UC-NRLF 13 MD1 o LJ oc 3 o 3 O ELEMENTS v OF INDUSTRIAL HEATING HOC 3 O C O C 3 O September, 1922 No, DEMAND for the educational papers relating to principles and practice of industrial heating that we have issued, has led to their revision and publication in this convenient form, to better meet requirements for a supple- mentary textbook for shop train- ing classes, vocational schools, colleges, etc., as well as for the man in the shop and others interested in the subject. HE purpose of this booklet is to draw attention to essential factors governing the quality and cost of products subjected to the action of heat in the process of manufacture, and the selection and use of equipment, fuel or electricity necessary to produce better results at lower cost. The influence of heat upon the quality and cost of practically all manufactured products, and the comparatively inefficient methods in general use, indicate the necessity of developing a broader view of the industrial heating problem. The demand for better and cheaper products can only be met with better methods of heating and handling, better equipment, and above all, men better qualified to understand and properly apply in practice the simple principles of one of the oldest and most important, though indifferently practiced, industrial arts. The views outlined are the result of years of practical experience with a great variety of heating opera- tions and direct contact with actual manufacturing conditions. This has taught the necessity for a better understanding of the underlying principles and purposes of industrial heating operations, the results of which should be measured in terms of quality and cost of finished product not merely cost of fuel or labor, mere tonnage of output, nor indication of temperature control. Such factors are too generally accepted as determinative, although they bear about the same relation to the result sought in industrial heating as in illumination or transportation. CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Variety of Industrial Heating Processes ... 3 Factors Governing Quality and Cost of Heat-Treated Products . 4 Relation of Temperature Control to Uniformly Heated Product .6 Factors Affecting Time and Method of Heating and Cooling ........ 8 Influence of Furnace Design on Cost of Production . 1 Selection of Furnaces . .. . . . .12 Illustrations of Practical Methods of Heating and Handling, and the Variety of Furnace Designs employed in the Metallurgical, Chemical, Ceramic and other industries . 14-25 > TITLE PAGE Scope and Limitations of Regenerative Furnaces . . 26 Relation of Type and Arrangement of Equipment to Cost of Production . . . . . .28 Relation of Price of Fuel to Cost of Production . . 30 Factors Governing Selection of Fuel or Electricity . .32 Comparati ve Prices of Fuel on B. t. u. Basis . . .34 Comparative Heating Value of Industrial Fuel Gases . 36 Composition of Industrial Fuel Gases . . . .38 Utilization of Fuel Resources ..... 40 Data on Heat . 42 Copyrighted 1922 United States and Great Britain Variety of Industrial Heating Processes HE variety of industrial heating processes is rarely realized except by those directly concerned with the development of improved methods of heating and handling to meet the need for better and cheaper products in the metallurgical, chemical, ceramic and other industries. The use of heat in practically every branch of industry has naturally resulted in the development of different methods of generating heat from fuel or electricity; many different methods for the application and utilization of heat in the product, and a great variety in furnace design and equipment for handling the material to be heated or cooled. The ever-increasing demand for better quality and lower cost of product and improvement of working conditions for the operatives directs attention to the ever-important question as to the manner of applying heat to the product, which is so directly related to quality, and the influence of methods of heating and handling and design and layout of furnace equipment upon the cost of production. The fundamental principles affecting the application of heat are fixed, but there is an untold variety in method of applying these principles in different processes to meet the great variety of manufacturing requirements and plant conditions. In certain lines of manufacture, experience has determined the method of heat application and the physical or mechanical requirements of the process, which in a large measure influence the type, size and general arrangement of furnace equipment and the form of fuel or electricity to employ for generating heat. The latitude for improvement is frequently confined to re- finement in design of furnace and auxiliary equipment and in methods of generating or utilizing heat and handling material to be heated and cooled, etc. Often there is apparently little room for material improvement without a radical change in the nature of the manufacturing process. Frequently, the heat-treatment process is conducted with methods and equipment which are passable under certain conditions but are not really suited to the operation in hand, making it exceedingly difficult to materially improve the quality or decrease the cost of production. Such conditions generally warrant the policy of ignoring precedent, usually the result of circumstance, and starting afresh from the fundamentals of the problem. The "human element" is the ultimate controlling factor, and bears about the same relation to the heat-treated products of the shop that the cook bears to the heat-treated products of the kitchen. The common and wasteful practice of delegating to unskilled men the control of important heat- treatment processes, which so frequently affect subsequent operations and value of the finished product, must be corrected in the practice of the future. The need of the moment is for improved methods of heating and handling and competent operatives or super- visors who understand the principles affecting the generation, application and transfer of heat, and who can properly employ furnaces, fuel or electricity, pyrometers, etc., as tools for the conduct of the ever-important work of " heat application. " The variety of methods of heating and handling, and design and layout of furnaces that may be used in the various industries, is generally unknown to those not familiar with the wide range of processes, manufacturing requirements and plant conditions, and the possibility of effecting improvement in one line of manufacture through experience gained by practice in others. To the average man, a furnace means that piece of necessary equipment in the cellar of his house which is more or less a nuisance and expense for six to nine months of the year. The furnace horizon of the blacksmith extends very little beyond the smith fire which serves for general forging or heat- treating of the small pieces of metal to which it is adapted. The drop forger sees little more than a comparatively small uncomfortable furnace with an uncovered opening in front, through which the material to be heated is introduced and with- drawn. The smith accustomed to heavy forge work and steam hammers or hydraulic presses is more at home with the single-door or multi-door forge furnace, and occasionally with some type of large annealing or heat-treating furnace. The foundryman engaged in the production of iron castings is concerned primarily with the cupola and core oven, though he may be familiar with air furnaces for melting, and annealing ovens if malleable iron castings also are produced. The brass founder is interested in little beyond his crucible pit fires and core ovens, though in some instances he may be famil- iar with the tilting type of crucible or reverberatory melting furnaces, or with electric melting furnaces. The rolling mill man producing brass or copper products is familiar with coal or coke pit fires for melting brass in crucibles, or perhaps with the tilting type of electric furnaces in which the heat may be released through induction, or through some form of arc or resistance. He is also familiar with large annealing muffles; and, if engaged in the manufacture of metal specialties, with other types of furnaces for annealing, brazing and other operations. If he manufactures brass or copper wire or tubes, he will undoubtedly know various types and sizes of billet heating furnaces, and even scaling or cake heating furnaces if producing sheets or plates. Those engaged in the production of copper are primarily interested in smelting furnaces for reducing the ore or in large reverberatory furnaces for refining the metal. Those concerned with the manufacture of steel are familiar with furnaces of quite different designs, there being a wide variety to meet the requirements for steel sheets, wire, rods, pipes, etc., starting with the blast furnace