THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE LIFE OF LUD\MG VAN BEETHOVEN VOLUME I The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven By Alexander Wheelock Thayer Edited, revised and amended from the original English manuscript and the German editions of Hermann Deiters and Hugo Riemann, con- cluded, and all the documents newly translated By Henry Edward Krehbiel Volume I Published by The Beethoven Association New York SECOND PRINTING Copyright, 1921, By Henry Edward Krehbiel From the press of G. Schirmer, Inc., New York Printed in the U. S. A. Music Library c IN PROFOUND REVERENCE THIS WORK IS DEDICATED BY THE EDITOR To THE Memory of ^exanber SiOljeelocfe ^fjaper anti l^r. I^ermann JSeiterjf ALSO IN GRATEFUL APPRECIATION TO THE BEETHOVEN ASSOCIATION AND WITH A Lu\RGE MEASURE OF GRATITUDE AND AFFECTION TO HIS FRIEND AND COLLEAGUE RICHARD ALDRICH raiVERS/Ty OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES . r^ jr> r> Introduction IF for no other reasons than because of the long time and monumental patience expended upon its preparation, the vicissitudes through which it has passed and the varied and arduous labors bestowed upon it by the author and his editors, the history of Alexander Wheelock Thayer's Life of Beethoven deserves to be set forth as an introduction to this work. His work it is, and his monument, though others have labored long and painstakingly upon it. There has been no considerable time since the middle of the last century when it has not occupied the minds of the author and those who have been associated with him in its creation. Between the conception of its plan and its execution there lies a period of more than two generations. Four men have labored zealously and affectionately upon its pages, and the fruits of more than four score men, stimulated to investigation by the first rev^elations made by the author, have been conserved in the ultimate form of the biography. It was seventeen years after Mr. Thayer entered upon what proved to be his life-task before he gave the first volume to the world — and then in a foreign tongue; it was thirteen more before the third volume came from the press. This volume, moreover, left the work unfinished, and thirty-two years more had to elapse before it was com])leted. When this was done the patient and self-sacrificing investigator was dead; he did not live to finish it himself nor to see it finished by his faithful c()lial)orator of many years, Dr. Deiters; neither did he live to look upon a single printed page in the language in which he had written that portion of the work published in his lifetime. It was left for another hand to prepare the English edition of an American writer's history of Germany's greatest tone-poet, and to write its concluding chapters, as he believes, in the spirit of the original author. Under these circumstances there can be no vainglory in as- serting that the appearance of this edition of Thayer's Life of Beethoven deserves to be set down as a significant occurrence [vii] viii The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven in musical history. In it is told for the first time in the language of the great biographer the true story of the man Beethoven — his history stripped of the silly sentimental romance with which early writers and their later imitators and copyists invested it so thickly that the real humanity, the humanliness, of the composer has never been presented to the world. In this biography there appears the veritable Beethoven set down in his true environ- ment of men and things — the man as he actually was, the man as he himself, like Cromwell, asked to be shown for the information of posterity. It is doubtful if any other great man's history has been so encrusted with fiction as Beethoven's. Except Thayer's, no biography of him has been written which presents him in his true light. The majority of the books which have been written of late years repeat many of the errors and false- hoods made current in the first books which were written about him. A great many of these errors and falsehoods are in the account of the composer's last sickness and death, and were either inventions or exaggerations designed by their utterers to add pathos to a narrative which in unadorned truth is a hundred- fold more pathetic than any tale of fiction could possibly be. Other errors have concealed the truth in the story of Beethoven's guardianship of his nephew, his relations with his brothers, the origin and nature of his fatal illness, his dealings with his pub- lishers and patrons, the generous attempt of the Philharmonic Society of Ix)ndon to extend help to hira when upon his deathbed. In many details the story of Beethoven's life as told here will be new to English and American readers; in a few cases the details will be new to the world, for the English edition of Thayer's biography is not a translation of the German work but a presen- tation of the original manuscript, so far as the discoveries made after the writing did not mar its integrity, supplemented by the knowledge acquired since the publication of the first German edition, and placed at the service of the present editor by the German revisers of the second edition. The editor of this English edition was not only in communication with Mr. Thayer during the last ten years of his life, but was also associated to some ex- tent with his continuator and translator, Dr. Deiters. Not only the fruits of the labors of the German editors but the original manu- script of Thayer and the mass of material which he accumulated came into the hands of this writer, and they form the foundation on which the English "Thayer's Beethoven" rests. The work is a vastly different one from that which Thayer dreamed of when he first conceived the idea of bringing order and consistency into Introduction ix the fragmentary and highly colored accounts of the composer's hfe upon which he fed his mind and fancy as a student at college; but it is, even in that part of the story which he did not write, true to the conception of what Beethoven's biography should be. Knowledge of the composer's life has greatly in- creased since the time when Thayer set out upon his task. The first publication of some of the results of his investigations in his "Chronologisches Verzeichniss" in 1865, and the first volume of the biography which appeared a year later, stirred the critical historians into activity throughout Europe. For them he had opened up a hundred avenues of research, pointed out a hundred subjects for special study. At once collectors of autographs brought forth their treasures, old men opened up the books of their memories, librarians gave eager searchers access to their shelves, churches produced their archives, and hieroglj'phic sketches wliich had been scattered all over Europe were deciphered by scholars and yielded up chronological information of inesti- mable value. To all these activities Thayer had pointed the way, and thus a great mass of facts was added to the already great mass which Thayer had accumulated. Nor did Thayer's labors in the field end with the first publication of his volumes. So long as he lived he gathered, ordered and sifted the new material which came under his observation and prepared it for incorpora- tion into later editions and later volumes. After he was dead his editors continued the work. Alexander Wheelock Thayer was born in South Natick, Massachusetts, on October 22nd, 1817, and received a liberal education at Harvard College, whence he was graduated in 1843. He probably felt that he was cut out for a literary career, for his first work after graduation was done in the library of his Alma Mater. There interest in the life of Beethoven took hold of him. With the plan in his mind of writing an account of that life on the basis of Schindler's biograj)hy as paraplirased by Moscheles, and bringing its statements and those contained in the "Biogra- phische Notizen" of Wegeler and Ilies and a few English accounts into harmony, he went to Europe in 1849 and spent two years in making researches in Bonn, Berlin, Pnigue and Vienna. He then returned to America and in 1852 became attached to the editorial stuff of "The New York Tribune." It was in a double sense an attachment; illness comi)elIed him to abandon journalism and sever his connection with the newspaper within two years, but he never gave up his interest in it. He read it until the day of his death, and his acquaintance with the member of the Tribune's X The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven staff who was destined to have a part in the completion of his hfework began when, a little more than a generation after he had gone to Europe for the second time, he opened a correspond- ence with him on a topic suggested by one of this writer's criti- cisms. In 1854 he went to Europe again, still fired with the ambi- tion to rid the life-history of Beethoven of the defects which marred it as told in the current books. Schindler had sold the memorabilia which he had received from Beethoven and Beet- hoven's friend Stephan von Breuning to the Prussian Govern- ment, and the precious documents were safely housed in the Royal Library at Berlin. It was probably in studying them that Thayer realized fully that it was necessary to do more than rectify and harmonize current accounts of Beethoven's life if it were correctly to be told. He had already unearthed much precious ore at Bonn, but he lacked the money which alone would enable him to do the long and large work which now loomed before him. In 1856 he again came back to America and sought em- ployment, finding it this time in South Orange, New Jersey, where Lowell Mason employed him to catalogue his musical library. Meanwhile Dr. Mason had become interested in his great project, and Mrs. Mehetabel Adams, of Cambridge, Mas- sachusetts, also. Together they provided the funds which enabled him again to go to Europe, where he now took up a permanent residence. At first he spent his time in research-travels, visiting Berlin, Bonn, Cologne, Dlisseldorf (where he found material of great value in the archives of the old Electoral Courts of Bonn and Cologne), Frankfort, Paris, Linz, Graz, Salzburg, London and Vienna. To support himself he took a small post in the Legation of the United States at Vienna, but exchanged this after a space for the U. S. Consulship at Trieste, to which office he was appointed by President Lincoln on the recommendation of Senator Sumner. In Trieste he remained till his death, al- though out of office after October 1st, 1882. To Sir George Grove he wrote under date June 1st, 1895: 'T was compelled to resign my office because of utter inaVjility longer to continue Beethoven work and official labor together." From Trieste, when his duties permitted, he went out on occasional exploring tours, and there he weighed his accumulations of evidence and wrote his volumes. In his travels Thayer visited every person of importance then living who had been in any way associated with Beethoven or had personal recollection of him — Schindler, the composer's factotum and biographer; Anselm Hiittenbrenner, in whose arms Introduction xi he died; Caroline van Beethoven, w^dow of Nephew Karl; Charles Neate and Cipriani Potter, the English musicians who had been his pupils; Sir George Smart, who had visited him to learn the proper interpretation of the Ninth Symphony; Moscheles, who had been a professional associate in Vienna; Otto Jahn, who had undertaken a like task with his own, but abandoned it and turned over his gathered material to him; Mahler, an artist who had painted Beethoven's portrait; Gerhard von Breuning, son of Beethoven's most intimate friend, who as a lad of fourteen had been a cheery companion of the great man when he lay upon his fatal bed of sickness; — with all these and many others he talked, carefully recording their testimony in his note-books and piling up information with which to test the correctness of traditions and printed accounts and to amplify the veracious story of Beet- hoven's life. His industry, zeal, keen power of analysis, candor and fairmindedness won the confidence and help of all with whom he came in contact except the literary charlatans whose romances he was bent on destroying in the interest of the verities of histo^3^ The Royal Library at Berlin sent the books in which many of Beethoven's visitors had written down their part of the conver- sations which the composer could not hear, to him at Trieste so that he might transcribe and study them at his leisure. In 1865, Thayer was ready with the manuscript for Volume I of the work, which contained a sketch of the Courts of the Electors of Cologne at Cologne and Bonn for over a century, told of the music cultivated at them and recorded the ancestry of Beethoven so far as it had been discovered. It also carried the history of the composer down to the year 1796. In Bonn, Thayer had made the acquaintance of Dr. Hermann Deiters, Court Councillor and enthusiastic musical litterateur, and to him he confided the task of editing and revising his manuscript and translating it into German. Tlie reason which Thayer gave for not at once publish- ing his work in Engiisli was that he was unable to oversee the printing in liis native land, where, moreover, it was not the custom to publish such works serially. He urged upon his collaborator that he practise literalness of translation in respect of his own utterances, but gave him full liberty to proceed according to his judgment in the presentation of documentary evidence. All of the material in tlie volume except the draughts from Wegeler, Ries and Schindler, with which he was frequently in conflict, was original discovery, the result of the labors begun in Bonn in 1849. His principles he set forth in these words: "I fight for no theories, and cherish no prejudices; my sole point of view is the xii The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven truth I have resisted the temptation to discuss the cliaracter of his (Beethoven's) works and to make such a discussion the foundation of historical speculation, preferring to leave such matters to those who have a greater predilection for them. It appears to me that Beethoven the composer is amply known through his works and in this assumption the long and wearisome labors of so many years were devoted to Beethoven the man." The plan to publish his work in German enabled Thayer to turn over all his documentary evidence to Deiters in its original shape, a circumstance which saved him great labor, but left it for his American editor and continuator. The first German volume appeared in 1866; its stimulative effect upon musical Europe has been indicated. Volume II came from the press in 1872, Volume III in 1879, both translated and annotated by Deiters. They brought the story of Beethoven's life down to the end of the year 1816, leaving a little more than a decade still to be discussed. The health of Thayer had never been robust, and the long and unintermittent application to the work of gathering and weighing evidence had greatly taxed his brain. He became sub- ject to severe headaches and after the appearance of the third volume he found it impossible to apply himself for even a short time to work upon the biography. In July, 1890, he wrote a letter to Sir George Grove which the latter forwarded to this writer. In it he tells in words of pathetic gratitude of the unex- pected honors showered upon him at Bonn when at the invitation of the Beethoven-Haus Verein he attended the exhibition and festival given in Beethoven's birthplace a short time before. Then he proceeds: "Of course the great question was on the lips of all: When will the fourth volume appear .^^ I could only say: ^yhen the condition of my head allows it. No one could see or have from my general appearance the least suspicion that I was not in mental equal to my physical vigor. In fact, the extreme excitement of these three weeks took off for the time twenty years of my age and made me young again; but afterwards in Hamburg and in Berlin the reaction came. Spite of the delightful musical parties at Joachim's, Hausmann's, Mendelssohn's .... my head broke down more and more, and since my return hither, July 3rd, has as yet shown small signs of recuperation. The extreme importance of working out my fourth volume is more than ever impressed upon my mind and weighs upon me like an incubus. But as yet it is still utterly impossible for me to really work. Of course I only live for that great purpose and do not despair. My general health is such that I think the brain must Introduction xiii in time recover something of its vigor and power of labor. What astonishes me and almost creates envy is to see this wonderful power of labor as exemplified bj' you and my neighbor. Burton. But from boyhood I have had head troubles, and what I went through with for thirty years in supporting myself and working on Beethoven is not to be described and excites my wonder that I did not succumb. Well, I will not yet despair." Thayer's mind, active enough in some things, refused to occupy itself with the Beethoven material; it needed distraction, and to give it that he turned to literary work of another character. He wrote a book against the Baconian authorship of Shakespeare's works; another on the Hebrews in Egypt and their Exodus (which Mr. E. S. Willcox, a friend of many years, published at his request in Peoria, Illinois). He also wrote essays and children's tales. Such writing he could do and also attend to his consular duties; but an hour or two of thought devoted to Beethoven, as he said in a letter to the present writer, brought on a racking headache and unfitted him for labor of any kind. Meanwhile year after year passed by and the final volume of the biography was no nearer its completion than in 1880. In fact, })eyond the selection and ordination of its material, it was scarcely begun. His friends and the lovers of Beethoven the world over grew seriously concerned at the prospect that it would never be completed. Sharing in this concern, the editor of the present edition developed a plan which he thought would enable Thayer to complete the work notwithstanding the disabilities under which Jie was laboring. He asked the cooperation of Novello, Ewer & Co., of London, and got them to promise to send a cap- able person to Trieste to act as a sort of literary secretary to Thayer. It was thought that, having all the material for the con- cluding volume on hand chronologically arranged, he might talk it over with the secretary, but without giving care to the manner of literary presentation. The secretary was then to give the material a proper setting and submit it to Thayer for leisurely revision. Very hopefully, and with feelings of deep gratitude to his friends, the English publishers, tlie American editor submitted his j)lan; but Thayer would have none of it. Though unable to work ui)on the biography for an hour continuously, he yet clung to the notion that some day he would not only finish it but also rewrite the whole for English and American readers. From one of the letters placed at my disposal })y Sir George Grove, it appears that subsequently (in 1892) there was some correspondence be- tween an English publisher and Mr. Thayer touching an English xiv The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven edition. The letter was written to Sir George on June 1st, 1895. In it he says: "I then hoped to be able to revise and prepare it (the Beethoven MS.) for pubhcation myself, and was able to begin the labor and arrange with a typewriting woman to make the clean copy. How sadly I failed I wrote you. Since that time the subject has not been renewed between us. I am now com- pelled to rehnquish all hope of ever being able to do the work. There are two great difficulties to be overcome: the one is that all letters and citations are in the original German as they were sent to Dr. Deiters; the other, there is much to be condensed, as I always intended should be for this reason: From the very first chapter to the end of Vol. Ill, I am continually in conflict with all previous writers and was compelled, therefore, to show in my text that I was right by so using my materials that the reader should be taken along step by step and compelled to see the truth for himself. Had all my arguments been given in notes nine readers out of ten would hardly have read them, and I should have been involved in numberless and endless controversies. Now the case is changed. A. W. T's novelties are now, with few if any exceptions, accepted as facts and can, in the English edition, be used as such. Besides this, there is much new matter to be inserted and some corrections to be made from the appendices of the three German volumes. The prospect now is that I may be able to do some of this work, or, at all events, go through my MS. page by page and do much to facilitate its preparation for publication in English. I have no expectation of ever receiving any pecuniary recompense for my 40 years of labor, for my many years of poverty arising from the costs of my extensive researches, for my — but enough of this also." In explanation of the final sentence in this letter it may be added that Thayer told the present writer that he had never received a penny from his publisher for the three German volumes; nothing more, in fact, than a few books which he had ordered and for which the publisher made no charge. Thus matters rested when Thayer died on July 15th, 1897. The thought that the fruits of his labor and great sacrifices should be lost to the world even in part was intolerable. Dr. Deiters, with undiminished zeal and enthusiasm, announced his willing- ness to revise the three published volumes for a second edition and write the concluding volume. Meanwhile all of Thayer's papers had been sent to Mrs. Jabez Fox of Cambridge, Massachu- setts, the author's niece and one of his heirs. There was a large mass of material, and it became necessary to sift it in order that Introduction xv all that was needful for the work of revision and completion might be placed in the hands of Dr. Deiters. This work was done, at Mrs. Fox's request, by the present writer, who, also at Mrs. Fox's request, undertook the task of preparing this English edition. Dr. Deiters accomplished the work of revising Volume I, which was published by Weber, the original publisher of the German volumes, in 1891. He then decided that before taking up the revision of Volumes II and III he would bring the biography to a conclusion. He wrote, not the one volume which Thayer had hoped would suffice him, but two volumes, the mass of material bearing on the last decade of Beethoven's life having grown so large that it could not conveniently be comprehended in a single tome, especially since Dr. Deiters had determined to incorporate critical discussions of the composer's principal works in the new edition. The advance sheets of Volume IV were in Dr. Deiters's hands when, full of 3'ears and honors, he died on May 1st, 1907. Breitkopf and Hartel had meanwhile purchased the German copyright from Weber, and they chose Dr. Hugo Riemann to complete the work of revision. Under Dr. Riemann's supervision Volumes IV and V were brought out in 1908, and Volumes II and III in 1910-1911. Not until this had been accomplished could the American collaborator go systematically to work on his difficult and volumi- nous task, for he had determined to use as much as possible of Thayer's original manuscript and adhere to Thayer's original purpose and that expressed in his letter to Sir George Grove. He also thought it wise to condense the work so as to bring it within three volumes and to seek to enhance its readableness in other ways. To this end he abolished the many appendices which swell the Gennan volumes, and put their significant portions into the body of the narrative; he omitted many of the hundreds of foot-notes, especially the references to the works of the earlier biographers, believing that the special student would easily find the sources if he wished to do so, and the general reader would not care to verify the statements of one who has been accej)ted as the court of last resort in all matters of fact pertaining to Beethoven, the man; he also omitted many letters and presented the substance of others in his own words for the reason that they can all l)e consulted in the special volumes which contain the composer's correspondence; of the letters and other documents used in the pages which follow, he made translations for the sake of accuracy as well as to avoid conflict with the copyright privileges of the publishers of English versions. Being as free as the German editors in respect of the xvi The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven portion of the biography which did not come directly from the pen of Thayer, the editor of this EngHsh edition chose his own method of presentation touching the story of the last decade of Beethoven's life, keeping in view the greater clearness and rapidity of narrative which, he believed, would result from a grouping of material different from that followed by the German editors in their adherence to the strict chronological method established by Thayer. A large number of variations from the text of the original German edition are explained in the body of this work or in foot- notes. In cases where the German editors were found to be in disagreement with the English manuscript in matters of opinion merely, the editor has chosen to let Mr. Thayer's arguments stand, though, as a rule, he has noted the adverse opinions of the German revisers also. A prominent instance of this kind is presented by the mysterious love-letter found secreted in Beethoven's desk after his death. Though a considerable literature has grown up around the "Immortal Beloved" since Thayer advanced the hy- pothesis that the lady was the Countess Therese Brunswick, the question touching her identity and the dates of the letters is still as much an open one as it was when Thayer, in his charac- teristic manner, subjected it to examination. This editor has, therefore, permitted Thayer not only to present his case in his own words, but helped him by bringing his scattered pleadings and briefs into sequence. He has also outlined in part the dis- cussion which followed the promulgation of Thayer's theory, and advanced a few fugitive reflections of his own. The related inci- dent of Beethoven's vain matrimonial project has been put into a different category by new evidence which came to light while Dr. Riemann was engaged in his revisory work. It became neces- sary, therefore, that the date of that incident be changed from 1807, where Thayer had put it, to 1810. By this important change Beethoven's relations to Therese Malfatti were made to take on a more serious attitude than Thayer was willing to accord them. In this edition, finally, more importance is attached to the so-called Fischer Manuscript than Thayer was inclined to give it, although he, somewhat grudgingly we fear, consented that Dr. Deiters should print it with critical comments in the Appendix of his Vol. I. The manuscript, though known to Thayer, had come to the attention of Dr. Deiters too late for use in the narrative por- tion of the volume, though it was thus used in the second edition. The story of the manuscript, which is now preserved in the museum Introduction xvii of the Beethoven-Haus Verein in Bonn, is a curious one. Its author was Gottfried Fischer, whose ancestors for four generations had lived in the house in the Rheingasse which only a few years ago was still, though mendaciously, pointed out to strangers as the house in which Beethoven was born. Fischer, who lived till 1864, was born in the house which formerly stood on the site of the present building known as No. 934, ten years after Beethoven's eyes opened to the light in the Bonngasse. At the time of Fischer's birth the Beethoven family occupied a portion of the house and Fischer's father and the composer's father were friends and com- panions. There, too, had lived the composer's grandfather. Gott- fried Fischer had a sister, Cacilia Fischer, who was born eight years before Beethoven; she remained unmarried and lived to be 85 years old, dying on May 23rd, 1845. The festivities attending the unveiling of the Beethoven monument in 1838 brought many visitors to Bonn and a natural curiosity concerning the relics of the composer. Inquirers were referred to the house in the Rhein- gasse, then supposed to be the birthplace of the composer, where the Fischers, brother and sister, still lived. They told their story and were urged by eager listeners to put it into writing. This Gott- fried did the same year, but, keeping the manuscript in hand, he added to it at intervals down to the year 1857 at least. He came to attach great value to his revelations and as time went on embel- lished his recital with a mass of notes, many of no value, many consisting of iterations and reiterations of incidents already re- corded, and also with excerpts from books to which, in his sim- plicity, he thought that nobody but himself had access. He was an uneducated man, ignorant even of the correct use of the German language; it is, therefore, not surprising that much of his record is utterly worthless; but mixed with the dross there is much precious metal, especially in the spinster's recollection of the composer's father and grandfather, for while Gottfried grew senile his sister remained mentally vigorous to the end. Thayer examined the document and offered to buy it, but was dissuaded by the seem- ingly exorbitant price which the old man set upon it. It was finally purchased for the city's archives by the Oberbiirgermeister and thus came to the notice of Dr. Deiters. His use of it has been followed by the present editor. Henry Edward Kreiibiel. Blue Hill, Maine, U. S. A. July, 1914. xviii The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Postscript The breaking out, in August, 1914, of the war between Austria and Servia which eventually involved nearly all the civilized nations of the world, led the publishers, who had originally under- taken to print this Work as brought to a conclusion by the Amer- ican Editor, indefinitely to postpone its publication. In the spring of 1920 the Beethoven Association, composed of musicians of high rank, who had given a remarkably successful series of con- certs of Beethoven's chamber-music in New York in the season 1919-20, at the suggestion of O. G. Sonneck and Harold Bauer resolved to devote the proceeds of the concerts to promoting the publication of Thayer's biography. To this act of artistic philanthropy the appearance of the work is due. Blue Hill, Maine, U. S. A. H. E. K. September, 1920. Contents of Volume I PAGE Introduction vii Chapter I. Fall of the Ecclesiastical-Civil States in Germany — Character of Their Rulers — The Electors of Cologne in the Eighteenth Century — Joseph Cle- mens — Clemens August — Max Friedrich — Incidents and Achievements in Their Reigns — The Electoral Courts and Their Music — Earliest Records of the Beethovens in the Rhineland — Musical ^.Culture in Bonn at the Time of Ludwig van Beethoven's Birth — Operatic Repertories — Christian Gottlob Neefe — Appearance of the City 1 Chapter II. Beethoven's Ancestors in Belgium — Louis van Beethoven, His Grandfather — He Leaves His Pater- nal Home — Tenor Singer at Louvain — His Removal to Bonn — Marriage — Activities as J ]»^^ nd rhnp pl- master in the Eloctoml C]i;i.p f'l — Birth and Education of Johann van Beethoven, Father of the Composer — Domestic Afflictions — His Marriage — Appearance and Character of the Composer's Mother 42 Chapter IH. Birth of Ludwig van Beethoven, the Com- poser — Conflict of Dates — The House in Which He Was Born — Poverty of the Family — An Inebriate Grandmother and a Dissipated Father — The Com- poser's Scant Schooling — His First Music Teachers — Lessons on the Pianoforte, Organ and Violin — Neefe Instructs Him in Composition — A Visit to Holland 53 Chapter IV. Beethoven a Pupil of Neefe — Early Employ- ment of His Talent and Skill — First Efforts at Com- position — Assists Neefe at the Organ in the Orchestra of the Electoral Court — Is Appointed Assistant Court Organist — Johann van Beethoven's Family — Domestic Tribulations — Youthful Publications 67 [ xix ] XX Contents of Volume I Chapter V, Elector Max Franz — Appearance and Char- acter of Maria Theresias's Youngest Son — His Career in Church and State — Musical Culture in the Austrian Imperial Family — The Elector's Admiration for Mozart and Mozart's Characterization of Him — His Court Music at Bonn 77 Chapter VI. Beethoven Again — His Studies Interrupted — A Period of Artistic Inactivity in Bonn — The Young Organist Indulges in a Prank — A Visit to Vienna — Mozart Hears the Youthful Beethoven Play — Sym- pathethic Acquaintances — Death of Beethoven's Mother — Association with the von Breuning Family — Some Questions of Chronology Discussed 85 Chapter VII. The Family von Breuning — Beethoven Brought Under Refining Influences — Count Waldstein — Beethoven's First Maecenas — Time of the Count's Arrival in Bonn — Beethoven Forced to Become Head of His Father's Family 98 Chapter VIII. The National Theatre of Elector Max Franz — Beethoven's Associates in the Court Orchestra — Anton Reicha — Andreas and Bernhard Romberg — His Practical Experience in the Electoral Band — The Operatic Repertory of Five Years in the Court Theatre 105 Chapter IX. The Last Three Years of Beethoven's Life in Bonn — Gleanings of Fact and Anecdote — A Visit from Haydn — Merry Journey up the Rhine — Beetho- ven's Meeting with Abbe Sterkel — He Extemporizes — His Playing Described by Carl Ludwig Junker — He Shows a Cantata to Haydn — The Extent of Max Franz's Patronage of the Composer — Social and Artistic Life in Bonn — Madame von Breuning a Guardian Angel — The Circle of Companions — Friendships with Y oung Women — Jeannette d'Honrath — Fraulein Wester- hold — ^Eleonore von Breuning — Beethoven Leaves Bonn Forever — The Parting with His Friends — Incidents of His Journey to Vienna 110 Chapter X. Beethoven's Creative Activity in Bonn — An Inquiry into the Genesis of Many Compositions — The Contents of Volume I xxi Cantatas on the Death of Joseph II and the Elevation of Leopold II — Vicissitudes of These Compositions — A Group of Songs — The "Ritterballet" and Other Instru- mental Works — Several Chamber Compositions — The String Trio, Op. 3, Carried to England — Manuscripts Taken by Beethoven from Bonn to Vienna 129 Chapter XI. Beethoven in Vienna — Care for His Personal Appearance — Death of His Father — Records of Minor Receipts and Expenditures — His Studies with Haydn — Clandestine Lessons in Composition with Johann Schenk — A Rupture with Haydn — Becomes a Pupil of Al- brechtsberger and Salieri — Characteristics as a Pupil 14G Chapter XII. ^Nlusic in Vienna at the Time of Beethoven's Arrival There — Theatre, Church and Concert-Room — Salieri and the Royal Imperial Opera — Schikaneder's Theater auf der Wieden — Composers and Conductors in the Imperial Capital — Paucity of Public Concerts — A Music-loving Nobility: The Esterhazys; Kinsky; Lich- nowsky; von Kees; van Swieten — Private Orchestras — Composers: Haydn, Kozeluch, Forster, Eberl, Vanhall — Private Theatres 163 Chapter XIII. Beethoven in Society — Success as a Vir- tuoso — The Trios, Op. 1 — Tender Memories of Friends in Bonn — A Letter to Leonore von Breuning — Wegeler Comes to Vienna — His Reminiscences — A Quarrel and Petition for Reconciliation — Irksome Social Conven- tions — Affairs of the Heart — Variations for Simrock — First Public Appearance as Pianist and Composer — The Pianoforte Concertos in C and B-flat — The Trios, Op. 1, Revised— Sonatas Dedicated to Haydn — Dances for the Ridotto Room — Plays at Haydn's Concert 174 Chapter XIV. The Years 1706 and 1797— Success Achieved in the Austrian Capital — A Visit to Prague — The Scena: "Ah, pcrfido!" — Sojourn in Berlin — King Frederick William II — Prince Louis Ferdinand — ^'i()l<)n- cello Sonatas — Relations with Hiinmel — Plays for the Singakademie — Fasch and Zciter — War-Songs — The Rombergs — A Forgotten Riding-Horse — Compositions xxii Contents of Volume I and Publications of the Period — Matthisson and His "Adelaide" — Quintet for Strings, Op. 4 — Pieces for Wind-instruments — The "Jena" Symphony — Dances 190 Chapter XV. General Bernadotte — The Fiction about His Connection with the "Sinfonia eroica" — Rival Pianists — Joseph Wolj03 — Tomaschek Describes Beetho- ven's Playing — Dragonetti — J. B. Cramer — Beethoven's Demeanor in Society — Compositions of 1798 and 1799 — The Trios, Op. 9 — Pianoforte Concertos in C and B-flat — An Unfinished Rondo for Pianoforte and Orchestra — . Several Pianoforte Sonatas — "Sonate pathetique" — Trio for Pianoforte, Clarinet and Violoncello — Origin of the First Symphony — Protest Against an Arrange- ment of it as a Quintet 212 Chapter XVI. Beethoven's Social Life in Vienna — Vogl — Kiesewetter — Zmeskall — Amenda — Count Lichnowsky — Eppinger — Krumpholz — Schuppanzigh and His Quar- tet — Johann Nepomuk Hummel — Friendships with Women — Magdalene Willmann — Christine Gerhardi — Dedications to Pupils — Countess Keglevics — Countess Henriette Lichnowsky — Countess Giulietta Guicciardi — Countess Thun — Princess Liechtenstein — Baroness Braun 229 Chapter XVIL Beethoven's Character and Personality — His Disposition — Evil Effects of Early Associations and Inadequate Intellectual Training — Sentimental Ideals not Realized in Conduct — Self-sufficiency and Pride — The Homage of Young Disciples — Love of Nature — Relations with Women — Conceptions of Virtue — Liter- ary Tastes — His Letters — The Sketchbooks — His Man- ner of Compositions — Origin of His Deafness 245 Chapter XVIII. Beethoven's Brothers — His First Concert on His Own Account — Septet and First Symphony Performed — Punto and the Sonata for Horn — The Charlatan Steibelt Confounded — Beethoven's Homes in Vienna — Madame Grillparzer, the Poet's Mother — Dolezalek — Hoffmeister — E. A. Forster — The Quartets, Op. 18 — Prince Lichnowsky 's Gift of a Quartet of Viols —Publications of 1800 265 Contents of Volume I xxiii Chapter XIX. The Year 1801 — Compositions offered to Hoffmeister — Concerts for Wounded Soldiers — Vigano and the Ballet "Prometheus" — Interest in the Publica- tion of Bach's Works and His Indigent Daughter — Stephan von Breuning — Summer Home in Hetzendorf — Composition of "The Mount of Olives^' — Compositions and Publications of the Year — The Funeral March in the Sonata, Op. 26— The So-called "Moonlight" Sonata- Inspired by a Poem of Seume's — Illicit Publication of the String Quintet, Op. 29 281 Chapter XX. Important Letters of 1801 — Communica- tions to Amenda, Hoffmeister and Wegeler — The Com- poser's 111 Health — The Beginning of His Deafness—— Early Symptoms Described by Himself — Thoughts of Marriage — Indignation Aroused by the Criticisms of the Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung — The "Leipsic Oxen" — Gradual Recognition of Beethoven's Genius — Anton Reicha — Von Breuning's Relations with Beet- hoven — Lessons to Ferdinand Ries and Carl Czerny 297 Chapter XXI. Beethoven's Love-Affairs — Countess Guic- ciardi — A Conversation with Schindler about Her Marriage — Schindler's Contradictory Story — Countess Erdbdy — Schindler's Theory Disproved — The Letter to the "Immortal Beloved" — Critical Study of its Date — Countess Guicciardi Not the W^oman Addressed — A Conjecture Concerning the Countess Therese von Brunswick — Other Candidates for the Honor of Being the Object of Beethoven's Supreme Love — Magdalena Willmann— Amalia Sebald— The Arguments of Kalischer, Mariam Tenger and Marie Lipsius (La Mara) Set Forth by the Editor of this Biography — Statements of Relations and Descendants of the Countesses Guicciardi and von Brunswick — The Memoirs of the Countess The- rese — Later French Investigations 317 Chapter XXII. The Year 1802— The Village of Ileiligen-^ stadt — Beethoven's Views on Transcriptions — His De- spondency — The "Heiligenstadt Will" — Confession of His Deafness — The Second Symphony — Return to Vienna — ^larches for the Pianoforte, Four Hands — A xxiv Contents of Volume I Defence of Brothers Johann and Karl Kaspar — Their Characters — Karl's Management of Beethoven's Busi- ness Affairs — The Bagatelles, Op. 33 — The Songs, Op. 52 — Compositions and Publications of 1802 — Three Sonatas for Pianoforte and Violin — The Sonatas for Pianoforte, Op. 31 — An Alteration by Nageli — Finale of the Sonata in D minor — Beethoven on the Character of His Variations 348 Chapter I Introductory — The Electors of Cologne in the Eighteenth Century — Joseph Clemens, Clemens August and Max Friedrich — The Electoral Courts and Their Music — Musical Culture in Bonn at the Time of Beethoven's Birth — ^Appearance of the City in 1770. ONE of the compensations for the horrors of the French Revolution was the sweeping away of many of the petty sovereignties into which Germany was divided, thereby rendering in our day a union of the German People and the rise of a German Nation possible. The first to fall were the numerous ecclesiastical-civil members of the old, loose confederation, some of which had played no ignoble nor unimportant part in the advance of civilization ; but their day was past. The people of these states had in divers respects enjoyed a better lot than those who were sub- jects of hereditary rulers, and the old German saying: "It is good to dwell under the crook," had a basis of fact. At the least, they were not sold as mercenary troops; their blood was not shed on foreign fields to support their princes' ostentatious splendor, to enable mistresses and ill-begotten children to live in luxury and riot. But the antiquated ideas to which the ecclesiastical rulers held with bigoted tenacity had become a barrier to progress, the exceptions being too few to render their farther existence desirable. These members of the empire, greatly differing in extent, popu- lation, wealth and political influence, were ruled with few or no exceptions by men who owed their positions to election by chapters or other church corf)orations, whose numl)ers were so limited as to give full play to every sort of intrigue; but they could not assume their functions until their titles were confirmed by the Pope as head of the church, and by the Emperor as head of the confederation. Thus the subject had no voice in the matter, and it hardly need be said that his welfare and prosperity were never included among the motives and considerations on which the elections turned. [11 2 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven The sees, by their charters and statutes, we think without exception, were bestowed upon men of noble birth. They were benefices and sinecures for younger sons of princely houses; estates set apart and consecrated to the use, emolument and en- joyment of German John Lacklands. In the long list of their incumbents, a name here and there appears, that calls up historic associations; — a man of letters who aided in the increase or diffusion of the cumbrous learning of his time; a warrior who ex- changed his robes for a coat of mail; a politician who played a part more or less honorable or the reverse in the affairs and in- trigues of the empire, and, very rarely, one whose daily walk and conversation reflected, in some measure, the life and principles of the founder of Christianity. In general, as they owed their places wholly to political and family influences, so they assumed the vows and garb of churchmen as necessary steps to the enjoy- ment of lives of affluence and pleasure. So late as far into the eighteenth century, travelling was slow, laborious and expensive. Hence, save for the few more wealthy and powerful, journeys, at long intervals, to a council, an imperial coronation or a diet of the empire, were the rare interruptions to the monotony of their daily existence. Not having the power to transmit their sees to their children, these ecclesiastics had the less inducement to rule with an eye to the welfare of their subjects: on the other hand, the temptation was very strong to augment their revenues for the benefit of relatives and dependents, and especially for the gratification of their own tastes and inclinations, among which the love of splendor and ostentatious display was a fruitful source of waste and extravagance. Confined so largely to their own small capitals, with little intercourse except with their immediate neighbors, they were far more dependent upon their own resources for amusement than the hereditary princes: and what so obvious, so easily ob- tained and so satisfactory as music, the theatre and the dance! Thus every little court became a conservatory of these arts, and for generations most of the great names in them may be found recorded in the court calendars. One is therefore not surprised to learn how many of the more distinguished musical composers began life as singing boys in cathedral choirs of England and Ger- many. The secular princes, especially those of high rank, had, besides their civil administration, the stirring events of war, questions of public policy, schemes and intrigues for the advance- ment of family interests and the like, to engage their attention; but the ecclesiastic, leaving the civil administration, as a rule. Cologne and Its Electors 3 in the hands of ministers, had little to occupy him officially but a tedious routine of religious forms and ceremonies; to him there- fore the theatre, and music for the mass, the opera, the ball-room, and the salon, were matters of great moment — they filled a wide void and were cherished accordingly. The three German ecclesiastical princes who possessed the greatest power and influence were the Archbishops of Mayence, Treves and Cologne — Electors of the Empire and rulers of the fairest regions of the Rhine. Peace appears hardly to have been known between the city of Cologne and its earlier archbishops; and, in the thirteenth century, a long-continued and even bloody quarrel resulted in the victory of the city. It remained a free imperial town. The archbishops retained no civil or political power within its walls, not even the right to remain there more than three daj^s at any one time. Thus it happened, that in the year 1257 Archbishop Engelbert selected Bonn for his residence, and formally made it the capital of the electorate, as it remained until elector and court were swept away in 1794. Of the last four Electors of Cologne, the first was Joseph Clem.ens, a Bavarian prince, nephew of his predecessor Maximilian Heinrich. The choice of the chapter by a vote of thirteen to nine had been Cardinal Fiirstenberg; but his known, or supposed, de- votion to the interests of the French king had prevented the rati- fication of the election by either the Emperor or the Pope. A new one being ordered, resulted in favor of the Bavarian, then a youth of eighteen years. The Pope had ratified his election and appointed a bishop to perform his ecclesiastical functions ad in- terim, and the Emperor invested him with the electoral dignity December 1, 1689. Vehse says of him: Like two of his predecessors he was the incumbent of five sees; he was Archbishop of Cologne, Bishop of Hildesheim, Liege, Ratisbon and Frcisingen. His love for pomp and splendor was a passion which he gratified in tlic maf^nific^ence of his court. lie delighted to draw thither beautiful and intellectual women. Madame de Raysbeck, and Countess Fugger, wife of his chief equerry, were his declared favorites. For seven- teen years, that is, until the disastrous year 1700, when Fenelon conse- crated him, he dehiyed assuming his vows. lie hehl the opinion, universal in the courts of those days, that he might with a clear conscience enjoy life after the manner of secular princes. In pleasing the ladies, he was utterly regardless of expense, and for their amusement gave magnificent balls, splendid masquerades, musical and dramatic entertainments, and hunting parties. St. Simon relates that several years of his exile were passed at Valenciennes, where, though a fugitive, he followed the same 4 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven rouud of costly pleasures and amusements. He also records one of the Elector's jests which in effrontery surpasses anything re- lated of his contemporary, Dean Swift. Some time after his con- secration, he caused public notice to be given, that on the approach- ing first of April he would preach. At the appointed time he mounted the pulpit, bowed gravely, made the sign of the cross, shouted "Zum April!" (April fool!), and retired amid a flourish of trumpets and the rolling of drums. Dr. Ennen labors energetically to prove that Joseph Clemens's fondness in later years for joining in all grand church ceremonies rested upon higher motives than the mere pleasure of displaying himself in his magnificent robes; and affirms that after assuming his priestly vows he led a life devoted to the church and worthy of his order; thenceforth never seeing Madame de Raysbeck, mother of his illegitimate children, except in the presence of a third person. It seems proper to say this much concerning a prince whose electorship is the point of departure for notices of music and musicians in Bonn during the eighteenth century; a prince whose fondness for the art led him at home and in exile to support both vocal and instrumental bands on a scale generous for that age; and who, moreover, made some pretensions to the title of composer himself, as we learn from a letter which under date of July 20, 1720, he wrote to a court councillor Ranch to accompany eleven of his motets. It is an amusingly frank letter, beginning with a confession that he was an Ignorant who knew nothing about notes and had absolutely no knowledge of musique, wherefore he admits that his manner of composing is *'very odd," being compelled to sing anything that came into his head to a composer whose duty it was to bring the ideas to paper. Never- theless he is quite satisfied with himself, "At all events I must have a good ear and gusto, for the public that has heard has always approved. But the methodum which I have adopted is that of the bees that draw and collect the honey from the sweetest flowers; so, also, I have taken all that I have composed from good masters whose Musikalien pleased me. Thus I freely confess my pilfering, which others deny and try to appropriate what they have taken from others. Let no one, therefore, get angry if he hears old arias in it, for, as they are beautiful, the old is not deprived of its praise. ... I ascribe everything to the grace of God who enlightened me, the unknowing, to do these things." Not all "composers," royal or mean, are as honest as the old Elector! It is fortunate for the present purpose, that the portion of the electoral archives discovered after a lapse of nearly seventy Political Vicissitudes of the Electorate 5 years and now preserved at Diisseldorf, consists so largely of documents relating to the musical establishment of the court at Bonn during the last century of its existence. They rarely afford information upon the character of the music performed, but are sufficiently complete, when supplemented by the annual Court Calendars, to determine with reasonable correctness the number, character, position and condition of its members. The few peti- tions and decrees hereafter to be given in full because of their connection with the Beethovens, suffice for specimens of the long series of similar documents, uniform in character and generallj'^ of too little interest to be worth transcription. In 1695 a decree issued at Liege by Joseph Clemens, then in that city as titular bishop, though not consecrated, adds three new names to the "Hoff-Musici," one of which. Van den Eeden, con- stantly reappears in the documents and calendars down to the year 1782. From a list of payments at Liege in the second quarter of 1696, we find that Henri Vandeneden (Heinrich Van den Eeden) was a bass singer, and that the aggregate of vocalists, instrument- ists, with the organ-blower (calcant), was eighteen persons. Returned to Bonn, Joseph Clemens resumed his plan of im- proving his music, and for those days of small orchestras and niggardly salaries he set it upon a rather generous foundation. A decree of April 1, 1698, put in force the next month, names 22 persons with salaries aggregating 8,890 florins. After the death of Maximilian Heinrich the government passed into the hands of Cardinal Fiirstenberg, his coadjutor, who owed the position to the intrigues of Louis XIV, and now used it by all possible means to promote French interests. The king's troops under French commanders, he admitted into the principal towns of the electorate, and, for his own protection, a French garrison of 10,000 men into Bonn. War was the conse- quence; an imperial army successfully invaded the province, and, advancing to the capital, subjected its unfortunate inhabi- tants to all the horrors of a relentless siege, that ended October 15, 1689, in the expulsion of the garrison, now reduced to some 3900 men, of whom 1500 were invalids. Yet in the war of the Spanish Succession winch opened in 1701, notwithstanding the terrible lesson taught only eleven years before, the infatuated Joseph Clemens embraced the party of Ix)uis. Emperor Leopold treated him with singular mildness, in vain. The Elector persisted. In 1702 he was therefore excluded from the civil government and fled from Bonn, the ecclesiastical authority in Cologne being em- powered by the Emperor to rule in his stead. The next year, the 6 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven great success of the French armies against the allies was celebrated by Joseph Clemens with all pomp in Namur, where he then was; but his triumph was short. John Churchill, then Earl of Marl- borough, took the field as commander-in-chief of the armies of the allies. His foresight, energy and astonishing skill in action justified Addison's simile — whether sublime or only pompous — of the angel riding in the whirlwind and directing the storm. He was soon at Cologne, whence he despatched Cochorn to besiege Bonn. That great general executed his task with such skill and impetuosity, that on May 15 (1703) all was ready for storm- ing the city, when d'Allegre, the French commander, ofiFered to capitulate, and on the 19th was allowed to retire. "Now was Bonn for the third time wrested from the hands of the French and restored to the archbishopric, but alas, in a condition that aroused indignation, grief and compassion on all sides," says Miiller. Leopold was still kindly disposed toward Joseph Clemens, but he died May 5, 1705, and his successor, Joseph I, immedi- ately declared him under the ban of the Empire, This deprived him of the means and opportunities, as Elector, for indulging his passion for pomp and display, while his neglect hitherto, under dispensations from the Pope, to take the vows necessary to the performance of ecclesiastical functions, was likewise fatal to that indulgence as archbishop. But this could be remedied; Fene- lon, the famous Archbishop of Cambray, ordained him subdeacon August 15, 1706; the Bishop of Tournay made him deacon December 8, and priest on the 25th; on January 1, 1707, he read his first mass at Lille, and indulged his passion for parade to the full, as a pamphlet describing the incident, and silver and copper medals commemorating it, still evince, "Two years later. May 1, 1709, Joseph Clemens received from Fenelon in Ryssel (Lille) episcopal consecration and the pallium." — (Miiller.) Upon the victory of Oudenarde by Marlborough, and the fall of Lille, he took refuge in Mons. The treaty of Rastadt, March, 1714, restored him to his electoral dignities and he returned to the Rhine; but Dutch troops continued to hold Bonn until December 11, 1715, On the morning of tliat day they evacuated the city and in the afternoon the Elector entered in a grand, solemn procession commemorated by an issue of silver medals. During all these vicissitudes Joseph Clemens, from whatever source he derived the means, did not suffer his music to deteriorate and, returned to Bonn, no sooner was the public business regulated and restored to its former routine than he again turned his atten- tion to its improvement. The Rule of Elector Clemens August 7 Joseph Clemens died November 12, 1723, having prex^ously secured the succession to his nephew Clemens August, last of the five Electors of Cologne of the Bavarian line. The new incum- bent, third son of Maximilian Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria and his second v,^ie, a daughter of the celebrated John Sobieski of Poland, was born August 17, 1700, at Brussels, where his father resided at the time as Governor General. From his fourth to his fifteenth year he had been held in captivity by the Austrians at Klagenfurt and Gratz; then, having been destined for the church, he spent several years at study in Rome. As a child in 1715 he had been appointed coadjutor to the Bishop of Regensburg; in 1719 he was elected to the two sees of Paderborn and Mlinster made vacant by the death of his brother Moritz, was chosen coadjutor to his uncle of Cologne in 1722, made his solemn entry into Bonn as elector May 15, 1724, was the same year also elected Bishop of Hildesheim, in 1725 Provost of the Cathedral at Liege, 1728 Bishop of Osnabriick, and, finally, in 1732 reached the dignity of Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. His rule is distinguished in the annals of the electorate for little else than the building, repairing, renewing and embellishing of palaces, hunting-seats, churches, convents, and other edifices. At Bonn he erected the huge pile the foundation of which had been laid l)y his uncle, now the seat of the university. The hand- some City Hall was also his work; the villa at Poppelsdorf was enlarged by him into a small palace, Clemensruhe, now the Univer- sity Museum of Natural History. In Briihl, the Augustusburg, now a Prussian royal palace, dates from his reign, and Miinster, Mergentheim, Arnsberg and other places show similar monu- ments of his prodigality in the indulgence of his taste for splendor. "Monstrous were the sums," says Dr. Ennen, "squandered by him in the purchase of splendid ornaments, magnificent equipages, furniture costly for its variety, and of curious works of art; upon festivities, sleighing-parties, masquerades, operas, dramas and ballets; upon charlatans, swindlers, female vocalists, actors and dancers. His theatre and opera alone cost him 50,000 thalers annually and the magnificence of his masked balls, twice a week in winter, is proof suflicient tliat no small sums were lavished upon them." The aggregate of the revenues derived from the several states of which Clemens August was the head nowlierc appears; but the civil income of the electorate alone had, in liis later years, risen from the million of fiorins of his predecessor to about the same number of thalers — an increase of some 40 per centum; 8 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven added to this were large sums derived from the church, and sub- sidies from Austria, France and the sea-coast states amounting to at least 14,000,000 francs; indeed, during the Elector's last ten years the French subsidies alone made an aggregate of at least 7,300,000 francs; in 1728 Holland paid on account of the Clemens Canal 76,000 thalers. At the centennial opening of the strong-box of the Teutonic Order he obtained the fat accumu- lations of a hundred years; and 25 years later he opened it again. Yet, though during his rule peace was hardly interrupted in his part of Europe, he plunged ever deeper and more inextricably into debt, leaving one of large proportions as his legacy to his suc- cessor. He was a bad ruler, but a kindly, amiable and popular man. How should he know or feel the value of money or the necessity of prudence.'* His childhood had been spent in cap- tivity, his student years in Rome, where, precisely at that period, poetry and music were cultivated, if not in very noble and manly forms, at least with a Medicean splendor. The society of the Arcadians was in full activity. True, both Clemens August and his brother were under the age which enabled them to be enrolled as "Shepherds," and consequently their names appear neither in Crescembini nor in Quadrio; but it is not to be supposed that two young princes, already bishops by election and certain of still higher dignities in the future, were excluded from the palaces of Ruspoli and Ottoboni, from those brilliant literary, artistic and luxurious circles in which, only half a dozen years before, their young countryman, the musician Handel, had found so cordial a wel- come. Those were very expensive tastes, as the citation from Ennen shows, which the future elector brought with him from Rome. Italian palaces, Italian villas, churches, gardens, music, songstresses, mistresses, an Italian holy staircase on the Kreuzberg (leading to nothing); Italian pictures, mosaics and, what not.^ All these things cost money — but must he not have them? This elector is perhaps the only archbishop on record to whose epitaph may truthfully be added: "He danced out of this world into some other"; — which happened in this wise: Having, in the winter of 1760-61, by some unexpected stroke of good for- tune, succeeded in obtaining from the usually prudent and careful bankers of Holland a loan of 80,000 thalers, he embraced the opportunity of making a long-desired visit to his family in Munich. Owing to a sudden attack of illness he was once on the point of turning back soon after leaving Bonn. He persevered, however, reached Coblenz and crossed over to the palace of the Elector of Treves at Ehrenbreitstein, where he arrived at 4 p.m. Appointments in the Electoral Chapel 9 February 5, 1761. At dinner an hour later he was unable to eat; but at the ball, which followed, he could not resist the fascination of the Baroness von Waldendorf — sister of His Transparency of Treves — and danced with her "eight or nine turns." Of course he could not refuse a similar compliment to several other ladies. The physical exertion of dancing, joined to the excitement of the occasion and following a dreary winter-day's journey, was too much for the enfeebled constitution of a man of sixty years. He fainted in the ballroom, was carried to his chamber and died next day. It seems to have been the etiquette, that when an elector breathed his last, the musical chapel expired with him. At all events, no other explanation appears of the fact that so many of the petitions for membership, which are still preserved, should be signed by men who had already been named in the Court Calen- dars. It is also to be remarked that some of the petitioners re- ceive appointments "without salary." These seem to have been appointments of the kind, which in later years were distinguished in the records and in the calendars by the term "accessist," and which, according to the best lights afforded by the archives, may be considered as having been provisional, until the incumbent had proved his skill and capacity, or until a vacancy occurred through the death or resignation of some old member. There are indications that the "accessists," though without fixed salary, received some small remuneration for their services; but this is by no means certain. It would seem that both vocalists and instru- mentists who received salaries out of the state revenues were limited to a fixed number; that the amount of funds devoted to this object was also strictly limited and the costs incurred by the engagement of superior artists with extra salaries, or by an in- crease of the number, were defrayed from the Elector's privy purse; that the position of "accessist" was sought by young mu- sicians as a stepping-stone to some future vacancy which, when acquired, insured a gradually increasing income during the years of service and a small pension when superannuated; that the etiquette of the court demanded, even in cases when the Elector expressly called some distinguished artist to Bonn, that the ap- pointment should be apparently only in gracious answer to an humble petition, and that, with few exceptions, both singers and members of the orchestra were employed in the church, the theatre and the concert-room. Clemens August made his formal entry into Bonn, May 15, 1724. A number of petitions are passed over, but one granted 10 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven "without salary" on February 18, 1727, from Van den Eeden must be given in its entirety: SuppHque tres humble a S. A. S. E. de Cologne pour Gille Vandeneet. Bonn, d. 18 Feb., 1727. Prince Serenissime, Monsigneur. Vandeneet vient avec tout le respect qui luy est possible se mettre aux pieds de V. A. S. E. luy representer qu'ayant eu I'honneur d'avoir estre second organiste de feu S. A. S. E, d'heureuse memoire, elle daigne luy vouloir faire la meme grace ne demendant aucun gage si long terns qu'il plaira a V. A. S. E. promettant la servire avec soin et diligence. Quoi faisant etc. etc. On the same date Van den Eeden received his appointment as second court organist. June 8, 1728, a decree is issued grant- ing him a salary of 100 florins. To a third petition the next year, signed Van den Enden, the answer is an increase of his salary to 200 thalers, and thus a future instructor of Ludwig van Beetho- ven becomes established in Bonn. The records need not concern us now until we reach the following, which forms part of the history of the grandfather of the subject of this biography: March, 1733, DECRETUM For Ludovicum van Beethoven as Electoral Court Musician. CI. A. Whereas His Serene Highness Elector of Cologne, Duke Clemens August in Upper and Lower Bavaria, etc. Our Gracious Lord having, on the humble petition of liudovico van Beethoven, graciously declared and received him as Court Musician, and assigned him an annual salary of 400 florins Rhenisb, the present decree under the gracious hand of His Serene Electoral Highness and the seal of the Privy Chancellor, is granted to him, and the Electoral Councillor and Paymaster Risack is herewith commanded to pay the said Beethoven the 400 fl. quartaliter from the beginning of this year and to make a proper accounting thereof. B March, 1733. Thirteen years later we find this: Allowance of an additional 100 Thalers annually to the Chamber Musician van Beethoven. Inasmuch as His Serene Highness Elector of Cologne, Duke Clement August of Upper and Lower Bavaria, our most Gracious Lord has in- creased the salary of his Chamber Musician van Beethoven by the addi- tion of 100 thalers annually which became due through the death of Joseph Kayser, instrument maker, the Court Chamber Councillor and Paymaster Risach is hereby informed and graciously commanded to JoHANx VAN Beethoven Becomes "Accessist" 11 pay to him the said Beethoven the 100 fl. a year in quarterly installments against voucher from the proper time and to make the proper accounting. Witness, etc. Poppelsdorf, August 22, 1746. On May 2, 17-47, Johann Ries became Court Trumpeter with a salary of 192 thalers. This is the first representative we have met of a name which afterwards rose to great distinction,, not only in the orchestra of the Elector but also in the world at large. On March 5, 1754, he was formally appointed Court Musician (violinist) ha\'ing set forth in his petition that instead of confining himself to the trumpet he had made himself service- able in the chapel by singing and playing other instruments. Later he took ill and was sent to Cologne. We shall presently meet his two daughters and his son Franz Ries, the last of whom will figure prominently in the life-history of Beethoven. Under date March 27, 1756, occur several papers which have a double interest. They relate to the Beethoven family and are so com- plete as to exhibit the entire process of appointment to member- ship in the electoral chapel. The original documents are not calculated to give the reader a very exalted idea of the ortho- graphical knowledge of the petitioner or the Chamber Music Director Gottwaldt; but that fault gives us the clue to the cor- rect pronunciation of the name Beethoven — the English "Beet- garden." To His Electoral Serenity of Cologne, etc. My most Gracious Lord the humble petition and prayer of Joan van Biethoffen. Most Reverend, most Serene Elector, Most Gracious Lord, Lord, etc. May it please your Electoral Serenity graciously to hear the humble representations how in the absence of voices in Your Highness's Court Chapel my insignififant self tof)k part in the music for at least four years without the good fortune of having allotted by Your Serene Electoral Highness a small aulario. I therefore pray Your Serene Electoral Highness most humbly that it graciously jilease you fin considcraf ion of my father's faithful service for 23 years) to rejoice me with a decree as court musician, which high grace will infuse me with zeal to serve Your Serene Highness with the greatest fidelity and zealousness. Your Serene Electoral Highness's Most hunil)le-obedient-faithful servant, Joan van Biethoffen. 