^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation jnttp://www.archive.org/details/companiontojohnsOOmendrich COMPANION TO JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY BENGALI AND ENGLISH. PECULIAELT CALCULATED FOE THE USE 01 EUEOPEM MD NATIVE STUDENTS. THE THIRD, IMPROVED EDITION. TO WHICH IS APPEITDED THE BENGALI ALPHABET, ETC. BY JOHN MENDIES, Late of Seramjpore. CONCEAL, IF YOU COME TO AN EEROR, CAST NOT REPBOACH, FOR NO MORTAL CAN BJ3.FPEE FROM FAULT. HafeZ. CALCUTTA: PEINTED BY C. B. LEWIS, AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PBESS, 24, LOWER CIECULAB EOAD : AND SOLD AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PEESS } AT THE CALCUTTA SCHOOIrBOOK 80CIETr*S DEPOSITORY, NO. 10, GOVERNMENT PLACE, EAST, ALSO BY MESSRS. THACKER, SPINK AND CO., BT. ANDREW'S LIBBAEYj AND MESSRS. P. S. D'KOZARIO AND CO., DALHOUSIE SQUARE, MDCCOLXXVI. ^^^, J^"^ •^ Mrr^Sr^'^ PREFACE. Pic '^'^•ir The utility of the Bengali language is too evident and too firmly establishod to require any further demonstration. The Sacred Scriptures, long since translated, printed, and widely circulated over the vast extent of the coun- try — the Establishment of Government, Missionary, and Private Seminaries in various parts of Bengal — the currency of the language in the Presidency and Mufassal Civil and Criminal Courts of Justice — the extensive daily fami- liar and commercial intercourse of Europeans with the Natives of the coun- try afford, beyond all doubt, ample motives for the study and cultivation of this most useful language. Hence a great many works have already been compiled by eminent European and Native gentlemen towards facilitating its acquisition. With a view to render his humble services, the compiler was induced, some twenty-nine years back, to undertake the compilation of an Abridgment of Johnson's Dictionary in English and Bengali, for assisting both European and Native students in acquiring the respective languages. Six years sub- sequent to that period he designed to give a second edition of the aforesaid work, together with this volume as its companion, but unforeseen obstacles frustrated the execution of his design, and disheartened him from pursuing the object any further. Plowever, through the unbounded mercy of a gracious Providence, after a long interval, he is enabled to embrace the present opportunity of redeeming the pledge then made, by giving a second edition of both the volumes, cor- rected, enlarged and, in some instances, abridged and condensed. Many additional terms have been introduced, which are not to be found in any other work of a similar nature. To prevent disappointment, it is to be observed that a Dictionary, professed- ly of the Bengali language, must include not only the pure Bengali terms used by the learned, but many words of mixed origin which are in common use, derived from Arabic, Persian, Hindi and low Bengali, which occur daily in the conversation of people of different grades. In submitting this volume to the candid judgment of a generous public, the compiler is well aware of the difficulty of pleasing every body, therefore he will not pretend to say any thing by way of recommending it, but simply begs leave to quote the opinions of the best judges of the language :— ** The compiler of this work, (Companion to Johnson's Dictionary,) as the latest in the field, has been enabled to avail himself of the labours of many prede- cessors, which he certainly has done with very commendable diligence. On the whole this work is decidedly superior to others of its kind. The opinion is entertained, in which we incline fully to coincide, that this would answer to the student all the ordinary purposes of a complete dictionary. The com- 313517 [ iv ] piler is a laborious, diligent, and meritorious individual, and we have great pleasure in recommending his work to more general notice."* Another eminent oriental scholar now in India says : — " Your Bengali and English Dictionary I have often consulted with advantage, and should be ready to recommend it any day even in its previous form." In conclusion, the compiler begs leave to say that should his work be deem- ed deserving of encouragement from a generous public, he humbly trusts that A share of their patronage may be kindly extended to it. Calcutta, January, 1851. J. MENDIES. ADVERTISEMENT to the third Edition. The compiler begs to announce to the public that in the present edition he has introduced, partly in the body of the work, and partly in an Appendix, numerous rare, though useful words, omitted in the former edition, and many others collected from various sources, but chiefly from the late Dr. Carey's Bengali Dictionary. The work has been condensed and compressed in printing with a view to economy, so as to bring it within a reasonable size and price, without causing the least confusion, by striking out many words of Persian or Arabic origin seldom looked for in a Bengali Dictionary. The Compiler further begs to state that, without in the least wishing to be ostentatious, he has availed himself of the present opportunity, for inserting another testimonial to his labours, — the opinion of a well-known oriental scholar regarding the work, entitled, " Abridgment of, and Companion to, Johnson's Dictionary : English and Bengali and vice versa." — The learned critic says : — " This is the title of a new edition, just issued, of a work which has been long before the public. We have long been acquainted with the second of these volumes, and found it to be, for all ordinary purposes, the most handy of all Bengali and English dictionaries. It is much more com- plete than either Morton's or Marshman's, and not much more bulky than the latter. In this new edition the number of pages has been reduced, princi- pally by condensing the explanations of Bengali words. The paper also is better than before. We have not had time to examine the new edition care- fully, nor to test the English and Bengali volume. But from our acquaint- ance with the Compiler, we have no hesitation in recommending the work most cordially."t The compiler begs to tender his grateful thanks to the generous and discern- ing public for the prompt disposal of the second edition of his dictionary* To supply the urgent demand for his work, he has been induced to publish the present edition with great labour and at a heavy outlay, trusting solely in their generosity to indemnify him, by patronizing the work. — Sept. 1856. * Vide Calcutta Christian Observer for 1838. f Ibid. March, 1851. EXAMPLES OF BENGALI CONTRACTIONS. ^1^1 -C^?l1, -C?I^, to he read »il5J?tC* imperative. insepar, inseparable. interj., intj, interjection. lit, literally. masc. masculine. math, mathematics. met. metaphorically. mytho. mythology. neg. par. negative particle. part, participle. ph.yphra. phrase. pi. plural. ^ort. Portuguese, prep, preposition. pron. pronoun. s. substantive. V. a. verb active. V. n. verb neuter. V. cans, causal verb. vide, see. ^ voc. part, vocative particle. *^* The asterisks prefixed to words denote that they are derived either from the Persian or the Arabic root. The double daggers denote that the words have toth a Persian and a Bengali meaning. The superior figures that may be found in the body of the work refer to the Notes at the end of the Dictionary. [ " ] Bengali Verbal Roots, ^fJtcT. • , ^rsf?^?^ ^§fWl .. vfel^k ^t^ .. m ^5l1 . . ciiv\-\^ ^'prl ... ^>i5it ^sti .. ^i^k ■fe^ . . rfe ^ ta tha 4a (}ha ^na ^ ^ W Sf ST ta tha da dha na ^ 5? ^ '^ ^ pa pha ba bha ma ^ ? ?[ ^ T ja ya ra la wa '^f ^ ^ ^ ^ sha «lia \^za ea v5 ra • ha • ksha Letters and their Sf/nibels. ^ ^ ^ ^ c£) c^ ^8 ^ t ?[ ^ ^ ^ ^ '^ \ % ^ fl «v «^ c i Cl C^ J ^ ^ *^ f< ^ \ ^ ng ah n Comhinations of Symbols. ka ki ki ku ku ke kai ko kau kya kra rka kna kla kwa kma kri kang kah ka^ * The symbols are thus named : dkdr ; hraswa or short ikar ; dfrgha or long ikar j short and long nkar; ekar ; aikar ; okar ; aukar ; kya, kra, 6rka, kna, kla, kwa, kma, kri, all these are called phalas; anuswar ; biaarga ; chandra-bindu. [ viii ] Compound Letters, called A nka-phala. Aska- phala. ^ ^ ^ W ^^ ^ ^ m m M nka nkha nga ngha nguna ska skha dga dgha unastra ^ ^ €? ^ .41 '^ ^ W ^ ^ ncha nchha nja njha nina shcha slichha bja bjha ggyan ^ ^ ^ ^ D \ ^ ^ ^ ^ nta ntha nda ndha nna shta shtha bda bdha shna ^ T "^ ^ -^ ^ "? ^ ^ ^ nta ntha nda ndha nna sta stha bda bdha ahrna iRPf ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ IP ^ ^ W mpa mpha mba mbha mma spa spha dba dbha ahmma ' ru rd ahna ahja stu stra gdha t shri ganesh Ishw i ^ Numerical Figures. Fractions* y^ f if^. ^^T^j a. profound, very deep. ■■^^«l,.?.bad quality : a. useless, worthless. ^9'«it, a. worthless : 8. not a magician. ^^«i ;^^, a become worthless, useless. '^^^, s. agallochum or lignum aloes, or the tree which produces it ;^ also the tree from which Bdellium is produced :^ a, not weigh ty,unimportant,light, trivial. ^^^f*lS*t's^1, 8. a timber tree (dalbergia ^$J^J, a. unconcealable. [sissoo.) "^C^fl, a vocative particle employed in a respectful address. ^C9fT^^, a. unperceived, not in presence. ^CTft^C^jfl^. unknowingly, clandestinely. ^C'Jn^ja. of no family : s. want of family. ^C^tT"^, s. lignum aloes f another tree.'' '^f^, 8. fire, the god of fire, the regent of the south-east quarter, the power of digestion, bile, the name of a plant.* ^ftt^^il, 8. a spark of fire. [hot. "^ftf^'*^? «. excessively hot, ignited, red ^f^t^'l^'j, ^fttf^^lj *• the burning of the dead, or any religious act to the per- formance of which fire is necessary. ^nf^.i[T?r,5.adigestivemedicine; a plant. ^f?fC *• f^^ expedient to euro tho bite of tho whipthong snake. ^f^fs^,*. a funonil pile, a sacrificial pile. ^ffjvf^T^I, 6-. trial by fire. ^r^t^^^j •^- ^ fire-worshipper, a Parsi. ^fy"l®l> «• tbe worship of tho god Agni. ■^ftf^^JM, tlie force or heat of fire. ^flf2f^?r, 8. a flint. ^f^^^, ad. fiery, passionately, like fire. ^ftt^^'^j <*• assisting digestion, provoca- tive, digestive, increasing fire. [row. ^nf^I«l, *. fire-arms, a rocket, a fiery ar- ^f?ff f^» *• the strengthening of appetite. ^ftl'^'5) s. a small tree (Premna spinosa). ^ftt^r^r, a. abounding with fire, fiery. ^f?f^T^, a- passionate, fiery. ^ftf^T'Sf J, s. the want of appetite. ^f?tf7r; a small plant.^ ''STfJtJr, a. unacquainted with, [sickness. J^'^t^,«.without a paramour : ^.disease, *^^5l, s. pay for labour. ^C^?r, a. invincible, unconquerable. ^^, a. ignorant, unwise, uninformed. ^53 ^1, s. ignorance, want of knowledge. '^i^TlJ, a. unknown, unacquainted with. '^^^f^fN^^, *. a bastard. [a thing. ^^I^^T^, a. without the knowledge of ^^IC^, ad. unperceivedly, by stealth. '=51^1^, a. ignorant, unlearned, unwise : 8. ignorance, false knowledge, wrong idea. ^^T^^S, ad. unwisely, ignorantly. ^^T^^^, a. most ignorant. [ledge. ^^TiT^I, s. ignorance, a want of know- ^^R'^^^?', a. free from decrepitude, distress, ^Sj^^ift?, «. incombustible, [or disease. ^^cT, 5. a border, outskirt, a part or quar- ter of a town or any place, a district. '^>^iT, s. collyrium, calcined antimony used as a pigment for the eyes. ^^^1, s. a species of lizard ; the mother of the monkey god Hanuman. [joined. ^^t%, s. two handsful, both open hands *^^T^, 8. a supply, the finishing of any '^4t?r, s. a guava ; a fig, fig-tree, [thing. ^^r«?^» a. untwanged. ^t^, a. incontrovertible, immovable,un- changeable, irrevocable, irrefragable. ^'D'^T^'ifl, s. an irrefragable argument. ^i>^, a. unbroken, uninjured. ^Cl>fc^, a. not dented, smooth, even. ^^5T^,5.a horselaugh, roar of laughter. ^■Jlt^^l, 8. a house, a palace, [movable. ^C^5^j«. unanswerable, ii-refragable, im- ? ^C^^T^^n, 8. an unanswerable argumoni, ^T^j ^??"?r, 8. a species of pulse.* ^«1, 8. an atom, a particle. [ogrST^* 'srrs, 8, an qq^^ roe, spawn ; -£t^ii7, conj. therefore, wherefore. ^1«T, a. bottomless : «. the first of the in- fernal spheres or worlds of the Hindus. ^"55T^l^*f, a. unfathomable, bottomless. ^^jft, 8. flax (Linum usitatissimum). ^^^prep. prefixed to a word it con- veys the idea of excess, usually express- ed by the words very, exceedingly. ^1%^!?, a. gigantic, huge. ^t%:^^, 8. outrage, tyranny, transgres- sion, exceeding of prescribed bounds. '^^5»"sr«l, 8. a transgressing, the surpass- ing or exceeding of a thing. ^^1%:^"^, a. outrageous, transgressing : 8. a tyrant, a transgressor. ^^t^, s. a guest, a stranger. ^i^fe^^, a. inhospitable, ^1%f^^^, a. devoted to guests. ^t%f^*tT«^1, *. a house for guests. 'sit^f^C^^^, a. hospitable. ^t%1^C^^1, 5. hospitality. ^t^JTtff, a. excessive, exceeding, immo- derate : ad. exe* ssively, exceedingly. ■^t%^jf^3, a. known, attained, found. ^fvfsfsr, s. an acquiring or obtaining. '5lf5;f9fTrj,a.obtainable,knowable,acquira- ^f^CW^II, s. a guardian deity. [ble. ^r^tw^3, 8. theology, a god considered as the regent over any part of nature. ^fV*1", "^f^Jf^t^, 8. a king, a sovereign, a master, a lord, a captain, a chieftain, a governor, an owner, a commander. ^f^ (id. after, afterwards : a. near^ ^^^?rTf*f, s. in ahjeh. infinite quantity. ■^^^?>*ft, d' protean, multiform. ^J^^l, 8. a name of Durga ; a plant." ^^^j,rt.the same, not different, identical. ^i^1 [ ! ^TT-Pt^T, ^^^15I?P, a. childless. ^5T«1":5'5^, a. shameless, bold, impudent. ^Jl*t?rtC5CW?a^, s. a victim, one suffering for no crime. '^5T'5^^^, (i- not stolen or taken away. ^^*tTnt, a. assuming same habit, imitat- ^^C irrefutable, unanswerable. ^*^?fl"f^^, «• untried, unexamined. ^*f?&*f , a- iigly, distorted, queer, preter- natural, singular, strange, surprising. ^*t^lT¥, a. irregular, immethodical. ^*f^T*f , 8. the denial of a thing, scandal, detraction, evasion, low discourse, ^-pf c^t-s^ja. slandering, belying, denying, ^"s^^, a. not clear, unintelligible. ^-sT^"^*!, 8. a withdrawing, a retreating. '^'5t^T?r, s, the epilepsy, falling sickness, ^"s^^t^, a. epileptic, having epilepsy. ^*f^^, a. murdered, killed, ruined, ^'^f^?:*!, 8. a purloining, a plundering. ^*f^T?r, s. plunder, pillage, thievery, lar- ceny, robbery, depredation. ^•si"^Tt?^, a. plundered, pillaged. '^^f^lS, a. stolen, gained by plunder. ^^^^, 8. denial, concealment. ^^•^^, a. denied, concealed. ^*tT\^fV, 8. the sea, ocean. [cocted. '3;[*fT^, 8. indigestion : a. unripe, uneon. ^•s^T^, s. the outer corner of the eye, a lame person : a. deformed, ugly. '^'silTfT^, 8. in gra7n. the ablative case, '^^tt^, a. shoreless, boundless, impassa- ^'s^T'^'jirT*!, a. impracticable. [ble. '^jvfj C071J, alsO; and, likewise, moreover. ^sr [ ^^5T, a. not thick, plump, or largo. ^^«r, a, not full ; -^isrii, abortive. ^ s. a plant (Cytisus cajan.) '^^^Trj, a. not private, not secret, public. ^^TS?^9 «. destitute of a king, kingless. ^7rTS!^^^?r, «. an interregnum. '^^^Tc^, a. crooked, bent : s. pitch or rosin ; a rutting elephant. [mity. ^f?, ^^T^, 8. enemy, a foe. ^f^^l, en- ^V?"^, 8. happiness, pleasure, misery, a sign of death, spirituous liquor, garlic, a crow, buttermilk, a seraglio. ^■^^, s. an improper usage or custom. ^^\f^^1j a disease, tinea or scaldhead. ^??1%, 8. disrelish, antipathy, aversion. "^JT^^J, a. not agreeable, not palatable. "^^si, 8. dawn, aurora; charioteer of the sun ; the sun : a. dark-red or purple. ^?PC«iTW?,«. first appearance of the dawn^ ^^C«lt^?^M, s. peep of day, the dawn. ^^^W, ci. corrosive, sharp, biting. ^W^^, s. in mytho. wife of Vashishtha. ^C^, ^C'^C^l, farriery; -'^tt'^j a groom; -■*TI^1, a stable. ^■^^■^r, 8. a mule ; a swift elephant. '^■^^?ft, 8. a female mule. ^"■^^ar, s. name of a tree (Eicus religiosa). ^^C^T^, 8. the sacrificing of a horse. ^^l^C^T^fl, a dismounting from ahorse. "^^ITS?^, «. mounting ahorse : s. a horse- '^'*5{TC< T'5? 5. horsemanship, riding, [man. ^'?TC^"^?r, C^'5'St, 8. a medicine. ^^, a. eight; -^-1, eight-fold. ^^^, s. a pod of cotton ; in poe. a stanza of eight lines ; a portion of the veda. ^^^'1, s. the 8th day of the moon's wane in Pausha and Magha on which offer- ings are made to deceased ancestors. '^^C^T't^^^, a. the eighty millionth. ^^1^^, or ^^1^9[, s. the eight j)oints of the compass, viz. four cardinal and four intermediate ones. ^^W^^^ftcT, 8. eight gods who guard the eight quarters of the universe. ^"^^1, ad. of eight sorts, eight-fold. ^^^Tv^, s. eight metals, viz. gold, silver, copper, brass, bell-metal, tin, lead, iron. ^^^^, s. a class of gods consisting of ^^^, a. the eighth. [eighth. ^^'^j a. the eighth, (of a lunar day). "^^1^1%, s. eight modes of power by which a person's desires or undertak- ings may be accomplished. ^^T^, 5. eight members of the body on which Hindus make religious marks. ^■^tW2f*lT'5T, s. a salutation made by prostrating one's self, [forty- eighth. ^^5^ll?\*t, ^■^[5^lf^\*TQ^5 a. the ^^T5^lt?\*t^, a. forty-eight. ^^Tf:5\^9 =si^lf;5^'*tQ^, «• the thirty - ^■^rf^^*f^, a. thirty-eight. [eighth. ^^IW*^, ^^TW*ri^, ci. eighteen. ^■^TW*T^«i, a. multiplied by eighteen. ^^IW*t^l, ad. of eighteen sorts. ^■^IW^Tsf, 8. a popular medicine com- posed of eighteen ingredients. ^^R^\5, ^^T^^i^^^, a. the ninety- ^^TJ^^I^', a. ninety-eight. [eight. ^{^T^^T*f, ^^r-s^^T^rG^, a. the fifty- ^^T*T^T*t^, a. fifty-eight. [eighth. ^#T^;:fl», a. deformed, bent in eight di- rections : 8. the name of afamous sage. ^^Tf^\*T,^^TR\*rfs«¥,I\f^f%, s. a want of sub- stance, property, or consistence. ^^^^, ad, often, frequently. ^3^^\7i5f, s, evil company or connec- ^^1^, a. inattentive, inadvertent, [tion. ^^^, a. fern, unchaste, impure. ^^it^-'i^, s, a cuckold. [gate. ^y^TJir, «. flagrant, most wicked, profli- '^^ Q^, 5. non-existence, a non-entity. ^^"JJ, a. untrue, false. ^Tl^t^, '^JJi^T^, «. a want of posterity. ^^^^, a. displeased, dissatisfied. ^JIC^F"^, .5. displeasure, dissatisfaction. '^7Tf'VT^//.undoubted, unsuspected, sure. ^^fW«rt^, ^^f^f^^, a. not near, distant. *^'^JI^, s. furniture, accoutrements, goods, tools, apparatus, baggage. ^TT ^^■^Jjrt.rudo, rustic, savage, uncivilized, unpolite, unsocial, unfit for society. ^'^'^'il), -^, *. an unfitness for society, unsocialness, unpoliteness, rusticity. ^5T^, a. uneven, unlike, not level, uu- ^Tj?]^, 8. absence. [common. ^^^^^, a. unequal, unlike. ^^irf^WJ, a. not equally learned. ^y?iI*T,^.an improper time, a time of mis- fortune : a. premature, out of season. ^^^C1^T^^T^5r, 8. disgrace, dishonor, an afi'ront, indignity : a. destitute of respect. ^JI-5sr:5, a. averse, reluctant. ^5T^"5a"l%, s. reluctance, aversion, [tress. ^si Jifi^^, a. impatient, unable to bear dis- ^>lt^^:5l, -m, s. impatience. c '5J^'CJ,<*« unstable, unsettled, unsteady. ^^?n, s. detraction, slander, malice. ^51^^, a. uncreated, unmade, not formed. ^C^^^^, s. ugliness, disagreeableness. ^^, ^^\ s. the setting of the heavenly ^■^^1©T, s. the sun-set. [bodies. ^■^^■$, a. set, gone below the horizon, ^"^fsrl?, '^■^T^«^, s. the western moun- tains behind which the sun sets, ^■^^c^^, s. (English) a stable. 'SI^T^cn^ST, 8. the setting of a luminary. 'SI^T^^^, a. setting, resting on the wes- tern part of the horizon. 22 ] ^x.^ ^1%, ad. present, now, at this time : v. ^^, V. imp. md, be it so, let it be. [it is. ^3, a. weapon, missile weapon, an edge- tool ; -^T^, or -I^5^T^1, an armourer ; -ri>1%<5,Tf^, surgeon ; -f5t%<5,T^l, surgery. ^3f5t%<5.7ft{twj1, s. the science of sur- ^3^, '5i^f^6"3J^1, s. a beloved wife. ^T^Sj, or^ WJ, ad. to-day. ^1^?T^, s. palpitation caused by thirst, fever, or anxiety, a writhing, [statute. *^tt;JT, 8. a regulation, a rule, a law, a *'5IT^5;[1, «. a looking-glass, a mirror. ^^T^'frl, ad. in future, hereafter. *^t't^, s. a fiiult, a crime, a blot. [lor. ^1^^^, ^T^^^, a. unmarried : s. bache- ^t't^^Zl, 8. celibacy, bachelorship. ^^Tt"^! 8. a waiting maid, a nurse maid. *'^ft"?T"sr, s. a season, time. ^T^cT, 8. a balk, a ridge, embankment. 'STt^Tf, V. to come, to approach. ^1^TT^, 8. a coming, the act of coming. ^]^, s. a maternal grandmother. ^1^, ^l^^T^, intj. Oh ! ah ! alas ! ^T^*r, a. spring (rice), ripening in a short time; -^TST, or -^T^, spring-rice. *^t>ilir1, s. charity-land, land given for less than its value : ad. gratis, freely. ^I^itTWT?", s. a holder of charity-land. ^T^^. V. to inspissate, to thicken with boiling, to weld, to stir round. 'SiT^^isr, ^T^^t^, s. the welding of me- tals, the boiling of milk, inspissation. ^T^^l, s. idem : a. stirred round, thick- ened, welded, tempered. 'SiT^vB, V. to read, to repeat. pi^g- ^T^^, s. a whirlpool, a reading, repeat- ^T^^^> ^t^5T^, s. the reading or re- peating of a passage from a book. ^t^\5l, V. a. to read, recite, rehearse. "311^:51, a. shady, covered, concealed. '^t^^t'^, 5*. current usage ; a welcome. 'SitvSill, s. a polypus of the nose. ^T^-^, V. to ooze, to trickle : a. more. ^^T^?"^, s. a throne, a chair of state. *'^t^?">, s. a woman, a wife. '^t^?"l, a, oozing, running, as the eyes. ^n^^tci, ^T^S?'Tf*t, s. a slight shower, the trickling of the eyes with a cold. '^^ I ^l%?1,s. companions : a. chief, vener- able, respectable. '^t\, s. the body, a limb, a member. '^iT'V^I, s. a chafing dish. ^T\§^, s, a ring. ^t\f*T^, a. having a right to a share. ^S, infj. aye, aye ! Oh aye ! ah ! alas ! '^l, ad. yes ; a particle of assent ; lowing '^t^l, ad. yes, yes. [of a calf. ^1^^, s. severity, tightness. "^t"^, or ^t^'^, s. the scales of a fish. '^t^^, s. the breadth-end of cloth, [ther. ■^T^8^, V. to become flaccid, to droop, wi- ^1^751, a. drooping, flaccid, withered. '^T^'Jt^, s. a drooping, becoming flaccid. '^T-^^, s. the secundines. [rabolan. '^T^Sc^l, 5-. dried fruit of the Emblic my- ^T^^, V, n. to be marked : v. a. to mark ; -^'■^ill^^ or \5T^, to cry out as a tiger. '^]<^, s. a mark, a numerical figure ; an eye ; a goal ; -^t^? to make a mark. '^T^v?, V. a. to grasp, to enfold, to catch. ^t^^Tt, s. a hook with a long handle. "^T^PxSl, s. a hook to hang things on. <^t^\5T^T^f^, s. a mutual grasping. 