- * LIBRARY 'V UN IVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Received Accessions No.^Z'fX'P Shelf No STEAM USING; OR Steam Engine Practice, CHAS. A. SMITH, 0. E., Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.; Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Engineers' Club of St. Louis, and Associate Member of the American Association of Railway Master Mechanics. CHICAGO: THE AMERICAN ENGINEER, 182-184 DEARBORN STREET. 1885. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1884, by * PROPRIETORS OP THE AMERICAN ENGINEER, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. ^ PRESS OK JOHN W. WESTON, CHICAGO, ILL. PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. It is believed that some knowledge of the circumstances attending the publication of this work, 'STEAM USING, "as well as its companion volume, "STEAM MAKING," will be of interest to the reader. The lamented author, Prof. Chas. A. Smith, had arranged with The American Engineer for the publication of the two works. While the first, "STEAM MAKING, " was going through the columns of the Engineer, Pro- lessor Smith died, early in 1884, leaving also to the care of the Engineer the recently completed manuscript of "STEAM USING." To all who are familiar with the circumstances under which the books were written the author suffering from a mortal illness and struggling against death to thus round out his life work, only giving up to die on their completion will appreciate and value the more highly the broad and active experience thus crystallized. To Mr. John W. Weston, so long connected with this journal, and personally familiar with the>author and his writings, has been delegated the pleasant duty of conducting these works through the various stages of bookmaking, with the result now presented. The task has not been without its difficulties, the most serious, perhaps, being the loss of the invaluable assistance of their author in the work of revision of matter and proof. As the author died without leaving a preface to his second volume, we desire to acknowledge for him the aid which he received from various en- gine builders and professional men throughout the country, which the following pages will disclose It has been the aim, as far as possible, to preserve the exact style of the author, and it is believed that the facts and features presented in both books, the heirlooms of an admirable man, acknowledged to be profound and exact in his particular lines of work, will be held to cover whatever defects of minor importance may be encountered. THE AMERICAN ENGINEER. CHICAGO, MARCH 1, 1885. s& SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF THE AUTHOR. Charles A. Smith was born in St. Louis, October 1, 1846. His parents were both Massachusetts people who had been still further west. From both father and mother he inherited the instincts of a sailor, and the blood of several generations of ship-masters coursed through his veins. Though he never became a sailor, he always showed a sailor's fondness for "fixing things," for using his hands, for actual construction. While he was still an infant, his mother died of cholera in St. Louis, and he was placed in the care of his father's sister, in Newburyport, Mass. This kind aunt was his mother, and her house was his home till he had a home of his own. His mode of life was simple and plain, but young Smith made warm friends and his boyhood was happy. I first met him in 1860, when I became principal of the Boys' High School, of Newburyport. He was then fourteen years old and a member of the second class. He was a pleasant little fellow with a frank, earnest look, and a forehead which suggested, brains. When the school gave expression to its loyalty to the Union by the erection of a liberty pole and publicly celebrated a flag-raising, young Smith was selected by his school- mates to mount the platform and haul home the stars and stripes. The school had a very good theodolite, and when we came to Loomis' Surveying, a great enthusiasm for field work was developed, and young Smith was never so happy as when on a surveying party. He took the English course and graduated in 1862. The next spring he went into the office of J. B. Henck, civil engineer, in Boston. At that time he probably had no idea of going to an engineering school. In 1864 he was leveller on the Boston, Hartford & Erie Railway. In 1865 he became chief assistant in the City Engineer's office, Springfield, Mass. By this time he saw clearly that an engineer requires a training far beyond a high school education, and he resolved to enter the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, then first opened He had been reading ahead somewhat, with occasional help from me, so that he entered what was organized as a sophomore class. He lived again in Newburyport and went eighty miles daily on his way to and from the Institute. President Rogers was his teacher in physics, Professor Runkle in mathematics and applied mechan- ics, and Professor Henck in civil engineering. He graduated in the pioneer class in 1868. I never quite understood how he managed to meet the cost of his course at the Institute. To be sure he had carefully saved the earnings of three years, and he secured VI. STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. for his vacations most excellent employment under the celebrated hy. draulic engineer, J. B. Francis, at Lowell, Mass. He there assisted in determining the flow of water in pipes, over wiers, the efficiency of tur- bines, etc. I left Massachusetts for St. Louis in 1865, so I did not follow closely his career as a student. After a year as engineer on the Union Pacific Railway in Utah, he returned, on the completion of the road, to Boston and went into partner- ship with Professor J. B. Henck, as civil engineers. While there associated with Professor Henck, he took charge of a part of the Blue Ridge Rail- way of North Carolina, as division engineer. At that time, in 1870, the steady development of the Polytechnic School of Washington University made it necessary to appoint an instruc- tor of civil engineering. I took pleasure in recommending young Smith for the position, and he was appointed. For the first year he made his home in my family, and as a preparation for the work of the class room he read with me Eankine's Civil Engineering entire. After a brief experience as instructor, Mr. Smith was appointed pro- fessor to the chair of civil and mechanical engineering, which was subse- quently named in honor of William Palm. This chair Professor Smith held till June, 1883, when compelled by his last illness to resign. Though devoted at all times to the work of his professorship, Profes- sor Smith found time to mingle in matters of practical engineering. For five years he was consulting engineer of the Iron Mountain Railway, among other things designing the DeSoto shops, and building a new pier in the Black river. In a similar way he was associated with Messrs, Shickle, Harrison & Co., designing the arched ribs of the roof over the Chamber of Commerce, and the iron trestles of the Bessemer Iron Works. Professor Smith was engaged as consulting engineer for the construction of the water works of Hannibal, of St. Charles, in Missouri, and of Ames- bury, Massachusetts. His last professional duties were in connection with the last named. The pumping works at Richmond, Va., were designed by him, his plans being entered in competition and receiving the first prize. In 1879 he spent his summer vacation as resident engineer of the Balti- more Bridge Company, building piers in the Mississippi river just below Minneapolis. Without attempting to give a full list of the professional enterprizes of Professor Smith, I have said enough to show how tireless a worker he was, and how closely he studied the practical details of engineering. But it was in connection with the St. Louis Engineers' Club that his devo- tion and enthusiasm were most fully shown. He was an active mem- ber for twelve years, and the secretary for nine or ten years. The club has not always been as flourishing as it is now. It has had its seasons of depression when only the zeal and the courage of Secretary Smith seemed to hold it together. Nothing but the direst necessity compelled him to yield at last. The fatal malady, which in the shape of a cancerous tumor, brought his life to an untimely close on the 2nd of February, 1884, was born, as he LIFE AND CHARACTER OF THE AUTHOR. VII. thought, of hard work, of exposure, and of physical neglect. He could scarcely stop to eat or sleep; it was work first and comfort last. Nothing in Professor Smith's life was more heroic than the way he battled for two years against an impending fate. When too weak to stand before his class, he taught reclining upon a lounge. One of his last pupils speaks in a notice of his beloved professor of "the days of suffer- ing spent in his study in the University, when we gathered round him as he lay on the lounge, unable to stand, and listened to his exposition of 'Economic Location,' taking as a basis the work of his friend, Arthur Wellington." In January, 1883, he was forced to give up his class work altogether, and to keep his room. Still he was not idle. Lying on the bed, or reclin- ing in an easy chair, he was hard at work upon his two books on "Steam Making" and "Steam Using," which are just now being issued by the American Engineer, in Chicago. The first was finished by the end of 1882, and arrangements were made for its publication, but the prospect for the second book was gloomy enough. Nevertheless, he worked at it with a terrible earnestness which no unfavorable symptom could diminish. Nay, though clinging to the faintest glimmer of hope of returning health, he toiled at his book with the resolute air of one who was fully conscious that his days were numbered, and that the book must speedily be finished. In spite of pain and the dark shadow of the inevit- able, his mind seemed clear and his hand steady. In the spring of '83 he moved back to Newburyport, Mass., to be near his physician and his family friends. There in a quaint old house, in a quiet neighborhood of that quiet town, he finished his book, laying down his pen and the burden of life at the same time. The readers of "Steam Using" may be glad to know that the author's very life's blood went into that book; that it was the last, the most perfect fruit of a very active and noble life. Professor Smith is a good example of a poor boy who made his own way; who fought his own battles; who earned and honored every position he took. He was always a student. Some of you will remember with what enthusiasm he studied quarternions and thermodynamics; with what zeal and success he read all that he could get on graphical statics, and how many important additions he suggested. The records of the St. Louis Club probably will show that Professor Smith has presented more papers than any other member, past or present. As an engineer, Professor Smith was bold and trustworthy. His confi- dence was based upon sound theory and careful practice. He was skillful in preparing estimates and was always well informed both as regards the latest improvements in engineering, and the best methods of working the materials of construction. These accomplishments added greatly to his value as an instructor of young engineers. His students were brought veiy close to engineering work. Though well read in theory, he loved to dwell on the details of practice. He never lost an opportunity to learn a new process, or to study a new machine. He used to tell how, while resident engineer on a road in VIII. STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. New England, lie tried his hand on the engine of the construction train till he was able to "stoke" and to "drive." Professor Smith left a wife and three children. During her husband's long and discouraging sickness, Mrs. Smith was better than a faithful nurse: she brought aid to his self-imposed labor, and hope and cheer to his fainting spirit. So well did she understand the nature of his work and his needs, and so helpful was the assistance she brought, that it is not too much to say that without her positive cooperation and encouragement the two books which he leaves behind would never have been finished. I will not speak of personal losses. I prefer to feel that we all had much to be thankful for in Professor Smith, and the nearest had the most. Though dying in his thirty- eighth year, Professor Smith's memory may well be preserved. The world is certainly the better for his having lived in it. C. M. WOODWAKD, Dean Polytechnic School, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. ST. Louis, December, 7, 1884. OOINTTIEiLTTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE. ON THE NATURE OF HEAT AND THE PROPERTIES OF STEAM: Heat ThermodynamicsRatios of Volume to Pressure : Regnault's Ratios The Carnot Engine Making steam Measurement of Heat Expended Table : The Properties of Saturated Steam Examples in Calculation of Heat Expended, Etc. Table: Factors of Evaporation Its Use- Table: Expansion and Density of Pure Water Entrained Water and its Measurement... 114 CHAPTER II. ON VALVE GEAR: Action of the Valve Position of Valve with Regard to its Eccentric, Lap and Lead Valve Diagrams and their Application Adjustable Eccen- tricsThe Link and Problems Connected Therewith Gooch's Link- MotionAllan's Link-Motion The Walschaert Link-Motion-Mar- shall's Valve Gear Brown's Valve Gear Kirk's Valve Gear Joy's Valve Gear Porter-Allen Link Motion Herr Kaiser's Gear The Meyer Valve Cut-off and Problems Connected Therewith Ordinary Slide Valves Piston Valves Poppet Valves Double Valve Trick's Valve, Etc 15 56 CHAPTER III. THE QUANTITY OF STEAM WHICH MIGHT BE, AND WHICH is USED: Horse-Power, Indicated Horse- Power, Effective Horse-Power, Net Horse- PowerExamplesCurve of Expansion and its Properties Data fur- nished by Experiment Tables of Engine Trials Analyses of Results of Practical Tests Internal Radiation Analysis of Experiments Show- ing Effect of Internal Radiation, etc. Tables 57- X. CONTENTS. CHAP TEE IV. PAGE. ON THE INDICATOR, THE INDICATOR DIAGRAM AND THE DIFFER- ENT CLASSES OF ENGINES: The Construction and Use of the Indicator Other Devices The Earlier Forms of Engines Single Acting Engines: The Westinghouse, The Brotherhood, and the Colt Disc Engine The Indicator Diagram and the Effects of Internal Radiation, etc., from Actual Experiments Com- pounding and Indicator Diagrams in Connection Therewith Clearance Forms of Compound Engines Progress in Marine Engine Perform- ancesConsumption of Fuel The Value of Jacketting and Compound- ingPoppet Valve Eiver Engines and Diagrams High Service Pumping Engine, St. Louis Water Works Indicator Diagram from Lawrence, Mass., Pumping Engine Diagrams from Engines of Ocean Steamers "Arizona" and "Aberdeen" Engines of Mississippi River Steamer "Mon- tana" Engines of U. S. Lighthouse Steamer "Manzanita" Triple Ex- pansion Engines of S. S. "Aberdeen" Compound Engines of S. S. "Grecian" Three Cylinder Compound Engines of S. S. "Parisian" Automatic Expansion and Governors The Wheelock Engine The Porter- Allen Engine The Rider Automatic Expansion Gear Various Forms of Expansion Slides and Valve Gears The Cummer Engine Governor The Armington & Simms Engine Engine of the Steam Yacht "Leila" The Locomotive The Buckeye Automatic Cut-off En- gine The Reynolds' Corliss Engine The Lambertville, N. J., Auto- matic Cut-off Engine The Porter-Allen Engine 87187 CHAPTEK V. THE EXPERIMENTS OF HIRN AND HALLAUER: Report on a Memoir Upon Steam Engines Experiments with a Steam En- gineExperimental Study Comparing the Influence of Expansion in Simple and Compound Engines 188285 CHAPTEK VI. STEAM HEATING: The Theory of Steam Heating Various systems in use in the United States Description of Apparatus and Experiments Used by the Author- Project for Heating a Cotton Mill. . . . . 286298 STEA.M OR STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. CHAPTER I. ON THE NATURE OF HEAT AND THE PROPERTIES OF STEAM. By the term heat we understand that property of bodies by which they grow hot, and give the sensation with which we are all familiar. Heat is produced in three ways: By chemical action, A. By mechanical action, B. By electrical action, C. A. When certain chemical elements or compounds are combined under certain circumstances, the result is a union accompanied by an increase of temperature and the development of heat; as for example, carbon or hydro- gen combining with oxygen; sulphuric acid, or quick lime, with water. B. By the mechanical work of friction or percussion: Examples of this are continually before us. C. By the passage of an electric current in a conductor, as in wires of too great resistance; or the electric arc. The pf6perty of heat is thought by some to consist of a kind of motion or vibration of the molecules of which bodies are supposed to consist; for solid and liquid bodies in vibration, and for gaseous bodies in the real mo- tion of the molecules. With the arguments, pro. or con., concerning this hypothesis we have little to do further than to state that, its truth appears very probable, and in such event the production of heat by chemical com- bination or the passage of an electric current is simply a kind of mechani- cal action; in the one case, the vibration resulting from the shock of mole- cules attracting each other; in the other, from the setting up of a wave movement, or kind of wave, in the path of the electric disturbance, what- ever that may be. That heat was produced by mechanical means has been long known. While the identity of heat and mechanical force was suspected by Count Rumford nearly a hundred years ago, it was reserved for Joule to prove (by long continued experiment), that the same quantity of work always gave the same quantity of heat, and to Bankine and Clausius to show, theoretically, that the same quantity of heat always gives the same amount of work, which has since been proved beyond all doubt by experimental investigations. By the labors of the two great men, Rankine and Clausius, the STEAM USING; OX, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. science of thermodynamics was created, the application of mathematics it the laws of heat. Of this interesting and beautiful science we shall, however, only state the two fundamental principles: First Principle "Heat and mechanical energy are mutually convertible, "and heat requires for its production and produces by its disappearance "mechanical energy in the proportion of 772 foot-pounds for each British "unit of heat." The British unit of heat, just mentioned, is: "The quantity of heat "which corresponds to an interval of one degree of Farenheit's scale in the "temperature of one pound of pure liquid water at and near its temperature "of greatest density (39.1F)." The second principle, as given by Clausius, is as follows: Second Principle. "Heat, of itself, never passes from a cold body to a hotter one." Kankine states the second principle in a way that has been severely criticised by Maxwell, but which appears to mean that, a unit of heat in a cold body can do as much work as in a hot body, with the implied reserva- tion that there must be yet a colder body into which it may pass. Heat is converted into mechanical work through the agency of some body that is expanded by heat, such as air or water. The heat is transferred into these mediums, usually enclosed within limits of changeable volume, the expanding medium enlarging the volume against a resistance thereby does mechanical work. It has been taken for granted that the word temperature was under- stood to have its ordinary meaning, and that neither the ordinary thermo- metric scales of temperature, nor the ordinary instruments used for meas- uring temperature required description; but when great accuracy was required, the use of the air thermometer drew attention to a very con- venient scale. Dry air and some of the other gases increase in volume or pressure from the temperature of melting ice to that of boiling water under the atmospheric pressure as follows: From the volume or pressure 1 to: Constant Volume. Constant Pressure. Air L 3665 3670 Hydrogen. I 3667 3661 Nitrogen 3668 Carbonic Acid 3688 3669 Carbonic Oxide . . 3667 3719 Nitrous Oxide . 3676 3719 Cyanogen 3829 3877 Sulphurous Acid .3843 .3903 NOTE. The above ratios are from Reenault. With the air thermometer the change in volume of a portion of dry air was used to measure the change in temperature, and the natural result was that the temperature at which the dry gas would have no volume, if the law should hold so far, was taken as the zero or starting point of such a scale. This zero is 461 F. or 273 C., and is called "absolute zero," and XA TURE OF HE A T AND PROPERTIES OF STEAM. 3 temperatures measured on this scale are called "absolute temperatures." We shall give later another and better reason for this scale and its name, for we know now that all the gases above given can be reduced to liquids and solids and therefore are not perfect gases. A perfect or "reversible" engine was devised by Sadi Carnot; and although such an engine cannot be constructed, and if constructed, could not be worked; still it is extremely useful in assisting our conceptions and in giving us a limit beyond which we cannot hope to proceed with im- provements. The operation of the Carnot engine is as follows: From a hot body, at temperature T lt a working body receives heat at the same temperature T lt expanding and doing work from the heat in the hot body directly. After a time the hot body is withdrawn, leaving the working body at the same temperature T lt and it then expands by virtue of the heat which it contains until its temperature has fallen to T 2 . In expanding, more work has been effected, which, of course, goes to the credit of the engine as work done. At the temperature T 2 , the working body is brought into contact with a body called the "cold body," at the same temperature T 2 -, work is then done on the working body from the outside in compressing it to such a point, heat meanwhile passing from the working body to the cold body at the same temperature. So that by continuing the process of compression after the removal of the cold body, the working body will have just reached its first state of volume, pressure and temperature; the work expended in the two compression processes is, of course, to the debit of the engine, but there is on the whole a balance of work done by the engine. It can be shown in this case, whatever be the working substance used: First. That this engine utilizes more heat than can be utilized by any other kind of engine working between the same temperatures 2\ and T 2 . Second. That the work done, or heat utilized, is to the heat expended from the hot body, as the difference between the temperatures between which the engine works, T, !F 2 is to the absolute temperature of the hot body jP,. Hence the fraction 2*1 where T is an absolute temperature, is known as the efficiency of the engine, and is the maximum efficiency which can be reached by theory. The proof of the above statements is given in any work on thermody- namics, so that we shall not enter upon it here, believing it out of place in a work of a practical character. From the properties of the Carnot engine, a scale of temperature, based upon the work done by a body when T x T 2 = 1, is established; and it has been shown that the scale thus established coincides in origin and amount with that of the perfect gas thermometer, which places it upon a more substantial basis. When heat is put into any body it may either increase the agitation of its molecules, thereby heating it or raising its temperature; or it may ex- pand it against an external resistance doing external work; or it may 1 4 STEAM USING; OB, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. change its condition, overcoming molecular attractions, doing what is called internal work; or it may do two or three of these three things at the same time. When a fire is lighted under a boiler containing cold water, the heat generated by the chemical action of combustion passes from the fire and the gaseous products of combustion to the iron of the boiler, through the iron of the boiler to the surface in contact with the water and thence into the water. The volume of the water slightly increases with the tem- perature, raising the level partly by its own increase in volume and partly by the increase in volume of the air contained in the water. The heat increases the molecular agitation of the water, till, usually at the tempera- ture of 212 F., the boiler begins to make steam. If, as in many of the boiler trials, the man-head or safety valve is open; or, as in a common tea kettle, there is no other pressure than that of the air upon the water, at this temperature the water remains; and all the heat going into it is expended in overcoming the molecular attraction of one atom of water for another, and in forcing the molecules apart. In thus overcoming the molecular attraction it is doing internal work, and at the same time in lift- ing the atmosphere by the steam formed, it is performing external work. When the quantities of heat which a pound of water requires to raise it from the temperature of melting ice into steam at any given pressure are measured, that which it takes to raise the temperature is not exactly the dif- ference in the temperatures which would be required if the specific heatof water were constant, but a unit of heat raises the temperature of a pound of water a little less than one degree at the higher temperatures. When a boiler is making steam at a given pressure other than that of the atmos- phere, there is a temperature at which steam forms from the water and above which the water cannot be raised. This is known as the tempera- ture of evaporation for the pressure. It is to be noted that the pressure of the atmosphere may be partly removed and low pressure steam formed at less than atmospheric pressure. The quantity of heat required to evaporate a unit of weight of water at different pressures, and to raise the temperature up to that of evapora- tion, was carefully determined by Eegnault in an extensive series of experiments made at the expense of the French Government. The volume of one pound weight of steam, and, of course, its reciprocal, the density or weight of a cubic foot of steam, was determined by experiments made by Fairbairn and Tate. From the heat of evaporation, the volume of steam, the pressure under which it was evaporated, and the volume of the water from which it was formed are computed: First. The external work in foot-pounds, or the product of the pres- sure in pounds per square foot by the difference in cubic feet of the volume of one pound of steam and one pound of water. Second. The external work in heat units obtained by dividing the ex- ternal work in foot-pounds by 772. .V. I y/ '/,'/; OF ///;. I T A XT) PROPERTIES OF STE. 1 M. 5 Third. The internal work of evaporation obtained by deducting from the heat of evaporation the external work found above. Fourth. The sum of the internal work of evaporation and the heat expended in raising the temperature, sometimes called the total internal heat. Fifth. The sum of the heat expended in raising the temperature of the water, and the heat of evaporation; or, the sum of the total internal heat and the external work in heat units; or, the sum of the heat expended in raising the temperature, in internal work of evaporation and in external work, is called the total heat. These quantities may all bo stated in foot- pounds, and some writers prefer to use them in this way. But, although the measurement of mechanical work is usually made in foot-pounds, all meas- urements of heat and steam which require measurements of temperature are best made with a thermometer, and by heat units; we shall, therefore, retain the heat units. There is also this advantage, that in computation there will be smaller numbers and less figures involved. The measurement of the heat expended in raising the temperature of water, in the total internal heat and the total heat, are all based on a start- ing point of one pound of water at the temperature of melting ice. As, how- ever, such quantities are usually used by differences, many writers give these data from F. Of course this does not require any real existence to the imaginary pound of water, as water assumed in this way. It gives a little less numerical work with feed water at low temperature, but is of no help when the specific heat has varied so as to alter the heat expended in raising the temperature of the water from the difference between the temperature and 32. We adhere to the basis of melting ice. Most of the theoretical writers use as a base for the tables the temper- ature of evaporation, although others use the pressure, a much more practical starting point for engineers. But these writers have not given the internal and external heats, have used in some cases the F. start- ing point referred to above, and have given extended decimals. In our own table we have only given the nearest heat unit, and have given a table, not for every pound of pressure, it is true, but one in which it is very easy to interpolate the nearest unit. We believe this table to be convenient for use and sufficiently extended and accurate. The heat of evaporation is called latent heat of evaporation, but as the term latent has now no meaning we shall not retain it. As the Kegnault experiments on steam are always considered models in every respect, and as being of unapproachable accuracy, we shall only say that they were made in all circumstances and conditions in a thoroughly practical way, and that the values reached have been computed from purely theoretical grounds; so also with densities. The table is to be relied upon, and we shall not explain the experiments or comment further upon them, but will illustrate by a few examples the use of the table here given: STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. TABLE I. THE PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. Pressure in Ibs. per sq. inch above the at- mosphere. Temperature of steam in degrees Fah- renhejt. Heat above 32 F. in water at boiling point. External work in heat units. H Internal work of evaporat'n in heat units. Latent heat of evaporat'n in heat units. 1 ** * .2 eo .2 .g 5 Weight of 1 cu. ft. of steam in pounds. Volume of 1 It), in cubic feet. 14 90 1109 13 121 99 62 1118 967 1029 3 0.006 172.0 12 138 106 65 1124 943 1018 0.008 117.5 11 160 118 67 1127 942 1009 d 0.011 89.6 10 160 128 67 1130 935 1002 3 .014 72.6 9 168 136 67 1133 925 993 E 88 Internal work of evajjorafn in heat units. Latent heat of evaporat'nin heat units. ||| a ^ITI Weight of 1 cu. ft. of steam in pounds. Volume of 1 It), in cubic feet. 165- 341 311 82 1185 792 874 1103 .274 3.6 110 344 315 82 1186 789 871 1104 .284 3.5 115 34^ 318 82 1187 787 869 1105 .295 3 4 120 350 321 82 1188 785 867 1106 .306 3.3 125 353 324 82 1189 783 865 1107 .316 3.2 130 355 327 82 1190 781 863 1108 .327 3.1 135 358 329 82 1191 779 861 1108 .338 3.0 140 361 331 83 1191 777 860 1109 .348 2.9 145 363 334 83 1192 775 858 1109 .359 2.8 150 366 337 83 1193 773 856 1110 .369 2.7 155 368 340 83 1194 771 854 1111 .380 2.6 160 371 341 83 1194 770 853 1111 .390 2.6 165 373 344 83 1195 768 851 1112 .400 2.5 170 375 347 84 1196 765 849 1112 .412 2.4 175 377 348 84 1196 764 848 1113 .422 2.4 180 380 351 84 1197 762 846 1113 .433 2.3 185 382 353 84 1198 761 845 1114 .443 2.3 195 386 357 84 1199 758 842 1115 .463 2.2 205 390 361 85 1200 754 839 1115 .484 2.1 215 394 365 85 1201 751 836 1116 .505 2.0 225 397 368 85 1202 749 834 1117 .525 1.9 235 401 373 85 1204 746 831 1119 .546 1.8 245 404 376 85 1205 744 829 1120 .567 1.8 255 408 380 85 1206 741 826 1121 .587 1.7 265 411 383 85 1207 739 824 1122 .608 1.6 275 414 386 85 1208 737 822 1123 .627 1.6 285 417 389 86 1209 734 820 1123 .649 1.5 335 430 392 86 1213 725 811 1127 .750 1.3 385 445 417 86 1217 714 800 1131 .850 1.2 435 457 428 87 1220 705 792 1133 .950 1.05 485 467 440 87 1224 697 784 1137 1.049 0.95 585 487 460 87 1230 683 770 1143 1.245 0.80 685 504 477 88 1235 670 758 1147 1.439 0.69 785 519 493 88 1240 659 747 1152 1.632 0.61 885 534 507 88 1244 649 737 1156 1.823 0.55 985 516 520 88 1248 640 728 1160 2.014 0.50 Values below * * * are computed and not experimental. NOTE. For all values of Total Internal work below the atmosphere 1070 heat units may be taken. All decimal parts of heat units have been neglected and the last one may therefore be in error. Example /.How much more heat is needed to boil a pound of water at 200 pounds per square inch boiler pressure than at five pounds per square inch, the feed being at 60 F. in either case. AT FIVE POUNDS. Units. Heat required to raise 1 pound water from 32 to boiling at 5 pounds pressure 196 Deduct heat to raise from 32 to 60 not used .' 28 ' Heat to raise from 60 to boiling 168 Internal work of evaporation.* 882 External work of evaporation 73 Heat required to boil from feed at 60 at 5 pounds 1,123 8 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. AT TWO HUNDRED POUNDS. Units. Heat required to raise 1 pound water from 32 to boiling at 200 pounds per sq. inch. . 359 Deduct heat to raise from 32 to 60 not used 28 331 Internal work 756 External work . 84 1,171 Heat required to boil 1 pound of water from feed at 60 at 200 pounds: 1,171 1,123 = 48 units. j-|L = 4 per cent., nearly. The same result could be reached more directly. Units. Total heat from 32 at 200 pounds 1,199 Total heat from 32 at 5 pounds 1,161 Difference 48 Deducting from the 1,151 the 28 units not used, from 32 to 60, the feed being at 60, we have 1,123 for the divisor to reduce to per cent, as before. We advise the reader to use the former method, by preference, in his computations, as serving to keep in full view the different uses and the va- rious amounts of heat required for them; although there is, of course, more numerical work required to do so. The reason so much more difficulty is experienced in maintaining high pressure than low pressure steam is to be found, not in the boiling of equal weights of water, but in the fact that the high pressure steam leaves the boiler more easily. If, for example, it be employed in an engine, the engine can be made to do more work thereby. If, in running a boat, the boat going faster the engine uses more steam; if employed in heating a building, the radiators act more energetically with the higher pressure, transmit more heat, condense more steam, and the skillful attendant suits his fire to the work. Example //.How much saving of fuel can be made by raising the temperature of the feed- water from 100 F. to 200 F., the boiler pressure being 120 pounds per square inch. Units. Total heat for 120 pounds 1,188 Deduct in the one case the units not used in raising the water from 32 F. to 100 F . . 68 Required from 100 F. to boil at 120 pounds 1,120 In the other case deduct for not using from 32 to 200 169 Required to boil at 120 pounds from water at 200 F 1,019 Difference between 1,120 and 1,019 is 101 units, or about 9 per cent. In order to compare the performance of different boilers working with different pressures and fed with water at different temperatures, it is ne- cessary to assume a standard pressure, temperature of evaporation, and temperature of feed-water. Various temperatures of feed-water have been used, F., 32 F., 100 F., the latter about the usual temperature of feed- water for condensing engines, and 212 F., used more generally than any of the others as a standard; while for the pressure and temperature of evaporation the atmospheric pressure and 212 F. are usually taken. NATURE OF HEAT AND PROPERTIES OF STEAM. 9 Example III. By experiment with a boiler at 160 pounds per square inch it was found that, one pound of coal evaporated 7.91 pounds of water. The temperature of the feed- water was noted at 120 F.: required the equivalent evaporation from and at 212 F. Units. Total heat of evaporation from 32 F. at 160 pounds 1,194 Deduct from 32 to 120, units not used 88 Heat to evaporate from 30 at 160 pounds 1,106 Internal heat of evaporation at 212 893 External work of evaporation at 212 72 Sum or heat of evaporation at 212 965 7.91 x 1>106 = 9.06 as the evaporation required. 965 In order to facilitate this computation the following table of factors of evaporation is given: 10 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. -l 00 CO h- C t- n -* eo co o co oo co x co t- n o 10 ! CO inin^-*co COCNCN^HO ocsooooo t-t-. * rH rH i I rM rH i t i (i (r-ir-Hr-t rHOOOO OO "* "i-i"o~o~ft o inomo^n CO COC) O O O < ccc-0 05C5QCOOt- t- O O IO 1O ^< C^C^CNCMC^ C* T j TH i I rH rHi li-HrHrM rHrHi IrHrH rH i ( rH rH i* OOOOO OOOOO O e -^Oicoooco oocooocot* c^t^ot H coi^Or-iin oinoino^ ^Cyi-^Oico oocooccooo co SNr-Hr^OO OSC^OOOOC- t- JO 5O JO VO * ^J CO CO CJ 2^rtSS OOOOO OOOOO O ""~ or-#c>~*& oo" co " """ "~ CCCCCO C- OOd l^C'lt-C^SO r-( OOO O5 c I-H m o in o~ m oino -*O5-*Oico oocooocot- (Mt-* 0000 t^O SS54I? C?S?5222 OOOiSoO SSt^SS Si cr -~ cr -^ X ^ "O OCC^ t C^ t O3 tO rnOrHCOO inO c^cnoo oot-t~oo inmHt-^tco coc^ FIG. 8. 22 STEAM USIXH; VK, STEAM ENGINE PliA < 'TI< 'K. equal to the angle between the crank and eccentric arms; draw the distance circle from Eas a centre through C with radius J^equal to A B, and draw C F, the required position of crank at point of cut off. C G is the steam lap, for where C F cuts the distance circle the valve is closing the steam port. Drawing the arc G I from C as centre, with C G radius, we find the steam opens at C I a little before the crank gets to the dead point. The distance J Kis the amount the valve is open at the end of the stroke, and the opening, and amount of opening, are known as steam lead. If this opening be thought too great the eccentric must be moved on the shaft and the lap found again as before. As D C always bisects H C F, this pre- sents no difficulty. And it is to be remembered that D J is always at right angles to A B. Given, the travel, lap and lead; to find the cut off: Set off in Fig. 8 the full travel A B bisecting at C. From C lay off C K equal to the lap, and make K J equal to the lead. Draw J D at right angles to A B, and make C D equal to A C, equal to C B, by taking C as a centre and striking an arc with A C as radius cutting the perpendicular J Din D. Bisect C D in E and draw the distance circle through D Jaud C, using E C as radius. Draw also the arc I K G with the lap C K as radius, and draw C F through G. C F is the position of the crank at cutting off steam. A little practice with this method, first upon actual valves, and then by combining the foregoing problems, introducing also the exhaust, will soon give a feeling of confidence not easily obtained with the usual methods. There is yet one case with a common slide valve which it is desirable to examine. In the foregoing examples we have supposed the eccentric rod to be nearly parallel to the line joining the centre of the shaft and the crosshead, either by placing the steam chest on the side of the cylinder, or, if it be on the top of the cylinder, by the use of rock. shafts. Now the latter are always ugly, and, although much used, the former arrangement is to be preferred when possible. There are, however, cases in which it is convenient to lead the eccentric rod in an angle to the line from the shaft centre to the crosshead, the steam chest being on top of the cylinder and the valve rod jointed and guided; or else the steam chest is at one side of the cylinder, but is above or below the centre. The action of an oblique connecting rod is seldom explained, or more rarely fully understood, and we shall therefore devote some attention to it. Looking at the general case in Fig. 9, we see that the further end of the connecting rod can come no nearer the shaft than the differ- ence in length between the rod and crank, and can go no further from the centre of the shaft than the sum of the lengths of the rod and crank, and that these are absolutely the only limits imposed by the crank. Thus, in Fig 9, by taking C B as the length of the connecting rod, and C A as the length of the crank, by drawing from C as a centre two arcs with radii equal to A C + C B and C B - A C, the only limit to the stroke is that its ends shall lie on these lines and that it should take place between them. ox VALVE (;I-:MI. 23 The path of the outer end may be straight or curved. For slide valves worked in this manner it is usually straight, the end moving in guides; or nearly straight with attachment by a comparatively long link, so that the arc it moves in is flat and close to a straight line. Suppose it is straight, then it can be seen that the length of the stroke produced by a given crank may be varied considerably, as, for example, at D E and F G, the latter being plainly the greater. Another feature is also introduced: that is, that for a uniform revolution of the crank, the times of forward and backward strokes, which are the same for D E, are not equal for F G, because the FIG. 9. dead points, which always occur when the crank and rod are in the same line with each other, when the motion changes, are, for the stroke F G, at the points J and K. These are not on the same diameter, and it will take longer to pass from J to K and F to G than K to J and G to F, the revolu- tion being right-handed. This is taken advantage of as a "quick return motion" in some slotting machines. If, now, the middle of the stroke F G at H be found, and the straight line H L A r C be drawn, the dead points K and J will not lie on this line but near it, and the longer the rod is com- pared with the crank, and the smaller the angle E C H, the closer will be the agreement; and when the crank is on this line the other end of the connecting rod will be close to the points F or G, as the case may be. If the motion were studied on the line A E only, being a parallel to F G passing through C, it would take place as if moved by a crank arm C A instead of C L, which is at the angle ACL from the other, and, in fact, we may call C A an equivalent crank for C L, for it will cause the stroke D E to be made at the same time as C L moves F G, the rod coming to D in one case when the other comes to F, and to E when the other arrives at G. 24 STEAM T'SrXG; Oh', STEAM ENGINE P 7? AC 'TIC 'E. In applying the valve diagram to an engine of this kind, the only change we have to make is, that instead of using the actual angle between the crank and eccentric arms, we must use in its place the angle between the crank and the equivalent eccentric arm; that is, it must be changed by the angle between C A and C L, or A C L, in other words, by the angle at the centre of the crank shaft between the lines there from one to the centre of the travel, and the one to the place where we have assumed our investigation to be made. These lines may also be said to pass from the centre of the shaft through the average dead points and the other through the equivalent dead point. This change will be an increase or decrease in the angle between the crank and eccentric arms, or rather, the travel line and the line joining the centres of the distance circles, according as the rotation is right or left-handed, there being no rock shaft used. FIG. 9A. Such engines are not very common, but the only objection lies in the necessity of guiding the end of the valve rod. In the preceding paragraphs we have discussed the case of an eccen- tric fixed on the shaft, and moving a single slide valve, in such a manner that no change is made in the relation or movement of parts while the engine is in motion, all adjustments being made during rest. This also may be taken to apply to the old-fashioned "D" slide, to "B" valve, and to piston valve engines, and these types are in most general use. The advantages of simplicity, durability and universal acquaintance are OJV* VALVE GEAR. found to outweigh many points, even the waste of steam. The desire to change the points of cut-off, either with the engine stopped or in motion, and the necessity of reversing the direction of rotation in many engines, have led to the use of two eccentrics working one or two slide valves, and in some cases to three eccentrics working two slides. The necessity of reversing was the cause of the adoption of two eccentrics before any change in the expansion was considered. The first reversing gear used with the slide valve was probably some form of hook attachment to a rock shaft carrying pins on both sides of the centre. If a valve be made without lap or lead the steam follows the piston full stroke, and the position of an eccentric is 90 in advance of the crank, to reverse the position of the eccentric it must be changed 180. FIG. 9B. When, however, there is lap, it is evident that there can not be an equal opening for forward and for back gear with eccentric arms 180 apart; but, as we have already stated, the eccentric arm is more than 90 in advance of the crank, and all that is required is to use the same angle between the crank and eccentric arms for each motion. Figs. 9 A and 9 B show two arrange- ments for accomplishing this with a single eccentric. The eccentric is not keyed to the shaft, but is bolted to the face of a disc of smaller diameter, rigidly fastened to the shaft. In one of the arrangements shown, the eccentric can move freely about one of the bolts as a centre, while the other projects through a curved slot. This second bolt can either be tightened, holding the eccentric to the disc in rny position between the 26 STEAM rsi.