12 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven To the Music Director Gottwaldt for a report of his humble judgment. Attestation by the most gracious sign manual and seal of the privy chancellary. Bonn, March 19, 1756. (Signed) Clemens August (L.S.) Most reverend, most serene Elector, Most gracious Lord, Lord, etc. Your Serene Electoral Highness has referred to my humble judg- ment the petition of Joan van Piethoffen, the supplicant prays Your Electoral Highness for a gracious decree as accessist in the court music, he has lindeed served for two years with his voice on the Due Sail (doxal), hopes in time to deserve the good will of Your Serene Highness by his industry, and his father who enjoys the grace of serving Your Highness as bass singer prays his appointment, I pray most humbly and obediently for instruction concerning your Highness's good will in the matter, submit myself humbly and obediently to Your Serene Highness's grace and remain in greatest humility. Your Serene and Electoral Highness's Most Humble and obedient servant Gottwaldt, Director of the Chamber Music. A further report was made to the Elector as follows: Bonn, March 27, 1756. Coloniensis gratiosa. Chamber Music Director Gottwaldt ad supplicam of Joan van Betthoffen has served two years on the docsal and hopes through his industry to serve further to the satisfaction of Your Electoral Highness, to which end his father who through Your Highness's grace serves as bass singer will seek completely to qualify him which may it please Your Serene Highness to allow. Idem Gottwaldt ad supplicam Ernest Haveckas, accessist in the court music, reports that suppliant, though not fully capable as yet hopes by special diligence to make himself worthy of Your Highness's service and would be encouraged and rejoiced in his efforts if Your Serene Highness would graciously deign to grant him a decreto, humbly praying to be informed as to Your Highness's wishes in the matter. DECRETUM Court Musician's Decree for Johan van Biethofen. Clm. A. Whereas His Serene Electoral Highness of Cologne, Duke Clement August in Upper and Lower Bavaria etc. Our Gracious Lord on the humble petition of Johan van Biethofen and in considera- tion of his skill in the art of singing, also the experience in the same already gained, having graciously declared and accepted him as court musician, appoint and accept him by this writing; therefore the said The Duties of Court Chapelmasters 13 Biethofen receives this decree with the gracious sign manual and seal of the Privy Chancellary, and those who are concerned to recognize him hereafter as an Electoral court musician and to pay him such respect as the position deserves. Bonn, March 25, 1756. Johann van Beethoven was 16 years old at this time. Why he should appear in the Court Calendar as an accessist four years after the publication of this decree appointing him Court Musician does not appear. But slender success has rewarded the search for means of determining the character and quality of that opera and music, upon which, according to Ennen, Clemens August lavished such large sums. The period embraced in that elector's rule (1724- 1761) was precisely that in which the old Italian opera, the oratorio and the sacred cantata reached their extreme limits of develop- ment through the genius of Handel and J. S. Bach. It closes at the moment when Gluck, C. P. E. Bach and Joseph Haydn were laying the immovable foundations of a new operatic, orchestral and pianoforte music, and before the perfected sonata-form, that found universal adoption in all compositions of the better class, not vocal. Little music comparatively was issued from the press in those days, and consequently new forms and new styles made their way slowly into vogue. Another consequence was that the offices of composer for the chamber, the church, the comedy, or however they were named, were by no means sinecures — neither at the imperial court of Maria Theresia, nor at the court of any petty prince or noble whose servants formed his orchestra. Com- posers had to furnish music on demand and as often as was nec- essary, as the hunter delivered game or the fisherman fish. What a volume of music was produced in this manner can be seen in the case of Joseph Haydn at Esterhaz, whose fruitfulness did not, in all probability, exceed that of many another of his contemporaries. The older Telemann furnished compositions to the courts of Bayreuth and Eisenach as well as the Gray Friars at Frankfort- on-the-Main, and also performed his duties as musical director and composer at Hamburg. He wrote music with such ease that, as Handel said, he could write for eight voices as rapidly as an ordinary man could write a letter. Under such conditions did the men write who are mentioned as official composers in our narrative. It is probable that not a note of theirs remains in existence, and equally probable that the loss is not at all deplor- able except as it leaves the curiosity of an antiquary unsatisfied. A few text-books to vocal pieces performed on various occa- sions during this reign have been preserved, their titles being 14 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven "Componimento per Musica," music by Giuseppe daH'Abaeo, Director of the Chamber Music (1740); "La Morte d'Abel" (no date is given, but "il Signor Biethoven" sang the part of Adamo); "Esther" ("From the Itahan of S. F. A. Aubert," the text partly in German, partly in Italian); "Anagilda" (Drama per Musica). After the unlucky ball at Ehrenbreitstein the crook and sceptre of Cologne passed from the Bavarian family which had so long held them into the hands of Maximilian Friedrich of the Suabian line Konigsegg- (or Konigseck-) Rothenfels. For a cen- tury or more this house had enjoyed fat livings in the church at Cologne, in which city the new elector was born on May 13, 1708. He was the fourth of his race who had held the important office of Dean of the Cathedral, from which post he was elevated to the electorship on April 6, 1761, and to the ecclesiastical principality of Mlinster the next year; with which two sees he was fain to be content. He was by nature an easy, good-tempered, indolent, friendly man, of no great force of character — qualities which in the incumbent of a rich sinecure just completing his fifty-third year, would be too fully confirmed and developed by habit to change with any change of circumstances; and which, says Stramberg, made him unusually popular throughout the land despite the familiar little verse: Bei Clemens August trug man blau und weiss, Da lebte man wie im Paradeis; Bei Max Friedrich trug man sich schwarz und roth. Da litt man Hunger wie die schwere Noth. The condition of the finances had become such through the extravagant expenditures of Clemens August that very energetic measures were necessary, and to the effects of these, during the first few years of Max Friedrich's rule, in throwing many persons out of employment, these doggerel lines doubtless owe their origin. It was fortunate for the Elector's subjects that his indolence was made good by the activity and energy of a prime minister who found his beau ideal of a statesman in Frederick II of Prussia, whom, in his domestic policy, he imitated as far as the character of the two governments allowed. This was equally if not more true in the principality of Miinster. To the respect which one must feel for the memory of Belderbusch, the all-powerful minister at Bonn, is added, in the case of Furstenberg, the equally power- ful minister at Miinster, admiration and regard for the man. The former was respected, feared, but not loved in the electorate; the latter was respected and very popular in the principality. Max Friedrich and His Minister 15 To Kasper Anton von Belderbusch the new Elector owed his ele- vation; to his care he entrusted the state; to his skill and strength of character he was indebted for release from the pecuniary dif- ficulties which beset him and for the satisfaction, as the years rolled by, of seeing his states numbered among the most prosper- ous and flourishing in Germany. Belderbusch's first care was to reduce the expenditure. "He put a stop to building," says Ennen, "dismissed a number of the actors, restricted the number of concerts and court balls, dispensed with the costly hunts, reduced the salaries of court ofiicials, officers and domestics, lessened the etat for the kitchen, cellar and table of the prince, turned the property left by Clemens August into money and com- forted the latter's creditors with the hope of better times." But though economy was the rule, still, where the Elector considered it due to his position, he could be lavish. Whatever opinions may be entertained as to the wisdom and expediency of clothing eccle- siastics with civil power, it would be unjust not to give the bright as well as the dark side of the picture. This is well put by Kaspar Risbeck in relation to the Rhenish states whose princes were churchmen, and his remarks are in place here, since they relate in part to that in which the childhood and youth of Beethoven were spent. The whole stretch of the country from here to Mayence is one of the richest and most populous in Germany. Within this territory of 18 German miles there are 20 cities lying hard by the shore of the Rhine and dating, for the greater part, from the period of the Romans. It is still plainly to be seen that this portion of Germany was the first to be built up. Neither morasses nor heatiis interru])t the evidences of cultiva- tion which stretch with equal industry far from the shores of the river over the contiguous country. While many cities and castles built under Charlemagne and iiis successors, especially Henry I, in other parts of Germany have fallen into decay, all in this section have not only been preserved hut many have been added to them The natural wealth of the soil in rom{)arison with that of other lands, and the easy disposition of its jjroducts by means of the Rhine, have no doubt con- trihuted most to these results. Nevertheless, great as is the prejudice in (ierrnany a;,'ainst the ecclesiastical governments, they have beyond doubt aided in the blooming development of these regions. In the three ecclesiastical electorates which make up the greater part of this tract of land nothing is known of those tax burdens under which the subjects of so many secular princes of (icrniaiiy groan. These princes have exceeded the old assessments but sligiitly. Little is known in their countries of .serfdom. The appanage of many princes and prin- cesses do not force them to extortion. They have no inordinate" military institution, and do not sell the sons of their farmers; and they have never taken so active a j)arl in the domestic and foreign wars of Germany as 16 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven the secular princes. Though they are not adept in encouraging their subjects in art culture, varied agriculture has been developed to a high degree of perfection throughout the region. Nature does of its own accord what laws and regulations seek to compel, as soon as the rocks of offence are removed from the path.^ Henry Swinburne, whose letters to his brother were published long after his death under the title of "The Courts of Europe," writes under date of November 29, 1780: Bonn is a pretty town, neatly built, and its streets tolerably well paved, all in black lava. It is situated in a flat near the river. The Elector of Cologne's palace faces the South entry. It has no beauty of architecture and is all plain white without any pretensions. We went to court and were invited to dine with the Elector (Konigs- egge). He is 73 years old, a little, hale, black man, very merry and affable. His table is none of the best; no dessert wines handed about, nor any foreign wines at all. He is easy and agreeable, having lived all his life in ladies' company, which he is said to have liked better than his breviary. The captains of his guard and a few other people of the court form the company, amongst whom were his two great -nieces, Madame de Hatzfeld and Madame de Taxis. The palace is of immense size, the ball-room particularly large and low. . . . The Elector goes about to all the assemblies and plays at Tric-trac. He asked me to be of his party but I was not acquainted with their way of playing. There is every evening an assembly or play at court. The Elector seems very strong and healthy, and will, I think, hold the Archduke a good tug yet. This Archduke was Max Franz, youngest son of Maria Theresia, whose acquaintance Swinburne had made in Vienna, and who had just been chosen coadjutor to Max Friedrich. A curious proof of the liberality, not to say laxity, of the Elector's sentiments in one direction is given by Stramberg in his "Rhei- nischer Antiquarius," to wit, the possession of a mistress in common by him and his minister Belderbusch — the latter fathering the children — and this mistress was the Countess Caroline von Satzenhofen, Abbess of Vilich! The reduction which was made by Belderbusch upon the accession of Max Friedrich in the expenses of the theatre and other amusements does not appear, except in the case of the chapel- master, to have extended to the court music proper, nor to have been long continued in respect to the "operetta and comedy." The first in order of the documents and notices discovered relat- ing to the musical establishment of this Elector are of no common interest, being the petition of a candidate for the vacant oflBce of »"Briefe," II. 354, 355. Chapelmaster Ludwig van Beethoven 17 chapelmaster and the decree appointing him to that position. They are as follows: Very Reverend Archbishop and Elector most gracious Lord Lord! May it please Your Electoral Grace to permit a representation of my faithfully and dutifully performed services for a considerable space as vocalist as well as, since the death of the chapelmaster, for more than a year his duties in Dupplo, that is to say by singing and wielding the baton concerning which my demand still remains ad referendum much less have I been assured of the position. Inasmuch as because of par- ticular recommendation Dousmoulin was preferred over me, and indeed unjustly, I have been forced hitherto to submit to fate. But now, gracious Elector and Lord, that because of the reduction in salaries Chapelmaster Dousmoulin has already asked his demission or will soon do so, and I at the command of Baron Belderbusch am to begin de novo to fill his office, and the same must surely be replaced, — Therefore There reaches Your Electoral Grace my humble petition that you may graciously be pleased (: inasmuch as the "Toxal" must be suffi- ciently supplied with musique, and I must at all events take the lead in the occurring church ceremonies in puncto the chorales:) to grant me the justice of which I was deprived on the death of Your Highness's antecessori of blessed memory, and appoint me chapelmaster with some augmentation of my lessened salary because of my services performed in Duplo. For which highest grace I shall pour out my prayers to God for the long continuing health and government of your Electoral Grace, while in deepest submission I throw myself at your feet. Your Electoral Grace's most humble servant Ludwig van Beethoven "Passist." M. F. Whereas We, Maximilian Friedrich, Elector of Cologne, on the demission of our former chapelmaster Touche Moulin, and the humble petition of our bass singer Ludwig van Beethoven have appointed the latter to be chapelmaster with the retention of his position as bass singer, and have added 97 rthlr. species 40 alb. to his former salary of 292 rthlr. species 40 alb. per annum divided in quartaUcn, which appointment is hereby made and payment ordered by our grace, our exchequer and all whom it may concern are called on to observe the fact and do what is required under the circumstances. Attest, etc. Bonn, July 10, 176L Next in order, at an interval of rather more than a year, is the following short pai)er in reply to a petition, not preserved, of the new cliapelmaster's son: S^npplicanten is hereby graciously assured that in the event of a vacatur of a court musician's salary he shall have special consideration. 18 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Attest our gracious sign manual and the impress of the seal of the Privy Chancellary. Bonn, November 27, 1762. Max Fried. Elector. V. Belderbusch, (:L. S. :) About December, 1763, a singer, Madame Lentner, after some four and a half years of service, threw up her appointment, giving occasion, through the vacancy thus caused, for the follow- ing petition, report and decrees: Most Reverend Elector, Most Gracious Lord, Lord. Will Your Electoral Grace deign to receive the representation that by the acceptance of service elsewhere of Court Musician Dauber there .has fallen to the disposition of Your Reverend Electoral Grace a salary of 1,050 rth., wherefore I, Joannes van Beethoven, having graciously been permitted for a considerable time to serve as court musician and have been graciously assured by decree of appointment to the first vacancy, and have always faithfully and diligently performed my duties and graciously been permitted to be in good voice, therefore my prayer is made to Your Reverend and Electoral Grace for a grant of the aforesaid 1,050 rth. or a gracious portion thereof, which act of highest grace I shall try to merit by fidelity and zeal in the performance of my duties. Your Reverend Electoral Grace's most obedient servant Joannes van Beethoven, vocalist. This petition was seconded by the father in the following manner: Most Reverend Archbishop and Elector, Most gracious Lord, Lord. Your Electoral Grace having graciously been pleased to submit for my humble report the humble petition of Your Highness's court musician Joann Ries that his daughter be appointed to the place in the court music of Your Highness made vacant by the discharged soprano Lentner sub Liu. A. Humbly obeying Your gracious command I submit an impartial report that for about a year the daughter of the court musician Ries has frequented the "Due sahl" (doxal) and sung the soprano part and that to my satisfaction. But now that my son Joannes van Beethoven has already for 13 years sung soprano, contralto and tenor in every emergency that arisen on the "Due sahl," is also capable on the violin, wherefore Your Reverend Electoral Grace 27 Novembris 1762 granted the accompanying decree graciously bearing your own high sign manual sub Litt. B. JoHANX VAX Beethovex's Salary 19 My humble and obedient but not anticipatory opinion is that the court singer Lentner's vacated salary ad 300 fl. (: who went away without the gracious permission of Your Highness over a quarter of a year ago and reported to me in specie she was going without permission and would not return :) be graciously divided so that my son be decreed to receive 200 florins and the daughter of Court Musician Ries 100 fl. Zu Ewr. Churfiirst. gnaden besidndige hidden und gnaden mich unter- thdnigst erlassendt in tieff ester submission ersierbe. Your Reverend Electoral Grace's most humble and obedient Ludwig van Beethoven, Chapel Master. Increase of salary of 100 rthr. for Court Musician Beethoven. M. F. Whereas We, Maximilian Friedrich. Elector of Cologne, on the humble petition of our court musician Johann van Beethoven, have shown him the grace to allow him 100 rthr. out of the salary vacated by the departure of the singer Lentner to be paid annually in quartalien we hereby confirm the allowance; for which this decree is graciously promulgated to be observed by our Electoral exchequer which is to govern itself accordingly. Attest p. Bonn, April 24, 1764. Under the same date a decree was issued appointing Anna Maria Ries, daughter of Johann Ries, Court Singer, w^ith a salary of 100 th. also out of that of the Lentner. A few days later the following action was taken: M. F. E. To the Electoral Exchequer touching the appointment of Court Musician Beethoven and the Singer Ries. You are hereby graciously informed that our court musician Bet- hoven junior and the singer Ries will soon lay before you two decrees of appointment. Now inasmuch as with this the salary of the former singer Lentner is disposed of but since she received an advance of 37)2 rth. from our Master of Revenues and 18 rth. spec, was paid to her creditors we graciously command you herewith so to arrange the pay- ment of the two salaries that the advance from the Reveiuies and then the payment to the creditors be covered from the lycntiicr's salary; and that until this is done the salaries of the bcforementioned Ries and Bethoven do not begin. We etc. Bonn, April 27, 1764. On April 3, 1778, Anna ]\Laria Ries received an additional 100 fl. A few more documents lead us to the family of Joluuui Peter Salomon: 20 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven ad Supplicam Philip Salomon. To inform our chapelmaster van Betthoven appointed on his humble petition that we are not minded to grant the letter prayed for to the Prince v. Sulkowsky, but in case his son is not returned by the beginning of the coming month Sbris, we are graciously determined to make disposition of his place and salary. Attest. Miinster, August 8, 1764. Sent, the 22 dito. In spite of this order on July 1, 1765, the Elector gave a document to the son, Johann Peter Salomon, certifying that he had served him faithfully and diligently and had "so conducted himself as to deserve to be recommended to every one according to his station."^ On petition of Philipp Salomon, the father, he , and his daughter were appointed Court Musicians by decree dated August 11, 1764. Several papers, dated April 26, 1768, although upon matters of very small importance, have a certain interest as being in part official communications from the pen of Chapelmaster van Beet- hoven, and illustrating in some measure his position and duties. They show, too, that his path was not always one bordered with roses. Being self-explanatory they require no comment: I. Most Reverend Archbishop and Elector, Most Gracious Lord, Lord. Will Your Electoral Grace deign to listen to the complaint that when Court Singer Schwachhofer was commanded in obedience to an order of His Excellency Baron von Belderbusch to alternate with Jaco- bina Salomon in the singing of the solos in the church music as is the custom, the said Schwachhofer in the presence of the entire chapel im- pertinently and literally answered me as follows : I will not accept your ordre and you have no right to command me. Your Electoral Grace will doubtless recall various disordre on the part of the court chapel indicating that all respect and ordonance is withheld from me, each member behaving as he sees fit, which is very painful to my sensibilities. Wherefore my humble prayer reaches Your Electoral Highness that the public affront of the Schwachhofer be punished to my deserved satisfaction and that a decree issue from Your Highness to the entire ^This was the beginning of the career of Salomon. He became concertmaster to Prince Henry of Prussia, played in Paris, and in 1781 took up a residence in London where, as violinist and conductor, he became brilliantly active and successful. He made repeated visits to Bonn, once in 1790, when he was on his way to London accompanied by Haydn. JOHANN VAN BeETHOVEN NeEDS MoRE MoNEY 21 chapel that at the cost of Your Gracious displeasure or punishment according to the offence my ordre shall not be evaded. Your Electoral Grace's Humble and Most Obedient Servant Ludovicus van Beethoven. II. To Chapelmaster van Beethoven Concerning the Court Musicians. M. F. E. Receive the accompanying Command to the end that its contents be conveyed to all of our court musicians or be posted on the "toxal." We remain, etc. Bonn, April 26, 1768. III. Command respecting the Court Musicians. Having learned with displeasure that several of our court musicians have tried to evade the ordre issued by our Chapel Master or refused to receive them from him, and conduct themselves improperly amongst themselves, all of our court musicians are hereby earnestly commanded without contradiction to obey all the commands given by our Chapel Master in our name, and bear peaceful relations with each other, since we are determined to proceed with rigor against the guilty to the extent of dismissal in certain cases. Sig. Bonn, April 26, 1768. On November 17, 1769, Johann van Beethoven submits a petition in which he exhibits anew his genius for devising metliods for varying the spelling of his own name. That he could no longer live on 100 th. salary is evident when it is remembered that he has now been married two years; but as there were sev- eral applicants for the salary which had fallen to the disposal of the Elector, it was divided among the four most needy. Beet- hoven's memorial contains a fact or two in regard to his duties as Court Musician which are new: To His Electoral Grace of Cologne, etc., etc. The Humble Supplication and Prayer of Johann Bethof, Court Musician. Most Reverend Archbishop and Elector, Most (iracious Lord, Lord. May Your Most Reverend Electoral Grace, graciously permit the presentation of this humble supplicandoy how for many years I have 22 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven served Your Highness faithfully and industriously on the "Due saahl" and the theatre, and also have given instruction in various supjecta concerning the aforesaid service to the entire satisfaction of Your Electoral Grace, and am engaged now in study to perfect myself to this end. My father also joins in this supplic in his humble capacity of the theatri and will participate in the gladness should Your Electoral Grace graciously grant the favor; as it is impossible for me to live on the salary of 100 th. graciously allowed me, I pray Your Electoral Grace to bestow upon me the 100 th. left at Your gracious disposal by the death of Your court musician Philip Haveck; to merit this high grace by faithful and diligent service shall be my greatest striving. Your Electoral Grace's most humble Joannes Bethof, Court Musician. In answer to this there came the following decree: Whereas we. Max. Frid. p. on the death of Court Musician Philipp Haveck and the submissive petition of our court musician Philipp Salomon bestowed upon him the grace of adding 50 fl. for his two daughters to the salary which he already enjoys out of the salary of the above mentioned Haveck per year; we confirm the act hereby; wherefore we have graciously issued, this decree, which our Electoral Court Exchequer will humbly observe and make all necessary provisions. Attest, p. Munster, 17th 9bris 1769. (On the margin:) "Gracious addition of 50 fl. for the court musician Philipp Salomon" and, besides Brandt and Meuris, also "m simili for Court Musician Joann Bethoff 25 fl." There need be no apology for filling a few more pages with extracts from documents found in the Dusseidorf archives; for now a period has been reached in which the child Ludwig van Beethoven is growing up into youth and early manhood, and thrown into constant contact with those whose names will appear. Some of these names will come up many years later in Vienna; others wall have their parts to play in the narrative of that child's life. Omitting, for the present, a petition of Johann van Beet- hoven, w^e begin them with that of Joseph Demmer, of date Janu- ary 23, 1773, which first secured him his appointment after a year's service and three months' instruction from "the young Mr. van Beethoven." Most Reverend Archbishop and Elector, Most Gracious Lord, etc., etc. I have been accepted as chorister in the cathedral of this city at a salary of 80 th. per year, and have so practised myself in music that Joseph Demmer Succeeds Beethoven 23 I humbly flatter myself of my ability to perform my task with the highest satisfaction. It being graciously known that the bass singer van Beethoven is incapacitated and can no longer serve as such, and the contra-bassist Noisten can not adapt his voice: therefore this my submissive to Your Reverend Electoral Grace that you graciously be pleased to accept me as your bass singer with such gracious salary as may seem fit; I offer should it be demanded to attend the operettas also and qualify myself in a short time. It depends upon a mere hint from Your Electoral Grace alone; that it shall not be burdensome to the cantor's office of the cathedral to save the loss of the 80 th. yearly which it has bestowed upon me. I am in most dutiful reverence Your Electoral Grace's most obedient Joseph Demmer. Pro Memoria. Cantor Demmer earned at the utmost 106 rth. per year if he neglected none of the greater or little Horis. Pays the Chamber Chancellor Kugelgen for board, annually, 66 rth. for quartier (lodging) 12 rth. moreover, he must find himself in clothes and washing since his father, the sub-sacristan in Cologne, is still overburdened with 6 children. He has paid 6 rth. to young Mr. Beethoven for 3 months. In response to another petition after the death of L. van Beethoven the following decree was issued: Decree as Court vocal bass for Joseph Demmer. ■\Miereas His Electoral Grace of Cologne, M. F. our most gracious Lord, on the humble petition of Joseph Demmer has graciously appointed and accepted him as His Higlmess's vocal bass on the Electoral Toxal, with a yearly salary of 200 fl. divided in quarlallen to begin with the current time, the ap[)ointment is confirmed hereby and a decree granted to the same Demmer, of which, for purposes of payment, the Electoral Chancellary will take notice and all whom it may concern will respect and obey the same and otherwise do what is necessary in the premises. Attest, p. Bonn, May 29, 1774. Two years later leave of absence, but without salary, was granted to Joseph Demmer to visit Amsterdam to complete liis education in music. Further notes from documentary sources: 1774. May 26. Andreas Lucchcsi appointed Court Chapelmastcr in place of Ludwig van Beethoven, deceased, with a salary of 1,000 fl. May 29. Salary of Anna Maria Ries raised from 2.50 fl. to 300 fl. On May 13, 177.'), together with Ferdinand Trewcr (Drewer), violinist, she receives leave of absence for four months, to 24 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven begin in June with two quarters' pay in advance. In the Court Calendar for 1775, which was printed about seven months in advance, she is aheady described as Madame Drewers, nee Ries. She was considered the best singer in the chapel. "November 23. Franz Anton Ries has granted him 25 th. payable quarterly. 1775. March 23. Nicolas Simrock appointed on petition "Court Hornist on the Electoral Toxal, in the cabinet and at table," and a salary of 300 fl. was granted April 1. This is the first appear- ance in these records of a name which afterwards rose into prominence. 1777. April 20. B. J. Maurer, violoncellist, "who has served in the court chapel from the beginning of the year till now on a promise of 100 th.," prays for an appointment as court 'cellist at a salary of 400 th. Appointed at a salary of 200 th.; we shall have occasion to recur to him presently in connection with notices touching Beethoven. Under date May 22, 1778, J. van Beethoven informs the Elector that "the singer Averdonck, who is to be sent to Chapel- master Sales at Coblenz, is to pay 15 jBl. per month for board and lodging but that only a douceur is to be asked for her instruction and that to take her thither will cost 20 th." There followed upon this the following document: To the humble announcement of Court Musician Beethoven touching the singer Averdonck. Electoral Councillor Forlivesi is to pay to the proper authorities for a year beginning next month, 15 fl. a month and for the travelling expenses 20 rth. once and for all as soon as the journey is begun. Attest, p. Bonn, May 22, 1778. This pupil of Johann van Beethoven, Johanna Helena Aver- donk, born in Bonn on December 11, 1760, and brought forward by her teacher at a concert in Cologne, received 120 th. "as a special grace" on July 2, and was appointed Court Singer on November 18, 1780, with a salary of 200 th." She died nine years later, August 13, 1789. The petitions sent in to the Elector were rarely dated and were not always immediately attended to; therefore the date of a decretum is not to be taken as conclusive in regard to the date of facts mentioned in a petition. An illustration is afforded by a petition of Franz Ries. He has returned from a tour to Vienna and prays for a salary of 500 fl. "not the half of what he can earn elsewhere." The petition is dated March 2. Two months passing without bringing him an answer, he petitions again and obtains Opera at the Elector's Court 25 a decree on May 2 that in addition to his salary of 28 th, 2 alb. 6, he shall receive "annoch so viel," — again as much, — i. e., 400 fl. 1780. August. Court Organist Van den Eede prays that in considera- tion of his service of 5-i years he be graciously and charitably given the salary vacated by the death of Court Musician Salomon. Eighteen others make the same prayer. The decision of the privy council is in these words: "To be divided between Huttenus and Esch. A decree as musical vocalist must first be given to the latter." 1781. February 15. The name of C. G. Neefe is now met with for the first time. He petitions for appointment to the position of organist in succession to Van den Eede, obviously aged and infirm. A decree was issued ''placet et expediatur on the death of Organist Van den Eede," and a salary of 400 fl. granted. 1782. May 16. Johann van Beethoven petitions for "the three measures (M alter) of corn." The archives of Dusseldorf furnish little more during the time of Max Frederick save certain papers relating to the Beet- hoven family, which are reserved for another place. The search for means to form some correct idea of the char- acter of the musical performances at the Elector's court during this reign has been more successful than for the preceding; but much is left to be desired down to the year 1778, when the theatre was placed upon a different basis and its history is suflSciently recorded. Such notices, however, in relation to the operatic enter- tainments as have been found scattered, mostly in the newspapers of Bonn, in those years, are numerous enough to give an idea of their character; while the remarks upon the festivities of the court, connected with them, afford a pretty lively picture of social amusement in the highest circle. We make room for some of the most significant occurrences, in chronological order: 17G4. January 3. Galuppi's opera "II Filosofo di Campagna," given in the Electoral Theatre with great applause. January 8. A grand assembly at the palace in the afternoon, a magnificent supper in the grand gallery at which many spectators were present, and finally a masked ball. March 2.3. Second performance of "La buona Figliuola," nmsic by Piccini. May 13. Elector's birthday; "Le Nozze," music by Galuppi, and two ballets. May 20. "II Filosofo" again, the notice of which is followed by the remark that the Elector is almut removing to Bruhl for the summer but will visit Bonn twice a week "on the days when operas are performed." 26 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven September 21. "La Pastorella al Soglio" (composer not named, probably Latilla), and two ballets. December 16. "La Calamita di cuori," by Galuppi, and two ballets. This was "the first performance by the Mingotti company under the direction of Rizzi and Romanini." 1765. January 6. "Le Aventure di Rodolfo" (Piccini?), given by the same company together with a pantomime, "L'Arlequino fortunato per la Maggia." After the play there was a grand supper at which the Pope's nuncio was a guest, and finally a masked ball kept up till 6 o'clock in the morning. 1767. May 13. The Archbishop's birthday. Here is the programme condensed from the long description of the festivities in the "Bonnischer Anzeiger": 1, Early in the morning three rounds from the cannon on the city walls; 2, The court and public graciously permitted to kiss His Transparency's hand; 3, solemn high mass with salvos of artillery; 4, Grand dinner in public, the pope's nuncio, the foreign ministers and the nobility being the guests and the eating being accompanied by "ex- quisite table-music"; 5, After dinner "a numerously attended assembly"; 6, "A serenata composed especially for this most joyful day" and a comic opera in the palace theatre; 7, Supper of 130 covers; 8, Bal masque until 5 a. m. The two dramatic pieces were "Serenata festivale, tra Bacco, Diana ed il Reno," the authors unnamed, and "Schiava finta," drama giocoso dal celebre don Francesco Garzia, Spagnuolo, the music probably by Piccini; "Giovanni van Beethoven" sang the part of Dorindo. 1768. May 16. "On the stage of the Court Theatre was performed with much applause a musical poem in German, specially written for the birthday of His Highness, and afterward an Italian intermezzo entitled 'La Nobilta delusa.' " 1769. The festivities in honor of the birthday of the Elector took place May 17th, when, according to the "Anzeiger," "an Italian musical drama written expressly for this occasion was per- formed" — but the title suggests the possibility of a mistake; "II Riso d'Apolline," with music by Betz, had been heard in 1701. 1771. A single discovery only for this year has rewarded search, that of a text-book, one of particular interest: "Silvain," comedie en une acte, melee d'ariettes, representee, etc. Text by Marmon- tel, music by Gretry. Dolmon pcre, Mons. Louis van Beet- hoven, Maiire de Chapelle; Dolmon, fils aine, Jean van Beet- hoven, etc. 1772, February 27. "Le Donne sempre Donne," music by Andreas Lucchesi. In March, on occasion of the opening of the Estates, "La Con- tadine in Corte," music by Sacchini. The pieces given on the birthday this year were "II Natal di Giove," music by Lucchesi, and "La buona Figliuola," music by Piccini. On the 17th the latter was repeated on the arrival of the French ambassador. Versatility of the Court Musicians 27 1773. May 30. The Elector's birthday; "LTnganno scoperto, overo il Conte Caramella," music by Lucchesi, in which Ludovico van Beethoven sang the part of Brunoro, contadino e tamburino. There are three more operettas which evndently belong to the succeeding winter when the Bonn company had the aid of two singers from the electoral court of Treves. Their titles are "LTmprovvisata, o sia la Galanteria disturbata," by Lucchesi, "Li tre Amanti ridicoli," by Galuppi, and "La Moda," by Baroni. Ludwig van Beethoven did not sing in them. The means are still wanting to fill up the many gaps in the annals of this period or to carry them on during the next three years. Perhaps, however, the loss is not of much importance, for the materials collected are sufficient to warrant certain conclusions in regard to the general character of the court music. The musicians, both vocal and instrumental, were employed in the church, concert-room and theatre; their number remained without material change from the days of Christopher Petz to the close of Chapelmaster van Beethoven's life; places in this service were held to be a sort of heritage, and of right due to the children of old incumbents, when possessed of sufficient musical talent and knowledge; few if any names of distinguished virtuosos are found in the lists of the mem- bers, and, in all probability, the performances never rose above the respectable mediocrity of a small band used to playing together in the light and pleasing music of the day. The dramatic performances appear to have been confined to the operetta; and the vocalists, who sang the Latin of the mass, seem to have been required to be equally at home in German, Italian and French in the theatre. Two visits of the Angelo Mingotti troupe are noted; and one attempt, at least, to place the opera upon a higher basis by the engagement of Italian song- stresses, was evidently made in the time of Clemens August.; it may be concluded that no great improvement was made — it is certain that no permanent one was; for in the other case the Bonn theatrical revolution of 1778 had not been needed. This must be noticed in detail. Chronologically the following sketch belongs to the biography of Ludwig van Beethoven, as it embraces a period which hui)j)ens in his case to be of special interest, young as he was; — the j)oriod from his 8th to lu's 14tli year. But the details given, though of great importance for the light which they throw upon the musical life in which he moved and acted, v/ould liardly be of so much interest to most readers as to justify breaking with them the course of the future narrative. 28 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven It was a period of great awakening in theatrical matters. Princes and courts were beginning everywhere in Germany to patronize the drama of their mother tongue and the labors of Lessing, Gotter and other well-known names, in the original pro- duction of German, or in the translation of the best English, Italian and French plays, were justifying and giving ever new impulse to the change in taste. From the many itinerant troupes of players performing in booths, or, in the larger cities, in the play-houses, the better class of actors were slowly finding their way into permanent companies engaged and supported by the governments. True, many of the newly established court theatres had but a short and not always a very merry life; true, also, that the more common plan was merely to afford aid and protection to some itinerant troupe; still the idea of a permanent national theatre on the footing of the already long-existing court musical establishments had made way, and had already been carried out in various places before it was taken up by the elector at Bonn. It can hardly be supposed that the example of the imperial court at Vienna, with the immense means at its disposal, could exert any direct influence upon the small court at Bonn at the other extrem- ity of Germany; but what the Duke of Gotha and the elector at Mannheim had undertaken in this direction, Max Friedrich may well have ventured and determined to imitate. But there was an example nearer home — in fact in his own capital of Munster, where he, the prince primate, usually spent the summer. In 1775, Dobbler's troupe, which had been for some time playing in that city, was broken up. The Westhus brothers in Munster built up their own out of the ruins; but it endured only a short time. Thereupon, under the care of the minister, H. von Furstenberg (one of those rare men whom heaven elects and equips with all necessary gifts to cultivate what is good and beautiful in the arts), a meeting of the lovers of the stage was arranged in May and a few gentlemen of the nobility and a few from the parterre formed a council which assumed the direction. The Elector makes a considerable contribution. The money otherwise received is to be applied to the improvement of the wardrobe and the theatre. The actors receive their honoraria every month. ^ At Easter, 1777, Seyler, a manager famous in German theat- rical annals, and then at Dresden, finding himself unable to com- pete with his rival, Bondini, left that city with his company to try his fortunes in Frankfort-on-the-Main, Mayence, and other cities in that quarter. The company was very large — the Theatre iReichardt, "Theaterkalender, 1778," p. 99. Opeil\ and Drola. at Bonn in 1779 29 Lexicon (Article "Mainz") makes it, including its orchestra, amount to 230 individuals! — much too large, it seems, in spite of the assertion of the Theatre Lexicon, to be profitable. Be that as it may, after an experience of a year or more, two of the leading members, Grossmann and Helmuth, accepted an engagement from Max Friedrich to form and manage a company at Bonn in order that "the German art of acting might be raised to a school of morals and manners for his people." Taking with them a pretty large portion of Seyler's company, including several of the best members, the managers reached Bonn and were ready upon the Elector's return from Miinster to open a season. "The opening of the theatre took place," says the Bonn "Dramatur- gische Nachrichten," "on the 26th of November, 1778, with a prologue spoken by Madame Grossmann, 'WilhelmineBlondheim,' tragedy in three acts by Grossmann, and 'Die grosse Batterie,' comedy in one act by Ayrenhofer." The same authority gives a list of all the performances of the season, which extended to the 30th of May, 1779, together with debuts, the dismissals and other matters pertaining to the actors. The number of the evenings on which the theatre was open was 50. A five-act play, as a rule, occupied the whole performance, but of shorter pieces usually two were given; and thus an opening was found occasionally for an operetta. Of musical dramas only seven came upon the stage and these somewhat of the lightest order except the first — the melo- drama "Ariadne auf Naxos," music by Benda. The others were: 1779. February 21. "Julie," translated from the French by Grossmann, music by Desaides. February 28. "Die Jager und das Waldmadchen," operetta in one act, music by Duni. March 21. "Der Hofschmied," in two acts, music by Philidor. April 9. "Roschen und Colas," in one act, music by ISIonsigny. May 5. "Dor Fassbinder," in one act, music by Oudinot. May 14. A proloj^uc "Dedicated to the Birthday Festivities of His Electoral Grace of Cologne, May 13, 1779, by J. A. Freyherrn vom Hagen." The selection of dramas was, on the whole, very creditable to the taste of the managers. Five of Lessing's works, among them "Minna von Barnhclin" and "Emih'a Galotti," arc in tJic list and some of the best productions of Bock, (iottcr, Engcl and their contemporaries; of translations there were Colman's "Clandestine Marriage" and "Jealous Wife," Garrick's "Miss in her Teens," Cumberland's "West Indian," Iloadly's "Suspicious Husband," Voltaire's "Zaire" and "Jeannette," Bcaumarchais's "Eugenie," so The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven two or three of the works of Moliere, and Goldoni, etc.; — in short, the Hst presents much variety and excellence. Max Friedrich was evidently pleased with the company, for the "Nachrichten" has the following in the catalogue of perform- ances: "On the 8th (of April) His Electoral Grace was pleased to give a splendid breakfast to the entire company in the theatre. . . . The company will occupy itself until the return of His Electoral Grace from Miinster, which will be in the middle of November, with learning the newest and best pieces, among which are 'Ham- let,' 'King Lear' and 'Macbeth,' which are to be given also with much splendor of costume according to the designs of famous artists." It may be remarked here that the "Bonn Comedy House" (for painting the interior of which Clemens August paid 468 thalers in 1751, a date which seems to fix the time at which that end of the palace was completed), occupied that portion of the present University Archaeological Museum room next the Coblenz Gate, with large doors opening from the stage into the passage- way so that this space could be used as an extension of the stage in pieces requiring it for the production of grand scenic effects. Above the theatre was the "Redouten-Saal" of Max Franz's time. The Elector had, of course, an entrance from the passages of the palace into his box. The door for the public, in an angle of the wall now built up, opened out upon the grove of horse- chestnuts. The auditorium was necessarily low, but spacious enough for several hundred spectators. Though much criticized by travellers as being unworthy so elegant a court, not to say shabby, it seems to have been a nice and snug little theatre. Meanwhile affairs with Seyler were drawing to a crisis. He had returned with his company from Mannheim and reopened at Frankfort, August 3, 1779. On the evening of the 17th, to escape imprisonment as a bankrupt, whether through his own fault or that of another — the Theatre Lexicon aflBrms the latter case — he took his wife and fled to Mayence. The company was allowed by the magistrates to play a few weeks with a view of earning at least the means of leaving the city; but on October 4, its mem- bers began to separate; Benda and his wife went to Berlin, but C. G. Neefe, the music director, and Opitz, descended the Rhine to Bonn and joined the company there — Neefe assuming tempo- rarily the direction of the music in the theatre — of which more in another place. No record has been found of the repertory of the Bonn theatre for the season 1779-1780, except that the opening piece on Another Busy Season at Bonn 31 December 3, on the evening after the Elector's return from Mlin- ster, was a prologue, "Wir haben Ihn wieder!" text by Baron vom Hagen, with airs, recitatives and choruses composed by Neefe; that the "Deserteur" was in the list, and finally Hiller's "Jagd." In June, 1781, the season being over, the company migrated to Pyrmont, from Pyrmont to Cassel, and thence, in October, back to Bonn. The season of 1781-'82 was a busy one; of musical dramas alone 17 are reported as newly rehearsed from September, 1781, to the same time in 1782, viz: "Die Liebe unter den Handwerkern" ("L'Amore Artigiano") Music "Robert und Calliste" "Der Alchymist" : "Das tartarische Gesetz" "Der eifersiichtige Liebhaber" ("L'Amantjaloux") "Der Hausfreund" (;'L'Ami de la Maison") "Die Freundschaft auf der Probe" ("L'Amitie a rfipreuve") "Heinrich und Lyda" "Die Apotheke" "Eigensinn und Launen der Liebe" "Romeo und Julie" "Sophonisba" (Deklamation mit Musik) "Lucille" "Milton und Elmire" "Die Samnitische Vermahlungsfeier" ("Le Marriage des Samnites") "Ernst und Lucinde" "Gunther von Schwarzburg" by Gassmann Guglielmi Schuster. d'Antoine (of Bonn) Gretry Gretry Gretry Neefe Neefe Deler (Teller, Deller.?) Benda Neefe Gretry Mihl (or Muhle) Gretry Gretry Holzbauer It does not follow, however, that all these operas, operettas and plays with music were produced during the season in Bonn. The company followed the Elector to Miinster in June, 1782, and removed thence to PYankfort-on-the-Main for its regular series of performances at Michaelmas. It came back to Bonn in the Autumn. 'J'he season 1782-'83 was as active as the preceding. Some of the newly rehearsed sjjoken drainas were "Sir John Falstaff," from tlie English, translations of Sheridan's "School for Scandal," Shakespeare's "Lear," and "Richard III," Mrs. Cowley's "Who's the Dupe?" and, of original German plays, Schiller's "Fiesco" and "Die Ran her," Lessing's "Miss Sara Sampson," Schroeder's ''Testament," etc., etc. The number of newlv rehearsed nmsical 32 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven dramas — in which class are included such ballad operas as General Burgoyne's "Maid of the Oaks" — reached twenty, viz: "Das Rosenfest" Music by Wolf (of Weimar) "Azalia" " " Johann Kuchler (Bassoonist in the Bonn chapel) "Die Sklavin" {La Schiava) " " Piccini "Zemire et Azor" " " Gretry "Das Madchen im Eichthale" " " ("Maid of the Oaks") " " d'Antoine (Captain in the army of the Elector of Cologne) "Der Kaufmann von Smyrna" " " J. A. Juste (Court Musician in The Hague) "Die seidenen Schuhe" " " Alexander Frizer (or Fridzeri) "Die Reue vor der That" " " Desaides "Der Aerndtetanz" " " J. A. Hiller "Die Olympischen Spiele" (Olympiade) " " Sacchini "Die LUgnerin aus Liebe" " " Salieri "Die Italienerin zu London" " " Cimarosa "Das gute Madchen" (La huonafigliuola) " " Piccini *'Der Antiquitaten-Sammler" " " Andre "Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail" " " Mozart "Die Eifersucht auf der Probe" (7/ Geloso in Cimento) " " Anfossi "Rangstreit und Eifersucht auf dem Lande" (Le Gelosie villane) " " Sarti "Unverhofft kommt oft" {Les £vene- ments imprevus) " " Gretry "Fehx, Oder der Findling" (Felix ou r Enfant trouve) " " Monsigny "Die Pilgrimme von Mekka" " " Gluck But a still farther provision has been made for the Elector's amusement during the season of 1783-'84, by the engagement of a ballet corps of eighteen persons. The titles of five newly re- hearsed ballets are given in the report from which the above particulars are taken, and which may be found in the theatrical calendar for 1784. With an enlarged company and a more extensive repertory, preparations were made for opening the theatre upon the Elector's return, at the end of October, from Miinster to Bonn. But the relations of the company to the court have been changed. Let the "Theater-Kalender" describe the new position in which the stage at Bonn was placed: An Influence on the Boy Beethoven 33 Bonn. His Electoral Grace, by a special condescension, had gra- ciously determined to make the theatrical performances gratuitous and to that end has closed a contract with His Highness's Theatrical Director Grossmann according to which besides the theatre free of rent, the illum- ination and the orchestra he is to receive an annual subvention for the maintenance of the company. On His Highness's command there will be two or three performances weekly. By particular grace the director is permitted to spend several summer months in other places. The advantages of this plan for securing a good repertory, a good company and a zealous striving for improvement are ob- vious; and its practical working during this, its only, season, so far as can now be gathered from scanty records, was a great suc- cess. It will hereafter be seen that the boy Ludwig van Beethoven was often employed at the pianoforte at the rehearsals — possibly also at the performances of the company of which Neefe was the musical director. That a company consisting almost exclusively of performers who had passed the ordeal of frequent appearance on the stage and had been selected with full knowledge of the capacity of each, and which, moreover, had gained so much success at the Bonn court as to be put upon a permanent footing, must have been one of more than the ordinary, average excellence, at least in light opera, needs no argument. Nor need comments be made upon the influence which daily intercourse with it, and sharing in its labors, especially in the direction of opera, must have exerted upon the mind of a boy of twelve or thirteen years possessed of real musical genius. The theatrical season, and with it the company, came to an untimely end. Belderbusch died in January, 1784. Madame Grossmann died. in childbed on March 28, and on April 15 the Elector followed them to another world. After the death of the Elector Maximilian Friedrich the Court Theatre was closed for the oflBcial mourning and the company dismissed with four weeks' salary. It is consonant to the plan of this introductory chapter that some space be devoted to sketches of some of the j)rincipal men wliose names have already occurred and to some notes upon the musical amateurs of Bonn who are known, or may be supposed, to have been friends of the boy Beethoven. These notices make no claim to the credit of being the result of original research; they are, except that of Neefe, little more than extracts from a letter, dated March 2, 1783, written by Neefe and printed in Cramer's "Magazin der Musik" (Vol. I, pp. 337 ei scq.). At that time the "Capelldirector," as Neefe calls him, was Cajetano Mattioli, 34 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven born at Venice, August 7, 1750, whose appointments were con- certmaster and musical director in Bonn, made on May 26, 1774 and April 24, 1777. He studied in Parma, says Neefe, with the first vioHnist Angelo Moriggi, a pupil of Tartini, and in Parma, Mantua and Bologna con- ducted grand operas like "Orfeo," "Alceste," etc., by the Chevalier Gluck with success. He owed much to the example set by Gluck in the matter of conducting. It must be admitted that he is a man full of fire, of lively temperament and fine feeling. He penetrates quickly into the intentions of a composer and knows how to convey them promptly and clearly to the entire orchestra. He was the first to introduce accentua- tion, instrumental declamation, careful attention to forte and piano, or all the degrees of light and shade in the orchestra of this place. In none of the qualifications of a leader is he second to the famed Cannabich of Mannheim. He surpasses him in musical enthusiasm, and, like him, insists upon discipline and order. Through his efforts the musical reper- tory of this court has been provided with a very considerable collection of good and admirable compositions, symphonies, masses and other works, to which he makes daily additions; in the same manner he is continually striving for the betterment of the orchestra. Just now he is engaged in a project for building a new organ for the court chapel. The former organ, a magnificent instrument, became a prey of the flames at the great conflagration in the palace in 1777. His salary is 1,000 fl. The chapelmaster (appointed May 26, 1774) was Mr. Andrea Lucchesi, born May 28, 1 74 1 , at Motta in Venetian territory. His teachers in composition were, in the theatre style, Mr. Cocchi of Naples; in the church style, Father Paolucci, a pupil of Padre Martini at Bologna, and afterwards Mr. Seratelli, Chapelmaster of the Duke of Venice. He is a good organist and occupied himself profitably with the instrument in Italy. He came here with Mr. Mattioli as conductor of an Italian opera company in 1771. Taken altogether he is a light, pleasing and gay composer whose part-writing is cleaner than that of most of his countrymen. In his church-works he does not confine himself to the strict style affected by many to please amateurs. Neefe enumerates Lucchesi's compositions as follows: 9 works for the theatre, among them the opera "L'Isola defla Fortuna" (1765), "II Marito geloso" (1766), "Le Donne sempre Donne," "11 Matrimonio per astuzia" (1771) for Venice, and the two composed at Bonn, "II Natal di Giove" and "L'in- ganno scoperto," various intermezzi and cantatas; various masses, vespers and other compositions for the church; six sonatas for the piano- forte and violin; a pianoforte trio, four pianoforte quartets and several pianoforte concertos. His salary was 1,000 fl. The organist of the Court Chapel was Christian Gottlob Neefe, son of a poor tailor of Chemnitz in Saxony, where he was born February 5, 1748. He is one of the many instances in musical history in which the career of the man is determined by the beauty of his voice in childhood. At a very early age he became a chorister in the principal church, which position gave him the Christian Gottlob Neefe's Career S5 best school and musical instruction that the small city afforded — advantages so wisely improved as to enable him in early youth to gain a living by teaching. At the age of 21, with 20 thalers in his pocket and a stipend of 30 tlialers per annum from the magis- trates of Chemnitz, he removed to Leipsic to attend the lectures of the university, and at that institution in the course of time he passed his examination in jurisprudence. Upon this occasion he argued the negative of the question: "Has a father the right to disinherit a son for devoting himself to the theatre?" In Chem- nitz Neefe's teachers in music had been men of small talents and very limited acquirements, and even in Leipsic he owed more to his persevering study of the theoretical works of Marpurg and C. P. E. Bach than to any regular instructor. But there he had the very great advantage of forming an intimate acquaintance with, and becoming an object of special interest to, Johann Adam Hiller, the celebrated director of the Gewandhaus Concerts, the then popular and famous composer, the introducer of Handel's "Messiah" to the German public, the industrious writer upon music, and finally a successor of Johann Sebastian Bach as Cantor of the Thomas School. Hiller gave him every encouragement in his power in his musical career; opened the columns of his musical "Wochentliche Nachrichten" to his compositions and writings; called him to his assistance in operatic composition; gave him the results of his long experience in friendly advice; criticized his compositions, and at length, in 1777, gave him his own position as music director of Seyler's theatrical company, then playing at the Linkische Bad in Dresden. Upon the departure of that troupe for Frankfort-on-the-Main, Neefe was persuaded to remain with it in the same capacity. He thus became acquainted with Friiu- lein Zinck, previously court singer at Gotha but now engaged for Seyler's opera. The acquaintance ripened into a mutual affec- tion and ended in marriage not long afterward. It is no slight testimony to the high reputation which he enjoyed that at the moment of Seyler's flight from Frankfort (1779) Bondini, whose success had driven that rival from Dresden, was in correspondence with Neefe and making him |)roposaIs to resign his ])osition under Seyler for a similar but better one in his service. Pending the result of these negotiations Neefe, taking his wife with him, temporarily joined Grossmann and Helmuth at Bonn in the same cai)acity. Those managers, wlio knew the value of his services from their previous experience as members of the Seyler troupe, paid a very strong, though involuntary, tribute to his talents and personal character by ado|)ting such unfair measures as to compel 36 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven the musician to remain in Bonn until Bondini was forced to fill his vacancy by another candidate. Having once got him, Gross- mann was determined to keep him — and succeeded. As long as the Grossmann company remained undivided Neefe accompanied it in its annual visits to Miinster and other places; — thus the sketch of his life printed sixteen years later in the first volume of the "Allgemeine Musikzeitung" of Leipsic bears date "Frankfort-on-the-Main, September 30, 1782"; but from that period save, perhaps, for a short time in 1783, he seems not to have left Bonn at all. There were others besides Grossmann and Helmuth who thought Neefe too valuable an acquisition to the musical circles of Bonn not to be secured. Less than a year and a half after his arrival there the minister Belderbusch and the countess Hatzfeld, niece of the Elector, secured to him, though a Protestant, an appointment to the place of court organist. The salary of 400 florins, together with the 700 florins from Grossmann, made his income equal to that of the court chapelmaster. It is difficult now to conceive of the forgotten name of C. G. Neefe as having once stood high in the list of the first North German composers; yet such was the case. Of Neefe's published compositions, besides the short vocal and clavier pieces in Killer's periodical, there had already appeared operettas in vocal score, "Die Apotheke" (1772), "Amor's Guckkasten" (1772), "Die Einspruche" (1773) and "Heinrich und Lyda'* (1777); also airs composed for Hiller's "Dorf-Barbier" and one from his own republished opera "Zemire und Azor"; twelve odes of Klopstock — sharply criticized by Fork el in his "Musikalisch-Kritische Bibliothek," much to the benefit of the second edition of them; and a pretty long series of songs. Of instrumental music he had printed twenty-four sonatas for pianoforte solo or with violin; and from Breitkopf and Hartel's catalogues, 1772 and 1774, may be added the following works included neither in his own list nor that of Gerber: a partita for string quartet, 2 horns, 2 oboes, 2 flutes and 2 bassoons; another for the same instruments minus the flutes and bassoons; a third for the string quartet and 2 oboes only, and two symphonies for string quartet, 2 horns, 2 oboes and 2 flutes. The "Sophonisbe" music was also finished and twenty years later, after Mozart had given a new standard of criticism, it was warmly eulogized in the "Allgemeine Musikzeitung" of Leipsic. At the date of his letter to Cramer (March 2, 1783) he had added to his published works "Sechs Sonaten am Clavier zu singen," "Vademecum fiir Lieb- haber des Gesangs und Clavier," the clavier score of "Sophonisbe,'* Music in Private Houses of Bonn 37 and a concerto for clavier and orchestra. His manuscripts, he adds (Cramer's "Magazine," I; p. 382), consist of (a) the scores of the operettas which had appeared in pianoforte arrangements; (b) the score of his opera "Zemire und Azor"; (c) the score of his opera "Adelheit von Veltheim"; (d) the score of a bardic song for the tragedy "The Romans in Germany"; (e) the scores of theatrical between-acts music; (f) the score of a Latin "Pater noster"; (g) various other smaller works. He had in hand the composition of the operetta "Der neue Gutsherr," the pianoforte score of which, as also that of "Adelheit von Veltheim," was about to be published by Dyck in Leipsic. A year before at a concert for amateurs at the house of Mr. von Mastiaux he had produced an ode by Klopstock, "Dem Unendlichen," for four chorus voices and a large orchestra, which was afterwards performed in Holy Week in the Frduleinsiiftskirche. In short, Neefe brought to Bonn a high-sounding reputation, talent, skill and culture both musical and literary, which made him invaluable to the managers when new French and Italian operas were to be prepared for the German stage; great facility in throwing off a new air, song, entr'acte or what not to meet the exigencies of the moment; very great industry, a cacoethes scribendi of the very highest value to the student of Bonn's musical history in his time and a new element into the musical life there. This element may have seemed some- what formal and pedantic, but it was solid, for it was drawn from the school of Handel and Bach. Let us return to Neefe's letter to Cramer again for some notices of music outside the electoral palace: Belderbusch, the minister, retained a quintet of wind-instruments, 2 clarinets, 2 horns and a bassoon. The Countess von Belderbusch, wife of a nephew of the minister, whose name will come up again, "plays skilfully upon the clavier." The Countess von Hatzfeld, niece of the Elector, was "trained in singing and clavier playing by the best masters of Vienna to whom, indeed, she does very much honor. She declaims recitatives admirably and it is a pleasure to listen to her sing arias di parlante. She plays the fortepiano brilliantly and in playing yields herself up completely to her emotions, wherefore one never hears any restlessness or uneveness of time in her tempo rubato. She is enthusiastically devoted to music and musicians."' ('hancellor and Captain von Schall "plays clavier and violin. Though not adept on either instrument he has very correct musical feeling. Tie knows how to api)reciate the true beauties of a composition, and how to judge them, and has large historical and literary knowledge of music." *To her Beethoven dedicated hia variations on "Venni Amore." 