24 ] ^T^ '^T^vSt^, s. the grasping with the arms. ^t^t%, 5. a tendril, cirrhus. ^T^j%^1 -T5cn^, to strut ; -"^t^TT, to be contorted with excessive pain or cold. ^t^^, s. a vetch (Yicia sativa). ^T^\5\"5r^t^, s. fried vetch. '^t^^, ^T^'f^, 5-. a marking, the paging of a book, a writing down of numbers. '^t^l, a. marked, burnt to the vessel. "^t^f^T^t, s. a mutual making of marks. ^t^t^, a. marked, page, numbered : s. a marking, the paging of a book. "^t^l^T^I, a. tortuous, crooked, winding. ^t^^T^, s. eagerness, haste. ■^T-^T, V. n. to vibrate, to oscillate. '^T'^1, V. a, to vibrate, to fan. "^t^TT^jS. a fanning, a causing to vibrate : a. fanned, made to vibrate. ^Tr*5r, s. an eye. ^T^, V. to wash the mouth after eating. ^T5, s. flame, heat ; fault, blame. ^^l^xF, V. to tear, to lacerate, scratch. ^^T^^?, s. a bruise, a laceration, a rent. "^15^51, V. to tear, scratch, or scrape, to lacerate, to comb the hair, to card flax. ^l^\5t^, s. a tearing, or lacerating, a scratching, combing, or carding : a. torn, lacerated, combed, carded, [ing. '^t5\5tt^"?I1,l"5r^, a. invading, seizing: s. one who seizes, an invader, an usurper. ^ll^^, a. resented, wept over, lamented. ^TC^f^j s. resentment, hatred, a curse, abuse, a cry, regret, lamentation. 'SitC^T'^^, a. reproving, cursing, censur- ing, reproaching, imprecating. "SiTCIS*!*!^?, fl^. censurable, reproachable. ^T^T^«l1, s. aggression, accusation, ca- 'Slt^tt?^, 0" attacked, abused, [lumny. "Sltf^^ «. reproached, reproved. ^T'^itj ^' merciless, savage: b. a virago, a vixen, a female savage, [savage. '^t^^t^, s. a plant (Bryonia scubroUa). '^siT'if^ , V. a. to restrain, to prevent. ^^nsf^T, a. not dissolved, not crumbling. ^T'»i5^1, or ^I^fc^T^T, .9. a preventing or restraining, a taking care of. '^l^f {^, a. before, first, former, preceding. J^19fl, s. the tip, point, or peak, anibja title of honor among Musalmans* ^^iT^T^, «. anticipation, advance. '^T^tT^I, s. a wild or useless tree. ^T'»flf^, (id- before, prior to, sooner ; s. the place in front ; the ropes tied to a horse's forefeet when in the stable. ^T^rTl^f*^WTf5, 5. ropes by which the fore and hind logs of a horse are tied in the stable : ad. before and behind. ^T^T^,«^. giving in advance : s. the anti- cipation of a payment, an advance. ^T^fTt^W*vf, a. fore-seeing, provident. 'Sit^t^, a, preceding, coming, about to come ; also, vide ^1^1^. ^Mf^, 8. a house, a room, a receptacle. ^T^Tf^?1, s. the forepart of a bamboo. ^T^T^, 8. an advance (of money). ^T^, a- preceding, before, first of all. ^l^yt, s. an advance (of money): a. fore- most, before, preceding, forward. ^t9"C'5,rt'(Z. before, forwards, beforeliand. 'sn^^Wc^, s. the vanguard of an army. ^TQ"^, ^r?t, "^1^, s. fire. ^19'^ *• a shrub, the root of which is used in dying (Morinda tinctoria). '^TI?^!, ad. uncounted, unmeasured, by ^15^11, s aspeaking, eloquence, [guess. ^T5^^, 8. a rinsing the mouth after a meal, or as a religious ceremony. 'SllS'sr^?, rtf. proper to be rinsed. ^T^f'9^, ^l^^^l, a. suddenly, unawares. ^T5'?r«i, 8. a habit, behaviour, an usage. ^T^^«rt?, ^Tsfl^S^J, a. proper to be ob- served as a line of conduct, [custom. ^l^t?"?, a. acted, accustomed, done as a ^T5R^, (t' sudden, unexpected. ^T5T^, a, rinsed, washed (the mouth). '^1M^?1, a. surprising, astonishing. ^T51T1, a. neglected, rejected, lying as ^T^l, bent, laid athwart : «. a fish-trap, a perch, a cross-beam, proportion, dimen- sion ; -^T^, to straighten, [revenge. ^T\^T^f^,athwart, diagonally: s. mutual ^T;5T^, a. two and a half; -2f^, 8. a habit, a custom, an usage. ^TRC^, ad. naturally, habitually, [lation. *^IWW; s. anumbor, numeration, acalcu- *^1W^, s. instruction, teaching, manners, custom, politeness, civility, urbanity. *^TTf^ , or ^tW'ST'^I?., a. human. ^IW^t, s. a man, a descendant of Adam. ^TVt^, s. resjiect, honor, veneration, es- ^TW^^, or^litl, 5. ginger. [teem. ^TW^«rt?, ^tiT^'j, ^TW15, a. respectable, honorable, venerable, reverend. ^Tff^l, s. a mark or sign, a landmark. ^15f?'Tl%5, a. venerable, respectable. ^lW*f , 5. pattern, original, a specimen, *'^rW5T, ,s. a judge; a stamp, [a mirror. ^IWrfl, s. half of a paisa, a half brick. ^T^r^, s. half a rupee. [nalis.) ^TWl, ^T5^, ^. ginger (Zinziber offici- 'SiT^fT^il^, a. half: ad. half and half. '^lW[\'*t, s. a half, equal shares. ^IWl^^, ^iWl^T^ft, s. partner at equal ^TWT^, s. a Jakes, a place of filth, [shares. ^lWTn5?1, a. filthy, polluted, of a dung- ^"tRfT^,s. a receiving, a taking. [hill. ^TWT^2iWI^, s. an interchange, barter. ^'^TWR^, s. hatred, strife, enmity. 'SITWT?, s. a receiving ; the paying of a *^twr^^, s. a court of justice. [debt. ^TWI«^it, a. dispensing justice, belong- ing to, or acting in a court of justice. ^Tt5f, s. flatulence, inflation, [tation. "SIT^JT^, s. thought, contemplation, medi- 'STt^, V. a. to bring, to fetch : a. another, '^T^"«ri,«.strange,not seen before, [other. ^T^^, a. inclined, gently bowed. ^t^^,5. the act of bringing ; the face, the mouth ; the first term in progression. '^t^^'^, 8. posteriority, succession. ^ti^^J, eternity, boundlessness, [mirth. '^t5T^,5.joy5 felicity, pleasure, happiness, ^t^^Ji ® ^^ , «-j oy-inspiring, pleasure-gi v- ^t^**fWt?^, or ^t^*^WT?t, a. idem. [ing. ^T^s^t^?, a. fit to be rejoiced in. ^T^*ift^'?ri)iuin-oater, a sot. i».'Tr"JP^t, a. addicted to the use of opium. *^W^TJ', 8. woo, grief: intj. alas! *5iT7, *. water; -^T^,a distiller, vintner. ^I^^T^ft, 8 the business of a distiller; duty levied on distilleries. *^l^C 8. a yoke-rope, a tying tight. ^T^T, 8. a mean and ignorant person. ^T^^^, a. skreening, concealing, veil- ing : 8. a skreen ; talc mineral. ^T^T, a. quadrangular: *. aquad- ^T'TIWt'ff^^^T, «. a rhomboid, [ranglo. ^TTTT^, 8. dimension, extent, a ground- plot, an altar, a shed for sacrifices. ^Tlot ; a dimension. ^l «• fit to be commenced. '^t^^^Tilj s. Si cockroach, blatta. ^t?r1, 8. an awl, a saw ; -W^, a sawyer. ^Tttis. ^T^f>-, ^Tcn1%^', 8. the uvula, or epi- ^Icl^-^^, ad. easily, without effort. ^T^3l.«.lac,leaves impregnated with lac. ^^T^^^Jl. ad. truly, certainly, surely. 'Srm^T^T, 8. vide ^ttfl. *^T^C^«^1, s. a hukfi with a long snake. *^T5=?'5r, 8. the earth, the world. ^tc^^, s. a prop, a fulcrum, a support. ^T^^^, s. dependence, reliance, [lied on. ■^T^'ariTt?!, a. trustworthy, fit to be re- ^t^^^7,^. climbing or parasitical plant. "^Ts^f^^, a. suspended, depended on. "<5iT^raced, hugged. ^Tf^SfJ, «. a small drum ; see ^Tf^3f;f^. ^if%-«^, s. a large earthen water-jar. '511^'^, 8. a terrace before a house. ^Tf^^f^l, 'sJlf^'^JT, 8. the plastering or whitewashing of a house at a festival. ^Tf^f*r<11, 8. a cornice, a battlement. ^157, 8. a potato, a yam ; -^•4rt*- a pair of trowsers ; a farming ; -liT?", a farmer ; -WI?^ farmership. ^'^T^^'fT,*. a tape or tassel for trowsers. ^"^t^ri, s. a farm; revenue of a farm. *^1^T?1", s. a strong sort of cloth. ^X.W^^s. trowsers, breeches, pantaloons. ^^]1, s. a sacrifice, an oblation, worship. ^5^1^, s. a shrimp, a prawn. *tf^rf, s. the gospel. New Testament. t^, t^rr, t^l, t^Tc?, t-^, s. a brick. t'^C-3fT«^1,6r. place where bricks are made. ^^■^IcTl, s. a maker or seller of bricks. ^j»ilIC^, ad. in the mean time, at this opportunity, at this time, during this. ^^Jlti^f, ad. etcetera, and so forth. t:w\, ad. this, that, the same. ^Wt^^, ad. now, of late, lately. [sent. ^WT^^^, a. new, recent, modern, pre- ^^IC^, ^^lCtc^ftWJl> s. science of magic or leger- ^^^Tf^^, magical, deceptive, [domain. ^■^lJTt%^1,a.deceptive,juggling, illusive. ^^^«T, s. a sapphire ; a thrill in music. ^^"^W, s. Indraship, the office of Indra. ^^Ti^, 8. the seed of an Indian shrub.^ ^^c^^, s. baldness, morbid baldness. ^■^T^, «. the consort of Indra ; a shrub.'' ^^TTI^if, s, Indra's weapon, the rainbow. ^■^T*T»r, «. the tender tops of hemp dried ; also, the seeds of Abrus precatorius. t"'^l^J(, s. the throne of Indra. [tion. ^f ^?? s- organs of sensation and percep- ^f^TI'Jf*!) s. all the organs, [the senses. ^f^\^, 8. a gryllus, a cricket. ^C55, a vegetable (Momordicarauricata). %Xw%, ad. loud, aloud, on high. ^^B5S'^'Jf, 8. a loud sound, a loud voice. ^?55sil^i, a. deaf, high-eared: $. Indra's ^t^S^?", 8. loud voice or sound, [steed. ^t»^SC «• straight, direct, sincere, up- ^®^, a. swam up the stream (applied to fishes) : s. a common report, ^8I\9, a. desolate, uninhabited, desert. ^^^, a. against the grain, or stream. 5^f^^^, a. excellent, best, elevated, good. ^«.^"^151, -^, s. goodness, excellence. ^^C<5T5, "51^, «. a bribe, [transgression. ^^;^5r, «. a leap, a jump, irregularity, ^^^1^5 0" leaped up, transgressed. ^ 8' the upper flowing garment. ^TTCf, ad. at last, afterwards, [quently. ^15i: s. an overflowing, a boiling over. ^*5tl%^, a. overflown, boiled over. fe'Stt^, s. a raising, rising, or getting up. ^•2ttt^^tW*Vt, s. a festival observed in ho- nor of Yishnu's rising from his sleep. ^•5tt*f<5, «. raising up : s. one who raises up, a raising machine, an elevator. ^*?tt*1'^, s. the act of raising up; inarith. the producing of the answer or result. ^•?tt^^1, s, elevation, a raising up. ^*2rt*fi^?r, ^*3rMf?i^?j, a. vide ^'?rr*tj. ^«sf[jv(v5, elevated, raised up. [elevated. ^•StMJj «, capable of being raised up, or ^1%:$, a. erect, risen, exalted. ^r5tt%, s, erection, elevation, a rising up. ^5.-5^^^, s. a leaping up, a mounting. ^^*tf^, s. production, a production, ^"^.-fl"^, a. produced, arisen from. ^<5,«t«7, s. a waterlily, a lotus, [dication. ^^'s^t^;a[,5.a rooting up, eradicating, era- ^^*tt^^?, ^<^^t^ilI^^J, a. vide ^^.mtj. ^<5,'s^tt^^, a. eradicated, rooted up. ^«»*ft^7, a. capable of being rooted up, req^uiring to be eradicated. 46 ] S^ ^^•pf-j-rj, s. ruin, outrage, danger, tumult violence, provocation, a portent. ^^ftwf?I^^J, ^<^*tTWJ, a. ca- pable of being produced, producible. ^<5,5ftt^^, ct. produced, arisen from. ^^^tWJ^t^, a. coming into existence. ^^C£f^1, s. a simile, similitude, a resem- blance, a metaphor, an illustration. ^^^l^T^, s- a jump, a leap, a bound. ^7, ^t^T^1,«. capable of being illustrated by an example. ^Wl^^, a. exemplified, illustrated by an example, famed, named, spoken. ^f^^, a. risen into view, come into fa- shion; spoken, expressed, bound, tied. ^1^5f5r^?, a. capable of being ascended. ^Tf^rt^l, s. a chanter of the Sama-voda. ^itVt?r, 8. a vomiting, a belching. ^tf^T s- a present, a gift, a largess. %9t [ ^-c^f-j^jS. a small fibre, a fibrilla. [flictod ^-K?*^* « anxious, lioated, distressed, af- S-si^JT^jS.heat. pain, mental distress, dis- ^«t3lf*tl5,rt. put in pain, distressed. [ease. ^f^XT?"!, s. the iris of the eye, ^^^1^1, s. a valley at the foot of a hill. ^«tW\*T, s. the venereal disease. ^«tW«T, s. the calyx of a flower. ^«t^^, ^« instructed, taught, [parition. ^^CW^15l,«. ademi-god, a phantom, an ap- ^*tCW*f, 8. teacliing, instruction, advice. ^^CPf*t^, a giving in^ruction, instruc- tive : s. the same with 3'>1Z^*\^q\ ^'s^CW^T^cTl, s. an instructor, a teacher, a preceptor, a preacher, a school-master. ^-s^ff'n^^j^'^CW^n, (^- worthy of instruc- tion, teachable, capable of instruction. ^^CW*l^, a. instructive, edifying. ^vfcit^i, 5. the same as ^*tCW*f^Gl. ^^2?, s. calamity, ravage, ruin, outrage, injury, oppression, tyranny, a portent. ^^fj-?!, «. calamitous, tyrannical, oppres- sive, disastrous, ruinous, portentous. ^«t^T^l, s. the uvula or epiglottis. ^«t^^> ^- oppressed, injured, hurt, tyran- nized over, ruined, ravaged. ^^Tt'5^, s. an island, a small island. ^•s^^T;!, s. a bolster, a pillow, a cushion. ^'^j>f,fear,dread,cir(nimvention;a wheel. ^^^H^, s. the investiture of a brahman with the paitd or sacerdotal thread. ^-pf^fST, s. a surname, a nickname ; -frl, to give a nickname, [ed and sealed. ^*lf^r^, s. a deposit of articles undescrib- ^<5^f^T5f, s. the philosophical part of the veda ; the doctrine of matter and spirit. ^-Pt^"?, ^.invested with the paita; arrived. ^"s^STJl^, s. a prologue, a tale, a story. ^^^STJT^^^I, •?. one who delivers a pro- logue of a discourse, a story-teller. ^-pf^l^, s. a paramour, a gallant. ^<>f'pff<5,s.provision,maintenance,favour, assistance, demonstration, production ^f^^, s. a concubine, a kept woman. ^-s^-s^W, s. words used adverbially instead of nouns in any given case, [plished. ^-pf -s^^, a. supplied, provided for, accom- 49 ] ^9( ^vf^i^l^ ^, in ana. the false ribs. ^•pf-pfi^jUj ^«>f*^[*f, 8. a venial crime. ^^*tIT^, a. guilty of venial crimes. \5*t*t 1^^, «. tlio proving or establishing of a proi)o.sition by reason or argument. ^^^^rif^Rl?, ^*f*fm, a. capable of being proved by reason or argument. ^s^fsTTf^l?, a. proved or established by reason or argument, accomplished. ^«t^^^. 8. a portent, portentous pheno- menon ; R ihu ; an eclipse ; an affray. ^^^^^, « eclipsed, seen as a portent. ^«^7^, s. a garden, park, artificial forest. \5*f^^^^^, 8. a forester, a gardener. ^•^fjT^«j, s. an approaching, access. ^*t^, s. a concubine, a kept woman. ^«t^, s. generative organs of both sexes, the hip, the arms : a. near, proximate. ^'sif^^, a. near, Standing near, present, arrived, ready at hand. [speaker. ^-s^f^^^r^ s. eloquent person, a ready ^«^^^, s. profit,gain,income, perquisite, proceeds, the produce of the soil. ^•pf^^, a. smitten, struck, hurt. ^-pt^fTI^S, a. laughed at, smiled at. ^•5^^t ^' ^^ body when considered as the seat of disease. ^c^TT, V. to be elated, to be full of joy. ^*f;Rl, s. Shukra the regent of Venus, ^^fi"?"}^"^?) ^' "^^^^ ^^^ grass, khaskhas. ^■^S^Ic^, ^"^T, s. the morning,the dawn. ^■^ci, 5. pepper, black pepper. ^•^1, s. the dawn of day ; the daughter of king Yana and wife of Aniruddha. ^"^I^tc^, s-.the dawn of day, the morning, ^f^l^f-^, s. an uneasy sensation, the fid- gets, a restless uneasiness. ^^535, ^^1, V. a. to repair a fire, to trim tiie wick of a lamp, to instigate. ^^ei,^^T«l, s. a stirring up, instigating, a repairing (fire), trimmingof a wick. ^^f«l, s. instigation, a stirring up. ^§, ^t, s. a camel, dromedary. [gry. ^^, a. warm, hot, sultry ; passionate, an- ^^^t«n, s. summer, hot weather. ^^"51, -^, s. lieat, sultriness, fervour, ardour, passion, warmth. ^^^^T^,^i^^j angry, passionate, hasty, t^^l, a. cleansed by scalding or boiling. ^^t5^, ci- tiot or cold, temperate. fe, the sixth vowel ; having the sound of ti long ;in co7np. it assumes this form ( ) called dirga-ukar. [oh ! ^2j an interj. expressive of sudden pain ; ^^, ^^T?r,«. high, elevated : rt^Z.onhigh. ^^t?r, s. the letter ^, or the symbol ( ). ^(f5, s. an ascent, elevation. ^■f 9firJT, 5. ascension, upward motion. %f ^ft^ft, ^f ^, a. ascending, going up. %f fiT^, a. long-thighed, thick-kneed. ^■f II, s. height, elevation. ^"fWi^, s. the act of looking upward. ^■f ^1^, s. a devotee with up -lifted arm. ^C^r^lS, expelling sperm upwards,: s. a devotee who observes strict chastity. ^■f "JlT^, s. expiration, difficult breathing. ^■f ^, a. superior, above, upper. ^^f^^, situated above, superior, upper. ^■fTs*T, s. in a7ia. the fundus uteri. ^f^, s. a wave, a billow, a whim. ^f?^^^, a. undulated, wavy, plicated. ^r^srcl, s. undulation, waviness. ^^), the ninth vowel. It is seldom used. ^?pT'?". 8. the letter ^, or the character which expresses the sound of li. % tenth vowel ; it is scarcely ever used. ^^Tfi, «. the letter ^, or the character which expresses the sound of 11. ^,the eleventh vowel; it has the soundo e in there. In comp. it is expressed by this sjTnbol ( C ) called ekar: pron. this. vil^^fif, or ^^ ^^Hf, ad. henceforth. vH^, pro7i. this, very, even this. vil'$'^C«1, (id now, iuiniediiitely, instantly. vil^^t?"*l,^ow. hence, for this reason^where- «il^-l?C7(J-t^t^C"€,^o?i. for this cause, [fore. ^^5:rT, ad. severally, each, one by one, vil^^, a. one, single alone. [every one. »il^^\5l, s. a single cauri. [word. tfj^f^Qri, a. consistent, coherent : s. one «i)^-^f«f^1, a. monogynous ; -C^*t?r, mo- nandrous ; -9\^, unilocular. vfl^^'SSrt, doing the same work, engaged in the same profession : s. a competitor. v£l^^t«Tt5T, a. coeval, simultaneous. lil^^TC^, ad. at the same time, at once. (il^^f^, a. twenty, a corge. .il^-dfT^, tfi^^rtt^, a. one, one piece. «il^9it^?l1, belonging to the same village. til<5^f®i, a. single (as cord, hair, &c.) «il^*>ft^, ad. in the same condition. vil^»^?1, a. self-wpled, obstinate, head- strong, perverse. ^^^■5rf^^1, a. unsocial, recluse, secluded. *i|<5'5rl^?[l, unremitting, continual (fever). vi|^^^Ft2=!i, a. of one thatched roof: 5. a shed, vil^f^Q 5 a. unanimous, attentive, [a hovel. vC]5^?1, monopolized : s. a monopolist. «il^C^f^i|^l?m, having a regular slant, slanting. -il^^^j a. having the same object, rival: s, a rival, a competitor. >^^^3t, a. having one string ; subject to >ii^.^ir, a. one of the many. [one lord. ^^^^, «,either,one of thetwo: ad. alike. "il^^^"^, a. on the same side. [paper.) lil^^l, 8. oneness, sameness ; a sheet (of vil^^Tc^l, a. having only one floor or sto- ry : 5. a single lock. [samum. ^^.^^, a. very little, or as a grain of se- ^^it"^, ad. as far as an arrow shot. [ther. vii^;^, ad. in one place, collectedly, toge- ^<5fl5\*r, >il^f5i*n, a. the thirty-first. ^^f^\*Til^?f^, s. the same religion, office, or rule of duty ; also, a. vide ^^^?fff . ^, a. eating once in 24 hours. i^?p«^^^5, 8. a vow of eating once in 24 lil^'ST^, a. intimate, equal. [hours. iil-^iIJ^TS, a. unanimous, of one accord. ifl^si^e^i^ s, the same opinion or design. vil^rrtW^I, a. once plastered over with earth (applied to Hindu idols.) vil^^f^, s. the same judgment or opini- on : a. of the same design or opinion. ] *491 *il^^T?, a. of the same ngeor size, equal. *i|, a, of the same clan : 8. one con- nected by the same common tie. [ther. vii^TTtfii, a.uterine, born of the same mo- vil^^I^flf, 8 a grain, a very small quantity. vH^<5<^, a. alike, similar, 8ame,re89mbling. ^^C'^TT'^ri, a. obstinate ; one-edged. v£l?P5f1, *ii^5T, a. alone, solitary, single. •il^s^T^, a. idem : 8, vide vii^*>fT^. ^^3?T^^c?1, ad. one or two together. il^lW*fC^*t^, a. enneandrous. vi)^T^*T^, ad. of eleven sorts or kinds. «i|^1W*Tf^^, «• consisting of eleven sorts, or, of eleven kinds. [eleven terms. il^IC^t?Pl, dd. merely one or two. ^'^ [ 56 ] ^•5 vfi^tsft?', a. having the same receptacle. «il^tfV^^«l, a. having the same relation, being in same place, or predicament : 5. the same place or predicament. vil<5tt%'^t%, s. a sovereign, a monarch. il^t^, s. the same food : a. messing to- gether ; fifty-one. [mate. iil^T^^^,a. messing together : s. amess- ilil«^T^, s. a play-ball of lac, metal, ^Ql, ^?5, f^^, s. an egg. [bone, &c. ^1, pron. so much, so long, so many, so. ^^^Tc7, ad. so long time. «ilXWi, ad. all this while. 'il"5^l%, 'il^-^f^^, ad. so much, [parts. (ill^v|"^i|'3^<5,^tcTl'«^, a. modern, belonging to this ^^«.^tCc?, ad. now, at this time. [time. *il^^^J, «. equal to this, like this, similar. iiilf,Tt^^^, ad. afterwards, after this. ^IBW^*^, ad. besides this, after this. >il^W^fV, ad. so far, from this, to this. ^^W^f, s. this meaning or scope. ^illl'tC?^, ad. for this, for this motive. ,^2r [ ■vi)TWl, J)TWls'^\, ad. now, at this time. ^Z^^tt, ad. liereupou, upon this, upon ^nr?r, ad. 80 far, very fur. [this person. v£)^CHt*T, 8. this place, country or province. ^^C^*!^, a. situated in tliis country. ^il^C'i*!^, a. belonging to this country. vHICv^Tt?, a. idem. [this, ^if^^, ci' distinct from this : ad. beside ^^W, ii|v$T^*T. similar, like, resem- bling this, such, like this : ad. thus. vi|15T^«., ad. thus much, thus far, so much. «i|^T^l<1, ad. thus, by this means, by this. vill'T^^i^, a. merely this, simply this. villiT^t^, a. thus, similar. lilC^^, ad. so many, so much, so long. *^C^r)1, s. news ; also, vide t"5rTl. vi)C€^tJ^t^1, 8. a news-paper, a notice. *>il<^s1, ad. so much, thus much. [day. *vf|<5.T?r 8. this sort : a. thus, such. viiSf^lC^, ad, thus, in this manner. I 57 ] jic^ ^2f^^, ad. therefore, wherefore, onthU account, inasmuch, lience, hereupon. ^r.TP]^S(,Tj:\:^^ a^/.tlirough and through. 'i)^, an emphatic particle : even, indeed. ^^\, conj. and, also, likewise, moreover. *4^Tgf,«. a substitute, change, exchange. 4^^, ad. instead of, in lieu of. ^^T'M^T^, a. such, such like, of this sort. >il^f^5f, ad. this sort, such. Jl^,:^?, a. such, the like kind. v*l^Til^T^, 8. the province of Irak. '^?'T^, a. belonging to Irak, of Ir^ik. vil^*5l", a. thus : 8. this form. v5?5C^, ad. thus, in this manner. *Jls1^T^, s. clothes, garments. ^v\\y 8. large cardamom ; also the plant. ^yiT't'^9 s. cardamoms. *J|Q^T^1, 8. union, connection. [ther. v£ic^T^TWTTlX^, «. tertian : 8. a tertian, [gate. i^^j, s. unity, amity, oneness, an aggre- «^f^^, ci. voluntar}^, wilful. »^^C^C?lT*1"f^'^Tf , s. one of the Upanis- hads or philosophical part of the veda. t^^'^J, 8. traditional knowledge. ^■^^Tt^^, a. magical, juggling. i^f^?, a. relating to the organs of per- ception, or action, evident to the senses. «f "sr^S, a. so such : ad. in that manner, thus. *^i*^T«^, 8. a forest, a wilderness. *^S^T^j s. the night raven ; effort for vo- ^g^t^-^^, s. the night raven. [miting. ,g:5l1\5, s- ^ case, a pillow-case, a sheath. vg^TWl, 8, a promise, a promised time. *^8'il'?'t^, s» wilderness, forest, [trinity, vg, the sacred syllable denoting the Hindu xj^, 5. the bellowing of a bull. ^15^1, s. sweepings, dirt, refuse, trash. vg5t^, 8. shufEing and tying up straw for thatching ; a raising the hand to strike. ] . ^^ ^■^, a. refuse, rejected ; low, mean, vile. ^^, 8. a house, a place, a haunt. ^^\5l , 8. the name of three plants. *^^^, s. excellence, superiority, honor. ^^T?", 8. the letter ^S, or the mark (c 1 ). *^^T^«,, or^S^Tcn^st, s. attorneyship. «<5^t«n"5»^l^, s. a power of attorney. ^•^T^, 8. that place, that piece. ^•^flC^, ad. there, in that place, [vomited. "S^f ^1, 5. rice-conjee ; act of vomiting : a. *^t'»f ^^, 8. excuse, a pretence, [three, etc. ^5rSJl\^^, a. odd number ; as, one, five, ^'S^^, s. weight, measure ; Wt^ a weigh- *vS^S=^, s. an ambush, ambuscade, a screen. *^^^, 8. house, a dwelling, residence. ^^, 8. a cat ; ^^^^, ad. by fits and starts. ^SCl!, ^C^'5ITC^, ad. concealedly, privately. vC^fl, ttd. there, in that place. ^W«^, s. boiled rice, food. >SW^, 8. that way, that point, that side. ^I^C^r, ad. on that side, that way, yonder. ^C^%, a. harsh, cacophonic, unmusical as >5CW1, 8. damp, moist, wet. [avoice. ^*tt?", 8. the opposite shore, across. ^S^^, 8. the sacred syllable of the Hindu *vS5i^, s. age, the life-time. [trinity. 