\(, : (>/,', STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. 2 C8 +a O .W (*!{ sii I a -2 i . .2 rQ CD CD fl .2 p * S -O-'S 1.2^ o g a .2 'C * B 11 ON VAL VE GEAR. 27 two extreme ones, thus allowing a change in the eccentric arm when the engine is still; or, the engine being moved till the eccentric comes to rest, with the end of the slot against the bolt, of course the eccentric will follow the motion of the shaft, and the crank and slot being properly arranged, the valve will keep the engine running in the direction in which it was started. If, on stopping, the engine be moved by hand so as to run in the other direction, the shaft and disc will move until the eccentric is caught up with, and the engine will drag it properly to continue the motion. It is therefore a simple reversing gear for engines small enough to be easily turned by hand. Sometimes a small fly-wheel has been mounted with the eccentric and a quick closing valve placed on the steam pipe. By closing the steam valve quickly the fly-wheel will carry the eccentric round so that the engine would start in the other direction; while 011 the other hand, if the steam valve be closed slowly the eccentric will remain in contact with the disc and the engine will start in the direction it had been moving an arrangement hardly promising to remain long in working order. In larger engines the same curved slot, or the straight slot shown in the other figure, 9 B, is used, and the eccentric is traversed by a sleeve and key; the latter is spiral and is so arranged that by moving the sleeve along the shaft the eccentric is shifted across the shaft. The movement of the sleeve is effected by a yoked lever. The construction of the valve diagram for different positions of these eccentrics, and the change in the cut-off produced thereby, is a very desirable study for the student. Where two eccentrics are used for moving a slide valve they are usually fastened to the shaft, and the rods are attached to the eccentric by straps or yokes; the other ends of the rods are connected by pins to a piece called the link. There are three varieties of the motion which goes under the name of link motion, but of late years one or both of the eccentrics have been omitted and the link moved from some other portion of the moving mechanism. The three kinds noted have been long in use, and are known as the shift- ing link, being the invention of Howe, a foreman in Stephenson's Locomotive Works, or the Stephenson Link, the Gooch, or Fixed Link, produced about the same time in the locomotive shops of Mr. Daniel Gooch. and the straight link of Alexander Allan, a combination of the other two. Fig. 10 shows clearly the arrangement for the shifting link in its most simple form. The link joining the ends of the two eccentric rods is slot- ted out and the valve rod is pinned to a rectangular block, sliding in the slot, but which in this simple form can be clamped to the link. When loose, the link can be moved by the handle at its end until it occupies any given or desired position. It will be seen that if the link be placed with one end of the slot against the slider, the valve will move by the eccentric connected to that end of the link almost entirely, and we shall have to ex- amine the motion when the slider is clamped at some intermediate point between the ends. In order that the centre of the valve may remain unchanged for all positions of the link, a curvature must be produced in 28 STEAM 07?, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. the slot; otherwise, as the link is moved, say from its end to the centre, the valve is pulled over toward the shaft. The valve still has the same motion as a whole, its travel is simply displaced, thereby producing unequal distribution of the steam to each end of the cylinder. By curv- FIG. 10. ing the link to an arc with a radius equal to the distance from the centre of the shaft to the centre of the slider when the valve is placed in its cen- tral position on its seat, this action is removed. In Figure 11, for the sake of clearness, consider the link as a straight bar, the extremities of which are hung in such a manner that the ends L and L' can only move in lines nearly parallel to the line A C B; this may be the case exactly for either, or nearly, for one or both of the points L L' '. Inasmuch as C L and C L' both make angles with C A, both ends FIG. 11. of the link may come under the case of oblique eccentric rods. But this presents no great difficulty. If the link were moved till L came to the slider M, the motion received by the valve would be that due to the OX VALVE GEAR. 29 eccentric E; but for the given position, the point L receives motion parallel to A C as if it were driven by a virtual eccentric at F, with angle between crank and virtual eccentric arm, A C F equal to L C E, Avhile the point L' receives motion from E', as if moved by a virtual eccentric at E*, with the angle A C ^ equal to the angle L,' C E J ' . In general A CF+ A CF f = L CE+ L' C F/ . E C F/-(A C F + A C F') = ECF/ (L C E + L' C E^); or, EC F+ F/ CF- = A CL + A C L' = L C L' = the link angle. Hence, also, the angle, F C F' , between the virtual eccentric centres is constant, and it swings around its vertex C as the link moves. If the link be divided in any proportion, the link angle should be divided in the same proportion ; and an angle may be set proportionately to the number in which L M divides L L' . L and L' then move exactly as if they were on the line C A driven by the virtual eccentrics, F and F' ; for E comes to its dead points when F comes to C A, and I?", when F comes to C A, the dead points for E and F being on, or very near the lines C L and C Li' respectively. We have now to examine the motion of a point on a bar, when the bar is moved at two points, as if connected with a crank or eccentric at each of such points. We have established for the points of connection L and L', the virtual eccentrics from which they receive motion, as far as the line A C is concerned, and we come to the motion of the point M, as follows: The motion of M may be found by considering that, if L f were fixed while L moves, the motion of M would be definite; and, also, if L were fixed while L' moves, the motion of M would again be definite; while if L and Lf both move, the point 3/ would have a motion equal to the resultant of these two motions. Now, enlarging a part of our Fig. 11, we see in Figs. 11 and 12, using the virtual eccentrics F and F*, as it has been shown we must do, that if Lf be fixed, F/ Lf discon- nected, and C K be made the same A part of C F that L' M is of LL', the point M will move as if driven by an eccentric with centre at K and a rod at M K; and also that if L be fixed while 'E L is discon- nected, and C K f be made the same part of C F f that L M is of L L', the motion of M will be as if derived from a single eccentric, centre at K', by a rod K' ^f. To combine these two motions at once, draw K N equal and parallel to C K' ; then does the point A" revolve about A" as K' does about (\ And also draw K' N equal and parallel to C K\ then does the point N revolve about K f as K does about C. Either FIG. 12. 3O STEAM USING; OR. STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. way we look at it N revolves about K while K revolves about C; or N revolves about K f while K' revolves auout O, and hence the point M moves as if directly connected with the point N by a rod M N of fixed length. The point ^Yrnay therefore be called the virtual eccentric centre, and C N the virtual eccentric arm, for the point M. It is also seen that the point Nis on the line F F f ', which it divides in the proportion that M divides L L' ; for the triangles F K N, N K' F f and F C F' , are all similar, and the line F F' may be drawn and the point N found at once by making F f N the same part ofFF* that ML is of L I/. This is a more conven- ient construction for the point N than the other, which was, however, only intended for demonstration. It may be necessary again to caution the reader that the components of motions are all understood to be parallel to A O. If the link was, as a whole, fixed, or was not to be changed, we could find once for all the virtual eccentric for the end points L and L' , and draw FF f at once. But, as in the shifting link motion, we use all portions of the link which is moved about C A, we have F coinciding with E when L coincides with M, and then N falls on E. As the link is moved the tri- angle F C F f is swung about C, and the point N travels along F F' till the other end, L' ', of the link is brought to ilf when the point N reaches F' which coincides with E f . The line which includes all positions of the point N is a kind of spiral, but is approximated by Kankine to a circle, and by Zeuner, to whom the whole method is due, to a parabola. We will content ourselves with drawing this curve as the arc of a circle, and with finding a third point thereon by which it may be constructed. We have already found F and F / on this curve coinciding vriih.' E and E' respectively; then if, as is usually the case, C F - C E, the middle point of the curve between F and F' is easily found. Set off in Fig. 13 the angles E C F, E f C F' , each equal to one-half the link angle, L C L', then the point found by the intersection of F F f with A C is, for this case, the middle point of the arc E N E' desired, and a circle is passed through FIG. 13. ON VALVE 31 these three points. If the link be drawn in mid-gear and we take the intersection of the rods L E, L' E', combining this with our valve dia- gram, we find a complete mastery over the link motion, and we will try to solve some of the cases which are of frequent occurrence. Given, the full travel, the laps and the lead in full gear and the link angle; to flnd the mid gear travel and lead, and also the travel and lead with points of admission, cut off, compression and release for any given position of the link. Set off, in Fig. 14, C L = the lap and L P, equal the full gear lead; from C as a centre swing with a radius = one-half the full travel, the arc E F, and erect the per- pendicular P E cutting this arc in E. Lay off E C F one-half the link angle, or one- half the angle between the end radii of the link itself (which is not shown in the figure), and drop F Q perpendicular to C L. Then C Q is one-half the mid-gear travel, and L Q is the mid-gear lead. By producing E P to E' making P E' = P E and drawing an arc through E Q E' , we have the curve on which the single virtual eccentrics are found. Suppose we wish to find the steam and exhaust openings and closings for that position of the link which is three- eighths of the way from full for- ward to full backward gear. Divide the arc E E" by G, so that E G is three-eighths of E E' measured on the arc. Join C G. This is one -half the valve travel required; from the middle point K of C G as a centre, draw a circle with radius C K; and from C as a centre, draw the lap circles or portions of them; that is, the radius C L = the steam lap, and C V= the exhaust lap; and where these arcs cut the distance circle from A", the points of intersection give, by drawing lines from C, the positions of the crank C S f or steam admission. C T for cut-off, C produced for release, and V C produced for compression. It sometimes happens that the forward eccentric is the lower one when we make our examination, and in such a case we must lay on the other side of C E and C E' to find the virtual eccentric centres Fand F f ; making the necessary construction we have the middle point of the line F F^, or N, as the single virtual eccentric which drives the block in mid-link, and we may pass our curve through E, E' and this point as we did before; but 32 OX VALVE GEAR. 33 we find it curved in the other direction, and the mid-gear lead is less than the full gear lead, while in the first case it was greater. FIG. 15. The fixed link, or Gooch's link-motion, is shown on page 32. A swing- ing rod called radius rod is attached to the valve stem and carries the slider at its free end. This rod is controlled from the foot board in the same way as the link in Stephenson's motion, and the actual eccentric centres are the virtual eccentrics. As the eccentric rods do not change their mean angle with the mo- tion line the single virtual ec- centric is found on the straight line E&, Figs. 13 and 15, join- ing the real eccentric centres, and the lead does not change for any position of slider. This gear is a favorite in England, but is rarely seen in the United States. In Fig. 16 the lap and valve circles are drawn for different gears and will be readily un- derstood. The difficulty experienced in fitting the curved links for the shifting and fixed link-mo- tions, and the fact that the cur- vature in the link, required to keep the valve at the same place in mid- travel, was in different directions, led Mr. Alexander Allan, then employed at the Crewe shops, to design a link, shown on page 32, in which the radius rod was retained, although the link was also shifted; 34 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. and by proper proportions of the rocker arms, attached to link, and of radius rod, a straight link was secured. Of course these straight links were easier to fit than the curved ones. They are in quite general use in England and on the Continent, while in the United States they have been rarely, if at all, used. In studying this link-motion we call the angle from the centre of shaft through which the link is shifted a, and set off one-half of it from the actual eccentric centres to find the position of the virtual forward and backward eccentric centres for mid-gear; and we then find the curve on which all our single virtual eccentric centres lie as in the case of the Stephenson link. The curve in this case is flatter, and the change from full to mid- gear lead is less than for the Stephenson link. The mid-gear lead may be greater or less than full gear lead according as the upper or lower eccentric is used for forward gear. No drawing is required. The change of cut-off for different positions of the slider is shown by the distance and lap circles as already explained for the Stephenson and the Gooch links. The rock shaft arms have to be proportioned to the segments into which the line from centre of shaft to centre about which radius rod vibrates is divided by the vertical through the centre of rock shaft. All three of the gears described as having two eccentrics are used for reversing gears as well as for changing point of cut-off; and, in fact, were used only for the former purpose years before their value for the latter was appreciated. For many years these three were the only forms employed. Of late years, however, a variety of gears for varying point of cut-off and for reversing the motion of the engine have come into use, which we will discuss in order of complexity rather than of age. One of the most widely extended modifications of the link-motion with two eccentrics is met with in the valve gear of Walschaert, or the Heusin- ger von Waldegg link-motion, shown on page 35. In the ordinary form of link-motion we have two eccentrics attached to two points on the link, and we get 'more or less of the motion of one eccentric by connecting the valve rod to different points upon the link. Suppose, however, that while one eccentric attached to the combination arm remains constant as to length of its arm and the angle it makes with crank arm, we have the means of varying the length of the other eccentric arm, which is attached to a second point on the combination arm as shown in illustration. If, now, the valve stem be connected with a third point on the combination arm the movement of the valve can be controlled by giving more or less travel to the variable arm, and can be reversed by reversing the motion of this arm. In the Walschaert gear, the link, or combination arm, is moved by an attachment rod from the cross- head, and its lowest point moves with the piston or main crank. This combination arm is attached at the upper end to the valve stem, and just below this attachment it is pivoted to a centre. If this centre were fixed the valve would receive only the motion due to a virtual eccentric in line with the crank, and with an arm which ON VALVE VEAK. 35 o: LU O C/5 D UJ I LJ I h CC O cr LU < 1 LU I STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. bears to the crank length the fraction that the short distance from valve stem to pivot is of the length from pivot to pin at cross-head connection. The other element of the motion is obtained by connecting the pivot of this lever to a vibrating slotted link, pivotted at its centre, by means of a rod attaching to a slider in the link. The vibration of this link is given by a small eccentric set at right angles to the crank, or by a return crank from the main crank pin. The effect of moving this slider in the vibra- ting link is to change the travel of the pivot in magnitude, or to reverse its motion; the pivot always reaches the end of the stroke and its centre at the same part of the revolution: i. e., its period of vibration, or motion with respect to the motion of crank remains unchanged, however much the radius rod may be changed; but the amount of movement received by the valve stem is greater than that received by the pivot in the ratio of the whole length of the combination arm to the portion between the pivot and cross-head connection pin. To illustrate: Suppose the stroke of the piston is 24 inches, while the combination arm is 26 inches, with the pivot 2 inches from the valve stem connection. The amount which the valve moves due to the pis- ton movement only, is 24(26-24) ^ nearly, not exactly, a slight error being intro- duced by the connecting bar from the cross-head to the link, which, in changing its inclination, reduces the travel near the ends where inclined to the stroke. If the radius of the eccentric or return crank be 2 inches, and the ex- treme length of the vi- brating link be 6 inches, 3 above and 3 below the centre, and the attach- ment of the vibrating link to eccentric is at 2 inches from the centre of the vi- brating link, we can easily draw valve diagram. In Fig. 17, set off horizontally 1 inch, which equals lap 0/ + lead, from the centre C on line A C, and then vertically a distance the distance the slider is from the centre of the vibrating link = 2^ inches; FIG. ON VALVE <;EAR. 37 joining this point with C we use this line as the diameter of the valve circle, and by drawing the lap circles we have all the points as before for the opening and closing of the steam ports. This gear has been used in Europe, and was introduced into this country by the late William Mason, who placed it on many of the light engines used for passenger travel at Coney Island beach and about New York. In designing the preceding forms of valve gear, many little points arise with regard to equalizing quantity of steam used at each end of the cylinder, and for so arranging the details that the wear shall be a mini- FIG. 18. mum. A detailed study must be made in each case, while for many practi- cal points the works on "Link and Valve Motions" by Zeuner, and also by Auchincloss, will be found of great service. If in Fig. 18 we compel the end of the eccentric rod to move in the path H K we know that the end of the rod will always reach the centre and ends i-: . FIG. 18 A. 38 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. of the travel in defined time, while with regard to a motion at right angles thereto in this case the end will have none. Now, if the path is from F to G, it can be seen that the end of the rod has a very respectable component vertically, but that it reaches the end and centre of the travel at the same time as before, or nearly so, and the horizontal travel is H K nearly, and the vertical is FH + KG. By changing the angle of the path we find the magnitude of the path may be changed and even the motion reversed, as F passes C K, and at the same time the vertical motion of the rod at the end may be increased or diminished. We have then all the elements for a link in the eccentric rod itself. One end moves up and down with the motion of the eccentric, and the other end moves up and down with the in and out motion and the eccentric rod becomes the link. We can, of course, connect the valve stem to a slider, leaving the path FIG. 19. FIG. 19 A. MARSHALL'S GEAR FOR MARINE ENGINES. ON VALVE GEAR. 39 at the outer end fixed, or we can [connect the valve stem to any point on the link, as F, and change the angle of the path at the end, thus causing the travel to.\vary; the time, however, of the outer end up and down motion being the same as that of the in and out motion. The valve stem, of course, in this figure moves vertically. This form has been adopted by Mr. F. Marshall for moving the valves of vertical marine engines. The arrangement is shown in Figs. 19, 19 A, and 19 B.j^In Fig. 19, the form of path adopted for the outer end is the arc of a circle,^the end of the eccentric rod beiDg connected by a radius FIG. 19 B. MARSHALL'S VALVE MOTION ENLARGED. rod swung from the point 0. The form may be either a slot or the arc of a circle. Fig. ISA shows a straight slot in the face of a disc attached to the end of shaft connected with a reverse lever. In Fig. 19, C is centre of shaft; A, crank pin; A D, connecting rod; E, centre of eccentric; E I, link; V. valve stem connection; O L, arm fixed to axis of geared arc Z Z^ at L; W, handwheel which moves the geared arc by means of worm w; O 7, radius rod which controls movement of end of link, or eccentric rod. 40 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. Mr. Charles Brown, of Winterthur, Switzerland, introduced many varieties of this form, see Fig. 20. In most of them the eccentric was dispensed with, and the link attached to the connecting rod in such a manner that while the movement in the direction of the inclination is reduced, as in the Walschaert gear, the other component, that due the transverse vibration of the rod, is the one which is governed by the path used. Mr. Brown usually employed some form of parallel motion at the outer end in place of the slotted guide. Most of his work was applied to engines with rods quite long in comparison with the movements taken from them, and both Marshall and Brown attached the valve stem either between the eccentric and guide, or outside of it as de- sired. A* FIG. 19C. DIAGRAM FOB MARSHALL'S VALVE GEAK. Mr. David Joy has introduced, quite extensively, a form of gear similar to Brown's in some respects, but more carefully worked out in others; Figs. 21 and 21 A. Mr. Joy attaches to a point near the centre of the connecting rod a bar H I; Fig. 21 A. This bar is carried by a hanger from J, a fixed point in the frame of the engine. Now, as the ON VALVE GEAR. 41 FIG. 20. BROWN'S VALVE GEAR. FIG. 21. JOY'S VALVE GEAR ON A MARINE ENGINE. cross-head moves from D to E the point / moves in the arc of a circle, but because the length H I is short it gets an extra pull in when the cross- head nears the end of the stroke. Mr. Joy therefore carries his link from K, a point on H I, to the guides L, and attaches the valve stem M N to a point in K L, in this case produced, at M. The results have been very good, and in most cases pin joints are used for eccentric straps. In many cases Mr. Joy replaces the guide L, which he makes curved to radius de- pending on N M, by a swinging link having the same centre as the guide; this centre is mounted on an arm of a rock shaft, and the rock shaft cen- tre coincides with that of the guide. Two more pin-joints are required but the wear on the guide is removed. Mr. Kirk has patented a form of valve gear. In a marine engine he places a vibrating link on the air pump side levers in such a a manner that the centre of the link is moved thereby from the piston rod. The link is caused to vibrate by the transverse motion of the connecting rod and a compensation due the obliquity is introduced. In this case the levers adopted are in the 42 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. form of a Watt parallel mo- tion. The motion used for a link in the Allen engine for driving a slide valve, and in the Porter- Allen for moving the steam valves, is exceed- ingly elegant and clearly set forth in Fig. 22. The link is part of the eccentric strap, and the centre of the link, of which only one-half is con- structed for non-reversing engines, is guided, in an ap- proximately straight line, by a swinging rod attached to the frame; so that the small versed sine of half the arc of swing is bisected by the centre line of engine and the chord of the arc is parallel to it. The eccen- tric is forged on the shaft and corresponds in Fig. 23 to the virtual arm A B. As we proceed up the link we find it also acting as a bell crank, and we see that by coming up the vertical B to G and making B G propor- tional to distance of slider above centre line, we have the virtual eccentric and distance circle for any point on the link. To draw the valve dia- gram for any point on the link, lay off first the real eccentric radius on the motion line, and then from that point lay off at right angles to the motion line a distance equal to the real eccentric radius multiplied by the ratio of the distance of the slider above centre line to the distance from FIG. 21 A. JOY'S VALVE GEAK ENLARGED. ON VALVE GEAR. 43 FIG. 22. centre of eccentric to the point of attachment of rocker arm. The point thus found is the virtual eccentric centre moving the valve. The link is of course curved to the radius of length equal the radius rod. For a reversing gear the link is continued beyond the centre or pin from which it is hung. Another form of gear was used in Germany by Herr Kaiser, of Berlin, and is very simple. Two lugs project from the eccentric strap at right angles. To one of them the valve stem is attached, and the other is guided in a slot which can be placed at different inclinations with line of motion.^, When the slot is in the line of the motion, the valve is moved as if by a single eccentric found in the diagram as follows: Set off on the.line'of the motion the real eccentric radius, and at right angles to the motion, a distance equal to the real eccentric radius multiplied by the ratio of the dis- tance from the centre of the eccentric to the centre of pin in the valve stem, to the distance from the centre of the eccentric to centre of pin in slider. 44 STEAM VSING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. When the slide is inclined, the amount of vertical movement of the slide block caused thereby must be added to the eccentric radius before multiplying length of the lugs by the above ratio: as the sum of these two movements is used it is apparent that this motion is not well suited for a reversing gear. Instead of a slide a swinging link is often used, and by moving the point of suspen- sion in an arc with a centre at the middle point of the motion a very good distribution is obtained. FIG. 24. In all the foregoing motions, or valve gears, we have considered the valve as the ordinary slide. By examining the valve diagrams already given, we find that when an early cut-off is given by the use of lap the ec- centric has to be set forward, and that either release occurs very early, or if this be prevented by giving lap on the exhaust side the exhaust closes early and cushion begins. Now just where it is best to stop in either direc- tion has not been decided, but the greater the clearance and number of revolutions the earlier the cut-off can be used with advantage. With 8 per cent, clearance and less than 100 revolutions it is not desirable to cut off before half stroke, but if the speed be increased to over 300 revolu- tions a cut-off at one-fourth stroke may be em- ployed. If the travel of the valves on a loco- motive for full gear be 4| to 5 inches, for a lead of i"e inch at full gear, and -, 5 6 inch at mid gear, a steam lap of f inch and no exhaust lap will secure excellent results; but if the engine was never to run at a speed of over 20 miles an hour, an exhaust lap of | inch could be used to advantage. Most builders of stationary engines give so much exhaust lap that a considerable back pressure is caused, and the engines can not be run at high speed, and for two reasons: 1st, that the steam does not get out of the cylinder fast enough, and, 2nd, there is not enough cushion to tase up the fling of the connections at high speed. An early release and strong cushion are required for high speeds. At moderate speed an early release and strong cushion deadens the motion of the engine over the centres, and the use of two slide valves. u FIG. 25. O.V VALVE 45 one on top of the other, was suggested by Meyer. A false valve seat was suggested by Eankine, with the object of obtaining a quicker cut-off, the seat being moved by one eccentric while the valve was moved by another. In this way the effect of an eccentric with greater throw was obtained. The first change consisted in making the steam chest in two cham- bers. In the one next the cylinder the ordinary slide was employed while the steam came in through openings from the other chamber, these open- ings were covered by a simple slide moved by an eccentric. Thus the inlet and exhaust were regulated by the ordinary slide, but the second one cut off the supply of steam. As the principal objection to this was the large clearance space left in the main steam chest and the consequent waste of steam, the Meyer gear became the favorite. isnffifcz^ FIG. 26. THE MEYER YALVE. The use of an expansion valve on the back of the main valve allows the main valve to govern the admission, release, and cushion, but the cut- off is effected by the expansion slide closing the steam ports of the main valve. This combination enables the cut-off to take place more quickly with the sum of the motions of the two valves. In Fig. 26, A A are the steam ports and B the exhaust port in the cyl- inder metal; C C are the steam ports and D the exhaust port in the main slide. The main slide is moved by rod E, the plates G G, on the top of the main slide, by rod F. Steam is usually admitted by the outer edges of the cut-off plates. The eccentric of the expansion valve is usually placed in line with the crank, either on the same or opposite side of the shaft. This, however, is 46 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE^PRACTIGE. not essential, for there are four ways in which the cut-off may be varied by means of an expansion valve: 1. By changing the lap of the expansion valve, usually by means of a right and left thread on the valve stem. 2. By changing the travel of the expansion valve, usually by means of a radius rod joined to the valve stem, and a rocker link moved by the eccentric. 3. By moving the eccentric round the shaft, of which, perhaps, the "Buckeye Engine" is the best example. 4. By the use of a link motion for the expansion valve. FIG. 27. We shall examine hereafter these methods more fully; but to begin with will take up the case in which the expansion valve is without lap, and is moved by an eccentric placed opposite the crank, the main valve being without lap or lead, or, "line and line," having, of course, its eccen- tric set at right angles to the crank. The valve diagram may be drawn from the known position of the eccentrics, each valve being represented by its own distance circle. In Fig. 27, let C B be the diameter of the distance circle for the main valve and C A the diameter of the distance circle of the expansion valve. ON VALVE GEAR. Then, it being remembered that with the piston at the right end of the cylinder, the position of the crank arm is C A, the expansion valve is farthest from its mid position and the main valve is at its mid position. As the crank moves on towards the position C F, the main valve rapidly opens the port while the expansion valve moves inward, at first slowly, but with increasing speed. At C F it is evident that the main valve and ex- pansion valve are at the same distance from mid position. If, therefore, there be no lap on the expansion slide, it will at this point cover and close the opening in the main valve, and C F is therefore the position of the crank at cut-off. The release of steam to the exhaust, being under the main valve, can in no way be dependent upon the \A* upper, or expansion valve; but there is one thing to be carefully guarded against, which with this arrangement might happen: the main valve moves on outward and the expansion valve inward, until at C B the port in the main valve is wide open, while the ex- pansion valve is at mid position. The continuation of the motion draws the main valve back, grad- ually closing the port while the expansion valve is now moving beyond mid position and would of itself cover the cylinder port if placed thereon. At C D, for instance, the main valve has not yet returned to the centre by the amount C E, -while the expansion valve is past the centre by the amount C E? '. We see that in this case there is no risk of opening the steam before the end of the stroke is reached, which was the danger to be shunned. Of course, at the end of the stroke steam is admitted to the other end of the cylinder by the main valve, its port at that end having been uncovered by the expansion valve when the crank was in the position (7 D'. If with the given eccentrics we should desire to have the cut-off take place before the crank reach C F, we must add lap to the expansion valve so that its edge shall meet and cover the port in the main valve before the expansion valve becomes central thereto. On the other hand, if the cut- off is to come after C F. a strip must be taken from the edge of the expan- sion valve which must meet the port of the main valve after the slide has become central thereto, or the lap must be negative. We will consider this case more fully hereafter. With the simple figure we readily see the effect of changing the angular position of the eccentrics on the shaft, FIG. 28. 