THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Robert Sonnenschein 'e- PICTORIAL HISTORY ANCIENT PHARMACY; efc0e0 of 6arf (UXebicaf practice. BY HERMANN PETERS. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN, AND REVISED, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS, BY DR. WILLIAM NETTER. CHICAGO: G. P. ENGELHARD & COMPANY. 1880. COPYRIGHT, 1888, BY G. P. ENGELHARD & Co. BROWN, PETTIBONK & Co., PRINTERS, CHICAGO. 7- (preface. THE original work of Mr. Hermann Peters was a pioneer pathbreaker in even the prolific German historical field. It was an outgrowth of Mr. Peters' studies in the Germanic Museum at Nuremburg, and was pervaded by zeal for the reputation of the old city. This gave the style of the work a quaint fascination, which greatly increased its value in Germany, where intense interest is felt concerning Nuremburg, where so much of Germany's art, science, mechanical art and literature were fostered. The prominence of this quaint Xuremburgian patriotism in the work, while not without its charm, was a serious limitation and defect in a work intended for an English-speaking public. The revision has therefore introduced many features of especial interest to English-speaking pharmacists and physicians, while retaining for the most part the style, arrangement and illustrations of the original. The development of Pharmacy as a specialty of Medicine has been more carefully discussed in the light of researches not pursued by Mr. Peters. The original chapter on "Pharmacy in the Middle Ages" has been rewritten from the standpoint of the researches of Gordon, Baas, Hallam and Meryon. The chapter on "Ancient Pharmacopoeias " and that on the " Development and Decline of Alchemy" have been considerably amplified, the former being supplemented by the results of the researches of Dr. Charles Rice, of New York, and other authorities. The additions on the subject of American pharmacy are by Dr. James G. Kiernan, to whom the editor is indebted for much assistance in all original portions of the work. W. N. 3ffu0f raftone. PAGE. FRONTISPIECE, FROM COPPER- PLATE BY G. KELLER, 1605 i MEDICINE IN SYMBOLISM. COPPER-PRINT, SIXTEENTH CENTURY 3 Isis 6 AESCULAPIUS AND HYGIEIA 8 AESCULAPIUS 9 COSMAS AND DAMIANUS 12 DRUGSTORE. FROM(H) Wai shan. The root of a water plant. Pak shut. The root of Atractylodes alba. The herbs and barks are in large pieces, and the tubers and roots usually entire. It is customary to cut the former in small pieces, and slice the latter in delicate segments before placing them in the drawers and boxes for sale. A large cleaver (yeuk ts'oi k'ap), mounted with a hinge upon a slightly inclined table. is employed to chop the grasses and herbs in convenient lengths, while the tubers are sliced upon an instrument resembling a carpenter's plane (yeuk p'b), inserted in a long bench upon which the operator sits, the pieces falling through upon a tray placed beneath. A canoe-shaped cast-iron mortar (yeuk shiin) is em- ployed to reduce some nuts and minerals to powder. It stands upon four legs, and a heavy iron disc is rolled backwards and forwards within it by means of a wooden axle, to which the operator applies his feet, while his hands are free to perform other work. The prescriptions furnished by the native doctors, which are usually written upon Chinese letter paper, and a foot in length, contain only a list of the names and quantities of the medicines required, with concise directions for their preparation, no date Pharmacy in the Middle Ages. 17 or signature being appended. The clerk weighs out the ingre- dients, and places them separately upon a large sheet of paper, going over them carefully afterward to prevent any possible mistake. A hand balance (litang) is used, consisting of a deci- mally graduated, ivory rod, from one end of which a brass scale pan is suspended by silk threads. The smaller kind weigh from one li to five and one-half leung, or Chinese ounces, and are remarkably accurate. Some are powdered in the upright iron mortar (chung horn), and others in the porcelain mortar (hii un); certain roots and seeds are roasted in a pan, while others are steeped for a few moments in Chinese rice spirits. The package of medicine is carried home to be boiled, and the infusion taken at one dose by the patient. Some Chinese prunes (hak tsb) are usually furnished, to be eaten at the same time. The prescription,, of which no record is kept, is returned with the medicine. The extensive materia medica of the Aryans* and the Sanscrit codt of ethics show that the apothecary's art was in high esteem. The doctrine of transmigration of souls, as it limited the field of surgery, gave increased importance to phar- macology, botany and the preparation of drugs. The Greeks, from an early period, like most Aryan people, had a tinge of pharmacal knowledge, shown by the instruction given by the Centaurs (symbols of foreign influence) to the various gods and heroes. Pharmacy among the Greeks was stimulated by the necessity of additions to the incantations of the priests. The mixed religious and medical procedures in the marvels recorded in the temples of Hygiea and ^sculapius indicate this. An additional stimulus was given by the use of a poison by the state for public executions, and the necessity the fair sex felt of adding to their attractions. A poem.of Theocritus (" Pharma- ceutica") deals chiefly with philters, then a profitable branch of pharmacy, which, even to the present day, survives in the "love powders," so largely in demand in certain districts of our larger cities. In the temples of ^Esculapius the art of medicine became somewhat systematized ; pharmacists resided within the walls, while the physicians went forth among the people. This is obvious from many of the facts cited by Hippocrates (B. C. 460- * Gordon, History of Medicine. 1 8 History of Ancient Pharmacy. 370), who gathered up many of the observations recorded by his predecessors. He was the seventh of seven of the same name, and the most illustrious of a long line of medical men. Phar- macy and medicine, which had begun to diverge under the ^Esclepiades, became united in his person. Hippocrates carried his drugs with him. Greek and Egyptian medicine and pharmacy commingled at Alexandria, where every science of the period was stimulated by the Ptolemies (323-30 B. C.) Among the great pharmacists and Fig. 8. HIPPOCRATES. physicians of this period were : Herophilos (335 B. C.), who made great contributions to anatomy. He also made several contributions to pharmacology. Serapion (280 B. C.) and Mantias (250 B. C.) wrote formularies giving descriptions of drugs and processes ; Herakleides added much to the pharmacology of Hippocrates ; Appollonios, of Tyre, and Dioscorides, of Phakas, were toxicologists, pharmacologists and magicians ;* Erasistratos was the great anatomist of the period. By the empirical school, which developed under the teach- ings of Herophilos and Erasistratos (280 B. C.), pharmacology and therapeutics were greatly studied. Through the experiments on human beings of Mithridates and Attalos III, toxicology * Baas, " Geschichte der Medicin." Pharmacy in the Middle Ages. received an impetus. The cosmetic art was advanced by Cleo- patra, by Berenice and Arsenoea, who dabbled in this branch of the pharmacy of the period. Kleophantos (138 B. C.), Nikan- dros (136 B. C.), Kratenos (70 B. C.) and Heras (30 B. C.), con- tributed much to pharmacology. The early Roman writings on medicine discuss hygiene and preventive medicine. Vegetius (386 B. C.) wrote a work on the duties of army surgeons, which pays but little attention to phar- macy. His directions, where not surgical, are chiefly dietetic and hygienic. Fig. 9. JESCLEPIADES. About 187 B. C., in consequence of an epidemic, a temple was erected to ^Esculapius, and later one to Hygiea. This intro- duced pharmacy and therapeutics into Rome. About 100 B. C., Arcagathus left Greece for Rome, and a " shop and surgery " were purchased for him by the people. He practiced both medicine and pharmacy. He was driven out on account of his predilection for operations, and was succeeded in popular esteem by ./Esclepiades, who had studied medicine at Alexandria, then the great centre of Grseco-Egyptian medicine. He practiced an History of Ancient Pharmacy. expectant treatment and hydropathy, and denounced drugs and venesection. Themiston, who was practically his pupil, suc- ceeded him. Medicine soon became divided up into sects and specialties. The tendency to pharmacy was shown in the exten- sive use of drugs by some of these sects, who aco- >ed a peculiar skill in dispensing.* Menecrates (i A. D.) was one of these. He invented diachylon plaster, and used it for much the same pur- poses for which it is employed to-day. Archigenes, who was his successor, employed opium in dysentery. Dioscorides, of Anazarba, who belonged to the Graeco-Roman school of this period, was a great pioneer in pharmacy. He extended the knowledge of botany and pharmacology in a work which was recognized as an authority on the subject as late as the seventeenth century, A. D. Dioscorides used powdered elm- bark in skin diseases, and polypodium as an anthelmintic. He described four hundred plants. His followers in pharmacology were Varro (27 B. C.) and Macersen. Celsus was a commentator rather than a pharmacist or physician. Pharmacy in the Middle Ages. Galen, the great reviver of medicine, who maintained his supremacy for nearly fourteen hundred years, was at once phar- macist, physician, botanist and surgeon. He united in his works the various schools. He is on record as keeping a drug store in Rome. His t 1 "ones as to disease still in small degree dominate modern pathology. In many particulars he reproduced the theories of the Aryan physicians, and that school of Aryan medi- cine which prevailed in China. He was the first to secure the aroma of plants by distillation. To the list of plants given by Dioscorides he added nearly half as. many more. One class of remedies described by him were called " Arteriacea," which acted on the blood vessels -in a similar manner to the "vaso- motor" remedies of lo-a^. . In the next century appear three great names, Ruffus, who dis- covered the function of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, Aurelianus, and Leonidas. Isolation of contagious diseases was proposed by Aurelianus and Leonidas, who were denounced by the public as brutes for so doing. The next two centuries were periods of decline. Nemesius, in his work " De Natura Hominis" (300 A.D.), gives a theory of the circulation of the blood, which, imperfect though it be, is a step forward in the direction of the modern doctrine. Oribasius, in the fourth century, was an active phar- macologist. ^Etius, in the fifth century, first made use of the magnet in the treatment of disease. Alexander Trallianus, in the sixth century, advised that age, sex, and constitution be considered in treatment. He used col- chicum in the treatment of gout, iron in the treatment of anaemia, rhubarb in "liver weakness" and dysentery. He introduced the mixture called "hiera picra" into medicine as an anthelmintic. He distinguished between tape-worms, round worms, and thread worms. In the sixth century, Pope Gregory the Great enunciated the dogma of Homoeopathy, which had been propounded in China several centuries before.* Paulus ^Egineta, in the seventh century, described Chinese rhubarb. As early as the second century a Jewish University existed at Sora, where medicine was taught. With the rise of the Saracens into intellectual dominance, the " Meryon, p. 115. History of Ancient Pharmacy. Grseco-Roman, Graeco-Egyptian, and Cushito-Aryan schools of medicine and pharmacy became united. The practitioners of medicine were held in high esteem by the Arabians. Mahomet himself had a predilection for the healing art. There is very good reason for believing that numerous medical works were preserved from the destruction of the Alexandrian library, by the Arabian physicians. It is certain that the Arabs had medical schools at Alexandria for more than a century after the alleged destruction of the library. The practice of pharmacy was greatly extended by the Arabians, and among them the separation of medicine and pharmacy was recognizable as early as the eighth century, and was established by law in the eleventh. There were two great schools among them. One held the view enunciated by Alke- kendi in the ninth century, that " the activity of a medicine increases in a duplicate ratio when compounded with others," and were polypharmacists. The other school, noticeably Avi- cenna. opposed this view, which finally received its coup de grace at the hands of Averroes in the twelfth century. As many of the drugs used were imported from the East, a branch of dealers sprung up who were to be distinguished from the apothecaries. These were, properly speaking, physicians who practiced pharmacy, and who existed in Italy as early as the eleventh century. The school of Salerno compelled its graduates* to swear not to give or accept percentages on pre- scriptions. This school was founded in the seventh century, and subsequently came under the control of the Arabs, and adopted from them the practice of separating medicine from pharmacy. Arctuarius, who wrote in the eleventh century, dis- cusses pharmacy at great length. He describes laxatives in an exhaustive manner, and discusses "distilled waters." It is certain that establishments for dispensing medicines existed at Cordova, Toledo, and other large towns under the dominion of the Arabs, prior to the twelfth century, and establishments of this character were placed under severe legal restrictions. From their regulation Emperor Frederic II drew the material for the law passed in 1233 (which remained in force for a long * Meryon. Pharmacy in the Middle Ages. 23 time in the Two Sicilies), for the regulation of the practice of pharmacy.* According to this law every medical man was required to give information against any pharmacist who should sell bad medicine. Pharmacists were divided into two classes. First, the stationarii, who sold simple medicines and "non-magistral" preparations, according to a tariff determined by competent authorities; and, second, the confectionarii, whose business consisted in scrupulously dispensing the prescriptions of the medical men. All pharmacal establishments were placed under the surveillance of the College of Medicine. During the Middle Ages pharmacy was, to a great extent, under control of the Arabian physicians. From contact with them in the East, the religious orders (the Benedictines particu- larly) devoted themselves to pharmacy, pharmacology and therapeutics. These monks were forbidden to shed blood, with the result that surgery fell largely into the hands of the barbers. In the twelfth century the Benedictine monk, ^Egidus, wrote a poetical treatise on drugs, which was long accepted by the schools as an authority. The rise of alchemy, the toxicological studies which the fashion of the age cultivated, and the taste for spices, combined medicine, pharmacy, chemistry, toxicology, the grocery business, the confectionery business and barber- ing into one trade, which united the learned with the criminal poisoner. Under the auspices of the Saracens, pharmacy attained in Spain and Italy a status it never lost. The development of national life in Germany and England having taken place some- what later than in other parts of Europe, the beginning of pharmacal history in the former is of a comparatively recent date. The cities give the earliest manifestations of the division of labor in medicine, which signalizes the origin of independent pharmacy. In Germany the history of pharmacy begins in the thirteenth century. In 1267 a drug-store is found to exist at Muenster, in 1285 one at Augsburg, and in 1318 still another one at Hildes- heim. The latter was originally the property of the church, but * Hoefer, Histoire de la Chimie depuis les Temps les plus recules jusqu'a notre Epoque, 1842. 