9 H. [ ' ^S?■, .*. a boundary, end, limit : pron. his. *^?r^, *. the leaf of a hook, a sheet of *^?Tl, «. a stitcli, a sewing. [paper. *^^^1, a. bold, daringjdauntless, vicious i *^ZJ'^, s. a diagonal. [foreign. >SrT, s. the root of Arum campanulatum. ^rfr8T5l^S5fS^1, V. to serve the pedal with rice when >S^i«1, 8. a serving of the pedal with rice. vS^I, v8^35l«l, i^ide ^^, &c. ^^, s. the lip, properly the upper lip. ^^I'yf^, a- situated on the lips (as life). ^S^T-JtTgtTfii, «. the life on the lips (dying). ^%l^?r, s. the upper and lower lips. -Sfej, a. labial; -^cf, the class of labial letters, viz. ^^«1""^^^"5T"^^^. ^^T^^^ made of fig-tree wood ; coppery * s. Yania ; copper ; a kind of leprosy. 9 ] ^il ^^^^j, 8. importunity, excefwivencBfl, fu- ry, madness, ebriety, rashness, [tion. ^<^'^], ^.excellency, superiority, perfec- ^^J, a. gross, palpable. [digious. ^<.*1T^^, a. portentous, outrageous, pro- ^*.7if^, a. relating to a gift, naturaL ^«.^?PJ, 8. zeal, ardour, exertion, anxiety. ^ftf?^, a. gluttonous, voracious, greedy. ^wfir^, «. diluted buttermilk. [lity. ^ffT^J, 8. munificence, candour, libera- ^fft^J, 8. sadness, solitude, misanthropy. ^^"57, 8. violence, tyranny, a tumult. ^f if^^, 8. marriage gift to a woman. ^'si'^lf?'!*, 8. what is imputed to another. ^*1siTf^^, a. relatingto the sacred thread. -^^t^int^, a. symptomatic, portentous. ^*t^J, 8. a comparison, a resemblance, ^^ifsi"^, a. belonging to a modification of matter, or to predominating property. ^*fl1^^, a. expedient, right, fit, proper. *>§^^, a. first, best, chief, superior. *^?'^, 8. a woman, a wife, [ful descent. >^^^, a. lawfully begotten,natural : 8. law- ^^ji^gifj, a. legitimate, lawfully born. ^^^^^I^, 8. a legitimate child. ^^^T^tC^, ad. in case of there not being lawful or legitimate offspring, [son. -'I'f r.wf^^, funeral, due to a deceased per- ^^, 8. submarine fire. [excessiveness. ^«^*IJ, a. excessive : 8. superabundance, ^^5f, cB-^^yS. medicine, drug, a remedy. ^^^f^lfl, 8. medicine-maker, apothecary. -^■^vr I^CI^^I, 8. a druggist, an apothecary. ^"^51^C^?^, 8. the using of medicines. ^^^^?, a. medicinal, medical. ^^C^*fCW*i, 8. medical advice. ~^^, 8. heat, ardour, fervency. ^^:^^, 8. temperament, climate. ^§, 8. a herd of camels. ?P, The first consonant of the Bengali alphabet. It has the sound of k. ^^, c^'W?, ad. where? in what place? ^^, 8. the name of a kind offish. ^^^?r, ^^^"5, V. n. to be dislocated. [gary. ^^, s. hair ; son of Yrihaspati ; a scar, cicatrix, a dried sore ; a. unsquare. ^^s5l, 8. a cable, a halter, a tether, rope. ^P^^T?"^ s. name of a tree and its flower. ^^, V. n. to shoot forth, to bud. ^*5l, «. a stake or stafl", grit ; a dislocation. ;^5T^, 5. shooting forth, a budding. ?5^Tc^, «- a dispute, a wrangling, [babe. ^f^, tender, soft, young; -cwf%?i, a brat, ^fi51f, «<^. sometimes ; vide ^.5fTf5§j^^, s. lampblack, eye-paint. ^^JJSfcvt, s. Ethiops mineral. ^5^, s. a branch or twig of bambu. , s. idem ; armour, mail ; a bodice. ^.?^^Tc^, s. a variety of cobra de capello. ^?Pt%J, s. obscenity, scurrility. ^^^T^^J,*. scurrility, abusive language, J^t'^l, -^ s. costiveness ; pungency, acri- ^^^^, s. a kind of bitter gourd, [mony, ^^^TW't, a. abusive, scurrilous, provoking. ^.^C?ri['^«^, s, name of a medicinal plant. ^^r^, 5. harsh word, obscenity, scurrility. ^?<3?^j i?. a severe reply, abusive language. ^L^T?", •?• a cup, a cup of metal. ^^'^^if^, s. a twinging, throbbing, [frog. ^I5^^^^?1, a. clattering; -c^^, a species of J^'C't^^l, s. difficulty, severity, harshness, roughness: a. farming at a rack-rent. ^^f%^lWT?r, s. one who acts severely ; one who lets land at a rack-rent. ^^■f%^TWl*S^, s. the process of cleaning rice from ^!|,^'^?l1, s. an itching, eruption, the itch. ^1?^, s. the itching of a pimple. ^•^^^T^, a. scratching, itching, itchy. ^^^t^'J, a. scratched, rubbed. ^<5., s. a palpitation of the heart. ^<5.C?eT, s. the same with ^^c^?r. ^?^\, ad. why? how? what? ^^t5»f, ad. sometimes, seldom. [time. ^WT^t^. a. wicked, profligate, abandoned. ^•Wlf^'S., ad. rarely, scarcely ever, some times, seldom, occasionally, [and then. ^Wif^f, ad. at some time, sometimes, now *^1^Tr, a, old, ancient, former, prior : s. ^Pf, ^W"?!!, s. a pumpkin. [the East. ^Ff%^, 5. abuse, scurrility, bad words. ^it"^, a. lukewarm, hot and cold. ^.^, ^^, ad. when ? when, at any time. ^^^, s. gold ; the name of several plants. ^ST^^'^^, ^iT^'lt^tl, s. a flower tree. ^^^C^^, s. the name of a drug. ^^^^fx^^l, s. a species of thorn-apple. ^^^1^ -C^t^Jl, -"^l^j Kankai horse or po- ^^K, s. a tent-fence, an outer tent. [ny. ^t^^, a. youngest, least, inferior, junior. ^f^^^l, s. minority, inferiority, 5^t^^l, s. the little finger. ^fvf [ 03 33S;rt, 8. a small pond or pit (for fishing). ^^?t5T, a. younger, inferior, junior. ^C^tSf, «. the name of a country. ^^51, 8. a devotee's coat of shreds ; a well. ^5ff , s. bulbous root, raw or coarse sugar, a kind of sweetmeat. [chasm, a cave. 3S*tTTi^, s. a peace made by two hostile parties on equal terms. [dus. ^<^1^, s. a lintel ; Shiva ; a class of Hin- ^^tlsft?, a. fortunate, lucky, [cabbage. ^f*t, s. an ape, a monkey ; a pulley ; a ^f*f^^, 8. a pulley, a block. ] 9» *f*f*3t, 8. the same with ^fec^. «f*15T, 8. a sago, the founder of Sankhya philosophy ; tire : a. tawny, brown. ^f-H^TI^*, *. a cabbage, brocoli. ^W\?r, 8. cloth worn by the poor or devo- tees to cover their privities, a clout. 7^9^^, 8. the right lock, » ^, 5. crab ; Cancer; akind of serpent; -^lf*T, sign Cancer ; -'*^^, a plant.* ^^ %, 8. a female crab ; also, vide ^T^^. ^'t^^^s. a name of the jujube fruit. ^"^^,8. gravel, grating noise or sensation, the sensation felt from dust in the eye. ^^^?I1, a. gritty, full of nodules. <><4><}>*T, a. rigid, harsh, rough, hard, vio- lent, unfeeling, cruel, unkind, miserly. ^If, 8. a loan, debt ; -^TWT ^cf^r^T, 8. the ear-wax. ^^C^ri5?", 8. the cognizance of the ear : ad. within hearing. [insect. ^«fs?C5^l^1, 8. a species of centipos ; also an ?r.cf^«fcj, %, an earring, ear-ornament. ^«f^r, -t^^*<, a. eminent at any work. ?5^t^«^6ii, s. cleverness in business. ^?ar^T^^, a. capable of any work. ;^'5a[TpcT, s. the fruit of human actions. ^:s^tt«tT^, s. the consequence of human actions; a book treating on the subject. ^^^far, s. in ffeo, the middle part of In- dia reckoned as a place of sanctity. ?5^C»t^r, «• suffering or enjoyment of the consequences of evil or good actions. ?P"S&*rt«^,«.industrious,laborious, diligent. ^?^7if5^, s. a minister, a counsellor. ^Tar7it5f 5T, s. the means of accomplishing a ^'S^^T^, s. place of employment, [work. ^.s^t't^, s. work and its consequences. ^^Ti^-^TTt, a. according to one's actions. ^'sa-TijTilC'?", ad. according to actions. ^■5^TiJ%t^, «• commencement of a work. ^^1^, s. end of an action or undertaking. ^"s^tC^, ad. at the end of an action. ?5?^tf%15, a. industrious, diligent. ^?^T|^, a. officially protected ; busy. ^?^t^^, s. the freeing of a person from guilt, the removal of crime or blame. ^rf^, a. stained,blemished, charged with crime ; fem. ^c^|%jft. [ ^Tc^C^r^. ^^vT-pf , s. paste, starch, varnish ; ti^q^, vide ^rfir, s. a pen ; a scion, ingraftment, a cutting of any plant : a. ingrafted. ^cnir^^i^t, s. a penknife, a pen-cutter. ^cn^^lf^, s. writing reed, wooden pen. *^'C^5r^T^, a. engaged in work, busy. *csri"5r:j^T*f, s. a penknife, a pen-cutter. ^^rjU^TiT^ s. a standish, a writing box. *^c^^1, s. a word, a prayer, oraison. ^c^^,a.crystallized: 5. nitre, crystallized salt ; an aquatic plant. [stalk. ^vi^, s. Columbo root ; an arrow ; a plant- ^^ L ^ST?r^, 8. a dove, pigeon, the black cuc- koo ; a murmur, clamour, a buz, a din. ^oT^r, 8. a water-pot, a pitcher, a jar. ^5l*Tt, or ^?T[^^, 8. idem. ^s^H^^^f^, s. a bench for water-pots, ^8^>T, 8. a pinnacle ; a pitcher. [tion. ^?^^, s. quarrel, brawl, squabble, content ^5^^J5?fl, s. a brawler, a wrangler. sinful, vile, fil- ^C5^S)1, ^^^, s. the liver. [thy, foul. ^Cc^??r, CW^, s, the body. [orts, filth. ^?^, s. sediment, ordure, the ear-wax, sin, ^.c^T«l -^rrvF^Pl, -'5^^, -"^^^j s. an ear- ^t«KI^5l, a. listening, attentive. [pick. ^tei5^1, s. a fungus growing on trees. n. to weep, to cry, to bewail, to lament, to howl (as an animal). ^T^^?, tt' cross, crying, crying aloud. ^1^?", ^tC"^^, s. an infidel, a Jew, an ^t^ft, s. an African, a negro, [idolater. ^t^, a. useful, advantageous : s. coffee. ^t^cft -^^, ""5T^^, s. a variety of pea. ^t^l, V. to inspissate, thicken any prepa- ration by boiling : s. caudle. [cloak. *^t?;1, 5. a pretence, excuse; coffee; a ^I'^T^W, s. military exercise, [allspice. ^t^T^,rt^. roasted: s, a roast; -f5t^,cubebs, ^T^t"^, 5. Fort, the last day of the month. t?1, CW^, *t?^?r, ^W, s. the body. ^1%^, *tT^^^, CW^,«.bodily, corporeal. ^^^.fl. doing, effecting, causing, accom- plishing : 5. an agent, a doer. ^?rf^^, a. complete, perfect, finished. *^t?r^5T, 8. an agent, a superintendent. ^^•«rt^1j 5. a manufactory, a workhouse. ^T^«l, s. a cause, a reason, motive, an oc- casion, a principle : prep. for. ^t?'«l^*f J, s. a deficiency, want, strait. ^^«<"5l, -W, s. causality. [sonable. ?PT?^«]'^e^, a. having a proper cause, rea- ^T?"tT^, s. a jail, a prison, a gaol. *^?"T?;', s. a large phial for rose water. ?Ptft, s. an eff'ect, an action, issue, action, act, agency, an artificer. [man. ^t^^T, or ^Tf?5f?r, s. a mechanic, work- | ^tt?^^, or ^Tf?^Tt, s, mechanic labour, ! mechanics, workinansliip. j ^tf?^1, s. an actress, a dancing girl ; act, i action, profession, agency ; sharp pain ; usury : a. fern, acting, doing, causing. ^t^:5l, -^, s. agency, causality, [agent, i ??t^*5Tl, s. a workman, a mechanic ; an ^T^, a. acting, causing, occasioning. ' ?PT?F, b. a mechanic, artificer, an agent, a maker, a trade ; a painful ulcer, [fnl. ^t?Ff*it^1, a. expert, active, diligent, uso- ^•T^^*TJ, 8. hard- hearted noss, cruelty, un- feelingness, roughness, niggardliness. ^tf^T, *. Eng. a cornice. ^Tfifis, 8. a Hindu month containing part of Oct. and part of Nov. ; name of a god. ^Hfl, ^T^T?ft, 8. a bill- hook, a cleaver. ^T^«iJ,«. niggardline88,parsimony, stingi- ^^1, 8. gum Sandarach. [ness. ^^^, s, cotton ; also vide ^«tTf. ^Tsff«|, s. magic, sorcery, witchcraft. ^^ ^, s, a bow : a bambu. ^T^'j, s. business, duty, work, undertak- ing, an affair, office, a deed, an effect. ^t^J-^Gl, -^T?^,«. an agent, a workman. ^T^'j^TI?^!, s. workmanship, agency. ^T^J^C^r, ad. in the course of business. ^T^T?, ad. at the end of the business. T^JT, -^T^T^, s. a spending of time. ^^1%^, a. filthy, black, squalid, dirty. ^t«i^^,*. venom, mortal or deadly poison. ^Tc^d^C^, ad. in process of time. ^T^C^*t, ^^C^^«i, 8. the spending of ^1^<^, or TT^?., s. the liver. [time. ^ci^51, 8. a variety of the musk rat." ^T^^Tsr, 8. a tree and its fruit.^ [indica). ^T*!®^?^!, 8. a plant and its seed (Nigella ^T5^^5f, s. a variety of the sesamum.* ^TcT^^^9 8' a species of basil.* ^T^^^^M- death-like, deadly , destructive. ^t«1^"5^, *. the line of conduct suited to any particular time or season. ^T«^^N^*1",«. death-like, fatal, solemn, aw- 3^r}1_, a. deaf, cold, black : s. a fish-spear ; -^■^, a dyer of black; -t§;<, black-faced, '^t'^tf^t, ^. the universal conflagration at the end of the world. [end to time. ??tc^t^^, s. epithet of Yama, who puts an ^T«^T^?", 5. another time, a different time. ^t«lT'^t^, s. Port, a calking ; a calker. ^cnt^^, s. twisted silver and silk thread. ^Ptc^T'Sf^, ^I'nTcWl^, 8. an impure time, the time of impurity. ?Ptt^, 5. in aritJi. product of a sum, result or working a sum ; goddess Kali ; ink ; the flowers of onions : ad. to-morrow. ?Pt1%^, 8 goddess Kali : ad. to-morrow. ^tt^^, ^TcTllJl, s. a scar, mark of a bruise ^tf^i?^, a. destructive, deadly, ruinous. ?i5tf^*i?)' s. a name of the river Yamuna. ^tl^irl, s. blackness, darkness. [ny. ^tf^^, a. weatherbeaten, sunburnt, taw- ^t^%^^, s. a tan colour : a. tawny. ^cvt, s. ink ; the goddess Kali ; a stain, a stigma : a. black, filthy, squalid. ^cTt^, or ^T«^?, a. relating to time. ^T-f^f^^, «. feigned, false, hypocritical, artificial, fictitious : 5. a hypocrite. ^t^1^^^5l, s. hypocrisy, dissimulation. ^tc^jl, a. squalid, dingy ; pleasant talk. ^t*t, s. a cough ; a kind of grass.'* 355t*t1%f, s. vide ?PT7Tf^, ^t^, &c. ^•Tf*t?1, 8 a tall species of grass.* 55.t*rt, s. the name of the city of Benares. ^t"^?", *. the name of a country, ^t*^^? a. belonging to Kashmir. ^^, s. wood, timber, fuel, ^t^*tTW^1j 8. a clog, a sandal. ^t^'sr?, a. woody, wooden, well wooded. ^t^'STM, 8. a raft of timber. ^1^1, s. a point of the compass, space, a tract, a region, a place, a site, a limit, a boundary, excellence, superiority. ^t^T^^, s. a stool, a bench. ^ti%3>, s. Eng. caustic, a cautery. ^t1%, s. endive (Cichorium endivia). ^yf, V. n. to cough : s. a cough, rheum. <^^^'?', a. occasioning cough. ^, or t^^l, ^. mud, mire, dirt, slime- 1%f^^-t%I^< , -f^f^?", 1^PJ^5, 8. a chirp- ing or chattering noise. [the teeth, t^^t^^, 8. the grating of sand between ^^,])ron. some, a little, any (thing). t%i;t^^, ipron. some, a little, somewhat. fijTl [ 75 ] ^^?r ft»t^, ad. what sort ! how altered for the worse ! (in a ludicrous sense.) ■f^^Tf^, ad. perhaps, lost, for foar of. i^Q^iTf, pron, some ; any, a little. t^f^^, pro7i. some, any, a few, a little, somewhat, very little. t^f^WC'^'S?!, ad. within a little, almost. t^$|scw, c^5?i,«. a worm, the earthworm. ■f^'5J55'^^,'f%^f%^1, a. dirty, filthy, squalid. f^^f?!^^, f%:5f^;?, 5. the same as ftf^f^f^. W^\ ,or ^\F1, s. a worm, a maggot. 1%f^f^t^, 1%^t^^t^, s. the grinding or gnashing of the teeth through rage. i^«l ,v. a. to buy, to acquire by purcliase. t%«l, s. a wart, a mole, a corn or callosity, a cicatrix, a scar, a wood-insect. f^f[^, a. buying, a purchasing, [trade. f^*lTC^^1, s. a buyiug, and selling, traffic, f%n,5. ashare, a parcel or s'pot of ground. 'fe^tf^n, s. shares : ad. iu parcels. *f%^t^, s. a book ; -, s. power, force, strength, ability. ^^1, s. a well ; -^\ or -■*t'1, a mist, a fog. ^^\5, V. n. to shrivel up, to contract. ^^f^-^J%, -^<^JW, ^- nipped or chilled with cold, shrivelled, contracted. ^^, s. a small heron ; the seed of Abrus precatorius, used as a weight. ^^^^5 s. SL species of crouching heron. ^i%, 5. a brush, a bristle brush, a tooth- ^f^<11, s. the Indian eel fish.^ [brush. ^f^?Ft5^>!l, 8, quackery, bad acts in physic. ^'f^^^, «. thinking evil, contriving evil : 8. one who plots mischief. [evil. ^f5^1, 8. an evil thought, the plotting of ?Pf5"5T^T^, a. plotting or contriving evil. ^fs^l, s. nux vomica : vide ^f5«^1. ^C5c^, a. ill-clothed, shabbily attired. 7^(.5'^^, a. doing evil, mischievous, [chief. ^C^"$1, 8. an exertion to do evil of mis- ^3"f^, s. the groins, hollow of the hips. ^^**t, 8. doggerel poetry, mean poems. ^ B^l, s. slander, obloquy, accusation , stain a blot, a disgrace, libel, censure, blame. ^^T^twt, s. a slanderer, an accuser. ?pf%^, a. ugly, bad, evil, uncomely. ^^^^t^?1 8. fragments and small chips. 3^F, pron. some, a little, any (thing). ^W, s. an earthen water-bottle ; Tuesday. the planet Mars : «. hump-backed. ^^v5, ^^^U a. low, base, mean, vulgar. ^^:5^fG, ^l?\5Tf^, 5. meanness, vulgarity. ^Siisr, 8. a low, mean, or vulgar person. TP^I, a. deformed, crooked, hump-backed : s. an earthen water-bottle, a gugglet. 5P^j^^^1, ?p^7vf^, s. a mist, a fog. ^^T^, s. an evil idea or design, craft. TPSt^, crafty, having evil idea or design. ^^?Iil, s. the seeds of ^5 ; vide ^f5l^1, a. cut and chopped : s, a bit of straw or stick, a chip, a shaving. ^^iT, *. a causing to pound. ^JT^5 s. a quibble, a covered design. ^ i?t, «. a morsel, a bit of stick or straw, a splinter, a small chip ; the leprosy. ^tt^fil, a. pounded, pulverized. ^^^f^, ad. by small particles, by bits. ^f^&^, 8, a porpoise, the sea-hog. ^f^^], a. leprous : s. a leper, [insidious, ^fi^c?, a. crooked, insincere, disingenuous. ^i^c^.^1, -^, 8 crookedness, insincerity. ^f^'?it^S^? «1, a. insincere, fraud nleut. ^f^, 8. an assembly ; also, vtde ^X^t. ^?t?r,s. ashed, hovel, booth, hut, a stall. ^^¥, 8. a kinsman, a relative by marriage. ^^^sJTl, 8. relationship, kindred. [ship. ^"^f^in, a. related to any one : .^^^?I^, s. the going in an evil way. ^^«19fT^, a. going in an evil way. 7^9\9iJ,a. unwholesome, hurtful (as diet) : s. unwholesome diet. [advice. ^^7rT5:*i", s. evil counsel, intrigue, bad ^n?[T5I*lf, a. giving bad counsel, cabal- ling : s. one who gives evil counsel. ^f^, a. angry, vexed, provoked ; -Tf^, an aggravated state of flatulency. ^f£J, ^"^rst, s. a8seml>lage of lotuses. ^^JF^, 8. safl'ron ; redstuiT play-balls. ^'^, a, having a crooked arm. ^W, s. ajar, a pitcher ; the frontal globes of an elephant ; the sign Aquarius. ^^^, 8. a religious ceremony which con- sists in closing the nostrils and mouth. ^^^•f, s. one of the brothers of Ravana. ?PW^5rc?i, 8. the dropsy, watery disease. ^^^ «• usury ; -^tTt, an usurer. ^^, or ^^C?"t^, s. the leprosy. ^'^'^5 ^- good to cure the leprosy. ^%s^ a. leprous, full of leprosy. ^^C?"!^, or <^^"t, a. leprous : s, a leper. ^^tT3, s. the same as ^^^^1. [sumption. ^^t^S*^'^, s- medicine for the cure of con- ^^^, flower; safflower; the menses, ^^g^, s. the safflower plant.'^ ^"^1^1%, S' mutual wrestling or scuffling. ?15 t 81 ] ?^1 ^f^, s, a wrestling ; -^TT, a wrestler. ^^■^t, «. ominous dream, the nightmare. ^^^, *. delusion, fascination, sorcery ; a ^^^, «. a sorcerer, a juggler, [sorcerer. ^^TT, 8. a cavity, a hole ; the ear-hole. ^f , 8. the new moon ; note of the cuckoo. ^C'^'f^^Pl, f C^^, s, a mist, fog, haze. ^f5«Pl, s. a painting brush. ^^, s. a mountain-peak, a ream of paper, a heap, a water-jar, hammer, a mallet, ploughshare, plough, a deer-trap ; illu- sion, deceit, falsehood : a, low, mean. ^^?P, s. a ploughshare ; the eyeball. ^^^a, s. a snare, deer- trap, a net. [able. ^^, a. unchangeable, uniform, unalter- ^^T^rt^, s. an attic, an upper room. ^^I9f, s. obscurity, ambiguity, a fiction. W^, s. a ream of paper ; an end, a clue. ^;5J, s. a wall. ^"5^, a sort of cloth or ^9|"c^, s. a satchel, a wallet, a bag. [stuff. ^*f, ^^1,5. a wall. ^C«tTW^, well-water. w*t^, s. a mast, a stake in the ground. ^«1^^^, s. a frog in the well, a man who has not seen the world. ^w", s. space between the eyebrows. ^ns^l, s. inspissated milk. [boiling. ^^^, s. amusement, play, jumping, gam- ^'^, s. a tortoise, a turtle. ^^^f^ft<11, a- tortoise-backed, gibbous. ^5^*t?t«l, s, a book on Hindu religion. ^^l^^T?", s. Vishnu's 2nd incarnation. ^rT, s. shore, bank, a heap, mound, a pond, the rear of an army ; the jujube.' ^t^, s. a porter, a labourer, [the bank. ^1%^t%, ad to the brim : a. reaching to "^^ V. a. to do, to make, to perform. s^vll^, s, a lizard, a chameleon. ^5^, s. torment, pain, distress, difficulty, penance : a. distreseed, tormented. ^5g9r^, a. tormented,suffering anguish or distress, engaged in a severe penance. ^^5^^, a. hard-earned, hard-acquired. a^, a. doing, performing : s. affixes con- verting the roots into verbal nouns. ^f , a. done, perforihed, made. fZ^^i ^^^1"^J, a. skilful, fortunate, ^I^^t^, ^^^^J, «. ide7n. [successful. ^^, a, ungrateful, unthankful. ^«^^1, s. ingratitude, un thankfulness. fHH, a. grateful, thankful. ^■5^11, 8. gratitude, thankfulness. ^"5^I?r, a. married, wedded. ^'Sf^^jfjP^T, a. having performed the usual daily ceremonies of religion. ^3f^3i5?, a. disposed of by sale, sold. ^■5T*«f^, -^^y a. with the hands joined in a humble manner, [er ; conclusion. ^"5T?, 8. death, Yama, universal destroy- ^^T's>f «• gracious, merciful, compassionate, pitiful, kind, tender. ^^T^?) a- full of compassion or mercy. ^^1^, ». desirous of compassion or pity. c$^ [ 82 ] c?r.7r ^Tp^1, s. the class of compounds of wMcli ^ is the last member, the symbol ( ^ ) ^1^, s. a worm, a maggot, an insect, the ^fia"^^, a. breeding worms, [lac insect, ^f^^,«. anthelmintic, worm-destroying. ^I^ST?, «. abounding with worms, [ated. ^«T, a. meagre, wasted, lean, thin, emaci- ^*ts5l, -^5 s. meagreness, thinness. i'^I^, a. slender, delicate, slender-waist- ^*iT5J, s. fire ; name of a plant.^ [ed. ^■^^, a. cultivating: s. a husbandman. ^"^T«l, s. a husbandman, peasant, farmer. ^^T<^, s. husbandry, agriculture, [ing. ^f^, s. cultivation, agriculture, plough- ^1^^"^, 5. business of cultivating land. ^f^^^, «. living by agriculture, [man. ^r^C«^T^, s. an agriculturist, a husband- ^fX^cT, s. a husbandman, a farmer. ^^, a. black, dark-blue : s. the ninth in- carnation of Vishnu ; a black colour. ^^C^fBr, ^^&v5l, s. two flower plants.^ ^^^t^^, ^^Wt?"1, s. same as ^T^®^^1. ^^51, -^, s. blackness, blueness. ^^^^'Vt, s. vide ^T«^\|c^^. [privities. ^^ij^1, s. a cant name for the hair of the ^^*1^, s. the wane of the moon. ^^^^?, a. bastard, illegitimate; obs- ^^^■?rT?«i, a devoted to Krishna, [cure. ^^^«f, a. black, dark-blue. ^^^T^, s, a variety of the basil. ^ ^^^'Sf, ^^":jTf?r, s. the same as ^tc^^^. ^^y^T^, s. the black antelope.* ^^T^, s. black talc, a black cloud. ^, s. the compound letter kli. [ed. f*^, a. denominated, yclept,fixed, appoint- ^1, s. bargain and sale, traffic. C^cgl, s. a particular species of insect. C^'^5, C^vjiH', 5. a fragrant flower tree.* C^^^, s. a flag, banner; a house, abode. C^^t^, s. a book ; -•^TT^I, a library. C^v^, s. the 9th planet in the Hindu sys- tem ; in astro, the dragon's tail or de- scending node, a comet, ensign, a flag. C^\|^Trt^^"^, s. a division of Jambu-dwipa. C^W?rt«f1', s. liquid filth, the sordes. C^WT?", s. a field, a mountain ; -^T^, name C^CTf ;iT^1, ad. for, because. C^'^?!, or c^^?t^t'5r, s. a wolf, [circle. C^"^, s. in astro, the poles ; centre of a C^^c^, s. simple, mere : ad. alone, only, ab- C^7[], pron. who? [solutely, certainly. C^ir^, ad. how ? what sort ? C^?itc?, a. winnowed, clean, marketable. C^?