and followed by the open hearth, converter, or electric melting furnaces, the soaking pit, billet heater and other units to meet the heating, forging, welding, and annealing requirements. Even steel mill men producing structural products are frequently unfamiliar with the extremely wide variety of furnaces for heating, forging, and heat-treating required in the fabrication of alloy steels into manufactured products, ranging from heavy ordnance to the smallest needles. The production manager in the large automobile or similar plant fabricating large quantities of different kinds of metal in assorted sizes has a broad range of vision in the industrial heating field, which includes many of the furnaces previously referred to and various types of other furnaces more or less special in nature to suit production requirements for normalizing, hardening, carbonizing, annealing, and miscellaneous heat-treating operations. The chemical engineer is confronted with some interesting heating problems, which require a wide range of furnaces adapted to the special nature of his processes and the manufacturing requirements and plant conditions governing his practice. The outline of principles and illustrations of their practical application in different lines of industry, which follow, have been compiled in the belief that the information will be of benefit to those interested in industrial heating processes, by indicating the opportunities for improving the quality and decreasing the cost of production by better methods of heating and handling, which frequently result from proper selection and use of "FURNACE AND FUEL TO SUIT CONDITIONS." Factors Governing Quality and Cost of Heat-Treated Products HE importance of the application and utiliza- tion of heat in manufacturing processes should lead to a thorough consideration of the factors that govern the production of heat-treated prod- ucts and the selection and use of furnaces and fuels as a means to that end. Heat in one way or another affects the quality and cost of practically every manufactured product. Its in- fluence is far-reaching, particularly in the manufacture of metal products, yet it is doubtful if there is another manufacturing process as important as industrial heating so generally neglected and misunderstood. The selection of methods, equipment and fuel is fre- quently made difficult by widely divergent recommendations, based on opinion or prompted by commercial interest, which cloud the real problem. Many essential factors must be considered in the problem as a whole, including intangible values which cannot be definitely measured on account of evolution in the art and the ever-changing economic, industrial and manufacturing conditions. Essentials may be overlooked in abstract consideration of related details, such as fuel values, methods of releasing heat, temperature control, furnaces, burners, pyrometers, control devices, etc. V The problem boils down to selecting the combination of raw materials, methods, production equipment and facilities and personnel, which, when properly adapted to individual manufacturing requirements and plant conditions, will most nearly accomplish the result sought, i. e., the production of quality product at minimum cost. Every detail, technical or otherwise, is but a means to this end. It is as much a waste for the manufacturer to use the wrong form of heat energy (fuel or electricity), regardless of its cost on the basis of " heat unit value, " as it is to waste the right form of heat energy or raw material in furnaces improperly designed, constructed or operated, regardless of heat balance. Selection may be simplified by consideration of the factors outlined by the chart on page 5, which govern every industrial heating operation, whether it be baking a loaf of bread or melting, forging, or heat-treating tons of steel. Quality and cost of finished product are the basic factors. .There are many contributing factors, including the human element, any one of which may influence the ultimate result. Consideration of factors affecting quality must include the manner of cooling as well as heating, and the effect of atmosphere. Uniform heating prepares material' for uniform heat-treatment; the adjustment of the structure and final set in cooling actually determine the uniformity of the heat-treatment. Uniformity of heating and cooling is governed by factors many of which are not generally considered. Control of furnace chamber temperature is but one of the factors influencing uniformity of heated product. Of primary importance are uniform application of the heating or cooling medium to the surface of each piece of the charge, the rate of heating or cooling, degree of saturation and the effect of atmosphere inside and out- side the furnace. Temperature must be considered with the element of time and the surface exposure of each piece to the heating and cooling mediums. The relation of surface to mass is the basic factor determining time of exposure, other conditions such as conductivity of material, rate of heating or cooling, etc., being equal. The shape of the individual pieces, affecting the relation of surface and mass, or a mere change in shape without a change in weight or composition, may dictate changes in the method or rate of heating, cooling or handling. With highly figured dies or irregularly shaped forgings or castings, it is desirable to heat slowly to prevent overheating the thin sections or sharp corners, which, by reason of large surface in propor- tion to mass, are heated and cooled more rapidly. The all-important work of properly applying heat to the product is frequently neglected by consideration of related conditions, such as "temperature control," "fuel values," methods of releasing heat through combustion or electricity, or methods of indicating or controlling temperature. The cost of heat energy in the form of fuel or electricity is frequently accepted as a standard by which to measure heating cost, but it is of little value without consideration of other factors determining quality and ultimate cost of product. Fuel cost, which includes quantity consumed as well as price, is but one item in the final cost of heating, just as it is but one item in the final cost of illumination or transportation. In all cases, the design, operation and suitability of the appliance, whether it be a lamp, boiler, engine, motor truck or furnace, must be considered in relation to the quality and cost of the ultimate result. Fuel consumption records bear about the same relation to manufacturing or transportation costs that pyrometer records bear to quality of product. Industrial heating results cannot be measured, as in power, illumination or transportation, by definite standards, such as the horse power hour, kilowatt hour, candle power hour, ton mile, etc., because of the many variable factors influencing the quality and cost of finished product. Cost per unit of given quality not cost of fuel, of labor, of tonnage output, nor indication of temperature control is the determinative test of an industrial heating opera- tion. The human element cannot be eliminated by devices which govern supply of heat energy, except in rare cases where the manufacturing routine does not vary in essential detail. Variations in size, shape, weight, quantity, rate of flow, time of exposure, composition of material, or in the heating or cooling process, require skill and judgment on the part of the operative. Recognition of the difference between control of temperature and means of releasing heat on the one hand, and control of other essential factors related to finished product on the other hand, should cause appreciation of the importance of the human element. Low first cost of material, or fuel, or equipment, or labor does not assure low cost of quality product. Improvement in quality and decrease in cost, or both, will result only from a proper co-ordination of all factors. u. S >- ^ ^ : < z - z o 5 ^ : l I =3 -> o S 3 SG 1 jS < r p o ^ o: " X z o 2 g t ; i 3 '- '. V) UI Oi- o. O ~ X DC C 5 tj- S2 I X 1 ? t-v Q ? 1 < 5 OL _J UI O < UI Z i 35 Z IA UI > P UI . 1 \ Y &y II 3 U. S - X X < i K O 3) Q o ^5 t? ^ j UI IE UI 2 _1 OJ < IE - z z S < = S Y O t < Z 1 r 1 Z p 3 x a > 1 UI u. f ! z o | _j* < >s agK_j-^ 2 OF SUPPLY IUIPMENT-1 _^_ N ~l| DESIGN OF HEATING CHAMBER r-MATERIAL IN t LposiTION OF-J COMBUSTION ( POSITION OF-H |NLET ANQ 0(J L HEATING ELEN PP_rREQUIRED IN PROCESS -UNIFORMITY DESIRED !FACE-|_ ExposED r-HEATING-i SS T- ISED '0-L COOLING^ MDUCTIVITY OF MATERIAL ;REE OF SATURATION DESIRED RATE OF l__rHEATING-i_ UF niiiL RCULATION J '-COOLING-^ rNEUTRAL 1 REDUCING E | OXIDIZING LCHEMICAL REACTION ON 1 rTHERMAL UNIFORMITY OF H DESIGN OF COOLING EQUI aS H \ a ill! V5S UI _l < o Q- a Ms 2 * : 5 L_T (/) Q ifi iso|^ 3 '-MORALE E FACILITIES rFUl AM rlNTERNAL-1 JJJ OD INFLUENCE -EXTERNAL- 1 S _rLEGAL -ICONTRACTURAL IJ | FAILURE L ETC J FURNACES AND AUXILIARY EC HANDLING FACILITIES MATERIAL IN STORAGE LFUEL IN STORAGE ^ FLOOR SPACE EQUIPMENT _ RAW MATERIAL L? R : ES , 2 = 5<5: .' *~ t/1 Z O C C UI 1 y p- 1- C O r UJ < , u, u-^ i , i a. u. 1 u. o * u> : ? S < L E ( ' I JO Z I > Z I O = t i K < i U " V i 3 fe . ll ' Z u, O n- O "i > J < 9 !fi < * s E e " S> : i S < H J < O > < r" X ., o : 5 3 < B B : : x 7 1 T h ? 