of Natural History. Magazine of Popular Science. Magazine of Science and School of Arts. Magazine of Zoology and Botany. Masonic Monthly. Massachusetts Quarterly Review. Mathematical Monthly. Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine. Mechanics' Magazine. Mechanics' Magazine and Register of Inven- tions. Medical Critic and Psychological Journal. Medical News. Medico- Chirurgical Review. See British and Foreign Medical, etc. 3feliora. Review of Social Science. Mercersburg Review. Merchants' Magazine. (N.Y.) Merchants' Magazine. (Lond.) II Mercurio Italico. Methodist Quarterly Review. Metropolitan Magazine. Military and Naval Magazine. Minerva. Ein Journal. Mining Magazine. Mining Review. Mining and Smelting Magazine. Mirror. Mirror of Fashion. Mittheilungen der Geographic. Pelermann. Missionary Herald. Missionary Magazine. 504 CLASSIFIED INDEX, Monitor of Fashion. Monthly Chronicle. Monthly Journal of Agriculture. Monthly Magazine. Monthly Magazine and British Eegister. Monthly Military Eepository. Monthly Mirror. Monthly Register of the United States. Monthly Religious Magazine. Monthly Repository. Monthly Review. (Lond.) Monthly Review of the United States. Monthly Visitor. Mother's Magazine. Museum. Museum of Foreign Literature. Musical Review. National Journal. iVafionaZ Magazine. (N.Y.) National Magazine. (Lond. ) National Magazine and Industrial Record. National Magazine and Republican Review. National Quarterly Review. National Review. Natural History Review. Nautical Magazine. Naval Magazine. Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie. NeiD Annual Register. New Brunswick Review. New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Neio England Magazine. New Englander. Neio Jerusalem Missionary. New Mirror. New Monthly Magazine. Chlburn's. New Quarterly Review. New Review. News of the Churches. Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences. New York Ecclesiologist. New York Illustrated Magazine. New York Literary Gazette. New York Mirror. New York Monthly Chronicle of Medicine. New York Municipal Gazette. New York Quarterly. New York Review. New York Review and Atheneum. New York Tt'ucher. New York Weekly Mirror. New Yorker. Niks' Weekly Register. Nineteenth Century. North American Miscellany. North American Review. North British Review. North Briton. Notes and Queries. Once a Week. Orie)ital Herald and Colonial Review. Our Young Folks. Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. PanopUst. Fanoplist and Missionary Magazine. Parker's JournaL Parthenon. Penny Magamne. People's and Howitt's Journal. People's Illustrated Journal of Art. People's Journal. Pharmaceutical Journal. PhilohiUion. Philosophical Magazine. Phrenological JournaL Pioneer. Plain Dealer. Plough, Loom, and AnviL Polar Star. Political Magazine. Polyanihos. Polytechnic Journal. Polytechnisches Journal. Popular Science Review. Port Folio. l^miico. Practical Mechanic's Journal. Presbyterian Quarterly Review. Present. Printing Machine. Prospective Review. Protestant Episcopal Quarterly Review. Putnam's Monthly Magazine. Quarterly Christian Spectator. Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society. Quarterly Journal of Education. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Quarterly Journal of Science and Literature. Quarterly Review. Quarterly Review of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Records of General Science. Thomson. Repository of Arts, Literature, etc. Ackermann. BepuUican Quarterly Review. liepuhlic of Letters. lletrospective Review. Retrospect of Medicine and Sur- gery. Braithwaite. Bivue Contemporaine. LITERATURE. 505 I'l'rue Critique des Livres Nouveaux. rue des Deux Mondes. i.c cue Encyclopedique. Jitvue Fran9aise. L't'rue Germanique. lU'vue Nationale et fitrangere. JU'vue du Nouveau Monde. iu'vue de Paris. 'Je Island Educational Magazine. ,nde Island Inst, of Instruction. Journal. .L'irista Contemporanea. H<ol Journal and Vermont Agriculturist. 'I'lsh Eeview. iS.lect Circulating Libraiy. Waldie. Sharpe's London Magazine. Sitzungsberichto der Konhjliche Bayerischen Akademie der Wiss. zu Miinchen. Sixpenny Magazine. Social Science Eeview. Society de Statistique. Bulletin. Sociiti de Geographic. Bulletin. Society of Arts. Journal. Southern Literary Messenger. Southern Presbyterian Review. Southern Quarterly Review. Southern Review. Spirit of Missions. ^irit of the Public Journals. Spiritual Magazine. Sporting Magazine. Statistical Society of London. Journal. Mrs. Stephens' Illustrated New Monthly. Student. Student and Schoolmate. Student; or, Oxford and Cambridge Miscel- lany. Sunbeam. Sunday Magazine. TaiVs Edinburgh Magazine. Temple Bar. Theological Eclectic. Theological and Literary Journal. Theologische Studien und Kritiken. Tiffany's Monthly. Titan. Day. I '■/ Register. Union. Union Magazine. Union Magazine (Sartain's). United Service Magazine. Colburn*s. United States Register (Hazard's). United States Economist. United States Farmer. United States Insurance Gazette. United States Law Magazine. United States Literary Gazette. United States Magazine. United States Medical and Surgical JoumaL United States Nautical Magazine. United States Naval Chronicle. United States Review. United States Review and Literary Gazette. United States Service Magazine. Universalist Quarterly and General Review. University Quarterly. Vegetarian Messenger. Victoria Magazine. Welcome Guest. Wesleyan Methodist Magazine. Westermann's Jahrbuch der Deutschen Monatshefte. Western Journal and Civilian. Western Monthly Magazine. Western Review. Westminster Review. Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. Worcester Magazine. Year Book of Facts in Science and Art. Timhs. Year book of Facts in the Great Ex- hibition. Timbs, Young Men's Magazine. Zeiischnfi fiir AUgemeine Erdkunde. Zeitschrift fiir die Gesammte Staats- wissenschaft. Zoist. Netrapapers. Newspaper Directory of Great Brit- ain. Mitchell. Newspaper Directory of United King- dom. Newspaper Record. CoggeshaU. Newspaper Literature. Buckingham, Fourth Estate. Hunt. History of British Journalism. Andrews. Advocate and Family Guardian. Alba7iy Evening Journal. Albion. AUgemeine Zeitung. American Agriculturist. American Messenger. American Sunday School Journal. 506 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Army and Navy Gazette. Army and Navy Journal. Athenceum. Baltimore American. Baltimore Daily CommerciaL Banner of Light. Baptist Repository. Baton Rouge Gazette. BelVs Life in London. Boston Post. Boston Trans«ript. Boyd's Shipping Gazette. Buffalo Express. Cairo Times. CasselVs Illustrated Newspaper. Caiholic Telegraph. Le Charivari. Chemical News. Chicago Republican. Chicago Tribune. Chimney Corner. Christian Advocate. Christian Times. Church Journal. Churchman. Cincinnati Commercial. Commercial Advertiser. Commercial Bulletin. Commercial and Financial Chronicle. Connecticut Courant. Courrier des £tats Unis. La Crdnica. Cultivator. Daily Bulletin. Daily News (London). Daily Transcript. Dayton Daily Journal. DegrancPs Boston Weekly Reports Dimocratie Pacifique. Detroit Tribune. Druggists'" Circular. Economist. Esperance. Evangelist Evening Post. Every Saturday. Examiner. Examiner and Chronicle. Fcedrelandet. Field Turf and Farm. Ftiegende Blatter. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. Fun. Harbinger. Harper's Weekly. Hebrew Leader. HeraM, a Gazette for the Country. Home Journal. Home Mission Record. Illinois Journal. Illustrated London News. Illustrated News of the World. H Illustration, Journal Universel. lllustrirte Zeitung. Indepe7ident. Index. Internal Revenue Record. Irish People. Jewish Messenger. Journal of Commerce. Journal des Debats. Journal Litte'raire. Journal pour Tous. Kolnische Zeitung. Leader. Leavenworth Daily Conservative. London Review. London Sun. Louisville Daily Journal. Magasin Pittoresque. Mark Lane Express. Maryland Journal. Memphis Daily Argus. Mercantile Advertiser. Messager Franco-Americaine. Methodist. Mining and Petrolemn Standard. Missouri Democrat. Missouri Republican. Mobile Dailj" Times. Montreal Gazette. Morning Courier and N. Y. Enquirer. Nashville Daily Union. Nation (Dublin). Nation (New York). Le National. National Anti-Slaveiy Standard. National Intelligencer. New Jerusalem Messenger. New Orleans Weekly Delta. New Orleans Picayune. New Orleans Southern Star. New Orleans Times. New York American. New York Atlas. New York Citizen. New York Commercial Advertiser. New York Courier. New York Day Book. New York Express. New York Evening Express. Neio York Herald. iVeio York Journal of Commerce. ^eio York Ledger. LITERATURE. 507 iKew York Weekly Messenger. \NetP York Evening Mirror. Vork Daily News. York Observer. Aeio York Price Current. Neio Yo7'k Eeview. Keic York Spectator. Neio York Tablet Neic York Times. Kew York Times and Commercial Intelli- gencer. ^'-^ " York Times and Evening Star. York Daily Transcript ; Extra, with Enrollment. York Daily Tribune. A tic Yorker. iJVeio Yorker Handels Zeitung. feio Yorker Staats Zeitung. Sforth American and U. S. Gazette. ^oticiosos de Ambos Mundos. )il News (Pittsburgh). 'hiladelphia Bulletin. 'hiladelphia Daily News. 'hrenological Journal. j& Presse. "^roiestant Vindicator. \ovidence Journal. unch, or The London Charivari. leader, lichmond Whig. loiind Table. 1 Louis Dispatch. '{jiurday Night. 'aiurday Press. 'aturday Review. 'avaHnah Daily Herald. avannah National Republican. eient'ific American. kipping and Commercial List. outhern Loyalist. pedator. pirit of the Times. pringfield Republican. andard. , (New York). mday Morning News. Temps, imes (London). idex to the Times. Giddings. ndencriters' Weekly Circular. nicm, Daily. vHed Staies Gazette. ^oldie's Literary Omnibus. %B Street Underwriter. ^atson's Art Journal. 'tekly London Journal. ^taer Zeitung. Western Merchant's Price Current. Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. World (New York). Young Men's Advocate. Bibliography. Introduction to Bibliography. Some. Librarian's Manual. Guild. Bibliotheca Britannica. Watt. Bibliographical Dictionary. Ehert. Bibliographer's Manual. Loicndes. Manuel du Libraire. Brunet. Polyhistor. Morhojius. Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. Darling. English and American Authors Allibone Guide to American Literature. Triihner. Library Manual. Goodhugh. Norto7i's Literary Register. La France Littdraire. Quirard. La Litterature Fran9aise. Quirard. French Librarian. Ventouillac. £crivains de la Compagnie de J^sus. Backer. Works of the Learned. Course of Reading. Kent. Library Companion. Dibdin. Catalogue for a Library. See Hand- book, etc. Traice. Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie. Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographie. Decimal System for Libraries. Shurtleff. Bibliothekstechnik. Seizinger. Katechismus der Bibliothekenlehre. Petzholdt. Systeme des Connaissances Humaines. Namur. System der Wissenschaftskunde. Schleiermacher. Memoirs of Libraries. Mtcards. Statistical View of Libraries. Edwards. Report on Public Libraries. Great Britain. Eeperioriwn Bibliographicum. Handbook to Library of British Museum. Sims. Essai sur la Biblioth^que du Roi. Le Prince. Report on Libraries of U. S., by Jewett. Smithsonian. Public Libraries. Bhees. Mass. Free Library System. Heard. Private Libraries of New York. Wynne. Ohio State Library Report. Handbuch Deutscher Bibliotheken. Petzholdt. Bibliomania. Dibdin. Bibliophobia. Dibdin. Bibliomania in Middle Ages. Merryweather. Book Hunter. Burton. Philobihlion, Journal. Rivue Critique des Livres Nouveaux. ' 508 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Chronique du Journal General de rimprimerie. Index to Reviews in Briiish Critic. British Librarian. Oldys. Encyclopedia of Literary Anecdote. Timperley. Anecdotes of Literature, etc. Beloe. Ilarleian Miscellany. Didionnaire Bibliographique. Catalogue of Curious Books. Thoi-pe. Bibliographical Miscellany. Transmission of Ancient Books. Taylor. Cheap Books. Chapman. Universal Palaeography. Silvestre. History of Letter Writing. Boheris. Bibliographical Tour in France and Germany. Dihdin. Histoire Litteraire des Fous. JDelepihrre. Annales de I'lmprime'rie des Aides. Benouard. Early Parisian Greek Press. Greswdl. Annals of Parisian Typography. Greswell. Typographical Antiquities. Ames. Learned Societies and Printing Clubs. Hume. Typographical Gazetteer. Cotton. Old Printer and Modern Press. Knight. Typographia. Johnson. Printing Machine. History of Ink, Catalogues of Books on Special Subjects. Bihliotheca Theologica. Theological Books for Sale. IfuU. Catalogue of Theological Books. Theological Books for Sale. Leslie. Theological Books for Sale. Talboys & Co. Theological Books for Sale. Bartlett& Welford. Editions of the Bible in English. Cotton. Index Expurgatorius. Bibliography of Books in Indian. Schoolcraft. Bibliotheca Psychologica. Catalogue of Anti-Masonic Books. Bibliotheca Juridica. Law Books for Sale. Voorhies. Catalogue of New York State (Law) Library. Law Books in Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. Classical Bibliography. Moss . Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum. Bibliotheca Philologica. Classics and Classical Books for Sale. Talboys & Co. Introduction to Classics. Dibdin. English Works for Sale. Longman & Co. Royal and Noble Authors. Walpole. Restituta; Old Titles Revived. Brydges. Bimbav Macrc Vaii Marsdt Oli Miibiu Squie Glossary of English Literature, 13th Century, Coleridi Works entered at Stationer's Com- pany, 1557-87. Shakspeare S( English Poets, 12th-16th Centuries. Bitsc Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica. Bibliotheca Madrigaliana. British Historians to 1600. Literatur der Grammatiken, etc. Bibliotheca Marsdeniana. Bibliothek der neueren Sprachen. Lexicon of Russian Authors. See Hist, of Russian Literature. Catalogus Librorum Islandicorum et Norvegicorum JEtatis Mediae. Authors on Languages of Central America. Bibliotheca Orientalis. Oriental Linguistics in Astor Li- brary. Manuscriptos Portuguezes no Museu Brittanico. Figanih Accoimts, etc. , of MSS. in Library of King of France. Catalogue of Bibliography, etc., in iVeio York State Library. Bibliothek der Schonen Wissenschaf- ten. Bibliotheca Geographica. Books on British Topography, etc., in Bodleian, from R. Gough. Bibliothecae Americanae Primordia. Books on America. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Bibliotheca Americana. Bibliotheca Americana. American Local History. Bibliotheque Americaine. Bibliography of Rhode Island. Bibliotheca del ex-Coronel Pineda. Bibliographic Biographique. Arithmetical Books. Be Morgan Scientific Books in Library of Boyal Society. Select Medical Bibliography. Forbes Medical Bibliography. Atkinson. Works on Medicine and Natural History in Badcliffe Library. Bibliotheca Medico-Chirurgica. Bibliotheca Veterinaria. Bibliotheca Zoologica. Biographia Zoologiae et Geologise. Agassiz. Repertorium der Technischen Lit- eratur. Schuberih. Bibliotheca Mechanico-Technologica. Bibliothek der Handlungswissen- schaft. Kenntt Bid Bich Warden Ludewig' Ternam Bartlct (Eitinger LITEKATHRE. 509 usical and Pianoforte Catalogue. Kerksieg and Breusing. lUiotheca CEconomica. Cntnlogncs of I^ibrnrics. caclcmy of Natural Sciences, Phil. 'baixy Institute. '6a n 7/ Library. 'barty Young Men's Association, nericaji Antiquarian Society. nerican Institute. nerican Philosophical Society. nerican Sunday School Union. nherst College. rdovcr Theological Seminary. yprenlices' Library. ior Libraiy. Catalogue. ior Library. Alphabetical Index. illimore Library Company. illimore Mercantile Library. geloic Library, Clinton, Mass. )ston Athena3um. sion Mercantile Library. sioa Public Library. wdoin College. itish Museum. Books of Beference. ooJdyn Athenocum. others in Unity. own University. cutta Public Library. ifornia State Library. bridge High School Library. da Library of Parliament. 'alogii.e de la Bibliotht'que. 3/ of London Literary and Scientific Insti- tution. mrnerz-Eibliothck in Hamburg. mmerz-Bibliothek in Hamburg. Hoffman. bUn Library Society. Tvard University. nng Library. OSS, Dr. , Library of. ngtree, S. D., Collection of. 10 Association of Philadelphia. trary Company of Philadelphia. wnian Society. erary and Historical Society of Quebec. ndon Institution. ndon Library. ryland Historical Society. tssachuselts Historical Society. ttsachusetis State Librarj'. rcaniile Library of Brooklyn. rcantile Library of Montreal. rcaniile Library of New York. roarUile Library of Philadelphia. idUsex (Mass.) Mechanics' Association. Keio Bedford Free Public Library. Kew Haven Young Men's Institute. New York Historical Society. New York HospitaL New York Society Library. Neio York State Library. Newark Library. Orange Library. Osicego Cit}' Library. Parthenon Circulating Library. Peabody Institute, Bait. Catalogue of Pro- posed Books. Peabody Institute, South Danvers. Pennsylvania State Library. Providence Athenteum. Public Library of Newburyport. Redwood Library. Roxburghe, Duke of. Catalogue of Library. Royal Institution of Great Britain. Rutgers Female Institute. St Louis Mercantile Library. St. Paul Library. San Francisco Mercantile Library. Salein Athenaeum. Social Law Library, Boston. South Kensington Museum. Educational Books. Stowe House Library. Table Alphabetique de la Bibliographie de la France. Tableau des Ouvrages en France, 1852-6. Tennessee State Library. United States Library. United States. Library of Congress. Walpole, H. Catalogue of Contents of Straw- berry Hill. Waverley Circulating Library. West Point Military Academy. Wisconsin State Library. Young Men's Association, Albany, Young Men's Association of Chicago. Young Men's Associatioi^ of Milwaukee. Young Men's Association of Troy. Young Men's Chr. Asso., Brooklyn. Young Men's Institute, Hartford. Young Men's Mercantile Library, Cincinnati. Zanesville Athenaeuin. Booksellers' Catalo|;aes. BookseUer. Publishers' Circular. American Literary Gazette. Catalogue of Books for Sale. Library Manual. List of Publications. Bookseller's Trade List Catalogue of Books for Sale. Appleton & Cb. Applelon & Co. Appleton & Co. Blake. Bohn. 510 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Catalogue. .Bossange. Catalogue cles Livres Anciens. Bossange. Catalogue Gene'ral. Bossange. Livres Publics en All^magne, en 1845. Bossange. Ma Bibliothcque Fran9aise. Bossange. Catalogue of Approved Books. Caritat. Catalogue of American Books since 1800. American Publications, 1820-1861. Boorhach. Catalogue Annuel de la Librairie Fran9aise. Publications in Germany. Christern. Catalogue of Books. . Boyle. Catalogue des Livres en Vente. FrancJc. Books for Sale. Garrigue. Book List. Harper and Bros. Books for Sale. Little, Brown & Co. London Catalogue, 1810-1855. Same. Classified Index, 1816-1851. British Catalogue of Books. English Catalogue of Books, 1835-1863. Book Buyer's Manual. Putnam. Classified Catalogue of Lnportant Books. Putnam. Classed Catalogue. Quaritch. Books for Sale. Bodd. Adressbuch fiir den Deutschen Buch- handel. Schulz. My English Library. Stevens. Books for Sale. WUUs and Sotheran. £ ncyclopsedias. Encydopcedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. 'London Encyclopaedia. Penny Cyclopaedia. British Encyclopaedia, Amer. ed. Nicholson. Cyclopaedia. Bees. Penny Magazine. English Cyclopaedia. Knight. CJiambers' Encyclopaedia. Dictionary of Universal Information. Beeton. Encydopcedia Americana. New American Cyclopaedia. Handbook of Literature and Fine Arts. Blpley and Taylor. Encyclopedie des Enfans. Masson. Encyclopedic. Diderot and D'Alemhert, Dictionnaire Philosophique. Voltaire. Diccionario Filosofico. Voltaire. Philosophical Dictionary. Voltaire. Historical and Critical Dictionary. Bayle. Dictionnaire Historique at Critique. Bayle. English Dictionary of Terms of Arts, H etc. Buchanan Historical, Geographical, etc., Dic- tionary. GoUier Iconographic Encyclopaedia. Universal Lexicon. Pierer Dictionnaire Encyclope'dique des Amusemens, etc. Treasury of Knowledge. Maunder Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Eeference. Million of Facts. PhiUips Elements of General Knowledge, Kett Students Cabinet Library. Library of Useful Knowledge. Book of Utility. Pegg. Chambers' Liformation for the TeoiAe. Entertaining Magazine. Knowledge for the People. Timbs. Miscellany of Entertaining Knowl- edge. Woodworth. Universal Preceptor. Blair. Atlantic Journal. Bafinesque. Catechism of Familiar Things. Willement* Year Book of Facts, etc. Timbs. Lexicon of Useful Knowledge. WUbur. Text Book for Architects, Engineers, etc. Byde. Dictionary of Science and Art. Brande and Caumn. Dictionnaire de I'lndustrie Manufac- turiere, etc. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Gregory. Dictionary of Arts, etc. Francis. Lift for the Lazy. Griffith, Technical Dictionary. Crabb. Dictionary of General Knowledge. Crabb. British Annual and Epitome of Sci- ence. Annual of Scientific Discovery. Wells. Geographical, etc., Grammar. Guthrie. Geographical, etc., Dictionary. McCulloch. Dictionary of Dates. Haydn. American Annual Cyclopaedia. Standard Library Cj'clopajdia. Political Dictionary. Things not Generally Known. W^. Small Books on Great Subjects. Edractor. Polar Star. Visit to the British Museum. Musaeum Societatis Eegalis. Grew. Gallery of Nature and Art. Polehampton and Good. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 511 HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Universal Geography. Elements of Geography. Dickinson. Principles of Geography. Malte-Brun. [Jniversal Geography. Ewing. [llustrated London Geography. Guy. Glasgow Geography. System of Geography. Bell. Jniversal Geography. Callicoit. [Jniversal Geography. Morse. ilanual of Geography. Hughes. Jniversal Geography. Payne. ncyclopaedia of Geography. Murray. Geography. Knight. Je9ons de Geographie. Gaultier. jeeciones de Geografia. Gaultier. lehrbuch der Geographie. Cannabich. brege de Ge'ographie. BaUn. eographical View of World. Goldsmith. )ictionary of Geography. Cbnder. )ictionnaire Geographique. Guibert. •bridgement of Geography. Balbi, lanual of Geographical Science. reographical Studies. Bitier. reography for Beginners. Stewart. ^iew of the World. Bigland. dap of the Whole World. eographie Commer9ante. Peuchet. 'lobe (Le) ; Atlas Classique Universel. onnection between Geography and History. Hillard. pplication de la Geographie a I'His- toire. Braconnier. •OBchichte der Erdkunde. Bitter. osmographie en Moyen Age. Santarem. se of the Globes. Thackwray. Utlines of Modern Geography. Goodrich. rait6 de Geographie Moderne. Gibrat. iaritime Geography. Tuckey. rde of the Sciences. Geography. ties and Principal Towns of the World. Ciazcttcers. ppincott's. Thomas and Baldwin. Qperial Gazetteer. Blackie. arper's Statistical Gazetteer. Smith. epaeral Gazetteer. Brookes. ronounciug Gazetteer. Baldwin. ijiversal Gazetteer, Morse. 3W Universal Gazetteer. Buckingham. iQAionary of Geography. Johnston. ^(pgraphicul Word Expositor. Adams. Gazetteers. See Local Histoey. Periodicals. Boyal Geographical Society. Journal. Soci6ie de Geographie. Bulletin. American Geographical Society. Bulletin. American Geographical Society. Journal. Geographisches Jahrbuch. Berghaus. Mittheilungen der Geographie. Petermann, Atlases. Atlas Gdneral. New General Atlas. Oddy. New General Atlas. Lamie and Whittle. General Atlas. Thomson. General Atlas. Colion. Comprehensive Atlas. Bradford. Atlas for the People. Chambers. Xew General Atlas. Hand-Atlas. Spruner. Plans of Countries. Luffman. National Atlas. Johnston. Maps of the Society for the Difiusion of Useful Knowledge. Atlas Classica. Atlas of Antient Geography. Butler. American Pocket Atlas. Carey. Modern Atlas. Findlay. Diamond Atlas. Western Hemisphere. Colby. Winds and Currents. Maury. Charts, etc., of North America. Charts of the Atlantic and Pacific. Ancient Geography. Compendium of Ancient Geography. Anville. Geography of Strabo. Geographia Classica. Butler. Classical Gazetteer. llazlitt. Ancient and Mediaeval Geography. Aixthon. Unircrsal Travels. Navigation of the Ancients. Vincent Collection of Voyages. Pinkerton. Collection of Voyages and Travels. Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. Harris. Collection of Voyages and Travels. Kerr. Historical Account of the Circum-. navigation of the Globe. Histoire des Naufrages. JDesperthes. Progress of Maritime Discovery. Clarke. History of Commerce and Naviga- tion. Cogge^hall. Maritime and Inland Discoyery. Cooky. Voyages Round the World. Price. 512 CLASSIFIED INDEX. General Collection of Portuguese and Spanish Voyages. Drake's Voyage in 1595. Maynarde. History of the Indies. Acosia. Voyage Round the Vi^'orld. llolman. Voyage Round the World. Dampier. Voyage Round the World. Funncll. Collection of Modern Voyages and Travels. Voyages and Travels. Uring. Account of Late Voyages ajid Dis- coveries. Voyage Round the World. JRogers. Voyage Round the World. Anson. Voyage Round the World. Bougainville. Voyage Round the World. Portlock. Voyage Round the World. La Perouse. Recherche de la Perouse. Labillardiere. Voyage in Search of La Perouse. Lahillarditre. Cook's Voyages Round the World. Kippis. New Collection of Voyages, etc. Voyages and Travels. Delano. Voyage of Discovery. Vancouver. Voyages Round the World. Fanning. Travels (1799-1803). Abu Taleb Khan. Voyages to the Southern Hemi- sphere. Callender. Modem Traveller. Conder. Xeio Voyages and Travels. Travels of the Jesuits. LocJcman. Abrt'gd des Voyages Modemes. Eyries. Voyages (1799-1844). Coggesliall. Voyages (1802-1841). Coggeshall. Voyage Round the World. Campbell. Voyage Round the World. Arago. Voyage Round the World. Buschenberger. Overland Journey Round the World. Simpson. Voyage of the Potomac. Warriner. Cruise of the Potomac. Reynolds. Voyage of the Herald. Seemann. Erduriisegelung. 1851^53. Etzel. U. S. Exploring Expedition (v. 1-6). Wilkes. United States Exploring Expedition (V. 7-12). Voyages et Recits. Yvan. Reise um die Welt (Werke). Chamisso. Voyage Round the World. Wilkes. Voyage Around the World. Taylor. Journey Round the World. Gerstdcker. Voyage Round the World. Barnard. Voyage Round the World. Belcher. Cyclopaedia of Modern Travel. Taylor. Treasury of Travel and Adventure. Flowers of Modern Travels. Adams. Les Voyageurs Nouveaux. Marmier. Voyage Round the World. Scoresby. Voyages and Commercial Enterprises. Cleveland. All Round the World. Ains worth. Whaling Voyage. Olmsted. Life, Voyages, and Travels. Myer.s. Vo5'ages and Travels. Sharan. Travels and Adventures. Smith. Voyages and Travels. Langsdorff. Cruise of the North Star. Choules. Four Years on a Whaleship. Whiiecar. Government Exploring Expedition. Colvocoresses. Perils of the Sea. Perils and Captivity. Shipwrecks and Disasters. Bedding. Fragments of Voyages and Travels. JIall. Romance of Modern Travel. Vacation Tourists. Gallon. At Home and Abroad. Taylor. Lady's Voyage Round the World. Pfeiffer. Lady's Second Voyage. Pfeiffer. Last Travels. Pfeiffer. Scenes in Foreign Lands. Terry. Voyages dans les Deux Oceans. Belessert. Itinerary. Benjamin of Tudela. Wall Street to Cashmere. Ireland. Sketches of Foreign Travel. Bockwell. Fireside Travels. Lowell. Sketches by a Traveller. World Here and There. Bickeyxs. Travels. Bapclje. Aventures des Voyageurs. Jlomhron. Travels of Rolando. Jaufaet. Travels. See Memoirs. Benyowski. Pencillings by the Way. Willis. Letters from Three Continents. Travels. Clarke. Travels. Thompson. Travels in U. S. , etc. Wortley. Wonders of Nature and Art. Smith. Recollections of a Ramble. Monitor. (Travels. ) Hoffman. Tennessean Abroad. MacGavock. Wandering Sketches. Wood. Scenery, Science, and Art. Ansted. Adventures of Hunters and Travellers. IJniversal History. Universal History, Ancient and Mod- ern. Outlines of History. Keightley. Universal History. Ilebbe. History of the World. Botteck* Universal History. Bossuet. Histoire Universelle. Bossuet Ancient and Modern History. Bigland. Treasury of History. Maunder. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 513 Universal History. Ti/tler. Universal History. Mavor. Universal History. Midler. Universal History. Ramsay. History, of the World. Raleigh. Continuation of the Sanie. Ross. History of the World. See Works. Raleigh. Universal History. Butler. Universal History. Anquetil. Historie-Saal. Valkmont. History of the World. Midler. Book of the World. Fisher. History of the World. Smith. Ancient and Modem History. Taylor. Chronological View of the World. HasJcel. History and Chronology. Munsell. General History to Constantine. Howell. General History. MiUot. Elements of History, with Charts. Worcester. Histoire General et Politique, Puffendorff. World's Progress. , Pvinam. I^pplement to World's Progress. Putnam. Great Drama of Human Progress. Magoon. Outlines of History. WUlson. Archaio-Floxxioa. Atlas Historique, etc. Xe Sage. Historical Atlas. Worcester. Art de Verifier les Dates. Universal Historical Dictionary. Crahh. Abridgment of Universal History. Whitaker. Sacred History of the World. Turner. General History. Parker. Histoire Universelle. Oenlis. Dictionary of Dates. Haydn. Key to Historical Chart. Holgate. Questions on Chart of Universal History. Lyman. Every Day Book of History and Chronology. MunseU. Secularia; or Mainstream of Jlistory. Lucas. Industrial History of Free Nations. McGuUogh. Colonization and Christianity. Howitt. History of Ciivilization. Mackinnon. Ruins of Sacred and Historic Lands. Complete Historical Atlas. Lavoisne. Historical and Miscellaneous Ques- tions. MangnaU. Historical Parallels. Malkin. Monarchs Retired from Business. JDoran. Mstorical Pocket Library. Sislorical Letters. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. Creasy. Oreat Events. Lieber. Historical Miscellany. Taylor. Olimpses of History. Towle. Ethnography. Natural History of Man. Prichard. Physical History of Mankind. Prichard. ReviewofPrichard, and others. Van Amringe. Races of Men. Knox, Natural History of the Human Species. Smith. Atlas Ethnographique. Balbi, Introd. a I'Atlas Ethnographique. Balbi. Natural History of the Varieties of Man. Latham. Histoire Gdne'ral des Races Hu- maines. SaUes. Grundziige der Ethnographic. Pertz. Ancient Ethnography and Geog- raphy. uS'iebukr. La Terre et I'Homme. ^. Maury. Races of Man, and Distribution. Pickering. Descriptive Ethnology. Latham. Progress of Ethnology. BartletL Antiquity of Man. LyelL De I'Homme et Races Humaines. HoUard. Lectures on Man. Vogt. Introduction to Anthropology. WaiU, Indigenous Races of the Earth. Nott Man and his Migrations. Latham. First Planting of Nations. Cumberland. Man's Place in Nature. Huxley. Unity of the Human Races. Smyth. Unity of the Human Race. CaidweU. Unity of our Species. See Facts of the Animal Kingdom. HaU. Unite' de I'Espece Humaine. Quatre/ages. Unity of Mankind. Cabell, Variety of Complexion and Figure. Smith. Philological Proofs of the Unity of the Race. Johnes. Ungleichheit der Rassen. PoU, Abstammung. (Plurality of Species. ) Schlatter. Plurality of the Human Race. Pouchei. Prehistoric Man. ^ W'dson. Prehistoric Times. Lubbock. Lake Habitations and Prehistoric Remains in Italy. Gastaldi. Natural History of Man. Laurence. Changes in Nervous System by Civil- ization. Verity. Contest of the Twelve Nations. Negromania. CJampftefl, Types of Mankind. Noit and Oliddon. Races Humaines d'Europe. Oirard, Mixed Tribes in Great Britain. Massy. Irish Ethnology. Mis. Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations. Prichard, Races of the Old World. BrcM, 514 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Man of the North, and South. Bonsteiien. Crania Americana. Morion. Ethnology of British Colonies. Latham. Germania with Ethnological Disser- tations. Latham. Races of Men. Pickering. Essays, Ethnographical. Latham. Ethnography and Philology. Jlale. American Ethnological Society. Transactions. Mhnological Journal. Ethnological Society of London. Transactions. Anthropological Eeview. Chronology* Chronologic Universelle. Breyss. Dictionary of Chronology. Tegg. Chronology. Newton. Index to Universal History. Putnam. Index of Dates. Basse. System of Chronology. Playfair. History of Chronology. Nicolas. Chronological and Historical Tables. Blair. Chronological Tables. Chronological Antiquities. Jackson. Antiqnitics. Encyclopaedia of Antiquities. Foshroke. Antiquities from the British Museum. Arundale. British Museum, Historical and De- scriptive. Seven Wonders of the World. Sigilli Antichi. Manni. Antique Vases, Altars, etc. Moses. Monograms on Pottery. Chaffers. Book of Days. (Popular Antiquities. ) Chambers. Antiquarian Miscellany. Brayley. Soci^ii Imperiale des Antiquaires. Annuaire. Archosologist. Northern Archaeology. Ellesmere. Antiquarian Repertory. Antiquarian Itinerary. Antiquites Celtiques et Antedilu- viennes. Perthes. Monumens Fran9ais. Lenoir. Nnmismatica* Nummariac Antiquas. MoreUius. Usefulness of Ancient Medals. Addison. Tables of Ancient Coins. Arbuthnot. Rare Roman Coins. Akerman. Coins of Romans Relating to Britain. Akerman. Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes. Akerman. Ancient Coins and Medals. Humxjhreijs. Ancient and Modern Coins, etc. Prime. Introduction to Study of Coins. Akerman. Coinage of Great Britain. Ruding, American Numismatical Manual. Bickeson, Coins of Past Century. Eckfe'dt. Early Business Tokens of New York. BushneU. Monograph of the Silver Dollar. Biddell. PresideiAial Medals and Tokens. Saiterlee. Catalogue of Postage Stamps. Manners and Castoms. Institutions and Customs of the Ancient Nations. Sahbathier. Classical and Archaeological Dic- tionary. NuttaU. Laws, Customs, etc, , of Ancient and Modern Nations. Bew. Evening Entertainments. Bepping, Christmastide ; its History, Festivi- ties and Carols. Sandys. Christmas Customs in England. See Christmas Carols. Sandys. Book of Christmas. Ilervey, Twelfth Night at the Century Club. Marriage Rites and Customs. Hamilton Primitive Marriage. MLennan History of Duelling. Millingen Origine de Tons les Cultes.' Bupuis. Hope Fosbroke FerrarUy Costume. Costume of the Ancients. Synopsis of Ancient Costume. II Costume Antico et Moderno. Book of Costume. Costume of China. Costume of Turkey. Costume of Austria. Bertrand de MoleviUt Costume of Russian Empire. Costume of the Netherlands. Sempii Ancient Costume of Great Britain. Smith Civil Costume of England. Martin Costume in England. Fairh(M United States Army. Uniform and Dress. United States Navy. Uniform for Officers. Philosophy of History. Philosophy of History. Hegei Philosophy of History. Bloomjield Philosophy of History. Schlegi Philosophy of History. Slce^ Philosophic de I'Histoire. Vvx Philosophic Absolue de I'Histoire. W7'onsJci Philosophie der Geschichte. Hdfferich HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 515 Remarks on the Science of History. Science Nouvelle. Vico. Inquiry into Theories of History. Meaning of History. Harrison. Study and Use of History. Bolinghroke. Foundations of History. Schieffdin. Lectures on History and General Policy. Priestley. Vestiges of Civilization. Fortschrittdes Menschlichen Geistes. Chndorcet. History of Man. Kames. Natural Boundaries of Empires. Finch. Natural History of Society. Taylor. Philosophy of History. Bazin. Contrasts of Ancient and Modem History. Newman.' Lectures on Modern History. Arnold. Catholic and Protestant Nations Com- pared. Roussel. Theocratic Philosophy of English History. Schomherg. Characteristics of the Present Age. Fichte. Litellectual Development of Europe. Draper. ^ Jctrs. Origines Hebrseae. Lewis. Hebrew Commonwealth. John. Hebrew Monarchy. Newman. History of the Jews. Milman. Hebrew People. SmUJi. Israelitish Nation. Wise. Israelitish Nation. Alexander. Post Biblical History of the Jews. Raphcdl History of the Jews. IMe. Manners of the Ancient Israelites. Flewy. Jewish Antiquities. Jennings. Biographical Annals of Hebrews. IMe. Opera. Josephus. Works. Josephus. History of the Jews. Ilaie. Jews of Spain and Portugal. Lindo. Jews in Spain and Portugal. Finn. Jews in Great Britain. Margoliouth. Book of Jasher. Ancient Historj. See, also, Sacbed Histoky. Ancient History. - Smith. Manual of Ancient History. Eeeren. States of Antiquity. Jleeren. Alte Geschichte. Siruve. Histoire Ancienne. Segur. Ipstory of Ancient Europe. Russell. Ancient Geography and History. PiUz. Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences. Ooguet. Ij^oliticsj Trade, etc-, of Antiquity. Eeeren. Ahrigi de I'Histoire Ancienne. Lectures on Ancient History. Niehuhr. Observations on Ancient History. Bi^yant. Early History of Mankind. Taylor. Ancient History. Yonge. Geschichte des Alterthums. Duncker. Origines. Brummond. Great Cities of the Ancient World. Buckley. Ruins of Ancient Cities. Bucke. Cities of the Past. Cobbe. Sacred and Profane History Con- nected. Shuckford* Connection of Sacred and Profane History. RussdL Old and New Testaments Connected. Prideaux. State of Man before Christianity. Sm^ Books, Bibliothecas Historicse. Diodorus, Historical Library. Diodorus, Historiarum Reliquise. (Gr. et Lat. ) Polybius. History. Polybius. JiJthiopika. (Graece.) JMiodorus. Ancient Fragments. Cory. Historiarum Libri IX. Herodotus. Same. Translations. Herodotus. Life and Travels of Herodotus. Wheeler. Analysis and Summary of Herodotus. Wlieeler. Geography of Herodotus. Eastern Empires. Early Oriental History. Eadie. Five Great Monarchies of Ancient East. Rawlinson. The Five Empires. WUberforce. Gentile Nations. Smith. Ancient History. Farr. Mesopotamia and Assyria. Fraser. Observations on Ruins of Babylon. Maurice. Nineveh and its Remains. Layard. Nineveh and Persepolis. Vawx, Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon. Layard, Nineveh; its Ancient History and Modern Explorers, PoIa. Popular Account of Discoveries at Nineveh. Layard. Discoveries at Nineveh. Botia. Buried City of the East, Nineveh. Nineveh and its Palaces. Bonomi, Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, etc. RoUir^, Phoenicia. Kenrick, Carthage, and her Remains. Davis, Hannibal. Abbott, Campaigns of Hannibal. • MacdougaU^ History of the Persians. MV/t, Cyrus the Great. Abbott. 516 CLASSIP'IED INDEX. Darius the Great. Abbott. Xerxes the Great. Abbott. Cyropaedia. Xenophon. Anabasis, seu Expeditio Cyri. (Greece. ) Xenophon. Expedition of Cyrus. Xenophon. HistoriaB Philippicae. Justinus. Historice Philippicas. (Lat. and Eng.) Justinus. Expedition of Alexander the Great. Arrian. De Gestis Alexandri Magni. Ourtius. De Fatti di Alessandro. Ourtius. Life and Keign of Alexander. Ourtius. Alexander the Great. Williams. Alexander the Great. St. Oroix. Alexander the Great. Abbott. Pyrrhus. Abbott. Genghis Khan. Abbott. Ancient 'Egypt, Egypte Ancienne. ChampolUon. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. Kenrick. Ancient Egypt. Gliddon. Egyptians in Time of the Pharaohs. Wilkinson. Egypt under the Ptolemies. Sharpe. Egypt under the Eomans. Sharpe. Egypt's Place in Universal History. Bunsen. Arts, Antiquity and Chronology of Ancient Egypt. Watheti. Egyptian Chronology Analysed. Nolan. Chronology of Ancient Egypt. Poole. Public and Private Life of the Old Egyptians. Uhlenuinn. Manners and Customs. Wilkinson. Antiquities of Egypt. White. Egyptian Antiquities in British Mu- seum. Long. Hieroglyphical Literature and Egy^- tian Antiquities. Young. Egyptian Hieroglyphics. {See Wil- kinson's Egyptians.) Birch. Egyptian Archaeology, and Hiero- glyphics. Gliddon. Egyptian Kemains. Maurice. Monuments of Egypt. Hawks. Moses Illustrated by Monuments of Egypt. See Biblical Antiqui- ties. Ilengstenberg. Politics, Trade, etc., of Carthagin- Mitford Keighileyi Oillies Stnith Schmiti Smith MaXkin History of Greece. History of Greece. History of Ancient Greece. History of Greece. History of Greece. Smaller History of Greece. History of Greece. History of Greece. Historia Graeca. See Opera. Xenophon History of Greece, Macedonia, and Syria. Lyall and others Greece. Epitomd Historias te's Hellados. Greece. Epitome Historiaa Grsecae. History of Greece. Goldsmith Historia Griega. Goldsmith History of Greece. (Abridged.) Goldsmith Grecian History. Bobbim History of Ancient and Modern Greece. Historia Belli Peloponnesiaci. Thucydidei Same. Translations. Thucydidei Athenian Letters. Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece. Clintof Hellas. Jacobi Descriptio GrseciaB. (Gr. et Lat.) Pausaniat Description of Greece. Pausaniai Politics of Ancient Greece. lleerer Political Antiquities of Greece. Hermanr Political Listitutions. Wachsmutl Institutions, Manners, etc. HU Antiquities of Greece. Pau Antiquities of Greece. Potta Itinerary of Greece. Gd Manners and Customs. St. Johr Manners and Customs. Bobinsoi Charicles. Becke/i Slavery in Ancient Greece. Edwardi Philosophical Dissertations on Greeks. Pauu Athens; its Eise and Fall. * Lyttoi Attica and Athens. Lockhar Public Economy of Athens. BoecM' Life in Athens. Wessemberg Antiquities of Athens. Stuar Topography of Athens. Leaki History and Antiquities of Doric Bace. M'lUei Captains of the Old "World. Herber Greece under the Komans. Fivke^ Eemains in Crete. Fhlkena ians, Ethiopians, and Egyp- Etrnria. tians. Ileeren. History of Etruria. Grm ffistory of Cleopatra. Abbott. Sepulchres of Etruria. Oral Cities and Cemetries of Etruria. B&nnU Ancient Orcece. History of Greece. Grote. Rome. History of Qyeece. Thirlwall. Historiarum Libri. IMu HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. History of Rome. Livius. Historiarum Liber Primus. Livius. Historiarum Libri Quinque. Livius. Prima Deca di Livio. Machiavelli. First Decade of Livius. Machiavel. Historiarum Libri Quinque. Tacitus. Five Books of History. Tacitus. Roman Antiquities. Dionysius. Annalium Libri Sedecim. Tacitus. De Gestis Romanorum. ttorus. Roman History. Hooke. Historia Romana. Paterculus. Abridgment of the History of Rome. Paterculus. Brcviarium Historiae Romanae. Euiropius. Histoire Romaine. Eollin. Roman History. ^ RdUin. History of Rome. LvddeU,. Historia Romana. Aurdius Victor. Histoire Romaine. Sigur. History of Rome. Hetherington. Epitome Rerum Romanarum. Floi'us. Romanorum Historias. (Gr. etLat.) ^ Appianus. History of Rome. History of Rome, History of Rome. History of Rome. Niehuhr. Lectures on History of Rome. Mebuhr. History of Rome. Schmitz. Ahregi de I'Histoire Romaine. History of Rome. Gray. Child's History of Rome. Bonner. Comic History of Rome. Beckett. Stories of Ancient Rome. Ricord. Credibility of Early Roman History. Lewis. Sketches of Institutions and Manners of the Romans. Rc{;al Rome and Bepnblic* - Regal Rome. Newman. History of Romulus. Abbott. Captains of Roman Republic Herbert. Roman Republic. Ferguson. History of Roman Republic. Michelet. Fall of Roman Republic. Merivale. Decline of the Roman Republic. Long. Dissertation on the Passage of Han- nibal over the Alps. Empire. History of the Roman Empire. Arnold. Rise and Fall of Roman Empire. Montesquieu. Emperors of Rome. Oray. First Twelve Caisars. Suetonius. Histoire des Empereurs. Suetonius. Histoire des Empereurs. Ch-iuier. Lives of the Twelve Caesars. History of the Emperors. Romans under the Empire. Histoire de Jules Cdsar. History of Julius Csesar. History of Julius Caesar. Opera Omnia. Same. Translated by Duncan. Commentaries. Nero. 517 Rogers. Lyman. Merivale. Napolion, Napoleon. Abhoit Caesar. Cmsar. Bxrtius. Abbott Decline and Fall of Roman Empire. Gibbon. Student's Gibbon. Smith. Gibbon Reviewed. Whiliaker. Fall of the Empire. Sismondu Sur la Chute de I'Empire Remain. Chateaubriand. Antiqnities. Religion of Rome. 5ee Learning and Working. i Maurice. Rome under Paganism and Popes. Miley. Liberty of Rome. Eliot Antiquities of Rome. EenneiL Roman Antiquities. Adam. Antiquities of Rome. Lumisden. Classical Tour through Italy. Eustace. Topography of Rome and Vicinity. GdL Antiquities of Rome. Burton. Greek and B«man Antiquitiea. Chronological Tables of Greek and Roman History. SmUh. Greek and Roman Geography. Smith. Classical Manual. Baird. Roman and Grecian Antiquities. Salkeld. Classical Antiquities. Falkener. Greek and Roman Antiquities. Fosbroke. Grecian and Roman Antiquities. Bojesen. Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Smith. Classical Dictionary. Lempriere. Greek and Roman Antiquities. Smith. Chronology of the Olympiads. See Grecian Mythology. Musgrave. Pompeiana. OdL Pompeji. Overbeck. Pompeii. Geography and Antiquities of Ithaca. GdL Three Enigmas Explained. Newton. ]?lythoIogr. Universal Mythology. . Christmas, Philosophic der Mythologie. Schdling. Mysteries of Isis. Analysis of Egyptian Mythology. Prichard. Mysteries of the Cabiri. Faber. Mythology of the Hindoos. Colemar^ 518 CLASSIFIED INDEX. System of Mythology. Classical Mythology. Antient Mythology. New System of Mythology. Grecian and Eoman Mythology. Mythological Fictions. Greek and Eoman Mythology. Pantheon, or Heathen Gods. Mythology. Mythology of Ancient Greece Italy. Mythologie des Demoiselles. Tales of the Gods and Heroes. Tales of Thebes and Argos. Age of Fable. Poetry of the Age of Fable. Griechische Mythologie. Grecian Mythology. Polymetis. Mythological Fables. Scandinavian Mythology. Kordens My thologi. Northern Mythology. Deutsche Mythologie. MilUer. Carr. Bryant Mayo. Dwight. Moritz. Hart. Toolce. Dwight. and Keightley. Benneville. Cox. Cox. Bulfinch. Bulfinch. Gerhard. Musgrave. Spence. Pigott. Wiborg. Thorpe. Grimm. Mediaeval HisCorj. Dark Ages. Maitland. Lights and Shadows of Olden Time. Merryweaiher. Attila and his Predecessors. Herbert. Histoire d' Attila et Successeurs. Thiei-ry. Glimpses of the Dark Ages. Histoire du Moyen Age. Bihliothbque. Europe during the Middle Ages. Hallam. Europe during the Middle Ages. Dunham. History and Geography of the Mid- dle Ages. Greene. History of the Middle Ages. Mchels. World in the Middle Ages. Kceppen. Geschichte des Mittelalters. Struve. Historical Pictures of the Middle Medii ^vi Kalendarium. Hampson Mediaeval History. Bvsk. History of Feudalism. Bell Secret Societies of Middle Ages. Broad Stone of Honor. Dighy. Knights and their Days. Doran. Crusades. History of the Crusade. Maimhourg. Histoire des Croisades. Mlchaud. History of the Crusades. Michaud. History of the Crusades. Mills. Crusades, Rise, Progress, and Ee- sults. Proctor. Eecovery of Jerusalem. Peirce. Crusades and Crusaders. Edgar, Crusaders. Keightley, History of the Knights of Malta. Vertot. Heraldry. History of Chivalry. MiUs. Orders of Knighthood in Europe. Hanson. Display of Heraldry. Newton. Observations on Heraldry. Hamerton. Display of Heraldry. Gmllim. Hand-Book of Heraldry. Mapleson. View of Heraldry. Brydson. Science des Armoiries. Magny. Atavise Eegiae. - Brydges. Heraldry of Fish. Motde. Book of Family Crests. Washboume. Eomance of the Peerage. CraiJc, Curiosities of Heraldry. Lower, Manual of Dignities, Privilege, etc. Dod. Peerage of England. Collins. Peerage of England. Nicolas.. Baronetage of England. Bentham, History and Descenfr of English No- bility. Banks, Extinct Baronage of England. Banks, Knighthood of the British Empire. Nicolas, Peerage of British Empire. Lodge, Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland. Forster. Baronetage of England. DebretL Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland. Debreit, Peerage of the British Empire. Burke, Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. Burke, Visitation of County of Huntingdon. Camden Soc, Glossary of Terms in Heraldry. Mohammedanism. Mohammedanism and its Sects. Taylor, History of Mohammedanism. Mills. Life of Mahomet. Green, Life of Mahomet. Muir, Life of Mohammed. Bush, Mahomet and his Successors. Irving, Life and Eeligion of Mohammed Merrick, Life of Mahomet. Prideaux: Mohammedan History. Price, Coran. (Savary's Translation. ) Savory, Koran. (Sale's Translation. ) Mohammed, Selections from the Kur-an. Mohammed, History of the Assassins. Hammer. Modern History. Universal Modern History. Mehegan. Modern History. MichdeL' Histoire des Temps Modemes. Le Bos.' HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 519 Modem History. Schlegel. Modern Plistor)'. Salmon. Historical Analysis of Christian Civ- ilization. Verlcour. Eighteen Christian Centuries. }Vhite. Histoire de la Civilisation. Ouizot History of Civilization. Guizoi. Historical Causes and Effects. Sullivan. History of Modern Europe. Bussell. History Philosophically Illustrated. WUer. Historical Works. Robertson. Pictorial Modern History. Frost. Modern Geography and History. PMz. Dark Scenes of History. James. Passages from Modern History. Geschichte der Neu-Zeit. Struve. £tudes d'Histoire Moderne. Villemain. Passages from History of Liberty. Eliot. War of Ormuzd and Ahriman. Davis. Sketches of Popular Tumults. Mental Cultivation and Progress of 18th Century. Schlosser. Histoire de Cent Ans, 1750-1850, Cantu. Geschichte des 19 ten Jahrhunderts. Gervinus. The Half Century. Wilks. General Register for 1827. History of the Year 1848. Kelley. Annuaire des Deux Mondes, 1850-1863. Annuaire Historique Universel, 1853-1858. Archives Diplomatiqucs, Uecueil, 1861. Annual Ilegister, 1758-1861. Cricat Britain: General Historj. History of England. Keightley. History of England. Guthrie. History of England. Hume. Same. (Abridged.) Hume. History of England. Rohinson. History of England. White. British History, Wade. History of England. Temple. History of England. Goldsmith. Same. (Abridged. ) Goldsmith. History of Great Britain and Ireland. While. Summary of History of England. Bodin. Remarks on History of England. Bolinghroke. Lectures on History of England. Longman. History of England. Lingard. Introduction to the Old English History. Brady. History of England. Brady. History of England. Henry of Huntingdon. History of England. Rapin. Metamorphosis Anglorum. Boxhorn. Great Britain ; History of the British Empire. History of England- MackirUosh. History of Great Britain and Ire- land. Macphersoru History of England. Markham. History of England. Tomlins, Histoire d'Angleterre. MiUoi. Chronicle of Kings of England. Baker. History of England. Popular History of England. Knight, Family History of England. Gleig. Civil and Ecclesiastical History of England. St. George. History of Great Britain. Andrews. Illustrations of British History. Thomson. Chronicle, or History of England. Grafton,- Seven Ages of England. WilliamsJ History of England. Echard. Chronological Historian. Toone. Revolutions in English History. Vaughan, Historical View of English Govern- ment. Miliar. Ilarleian Miscellany of Tracts. Popular History of England. Geldart. English History for Schools. Robbing. Child's History of England. Dickens. Comic History of England. Beckett. History of England in Verse. Townsend, Four Conquests of England. SI. John, Historie of Great Britaine. Speed, Invasions of England. Creasy. Manual of British Historians. Macray, British Chronologist. Chronological Historian. Salmon, Pictorial History of England. Craiki Pictorial History of England. Goodrich. Lectures on English History. Reed. History of Civilization in England. Buckle. England the Civilizer. Princes of Wales. Doran. Lives of the Queens of England. Strickland. Princesses of England. Green. History of Prime Ministers and Fa- vorites. Border History of England and Scot- land. RidpaiJi. Persons and Pictures from Histories of France and England. Herbert Early History. Britain; its Earliest History. (hie. History of the Ancient Britons. Giles. Documents Concerning the Ancient Britons. Giles. Celtic Researches. Davies. Celt, Roman and Saxon. Wright. Celtic Druids. Wggins. Account of the Ancient Druids. Des3Ioulins. Ancient British Druidism. James. 520 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Veiloflsis; Mysteries of Druids. Beade. Religion of Ancient Britain. Smith. Druidical Temples of Wilts. Duke. Works of Gildas. British History. Geoffrey of Monmouth. Ancient State of Britain. Bichard of Cirencester. Ancient Britons nnder the Romans. Thackeray. Danes and Norwegians in England. Worsaae. Anglo-Saxon Period. Six Old English Chronicles. Giles. History of the Britons. Xennius. Ethelmerd's Chronicle. WiUiam of Malmesbury's Chronicle. Saxon Chronicle. Ancient History, or "Saxon Chronicle" dis- sected. England under Anglo-Saxon Kings. Lappenherg. Saxons in England. Kemhle. Anglo-Saxon Period. Palgrave. Britannia Saxonica. Collen. Vergil's English History. Camden Soc. Anglo-Saxon Home. Thrupp. History of the Anglo-Saxons. Turner. History of the Anglo-Saxons. Miller. Distinctions in Society under Anglo- Saxon Governments. Heywood. Flowers of History. Boger of Wendover. Queens of England before the Con- quest. Hall. Reign of Alfred the Great. Asser. Alfred le Grand. Guizc^. Life and Times of Alfred. Giles. Life of King Alfred. Pauli. Alfred the Great. Ahhoit. Moderate Monarchy; or Life and Maxims of Alfred the Great. Holler. IVIiddIc AgC8. Chronicle of the Norman Conquest. Wace. Conquest of England by the Nor- mans. Thierry. Histoire de la Conquete. Thierry. Life and Times of William the Con- queror. Boscoe. William the Conqueror. Abbott. England under the Norman Occupa- tion. Morgan. England in the Middle Ages. Wright. England during the Middle Ages. Turner. Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England during Middle Ages. Wright. Life of Henry the Second. Lyttleion. History of Richard the First. Abbott. Historic Doubts concerning Rich- ard I. Walpole. Richard the Second. Abbott. Richard Cceur de Lion. James. Chronicle of the Barons' Wars. Camden Soc. Richard the Third. Abbott. History of Richard the Third. J/ore. Richard the Third. Halsted. Edward the Black Prince. James. Life and Character of Henry the Fifth. Tyler. History of Henry the Fifth. Towle. Arrivall of Edward IV. in England. Camden Soc. Chronicle of Reign of Edward IV. Warkworth. Vergil's Reigns of Henry VI., Ed- ward IV. and Richard III. Camden Soc, Chronicle of Battel Abbey, 1066- 117G. Lower. Chronica de Rebus Gestis Samsonis Abbatis Monasterii Sancti Ed- mundi, 1173-1202. JBrakelonda. Memoirs of Houses of York and Lancaster. Bobeiis, History of England and France under House of Lancaster. True Account of England about 1500. Camden Soc. Rutland Papers, Courts and Times of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. Camden Soc. Chronicle of Calais in Reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. Camden Soc. Suppression of Monasteries. Camden Soc. Modern History. History of the Reign of Henry VIIL Turner. Life and Reign of Henry VIII. Herbert. Life of Henry the Eighth. Tytler. Memoirs of Henry the Eighth. Herbert. Henry VIII. and Reformation in England. Collette. Original Letters Illustrative of Eng- lish History. Ellis. Losely Manuscripts. Kempe. Illustrations of British History: Bi- ography and Manners, Henry VIII to James L Lodge. Reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. Turner. Chronicle of Queen Jane and Mary. Camden Soc. Puritans; or England in Reigns of Edward VI. and Elizabeth. Hopkins^ Queen Elizabeth, and Mary of Scots. See Contributions to Modern History. Baumer. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 521 F ' rton Papers. Camden Soc. tory of Queen Elizabeth. Abbott at of Queen Elizabeth. Aikin. irioirs of Elizabeth. Strickland. J Elizabeth, her Court and Favourites. Naunton. Annals of the Reign of Elizabeth. Hayward. \g1s at Court in Eeigns of Eliza- beth and James I. Shakspeare Soc. Progresses and Processions of Eliz- abeth. Nichols. Correspondence of Earl of Leicester. Camden Soc. Description d'Angleterrc et d'Es- cosse, 1558. Perlin. History of England from Fall of Wolsey to Death of Elizabeth. liYoude. Political History of England in 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. Raumer. Constitutional History of England from Henry VII. to George IL Hallam. Constitutional History of England, 1760-1860. May. England Under the Stuarts, 1603- 1688. Vaughan. Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty. Vaughan. England under the Stuarts, 1603- 1661. Jesse. Social History during Reigns of Stuarts. Goodman. Trial of Somerset for Poisoning Overbury. Amos. Lives and Writings of James I., Charles I., Oliver Cromwell, and Charles IL Harris. Progresses and Processions of James I. Nichols. Court and State of England, James I. ^ to 1714. Coke. British Empire from James I. Macgregor. Life of James the First. Chambers. Memoirs of Court of James I. Aikin. James the First, Court and Times. Court of James the First. Goodman. Narrative of Charles the First. Ashbumham. Court of King Charles the First. Aikin. Court and Times of Charles the First. Gamache. Charles the First. Abbott. Attempted Escapes of Charles the First. milier. Trials of Charles the First, etc. History of the Rebellion. Clarendon. State Papers from 1621, Collected by Clarendon. History of the English Revolution. Daldmann. Histoire de Revolution d'Angleterre. Gxdzot. ffi«tory of the English Revolution. Guizot. Discourse on English Revolution. Guizot. Squire Papers; List of Long Parlia- ment, etc. Verney Papers. Proceedings in Long Parliament. Camden Soc. Memorials of Hampden, Party, and Times. Nugent. Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers. Warburtoru Arrest of the Five Members. Forster. Studies of the Great Rebellion. Sanford. Military Memoirs of the Civil War. Gtoynne. Fairfax Correspondence: Memoirs of Reign of Charles I. Johnson. Fairfax Correspondence: Memorials of the Civil War. Bell. Civil Wars in England in Reign of Charles I. Maseres. Civil War in England, 1646-1652. Cary. Histoire de R^publique et Cromwell. Guizot. Cromwell and the Commonwealth. Guizot. Commonwealth of England to Charles II. Godvoin. Cromwellian Diary, 1656-1659. Burton. Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell. Vaughan. Oliver Cromwell and his Times. Cromwell. Tract Entitled Discourse between Hampden and Cromwell. Histoire de Cromwell. Villemain. The Protector. A Vindication. AuJbigni. Life of Oliver Cromwell. Headley. Life of Oliver Cromwell. Russell. Life of Oliver Cromwell. Southey. Protectorat de Richard Cromwell et Retablissement des Stuarts. Guizot. Richard Cromwell and the Restora- tion. Guizot. Monk: Chute de la R^publique, 1660. Guizot. L' Am our dans le Mariage. Guizot Un Projet de Mariage Royal. Guizot. Diary of Times of Charles the Sec- ond. Sidney. Memoirs of Court of Charles 11. Grammont. Charles the Second. Abbott. History of His Own Time, 1660- 1713. Burnet. Counter-Revolution in England. Carrel, History of the Reign of James II. Fox. View of Reign of James II. Mackintosh. History of England from James II. Macaulay. Review of Macaulay's Character of the Clergy. Babington. Memoirs of Great Britain, ,1681- 1702. Dalrymple. Revolution of 1688. Mackintosh. Real Character of the Revolution. Ward. Relation of State Affairs, 1678-1714. LuttreU. 622 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Papers of the Earls of Marchmont, 16?5-1750. Ellis Correspondence, 1G86-88. Court of England from 1688 to George XL Jesse. Life and Times of William the Third. Trevor. Letters Illustrative of Eeign of William III. Vernon. Letters of William III. and Louis XIV. Griniblot. Collection of State Tracts of Eeign of William IH. History of England from Kevolution to George II. Smollett. History of Great Britain from Kevo- lution to Accession of House of Hanover. JBelsham. Secret History of Great Britain from Eestoration to Accession of House of Hanover. Macpherson. Life of Queen Anne. History of England from Peace of Utrecht. Malion. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, 1727-1783. Beatson. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Thomson. History of the Eebellion in 1745. See Works. Home. Memoirs of Prince Charles Stuart. Klose. Insurrection of 1745. Mahon. Memoirs of Pretenders and Ad- herents. Jesse. Hanover Succession Justified. Queens of House of Hanover. Doran. History of the Four Georges. Smucker. Kings of the House of Brunswic. Belsham. England under House of Hanover. Wright. The Four Georges. Thackeray. Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea, Con- sort of George I. Court and Times of George the Sec- ond. TJiomson. Beign of George the Second. Hervey. History of England, 1760-1837. Hughes. History of England, 1760-1783. Adolphus. Le Dix-huitieme Siecle en Angle- terre. Chasles. Eeign of George IH. Bissett. Court and Family of George the Third. Eeign of George HI. to 1793. Belsham. England During the Eeign of George III. Phillimore. Eeign of George the Third. Aikin. Eeign of George the Third. Massey. Eecollection* of Eeiga of /George IIL Nicholls. Court and Cabinets of George TV. Buckingham, Processions and Ceremonies in Cor- onation of George IIL, and Queen Charlotte. Thomson, Memoirs of Eeign of George the Third. Walpole, Eeign of George the Third, 1771- 1783. ■ Walpole. History of Great Britain, 1760-1820. Miller. Historical Memoirs of His Own Time. WraxaU. Posthumous Memoirs of His Own Time. WraxalL Age of Pitt and Fox. Preface to Bellendenus. Parr, History of the Late War. Entick, War with America, etc., 1775-1783. Andrews. Politicks of Great Britain and France. Marsh. Administrations of Great Britain, 1783-1830. Lems. Court of England during the Eegency. Buckingham, Life and Eeign of George the Fourth. Wallace, Life and Times of George the Fourth. Oroly. Eeign and Eegency of George the Fourth. CohhetL Diary Illustrative of Times of George IV. Gait. Letters of Junius. Junius Letters. Letter to an Honourable Brigadier. Junius. Posthumous Works of Junius. Junius, Lord Chatham. Bowe. History of Junius and Works. Jaques. Junius Unmasked; Sackville proved Junius. Enquiry Eegarding Junius; or Sack- ville Junius. Coventry. Junius Identified with Francis. Taylor, Negotiations for Peace of Darda- nelles. Adair. Introduction to History of the Peace, 1800-1815. 3fartineau. Victories of Wellington and British Armies. History of England, 1816-46. Martineau.^ Life and Times of William IV. Watkins, Courts and Cabinets of William IV., and Victoria. Buckingham, History of Party. Cooke^ Memoirs of Whig Party. Holland,. Whig Ministry of 1830. Boebuck. England under Seven Administra- tions. Fonhlanqu£^ England as it Is. Johnston^ HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 523 mestic Memoirs of Royal Family. Williams, jji^ilish Cabinet in 1853. Progress of the Nation from Begin- ning of 19th Century. Porter. Reforms and Reformers of Great Britain. Stanton. ITIiscellaneoas. Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana. Collectanea Curiosa. History and An- tiquities. Archreological Album. Wriglit. Royal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities. Sirxdl. Archaeological Index. Akerman. Monumental Brasses of England. Boutell. Temple Church. Addison. English Antiquities. Eccleston. Anecdotes of Old Times. Pegge. Chronicles of Fashion. Stone. Anecdotes of the Aristocracy. Burke. Merrie England in Olden Time. Daniel. Borderer's Table-Book. Bichardson. British Monachism. Fosbroke. Historical Treatise of Cities and Boroughs. Brady. Complete Collection of State Trials. Present State of England. Chamberlayne. Letters on English Nation. Voltaire. Political Survey of Britain. Campbell. Military Forces and Institutions. Thomson. History of Royal Sappers and Miners. Connolly. History of Royal Marine Forces. Nicholas. New Annual Army List. Hart. Yictories of British Armies. Maxwell. Great Battles of British Army. MacFarlane. Naval History of Great Britain. Campbell. History of the Royal Navy. Nicolas. Naval History of Great Britain. James. Battles of the British Navy. Allen. Royal Naval Service of England. Miles. Naval Chronology of Great Britain, 1803-1816. Balfe. British Navy List. Allen. Shipwrecks of Royal Navy. 1793- 1849. Gilly. County Annual Register. 1809-10. Bigest of Accounts. Statistics. Marshall. Statistical Account of British Empire. 3IcCulloch. Oreat Britain. Tables of Revenue, etc. Soyal Blue Book for 1856. Cfficial Handbook of Church and State. Murray. liook of Dignities. Ilaydn. Letters of Kings of England. ITalliwelL History of the Inns of Court and Chancery. Pearce. Reform Bills, History of Passage. See Sketches of Reform Min- isters. Jones. Criminal History of English Gov- ernment. BegnavU. Glory of Regality. Taylor. Chronicon Petroburgense. Camden Soc. Colonial Interests of Great Britain. See Historical Treatises. Ileeren. Britain and her Colonies. llurlburi. History of the British Colonies. Martin. Colonial Constitutions. MiUs. British Colonial Library. Martin. Defenceless State of Great Britain. Head. Mutiny at Spithead and the Nore. Parliamentary History of England, 1083-1803. Cobhdt. Great Britain. Parliamentary History to Charles n. Great Britain. Proceedings of House of Lords. 1G60-1742. Great Britain. Proceedings of the Commons. 1660-1743. Great Britain. Proceedings of Both Houses. 1743-1774. Great Britain. Proceedings of the Commons. 1743-1774. Great Britain. Parliamentary Register. 1774-1780. Great Britain. Parliamentary Register. 1780-1785. Great Britain. History of the Two Acts. Scotland. Caledonians, Picts, and Scots. Bitson. Caledonians, Picts, and Scots. Macpherson. History of Scotland. See Historical Works. Boberisoru History of Scotland. Scott. History of Scotland. Burton. History of Scotland. Buchanan. General History of Scotland. Guthrie. History of Scotland. Tytler. General History of Scotland. Heron. Annals of Scotland. 1057-1371. Balrymple. Letter to Pope John. (Concerning Bruce. ) Queens of Scotland. StricklandL Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiqui- ties. Billings. Statistical Account of Scotland. Sinclair. Enumeration of Inhabitants of Scotland. Tracts Illustrative of Antiquities of Scotland. 624 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Scottish Chronicle. Hollinskead. Scotia Eediviva: History and An- tiquities. Qreat Britain. State Papers Relating to Scotland, 1509-1603. Annals of Scotland. Dalrymple. Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. Wilson. Chronicles of Scotland. Lindsay. Scottish Historical Library. Ificolson. Martyrs and Heroes of Scottish Cov- enant. Gilfillan. Ladies of the Covenant. Anderson. Montrose and the Covenanters. Napier. History of Scotland under Mary. Robertson. Mary, Queen of Scots. Chalmers. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Lamartme. Memoirs of Mary, Queen of Scots. Benger. Histoire de Marie Sluart. J^Egnet. History of Mary, Queen of Scots. Mignei. Mary, Queen of Scots. Ahhoit. Mary Stuart; Secret History of her Life. Mary, Queen of Scots; Letters. Marie Stuart; Lettres, etc. Rebellions in Scotland, 1638-1660. Chambers. Rebellions in Scotland in 1689 and 1715. Chambers. Rebellions in Scotland in 1745-1746. Chambers. Rebellion in Scotland in 1745-6. Johnstone. Rob Roy and Clan Macgregor. Madeay. Highlanders of Scotland. Skene. Highlands and Highland Clans. Brown. Criminal Trials in Scotland. Burton. History of Scotland from Stuarts to Mary. Plnkerton. Scottish Gael, or Celtic Manners. Logan. Scottish Life and Character. Bamsay. High School of Edinburgh. Steven. Memorials of Castle of Edinburgh. Grant. History of Edinburgh. Anderson. Guide through Edinburgh. Black. Edinburgh and Leith Post Office Di- rectory. Glasgow Post Office Directory. Glasgow and its Clubs. Strang. Survey of Province of Moray. Civil and Ecclesiastical History of the Bass. M'Crie. Gazetteer of Scotland. Chambers. Picturesque Tourist of Scotland. Black. A Highland Parish. MacLeod. Two Months in the Highlands, Orca- dia, and Skye. Weld. Coasts and Islands of Scotland. Teignmouih. Scenes and Legends of North of Scotland. Miller. Scottish Tourist. Oliver and Boyd. Summer in Scotland. AbboU. Genius of Scotland. TumbuU. Caledonian Sketches in 1807. Carr. Western Islands of Scotland. Johnson, Narrative of Cruise among the Feroe Islands. Tour through the Highlands. Gameit. Summer in Skye. Smith. Shetland and Shetlanders. Sinclair. Scotland. Kohl. Crumbs from the Land o' Cakes. Carter. Letters from North of Scotland. Tour in Sutherlandshire. St. John. Tour to the Hebrides. BosweU. Wild Hebrides. Bendy. Ireland. Chronicles of ErL O'Connor. History of Ireland. Keating. History of Ireland. Sampson. Eastern Origin of Celtic Nations. Prichard. History of Ireland. Moore. Historic Memoirs of Ireland. Barrington. History of Ireland. Gordon. History of Ireland. Taylor. Celtic Records of Ireland. Archaeologica Hibernica. Wakeman. Memoir on Ireland. 0' Connell. History of Ireland, 1801-1810. Floicden. Protestant Reformation in Ireland. M'Gee. Pacata Hibernia; or, Warres in Ire- land. Stafford. Rebellions in Ireland. Musgrave. Irish Rebellion in 1798. ■ Maxwell. Irish Confederates and Rebellion of 1798. Field. United Irishmen; Lives and Times. Madden. Transactions in Wexford, 1798. Cloney. Felon's Track; Attempted Outbreak in Ireland. Boheny. '98 and '48; Revolutionary History of Ireland. Savage. Penal Laws against Irish Catholics. Parnell. Vindiciae Hibernicae. Carey. History of Ireland. See Speeches. Graiian. Independence of Ireland. Meagher. Irish History and Character. SmitJi. History of the Ports of Ireland. Marmion. University of Dublin, Origin, etc. Taylor. Picture of Dublin. Revelations of Ireland. Madden. L'Irlande, Sociale, Politique et Reli- gieuse. Beaumont Sketches of Ireland Sixty Years ago. Journey through Ireland in 1834. Inglis. Excursions in Ireland in 1844 and 1850. O'Conneli. HISTORY, GEOGRAPnY AND TRAVELS. 626 \iddy Land and Lakes of Killarney. Illbemia; or, Sketches of Ireland. Picturesque Tourist of Ireland. Black. Jlesearches in South of Ireland. Oroker. Four Days in Connemara. Neave. Irish, Abroad and At Home. Ireland and the Irish. Grant. Beauties of Ireland. Brewer. The Erne ; its Legends and Fly-fish- ing. Neicland. Island of the Saints. Rodenberg. Beauties of the Boyne. Wilde. Fortnight in Ireland. Head. Ireland. Travels. KoM. Ireland as I saw it. Balch. Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger. Mcholson. Irish Sketch Book. Thackeray. Beminiscences of an Emigrant Mile- sian. Famine in Ireland in 1847-1849. I^cholson. Protestant in Ireland in 1853. Ireland ; Social Condition, etc. Keshan. Condition of the People of Ireland. Foster. Appeal for Irish Peasantry. Bogers. Plantation Scheme in "West Ireland. Oaird. Climate of Ireland. Patterson. Irish Settlers in North America. McGee. Irish Almanac and Official Directory. Trarela in England, etc. Historical and Literary Tour. Dihdin. Les Nuits Anglaises. Miry. Sketches of Society. Stewart. Impressions of England. Ck>xe. Eesidence in Great Britain in 1810- 1811. Simond. Hours in England and Wales. Sinclair. Foreigner's Opinion of England. Goede. My First Visit to Europe. Dickinson. Eailway Guide Through England and Wales. Black. England and the English. Lyiton. Gleanings in Europe ; England. Cboper. American Farmer in England. Olmsted. Peak and the Plain. Hall. Pilgrimage to English Shrines. Hall. London to John O'Groat's. Burritt. Kural Life of England. Howitt. Curiosities of Great Britain. Dugdale. First Impressions of England. Miller. Letters during Eesidence in Eng- land. Miraheau. Excursions from London, 1851. Knight. England and Wales. Kohl. Visits to Eemarkable Places. Howitt, Our Old Home. Hawthorne. Sketch of Old England. View^s of England. Pillet. Four Years in Great Britain. Colton. Letters on England. White. Month in England. Tuckerman. Eecollections of England. Tyi'^g. Letters from England. * Southey. American in England. Mackenzie. Sights A-Foot. CoUins. King of Saxony's Journey through England. Cams. Great Britain in 1833. Ilaussez. England in 1835. Head, England in 1835. Baumer. England in 1841. Baumer. English Traits. Emerson, Nelsonian Eeminiscences. Parsons, Voyage d'un Fran9ai8 en Angleterre. Notabilities in France and England. Chasles. English Country Life. Old Humphrey's Country Strolls. Mogridge. Wanderings in Isle of Wight. Mogridge, From London to Isle of Wight. Pennant. Memorials of Oxford. Ingram, Oxford University and City Guide. Guide to Architectural Antiquities in Neighborhood of Oxford. History of University of Oxford. Ackermain, Handbook for Visitors to Oxford. History of University of Oxford. Chalmers, Eecommendations of Oxford Uni- versity Commissioners. Heyxoood, History of University of Cambridge. Ackermaru History of University of Cambridge. Dyer. Five Years in an English University. Brisied, On the Cam. Everett, Memorials of Cambridge. Le Keux. Churches of Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely. Sketches in Isles of Scilly. Handbook for Devon and Cornwall. Tour in Lancashire. Taylor, Blustrated Itinerary of County of Lancaster. Isle of Thanet and Cinque Ports. Brayley, Eesidence at Court of London, 1817-19. Bush. Eesidence at Court of London, 1819-25. Bush. The Wye and its Associations. Bitchie. The Lake Country. Linton. Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire. Bray, Description of Part of Devonshire. Bray, Tour from Downing to Alston-Moor. PennatU. Journey-Hook of England, Berkshire. Visitor's Guide to Knole, Kent. Brady, «26 CLASSIFIED INDEX, England's Topographer; Kent. Ireland. Kural Eides in Kent, Surrey, etc. Cobhett. Beraarkable Customs of Kent. Sandys. All Bound the Wrekin. White. "Warwickshire. JVest. Korthumberland and the Border. White. parochial History of Cornwall. Gilbert. Illustrated Itinerary of Cornwall. Historic Sites of Suffolk. Wodderspoon. Description of Essex, 1594. Norden. Summer's Day at Windsor. Jesse. Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies. Jesse. Channel Islands: Jersey, Guernsey, etc. Inglis. History of the County of York. History of York. Hargrove. JFistory of City of Chester. Woolwich and its Environs. History of Bristol. Corry. Turner and Girtin's Picturesque Views. Jones' Views in England. Glimpses in London in 1851. Drew. Watering Places of Great Britain. . Land we Live in. Sketches of Manchester. Prentice. Manchester Worthies and their Foundations. Edwards. Manchester Directory for 1855. Manchester, Ancient and ISIodern. Wheeler. London Almanack for England and Wales for 1841. England Delineated. AiJcin. Sriiish Gazetteer and Eoad Book. England and Wales Surveyed. OgUhy. English Counties Delineated. Moule. Britannia; Chorographical Descrip- tion. Camden. Topographical Dictionary of Great Britain, Gorton. Eoads in Great Britain. Patterson. Eemarks on English Churches. Marldand. English Ecclesiology. Ecclesiological Soc. Hierologus; or the Church Tourists. Male. Peasantry of England. Perry. Condition and Fate of England. Lester. Glory and Shame of England. Lester. Fame and Glory of England Vindi- cated. Original Bath Guide, Description of Bath. Wood, Hastings Guide. Birmingham as a Manufacturing District. Smith. JBirmingliam Triennial Directory. Stranger in Liverpool. Report of Liverpool Merchants on Town Dues. Corporate Tradition and National Eights. (Liverpool. ) Martineau. Liverpool Described. Thomson, Liverpool Directory for 1855. Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom. Hume. Present State of England in Eegard to Agriculture, Trade and Fi- nance. Lowe, Her Majesty's Mails. Lewins. History of the Cotton Famine. Arnold, Xiondon* Croniques de London. Aungier. Account of London, etc. Pennant History of London. Mackay. Babylon the Great. Account of London and Middlesex. Brayley. Historical Eemarks on London. Burton. Cronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum Londoniarum. Camden Soc. Memorials of London. Jesse. Survey of London. Stow, History of the Ancient Palace, etc. Brayley. Chronicles of London Bridge. Thomson, Tower of London, History and An- tiquities. Bayley. National History and Views of Lon- don. Partington. Eookeries of London. Beames. Microcosm of London. Ackerman. Picture of London. Britton. Picture of London. Cruchley. What I Saw in London. Bartlett. London and its Celebrities. Jesse. Londiniana. Brayley. London. Knight. Old Humphrey's Walks in London. Mogridge. The Town; its Characters and Events. Hunt. Memories of the Metropolis. Saunders. World of London. Murray. Sketches of London. Underground London. Hollingshead. Great Metropolis. Grant. Sunday in London. Capes, Illustrated Hand Book to London. London and its Environs. Elmes. Public Buildings of London. Leeds. Antiquarian Eamble in Streets of London, Smiilu London as it Is . Hogg. Celebrities of London and Paris. Gronow. London in 1838, Loudon in 1851, Weale. London in 1853, Cunningham, iondon Directory, ('53, '55, '61.) Arnold's Chronicle. Customs of London. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 127 Manners and Customs of London. Malcom. Manners and Customs during 18th Century. Malcom. Churches of London. Godwin. Westminster Abbey. Cole. Account of the Company of Carpen- ters. Jupp. History of the Artillery Company. Jlighmore. Twelve Great Liveiy Companies. Herbert. London Labor and London Poor. Mayhew. llVnIes. Wales, Language, Social Condition, etc. Phillips. Tour through North Wales. Aikin. Pedestrian Tour through North Wales. Bennett. Picturesque Guide through Wales. Black. Wild Wales. Borrow. Cymry of '7G. Jones. France. Histoire de France. Anquetil. History of France. Markham. Histoire de France. Mennechet. History of France to 1852. History of France. Beckford. History of France. White. Histoire Populairo de la France. Bibliotheque Historique de la France. Long. Abrt'gd de I'Histoire de France. HSnault. Lectures on History of France. Stephen. Histoire de France. Fleury. Histoire de France. See L'Esprit de I'Histoire. Ferraud. Essais sur I'Histoire de France. Guizot. History of France. Orowe. Histoire des Fran9ais. Lavall^e. History of France. Godwin. History of France. Raiilcen. History of France. Bossuet. History of France. Grimshaw. History of France. Jamiescn. Letters on French History. Bigland. History of France and the French. Bussey. Chronologic de 1' Atlas Historique de France. Dumy. Pairia — France Ancienne et Modeme. Lettres sur I'Histoire de France. Thierry. History of France. Michelet Pictorial History of France. Goodrich. History of the Kings of France. Wyatt. Queens of France. Bush. ■ 'Memoirs of Royal House of France. Barri. The Franlcs, to Death of Pepin. Peiry. Histoire do Civilisation en France. Guizot. ^^ench under the Merovingians. Sismondi. Narratives of Merovingian Era. TTiierry. History of France, 486-1793. Banken. History of France, 1574-1610. Wraxall Memorable Scenes in French History. Smucker. Eeligious Warjs of France. Duncan. Civil Wars and Monarchy in France. Banke. Civil Wars in France. Avila. Histoire du Tiers Etat. Thierry. Memoirs of Jeanne d'Arc. Jay. Histoires des Peuples Bretons. Courson. Establishment of the Bretons among the Gauls. Vertot. Dictionnaire des Gaules et de France. ExpiUy. History of Charlemagne. James. Expeditions des Normands. Pepping. Ptollo and his Race. Warburton. Dukes of Normandy. Duncan. History of Normandy and England. Palgrave. Dues de Bourgogne de la Maison de Valois. Barante. Histoire de Philippe Auguste. Capejigue. Memoirs of de Joinville. Wars of France from 1400-1516. Memoirs of Philip de Oomines. Secret History of Lewis XI. Troyes. History of Charles VIH. Segur. Charles le T^mdraire. Dumas. Charles the Bold. Kirk. Court and Reign of Francis First. Pardoe. History of Henry III. Garden. Histoire de Henri le Grand. Genlis. Henry the Fourth. Abbott. Henry the Fourth. James. Henri IV. et sa Politique. iMcombe. La Ligue et Henri IV. Capefigue. La Eeforme et la Ligue. Capefigue. History of the Huguenots. Browning. Maria de Medicis, Consort of Henry IV. Pardoe. Battle of Agincourt. Mcolas. France sous Louis XIIL et Mazarin. Bazin. Louis the Fourteenth and Court. Pardoe. Siecle de Louis XIV. Voltaire. Age of Louis XIV. Martin. Louis the Fourteenth. James. Siecles de Louis XIV. et Louis XV. Voltaire. History of the Iron Mask. Ellis. Pre'cis du Siecle de Louis XV. Voltaire. Philippe d'Orleans. Capefigue. Richelieu, Mazarin, et la Fronde. Capefigue. Richelieu et la Fronde. Michelet. French Court under Richelieu et Ma- zai^i^- Cousin. Memoirs of his o\vn Time. Dumas, Histoire du Systeme des Finances sous la Minorite de Louis XV. 528 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Correspondence of Louis XVI. Williams. Private Memoirs of Eeign of Louis the Sixteenth Bertrand. Louis XVI. Les Relations Diploma- tiques. Capefigue. Memoirs of Maria Antoinette. Weber. Histoire de Marie-Antoinette. Ooncourt. Memoirs of Court of Marie Antoinette. Campan. Memoirs of House of Orleans. Taylor. Letters Concerning French Nation. Decline of French Monarchy. Martin. L'Ancien Regime et Revolution. Tocqueville. Old Regime, and the Revolution. Tocqueville. Souvenirs de 1710 a 1803. Crequy. Etat Social et Politique de France avant et depuis 1789. See Melanges. TocqueviUe. Manners and Opinions in the French Republic. Williams. Persons and Pictures from the His- tory of France. Herbert. Cours d' Amour. Comtesses et Cha- telaines de Provence. ' Capefigue. Histoire des Refugi^s Protestants de France. Weiss. French Berolatiou. Histoire des Girondins. Lamartine. History of the Girondists. Lamartine. Histoire de la Revolution Fran9aise. Blanc. French Revolution of 1789. Blanc. French Revolution, Causes and Con- • sequences. Bowan. Causes of the French Revolution. Bussell. Causes de la Re'volution. Granier de Cassagnac. The French Revolution. Carlyle. History of the French Revolution. Baines. French Revolution. MacFarlane. Histoire de la Re'volution Fran9aise. Mignet. History of the French Revolution. Mignet. French Revolution of 1789. Abbott History of the French Revolution. Jobson. History of the French Revolution. Michelet. Histoire de la Revolution Fran9aise. Thiers. History of the French Revolution. Thiers. Same. Thiers and Bodin. Memoires de Revolution Fran9aise, etc. Montlosier. Letter on French Revolution. Brougham. Histoire Litte'raire de la Re'volution. Maron. Defence of the French Revolution. Mackintosh. Memoirs and Correspondence. Mallet du Pan. Memoires sur la Revolution Fran9aise. Buzot. Proces C^lebres de la Revolution. Principaux ilv^nemens de la Revo- lution. Dulaure. France. Papiers Trouves chez Ro-^ bespierre. Procedure Criminelle Instruite au Chatelet de Paris. French Revolution with Reference to Prophecy. Fysh. Influence of Philosophers, etc., on Revolution. Mounier. France and its Revolutions, 1789- 1848. Long. Souvenirs de la Revolution. Nodier. Me'moires de la Revolution. Lombard de Langres. Atlas des Campagnes de Revolution. Thiers. Bevolutions de Paris?. Principal Events of the Revolution. Stdel. French Clergy during the Revolu- tion. Barruel Correspondance Originale des ]&mi- gre's. Actes des Apotres. Saint Just et la Terreur. ^ Fleuryc 1789. Les Constituants. Lamartine. Histoire des Montagnards. Esquiros. Memoirs of La Roche Jaquelin. Souvenirs et Portraits. Nodi&r. Journal during Residence in France in 1792. Moore. Memoirs of the French Revolution. Tussaud. Letters during Tyranny of Robes- pierre. Williams. Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family. LambaUe. History of Jacobinism. Barruel. Alliance des Jacobins de France. Journal de la Cour et de la Ville. Recollections of Republican France. M'dlingen. Paris Pendant I'Annde 1795. Peltier. Congress at Rastadt. 0£5cial Corre- spondence. Memoirs of General Dumouriez. Guerres Maritimes sous la Repub- lique et I'Empire. La Graviere. Consulate and Empire. Memoirs of Napoleon Buonaparte. Bourrienne. Histoire de I'Empereur Napoleon. Ardeche. History of Napoleon Bonaparte. Abboti. History of Napoleon. Bussey. History of Napoleon Buonaparte. Lockhart. Pictorial Life of Napoleon Bona- parte. Life of Napoleon. Jomini. HISTORY, GEOGllAPHT AND TRAVELS. 529 Kapoleon Buonaparte, Life of. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Scott. Eeply to Scott's History of Napo- leon. Bonaparte. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. IlazlUL Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court and Family, Ahrantes. Memoirs of Napoleon in 1815. Fimry. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Ireland. Napoleon. Dumas. Napoleon and his Marshals, HeacUey. Napoleon and the Marshals. Coiut and Camp of Buonaparte. Une Ann^e de la Vie de I'Empereur. Napoleon. Napoleon Dynasty. Berkeley. Secret Historj' of Court of St, Cloud. Histoire Secrete de la Cour de St. Cloud. OoldsmWu Napoleon Gallery: Illustrations of his Life and Times. Kapoleon, and his Times. Caulaincourt lafe, Conversations, etc. of Napo- leon. Las Cases. Evenings with Prince Cambac^res. Lamothe. Letters from Paris. Brougfdon. Secret and Official Letters, etc., of Napoleo^i. Foumals of Eighteen Campaigns. Napoleon. [mperial Guard of Napoleon. Headley. Napoleon and Josephine, Corre- spondence of. Napoleon and Joseph, Correspond- ence of. kit'moires et Correspondance de Joseph. Bonaparte. Correspondance de Napoleon. iistoire du Consulat et de I'Empire. Thiers. listory of the Consulate and Empire. TIdcrs. Spisodes of French History. Fardoe. !^moires de Massena. Kocli. ¥ar in France and Belgium, 1815. Siborne. JJxpedition to Eussia in 1812. Segur. istory of Napoleon's Expedition to Russia. Jampaign in Russia under Napoleon. Porter. leipsic Campaign. Gleig. rorthem Campaigns. PhUipparl. 7ar in Germany and France in 1813- 1814. Vane. lemoirs of Campaign of 1813 and 1814. See Passages from My Life. Mxiffiing. 'Hfimd Empire ; or First Exile of Na- poleon, aanpaign of Waterloo. Jomini. •|K)leon at St. Helena. Forsyth. 34. Recollections of Napoleon at St. Helena. AheU. Napoleon in Exile. O'Meara, Napoleon at St. Helena. Montholon, Napoleon at St. Helena. Abbott M<5morial de Sainte-Hdlene. Las Cases. Surrender of Buonaparte. MaiUand. Manuscript from St. Helena. Buonaparte's Voyage to St. Helena. Cockbum. Yi\\\ of Napoleon. MtchdlL Memoirs of Lucien Bonaparte. Letters in Reply to Mr. Warden. Kiater History. Louis XVIL Life, Sufferings, Death. Beauchesnt. Louis XVII. The Bourbon Prince. Histoire de la Restauration. Lamartine, History of the Restoration. LamaHine. Histoire de la Restauration. Capejigue. Cliarles the Tenth and Louis Phihppe. French Revolution of 1830. See Me- moirs of Lafayette. Sarrans. Late Revolution in France. Gushing. Histoire de Dix Ans, 1830-1840. Blanc. History of Ten Years, 1830^0. Blane. Secret Societies of France. La Uodde. Trois Generations, 1789, 1814, 1848. Guizot. Histoire de mon Temps. Ouizot. Memoirs to Illustrate the History of my Time. GuizoL Rise and Fall of Louis Philippe. Poore. Personal History of Louis Philippe. Boutmy. Life and Times of Louis Philippe. Wi'igJU. Livre Noire, ou Repertoire de la Police Politique. Ddavau. Divers Merits sur la Revolution de JuiUet. Paris, Nantes, et la Session. Salvandy. France since 1830. Raikes. Mon Journal. Orleans. Suppressions de la Presse depuis 1848. See De la Liberte de la Presse. Vingtain. Histoire du Regne de Louis-Philippe. Nouvion. Louis Philippe et sa Liste Civile. MontaliveL French Revolution of 1848. See Oc- casional Productions. Busk, Les Confessions d'un Rdvolution- naire. Proudhon. French Revolution of 1848. JFbsier. Memoirs of Citizen Gaussidilre. Journies de la Re'volution de 1848. IRsioire de Trente Heures, Fevrier, 1848. Histoire de la Convention Nationale. BaratUt, 530 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Trois Mois an Ponvoir. Lammiine. Three Months in Power. Lamartine. Histoire du Directoire. Granier. Histoire du Gouvernement Provisoire. Begnaidt The Bonaparte Plot. Oranier. Battle Summer: Paris in 1848. Mitchdl Three Days of 1848. St. John. French Kevolution of 1848. Charmer. History of the National Constituent Assembly from May, 1848. Corkran. Histoire des Crimes du 2d Ddcembre. Schoelcher. Louis Napoleon. Wikoff. Napoleon the Third. La Guiironiere- Prisoner of Ham. Briffault. Histoire d'un Coup d'£tat. Belouino. Letters on Louis Napoleon, Coup d'Etat, etc. Ten Years of Imperialism in France. France, Home et Italie. La GuSrroniere. France, Social, Literary, Political. Bulwer. Memoires d'un Bourgeois de Paris. Veron. Souvenirs d'un Journaliste. Girardin. Trnrcls in France, etc* France. Morgan. France, its King, Court and GoTern- ment. Cass. Travels in France, 1787-89. Taung. Campaign in France in 1792. Goethe. Idler in France. Blessington. Gleanings in Europe; France. Cooper. Letters from France, 1794-95. Tench. Sporting Tour in 1802. Thornton. Social and Keligious Customs. Courcillon. Tour to Waterloo and Paris in 1815. Scott. Campaign in Navarre and Basque. Hennijigsen. From the Garonne to the Ehone. Beach. KecoUections of the Bhone and Chartreuse. Pardoe. Diary in France. Wordsicorth. Stranger in France. Carr. Travel in South of France. Dumas. Pilgi-image to Treves in 1844. Anlhon. Captivity in France and Flanders in 1803 and 1809. Boys. Woman in France during Eighteenth Century. Kavanagh. Handbook for Travellers in France'. France in 1829-30. Morgan. Besidence in Normandy. St. John. Vacation in Brittany. Weld. Brittany and La Vendue. Sov.vestre. liOwer Brittany and the Bible. Brouxfield. Voyage de Eouen au Havre sur la Seine. Pyrenees, West and East. W. Martin. Guerres et Ee'volutions dTtalie, 1848- 1849. Biibimski. Italy in 1848. Atarioiti. Dell'Andamento delle Cose in Italia. Pianciani. Briefe&ws Italien und Frankreich (1848-49). La Question Eomaine. About. HISTORY, gkogkaphy and tuavels. 535 Borne Contemporaiue. About Guerre cVItalie; Carapagne de 1859. Chronique do la Guerre d'ltalia. Texier. War in Ittily. BossolL lUily in Transition, in 1860. Arthur. La Guerre de Italie. ^S'ee Les Com- mentaires. Molencs. Italy under Victor EmmanueL Arrivabene. Travels in Italy. Notes of Travel in Italy. Norton. Gleanings in Europe; Italy. • Cooper. Idler in Italy. Blessington. Letters from Bye- Ways of Italy. SiLsted. Travels through Italy in 1804-5. Kotzebue. Italy and the Italians- Ileadk.y. My Consulship. Lester. ItfXly and the Italians. Eaumer. Italian Sketch Boole Tuckerman. Historical Illustrations of Childe Harold. Browjldon. Notes on Italy in 1829 and 1830. Peale. Flormona ; oder Briefe aus Italien. Observations on Italy. £dl. Journal of a Tour in Italy in 1821. Genius of Italy. Turnbull. Autumn in Italy. Sinclair. Christmas Holidays in Rome. Kip. Italian Sights and Papal Principles. Jarves. Sights in Italy. Gardner. Pictures from Italy. Dickens. Scenes de la Vie Italienne. Mery. Italy; Visits from 1816 to 1854. Broughton. Italy. Morgan. Recollections of Italy, etc. CJiateaubriand. Les Nuits Italiennes. Mery. Six Months in Italy. HUlard. A Year of Consolation. Buiier. Child-Life in Italy. Land of the Forum and Vatican. Hcdl. Land of the Caisar and Doge. Farniss. Historical Studies. Greene. Lettres sur I'ltalie. CasieUan. Art and Nature under an Italian Sky. Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages. Street. Handbook for Northern Italy. Handbook for Central Italy. Handbook for Southern Italy. Roman Candles. Rome in the Nineteenth Century. Eaton. Americans in Rome. Leland. Rome of To-day. About. Conversations in Rome. Channbig. Rome; its Churches, Charities and Schools. \ Netigan. Rome as Seen by a New Yorker. Gillespie. Rome; a Tour of Many Days. Head. Rome in the Nineteenth Century. Waldie. Inner Rome; Political, Religious, and Social. BuUer. Roba di Roma. Story. Journey to Rome and Naples in 1817. Sass. Tour in Lombardy. Barrow. Life in Tuscany. , Crawford. Sketches of Naples. * Buma^. Island of Sardinia. Tyndale. Italian Valleys of Pennine Alps. King. Italy and Italian Literature. Herbert A Winter at Mentone. Hare. Sketches of Genoa, Pisa and Florence. Janin. Subalpine Kingdom. St. John. Adventures of "Our Own Corre- spondent" in Italy. Honan. Political State of Italy. Lyman. Royalty and Republicanism in It- aly. Mazzini. Facts and Figures from Italy. Savonarola. Antiquities, Arts, etc., in Italy in 1802-3. Forsyth. Catacombs of Rome. Kip. Etchings Illustrative of Italian Man- ners and Customs. PineUu Climat de ITtalie. Carrilre. Zephyrs from Italy and Sicily. Gould. Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber. Wylie. Journals in Southern Calabria. Lear. Ascent of Mont Blanc in 1827. Axddjo. Glance at Revolutionized Italy. MacFarlane. Italy in the Nineteenth Century. Whiteside. Travels in the Two Sicilies, 1777-80. Su)i7iburne. Isabel; or Sicily. A Pilgrimage. Tuckerman. Pictures from Sicily. Barilett Normans in Sicily. Knight Svritzcrland. History of Switzerland, B. C. 110 to A. D. 1830. Vieusseux. History of Switzerland, from the Irruption of the Northern Tribes. Vieusseux. Histoire du Sonderbund. Cretineau. History of Switzerland. Zschokke. Rise of Swiss Confederation. Abbot Tableau d'Histoire de la Suisse, 1715-1803. Mounard. Ancient History of Geneva. Keaie. History of Geneva. Spon. Revolutions of Geneva in 18th Cen- tury. Ivernois. Recent Politics of Switzerland. Groie. Die Deutsche Schweiz. Istria. Regular Swiss Round. Jones. Travels in Switzerland. Coxe. 536 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Ramble throngh Swisserland in 1802. Macnevin. Excursions in the Alps. BrocJcedon. Journey to Switzerland. Agassiz. Sketches of Switzerland. Cooper. Switzerland, South of France, etc. Inglis. Tour in Switzerland in 1841. CJiambers. Pilgrim in Shadow of Mont Blanc. CJieever. Pilgrim in Shadow of Jungfrau. Cheever. Wanderings among the High Alps. Wills. Month in Switzerland in 1848. Forbes. Story of Mont Blanc. imith. To Mont Blanc and Back Again. White. Handbook for Switzerland, Savoy, and Piedmont. Switzerland in 1854-5. Ueaihman. Tour of Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa. Forbes. Chaniouni and Mont Blanc in 1855. Anderson. Sketches of Nature in the Alps. Tschudi. Trois Mois sous la Neige. Porchai. Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers. Ball. Same, second series. Kennedy. Life in the Old World; Switzerland and Italy. Bremer. Sketching Rambles. Callow. Letters from Switzerland. Prime. Cottages of the Alps. Johnson. Glaciers of the Alps. Tyndall. Mountaineering in 1861. Tyndall. Commerce and Manufactures of Switzerland. Bowring. Geschichte der Deutschen Staaten. Wirih. History of Germany to 1813. History of Germany. Kohlrausch. History of Germany. Menzel. History of Germanic Empire. Dunham. Geschichte der Deutschen Kaiserzeit. Oiesebrecht. Charles Quint. Mignet. Reign of Charles V. Boberison. Charles Quint de son Abdication. Pichot. Life of Charles Fifth after Abdica- tion. Prescott. Cloister Life of Charles Fifth. Stirling. Charles Fifth and Ambassadors; Cor- respondence of. By-ways of History from Twelfth to Sixteenth Century. Sinnett. Thirty Years ^Var. Schiller. Historical Works. Schiller. Rivoluzioni della Germania. Denina. History of Vandalia. Nugent. Pictorial History of Germany. Kugler. Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, in 1777-9. Wraxall. Deutsche Freiheitskriege in 1813-14. Beitzke, Political Constitution of Germanic Empire. Piltter. Relations of Schleswig and Holstein. Tuciss. Die Deutschen Ethnographische Studien. GoUz, TrarclK, etc.» in Ocrmnny. De I'Allemagne. Stael. Germany. Siael Gei*mania, Courts, Camps, and Peo- ple. Blaze de Bury. Germany in 1831. Strang. Ramble in Germany. Maxwell. German Experiences. Howitt. Rural and Domestic Life of Ger- many. Howitt, Home Life in Germany. Brace. Peasant Life of Germany. Johnson. Leaves from my Journal in 1851. Grosvenor. Germany from 1760 to 1814. Austin. Art-Student in Munich. Howitt. Social Life in Munich. * Wilberforce. Travels in North Germany in 1825- 1826. Bwight. Letters from the Danube. Residence in Danubian Principali- ties. O'Brien. Rhine, Scenery and Associations. Huni. The Rhine. Hugo. Up the Rhine. Hood. Rhine, Legends, Traditions, etc. Snowe. Chamois Hunting in Bavaria. Boner. Tyrol, with Glance at Bavaria. Inglis. Dolomite Mountains. Excursions in 1861-63. aUberi. Handbook for Southern Germany. Pictures of Nuremberg, and Rambles in Franconia. WTiitling. Historical Tour in Franconia in 1852. Tylor. Rambles in the Hartz Mountains, etc. Andersen. German Life and Manners. Mayhew. Sketches of Germany and the Ger- mans. Tour in Germany in 1820-22. Russell. Letters on Silesia. Adams. Log of the Water Lily. Cruises on the Rhine, etc. Mansfield. Heidelberg and the Way Thither. Bubbles from Brunnens of Nassau. Head. Spas of Germany. Granville. Hot-W&ter Cure in Germany in 1844. Neue Bilder aus dem Leben des Deutschen "\'olkes. Freytag. Deutsche Kultur- und Sittengesohichte. Scherr. niSTORT, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 537 (icrmany; its Universities, Theology, and Eeligion. Schaff. 1 niversities and Theological Educa- tion in Germany. Bohinson. German University Education. Perry. Student-Life of Germany. Ilowiii. Germany; History, Literature, and National Economy. Hawkins. Notices Politiques et Litteraires sur rAlIeraagne. Girardin, Koman Antiquities of Treves. Wyitenhach. Adress-Buch von Bvemen, 1857-58. Adress-Buch von Dresden, 1857-58. Adress-Buch von Mi'inchen, 1856-58. PrnsNia. Nine Books of Prussian History.. lianke. ikiemoirs of House of Brandenburg. Banke. Memoirs of Court of Prussia. Vehse. Der Preussische Staat, Statistik, etc. Franz. History of Prussia. Wars of Frederick the Great. Jomini. Parallel between Frederick IL and Philip of Macedon. OilUes. Life of Frederick the Second. Dover. History of Friedrich the Second. Carlyle. Frederick II and his Times. See Contributions to History. Baumer. Secret History of Court of Berlin. Mirabeau. Life of Frederick William III. JEylert. Berlin Wohnungs-Anzeiger, 1857-8. Schleswig-Holstein War. Dicey. AiiRlria. Empire of Austria. Abbott. History of Austria, and German Empire. Bancks. House of Austria; 1218-1792. Cox. Dalmatia and Montenegro. Wilkhisoji. Secret History of Austrian Govern- ment. Michiels. Bdvolutions d'Autriche. 1848-49. Balleydier. Events in Vienna in 1848. Auerbach. Austiia in 1848-9. SiUes. Crimes of Austria against Mankind. Peabody. Campagnes d'Autriche. Blaze de Bury. Austria. Thompson. Austria. Tiirnbull. Statistik des Oesterreichs. Hain. Provinces Danubiennes et Roumaines. Chopin. Skimmings; or Winter in Lower Styria. Hall. On Foot through Tyrol in 1855. White. Journal of a Nobleman during Vienna Congress. Austria, Vienna, Prague, etc. Kohl. Revelations of Austria. Koubrakiewicx. Oesterreich, Handels-Adressenbuch, 1858. Wlnngnrj, Hongrie, Ancienne et Modeme. Boldenyi. History of Hungary and the Magyars. Godkin. From Vienna through Lower Hungary. Bright. City of the Magj'ar. Pardoe. Hungary and Transylvania. Paget. Past and Future of Hungary. Henningsen. War of Independence in Hungary. Klapka. Hungarian Revolution. Pragay. Kossuth and Magyar Land, Pridham. War in Hungary in 1848-9. Schlesinger. Memoirs of a Hungarian Lady. Pulszky. Scenes of Civil War in Hungary in 1848-9. Scenes des Camps Hungrois, 1848-9. Chasles. Guerre de Hongrie, en 1848-9. Balleydier. Hungary and Ko.ssuth. 7>^. Leben und Wirken in Ungam, 1848-9. Gorgei. Life and Acts in Hungary in 1848-9. Gorgei. Great Britain. Correspondence Rela- tive to Affiiirs of Hungary, 1847-1849. Voice from the Danube. The Goth and the Hun. Baton. Hungary in 1851. Brace. Asiatic Chiefs. Szeredy. Across the Carpathians. Poland. History of Poland- Ketcher. History of Poland. Dunham. History and Literature of Poland. Zaba. Religious History of Sclavonic Na- tions. KrasinskL La Pologne Martyr. Michelet Fall of Poland. Saxton. Polish Question and Panslavism. Krasinski. Seven Months in Russian Poland. Anderson. Poles in the United States. Kraitsir. Holland and Belgium. Rise of the Dutch Republic. Motley. History of Carausius and Account of the Menapii. Peyster. History of Holland. Davies. History of United Netherlands. Motley. History of the Netherlands. Gratlan. History of the Low Country Warres. Strada. Revolt of the Netherlands. Schiller. Lives of Princes of House of Orange. 638 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Life and Times of John De Witt. Barnwell. Journals and Correspondence: Cam- paigns in Flanders, 1793-4. Calvert. Historical Documents on Govern- ment of Holland. Bonaparte. Belgium, since the Eevolution of 1830. Trollope. Holland and the Dutch Colonies. Macgregor. Lettres sur la Hollande. ^ Marmier. Richesse de la Hollande. Tour in Holland, in 1784. Visit to Flanders, in 1815. Simpson. Family Tour through South Holland. Tour through Valley of the Meuse. Cosiello. Tour in Holland, in 1836. Chambers. Education in Holland. Horner. Vlaardingen, Handvesten, Octroyen, etc. 8candinaTin. Scandinavia, Ancient and Modem. Crichton. History of the Northmen. Wheaton. History of Scandinavia. Sinding. History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Dunham. Eeligion of the Northmen. ^ Keyser. Guide to Northern Archasology. Ellesmere. Northern Antiquities. Mallet. La Scandinavie. LaUerstedt. Travels in Norway and Lapland, in 1806-8. Buch. Tour Round the Baltic. Wraxall. Northern Travel. Taylor. Nordisches Bilderbuch. ^ Miigge. Altnordisches Leben. Weinhold. Lettres sur le Nord, Marmier. Danes and the Swedes. Scott. Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, etc. Boss. Voyage from Leith to Lapland. Ilurton. Journey through Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Conway. Adventures in North of Europe. Landor. Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, in 1788-9. Acerhi. IVorway ano Islands. Skinner. Landt. Iceland, etc. 'ud, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands, liistorical Account of. h'urnal of a Tour in Iceland, in 1809. Hooker. ii.vels in Iceland, 1810. Mackenzie. idence in Iceland in 1814-15. Henderson. t to Iceland in 1834. Barrow. ney to Iceland, etc. Pfeiffer. djles in Iceland. Miles. lud and the Faroe Islands. Chambers. •hes of Faroe and Iceland. Symington. it Voyage to Iceland in 1S56. Duferin. xeiand, its Volcanoes, Geysers, and Glaciers. Forbes. [celand: its Scenes and Sagas. Baring -Gould. Picturesque Journey to North Cape. Skioidebra7id. JTour in Lapland. Linnams. Reasons ^vith the Sea-Horses. Lamont. Russia. History of Eussia. Kelly. listory of Russia. Bell listory of Kussia. Babbe. iussia. Abbott. listoire de la Eussie. Lamarline. )emetrius the Impostor. Merimie. Sovereigns of Russia. Fowler. listory of Peter the Great. Bradford. pistory of Peter the Great. Voltaire. ife of Peter the Great. Barrow. ifeofPeterl. Mottley. ?eter the Great. Abbott. Eistoire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. Voltaire. Diary of an Austrian Secretary at Court of Peter the Great. Feier III. and Catharine 11. of Russia. Catherine Second, Memoirs by Herself. history of Catherine Second. Smucker. Catharine II., Life of. Gaiherine II., Vie de. England a^d Russia; Early Voyages. Hamel. VIemoires Secrets sur la Russie. Masson. [nvasion of Russia by Napoleon. Wilson. Demiers Guerres de la Russie contre la Turquie. Saint-Ange. Conquest of Finland, 1808-9. Monteith. Eistoire d' Alexandre Premier. Golovine. Secret History of Russia under Alex- ander and Nicholas. Schnitzler. Ijast Days of Alexander. Lee. under Nicholas the First Oolovine. Life and Reign of Nicholas I. Christmas. Life of Nicholas L Michelsen. Eftiperor Nicholas and his Family, lurnerdli. Dernieres Heures de Nicolas L Bevelations of Russia: or Nicholas and his Empire in 1844. Vindication of Russia. Hitchcock. Eastern Europe and Emperor Nicholas. Sketch of Political Power of Russia in 1817. Russians in Bulgaria and Rumelia, 1828-9. Moltke. Progress and Position of Russia in the East. Progress of Russia in the West. Urquhart. England and Russia. Russia. Custine. Russia. Kohl. Native Races of Russia. Litham, Russian Empire. Haxihausen. Biblical Researches in Russia. Henderson. Russia and Russians. Cole. Illustrated Description of Russia. /Sears. Russia as it Is. Morell. The Czar, His Court and People. Maxwell. Englishwoman in Russia. Russia as it Is. Gv.rowski. Travels in Russia. Wilson. The Knout and the Russians. J^agny. Russia and Russians in 1842. Kohl. Russians at Home. Edwards. Eiissian Empire: Resources, Gov- ernment, and Policy. Journey due North. Sala. Observations on Russia. PinJcerion. Productive Forces of Russia Tegoborski. Piecollections of Russia. ^ My Exile. Herzen. Journey through Russia. Cochrane. Excursions in Russia. Bremner. Lettres sur la Russie, etc. Marmier. Travels through Russia and Poland. Johnston. Travels in Russia, Tartary, and Tur- key. Clarke. England and Russia. Hamel. Expedition to Northern Parts of Russia in 1785-94. Sauer. Courts of Russia and Sweden in 1830-31. Frankland. Domestic Scenes in Russia. Vcnables. Life in Russia. TJiompson. Sketches in Russia and Sweden, 1805-8. Porter. Letters on Eussia and the Revolu- tion. Landor. Autocracy in Poland and Eussia. Allen. 540 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Three Cities in Enssia. Smyth. City of the Czar. Bailees. Eussia and the Eussians. Ritchie. Pictures from St. Petersburg, Jerrmann. Travels in Southern Eussia in 1793- 1794. Pallas. Mission to Constantinople and St. Petersburg in 1829-SO. Muffling. St. Petersburg, Constantinople, etc., in 1833-4. Tietz. Tour through Crimea, etc., in 1795- 1796. Guthrie. Travels in the Steppes of Caspian Sea, etc. Hommaire. Krim-Girai, Kahn of the Crimea. Mundt. Eussian Shores of Black Sea in 1852. OUphant. Correspondence Eespecting Eussia. Ilay-per. Crimean liVnr. Invasion of the Crimea. Kinglake. Mr. Kinglake. Head. War in the East, 1853-55. Klapka. La Question d'Orient. Ubicini. A Year of the War. Gurowski. Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol. McCormick. Pictorial History of Eussian War. Todleben's Defence of Sebastopol. JRussell. Reminiscences of an Officer of Zouaves. Commentaires d'un Soldat. Molhnes. The Past Campaign. Woods. Cote' Eeligieux de la Question d'Ori- ent. Ficquehnont. Guerre d'Orient. Jouve. United States Military Commission to Europe. Observations during Crimean War. See Armies of Europe. McClellan. Lettres Ecrites d'Orient. Frossard. Eussia after the War. Bunhury. Caucasus. Letters from Caucasus and Georgia. Freygan. Travels in Western Caucasus. Spencer. Circassia or a Tour to the Caucasus. Bitson. Transcaucasia. Ilaxthausen. Schamyl, le Prophete du Caucase. Warner. Tribes of the Caucasus. Haxthausen. Life of Schamyl. Mackie. Eesidence in Circassia, 1837-39. Bell. ITIodcrn Oreece. Greece, Modem, History of, Greece, Ancient and Modern. History of Greece and Trebizond, 1204^1461. Finlay. Greece in 1823-4. Stanhope. Sketch of Greek Eovolution. Howe. Greek War of Independence. Keightley, Memoirs of Affairs in Greece. MilUngen. Condition of Greece in 1827-8. Miller. History of the Greek Eevolution. Gordon. Narrative of a Greek Soldier. Mengous. Memoirs of the Ionian Islands. VaudoncourU Visit to the Ionian Islands, Athens, and Morea. Giffard, Ionian Islands in 1863. Agisted. Journey in the Morea. Gell. Classical Tour in Greece in 1801-6. BodiceU. Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis, Barthelemy. Travels of Anacharsis. (4th Cen- tury. ) Barihdemi. Peloponnesus, and Greek Islands in 1829. Andepsoji. Eesearches in Greece. Leake. Travels in the Morea. Leake. Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, etc. Wordsworth. Iland-Book for Travellers in Greece. Picture of Greece in 1825. Emerson. Eesidence in Modern Greece. Baird. Letters from the ^gean. Emerson. Letters from Greece. Blaquiere. Greece, and (jreeks of Present Day. About. Hellas, Monuments and Scenery. Chase. Wanderings in Greece. Cochrane. Athens and Attica. Wordswo7ih. Athens and the Peloponnese. Ilettner. Travels in Lycia, Milyas, etc. Sprait. Commerce of Greece, 1787 to 1797. Beaujour. ITICflitcrrniican and Ijerant. Journal of a Tour in the Levant. Turner. Letters from the Levant, 1716-18. Montagu. Journal d'un Voyage au Levant. View of the Levant. Perry. Voyage into the Levant. Tournefort. Voyage au Levant. Le Bruyn. Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean. Willis. Cruise in the Mediterranean in 1829- 1831. Wines. The Meditelranean. Smyth. Shores and Islands of the Mediter- ranean. Christmas. Travels in Barbary and the Levant. Shaw. Excursion along Shores of Mediter- ranean. Napier. Shores of the Mediterranean. Schroeder. Visit to Monasteries in the Levant. Curzon. Voyage to the Levant. Bu Mont. Travels along the Mediterranean, 1816-18. Richardson. Voyages from 1796 to 1801. Collins. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 541 ry of British Possessions in Mediterranean. Martin. its of Vienna, Constantinople, Athens, Naples, etc. Londonderry. rhree Weeks in Majorca. Dodd. iistory of Minorca. Armstrong. Iccount of Corsica. Boswell. Corsica; Picturesque, Historical, etc. G7'egorovius. Six Semaines dans Sardaigne. Delessert. Gambles in Corsica and Sardinia. Forester. [j'Adriatique et le Montenegro. Marmier. highlands and Islands of the Adri- atic. Pcdon. jTour through Sicily and Malta. Brydone. rravels in Malta and Sicily. Bigelovo. ilalta under Phenicians, Knights, and English. TaUack. [Travels in Sicily, Greece, and Al- bania. Hughes. Recollections of Malta, Sicily, etc. WiUiams. [Tour to Malta, Greece, etc., in 1828. Woodruff. [Travels in Crete. Pasldey. jands of the Saracen. Taylor. Ship and Shore. Colton. lolden Horn, etc. Monk. Travels in Crimea, Turkey, and Egypt. Webster. Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Tilley. Scenes in Egypt and Italy. From Cornhill to Grand Cairo. Thackeray. Wayfaring Sketches among Greeks and Turks. Travels in Turkey, Greece, etc. Slade. Travels in Greece and Turkey. Sonnini. Sketches in Greece and Turkey. De Vere. Visit to Greece and Constantinople. Post Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. Carlisle. Classical Tour in Greece, Turkey, and Italy, Laurent. Tnrkcr. Histoire du Bas-Empire. Lebeau. Histoire du Bas-Empire. Segur. Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches. Hammer. History of Ottoman Turks. Greasy. History of the Ottoman Empire. Upham. History of the Ottoman Empire. Jacob. I'ableau GondraldeTEmpire Othoman. History of the Byzantine Empire, 71&-1453. Mnlay. Histoire de la Turquie. Lamartine. History of Turkey. Lamartine. Three Eras of Ottoman History. Skene. ^Corkey, its History and Progress. Porter. Conquest of Constantinople, in 1204. Villehardouin. General History of the Turks. Knolles. Empire of Trebizond. See History of Greece, etc. Finlay. Histoire de Scanderbeg. Pagand. George Castriot, surnamed Scander- beg. Moore. Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and 1829. Chesney. War in Syria. Napier. Expedition to Syria under Stopford. Hunter. Sultan Abdul Medjid Khan. Christmas^ Czar and Sultan; or Nicholas and Abdul Medjid. Gilson, RefOrmen des Osmanischen Reiches. Eichmann. Kara and Erzeroum; with Campaigns of Paskiewitch. MonteUh. Narrative of Siege of Kars. Sandwiih. Campaign with Turks in Asia. Duncan. La Turquie d'Europe. Boue. European Turkey. Knighton. Journey across the Balcan. Keppel. Roumania, Border Land. Noyes. Frontier Lands of Christian and Turk. Journey through Albania in 1809-10. Broughion. Mihtary Tour in European Turkey, etc. Macintosh. Servia and Servian Revolution. Ranke. Die Sclawen der Tiirkei. Robert. A Year with the Turks. Smyth. The Turks in Europe. Bouvet. Handbook for Travellers in Turkey. Letters sur la Turquie. Ubicini. Turkey and the Turks. Smith. Turkish Empire. Besse. Remarks on Turkey. Hamilton. Sketches of Turkey. Be Kay. Trip to Turkey. Parnauvel. Turkey, Past and Present. Mordl. Travels into Turkey. Busbequius, Three Years in Constantinople. WhUe. Month at Constantinople. Smith. Constantinople and its Environs. Porter. Residence at Constantinople. Walsh. Constantinople, Ancient and Modern. Ballaway. Essai sur les Fanariotes. Zallony. American among the Orientals. Boidden. Summer Ramble in Syria. Monro. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia. Hamilton. Tour in Asia Minor. Leake. Travels and Researches in Asia Minor. Felloxcs, 542 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Visit to Syrian Churcli in Mesopo- tamia. Souihfjaie. Travels in Assyria, Media, and Per- sia. Buckingham. Travels in Chaldea and Susiana. Loft us. Notes from Nineveh and Travels. Fletcher. Notes on Bedouins and Waliabys. Burckhardi. Survey of Euphrates and Tigris. Chesney. Journey to Babylon and Persepolis. liich. Eesearches in Assyria. Ainsicorth. Eesidence in Koordistan. Eich. Spirit of the East. Urquhart. Letters on Turkey. Ubicini. Cilicia and its Governors. Barker. Manners and Customs of Turkey. Castellan. Commerce of the Black Sea. Dearborn. Voyage round the Euxine Sea. Arrian. Shores of the Caspian. Holmes. Turkey and its Destiny. MacFarlane. Stamhouly and the Sea of Gems. Karamj^ia. Beaufort. Ilolf Liand. History of Palestine. Kitto. Geography and Historical Sketch of Palestine. Schwarz. Sinai and Palestine. Stanley. Early Travels in Palestine. Wright. Travels to Palestine in 1432-3. Brocquiere. Handbook for Syria and Palestine. Beise in der Orient. See^YQrke, v. 9. Hackldnder. Syria and the Holy Land. Kelly. Researches in Syria and Holy Land. Jewett. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. Burckhardt. Letters from the Holy Land, Hahi. Letters from Palestine in 183G-8. Paxton. Tent Life in the Holy Land. Prime. Palestine or the Holy Land. Russell. Holy Land, with Glimpses of Europe and Egypt. Phelps. Voyage en Orient, 1832-33. Lamariine. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Lamariine. Visit to Holy Land, Egypt, etc. Pfelfer. Land of Promise. Bonar. Palestine, Past and Present. Osborne. Sinai and Golgotha. Strauss. Quinze Jours au Sinai. Dumas. Giant Cities of B.i3ban. Porter. Yusef, or Journey of the Frangi. Browne. Lands of the Moslem. Crosby. Howadji in Syria. Curtis. Oriental Acquaintance; or, Letters from Syria. De Forest. Journey to Damascus. Castlereagh. Five Years in Damascus. Porter. Damascus and Palmyra. Addison. Notes of Travel in Egypt, Holy Land, Turkey and Greece. Dorr. Observations on Egypt, Palestine, etc. Durbin. \ Journey round Dead Sea, and in Bi- ij ble Lands, 1850 and 1851. Saulcy. li Sacred Plains; or. Land of Promise. Ueadley. ! Mount Leb anon. Churchill.], The Lebanon. Urquhart. i Druses of the Lebanon. Carnarvon, h Journey to Ararat. Parrot. Negeb, or " South Country" of Scrip- ture. Wilton. ■ Sunsets on the Hebrew Mountains. Macduff. \\ Land of Promise as it Novr Appears. Newman. ! From Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai. Clayton. Scripture Lands. Woodcock, i Four Months' Tour in the East. Andrews. Thistle and Cedar of Lebanon. Allah. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, Mount Libanon and Cyprus, in 1814. Light Around the Pyramids. Ward. Expedition to Dead Sea. Montague. Expedition to Jordan and Dead Sea. Lynch, Biblical Eesearches in Palestine, in 1838. Robinson. Later Biblical Eesearches, in 1852. Robrnson. Maps to Biblical Eesearches. Kiepert. Land and the Book. Thomson. Illustrations of Scripture. Hackeit. Discoveries in Asia Minor. Arundell. Visit to the Seven Churches. Arundell. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697. Maundrdl. Antient Jerusalem, History, Topog- raphy, etc. Thrupp. Nach Jerusalem. Frankl. Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Willis. Jerusalem and Holy Land in 1842. Msk. City of the Great King. Barclay. Map of Jerusalem and Environs. Barclay. Voiage and Travaile to Hierusalem. Maundeville. De Paris a Jerusalem. Chateaubriand. East, (General. Letters from the Old AVorld. Haight. Eothen, or Traces of Travel. Kinglake. \ Thirty-live Years in the East. Honigberger. I Journey Due East. Cooke. j Eastern Life, Present and Past. Martineau. j Lands Classical and Sacred. Nugent. j The Morning Land. Bodenstedt. I Travels in the East. Tischendorff. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 543 Orientftl Outlines in 1833. Knight Travels of Lady Hester Stanhope. Young Pilgrim, or Travels in the East. Hofland. Crescent and the Cross. Warhurton. Sinai, Hedjaz, and Soudan. Hamilton. Aus dein Orient. Brucjscli. Ansayrii and the Assassins. Walpole. Arab Tribes East of Syria and Pal- estine. Buckingham. Handbook for India and Egypt. Parhury. Journey from India to England. Keppel. Visit to Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy. Pfeiffer. Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, etc. Madden. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrsea, and Holy Land. MiUard. Cairo, Petra, and Damascus in 1839. Kinnear. Travel in Egypt, Petra;a, and Holy Land. Stephens. Temples and Tombs of Egypt, etc. Bomer. Discoveries in Egypt, Sinai, etc. Lepsius. Travel in Egypt and Holy Land. Spencer. Travels in Egypt and Palestine. Thomas. Travels in Holy Land, Egypt, etc. Wilson. Tour through Egypt, Holy Land, etc. Morris. Egypt, Petraja, and Holy Land. OVm. Africa, Egypt, and Syria, 1792-1798. Browne. Excursions to Cairo, Jerusalem, etc. Jones. Visit to Alexandria, Damascus, and Jerusalem. Hogg. Egypt, Nubia, Sinai, and Jerusalem. Ihnniko'. Experiences in Egypt and Holy Land. Kennard. Travels in Morocco, Eg3'pt, Syria, etc. Ali Bey. KgTPt. iEgyptiaca; Ancient and Modem Egypt. Hamilton. Modern History and Condition of Egypt. Yates. Philosophical Dissertations on Egyp- tians. Pauw. Ancient and Modern Egypt. Bussell. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt. Sonnini. Handbook for Travellers in Egypt. Description de I'^gypte. Hand-Book for Travellers in Egypt. Busch. Winter in Upper and Lower Egypt. Hoskins. Eijypt; Familiar Description of the Land. American in Egypt. Cooky. Keiseskizzeu aus Nord-Ost-Africa. Brehm. Letters on Egypt. Savary. Photographic Views of Egypt Thompson. Views in Egypt. Mayer. Aus Egypten. Frankl. Topography of Thebes. Wilkinson. Land of Bondage. Wainwright. Englishwoman in Egypt. Poole. Para Papers on France, Egypt, etc. Ditson. Daleth, or Homestead of the Nations. Clark. Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines. Beaufort. Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. Prime. EecoUections of Egypt. Minvioli. Sand and Canvas. Bevan. Travels in Egypt and Nubia. Nordeti. Egypt and Nubia. Si. John. Village Life in Egypt. Si. John. Nubia and Abyssinia. Bussell. Manners and Customs of Modern Egyptians. Lane. Nile Notes of a Howadji. Curtis. Nile Boat. Bartleit. Waraga, or Charms of the Nile. Famiss. Views of the Nile. Moore. Sea Nile, Desert, and Nigritia. Churi. Khartoum, and Blue and. White Niles. Melly. Expe^tion to Dongola and Sennaar. English. Travels in Egypt with Bonaparte. Benon, Expedition de TArmee Britannique en Egypte. Wilson. Operations at Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837. Vyse. Egypt and Mehemet Ali. Puckler-Muskau. Egypt and Mohammed Ali. St. John. Travels in Ethiopia, above Second Cataract. Hoskins. Rambles in Egypt and Candia. Scott. Egypten als Winteraufenthalt fiir Kranke. Reil Canal de Suez. Desplaces. Isthmus of Suez Question. Nile Explorations. Travels to Discover Source of the Nile, 1768-72. Bi'uce. Expedition to Discover Sources of White Nile, lS-iO-41. Werne. Pilgrimage to Egypt; Explorations on Nile. Smith. Discovery of Source of Nile. Speke. Review of the Same. See Burton's Nile Basin. M' Queen, Nile Basin. , Burton, Abyssiuia, etc. Three Years in Abyssinia. Oohat. Voyage to Abyssinia. Salt. 544 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Life in Abyssinia. Parkyns. Travels in Southern Abyssinia. Johnston. Wanderings among the Falashas. Stern. Highlands of Ethiopia. Harris. Ride through the Nubian Desert. Peel. New History of Ethiopia. LiidoJphus. Visit to Ethiopia. Waddington. Travels in Nubia. BurckJiardt. Africa, General. Travels in Africa from Earliest Ages. Frost. Survey of Africa, Slave Trade, etc. M' Queen. Travels in Africa. Bingley. Northern and Central Africa in 1822- 1824. Denham. Discovery and Adventure in Africa. Murray. Discoveries and Travels in Africa. Leyden. Africa, and the American Flag. Foote. Travels in Africa. Barth. Tour of Africa. Button. Africa, Accurate Description. Ogilhy. Missionary Laboi-s in Eastern Africa. Krapf. Adventures in the Libyan Desert. St. John. Narrative of Fatalla Sayeghir. Lamartine. Expedition up the Niger in 1841. Schon. Savage Africa. Reade. Deux Ans en Afrique. Qiiivieres. Voyage au Ouaday. Mohammed. Transport Voyage to Mauritius. Loss of Brig Commerce on African Coast. EUey. African Eepository. Algiers* Complete History of Algiers. Morgan. Sketches of Algiers. Shaler. L'Algerie. Bugeaud. Algeria, Topography and History. Morell. Algeria, Past and Present. Blofeld. Residence in Algiers. Pananti. Journey to Algiers. Campbell. Residence in Algeria. Prus. Souvenirs de I'Algdrie. Lomon. Algeria in 1845. St. Marie, Adventures on North Coast of Af- rica. Ditson. Expe'dition du Cavaignac en 1847. Jacqud. Algeria during Kabyle War. Walmesley. Le Tueur de Pantheres. Bomhonnel. Captivity at Algiers. Foss. Fran9ai8 et Arabes en Alg^rie. Hugonnet. French in Africa. Cave. Conquest and Colonisation in North Africa. Cooke. Colonisation en Alg^rie. French in Algiers. Lamping. niorocco and Bnrbary Slates* History .and Condition of Barbary States. Bussell Exploration of Northern Africa. Beechey. Travels in Morocco. BicJiardson. Travels to Morocco. Keatinge. Account of Morocco, Suse and Tim- buctoo. Jackson. Algiers and Neighboring States. Lord. Algeria and Tunis in 1845. Kennedy. Semilasso in Africa. Pucklcr-Muskau. La Chasse au Lion. Gerard. Adventures of the Lion Killer. Gerard. Camel Hunt. Fahens. Western Africa. Western Africa; History, Prospects, etc. Wilson. Colonization on Western Coast. Alexander. Colonies of Western Africa. Alexander. Adventures on the West Coast. Thomas. Abeokuta and Cameroons Mountains. Burton. Voyage dans I'Afrique Occidentale. EaffeneL Christian Traveller; Western Africa. Voyage to West Coast of Africa. Games. Western Coast of Africa. Leonard. Niger, Tchadda and Binue Expedi- tion. Hutchinson. Journal of an African Cruiser. Hawthorne. Ein Besuch in San Salvador* Bastian, Guinea, and the Slave Trade. Snelgrave. Travels in Gulf of Guinea. Smith. Shipwreck on Western Coast. Adams. British Settlement on Bulama. Beaver. Portuguese Possessions in Africa. Tarns. Southern Africa. History of Southern Africa. Martin. Personal Adventure in South Africa. Brown, Travels in Southern Africa, 1797-8. Barroic. Tropical South Africa. Gallon. Excursions in Southern Africa. Napier. Residence in South Africa. Pringle. Interior of Southern Africa. Barrow. Researches in South Africa. Philip. Missionary Travels in South Africa. Livingstone. Travels in Southern Africa, 1803-6. Lichtenstein. Interior of Southern Africa. Steedman, Voyage to Cape^ of Good Hope, 1772-6. Sparrman. State of Cape of Good Hope in 1822. The Cape and the Kafirs. Cole. Travels in Caffraria. Kay. Kaffraria and Inhabitants. Fleming. The Cape and the Kafirs. Ward, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS, 545 Journey to Zoclu Country in 1835. Gardiner. Zulus of Natal. Mason. Ten Weeks in Natal. Colenso. Expedition to liiver Zaire. Tuckey. Sierra Leone and the Gambia. Poole. African Hunting. Baldvohi. Life in Wilderness of South Africa. Methuen. Hunter's Life in South Africa. Camming. La Vie au Desert Gumming. JSoidh African Almanac and Directory, 183L Inner Africa. Travels in Interior Africa, 1795-07. Park. Mission to Interior Africa, in 1805. Park. Life and Travels. Park. Travels in Interior Africa. JloUien. Residence in Ashantee. Dupuis. Great Oasis of Libyan Desert lloskins. Equatorial Africa. Da ChaiUu. Journey to Central Africa. Taylor. Inner Africa Laid Open. Cooky. Lake Ngami. Andersson. Travels into Interior Africa, 1780- 1735. VaVlant Expedition into Central Africa, 1832- 1834. Laird. Central Africa; Missionary Labors. Bowen. Travels in Central Africa. Caillii. Reisen in Central- Africa. Schauenburg. Travels in Desert of Sahara. Richardson. Five Years among the Ethiopians. ^ Jlidchinson. Okavango River. Anderssoiu Expedition to the Niger. Lander. Expedition to the Niger, in 1841. Allen. ITIadagascar. Histoire et G^ographie de Madagas- car. Des Cartes. Madagascar, Past and Present History of Madagascar. Ellis. Three Visits to Madagascar, 1853-6. EUis. Adventures in Madagascar. Drury. Visit to Madagascar. See Last Travels. Pfeiffer. TVcHtcrn InInudM. Azores. Boid. Winter in the Azores. BuUar. Visit to a VoV*-ano. Weston. Discovery and Conquest of Canary Islands. Glas. Description of St Michael Webster. Views in Ascension. Allen. Teneriffe, an Astronomer's Experi- ment Smyth, Aain. De la Part des Peuples Semitiques dans I'Histoire de la Civilisa- tion. Renan. Rambles in Eastern Asia. B(dl. Travels to Diverse Parts of Asia. Bell. Visit to India, China, and Japan. Taylor. Travels and Adventures of an Ofii- cer's Wife. ' Mider. Ancient Accounts of India and China. Renaudot Voyage to the Eastern Seas in 1816. IlaU. Travels in South-Eastern Asia. Maicom. Trade and Travel in the Far East Davidson. Fankwei ; or San Jacinto in Seas of India, China and Japan. Wood. Travels to India, Ceylon, etc., 1802- 1806. Valeniicu Travels in South Seas, India, China, etc., 1821-9. Tyerman. Route Across India through Egypt to England in 1817-18. Fitzclarence. Christian Researches in Asia. Buchanan. Voyage to Japan, Siberia, Tartary, etc. Tronson. My Last Cruise ; China, Japan, etc. Habersham. Travels in Central Asia. Vambiry. Asia. OgiJby. Les Nuits d'Orient Miry. Travels of Marco Polo. Murray. Travels and Adventures. Wolff. Travels in Asia. Bingley. Oriental Collections. Cuseley. Asiatic Researches: History, Antiqui- ties, etc. Royal Asiatic Society, Transactions. American Oriental Society, Journal. Asiatic Journal. Colonial and Asiatic Review. Oriental Herald and Colonial Review. Arabia. History of Arabia. Crichton. Travels through Arabia. Mebuhr. Travels in Arabia. W^ellsted. Voyage to Arabia the Happy, 1808- 1810. La Roque. Journey through Arabia Petrasa. Laborde. Wanderer in Arabia. Lowih. Pilgrimage to Medinah and Meccah. Burton, Persia. Ancient History of Persia. Ousdey. History of Persia. ^Mcolm. Persia. Shobtrl Journey into Persia. Koteebue. 