^, s. an ornament for the arm. C^^^TcT, s, a paddle, a small oar. c;^ [ 83 3 c*r^ C3p^t«ft, s. a scribe, a writer, a clerk, ac- C^TTtir, 8. a cramp, a staple, [countant. *C^?"T^1, s. rent, hire, tenancy ; -WT?r, a renter, a tenant ; -WT^ft, tenantship. C^5f1, V. a. to peel, to skin : s. a plantain. C^clt;^', a. peeled, skinned : s. the act of peeling, stripping or skinning. C^f^, s. play, diversion, sport, fun. C^fi^^v^^s^jS. sport, pleasure, enjoyment. C^l^^^, s. a play-house, a theatre. C^rTjlsTt, s. rice-gruel, sour gruel. C^*T, s. the hair of the head, a mane. C^*i^, a. produced from hair. [Vishnu. C^*[?, a. hairy, shaggy : s. a name of C'i'*ff^^7t^, s. the dressing of the hair. C<5*tC^*t, s. the adorning of the hair. C^*t5rT^5tt, s. a comb, a hair-brush. C^*t the divine mothers or energies of the gods, divine energy of Karttika- C^'l'^TWt, s. the moon ; rays of the moon ; a title given to several books. C^?^^, s. family or race of king Kuru. ^C^^t*^, S' a promise, engagement, a vow. C^?!C^?r, a. descended from a harlot. C^'tf^^, a, belonging to a family. C^'t^^J, s. nobility of birth, nobility. C^'t^TcT, 5. welfare, happiness ; policy, a contrivance, art, device, a stratagem- C^'t^Tc'f^^Cir, ad. by a contrivance or stra- C^'l^fc^^T^J, 8, artful discourse, [tagem. C^'lC^?, a. silken, made of silk. C^^^», s. the breast-jewel of Yishnu. ^, s. kna, the compound of ^ and i{. ^■5p5T7 s. kna class of compound letters. ??j, 5. kya, the combination of "^ and ^. ^]"^^1, 5. the class of compound letters ^ kya, or the symbol (7). #jt^, 5. the sound of some birds. ^Jt^, ^*?w. sound of cutting soft bodies. ^jT^s., im. sd. expressive of a sudden kick : , lift's* ^t??l1, suddenly, unexpectedly Z§», s. kra, or the combination of ^ and T. ;S»^?", s. a saw ; a poor man ; a partridge. Ia»'^5, '^^t^, s. a saw. ;^v^, s. a sacrifice, an offering, worship. ;:^*iT^, s. wailing, weeping, crying, lamen- tation ; the howling of an animal. ^flS'^^^T^, a. weeping, lamenting, [ful. ;^*W^*rt^, a. inclined to weeping, sorrow- Iff*^^*^?!, ci. lamentable, fit to be wept. 1^1%,^, a. wept, lamented. ;^Tp5^1, s. those compound letters of which ■?r is the last member, the symbol ( ). T^'Z'i^ s. flesh, raw flesh, meat. ^^]tW, s. a rakshas, a giant, a cannibal. I5»^, s. a step, a degree, series, order, suc- ^^t^^, 5. a slope, a declivity, [cession. I^"5r«^ s. an interruption in a series. :^ir*tS, ad. gradually, regularly, in regu- lar order, successively, in rotation. ^^t^^,fl^. regular, uninterrupted, succes- sive, regularly succeeding each other. ^sit^^t^, «• following the direct order of a series : ad. successively. ^^T^^t?"j s. the direct order of a series. ^■5TT^3iTcr«t1%, 8. a name of Garura the king <^fT?^1, a. mean, inferior, bad of its kind. •«fc^W, s. a sort of mortar used to plaster the mud walls of a house. <|%^^-^ej^ 5. the plastering of a house. •^r^?!, ci. white, chalky, pale, hoary : s. the name of a river in Nadiya, [white. •^f^?T"5TT^«l, s.the leaves of a tree turning •4r\ft, s . chalk, fuel, coarse grass used as •^r^it^l^, ^t^1, a. sharp,, pungent : «. dried to- ^^■"tc^t, s. the name o£ a fish.* [bacco.. •4r^^1, 5. a receptacle for a spindle. •41^, V. a. ta overbake, calcine : a. over- baked,^ calcined ;. hot, dry : s, a hare^ ? or -sr f:g^ s. a deed of release; a charm for the delivery of a woman in travail. •ilt'^T^, s. a sailor, a matross ; rescue. ^•irtf^^l, s. a revenue collector's office ; land held immediately of government. •4rt«Ttj a. empty, void, blank, simple, va- cant, unengaged : s. a mother's sister. •^c?t^t^, a. empty-handed, pennyless. *4f5T, 5. land not in tillage, sward, a ting- ling or numbedness, a peg, a wedge, a bolt, a pin : v. a. to turn an arch. i\ [ 93 ] •5' f *• beautiful, handsome, grace- *T, a. sharp-nosed. [to tie a calf. •5?"*Tt, s. a chair, a stool; a noose, a rope ^■^l, s. the foot of a bedstead, etc., the bottom of a glass or brass cup. •4tf,s. pleasant chat, a pleasant story •^*rc\5^^, a. handsome, comely, graceful ^*t^^ ^^ ^, 5. good writer, a writing-master. ^*T3rl'fl",s. business of a writing-master. ^*r^iT^t a, neat, pretty. [putation. •^*t^t^, •^'^^^t^, s. a good name or re- ■^'^':'5^T*tT^, s. a good clothing, fine dress, •^*fC^'ptt*fT^, a. well-dressed, gay showy. <[*r^e^, a. joyful^ airy; s. a good season. •5*l^re»9 5. pleasure, joy, gladness, •^C^l, s. an agreeable scent, fragrance. t"«wf'l, s, the blazing or glowing of fire, ^fcijffii?!, a. glowing, ready to blaze. ^«i1%, s. a calculation, an enumeration. 9t?3, s. the cheek, the side of the face, ele- phant'stemples; a boil,pimple, amark. 9r*3^, s. a rhinoceros ; also, vide 9f!3tf^?1. ^^aCirt^T, s, a tumult, an uproar, hubbub, a mob, a mutiny, an insurrection. ^T3C'>ttf^?I1,«.tumultuous,noisy,mobbing. 9f?a?fT^, s. a principal village, [the face. ^f?S -CW*t,-2fCW*T, -^^,s. the cheek, side of ^!3C^*t^, a. situated on the cheek. 9f!S^t«^1, s. an inflammation of the glands of the throat attended with pustules. 9f*S'^'^,«. pre-eminently ignorant. "jfTst^tcT, s. a part of mountain or rock cast down by some convulsion of nature, ^t^l, a. four (a reckoning by the tale). 9f^Tf^?I1, s. a method of counting by gan- 9f?aT?l , s, a rhinoceros. [das or fours. 5ff^, s. a goitre, a wen, bronchocele, trunk of a troe j a bow, circle, halo, rainbow. ?r5t'> [ 99 ] W 'it'Vt, s. a bow, a rainbow ; a circle. ^ts^, s, a handful of water for wasliing the mouth ; the tip of an elephant's trunk. $f«1J, a. calculable, numerable, notable. ^«., V. a. to deliver to a person's custody. 9\'S, a. gone, past, last; ad. by-gone ;-?-, s. the body. ^l^tflf, «. the past night, yesternight. 9f^^T^, a. fat, plump, fleshy,large-bodied. ^Tilisn, «. indolence; coUectedness, ar- 9f *1, V. a. to deposit, deliver up. [rears. ^irt^r^j, s. a going and coming, [obsolete. ^^T^, a. antedated, out of date, or use, ^15T^, s. a depositing with, a pledging. ^TJt^'Jf^^, following or imitating others. ^^1^^5?l1, the inutility of after- thought. •yf^T?!^, s. intercourse, coming and going. 9f^T5^, a. dying, expiring, past recovery. 5fltQ['^,retrospective,lookingpastevents. 9r^, s. motion, going, progress, a proces- sion, a course, a condition of life, a refuge, an expedient, fate, fortune. 9tt%^, s. a condition, circumstance, a posi- tion, a resource, an expedient, a scope. ^1%f^f^i, 8. tittletattle, chitchat. M"f*^? , ^* Wt, a. talkative. garrulous,ad- dicted to telling stories. [to fail. st^v^ V. n. to cast the young, to miscarry, ?f^v^l, V. a. to write unintelligibly, to do a work clumsily, or so as to spoil it. •iT^^Tsr, s. the doing a thing clumsily, a. writing badly : a. badly writtei;i,or done. ^r I 100 ] ^?: ^^1, *. a cow ; a simpleton, an idiot. ^^T"^, s. a window-blind like ox's eye. %r^l^^T?rj s. passage tlirough a window. ^r^T^^jS. a skinner, a currier, a tanner. *^Tt^, s. a testimony. ^Tt^^jS. a witness. ^^, a. pregnant, big with young. 9[ZJ, ci- produced from a cow, fit for a cow: 5. produce of a cow, viz. milk, but- ter, glii, cow dung, etc. ; a bow-string. $f^J^, s. a measure of two krosha. 5f^f ^, s. a ray of light, a sun-beam. 9f «f%^*« *• the name of a giant. *^?L.> «^. without, besides, except. *^?r^, Oj. sinking, drowning,going down. ^?^?S, s. a goitre, a wen, bronchocele. •jf^'i^'^l^l, s. a hare lip : a. hare-lipped. *^'?^lf> *• desire, necessity, exigency. 9f^"^, a. necessitous, desirous, inclined. ^?"W, s, a kind of silk cloth. *9f?:^1, or 5f r, s. dust. 'Jf^'SJ^, a. passionate, hot, warm, [disease. ^"^"sf t, 8. warmth, passion,heat ; venereal 5f^iir,'s^t'«T, a. wearing warm clothing. 9f^T((:"sr^t®?, a. passionate, hot-headed. ^^^, s. venom, poison, virus ; a kind of ^?rcTt, a. venomous, poisonous, [disease. ^?ri«l, s. the name of a tree,^ its bark is used in tanning : a. deep-rooted. 9t?rTf^, or 9f^t1^?1, s. a rail, a palisade, a pale, a range of paling, a balustrade. 9ft?^1, 5. self-importance, vanity, a boast, 9t1?^t1%l, a. self-important, vain, [pride. ^^'^, a. most important, honourable, re- verend, superior ; difficult of digestion. *?f?^^, a. poor, needy, indigent, humble. ^?ft^R1, a. fit for or according to the poor. 'jf^'^^t, 5. poverty, humility, indigence. ^?^?rR, ^. the same as ^t?^"- [pleton. "jf^, s. a cow (generic name) \fig. a sim- ^^\F, s. regentof birds, Yishnu's steed; a large vulture, or a gigantic crane. ^^^, 8. a wing, a feather. 9f^^t^, a. winged, feathered. 9f^^<^, ad. cow-like, stupidly, sillily. ^^^"■IT'CI"} 8. a dilemma. ?f^, -^Tffle^vJ, -^^^t^. injustice, a wrong. 9r absence. ^f^^, «. reviled, despised, disgraced, re- proached, treated with scurrility. ^P[,i;, V. to dissolve, melt, ooze,bur8t,Rup- purate, wear out, to escape through the bars of a cage, or walls of a prison. 9frf, or s\r\m*\^ 8. the neck. ?f 9it, ^tcT?", *. the prow of a ship or boat, ffc^^^l, 8. one who manages the prow of sf 5T?5^9T, 8. the dewlap of an ox. [a boat. ^5T5t*S, 8. a goitre, a wen, bronchocele. sf5T^^, st?^^^ei, 8. the same as sr?r^"^. ffcnt^, s. a melting or dissolving (as salt, sugar, etc.) ; an error, a mistake. sf 51^, 5f «lt^, 8. a melting, a dissolving, the bursting of a tumour, escape thro' a bar. 9f5T^"tTr, a. malleable, soluble, dissolvable. *^c^^1, 8. superiority, pre-.eminence. ^f^'^^, 8. hoarseness, roughness of voice. 9f^Cf?it"^^<^4t, s. a cough, a tickling or wheezing in the throat, •jfc^l -(A<^^\% -C'4f<5, vide 9fc1TC, 9fc^t%, s. a mistake, an error. ^'^jS. a story, chitchat, idletalk, palaver. st«^?l1, a, talkative, chatty, gossiping. ^■^1, V. to tie up sheaves, bind straw, etc. in bundles : s. a sheaf, a wisp,a bundle. ^mtf5^i%, s. a large species of prawn. 9fc^l, s. grain ; ascendency over others 9t^jr^1, V. to be hot with fever, to glow. ^^^^^?r1, a. hot, feverish, glowing. *'»r^, s. a walking about, a sauntering. 9r^T5^, s. a strumpet, a whore, a harlot. ^■^T^'Y, a. whorish, sensual^ licentious, ^^^f"^, s. a crowd, the din of a crowd. ^^^, 5. a forest,a thicket : a. impervious, ^r^^l, s. an ornament, a trinket, a jewel. ^■^?ri, MC^^I, a. deep, profound : s. depth. ^^^, s. delay, procrastination, a demur- ^^^, ^■^^"5 <^. deep, profound, [rage. «T^?r, s. a deep valley, a ravine, a defile, cave, hole, a den ; an arbour, a bower. 5t1, V. a. to sing, to chant ; to calk. 5t1, s. the body, surface of any thing ; -^v^, to rise, get up ; ^f^^, to tremble. ^^;t, s a singer, a songster, a chorister. *^t^^,s. a disappearing,vanishing away. *»riT?T, s. scurrility, abusive language. 5(1^, ^t^, s. a cow. ^if'C^fT^, s. cattle. 9f [vS^ ,5. a singing; a calking; -WT^, a calker. ^l^?ri, 8. vocal music, singing of a tune. ^ft^ifl", s. the calking of a boat or ship. ^1\, s. the Ganges, river in general ;-f^cT, a kind of gull ; -Tpfj^f, a kind of grass- hopper ; -^Tf%^, a species of marten. Ill, s. a village, a hamlet. ^1^, a. belonging to a village, [a bale. ^I^^, s. a knot, a knob, a knuckle, a joint, ^tt^^^T^I, s. a cutpurse, a pickpocket. ^T'^^'^^1, s. pain in the knuckles, a whit' ^\^t, ^ff^, the same as ^iTt^i^, &c. [low. •yit^^l, a. residing in the village, rustic : s. a villager, a clown, a rustic. ^1^1, s. a roaring or bellowing sound : ad. from village to village, at every village. ^W, V. n. to beat, foam, froth up : s. froth. 9fT^'i, s. beating to foam or froth, [milk. 9f[&c^1, a. frothy, covered with foam : first ^g?1, s. the tops of hemp used as a nar- cotic : V. a. to beat into foam^ to froth. -SrSilC^ri^r, ^I'felfc^, a. smoking hemp as a narcotic : s. sl smoker of hemp. ■JTf^tC^rTTl"}^- the habit of smoking ganja. 5iT©f^i«^1, s. a seller of hemp. [purse. ^tlfsj^n, s. a wallet, a grass-cutter's bag, a •jft^t?, 9tT^ft, s. a bundle, bale, a package. ^rr^l, V. a. to tie knots, to lie in wait : s. a listening in private, a lying in wait. ^.^T^tf^, a. wrestling : ad. at every joint. 9frit^l\^1, s. a marriage ceremony of tying the bride and the bridegroom together. ^t^F^^wt, fl^.packed up in a bale : 5. a pack- ing of bales ; -^, to pack up in bales. 9ft^cTt, s. a stopping the progress of the venom of a serpent by incantations. ^tt^^'^l^^, s- the act of stopping the progress of the venom of a serpent. 9fl^l, V. a. to tie knots, knit stocking, etc. 4[]\5, s. a prominent navel ; the anus. - ^i\^C*TlcT, s, a pelican.* [Hindus. 'yflxjT^ , s. a rhinoceros ; a low class of the ^T1%5 or 9ti^\5> s. the anus, the vent. 9f f^ii<5 9Ti^i ?r^, a single line or string ; «il^ 9tI5 5cT, a single hair. vfTS"^!, 8. vegetables, plants and trees. ^IW^T^l, s. a kind of betel-box or stand of brass made in the form of a lustre. SiT^C^^1,*-enclosure with trees or hedges. ^T^l, v. n. to grow, to sprout, spring up. stT^T^, s. vegetation, atraining up plants. ^l"^, s. single one (hair, etc.) [tree-rat. 9fl¥ 6.1, climbingorlivingon trees; -'^'^^, ^(■^f??', (I. expert at climbing trees. Sfl®^, «. a stall in honour of Shiva at the charak-puja, penance by self-torture. ^T®?tt^, s. a curvature of the spine, a wen in the neck, a water-vessel with a spout. 9fTF, a. dense, crowded, excessive, deep (as sleep), close (embrace),thick, inspissat- ed (liquids); -wfV, thick curds; -2I^T^, inhabiting a long time ; -£trT«^^rr, s. a common report, town-talk. 9f tcT^, s. a melting of metals, a dissolving of salt, etc., a straining off, a milking. 9ft«^1, V. a. to melt metals, to dissolve any thing : 5, sealing-wax, lac. ^T^Wi^, s. a stick of sealing-wax. ^T«?T^T!^, s. abusive language, scurrility. ^Tc^T"^"^!, s. a common report, rumour. ^Ic^T^, ^Fc^Tf^, s. melting of metals, dis- solving of salt, etc. ; price for melting. ^'Tl%,'?rrcft,s, abusivelanguage, scurrility. *?f f1%5l, s. a particular sort of carpet. ^'JtTt^^, a. overcoming, excelling, [my. *^f1%5r, tyrannizing : s, a tyrant, an ene- ^i^^l, s. a boaster, a talkative person. iflc^t^^l, a. abusive, brawling, scurrilous. •jf f^^, 5fT<^^, s. singer, songster, [fishes. f9f^^)%li, s. a crowd, multitude, a shoal of f9ff%, a. impervious, thick set, crowded. fit^, s. the mistress of a house, a wife. *r5tff\F, f^'<^, s. a jackal, a shakal. f'H^, s. a species of vulture i^fem. f^'f^^. e^ [ 105 ] <3^ f^t^l, s. a small metallic or earthen cup. fffSTi, a potherb (Chironiu coiitauroides). f^f^, s. a word, a speocli, saying. f^^ff^fft, s, a species of lizard/ f^^Wl,s. a side pillow, a pillow, a bolster. fVr^l, s. a knot, a joint, a knuckle. f%f?, s. a mountain, hill, rock ; a mouse. f^^Sfl, s. a name of the goddess Durga. fjl^^, «''. the Himalaya mountains. *rM'CJI, a. rolled up, furled, gathered : s. the furling or rolling up of any thing, 8^f^, 8. the rolling up of any thing. ^«l [ 106 ] ^r?3 ^^^, s. ball or pellet of dung, etc.; fruit- ^^1, ^^T^, the same as ^^, &c. [stone. ^f^, 5. in comp. one, a single or merely one individual of the kind ; also, vide ^^ . ^f^^, s. a collection, a quantity, a heap. ^f^^l, s. a pill, a pellet, a ball, a cocoon. ^f^,-^T^')", *. red-ochre, ruddle, red earth. C^C^'^r^, a. clever, prudent, respectable. *C9t^, a. circular : 8. a circle, a boundary. C^^"^TfT&1, v. a. to collect into bundles : s. a handful, atuft,a bunch, a wisp, a sheaf. C^ft^ICJfT^l, ad. by handfuls, by tufts. C9ft5t^, s. collecting of things into sheafs or bundles : a. collected into bundles. C^rt^lf^, s. collection into bunches or bun- C?f T5t^^, s, a cowkeeper, cowherd, [dies. C^fTM"^*!, s. the pasturing of cattle. C^f^f^'S,^^, s. a quack doctor, a cow- C5ftf^1%5.7il, 8. quackery. [doctor. C^TCST?", s. a cow-stealer. C'yfT'^, C^tWl, the same as C^t5, &c. Ciff^t^, C^fl^T^, a. tied in bunches, bun- dles, or sheafs ; neat and clever, tidy. C5fT^, s. a silver chain for the waist. C^tt^l, a. whole, entire, unbroken, uncut, undivided : s. gold or silver lace; a thing that is whole, an integer ; betel-nut. C^t^t^^, s. a number, a quantity, a few. C^t^T^t*^, s. a foaming at the mouth from the bite of a serpent ; slaver, saliva. C^tt^TcT, a. whole, entire, unbroken, uncut. C^TC^TC^TCJl, a. rolled up, gathered. C9fT^, s, a herd, a flock, a drove, a com- pany ; a cow-pen , station for cowherds. C?n^^t^1, a. straggled from the herd. C^fT^^tSsf^T, s. the assembling or collecting into a herd, a gathering in company. C'Jtr^t^^t?^,^. the name of an annual fair. C9ft^, s. the foot ; sore of small-pox ; the base, bottom, a foundation, a pedestal. C'»Tt\5-^t^^, -^tS, ^^^5 s. the ankle. C9f1\5^5l, ^^, ^ st, s, the heel. [foot. Cjfrs^^, s. a corn or callosity under the C9f 1^51,1?. n. to overtake, approach, to draw near: s. the base of a pillar, etc., the foundation of a building, origin, source. C^T\5TC9t ifw, ad. wholly, from the founda- tion, origin, or source. [a thing. C9tT\5Tc€^l, a. in contact with the base of CJtTvJI^, s. overtaking, approaching, draw- ing near : a. approached, come to pass. C?ft5T^f^, ad. from the origin or source. C^t^t^t 8. yellow-ochre. [maids. C'»rt*fl'tt?t5r1, 8. a hyena. C^t^^j s. a name of Krishna. C^tt^WJ, 8. a cow- doctor, a quack doctor, C^tl^r?!, C^IT^"^, 8. cow-dung, manure. C'JrT5n\^, 8. beef, cow's flesh. C^l"5rt^, 8. a jackal ; the bile of the cow. CJfl^*^, s. a cow's mouth ; a musical in- strument ; a bag to cover the hand while countingthebeads; a noted chasm in the Himalaya, the source of the Ganges. C^T"5J^, 8. cow's head, skull of a dead cow. C^TVJ, a, stupidly ignorant, cow-like. C^Txia, g. the urine of a cow. C'>fTC?IW^, 8. a topaz ; a kind of poison. CMtC^l^, *. the sacrifice of a cow. [man. C9fl?T5^1,csft";5r9i1,«. a cow-keeper, abutter- tC9tT?r, a. fair, white : 8. a grave, a tomb. C?fT?r^61, 8. the act of tending cows. C^?"'?1, 8. the preservation of cows. C^?r'?^, s. a plant (Solanum rubrum). C^t?"^, 8. the fluid productions of a cow, viz. milk, whey, curds, butter-milk. *C^t?r^T^, 8, a burial ground. C9tt?rl, a. white, fair, •/ft^*itT'gr, 8. artillery troops, [a goldar. C'JTt'^^^t^, 8. the business of golandaz. C9ftc^irf?r5, 8. black pepper. C9ft^irT«7, 8. tumult, confusion, disorder. C9ft^1, V. a. to spread a report, to divulge, to blab, reveal: a. dissolved : *. a store- house, granary, a barn ; a ball, cannon ball ; liquid earth and cow-dung used for coating or smearing the floors. C^T^t^f^,«. balls and their ammunition. CM"T5TT^cT, 8. the tailof a cow ; a species of monkey, or the baboon. [earth, etc. C^T«^T^, a. dissolved : s. the dissolving of C?^T«^tf^, 8. the dissolution of earth, etc. *C'>tt^lT, 8. a rose, rose-water. C^TSTt^t^?, 8 powder and ball, [loured. C^TT^T^"^, «. rosy, made of roses, rose-co- C*>TT^T^, 8, a fungus, a toadstool, [earth. C'JTc'ittTf^) 8' a pot for liquid cowdung and C^t^, 8. a bullet, a ball, a pill, a bolus, CJtTC?^!^, 8. the paradise of Krishna. *C^l*IcT, 8. bathing ; -rt^1, s. anger, wrath, fury, rage. C9fT^5^, s. a grape. [ -^t\5, cow-bone. C'?f^^^31,-f^^^1, killing or injuring a cow; C^t^TWl", C^T*lt5^1, s. a cow-house. C^'^, s. a province lying north of the Gan- ges, the central part of Bengal. CJtt^t, s, spirit distilled from molasses. C^'^vft?, a- belonging to Gaur province. Cih^, d' inferior, subordinate : s. inferio- rity, subordination ; delay. [dinate, C^'l^t^lj-^jS. inferiority, the being subor- C^1^^, s. a name of Buddha; also that of a sage, the author of Ny ay a philosophy, C^ft^, a. fair, white, pale, red, clean, pure. C^rl?"^,^- importance, weight, glory, great- ness, majesty, grandeur, honour. ^'t?:^tf%^,C?fl^?^R, a. important, great, respectable, honourable, glorious. C^ft^^T^^, s, the seat of honour. CSff?"!^, ^. white-bodied, white, fair. C^'tT, s. a mouthful ; eating of a mouthful. ^T^T^^tit^, s. food and raiment, [a shark. 9fl^, s. a taking, acceptance, a reception ; it^^, a. taking, receiving, acquiring, s. a purchaser, one who accepts or receives. ^T^^.vji, s. receivership, purchasership. ^t^,«. taking, receiving, obtaining, pro- curing, acquiring : s. a receiver. Sff^J, (t. acceptable, worthy of being ac- cepted, received, or regarded. S\'^^i s. the nape of the neck, the neck. ■^^^T^W'*^, s. a neckcloth, a cravat. 1^^^, a. hot, warm, sultry : s. the hot sea- son, sultry weather, heat, warmth. .rft^^^, a. causing heat, hot. ^^^t5^,5.the hot season, sultry weather. ^t^^t^1^,«, of the hot season, summer. ^^W,#}^Tf^^, a. hot, sultry. IjTf^jS.languor; lassitude, fatigue ; a slan- der, a censure, reproach, backbiting. gjlt^^el, s. a slanderer, a censurer. TR [ 113 ] Tr?l ^, tlie 4t]i consonant ; it has tho sound of h-ff in /oy-liou80 ; -^T «. officious, prying into family ^?ri, 8. a receptacle, a drawer, a passage, TI^T^, a. domestic, intestine. [a hole. ^■?'t5lft,a(^botwocnfiimily or neighbours. €t^ [ 114 ] f%^ tr^rt"^, 5. a hut-builder, a thatclier. ■5I'?rT^f^?ft, s. the business of a thatclier TEI^^I, a. domestiCjhome-inade, of ahouse ■5rcir, ad. at home ; -^lftc?r, at home and ■5rC'?r"5rC'?', ad. in or at every house, [abroad. •5I^?r, ■Jl'^irTf*!, «• the rattling of wheels, a rattling sound, a purring, ^"S^, "511^, s, perspiration, sweat. ■5I"5^r®i^^,fl^.sudorific,causing perspiration. ■Jtl^Te^, ci. covered with perspiration. ■5r5&T^, ft. ^T'5r?rl, s. a petticoat, an apron, a gown, ■5rT"5rf?r, s. a rabbet, a groove. ■5IT^, V. a. to be deficient, to fall short. "511^, s. a quay, wharf, landing-place, afer- ry, mountain pass; -^\\, to smuggle ; --srt^*!, a smuggling ; -irl?"f«i?r1, a smug- gler ; -"STT?"