1 y * -1 O -1 t 1 < a. 2 : : B Z 2 I 5 : Z TI ' : =P : u- III 1 L -T J 1 1 1 i I ft m 1 f\ UI < ui a: z O S z u o ui o Q Q < UI g ii i-HEATING L COOLING ^5 =|i o z :AL REACTIC MEDIUM zz p j ui ui < o Z Z ui o ui ui z o a: a i_j 55 T _i < o: DESIRED UI A z z rNEUTR, J REDUC 1 OXIDIZ z III o J ^ o o o ui ui t: UI i- z o 5i 5gx r-HEATING ""-COOLING -PHYSICAL R CHEMICAL R ]- EXPOSED riVITY OF MA }F SATURATI Xo iS < V 5 J a > u j C 1 I 1 u. y -I I 3 O TC. Jj J^ 3 C O Li S ii 0. 1. 5 O 3 a i" Z t- (J 1 - H 3 < o < UI o t- < in Z oa a u 1 0: I 1 19 L i O ui ' 1 z : _l E t UI t s i i T H- 1 j X t > g T l r s il I c * o H (j 88 >- > h- t- ^ j I I H o 5 a: a: 5 X X on. z z 3 3 5 V J 1 1 ' i FESC u. u. r: u. o o > ?' 1 1 i /( v/ > / t c C^ 3 / (*-! HOURS FIRINQ TIME FOR FURNflCE"fl" 1*23 H u M "6" ^MRTERIRL CHflRQED TEMPERflTURE f TIME OF HEflTINQ PERIOD FURNflCE "fl" 5MRLL DROP FORQE FURfNflCE OPERflTION UNIT OF FLOOR SPflCE -eSOf. INCRCR8C OUTPUT PER UNIT OF FUEL -47% INCREflSE DROP FORQE FURNflCE OPERflTION TIME FROM UQHTINQ FURNflCE TO STflRTINQ FORQINQ DCCREfWE OUTPUT PER HOUR -43fo INCREflSE OUTPUT PER UNIT OF FUEL -^0% INCREASE HflRDENINQ SNIflLL HIQH CflRBON STEEL PflRTS OUTPUT PER MflN- I40^> INCREflSE OUTPUT PER UNIT OF FLOOR SPflCE - 50fo INCREflSE I 1 QUflLITy- REJECTIONS REDUCED FROM Sfo TO .07fcf. flNNEflLINQ PRESSED STEEL PflRTS OUTPUT PER MflN-75% INCREflSE OUTPUT PER UNIT OF FLOOR SPflCE - 103 % INCREASE cn OUTPUT PER UNIT OF FUEL-Z5% INCREflSE flUTOMflTIC END flNNEflLINQ OF SMflLL BRflSS TUBES OUTPUT PER MRN- 200^0 INCREflSE CD OUTPUT PER UNIT OF FLOOR SPflCE -O% INCREflSE QUflLITy- REJECTIONS REDUCED FROM 5^ TO If* flUTOMflTIC END flNNEflLINQ OF LflRQE BRflSS TUBES OUTPUT PER MflN- 275^0 INCREflSE OUTPUT PER UNIT OF FLOOR SPflCE -28Of INCREflSE B" - 4 FOR SflME OUTPUT QUflLlTy- REJECTIONS REDUCED FROM 10% TO I % iMH^M i^^HH 1 r ur\ nrn-c. o ~T r wrv w ii ii* ** _ DDDD EQUIVflLENT MEflRTH flREfl,- FLOOR SPflCE flND RELflTIVE WflLL THICKNESS CMEMICflL OXlDflTION OF METflLLIC POWDER OUTPUT PER MflN-6>5O"fo INCREflSE OUTPUT PER UNIT OF FLOOR SPflCE -II 10 "f INCREflSE I ^Ml OUTPUT PER UNIT OF FUEL -<^0 fo INCREflSE WITH FMRNftCE "fl" OVER FURNflCES "B" -OXIOflT I ON INCREftSED FROM &O% TO Fig. 5 11 Selection of Furnaces HE selection of industrial heating equipment, which must be coincident with the selection of a. suitable form of heat energy (combustible or elec- tric), resolves itself into the problem of determin- ing the type, design, size, number and arrange- ment of furnaces and auxiliary equipment necessary to meet specific plant conditions, and of providing the most efficient methods of heating, cooling, routing and handling the material. The physical or chemical nature of the heat-treatment process; the requirements of quality; rate and quantity of production; plant conditions and cost of operation are basic factors which influence selection. There are many other factors of varying importance, outlined by the chart on page 13, any one of which may also influence the selection and arrangement of equipment or the cost of production. Uniformity of heating and cooling, and the relationship of temperature, atmosphere, rate and time of heating and cooling to the surface exposure and mass of product, are governed by natural laws which cannot be ignored without sacrifice in quality or quantity of product or economy of operation. Selection is largely a matter of compromise in reconciling requirements of quality with others related to methods of heating and handling, output, plant conditions and cost of production. Standardization of furnaces as to type, design and size, to the extent common with boilers, engines, motors, machine tools, etc., is impracticable because of the endless variety of individual requirements. Such requirements usually involve differences in size, shape, weight or composition of materials; quantity and rate of flow; processes; methods of heating, cooling, routing and handling of material; arrangement of equipment; floor space; hours of operation; forms of fuel available; etc. To meet such conditions there must be corresponding variety in design and size of furnaces. There is no more reason to assume that one form of fuel, electricity, or furnace may be adapted to all industrial heating requirements, than to assume that one type of dwelling or factory would meet all building requirements, or that one form of prime mover would meet all requirements for power. The difficulty of definitely measuring heating results, unlike measuring results in power, illumination or transportation, adds to the complication because appraisement of furnace performance must be based on quality and cost of prod- uct and the method of operation under specific plant conditions. Temperature control, price or quantity of fuel, composition of gases, etc., are merely contributing factors, and bear about the same relation to industrial heating as they bear to the operation of a motor truck. The "heat unit" (B. t. u.) standard for judging fuel values and " heat balance " for testing furnace performance are incomplete and misleading, except for comparing fuels of the same physical and chemical characteristics, and furnaces of the same mechanical characteristics, operated under identical conditions of applying and utilizing heat and of loading and handling material. The "heat unit value" of a fuel, like the "heat balance" of a furnace, is but one indication of economic value. It is misleading to compare coal, oil, gas or electricity without considering their form characteristics and the differences in the mechanical form and operation of the furnaces or other appliances adapted to their use. Like- wise, it is misleading to compare fuels of the same physical form, such as clean producer gas, water gas, city gas, natural gas, acetylene gas, etc., without considering differences in chemical composition, combustible mixture, products of combustion and calorific intensity of heat release. Consideration must be given to the influence of furnace design and operation upon the temperature and atmosphere, and upon the uniformity and cost of product. Electricity must be considered with regard to its "form value" in determining its field of usefulness. A difference in current (alternating or direct), or in voltage, phase or cycle; the difference between arc, resistance and induction methods of releasing heat, and the effect upon the product of differences in the atmosphere set up in releasing the heat, must be considered in relation to individual requirements. The common practice of comparing inefficient furnaces, unsuited to the specific manufacturing conditions and improperly operated, with furnaces of a suitable type, more efficiently operated, using another form of fuel, and crediting the improved results to the difference in form of fuel or heat energy, is largely responsible for mistakes in the selection of both furnaces and fuels. The "form value" of fuel or heat energy must be con- sidered with the design and operation of the furnace. Very often a fuel requires a particular type of furnace to enable it to do certain work. Producer gas, for instance, is unsuited for melting steel except in a regenerative furnace. Electricity with the resistance method of releasing heat may be used to accomplish a result not possible with the arc method, or vice versa. It is unreasonable to compare an intermittently operated or "batch type" regenerative furnace with a furnace of the con- tinuous non-regenerative type, or to compare continuous furnaces of different types, or single-chamber with multi-chamber furnaces, even though the "heat balance" be identical, unless each affords equally efficient means for applying the heat and handling the product. A difference in method of applying heat or handling material may result in a difference in quality or cost of product that would not be disclosed by consideration solely of heat balance, fuel consumption, analysis of flue gases or indica- tion of chamber temperature control. No one type of furnace or form of heat energy (com- bustible or electric) has a monopoly on uniformity of heating or economy of operation. Furnaces and fuels should be selected for the useful service they can render when properly employed under specific condi- tions, and with due regard to their form as well as price. Each should be selected on its merits, judged by the factors outlined in the chart. Their use is but a means to an end, the economic value of which is measured by the resulting quality and cost of the finished product or service, and not by any one phase of their performance. The variety in furnace design is illustrated by the accom- panying diagrams of Rockwell furnaces, which have been developed during many years of practice in different branches of industry. Virtually all of the furnaces illustrated, each of which has its field of usefulness as well as its limitations, have been built in different sizes with varying methods of heat application, arrange- ment of chambers, working openings, etc., for the use of different fuels and electricity, to meet a wide range of heating processes, manufacturing requirements and plant conditions. They illustrate the endless variety of methods of applying in practice the principles that govern the production of heat-treated prod- ucts, and the necessity for considering each case on its merits and in light of the development resulting from practice. 