24 History of Ancient Pharmacy. after the year 1365 was controlled by the city. Undoubtedly other large German cities had drug-stores at this time, although definite records are not extant. That the boundary line of medicine and pharmacy was even then (1350) clearly defined is proven by the existence of a parchment ordinance of the city of Nuremberg. This decree ordains that the druggist shall con- scientiously fill all written and verbal orders on him according to his best ability ; that he shall use none but pure drugs ; that he shall treat rich and poor with equal courtesy ; that he shall be modest in his charges, and not demand more than he needs to feed and clothe himself and those dependent upon him, allowing a reasonable advance on the price of the drug as a compensation for his services. In those early days medicinal substances were largely imported from Italy. The remainder consisted in great part of simple mechanical mixtures and compounds. From these facts it is evident that these early drug-stores partook largely of the char- acter of grocery stores. They were, in fact, a survival of the stationarii of the edict of 1233. In France and England grocers and spicers were early united with apothecaries. There was, however, not a little internecine contest between the mere drug and spice seller and the practitioner of pharmacy. The first considered himself only a merchant ; the latter affiliated with the physicians and surgeons. This internecine strife led to a sep- aration, to the great discomfiture of the grocers, who were thus deprived of the profits arising from the sale of "strong waters." In 1345 King Edward III of England gave a pension of of six pence a day to Coursus de Gangland, an .apothecary of London, for taking care of and attending his majesty during his illness in Scotland. That the separation of the apothecary from the physician was pretty complete about this time, and that the populace suspected both of giving and taking percentages on prescriptions, will appear from the "Canterbury Tales," in which Chaucer says about his physician : " Full ready had he apotecaries To send him drugs and lectuaries, For each of them made other to winne Their friendship was not new to begin." Pharmacy in the Middle Ages, 25 The grocers and apothecaries were legally united in England at this time by act of Parliament. The first trace of a pharmacal corporate body is to be found in Bruges, in Belgium, in 1297. This corporation pos- sessed at the beginning of the fourteenth century a spacious hall for its affairs, a seal, statutes, and a chapel. Here divine- service was daily performed, new members were admitted and sworn in. Besides other wares, they had the exclusive sale of medicines. Members of distinguished families belonged to the guild, held the office of magistrate and other positions of dignity. The corporation, being possessed of great riches and privileges, gave the town at different times large sums for patriotic purposes. Our earliest knowledge of ancient established pharmacies we owe to wood-cuts coeval with the early human exploits in fields of science which collectively form the early chapters of a history of civilization. The wood-cut of those olden days frequently imparts clearer ideas concerning the pharmacist's life than words could convey. Bruges is known to have had its apothecaries from the earliest days of the fourteenth century. The first recorded apothecary shop in London was mentioned in 1345, the first in France in 1336, the first in Germany in the thirteenth century. A very ancient memorial of an apothecaries guild, Fig. n, may be seen in the gateway of the Minster at Ulm (Germany). It is an epitaph with the picture of a woman in the civilian dress of the fourteenth century. She is seen standing on a dog, with her head resting on a pillow, which bears the coat of arms of the "Ehinger" family. The inscription on the margins of the stone reads as follows : "In 1383. died, margareta. hainczen winkel's daughter. apothecaress. On saint Mathews' day." The presence of the " Ehinger " coat of arms lends plausibility to the inference that the husband of the "apothecaress," "whose family name is not given," was a member of the Ehinger family. The dog under the female figure (frequently pictured in this position on the epitaph of the female dead in the Middle Ages) denotes that the soul of the departed has now surmounted all carnal and earthly desires. During the Middle Ages and in antiquity the dog was looked upon not as a symbol of faithful- ness, but as an unclean animal. Fig. ii. MEMORIAL OK THE! APOTHECARIES GUILD AT ULM, A. D. (26) Pharmacy in tlie Middle 27 Figure 12, probably the oldest illustration of a drug-store extant, is taken from the "Ars Memorativa," published by Anton Sorg in 1470. Its most salient feature is a druggist comminuting some drug in a three-legged mortar. Before the introduction of chemistry into pharmacy the mortar was no doubt the pharma- cist's principal companion, for the breaking up of crude drugs was then his main pharmacal manipulation. The back- Fig. 12. ILLUSTRATION OF DRUG-STORE, 1430. ground is taken up by shelves that are loaded down with con- tainers from floor to ceiling. Figure 7, which introduces this chapter, taken from the work "Ortus sanitatis" (the "Garden of Health"), represents a drug-store. At the end of the book are these words : "Gedruckt vnd volendet diser Herbarius durch Hannsen schonsperger in der Keserylichen statt zu Augspurg an sant -Bonifacius tag Anno MCCCC vn in dem LXXXVI jare." [This herbarium was printed and completed by Hannsen Schoensperger at the imperial city of Augsburg, on Saint Bonifacius day, in the year 1486]. In the foreground the figures of five men are outlined. These no doubt are intended to represent the masters in medicine, since the following names are inscribed below these outlines in the original : History of Ancient Pharmacy. Galenus, Avicenna, Plinius, Serapion and Dioscorides. Back of these figures stands a prescription counter, on which can be seen a book, scale, mortar, and a number of boxes. At the table the Fig. 13- (From a book of 1505). ancient prototype of the apprentice is lustily pounding away at some obdurate root or herb, whilst the spirits of the great fathers of medicine stand before his mind as worthy sires for emulation and hallowed veneration. Pharmacy in tlie Middle Ages. 29 Figure 13 is taken from a work by Hieronymus Brunschwygk, entitled " Das nxiv Buch der rechten kunst zu distilliren. Ouch von Marsilio Ficino vn andrer hochbero'mpter Artzte natiirliche vnd gute kunst zu behalten den gesunden leib vnd zu vertryben die kranckheit mit erlengerung des lebens," [The new book on the art of distilling. Also the natural and good art of preserving a healthy body, to banish disease and to prolong life ; by Marsilio Ficino and other renowned doctors. Published in 1505]. An earlier edition of this work was published by Grueninger at Strassburg in 1500. Fig. 14. A WATER JUG. In these illustrations of Middle Age pharmacies, it is to be noted that, in place of labels, the containers bear the coats of arms of titled families and the badges of cities. The attaching of coats of arms to furniture and all household utensils was much practiced in those days, and as in all probability special containers were not made for pharmacies thus early, such bottles and jars were chosen as could be found in the market, so that although these escutcheons, etc., could serve no useful pur- pose, they certainly proved to be quite ornamental. Whether or not a system of numbering was in use for deter- mining the contents, as in later centuries, is not known. The stars in Figure 13 probably served for ornamental purposes only. History of Ancient Pharmacy. In the " Ortus sanitatis," the containers in which medicinal sub- stances were preserved, find frequent illustration. Distilled water Fig- 15- A VINEGAR JUG. Fig. 16. WOODEN BOX. Fig. 17. WOODEN BOX. and vinegar were kept in earthen jars, Figures 14 and 15. Small quantities of dry substances were kept in small wooden boxes, Figure 16. Roots and herbs in larger quantities were kept in. Pharmacy in the Middle Ages. large, round wooden boxes, like Figure 17. Figure 18, taken from the same work, depicts a peddler offering "red earth" for sale. Red earth was used for a variety of purposes ; as a polishing powder, as a paint, as a background in the pro- cess of gilding, and by others as a curative agent. In the text Fig. 18. ANCIENT PEDDLER. it is described as a "Bolus armenus vel lutum armenum," and Armenia is specially emphasized as its source of introduction. The laboratory of the Middle Age pharmacist appears in Figure 19. An apprentice is handling a tripod over an open fire under the direction of his master, but the furniture of a laboratory of the Middle Ages was by no means so limited as would appear from the illustration. The medical works of those days speak of the multiplicity of apparatus and utensils then in. History of Ancient Pharmacy. Fig. 19. PHARMACAL LABORATORY, A. D. Fig. 20. (From "Book of Herbs," 1586). (33) In my shop of drugs are stored Many things of sweet accord, Spices with sugar I combine, Enemas and purges I divine. To strengthen the weak and the sickly, Refreshing draughts I furnish quickly. All these, with utmost care, On prescriptions I prepare. HANS SACHS, "True Description of all Professions." 1568. in the Sixteenth en. - places an5 Soucs. ]HE important office assigned to fire in the labors of alchemists the precursors of the modern chemists early led to the construction of special hearths and stoves, by which the heat required in the practice of the hermetic art could be con- veniently supplied and regulated. As early as the ninth century the Arabian "Geber," who lived in Seville, wrote a work which has come down to us in the Latin version, as " De Fornacibus Construendis," in which he describes stoves for calcinating,, melting and distilling. As a result of the advancement of pharmacy in the occi- dental countries after the twelfth century, the principles under- went vast changes and improvements. The principal stoves in use in the Middle Ages for the preparation of medicines, and in particular those used in the process of distilling, are minutely described in the two books by Hieronymus Brunschwyck, referred to in the preceding chapter. In Figure 48, Chapter Six, a stove of the most simple construction is shown. This class of stoves was built of brick or glazed tile, that could be readily taken apart and readjusted. On one side, at the base, was an aperture for the introduction of fuel and the removal of ashes, and on either side were lesser openings for draught pur- poses. On the other side of the stove, opposite the main aper- ture, were two openings for the escape of the smoke. When distilling from a fire-proof kettle, this was placed directly over the open fire in an opening left in the top of the stove. But in case glass, earthen or lead vessels were employed, the distillation (97) 9* History of Ancient Pharmacy. was proceeded with either "per cinerem" or "per aretiam." To this end ashes or sand were spread two or three inches deep on an iron or stone plate, with which the opening in the top of Fig. 60. DISTILLERY HEARTH. the stove had been closed, and upon this the distilling vessel was placed. To distil with the aid of a water bath, " per balneum maria;," this simple stove was turned into a so-called coppel Early Chemico-Pharmacal Fire-Places and Stoves. 99 stove, by cementing a copper kettle into the opening in place of the plate which had before served as a cover. This was called a " coppel," and was filled with water, into which the distilling vessel was placed. To keep the latter in position it was weighted above and below with leaden rings. To protect the hot stones from injury by water, which might escape during ebullition, the copper kettle was ordinarily supplied with a lateral pipe to conduct the over- flow to a safe dis- tance. Fig. 59. For the purpose of carrying on sev- eral distilla- tions on the same fire, the so-called dis- tillinghearths (Fig. 60) were devised, con- structed of baked or sun- dried brick. Thesehearths were divided into an upper and a lower compartment by means of a grate. In the Fig. 61. COPPEL HEARTH. lower part was an opening for the removal of the ashes, and t for allowing air to reach the fuel above the grate. The fuel was introduced through an opening in the centre of the iron plate covering the stove. The smoke escaped through holes left at the corners. To regulate the fire, some of these holes were closed by means of earthen plugs. The iron plate was partially covered by tiles, leaving open spaces at intervals that were filled up with sand, upon which the distilling vessels were placed. History of Ancient Pharmacy. In Fig. 60 we see four distilling pans placed in these sand- baths, and surmounted by the tall condensing caps spoken of in a former chapter. To utilize one fire to the utmost, these hearths were made of large dimensions, frequently with ten to thirty coppels. These coppels were not made of copper, as in the case of the water-bath described above, but of clay, on account of its greater cheapness and resistance to fire. Fig. 61 shows us one of these coppel hearths with thirteen stills covered by alembics. When the process of distillation was begun a receiver was, of course, attached to the beak of each alembic, as shown in con- Fig. 62. DISTILLING SCENE, A. D. 1597. nection with two of them in the illustration. These coppel hearths somewhat resemble the galley stoves of our chemical factories ; the latter being so named from the fact, that when fully equipped with retorts, their appearance calls to mind the row of oars protruding from a galley. In Fig. 62, which is taken from " The New Medicine Book," by Jacob Theodor Tabernse- montanus, published at Neustadt in 1592, is seen a distilling apparatus, set up in a garden. In this case the hearth is arranged terrace-like. From a description of the process we learn, that "Numerous copper or earthen vessels are placed upon the Early Chemico-Pharmacal Fire- Places and Stoves. 101 hearth ; they are then filled with the fresh comminuted herbs, which have been saturated with water or wine. Over each vessel is turned a beaked cap, and the small vessels receive the water as it drops from the beaks." Fig. 63. DISTILLING STOVE, A. D. 1586. In the "Herb-Book" of Matthiolus, published in 1586, a somewhat similar stove is pictured and described, Fig. 63, in which the vessels placed on the stove, as in the preceding picture, are superseded by the tiles themselves, made in imita- tion of jars, as is plainly seen in the two upper rows depicted in Fig. 63. Matthiolus, in describing this stove, says it "is History of Ancient Pharmacy. extensively used at Venice. The distillation proceeds quickly and satisfactorily, for in twenty-four hours it will distil over 100 pounds of water. The stove is built round, and is made by a potter, just as he would any other tile stove or hearth that we Fig. 64. ALTHANOR DISTILLING STOVE. use in our homes. The hollow tiles encircle the stove in a num- ber of layers, and are glazed and shaped almost like urinal glasses. These tiles are capped by glass distilling helms, which are simply turned over them. The receivers are attached to the beaks, and held in place by strings that are tied to the knob on the helm. Now, when one wishes to distil, a fire is started in the Early Chemico-Pharmacal Fire-Places and Stoves. 103 stove, but the plants or flowers are not yet put into the tile vessels, for the excessive heat would destroy their properties. It is, therefore, better to wait until the maximum heat has subsided. Then, when the stove is reasonably hot, it is closed tightly, so that it may retain an equable temperature as long as possible. Now you may introduce the plants and flowers into the cavities, turn the glass helms over them, and allow the distillation to pro- ceed. The resulting distillate will be much finer than that obtained by means of zinc vessels." Fig. 65. "WIND" DISTILLING STOVE. For tedious and protracted fire operations the so-called lazy "Heintz"* or "Althanor" (from aSavaro?, everlasting, immor- tal) was the most desirable and serviceable heating apparatus. The distinguishing feature of this stove was a tall pipe, Fig. 64, closed at the top by a cover, containing the fuel, which, as in the modern American stoves, gradually found its way down to the grate to take the place of the fuel consumed. These hearths were usually supplied with three or four coppels, and each of these with its own fire-place, which was connected with the pipe *A corruption of the word " Heinrich." IO4 History of Ancient Pharmacy, furnishing the fuel. Each fire-place had an opening, controlled by a register, for the escape of the smoke. By the manipulation of these registers and the closing of the ash-ports the fire was regulated. For the distillation of many pharmaceutical prepara- tions the highest degree of temperature, consistent with complete control over the operation, was required. To effect this it was found necessary to be able to regulate the supply of air. These features were embodied in greatest perfection in the " Wind- stove," Fig. 65.. A powerful draught was established by means Fig. 66. DISTILLING APPARATUS. of a stove-pipe, as at the present day. The pipe served for the introduction of fuel and for the escape of the smoke. The fire- place could be shut off from the flue by these registers, and in addition the draft could be entirely suppressed by means of a cover on the pipe, so that the fire was at all time under absolute control. To utilize the great amount of heat constantly going to waste, Brunschwyck describes a device, Fig. 66, which, on. account of its complicated nature, was probably not often resorted to, and should rather be classed with the other numer- ous technical playthings of the Middle Ages. It consisted in. extending the stove-pipe to an upper floor in the house, and then guiding it through a wooden tub filled with water. The Early Chemico-Pharmacal Fire- Places and Stoves. 105 pipe imparted enough heat to the water to make this available for digestion and the distillation of very volatile substances. For creating an intense heat to melt metals, without resorting to a blast, Brunschwyck describes a stove constructed on the same plan as the modern wind-stove. But while the modern wind- stove usually consists of a sheet-iron mantel, lined with fire- proof cement, the Middle Age stove, as seen in Fig. 67, is con- Fig. 67. MIDDLE AGE STOVE. structed of wedge-shaped tiles, like those now frequently used in the construction of wells and chimneys. As in the modern stove, the interior was divided by a grate, underneath which, in the walls of the stove, numerous air holes were left. The fuel con- sisted of wood or charcoal, and the metal to be melted was packed into a crucible and placed in the fire. Since in many instances the proximity of the fire proved to be a disturbing element in the calcinating and melting processes, a stove was desired in which the substance could be subjected to a io6 History of Ancient Pharmacy. high degree of heat without bringing it in contact with the flame. One of these stoves, known as a " reverberatory" furnace, is shown in Figure 68. At the junction of the lower with the mid- dle third is a grate for the support of the fire. The substance to be operated upon were placed in a separate chamber, against which the flames were directed, and upon which, by a special flue arrangement, they were deflected or reverberated on passing from the fire-chamber to the chimney. Brunschwyck recom- J I I 1 j_ I Fig. 68. REVERBERATORY FURNACE. mends this stove for making gold powder, which, according to his method, was effected by melting together gold and mercury, triturating the amalgam and then driving out the mercury by heating the compound in the reverberatory furnace. These stoves naturally found more application in metallurgical processes than in pharmacal manipulations. Besides enumerating tan-bark, wood and charcoal, Ryff, in 1567, also mentions mineral coal for fuel, which he declares to be of inestimable value to alchemists. He draws a comparison between the living heat produced by these substances, and the artificial heat by which the activity of nature is imitated, which latter in the interior of the earth heats the waters that rise to the Early Chemico-Pharmacal Fire-Places and Stoves. 