38 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Frau Court Councillor von Belzer "plays the clavier and sings. She has a strong, masculine contralto of wide range, particularly downwards." Joliann Gottfried von Mastiaux, of the Finance Department and incumbent of divers high offices, is a self-taught musician. He plays several instruments himself and has given his four sons and a daughter the best musical instruction possible in Bonn. All are pianists and so many of them performers on other instruments that the production of quintets is a common family enjoyment. He is a devoted admirer of Haydn, with whom he corresponds, and in his large collection of music there are already 80 symphonies, 30 quartets and 40 trios by that master. His rare and valuable instruments are so numerous "that he could almost equip a complete orchestra. Every musician is his friend and welcome to him." Count Altstadter: "in his house one may at times hear a very good quartet." Captain Dantoine, "a passionate admirer and knower of music; plays the violin and the clavier a little. He learned composition from the books of Marpurg, Kirnberger and Riepel. Formed his taste in Italy, In both respects the reading of scores by classical masters has been of great service to him." Among his compositions are several operettas, symphonies and quartets "in Haydn's style." The three Messrs. Facius, "sons of the Russian agent here, are soundly musical; the two elder play the flute and the youngest plays the violoncello." (According to Fischer the members of this family were visitors at the house of the Beethovens.) There are many more music-lovers here, but the majority of them are too much given to privacy, so far as their musical practice goes, to be mentioned here. Enough has been said to show that a stranger fond of music need never leave Bonn without nourishment. Neverthe- less, a large public concert institution under the patronage of His Electoral Grace is still desirable. It would be one more ornament of the capital and a promoter of the good cause of music. What with the theatre, the court music, the musical pro- ductions in the church and such opportunities in private it is plain that young talent in those days in Bonn was in no danger of starvation for want of what Neefe calls "musikalische Nahrung." So much upon the dramatis personce, other than the principal figure and liis family. Let an attempt follow to describe the little city as it appeared in 1770 — in other words, to picture the scene. By an enumeration made in 1789, the population of Bonn was 9,560 souls, a number which probably for a long series of years had rarely varied beyond a few score, more or less — one, therefore, that must very nearly represent the aggregate in 1770. For the town had neither manufactures nor commerce beyond what its own wants supported; it was simply the residence of the Elector — the seat of the court, and the people depended more or less directly upon that court for subsistence — as a wag expressed A Prospect of Bonn in Beethoven's Day 39 it, "all Bonn was fed from the Elector's kitchen." The old city walls — (the "gar gute Fortification, dass der Churfiirst sicher genug darinnen Hof halten kann" of Johann Hiibner's description) — were already partially destroyed. "SYithin them the whole population seems to have lived. Outside the city gates it does not appear that, save by a chapel or two, the eye was impeded in its sweep across gardens and open fields to the surrounding villages which, then as now hidden in clusters of walnut and fruit trees, appeared, when looked upon from the neighboring hills, like islands rising upon tlie level surface of the plain. The great increase of wealth and population during the last 150 years in all this part of the Rhine valley under the influence of the wise national economy of the Prussian government, has produced corresponding changes in and about the towns and villages; but the grand features of the landscape are unchanged; the ruins upon the Drachenfels and Godesberg looked down, as now, upon the distant roofs and spires of Bonn; the castle of Siegburg rose above the plains away to the East; the chapel crowned the Peters- berg, the church with the marble stairs the nearer Kreuzberg. The fine landing place with its growing trees and seats for idlers, the villas, hotels, coffee-houses and dwellings outside the old walls, are all recent; but the huge ferryboat, the "flying bridge," even then was ever swinging like a pendulum from shore to shore. Steam as a locomotive power was unknown, and the commerce of the Rhine floated by the town, gliding down with the current on rafts or in clumsy but rather picturesque boats, or impelled against the stream by the winds, by horses and even by men and women. The amount of traffic was not, however, too great to be amply provided for in this manner; for population was kept down by war, by the hard and rude life of the peasant class, and by the influences of all the false national-economic principh's of that age, which restrained commerce by every device that could l>e made to yield present profit to the rulers of the Rhine lands. Passengers had, for generations, no longer been plundered by mail-clad robbers dwelling upon a hundred pictur- esque heights; but each petty state had gained from tlie Em- peror's weakness "vested rights" in all sorts of custom-levies and taxes. Risbeck (1780) found nine toll-stations between INIay- ence and Coblenz; and thence to the l)oundary of Holland, he declares there were at least sixteen, and that in the average each must have coUeftcd '50,000 Rlienish florins per annum. To the stranger, coming down from Mayencc, with its narrow dark lanes, or up from Cologne, whose confined and pestiferously 40 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven dirty streets, emitting unnamed stenches, were but typical of the bigotry, superstition and moral filth of the population — all now happily changed, thanks to a long period of French and Prussian rule — little Bonn seemed a very picture of neatness and comfort. Even its ecclesiastical life seemed of another order. The men of high rank in the church were of high rank also by birth; they were men of the world and gentlemen; their manners were polished and their minds enlarged by intercourse with the world and with gentlemen; they were tolerant in their opinions and liberal in their views. Ecclesiastics of high and low de- gree were met at every corner as in other cities of the Rhine region; but absence of military men was a remarkable feature. Johann Hiibner gives the reason for this in few and quaint words : — "In times of war much depends upon who is master of Bonn, because traflBc on the Rhine can be blockaded at this pass. There- fore the place has its excellent fortification which enables the Elector to hold his court in ample security within its walls. But he need not maintain a garrison there in time of peace, and in time of war troops are garrisoned who have taken the oath to the Emperor and the empire. This was settled by the peace of Ryswick as well as Rastatt." While the improvement in the appearance of the streets of Bonn has necessarily been great, through the refitting or rebuild- ing of a large portion of the dwelling-houses, the plan of the town, except in those parts lying near the wall, has undergone no essen- tial change, the principal one being the open spaces, where in 1770 churches stood. On the small triangular Romer-Platz was the principal parish church of Bonn, that of St. Remigius, stand- ing in such a position that its tall tower looked directly down the Acherstrasse. In 1800 this tower was set on fire by lightning and destroyed; six years later the church itself was demolished by the French and its stones removed to become a part of the fortifications at Wesel. On the small, round grass plot as one goes from the Miinster church toward the neighboring city gate (Neuthor) stood another parish church — a rotunda in form — that of St. Martin, which fell in 1812 and was removed; and at the opposite end of the minster, separated from it only by a narrow passage, was still a third, the small structure dedicated to St. Gangolph. This, too, was pulled down in 1806. Only the fourth parish church, that of St. Peter in Dietkirchen, is still in existence and was, at a later date, considerably enlarged. After the demoli- tion of these buildings a new division of the town into parishes was made (1806). Holiday Times in the Little City 41 The city front of the electoral palace, now the university, was more imposing than now, and was adorned by a tall, hand- some tower containing a carillon, with bells numerous enough to play, for instance, the overture to Monsigny's "Deserter." This part of the palace, with the tower and chapel, was destroyed by fire in 1777. The town hall, erected by Clemens August, and the other churches were as now, but the large edifice facing the university library and museum of casts, now occupied by private dwellings and shops, was then the cloister and church of the Franciscan monks. A convent of Capuchin nuns stood upon the Kessel- gasse; its garden is now a bleaching ground. Let the fancy picture, upon a fine Easter or Pentecost morning in those years, the little city in its holiday attire and bustle. The bells in palace and church tower ringing; the peasants in coarse but picturesque garments, the women abounding in bright colors, come in from the surrounding villages, fill the market-place and crowd the churches at the early masses. The nobles and gentry — in broad-flapped coats, wide waistcoats and knee-breeches, the entire dress often of brilliant colored silks, satins and velvets, huge, white, flowing neckcloths, ruffles over the hands, buckles of silver or even of gold at the knees and upon the shoes, huge wigs becurled and bepowdered on the heads, and surmounted by the cocked hat, when not held under the arm, a sword at the side, and commonly a gold-headed cane in the hand (and if the morn- ing be cold, a scarlet cloak thrown over the shoulders) — are daintily picking their way to the palace to kiss His Transparency's hand or dashing up to the gates in heavy carriages with white wigged and cocked-hatted coachmen and footmen. Their ladies wear long and narrow bodices, but their robes flow with a mighty sweep; their apparent stature is increased by very high-heeled shoes and by piling up their hair on lofty cushions; their sleeves are short, but long silk gloves cover the arms. The ecclesiastics, various in name and costume, dress as now, save in the matter of the flowing wig. Tha Elector's company of guards is out and at intervals the thunder of the artillery on the walls is heard. On all sides, strong and l)rilliant contrasts of color meet the eye, velvet and silk, purf)le and fine linen, gold and silver — such were the fashions of the time — costly, inconvenient in form, l)ut imposing, mag- nificent and marking the differences of rank and class. Let the imagination pirtiire all tliis, and it will have a scene familiar to the boy Beethoven, and one in whicli as he grew up to manhood he had his own small part to play. Chapter II The Ancestral van Beethoven Family in Belgium — Removal of the Grandfather to Bonn — His Activities as Singer and Chapelmaster — Birth and Education of Johann van Beethoven — ^The Parents of the Composer. AT the beginning of the seventeenth century a family named van Beethoven lived in a village of Belgium near Louvain, A member of it removed to and settled in Antwerp about 1650. A son of this Beethoven, named William, a wine dealer, married, September 11, 1680, Catherine Grandjean and had issue, eight children. One of them, baptized September 8, 1683, in the parish of Notre Dame, now received the name Henry Adelard, his sponsors being Henry van Beethoven, acting for Adelard de Re- dincq, Baron de Rocquigny, and Jacqueline Grandjean. This Henry Adelard Beethoven, having arrived at man's estate, took to wife Maria Catherine de Herdt, who bore him twelve children — the third named Louis, the twelfth named Louis Joseph. The latter, baptized December 9, 1728, married, November 3, 1773, Maria Theresa Schuerweghs, and died November 11, 1808, at Ooster- wyck. The second daughter, named like her mother Maria Theresa, married, September 6, 1808, Joseph Michael Jacobs and became the mother of Jacob Jacobs, in the middle of the nine- teenth century a professor of painting in Antwerp, who supplied in part the materials for these notices of the Antwerp Beethovens, although the principal credit is due to M. Leon de Burbure of that city.^ The certificate of baptism of Louis van Beethoven, third son of Henry Adelard, is to this effect: Antwerp, December 23, 1712 — Baptizatus, Ludovicus. Parents: Henricus van Beethoven and Maria Catherine de Hert. ^In Fetis' "Biographie universelle" (new ed.) several of these names are mis- printed. They are corrected here from Mr. Jacobs' letter to A. W. T. [42] The Composer's Belgian Ancestry 43 '»■ Sponsors: Petrus Bellmaert and Dymphona van Beethoven. It is a family tradition — Prof. Jacobs heard it from his mother — that this Louis van Beethoven, owing to some domestic diflB- culties (according to M. Burbure they were financial), secretly left his father's house at an early age and never saw it again, although in later years an epistolary correspondence seems to have been established between the fugitive and his parents. Gifted with a good voice and well educated musically, he went to Louvain and applied for a vacant position as tenor to the chapter ad Sanctum Petrum, receiving it on November 2, 1731.^ A few days later the young man of 18 years was appointed sub- stitute for three months for the singing master {Phonascus), who had fallen ill, as is attested by the minutes of the Chapter, under date November 2, 1731.2 The young singer does not seem to have filled the place beyond the prescribed time. By a decree of Elector Clemens August, dated March, 1733 (the month of Joseph Haydn's birth), he became Court Musician in Bonn with a salary of 400 florins, a large one for those days, particularly in the case of a young man who only three months before had completed his 20th year. Allowing the usual year of probation to which candidates for the court chapel were subjected, Beethoven must have come to Bonn in 1732. This corresponds to the time spent at Louvain as well as to a petition of 1774, to be given hereafter, in which Johann speaks of his father's "42 years of service." There is another paper of date 1784 which makes the elder Beethoven to have served about 46 years, but this is from another hand and of less authority than that written by the son. What it was that persuaded Ludwig van Beethoven to go to Bonn is unknown. Gottfried Fischer, who owned the house in tlie Rheingasse in which two generations of Beethovens lived, professed to know that Elector Clemens August learned to know him as a good singer at Liege and for that reason called him to 'Thayer's account of this period in llic life of Beethoven's grandfather has here been extended from an article by the ( lurvalier L. de Hurl)ure, pul)lished in tlie "IJio- graphie nationale publiee par rAeadernie Hoyale des sciences, des lettrcs et dcs beaux arts de Belgique." Tome II. p. 105. (Brussels, IHOH.) From this it further appears that two other members of the Antwerp branch of the family were devoted to the fine arts, viz.: Peter van Beethoven, j)aintrr. |)iipil of Abr. (Jcnoel, jr., and (lerhard van Beethoven, sculptor, acreplcfl in Iht; nm\<\ of St. Luke about 171 S, Director Vollmer. of Brussels, in a communication tf) Dr. ^'ave information of a branch of the family in Mechlin and of still another in Brabant when-, in the viliafce of Wanibeke. there was a cure van lieethoven who must either have died or been transferred between 17^9 and 1732. *The original entry is printed in full in the German edition of this biography. 44 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Bonn, That is not impossible, whether the Elector went to Lpu- vain or Ludwig introduced himself to him at Liege. But it is significant that another branch of the Beethoven family was already represented at Bonn. Michael van Beethoven was born in Malines in February, 1684. He was a son of Cornelius van Beethoven and Catherine Leempoel, and beyond doubt, as the later associations in Bonn prove, closely related to the Antwerp branch of the family. Michael van Beethoven married Maria Ludovica Stuykers (or Stuykens) on October 8, 1707. His eldest son also bore the name of Cornelius (born in September, 1708, in Malines) and there were four other sons born to him during his stay in Malines, among them two who were named Louis, up to 1715. At a date which is uncertain, this family removed to Bonn. There Cornelius, on February 20, 1734, ma.rried a widow named Helena de la Porte (nee Calem), in the church of St. Gan^olph, Ludwig van Beethoven, the young court singer, being one of the witnesses. In August of the same year Cornelius was proxy for his father (who, evidently, had not yet come to Bonn), as godfather for Ludwig's first child. Later, after his son had established a house- hold, he removed to Bonn, for Michael van Beethoven died in June, 1749, in Bonn, and in December of the same year Maria Ludovica Stuykens (sic), "the Widow van Beethoven." Corne- lius became a citizen of Bonn on January 17, 1736, on the ground that he had married the widow of a citizen, and in 1738 he stands alone as representative of the name in the list of Bonn's citizens. He seems to have been a merchant, and is probably the man who figures in the annual accounts of Clemens August as purveyor of candles. He lost his wife, and for a second married Anna Barbara Marx, virgo, on July 5, 1755, who bore him two daughters (1756 and 1759), both of whom died young and for both of whom Ludwig van Beethoven was sponsor. Cornelius died in 1764 and his wife in 1765, and with this the Malines branch of the family ended. Which one of the two cousins (for so we may in a general way consider them) came to Bonn, Ludwig or Cornelius, must be left to conjecture. There is evidence in favor of the former in the circumstance that Cornelius does not appear as witness at the marriage of Ludwig in 1733. If Ludwig was the earlier arrival, then the story of his call by the Elector may be true; he was not disappointed in his hope of being able to make his way by reason of his knowledge of music and singing. The next recorded fact in his history may be seen in the ancient register of the parish of St. Remigius, now preserved in the town hall of Bonn. It is the marriage on September 7, 1733, Other Beethoven Families in Bonn 45 of Ludwig van Beethoven and Maria Josepha Poll, the husband not yet 21 years of age, the wife 19. Then follows in the records of baptisms in the parish: 1734, August 8. Parents: Baptized: Sponsors: Ludwig van Beethoven, Maria Maria Bernardina Menz, Maria Josepha Poll. Bernardina Michael van Beethoven; Ludovica. in his place Cornelius van Beethoven. The child Bernardina died in infancy, October 17, 1735. Her place was soon filled by a son, Marcus Josephus, baptized April 15, 1736, of whom the parents were doubtless early bereaved, for no other notice whatever has been found of him. After the lapse of some four years the childless pair again became parents, by the birth of a son, whose baptismal record has not been discovered. It is supposed that this child, Johann, was baptized in the Court Chapel, the records of which are not preserved in the archives of the town and seem to be lost; or that, possibly, he was born while the mother was absent from Bonn. An official report upon the condition and characters of the court musicians made in 1784, however, gives Johann van Beethoven born in Bonn and aged forty-four — thus fixing the date of his birth towards the end of 1739 or the beginning of 1740. The gradual improvement of the elder Beethoven's condition in respect of both emolument and social position, is creditable to him alike as a musician and as a man. Poorly as the musicians were paid, he was able in his last years to save a small portion of his earnings; his rise in social position is indicated in the public records; — thus, the first child is recorded as the son of L. v. Beet- hoven "musicus"; as sponsor to tlie eldest daughter of Cornelius van Beethoven, he appears as "Dominus" van Beethoven; — to the second as "Musicus Aulicus"; in 1761 he becomes *'Herr Kapell- meister," and his name appears in the Court Calendar of the same year, third in a list of twenty-eight "Hommes de chambre honoraires." Of the elder Beethoven's appointment as head of the court music no other particulars have been obtained than those to be found in his petition and the accompanying decree printed in C]iaj)t('r I. From these papers it appears that the bass singer has had the i)roniise of the })Iace from Clemens August as successor to Zudoli, but that the Elector, when the vacancy occurred, changed his mind and gave it to his favorite young 46 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven violinist Touchemoulin, who held the position for so short a time, however, that his name never appears as chapelmaster in the Court Calendar, he having resigned on account of the reduction of his salary by Belderbusch, prime minister of the new Elector who just at that period succeeded Clemens August. The eleva- tion of a singer to such a place was not a very uncommon event in tliose days, but that a chapelmaster should still retain his place as singer probably was. Hasse and Graun began their careers as vocalists, but more to the point are the instances of Steffani, Handel's predecessor at the court of Hanover, and of Righini, successively chapelmaster at Mayence and Berlin. In all these cases the incumbents were distinguished and very success- ful composers. Beethoven was not. Wegeler's words, "the chapelmaster and bass singer had at an earher date produced operas at the National Theatre established by the Elector," have been rather interpreted than quoted by Schindler and others thus: "it is thought that under the luxury-loving Elector Clemens August, he produced operas of his own composition" — a con- struction which is clearly forced and incorrect. Strange that so few writers can content themselves with exact citations! Not only is there no proof whatever, certainly none yet made public, that Chapelmaster van Beethoven was an author of operatic works, but the words in his own petition, "inasmuch as the Toxal must be sufficiently supplied with musique," can hardly be otherwise understood than as intended to meet a possible objection to his appointment on the ground of his not being a composer. Wegeler's words, then, would simply mean that he put upon the stage and conducted the operatic works produced, which were neither numerous nor of a very high order during his time. His labors were certainly onerous enough without adding musical composition. The records of the electoral court which have been described and in part reproduced in the preceding chapter, exhibit him conducting the music of chapel, theatre and "Toxal," examining candidates for admission into the electoral musical service, reporting upon questions referred to him by the privy council and the like, and all this in addition to his services as bass singer, a position which gave him the principal bass parts and solos to sing both in chapel and theatre. Wegeler records a tradition that in Gassmann's operetta "L'Amore Artigiano" and Monsigny's "Deserteur" he was "admirable and received the highest applause." If this be true it proves no small degree of enterprise on his part as chapelmaster and of well-conserved powers as a singer; for these two operas were first produced, the CHAPELiL\STER VAX BeETHOVEN's TrIALS 47 one in Vienna, the other in Paris, in 1769, when Beethoven had alreadv entered his fiftv-eighth vear. The words of Demmer in his petition of January 23, 1773, "the bass singer van Beethoven is incapacitated and can no longer serve as such," naturally suggest the thought that the old gentle- man's appearance as Brunoro in Lucchesi's "L'Inganno scoperto" in May, 1773, was a final compHment to his master, the Elector, upon his birthday. He did not live to celebrate another; the death of "Ludwig van Beethoven, Hoffkapellmeister," is recorded at Bonn under date of December 2-4, 1773 — one day after the sixty-first anniversary of his baptism in Antwerp. At home the good man had his cross to bear. His wife, Josepha, who with one exception had buried all her children, and possibly on that very account, became addicted to the indul- gence of an appetite for strong drink, was at the date of her husband's death living as a boarder in a cloister at Cologne. How long she had been there does not appear, but doubtless for a considerable period. The son, too, was married, but though near was not in his father's house. The separation was brought about by his marriage, with which the father was not agreed. The house in which the chapelmaster died, and which he occupied certainly as earlv as 1765, was that next north of the so-called Gudenauer Hof , later the post-office in the neighboring Bonngasse, and bore the number 386. The chapelmaster appears, upon pretty good evidence, to have removed hither from the Fischer house in the Rheingasse, where he is said to have lived many years and even to have carried on a trade in wine, which change of dwelling may have taken place in 1767. AVhen one recalls the imposing style of dress at the era the short, muscular man, with dark complexion and very bright eyes, as Wegeler describes him^ and as a painting by Courtpainter Radoux, still in possession of his descendants in Vienna, depicts him, presents quite an imposing picture to the imagination. Of the early life of Johann van Beethoven there are no par- ticulars preserved except such as are directly or indirectly con- veyed in the official documents. Such of these papers as came from his own hand, if judged by the standard of our time, show a want of ordinary education; but it must not be forgotten that the ortliography of the German language was not then fixed; nor that many a contemporary of liis, who lioastcd a university '"The granrlfather was a man short of statiiro. muscular, with cxtrcm»'Iy animated eyes, and was greatly respected as an artist."' Fischer's description is dilferent, but Wegeler is the more trustworthy witness of the two. 48 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven education, or who belonged to the highest ranks of society, wrote in a style no better than his. This is certain: that after he had received an elementary education he was sent to the Gymnasium, for as a member of the lowest class (infima) of that institution he took part in September, 1750, as singer in the annual school play which it was the custom of the Musoe Bonnenses to give. It would seem, therefore, that his good voice and musical gifts were appreciated at an early period. Herein, probably, is also to be found the reason why his stay at the gymnasium was not of long duration. The father had set him apart for service in the court music, and himself, as appears from the statements already printed, undertook his instruction; he taught him singing and clavier playing. Whether or not he also taught him violin playing, in which he was "capable," remains uncertain. In 1752, at the age of 12, as can be seen from his petition of March, 1756, and his father's of 1764, he entered the chapel as soprano. According to Gottwald's report of 1756 he had served "about 2 years"; the contradiction is probably explained by an interruption caused by the mutation of his voice. At the age of 16, he received his decretum as "accessist" on the score of his skill in singing and his experience already acquired, including his capability on the violin, which was the basis of the decree of April 24, 1764, granting him a salary of 100 rth. per annum. So, at the age of 22, the young man received the promise of a salary, and at 24 obtained one of 100 thalers. In 1769, he received an increase of 25 fl., and 50 fl. more by the decree of April 3, 1772. He had, moreover, an opportunity to gain some- thing by teaching. Not only did he give lessons in singing and clavier playing to the children of prominent families of the city, but he also frequently was called on to prepare young musicians for service in the chapel. Thus Demmer, says the memorandum heretofore given, "paid 6 rth. to young Mr. Beethoven for 3 months"; and a year later the following resolve of the privy council was passed: Ad Suppl. Joan Beethoven The demands of the suppliant having been found to be correct, the Electoral Treasury is commanded to satisfy the debt by the usual withdrawal of the sum from the salary of the defendant. Bonn, May 24, 1775. Attest. P. which probably refers to a debt contracted by one of the women of the court chapel. A few years later, as we have seen, he seems The Parents of the Composer 49 to have been intrusted with the training of Johanna Helena Averdonck, whom he brought forward as his pupil in March, 1778, and the singer Gazzenello was his pupil before she went elsewhere. It was largely his own fault that the musically gifted man was unfortunate in both domestic and official relations. His intem- perance in drink, probably inherited from his mother but attribu- ted by old Fischer to the wine trade in which his father embarked, made itself apparent at an early date, and by yielding to it more and more as he grew older he undoubtedly impaired his voice and did much to bring about his later condition of poverty. How it finally led to a catastrophe we shall see later. According to the testimony of the widow Karth, he was a tall, handsome man, and wore powdered hair in his later years. Fischer does not wholly agree with her: "of medium height, longish face, broad forehead, round nose, broad shoulders, serious eyes, face somewhat scarred, thin pigtail." Three and a half years after obtaining his salary of 100 th. he ventured to marry. Heinrich Kewerich, the father of his wife, was head cook in that palace at Ehrenbreitstein in which Clemens danced himself out of this world, but he died before that event took place. ^ His wife, as the church records testify, was Anna Clara Daubach. Her daughter Maria Magdalena, born December 19, 1746, married a certain Johann Laym, valet of the Elector of Treves, on January 30, 1763. On November 28, 1765, the husband died, and Maria Magdalena was a widow before she had completed her 19th year. In a little less than two years the marriage register of St. Remigius, at Bonn, was enriched by this entry: 12ma dhria. Praevia Dispensations super 3hus dennntiationibus copulavi D. Joannem van Beethoven, Dni. Ludovici van Beethoven et Mariae Josephae Poll conjngum filium legitimum, et Mariam Magdalenam Keferich vidnam Leym ex Ehrenbreitstein, Ilenrici Keferich et annae clarae Westorffs filiarn legitiniam. Coram testibus Josepho clemente Belseruski et philippo Salomon. That is, Johann van Beethoven has married the young widow Laym. How it came that the marriage took place in Bonn instead of the home of the bride we are told by Fischer. Chnpchiiaster van Beethoven was not at all agreed tliat his son should marry a 'Thechurch rcforcls at Ehrenbreitstein say that hedicd August i, 17.59. in Molzberg, at the afje of .5S; his funeral took place in Klircnhrcilstein. A Fran Kva Kalharina Kewerich, who cli<-d at Fihrenbrcitstein (jn October 10, 175.'J, at the age of 8U years, was probably his mother. 50 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven woman of a lower station in life than his own. He did not continue his opposition against the fixed determination of his son; but it is to be surmised that he would not have attended a ceremony in Ehrenbreitstein, and hence the matter was disposed of quickly in Bonn. After the wedding the young pair paid a visit of a few days' duration to Ehrenbreitstein. Fischer describes Madame van Beethoven as a "handsome, slender person" and tells of her "rather tall, longish face, a nose somewhat bent (gehoffelt, in the dialect of Bonn), spare, earnest eyes." Cacilia Fischer could not recall that she had ever seen Madame van Beethoven laugh; "she was always serious." Her life's vicissitudes may have contributed to this disposition: — • the early loss of her father, and of her first husband, and the death of her mother scarcely more than a year after her second marriage. It is difficult to form a conception of her character because of the paucity of information about her. Wegeler lays stress upon her piety and gentleness; her amiability and kindliness towards her family appear from all the reports; nevertheless, Fischer betrays the fact that she could be vehement in contro- versies with the other occupants of the house. "Madame van Beethoven," Fisciier continues, "was a clever woman; she could give converse and reply aptly, politely and modestly to high and low, and for this reason she was much liked and respected. She occupied herself with sewing and knitting. They led a righteous and peaceful married life, and paid their house-rent and baker's bills promptly, quarterly, and on the day. She^ was a good, a domestic woman, she knew how to give and also how to take in a manner that is becoming to all people of honest thoughts." From this it is fair to assume that she strove to conduct her household judiciously and economically; whether or not this was always possible in view of the limited income, old Fischer does not seem to have been informed. She made the best she could of the weaknesses of her husband without having been able to influence him; her care for the children in externals was not wholly sufficient. Young Ludwig clung to her with a tender love, more than to the father, who was "only severe"; but there is nothing anywhere to indicate that she exerted an influence upon the emotional life and development of her son, and in respect of this no wrong will be done her if the lower order of her culture be taken into consider- ation. Nor must it be forgotten that in all probability she was ^Some notes by Fischer contain the characteristic addition: "Madame van Beet- hoven once remarked that the most necessary things, such as house-rent, the baker, shoemaker and tailor must first be paid, but she would never pay drinking debts." Character of Mme. van Beethoven 51 naturally delicate and that her health was still further weak- ened by her domestic troubles and frequent accouchements. The "quiet, suffering woman," as Madame Karth calls her, died in 1787 of consumption at the age of 40 years. Long years after in Vienna Beethoven was wont, when among his intimate friends, to speak of his "excellent" {vortrefflicJie) mother.^ At the time when Johann van Beethoven married, there was quite a colony of musicians, and other persons in the service of the court, in the Bonngasse, as that street is in part named which extends from the lower extremity of the market-place to the Cologne gate. Chapelmaste^ van Beethoven had left the house in the Rheingasse and lived at No. 386. In the adjoining house, north. No. 387, lived the musical family Ries. Farther down, the east house on that side of the way before the street assumes the name Kolnerstrasse was the dwelling of the hornist, afterward publisher, Simrock. Nearly opposite the chapelmaster's the second story of the house No. 515 was occupied (but not till after 1771) by the Salomons; the parterre and first floor by the owner of the house, a lace-maker or dealer in laces, named Clasen. Of the two adjoining houses the one No. 576 was the dwelling of Johann Baum, a master locksmith, doubtless the Jean Courtin, "serrurier," of the Court Calendar for 1773. In No. 617 was the family Hertel, twelve or fifteen years later living under the Beethovens in the Wenzelgasse, and not far off a family. Poll, perhaps rela- tions of Madame Beethoven the elder. Conrad Poll's name is found in the Court Calendars of the 1770's as one of the eight Electoral "Heiducken" (footmen). In 1767 in the rear of the ^In the collection of Beethoven relics in the Beethoven House in Bonn there is a portrait which is set down as that of Beethoven's mother. The designation, however, rests only on uncertain tradition and lacks authoritative attestation. It is certainly difficult to see in it the representation of a consumptive woman only 40 years old. More- over, it is strange that Beethoven should have sent from Vienna for the portrait of his grandfather and not for that of his dearly loved mother had one bei-n in existence. It is only because of .a resemblance between this f)icture and another that the belief exists that fKjrtraits of both of the parents of Beethoven are in existence. In IfSDO two oil portraits were found in a shed in Cologne and restored by the painter Kempen, who recognized in them the handiwork of the painter Beckenkamp, who, like Beethoven's mother, was born in Khrenbreitslein, was a visitor at the Beethoven home in Bonn anH.ssed away from this world, to whom it was granted to serve his Electoral Grace Clemens August and Your Electoral Grace and gloriously reigning Lord Lord 42 years, as chapelmaster with great honor, whose position I have been found capable of filling, but nevertheless I would not venture to offer my capacity to Your Electoral (Jrace, but since the death of my father has left me in needy circumstances my salary not sufficing and I comf)eIlcd to draw on the savings of my father, my mother still living ;iiul in a cloister at a cost of 00 rth. for boanl and lodging eacli year and it is not advisable for me to take her to my home. Your Electoral Grace is therefore humbly implored to make an allowance from the 400 rth. vacated for an increase of my salary so that I may not need to draw upon the little sjivings and my mother may receive the pension graciously for the few years which she 56 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven may yet live, to deserve which high grace it shall always be my striving. Your Electoral Grace's Most humble and obedient Servant and musicus jean van Beethoven. There is something bordering on the comic in the coolness of the hint here given that the petitioner would not object to an appointment as his father's successor, especially when it is remem- bered that Lucchesi and Mattioli were already in Bonn and the former had sufficiently proved his capacity by producing success- ful operas, both text and music, for the Elector's delectation. The hint was not taken; what > provision was granted him, how- ever, may be seen from a petition of January 8, 1774, praying for an addition to his salary from that made vacant by the death of his father, and a pension to his mother who is kept at board in a cloister. A memorandum appears on the margin to the effect that the Elector graciously consents that the widow, so long as she remains in the cloister, shall receive 60 rth. quarterly. Another petition of a year later has been lost, but its contents are indicated in the response, dated June 5, 1775, that Johann van Beethoven on the death of his mother shall have the enjoyment of the 60 rth. which had been granted her. The death of the mother followed a few months later and was thus announced in the "Intelligenzblatt" of Bonn on October 3, 1775: "Died, on September 30, Maria Josepha Pals (sic), widow van Beethoven, aged 61 years." In a hst of salaries for 1776 (among the papers at Dusseldorf) for the "Musik Parthie" the salary of Johann van Beethoven is given at 36 rth. 45 alb. payable quarterly. The fact of the great poverty in which he and his family lived is mani- fest from the official documents (which confirm the many tradi- tions to that effect) and from the more important recollections of aged people of Bonn brought to light in a controversy concern- ing the birthplace of the composer. For instance. Dr. Hennes, in his unsuccessful effort to establish the claims of the Fischer house in the Rheingasse, says: "The legacy left him (Johann van Beethoven) by his father did not last long. That fine linen, which, as I was told, could be drawn through a ring, found its way, piece by piece, out of the house; even the beautiful large portrait showing the father wearing a tasseled cap and holding a roll of music, went to the second-hand shop." This is an error, though the painting may have gone for a time to the pawnbroker. From the Bonngasse the Beethovens removed, when, is un- certain, to a house No. 7 or No. 8 on the left as one enters the The Boy Beethoven's Early Study 57 Dreieckplatz in passing from the Sternstrasse to the Munsterplatz. They were Hving there in 1774, for the baptism of another son on the 8th of April of that year is recorded in the register of the parish of St. Gangolph, to which those houses belonged. This child's name was Caspar Anton Carl, the first two names from his sponsor the Minister Belderbusch, the third from Caroline von Satzenhofen, Abbess of Vilich. Was this condescension on the part of the minister and the abbess intended to soothe the father under the failure of his hopes of advancement? From the Dreieck- platz the Beethovens migrated to the Fischer house. No. 934 in the Rheingasse, so long held to be the composer's birthplace and long thereafter distinguished by a false inscription to that effect. Whether the removal took place in Ludwig's fifth or sixth year is not known; but at all events it was previous to the 2nd of October, 1776, for upon that day another son of Johann van Beet- hoven .was baptized in the parish of St. Remigius by the name of Nicholas Johann, Dr. Hennes in his letter to the "Kolnische Zeitung" lays much stress upon the testimony of Cacilia Fischer. He says: "the maiden lady of 76 years, Cacilia Fischer, still remembers distinctly to have seen little Louis in his cradle and can tell many anecdotes about him, etc." The mistake is easily explained without supposing any intentional deception: — 6'2 vears afterwards she mistook the birth of Nicholas Johann for that of Ludwig. According to Fischer's report the family re- moved from this house in 1776 for a short time to one in the Neugasse, but returned again to the house in the Rheingasse after the palace fire in 1777. One thought which suggests itself in relation to these removals of Johann van Beethoven may, perhaps, be more than mere fancy: that in expectation of advance- ment in position upon the death of his father he had exchanged the narrow quarters of the lodging in the rear of the Clasen house for the much better dwelling in the Dreieckplatz; but upon the failure of his hopes had been fain to seek a cheaper place in the lower part of the town down near the river. There is nothing decisive as to the time when the musical education of Ludwig van Beethoven l)egan, nor any positive evidence that he, like Handel, Haydn or Mozart, showed remark- able genius for the art at a very early age. Schlosser has some- thing on tin's point, but he gives no authorities, wliile the partic- ulars which he relates could not possibly have come under his own ol>servation. Mtiller' had heard from Franz Ries and '"Allg. Mu3.-Ztg.," May 23. 1827. 58 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Nicholas Simrock that Johann van Beethoven gave his son in- struction upon the pianoforte and vioHn "in his earhest childhood. ... To scarcely anything else did he hold him." In the dedication of the pianoforte sonatas (1783) to the Elector, the boy is made to say: "Music became my first youthful pursuit in my fourth year," which might be supposed decisive on the point if his age were not falsely given on the title-page. This much is certain: that after the removal to the Fischer house the child had his daily task of musical study and practice given him and in spite of his tears was forced to execute it. "Cacilia Fischer," writes Hennes (1838), "still sees him, a tiny boy, standing on a little footstool in front of the clavier to which the implacable sever- ity of his father had so early condemned him. The patriarch of Bonn, Head Burgomaster Windeck,/will pardon me if I appeal to him to say that he, too, saw the little Louis van Beethoven in this house standing in front of the clavier and weeping." To this writes Dr. Wegeler: I saw the same thing. How? The Fischer house was, perhaps still is, connected by a passage-way in the rear with a house in the Giergasse, which was then occupied by the owner, a high official of the Rhenish revenue service, Mr. Bachen, grandfather of Court Councillor Bachen of this city. The youngest son of the latter, Benedict, was my schoolmate, and on my visits to him the doings and sufferings of Louis were visible from the house. It must be supposed that the father had seen indications of his son's genius, for it is difficult to imagine such an one remaining unperceived ; but the necessities of the family with the failure of the petition for a better salary — sent in just at the time when the Elector was so largely increasing his expenditures for music by the engagement of Lucchesi and Mattioli and in other ways — - are sufficient reasons for the inflexible severity with which the boy was kept at his studies. The desire to say something new and striking on the part of many who have written about Beet- hoven has led to such an admixture of fact and fancy that it is now very difficult to separate them. One (Schlosser) tells his readers that "the greatest joy of the lad was when his father took him upon his knees and permitted him to accompany a song on the clavier with his tiny fingers," while others tell the tale of his childhood in a manner to convey the idea that the father was a pitiless tyrant, the boy a victim and a slave — an error which a calm consideration of what is really known of the facts in the case at once dispels. There is but one road to excellence, even for the genius of a Handel or a Mozart — unremitted application. Paucity of Intellectual Training 59 To this young Liidwig was compelled, sometimes, no doubt, through the fear or the actual infliction of punishment for neglect; sometimes, too, the father, whose habits were such as to favor a bad interpretation of his conduct, was no doubt harsh and un- just. And such seems to be the truth. At any rate, the boy at an early date acquired so considerable a facility upon the clavier that his father could have him play at court and when he was seven years old produce him with one of his pupils at a concert in Bonn. Here is the announcement of the concert as it was repro- duced in the "Kolnische Zeitung" of December 18, 1870, from the original: AVERTISSEMENT To-day, March 26, 1778, in the musical concert-room in the Sternen- gasse the Electoral Court Tenorist, Beethoven, will have the honor to produce two of his scholars, namely. Mile. Averdonck, Court Con- traltist, and his little son of six years. The former will have the honor to contribute various beautiful arias, the latter various clavier concertos and trios. He flatters himself that he will give complete enjoyment to all ladies and gentlemen, the more since both have had the honor of playing to the greatest delight of the entire Court. Beginning at five o'clock in the evening. Ladies and gentlemen who have not subscribed will be charged a florin. Tickets may be had at the aforesaid Akademiesaal, also of Mr. Claren auf der Bach in Miihlenstein. Unfortunately we learn nothing concerning the pieces played by the boy nor of the success of his performance. That the violin as well as the pianoforte was practised by him is implicitly con- firmed by the terms in which Schindler records his denial of the truth of the well-known spider story: "The great Ludwig refused to remember any such incident, much as the tale amused him. On the contrary, he said it was more to be expected that every- thing would have fled from his scraping, even flies and spiders." T})c father's main object being the earliest and greatest development of his son's musical genius so as to make it a "market- able commodity," he gave him no other school education than such as was afi'orded in one of the public schools. Fischer says he first attended a school in the Neugasse taught by a man named Hiii)perti and thence went to the Munstcrscluile. Among the lower grade schools in Bonn was the so-caUed Tirocinium, a Latin school, which prepared pupils for the gynniasium but was not 'There was no teacher of this name in Bonn at the time. There was a Rupert, however, who may have been the one meant by Fischer. 60 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven directly connected with it, but had its own corps of teachers, like the whole educational system of the period, under the supervision of the Academic Council established by Max Friedrich in 1777. The pupils learned, outside of the elementary studies (arithmetic and writing are said to have been excluded), to read and write Latin up to an understanding of Cornelius Nepos. Johann Krengel, a much respected pedagogue, was teacher at the time and was appointed municipal schoolmaster in 1783 by the Academic Council. In 1786 he transferred the school to the Bonngasse. To this school young Beethoven was sent; when, is uncertain. His contemporary and schoolfellow Wurzer, Electoral Councillor and afterwards president of the Landgericht, relates the following in his memoirs:^ One of my schoolmates under Krengel was Luis van Beethoven, whose father held an appointment as court singer under the Elector. Apparently his mother was already dead at the time,^ for Luis v. B. was distinguished by uncleanliness, negligence, etc. Not a sign was to be discovered in him of that spark of genius which glowed so brilliantly in him afterwards. I imagine that he was kept down to his musical studies from an early age by his father. Wurzer entered the gymnasium in 1781; Beethoven did not. This, therefore, must have been the time at which all other studies were abandoned in favor of music. . In what manner his educa- tion was otherwise pieced out is not to be learned. The lack of proper intellectual discipline is painfully obvious in Beethoven's letters throughout his life. In his early manhood he wrote a fair hand, so very different from the shocking scrawl of his later years as to make one almost doubt the genuineness of autographs of that period; but in orthography, the use of capital letters, punctuation and arithmetic he was sadly deficient all his life long. He was still able to use the French tongue at a later period, and of Latin he had learned enough to understand the texts which he composed; but even as a schoolboy his studies appear to have been made second to his musical practice with which his hours out of school were apparently for the most part occupied. He was described by Dr. Miiller as "a shy and taciturn boy, the neces- sary consequence of the life apart which he led, observing more and pondering more than he spoke, and disposed to abandon himself entirely to the feelings awakened by music and (later) ^These memoirs are in manuscript. They were formerly in the possession of Dr. Bodifee of Bonn, later in the Town Hall. *Error; Beethoven's mother did not die until 1787, long after he had left school. Beethoven and van den Eeden 61 by poetry and to the pictures created by fancy." Of those who were his schoolfellows and who in after years recorded their remi- niscences of him, not one speaks of him as a playfellow, none has anecdotes to relate of games with him, rambles on the hills or ad- ventures upon the Rhine and its shores in which he bore a part. Music and ever music; hence the power of clothing his thoughts in words was not developed by early culture, and the occasional bursts of eloquence in his letters and recorded conversations are held not to be genuine, because so seldom found. As if the strong mind, struggling for adequate expression, should not at times break through all barriers and overcome all obstacles l"^ Urged forward thus by the father's severity, by his tender love for his mother and by the awakening of his ovm tastes, the develop- ment of his skill and talents was rapid; so much so that in his ninth year a teacher more competent than his father was needed. The first to whom his father turned was the old court organ- ist van den Eeden, who had been in the electoral service about fifty years and had come to Bonn before the arrival there of Lud- wig van Beethoven, the grandfather. One can easily imagine his willingness to serve an old and deceased friend by fitting his grandson to become his successor; and this might account for Schlosser's story tliat at first he taught him gratis, and that he continued his instructions at the command and expense of the Elector. The story may or may not be true, but nothing has been discovered in the archives at Diisseldorf confirming the statement; in fact concerning the time, the subjects and the re- sults of van den Eeden's instruction we are thrown largely upon conjecture. "In his eighth year," says Maurer in his notices, "Court Organist van den Eeden took him as a pupil; nothing 'Thayer's characterization of the joyless boyhood of Beethoven may submit to a slight modification, at least so far as his childhood is concerned, without violence to the verities of history. Fischer would have us believe that the lad took part with his brother Carl in boyish capers which were not always of a harmless character. In a letter to Simrock, Court Councillor Krupp relates: "My father, who died in 1847, was a youthful friend and schoolmate of Ludwig and Carl van Heelhoven, and distantly related to tlic godmother of the former. Thursdays were holidays for the schoolboys, and the brothers Beethoven, L. and C^., were then wont to come to the house of ray grandparents. No. 28 Bonngassc (now belonging to my sister and me), and amuse themselves, among other things, with target shooting. There was a wall between the garden of our liousc and the gardens of the adjoining houses in the Wenzelgasse against which the targ<'t was placed at which the boys shot arrows; a hit in the centre brought forth a Sliihcr (about 4 pfen- nigs) for the lucky marksman. Garden and wall arc now (1890) in the same condition as then. In the evening the Beethoven brothers went home through the Gudeuauer- gasschen. The family lived at the time in the Wenzelgasse back of our house." Here is an inaccuracy, for Ludwig van Beethoven no longer went to school when the Beethoven familv changed their house in the Rheingasse for that in the Wenzelgasse — which waa probably about 1785. The letter continues: "Ludwigs father treated him harshly, especially when he was intoxicated, and sometimes shut him up in the cellar." 61 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven has been learned of his progress." This, if Maurer was correct in stating his age, would have been about 1778. It is after this that Maurer refers to his study under Pfeiffer. Independently of all this Fischer says: "His father not being able to teach him more in music, and suspecting that he had talent for composition, took him at first to an aged master named Santerrini who instructed him for a while; but the father thought little of this teacher, did not consider him the right man and desired a change." This desire resulted in securing Pfeiffer through the mediation of Grossmann. There was no musician Santerrini in the court chapel, but an actor, named Santorini, was a member of Grossmann's troupe; he cannot be considered in this connection. There is evidently a confusion of names, and the whole context, especially the reference to the "aged master," shows that no other than van ,'th of their superscription on a manuscrifjt eojjv, "Mollis van Meet liovcn . . . 17S!2," were, as NOlte- bohm has shown, not composed at this time. One of tiiem was composed in IHOii and another sketched between \T.)i) and 1801. See Nollci)ohm ("Zweilc Ik-clhovciiiana," p. 2.50). Nottcbohm conjectures that the or^an fu^'ue was composed at his trial for the post of second court organist. In view of the fact that his age was falsified by his father at this time, it is likely that the work was composed in 1783. 72 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Beethoven, now 12 years old, became also "cembalist in the orchestra." In those days every orchestra was provided with a harpsichord or pianoforte, seated at which the director guided the performance, playing from the score. Here, then, was in part the origin of that marvellous power, with which in later years Beethoven astonished his contemporaries, of reading and playing the most difficult and involved scores at first sight. The position of cembalist was one of equal honor and responsibility. Handel and Matthison's duel grew out of the fact that the former would not leave the harpsichord on a certain occasion before the close of the performance. Gassmann placed the young Salieri at the harpsichord of the Imperial Opera House as the best pos- sible means of training him to become the great conductor that he was. This was the high place of honor given to Haydn when in London. In Ludwig van Beethoven's case it was the place in which he, as Mosel says of Salieri, "could make practical use of what he learned from books and scores at home." Moreover, it was a place in which he could, even in boyhood, hear to satiety the popular Italian, French and German operas of the day and learn to feel that something higher and nobler was necessary to touch the deeper feelings of the heart; a place which, had the Elector lived ten years longer, might have given the world another not merely great but prolific, nay inexhaustible, operatic composer. The cembalist's duties doubtless came to an end with the depar- ture of the Elector for Miinster in May or June, and he then had time for other pursuits, of which composition was one. A song, "Schilderung eines Madchens," by him was printed this year in Bossier's "Blumenlese fiir Liebhaber," and a Rondo in C for pianoforte, anonymous, which immediately follows, was also of his composition. A more important work, which before the close of the year was published by Bossier with a magniloquent dedi- cation to Max Friedrich, was the three sonatas for pianoforte, according to the title, if true, "composed by Ludwig van Beet- hoven, aged 11 years." ^ The reader can judge whether or not the 11 should be 12. To turn for a moment to the Beethoven family matters. This summer (1783) had brought them some sorrow again. The child Franz Georg, now just two and a half years old, died ^Title of the original publication: "Drei Sonaten fiir Klavier, dem Hoch:viirdigsten Erzbischofe und Kurflirsten zu Koln, Maximilian Friedrich meinem gnadigsten Herrn gewidmet und verfertigt von Ludwig van Beethoven, alt eilf Jahr." Beethoven wrote on a copy of the sonatas: "These Sonatas and the Variations of Dressier are my first works." He probably meant his first published works. See Thayer's "Chronologisches Verzeichniss," p. 2, 183. Appointed Assistant Court Organist 73 August 16th. This was another stroke of bad fortune which not only wounded the heart but added to the pecuniary difficulties of the father, who was now losing his voice and whose character is described in an oflBcial report made the next summer by the words **of tolerable conduct." If the duties of Neefe during the last season had been laborious, in the coming one, 1783-'84, they were still more arduous. It was the first under the new contract by which the Elector assumed all the costs of the theatre, and a woman, Mme. Grossmann, had the direction. It was all- important to singers, actors and whoever was concerned that the result of the experiment should be satisfactory to their employer; and as the opera was more to his taste than the spoken drama, so much the more difficult was Neefe's task. Besides his acting as chapelmaster in the place of Lucchesi, still absent, there was "every forenoon rehearsal of opera," as Mme. Grossmann wrote to Councillor T., at which, of course, Neefe had to be present. There was ever new music to be examined, arranged, copied, composed — what not? — all which he must attend to; in short, he had everything to do which could be imposed upon a theatrical music director witli a salary of 1,000 florins. It therefore became a busy time for his young assistant, who still had no recognition as member of the court chapel, not even as "accessist" — the last "accessist" organist was Meuris (1778) — and consequently no salary from the court. But he had now more than completed the usual year of probation to which candidates were subjected, and his talents and skill were well enough known to warrant his petition for an appointment. The petition has not been dis- covered; but the report made upon it to the privy council has been preserved, together with the following endorsement: "High Lord Steward Count von Salm, referring to the petition of Ludwig van Beethoven for the position of Assistant Court Organist, is of the humble opinion that the grace ought to be bestowed upon him, together with a small compensation." This endorsement is dated "Bonn, February 29, 1784." The report upon the petition is as follows: Most Reverend Archbishop and Elector, Most Gracious Lord, Lord. Your Electoral Grace has graciously been pleased to demand a dutiful report from me on the petition of Ludwig van Beethoven to Your Grace under date the 15th inst. Obediently and without delay (I report) that suppliant's father was for 29 years, his grandfather for 40. in the service of Your Most Reverend Electoral Grace and Your Electoral Grace's predc^cessors; that the suppliant has been amply proved aud fouud capable to play the court 74 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven organ as he has done in the absence of Organist Neefe, also at rehearsals of the plays and elsewhere and will continue to do so in the future; that Your Grace has graciously provided for his care and subsistence (his father no longer being able to do so). It is therefore my humble judg- ment that for these reasons the suppliant well deserves to have graciously bestowed upon him the position of assistant at the court organ and an increase of remuneration. Commending myself to the good will of Your Most Reverend Electoral Grace I am Your Most Reverend Grace's most humble and obedient servant Bonn, February 23, 1784. Sigismund Altergraff zu Salm und ReiflFerscheid. The action taken is thus indicated: Ad Sup. Ludwig van Beethoven. On the obedient report the suppliant's submissive prayer, granted. (Beruhet.) . Bonn, February 29, 1784. Again, on the cover: Ad sup. Lud. van Beethoven, Granted. (Beruhet.) Sig. Bonn, February 29, 1784. The necessity of the case, the warm recommendation of Salm-ReiflFerscheid, very probably, too, the Elector's own knowl- edge of the fitness of the candidate, and perhaps the flattery in the dedication of the sonatas — for these were the days when dedi- cations but half disguised petitions for favor — were sufficient inducements to His Transparency at length to confirm the young organist in the position which Neefe's kindness had now for nearly two years given him. Opinions differ as to the precise meaning of the word Beruhet (translated "granted" in the above tran- scripts); but this much is certain: Beethoven was not appointed assistant organist in 1785 by Max Franz at the instance of Count Waldstein, but at the age of 13 in the spring of 1784 by Max Friedrich, and upon his own petition supported by the influence of Neefe and of Salm-Reifferscheid. The appointment was made, but the salary had not been determined on when an event occurred which wrought an entire change in the position of theatrical affairs at Bonn: — the Elector died on April 15, and the theatrical company was dismissed with four weeks' wages. There was no longer a necessity for a second organist; and fortunate it was for the assistant that his name came before Max Friedrioh's successor (in the reports soon to be copied) as being a regular member of the court chapel, although "without salary." Lucchesi returned to Bonn; Neefe Early Efforts at Composition 75 had nothing to do but play his organ, cultivate his garden outside the town and give music lessons. It was long before such a con- junction of circumstances occurred as would have led the econom- ical Max Franz to appoint an organist adjunct. Happy was it, therefore, that one of the deceased Elector's last acts secured young Beethoven the place. The excellent Frau Karth, born in 1780, could not recall to memory any period of her childhood down to the death of Johann van Beethoven, when he and his family did not live in the lodging above that of her parents. This fact, together with the circum- stance that no mention is made of the Beethovens in the account of the great inundation of the Rhine in February, 1782, when all the families dwelling in the Fischer house of the Rheingasse were rescued in boats from the windows of the first story, added to the strong probability that Beethoven's position was but the first formal step of the regular process of confirming an appointment already determined upon; — these points strongly suggest the idea that to Ludwig's advancement his father owed the ability to dwell once more in a better part of the town, i.e., in the pleasant house No. 462 Wenzelgasse. The house is very near the Minorite church, which contained a good organ, concerning the pedal measurements of which, as we have seen, Beethoven made a mem- orandum in a note-book which he carried with him to Vienna.^ In the "Xeuen Blumenlese fiir Klavierliebhaber" of this year, Part I, pp. 18 and 19, appeared a Rondo for Pianoforte, in A major, "dal Sig'" van Beethoven"^; and Part II, p. 44, the Arioso "An einen Siiugling, von Hrn. Beethoven."^ "Un Concert pour le Clavecin ou Fortepiano compose par Louis van Beethoven age de douze ans," 32 pp. manuscrii)t written in a boy's hand, may also belong to this year^; and, judging by the handwriting, to the 'The editor has here thought it advisable to permit Thayer's ori{,'inaI text to stand in the body of the book, although Dr. Deiter-s made a radical correction in his revision of the first volume of the biography. On the basis of the Fischer manuscript Dr. Dciters relates that the Heclliovcn family lived in the house in the Rheingasse at the time of the inundation; that Beethoven's mother sought to stay the alarm of the inmates with encouraging words, but at the last had to make her escape with the others into the (lier- gasse over boards and f read in Schindler's handwriting: "Captain v. Greth's address, Coiuiuandant in Tcincsvar." 122 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven and other correspondence still in manuscript, confirm this doubt by their general tone; but that a really warm friendship existed between tliem and continued down to the close of his life, with a single interruption just before he left Bonn, of the cause of which nothing is known, so much is certain. Among the few souvenirs of youthful friendship which he preserved was the following compliment to him on his twentieth birthday, sur- rounded by a wreath of flowers: ZU B'S GEBURTSTAG VON SEINER SCHULERIN. Gliick und langes Leben Wlinsch ich heute dir; Aber auch daneben Wiinsch ich etwas mir! Mir in Riicksicht deiner Wiinsch ich deine Huld, Dir in Riicksicht meiner Nachsicht und Geduld. 1790 Von Ihrer Freundin u. Schiilerin Lorchen von Breuning.^ Another was a silhouette of Fraulein von Breuning. Referring to Beethoven's allusion to this in a letter to Wegeler (1825) the latter says: "In two evenings the silhouettes of all the members of the von Breuning family and more intimate friends of the house, were made by the painter Neesen of Bonn. In this way I came into the possession of that of Beethoven which is here printed. Beethoven was probably in his sixteenth year at the time"; — far more probably in his nineteenth, the reader will say. To the point of Beethoven's susceptibility to the tender passion let Wegeler again be cited : The truth as I learned to know it, and also my brother-in-law Stephan von Breuning, Ferdinand Ries, and Bernhard Romberg, is that there was never a time when Beethoven was not in love, and that in the highest degree. These passions, for the Misses d'Honrath and Westerhold, fell in his transition period from youth to manhood, and left impressions as little deep as were those made upon the beauties who had caused them. In Vienna, at all events so long as I lived there, Beethoven was always in love and occasionally made a conquest which would have been very difficult if not impossible for many an Adonis. 'From the Fischoff Manuscript. The verbal play can scarcely be given in English rhymed couplets. The sentiment is: "Happiness and long life I wish you to-day, but something do I crave for myself from you — your regard, your forbearance and your patience." The Suggestion of Haydn as Teacher 123 A review of some of the last pages shows that for the most part after 1789 the life of Beethoven was a busy one, but that the frequent absences of the Elector, as recorded in the newspapers of the day, left many a period of considerable duration during which, except for the meetings of the orchestra for rehearsal and study, he had full command of his time. Thus he had plenty of leisure hours and weeks to devote to composition, to instruction in music, for social intercourse, for visits to Kerpen and other neighboring places, for the indulgence of his strong propensity to ramble in the fields and among the mountains, for the cultiva- tion in that beautiful Rhine region of his warm passion for nature. The new relations to his father and brothers, as virtual head of the family, were such as to relieve his mind from anxiety on their account. His position in society, too, had become one of which he might justly be proud, owing, as it was, to no adventi- tious circumstances, but simply to his genius and high personal character. Of illness in those years we hear nothing, except .Wegeler's remark ("Notizen," 11): "^Vhen the famous organist Abbe Vogler played in Bonn (1790 or 1791) I sat beside Beethoven's sickbed"; a mere passing attack, or Wegeler would have vouch- safed it a more extended notice in his subsequent remarks upon his friend's health. Thus these were evidently happy years, in spite of certain characteristic and gloomy expressions of Beet- hoven in letters hereafter to be given, and years of active intel- lectual, artistic and moral development. The probability that in July, 1792, it had been proposed to Haydn to take Beethoven as a pupil has been mentioned; but it is pretty certain that the suggestion did not come from the Elector, who, there is little doubt, was in Frankfort at the corona- tion of his nephew Emperor Franz (July 14) at the time of Haydn's visit. The indefatigable Karajan^ is unable to determine pre- cisely when the composer left London or reached Vienna; but it is known he was in the former city after July 1st and in the latter before August 4th. Whatever arrangements may have been made between the pupil and master, they were subject to the will of the Elector, and here Waldstein may well have exerted himself to his j)rotege's advantage. At all events, the result was favor- able and the journey determined upon. Perhaj)s, had Haydn found Maximilian in Bonn, he miglit have taken the young man witli him; as it was, some months elapsed before his j)upil could follow. '"J. Haydn in London," page 53. 