12 II 15 ui 2"-" z S 2 1- <1 ^ II < z^o:< o o st; zS! * =3l5ii t-0: |/)XUI 5 * SE SzSS 2 Z L bl 3 . w fi u "< ,1 -- x-oo^l 2| o-oXoal 2 T ? a: a: ^- * X 2 l - Sfe o: ui * 3 ui -i X 1 O L r J t^go J r-i oo2z r 1 -! lilf ss< ! i- u. < o 1*0 > m i| o: < M - JL S UjZ 1 OJH- (OUI ' O Z ^ 1 1 *~ Ul ... ^^ *- . 1 II. < tj " 5 Z V 3 O Q. .. u. t- a. o in 1 !2f-o o J , O *. v n ce ui ' i>S2 iuiui t* u (- lil OU>Q o: ui z < (r. - CEOP P < . -S IP < l__l *- 5 X < ui ui o fJ-i o i i > lsl| l| 11*11 5 S-M AUTOMATIC J^g H PUSH T-l LSEMI-AUTOMATIC-! GRAV L SPEC VTION Tft _T MATERIAL T0 BE H .ATION TO LRATE OF PRODUC FLE -MUFFLE DcurDDroiTnov " LCUPOLA (POSITION pHEATING TABILITY COOLING 'OROSITY LUNDER LOAD HAMBER-ij-SINGLE END HAMBER-TT- DOUBLE END DTH :IGHT TION TO OPERATINt; FLOOR LEV {ARC 1 RESISTANCE pVOLTS CONVECTION^ l-AMPERES p RADIATION ' >rT 1 -^?I r v? * si o o yS^fz *T J^ T o*-C l _ii 2 5 PC WE > J z u< " "Sui z<|<2 83 1 z | o-jg- TURNING. TILTING "-DRAWINC STIRRING. ETC. i. ETC. ILVES. DAMPERS. ETC. RS. TRANSFORMERS. SWITCHES. 1 f-MOTORS. BLOWERS. PUMPS BC TANKS. BINS. GAS HOLDERS. GENERATORS. TRANSFORMERS. GAS PRODUCING EQUIPMENT I Ji!S* o= O"Q "Y *X < 2 O o: ^u ji; -SoziS ui i l 1 Ul 2 U. Z X - O Z ^ < u a: _i | t-oO-iQ*- ^ ;^ *-7i .^ 3 l Xin 1 Ir-Lh z ui a: t- I uj V Z *xE bd SS25 rn ^I s-lH- 1 I3z r 1 ! - P j 1 a. u. O (K w Q ' m t- -T- 1 3 ssg I 5 zwa. I 2 H- S o "> Ul . 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TO 107. flT ENGINE SMflTT .5 7 TO fo% ROflO L035 1.57. TO 47. USEFUL POWER Qfl5 ENQINE Or MINES. MODiriEO- 35% EXHFW5T PRODUCER Gfl5 (BITUMINOUS COflL) -w.-5.-M., 7% FRICTION fiND RflDMTION 25% flT ENGINE 5MflFT 31 157. SENSIBLE KflT COLD PRODUCER Gfl3 OPEN-HCflRTh FURNflCE - RICM(WD5, 7% REQENERflTOR L055 3% 21% CHIMNO MOLTEN 3TEEL STEflM LOCOMOTIVE fl SM.E 40% BOILER LOSS 201. 'S////A wt ZZJ 10% TO 12% FRICTION 47. TO fe7. flT DRflWSflR DIESEL ENGINE \ZZ2 l<7 FRICTION flND PVMP3 Factors Governing Selection of Fuel or Electricity HE selection of fuel for industrial heating should be based upon appreciation of the radical difference between the price of fuel, on the one hand, and the quality and cost of product result- ing from the generation, application and utilization of heat, on the jother. The result sought from the application of heat is pro- duced not by fuel or heat alone, but by a combination of equipment, fuel and operative. These elements should be selected with regard to their suitability to the conditions govern- ing the conduct of the operation as a whole, and to their ability to produce the desired result at a reasonable cost. In industrial heating, as in transportation and illumination, a complex field must be surveyed before a proper selection of fuel and equipment can be made. The nature of the heating process, the type and size of furnaces adapted to the manufacturing requirements, the plant conditions, the personnel, and price of available fuels or electrical energy are the controlling factors. Each of these must be considered together with other essentials outlined by the chart on page 33, any one of which may influence the final choice. The practice of selecting fuel on the basis of thermal value and price is both inaccurate and misleading unless at the same time proper consideration is given to other essentials which largely determine the suitability of fuel and equipment regardless of price or thermal value. Otherwise, no other form of fuel could compete with bituminous coal burned in the open grate or blacksmith fire. The price of fuel may influence but it certainly does not determine the cost of finished product. Price must be considered with the amount consumed and the suitability of the "form value," both of fuel and equipment, to the nature of the heating operation as a whole. The form of equipment must be considered with ref- erence to the manner of applying and utilizing the heat, and of handling the material to be heat-treated, because these essentials are as directly linked to the quality and cost of finished product as are the price of fuel or method of generating heat, whether it be through combustion or the arc, induction or resistance methods of releasing heat from electrical energy. Whenever there is a difference in physical or chemical form of fuel, or in mechanical form of equipment, there is a difference in economic value regardless of comparative thermal value or price. Fuels of the same physical form may vary greatly in chemical composition. A difference in ash, sulphur or moisture content of coals, or in percentage of inerts, com- bustibles, or combination of the same chemical elements in different gases, may influence the choice regardless of price. The difference between the arc, induction and resistance methods of releasing heat may influence the choice of equipment and the form of electricity, i. e., whether alternating or direct current, and the voltage, phase or cycle. It is as illogical to compare different forms of heat energy with regard to a certain result, as it is to compare electricity with any one form of fuel on the basis of thermal value, unless proper consideration is given to the form of equipment adapted to each. In industrial heating, as in illumination or transporta- tion, much of the advantage frequently credited to some one form of energy is actually due to the appliance em- ployed in connection with it. A different design of appli- ance or method of operating may reverse conclusions based on thermal value or price. The relative cost of kerosene, city gas or electricity on the heat unit basis is determined by the price per gallon, per thou- sand cubic feet, or per kilowatt hour, respectively, but such comparisons do not indicate their relative value as sources of energy for illumination. The price and form of energy is usually considered with the type of lamp, which largely determines the nature and cost of the result. Frequently the "form value" of a suitable combination of equipment and fuel will prevail regardless of price. This is illustrated by the practice of using comparatively ex- pensive gas for intermittent cooking operations in the kitchen in preference to comparatively cheap coal, which under different service requirements is preferable for heating the house. The advantages of incandescent electric lamps for the illumination of the interior of a railway coach may be accompanied by the use of oil lamps as signals at the end of the train. Similar conditions in the field of industrial heating indi- cate the necessity of considering, in addition to the apparent value due to price of fuel, the "form value" due to physical condition or chemical composition of the fuel or mechanical characteristics of suitable equipment, in order to establish a reasonable balance between the price of fuel and the nature and cost of the heating operation. The efficient utilization, in suitable furnaces, of the right form of fuel or electricity, selected to meet definite requirements of heating and handling, rather than the price alone, must be depended upon to lower the cost and improve the quality of heat-treated products. The nature of the heating process, manufacturing require- ments and plant conditions may in many instances make city gas at $1 per thousand cubic feet economically preferable to oil at one cent per gallon, or coal at $1 per ton. In other instances, electricity at a very much higher price, based on equivalent energy cost, is given the preference because of the operating advantages made possible by a specific form of electric energy and appliance. A fuel such as bituminous coal may be attractive on the basis of price but objectionable in form, or vice versa, as in the case of gas or electricity. Gases of the same physical form may vary greatly in chemical composition, which in itself may limit the field of usefulness regardless of price. Suitable furnace design may overcome these objections. Thus the use of bituminous coal is made possible in enameling furnaces by the use of a muffle, which might be unnecessary in electric furnaces in which gases, if any, originating from the resistance material did not affect the product to be heated. The innumerable factors controlling the selection of fuel and the generation, application and utilization of heat for industrial or domestic purposes, denotes a field of useful- ness, in suitable apparatus, for all varieties of solid, liquid, gaseous and electrical fuel or heat energy. Extension of the use of any one form of fuel or electricity automatically follows the development of apparatus for con- verting that form of energy into useful service in heat, power or illumination. The apparent relative economic value of the different forms on the basis of price, at the moment, may be changed in the future, as it has been in the past, by the develop- ment of better methods of heat application and more efficient apparatus to make possible either a different result or to accomplish the same result at less cost, by decreasing the amount of energy required without any change in the price. 