48 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. for the main valve is rarely set without lead cushion or a more prompt release. If the expansion eccentric be brought nearer the main eccentric, or moved backwards on the shaft, we see in Fig. 28 that the intersection of the two circles takes place later, and that it may range to the end of the -stroke, or more strictly speaking, to the cut-off given by the main valve due to its lap. FIG. 29. It may also be seen, that in the use of an expansion valve without lap the effect of a change of travel, see Fig. 29, in the expansion valve, the position of its eccentric remaining the same, will also vary the cut-off through a considerable range, but in this case we must expect inconven- ience to arise from the greater length of steam chest required to accom- modate the increased travel. The effect of changing the lap on the expansion valve is best examined by combining the distance circles of the two valves as follows, see Fig. 30: Take as before, C B and C A, the distance circles of the main valve and expansion valve, respectively. Join A B and draw C G parallel to A B, and B G parallel to A C. Upon C G as a* diameter draw a circle. Then, for any position, as C D, of the crank, it may be easily shown that the dis- tance of the centre of the main valve from the centre of the expansion ON VALVE GEAR. 49 FIG. 30. valve, CD C E = E D, is equal to the chord, C L, of the arc of this last circle intercepted by the crank arm. Therefore, the circle C G may be regarded as a resultant distance circle giving the position of the expan- sion valve upon the back of the main valve, without regard to the motion of the latter. If there be no lap on the expansion valve, we find it central with the main valve at C F, which is at right angles to A B; and we have already seen that with positive lap the cut-off takes place before C F, while with negative lap it takes place after CFha.s been passed. Thus we see that by cutting from the edge of the expansion valve, or by increasing the negative lap, we can delay the cut-off till C G is reached, at which point the expansion valve just closes the port in main valve for an instant only, and the steam continues to pass into cylinder until main valve closes. In order that the expansion valve may not open again before the main valve closes, it must close the port in the main valve at C B, or at half stroke in the case before us; that is, the distance of the edge of the expansion valve from the far edge of the port in main valve, when both are in mid position, must not exceed C B = C A'. This distance evidently depends for its value upon the lap of the expansion valve. If the cut-off is variable, its maximum limit should not be beyond the point of cut-off of the main valve; if it is coincident with that of the main valve, it is evident that the diameter, C G, coincides with the posi- tion of crank arm when the main valve closes, and equals the distance of 50 AM USING; Oil, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. the edge of expansion valve from far edge of port as before stated. We have thus a limit which we did not meet with in our former case. The remedy is to increase the throw of the expansion eccentric, thereby ren- dering the angle C A B more acute, or else, of course, to move the expan- sion eccentric nearer the main eccentric. By proper use of the distance circles and resultant circle all problems on the Meyer valve gear may be readily solved. NOTE. Figures 31, 32 and 33 work from the left instead of right, as heretofore. We will illustrate by a few examples: Given, the lap and lead of the main valve, and the travel of both valves; to find lap of the expansion valve for a given cut-off. First, in Fig. 31, from C set off horizontally C D the lap and D E the lead of the main valve, and with C F the half travel and E F a vertical line, construct the right angle triangle C E F. On C F as a diameter draw the main valve distance circle, and the lap arc D K f defines the crank position C K when the main valve closes. Set off C G the half travel of the expan- sion valve with the eccentric opposite the crank, and join G F. On C H, equal and parallel to G F, draw the resultant distance circle; and where it meets C I, the position given for the crank at cut-off, gives CD, the negative lap of the expansion valve, which we carry round to J in order to see that by the time the expansion valve again uncovers the port of the main valve at C J, the main valve has already closed the cylinder port at C K. ON VALVE GEAR. 51 Given, the lap, lead and travel of the main valve, and the travel of an expansion valve having no lap; to find position of expansion eccentric to produce a given cut-off. Find in Fig. 32 the distance circle and closure of the main valve, as before, and let C I be the crank for given cut-off. With I, where this inter- sects the distance circle, as a centre, and with C as the centre, swing radii C A and I A, each equal to the travel of the expansion valve, denning by FIG. 32. their intersection at A, the centre of the distance circle for the expansion valve passing through I and C. The position of the expansion eccentric is 180 angle E CA ahead of the crank, or distant from the main eccentric by the angle F C A. If the point A falls above C M drawn at right angles to C K, the slide will not open the port until after the main valve has closed. But if A falls to the left of C M, a new eccentric must be taken. Given, the same data, viz.: lap, lead and travel of main valve, and lap and travel of expansion valve; to find position for expansion eccentric to produce a given cut-off. In Fig. 33, draw C F and C Kas before, and on C /, the given position of crank at cut-off, set off C A, the negative lap of the expansion valve. From A draw A J at right angles to C A, and, with the half travel of the expansion valve, define from E on A Jthe point L. C M, equal and par- allel to L F, is the position sought for the expansion eccentric arm. 52 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. Other problems will readily be solved if there be sufficient data, but we think we have given the most important, and enough to show the flex- ibility and power of the method. When such valves as described are used, the engine is said to have an expansion valve. When the cut-off can be changed while running or when still, the engine is said to have variable expansion. When the cut-off is changed by the action of the engine itself, owing to change of speed, it is called automatic expansion. FIG. 33. When the cylinder is so long that a single slide becomes inconvenient, two exhaust ports are used, and the valve is divided into two portions, one for each end of the cylinder. Care must here be taken that the exhaust port is not open to the steam by the valve having too much travel. Sometimes a piston valve is used, which consists of two pistons on the valve stem, either arranged to give steam space between the pistons and the exhaust connections at the end spaces, or through the hollow piston; or with the exhaust port between the pistons and the steam space at the ends. Examples of these arrangements are given on page 55. The graphical method heretofore used will answer for all these varieties. In large engines and in many paddle-wheel steamers four valves are used, generally "Equilibrium poppets," or the older "Cornish equilibrium:" these were introduced at a very early period in the history of the steam engine. The single unbalanced poppet is still used in small engines on the Mississippi, and a very common arrangement is a "relief valve," or a small poppet on the top of a large one, the small one being lifted first and its continued movement raising the large one. By the use of moveable seats and poppets set on the valve stem the "balance" may be carried to OV VM.VK 53 any desired extent. The ordi- nary forms, as also the Cornish, require one end of the valve to pass through the seat for the other end, thus limiting the degree of closeness of the agreement of areas or the "bal- ancing. " The stems of these poppets are usually moved by levers, worked by cams on one or more auxilliary rock shafts placed near the cylinder. The valves are always moved vertically. The movement of the rock shafts is usually effected by an eccentric on the main shaft. On the Mississippi river, in- stead of an eccentric, a cam is used. One cam is used for full stroke in either direction, and the reversing is done by hook- ing to either one of a pair of arms on a rock shaft; a second cam is used for cutting off for the steam valves when running ahead only, the exhaust being moved by the full stroke cam. The forms of the cams are such as to give very rapid move- ments of opening and closing, as will be seen from the indi- cator diagrams taken from the steamer Phil. Chappel, shown in Chapter IV. The shape of cams and arrangement of valve gear is shown in the drawings of the engines of the steamer "Montana," as applied to the Mississippi boats, and also their application to Engine No. 1, High Service, St. Louis Water- works, which is an example of the application usual near New York, and on the North Eiver class of boats. When poppet jvalves [are 54 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. used with a drop cut-off, there is a shock which causes rapid wear on the valve and seat unless a dash pot is used to prevent it. At a speed of more than 30 revolutions per minute, poppet valves do not appear to give entire satisfaction, but with a small number of revolutions they work well. We have seen them used up to 70 revolutions, but have generally found upon enquiry that very frequent grinding was required. FIG. 35. DOUBLE VALVE. From the variations in steam pressure and w^ork on stationary engines there necessarily resulted variations in speed, which for many reasons is exceedingly undesirable, and we find that Watt very soon produced his centrifugal governor, applied to the throttle valve in the well known man- ner. Under various forms this arrangement is still the most common one, and for small variations of speed it is perhaps as good as anything yet devised. For large variations in speed it was found that with light loads the engine was so throttled that the initial pressure in the cylinder was much below the boiler pressure, and a manifest waste of steam resulted, the steam not yielding the amount of work which might be obtained there- from, and a class of engines with four valves and a "drop cut-off," regulated by the governor, was introduced by Mr. Geo. H. Corliss. The engine introduced by Mr. Corliss was in many respects a very great im- provement. The valves were placed close to the cylinder and were rotary instead of sliding. The clearance space was very much reduced and the engines became very successful. The drop cut-off regulated by the governor kept the initial pressure of steam in the cylinder well up to the boiler pressure, and changes of speed were followed so closely by changes of cut-off, that in engines well proportioned to the work an economy never before attained was reached. In the United States the term Corliss is applied only to engines with the rotative Corliss valve, but in Europe it has been used for any engine with cut-off regulated by the governor, as this was first successfully FIG. 36. TKICK'S VALVE. OX YAI.VK <;EAH. 55 VALVE SEAT. FIG. 37. Exhaust PISTON VALVES. SECTION THROUGH VALVE SEAT. applied by Mr. Corliss. A host of imitators soon followed, each with a variation in the "let-off" gear, and with slide and poppet valves moved by one or two eccentrics. Since the expiration of the Corliss patents a crop of designs has come forward, all distinguished by the appendix "Corliss." Of these we shall illustrate one built by Messrs. E. P. Allis & Co., of Milwaukee, Wis., from the designs of their manager, Mr.' Edwin F. Reynolds, and placed in the St. Louis Cotton Mill. FIG. 38. DOUBLE POPPET VALVE. 56 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. A modification of the Corliss engine is manufactured by Mr. Jerome Wheelock, of Worcester, Mass., in which, with only two ports and two main valves, the steam admission is closed by two other valves adjacent to the main valves and worked from them by clutch links; all four valves are of the Corliss type. As built, the only objection to these engines is the difficulty of arranging the cushion to the varied requirements of practice. The production of an engine with cut off regulated by the governor, but without the let-off, or drop gear, which, by the way, is not adapted to higher speeds than 120 revolutions, has been secured in the Buckeye and the Porter- Allen engines. In the former, two ports, a balanced slide valve and an expansion slide are used, the cut-off being changed by the gover- nor, and that by turning the expansion eccentric round the shaft by the centrifugal force of two weights held back by springs in a manner easily understood from the drawings. In the Porter-Allen engine there are four ports and the steam valves are balanced slides moved by an expansion link, already explained, and the exhaust is moved from the end of the same link. We shall give illustrations of these in Chapter IV which will more fully explain their principles. In large engines using slide valves the ports are often made double, the valves having passages cast in them connecting the steam and exhaust ports. This in no way affects the valve diagram constructions already given. When the cylinders are over 12 inches in diameter it is well to connect the metal across the ports by bridges, so that the heads shall not be ren- dered weak, or the pull on the bolts concentrated on those next the ends of the ports. In some excellent examples of engines with four ports, gridiron slides are used, working transversely to the cylinders. These slides are moved usually by cams on a "lay shaft," and the cut-off is changed by shifting the cams along the shaft, bringing different portions of the cam face with different angular forces into action. A good example of this is found in the "Howard" engine. By this means a very sharp opening and closing- can be given the valves, but in small engines a larger clearance is required than is desirable. Each valve can be adjusted by itself, which is a de- sirable feature. Valve gear of this class has been employed with great success by Mr. E. D. Leavitt, Jr., in his celebrated pumping engines. CHAPTER III. THE QUANTITY OF STEAM WHICH MIGHT BE AND WHICH IS USED. Although we have no such engines as that which was described in the preceding chapter, it is desirable to assume, for the purposes of computa- tion, and in order to obtain a view of complex operations in detail, that we use the steam in a non-conducting vessel whose volume can be varied: in other words, in a cylinder constructed of material which cannot conduct heat. But we must be very careful to remember that no such engine at present exists, and that we shall have to adapt the deductions made from such a case to real engines. Serious disappointment and useless expense have resulted from ignoring this fact in designing engines, and much dis- cussion on the subject has arisen. In the case of engines using steam non- expansively, or without "cut- ting- off," we should have very little trouble in computing the work done by a pound weight of steam, or the number of pounds of steam used to obtain a horse-power of work in the cylinder, as we shall very easily see. We know that the, equivalent of a unit of heat is 772 foot-pounds of work, and that 33,000 foot-pounds of work per minute is the standard horse-power: 33,000 75 Hence, ^- = 42 100 = the number of heat units per minute which have to be expended to obtain a horse-power, provided, we had any means of transforming heat into work without waste. And 75 42 100 x 6ft = 2,565 heat units, the equivalent of a horse-power per hour. In a full stroke engine with non-conducting cylinder, and without other losses, AVC should only have to divide 2,565 by the number of heat- units given in the Table of the "Properties of Saturated Steam, " Chapter I, as heat expended in doing external work, or external heat, for one pound weight of steam at the boiler pressure, to obtain the number of pounds of water which must be boiled per hour to furnish, or to exert, one horse- power per hour for the work of the steam in the cylinder. There are many reasons why the amount of steam used per hour, and per horse-power, should vary from this: 1. The steam passages may be too small to maintain the steam supply at the boiler pressure. 2. The boiler may be so small in steam room that the pressure in both boiler and cylinder may fall during the stroke. 58 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. 3. The clearance, or waste space, in the cylinder will be filled with steam at boiler pressure before the piston starts, which will be discharged at exhaust without having performed any work. 4. The fact that the cylinder and piston receive heat when the steam comes in and give it out while the steam goes out. More will be said on this point later. The power exerted by the steam in the cylinder is subjected to the following further losses before it can be utilized: 1. The vapor, or steam, on the exhaust side of the piston has to be pushed out of the cylinder by the advancing piston against the back pressure. 2. Mechanical work is absorbed ( in friction by the piston slides and connections of non-rotative engines, and by the main bearings of rotative engines. These several points give rise to the measurement of horse-power in three ways: 1. The number of horse-power really exerted by the steam called in English the total, and in French the absolute, horse-power. 2. The number of horse-power exerted by the steam after deducting that expended in sweeping out the exhaust. This is given by the ordinary indicator measurement, and is called the Indicated Horse Power: it is what is usually understood by the phrase Horse-power, without qualifica- tion, in the United States. 3. The power which may be taken from the shaft by a dynamometer, or by a belt, which represents the power of the engine to do useful work outside of itself. This is called the Net, or Effective Horse Power. As these three quantities are for any given measurement produced by the same amount of water boiled, we find that, dividing the quantity of water used per hour by the number of horse-power, we have also three quotients, viz.: The number of pounds used per hour for Total, for Indi- cated, and for Net Horse Power. These may be considered as the "stu- dent's," the "ordinary," and the "commercial" standards of measurement. Engineers are obliged to retain all three of these quantities, for: In any given engine with given speed and circumstances, the work expended on the exhaust and friction is nearly constant, and hence, the greater the power of the steam used the less is the percentage of that uselessly expended. In illustration of the process, referred to, we give the following examples: Example I. What is the minimum steam consumption per hour for an engine using steam at full stroke, at 25 Ibs. pressure above the atmos- phere, with a vacuum of 12 pounds, and indicating 200 horse-power for a non-conducting cylinder? Clearance 8 per cent. Steam pressure = 25 + 15 = 40 Ibs. above zero. Back pressure = 15 12 = 3 Ibs above zero. Pressure expended in obtaining the indicated horse- power is: 40 - 3 = 25 + 12 = 37 Ibs. QUANTITY OF STKAU f'SKfl. ETC. 59 From the Table of "Properties of Steam" we find that the external work of 1 pound weight of steam at 25 Ibs. pressure is equal to 77 heat units, and we should have to use to obtain a Total Horse-power, 2,565, the equivalent of heat units for a horse-power per hour, divided by 77 as above, which would give the number of pounds of water per hour, neglecting clearance. To obtain the indicated horse -power: we have ~ 7 y x ^ = pounds per hour. If the friction of the engine absorbs as usual 2 Ibs. pressure, we shall have 77 x 35 = Ibs. of water per net horse -power per hour. 40 The number of Total Horse-power is 200 x 3 _ . 37 The number of Net Horse -power is 200 x ^ . The water used per hour neglecting clearance is: 2565 40 77 < 37 X 200 ' and including clearance 2 | 7 5 x 3 x 200 x 1.08. Working out these figures, we shall have: Water per Total Horse-power per hour = 33.3. Water per Indicated Horse-power per hour = 36.0. Water per Net Horse-power per hour = 38.0. Water per hour = 200 x 1.08 x 36 = 7,720 pounds. When the cylinder is not non-conducting a much larger quantity of water will be consumed. Example II. The following figures illustrate about as bad a case in actual practice, as ever came within the author's experience: Steam pressure 60 Ibs. above atmosphere. Back 45 tt Steam pressure 75 Ibs. above zero. Back 60 " Acting pressure on piston 75 60 = 15 Ibs. External heat for 60 Ibs. = 79 heat units. Water per Total Horse-power - = 32.4 Ibs. 2565 75 Water per Indicated Horse-power 79 x - = 162 Ibs. 60 STEAM USING; OH, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. Example III. Steam pressure 205 Ibs. above atmosphere. Back 2 " Steam " 220 " above zero. Back 17 " Acting " 183 " on piston. External work for 205 Ibs. = 85 heat units. Water per hour for Total Horse-power g5 = 30.2. " for Indicated " -gg- x 2Q3 = 32.3. We see from examples I and III that, although in the intrinsic work of the steam there is not much gained by the use of high pressure steam in full stroke engines, 33.3 30.2 3 ~30~ =9^ per cent., yet that high pressure non- condensing engines may be practically more economical than low pressure condensing ones; for supposing, as we did, that 3 pounds moved the engine only, we have: 38.0 33.2 6 38.0 = 12 f<) P er cent " as the practical gain in the cost of a Net horse-power: and there are the further advantages that the loss by the use of a conducting cylinder is less, and the machinery is far less bulky and complex. This is a very fair comparison of the early steamboat engines when working full stroke, as used on the Atlantic ocean and the Mississippi river. The use of steam at a very high pressure, not only requiring cheaper machinery and of less weight, but actually using less steam to do the work, when worked at or near full stroke. The process of computing the amount of steam used by expanding engines with non-conducting cylinders is much less easy to explain, al- though the work of computation is but little more difficult. In order to study the action of expanding gases it is convenient to represent the volume and pressure for any given state and quantity by distances set off at right angles to each other, on convenient scales. Thus, by the distance of a point above a line we measure the pressure, and by the distance of a point to the right of a line, we measure the volume. For a different state of volume and pressure we have a different point; for states of volume and pressure, differing little, we have points near to- gether, and for changing states of volume and pressure we have a moving point, which may be considered to trace a line. When a series of changes brings the gas back to its original state, the line traced will return into itself. The product of a force into a distance through which it moves is known as energy exerted, and it is equal to the product of the resistance QUANTITY OF STKAM USED, ETC. 61 by the distance through which it is moved; or, what is known as the work done; and, as in an engine cylinder, the moving force on the piston is the pressure times the area of the piston, and, as for a small movement the pressure remains nearly the same, the energy expended is the product of the mean pressure, by the piston area, by the distance moved; or the pressure times the change in volume as the product of the piston area by the distance moved by the piston is the change in volume occupied. The number of cylinders in which such changes of volume take place is immaterial, as the total energy expended must be the sum of the ener- gies expended in all such cylinders; hence, the statement, that the energy expended is the product of the mean pressure by the change in volume. Hence, also, the diagram, just explained, furnishes the data for finding the energy expended, as the latter must be represented by the area between the horizontal line of "no pressure," the two verti- cals at the end of the change of volume, and the line traced by the moving point. In any series of changes in which the original state of volume and pressure is again reached, the energy effectively exerted is, of course, the difference between that expended on the piston and that exerted by the piston; or, that which is represented by the enclosed figure. The first thing to be determined is the curve of expansion, or the curve which would be drawn by an indicator attached to such an expand- ing engine with a non-conducting cylinder; but as no such cylinders ex- ist, we have to approximate the curve from the table of the "Properties of Steam." If we set out with the volume of one pound weight of steam at a given pressure, and then assume it to expand by any defined law until its pres- sure has been lowered to a given amount, we can compute the external work done in changing the volume; then taking this heat from the total internal heat contained in the steam, if we find that the change in inter- nal heat is less than that required to do the external work, as by assump- tion we find it in a non-conducting cylinder, some of the heat must be supplied by the condensation of the steam itself, and that, therefore, the volume must be reduced, and with it the external work, and, of course, also the heat required to do this external work. By a little care in ap- proximating, we shall arrive at such a condensation that the change in in- ternal heat added to the heat given by condensation will just balance the heat absorbed by the external work of expansion. Thus, a point on the expansion curve for the indicator diagram of steam expanding in a non- conducting cylinder is obtained. The assumed law of expansion may be anything, but perhaps the best for the purpose is that given by the volumes and pressures of saturated steam, or, what is known as the "steam line." A common assumption is that, the product of the pressures and volumes is constant, though there is no basis for such an assumption. The computation of the work done by the expansion can be perform- ed in various ways, but for our purposes we shall plot the steam line and 62 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. compare the area of the diagrams by any of the methods or instruments used for measuring indicator cards. 8 10 NUMBER OF EXPANSIONS. FIG. 39. Such a steam line or expansion curve for dry steam having been drawn, see Fig. 39, and the areas measured: first, of the rectangle o a b 1 and next, for the area under the curve, we find the quotient of the area under the curve divided by the rectangle area for different expansions to be as fol- lows: Area under Area under curve. curve. Rectangle. 1 . . . o 2 be 2 68 3 b d 3 1 12 4 6 e 4 1 33 5... 6/5 1 53- 8 I) n 8 1.97 b h 10 2.14 .... & i 20 2.73 Now, assuming 85 pounds as an average steam pressure, or, 15 + 85 = 100 pounds above zero, we have for the external work of evaporation, 81 units, and for the total internal work 1,100 units. Now, taking the rect- angle o a b 1 in the figure as representing the work of 81 units, it is clear that the work of expansion, in units of heat, will be obtained by multiply- QUANTITY OF STEAM USED, ETC. 63 ing the 81 units by the number given in the quotients above, which will give values as follows: Heat units in work of ex- pansion. 55 91 108 124 160 173 221 The terminal pressures are found by division and subtraction : 85 + 15 _ 15 r The corresponding internal heats for dry steam are given in the fol- lowing table: ; Terminal pressure. Internal heat. Heat units in work of expansion . Heat units left af- ter deducting work of expansion from 1,100 units. 1 85 1,100 1,100 2 33 1,090 55 1 045 3 16 1,083 91 1,009 4 8 1 079 108 992 5 3 1, 7 9 124 976 8 I 1,071 160 940 10 6 1,069 173 927 20 11 1,060 221 879 Now the internal heat at the end of expansion is less than that given for dry steam at the same pressure; therefore, a part of the heat for expan- sion must have been furnished by the condensation of a portion of the steam. But such condensation reduces the work of expansion itself and hence the condensation supplies heat again and so on. The correct values for the curve in a non-conducting cylinder are approximated as follows: r Heat in dry steam. Heat at end of expansion. Excess re- quired from condensation. Change in Units. Change in Excess. 1 1,100 1,100 o 2 3 1,089 1 084 1,045 1 009 44 75 2 42 70 4 1 080 992 88 g 79 5 1,079 976 103 12 91 ,M 1 071 MO 131 20 111 10 1,069 927 142 23 119 20 1 060 879 181 38 143 64 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. But these values are now in error, for the one is assumed on the basis of more external work than has been done, and the other on less. The true value lies between them, and the assumption that the true value divides the difference in the proportion of the values found gives us a close approximation. T Per cent, of change. Change in units. Excess required from condensation. Work of expansion . In units. Per cent. Gain. I 2 , 95 91 90 88 85 84 79 2 6 8 11 17 19 30 44 78 87 102 127 139 182 4 J o 9 12 12 17 0.67 1.11 1.31 1.50 1.90 2.05 2.55 3 4 5 8 10 ..... 20 From the curve already drawn for Dry steam, we draw the new curve by changing the points for volume, reducing it by deducting the per- centage for condensation. The points so found are marked on Fig. 39, with the same letter accentuated. A comparison of the areas under the new curve, between the same volumes, will give the last column of figures. A similar curve drawn for steam at 25 pounds pressure, does not differ in the second place of decimals, and for steam at 185 pounds it only differs by 1 in the second decimals for ten expansions. The approximation made is within one heat unit and we may therefore use these results hereafter with confidence, remembering that we must obtain the last column for corresponding values of r for volumes not pressures. The curve of expansion of steam in a non conducting cylinder has been called by Prof. Kankine, an "Adiabatic" curve, and by Prof. Clausius an "Isentropic" curve, and these terms may be met with in all works on steam, frequently adding to the difficulties of the student. They will, therefore, not be used, nor referred to, again in this work. The amount of steam required to do the work in a non-conducting cylinder is found by dividing the amount per total horse power per hour for a non-expanding cylinder by 1, plus the ratio given in the last column of the preceding table, or, the ratio of the total work done compared with that done at boiler pressure. From a large diagram constructed by the process described we have tabulated the following values: 'jl'.\ XT1TY OF STEAM USED, ETC. 65 PROPERTIES OF THE CURVE OF EXPANSION IN A NON-CONDUCTING CYLINDER. No. of Expansions. Ratio of Total Area to Area of Rectangle. Ratio of Mean Total Ratio of Total Ter- to Initial Total Pres- minal to Initial sure. Pressure. 1 .1 1.090 0.991 0.90 .2 1.180 .983 .82 .3 1.261 .970 .75 M 1.333 .952 .69 .5 1.396 .931 .64 .6 1.459 .912 .59 .8 1.576 .866 .52 .0 1.666 .833 .46 .5 1.873 .749 .36 , .0 2.035 .678 .30 .0 2.278 .568 .21 .0 2.476 .493 .17 .0 2.629 .436 .14 7.0 2.746 .393 .12 8.0 2.854 .357 .10 9.0 2.953 .328. .087 10.0 3.034 .303 .077 11.0 3.106 .282 .070 12.0 3.169 .264 .063 13.0 3.232 .248 058 U.O 3.286 .235 .053 16.0 3.385 .211 .046 20.0 3.547 ,177 .036 25.0 3.709 .148 .028 30.0 3.835 .128 .023 From the preceding table, and the table of external work of steam, the following table is computed. The first line, or steam used for one expansion, or full stroke, is obtained, as already explained, by dividing 2,565, the number of units of heat for a horse-power per hour, by the number of units of heat for external work; and the other quantities by dividing these numbers by the gain by expansion, or ratio of total area of figure to area of rectangle. This has also been explained. From the ratio of total mean pressure to initial pressure, the three next tables are com- puted, by assuming that a back pressure of 4 pounds per square inch exists in the condensing, and 16 pounds, or 1.3 pounds above the atmos- phere, in the non-condensing engine. In each case the mean total pres- sure is found and the back pressure deducted. The quantity of water per total horse-power is then multiplied by the ratio of the mean total to the mean indicated pressure, or the pressure left to act on the piston after deducting the back pressure, 4 or 16 pounds respectively, to obtain the consumption of water per indicated horse-power per hour in a non- conducting cylinder. 66 STEAM L T SING: OR, STEAM K \G1XK PRACTICE. COST PER HOUR PER TOTAL HORSE-POWER, IN POUNDS, IN DRY STEAM IF WORKED IN NON-CONDUCTING CYLINDERS. BOILER PRESSURE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. No. of Expan- sions. Atmos. 20 40 60 80 100 : 120 140 j 180 220 1 35.7 33.7 32.9 32.5 32.1 31.7 31.3 30.9 110.5 30.2 1.1 32.7 31.0 30.9 29.8 29.4 29.0 28.7 28.3 , 28.0 27.7 1.2 30.2 28.6 27.9 27.5 27.2 26.8 26.5 26.2 25.9 25.5 .3 27. G 26.2 25.5 25.2 24.8 24.5 24.2 23.9 23.7 23.4 .4 26.1 24.7 24.1 23.8 23.5 23.2 22.9 22.6 22.4 22.1 .5 24.9 23.6 23.0 22.7 22.4 22.2 21.9 21.6 21.4 21.1 .6 24.4 23.1 22.5 22.2 22.0 21.6 21.4 i 21.2 20.9 20.7 .8 22.9 21.7 22.1 20.8 20.6 20.3 20.1 19.8 19.6 19.4 2.0 21.4 20.3 19.7 19.5 19.2 19.0 18.8 18.5 18.3 18.1 2.5 19.0 18 17.6 17.3 17.0 16.9 16.7 16.5 16.3 16.1 3.0 17-5 16.6 16.2 16.0 15.8 15.6 15.4 15.2 15.0 14.8 4.0 15.7 14.9 14.5 14.3 14.1 ! 13.9 13.8 13.6 13.4 13.3 5.0 14.4 13.6 13.3 13.1 13.0 i 12.8 12.6 12.5 12.3 i 12.2 6.0 13.6 12.9 12.5 12.4 i 12 2 12.1 11.9 11.8 11.6 ! 11.5 7.0 13.0 12.3 11.9 11.8 ! 11.7 11.5 11.4 11.2 11.1 11.0 8.0 12.5 11.8 11.5 11.4 : 11.2 i 11.1 ; 11.0 10.8 10.7 10.6 9.0 12.0 11.4 11.1 11.0 i 10.8 10.7 10.6 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.0 11.7 11.1 10.8 10.7 10.6 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 10.0 11.0 11.6 10.9 10.6 10.4 i 10.3 10.2 10.1 10.0 9.8 9.7 12.0 11.3 10.7 10.4 10.3 10.1 10.0 9.9 9.8 9.6 9.5 13.0 11.1 10.5 10.2 10.1 i 9.9 9.8 9.7 9 6 9.5 9.4 14.0 10.8 10.3 10.0 9.9 9.8 9.6 9.5 9,4 9.3 9.2 16.0 10.5 10.0 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.1 9.0 8.9 20.0 10.0 9.5 9.3 9.2 9.0 | 8.9 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 25.0 9.6 9.1 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 30.0 9.1 8.8 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.9 MEAN TOTAL PRESSURE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH IN NON-CONDUCTING CYLINDERS. No. of Expan sions. INITIAL PRESSURE ABOVE ATMOSPHERE. 4d 60 80 100 120 i 141 220 .1 14.9 34.7 54.5 74.3 94.1 114 134 154 193 233 .2 14.7 34.4 54.1 73.7 93.4 113 133 152 192 231 .3 14.5 33.9 53.4 72.8 92.1 112 131 150 189 228 .4 14.2 33.3 52.4 71.6 9H.5 109 129 148 186 224 .5 14.0 32.6 51.2 69.7 88.4 107 126 144 181 219 1.6 13.7 31.9 50.2 C8.4 86.6 105 123 141 178 214 1.8 13.0 30.3 47.6 94.9 82.2 99.5 117 134 169 203 2.0 12.5 29.2 45.8 63.9 79.1 95.8 112 126 162 196 2.5 11.2 26.2 41.2 56.2 71.2 86.2 101 116 146 176 3.0 10.2 23.7 37.3 50.9 64.4 78.0 91-6 105 132 159 4.0 8.5 19.9 31.2 42.6 54.0 65-3 76.7 88.0 111 133 5.0 7.4 17.3 27.2 37.1 47.0 56.9 66.8 76.7 96.5 116 6.0 6.6 15.3 24.0 32.7 41.5 50-2 58.9 67.7 85.1 103 7.0 5.9 13.7 21.6 30,1 37.3 46.2 52.9 60.8 76.5 92.2 8.0 , 5.3 12.5 19.6 26.7 33.9 41.0 , 48.1 55.3 69.5 83 8 9.0 4.9 11.5 18.0 24.6 31.2 37.7 44.3 50.9 64.0 77.1 10.0 4.6 10.6 16.7 22.8 28.8 34.9 41.0 47.0 59.2 71.3 11.0 4.2 10.1 15.5 21.2 26.8 32.5 38.1 43.8 55.0 66.4 12.0 4.0 9.2 14.5 19.8 25.0 30.3 35.6 41.8 51.0 62.0 13.0 3.7 8.7 13.6 18.6 23.7 29.2 33.5 38.4 48.4 58.3 14.0 3.5 8.2 12.9 17.6 22.3 27.0 31.7 36.4 45.8 55,2 16.0 3.2 7.4 11.6 15.9 20.1 24.3 28.6 32.8 41.2 49.7 20.0 2.7 6.2 9.8 13.3 16.8 20.4 23.9 27.5 34.5 41.7 25.11 2.2 5.2 8 2 11.1 14.1 17.1 20.0 23. U 28.9 34.9 30.0 1.9 4.5 7_o y.o 12.1 14.7 17.3 19.8 24.9 30.0 QUANTITY OF STEAM USED, ETC. 67 MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE IN CONDENSING ENGINES, NON-CONDUCTING CYLINDERS. No. of Expan- sions. INITIAL PBESSUBE ABOVE ATMOSPHEBE, IN POUNDS PEE SQUABE INCH. 20 i i 60 80 100 120 140 180 220 I 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2 5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 16.0 20 25.0 30.0 10.9 10.7 10.5 10.2 10.0 9.7 9.0 8.5 7.2 6 2 4.5 3.4 2.6 1.9 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.2 30.7 30.4 29.9 29.3 28.6 27.9 26 3 25.2 22.2 19.7 15.9 13.3 11.3 9.7 8.5 7.5 6.6 6-1 5.2 4.7 4.2 3.4 2.2 1.2 0.5 50.5 50.1 49.4 48.4 ; 47.2 46.2 43.6 41.8 37.2 33.3 27.2 23.2 20.0 17.6 15.6 14.0 12.7 11.5 10.5 9.6 8.9 7.6 5.8 4.2 3.0 70.3 69.7 68.8 67.6 65.7 64.4 60.9 59.9 52.2 46.9 38.6 33.1 28.7 26.1 22.7 20.6 18.8 17.2 15.8 14.6 13.6 11.9 9.3 7.1 5.6 90.1 89.4 88.1 86.5 84.4 82.6 78.2 75.1 67.2 60.4 50.0 43.0 37.5 33.3 29.9 27.2 24.8 22.8 21.0 19.7 18.3 16.1 12.8 10.1 8.1 110 109 108 105 103 101 95.5 91.8 82.2 74.0 61.3 52.9 46.2 42.2 37.0 33.7 30.9 28.5 26.3 25.2 23.0 20.3 16.4 13.1 lo.7 130 129 127 125 122 119 113 108 97 87.6 72.7 62.8 54.9 48.9 44.1 40.3 37.0 34.1 31.6 29.5 27.7 24.6 19.9 16.0 13.3 150 148 146 144 140 137 130 122 112 101 84.0 72.7 63.7 56.8 51.3 46.9 43.0 39.8 37.8 34.4 32.4 28.8 23.5 19.0 15.8 189 188 185 182 177 174 165 ; 158 142 128 107 I 92.5 81.1 72.5 65.5 64.0 55.2 51.0 47.0 44.4 41.8 37.2 30.5 24.9 20.9 m 227 224 220 215 210 199 192 172 155 129 112 99 88-2 79.8 73.1 67.3 62.4 58.0 54.3 51.2 45.7 37.7 30.9 26.0 MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE, IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH, IN NON- CONDENSING ENGINES, NON-CONDUCTING CYLINDERS. No. of Expan sions. INITIAL PRESSURE ABOVE ATMOSPHEBE IN POUNDS PEB SQUABE INCH. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 180 220 .1 .2 .4 .5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7 8.0 9.0 10.0 11 12.0 13.0 14.0 16.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 16.7 16.4 15.9 15.3 14.6 13.9 12.3 11.2 8.2 5.7 1.9 36.5 36.1 35.4 34.4 33.2 32.2 29.6 27.8 23.2 19.3 13.2 9.2 6.0 3.6 1.6 : 56.3 55.7 54.8 53.6' 51.7 50.4 46.9 45.9 38.2 32.9 24.6 19.1 14.7 12.1 8.7 6.6 4.8 3.2 1.8 0.6 76.1 75.4 74.1 72.5 70.4 68.6 64.6 61.1 53.2 46.4 36.0 29.0 23.5 19.3 15.9 13.2 10.8 8.8 7.0 5.7 4.3 2.1 96 95 94 91 89 87 81.5 77.8 68.2 60.0 47.3 38.9 32.2 28.2 23.0 19.7 16.9 14.5 12.3 11.2 9.0 6.3 2.4 116 115 113 111 108 105 99 73 6 58-7 48.8 40.9 i 34.9 30.1 26.3 23.0 15.5 \ 13.7 10.6 5.9 ' 2.0 136 134 132 130 126 123 116 . 108 98 87 70.0 5S.7 49.7 42.8 37.3 32.9 19.0 25.8 23.8 20.4 18.4 14.8 9.5 5.0 1.8 175 174 171 168 163 160 151 144 128 114 93 78.5 67.1 58.5 51.5 46.0 41.2 27.0 33.0 30.4 27.8 23.2 16.5 10.9 6.9 215 213 210 206 201 196 185 178 158 141 115 98 85 74.2 65.8 59.1 53.3 48.4 44.0 40.3 37.2 31.7 23.7 16.9 12.0 68 STEAM r.s'/AV;,- OH, STEAK ENGINE PRACTICE. DATA FURNISHED BY EXPERIMENT. In comparing the accompanying tables with the performance of actual engines the back pressure may be found to vary from the 4 or 16 pounds per square inch mentioned, so that the consumption of water is only tabulated per total horse-power at present, and the comparisons made on this basis are not affected by the back pressure. In comparing experiments made upon the performance of actual en- gines, the fact must not be forgotten that the value of the results depend on the data which have been used and the skill of the experimenters; hence, it will differ. The most valuable data are those in which both the heat received and the heat rejected by the engine have been measured. These require measurements, preferably by weight, of the feed water fur- nished to the boiler, the pressure and temperature of evaporation, and the dryness of the steam near the engine; the work done in the cylinder, the quantity of injection water and its rise in temperature; the difference between the heat delivered added to the work done by the engine; while the heat received furnishes an important check. To appreciate the value of this check one should examine some of the first experiments in which this measurement was attempted, and which may be found in the Bulletin de Societe' Industrielle de Mulhouse for 1857; and the record of Hirn's ex- periments show the difficulties he overcame. First, reliable experimental data can only be obtained from Stationary Condensing Engines, on account of the impossibility of measuring con- densing water: the difficulty of measuring the feed water precludes the use of marine engines for such a purpose. Next in point of value are experiments where the heat received and delivered are carefully ascertained, either by measurements of the feed and priming, or the water of condensation, and its rise in temperature. The latter is the easiest measurement to be taken, but, for the most reliable data is restricted to stationary condensing engines. Measurements of feed water and priming can be made in all classes of engines, with the excep- tion of large marine engines at sea, where the difficulty of getting at the quantity of feed water has not yet been overcome, though it perhaps might be by the use of a water meter. Third in point of value are long- continued experiments made on en- gines in which the feed water only is noted, but in which the boilers are so large that the priming may be neglected. Such are most of the experi- ments made by the United States Naval authorities. Next to the latter in point of scientific value, but first in practical in- terest, are the records of the performances of the large ocean steamships as to fuel used and power developed in long voyages; and again, the records of the duty of pumping engines. In such records it is impossible to sep- arate the performances of engine and boiler, but the results are compre- hensive and of great value. Last in point of value are short experiments in which the fuel or the feed-water is measured, in some indirect manner, and the engine "indi- cated" only, as, of course it must be. We give, in the following table, some engine trials made by various authorities, classing them under the three first summaries of value given above, as A, B and C. This table might be greatly extended, but only by the admission of experiments which are either isolated, improbable, or deficient in the required data. A very casual examination of the table shows us that economy of steam is promoted by high pressure and high speed, while the cost in steam of a total horse-power is lessened by large expansion, and the cost of a net horse-power is least with moderate expansion. Another fact brought prominently to the front is that the actual use of steam is very far in excess of that given by our tables for a non-conduct- ing cylinder. This excess is due to several causes: 1. To the use of wet steam. 2. To the loss by clearance space. 3. To external radiation and loss of heat. 4. To internal radiation and the transfer of heat between the iron of the cylinder and its contained steam. For our purpose we shall not individually consider these four causes of loss, but we may take up our table of experimental data and compute from the tables already given the amount of steam that would be used by a non-conducting cylinder, working with steam of the same initial pressure and expansion. Deducting this quantity from the quantity actually used we will examine the excess to ascertain what law, if any, can be found to account for it. 70 STEAM USING; Off, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. I S * S o S > rt xj- S. OQ" " 50 2 S O - co O O 00 "5" fi g -MMOJ 5 -9SJOH iaN d g^^5 1 WAVOJ-9SJOH SSSS8SS8S",H V^-T^T o oi * o x t- c w TgrjQ T JO^ t^XHHlOt^iOtfisO t^ <^> t^GiCCOii-lO 10 o as o 01 o CO CO CO PS W ^ uoisuBdxg jo O IO C^- t^ CO 1C CC -* 1-1 1C rH rH O rH W i rH rH rH fi W O 00 SSgtggggg g ^S gs s : s s 3FSI " CO ' E 1>. E T< '. 71 (4- od.5 :22 22 |= . s -. ,,,-. , ,..,.. : -.. , -.-.-. , .... -. ...... ;:-. -. , O ___ II 1 I \\^\ a "~* -JJ ^ *3 fl - ~ _j ~ _3 -2 "S C fl fl S 5 9" * JJ S ,iS > Jd O O O O ^2:22 22 3,2 2 22 -O O 'O ofc 'g-'S "S* " " ' 'v* S ' ~ P QQ ' ' O l- ^ >1 1^ MCn-^; -H . Xl.1^-l i-IOTHr-l -i(5:C*e5!-l- t-O-*->J** P H^ ' 0_ o 6 .