107 surface, and furnish us with the wonderful natural springs for the cure of disease. " To imitate this heat," he says, " take one part of fresh, hot unslaked lime, one-half part sulphur, one-quarter part saltpetre and one-eighth part nice clean alum. Powder each ingredient separately and promptly mix them. Put them into a brass globe, which is then closed, so as to insure the contents against the action of air and water. It is then placed in a tub of water. The steam from the warm lime will attach itself to the inner wall of the globe, and will be resolved into drops by the action of the cold water on the outside of the globe, which drops, in their turn, will be attracted by the alum. This mois- ture, with the inherent moisture of the alum, will cause the latter to melt, whereupon the lime will become very hot and burn. To maintain its ardor the saltpetre has been added to furnish it with air, and the sulphur to supply it with nourishment, without which two conditions no fire can be maintained. If you prepare this self-heating globe with scrupulous care, you may derive great benefit from it, for if you make it large enough you can heat a large tub of water with it, and thus secure a kind of natural heat- ing bath, similar to the hot springs." Ancient $0armacopoeiac. Fig. 69. (From Title-page of Pharmacopoeia of 1666). (109) " O, mickle is the powerful grace that lies, In herbs, plants, stones, and their true qualities! For nought so vile that on the earth doth live, But to the earth some special good doth give." ROMEO AND JULIET, m*. Ancient Pharmacopoeias. that the cuneiform inscriptions con- tain formularies corresponding, in some respects, to the modern idea of a Pharmacopoeia, the earli- est collection of formulas, showing evidence of supervision over drugs, was the " Prayogamrita '" of Vardy-achin-tamani, a Sanscrit work. The " Compositiones Medica " of Scribonius Longus, written 42 A. D., is evidence of a Roman attempt to fix some standard. About 900 A. D. appeared the "Ibdal," an Arabian book of formulas, which gave directions as to the preparation of drugs. Under the influence of this Arabic training, the school founded at Salerno in the seventh century, with an academy founded at Naples in the eleventh century, long maintained an enviable reputation. Through the influence of these schools, drug-stores, called " Stationares," were established throughout Italy. In the first medical ordinance for Naples and Sicily, under Frederic 11^ the apothecaries were directed to be governed by the " Antido- tarium " of Nicolaus, the superintendent of the medical school at Salerno. This Dispensatory contains about one hundred and fifty galenical preparations, alphabetically arranged, and gives a description of their medicinal properties, with directions for administration. This work, with the medical works of Avicenna r Serapion, Scribonius and others, formed a nucleus for more elab- orate productions in the interest of the Apothecaries Guild. A " formulary " of the eleventh century, now in the archives of Piedmont, is devoted, first, to receipts for making good ink and illuminative parchment. The vegetable remedies enumer- (ni) History of Ancient Pharmacy. ated include aloes, camphor, cassia, lettuce, opium, rue, linseed, mustard, etc. The formulary is largely based on the work of Lucius Apuleius Platonicus on the virtue of herbs. The Antidotarium of Myrepsius was the authority in the thirteenth century. The " Antidotarium Magnum seu Dispensa- torium ad Aromatorios," extensively used in Italy, was published at Florence in 1498. These Italian works were long recognized as the chief authorities elsewhere. The study of the science in Italy gave an impetus to science all over Europe. The sixteenth century was marked by the appearance of a number of pharmacopoeias in the modern sense of the term. The Latin countries first began to exhibit evidences of an inde- pendence of the Italian yoke, for in 1543, Lyons established and published the " Pharmacopeia Lugdensis."* In southern Ger- many the sixteenth century was the golden era. The arts and sciences were being cultivated by men like Diirer, Vischer and Krafft. The reformatory spirit of the age was shown in the field of medicine, by the enactment of rational medical laws. Apoth- ecaries' ordinances, dating from the earliest days of the century, were supplemented by one enacted in 1529 by the Nuremburg Senate, which, among other things, fixed methods for the prepa- ration of m'edicines. One extract reads : All the Laxativa, such as Electuaria and Pillulae, must be prepared and dispensed by the druggists in accordance with the directions in the book known as the Luminare majus. To avoid any error or oversight in the preparation of these Laxativa, and to insure even preparations by all druggists, these Laxativa have been carefully copied fron\,the Luminare majus by the doctors of medicine. Each druggist will be furnished with a copy, by which he must be guided, to the exclusion of all other formulas. The "Luminare majus " was a collection of formula from the later Greek, Roman and Arabian medical works. Its author, the Alexandrian Joh. Jac. Manlius de Bosco, added a lengthy explanation to each formula, thus making it rather a text-book than a pharmacopoeia. Strictly speaking, only one of the works hitherto mentioned deserves the title of pharmacopoeia, as they were more like the ancient Egyptian formularies deciphered by Ebers, and the Assyrian translated by Sayce. All, however, are of value in tracing the evolution of the pharmacopoeia. * Rice, Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences. Ancient Pharmacopoeias. 113 The first work corresponding to the modern idea of a phar- macopoeia, which received legal sanction in Europe, was the result of the labors of Valerius Cordus. This " Pharmacorum Conficiendorum Ratio, Vulgo Vocant Dispensatorium," was pub- lished without a date by John Petreyers at Nuremburg. Its. author was born February 18, 1515,31 Simtshausen, in Hesse. His father, Enricius Cordus, was professor of medicine at Mar- burg. Valerius and his brother entered the University very early, and received its baccalaureate degree in 1531. Valerius went to Wittenburg where he became a teacher. In 1543 he pro- ceeded to Italy to study, and died at Rome, December 25, 1544. There are many contradictory reports in historical literature concerning his Dispensatory. The preface to the first edition states that "Valerius Cordus, the son of Enrich Cordus, while on his journey to Italy to assuage his thirst for knowledge, stopped at Nuremburg and was well received by its circle of learned men." He associated particularly with the physicians who, upon learning that he had carefully compiled a work containing all old and new medical preparations, with many improve- ments of his own, and that this book had been introduced in manuscript form in a number of cities in Saxony, requested him to furnish a copy for the Nuremburg druggists. Valerius, doubt- ing that they would adopt his formulas without legal sanction,, turned over his manuscript to the Senate for examination and approval. The Senate accepted it with thanks, and appointed a committee of physicians to investigate the formulas, so that in case changes were found necessary they could be made with the approval of thq author. This committee declared it to be the best and most complete work of the kind extant. The Senate ordered it printed, and directed all druggists to-- prepare their medicines according to the directions therein laid down. The author died in Italy before the book was printed. It was pub- lished after his death by the High Senate of Nuremburg as " a lasting memorial to the learned and brilliant youth, Valerius Cordus." The Dispensatory, which appeared in September, 1546, seems to have created quite a sensation, for even outside of Nuremberg it passed through numerous editions and reprints. The follow- ing are known: One Parisian in 1548; three Lyonaise, 1552, History of Ancient Pharmacy. 1559 and 1599; two Venetian, 1556 and 1563, and one Antwer- pian, 1580. The book, like all scientific works of the period, was printed in Latin. The names of the compounds were derived, in part, from the ingredients, in part from their proper- ties, or, finally, from the name of the author. According to the first-mentioned method of nomenclature, a plaster which con- tained the juice of fenugreek, linseed and marshmallow, was called Emplastrum diachylon, "plaster with juice." A plaster containing vinegar and saffron was called Emplastrum oxycro- ceum, "sour saffron plaster." In the course of time these plasters underwent changes and improvements, and the substance to which the remedy owed its name was frequently omitted. The modern Emplastr. diachylon contains no juices, and the Emplastr. oxycroceum of to-day does not contain vinegar, and but infrequently saffron. The names of many preparations by this modification in their preparation became problems for the philologist. The etymological obscurity of opodeldoc, which has become pro- verbial, is an instance. Its origin may be easily traced to the old opodeldoc plaster of the last Nuremburg edition of the " Dispensatorii Valerii Cordi." This does not contain any ingredients found in modern opodeldoc, but its then chief com- ponent parts were Opoponax, Bedellium and Aristolochi root. The first sylable of the first word, Opo- ; the second syllable of the second word, -del-, and the last syllable of the third word, -loch, gives Opodelloch, as Paracelsus wrote it, which became Opodeltoch, and finally, Opodeldoc. Simples are mentioned by Cordus only when special manipulation is required to render them serviceable as remedies. The most important part of his book is a collection of receipts by Greek, Roman and Arabian physicians, by Dioscorides, of Sicily ; Galenus, of Pergamus ; Andromachus, the body physician of Nero ; Rhazes, of Bagdad, " the Arabian Galen ; Avicenna ("Scheich el Reis," or "prince of physician's)"; Mesu6, the younger, and Nicolaus Prsepositus, of Salerno. The formulary contained chiefly substances derived from the vegetable and animal kingdoms. The compounds were of a class known as Galenical preparations from the noted Roman physician, Clau- dius Galenus, who placed great faith in complex compounds. Ancient Pharmacopc The heterogeneous character of the innumerable ingredients of many of those compounds impress the modern mind with the idea that human life must have been greatly endangered by such remedies. It is easy to believe that Shakespere, a master in combining poetical fancy with devotion to fact, must have been acquainted with Cordus' work, for many of the latter's com- pounds recall the witch's broth in " Macbeth " : " Round about the cauldron go ; In the poisoned entrails throw. Toad, that under cold stone Days and nights has thirty-one Swelter' d venom, sleeping got, Boil them first i' the charmed pot. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake ; Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adder's fork and blind worm's sting, Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing, For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, Witches' mummy, maw and gulf Of the ravin' d salt-sea shark, Root of hemlock, digg'd i' the dark, Liver of blaspheming Jew, Gall of goat, and slips of yew Sliver'd i' the moon's eclipse, Nose of Turk and Tartar's lips, Finger of birth-strangled babe Ditch-delivered by a drab, Make the gruel thick and slab : Add thereto a tiger's chaudron, ' For the ingredients of our cauldron." The preparations in Cordus' Dispensatory are divided into Aromatics, Opiates, Confections, Conserves, Purges, Pills, Syr- ups, Electuaries, Plasters, Cerates, Troches, Salves and Oils. There are additional directions for some few simples. Antidotes and disinfectants, classed with the opiates, appear to have been the main remedies in the time of Cordus. The principal repre- sentatives of these were the two electuaries, " Theriac " and " Mithridat." Both were originally intended as antidotes, but at n6 History of Ancient Pharmacy. a later day fallen into repute as remedies for contagious diseases. Mithridat was a compound originally invented by Mith- ridates Eupator, King of Pontus, who lived in constant fear of poison, and studieoj toxicology by testing poisons on crimi- nals, and taking poisons and their antidotes himself every day in the year. His system became so accustomed to the poisons, that when, on the day of his defeat by Pompey, he attempted to poison himself to avoid capture, the poison failed, and he ordered one of his soldiers to kill him. Among the papers of the defeated king, Pompey found the receipt for this electuary, which had a great reputation. This receipt, and other medical manuscripts found with the body, were translated by Pompey's freedman, the grammarian, Lenseus, into Latin. Thus, as Pliny* says, "Pompey benefited society no less than the state by his victory." Originally the receipt for Mithridat was not very complicated, but was improved upon by Damocrates, the body physician of Nero. This improved formula, containing fifty-five ingredients, is introduced by Cordus in his Dispensatory. Andromachus, another body physician of Nero, still further improved upon the formula and increased its ingredients. One of his principal additions was the flesh of snakes, whence the name Teriac or Theriac, from the snake " Tyrus." He con- secrated this electuary to his royal protege in a poem, enumerating all its ingredients, which Galen has preserved. This " Theriac " of Andromachus was introduced in all dispensatories, and was to be found in the Pharmacopoeia Germanica of 1882 ; although the sixty-four ingredients given in the Dispensatory of Cordus, had dwindled to twelve. Theriac apparently occupied an im- portant position in medicine down to the present century. Brunschwyck, in the beginning of the sixteenth century, writes : " When Theriac is to be made, each of its component parts should be exposed for at least two months in a public place, as at Venice, so that the wise men and doctors may inspect them, and determine whether or not they are fit for use." Figure 70, from Brunschwyck's " Book for the Distillation of Composite Things," depicts a public display of vessels con- ' C. Plinius.. Natural History, Vol. 25, Ch. 3. Ancient ' Pharmacopoeias. 117 taining the ingredients of Theriac. The two human figures represent a doctor and a druggist. The two banners at the corners of the table are decorated with Venetian lions, since Venetian Theriac had the greatest reputation. As the display lasted several months, it certainly did not take place in the open air, and the object of the illustration in placing the table on the street, was to convey the idea that it was a public affair. In Fig. 7- Germany, Theriac was prepared under official supervision ; the Nuremburg apothecaries' ordinance provides that "no Theriac shall in future be branded with the seal of the city unless it have been previously examined and declared worthy of the same by the doctors of medicine : every druggist must know the age of the Theriac he sells. Inasmuch as its action changes very materially with age, the buyer should in all instances be informed of this, so that he may not be deceived." From the publicity u8 History of Ancient Pharmacy. given the matter, the preparation of Theriac soon grew to be a state festival. The last public preparation of Theriac took place at Nuremberg in 1754. Since then it has gradually lost ground, and this Nestor of medicines now pines out its existence in out- of-the-way corners of a few antiquated pharmacies, where some spider has kindly spun a veil of mourning around it. " Sic tran- sit gloria mundi." Even simples were obtained, according to the methods of Cordus, by very complicated procedures. To prepare goafs-blood, formerly officinal, the druggist was obliged to feed a middle-aged buck, for one month, on celery, parsley and other Umbelliferae, slaughter him in early summer when the sun was in the Tropic of Cancer, and dry the blood in an oven. As the Dispensatory of Cordus was based entirely on the Galenico-Arabian school, the quinta essentia, tinctures, extracts and chemicals were wanting. Distillation is briefly referred to in connection with a a few ethereal oils. The distilled waters are omitted, not because they were not used, but because they were already so well known that, with the simples, they could be disregarded. As the pharmacist had, in a great measure, to depend on foreign drugs, not always obtainable, because of defective methods of communication, he was tempted to practice substitution. The custom of substitution advocated by Galen became so general in the Middle Ages that it was found expedient to designate the proper succedanea. In an appendix to the Cordus Dispensatory, under the heading, "De Succedaneis Quid pro Quo," the Parisian physician enumerates the following substitutes : " For the winter cherry, take common nightshade ; for^ colocynth, take castor beans ; for oil of laurel, take tar ; for storax, take castor ; for ginger, take pellitory root." The substi- tutes do not always possess the same properties as the drugs that they supplant. This custom probably had bad results. In the 1592 edition of the Cordic Dispensatory edited by the Collegii Medici, American drugs are introduced, among them sarsaparilla and sassafras. Oddly enough guaiac, which was administered to Ulric von Hutten, who died of syphilis, is not mentioned in this edition. Another American drug was tobacco, used in skin diseases. Among the chemicals are found the natural salts, alum, borax, saltpetre, etc. ; and a number of Sales arteficiosi. These latter, sal absinthii, sal alkekengi, sal tartari, Ancient Pharmacopoeias. ng etc., are derived from the ash of plants and other substances, and consisted, in nearly every instance, of potash carbonate, while their name merely indicated the source whence they were derived. The artificial metallic salts, advocated by Paracelsus, are wanting in this edition. By the medical laws of 1592, attached to this Dispensatory, doctors and barbers are forbidden the use of the Paracelsian salts, such as Turpethum minerale, Mercurius praecipitatus, and Aurum vitae. A chapter on extracts and distilled waters was also incorpo- rated. Plants and animals are pressed into service for this pur- pose. Aqua caponis and Aqua pullorum, "distillates of capon and pullet," are recommended as strengthening draughts and for inflammatory chest diseases. The 1598 edition of the Dispensatory, edited by the Collegii Medici, mentions among American drugs guaiac wood and white jalap (Radix mechoa- cannae) now obsolete. To secure remedies from the animal kingdom the druggist was compelled to war with numerous animals ; he was called upon to furnish " Epar lupi," or Wolf- liver ; " Pulmo