32 Itf IS I s v u -< ow T> * LJ I 3 B tJ LJ 5 1 V J I I 1 1 ,1 L L 5 ; 1 i_i i a ssg ' p=^ 52 i i i : ; 33 Comparative Prices of Fuel on B. T. U. Basis HE chart on page 35 affords a ready means of comparing fuels on the basis of their B. t. u. cost by direct comparison of the price of one fuel with the price of another; by comparison of the relative qosts per million B. t. u., or, on an assumed cost per million B. t. u., reading directly the "permissible" prices for various fuels. The horizontal lines represent prices for fuels; the vertical lines, costs per million B. t. u. of heat energy; the diagonal lines are the plotted heat unit values of fuels. The chart is read by converting the price of a given fuel (hori- zontal line), at its intersection with the diagonal line of the heat unit value of the fuel in question, to the vertical intersecting line which, read at the bottom of the chart, indicates the cost per million B. t. u., or vice versa. To illustrate: For a comparison of 12,000 B. t. u. coal at $5.00 per ton with fuel oil. Reading from the left scale, the horizontal line from $5.00 per ton is followed to its intersection with the diagonal value line for 12,000 B. t. u. coal, then verti- cally down to the scale at the bottom of the chart, which in- dicates a cost of approximately 21c per million B. t. u. The same vertical line is followed to its intersection with the diagonal value line for fuel oil, then horizontally to the scale on the right of the chart, which indicates a price of approximately 3c per gallon, at which such fuel oil would have to be procured to equal on a heat unit cost basis 12,000 B. t. u. coal at $5.00 per ton. Reversing this process, if fuel oil should cost 8c per gallon, this horizontal line carried to its intersection with the fuel oil diagonal, then down to the bottom, indicates a cost of approxi- mately 56c per million B. t. u. This same vertical line carried to its intersection with the 12,000 B. t. u. coal diagonal, then horizontally to the left, indicates a comparative price for coal of $13.50 per ton. Direct comparisons are thus available be- tween the coal and fuel oil prices; indicating that fuel oil would have to be available at 3c per gallon to equal in heat unit cost 12,000 B. t. u. coal at $5.00 per ton; and that if fuel oil cost 8c per gallon, 12,000 B. t. u. coal would be no higher in B. t. u. cost at $13.50 per ton. This method of comparison takes into account the cost per million B. t. u. merely as an intermediate step. If desired, fuel prices may be compared directly. For example, following along the horizontal line of $5.00 per ton coal to its intersection with the diagonal 12,000 B. t. u. coal value line, then vertically down to the intersecting diagonal line for fuel oil, then horizontally to the right, reading directly the com- parative price of 3c per gallon for fuel oil. At an assumed cost per million B. t. u., the "permissible" prices for the various fuels to be considered will be found by following the vertical "cost per million B. t. u. " line to its intersection with each of the fuels in question, then to the right or left respectively to read the "cents per gallon" for a liquid fuel, the "dollars per ton" for a solid fuel, or the "cents per thousand cubic feet" for a gaseous fuel. In the cases of acetylene gas and electricity, the prices are read to the left and right respectively of the chart as cents per hundred cubic feet and per Kw.h. The ver- tical intersecting lines, however, must be read at the extreme bottom of the chart as dollars per million B. t. u. and transposed accordingly for comparison with the other fuels which are rated at cents per million B. t. u. The chart "Industrial Fuels" on page 44 furnishes a direct B. t. u. cost comparison of the ordinary industrial fuels based on assumed prices which approximate the present-day market. These charts have been prepared to facilitate a comparison of the B. t. u. cost of fuels, but in making such comparisons it must always be borne in mind that B. t. u. costs are but one factor, and in most cases the minor factor, affecting the total cost of any heating operation or the manufacture of any heat- treated product. If mass generation of heat is considered without refer- ence to its nature or use, then the B. t. u. cost of fuel would be the factor determining the choice. In prac- tically all cases, however, the combustion of fuel the generation of. heat is a preliminary to the application and utilization of heat in the accomplishment of a required result, and in every instance there must first be considered the suitability of a fuel to the nature of the operation, equipment, and the general operating conditions. Much the same situation exists as in the case of foods, which are frequently considered as a form of fuel. Certain foods may be low priced in relation to their potential value in calories, and yet not suitable for use under every condition. Baked beans, for example, represent a low-priced food, and yet for the convalescent requiring a large amount of nourishment, such relatively high cost foods of different character as milk, eggs, animal jellies, etc., may be given the preference. The choice should be based not alone on the relative value in calories of such foods, but with regard to their suitability to the indi- vidual requirements. The term "form value" is suggested to give expression to the intangible value due to difference in physical characteristics and chemical association that exists between the various fuels; and it is the "form value" in addition to price of a fuel, influenced, of course, by the design and method of operating the equipment employed with it, that largely determines its economic value and field of usefulness. It is the advantages due to "form value" of electricity with suitable appliances which, under certain conditions, suggests its use for illumination when gas or oil might be cheaper on a B. t. u. basis. Similar conditions may suggest the use of gas with the modern gas range for cooking in preference to coal, wood or oil at a lower B. t. u. price. Dif- ferent conditions may warrant the choice of lower-priced fuels which, with suitable apparatus, may meet the operating require- ments at reasonable cost. With fuel, as with food, the choice is determined not by the relative heat unit cost, but by consideration of price with "form value" of the fuel and equipment adapted to it, and the suitability of the combination to definite operating conditions. A comparison of fuels on the basis of B. t. u. value is not a test of economic value unless the fuels, so compared have the same physical characteristics and chemical association and are utilized in appliances having the same mechanical characteristics and operated under the same conditions. Price of fuel is but one item in the cost of heating, just as it is but one item in the cost of transportation or illumination. Operating cost includes not only the price of fuel, but also the quantity consumed, which is largely governed by the manner of applying and utilizing the heat in useful service. This in turn is greatly influenced by the design and method of operating the appliance, whether it be a furnace or a motor truck. 