>>,.., . n ENGINES. > I 1 g 3 s s - -8 s 8 * S s ; 1 1 -B I-S g- = - - sgfelils " d- r H 1 III s P5 MaAVOfT o o o CM t- t- 05 os i 1 & 1 % *' g w Og.OOC, ^gggjg s s p? S a|| SSS SSS3?! p g 'd'H'N *: <=. "*. t 1H . O o IN Td o a o co 05" 05* 8Jn888J<8 1 ^^ a a l gxxxxx ^ w^, !8S5gg8 j$ v^ . oc g cc S M \^i e8 JO J9^9m < ei(T Ov" - - 22^:^2 flg 1^ hj c o 1 1 1 1 1 3, J |3 r STA'.I.V 1'SED, ETC. 77 It will be observed that we have summed up the experiments, made at the Millers' Exhibition, at Cincinnati, on three different competing engines. These showed so little difference that the results of our investi- gation on one may be taken to represent the three. We have also summed up the following data from the table: U. S. STEAMER "MICHIGAN." Seven experiments: Cylinder 36" x 96". Initial steam pressure, 20 Ibs. above atmosphere. Back pressure, say 5 Ibs., equal to 10 Ibs. below atmosphere. Mean excess of 'water per hour over that required in a non- conducting cylinder 1,934 Ibs. U. S. KEVENUE STEAMER "DALLAS." Six experiments: Cylin- der 36" x 30". Initial steam pressure, say 30 Ibs. above atmosphere. Mean back pressure, say 5 Ibs. above zero. Mean excess of water per hour above that required by a non-conducting cylinder 1,852 Ibs. U. S. KEVENUE STEAMER "DEXTER." Four experiments: Cylin- der 26" x 30". Mean back pressure, say, 5 Ibs. above zero. Initial steam pressure above atmosphere, 68 Ibs. Excess of water per hour above that required by a non conducting cylinder '. 1,650 Ibs. Three experiments: Cylinder 26" x 30" Mean back pressure, say, 5 Ibs. above zero. Initial steam pressure above atmos- phere, 40 Ibs. Excess of water per hour above that required by a non-conducting cylinder 1,553 Ibs. U. S. KEVENUE STEAMER "GALLATIN." Mean of seven experi- ments: Cylinder 34.1" x 30". Mean back pressure, say, 5 Ibs. above zero. Initial steam pressure 70 Ibs. above atmos- phere. Excess of water per hour above that required by a non-conducting cylinder 2,183 Ibs. Mean of five experiments: Cylinder 34.1" x 30". Mean back pressure, say, 5 Ibs. above zero. Initial steam pressure 40 Ibs. above atmosphere. Excess of water per hour above that required by a non-conducting cylinder 1,370 Ibs. Mean of three experiments: Cylinder 34.1" x 30". Mean back pressure, 2 Ibs. above atmosphere. Initial steam pressure,, 70 Ibs. above atmosphere. Excess of water per hour above that required by a non-conducting cylinder 1,393 Ibs. MILLER'S EXHIBITION AT CINCINNATI. Mean of three engines: Cylinder 18" x 48". Initial steam pressure, above atmos- phere, 82 Ibs. Mean back pressure, say 4 Ibs. Excess of water per hour above that required by a non-conducting cylinder 1,058 Ibs. 78 STEAM USING; 07?, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. HIBN'S ENGINE. Mean of two experiments: Cylinder 24" x 78". Initial steam pressure above atmosphere 54 Ibs. Mean back pressure, 2 Ibs. Excess of water, per hour, above that required by a non-conducting cylinder 733 Ibs. U. S. STEAMEB "EUTAW." Mean of five experiments: Cylinder 58" x 105". Initial steam pressure, 25 Ibs. above atmos- phere. Mean back pressure, 4 Ibs. Excess of water, per hour, above that required by a non-conducting cylinder. . . 3,337 Ibs. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE or TECHNOLOGY. Mean of three experiments with Corliss engine: Cylinder 8" x 24". Initial steam pressure, 50 Ibs. above atmosphere. Excess of water per hour above that required by a non-conducting cylinder. 182 Ibs. HIGH SEBVICE PUMPING ENGINE, No. 1, ST. Louis WATEE WOBKS. One experiment: Cylinder 85" x 120". Initial steam pressure, 40 Ibs. above atmosphere. Excess of water per hour above that required by a non-conducting cyl- inder 4,120 Ibs. Of the four causes of excess in steam used over that required by a non-conducting cylinder, which we have already mentioned, the first or that of steam entering with water caused by foaming or priming, we shall neglect here, as, in some of our experiments, to -wit, the last two, this has been eliminated, and in others can scarcely be very large. The third, or that of external radiation, is usually very small and can not exceed that of a steam-heating coil of the same area as the external surface of the cylin- der. The second is a loss which may, in determining the cost of a total horse-power, be considered to vary with the volume of clearance space, but which ranges from less than 1 to 15 per cent, of the piston displace- ment, and is, on an average, about 8 per cent, thereof. This, in a cylinder full of steam at the terminal pressure, is not a great loss in itself, but there is a loss during the expansion also. In any case it is not large com- paratively, is nearly proportional to the volume, and, consequently, varies with the piston area and a percentage of the stroke. The fourth source of loss is by far the largest, and is due to an action first mentioned by D. K. Clark in his "Eailway Machinery, " in 1851, and afterwards elaborated by M. G. A. Him, in 1854 and again in 1857, in the Bulletins de la Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse, and therein repeated at frequent intervals up to the present date. This action was subsequently noted by Isherwood in the second volume of his "Experimental Kesearches in Steam Engineering," and it was rediscovered by Mr. G. B. Dixwell, of Boston, and communicated by him to the Society of Arts of that city. The internal radiation, or the action of the internal surfaces of the cyl- inder upon the within contained steam, may be explained as follows: Steam enters the cylinder from the boiler at ,a temperature corresponding QUANTITY OF STEAM USED, ETC. 79 to the pressure, and leaves the cylinder at a lower temperature correspond- ing to the lower pressure. The metal of the cylinder being a very good con- ductor of heat, receives heat from the incoming and delivers heat to the outgoing steam at every revolution. In detail the action is thus: When the steam-valve opens there is admitted from the boiler hot steam which first fills the clearance space, coming in contact with the cool surfaces which have just been open to the exhaust surfaces, and which are from 100 to 200 Fahr. lower in temperature than the incoming steam. The amount in weight of the steam is small and the amount in surface of the enclosing metal being large, the result is naturally that the steam con- denses until heat enough has been given to the metal to raise its surface to the temperature of the steam. The piston moves and the condensation continues up to the cut-off. During the expansion, as the pressure falls, the warmed surface begins to give out heat to the steam as the pressure and temperature of the steam fall, while, as the piston moves, the metal which has been exposed to the exhaust is opened to the steam and the ac- tion is the reverse of that going on at other portions of the surface, while during exhaust the action continues to transfer heat from the metal to the steam which is swept out of the cylinder. There is experimental reason to believe that the temperature of what may be called the skin of the metal scarcely varies from that of the steam, while the depth to whjch the influence extends, or what may be called the thickness of this skin, depends upon the intensity and rapidity of the changes of temperature to which it is subjected. The experimental evidence is as follows: A metallic pyrometer must be so made that a thin sheet of metal can be exposed to the steam in the cylinder, or connected to the indicator fittings, having a needle so adjusted and arranged as to show changes of length in the sheet of metal. The instrument must be rated by exposure to steam free from air at atmos- pheric pressure and to water of a known temperature. On exposing such an instrument to the action of the steam in the cylinder, a change of tem- perature will be noted at each stroke. If the shell be made of iron 0.03 inch thick, and the piston have a speed due to 60 revolutions of the crank per minute, nearly the whole change of temperature due to the change in pressure, and the needle, will remain stationary during nine -tenths of the exhaust stroke. If the instrument be filled with mercury so that heat may be trans- mitted to the interior through the skin, while the freedom of movement of the skin, by which alone the change of temperature can be observed, is not interfered with, at a piston speed due to 85 revolutions per minute, the same change has been observed in the action of the instrument as be- fore the introduction of the mercury. If the number of revolutions per minute be increased beyond, say 100, the indications of the instrument decrease, and are, approximately, in- versely proportional to the number of revolutions. The problem of the transfer of heat to and from the steam, in an en- gine cylinder, although complex, is probably within the compass of pure 80 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. mathematics, but we shall not attempt to analyse it here, for it would be foreign to the spirit of this work. The fourth loss might be considered to be proportional to: 1. The whole internal surface of the cylinder: 2. To the area of the cylinder and piston heads and a fraction of the barrel: 3. To the area of the piston: and, 4. To the diameter of piston. It may also be considered to vary with the difference of temperature between initial pressure and that of the condenser or exhaust pipe. A careful examination of the table of experiments shows: that neglect- ing priming and external radiation the whole excess of water used per hour over that required in a non-conducting cylinder is rudely propor- tional to the difference of temperature between the incoming and outgoing steam, and to the diameter of the piston; and that such excess is nearly constant for the great range of piston speed and revolutions therein found, and moreover is entirely independent of the expansion. We give some of the figures connected with the experiments in refer- ence to the above points: TJ. S. STEAMER "MICHIGAN." Seven experiments. Diameter of piston, 3 feet. Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylinder = 1,934. Temperature of steam 259 Temperature of condenser 104 259 104 = 155 = change of temperature: 155 x 3 = diameter of piston = 465 = product of change of temperature x diameter of piston. 1,934 -=- 465 = 4 16 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diameter of piston, per degree Fahr. of change in tem- perature. TJ. S. STEAMER "DALLAS." Diameter of piston, 3 feet. Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylinder = 1,852. Temperature of steam 274 Temperature of condenser 104 274 104 = 170 = change of temperature: 170 x 3 = 510 = product of change of temperature x diameter of piston. 1,852 -f- 510 = 3.63 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diameter of piston, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. U. S. STEAMER "DEXTER." Diameter of piston 2.17 feet. Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylinder = 1,650. Temperature of steam 315 Temperature of condenser 104 315 104 = 211 = change of temperature: 211 x 2.17 = say 458 = product of change of temperature x diameter of piston. 1,650 -=- 458 = 3.60 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot of piston diameter, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. QUANTITY OF STEAM USED, ETC. 81 Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non- conducting cylinder = 1,553. Temperature of steam 287 Temperature of condenser 104 287 104 = 183 = change of temperature: 183 x 2.17 = 397 = product of change of temperature x diameter of pis- ton. 1,553 -4- 397 = 3.91 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diameter of piston, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. U. S. REVENUE STEAMER "GALLATIN." Mean of seven experiments: Diameter of piston 2.84 feet. Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylin- der = 2,183. Temperature of steam 316 Temperature of condenser 104 316 104 = 212 = change of temperature: 212 X 2.84 = say 602 = product of change of temperature x diameter of piston. 2,183 -4- 602 = 3.62 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diameter of piston, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. Mean of five experiments: Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylinder = 1,427. Temperature of steam 287 Temperature of condenser 104 287 104 = 183 = change of temperature: 183 x 2.84 = say 520 = product of change of temperature x diameter of piston. 1,370 -=- 520 = 2.63 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diameter of piston, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. Mean of three experiments: Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylinder = 1,380. Temperature of steam 316 Temperature of condenser 212 316 212 = 104 = change of temperature: 104 x 2.84 = 295 = product of change of temperature x diameter of piston. 1,393 -=- 295 = 4.72 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diometer of piston, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. MILLER'S EXHIBITION AT CINCINNATI. Mean of three engines: Diameter of piston 1.5 feet. Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylinder = 1,058. Temperature of steam 326 Temperature of condenser 104 326 104 = 222 = change of temperature: 222 x 1.5 = 333 = product of change of temperature x diameter of piston. 1,058 -f- 333 = 3.17 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diameter of piston, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. 82 STEAM rSING; OR, STEAM E\<;1XK PRACTICE. HIKN'S ENGINE. Diameter of piston 2 feet. Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylinder = 733. Temperature of steam , 302 Temperature of condenser 104 302 104 198 = change of temperature: 198 x 2 = 396 = product of change of temperature x diameter of piston. 733 -4- 396 = 1.85 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diame- ter of piston, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. U. S. STEAMEK "EUTAW." Diameter of piston = 4.83 feet. Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylinder 3,334. Temperature of steam 267 Temperature of condenser 104 267 104 = 163 = change of temperature: 163 x 4.83 = 787 = product of change of temperature x diameter of piston. 3,337 -r- 787 = 4.24 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diame- ter of piston, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Diameter of piston = 0.67 foot. Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylinder = 182. Temperature of steam 298 Temperature of condenser 212 298 212 = 86 = change of temperature: 86 x 0.67 = 58 = product of change of temperature x diameter of piston. 182 ~- 58 = 3.14 = pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diameter of piston, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. HIGH SEBVICE PUMPING ENGINE, NO. 1, ST. LOUIS WATER WORKS. Diameter of piston = 7.08 feet. Excess of water in pounds per hour over that required by a non-conducting cylinder = 4,120. Temperature of steam 287 Temperature of condenser ^20 287 120 = 167 = change of temperature. 167 x 7.08 = 1,182 = product of change of temperature x diameter of pis- ton. 4,120 -f- 1.182 = 3.48 pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot diameter of piston, per degree Fahr. of change of temperature. QUANTITY OF STEAM USED, ETC. 83 SUMMARY. IL If LOCATION. 20 36 7 U. S. Steamer "Michigan" .. .. 4 16 29 12 30 36 6 U. S. Steamer "Dallas" 3.63 21.78 70 26 4 U. S. Steamer "Dexter" 3.60 14 40 40 3 3 91 11 73 70 34 U. S Steamer "Gallatin" 3 62 25.34 40 5 2.63 13.15 70 no vacuum 3 m m n 4.72 14.16 25 58 5 U. S. Steamer "Eutaw" 4 24 21 20 80 18 3 Miller's Exhibition 3.17 9.51 40 54 85 24 1 9 St. Louis Water Works, No. 1 H. S. . Him 3.48 1 85 3.48 3.70 50 8 3 Mass. Institute Technology 3.14 9.42 49 176.99 176.99 -r- 49 = say 3.6 = mean pounds of water in excess per hour, per foot of piston diameter, per degree Fahr. difference of temperature. In the 49 experiments, above recorded, we find a certain variation in the resulting excess per foot of piston diameter per degree of change of temperature, but in connection with this we must remember that we have not taken into account the difference of clearance between the different engines. For instance, the lowest value given above is that for Hirn's engine, and this has the least clearance, while the condition of the steam and the amount of cushion are in all the cases neglected. Furthermore, while the results are widely different, yet the error in per cent, of the whole steam used is a much smaller one, and we shall find that adding to the steam used in a non-conducting cylinder the excess found above, we shall arrive at a close approximation to the steam actually used. When we examine the cases of single -jacketed cylinders, we find, as a whole, a less excess in the use of steam above that used in a non-conduct- ing cylinder, but the gain so made does not appear to be reduced to any such simple law as that found for unjacketed engines, and, in fact, the use of larger expansion, and consequent loss by back pressure work, very often neutralizes the gain achieved. The compound engines, in our table, give very little better results than the simple engines, with the same steam pressures and expansions, in the cost of steam per total horse power; while per net horse power the larger amount of back pressure work, and the actual friction of two pis- tons, with their rods and set-off connections, go very far to neutralize any very great gain in such types. 84 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. We find that the data are not sufficient to give an empirical formula for the excess of water over that used in a non-conducting cylinder; but we see that it is not very far from that of a single-jacketed cylinder of the same size as the large one. We are obliged, therefore, to await further experiments. We do not claim, even, for the single un jacketed cylinder that our method of investigation is either final, exhaustive, or rational, but that the results are all that our present knowledge of the subject will give us, will, we think, be admitted. What is required is a great number of experiments under the conditions of class A, upon all kinds and sizes of engines; we can then hope to frame a much more accurate and rational theory than the crude one we have given. We add a few tables, the application of which will be readily seen. NUMBER OF POUNDS OF WATER USED PER SQUARE FOOT OF PISTON PER HOUR, FOR A PISTON SPEED OF ONE FOOT PER MINUTE IN A NON- CONDUCTING CYLINDER. INITIAL PEESSUBE IN POUNDS PEE SQUAEE INCH ABOVE ATMOSPHEEE. No. of Expan- sions. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 180 220 1.1 2.12 4.69 7.35 9.66 12.1 14.4 16.8 19.0 23.6 28.2 1.2 .92 4.30 6.64 8.86 11- 1 13.2 15.4 17.4 21.6 32.5 1.3 .75 3.88 5.93 7.99 9.99 11.9 13.9 15.7 19.5 23.3 1.4 .63 3.60 5.51 7.42 S.28 11.1 12.9 14.6 18.1 21.6 1.5 .52 3.36 5.14 6.91 8.66 10.4 12.0 13.6 16.9 20.2 1.6 .46 3.22 4.93 6.64 8.31 9.91 11.5 13.1 16.2 19.3 1.8 .30 2.86 4.38 5.90 7.38 8.83 10.2 11.6 14.4 17.2 2.0 .17 2.58 3.95 5.44 6.65 7.95 9.21 10.5 13.3 15.5 2.5 0.933 2.06 3.16 4.25 5.29 6.36 7.37 8.36 10 4 12.4 3.0 0.777 1.72 2.63 3.54 4.43 5.30 6.14 6.97 8.66 10.3 4.0 0.583 1.26 1.97 2.66 3.32 3.97 4.58 5.23 6.49 7.74 5.0 0.466 1.03 1.58 2.17 2.66 3.19 3.69 4.18 4.96 6 19 6.0 0.389 0.859 1.32 1.77 2.07 2.65 3.07 3.48 4.32 5.16 7.0 0.333 0.736 1.12 1.55 1.90 2.32 2.63 2.99 3.71 4.42 8.0 0.292 0.644 0.987 1.33 1.66 1.98 2.30 2.61 3.25 3.87 9.0 0.258 0.571 0.875 1.18 1.47 1.76 2.04 2.32 2.88 3.43 10.0 0.233 0.516 0.789 1.06 1.33 1.59 1.84 2-09 2.60 3.09 11.0 0.212 0.235 0.717 0.966 1.21 1.44 1.68 1.90 2.36 2.81 12.0 0.194 0.430 0.658 0.886 1.11 1.32 1.54 1.78 2.16 2.58 13.0 0.180 0.397 0.593 0.818 1.03 1.25 1.39 1.61 2.00 2.38 14.0 0.167 0.369 0.564 0.759 0.949 1.14 1.32 1.49 1.85 2.21 16.0 0.146 0.322 0.494 0.664 0.831 0.993 1.15 1.31 1.62 1.93 20.0 0.117 0.258 0.395 0.531 0.665 0.775 0.921 1.04 1.30 1.54 25.0 0.0933 0.206 0.316 0.425 0.532 0.636 0.737 0.836 1.04 1.21 30.0 0.0777 0.172 0.263 0.354 0.443 0.526 0.587 0.697 0.866 1.03 QUANTITY OF STEAM USED, ETC. 85 NUMBER OF TOTAL HORSE-POWER FOR EACH CUBIC FOOT OF SPACE SWEPT BY PISTON PER MINUTE. INITIAL PBESSUBE IN POUNDS PEE SQUABE INCH ABOVE ATMOSPHEBE. No. of Expan- sions. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 180 220 .1 0.0649 0.151 0.238 0.324 0.410 0.497 0.584 0.670 0.843 1.020 .2 0.0644 0.150 0.236 0.322 0.408 0.494 0.579 0.665 0.837 1.010 .3 0.0635 0.148 0.233 0.317 0.402 0.487 0.572 0.656 0.825 0.995 .4 0.0624 0.145 0.229 0.312 0.395 0.478 0.561 0.644 0.810 0.977 .5 0.0609 0.142 0.224 0.304 0.386 0.467 0.548 0.629 0.792 0.955 1.6 0.0597 0.139 0.219 0.299 0.378 0.458 0.537 0.617 0.776 0.935 1-8 0.0567 0.132 0.208 0.283 0.359 0.435 0.510 0.585 0.737 0.888 2.0 0.0545 0.127 0.200 0.279 0.345 0.418 0.491 0.563 0.725 0.854 2 5 0.0490 0.114 0.180 0.245 0.311 0.376 0.441 0.507 0.638 0.768 3.0 0444 0.103 0.163 0.222 0.281 0.340 0.400 0.459 0.577 0.696 4.0 0.0372 0.0868 0.136 0.186 0.235 0.285 0.335 0.384 0.483 0.583 5.0 0.0324 0.0756 0.119 0.162 0.205 0.248 0.292 0.335 0.421 0.508 6.0 0.0286 0.0667 0.105 0.143 0.181 0.219 0.257 0.295 0.371 0.448 7.0 0.0257 0.0599 0.0942 0.131 0.163 0.201 0.231 0.265 0.334 0.402 8.0 0.0233 0.0545 0.0856 0.117 0.148 0.179 0.210 0.241 0.303 0.366 9.0 0.0215 0.0501 0.0788 0.107 0.137 0.165 0.193 0.222 0.279 0.337 10.0 0.0199 0.0463 0.0728 C.0994 0.126 0.152 0.179 0.205 0.258 0.311 11.0 0.0185 0.0441 0.0678 0.0924 0.117 0.142 0.166 0.191 0.240 0.290 12.0 0.0173 0.0403 0.0633 0.0864 0.109 0.132 0.155 0.183 0.224 0.271 13.0 0.0162 0.0379 0.0595 0.0811 0.103 0.127 0.146 0.168 Q.21'2 0.254 14.0 0.0154 0.0359 0.0563 0.0768 0.0973 0.118 0.138 0.159 0.200 0.241 16.0 0.0138 0.0323 0.0507 0.0692 0.0877 106 0.125 0.143 0.180 0.217 20 0.0116 0.0271 0.0426 0.0580 0735 0.089 0.104 0.120 0.151 0.182 25.0 0.0097 0.0227 0.0356 0.0486 0.0615 0.0745 0.0874 0.101 0.126 0.152 30.0 0084 0.0195 0.0307 0.0418 0.0530 0.0638 0.0753 0.0865 0.109 0.131 NUMBER OF INDICATED HORSE-POWER FOR EACH CUBIC FOOT SWEPT BY PISTON PER MINUTE FOR CONDENSING ENGINES. INITIAL PBESSUBE IN POUNDS PEB SQUABE INCH ABOVE ATMOSPHEBE. No. of Expan- sions. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 180 220 1.1 .0475 0.184 0.221 0.307 0.393 480 0.567 0.653 0.826 1.003 .2 .0470 .133 .219 .305 .391 .477 .562 .648 .820 0.993 .3 .0461 .131 .216 .300 .385 .470 .555 .639 .808 .978 .4 .0450 .128 .212 .295 .378 .461 .544 .627 .793 .960 .5 .0435 .125 ] .207 .287 .369 .450 .531 .612 .775 .938 .6 .0423 .122 i .202 .282 .361 .441 .520 .600 .759 .918 .8 .0393 .115 | .191 .266 .342 .418 .493 .568 .720 .861 2.0 .0371 .110 .183 .262 .328 .411 .474 .546 .708 .837 2.5 .0316 .097 I .163 .228 .294 .359 .424 .490 ,621 .751 3.0 .0270 .086 .146 .205 .264 .323 .383 .442 .560 .679 4.0 .0198 .0694 .119 .169 .218 .268 .318 .367 .466 .566 5.0 .0150 .0582 .102 .145 .188 .231 .275 .318 .404 .491 6.0 .0112 .0493 .088 .126 .164 .212 .240 .278 .354 .431 7.0 .0083 .0425 .0768 .114 .146 .184 .214 .248 .317 .3fc5 8.0 .0059 .0371 .0682 .100 .131 .162 .193 .224 .286 .349 9.0 .0041 .0327; .0614 .090 .120 .148 .176 .205 .262 .320 10.0 .0025 .0289 .0554 .0820 .109 .135 .162 .188 .241 .294 11.0 .0011 .0264 .0504 .0747 .100 .125 .149 .124 .223 .273 12.0 .0229 .0459 .0690 .092 .115 .138 .166 .207 .254 13.0 .0205 .0421 .0637 .086 .110 .129 .151 .195 .237 14.0 . 0185 . 0389 .0594 .0799 .101 !l21 .142 'l83 .224 16.0 . 0149 . 0323 .0518 .0703 .089 .108 .126 163 .200 20.0 .0097 .0252 .0406 .0561 .0716 .087 .103 .134 .165 25.0 .0053 !oi82 .0312 .0441 .0571 .0700 .084 109 .135 30.0 ::::."" .0021 .0133 .0244 .0356 .0464 !o579 .0691 092 .114 STEAM USING; 07?, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. NUMBER OF INDICATED HORSE -POWER FOR EACH CUBIC FOOT SWEPT BY PISTON PER MINUTE IN NON-CONDENSING ENGINES. INITIAL PBESSUBE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH ABOVE ATMOSPHERE. No. of Expan sions. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 220 1 073 160 246 0.332 419 0.506 592 765 942 2 0.072 0.158 0.244 330 0.416 501 0.587 759 932 .3 0.070 0.155 0.239 324 0.409 494 0.578 0.747 0.917 .4 0.067 0.151 0.234 0.317 0.400 0.483 0.566 0.732 0.899 .5 0.064 146 226 308 0.389 0.470 551 0.714 0.877 .6 8 0.061 054 0.141 0.130 0.221 0.205 0.300 281 0.380 357 0.459 0.432 0.539 507 0.698 0.659 0.857 810 2 0.049 0.122 0.201 0.267 0.340 0.413 0.485 0.647 0.776 2.5 0.036 0.102 0.167 0.233 0.298 0.363 0.439 0.560 0.690 3 0.025 085 0.144 203 0.262 322 381 0.499 618 4.0 0.009 0.058 0.108 0.157 0.207 0.257 0.306 0.405 0.505 5 0.041 0.084 0.127 170 214 257 0.343 430 6 0.027 0.065 0.103 0.141 0.179 0.217 0.293 0.370 7 0.016 0.053 0.085 0.123 0.153 0.187 0.256 0.324 8 009 0.039 0.070 101 132 0.163 0.225 0.288 9 0.029 0.059 0.087 0.115 0.144 0.201 0.259 10 021 0.048 0.074 0.101 0.127 180 0.233 11.0 014 0.039 0.064 0.088 0.113 0.162 0.212 12 009 031 0.054 0.077 105 146 193 13 025 0.049 068 090 0.134 176 14.0 019 0.040 0.060 0.081 0.122 0.163 16 010 028 0.047 0.065 0.102 139 20 0.011 086 0.073 0.104 25.0 0.009 0.048 0.074 30.0 031 0.053 CHAPTER IV. ON THE INDICATOR, THE INDICATOR DIAGRAM, AND THE DIFFERENT CLASSES OF ENGINES. James Watt constructed an instrument for observing the volume and pressure of the steam in the engine cylinder to which he gave the name of "Indicator." It consisted of two parts: One, a rectangular frame moving in guides backward and forward and actuated by the engine, to the beam of which it was connected by a cord, with a weight or spring attached to keep the cord stretched. In this way the frame moved with the piston, stopping when that member stopped, and corresponding with it com- pletely. The other part carried a small cylinder with piston, piston rod, and a spring in connection therewith. Steam being admitted to this cyl- inder from the engine cylinder, the pressure would vary and the piston would consequently rise and fall within the cylinder against the spring. By attaching a pencil to the top of the piston rod. and with a piece of paper secured to the frame, a diagram is obtained in which the position of a point, vertically, in relation to a line traced when the steam is shut off from the instrument, is governed by the steam pressure; while its position horizontally is proportioned to the movement of the piston of the engine, or the volume occupied by the steam. The diagram thus produced is pro- portioned to the pressure in height and to the volume occupied in length, and the area is therefore proportional to the work done in the engine cylinder per stroke. The mean pressure in pounds per square inch is found, either, by measuring at ten equi-distant places, or by measuring the area of the figure and dividing by the length, of course taking into account the stiffness, or scale, of the spring. The mean pressure times the piston area in square inches multiplied by the stroke in feet gives the number of foot pounds per stroke of engine. By using the piston speed in feet per minute, in place of the stroke, and dividing this by 33,000, the number of horse-power exerted is deter- mined. By using a mean pressure of two pounds less, the number of net horse-power may be estimated. By setting off the line of no pressure, 14.7 pounds below the atmospheric line, and drawing verticals to the ends of the diagram, and by using this as the diagram of an engine without back pressure, we can find the mean total pressure and the number of total horse-power. In such an instrument, however, there are many imperfections. The moving springs are subjected to sudden changes of pressure, or tension, and vibrations in the springs are set up by the inertia of the moving parts. This is true for both the pencil and paper movements. The motion of the 88 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. paper from the engine motion is subject to errors both geometric and mechanical: the former can only be reduced at the expense of the latter. The remedy for vibrations of spring is to reduce the weight of the moving parts, to decrease the amount of motion therein, and to increase the stiffness of the spring itself. The mechanical errors of connection are: the variations in length of cords, and vibrations, and the slack in the bars used for reducing the mo- tions. There is also a loss in pressure caused by the leakage of the indi- cator piston, and for engines with small cylinders an error is introduced by cylinder condensation in the indicator. In large, slow moving engines these errors are all small and may be neglected, but they increase in importance with the number of revolu- tions, and, inversely, with the size of the engine. The indicator was first improved by McNaught, with Kichards, Thomp- son, Crosby, Tabor and Professor Sweet, following, in their efforts to re- duce the weight of the moving parts, all using, however, a separate in- strument. We give an illustration of Thompson's Indicator as a good example. THOMPSON'S STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR. OUTSIDE VIEW. INSIDE VIEW. ON THE INDICATOR, ETC. 89 M. G. A. Hirn employed the beam of the engine, the deflection being properly multiplied, for the spring opposing the steam pressure; and Mr. William E. Worthen has proposed the use of the spring of the cylinder head of the engine for the same purpose. This would give very satisfac- tory results with proper means for multiplying the motion. In France a device has been tried which can be applied to engines running with nearly constant load, but which is not well suited for en- gines with quick acting automatic cut-off gear. An adjustable yoke con- fines the movement of the pencil within narrow limits, and by changing this adjustment the card may be taken piecemeal. An elegant adaptation of this method was used on the South Eastern Railway of France, where the adjustment was made by compressed air, and the diagrams from the cylinders taken in the dynamometer car. Engines may be classified as single acting and double acting, accord- ing as the working steam is used in one or both ends of the cylinder; and condensing and non- condensing, according as the steam from the cylinder is cooled by water and condensed, or is exhausted directly into the air. There are two kinds of single-acting engines. The one, the older, is mainly employed in the pumping of water; and the other, the modern type, maintains a high speed of revolution on a shaft, with the connecting rods kept under stress of one kind, usually compression, so that the shock on the boxes, due to change of force from compression to tension, and the effects of wear, are avoided. These two kinds of engines are entirely different in design and construction. The oldest form of engine was worked by admitting steam from a boiler to the cylinder, below the piston, which was connected with a beam and pump rod. The weight of the pump rod forced the water up from the pump and also carried the piston to the top of the cylinder. A jet of water was then thrown into the cylinder condensing the therein contained steam, which had been previously shut off from the boiler. The pressure of the atmosphere now drove the piston down, at the same time lifting the pump rod, when after it had reached the bottom the water was discharged from the cylinder and the process was re- peated. James Watt devised the separate condenser and covered the cylinder so as to introduce steam at its upper end, thereby lifting the pump rod. When the piston reached the bottom of the cylinder the steam was cut off from the boiler. An arrangement, called the equilibrium valve, opens communication between the two ends of the cylinder, and the steam now pressing equally above and below the piston, the weight of the pump rod carries the piston to the top of the cylinder, driving the steam which was above the piston to its lower end, and doing the pumping at the same time. The steam is now admitted above the piston as before, but the bottom of the cylinder is opened to the condenser and a vacuum is produced below the piston at the same time as the steam exerts its pressure above it. These engines were introduced into the mines of Cornwall, and into 90 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PE ACTIVE. deep shafts, and with ample boilers and high pressure steam they became famous as the "Cornish Pumping Engines." With the quick admission of high pressure steam a sudden pull was exerted on the pump rods, which, being constructed of wood and of long length, readily absorbed this jerk and began to rise. An early cut-off allowed the rapidly falling steam pressure in the cylinder to be helped out by the inertia of the weight lifted, which came slowly to rest, and then reacted upon the column of water, commencing gradually, conditions very favorable for the pumping part of the work. The boilers used gave very high evapora- tion by reason of the very moderate manner in which they were worked, and the duty, or number of foot pounds of water raised per pound, or per bushel of coal, was also, usually very high. In these mines systematic record was kept and published monthly, and competition was thus induced among the men in charge of the engines. High pressure steam and high expansion here received its first practical confirmation. When, however, these engines were applied to pumping water for water works, it was found that without the elasticity of the long and heavy pump rods used in the mines, the pump was apt to jump, if high pressure steam was used; that is, the plunger would rise without the pump filling and a very hard shock was the result. In consequence the use of high pressure steam, and high expansion, was abandoned in such engines built for waterworks purposes in the United States, and it is safe to say that for such purposes no more of this class of engine will ever be built in this country. In no case where used for water works has any such duty been reached as was obtained by these engines in the mines. The indicator diagrams for this class of engines are to be placed one above the other; any difference between the exhaust line of the steam end and the admission line of the exhaust end being so much lost pressure and work. In the class of Cornish engines, introduced by Captain Bull, the beam was dispensed with and the cylinder placed directly over the pump, the steam being introduced at the lower and the exhaust taken from the upper end. A pair of such engines are used at the Kiver Pumping Station of the St. Louis Water Works, but, as suggested above, with steam at a low pressure. The diagrams given herewith show the limited expansion possible. The other class of single acting engines was introduced in order to at- tain a higher speed of rotation than had been found convenient in the or- dinary double acting engines, where the inertia of the rods and the change from thrust to tension brings first one side of the box and then the other into bearing. Unless this change is a gradual one it is accompanied by a shock more or less disastrous to the machine. By keeping, say, a thrust continually on the rods the boxes are always in bearing on one side and no such shock occurs. The steam during admission and expansion causes a pressure in one direction on the piston which is not changed during exhaust and compression. The irregularity of action may be remedied by a heavy fly-wheel or by the use of one or more cylinders. As examples: for two cylinders engines we select the Westinghouse; for engines with OJV THE INDICATOR, ETC. 91 three cylinders, Brotherhood's, of London; and with six cylinders, the Colt Disc Engine, from West's and Darkin's patents, manufactured by the Colt's Fire Arms Company, of Hartford, Conn. These machines have, at the time of writing, been used more particularly with electric apparatus, and in small boats, but have attained much popularity in other directions. The exhaust is taken into the chamber where it lubricates the main DIAGRAM FROM CORNISH ENGINE, No. 1, Low SERVICE, ST. Louis, Mo., WATER WORKS. 56" X 138" X 9 double strokes per minute. 30-i 20- 10- DIAGRAM FROM ENGINE No. 1, HIGH SERVICE, ST. Louis, Mo., WATER WORKS. 85" X 120" X 11% revolutions per minute. I. H. P. 705. 92 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE WESTINGHOUSE ENGINE. FRONT VIEW. 160 H. P. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. THE WESTINGHOUSE ENGINE. REAR VIEW. 160 H. P. (One fly-wheel removed.) 94 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE WESTINGHOUSE ENGINE. SECTION THROUGH SHAFT. 9 A A, Cylinders. B, Valve Chamber. 6', Bed, or Crank Case. 1) 1), Pistons. F F, Connecting Rods. G G, Cranks. H H, Crank Shaft. /, Eccentric. ,7, Valve Guide. K, Centre Bearing. M, Steam Connection. N, Exhaust Connection. 7?, Oil Pipe. V, Valve. W, Wiper. Y, Fly-Wheel. Z, Pulley, a a, Cylinder Heads, b b, Steel Wrist Pin. c, Crank Case Head, d d, Crank Shaft bearings, d' Cover, e, Oil Passage. //, Oil Cups. Q g, Bolts, h, Bonnet, j j, Spider Heads, k k, Rings. I, Hollow Valve Bolt. , Syphon Overflow, o, Hole in Funnel Head, r, Eccentric Rod. 1 1, Collar Washers. ?', Lead Washer, x x. Bobs on Crank. 96 STEAM USING-: OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. a E 53 ^ h H fl *| u1 1 ^ 03 E* 1 o : ? a S ^ 'a . QQ fQ w OQ O :NE ENGIN s* ol s *3 o V '_g n L> O S3 s o ^ s 1 g" es > *! ^ ^ (2 . a QJ S 2 > s ga 5 . . a, o ^ a 0) > I-H 9 a sq O 02 "II s? i : i /,'//; 77 /-:.s OF EX(; i .v/-;>. 97 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM EN&IXE PRACTICE. THE BROTHERHOOD THREE-CYLINDER ENGINE. PERSPECTIVE ELEVATION. bearing with the wet steam and the oil introduced by the steam pipe. The Brotherhood engines are also used with compressed air for driving tor- pedoes, and we have seen one, driven by a Westinghouse Air Compressor used for drilling in a locomotive repair shop. It appears to us that these engines are well adapted for constant work, but for intermittent use the temptation to run them without cleaning must be so great as to render them liable to a rapid deterioration. When indicator diagrams from large, slow moving engines are exam- ined, and the weight of steam present at any two points of the stroke, such as at cut-off, and release, is calculated by the aid of the table of the "Pro- perties of Steam," and the volume, pressure, and density thereof, we shall rarely find any kind of agreement in the two results. And, if there has been also a careful measurement of the quantity of feed water consumed per stroke, the amount will be found to be much in excess of that given by VARIETIX8 OF 99 THE COLT DISC ENGINE. West's and Parkin's Patents. PERSPECTIVE ELEVATION. computation. This difference, in an engine with a tight piston, is only to be accounted for by the action of the metal of the cylinder which transfers heat to and from the within contained steam. This has already been ex- plained in Chapter III. We shall consider the effect of this action upon the indicator diagram, and the loss of work which occurs compared with that which should be done in a non-conducting cylinder; or, in other words, the consequent increase in the quantity of steam used for a given work shown. Let us take for example the data of the experiment conducted by Mr. J. W. Hill at the Miller's Exhibition, held at Cincinnati. The experiment from which we obtain the following was made upon one of three Corliss engines, built by different makers, but all having the same general dimen- sions, viz: 100 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE COLT DISC ENGINE. LONGITUDINAL SECTION. CROSS SECTION, SHOWING CIRCULAR VALVE, PORTS, ETC. VAltTETIE* OF EX'r/XES. THE COLT DISC ENGINE. 101 CROSS SECTION, SHOWING INTERIOR OF ENGINE, STEAM PORTS AND EXHAUST PASSAGES The main body of the engine consists of one casting, containing six cylinders, arranged in a circle, and parallel with one another. The pistons A take the form of a hollow plunger, one end terminating in a blunt cone which bears continuously against the periphery of the disc B. They are single acting, being subject to steam pressure upon the flat end only. Steam is admitted successively to the six cylinders from the steam chest C, three pistons being constantly in action at different points of the stroke, thereby imparting a uniform rolling motion to the conical disc B, which is steadied at its center by the ball and socket joint D, and rolls upon the conical surface of the back plate , which receives the full thrust of the pistons, and protects the ball and socket joint 1) from strain. The crank pin F is securely fixed in the centre of the conical disc /, the rolling motion of the disc causing the pin to describe a circle, and by means of the crank G, imparting a rotary motion to the shaft H. The shaft Jf passes through the centre of the steam chest and carries an eccentric giving motion to the circular valve K. The valve K is a flat circular ring which slides steam tight but perfectly freely between the port face and a balance plate. The steam is admitted to and fills the annular space f ' left in the steam chest outside the circumference of the valve ring K, the eccentric motion of which alternately opens and closes all the steam ports, successively admitting steam to the cylinders, from which it again escapes to the exhaust chamber M formed by the inside of the valve ring, and thence through openings into the body of the engine, and is finally discharged by the exhaust pipe 3", 102 STEAM VSIXG; OJt, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. ON THE INDICA TOE, ETC. 1O3 Cylinder, 18" x 48"; number of revolutions, 75.4; steam at 80 pounds pressure, cutting off at 13 per cent, of the stroke for the Allis Engine: cut- off pressure, 84 pounds; piston area = 1.7 square feet; piston displace- ment = 6.8 cubic feet; 13 per cent, of 6.8 = 0.884 cubic feet. Clearance volume = 0.2 cubic feet; volume occupied by steam at cut-off, 1.084 cubic feet; density of steam at 84 pounds = 0.231; 0.231 x 1.084 = weight of steam at cut-off = 0.250 pounds; weight of feed water per hour = 3422.6 pounds; weight of feed water per stroke = 0.378 pounds: 0.378 0.250 = 0.128 pounds condensed at cut-off; or, 34 per cent, of all the fluid present is water; or, the water present equals in weight 50 per cent, of the steam. Real expansion = -~- = 6.4. Now taking the length of the diagram to represent 6.8 cubic feet, and adding the clearance = 0.2 cubic feet, or, say 3 per cent, of the stroke, we set off at the cut-off pressure a volume 50 per cent, greater than the cut-off loor DlAGEAM FROM REYNOLD'S CORLISS ENGINE, Cylinders 18" X 48" X 75 revolutions per minute, at Millers' Exhibition, Cincinnati, O. volume; and if from this point we draw a curve of expansion for steam in a non-conducting cylinder till we reach the pressure of release, and thence draw a vertical line to the back pressure, we have the diagram which the water boiled should have given per stroke in a non-conducting cylinder; and the difference between the area of this diagram and the real diagram represents the loss which has taken place by the action of the sides of the cylinder. Measuring the area of the diagram by the planimeter we have 4.40 square inches, and for the area of the new diagram, 5.91 square inches, which makes the latter 0.34 per cent, larger. The indicated horse-power 104 STEAM USING; Oil, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. is 152.7, which in a non-conducting cylinder would be nearly 204, so that a loss of 50 indicated horse-power, or, say 25 per cent., is caused by the transfer of heat in the sides of the cylinder. This experiment is a good one by which to examine other matters, so that we may see what can be obtained from an indicator card. In the above experiment the quantity and rise of temperature of the injection water were measured, and the steam supplied was found to be dry by calorimeter tests. We abstract from the report of the trial the following: Dry steam supplied per hour for ten hours .......... 