vulpis," fox lung. This still survives in the name of a syrup which contains no fox lung ; " Cervi os de corde," deer spine ; " Gallinarum stomachorum interiores pel- liculae," inner membrane of a chicken stomach, which still survives in " ingluvin ;" " Lana succida," sheep's wool ; "Lucii mandibula," the toothed jaw of a pike; " Pili leporis" and " Talus leporis," rabbit hair and foot, still used by negroes ; "Grsecum album," white excrement of a dog; "Lapis fellus bovini," gallstones of an ox, still used in the shape of ox-gall ; swallows, sparrows, scorpions and centipedes were burned to ashes before being admitted into the kingdom of ^Esculapius under the names of ." Hirundines ustse," " Passeres troglody- tides," " Scorpiones," etc. Fat from every animal had to be procured. The sixteenth century pharmacist must have re- garded with envious eye his plump fellow being, for he was also asked to keep in stock " poor sinner's fat," " Adeps hominis." " Cranium humanum," and " Oleum ossium humanorum " were also highly prized medicines. In this edition of the Dispensa- tary some of the more powerful metallic salts are introduced, such as white arsenic, the red and yellow arsenic sulphides, red precipitate, and corrosive sublimate. Of the mineral acids, sul- History of Ancient Pharmacy. phuric acid alone is mentioned. On the whole, the sixteenth century materia medica, as represented by the pharmacal body corporate, was comparatively refined. Cordus' Dispensatory contains comparatively few of the disgusting remedies in use in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the mere suggestion of which shocks modern taste. Many of the larger German cities introduced pharmacopoeias of their own in the sixteenth century. Thus, in 1564, the " Phar- macopoeia sen Medicamentarium pro Republica Augustana," was published at Augsburg, edited by the physician, Adolf Occo. In 1565 the Pharmacopoeia of the City of Cologne was issued. A pharmacopoeia was also published at Basel, by Dr. Foes, in the year 1561. The sixteenth century was quite prolific in pharmacopoeias. One was published at Mantua, Italy, in 1559, and one at Ber- gamo, in 1580. In Spain, the University town of Salamanca caught the spirit of the age by publishing a Pharmacopoeia in 1588. These all bore some resemblance to the work of Cordus, which was but natural, since all bore traces of the Italian influence. In the seventeenth century (1601), Spain, at the Great Univer- sity of Salamanca, published the first new Pharmacopoeia. In this century the influence of the separation of the apotheca- ries from the grocers in England, was shown in the necessity felt for some official standard, whence came the first English Pharmacopoeia, the Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, published in 1618. Subsequent editions of this work were published in 1650, 1677, 1721 and 1746. The early English pharmacopoeias were largely compilations from the works of Mesue, Nicolaus, and authors of this class, even as late as 1721. The College of Physicians, in the preface to their 1746 edition of the Pharmacopoeia, declare that " it is certainly a disgrace and just reproach if pharmacy should any longer abound with these inartificial and irregular mixtures, which the ignorance of the first ages introduced, and the perpetual fear and jealousies enforced ; against which the ancients endlessly busied themselves in the search of antidotes, which, for the most part, they super- stitiously and dotingly derived from oracles, dreams and astro- logical fancies ; and, vainly hoping to frame compositions that Ancient Pharmacopoeias. might surely prevail against every species of poison, they amassed together whatever they had imagined to be endowed with alexipharmic powers. By this procedure the simplicity of physic was lost, and a wantonness in mixing, enlarging and accumulating took place, which has continued even to our own time." The Lyons Pharmacopoeia long remained without a French competitor, for the first Pharmacopoeia issued at Paris appeared in 1637. This was republished in 1639 as a Codex. Burdigal published its own Pharmacopoeia in 1643 ; Toulons followed its example in 1648, and Valenciennes in 1651. In the Netherlands, each of the prominent cities issuepl its own Pharmacopoeia ; Amsterdam in 1636 ; Leyden in 1638 ; Brussels in 1639 ; Lille in 1640 ; Gand and The Hague in 1652 ; Utrecht and Louvaine in 1656 ; and Antwerp in 1661. A pharmacopoeia also appeared at Stralsund in 1645. The first Danish pharmacopoeia, the " Pharmacopoeia Hofmensis," was published in 1658. In 1666, the fifth and last edition of the Cordic Dispensatory left the press. On the title-page of this edition is the copper- print reproduced on the first page of this chapter, Fig. 69. The lower part furnishes a birds-eye view of Nuremburg, while above and suspended in the clouds is seen a disciple of ^scul- apius, mounted on a dragon, and directing four fiery steeds. Materia medica had undergone a great change since the preced- ing edition (1612) was issued. The list of remedies of animal origin was greatly augmented, and excrementitious substances were given special prominence. Medical cannibalism also increased in an alarming degree. Belts of human skin and woman butter enter upon the scene ; boy's urine, distilled with Hungarian vitriol, produced the Spiritus antipilepticus, an empy- reumatic distillate employed in epilepsy. After the same formula Spiritus calvariae humanae and Spiritus ossium humanorum were prepared. Besides these disgusting remedies, whose adoption does not redound to the glory of medicine in the seventeenth century, many useful remedies were also introduced, which have retained their reputation to the present day. Cinchona is men- tioned for the first time. Among American drugs still in use, Jalap, Peru and Tolu balsam are added. The tinctures and essences recommended bv Paracelsus, and the number of History of Ancient Pharmacy. " Salia " and " Chymica," have also been multiplied. Ammonia carbonate, mixed with a variety of empyreumatic substances, comes in for its share of attention under the names of " Sal vola- tile cranii humani," " cornu cervi," " succini," " viperarum " and "urinae." "Sal jovis" is prepared by dissolving zinc-ash, and " Sal saturni " by dissolving red lead in vinegar." " Mercurius prjecipitatus albus " is prepared by dissolving mercury in nitric acid, and the adding to this a solution of sodium chloride. The resulting precipitate is a mild mercury chloride, identical with our white precipitate. Antimony, although not mentioned in this Dispensatory, had found a wide application in medicine. Antimony goblets were in use in the seventeenth century in. convents. Monks addicted to wine were compelled to use these goblets. When the wine remained in contact with the metal for a brief period, it dissolved the antimony, forming a wine of antimony, which nauseated, and was said to have created an aversion to the favorite drink. The everlasting pills, " Pillulae perpetuse," of our forefathers, were also made of the metallic antimony. These were handed down from generation to genera- tion as a precious heirloom, for, as a contemporaneous writer says : " Though they may have passed through the system an hundred times, they will always purge, and one will scarcely notice any diminution in their size." In the 1666 edition of the Cordic Dispensatory so many chemicals, extracts and tinctures are mentioned, together with the old galenical formulas, that it may properly be called a representative work of the medical era foreshadowed by Para- celsus. With the exception of the alkaloids (not discovered until the nineteenth century) it contains all classes of remedies found in modern pharmacopoeias. The first Swedish pharmacopoeia > "The Pharmacopoeia Holmensis," appeared in 1686. The first Prussian pharmacal standard was the " Dispensa- torum Brandenburgii," issued in 1698. Toward the close of the seventeenth century Spain published Pharmacopoeias at Barce- lona in 1686, and at Saragossa in 1698. The first Swiss Pharma- copoeia, "The Pharmacopoeia Helvetiorum," appeared in 1677. Haarlem, in Holland, issued a Pharmacopoeia in 1693. The eighteenth century saw several new Pharmacopoeias issued. The first Austrian Pharmacopoeia was issued in 1739, and w *s revised Ancient Pharmacopoeias. 123 by StOrck in 1774. The first Bohemian Pharmacopoeia appeared at Prague in 1739. Even Persia issued one in 1771, the " Makzan el Adwyn." Dort, in Holland, issued one in 1708, and Almeria, in Spain, one in 1724. In consequence of the efforts of Dr. Tilton, of Delaware, to reform the commissary department of Washington's Army, the first American Pharmacopoeia was published at Philadelphia in 1778. Not until the troubles of 1789 had quieted down did the first Irish Pharmacopoeia appear in 1794. As an illustration of the character of English Dispensatories in the eighteenth century the following formula is cited from the "Pharmacopoeia Officinalis Extemporanea " or "Complete English Dispensatory," London, 1741. Vinum Millepedum (Hog-Lice Wine). Take hog-lice, half a pound, put them alive into two pounds of white port wine, and after some days' infusion strain and press out very hard ; then put in saffron -.wo drachms, salt of steel one drachm, and salt of amber two scruples, and after three or four days strain and filter for use. This is an admirable medicine against the jaundice, dropsy or any cachectic habit. It greatly deterges all the viscera, and throws off a great deal of superfluous humors by urine. It may be given twice a day, two ounces at a time. Qttefcicaf Fig. 71. DEMONS OF DISEASE. (From a book published A. D. i (125) Now the magic fire prepare, And from graves uprooted tear Trees, whose horrors gloomy spread Round the mansions of the dead ; Bring the eggs and plumage foul Of a midnight shrieking owl. Be they well besmeared with blood Of the blackest venom'd toad ; From their various climates bring Every herb that taints the spring ; Then into the charm be thrown, Snatch'd from famished bitch, a bone ; Burn them all with magic flame Kindled first by Colchian dame." HORACE (Ode V, Book V). (126) (Time. Icdicnl Superstition. , the sponsor for miracle, and half- brother of faith, in the early centuries so dominated all fields of human endeavor, that it would be a difficult matter to name a science under whose cloak it has not practiced its wild pranks. The exact science of astronomy lay hidden in astrology, which reared a numerous progeny of augurs, soothsayers and interpreters of dreams. It was parent to the many simpletons who, misled by alchemy, endeavored, with the aid of the " philosopher's stone," to turn everything into gold, and make man immortal. Religious superstitions gave birth to sorcery, to apparitions, hobgoblins and phantoms ; and prompted the interpreters of human laws to institute the abominable ordeals of fire and water, subsequently eclipsed in cruelty by the witchcraft laws. It is not astonishing that superstition should have usurped a seat and secured even legal -recognition in the domain of medicine, when its fetich tic origin is remembered. The medical literature of the ( Middle Ages shows that many devotees of the art of healing exerted the ignoble skill of swimming with the' tide of superstition, and of subordinating their profession to its mandates. Medical superstition was largely based on certain views as to the nature of disease. Before man had accustomed himself to look for cause and effect in the domain of nature, and before physiology had cleared up the secrets of the mechanical pro- cesses associated with life, the cause of disease was sought for, not in the degenerative changes and perverted tissue metamor- phosis of the body itself, but in the influence of some external (127) J2 8 History of Ancient Pharmacy. evil agent, promptly personified, in accordance with the custom of early man, when he could find no other explanation for natural mutations affecting his well-being. A higher power, a demon under the guise of disease, took possession of its victim. This view of disease was not only almost universally accepted by the illiterate classes, but was so firmly rooted in the minds of learned physicians that traces of it a/e detectable in medical works of the eighteenth century. An eminent professor of Medical Juris- prudence in an American college, displayed decided traces of these old superstitions when, in October, 1888, he publicly stated that insanity of the sexual perversion type was an evi- dence of demoniacal possession. Certain outcast clergymen reap a golden harvest by pretending to exorcise the insane in the larger cities of the United States. With these facts in mind, it is not surprising that in the Middle Ages, mental diseases, epilepsy and nightmare were, without hesitation, declared to be due to visitations of ghosts and spirits. Brunschwyck's " Book for Distilling Composite Things " has a chapter entitled "A Good Water to Drive out Demons and Demonic Spirits," which is introduced by a picture of a number of these diabolical monsters (Figure 71). When forced to con- tend with such conceptions, the efforts of the healing art were necessarily directed along different channels than at the present day, and consisted in great part of banishing and warding off the encroachments of these demons of disease. The most varied means were adopted to accomplish this end. Talismen and amulets were much in favor. These means of protection, still employed by some people, were formerly extensively pre- scribed by physicians. As late as 1731 the " Dispensatorium Regium Electorate Borusso-Brandenburgicum " contains a for- mula for an amulet to ward off the plague, the terror of the Middle Ages. This formula seems rather to have originated in a witch's-kitchen than in the august College of Physicians of the youthful Prussian kingdom. The following is the formula, from a Pharmacopoeia one hundred and fifty years old : " Helmonfs Amulet for the Plague. Although some may dis- parage the virtues of this remedy, it has nevertheless proven its efficacy in many instances, particularly during the war between the imperialists and rebels in Hungary, where the plague raged Medical Superstition. 129 in a terrible manner. It gained such a reputation throughout the country that all barbers and blear-eyed witches ' are already acquainted with its virtues. It is prepared in the following man- ner : Large, old frogs, caught in the month of June, are hung up by their hind legs over a dish covered with wax, which has been placed over a moderate fire. After a few days the frogs discharge horrible fumes and slaver, which attract every kind of worms and flies. These stick to the wax, and add their own drivel to the mess. When the frogs are dead, roast and mix them with the carefully preserved mixture of wax and drivel, and shape this compound into small rolls, or imitate the shapes of frogs. One of these is sewn into a cloth, and worn in the region of the heart, suspended by a silk thread around the neck. The longer one wears these the more certainly will he be pro- tected from the ravages of the plague." The "Corpus Pharmaceutico-Chymico-Medicum Universale," of Joh. H. Junkens, published in 1697, contains a still richer collection of similar formulas. The supposition was, that disease entertained the same dislike for these disgusting and nauseating substances as the human being, and the wearer of them, there- fore, had nothing to fear from the demons of disease. It is for this reason that the component parts of many amulets are not of very delicate nature. For epistaxis, Junkens, in his " Univer- sal Pharmacopoeia," recommends the following compound under the euphonious name of " Sacculus pro amuleto in hsemorrhagia narium Senneri." "A small bag of red silk, filled with frog's ash, moss from a human skull, sea beans, frog's-root, etc., is worn suspended from the neck by a silken thread." The moss from human skull, " Usnea cranii humani," was either Parmelia saxatilis or Parmelia omphalodes. Lemery, in the " Cours de Chimie," published in 1675, says of it: "When the skulls have been exposed to the air for many years, a kind of green moss grows upon them which is called Usne. It is imported from Ireland, where it is customary to allow executed criminals to hang on posts in the field until they drop oft" piecemeal. After the skin and meat have disappeared, the moss develops on the skull. It is very astringent, and stops bleeding when applied externally. Taken internally it is also good for epilepsy, for it contains an abundance of volatile cranial salts." 130 History of Ancient Pharmacy. Sea beans are the lids of a certain snail's shell (Turbo cochlus, rugosus, etc). The shells were worn as amulets for epistaxis, used as a vermifuge and diuretic, and applied to the abdomen in colic. Oswald Troll, in his " Basilica Chymica," gives minute directions for preparing amulets, as follows : Zenexton seu Xenzethon Paracelsi. First you have an instrument made for modeling tablettes that shall weigh \y 2 drachms each. This instrument is to consist of three parts, (i) An upper plate engraved with a seal, embodying a snake. (2) A lower part made in the shape of an anvil, with a scorpion engraved on the upper surface ; and (3) a ring to retain the mass when it is compressed between the upper and lower pieces. The instrument should be made at a time when sun and moon enter the sign of the scorpion. The tablettes should also be made at this time, or, at least, when the moon enters the sign of the scorpion ; foiin this manner the things on high and those of the lower regions are married by a sympathetic and inseparable union. These amulets or constellated tablettes are composed of *' 2 ounces dried frogs. Zenith juvencularurn (Sanguinis menstrui primi), as much as you can secure. Yt ounce white or red arsenic. 3 drachms tormentilla. 1 drachm pearls (that have not been perforated). J drachm each of corals, hyacinths and -emeralds. 