34 CENTS PER GALLON OF LIQUID FUEL OR PER kw.ll. OF ELECTRICITY, oo r-- co ira o- co cxi * c DOLLARS PER TON (2000 Ib.) OF SOLID FUEL, 00 _gggsgss CENTS PER 1000 cu.ll. OF GASEOUS FUELS OR PER 100 Ctl.ft, OF ACETYLENE GAS, 35 Comparative Heating Value of Industrial Fuel Gases HE relative value of gases for industrial or domestic heating or power service is not defi- nitely determined by the customary method of comparison on the basis of heat units (B. t. u.) per cubic foot. It is a common belief that the suitability of a gas as a source of heat or power is determined by its B. t. u. value and price, and that gases higher in B. t. u. per cubic foot are the more desirable; but this is far from true. The heat unit content of a gas is not a true indication of its heating value in an economic sense. In addition to the B. t. u. value there must be considered the chemical com- position of the gas and of the mixture of gas and air supplied for combustion, and also the influence of the design of furnace or other appliance employed for the generation, application and utilization of the heat. The chemical composition of a gas fixes the volume of air required for combustion, and the mixture so formed, from which the heat is released, has a B. t. u. value per unit of volume much less than that of the original gas itself. The quantity of air required for combustion of the various gases fluctuates greatly, being more for the richer gases and in general less with the decrease in B. t. u. value. The heat unit value of the usual industrial gases may vary from 100 to 1500 B. t. u. per cubic foot; the theoretical quantity of air required for combustion may vary from one to twelve cubic feet per cubic foot of gas; the B. t. u. value of the com- bustible mixtures of these same gases, with the theoretical quantity of air required for combustion, may vary from 50 to 115 B. t. u. per cubic foot, or less with an increase in the relative quantity of air supplied. See chart page 37. The B. t. u. value of a gas or its combustible mixture does not indicate the temperature obtainable by com- bustion or determine its field of usefulness. Natural gas at 900 B. t. u., while apparently three times as rich as water gas at 300 B. t. u. per cubic foot, has a lower flame temperature and rate of flame propagation. Natural gas would not be as suitable as water gas for high temperature blow-pipe operations, such as welding. On the other hand, natural gas is preferable to water gas in internal combustion engines, in which the air and gas are mixed under heavy com- pression. Producer gas, in its washed state, while suitable for gas engines, is not as well suited as water gas for high temperature operations, such as forging or welding, yet with regenerative furnaces it is extensively used for melting steel. The design and operation of the furnace favor a field of usefulness which is not disclosed by an analysis of the gas itself. Both these gases and the air required for their combustion may be preheated to a high temperature in regenerative fur- naces. If natural gas were employed in the same furnaces, the preheating would be limited to the air alone, because the natural gas, by reason of its chemical composition, would dis- sociate in the regenerative chambers at high temperatures. Many examples from every-day practice with various forms of fuel could be given to illustrate the point not generally ap- preciated, that the difference in composition or "chemical form value" of industrial gases, the influence of the quantity of air supplied for combustion, and the design of the appliance, denote fields of usefulness and limitations which are not revealed by the customary B. t. u. com- parison. The distribution of natural gas is frequently affected in cold weather by the formation of solids in the pipe lines. The dis- tribution of carbureted water gas under similar conditions frequently results in the deposition of oil in the pipe lines re- sulting from condensation of certain hydrocarbons peculiar to this gas. Producer gas, while relatively cheap and less susceptible to such conditions in transportation, is not suitable for general distribution by reason of its low heating value and unusually high percentage of incombustibles. By reason of their composition, gases such as acetylene or blue water gas have a more or less well denned field of usefulness, which makes them unsuited for the average domestic or industrial heating requirements. "City gas" is well adapted to the average industrial and domestic heating operations. As a domestic fuel it has become almost indispensable, particularly in congested districts. An efficient extension of its use is highly desirable for the influence it will exert on conditions of living and manufacturing and in conservation of fuel resources. Its field of usefulness in industrial heating, at present, is narrowed by relatively high price and comparatively inefficient appliances. The prevailing high price of "city gas" is very largely due to existing costly and wasteful methods employed in its manufacture and distribution an inheritance from the days when gas was used primarily for illumination. This results either in a needless production of "domestic coke" or the use of oil and anthracite coal, which could be well diverted to more essential purposes. The improvement of electric appliances, resulting in an extension of the use of electricity for many industrial heating operations which could be efficiently conducted with gas, is gradually developing an appreciation of the fact that the cus- tomary methods of gas manufacture and utilization must be superseded by others better adapted to present-day conditions if the gas industry is to survive and render its full measure of service. The need may be supplied by a "fuel gas" generated through complete gasification of bituminous coal, under standards which will eliminate the oil or anthracite coal or "domestic coke" to maintain obsolete candle-power requirements or unnecessarily high heat-unit value. The heating value could be lowered to approximately 400 B. t. u., which, with suitable chemical composition to meet requirements of flame temperature and odor, would be well suited to present-day domestic and industrial conditions; for, as indicated by the chart on page 37, it would be substantially equal to the present- day "city gas" in heating value. Low-priced gas of the proper heat value and chemical composition is not in itself sufficient, because the cost and nature of service to the consumer are determined not by price alone, but by the quantity consumed and the design of heating appliances. The appalling waste of natural gas in the operation of industrial furnaces, which generally lack the essentials of air control and dampers provided with the common coal kitchen range or house heater, and the influence of excess air in lowering the heating value of gases, indicate the influence of furnace design and operation upon the quality and cost of the heating service. Electricity, at a much higher price on equivalent energy basis, has outdistanced gas for many industrial heating operations; not always by reason of inherent advantage in electricity itself, but by reason of its use in more efficient furnaces or other appliances. A comparison of the relative thermal efficiency of the average gas appliance with electrical appliances offered for the same purpose, indicates the need for improvement and the influence of the design and operation of equipment upon the cost of product or heating service, of which the price of fuel is but one factor. 36 COMPARISON OF INDUSTRIAL GASES APPROXIMATE COMPOSITION ENERGY CONTENT AND CALORIFIC INTENSITY OF GASES AND COMBUSTIBLE MIXTURES D-17 FURNACE DESIGN AND OPERATION NOT CONSIDERED 292O oot- 00' 00 H 1U u 00 .CfllR. ftND QftSES flT 3TF flND INCHES OF MERCURY.). -^00* -3_ ^s fl_ 50 8&_ ^7 24C 1300- 100 53 .67_ _03 _Sfo_ SO" -o ^ccJ 5 .0 fecoJ 83. AT' *JL $R-ier30 Ml 3 r-> 0- 3 ~& I fl fl CflLOI^IFIC INTENSITY CTHEOieETlCftL OK SUPPLY) B B NET B.T.U. PER CUBIC FOOT OF COMBUSTIBLE MIXTURE tTHEOieETlCflL flllC C C CflLORtFIC INTENSITY OOQ% EXCESS fill?) D NET&T.U. PEW CUBIC FOOT OF COMBUSTIBLE MIXTURE (100^ EXCESS fllfO E E NET BT.U. PER CUBIC FOOT OF GflS NITROQEN IN flirt OMQEN IN INERT5 IN W- ONE CUBIC FOOT OF QflS X - THEORETICflL fllR SUPPLY FOI^ COMBUSTION OF ONE CUBIC FOOT OF Qfl5 > - COMBU5TIEH.E MIXTURE^ ONE CUBIC FOOT OF QflS PLUS flIR SUPPLY Z - ONE CUBIC FOOT OF COMBUSTIBLE MIXTURE COMBUSTIBLE PLUS OX*QEN (ONE cu. FT. OF COMBUSTIBLE MIXTUREj y CONTINUOUS PROCESS UTIUZINQ HOT COME FOP WflTER QflS FIND BLOW-UP QflS TO MEflT f?CTOI?T5 OIL QflS MflOE WITH HKED RETORT OR .1 (3 ^ T^ in 'N r i 4 -3 Z H. d wxvz W x>r syppyO Composition of Industrial Fuel Gases HE composition of industrial gases, their com- bustible mixtures, and products of combustion, are essential factors governing the selection of gases and suitable equipment for the production and application of heat, power or light. When a gas is to be used as a reducing agent or for some special purpose not requiring combustion, the composition of the gas itself is generally all that need be considered. When employed as a source of heat energy, however, it is necessary to consider many other factors outlined by the chart on page 33, with particular reference to the influence of the composi- tion of the gas or its combustible mixture upon the nature of the operation to be conducted and the design of apparatus to be employed for the generation and application of