3422.6 pounds. Dry steam per stroke .................................. 0.3782 pounds. The injection water = 30.88 times the feed and rose from 72 to 102 Fahr., which gives 0.3782 x 30.88 x 30 = 351 heat units rejected per stroke. Mean indicated pressure ...................... 34.26 pounds. Mean total pressure ........................... 40.5 pounds. Area of piston ................................ 253 square inches. Total work per stroke = _ 4 = 53 units. Heat per stroke, feed at 32 = 0.3782 x 1181 .................. 446 units. Deduct for feed at 102 32 = 0.3782 x 70 .................. 26 " Heat given to engine per stroke ............................ 420 " Heat expended in work per stroke ............ . .......... 53 Heat in external radiation, say .......................... 4 57 363 " Heat found in rise in injection water ....................... 351 12 12 Error in measurement = , or, say 3 per cent. This error in the experiment probably arose in the measurement of the injection water, and perhaps, from not obtaining the average of the hot well accurately. At cut-off we observed that of the amount of 0.378 pound of feed water evaporated per stroke, 0.25 pound was steam, while the balance, equal to 0.1282 pound, had condensed. Units. At this time the internal heat of the steam present = 1100 x 0.25 = 275 water " =...298X0.1282= 38 275 38 = 313, or, Heat in fluid present 313 Heat received from boiler as given above 446 Heat absorbed by cylinder = 446 313 = 133 OX THE INDICATOR, ETC. 1O5 At the end of the stroke the volume occupied is 7 cubic feet, with a total pressure of 12 pounds; density = 0.031: Weight of steam present, 7 x 0.031 0.217 pounds. Weight of water present, 0.3782 0.217 0.1612 pound. Internal heat in steam present, 0.217 x 1072 . . .233 units. Heat in water present, 0.1612 x 170 27 " Heat in fluid present 260 " Heat used in expansion 36 " u Heat accounted for 296 " Heat in fluid at cut-off 313 " Heat added to iron during expansion, 313 296 17 " Heat in iron at end of stroke, 133 4-17 150 " And this latter amount is necessarily thrown away during the exhaust, from the iron of the cylinder into the condenser, and is the cooling effect of the latter upon the former. The computation at the end of the stroke is never so satisfactory as at cut-off, because the changes of volume are much greater for small changes of pressure with low pressure steam than with high. Suppose for instance the terminal pressure be taken as 2 pounds below the atmos- phere instead of 3. The density will equal 0.034, and the weight of steam 0.238 pounds, while its internal heat will equal 0.238 x 1072 = 255 units. 94- The water will equal 0.1402 pounds and its heat = . 279 This will make 19 units more accounted for in the fluid present, and will give 131 units in the iron at the end of the stroke, instead of 150, by reason of the cooling effect of the condenser. If the agreement between the heat rejected and that given from the boiler had been closer, we should have found a check upon this cooling effect of the condenser, as follows: Heat found in condenser. 351 units. Heat given by back pressure work 7 Fluid heat at end of stroke, 260 or 279 units, according to the terminal pressure taken. But this is too large, as the temperature of the water in the condenser is 102 and not 32, and we have 0.3782 x 70 = 26 units to de- duct as before, which leaves 234 or 253 units received into the condenser from the fluid; or from the fluid and work of exhaust 241 or 260 units. Deducting these amounts from 351 units, we have 110 or 91 units as the heat received from the iron; but if we had found 13 units more in the condenser the values would be 123 and 104 units, thus rendering the lower value of terminal pressure the more probable. A very slight amount of water in the steam supplied would account for much of the inconsistency of these results. We shall give in Chapter V examples of such computations by M. O. Hallauer, showing more consistent results. With the use of high pressure steam, and high expansion, as employed by Trevithick, in Cornwall, the shock and change of pressure in the cyl- 1O6 STEAM USING: OE, 8TEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. inder between the beginning and end of the stroke, of course, became considerable, and it was suggested by Hornblower, in England, and long afterwards by Woolf, in Germany, that the steam should be first introduced into a small cylinder, whereby the strain, produced on the connections by the sudden influx of high pressure steam, might be reduced, and that after acting for more or less of the stroke at boiler pressure, the steam should be put in communication with a larger cylinder in which the expansion should be completed. But while pushing the large piston forward there is a tendency to retard the motion of the small one. The following dia- gram, Fig. 40, will explain the indicated work and the total work: FIG. 40. Let a b represent the volume of the small cylinder, b c the clearance between the small and large cylinder and a b + c d the volume of the large cylinder. The area a g f e b is the total work done in the small cylinder and the area a n i h j k d is the total work done in the large cylinder. The indi- cated work of the small cylinder is n g f e and the back pressure work is a neb. The indicated work of the large cylinder is n i h j k n, while the back pressure work is a n k d. We see that the work a nm b has been VARIETIES OF XX'rlXJ-s. 1O7 counted twice, which is once too many; and we also see that there are two ways of representing the portion n m i, which may be considered as part of the back work of the small cylinder while it is forward work for the large cylinder. Or we take it as part of the forward work of the small cylinder, giving a g fe b as the forward work, while a n m b is the back pressure work in that cylinder, leaving n gfe m as the indicated work; while, for the large cylinder we have chjd for the total, I hj k for the indicated and elk d for the back pressure work. If the receiver between the cylinders be small, the pressure at the be- ginning of the stroke of the large cylinder is nearly equal to that at the end of the stroke of the small cylinder. With a large receiver the press- ure is apt to be much less, while it can be raised by a cut- off on the large cylinder. The amount of clearance volume between the cylinders affects the form of the curves e n hj and i n; and when very large, regarding c d, the work done in each cylinder is measured by itself without any deductions and the diagrams are placed one under the other, as in figure 41, where: a b c d e a is the high pressure diagram, and a f g h k the low pressure dia- gram. The enclosed areas are the indicated work; the area j k hi the back pressure work on the large piston, and a e m j that of the small piston. When the question of indicated power only is under discussion the measurement of the diagram by the ordinates or by the planimeter is suf- ficient. Each piston by itself is taken and the work done on it found and added. Much misconception of this subject appears to have prevailed, and one modern writer claimed, in 1883, a generalization and geomet- rical construction which is given in Rankine's Steam Engine, in the first edition. Many forms of compound engines are to be met with, some of which may be briefly described as follows: 1 . Engine with two cylinders of equal stroke acting on one crank pin, the steam from one end of the small cylinder passing to the farther end of the large one. The cylinders are usually in line, or "tandem." 2. Engine with two unequal cylinders attached to the same end of a beam, the steam passing from one end of the small cylinder to the further end of the large one. This form was the original one introduced by Woolf . 3. Engine with two cylinders of the same diameter, set side by side, with two cranks at 180, the steam from the small cylinder passing across to the near end of the large one. 4. Engine with two cylinders attached to opposite ends of a beam, the steam from the top of the small cylinder passing to the top of the large. This form has been largely used by McNaught and lately with horizontal cylinders. 5. Engine with two cylinders attached to two cranks at an angle of 90 with each other and a more or less intermediate receiver. With verti- cal cylinders they have been more used than any other form for marine engines. 1O8 STEAM rslXf,',- (HI, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. 6. Engines with three cylinders attached to cranks at 120 with each other, one of them being used for high pressure and the two others, of the same, or greater diameter, for low pressure. This class has been success- fully used on the very largest marine engines. Those of the steamships Arizona, Alaska, Servia, Aurania and Oregon may be instanced. 7. Engine with four equal cylinders attached to cranks at 45, using one as high pressure and the other three as low pressure. 8. Two pairs of tandem engines driving two cranks at 90. 9. Three pairs of tandem engines driving three cranks at 120. 10. Three unequal cylinders driving three cranks at 120, the steam passing through all three cylinders. 11. Two pairs of tandem engines driving two cranks at 90, the steam passing through all four cylinders and two interheaters. The use of receivers of comparatively large volume between two cyl- inders was first suggested by Ernest Woolf, and the great progress made in marine engines by its use, under the name of compound engines, has been mainly due to its adoption by the engineers of Glasgow. For marine service the compound engine with high pressure steam has developed the best practical results. The most usual type adopted is that with two cylinders, the smaller, or high pressure, and the larger or low pressure, being coupled by cranks at 90. The most usual type of screw engine being vertical, we find the small cylinder occasionally placed on top of, and in line with, the large cylinder, both pistons working on the same rod. Two or three such engines are used with cranks at 90 with two cylinders, and at 120 when three cylinders are employed. When the use of two cylinders would require the low pressure cylin- der to be excessively large, two low pressure cylinders are used in connec- tion with one high pressure cylinder, coupled to cranks, generally at 120. The use of three cylinders of different sizes has been tried with steam at 125 and 140 pounds pressure, the higher pressure was adopted on the Steamer Propontis. Although the boilers in this instance had to be abandoned, the results were very good while the high pressure could be maintained. The following table prepared with great care by Mr. Marshall gives the results of the progress in marine engine practice. While the economy in the use of high pressure steam and the compound engine, taken to- gether, is evident, it must be confessed that it is not easy to separate the effects of the two causes; and while the mechanical advantages of com- pounding for marine engines of large size, for which it is especially useful, are well known, yet it may be stated that with steam of moderate pressure no advantage in economy has been found when the compound engine is compared with single cylinder engines of good design and construction, and working steam at the same pressure. It is also readily conceded that higher rates of expansion may be used with the compound engine than with single cylinder engines, using steam at the same pressure; but it may be doubted whether any practical econ- omy has resulted therefrom, as may be seen from an examination of the table of engine trials and the paper by Hallauer in Chapter V. VARIETIES UF 109 THE AVERAGE CONSUMPTION OF COAL PEE I. H. P. PER HOUR, By Steamships using Compound Engines in long sea voyages. A table reduced from one accompanying a paper read before the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Lon- don, in 1881, by F. C. Marshall. s I Cylinders. ^ Receivers at o 90. 6 | Piston g Speed. g s o lifi i cc *< 4 Ms 1 s -as o .5 < otal Heating Surface. rate Area. idicated Horse- Power. oal in Pounds per I. H. P. per hour. X. a Si H -i - a^ fe o 2 H i i o H Ft. sq. ft. ft. in. -. sq. ft. sq ft. 1 34&61X45 450 2466 15 3 70 5 > 4216 140 900 1.5 14.00 '1 4 '2 A: SOX 48 552 72 5 c i > 6000 1881 l.t? 32 25 3 36*70X48 400 2400 17 90 5 ! 4440 160 1200 1.63 2l'" 4 46*87X57 484 5000 19 80 ' t 7803 25U 2200 1.66 40 5 22*44X30 360 705 11 100 ] Lj 1402 49.5 920 1.67 7.5 6 50*86X54 540 4865 17 6 72 4 t 7722 273 2673 1.67 48 7 35 & 70X48 424 2000 17 90 J 5 4774 150 1200 1.69 21.5 8 54*94X60 530 7420 18 3% 75 ( \ 10839 313 2207 1.70 40.3 9 54*94 X 60 486 7422 18 82.5 ( 5 11340 324 1801 1 70 32.8 in Hn*5SX39 400 1513 14 2 80 ! !j 2608 69.7 650 1.72 12 11 29& 56X33 350 1250 13 3 70 J 2 2379 66 500 1.76 9.5 12 34*66X42 406 1700 15 6 80 >; 3474 107.2 875 1.76 16.5 13 36*68X42 434 1821 16 3 77 i \- 3714 110 854 1.76 16.75 14 54*97X60 480 7427 18 10% 70 ( 5 11045 329 2000 1.80 38.6 ir> 51*88X60 590 5000 17 6 75 [' 9248 332.5 2745 1.83 54. 16 28*53X38 380 1560 14 n 75 ! > 2433 78 560 1.84 11 17 50&86X54 540 5500 17 6 70 I 7525 273 2422 1.85 48 18 38*70X48 416 2600 17 9 80 4864 65 1160 1.85 23 19 35&70X48 408 2005 17 90 5 J 4826 150 1099 1.87 22 2035*70X48 440 2000 20 9 90 J 4396 136 1135 1.89 23 21 34 1 &64X42 560 1647 15 4 80 > 2950 106 880 1.90 18 22 48&84X60 550 4468 19 70 I { 8200 340 2300 1.90 47 23 50*86X54 510 4842 17 9 70 ( 5 9839 310 2213 1.90 43.5 24 54&94X60 441 7420 17 9 70 i *, 11750 312 2400 1.90 48.9 25 56&97X54 504 5000 18 6 7d ; 8215 292 2500 1.93 51.9 26 30*60X36 372 1600 13 90 J 2753 115 600 1.94 12.5 27 36*70X45 560 2900 13 75 I 4622 166 1600 2.00 32 28 36*64X36 450 2059 13 70 I 2854 106 1020 2.12 22 29 36&68X42 530 2500 13 70 > 3462 130 1250 2.25 29 3036*67X42 530 2400 13 70 , I 3451 129 1230 2.25 28 mean 467 mean 77.4 mean 1.828 Tandem 31 48*83 X60d'ble. 523 9000 23 6 70 3 19104 624 4900 1.77 93 32 26*58X45 Sin. 444 1700 15 80 2 3160 99 820 1-90 16.75 33 27*56X52 " 395 1730 15 9 80 I 3244 102 730 1.92 15.1 34 27*56X52 " 412 1651 15 9 75 - I 3570 102 771 1.93 16 :sr> 2s*60X54d'ble. 504 4H K) 20 90 3 7400 300 1900 1.96 40 36 28*60X54 " 522 4100 20 80 J 7413 302 1850 2.01 40 37 16*34X30 " 360 768 12 6 68 L 1350 47.2 270 2.25 7 38 26*52X42 " 336 2400 , 17 3 70 I 3650 132 900 2.47 24 mean 437 mean 76. 7 mean 2.026 39 60& | JJj j- X66 605 21 90 1 19500 780 6300 1.63 110 110 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. While Mr. Marshall's table is of great value, it must not be forgotten that the gain and rapid advance is due to the increase of pressure and the higher expansion used; and must not be confounded with the great gain which resulted from the introduction of the compound engine following the surface condenser. Of this a portion was a mechanical one, due to smoother action, and the remainder, the saving of the heat lost by con- stant blowing off when salt water was fed to the boilers. Mr. Marshall compares with a paper read by Mr., now, Sir F. J. Bram- well, in 1872, in which Mr. Bramwell gave particulars of twenty-eight steamships. The average consumption of coal per indicated horse-power per hour, from nineteen of these vessels, was 2.11 pounds, the steam pressure rang- ing from 45 to 65 pounds above the atmosphere. The steam averaged, say. 52.5 pounds, and the piston speed was 376 feet per minute. We see that the average steam pressure, was, in 1881, 77.4 pounds, the average piston speed 467 feet, while the coal consumed per indicated horse-power per hour, was 1.83 pounds, or 13.4 per cent, less; and the boiler surface is also less per horse-power. This gain is shown to be that theo- retically due to the higher initial pressure, the same terminal and back pressure being assumed, the number of expansions being in the one case 5.15, and in the other 7.05. Now with steam of 60 pounds total working pressure, and with 4.57 ex- pansions, the theoretical steam is 21.93 pounds per indicated horse -power per hour; for 6 expansions 19.09 pounds, and for 8 expansions 18.8 pounds. The difference between 21.9 and 18.8 = 3.1, which shows the gain by increas- ing from 4.57 to 8 expansions. The gain from 6 to 8 expansions, or from 19.1 to 18.8 pounds, of steam is only 0.3, or, for 7 expansions say 18.9 pounds; so that we find that most of the gain must come from the increase in pressure and very little from the increase in expansion. The value of jacketting and compounding is still on open question. For slow moving engines, both appear to add to the economy; but for high speed engines little gain is observed. In Chapter V, in the Alsatian experiments, we shall find a very strong argument in favor of the single cylinder unjacketed engine using superheated steam. In comparing the economy of the engines of the "Leila," using compound unjacketed cylin- ders, with those of the "Siesta," we find for the cases of maximum power that little was added by the superheating but the smaller engine was driven the harder. Looking at the Miller's Exhibition engine we find that with the cylinder of the same size it use^d but little more steam per net horse -power, steam of the same pressure. We present here two diagrams from Porter-Allen engines. One taken at a trial using superheated steam, made at the American Institute Fair in New York several years ago, and interesting mainly as showing an expansion curve similar to that of steam in a non-conducting cylinder. The other is from a compound engine, jacketed, and with interheater. The diagrams then taken are given, and also the combined diagram; the o.V THE INDICATOR, ETC. Ill latter shows two curves of expansion for a non-conducting cylinder, the inner one for the steam passing through the engine and the outer one for all the steam used. A comparison of the enclosed areas with that of the outer curve shows the loss. We also give illustrations, and detailed draw- ings of some of the principal features of the Porter- Allen engine which re- DlAGBAMS FROM PORTER-Al/LBN ENGINE. 16" X 30", 125 revolutions per minute. Scale Record, 1 horse-power per 25.8 lt>s. of water per hour quire no explanation, see pages 167 to 187. They are given as an example of the most skillful design which has been attended with the best work- manship ever used in engine building. We also give illustrations and many details of the Reynolds Corliss 112 STEAM USING; OR, 8TEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. Scale ,'G. TO- .TO 40- 3C 10 DIAGRAM FROM PORTER-ALLEN COMPOUND ENGINE. 12" and 21" X 24", at 180 revolutions per minute. COMBINED DIAGRAM FROM PORTER- ALLEN. ENGINE. Upper curve shows expansion for all steam used, if in a non-conducting cylinder. Second curve shows expansion for the steam passing through the cylinders. Cylinders 12" and 21" X 24" X 184 revolutions per minute. JL\Cul.Ft, ON THE INDICA TOR, ETC. 113 engine biiilt by Messrs. E. P. Allis & Co., of Milwaukee, Wis., which were kindly furnished by Mr. Edwin Reynolds, and these require no further explanation, see pages 153 to 162. On pages 163 to 166 we also give some illustrations of details of the Lambert ville, N. J., Iron Works, Automatic Cut-off Engine. The class of engines with poppet valves we illustrate by some details of the engines of the Mississippi River Steamboat, "Montana," pages 119 to 121, and an elevation of the High Service Engine, No. 1, of the St. Louis Water works, page 114. We illustrate herewith the action of river engines by diagrams taken from the Steamboat "Phil. E. Chappel" and the "James Howard." A dia- 150- 100- DlAGRAM FROM LARGE CYLINDER OP ENGINES OF RlVER STEAMER "PHIL. E. CHAPPEL." 22 revolutions per minute. Mean pressure 90 and 99 Ibs. 120 -100 80 60 40 -20 DIAGRAM FROM ENGINES OF RIVER STEAMER "JAS. HOWARD. 34&" X 120" X 11M" with condenser, 12M" without condenser. 1247 I. H. P., both engines with condenser. 1268 I. H. P., both engines without condenser. 114 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. HIGH SERVICE PUMPING ENGINE, No. I, St. Louis, Mo., Water Works. Steam cylinder 85" X 120". LAWRENCE, MASS., WATER WORKS. May 4, 1876. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS, UPPER END. High pressure cylinder, 18 in. diameter, 96 in. stroke. Piston rod, 3.5 in. diameter. Volume, 23508 cu. in. = 13.6041 cu. ft. Clearance, 601 cu. in. = 2.56 per cent. Low-pressure cylinder, 38 in^ diameter, 96 in. stroke. Piston rod, 4 in. diameter. Volume, 107674 cu. in. = 62.1313 cu. ft. Clearance, 1135 cu. in. = 1.54 per cent. Difference of volume of cylinders, 107674 23508 = 84,166 cu. in. Clearance of low-pressure cylinder, and difference of volume of cylinders, expressed in terms of volume of high- pressure cylinder, as follows: 1135 -r- 23508 = .048281 = 4 83 per cent. 84166 -7- 23508 = 3.5803. Isothermal curve, p * v. J Adiabatic curve, calculated by Rankine's formula, p <*v . Barometer corrected 30.099 = 14.78 Ibs. per square inch. The difference between the two adiabatic curves shows the amount of water present in the steam at cut-off evaporated by heat derived from the jacket; and the effect of the surface of piston-rods, acting as a surface con- denser, in condensing steam during ad- mission, to be subsequently ree vapor - ated. / I axis of Isothermal curve. A axis of Adiabatic curve. ! ,f\y _j j 1 j i ;_ . _ _ _ _ __4__-_.^_-_-_-4-'A|s^ 5 g The indicated work done in smaller cylinder may be taken as including the portion only fine shaded, in which case the work indicated in large cylinder includes from the point A, the clearance being curved on the indicated work in small cylinder is to be taken as including the portion with coarse shade, the clearance loss being vertical and the work indicated in long cylinder is that fine shaded only. NOTE. The Rankine formula for an adiabatic curve is p v = const., and not p v = const., as given above. 116 STEAM USING; OH, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. DIAGRAMS FROM ENGINES OF S. S. "ARIZONA." HIGH PRESSURE. 90-T 80- 10- 60- oO- 40 - ao - 20- 10- LOW PRESSURE. COMBINED DIAGRAM. Boiler pressure 86 Ibs. Cylinders, high pressure, 60" X 66" X 55 revolutions. 2 low " 90" X 66" X 55 INDICATED HORSE-POWER. High pressure cylinder. .FLow A " " " .2433 .1925 .1948 6306 ON THE INDICATOR, ETC. 117 DIAGRAMS FROM ENGINES OF THE S. S. "ABERDEEN.' 70"X 54" SINGLE DIAGRAMS. 140 e. /. COMBINED DIAGBAM. 118 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. gram is also given on page 91, from the St. Louis Water Works engine, and there is drawn thereon an expansion curve for the same quantity of steam in a non-conducting cylinder. As illustrating the action of a non- receiver compound engine we give, page 115, a combined diagram from the trial of the Lawrence Pumping Engine, and have noted the matter of indicated work thereon, the point being that is more than the. sum of the finely shaded areas. Single and combined diagrams are given for the engines of the S. S. "Arizona, "the two low pressure diagrams combining as one under the high pressure diagram; and we also give single and combined diagrams from the triple expansion engines of the S. S. "Aberdeen," see pages 116, 117. As examples of the exteriors of modern marine engines we have re- produced illustrations of the engines of the steamships "Grecian," the "Parisian" and the "Aberdeen," see pages 125 to 129, which with the above diagrams from the "Arizona" and "Aberdeen" are taken from "Engineer- ing," of London. We also give illustrations of a compound engine of the non-receiver type, for the U. S. Lighthouse Steamer "Manzanita," pages 122 to 124, de- signed and built by Mr. H. A. Kamsay, of the Vulcan Iron Works, Baltimore, Md. The "throws" of the two cranks are placed immediately opposite each other or 180 apart, and the steam after doing its work in the high pres- sure cylinder, is released, and passes at once into the large cylinder when the piston is found at the commencement of its stroke ready for the steam to exert its force upon it. Hence the interposition of a receiver, which is required when the cranks are placed at right angles to each other, is not necessary. The only objection to the arrangement is the supposed greater difficulty in handling the engine as both cranks are on their dead centres at one time, but this is easily obviated by care on the part of the engineer. The cylinders are 22 inches and 36 inches diameter, and the stroke of pis- tons is 34 inches. In order to work the valves with one pair of eccentrics the valve faces are placed at right angles to each other. This arrangement simplifies the number of parts and renders them easily accessible for ad- justment. There are no expansion or cut-off valves on either cylinder but both which are of the ordinary locomotive type, are provided with suffi- cient lap to enable them to suppress the steam at three -fourths of the stroke of the pistons. By the proper arrangement of passages and valves, the engines are arranged to work as simple condensing engines, compound and high pressure or non-condensing, as may be desired. The surface condenser which is of the usual rectangular cast-iron box shape forms the frame for supporting the cylinders on one side, while the other side is supported on wrought -iron columns. The air pump has a trunk plunger and bucket actuated by wrought-iron levers connected to the cross-head of the low-pressure cylinder. The condenser is arranged to pass the condensing water, furnished by an independent steam pump, making three turns through the condenser. The circulating pump has a cylinder of 12 inches diameter and 15 inches stroke. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 119 MISSISSIPPI RIVER STEAMER "MONTANA." Cylinder and Valves. A ill- m -- ^sss \ - w ! > < ; & tt s c a a 1 1 v^nm^" 4 1 ^T~ k 1 i TT "a 1 tf 120 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. DETAILS. Scale, M inch = 1 foot. Cutoff Cam. MISSISSIPPI RIVER STEAMER "MONTANA.' VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 121 ENGINES OF THE U. S. LIGHTHOUSE STEAMER "MANZANITA." ELEVATION. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 123 ENGINES OF U. S. LIGHTHOUSE STEAMER " MANZANITA." PLAN. ENGINES OF U. S. LIGHTHOUSE STEAMER " MANZANITA.' ELEVATION. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 125 TRIPLE-EXPANSION ENGINES OF S. S. "ABERDEEN. 1 PERSPECTIVE VIEW. Cylinders 30", 45" and 70" X 54" stroke. COMPOUND ENGINES OF S. S. "GRECIAN." SIDE ELEVATION. Cylinders 48" and 84" X 54" stroke. 2000 horse power. VA EIETIES OF ENGINES. 127 COMPOUND ENGINES OF S. S. "GRECIAN. END ELEVATION. 128 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THREE-CYLINDER COMPOUND ENGINE OF S. S. "PARISIAN.' Cylinders 60", 85" and 85" X 60" stroke. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 129 THREE-CYLINDER COMPOUND ENGINES OF S. S. "PARISIAN." 13O STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. On pages 138 and 139 will be found illustrations of the engines of the steam yacht "Leila," built by the Herreshoff Manufacturing Company, Providence, B. I. The Buckeye engine we illustrate in detail, see pages 141 to 152. It appears at first sight to have only an expansion valve on the back of the main slide, with the change in the cut-off given by the rotating weights on the shaft turning the expansion eccentric round the shaft. But the connection between the expansion eccentric and its slide is through a rock- ing lever with equal arms, carried at its centre at the middle of a rocking lever pivotted at the lower end. The effect of this, while throwing the expansion slide to the other side of the main slide, is also to render the movement of the expansion slide on the back of the main slide entirely independent of the position of the latter; for the expansion slide is in its central position on the main slide when the two working levers are in line, which only requires the expansion eccentric to be in a given place. The arrangement is therefore as if the expansion slide worked on a fixed seat, dividing the steam chest, with the advantage of a very small clearance. In drawing the valve diagram we find from the distance circle for the main valve, the points of admission, release and cushion; but we draw either on the same, or a separate diagram, the distance circle for any posi- tion of the expansion eccentric, and remembering the lap is negative, we draw the lines for the opening and closing of the ports in the slide by the expansion slide. By turning these round from the place where the cut-off is made by the main slide to any early limit desired, the range and throw, or range and lap, may be determined. This presents no difficulty, and is simpler than the case of the common engine in which the expansion eccentric is also turned round the shaft. On page 136 we give an illustration and description of the Steam Engine Governor used by the Cummer Engine Company, of Cleve- land, O. Four port engines are the oldest type of vertical engines with poppet valves, and the lifting is usually performed by cams. The first attempt at expansion was made by Stevens. The rock shaft holding the cams was moved by a rod from the eccentric; the end of the rock shaft carried an arm with a pin thereon and the rod from the eccentrics, passing on this pin, was slotted. By using a large eccentric, set much in advance, this rod ac- quired considerable motion in either direction before the rock shaft was put in motion, a.nd the opening of the valves was made much more rap- idly. As the cams could move down without any effect after the valve had seated, the closure was made earlier and also more promptly. A drop cut off was afterwards devised by Sickles, and the steam valve stems were lifted by clutches and released at any point desired. This gear could be altered by hand while running. Pumping engine, No. 1, High Service, St. Louis Water Works, has been given as a good example of this kind of machine. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 131 The credit of the Automatic cut-off, or expansion varied by the gov- ernor, must be accorded to Geo. H. Corliss, of Providence, Khode Island. He introduced a four port engine with twisting valves, adding various de- vices in the way of connections and adjustments, until he secured a very rapid opening of the steam valve, and rapid opening and closing of the exhaust valves. The latter were permanently attached to, and moved by, the eccentric, and only by moving the eccentric of the shaft and by chang- ing the length of the rods can any change be produced in their movement. The steam valves were lifted by clutches, which met with a releasing piece at some point of the opening determined by the governor, the earlier the faster; the mean effective pressure in the cylinder is thereby reduced, the speed lowers and is again increased. By a delicate governor these vari- ations may be made almost imperceptible. The undoubted gain made by these engines in the use of steam, is due to the fact that the initial pressure up to the cut off is kept nearly that of the boiler, and that with the large ports and quick opening valves the back pressure is reduced to the least possible amount. The piston speed, number of revolutions, and steam pressure are all increased while the clearance is very greatly reduced. And, in fact the gain is due to a general fitness and skillful combination of things, all of which were good in themselves, and which in no way disturbed each other, when combined. The closing of the steam valves after being tripped has been caused by weights, by springs, by compressed air, by air of reduced pressure, and by steam, as well as by combinations of these forces. The best results have been given in this country by weight and vacuum tending to close the valve, with an air dash pot to take up the shock. At the expiration of the patents covering Mr. Corliss' improvements, a number of builders commenced making engines of almost exactly the same pattern. Of these imitations which contain very many improve- ments, perhaps those built by Mr. Wm. A. Harris, of Providence, are best known in the East, while those of Messrs. E. P. Allis and Co., of Milwaukee, working from the designs and under the supervision of Mr. Edwin A. Reynolds, have suited the requirements of the Western practice. To take an example of a four- port engine with poppet valves we select the western river Steamer "Montana," given on pages 119 to 121. The four valves are moved by four cams from two rock shafts, driven by rods from triangular cams on the shaft. The engines can be worked by hand or not, at full stroke, backward or forward, and at a fixed cut-off never earlier than one-half stroke while running forward. A single cam on the shaft connected to the steam rock shaft is used for the cut-off, while the exhaust side rockshaft is driven by the other cam. To use full stroke this is disconnected and the two rockshafts hooked to work together from the exhaust; while to reverse, the full stroke cam is hooked to the rock arm driving the exhaust on the other side. The rapid movements of the valves in opening and closing are seen from the dia- grams taken from the steamer "Phil. E. Chappel." Two cards are given Ill 2 . > M It] > * W) o 'i 3 s (0 LJ Ul I ! TJ _c UJ I o" h "S U) c o '! CD VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 133 from the "James Howard" shown with and without the use of the con- denser. The condenser was opened to the cylinder after the bulk of the steam had been exhausted into the air, say when the piston had moved one- tenth of the stroke backwards, the increase of pressure found was about ten pounds or 10 per cent., and the great size of condenser and air pump were reduced because little of the steam was left. It was found practically that the increase of the range of temperature between the in- coming and outgoing steam was enough to so increase the internal waste that no economy but a positive loss was attendant upon its use. Following the Corliss type of engine closely is that of Mr. Jerome Wheelock, of Worcester, Mass., which is however, only two-ported. The valves are of the Corliss pattern and two are used for opening to steam and for opening and closing the exhaust. The closing of the steam is governed by two other valves of the same kind placed upon the steam passage leading to the main valves, and moved from the main valves by clutch links which are tripped by the governor. This engine has a future, but as built, it leaves a separate eccentric for the steam and exhaust valves, and a general increase in strength, to be desired. The use of two eccentrics, one for the steam, and one for the exhaust, valves, has been followed in this country by the Atlas Engine Works, of Indianapolis, and is generally desirable. One of the best frames made with the Corliss engine has been a modification of that used by Wm. Wright, in his four-port slide valve engines and has been adopted by Messrs. Smith, Beggs & Kankin, of St. Louis. The Porter- Allen engine is a four-port slide valve engine with steam slides balanced and worked from a link, the position in the link of the radius rod attached to the valve stem being controlled by the governor; the balanced exhaust valves are worked from some fixed part of the link. The engine is intended to run at high speed both in revolutions and pis- ton travel, and on this engine was first studied and developed the actual effect of the weight of the reciprocating parts of the engine, the piston, rod, cross -head and connecting rod. These pieces evidently have to be started on the stroke before any pressure from the steam can reach the crank pin and main journal, and if they are heavy and the speed high, al- most all the pressure of the steam upon the piston may be absorbed in starting this dead weight. In any case the full force of the steam acting upon the piston is reduced before it reaches the crank pin. After the en- gine has passed mid stroke where this weight is now moving at its great- est speed we find that the steam pressure has very much fallen if the cut- off be early, and that the inertia of the moving parts is now pressing with the steam pressure against the crank. Thus the weight of the moving pieces tends in connection with the varying cylinder pressures to equal- ize the pressure, wear, and rotation. In some cases we have examined we found that the load on the engine was so light and the boiler pressure so low, the cut-off taking place early. Under these conditions the crank pin was started entirely by the fly wheel and the crank pin actually dragged from one end the weight which 134 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. the steam was pushing at the other. At mid stroke the steam pressure had fallen considerably and the inertia of the weight now moving fast did all the work from there to the end of the stroke. This of course is not de- sirable, but it may be considered that to have half the initial pressure transmitted to the pin, while half is taken up in moving the weight to be given out again at the end of the stroke, is the best adjustment possible. THE RIDER AUTOMATIC EXPANSION GEAR. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 135 This, of course, can only be done for one speed and steam pressure by properly designing the weight, and average results only can be reached. This action combined with the high rotation speed on the fly wheel causes these engines to run with what appears to be a simply marvelous smoothness, and the quick acting governor maintains the speed, chang- ing in height under variations of revolution which are too small to be otherwise noticed. Illustrations of this engine are given on pages 167 to 187. Among stationary engines in England, by far the most common type is that of a slide valve with an expansion slide on the back, and it is the most common type in Europe. The arrangement is very often used with small engines, as small as those with 8 inch cylinders, without means of vary- ing the expansion, and with the speed regulated by a throttle and govenor as usual. In the United States, on the other hand, this form (non-adjus- table) is rarely to be met with. While the use of an expansion slide varied by hand is by no means common, a very neat type is made at Erie, Pa., of the class in which the negative lap is varied by a right and left hand screw and hand wheel projecting from the end of the steam chest. By this wheel the expansion can be changed while the engine is running. One of the neatest automatic, or governor, expansion gears, is that of Eider, of the Delamater Iron Works, New York City. The back of the main slide is hollowed into a part of a cylinder whose axis is the centre of the expansion slide. The lap edges of the expansion slide and steam edges of main slide are tapered in such a manner that by rotation of the expansion slide the lap is changed as in the ordinary manner. This rota- tion is accomplished by a spindle attached to the govenor, gearing into a sector on the valve stem. When an expansion slide is used in connection with a link motion for the main valve, in many cases the expansion slide is driven by its eccen- tric set opposite the crank, and change of cut-off is given by change of lap and a right and left hand thread and handwheel. In such cases the link is usually worked full-gear only, and the cut-off applied after the engine is in motion. The lap is negative. A more common form with large engines, where the weight becomes harder to handle, is to cut into two parts the expansion valve rod and to connect one of them to a link, making the other a radius rod pinned to the valve stem, and working with slides in the link. The position of the slider in the link is determined by a screw and handwheel. Thus a change of travel is effected in the expansion valve. The diagram is readily constructed, and the results are good, but the steam chest has to be made longer than would be otherwise required. A more complex arrangement is found in some cases with the link motion, a third eccentric and second link being added. The second link is attached to the expansion eccentric at one end and the main valve stem at the other. The expansion slide is moved by its valve stem, and either by a radius rod and link curved to fit the radius VMUET1KS Of-' K \irIXES. 