2 scruples of oriental saffron. To please the sense of smell, a few grains of musk or ambergris may be added. All parts are now finely powdered and made into a mass by the admixture of tragacanth and rosewater." The tablettes (Pentacula) are now formed at the time men- tioned, and by the instrument described above ; or, if one prefer, they may be made in the shape of a heart. " Use. These Pentacula are worn between the wearing apparel in the region of the heart. They not only fortify the wearer against the plague, but also counteract all poisons and nullify pernicious astral influences." Precious stones were reputed to have power to protect from disease, and were consequently worn for this purpose, set in gold, silver or steel. Diamonds worn on the left arm were a protec- tion against madness, wild animals, war, quarrels, poison and delirium. That precious stones were quite generally pressed into this service, is witnessed by the " Zenexton pro ditioribus Magnatibus," the preparation of which is thus described by Oswald Troll -. Medical Superstition, 131 " A capsule of purest gold is made, and into it a golden tube, whose walls are perforated by numerous openings, is securely fastened. On one side of the capsule a brilliant sapphire is attached, and surrounded by four frog-stones ; the other side being similarly embellished by a large hyacinth. The capsule is then filled with ground frogs and the best of vinegar, and the perforated tube running through the centre of the capsule is filled with shreds of linen, 'Quod primo virginis menstruo, quse annum decimum quintum nondum excesserit madefacum fuit,' having a care that the contents of the capsule and those of the tube may come in contact by way of the openings in the latter. This mutual contact is productive of an element of sympathy, which in its turn is antagonistic to all poisons, as has been conclusively proven by those who have worn this amulet during epidemics of plague." Incantations were used to drive out disease. The peasantry in many parts of Europe place more confidence to-day in the conjuring and appeasing of disease by magical agencies than in the practices of qualified physicians. These ceremonies are ordinarily directed by pock-marked, wrinkled, blear-eyed old women. After repeating some traditional mystic rite, which, on account of its mere verbal transmission, varies greatly, the Holy Trinity is invoked, and fire drawn from a stone, by means of a steel, three times in succession. The sick person leaves the old hag inspired with new hope, and, since time cures many ills, the faith in these village sibyls will not soon die out. Healing powers were attributed not only to spoken but written words. The words chosen for this purpose were usually entirely meaningless, or taken from some oriental language. For the less he comprehends their meaning the more is the patient convinced of their deep magical significance. Where the modern physician prescribes quinine for fever, his ancient predecessors prescribed the simple word "Abracadabra," written on a- piece of paper, which was swallowed by the patient, whereupon the fever was expected to leave the body. Small triangular slips of paper, upon which words from the Bible were written by consecrated hands, were taken by women in difficult confinements. The belief was current that the executioner, as the servant of death, could issue passports for the latter, which would protect the bearer from the History of Ancient Pharmacy, hangman, from death and wounds. The use of these passports with them still prevailed among the soldiery of the Thirty-years War. The methods and notions involved in the preparation of amulets demonstrate what a powerful factor astrology was at one time in medicine. The custom of casting the patient's horoscope was almost universal during the Middle Ages. On the notion of a relation- ship between the metals and the planets, elsewhere described, a metal was frequently chosen as a remedy, which bore the same name as the planet which most frequently entered the constella- tion associated with the patient's being. At the present day, even, many people will take a vermifuge only at the waning of the moon. A foreboding appears to have permeated the notions entertained in the Middle Ages, that the individual members of creation held a certain mutual relationship to each other ; no attempt was made to explain this interdependence by natural laws, but the belief was accepted of a magical bond which united all creation, and of a secret sympathy permeating all nature. The preponderating notion that the world was created for the exclusive benefit of man, conditioned an affinity between the entire cosmos and the microcosm, and led to the belief that the relationship existing between certain objects in nature and man, could be detected either by outward similarities or by secret signs and agencies. Such notions led medicine into strange channels. Remedies were consequently not administered on the principle of their action, but because of their supposed sympa- thetic relationship to the patient or his disease. Liverwort (Hepatica triloba) was used in liver disease, because its leaves had the shape of that organ, and on the brown under-surface its color. Viper's bugloss (Echium vulgare), whose flower simulates a snake's head, was of course good for snake-bite. Celandine (Chelidonium majus) was looked upon as a present from heaven (cceli donum), since its yellow flower and yellow sap were con- clusive evidence that it was presented to man by the Creator to cure jaundice. Ramson (Gladiolus communis) has sword-like leaves, and its bulbs, covered with a net-like skin, resemble the meshes of an armor, all of which demonstrated that Providence had designed this plant to render man proof against the acci- dents of the battlefield ; hence the old knights frequently carried Medical Superstition. 133 one of these roots under their steel armor, believing that they were thereby not only protected against wounds, but were ensured a victory. At the present day roots and herbs are still used in connection with superstitious practices. Many a peasant in the Black Forest, at Christmas-time, buys a root each of Radix victorialis longa and Radix victorialis rotunda, and buries this pair under the door-sill, hoping thereby to banish all witches and demons of disease, which are prone to wander about, particularly on Christmas eve. The peasant of the Hartz mountains has not heard of the modern scape-goats, the "bacteria." When his milk turns blue, he charges this to witches. To protect his milk from them noth- ing, in his opinion, is so effective as the blue-eyed ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea). He winds a wreath of it, and on the Maynight " Walpurgis' night," when the witches from all quarters of the globe hold high carnival on the Brocken, he milks his cows through this wreath so that his milk shall be protected for the coming year. It was considered an easy matter to transfer a disease to anything with which it had a secret sympathy (an interchange- able term for affinity and relationship). The action of the so- called mummy or sympathetic egg, extensively employed by Theophrastus Bombastus Paracelsus, of Hohenheim, in the six- teenth century, and by his followers, the so-called Paracelsists, after him, was accounted for on this notion. To prepare this mummy an empty chicken's egg, filled with warm blood from a healthy individual, was carefully sealed and at once placed under a brooding hen, so that its vitality should not escape with the decreasing temperature. After a few weeks it was placed in an oven and subjected to heat for a length of time sufficient to bake bread. An egg prepared in this manner was supposed to cure every disease ; for, as the blood was supposed to be the true seat of disease, every disease would naturally have a greater affinity for this egg which contained blood in such a concen- trated form. The disease being thus bound to escape to the sympathetic- egg, it was only necessary, for a cure in a given case, to place the egg in contact with the diseased part and sub- sequently bury it in the earth. History of Ancient Pharmacy. Trees were supposed to be effective mediums to charm away disease. Since Judas was believed to have hanged himself to an elder tree, the elder was supposed to possess magical powers. Inasmuch as the administration of an infusion of its leaves causes diaphoresis and heat, the tea was, on the principle of " Similia similibus curantur," credited with being in secret sym- patfly with fevers, and would cure them if begged to do so in a suppliant mood. For this reason, at the present day, fever patients in North Germany repair to the elder tree, and speak these words : " O beloved elder tree, Of my fever set me free ; Since Tudas false from you did hang, I give to you my fev'rish pang." The patient then breaks a twig from the tree and plants it in the ground, whereupon, if the cure progresses as it should, the fever leaves the sufferer and follows the course of the twig into the earth, like lightning gliding along the rod. The price of the drug, also, is oftentimes of importance. In north Germany seven, and in France nine, are preferred num- bers. When a sibyl buys camphor to wear in a bag for her rheumatism, she always buys nine-pence worth, as otherwise it would not help. The belief was current that certain remedies could cure a patient in absentia. One celebrated remedy of this kind was the wonderful weapon salve of Paracelsus, which con- sisted of boar's and bear's fat, rain-worms, hog's-brain, yellow sandal, mummy, bloodstone and moss from the skull of a hanged criminal, which latter was to be gathered at the waxing of the moon. The author of the formula says : " The virtues of this salve are remarkable, for with it you can heal all kinds of wounds, though the patient be miles away, provided you can but secure the weapon with which the wound was inflicted. This weapon must be greased once a day with this salve, then tied up in a clean linen cloth and preserved in a warm locality. It should be protected from dust and cold draughts, otherwise the patient would experience great pain and become delirious. Although this cure may appear supernatural, and consequently be discountenanced by many, I can, nevertheless, assure the reader that this is not the case, for those initiated in the natural Medical Superstition. 135 sciences know from experience, and have proven by diligent research, that .the cure is accomplished by means of a certain magnetic force that emanates from the stars, and acts upon the salve, conveying the latter's magnetic force through the air and to the wound." The influence exerted by astrology on medicine in those days is again illustrated here. In Hesse, also, according to popu- lar belief, patients were cured in absentia. In the case of a fractured limb, particularly of an animal, the surgical magician bandaged the broken leg of a table or chair, at the same time repeating his magic rite. The bandaged object was not to be interfered with for nine days, when at the expiration of this time, not the broken table-leg, but the patient's limb, would have re-united. At all times man's most fervent desire has been to lift the veil that hides from him the future. Hieronymus Bock, in his " New Herb-Book of the Actions and Names of Herbs that Grow in Germany," Strassburg, 1551, relates that the large gall- nuts possess the property of disclosing whether the coming year will be a prosperous one, or whether war will desolate or pesti- lence rule the land. " In the month of January take a well-pre- served gall-nut, and, on breaking it in two, you will find one of three things, a fly, a maggot, or a spider. The fly denotes war ; the maggot, hard times; and the spider, disease." The vegetable excrescence known as the gall-nut is produced by the deposit of the eggs of the insect (Cynips gallae tinctoria) in the bark and leaves of the oak (Quercus infectoria). This causes an increased flow of sap to these parts, and by the time the larvae have fairly developed, they find themselves thoroughly protected by a pulpy growth. In the course of its generative metamorphosis the larva changes into a chrysalis, and finally into the gall insect, which escapes from the gall-nut. As the gall-insect failed to protect its discovery of the process of manufacturing gall-nuts, other insects, some of them resembling a spider more than a fly, encroach upon its prerogatives. This latter fact, coupled with the different stages of development in which the gall-insect is found during its generative changes, accounts for the various specimens of animal life met with in the gall-nut. The healing art of old was also called upon to prop up the 136 . History of Ancient Pharmacy. memory. One remedy of this kind is the fruit of Anacardium. " One-half ounce of this taken internally strengthens the intel- lect, banishes forgetfulness, and is good for weakness of the brain resulting from cold or moisture." Many of these superstitions still persist to the present day. The "hoodoo" and the "mas- cot " play an active part in modern life. Witchcraft trials, under a modified form, have recently occurred in a western State ; and the " witch doctress " is in use in Brooklyn. The old fetichtic ideas hold their own. With respectable American college profes- sors proclaiming their belief in demon possession ; with medical journals containing articles advocating similar doctrines ; with Georgia medical dreamers advocating " hairless dogs " in the treatment of rheumatism on the " sympathy " principle ; with the "hunchback"-touching guard against disease in full luxuriance in an Atlantic city ; with vast industries devoted to the manu- facture of "patent" medicines, and a popular press teeming with their marvelous virtues, it is hardly time to boast about general enlightenment, and acridly criticise the Middle Ages. An age which accepts remedies prescribed by " spirits," " angels," etc., cannot be too tolerant of the errors -of preceding periods. ie of &ot>e. Thou'lt find, this drink thy blood compelling, Each woman beautiful as Helen." FAUST. (138) cy anft illnnic of COO |HE important part which "love" plays in the drama of life, prepares us for the discovery that men and women, at a very early period, resorted to magical influences for exciting the affections. The belief existed among the older nations, as among the lower orders to-day, that there were magical and physical agents by means of which one person could secure the passionate love of another. The belief in the magical agents was a survival of the teachings of fetichism. The belief in the physical agents arose from the influence certain drugs were observed to exert on the mind. From the " wine which maketh glad the heart of man," to the "grief dispelling ne- penthe " of Homer, was but a step. Nepenthe was presented by Helen to Telemachus at the house of Menelaus the Good, that he might forget his sorrows. The formula for this drink had been obtained from " Polydamnoes, wife of Thous of Egypt, where the rich earth brings forth precious but also many dangerous herbs." The composition of Homer's "nepenthe" cannot now be determined, but it seems certain that the "nepen- thes destillatoria " of Linnaeus was not its source. It has been asserted that it was prepared from the Egyptian henbane (hyos- cyamus datura and albus) used by the priests to appease the evil principle. Typhon Miquel* declares that the poppy, whose properties were known before the days of Hippocrates, corre- sponds most to the description given of vrjitevSeS. It has been said that it was a decoction of Indian Hemp, whose intoxicating properties were known from a very remote period. * Homeric Flora. (139) I40 History of Ancient Pharmacy. Herodotus, "Father of History," says that the "Scythians place in the ground three stakes inclining toward each other, and fasten woolen blankets tightly over them. In the space between the stakes is a pan filled with red-hot stones. There grows in their country a species of hemp which resembles flax, only it is taller and thicker. The Scythians throw the seeds of this hemp upon the hot stones, when immediately a thick vapor arises, more dense than in a Grecian sweat-bath. This steaming takes the place of a bath with the Scythians, and under its influence they give utterance to shouts of delight." Hasheesh is still extracted from gunjah, the leaves, flowers and fruits of the female hemp plant. This, in Mohammedan countries, takes the place of alcoholic drinks, and was used by the " Old Man of the Moun- tain " to transport his dupes to an imaginary paradise filled with houris. In moderate doses it produces cheerfulness, and hence has been used in the treatment of melancholia. The Asiatics call it the "Exciter of Desire," the "Cementer of Friendship" and the "Laugh Provoker." " Bang," used by the Malays as an intoxicant, contains hasheesh. As hasheesh, bang and opium (when smoked) produce voluptuous visions and sensations, the conclusion was naturally drawn that these or similar agents could produce love. The older fetichism also gave rise to the belief in the love charm. From the two conceptions sprang the Greek myth Circe. The traffic in charms was not so dangerous as that in philters, which were an early source of revenue to the Greeks. The results of this traffic were so infamous that it was forbidden by Lycurgus and Solon, whose laws crushed out the native dealers. Later, foreign sorceresses gained a foothold on Grecian soil. Keramiekos, "the Potters' Quarter" of Athens, where laborers and tradespeople dwelt, swarmed with Phrygian and Thessalian hags who sold poisons, aphrodisiacs and love-charms. The majority of these substances were no doubt narcotics. In ancient times the. mandrake (Mandragora officinalis), which grows very abundantly in Greece, enjoyed the greatest reputation as a philter. For ages it had been reputed to have magical properties. It is probably referred to by Homer when speaking of the excellent remedy that Hermes gave to Odysseus to counteract the charmed draught administered by Circe ; "Black is its root, and milk-white its flower, Moly 'tis named by Pharmacy and Magic of Love. 141 the gods ; For mortals 'tis difficult to dig it, but to celestials all is possible." The black, carrot-like root, which in its lower half frequently parts into two branches, and is beset by small hirsute filaments, somewhat resembles the human form, whence the name given by Pythagoras, dvSpaoitonopcpr] man-like shape. Columella called it the " Planta semihominis" half-man plant. altaimmatt cclmttfalcatm fraro ceMi c Fig. 73- Fi S" 74> MALE MANDRAKE. FEMALE MANDRAKE. Pliny the Elder says that "overindulgence in it will cause death, but in moderation it produces a gentle soporific effect. An in- fusion of it is taken for snake-bite, and is given before operations to dull the senses, for in some instances the mere