!, a smuggling ; a smuggler. Tlt^l, V. a. to abate, to diminish, reduce, to lessen : s. a corn, callosity, a sore. ^T^t^, s. reducing or abating the value of a thing, the diminishing of a thing. "511^, s. a fault, a crime ; a watch-post. ^T^5, "5111%, s. the hinder part of the neck. ■^ItvSMTfR, the neck. "SIT^JR, assent by nod. "511^, s. a knock, a blow, wound, [striker. HT'J^, «. smiting, striking: s. a murderer, ■5IIn5^, s. a smiting, hurting, killing. ■5lT^^, a. destructive, murderous, cruel. ^tt^, ^If^^ft"^, s. an oil-mill, [spiration. ■5It"S,t?. n. tosweat,perspire: s. sweat, per- ■^Ilir^, s. a sweating, a perspiring. ■5lT^?r, a. full of ulcers or wounds. "511^1, V. a. to cause to sweat or perspire. ■5lT^t^, a. covered with perspiration. ^t^TTfs, s. the prickly heat, [to perspire. ■5lT^T^, s. a causing to perspire : a. made ■5IfsjfT\5TR^, a. lulling children to sleep. ■^sr^t^^T, s. the awaking out of sleep. ■JrmST^, a. awake, roused from sleep. ■^ir^l^rt^, s. the rousing one from sleep. "S^^l, V. to sleep, to lull, to excite sleep. ■^srr^, s. a sleeping ; a. asleep, sleeping. ■^csr, ad. while asleep, in a slumber. ■^?r, V. to whirl, turn round, roll, revolve. ■^l^t^, a. circular, round. ^:^y s. Vishnu, an emperor, governor of aprovince ; a potter, oilman, ajuggler, an informer, a serpent, a ruddy goose, ^^l^f^, (I'd. face to face, eye to eye. ^■^, *. the eye; -■ft'^T, to wink ;-"^^1, to undeceive, blindfold ;-st^^1, to beckon. C\5t?' ^"^f "STToTl •fttl, may you be blind. ^^"s^^^l, 5^C^H, 8. disease of the eyes. ^■i^S^^1,5. a snake. ^"^S^, situated in the ^^C^oit^, s. scaling of the eyes. [eye. ^^CJiT^^r, ci. visible, present to the eye. ^^pfr^, s, the giving of sight to an idol. ^^, a. handsome, good, eminent, sound, *5^1, a. recovered from disease. [healthy, ^^t"^, s. recovery, a cure, health, good- ^^T^t, s. a kind of basket, [ness, beauty. ^^I^?ri, a. throbbing, shifting, uneasy. 15^ ?T,«. fickle, changeable, capricious, un- steady, inconstant, fluctuating, fluid. IJ^c^^l, s. fickleness, instability, caprici- ousness, inconstancy, changeableness. ^^«^1, s. lightning ; a name of Lakshmi. ^^, 5. the bill of a bird, a beak, ^^^"^j s, the bill of a bird when shut. ^?^^f5,s.thetaylor bird (Sylvia sutoria). ^^..5 V. n. to split, break off, shiver off : s. sackcloth, canvas : ad. hastily. ^^^, 5. show, gaudiness ; a sparrow ; fern. ^^JT, s. a splitting, a cracking. [5^f^. ^"^1, a. a. to cause to crack or break into ■ shivers : s, a splinter, a small chip. ^^1^^, ^'^t', s. cracking sound of a whip. ^^5©, s. alienation, breach, quarrel. 5^t^, s. a plain, a strand ; a breaking off in splinters ; a. splintered, shivered. 5^t^, a. broad, wide, spacious. ^^t, 5. a sackcloth, canvas, a mat, a flat thin rod of split bambu. ( -TJt?r,to slap. ^^<5;Tl,5'^^t^1,«- aslap with the flat hand; 5^j^1, «?. to knead, temper clay : 5. a shrub.^ ^^?Pt^, s. a kneading: a. kneaded. 5^^Tl^, s. the kneading of dough, etc. ^^J^lf^?1, s. one who kneads. ^^5^^, ad. speedily, quickly ; .^^«i, a be- ing viscid, sticky or gummy. 5^^^tt^, s. viscidity, clamminess, [cid. 5^J5^?1,<«. gummy, glutinous, viscous, vis- 5^*^^, a. quick : ad. quickly, speedily. ^^'si"f^<11, restless, active, fluent,talkative, ^5^*1^, s. activity, restlessness, [voluble. ^\5^, V. n. io mount, to ascend, to go on board a boat or ship, to climb : to slap. 5v^, s. a slap, a slap on the face, [of rice. ^\5^, ^^^, s. a sparrow; -^C<1, a variety 5\5^, V. to grow worse, to throb, twinge. ^\5^, ^f3\*T, 5^f3\*T55I, the thirty-fourth. 5^|>^fa\*t'^, a. thirty-four. 5««. the access of a paroxysm, a rous- ing of one's self to motion. yf^fl, V. a. to exert to raise up a heavy body, to stimulate, to rouse up, to cause to rise, to bring on a paroxysm. T5t9f T^, s. exertion to raise up a heavy body, the rousing of an animal: a. roused. ■pt^lf^,^ s. a stimulating or rousing up. ■5151, ^t^l, 5. a father's brother, an uncle. "51151^, ^.derived from an uncle ; -'^ft ^^1, an uncle's daughter; -^t^, an uncle's son. ■^tft, s. a father's brother's wife, an aunt. "5!^^^, a. easily coaxed or wrought upon, unstable : s. the coaxing of a person., "5t^«nJ, s. fickleness, instability, unsteadi- ness, activity, agility, fluidity. ■5!^, V V. to lick, to lap. ■^I^JT, s. a licking, a lapping of any thing. ■^t^t^, s. act of licking; a kind of sauce. ■^T^^l, V. tt. to cause to lick : a. licked. ■^T^t'^T©, s. a mutual licking or lapping. ■^T^T^T, s. a causing to lick : a. licked. ■^T^Tf^, s. the licking of a thing. ■5T#, "51%, s. backward kick (of a horse); -TTTir to kick ; -irT?"«i kickingbackwards. ■5t"f^^, a. fitto be sucked; -J^rJl, aplantain. Tjr^, s. pleasing or soft words, flattery. FT^^Twt, «. flattering: 5. a flatterer, a pa- rasite, a sycophant, a jester, a cheat. ■5T^?1, s. the flat palm of the hand. "51^1%, s. a flattering, flattery, adulation. ■ptCt, ad. wholly, entirely, altogether. "5t\F,s. hurry, necessity ; a wrench, lever. ■^IvSl, a. high, steep : s. a wrench, lever, a prop, fulcrum; fixing of a bowstring. ■5t\5H^, s. an emphatic word, loud voice. I 5tc*r [ 123 ] 5t?1 51\^, «. pole to force a boat, a lever, prop. M^, 8. the track or trace of a fish in the water; batliing, ablution (incorrectly). ^t«l?PJ.«.nameofa8age, and of his poems. ^T»sT9T, 8. an outcast, a low caste Hindu. ■pTfSt'^, ■5T*iT«^^, s. a female outcast. TjfS^, '?. the name of a species of swallow. ^tljf^Jrl", ^1^^, s. female swallow, [plot. ^r^^, s. a gang of robbers; a conspiracy, ^^T«^, s. a plain space, a sheet of water, a terrace, the roof of a house. ^t^?r\ s. activity, cleverness, craftiness, deceit, fraud, roguery, female infidelity. yt^"€«fT9 « relating to the four castes. IJT^tiTj^J, a. continuing four months. ^fv|^7, s. activity, cleverness, craftiness, unsteadiness, deceit, fraud, roguery. •^TW?", s. a sheet, a covering or bed sheet. ^*W^, s. the moon-light; an awning. ^T^JtI, s. the same as §1^1, which see. ^■^,«. lunar ; -ITTJT, lunar time; -"5Tt^,do. month ; -^tl%^, reckoned by lunar time. 1^^t1l«l, s. the name of a religious vow. -^'s^v. a. to press by a weight, to press down, to compress, to cover, to conceal, to quash, to smother, to place upon. ^t-pf, 8. a turf, clod, lump, pressure, bur- den, a block used in printing calicoes, the platen of a printing press, a bow. ^^^, s. a slap; a butcher's axe, cleaver. ^^\5l, v. a, to slap, beat : s. turf, a clod. ^*f^T^, 5. the act of slapping or beating. ■^T^I'vSTf^, s. a slap, the slapping a person. '^'^'^^ 5. a pressing down, squeezing, com- pressing, concealing, quashing, stifling. 15t*1"«^J, s. the same as "^^^^l , wliich see. ■pt's^fl, V. a. to j)ut any thing into a press, to lay a weight on a thing, to print : s. a cover, a press, the lever of a press. "ST'^ll^Tf^'f, 8. a mutual pressing, pressure. ^*1"T5T,s. the covering of a thing, the lay- ing of a weight, a printing : a. pressed down, pressed, compressed, printed, ■5t*tTt^, s. pressure, pressure of a crowd. ■5T*3[^r,a squatting pos- ^T«tTt, 8, a fish; female organ. [ture. "^j V. a. to chow, to masticate. ^^^1, 8. a turf, a clod, a square clod. 5t^f^, 8. a view, a sight, desire, a wish. 151^1, V. a. to persuade, to excite a desire, to show : a. desired, asked for, wished. ■^T^l, V. a. to chew, to cause to masticate. ^tTT^Tf^, 8. a looking at one another. ■^t^t^, ^^JT, 8. a chewing, a masticating. ^^Tt^, *. mastication, chewing. 5t=d, 8. Port, a key ; -<^^^, lock and key. ^t^^,5. a whip, scourge; -3i?:T?r, a horse- breaker, a horse-jockey, a good horse- man ; -^Tllfl", riding, horsemanship. ^t^, 8. skin, leather, hide ; -^t^l, -C*5rT«T, to skin, flay ; -^l^.cj, a kind of tick. ■^T^r^l, «l, a. unctuous, oily, greasy, glossy, slippery, smooth, sleek. f5^^«1^1, or f^^giejt'?', 5. unctuosity, slip- periness, oiliuess, smoothness, polish. f5^ [ 125 ] ftfar f^^1, ^51, s. a musk-rat. flJ^^^F, s. a tlinncler-bolt. f^Wp^, s. glossiness ; a vivid light. f^^f5f%^, s. a glow, a vivid light. f5^,^1, fi. oily, smooth, greasy ; polished- ft^f^^, s. a flash, a glance of light. f^^v5l,fl5^f^, s. a shrimp, a prawn. f^^ff^C'si'T^Sl, shrunk up (as fried prawn). f^^f^'STf^, s. a shrimp, a prawn fish. f^fs^Tl, s- the snake-gourd/ 1%rv^T?", & the same as f^^^t?r. f^c5i%?, s, the power of intellect. f59P1, 5.the tamarind tree and its fruit. f5^, s. rust, mouldiness, mildew. f5^1, 5.mouldiness, the smut of corn, mil- dew ; a chit, a note : a. viscous, clammy. f5^^^^,s. liquid molasses for tobacco. f^^t, «. a letter, a note, a chit, a note of hand, a bank note, a draft, an order. ■ft^jJPcT, a. spread out, patent. ft^/5l^?]1, rt.viscid,ropy, sticky, tenacious f^^JI, a. mouldy, rusty, viscous, clammy- f^^t^^, s. liquid molasses for tobacco. f^^Jtf^, f^'^JtC?[t9f, s. mouldiness, rust. f^^, s. a letter, a note an assignment. f^vj, V. n. to cut, to be exasperated,to fret. ■ftv?, 8, a slit, a crack ; vexation, passion. f^^JT, s. cracking, fretting, being vexed. f^v5^t?:«l, s. the splitting any thing, ftvFl, s. rice soaked and flattened : v. a. to teaze, to vex, to exasperate. [son. f^^STJT, s. a teazing, exasperating of a per- f^f^^, s. a twinging, a throbbing pain. f5t^^^T?«t, s. the shooting of a pain. f5f^"53T?r, s. a fowler, a bird-catcher. fsf^^II, s. a bird ; -•4tT^1, an aviary, a cage. f5\$^^, fs^^nt^, s. the twinging of a sore. f5v$L.^l, V. n. to twing, to twitch. [sion. f^^t^^j *• exasperation, petulance, pas- f5\5/^\5^, f]5\5f5f^?1, a. captious, peevish, cross, splenetic, testy : s. a plant.^ f^\5J^v5, 5. the sensation of itching, [ing. f5\sf^1^*t^\, fs^'tT^, «.the falling into a re- clining posture with the face upwards. ) f5^,«. a picture, a painting, printed linen, a miracle, astonishment, a circlet or mark, a variegated colour : a, variegat- ed, speckled, surprising, astonishing. f^:5^?',f53^t?',«. a painter, artist, drafts- f53^^J,«. alliteration, an acrostic, [man. f^3l^?ft, a, painting, variegating, f^a^'^, 8. the registrar of Yama. [dy. f^3ttf^3[,a. variegated, checquered, gau- f^lfSt^, 8. the sun ; fire ; a name of Shiva. f^UCS^-iTl, 8. in mijtho. a female famous for describing every thing at her will. ft^T^"^, a, having the hand reversed, fBlIl, 8. a star in the spike of Virgo. 1% jQ'll', «. surprising,ravishing (applied to a particular description of women). ftflj^, or f^:^^f, a. painted, variegated, speckled, spotted, checquered. f5?I [ 126 ] f5f% f%Wt^1, s. the intellectual soul, spirit, God. f'^fft^T^, s. a semblance of intellect or feigj^f, a. intelligent, amiable. [spirit. f^ST", v. a. to recognise, to know. fl?^^, a. small, dwarf, diminutive. f^^:^, s. a recognising, a knowing. f^^l, V. to point out : a. known, acquaint- ed withr^.a Chinese ;-c^T^,8mall leech. f5?iT^9 s. a causing to know, pointing out. fl5^T*1'f?^?I,s.familiar acquaintance, inti- t%ift, or "S^, 5. sugar ; a Chinese, [macy. f^f^^, M?^. sd. of a twinging sensation. f^fb^5i^, 8. a picking, selecting of a person, or thing, the puckering of a thing. 5JT1, a. small : s a small species of fish. 15 ^T^^, a. puckered, crisped, plaited. ^f^'^, a select, choice, chosen. . 15«t, 8. silence, quietness : a. quiet, hush, still, sileni; : ad. be quiet ; in^j. hold ! be still ! -^, to be silent ; -^^: , to si- lence, to quiet ; -^S^, to kiss. T«11 [ 128 ] C^^ ^"srt^t^l,^. a kissing ; lit. kissing and lick- l^sTT^f^, ad. mutually kissing. [ing. "^J^, s. a sip, a mouthful (of liquid). T|^^, 5.the spatha of the cocoanut. P'SRPt, s.a kind of small tinsel ornaments. ^■si^\it, 5". a chirping with the lips to en- tice or coax a bird or other animal. 15^^j a. kissing, touching upon atopic, la- conic : s. a summary, an abstract, an in- dex, short-hand ; a loadstone, magnet ; -^M?"?-2f'^?r,-"srf«i, loadstone, magnet. ^^, s. a kiss, a kissing ; -^qI one who ^^i?t?,^. deserving to be kissed, [kisses. ^^I^s.a kiss. ■^1%^, a. kissed. F?lT\F) s. a mountaineer, a savage. ■^^^, s. a roll of tobacco, a cigar. ^t?, "5^, s. theft, robbery, a pilfering. ■^c^, s. hair of the head, a lock of hair. 155!^^, s. hair, locks of hair, [fireplace. ^e^lj'^Wt, ^.a portable hearth, a furnace, a ^c^^, s.a handful of water; mire, mud. l|c^^^^1, ^^«1^^t^? ^c^'^t^l, s. itches, an itch- ing, the sensation of itching ; lust. ■^^?51, V. n. to itch, to tickle, to scratch. ^c?f<5T3^, s. itching, a tickling, scratching. ^c^^^^l", 5. an itching, a pimple, the itch.; Fc^^^, s. a lock of hair, a curl. [lust. ^c^^^^, "^c^^c^, ^.fickleness, unsteadiness. Fc^^f%?1, a. fickle, unsteady, inconstant, ■%\, s.the chirping of birds. [active. -^7^, s.the nipple, the breast, the paps. "^^1, s.a lock of hair, a crest, a top-knot, a pinnacle, a turret, a mountain peak, a plume, a diadem; flattened rice, [issue. ■^\5t^, s. a conclusion, a decision, result? "^\5lTrf«i,s. a gem to be worn in the crest, jewel of a crown ; in comp. it signifies chief, eminent ; e. g. «tfb^F^t^f«l, chief of the learned ; ■5I4r'^\5t5lf«l,chief of the ignorant, or supremely ignorant. "|^f^?1,«. mantle or wrapper for the body. ■^\5% s. the same as "5^^, which see. 1«1, s. quicklime, powdered lime ; -^l"5|",a whitewashing ; -"^T^ plaster or mortar. ■^«j"ft,or "^^l^jS. lime- vessel of a betel-box. "I^sjl, s. quicklime, dry or powdered lime. "f *ilt^j5. a burner or maker of lime. 1^^,s. the mango, also, the mango tree.* 1^,«. pulverized : 5. fragment, powder; a ■^^■Stf , s. pieces and fragments, [fulness. '^?r'^ «^- flat-nos(?d, snub-nosed. C^t*«n^, rt. sharp, whetted, keen. CSt-ftfl, V. to whet, sharpen ; -fT^, s. a kind of play, crickets or cats, C5^^«j, ^^sf«l, a. four-fold. C5t'5lf^, 8. the space of four hours. C5l"5I?r1, a. having four receptacles. Csl^T's^Ci^, ccd. on all sides, all along, flat. C^'t^Tsll, s. a hipped roof, a bungalow. C5t^, or C5]'t, a, a fourth, one-fourth. C^^^^l, or C5t^1, «. the fourth. C15t^, or Cb)^, s. a fourth, a quarter. C5^\5l, «. wide, broad. C^'t^tt", s. width, breadth. ' [house. C^^^tTf51"?rl, a. flying out : s. a withdrawer. ■^^ITp^^^l,^. speckled, spotted, freckled. ■^^■^^5 s. the tossing, turning or strug- gling of a person in pain, fever, etc., struggling of an animal for its liberty. ■^^Tji^l, V. a. to struggle for liberty, to flutter, to toss about in pain. 02 ■?^^"^^^, "g^JJP^tf^, 8. the struggling of an animal for its liberty, the tossing of a person with violent disease or pain. Tg;^J5f5^1, restless, unsteady, struggling fluttering, tossing and turning. ■^^^TPO^Jlt^, 8. a struggling, a fluttering. ^^, V. n. to skin, to flay, to fall in a scat- tered manner, to scatter, to sprinkle. ^\^, 5. a spear ; flagstaff'; a scratch, bruise. ■g^l, V. a. to scatter, strew, to sow seed, to sprinkle, disperse, dissipate, to cause to skin : s. a sparkling ; a string (of beads,) a cluster, bunch (of plantains). ^\91"g;f^, 8, profusely scattering of things about, waste, a skinning (an animal). ^^T^lf^, s. a sprinkling and weeping. ■g;5T^,'g;\5^, s, a skinning, a flaying, scat- tering, a throwing about, sprinkling, a dispersing : a. scattered, dispersed. ■^^FTI^, s. a skinning, flaying, a scattering about, the dispersion of a multitude. ^v$tt^?1, a. wasteful, lavish, scattering about : 8, one who flays, a scatterer. ^\ft, 8. a switch, a twig, a thin stick; adis- temper which drys up a person, [urine. ■^^5^^^, im. sd. of the falling of water or ^:^,«. an umbrella, a fungus, mouldiness. ^:55fr^, a. holding an umbrella: «.a king. ^:fl^^, 8. a forlorn state, widowhood ; an- archy, a loss of empire or dominion, ■g;3T^tff^?1, children. ^I5^f^, s. grasscloth ; a canoe of iSal tree. fg;, or fgfg, infj, fie ! for shame ! ft^, s. a sneezing : v. a. to sueeae. fk^) [ 134 ] W^ fg^?p1, s. a skewer, a thin rod of iron or bambu used to clean the huka tube. f^5\5 ,v. a. to drag along the ground. fi^t V. n. to tear or rend of itself; v. a. to tear, to rend, to pluck. [custom. fi^, f^^t^j *• ^ water-course, a habit, a f^:5i^, 8. the act of tearing, a plucking, a f^v5l, a. torn, rent, divided, cut. [tearing. t%\5tfif^? ^' mutual plucking or tearing. fg'?5c^, V. a. to link together, to furbish : s. f^^l^, s. a chain, a link, [a chain, link. f^^m\ s. a sneeze, a sneezing. f^5^^tC^t?", s. a petty thief, a pilferer. f%^j$TWf^^1, a. peevish, crying for trifles. fw^ 9 "y- (^- to sprinkle, sow seed, to work lattice-work, or the like, [remainder. ■j%^, s. chintz ; a remnant, a balance, a fg;^^, 8. sprinkling, scattering about (of seed) : the working of lattice-work. t%;^t^, s. idem ; also, a slender rod. f^^t^Tc?, a. pointed, having a sharp point. ^fs, s. a lying as if inattentive or dead ; -*tT^, to watch, to lie in wait. ^f^«^T^^, s. a watching, a lying in wait. ■#f^?n^^€iT«?, s, the whipthong snake. ■^vB\, "^f^, s. a girl. [of any thing. ^^^, s. a coming in contact, the touching c^ [ 135 ] C^1 ^^, V, n. to be discharged, to fly as a ball, to escape, to run away, to break loose. ^^^, a. fern, younger. [ing off. ■^^^T, s. a running away, escaping, a fly- ^^fJT, s. the flying of a bullet, an escape. ^^1, V, a. to loosen, dispel, fire a gun or crackers : a. unconfined, loose, [about. ■g^^t^f^, s. a running speedily, a running ^^^, s. the loosening of a thing, liberat- ing of a person : a. let loose, escaped. ^^T^fl", s. liberation, exemption, escape. ^^Tr5l «. sixty-six. C^l, 8. a pouncing, a darting at ; -^t^^, to pounce, to dart at (as a kite does). c^t^l t 136 ] m ci,1^,v.a. to cause to touch, to bring into contact : a, touched : s. a scare-crow. ctT^t^,uiiclean,menstruou8, contagious. CWt^T^,5- a causing to touch, the bring- ing of tilings into contact : a. touched. ctf^ij ^.to wash the posteriors after evacu- ation : a. greedy : s, sl musk-rat. [riors. C^I^T^, C^t^l f^, s. a washing of the poste- CWt5T^, s.the water in which the posteri- ors has been washed after evacuation. C^T^Tt^, s. greediness, ravenousness. C^tCClj smelling about (for food or gain). C^T^l, s. a boy, a chap, a brat ; fern. ^^ C^l^ftit, s. a collector of the customs. «^^?f1, 5. a glittering, shining; loaf-brass. BIH^, s. the hip and loins. WJtT^J, a. last, ultimate, low, vile, base. WTiniWf s. a sudra : a. low-born, base. IfTsT^J^Sl, s. baseness, lowness, meanness. Ijf^eit^, s. the name of a tree/ ®?f?r, a. movable, removable. ^^^, a. wild, desert : s. a forest, wilder- ness, a thicket, bush, weeds in afield. ^f^5^^?, a. abounding with wilderness, covered with weeds and bushes. ■'Srsr^TT^, «. wild, desert, bushy, waste, un- ;if^c^, a. wild, sylvan. [cultivated. ®^?T, s. a limit, a boundary, a ridge or balk in rice fields, an embankment. ^iJrT, s. poison, venom. ®^1, s, the thigh, the leg. [fleet. ®vi?5It«^, a. marching quick, walking well, BfWtlv^, a. gathered, collected, contracted. ®\^1, V. a. to wrap round, to wind into a ball, to interlace, to cling to, to overlay, to plate, to set precious stcHies. l§7v^^,or;§f\5T^ a. ornamented, overiayed with gold, set with precious stones. S!\it®f\5, «. a clinging round each other. ®\5T^, s. a winding round, a clinging to: a. wound, clapped round, clung to. ^^TJ(^\5T^, a. rolled, wrapped round. Sfv^tf^, s, the winding or wrapping of st thing, a clinging to, an interlacing. l?\^Tt^?1, Of. winding, interlacing : s. one who winds or interlaces things. lf^tf^?T^5T, 8. a winch, winding machine. "^f^^, a. set with Q^ems, studded, crowded. lff\5\!5^t^J, 8. crowded talk, sputtered lau- ^f^^§t» *• medicines, drugs. [guage. ^f^'srl, s» stupefaction decrepitude, stiff- ness, congelation, numbness, idiocy. ®^^^, ^. stupified, made insensible or decrepit, reduced to idiocy, congealed, frozen, benumbed, made rigid. Hvft^^. a. become stupid, inactive or de- crepit, frozen, congealed, benumbed. ®^jr, *. a freckle, a spot, an eruption. ^C^^TC^^, ad. wholly, root and branch, completely, entirely, in the gross. ^^Sf\$T^, *. viscidity, stickiness. ■^^Sif^^t, a. viscid, tenacious, sticky. li^, s. lac ; -^^, a house made of lao. W^, *• lac, asafoetida, a freckle, a spot. l?'^Tf«j, s. a freckle, a mark on the body. [ 138 ] H^ «f^, s. a person, a man, individual. ^^^, a. producing, causing, begetting : s. a father ; in mytho. the father of Sita. ®^^^1, -^, s. causality, fatherhood. Si^^, ^^^^^, s. a multitude, a crowd. W^'^) s. birth, production, the producing ®^^, ®^nr^, s. a mother, [of a thing. ^^-pfff, s. any inhabited country, a region. ^^^^Wt^sTJ^, s. the governor of a country, ^J^fgf?, ci* popular, esteemed by all. ;gf7^ilt5^^, 5. people, men, mankind. ^JTir, s, birth, production. [king. ^^C^^?I,s.thesonof Parikshita, a Hindu Sl^ *• ^ monkey, a baboon. ^^JT, *. sexual intercourse, coition. ^?, 8. conquest, victory, triumph ; hail ! -^, to conquer, to vanquish, overcome. ^?^'i, ®«nn^,«. a war drum, a drum of Si?^T^, 8. an army drummer, [victory. ^?15^R, 8. a species of grain." X 2 B!^«8rf^, 8. a shout or cry of victory. Bl?^t, 8, the name of a tree.* [victory. ^? -'I'ST^I, -f^«TT5T, *. a flag or ensign of 5I1I*^3J, 8, a written declaration of victory, BI^^Ttf SI, 8. music on account of a victory, SI?^T^, a. victorious, triumphant, [oua. ^?l^^, ^- belonging to a victory, victori- ^?lC>iT^J, a, worthy of victory. ^?'^^, ll?f*r^, s. the horn of victory, l!f?;5Y, 8. the spice called mace. ^t, a. triumphant, victorious: *. a victor. m\, V. n. to digest, to waste away. *W^> «. gold and silver, money, riches, 'SiJCf 8. decay, decrepitude, old age. ^?r«1, 8. a growing old, the digesting of If^Tf, a, yellow ; -if ^, an old ox. [food, ^?rl, V. a. to digest or prepare by chymical process of digestion, to cause to digest: «.decrepitude,decay, old age, infirmity: a, digested, tabid, decrepit, infirm. ^5^1^^) ^- decrepit,debilitated,old,infirm. ^?T^^1, *. decrepitude, old age. ^?T?, *. the womb, the uterus. Sf^T^vgf, a. viviparous, born from the *Wf^, S' gold or silver thread, [womb, *'§if, 5. a porpoise, river hog. [fountain, li^T^^, 8. the revenue or rent of fisheries. , 8, a scarcity of water, aridity. ^Sf^ [ 140 ] m IF^T^^T, s. a small pond. [with water. S!5^:^^5l, s. diversion in water, theplajang ®j?I^?S, s. a swamp, a marsh, a fen, a bog. Sjrf^ir^, ;§i^^T3l, s. a voyage by water. Si^TCUt^^, s. a hippopotamus. [mal.) ^5^^?r, a. moving in water, aquatic (ani- liwT^T^, a. moving in water, aquatic. lj5iC5t?r, 9, a pirate, a water-thief. ;§rc^ig::s, ;§i^^;5, s. a temporary shed in which water, etc. is given to travellers. ■^5T^, ^^^t^, a. produced in water. ;§ic^^^, s. an aquatic animal. [tion. ^gfrt"^^, s. a house for pleasure and refec- SjinC^IvSl, s. a species of harmless snake. ^rivj"^^, 5. a wave, a musical water-glass. St5T^"^1, s. a thirst for water, thirst. Si^iCvST^I, s. the drawing of water. ®5TW, a. giving water : s. a cloud. Si^rOT^, s. a diseased state of the fluids. ;§frrvr^, s. a cloud : the sea. ®??!f%, K^lt^f^, s, the sea, the ocean. ®?2?t^^T*T5 s. an outlet for water. ;§?