124 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Some little space must be devoted to the question, whence the pecuniary resources for so expensive a journey to and sojourn in Vienna were derived. The good-hearted Neefe did not forget to record the event in very flattering terms when he wrote next year in Spazier's "Berliner Musik-Zeitung" : In November of last year Ludwig van Beethoven, assistant court organist and unquestionably now one of the foremost pianoforte players, went to Vienna at the expense of our Elector to Haydn in order to perfect himself under his direction more fully in the art of composition. In a note he adds: Inasmuch as this L. v. B. according to several reports is said to be making great progress in art and owes a part of his education to Herr Neefe in Bonn, to whom he has expressed his gratitude in writing, it may be well (Herr N's modesty interposing no objection) to append a few words here, since, moreover, they redound to the credit of Herr B.: "I thank you for your counsel very often given me in the course of my progress in my divine art. If ever I become a great man, yours will be some of the credit. This will give you the greater pleasure, since you can remain convinced, etc." "At the expense of our Elector" — so says Neefe; so, too, Fischenich says of Beethoven "whom the Elector has sent to Haydn in Vienna." Maximilian, then, had determined to show favor to the young musician. This idea is confirmed by Beet- hoven's noting, in the small memorandum book previously re- ferred to, the reception soon after reaching Vienna of 25 ducats and his disappointment that the sum had not been a hundred. (A receipt for his salary, 25 th. for the last quarter of this year, still in the Diisseldorf archives, is dated October 22, and seems at first sight to prove an advance per favor; but many others in the same collection show that payments were usually made about the beginning of the second month of each quarter.) There is also a paper in the Diisseldorf collection, undated, but clearly only a year or two after Beethoven's departure, by which important changes are made in the salaries of the Elector's musicians. In this list Beethoven does not appear among those paid from the Landrentmeisterei (i.e., the revenues of the state), but is to receive from the Chaioiiille (privy purse) 600 florins — a sum equivalent to the hundred ducats which he had expected in vain. It is true these changes were never carried out, but the paper shows the Elector's intentions. With such facts before us, how is Beethoven to be relieved of the odium of ingratitude to his benefactor.'^ By the circum- stance that, for anything that appears, the good intentions of The Limit of ]\L\ximilian's Favor 125 the Elector — excepting in an increase of salary hereafter to be noted, and the transmission of the 25 ducats — were never carried out; and the young musician, after receiving his quarterly pay- ment two or three times, was left entirely dependent upon his own resources. Maximilian's justification lies in the sea of troubles by which he was so soon to be overwhelmed. That the 100 ducats were not advanced to Beethoven before leaving Bonn is easily accounted for. In October, 1792, the French revolutionary armies were approaching the Rhine. On the 22nd they entered Mayence; on the 24th and 25th the archives and funds of the court at Bonn were packed up and conveyed down the Rhine. On the 31st the Elector, accompanied by the Prince of Neuwied, reached Cleve on his first flight from his capital. It was a time of terror. All the principal towns of the Rhine region, Treves, Coblenz, etc., even Cologne, were deserted by the higher classes of the inhabitants. Perhaps it was owing to this that Beethoven obtained permission to leave Bonn for Vienna just then instead of waiting until the approaching theatrical and musical season had passed. But with the treasury removed to Dusseldorf, he had to content himself with just suflBcient funds to pay his way to Vienna and the promise of more to be forwarded thither. Beethoven's departure from Bonn called forth lively interest on the part of his friends. The plan did not contemplate a long sojourn in the Austrian capital; it was his purpose, after com- pleting his studies there, to return to Bonn and thence to go forth on artistic tours. ^ This is proved by an autograph album dating from his last days in Bonn, which some of his intimate friends, obviously those with whom he was wont to associate at the Zehr- garten, sent with him on his way, now preserved in the Imperial Library at Vienna. The majority of the names are familiar to us, but many which one might have expected to find, notably those of the musicians of Bonn, are missing. Eleonore von Breuning's contribution was a ciuotation from Herder: Freundschaft, mit dem Gutcn, Wiichset wie dcr Aheudschatten, Bis des Lebens Sonne sinkt.^ Bonn, den 1. November Ihre wahre Freundin Eleonore 1792 Breuning. 'Neefc rflatos that on his second visit to E^ngland, Haydn had contemplated taking Beethoven with him. *"F"riendship. with that which is good, grows like the evening shadow till the set- ting of the sun of life." 126 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Most interesting of all the inscriptions in the album, however, is that of Count Waldstein, which was first published by Schindler (Vol. I, p. 18) from a copy procured for him by Aloys Fuchs. It proves how great were the writer's hopes, how strong his faith in Beethoven: Dear Beethoven! You are going to Vienna in fulfillment of your long-frustrated wishes. The Genius of Mozart is mourning and weeping over the death of her pupil. She found a refuge but no occupation with the inexhaustible Haydn; through him she wishes to form a union with another. With the help of assiduous labor you shall receive Mozart's spirit from Haydn's hands. Your true friend Bonn, October 29, 1792. Waldstein. The dates in the album prove that Beethoven was still in Bonn on November 1, 1792, and indicate that it was the last day of his sojourn there. In Duten's "Journal of Travels," as trans- lated and augmented by John Highmore, Gent. (London, 1782) — a Baedeker's or Murray's handbook of that time^the post- road from Bonn to Frankfort-on-the-Main is laid down as passing along the Rhine via Andernach to Coblenz, and thence, crossing the river at Ehrenbreitstein, via Montabaur, Limburg, WUrges and Konigstein; — corresponding to the route advertised in the "Intelligenzblatt" a few years later — time 25 hours, 43 minutes. This was the route taken by Beethoven and some unknown companion. Starting from Bonn at 6 a.m. they would, according to Dutens and Highmore, dine at Coblenz about 3 p.m. and be in Frankfort about 7 next morning. The first three pages of the memorandum book above cited contain a record of the expenses of this journey as far as WUrges. One of the items is this: "Trinkgeld (pourboire) at Coblenz because the fellow drove like the devil right through the Hessian army at the risk of a cudgelling, one small thaler." This army marched from Coblenz on November 5; but on the same day a French corps, having advanced from Mayence beyond Limburg, took possession of Weilburg. The travellers could not, therefore, have journeyed through Limburg later than the night of the 3rd. We conclude, then, that it was between November 1st and 3rd that Beethoven bade farewell to Bonn, and at Ehrenbreitstein saw Father Rhine for the last time. The temptation is too strong to be resisted to add here the contents of the three pages of the memorandum book devoted to this journey, and the reasonings — fancies, if the reader prefers the term — drawn from them, upon which is founded the assertion The Journey to Vienna 127 that Beethoven had a travelling companion. This is probable in itself, and is confirmed by, first, two handwritings; second, the price paid for post-horses (thus, the first entry is for a station and a quarter at 50 Siiiber, the regular price being one florin, or 40 Stiiber per horse for a single passenger; there were, therefore, two horses and 10 Stiiber extra per post for the second passenger) ; third, the word "us" in the record of the Trinkgeld at Coblenz; fourth, the accounts cease at Wiirges, but they would naturally have been continued to Vienna had they been noted down by Beethoven from motives of economy; fifth, the payment of 2 fl. for dinner and supper is certainly more than a young man, not overburdened with money, would in those days have spent at the post-house. AYe may suppose, then, that the companions have reached the end of their journey in common, and sit down to compute and divide the expenses. Beethoven hands his blank-book to his friend, who writes thus: (Page 1) From Bonn to Remagen, 1 1-4 Stat, at 50 Stbr. . 3 fl. From Remag. to Andernach, 1 1-2 St 3.45 Tip 45 Tolls 45 From Andernach to Coblenz, 1 St 3. Tips to Andernach 50 " to Coblenz Tolls to Andernach 42 Tolls to Coblenz These last three items are not carried out, and Beethoven now takes the book and adds the items of the "Tolls to Andernach" thus: Sinzig. ... 7 St(uber) Reinicke 5 St. Preissig... 10 St. Norich 4 1-2 St. These 26 Stiiber, changed into Kreutzers, make up the 42 in the column above. On the next page he continues: (Page 2) Coblenz, tolls 30 x Rothehahncn (Red Cocks) 24 x Coblenz to Montebaur 2 rthlr. and 1-2 d Tolls for Coblenz 48 x Tip l>ec;iu,sc the fellow drovt; like the devil rij^'ht thronj.,'li the Hessian army at the risk of a cudgelling one small thaler Ate dinner 2 fl. Post from ^Montebaur to Limburg 3 fl. 57 x 10 X road money 15 X " 128 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven (Page 3) Supper 2 fl. in Limburg 12 Batzen Tips 14 X Grease money 14 x Tip for postillion 1 fl. The other hand now writes: The same money for meals and tips, besides 12 x road money to Wirges. The entries of the second and third pages are now changed into florin currency and brought together, making 22 fl. and 14 x; add the expenses on the first page to this sum and we have a total of about 35 fl. from Bonn to Wiirges for two young men travelling day and night, and no doubt as economically as was possible. The next entries are by Beethoven's hand in Vienna, and we are left to imagine his arrival in Frankfort and his departure thence via Nuremberg, Regensburg, Passau and Linz in the public post- coach for Vienna. Proof will be found hereafter that he was in that city on or before November 10th, and that Schindler (Vol. I, p. 19) therefore confounds this journey with that of 1787, and is all wrong when he says "they travelled very slowly and the money which they had taken along was exhausted before they had traversed half the journey." Chapter X Beethoven's Creative Activity in Bonn— An Inquiry into the Genesis of Many Compositions — The Cantatas on the Death of Joseph II and the Elevation of Leopold II — Songs, the "Ritterballet," the Octet and Other Chamber Pieces. BUT for the outbreak of the French Revolution, Bonn seems to have been destined to become a brilliant centre of learning and art. Owing to the Elector's taste and love for music, that art became — what under the influence of Goethe poetry and drama were in Weimar — the artistic expression and embodiment of the intellectual character of the time. In this art, among musicians and composers, Beethoven, endowed with a genius whose orig- inality has rarely if ever been surpassed, "lived, moved and had his being." His official superiors, Lucchesi, Reicha, Neefe, were indefatigable in their labors for the church, the stage and the concert-room; his companions, Andreas Perner, Anton Reicha, the Rombergs, were prolific in all the forms of composition from the set of variations to even the opera and oratorios; and in the performance of their productions, as organist, pianist and viola player, he, of course, assisted. The trophies of IVIiltiades allowed no rest to Themistocles. Did the applause bestowed upon the scenes, duos, trios, quartets, symphonies, operas of his friends awaken no spirit of emulation in him? Was he contented to be the mere performer, leaving composition to others.'* And yet what a "beggarly account" is the list of compositions known to belong to this period of his life!^ Calling to mind the activity of others, particularly jMozart, developed in their boyhood, and 'The disroverips made after Thayer romplefed and printed his first volume in German (1860), largely inspired by his labors, have made a thorough revision of this chapter imperative. In all that follows the editor has aeeepted the statemont of farts made by Dr. Deiters in his revised version of the first volume published in 11)01, but, in pursuance of his plan as set forth in the introduction, has omitted that which seemed to him more or less incoDsequcntial, as well as that which belongs ia the field of analysis and criticism. I 129 1 130 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven reflecting on the incentives which were offered to Beethoven in Bonn, one may well marvel at the small number and the small significance of the compositions which preceded the Trios Op. 1, with which, at the age of 24 years, he first presented himself to the world as a finished artist. But a change has come over the picture in the progress of time. Not only are the beginnings of many works which he presented to the world at a late day as the ripe products of his genius to be traced back to the Bonn period; fate has also made known to us compositions of his youth which, for a long time, were lost in whole or in part, and which, in connec- tion with the three great pianoforte quartets of 1785, not only disclose a steady progress, but also discover the self-developed individual artist at a much earlier date than has heretofore been accepted. Now that we are again in possession of the cantatas and other fruits of the Bonn period, or have learned to know them better as such, we are able to free ourselves from the old notion which presented Beethoven as a slowly and tardily developed master. The most interesting of Beethoven's compositions in the Bonn period are unquestionably the cantatas on the death of Joseph II and the elevation of Leopold II. Beethoven did not bring them either to performance or publication; they were dead to the world. Nottebohm called attention to the fact that manuscript copies of their scores were announced in the auction catalogue of the library of Baron de Beine in April, 1813. It seems probable that Hummel purchased them at that time; at any rate, after his death they found their way from his estate into the second-hand book- shop of List and Francke in Leipsic, where they were bought in 1884 by Armin Fridmann of Vienna. Dr. Eduard Hanslick acquainted the world with the rediscovered treasures in a feuilleton published in the "Neue Freie Presse" newspaper of Vienna on May 13, 1884, and the funeral cantata was performed for the first time at Vienna in November, 1884, and at Bonn on June 29, 1885.^ Both cantatas were then included in the Complete Works of Beethoven published by Breitkopf and Hartel. The "Cantata on the Death of Joseph the Second, composed by L. van Beethoven," was written between March and June, 1790. The Emperor died on February 20th, and the news of his death reached Bonn on February 24th. The ^There have been a few performances of this cantata in Austria and Germany since its publication. It was given at a concert of the Beethoven Association in New York on March 16, 1920, under the direction of Mr. Sam Franko, with an English para- phrase of the text by the Editor of this biography, designed to rid it of its local applica- tion and some of its bombast and make its sentiment applicable to any heroic emanci- pator. Cantata on the Death of Joseph II 131 Lesegesellschaft at once planned a memorial celebration, which took place on March 19th. At a meeting held to make prepara- tions for the function on February 28, Prof. Eulogius Schneider (who delivered the memorial address) expressed the wish that a musical feature be incorporated in the programme and said that a young poet had that day placed a poem in his hands which only needed a setting from one of the excellent musicians who were members of the society or a composer from elsewhere. Beet- hoven's most influential friends, at the head of them Count Wald- stein, were members of the society. Here, therefore, we have beyond doubt the story of how Beethoven's composition originated. The minutes of the last meeting for preparation, held on March 17, state that "for various reasons the proposed cantata cannot be performed." Among the various reasons may have been the excessive difficulty of the parts for the wind-instruments which, according to Wegeler, frustrated a projected performance at Mer- gentheim; though it is also possible that Beethoven, who was notoriously a slow worker, was unable to complete the music in the short time which was at his disposal. The text of the cantata was written by Severin Anton Averdonk, son of an employee of the electoral Bureau of Accounts, and brother of the court singer Johanna Helene Averdonk, who, in her youth, was for a space a pupil of Johann van Beethoven. Beethoven set the young pwet's ode for solo voice, chorus and orchestra without trumpets and drums. Brahms, on playing through the score, remarked: **It is Beethoven through and through. Even if there were no name on the title-page none other than that of Beethoven could be conjectured." The same tiling may be said of the "Cantata on the Elevation of Leopold II to the Imperial Dignity, composed by L. V. Beethoven." Leopold's election as Roman Emperor took place on September 30, 1790, his coronation on October 9, when Elector Max Franz was present at Frankfort. This gives us a hint as to the date of the composition. Whether or not the Elector conmiissioned it cannot be said. Averdonk was again the poet. The two cantatas mark the culmination of Beethoven's creative labors in Bonn; they show his artistic individuality ripened and a sovereign command of all the elements wliich Bonn was able to teach him from a technical point of view. Two airs for bass voice with orchestral accompaniment are, to judge by tlie handwriting, also to be ascribed to al)ont 1790. The first is entitled '"Priifiing des Kiissens' ('The Test of Kissing'), V. L. v. Beethowen." The use of the "w" instead of the "v" in the spelling of the name points to an early period for the composition. 132 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven The text of the second bears the title, "Mit Madeln sich vertragen," and was taken by Beethoven from the original version of Goethe's "Claudine von Villa Bella." Paper, handwriting and the spelling of the name of the composer indicate the same period as the first air. The two compositions remained unknown a long time, but are now to be had in the Supplement to the Complete Works pub- lished by Breitkopf and Hartel. To these airs must be added a considerable number of songs as fruits of Beethoven's creative labors in Bonn. The first of these, *Tch, der mit flatterndem Sinn," was made known by pub- lication in the Complete Works. A sketch found among sketches for the variations on "Se vuol ballare," led Nottebohm to set down 1792 as the year of its origin. Of the songs grouped and published as Op. 52 the second, "Feuerfarbe," belongs to the period of tran- sition from Bonn to Vienna. On January 26, 1793, Fischenich WTote to Charlotte von Schiller: "I am enclosing with this a set- ting of the 'Feuerfarbe' on which I should like to have your opinion. It is by a young man of this place whose musical talents are univer- sally praised and whom the Elector has sent to Haydn in Vienna. He proposes also to compose Schiller's 'Freude,' and indeed strophe by strophe. Ordinarily he does not trouble himself with such trifles as the enclosed, which he wrote at the request of a lady." From this it is fair to conclude that the song was finished before Beet- hoven's departure from Bonn. Later he wrote a new postlude, which is found among motivi for the Octet and the Trio in C minor. Of the other songs in Op. 52 the origin of several may be set down as falling in the Bonn period. That of the first, "Urian's Reise um die Welt," we have already seen. Whether or not these songs, which met with severe criticism in comparison with other greater works of Beethoven, were published without Beethoven's knowl- edge, is doubtful. 1 Probability places the following songs in the period of transition, or just before it: "An Minna," sketched on a page with "Feuerfarbe," and other works written out in the early days of the Vienna period; a drinking-song, "to be sung at parting," "Erhebt das Glas mit froher Hand," to judge by the handwriting, an early work, presumably circa 1787; "Elegie auf den Tod eines Pudels"; "Die Klage," to be placed in 1790, inas- much as the original manuscript form appears simultaneously ^See Vol. II, p. 210, of the first German edition of this work. Ries says, on page 124 of the "Notizen," apropos of the posthumous manuscripts: "All such trifles and things which he never meant to publish, as not considering them worthy of his name, were secretly brought into the world by his brothers. Such were the songs published when he had attained the highest degree of fame, composed years before at Bonn, previous to his departure for Vienna; and in like manner other trifles, written for albums, etc., were secretly taken from him and published." Other Works of the Bonn Period 133 with sketches of the funeral cantata; "Wer ist ein freier Mann?", whose original autograph in the British Museum bears the inscrip- tion "ipse fecit L. v. Beethoven," and must be placed not later than 1790, while a revised form is probably a product of 1795, and to a third Wegeler appended a different text, "Was ist des Maurer's Ziel?" published in 1806; the "Punschlied" may be a trifle older; the autograph of "Man strebt die Flamme zu verhehlen," in the possession of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, which has been placed in the year 1792, bears in Beethoven's handwriting the words "pour Madame Weissenthurn par Louis van Beethoven." Madame Weissenthurn was a writer and actress, and from 1789 a member of the company of the Burgtheater in Vienna, and it is more than likely that Beethoven did not get acquainted with her till he went to Vienna, although she was born on the Rhine. Turn we now to the instrumental works which date back to the Bonn period. The beginning is made with the work which, in a manner, first brought Beethoven into close relationship with the stage — the "Ritterballet," produced by the nobility on Carni- val Sunday, March 6, 1791, and which, consequently, cannot have been composed long before, say in 1790 or 1791. The ballet was designed by Count Waldstein in connection with Habich, a dancing-master from Aix-la-Chapelle. Of the contents of the piece we know nothing more than is contained in the report from Bonn printed three chapters back, namely, that it illustrated the pre- dilection of the ancient Germans for war, the chase, love and drinking; the music, being without words, can give us no further help. It consists of eight short numbers, designed to accompany the pantomime: 1, March; 2, German Song;^ 3, Hunting Song; 4, Romance; 5, War Song; 6, Drinking Song; 7, German Dance; 8, Coda. It was intended that the music should be accepted as Waldstein's and, tlierefore, Beethoven never published it. It seems as if the last year of Beethoven's sojourn in Bonn was especially influential in the development of his artistic char- acter and ability. Of the works of 1792, besides trifles, there were two of larger dimensions which, if we were not better advised, would unhesitatingly be placed in the riper Vienna period. The autograph of the Octet for wind-instruments, pul)lished after tlie comjKjser's death and designated at a lat(;r dale as Op. 103, bears the iiisfTij)tion "Parthia in Es" (above this, "dans nn Concert"), "Due Ol>oe, Due Clarinelti, Due Corni, Due Fagotti di L. v. Beethoven." From a sketch which precedes suggestions for the 'The subject of the German Song was used by Beethoven later in a sonata. 134 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven song "Feuerfarbe," Nottebohm concludes that the Octet was composed in 1792, or, at the latest in 1793. In the latter case it would be a Viennese product. It is improbable, however, that Beethoven found either incentive or occasion soon after reaching Vienna to write a piece of this character, and it is significant that in his later years he never returned to a combination of eight in- struments. But there was an incentive in Bonn in the form of the excellent dinner-music of the Elector described by Chaplain Junker, which was performed by two oboes, two clarinets, two horns and two bassoons. It may be set down as a fruit of 1792, his last year in Bonn. For the same combination of instruments, Beethoven also composed a Rondino in E-flat, published in 1829 by Diabelli, probably from the posthumous manuscript. From the autograph Nottebohm argued that it was written in Bonn, and what has been said of the origin of the Octet applies also to the Rondino. The autograph of a little duet in G for two flutes bears the inscription: "For Friend Degenharth by L. v. Beethoven. August 23rd, 1792, midnight." We are lifted to a higher plane again by a work which in invention and construction surpasses the compositions already mentioned and still to be mentioned in the present category, and discloses the fully developed Beethoven as we know him — the Trio in E-flat, for violin, viola and violoncello. Op. 3. Its publi- cation was announced by Artaria in February, 1797. According to Wegeler, Beethoven was commissioned by Count Appony in 1795 to write a quartet. He made two efforts, but produced first a Trio (Op. 3), and then a Quintet (Op. 4). We know better the origin of the latter work now; but Wegeler is also mistaken about the origin of the Trio; it was a Bonn product. Here the proof: At the general flight from Bonn, whether the one at the end of October or that of December 15, 1793, the Elector ordered his chaplain, Abbe Clemens Dobbeler, to accompany an English lady, the Honourable Mrs. Bowater, to Hamburg. "While there," says William Gardiner in his "Music and Friends," III, 142, "he was declared an emigrant and his property was seized. Luckily he placed some money in our (English) government funds, and his only alternative was to proceed to England." Dobbeler accom- panied Mrs. Bowater to Leicester. She, having lived much in Germany, had acquired a fine taste in music; and as the Abbe was a very fine performer on the violin, music was essential to fill up this irksome period (while Mrs. Bowater lived in lodgings before moving into old Dolby Hall). My company was sought with that of two of my friends to make up occasionally an instrumental quartett. The Trio for Strings, Op. 3 135 . . . Our music consisted of the Quartetts of Haydn, Boccherini, and Wranizky. The Abbe, who never travelled without his violin, had luckily put into his fiddle-case a Trio composed by Beethoven, just before he set off, which thus, in the year 1793, found its way to Leicester. This composition, so different from anything I had ever heard, awakened in me a new sense, a new delight in the science of sounds When I went to town (London) I enquired for the works of this author, but could learn nothing more than that he was considered a madman and that his music was like himself. However, I had a friend in Hamburg through whom, although the war was raging at the time, I occasionally obtained some of these inestimable treasures. WTiat trio was this so praised by the enthusiastic Englishman? On the last page but one of Gardiner's "Italy, her Music, Arts and People" he writes, speaking of his return down the Rhine: Recently we arrived at Bonn, the birthplace of Beethoven. About the year 1786, my friend the Abbe Dobler, chaplain to the Elector of Cologne, first noticed this curly, blackheaded boy, the son of a tenor singer in the cathedral. Through the Abbe I became acquainted with the first production of this wonderful composer. How great was my surprise in playing the viola part to his Trio in E-flat, so unlike anything I had ever heard. It was a new sense to me, an intellectual pleasure which I had never received from sounds. Again, in a letter to Beethoven, Gardiner says, "Your Trio in E-flat (for violin, viola and bass"). To all but the blind this narrative pours a flood of light upon the whole question.^ There come up now for consideration the compositions in which Beethoven's principal instrument, the pianoforte, is era- ployed. They carry us back a space, and to the earliest examples we add a related composition for violin. It was a part of Beethoven's official duty to play pianoforte before tlie Elector, and it may therefore easily be imagined that after his first boyish attempt in 1784, he would conliiuie to com- pose concertos and parts of concertos for the pianoforte and 'The Trio in E-flat was not published until 1797. It is therefore obvious that the music whi'h Al)be Dobbf.'i(;r carried with liira to Enghind must Iiave been a iiiaiiuscript copy. Dr. Dciters, accei)tinf; without attempt at coiilra\n<\ (ifvclopmenl. tin- lar(,'e dirnonsions of tlic; free fantasia portion, its almost itiiju-reeptihic return to the [)rin(i|)al tlieine, anil tlw introduction of a coda in the first movement. Mntiri from this movement recur in later works, for instance, the Sonata in ¥ minor. Op. 2, and the I'ianofrjrle Concerto in C major. Beethoven seems to have used the designation "Scherzo" in it for the first time. *The combination of instruments in this piece Icfl Dr. Deiters to ronjectuie that it may have been composed for the family Vf)n Westerhold. Count vou Westerhold I)layed the bassoon, his son the flute, and his daughter the pianoforte. 138 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Among the papers found in Beethoven's apartments after his death, was the manuscript of a Sonata in B-flat for Pianoforte and Fhite, which passed into the hands of Artaria. It is not in Beethoven's handwriting, and the little evidence of its authenticity is not convincing.^ It is more than likely that the Variations for Pianoforte and Violin on Mozart's "Se vuol ballare" ought to be assigned to the latter part of the Bonn period. They were published in July, 1793, with a dedication to Eleonore von Breuning, to whom Beethoven sent the composition with a letter dated November 2, 1793. ^ The dedication leads to the presumption that the work was carried to Vienna in a finished state and there subjected to only the final polish. The postscript to the letter to Fraulein von Breuning betrays the reason for the hurried publication: Beethoven wanted to checkmate certain Viennese pianists whom he had detected copying peculiarities of his playing in improvisation which he suspected they would publish as their own devices. Besides the pieces already mentioned, Beethoven wrote the following works for pianofore in Bonn: 1. A Prelude in F minor.^ According to a remark on a printed copy shown to be authentic, Beethoven wrote it when he was 15 year old, that is, in 1786 or, the question of his age not being determined at the time, 1787. The prelude is, as a matter of fact, a fruit of his studies in the art of imitation; and the initiative, probably, came from Bach's Preludes. 2. Two Preludes through the Twelve Major Keys for Piano- forte or Organ; published by Hoffmeister in 1803 as Op. 39. Obviously exercises written for Neefe while he was Beethoven's teacher in composition. 3. Variations on the arietta "Venni Amore," by Righini, in D major — "Venni Amore," not "Vieni"; the arietta begins: "Venni Amore nel tuo regno, ma compagno del Timor." Righini gave his melody a number of vocal variations. Beethoven 'Dr. Deiters points out that Thayer, in transcribing the themes of this Trio, over- looked a Largo, which made the movements number four instead of three as given in the Chronological Catalogue. The existence of four movements added to the doubtful authenticity in the eyes of the German editor. ^This letter will appear later. The Variations are published in Series 12, No. 103, of the Complete Edition. In a catalogue of Breitkopf and Hartel of 179.3, they are desig- nated Op. 1 ; also in a catalogue in 1794 of Geyl and Hedler's. It is plain from a passage in the letter to Eleonore von Breuning ("I never would have written it in this way," etc.) that the Coda did not receive its definitive form until just before publication. Thayer was of the opinion when he wrote Vol. I of this work, that it had been appended in Vienna. ^It was published in 1805 by the Kunst- und Industriecomptoir of Vienna. Com- plete Works, Series 18, No. 195; cf. Nottebohm's "Beethoven's Studien," p. 6. Pianoforte Variations and a Sonata 139 republished his in Vienna in 1801 through Traeg (Complete Works, Series 17, No. 178); composed about 1790 and published in Mannheim in 1791. They were inscribed to Countess Hatzfeld {nee Countess de Girodin), who has been praised in this book as an eminent pianist. The story of the encounter between Beetho- ven and Sterkel in which these variations figure has also been told. Beethoven had a good opinion of them; Czerny told Otto Jahn that he had brought them with him to Vienna and used them to "introduce" himself. Two books of variations are to be adjudged to the Bonn period because of their place of publication and other biographical considerations. They are the Variations in A major on a theme from Dittersdorf's opera "Das rothe Kappchen" ("Es war einmal ein alter Mann") and the Variations for four hands on a theme by Count Waldstein. Both sets were published by Simrock in Bonn, the first of Beethoven's compositions published in his native town. They were not published until 1794, but according to a letter to Simrock, dated August 2, 1794, the latter had received the first set a considerable time before, and Beethoven had held back the corrections while the other was already printed. Beethoven's intimate association with Waldstein in Bonn is a familiar story, but we hear nothing of it in the early Viennese days. The varia- tions on a theme of his own seem likely to have been the product of a wish expressed by the Count. That Beethoven seldom wrote for four hands, and certainly not without a special reason, is an accepted fact.^ Another presumably Bonnian product which has come down to us only as a fragment is the Sonata in C major for Pianoforte, 'In the Fall of 1919, announcement was made by tlie newspapers that Freneh invcstif^ators had discovered in llic Hrilish Mnseiiin fowr thitherto unknown iJi'clliovcn autof^raplis ariKjngst inanuscri[)ts fnirchascd {nun Julian Marshall. 'J'iie cmperformances were not, however, defrayed by him, as Schonfeld seems to intimate. They were met by the association called by him into being, and of which he was perpet- ual secretary, whose members were the Princes Liechtenstein, 172 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Esterhazy, Scliwarzenberg, Auersperg, Kinsky, Trautmannsdorf, Sinsendorf, and the Counts Czernin, Harrach, Erdody and Fries; at wliose palaces as well as in van Swieten's house and sometimes in the great hall of the Imperial Royal Library the performances wore given at midday to an audience of invited guests. Fraulein Martinez, who holds so distinguished a place in Burney's account of his visit to Vienna — that pupil of Porpora at whose music-lessons the young Joseph Haydn forty years before had been employed as accompanist — still flourished in the Michael's House and gave a musical party every Saturday evening during the season. Court Councillor and Chamber Paymaster von Meyer (says Schon- fcld) is so excellent a lover of music that his entire personnel in the chan- cellary is musical, among them being such artists as a Raphael and a Hauschka. It will readily be understood, therefore, that here in the city as well as at his country-seat there are many concerts. His Majesty the Emperor himself has attended some of these concerts. These details are sufficient to illustrate and confirm the re- marks made above upon Vienna as the central point of instru- mental music. Of the great number of composers in that branch of the art whom Beethoven found there, a few of the more eminent must V)e named. Of course, Haydn stood at the head. The next in rank — longo intervallo — was Mozart's successor in the oflBce of Imperial Chamber Composer, Leopold Kozeluch, a Bohemian, now just forty years of age. Though now forgotten and, according to Beethoven, "miserabilis," he was renowned throughout Europe for his fjuartets and other chamber music. A man of less popular repute but of a solid genius and acquirements far beyond those of Kozeluch, whom Beethoven greatly respected and twenty-five years later called his "old master," was Emanuel Aloys Forster, a Silesian, now forty-five years of age. His quintets, quartets and the like ranked very high, but at that time were known for the most part only in manuscript. Anton Eberl, five years the senior of Beethoven, a Viennese by birth, had composed two operettas in the sixteenth year of his age which were produced at the Karnth- nertlior-Theater, one of which gained the young author the favor of Gluck. He seems to have been a favorite of Mozart and caught so much of the spirit and style of that master as to produce compositions which were printed by dishonest publishers under Mozart's name, and as his were sold throughout Europe. In 1776 he accompanied the Widow Mozart and her sister, Madame Lange, the vocalist, in the tour through Germany, gaining that reputation in other cities which he enjoyed at home, both as pianist and Famous Composers in Vienna 173 composer. His force was in instrumental composition, and we shall hereafter see him for a moment as a symphonist bearing aw^ay the palm from Beethoven ! Johann Vanhall, w^hose name was so well known in Paris and London that Biirney, twenty years before, sought him out in his garret in a suburb of Vienna, was as indefatigable as ever in pro- duction. Gerber says in his first Lexicon (1792) that Breitkopf and Hartel had then fifty of his symphonies in manuscript. His fecundity was equal to that of Haydn; his genius such that all his works are now forgotten. It is needless to continue this list. One other fact illustrating the musical tastes and accomplish- ments of the higher classes of the capital may be added. There were, during the winter 1792-93, ten private theatres with amateur companies in activity, of which the more important were in the residences of the nobles Stockhammer, Kinsky, Sinsendorf and Strassaldo, and of the bookseller Schrambl. Most of these com- panies produced operas and operettas. Chapter XIII Beethoven in Society— Concerts— Wegeler's Recollections- Compositions— The First Trios— Sonatas Dedicated to Haydn— Variations— Dances for the Ridotto Rooms- Plays at Haydn's Concert. HOWE\^R quiet and "without observation" Beethoven*s advent in Vienna may have been at that time when men's minds were occupied by movements of armies and ideas of revolution, he could hardly have gone thither under better auspices. He was Court Organist and Pianist to the Emperor's uncle; his talents in that field were well known to the many Austrians of rank who had heard him in Bonn when visiting there or when paying their respects to the Elector in passing to and from the Austrian Netherlands; he was a pupil of Joseph Haydn— a circumstance in itself sufficient to secure him a hearing; and he was protected by Count Waldstein, whose family connections were such that he could introduce his favorite into the highest circles, the imperial house only excepted. Waldstein's mother was a Liechtenstein; his grand- mother a Trautmannsdorf; three of his sisters had married re- spectively into the families Dietrichstein, Crugenburg and Wallis; and by the marriages of uncles and aunts he was connected with the great houses Oettingen-Spielberg, Khevenhuller-Melisch, Kinsky, Palfy von Erdod and Ulfeld — not to mention others less known. If the circle be extended by a degree or two it embraces the names Kaunitz, Lobkowitz, Kohary, Flinfkirchen, Keglevics and Colloredo-Mansfeld. Dr. Burney, in closing his "Present State of Music in Ger- many," notes the distinction rh the styles of composition and per- formance in some of the principal cities of that country, "Vienna being most remarkable for fire and animation; Mannheim for neat and brilliant execution; Berlin for counterpoint and Bruns- wick for taste." Since Burney's tour (1772) Vienna had the highest example of all these qualities united in Mozart. But he had passed away, and no great pianist of the first rank remained; [174] The Three Trios, Op. 1 175 there were extraordinary dilettanti and professional pianists "of very neat and brilliant execution," but none who possessed great "fire, animation and invention," qualities still most valued in Vienna and in which the young Beethoven, with all the hardness and heaviness of manipulation caused by his devotion to the organ, was wholly unrivalled. With all the salons in the metropolis open to him, his success as a virtuoso was, therefore, certain. All the contemporary authorities, and all the traditions of those years, agree in the fact of that success, and that his playing of Bach's preludes and fugues especially, his reading of the most diflBcult scores at sight and his extemporaneous performances excited ever new wonder and delight. Schindler records that van Swieten, after musical performances at his house, "detained Beethoven and persuaded him to add a few fugues by Sebastian Bach as an evening blessing," and he preserves a note without date, though evidently belonging to Beethoven's first years in Vienna, which proves how high a place the young man had then won in the old gentleman's favor : To Mr. Beethoven in Alstergasse, No. 45, with the Prince Lichnow- sky: If there is nothing to hinder next Wednesday I should be glad to see you at my home at half past 8 with your nightcap in your bag. Give me an immediate answer. Swieten. There is also an entry in the oft-cited memorandum book belonging in date to October or November, 1793, which may be given in this connection: "Supped in the evening at Swieten's, 17 pourboire. To the janitor 4 x for opening the door." But the instant and striking success of Beethoven as virtuoso by no means filled up the measure of his ambition. He aspired to the higher position of composer, and to obtain this more was needed than the performance of variations, however excellent. To this end he selected the three Trios afterwards pul)lished as Oj). 1, and brought them to performance at the house of Prince Lichnowsky. Ilapi)ily for us, Beethoven related some j)articiilar.s concerning this first performance of these com[)ositions in Vienna to his pupil Hies, who gives the substance of the story thus: It was planned to introduce the first tlirec Trios of H<'cthovcn, which were about to be published as ()[). 1, to the artistic world at a soin'e at prince Lichnowsky's. Most of tin- artists and music-lovers were invited, especially Haydn, for whose ojjinion all were eai,'cr. The Trios were played and at once commanded extraordiruiry attention. Haydn also said many pretty things about tlieni, but ;i(lvis«'(| lieeflioven not to [)ub- lish the third, in C minor. This astonished Beethoven, inasmuch as 170 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven he considered the third the best of the Trios, as it is still the one which pives tlie jireatest i)leasure and makes the greatest effect. Consequently, Haytin's remark left a bad impression on Beethoven and led him to think that Haydn was envious, jealous and ill-disposed toward him. I confess that when Beethoven told me of this I gave it little credence. I therefore took occasion to ask Haydn himself about it. His answer, however, confirmed Beethoven's statement; he said he had not believed that this Trio would so quickly and easily be understood and so favor- ably received by the public. The FischofT manuscript says: The three Trios for pianoforte, violin and violoncello. Op. 1 (the pearls of all sonatas), which are in fact his sixth work, justly excited admir- ation, though they were performed in only a few circles. Wherever this was done, however, connoisseurs and music-lovers bestowed upon them undivided applause, which grew with the succeeding works as the hearers not only accustomed themselves to the striking and original qualities of the master but grasped his spirit and strove for the high privilege of understanding him. More than two years passed by, however, before the composer thought fit to send these Trios to the press; perhaps restrained by a feeling of modesty, since he was still a student, perhaps by a doubt as to the success of compositions so new in style, or by pru- dence, choosing to delay their publication until they had been so often performed from the manuscript as to secure their compre- hension and appreciation, and thus an adequate number of sub- scribers. In the meantime he prepared the way for them by publishing a few sets of variations. "Beethoven had composed variations on themes from Mozart's 'Zauberflote,' which he had already sketched in Bonn, and Zmeskall took it upon himself to submit them to a publisher; but they had only a small sale." (The Fischoff MS.) This refers doubtless to the Variations "Se vuol ballare" from "Le Nozze di Figaro," which, having been re- vised and improved by a new coda, came out in July, 1793, with a dedication to Eleonore von Breuning. It was not until the next year that the thirteen variations upon the theme "Es war einmal ein alter Mann," from Dittersdorf's "Rothkappchen," appeared, and these were followed by those for four hands on the Waldstein theme, first advertised in January, 1795. In fact, Beethoven evidently was in no haste to publish his compositions. It will presently be seen that he sent the "Se vuol ballare" variations to press partly at the request of others and partly to entrap the rival pianists of Vienna. A few years later we shall find him dashing off and immediately publishing varia- tions on popular theatrical melodies; but works of greater scope, Beethoven Sues for Pardon 177 and especially his pianoforte concertos, were for the most part long retained in his exclusive possession. Thus the Pianoforte Concerto in B-flat major. Op. 18, though supposed by Tomaschek to have been composed at Prague in 1798, certainly (if Beethoven's own words in a letter to Breitkopf and Hartel are to be believed) preceded in composition thatin C major. Op. 15, and must, therefore, have been finished at the latest in March, 1795, and was doubtless often played by him at private concerts during the period now before us. It was not published until 1801. Let the reader now recall to mind some of the points pre- viously dwelt upon: the Fischenich letter of January and Neefe's letter of October, 1793, which record the favorable reports sent to Bonn of Beethoven's musical progress; his studies with Haydn and Schenk; the cares and perplexities caused him temporarily by the death of his father, and the unpleasant circumstances attending that event; his steady success as a virtuoso; his visit in the summer to Prince Esterhazy; and it is obvious with what industry and energy he engaged in his new career, with what zeal and unfaltering activity he labored to make the most of his opportunities. In one year after leaving Bonn he felt his success secure, and no longer feared Hamlet's "slings and arrows of out- rageous fortune." This is indicated in a passage ("O, how we shall then rejoice together, "etc.) of the earliest of his Vienna letters which has been preserved — that letter in which, as Wegeler re- marks, "he asked pardon for much more error than he had com- mitted," and which, though often reprinted from the "Notizen," is too important and characteristic to be here omitted. Vienna, November 2, 93. Most estimable Leonore! My most precious friend! Not until I have lived almost a year in the capital do you receive a letter from me, and yet you were most assuredly pc'rjxhiiilly in ray liveliest memory. Often in thou<^ht I have conversed with you and your dear family, thouj^h not with that peace of mind which I could have desired. It was then that the wrctciied misundcrstandinf; ho\cred before me and my conduct presented itself as most despicable. IJutit was too late. O, what would I not give could I o))Hterale from my life those actions so degrading to myself and so contrary to my character. True, there were many circumstances which tciuK'd to estrange us, and I suspect that tales whispered in our ears of remarks made one about the other were chiefly that which prevented us from coming to an und<'r- standing. We both believed that we were speaking from conviction; whereas it was only in anger, and we were both deceived. Your good and noble character, my dear friend, is sufficient assurance to me that you forgave me long ago. But we are told that the sincerest contrition 178 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven consists in acknowledgment of our faults; and to do this has been my desire. And now let us drop the curtain on the affair, only drawing from it this lesson — that when friends quarrel it is much better to have it out face to face than to turn to a go-between. With this you will receive a dedication from me to you concerning which I only wish that the work were a larger one and more worthy of you. I was plagued here to publish the little work, and I took advantage of the opportunity, my estimable E., to show my respect and friendship for you and my enduring memory of your family. Take this trifle and remember that it comes from a friend who respects you greatly. Oh, if it but gives you pleasure, my wishes will be completely fulfilled. Let it be a reminder of the time when I spent so many and such blessed hours at your home. Perhaps it will keep me in your recollection until I eventually return to you, which, it is true, is not likely to be soon. But how we shall rejoice then, my dear friend — you will then find in your friend a happier man, from whose visage time and a kindlier fate shall have smoothed out all the furrows of a hateful past. If you should chance to see B. Koch, please say to her that it is not nice of her never once to have written to me. I wrote to her twice and three times to Malchus, but no answer. Say to her that if she doesn't want to write she might at least urge Malchus to do so. In conclusion I venture a request; it is this: I should like once again to be so happy as to own a waistcoat knit of hare's wool by your hands, my dear friend. Pardon the immodest request, my dear friend, but it proceeds from a great predilection for everything that comes from your hands. Privately I may also acknowledge that a little vanity is also involved in the re- quest; I want to be able to say that I have something that was given me by the best and most estimable girl in Bonn. I still have the waistcoat which you were good enough to give me in Bonn, but it has grown so out of fashion that I can only treasure it in my wardrobe as something very precious because it came from you. You would give me much pleasure if you were soon to rejoice me with a dear letter from yourself. If my letters should in any way please you I promise in this to be at your command so far as lies in my power, as everything is welcome to me which enables me to show how truly I am Your admiring, true friend L. V. Beethoven. P.S. The V. [variations] you will find a little difficult to play, especially the trills in the coda; but don't let that alarm you. It is so contrived that you need play only the trill, leaving out the other notes because they are also in the violin part. I never would have com- posed a thing of the kind had I not often observed that here and there in \ lenna there was somebody who, after I had improvised of an evening, noted down many of my peculiarities, and made parade of them next day as his own. Foreseeing that some of these things would soon appear in pnnt, I resolved to anticipate them. Another reason that I had was to embarrass the local pianoforte masters. Many of them are my deadly enemies and I wanted to revenge myself on them, knowing that once m a while somebody would ask them to play the variations and they would make a sorry show with them. Dr. Wegeler*s Reminiscences 179 Except Beethoven's memorandum, "Schuppanzigh 3 times each W.; Albrechtsberger 3 times each W.", which indicates his change of instructors, there is nothing to be recorded until, prob- ably in May or June (1794), we come to the fragment of another letter to Eleonore von Breuning also contained in Wegeler's "Notizen" (p. 60), which has particular interest both as showing how bitterly his conscience reproached him for acts inconsistent with the forbearance and command of temper due to friendship, but in which he ever remained too apt to indulge, and as adding some implied confirmation of the argument previously made in relation to the compositions of the Bonn period. In this letter he acknowledges receipt of a cravat embroidered by Eleonore and protests that thoughts of her generosity and his unworthiness had brought him to tears. He continues: "Do pray believe me that little as I have deserved it, my friend (let me always call you such), I have suffered much and still suffer from the loss of vour friend- ship. ... As a slight return for your kind recollection of me I take the liberty of sending these Variations and the Rondo with violin (accompaniment). I have a great deal to do or I should have transcribed the Sonata I promised you long ago. It is a mere sketch in manuscript, and to copy it would be a diflScult, etc." The letter is signed: "The friend who still reveres you, Beethowen" {sic)^ In January, 1794, Elector Max had paid a short visit to Vienna, where, perhaps, it was determined that Beethoven should remain "without salary until recalled." After the declaration of war by the Empire against France, the electorate, as a Gerniiin state, could no longer remain neutral; and thus it came to pass that in October the victorious French army marched into Bonn. Tlie Elector fled to Frankfort-on-the-Main, November 6th, thence to Miinster, while his court and all such as were obnoxious to the republican authorities dispersed in all directions for safety. One of these fugitives, a young man of twenty-nine years but already the Rector of the University, to "save his head" hastened away to Vienna — Dr. Wegeler. He reached that capital •Though Thayer fixed the date of this letter in May or June. I7!)t. Dr. Deiters believed that it was of a much earlier date; and may, indeed, have been written before Beethoven went to Vienna. For his theory Dr. Deiters found a plausible argument in the spelling of the namt! with a "w" in stearight and true in my actions — otherwise how could you have loved me? Could I have cliangod so fearfully for the worse in such a short time? Impossible; these feelings of goodness and love of righteousness cannot have died forever in me in a moment. No, Wegeler, dearest, best, O, venture again to throw yourself entirely into the arms of your B.; trust in the good cpialities you us<>(l to find in him; I will guarantee that the i)Ur(; temple of sacred friendship which you erect shall remain firm forever; no accident, no storm sliall ever shake its foundations — firm — forever — our frienflstn'i) — pardon — oblivion — a new ui)fianiing of the dying, sinking friendship — (), Wegel(T, do not reject this hand of reconeiliation. Place yours in mine — O, God! — but no more; I am coming to throw myself in your arms, to entreat you to restore to me my lost friend. And you will give yourself to me, your penitent, loving, never-forgetting Beethoven again. It was only now that I received your letter, because I have just returned home. 'This was done by Wegcler's grandson, Carl Wcgclcr, in an essay put^lishcd in the "Coblenz Zeitung" on May 20. 1890. 18'2 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven In tliis connection Wegeler comes to speak of the outward conditions of Beethoven: "Beethoven," he says on page 33, brought up under extremely restricted circumstances, and as it were, under guardianship, though that of his friends, did not know the vahie of money and was anything but economical. Thus, to cite a single instance, the Prince's dinner hour was fixed at 4 o'clock. "Now," said Beethoven, "it is desired that every day I shall be at home at half- past 3, put on better clothes, care for my beard, etc. — I can't stand that !" So it happened that he frequently went to the taverns, since, as has been said, in this as in all other matters of economy, he knew nothing about the value of things or of money. The Prince, Wegeler continues, who had a loud, metallic voice, once directed his serving-man that if ever he and Beethoven should ring at the same time the latter was to be first served. Beethoven heard this, and the same day engaged a servant for himself. In the same manner, once when he took a whim to learn to ride, which speedily left him, the stable of the Prince being oflFered him, he bought a horse. Concerning his friend's affairs of the heart, Wegeler had oppor- tunity to make observations in Vienna. He relates on page 43 that while he was in the capital Beethoven "was always in love and made many conquests which would have been difficult if not impossible for many an Adonis." Beethoven's antipathy to teaching before he left Bonn has already been noticed. In Vienna he developed a still stronger repugnance to playing in society when requested to do so. He often complained to Wegeler how griev- ously this put him out of sorts, whereupon the latter sought to entertain him and quiet him by conversation. "When this pur- pose was reached," he continues, I dropped the conversation, seated myself at the writing table, and Beethoven, if he wanted to continue the discourse, had to sit down on the chair before the pianoforte. Soon, still turned away from the instru- ment, he aimlessly struck a few chords out of which gradually grew the most beautiful melodies. Oh, why did I not understand more of music! Several times I put ruled paper upon the desk as if without intention, in order to get a manuscript of his; he wrote upon it but then folded it up and put it in his pocket! Concerning his playing I was permitted to say but little, and that only in passing. He would then go away entirely changed in mood and always come back again gladly. The antii)athy remained, however, and was frequently the cause of differences between Beethoven and his friends and well-wishers. There is still one other reminiscence of Wegeler in the appendix to the "Xotizen" (page 9) worthy of citation. "At one time pri- vate lectures were given in Vienna on Kant, which had been arranged by Adam Schmidt, Wilhelm Schmidt, Hunczovsky, Gop- fert and others. In spite of my urgings Beethoven refused to Old Bonn Friends Remembered 183 attend a single one of them." There is no reference in Wegeler's "Notizen" to instruction received by Beethoven from Albrechts- berger. With his old colleague in the Court Orchestra in Bonn, Nicolaus Simrock, though he was a much older man, Beethoven remained in touch after his removal to Vienna. Simrock, who was highly esteemed both as man and musician, had embarked in business as a music publisher in Bonn. The Variations on a theme from Dittersdorf's "Rothkappchen," were published by him (at the latest in the early part of 1794), as well as those for pianoforte four hands on a theme by Count Waldstein (some time in the same year) . It is to the latter composition that the following letter refers : Vienna, August 2, 1794. Dear Simrock : I deserve a little scolding from you for holding back your Variations so long, but, indeed, I do not lie when I say that I was hindered from correcting them sooner by an overwhelming amount of business. You will note the shortcomings for yourself, but I must wish you joy on the appearance of your engraving, which is beautiful, clear and legible. Verily, if you keep on thus you will become chief among cutters, that is, note cutters ^ In my former letter I promised to send you some- thing of mine and you interpreted the remark as being in the language of the cavaliers. How have I deserved such a title? Faugh! who would indulge in such language in these democratic days of ours? To free myself from the imputation as soon as I have finished the grand revision of my compositions, which will be soon, you shall have something which you will surely engrave. I have also been looking about me for a com- missioner and have found a right capable young fellow for the place. His name is Traeg. You have naught to do but to write to him or me about the conditions which you want to make. He asks of you one- third rabate. The devil take all such bargaining! It is very hot here. The Viennese fear that they will soon be unable to eat ice-cream, there having been little cold last winter and ice being scarce. Many persons of importance have come here and it was said that a revolution was im- minent; but it is my belief that so long as the Austrian has his dark beer and sausage he will not revolt. It is said that the suburban gates are to be closed at ten o'clock at night. The soldiers' guns arc loaded with bullets. No one dares speak aloud for fear of arrest by tiic j)()lice. Are your daughters ^rown? liriu^ one uj) to be my wife, for if I am to remain single in Bonn I siiall not slay loiij^, of a surety. You also nnist be living in fear. How is good Ries? I shall write to him soon for he can have only an unfavorable oj)inion of mc — but this damned wrifinj^l I cannot get over my antipathy towards it. Have you performed my piece yet.'' Write to mc occasionally. Please send also a few copies of the first Variations. Your Beethoven. 'An early example f)f Hccthoven's fondness for piinnin;;. Strehrn means many things in German — among them to sting, stab, tilt in a tovirnament, take a trick at cards — as well as to engrave, or cut in metal. 184 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven These "first Variations" obviously are those on the theme from "Rothkappchen"; those referred to in the early part of the letter tlie onos on Count Waldstein's theme. The "piece" whose per- fornuince he inquires about is the Octet, and the allusion to it justifies the belief that it was composed for the wind-instrument players of Bonn who found no opportunity to play it while Beet- hoven was still in his native city. The letter, like that written to Eleonore von Breuning, shows that Beethoven was still think- ing of the possibility or probability of a return to Bonn. Its cheerful tone discloses a comfortable, satisfied frame of mind — the mood from which the first Trios proceeded. AVe return to the chronological record of events. The first of these in the year 1795, was Beethoven's first appearance in pub- lic as virtuoso and composer. The annual concerts in the Burg- theater established by Gassmann for the benefit of the widows of the Tonkiinstlergesellschaft were announced for the evenings of March 29 and 30. The vocal work selected for performance was an oratorio in two parts, "Gioas, Re di Giuda," by Antonio Car- tellieri; the instrumental, a Concerto for Pianoforte and Orchestra, composed and played by Ludwig van Beethoven. Cartellieri was a young man of twenty-three years (born in Danzig, September 27, 1772) who, a year or two since, had come from Berlin to study operatic composition with the then greatest living composer in that field, Salieri. As the direction of these Widow and Orphan concerts was almost exclusively in the hands of Salieri, one is almost tempted to think that he may on this occasion have in- dulged a pardonable vanity in bringing forward two of his pupils, if we did not know how strong an attraction the name of Beet- hoven must have been for the public which, as yet, had had no opportunity to learn his great powers except by report. The day of the performance drew near but the Concerto was not yet written out. "Not until the afternoon of the second day before the con- cert did he write the rondo, and then while suffering from a pretty severe colic which frequently aflflicted him. I [Wegeler] relieved him with simple remedies so far as I could. In the anteroom sat four copyists to whom he handed sheet after sheet as soon as it was finished. ... At the first rehearsal, which took place the next day in Beethoven's room, the pianoforte was found to be half a tone lower than the wind-instruments. Without a moment's delay Beethoven had the wind-instruments and the others tune to B-flat instead of A and played his part in C-sharp." Thus Wegeler in his "Notizen" (pg. 36). But he has confounded two compositions. The concerto which Beethoven played on March First Concert Appil\r.\nces in Vienna 185 29, 1795, was not that in C (Op. 15) which was not yet finished, but, in all probability, that in B-flat (Op. 19). For the fact that the Concerto in B-flat was composed before that in C we have the testimony of Beethoven himself, who wrote to Breitkopf and Hartel on April 22, 1801 : "I simply want to call your attention to the fact that one of my first Concertos will be published by Hoff meister, which is not among my best works, and one also by Mollo which, though composed later, etc." The Concerto in B-flat was pub- lished in 1801 by Hoffmeister and that in C in the same year by Mollo and Co. in Vienna, the latter a little in advance of the former, wherefore there need be no surprise at the earlier opus number. Beethoven also took part in the second concert on March 30, the minutes of the Tonkiinstlerschaft recording tJiat he "impro- vised on the pianoforte"; and though busily engaged he also em- braced an opportunity to testify to his devotion to the manes of Mozart. On March 31, 1795, Mozart's widow arranged a per- formance of "La Clemenza di Tito" in the Burgtheater. "After the first part," says the advertisement, "Mr. Ludwig van Beet- hoven will play a Concerto of Mozart's composition on the Piano- forte." We opine that this concerto was Mozart's in D minor, which Beethoven loved especially and for which he wrote cadenzas. The Trios, Op. 1, had now become so well known and appre- ciated in musical circles as to justify their publication, and accord- ingly, an advertisement inviting subscriptions for Ludwig van Beet- hoven's "three Grand Trios" appeared in the "Wiener Zoitung" on May 16, 1795. Three days later a contract was signed by the author and Artaria and Company. The printed list of subscribers gives 123 names, mostly belonging to the higher circles, with sub- scriptions amounting to 241 copies. As Beethoven paid the i)ub- lisher but one florin per copy, and the subscrijition ])rice was one ducat, he made a handsome profit out of the transaction.' We must tarry a moment longer with these Trios. That the author is disposed to place th(>ir origin in the Bonn period has already ap[)ear('d. Argument in favor of this view can be iound in the fact of tJieir early performance in Vienna, for tJiere can be no reasonable question of the correctness of Rics's story, for which Beethoven himself was authority, that they were played at the house of Prince Lichnowsky, in the presence of Haydn. This per- formance must have taken place before January 19, 1791', because on that day Haydn started again for England. Now, Beethoven's sketches show that he was still working on at least the second and 'Thf son of Artaria told Nolil tliat his fatlirr li.-ul lol.i him Ihnt ho >?ot the money to pay Beethoven without the composer's knowledge from I'rince Liehnowsky. 