smelling of it will induce sleep." Frontinus says that Marhabel, when sent by 142 History of Ancient Pharmacy. the Carthaginians to subdue the rebellious Africans, used this soporific quality of mandrake to vanquish the enemy. He placed mandrake in wine, and feigning a retreat, allowed this to fall into the hands of the enemy who, drinking, fell into deep slum- ber and were easily captured. Dioscorides, Pliny, and later botanists, differentiate between male and female plants, probably varieties of the same species. Dioscorides calls the male "Morion," and the female, " Thrida- cias." The " Ortus sanitatis," of 1486, has figures of two man- drakes reproduced in figures 73 and 74. The artist enormously exaggerated the natural appearance of the roo s. The King James version of the Bible says that Reuben, gathered mandrake, and his mother, Leah, bribed Rachel,* the favorite, with them, to permit her to enjoy Jacob's affection. The old chap books turned the biblical story into the use of mandrake root, as a philter, by Leah. It therefore gained great repute as a love potion in the period antecedent to the "Refor- mation." Theriac dealers and hunters carved the roots into shapes resembling little men and women, and often substituted the root of Bry- onia. They then sunk grass and millet-seeds into the head part, and buried these in moist ground until filaments grew which resembled hair. When dried, these figures were called mandrakes, and were bought at a high price for household deities. In secret they were richly dressed, received a share of each meal, and Fig were bathed in wine on Saturday evening. They, MANDRAKE. like "fern-seed," had the power to confer invisibility. They made the poor rich, healed all diseases, and made their owner fortunate in love. Figure 75 represents one of these mandrakes now in the Germanic Museum at Nuremburg. The price of the root was enhanced by the story that it grew under the gallows of a victim of a judicial murder, and could * Genesis xxx, 14-16. Pharmacy and Magic of Love. '43 only be dug at great risk to life, since that its horrible shrieks, when drawn from the earth, might strike the hearer dead. In gathering it the ears had to be closed with wax. One end of a rope was tied to the root, and the other to a black dog, who perished in pulling it out. Figure 76 (a reduced copy of a fifteenth cen- tury picture, in the Germanic Museum), represents this procedure. Fig. 76. As an additional precaution, the digger blows a horn to drown the death-dealing shrieks of the mandrake. Goethe, on one occasion refers to this tradition : " One twaddles and rants about the black dog, Another prates and dotes on the mandrake." Even Pliny speaks of the dangers associated with the digging, of the mandrake. "Whoever would dig it must avoid having the wind against him, and when he digs should face in the direction of the setting sun." 144 History of Ancient Pharmacy. Another love charm employed by the Greeks was the Thes- salian herb " Catananche," which cannot now be identified. The modern "Catananche coerulea" is identical with the "Datisca cannabina " of Dioscorides. Pliny mentions Cata- nanche very briefly, as follows : " For the purpose of exposing this humbug, it suffices to say, that the only reason that this plant was supposed to possess powers to charm, was because that, upon drying, it assumed a shape somewhat resembling the talons of a hawk." On the basis of this meagre report, some feel justified in declaring it to be " Ornithopus compressus," or the Astragalus pugniformis. Properties similar to those of Catananche were ascribed to the plant "Cemos," probably the Plantago cretica. When these physical agents did not produce the desired result, or when they produced grave mischief, incantations were employed to secure the love so much coveted. Theocritus, who lived at Syracuse 300 B. C., vividly describes these incanta- tions in his "Sorceress." The enamored Simaetha, a maid of Syracuse, finding herself betrayed and slighted by her beloved Delphis, determines upon. regaining his love by charms and incantations. For this purpose she repairs with her servant, Thestylis, by the light of the moon, to the cross-roads between the city and the sea. The object of their incantations is to cause the person, on whom the charm is designed to work, to suffer like the inanimate objects used in the ceremonial. She begins the rite by encircling the cauldron with bands of finest wool. She then calls upon the gentle Selene, and the repulsive Hecate (whom Theocritus identifies with Artemis), to assist her. Hecate, thought to be a three-headed, snake-haired and snake- footed witch of extraordinary size, disguised in black, and accompanied by giant dogs, wandered about at midnight, and as she loitered about the cross-roads was called- the cross-roads goddess. At the beginning of the incantation proper, Simaetha spins a top, and during the incantation, whilst sacrificing the necessary objects, she speaks the following words, in which she discloses all the varied emotions of a rejected lover : Pharmacy and Magic of Love. ' Where are my laurels ? and my philters, where ? Quick bring them, Thestylis the charm prepare ; This purple fillet round the cauldron strain, That I with spells may prove my perjur'd swain ; For since he rapt my door twelve days are fled, Nor knows he whether I'm alive or dead ; Perhaps to some new face his heart's inclined, For love has wings, and he a changeful mind. To the Palaestra with the morn I'll go, And see and ask him, why he shuns me so ? Meanwhile my charms shall work : O queen of night ! Pale moon, assist me with refulgent light ; My imprecations I address to thee, Great goddess, and infernal Hecatfe Stain'd with black gore, whom even gaunt mastiffs dread, Whene'er she haunts the mansions of the dead ; Hail, horrid Hecatfe ! and aid me still With Circe's power, or Perimeda's skill, Or mad Medea's art, Restore, my charms, My lingering Delphis to my longing arms." ' The cake's consum'd burn, Thestylis, the rest In flames ; what frenzy has your mind possest ? Am I your scorn, that thus you disobey, Base maid, my strict commands ? Strew salt and say, ' Thus Delphis' bones I strew, Restore, my charms, The perjur'd Delphis to my longing arms.' " ' Delphis inflames my bosom with desire ; For him I burn this laurel in the fire ; And as it fumes and crackles in the blaze, And without ashes instantly decays, So may the flesh of Delphis burn, My charms, Restore the perjur'd Delphis to my arms. 1 As melts this waxen form, by fire defac'd, So in love's flames may Myndian Delphis waste ; And as this brazen wheel, tho' quick roll'd round, Returns, and in its orbit still is found, So may his love return, Restore my charms, The lingering Delphis to my longing arms. : I'll stew the bran, Diana's power can bow Rough Rhadamanth, and all that's stern below, Hark ! hark ! The village dogs ! the goddess soon Will come the dogs terrific bay the moon Strike, strike the sounding brass, Restore, my charms, Restore false Delphis to my longing arms. I4 6 History of Ancient Pharmacy. " Calm is the ocean, silent is the wind, But griefs black tempest rages in my mind, I burn for him whose perfidy betray 'd My innocence ; and me, ah, thoughtless maid ! Robb'd of my richest gem, Restore, my charms, False Delphis to my long-deluded arms. " I pour libations thrice, and thrice I pray ; O shine, great goddess, with auspicious ray . Whoe'er she be, blest nymph ! that now detains My fugitive in Love's delightful chains ; Be she forever in oblivion lost, Like Ariadne, 'lorn on Dia's coast, Abandon'd by false Theseus, O, my charms, Restore the lovely Delphis to my arms. 41 Hippomanes, a plant Arcadia bears, Makes the colts mad, and stimulates the mares, O'er hills, thro' streams they rage ; O, could I see Young Delphis thus run madding after me, And quit the fam'd Palrestra ! O, my charms, Restore false Delphis to my longing arms. This garment's fringe, which Delphis wont to wear, To burn in flames I into tatters tear. Oh, cruel Love ! that my best life-blood drains From my pale limbs, and empties all my veins, As leeches suck young steeds, Restore, my charms, My lingering Delphis to my longing arms. 41 A lizard bruis'd shall make a potent bowl, And charm, to-morrow, his obdurate soul ; Meanwhile this potion on his threshold spill, Where, though despis'd, my soul inhabits still ; . No kindness he nor pity will repay ; Spit on the threshold, Thestylis, and say, Thus Delphis' bongs I strew', Restore, my charms, The dear, deluding Delphis to my arms. FAWKE'S THEOCRITUS, (Idyllum II, Pharmaceutica)." Lucian, the satirist, who lived three hundred years after Theocritus, describes a love incantation in a dialogue between Melitta and Bacchis : "Bacchis There is, dear friend, an able sorceress in Syria. Her methods, Melitta, are simple ; she takes but a drachma and a loaf of bread, and upon this seven obolus must also lie, some salt, sulphur and a torch. These she Pharmacy and Magic of Lore. 147 takes, and a jug of wine is procured, and, if possible, a piece of clothing or the slippers "- " Melitta I have his slippers ! " " Bacchis These she hangs from a nail, and under them burns the sulphur, and of the salt she also throws some into the fire. During this act she speaks the names of both parties, yours and his. Then she draws a top from her bosom and spins it, whilst, with fluent tongue, she repeats a magic rite in barbarous and dreadful sounding words. This is the way in which she did it that time, and shortly thereafter Phanias, in spite of his comrades' jeers and the entreaties of Phoebe, with whom he was together, returned to my arms, evidently in consequence of this incantation." The Greeks used aphrodisiac preparations, which were termed Satyrion, from the satyrs, the symbols of sensuality. These satyr- ions were often composed of orchids, chosen on account of the suggestive shape of their bulbs. They were often destitute of aught but imaginary aphrodisiac properties. Pliny says that their properties often became manifest when taken into the hand, but were much more powerfully developed when taken in dry wines. Dogwort (Anacamptis pyramidalis), which has two bulbs, one withered and the other fresh and juicy, is called cynosorchis by Theophrastus, who says that in Thessaly the men drink the larger fresh root in goat's-milk as an aphrodisiac, and the smaller as a sexual sedative. They are therefore antagonistic. This belief in the aphrodisiac powers of the orchid was almost univer- sal, and survives to-day in the popular designation of the bulb- pair, in some parts of the United States, as "Adam and Eve." Among the Northern nations the legend was prevalent that the giantess, Brana, presented Bronn-grass to her love, Halfdan, while Freya (the goddess of love), presented Freya-grass to those she met. Both "grasses" were orchids. The plant Cratsegis was also used in satyrion. Of it two varieties were mentioned, " Thelygonos," the girl-producing, and "Androgonos," the boy- producing kind. They are supposed to be identical with the mercury-weed (Mercurialis tomentosa), which belongs to the Dicecia. The superstitions associated with these bulbs no doubt sprung from their peculiar shape, for, in antiquity, the action of the drugs was supposed to depend on similarities and secret signs. Pliny further mentions, as ingredients of love-charms, the " Ster- gethron" (Sempervivium tectorum), " Horminos agrios " (Salvia I4 8 History of Ancient Pharmacy. silvestris," and the " sea-fennel" (Crithmum maritimum), which latter Hecate served to Theseus at table as a vegetable. The practice of love-magic by the" Egyptians is evident from numerous formulae on the papyri unearthed by Ebers, who, in his " Uarda," gives an exquisite picture of an old sorceress Hekt. Paaker, the villain of the story, enters her cave to secure a love- charm. " At the side of the sorceress was a wheel suspended between the teeth of a wooden fork, and kept in perpetual- motion. A large coal-black tom-cat cowered at her side, and sniffed at the heads of crows and owls deprived of their eyes. When Paaker entered the cave, the old crone shrieked : 'Does the water boil ? Then throw in the ape's eye and the ibis feather, and the linen rags with the black signs. * * * This alone binds hearts. Three is the man ; Four is the woman ; and Seven the indivisible ! ' " The grammarian, Apion, of Oasis, in Egypt, who lived during the reign of the Emperors Tiberius and Claudius, maintains, according to Pliny, that the mere touching the herb Anacamp- seros (Sedum anacampseros), would rekindle love, even should hate have usurped its place. At no time was there more barefaced deception practiced with oracles, spirits and conjurations ; never was the trade of the juggler and sorceress easier or more lucrative, and nowhere was the art of preparing love-charms better developed, than at Rome during the reign of the first emperors. The riches garnered in this capital of the world lent an air of ease to life, which led to all sorts of -demoralizing practices. Attempts were often made to exchange, by magical or medici- nal means, these riches for the love so much courted and coveted by mankind in all ages. In this, the Sagse and Medicae willingly lent a helping hand. These closely allied Sagas and Medicae came from the ranks of immoral crones, who not only plied a lucrative trade in love-charms but treated venereal diseases, practiced abortion, and in cold blood suffocated burdensome newly-born infants in the folds of their dress. In the vile dens of these unprincipled women, the deadly Halicacabum, pre- pared from the winter cherry (Physalis somnifera) and the com- mon night-shade (Solanum nigrum), was kept on sale for the removal of inconvenient rivals. Pharmacy and Magic of Love, 149 In reviewing the various Trychnos or Strychnos species, Pliny states that the Halicacabum, "in the dose of one drachm, awakens carnal desires, and causes visionary forms and pictures to appear as real. Double this dose will cause actual madness, and a further increase, death." At night the Sagse culled poison- ous herbs, and took bones and hair from the dead with which to prepare the vile decoctions used by them. Horace, who one night met the notorious Canidia (mentioned by several Roman writers) on the yEsquilian Hill, the " Potter's Field " of Rome, thus describes her practices : " But oh ! nor thief, nor savage beast, That used these gardens to infest, E'er gave me half such care and pains As they, who turn poor people's brains With venom' d drug and magic lay These I can never fright away. For when the beauteous queen of night Uplifts her head adorn'd with light, Hither they come, pernicious crones ! To gather poisonous herbs and bones. Canidia, with dishevelled hair, (Black was her robe, her feet were bare), With Sagana, infernal dame ! Her elder sister, hither came. With yellings dire they fill'd the place, And hideous pale was cither's face. Soon with their nails they scrap' d the ground, And filled a magic trench profound With a black lamb's thick streaming gore, Whose members with their teeth they tore, That they may charm some sprite to tell Some curious anecdote from hell. The beldams then two figures brought ; Of wool and wax the forms were wrought ; The woolen was erect and tall, And scourg'd the waxen image small, Which in a suppliant, servile mood, With dying air just gasping stood. On Hecate one beldam calls ; The other to the furies bawls, While serpents crawl along the ground, And hell-born bitches howl around. The blushing moon, to shun the sight, Behind a tomb withdrew her light." FRANCIS' HORACE (Satire VII). ! 50 History of Ancient Pharmacy. One of Canidia's decoctions was known as the "cup of desire," but the ingredients of this draught have not been preserved. According to the tradition, the most common ingredient of Roman philters was the " Hippomane." This, Pliny states, was said to possess such powers, that a brazen mare, in the casting of which Hippomane had been incorporated, caused stallions brought in its vicinity to be transported with passion. The old writers differ much as to the nature and origin of this drug. At all events it should not be confounded with the mancinella tree (Hippomane Mancinella), whose shade, as the legend says, will cause the death of the person sleeping in it. According to Theocritus it was an Arcadian herb, on eating which the horses became frantic. Pliny, however, says : " On the forehead of a new-born colt is found a fleshy protuberance, which is swallowed by the mother before allowing the colt -to suckle. This fleshy growth was used by the Sagae in the preparation of Hippomane." Ovid and Juvenal adopt this view of the nature of Hippomane. This matter admits of a very simple explanation. The colts, like the young of most animals, when born, are surrounded by a mem- brane. To facilitate the liberation of the colt, the mother swallows this and the afterbirth.* During this process a liquid, frequently mixed with a dark, solid mass, escapes, which latter was collected and, in all probability, was used in the preparation of the drug. Evidently Hippomane was already in part classed with the " Aphrodisiaca " which the Sagae prepared, and which had actual aphrodisiac properties. Satyrion is mentioned in the " Satyricon " of Petronius, which was written to satirize Nero. From the description there given, this potion seems to have been a very active aphrodisiac. As a rule, these drinks were known as "Aquae amatrices," and were very much in vogue among the Romans. Substances of the most varied origin were incorporated in these infernal decoctions. Gall of wild boars, ambergris, turtle-eggs, sea-mullets, cuttlefish (the latter were known as " Uvse marinae "), smelts, cantharides, crickets and other animals and their products, were extracted by wine. The plant-kingdom contributed its share to these compounds. According to Martial, puff-balls, probably Lyco- * Except in England. Pharmacy and Magic of Love. 151 perdon cervinum, and other fungi, were also employed. Ovid mentions a number of these substances, all of which were more or less injurious, and had many victims. Lucretius, who, in his didactic poem, " De Rerum Natura," advocated the philosophy of Epicurus, is said to have taken his life during the delirium of a terrible satyriasis caused by these draughts. Lucullus, the bon vivant, came to his end in a similar manner. His freedman, Kalisthenes, gave him a love-drink for the purpose of retaining his good-will forever, from the effects of which he died.