^«f situated in the water. lis^^'*f, 5. the touching of water. ^5^^"Ct, s. a crocodile, alligator, [water. iT'^f^^C^Tc^, s. the roaring of the sea or of ^?i1, a. watery, marshy, swampy : 5. a fen, li^t^?", s. a spring, a fountain, [marsh. ;gi^T^1%, a. liquid, aqueous, like water. ^c^t^<4» ^- iiiundated, overflowed. ^«^T^lft?TfI S' an awaking from sleep. IjT^^t^l, 8. the pustules on the tongue. ®?Tf^, a. cold, wintery : 8. a kind of decoc- ^gftrsc^sf , 8. a toad, a frog. [tion. ItT^J, 8. numbness, apathy, rigidity, stupi- dity, folly ,idiocy,coldnes8,congelation. HH, 8. a kind, species ; a festival. lifS, a. born, produced, begotten, arising. ;gjl^^, C^'T^, 8. a horoscope. [child. 5i -j^^, 8. a ceremony at the birth of a ;§!l3C^t'*^, a. become angry, enraged. ^t^^'t^^, a. become gratified, sportive. l{TIC3P*r, a. fallen into distress, afflicted. ^^Sgji^t^, (I. become confident, believing. l^■.^5^t^, (f- producing love, affectionate. 5(T^RitJ> (i' become wise, learned. Irt^l [ 142 ] ®t?. ;gffJt^tm?^.'believing, confiding, trusting. ;§iT^^^'JtW, a, become respectable. ;§ft^^«.^^'j, a. become envious, envious, ;§ir3t^^, a. become glad, joyful, glad. ;§ir^t^, a- born blind. ^T^T«1^]1, a mother. ;§jtv5:7r,«. an adulterer, a paramour, a gallant. Wt?"^, ci. dissolving, digestive : 8. a diges- tive medicine, a dissolvent. 5ft^;S!, a. bastard, illegitimate, base-born. S?T?r«l, s, acalcining, calcination, a dissolv- ing, the promoting of digestion. Sit^^l, V. a. to cause to dissolve, waste, or decay: a. dissolved, digested. ^T?rT*r^1, s. jealousy (of a wife's fidelity). ^^ri^rf^^, a. jealous (of a wife's fidelity). ;^, a jewel- Clfl^, 8. a leech, a blood-sucker. [ler. C^T^JT, s. the act of measuring a thing. CSiT^I, V. a. to cause to measure: o. mea- sured : 9. the na?ne of a plant. c.;if?PT^, «. ordered to be measured : *.the (!ausing a person to measure a thing. ci\T^T^, 8, the measuring of a thing. *CS!T-«r5r,.9. culamity,trouble, loss, danger, (TSi 5f^, «. a desire, a longing desire. m\^^\ 8. a particular kind of snail.* C^iJT, 8. a man, a person ; a hired labourer, C^r^lT^, a. moon-shining: 8. a fire-fly. C^T?iTST*f^5 a. making known, proclaiming : s. one who proclaims or makes known. i;^|«^^,5. a communicating, an informing, the making of a thing known. >^'s^^'^?5 a. capable of being made known, fit to be revealed or made known. ^T'^tf^^S^J, ^T'51"J,cf. idem. ^fs^f s5, a. made known , revealed, notified. C^^, a, knowable, cognizable: s. an object ^J1, s. a bow-strong. [of knowledge. C^J^'Jf^^, «. a husband's or wife's father's eldest brother. [brother's wife. CliJ^*rT*t,C^^^t^j%,s.theaforesaideldest (M)%\ C^J^^T^S, a father's eldest brother. C^3%, a. eldest, elder, first born, chief, best, senior, pre-eminent, most excellent. CHJ^^Ij-^^ *> primogeniture, seniorit}^ C®j^1,5.the ISthstellar mansion; thebest beloved of one's wives ; middle-finger. C^j^lf^^t^, s.the right of primogeniture. tlijV, s. the name of an Indian month con- taining part of May and part of June. tlil¥Y, 5. the common house- lizard. CliJtt^S, s. a heavenly luminary, a star, the sun, light, fire, the pupil of the eye. Cl?n1%S'^13» «. the science of astronomy, a book on the science of astronomy. C^ltt^^, ^. versed in astronomy, [nomy. C^] 1 l^fC^ J1 , s. astronomy, science of astro- C^]Tt^f^^«l, «. a fire-fly, a glow-worm. C^Jt^C^^I, s. an astronomer, [region. Cl!]t^"5f*55T5 s. the stellar orbs, the stellar C^J11^"S[ stupidly. ^$1, s. orts, refuse ; a liar, a fibber, [hair. ^^l^f^, ^Jt^, s. a mutual pulling of ^tt, «• a tuft, the tuft of hair left after tonsure ; a hump, a bunch, a crest. ^v5,v. a. to cutoff, to lop, crop, cut, trim. ^\5^, ^vSt^, s. a cutting, trimming of a ^r\^, s. a basket, a scuttle, [tree, lopping. ^5^*, 8. a slirub, a bush, uuderwood. ^•3, s. a multitude, a flock, a swarm. ^^, V. a, to reprove, to abuse, to scold ^'J, ^r^l, a. ripe, dry (as a cocoanut). ^.^■^^^TT, 8. tinkling sound of chain, etc. ^*t'^».'l'^' *• s<^^^^ ^^^ ^ plunge in water, ^"^it, 8. a cabin, a hut, a shed, a cottage. Wa f,to ^ff?", s. a flowering shrub." [rap, knock. ^'>ff??i1, a. prating, talkative, garrulous. ^W, s. borax, a spade or hoe, a stone-cut- ter's chisel, a hatchet, sacrificial knife, a cimeter, a scabbard, anger, the leg. ^^iT, s. borax ; a spade ; the leg. ^'^-s^l^, s. the master of the mint, [ing.) ^W*fT«^1, C^^*tt'^, s. the mint (for coin- ^^1, -SWI, s. a silver coin, a rupee, money. ^^t^, s. the twang of a bow-string, the sound of a stringed instrument, spasm, cramp, astonishment, fame, notoriety. ^^Tt?ftf^5 s. a continual dripping of rain. ^^^1, s. a song sung in short solo parts. ^v^^v. Ti. to vacillate, stagger, slip, slide, ^^sr, s. a vacillating, staggering, reeling, ^^f^ ^, 6". a ticking noise ; a prohibition : f&?Iif^4>]5r, s. act of ticking, [t?. n. to tick. f^f^<5Tt^, s. a ticking sound. [noise, fl^S^1, V. a to consider, to plan, to contrive, to intend, to design, to guess. Vt<5?r«1, ^T^^T«1, 5. a considering or deter- mining, a designing, a guessing, ^1^5 5. a place, a situation, a space, a sta- tion ; also, a. near, in one's possession. ^t^fT, s, a god, a lord, a father, a grand- father, Sir, Master, Your worship. ^T^^-^Jl, 8. a paternal uncle. ^l^?r^, s. a wife's or husband's sister. ^, the twelfth consonant. It agrees in ; ^t^^t.1^' *' ^ repeated rapping. C^t^1, V. rt.to make defective, to break : 8. a frustrum, a stump, cartridge : a. loss, C^IC^I, 8. a h>unging about, a rambling. C"^r«l, 8. a quiver for arrows, arrow-case. C^r^1,«. asort of makeshift curtains used by the poor; magic, sorcery, witchcraft. (r^t^l^f"5r^, 8. magic, sorcery, witchcraft. C^M, 8. a fish-bait ; a cap, hat, a helmet ; a drop ; a dent in a metallic vessel. C^T^tC'Jt'^l, 8. the mending of a dented vessel ; the heads of brass nails. C^ff^"*., a. convex, gibbous, button-like. C^i^'^r, s. a crown, a hat, a helmet, C^*T1, V. a. to drop, to distil ; s. a small cake or lozenge : a, mitre-shaped. C^t*tT^, a, fallen in drops : s. a dropping, a distilling, a slow falling by drops, C^r*fl", 8. a hat, a cap, a bonnet, a cover. C^ic^, 8. a college, academy, school; a hut, a dent or bruise in a metallic vessel. C^r^C<^?1,<5^. bruised, dented, depressed. (r^t5l^r«^5*.indentation, bruises, and dents. C^[o^*fv5^1, a. bruised, dented, depressed. C^t5^1, C^l^, 8, a part of a town inhabit- ed by particular traders, a ward. §)1, §JI^j1, im. sd. of the cries of babes. ^JPf^JPT. s. insijidity, tastelessness. ^Jt^^jTf^?')^- insipid, tasteless, waterish. ^jt^^Jt'SI, wi. sd. of a small tabour. ^JTSL^Jt^,«. a small tabour, a tamborine. sound with the t-h in pen^-//ouse. ^\, s. the sound of a metallic vessel, ^^, 5. a backbiter, a tale-bearer, a rogue, a swindler, a sharper, an extortioner, ^^1, V. a. to swindle, over-reach, defraud, cheat, deceive, to outwit, to backbite. ^^T^l^, «. a reciprocal defrauding. ^^si, 5. aswindling, defrauding, backbit- ing : a. outwitted, swindled, aspersed. ^^tt^^l,a.swindling,backbi ting, cheating. ^^Tt^, 8. a backbiting, extortion, fraud. t^t^i ^^*. sd. that arising fi*om striking two pieces of wood : a, hard, difficult. t^^^T, V. a. to tap, to rap, to knock at. %^^^]^j t^<5Tt5R,*. a tapping, arapping. ^r^?r«i, s. the same as ^T^? fe^t. [uncle ^l^^'^lWl, 8. paternal grandfather, great ^t^^Wtwt, or ^T^?TslwMt, 8. a paternal grandmother, a great uncle's wife. ^t^TTC^I, s. a wife's or husband's brother. ^T^?r-^^,-^T\5Y,-^?"* 5. an idol temple. ^t^in uu- guents,to squeeze, to tread, to trample. ^5^^7r\51, s. white or China caranda. ^5T^, 8. the rubbing of a thing, a grind" ing, squeezing, a treading under foot. \55IJl1, s. a muUer, roller of wood or stone. \?5n, V .a. to cause to rub or grind : a. rub- bed in, squeezed, ground : s. a lump. vF^TTvJ^, 8. a mutual rubbing, or treading. \F5^R, a. ground, rubbed in, trod : s. a causing to grind or rub, a treading. vffvitf^, 8. a treading or grinding, [work. ^5"^^, s. a fruit-basket, a tray of wicker \5^?r, ^^^I^it%, 8. a robbery, an attack to rob. \5tTt^,s. boldness, insolence, fearless- \l?Tf%''t,s. awitch, a virago, a bold woman. \5"[1%^^<,,«. crafty, mischievous, [man. ^I^, s. a robber, a plunderer, a highway- ^T^ei,^^'?"t«l,s. aweeping, crying aloud. ■^^Wfel, «• tottering, exceedingly weak. l?«f, s. the same as ci]r^. l7^^'s?f , l^^Jj^, s. the sound of wet drum. 1?«11?f*t<11, a. sounding like a wet drum. 1?c^,i;. n. to decline, slope, fall, to be as- lant, inclined : s. slanting stream, fall of hilly waters in a river: a. loose, slack. ■^^^T^l, s. mountain streams, descending of muddy hill waters into the rivers. I?*!!, V. to make known an evil conduct, to be lewdjto proclaim one's own disgrace. l^c^T^T, "^c^tf^, s. the proclaiming of one's own disgrace by a course of lewdness. ^^T^5 «. publishing her disgrace by her lewdness: s. a coquette, a lewd woman. "Ijfc^, V. to demolish, decline, revolve, pass away: «. loose, slack, lax: s. slackness. Ijcrp^, s. a being demolished; the declin- ing of a luminary : a. loose, not tight. T?c^l, V. a. to demolish, to pass, to decline. l>c^t^, s. a passing, declining of a lumi- nary when it has passed the meridian. I^c^tf^, s. the declension of a luminary. ^c^l?5^,«. a sparkling appearance of a gem or water :.' ^' ^^^^' drowsy, half-closed ^\» ^^' ^'* ^- *^ ^^^^ C*^^ ^ TdLniy etc.,) to enter, to thrust in the head: 8. a push. V^% T^^I*!, s. a butting with the head. ■^^T^f^, 5. mutual butting with the head. ^^Tr*l?1,^, s. a billow, a wave, a surge ; a whim; -^1^, to scollop, to avoid the billows. C5^,5.the pedal ;-"*tT«^1, the pedal house. C^^^5*i,«. a battering ram. [born. C551, a. insolent, saucy, impudent, stub- C^^T^, C^5tf^55.insolence,sauciness,stub- C55^, s. the same as ct\5^. [bornness. C$^?n, or c^fj, s. the beat of a drum, a proclamation by beat of drum. C&>^t??]1, s. a drummer, a crier. C^Tt, s. a large kind of earring. [lenta. C^^, s. the seed-vessel of Nymphrea escu- C^'*\\ 8. an invidious comparison, a blame. C"1?<&T*T, O'S'^if^, s. a shoving or pushing. C"&^T^, V. a. to shove, to push. [belch. C'5'^?r, s. a belching, eructation ;-C?TfiT, to Cl?a^1, a. tall, high, long. [wicked. C^'SH^ s.an illegitimate child, abastard: a. Cl?5rs^c"?r5T^1, V. a. to cause to swing, to cause to carry burdens : a, hollow : 8. a nodding. Cin^t^, s. the hire for carrying burdens. C^Ic^T^, s. the transporting of goods or merchandize from one place to another. C7I"^1, V. a. to cause to butt : a. hollow. C7I"5T«1, 8. a causing to butt, or to force in, «1, the fifteenth consonant. Tt is scarce- ly ever used as the initial of a word. «1^, 8. the condition or circumstance of the letter q. A grammatical term indi- cating the letter «| and not si. ^, the sixteenth consonant. It has the soft sound of t as in Ba^-hurst. *15'^'3^'^,8. astonishment, surprize,won- *3»t:i}T^,«. attendance. [der. ^t"^i:5t, s. an attendant. ^S,/. a brazen or copper pot. [see. '3\, a contract, of ^"^'Tp, and ^S^f^, which ^^, ad. till, until, to, unto : a. sour, acid. *5^p^, 8. trouble, distress, affliction. *^^T^, 8. money given in advance. ^f^-^n, 8. a pillow, a bolster, a support. ^f^P^, .^T^1, s. that cause, the cause of that. v5<5,^f^'j, s. that work, business, action or i ^5^^t«T, s. that time, that instant, [deed. ^^^1c^5ft, s. the presence of mind. ^«,^tc^^, a, belonging to that time. I ^^:5, a. done by him, her, or that. : ^<5,^ejt^, ad. thenceforth, immediately. I ^«.^C*j, ad. then, at that instant. [ v5«p[J, a. equal to that, like that, similar. j W^*i s. afirst principle, essence, primitive truth, axiom, accurate idea, genuine nature of a thing, a truth, reality, iden- tity, a mystery, a thing to be sought, search, enquiry, scrutiny ; -^, -c^^, to scrutinize, search, trace out. [gates. ^■^^T^^, s. one who searches or investi- ^^Q^^R, 5-. the knowledge of first princi- ples, the knowledge of realities. ^^Q^^T'^'l,^. acquainted with the realities: s. one who is thus acquainted. 15'^^t^, a. speaking correctly on any subject, speaking philosophically. ^^5^Tg1, 5. an enquiry, search, scrutiny. ^^^Wt^f^j a. convincing of the first prin- ciple, or primitive truth. [tor. i;^Q51^'2f^^, s. that topic, that ob- ^^5, ad. there, therein, in that place. ^;5^, a. situated there, of that place. 'TJtl^tf^fj ad. even, even then, yet, still. %^\ ad. thus, so, there, the same, ditto. '^ [ 1^>1 ] «^ 159rt5, vS^Tf^, conj. notwithstanding, ne- vertheless, yet, still, even, even thus. vS^Ti, ad. in that place, there. vE^f^, phrase, so be it, amen. vlt'/I7, ad. 80, even so, thus. vj^J, s. a reality, certainty, accuracy, truth. v5<«i"J^ST, ^J^JC^l^, s. an accurate know- ledge, a correct idea, a conviction, vi5W\*T, s. that share, his or her share. ^WN^ft, a. sharing that, dividing that. '2'^f^ a. beginning with that. ^^■^t^^^^, s. all the circumstances which relate to a thing from beginning to end. ^5Wti^t^, ad. then, at that time. v^t^^?", a. different from that. ^F^, a. spoken by him or her, mention- ed in that (bookor writing.) [pressiou. ^ff r^, s. that sentence, his, her or that ex- ^^fST, a. proper or fitting for that. qSR-:^^, s. that answer, his or her reply :«. after him, her, or that ; north of j,hat. v5Tt5?r1tc?r, ad. to the north of tliat. vJTje ?CW*T, s. the conntry north of that, vJW*t^t?r, s. that assistance,his or her help. vjF^f'^'e^, a. fit for him, her or that. iy*f '.^rrfM" 11, --W, #. that utility or fitness, fitness or usefulness for that purpose. ^J^tC^sft, a. useful or tit for that, useful or advantageous to him or her. [or her. 3^*lf?,ar/.theroupon,upon that.upon him ICW^fs^. a. like-minded with him or her. ^CW?r, ad thevery same thing, identically the same thing, tlio same. :5Tf ?rT, a. found or being in tlmt, attached to or existing in him, her or that, lTr^l%^, 8. his, her, or that state or condi- tion, his, her or that state of happiness. 1>^% s. that hour, staff, or punishment. ^C^*r, s. his, her or that conntry. l^^l, ad. by or through him, her or that. ^f^:5, s. his, her or that benefit or advan- tage; Ingram, derivatives formed from complete words, as distinguished from such as are formed from verbal roots. ^^% a. like that, resembling, [manner. ^¥^2JT?, ad. almost so, nearly in that ^f 15^, a. expressing that, saying that. ^f^^i"^!"?!, s. his, her, or that opposition, ^r^^?r«l, s. that detail, those circumstan- ^ffC^^J^I, s, that investigation. [ces. ^ff"^?, 8. that object, wealth, or affair. '^f^^?^, a. relating to that. lars. ^^^i^, s. that detail or recital of particu- ^5^)f%C^^, ad. without or beside that. ^¥J^^1, s. that law, or statute. ^Tr^^l^3FTlc?r, ad. according to that law. ^f^^, a. apart from that: ad. beside that. ^5^^, s. that form ; so, in like manner, v5^T, ad. then, at that very time. [such. *^¥r, s. the body. ^5511, a. alone, lonely. ^^?, s. a son. ^55I?1, 8. a daughter. ^^^, a. very thin, narrow, or small. ^^, v5^, s. the body: a. minute, delicate, thin, slender ; -^^^ pores of the skin. ^ ^nSf a, produced from the body : «. a son. ^^ng(1,yewi. idem : s, a daughter. ^^^?, a. x)ared, made thin or delicate. \j^f , s. an oven, a furnace. [a bird. ^^^^, s. the hair of the body, feathers of *i^"9ri, ^^•ift't", 8. search, inquiry, guess, an appraisement; -^, to search, [nues. l^-^II, s. wages, assigumeut on the reve- ^^ [ 162 ] ^"sri 55^«altWT?r, s. one who receives a salary. 5a^^t^?r. v5iTC?P, ad. in rows, one over another. ^t^, s. tliread, silk or thread tied round tlio arm as a charm : v. a. vide 15t^. ^Slstl^?, s. raortar used for building, the liole or trough in which it is prepared. 'JT^tTytjS.alarge wooden vessel, amason's hod. one who prepares mortar, [nity. 'JT^T^^, s. a dunning, urgency, importu- ^NtFl, s. idem ; also, the hastening of a person ; -^, to dun, to be quick. v51^i^,5. an advance of money, [neglect. ^T^^7, ^5|5^??J, s. disregard, contempt, * iT^Si, s. a tiara, a crown, a mitre, a cap. *^1^-«IT'^, 8. a sort of sweetmeat. *^l^?t), 8. freshness, juiciness, greenness. 'St^, a, fresh, green, new, alive, active. ^t®iT?a^, 5. a confronting; -^, to confront. v51^, 8. a particular breed of horses. v5t®^f f T,^I15?"3ft, 8. a saccharine juice. ^T^Jl, V. a. to warm, to heat: a. hot, heated. ^I^T^, 8. the heating or warming of a thing : a. heated, hot, warm. ^T'5Tf^?l1, a. choleric, peevish, cross. ^i^, s. a son, an offspring. v5IW^^, ad. in that same way. ^Tff 9f, or ^m^fj, 8. identity of object, the acquisition of a habit, a habit. TtWTUT, s. identity, sameness. ^T"^, v5T^*t, a. like, so, such, similar. ^T9*tt5?"«1, s. such or similar conduct. v5T^, 8. a tune, the key note in music. ^tiR*^^!, s. commonly ^t^^l, which see. 3T^1, s. the thread of the warp. ^f3^9 8. a scholar, one well versed in the Tantras : a. mentioned in the Tantras. ^1-5^, V. n. to grow hot, to grieve, to fret. ^T*T, 8. heat, warmth, distress, smart, a fever, woe ;-Wl, to apply heat, foment, to sit on the eggs (as a fowl,) to hatch. ^T'5*f'^? a. occasioning distress, afflicting. ^T"*^^, 8. the act of heating any thing, the being in affliction, a basking ; the sun. 'Jt^l^ir, ^Mi'^, a. capable of being heat- ed, inflammable, capable of suffering. ^*t^T*i^3, 8. a thermometer, [ascetic. ^T*f^, a. doing religious austerities: s. an ^T*11, V. a. to heat, to occasion distress, to afflict, to give pain, to cause to heat. ^T*1"Ii^9 8. a warming, a basking, [flicted. ^if*^^, a. heated, excited, distressed, af- ^I^^^, a. belonging to thee, thine. ^T^«., a. so many, all : ad. so long, until. ^T^l, V. a. to heat, communicate warmth, to provoke to anger : 8. a copper or brass vessel, a plate of iron used to bake bread on, thin plate of iron used in the smok- ing apparatus over which tire is put. *^l"5IJ,s. gradually increasing series, the state or condition of more or less. vSt^cTj.s. fluidity, unsteadiness, fickleness. v5T?rl, s. a star, the pupil of the eye, a planet, an asterism ; in inusic, an octave or alto ; also, a name of Durga. v5t?ri«11, s. a tune or mode of singing. v5T?"T'^^^, s. falling of a meteor or star. ^t?;t*l1i%, s. the moon, a name of Shiva. ^t'5'T^Q^, s. pupil of the eye, a stellar orb, 'Jll^'^rjS.date of themonth. [starry region. [ 166 ] ^ *^f^^, s. praise, applause. [thread. ^t?flf^, %\'^f^1^a. made of wire or gold 1LT^*iJ, s. youth, youthfulness. iTf^^, a. studying the civil law : s. a law- yer, a logician, a sophist,a philosopher. vSl^J, s. a name of Garura, the regent of birds, and of Aruna ; a snake. ^T^, s. the fan-palm,^ a musical time or measure, aclod, a clue, a ball, a span, a slapping on the left arm as wrestlers do, the clapping of hands. [senie. ^T^^, s. a lock, a bolt, a lath, yellow ar- \5t«^^t«11, a. having no ear for music. "•'tc^^lW) s- ■fctie fan-palm or palmyra tree. vlT^^?^, s. the common swallow, [palm. li\y\X3 i 5, s. a swallow, the pith of the fan- vST^^T^, a. wound in balls : ad. in lumps. v5t^ -9^:^ -'^tl^, s. the leaf of the fan- palm. ^t«?|^, s. a palm-leaf fan. ^t^^^J, a. palatal -^cf, the class of palatal letters, viz. t^^^®(^^'il>^^. ^5T5nr5]TC5fnf^, 8. a brute animal. l%s^, 8. sesanium and its plant ;* a mole, a freckle, a very small portion, a moment; in accounts the 80 th part of a caup. 1%5l^, s. a mark on the forehead made of earth or sandal, freckle, mole ; in comp, it signifies nobility or pre-eminence ; a, spotted, freckled, chief, pre-eminent. 1^01^5^, 8. a moment, a short space of l^rit^fT, a. minced, cut into shreds, [time, ^^tic^, 8. oil of sesamum. [ted. t^cnfi, 8. a hill : a. dotted, speckled, spot- 1%?^KT5i1, ». a sort of sweetmeat. t%f%, 8. a caste among the Hindus. t%f^?n, a. dotted, speckled, spotted. 1^f^- ardent, energetic, luminous, ac- Cl^T?"^, s. trade, commerce. [merce. C^§?T?"^5^, a. belonging to trade or com- C^^«^, a. energetic, active, powerful, vi- gorous, bright, brilliant, hot, pungent. C^f®?^, a. whetted, polished, burnished. ClC^t'sr^? «^- f^ll of energy, full of ardour, splendid, brilliant, bright, active. C1^\ a.crooked,warped,awry; cock-eyed. C^\5t^'»r^, a,' obstinate, headstrong. C$v5l, V. a. to wet: a. wetted, wet or damp. C^I/T*^, a. wetted: s. the wetting of athing. C^^T?"!, «. three-stringed, three-corded. Cv5^t«^l, a. three-storied, having three sto- C^^Tl%*t5 t^v5T{%*t, a. forty-three, [ries. Cv5^c7, C^^t^?1, same as C^^^c^, C#vff%?11. C^t^*r, a. thirty-three. C^f^*t1, a. thirty- C^^?r, a. three places or ranges, [third. C^^?^, (^- consisting of three ranges. C^'s^t^?", s. a broad plain, a prairee. C^5**f1^, 5. a tripod, a teapoy. C^C<^f5, a. having three turnings (a lock). C5"^\5^-1, or C^TpC^^I, a. three-forked. *C^^, s. the science of medicine,medicine. C^^^, s. a garden, a play-ground. Clf^^j C^^^, a. resembling that,like that, such : ad. in that manner, so. [ner. Cl^f^, ad. so, even so, such, in like man- C^'SICi^, ad. in that manner. [place. C^'srlT^'^t^? s. three roads meeting in one C15^t, 8. an atom, a small particle. ^■5, a. alarmed, fearing, dreading-. ;5^, a. fearful, timorous, afrakl [verance. 3t«». *. 8alvation,safety,preservation,deli- 3[l«lli^1, 8. a saviour, a preserver, a guar- 311^, a. saved, delivered, redeemed, [dian. ;St^1, 8. a saviour, a deliverer, reileemer. 3j]JT, *. fear, awe, terror, dread, alarm. f^X [ 172 ] ISfJ'J 3ftf^^, a. put in fear, affrighted, terrified. TflT^, ^i^^^j «^. fearful, timid, alarmed. ;§tft:, i7itj. save ! deliver ! i^tfl^tft, save ! f^, a, three. f^\'n<^, a. thirty. f^^T^, s. treacle, a kind of medicine. f^\*f«'sr, «. the thirtieth. [apron), f^^^, a. tucked in three places (as an f^gi^, s. three pungent drugs, viz. dried ginger, long-pepper, and black pepper. f^gi«^^, a. three-spined, trifurcated. f^?5f«f^1, a. trigonous. f^t^1,«. trigonal, ft^t^, s. the three tenses of a verb, viz the present, past, and future. t%^vT, s. three families, viz. that of a per- son's father, mother, and wife's father. ft^^, ». three-peaked, three-crested. .ftc^*f^, a. triandrous. [gonal. fe^T^, s. a triangle : a. triangular, tri- f^l^«l, s. the three primeval qualities of matter,viz. ^^o^,"^^^ , and ^^^^, which see : a. threefold, thrice, f^^:^, a. three-wheeled. fflF55T^\'^, f^5^Ttt\*f«^, a. the forty- f^5^Tt?