186 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven tliird of the Trios after 1794, and that they were not ready for tlie printer before the end of that year. Further explanation is otfered by the following little circumstances: since Haydn was present, the performance at Prince Lichnowsky's must have been from manuscript. In the morning meeting which probably took place only a short time before the soiree, Beethoven's attention was called to the desirability of changing in the last movement of the second Trio, the time-signature from 4-4 to 2-4. Beethoven made the change. From these facts it may be concluded that after a first there was a final revision of these Trios and that the former version disappeared or was destroyed after the latter was made. It has repeatedly been intimated that the author believes that the rewriting of compositions completed in Beethoven's early period is farther-reaching than is generally assumed. The case therefore seems to present itself as follows: Haydn heard the Trios at Lichnowsky's in their first state; Beethoven then took them up for revision and in the course of 1794 and the beginning of 1795 brought them to the state in which we know them. It is not possible to say positively whether or not the first form, particu- larly of the first Trio, dates back to the Bonn period. An interesting anecdote connected with these Trios may well find place here; it is contributed by Madame Mary de Fouche, daughter of Tomkison, who, in the seventh decade of the nine- teenth century, was one of the more famous pianoforte manufac- turers of London: In the early days of the century, a little society of musicians — J. B. Cramer, the pianist; F. Cramer, violinist, half- brother of the preceding; J. P. Salomon, whose name has so often come up in previous chapters of this work; Bridgetower, a mulatto and celebrated violinist, whose name we shall meet again; Watts, tenor; Morant, also tenor, who married the great Dussek's widow; Dahmen, Lindley and Crossdale, violoncellists — was in the habit of meeting regularly at Mr. Tomkison's to try over and criticise such new music of the German school as came to the London dealers. At one of these meetings the new Trios of Beethoven, Op. 1, were played through, J. B. Cramer at the pianoforte. "This is the man," he cried, "who is to console us for the loss of Mozart!" According to the recollection of Cipriani Potter, this was after Cramer had made the personal acquaintance of Beethoven in Vienna, and had heard him play there. Some other incidents recorded by Wegeler belong to this year. Haydn reached Vienna upon his return from his second visit to England on August 20. Beethoven had now ready the three Sonatas, Op. 2, and at one of the Friday morning concerts at First Pianoforte Trios and Sonatas 187 Prince Lichnowsky's he played them to Haydn, to whom they were dedicated. Here (says Wegeler on page 29 of the 'Notizen'), Count Appony asked Beethoven to compose a quartet for him for a given compensation, Beethoven not yet having written a piece in this genre. The Count declared that contrary to custom he did not want to have exclusive possession of the quartet for half a year before publication, nor did he ask that it be dedicated to him, etc. In response to repeated urgings by me, Beethoven twice set about the task, but the first effort resulted in a grand violin Trio (Op. 3), the second in a violin Quintet (Op. 4). How much mistaken Wegeler was in these concluding state- ments has already been indicated. The three Pianoforte Sonatas dedicated to Haydn were, there- fore, the second group of compositions which Beethoven considered illustrative of his artistic ideals and worthy of publication. Noth- ing can be said with positiveness touching the time of their origin. Schonfeld's words in his "Jahrbuch der Tonkunst von Wien und Prag": "We already have several of his Sonatas, among which his last are particularly noteworthy," which were written at least eight months before the Sonatas appeared in print, lead to the conclusion that the Sonatas were known in Vienna in manuscript in the spring of 1795. Their appearance in print was announced in the "Wiener Zeitung" of March 9, 1796. Still another anecdote recorded by Wegeler refers to another composition of this period: "Beethoven was seated in a box at the opera with a lady of whom he thought much at a performance of *La Molinara.' AVhen the familiar Nel cor j)iil non mi scnto was reached the lady remarked that she had possessed some variations on the theme but had lost them. In the same night Beethoven wrote the six variations on the melody and the next morning sent them to the lady with the inscription: Variazioni^ etc., Perdute par la — ritrovate par Luigi van Beethoren. Tliey are so easy that if is likely Beethoven wished that she should be able to play tliciii at sight." Paisieilo's "La Molinara," composed in 1788 for Na|)Ics, was performed on March 8, 1794 in the Court Opera, and again on June 24 and 27, 1795, in the K;irntJmerthor-Theater in Vienna. Considering the time of the i)ul)]ieation of these unpretentious but genial little variations, their composition may be set down afler the latter performances. At the same period 15eetlioven wrote variations on another theme {Quant' d piit hello) from the same opera, which were published l)eforc the former and d<'(lieale(i to Prince Carl Lielinowsky. It is likely tliat a few more sets of variations, a form of composition for whicii Bcctlioven had a 188 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven strons? predilection at the time, had their origin in these early years of Beethoven's life in Vienna. The Variations in C on the "Menuet a la Vigano" from the ballet "Le Nozze disturbate," may con- fidently be assigned to the year 1795. The ballet was performed for the first time on May 18, 1795, at Schikaneder's theatre; the Variations are advertised as published on February 27, 1796. The Gesellschaf t der bildenden Kunstler had, in the year 1792, established an annual ball in the Redoutensaal in the month of November; and Haydn, just then returned covered with glory from England, composed a set of twelve minuets and twelve Ger- man dances for the occasion. In 1793, the Royal Imperial Com- poser Kozeluch followed Haydn's example. In 1794, Dittersdorf wrote the same number of like dances for the large hall, and Eybler for the small. In view of this array of great names, and consider- ing that as yet the Trios, Op. 1, were the only works of a higher order than the Variations which Beethoven had sent to press, the advertisements for the annual ball to be given upon the 22nd of November, 1795, give a vivid proof of the high reputation which the young man had gained as a composer now at the end of his third year in Vienna. These advertisements conclude thus: "The music for the Minuets and German dances for this ball is an en- tirely new arrangement. For the larger room they were written by the Royal Imperial Chapelmaster Siissmayr; for the smaller room by the master hand of Mr. Ludwig van Beethoven out of love for the artistic fraternity." These dances, arranged for piano- forte by Beetlioven himself, came from the press of Artaria a few weeks later, as did also Siissmayr's; Beethoven's name in the advertisement being in large and conspicuous type. As the year began with the first, so it closed with Beethoven's second appearance in public as composer and virtuoso; and here is the advertisement of the performance from the "Wiener Zeitung" of December 16: Next Friday, the 18th instant, Mr. the Chapelmaster Haydn will give a grand musical concert in the small Redoutensaal, at which Mad. Tomeoni and Mr. Mombelli will sing. Mr. van Beethoven will play a Concerto of his composing on the Pianoforte, and three grand symphonies, not yet heard here, which the Chapelmaster composed during his last sojourn in London, will be performed. One would gladly know what concerto was played. ^ But there was little public criticism then outside of London and very 'It was probably that in B-flat. See Nottebohm's "Zweite Beethoveniana," page 72. Beethoven Pays Tribute to Haydn 189 rarely any in Vienna. The mere fact of the appearance of Beet- hoven at his old master's concert is, however, another proof that too much stress has been laid upon a hasty word spoken by him to Ries. Haydn wanted that Beethoven should put "Pupil of Haydn" on the title-page of his first works. Beethoven was un- willing to do so because, as he said, "though he had taken some lessons from Haydn he had never learned anything from him." Nothing could be more natural than for Haydn, knowing nothing of the studies of his pupil with Schenk, to express such a wish in relation to the Sonatas dedicated to him, and equally natural that the author should refuse; but to add to the attractions of the con- cert was a very different matter — a graceful and delicate compli- ment which he could with pleasure make. This chapter may appropriately close with the one important family event of this year. The father, the mother, two infant brothers and two infant sisters slept in the churchyard at Bonn; but Ludwig, Caspar and Johann were never more to look upon their graves. The three brothers were now reunited. Vienna had become their new home and not one of them beheld the rushing Rhine again. Chapter XIV The Years 1796 and 1797 — Beethoven in Prague and Berlin — King Frederick William II and Prince Louis Ferdinand — Himmel, Fasch and Zelter — Compositions and Pub- lications. THE narrative resumes its course with the year 1796, the twenty-sixth of Beethoven's life and his fourth in Vienna. If not yet officially, he was de facto discharged from his obligations to the Elector Maximilian and all his relations with Bonn and its people were broken off. Vienna had become his home, and there is no reason to suppose that he ever afterwards cherished any real and settled purpose to exchange it for another — not even in 1809 when, for the moment, he had some thought of accepting Jerome Bonaparte's invitation to Cassel. He had now entered his course of contrapuntal study with Albrechtsberger; he was first of the pianoforte players of the cap- ital and his name added attraction even to the concert which Haydn, returning again from his London triumphs, had given to introduce some of his new works to the Viennese; his "master- hand" was already publicly recognized in the field of musical com- position; he counted many nobles of the higher ranks in his list of personal friends and had been, perhaps even now was, a member of Prince Carl Lichnowsky's family. The change in his pecuniary condition might have thrown a more equitable temperament than his off its balance. Three years ago he anxiously noted down the few kreutzers occasionally spent for coffee or chocolate "fiir Haidn und mich" ; now he keeps his own servant and a horse. His broth- ers, if at all a burden, were no longer a heavy one. Carl Caspar, according to the best information now obtainable, soon gained moderate success in the musical profession and, with probably some occasional aid from Ludwig both pecuniary and in obtaining pupils, earned sufficient for his comfortable support; while Johann had secured a situation in that apothecary shop "Zum Heiligen Geist" which, in 1860, was still to be seen in the Karnthnerstrasse [190] Meeting of Friends in Nuremberg 191 near the former site of the gate of that name.^ His wages were, of course, small and we shall soon see that Ludwig offers him assist- ance if needed, though not to Karl ; but Johann's position gradually improved and he was able in a few years to save enough to enable him, unaided by his brother, to purchase and establish himself in a business of his own.^ "Fate had become propitious to Beethoven"; and a final cita- tion from the memorandum book will show in what spirit he was determined to merit the continuance of Fortune's favor. If we make allowance for the old error as to his real age, this citation may belong to a period a year or two later; but may it not be one of those extracts from books and periodical publications which all his life long he was so fond of making? This seems to be the more probable supposition. The words are these: "Courage! In spite of all bodily weaknesses my spirit shall rule. You have lived 25 years. This year must determine the complete man. Nothing must remain undone." And now let the chronological narrative of events be resumed. As the year 1795 had ended with a public appearance of Beethoven as pianoforte player and composer, so also began the year 1796; and, as on a former occasion in a concert by Haydn, so this time he played at a concert given by a singer, Signora Bolla, who afterward became famous, in the Redoutensaal. Again he played a pianoforte concerto. "In 1796," says Wegeler ("Nachtrage," p. 18), "the two older Breuning brothers, Christoph and Stephan, find him (Beethoven) at Nuremberg on a return journey to Vienna. Which journey is not specified. None of the three having a passport from Vienna they were all detained at Linz, but soon liberated through my interven- tion at Vienna." And from a letter written by Stephan von Breu- ning to his mother, dated January, 1796, Wegeler quotes: "From Nuremberg, Beethoven travelled all the way in company with us. The three Bonnians tlius attracted the attention of the j)()lice, who thought they Iiad made a wonderful discovery. I do not believe that there could be a less dangerous man than Beethoven." Wege- ler 's suggestion that Beethoven was returning "perhaps from Berlin" is of course out of the question. But between the date of Haydn's concert (December 18th) and Stephan von Breuning's letter, if written towards the end of January, there was ample time, even in those days of post-coaches, for a journey to Prague and 'It is now No. 16 of the extended Operngasse. 'Czerny described Beethoven's brothers to Otto Jahn as follows: 'Tarl: small of stature, red-haired, ugly; Johann: large, dark, a handsome man and complete dandy." lO-i The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven thoiioe across the country to Mergentheim or Ellingen, at that time tlie toinporary residences of Elector Maximilian. The necessity of BeetJioven's knowing precisely in what relation he was to stand with the Elector in the future, accounts sufficiently for his being in Nuremberg at that time, especially if he had had occasion to visit Prague during the Christmas holidays, which is not improb- able. Dlabacz, in his "Kiinstler-Lexikon," has a paragraph of which this is a part: "v. Beethoven, a Concertmaster on the piano- forte. In the year 1795, he gave an academy in Prague at which he played with universal approval." It is true that Dlabacz may here record a concert given during Beethoven's stay in the Bohe- mian capital some weeks later; but, on the one hand, no other notice of such a concert has been discovered; and, on the other, the "universal approval" on this occasion may have been an induce- ment for him to return thither so soon. At all events, his delay in Vienna after coming from Nurem- berg was short and was doubtless occupied with the last corrections of the Sonatas, Op. 2, dedicated to Haydn, the six Menuets (second part), the Variations on the theme from "Le Nozze disturbate'* and those on "Nel cor piii non mi sento," all of which works are advertised in the "Wiener Zeitung" in the course of the next two months, while their author was again in Prague or cities farther North. For the following letter we are indebted to Madame van Beethoven, widow of the composer's nephew, Carl: To my brother Nicholaus Beethoven to be delivered at the apothecary shop at the Karnthner Thor Mr. von Z.^ will please hand this letter to the wig-maker who will care for its delivery. Prague, February 19th (1796). Dear Brother! So that you may at least know where I am and what I am doing I must needs write you. In the first place I am getting on well — very well. My art wins for me friends and respect; what more do I want.'' This time, too, I shall earn considerable money. I shall remain here a few weeks more and then go to Dresden, Leipsic and Berlin. It will probably be six weeks before I shall return. I hope that you will be more and more pleased with your sojourn in Vienna; but beware of the whole guild of wicked women. Have you yet called on Cousin Elss.-* You might write to me at this place if you have incUnation and bme. , . J ^^I.- '^''^^ ^•" '3 doubtless Zmeskall, who is thus shown to have been a trusted Inend of Beethoven's in 1796. "This time" indicates plainly that Beethoven had been in Prague before. Through the words: "Greetings to Brother Caspar" the pen has been heavily drawn, and. if the color of the ink can be trusted after so many years, it was done at the time of writing. "F. Linowsky" is FUrst (Prince) Lichnowsky. A SojorRN IN Pr.\gue and its Fruits 193 F. Linowsky will probably soon return to Vienna; he has already gone from here. If you need money you may go to him boldly, for he still owes me some. For the rest I hope that your life will grow continually in happiness and to that end I hope to contribute something. Farewell, dear brother, and think occasionally of Your true, faithful brother L. Beethoven. Greetings to Brother Caspar. My address is The Golden Unicorn on the Kleinseite. A debt of gratitude is certainly due Johann van Beethoven for having carefully preserved this letter for full half a century and leaving it to his heirs, notwithstanding all the troubles which afterwards arose between the brothers, since it is hardly more val- uable and interesting for the facts which it states directly than for what it indicates and suggests more or less clearly. It, with other considerations, render it well nigh certain that Beethoven had now come to Prague with Prince Lichnowsky as Mozart had done, seven years before, and that upon leaving Vienna he had had no intention of pursuing his journey farther; but encouraged by the success thus reported to his brother, he suddenly determined to seek instruction and experience, pleasure, profit and fame in an extended tour. Had he projected this jour- ney already in Vienna, how could all recollection of it have been lost by Wegeler? How could von Breuning in the letter cited above have omitted all mention of it? Nor is it possible to think that Beet- hoven, still so young and still so unknown outside the Austrian and Bohemian capitals, having so many powerful and influential friends there, and there only, could at this time have gone forth to seek elsewhere some permanent position with a fixed salary. The remarks which have been preserved, made by him in writing or conversation, expressing a desire for such an api)ointment, all belong to a later period, and cannot by any torture of language be made to refer to this, when he was looking into the future with well-grounded hopes and serene confidence of advancement in his new home. Vienna seemed to offer him all his aml)ilion could crave; why should he .seek his fortune beyond her walls.'' It is pleasant to note his care for the welfare of his brother Johann, which care, doubtless, the other brother did not need. But how could Prince Lichnowsky have been indebted to Ludwig? The musical public of Prague was the same that had so re- cently honored itself by its instant and noble aj)prceiati()n of Mozart, and had given so glorious a welcome to "Figaro," "Don 194 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Giovanni" and "Titus." There being no royal or imperial court there, and the public amusements being less numerous than in Vienna, the nobility were thrown more on their own resources for recreation; and hence, besides the traditional taste of the Bohe- mians for instrumental music, their capital was, perhaps, a better field for the virtuoso than Vienna. No notice of any public con- cert given by Beethoven on this visit has been discovered, either in the newspapers of the time or in the reminiscences of Thoma- schek and others; and "the considerable money" earned "this time" must have been the presents of the nobility for his perform- ances in their salons, and, perhaps, for compositions. The conception of the aria "Ah, perfido! spergiuro" is gener- ally associated with Beethoven's sojourn in Prague. The belief rests upon the fact that upon the cover of a copy which he revised Beethoven wrote the words "Une grande Scene mise en musique par L. V. Beethoven a Prague, 1796." On the first page is written : Recitativo e Aria composta e dedicata alia Signora Contessa di Clari da L. v. Beethoven. The opus number, 46, in this title is in the handwriting of Al. Fuchs, who owned a copy. Now, on November 21st, 1796, Madame Duschek, the well known friend of Mozart, at a concert in Leipsic sang "An Italian Scena composed for Madame Duschek by Beethoven," and it was easy to con- clude that the aria was really written by Beethoven for Madame Duschek. On a page of sketches preserved in Berlin among others there are sketches belonging to "Ah, perfido!" which do not agree with the printed page. On the lower margin of the first page is the remark: pour Mademoiselle la Comtesse de Clari. Notte- bohm is led by these things to surmise that the aria was written in Vienna in 1795, before the visit to Prague. In any case, we are permitted to associate the date 1796 only with the completion of the work in Prague; and the purpose may well have been to have it sung by Madame Duschek, who is thus proved to have belonged to the circle of Beethoven's friends in Prague. Nevertheless, the aria was originally intended for the Countess Josephine Clari, a well known amateur singer who married Count Christian Clam- Gal las in 1797. The scena first appeared in print in the fall of 1805, when it was published in a collection made by Hoffmeister and Kuhnel. Beethoven placed it upon the programme of his concert in 1808. Another family in which Beethoven was received on the foot- ing of a friend was that of Appellate Councillor Kanka. Both father and son were dilettante composers and instrumental play- ers—the father on the violoncello, the son on the pianoforte. Incidents of a Visit to Berlin 195 Gerber gives them a place in his Lexicon. "Miss Jeanette'* (the daughter), says the eulogistic Schonfeld, "played the pianoforte with great expression and skill." The son adopted his father's profession, became a distinguished writer on Bohemian law, and in later years did Beethoven good service as legal adviser. There is in the Artaria collection, a thick fascicle of sketches and musical fragments from Beethoven's hand in which papers from the Bonn period down to the close of the century are stitched together in such disorder as to show that they were thus joined merely for preservation. One sheet of mere sketches bears, if correctly deciphered, this inscription: "Written and dedicated to Gr. C. G. as a souvenir of his stay in P." On the fourth page of the sheet stands "these 4 Bagtalles by B." with something more illegible. May not some yet unknown composition of Beethoven be still in the possession of the family Clam-Gallas.'' Count Christian and his two daughters are numbered by Schonfeld among the fine pianoforte players of Prague, and these few notices exhaust the information obtained upon this visit of Beet- hoven there. His next appearance is in Berlin. No record has been found of the proposed visit to either Dresden or Leipsic, although his journey, it would seem, must have taken him through the Saxon capital. In after years he was fond of talking about his sojourn in Berlin, and some particulars have thus been preserved. "He played," says Ries, several times at court (that of King Frederick William H), where he played the two grand sonatas with obbligato violoncello, Op. 5, written for Duport, first violoncellist of the King, and himself. On his departure he received a gold snuff-box filled with Louis d'ors. Beethoven declared with pride that it was not an ordinary snviff-box, but such an one as it might have been customary to give to an ambassador. This king shared his uncle Frederick IPs love for music, while his taste was better and more cultivated. His instrument was the violoncello, and he often took part in quartets and sonictinics in the rehearsals of Italian operas. He exerted a j)ow(Tfiil and en- during influence for good upon the musical taste of Berlin. It was he who caused the operas of Gluck and Mozart to be i)erf()rnu'd there and introduced oratorios of Handel into the court concerts. His appreciation of Mozart's genius, and his wish to attach that great master to his court, are well known; and these facts render credible a statement with which Carl Czerny closes a description of Beethoven's extemporaneous pK'iying confril)uted to Cock's "London Musical Miscellany" (August 2nd, 1852): 100 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven . . f His improvisation was most brilliant and striking. In whatever company he might chance to be, he knew how to produce such an effect upon every hearer that frequently not an eye remained dry, while many would break out into loud sobs; for there was something wonderful in his expression in addition to the beauty and originality of his ideas and his spirited style of rendering them. After ending an improvisation of this kind he would burst into loud laughter and banter his hearers on the emotion he had caused in them. "You are fools!" he would say. Sometimes he would feel himself insulted by these indications of sym- pathy. "Who can live among such spoiled children?" he would cry, and only on that account (as he told me) he declined to accept an invitation which the King of Prussia gave him after one of the extemporary performances above described. Chapelmaster Reichardt had withdrawn himself from Berlin two years before, having fallen into disfavor because of his sympathy with the French Revolution. Neither Himmel nor Rigliini, his successors, ever showed a genius for chamber music of a high order, and, indeed, there was no composer of reputation in this sphere then living in that quarter. The young Beethoven by his two sonatas had proved his powers and the King saw in him precisely the right man to fill the vacancy — no small proof of supe- rior taste and judgment. What the German expression w^as w^hich the translator of Czerny's letter has rendered "accept an invitation which the King gave him" there is no means of knowing; but as it stands it can only mean an invitation to enter permanently into his service. The death of the King the next year, of course, prevented its being ever renewed. Friedrich Heinrich Himmel, five years older than Beethoven, whom the King had withdrawn from the study of theology and caused to be thoroughly educated as a musician, first under Nau- mann in Dresden and afterw^ards in Italy, had returned the year before and had assumed his duties as Royal Pianist and Composer. As a virtuoso on his instrument his only rival in Berlin was Prince Louis Ferdinand, son of Prince August and nephew of Frederick II, two years younger than Beethoven and endowed by nature with talents and genius which would have made him conspicuous had fortune not given him royal descent. He and Beethoven became well known to each other and each felt and did full justice to the other's musical genius and attainments. Now let Ries speak again: In Berlin he (Beethoven) associated much with Himmel, of whom he said that he had a pretty talent, but no more; his pianoforte playing, he said, was elegant and pleasing, but he was not to be compared with Pnnce Louis Ferdinand. In his opinion he paid the latter a high com- phment when once he said to him that his playing was not that of a Meetings with Hi^oiel, Fasch and Zelter 197 king or prince but more like that of a thoroughly good pianoforte player. He fell out with Himmel in the following manner: One day when they were together Himmel begged Beethoven to improvise; which Beet- hoven did. Afterwards Beethoven insisted that Himmel do the same. The latter was weak enough to agree; but after he had played for quite a time Beethoven remarked: "Well, when are you going fairly to begin.'*" Himmel had flattered himself that he had already performed wonders; he jumped up and the men behaved ill towards each other. Beethoven said to me: "I thought that Himmel had been only preluding a bit." Afterwards they were reconciled, indeed, but Himmel could never forgive or forgets They also exchanged letters until Himmel played Beethoven a shabby trick. The latter always wanted to know the news from Berlin. This bored Himmel, who at last wrote that the greatest news from Berlia was that a lamp for the blind had been invented. Beethoven ran about with the news and all the world wanted to know how this was possible. Thereupon he wrote to Himmel that he had blundered in not giving more explicit information. The answer which he received, but which does not permit of communication, not only put an end to the corre- spondence but brought ridicule upon Beethoven, who was so inconsiderate as to show it then and there. \yith Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch and Carl Friedrich Zelter he also made a friendly acquaintance, and twice at least attended meetings of the Singakademie, which then numbered about 90 voices. The first time, June 21st, says the "Gescliichte der Singakademie": A chorale, the first three numbers of the mass and the first six of the 119th Psalm were sung for him. Hereupon he seated himself at the pianoforte and played an improvisation on the theme of the final fugue: "Meine Zunge rtihmt im \Yettgesang dein Lob." The last num- bers of "Davidiana" (a collection of versets by Fasch) formed the con- clusion. No biographer has mentioned this visit or even his sojourn in Berlin. Nor does Fasch pay special attention to it; but the perform- ance must have pleased, for it was repeated at the meeting on the 28th. The performance of tlie Society must also liave pleased Beethoven, and with good reason; for FascJi's mass was in sixteen parts and the psalm and "Davidiana," in part, in eight; and no such music was then to be heard elsewhere north of the Al|)s. In 1810, Beethoven, speaking of his playing on that occasion, told Mme. von Arnim (then Elizabeth Brentano) that at the close his hearers did not a|)y)lau(l but came crowding around him weej)- ing; and added, ironically, "that is not what we artists wish -we want applause I" Fasch's simple record of Beetiioven's visit is this: June 21, 1700. Mr. van Beethoven extemporized on the "Davi- diana," taking the fugue theme from Ps. 119, No. IG. . . . Mr. Beethovea, 'Beethoven told the story to Mme. von Arnim with the ncMilional that they were walking in Unter den Linden and went thence info a private room of the principal coffee-house where there was a pianoforte, for the exhil)ilion of tlieir skill. IPS The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven pianist from Vienna, was so accommodating as to permit us to hear an iniprt)visation. , . . June 28, Mr. van Beethoven was again so obliging as to phiy an improvisation for us. Early in July, the King left Berlin for the baths of Pyrmont, the nobility dispersed to their estates or to watering-places, and the city "was empty and silent." Beethoven, therefore, could have had no inducement to prolong his stay; but the precise time of his departure is unknown, Schindler names Leipsic as one of the cities in which, during this tour, Beethoven "awakened interest and created a sensation by his pianoforte playing, and, particu- larly, by his brilliant improvisation"; but no allusion in any public journal of that or any subsequent period, not even the faintest tradition, has been discovered to confirm the evidently erroneous statements. Moreover, Rochlitz in his account of a visit to the composer in 1822 remarks, "I had not yet seen Beethoven"; and again, "It was only as a youth that he passed through (Leipsic)." So, until some new discovery be made, this must also find its place in the long list of Schindler's mistakes. Notwithstanding Wegeler's statement ("Notizen," 28) that he left Beethoven a member of the family of Prince Lichnowsky "in the middle of 1796," it is as certain as circumstantial evidence can well make it that the Doctor and Christoph von Breuning had returned to Bonn before Beethoven reached Vienna again; but Stephan and Lenz were still there. The former obtained at this time an appointment in the Teutonic Order, which so many of his ancestors had served, and his name appears in the published "Cal- endars of the Order" from 1797 to 1803, both inclusive, as "Hof- rathsassessor." He then soon departed from Vienna to Mergent- heim, whence he wrote (November 23rd) with other matters the following upon Beethoven to Wegeler and Christoph: I do not know whether or not Lenz has written you anything about Beethoven; but take notice that I saw hira in Vienna and that afoording to my mind, which Lenz has confirmed, he has become some- what staider, or, perhaps I should say, has acquired more knowledge of humanity through travels (or was it because of the new ebullition of friendship on his arrival?) and a greater conviction of the scarceness and value of good friends. A hundred times, dear Wegeler, he wishes you here again, and regrets nothing so much as that he did not follow much of your advice. ("Notizen," page 19.) Except this notice of his bearing and demeanor, there is a complete hiatus in Beethoven's history from his appearance in the Singakademie until the following November. The so-called Fischoff Manuscript has, it is true, a story of a "dangerous illness" Attempts at Patriotic Music 199 which was caused by his own imprudence this summer; but as it is in date utterly irreconcilable with other known facts, it will receive its due consideration hereafter. The most plausible sug- gestion is that coming back, flushed with victory, with the success of his tour and delighted with the novelty of travelling at his ease, he made that excursion to Pressburg and Pesth of which afterwards Ries was informed and made record ("Notizen," page 109), but of which no other account is known. And thus we come to November. This was the year of that astounding series of victories ending at Arcole, gained by the young French general Napoleon Bonaparte. The Austrian government and people alike saw and feared the danger of invasion, a general uprising took place and volunteer corps were formed in all quarters. For the Vienna corps, Friedelberg wrote his "Abschiedsgesang an Wiens Burger beim Auszug der Fahnen-Division der Wiener Frei- williger," and Beethoven set it to music. The original printed edition bears date "November 15, 1795." It does not appear to have gained any great popularity, and a drinking-song ("Lasst das Herz uns froh erheben") was afterwards substituted for Friedel- berg's text, and published by Schott in Mayence. The rapid progress of the French army had caused the Ger- mans in Italy to become distrustful of the future and to hasten homeward. Among them were Beethoven's old companions in the Bonn orchestra, the cousins Andreas and Bernhard Romberg, who in the spring of this year (May 2Gth), had kissed the hand of the Queen of Naples, daughter of the Empress Maria Thorosia, and then departed to Rome to join another friend of the Bonn period, Karl Kiigelgen, The three coming north arrived at Vienna in the autumn; the Rombergs remained there for a space witli Beethoven, while Kiigelgen proceeded to Berlin. Baron von Braun — not to be mistaken for Beethoven's "first Mfecenas" the Russian Count Browne — had heard the cousins the year before in Munich and invited them "to give Vienna an opportunity to ]i(>ar them." There is no notice of tlieir concert in iJic Vienna news- papers of the period, and the date is unknown. From Lenz von Breuning is gleaned an additional fact which alone gives interest to the concert for us. He writes to Wegeler in January, 1797 — not 1796, as erroneously printed in the a})])<'n(lix to tJu^ "Notizcn," page 20 — and after the meeting with the von Breunings at Nuremberg: Beethoven is here again ;^ he played in the Romhorg concert. lie is the same as of oM anfl I am glad that he arul tlic RoinlxT^s still ^'et along with each other. Once lu; was near a break witli llicm; 1 interceded 'After the journey to Pesth? 200 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven ami juhiovod my end to a fair extent. Moreover, he thinks a great deal of nie just now. It it clear that the Rombergs, under the circumstances, must have largely owed their limited success to Beethoven's name and influence. In February, 1797, they were again in their old posi- tions in Schroeder's orchestra in Hamburg. Beethoven during this winter must be imagined busily en- gaged with pupils and private concerts, perhaps also with his operatic studies with Salieri, certainly with composition and with preparation for and the oversight of various works then passing through the press; for in February and April, Artaria advertises the two Violoncello Sonatas, Op. 5, the Pianoforte Sonata for four hands. Op. 6, the Trio, Op. 3, the Quintet, Op. 4, and the Twelve Variations on a Danse Russe; these last are the variations which he dedicated to the Countess Browne and which gave occasion for the anecdote related by Ries illustrating Beethoven's forgetful- ness ; for this dedication he had ^ received a handsome riding-horse from Count Browne as a gift. He rode the animal a few times, soon after forgot all about it and, worse than that, its food also. His servant, who soon noticed this, began to hire out the horse for his own benefit and, in order not to attract the attention of Beethoven to the fact, for a long time withheld from him all bills for fodder. At length, however, to Beethoven's great amazement he handed in a very large one, which recalled to him at once his horse and his neglectfulness. ("Notizen," page 120.) On Thursday, April 6, 1797, Schuppanzigh gave a concert, on the programme of which Beethoven's name figured twice. Num- ber 2 was an "Aria by Mr. van Beethoven, sung by Madame Tribolet (-^Villmann) ;" No. 3 was "a Quintet for Pianoforte and 4 wind-instruments, played and composed by Mr. L. v. Beethoven." This was the beautiful Quintet, Op. 16, the time of whose origin is thus more definitely indicated than in the "Chronologisches Ver- zeichniss," a fact for which we are indebted to Nottebohm. But the war was renewed and the thoughts of the Viennese were occupied with matters more serious than the indulgence of their musical taste. On the 16th of March, Bonaparte forced the passage of the Tagliamento and Isonzo. During the two weeks following he had conquered the greater part of Carniola, Carinthia and the Tyrol, and was now rapidly approaching Vienna. On the 11th of February, Lorenz Leopold Hauschka's "Gott erhalte unsern Kaiser" with Haydn's music had been sung for the first time in the theatre and now, when, on April 7th, the Landsturm was called out, Friedelberg produced his war-song "Ein grosses, deutsches Volk A Quiet axd Uneventful Period 201 sind wir," to which Beethoven also gave music. The printed copy- bears date April 14th, suggesting the probability that it was sung on the occasion of the grand consecration of the banners which took place on the Glacis on the 17th. Beethoven's music was, however, far from being so fortunate as Haydn's, and seems to have gained as little popularity as his previous attempt; but as the preliminaries to a treaty of peace were signed at Leoben on the 18th, and the armies, so hastily improvised, were dismissed three weeks afterwards, the taste for war-songs vanished. The little that is known of Beethoven's position as a teacher at this period is very vague and unsatisfactory; enough, however, to render it sufficiently certain that he had plenty of pupils, many of them young ladies of high rank who paid him generously. In the triple capacity of teacher, composer and pianist his gains were large and he was able to write in May to Wegeler that he was doing well and steadily better. It is very possible that the illness mentioned by the Fischoff Manuscript may hav^e occurred during this summer. There can be little doubt that the original authority for the statement is Zmeskall, and therefore the fact of such an attack may be accepted as certain, but the date — being, as there given, clearly wrong, as well as the inference that in it lay the original cause of the com- poser's subsequent loss of hearing — must be left mainly to con- jecture. From May to November, 1797, Beethoven's history is still a blank and nothing but the utter silence of Lenz von Breuning in his correspondence with his family at Bonn on a topic so likely to engage his vSympathies as the dangerous illness of his friend, appears to prevent the filling of this blank in part by throwing him upon a bed of sickness. True, Lenz may have written and the letter have been lost or destroyed; or he may have neglected to write because of his approaching departure from Vienna, which took place in the autumn. His all)um, still I)reserved, has among its contril)utors Ludwig and Joliann van Beethoven and Zmeskall. Ludwig wrote as follows: Truth exists for the wise. Beauty for a feeling heart: They l)eloug to each other. Dear, ^ood Breuning; Never sliall I forget the time which I spent with you in Honn as well as here. Hold fast your friendship for me; you will always find me the same. Vienna 1797 Your true friend the 1st of October. L. v. Beethoven. ^l(H The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Tliey never met again. Lenz died on April 10th of the follow- iiis? year. In November, Beethoven enjoyed a singular compliment paici him by the association of the Bildende Kiinstler— a repetition of his minuets and trios composed two years before for the artists' ball; and on the 23rd of December, he again contributed to the attractions of the Widows' and Orphans' Concert by producing the Variations for two Oboes and English Horn on "La ci darem la mano," played by Czerwenka, Renter and Teimer. His publi- cations in 1797, besides those mentioned at the beginning of the vear, were the Twelve Variations for Pianoforte and Violoncello on the theme from Handel's "Judas Maccabaeus," precise date unknown; the Pianoforte Sonata, Op. 7; and the Serenade, Op. 8, both advertised by Artaria and Co., October 7th. Finally, the Rondo in C, Op. 51, No. 1, published by Artaria with the catalogue number 711. We come to a consideration of the facts touching the com- positions of the years 1796 and 1797. Among the most widely known of these is "Adelaide." The composition of this song must have been begun in the first half of 1795, if not earlier, for sketches of it are found among the exercises in double counterpoint written for Albrechtsberger. Other sheets containing sketches for "Adelaide" and the setting of Burger's "Seufzer eines Ungeliebten" are preserved in the library of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna and the British Museum in London. The song was published by Artaria in 1797, under the title "Adelaide von Matthisson. Eine Kantate fiir eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Klaviers. In Musik gesetzt und dem Verfasser gewidmet von Ludwig van Beethoven." The opus number 46 was given to it later. In 1800 Beethoven sent a copy of the song to the poet and accompanied it with the following letter: Most honored Sir! You are herewith receiving from me a composition which has been in print for several years, but concerning which you probably, to my shame, know nothing. Perhaps I can excuse myself and explain how it came about that I dedicated something to you which came so warmly from my heart yet did not inform you of the fact, by saying that at first I was unaware of your place of residence, and partly also I was diffident, not knowing but that I had been over-hasty in dedicating a work to you without knowing whether or not it met with your approval. Even now I send you "Adelaide" with some timidity. You know ■what changes are wrought by a few years in an artist who is contin- ally going forward; the greater the progress one makes in art the less The Composition of ''Adel-\ide" 203 one is satisfied with one's older works. My most ardent wish will be fulfilled if my musical setting of your heavenly "Adelaide" does not wholly displease you, and if it should move you soon to write another poem of its kind, and you, not finding my request too immodest, should send it to me at once, I will put forth all my powers to do your beautiful poetry justice. Look upon the dedication as partly a token of the delight which the composition of your A. gave me, partly as an evidence of my gratitude and respect for the blessed pleasure which your poetry has always given, and always will give me. Vienna, August -ith, 1800. When playing "Adelaide" sometimes recall your sincere admirer Beethoven. Whether or not Matthisson answered this letter is not known ; but when he republished "Adelaide" in the first volume of his collected poems in 1815, he appended to it a note to this effect: "Several composers have vitalized this little lyric fantasy with music; but according to my strong conviction none of them so threw the text into the shade with his melody as the highly gifted Ludwig van Beethoven in Vienna." The "Opferlied," the words of which were also written by Matthisson, is one of the poems to which Beethoven repeatedly recurred. "It seems always to have presented itself to him as a prayer," says Nottebohm. Its last words, "The beautiful to the good," were written in autograph albums even in his later years. The origin of the composition is to be ascribed to 1795, as Nottebohm enters it in his catalogue. It was thus possible for Wegeler to know it in 1797, when he put a Masonic text under the music. It had not yet been published at that time, however, which fact accounts for the discovery of sketches for it in a sketchbook of 1798-1799 described by Notte- bohm. It was not published until later, probably in 1808, when it came with two other songs from the press of Simroc-k. B(H'thuven composed the poem a second time, utilizing the beginning of his first melody, for solo, chorus and orchestra (Op. l'-21b). To this setting we shall recur hereafter. There is still anotlier song which must be })rought into tlie story of this period. It is the "Seufzer eines Ungeliebten," with its two parts l)ased on two independent but related poems })y BUrgcr. Particular interest attaches to tJui second part, "Gegenliebe," from the fact that its melody was used afterward by Beethoven for the variations in the "Clioral Fan- tasia," Op. 80. Sketches for this melody are found associated with sketches for "Adelaide" on a sheet in the arrliives of tlie Gesellscliaft der Musikfreunde. Nottebohm fixes the year of the 204 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven song's origin as 1795. It was first published as late as 1837 by Diabolli along with the song, "Turteltaube, du klagest," which was composed much later. The Italian song, "O care selve, o cara folice libertii" (from Metastasio's "Olimpiade"), entered under number 1264 in Thayer's "Chronologisches Verzeichniss," appears as a chorus for three voices at the end of the Albrechtsberger exercises, and hence may be placed in the year 1795, as is done by Nottebohm, who adds that it originated simultaneously with the setting of "AVer ist ein freier Mann.?" Here mention must also be made of two arias which Beethoven wrote for introduction in Umlauf s comic opera "Die schone Schusterin." These songs were assigned to the Bonn period in the first edition of this biography because the opera was performed in Bonn in the years 1789 and 1790. The two songs composed by Beethoven are an arietta, or rather strophic song, "O welch' ein Leben'' for tenor, and an aria, "Soil ein Schuh nicht driicken?" for soprano. The words of the latter are in the original libretto. The words of the tenor song, though not part of the original text, were obviously written for the opera. The melody was afterward used by Beethoven as a setting for Goethe's "Mailied," published in 1805, as Op. 52. Both songs, as written for the opera, were published for the first time in the Complete Edition of Beethoven's works from the copies preserved in the Berlin Library. Most important of the instrumental compositions of this period is the Quintet for Strings, Op. 4, which is frequently set down as an arrangement (or revised transcription) of the Octet, Op. 103. The Quintet, however, though it employs the same motivi as the Octet, is an entirely new work, made so by the radical changes of structure — changes of register to adapt the themes to the stringed instruments and changes in the themes themselves. The origin of the Quintet can be placed anywhere in the period from 1792 (when the Octet was probably begun) to the beginning of 1797, when the Quintet was advertised as "wholly new." There is a clue in the Wegeler anecdote already related in connection with the String Trio, Op. 3, in the chapter of this work devoted to the works composed in Bonn. In 1795, Count Appony commis- sioned Beethoven to compose a quartet, the honorarium being fixed. Wegeler's recollection was that Beethoven twice undertook the task; but the first effort resulted in the String Trio and the second in "a quintet (Op. 4)." There is not sufficient internal evidence to reject the story so far as it affects the Quintet (the Trio has already been subjected to study), and from its structure it might well be argued that the composition was undertaken as a Numerous Pieces of Chamber Music 205 quartet and expanded into a quintet in the hands of the composer. If Count Appony's commission was given in 1795, the date of the completion of the Quintet may be set down as 1796. Artaria, who published the work, advertised it in the "Wiener Zeitung" of February 8th, 1797. The two Sonatas for Pianoforte and Violoncello, Op. 5, belong to the year 1796, and are the fruits of the visit to Berlin. There is no reason to question Ries's story that Beethoven composed them for Pierre Duport and played them with him. The dedication to Friedrich Wilhelm II and the character of the works lend credil)il- ity to Ries's account of their origin. Beethoven played them with Bernhard Romberg in Vienna at the close of 1796 or beginning of 1797, and they were published soon afterward, being advertised by Artaria in the "Wiener Zeitung" of February 8th, 1797. The Twelve Variations on a theme from Handel's "Judas Maccabjpus," were published by Artaria in 1797, dedicated to the Princess Lich- nowsky, nee Countess Thun. There were no performances of Handel's oratorios in Vienna at this time, but it is not improbable that the suggestion for the Variations came from Baron van Swieten. Here seems to be the place to refer to the Allegro movement in sonata-form for viola and violoncello which Beetlioven gave the title, "Duett mit zwei Augenglasern obbligato von L. v. Beet- hoven" (Duet with two Eyeglasses obbligato, by L. v. Beethoven), to be found in the volume of sketches from this period (1784-1800) which the British Museum bought from J. N. Kafka in 1875. ^ There ought to be a hint as to the identity of the two ])layers "with two eyeglasses obbligato." Here is also the place for the three Duos for Clarinet and Bassoon first published by Andre in Offenbach. The Sextet for Wind-instruments pul)lished by Breit- kopf and Ilartel in 1810 (it received the opus number 71 later), belongs to this period. Sketches for the last movement, which differ from the ultimate form, however, are found amongst the sketches for the Pianoforte Sonata, Op. 10, No. S. The iiucplion of the Sonata must fall sometinu- Ix'twecn the middle of 17!)() and the mifidle of 1798, since the subscription for it was opened in the beginning of July, 1798, and other works of a similar character were already completed in 1797. It is, therefore, possible to place the origin of the earlier movements of the Sextet in an earlier period, say 1796-97, a proceeding which is confirmed i)y the cir- cumstance that the beginning is found before sketcJies for "Ah, "See the articles by J. S. Shedlock in "The Mtisiral Times." June to December, 1892. Mr. Shedlock made a copy of the duet for Dr. Deitera. 206 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven perfidol" (which was composed in 1796 at the latest), on a sheet of sketclios in the Artaria collection. The Kafka volume of sketches in the British JMuseum contains sketches for the minuet and trio of the Sextet, "Ah, perfido!" and the Pianoforte Sonata, Op. 49, No. 2. This fact also indicates the year 1796. Beethoven let the work lie a long time. It had its first hearing at a chamber con- cert for the benefit of Schuppanzigh in April, 1805; but it was not until 1809 that he gave it out for publication. On August 3rd of that year he wrote to Breitkopf and Hartel: "By the next mail- coach you will receive a song, or perhaps two, and a sextet for wind- instruments," and on August 8th: "The sextet is one of my earlier things and, moreover, w^as written in a single night — nothing can really be said of it beyond that it was written by an author who at least has produced a few better works; yet for many people such works are the best." The statement that the work was written in a single night must be taken in a Pickwickian sense, for sketches of it have been found. It is plain that at this time Beethoven had a particular pre- dilection for wind-instruments. Erich Prieger owned a fragment of a Quintet in E-flat for Oboe, three Horns and Bassoon, formerly in the possession of Artaria. The beginning of the first movement is lacking, but can be supplied from the repetition in the second part. The Adagio is intact, but there are only a few measures of the Minuet. Influenced, no doubt, by the performances of such compositions, Beethoven composed at this time two works for two oboes and English horn. Nottebohm surmises that they were in- stigated by a terzetto for two oboes and English horn composed by a musician named Wendt and performed at a concert of the Tonkiinstler-Gesellschaft by three brothers, Johann, Franz and Philipp Teimer, on December 23rd, 1793. One of the two works, the Trio which was published as Op. 87, is pretty well known, since it was made accessible to wider circles by arrangements pub- lished in Beethoven's day and with his approval, Artaria pub- lished it in April, 1806, without opus number. He also published it for two violins and viola as Op. 29, and finally as a Sonata for Pianoforte and Violin. The last transcription was published first, as stated in Thayer's Catalogue. Nothing of a historical nature is known of the Variations on "La ci darem" for the same instru- ments beyond the fact that they w^ere performed on December 23rd, 1797, at the concert for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans in the National Court Theatre. On a free page of the autograph (after the sixth variation) there are some miscellaneous sketches, among them a motive for the Adagio of Op. 3, another which was Predilection for Wixd-Ixstrumexts 207 used in the Serenade, Op. 25, and, more remarkable still, a few measures of "Adelaide," on whicli he was at work in 1793, and which appeared in print in 1797. Obviously, the Variations were finished, and we may set down at the latest the year 1795 for their beginning. The Sextet for four stringed instruments and two horns. Op. 81b, also belongs to this early period and in all likelihood was con- ceived before the Sextet for wind-instruments. Sketches for the first two movements are upon a sheet in the Berlin library by the side of sketches for the song, "Seufzer eines Ungeliebten." Sketches for this song keep company with some for "Adelaide.'* The Sextet is therefore to be credited to the year 1795, or perhaps 179-1. It was published in 1819 by Simrock in Bonn. In a letter which Beethoven sent to Simrock with the MS. (but which has been lost) he had written to the pul)lisher, who was an admirable horn player, that "the pupil had given his master many a hard nut to crack." As to whether or not, and if so when and where, the Sextet had been played before being sent to Simrock there is, as yet, no conclusive evidence. The beautiful Quintet in E flat, Op. 16, for Pianoforte and Wind-instruments, was played at a concert given by Scliuppanzigh on April 6tli, 1797, being number 5 on the programme which de- scribed it as "A Quintet for the Fortepiano accompanied by four Wind-instruments, played and composed by Mr. Ludwig van Beethoven." It liad probably })een completed not long before. Sketches are found in connection with a remark concerning tlie Sonata in C minor. Op. 10, No. 1. It was in all probability composed between 1794 and the be- ginning of 1797. In the minutes of a meeting of the Tonkiinstler- Gesellschaft under date May 10th, 1797, occurs this entry: "On the second day Mr. van Beethoven produced a Quintet and dis- tinguished liimself in the Quintet and incidentally by an iuiprovi- sation." The word "dabey" (incidentally) seems to indicate that lie introduced an imi)rovisation in the Quintet as he did on a later occasion to the embarrassment of the other i)laycrs, but to the delight of the listeners. Ries tells the story in liis "Xoti/.en," p. 79. It was at a concert at which the famous oboist Friedrich Kamm, of Municli, took ])art. In the final Allegro there occur several holds before a resiuuption of the theme. At one of these Beethoven suddenly he^'an to improvise", took tlie Rorulo as a theme a?ul entertained himself and the (dliers for a consideral>lc space; but not his assoei.ites. They were displeased, anT; i J | r- i rr hfnH J l j J ^ l r ^^ Baas: C. Nottebohm notes the theme also in his "Zweite Beethoveniana" (p. 577). Shedlock's contention that out of this theme grew the second movement of the first Pianoforte Quartet (composed in '"Beethoveniana." p. 31. Later Beethoven wanted to give the Sonata an Inter- mezzo m C major {Ibid., p. 479j, but did not carry out the intention. The "Jena" Symphony and Some Dances 211 1785) is incontestable. The symphonic sketch is therefore of earher date than 1785. In 1909, Prof. Fritz Stein, Musical Director of the University of Jena, announced that in the collection of music of the Academic Concerts, founded in 1780, he had discovered the complete parts of a symphony in four movements in C "par Louis van Beethoven." These words are in the handwriting of the copy- ist on the second violin part; on the 'cello part is written: "Sym- phonic von Beethoven." Dr. Hugo Riemann,^ after a glance through the score prej^ared by Prof. Stein and put at his disposal, gave it as his opinion that the symphony might well be a com- position by Beethoven. Thematically, he says it suggests partly the Mannheim school, partly Haydn; the instrumentation is nearer Mozart than Stamitz or Cannabich. Mention of Beethoven's orchestral dances has already been made. Schindler's remark that the musicians of Vienna "refused citizenship" to Beethoven's efforts to write Austrian dance music is discredited, at least so far as Viennese societv is concerned, bv the success of his dances composed for the Redoutensaal and the very considerable number of his waltzes, liindlers, minuets, ecos- saises, allemandes and contra-dances which have been preserved. Only the smaller portion of these dances have been included in the Complete Edition of Breitkopf and Hartel. Thus in Series II there are 12 minuets and 12 German dances; in Series XXV (Supplement), 6 "Landrische Tanze" for two violins and bass, 6 German dances for pianoforte and violin, and, for pianoforte alone, 6 German dances, G ecossaises and a few miscellaneous dances; in Series X\ III (Small Pieces for Pianoforte) there are minuets and 13 "Landrische" (1-6 identical with those numbered 7-18 in Series II, but transcribed). There are many dances as yet unpub- lished. For instance, among the Artaria IVISS. ])urchase(l by Erich Prieger, there are 12 ecossaises, of which (5 are as yet un- known, also 12 "Deutsche" for j)ianoforte and (5 miuuets for two violins ancl bass, which have never been j)rinl('(l. 'i'lie three orchestral dances noted by 'J'hayer in the 'JMieuialic: Catalogue as No. 290, of the Artaria collection, are Nos. 3, 9 and II of the 12 minuets which A. von Perger discovered in the archives of the Kiinstler-Pensions-Institut in 1872, and wliirh wcrr published by Ileugel in Paris in pianoforte transcription in 1903 and in score ,-ind parts in ]f)Of), edited by Chantavoine. 'i'hey were coiiii)osed for the Klinstlersocietiit and are now in the Court Ij'br;ir>- al \ ienna. (MS. 10,925.) 'S«-o Vol. II, p. 60, of the revised edition of "Ludwig van Beethoven's Lcben" by Thayer, lUlO. Chapter XV General Bernadotte — His Connection with the "Heroic'* Symphony — Rival Pianists — J. Wolffl — Dragonetti and Cramer — Compositions of the Years 1798 and 1799. EARLY in the year 1798, a political event occurred which demands notice here from its connection with one of Beethoven's noblest and most original works — the "Sin- fonia Eroica." The singular tissue of error which, owing to carelessness in observing dates, has been woven in relation to its origin may be best destroyed by a simple statement of fact. The extraordinary demands made by the French Directory upon the Austrian government as preliminary to the renewal of diplomatic intercourse, after the peace of Campo Formio — such as a national palace and French theatre for the minister and the right of jurisdiction over all Frenchmen in the Austrian dominions — all of which were rejected by the Imperial government, had aroused to a high pitch the public curiosity both as to the man who might be selected for the appointment and as to the course he might adopt. This curiosity was by no means diminished by the intelligence that the new minister was Jean Baptiste Bernadotte, the young general who had borne so important a part in the recent invasion of Istria. He arrived in Vienna on February 5th, 1798. The state of the Empress's health, who was delivered of the Arch- dufhess Maria Clementine on the 1st of March, delayed the private audience of Bernadotte for the presentation of his credentials to the Emperor until the second of that month, and his public audience until the 8th of April. During the festivities of the court, which then took place, Bernadotte was always present, and a reporter of that day says both the Emperor and Empress held more conver- sation with him than with any other of the "cercle." This familiar intercourse, however, came speedily to an end; for on the 13th Bernadotte had the rashness to display the hated tricolor from his balcony and to threaten to defend it by force. A riot occurred, and it was thought that in the extreme excitement of popular feeling [212] Bernadotte and the Heroic Sysiphony 213 nothing but the strong detachments of cavalry and infantry de- tailed for his protection saved his life — saved it to ascend the throne of Sweden on the twentieth anniversary of his arrival in Vienna! Since etiquette allowed a foreign minister neither to make nor receive visits in his public capacity until after his formal reception at court, the General, during the two months of his stay, except the last five days, "lived very quietly." Those who saw him praised him as "well behaved, sedate and modest." In his train was Rudolph Kreutzer, the great violinist. Bernadotte had now just entered his 34th year; Kreutzer was in his 32nd; both of them, therefore, in age, as in tastes and ac- quirements, fitted to appreciate the splendor of Beethoven's ge- nius and to enjoy his society. Moreover, as the Ambassador was the son of a provincial advocate, there was no difference of rank by birth, which could prevent them from meeting upon equal terms. Under such circumstances, and remembering that just at that epoch the young General Bonaparte was the topic of universal wonder and admiration, one is fully prepared for the statement of Schindler upon the origin of the "Heroic" Symphony: The first idea for the symphony is said to have gone out from General Bernadotte, then French Ambassador in Vienna, who esteemed Beethoven very highly. This I heard from several of Beethoven's friends. I was also told so by Count Moritz Lichnowsky (brother of Prince Lichnowsky), who was often in the society of Bernadotte with Beethoven. . . . Again in 1823: Beethoven had a lively recollection that Bernadotte had really first inspired him with the idea of the "Eroica" Symphony. This is from Schindler's work in its first form. His unfortu- nate propensity sometimes to accept the illusions of his fancy for matters of fact is exliibited in the corresponding passage in his third edition: In Bcrnuflotte's salon, which was opvn to notal)iliti('s of all ranks of life, Beethoven also ai)i>eare(i. II<; hud already m:uU'. it known that he was a great admirer of the First Consul of the Rej)Mhlie. From the General emanated the SMgf,'estion tliat Beethoven e<'lcl)r;il<' flw' ^'rratest hero of his a^e in a musical com|)osition. It was not long (!) before the thought had become a deed. (Vol. I, page 101.) In proceeding with the history of the Syinf)hony, Schindler extracts largely from Beethoven's own copy of Sc]ilei(>nnac}ier's translation of Plato. That the idea of Bonaparte as First Consul 21 -i The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven may have influenced the form and matter of the Symphony, when he came to the hibor of its composition, and that Beethoven may liavc based for liimself a sort of system of political ethics upon Schloiorniacher's Plato — all this is very possible; but Bernadotte was far away from Vienna before the consular form of government was adopted at Paris, and the "Sinfonia Eroica" had been pub- licly performed at Vienna before the Plato came from the Berlin press ! It is certainly to be regretted that so much fine writing by Scliindler and his copyists on this point should be exploded by a date — like a ship by a single shell; but how could anyone believe that the much-employed Beethoven, at the age of 27, he who had refused two years before, even despite Wegeler's urging, to listen to a single private lecture on Kant, had become in so short a time a Platonic philosopher? Let us return to a field where Beethoven was even now more at home than he ever became in Plato's political philosophy. Salieri had again engaged him for the "Widows and Orphans" concerts of April 1st and 2nd at which Haydn's "Seven Last Words" was sung and Beethoven's Pianoforte Quintet played. Kaiser Franz and the imperial family were present. It was now no longer the case that Beethoven was without a rival as pianoforte virtuoso. He had a competitor fully worthy of his powers; one who divided about equally with him the suffrages of the leaders in the Vienna musical circles. In fact the excellencies peculiar to the two were such and so different, that it depended upon the taste of the auditor to which he accorded the praise of superiority. Joseph Wolffl of Salzburg, two years younger than Beethoven, a "wonder-child," who had played a violin concerto in public at the age of seven years, was a pupil of Leopold Mozart and Michael Haydn. Being in Vienna, when but eighteen years old, he was engaged, on the recommendation of Mozart, by the Polish count Oginsky, who took him to Warsaw. His success there, as pianoforte virtuoso, teacher and composer, was almost unexampled. But it is only in his character as pianist that we have to do with him; and a reference may be made to the general principle, that a worthy competition is the best spur to genius. When we read in one of his letters Beethoven's words "I have also greatly perfected my pianoforte playing," they will cause no sur- prise; for only by severe industry and consequent improvement could he retain his high position, in the presence of such rivals as Wolffl and, a year or two later, J. B. Cramer. A lively picture of Wolffl by Tomaschek, who heard him in 1799, in his autobiography Rivalry of Beethoven and Wolffl 21 o sufficiently proves that his party in Vienna was composed of those to whom extraordinary execution was the main thing; while Beet- hoven's admirers were of those who had hearts to be touched. A parallel between Beethoven and Wolffl in a letter to the "Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung" (Vol. I, pp. 24, 25) dated April 22, 1799, just at the time when the performances of both were topics of general conversation in musical circles, and still fresh in the memory of all who had heard them, is in the highest degree apposite to the subject of this chapter. The writer says: Opinion is divided here touching the merits of the two; yet it would seem as if the majority were on the side of the latter (WolflB). I shall try to set forth the peculiarities of each without taking part in the controversy. Beethoven's playing is extremely brilliant but has less delicacy and occasionally he is guilty of indistinctness. He shows himself to the greatest advantage in improvisation, and here, indeed, it is most extraordinary with what lightness and yet firmness in the succession of ideas Beethoven not only varies a theme given him on the spur of the moment by figuration (with which many a virtuoso makes his fortune and — wind) but really develops it. Since the death of Mozart, who in this respect is for me still the non plus ultra, I have never enjoyed this kind of pleasure in the degree in which it is provided by Beethoven. In this Wolffl fails to reach him. But W. has advan- tages in this that, sound in musical learning and dignified in his compo- sitions, he plays passages which seem impossible with an ease, precision and clearness which cause amazement (of course he is helped here by the large structure of his hands) and that his interpretation is always, especially in Adagios, so pleasing and insinuating tiiat one can not only admire it but also enjoy That Wolffl likewise enjoys an advantage because of his amiable bearing, contrasted with the some- what haughty pose of Beethoven, is very natural. No biography of Beethoven which makes any pretence to completeness, can omit the somewhat inflated and bombastic account which Seyfried gives of the emulation between Beethoven and Wolffl. Ignatz von Seyfried at the period in cpiestion was one of Schikaneder's conductors, to which position he had been called when not quite twenty-one years of age, and had assumed its duties March 1, 1797. lie was among the most promising of (he young composers of the capital, belonged to a highly respectable family, had been educated at tlie University, and his personal char- acter was unblemished. He would, therefore, naturally have access to the musical salons and his reminiscences of music and musicians in those years may be accei)ted as the records of observation. The unfavorable light which the researches of Nottebolun have thrown upon him as editor of the so-called "Beethoven Shidien" does not extend to such statements of fact as might easily have come under 216 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven his own cognizance; and the passage now cited from the appendix of the "Studien," though written thirty years after the events it describes, bears all the marks of being a faithful transcript of the writer's own memories: Beethoven had already attracted attention to himself by several compositions and was rated a first-class pianist in Vienna when he was confronted by a rival in the closing years of the last century. Thereupon there was, in a way, a revival of the old Parisian feud of the Gluckists and Piccinists, and the many friends of art in the Imperial City arrayed themselves in two parties. At the head of Beethoven's admirers stood the amiable Prince Lichnowsky; among the most zealous patrons of Wolffl was the broadly cultured Baron Raymond von Wetzlar, whose delif,'htful villa (on the Griinberg near the Emperor's recreation-castle) offered to all artists, native and foreign, an asylum in the summer months, as pleasing as it was desirable, with true British loyalty. There the interesting combats of the two athletes not infrequently offered an indescribable artistic treat to the numerous and thoroughly select gath- ering. Each brought forward the latest product of his mind. Now one and anon the other gave free rein to his glowing fancy; sometimes they would seat themselves at two pianofortes and improvise alternately on themes which they gave each other, and thus created many a four- hand Capriccio which if it could have been put upon paper at the moment would surely have bidden defiance to time. It would have been difficult, perhaps impossible, to award the palm of victory to either one of the gladiators in respect of technical skill. Nature had been a particularly kind mother to Wolffl in bestowing upon him a gigantic hand which could span a tenth as easily as other hands compass an octave, and permitted him to play passages of double notes in these intervals with the rapidity of lightning. In his improvisations even then Beethoven did not deny his tendency toward the mysterious and gloomy. When once he began to revel in the infinite world of tones, he was trans- ported also above all earthly things; — his spirit had burst all restricting bonds, shaken off the yoke of servitude, and soared triumphantly and jubilantly into the luminous spaces of the higher aether. Now his playing tore along like a wildly foaming cataract, and the conjurer constrained his instrument lo an utterance so forceful that the stoutest structure was scarcely able to withstand it; and anon he sank down, exhausted, exhaling gentle plaints, dissolving in melancholy. Again the spirit would soar aloft, triumphing over transitory terrestrial suf- ferings, turn its glance upward in reverent sounds and find rest and com- fort on the innocent bosom of holy nature. But who shall sound the depths of the sea? It was the mystical Sanscrit language whose hiero- glyphs can be read only by the initiated. Wolffl, on the contrary, trained in the school of Mozart, was always equable; never superficial but always clear and thus more accessible to the multitude. He used art only as a means to an end, never to exhibit his acquirements. He always enlisted the interest of his hearers and inevitably compelled them to follow the progression of his well-ordered ideas. Whoever has heard Hummel will know what is meant by this. . . . ToMASCHEK ON Beethoven's Playing 217 But for this (the attitude of their patrons) the proteges cared very little. They respected each other because they knew best how to appre- ciate each other, and as straightforward honest Germans followed the principle that the roadway of art is broad enough for many, and that it is not necessary to lose one's self in envy in pushing forward for the goal of fame! Wolffl proved his respect for his rival by dedicating to "M. L. van Beethoven" the pianoforte sonatas. Op, 7, which were highly commended in the "Allg. Mus. Zeit." of Leipsic of January, 1799. Another interesting and valuable discussion of Beethoven's powers and characteristics as a pianoforte virtuoso at this period is con- tained in the autobiography of Tomaschek, who heard him both in public and in private during a visit which Beethoven made again this year to Prague. Tomaschek was then both in age (he was born on April 17, 1774) and in musical culture competent to form an independent judgment on sucli a subject. In the year 1798, says Tomaschek (unfortunately without giving any clue to the time of the year), in which I continued my juridical studies, Beethoven, the giant among pianoforte players, came to Prague. He gave a largely attended concert in the Konviktssaal, at which he played his Concerto in C major, Op. 15, and the Adagio and graceful Rondo in A major from Op. 2, and concluded with an improvisation on a theme given him by Countess Sch... (Schick?), "Ah tu fosti il primo oggetto," from Mozart's "Titus" (duet No. 7). Beethoven's magnificent playing and particularly the daring flights in his improvisation stirred me strangely to the depths of my soul; indeed I found myself so profoundly bowed down that I did not touch my pianoforte for several days. . . . I heard Beethoven at his second concert, which neither in performance nor in composition renewed again the first powerful impression. This time he played the Concerto in B-flat which he had just composed in Prague.' Then I heard him a third time at the home of ('ount C, whore he played, besides the graceful Rondo from the A major Sonata, an imi)rovisation on the theme: ".Vh! vous dirai-je, Manuui." Tliis time 1 listened to Beethoven's artistic work with more composure, i admired his powerful and brilliant playing, but his frequent daring deviations from one motive to another, whereby the organic connection, the gr.'idual (lev('lof)ment of idea was put aside, did not escape me. Kyils of this nature frequently weaken his greatest compositions, those which sprang from a too exuberant conception. It is not seldom I hat the unbiassed listener is ruddy awakened from his transport. 