* In the Middle Ages, the belief in philters was wide-spread. Gottfried, of Strassburg, in the thirteenth century, states that the love of " Tristan and Isolde," was the result of a love-drink. The mother prepared a love-draught, which Isolde, her daughter, princess of Eyreland, was to drink with her betrothed, King Mark, upon reaching Cornwall. By a servant's oversight, the potion is divided between Tristan and Isolde, and no sooner had they tasted of it, when both fell deeply in love. Although the author of " Tristan and Isolde," is very frank, and describes lovers in attitudes which modern erotic poets pass over in silence, he does not disclose the ingredients of this draught. In Germany, henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) enjoyed consider- able reputation as a philter. It was the root of this plant which the rat-catcher of Hamelin employed to secure a kiss from Regina, the proud daughter of the Burgomaster Gruwelholt. The sequel of this beautiful romance reveals that during the celebration of her engagement to Heribert, her love for the rat- catcher broke out ; and " She flew to the arms of the fiddler, And love distracted, caressed him." In " The Book of Nature " of Megenberg, written in 1350, various herbs are recommended as philters. " The vervain (Verbena officinalis), which creates love between man and woman, is of great service to sorcerers ; and this they know full well that have been in the net, but they will not let the secret out." Vervain, in Anglo-Saxon countries, hindered " witches of their will." Love-charms begin now to assume a purely fetichtic char- * Plutarch, chapter 45. History of Ancient Pharmacy. acter. The influence of Christianity turned the inspired sor- ceress of pagan days into witches. The Nicors of the North- ern races became united into " Old Nick." The god "Pan " of the Romans became the Devil. The superstitions of the people did not vanish but became changed. Rites which had been divine became devilish. The hysterical females and nervous men who had been the admired of the gods and goddesses, became the devil's brides or husbands, the incubi and succubi of the Middle Ages. The witches of the period, like the fortune tellers of the present day, sought to inspire terror in order to secure power. The older superstitions descended to them from the traditional practices of the pagan sorceress, but became degraded into the older fetichtic ideas of the soul of the individual enter- ing into his or her belongings, whence their advocacy and administration of so many disgusting agents for awakening love. They advised the lover to secure such things from the adored one as would be likely to possess the peculiarities of the individual in the highest degree. The hair, nails and pieces of soiled linen were exceedingly valued, and were burned to ashes and thus administered as love powders. Females frequently sent their chosen ones the co-called " love-cakes," promising themselves great results therefrom. To prepare these the enam- ored fair one was obliged to resort to a peculiar procedure. She had to remove all her clothing in the presence of the witch. Then, lying down, a board was strapped to her loins, upon which a small stove was placed in which the cake was baked. The heat of the stove imparted a perspiring glow to the maiden which gave the bread its finishing touch and flavor. It was then sent, while still warm, to her indifferent lover. Suspecting nothing, he eats ; suddenly the blood rushes to his heart, and ardent love for the devoted bread-maker possesses him. The illustration on the title page of this chapter (taken from an oil painting in the museum at Leipzig) represents such a labor of love. The ingre- dients evidently possess extraordinary powers, for the lover has already hastened hither and appears at the door in the back- ground. Stimulating aphrodisiacs were much in use in the earlier centuries of the Middle Ages, since Avicenna says that the plague-like skin-diseases of the ninth century were largely due to Pharmacy and Magic of Love. 153 these drugs. The " Diasatirion " of Mesue was greatly lauded. Of its properties it is said : "Valet 'ad erectionem virgae, multi- plicat sperma et desiderium coeundi." Its formula, as given in the Cordic Dispensatory of 1546, is reproduced in the original, as it will hardly bear effective translation : 9 Secacul. albi et mundi et elixati in decocto Cicefum, quorum prima aqua, in qua decoquebantur, sit effusa, lib. I Testiculorum vulpis unc. VIII Radic. raphani unc. Ill Rad. Luph. plani unc. II Terantur hae tres radices posteriores et infundatur super eas lactis bubuli aut ovili tantum, ut lac duos digitos emineat, ajiciendo Olei sesami Butyri recentis non saliti ana unc. IIII Coquanter cum facilitate usque ad consumptionem lactis et donee omnino remollitae sint radices et habeant justarh spissitudinem instar pultis crassioris, nam si aqueum quod in lacte et radicibus est non consumatur, situm contrahit hoc medicamentum. Postea adfunde omnibus hisce praedictis radicibus. Mellis despumati optimi lib. VI Succi Caeparum recentium lib. I ft coque omnia simul ad perfectam decoctionem delude ab igne depone, et insperge subsequentium specierum minutissimum pulverem. Caudarum Scinccium renibus et semine unc. I Seminis erucae Zingiberis Been albi Been rubei Linguae avis, id est semen fraxini arboris Semanis nasturtii Cinnamomi Piperis longi Seminis Bauciae Seminis napi Pulpae seminis Asparagi maxime recentis ana drach. Ill Confice cum eis, ultimo vero adjiceantur subsequentia. Pinearum mundatarum lib. I ft Fisticorum, id est, Pistaciorum mundatorum unc. X Confice et misce omnia optime et aromatica cum Moschi boni drach. I The parts' of the wolf and skink contained in the formula, indicate that the mixture was not merely intended as a philter, but served on occasions as a remedy for impotence. Signs, offering love-charms and philters, are still to be seen in certain I54 History of Ancient Pharmacy. quarters in all large cities, which is evidence that the belief in them has not disappeared from nineteenth century civilization. Love-lorn maidens still wend their way to the drug-store and puzzle a modest clerk with a demand for a " love-powder." If he were to hand them a coal with the advice of Goethe : " Take this coal, with it do thou mark His arm, his cloak, or his shoulder ; In his heart a pang he'll feel, But the coal delay not to swallow. " Neither of wine nor of water dare drink, And this night at your door he will sigh ; This coal from a distant land cometh, On a funeral pile it hath reposed " they would leave his store happy and contented, and try the experiment at once. Numerous domestic methods are still employed to capture and retain the love of others. Many an enamored swain in northern Germany still wears about him for this purpose the blood of a bat, or the heart of a swallow, or he presents his love with an apple that he has carried in his arm-pit for sometime. The efficacy of this last endeavor will be readily accepted by the adherents of Prof. Jaeger's fragrant soul-theory ; for, unquestionably, the apple will convey to the adored one some particles of the lover's soul-substance the "anthropin," whose presence Jaeger easily demonstrated by neuro-analysis with Hipps chronoscope, but which the skeptical chemists continue to. call by the names kapron, kaprin and kapryl acids. In centra-distinction to love-provoking methods, a belief in love-destroying agents is also current among the people. Thus, lovers must not present each other with sharp instruments, such as scissors, knives and needles, iest they " cut love." Many similar notions, current at the present time, might be cited, but these suffice to show how deeply the superstitious notions concerning love-charms are rooted in the human mind. Although the old forms may have fa'len away, the " nameless yearning " contin- ually develops new blossoms on the old trunk of superstition. These fallacious notions certainly nourished more luxuriantly in antiquity, when the exuberant imagination and wanton sensuality Pharmacy and Magic of Love. '55 had not yet been hedged in by a progressive intellectual culture ; still, even in very early days, an occasional warning against the foolish belief in love-charms is heard. Ovid has answered the question, "What is to be thought of love-philters?" entirely in conformity with modern views. Fig. 77- (157) This natural process, by help of craft then consummate, Dissolveth the Elixir in its unctious humiditie, Then in balnea of Mary together let them circulate, Like new honey or oil, till they perfectly thick^d be ; Then will that medicine heal all manner infirmity, And turn all metal to Sonne and Moone most perfectly, Then shall you have both great Elixir and aurum potabile, Ky the grace and will of God, to whom be laud eternally." From verses dedicatory of George Ripley " The English Alchemy st and Canon of Bridlingtonf addressed to King Edward IV. (158) Cfapter (Efeuen. Alchemy: Its D cu clopiiic-n t and JBecItt IRANSMUTATION of the metals, the dream of the alchemists, was abandoned as the wildest of fancies after the discovery of the " elements" now recog- nized. Spectral analysis has, however, gradually aroused suspicion as to the elementary nature of these elements, so that the present drift of chemical thought is well represented by Mr. Crookes in his address before the British Association for the Advancement of Science, when he approv- ingly quoted Faraday's words : " To discover a new element is a fine thing, but if you could decompose an element, it would be a discovery indeed worth making. ... To decompose the metals, then to reform them, to change them from one to another, and to realize the once absurd notion of transmutation, are the problems now given to the chemist for solution." The labors of the alchemist are better appreciated to-day than they have been for many a decade. The longing for truth which inspires modern science, inspired these old votaries of knowledge in a degree no less ardent and determined. The dreams of the early alchemists were not always of the sordid type ascribed to them, although the necessity of securing aid from "practical" capitalists led the most sincere to place the " gold-making " side uppermost, just as the scientist of to-day dwells on the " practical " results to secure the aid of plutocrats who are indifferent to the intellectual riches of science. The early alchemists assumed the trade practices and designations so common in the Middle Ages. The disciples were called " fire philosophers" or alchemists, answering to the apprentices of the 160 History of Ancient Pharmacy. various "crafts" or "mysteries," as all trades were then designated; while the "masters" of the trades became the " adepts " of the alchemist. In consonance with the spirit of the times these " adepts " assumed the owl-like self-satisfied air of concealed wisdom characteristic of those who had reached the height of a "master" of a "mystery" or "craft," and called themselves im. Romu lus hir ta lu pat preflitfc fed uberacapras fegS^^^4^N^g^ Jupiter & di ftis fet tut adefle des. Romu lus hir ta lu pae'prcfliue fed ubera caprae m Jupiter & di ibs, icr adcffc fides. ZZ.6 ^T~ ^ ~"^^^^~T~X^ "~~ __ ' _ ' Romulus hirta lupae prefllile fed ubcra caprar t+3^+==X- 4 -*.J>+l f =^ zz Jupiter & di&s /ertur adefTe fides. Fig. 80. planets had its day of the week on which it manifested its influ- ence over its particular metal. To be successful all work with gold must be begun on Sunday ; with silver, on Monday ; with iron, on Tuesday, etc. All metals were supposed to contain mercury and sulphur. These designations, however, were not those of the substances now known by these names, but others df an entirely different character, of the nature of which the alchemists themselves had no clear conception. Therefore, they spoke of them allegorically, or in respect to their activity. Alchemy: Its Development and Decline. 171 Sulphur (Sulphur philosophorum) was of an almost spiritual nature ; it was the light, the fire and the combustible matter thought to. be inherent in all bodies, the phlogiston of early chemistry. It was the male element, and contained the " Punc- tum seminale activum " needed in the evolution of new bodies and substances. Alchemistic writers refer to it by many different names, " House of the Spirit," " Father," " Elementary Fire," "Magical Steel," " Elementary Oil," " Elementary Sulphurous- Fig. 81. ness," " Cadmi-blood," "Adamic-earth," " Heart of Saturn," etc. The female element required to evolve a new body was "Mercurius"; upon it the male, "Sulphur," by intimate con- tact, impressed the germ of the object to be evolved. " Mercury," the connecting link between spirit and body, also known as Encheiresis naturae, was present in the three realms of nature. In the mineral kingdom it was "mineral moisture." In the animal kingdom, "elementary moisture," History of Ancient Pharmacy. upon which depended blood and life ; in the plant kingdom, the force or " spiritus mundi," which promoted the growth of the plants. By the old fire philosophers it was called " a water which does not moisten the hands," a " dry moisture " or the " corporeal spirit." This peculiar "sulphur" and the "mercury," either sepa- rately or combined in an hermaphrodite being, were called the "lapis philosophorum," which was also known as the "universal menstruum," the "great magister," the "red tincture," the "secret elixir," the "quinta essentia," etc. The philosopher's stone is pictured by the alchemists as an hermaphrodite being; "sulphur" as the king or sun, and " mercury" as the queen or moon. Fig. 81 (a wood cut from the "Rosarium Philosophorum," printed by Cyriacus Jacobus, at Frankfurt, in 1550), shows the father and the mother of the hermaphrodite stone, in the act of uniting. The stone itself is allegorically represented in figure 82. To indicate the enigmatical character of this being, it is surrounded by the animals that took part, according to the allegory, in the formation of the stone. In honor of the latter, the following verse is appended to this picture, called the " ^Enigma Regis." " Here a king is born indeed, None can boast of nobler breed ; Formed he was by art or nature, His birth he owes to no known creature. Of philosophers he is the son, Of their power an incarnate one ; Health and life he freely gave, And every wish that man may crave ; Silver, gold and gems so rare, Youth and strength and all that's fair; From him flee anger, grief and pains, Whoe'er from God this gift obtains. Thus, the philosopher's stone, not only changed metals into gold, but, according to some, could change any substance into gold, cure all diseases, and control, renew and rejuvenate animal life. Every alchemist goes into raptures over the " quinta essen- tia," the soul of the four elements. The alchemists, Artephius and Cagliostro, claimed to have lived over one thousand years by the aid of this elixir. Ripley lauds its medicinal virtues in a Alchemy : Its Development and Decline. rapturous style, calling it the greatest medicine in the world. He declares " It is the true tree of life, which gratifies all desires of the person possessing it. It rejuvenates, retards old age, strength- ens and restores health. It will not only produce a new growth of hair, but, properly applied, will prevent hair from turning Fig. 82. REPRESENTATION OF THE FORMATION OF THE HERMAPHRODITE STONE. gray." The"quinta essentia," which was sold at a high price under the name of "aurum potabile," was, for the most part, golden-yellow vegetable tinctures of about the same value as the " infallible hair restorers " of the barber. Diverse methods were adopted to secure the great desid- eratum. Some alchemists sought the philosopher's stone in I74 History of Ancient Pharmacy. honey, manna, sugar or wine ; others in vegetables, like rose- mary and marquory, or in gums, blood, urine or excrements. Some sought it in may-dew and rainwater. Astrologists went to the extent of imprisoning the sun's rays, and attempting to cal- cine and powder them. The rays were supposed to consist of pure golden sparks, which contained the seed of gold. The dead were not allowed to rest in the grave. From their decaying bodies saltpetre was extracted, which was regarded as the soul of the philosopher's stone, the " true microcosm." Other fire philosophers considered various kinds of earth ; for example, marl, as the " chaos " from which God made the world, and sought for the seed of all things, the " panspermion," in the earth itself. This seed was thought to be a formless, peculiar being, which possessed the power to create all things, gold being the most distinguished. Opposed to these theories was a party headed by Raymond Lully and Basil Valentine, who boldly asserted that the light ot Nature was but the light of an ignis fatuus or glow-worm. This party had for the cardinal principle in their philosophy, " Omne simile suum simile," and consequently sought the seed of gold in gold itself. They considered other metals as merely furnishing a fruitful soil in which the gold seed was sown, and which would, by a process of interstitial displacement, develop and grow like a plant. For purposes of fructification, it was thought essential to steep golden seed in its own moisture. This gold-like moisture, called " metallic water," was no doubt mercury. It was not, however, the common marketable article, "but only such as had been skillfully extracted from the objects in which it is found in nature. The ' Mercurius philosophorum ' is not found on the face of the earth, but, as Philaletha says, ' is the son that is prepared by us.'" The purification of mercury, essential to its union with gold to form the philosopher's stone, is given much attention in alchemistic literature. Numerous for- mulas for mercurial compounds are given, from which purified mercury can be obtained. The " Hermetic Philosophy " of John d'Espagnet, gives a formula for preparing mild mercury chloride, which does not materially differ from the modern process. The descriptive part, however, is so characteristic of the times, that it merits reproduction here : Alchemy : Its Development and Decline. J 75 " The eagle and the lion, after being thoroughly cleansed, are put together in a transparent reservoir. This is tightly closed, so that their breath cannot