^*t^, a- forty-three. [third, f^^^^sgt^, a. subduing the universe, f^li^^ , s. the universe, including heaven, earth, and the subterranean regions. 1%li?ff?.. f^^-«r, a. having three faces or mouths. f^^t^^ s. the Hindu Trinity of Brahma, f:S ^iTT^^I? s. a dish, tray, charger. ^T«Ttj s. a dish, pot, vessel. [subside. f^<^, V. n. to become tranquil, to settle, to I^^ST, *. settling or subsiding of liquor. t^^l, V. a. to cause liquor to settle. f^^T^T, s. the settling of sediments. ^, 8. spittle : intj. fye : v. a. to place, lay. <^, V. n. to spit : «. spittle ; -tfl, -C^v^, to «r^, s. an inkstand, standish. [foot. W^TJ^, s. a suppressing, treading under Wt^^, W^^?!!*^, Of. remote, farther, afar off. *^\, s. breath, life, breathing space, moment ; deceit, trick, fibs ; a boiling or setting on slow fire (in cookery) ; a spring : a. the second (sort). ^?r, s. punishment, penalty ; boast, the spring of the mind, pride, ambition. Tt^^, s. a single effort, a spirt. i^TTiT, s, keeping in order, bringing in sub- jection,subduingpas.sions,or an enemy. W^^^^, 5. one who subdues or suppresses. Pfir^ s- oil© who takes advances. WIW^?ri, *. a kind of responsive song, ^IWl, 5. elder brother, a paternal grandfa- WTWt, «. a plaintiif ; a grandmother, [ther. W\W, 8. ringworm, tetter; a Hindu found- er of a sect ; -^'fl, a follower of Dadu. iffR, s. the giving of a tiling, a donation, a gift, a largess, a present, alms. Wt^^^l, s. a giver, one who gives, [son, Wt^^l, s. an overbearing impudent per- ftTJT'si^, 5. a deed of gift, a grant, a will. ift*^^, s, infernal beings, a demon, a titan. TtT^^T^, s. a house where gifts are made. TftJ^^lt?, s. a god, an enemy of demonf?. Ift*^^^. s. a man eminent for liberality. 5fR*Ti^, 5. liberal or generous disposition. Wr^*^?^, a. generous, charitable, liberal. ^f^*ttc^v5l, -53, s. generosity, liberality. ifT^C*!^^, s, exceedingly liberal,generous. {Pft^l, a. prudent, wise : s. a titan, a fiend, a spectre, demon j beads, seed, grain. Tft^T^S, s. the demons or troops of the lft^t^T a. claimable, cognizable. Tfl^Ya. munificent, liberal: s, a giver,ade« fendant, a debtor, a person in trouble. in?r, WT?ft, 8. a wife ; *"56", marriage If I^n, «. a tearing, a rending, a splitting. t^9sf [ 180 ] t^ Tft?r5f, s. a poison, quicksilver, vermillion. TfT?^, s. poisonous wood. [cerated. Trtf?"^, «. rent, torn, divided, cracked, la- WTf?"JJ, 8. poverty, indigence. [terer. WT?^> cf" having many wives : s. an adul- Wt^, s. wood, timber, spirituous liquors, wine, gunpowder, medicine, [puppet. WT^^9 s. Krishna's charioteer ; a doll, a ^T??f^^5 or WT«Tf5ifl", s. cinnamon. WT?P^, WT??^?, a. wooden, made of wood. ^T^«l5 a. awful, cruel, unfeeling,difiicult, frightful, horrible, terrific, intolerable. WtCf^, another. t^^, 1?^, s. a point of the compass, a quarter of the world ; a side, a part. *tW"^, s. fretfulness, vexation, trouble,per- plexity ; -f, to give trouble, to teaze. ■f^^WT?", a. troublesome, vexatious. 1^^ltT?% s. troublesomeness, vexation. f^^J^1%, or l^^^tT^, s. a god who super- intends the quarters of the universe. t^^?r, s. another quarter of the universe. #^g7r, a. naked : s. a name of Shiva. t^sf"^, 5. other, another, [the universe. t^9ff^,1^^ -Sj-^, 5. the guardian-elephant of t^s^*{"^, s. look on all sides, a general sur- vey, a general view, [general survey, ■f^^ff^rf , a. looking on all sides, taking a ^^F^, s. universal conflagration, [ed. 1^^, poisoned arrow: a. smeared, anoint- 1W"^T^tS, s. a name of Kali, and of Shiva. #f^§i?, 8. universal conquest. ■f^r^^^t, a. conquering the universe. I^f'fl^^' *• every part of the atmosphere, every direction. [crimination. IW'f^t^^^T^, s. a general knowledge, dis- 1^^^, 1?^"sr, s. a being bewildered, mis- taking the way to a place, [rection. 1^^^*1, s. a wandering about in every di- 1^§5T«ft", ci. wandering in every direction. 1^<5,Ti1, *. generosity, a desire to give. 1W"<5>iJ, a. generous, liberal, munificent. I^Wt, s. an elder sister, a grandmother. 1^f>l^, 8. the second husband of a woman twice married,a twice -married woman. 1?^, s. a day ; -^T^, -'^ToT, to spend time. 1W"^^1^1, s. the spending of time. 1^iS[^I^1, a. unable to see in the daytime. ^^-C^'^, -C^^*!, s. thespendingof time. "fW"i75:v^"^ft% ^' ^ boundary, a limit, a border. fw^, a. ordered, allowed : s. destiny. f9{^\ s. a quire of paper ; a thin place in cloth caused by a defect in weaving. f^^l*f \5l, thin (defect in cloth), [bearer. ift^^, s. a lamp, a torch ; -TTI, a torch- Wl^^5 s. a priest,a guru, a spiritual guide. ^^1, s. the performance of a sacrifice or oblation, a worshipping, the receiving of instruction or initiatory formula. ^f??^, a. engaged in worship, or in mak- ing sacrifices or oblations, engaged in giving instruction or initiatory rites. ^^, or ^^"#1", s. an oblong pond or lake. fI"?!, Ftilc^, a. long, extended. ^C"5r, ad. lengthwise, [father's mother. ^Tft, s. elder sister, elder brother's wife, ftJT, a. fallen into decay, poor, needy, mi- serable, wretched, indigent, [poverty. ^^v51, s. indigence, wretchedness, want, ^W?rr*T9l1, *. a match (to light). WtTI, a. long, tall, prolonged ; -^T?, talL wl^'^^^T?", 8. the letter "^ or the symbolt. l^^^^T^r, 8, the letter § or the symbol . Wl"^^T^, *. a long time ; -wt^% long-lived. ^W^t«^^t?t, rt. continuing a long time. ^^'s^'Jt, 8. a long verse, an alexandrine, W^TIlfNS?r, a. long-thighed, spindle-shank- #1'^%^v5i, -^, s. longevity, long life. [ed. W^"5OT^, a. long-lived, living long. Wt^vl&l, 8. length, tallness, protiaotedness. F33S1 [ 182 ] Wft Tft^W«tf, «. fore-sighted, far-seeing, pru- dent, learned : s. a vulture. [sigh. ^■sfl^Sl, s. death. Tft^f^tm, s. a deep lft^*T^9 «• protracted sound,along accent. ft^S^^, #t^^:ft, «. dilatory, slow, tardy, tedious, procrastinating. Wt^PJlF^I, s. procrastination, delay. 1^-^T^T^, a. oblong. FtC^I, ad. lengthwise. ifl-5n?, ci. long-lived : s. longevity. ^f5f<3s1, s, an oblong pond or lake. WtcSTT^T?*!, s. a long syllable, emphasis. F, a. two: «?. a. to milk an animal. F^l, a. two ; hated, disliked (as a wife). Tf «!t^, s. a doorway, a gateway, an open- F^, a. two. Pf^^l, «• two (entire), [ing. W^-«rt^, a. two : 8. two pieces. Ft^sj^ a, two-fold, double, twice. Pf^^f^?', s. 12 o'clock; -1??r,noon; -?rTfif, F^^TT, or F^l J, a. twice. [midnight. F^^^1, a. hesitating, double-minded. FS ^- sucking, giving milk : FF, s. milk ; -, 8. a sucking child. F^, or F?[1, a, double, twice as much. ^i^^, or 5]^^, ^. double-barrelled. *Fl^?n, s. the world, the universe. w?r [ 183 ] yc^l Ff^T^twTT, s. a porson engaged in worldly pursuits : ». worldly, [world. Tft^?iTff1?'^, a. worldly, pertaining to the F^^, s. a coast sliip or boat ; a windmill. ^5'>t\, a. twice, double. [of a giant. F^ f^, s. a trumpet, a kettle-drum ; name Fvf^, 8. a sheet made of two breadths of F's^'Jt, s. two rows or ranges. [cloth. Fvf^r, a. (^^) midday; (?flt^) midnight. F-s^T^, a. twico-boiled : 8. two turnings. F^T^, s. the name of a flowering plant.* FC^51, TfC^TT??!, a* requiring two turns. FTpt7,a. mounted with difficulty, [cent ^^TC^l'^;*!, 8. a difiicult or dangerous as- ^-t$"S^ir^5, a, wicked, sinful, profligate. F^asT, a. evil, wickod : s. siu, wickedness. F^^flf-?1, s .a wicked action, a cniue,forni- Tf^f> *. a removinj^, a dismissing. TJ^?^^"?, a. removed, dismissed. TJ^^^l, 8, bent-grass, a species of grass.* Wv. a. to condemn, to point out fuults, to confute, to convict of an error. tj^'5r«i, 8. a fault, guilt, offence, [ing guilt Tj^^«lT^^, a, worthy of reproach, occasion- ^f^^l, 8. the rheum of the eyes. [tent. ^t^, a, blame- worthy, condemnable : ». a* ^^, 8. an eye-sight ; in comp, it means seeing the thing to which it is affixed. •^^yvft^, *. a glance, a look, notice. ^^C^T^, 8. the visible horizon. ^?», a. firm, liard, tough, strong, stable, tight, fast, strict, sure, irrevocable, in- violable ; -^, to confirm, corroborate. ^^Ht^, "^TC^T^, 8. a firm persuasion, con- viction, confidence,assurance,certainty. ^^^TT, a. very firm, most firm, hardest, tightest, most sure or stable. ^7^f , a. more or very firm, harder, tight- er, stronger, more sure or stable. ■^^lil, -^,s. firmness, hardness, strength, tightness, stability, sureness. [a rule. ■^^f^R^lirr, a. punctual, strictly keeping to ■^^2f f^"^, a. punctual, firm to a promise. W1?2J^]^, 8. confidence, firm belief. ^72J^j^, a. confident, firmly believing. ^7iitfl, s. constancy, firm love. F^?y^, 8, a firm bond, a strong obligation. ^F^T^J,*. sure word, an affirmation, u con- firmation, an asseveration, [promise. ^7?l?rl",«. affirming,assertiug,faithfultoa ^F?TT\^, 8. liard or tough meat, gristle. f ^^i^* «• close-fisted, parsimonious. ^7^<15^«I, *. the making of a tiling firm. ^^t^, a. made strong or firm, made sure or stedfast, fortified, strengthened. ^jt^T^T, 8. a becoming firm or hard. ^ft^^, //. become strong, firm , or sted fast. ^«TJ, a. visible, perceptible, fit to be seen. ^*T]lRr, 8. visibility, perceptibleuess. W*1J^I5T, a. under the view, under survey. ^*!n^*1J,«- visible and invisible. Levident. 1^^, a. seen, viewed, observed, apparent, c^^l [ 186 ] CWC^I ■j^Z^^^l, S' evident ugliness or defor- •^^^S, ad. seemingly, ostensibly, [mity. W^^^5?1, s. the giving or granting C^'f^^'^l'^'T, s. a giving and receiving. CW<, V. to see, look, view, observe, visit. Cff, a. worshipping the gods : s. an idolater, [gods, idolatry. C^'^1?]^^), Oi^m^), s. the worship of the CW^T«^?I, C'ff'3t:^, 8. an astrologer, a fortune-teller. t>ti?r3T*Vt, s. a divine revelation, an oracle. t^f^C^hf, 8. an impulse, a divine interpo- sition, a communion with the deity. CW'^TTit^?-,^. known all over the country. ' ^^^^^^-^^ t^^'i^, ad. accidentally, casa CTf*TTt1%, s. the custom of a country, CW*T?5*1", 8. propriety, correctness. CW*TcTl, 5. a match for lighting. [bly. CW*T^^1, 5. aparliament, apopular assem- CW*!^"©!, a. eligible to a national assem- bly : 8. a member of parliament, [try. CW*tt5T?r, 8. a custom prevalent in a coun- C5f*TTl>f*f, orC5T*flt%'sl'l^, s. a sovereign, a king, ruler, the governor of a country, f C^"*!!^, s. a frontier, the boundary of a ally, providentially, unexpectedly. t^'lT^fti', a. under the dominion of provi- t^T^il^^j, 5, sudden death. [dence. tw^T^T^^^I, s. supplication to heaven. t^f^, s, a providential dispensation. t^C^K^TTS, 8. a providential calamity. twST, or tpT"SrJ, 8. length, longitude. C^1,«. two ; hated (applied only to a wife). CWt^l, V. a. to cause to milk, to milk cat- tle : s, prayer, supplication, Idessing. CW*TT^?",5. a foreign country, [country. ^ c?T^T«.5. aninkstand. [hire of milking. CW*TT*%?r^"5, a. gone to another country. CW*tT^?'CSt^^, «. sent to another country. CTf T^T^fY, 8. an eighth ; a branding iron ; CWT^T^, a. milch ; -?ni^, a milch-cow. CW*TT, or c^'Tt?!, a. country, belonging, or \ cWl-^T^c^1, mongrel, hybrid :-^T5i,coun- natural to a country, home-made. CW^, the body, matter ; -"SjT^r.-'pfT^, death. CW5^T?i1, s. the assuming of a body. CW^*{i^9 5. a pampering of the body. Ct?^^^ a. embodied, material, corporeal. CW^'^'ft^, orcW^^*Y^, «. unembodied, im- CW5:1^^1W1", s. a materialist, [material. CW^T^^, 8. another embodied state. CW^,«corporeal, embodied, material, con- nected with body : s. embodied soul. I ♦cttt^'sr, the second (sort). [try-liquor. C^f^T^^i, two-fringed, double-bordered. j CWI^I*T, a. consisting of two ingredients, I C#I^1, 8. a kind of verse; the second singer C?[TC^, a. two, both. [in a choir. CWI^lSl, *. dried tobacco leaves. C^T^TT, double, repeated, twice ;-^^, re- I petition, tautology; -fc^ s. an interpreter, [two folds. CWl^^^, V. n. to be folded double, or into CWT"5r\i1, V. a. to double into two folds, to double : a, folded, double, doubled. C^1"S[\5TiT, s. the doubling of any thing, the folding a leaf in a book : a, doubled. CWl^\5Tt^, s. the folding of a thing. C^fT^^I, a. double-minded. [nuts.) CWt^T«11, a. half ripe (applied to cocoa- CWl?", s. a door-way, an opening. CWt^^l, a. partycoloured, piebald, [brid, C^l?"Wt9 tt. partycoloured ; mongrel, liy- CWt, a. fifty-two. ff*tW, or ff-s^Tl??, a. two-footed, biped. f%5^^^^ a having two rows of petals. fW^^, a. having two curves, bending two ways : s. in ana. the sismoid cavity. f%^5^, s, the dual number in grammar. f%^5^t^5 a. ending with a plural termina- f^?r^%, a. biglobose, bispherical. [tion. f%(t 5d", a, twofold, of two kinds : s. two sorts. ff-^T^, s. two parts or shares ;-^,to divide. "jl'^lt, CL. two-armed : s. a figure with two f%5l^^, f^^9 a- two-headed. [sides. tT^ (^ two-fold, of two sorts, of a dou- f^^S^ft, a, having two forms, [ble form. f^C?"^, s. a humble-bee, so called from having two ^ in its name, viz. g^?". RC^l^JT, a, eating twice. [teeth. tX*f^J, a. bicuspidate : s. the grinding f^^®, a. sixty-two ; -^IT, sixty-second. ff 3T^1%, a. seventy-two ; -^ir, 72nd. f%J^ir^^?'5, s. quadrangle with two equal f^Tjisjf^^-^jS.an isosceles triagnle. [sides. *t^ [ 191 ] ff 5'"^, 5. two hands : a. two-handed, ff 5:T?st» ^- two years' old. j\'^i s. an island, a contii\ent. Tt*tT^?, «. another island or continent. C^^, s. envy, malice, hatred, injuriousness. Cf oas, a. injurious, malicious, malevolent. C^^^T^J, s. a malicious speech. CW"^"^!^, «• maliciousness, malevolence, C^^^5^, a. indicating malice or hatred. C9'5'TC¥'5r, s. hatred and good will, [volent. C^€t,«envious,injurious, malicious, male- Cf^1»«. malevolent, hostile : s. an enemy. CT^"!, a. deserving to be hated. [kind. t^:5, s. a second of the same nature or tf ^H, «. believing in a plurality of gods. t^^^T^T, s. belief in a plurality of gods, t^^^lf^^? «• ^aith in a plurality of gods. t^^^I*^? ii- the same as tf "i^. [theist. t^l?rT^»«. polytheism, t^ ^t^TTt, s. a poly- t^5Tt^?,«. a 2d of the same nature or not. t^'«f,s. ambiguity, dilemma, doubt, double speech, or resource, stratagem, a two- fold form or state, a contest, a duel. t^")'2r, a. having two mothers : s. an epithet of Gauesha and Jarasandha. ^jsr,^?. ending in two points, bifid, biceps. ^m^T\^C*1*fl', s. the biceps muscle. ^J^i^, a. two fingers wide or long. ^j«l<5, s, a particle, an atom. ^j9tv^- admitting of two meanings. ■^^t^^ill, s, a quibble, a pun, a bon-mot. ^31i^f\^^f^, a. deceitful, crafty, roguish. if^^t^, B. rognishnoss, craftiness. ^^Jtf?, 8. sudden palpitation. vj^J^fpTl, a. ragged, hanging in tatters; squirting, soft (as ordure). [tering. ^fvjTp^^, «. a struggling, a flouncing, a flut- ^^JP:$1, V. a. to struggle, flounce, flutter. %f^Tp;5t^, 8. a struggling or fluttering. vr^Tp^STf^, 8. a violent stniggling. 5:fJT, 8' wealth, property, riches, goods, a treasure, property consisting of cattle. Vfs* ^.increase of riches ; -^TTjJ, mere ^^^J?5 ». the expenditure of wealth. 'f<5lf ^^1, -^, 8. affluence, opulence. Slf^?1, 8. coriander seed ; vide vsril. Vft^^%«. the 23d stellar mansion, [happy. 5(f^>, a. rich, affluent, opulent, fortunate, ^^^ «. a bow ; the name of a measure. 5(J^:, 'fij^^, s. rigidity from spasms, [spasms. %r^^, s. a bow, a curve, an arc. S;fC^'*f,s. appellation of K-uvera. [proud. ^C^TWQ, intoxicated with wealth, purse- 5tfC^T*tT^§Si^, s. the acquisition of wealth. ^^), s. the defective sight, a mistake. Sd"^!, flr. praiseworthy, happy, blessed. %f^j5d"J7j, mtj. brave ! praiseworthy ! ^'^I'^lW, s. ascription of praise, blessing, a thanksgiving, thanks ; -^, to thank. 5f^Rt^, a. ascribing praise, thankful. .^:^J1, ^^]1^, s. coriander seed, its plant.' Si^^t?, s. the physician of the gods. §^■^5 s. an archer : a. armed with a bow. 5:f

f5:f's>f, s. the sensation of clearness. I^vf-?fT^?", 8. a large paper kite. 5f I^?(, 5JT^?1, s. a going fast, a running. ^W1, 8. mistiness or dimness of sight, blindness, a stratagem, trick, a sleight; -^T^, to overlook, mistake, to wink at. ^rW«^l^T^,5. a confounding, causing mis- takes by introdiicing confusion, [ed. ^:"5ft'Vt, tiffin Tf^, dim-sighted, short-sight- i^ir\,im.sd. of a brisk motion, or of a drum. ^T1, 8. the sum deposited in gambling. ^T*?^!, 8. a push, shove, a thrust, shock. %r|^1, 8. a balance; a row of coarse stitches or patches in cloth ; mat screen or door. 5^\jTC*i<11,«. a patching, a patch work, a 5fff^?1, or C^f^, bearing arms, etc. sjtC^, ad. ashore ; on credit. [ous, just. M ti "^^5 fl!.pious, religious, virtuous, righte- >rtf^^^5l, -^, s. righteousness, justice. *rT"^J,«. apprehensible, restrainable, reten- tive;-^, to nominate, determine, assign. ^t^J, s. impudence, shamelessness. [ment. f5^^, f^\ 5^T\, 1%\«^«i1, s. a tumult, out- rage, a confusion, anarchy, sedition. 1%^, intj. fye or curse on it! woe be to it ! f5f:^f?", 8. contempt, reproach, censure. fVf^.^"5, a. cursed, contemned,reviled, cen- fV^fVf^, a. a burning slowly. [sured. f%^1>f1%, a. quivering or burning slowly. t%"S[1,«. slow, abated, deliberate, cautious. 1>Csn?r, ad. faintly, softly, deliberately. f^^«)l, s. a name of Vrihaspati. \_a. wise. sjt, s. understanding, knowledge, an idea : *flf^"?^> *. an organ of perception. 5ft ^■^, s. a fisherman. [ous ; Vrihaspati. vft^t^, a. wise, learned, intelligent, sagaci- ^ *• act of panting, a palpitating. 5f^5f <5tf^, 8. an anxiety about any afi'air. 5f^5f ^, s. anxiety, remorse ; a neck orna- %7^^^s. a panting ; a blow-pipe. [ment. Ssf^^T", s. a kind of basket for washing rice. '^1>, a. agitated, relinquished, [crimes. ^CJ^c^^"^, or 5rr^«^T*f , a. freed from sin or vr€t, 8. the lower garment worn by the natives instead of breeches ; a bribe. Sjf^^l, s. the thorn-apple (Datura metal). ^Vr,s.the blazing up of fire : a. wide open. 5!r?r, V. a. to clean cotton with a bow. 5f ^"^^Ij^^f^,^. a bow for cleaning cotton. ^"^•{^ 8. the cleaning of cotton ; a beating. ^i'^fJT, 8. the cleaning of cotton with a bow. 5f^^, s. the price for cleaning cotton. 5f •Tt??, or ^f^?1, s. a cotton-cleaner. 5!f^, s. ardour, zeal, fervour, diligence : a. great, prodigious, ardent. [uproar. ^^^T^5 s. rebellion, sedition, tumult, an 'W 0' l^ii^^ of bilk and cotton cloth. ^^ [ 196 ] ^5f C^"^, ct. washed, clean ; -?|5, to wash. C^'t^^-Cc^??r, /I^d^^T?, a. washed, bathed. C%fll5^5, s- washed or clean clothes, vnt^? J? o,. fit or proper to be meditated on. VOt^lj a. contemplative : s. vide ^^rit^^el- 5oT^, s, meditation, thought, contempla- tion, cogitation, reflection. [plates. MTt^^cl, s. one who meditates or contem- ^t^9t?3j, a. accessible to meditation. ^JT^^^5 S' an interruption of meditation. 5!l7t^^^, a. contemplative, sedate, reflect- ^fjt^C^t^, s. religious abstraction, [ing. soT^j d' contemplative, thoughtful. OU^i s. the object of meditation. ^^'W, s. a particular tune in music. ^^,af?. permanently, certainly : a. perma- nent, eternal, continual, fixed, stable, firm, certain, ascertained : s. the polar star, the north pole ; logic, reasoning. ^^?P1, 5.thelongitude of a star ; a chorus. ^S^^, s. a music consisting of drum, ^vS^ ^-511^1,-5. amusic-room, an orchestra. *^^rf , s. a copy, a transcript, imitation ; a show, mimickry ; -'^T^^ft, a copyist, ^^rT^q^*^^, s. the profession of a copyist. ^^c?^?R, s. the reading of a copy. ^^1%?1,«. mimicking, imitating, copying. *^^*t:^*5T, s. a class of Moslem beggars. 5T^f^, 5. the letter ^ ; a denial, refusal, 55^, s. a brass vessel. [negation. ^^'^^j 5. a forerunner whose oflice is to proclaim his master's approach, [davas. ^^^, s. ichneumon ; one of the five Pan- *;^^T*T,5. a map-maker, a painter, a lim- ^^, s. the night : ad. by night. [ner. ^^^^, 5. a vow to eat only in the night. ^^t^, a. unable to see by night, [shark. '^W, s. a crocodile, an alligator; -rt5?'5 «. obvious, visible. [sign. ^?r^^T?"1, s. the pupil of the eye. ^?r^f2t?I, a. agreeable to the sight. ^^1, a. new, fresh, novel, modern. 5T ^^ ^T<3^^^, s. a nasal sound. ^Tf f^,«. of a city, town-born, clever, sharp, knowing, nameless, bad, vile : s. a de- nial of knowledge ; a citizen ; a wag. ^t-Jf?"^, s. an orange. ^T^?:CWT^19 s. a kind of swing. Td^f?"^^!, s. a species of grass.' T^r^^l, or ^T'»fT?l1, s. a sort of drum. 7^|9f^Tl', 5. Yasuki the king of serpents. ^T^?"Tf^, s. citizenship. 7(t9f fT«^, s. a vestige, a situation. [tics. ^TfVfi?t, ^t^, s. a female serpent or hydra. ^t^sT, s. a plough ; -53^^, a ploughing. ^T^^1, a. ploughing : s.a plough-bullock. 7{]'5, V. a. to dance, jump, vibrate, shake. 7(t5, s. a dance, dancing, gesticulation. ^tl5'5r^,55t5*n«^l,s. a theatre, a ball-room. ^Tl5J^, ^tst^, s. a dancing, skipping, [cing. ^tl5l, V. a. to cause to dance : s. act of dan- ^tM^, s. a particular measure of verse. ^tM^,s- the causing a person to dance. •iT^ll^^rl, d- dancing : s. a dancer, 7rT5t?",«5.poor, helpless, hopeless, forlorn. ^t5t, s. an atheist, infidel, unbeliever ; -«t^j or -"51^, atheism, tenets of atheism. ^f^^=3i,« atheism, infidelity, unbelief. ^Tf^?l>J, s. atheism, infidelity, unbelief. ^Tf^^, s. non-existence, nonentity. *J^I^^, a. unrighteous, improper, unjust. T^tf^, ad. none, no, not, certainly not. t^, a. prefix J meaning under or down; also, completeness, excellence, [diagonal. t^^T\5, a. straight, at right angles, not f^t§|^, s. a wooden trowel for fine work. f^\v5, V. n. to drip, to fall in drops. t^\v55T, dripping of water from wet cloth. t^\v5l,v.«. to wring out, to press, strain, or squeeze out, to force the juice out. f^\\5T^,*. the wringing of wet cloth, the pressing of fruits to express its juice. f^S, Si prefix, implying separation. t^sf'^*S,«. deposited, pledged, abandoned, rejected, given up, cast away. t^S'^, a. undisturbed, placid, quiet. t^SC^*^?*. a deposit, a pledge, a throw f^S'^f*^?