'Hk; singular anfl original seemed to be his chief aim in composition, as is confirmed by the answer which he made to a lady who asked him if he often attended Mozart's operas. "I do not know them," he replied, *'a»id do not care to hear the music of others lest I forfeit some of my originality." 'It will be seen in a litter of Beethoven's that this concerto was in fact composed before that in C major; but it is not improbable that the last movement was written in Prague. 218 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven The veteran Tomaschek when he wrote thus had heard all the greatest virtuosos of the pianoforte, who, from the days of Mozart to 1840, had made themselves famous; and yet Beethoven re- mained for him still "the lord of pianoforte players" and "the giant among pianoforte players." Still, great as he was now when Tomaschek heard him, Beethoven could write three years later that he had greatly perfected his playing. It is only to be added to the history of the year 1798, that it is the time in which Beethoven fixes the beginning of his deafness. Like it, the year 1799 offers, upon the whole, but scanty materials to the biographers of Beethoven — standing in broad contrast to the next and, indeed all succeeding years, in which their quantity and variety become a source of embarrassment. Two new and valuable, though but passing acquaintances, were made by Beethoven this year, however — with Domenico Drago- netti, the greatest contrabassist known to history, and John Baptist Cramer, one of the greatest pianists. Dragonetti was not more remarkable for his astounding execution than for the deep, genuine musical feeling which elevated and ennobled it. He was now — the spring of 1799, so far as the means are at hand of determining the time — returning to London from a visit to his native province, and his route taking him to Vienna he remained there for several weeks. Beethoven and he soon met and they were mutually pleased with each other. Many years afterwards Dragonetti re- lated the following anecdote to Samuel Appleby, Esq., of Brighton, England: "Beethoven had been told that his new friend could exe- cute violoncello music upon his huge instrument, and one morning, when Dragonetti called at his room, he expressed his desire to hear a sonata. The contrabass was sent for, and the Sonata, No. 2, of Op. 5, was selected. Beethoven played his part, with his eyes immovably fixed upon his companion, and, in the finale, where the arpeggios occur, was so delighted and excited that at the close he sprang up and threw his arms around both player and instrument." The unlucky contrabassists of orchestras had frequent occasion during the next few years to know that this new revelation of the powers and possibilities of their instrument to Beethoven, was not forgotten. Cramer, born at Mannheim, 1771, but from early infancy reared and educated in England, was successively the pupil of the noted Bensor, Schroeter and Clementi; but, like Beethoven, was in no small degree self-taught. He was so rarely and at such long intervals on the Continent that his extraordinary merits have never been fully understood and appreciated there. Yet for a period of Cil\mer's Recollections of Beethoven 219 many years in the first part of the nineteenth century he was un- doubtedly, upon the whole, the first pianist of Europe, The object of his tour in 1799 was not to display his own talents and acquire- ments, but to add to his general musical culture and to profit by his observations upon the styles and peculiar characteristics of the great pianists of the Continent. In Vienna he renewed his inter- course with Haydn, whose prime favorite he had been in England, and at once became extremely intimate with Beethoven. Cramer surpassed Beethoven in the perfect neatness, correct- ness and finish of his execution; Beethoven assured him that he preferred his touch to that of any other player; his brilliancy was astonishing; but yet taste, feeling, expression, were the qualities which more eminently distinguished him. Beethoven stood far above Cramer in power and energy, especially when extemporizing. Each was supreme in his own sphere; each found much to learn in the perfections of the other; each, in later years, did full justice to the other's powers. Thus Ries says: "Amongst the pianoforte players he [Beethoven] had praise for but one as being distin- guished — John Cramer. All others were but little to him." On the other hand, Mr. Appleby, who knew Cramer well, was long afterwards told by him, "No man in these days has heard extempore playing, unless he has heard Beethoven." Making a visit one morning to him, Cramer, as he entered the anteroom, heard Beethoven extemporizing by himself, and re- mained there more than half an hour "completely entranced," never in his life having heard such exquisite effects, sucJi beautiful combinations. Knowing Beethoven's extreme dislike to being listened to on such occasions, Cramer retired and never let him know that lie had so heard him. Cramer's widow communicates a pleasant anecdote. At an Augarten Concert the two pianists were walking togetlior and hear- ing a performance of Mozart's pianoforte Concerto in C minor (Kcichel, No. 491); Beethoven suddenly stood still and, directing his c()my)ani()n's attention to the exceedingly simple, but (Miually beautiful motive which is first introduced towards tlu; end of the piece, exclaimed: "Cramer, Cramer! we shall never be able to do anything like that!" As the theme was repeated and \\ ron^jil up to the climax, Beethoven, swaying his body to and fro, marked the time and in every j)ossil)le manner manifested a delighl rising to enthusiasm. ScJiindler's record of his conversations upon lieellioven with Cramer and Chenibini in IS-H is interesting and vahiable. He has, however, left one important consideration unnoticed, namely, •220 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven t}iat the visits of those masters to Vienna were five years apart — five years of great change in Beethoven — a period during wliich his deafness, too slight to attract Cramer's attention, had increased to a degree beyond conceahnent, and which, joined to his increased devotion to composition and compulsory abandonment of all ambition as a virtuoso, with consequent neglect of practice, had affected his execution unfavorably. Hence the difference in the opinions of such competent judges as Cramer, describing him as he was in 1799-1800, Cherubini in 1805-6, and two years later Clementi, afford a doubtless just and fair indication of the decline of Beethoven's powers as a mere pianist — not extending, however, at least for some years yet, to his extemporaneous performances. We shall find from Ries and others ample confirmation of the fact. And now let Schindler speak: To the warm feeling of Cramer for Beethoven I owe the more important matters. . . . Cherubini, disposed to be curt, characterized Beethoven's pianoforte playing in a single word: "rough." The gentle- man Cramer, however, desired that less offence be taken at the rudeness of his performance than at the unreliable reading of one and the same composition — one day intellectually brilliant and full of characteristic expression, the next freakish to the verge of unclearness; often confused. (Which is confirmed by Ries, Czerny and others.) Because of this a few friends expressed a wish to hear Cramer play several works publicly from the manuscript. This touched a sensitive spot in Beethoven; his jealousy was aroused and, according to Cramer, their relations be- came strained. This strain, however, left no such sting behind it as to diminish Cramer's good opinion of Beethoven both as man and artist, or hinder his free expression of it. To this fact the concurrent testi- mony of his widow and son, and those enthusiasts for Beethoven Charles Neate, Cipriani Potter and others who knew Cramer well, bear witness. It was the conversation of Cramer about Beethoven which induced Potter, after the fall of Napoleon, to journey to Vienna, to make the acquaintance of the great master and, if possible, become his pupil. Cramer's musical gods were Handel and Mozart, notwith- standing his life-long love for Bach's clavier compositions; hence the abrupt transitions, the strange modulations, and the, until then, unheard passages, which Beethoven introduced ever more freely into his works — many of which have not yet found universal acceptance — were to him, as to Tomaschek and so many other of his contemporaries, imperfections and distortions of compositions, which but for them were models of beauty and harmonious propor- tion. He once gave this feeling utterance with comic exaggeration. Beethoven's Demeanor in Society 221 when Potter, then a youth, was extolling some abstruse combina- tions, by saying: "If Beethoven emptied his inkstand upon a piece of music paper you would admire it!" Upon Beethoven's demeanor in society, Schindler proceeds thus: The communications of both (Cramer and Madame Cherubini) agreed in saying that in mixed society his conduct was reserved, stiff and marked by artist's pride; whereas among his intimates he was droll, lively, indeed, voluble at times, and fond of giving play to all the arts of wit and sarcasm, not always wisely especially in respect of political and social prejudices. To this the two were able to add much concerning his awkwardness in taking hold of such objects as glasses, coffee cups, etc., to which Master Cherubini added the comment: "Toujours brusque." These statements confirmed what I had heard from his older friends touching the social demeanor of Beethoven in general. Cramer reached Vienna early in September, and remained there, according to Schindler, through the following winter; but he does not appear to have given any public concerts, although, during the first month of his stay, we learn from a newspaper, he "earned general and deserved applause by his playing." It is needless to dwell upon the advantages to Beethoven of constant intercourse for several months with a master like Cramer, whose noblest characteristics as pianist were the same as ]Mozart's, and precisely those in which Beethoven was deficient. Let us pass in review the compositions whicli had their origin in the years 1798 and 17!)0. First of all couu' the three Trios lor stringed instruments, Op. 9. The exact date of their conception lias not yet been deteniiined, all that is positive being that Beet- hoven sold tliem to 'JVaeg on March 1(5, 1798, and that the pub- lisher's announcement of them appeared on July 21st of the same year. The only sketches for tlie Trios (pioted by Notteboluu show them in connection with a sketch for the last movement of the "Sonate pathetique," which was |)tiblis]i('d in 1799; but this proves nothing. It may l)e easily imagiru'd that Beethoven desired to make more extended use of tlu^ cx[)erieiiee gained in writing the Trios, Op. 3, and that he therefore began sketching Op. 9 in 17!)(> or 1797. Beethoven dedicated the works to Count Browne in words such as could hardly have been called forth by the present of a horse. Perhaps .some future investigator will be al>le to show upon what grounds Beethoven in the dedication called Count '22'2 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Browne his "first Maecenas," a title better deserved by Prince Liclinowsky. The first two concertos for pianoforte call for consideration here, for it was not until 1798 that they acquired the form in which they are now known. That the Concerto in B-flat was the earlier of the two has been proved in a preceding chapter of this volume. It was this Concerto and not the one in C major (as Wegeler incor- rectly reported) that was played in March, 1795. Wegeler's error was due to the circumstance that the Concerto in C was published first. Sketches for the Concerto in B-flat major are found among the exercises written for Albrechtsberger, sketches for the Sonata in E major (Op. 14, No. 1), and others for a little quartet movement which was owned by M. Malherbe of Paris; on this sheet occurs a short exercise with the remark "Contrapunto all' ottava" which points to the beginning of 1795 or even 1794. The sketch is an obviously early form of a passage in the free fantasia. This agrees with the statement that on March 29, 1795, Beethoven played a new concerto, the key of which is not indicated. It is most likely that it was this in B-flat, since the one in C did not exist at the time. Beethoven, it appears, played it a few times afterward in Vienna and then rewrote it. According to Tomaschek's account he played the B-flat Concerto (expressly distinguished from that in C) in 1798, again in Prague. Tomaschek added, "which he had composed in Prague." This is confounding the original version with the revision, concerning which Nottebohm gives information in his "Zweite Beethoveniana" on the basis of sketches which point to 1798. The fact of the revision is proved by Beethoven's memoranda, such as "To remain as it was," "From here on every- thing to remain as it w^as." The revision of the first movement was radical, and the entire work was apparently undertaken in view of an imminent performance, most likely that of Prague in 1798. It was published by Hoffmeister und Klihnel and dedicated to Carl Nikl Edlen von Nikelsberg. That the Concerto in C was composed later than that in B-flat has been proved by Beethoven's testimony as well as other external evidences and is confirmed by the few remaining sketches analyzed by Nottebohm. They appear in connection with a sketch for the cadenza for the B-flat Concerto which, therefore, must have been finished when its companion was begun. A sketch for a cadenza for the C major Concerto comes after sketches for the Sonata in D, Op. 10, No. 3, which w^as published in 1798. This new concerto must, therefore, have been finished. According to the testimony of Tomaschek he played it in 1798 in the Konviktsaal in Prague. The First Two Pl\xoforte Coxxertos 2^23 Schindler says he played it for the first time "in the spring of ISOO in the Karnthnerthor-Theater," but this concert is likely to have been that of April 2nd, 1800, described by Hanslick in his "Ge- schichte des Concertwesens in "NYien" (p. 127). Schindler evidently knew nothing of the performance in Prague and a confusion must be at the bottom of Czerny's statement that the Concerto was played in the Karnthnerthor-Theater in 1801. The Concerto in C, dedicated to the Countess Odescalchi, nee Keglevich, was pub- lished by Mollo in Vienna in 1801. There are three cadenzas for the first movement of the Concerto, the last two of whicJi call for an extended compass of the pianoforte and are thus shown to be of later date than the first. To these concertos must be added the Rondo in B-flat for Pianoforte and Orchestra found unfinished among Beethoven's compositions and published by Diabelli and Co. in 1829. Sonn- leithner, on the authority of Diabelli, says it was com])leted by Czerny, who also filled out the accompaniment. There is no authentic record of the time of its composition, O. Jahn surmised that it may have been designed for the Concerto in B-flat. Its contents indicate an earlier period. A sketch ])rinte(l by Xotte- bohm associated with a Romanza for Pianoforte, Flute and lias- soon, judged by the handwriting, is not of later date than 17!)5. E. Mandyczewski compared the original manuscript, now in the library of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, witli the printed form and decided that the work was completed in plan and vwtivi l)y Beethoven, who, however, did not carry out the caden/as aiid only indicated the passages. The share which Czerny had in it is thus indicated; he added the cadenzas and extended the i)iau()r(»rle passages which Beethoven had only indicated, making them more effective and brilliant. The use of the high registers of tlu- ])iaiio- forte, which Czerny employs somewhat too freely in view of Ih.- simple character of the piece, was not contemplal<'d l)y Beethoven, who once remarked of Czerny: "He uses the piccolo too much for me." In Mandyczewski's oplniim the handwriliiig points to a time before 1800, and the contents indicate the early X'ieima if not the Bonn period. Mandyczewski also thinks that the roinanza- like Andante is palpably a very early compositicm and that the correspondence in key and measure willi the B-flat Coneerlo nu-iil indicate that it was originally designed as a part of that work, a snj)- position which is strengthened l)y the fact that tlie ongnial manu- script is neither dated nor signed. This internal evidenee has nuieh in its favor, the more since it is not at all obvious what might hav<' prompted Beethoven to writ(> an independent rondo for cone.-rt 2'2-i The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven use. There is no external evidence; if there were, the conception of tJie B-flat Concerto would have to be set at a much earlier date than has yet been done. The first Vienna sketches for the Concerto, as Nottebohm shows, prove that the present three move- ments belonged together from the beginning. They were, there- fore, surely played at the first performance in 1795. Nottebohm, who repeated Jahn's surmise in his "Thematisches Verzeichniss," changed his mind after a study of the sketches and rejected the notion that the rondo had been designed for the Concerto. Only by assuming an earlier date for the rondo can the theory be upheld. Attention may here be called to Wegeler's statement ("Notizen," p. 56) that the rondo of the first Concerto (he says, of course, the Concerto in C) was not composed until the second afternoon before the performance. There may possibly have been another. This is not necessarily disproved by the fact that sketches for the present one were in existence. The question is not settled by the evidence now before us, but the probabilities are with Mandyczewski. Now begins the glorious series of sonatas. The first were the three (Op. 10) which, though begun in part at an earlier date, were definitively finished and published in 1798. Eder, the publisher, opened a subscription for them by an advertisement in the "Wiener Zeitung," July 5th, 1798; therefore they were finished at that time. The sketching for them had begun in 1796, as appears from Nottebohm's statement,^ and Beethoven worked on the three simultaneously. Sketches for the first movement of the first Sonata are mixed with sketches for the soprano air for Umlauf's "Schusterin" which have been attributed to 1796, and the Variations for three AVind-Instruments which were played in 1797. Sketches for the third sonata are found among notes for the Sextet for Wind-instru- ments (composed about 1796) and also for the Concerto in C minor, which, therefore, was begun thus early, and for one of the seven country dances which appeared in 1799, or perhaps earlier. The sketches for the last movement of No, 3 are associated alone with sketches for a cadenza for the C major Concerto which Beethoven played in Prague in 1798, and may therefore be placed in this year. It follows that the three sonatas were developed gradually in 1796-98, and completed in 1798. From the sketches and the accompanying memoranda^ we learn, furthermore, that for the first Sonata, which now has three movements, a fourth, an Intermezzo, '"Zweite Beethoveniana," p. 29 et seq. 'Among sketches for the second movement of the Quintet, Op. 16, Beethoven wrote: "For the new sonatas very short minuets. The Scherzo remains for that in C minor." And in another sketch he writes: "Intermezzo for the sonata in C minor." —Nottebohm, "Zweite Beethoveniana," 32, 479. Composition of the "Sonate Pathetique" 225 was planned on which Beethoven several times made a beginning but permitted to fall. Two of these movements became known afterwards as "Bagatelles." ^Ve learn also that the last movement of the first Sonata, and the second movement of the second, were originally laid out on a larger scale. The "Sonate pathetique," Op. 13, was published by Eder, in Vienna, in 1799, and afterwards by Hoffmeister, who announced them on December 18 of the same year. Sketches for tlie rondo are found among those for the Trio, Op. 9, and after the beginning of a fair copy of the Sonata, Op. 49, No. 1. From this there is no larger deduction than that the Sonata pro])ably had its origin about 1798. One of the sketches, however, indicates that tlie last movement was originally conceived for more than one instrument, probably for a sonata for pianoforte and violin. Beethoven pub- lished the two Sonatas, Op. 14, which he dedicated to the Baroness Braun, immediately after the "Sonate pathetique." They came from the press of Mollo and were announced on Decemlier 21, 1799. The exact time of their composition cannot be determined definitely. Up to the present time no sketches for tlie second are known to exist; copious ones for the first, however, are publislied by Nottebohm in his "Zweite Beethoveniana" (p. 45 et scq.), some of which appear before sketches for the Sonata, Op. 12, No. 3, then approaching completion, and some after sketches for the Concerto in B-flat. Because of this juxtaposition, Nottebohm places the conception of the Sonata in 1795. Touching the history of the Trio, Op. 11, for Pianoforte, Clarinet and Violoncello, little is known. It was advertised as wholly new by Mollo and Co. on October 3, 1798, and is inscribccl to the Countess Tlnm. Sketches associated with works that ;ire unknown or were never completed are in tJie 15rilish INluseuin ami set forth by Nottebohm in his "Zweite lieethoveniaiia" (|). 515). The sketch for the Adagio reseinbU'S the begiiuiiiig of the minuet in the Sonata, Op. 4!), No. 2, and is changed later; this points a])pro\iinately to 179S. The last movement consists of a series of variations on tlu; theme of a trio from \N eigl's opera "L'Amor marinaro," beginning "l*ria ch'io I'inipegno." AVeigKs opera was |)erformed for tin; first, time on October l.">. 1797. Czerny told Otto Jahn tliat lieethoven took tlie tli. They may have been printed previously by Eder. They were drdi- cated to Countess Browne, nee von Bietingholf. It is intcn-stiiig to learn from Czerny that these Variations were the first of Beet- hoven's compositions which the master gave him to study when he became his pupil. Before them h<' had pieces by C. 1*. E, Bacli and after them the "Sonate i)at]ieti(iue." As evidence pointing to the period in which the first Symphony was written we have, first of all, the report of the first j)erforjnance on April 2, 1800; but inasmuch as the copying of the i)arts and the rehearsals must have consumed a considerable time, the period would be much too short (especially in view of Beethoven's nn-f hod of working) if we were also to assuni<* that the Symphony originated in 1800. It is verv likelv that, with the Quartets, it was sketched '■2'IS The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven at an earlier period and worked out in the main by 1799 at the hitest. It was published toward the end of 1801 by HoflFmeister and Kiihnel as Op. 21, dedicated to Baron van Swieten and adver- tised in the "Wiener Zeitung" of January 16, 1802. Beethoven had already planned a symphony while studying with Albrechts- berger. Nottebohm reports on his purposes after a study of some sketches and from him we learn that the theme of the present last movement was originally intended for a first movement. Beet- hoven must have worked on this composition in 1794-'95, perhaps at the suggestion of van Swieten — a conclusion suggested by the fact that the dedication of the first symphony went to him. Beet- hoven abandoned this early plan and turned to other ideas for the new symphony, but there is no clue as to the precise time when this was done. In 1802, Mollo published an arrangement of the symphony as a quintet at the same time that Hoffmeister and Kiihnel published a like arrangement of the Septet. Beethoven published the following protest in the "Wiener Zeitung" of October 20,1802: I believe that I owe it to the public and myself publicly to an- nounce that the two Quintets in C major and E-flat major, of which the first (taken from a symphony of mine) has been published by Mr. Mollo in Vienna, and the second (taken from my familiar Septet, Op. 20) by Mr. Hoffmeister in Leipzig, are not original quintets but transcrip- tions prepared by the publishers. The making of transcriptions at the best is a matter against which (in this prolific day of such things) an author must protest in vain; but it is possible at least to demand of the publishers that they indicate the fact on the title-page, so that the honor of the author may not be lessened and the public be not de- ceived. This much to hinder such things in the future. At the same time I announce that a new Quintet of mine in C major. Op. 29, will shortly be published by Breitkopf and Hartel in Leipzig. Mention may here be made in conclusion of the two French songs, "Que le temps (jour) me dure" (Rousseau) and "Plaisir d'aimer," recovered from sketches and described by Jean Chanta- voine in "Die Musik" (Vol. I, No. 12, 1902). The origin of the latter is fixed in 1799, by its association with a sketch for the Quartets, Op. 18. Chapter XVI Beethoven's Social Life in Vienna — His Friends: Vogl, Kiesewetter, Zmeskall, Amenda, Count Lichnowsky, Ep- pinger, Krumpholz — Schuppanzigh and His Quartet — Hummel — Friendships with Women — His Dedications. THE chronological progress of the narrative must again be interrupted for a chapter or two, since no picture of a man's life can be complete without the lights or shades arising from his social relations — without some degree of knowledge respecting those with whom he is on terms of equality and intimacy and whose company he most affects. The attempt to draw such a picture in the case of Beethoven, that is, during his first years in Vienna, leaves much to be desired, for, altliough the searcli for materials has not been very unsuccessful, many of the data are but vague and scattered notices. In a Conversation Book, bearing Beethoven's own date "on the 20th of March, 18"20," some person unknown writes: Do you want to know where I first had the honor and pood fortune to see you? More than 25 years apo I HvihI with Fniiik of lVat,Mio in the Drachenf^assel in the old Fish Market. Several n<»l)l«'iii<-ii, for instance His Excellency van li. Oistcn (?j, Heinerle, Vo^'l (n<»\v a sinp«'r). Kosswetter, basso, now Court Councillor, Greycnstein {?), has long been living in France, etc. There we often musicicised, etc. sui)[)es to Vienna, wlicre he several times meets lieel ji<)\etj at llie talile (Tliotc, attempts to enter into conversation with him. hut without suercss, .simx; Beeth. remains very rhrrri'. After some time Am<-ri(la. who mean- while had heeomo nmsie-tcacher at \\w. Iiomk^ of .Mf)/,art's widow, n-(<'iv<-H an invitation from a frieri The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven nobility. Hiiring, who became a distinguished merchant and banker, belonged now to this circle of young amateur musicians, and in 1795 had the reputation of being at the head of the amateur violinists. The youthful friendship between him and the com- poser was not interrupted as they advanced into life, and twenty years later was of great advantage to Beethoven. But a more interesting person for us is the instructor under whom Beethoven in Vienna resumed his study of the violin (a fact happily preserved by Ries) — Wenzel Krumpholz. He was a brother of the very celebrated Bohemian harp player who drowned himself in the Seine in 1790. In his youth Krumpholz had been for a period of three years a pupil of Haydn at Esterhaz and had played first violin in the orchestra there. He left Esterhaz to enter the service of Prince Kinsky, but came to Vienna in 1795 to join the operatic orchestra, and at once became noted as a performer in Haydn's quartets. He was (says Eugene Eiserle in Gloggl's "Neue Wiener Musik-Zeitung" of August 13, 1857), a highly sensitive art-enthusiast, and one of the first of those who foresaw and recognized Beethoven's greatness. He attached himself to Beet- hoven with such pertinacity and self-sacrifice that the latter, though he al- ways called him "his fool, "accepted him as "a most intimate friend, "made him acquainted with all his plans for compositions and generally reposed the utmost confidence in him. Krumpholz formed also an exceedingly close friendship with his countryman Wenzel Czerny, a music-teacher living in the Leopoldstadt, and from 1797 onward spent most of his leisure evenings with the Czerny family, and thus the little son Karl, in his eighth and ninth years, learned almost daily what works Beethoven had in hand, and, like Krumpholz, became filled with enthusiasm for the tone-hero. Krumpholz was a virtuoso on the mandolin, and hence, prob- ably, that page of sketches by Beethoven in the Artaria Collection headed "Sonatine fiir Mandolin u. P. F." Among the Zmeskall papers in the Royal Imperial Library in Vienna there is a half- sheet of coarse foolscap paper upon which is written with lead- pencil in huge letters by the hand of Beethoven, The Music Count is dismissed with infamy to-day. — The First Violin will be exiled to the misery of Siberia. The Baron is forbidden for a whole month to ask questions and never again to be overhasty, and he must concern himself with nothing but his ipse miserum. B. "Music Count" and "Baron" are, of course, Zmeskall; but these notices of Beethoven's various first violins show the folly SCHUPPAXZIGH AND HiS QuARTET 237 of attempting to decide whether one of them or Schuppanzigh was to be sent to Siberia, so long as there is no hint whatever as to the time and occasion of the note. The very common mistake of forgetting that there is a time in the lives of distinguished men when they are but aspirants to fame, when they have their reputations still to make, often, in fact, attracting less notice and raising feebler hopes of future distinc- tion in those who know them, than many a more precocious con- temporary — this mistake has thrown the figures of Schu])panzigh and his associates in the quartet concerts at Prince Carl Lich- nowsky's into a very false prominence in the picture of these first seven years of Beethoven's Vienna life. The composer himself was not the Beethoven whom ive know. Had he died in ISOO, his place in musical history would have been that of a great piano- forte player and of a very promising young composer, whose decease thus in his prime had disappointed well-founded hopes of great future eminence. This is doubly true of the members of the quartet. Had they passed away in early manhood, not one of them, except perhajis young Kraft, the only one who ever distinguished himself as a virtuoso upon his instrument, would liave been remenil)ered in the annals of music. They were during these years but laying the foundation for future excellence and celebrity as performers of Mozart's, Haydn's, Forster's and Beethoven's quartets. Schuj)- panzigh, first violin, and Weiss, viola, alone appear to have been constantly associated in their quartet-playing. Knift, violon- cellist, was often absent, when his father, or Zmeskall, or some other, supplied his place; and as the second violin was often taken by the master of the house, when they were engaged for private concerts, Sina was, naturally, absent. Still, from 17!)4 to 17!)!), the four appear to have practised much and very regularly to- gether. They enjoyed an advantage known to no other ciuarlet — that of playing the comimsitions of Haydn and Fiirster und-1H years, when Beethoven composed }iis first and second concertos - works wliich j)rove tJiat he was not allogetiier ignorant of the use of orcJiestral instruments! Had Schindler known sonu'tliing of the history of Max Franz's orchestra in Bonn, lie would liavc avoided many a mistake,' 'Rpothovfn flid not alwnys follow iho BiiffRrstions of llx-sc mm. ArronlinR »o an anordote told by DoleXalok to Olto .Falin. Kraft onr.- rornplaiiird that n (>«»'''*['' was not piayaMc "It's K'>1 to br," answered lleellioven. In a like vein K. Hoi/, relates that "IJeethoven asked an exrellent artist wlxlher or not eertnin I hint's were possible"; the question of hf)W difFienlt they were did not enter. Thtu Frie.ilowHky for clarinet, Czerwensky for oboe. Uradezky and Merbst for horn. If othem romnlained of impossibilities the answer was "They can do it and you inunt." (From 1 haycr ■ papers.) 240 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Johann Nepomuk Hummel, the pupil of Mozart, was another of tlie youths whom Beethoven drew into his circle. In 1795, the elder Hummel brought back his son to Vienna (from that very successful concert tour which had occupied the last six years and had made tlie boy known even to the cities of distant Scotland) and put him to the studies of counterpoint and composition with Albrechtsberger and Salieri. He seems to have been quietly at his studies, playing only in private, until April 28th, 1799, when he again appeared in public both as pianist and composer, in a concert in the Augartensaal, directed by Schuppanzigh. "He performed a symphony besides a melodrama composed for the occasion and between them played prettily composed improvi- sations on the pianoforte." That the talented and promising boy of seventeen years should, upon arriving home again, seek the acquaintance and favor of one who during his absence had made so profound an impression upon the Vienna public as Beethoven, and that the latter should have rejoiced to show kindness to ]\Iozart's favorite pupil, hardly needs to be mentioned. A chapter of description would not illustrate the nature of their intercourse so vividly, as two short but exceedingly characteristic notes of Beethoven's which Hummel preserved and which found their way into print after his death: I He is not to come to me again. He is a treacherous dog and may the flayer get all such treacherous dogs ! II Herzens Natzerl : You are an honest fellow and I now see you were right. Come, then, to me this afternoon. You'll find Schuppanzigh here also and we two will bump, thump and pump you to your heart's delight. A kiss from Your Beethoven also called Mehlschoberl. ^ In a letter to Eleonore von Breuning, Beethoven described many of the Vienna pianists as his "deadly enemies." Schindler's observations upon the* composer's relations with the Viennese 'The humor to which Beethoven resorts in this note in order to show his con- trition necessarily evaporates in any attempt to translate its Viennese colloquialisms. "Herzens Natzerl" is to be understood as "Dear little Ignacius of my heart," Nazerl being an affectionate diminutive of Ignaz or Ignacius. Why it should have been applied to Hummel, whose Christian names were Johann Nepomuk, does not appear. "Mehl- schoberl" is a term which has survived in the Austrian cuisine of to-day, the article itself being a sort of soup dumpling. Envious Viennese Musicl\ns ^241 musicians, though written in his peculiar style, seem to be very judicious and correct. Nobody is likely to expect, he says (Vol. I, 23-24), that an artist who made his way upwards as our Beethoven, although almost confining his activities exclusively to aristocratic circles that upheld him in extra- ordinary fashion, would remain free from the attacks of his colleagues; on the contrary, the reader will be prepared to see a host of enemies advance against him because of the shining qualities and ovidences of genius of our hero, in contrast with the heavy burden of social idiosyn- crasies and uncouthness. More than anything else, what seemed least tolerable to his opponents was the notion that his appearance, the excitability which he controlled too little in his intercourse with his colleagues and his lack of consideration in passing judgment were natural accompaniments of genius. His too small toleration of many l)izarreries and weaknesses of high society, and on the other hand his severe demand on his colleagues for higher culture, even his Bonn dialect, afforded his enemies more than enough material to revenge themselves on him by evil gossip and slander. . . . The musicians in Vienna at that time, with a very few exceptions, were lacking, not only in artistic, l)ut also in the most necessarj' degree of general, education and were jvs full of the envy of handicraftsmen as the members of the guilds themselves. There was a particular antipathy to all foreigners as soon as they manifested a purpose to make their homes in the imperial city. Schindler might have added that the change had been in no small degree produced through the instructions and example of Beethoven as they acted upon the Czernys, Moscheles and other young admirers of his genius. In short, Beethoven's instant achievement of a position as artist only paralNlcd by Mozart ami of a social rank which Gluck, Salieri, Iladyn luid gained only after making their names famous throughout Europe, together wilh the general impression that the mantle of IVIozart liad fallen upon him — all this begat bitter envy in those whom his talents and genius overshadowed; they revenged themselves by deriding him for his personal 7)eculiarities and by condeniiu'ng and ridiculing the novelties in liis ronij)()sitions; while he met their envy with disdain, their criticisms witJi contempt; and, when he did not treat their comi)Ositions with indiHerence, but too often only noticed them with sarcasm. This picture, certainly, is not an agreeable one. but all the evidence proves it, unfortunately, faithful. Such men as Salieri. Gyrowetz, Weigl, are not to be understood as included in the term "pianist" as u.sed by Beethoven in his letL-r to Kleoiiore von Breiining. For these men "stood high in licet hoven's res|)ecl," says Schindler, and bis words are confirmed to flic fullest extent by the Conversation Books and other authorities; which also 24 -^^ The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven show that Eybler's name might have been added to the list. They were all more or less older than Beethoven, and for their contrapuntal learning, particularly in the case of Weigl and Eybler, he esteemed them very highly. No indications, however, have been found, that he was upon terms of close private friendship and intimacy with either. Beethoven was no exception to the general rule, that men of genius delight in warm and lasting friendships with women of superior minds and culture — not meaning those "conquests" which, according to Wegeler, even during his first three years in Vienna, *'he occasionally made, which if not impossible for many an Adonis would still have been difficult." Let such matters, even if details concerning them were now attainable, be forgotten. His celibacy ,was by no means owing to a deliberate choice of a single life. What is necessary and proper of the little that is known on this point will, in due time, be imparted simply and free from gloss or superfluous comment. As to his friendships with the other sex, it would be throwing the view of them into very false per- spective to employ those of later years in giving piquancy to a chapter here. Let them also come in due order and thus, while they lose nothing of interest, they may, perchance afford relief and give brightness to canvas which otherwise might sometimes become too sombre. Happily during these prosperous years now before us, the picture has been for the most part bright and sunny and the paucity of the information upon the topic in question is of less consequence. In the present connection one of our old Bonn friends again comes upon the scene. The beautiful, talented and accomplished Magdalene Willmann was invited to sing at Venice during the carnival of 1794. She left Bonn the preceding summer with her brother Max and his wife (Fraulein Tribolet) to fulfill the engage- ment. After leaving Venice, they gave a concert in Gratz, and journeyed on to Vienna. Here Max and his wife remained, having accepted engagements from Schikaneder, while Magdalene went on to Berlin. Not suiting the operatic public there she returned to Vienna, and was soon engaged to sing both German and Italian parts in the Court Opera. Beethoven renewed his intercourse with them and soon became so captivated with the charms of the beautiful Magdalene as to offer her his hand. This fact was communicated to the author by a daughter of Max Willmann, still living in 1860, who had often heard her father speak of it. To the question, why her aunt did not accept the offer of Beet- hoven, Madame S. hesitated a moment, and then, laughing, Friendships with Women 243 replied: "Because he was so ugly, and half crazy!" In 1709, Magdalene married a certain Galvani, but her happiness was short; she died toward the end of 1801. Two letters of Beethoven to be found in the printed collection have been preserv^ed from the period before us, addressed to Christine Gerhardi, a young woman of high distinction in society at the time for the splendor of her talents and her high culture. Dr. Sonnleithner wrote of her: She was the daughter of an official at the court of the Emperor Leopold II ... an excellent singer, but remained a dilettante and sang chiefly in concerts for charitable purposes (which she herself arranged), or for the benefit of eminent artists. Old Professor Peter Frank wjvs director of the general hospital of Vienna in the neighborhood of whicli (Xo. 20 Alserstrasse) she lived. He was a great lover of mnsic, but his son, Dr. Joseph Frank, was a greater; he made essays in composition and arranged musical soirees at the home of his father at which Beet- hoven and Fraulein Gerhardi took part, playing and singing. The son frequently composed cantatas, which Beethoven corrected, for the name- days and birthdays of his father, and in which Fraulein Gerluirdi sang the soprano solos She was at the time the most famous amateur singer in Vienna, and inasmuch as Haydn knew her well tliere is no doubt but that he had her in mind when he composed "The Creation"; indeed, she sang the soprano part with great applause not only at Schwar- zenberg but also at the first performance in the Burgtheatcr. All reports agree that she met Beethoven often at Frank's and that he fre(|uently accompanied her singing on the pianoforte. He did not give her lessons. Dr. Joseph von Frank and Christine Gerhardi were married on August 20, 1798; they moved away from Vienna in ISOI. A few notes upon certain young women to whom Beethoven dedicated compositions at this period of his life may form no inappropriate close to this chapter. It was much the custom then for teachers of music to dedicate their works to i)upils, especially to those who belonged to the higher .social ranks — such dedications being at the same time comi)iiments to the ])upils and a(lv«'rtis<»- ments for the instructors, with the farther avokcd hy the com- poser a similar [)rocess has ^'one on, with a corresponding sui)|)res- sion of wJuitever is deemed common and trivial, until he is made a being living in his own peculiar realm of gigantic ideas, above (245) 246 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven and apart from the rest of mankind — a sort of intellectual Thor, dwelling in "darkness and clouds of awful state," and making in }iis music mysterious revelations of things unutterable! But it is really some generations too soon for a conscientious investiga- tor of his history to view him as a semi-mythological personage, or to discover that his notes to friends asking for pens, making appointments to dinner at taverns, or complaining of servants, are "cyclopean blocks of granite," which, like the "chops and tomato sauce" of Mr. Pickwick, contain depths unfathomable of profound meaning. The present age must be content to find in Beethoven, with all his greatness, a very human nature, one which, if it showed extraordinary strength, exhibited also extraor- dinary weaknesses. It was the great misfortune of Beethoven's youth — his im- pulses good and bad being by nature exceedingly quick and violent — that he did not grow up under the influence of a wise and strict parental control, which would have given him those habits of self-restraint that, once fixed, are a second and better nature, and through which the passions, curbed and moderated, remain only as sources of noble energy and power. His very early admis- sion into the orchestra of the theatre as cembalist, was more to the advantage of his musical than of his moral development. It was another misfortune that, in those years, when the strict regulations of a school would have compensated in some measure for the unwise, unsteady, often harsh discipline of his father, he was thus thrown into close connection with actors and actresses, who, in those days, were not very distinguished for the propriety of their manners and morals. Before his seventeenth or eighteenth year, when he became known to the Breuning family and Count Waldstein, he could hardly have learned the importance of culti- vating those high principles of life and conduct on which in later years he laid so much stress. And, at that period of life, the character even under ordinary circumstances is so far developed, the habits have become so far formed and fixed, and the natural tendencies have acquired so much strength, that it is, as a rule, too late to conquer the power of a perfect self-command. At all events, the consequences of a deficient early moral education fol- lowed Beethoven through life and are visible in the frequent contests between his worse and his better nature and in his con- stant tendency to extremes. To-day, upon some perhaps trivial matter, he bursts into ungovernable wrath; to-morrow, his peni- tence exceeds the measure of his fault. To-day he is proud, un- bending, offensively careless of those claims which society grants to Inconsistent Traits of Character 247 people of high rank; to-morrow his humiHty is more than adequate to the occasion. The poverty in which he grew up was not without its effect upon his character. He never learned to estimate money at its real value; though often profuse and generous to a fault, even wasteful, yet at times he would fall into the other extreme. With all his sense of nobility of independence, he early formed the habit of leaning upon others; and this the more, as his malady increased, which certainly was a partial justification; but he thus became prone to follow unwise counsels, or, when his pride was touched, to assert an equally unwise independence. At other times, in the multitude of counsellors he became the victim of utter irresolution, when decision and firmness were indispen- sable and essential to his welfare. Thus, l>oth by following the impulse of the moment, and by hesitation when a prompt determination was demanded, he took many a false step, which could no longer be retrieved when reflection brought with it bitter regret. It would be doing great injustice both to Beethoven and to the present writer to understand the preceding remarks as being intended to represent the composer's lapses in these regards, as being more than unpleasant and unfortunate episodes in the general tenor of his life; but as they did occur to his great disadvantage, the fact cannot be silently passed over. A romantically sentimental admiration of the lieroes of ancient classic literature, having its origin in Paris, had become widely the fashion in Beethoven's youth. The democrat ic tlieories of the French sentimentalists had received a new imi)ulse from the dignified simplicity of the foreign representatives of the young American Republic, Franklin, Adams, Jay — from the rrtircincnf to private life on their plantations and fanns of the great military leaders in the contest, Washington, (Ireene, Schuyler, K'nov and others, after the war with England was over; from the prid*' taken by the Freneh officers, who had served in America, in their insignia of tJie order of the Cincinnati; and even from the letters and journals of German oflficers, who, in captivity, had f(»rtne(I friendsliips with many of the better class of ll)e republican N'aders, and seen with their own eyes in what simplicity they lived while guiding the destinies of the new-born nation. Thns through the greater part of Central Europe the idea became current of a pure and sublime humanity, above and beyon«l the influence of the passions, of which ("incinnatns, Scipio, ("ato. Washington, Franklin, were the .supposed representatives. Zschokkc^ makes his Heuwen say: "Virtue and the heroes of anticiuity had in.spired 248 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven me witli enthusiasm for virtue and heroism"; and so, also, Beet- lioven. He exalted his imagination and fancy by the perusal of tlie German poets and translations of the ancient and English classics, especially Homer, Plutarch and Shakespeare; dwelt fondly upon the great characters as models for the conduct of life; but between the sentiment which one feels and the active principle on which he acts, there is often a wide cleft. That Beethoven proved to be no Stoic, that he never succeeded in governing his passions with absolute sway, was not because the spirit was unwilling; the flesh was weak. Adequate firmness of character had not been acquired in early years. But those who have most thoroughly studied his life, know best how pure and lofty were his aspirations, how wide and deep his sympathies with all that is good, how great his heart, how, on the whole, heroic his endurance of his great calamity. They can best feel the man's true greatness, admire the nobility of his nature, and drop the tear of sorrow and regret upon his vagaries and faults. He who is morbidly sensitive, and compelled to keep constant ward and watch over his passions, can best appreciate and sympathize with the man, Beethoven. Truth and candor compel the confession, that in those days of prosperity he bore his honors with less of meekness than we could wish; that he had lost something of that modesty and ingenuousness eulogized by Junker ten years before, in his Mer- gentheim letter. His "somewhat lofty bearing" had even been reported by the correspondent of the "Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung." Traces of self-sufficiency and even arrogance — faults almost universal among young and successful geniuses, often in a far higher degree than was true of Beethoven, and with not a tithe of his reason — are unquestionably visible. No one can read without regret his remarks upon certain persons not named, with whom at this very time he was upon terms of apparently intimate friendship. "I value them," he writes, "only by what they do for me. ... I look upon them only as instruments upon which I play when I feel so disposed." His "somewhat lofty bearing" was matter for jest to the venerable Haydn, who, according to a trustworthy tradition, when Beethoven's visits to him had become few and far between would inquire of other visitors: "How goes it with our Great Mogul?" Nor would the young nobles, whose society he frequented, take offence; but it certainly made him enemies among those whom he "valued according to their service and looked upon as mere instruments" — and no wonder! Beethoven's Self-Esteem Injured 249 Pierson, in his edition of the so-called "Beethoven's Stiidien," has added to Seyfried's personal sketches a few reminiscences of that Griesinger, who was so long Saxon Minister in Vienna, and to whom we owe the valuable "Biographische Notizen iiber Joseph Haydn." One of his anecdotes is to the purpose here and may be taken as substantially historical. When he was still only an attache, and Beethoven was little known except as a celebrated pianoforte player, both being still young, they happened to meet at the house of Prince Lobkowitz. In conversation with a gentleman present, Beethoven said in substance, that he wished to be relieved from all bargain and sale of his works, and would gladly find some one willing to pay him a certain income for life, for which he should possess the exclusive right of publishing all he wrote; adding, "and I would not be idle in composition. I believe Goethe does this with Cotta, and, if I mistake not, Handel's London publisher held similar terms with him." "My dear young man," returned the other, "You must not complain; for you are neither a Goethe nor a Handel, and it is not to be expected that you ever will be; for such masters will not be born again." Beethoven bit his lips, gave a most con- temptuous glance at the speaker, and said no more. Lobkowitz endeavored to appease him, and in a subsequent conversation said: "My dear Beethoven, the gentleman did not intend to wound you. It is an established maxim, to which most men axlhere, that the present generation cannot possibly produce such mighty spirits as the dead, who have already winicd their fame." "So much the worse. Your Highnes.s," retorted l^vtlioven: "but with men who will not Ix^lieve and trust in me because lam as yet unknown to universal fame, I cannot hold intercoiirM-I" It is easy for this generation, whicJi Jias the productions of the composer's whole life as the basis of its juThe numluT of known Ifttirs and floriimcnl.i tmi ki"""" Rrmtly pinrr ThAvrr wrote these words. Kalischc-r's Collortion niimlirrd over lidO nnd Kmrnrh Kanlnrr gives the 6rst lines of i;}H()in Frimmels second "Uen psychologist, who had had an oppf)rtunity t() observe Becllioveu from the betrinning of his artistic development to its maturity in order gradually to familiar- ize himself with his views on art, could fit himself to give the musical world an explanation of the intellectual cross-relationships in licet hoven's glorious works, a thing just ;is im[)ossil)l«« to his blind entliusiusts as to his virulent op[)onents. Gelinek may have api)lied these hisl wortls to himself, and not incorrectly. This conversation took f)lace in IS 11, the day after a re- hearsal of Beethoven's Symi)hony in A — the Seventh! (ielinek's pile of little bits of paper in tJie corner of the room, when toucluMJ by the wand of truth, resolves itself into blank music books, to which his new ideas were transferred from the original .slight pencil sketches, and frequently with two or three words to in«li- cate the kind of composition to which they were suited. I)iver.s anecdotes are current which pretend to give the origin of some 2o8 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven of the themes thus recorded and afterwards wrought out, but few judicious readers will attach much weight to most of them. For although conceptions can sometimes be traced directly to their exciting causes, the musical composer can seldom say more than that they occurred to him at such a time and place — and often not even that. It is certainly not improbable that Beet- hoven's admirers may have questioned him upon this point, as Schindler did upon the "Pastoral" Symphony, and that he was able to satisfy them; but Handel's "Harmonious Blacksmith" may be taken as the type of most of the current stories, which only need truth to make them interesting. To return to the sketchbooks — which performed a twofold office; being not alone the registers of new conceptions, but con- taining the preliminary studies of the instrumental works into which they were wrought out. The introduction to the excellent pamphlet, "Ein Skizzenbuch von Beethoven, beschrieben und in Ausziigen dargestellt von Gustav Nottebohm," though properly confined by him to the single book which he was describing, is equally true of so many that have been examined with care as to warrant its general application. The following extracts may be taken as true of the greater part of the sketchbooks: Before us (he says) lies a volume in oblong folio (Teatro) of 192 pages and bearing 16 staves on each page, and, save a few empty places, containing throughout notes and sketches in Beethoven's handwriting for compositions of various sorts. The volume is bound in craftsman's style, trimmed, and has a stout pasteboard cover. It was bound thus before it was used or received the notes. [Excepting the number of pages this description applies to most of the true sketchbooks.] The sketches are for the greater part one-part; that is, they occupy but a single staff, only exceptionally are they on two or more staves. [In some of the later books the proportion of sketches in two or more parts is much greater than in this.] It is permissible to assume in advance that they were written originally and in the order in which they follow each other in the sketchbook. When a cursory glance over the whole does not seem to contradict this assumption, a careful study nevertheless compels a modification at times. It is to be observed that generally Beethoven began a new page with a new composition; and, moreover, that he worked alternately or simultaneously at different movements. As a result, different groups of sketches are crowded so closely together that in order to find room he was obliged to make use of spaces which had been left open, and thus eventually sketches for the most different compositions had to be mixed together and brought into companion- ship. [In some of the books "vi-" not infrequently meets the eye. It was the one of Beethoven's modes of keeping the clue in the labyrinth of sketches, being part of the word vide. The second syllable, "-de," can always be found on the same or a neighboring page. "N.B.," How THE Sketching Was Done 259 "No. 100," "No. 500," "No. 1000," etc., and in later sketches "raeilleur." are common, all which signs are explained by Schindler as being a whim- sical mode of estimating the comparative value of different musical ideas, or of forms of the same. Again Nottebohm continues: In spite of this confused working it is plain that Beethoven, as a rule, was conscious from the beginning of the goal for which he was striving, that he was true to his first concept and carried out the projected form to tlie end. The contrary is also true at times, and the sketchbook (like others) disclosed a few instances in which Beethoven in the course was led from the form originally conceived into another, so that eventually something different appeared from what was planned in the first instance. (Once more.) In general it may be observed that Beethoven in all his work begun in the sketchbook proceeded in the most varied manner, and at times reached his goal in a direction opposite to that upon which he first set out. [At times] the thematic style dominates; the first sketch breaks off abruptly with the principal subject and the work that follows is confined to transforming and reshaping the thematic kernel at first thrown on the paper until it appears to befitted for devel<)j)inent; then the same process is undertaken with intermediary sections; every- where we find beginnings, never a whole; a whole comes before us only outside of the sketchbook, in the printed composition where six-tions which were scattered in the sketchbook are brought together. [In other cases] the thematic manner is excluded; every sketch is aimed at a unity and is complete in itself; the very first one gives the coniplrte outline for a section of a movement; those that follow are then complete reshapings of the first, as other readings directed towards a change in the summary character, or a reformation of the whole, an extension of the middle sections, etc. Naturally, the majority of the sketches do not belong exclusively to either of the two tendencies, but hover between them, now leaning toward one, now toward the other. One readily sees that, when the general plan of a work is clear and distinct before the mind, it is (piitc indilTcrcnt in what order the various parts arc studied; and that Bcclhoven .sinii)ly adopted the method of numy a dramatic and other author, who sketches his scenes or chaj)tcrs not in course Imt as mood, fancy or opportunity dictates. It is equally evident that the composer could have half a dozen works upon his hands at tlir sauu« time, not merely without (lisadvantag<; to any one of them, but to the gain of all, since he could turn to one or another as tin- spirit of composition impelled; like tin; author of a profound iit.-rary work, who relieves and recreates liis nn'ud by varying iiis ial>ors. and executes his grand task all the more .satisfactorily, hernuse lir. from time to time, refresJu-s himself by turning )»is attention to other and lighter topics. WJicn Beethoven writ.-s to Weg.ler: "As I am writing now I oft<-n compose three or four pieces nt once," he could have referred only to the |)rcliM.inary stu.lies of the sketchbooks. Sometimes, it is true, w.)rks were laid a.sidc 2G0 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven incomplete after he had begun the task of writing them out in full, and finished when occasion demanded; but as a rule his practice was quite different, viz.: All the parts of a work having been thus studied until he had determined upon the form, character and style of every important division and subdivision, and re- corded the results in his sketchbook by a few of the first measures, followed by "etc." or "and so on," the labor of composition may be said to have been finished, and there remained only the task of writing out the clean copy of what now existed full and com- plete in his mind, and of making such minor corrections and improvements as might occur to him on revision. The manu- scripts show that these were sometimes very numerous, though they rarely extend to any change in the form or to any alteration in the grand effect except to heighten it, or render it more unex- pected or exciting. When upon reflection he was dissatisfied with a movement as a whole he seems rarely to have attempted its improvement by mere correction, choosing rather to discard it at once and compose a new one based either upon the same themes or upon entirely new motives. The several overtures to "Fidelio" are illustrations of both procedures. The sketches of the greater part of Beethoven's songs, after the Bonn period, are preserved, and prove with what extreme care he wrought out his melodies. The sketchbook analysed by Nottebohm affords a curious illustration in Matthison's "Opfer- lied," the melody being written out in full not less than six times, the theme in substance remaining unchanged. Absolute cor- rectness of accent, emphasis, rhythm — of prosody, in short — was with him a leading object; and various papers, as well as the Conversation Books, attest his familiarity with metrical signs and his scrupulous obedience to metrical laws. Since the shameful mutilation and dispersion of Beethoven's manuscripts at the time of their sale, probably no one person has been able to trace and examine half of the sketchbooks; still, enough have come under observation during the researches for this work to estaVjlish with reasonable certainty these points : I. That each sketchbook was filled in pretty regular course from beginning to end before a new one was taken. II. That had the collection been kept entire it would have afforded the means of determining with a good degree of certainty the chronology of most of his instrumental works, after coming to Vienna, as to their first conception and studies — excluding, of course, those which, in one form or another, he brought with him from Bonn. Symptoms of Approachixg Del\fxess 261 III. That the more important vocal compositions were studied separately. IV. That only from the sketchbooks can an adequate idea of the vast fertility of Beethoven's genius be formed. They are in music, Hke Hawthorne's "Notebooks" in literature, the record of a never ceasing flow of new thoughts and ideas, until death sealed the fountain forever. There are themes and hints, never used, for all kinds of instrumental compositions, from the trities, which he called "Bagatelles," to symphonies, evidently intemled to be as different from those we know as they are from each otlier; and these hints are in such numbers, that those which can be traced in the published works are perhaps much the smalliT proportion of the whole. Whoever has the will and opportunity to devote an hour or two to an examination of a few of these monuments of Beethoven's inventive genius, will easily conii>re- hend the remark which he made near the close of his life: "It seems to me that I have just begun to compose!"