137 rod, or by a double curved link. This combination of links can be sketched as follows : A is the crank, and C the shaft centers. B, D, and E are the virtual centers of the three given eccentrics, while F is the virtual eccentric for a given position of the main link, and G. on E F, dividing J? it as the expansion _._ _ _ slider divides the -1 - second link, is the virtual eccentric driving the expan- sion slide. The diagram for the cut-off is then readily constructed from these two virtual eccentrics by the ordinary methods. The use of this class has been confined as far as we are aware to the beautiful marine engine of Messrs. Herreshoff, of Bristol, K. I. An automatic engine built under patents of Messrs. Armington & Simms is a good example of neat and careful design. The engine is worked by a piston valve, and the governor is like that of the Buckeye and many other engines, a pair of weights attached to the main shaft. But in the Buckeye the governor acts only on the expansion valve eccentric, pulling it ahead on the shaft if the speed is increased. In the Armington & Simms engine the pair of weights flying out pull on what may be called a compound eccentric. This compound eccentric is the peculiar feature of the engine; the ordinary eccentric, loose on the shaft, carries instead of the usual strap, a second eccentric with about one third the arm of the first. The weight is a heavy casting, pivoted at one end to the governor disc; at the free end it is connected to the lugs on the inner eccentrics, and at its mid- dle to the outer eccentric, but on the other side of the shaft, the result being that the eccentrics are pulled around the shaft in opposite direc- tions. The effect is that the outer eccentric centre changes both in angle and in arm, very much as it is varied in a more simple manner in the Westinghouse automatic engine, already illustrated. The rest of the en- gine requires no comment. With large cylinders the valves become large, but while the steam port edge which regulates admission increases with the diameter, the volume to be filled varies with the square of the diameter. And in order to give length enough, the only way it can be increased, the edges are often doubled, or the body of the value cored with passages to the exhaust, while steam is admitted from the sides of the value to the additional ports. When the cylinders are large these valves become very complicated, and are matters of special study. Locomotive and portable engines assume special forms but the only real difference is that boiler and engines have to be so attached as to move 138 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. ENGINES OF THE STEAM YACHT "LEILA.' SIDE VIEW. Cylinders 9" and 16" X 18". VARIETIES OF E\<;IXK*. 139 ENGINES OF THE STEAM YACHT "LEILA." END VIEW. 140 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PEACTICE. together. The locomotive has always two cylinders,* operating upon cranks at right angles, and carried on from four to twelve wheels, of which from two to twelve have the same diameter and are coupled to- gether thus acting as driving-wheels. The remaining wheels are smaller and act only as bearing wheels. The wheels are set with bearings in a frame to which the cylinders are firmly connected. Upon this frame is set the boiler and its appurtenances. The water and fuel are carried in some forms upon this frame, but more usually upon a separate frame and wheels called the "tender." The engine proper is the pair of cylinders with their connections to the wheels and the valve gear back from the wheels to the steam. The valve is almost always the three ported slides driven by a link motion, and there is no difference whatever in the use of steam in the engine itself from any other engine of the same type. The number of revolutions is at times high, and the piston speed great, but the engine is rarely kept at hard work for more than an hour at a time. Cylinders are used up to 24 inches in diameter while the stroke is rarely over 26 inches. A few engines for the Central Pacific Railway have a 30- inch stroke, and have an expansion slide on the back of the main slide, but such engines have been tried before and the only gain is likely to be that due clearance, for at slow speeds and late cut-off the expansion valve adds nothing; while at high speed and early cut-off the cushion produced by the link motion and single slide is found to be essential in reducing shock and increasing durability. And it may be safe to say that no other than the single slide in some of its forms, driven by the link or kindred motion, is likely to be used; for in spite of many attempts to improve it, George Stephenson left the locomotive as it still remains in all essential points, and that the only improvement worth noting is the addition of the automatic air brake which may be called the most important adjunct to railway train service after the locomotive. The varieties of engines and cut-off gear are almost endless, but we have endeavored to restrict ourselves to the ordinary and well-defined successful constructions. New patterns are being used every day, and we have omitted a number of beautiful and apparently successful forms, manufactured by well-known builders, wholly because they have only been in operation for a comparatively short time. *The London and Northwestern Bailway, England, have built a number with three cylinders which have been very successful, and the Boston and Albany is building one with four cylinders, both of these cases being compound engines. Mr. Fairlie and others have built locomotives with four cylinders, which were, however, properly speaking, duplex locomotives. H- a o g p < ^ o S VARIETIES Of 1 ENGINES. 143 THE BUCKEYE AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. 144 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE BUCKEYE AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. THE BUCKEYE ENGINE COMPANY'S ISOCHRONAL REGULATOR. EXPLANATION. Two levers, a a, are pivoted to the arms of the containing case at one of their ends as at 6, while the movable ends are connected by links B B, to ears, or flanges, on the sleeve of the loose eccentric, C, so that their outward movement, in obedience to cen- trifugal force, as indicated by dotted lines, advances the eccentric forward in the direc- tion of revolution. Springs, F F, of tempered steel wire, furnish the centripetal force. The tension of the springs is adjusted by a screw at c. The proper speed is obtained by adding more or less weight at A, or within certain limits by shifting the weights along the levers. The case, which is made in halves, is clamped to the shaft by pinch bolts, a- The spring clips, d, are adjustable along the levers. The parts are shown in their proper position for motion in the direction of the arrow; for motion in the opposite direction, the levers are pivoted to the other arms of the case and the springs are reversed. THE BUCKEYE AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. GENERAL DETAILS. a, Bock Shaft. & &, Adjustable Bearings. A, Main Bock Arm. 6 6, Clamping Bolts. C D, Arms of Cut-off Bock Shaft, B, actu- ated by Cut-off Eccentric Bod at E. H, Hole for Starting Bar. CROSS SECTION OF BED AND COMPOUND BOCK AKM. &, Gun-metal Spool in halves, a. Pin. c, Bolt, d, Handle continued in a threaded spindle, which bites into spool, 6, and takes up lost motion . BALL AND SOCKET JOINT OF GOVER- NOR LINK. PINCH WRIST. c, Wrist clamped to stem, 6, by bolt, a. a, Ball-headed Stud, d, Head of Link. &, Hardened steel button. c, Cap, to screw down solid. THE BUCKEYE AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. GENERAL DETAILS. BALL, AND SOCKET JOINT IN CUT-OFF VALVE STEM. &, Sleeve Nut screwing over head of stem d, jammed by Sleeve Nut c. e, Clamp Han- dle set at about 45. CROSS HEAD FOE GIBDEB BED TYPE. Cross-head is in halves, pinched on the thread of piston rod, a, by bolts, //. &, Pin. c c, Tongue Gibs, d, Wedges, e e, Screws. DEVICE FOR OILING CRANK PIN. c, Hole in Crank Pin. b, Tube communicating with c. a, Ball to receive oil ; a, being stationary, the oil is fed into tube by the centrifugal force. AUTOMATIC WASTE COCK. VARIETIES 0^ ENGINES. 147 THE BUCKEYE AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. SOME DETAILS OF A 20" x 40" ENGINE. Edge of foot -j | CYLINDER. CYLINDE3 HEADS. 148 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE BUCKEYE AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. SOME DETAILS or A 20" X 40" ENGINE. VALVES. VALVE CHEST COVEK, ETC. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 149 THE BUCKEYE AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF SOME DETAILS OF A 20" X 40" ENGINE. ^iJFO; THE BUCKEYE AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. SOME DETAILS OF A 20" x 40" ENGINE. Of= ~*E1 TZ-^rrU-^--- =tm\- PT~ X, 3 if^JWTS f JT VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 151 THE BUCKEYE AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. SOME DETAILS or A 20" x 40" ENGINE. . -. K^ J -4S ^_p SPLIT ECCENTRICS. 152 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE BUCKEYE AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. SOME DETAILS OF A 20" x 40" ENGINE. BED PLATE. CONNECTING KOD. -^ 156 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PH. ACTIVE. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 167 THE REYNOLDS' CORLISS ENGINE. **% *j END VIEW OF CYLINDER, ETC. Showing arrangement of Valve Gear for 20" X 48" Engine. 158 STEAM USING; OH, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE REYNOLDS' CORLISS ENGINE. -SSF Valve - 1 1 $ t _i _-A'--~- - : 4ftggt Valve Stem tf%"Long *~ - Exhaust, V_alyeSie?rLl5*/ 8 '%Q?ia_^ Exhaust Bonnet 2 of this \ 4 of this VALVES, ETC., FOE A 20" X 48" ENGINE. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. THE REYNOLDS' CORLISS ENGINE. Ki: DETAILS OF VALVE GEAR, ETC. FOE A 20" X 48" ENGINE. 160 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE REYNOLDS' CORLISS ENGINE. DETAILS OF GOVERNOR, ETC. For a 20" X 48" Engine. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. THE REYNOLDS' CORLISS ENGINE. >" . ^ i , ' ' ''V _ ' *. i n 1 \ i '.'.".' < * - i-;.^ r | * f u-^-t-- J J l^L ! 1 162 UTEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE REYNOLDS' CORLISS ENGINE. II -f as! "c 2 3 "8 a o - iiiSig* a , ff 1 ! 9 i oS ,{iBJl ||||i|s lliSs5S|I :-|lllEiU z i 3*4 'cS5ftTass a > -^ 03 5 -C C8 g "- a 2 S IfllHJiii: tiMiiiiffi sf^fis- s liujji!!! *?.5s a 2fSg S3 a .||3Sg| ;a^|5|58?? THE LAMBERTVILLE, N. J., IRON WORKS PATENT AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. VIEW OF GOVERNOR AND SECTION THROUGH BED. LAMBERTVILLE, N. J., IRON WORKS PATENT AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. GOVERNOR SIDE VIEW. \ 168 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE PORTER-ALLEN ENGINE. VERTICAL CROSS SECTION THROUGH CYLINDER AND VALVES SECTIONAL PLAN OF CYLINDER THROUGH STEAM AND EXHAUST VALVES, VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 169 THE PORTER-ALLEN ENGINE. SIDE AND FRONT ELEVATION OF ECCENTRIC AND LINK. ELEVATION AND PLAN OF VALVE CONNECTIONS. THE PORTER-ALLEN ENGINE. PLAN AND ELEVATIpN OF MAIN SHAFT BEARING. i ijy CEOSS-HEADS. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 171 THE PORTER-ALLEN ENGINE. CRANK PIN OILER. CENTRE LINE OF SHAFT. IMM Ml it it i I I in i i in 174 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. q UUJ 175 176 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. THE PORTER-ALLEN ENGINE. f PLAN OF COMPOUND CONDENSING ENGINE. VARIETIES > OF ENGINES. * ' L "" ~" """" 177 VARIETIES OF ENGINES. i 180 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE, THE PORTER-ALLEN ENGINE. DETAILS OF COMPOUND CON- DENSING ENGINE. VARIETIES OF ENGINES. 183 C Line of Cylinder Section on Line B B (See previous page.) Section through A A (See previous page.) THE PORTER-ALLEN ENGINE. DETAILS FOR A 11^" X 20" ENGINE THE PORTER-ALLEN ENGINE. DETAILS OF CYLINDER AND VALVES FOR llh>" X 20" ENGINE. ' - /,* 3 v ,o. '7f"~O~ O--T- "fr 1 1 1, 1 ! J T s+\ 1 \ ""* T* i \ I? -|- -Vj !

JSf' In t~ DETAILS OF MAIN BEARINGS FOR A 11? 2 " X 20" ENGINE. CHAPTER V.* THE ALSATIAN EXPERIMENTS THE WORK OF MESSRS. HIRN AND HALLAUER. KEPORT ON A MEMOIR PRESENTED BY M. O. HALLAUER, UPON "STEAM ENGINES." BY M. KELLER. The work of M. Hallauer is, as its title suggests, a study of the economic influence of the degree of expansion (point of cut-off) in various types of steam engines. It tends also to support by analyses, more and more numerous, the conclusions of the last paper of the author the equality in the matter of industrial consumption of simple and compound engines, the advantage being rather on the side of,the former. It is divided into three parts: the first comprises researches relative to double cylinder engines; the second concerns single cylinder engines, and the third sums up and compares the results obtained. We will follow M. Hallauer successively in the order adopted by him in the study which occupies us, viz., first, the compound, then the simple engines, and, sum- ming up for each type, we will conclude upon the whole work. FIRST PART. DOUBLE CYLINDER ENGINES, KNOWN AS " WOOLF," OR COMPOUND. M. Hallauer states, first, all that has been said concerning the ad- vantages of this system, and after discussion arrives at the conclusion that the only really serious consideration, "a priori," which cannot be gainsaid, and which stands in its favor, is this: That the difference of force at the commencement and at the end of the stroke is smaller than for other types of engines, and that, in conse- quence of this better distribution the running of the machine is much smoother. In regard to the useful effect of the compound engine, the brake experiments, executed under the auspices of your mechanical com- mittee, have shown that the "Woolf " engines absorb more force in them- selves than single cylinder engines, a result easily foreseen. Passing then to the study of the influence of the cut-off in the small cylinder, M. Hallauer commences by verifying the results obtained: First. In a series of experiments executed by himself in 1877 with a "Woolf" beam engine, at Miinster, which was made at the shops of the Alsatian Society for the Construction of Machines. Second. In the experiments executed in 1876, under the auspices of *This chapter comprises translations of some valuable papers contained in the "Bulletin de la Societede Mulhouse," a journal not commonly seen in the United States. The author has endeavored to preserve the form of original thought as nearly as possible. THE ALSA 77.1 .V A'.V/'A/,'/ l//..\ 7X ETC. 189 your Mechanical Committee upon a horizontal "Woolf " engine of the same make, which appeared in the bulletin for July-August, 1877. Third. In those executed in February, 1877, by the Alsatian Associa- tion of Steam Owners upon an engine at Malmerspach built by the same company, but provided with a variable expansion in the small cylinder, controlled by the governor, and provided by the machine company of Bitsch wilier -Thann. Fourth. In the experiments executed at St. Remy by M. Que'm, and at Rouen by the Normandy Association of Steam Owners, upon two "Woolf" beam engines, from the shops of Messrs. Thomas & Powell, of Rouen. Having discarded the experiments of which the verification is not exact enough, M. Hallauer determined the consumption of dry saturated steam per hour, and for each absolute horse-power, per indicated horse- power per hour," and per effective horse -power per hour, based upon the sum of the calories* brought into the cylinder by the steam and water leaving the boiler; in other words, substituting for the entrained water the quantity of steam which could furnish to the cylinder the same number of calories which had been brought by that water, and taking account of the calories left in the jacket by the steam which was con- densed therein. He passes then to the analysis of each experiment, and determines the quantity of steam and water contained at the end of admis- sion and at the end of stroke; the variations of the internal heat, and fin- ally of the cooling in the condenser Re.} This cooling is verified by two different methods, already explained many times by Mr. Hallauer in your bulletins. I should stop a moment to say some words upon the verification of the experiments. M. Hallauer's very elegant manner of operating has already been given in his last work. However, I believe it is not useless to again speak of it here in order to clearly comprehend its importance. When it is desired to render an account of the quantity of steam ex- pended during a given time by an engine, the water fed to the boiler is measured. This quantity of water, augmented or diminished by a weight easily calculated, according as the level in the boiler is higher or lower at the end of the experiment than it was at the beginning, gives the quantity of steam used. A method given by M. G. A. Hirn, and many times described in your bulletins, permits the determination of the proportion of water entrained with this vapor. This constitutes the direct gauging, Avhich is verified by the following method: Knowing the weight of water and of steam leaving the boiler and the pressure of steam therein, it is easy to determine the number of calories brought to the engine per stroke. This number of calories, diminished by the external cooling and the heat absorbed by the work done, should be equal to the number of calories absorbed by the water of condensation, *A calorie is X 2.204 = 3 9672 British heat units. tl understand by lie the cooling effect of the condenser upon the steam in cylinders. C. A. 8. 19O STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. a quantity obtained by gauging the water leaving the condenser, and measuring the initial and final temperature. The manner of operation has been many times described. The difference between the number of calories brought to the engine diminished by the work done and by ex- ternal radiation, and that of the calories found in the condenser divided by the total number of calories, gives the per cent, of error which has been committed. A word also concerning the term "absolute horse-power" which has not always been easily understood. The fine work of M. Hirn has shown the enormous iufluence of the sides of the cylinder upon the action of the steam therein contained. When two engines of different types and dimensions are compared, or the work of the same engine under varying conditions, it is the influence of the internal surfaces which should be determined to render an account of the manner in which the steam is utilized in each experiment. But what- ever system of condenser is used, the influence of the internal surfaces can only vary little; but on the other hand, the vacuum may vary within wide limits, and consequently the indicated work. The variable vacuum, being a point to be considered if one compares engines by their indicated horse-power, can falsify the comparison. We are then forced to suppose that engines, presented for comparison, are furnished with an ideal con- denser keeping a perfect vacuum behind the piston, and to compare be- tween the engines an account of the work furnished with this perfect vacuum. That is the work which constitutes the absolute work of the engine, and it is the consumption for this absolute work which permits the comparison between different engines or of different conditions of working.* It is well understood, for the rest, that from the practical and industrial point of view the better the condenser the better the re- sults; this is the affair of the builders, but can have little influence upon the manner in which the steam comports itself in the interior of the cylinder. The absolute work is then the term to be employed for comparison of two engines of different types, or working under different conditions, but the effective work will be always the term of comparison to be employed from the industrial point of view. This stated, I sum up in the following table the results of the verifica- tions and analyses of M. Hallauer, and with him I arrive at the deductions shown. The experiments executed upon the engine at Minister, in which the variation of work is obtained by throttling, give as the difference of con- sumption per absolute horse -power per hour for the extremes of work 3 per cent., and this represents the effect of throttling. In passing to the effective horse-power per hour, the economy is much more considerable, and reaches 20 per cent., which shows the influence of *In English it is usually called the total, or forward work.- C. A. S. THE ALSATIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 191 J OrHg t- CC 00 B i Is - s ^- : j | j ^ j j O 1C ^ rH CO nrHCN S WO" 3 -1 - f| : : : : : . . rH a <*> T3 nn2Sx>c83 I-e-aSBSb^L -a ;:*% fllll! s li *H e . ja o eS eg ac-t O aj |lla- ' |l!|l|!fl| f| i Englishl. H. P Pounds water per hour wardH.P Lba. water per hour I. ] E. ] ac in heat units 192 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE, the back pressure measured with the work done, and the coefficient of friction which augments in the same circumstances. M. Hallauer has then reached the conclusion in his preceding work that the most simple process of regulation is an expansion valve regulated by hand and the governor throttle, the control by hand being used for the larger variations and the throttle for maintaining the speed uniform in spite of the minor variations of work which may occur every instant. The author also explains by simple considerations, based always upon the action of the internal surfaces, some apparent anomalies which seem to occur in the experiments. I will not enter into these details, which would compel us to present the entire work, they all prove that the practi- cal theory pointed out by M. Him and applied here by M. Hallauer, per- mits the explanation of all the phenomena which take place in the interior of cylinders. After having studied the condensation and evaporation in the interior of the small and large cylinders, and noting the marked differ- ences which occur from an expansion more or less prolonged in the small cylinder, M. Hallauer reaches the important conclusions which follow, and which I sum up under a slightly different form from that which he has adopted. 1. Given a boiler working at 5.5 k.* of pressure, for instance, and a "Woolf " engine which can furnish a maximum work of A horse-power, there is a possibility of obtaining, industrially at least, 10 per cent, econ- omy by cut-off in the small cylinder, instead of throttling down the steam at the times when, because of circumstances, the engine has to supply only the half of A horse-power; this economy will be diminished by the measure in which the work approaches to A horse-power. 2. The engine working nearly to its maximum capacity, there can be produced by throttling a variation of force of 10 per cent, without any marked change in the economic regime. We see at once the importance of these conclusions, and in reality, there are few "Woolf" engines working at full power; furthermore, some builders of our district, when they furnish an engine, declare it at less than one-half the power that it really is. Thus, an engine sold at 100- horse power can ordinarily furnish 200- horse power without reaching its maximum. This mode of operation has practical advantages, but it is none the less true that when the engine only gives 100-horse power, thanks to the throttling, it consumes 10 per cent, more than it would have consumed if the work of 100-horse power had been obtained by admitting full pressure and cutting off in the small cylinder. I do not agree with M. Hallauer when he recommends a cut-off vari- able by hand. I believe that from the practical point of view a governor cut-off works better, for it disposes of the neglect of the engineer, who may not be able very well to give the desired cut-off the moment that it should be applied. We have nearly always observed that an automatic expansion procures a more regular speed than a governor throttle. *14.223 pounds per square inch = 1 k. per square centimetre. THE ALSATIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 193 SECOND PAET. INFLUENCE OF CUT-OFF IN SINGLE CYLINDER ENGINES. M. Hallauer proceeds for these engines as he did for the compound engine. He first verifies the experiments upon which he rests; then he analyzes them. The documents which have served for this study resulted from the following experiments: First. Those executed under the auspices of your mechanical com- mittee in April and May, 1878, upon a Corliss engine, constructed by Messrs. Berger, Andre & Co., of Thann. Second. Those undertaken in 1873 and 1875 by Messrs. Hallauer, Gros seteste and Dwelshauvers-Dery, under the inspiration of M. G. A. Hirn, and executed upon an engine deprived of its jacket, and working with superheated and with saturated steam. We group the results of the veri- fications and analyses in the table which follows. The examinations of these results show: First. That for the Corliss engine, with steam jacket, there is a theo- retical economy per absolute horse-power of 1^ per cent, when the cut- off is changed from to Jj, but that industrially, this economy disappears and changes sign, and there is a practical gain per effective horse -power of 4^ per cent, by working at J cut-off in place of -f f . Second. That for the engine, without jacket and without superheat- ing, the economy furnished by the cut-off is much more considerable than the Hirn engine working with saturated steam, and that there is a theo- retic gain of 7.4 per cent, by changes to cut-off \ from , and that, indus- trially, this economy remains at 4 cent. Third. In taking account of the difference of superheating, the ex- periments I. and II. (106 C. and 231 C.), establish the fact that the in- fluence of the cut-off in the unjacketed engine, with superheated steam, remains as it did with saturated steam. Experiment III., with superheated steam, shows still more the great economy of the cut-off in these circumstances, where one passes certain limits, for between admissions of and | there is 15 per cent, economy, which would have been more considerable if, in experiment I., we had worked with the same superheating as in experiment III. Fourth. In the Hirn engine the experiments with saturated steanj give at the end of the stroke the same weight of water, 0.0940 k.* and 0.0927 k., and the refrigeration is also the same, 37.53 C. and 37.02 C., while with- out any jacket the same weights of water gave the same values of Re. For the Corliss engine, on the contrary, the weights of water differ at the end of the stroke, 0.0298 k. and 0.0398 k., and the same refrigeration, 11.21 C. and 11.15 C., results showing the steam jacket. For experiments II. and III., with superheating, the weights of water at the end of the stroke are 0.0367 k. and 0.0373 k., and the refrigerations 16.61 C. and 20.34 C., a dif- ference which should be attributed to superheating, for in the same con- *i k. = 2.204 pounds. 194 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. O ** X X I CM TH ocboS J3CM * CO O | H o o t-^ oo os oj co l_ s * s I . SI . s I I K * O t- t- 00 O CM S" 1 02 1 2 .iiS ., 8 H M CO O O t- 00 < *H CO CN a a TH t- ^1 CO CO CO 10 -* 1 O O 00 OS O TH O C^S 1 T ScbS TH TH 00 00 OS O CM 00 got-ccos ^ 1- TH CO CM o t-mo iH * CO O O CO CO O So i 1 S H- 1 oocNt-t-ooiomoo rH 00 1 S* oo o os -* CO CO CM TH CO CM OS t- t- CM TH 00 * 2 t-CNt~L-OOOrHOS CO CO i-H THOS 1 i M i-l iHrHOSO>OCOt- o ^ expansion error committed actual horse-power per hour indicated horse-power per hour, effective horse-power per hour. . condensed in jacket water at end of admission expansion radiated to the condenser by t cent, of heat received r""^ ^ h o Q)= = +i S *-l s;|^ft ^^ g'SS g|S| ls 88 8 -|5 Illl || 4^ = 0.1048 me., and the pressure is 41,415 kgms. per sq. metre, whence the density is y = 2.5175 k. The weight of dry steam at the commencement of expansion is m = 0.1048 me. x 2.5175 k. = 0.26383 k., while the feed water per stroke was 0.2651 k., an error of - 65 i^ 0.26383 _ legs than one .half 0.2651 of one per cent. Passing to the end of the stroke, the final volume in- cluding clearance is 0.490 me., the pressure 7,722 kgms. persq. m., whence we have a density -}\ = 0.46096 and a weight of steam of m 1 = 0.490 me. x 0.46096 k. = 0.21859 k. ; the difference is 17.5 per cent. What has become of this steam which has disappeared during the expansion? We hope that the examination of all our experiments will make this clear to all. We place them in the following tables with the differences: TABLE VII. s 00 |j ^j 06 gj 5 > > M si ^ , < 3 i O Weight of feed 0.3065 0.3732 0.2651 0.2822 0.2240 0.2634 0. 2265 0.2982 Weight at cut-off mo 0.28656 J0.2571 0.26383 0.2866 0.1688 0.1656 0.22080.2625 Difference 9.01994:0.1124 0.00217 0.0044 0.0552 0.0948 0.0057 0.0357 Per cent +6.5 + 30. 4i +0.83 1.5 +24.64 +36 +2.52 + 12 Weight at end of stroke, mi 0.269810.2792 0.21859 0.24496 0.1761 0.1707 0.19060.2982 0367 J 094.0 04651 0.03724 0.0479 0927 0.0359 Percent +12 +25.2 + 17.5 + 13.2 + 21.38 + 35.18 + 15. 85 1 We find their marked differences nearly always less between the calcu- lated and measured weights. What are the causes? Let us review them. For those who know how difficult it is to keep a metal- packed piston tight, nothing is more simple than to suppose leakage. To those who have not learned all the arrangements adopted, we explain that it is easy THE ALSA TIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 2O7 to make a tight piston. Suspending the piston and with two cast-iron rings sprung in make a tight piston. But in many cases a vertical cylinder cannot be used. We believe that the piston rod should be carried at both ends of the cylinder, to avoid leaks, and to use softer cast-iron for the rings than for the cylinder. What is important for us is to see that the vertical engine on which we experimented possessed a tight piston, and that the natural hypothesis of leakage is inadmissible. How could we believe that these losses could give an increase over that directly gained, for example on August 27, and how could the piston of the same engine, working with almost the same initial pressure, vary from 0.83 to 36 per cent, in a few days, August 26 to September 7 and 8.; or from 25 to 36 per cent, from September 7 to September 8? There is no doubt that all conditions were the same, except the superheating, and we should suppose that the hotter steam would leak the easier; on the con- trary the leakage is least then. Finally, we will note some results which will support the views we shall advance, knowing that the piston was tight. It will be remarked that in the table given there is for many of the experiments less steam accounted for at the end of the stroke than at the cut-off. On November 28 it decreases from 30.4 to 25.2 per cent., and on September 7 from 24.64 to 21.38 per cent., but in the non- condensing run of October 28 it changed from 12 to per cent, at the end of the stroke. Let us recall the progress of the steam in the engine, and see if this is not an impossibility with a leaky piston. The consumption per stroke was measured with all the precautions stated above; it is then the weight of fluid which passes through the cylinder, leakage or no leakage. The computation based on the volume and density gives the actual quantity of steam present. Is the difference lost? If so, how explain the irregularity in amount, or the excess in some cases? Every one must see that this is absurd, and the hypothesis of leak- age cannot be maintained. One of the most important propositions of applied physics gives us the key. When steam is introduced into a reservoir of invariable dimensions, of which the surface has not everywhere the same temperature, the final pressure of the steam is that which corresponds to the lowest temperature. It was upon the facts from which this proposition is deduced, that Watt based one of his best discoveries, the condenser; it will serve us to explain the apparent disappearance of the steam which we have stated. The study of the phenomena to which the action of heat upon water gives birth has been made in the cabinet of the physicist, ignoring at the start perturbing influences. The results thus obtained are as exact as the laws from which they are derived, and if we have an error to note, at least it is not from applying erroneous principles. We will not repeat too much, transporting to the domain of practice the physical data relative to steam, without considering the^circumstances in which the steam is called to 208 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. work. Kegarding engine cylinders as simple geometric receptacles im- penetrable to heat, of stating that there is no exchange of heat between the steam and its surrounding metal, is from all evidence contrary to the truth and has never been sustained. But for a long time it has been im- plicitly considered that the various errors arising from this supposition were insignificant. We shall see if it is possible to neglect them. Kemarking, first, that when the steam is taken directly from the boiler, experiments, November 28, 1873, and September 8, 1875, as is usually the case, we have to do with a vapor in contact with its liquid, a so-called saturated vapor, that is to say, in such a state of equilibrium that it is impossible to take away the smallest quantity of heat without condensing a portion, that almost always the gas itself has entrained and mixed with itself a portion more or less great of the fluid from which it came. Neg- lected for the two experiments which occupy us it is sometimes 5 or 6 per cent, of the weight of steam introduced. In this condition it is impossi- ble to add heat without evaporating a part of the fluid in suspension. This state of saturation or unstable equilibrium of a vapor mixed with its liquid in more or less quantities is such that any addition or subtrac- tion of heat, how small soever it may be, brings immediately and neces- sarily the evaporation or condensation of the liquid or vapor. In such a condition does the mixed fluid pass from the boiler to the cylinder. At the end of the steam pipe it finds in the steam chest the valve open to the cylinder, the piston at or near the end of the stroke, and the steam then fills the clearance spaces between the valve and the piston. In the engine we are studying the clearance is 5 litres, very small relatively to the inclosing surfaces, the cylinder head and piston have 0.5699 sq. in., and are instantly filled; the steam is thus brought against an extended surface which has been cooled during the preceding strokes by the expansion and the exhaust to the condenser. The incoming fluid tends to impart its temperature to the surfaces, and a large portion condenses, yielding its heat of evaporation. By virtue of the proposition enunciated above, the pressure of the fluid would fall if the communication from the boiler was not open and did not permit a constant influx of steam coming to replace that liquified till the moment that the interior of the cylinder has acquired the temperature due the pressure. All these phenomena are produced in the almost inappreciable inter- val of time the piston is at the end of the stroke, and afterward the piston uncovers fresh cooled surface which also condenses, but much less rapidly than than at the first instant, for whatever be the speed of the piston at midstroke the surface is much less in proportion to the inclosed volume than at the end of the stroke. Finally the valve, after opening, closes the steam port and the expansion commences without interrupting the action of the surfaces, but the supply of heat from the boiler being ended the reverse action begins, while at the same time steam is condensing on the cool surface uncovered by the piston it is forming from the heads which had been previously warmed. Take the experiments of November 28 and September 8 made with THE ALSA TIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 2O9 saturated steam. When the expansion commences, we have shut up in the cylinder a mixture of 69.6 per cent, steam and 30| per cent, water in one case; 64 per cent, steam, and 33 per cent, water in the other. This water, as we have shown before, came nearly all from direct con- densation on the metal; it is deposited on the surface lining it and pos- sessing its temperature and that of the steam in the cylinder. The piston advances, the work of expansion demands a certain quantity of heat, the fresh cool surface, uncovered, condenses more steam, the pressure falls, and the water lining the surfaces instead of increasing, grows less or re- mains the same in quantity, 25.2 per cent, instead of 30.4 per cent, and 35.19 per cent, instead of 36 per cent. This shows clearly that evaporation has been produced from the surfaces which first condensed and were then warmed by the steam . During the expansion the pressure and temperature fall at each instant. The cylinder surface and water covering it, keep at each instant a temper- ature little higher than that of the steam, but at each instant this temper- ature tends to equality with that of the mass of steam, which can only occur through the medium of the deposited water evaporating at the expense of its own heat, or yielding its excess to the metal, or drawing from it. The steam and condensed liquid, evaporating or condensing, serve as the vehicle of heat so well that at the end of the stroke we have different proportions from those at the end of admission. All this concerning the vapor of saturated steam is only the natural consequence of the laws of the transmission of heat, and it is matter of astonishment that it has been contested; not that the principle has been denied, but it has been called insignificant in its influence from the fact that gases are bad conductors of heat, and assuming the time of a stroke to be too short to permit any considerable exchange of heat by radiation, we have come to see that it is by direct contact and not by radiation that this action can condense up to 36 per cent. In this case the error would be in not taking account of the action of the surfaces: it is far from being one that may be neglected, as it has been. Let us see what happens when the steam from the boiler by a special apparatus has its temperature raised about 100 C. above that of saturated steam when it is superheated. Brought in that state to the cylinder, one can believe that it will act as a gas, losing, without doubt, its heat, its superheat, but never falling below that of saturated steam. The experi- ment of September 7 shows us the contrary, that steam at 195 C. can con- dense on the surface, giving 24.64 per cent, of water, and the heat of evaporation of this water is given to the metal, besides the superheat, which it gives first. When the expansion commences there is then only saturated steam containing one-fourth water in the cylinder, most of the water being on the surfaces. We are in identical conditions with the experiment of November 28 and September 8. All the phenomena we have already described take place. Condensation and evaporation going on simultaneously in different parts of the cylinder, we find at the end 210 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. of the stroke 21.38 per cent, water, showing that 3 per cent, has been re- evaporated. Between this experiment and that of November 28, one with super- heated steam and the other with saturated steam, the analogy is striking. It is far from being so with the others, which appear almost in part as exceptions to the laws which we state. On September 29, and August 26 and 27, the condensation at the begin- ning of expansions, 2.52 per cent, and 0.83 per cent., are very small, and on August 27 the steam remained superheated, since the weight of steam calculated is greater than that directly measured. To give an account of what passes let us recall what we said in our two experiments with satu- rated steam. At the commencement of the stroke only the clearance space is open to the incoming steam. The condensation is then very energetic; we can perhaps say that nearly all the steam which comes first is liquified against the metallic surface, whether it be superheated to 223 C. or not, for what is the heat of superheating compared with the weight of surrounding metal to be warmed, and the steam first introduced into the clearance space is small in amount of heat compared with the quantity to be given up. The steam then introduced instantly loses its superheat and the piston begins to move. We have then saturated steam in contact with a large portion of water, which we unfortunately cannot directly determine, but of which we can affirm the existence, for our experiments proved that the proportion of water liquified was very considerable, though the time was very short, that is to say, with the surface increased inversely as the weight of steam introduced, we could bring it all to water. The piston then moves more and more swiftly, and steam flows in from the boiler through the super- heater at a temperature of 223 C. ; it meets the saturated steam, with which it mixes, then the water covering the surfaces and yielding heat to it evapo- rates it so well that on August 27 the whole was superheated, since the cal- culated weight of steam at the end of admission was one per cent, greater than the gauged weight per stroke. At other times, since the weight com- puted is little greater than measured, the difference being with the errors of observation, we will therefore suppose the vapor saturated but dry. During the expansion we see that the liquif action, in spite of an introduction of nearly half stroke, reaches 13 per cent, at the end of the stroke. A con- densation takes place because the surface originally warmed did not receive heat enough to prevent it. This is shown by the experiments of August 26 and September 29, and for November 18. We then arrive at the last of our experiments, remarkable as we shall see, in analyzing that of October 28 at high pressure non- condensing. The steam heated to 220 C. is admitted for one- quarter of the stroke, expands to one atmosphere and is exhausted into the air. The clearances of the engine we are studying are 5 litres, say 1 per cent, of the cylinder volume. We have in our preceding experiments neglected the weight of steam shut up at the closing of the exhaust. With low pressure and density the weight may be neglected, but such is not THE ALSATIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 211 the case when the exhaust is at the atmospheric pressure. The compressed steam rises even above the pressure of admission, and its weight is 0268 k., say 10 per cent, of that consumed per stroke. It is easy to obtain, as we know the closing of the exhaust valve, the pressure and volume. We then find the density a function of the pressure. As this steam at this point is dry and saturated, as we shall see, its weight represents the whole steam in the cylinder, a quantity put into the cylin- der at the first revolution and in a manner remaining there till the engine is stopped; but if this weight is constant its temperature is not, for it par- ticipates along with the new steam in all the exchanges of heat of which the engine is the seat. The first action is daring the cushion and before the steam valve opens. The weight calculated at the closing of the exhaust was 0.0268 k. of steam that we know to be dry. If we value it again when it only fills five litres of the clearance volume we find only 0.0093 k.; the balance has been con- densed upon the surfaces, having a lower temperature than the compressed vapor, of which the pressure is constantly increasing. Then the steam valve opens, and steam rushes in and mixes with that compressed, aban- doning its superheat and at the end of admission containing 12 per cent, of water. The expansion commences, and at the end of the stroke the deposited water has evaporated, and we have dry steam. Summing up, the examination of each of our experiments brings us to the conclusion that we can by no means neglect the action of the sur- faces. To a certain depth the metal of the cylinder is penetrable by heat; it plays the role of a reservoir, which receives heat during admission and gives it out during expansion, or continues to receive but gives it out again during exhaust. This action is shown clearly by the figures in Table VII. There we find the proportion of water, which sometimes could be neglected, following the conditions under which the experiments have been made. Thus with steam superheated, cut-off, *, and throttle, the condensations are 1 per cent., 2 per cent., and even superheated; while with saturated steam, cut-off \, we find water 25 per cent., 30 per cent, and 36 per cent. Above all, this series of eight experiments removes all doubts, and it no longer can be denied that these exchanges of heat actually take place, variable in intensity and intimately connected with the conditions of tem- perature and expansion in which the engine is worked. Cooling due to the Condenser. We can enumerate the various changes to which the steam submits during its passage through the cylinder, fol- lowing the exchanges of heat upon the surfaces or in the fluid inclosed by them; this is not the only question, but only the first step in the road to which our analysis has led us, for we can find not only the manner of the distribution of heat, but the exact values by obtaining that which is con- sumed on the one side by work done, and on the other the various losses produced during expansion and exhaust. This study requires us to refresh our memory with some of the facts established by thermodynamics, among others what is meant by the internal heat U of a mixture of steam m and 212 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. water M m, this value 7" is the total heat of the mixture less that of the external A Pu; it is expressed U = l-APu = M cdt + mp U= M (t + 0.00002 * 2 -f 0.0000003 J 3 ) + m (575 0.791 *) From the elementary principles of thermodynamics the value of U can only vary: 1. If the total mass M does external work, positive or negative, augmenting or diminishing in volume under an external pressure, and then the variation of U is proportioned to the work done. 2. lithe mass, without doing work, receives or loses heat by contact with any other body. 3. It' these two phenomena take place together; in this case the change in U may be zero. We know the heat consumed by the work of expansion, since this is given by the diagrams, and it suffices to divide the number of kilogrammetres by 425 to have this quantity in heat units. Putting then the internal heat [7 and the work of expansion AF" we have: TABLE VIII. CC 00 so jj . 