546 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Geographical Memoir of Persia. K'mneir. Travels in Persian Provinces. Fraser. Eevolutions in Persia. llanway. From Constantinople to Teheran. Fraser. British Trade over the Caspian, etc. Hanucay. Tour to Sheeraz; with History of Persia. Waring. Journey through Persia, Armenia, etc. Morier. Second Journey through Persia. Morier. Travels in the East; particularly Persia. Ouseley. Journey to Khorasan. Fraser. Pilgrimage in Khuzistan and Persia. Stocqueler. Mission to Bokhara in 1843-5. Wolff. Armenia. Tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, etc. Southgate. Armenia. Ourzon. Missionary Kesearches in Armenia. Smith. Nestorians. Nestorians; or Lost Tribes. Dr. Grant and the Nestorians. Nestorians and their Bituals. Eight Years in Persia. Sketches of Persia. Northern Persia. Travels in Muscovy, Persia, etc. Diplomate's Kesidence in Persia. Airgfaanistan. Views in Afifghanistaun. India and Avghanistaun. Disasters in Afifghanistan, 1841-2. Orant. Laurie. Badger. PerJdns. Stuart. Le Bruyn. Eastwick. Jackson. Harlan. Sale. East Indies. Knowledge of the Ancients of India. Bobertson. History of Hindostan. Dow. India, Ancient and Modem. Allen. History of Hindostan. Maurice. India under House of Taimur. Erskine. Indian Antiquities. Maurice. Eastern India, History, etc. Martin. BRndoos, The. Pictorial History of China and India. Sears. Land of the Veda. Percival Modern History of Hindostan. Maurice. Modern India. Camphdl. History, Literature and Keligion of the Hindoos. Ward. Sketches of the History, Religion, Learning and Manners of the Hindoos. HistoiT" of Dekkan. Feriskia, History of Bengal. Stewart. History of the Sikhs. Cunningham. Aide-Me'moire to History of India. Davenport. Europe'ens dans les Deux Indes. Baynal. Europeans in the Indies. Baynal. History of British India. Mill Continuation of- the Same. Wilson. History of British India. Mac Farlane. Our Indian Empire. Mac Farlane. Account of British India. Murray. British India. Campbell. Rise of British Power in India. Auher. History of British Empire in India. Gleig, British Conquests in India. St. John. Possessions of East India Company. Martin. Administration of East India Com- pany. Kaye. Progress and State of British India. Martin. Memorials of Indian Government. Tucker. Original Papers Relating to Disturb- ances in Bengal, 1759-64. Events in British India, 1756-1849. Ilmgh. Hyder Shah and Tippoo Sultaun, 'History of. War with Tippoo Sultaun. Salmond. British Army in India. (1817-1819.) Blacker. Conquest' of Scinde. Napier. Sutlej Campaign of 1845-6. Coley. Second Burmese War. (1852.) Laurie. History of the Indian Mutiny. Ball. Soldier's Life in India. Hodson. Indian Rebellion, Causes and Results. Duff. My Diary in India. Bussell. Nederlandsch India. Effects of British Government on India. Tennant. India ; its Government under Bu- reaucracy. Dickinson. India as it May Be. Campbell. India as it Ought to Be. Hough. Administration of Justice in India. Moiiey. Slavery in British India. Adam. Indian Recreations. Tennant. Theory and Practice of Caste. Irving. Scenes and Characteristics of Hin- dostan. Boherts. Tracts, Historical and Statistical, on India. Heyne. View of Hindoostan. Pennant. Institutes of Emperor Akher. People of India and Institutions. Dubois. Religion and Literature of India. Jones. Mussulmauns of India. Alt. Thugs; or Phansigars of India. Sleeman. History and Doctrine of Buddhism. Upham. Mythology of Hindus, etc. CoUnnan. HtSTORT, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 647 Buddhist Monuments of India. Cunningham. CblUction of Voyages by Dutch East India Company. Account of East India and Persia. (1672-81.) Fryer. Adventures in a Voyage to Calecut, UUoa. Eeise-Beschreibung nach Ost Indien. Dellon. Select Views in Mysore. Home. Account of Nepaul. (1793.) KirJcpatrick. Voyage to the East Indies. Bartolomeo. Journey in India, in 1824-5. Heber. Series of Indostan Letters. Journey to India, and Residence, 1822-8. Elwood. Tours in Upper India. Archer. Tour in India. Mundy. Cabool in 1836-8. Bumts. Letters from Madras, 1836-9. Travels in India. Orlich, Camp and Barrack Room. Himmalayan Journals. Hooker. Six Years in India. Mackenzie. Oriental Memoirs. Forbes. Illustrations to Oriental Memoirs. Forbes. First Impressions in Hindostan. Bacon. Autobiography of an India Army Sur- geon. Winter's Tour in India. Ecjerton. From New York to Delhi. Mmiurn. Travels in India and Kashmir, ScJwnberg. Two Years in Upper India. Loicrie. Prison of Weltevreden. Gibson. Thirteen Years in Khondistan. Campbell Goa and the Blue Mountains. Burton. Scinde, or the Unhappy Valley, Burton, Sindh, and the Races of the Indus. Burton. Travels in Peru and India. Markham. Falconry in the Valley of the Indus. Burton. "Wild Sports of India. Shakespear. Life in Forests of Far East. St. Johu Journey to Katmandu. Oliphant. Burmah and Burmese. Mackenzie. Residence in the Burmhan Empire. Cox. Travels in South-Eastern Asia. Malcom. Golden Dagon, or up and down the Iirawaddi. Palm.er. Tour through Himala Mountains. Fraser. Western Himalaya, and Tibet. Thomson. Journeys in Himalaya j^^ountains. Lloyd. Reigning Family of Lahore. Smyth. Borneo, and Indian Archipelago. Marryatt. Journey to Source of Oxus. Wood. Bengal as a Field of Missions. Wylie. Residence at Nepaul. Sinith. Life in Bombay. North Western Provinces of India. Baikes. Cotton and Commerce of India. Chapman. Commerce of India. Land Tax of India. Public Works of India. Gazetteer of India. Irving. Jjaillie. Cotton. Thornton. Affairs of East India Company. Great Britain. Treasury of East India Knowledge. Stocqtieler. Anglo-Indian Almanac for 1858. Bombay Geographical Society, Rules, Complete East India Pilot. Laurie. Oriental Pilot: East India Directory. Maps of Hindostan. Eennell. Mission to Siam and Hue', 1821-22. Finlayson. Siam and Cochin China, Crawfurd. Narrative of Residence in Siam, Neale. Travels in Siam, Cambodia and Laos. Mouhot. Embassy to Cochin-China, Siam, etc. Boberts. British Settlements in Malacca. Xewbold. Historical Relation of Ceylon. Knox. Description of Ceylon. Cordiner. Ceylon and the Cingalese. Sirr. Ceylon and its Capabilities. BenneL Account of Ceylon. Davy. Ceylon; Physical, Historical, etc. Tennent. Eleven Years in Ceylon. Forbes. Account of Ceylon. Percival. Ceylon, and its Dependencies, Pridhavi. Eight Years in Ceylon. Baker. British Possessions in Indian and Atlantic Oceans; Ceylon, Ma- lacca, etc. Maiiin. History of Sumatrcu Marsden. Atlas to the Same. Marsden. History of the Sumatrans. Shebbeare. Embassy to Court of Ava. Crawfurd. Embassy to Ava, 1795. Syiyies. History of Celebes. Blok. Woodwards Narrative of Loss at Sea. Conquete des Isles Moluques. Argensola. Indian Archipelago; History and State. St. John. Visit to Indian Archipelago. Keppd. Sarawak; Inhabitants and Produc- tions. Low. Private Letters of Sir James Brooke. (Rajah of Sarawak. ) Expedition to Borneo. Keppd. Histoi-y of Java. Raffles. Life in Java. Sketches of Java. Stockdale. Eastern Seas, in 1832-34. Karl. Voyage to China Sea. White. 548 CLASSIFIED INDEX, China. Chinese History, Ancient and Mod- ern. Gxdzlaff. Philosophical Dissertations on Egyp- tians and Chinese. Pauw. Account of China- Murray. General History of China. JDuhalde. History of China and India. Corner. View of the Chinese Empire. Winterbotham. Chine, Description, Historique, etc. Pauthier. China and the Chinese. Sirr. The Chinese. Davis. History of China. China and the English. Abbott. Iniquities of the Opium Trade. Thelwall. Opium Trade in India and China. Allen. Chinese State Papers. Schuck. War in China, 1840-42. McPherson. Second Campaign in China. Mackenzie. Opium War; or Service in China. Cunynghame. Five Years in China, 1842-47. Forbes. China, During the War, and Since the Peace. Davis. Insurrection in China. Gallery. Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, 1857-9. Oliphant. China, in 1857-58. Cooke. Taejjiug Bebellion in China. Brine. Chinese and their Rebellions. Meadows. Embassies to China. Ogilby. Voyages a Peking, Manille, etc. Guignes. General Descrij)tion of China. Grosier. British Embassy to China in 1792- 1794. Anderson. Embassy to China. Staunton. Travels in China. Barroio. Embassy to China in 1816. Mis. Besidence in China, 1829-33. Abeel. Ten Years' Travels in China. Xe Comte. China, its State and Prospects. Medhurst. China, and its Inhabitants. Davis. Travels in China, New Zealand, etc. Holman. Stranger in China in 1836-7. Downing. Visit to Consular Cities of China. Smith. Voyage en Ctiine, 1847-50. La Gravitre. Three Years' Residence in China. Power. Journey through Chinese Empire. Hue. La Chine Coutemj)oraine. Lavollee. Yedo and Pekin, Journey to. Fortune. Year in China. Williams. China; Antiquities, Customs, etc. Kidd. China Open, d. Gutzlaff. Five Months on the Yang-Tsze. Blakiston. Pictures of Chinese. Cobbold. Social Life of the Chinese. Doolittk. China; Political, Commercial, and Social. Maiiin. Middle Kingdom, Survey of Chinese Empire. Williams. Remarks on the Chinese. Peters. Observations on China and Chinese. Smith. Chinese as they Are. Lay. Punishments of China, Illustrated. Penal Code of China. Staunton, Journey to Tea Countries of China. Fortune. Cultivation, etc. , of Tea in China, Ball. Three Years in China. Fortune. Glance at Interior of China. Medhurst. Chinese Repository. Voyage to Corea and Loo-Choo. Hall. Voyage to China, Corea, and Lew- chew. M'Leod. Lewchew and the Lewchewans. Smith. Account of the Pelew Islands. Keate. Voyage dans Thibet, en 1844-46. Hue. Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China, 1844-46. Hue. Tibet, Tartary, and Mongolia. Prinsep. Travels in Mantchu Tartary. Fleming. Japan. Account of Japan. MacFarlane. Elgin's Mission to China and Japan. Oliphant. Japan and her People. Sieinmetz. Japan as it Was and Is. Hildreth. Capital of the Tycoon. Alcock. Japan and around the World. Spalding. Expedition to China and Japan. Perry. United States. Correspondence on Expedition to Japan. Discoveries in Japan. Siebold. Manners and Customs of Japanese. Captivity in Japan. Goloicnin, Claims of Japan. King. Missions in Japan. See Missions. Description of Formosa. Psalmanaazaar. (Liberia. Oriental and Western Siberia. Atkinson. Travels in Siberia. Hill. Travels in Siberia. Erman. Russian Discoveries between Asia and Am^nric* Coxe. Russia on the Borders of Asia. TurnereUi. Recollections of Siberia. Cotirell. Expedition against Russian Settle- ments, etc. Whiitingham. Russians on the Amur. Bavenstein. Upper and Lower Amoor. Atkinson. Voyage down the Amoor. Collins. Kazan, Capital of Tartar-Khans. TumerellL niSTOKT, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 549 Anstralin. The Three Colonies of Australia. Sidney. Twelve Years in the British Colo- nies. Byrne. Geogiapliy of Australian Colonies. JEwan. Physical Structure of Australia. Jukes. Voyapje to Terra Australia. Flinders. Flindersland and Sturtland. Jessop. History of Austral-Asia. Martin. Australia Visited and Revisited. Mossman. Expedition in Australia. Leichhardt. lixpedition in Tropical Australia. Mitchell. Cruise in the Australian Colonies. Malone. Cooksland in Australia. Lang. Political Economy and Government in Australia. Torrens. ^lelbourne, and Chincha Islands. Peck. Australian Captive. Jackman. Boy's Adventures in Australia. Ilowitt. Bushman; or. Life in a New Coun- try. Landor. The Australian. Emigrant's Guide to Australia. Mackenzie. Emigrant's Guide td Australia. Capper. Crown Lands of Australia. Campbell. Australia and her Gold Regions. Jameson. Australia. Fabian. Gold Colonies of Australia. Earp. Australian Gold Fields. Read. South Australia. Wilkinson. Travels in South Australia. Leigh. Expeditions into Australia. Sturt. Two Years in Victoria. Ilowitt. Gold Era of Victoria. Caldwell. Account of Victoria. Wesigarih. Life in Victoria. Kelly. Tasmania and Victoria. Lloyd. My Home in Tasmania. MerediHu "New South Wales. Lang. English Colony in New South Wales. Collins. New South Wales. Braim. Voyage to New South Wales. While. New South Wales, and Van Diemen's Land. Weniworih. New South Wales, and Van Diemen's Land. Strzelecki. Two Years in New South Wales. Cunningham. Kangaroo Land. Polehampton. Story of New Zealand. Thurnson. New Zealand and its Colonization. Swainson. N^w Zealand and its Inhabitants. Taylor. New Zealanders. New Zealand. Fitton. New Zealand Portfolio. Chapman. Voyage to New Zealand. Nicholas. Sketches in New Zealand. Power. Southern New Zealand. Shoriland. Spring in the Canterbury Settlement. Adams. Polynesia. Bussell. Voyage to New Guinea. Forrest. Voyage of H. M. S. Rattlesnake. Macgillivray. Honth Seas. History of Polynesia. BusseU. Voyage into the South Sea in 1593. Ilawldns. Voyages and Discoveries, etc. Narbrough. Voyage to the South Sea, etc. Brazier. Account of Cook's Voyages. Anderson. Voyages. Cook. Maps, etc. , of Cook's Voyages. Cook. Voyage to Pacific Ocean. Cook. Voyages in Southern Hemispliere. Hawkesworth. Voyage to South Seas. Bulkeley. History of Discoveries in South Sea. Burney. Views in the South Seas. Voyage in Eastern Archipelago. Jukes. Voyages to the South Sea. Morrell. Visit to South Seas, etc. Stewart. South Sea Islander. Voyages to South Seas, etc. Fanning. Voyage of H. M. S. Samarang. Belcher. Voyage of Discovery in Antarctic Regions. Boss. Fiji and the Fijians. Williams. Aiickla)id and the Adjacent Country. Missionaiy Enterprises in South Sea Islands. Williams. Narrative of U. S. Exploring Expe- dition. Wilkes. Narrative of Wilkes' Exploring Expe- dition. Jenldns. Address on the Exploring Expedi- tion. Reynolds. Sandwich Islands. Sandwich Islands. See Voyage Round the World. G.impheU. Polynesian Researches. EUis. Residence in Sandwich Islands. Stewart Residence in Sandwich Islands. Bingham. Hawaiian Islands. Aiiderson. Hawaii. Hopkins. Life in Sandwich Islands. Cheever. Island World of the Pacific. Cheever. Sandwich Island Notes. Sandwich and Society Islands. ^fl. Pacific Ocrnn. Mutiny of the Bounty. Bligh. Mutiny of the Bounty. Barrow. Pitcairn's Island. Barrow. History of Polynesian Nations. Lang. Typee. MelviUe. 550 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Omoo. Melville. Mardi. Melville. Informe sobre el Est ado de las Islas Filipinas. Manilla and the Philipines. Mac MicMng. Twenty Years in the Philippines. La Gironilre. Visit to the Philippine Islands. Bowring. Account of Tonga Islands. Mariner. Tonga and Friendly Islands. Farmer. Missionary Voyage to South Pacific. Cruise to the Pacific Ocean. Porter. Voyage to Pacific Ocean, etc. Stewart Voyage to the Pacific. Beechey. Three Years in the Pacific. Cruise of the Dolphin. Paulding. Cruise in Pacific Ocean. Jacobs. Scenes and Adventures in Pacific Ocean. Jacobs. Four Years in the Pacific. Walpole. Crui.se in the Western Pacific. Hood. Four Years on Pacific Coast. Bates. West Coast of America, etc. Baxley. Andaman Islanders. Mouai. Islands of Western Pacific. Erskine. Crusoe's Island. Browne. Two Years Before the Mast. Dana. Briefe aus Califomien, etc. Jfaa.se. Voyage to the South Atlantic. Mo^-rell. South America. History of Spanish America. Campbell. Voyages in South America. Acnxgna. Narrative of South America. Empson. Travels and Eesearches of Humboldt. Macgillivray. Travels in South America. Bingley. Letters on the United Provinces. Pazos. Voyage to South America. Llloa. Western Republics of America. Byarn. Wanderings in South America. Waterton. Western Coast of South America, etc. Coulter. New Granada; Twenty Months in the Andes. Holton. Compendio Historico de la Nueva Granada. Aoosia. Geography of New Granada. Mosquera. Proceedings in Venezuela in 1819. Chesterton. Campaigns and Cruises in Venezuela, etc. Wild Scenes in South America. Paez. Venezuela. Trinidad, etc. Lavaysse. Geografia del Ecuador. Villavicencio. Notes on Colombia. Bache. Kepublic of Colombia. See Memoirs of Bolivar. Holstein. Chlumbia ; Eelacion de aquel Pays. Voyage dans la Colombia. MoUien. Visit to Colombia. Diiane. Residence in Colombia. Cochrane. Colombia, Account of. Travels in Colombia. Hamilton, Voyage a TEquateur. La Condamine. Equitorial Regions of South Amer- ica. Terry. Equinoctial Regions of America. Humboldt. Viajes Cientificos a los Andes. Boussingault. Expedition to the Orinoco, etc. Hippisley. Expedition up the Orinoco. BoUnson. Journeys across the Pampas. Head. Outline of Revolution in Spanish America. Events in South America in 1817-18. Brown, Expedition to the South American Patriots. Hacketf. Voyage to South America. Brackenridge. View of South America and Mexico. Civilisation et Barbaric. Sarmiento. Voyage to Guiana. Haramri. Voyage to Guinea, etc. ^ Atkms. Colonic de Surinam. Fennin. Histoire de Cayenne. Bajou. Notice sur la Guyane Frangaise. Voyage to tbe Demerary, etc. Bolingbroke. Demerara after Fifteen Years of Free- ^ dom. Histoire du Br(?sil. Beauchamp. History of Brazil. Henderson. Gescbichte von Brasilien. Handelmann. History of Brazil. Anniiage. Les Hollandais au Br^sil. Neischer. Voyage to Brazil. Lindky. Portuguese Colonies in South Amer- ica. Qmtmko. Travels in Brazil. Spix. Travels in Brazil. Foster. Travels in Brazil. Maximilian. Notices of Brazil. Walsh. Notes on Rio de Janeiro, etc. Luccock. Travels in Brazil. Maice. Travels in Brazil. Gardner. The Geral-Mileo. Payne. Reise nach Brazilien. Bianneister. Brazil and La Plata. Steicart. Corographia do BfasiL Mello-Moraes. Ensais do BrasiL Mcllo-Moraes. Medical Topography of Brazil, fete. Horner. Travels in Europe and BraziL Adalberi. Life in Brazil. Ewbaidc Brazil and the Bilbilians. Kidder. Sketches in Brazil. Kidder. Valley of the Amazon. Herndon. Amazon and Atlantic Slopes of South America. Maury HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 551 yage up the Amazon. EMirds. ! iira; Scenes on the Amazon. Warren. Journey from Lima to Para. Smyth. Iravels in South America. Caldcleiujh. Travels in South America. Helms. M ininn; Journey across the Andes. Rickard. •uvenirs de rAmerique Espagnole. Radiquet. Conquest of Peru* Prescoit. La De'couverte et la Conquete du Pe'rou. Zaraie. Conquest of Peru. Trueba y Cosio. Travels in Peru. Temple. Peruvian Antiquities. Riv6ro. Travels in Peru. Cieza. Voyage to Peru. Journey across the Cordilleras. Proctor. Peru as it Is. Smith. 'Voyage to Peru. Brand. Travels in Pervi. Tschudi. Travels in Peru and Mexico. IIUl. Travels in Peru and India. Markham. Po York Historical Society. Collections. '1 York Historical Society. Proceedings. Ji^io York. Council of Revision, by Street. 2^ew York. Documentary History. Ed. by O'Callaghan. Political History of New York, 1841- 1847. Hammouft Political Parties in New York. Jenkins. Unde Philip's Conversations about History of New York. Expedition against Indian" Settle- ments, 1779." Bleeker. Historic Tales of Olden Time. Waison. Proceedings on Indian Affairs in New York. Jlourjli. Eeminiscences. Beardsley. Memoir on Dutch Names near N. Y. Benson. Keio York State Convention, 1821. Debates and Proceedings. Same, 1846. Debates and Proceedings. Internal Resources, etc., of New York. Qv^ton. Canals in New York, 1788-1819. Watson. Memoir of New York Canals. Colden Atlas of New York State. Bwr. Map of New York, etc. Damerum. Harper's New York and Erie Rail- road Guide Book. History of 60th Reg't, N. Y. S. V. Eddy. Early Histoiy of Albany. Barnes. Collections on History of Albany. Munsell. Annals of Albany. Mumell. Recollections of Albany. Worth. Albany Annual Register. Munsell Historical Sketch of Brooklyn. Bailey. Notes on Brooklyn. Fimnan. Greenwood Directory for Visitors. Cleavelarul. Brooklyn and King's County Record. W. H. Smith. Brooklyn. Manual of Common Council. History of BufiUlo. Kelchum. History of Lake Champlain, 1609- 1814. Palmer. Pioneer History of Champlain Valley. Smith. History of Champlain Valley. Watson. History of Chautauque Co. Warren. Centennial Celebration at Cherry Val- ley. Addresses of Campbell, Seward, etc. History of Cooperstown. Livermore. Clironides of Cooperstown. Pioneer History. Goodwill. Handbook of Fort Hill Cemetery. History of Delaware Co. , etc. Gould. History of Herkimer Co. Benion. Sketches of Hudson. Miller. History of Jefferson Co. Hough. Histoi-y of Lewis Co. Hough. History of Newburgh. Butienber. Guide to New Rochelle and its Vi- cinity, Annals of Newtown. Biker. Annals of Oneida Co. Jones. Reminiscences of Onondaga. Clark. Plistory of Orange Co. Eager. History of Putnam Co. Blake. Queens County in Olden Times. Onderdonk. Sketches of Rochester. O'Reilly. History of Western New York. Hotchkin. History of the Holland Purchase. Turner. History of Schoharie Co. Simms. History of St. Lawrence and Frank- lin Counties. Hough. Ticondoroga. Cook. Reminiscences of Troy. ' Woodwo7'th. Annals of Tryon Co. Campbell. History of Westchester Co. Bolton. Huguenots of Westchester. Waldron. Guide Book to West Point, etc. West Point and the ililitary Academy. Boynton. Visit to the Falls of Niagara. Maude. Book of Niagara Falls. Parsons. New Mirror for Travellers. Woods and Waters. Street. Forest Arcadia of New York. Adirondac, or Life in the Woods. Headley^ Map of Adirondack Region. Lloyd. Country Margins, etc. Hammond. Symbols of the Capital. Mayo. Illustrated Guide to the Hudson. Nelson. Letters about the Hudson. Hunt. History of Long Island. Prime. History of Long Island. Thomp.wn. Towns on Long Island. Wood. Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, L. I. Macdonald. Flushing, Past and Present. Mandevil'e. Gazetteer of New York State. French. New York Gazetteer. Gordon. New York State Gazetteer. Spafford. Gazetteer of New York State. Distumell. New York State Gazetteer. New York. Manual for Use of Legislature. New York. Report of Adjutant General. Neic York Annual Register. New York State Register. New York Cily. History of Now York City. Booth. History of New York City. Valentirie. Description of New York. Benton. New Amsterdam. Davis. 570 CLASSIFIED INDEX. KovTim Belgium. Joques. Olden Time in New York. De Forest. Negro Plot at New York. Horsmanden. Minutes of a Conspiracy against Lib- erties of America. New York the last Half-Centnry. Francis. Old New York. Francis. Old Merchants of New York City. Scoville. Charter of New York City. Estate and Eights of Corporation. Hoffman. New York, Picture of. Panorama of New York City. Matthews. Description, etc., of New York City. Ilardle. Walks about New York. New York, Past, Present and Future. Belden. Earliest Chiirches of New York and Vicinity. Disosway. History of Churches, etc., in New York City. Greenleaf. History of Trinity Church. Berrian. Catholic Church in New York. Bayley. History of School of Keformed Dutch Church. De Wlil. History of School of Keformed Dutch Church. Bunshee. Discourse in North Reformed Dutch Church. Be mtt. Account of Free School Society. Charter, etc., of Jiari;je Society. Sketch of St. Andrew's Society. Thomson. •onstitution of the St. George's So- ciety. New York City. Obsequies of W. H. Harrison, etc. New York City. Report on Catastro- phe in Hague street. New York Crystal Palace. Carstensen. Welcome to Goldwin Smith by Citi- zens of New York. VisU of Massachusetts Sabbath School Teach- ers. Sketch of Resources of New York City, etc. United States. Defences of New York City. Sanitary Condition of New York City. Ely. Guide to Central Park, etc. Miller. New York City. Reports of Commis- sioners of Central Park. New York City Guide. Blunt. Picture of New York. New York in 1837. Manuel de Nueva York. Peha. Guide to New York, etc. Francis. New York in a Nutshell. Saunders. Stranger's Guide in New York, etc. New York City Tax Book. Boyd. New York Civil List, 1777-1855. Hough. New York Civil List, 1865. Ilutchin. New York City. Annual Report of Comptroller for 1865. New York Municipal Gazette. New York City. Manual of Corporation, by Valentine. See, also, Public Docu- ments. New Jcrsej. History of New Jersey, Mulford. History of New Jersey. Gordon, History of New Jersey. Cajyenter. Historical Collections of New Jersey. Barber. New Jersey Historical Society Collections. New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings. Neio Jersey. Selections from Correspondence of Executive. Guide Book of Central Railroad of New Jersey. New Jersey Register, 1837. History of St. John's Church, Eliza- bethtown. Clark. Discourses on the First Presbyterian Church, Newark. Stearns. Visitor's Guide to Passaic Falls. History of Perth Amboy, etc. Whitehead. History of the First Presbyterian Church in Trenton. Hall. Peniisylrnuia. Province of Pennsylvania. Sjnifh. History of Pennsylvania. Gordon. History of Pennsylvania. Proud. Historic Tales of Olden Time. Watson. State Book of Pennsylvania. Burrowes. Pennsj'lvania Historical Collections. Day. Register of Pennsylvania. Hazard. Pennsylvania Colonial and State Rec- ords, 1683-1790. Pennsylvania Annals, 1609-1682. Hazard. Pennsylvania Archives, 1664-1790. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsyl- vania. Watson. Account of Pennsylvania. Thomas. Pennsylvania Historical Society Pub- lications. Pennsylvania Historical Society. Memoirs. Sketch Book of Pennsylvania. Bowen. Province of New Sweden. Campanius. Annals of Swedes on the Delaware. Clay. Constitution, etc., of Pennsylvania. M'anklin. Voyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie et New York. Crhvecozur. History of Whiskey Insurrection. Brackenridge. Misstatements in History of Whis- key Insurrection. Craig. HISTORY, OEOGRAPnY AND TRAVELS. 571 '•sylvania State Register, 1831. ( ory of Pi ttsburgh. Craig. istres des Baptcsmes et Sepultures au Fort Duquesno, 1753-56. ■ sburgli as it Is. Tliurston. AuTuils of Luzerne Co. Pearce. History of Wyoming. Chapman. 1 •- )ry of Wyoming. Miner. try and History of Wyoming. Slone. 1 1 i story of Lancaster Co. Bitpp. J 1 ! s t ory of Lackawanna Valley. IloUisier. History of Delaware Co. Smith. Chiimbersburg in the Colony, and the Revolution. Garrard. In thlehem and Bethlehem School. Mortimer. 0:1 Regions of Pennsylvania. Wright. Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. Sypher. Pennsylvania. Quarter-Master Gen- eral's Report for 1864, Phiiailelphia. Guide to Philadelphia. Smith. Picture of Philadelphia. Mease. Philadelphia, Picture of. History of lnd''pendenco Hall. Belislt. Memorial of Philadelphia Sanitary Fair. Stille. Philadelphia and its Manufactures. Freedley. Inscriptions in Burial Grounds of Christ Church. Clark. Guide to Laurel Hill Cemetery. Delaware. Original Settlements on the Dela- ware, etc. Ferris. Settlement of the Dutch and Swedes on the Delaware. See Penn- sylvania. Proud. Reminiscences of Wilmington. Montgomery. ITIatrylniid. Early History of Maryland. Griffith. History of Maryland. Bozman. History of Maryland. McSherry. Annals of Annapolis. lUdgeley. Belation of Maryland. Scenes in History of Maryland, etc. • Banvard. Maryland. Proceedings of Conven- tions, 1774-76. Index to Maryland State Papers. Alexander. Maryland. History and Statistics, by Census of 1850. Day Star of American Freedom. Davis. Report on New Map of Mai'yland. Gazetteer of Maryland. Fisher. Baltimore, Picture of. Diotrict of Colnmbia. Notes on Origin of District of Columbia. Description of District of Colum- bia. Warden, Seat of Government of United States, etc. Varnum, Washington Sketch Book. Varnunu Stranger's Guide to Washington. Morrison, Tirginia. Present State of Virginia. Jones. History of Virginia. Ilowison. History of Virginia. Burk, Introduction to History of Virginia. Campbell, History of Virginia. Campbell. Discovery, etc. , of Virginia. Stith, History of Virginia. Beverley. History of Virginia. Arthur. Uncle Philip's Conversations about History of Virginia. History of Valley of Virginia. Kercheval. Sketches of Virginia. Foote. Historical Collections of Virginia. Howe, Virginia Historical Register. Virginia Statistics. Westover Manuscripts. Byrd. Vij-ginia. Proceedings of Convention of Delegates. Virginia Convention of 1770. Grigsby. Virginia Convention of 1829-30. Pro- ceedings and Delegates. Settlement and Wars of Western Virginia. Be Haas. Notes on Virginia. Jefferson, Old Churches, Ministers, and Fami- lies of Virginia. Meade. Richmond in Byegone Days. Mordecai, Sk'itches of Norfolk, etc. Fbrrest. Yellow Fever in Norfolk. Armstrong. Virginia Illustrated. Sirother. Mineral Springs of Virginia. Burke, Letters on Virginia Springs. White Sulphur Papers. Pencil. Letters Descriptive of Virginia Spring!^. West Virginia, its Farms, Forests, etc. Dodge. Virginia and District of Columbia Gazetteer. Martin. North Caroliua. Histoiy of North Carolina. Williamson. Hist. Sketches of North Carolina. Wheeler. History of North Carolina. Martin, Discovery, etc. , of North Carolina. Archdale, Natural History of North Carolina. BrickdL 672 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Revolutionary History of Nortli Carolina. Jones. Eevolutionary Incidents. Caruthers. South Carolina. History of South Carolina. Ramsay. History of South Carolina. S'm^ns. History of South Carolina and Georgia. Hewii. South Carolina Historical Collections. Carroll. South Carolina Historical Society Col- lections. View of South Carolina. Drayton. South Carolina Journal of Convention of 1832-3. South Carolina. Geological Survey. History of Upper Country of South Carolina. Logan. Eeminiscencos of Charleston. Fraser. Episc. Ch. in South Carolina. Dalcho. Statistics of South Carolina. Hills. Trip of the Oceanus to Ft. Sumter. Georgia. History of Georgia. Arthur. History of Georgia. Stevens: History of Georgia. M'Call. Historical Collections of Georgia. White. Georgia Historical Society Collections. Georgia Gazetteer. Sherwood. Statistics of Georgia. White. Eesidence in a Georgia Plantation. Kemble. Florida. Conquest of Florida by De Soto. Irving. Documentos para la Historia de la Florida. B. Smith. Sketches of Florida. Williams. History of St. Augustine. Fairbanks. Sketches of St. Augustine. Sewall. Florida. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1838. Notices of Florida, etc. Cohen. Observations on Floridas. Vignoles. East Florida ; and Bartram's Journal. Stork. Floridian Peninsula. Brirdon. Sketches of the Floridas. Forbes. Alabama. History of Alabama. Fickett. lioniiiinna. History of Louisiana. Barbe-Marbois. Memoires siir la Louisiane. Dumont. Mdmoire sur la Louisiane. Vergennes. Journal de la Guerre contra les Chicachas. Histoire de la Louisiane. Oayarre. History of Louisiana. Gayarr6. Romance of History of Louisiana. Gayarre. Louisiana as a French Colony. Gayarre. History of Louisiana. Martin. History of Louisiana. Bunner. Account of Louisiana. Louisiana Historical Collections. French. Louisiana Constitutional Conven- tion. Debates. History of Louisiana. Xe Fage. Sketches of Louisiana. Stoddard. Description of Louisiana, etc. Darby. United States. Exploration of Red R. , by Marcy and McClellan. Louisiana Guide and Directory. Gibson. New Orleans and Environs. Norman. New Orleans as I Found it. Manhattancr in New Orleans. Hall. Voyage des Ursulines. Tranchepain. Gen. Butler in New Orleans. Farton. Texan. History of Texas. Yoakum. Texas, Rise, Progress, etc. Kennedy. Revolution in Texas. Newell. Texas, History of. Visit to Texas. History of Texas. Edward. GeogTaphy, etc., of Texas. Kennedy. Texan Santa Fe Expedition. Kendall. Texas and Gulf of Mexico. Houston. Prairiedom; Rambles in Texas. Journey through K E. Texas. E. Smith. Unexplored Texas. Farker. Information about Texas. Bramaru Journey through Texas, Olmsted. Following the Drum. TielL Western Texas, Australia of America. Explorations in Texas, etc. Bartlett. i^Iap of Texas. Fressler. Texas Almanac for 1857. Arkantiaa. Travels in Arkansas. Nuitall Tennessee. Annals of Tennessee. Bamsey. History of Middle Tennessee. Futnam. Kentucky. History of Kentucky. Marshall. Discovery, etc., of Kentucky. Fdsoru Ancient History of Kentucky. Bafinesque. History of Kentucky. Arthur. History of Kentucky. Butler. Historical Sketches of Kentucky. Collins. Guide to Mammoth Cave. Martin- niSTOIlY, GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. 573 bes of Louisville. Murtrie. Ohio. History of Ohio. Atwaier. Ohio Hist andPhilos. Society. Trans- actions. Historical Collections of Ohio. Jlo^ce. EHoneer Settlers of Ohio. IlUdreih. Pictorial Description of Ohio. Lossing. Ohio Constitutional Convention. Pro- ceedings. History of Knox County. Norton. History of Franklin County. Martin. Ohio. Report of Adjutant-General, 186i. Ohio Gazetteer. Kilbourn. Ohio Gazetteer. JenJcins. Ohio Gazetteer and Directory. Hawes. Cincinnati in 1841. Cist. Cincinnati in 1851. Cist. Cincinnati and Miami County. Drake. Michigan. Early History of Michigan. Shelden. History of Michigan. Lanman. Geography, etc. , of Lake Superior. Burt. Lake Superior. Agassiz. Map of Michigan and Wisconsin. Tanner. Map of Southern Michigan. Farmer. Michigan Gazetteer. JJlois. Michigan State Gazetteer, etc. Michigan, lleport of Adj. -General, 1863. Indiana. History of Indiana. Dillon. History of Jay County. Montgomery. Early Indiana Trials and Sketches. 0. II. Smith. Upper Wabash Valley. Ellsworth. Indiana's Roll of Honor. Stevenson. Indiana Annual Register. Indiana Gazetteer. Indiana State Gazetteer, etc. IllinoiH. History of Illinois. Brown. History of Illinois. Ford. Illinois and the West. Jones. Illinois in 1837. Letters from Illinois. Blrkbeck. Eiots at Alton. Bcecher. Alton Trials for Riot. Lincoln. Illinois in the War for the Union. Mdy. Illinois and ilissouri Gazetteer. Beck. Illinois Gazetteer. Feck. Illinois State Gazetteer, etc. ]?II«)ioari. Missouri State Convention, 1861-2; Journal, etc. History of Rock County. Guernsey, Der Staat Missouri. Munch. Lead Mines of Missouri. Schoolcraft. Great West, and her Metropolis. Edwards. Gazetteer of Missouri. Wetmore. Iowa. Iowa as it is in 1856. Parker. Iowa Handbook, 1856. Barker. Davenport, Past and Present. Wilkie. Township Map of Iowa. Colioru Wisconsin. History of Wisconsin. TF. B. Smith. On Wisconsin Territory. W. J?. Smith. Wisonsin Historical Society Collec- tions. Wisconsin Historischer Gesellschaft Zweiter Jahresbericht. History of Green Lake County. Gille.eformevs. Saunders. Georgian Era Statesmen of Time of George HI. Brougham. Public Ch;iriicters; Fox, Pitt, and others. Whig Ciiib. English, Scotch, and Irish Catholics. Butler. Celebrities of Nineteenth Century. Patmore. V/its and Beaux of Society. Wharton. Memoirs of a Literary Veteran. Gillies. Royal Naval Biography. Marshall Naval Biog. Dictionarj'. O'Byr'ne. British Naval Biography. BIOGRAPHT. 577 i? of the British Admirals. Campbell s of the British Admirals. SoiUhcy, ■■■■ of English and Irish Admirals, d Worthies of Elizabeth's Reign. Barrow. s and Voyages of Drake, Caven- dish, and Dampier. ;sh Military Commanders. Gleig. I lent Scotsmen. Chambers. s of Scottish Worthies. Tt/tler. I OS of the Scottish Covenant. OUfillan, •s of the Covenant, Andersoru s of Scottish Writers. • Irving. •hes of the Irish Bar. Sheil. '; irian Plutarch. Parry. ons and Pictures from French and English History. Herbert. liruish and American Authors. Allibone. French Biogfaphy. Dukes of Normandy. Duncan. RoUo and his Eace. Warburion, Kings of France, Wyait. Queens of France. Bush. Dues de Bourgogne. Bararde. Diving Characters of France. WaXsh. Biographle des Repr^sentants du Peuple. peux Couvens au Moyen Age, Tiby. Abailard et He'loise. Lettres, etc. Abeiard and Heloise. Lives of. Lives and Letters of Abeiard and Heloise. Wight. Lives of De Retz, Colbert, De Witt, and Louvois. James. Jolij Guy and Claude; and Duchess de Nemours. jCharles Tenth, and Louis Philippe. [Heroes, Philosophers, and Courtiers of Time of Louis XVL Challice. i Portraits Contemporains. Sainte-Beuve. Derniers Portraits Littdraires. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lnndi. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis. Sainte-Beuve. Portraits Contemporains. Beynaud. Portraits Politiques et Revolution^ naires. OuviUier. Notices Historiques. Mignet. Enfances Celebres. Golet. Les Orateurs Parlementaires. Cormenin. Orators of France. Cormenin. Eminent French Writers. Shelley. Literary and Scientific Men of France. Shellejf. French Authors at Home. (fhalllQe. Biographical History of tjiia Ff^nch Academy. fidwards, Portraits Historiques. Cement, 37 American Biograpby. American Biography. Sparks, American Biog. Dictionary. liogers. American Biog. Dictionary. Allen. National Portrait Gallery. Lonjacre. American Biography. Belknap. American Biography. Knapp. Illustrated Am. Biography. Jones. Lives of Departed Heroes, etc. Rogers. Distinguished Americans. Belaplaine, Representative Men. Savage. Our Countrymen. Lossing. Eminent Americans. Lossing. Eminent Americans. Livingston. Homes of American Statesmen. Homes of American Authors. Literary and Scientific Men of Amer- ica. Wynne, Prose Writers of America. Griswold. Lives of the Presidents. Lincoln. American Governors. Moore, Party Leaders; Jefferson, Hamilton, and otfiers, ♦ Baldwin. Jay and Hamilton. Renwick, Selection of Eulogies on Adams and Jeflferson. History of Congress. Wheeler. Dictionary of Congress. Lanm^n. New York Legislature, 1860-61, Murphy. Military and Naval Heroes. Wilson. Heroes of the Revolution. Judson. Revolutionary Heroes. Williams. Last Men of the Revolution. HUlard. Washington, and Generals of the Revolution. Washington and Generals. Headley. Signers of the Declaration. SandersoTU Signers of the Declaration. Judson. Signers of the Declaration. Dxjcight. Signers of the Declaration. Lossing. Loyalists of the Revolution. Sabine. Deeds of American Heroes. Brayman. American Naval Officers. Cooper. Scott and Jackson. Headley. Lives of Massie, McArthur, Wells and Kenton. McDonald. Officers of U. S. Arm}% 1789-1853. Gardner, Taylor and his Generals. Distinguished Officers. WyatL Glory of America. Thomas. The Fallen Brave. Shea, Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois. BameL Century Assoc. Proceedings in Mem- ory of Gen. Wadsworth and Col. Porter, Oratprp pf t4l^ l^evolution. Mago&n. 578 CLASSIFIED INDEX. American Orators. See American Eloquence. Living Orators in America. Magoon. Golden Age of American Oratory. Parker. Hundred Boston Orators. Loring. Chief Justices of United States. Flanders. Chief Justices of U. S. Van Santvoord. Eminent Lawyers. Knapp. Rhode Island Bar. Updike. Philadelphia Bar. Broion. Bench and Bar of South Carolina. O'Neall. Bench and Bar of Georgia. Mllkr. Philadelphia Merchants. Winslow. Aq^erican Merchants. Hunt. Lives of American Merchants. Old Merchants of New York. ScovUle. Industrial Biography. Smiles. American Mechanics. Howe. American Medical Biography. Thacher. Physicians of Albany County. Willard. Memorials of Bartram and Mar- shall. Darlington. Obituary of Eminent Persons, 1857- 1858. Crosby. Distinguished Men of New England. • Bradford. Call from Death to Life; Sufferings of New England Quakers, 1659. Distinguished Men of Columbia County. Baymond. Trappers of New York. Simms. Journals of Smith and Deane. Willis. Lives of B, F. Butler and J. Hoyt. Mackenzie. The Black Man ; Biographies. Brown. Sketches of Persons of Colour. Moit Indian Biography. Tliatcher. fiircs of the Pc»et«. Poetry and the Poets. Byan. Ijoves of the Poets. Jameson. -Poets and Poetry of 19th Century. Belfast. Galerie des Poetes Vivants. Desplaces. Lives of Sacred Poets. Willmoit. Xives of the English Poets. Johnson. Same, Completed. IlazUit. English Poets. Bell. 