^ One topic more demands brief notice before closing tliis chapter. In the "Merrymaking of the Countryfolk" of Beet- hoven's "Pastoral" Symphony, at the point wliere the fun grows most fast and furious and the excitement rises to its lieiglit. an ominous sound, as of distant thunder, gives the first faint warn- ing of the coming storm. So in the life of the composer at the moment of that highest success and prosperity, which wc lia\«' labored to place vividly before the mind of the reader, jn>f when he could first look forward with well-grounded confidence to tin- noblest gratification of a musician's honorable anil)iti<)n. a new and discordant element thrust itself into the harmony of Ids lif«'. This was the .symptoms of approaching deafness. His own account fixes their appearance in the year 17J)!); then they w?r<-at ronii)r.Mer uft.r Ih.- I...<.k from wlii." It is not improbable; tiiat, while siini)ly "Prakt ikaiit." lie may have needed occasional pecuniary aid, but liis |)rrf(rni('nt to the place of "Kassa-Officier" rendered him independent. TJ>i.s appointment is dated March 24th, IHOO, and gave Jiim a salary of 2.30 florins. Small as the sum now appears, it was amply sufficient, with what he could earn by teaching music (and the brother of the great Beetiioven ct)uld liave no lack <)f pupils', to enable him to live comfortably. In fact, he was b.-ttrr <»IT than many a colleague in tlu' public s!>, this house was that of Court Couuciilor (Jrcinpeared in December in 1799, and was therefore not com[)osed earlier. All these sketches date from 1798 and 1799; but the Quartets were not finished. In an unused sketch for the Adagio of the quartet in F occur the words: "Les derniers soupirs," which confirm the story told by Amendu. The continuation of the G major Quartet dates to 1800. Up to now no sketches for the Quartet in C minor liave been found. The results of this chronological investigation may be summed up as follows: The com{)osition of the Quartets was begun in 276 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven 1798, that in D, the third, being first undertaken. This was followed by that in F and soon after, or simultaneously, work was begun on that in G, which was originally designed as the second; but, as that in F was completed earlier, this was designated as the second by Beethoven, and that in G became in point of time the third. The Quartet in F was finished in its original shape by June 25, 1799, on which day he gave it to Amenda; he revised it later. Whether or not this was also done with the others can- not be said; there is no evidence. The remark made in 1801, that he had just learned to write quartets, need not be read as meaning that he had formal instruction from Forster, but is amply explained by his practice on the six Quartets; yet Forster may have influenced him strongly. He then wrote the one in A (now No. 5), intending it to be the fourth; in this he seems to have made use of a motif invented at an earlier period. The Quartets in B-flat and C minor followed, the latter being, perhaps, the last. The definitive elaboration of the Quartets lasted cer- tainly until 1800, possibly until 1801. The Quartets then appeared in two sets from the press of Mollo. It is likely that the first three, at least, were in the hands of the publisher before the end of 1800, as is proved by the letter to Hoffmeister. The first three appeared in the summer of 1801 and were advertised as on sale by Nageli in Zurich already in July; they were mentioned in the "Allg. Musik. Zeitung" on August 26, and in Spazier's "Zeitung fiir die Elegante Welt." In October of the same year the last three appeared and Mollo advertised them in the "Wiener Zeitung" of October 28. The Quartets are dedicated to Prince Lobkowitz. Notice of a valuable present to Beethoven from his lenient and generous patron. Prince Carl Lichnowsky, naturally con- nects itself with the story of the Quartets — a gift thus described by Alois Fuchs, formerly violinist in the Imperial Court Orchestra, under date of December 2, 1846: Ludwig van Beethoven owned a complete quartet of excellent Italian instruments given to him by his princely patron and friend Liclinowsky at the suggestion of the famous quartet-player Schuppanzigh. I am in a position to describe each of the instruments in detail. 1. A violin made by Joseph Guarnerius in Cremona in the year 1718 is now in the possession of Mr. Karl Holz, director of the Concerts spirituels in Vienna. 2. The second violin (which was offered for sale) was made by Nicholas Amati in the year 1667, and was in the possession of Dr. Ohraeyer, who died recently in Hiitteldorf ; it has been purchased by Mr. Huber. 3. The viola, made by Vincenzo Ruger in 1690, is also the property of Mr. Karl Holz. Beethoven's Quartet of Instruments 277 4. The violoncello, an Andreas Guarnerius of the year 1712, is in the possession of Mr. P. Wertheimber of Vienna. The seal of Beethoven has been impressed under the neck of each instrument and on the back of each Beethoven scratched a big B, prob- ably for the purpose of protecting himself against an exchange. The instruments are all well preserved and in good condition. The most valuable one, without question, is the violin by Joseph Guarnerius, which is distinguished by extraordinary power of tone, for which, indeed, Mr. Holz has refused an offer of 1000 florins. The four instruments were bought by Peter Th. Jokits in 1861, who gave them to the Royal Library at Berlin. Beethoven received them from Lichnowsky certainly before 1802, but in what year is unknown.^ Another proof of the Prince's regard and generosity, however, belongs to this, namely, an annuity of COO florins to be continued until the composer should find some suitable permanent employment. * The only known publication of the year 1800 is the Rondo in G major. Op. 51, No. 2, which came from the press of Simrock. As for the compositions of the year it is safe to assume that Beet- hoven put the finishing touches to the first Symphony, the Septet, Op. 20, and the Quartets, Op. 18. Furthermore, there can be little doubt but that the Sonata for Horn, Op. 17, the Pianoforte Sonata, Op. 22, the Concerto in C minor, and the Variations for Four Hands on the melody of the song "Ich denke dein," belong to this year. The "Variations tres faciles" on an original theme in G were sketched and probably completed. The only chronolo- gical clues to the Horn Sonata are the date of its first performance, April 18, 1800, and the anecdote by Ries concerning tlie rapid completion of the work. No sketches have been found and nothing is known of the autograph; but according to Nottebolim the beginning of a clean copy of the Adagio is to be found among the sketches for the Sonatas Op. 22 and 2.S. Punto was still in Munich in 1800, and since the work seems assuredly to have been designed for liim, there is erpial certainty tliat it was com- posed in tliat year. It was i)ublished by Mollo in March, 1801. The Septet, for four strings and three wind-instruments, dedicated 'IIol/, solfl tlu; fluiirncriiis violin in IS.Ii (see the "AIlKcmcinc Dciitsclio Mu.sik- zeitung" of 1888). Wln-n lli<; BrrUiovon MuHi'um in HSee the dedication in Kalischer's collection of Beethoven's letters translated by J. S. Shedlock, Vol. I, p. 94. Compositions Sketched in 1800 279 the Rhine country. The evidence would seem to indicate that the melody was original with Beethoven. The Pianoforte Sonata in B-flat, Op. 22, also belongs to this year, as appears from the fact that it was offered to HofFmeister in the letter of December 15. It was still in an unfinished state on the completion of the Sonata for Horn, as is shown by the circumstance that sketches of it are mingled with a fair transcript of a passage from the latter work. There are also sketches for Op. 22, among those for the Quartet in B-flat, Op. 18, No. 6, and the later movements of the Quartet in F — no doubt the revision. The sketches therefore belong to the year 1800, but may date back to 1799, from which it would appear that Beethoven worked an unusually long time on the Sonata. The principal labor was performed most likely in the summer of 1800, which Beethoven spent at Unterdobling. It was published in 1802 by Hoffmeister and Kiihnel. Sketches from the "Six Easy Variations" are found amongst some for the last movement of the Quartet in G, which seem to be nearly finished. Again we can fix the year as 1799 or 1800. Of special importance is the fact that the theme of the Variations is the same as the first episode of the rondo of the Sonata in B-flat, and the circumstance that the sketches are of almost the same date indicates that the identity was not accidental. The Variations were advertised as new by Traeg on December 16, 1800. The Variations in D for four hands on the melody of Goethe's poem, "Ich denke dein," were conceived at practically the same time as those just described. Beethoven at first intended to give each stanza a separate setting, and to this end made two sketches, which are associated with the Quartet sketches and belong to the year 1799. He then took the melody of the first stanza as a theme for variations for four hands in the same year and wrote them into the autograph album of two sisters, the countesses Therese Brunswick and Josephine Deym, On Septem- ber 22, 1803, he offered them to Hoffmeister in the place of tlie Trio Variations, Op. 44, with the remark that he considered tJiem better tJian tJie latter. HotFmeister, liowever, |)ubHslied tlie Trio Variations (in 1S()4). The Variations in D were not publislied until the beginning of 1S05, and were described as having been written in 1800 for the two countesses mentioned, and dedicated to them. An autograph preserv^ed in the Royal Library in Berlin contains four of the variations on 'Teh denke dein," an Adagio in F major noted on four staves (three with treble, one with the 280 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven bass clef), a Scherzo in G major, f time, and an Allegro in G major, f. Albert Kopfermann, who published the Adagio for the first time in No. 12, Vol. I, of "Die Musik," considers, no doubt correctly, that the three compositions were written for an auto- matic musical instrument. Though the number of new compo- sitions produced in 1800 was small, attention must be directed to the fact that the revision and completion of works for publi- cation, together with the planning of new works, gave a deal of occupation to Beethoven. Amongst the compositions made ready for the printer were the Quartets, which were not ready till near the end of the year. To them must be added the Sonata in E-flat, Op. 27, No. 1, and the Concerto in C minor, the auto- graph of which distinctly bears the date 1800. It is certain, moreover, that Beethoven began working on "Prometheus" in this year, and the summer must have been a busy one for him. Chapter XIX The Year 1801 — Concerts for Wounded Soldiers — Vigano and the Ballet ''Prometheus" — Stephan von Breuning — Hetzendorf — "Christus am Olberg" — Compositions and Publications of the Year — The Funeral March in the Sonata, Op. 26— The "Moonlight" Sonata— The Quintet, Op. 29. THE tone of Beethoven's correspondence and the many proofs of his untiring industry during the winter 1800-1 and early part of the succeeding spring, suggest a mind at ease, rejoic- ing in the exercise of its powers, and a body glowing with vigorous health. But for his own words to Wegeler: "I have been really miserable this winter," the passing allusions to ill health in his replies to Hoffmeister's letters would merely impress the reader as being half-groundless apologies for lack of punctuality in writing. This chapter will exhibit the young master both as he appeared to the public and as he showed himself in confidential intercourse to the few in whose presence he put aside the mask and laid open his heart; and will, therefore, it is believed, be found fully to justify what has been said of his heroic energy, courage and endurance under a trouble of no ordinary nature. In the beginning of the year he wrote to Hoffmeister^ as follows under date "January 15 (or thereabouts), 1801": .... Your enterprises delight me also and I wish that if works of art ever bring profit that it might go to real artists instead of mere shopkeepers. The fact that you i)iir[)Ose to publish the works of Sebastian Bach does good to my heart which beats only for the lofty and magnificent art of this patriarch of harmony, and I hope soon to see them in vigorous sale. I hope, as s(X)n as golden j)eac'e has been declared, to be helpful in many ways, especially if you offer the works for subscriptiou. 'Beethoven's carele.ssness in respect of dates, or a eliararteristie indiden-nre to the almanac, as exemplifierl in this cJate-line, plays an important r6lc in one of the most puzzling questions in his piechtenst) had aln-ady been printed and was to be had everywhere. This made Count Friess 296 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven think that there was nothing more to be lost in the matter and he gave it up without a word to us about it Count Friess is not here just now, but he will return in 6 days and then we shall see that you are recompensed in one way or another. I send you the accompanying Revers signed by Artaria for inspection; please return it. This Revers cost my brother 7 days during which time he could do nothing, and me innumerable trips, many unpleasantnesses and the loss of my dog. ^ Beethoven's declaration not having been published until more than two months after his letter containing the Revers, the inci- dents touching which Ries makes report, and the partial reengrav- ing of the plates, must have taken place after January, 1803, and the end of the quarrel in 1804. Sketches of the Quintet have not been found and the question naturally arises whether or not it might have had an earlier origin or been developed from earlier sketches. A note in a Conversation Book of 1826, indicates that one of the Quintet's themes was written by Schuppanzigh. 'Appendix II to the second volume of the German edition of this work contains copies of all the documents in the legal controversies which arose out of Beethoven's charges against Artaria and Co. and Mollo in the matter of the unauthorized publication of the Quintet. They do not add much that is essential to the story as it has been told, though they show that the legal authorities upheld the publishers against the composer. Chapter XX Letters of 1801 — The Beginning of Beethoven's Deafness — ■ The Criticisms of a Leipsic Journal — Bonn Friends in Vienna — Reicha, Breuning, Ries, Czerny — Chronology Adjusted. LET us now turn back to the important letters written in the summer of 1801, beginning with two written to his friend Amenda, which were first published in the "Signale" of 1852, No. 5. The first, without date or record of place, is as follows: How can Amenda doubt that I shall always remember him' because I do not write or have not written to him — as if memory could only be preserved in such a manner. A thousand times the best of all men that I ever learned to know comes into my mind — yes, of the two men who had my entire love, of which one still lives, you are the third — how can recollection of you die out of my mind. You shall soon receive a lonod Amenda, my cordial friend, I received and read your last letter with mixed pain and |)leasurc. To what sIimII I coiiipare your fidelity, your attachment to me. Oh, it is so beautiful that you have always been true to me and I know how to single you out and keep you jibove all others. You are not a Viennes(i friend, no, you are one of lliosi; who sjjring from the ground of my native land. How often do I wish you were with me, for your ]J(M>thoven is living an unhappy life, quarreling with nature and its creutor, often cursing llu^ l.ilter because he surrendered his creatures to the merest aceident which some- times broke or destroyed the most beautiful blossoms. Know that my nol)lest faculty, my hearing, has greatly deteri«)rat<>d. When you were still witli me I felt the symi)toms but kept silent; now it is continually growing worse, and whether or not a cure is i)ossil)Ie has become a 'Beethoven writes: "How can Amenda flouljt that I should ever forget him?" ( 297 1 298 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven question; but it is said to be due to my bowels and so far as they are con- cerned I am nearly restored to health. I hope, indeed that my hearing will also improve, but I am dubious because such diseases are the most incurable. How sad is my lot! I must avoid all things that are dear to me and live amongst such miserable and egotistical men as . . . and . . . and others. I must say that amongst them all Lichnowsky is the most satisfactory, since last year he has settled an income of 600 florins on me and the good sale of my works enables me to live without care. I could sell everything that I compose five times over and at a good price. I have written considerably of late, and as I hear that you have ordered a pianoforte from .... I will send you various things in the box of the instrument so that it need not cost you much. To my comfort there has lately come a man with whom I can share the pleasures of association, an unselfish friendship; he is one of the friends of my youth. I have often spoken of you to him and told him that since I left my fatherland you have been the only choice of my heart is not very satisfactory to him — he is and always will be too weak for friendship. I use him and only as instruments on which I play when I please but they can never become witnesses of my whole internal and external activities or real participants (in my feelings). I estimate them at only what they are worth to me. Oh, how happy would I be if my hearing were completely restored; then would I hurry to you, but as it is I must refrain from everything and the most beautiful years of my life must pass without accomplishing the promise of my talent and powers. A sad resignation to which I must resort although, indeed, I am resolved to rise superior to every obstacle. But how will that be possible.'* Yes, Amenda, if my infirmity shows itself to be incurable in half a year, I shall appeal to you; you must abandon everything and come to me. My affliction causes me the least trouble in playing and composing, the most in association with others, and you must be my companion. I am sure my fortune will not desert me. What might I not essay.'* Since you have been gone I have composed everything except operas and church-music. You will not deny me; you will help your friend bear his cares and affliction. I have also greatly bettered my pianoforte playing and I hope the journey will, perhaps, make your fortune; afterward you will remain with me. I have received all of your letters and despite the fact that I answered so few you were always with me and my heart still beats as tenderly for you as ever it did. I beg of you to keep the matter of my deafness a profound secret to be confided to nobody no matter who it is. Write to me very often. Your letters, no matter how short, comfort me, do me good, and I shall soon expect another from you, my dear fellow. Do not lend your quartet to anybody because I have changed it greatly having just learned how properly to write quartets, as you will observe when you receive it. Now, farewell, my dear, good fellow; if you think I can do something for you here, command me as a matter of course. Your faithful, and truly affectionate L. V. Beethoven. In the same montii Beethoven wrote again to the publisher Hoffmeister to this effect: The Composer's Health in 1801 299 I am a little amazed at what you have communicated to me through the local representative of your business. I am almost vexed to think that you consider me capable of such a trick. It would be a different matter if I had sold my wares only to avari- cious tradesmen hoping that they would make a good speculation on the sly, but as artist towards artist it is a bit harsh to think such things of me. It looks to me as if the whole matter had been planned to test me or to be merely a suspicion; in either case I inform you that before you received the Septet from me I sent it to London to Mr. Salomon (for performance at his concerts out of mere friendship) but with the understanding that he should have a care that it should not fall into the hands of strangers, because I intended that it should be published in Germany, concerning which, if you think it necessary, j^ou may make inquiry of him. But in order to prove my honesty / give you the assur- ance herewith that I have not sold the Septet, Concerto, the Symphony and the Sonata to anybody but you, Hoffmeister and Kiihnel, and. that you may consider it (sic) as your exclusive property and to this I pledge my honor. You may make such use of this assurance as you please. As for the rest I believe as little that Salomon is capable of being guilty of having the Septet printed as I am of having sold it to him. I am so conscientious that I have denied the applications of various pub- lishers to print the pianoforte arrangement of the Septet, and yet I do not know whether or not you intend to make such use of it. On June 29, he sent tlie following longer letter to Wegeler, who published it in his "Notizen": Vienna, June 29. My good, dear Wegeler! How greatly do I thank you for thinking of me; I have so little deserved it and so little tried to deserve anything from you, and yet you are so very good and refuse to be held aloof by anything, not even by my unpardonable remissness, remaining always my true, good, brave friend. Do not believe that I couhl forget you who were always so dear to me. No. There are moments when I long for you and would like to be with you. My fatherland, the beautiful region in whifli I first saw the light, is still as clear and beaiilirul before my eves as when I left you. In short, I shall look upon that period as onc^ of the hapi)iest incidents of my life when I shall see you again and greet Father Rhine. When this shall be I cannot now tell you — but I want to say that you will see me again only as a great man. Yon shall reeei\<' ineas a great artist but as a belter and more perfect man, and if liie eondilions are improved in our fatherland my art shall be employed in the service of the f)oor. O hapi)y moment I ITow ha|)|)y ani I tlial I creativl thee — can invoke thee! . . , Yon want to know something about my situation. It is not so bad. Since last year, unbelievabh; as it may sound, even after I tell yon, Lielmovvsky, who has always remained my warmest friend fthere wen> litth; quarrels l)et ween us, but tliey only served to strengthen our friendshij)), set aside a fixed sum of (iOO florins for me to draw against so long as I remained without .'i position worthy of me. From my compositions I have a large income and I may say that I have more commissions than it is j)ossible for me to fill. Besides, I have 6 300 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven or 7 publishers and might have more if I chose; they no longer bargain with me — I ask, and they pay. You see it is very convenient. For instance, I see a friend in need and my purse does not permit me to help him at once. I have only to sit down and in a short time help is at hand. Moreover, I am a better business man than formerly. If I remain here always I shall bring it to pass that I shall always reserve a day for my concert of which I give several. The only pity is that my evil demon, my bad health, is contin- ually putting a spoke in my wheel, by which I mean that my hearing has grown steadily worse for three years for which my bowels, which you know were always wretched and have been getting worse, since I am always troubled with a dysentery, in addition to unusual weakness, are said to be responsible. Frank wanted to tone up my body by tonic medicines and restore my hearing with almond oil, but, 'prosit, nothing came of the effort; my hearing grew worse and worse, and my bowels remained as they had been. This lasted until the autumn of last year and I was often in despair. Then came a medical ass who advised me to take cold baths, a more sensible one to take the usual lukewarm Danube bath. That worked wonders; my bowels improved, my hearing remained, or became worse. I was really miserable during this winter; I had frightful attacks of colic and I fell back into my previous condition, and so things remained until about four weeks ago, when I went to Vering, thinking that my condition demanded a surgeon, and having great confidence in him. He succeeded almost wholly in stopping the aw^ul diarrhoea. He prescribed the lukewarm Danube bath, into which I had each time to pour a little bottle of strengthening stuflf, gave me no medicine of any kind until about four weeks ago, when he prescribed pills for my stomach and a kind of tea for my ear. Since then I can say I am stronger and better; only my ears whistle and buzz continually, day and night. I can say I am living a wretched life; for two years I have avoided almost all social gatherings because it is impos- sible for me to say to people: "I am deaf." If I belonged to any other profession it would be easier, but in my profession it is an awful state, the more since my enemies, who are not few, what would they say? In order to give you an idea of this singular deafness of mine I must tell you that in the theatre I must get very close to the orchestra in order to understand the actor. If I am a little distant I do not hear the high tones of the instruments, singers, and if I be but a little farther away I do not hear at all. Frequently I can hear the tones of a low conversation, but not the words, and as soon as anybody shouts it is intoler- able. It seems singular that in conversation there are people who do not notice my condition at all, attributing it to my absent-mindedness.' Heaven knows what will happen to me. Vering says that there will be an improvement if no complete cure. I have often — cursed my exist- ence; Plutarch taught me resignation. If possible I will bid defiance to my fate, although there will be moments in my life when I shall be the unhappiest of God's creatures. I beg of you to say nothing of my condition to anybody, not even to Lorchen;^ I entrust the secret only to you; I would be glad if you were to correspond with Vering on the *We shall see that even Ries took no note of his friend's infirmity for two years. 'Eleonore von Breuning, wife of Wegeler. Greetings to Old Friends in Bonn 301 subject. If my condition continues I will go to you next spring; you could hire a house for me in some pretty place in the country and for half a year I would be a farmer. This might bring about a change. Resignation! What a wretched refuge — and yet the only one open to me. Forgive me that I add these cares of friendship to yours which is sorrowful enough as it is. Steffen Breuning is here now and we are together almost daily; it does me so much good to revive the old emo- tions. He is really become a good, splendid youngster, who knows a thing or two, and like us all has his heart in the right place. I have a pretty domicile on the bastion which is doubly valuable because of my health. I believe I shall make it possible for Breuning to come to me. You shall have your Antioch' and also many musical compositions of mine if you do not think they will cost you too much. Honestly, your love for art still delights me much. Write to me how it is to be done and I will send you all my compositions, already a goodly number and increasing daily. ... In return for the portrait of my grandfather which I beg of you to send me as soon as possible by mail-coach, I am sending you that of his grandson, your good and affectionate Beethoven, which is to be published here by Artaria, who, like many others, including art-dealers, have often asked me for it. I shall soon write to Stoffel- and give him a piece of my mind concerning his stubborn disposition. I will make his ears ring with the old friendship, and he shall promise me by all that is holy not to offend you further in your present state of unhappiness. I shall also write to good Lorche. I have never forgotten one of you good people even if I did not write to you; but you know that writing was never my forte; the best of my friends have not had a letter from me in years, I live only in my notes and when one composition is scarcely ended another is already begun. As I compose at present I frequently work on three or four compositions at the same time. Write to me often, hereafter. I will try occasionally to find time to write to you. Give greetings to all, including the good Madame Councillor.' and tell her that I still occasionally have a "raptus." As regards K. I do not at all wonder over his change. Fortune is round, like a ball, and therefore does not always drop on the noblest and best. A word about Ries, whom I greet heartily; so far as his sou is concerned I shall write you more in detail, although I think that he would be more fortunate in Paris than in Vienna. Vienna is overcrowded and the most meritorious find it extremely difficult to maintain tluMnselves. In the anliimn or winter I shall see what lean do for him, for at that time lh«' public imrries back to the city. Farewell, good, faithful Wegeler! Be assured of the love and friendship of Your Beethoven. On November 16, he wrote in greater detail lo WVgcler: My gooA well-known picture by FUger, Director of the Academy of Painting in Vienna. *Christoph von Urcuning. 'Breuning's mother. (Wegeler.) 302 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven how it goes with me, what I need; as Httle as I like to discuss such matters I would rather do it with you than with others. For several months Vering has had vesicatories placed on both arms, which consist, as you know, of a certain bark.^ This is a very un- pleasant remedy, inasmuch as I am robbed of the free use of my arms (for a few days, until the bark has had its effect), to say nothing of the pain. It is true I cannot deny that the ringing and sounding in my ears has become less than usual, especially in the left ear, where my deafness began; but my hearing has not been improved and I dare not say that it has not grown worse rather than better. My bowels are in a better condition, especially after the lukewarm baths for a few days when I feel quite well for 8 or 10 days, seldom needing a tonic for my stomach. I am beginning to use the herbs on the belly as suggested by you. Vering will hear nothing of plunge baths, and I am thoroughly dissatisfied with him; he has much too little care and consideration for such a disease; if I did not go to him, which costs me a great deal of trouble, I should not see him at all. What do you think of Schmidt? I do not like to change, but it seems to me Vering is too much of a practi- tioner to acquire new ideas. Schmidt seems to me a very different sort of man and, perhaps, would not be so negligent. Miracles are told of galvanism; what have you to say about it? A doctor told me that he had seen a deaf and dumb child recover his hearing (in Berlin) again — and a man who had been deaf 7 years got well. I am living more pleas- antly since I live more amongst men. You will scarcely believe how lonely and sad my life was for two years; my bad hearing haunted me everywhere like a ghost and I fled from mankind and seemed like a misanthrope, though far from being one. This change has been wrought by a dear, fascinating girl who loves me and whom I love. There have been a few blessed moments within the last two years and it is the first time that I feel that marriage might bring me happiness. Alas! she is not of my station — and now — it would be impossible for me to marry. I must still hustle about most actively. If it were not for my deafness, I should before now have travelled over half the world, and that I must do. There is no greater delight for me than to practise and show my art. Do not believe that I would be happy with you. What is there that could make me happier? Even your care would give me pain. I would see pity on your faces every minute and be only the unhappier. What did those beautiful native regions bestow upon me? Nothing except the hope of a better state of health, which would have come had not this affliction seized upon me. Oh, if I were rid of this affliction I could embrace the world! I feel that my youth is just begin- ning and have I not always been ill? My physical strength has for a short time past been steadily growing more than ever and also my mental powers. Day by day I am approaching the goal which I apprehend but cannot describe. It is only in this that your Beethoven can live. Tell me nothing of rest. I know of none but sleep, and woe is me that I must give up more time to it than usual. Grant me but half freedom from my affliction and then — as a complete, ripe man I shall return to you and renew the old feeUngs of friendship. You must see me as happy as it is possible to be here below — not unhappy. No! I cannot endure it. ^The bark of Daphne Mezereum. Deafness and a Romantic Attachment 303 I will take Fate by the throat; it shall not wholly overcome me. Oh, it is so beautiful to live — to live a thousand times! I feel that I am not made for a quiet life. You will write to me as soon as you can. See that Steffen secures an appointment of some kind in the Teutonic Order. Life here is connected with too many hardships for his health. Besides, he lives so isolated an existence that I cannot see how he is to get along in this manner. You know the state of affairs here. I will not say that social life may not lessen his moodiness; but it is impossible to persuade him to go anywhere. A short time ago I had a musicale at my home; yet our friend Steffen did not come. Advise him to seek more rest and composure. I have done my best in this direction; without these he will never be again happy or well. Tell me in your next letter whether or not it will matter if I send you a great deal of my music; you can sell what you do not need and so get back the post-money — and my portrait. All possible lovely and necessary greetings to Lorchen, ^Nlama and Christoph. You love me a little, do you not.'^ Be assured of the love and friendship of Your Beethoven. A commentary upon these letters — the first two excepted, which need none — might be made, by a moderate indulgence of poetic fancy, to fill a volume of respectable size; but rigidly con- fined to prosaic fact may be reduced to reasonable dimensions. Taking up the letters in their order, the first is that to Hoffmeister of April 22nd. I. One of the earliest projects of the new firm of Hoffmeister and Kiihnel was the publication of "J. Sebastian Bach's Theoretical and Practical Clavier and Organ Works." The first number con- tained: 1, Toccata in D-flat; 2, fifteen inventions; 3, "The Well- Tempered Clavichord" — in part; the second number: 1, 15 sym- phonies in tliree voices; 2, continuation of "The Well-Tem])ered Clavichord." Now compare what Schindler says (third edition, II, 184): Of the archfathcr Johann Sebastian Bach the stock was a very small one cxrci)t for a few mofcis which had been sung at the lion-^c of van Swieten; Ijcsides tlicse tii<; majority of pieces were lhos(> f.iinilarly known, namely, the "Well-Tempered Clavichord," which showed signs of diligent study, three volumes of exercises, fifteen inventions, fifteen symphonies and a toccata in 1) minor. This collection of |)icc«'s in (i single volume is to be found in my possession. Attached to these* was a sheet of paper on which, in a strange handwriting, was to be n-ad lli<> following i)assage from .]. N. Forkcl's book "On lh<^ Life and Artwork of Johann Sebastian Bach": "The f)retcnce that th(; musical art is an art for all ears cannot be substantiated by Bach, but is disjjrovcd by the mere existence and uniqueness of his works, which .seem to be destined only for connoisseurs. Only the connoisseur who can surmise \\\v. inner or- ganization and feel it and penetrate to the intention of the artist, which 304 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven does nothing needlessly, is privileged to judge here; indeed, the judgment of a musical connoisseur can scarcely be better tested than by seeing how rightly he has learned the works of Bach." On both sides of this passage there were interrogation points from the thickest note-pen of Beethoven as a gloss on the learned historian and most eminent of all Bachians. No Hogarth could have put a grimmer look, or a more crushing expression, into an interrogation point. Nagele, who professed long to have entertained the design to publish Bach's "most admirable works," issued his proposals in February, written with some degree of asperity against "the double competition" which, he had already learned, "was con- fronting" him. Of his edition of "The Well-Tempered Clavi- chord" Beethoven also possessed a part. The names left blank in publishing this letter are easily sup- plied. Baron Carl August von Liechtenstein, the same to whom, from 1825 to 1832, was confided the management of the opera in Berlin, who died there in 1845, had been so extravagantly praised as head of the Princely Music at Dessau that he was called to assume the chapelmastership of the Imperial Opera in Vienna near the end of 1800. The contemporary reports of his eflSciency as conductor are highly favorable. He deserves the credit of determining to add to the repertory of the Imperial Opera Mozart's "Zauberflbte" which, till then, had been heard by the Viennese only in the little theatre Auf-den-Wieden. It is worth mention- ing that Liechtenstein brought with him from Dessau poor Neefe's daughter Felice, now Mme. Rosner, and that she was the Pamina of this performance. In the first new work produced (April 16th) upon the imperial stage after Beethoven's "Prometheus" music, Liechtenstein introduced himself to the Vienna public in the char- acter of a composer. It was in his opera "Bathmendi," completely revised. The result was a wretched failure. Hoflmeister's long and familiar acquaintance with Vienna, its musicians and its theatres, would cause him readily to appreciate the fun and wit of Beethoven's remark that the newly engaged chapelmaster and composer of the Imperial Opera "seems to have taken for an ideal Mr. M. (Miiller)" — the Offenbach of that time — but without reach- ing "even him." Considering that the Baron was yet a young man, at the most but three years older than Beethoven, the some- what bitter remark which follows the jest appears natural enough. 11. Beethoven had just cause for indignation in the treatment which he had received at the hands of the writers for the "Allge- meine Musikalische Zeitung" (the "Leipsic oxen" of his letter of January 15th). Hoffmeister had evidently written him on the The Composer and His Early Critics 305 subject, and his reticence in confining himself in reply to a single contemptuous sentence, though writing in the confidence of private correspondence, is something unexpected; not less so is the manly, dignified and ingenuous style of his answer to Breitkopf and Hartel upon the same topic in the letter of April S-^nd. The first number of that famous musical journal (take it for all in all, the noblest ever published) appeared October 3rd, 1798, edited by Rochlitz, published by Breitkopf and Hartel. In the second num- ber, "Z " eulogizes the Six Fughettos of the lad, C. M. von Weber; in the tenth young Hummel's sonatas. Op. 3, are reviewed; in the fifteenth the name of Beethoven first appears, viz. : in the title of three sonatas dedicated to him by Wolfii. At length, in No. 23, March 17th, 1799, he is introduced to the readers of the journal as an author— not of one or more of the eight Trios, ten Sonatas, the Quintet and Serenade, which make up the opera 1 to 11 then published — but as the writer of the Twelve Varia- tions on "Ein Madchen oder Weibchen," and eight on "Une fievre brulante." The criticisms are a perfect reflex of the conventional musical thought of the period and can be read now with amused interest, at least. There is no room here for their production in full. The writer, "M. . . .," recognizes the clever pianoforte player in the Variations but cannot see evidences in them of equal cajiacity as a composer. He likes some of them and "willingly admits" that those on "Une fievre brulante" are "more successful than those of ISIozart, who in his early youth also treated the same sub- ject." But Mozart did not write the variations referred to, and when Gretry's "Richard Coeur de Lion," from which the thcino was borrowed, was first performed in Paris, Mozart was not in his "early youth" but 28 years old. The critic descants with dis- approval on "certain harshnesses in the modulations," illustrating them; holds up Haydn as a model chooser of themes, and com- mends the comments of Vogler on a set of variations on "(Jod save the King" ])rinted in a little book on the subject. Thus Beethoven foinid, in tJie first recognition of hiitisclf as a (•oini)oser in that journal, two compositions which he thovcn, and entered his room he was about to shave himself and liad lathered his face up to his eyes — for so far his fearfully stiff beard reached. He jumped up. embraced me cordially and thereby transferred .so much of the hither 314 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven from his left cheek to my right that he had none left. Did we laugh? Beethoven must also have learned privately how matters had gone with me; for he was acquainted with many of my youthful escapades, with which he only teased me. In many cases he disclosed a really paternal interest in me. "But with all his kindness" continues the "Harmonicon," Beethoven would not give Ries instruction in thoroughbass or com- position. He said it required a particular gift to explain them with clearness and precision, and, besides that, Albrechtsberger was the acknowledged master of all composers. This latter had almost given up teaching, being very old, and was persuaded to take a new pupil only by the strong recommendation of Beethoven and by the temptation of a ducat a lesson. Poor Ries' ducats ran only to the number of 28 ; after this he was driven to his books again. So it appears that he was Beethoven's pupil only upon the pianoforte. The manner in which he was taught is also described in the "Notizen" : When Beethoven gave me a lesson I must say that contrary to his nature he was particularly patient. I was compelled to attribute this and his friendly disposition, which was seldom interrupted, chiefly to his great affection and love for my father. Thus, sometimes, he would permit me to repeat a thing ten times, or even oftener. In the Variations dedicated to the Princess Odescalchi (Op. 34), I was obliged to repeat the last Adagio variations almost entirely seventeen times; yet he was still dissatisfied with the expression of the little cadenza, although I thought I played it as well as he. On this day I had a lesson which lasted nearly two hours. If I made a mistake in passages or missed notes arid leaps which he frequently wanted emphasized he seldom said anything; but if I was faulty in expression, in crescendos, etc., or in the character of the music, he grew angry because, as he said, the former was accidental while the latter disclosed lack of knowledge, feeling, or atten- tiveness. The former slips very frequently happened to him even when he was playing in public. "I often played on two fortepianos with Ries," says Czerny, "among other things the Sonata, Op. 47, which had been arranged for two pianofortes. Ries played very fluently, clear but cold."^ Here we have a key to the identity of so many of Ries's and Czerny 's facts and anecdotes of those years, written out by them independently; the latter, as he assures us, having first become acquainted with the "Notizen" through the quotations of Court Councillor Lenz. The two brilliant boys, thrown so much together, w^ould never weary of talking of their famous master. The stories of his oddities and eccentricities, minute facts relating to his 'From O. Jahn's posthumous papers. The Recollections of Ries and Czerny 315 compositions, were, therefore, common property; and it is clear that some which in this manner became known to Ries at last assumed in his memory the aspect of personal experiences and, as such, are related in the "Xotizen." The author of this work once introduced an incident into something that he was writing, under the full conviction of having been an actor in it, which he now knows was only related to him by his brother. Yet only some six or seven years had elapsed, whereas Ries wrote of a period which ended thirty-five years before. Another remark of Czerny 's is as follows: WTien the French were in Vienna for the first time, in 1805, Beet- hoven visited a number of officers and generals who were musical and for whom he played Gluck's "Iphigenia in Tauris" from the score, to which they sang the choruses and songs not at all ill. 1 begged the score from him and at home wrote out the pianoforte score as I had heard him play it. I still have this arrangement (Nov^emher, 185'-2). From that time I date my style of arranging orchestral works, and he was always wholly satisfied with my arrangements of his symphonies, etc. A lad who, though not yet fifteen years old, was able to write a pianoforte score of such an opera after a single hearing, certainly deserved the testimonial to his talent which, tliough written by another hand, was signed at the time by Beethoven and sealed. The testimonial, in the possession of the Gesellschaft der Musik- freunde in Vienna, runs as follows: We, the undersigned, cannot withhold from the lad Carl Czerny, who has made such extraordinary progress on the pianoforte, far sur- passing what might be expected from a boy of f works in this manner at T'rinee Liehnowsky's onc-e or twie<; a w<-ek, Ur. calling out only tin; desired opus rMnnl)er. FJ<-ethoven, who |)resent^ a few times, was not pleased. "Even if he i)lays correctly on the wiiol.-." he re- marked, "he will for^,'et in this manner tlie (piiek survey, the a vista- playing and, o<;c{isionally, the correct expression." Very neat is the anecdote which Czerny relates in tin- "Wiener Musikzeitung" of September 28t]i, 184.5, how, after he had 316 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven outgrown his studies, he was deservedly reprimanded for a few additions which he made on his own account in one of his mas- ter's works. On the whole he was pleased with my performance of his works .... but he scolded me for every blunder with a kind freedom which I shall never forget. When once, for instance, I played the Quintet with Wind-Instruments with Schuppanzigh, I permitted myself, in a spirit of youthful carelessness, many changes, in the way of adding difficulties to the music, the use of the higher octave, etc. — Beethoven took me severely to task in the presence of Schuppanzigh, Linke and the other players. The next day I received the following letter from him, which I copy care- fully from the original draft: "Dear Czerny: "To-day I cannot see you, but to-morrow I will call on you myself to have a talk with you. I burst forth so yesterday that I was sorry after it had happened; but you must pardon that in an author who would have preferred to hear his work exactly as he wrote it, no matter how beautifully you played in general. I will make loud amends at the Violoncello Sonata (I was to play his Violoncello Sonata with Linke the next week). Be assured that as an artist I have the greatest wishes for your success and will always try to show myself, Your true Friend Beethoven." This letter did more than anything else to cure me of the desire to make any changes in the performance of his works, and I wish that it might have the same influence on all pianists. Chapter XXI Beethoven's Love-Affairs — The Letter to the "Immortal Beloved" — Giulietta Giiicciardi — Therese Brunswick — Countess Erdody — Therese Malfatti — Confused Chronol- ogies — Many Contradictory Theories and Speculations. IN the letter dated November 16, Beethoven's strong expres- sions of desire and intention to exhibit his powers as pianist and composer in other cities, are striking and worthy of the reader's attention, yet need no comment; but a new topic there introduced must be treated at some length, not because it is of very great importance in itself, but as an episode in the master's life which has employed so many pens and upon which biographer and novelist seem to have contended which could make the most of it and paint it in the highest romantic colors.^ The sentences referred to are: "I am living more pleasantly since. I live more amongst men. . . . This change has been wrought by a dear fascinating girl, etc." Notwitlistanding all that has been written on this text there is little reason to think that Beethoven's passion for this particularly fascinating girl was more engrossing or lasting than at other periods for otlu-rs, altJiough peculiar circumstances subse(|uently kei)t it more alive in liis memory. The testimony of Wegeler, Brcuning, Romberg, Ries, 'The Editor of this English edition of Thayer's "Life of Beethoven" is unwilling to admit that the author's arKiimont against the Connlrss Guiceiardi as the to whom the famous love-letter which is the hasis of the episodf n-fcrri-d to by the author, has l)<endiecs of Vol. Ill of theoriginal (ierman edition, in a eonlinuous chapter, and then to add. in the form of a comprehensive postscript, an ahstra. t of the opinion of others and some suggestions of his own touching the woman who. though not yet definitively identified, wears the halo which streams from the title which Beethoven bestowed iipon her— his "Immortal Beloved." It will he observed that the question turns largely on an adjustment of dates — a necessary procedure in other affairs of Beethoven's besides those of his heart. (317) 318 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven has been cited to the point that Beethoven "was never without a love, and generally deeply engrossed in it." In Vienna (says Wegeler) at least as long as I lived there, Beethoven always had a love-affair on his hands, and occasionally made conquests which, though not impossible, might have been difficult of achievement to many an Adonis I will add that, so far as I know, every one of his sweethearts belonged to the higher social stations. So, also, friends of Beethoven with whom Jahn conversed in 1852. Thus according to Carl Czerny he was said to have been in love with a Countess Keglevics, who was not generally considered handsome. The Sonata in E-flat, Op. 7 (dedicated to her), was called "Die Verliebte" ("The Maiden, or Woman, in Love"). Dr. Bertolini, friend and physician of Beethoven from 1806 to 1816, said: "Beethoven generally had a flame; the Countess Guicciardi, Mme. von Frank, Bettina Brentano and others." He was not insensible to ladies fair and frail. Dolezalek, a music teacher who came to Vienna in 1800 and was the master's admirer and friend to the last, adds the particular that "he never showed that he was in love." In short, Beethoven's experience was precisely that of many an impulsive man of genius, who for one cause or another never married and therefore never knew the calm and quiet, but un- changing, affection of happy conjugal life. One all-absorbing but temporary passion, lasting until its object is married to a more favored lover, is forgotten in another destined to end in like manner, until, at length, all faith in the possibility (for them) of a permanent, constant attachment to one person is lost. Such men after reaching middle age may marry for a hundred various motives of convenience, but rarely for love. Upon this particular passion of Beethoven, the present writer labors under the disadvantage of being compelled to subordinate his imagination to his reason and to sacrifice flights of fancy to the duty of ascertaining and imparting the modicum of truth that underlies all this branch of Beethoven literature, of extract- ing the few grains of wheat from tJbe immense mass of chaff. With what success remains to be seen. W^hen Schindler, in perusing the "Notizen," came to the passages above quoted, with his usual agility in jumping at con- clusions he decided at once, that Beethoven here refers to the Countess Julia Guicciardi, and so states in his book; probably hitting the truth nearer than on the next page, where he makes Fraulein Marie Koschak the object of Beethoven's "autumnal Relations with the Countess Guicciardi 319 love," some half a dozen years before the two had ever met. In this case, however, there is no reason to suppose him mistaken. On the 16th of November, 1801— the date of Beethoven's letter — the Countess Guicciardi was just one week less than seven- teen years of age. She is traditionally described as having had a good share of personal attractions, and is known to have been a fine looking woman even in advanced years. She appears to have possessed a mind of fair powers, cultivated and accomplished to the degree then common to persons of her rank; but it is not known that she was in any way eminently distinguished, unless for musical taste and skill as a pianist, which may perhaps be indicated in the dedication to her of a sonata by Kleinheinz as well as by Beethoven. Julia Guicciardi's near relationship to the Brunswicks would naturally throw her into the society of Beethoven immediately upon the transfer of her father from Trieste to Vienna; their admiration of his talents, their warm affection for him as a man, would awaken her curiosity to see him and create a most natural prejudice in his favor. Coming to the capital from a small, distant provincial town when hardly of an age to enter society, and finding herself so soon distinguished by the particular attentions and evident admiration of a man of Beethoven's social position and fame, might well dazzle the imagination of a girl of sixteen, and dispose her, especially if she possessed more than common musical taste and talents, to return in a certain degree the affection proffered to her by the distinguisliod author of tiic Symphony, the Quartet, the Septet, tlie "Prometlieus" music, and so many wonderful sonatas, by the unrivalled ])ianist, the generous, impulsive, enthusiastic artist, although unprepossessing in person and una})le to offer either weallli or a title. There was romance in the affair. Besides tliese considerations there are traditions and reminiscences of old friends of the composer all tending to confirm the opinion of Schindler, tJiat the "fascinating girl" was indeed tlu^ young Counfcss (luirciardi. That writer, Iiowever, knew nothing of the niatlcr until twenty years afterwards; but what he learned came from Beethoven himself. It happened, when the topic came up between them, "tliat, being in a public place where he did not like to trust himself to speak," says Schindh-r, Beethoven also wrote his share in the conversation, so far as it relalerl to this subject; henee jiis words may still be read in a Conversation Book of February, 1H4.'}, preserved in the Royal Library at Berlin. I lis statements have 320 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven certainly gained nothing in clearness from his whim of writing them in part in bad French. It is proper to state, before introducing the citation from this book, that the young lady married Count Wenzel Robert Gallenberg, a prolific composer of ballet and occasional music, on the 3rd of November, 1803. The young pair soon left Vienna for Italy and were in Naples in the spring of 1806; for Gallenberg was one of the composers of the music for the fetes, on the occasion of Joseph Bonaparte's assumption of the crown of the Two Sicilies. When the Neapolitan Barbaja took charge of the R. I. Opera at Vienna, toward the close of 1821, he made the Count an associate in the administration, and thus it happened that Schindler had occasion to call upon him with a message from Beethoven. The Conversation Books of those years show, that the question of selling the opera, "Fidelio," to various theatres, was one often discussed by Beethoven and his friends, and, also, that the author had no complete copy of the score. It thus became necessary to borrow one for the purpose of copying the whole or parts; and at this point we turn to the Conversation Book. Schindler, in the midst of a long series of remarks upon heterogeneous topics, expresses surprise that the Dresden theatre has never purchased "Fidelio," and adds his opinion, that Weber will do all in his power to further Beethoven's interest, both in regard to the opera and to the Mass in D. Then follows political news — Spain, Eng- land, etc. — and the sale or hypothecation by Dr. Bach of certain bank shares on which Beethoven wishes to raise money; and then: Schindler: Now as to "Fidelio"; what shall, what can I do to expedite that.' Beethoven: Steiner has the score. Schindler: I shall go to Count Gallenberg, who will lend it to you for a time with pleasure. It would be best if you were to have it copied at your own expense. You may ask 40 ducats. (After a farther remark or two he promises to see Gallenberg "to-morrow morning"; some pages farther is the report) : Schindler: Gallenberg presents his compliments; he will send the score, provided they have two copies. If this is not the case he will have the score copied for you. I am to call on him again in two days. (The conversation then turns upon copying certain songs and upon litho- graphing the Mass in D; after which): Schindler: He (Gallenberg) did not inspire me with much respect to-day. Beethoven: I was his invisible benefactor through others. Schindler: He ought to know that, so that he might have more respect for you than he seems to have. (Kitchen affairs follow here for a space; then Beethoven takes the pencil and writes) : A Conversation about the Countess 321 Beethoven: So it seems you did not find G. favorably disposed to- ward me; I am little concerned in the matter, but I should like to know what he said. Schindler: He replied to me that he thought that you must have the score yourself; but when I assured him that you did not have it he said that its loss was a consequence of your irregular habits and many changes of lodgings. What affair is that of the public.^ And, moreover, who will care what such persons think.' What have you decided to do in the matter at Steiner's.' To keep quiet still longer.^* Dr. Bach recently asked me about it. I thought you wanted to keep the score because you had none. Do you want to give the five-part fugue also for nothing.'' My dearest friend and master, that is too much generosity towards such unworthy persons. You will only be laughed at. (Steiner had bought some compositions of B. and not published them.) Beethoven: (having asked Schindler if he had seen Gallenberg's wife, proceeds) : J^etois bien aime d'elle et plus que jamais son cpoux. II etoit pourtant plutot son amani que moi, mais par elle fapprenois de son misere et je trouvais un homme de bieUy qui me donriait la somme de 500 ji. pour le soulager. II etoit tou jours mon ennemi, c" etoit justement la raison, que je fusse tout le bien que possible. Schindler: It was for this reason that he added "He is an intoloral)le fellow." Probably because of pure gratitude. But forgive them, Lord, they know not what they do. Est-ce quil y a longtemps quelle est marice avec Mons. de Gallenberg? — Mad. la Comtesse? £tait-elle riche? Elle a une belle figure jusquici! Beethoven: Elle est nee Guicciardi. Elle etoit Vepouse de lui avant son voyage en Italic — arrive a Vienne elle cherchoit moi pleurant, mais je la TTieprisois. ' Schindler: Hercules at the crossways! Beethoven: And if I had wished to give my vital powers with that life, what would have remained for the nobler, the better (things)? Reverence for the composer, and admiration for his composi- tions, must have led many who will read this to the perusal of the constantly accumulating literature of which Beethoven and 'Jahn transcribes the last words ("jc la mfprisois, etc.) ns follows: f-^llr rst nfc Guicciardi die Itoil (an illcKibio word marked with an interrogation point) 7// rpoimc do lui {avant son voyage) de I' Italic. Arrivce a Vicnnc et die cherchoit moi plcitrunl, mai.i jc la meprisois . Ludwig Nohl asserts tliat the words "arrivrc a Virnnr" liad \u-ru "ad,'raphy of H<<|lioven lie adds the following remark: "One of the conversation books of ISid.S, nil of which are preserved in the Royal Court Library at Merlin, contains these revelations." If Nolil's assertion is correct it follows that Schindler lied and deceived the [niblic, bein^ Kiiilly <'f " forgery which escajxd the eyes of both Jahn and Thayer; anti that, fiirthertnore. he was >;iiilty of the folly of calling attention to the very book wlios<- contents he had falsilied. N