00 3 . rf > > bt A t i ^ fc fc * 3 02 02 02 O Internal heat at cut-off /o G ' 176.81 173.92 160.42 169.94 110.22 114.19 133.10 163.73 Internal heat at end of stroke, U 164.44 175 79 134.37 149.42 108.26 109 .07 116.28 117.91 Difference + 12.37 1.87 + 26.05 +20.52 +1.566 +5.12 + 16.82 14.24 Heat given to iron 23;26; 57.73 9.84 11.56 33.95 48.10 14.80 29.40 Work of Exp. A F A 16.521 15.835 15.79 9.24 14.31 13.70 7.22 14.50 In this table we also give the heat which the fraction M m gives to the metal during admission, by condensing upon the surfaces increased by the superheat lost by the mass M, we shall call it the heat stored by the surfaces. The internal heat U sometimes increases, or diminishes, or remains nearly stationary. Let us examine each case. 1. On October 28 it is 14.24 c. more at the end than the beginning of the expansion, and there has also been done 14.5 c. of external work which should have been at the expense of the internal heat U and this should have decreased instead of increased. This must have had heat from out- side, and as the boiler is cut-off it must have come from the cylinder metal, and as there is no jacket the metal must have taken it from the incoming steam as previously explained. The metallic surface has con- densed a portion of the steam brought from the boiler, the temperature is raised and the heat penetrates the metal to a depth more or less, but which matters little; it in a manner stores up heat which we can value directly from the superheating, M x 0.5 (6 t) = 0.2717 k. x 0.5 (220 137.49) = 11.20 c.; where M = the mass, 0.5 specific heat of steam, 6 = temper- ature of steam, t = temperature of saturated steam at same pressure. To THE A L > - 1 77. 1 A" K XPE /,'/.!/ K XTS, E TC. 213 this value is added the heat obtained from condensing 0.0357 k. liquified during admission. 0.0357 k. x r = 0.0357 X 509.78 c. = 18.29 c. 11.20 x 18.20 = 29.40 c. The work of expansion was 14.60 c The external radiation was 2.50 c The increase in internal heat was 14.24 c Total 31 . 24 c being with 1.84 c. of the other, an error of less than 1 per cent, of the 186.72 c. brought to the cylinder. 2. When the variations of internal heat are very small, November 28 and September 7, for example, we may consider it as remaining nearly stationary during the expansion, and the external work done during ex- pansion must have been furnished by the metal and not by the internal heat; the metal must have received it during admission, but this is only a portion of their action, for if we compare the amount the surface has re- ceived 33.95 c. on September 7, when the work of expansion is 14.31, the external radiations 2.50, leaving 18.80 c. to be accounted for per stroke what has become of them? Given to the surface per stroke it is impossible to have them remain there, for the temperature would rise to such a point as to melt the iron under an increase of heat of 18.80 c. per stroke; they must have gone to the condenser during exhaust unless the piston leaked, and we showed above that it was tight. The difference we call Re, refrig- eration by the condenser. It is the form first known of the action of the internal surfaces, an influence long doubted and far from being admitted in our day. We refer to table VII., and find there, except for the non- condensing experiment, that there is from 12 to 35 per cent, of water at the end of the stroke whether it entered saturated, wet, or superheated, the result of all the exchanges of heat being the condensation of a greater or less portion of the steam which works. This action is due to the sides cov- ered with a layer of water very thin and at the temperature of the metal. When the exhaust valve opens the steam rushes out, its pressure falls rapidly, and its temperature still faster till it reaches that of the water in the condenser, this, in the cylinder in spite of the smallness of the connect- ing passages, and the temperature is lower than that at the end of the stroke; but the surfaces of the cylinder and the water which covers them are higher in temperature and the water upon them evaporates, and the heat is taken from the metal in which it had accumulated during admis- sion. We see here the reverse of the phenomena during admission, the sur- faces cooled during exhaust are warmed by the incoming steam which they condense and evaporate during exhaust, and are again cooled. These two opposing actions are the result of the same physical cause, the per- meability to heat of the surfaces and that which they inclose. If even to-day, resting upon the poor heat-conducting power of gase- ous fluids and the shortness of time, it is believed that the effect of the 214 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. surfaces can be neglected, the following table will again prove that it is not small, that the cylinder loses during exhaust a certain number of calories which are far from being small, and which do no work whatever, and which even exceed those expended in the work done. As we have seen, the values of Re are deduced from the very simple relations of the internal heat, the work done and the heat given up to the metal during admission. r (Mm) = C/i U + A F. + 2.5 c. + .Re. For September 7, 33.95 c.= 1.66 + H.31 + 2.5 c.+ .Re. Re = 35.61 16.81 = 18.80 c. But these values can be checked by a different computation, which we shall follow out, knowing that Re is the heat taken from the iron during exhaust. If this heat is retained in the metal up to the opening of exhaust, it will not be in the final internal heat at the end of the stroke U v , but we shall find it increased by the work of expulsion, in the water rejected from the condenser, and the difference will give it to us. For September 7, U l = 108.56 c., less that remaining after condensing 6.81, added to the back pressure work 2.14 c. gives 103.89 c. The heat found in condenser is 122.77 c. Difference, Re '. 18.88 c. The other method gave 18.80 c. Error 0.08 c. TABLE IX. Rc 1st method , 15.61! 37.53 Reid. i 15.79! 35.33 Error i 0.82 2.20 Total heat per stroke |212.31 241 .36 Rc per cent, of this ! 7.80 15.60 * i bi > bi M ft Q a 4J g 1 1 f 4 I 6 CD 0> GO 1 T _ JJ c _ +12 37 1 870 + 26 05 + 20 52 +1 66 +5.12 +16 82 14.24 AFdC 16 52 15 835 15 79 9 24 14 31 13 17 7 22 14.50 Differences c + 4.15 + 17.705 10. 26 11. '28 +12.65 + 8.58 9.60 +28.74 The figures of this table are, as we see, very eloquent; there is even the absurdity of negative work on November 28 and October 28, for in- stance, and the generic theory is untenable. We have to return to the equation dQ = Mcdt + dmr mr and sum these quantities during the expansion to find a function which may be integrated. M. Hirn has arrived at it by a very natural idea which he developes as follows: "After many fruitless researches I decided to return here in the track traced by the experimental method itself. As the action of the surface consisted not only in taking heat from or yielding it to a gaseous mass, but in partially condensing a mass of saturated vapor, or of evaporating partially a mass of water in contact with it, I thought that the hypothesis nearest truth would consider the active part of the surface as a portion of, and at the temperature of, the water covering it. Whatever, in reality, may be the temperature of the surface, the water covering and evaporat- ing or condensing must be at the temperature of the saturated steam. The exactness of this view has been fully sanctioned by experience. " We can always represent, by a proper weight of water at temperature T, varying by dT, the position of the mass of the surface which is warmed THE A L S-.-l 77. 1 .V EX PE111MEXTX, ETC. 217 during admission and cooled during expansion and exhaust. Let // be this weight, changing by a quantity of heat, n c d T. n ^ r d T. mr T T T* ' T. Integrating both sides from T to T, - CM + /to J" c ^ = ~ + constant. - M + Taking one of our experiments for example that of September 7, for instance: M = 0.2240 k., m = 0.1688 k., m l = 0.1761 k. C m = 1.006096, T = 414.85, 2\ = 357.85. r = 506.55 c., r, = 547.10 c. 0.2240 + ^ = 0.42445, u = 0.20045, and the heat yielded by this equivalent weight of water is // (g qj 0.20045 (143.26 85.32) = 11.61 c. Finally, the work of expansion deduced from this heat yielded, and the difference between the internal heats at the beginning and end of expansion is A F., = Q + 7 C/i = 11.61 + 1.66 = 13.27 c., while the value from the diagrams is 14.31, an error of only 1.04 c., while the generic hypothesis was an error of 12.65 c. The following table gives the value of the work of expansion, calcu- lated in this way, and also from the diagrams, with their difference. The greatest error is 1.51 c., while the others are mostly less than 1 an error of less than 1 per cent, of the total heat brought. TABLE XI. , a ! > o > r * ; j \ 3 i 5 4 i 3 t-^ i X "ft 8 ! % t K z < ( (J OQ OQ Calculated A FA 16.003 U 73 Uf 01 7 73 13.27 12.75 6.78 14.52 Direct .... .... 16 520 u ga 15 79 i "4 14.31 13.70 7.22 14.50 Difference 0.523 u 1 .78 1 .51 1.04 0.95 0.44 0.02 We have shown how the water deposited upon the surface at the end of the stroke is partly evaporated during exhaust, how it carried with it a certain quantity of heat Re, which we have called the cooling by the con- denser. The cylinder in these conditions works as a boiler, producing steam which goes to the condenser with a certain quantity of water en- trained with it the amount of which is easily determined. The condenser 218 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. here being a large edition of that used in determining priming, the method of calculation is identical; that for September 7, for example, is as follows: Mean back pressure 1881 kgs. per square metre: Temperature t corresponding 58.44. q = 58.57 c. 7. = 624.32 c. r = 565.75 c. The heat found in the condenser, as we have seen above, iy 122.77 c., the weight of fluid per stroke is 0.2240 k., and the final temperature of the water is 30.42, whence the weight of entrained water: 0.2240 (A 30.42) 122.77 m c ---------- r _ 0.2250 (624.32 30.42) 122.77 565.75 = 0.01815 k. - = 8.1 per cent. The following table shows the weight of water and its proportion of the steam. It is easy to see that it depends solely on the proportion of water at the end of the stroke. TABLE XII. i 06 ! oo i-l O* 8 ! S t-' . 1 oi 00 : , K T< . 223 rated, only dryer. Even if brought in at 230 C., it is impossible to sustain that it will burn the oil and destroy the cylinder in which it is worked. There are three questions of the highest interest long discussed in many theoretical works which can only be answered by experiments, and this solution is so natural that one is astonished to see it so long unem- ployed: 1. The limits of economic expansion. 2. The effects of throt- tling. 3. The use of the condenser. Influence of Expansion. The universal opinion to-day is that the greater the expansion the greater the economy of fuel, and one is brought naturally to continue it to the pressure of exhaust, and the dimensions given the cylinder are only limited thereby. But as M. Hirn has remarked in his book, if we push expansion too far we have less upon the piston than is required to move the engine and overcome friction we then do no good. It is a lower limit which should never be passed, and if we wish to know how far we can reduce the initial volume compared with the final volume with a constant consumption our experiments give us the neces- sary figures for this comparison. For a long time the question has been treated differently in purely theoretical works, and we shall see to what errors the generic theory has led, such as calculating from inexact experi- mental data the law of expansion, for this law is only an empirical state- ment of the exchanges of heat during expansion, changes which vary with the conditions imposed upon the engine, and of which analyses such as we have given can alone define the value and employment. We have operated with an introduction from to \ the limits of valve gear. The experiment with cut-off , it is true, was made with engine throt- tled; but we will justify this later, treating of the question of throttling, and we have the results of a lower pressure than with the other experiments. Taking the figures from the preceding table, with superheated steam we have 1 per cent, in favor of five expansions over seven expansions. Exact values: Introduction 0.1628, consumption 7.126 k.; introduction 0.2570, consumption, 7.002. If we correct by 9 per cent, the experiments of November 18 and 28, 1883, for the reasons given above, we see that the consumption of November 18, 6.996 k., is very close to those cited. This constancy of consumption holds also with saturated steam as well as with superheated, a more remarkable circumstance. Thus correcting, the ex- periment of November 28, 1873, 9.024 k., and for September 8, 1885, 8.915 k. per I. H. P., figures within 1.2 per cent. Such are the results of exper- ience. Let us see, if possible without a full analysis, which is preferable. Between the experiments of 7th September and 26th August, 1875, the work varied from 113 to 136 H. P.; the water at the commencement of expansion from 24.6 to 0.8 per cent. But it is objected, on the 7th Sep- tember the superheating is 20 less. This is only 2.24 c. loss, or 2 ' 24 =1.4 151.5 per cent., almost exactly the difference in consumption. 7.126 7.002 7.126 = 1.7 per cent. 224 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. Thus, while using superheated steam, we have in the one case the steam dry, in the other with one-fourth water condensed on the surfaces. All the functions of the engines are completely changed in these two ex- periments. On August 26 the internal heat U of the steam diminishes during the expansion, doing the work thereof, and as the surfaces have only absorbed 9 c., during admission, a part also is radiated to the con- denser in Re. While on September 7 the internal heat U of the steam is nearly constant during expansion within 1.66 c., it is the surface which does the work of expansion, Re having received 33.95 c. As we see a rad- ical difference in the mode of transmitting heat, and in each experiment the same weight of steam has produced the same work, the final result being the same. In the presence of such facts, how can one say, from the diagram only, for example, how much expansion should be given? To establish this, the verified data are needed which we have already used. We find that when we have carried the introduction to half stroke, but throttling also to give 125 H. P. for one and 99 H. P. for the other experi- ment, that for each case the consumption is not affected by the throttling, which was different in the two cases. This permits us to compare these experiments with those cutting off at | and f stroke, finding a saving by O -J QQ 7 AAQ the latter of _ -L^ = 14.59 per cent, by the greater expansion. 8.190 On the other hand, we see that as the work was diminished the pro- portion of water at the end of the stroke was increased, as also the dead loss Re. By cutting off less than % we should find a point where Re would change the law and the consumption would increase, but, unfortunately, the valve gear would not admit of such a trial. We have referred to the indicated work, but this is lessened by friction for the useful work, and the friction is not proportioned to the indicated work. This limits the cut off to between | and 1 for the best results for the single cylinder engine. Effects of Throttling. The question of restricting the area of the orifices of admission has been less often agitated than the cut off, and like that can only be resolved by direct experiments, fully analyzed. Before stating the results we have obtained, we will review the opinions put forward. Some engineers, basing on the proposition that dry steam falling in pressure without doing external work becomes superheated, have asserted that throttling was beneficial by evaporating the water entrained with the steam. But if they look at the second part of the proposition "without doing external work," they must admit that the amount of heat wrought per unit of weight is the same in either case. Others, considering only the loss of work resulting, condemn entirely all methods of regulation based on the throttle as essentially defective, pro- scribing all governor throttles. They have generally attributed the economy that they believed to exist in the Corliss engines, or others of the class, to the rapid introduction of steam at nearly the boiler pressure. We should attribute this radical difference of opinion to the conditions in the engines observed. We have seen that in certain limits of expan- THE A LSA TIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC, 225 sion the consumption is constant, or is increased. If we wish light work we may compare cut off with cut off, and should not be astonished at a difference of 14 per cent, between those of August 26 and September 7 with and \ cut-off, and those of August 27 and September 29 with throttle. To compare, we should not take the basis of work done, but the cut- off, and the two experiments at half stroke, with the valve more or less closed. The pressure, on August 27, of steam at 223 C. was brought to 2. 307 k. at cut-off, and on September 29, with a temperature of 220 C., to 1.7458 k., a difference of 0.5612 k. more than half an atmosphere, and the consumption was altered ':^ = o.3 per cent. The increase is then due to the 8.227 less expansion, as we have seen. But here, contrary to what was found with different expansions, the percentage of water is almost the same 1.5, or slight superheating, and 2.52 per cent, at the beginning and 13.02 and 15.85 per cent, at the end of expansion, while the internal heat has decreased 20.52 c. and 16.82 c. In wide enough limits, as we see, the throttle has no influence upon the con- sumption. Effect of the Condenser. As we have said, resting upon facts from which the following proposition is derived, that a vapor introduced into a reservoir with constant volume, of which the surfaces are not every- where of the same temperature, its final pressure depends upon the lowest temperature, that Watt deduced for his condenser. The figures that we have show an economy of 43 per cent, by the con- denser over exhaust to the air, a result needing little comment. Let us see, however, as we have done, how this effects the changes of heat. At the cut-off we have 12 per cent, condensed and 29.4 c. stored heat, the work of expansion requiring only 14.5 c., and Re is zero, as also the proportion of final water. The excess from the surfaces has increased the internal heat from 163.72 to 177.97 c. We see that the loss Re exists in a different form, the exhaust carrying off an excess of 14.24 c. to the air, as an increase in its internal heat, and we have lost work by the in- crease of back pressure. It is not enough that Re should be zero, as we have said, but the internal heat should not increase to put the engine in the best condition, and there should be no lost work, or the best vacuum should be obtained. This imposes the following condition the surfaces should absorb only the work of expansion. Although all our study has shown us how little freedom we have in imposing conditions upon the action of the surfaces, we believe, resting upon the experiment of August 26, cut off , that by the use of super- heated steam and a jacket, the loss of internal heat would have been reduced from 26.05 c., and with dry steam at the end of the stroke dimin- 226 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. ished Re., but the jacket should be fed by a separate supply pipe, in order not to cool too much the working steam. There only remains for us to examine what proportion of heat given has been utilized to finish these practical deductions. When one measures the efficiency of an hydraulic motor, one divides the power utilized by that furnished, but for heat engines this is not the case. Whatever be the body used, in a heat engine of maximum efficiency, the efficiency depends upon the difference of temperatures between which it works, divided by the absolute temperature of the source of heat. In these unrealizable conditions we should get 249 H. P. for 100 calories, as shown by Hirn. The best of our experiments give 135.77 H. P. for 172.79 c., or 75.8 H. P. for 100 calories ; 7 ^ = 31.5 per cent. Av9 We see how far we are from the theoretic effect, and while stating that it never can be reached, we should hope for an improvement over what is practically 30 per cent. To sum up, thanks to the numerous checks which the method employed permits, we have established the considerable influence of the action of the internal surfaces upon the action of steam in engine -cylinders, and have shown how, by employing superheated steam without prejudice to jackets, a considerable loss may be brought to a minimum, the cooling due the condenser Re., and within what limits it is judicious to confine expansion. Such are the results of the series of experiments carried out under the direction of M. Hirn, and our readers can judge of their great im- portance.* EXPERIMENTAL STUDY COMPARING THE INFLUENCE OF EXPANSION IN SIMPLE AND COMPOUND ENGINES. A PAPER BEAD BEFORE THE IN- DUSTRIAL SOCIETY OF MULHOUSE, DECEMBER 30, 1878, BY M. 0. HAL- LAUER.f The comparison of the many experiments made upon " Woolf " engines, and the engine of M. Hirn, with superheated steam, led me to a principle which has been confirmed by th,e analysis of the compound engines in use in the French navy . I had stated the conclusion in a paper presented to the Society on the 30th January, 1878: One can always construct a single cylinder vertical- beam engine, steam jacketed with four valves, which shall be at least as economical as the verti- cal " Woolf" beam engine, for expansions from 4 to 7, if the clearance does not exceed 1 per cent, of the cylinder volume. This conclusion is based upon the total work of the engine, supposing *These papers are given in the direct reverse of the order of their original publica- tion, but perhaps not of their value. C. A. S. tM. Keller's summary of the following experiments was given in the opening section of this Chapter. C. A. S. THE ALSA TIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 227 a perfect vacuum in a word, we consider the intrinsic work of the steam itself. In this memoir I have had occasion to examine the various considera- tions which serve to establish the superiority of the "Woolf " system, outside of the experimental domain. These same considerations I have again found developed under a form nearly identical but very marked in two works, concerning the "Woolf" engines, with expansion in the small cylinder. The authors there sum up what is generally admitted in favor of the "Woolf" system, which I will cite literally to allow the reader to appreciate the utility of my previous paper. The first of these works was published at Kouen by MM. Thomas & Powell, engineers. It contains the experiments made in June, 1876, by M. H. Roland, Engineer of the Norman Association of Steam Users, and it opens thus: "Double cylinder engines, in which the steam acts successively, pro- duce motive force most economically when well constructed and managed. The advantage is because the small cylinder is only in communication with the condenser for a moment, the large cylinder only being more con- tinually so, and the first action is to withdraw a portion of the force produced from the cooling action of the condenser and the internal con- densation which is the immediate consequence. "The steam arrives at the large cylinder partly expanded, and conse- quently at a lower temperature than that in the jacket, and is easier warmed and the condensation notably lessened. "The employment of two cylinders permits us to carry the principle of expansion to its extreme limit with the best economic conditions, the force generated is divided, the efforts better carried and the differences of power between beginning and end of stroke are less than in a single cylinder engine; working with the same admissions there results a smoother operation. Because of the vertical cylinders and perfect equi- librium of the pieces attached to the beam the frictions are reduced and the useful effect is very high. It is to these qualities that the long life of these engines is to be attributed. We can cite some which have worked thirty years and which, after modifications with comparatively little cost, are in perfect order for work and consumption. "The addition of a 'Correy Governor Expansion Gear,' assures to the engines which are furnished with it a perfect uniformity of speed and economic utilization under all loads." The second work, published in 1878, in the Annual of the Society of Graduates of the Schools of Arts and Trades, under the title of "Notes Upon Double- Cylinder Engines," contains the results of experiments made by M. Que'm, upon engines at St. Eemy, constructed by MM. Powell. "Among the different types of engines actually in use," says M. Quern, "the 'Woolf,' with two cylinders jacketed, in which the steam acts suc- cessively, is that which gives the best economy in production of motive force. 228 STEAM USING; OS, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. "In these engines the steam acts first with or without expansion in the small cylinder, then with expansion in the large cylinder. The latter only is in communication with the condenser. By this arrangement a portion of the force produced escapes the cooling action of the condenser and the internal cylinder condensation. "Finally, because the jackets are connected with the boilers, the ex- panding steam in the large cylinder is at a temperature below that of the jacket, and is warmed thereby, and the cylinder condensation is notably lessened. "The employment of two cylinders permits the best realization of ex- pansion, which in these 'Woolf engines can be carried to its limit. "The difference of force between the beginning and end of the stroke is less in double than in single cylinder engines; there results smoother working. "Because of the lesser difference of pressures there are less risks of breaking. "Finally, leakage of steam by the admission valve is less prejudicial than in single cylinder engines. "In 'Woolf beam engines the balancing of weights reduces the fric- tion, and the useful effect is consequently high. "We have said that their principle assures to the 'Woolf engines regu- larity of speed. That is true, but the regulators which have been applied for the purpose of rendering the speed uniform under variable loads have been far from perfect or from giving the desired results. "The apparatus, long employed upon single -cylinder engines, is the conical governor and butterfly throttle. "Not only is the governor throttle unsatisfactory in point of speed, but its operation is bad from the standpoint of economy. "In effect it operates upon the steampipe, opening or closing a pas- sage. "There results a throttling which produces an expansion not only useless but prejudicial in the pipe and steam chest, consequently a low- ering of initial pressure, which loss of force augments the consumption of fuel. "It had been desirable to put on 'Woolf beam engines a variable expan- sion gear which should be easily put on, which should give these engines great regularity of speed, avoid the evils of throttling, and obtain a greater expansion. "Valves with lap which had been applied for some years to these en- gines were a great improvement, but the expansion was fixed and was not sufficient in most cases, and moreover the throttle was retained. "Correy's variable gear permits us to add to the advantages of the 'Woolf engines the removal of the throttle, retaining an economic use of steam under all loads. " Of all the foregoing considerations one only is not to be contested; it is as MM. Powell say, that the efforts are better distributed and the differ- ences of force between the beginning and end of the stroke are less than THE ALSATIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 229 in single- cylinder engines, and the movement smoother. But it should not be concluded from this long- known fact that the useful effect of double-cylinder engines is high and economical. The brake experiments made by the Mechanical Committee of the Industrial Society of Mulhouse have proved that the friction of the engines absorbs more power in 'Woolf engines than in single -cylinder engines. I have already shown in my paper of 1878 what economy can be real- ized by expansion in a separate cylinder. But the principle which I have stated has raised so many contradictions that our mechanical committee has deemed it prudent to hold itself in reserve when it states in these terms at the close of my work: "Many times already the committee has given its entire approbation to the fruitful experimental method followed by our colleague, and recommends to the attention of all engineers the results of the experiments contained in this work, results which appear to him unattackable. On the contrary, the committee believes it should be less positive in the conclusions of the author; it desires to see them con- firmed by a great number of cases, and above all by varied experience in the widest field." I believed it useful to renew this question with new data, and more, I have added the study of an expansion, more or less, in the small cylinder of the 'Woolf engine. INFLUENCE OF EXPANSION IN " WOOLF" ENGINES. Can there be a notable economy in cutting off in the small cylinder of a "Woolf" engine and expanding, for example, 28 times? Such is the first question which we shall attempt, for it is necessary to verify the con- sumption reported in each of the experiments which we shall cite, and this defines the degree of confidence which we shall give them. It may be useful to recall to our readers, in the interest of the ques- tion which occupies us, the passage in my memoir of 1878, bearing upon this question of the influence of expansion. The three engines where the expansion was effected in a separate cylinder are ranged in order of their consumption per total horse-power per hour.* Vertical Woolf engine, 7.112 k. (15.4 Ibs.); horizontal "Woolf" engine, 7.290 k. (15.9 Ibs.); compound engine, 7,510 k. (16.4 Ibs.). But this is also the order of expansion: Vertical "Woolf," 7 times; horizontal "Woolf," 6 times; compound, 5 times. The fact that the consumption per total horse-power per hour was increased by changing the cut-off from f to was also found with the single cylinder engine using superheated steam. But we should observe that the reduction of the volume at cut-off causes a reduction of useful work by the engine, and at the same time a relative increase in the back pressure work. In the engine with superheating, and above all in the "Woolf" engines, this increase of back pressure work not only annuls the *The French weights are for a Cheval de Vapeur, translated H. P. English equiva- lents are in parentheses. C. A. 8. 230 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. economy of a prolonged expansion, but even causes a greater expense. Also the back pressure work passing from 17 to 20 per cent, destroys the economy of the vertical "Woolf," when the regulating valve lowering the pressure reduces the work from 347 to 267 horse-power. The documents which will serve us in the study of expansion are: 1. Experiments made in 1877 at Munster upon a "Woolf" beam engine, built by the firm of Andre' Koechlin (really the Alsatian Society of Mechan- ical Constructions), and figuring in my memoir of 1878. 2. Brake Experiments by the Mechanical Committee of the Industrial Society in 1876 upon a horizontal *"Woolf " by the same builder, and given in the Bulletins, July, 1877. 3. Experiments made in 1877 by the Alsatian Association of Steam Users upon a vertical "Woolf" engine at Malmerspach having a variable cut- off in the small cylinder, by the same builder. 4. Experiments made upon "Woolf" beam engines with expansion in the small cylinder, built by MM. Thomas and T. Powell, of Kouen, and tried, one in 1877 at St. Kemy upon Arne by M. Quern, and the other, in 1876, by the Norman Association of Steam Users, this latter running the shops of MM. Fauquet-Lemaitre at Bolbec. The direct results of these experiments upon the Powell engines and that at Malmerspach have been given me by M. H. Walther-Meunier, Engineer of the Alsatian Association of Steam Users. I have checked and analyzed them. The analysis of the other experiments is given in my preceding paper, as I have already said: Andre' Koechlin, "Woolf" Beam Engine working at Munster, variable power by throttle expansion, 7 times. CHECK UPON CONSUMPTION, GAUGED DIRECTLY, TAKING AS A BASE THE HEAT GAINED BY THE COLD WATER INJECTED TO THE CONDENSER. f I. Forces des Chevauxs, translated horse-power, I. H.P., 347.16; revo- lutions per minute, 25.25; net H. P. on brake, 303.16; mechanical effi- ciency, 87.3 per cent.; proportion of back pressure work to total work, 17. 43 per cent.; back pressure on large piston, 0.293 k. (4.2 Ibs. per sq. in.) (Boiler pressure, 67 Ibs. above atmosphere.) Per Single Stroke. Heat brought by dry saturated steam 0.9123 k. x 654.03 c. = 597.19 c. " " " water entrained 0.0290 k. x 157.47 c. = 4.44 c. " steam condensed in jackets 0.0884k. x 496.56 c. = 43.89 c. Total heat brought to engine 645.52 c. Heat kept by the steam leaving condenser 0.9413 x 34.25 = 32.24 c. Qo 613.28 c. *In the table given, on page 191 this engine is headed as "Vertical Woolf." The error is in the original. C. A. S. tAs these computations are checks, all the French units will be retained, and any- thing added from other sources will be put in ( ). THE ALSA TIAN EXPERIMENT^ ETC. 231 Heat given to water of condensation, Q t 29.1072 x 18.05 = 525.38 c. Q _Q t = 613.28 c. 525.38 c = 87.90 c. The total work absorbed 72.79 c. The external radiation 7. c. 79.79 c. Instead of 87.90; or an error of 87.90^- 79.79^ l 25 cent 645.52 The heat found in the water of condensation should have been 613. 28c. 79.79 c. = 533.49 calories; it was only 525.38 c. consequently too little. The total heat brought to the machine per stroke is 645.52 c. which to be more intelligible we will transform into a weight of dry saturated steam. In accounting for the work of the engine this weight will serve as a unit of comparison for other engines, and will be better comprehended under that form than the number of calories expended per horse -power which it stands in place of. Consumption of dry steam per stroke, 645 - 52 _j_ = 0.98698 k. ; weight 654.03 c. of dry steam per total horse-power per hour, 7,112 k.; per indicated horse power, 8.614 k.; per net horse-power, 9.864k.* II.- -I. H. P., 267.85; revolutions per min., 25.2.; net on brake, 226; mechanical efficiency, 84.3 per cent. Proportion of back pressure to total work 20.52 per cent. " back pressure, 0.277 k. (3.9 Ibs.). (Boiler pressure, 60 Ibs. above atmosphere.) Per Single Stroke. Heat brought by dry saturated steam 0.7124 k. x 652.93 c. = 465.14 c. " " entrained water 0.0238 k. x 153.74 c. = 3.66 c. " steam to jackets 0.0794 k. x 499.19 c. = 36.63 c. to engine 505.43 c. " kept by steam leaving condenser 0.7362 k. x 29.10 c. = -21.42 c Qo 484.01 c. Heat given to, injection water 29.3406 k. x 14.3 c. = Q l = 419.57 c. Difference ..................................................... 