UC-NRLF B 3 bSfl D5M LIBRARY OF THE ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class. Z^c fetfirarg (^BBOciattort ^eriee EDITED BY J. Y. W. MacALISTER, HONOEARY SECRETARY OP THE ASSOCIATION No. 4 GUIDE TO THE FORMATION OF A MUSIC LIBRARY BY JAMES D. BKOWN LIBRARIAN, PUBLIC LIBRARY, CLERKENWELL, LONDON AUTHOR OF "biographical DICTIONARY OF MUSICIANS." KTC, ETC. LONDON PUBLISHED FOR THE ASSOCIATION BY SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT & Co., Limited 4 STATIONERS' HALL COURT, E.G. 18 9 3 PRICE SIXPENCE NET Uim^ i^^goGiatioij ti United l^iijgdoin. This Association was founded on 5th October, 1877, at the conclusion of the International Conference of Librarians held at the London Institution, under the presidency of the late Mr. J. Winter Jones, then principal librarian of the British Museum. Its objects are : (a) to encourage and aid by every means in its power the establishment of new libraries ; (6) to endeavour to secure better legislation for rate-supported libraries ; (c) to unite all persons engaged or interested in library work, for the purpose of promoting the best possible administration of libraries ; and (d) to encourage biblio- graphical research. The Association has, by the invitation of the Local xiuthorities, held its Annual Meetings in the following towns : Oxford, Manchester, Edinburgh, London, Cambridge, Liverpool, Dublin, Plymouth, Birming- ham, Glasgow, Eeadmg, Nottingham, and Paris. The Amiual Subscription is One Guinea, payable in advance, on 1st January. The Life Subscription is Fifteen Guineas. Any person actually engaged in library administration may become a member, Hjithout election, on imyment of the Subscription to the Treasurer. Any person not so engaged may be elected at the Monthly or Annual Meetings. Library Assistants, approved by the Council, are admitted on pa3'ment of a Subscription of Half-a-Guinea. The ofi&cial organ of the Association is The Library, which is issued monthly and sent free to members. Other publications of the Associa- tion are the Transactions and Proceedings of the various Annual Meetings, The Library Chronicle , 1884-1888, 5 vols., and The Library Association Year- Book (price one shilling), in which will be found full particulars of the work accomplished by the Association in various departments. A small Museum of Library Appliances has been opened in the Clerkenwell Public Library, Skinner Street, London, E.G., and will be shown to any one interested in libraxy administration. It contains Specimens of Apparatus, Catalogues, Forms, &c., and is the nucleus of a larger collection contemplated by the^^^ssociation. All communications connected with the Association should be addressed to Mr. J. Y. W. MacAlister, 20 Hanover Square, London, W. Subscriptions should be paid to Mr. H. R. Tedder, Hon, Treasurer, Athenaeum Club, PaU MaU, London, W. fetfitari? (§.BBociaiion Series EDITED BY J. Y. W. MacALISTER, HON. SECRETARY OF THE ASSOCIATION No. 4 GUIDE TO THE FOKMATIOX OF A MUSIC LIBEAKY JAMES D. BROWN THE ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS. Z^c £t6rarg (^660ct