(l a sorncwliat chariiiini,' ^irl he would turn hack and gaze at licr throu^'h his ^hisses keenly, and hiu^'h or grin if he noticed that I was looking at hitn. lie was freudwig. Evening, Monday, July G. You are suffering, my dearest creature — only now have I learned that letters must be posted very early in the moruinj^. Mondays, Thursdays, — the only days on which the mail-coach goes from here to K. ^'ou Jirc snfferini,' — Ah! where\er I am Iheni you arc; also. I shall arrange affairs between us so that I shall live and li\«' with you. what a life! ! ! ! thus! ! ! ! thus williout you |)ursu<'?" If tlure be, tJie inquiry is extended to tlie years ISOO and 1S()2. On July 6th, 1800, tlie (Juieeiardi family jiad hardly reached Vienna from Trieste. But sui)pose Julia liad been previously sent thither to comi)Iete her education, and thus liad become known to Beethoven. In tliat case, what is to be tliought of guardians and friends who couhl allow lier such liberty, or raflirr license, that she, at the age of fifteen and three-(|nart«T years, should already have formed \hr relations necessarily implied by 330 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven the language of the diary with a man twice her age? What, too, must be thought of Beethoven ! Granting him to have been, as Magdalena Willmann and others said, "half crazy," the man certainly was not a fool! The year 1800 may also be safely discarded. As to 1802, it is superfluous to say more than that in the next chapter will be found part of a letter by Beethoven, dated "Vienna, July 13, 1802." His stay at the bath must, indeed, have been short if he reached it with four post-horses on the 5th and is in Vienna again writing letters on the 13th! In 1803, July 6th fell upon Wednesday. But there was no such error in the date; Beethoven gives the day of the month three times in twenty-four hours — twice on the 6th, once on the 7th. A mistake here is inconceivable. The day of the week, indeed, is written but once; but then it is Monday, and Sunday and Monday are precisely the two days of the week which one most rarely or never mistakes. But that part of the document which bears the date "Evening, Monday, July 6" contains certain words that are decisive. This part is a postscript to the writing of the morning and is written, he says, because he was too late for the post on that day, and "Mondays, Thursdays, the only days on which the mail-coach goes from here to K." The con- clusion is irresistible: Schindler and his copyists are all wrong; the document was not written in the years 1800-1803; the "Immor- tal Beloved" for whom it was written was not the Countess Julia Guicciardi. Therefore, they who have wept in sympathy over this Werther's sufferings caused by this Charlotte, may dry their tears. They can comfort themselves with the assurance, that the catastrophe was by no means so disastrous as represented. The affair was but an episode; not the grand tragedy of Beethoven's life. But, being a love adventure, it has been treated with fact in ratio to fancy like Falstaff's bread to his sack. One author in particular, who accepts all Schindler's assumptions and con- jectures without question or suspicion, has elaborated the topic at great length, though perhaps (to borrow Sheridan's jest) less luminously than voluminously. Having wrought up the feelings of "his lovely readers, his dear lady friends of Beethoven," to the highest pitch possible in a tragedy where the hero, after the catastrophe, still lives and prospers, he consoles them a few chapters farther on by giving to Beethoven for his one "Love's Labor Lost" two new ones gained — the one, a married woman, the other, a young girl of fourteen years; and, moreover — if, in the confusion of his dates, the reader is not greatly misled — both at the same Beethoven's Inaccurate Datings 331 time! "Also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before," saith the ancient Hebrew poet.^ Even if one were disposed to attach no great importance to the arguments thus far advanced, there are two passages in the letter which could not have been written in that brilliant period of Beethoven's life (1800-1802) and therefore are conclusive; viz.: *'My life in W (Wien = Vienna) is now a wretched life," and "At my age I need a quiet, steady life." In fact, the severest critical discussion of my argument against the accuracy of Schindler's statement has failed to find a flaw in it beyond the unessential assertion that Beethoven could scarcely be conceived as having erred in the matter of the day of the week. Since then the author has himself accidentally learned by experience how a mistake of this kind, made in the morning, can easily be perpetuated in private letters; he learned it by being compelled to prove the absolute accuracy of an official document. Every attentive and thoughtful reader of the letter must realize that it is irreconcilable with the notion that Beetlioven's passionate devotion to the lady was a new and sudden one; also that Beethoven had parted with his beloved, whoever she may have been, only a short time before; that he writes in the full conviction that his love is returned and the desire for a union of their fates was mutual, and that by patient waiting tlie obstacles then in the way of their purpose to live together would be overcome. In the effort to determine when Beethoven wrote in this strain his own inaccurate dates cannot be overlooked, but must be dis- cussed at the outset of the inquiry. If the words ''Evening, Mon- day, July 6," are to be considered conclusive, the investigation will have to be confined to the years 1807 and ISl-^, both ISOl and ISIH being out of the question. But if an error of a day be assumed, in- c|uiry may be extended totlie following years. Inthelirsl threeyears 180(5 1807 180S the 5th of July fell on a Sulunhiy Sunday Tu(>sday the 0th of July on a Sunday Mon(l:iy Wednesday the 7th of July on a Monday Tuesday 'IMiiirsday In the three later years 1811 1812 IKl.'? July .'iJh fell on a Fri.l.'.y Saturday Monday July (Jtli on a S;ilunl;iy MoMfJay Tur'^day July 7th on a Sunday Tuesday Wedrursday 'From here on the Ivlilor of this Enjjiish oriition prosmts Mr. Tli.iy.-r'.H fiirtlmr contentions as they arc set forth in tho first nppctwlix to Vol. Ill of th>- first (i.Tin.'in edition, though in the form of a translation — the original raanusrript not having rcucUcci bis hands. 332 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven To pass by other reasons, the years 1808 and 1811 are to be excKided because they presuppose an error of two days. There remain, then, the years 1806, 1807, 1812 and 1813, which can be best studied in their reverse order. The year 1813 shows itself at once impossible because of the date of a letter to Varena: "Baden, July 4, 1813," besides other circumstances which prove that Beethoven spent the months of June and July of this year in Vienna and Baden. In a similar manner 1812 must be rejected because he wrote a letter to Baumeister on June 28 from Vienna and arrived in Teplitz on July 7. There remain, then, only the years 1806 and 1807. If we are willing to attach too great weight to the improbability of an error in Beethoven's dates (July 6 and 7) it would certainly be impossible to decide in favor of the year for which other considera- tions plead with almost convincing force — viz., 1806. There is a letter from Beethoven to Brunswick proposing to visit him in Pesth printed with the date "May 14, 1806" which might be strong evidence in favor of that year; but, unfortunately, the true date is 1807, and so adds to our difficulty. For it is known that on July 22nd, 1807 (and for several days at least before), he was in Baden, and there is nothing thus far to prove that he did not make the proposed visit and return from Hungary in season to have written the love-letter on the 6th and 7th of that month; this is, it is true, a very unsatisfactory assumption. There is a date in a correspondence with Simrock touching the purchase of certain works, which, if it could be established with certainty, would remove all doubt and provide a satisfactory conclusion. If the correspondence took place in 1806 it would be impossible to avoid the unsatisfactory assumption. The head of the famous house of Simrock once told the author that the letters written to his father by Beethoven had been stolen (they have since been recovered), and that the only possible information on the point might be obtained from the old business books of the house. The author asked that they be examined for him and his request was most courteously complied with, with the result that he was provided with the excerpts from the letters of which he has made use in a later chapter. To his great satis- faction the most important of the letters bears date May 31, 1807. This and the letter following show that Beethoven spent the months of June and July 1807 in Baden. The result would, then, seem to be irrefutable: — there is an error of one day in Beethoven's date. The letter was written in the summer which he spent partly in Hungary, partly in Silesia — Beethoven's Mor\l Char.\cter Vindicated 333 the summer of 1806. In all the years from 1800 to 1815 there is no other summer in which he might have written the letter within the first ten days of July unless we choose to assume a state of facts which would do violence to probability. But our contention has a much more serious purpose than the determination of the date of a love-letter; it is to serve as the foundation for a highly necessary justification of Beethoven's character at this period in his life. The editor of Beethoven's letters to Gleichenstein which appeared in "Westermann's Monatsheften" (1865) ^ learned from Gleichenstein's widow that the composer had once made a proposal of marriage to her sister Therese Malfatti. On the strength of this information, and certain references in the letters themselves, the editor founded a singular theory; — Beethoven, says the editor in question, fell in love with "the dark-brown Therese," who, despite the fact that she was "then only 14 years old (in 1807), was fully developed." "His love for her was as rapid in its growth as it was in its passionateness, but was not returned then or later.'* "The affair was plainly embar- rassing to the family, for the passion of the half-deaf, very eccentric man of 36 for a girl of fourteen could not fail in the long run to become dangerous {misslich)." "Why, very well; I hope here be truths," as the Fool says in "Measure for Measure." Reflect that this was the year of the Mass in C and tlie C minor Symphony, and imagine the picture: Beethoven, the mighty master, occupied in developing works which stirred the deepest depths of the soul. Such on one hand; on tJie other "the lover, sighing like a furnace, with a woeful ballad made to his mistress' eyebrow." Or, if one prefer, instead of tlie first picture, a half- deaf, eccentric, 36-year old Corydon, wandering al)<)iit by the side of mossy brooks vainly pii)ing tunes to a mclaiiclioly early- developed and early-loved Phyllis! Let us admit for the nonce that tlie amiable picture of Beethoven in 1807 is the correct one; tliere is yet no excess of reason based on sense or i)rol>abilily, no boundlessness of imagination or immature logic which can assert that the letter of July 6 and 7 was written to Therese Malfatti, then 13 years old. There is still another assumy)tion or suspicion which must be tourlicd upon here and if |)ossible refuted; it is that, even in 1806, Beethoveu's letter w;is addressed tf) tlie Countess (iuieeiardi, then already tiie wife of Count Gallenberg. Moreover, a more 'Ludwig Nohl. 334 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven natural solution of the difficulties could scarcely be found if it could but be proved or accepted as true that the composer was one of those exalted musical geniuses, recently lauded by a writer, who are "no longer subject to once accepted notions of morals and ordinary duties," and who refuse to permit "narrow-minded ethics to be lifted to the real laws of existence." If Beethoven had been a man of this character, what more should we need to believe that in the summer of 1806 he and the lady were impatiently awaiting the moment when they might steal away from husband and children and thus attain "their purpose to live together," heart closely pressed to heart? Here a single objection will suffice: Count Gallenberg and his wife had at this time long been in Naples. No! This disgrace does not attach to the name of Beethoven. Those who have thought it worth while to follow the discus- sion thus far will now understand why so much time and labor were spent on removing all doubt as to the dates of the letters of June 29, 1801, and July 6 and 7, 1806, and this after a long time had passed during which there had never arisen a doubt in the mind of the writer. For if these dates remain jBxed, the extended romantic structures which have been reared on the sandy foundation of conjecture must fall in ruins. The conclusions reached by the study seem as natural as they are satisfactory and indubitable. Young Beethoven, pos- sessed of a temperament susceptible and excitable in the highest degree and endowed not only with extraordinary genius but, leaving out of consideration his physical misfortunes, with other attractive qualities — the great pianist, the beloved teacher, the highly promising composer, admired and accepted gladly in the highest circles of society of the metropolis — this Beethoven, as Wegeler expresses it, was always in love and generally in the highest degree. As he took on years, however, his passions cooled, and it is a truth of daily observation that at the last a strong and lasting attachment can obtain mastery over the most vacillating and fickle lover. According to our conviction this was also the case with Beethoven, and most assuredly the famous love-letter was addressed to the object of a wise and honorable love which had taken control over him. If this be true, and if he was so violently in love in 1806, it follows that the references in the Gleichenstein correspondence which their editor applies to a "completely developed girl of fourteen years of age," in 1807, were aimed at an entirely different individual; and this, too, is the conviction of the author. The Countess Therese von Brunsayick 335 But who is the lady? it is asked. ^ The secret was too well guarded; and she is still unknown. This, only, is certain: that 1st. Of all Beethoven's friends and acquaintances of the other sex whose names are on record one only could have been the "Immortal Beloved" of the letter and the party to this project of marriage; 2nd, all the circumstantial evidence points to her and to her only; 3rd, long after these two points were determined, Robert Volkmann, the fine musician and composer, in conversation with the author, mentioned a local tradition at Pesth which directly names her as having been once the beloved and even (if our memory serve) the bride in spe of Beethoven. This lady was the Countess Therese von Brunswick. The scattered notices of the Brunswicks in these volumes, if taken connectedly, may appear of deeper significance than has been suspected. They were of the earliest and warmest friends of Beethoven in Vienna; they "adored him," said their cousin, the Countess Gallenberg; Beethoven wrote the song "Ich denke dein" in the album of the sisters and dedicated it to them when he published it in 1805; he received from Therese her ])ortrait in oil;- visited the Brunswicks in the autumn of 1806 and composed the Sonata, Op. 57, which he dedicated to the brother; and imme- diately after his departure wrote the passionate love-letter, — to whom.^ — wrote to Count Franz, "Kiss your sister Therese," and in the autumn of 1809, wliile on another visit to tJiem, comjiosod the Sonata, Op. 78, dedicated to the sister. A few months later the marriage project fell through. Two remarks may be noted here which, if of no great impor- tance, are worth the space they will occupy: 1st. After I lie 'These conrlndinj; remarks, from cliai)t(Ts \' and \ I of \ Dl. HI of llie first (ierinan edition, are broiiKlit in here to complete tiie author's pulilie utteraiiees on the siil>ject of the identity of the "Immortal Heloveil." Thayer is discussing; tlie failure of Heet- hoven's marriage jjroject. 'Amongst Heethovcn's postlmmous effects was found a portrait in nil hy .1. 15. von Lampi with the following inscription on tiie hack of the frame: To the Unique CJenius To the (ireat Artist To the Cood Man (I)em selfencn ficnic. I)i-m grossen from T. IJ. Kllnsthr, Drmgiilcn Mcnschen) This picture went from the possession of the widow of Heethovcn's ni-i)hcw Karl into that of (;corg Hcilmeshcrgcr Sr. in IHfU and was presented hy liis granafness to Dr. Wegeh'r. Was he, only seven days later, in a distant lUidcorl, writing .v(/r/t a love-let N-r to a yi)ung Grafin not yet seventeen years old? In November Ik; again wrote; to Wegeler. "Du willst wissen," he says, "wic; es mir gehl. was idi braiuhe," and proceeds to descrihe his j)hysician's treatment. In neither of tluvsc letters is there the remotest liint that tlu; doctor sent him to a distant Badeort. \\\ lH0'-2, lieethoven's summr<)ther n<'ver deserted his friend in his frequent financial tronbles until his, alas! too early death. It was about this time (IHl !•) that Baron ('. P. came very ofl.ti to Martonvasar. He was fond of my brother and waiit«'(l to learn the science of agrienltnre from him and his men. We played chess with each other; he c:oneeived a |)assi<)n for me ami tried to embrae*' me. From that moment onward he frequently repeated his offers and waited two years for my assent — for I always answen-d that I should lia\e to ponder the matter and had had no lime to do so. I had remained cold, an earlier passion had devoured my heart. Josei)hine needed me, her childr<'n, who were very prf)mising, loved me atid I them — how (-ould I withdraw myself from sueli a magic eirele? When I was active with the Women's Association after the great famine of LSI!), we met on the 346 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven street. I was in a carriage and had the coachman stop at a signal from him. He came to the carriage and said significantly, "Have you pondered, dear Therese.'* it is the last time I shall ask you. I am going to Dresden and shall there take a bride unless you make up your mind." I laugh- ingly gave him my old answer, heart and head being occupied with the widespread misery: "I really haven't had time, dear Carl." We parted — he became my enemy. Shortly after the appearance of La Mara's essay in 1909, a singular contribution to the controversy touching the "Immortal Beloved" came from France. The essay had been reviewed in the "Revue des Deux Mondes," whereupon the editor of "Le Temps" asked one of its contributors to make inquiry as to possible family traditions of the mother of M. F. de Gerando, a grand- niece of the Countess Therese. This was done, but the lady would hear nothing of an identification of her grand-aunt with the object of Beethoven's passion. Then came journalistic insinu- ations that family pride had much to do with the denial. This provoked M. de Gerando, who undertook, in the "Mercure de France," to answer the arguments of Thayer and La Mara. There was one ludicrous feature in his argument and a new revelation. He disposed of the kiss sent to Therese by Beethoven through her brother Count Franz, by saying it was only such a familiarity as an old man might be permitted to indulge towards a young pupil; this notwithstanding that Therese was born in 1775 and Beethoven in 1770 and at the time he wrote the love-letter was still laboring under the delusion that the year of his birth was 1772. The revelation consisted in the circumstance, set forth by him, that among the letters of the Countess Therese he had found a thick portfolio inscribed "The Journal of my Heart. No Romance," which (I quote now from an article contributed by Mr. Philip Hale to the "New Music Review," in the numbers for July and September, 1909) contained many letters, notes, messages written at all hours, and ad- dressed to a man, whose Christian name was Louis. Mr. de Gerando, who has been unable to learn the family name of this man, thought at first, and naturally, that Beethoven was the one; but this Louis, with whom Therese was passionately in love, to whom she was betrothed, without the knowledge of others, was a young man of noble family, much younger than Therese, and had been educated at the Theresianum in Vienna, a school frequented by young noblemen. "Van Beethoven was older than the Countess Brunsvik. He was not noble by birth. He never attended the Theresianum." The letters reveal a strange and violent passion. They are at times cold and philosophical. When Therese signed them with her name, they were true love-letters. When she signed them with the Greek word "Diotima," the name of a priestess Recent Investigations in France 347 of beauty and love mentioned by Plato, they were metaphysical specu- lations, long-winded discussions on the end of life and the nature of love. "I do not think that Beethoven would have been contented with this correspondence of encyclopaedists." There were a few letters from Louis, one of them sealed with a coat of arras, and thus there is hope of identification. One might answer, continues Mr. Hale, that Therese perhaps loved twice; that there were two Louis in the field. Mr. de Gerando does not find this probable. Therese was cerebral in her passion. She knew passion, but her intellectual side revolted at it, and, when her brain controlled her, she could write phrases like this: *'To think that I could have lowered myself even to the point of marrying him!" (But, one might reply, the countess might well have said this with reference to Beethoven, who was beneath her in station.) She rained contempt on the man who had awakened in her the love that she detested, and when she had driven him from her mind, she wrote exultantly: "Free! Free! Free!" Mr. de Gerando argues from this that she would not a second time have given up her independence, but nothing that a woman like Therese would have done should surprise even a great-grand-nephew. Mr. de Gerando does not understand how any love affair between Therese and Beethoven could have escaped the curious gossips in society, eager for news and scandal. "The adventure of Therese de Brunsvik with Louis appears to me to be a sufficient reason to judge the tiicory of Thayer inane. At the same time it explains to us the genesis of this theory. It is now certain, as far as I am concerned, that some resem- blance of the affair between the Countess of Brunsvik and Louis had come down to Thayer. The similarity of the names, the letter in which the kiss was sent, and other and more vague indices, led the American biographer to turn the noble Hungarian dame into the 'well-beloved' of Beethoven." Such was, in substance, the article of Mr. de Gerando. It is fair to ask him how the love affair between Therese and tli»^ mysterious Louis, young, noble, etc., escaped the curious gossips, escaped them so completely that even the great-grand-nej)liew of Therese is unable to find out the family name of her lover. Chapter XXII The Year 1802— The Heihgenstadt Will— Beethoven's Views on Arrangements — A Defence of Beethoven's Brothers — The Slanders of Romancers and Unscrupulous Biogra- phers — Compositions and Publications of the Year. THE impatient Beethoven, vexed at the tardy improvement of his health under the treatment of Vering, made that change of physicians contemplated in his letter to Wegeler. This was done some time in the winter 1801-1802, and is all the foundation there is for Schindler's story of "a serious illness in the first months of this year for which he was treated by the highly esteemed physi- cian Dr. Schmidt." The remarkable list of compositions and publi- cations belonging to this year is proof sufficient that he suffered no physical disability of such a nature as seriously to interrupt his ordinary vocations; as is also the utter silence of Ries, Breuning, Czerny, Dolezalek and Beethoven himself. The tone of the letters written at the time is also significant on this point. Concerning the failure of his project to follow the example set in 1800 and give a concert towards the close of the winter in the theatre we learn all we know from a letter from his brother Carl to Breitkopf and Hartel dated April 22, 1802. Therein we read: My brother would himself have written to you, but he is ill-disposed towards everything because the Director of the Theatre, Baron von Braun, who, as is known, is a stupid and rude fellow, refused him the use of the Theatre for his concert and gave it to other really mediocre artists; and I believe it must vex him greatly to see himself so unworthily treated, particularly as the Baron has no cause and my brother has dedicated several works to his wife. When one looks down from the Kahlenberg towards Vienna in the bright, sweet springtime, the interesting country is almost worthy of Tennyson's description: [ 348] Beethoven at Heiligexstadt 349 It lies Deep-meadowed, happy, fair with orchard-lawns And bowery hollows, crown'd with summer sea. Conspicuous are the villages, Dbbling, hard by the city Nussdorfer line, and Heiligenstadt, divided from Dobling by a ridge of higher land in a deep gorge. Dr. Schmidt, having enjoined upon Beethoven to spare his hearing as much as possible, he removed for the summer to the place last named. There is much and good reason to believe that his rooms were in a large peasant house still standing, on the elevated plain beyond the village on the road to Nussdorf, now with many neat cottages near, but then probably quite solitary. In those years, there was from his windows an unbroken view across fields, the Danube and the Marchfeld, to the Car- pathian mountains that line the horizon. A few minutes' walk citywards brought him to the baths of Heiligenstadt; or, in the opposite direction, to the secluded valley in which at another period he composed the "Pastoral" symphony. The vast increase of Vienna and its environs in population, has caused corresponding changes; but in 1802, that peasant house seems to have offered him everything he could desire; fresh air, sun, green fields, delight- ful walks, bathing, easy access to his physician, and yet a degree of solitude which now is not easy to conceive as having been attainable so near the capital. Part of a letter written hence to Breitkopf and Iliirlcl, but no longer in the possession of that house, affords another illustra- tion of Beethoven's excellent common sense and discrimination in all that pertained to his art. .... Concerninf? arran^'cments I am heartily ^'lad that yon rrjortod them. The unnatural raf,'c now prevalent to transjjlant even /Hdnafortt' pieces to strin^'ed instruments, instruments so utterly opposite to each other in all respects, ouf^ht to come to an end. I insist stoutly that only Mozart could arran^'C his |)ianoforte pieces for other iustrnnicnts— and Ilaydn — and, without wishing to ptit myself in the class (»f these ^reat men, I also assert it touching? my pianoforte .sonatas too, since not only are whole passages to l)e omitted and changed, l)ut also— things are to be added, and here lies the obstacle, to overcome which one nuisL eillu-r be the master himself or at least have the same skill and inreniivc power— I transcribed a single one of my sonatas for string (piartet.' yi<-l(ling to great i)ersnasion. and I c«TfaiiiIy know that it would not be an easy matter for another to do as well. •The Sonata in E, Op. 14, No. 1, tran.spo8cd to F major, wan pntilished in lft02. Sec W. Altmann, "Ein vergessenes Strcirtiquartett Beethovens,"' "Die Muxik," 1905. 350 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven The difficulties here mentioned, it will be noticed, are those of transcribing pianoforte music for other instruments; the con- trary operation is so comparatively easy, that Beethoven very rarely performed it himself, but left it for the most part to young musicians, whose work he revised and corrected. There are a great many pieces by Beethoven (says Ries), published with the designation: Arrange par VAuteur meme; but only four of these are genuine, namely: from his famous Septet he arranged first a violin quintet, and then a Pianoforte Trio; out of his Pianoforte Quintet (with four wind-instruments) he made a Pianoforte Quartet with three string-instruments; finally, he arranged the Violin' Concerto which is dedicated to Stephan von Breuning (Op. 61) as a Pianoforte Concerto. Many other pieces were arranged by me, revised by Beethoven, and then sold as Beethoven's by his brother Caspar. Without calling in question here the general statement in this citation, it may be remarked, that if Ries is right in respect to the arrangement of the Septet as a Quintet, the work remained in manuscript, for the one published was by Hoffmeister. But the Trio was begun and, as is believed, finished this year. Its history has been told. Ries's statement is neither exhaustive nor altogether exact touching the arrangements of the Septet. More- over, in 1806, without Beethoven's knowledge or consent, he arranged the six Quartets, Op. 18, and the three Trios for strings. Op. 9, as Pianoforte Trios. An interesting anecdote from the "Notizen" may be intro- duced here. "Count Browne," says Ries, made a rather long sojourn about this time in Baden near Vienna, where I was called upon frequently to play Beethoven's music evenings in the presence of enthusiastic Beethovenians, sometimes from notes, some- times by heart. Here I had an opportunity to learn how in the majority of cases a name alone is sufficient to characterize everything in a compo- sition as beautiful and excellent, or mediocre and bad. One day, weary of playing without notes, I improvised a march without a thought as to its merit or any ulterior purpose. An old countess who actually tor- mented Beethoven with her devotion, went into ecstasies over it, think- ing it was a new composition of his, which I, in order to make sport of her and the other enthusiasts, affirmed only too quickly. Unhappily Beethoven came to Baden the next day. He had scarcely entered Count Browne's room in the evening when the old countess began to speak of the most admirable and glorious march. Imagine my embar- rassment! Knowing well that Beethoven could not tolerate the old countess, I hurriedly drew him aside and whispered to him that I had merely meant to make sport of her foolishness. To my good fortune he accepted the explanation in good part, but my embarrassment grew when I was called upon to repeat the march, which turned out worse since Beethoven stood at my side. He was overwhelmed with praise MeLu\ncholy Influen'ce of Heiligenstadt 351 on all hands and his genius lauded, he listening in a perturbed manner and with growing rage until he found relief in a roar of laughter. Later he remarked to me: "You see, my dear Ries, those are the great cognoscenti, who wish to judge every composition so correctly and severely. Only give them the name of their favorite; they will need nothing more." Yet the march led to one good result: Count Browne immediately commissioned Beethoven to compose three Marches for Pianoforte, four hands. ^ The seclusion of Heiligenstadt was of itself so seductive to Beethoven, that the prudence of Dr. Schmidt in advising him to withdraw so much from society, may be doubted; the more, because the benefit to his hearing proved to be small or none. It gave him too many lonely hours in which to brood over his calamity; it enabled him still to flatter himself that his secret was yet safe; it led him to defer, too long for his peace of mind, the bitter moment of confession; and consequently to deprive himself needlessly of the tender comp assionand ready sympal hy^of frien^sT^whose^Tips were sealed so long as he withheld his con- fidence. But, in truth, the secret so jealously guarded was already known — but who could inform him of it? — though not long nor generally, as we learn from Ries. It was well for Beethoven, when the time came for him to return to the city, and to resume the duties and obligations of his profession. To what depths of despondency he sometimes sank in those solitary hours at Heiligenstadt, is shown by a re- markable and most touching paper, written there just before his return to town, but never seen by other eyes until afttT his death. Although addressed to and intended for both liis broUicrs, it is, as Scliindler Jias remarked, "surj)rising and singular," that the name "Johann" is left utterly blank throughout — not even being indi- cated by the usual. ... It is couched in terms of energetic expres- sion, rising occasionally to eIo(iuence — somewhat rude and un- j)olished ind<'«'d, but, perJiaf)s, for tliat reason tJie more striking. The manuscript^ is so carefully written, and disfigured by so few 'Those dedicated to Princess Esterhazy, Op. 4.5. 'This TcstariKiif or rmmi'moria, writti-ii on a larjjc foolscap sheet, appears to have \ti-i-i\ cli.scovercd in a mass of loose papers piinliascd hy llie elder Arliiria af the sale of Meethoven's effects in IHitl. Kridursed iiixm it is an ai ktxiwle.ljfemeiil. sixind hy Jacob Hotschevar, the guardian (after HreiiiiiiiK's dejilh) of llie coiiipoNer's nephew, of having? received it from .Arlaria & ("o. Then f<»ll<»\vs a similar a« knowle.ljjement of its reception hy .lohann van Ueethoven. Its next poss<-ssor appears to have been .Alois Ftiihs — the great colle presenteii it to Mr. Otto arifi Madame .Jinny I.ind Ouldsehmidt as a testimony of j;ratiliide for their vahialile assistance in fine of his cimcerts. Hy their kindness llw present writer was allowed to make a very careful copy on April i. IHrtl. As prititid in the"\lln. Musikalische Zeitung," hy Sehindhr anrl f)thers. it differs little from the original, though 352 The Life of Ltjdwig van Beethoven erasures and corrections, as to prove the great pains taken with it before the final copy was made. The closing sentences, in which he discovers his expectations of an early death, have ac- quired double importance since the publication of Schindler'5 suicide story, for the decisive manner in which they remove every possible suspicion that, even in his present hypochondria, he could contemplate such a crime. Ries's paragraph upon Beethoven's deafness, in which he relates a circumstance alluded to in the document, is its most fitting introduction: As early as 1802, Beethoven suffered from deafness at various times, but the afHiction each time passed away. The beginning of his hard hearing was a matter upon which he was so sensitive that one had to be careful not to make him feel his deficiency by loud speech. When he failed to understand a thing he generally attributed it to his absent-mindedness, to which, indeed, he was subject in a great degree. He Hved much in the country, whither I went often to take a lesson from him. At times, at 8 o'clock in the morning after breakfast he would say: "Let us first take a short walk." We went, and frequently did not return till 3 or 4 o'clock, after having made a meal in some village. On one of these wanderings Beethoven gave me the first striking proof of his loss of hearing, concerning which Stephan von Breuning had already spoken to me. I called his attention to a shepherd who was piping very agreeably in the woods on a flute made of a twig of elder. For half an hour Beethoven could hear nothing, and though I assured him that it was the same with me (which was not the case), he became extremely quiet and morose. When occasionally he seemed to be merry it was generally to the extreme of boisterousness; but this happened seldom. Following is the text of the document: For my brothers Carl and Beethoven. O ye men who think or say that I am malevolent, stubborn or misanthropic, how greatly do ye wrong me, you do not know the secret causes of my seeming, from childhood my heart and mind were dis- posed to the gentle feeling of good will, I was even ever eager to accom- plish great deeds, but reflect now that for 6 years I have been in a hope- less case, aggravated by senseless physicians, cheated year after year in the hope of improvement, finally compelled to face the prospect of a lasting malady (whose cure will take years or, perhaps, be impossible), born with an ardent and hvely temperament, even susceptible to the diversions of society, I was compelled early to isolate myself, to live some of Beethoven's peculiar forms of spelling were corrected — such as "Heiglnstadt." "That Beethoven, throughout the document, never mentions the name of his second brother Johann, and indicates it only by points, is surprising and singular, inasmuch as this brother, as we have just seen, had come to Vienna only a short time before in order to take part in the affairs of our Beethoven." Our copy certainly contains no such "points." The other mistake, as to the recent arrival of Johann in Vienna, every reader will note. Text of the Heiligexstadt "^YILL" 353 in loneliness, when I at times tried to forget all this, O how harshly was I repulsed by the doubly sad experience of my bad hearing, and yet it was impossible for me to say to men speak louder, shout, for I am deaf. Ah how could I possibly admit an infirmity in the one sense which should have been more perfect in me than in others, a sense which I once pos- sessed in highest perfection, a perfection such as few surely in my pro- fession enjoy or ever have enjoyed — O I cannot do it, therefore forgive me when you see me draw back when I would gladly mingle with you, my misfortune is doubly painful because it must lead to my being mis- understood, for me there can be no recreation in society of my fellows, refined intercourse, mutual exchange of thought, only just as little as the greatest needs command may I mix with society, I must live like an exile, if I approach near to people a hot terror seizes upon me, a fear that I may be subjected to the danger of letting my condition be observed — thus it has been during the last half year which I spent 'a the country, commanded by my intelligent physician to spare my hearing as much as possible, in this almost meeting my present latural disposition, although I sometimes ran counter to it yielding to my inclination for society, but what a humiliation when one stood beside me and heard a flute in the distance and / heard nothing or someone heard the shepherd singing and again I heard nothing, such incidents brought me to the verge of despair, but little more and I would have put an end to my life — only art it was that withheld me, ah it seemed impossible to leave the world until I had produced all that I felt called upon to produce, and so I endured this wretched existence^-truly wretched, an e\cital)le body which a sudden change can throw from the best into the worst state — Patience — it is said I must now choose for my guide, I have done so, I hope my determination will remain firm to endure until it pleases the inexorable parcse to break the thread, perhai)s I shall get better, perhaps not, I am prepared. Forced already in my 2Hth year to become a philosopher, O it is not easy, less easy for the artist than for any one else — Divine One thou lookest into my inmost soul, thou knowest it, thou knowest that love of man and desire to do good live therein. O men, when some day you read these words, reflect that ye did me wrong and let the unfortunate one comfort himself and find one of his kind v.ho despite all the obstacles of nature yet did all tiiat was in his power to be accepted among worthy artists and men. You my brothers Carl and as soon as I am dead if Dr. Scrience, it was virtue that upheld me in misery, to it n«'xt to my art I owe the fact that F di> a u 'V 4) a 03 03 Ti -d CC "i U M y ki t n3 ui C PQ c3 >j -13 fl c3 a (U Ui u o 0) fn M O Heiglnstadt, October 10th, 1802, thus do I take my farewell of thee — and indeed sadly — yes that beloved hope — which I brought with me when I came here to be cured at least in a degree — I must wholly abandon, as the leaves of autumn fall and are withered so hope has been blighted, almost as I came — I go away— -even the high courage — which often inspired me in the beautiful days of summer — has disappeared — O Providence- — grant me at last but one day of pure joy — it is so long since real joy echoed in my heart — O when — O when, O Divine One — shall I feel it again in the temple of nature and of men — Never? no — O that would be too hard. De profundis clamavit! And yet in that retirement whence came a paper of such profound sadness was wrought out the Symphony in D; a work whose grand and imposing introduction — • brilliant Allegro, a Larghetto "so lovely, so pure and amiab'y con- ceived,'* written in the scenes which gave inspiration to the divine "Pastorale" of which its serene tranquility seems the precursor; a Scherzo "as merry, wayward, skipping and charming as anything possible,'* as even Oulibichef admits; and a Finale, the very intoxi- cation of a spirit "intoxicated with fire" — made it, like the Quarvets, an era both in the life of its author and in the history of instru- mental music. In life, as in music, the more profoundly the depths of feeling are sounded in the Adagio, the more "merry to the verge of boisterousness" the Scherzo which follows. But who, reading A Quick Reversion to ^Ierrimext 355 that in October that beloved hope had been abandoned and the high courage which had often inspired him in the beautiful days of summer had disappeared, could anticipate that in November, through the wonderful elasticity of his nature, his mind would have so recovered its tone as to leave no trace visible of the so recent depression and gloom? Perhaps the mere act of giving his feelings vent in that extraordinary promemoria may have brought on the crisis, and from that moment the reaction may have begun. The following letter to Zmeskall (to which the recipient appended the date, November, 180'-2) is whimsically written on both sides of a strip of very ordinary coarse writing paper fourteen and a half inches long by four and three-quarters wide: You may, my dear Z., talk as plainly as you please to Walter in the affair of mine, first because he deserves it and then because since the belief has gone forth that I am no longer on good terms with Walter I am pestered by the whole swarm of {)ianoforte makers wishing to serve me — and gratis, moreover, every one wants to build a pianoforte for ine just to my liking; thus Reicha was urgently begged by the man who made a pianoforte for him to persuade me to let him make me one, and he is one of the more honest at whose place I have seen good instru- ments — make him understand therefore that I will pay him -SO florins. whereas I might have one from all the others for nothinj^, but I will pay 30 florins only on condition that it be of mahogany and I also want the one string {una corda) pedal — if he does not agree to this make it plain to him that I shall choose one of the others and also introduce him to Haydn — a Frenchman, stranger, is coming to me at about \i o'clock to-day volti suhito Herr R(eicha) and I will have the j)leasure of displaying my art on a piano by Jakesch — ad notam — if you want also to come we shall have a good time since afterward we, Reicha, our iniscraMc Imperial H.-iroii and the Frenchman, will dine togetiicr — you do not need to don a bluclc coat as we shall be a parly of men only. Another letter to Zmeskall (who noted tJie date November 13, 180'2, on it) runs as follows: Dear Z.-fh've up your 7nunic at the Prince's, uothirKj rlsr run hr dour. We shall n'hears(; at your lnmse to-morrow mornin^^ early at half past 8 and the |)rodu(ttioii will be at my house at eleven — cu/^//o excellent I'lenipoti-iit iarius rr(ini lirrlhorrnms The rascals have been jailed as they deserved in their own hand- writing.' "IV(xluction" of what? 'I'ln> new (^lintel. Op. '2!). no doubt. "At my house" — no longer in iJie llainberg- Hrrm. 356 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven but in the one pointed out by Czerny: "Beethoven lived a little later (about ISO-^) on the Petersplatz, the corner house beside the Guard-house, vis-d-vis of my present lodgings, in the fourth ( ?) storey, where I visited him as often as I did (in the Tiefen Graben). If you will give me the pleasure of a visit (No. 576) beside Daum, second storey, I will show you the windows. There I visited several times every week."^ What whim could have induced Beethoven to remove to this house with the bells of St. Peter's on one side and those of St. Stephen's sounding down upon him on the other, and he so suffering with his ears.'^ Perhaps because friends were in the house. Forster's earliest recollections of Beethoven date from this winter and this house; for his father's dwelling was in the third storey above him. He remembers that Beethoven volun- teered to instruct him in pianoforte playing, and that he was forced to rise at six in the morning and descend the cold stairs, child as he was, hardly six years of age, to take his lessons; and on one occasion going up again crying because his master had whipped his little fingers with one of the iron or steel needles used in knitting the coarse yarn jackets worn by women in service. The composition of the Marches for Four Hands (Op. 45), ordered by Count Browne, dates also from the house in the Petersplatz. He composed part of the second inarch while giving me a lesson on a sonata which I had to play in the evening at the Count's house at a little concert — a thing that still seems incomprehensible to me. I was also to play the marches on the same occasion with him. While we were playing young Count P.... sitting in the doorway leading to the next room spoke so loudly and continuously to a pretty woman, that Beethoven, after several efforts had vainly been made to secure quiet, suddenly took my hands from the keys in the middle of the music, jumped up and said very loudly, "I will not play for such swine!" All efforts to get him to return to the pianoforte were vain, and he would not even allow me to play the sonata. So the music came to an end in the midst of much ill humor. In composing Beethoven tested his pieces at the pianoforte until he found them to his liking, and sang the while. His voice in singing was hideous. It was thus that Czerny heard him at work on the four- hand Marches while waiting in a side room. According to Jahn's papers this statement came also from Czerny. It is now necessary to turn back to November and again undertake the annoying and thankless task of examining a broad iLetter to Ferdinand Luib, May 28, 1852. Beethoven and His Brothers 357 tissue of mingled fact and misrepresentation and severing the truth from the error; this time the subject is the relations which existed between Beethoven and his brothers in these years. A letter written by Kaspar is the occasion of taking it up here. Johann Andre, a music publisher at Offenbach-on-the-Main, following the example of Hoffmeister, Nageli, Breitkopf and Hiirtel and others, now applied to Beethoven for manuscripts. Kaspar wrote the reply under date November 23, ISO^: . . . .At present we have nothing but a Symphony, a grand Concerto for Pianoforte, the first at 300 florins and the second at the same price, if you should want three pianoforte sonatas I could furnish them for no less than 900 florins, all according to Vienna standard, and these you could not have all at once, but one every five or six weeks, because my brother does not trouble himself with such trifles any longer and composes only oratorios, operas, etc. Also you are to send us eight copies of every piece which you may possibly engrave. WTiether the pieces please you or not I beg you to answer, otherwise I might be prevented from selling them to someone else. We have also two Adagios for the Violin with complete instrumental accompaniment, which will cost 135 florins, and two little easy Sonatas, each with two movements, which are at your service for "^SO florins. In addition I beg you to present our compliments to our friend Koch. Your obedient, K. v. Beethoven. R.I. Treasury oflBcial. This ludicrous display of the young man's self-importance as "Royal Imperial Treasury Officiar' and Ludwig van Beethoven's factotum is certainly very absurd; but hardly affords adccpiate grounds for the exceeding scorn of Schindler's remarks upon it. It is in itself suflSciently provocative of prejudice against its writer. But a display of vanity and self-esteem is ridiculous, not crimirud. The general charge brought by Ries against Kaspar and Johann van Beethoven is tliis: His brothers sought In i);irliriil;ir to keep all his irilini.ilf fiirtids away from him, and wo mutter what wrongs tlu'V did him. ol' wlii( li he was convinced, they cost him only a few tears and all was immediately forgotten. On such occasions he was in tlu* habit of saying: "But they are my brothers, nevertheless," and the fri<'nd reeciv<'d Ji rehiike for his good-nature and frankness. The brothers attained their purpose in causing the withdrawal from him of many friends, especially when, because of his hard hearing, it became more dilfieult to converse with him. Two years after the "Xotizen" left the press Schindler pub- lished his "Hiograpliy." In it, although lie first knew Beethoven in 1814, Johann some years later and Kaspar i)robal)ly never. 358 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven and therefore personally could know nothing of the facts of this period, yet he made the picture still darker. The special charge against Kaspar is that "about this time (in 1800) he began to rule Beethoven and made him suspicious of his most sincere friends and devotees by means of false representations and even jealousy." There is a class of writers in Germany, whom no regard for the feelings of the living, no veneration for the memories of the great dead, no scruples on the score of truth, and even, in some cases, not respect and admiration for the greatest living genius, talent, and literary or scientific fame, restrain from using, or moderate their use of, whatever can add piquancy to their appeals to the prurient imaginations of certain classes of readers. Delicacy of feeling and nicety of conscience are not to be expected of such heartless traducers of the living and the dead; but that even the most contemptible of the tribe, regardless of the pain which such a slander of her husband's father must have caused to a widowed mother and her amiable children, could venture to represent Karl Kaspar van Beethoven as the seller of his wife's virtue and a sharer in the wages of her shame, is as inconceivable, as that his book should be received with praise by critics and applause by the public; that it should gain its author pecuniary profit instead of a prison. The story is utterly without foundation; a pure invention and a falsehood, and is told, moreover, of poor Kaspar, at a time when as yet he had no wife! Unfortunately, this treatment of Beethoven's brothers is not confined to writers of novels and feuilletonists. They, who profess to write history, no sooner strike upon this topic, than fancy seems to usurp the seat of reason and imagination to take the place of judgment. The lines of Ries expand into paragraphs; the sentences of Schindler into chapters. But the picture, thus overdrawn and exaggerated, in some degree corrects itself; for if the brothers were really as represented, what is to be thought of Beethoven if he in fact was so led, controlled and held in subjection by them as described? Now, what is really known of Karl Kaspar and Johann, though it sufficiently confutes much of the calumnious nonsense which has been printed about them, is not fitted to convey any very exalted idea of their characters. The same Frau Karth, who remembered Ludwig in his youth as always "gentle and lovable," related that Kaspar was less kindly in his disposition, "proud and presumptuous," and that Johann "was a bit stupid, yet very good-natured." And such they were in manhood. Kaspar, like Ludwig, was very passionate, but more violent in his sudden Characters of Karl Kaspar and Johann 359 wrath; Johann, slow to wrath and placable. Notwithstanding the poverty of his youth and early manhood, it is not known that Kaspar was avaricious; but Johann had felt too bitterly the misery of want and dependence, and became penurious. After he had accumulated a moderate fortune, the contests between his avarice and the desire to display his wealth led to very ludicrous exhibitions. In a word, Beethoven was not a phenomenon of goodness, nor were his brothers monsters of iniquity. That both Ries and Schindler wrote honestly has not been doubted; but common justice demands the reminder that they wrote under tlie bias of strong personal dislike to one or both brothers. Ries wrote im- pressions received at a very early time of life, and records opinions formed upon incomplete data. Schindler wrote entirely upon hearsay. Ries had not completed his twenty-first year when he departed from Vienna (1805). Howsoever strong were Beethoven's gratitude to Franz Ries and affection for Ferdinand, fourteen years was too great a disparity in age to allow tliat trustful and familiar intercourse between master and pupil which could eiuible the latter to speak with full knowledge; nor does a man of Beethoven's age and position turn from old and valued friends, like the Lichnowskys, Breuning, Zmeskall and others of whatever names, to make a youth of from 18 to 20 years, a new-comer and previously a stranger, even though a favorite pupil, his confidential adviser. Facts confirm the proi)osition in this case. We know that Beethoven in 1801 imparted grave matters to Wcgclcr aud Amenda, of whicli Ries a year later had only received iuliinatiou from Breuning; and other circumstances of whicli lie knew notJiiiig are recorded in tlie testament of 18()'2. The cJiargcs against the brotliers, botli of Ries and Schindler, are general in terms; Ries only giving specifications or instances in ])r()()f. Schindler may be passed by as but repeating the "Noti/en." Now. the onus of Ries's charges is this: P'irst : tliat Kaspar tJinist iiimsclf im})crt iiicnily into liis brother's business; second: tJiat both brothers intrigued to isolate Be<'thoven from his intimate friends and tJiat liuir niacliinal ions were in many cases successful. To the first point it is to be remarked: Besides I^'clhoven's often expressed disinclination to <'ngage iiersonaiiy in in-got iaf ions for the sale of Jiis works although wln-n he did he showed no lack of a kren eve to profits Jiis ])hysical and mental condition at tliis jx-riod of U'L-i life often rendered tJie assistance of an agent indispensable. Accounts were to be k<'i)t with half a do/en pub- lishers; letters received upon business were numerous and often 360 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven demanded prompt replies; proof-sheets were constantly arriving for revision and correction; copyists required supervision; an abundance of minor matters continually coming up and needing attention when Beethoven might be on his long rambles over hill and dale, the last man to be found in an emergency. One asks with astonishment, how could so obvious a necessity for a confidential agent have escaped notice? Who should or could this agent be but his brother Kaspar?^ He held an honor- able place in a public office, the duties of which necessarily implied the possession of those talents for, and habits of, prompt and skillful performance of business which his early receipt of salary and his regular advancement in position show that he really did possess; his duties detained him in the city at all times, occasional short vacations excepted, and yet left him ample leisure to attend to his brother's affairs; he was a musician by education and fully competent to render valuable service in that "fearful period of arrangements" — as it is well known he did. What would have justly been said of Beethoven if he had passed by one so eminently qualified for the task — one on whom the paternal relation and his own long continued care and protection had given him so many claims — and had transferred the burden from his own shoulders to those of other friends.^ But if, after adequate trial, the agent proved unsatisfactory, the case would be changed and the principal might with propriety seek needed assistance in other quarters. And precisely this appears to have occurred; for after a few years Kaspar disappears almost entirely from our history in connection with his brother's pecuniary affairs. This fact is stronger evidence than anything in Ries's statements, that Beet- hoven became dissatisfied with his brother's management, and would have still more weight had he been less fickle, inconstant and undecided in matters of business. ^ 'Under date April 22, 1802, Beethoven writes to Breitkopf and Hartel: "I reserve the privilege of soon writing to you highborn gentlemen myself — many business matters, and also many vexations — render me utterly useless for some things for a time — meanwhile you may trust implicitly in my brother — who, in fad, manages all my affairs." ^Hugo Riemann, the editor of Volumes II and III of the second edition of this "Life," was not disposed to permit the author's defence of Beethoven's brothers to stand unchallenged, as Dr. Deiters had done in the first edition. Dr. Riemann calls attention to a letter sent by Beethoven to Johann after the latter had removed to Linz — the date as written by Beethoven is "March 28, 1089" — another instance of Beethoven's careless treatment of such matters. Of course the year was 1809. In the letter the composer says: "God grant to you and the other brother instead of his unfeelingness, feeling — / suffer infinitely through him, with my bad hearing I always need somebody, and whom shall I trust.*" This Dr. Riemann inserts in the body of the text. In a foot-note he calls attention to a letter found among Thayer's posthumous papers to the author from Gerhard von Breuning in which occur the words: "Caspar held a respected position in the public service. But how did it come that Rosgea Karl Kaspar as a Business Manager 361 Sej^ried, whose acquaintance with Beethoven ripened just at this time into intimacy, and who in 180-2-'05 had the best possible opportunities for observation, beheld the relations between the brothers with far less jaundiced eyes than Ries. He says: Beethoven was the more glad to choose joyous Vienna for his future and permanent home since two j-ounger brothers had followed him thither, who took off his shoulders the oppressive load of financial cares and who were compelled to act almost as guardians for the priest of art to whom the ordinary affairs of civil life were as strange as strange could be. At that time Seyfried, like Ries, was ignorant of tlie circum- stances detailed to Wegeler and Amenda and in the testament; but the admirable selection of words in the closing phrase will strike all who have had occasion to read Beethoven's countless notes asking advice or aid in matters which most men would deem too trivial for even a passing word in conversation. The specifications of Ries in his charges against Kaspar will not long detain us. The story of the quarrel over the disj)osition of the Nageli Sonatas may stand in all its ugliness and with no comment save the suggestion of the possibility that Kaspar's word as Ludwig's agent may have been pledged to the Leipsic publisher. The one really specific charge of Ries is tlie one on page 124 of the "Notizen": All trifles, and many things which he did not want to publish be- cause he thought them unworthy of his name, were secretly given to publicity by his brother. Thus songs which he had composed years before his departure for Vienna, l)ccame known only after he had reached a high degree of fame. Thus, too, little compositions which he had written in autograph albums were filched and published. By "trifles" Ries, of course, lu-re refers to the "Bagatelles, Op. 33, par Louis van Beethoven, 1782," as the mauiis(ri|)t is superscribed, published in the spring of 180.3. The manuscrii)t itself proves Ries to be in error. TJie words "par Louis van warrifd my fatlicr to warn I.iidwij^ not to trust Casfinr too miK li in rrs|)ril of inoncy mattfTM Ix'fuijscr In- had a loid npulation; and tlii-ii, hiidwij; haviiij; told ( a>|)urtliat he had received the warning; from StifFcn, < aspar dniiandid from my fat h{; ami wlun my falhli<|y dclivere{ was eonvin'-i-d that ('ari'.s eharacd-r was had. Imt is more lenient in his jndjfment of Joliann, whom he vUnruvH cmly with grrvtl and miscrliiienH. Of conrse, all this material was in the hands of Thayer, who must have weighed it in making up his defence of the hrothcrs. 36*2 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Beethoven" are in a hand unlike anything known to the present writer from Beethoven's pen. This fact, together with a something not easily described in the appearance of the notes, suggests the idea that this copy of the "Bagatelles" was made by Kaspar, and com- piled, except No. 6 and perhaps one other, from the compositions of Beethoven in his boyhood. But the corrections — the words Andante graciosOf Scherzo Allegro, Allegretto con una certa espressione parlanie, etc., written with lead pencil or a different ink, are certainly from Beethoven's own hand; also, in still another ink, the thoroughly Beethovenish "Op. 33." No one can mistake that. This work most assuredly was never "secretly given to the public."^ The only Album composition known to have been published in those years is the song with variations, "Ich denke dein"; and this Beethoven himself had offered to Hoffmeister before it was printed by the Kunst- und Industrie-Comptoir. The "songs" referred to by Ries can only be those of Op. 52. The original manuscript, having disappeared, neither refutes nor confirms his opinion. It is, however, exceedingly doubtful that Beethoven's brothers would have dared give an opus number to a stolen publication. A priori Ries is more likely to be in error here than in regard to the "Bagatelles." Now, the only contemporary criticism upon the latter which has been discovered, is a single line in Moll's "Annalen der Literatur" (Vienna, 1804): "Deserve the title in every sense of the word.'* Upon the "Song with Variations" no notice whatever has been found. But, Opus 52 was received by the "Allgemeine Musik-Zeitung" of August 28, 1805, in this style; Opera 47 and 38 having been duly praised, the writer continues: Is it possible that No. 3 of these eight songs is from the pen of this composer, admirable even in his vagaries? It must be, since it is. At least his name is printed large on the title-page, the publisher is mentioned, the songs were published in Vienna where the composer lives, and, in- deed, bear his latest opus number. Comprehend it he who can — that a thing in all respects so commonplace, poor, weak and in great part ludicrous should not only emanate from such a man but even be published. And more like this, illustrated by copying "Das BlUmchen Wunderhold." These citations suggest an obvious explanation of 'Dr. Friramel is of the opinion that in this criticism Thayer was hasty and pre- mature. In reproducing two facsimiles of portions of the Bagatelle in question ("Beet- hoven Jahrbuch" II, 1909) he says: "The apparent contradictions disclosed by these manuscripts led Thayer to question the authenticity of the autograph. It may safely be said that a later consideration of the matter would have led Thayer to change his mind; he would also surely have corrected his statement that Ries had reference to the Bagatelles Op. 33 in his 'N' (p. 124). Nottebohm knew the manuscript, which was once in the possession of Johann Kafka, well and never expressed a doubt as to its genuineness." Karl Raspar a Probable Scapegoat 363 Ries's mistake, namely: Beethoven, mortified, ashamed, angry, pur- posely left him to believe that he was innocent of the publication of these compositions. It was one of the advantages of having Kaspar in Vienna, that the responsibility of such false steps could be shifted upon him. Those who are predetermined not to admit in Beethoven's character any of the faults, frailties and shortcomings of our common human nature, will of course censure this explanation. Let them propose a better.^ Finally: In the paragraph upon the efforts of Beethoven's brothers to keep all of the composer's friends away from him it is easy to read between the lines that it was Ries himself who oft "was rebuked for his good-nature and frankness," which of itself to some extent lessens the force of the charge. But it is best met by the first half of the Will, or testament, which, with the confessions to Wegeler and Amenda, as above said, open to our knowledge an inner life of the writer studiously concealed from his protege. In this solemn document, written as he supposed uj)on the brink of the grave, Beethoven touches upon this very question. We learn from his own affecting words, that the cause of his separation from friends lay, 7iot in the machinations of his brothers, but in his own sensitiveness. He records for future use, what he cannot now explain without disclosing his jealously guarded secret. That record now serves a double purpose; it relieves Kaspar and Johann from a portion of the odium so long cast upon their memories; and proves Ries to be, in ])art at least, in error, without impugning his veracity. It is very probable Hies never saw the will. Had he known and carefully read it, the prejudices of his youth must have been weakened, the opinions founded upon partial knowledge modified. lie was of too noble a nature not to have gladly seen the memories of the d(>ad vindi- cated — not to have been struck with nu<\ alF<'(ted by the words of his deceased master: "To you, l)r()tlii), wl)ieh he sent rue in a fit of an^,'er because of an un[)lrasiint predicament into which (Jar! van licelhovcn had gotten me. lleethoven wrote: •Diffcrrnrfi t)rtwp<-n tho statrmfnti made here and ■omr of Ihnnf in (.'hftpl'-r \ I are explained by the nuthor's lftt<'r investigation."!. 364 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven "You do not need to come to Heiligenstadt; I have no time to lose." At the time Count Browne was indulging himself with pleasures in which I was taking part, he being kindly disposed towards me, and was in consequence neglecting my lessons. That Beethoven, during the summer when his vocations were interrupted by the dark hours in which the "will" was produced, could have no time to lose in those lighter days when the spirit of labor was upon him is clear from the surprising list of compo- sitions written and published in this year. The works which were developed were the three Violin Sonatas, Op. 30; the first two of the three Pianoforte Sonatas, Op. 31; the two sets of Variations, Op. 34 and 35; the "Bagatelles," Op. 33, and (the chief work of the year) the second Symphony, D major. Op. 36. The works which came from the press were the Pianoforte Sonatas, Op. 22, 26 and 27, Nos. 1 and 2; the Serenade, Op. 25; the Septet, Op. 20; the Quintet, Op. 29; the Rondo in G, Op. 51, No. 2; the transcription for strings of the Pianoforte Sonata in E, Op. 14, No. 1; the Variations for Violoncello and Pianoforte on "Bei Mannern welche Liebe fiihlen," dedicated to Count Browne; the six Contradances and six Rustic ("Land- rische") Dances. There were thirteen performances of the ballet "Prometheus." Moreover, it is at least remotely possible that the two large works which were played together with the Sympho- nies in C and D at Beethoven's concert on April 5, 1803 — viz.: the Pianoforte Concerto in C minor. Op. 37 and the Oratorio "Christus am Olberg," Op. 85 — were not so far advanced in all their parts that they, too, may have occupied the attention of Beethoven in the winter of 1802-03. For nearly all the works completed in 1802, studies are to be found in the sketchbook described in full by Nottebohm,^ which covers the period from the fall of 1801 to the spring of 1802; like the majority of the sketchbooks, it contains themes and studies which were never worked out. "Overlooking the sketches which cross each other," says Nottebohm, "and putting aside all that is immaterial, the compositions represented in the book which were completed and are known, may be set down chronologically as follows : "Opferlied," by Mathisson, first form. Scene and Aria for Soprano : "No — non turbarti." Three of the Contradances. Bagatelle for Pianoforte, No. 6 of Op. 33. Last movement of the Symphony in D major. '"Ein Skizzenbuch von Beethoven," Breitkopf und Hartel, Leipsic, 1865. Compositions Completed in 1802 365 Five of the six "Landrische Tanze." Terzetto, "Tremate, empj, tremate," Op. 116, First and second movements of the Sonata for Pianoforte and VioHn in A major, Op. 30, No. 1. Last movement of the Sonata for Pianoforte and VioHn in A major. Op. 47. Sonata for Pianoforte and VioHn in C minor. Op. 30, No. 2. BagateHe for Pianoforte, No. 5 of Op. 1 19 ( 1 12) . First movement of the Sonata for Pianoforte in D minor, Op. 31, No. 2 (the first sketch only). Sonata for Pianoforte and VioHn in G major. Op. 30, No. 3. Last movement of the Sonata for Pianoforte and VioHn in A major. Op. 30, No. 1 (the theme had been designed before). Variations for Pianoforte in E-flat major, Op. 35 (j)reparatory work). Variations for Pianoforte in F major, Op. 34 (only the first hints). Sonata for Pianoforte in G major. Op. 31, No. 1 (not complete). To which may be added as occurring earlj^ in the book, tlie theme of the Larghetto of the Symphony in D (here for horns), out of which eventually grew the Trio in the Scherzo. A curious remark on one of the pages seems to be a memorandum for a piece of descriptive music: "Marital felicity, dark clouds uj)on the brow of tlie husband in whicli the fairer ludf unites but still seeks to dispel." The evident care taken by the composer at tliis period to make tlie opus numbers really correspond to the chronological order of his works, is a strong rea.son for concluding tliat the Violin Sonatas, Op. 30, were completed or nearly so before lie removed to Heiligenstadt. Even in tluit case, what wonderful genius and capacity for labor does it .sliow, that, before the close of tlie year, in spite of ill jieuitli and ])eri()ds of tJie (leej)esL desj)oiid- ency, and of all tlie interruptions caused by liis ordinary vocations after his return to town, he liad completed the first two Sonatas of Op. 31, the two extensive and novel sets of \'ariations. Op. .'U .iiui Op. 3.5, and the noble Second Symphony! — all of them wilnes.scs that he had really "entered upon a new j)ath," ncilJicr of them more so than tlie Syiiipliony so amazingly superior to its predcfcssor in grandeur and originality. 'J1iis was, in fact, the grand labor of this summer. The tlin-e Sonatas for l^ianoforte and Violin ;ire dedicated to Czar Alexander I ol Russia, who is said to have given command tliat a valuable diamond ring be sent to lln' eotnposer. Lenz could find no record of sucJi an incident in the inijx'rial archives. Tin; sketches show tli;if the movement which now concludes the "Krcutzer" Sonata (Op. 47) was originally designed for the first of tlie three, tlie one in A major; and tJiat for the 366 The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Adagio of the second, in C minor, Beethoven, assuming that he already associated the theme with the work, first contemplated using the key of G. The three Sonatas for Pianoforte, Op. 31, are without dedica- tion. W. Nagel connects them, or one of them, with the following extraordinary letter to Hoffmeister: Vienna, April 8, 1802. Are you all ridden by the devil gentlemen that you propose such a sonata to me? At the time of the revolutionary fever — well — such a thing might have been very well; but now — when everything is trying to get back into the old rut, Buonaparte has signed the concordat with the Pope — such a sonata? If it were a Missa pro sancta Maria a ire voci, or a Vesper, etc. — I would take my brush in hand at once — and write down a Credo in unum Deum in big pound notes — but good God, such a sonata — for these days of newly dawning Christianity — hoho! — leave me out of it, nothing will come of it. Now my answer in quickest tempo — the lady can have a sonata from me, and I will follow her plan in respect of aesthetics in a general way — and without following the keys — price 5 ducats — for which she may keep it for her own enjoyment for a year, neither I nor she to publish it. At the expiration of the year — the sonata will be mine to — i. e., I shall publish it, and she shall have the privilege — if she thinks it will be an honor — to ask me to dedicate it to her. . . . Now God keep you gentlemen. My Sonata is beautifully printed [gestochen, i. e., engraved] — but it took you a pretty time — send my Septet into the world a little quicker — for the crowd is waiting for it — and you know the Empress has it and there are (scamps) in the imperial city as well as the (imperial court) I can vouch for nothing — therefore make haste. Herr (Mollo) has again recently published my Quartets but full of faults and Errata — in large as well as small form, they swarm in them like fish in the sea, there is no end of them — questo e un piacere per un aiitore — that's pricking music with a vengeance, in truth my skin is full of prickings and rips because of this beautiful edition of my Quartets. . . . Now farewell and remember me as I do you. Till death your faithful L. V. Beethoven. An engagement which Beethoven had obtained from Count Browne for Ries was one that gave him leisure to pursue his studies, and he often came to Vienna and Heiligenstadt for that purpose. Thus it happens that the "Notizen" also contribute to the history of these Sonatas. Ries writes: Beethoven had promised the three solo sonatas (Op. 31) to Nageli in Zurich while his brother Carl (Caspar) who, unfortunately, was always meddling with his affairs, wanted to sell them to a Leipsic publisher. The Pianoforte Sonatas, Op. 31 367 There were frequent exchanges of words between the brothers on this account because Beethoven having given his word wanted to keep it. When the sonatas (the first two) were about to be sent away Beethoven was H ving in Heihgenstadt. During a promenade new quarrels arose between the brothers and finally they came to blows. The next day he gave me the sonatas to send straight to Zurich, and a letter to his brother enclosed in another to Stephan von Breuning who was to read it. A prettier lesson could scarcely have been read by anybody with a good heart than Beethoven read his brother on the subject of his conduct on the day before. He first pointed it out in its true and contemptible character, then he forgave hira everything, but predicted a bad future for hira unless he mended his ways. The letter, too, which he had written to Breuning was very beautiful. The first two Sonatas (G major and D minor) appeared in the spring of 1803, as Op. 20, in Niigeli's "Repertoire des Claveci- nistes" as Cahier 5 (the third followed soon after as Op. 33, together with the "Sonate pathetique" as Cahier 11). Of Cahier 5 Nageli sent proof-sheets. Ries reports on the subject as follows : When the proof-sheets came I found Beethoven writing. "Play the Sonata through," he said to me, remaining seated at his writing-desk. There was an unusual number of errors in the proofs, which fact already made Beethoven impatient. At the end of the first Alleijro in the Sonata in G major, however, Nageli had introduced four measures — after the fourth measure of the last hold : t=t t^^ I :-^-M^-^ r=lfrr^l;A^-t^ Wlicn I played this Beethoven jumped uj) in a rage, came running to me, half pushed me away from the pianoforte, slioiiliug: "Where the devil do you find thai?" One can scarcely imagine; his ama/.enienL and rage when he saw the printed notes. I received the commission to make a record of all the errors and at once send the sonatas to Siinroek in Bonn, who was to make a rei)rint and call it hdifion trr.s rorrrrfr. In this place belong tliree notes to me: 1. "Be good enough to mak(r a note of tlie errors and send a record of them at onee to Simroek, with the re(|nesl that in- piil)lisli us soon as possi})le — day after to-morrow I will send him \]\r sonata and concerto." 2. "I must beg yon again to do the disagreeuble work of making a clear eo|)y of the errors in the Z'iri'h sonatas ;inil sen