'Lives of English Poets. Cary. Homes. and Haunts of British Poets. Howitt. Female Poets of America. Griswold. Lives of the Poets Laureate. Austin -Iflves of Italian Poets. Stebbing. Drnmatic Biography. Biogr^hia Dramatica. Baker. Memoirs of Actors in Shakespeare's Plays. Shakspeare Soc, Lives of the Players. OalU Theatrical Biography. Wemyss. Chronology of the American Stage, 1752-1852. Wemyss. Painters, IScnIptoriii, etc. British Painters and Sculptors. Cunningham, Biographical Dictionary of Painters, Sculptors, etc. Gould. Sketches of Old Painters. Lee. Early Italian Painters. Jameson. Artists of America. Lester. Artist Life; Sketches of American Painters. Tuckerman. "Women Artists. Elkt. Biographical Dictionary of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, etc. Spooner. Biographical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. Bryan. Great Artists and Anatomists. jK:nox. Histoire des plus Celebres Archi- tectes du Xle-XVIIIe Siecle. Quairemere. Les Artisans lUustres. Foucaud. Clergy. Lives of Apostles and Early Martyrs. Lives of Primitive Fathers. Le Clerc. Lives of the Primitive Fathers. Blakey. Fathers of the Desert. Buffner. Monks of the West. Montalembert. Reformers before the Reformation. Tillman. Leaders of the Reformation. Tulloch. Etudes sur la Renaissance. Nisard. British and Foreign Reformers. Middleion. Ecclesiastical Biography. Stephen. Studies in Christian Biography. Osgood. Evangelical Biography. Iliddleton. Pul]pit Orators of France and Switzer- land. Tumhull. Notes on English Divines. Coleridge. Metropolitan Pulpit. Grant. Fasti Eboracenses. Dixon. Our Scottish Clergy. Smith. Distinguij^ied Jewish Rabbles. Turner. Clergy of America. Belcher. American Pulpit. Fowler. Annals of the American Pulpit. Sprague. Pulpit Portraits. Dix. Patriot Preachers of the Revolution. Lives of Methodist Ministers. Gorrie. Sketches of Methodist Ministers. McGlintock. Ministry of Taunton. Emory. Founder and Alumni of Log College. Alexand&i\ New Jersey Conference Memorial. Virginia Baptist Ministers. Taylor. BIOGRAPHY. i79 de Island Free "Will Baptist Pulpit. Williams. rican Unitarian Biography. Ware. (•Hon of Memorials of Quaker Ministers. s' of Missionaries iu Southern India. liircs of Wontcn. oic "Women of History. Watson. [eroines of History. Jenkins. [eroines of History. Owen. t«moirs of Distinguished Women. Hays. Jiographie des Femmes Illustres. Renneville. Woman's Kecord. Hale. Female Biography. Knapp. Remarkable Women. Representative Women. Baldwin. Noble Deeds of Woman. Starling. Mme. de Chevreuse et Mme. de Hautfort. Cousin. Memoirs of Celebrated Women. Abrantes. Queens of Society. Wharton, Sketches of Lives of Distinguished Females. Biographies of Good Wives. Child. Famous Beauties and Historic Wo- men. Adams. Qadqnes Femmes de la Re'forme. Women of Christianity. Kavanagh. Femak Revolutionary Plutarch. Queens of England. Strickland. Princesses of England. Green. Memoirs of Eminent English Wo- men. Cosiello. Literary Ladies of England. Elwood. English Women of Letters, Kavanagh. Beauties of Court of Charles II. Jameson. Les Femmes Illustres du XI Ve Siecle. Beaumojit. Home Life of English Ladies in XVII. Century. Memorable Women of Puritan Times. Anderson. Ladies of the Covenant. Anderson. Memoirs of Queens of France. * Bush. Femmes de la Rogence. Musset French \Vomon of Letters. Kavanagh. Memoirs of Mme. de Stael and Mme. Roland. ChVA. Annals of Queens of Spain. George. Decade of Italian Women. Trollope. Die Frauen in der Kunstgeschichte. GiM. Queens of Song. Clatjton. I'ioneer Women of the West. EM. Heroic Women of the West. FrosL Women of the South Distinguished in Literature. Forrest Heroines of Missionary Enterprize. Eddy. My Two Sisters. Judson. Lives of Ann and Sarah Judson. SivaH. Individual Biog^rnphy. Memoirs of John Abernethy. Macllwain. Memoir of Hannah Adams. Life of John Quincy Adams. Seicard. Memoir of Mary H. Adams. Adams. Life of Samuel Adams. Wdls. Remembrance of Bonchurch, Burial Place of Rev. W. Adams. Life of Joseph Addison. Aikin. Addlsoniana. Life of Catharine Adorna. Upham. Memoir of John Aikin. Aikin. Memoirs of Lucy Aikin. Le Breton. Life and Genius of Akenside. Bucke. Life of Jeanne D'Albret. Freer. Life of Alcuin. Lorenz. History of Alexander the Great. Abbott. De Gestis Alexandri Magni. Curtius. History of Alexander the Great. Curtius. De Fatti di Alessandro Magno. Curtius. Life of Alexander the Great Williams. On Life of Alexander the Great. Si. Croix. Life of Archibald Alexander. Alexander. Autobiography. AlfierL Alfieri and Goldoni. Copping. History of King Alfred. Abbott Life and Times of Alfred. Giles. Life of King Alfred. PaxdL Life of Ali Pasha. Davenport. Life of Ali Pacha. See Memoirs on the Ionian Islands. Vaudoncourt Memorial of John Allan. Duyckinck. Life of Ethan Allen. Sparks. Abelard and Heloise. See Fbench Biography. Ethan Allen and Heroes of '7G. De Put Narrative of Captivity. Allen. Memoir of Ethan Allen. Moore. Life and Correspondence. Alien. Memoirs of E. AUeyn. Shakspeare Soc. Alleyn Papers. Shakspeare Soc. Memoir of Susan Allibone. Lee, Story of my Life. Andersen. Life of John Andrd. Sargent. Nanative of Major Andre'. Smith. Memoirs of a Prisoner of State. Andryane. Life of Michael Angelo. Grimm. Life of Michael Angelo, etc. Harford. Michael Angelo as a Poet Taylor. Memoirs of Duchess of Angouleme. Romer. Life of Queen Anne. Life of Anselm. Hasse. Memoirs of Margravine of Anspach, 580 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Memoir of N. Appleton. Winihrop. Life of Thomas Aquinas. Hampden. Histoire de Jeanne d'Arc. Baranie. Jeanne d'Arc and lier Times. Jay. Memoir and Sermons. Armstrong. Life and Treason of Arnold. Sparks. Life of Benedict Arnold. Hill. Life and Correspondence of T. Ar- nold. Stanley. Life of King Arthur. Biison. Life of Francis Asbury. Strickland. Life of Jehudi Ashmun. Giirley. Memoirs of a Babylonian Princess. Asmar. Life of John Jacob Astor. . P avion. Letter to H. Mann, on J. J. Astor. Bristed. P'Aubigne', and his Writings. Baird. Life of St. Augustine. Schaff. Memoir of St. Augustine. Baillie. Life and Writings of Babajee. Bead. Passages from Life of Philosopher. Babhage. Life and Works of Lord Bacon. Martin. Personal History of Lord Bacon. Dixon. Memoir of Nathaniel Bacon. TVare. Life of Commodore Bainbridge. Harris. Life of Robert Baird. Baird. Life of Rev. Daniel Baker. Baker. Memoir. See Sermons. F. A. Baker. Memoir of Walter Balfour. [VJattemore. Refutation of Misstatements. Ballantyne. Ballantyne Humbug Handled. Lockhart. Beply to * ' Ballantyne Humbug Han- dled." Life of Hosea Ballou. Whiitemore. Memoirs of S. B. Bangs. Magi-uder. Life of John Banim. Murray. Bobbin Boy; (N. P. Banks.) Thayer. Life and Writings. Barclay. Life of Samuel Bard. Mc Vicker. Memoirs. Barulh. Life of Jacob Barker. Memoir of Joshua Barney. Barney. Life of Himself. Barnum. Personal Sketches. Barrington. Autobiographical Memoir. Barrow. Memoir of Bernard Barton. Barton. Life of Henry B. Bascom. Henkle. Beaumarchais and his Times. Lomenie. Life of Thomas Bateman. Bumsey. Boston Memorial of Joshua Bates. Life. See Select Writings. Baxter. Life of Richard Baxter. Orme. Life of Chevalier Bayard. Simms. Feats, Gests, etc., of Himself. Bayard. Life of Margaret Beaufort. Halsted. Memoirs of Hortense Beauharnais. Becket; a Biography. Robertson. Life and Adventures. Beckwourth. Memoir of Earl of Bedford. Whetstone. Autobiography. Beecher. Memoirs of William BecJcford. Life of L. von Beethoven. Marx. Life of Beethoven. Moscheles. Life of Belisarius. Mahon. Life of Jeremy BelJcnap. Memoir of Gen. Louis Bell. Bouion. Memoirs. Bellot. Memoir of J. A. Bengel. Burk. Memoirs. Bennett. Lecture over Remains of Bentham. SniUh. Memoirs and Travels. Bemjowski. Ma Biographic. Biranger, Memoirs. Beranger. Memoirs of Bemadotte. Phillippari. Memoirs of Bemadotte. Meredith. Duchess of Berri in La Vendee. Bermoncoiirt. Memoirs. Berwick. Memoirs of Joanna Bethune. Bethune. Memoir of Edw. Bickersteth. Birks. Life of Himself. Binns. Life of Himself. Black Hawk^ Life of Robert Blake. Dixon, Discourse on Death of G. N. Bleecker. Williams^ Life of Blennerhasset. ' Safford, Life of Countess of Blessington. Madden.] Bliicher; Seine Zeit und Sein Leben. Scherr.^ Memoir of G. D. Boardman. King.\ Life and Writings. Boerhaave., Star of the Court, Anne Boleyn. Bunbury.i Life of Anne Boleyn. Benger.' Memoirs of Lucien Bonaparte. Life of Daniel Boone. Mijit. Life of Daniel Boone. Peck. \ Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke. Cooke, ! Memoirs of Simon Bolivar. HolsieiTul Discourse on Life of Bowditch. Young. Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch. Bowditch. , Life. See Works. Boyle. Life of Bracciolini. Shepherd.^ Memoir of David Brainerd. Edwards, Life of David Brainerd. Peabody.\ Life of Johti Brainerd. Brainerd. • Autobiography. Bramston. - Life of Joseph Brant. Stone, i Life of William Brewster. Steele. Life of Elijah C. Bridgman. Bridgman. Life of Charlotte Bront(?. GaskeU. Life and Works of C. B. Brown. Dunlap. Life of C. Brockden Brown. Prescott. Life of Capt. John Brown. Bedpath. Sixty Years' Gleanings. Brown.' Memoirs, by Himself. Brovm. Life of Thomas Brown. Welsh. Life of Bruce, the African Traveller. Head. BIOORAPHT. 581 Memoirs of Matthias Bruen. fiife of Beau Bruramel. Jesse. Aremoirs of S. W. G. Brut^. Bayley. Autobiography. Brydfjes. Memoirs. See Works. Bucke. iMemoirs of George Buchanan. Irving. ({Life of James Buchanan. Ilorion. Autobiography. Buckingham. Memoirs of Editorial Life. Buckingham. Memoirs of J. Buckminster and Son. Lee. JKketches of Samuel Budgett. Arthur. Life. See Works. Bull Life of John Buncle. Amory. Life of Jabez Bunting, Biintipg. Life of John Bunyan. Icimey. Life of John Bunyan. Philip. Memoir of Tristam Burges. Bowen. Life and Times of Edmund Burke. JMacknight. Political Life of Burke. G-oly. Memoirs of Cecil, Lord Burghley. Nares. Life of Robert Burns. Lockhart. Genius and Character of Burns. WUson. 41 Life and Land of Burns. Cunningham. Burns as a Poet and as a Man. Tyler. Life and Times of Aaron Burr. Parfon. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. . Davis. Life of Aaron Burr. Kmipp. Private Journal and Correspondence. Burr. Memoirs of Himself. Bun'oughs. Reminiscences of Charles Butler. Memoirs of Sir T. F. Buxton. Buxton. Study for Young Men. Sketch of Buxton. Binney. Life of Lord Byron. Gait. Life of Lord Byron. Dallas. Life. See Works. Byron. Anecdotes of Lord Byron. See Me- moirs of Greece. Millingen. Conversations of Lord Byron. Medwin. Life of Sebastian Cabot. Hay ward. Memoir; with History of Maritime Discovery. Cahoi. History of Julius Caesar. Ahhot. History of Julius Caesar. ' Napoleon. Hif^toire de Jules Cdsar. Napoleon. Calderon, Life and Genius. Drench. Autobiography. CaldweU. Life of David Caldwell. Caruthers. Life and Select Speeches. Calhoun. Life of Leonard Calvert. Burnap. Life and Writings of Calvin. Waterman. Life of John Calvin. Dyer. Life and Times of Calvin. Henry. Memoirs of Calvin. Mackenzie. Private Journal. Campan. Memoir of lasbella CampbelL Story. Life and Letters of T. Campbell. Beaiiie. Memoirs of Thomas Campbell. Redding. Memoir of George Canning. General Register. Memoirs of Life. Canning. Life of Captain Canot. Mayer. Memoirs of Canova. Memes. Mysteres des Couvents de Naples; Mdmoires. Caracciolo. Memoir of William Carey. Carey. Autobiography. Carlyle. Life of Kit Carson. Peters. Life of Elizabeth Carter. Pennington. Life of Major Cartwright. Cartwright. Life of Thomas Cartwright. Chmden Soc. Memoir of H. F. Cary. Cary. Greek Exile. Castania. Memoirs and Correspondence. Castlereagh. George Castriot. Moore. Life of Catliarine II. Vie de C-alherine II. Court and lleign of Catherine II. Smucker. Memoirs. Caussidikre. Memoirs of Earl of Charlemont. Hardy. Life of W. Cavendishe. Cavendishe. Life of Count Cavour. Botta. Memoirs. CellinL Life. See El Buscapi^. Cervantes. Cervantes, Life and Writings. Roscoe. Life of Thomas Chalmers. Moffat, Reminiscences of Chalmers. Ariderson. Chalmeriana. Gumey. Memoirs of Chalmers. Harma, Christian Labors of Chalmers. Wayland. Life of George Chamiing. BeU. Memoir of W. E. Channing. Channing. Life of Sir Francis Chantry. Jones. Life of Herself. Charke. History of Charlemagne. James. Attendance on Charles L Ashhurnliam. Life of Charles the First AhhotU Eikon Basilike. Charles the Second. Abbott Memoirs of Charles Stuart. Klose. Cloister Life of Charles the Fifth. Stirling. Charles-Quint. Mignet. Charles Quint de Son Abdication. Pichot. Life of Charles V. after Abdication. Prescott History of Charles VIII. of France. Sigur. Charles le Te'me'raire. Dumas. History of Charles the Bold. Eirk, History of Charies XIL Adlerfeld. Histoire de Charles XIL Voltaire. History of Charles the Twelfth. Voltaire. Life and Writings. Chase. Ferry Boy and Financier. (S. P. Chase.) Trowbridge. 582 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Memoirs. Cliateaubriand. Memoirs of Himself. Chateaubriand. Memoires d'Outre-Tombe. Cliateaubriand. Life of Thomas Chatterton. Gregory. Life of Geoffrey Cliaucer. Godwin. Life of Geoffrey Chaucer. Deshler. Vie; £crite par lui-meme. CJiaumonot. Suite de la Vie. Chaumonot. Life and Trials of N. Cheever. Cheever. Life of Cardinal Clieverus. Hamond. Life and Works. Cheyne. Memoir. See Works. Choate. Keminiseences of Choate. Parker. Life of Chopin. Liszt. Memoir of J. S. Christmas. Lord. Life of St. Chrysostom. Neander. Account of Gospel Labors. Churchman. Apology for his Life, Cibbei\ Life and Letters of Cicero. Abeken. Life of Cicero. Forsyth. Life of Cicero. lloUings. Life of Cicero. Middkton. Life and Character of Cicero. Strieker. Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon. Lister. Life of Himself. Clarendon. Life of Himself. A. Clarke. Life by Himself and Daughter. A. Clarke. Life of Adam Clarke. Mheridge. Life of Edward D. Clarke. Otter. Life of Dr. Samuel Clarke. Whistoii. Life and Papers. Claxion. Life of Henry Clay. Colton. Last Seven Years of Life of Clay. Colton. Life and Speeches of Clay. Mallory. Life and Services of Clay. Sargent. Memoir of John Clay. Clay. History of Cleopatra. Abbott. Life and Writings of De Witt Clin- ton. Campbell. Memoir of De Witt Clinton. Ilosack. Life of De Witt Clinton. Renvnck. Tribute to Memory of De Witt Clinton. Wonderful Providences of God. Coad. Life of William Cobbett. Kichard Cobden. McGilchrist. Autobiography of a Seaman. Cochrane. Memorials of his Time. Cockbum. Memoir of John Codman. Allen. Life of Jacques Coeur. Costello. Memoirs by Herself. Coghlan. Life of Jean Baptist Colbert. Memoir of Ztrah Colbum. Life and Travels of John Colby. Memoir. See Poems. II. Coleridge. Life of Samuel T. Coleridge. Gilman. Memoir of Admiral Coligny. Memoir of Admiral Collingwood. Collingwood. Memoirs of William Collins. Collins. Vie de Christophe Colomb. Lorgues. Vie de Christophe Colomb. Bonnefaux. Memorials with Memoir. Columbus. Life and Voyages of Columbus. Irviivj. Life and Voyages of Columbus and his Companions. L-ving. Life of Christopher Columbus. St. John. Life and Voyages. Columbus. Life of Andrew Combe. Combe. Life of Condd. Mahon. Life of Spencer H. Cone. Autobiography and Memoir. Congar. Life of Emperor Constantine. Eusebius. Autobiography of Harriet K Cooke. Life of Sir Astley Cooper. Cooper. Memorial of J. Fenimore Cooper. Life. See Poems. Corbet Hannah Corcoran. Caldicoti. Corneille and his Times. • Guizot. Life of Heman Cortez. Trueba. History of Cortez. Abbott. Memorials of Myles Coverdale. Diary of Mary, Countess Gowper, 1714-1720. Life of William Cowper. Souihey. Life. See Poems and Works. Cowper. Life and Letters of George Crabbe. Crahbe. Life of Cranmer. Le Bas. Eulogy on Thomas Crawford. Hicks. Memoirs. CrelcMon. Sketches and Eccentricities of D. Crockett. The Protector; a Vindication. AnbignL Life of Oliver Cromwell. Life of Oliver Cromwell. Life of Oliver Cromwell. Histoire de Cromwell. Memoir of Enoch Crosby. Life of Henry Cruger. Memoirs of Himself. Life of John P. Curran. Headley. BusseU. Souihey, Villemain. Barnum, Van Schaack. Cumberland, Curran. Curran and his Contemporaries. Phillips. Life and Writings of J. Currie. Curry. Memoirs of Joseph Curtis. Sedgwick. Life of Pauline Cushman. Sarmiento. Memoirs of Benjamin C. Cutler. Gray. Memoirs of Baron Cuvier. Lee. Memoir of Clementine Cuvier. James. History of Cyrus the Great. Abbott, Life and Times of Gen. Sam. Dale. Claiborne. Dante, as Philosopher, Patriot, and Poet. Botta. Life and Times of Dante. Balbo. Life of Darius the Great. Abbott. Life of Dr. Darwin. Seioard. Life of W. E. Davie. Hubbard. Life of Sir Humphry Davy. Bavy. BIOGRAPHY. 583 ^Memoirs, See "WorTia. Davy. ^\'onde^s of Science, or Young Hum- phry Davy. Mayhew. Memoir of Lucretia M. Davidson. Sedgwick. ! Jfc of Margaret M, Davidson. Irving. liiographical Sketches of Thos. Davies. Xife of William Davison. Nicolas. jLife of Stephen Decatur. Mackenzie. Private Diary of Dr. Dee. Camden Soc. Life of Daniel Do Foe. CkadicicJc. Autobiography and Correspondence. Delany. Demetrius the Impostor. M6rimie. La Vie, et les Ouvrages. See Abr^gd de rOrigine. Depuis. Autobiographic Sketches. De Quincey. Life and Manners. De Quincey. Confessions of an Opium Eater. De Quincey. Literary Reminiscences. De Quincey. Memorial of Captain R. C. Derby. Hanqford. Autobiography and Correspondence. D. Ewes. Life of John De Witt. Barnwell. Reminiscences of S. Dexter. Sargovt. Memoir of Bernal Diaz del Casiillo. Private Memoirs of Sir Kenelm Dighy. Bohemia under Austrian Despotism. Dignowilz. Literary and Political Biography. Disraeli. Life of Philip Doddridge. Sioughion. Eventfal Life of a Soldier. Donaldson. Life of Sir Howard Douglas. Fallom. Life of Stephen A. Douglas. Sheahan. Life of Daniel Drake. Mansfield. Life of Sir Francis Drake. Memoir of Sam'l G. Drake. Sheppard. Life of Samuel Drew. Drew. Memoirs. Du Barri. Private Memoirs. Du Hausset. Me'moires. Dumas. Histoire de rEsclavage. Dumont. Memoirs. Dumouriez. Memoir of an Only Son. Durant. Life and Errors. Dunton. Incidents in his Life. Dwight. Life of Timothy Dwight Sprague. Life of William Eaton. Felton. Life of Gen. Wm. Eaion, Life of Thomas Eddy. Knapp. Memoirs of Himself. Edgeworth. History of Edward the Black Prince. James. Memoirs- See Writings. B. B. Edwards. Life and Character. Edwards. Life of Jonathan Edwards. Miller. Life and Labors of Justin Edwards. JIallock. Life of Lord Eldon. Twiss. Life of John Eliot. Adams. Life of John Eliot Francis. Sir John Eliot Forster. History of Queen Elizabeth. Abbott. Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth. Naunion. Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth. Strickland. Life of William Ellery. Wheaion. Memoir of Ebenezer Elliott Searle. Biographical Notice of Jesse D. Elliott. Memoir of Mary Mercy Ellis. Ellis. Memoirs of R. W. Elliston. Raymond. St. Elizabeth of Hungary. MoMalembert. Life, by Himself, Ellwood. Memoir of Thomas A Emmet Haines. Life of Erasmus. Joriin. Captivity among the Indians. Eres. Histoire d'Eric XIV. Celsius. Career of John Ericsson. Headley. Memoirs; Comprising Diary. Evelyn. Boston Memorial of Edward Everett Life of Admiral Exmouth. Osier. Memoir of Himself. Fairfield. Autobiography; with Poems. Fairfi,dd. Memoirs of Herself. Fanshawe. Life of Admiral Farragut Headley. Recollections of Seventy Years. Farrar. Vie; See CEuvres. Fenelon. Account of his own Life. Ferguson. Memoirs of J. Gottlieb Fichte. Smith. Life of Fra Angelico da Fiesole. Goodwin. Biography. FiUmore. Memoir of Pliny Fisk. Bond. Dunn Browne in the Army. Fiske. Life of John Fitch. Wliittlesey. Life of John Fitch. Westcott. Life and Death of Lord Fitzgerald. Moore. Adventures of an Actor ; Fleury. Hook. Life of Charles Follen. FoUen. Memoirs of a French Refugee Family. Fontaine. Memoirs of Huguenot Family. Fontaine. Memoirs of Samuel Foote. Cooke. Life of John Foster. Byland. Memoirs. Fouchi. Life of Charles Fourier. Pellarin. Memorials and Correspondence. Fox. Life. See Works. Fox. Life and Times of C. J. Fox. Russell. Life of George Fox. Janney. Life of George Fox. Marsh. Journal; Life and Labors. Fox. Court and Reign of Francis I. Pardoe. Life and Character of J. W. Francis, Jr. Me'moirs. Francke. Sir Charles Henry Franklaud. Masorx. Life of Himself. Franklin. Memoirs of Himself. Franklin. Autobiography. Franklin. Pictorial Life. Franklin. Vie de Franklin. Mignei. 584 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Life and Times of FrankKn. Parion. Life of Franklin. Weems. Printer Boy; Franklin. Thayer. Boston Memorial of Statue of Franklin. History of Friedrich the Second. Carlyk. Memoirs of Frederic the Great. Dovei'. Keign of Frederick 11. Gillies. Anecdotes of Frederick II. Latrobe. Frederick 11 and his Times. See Contributions to Modern His- tory. Bavmer. Anecdotes of Frederick 11. Thiehauli. Life of Frederick William III. Eyleri. Life of John C. Fremont Bigelow. Life, Explorations, etc. Fremont. Life of Froissart. Xa Oume. Autobiography and Letters. Fry. Memoirs of Elizabeth Fry. Timpson. Memoir of Elizabeth Fry. Gresswell. Life of Elizabeth Fry. Corder. Memoir; with Extracts from Journal. F'^y. Life of Chaplain Fuller. Fuller. Memoirs of Robert Fulton. Golden. Life of Robert Fulton. Beigtcri. Life of Robert Fulton. Benwick. Life and Writings of Fuseli. Knowles. Life of Thomas Gainsborough. Fulcher. Life of Galileo. See Bepuhlic of Let- ters, V. 4. Discourse on T. H. Gallaudei Bartxard. Life of T. H. Gallaudet. Humphrey. Autobiography. Gait. Life of Col. James Gardiner. Doddridge. Life, by Himself. Garibaldi. Recollections. Garibaldi. Memoires de Garibaldi. Dumas. Life of David Garrick. ' Davies. Biography of Father Gavazzi. Life. See Poems. Gay. Life of Professor Gellert. Douglas. History of Genghis Khan. Abbott Memoirs by Herself. Genlis. Life of Eldridge Gerry. Austin. Historia del Fray Gerundio de Cam- pazas. Salazar. (hrvinus, und Seine polit. Ueberzen- gungen. Autobiography. Gibbon. Memoirs of Life and Writings. Gibbon. Life of Edward Gibbon. MUman. Struggles of a Young Artist. Gibson. Autobiography. Gifford. Les Duels de Jean Gigou. Gundon. Biography of Stephen Girard. See Girard College. Arey. Life of Stephen Girard, etc. Simpson. Will; and Biography. Girard. Das Leben des N. von Gneisenan. Ferlz. Life of Mrs. Godolphin. Evelyn. Memoirs by Himself. Godoy. Leben und Werken in Ungari. Gorgei. Life and Acts in Hungary. Gorgei. Memoirs by Himself. Goethe. Goethe and his Contemporaries. Austin. Autobiography. Goethe. Life and Works of Goethe. Lewes. Conversations with Goethe. Eckermanru Memoirs by Himself. Goldoni. Carlo Goldoni. See Alfieri, etc. Copping. Life and Adventures of Goldsmith. Forster. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. Irving. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. Prior. Life and Writings of J. M. Good. Gregory. Peter Parley's Own Story, Goodrich. Recollections of a Lifetime. Goodrich. Closing Scenes of Life of Gordon. Hall. Life of Samuel Gorton. Mackie, Autobiography. Gough. Life and Letters of T. B. Gould. Hodgson. Power of Faith ; Life and Writings. Graham. Memoirs of Count Grammont. Hamilton. Dr. Grant and the Nestorians. Laurie. Memoir of Judith S. Grant. Campbell. Grant and his Campaigns. Larke, Grant and his Campaigns. Coppee. Hero Boy ; Life and Deeds of Grant. Headley. Tanner Boy (Gen Grant). Penniman. Life and Times of Henry Grattan. Grattan. Writings and Correspondence of Gray. Mathias. Memoirs of his own Time. Graydon, Life of Horace Greeley. Parion. Autobiography. A. Gi^een. Life and Campaigns of N. Green. Caldwell. Life of Nathaniel Greene. Greene. Life and Correspondence of Greene. Johnson. Life of Nathaniel Greene. Shnms. Eulogy on Life of Zach. Greene. Ordronavx. Memorial of Horatio Greeuough. Tackerman. Life and Labors of Stephen Grellet. Seebohm. Life of Sir Thomas Gresham. Burgon. Life of Lady Jane Grey. Barllett. Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. Dickens. Recollections and Anecdotes. Gronow. Le Cas de Guerin. About. Journal et Fragments. Guirin. Journal. Guinn. Journal, Lettres et Poemes. Guirin. Memoir. Guerrabella. Memoirs, Journal, etc. Gnrney. jNIemorials of Samuel Gurney. Geldari. History of Gustavus Vasa. Life of Gustavus Adolphus. Harte. Life of Gustavus Adolphus. Hollings. BIOGRAPHY. Life of Madame Guyon. Upham. General Guyon. Kinglake. Story of Nell Gwyn. Cunningham. Lives of R. and J. A. Haldane. Ilaidane. Memoir of David Hale. Tlwmpson. Life of Captain Nathan Hale. Stuart. Life of Joseph Hall. Hamilton. Memoirs of A. HalL Gregory. Memoir. See Remains. Ilallam. Life of Jeremiah Hallock. Yale. Life of Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton. Hamilton and his Contemporaries. JHethmiiller. Life and Times of Hamilton. Smucker. Memorials of Mrs. Hamlin. Laicrence. Ten Chapters in the Life of John Hancock. Life of General Hancock. Fenniman. Life of Handel. Schoelcher. Life of Levi Hanford. Bushnell. Hannibal. Abbott. Life of Chancellor Hardwicke. Harris. •Memoir. See Sermons. Harrington. Life of W. H. Harrison. Life and Times of W. H. Harrison. JBiirr. Civil and Military Services of Harri- son. Dawson. Memoir of Jacob Harsen. Adams. Life. See Works. Harvey. Life of Warren Hastings. Gleig. Life of Sir Christopher Hatton. Nicolas. Account of Caspar Hauser. Feiirbach. Enthiillungen iiber Caspar Hauser. Daumer. Life of Sir Henry Havelock. Brock. Life of Sir Henry Havelock. Headley. Cousin Alice; Memoir of Alice B. Haven. Grafted Bud; Memoir of A. J. Hawes. Hawes. Adventures of Christopher HawJcins. Life of J. H. W. Hawkins. Haickins. Autobiography and Journals. Haydon. Life and Character of L. Haynes. Cooley. Life and Correspondence of Bishop Heber. Heber. Last Lays of Bishop Heber^ Robinson. Life of John Heckewelder. Bondthaler. Life of Rev. Elijah Hedding. Clark. Heiurich Heine. Arnold. Heinrich Heine; Erinnerungen. Meissner. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. Chorley. Life and Writings of Mrs. Hemans. Hemans. Life and Age of Henry IL Lyttleton. Life and Character of Henry V. Tyler. History of Henry the Fifth. Towle. Life and Reign of Henry VIII. Herbert. Life and Reign of Henry VIIL lytler. Henry VIII. and his Six Wives. Herbert. History of Henry III. of France. Garden. Life of Henry IV. Histoire de Henri le Grand. Life. See Daily Communion. Life of Patrick Henry. Life and Character of P. Henry. Life and Times. 585 Jam&s. Genlis. Henry. Everett. WiH. Henry. Diary of Philip Henslowe. Shakspeare Sac. Memoirs of Sir John Hepburn. Grant. Life. See Remains. Herbert. Life. See Writings. Herbert. Life of Lord Herbert. Life of Herodotus. Dahlmann. Life and Travels of Herodotus. Wheeler. Memoir of George R. T. Hewes. Thatcher. Journal of Life and Labors. Hicks. Memoir of Nicholas Hill. Memoir of Rowland Hill. Jones. Life of Rowland Hill. Sidney. Life of Yankee Hill. NoHlmU, Life, Adventures and Opinions. Hines. Early Years of Bishop Hobart. Mc Vickar. Profes^ional Years of Bishop Hobart. 3Ic Vickar. Memorial of Bishop Hobart. Life of Andrew Hofer. Hall. Anecdotes of Hogarth. Nichols. Life of James Hogg. See Anecdotes of Scott. Hogg. Autobiography. Holberg. Memoirs. Hollis. Life. See Works. Home. Memorials of Thoraa? Hood. Theodore Hook. A Sketch. Hook. Life and Remains of Hook. Barham. Life. -S'ee Works. Hooker. Life of Isaac T. Hopper. Child. Memoirs and Correspondence. Homer. ^lemoirs by Himself. Houdin. Sam Houston and his Republic. Lester. Diary of David How. Memoirs of John Howard. Brown. Howard and Prison World of Europe. Dixoru Life of Richard Earl Howe. Barrow. Life of Henry Hudson. Cleveland. Vie de Victor Hugo, 1802-184:L Hugo. Life of Victor Hugo. Hugo. Life of Gen. William Hull. Campbell. Alexander von Humboldt. Klencke. Life, Travels and Books of Hum- boldt. Taylor. Alexander von Humboldt. Wittwer. W. von Humboldt; Lebensbild. Hayme. Life and Correspondence of Hume. Burton. Autobiography with Reminiscences. Hunt. Captivity among Indians. Hunter. Life and Times of Coimtess Huntingdon. Memoirs of Susan Huntingdon. Wisner. 586 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Life and Times of John Huss. Gilleit Life of Ann Hutchinson. JEilis. Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson. Hutchinson. Ulric von Hiitten. Strauss. Life by Himself. Ilutton. History of Ilyder Shah. Life of Edward Irving. Oliphant. Discourse on Washington Irving. Bryant. Life and Letters of Irving. Irving. Irvingiana. Memorial of Irving. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. Civil and Military History of Jackson. Pictorial Life. Jackson. Life of Andrew Jackson. Jenkins. Life of Andrew Jackson. Farton. Life and Career of T. J. Jackson. Addey. Selbstvertheidigung. Jahn. Life of James I. of England. Chambers. Life, with Select Papers of John Jay. Jay. Autobiography of Kev. William Jay. Memoirs of Thomas Jefferson. Carpenter. Character of Thomas Jefferson. Dwight. Life, Writings, and Opinions of Jefferson. Private Life of Thomas Jefferson. Pierson. Life of Thomas Jefferson. Randall. Memoirs, Correspondence, etc. Jefferson. Life and Letters of T. Jefferson. Bayner. Life of Thomas Jefferson. Thicker. Life, with Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey. Cockhurn. Life of Judge Jeffreys. Woohych. Life and Correspondence of Jenner. Baron. Autobiography and Eeminiscences. Jordan. Life and Remains of Douglas Jer- rold. Jerrold. Captivity at Nootka Sound. Jewitt. Life of Joanna of Sicily. Life, Speeches and Services. Johnson. Tailor Boy. (Andrew Johnson. ) Life and Services of A. Johnson. Savage. Life of Samuel Johnson. Boswell. Keligious Life and Death of Saml. Johnson. Johnsoniana; Anecdotes and Say- ings. Croker. Anecdotes of Samuel Johnson. Piozzi. Life of Samuel Johnson, D.D. Chandler. Life of Sir William Johnson. Stone. Capture by Indians in 1790. Johnston. Memoirs by Himself. Joinville. Memorial. B. S. Jones. Inigo Jones, by Cunningham. Shakspeare Soc. Life of John Paul Jones. Sherburne. Life and Correspondence. Jones. Life of Paul Jones. Mackenzie. Life of Sir William Jones. Teignmouth. Memoir. See Works. Jonson. Jonson's Conversations with Drum- mond. Shakspeare Soc. Life of Mrs. Jordan. Boaden. History of Josephine. Abbott. Life of Empress Josephine. Ileadley. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. Memoirs of Empress Josephine. Memes. Memoirs of Empress Josephine. Normand. Life of Eev. S. JudA. Hall. Memoir of A. Judson. Clement. Character and Labors of A. Judson. Conant j Records of Life of A. Judson. Middleditch. 1 Life and Labors of A. Judson. Wayland. Memoir of Everton Judson. Barrows. Life and Letters of Emily C. Jud- son. Kendrick. Memoir of Sarah B. Judson. Judson. Louise Juliane, Electress Palatine. Bunneit. Au tobiograph5^ Jung- Stilling. Leben des General J. Kalb. Kapp. Life of Elisha Kent Kane. Elder. Love Life of E. K. Kane and Mar- garet Fox. Life of Edmund Kean. Life, Letters, etc., of John Keats. Milnes. Memoir of Caroline P. Keith. Tenney. Memoirs and Correspondence of Keith. Smyth. Life of John Philip Kemble. Boaden. Kemp's Nine Dales Wonder. Camden Soc. Life of Edward Duke of Kent. Neale. Life of James Gore King. King. Memoir of Elizabeth T. King. Biographical Sketch of T. Starr King. See Patriotism and other Papers. King. United States. Addresses on Death of W. R. King. Life of William Kirby. Freeman. Memoirs and Adventures. Kirkaldy. Life of Samuel Kirkland. Lothrop. Memoirs of John Kitto. Byland. Life of Dr. John Kitto. Thayer. List do Karola Kniaziewicza. JSfiemcewicza. Passages of a Working Life. Knight. Autobiography of Cornelia Knight. Memoirs of Sir William Knighton. Knighton. Life of John Knox. M'Chne. Life and Select Writings. Korner. Life and Speeches. Kossuth. Kossuth in New England and his Speeches. Life and Literary Career. Kotzebue. Adventures. Kovatski. Krim Girai, Khan of the Crimea. MundL Memoir of Adam J. de Krusenstem. BIOGRAPHY. 587 t First Forty-five Years of Life. Lackingion. Meaioirs by Herself. Lafarge. Private Life of Gen. Lafayette. Cloquet. Life of General Lafayette. Cutler. Memoirs of La Fayette. Ilolsiein. Historical Sketches of Lafayette. Pictorial Life. Lafayette. M^moires, Correspondance et Manu- scrits. Lafayette. Memoirs and Correspondence. Lafayette. Life of Marquis de la Fayette. Wain. Memoirs of Lafayette, etc. Sarrans. Souvenirs d'un Amiral. La Gravihe. Life and Times of Gen. John Lamb. Leake. Life and liemains of L. E. Landon. Blanchard. Lunsford Lane. Hawkins. Memoirs of Henry, Lord Langdale. Hardy. Life of Sylvester Larned. Gurley. Memoirs by Himself. Latude. Confessions of Mme. La Vallihe. Vie Penitente de Mme. de la Valliere. Genlis. Memoir of John Casper Lavater. Heisch. Histoire de Law. Thiers. Mississippi Bubble ; Memoir of Law. Thiers. Life. See Diary and Correspondence. Lawrence. Life of Sir Thomas Lawrence. Williams. Life of John Ledyard. Sparks. Life and Travels of J. Ledyard. Sparks. Life of Arthur Lee. Lee. Life of Charles Lee. Sparks. Memoirs of Life of Charles Lee. Life and Correspondence of E. H. Lee. Lee. Life of G. W. von Leibnitz. Mackie. Memoir of John Leifchild. Leifchild. Life. See Works. Leighton. Leila Ada, the Jewish Convert. Heighway. Relatives of Leila Ada. Heighway. Administration of Jacob Leisler. Hqjfman. Life of Leo the Tenth. lioscoe. Autobiographical Recollections. Leslie. Life and Correspondence. Lewis. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Barrett. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Holland. Pioneer Boy ; Life of Lincoln. Thayer. Lincolniana. Nation's Tribute to Lincoln. Morris. Boston Memorial of Abraham Lincoln. Life and Services of Lincoln. Raymond. Tribute from Troy to Memory of Lincoln. Assassination of President Lincoln. Pitman. Life of Benjamin Lincoln. Bowen. Life of Jenny Lind. Bosenberg. Life of Jenny Lind. Willis. fe and Services of L. F. Linn. Linn. Life of Sir Charles Linnseus. Stoever. Life of Linnajus. Carr. Public Life of Earl of Liverpool. Life of Edward Livingston. Hwit. Memoirs of Rev. Jolm Livingston. Gunn. Life of John Locke. JRyig. Life of Joseph Locke. Devey. Madame de Longueville. Cousin. Youth of Madame de Longueville . Cousin. Life and Times of Louis XIV. James. Louis XIV. and Court of France. Pardoe. Louis XVII. ; his Life, etc. Beauchesne. Louis XVII. of France. History of Louis Philippe. Boittmy. Toussaiut L'Ouverture. Beard. Biography and Autobiography. L' Ouveriure. Histoire et Perils. Louvei. Lo3'ola, and Jesuitism. Taylor. Histoire de Loyola, etc. Bartoli. Autobiography. Lutfullah. Life of Luther. Bower. Life of Martin Luther. Tischer. Boyhood of Martin Luther. Mayhew. Life of Martin Luther. Michelet. Life of Martin Luther. Meurer. Words that Shook the World, or Lu- ther his own Biographer. Adams. Last Political Writings, with Life. Lyon. Life of Mary Lyon. Hitchcock. Life and Labors of ^lary Lyon. Life and Remains of McCheyne. Bonar. Life of Geo. B. McClellan. Delmar. Life and Campaigns of McClellan, HUlard. Memoirs, by Himself. Maceroni. Memoii-s of Sir Jas. Mackintosh. Mackintosh. Life and Times of James Madison. Bives. Life of Mahomet. Green. Life of Mahomet. Midr, Life of Mahomet. Prideaux. Life and Rehgion of Mohammed. Merrick. Life of Edmund Malone. Prior. Life of Horace Mann. Mann. Life of James Manning. Gxiild. Margaret of Anjou. Abbott. Maria Antoinette. Abbott. Court of Maria Antoinette. Campan. Histoire de Marie Antoinette. Goncourt. Memoirs of Marie Antoinette. Weber. Pictorial Life of Gen. Marion. Life of Francis Marion. Simms. Memoirs of Duke of Marlborough. Coxe. Memoirs of Duchess of Marlborough. Thomson. Autobiography. Marmontel. Life of Father Marquette. Sparks. Memoir of Rev. Henry Martyn. Sargent. Mary of Burgundy. Costello. 588 CLASSIFIED INDEX, Mary Queen of Scots. Abbott. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. Benger. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. Chalmers. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. Lamartine. Lettres, etc. , de Marie Stuart. Mary. Memoirs of John M. Mason. Van Vechten. Life of Cotton Mather. Feabody. Life of Father Mathew. Maguire. Memoirs of Charles Mathews. Malhews. Recollections of a Soldier of Fortune, Maxwell. Memoir of Rev. J. Mayhew. Bradford. Life and Writings. Mazzini. Life of Lorenzo de Medici. Boscoe. Life of Marie de Medicis. Pardoe. Life of Philip Melanchthon. Ledderhose. Life of Felix Mendelssohn Earth oldy. Lampadlus. Memoirs of Moses Mendelssohn. Samuels. Memoirs of Metastasio. Burney. Life of Lord Metcalfe. Kaye. Ten Years of Preacher Life. MUburn. My Schools and Schoolmasters. Miller. Life and Times of Hugh Miller. Brown. Roger Miller; Heroism in Humble Life. Orme. Memoirs of Rev. S. J. Mills. Spring. John Milton. Edmonds. John Milton; Life and Times. Ivimey. Life of John Milton. Masson. Life and Writings of Milton. Todd. Life of James Milnor. Ston». Recollections of Mirabeau. Dumont. Les Amours de Mirabeau. Oastineau. Memoires. Mirabeau. Memoirs. Mirabeau. A Life-History. Mirabeau. Jail Journal. Mitchel. Life and Career of Gen. Mitchel. Headley, Memoirs and Papers. Mitchell. Life of Mohammed. Bush. Vie et Ouvrages de Moliere. Taschereau. Memoirs of General Monk. Ouizot. Removal of Remains of James Monroe. Wolfe. Montaigne the Essayist. St. John. Miracles of Simon de Montfort. Camden Soc. Life and Writings of Montgomery. Holland. Life of James Montgomery. Knight Life of Robert Montgomery. Armstrong. Madame de Montmorency. Benie. Memoirs by Herself. Montpensier. Life and Times of Montrose. Napier. Narrative of the Revolution. Moody. Memoirs of Bishop Moore. Henshaw. Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence. Moore. Life. See Poetical Works. Moore. Memoir of Charles Mordaunt. Warburton. New Memoir of Hannah More. Knight. Memoirs of Hannah More. Boberts. Mendip Annals. More. Life of Thomas More. More. Life of Thomas More. Boper. Life and Campaigns. Moreau. Life of Gen. Daniel Morgan. Graham. Memoirs, by Herself. Morgan. Passages from my Autobiography. Morgan. Morning of Life. Memoir of Miss A — n. Life of Gouverneur Morris. Sparks. Memoirs. Morrison. Life of Prof. Valentine Mott. Francis. Autobiography of an Actress. Mowaii. Life and Correspondence of Mozart. Holmes. Passages from my Life. Mvffling. Life of Trust. Midler. Life of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg. Stoever. Life of Gen. Peter Muhlenberg. Muhlenberg. Life and Writings. L. Murray. Memoirs of Rev. N. Murray. Frime. Life and Opinions of Sir C. J. Napier. Napier. History of Napoleon Bonaparte. Abbott. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. Bourrienne. History of Napoleon, Bussey. Napoleon and his Times. Caulaincourt. Memoirs of Napoleon, 1815. Chaboidon. Napoleon. Dumas. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Hazlitt. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Ireland. Life of Napoleon. Jomini. Memoirs of Napoleon. Las Cases. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Lockhart. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Scott. Pictorial Life. Bonaparte. Une Annee de la Vie de Napoleon. Napoleon, his Court and Family. Abrardes. Napoleon and his Marshals. Headley. Bonaparte's Voyage to St. Helena. Cockburn. Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. Forsyth. Memorial de Sainte-Helene. Las Cases. Napoleon at St. Helena. Las Cases. Fall of Napoleon. Mdchell. Captivity of Napoleon. Montholon. Napoleon in Exile. O'Meara. Napoleon Louis Bonaparte. Wikoff. Prison of Ham. Briffault. Napoleon the Third. La Gueronnihre. Life of Lord Nelson. Allen. Life of Nelson. Pettigrew. Life of Nelson. Southey. Life and Naval Memoirs of Nelson. Tucker. Nero, Abbott. Life of Cornelius Agrippa. Morley. Memoir of Walter S. Neiohall lilOGRAPHT. 589 Life of Sir Isaac Newton. Brewster. ' tie of John Newton. ie of Kev. Robert Newton. Jackson. moirs of Marshal Ney. :,holas I. ; his Life and Reign. Christmas. 10 of Emperor Nicholas. Michelsen. s Dernieres Heures de la Vie de Nicolas I. Life and Letters, etc. B. 0. Niebuhr. llominiscences of Niebuhr. Lieber. • fe of Carsten Niebuhr. Niebuhr. hieteen Beautiful Years. Nollekens and his Times. Smith. r ifty Years in both Hemispheres. Nolte. 