heat. When the material difference in B. t. u. value of the common industrial gases is considered together with the comparatively slight difference in heating value of their combustible mixtures, it is apparent that chemical composition is of greater im- portance than B. t. u. value in determining their field of usefulness. The quantity of inerts or incombustibles is relatively small in the majority of industrial gases, with the exception of producer gas, of which over 60% is inert matter. The inert content is important insofar as it relates to the increase in volume of gas or combustible mixture necessary to furnish a given amount of heat energy, and to the nature and cost of equipment and operations necessary for manufacture and dis- tribution; but it is apparent from comparison of the inert content of the combustible mixtures of the different gases that the heating value of the gases is determined more by the elements forming the combustibles than by the per- centage of inerts in the gases or in their combustible mixtures. In the generation and utilization of heat, we are con- cerned more with the heating value and composition of the combustible mixture than with that of the gas itself, although the composition of the gas enters into the problem of distribution, as is illustrated by the action of carbureted water gas, oil gas and natural gas in cold weather. The relative importance of chemical composition, with reference to both the character of the heat released and the chemical influence of the products of combustion upon the product to be heated or heating apparatus, is not generally appreciated. The striking changes resulting from the mixture of gas and the air necessary for combustion, the further changes following ignition and combustion, and the influence of excess air, are illustrated by the chart on page 39. Consideration of the comparatively large volume of products of combustion of each gas, which are heated to the maximum temperature of the heating process, will indicate the economies attainable through efficient utilization of the spent gases to perform useful work. The heat in these gases may be utilized to preheat the air or fuel prior to combustion, or, as is generally more desirable, to preheat the material before it is exposed to the final working temperature. The spent gases may be considered as a vehicle for conveying heat in the manner that a wire is employed in con- veying electricity. So-called quiescent atmospheres do not actually exist. The advantages that result from the transfer of heat by convection, and the natural motion of hot gases created by a temperature differential, regardless of the source or manner of heat generation, indicate the possibility of utilizing an apparent disadvantage in composition not only for effecting economy in fuel but for improvement in methods of heat application. The efficiency of such utilization is dependent upon the design of the furnace or other appliance, and particularly the method of heat application and manner of handling the material and exposing it to the heat. The field of usefulness of any gas is not entirely de- pendent upon the B. t. u. value or composition of the combustible mixture or products of combustion. The design of equipment and method of releasing heat exert no small influence upon the operating result, and necessitate con- sideration of the physical conditions governing the design of mixers, combustion chambers, rate of energy input, temperature, time and other factors which are not apparent in the gas itself. The comparatively high calorific intensity of water gas makes it unsuited to certain forms of equipment, such as gas engines, which may be employed to advantage with others, such as natural gas, city gas or producer gas. This relation may be reversed in other operations requiring the use of blow torches or special heating equipment for high temperature operations. The composition of the products of combustion must be considered in relation to its influence upon the product, because furnace atmosphere plays an important part in some processes which may require either reducing, neutral or oxidiz- ing conditions. The apparent advantages of a comparatively cheap fuel may be offset by the chemical action of the resultant gases upon the process or apparatus, which would necessitate modifications in the furnace design or process in order to retain the advantage that may be represented by the form or price of such fuel. This is illustrated by the practice of employing crucibles for melting certain metals to decrease the possible effect of oxidation, of packing material in sealed boxes or pots, and by the muffle type of furnace employed for vitreous enamel- ing; in each case permitting the application of heat without contact between the material to be heated and the products of combustion. Special atmospheres may be secured in muffles by passing suitable gases into the muffle, which may or may not be sealed. Such limitation is not confined to fuels alone, as it is frequently encountered in the arc or resistance methods of releasing heat from electricity due to the gasification of the electrodes or resistance material. In most cases it is desirable to maintain neutral or reducing atmosphere in the heating zone to protect the material from oxidation. While this may be readily accomplished with most fuels in properly designed furnaces by control of the air supplied for combustion, it is comparatively difficult with others. Such a neutral or reducing atmosphere may be readily secured in electric furnaces releasing heat through some form of carbonaceous resistance material, while a different form of resistance material may necessitate the use of a material such as oil to provide the proper atmosphere in the heating zone, even though the heat itself is generated by an electrical process. The gases, such as coal gas, carbureted water gas, etc., commonly known as "city gas" of about 600 B. t. u., have a lower flame temperature than unmixed blue water gas of about 300 B. t. u., although the B. t. u. values of the combustible mixtures are approximately the same. The difference in chemical composition of the gases themselves, resulting in a compara- tively insignificant difference in odor, which is frequently desir- able in order to detect leaks, makes the so-called "city gas" generally preferable for distribution to domestic consumers. Likewise, the difference in chemical composition of the combustible mixture or the products of combustion frequently determines the field of usefulness in heat, power or illumination, regardless of price on a heat-unit basis. The fundamental significance of chemical composition, as affecting the quality and cost of product, must be con- sidered in the selection of gases and of equipment for the transformation and application of their energy values. 38 D-21 292O COMPARISON OF INDUSTRIAL GASES VOLUMETRIC COMPOSITION OF GAS. COMBUSTIBLE MIXTURE AND PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION CRR6URETTED WflTER Qfl5 I I I _ ETH^LENE CwHM- ILUUMINflNTS cO-CflRBON MONOXIDE Qz- OA^QEN CO s -CflRBON CXOWOC HaO- WfTTER I i fl= VOLUMETRIC COMPOSITION OF QflS. B= COMBUSTIBLE MIXTURE THEORETlCflL RIR SUPPLY C = PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION THEORETICAL fill? 5UPPLV. D= COMBUSTIBLE NllXTUf?E 100^ EXCESS flll? E'PPCODUCTS OF COMBUSTION EXCE35 fllf? 39 Fig. Utilization of Fuel Resources HE so-called "fuel problem" is but one factor in the real problem, i. e., the efficient utilization of all the energy and commodity values in natural fuel resources. As regards the energy values alone, the problem involves the production, transportation and utiliza- tion of fuel in the application of heat, power or light. A field of usefulness exists for each form of fuel used in suitable apparatus. The scope of the respective fields is not measured solely by price and thermal value, but includes that intangible value due to the physical or chemical association of the fuels and the mechanical form of the apparatus. This element may be defined as "form value," in contrast to thermal value as commonly expressed in "heat units" (B. t. u.) or "heat balance. " A survey of the field is incomplete without consideration of all the factors that govern the produc- tion and transportation of fuel, and the selection of the proper form of fuel and proper equipment for the efficient application of heat to useful work. "A solution of the fuel problem" is frequently advanced by advocates of some one form of fuel, or those urging the proposition that the utilization of fuel for the generation of electricity, or production of gas in super-transforming stations, is the logical method of . conserving fuel resources in meeting the modern demand for energy service. However, the requirements for power, illumination, industrial and domestic heating, and the chemically important need