escape, or air enter from without. The eagle will dismember and eat the lion : and when his stomach is swollen, and he has become dropsical, he will, by a wonderful transformation, be changed into a coal-black raven, which will grad- ually spread its feathers and begin to fly, and shake water from the clouds until he has become wet several times, lost his feathers, and finally fallen to the bottom, when he will be changed into a snow-white swan." The "eagle" is the volatile mercury, which, combined with the "lion," or mercuric chloride, produces the black compound,. " the raven," from which the mild mercury chloride, the white swan, is made by sublimation from a glass retort, to which an air-tight receptacle has been adjusted, after the surplus of mer- cury, here called " water," has become separated. The purifi- cation and sublimation of mercury was repeated seven times. The seed gold had to be cleansed an equal number of times before it, was amalgamated. The gold was to battle with the seven eagles of the philosophical "arsenic," and then unite itself with the two doves of Diana. The eagles indicate the mercurial volatility of the metal used, called " philosophical arsenic " (properly speaking, antimony), with which the gold was to be melted seven times. This is an old method for purify- ing gold. By the heating process the foreign metals and admix- tures which frequently accompany the gold are slaked with the antimony and a little saltpetre, whilst the pure gold, the king of metals, subsides to the bottom of the crucible. " But before the gold is mixed with its water it must be reduced to the finest powder possible or it will withstand solu- tion." To reduce gold to this fine powder it was, according to- an old formula, melted with two parts of silver, called by the alchemists, the two doves from Diana's forest, that is, the metallic kingdom, and this alloy was treated with nitric acid. The silver was dissolved by the acid, and the gold remained undissolved in the acid as a very fine powder, although still somewhat contaminated by small particles of silver. This gold powder, which the alchemists believed to be absolutely pure, readily united with mercury under the influence of a gentle heat, and it was this mixture which represented the " true hermaphro- dite," whose male generic element descended from the most perfect of metals, and whose female force is a delicate mineral I7 6 History of Ancient Pharmacy. whiteness. It was supposed to contain the egg from which the "philosopher's stone " was developed. To this end a glass retort was filled with the amalgam, placed in a nest-like contrivance on a stove, and subjected to a gentle, even heat for nearly a year, " because it also takes a kernel of wheat that length of time to develop and produce new kernels." The " stone " was not to be disturbed during this process of devel- opment, as its incipient vitality might thus be easily destroyed. During the first three months, its embryonic period, it was kept at an animal temperature. At the end of this time it had changed into white " magisterium," and could change baser metals into silver. The temperature was then gradually raised in five stages of vari- able duration, during which time the stone changed color like a chameleon. From the original black raven, which had changed into a white dove, a Tyrian purple color was to result, which was the true "philosopher's stone." " Projection " (sprinkling it on molten metal), would change a metal into gold. Ripley says that one grain could change one hundred ounces of mercury into the so-called red tincture, and calculates that with this exactly 119,010^ pounds of mercury could be changed into gold. Raymond Lully, during his sojourn in London, is said to have transformed 50,000 pounds of mercury into gold for King Edward III, from which the first rose-nobles were coined. The credibility of this story, gravely related by the Abbe Cremer, receives a severe shock, when, in spite of this abundant supply of gold, King Edward III is forced to increase the taxes to carry on his war against France, and to coin money from his own and the queen's crown, and from the gold vessels of churches and cloisters. Koehler, in 1744, related in his numismatical work, that the Emperor Frederic III, although not a disciple of alchemy, changed, on January 15, 1648, at Prague, three pounds of mer- cury into two and one-half pounds of gold by means of one grain of a red powder, given him by a man named Richthausen. He created this man a Baron of Chaos, and from the gold a medal was made which bore an inscription referring to the artificial origin of the gold. This medal was long preserved in the Vienna Treasury. Urban Hjoerne, a renowned chemist of his day, reports a Alchemy : Its Development and Decline. 177 similar case of transformation from Sweden. The Saxon lieu- tenant, Paykull, was taken prisoner by Charles XII, at Warsau, in 1705, and condemned to death. He promised to make one million dollars worth of gold each year, if his life were spared. Paykull changed lead into gold by means of a tincture, rendered fire-proof by the addition of antimony, sulphur and saltpetre. In the presence of Hamilton, the master of ordnance, Paykull, with an ounce of this mixture, changed six ounces of lead into gold. To make a counter-test, Hamilton mixed the powders at home. Paykull next day added some of the tincture, and the whole was melted together with a quantity of lead. Gold to the value of one hundred and forty-seven ducats was secured. Out of this gold medals of two-ducat weight were coined, and inscribed as follows : " Hoc aurum arte chemica conflavit Holmiae, 1706. O. A. v. Paykull." Paykull, despite his skill, was executed. The gold-makers, though for the most part, generous and in- dustrious, devoting themselves to the enrichment of others, rather than themselves, frequently met a cruel fate. George Honauer promised to transform thirty-six hundred weight of iron inta gold for the Prince of Wirtemburg. The prince detected a boy, who had been concealed in the laboratory, in the act of putting gold into the crucible. He thereupon ordered a gallows to be constructed of iron from which the false gold-maker was hung in 1597. In 1606 a gold-maker, named Andreas von Muehlen- dorf, was hung at Stuttgart on this same gallows, which gained further repute in 1738, by its services in the execution of minister Joseph Suess, who knew, without the aid of the " hermetic art," better than " adepts," how to make gold. Chr. Wm. Krohnemann, in 1677, entered the service of the Marquis of Brandenburg, with the rank of colonel. In a short time he won a high reputation as a gold-maker, and was rapidly- promoted to the directorship of the mint and mines. From gold ostensibly made by Krohnemann, seven different medals were coined, which are pictured and described in the "Book of Odd Historical Coins," published in 1771. Figure 83, taken from this book, represents the first, the largest and rarest specimen in the Krohnemann numismatic cabinet. On the obverse is a fettered Mercury, who holds in his hand a staff, terminating in a sun, emblematic of gold. The whole figure serves as an alchem- i 7 8 History of Ancient Pharmacy. istic symbol It is surrounded by a Latin dedicatory inscription to "Mar-rave Christian Ernst, 1677." The reverse bears a Latin inscription to the following effect : " Let it be known to all, that Fig. 83. ALCHEMISTIC GOLD COINS. what by many is supposed to be the work of nature only, can also be accomplished by art. This product is witness thereof, to the honor of God, for the well-being of thy neighbor and the Alchemy : Its Development and Decline. 179 admiration of the wide world." The last coin made by Krohne- mann was a small medal dedicated to Margravess Sophia Louise, of Brandenburg, in 1681. After this medal had been coined, Krohnemann was suspected of deception, and imprisoned in 1681, in the Plassenburg citadel. He continued his experiments until 1686, when he escaped. He was recaptured, tried and found guilty of having abstracted gold and silver ware from the Margrave's treasury, for use in his deception. As it was also proven that he unlawfully cohabited with his jaileress, he was condemned to be hanged for fraud, theft and adultery. In the course of the trial it was demonstrated that Krohnemann had worked according to a formula in general use among the alchem- ists of his day. Berzelius, in his text-book, thus describes it : " Mercury, verdigris, vitriol and salt are digested with strong vinegar in an iron-pot, and stirred with an iron rod until the mass takes on the consistency of butter. The remaining liquid, which is an amalgam of copper, is pressed through leather, and then put into a crucible with even parts of curcuma and tutia, whereupon the crucible is heated by a blast. The curcuma reduces the tutia, which is an impure oxide of zinc, and the copper in the amalgam unites with the zinc to form brass. Krohnemann surreptitiously added gold ; hence his product was an alloy of copper, gold and zinc." A quack named Daniel supplied Italian apothecaries with a wonderful gold-powder called " Usufur." Pretending that the art of compounding this usufur with other drugs was a mystery known only to himself, he directed his patients not to permit the apothecaries to mix the ingredients of his prescriptions, but to buy them (including the usufur), and bring them to him for com- pounding. His "art" consisted in compounding the drugs, but omitting the golden " usufur," in which manner he succeeded in having restored to him the gold-powder, which he had pre- viously sold at a high price. The powder soon became famous under the shrewd practices of the quack, who finally offered to teach Duke Cosmos II, of Florence, the art of making gold. He asked the duke himself to buy the " usufur " at a drug-store, and with this the experiment was of course a success. After the duke had repeatedly succeeded in making gold according to directions, he paid Daniel 20,000 ducats, who thereupon fled beyond the border to France, whence he wrote the duke how he had been victimized. Alchemy was practiced at the Saxon court during the reign Z 8o History of Ancient Pharmacy. of Prince August (1553 to 1586), who had the reputation of an " adept." One of his collaborators, David Benter, after many trials, failed to produce gold, whereupon he was imprisoned on the strength of an opinion rendered by the highest court of justice at Leipzig. Having written on the walls of his cell, "Caged cats catch no mice ; " and having renewed his promises, he was released to renew his experiments. He lost faith in his ability to prove his pretensions, and poisoned himself, which probably saved him the fate of John Hector von Kletten- berg, a Saxon alchemist, decapitated in 1620. Count Cajetan, in 1705, in the presence of Frederic I of Prussia, changed, by means of his red tincture, one pound of mercury into gold. He did not keep his promise of making six million dollars of gold in six weeks, and in 1709 was hanged, draped in gold leaf, which became the customary method of dealing with alchemists. The numerous deceptions practiced in connection with the philosopher's stone, explain the solemn oaths of witnesses of known integrity, whose testimony would otherwise be unimpeach- able, but who were in reality themselves duped and deceived. Contemporaneous writers did not fail to remonstrate against alchemistic pretensions, and vigorously expose their fallacy. The enlightened Parisian apothecary, Nicol. Lemery, in his " Cours de Chimie," calls alchemy satirically, " Ars sine arte, cujus prin- cipium mentiri, medium laborare et finis mendicare." "An art- less art, whose beginning is a lie, whose middle is work, and whose end is poverty." Although the old fire-philosophers failed to realize their ulti- mate hope, their labors were not entirely in vain. The belief in the feasibility of metal transmutation stimulated wide research in the domain of nature. The search for the philosopher's stone revealed truths which form the basis of modern chem- istry, which has been infinitely more successful than its parent, alchemy, in filling with gold the coffers of its disciples. For paving the way to this result, a debt of gratitude is due to alchemy. In spite of the numerous deceptions practiced by the impostors among its disciples, sympathy must be felt with the sincere alchemists in contemplating their indomitable courage and patience in the presence of centuries of repeated failures and disappointments. Lord Bacon says : Alchemy : Its Development and Decline. 181 " The alchemist goes on with an eternal hope, and where his matters succeed not, lays the blame upon his own errors, and accuses himself as having not sufficiently understood either the terms of his art, or his author ; whence he either hearkens out for traditions and auricular whispers, or else fancies he made some mistake as to the exact quantity of the. ingredients, or nicety of the experiment ; and thus repeats the operation with- out end. If, in the meantime, among all the chances of experi- ments, he throws any which appear either new or useful, he feeds his mind with these as so many earnests ; boasts and extols them above measure ; and conceives great hopes of what is behind. ' Now the marriage is consummated ! ' he exclaims ; the ' philoso- pher's stone is found,' only to be again deceived. To-day, trans- ported with wild ecstacy ; to-morrow, dejected by utter despair. Thus oscillating, he plodded through life, until kind death stepped in to put an end to his weird fancies." His epitaph was written by Spenser, and none could be more to the point : " To lose good days that might be better spent, To waste long nights in pensive discontent ; To spend to-day, to put back to-morrow ; To feed on hope, to pine with fear and sorrow ; To fret his soul with crosses and with cares, To eat his heart through comfortless despairs : Unhappy wight ! born to disastrous end, That did his life in tedious tendance spend." Early in the eighteenth century the passion for making gold still prevailed ; but, at the close of the century it lost ground fast, and was swept away by the new chemistry, which regarded the metals as elements. Concerning one of the last true believers in the "hermetic art," Peter Wo ulfe, Mr. Brande* says: "He occupied chambers in Barnard's inn, while residing in London, and usually spent the summer in Paris. His rooms, which were extensive, were so filled with furnaces and apparatus, that it was difficult to reach his fireside. A friend told me that he once put down his hat, and never could find it again, such was the confu- sion of boxes, packages and parcels that lay about the chamber. His breakfast hour was four in the morning; a few of his select friends were occasionally invited to this repast, to whom a secret ^Quarterly Review, Vol. XXVI. 182 History of Ancient Pharmacy. signal was given, by which they gained entrance. He had long vainly searched for the elixir, and attributed his repeated failures to the want of due preparation by pious and charitable acts. I understand that some of his apparatus is still extant, upon which are supplications for success, and for the welfare of adepts. Whenever he wished to break an acquaintance, or felt himself offended, he resented the supposed injury by sending a present to the offender, and never seeing him afterward. These presents were sometimes of a curious description, and consisted usually of some expensive chemical product or preparation. He had an heroic remedy for illness ; when he felt himself seriously indis- posed, he took a place in the Edinburgh mail, and, having reached that city, immediately came back in the returning coach to Lon- don. A cold taken on one of these expeditions, terminated in an inflammation of the lungs, of which he died in 1805. " About the same time another solitary adept starved in Lon- don. He was an editor of an evening journal, and expected to compound the ' alcahest,' if he could only keep his materials digested in a lamp-furnace for seven years. The lamp burnt brightly for six years, eleven months, and some odd days, then unluckily it went out. Why it went out the adept could never guess ; but he was certain that if the flame would only have burnt to the end of the septennary cycle, his experiment must have succeeded." The race of alchemists of the type of Krohnemann is not entirely extinct, for, in 1880, an American called W 7 ise, duped a member of the Rohan family, and a collateral descendant of the "necklace cardinal," whom Cagliostro so deceived, by pretend- ing to make gold. The first specimen made in Rohan's presence was tested and proved pure. Rohan was not permitted to be present at the process of "projection." Wise got a considerable sum from Rohan, and then decamped. Alchemy: Its Development and Decline. 183 LATER ALCHEMISTIC SYMBOLS. From the primitive symbolism of alchemy grew up the com- plicated system seen in the following table, which gave way in its turn to the chemical symbolism of to-day : -f Acetum Vinegar. 4- ' ' destillatum Distilled Vinegar. A Aer Air. Aerugo Greenspar. O Alumen Alum. Q- Ammoniac Ammoniac. <5 Antimonium Antimony. V Aqua Water. ^ AquaTortis Nitric Acid. V? " R egis Nitro Hydrochloric Acid. J ; Arena Sand. D Argentum Silver. O-o Arsenic Arsenic. 00 Auripigmentum Orpiment. Q Aurum Gold. y Baryta Barium. j Bismuthum Bismuth. CJ Borax Borax. ^ Calcium Calcium. Camphora Camphor. (y) Caput Mortuum Skull. Carbo Charcoal. 4^ Cineres Clavellati Potash. <-|-i Cinis Ash. y$ Cinnabaris Cinnabar. XII Crystalli Crystal. 9 Cuprum, Venus Copper. 3 Detur Let it be given. % Detur Signetur Let it be given and writ Cf Dies Day. O* Ferrum Iron. B Herba Herb. X Hora Hour. 184 History of Ancient Pharmacy. A Ignes Fire. ^7 Lapis Stone. ^ Magnesi Magnesia. Ex] Menstruum Menstruum. ^ Mercurius Mercury. \R Mistura Mixture. (J) Nitrum Saltpetre. > Nox Night. $) Oleum ^Etherum Ethereal Oil. ee Oxymel Oxymel. <> Phosphorus .' Phosphorus. J7) Platinum Platinum. ^ Plumbum Lead. =^ Prsecipitatum Precipitate. ff) Prseparare Prepare Powders. 5 Pulv. Pulvis Powder. tp Regulus Regulus. (f Retorta Retort. O Sal Salt. OXOX Sal Ammoniacum Sal Ammoniac. Sal Medium. Middle Salt. QC? Sal Tartari Cream of Tartar. a Sapo Soap. / Semis Half. Spiritus Spirit. tyy Spirit Vini Alcohol. \^ " Rectificatus Rectified Alcohol. W/ " Rectificatissumus Double Rectified Alcohol. 7i Stannum Tin Sublimare Sublime. $ Sulphur Sulphur.