'uversations of James Northcote. llazlitt. U moirs by Herself. Oberkirch. Alemoirs of John Frederic Oherlin. Narrative of his Early Days. Oceola. ] Recollections of Daniel O'Connell. Daunt. Ochlenschlager. Deumier. Memorials of James Oglethorpe. Harris. JAt'e of James Oglethorpe. Feabody. lie collections of his own Life. O'Keefe, liife and Letters. Olin. ^Memorials of Amelia Opie. Brightwell. .Memoir of the Duchess of Orleans. Life and Ministry. Osbom. Memoirs. Ossoli. Life of James Otis. Botcen. Life of James Otis. Tudor. R. Owen and his Social Philosophy. Sargent. Life of Robert Owen. Memoir of Harlan Page. Ilallock. Memoir of Robert Troup Paine. Paine. Life of Thomas Paine. Cheetham. Life of Thomas Paine. Vale. Memoir of Princess Palatine. Blaze de Bury. Life of William Palfrey. Palfrey. Memoir. See Opinions. Palmer ston. Life and Travels. Park. Life. See Travels in Africa. Park. Adventures in Texas. Parker. Life of Theodore Parker. Weiss. Life. See Poetical Works. Parnell. Memoir of Theophilus Parsons. Parsons. Convent Life at Port Royal. Pascal. Memoir of Rev. Edward Payson. Oummings. Memoir of Edward Payson. Histoire de Don Pedro L Mirimie. Memoir of Sir Robert Peel. Life and Times of Sir R. Peel. Taylor. My Prisons. Pdlico. Additions to "My Prisons." Maroncelli. Memoirs of William Penn. Clarkson. William Penn. Dixon. Life of William Penn. Ellis. Life and Correspondence of Penn. Janney. Macauley's Charges against Penn. Paget. Life of Sir William Penn. Penn. Literary Life. Pennant. Memoirs of General P^p6. Life of Sir William PepperelL Parsons. Diary and Correspondence. Pfpys. Memoir of T. Handasyd Perkins. Cktry. Life and Writings. Perkins. L'£colier Vertueux (J. de la Perrie). Proyart. Life of Oliver Hazard Perry. Mackenzie. Life of Oliver Hazard Perry. Niles. Life, Letters, etc. Person. Caroline Perthes. Tuthill. Memoirs of Frederick Perthes. Perthes. Life and System of Pestalozzi. Banmer. Life of Pestalozzi. ^ee Greenbank's. History of Peter the Cruel. Mirimie. Peter the Great. AhboU. Life of Peter the Great. Barrow. History of Peter the Great. Bradford. Life of Peter I. of Russia. Mottley. History of Peter the Great. See Oreenbank's. History of Peter the Great. Voltaire. Memoir of Earl of Peterborough. Warburton. Memoir of AnzonettaR. Peters. Clark. James Louis Petigru. Qrayson. Life of Petrarch. Campbell. Life of Petrarch. Dobson. Autobiography. See Last Travels. Pfeiffer. Memorial of Anson G. Phelps. Smith. Life of Philidor. Allen. Histoire de Philippe Auguste. Gapefigue. Philippe d'Orleans, 1715-23. Capefigue. Reign of Philip II. of Spain. Watson. Reign of Philip III. of Spain. Watson. Eulogy on King Philip. Apess. History of King Philip. Abbott. Mon Journal. Orlians. Life and Times of Louis Philippe. Wright Recollections of Half a Century. Phillips. Life of Sir William Phips. Bowen. Life of Sir Thomas Picton. Bobinson. Life of Franklin Pierce. Hawthorne. Life of Zebulon M. Pike. Whiting. Life of William Pinknej'. Pinkney. Life and Writings of W. Pinkney. Wheaton. Autobiography and Remains. Piozzi. Political Life of William Pitt. Gifford. Life of William Pitt. Macaxclay. Life of William Pitt. Life of William Pitt. ' Stanhope. Life of William Pitt. Tomline. Memoir of Samuel Pitts. Thompson. Life of Countess Emily Plater. Life of Reginald Pole. Phillips. Review of Phillip's Life of Pole. Bidley. Life of James K. Polk. Jenkins. Life. iSee Works. Pope. 590 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Life. See Memorial Popkin, Life of William T. Porter. Brinley. Memoir of Thomas Posey. Hall. Vie de Nicolas Poussin. Gault. Life of Edward Preble. Sabine. Life of S. S. Prentiss. Prentiss. Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Proceed- ings in Memory of Prescott. Life of Wm. H. Prescott. Ticknor. Memoirs of Himself. Priestley. Life of Count Pulaski. Sparks. Review of Humphrey's Life of Put- nam. Felloics. Gen. Israel Putnam. Hill. Life of Israel Putnam. Peahody. Life of Major-Gen. Putnam. Humphreys. Same, Eeviewed. Felloics. Correspondence on General Putnam. Dawson. Pyrrhus. Abbott. Life of Pythagoras. laynblichus. Life of Quesnay. See Treatises. McCulloch. Life of Josiah Quincy. Quincy. Life of John A Quitman. ^ Claiborne. Memoirs of Pachel. Kachel und ihre Zeit. Schmidt- Weissenfels. Life of Sir T. S. Raffles. Baffles. Journal, 1831 to 1847. Baikes. Life of Sebastian Rale. Francis. Memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh. Drake. Life of Sir Walter Baleigh. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Thomson. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Tytler. Vindication of Himself. Bandolph. John Randolph of Roanoke. Thomas. Life of John Randolph. Garland. Memorials of John Ray. Lankester. Souvenirs et Correspondance. Becamier. Becollections of the United States Army. Life of Red Jacket. Stone. Life of Andrew Reed. Beed. Life of Joseph Reed. Beed. Life and Letters of Joseph Reed. Beed. Martha; a Memorial. Beed. Life of T. Reid. See Works, v. 10. Stewart. Memoirs of F. V. Reiuhard. Taylor. Rembrandt and his Works. Burnet. Me'raoires par lui-meme. Betz. Memoirs of himself. Betz. Life and Times. Beynolds. IMemoir. See Literarj"- Works. Beynolds. Sir Joshua Reynolds and his Works. Cotton. Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Norihcote. Life of John Ribault. Sparks. David Ricardo. See Treatises. McCulloch. History of Richard the First. Abbott. Richard the Second. Richard the Third. Life of Richard the Third. History of King Richard III. Life of Cardinal Richelieu. AbhoU. ,| Abbott. I Halsted. j Moi'e. \ Bobso7i. ' Memoir of Rev. Legh Richmond. Grirnshawe. Life of Jean Paul F. Richter. Lee. Life, with autobiography. Bichter. Life and Times of Rienzi. Du Cerceau. Life of David Rittenhouse. Barton. Life of David Rittenhouse. Benwick. Life and Letters. Bobertson. Life and Times of Gen. J. Robertson. Putnam. Life and Writings of W. Robertson. Steioart. Life of Robespierre. Leices. Life and Writings of E. Robinson. Smith. Memoirs of Marquis of Rockingham. Keppel. Madame Roland. Abbott. M^moires. Boland. Appeal to Posterity. Boland. Life, by himself. Bomilly, History of Romulus. Abbott. Autobiography and Justification. Bonge. Life and Times of Salvator Rosa. Morgan. Life of William Roscoe. Boscoe. ' Memoirs of Rossini. Beyle. Les Confessions. Bousseau. Confessions. Bousseau. Me'moires et Correspondance. Bousseau. Life and Genius of Rubens. Waagen. Life of Count Rumford. Bemcick. LAmour dans le Mariage. Guizot. Love in Marriage; Lady Russell. Guizot. Life of William Lord Russell. Bussell. Life and Writings. Sadler. Memoirs of Duke of St. Simon. St. John. Life of Cave'lier de la Salle. Sjjarks. Memoir of Joseph Sanford. Baird, M6moires. Sanson. Memoirs of Admiral de Saumarez. Boss. Life and Times. Savonarola. Histoire de Scanderbeg. Paganel. Life of Schamyl. Mackie. Shamyl le Prophete du Caucase. Warner. Life of Ary Scheffer. Grote. Life of Friedrich Schiller. Carlyle. Life. See Poems and Ballads. Schiller. Schiller's Life and Works. Palleske. Schiller's Geburtstag. Schwerdt. Life and Letters. Schimmelpenninck. Reminiscences of Schleiermacher. ^S'ee Study of Theology. Schkiermacher, Life and Time? of P. Schuyler. Lossing. Life of William Scoresby. Scoresby. Memoir of David Scott. Scott. Life of Sir Walter Scott. Lockhart BIOGRAPHY. 591 e of Sir Walter Scott. MacLeod. ititobiography. Scoii. ecdotes of Sir W. Scott. Hogg. ife of Winfield Scott. Ileadley. [fe of General Winfield Scott. Mansfield. fe and Services. Scoit. [Memoirs of himself. ScoU. »moirs and Recollections. Segur. [Memoirs of John Selden. • Johnson. Life of Wm. H. Seward. Baker. Life of Francesco Sforza. Urquhart. Life of Lord Shaftesbury. Marty n. Shakspeare and his Times. Drake. Memorials of Shakspeare. Drake. Shakspeare and his Times. Guizot. Life of William Shakespeare. IlalliTcell. William Shakespeare. Hugo. Life of Shakespeare. Skoitoice. Memoirs of Life of Shakespeare. White. Memorials of W. Smith Shaw. Fdt. Life of Sir Martin A. Shee. *S7iee. Memoirs of Richard L. Shiol. McCaUagh. Life of Percy B. Shelley. Medwin. Memoir. See Poetical Works. Shelley. Shelley Memorials. SheUey. Life of Thomas Shepard. Alhro. Life and Writings of Mrs. Sheridan. Lefanu, Life of Gen. Sheridan. Headley. Life. See Dramatic Works. Sheridan. Life of Richard B. Sheridan. Moore. Shei'idaniana. Anecdotes. Life and Career of Gen. Sherman. Ileadley. Letters and Memoir of W. A. Shir- ley. IM. Memoirs of Sarah Siddons. Boaden. Life of Mrs. Siddons. Campbell. Life of Lord Sidmouth. Pelleic. Life of Algernon Sidney. Vq,n Santvoord. Life. See Miscellaneous Works. P. Sidney. Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney. Life and Writings of Sir Philip Sid- ney. Life of Amelia W. Sicveking. Memoirs of Rev. C. Simeon. Life and Travels of T. Simpson. Memoir of Samuel Slater. Life of A. Smith. See Treatises. Life of A. Smith. See Works. Remarkable Occurrences in his Life. Life of Jeremiah Smith. Capt John Smith. Life of Cupt. John Smith. Life of Capt. John Smith. Life and Writings of J. P. Smith. Memoirs of J. Smith. See Mor- mons. Zouch. Chrus. Simpson. White. McCuUoch. Stewart. J. Smith. Morison. Hill. Hillard. Slmms. Medway. Mackay. Book for a Rainy Day. J. T. Smith. Memoir of Sidney Smith. Holland. Life of Sir W. Sidney Smith. Barrow. Slemoirs of Admiral Sir S. Smith. Havard. Life of Socrates. Wiggers. Memorabilia of Sokrates. Xenophon. Histoire de Lydia. Summerville. Life of Henrietta Sontag. Life, Travels, etc. , of F. de Soto. Wilmer. Life of Robert Southey. Browne. Life and Correspondence of Southey. Southey. Memorial of Ambrose Spencer. Life and Ministry of T. Spencer. Baffles. Life and Writings of E, Spenser. Hart. Personal Reminisceiices. Spnng. Memoir of Spurzheim. Carmichael. Ten Years of Exile ; Memoirs. Stael. Memoirs of Herself. Stanhope. Gen. John Stark. Stark. Life of John Stark. Everett. Memoir of Rev. W. Staughton. Iaj-mI. Story of my Career. Steffens. Leben des Freiherrn von Stein. Pertz. Narrative of Sufferings. Stephanini. Life of George Stephenson. Smiles. Life of Lawrence Sterne. Fitzgerald. Life of Baron Steuben. Bowen. Life of F. W. von Steuben. Kapp. Memoir. See Works. Steioart. History of Virgil A. Stewart. Hovoard. Life of Ezra Stiles. Kingsley. Literaiy Life and Works. Stillingfleet. Memoirs of Major Robert Stoho. Life and Writings. Siockdale. Life, Speeches and Letters. Stockton. Life and Letters. Story. Life of James Sullivan. Amory. Life of John Sullivan. Peabody. Memoirs of Duke of Sully. Life of Rev. J. Summerfield. Holland. New Life of Summerfield. Wlllett. Life of Charles Sumner. Harsha. Sketch of Suwarrow. Macready. Life and Account of his Writings. Sioedenhorg. Life, ^'ee Works. Swift. Life. See Works. Sydenham. Life of Talleyrand. McHarg. Reminiscences of Prince Talleyrand. The Unjust Judge. Memorial of R. B. Taney. Life of Torquato Tasso. Black. Life of Torquato Tasso. Mlman. Life and Select Sermons. Tauler. Memoirs of J. Brainerd Taylor. JUce, Memoirs and Remains of Jane Tay- lor. Taylor. 592 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Life of Jeremy Taylor. Ihher. Bishop Jeremy Taylor. Willmot Life and Writings of W. Taylor. Bdhherds. Life and Public Services. Z. Taylor. Life and Works of Sir W. Temple. Courtenay. Thackeray, The Humourist. Taylor. Life of John Thelwall. Thelwall Memoirs and Anecdotes. Thidcnesse. Memoirs of Half a Century. Thomason. Autobiography of an Artisan. Tliomson. Forty Years in America. T/iorhum. Fifty Years Eeminiscences of New York. Tliorhurn, Laurie Todd. Thorhum. Diary, 1677-1724 Thoreshj. Life of Titian. Norihcoie. Memoirs, Letters and Eemains. Tocqueville. Life of Himself. Tone. Memoirs of J. H. Tooke. Stephens. Memoirs of J. H. Tooke. Graham. Life of Leonard Torstenson. Z>e Peysier. Memoirs of Baron de Tott. Memoir of Pierre Toussaint. Lee. Memoir of llev. John Townsend. Memorias de Francisco de Trenck. Life of Himself. Trenck. Trips in the Life of a Locomotive Engineer. Autobiography, Eeminiscences, etc. Tru7nbull. Life of Jonathan Trumbull, Senr. Stuart. Life; See Light of Nature. Tucker. Life and Correspondence of Tucker. Kaye. Life of J. M. W. Turner, E. A. Thornbury. Autobiography. Turner. Life; See Translation of N. T. Tyndale. Life of James Ussher. Elrington. Martin Van Buren. * Butler. Life of Martin Van Buren. Crockett. Biography of Martin Van Buren. Emmons. Life and Opinions of Van Buren. Holland. Life and Times of Van Buren. Mackenzie. Leaves from an Actor's Note-Book. Vandenhqff. Imprisonment by the Inquisition. Van Ilalen. Life of Anthony Vane. Armstrong. Life of Sir Henry Vane. Upham. Life of Peter Van Schaack. Van Schaack. Memoirs of Himself. Vaux. Velazquez and his Works. Sterling. Vespucius and his Voyages. Santarem. Life and Voyages of Vespucius. Lester. Memoirs of Himself. Vidocq. Life and Adventures. Vidocq. Life. See Life of Charles XII. Voltaire. Life and Writings of Voltaire. Chandon. Panegyric of Voltaire. Frederick IL Le Roi Voltaire. Houssaye. Life of Sir William Wallace. Carrick. Life of James William Wallack. Memoir of Wallenstein. See Wal- lenstein's Camp. Schiller. Memoirs of Horatio Walpole. Coxe. Memoir of W. C. Walton. Danforth. Life of Robert P. Ward. Phipps. Life of Samuel Ward. Gammell. Life of Henry Ware, Jr. Ware. Life of I\Iary L. Ware. Hall. Life of John C. Warren. Warren. Life and Times of Joseph Warren. Froihingham. Life of Joseph Warren. Everett. Life -and Times of Joseph V/arren. Frothingliam. Inauguration of Warren's Statue. Bunker Hill Life of George Washington. Bancroft. Mother and Wife of Washington. Conkling. Histoire de Washington. Be Witt. Life and Times of Washington. Edmonds. Life of George Washington. Everett. Pictorial Lif« of Washington. Frost. Vie de George Washington. Oirault. Washington. Guizot. Character of Washington. Guizot. Washingtoniana. Hough. Life of George Washington. Living. Life of Gen. George Washington. Eingston. Private Memoirs of Washington. Gustis. Religious Opinions of Washington. M'Guire. Life of George Washington. Marshall. Life of Washington. Paulding. Early Life of Washington. Pickell. Life of George Washington. Bamsay. Vida de Jorge Washington. Bamsay. Washington in Domestic Life. Bush. Life of George Washington. Sparks. Character and Portraits of Wash- ington. Tuckerman. Memory of Washington, with Sketches of his Mother and Wife. Fac Similes of Letters to Sinclair. Washington. Pictorial Life of Washington. Diary, 1789-1791. Washington. Washingtoniana. Political Legacies. Washington. Life of Washington, with Anecdotes. Weons. Farmer Boy. (Washington. ) Thayer. Men and Times of the Revolution. Watson. Eloge of James Watt. Arago. Life of James Watt. Arago. Life of James Watt. Muirhead. Life and Character of Webster. Banvard. Life of Webster. Knapp. BIOGUAPHT. 593 ivate Life of Webster. Lanvian. ininiscences of Congress; Web- ster. March. fe and Memorials, Webster. ♦b of Daniel Webster, rsonal Memorials. Webster. w utecl States. Addresses on Death of Webster. Inauguration of Statue of Webster. Memoirs of Richard Marquess Wel- lesley. Pearce. Military and Political Life, Wellington. Life of Marquis of Wellington. Clarke. Wellington: a Lecture. Camming. Life of Duke of Wellington. Glcig. Wellington from a French View. Lemoinne. Life of Duke of Wellington. Maxwell. Historical Sketch of Wellington. Military Memoirs of Wellington. Sherer. Life of Duke of Wellington. Soane. Life of Duke of Wellington. Stocqiider. Welliugtoniana. Timhs. Memoir of Duke of Wellington. Wdson. Memoir; from London Times. Wellington. Life of an Actor and Manager. Wemyss. Life of Charles Wesley. Jackson, Life of Rev. John Wesley. Watson. Life of Wesley. Southey. Journal in Voyage to Georgia. Wesley. Journal, 17^:1-1743. Wesley. Journal, 17G0-1762. Wesley. The Wesley Oflfering. Holmes. Life and Adventures of WetzeL White. Life of Richard Whatcoat. Fry. Memoir and Select Writings. Wheaton. Life of Rev. Joseph Blanco White. Life of William White. Wilson. Life and Times of Rev. G. White- field. Philip. Journal of Voyage to Savannah. Wldtefidd. Remembrance of Emma Whiting. Smith. Memoir of Martha Whiting. Badger. Adventures of a Diplomatist. Wilcoff. My Courtship and its Consequences. ]Vikoff. Recollections of Wilberforce. Harford. Life of William Wilberforce. Wilberforce. Memoir. See Remains. Wilcox. Memoirs. See Correspondence. Wilkes. Memoirs of my own Times, Wilkinson. History of Jemima Wilkinson. Hudson. Memoir of Solomon Willard. Wlieildon. Memories of Youth and Manhood. Willard. Military Actions of Col. Willett. Willett. William tiie Conqueror. Abbott. Life of William the Conqueror. Jioscoe. Life and Times of William IIL IVevor. Lost Prince: Eleazar Williams. Hanson, 88 Captivity of John Williams. Memoir of Richard Williams. Life of Roger Williams. Life of Roger Williams. Memoir of Roger Williams. Memoir of Butler Wilmarth. Life of Alexander Wilson. \ Williams. Hamilton, Elton. Garni neU. Knovcles. Ptsh, Peabody. Life of James Wilson. ^ Hamilton. Christopher North (John Wilson). Gordon, Life and Letters of John Winthrop. Winthrop. Memoirs of Life of W. Wirt. Kennedy, Biographical Sketch of H. A. Wise. Hambleton. Life of Major-Gen. Wolfe. WrighL Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Cavendish, Life of Cardinal Wolsey, GaU, Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey, Biography of Fernando Wood. MacLeod, Recollections of the Stage. Wood. Autobiography of a Blind Minister. Woodbridge. Capture and Death of Gen. Wood- hull. Onderdonk, Life and Gospel Labors. Woolman, Life of Marquis of Worcester. JDircks, Memoirs of Rev. Noah Worcester. Ware. Life of Samuel Worcester. Worcester, W. Wordsworth; a Biography. Hood. Memoirs of William Wordsworth. Wordsworth. Working-man's Way in the World. Sir Christopher Wren and his Times. Elmes, Life and Times of Silas Wright. Hammond, Life of Silas Wright. Jenkins, Life and Opinions of J. de Wycliffe. Vaugharu Life of John Wicliff. Le Bos. Life of Williaiii of Wykeham. Chandler, William of Wykeham and his Col- leges. Walcoit, Diaries of a Lady of Quality, 1794- 1844 Wynn. Life and Labors of Francis Xavier. Venn. Xerxes the Great. AbbotL Memoir of Sarah E. York. Medbery, Woman's Right to Labor. Zakrzewska. Ocncalogy. Genealogical Dictionary. Burke. Manual for the Genealogist, etc. Sims. Letter concerning Family History. Brown. Genealogical MSS. in British Museum. Sims. Principales Families de la Russe. Dolgorouky. American Genealogy. Holgate, Handbook of American Genealogy. Whitmore. American Epitaphs and Inscriptions. Alders. 2i^ew England Genealogical Register. 594 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Genealogical Dictionary of New England. Savage. Founders of New England. Brake. Genealogy. First Settlers of New England. Fai-mer. Genealogy of Several Puritan Fam- ilies. Morse. Lane, Eeyner, and "Whipple Fam- ilies. Whitmore. Pilgrims of Boston and Descendants. Bridgman. Early Planters of Sherborn, HoUeston, and Medway, Mass. Morse. Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass. Bond. Founders of Federal St. Church. Cook. Epitaphs from Cambridge. Harris. Historical and Genealogical Ke- searches in Merrimack Val- ley. Early Settlers of New England. Thayer. First Settlers of Connecticut and Mass. Goodwin. First Puritan Settlers of Connecticut. Hinman. Genealogy of Ancient "Windham. Weaver. Genealogy of East Haven. Dodd. First Settlers of Passaic Valley. Liitell. Register of Abbot Family. Abbot. Genealogy of Adam Family. Adam. Adams Family of Kingston, Mass. Adams. Bird Family of Hartford, Conn. Bird. Blake Family. Blake. Family of Richard Boothe. Register of Name of Bostwick. Bostwick. Brainerd Family. tield. Brigham Family. See Puritan Fam- ilies. Morse. Brights of Suffolk, England. * Bright Burke Family of Sudbury, Mass. Bouielle. Descendants of Beaufield Capron. Chapin Genealogy. Chapin. Proceedings at Meeting of Chapin Family. Chapman Family. Chapman. Memorials of the Chaunceys. Fowler. Record of the Coe Family. Coe. Genealogy of the Cushmans. Cushman. Genealogy of the Davenport Family. Davenport. Descendants of Robert Day. Day. Memoirs of J. and W. Deane. Deane. Descendants of Daniel Dod. Dodd. Dudley Genealogies. Dudley. Dudleys of Massachusetts. Adlard. Dunnel and Dwinel Family. Dunnel. Genealogy of the Eliot Family. Eiot. Descendants of Thomas Flint. Filnt. Foote Family. Goodwin. Genealogy of the Gilman Family, Gilman. Descendants of Edward Goddard. Goddard. Robert Harris and his Descendants. Harris. Descendants of Richard Haven. Adams. Name and Family of Hen-ick. Herrick. Descendants of Sergt. Ed. Hinman. Hinman. Record of the Hodges Family. Hodges. Genealogy of the Holt Family. Darrie. Genealogy of the Hosmer Family. Hosmer. Hoyt Family. Hoyt. Genealogy of Name and Family of Hunt. Wyman. Memoirs of the Huntington Family. Huntingtoru Hyde Genealogy. Walworth, Thomas Judd and his Descendants. JudcL Notice of Thomas Keyes and hia Descendants. Name and Family of Kilboume. Kilbonme Genealogy of the Lawrence Family. Laicrence La'WTence Genealogy. , Lawrence Family of Isaac Lawrence. Lawrence Family of John Lawrence. Lawrence Leland Magazine. Leland» Memoir of Sir John Leverett and Family. Descendants of "W. Locke. Locked Genealogy of the McKinstry Family. Willisi Genealogy of the Makepeace Family. 3Iakepeac&. Family of Montgomery. Montgomeryt Sketches of the Moody Family. Moodff^ Windsor Family of Munsell. StUesl Our Family Genealogy. Morgc Descendants of Amos Morris. HarU Descendants of T. Olcott. Goodwir Family of Richard Otis. Otis, Genealogy of Othniel Phelps. PhelpSd Pope Family with Notice of Col. Pope. Descendants of ^\''m. Pratt. Chapmaru Prentice or Prentiss Genealogy. Binney, Memoranda of the Preston Family. Broion, Descendants of P. and R. Price. See Discourse on the Family. Frice,) Edward Rawson and his Descendants. Bawson, Genealogy of the Redfield Family. Bedfidc Redfield Family. Redfield, Reed Family in Europe and America. Beed* Rice Family of Sudbury, Mass. Ward. Richards Family Genealogy. Morse Rev. "W. Robinson and hia Ancestors. Bobinsoru, Sharpless Family. SharplessJt Descendants of W. Shattuck. Shattuck^ MATDEMATICB. 695 tiealogy of the Sill Family. Sill. ;cendants of Spofford Family. Spqford. moiial of the Sprague Family. Souk. tson Family, 1634-1847. Barry. les Family of Massachusetts. Sliles. aealogy of the Stewarts. Stewart iiitor Family. Tainior. ^eeudants of Joseph Taynter. Tainter. uealogy of E. and S. Thayer. See Family Memorial. Thayer. nealogy of Toppan Family. Coffin. II. and R. Totonsend and their Descendants. ! mphrey Turner and his Descend- ants. Turner. scendants of J. Vinton of Lynn. Vinton. cendants of the Walkers. Walker. rd Family. Ward. story of the Welles or Wells Fam- ily. Welles. Wetmore Family and its Branches. Wetmore. Descendants of J. White of Hartford. Kellogg. Memorial of the Whittlesey Family. Descendants of T. Wight of Dedham. Wight Major Willard and his Descendants. Willard. Williams Family Genealogy. Williams. Descendants of E. Woodman. Coffin. Names. History of Names of Men, Nations, and Places. Salverte. Words and Places. Taylor. History of Cjiristian Names. Yonge. Dictionary of Family and Christian Names. Arthur. English Surnames. Lower. Dictionary of Family Names. Lower:. Suflfolk Surnames. Bowditch. Scottish Surnames; also, Vocabulary of Christian Names. Sims. MATHEMATICS. General Trcntiam. Philosophy of Mathematics. Comte. Studj' and Difficulty of Mathemalics. Advantages^of Mathematical Study. Young. Principles of Mathematical Science. See Circle of Sciences. Orr. Greek Mathematics. See IFistory of Greek and Roman Philosophy. Boeotian Numerical Contractions. HalUwell. Mathesis Compendiaria. Stunn. Logic and Utility of Mathematics. Bavies' Cours de Mathcmatiqne. Bizout Course of Pure Mathematics. Francosur. Grundriss der Reinen Mathematik. Thibaut Traite de Mathematiques, etc. Jieynaud. Die Elemente der Mathematik. Lorenz. Analysis of Newton's Principia. Brougham. Key to Hutton's Mathematics. Ilickie. Practical Mathematics. Belt Key to th« Same. Bell. Practical Mathematics. Mix. Mathematics for Practical Men. Gregory. Kecrcjiiions in Mathematics, etc. Hutton. Mnenaeaical Lessons iu Geometry, Algebra, and Trigononaeferj. Klrkman. MechanicTs Assistant. Knapen. Treatise on a Box of lustrumenita. Kentish. Wwrks. Gunter. Mathematical Eeereatloas. Mohinson. Mathematical Questions. Leyhourn. Permutations and Combinations. Bernouilli. i^uarterly Journal of Mathematics. Maihematical Monthly: Arithmetic. Philosophy of Arithmetic. Leslie. Six Lectures on Arithmetic. Universal Arithmetick. Newton. Traitd filementaire d'Arithmetique. Lacroix. Treatise on Arithmetic. Lardner. Introduction to Arithmetic. Bonnycastle. Elements of Arithmetical Notation, etc. Taylor. £l(5ments d'Arithmdtique. Arnold. Grammar of Arithmetic. Davies. Arithmetical Books, from the Liven- tion of Printing. Be Morgan. Practical Arithmetic. Babcock. American Arithmetic. Bennett Theoretical and Mercantile Arith- metic. Carey. Fractional Arithmetic Reviewed. Clifford. Arithmetic upon the Liductive Method. Colburn. First Lessons in Arithmetic. Davies. Arithmetic for Academies and Schools. Davies. Miscellaneous Arithmetic. Dilworih. Practical and Commercial Arith- metic. Docharty. N^rtilfi ,l^ericau Arithmetic. Emerson. ]Ju(Sjii*eintary jixithmetic. Haddon. lut^re System ,^4rjthmetic. Hation. Arithmetick. JKff. Equati9Ai!\l .AritV^metSe. JRpsley. j^e^v^^r^atise o» AritJjjDQk©.tiCj etc. Malcolm. 596 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Arithmetic, Theoretical and Prac- tioal. Marr. Decimal Arithmetic. Marsh. Intellectual Calculator. Crossley. Arithmetic and Algebra. De Morgan. Circle of the Sciences: Arithmetic. Arithmeticlv. Fike. Practical Arithmetic. Primary Arithmetic. Bhoads. Practical Arithmetic. Bhoads. Elementary Treatise on Arithmetic. Byan. Chain Eule. Schonberg. Second Stage of Arithmetic. Columbian Accountant. Shepherd. American Statistical Arithmetic. Smith. Theoretic Arithmetic. Taylor. Higher Arithmetic. Tliomson. Aiithmetic. Walker. Algebra. First Lessons in Algebra. Bailey. Elements of Algebra. Bell. Key to Treatise on Algebra. Bell. Treatise on Algebra. BonnycastU. Elements of Algebra. Bourdon. Elements of Algebra. Clark. Elementary Algebra. Davies. Litroduction to Algebra. Day. Algebra for High Schools, etc. Dodd. Logic of Algebra. Emerson. Treatise on Algebra. Emerson. Lileiding tot de Algebra. Enter. Treatise on Algebra. Ilackley. Elements of Algebra. Hammond. Algebra on the Inductive Method. Harney. Complement des £l^mens d'Algebre. Lacroix. £l(^mens dAlgebre. Lacroix. Algebra. Lacroix. Elementary Treatise on Algebra. Peirce. Elementary Treatise on Algebra. Byan. Elements of Algebra. Saunderson. Elements of Algebra. Smyth. Medulla Algebras. Soeten. Algebra. Traill. Elementary Treatise on Algebra. Young. Geouictry. Elements of Plane Geometry. ' Bell. Solid and Spherical Geometry. Bell. Elements of Geometry. Bonj^y castle. lutroduction to Practical Mathe- matics. Carlile. Elements. Ed. by Barrow. Euclid. Elements. Ed. by Lardner. Euclid. Elements. Ed. by Simpson. Euclid. Elements. Ed. by Stone. Euclid. First Six Books. Euclid, Symbolical Euclid. Euclid. De Ses Eerste Boeken. Euclid. Geometrj^ Plane, Solid, and Spheri- cal. See Library of U. K., V. 8 and 12. Elementary Course of Geometry. Ilackley. Litroduction to Geometry, and Science of Form. £le'mens de Ge'ome'trie. Lacroix. Treatise on Geometry, and Applica- tion to the Arts. Lardner. Elements of Geometry and Trigo- nometry. Legendre. Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spheri- cal. Morgan. Treatise on Plane and Solid Geom- etry. Peirce. Elements of Geometry. Playfair. New Elements of Geometry. Smith. Practical Geometry Illustrated. Scott. Elements of Geometry. Whitlock. Elements of Descriptive Geometry. Woolley. Grondebeginsels der Meetkunst. Steenstra. Geometrical Problems from Euclid. Bland. Practical Geometry. Bradley. Principles of Geometry. Bitchie. Descriptive Geometry. Davies. Quadrature of the Circle. Parker. Analytical Geometry. Davies. Application de 1' Analyse a la Geo- metric. Mongc. Analytic Geometry. Peirce. Algebraical Geometry. ' Waud. Elements of Conic Sections. Jackson. Inleiding tot de Keegel Sueeden. Mauduit. Treatise on Three Conic Sections. Bridge. Trigououietry. Elements of Plane Trigonometry. Hann. Plane Trigonometry. Perkins. Treatise on Trigonometry. Airy. Trigonometry. Lacroix and Bizoid. Elements of Trigonometry. Uopkins. Treatise on Trigonometiy. Hackley. Traite Elementaire de Trigonometric. • Lacroix. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. Loomis. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. Peirce. Elements of Spherical Trigonometry. Ilann. Spherical Trigonometry. See Library of Useful Knowledge, v. 9. De Morgan. Elementai-y Treatise of Spherical Geometry and Trigonometry. Stanley. Calcnins. Differential and Integral Calculus. Giiurch. NATURAL SCIENCES. 597 ifferentifil find Integral Calculus. Davies. ualydcal Gconiotry and Calculus. Dochariy. raite de Calcul Differentiel et de Calcul Integral. Lacroix. ififerential and Integral Calculus. De Morgan. DiflTerential and Integral Calculus. Ritchie. Differential Calculus, etc. Spare. ExampleB on the Integral Calculus. Ilann. Examples on Literal Calculus and Algebra. Ilirsch. Treatise on Curs'es, Functions, and Forces. Peirce. Doctrine of Fluxions. Hodgson. Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series. Newton. Method of Fluxions, Saunderson. Treatise of Fluxions. Simpson. Traitd £lementaire du Calcul des Probabilites. Lacroix. Essai Philosophique sur les Proba- bilites. Laplacs. Letters on the Theory of Probabili- ties. Quetelet. liOgarithnis, mid Tables. Method of Calculating Logarithms. Byrne. Tables of Logarithms. Ckdlei. Tables of Logarithms. See Library of U. K. Logarithm es. CaUet. Tables of Prime Numbers and Fac- tors. Hinkley. Tafelen van Prim-Getallen. Marci. Calculator's Constant Companion. Byrne. Model Calculator. Byrne, Tables of Cross Sections, etc., and of Excavations, etc. Lyon. Grain Tables. * Elwood. Tables of British Measures, etc. Guitridge. Gauging Unmasked. Ballard. Exchange Tables of British Sterling. Folger. Sterling Exchange. Phillips. Tables of Sterling Exchange. Price. Tables of Discount or Interest. Rowlett. Arithmetical Table Book. Tilley. Arithmetical Magazine. Finlay. Mercantile Tables. Newman. Interest and Average Tables. Ddisser. Equation Tables. Martin. Value of Annuities, etc. Jones. Annuities upon Lives. De Moivre. NATURAL SCIENCES. General TrentiRes nnd Dictionaries. Cyclopnsdia of Physical Sciences. Nichol. Dictionnaire des Sciences Natu- relles. Jourdan, Dictionary of Chemistry and Miner- alogy. Ure. Dictionary of Terms in Arts and Sciences. Hamillon. Dictionary of Scientific Terms. Ildblyn. Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences. Lewes. History of Inductive Sciences. Whewell. Philosophy of Inductive Sciences. Wliewell. Inquiry into Speculative and Experi- mental Science. Vera. La Philosophie des Sciences. Amplre. Physiophilosophy. Oken. Physical Science. See Contr. to Edin. Review. Brougham. Manual of Scientific Enquiry. Ilerschel. Aristotle; Chapter from History of Science. Lewes. History of Greek and Eoman Philoso- phy and Science. Sciences Naturelles an Moyen Age. Pouchet. Popular Treatises on Science in Mid- dle Ages. Wright. Progress of Science in England. HdlliweH Improvements in Science, etc., in 18th Century. Mller. Scientific Memoirs. Taylor. Decline of Science in England. Bahbage. Thoughts on the Degradation of Science in England. Elements of Science and Art. Innison. Lectures on Science and Art. iMrdner. Physical and Chemical Essays. Bergman. American Library of Useful Knowl- edge. Correlation and Conservation of Forces. Youmans. Connection of Physical Sciences. SomerviUe. Unity of the Physical Sciences. Dickson. Scientific Tracts. Uolbrook. Introduction to the Sciences. Report on Progress of Chemistry, etc. Liebig. L'Annee Scientifique. Flguier. Scientific Dialogues. Joyce. Introduction to Arts and Sciences. Joyce. Introductory Book of Sciences. Nichol First Book of Science. Norton. 598 CLASSIFIED IKDEX. Handbooks of Natural Philosophy and Asironomj'. Lardner. Literary and Scientific Class-book. Plaits. Lectures on Natural History, etc. Fdnt. Book of Science. Moffait Notes to Assist Memory in Sciences. Poetry of Science. Iluvt. Book of Nature. Good. Mirror of Nature. Schubert. Book of Nature. Schoedler. Gallery of Nature. Miln&r. Pocket Encyc. of Natural Phenom- , ena. Forster. Economy of Nature. Macvicar. The Earth. 3fudie. Natural History of Creation. Keivp. The Earth. Eiggins. Unexplained Phenomena. Hidcldson. World a Workshop. Ewhank. Soul in Nature. Oersted. Scientific Phenomena of Domestic Life. Goicer. Familiar Science. Peterson. Familiar Science. Wells. Youilts Monthly Visitor. Young Gentleman's Book. Semanario de la Nueva Granada. American Journal of Science and Arts. American Eepertory. Annates de Chimie et de Physique. Annalen der Physik und Chimie. Annals of Philosophy. Annals of Philosophic Discovery. Arcana of Science and Art. Edinhurgh New Philosophical Journal. Emporium of Arts and Sciences. Journal of Science and the Arts. Magazine of Popular Science. Magazine of Science and School of Arts. Philosophical Magazine. Popular Science Review. (Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and Art. Quarterly Journal of Science. Records of General Science. TJiomson. Transactiouit of Pbilosophical Societies. Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions. Moyal Society. Acta Philosophica. History of the Royal Society. Thomson. History of the Royal Society. Weld. Highland Society. Transactions. Great Britain. Records of School of Mines. British Association. Reports. Historia da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Memoirs of Royal Academy of Sci- ences, Paris. Martyn. Academic des Sciences Comptes Rendu?. Societe d'fimulation d' Abbeville. Memoirs. Konigliche Akademie zu Miinchen. Sitzungs- berichte. American Philosophical Society. Transac- tions. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoir. American Institute. Transactions. JSaiional Academy of Sciences. Report. National Academy of Sciences. Annual. Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila. Jour- nal. American Asso. for Adv. of Science. Pro- ceedings, Smithsonian Institution. Reports of Regents. Smithsonian Institution. Contributions to Knowledge. Smithsonian Institution. Miscellaneous Col- lections. Literary and Philos. Soc. of New York. Tran'sactions. Albany Institute. Transactions. Essex Institute. Proceedings. CoHmoIog^y. Rational Cosmology. IlicJcok. Eureka. Poe. Vestiges of Natural History of Creation. Expository Outline of Vestiges of Creation. Explanaiions / a Sequel to Vestiges of Crea- tion. Refutation of Vestiges of Creation. Mason, Pemarks on Vestiges of Creation. God Revealed in the Process of Cre- ation. Walker, Mutations of the Earth. J. A. Smith. Pre-Adamite Earth. Harris. Atomic Theory. Danherry. Essays on Inductive Philosophy, Unity of Words, and Crea- tion. Powell. Les Revolutions du Globe. Perirand. Volcanoes and History of the Globe. Scrope, La Pluralite' des Mondes. FonieneUe. Plurality of Worlds, Worlds beyond the Earth. Phillips. More Worlds than One. Brewster. Physical Geography. Physical Geography. Ban'inglonA Physical Geography. IlerscheLt Physical Geography. Soinervillek] Physical Geography. Trai Studies of the Earth. Coues, NATHRAL SCIENCES. 691 "uj^sics of the Earth. Buff. . u.'mentes de Geographie Physique. Lecoq. iiccreations in Physical Geography. Zornlin. Frost and Fire. Iiysicul Atlas. Johnston. vcismos. (German.) Humboldt. < 'o.smos. (Eng. ) Humboldt. Ikomme's Atlas to Kosmos. Humboldt. i>riefe iiber Humboldt's Kosmos. Chtta. ('ours de Geographie Physique. Lamoxiroiix. Allgemeine Erdkunde. Tiiiter. 'Cieography of Nature. Vulliet. lia Terre et I'Homme. Maury. 11; nth and Man. Guyol. ^[iin and Nature. Marsh. ]^arth, Plants and Man. Schouio. Sketches from Mineral Kingdom. Kobell. ■CJonsiderations on Volcanoes. Scrope. Description of Volcanoes. Daiiberry. >rigin, etc., of Glaciers. See Gla- ciers of the Alps. TyndaL I 'liysical Geography of the Sea. Maury. Aspects of Nature. Humboldt. Umrisse von Vulkanen. Humboldt. United States. Nicollet's Report on Upper Mississippi Basin. United States. Lee's Report of Cruise of Dolphin. IVntnral Pliilosophf. On Study of Nat. Philosophy. Herschel. Experimental Philosopher. Hufgins. Lectures on Physics, Forfar. Analytical Physics. Forfar. Correlation of Forces. Grove. Compendium of Natural Philosophy. Wesley. Precis de Physique. Archanihault. Natural Philosophy on Mechanical Principles. Pauley. Mechanics of Nature. Allen. Lettres sur la Physique. Aime- Martin. Matter and Force. Eu)bank. Electrical Theory of Universe. Mackintosh. Philosophy of Physics. Brown. Statics and Dynamics. Baker. Forces of Matter. Faraday. Traite de Mathematiques Physique, etc. lieynaud. La Physique en Action. DesdouUs. History of Natural Philosophy. Powell. Elements of Natural Philosophy. Bird. Natural Philosophy. Blair. Natural Philosophy. Cavallo. Natural Philosophy. Comstock. Natural Philosophy. Draper. Natural Philosophy. Enfield. Letters on Nat. Philosophy. Euler. Elements of Natural Philosophy. Fischer. Scientific Wanderings. Frascr. Elements of Natural Philosophy. Gale. Elementary Physics. Ganot Elementary Physics. Huiit. Manual of Natviral Philosophy. Johnston. Natural and Chemical Philosophy. Leslie. Outlines of Natural PhilosophJ^ List. Elements of Natural Philosophy. Loomis. Lectures on Natural Philosophy. MGauley. Book of Science. Moffat. Natural Philosophy. Natural Philosophy for Beginners. Natural Philosophy. Olmsted. Elements of Physics. Peschel. Natural Philosophy. Quackenbos. Course of General Physics. Qaetelet. Outlines of Natural Philosophy. Renwick. Natural Philosophy. JRenwick. Natural Philosophy. Silliman. Nat. Philosophy for Students. Tomlinson. Elements of Physics. Webster. Convers. on Nat. Philosophy. Jone. getable Substances for Food and Manufactures. Lankester. I r e rbarium. Stebhins. J hesaurus Literaturoe Botanicae. ^ Priizel. ^ I cdical Botany. See Matekia Medica. 1 lora Medica. Lindley. :Meaical Botany. Beid. IMcdical Flora. Bafinesqv.e. AledicalBotany. Eennie. Green House, Hot House, and Stove. M'Intosh. Ladies' Flower Garden; Bulbs. Loudon. Ladies' Flower Garden; Green-house Plants. Loudon. Woodland Gleanings. Flora's Lexicon. Waterman. Christian Florist. Cicologf. Philosophy of Geology. Johert Elements of Geology. Gray. Books on Geology. See Biblio- graphia, etc. Agassiz. Geology, Mineralogy, and Crystal- lography. Ansted. Geology, Introductory, etc. Ansted. Introduction to Geology. BakeweU. Mineralogie et Geologic. Beudant. Kt^volutions du Globe. Bertrand. Bevolutions of the Globe. Bertrand. Primary Geology. Boase. Outlines of Geology. Brande. Geology and Mineralogy. Buckland. Practical Geology. Burr. Conversations on Geology. Lectures on Geology. Cotting. Manual of Geology. Dana. Text Book of Geology. Bana. Geology of United States Exploring Exp. , by J. D. Dana. Geological Manual. De la Beche. How to Observe; Geology. Be la Beche. Researches in Geology. De la Beche. Geological Observer. De la Beche. Geology for Schools. Eaton. Manual of Geology. Emmons. Survey of Geology. I&ancis. Alphabet of Geology. Higgins. Book of Geology. Higgins. Outline of Geology. Hitchcock. Elementary Geology. Hitchcock. Science for School, etc., Mineral and Geology. Hooker. Dictionary of Geology, etc. Humble. Popular Physical Geology. Jukes. Principles of Geology. Lyell. Elements of Geology. Lyell. Manual of Geologj'. Lyell. Rudiments of Geology. Page. Treatise on Geology. Phillips. Manual of Geology. Phillips. Guide to Geology. Phillips. Rudiments of Geology. Portlock. Incentives to Geology. Pandall. Outlines of Geology. Benwick. Elements of Geology, etc. Bhind. Geology for Beginners. Bichardson. Elements of Geology. St. John. Science of Geology. Sketches of Geology. Small Books. Geology for Teachers. Tenney. Recreations in Geology. Zorrdin. Handbook of Geological Terms. Page. Dictionary of Terms of Geology. Boberts. Lectures on Geology. Van Bensselaer. Essai de Geologic. Foiujas St.-Fond. Great Stone Book. Ansted, Theory of the Earth. Guvier. New Theory of the Earth. HUl. Ancient World. Ansted. Geology in 1835. Laurance. Foot Prints of the Creator. Miller. Testimony of the Rocks. Miller. Old Red Sandstone. MiUer. Fossil Spirit. Mill. Past and Present of the Globe. Page. Classification of Rocks. Macculloch. Siluria. Murchison. Silurian System. Murchison. Revolutions of the Globe. Guvier. Origin of Material Universe. Ancient Sea Margins. Chambers. Geology of England and Wales. Conybeare. Geological Map of England and Wales. Memoirs of Geol. Survey of Great Britain. British Fossil Mammals and Birds. Owen. Medals of Creation. Mantell. Examination of Fossil Remains. Parki}iso7i. 608 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Petrifactions and their Teacliings. Mantell. Study of Fossil Ilemains. Parkinson. Antediluvian Phytology. Artis. Fossil Vegetables of Great Britain. Witham. Geology of South East of England. Mardell. Geological Excursions. Mantell. Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, etc. Phillips. Fossils of South Downs. Mantell. Geology of Western Sussex. Martin. Geology of Arran. Ramsay. Geology of Bass Eock. Milhr. Cruise of the Betsey. Miller. Geol. Map of United States, etc. Marcou. Principles of Amer. Geology. Emmons. Coal and its Topography. Lesley. Illinois Coal. Norioood. Coal and Coal Oil. Boicen. All about Petroleum. Millern. Mastodon Giganteus. Warren. Ichnography of Conn. River. Deane. Geology, etc. , of Nova Scotia. Dawson. Mineralogy and Geology of Nova Scotia. Gesner. Geology and Geography of Mexico. Egloffstein. Taconic System. Emmons. Geological Observations on South America. Darwin. Geology of Kemaon. McClelland. Geology of Voyage of Beagle. Darwin. Geology of Volcanic Islands visited by Beagle. Darwin. Coral Reefs. Darwin. Coral Reefs and Islands. Dana. Glaciers.- (See Norway, etc. Forbes. Genesis and Geology. Oroflon. Mineral and Mosaical Geologies. Penn. Scriptures and Geology. J. P. Smith. Ch'eation and the Deluge. System of Geology and Sacred Rec- cords. Macculloch. Geology and Natural Religion. Hitchcock. Course of Creation. Anderson. Age of the Earth. Phhid. Epoch of Creation. Lord. Die Schopfungstage. Rlencke. Antiquity of the Earth. Douglass. Geological, etc., Researches. Townsend. Answer to Warren on Sacred Theory of the Earth. Lettres sur la Terre. De Luc. Physical History of the Earth. De Luc. Answer to Hugh Miller, etc. Davies. The Geologist. Geological Society of London. Pro- ceedings. (^Mirlerly Journal of Geological Society. Ocological Reports. Canada. Geological Survey, 1852-6. Maine and Massachusetts. Report by Jack- son. Mai7ie. Report by Jackson. New Hampshire. Report by Jackson. Ve7'mont. Report by Hitchcock and others. Massachusetts. Report by Hitchcock. Massachussetts . Final Report by Hitchcock. Rhode Island. Survey by Jackson. Connecticut. Report by Shepard. Connecticut. Report by Percival. Geology, etc., of New London and Windham Counties. Mather. New York. Survey of Erie Canal District by Eaton. New York. Report on Survey, 1837. New York. Reports on Survey, 1838-41. A"eio York. Reports for 1837 by Beck, Ma- ther and others. New York. Atlas to Reports. New York. Report by Mather. New York. Report by Emmons. New York. Report by Vanuxem. • New York. Report by Hall. New York Palaeontology, by Hall. Geological History of New York Island. Cozzens. New Jersey. Final Report by Rogers. New Jersey. First Annual Report by Rogers. ^"eio Jersey. Geology of Southern Part. Pennsylvania. Exploration by Rogers. OJdo. Reports by Mather. Luliana. Reconnoissance by Owen. Iowa. Survey by Hall and Whitney. United States. Report on Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois, 1839. United States. Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska. Wisconsin. Survey by Daniels. Wisconsin. Survey by Percival. Wisconsin. Survey by Hall and Whitney. United States. Geology of Lake Superior Land District. New Fossils of Nebraska. Meek. Michigan. Reports by Houghton. Geology, etc., of California. Tyson. Michigan. Survey by Winchell. Delaware. Survey by Booth. Maryland. Report, 1840. Virginia. Reports by Rogers. North CarQli7Ut. Report by Emmons. South Carolina. Report by Lieber. South Carolina. Report by Tuomey. Tennessee. Reports by Troost.' Tennessee. Report by Saftbrd. Kentucky. Survey by Owen. MEDICAL SCIENCE. 609 Arkansas. Eeports by Owen. JUississippi. Report by Harper. Missoiu'L Reports by Swallow. Facific Railroad. Report on S. W. Branch by Swallow. United States. Exploration of Red River. United States. Report of Country between Missouri and Red Rivers. G^ologie de la Louisiana. Thomassy. iUiaeralogy. liineralogy. Dana. Introduction to Mineralogy. Phillips. Elements of Mineralogy. Phillips. Biblioiheque ficonomique; Mineralogy. Manual of Mineralogy. Nicol. Mineralogy. Sliepard. Mineralogy, Jameson. Mineralogy, Geology, and Analysis. Thomson. Sketches from Mineral Kingdom. Kohell. Petralogy. Plnlcerton. Minerals and their Uses. Jackson, Popular Mineralogy. _. Sowerby. Geologie Applique'e. BuraU Tableau Methodique. Lucas. Names of Minerals, etc. Allan, American Minerals. Robinson. Ancient Mineralogy. Moore, Crystallography. Griffin, Treatise on Gems. Feuchivcamjen Chemical Discrimination of Miner- als. Eobell. Geology and Mineralogy. Trimmer. Mineralogy, Assaying, and Mining. Overman. Mineralogy of New York, by Beck. Geschichte der Gesellschaft f iir Min- eralogie. PotL MEDICAL SCIENCE. Ctcncral Treatises and Ilistorj. Medical Lexicon. Dunglison. Dictionary of Medical Terms. Iloblyn. Medical and Botanical Dictionary. Beach. History of Medicine. Meryon. History of Medicine. Bosiock. History of Medicine, etc. llamillon. History of Medicine in Colonies. Beck. State of Medicine in France, Eng- land, etc. Miihry. History of Medical Delusions. Hooker. Certainty of Medicine. Bartleit. Medical Inquiries, etc Rush. Compendium of Medical Science. HeiU. Essays on Medical Science. Hosack. Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science. Holmes. Medicine and Chirurgery of Europe and America. Donaldson. Medical Science in the United States. See Am. Med. Biography. Thacher. Examen des Doctrines Medicales. Broussais. Works, with Memoir. Harvey. "Works. Heicsoiu Works, translated by Adams. Hippocrates. Paulus jE(jineia. Ponteau. Sydenham. Sydenham. Granville. Coleridge. Flour ens. etc, on Man- Falcon«r* New Medical Discoveries. Whitlaio, Medical Education. Chew. Influence de I'^filectricit^. Pallas, Chrono-Thermal System of Medi- cine. Dickson. God in Disease. Duncan. Physic and Physicians. Moral Aspect of Medical Life. Marx. Curiosities of Medical Experience. MiUingerL Physician and Patient. Hooker. Medical Philosophy. Ticknor. Prelections on Moral and Physical Science. Smith. Functions of Nervous System. SmitL Medical Psychology. Feuchtersleben. Electrical Psychology. Dods. Harmonies of Physical Science. Hinds. Man and his Relations. Briitan, Medical and Moral Life. Cooke. Mental Susceptibility. Johyison. Traitd des Ddgdndrescences Phy- siques. Morel, Facts on Transmission of Qualities to Offspring. Notes on Nursing. Mghlingale. Foundations of Character. Fimald. Soul and Instinct. Paine, Instinct and Reason. Bashnan, Hereditary Descent. Fowler, Maternity. Fowler, Ethical and Physiological Inquiries, Dana, Endemic Influence of Evil Govern- ment Foltz, 610 CI.ASSIFIED IXDEX. New York Hospital. Charter and Laws. Medical and Miscellaneous Obser- vations. Williamson. Enlisting, Discharging, and Pension- ing of Soldiers. Marshall Essays on Life, Sleep, Pain, etc. Dickson. Medical and Surgical Monographs. Five Essays. Mitchell. These ponr e Doctorat. Bodinier. Cultivation of Organic Science. Grainger. Address before the American Medi- cal Association. Warren. Medical Profession in Ancient Times. Watson. The True Physician. Watson. Essays and Orations. Ilalford. Discourse at Opening of Eutgers Medical College. Ilosack. Addresses to Medical Students. I?Icclical SocicticM and Joarnal8. American Medical Association. Davis. New York State Medical Society. Transactions, 1860-61. Abstract of Medical Sciences. Hanking. American Journal of Medical Sciences. Hays. American Medical Intelligencer. American Medical Monthly. American Medical and Philosophical Register. Bntish and Foreign Medical Review. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Re- view. Herald of Health. Illustrated Hydropathic Review. Journal of Health. Journal of Psychological Medicine. London Lancet. London Medical Gazette. Medical News. Medical and Surgical Specialist. Hunter. Medical Critic. iliedico-Chirurgical Review. New York Monthly Chronicle of Medicine and Surgery. Btaithwaite' s Retrospect. Scalpel. Dixon. United States Medical and Surgical Journal. Vegetarian Messenger. Anatoinyt Animal Economy. Treatise on Anatomy. Treatise on Anatomy, etc. Anatomy of Human Body. Lessons on Human Frame. Animal Mechanics. Ball. Bayle. Beach. Bell. Bell. Bell. Animal Mechanics. Topographical Anatomy. Blandlt Human Anatomy. Gloque Homologies of the Human Skeleton. Coot». ^ Elements of Anatomy. Craigle. Anatomy of Human Body. Oi^uveilhier, Anatomy and Physiology. Mwards. Demonstrations of Anatomy. Ellis. Anatomy of Man. Farr. Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy. Gi'ay. Text Book of Anatomy. Handy. Manual of Anatomy. Knox. Atlas of Human Anatomy. Masse. Human Anatomy. Morion. Pathological Anatomj'. Bokitansky. First Books of Nat. History. Buschenberger. Class Book of Anatomy. Smith. Samenstel des Menschenlyke Lich- nams. Winslow. Use of the Dead to the Living. Smith. Elementary Tissues of Plants and Animals. Quekett. Lectures to Women on Anatomy, etc. Gove. Nervous System. Bell. Characters of the Blood. Griffith. Morbid Anatomy of the Serous and Mucous Membranes. Hodgkin. Organs of the Senses. Bell.- Anatomy, etc., of the Eye. Franz, Eye, Imper sections and Prevention. PowelL The Hand. Bell. Why the Shoe Pinches. Meyer. Human Muscles as Dissected. Innes. JPhysioIogj* Elements of Physiology. Animal Physiology. Recherches Physiologiques. System of Physiology. Physiology applied to Pathology. Manual of Physiology. Animal Physiology. Human Physiolog3\ Outlines of Physiology. Physiology, Nosology, etc. , Human Physiology. Zoonomia ; or Laws of Organic Life. DarwiTii Observations on Darwin's Zoonomia. Brovmi Aitkin. Bichat. Bostock. Broussais. Carpenter. Carpenter. Carpenter. Comstock. adlen,^ Daltonl Physiol, and Anatom. Researches. Animal Chemistry. Discovery of the Vital Principle. Anatomy, Physiology, etc. Human Physiologj^ Human Physiology. Every- day Wonders. Physiology and Phrenology. Davyl Simon* I Draperi Draperi DunglisonS I Fowler,: MEDICAL SCIENCE. 611 ical Chemistry. Gardner. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. Goadhy Philosophy of Animated Existence. Gorman. Animal Mechanism and Physiology. Griscom. Physiology. JMler. Animal Physiology. Ilamiltoii. Handbook of Physiology. Kirhes. Human Physiology, Anatomy and Hygiene. Lambert. Chemical Physiology. Lehmann. Physiology of Common Life, Levees. Elements of Physiology, Richerand. Human Physiology. Magendie. Physiology and Disease. Mapother. Physical Phenomena of Living Bodies. Matieuccl. Man, Structure and Adaptations. Mudie. Analysis of Physiology. Reese. Physiologic et Hygiene. ReviilU-Parise. Animal Physiology. Rogei. Physiology and Phrenology. Roget. Physiological Anatomy. Todd. Beauty. WaUcer. Physiognomy founded on Physiology. Walker. Human Body. }\l.lkinson. Motive Power of Organic Life, etc. Sherwood. Influence of Physical Agents. Edwards. Dynamics of Magnetism, etc. Reichenhach. Cause of Natural Death. Bosiwlck. Science of Human Life. Graham. Human Body in Health and Disease. Medical Reform. Jennings. Manhood; Causes of Decline, etc. Deslandes. Embryology, and Generation. MuUer. Mother and Her Offspring. Tracy. Marriage and Parentage.. Wright. Letters on Marriage. Kitchener. Intermarriage. Walker. Symptoms of Pregnancy. Montgomery. Females and their Diseases. Meigs. Sj'steme de la Femme. Roussel. Physiologia das Paixoes e Affec96es. Mello-Moraes. Woman, Physiologically Considered. Walker. Experiments, etc., on Gastric Juice. Reaumont. Lectures on the Blood. Bernard. Physiology of Blushing. Burgess. Use of the Lungs. * Fisher. Accommodation of the Eye to Dis- tances. Wallace. Human Huir, and Diseases. Perry. Dental Economy. Rowell. Human Brain. Solly. Physiology of the Senses. Johnson. Physiology of the Sonses. Milller. Ilj-gicnc. Philosophy of Health. Smith. Philosophy of Health. Coles. Philosophy of Common Life. Scojfern. Philosophy of Living. Mayo. Philosophy of Living. Ticknor. Human Health. Danglison. Life, Health, and Disease. Johnson. Health; its Friends and Foes. 3Iussey. Bihliothlque Economique. Hygiene Domestique. Laws of Health. Beale. Compendium of Hygiene. Mills. Library of Health. AlcoU. Catechism of Health. Faust. Catechism of Health. Physiology and Laws of Health. Jarvis. Hints on Health. Coaie. Letters to the People on Health, etc. Beecher. Economy of Health. Johnsoju Means of Promoting and Preserving Health. Ilodgkin. Art of Preserving Health. Armstrong. Preservation of Health. Warren. Preservation of Health. Carlisle. Laws of the Vital Functions. Philip. Sources of Health and Disease. Health and Disease. HaU. Conditions of Health and Long Life. Chainhers. Organic Laws. Sax. Antidote for Causes that Abridge Human Existence. Pinney. Duration of Human Life, etc. Pinney. Decline of Life in Health and Dis- ease. Van Ov&x. Wear and Tear of Human Life. llayden. Avoidable Causes of Disease. Ellis. Health, Disease, and Kemedy. Moort. Life and Health. AlcoU. Hints toward Physical Perfection. Jacques. Physical Education. Smiles. Necessity of Physical Culture. Reynolds. Physical Education. CaldweU. Physical Education. Riofrey. Woman's Medical Guide. PtUte. Turkish Balh. Wilson. Simplicity of Living. Curtis. Discourses on a Temperate Life. Cornaro. Sunshine; Lecture on Health. DaU. Ziekten der Geleerden. Tissot, Influence of Mental Cultivation on Health. Brigham. Influence of Civic Life on Health. Johnson. Effects of Arts, Trades, etc., on Health. Thackrah. 612 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Sanitary Condition of New York. Diseases of Towns, etc. Eehhtll. The Lnngs ; Uses and Abuses. Sietcart. Uses and Abuses of Air. Griscom. Change of Air. Johnson. Health, as Depending on Atmo- sphere. Pickford. On Change of Climate. Madden. Sanative Influence of Climate. Clark. Economy of the Eyes. Kiicldncr. Use of the Eyes. Beynolds. Sight and Hearing. Clark. Anatomy of Sleep. Binns. Sleep. Ilall On Wakefulness. Hammond. Nature of Sleep and Death. Philip. Teeth in Relation to Beauty, Voice, and Health. Mcholles. M^de'cine du Visage, etc. Delay. Invalid's Oracle. Kiichiner. Management of Sick Room. Thomson. Practical Suggestions for the Sick Room. Life in the Sick Room. Marlineau. Hospital Hygiene. Francis. Preservation of Health in Armies. Ordronavx. Treatise on Hygiene. Hammond. Soldier's Health Companion. Scolt. l>ietetics. Treatise on Diet. Paris. Food and Diet. Pereira. Food and its Infl.uence. Truman. Art of Dining. Walkei'. Regimen and Longevity. Bell. Diet and Regimen. Pdberison. Physiology of Digestion. Combe. Management of Organs of Digestion. Mayo. Golden Rules of Health. Boss. Dyspepsia Forestalled. Hitchcock. Vegetable Diet. Alcott. Vegetable Substances used for Food. Thalysie. GleWs. Tea; its Effects. Sigmond. Tea and Coffee. Alcott. Milk, as Food. Hartley. Oymnasticii. Manual of Gymnastics. Bathe. New Gymnastics. Lewis. Calisthenics. Laspie. Gymnastic Free Exercises. Ling. Instructions in Gymnastics. Alfonce. Medical Gymnastics. Schreher. Calisthenics and Gymnastics. Watson. Gymnastic Exercises. Cias. Physical Education. Warren. Gymnastics for Youth. Sdlzmann. Physiology and Calisthenics. Beecher. Laws of Life. Blackwell. Defensive Exercises. Walker. Method of Training for Running, Boxing, etc. Westhall British Manly Exercises. Walker. Alcoholic L.iqiiors. Lectures on Intemperance. Mann. Intemperance in Cities. Hartley. Bacchus; Intemperance. Gnndrod. Anti-Bacchus. Parsons. Anatomy of Drunkenness. Macnish. Horrors of Delirium Tremens. Boot. Zoological Temperance Convention. Hitchcock. Agitation against Intemperance. See Essays. Conybeare. Temperance Reform. See Protes- tant Jesuitism. Colton. Enquiries into Effects of Fermented Liquors. On Inebriating Liquors. Morewood. Alcohol, its Place and Power. 3Iiller. Use of Alcoholic Liquors. Carpenter. Drinking Usages. Hunlop. Hints to Naval Officers in "West Indies. Barton. National Temperance Offering, Gary. Stimulants and Narcotics. Anstie. Seven Sisters of Sleep. Cooke. Tobacco. Use and Abuse of Tobacco. Lizars. Tobacco-Using. Coles. Use of Tobacco. Lane. Mysteries of Tobacco. Lane. Letters on Tobacco. A Paper of Tobacco. Fume. Thoughts and Stories on Tobacco. materia Mcdica. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Garrod. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Thomson. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Pereira. Materia Medica. Johnstone. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Hempel. Therapeutical Arrangement of Ma- , teria Medica. Payne^ General Therapeutics. Dunglison^ New Remedies. Dunglisoi\ Materia Medica and Pharmacy. Carson, Treatise on Pharmacy. Practical Pharmacy. Principes de Pharmaceutiques. Practical Pharmacy. Pocket Formulary. Parrish^ Mohn Cap, Par risk* MEDICAL SCIENCE. 6ii Supplement to the Pharmacopoeias. Bennie. Royal College of Physicians, London. Pharmacopoeia. Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Dispensatory. Chrisiison. Dispensatory of the United States. Wood. Jourtud de Pharmacie. Pharmaceutical Journal. American Pharmaceutical Society. Proceedings. Medical Botany. Griffiths. Illustrations of Medical Botany. Carson. Herbal and Family Physician. Calpqjer. Medical Properties of Kanunculacese. Turnhull Examinations of Drugs, Medicines, etc. Peirce. Book of Prescriptions. Bearsley. Universal Formulary. Griffith. Medical Formulary. Ellis. Several New Remedies. Magendie. Concentrated Organic Medicines, Coe. Cod Liver Oil. Jongh, Treatise on Poisons. Costill. Pathology. Institutes of Medicine. Paine. Theory and Practice of Physic. Slokes. General Pathology. Simon. Elements of General Pathology. SUM. Dictionary of Practical Medicine. Copland. Lectures on Physic. Watso7i. Practice of Medicine. Wood. Pathology and Surgery. Davies. Relations between Anatomy, etc., and Medicine. Hall. American Practice and Family Phy- sician. Beach. Wahrhaflfte Cur aller Krankheiten. Weisshach. Medical Diagnosis. Da Costa. Study of Medicine. Good. Management of Children. Bull. System of Nosology. Ilosack. Nature in Disease. Bigelow. Chronic Diseases. Banning. Changes of the Blood in Disease. Gibert. Clinical Lectures on Medicine. Bennett. Renewal of Life. Chambers. Medical Clinics. Brichetau. Microscope applied to Clinics. Bcale. Clinical Lectures. Graves. Action of Medicines. Headland. Therapeutics. Townsend. Curative Effects of Abstraction of Blood. Wardrop. Practice of Thomsonian Medicine. Comfort. Practice of Thomsonian Medicine. Kosi. Neuropathy. HoUiek. Medical Application of Electro-Mag- netism. Smith. Electricity and Galvanism. Bird. New Curing Method. BaunscheldL Movement Cure. Taylor. American Vegetable Practice. Mattson. Botanic Medicine. Worthy. Counter-Irritation. GranviUe. Motorpathy. Halsted. Etherization. Warren. Etherization in Childbirth. Channing. Anassthesia, or Chloroform in Sur- gery, etc. Simpson. Anresthetic Properties of Ether. Morton. Trials of a Public Benefactor; or, Etherization. Bict. System of Midwifery. Deucees. System of Midwifery. Beach. Observations on Midwifery. Hamilton. Hints to Mothers during Pregnancy. BvJL New York Hospital. Catalogue of Pathological Cabinet Special Diseases. Treatise on Fever. Smith. Origin of Fevers. MitcheU. Fevers in United States. BartielL Sources and Action of Fever. Davidson, Short Treatise on Typhus Fever. EoupelL Yellow Fever in New Orleans. Barton. Yellow Fever in New York, 1822. Hardie. Yellow Fever in New York, 1822. Townsend. Report of the Portsmouth Relief As- sociation. Report of the Howard Assoc, of Nor- folk, 1855. Epidemic in Baltimore, 1819. Reese. Treatise on Epidemic Cholera. Ferris. Treatise on Epidemic Cholera. Jameson. Du Cholera Epiddmique. Tardieu. Treatise on Epidemic Cholera. Tardieu. Electricity as a Cause of Cholera. Murray. Cholera Asphyxia in New York. Paine. Working Man's Companion. Cholera. Cholera Morbus. Scouttetten. Camp Diseases of U. S. Army. Woodward. Compendium of Diseases of the Skin. Green. Treatise on Diseases of the Skin. Neligan. Wilson on Diseases of the Skin ; Plates. Researches on Scrofulous Diseases. Lugol. Small Pox, and Measles. Rliazes. Disease of the Body and Mind. Winslow. Diseases of the Nervous System. Carter, Epilepsy, Pain, Paralysis, etc. RadcUffe. Chemical Lectures on Paralysis, Dis- eases of the Brain, etc. Todd. 614 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Inflammation, Fever, Cancer, etc. Whlilaw. Acute Hydrocephalus. Davis. Headaches, Causes and Cure. Wright. Deafness and Diseases of the Ear. Dufion. Diseases of the Ear. Kramer. Deafness, Causes and Prevention. Lighihill. Diseases of the Eye. Willlam.s. The Eye, Diseases and Cure. See Eaunscheidtismus. Baunscheidi. Operations on the Eye. Boicman. Spectacles ; their Use and Abuse. Sickel. Treatise on Amaurosis. Ilocken. Diseases of the Teeth. Fox. Dissases of Vosal Organ?, Colomhat. Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Hunter. Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. HiU, Diseases of the Larynx aad Trachea. Byland. Laryngea Phthisis, etc. Trousseau. Researches on Phthisis. Louis. Throat-ail, Bronchitis, etc. Ilall. Clergyman's Sore Throat. IlacJoiess. Bronchitis and Kindred Diseases. Hall. Fibro-Bronchitis and Pneumonia. Buckler. Pathology and Treatment of Asthma, tkilter. N.iture and Pathology of Croup. Green. Pneumonia of Children. EiUlet. Diseases of the Breast. Vdpeau. Diseases of the Chest. Fitch. Diseases of the Chest. Swett. Prussic Acid in Breast Diseases. Magendie. Diseases of the Chest. Stokes. Pulmonary Consumption, etc. Maddock. Climate of Italy and Consumption. Burgess. Lectures on Pulmonary Consumption. Thompson. Consumptives' Guide to Health. Potter. Consumption: Early Stages. Smith. Consumption: Cure by Water Treat- ment. Shew. Diseases of the Heart. Hope. Disorders of the Cerebral Circulation. Burroices. Essay on Indigestion. Johnsoji. New Cure for Dyspepsia. JIalsted. Diseases of the Stomach. Brinton. Efficacy of White Mustard Seed. Cooke. Diseases of the Liver. Budd. Seminal Diseases. Bostwick. Spermatorrhoea. Lallemand. Venereal Diseases. Bo.'ilwick. Venereal Disease. Colles. Letters on Syphilis. Bicord. Syphilitic Diseases. Parker. Illustrations of Syphilitic Disease. Bicord. De la St2rilite de I'Homme et de la Femrae. Mondat. Diseases of the Ilectum. Bodenhamer. Treatment of Stone and Gravel. Civlale. Gravel, Calculus, and Gout. Jones. Diseases of Women. Blundell. Diseases of Women. Simj)son. Ilygeiana; Female Complaints. Goss. Diseases of Females. Churchill. Diseases of Pregnancy and Child-bed. Churchill Pathology; the Urethra. Harrison. Diseases of the Bones. Bupuytren. Congenital Dislocations of the Femur. Carnochan. Diseases of Organs of Eespiration and Circulation. Hasse. Observations on Aneurism. Erichsen. Lead Diseases. Tanquerel des Planches. General Debility and Defective Nu- trition. Smee. Treatment of Children. ScMeffelin. Diseases of Children. Coley. Diseases of Children. Meigs. Report of a Case of Hydrophobia. Smith. Diseases of Advanced Life. Bay. Water and Vegetable Diet in Chronic Diseases. Lamhe. Homoeopathic Treatment of Chronic Diseases. _ Harimann, Principal Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America. Drake. Diseases of the Bahama Islands. Townsend. Water Cnic. Philosophy of the Water Cure. Balhirnie. Water Treatment. Houghton. Hydropathy. Shew. Water Cure. Forbes. Facts in Support of Hydropathy. Claridge. Hydropathy. Johnson. Water Cure in Chronic Diseases. Gully. Atmopathy and Hydropathy. Boss. Results of Hydropathy. Johnson. Errors in Practice of Water Cure. Bausse. Life at the Water Cure. Lajie. Visit to Grafeiiberg, 1843. Scudamore. Letters from Grafenberg, 1843-0. Gibbs. Miscellanies to Grafenberg Water Cure. Bausse. Baths and Mineral Waters. Bell. History of Mineral Waters, etc. Schullz. Analysis of Saratoga Springs. Allen. Mineral Springs of Virginia. Burke. Iloniocopallij'. Homoeopathic Practice. SJierrill. View of Homoeopathy. HomoGopatby; Doctrines and Evi- dences. Hooker. MEDICAL SCIENCE. 615 Bcply to the SameL Marcy. Homoeopathic Practice. Laurie. Homoeopathic Practice. llerderson. Homoeojjathy Fairly llepresented. Ilendtrson. Homoeopathy and the Homoeopaths. Bushnan. Homoeopathy, Allopathy, etc Forbes. Progress of Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy ; Tenets and Ten- dencies. Simp.fon. Homoeopathia Revealed. Eusiaphieve. Homoeopathy and Kindred Delu- sions. Holmes. Homoeopathic Domestic Physician. PuUe. Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine. Laurie. Homoeopathic Treatment of Acute Diseases. Ilempd. Homoeopathic Treatment of Acute Diseases. llartmann. Eepertory of Homoeopathic Medicine. Bryant. Repertory of Homoeopathic Medicine. Iliioff. American Homoeopathic Review. Surgery. Institntes of Surgery. Bell Operative Surgery. Velpcau. Principles of Surgery. Syme. System of Surgery. Holmes. Surgery Illustrated. " Doane. Household Surgery. South. Examen van Land-en-Zee Chirurgie. Verhrug(j€. Practical Surgery. Liston. Surgical Reports. Hayward. Surgical Pathology. Paget. Surgical Practice of Paris. Markham. Surgical Cliniques of Valentine Mott. Francis. Compound Fractures of the Extremi- ties. Guthrie. Inflammation and its Effects. Morgan. Treatment of Polypi of the Larynx and GEdema of the Glottis. Green. Diseases of the Head and Neck. Otiley. Operative Ophthalmic Surgery. Walton. Aural Surgery and Ear Diseases. Wilde. Silver Sutures in Surgery. Sims. Obstetric Medicine and Surgery. Jlamshoiham. Military Surgei-y. Williainson. Ambulance Surgeon. Appia. Chemistry and Metallurgy as applied to Dental Surgery. Biggot. Dental Physiology and Surgery. Tomes. Dental Medicine. Bond. ITIcdical JurisprHdrBce. Medical Jurisprudence. Beck, Medical Jurisprudence. Byan, Medical Jurisprudence. Whartoiu Medical Jurisprudence. Taylor. Medical Jurisprudence. TraiU, Treatise on Poisons in relation to Medical Jurisprudence. Christisoiu Poisons and Asphyxia. Coley, KindeiTuoord. Camper. Criminal Abortion in America. Storer. Rationale of Crime. Sampsoru Principles of Forensic Medicine. Guy. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. Bay. ITIcntal DiMordcrs. Insanity and Disorders of the Mind. Fritchard. Insanity Tested by Science. Burnett. Observations on Insanity. Spurzheim. Mental Maladies. Esquirol Imperfect and Disordered Mental Action. Upham. Obscure Diseases of the Brain. Winsloic. Mind and Matter. MUlingen. Man's Power to Prevent or Control Insanity. ' Barlow. Avoidable Causes of Insanity. Ellis. Unsoundness of Mind. Williams. New View of Insanity. ' . Wigan. Pathology of the Mind. Mayo. Psychological Medicine containing Treatment of Insanity. Bucknill Treatment of Insanity. Gali. Familiar Views of Lunacy and Lu- natic Life. Mental Hygiene. Bay. Inquiries upon Diseases of the Mind. Bus?i. Hallucinations. Boisinont American Journal of Insanity. Anatomy of Suicide. W^nslow. Institutions for the Insane in Prus- sia, Austria, etc. Earle. Massachusetts Lunatic Hospital Re- ports, etc. Bloomingdale Asylum. Earle. PhrcuoIogT. Constitution of Man. Combe. Exposure of the Same. Gillespie. System of Phrenology. Comhe. Elements of Phrenology. Combe. Harmony of Phrenology with Scrip- ture. Scott. Functions of the Drain. GalL Phrenology. ^urzJieim. 616 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Objections to Doctrines of Gall and Spurzlieim. Spurzheim. Philosophy of Phrenology. What is Phrenology ? Saunders. Introduction to Phrenology. Macnish. New System of Phrenology. ITiitell. Catechism of Phrenology, Phrenology Vindicated. Caldwell. Lectures on Phrenology. Broussais. Practical Phrenology. Fowler. Guide to Phrenology. Dewhursi. Phrenology applied to Character. Forman. Illustrations of Phrenology. The Brain and its Physiology. Noble. Imaginary Colloquies. Slade. Moral and Intellectual Science. Comhe. Mental Derangement. Combe^ Phreno- Geology. Grimes. Neurological System of Anthro- pology. Buchanan. Evidences of Christianity from Phrenology. Fpps. Phrenology Known by its Fruits. Beese. Phreno-Philosophy of Human Na- ture. Grimes. Memory applied to Self-Education. Fowler. La Physiognomic et la Phrenologie. Bourdon. Essays on Physiognomy. Lavaier. Comparative Physiognomy. Bedjidd. Hand Phrenologically Considered. Phrenological Journal. Selections from Phrenological Jour- nal. Cox. American Phrenological Journal. Phrenological Visit to the U. S. Comhe. Animal Iflagnctisiu. Animal Magnetism. Deleuze. Human Electricity. Bxdter. Animal Magnetism. See Essays. Mitchell. New Theory of Animal Magnetism. Burant. Physico-Physiological Researches. Beichanhach. Magndtisme et Magndtotheraphie. Szapary. Magnetoscope. Leger. Animal Magnetism. Leger. Magndtisme. Cahagnef. Mystery of Animal Magnetism. Stearns. Early Magnetism. Electro-Biology. Smee. Mind Deduc((] from Physical Laws. Smee. Instinct and ileason Deduced from Electro-Biology. Smee. Human Magnetism. Newnham. Zoistic Magnetism. Scoreshy. Mesmerism, or Animal Magnetism. Tov:nshend. Mesmer and Swedenborg. Bush. Mesmerism, History, Phenomena, and Practice. Mesmerism and its Opponents. Sandby. Mesmerism, Rise, Progress, etc. HalL Physiology of Mesmerism. Pasley. The Soul of Things. Benton, Fascination, or Philosophy of Charm- ing. NewmaTi, Mesmerism in India. Esdaile. Zoisi (The) Journal. Astrologr* Liber Completus in Judiciis Stel- larum. Albohazen, Introduction to Astrology. Lilly. Mysteries of Astrology. Bohack. Celestial Science of Astrology. Sibky. Astrology as it Is. "Detnonology nnd lY^itcfacraft. Philosophy of IMystery. Bendy. Des Sciences Occultes. Salverie. Philosophy of Magic. Salverte. Philosophy of Apparitions. Mbbert. Credulity and Superstition. Blakeman. Magic, Witchcraft, etc. Braid. La Sorciere. Michelet. Cradle of Science and Mystery. Christmas. Theory of Pneumatology. Jung-Stilling. Credulity Illustrated. Macdonald. Superstition and Mesmerism. Mayo. Sketches of Imposture, etc. World of Wonders. Poyniz. Popular Antiquities, etc. Brand. Superstitions of Scotland, etc. Balzell. Superstitions of the Highlanders. Grant Irish Popular Superstitions. Wilde. Proceedings against Alice E^'teler. Camden Soc. Humbugs of New York. Beese. Essay on Demonology, etc. Thacher. Letters on Demonology. Scott. Manuel Complet des Sorciers. Fonienelle. Lives of the Necromancers. Godwin. Nightside of Nature. Ci'owe. Becords of Salem Witchcraft. Wonders of the Invisible World. Cal^. Supematuralism of New England. Whittier. Spiritnalism. Philosophy of the Spirit World. Hammond. Light from the Spirit World. Hammond. Guide to Spiritualism. Clarke. Spiritualism. Edmonds. The Great Harmonia. Davis. Present Age and Inner Life. Davis. I THE AKT3. 617 Approaching Crisis. Davis. Strange Things Among us. Spicer. To Daimonion or Spiritual Medium. Oldfield. Footfalls on the Boundary of An- other World. O^jcen. My Experience. Smilh. Philosophy of Mysterious Agents. Eogers. History of the Supernatural. Jlowiit Principles of Nature. Davis. Seeress of Prevorst. Kernel'. Investigation of Spirit Manifestations. Hare. Modern Spiritualism. Capron. Modern Spii'itualism. Ilayden. Modern Spiritualism. BrUian. Pilgrimage of Paine and others to the Spirit World. Hammond. Scenes in the Spirit World. IMtle. Spiritual Manifestations in Philadelphia. How I becAme a Spiritualist. Danskin. %nr it RAippings; Life of McConnelL Light in the Valley. Incidents in my Life. Home. Natty, a Spirit. Putnam. Spiritual Vampirism. Wchher, From Matter to Spirit. Automatic Powers of the Brain. Fiogers, Phantom World. Calmet. Arcana of Christianity. Harris, Song of Satan. Harris. Modern Mysteries Exposed. Maharu Eeview of Spiritual Manifestations. Beecher, Table Moving. Biri. Science vs. Spiritualism. Gasparin. Sacred Circle. Spiritual Magazine. Spiritual Telegraph. Alchemy and the Alchemists. Hitchcock. Svvedenborg, a Hermetic Philoso- pher. Hitchcock. Christ the Spirit. Hitchcock. Colin Clouts Come Home Again, Explained. Hitchcock. Red Book of Appin. Hitchcock. THE ARTS. General Treatisea. Cyclopsedia of Useful Arts. Tomlinson. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. Ure. Universal Technological Dictionary. Crahb. Tableau Historique de ITndustrie, et du Commerce. Desnos. Useful Arts, Birth and Developement. Martin. Useful Arts. Bigelow. Elements of Technology. Bigelow. Book of Trades. Professions and Trades. Hazen. Opportunities for Industry. LTndustrie en Europe. * Beybaud. Gewerbswissenschaftliche Ergeb- nisse einer Reise nach Franlc- reich. Mohl. Great Britain. Report on Arts and Manufactures. World in its Workshops. Ward. Philadelphia and its Manufactures. Freedley. Exhibition of 1851, Official Catalogue. Same. Official Descriptions. Same. Reports by the Juries. Same. Report of Commissioners. Great Exhibition, its Palace and Contents. Stephenson. Great Exhibition, and London in 1851. Lardner, Report on the Great Exhibition. Johnson. Year Book of Facts in the Exhibi- tions, 1851 and 18G2. Timhs. Lectures on the Results of the Ex- hibition of 1851. Exposition Universelle de 1851. Travaux de la Commission Fran5aise. Visite a I'Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1855. Tresca. Great Britain. Reports on the Paris Exhibition. Paris Universal Exhibition. Works in the British Section. New York Exhibition, 1853. Official Catalogue. Illustrations of the New York Exhi- bition. Silliman. Art and Industry at the Crystal Pal- ace. Greeley. New York Crj'stal Palace. Bichards. Scientific Record of International Exhibi- tion of 1862. See Practical Mechanics' Journal. Academic Nationale Agricole, etc. Journal des Travaux. American Institute. Journal. Convention of Friends of Domestic Industry. Journal. Society of Arts, IManufactures and Commerce, Transactions. Society of Arts. JoumaL 618 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Socleiy for Useful Arts in the State of New York. Transactions. American Polytechnic Journal. Journal of Design and Manufactures. Journal of Industrial Progress. London Journal of Arts and Sciences. Newto7is London Journal of Arts and Sci- ences. Folyiechnlsches Journal (Dingler's). ITIccIinnical Arts. Principles of Mechanical Philosophy. Tale. Treatise on Mechanics. Moseley. Practical Geometry. Davies. Drawing and Mensuration. Davies. Dictionary of Mechanical Science. Jamieson. Book of Reference for Mechanics, Machinists, and Engineers. Hasleli. Elements of Mechanism. Baker. Mechanic's Manual. Byrne. Apprentice. Byrne. Artisan, Mechanic and Engineer's Handbook. Byrne. Arts and Artisans at Home and Abroad. Sy-.nons. Operative Mechanic and Machinist. Nicholson. Curiosities of Industry and Applied Sciences. Dodd. Science applied to Useful Arts. Poller. United Stales. Tables of Manufac- tures, 1810. United States. Tables of Manufac- tures, 1860. Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Companion. Stokes. Fire and Thief Proof Depositories, and Locks and Keys. Price. Manufacture of a Pin. Tomlinson. Handbook of Turning. Turning and Mechanical Manipula- tion. Jloltzapffel Turner's Companion. Art of Bookbinding. Nicholson. Art of Bookbinding. Hannelt. Art of Bookbinding. Walker. Time and Timekeepers. Thomson. Treatise on Clock and Watch Making. Denison. Clock and Watch Making. lieid. Paper Hangers' Companion. Arrowsmiih. Mathematical Instruments. Heather. Iron Workers and Tool Makers. Smiles. Artizan, Journal of Operative Arts. Mechanics' Magazine. Appletons' Mechanics' Magazine. Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine. Practical Mechanic's Journal. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Report of the Maryland Institute. Book of the Maryland Institute Exhibition. Middlesex Mechanics' Association. Reports. Report of the French Exposition of the Products of Industry. Wyatt. Science and Mechanism in the New York Exhibition, 1853-4. Goodrich. Practical Mechanic's Journal. Rec- ord of the Exhibition of 18G2. Londoner Industrie Ausstellung 1862. Bucher. iriacliincrj' ami luvcntiouf*. Appleton's Dictionary of Machines and Engineering. Economy of Machinery and Man- ufactures. Babbage. Treatise on Mechanical Engineering, etc. Campin. Manufactures and Machinery of Gt. Britain. Barlow. Industry of the United States in Ma- chinery, Manufactures, etc. American Engineer and Machinist's Assistant. Byrne. Mechanics of Machinery and En- gineering. Weisbach. Farm Engineer. ' Bitchie. Essays on New Systems and Inven- tions. Bosquet. Repertory of Patent Inventions. The Mechanic. Smith. History of Wonderful Inventions. New Century of Inventions. White. History of Inventions and Discoveries. Beckmann. History of Inventions and Discoveries. Williams. Theology of Inventions. Blakely. The Inventor. Eureka. Journal of Inventions, Patents, etc. Mechanics' Magazine. On Construction of Cranes and Ma- chinery. Glynn. Engineer, Millwright, and Mechan- ic's Companion. Templeton. Mechanics for Millwrights, Machin- ists, Engineers, etc. Overman. American Miller and Millwright's Assistant. Hughes. Great Britain. Returns on Mills and Factories. Young Millwright and Miller's Guide. Evans. Mill Work and other Machinery. Buchanan. Treatise on Power of Water. Glynn. Hydraulic and other Machines. Eicba7ik. THE ARTS. 619 Patent Hydraulic Apparatus. Famain. Colleciion of Drawings of American Machinery. Ciril Enginrcring. Encyclnpaedia of Civil Engineering. Cressy. Text Book of Civil Engineering of the United States Military Academy, West Point. Civil Engineering. Mahan. Civil Engineering, etc. Ilrees. Civil Engineeiiiig. Gregory. Mechanical Engineering and Archi- tecture. Moseley. Civil Engineering for Beginners. Law. Engineers and their Principal Works. Smiles. Civil Engineering of North America. Stevenson. Insiituiioji of Civil Engineers, Trans- actions. Civil Engineer, and Architect's Journal. Hydraulic Engineering. Burnell. Practical Hydraulics. Downing. Hydraulic Tables. Beardmore. United States. Physics and Hydrau- lics of the Mississippi River. Embanking Lands from the Sea. Wiggins. Construction, Cost, etc., of Croton Aqueduct. King. Description of the Croton Aque- duct. Schramke. Hlustrations of the Croton Aque- duct. Tower. New York. Report of Superintendent of Water Works. Waterworks for Cities and Towns. Hughes. Xew York. Docs. Relating to Canals between Lakes and Atlantic. New York. Structures on State Canals. New Yoik. Engineer's Report on Canals, 1851 and 18G2. New York. Maps of the Canals. United States. Inter-Oceanic Ship Canal. Union of the Oceans. Kelley. Ohio Canal Documents. Drainage of Towns and Buildings. Dempsey. Well Digging, Boring, Pump Work, etc. Swindell. Blasting and Quarrying of Stone. Burgoyne. Surrcying and liCvelling. Treatise on Surveying. Alsop. Land Surveying. Ainslie. Plates to Ainslies Land Surveying. Galbraith. Practical Geodesy. Williams. Practical Surveyor's Guide. Duncan. Land Surveying. Gillespie. Manual for Practical Surveyors. Beans. Text Book for Surveyors and Level- lers. Castle, Surveying and Navigation. Davies. Treatise on Levelling. Simms. Manual of Practical Levelling. Francis. Trigonometrical Survey for Maps, etc. Frome. Present Practice of Surveying and Levelling. Steam Engine. Manual of the Steam Engine. Ildblyn. Treatise on the Steam Engine. Benwick. Manual of the Steam Engine. Bankine. Lectures on the Steam Engine. Lardner. Steam Engine in its Various Applica- tions. Bourne. American Engineer's Assistant. Byrne. Information for Engineers. Fairbairn. Steam Engine; Laws of Heat, etc. Beid, Examinator on Steam and Steam Engine. Tcmpleton. Engineering Precedents for Steam Machinery. Isherwood. Cadet Engineer. Long. High Pressure Steam Engine. Alban. Anecdotes of Steam Engines. Stuart. Steam Engine. Portwine. Catechisms du Me'canicien a Vapeur. Paris. On Steam Boilers and Saving of Fuel. Ai-mstrong. Steam and Locomotion. SewelL Handbook for Locomotive Engineers. Norris. Student's Guide to Locomotive Engine. Locomotive Engines. Pambour. Comparative Methods of Locomo- tive and Fixed Engines on Railways. Walker. Guide des Machines Locomotives. Chatelier. Locomotive Engine. Colburn. Origin and Progress of Steam Navi- • gation. ' W^oodcrojt Marine Steam Engine. Main. Same, with Examination Papers. 