for by-products are so interwoven that all these needs cannot be separately treated. The energy and commodity require- ments must be appraised in their interdependence, and determination made of the most practical means for meeting these requirements. Economies that may be effected in production and transportation of fuel must be con- sidered together with the possible economies in utilization of different forms of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and electrical energy in more efficient appliances adapted to each. The possibility of improving present methods must be borne in mind, as well as the advantages likely to result from the substitution of better methods adapted to present-day conditions. The quantity of fuel required to meet the country- wide demand has grown to such a stupendous total that its provision in the customary forms is becoming increasingly difficult and results in tremendous wastes of material and effort. The waste in production of oil is far greater in proportion than that of coal, but the waste in transportation and utilization is proportionately greater with coal. The handling of coal engages over one-third the freight capacity of the country, while the more flexible form of oil favors its simple and cheap distribution through an extensive system of pipe lines thousands of miles in length. Conversion of. the heat energy in coal to the form of gas simplifies the problem of distribution and utilization, particularly in congested areas, which condition warrants consideration of "form value" in distribution as well as in utilization. The traffic congestion at the terminals and on the streets, from the distribution of coal and removal of ash, and the enor- mous losses and property damage due to smoke, soot and ash, as also the loss by destruction of valuable by-products, etc., following the transportation and use of coal in the customary manner and form, are in marked contrast to the conditions made possible by substitution of the more mobile forms of energy such as oil, gas or electricity. These contrasting conditions illustrate the influence of the "form value" of energy and appliances upon the cost of transportation and ultimate cost at the point of consumption. In 1915, before the price of coal was advanced by war con- ditions, the average cost of bituminous coal at the mines was less than $1.25 per ton. The difference between this figure and the price paid by the consumer represented the charges of the carriers and dealers, from which it is apparent that any economies possible through improved methods of pro- duction would have exerted very little, if any, influence in reducing the price to the consumer. As an illustration of what can be gained by transforming its energy into other forms, in addition to the saving in trans- portation: The same coal utilized in the by-product coke oven, or the central station gas plant by the coal-gas process, has been made to yield domestic coke, gas for heating and illumina- tion, and by-products valued at about $15. If its energy values were entirely converted into a gas suitable for the average domestic and industrial heating requirements or for the genera- tion of power, the yield in gas and by-products would be over $25. Additional gains resulting from the transportation of energy in the form of gas through pipes, or electricity by wires, are obvious, including the diversion of coal-carrying equipment to more essential and profitable uses; the saving in fuel incident to better methods of heat application possible with gas or electricity, and a general improvement in living conditions. The losses and likewise the opportunities for improve- ment in the utilization of fuel are shown by the diagrams on page 41, representative of current practice. When the additional losses in the production and transportation of fuel before its combustion are considered together with the still greater losses in the application of heat, power or light after transformation, the condition is still more striking and suggests the desirability of improvement in methods of utilizing the energy resources. An extension of the electrical program is desirable to meet the need for power and illumination, but the limitations of price and "form value" in the arc, resistance and induction methods of releasing heat, and the special nature of electrical equipment, limit the field of electricity as a substitute for fuel in heating operations. Reconstruction of the "city gas" industry offers an at- tractive field for development because of the opportunity for better utilization of the heat energy in bituminous coal and the economic progress that will follow an extended use of cheaper gas. Better methods of gasification and distribution, elimination of the problems incident to the use of oil, anthracite coal and "domestic coke," and utilization in improved appliances, such as furnaces, gas engines, etc., should result in better and cheaper methods of utilizing fuel resources, with advantage to the community as well as the gas industry. That one coal pile and transforming station may be a source of by-products and energy in the form of gas or electricity for domestic and industrial heating is not an idle dream. Every essential step has been proved in practice. Public opinion needs to be awakened to the advantages that will follow further extended use of the more mobile forms of heat energy, such as gas or electricity, and to the fact that those advantages can be gained, however, only through far-reaching changes in present methods of provision and utilization. 40 HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN ENERGY CONVERSION PROCESSES ECONOM.C VALUE OF BY-PRODUCTS. POSSIBLE HEAT RECOVERY AND THE EFFECT OF OPERATING CONDITIONS NOT CONSIDERED HOUSE HEfTTING BOILER BUREflU OF MINES <*0% CHIMNEY LOSS 207o UNCOVERED PIPING 5% POOR FIRING 3 10% DIRTy FLUES -4XJ-257. HEflT TO ROOMS CflRBURETTED WflTER GflS FUEL" VD.3.R. CO. - ILL. GEO. SURVEY - 5% WflSTE QflS RflDlflTION -CTC, 57. TflR-rrc. 3% CflRBONIZflTION 6% TO 10% fl5H 5% TO fc% TflR LflMPBLflCK TflR flND BY-PRODUCTS 22% BLOW-UP QflS flND PROCESS L055 CflRDURETTED WflTER GflS 117. BLOW-UP Gfl3 71. fl3H 3.3% SENSIBLE HEflT BLUE WflTER Qfl5 "FUEL" GAS BV CONT^OV, moce,, mw* HOT cone TOR WflTEK GHS flNO BLOW-UP G TO MEBT RtTOTT3. POWER PLflNT (NON-CONDENSING) 5TEflM POWER PLflNT (CONDENSING) RUPTAII OF Miwre _ ._ * ' BUREflU OF MINES 30% BOILER L053 -7.5% flT ENGINE SHflFT STEflM BOILER CURRENT FRHCTICE MOISTURE 15% CHIMNEY LOSS 5% RflDlflTION -707. IN STEflM 60% EXHflUST 2.5% FRICTION -ETC. SUCTION PRODUCER GflS PLflNT R.O. WOOD CO., MODIFIED 20% PRODUCER LOSS 5% FRICTION flND RflDlflTION . EXMflUST ^j 32% COOLING fTT ENGINE ShflFT - BUREflV Of MINES - 25% BOILER L033 5B% CONDENSER FRICTION flNO RflOlflTION -137. flT ENGINE 5HflFT COTTON MILL (flVERflGE) BUItEflU Of MINES, MODIFIED 35% BOILER LOSS 57. RflDlflTION 67. FRICTION CONDENSER *-l7. flT ENQINE SHflFT *===== fe% TRflNSMISSlON LOSS 3% ENERGY UTILIZED GflS-ELECTRIC PLflNT - fl.S.M.E. - 20% G05 PRODUCER n% COOLINQ Y///A 30% EXMflU5T 77. ENGINE flND QENERflTOR BUS BflRS SUPER STEflM- ELECTRIC PLflNT BUREflU OF MINES ICE MflKINQ PLflNT -RS.R.E. 81 % CONVERSION LOSS BUS BflR.5 41 30% BOILER LOSS lfc% flUXILIflRIPS flND PIPING 33% CONDENSER FRICTION COMPRESSOR LOSS -/k-157. ICE MflKINQ EFFECT Fig. g T3 C-] TJ 8 s S P 03 CM CO 055 watt seconds. 78.3 ft. Ibs. 07.6 kilogram meters. ,0002931 kw. hour. ,00039305 h. p. hour. .0000685 Ib. carbon oxidiz .001030 Ib. water evap. f and at 212 C F. 000 watt hours. .341 h. p. hours. ,655,000 ft. Ibs. ,600,000 joules. 3 -4J 03 -* 67,100 kilogram meters. .234 Ib. carbon oxidized. .52 Ibs. water evap. from fa o CM CM S 2.77 Ibs. water raised froi fa CM CM S .7457 kw. hour. ,980,000 ft. Ibs. 3 10 73,745 kilogram meters. .174 Ib. carbon oxidized. .62 Ibs. water evap. from fa CM CM <-> ai 7.0 Ibs. water raised from F. to 212 F. H t- rH o o o H rH CM os CO CO O CO CM H CM CM o CM IH .8 s 5 S 2 "81 II * en to CO OO CO CO ^ eg t- ^_j S o I i* It A f . bt 3 ja . . 3 O O ~ ./ G = "-*; IS J . a g*2 * * S 2 3 TF r-l TT Tf CM CM CO oo oo -: r CM >- co N . "? r- o . 10 . O P 3 is co +J p u CM 8 ;* S * X 1 w W 3 ^O QJ .S 5 "8 C8 *> h -3 - ^flll S ^ S ^ fc ^ ft a G 3 v .2 . "> * j S g 3 'E S P S P3 c S . T ft o* cr ^ ^ r-l O O o t-tH T-H 05 L.^ 00 t-10 00 g ^ U> 04 ^ CO tij CO O rH O H 3,j^,j^ O . oS . ro * MOPQO CQ 82 c Si y 'no aad spunoj 04 S co 1 * OOt- ^H TfTf m OOU5CONCO-^*CDr-tU5 10 to Til iHT|i U5 1/iCM TJI C-5OTru5kOCOt- O CO 1O U5 (N>-l Ot- Tl< OOOOOOO5 OO5 OOCO ^H COeDTPOt-CO-^CCCOCSlOCDCOO'H ooo> t^ i-oJoorHcsic>i>5Ti L." . tc 00 ^N S S'-s OQ '-g E S "S3 4t S3 -1 .-o CO to 05 CO Tl Tf , CM - III II ' 0.000393 0.00156 - en CO o o o 1 o o * h 5 CO o CO oo CM 1O CM - t- Tji CM 1O CM O 3 J M * Jj 2. CO - 00 1 CO 5 ie CM - S rt o ^w 3 s - 0.00029 0.001162 t- 1O T? t- O CO O5 (M O < OQ = '- -OS