64.44 c. The total work ........................................... 56.27 c. " external radiation .................................. 7. c. -- 63.27 c. Error, =0 , i3 per cent. The heat found in condenser is too small, it should have been 484.01 63.27 = 420.74 c. *These weights are from feed water at Qo c. I should suggest as divisor the term Qo. C. A. S. 232 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. The heat brought per stroke is 505.43 c.; it represents a consumption of dry saturated steam of 505.43 = 0.77409 k. 652.93 Weight dry saturated steam per hour per total horse power 6.945 k. " " " indicated horse power .. 8.739 k. " " " ' " " " net " " ..10.357k. III. I. H. P. 185.75; revolutions per minute, 25.4; net on brake, 145.52; mechanical efficiency, 78.3 per cent. Proportion of back pressure work to total work, 24.1 per cent.; back pressure on large piston, 0.234 k. (3.3 Ibs.). (Boiler pressure 50 Ibs. above atmosphere.) Per Single Stroke. Heat brought by dry steam 0.5401 k. x 650.69 c. = 351.43 c. " " " entrained water 0.0145 k. x 146.22 c. = 2.12 c. " " steam condensed in jacket . 0.0640 k. x 504.47 c. = 32.28 c. Total 385.83 c. Heat kept by steam leaving condenser 0.5546 k. x 23.46 c. = 12.65 c. Qo 373.18 c. " found in injection water ?. 30.5688 k. x 10.56 c. = Q a = 322.80 c. Qo Q! , 50.38 c. The total work 38.71 c. External radiation . . . 7. c. 45.71 c . Error. 50.38 45.71 = 1.2 per cent. 385.83 The heat found in the condenser is too little, it should have been 373.1845.71 = 327.47 c. The heat brought per stroke, b85.83c.; it represents a consumption of 385 ' 83 = 0.59295 k. 650.69 Weight of dry saturated steam per hour per total H. P 7.384 k. " " " " " " " ind. H. P 9.730k. " " " " " " " net H. P 12.411k. Uniting in one table the results of these three experiments, we find little difference per total horse-power, only 3.7 per cent, for a change from 183 to 347 horse-power. TABLE I. Force indicated 347 267 Steam per hour per total H. P.. kilos 7.112 6.945 Back pressure work in per cent, of total work 17.43 20.52 Steam per hour per indicated H. P 8 614 8 739 Net work in per cent, indicated work 87 30 84 30 Steam per hour per net H. P 9 864 10 357 I. II. III. 185 7.384 24.10 9.730 78.30 12.411 THE ALSA TIAN EXPERIMENTS. ETf '. 233 We note that the cost of a total H. P. is 6 per cent, less for 267 than for 185 horse-power. This economy disappears for the indicated H. P., which is best for 347 H. P. If these two sorts of consumption follow a distinct law we owe it to the back pressure work, which changes to 17 per cent, from 24 per cent. An analagous cause produces greater differences in the cost of a net H. P. The efficiency changes between 87 and 78 per cent, because of the friction, and we are not astonished to see the cost of a net H. P. differ by 20.5 per cent. It is the practical loss to which we put an engine working at 185 H. P. which can give 347, and is due to the back pressure and friction. But we should not conclude, as is often done, that this loss is due to throttling. The difference of 3.7 per cent, that we find in the cost of a total H. P. is that due this evil influence, and is very little; or adding the slight in- crease over Experiment II. I then legitimately concluded in my last work " that we are led to adopt the most simple regulator, an expansion variable by hand and a governor throttle." When the variations of work are large we can, by hand, without stopping the engine, change the introduction for the small intermediate differences the governor acts upon the valve. It is well understood that we do not here speak of engines where the force varies nearly instantly, for example, to double. This disposition per- mits us, as we have seen, to obtain all the benefits of a prolonged expan- sion, admitting that it gives a notable economy, of which the results of the following experiments will permit us to judge. "WOOLF" BEAM ENGINE BY ANDRE KOECHLIN. AT MAiMERSPACH. Expansion in the small cylinder. Checks on the gauged consumption from the heat gained by the injection water. E. I. H. P., 143.11; revolutions per minute, 26.2; net horse-power, 118.38; efficiency, 82.7 per cent.; back pressure work in per cent, of total work, 18.6; back pressure on large piston. 0.181 k. (2.5 Ibs.); expansion, 28 times. (Boiler pressure, 67 Ibs. above atmosphere.) Heat brought by dry steam 0.3479 k. x 654.03 c. = 227.53 c. " " entrained water 0.0200 k. x 157.47 c. = 3.15 c. " steam to jackets. . . . 0.0324 k. x 496.56 c. = 16.09 c. 246.77 c. Heat kept by steam leaving condenser 0.3679 k. x 19.01 c. = 6.93 c. " expended, Q 239.78 c. " rejected in condenser. . 21.8781 k. x 9.06 c. = 198.21 c. 41.57 c. " in work done 28.97 c. " external radiation 4.6 c. 33.57 c. Error, 417 = 3.2 per cent. 234 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. The heat found in the injection water is too small, it should have been 239.7833.57 = 206.21 c. The total heat brought to the engine per single stroke is 246.77 c., it 94.fi 77 represents a consumption of drv steam of - = 0.3773 k. 654.03 Weight of dry steam per hour per total H. P 6.731 k. " s.). As this only differs 6>94 AzL 6 j^I? =0.9 per cent, from that for 215 H. P., we conclude, as before, that it is unimportant. We find ourselves here in the face of a contradiction which we can elucidate later after having given the complete analysis of these engines. For the time we have only to note how the heat of the injection water checks the consumption and fixes the degree of confidence which we should give to each experiment. These remarks, based upon the amounts used per total H. P. per hour, only refer to the work of the steam itself in the cylinder. They are not affected by poor vacuum, nor the friction of the engine. The influence of these two elements is only felt when we consider the indicated work and the net work. Thus, in passing from experiment E 143. H. P., ex- pansion, 28, to experiment C, 215 H. P., expansion 13, the consumptions differ per indicated H. P. 1.5 per cent, and per net H. P. 5.5 per cent. THE ALSA TIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 237 This difference is in the reverse order of that for the total H. P.; it shows that practically there is 5.5 per cent, loss in changing from expansion 13 to 28. These same causes, back pressure work and friction, have brought for the Munster engine, with fixed expansion 7, stronger effects increased to 16J per cent, when throttle causes the work to fall from 267 H. P. to 185 H. P. Upon the same engine at Malmerspach, and before the application of expansion gear, there had been made an experiment, with the object of defining the economy realized, which we will check as before. B. Indicated H. P., 201.64 H. P.; revolutions per minute, 24.18; net on brake, 172.80 H. P.; mechanical efficiency, 85.6 per cent.: back pressure work in per cent, of total work, 16.4; back pressure, 0.235 k. (3.3 Ibs. per sq. in.); expansion, 6; (boiler pressure, 67 tt>s. above atmosphere). Heat brought by dry steam 0.5823 k. x 654.03 c. = 380.84 c. " entrained water 0.0312 k. X 157.47 c. = 4.91 c. to jackets 0.0330 k. x 496.56 c. = 16.38 c. Total ' 402.13 c. Heat kept by steam leaving condenser 0.6135 k. x 22.73 c. = 13.94 c. " expended, Q 388.19 c. found in injection water 22.6234 x 14.50 = Q l = 328.04 c. 60.15 c. " in work done 44.14 c. " " external radiation 4.6 c. 48.74 c. Error ^^8-^ = 2.8 per cent. The heat found in injection is too small; it should have been 388.19 48.74 = 339.45 c. The heat per stroke is 402.13 c. It represents 4?i4i = 0.6148 k. dry steam. 654. Oo Dry steam per hour per total H. P 7.402 k. a ind. H.P 8.847k. " net H.P 10.301k. The result of this analysis, if we consider the engine in good order when the experiment was made, which we will suppose to be the case, compared with experiment C. B. Expansion 6, C. Expansion 13. Per Total H. P. - 7 ' 402 ~ 6 ' 878 = 7.1 per cent. Per Ind. H. P. 8 ' 847 ~ 8 ' 149 = 8 per cent. Per Net. H. P. 10 ' 3 ^ 66 = 8 per cent. by C over B. 238 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. I have valued the friction by the brake experiments of our Mechanical Committee. We shall see how far MM. Powell have obtained the same co- efficients upon their "Woolf " engines. HORIZONTAL "WOOLF" ENGINE, BY ANDRE KOECHLIN, TEIED WITH BRAKE BY THE MECHANICAL COMMITTEE. I. I. H. P., 130; revolutions per minute, 39.37; net on brake, 112.08; mechanical efficiency, 86.1 per cent.; back pressure work in per cent, of total work, 20.06; back pressure, 0.253 k. (3.5 Ibs.); expansion, 6; (boiler pressure, 53 Ibs. above atmosphere). Heat brought by dry steam 0.2286 k. x 652.46 c. = 149.15 c. " entrained water 0.0079 k. x 152.17 c. = 1.20 c. to jackets .0.0263 k. x 500.29 c. = 13.16 c. Total 163.51 c. Heat kept by steam leaving condenser . . .0.2365 k. x 26.20 c. = 6.19 c. expended, Q 157.32 c. " found in injection water 14.6202 k. x 9.20 c. = 134.50 c. 22.82 c. " in work done 17.45 c. 14 in external radiation 3.5 c. 20.95 c. Error ? 2 ^p = 1.13 per cent. The heat gained by injection should have been 157.32 20.95 = 136.37 c. Heat per single stroke 163.51 c. Represents dry steam per stroke. . . .^-r 1 = 0.2506 k. 652.46 Dry steam per hour per total H. P 7.290 k. " ind. H. P 9.120k. " net H. P 10.563k. There is only 1.3 per cent, difference between the consumption per total H. P., and that in experiment B; while for the indicated H. P. there is 3 per cent, in the other direction. II. I. H. P., 181; revolutions per minute, 39.67; net on brake, 161 H. P.; mechanical efficiency, 89 per cent.; back pressure work in per cent, of total work, 17.3; back pressure, 0.295 k. (4.1 Ibs.); boiler pressure, 54 Ibs. above atmosphere). Heat brought by dry steam 0.3134 k. x 652.69 c. = 204.55 c. " entrained water 0.0134 k. x 152.96 c. = 2.05 c. to jackets 0.0271k. x 499.73 c. = 13.54 c. Total 220.14 c. Heat kept by steam leaving condenser 0.3268 k. x 23.90 c. = 7.81 c. " expended, # 212.33 c. THE ALSA TIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 239 Heat rejected in injection water 14.5795 k. x 12.58 c. = 183.41 c. 212.33 183.41 = 28.92 c. " in work done 24.12 " in external radiation . 3.50 27.62 c. Error ^-^ = 0.6 per cent. Heat brought per stroke 220.14 c. Represents dry steam per stroke 22(U4 = 0.3372 k. Dry steam per hour per total H. P 7.328 k. " ind. H. P 8.878k. " net H. P 9.975 k. The consumption per total H. P. is nearly the same as for the preced- ing experiment, but for the indicated and net H. P. there is a marked improvement by better efficiency, and less proportion of back pressure work, although the vacuum is not so good. This is a fact which we have many times noted. Finally, that we may not lack generality in our conclusions of the influence of expansion in the small cylinder, I will give the results of ex- periments made upon the engines constructed by MM. Powell. Little different from the preceding, they are designed with a view to an early cut-off in the small cylinder, but distinguish themselves by the excellent vacuum, 0.100 k. of back pressure (1.4 Ibs.) on the large piston. We shall see that for 19 expansions the consumption per total H. P. is nearly the same as that we have found for 13 and 28 times. "WOOLF" BEAM ENGINE BY POWEIZL, WORKING AT ST. BEMY. EXPERIMENT BY M. R. QUEM. Expansion, 19 times; indicated horse-power, 137; revolutions per min- ute, 24.503; net on brake, 107.88 H. P. ; mechanical efficiency, 78.7 per cent.; back pressure work in per cent, of total work, 9.9; back pressure, 0.102 k. (1.4 tbs.); (boiler pressure, 70 Ibs. above atmosphere). Heat brought by dry steam 0.3222 k. x 654.42 c. = 210.85 c. " entrained water 0.0110 k. x 158.80 c. = 1.75 c. to jackets 0.0412 k. x 495.62 c. = 20.42 c. Total 233.02 c. Heat kept by steam leaving condenser 0.3332 k. x 27 c. = 8.99 c. expended, Q 224.03c. found gained by injection water. . . .10.8511 k. x 18.24 c. = 197.92 c. 26.11 c. in work done 29.79 in radiation 4.50 34.29 c. 24O STEAM USING; OE, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. Heat found should have been 224.03 34.29 = 189.74 c. " per single stroke 233.02 k. Kepresents dry steam. . . 233 ' 02 = 0.356 k. 654.42 Heat per hour per total H. P 6.840 k. " ' " " ind. H. P 7.591k. " " " " net H. P 9.702k. The consumption per total H. P. of this last experiment, made with 19 expansions on the Powell engine, is exactly between the two experi- ments E and C, made upon the Koechlin engine with expansions of 13 and 28. These three consumptions are 6.731 k., 6.840 k., 6.878 k., differing among themselves 1.4 per cent. Upon different engines they prove, be- tween expansions of 13 and 28, how little the effect of expansion is upon the good work of steam. The very good vacuum of the Powell engine, 0.102 k. (1.4 Ibs.), gives it practically a marked superiority over the Koechlin engine, expanding 13 times, a circumstance remarkably excep- tional for a "Woolf " engine, which demands justification by more numerous experiments ; it loses only 9.9 per cent, in back pressure work, in the place of 15 per cent., and we shall not be astonished to find there is S ' M9 ~^A ? ' 591 = 6 ' 8 P er cent - in its favor ' o.i^y We had wished to join in these results those that were obtained by M. H. Koland upon the same Powell engines, tried at Bolbec ; but, as we shall see, their exactitude leaves much to be desired, and we only remark the excellent vacuum and the error committed, 9.9 per cent., which causes us to set aside the results.* The results of the experiments C, D, E, F, of the Malmerspach engine, built by Andre Koechlin, with that on the St. Remy engine, by Powell, prove to us the small influence of an expansion from 13 to 28 ; in these limits the total H. P. cost varies only 2 per cent, in one case from the other. This fact acquired, we shall seek to render an account of the following anomaly, which we have already noted, between cost per total H. P. of experiments B and C of the Malmerspach engine. With expan- sion 6 and 13 we found 7 per cent, difference, which should represent the economy of expansion 13 ; but we should be too high, for it does not agree with the figures of C, D, E and F, nor with the results of the Powell engine. This difference is more when compared with II., 267 H. P., of the Munster engine, expanding 7 times, which gives the least cost as 6.945 k. per total H. P., when the expansion 13 gives 6.878 k. difference of 1 per cent. We shall see if analysis will show us the cause of this irre- gularity. ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENT III. Account of heat and cooling by condenser, per stroke: Weight of fluid in small cylinder 0.5776 k. " dry steam at cut-off 0.4553 k. "The computations are not transcribed. C. A. S. THE ALSATIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. TJU, 31 T 7 Weight of water at cut-off (21.17 per cent.) 0.1223 k. " " " entrained 0.0145 k. " " " condensed up to cut-off 0.1078 k. Heat given to iron 0.1078 k. x 516.77 c. = 55.70 c. Weight of fluid in large cylinder 0.5830 k. " " dry steam at end of stroke 0.5399 k. " " water at end of stroke (7.39 per cent.) 0.0431 k. Internal heat at the end of admission, U 290.12 c. Internal heat at the end of stroke, U 1 322.01 c. U Uj 31.89 c. Heat given by jacket 32.28 c. " " " condensation in small cylinder 55.70 c. " furnished during expansion 56.09 c. " absorbed by total work of expansion 35.61 c. " radiated externally 7.00 c. 42.61 c. 56.09 42.61 = 13.48 c. = Re, cooling by condenser being 3. 5 per cent, of the heat brought to the engine. The final internal heat compared with the heat gained by the injection water furnishes a check on Re. Internal heat at end of stroke, U l 322.01 c. Heat of back pressure work + 12.29 c. " remaining in cushion 14.92 c. after condensation 12.65 c. 306.73 c. " gained by injection water 322.80 c. Re 16.07 c. The other method gave Re 13.48 c.; the error is only *1^? ?*-* ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENT II. Account of heat and cooling by the condenser: Weight of fluid in small cylinder 0.7697 k. " '' dry steam at cut-off 0.6603 k. " " water at cut-off (14.21 per cent.) 0.1094 k. " " " entrained 0.0238k. " " " condensed 0.0856 k. Heat given to iron up to cut-off. . . 43.40 c. 242 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. Weight of fluid in large cylinder 0.7650 k. " " drv steam at end of stroke. . . . 0.7237 k. " water at end of stroke (5.39 per cent.) 0.0413 k. Internal heat at cut-off, TJ 415.57 c. Internal heat at end of stroke, U l 432.15 c. U Uj 16.58 c. Heat furnished by jacket 36.63 c. " " condensation in small cylinder 43.40 c. " during expansion 63.45 c. " absorbed by work of expansion 49.80 c. " external radiation 7. c. 56.78 c. Re = 6.65 c.; jRc is a loss of 6 = 1.32 per cent, of total heat per 505.43 stroke furnished engine. Check on Re: Internal heat at end of stroke, U^ 432.15 c. Back pressure work + 14.53 c. Heat remaining in cushion 15.13 c. Heat remaining in fluid after condensation 21.42 c. 410.13 c. Heat gained by injection water 419.57 c. Re 9.34 c. The other method Re = 6.65; 9j4 t ~ 6 ' 65 = .55 per cent. 505.45 ANALYSIS OF EXPEBIMENT I. Account of heat and cooling by condenser, Re: Weight of fluid in small cylinder per stroke 0.9847 k. dry steam at cut-off 0.8254 k. water at cut-off (16.17 per cent.) 0.1593 k. water entrained . . . .0.0290 k. water condensed at cut-off 0.1303 k. Heat given to iron at cut-off 65.25 c. Weight of fluid in large cylinder 0.9691 k. dry steam at end of stroke 0.9051 k. water at end of stroke (6.6 per cent.) 0.0640 k. Internal heat at cut-off, U 525.79 c. " end of stroke, U, 543.19 c. UU... 17.40 c. THE ALSA TIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 243 Heat furnished by jacket 43.89 c. by iron small cylinder 65.25 c. during expansion 91.74 c. Heat in total work done during expansion 62.85 c. Heat of external radiation 7.00 c. .Re = 21.89 c.; per cent, of heat furnished, 3.38. Check on Re.: Internal heat at end of stroke, U l 543.19 c. Back pressure work + 15.37 c. Heat remaining in cushion 14.60 c. fluid after condensing 32.24 c. 511.72 c. Heat gained by injection water 525.38 c. Re 13.66 c. The other method gave 21.89: Error, ^'^^ M = 1-26 per cent. HOBIZONAL "WOOLF," 130 H. P.; EXPANSION, 6. Account of heat and cooling by condenser Re: Weight of fluid per stroke in small cylinder 0.2500 k. dry steam at cut-off 0.2220 k. water at cut-off (11.2 per cent.) 0.0280 k. water entrained . . . . . 0079 k. water condensed at cut-off 0.0201 k. Heat given to iron at cut-off 10.30 c. Weight of fluid in large cylinder 0.2506 k. dry steam at end of stroke . . .0.2372 k. water at end of stroke (5.34 per cent.) 0.0134 k. Internal heat at cut-off, U . .137.85 c. * end of stroke, U t 141 .48 c. Z7o #i .3.63 c. Heat furnished by jacket 13 . 16 c. " iron above.. . 10.30 c. during expansion 19 . 83 c. Heat absorbed during expansion, total work 14.38 c. " external radiation 3 . 50 c. Re = 1.95 c.; per cent. Re of total heat furnished, 1.19 c. Check on Re. : Internal heat at end of stroke 141 .48 c. Back pressure work . . +4 . 38 c. 244 STEAM USING; OK, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE, Heat retained in cushion ......................................... 7.43 c. in condenser ....................................... 6 . 19 c. 132. 24 c. gained by injection water ............... .............. ....... 134.53 c. Re ............................................................ 2 . 26 c. Error, 2 .-2_lj.?5 = 0>1 per cent. HOKIZONTAL "WOOLF," 181 H. P.; EXPANSION, 6. Account of heat and cooling by condenser Re: Weight of fluid per stroke in small cylinder ..................... 0.3459 k. " dry steam per stroke at cut-off ......................... 0.3082 k. " water per stroke at cut-off (10.8 per cent.) ..... ........ 0.0377 k. " water entrained ............................ . ........... 0.0134 k. " water condensed at cut-off ........ . .................... 0.0243 k. Heat given to iron ............................................... 12.24 c. Weight of fluid in large cylinder ................................. 0.3478 k. " dry steam at end of stroke ............................. 0.3324 k. " water at end of stroke (4.5 per cent.) .................. 0.0154 k. Internal heat at end of admission, U ............................ 192.68 c. " stroke, U, ........................ ........ 198.80 c. U Ui ........................... . .......................... 6.12 c. Heat furnished by jacket ......................................... 13.54 c. " iron above.. . 12.24 c. during expansion 19.66 c. " absorbed during expansion, total work 14.50 c. " lost, external radiation 3.50 c. Re - 1.66 c.; per cent, of heat furnished - 6 ~ = 0.75. 220.14 Check on Re. : Internal heat at end of stroke, U^ 198.80 c. Back pressure work +5.10 c. Heat retained in cushion 10.03 c. " " condenser. . . 7.81 c. 186.06 c. gained by injection water 183.41 c. Re 2.65 c. The other method ga"Ve 1.66 c. 6 * - 45 per cent - THE A L SA TIA JV EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 245 The error appears to be 2 ' 6 ^ 1>66 = 1.9. As the check on Re gives 2.65, the injection has gained less heat than was rejected.] Experiment II. on the Munster engine and I. on the horizontal engine differ little as to proportions of final water and heat lost by the cooling due the condenser Re. We have stated the difference 7 A 2 ^~l|^ 7 i 5 = 4.7 7.290 per cent, between the cost of a total H. P. It is due, part to the differ- ence between 6 and 7 expansions, but more to the strong compression in the vertical engine which partially annuls the effect of the clearance. The experiments, of which the analyses will follow, do not offer the precision of the two preceding series, of which the consumption checks within one per cent., nearly; also we will neglect the weight of fluid in the clearance when establishing the internal heats U l and U and the differ- ence U 9 ZTi. I did not proceed thus until I had rendered an account of the error which is committed. With engine 267 H. P., U 7, = 16.58 c.; when the clearance is taken into account, U U l = 19.80 c.; when it is neglected, there is an error of X M - 1M = 0.6 per cent. For the horizontal engine, U U, will be 505.4)3 3.44 in place of 3.63 c., an error of M 3 + 3._44 = 0.1 per cent. loo. 51 Our second manner of procedure is thus justified above all in the practical experiments which check within 3 per cent, only, but we add again that this approximation is very satisfying and conducts us to some very remarkable results. [The error is always one way, and the compari- sons are very accurate] . MALMERSPACH ENGINE, EXPERIMENT A 201 H. P., EXPANSION, 6. Heat account and cooling by condenser Re: Weight of fluid in small cylinder 0.6135 k. " " dry steam at cut-off 0.5350 k. " " water < " (12.8 per cent.) 0.0785 k. " " " entrained 0.0312k. " " " condensed at cut-off 0.0473k. Heat given to iron 24.09 c. Weight of fluid in large cylinder 6135 k. (< " dry steam at end of stroke 0.5429 k. " "water " " " (11.5 per cent.) 0.0706k. Internal heat at end of admission, U 384.86 c. " stroke, ^ 327.69 c. U U,.. 7.17 c. 246 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. Heat furnished by jackets 16.38 c. " iron. . 24.09 c. during expansion ... 47.64 c. " absorbed " " by total work 34.60 c. " lost by external radiation 4.60 c. Q A A Rc = 8.44 c.. being - = 2.1 per cent, of the heat furnished. 402.13 Check on .Rc: Internal heat at end of stroke, t/i 327.69 c. Back pressure work 8.61 c. Heat retained after condensation. . . . 13.94 c. 322.26 c. Heat gained by injection water 328.04 c. .Rc 5.68 c. By the other method 8.44 c. Error, 8 ^^ 8 = 0.7 per cent. This engine differs from the horizontal one by a larger proportion of terminal water, 11.5 per cent, in place of 5.3 per cent. The cost of a total H. P. is also greater by I^^J' 290 = 1.5 per cent. The expansion 6 and the conditions of regulation are the same, but we see that the jackets are not working in the same manner as those of the horizontal engine condensing 10 per cent, of the steam, while the second is only 5.1 per cent.; there is then from this fact a loss which changes the internal heat and increases the heat lost by the cooling due the con- denser. Compared with Experiment II., 267 H. P., Experiment B gives us 4.7 per cent, less condensation in the jackets and a less cushion, which brings the Malmerspach engine "~ ' ' = 6.1 per cent, worse than the Munster engine. All these considerations should indicate where the economy really is rather than to a large expansion commencing in the small cylinder. MALMEKSPACH ENGINE EXPERIMENT C., 215 H. P.; EXPANSION 13. Account of heat etc., per stroke: Weight of fluid in small cylinder 0.5642 k. " " dry steam at cut-off 0.4303 k. " " water " " (23.7 per cent.) 0.1339 k. " " " entrained.. 0.0304k. condensed at cut-off. . 0.1035 k. THE ALSATIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 247 Heat given to iron 51.30 c. Weight of fluid in large cylinder 0.5642 k. " " dry steam at end of stroke 0.4632 k. " " water " " (17.9 per cent.) 0.1010 k. Internal heat at end of admission, U 283.55 c. " " " " stroke, U 1: 282.31 c. U H! 1.24 C. Heat furnished by jackets 22.25 c. " iron.. 51.34 c. Total heat furnished during expansion 47.83 c. Heat in total work done 38.79 c. " " external radiation 4.60 c. Re - 32.44c, being 31 ' 44 = 8.3 percent, of the entire heat furnished. 376.42 The check on Re is not as exact as before; but as we remember that in this experiment the error was 5 per cent., while in the others it was about 2.5 per cent., this is not surprising. Internal heat at end of stroke, U 283.31 c. Back pressure work 8.48 c. Heat retained in condensed water . . . . 13.09 c. 277.70 c. " gained by injection water 295.39 c. Re 17.69 c. The other method gave 31.44; 31 ' 44 ~ 17 - 69 = 3.7 per cent, error. 376.42 The other experiments were much closer. The cut-off in the small cylinder being much earlier, it is desirable to calculate the internal heat Z7 2 at the end of the stroke in the small cylinder. Weight of fluid in small cylinder 0.5642 k. " dry steam at end of its stroke 0.4901 k. Internal heat, Z7 2 305.84 c. MALMERSPACH ENGINE EXPERIMENT. D., 213 H. P.; EXPANSION, 13. Account of heat, etc., per stroke: Weight of fluid in small cylinder '. 0.5753 k. " " dry steam at cut-off. . 0.4328k. " water (24.7 per cent.) 0.1425 k. " " entrained.. 0.0310k. ; condensed at cut-off ... 0.1115k. Heat given to iron 55.31 c. 248 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. Weight of fluid in large cylinder 0.5753 k. " " dry steam at end of stroke 0.4628 k. ' water (19.5 per cent ) 0.1121 k. Internal heat at cut-off, U 286.44 c. " end of stroke, U t 283.20 c. U U l 3.24 c. Heat furnished by jacket 22.89 c. " iron.. 55.31 c. during expansion 81.44 c. " taken by total work of expansion 39.04 c. " " " external radiation 4.06 c. .Re 37.80 c. or? on Per cent, of entire heat -' ~ n = 9.9 per ce nt. OO4:.' 10 The check on Re: Internal heat at end of stroke, ^ 283.20 c. Back pressure work 7.97 c. Heat retained after condensation . . . 15.54 c. 275.63 c. " gained by injection water 307.38 c. Re 31.75 c. Error, 37 ' 80 ~ 81 - 7S =1.6 per cent. 384.03 At the end of stroke in small cylinder, C/",: Weight of fluid 0.5753 k. " dry steam 0.4928 k. " water (1.43 per cent.) 0.0825 k. Internal heat at end of stroke in small cylinder 308.79 c. These two experiments with the same expansion, 13, are made, one on the right engine, the other on the left, and give results little different. Thecost per total H. P. of C. is only 6 983 g ~ 6 878 = 1.5 per cent. 6 . 982 better than D. The proportions of water for C and D respectively are at cut-off, 23.7 and 24.7 per cent.; at the end of the stroke in small cylinder, 13.1 and 14.3 per cent., and at the end of stroke in large cylinder, 17.9 and 17.5 per cent., following nearly the 1J per cent, difference. Re differs 8.3 and 9.9 per cent., only 1.6 per cent. We will take for comparison experiments B, expansion 6; C, expansion 13, and E, expansion 28, all made on the left-hand engine. The last two experiments throw light upon a fact which should, above all, attract our attention. It is the great evaporation which takes place in the small cylinder during the first expansion. The introduction at full pressure has been carried to nearly half the stroke of the small cylinder, THE ALSA TIAN EXPERIMENTS, K Tf. 249 without preventing the evaporation of 10 per cent, of the fluid originally condensed, and a rapid augmentation of the internal heat of steam, 22.29 c. for C, and 22.35 D. (U E^). We see also that during expansion in the large cylinder a portion of the vapor, existing at the end of the stroke, in the small cylinder, has been condensed about 5 percent., and the in- ternal heat of the steam (UfUJ diminished 23.53 c. C, and 25.59 c. D. The number of calories returned by the internal heat during the stroke of the large piston is nearly the same as the work of expansion, 25 c. in the large cylinder; we could then conclude that the steam jacket has done nothing in this second expansion, in a word, does not perform its office. Arriving at this conclusion will be denying one of the elementary prin- ciples of physics, for we know that the greater the difference of tempera- tures the more energetic the transfers of heat. During the stroke of the large piston the temperature of the steam in the jackets is much higher than that of the steam in the cylinders, it is then during this period that the transfer of heat should be best made that the jacket should furnish more; this is really what takes place. We will show later in treating of expansion how the passage of calo- ries is made, and what is their occupation; we shall see that this pheno- menon, which appears at first to be entirely abnormal, explains itself naturally; we shall see it become a very simple consequence of the princi- ple of the transmission of heat which it seems at first to contradict. We give then, to terminate the series of analyses, the two experiments E and F, made with expansions 28 and 25. We regret that we cannot join thereto the analytical story of the engine at St. Eemy. Its consumption checks within 3 per cent, nearly, and it agrees closely with the Malmers- pach engine, but it lacks the exact elements necessary in the indicator diagrams. MALMERSPACH ENGINE, EXPERIMENT E., 143 H. P.; EXPANSION, 28. Account of heat, etc., per stroke: Weight of fluid in small cylinder 0.3679 k. " dry steam at cut-off. . 0.2214 k. water (40 per cent.) 0.1465 k. " entrained.. 0.0200k. ; condensed 0.1265 k. Heat given to iron 63.08 c. Weight of fluid in large cylinder 0.3679 k. *' dry steam at end of stroke .. 0.3030k. water (7.6 per cent.) 0.0640 k. Internal heat at end of admission, U 157.44 c. " " " stroke, U^ 183.32 c. U U,.. 25.88 c. 250 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. Heat furnished by jacket 16.09 c. " " iron above.. 63.08 c. Total heat furnished during expansion 53.29 c. Heat in total work " " " 29.35 c. " " external radiation 4.60 c. Re 19.34 c. Relatively to entire heat furnished ' - = 7.8 per cent. H l. I ( Check on Re: Internal heat at end of stroke, U v 183.32 c. Back pressure work 6.63 c. Heat retained in condensed steam. . 6.99 c. 182.96 c. Heat gained by injection water ; 198.21 c. Re ! 15.25 c. Differing from the other "^t^Jf'" = L6 P er cent - CTg at end of stroke small cylinder: Weight of fluid 0.3679 k. " " steam end of stroke. . 0.2976 k. " water ' (19.1 per cent.) 0.0702 k. Internal heat " " U z 186.81 c. MALMERSPACH ENGINE, EXPERIMENT F., 149 H. P.; EXPANSION 25. Account of heat, etc., per stroke: Weight of fluid in small cylinder 0.3862 k. dry steam at cut-off 0.2471 k. " water " " (36.1 per cent.) 0.1391 k. " entrained 0.0210 k. " " condensed 0.1181 k. Heat given to iron 58.83 c. Weight of fluid in large cylinder 0.3862 k. dry steam at end of stroke .3180 k. water " " (17.8 per cent.) 0.0682k. Internal heat at cut-off, Z7 172.10 c. " " end of stroke, t/i 192.45 c. U U, 20.35 c. Heat furnished by jacket 17.38 c. " " iron above.. 58.83 c. Total heat furnished during expansion 55.86 c. THE ALSATIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 251 Heat furnished during external radiation 4.60 c. absorbed by total work 29.93 c. RC 21.33 c. 91 *\ being _- = 8.2 per cent, of entire heat per stroke. 259.53 Check on Re: Internal heat at end of stroke, 7^ 192.45 c. Back pressure work 346.43 c. Heat retained after condensation - 7.50 c. 191.38 c. " gained by injection water 210.33 c. Re 18.95 c. Differing 21.3318.95 =o.9percent. 2o9.53 Weight of fluid in small cylinder 0.3862 k. " dry steam at end of stroke 0.3147 k. " water (18.6 per cent.) 0.0715 k. Internal heat, Z7 2 197.46 c. These two experiments E and F, give results which accord perfectly with expansions 28 and 25. We should also note in order the profound modifications to which the steam is submitted when the expansion is changed from 13 to 28. The internal heat which in C diminishes 1.24 c. during the expansion, changes to an increase of 25.88 c. for E, while for D and F there is for one a diminution of 3.24 c., and for the other an acces- sion of 20.35 c. between expansion 13 and 25. INFLUENCE OF VARIABLE EXPANSIONS UPON THE WORKING OF STEAM IN "WOOLF" ENGINES THEIR UTILITY FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF CON- SUMPTION. The exposition of the very complex phenomena which absorb us, the study of which should be made as clear and as easily grasped as possible induces us to give in Table III., page 254, a summary of the principal results which form the basis of our discussion. The action of the iron upon the fluid which it incloses is so well estab- lished, and the result of Hirn's labors on heat engines is such that it naturally follows that variable expansions modify the nature even of the work of steam. We introduce into the cylinders different weights of steam, different quantities of heat, therefore it is not astonishing to see during expansion variations in the direction and amount of the changes of heat. But that which should be useful in practice is the experimental determination of these changes, followed by the results of their analysis, and their justification. We shall fall perchance on facts at first inadmis- sible like those we found for expansion 13, and find the natural explana- tion in the most profound study of the phenomenon, a purely physical study. 252 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. The paradoxical fact which we will recall is presented then in experi- ments C and D upon each of the Malmerspach engines working with expansion 13, and with full pressure more than one-half of the stroke in the small cylinder. During the expansion in the large cylinder a portion of the steam existing at the end of the stroke of the small piston is con- densed Experiment C., 4.8 per cent.; Experiment D., 5.2 per cent. The internal heat has diminished Z7 2 U^= + 23.53c. and 25.59. But the work of expansion in the large cylinder has demanded and absorbed 24.9 c. and 25 c., that is to say, nearly the same amounts for this period of work. There was no heat furnished from outside; the jacket appears to have yielded nothing; was it not working during this period of expansion? This hypothesis is inadmissible, for we have seen that it contradicts a well-known principle, of physics relative to the transmission of heat; the exchange of heat across the sides of the cylinder should be more rapid with the greatest difference of temperature between the two surfaces, for one of them is in contact with the jacket steam at boiler pressure, and the other possesses the temperature of the cylinder steam at a much lower pressure. We would remark that the difference of temperature is not the only factor which can accelerate this transfer; the layer of water, which covers the internal surface has also its influence; it augments the rapidity with which heat is brought to the inner surface; it provokes a proportionally greater action in the jacket, as we will prove by the figures of Table III. How can it be, then, since the jacket is in the best possible condition to furnish heat, that it appears to be inactive? This apparent anomaly has a very simple cause the action of the surfaces at the commencement of the stroke of the large piston. I established in my paper of 1878 that at the first tenth of the stroke of the large piston, a moment when the dry steam is nearly equally divided between the small and large cylinders, there is one-half at least of the fluid deposited as water upon the walls of the large cylinder; if we mark, then, that at the end of the first tenth of the stroke of the large piston the large cylinder contains more water than steam, that is, that the first part of this stroke the condensation has been very considerable, while the cooling due the condenser has been only 1.3 per cent. loss. The same fact is presented for experiments and D in stronger pro- portions yet; since by the cooling due the condenser the heat taken from the iron during exhaust is 8.3 and 9.9. It is upon this water which covers the surface that the jacket acts, and since it cannot evaporate a sufficient quantity, the internal heat at the end of the stroke is less than at the end of the stroke of the small piston. Such is the particular circumstance which the five experiments made upon the coupled engines at Malmers- pach present to us; it is not the first time we have had occasion to remark it. I have already noted it in the experiments made on the Munster en- gines, 1876, working with little compression in the clearance spaces. Let us indicate the modifications which a variable expansion brings to the transformation of steam and to the action of the jacket. THE AL8A TIAN EXPERIMENTS, ETC. 253 The three experiments, B, C and E, the first the result of a very slight expansion in the small cylinder where the steam has been admitted nearly all the stroke, with a total expansion of 6; the Indicated H. P. only reaches 201. To do this feeble work the steam pressure had to be throt- tled, for we have with thirteen expansions and full pressure, a work of 215 H. P., a greater load in spite of the less introduction. In these conditions the weight of steam condensed during admission is small, 12.8 per cent., less the water carried, over 5 per cent. = 7.8 per cent, deposited upon the surface. The jacket yields proportionately less heat, for it only condenses 5 per cent, of the steam brought to the engine. We remark that in spite of the condensation which took place at the first stroke of the large piston, the proportions of water are within 1.3 percent, the same at the beginning and end of the expansion, and that the cooling due the condenser is small enough, 2.1 per cent, of the entire heat brought the engine. In spite of these conditions, which appear advantageous enough, the consumption per total H. P. is 7,404 k., while those of C and E are 6,878 k., and 6,731 k., that is to say, by 7 and 9 per cent. Is this the gain realized by the expansion? This we shall see. Experiment C, with introduction of half stroke in the small cylinder, presents a condensation of 23.7 5 = 18.7 per cent, during the admis- sion, but the proportion of water which is found is partly evaporated Passing to the results of experiment E, expansion 28, this modification is much more marked. The proportion of water at the end of an intro- duction of stroke of small cylinder is 40 per cent., and 21 per cent, evaporates during the first expansion, and the internal heat increases 29.37 c.; in short, we see that as the expansion in the small cylinder is increased the transfers of heat are increased. On the other hand, the action in the large cylinder follows another law. We have seen, that with nearly full stroke introduction in the small cylinder, experiment B, the internal heat remains nearly stationary, diminishing by only 7.17 c., between the.ends of the stroke of the small and large pistons. The same fact is found in experiment E, 28 expansions. But we have seen above that the intermediate experiments C and D show us a considerable fall of internal heat, a fall sufficient to furnish to the work of expansion the number of calories which it requires. Here there is, then, as in the small cylinder, an increase in the transfers of heat from experiments B to C, but a decrease follows the minimum, which appears toward expansion 13, to which is due that the internal heat t/i is increased relatively to the final internal heat U. 2 of the small cylinder. By considering only the phenomena of the total expansion from the moment that it commences in the small cylinder to the end of the stroke in the large cylinder, we see that the differences of internal heat are con- tinually reversed; this shows that the transfers of heat are greater and greater as the expansion is increased. Thus for experiment B the final internal heat U l is 7.17 c. less than U at the end of admission; for experi- ment C this difference is only 1.24 c.; while for experiment E the differ- ence is reversed, and the final internal heat is 25.88 c. larger than at the 254 STEAM USING; OR, STEAM ENGINE PRACTICE. 1 HORIZONTAL ENGINE. rH 1 1 CN O rH t^ O CO CO D O O O 00 us O O rH M ference iternal h /o - Uj. ft lories. >, S ft III "2 H ^*f-H -2 rk. 1 5,000 fe 2,000 5,000 ' 585 "1 I 2,540 " 8 I 5,156 " 6