31ain. Marine Steam-Engine, for Naval Officers. Navigation by Steam. Boss. Steam, and Steam Navigation. Bussell. Steam Navigation. Tredgold. Railway Locomotion and Steam Navigation. Curr. Indicator and Dynamometer. Main, Rail RondH. Railways; Rise, Progress, and Con- Btruction. BUchie, 620 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Railways ; Constrnction and Forma- tion. Day. Treatise on Railways. Lecount. Construction and Management of Railways. Jervis. Treatise on Rail Roads. Earle. Railway Engineering. Baker. Treatise on Railroads. Wood. Handbook of Railroad Construction. Vose. Formula for Constructing Railroads. Borden. Railway Practice. Brees. Appendix to the Same. Brees. Our Iron Roads; History, etc. •WiUiams. Railway and Electric Communica- tions, etc. White. Field Book for Railroad Engineers. Ilenck. Railway Locomotion, etc. Curr. Rail Roads and Carriages. Tredgold. Examples of Railway Making. Weak. Rail Road Curvatures. Van Be Graaff. Railway Economy. Lardner. Political Economy of Rail Roads. Fab-bairn. Railroad Accidents. With. Chemins de Fer. Bant. Railroads and Canals of U. S. Poor. History of Express Companies, etc. Slimson. Chemins de Fer Americains. Poussin. European and North American Railway Company Documents. Massachusetts Rail-road Corporations. Re- turns, 1861. New York. Returns of Rail Roads, 1850. New York. Drawings for Report of R. R. Commissioners, 1856. New York. Report on Rail Road Corpora- tions for 1858. Reports of N. Y. and Harlem, and other R. R. Companies. Historical View of N. Y. and Erie Railroad. Lord. Railways in Great Britain and Ire- land. Chaitaway. English Railway. Francis. Plan of Shortening Passage from New York to London. Sketch of a Railway; Philadelphia to Potts- ville. Chemin de Fer de Chambe'ry a Turin. Maus. Embranchements du Chemin de Fer de Paris a Lille. Baru. Tracd du Chemin de Fer de Paris a Chalons. Baru. American Rail Road Journal. Ronds and Bridges. Manual of Road Making. Gillespie. Treatise on Roads. Pamell. Making and Repairing Roads. Hughes. Plank Roads in U. S. and Canada. Kingsford. Boads and Railroads, .Vehicles and Travelling. Treatise on Bridge Architecture. Pope. Theory of Bridge Construction. Haupt. IVaral Architecture. Elements of Naval Architecture. Clairhois. Technological Education and Ship- building. Nystrom. Naval Architecture, Shipbuilding. Montagu. Marine Engines and Steam Vessels . Murray. History of Naval Architecture. Fincham. History of Marine Architecture, Charnock. Propellers and Steam Navigation. Macfarlane. Abridgments Relating to Marine Pro- pulsion, Screw Propellers and their Steam J Engines. Nystrom. % Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments. Beaufoy. On the Form of Ships and Boats. Bland. Iron Ship-Building. Grantham. United States. Report in Relation to Armored Vessels. Naval and Mail Steamers of U. S. Stuart. Francis' Metallic Life Boat Corpora- tion. Report of Committee on Life Boat Models. Treatise on Ships' Anchors. Coisell. Naval Dry Docks of United States. Stuart. Architecture and Carpentry. History of Architecture. Tuthill. History of Architecture. • F'eeman. Essay on Architecture. Hope. History in Ruins. Godwin. Dictionary of Architecture. Stuart. Encyclojoajdia of Architecture. Gwill. Dictionary of Architecture. Stuart. Dictionary of Architecture and Arch?e- ology of the Middle Ages. Britton. Di Architettura. Vitruvius. Architectural Criticism. Gwilt. Principles of Beauty in Art. Fergusson. Study of Architectuie in our Schools. See Sesame and Lilies. Buskin. Design in Architecture. MUford. Principles of Design in Architecture. Garbett. On the Five Orders of Architecture. Nicholson. Rudimentary Architecture. Leeds. THE ARTS. 921 Seven Lamps of Architecture. linsldn. Kudimentsof Architecture. JBenjamin. Kudiments of Architecture. Gwill. Architectural Instructpr. Lafever. On Architecture and Building. Ilosking. Rudimentary Architecture. Bury. Handbook of Architecture. Fergusson. Architectural Engineering. Andrews. Architectural Director. BUlinrjion. Secular and Domestic Architecture. Scoit. Budiments of Art of Building. Dohson. Cours d'Architecture. Blondd. Palace of Architecture. Wightwick. Clerk of Works and Architects' Guide. JIaskoU. Builders' Pocket Companion. Smeaton. Hints to Young Architects. Wightwick. Healthy Homes and How to make Them. Bardwell. Guide to Regulation of Buildings. Ilosking. American Builder's Price Book. Gallier. Dictionary of Terms Used in Civil and Naval Architecture, etc. Weak. Glossary of Terms Used in Architecture. Architecture. Part L Ancient. Architettura Antica. Canina. Nineveh and Persepolis Restored. Fergusson. L' Architecture Antique et Moderne. F^eart. Ancient Domestic Architecture. Lamb. Architecture in England. Dallaicay. Domestic Architecture in England. Turner. Some Account of Early Domestic Architecture in England. Architectural Studies in France. Feiit. Letters of an Architect from France, Italy and Greece. Woods. Denkmaler der deutschen Baukunst. Moller. Ouvrages de Ce'lebres Architectes. Quatrem^re. Inirodaciion to Gothic Architecture. Manual of Gothic Architecture. Paley. Analysis of Gothick Architecture. Brandon. Essay on Gothic Architecture. Hopkins. Examples of Gothic Architecture. Pugin. Gothic Architeoture,8th-16th Century. Moller. Specimens of Gothic Architecture. Pugin. Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture. Bloxam. Sacred Architecture. Church and Chapel Architecture. Pointed or Christian Architecture, Structure and Decoration of Churches. Poole. Church Architecture. Bardwell. Christliche Kunst. Peichensperger. Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume. Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jeru- salem. WiMis. Brown. Trimen. Pugin. Pugin. Norman Architecture. • Buckler. Anglican Church Architecture. Barr. Ecclesiastical Architecture in Eng- land. Poole. Ornaments of Temple Church, Lon- don. Essex. Parish Churches. Brandon. Designs for Parish Churches. Hart Architectural Notes on German Churches. }VheiceU. Hints on Public Architecture. Owen. School Architecture in U. S. Barnard. Panopticon; Prison Architecture. Beniham. Construction of Edystone Light- house. Smeaton. U7iited States. Report of Lighthouse Board, 1852. Cottage Building. Men. Rural Architecture. Allen. Domestic Architecture. Brown. American Cottage Builder. Bullock. Improved Dwelling Houses. Chambers. American Village Homes. Cleveland. Architectural Etchings, etc. Davis. Architecture of Country Houses. Downing. Cottage Residences. Doiming. A Home for All. Fowler. Domestic Architecture. See Land- scape Gardening. OUpin. Country Seats. Holly. House (The); Manual of Rural Arch- itecture. Encyclopaedia of Cottage, FaJin, and Villa Architecture. Loudon. Cottage Villas, and Country Resi- dences. Paitisson. Architect; Designs for Cottages, etc. Panlett. City and Suburban Architecture. Sloan. Homestead Architecture. Sloan. Working- Man's Cottage Architec- ture. Tlwmas. Villas and Cottages. Vaux. Cottage and Villa Architecture. Walter. Rural Homes. WJieeler. Homes for the People. Wheeler. Hints to Country Builders. Wightwick. Country Homes. Woodward. Carpentry and Joinery. Nicholson. Principles of Carpentry. Tredgold. American House Carpenter. Hatfidd. Guide to Stair Builders. . De Graff. Smokeless Fire Place, etc. Amott. Strength and Stress of Timber. Barlow. Cast and Wrought Iron for Building. Fairbaim. Strength of Iron, ^ee Timber. Barlow. Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles. Dobson. 622 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Masonry and Stone Cutting. Dob son. Marble Worker's Manual. Shop Fronts of London. Whiilock. 'Architectural Magazine. Loudon. Antiquarian and Architectural Year Book, 1844. JBuUder; Weejily JoumaL Royal Institute of British Architects. Transactions. IVarigntion. Practical Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. Griffin. Traitd de Navigation. Btzout. Surveying and Navigation. Davies. Dictionary of the Marine. Falconer. Seamanship. Luce. Sea-Qfiicers' Sheet Anchor. Lever. Elements of Rigging and Seamanship. Yachtman's Primer. Warren. Kedge Anchor. Brady. The Ship; its Origin and Progress. Steinitz. History of a Ship. The Sailing Boat. Folkard. Sailing Directions for a Voyage Round the World. See Theory of Winds. Wilkes. Marine Atlas; or Complete Pilot. A'or«e. Practical Navigator. Bowditch. New American Practical Navigator. Bowditch. American Coast Pilot. Blunt. American Coast Pilot. Furlong. Harbors of the United States. Faden. United States. Maury's Wind and Current Charts. United States. Maury's Sailing Directions. Law of Storms. See Meteorology. Charts with Sailing Directions. Bingrjold. Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Mlet. Naval Duties and Discipline. Boe. Manual of Rules for Men-of-War. Levy. United States. Rules for Naval Service. Evils and Abuses in Naval Service. Mc^ally. Aanmerkingen, over Het Storten van Olie, Fraan, etc, Lelyveld. Telegraph Dictionary and Signal Book. Rogers. Documents Relating to Coast Survey. Eassler. United States. Coast Survey Reports, 1849-62. Construction and Illumination of Lighthouses. Stevenson. American Pharos. Jfills. MililarT' Arts and Tactics. Military Dictionary. Scott. French Naval and Military Dictionary. Burn. Technological Military Dictionary, German, English and French. Duckett Aide-Memoire to the Military Sciences. Modern War; Theory and Practice. Szabad. Military Art and History. Duparcq. Art of War, with Anecdotes. MachiavellL Art of War. Jomini. he Livre de Guerre. Perrof. Formation and Discipline of Armies. Jackson. Summary of Art of War. Schalk. Soldiers and their Science. Brabazon. Treatise on War. Plates. O'Connor, United States. Military Commission to Europe, 1855-6: Report of Major Mordecai. Same. Report of Col. Delafield. Same. Report of G. B. McClellan. Armies of Europe. Mc Clellan. Military Maxims of Napoleon I. Stratagems of War. Polycenus. Life of Napoleon. Jomini. Wars of Frederick the Great. Jomini. Grand Military Operations. See Wars of Frederick the Great. Jomini. Advanced Guard, Outpost, and De- tachment Service, etc. Mahan. Military Art and Science. Ilalleck. Tactical Use of the Three Arms. Lippitt. Infantry Tactics. Scott. Scott's Militia Tactics. Barrow. Compendium of Hardee's Tactics. Allen. Infantry Tactics. Casey. Infantry Tactics. Fatten. Infantcrie Taktik. Fatten. Infantry Tactics and Bayonet Exer- cise. Patten, Manuel of Bayonet Exercise. Mc Clellan. Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. Hardee. Hints to Riflemen. Cleveland. Rifles and Rifle Practice. Wilcox. Rifle and How to Use it. Bu^k. Rifle ^ Uses and Advantages. Percussion Locks and Primers. Dahlgrcn. Past and Present State of Fire Arms. Chesney. Military Tactics. Fisher. Manual for the Volunteer. Forbes. Extracts from the same. Forbes. Camp and Outpost Duty. Butterfield. U. S. Militia and Volunteers. Cooper. Militiaman's Manual. Berriman. Volunteers' Camp and Field Book. Cairy. Hand Book for Active Service. Viele. Company Oflicers' Duties. Andrews. Army Officer's Pocket Companion. CraighiU. Instructions for Officers on Outpost and Drill Duty. Evolutions of Austrian Infantry. Wilcox. THE ARTS. 623 School of the Guides. Le Gal. Cavah-y; History, Uses, etc Boemer. Cavalry Tactics. Cavah-y Tactics. Cooke. Cavalry Drill and Sabre Exercise. Patttn. Cavallerie Taktik. Fatten. Artillery Drill. Patten. Artillerist's Manual. Gibbon. Artillery and Infantry. Kingsbury. Uniied States. Artillery Exercises. Artillery and Pyrotechny. Knowlton. Great Guns, Causes of Failure, etc. Wxard. Gunnery in 1858. Greener. Story of the Guns. Tennent. Ordnance and Ai-mor. Holley. Report on the Thirty-two Pounder Dahlgren. United States. Strength of Metals for Cannon. United States. Report of the Bureau of Ordnance. Projectile Weapons of War. Scoffern. Gunnery Catechism. Brandt. Naval Pocket Gunner. Atkinson. Naval Warfare with Steam. Douglas. Cruise of the Plymouth. Dahlgren. Essay on Naval Tactics. Clerk. Boat Armament of U. S. Navy. Dahlgren. Military Engineering. Malum. Manual for Engineer Troops. Duane. Field Fortifications. Mahan. War and Fortification. O'Connor. Treatise on Camp and March. Grafton. Military Bridges. OuUum. Operations against Charleston. Gillmore. Peril of Portsmouth. Fergusson. Eclaireur; Military Journal. De Peyster. Military Uniform. See Costumes. Illustrated Catalogue of Arms and Military Goods. I?liiiin0. Practical Miner's Guide. Practical Miner's Guide. Atkins. Mining. See Practical Mineralogj'. Overman. British Mines. Murchison. Treatise on Collieries. Dunn. Working and Ventilation of Coal Mines. Hedley. Coal Lands, Mines, etc. Taylor. Fossil Fuel and the Coal Trade. Holland. Our Coal and Coal Pits. Statistics of Coal. Taylo7\ Metallic Wealth of United States. Whitney. Mining in the Pacific States. Jlittell. Processes of Silver and Gold Extrac- tion. Kiistel. Mining Review. Mining Manual and Almanack. Mining Magazine. Mining and Smelting Magazine. Mining Laws of Spain and Mexico. IlaUeck. metallurgy* Metallurgy. Percy. Manual of Metallurgy. Makins. Useful Metals and their Alloys. Scoffern. Electro Metallurgy. Napier. Manual of Electro Metallurgy. Xajpier. Elements of Electro Metallurgy. &mee. Manual of Practical Assaying. Mitchell. Assayer's Guide. Liebfr. Use of the Blowpipe. Plattner, Metal Worker's Assistant Byrne. Manufacturers in Metal. Holland. Manufacture of Iron. See Library of Useful Knowledge. * Manufacture of Iron. Overman. Iron Manufacture of Great Britain. Truran. Manufacture of Iron in Great Britain. Wilkit. Guide to the Furnaces, Forges, etc., in the U. S. Lesley. Anthracite in Manufacture of Iron. Johnson. Papers on Iron and Steel. Mushet. Manufacture of Steel. Overman. Moulder's and Founder's Guide. Overman. Brass Founding, Moulding, etc. Larkin. Assaying of Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold, and Mercury. Bodemann. Gold Mining and Assaying. Philips. Assay of Gold and Silver Wares. Byland. Chemistry of Gold. Scoffern. Lectures on Gold. Jukes. History of Preci6us Metals. Comstock. Priutiug. History of Printing. Palmer. Typographia; History of Printing. Hansard. Typographical History. See Biblioo- KAPHY. History of Printing in America. Thomas. Printer's Guide. Van Winkle. Hints on Decorative Printing. Savage. Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant. Guide to Trade. The Printer. Typographical Miscellany. 3funsett. Ink, History of. Chcniicnl Technology* Encyclopasdia of Chemistry. Booth. Chemical Technology. Knapp. Chemical Technology. Bonalds. Chemistry Adapted to Arts, etc, Mitscherlich. Traite de Chemie. Dumas. 624 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Elements of Science and Art. Imison. Chemical Essays. Parkes, Improvements in Chemical Arts. Booth. Artist and Tradesman's Companion. Byrn. Guide to Trade, Chemist and Drug- gist. Testing Cane- Juice. Shier. United States. Reports relating to Sugar and Hydrometers. Qreat Britain. Culture and Manufac- ture of Sugar. Safety Lamp. Davy. Pirotechnia. Biringoccio. Pyrotechny. Mortimer. System of Pyrotechny. Cutbush. Treatise on Matches, Gun Cotton, etc. Dussauce. Multiplication of Works of Art Spencer. Jeweller's Handbook. Herr. Manipulations Hydroplastiques. Bosdeur. Electrotint. Sampson. Encyclopaedia of Useful Knowledge. Wd>ster. Inquire Within. Cyclopajdia of Practical Receipts. Cooley. Telegraph. History of the Electric Telegraph. Jones. Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. Turnbull. Electro-Magnetic Telegi-aph. Vail. Electric Telegraph. Jlighton. Book of the Telegraph. Tele'graphie Electrique. Moigno. Electric Telegraph Manipulation. Walker. Electricity and the Electric Tele- graph. Wilson. Electric Communications. See Rail- way Communications. V^^ite. Practical Telegraph. Jenks. Laying of the Cable. Midlaly. Ocean Telegraphing. Van Choate. American Telegraph Magazine. Photography. Photographic Chemistry. Hardioick. Photographic Manipulation. Divine. Treatise on Photography. Hunt. Photography. Heath. Silver Sunbeam. Towler. Manual of the Collodion Proce?s. Humphrey. Practice of Photography. Delamoite. Photogenic Manipulation. Fisher. Directions for Obtaining Photo- graphic Pictures. Croucher. Dictionary of Photography. Sutton. Photographie sur Papier. Evrard, Photographie sur Papier, et sur Yerre. Le Gray. American Photographic Almanac. Dagucrreian Journal. Towler. IVarming and Ventilation. Warming and Ventilating Buildings. Bernan. Theory and Practice of Ventilation. Beid. Tlieory and Practice of Warming and Ventilating Buildings. Economy of Fuel. Byder. Experiments with Fuel. Bull. Economy of Fuel. Prideaux. Facts about Peat as Fuel. Leavitt. Treatise on Gas and Ventilation. Perkins. Practical Ventilation. Bum. Practical Treatise on Ventilation. Wyman. Ventilation of Houses. See Uses and Abuses of Air. Griscom. Great Britain. Report on Ventilation, Warming, and Transmission of Sound. Alterations in House of Commons of Acoustic and Ventilating Arrangements. Beid. Illumination. Gas Works. Hughes. Manufacture and Distribution of Gas. Clegg. Gas Lights. Cooper. Gas Lighting and Apparatus. Peckston. All about' Petroleum. Millern. Derrick and Drill, or Petroleum. Morris. Petroleum and Petroleum Wells. Bone. Coal, Petroleum, and other Oils. Gesner. Manufacture of Oils from Coal. Antisell. Textile Fabrics. History of Woollen and Worsted Manufactures, etc. Bischoff. Silk, Cotton, and Woollen Manu- factures. Taylor. History of Silk, Cotton, and other Fibres. Cotton, from Pod to Factory. Art of Weaving. Watson. Art of Weaving. Gilroy. Manufactures de Tapisseries des Gobelins, etc. Lacordaire. Swedeji. Berattelse ora Fabrikernas. History of Cotton Manufacture. Guest. Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain. Bailies. Cotton Manufacture of Great Britrin. 6Ve. History of Cotton Manufacture. See Memoir of S. Slater. White. Practical Cotton Spinner. Scott. Manager's Assistant; Cotton Manu- facture. Snell Cotton Spinning. Montgomery, THE ARTS. 625 Cotton SpinneT and Carder's Guide. JBaird. Cultare and Commerce of Cotton in India and Elsewhere. Eoyle. Colonial Sheep and Wools, etc. Southey. Preparation of Long Line Flax- Cotton and Flax-Wool. Ryan. Fibrous Plants of India. Royle. Treatise on Ropemaking. Chapman, Paper Manufacture. Tomlinson. Illustrations of British Paper Manu- facture. Chronology of Paper, and Paper Making, MdnselL India-Rubber Manufacture in Eng- land, Rancock. Dyeing. Art of Dyeing. Btriholht. Art of Dyeing, Ulrich. Dyer's Instructor. D. SmWi-. Dyer's Assistant. Thomson. Harmony and Contrast of Colors. ChevreuL Art of Dyeing. Napier, Chemistry applied to Dyeing, Napier. Nomenclature of Colors, etc. Hay. Color Mixer. Sdlers. Dyer and Color Maker's Companion. Coloring Matter from Coal Tar. Dussance. Blues and Carmines of Indigo. , Dolt. Dictionary of Calico Printing. O'Neill Practical Treatise on Dyeing and Calico Printing. TanHing. Tanning, Currying, and Leather Dressing. Dussauce. Tanning, Currying, and Leather Dressing. Morfit. PcrfHmery and Soaps. Book of Perfumes. Bvmmel. Recipes for Hair Oil, Soap, etc. See Adulteration of Food. Byrn. Art of Perfumery. Pi/csse. Manufacture of Soap and Candles. Morfit. Treatise on Soap Making. Distilling^, Brewing;, etc. Fermented Liquors. FeucMvoanger. Complete Distiller. Byrn. Brewing, Distilling, etc. Sec Domes- tic Economy. Donovan. British Wines, Cordials, etc Robinson. Wine, Vine and Cellar, Shaw. Handbook of Wines, McMullen. Modem Wines. Redding. Practical Brewer. Byrn. 40 Art of Brewing. See Library of Use- ful Knowledge. Porc«lniu, Glass, Potlcry. Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. Porter. Reminiscences of Glass Making. Jarves. Curiosities of Glass Making. PellaU. Chemistry of Porcelain, Glass, and Pottery. ■ iihavo. mortars, Cements, etc. Limes, Cements and Mortars. Gillmort. Limes, Cements and Mortars. Burnell. Calcareous Mortars and Cements. Vicai. Treatise on Mortars. WrigM. Domestic Arts. Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy. Webster. Domestic Economy. ^ Beecher, Household Science. Youmans. Domestic Economy. Donovan. Cottage Economy. CobbelL Domestic Duties, Parkes. English Hous-wife. MarJcham. Guide to Service; the Dairy-Maid. Nursery Basket. Plain Needle-work. Magazine of Domestic Economy. Agricnlture. Encyclopasdia of Agriculture. Loudon. Cyclopaedia of Agriculture. Morion. History of Agriculture. Hoskyns. American Agriculture. Allen. Essays on Agriculture. Beatty. Elements of Agriculture. Bcntz. Farmer's Every Day Book. Blake. Lessons in Farming. Blake. Farmer's Instructor. Buel Prairie Farming. Caird. Agriculture. Campbell. System of Agriculture. Cleghorn. Cyclopaedia of Husbandry. Doyle. Compendium of Agriculture. Drown. Manual of Agriculture. Emerson. The Farm ; a Manual of Agriculture. Complete Farmer. Mssenden. Experimental Agriculture. Johnston. Letters on Agriculture. Liebig. Natural Laws of Husbandry. Liebig, Elements of Agriculture. Low. Farmer's and Emigrant's Handbook. 3farshalL Notes on Farming. Code of Agriculture. Sinclair. Book of the Farm. Stephens, 626 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Arator; Agricultural Essays. Taylor. Principles of Agriculture. Tha'er. Young Farmer's Manual. Todd. Elements of Agriculture. Waring. Experimental Agriculture. Young. Baxton's Bural Handbooks, 2d, 3d, and 4th Series. Agricultural Biography. Donaldson. My Farm of Edgewood. Mitchell. Talpa; Chronicles of a Clay Farm. IIosJcyns» Fruits, Flowers and Farming. JBeecher. How to Get a Farm. Morris. Country Life. Copeland. How to Farm Profitably. Mechi. Ten Acres Enough. Morris. Our Farm of Four Acres. Our Farm of Two Acres. Mariineau. European Agriculture. (hlman. British Husbandry, etc. Kural Economy of England. Lavergne. Agriculture of France, Belgium, etc. Colman. Agricultural Tour in Belgium, etc. Burn. Farmer's Land Measurer. Redder. Clay Lands and Loamy Soil. Donaldson. Manual of Draining. Stephens. Farm Drainage. French. Planter's Guide. Stewart. Agricultural Botany. See American Weeds, etc. Darlington. 2^eio Theory of Vegetable Physiology. Yale Agricultural Lectures. Olcott. Science and Practical Agriculture. Johnston. Scientific Agriculture. Norton. Progressive Farmer. Ifash. Agricultural Chemistry. Squarey. Agricultural Chemistry. Petzholdt. Chemistry Applied to Agricultui-e. Law. Agricultural Chymistry. Chaptal. Chemistry of Agriculture. Stockhardt. Agricultural Chemistry. Liehig. Agricultural Chemistry. Davy. Agricultural Chemistr3^ Aiiderson. Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. Johnston. Geology and Agriculture. WliUley. High Farming without Manure. Ville. Manures. Morfit. Manures, Grasses, etc. Donaldson. Field Book of Manures. Browne. Muck Manual. Dana. Peat, Muck and Commercial Manures. Johnson. Calcareous Manures. Buffi.n. Lime in Agriculture. Johnson. Farm Implements. Thomas. Jioyal Agricultural Society Journal. United States. Agricultural Hetujms of 8th Census, by J. C. G. Kennedy. United States. Reports of Commissioner of Agriculture. Maine. Second Annual Report of Board of Agriculture. Massachusetts. Annual Reports of Board of Agriculture. Connecticut State Agr. Society. Transactions. New York State Agr. Society. Transactions, Agriculture of New York ; Report by J. Hall. Pennsylvania Agr. Society. Transactions. Ohio Agricultural Reports. lllinoui Agricultural Society. Transactions. \Visco7isin Agr. Society. Transactions. Transactions of Rock County Agr. Soc. See Hist, of Rock Co. Guernsey. Michigan State Agr. Society. Transactions. Michigan Board of Agriculture. Report, 18G3. Virginia Agr. Society. Transactions. Tennessee Agricultural Bureau. Report. American Agriculturist. American Farmer's Magazine. L'Annee Rustique. Boric. Country Gentleman. Cultivator. Farmer's Magazine. Quarterly Journal of Agriculture. Journal of Agriculture. Monthly Journal of Agriculture. Plough, Loom, and Anvil. United States Farmer. Year Book of Agriculture, Wells. Year Book of Agricultural Facts. Bum. Horticulture. See, also. Landscape Gaedkninq. Practical Gardening. Johnson, Handbook of Gardening. Youhg Gardener's Assistant. Bridgeman, Theory of Horticulture. Lindley. Suburban Horticulturist. L&iidon. Gardening for Beginners. Bennie. Gardening ,- Practical Training, etc. Amateur Gardener's Calendar. Loudon. Ladies' Magazine of Gardening. Loudon. Lady's Country Companion. Loudon. Gardening for Ladies. Loudon. Horticultural Tour through Ger- many, France, etc. Forbes. Hortus Woburnensis. Forbes. American Kitchen Gardener. Fesscnden. Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Garden. NeiU. Fruit Flower and Kitchen Garden. W. D. Smith. THE ARTS, 627 amily Kitchen Gardener, Buist. Gardener's Text Book. Schenck. Gardening for the South. White. Oarden that Paid the Rent. Field and Garden Vegetables of America. Burr. How to Cultivate Celery. Roessle. Planting, Useful and Ornamental. Florist's Guide. Bridgman. Flower Garden. Breck. Floucer Garden ; and, Poetry of Gardening. American Flower Garden Directory. Buist. Flower Garden Companion, Bayers. Parlor Gardener. Randolph. Ornamental Flowers. Green. Rural Annual and Directory. Chronicles of «. Garden. Wilson. Growth of Plants in Close Cases. Ward. Hot Houses, Leuchars. Bose Manual. Buist. The Rose; its History, etc. Parsons. Horticultural Society of London. Transac- tions. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Trans- actions. hardener's Magazine. Gardener's Monthly. Horticulturist ; Monthly JoumaL Magazine of Horticulture, Fruit. New American Orchardist Kenrick. The Orchard House. Rivers. Fruits and Fruit Trees of America. Downing. Fruit Culturist Tliomas. Companion for the Orchard. Phillips. Orchard and Kitchen Garden. Lindley. Fruit Garden. Bairy. Management of Fruit Trees. Jaques. Fruit Book. EUiott. Cordon Training of Fruit Trees. Hovey. Description of Select Apples. Ronalds. Pear Culture. Field. Fruit and other Trees for Sale. Parsons. American Pomological Society. Pro- ceedings. Grape Culture, Wines, etc. Haraszthy. School for American Grape Culture. Muench. Grape Culture in the West Husmann. Grape Culture. Bright Grape Culturist. Fuller. Vine and Vineyards. Prince. Graperies and Horticultural Build- ings. Woodioard. Open Air Grape Culture. Phin. Cold Grapery. Chorlton. Cultivation of the Vine in America. Adlum. Vine Dresser's Manual. Berneavxl. Cultivation of the Strawberry Pardee. Cranberry and its Culture. Eastwood. Special Plants. WTieat Plant. KlipparL Grasses and Forage Plants. Flints Potato Plant. /iJmec. Cultivation of Flax. Dickson. Cotton Planter's Manual. Turner. Hedges and Evergreens. Warder. Sugar Planter's Manual. Evans. United States. Cultivation of Sugar Cane, etc., by Silliman. Silk Culturist's Manual D'Homergue. American Silk- D'Homergue. Mulberry Tree. Oobb, Domestic Animal* • Domestic Animals. AUen. Domesticated Animals. Mudie. < Domestic Animals of Britain. Low. Saxton's Rural Hand Books, 1st Ser.; The Horse; The Hog; etc. Principles of Breeding. Gooddle. Cattle, Breeds, Management and Diseases. TouatL The Horse. TouaU. H'nts to Housekeepers. Herbert. Morgan Horses. Linsley. Horsemanship, Adams. Stable Practice. Stable Economy, Stewart. Art of Taming Horses. Rarey. Illustrated Horse Management Mayhew. Pocket and Stud. Treatise on Proper Condition of Horses. Illustrated Horse Doctor. Mayhew. Modern Horse Doctor, Dadd. The Ass and the Mule, Skinner. The Camel. MarsL The Dog. Herbert. The Dog. Youatt Dog Breaking. Hutchinson. The Greyhound, by Stonehenge. Anecdotes of Dogs. Jesse. Dairy and Cowkeeper. Johnson. Milch Cows. Skinner. Milch Cows and Dairy Farming. Flint. Complete Grazier. Soiling of Cattle, etc. Quincy. Jennings. Cattle and their Diseases. American Cattle Doctor. Sheep Husbandry. Practical Shej)herd. Dadd. Randall. Randall 628 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Treatise on Sheep. JBlacJdock. Bheep; their Breeds, Management, etc. YouatL Sheep; their Breeds, Management, etc. Canfield. American Shepherd. Morrell The Pig: Breeds, etc. YouaiL American Poultry Yard. Browne. Poultry Book. Wingfield. American Poulterer's Companion. Bemeni. Domestic Animals and Fowls. Poultry Yard. Bosucell Ornamental and Domestic Poultry. Dixon. American Fowl Breeder. Hen Fever. Burnham. The Honey Bee. Natural History of Bees. Huber. Bees ; History and Management. Kuish. Guide to Apiarian Science. Kidder. Hive and Honey Bee. Langstroih. Bee Keeper's Manual. 31iner. Mysteries of Bee-keeping. Quinby. Hive and Honey Bee. Richardson. Bee Keeper's Manual. Taylor. Manual of Managing Bees. Weeks. History and Management of Bees. Wighion. Silk Grower's Guide. Kenrick. Art of Bearing Silk Worms. Dandolo. Cookery and Food. Pantropheon ; History of Food. Soyer. Hand Book of Dining. BrUlat-Savarin. Ulusirations of Eating. Host and Guest. Kirwan, Breakfast, Dinner and Tea. New Cook Book. Hale. What to Eat, and how to Cook it. Blot. Housekeeper's Instructor. Henderson. New System of Cookery. Cook's Oracle. Kitchiner. One Thousand Hints for the Table. Housekeeper's Encyclopaedia. Haskell. Peterson's New Cook Book. French Cookery. Francatelli. French Cook. Ude. What to do with the Cold Mutton. Tit-Bits. Knight. London at Table. Laerebog af Huusholdningen. Winsnes. Preservation ol Alimentary Substances. Brand. Adulteration of Food and Drink. Byrn. Falsifications of Food. 3fitcheU. What we Eat. Hoskins. Camp Cookery and Hospital Diet. Physiology of Taste. Bnllai-Savarin. Epicure's Almanac. Hill. Games and Aninscmcnts. Plea for Amusements. Sawyer. Festivals, Games and Amusements. H. Smith. Games; Bules and Practice. Huyle. American Hoyle. American Boy's Book. Boy's Treasury cf Sports. Games and Sports. Walker. Sports and Pastimes of England. SiruU, \ Every D:iy Book. Horn. ■ Rural Sports. Danid. Fireside Games. The Sociable. Book of 500 Curious Puzzles. Parlor Theatricals. Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants. Head. Oracles from the Poets. Gilman Magician's Own Book. History of Playing Cards. Chatlo. History of Playing Cards. Tayler. Whist, Laws and Principles. Cavendish. Whist and Short Whist. 31athews. Backgammon ; its History and Practice. Game of Draughts. S2:)aytk Game of Billiards. Phelan. Billiards M'ithout a Master. Phelan. Base Ball Player. Beadk. Base Ball Player's Pocket Companion. Cricket Field. Croquet. Beid. Game of Croquet. Fellow. Skater's Pocket Companion. Book of Archery. Hansard. Art of Dancing. Ferrero. Essay on Dancing. Noverre. Manuel de la Danse. Blasis. Chess. Science and Art of Chess. Monroe. Book of Chess. AgneL Lessons on Chess. Lewis. Chess Preceptor. Jaenisch. Chess Euclid. Kling. Game of Chess. Dal Bio. Chess Handbook, by an Amateur. Manual of Chess. Kenny. Chess Player's Hand Book. SiamitoTU Sammlung Neuer Schachpartien. Lange. Leitfaden fiir Schachspieler. Lasa. Tour of a Chess Knight. Haldeman. Exploits, etc., of Paul Morphy. Edge. Paul Morphy; Skizze. Lange. Paul Morphy; a Sketch. Lange. Chess Tournament of 1851. Staunton. Book of Amer. Chess Congress. Fish Chess Player's Chronicle. Chess Monthly. tllanting. nnal for Young Sportsmen. )rtsmiin'8 Library, ortiiig Anecdotes, orting Anecdotes, stionary of Sports, orting Sketch Book, ortsman and his Dog. mrocVs Hunting Tours, lerican Sportsman. ;ld Sports of United States, lerican Game, monia. mual of British Rural Sports, istia; la Chasse de France. ooter's Handbook, ooter's Manual. )dern Shooter, ortsman's Vade Mecum. nts to Sportsmen, ooter's Preceptor. 'E, CUTHBERT. ScC BeADLEY, E. Beauclerk, C. F. and H. M. Tales of Fashion and Reality. Beauvoir, Roger de. Safia. Beecher, Mrs. H. W. From Dawn to Daylight. Bell, Robert. Ladder of Gold. Bell, Rosalie. Lilies and Violets. Bellairs, H. W. Tales of the Town. Bellew, J. C. M. Blount Tempest. Bennett, Emerson. Prairie Flower. Bennett, Mrs. M. H. Anti-Fanaticism. BicKFORD, Mrs. J. T. Scandal. BrERNATZKI. The Hallig. Bird, Db. Hawks of Hawk Hollow. Infidel; a Romance. Nick of the Woods. Peter Pilgrim. Blackford. Mrs. Annals of the Family of McRoy. Arthur Monteith. Scottish Oi"phans. Blanchard, E. L. Heirs of Derwentwater. Blessington, Countess op. Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman. Confessions of an Elderly Lady. Country Quarters. Honeymoon, and other Tales. Marmaduke Herbert. Memoirs of a Femme-de-Chambre. Victims of Society. Blount, Margaret. Downe Reserve. Bonner, Edward. Banditti of the Prairies. Borrow, G. Romany Rye. BONILLY, J. N. Tales for Mother. Bowman, Anne. Kangaroo Hunters. Bowman, F. J. Island Home. Brackenridge, H. H. Modem Chivalry. Braddon, Miss M. E. Aurora Floyd. 638 CATALOGUE OF Braddon, Miss M. E. Darrell Markham, Doctor's Wife. Dudley Carleon, and other Tales, Eleanor's Victory. Henry Dunbar. John Marchmont's Legacy. Lady Audley's Secret. Lady Lisle. Lawyer's Secret. Only a Clod. Outcasts. Sir Jasper's Tenant. Three Times Dead. Bradley, Edwabd. Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. Nearer and Dearer. Bbat, Miss. The Protestant. Brehat, Alfred de. Jean Belin. Bremer, Frederika. Brothers and Sisters. Diary; and, Strife and Peace. Father and Daughter. H Family. Hertha. Home. Midnight Sun. Neighbors. President's Daughters. Same. Part II. Nina. Briqgs, C. F. Adventures of Harry Franco. Haunted Merchant. Trippings of Tom Pepper. Brightwell, 0. L. Palissy, the Huguenot Potter. Bristed, Charles Astob. Upper Ten Thousand. Bronte, Miss Anne. Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Wuthering Heights. Bronte , Miss Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Professor. Shirley. Villette. Bronte, Miss Emily. Agnes Grey. Brooke, Henry. Fool of Quality. Brooke, Wesley. Eastford. Brooks, Shirley. Aspen CoTirt. Silver Cord. Brougham, J. Basket of Chips. Bunsby Papers. 2d Series. Brown, Chas. B. Arthur Mervyn. Edgar Huntly. Jane Talbot. Wieland. Brown, Chas. F. Artemus Ward, his Book. Brown, John. Marjorie Fleming. Bab and his Friends. Brownson, O. a. Charles Elwood. Brunton, Mary. Discipline . Self Control. Brydges, Egerton. Mary de Clifford. Buckingham, Henry A Harry Burnham. BULGARIN, T. Ivan Vejeeghen. BuLKELEY, James. La Hogue Bie de Hambie. BuLWER, Lady Lytton. Budget of the Bubble Family. Cheveley. Peer's Daughters. School for Husbands. BUNGENER, L. Preacher and the King. Priest and Huguenot. BuRBURY, Mrs. E. J. Florence Sackville. BuRDETT, Chas. J. Dora Barton.- Elliott Family. Margaret Moncrieffe. Burlingham, Maria A. Mother-in-Law. BuRNEY, Miss. Evelina. Burton, W. E. Yankee among the Mermaids. Bury, Lady C. The Devoted. Separation. Butt, Miss M. H. See Bennett, Mrs. M. H. Caballero, Fernan. La Gaviota. Calpe, Adadus. Two Fathers. Cambridge, W. G. Glenwood. Henri. NOVELS, TALES, AND ROMANCES. 639 Campbell, Jane C. Money-maker and other Tales. Capron, Careie. Helen Lincoln* Carey, Miss A. Clovernook. Hagar; a Stoi^. Married; not Mated. Cardell, Wm. S. Jack Halyard. Caelen, Emilie F. Bride of Omberg. Foster Brothers. Gustavus Lindorm. Home in the Valley. Ivar; the Skjuts-Boy. John; or a Cousin in the Hand, etc« Lover's Stratagem. Magic Goblet. One Yeari Eose of Tistelon. "Whimsical Woman, Carleton, William. Black Prophet. Dead Boxer. Neal Malone. O'Sullivan's Love. Phil Purcel, etc. Squanders of Castle Squander. Valentine McClutchy. Carpenter, W. H. Claiborne the Rebel. Eegicide's Daughter. Caruthers, Dr. Cavaliers of Virginia. Casseday, Davis B. Hortons, or American Life. Castleton, H. C. Frank on a Gunboat CaUNTER , HOBART. Romance of History, India. Caustic, Mrs. Matrimony. Cavendish, Lady Clara. Marriage of Mystery. Cervantes, M. de. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Chamberlain, N. H. Autobiography of a New England Farm House. Chamier, Capt. F. Arethusa. Ben Brace. Green Hand. Jack Malcom's Log. Life of a Sailor. Spitfire. Chamieb, Capt. F. Unfortunate Man. Young Muscovite. Chamisso, Albert von. Peter SchlemihL Chandler, Ellen Louise. This, That, and the Other. Chanter, Mrs. Charlotte. Over the Cliflfs. Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth. Chronicles of Schonberg Cotta Family. Cripple of Antioch. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Early Dawn. Martyrs of Spain and Liberators of Hol- land. Two Vocations. Winfield Bertram. Chablesworth, M. L. Cottage and its Visitor. Ministry of Life. Chase, Luceen B. English Serfdom and American Slavery. Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Martyrs; or Triumph of the Christian Religion. Cheever, H. T. Reel in a Bottle. Cheney, Mrs. H. V. Peep at the Pilgrims. Chesebro', Caroline. Beautiful Gate, etc. Dream -Land by Daylight. Isa; a Pilgrimage. Peter Carradine. Philly and Kit Victoria; or the World Overcome. Chevalier, H. Emile. Thirty-nine Men for One Womsin. Child, Mrs. L. M. Fact and Fiction. Hobomok. The Rebels. Chorley, Henry F. Conti, the Discarded. Sketches of a Seaport Town. Chubbuck, Emily. See Judson, Mbs. E. C Cicely, Cousin. Lewie; or the Bended Twig, Clark, L. Gayloed. Knick-Knacks from an Editor's Table, Clarke, Mary E. Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines. Iron Cousin. Clemens, Jere. Rivals. 6i0 CATALOGUE OF CuvE, Lady. Paul Ferroll. Why Paul Ferroll Killed his Wife. Year after Year. Ck)BB, Joseph B. Mississippi Scenes. COBBOIiD, ElCHARD. History of Margaret Catchpole. Cocks, Chaeles. Victim of the Jesuits. COCKTON, H. George St. George JuliaxL Love Match. Percy Effingham. Stanley Thorn. Steward. Sylvester Sound. Valentine Vox. Coffin, Chas. Carleton. Winning his Way. COGGESHALL, Wm. T. Easy Warren. Stories of Frontier Adventure. Collins, A. Maria. Mrs. Ben. Darby. Collins, W. Wilktb. After Dark. Antonina. Basil. Dead Secret. Hide and Seek. No Name. Queen of Hearts. Woman in White. Conscience, Hendkick. Sketches from Flemish Life. CONYBEARE, W. J. Perversion. Cook, Dalton. Sir Felix Foy, Bart. Cooke, John Esten. Henry St. John, Gentleman. Leather Stocking and Silk. Surry of Eagle's Nest. Virginia Comedians. Youth of Jefferson. Cooper, J. Fenimoee. Afloat and Ashore. Bravo. Chainbearer; or, Littlepage MSS. Crater, or Vulcan's Peak. Deerslayer. (Ed'r) Elinor Wyllys. Headsman. Heidenmauer. Home as Found. Homeward Bound. Cooper, J. FeniMobk. Jack Tier. Last of the Mohicans, Lionel Lincoln. Mercedes of Castile< Miles Wallingford. Mouikins. Ned Myers. Oak Openinga Pathfinder. Pilot. Pioneers. Prairie. Precaution. Ked Eover. Eedskins. Satanstoe. ^ Sea Lions. Spy. Stories of the Sea. Stories of the Woods. Two Admirals. Water Witch. Ways of the Hour. Wept of Wish-ton-Wish. Wiug-and-Wing. Wyandotte. Corner, Miss J. English Envoy at Court of Nicholas L Cornwall, Mrs. S. P. Finland Family. CORNWALLIS, KiNAHAN. Pilgrims of Fashion. CoTTiN, Mme. de. Elizabeth; or the Exiles of Siberia. See St. Pierre, J. B. Coulter, Miss. From Haj'-Time to Hopping. CowLEs, Miss Miriam. Frank Warrington. Louie's Last Term at St. Mary's. Kutledge. St. Philip's. Sutherlands. COZZENS, F. S. Sparrowgrass Papers. Creamer, Hannah G. Delia's Doctors. Criswell, Robert. Uncle Tom's Cabin and Buckingham Hall. Crolt, G. Marston ; or Memoirs of a Statesman. Salathiel. Ceoome, W. Golden Sands of Mexico. NOVELS, TALES, AKD ROMANCKS. 641 Cbosland, Mes. W. Lydia. Partners for Life. Crowe, Mrs. C, Light and Darkness. CUMBEKLA-ND, KiCHAED. John de Lancaster. Cummins, Miss M. S. El Fureidis. Haunted Hearts. Lamplighter. Mabel Vaughan. Cunningham, AiiiiAN. Lord Koldan. CUKTIS, G. W. Potiphar Papers, Prue and L Trumps. Curtis, H. P. Arabian Days' Entertainments. Curtis, Miss. Jessie's Flirtations. Dacre, Lady. Kecollections of a Chaperon. Tales of the Peerage and Peasantry. Dallam, J. W. Lone Star of Texas. Dalton, W. Tiger Prince. Dana, Mary S. B. Forecastle Tom. Daniel, Mrs. M. Fernley Manor. Georgina Hammond. Marrying for Money. My Sister Minnie. Our Guardian. Daniel, R. M. Cardinal's Daughter. Dasent, G. W. Popular Tales from the Norse. Davis, C. A. May-Day 'in New York. Day, Julia. Old Engagement. Day, Thomas. Sandford and Merton. Db Bernard, Chas. Lion's Skin and the Lover's Hunt Detoe, Daniel. Kobinson Crusoe. Dk Forest, J. W, Seacliff. Denison, Mary A. Lover's Trials. Home Pictures. What Not. a De Quincey, T. Klosterheim. Derrick, F. Mildred's "Wedding. Dickens, Charles. Barnaby Rudge. Battle of Life. Bleak House. Christmas Books. Christmas Stories. Cricket on the Hearth. David Copperfield. Dombey and Son. Great Expectations. Hard Times. Home Narratives. Little Dorrit. Little Nell, (from Old Cariosity Shop.) Martin Chuzzlewit. Message from the Sea, etc. Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy. Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings. New Stories. Nicholas Nickleby. Old Curiosity Shop. Oliver Twist. Our Mutual Friend. Pickwick Papers. Round of Stories by Christmas Fire. Short Stories, Sketches. Sketches by Boz. Somebody's Luggage. Tale of Two Cities. Yellow Mask. DiMMICK, F. M. Anna Clayton. Disraeli, B. Coningsby. Contariui Fleming. Henrietta Temple. Ixion in Heaven.* Sybil. Tancred. Venetia. Vivian Grey, Wondrous Tale of Alroy. Young Duke. Dodge, M. E. Hans Brinker. Irvington Stories. D'Oesay, Comtesse. Clouded Happiness. Doksey, Mus. a. H. Woodreve Manor. Douglas, Robert. Adventures of a Medical Student, 642 CATALOGUE OF Dbummond, Mes. Emily Vernon. Deuby, Anna H. Deep Waters. Eastbury. Light and Shade. Misrepresentation. DUDEVANT, MmE. Consuelo. Countess of Eudolstadt Devil's Pool. Fadette. Indiana. Jacques. Journeyman Joiner. Mosaic Workers. Sin of Monsieur Antoine. Teverino. DuEK, John K. Matricide. DUOANNE, A. J. H. Tenant House. Dumas, Aeexandke. Amaury. Andre'e de Tavemey. Ascanio. Bragelonne. Chateau d'If. Chevalier d'Hsurmental. Conscript. Count of Monte-Christo. Countess de Charny. Countess of Salisbury. Diana of Meridor. Edmond Dantes. Emmanuel-Philibert. Fencing Master. Fernande. Foresters. Forty-five Guardsmen. Genevieve. George. • Guillotine. Iron Mask. Isabel of Bavaria. Joan, the Heroic Maiden. Knight of Mauleon. Louise La Valliere. Man with Five Wives. Marguerite de Valois. Memoirs of a Physician. Mohicans of Paris. Queen's Necklace. Regent's Daughter. Eoyalists and Republicans. Six Years Later. Sylvandire. ' Dumas, Alexandre. Three Musketeers. Thousand and One Phantoms. Twenty Years After. 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