^, a. unsuspected, undoubted. f^S^i:*iT^, or t^:iT\«T"?r, a. indubitable, un- questionable, doubtless, clear, certain. t^syit%, a. whole, seamless, jointless. t^S^TT^f, a. unable, incapable, powerless. tT»7i'M^,f7rsTTq^,«. destitute of relatives. f^S^'^ilS, 8. midnight, 12 o'clock night. f^S^^«l, s. issuing, exuding, oozing, a go- ing forth, a going out, death, a dying. f^S^?r«l^iT^fJT^,f^S 11^^, a. coward- ly, timid, pusillanimous, irresolute. t^J^^, «. extracted, exuded, issued, gone t^: J^'it , a, not tremulous, [out, or forth. t^S-^^, a. free from desire, apathetic. t^S^, a. poor, indigent; destitute, bereft. t^S'g^l,-^, 8, poverty, indigence, [rent. fr S^^, forfeiture, deprivation;-^:^, rack- t^l^^^, a. rapacious, confiscating. t^^, V. a. to plaster, smear with cowdung. another : s. one who deposits. t^2C^T^,rt. tranquil, easy, placid: *. quiet- ness, tranquillity, placidity, repose. t^SC^T^, a. quiet, tranquil, unagitating. t^S*t^, a. safe, fearless, secure. t^S*r^l, s. fearlessness, safety, security. t^§*T:^, a. free from enemies, foeless. t^8*t^, a. silent, still, mute, noiseless. t^S*t3, a. not armed, unarmed. ^SC^<^^, a. pledging, depositing with t^*^,*- vicinity, proximity : a. near, adja- cent; -^?js, a being near, vicinity. t^^^^^, f^R*^^, a. near, neighbouring. ^fl5,«. conieto, approached, [near. f3R^^Tt^*f&, tid. at hand, nearly, almost, fs^^C^, ad, in the vicinity, at hand. near. t5?*f^?n, a. poor, indigent, penniless. t^^3[,5. a cowdung plastering :«. plaitter- t^*Jl"^<5a, «. plastering of ahouse. [©d. f^<3f^?1, a. headless, shoulderless. t^SC*f^, entire, complete, uttermost, with- ; fJR^^, a. clear, free from taxes andduties. out remainder ; -IPC^, vide f^:c*f^^;. ; f^^"^1, s. the mother of giauts : a. near. tst^ [ 204 ] ^^ t^^sTt^lr, s. an imp, a goblin, a giant.* f^^1, s. a marriage : v. a. the same as ^^^. t^^t^?r«i, s. a being married, a marrying. t^^t^, s. a plastering with cowdung. f^^t?r, 8. an injury, offence, obstruction. f^«- fatherless : 5. funeral cake, [ing, t^^f^^,a preventing, prohibiting,hinder- f»(^t?r*l55. resisting, stopping, preventing, prevention, restraint. [preventible. t^?t?"^?r,^^l^,<3^.resistible,restrainable, i^,a. regular, directed, uniform, perpe- fjr?lt%, s. a law, regulation, appointment, destiny, luck, good or bad fortune. f^^^l, s, a ruler, a director, a regulator. f^?5^i, s. directorship, regulatorship. f^ a. appointed to office, consti- tuted, ordered, commanded. t^J^i P^^P' in comp. it gives the idea of privation, absence, or negation. f^^\*T, a. destitute of a share or lot. f^^TV^H", fi^,a.pure, free from stain, holy ; free from antimony : s, the castingof an idol into the water after its worship is over, f^fri5, «. excessively delighted with, very fi(|r^^Ij^^, a. not nasaL [fond oL f^^1 [ 208 ] t^€t f^ s. a want of organic struc- f^^^^r^^^, s. a want of dependence. f^^^c?€^, a. not depending on. f7(^^Ti ^- useless, vain, fruitless. f^^of^'^l, s. vanity, inutility, uselessness. JTi^c^yf, a, not idle, not indolent,diligent. f^^*!^, s. a not eating : a. fasting. f^?r^9 «. juiceless, dry, sapless. fTrfr"^, a. defeated, desisted, restrained, appeased, assuaged, calmed, allayed. f^?^"^^, a. subduing, calming, allaying. f^?r3, a. weaponless, unarmed. f^i?I,a. pitiless, merciless, hard-hearted, unfeeling, inhuman, cruel, relentless. f^Ht?ii5l, 8. unmercifulness, cruelty, seve* rity, unfeelingness, relentlessness. I fJl^?I1,«. brutality, cruelty, unfeelingness. f^^]T,^:S, s. an acquittance, a release. t^f^^, fixed upon, pointed out, identifi- ed, nominated, appointed, commaudt'd. firf»R^^l,«. a being fixed on or appoiutud, a being nominated or commanded. f^CHf*t, 8. appointment, mandato, appro- priation, a designation, a testimony. fi^C^*T^,a. appointing, appropriatirg, de- signating, bearing a testimony : t. one who appoints or designates, a witnens. f^CHf^Tsi, s. the ascertaining of a circnni- stance, act of appointing to an office. f^C^*T5fi^, ^CH^*T7, a. ascertainable, nj*- propriable, capable of proof, [bility. r5iCir"T)v5i,«.a8certainableuess, appropria* f^W^, or fsiC^ITt, f:^, -^, s.peaceableness. f^f^C^T^j«- not quarrelsome,peaceable, f^f^C^W, 8. a cloud : a. giving water ; tooth- ^^TT, a. silent, quiet, mute, Bpeechless. •^?"^, a. juiceless, sapless, tasteless. ^^T?f, a. free from auger or passion. ^C?rT^, a. free from disease : 8. health. s^C^rtsrt, a. not diseased, hale, healthy. i^c^, a. blue : s. indigo, the indigo plant/ •rtc^ s. a ball of any thing wrap- ped together ; -■^, to wrap together. «J^, 8. a wisp of straw or grass ; a wager. ^^5^^, s. a hanging pendent, a swinging. •IV5'^^^ s. balls and clods : a. rolled up. ^J^, 8. a pebble, fragment of brick, a mul- ^«1, 5^^«t, fs^'ST^, s. salt. [ler, a stake. ^f^?1, a. salt, selling salt : 8. purslain ; a dealer in salt ; -■*tT^, purslain. [tion. ^t%, 8. praise, adulation, flattery, solicita- ^[^, a. sent, ordered, commanded. ^t^, «. a fat belly, fatness, corpulency. ^t?c^^1, a. fat, corpulent, abdominous. ^g\|\, 5. trachea, wind-pipe, the clapper of a bell, a woman's ear-drops, [ble. ^?I1, V. a. to bend down, to bend, to hum- ^gtST, 8, a bending, the humbling of a person : a. bent, inclined, humbled. *^f , 8. splendour, light, the dawn of day. Jjrt, a. diseased in the eyes. C^t^, 5. clods of cowdung dried for fuel. C^t^^, or Ci^wt?[R, a. nearest, very near. C^TfC^Tf , s. softness, plashiness, pulpiness. C^TfCi^1^<11, a. soft, plashy, boggy, pulpy. C^*fl, 5. a membrane, web of fibres. C^-s^t^H, ci. web-footed, palmipede. ^•^*tj» *• ^^ ornament for the feet. C^^l, 8. the jaundice, a disease of the bile. C^l^, 8. a lime, lemon, orange. [circle. C^^, s. the circumference of a wheel or C»T?iTf9p,«.anarmy, a feather, a wing, the fea- ther of an arrow, a side, a flock, a party, a friend, a fortnight ; a proposition or side of an argument in logic, a plaint in law, a position advanced, an alterna- tive, contradiction, opposition, rejoin- der, reply ; in arith. primary division. «t^*tT"5, s, collusion, partiality. [zan. *t^*tTl5t, partial, attached to : 5. a parti- *f^^l^, a. winged, feathered. [tions. ^t^CwW, s. a distinction between proposi- «^^:^ft^, or *1^^5T, a. destitute of fea- thers, unfledged, wingless, [true bill. *1^yl^«lj s. the sign of a valid plaint, a -s^^U.!?", ^^T^t%,a. feather-shaped, like *1^1"5rT'5, s. the palsy, paralysis, [a wing. *t^^, 8. end of a proposition or plaint, last day of waxing or waning of moon. ^'5PT^?r, 5. another side, another view. *t^t^C^, rtfl?.otherwise, on the other side. ''^f'^*^*!, s. birds, a class of birds. ^f?P^, *. night reckoned with its preced- ing and succeeding day, a female bird, ^rf^A^iTW, 8. the singing of birds. *lf^^T?rl, s. a bird-catcher, a fowler. ^ff'^^tSf, s. Garura, the regent of birds; a swift horse ; a peacock. *f^, a. winged : «. a bird, a fowl. <>f ^, 8. the eyelash, the barl or fibre of a thread, a fibre, the filament of a flower. **(^4^, *. a footpath in a moantain. ^sfTf5t«^, s. scurrility : a. scurrilous, obscene ; ''^'t^t to use scurrility, talk obscenely. «1"M^*i"T^^, s. a talking obscenely. ^Mt^^l, ci. scurrilous, talking obscenely. 'pf^^'^, s. sloppiness, splashiness. <^15fff^?1, a. sloppy, poachy, miry, dirty. «t^T, a. digestible, that may be digested. ^^J'sn^, a. under digestion, ripening. «t^, «.five :«.an arbitrator, an assembly. «t^^, s. a tax of a fifth : a. relating to «t^^*t^5, s. five per cent. [five. ^QPC^t«l, s. a pentagon : a. pentagonal. «1'?t*C^T«^, s. five pungent plants,^ much used in the Hindu ^W^, or decoction. ^5^9r^J,s. five productions of the cow, viz. dung, urine, curds, milk, and butter. ^^^^T^\'*t^, a. forty-five. ^9|s5^t^\*t€ir, a. the forty-fifth. ^t^^-i^TS, s. a kind of religious austerity. fpft^^9 s. a footstool, a stool. *tw), s. the tonnage of ships or boats. n^^, or 2(Tft*T, s. a lamp, light, candle. ^1J?1, a. belonging to an office, official. n^git^:^?, s. wholesale, not retail. •s^Cffs^CW, ad. at every step, step by step. *tf^, or '^\\, s. a title, a surname. -st^t^, s. a road, way, a line, a row, range ; a ritual, a manual. [a battle array. «1^, s. a lotus, a waterlily ;^ ten billions ; ■s^^^f^^l, s. an unexpanded waterlily. ^fisf^^, s. the sun, a bee, a humble bee. ^f'WsjJsr, s. the honey of waterlilies. «1^C"?rTt^, -^m^]-^, «t^lTi5T, s. Brahma's '^^J]9{, ^t^irfyf ^fl , s. a ruby, [names. ^f'iflCc^T^^, a, having eyes like the lotus. «^]%4^, s. assemblage of waterlilies, par- ticular description of delicate women in the amatory writings of the Hindus. '^m, s. verse, metre ; rule, usage, custo- mary behaviour ; idiom of a language. <^Tf):5»5r,5. common or customary practice. ^5fJ^^, a. unprecedented, unusual. «t^^, s. the same as ^T^tc?, which see. '^^'^■^j s. cheese ;-^^1, a cheese-seller. "^Z^J, a. fifteen. ^Z^jf^, the fifteenth. '^%\ s. a road, way, path, route ; a clue. '^^,a. travelling, following the tenets of «^g?r, s. a serpent, snake, reptile, [a sect. -51^^, s. a shoe, a boot, stockings. -5^^^, s. the wind, the god of wind. •s^"^^^***^, s. Bhima and Hanuman, who are fabled to be the sons of Pavana. *T^;5, a. pure, clean, holy, sacred. «tR^^1) -^) s. purity, holiness. «tt^^^^j a. sanctified, purified. «fsr, s. a clue, a guide. '^z^s. milk, water} prosperity, good luck. F ^Z [ 219 ] •f? *«1TI^'r, 8. a message, a letter. *1"?^t^per coin ; money. ^H^Jfa. made of milk, produced by milk. *t?lf%^9 a- milch, giving milk. <^?t^, s. a marching, travelling, going. '5t?T?"9 *• a metre, a measure of verse. *tC?lT'f, 'p(C?tRfV, s. the sea, the ocean. «i"?lo ^' ^' ^^ dress, to put on clothes. ff 8. mediate connection. **f?C5^T*,ff. another world, a future state. *f?rC9lT^^3, or <^ffC9fI^3T% <». gone to the other world, dead. [death. M^TC^T^SjlfvJ, 8. going to a future state, ^m [ 220 ] <^t? <5^^*t, V. a. to touch ; -fs^*JfT, s. a tree/ *t?r*l«tM?"5 s. the philosopher's stone. *f?r*It^5l,s. a parasitical plant, a parasite. «t?r^5 s. a battle-axe, hatchet ; vide -s^^t. -s^TT^^l^J, s. envious, malicious. ^7i%ad. day after to-morrow, day before «^ powerful, brave, strong, puissant, energetic, forcible. -pf^T^l^, a. idem; drawn by another. •s^?rt^j s. the pollen of a flower, dust, ar- ticles for bathing, an eclipse, [averse. -5^-^t^f?rt^'\'^'5l, s. dependence, subjection. ^f^T^^T^^ s. the accusing of another per- <>f5"t^^,a. contemptuous, scornful, [son. *t s. a reversion, a returning. ^I^^t^^j s. defeat, discomfiture. *T^t'S^^?, a. vincible, vanquishable. '^J]'^, a. defeated, subdued, vanquish- ed, conquered, overcome, discomfited. *t?rt^^^5 s. conversion, repentance. '5*f?rT5I^, s. advice, counsel, consultation. ^?^T^'*f^, s. an adviser, a counsellor. ^^T5J*r^tl^1, ^?:T^'*nTttf7r«it^, s. a change of subBtauco, trans- *lf?*i^, s. marriage, nuptials, [mutation. "^if?*!?!^, s. a giving of marriage. ♦lf?^*iT^9 s. transmutation of a substance, any change, a chymical production. ^f^«lT5IPt*t"^, a. provident, prudent. ^ift «iT?Iif*t^,« aviowofchanges likely to take place : a. looking into the changes of human affairs. [dence, forecast. ^f?6iT^wM"151, providence, foresight, pru- *tf?^l^W*TT', a. provident, prudent. ^f<?, a. requitable, exchangeable, may be exchanged or bartered. *ff?r^^^?I1, -^, 8, a capacity of being requited or exchanged. [pensing. *Tf?r ries before his elder brother. "^^C^W^l, 8. prudence, caution, pain, re- pentance, regret ;-?"f%15, nnregretting. '^f?rc^*f, s. the sun's disk, circumference. ^tflrc^*! ^, a, serving out at table : *. ono who serves at table. «tr?rc^*i^,«. theservingoutattable ;'91S% or *ff?rC5^1, one who serves at table. *tf?C^*Ii^'1?r, a. proper to be attended on. •>?fff C^^^,surrounding, wrapping round. . measured, defined, limited. «tf^f^l5^1, s, measuredness, limitedness. «^f S' a court, an assembly, audience. *tf?r^^*Vt?r, a. requiring to be cleaned or purified, requiring to be repaired. ^if^^tf7??1, *. a bladder, packet, a hag, purse. ^?F"^, a. unkind, harsh, insulting, severe, scurrilous, rough, rugged. ^C?", ad. afterwards, after, hereafter. ^^^, a. dead, gone to another state. «TC'?'WJ^, *H:fCljf^"5, a. corrupted, stale, not fresh. 'sin^'PI, «. a rib. v(?T, 8. a minute ; straw, flesh, a bevelled edge ; -CI t?n, rim of a bevelled edge. 9\^^, 8. eye-lid ; a wink, twinkling of an vfci?T, 8. meat, flesh, [eye ;-^l?^, to wink. <1i?Ti, V. w. to fle?, to escape, to run away : 8. oil-ladle, a coral, a bead of red lac. ^c^t^^l, *f «1T^f^, «. the same as «1C^I^. *t5^T!3, 8, an onion (Allium cepa). 's^an^'5, *. a fugitive, deserter, a runaway. ^o^T^, or *f5!T^;^, *. a running away. <>f5^tf^j?^1, V. n, to be impaired, to decay. fW5l, 8. the leaves of Patola. [ment. ^?I^, s. a twig, a sprout, a yonng shoot. *t9l^3Tf^^1, *. catching at a twig, or at trifling objections, a carping at trifles. *t?T^^Tft «• flannel, broad cloth, vfig 8. a beast, animal ; an order of gods, -pf^^cj, or. -51^^^, «. beasts, the genus or order of beasts, the mammalia. •K^Sill^, s. the genus of beasts, mamma- •^^^1^?? C" pertaining to beasts, [lia. -^^"5^^, 5. the lion, the lord of beasts ;an appellation of Shiva. [tie. *^^^t«^^, 5. one who keeps or feeds eat- «f^ beast-like, irrational, «^^^Wt5f^, s. beastly conduct, [beastly. -pl^RffJl, s. the knowledge of beasts, ^t^^'?^, 8. a person who keeps cattle. *f^?"t^, s. the king of beasts, the lion, ^i9^^*t, a, like a beast. [sequently. «t*5T^,«^. behind, after, afterwards, sub- '^*5t^T's^, 8. regret, repentance, remorse. «t*5t^t*?t, «. repentant, penitent, regret- ^*5tWT^^, «. came after, followed, [ting. *t'^tWt9r5T»T,5.a following after, [follower. <^*5tTf9rT^,«^. following, succeeding : s. a ^^t^^^,«^.seeingafterwards, reflecting. «5>f*5t^^^, s. an afterview, reflection, •sfse^f^^tf , reflective, viewing afterwards. ^■*^T5v?t$, s. aftersight, reflection. "^t^et^T^^, s- a following or running after. <^-*5tf "iY , «. following, situated behind. 'Si'fpt^T^STl , s. afterthought, reflection, ^tf^pir, 5. the west : «* western, after, be- «tf*5^fw^^, s. the west quarter. [hind. «lf*55r, a. western, hinder : 8. the disease of tetanus or locked j aw. ^ff»5^T^J9 a. facing the west. «t^5 «. clear, plain, evident. [lect. «f J^*5f, 8. choice, approbation ; -^, to se- -pf^^l, s. a vessel, a basket for vegetables. ^^5^1, s. a slight shower, a drizzling. ^Tft^, n. to extend, expand : s. extension. ^I^t?"*!? s. a spreading out, extending. ^T^t?\, 5. five seras ; a druggist, a grocer, -sf ^TTt, 8, a weight of five seras. ^^1, u. n. to repent, to regret: 8. a piece. 'S^'^TST, *. repentance, regret, remorse. ^^Tf^^l, ci- penitent, regretting. <1"^"?r, 8. a fourth part of the day or night, the space of three English hours. -pf^Tpl, or gf^"^, 8. a watchman, a sentry. -s^f^c^l, a. first, the first, before. «11, V. a. to obtain, gain, find, get, receive, suffer, possess, acquire : s. the leg, foot. ^T^, a, a quarter, a fourth part ; in acct, 4 pai or 12 pai, are reckoned one ami. «1t^^, 8. an armed footman, a watchman. 'STft'^'^l, a. (land) let to non-resident ten- '^tt'^t?', 8. a pedlar, a hawker. [ants. «tT^^, 8. a selvage, hem, edge, a breast- summer or beam laid on pillars to sup- port other beams, an architrave, a bam- bu or beam to support a pitched roof. '^fT^T^, 8. solder ; -'^TcT, a soldering. 'si'T^^I, V. a. to cause to obtain or suffer, to induce, to procure, to obtain : 8. ac- quisition, gain, the obtaining of a thing. -s^T^^, 8. the getting, obtaining, or find- ing of a thing, the suffering of a thing. "^t^^l, a. due, demand, pecuniary claim. •^K"^, 8, dust, ashes, manure. •^T^v^, 8, a distaff; the name of a fish. -s^t^vS, s. a row, range, continuous line. ^r^^^, 8, leavened bread, a loaf. '^r^^T^I, ad, good-morrow, or more pro- perly, I touch your foot, a salutation. «=1t^, 8, clay, mud, mire. [the foot). «1T?P^, a, occasioned by mud (as a sore in 'pfT<5T*T, clayey, miry : 8. a species of fish.* "sfr^^till, «, living in mud, muddy. "PfT^, V. a. to lance with a lancet. •s^T5, a. five ;-C»tI%^, material. [livery. -^15^, 8. the fifth day after a woman's de- -^f^^l, or 'SIT^'^, a, five, only five. ^i'5^, 8. the act of lacning ; a decoction ; -^515, a lancet ;-'^t^5t, a rod, a staff. "s^l^^, s, a twig, a rod, a wand, a cane. *ft5^Tl%^5 or <^T5^^, a. quinquennial. ^T^f^*tlt%, 8. a promiscuous mixture. ^T^, V. a. to cause to lance, to lance, cut slightly : 8. brine used in making salt. <^T5Tt%, s. a particular sort of metre used in poems, a particular mode of singing. ^T^tcT, 8. a wall, a brick wall, fence wall. ^^fjsp, a. the fifth, -s^li, pedigree ; foot- ^t®?", ^\W^\ 8. a rid, the ribs. [print. ^t^l; s, a wisp, bunch, bundle ; brick-kiln. -f^t^l vit^» «• ^^ almanac, a calendar, a dirccto- «ll«rt^ «• the back part of a house. ^Ifitf^TII, «. of the back part of a house. *fl^\^, ^t*f?r, s. a thin kind of biscuit. «il*r, 8. the ashes of cow-dung, ashes. *1t^, V. n. to ripen, concoct, suppurate. *1t^5«- I'ipOj cooked: s. ripeness, cooking, boiling, twisting, digestion ; a circular motion ; a screw ; -W1, -^1^1, to twist, turn round, writhe ; -^, to cook food ; -•sri, to be twisted ; -'sn, to digest, ^t^^-gl, s. a cook, one who cooks. <^T^ft^9lT5T, «. a washing, a cleaning, [clean. *tT^*tTc^1, 8. a cook-room, a kitchen. *t!fT^^, 8. act of cooking, digesting of food ; *fTf5^1, 8. a cookwoman. [posteriors. *1'Tg, 8, the hinder part, the back side, *fT^«T JIT^, 8. the back part of a house. <1t^v5, V. a. to winnow grain. <^T^v?^,«. the winnowing of grain, [now. vft^^l, V. to throw in wrestling; to win- ^ft^^Tsr, 8. the winnowing of corn ; the throwing an antagonist in wrestling. *tT^^!*fT15f^, 8. a grappling in wrestling. **ft^^, 8. a kind of prepared rice. *ff8"f T?r, 8. a back-door. [tho stem. *ft?l, 8. tho hinder part, buttocks, rump, ''IT??!?, V a. to throw in wrestling : «. a fall in wrestling ;-Tn^, to throw down. nei1, s. a brick-kiln. [sequently, lest. «TT®t^1, s. a pair of breeches, trowsers. f^W^, a. low, base, mean, vile, slavish. *t1^^T5Tl,«. meanness, baseness, vileness. '^i^\*^l??"1? «• very mean, base, low, vile. ^IT^^N"^"!^? ff. mean, obstinate, of bad ^tlClisr, s. meanness, baseness, [conduct. «^t^®^J, s. Krishna's couch. «1"l5ts(;^1t%^, ci. material, composed of the five original elements of matter. «tT^1, s. the hand, the claw of a bird or beast ; five torches burning on a pole. ^t^, 8. a folding of clothes in order, an altar, a board, a stool, a throne, a ter- race, breadth, extension, sack of corn; a plant,* its fibres are used for cordage; silk ; the earthen hoops of a well. ^I^, 5. a city, a town, a mart, a seaport. *1T^^1, s. the name of a city in Behar. ^l^siT^, a. produced at, or coming from, «ft"^^, s. a ferryman. [Patna. *tt^^, s. eminence, cleverness, expertness. *1't^'5t^, s. a tax-gatherer, a bailiff. *ft^^T5f1, s. the ceremony of falling on knives at the Charaka festival. ^l^^t^ s. the chief wife of a king. <^l^rT,«. pale-red, rose colour, pale-pink ; "s^T^l^, 8. trumpet flower, [a kind of rice. ^l^*rt^, 5. Jew's mallow used as potherb. ^tt'B^I, 8. a board, a plank ; a lease for land. «tT^tf^^?, «. thin cakes of molasses. ^T^TC^c^t^, s. a present given to obtain *1tf^C^^, 5. a brick. [a lease. ff\5«rt, or -pf^S^^, 8. a neighbour. ^tf^, s. a selvage, hem ; a passing to the opposite side ; -Wl, to pass over a river. •s^jei,*. betel-leaf, the leaf of Piper betel. ^t«l^^, 8. a writing of betrothal, betel- leaf given in conclusion of a marriage. 'sTf'l^l^l, 8. a betel-box. [tel-leaf. *fT«l^f^5, 8. a plant -^ pepper fried in be- ^It^ll, 8. an aquatic weed (Salvinia cucul- ^tr«J, 8. the hand. [lata). mf«l^^i1, a. taken by the hand : s. a -s^flfcj^^, -PtTf^i^^^l, 8. marriage, [bride «^t?3^, 8. race of Pandu ; vide ^t^t^^tT^^. ■^iTS?", a. pale, yellowish white : s. a pale colour, redcbalk. [Urissd, idol's priest. '5ft?3l, 8. a priest of Jagannath'stemj^le in •^if^^J, scholarship, learning, erudition. *tTi%^J2t^t*f, 5. a display of learning. ^\^ [ 227 ] nnit ♦ft9» a. yellowish wliito : 8. the jaundice ; the name of an ancient king of Delhi. *tT^^«f, ^t^?r, a. wliite-colonred, white> pale, whitish, wan, yellowish white. ^t^C?"?^; 8. the jaundice ; dropsy, a dis- ^T^f©^f*f,«. a rough draft, a sketch, [ease. ^^fl^Co^-arj, a. fit to be drafted or sketched. *fH, V. a. to lay down, spread out. [thin. «>fT^, 8. a fall ; a leaf ; a note, writing : a. «fT^^, s. sin, guilt, crime ; cause of fall. ^fT'S^t, «. sinful, guilty, criminal. <^t^C*4rT«^1, s. a thin little earthen vessel. *fT^f9p «. a footstool. [(term of flattery). <^twgt^T515r, 8. the washing of the feet. *ttWR?r^TS, '«lTW?r<«rt, s. a boot, shoe, slip- per, a stocking. , a. same as 's^T?"C^'lffT^ci, s. a festival, a feast, [at festivals. ^l^^itf s. presents at festivals : a. given *TT^^, s. a name of Durga. 'si^Wi, ^^TO^T*!, rt. possible, practicable. 'pft'^', s. a side, the side of the body. <*f 1^^^, a.situated on the side, collateral. ^t^^, s. an eye-tooth. ^ff^^^, *tT^^9 a. adjacent, situated at the side : s. an associate, a companion. ^ft'^rf^, *f^"^1, '^^J, ^m?r, s. a rib. ^IC^fUd, aside, privately. «^lf¥, s. the heel, the rear of an army, the back, a violent woman. ^t^, V. a. to preserve, nourish, support, maintain, educate, to keep a promise. <>ftcT, s. a nourisher, a protector, a flock, a herd, a drove, the copulation of beasts, a sail, a sail cloth ; -"^^j to hoist a sail. ^t^^, s. a stack or rick of corn, a gran- ary, a storehouse, a magazine. '^]v[^, a. preserving, nourishing : s. a pre- server, keeper, protector, a cowherd, twig, hoar frost, a time or turn in rota» tion : a. supported, domestic : p. a. to nourish, maintain, to flee, run away. *fT^l^l«^1, 8. twigs and branches, [wall. *fT«?n3f1, 8. a shelf; small shed on a mud *1T51T5«, a. running away : #. a runaway. «tT^l^, *. a packsaddle, the udder of aa *tT^R, «. flight, escape, flying, [animal, ■^Tc^TfJ??!, 8. a runaway, a deserter. -^if^, 8, a sail, edge of a weapon, a cor- ner, the tip of the ear, a line, a row, a spot, stain, a causey, a woman with a beard, measure of five sera ; a.cockpit. «trf%'«, a. nourished, protected, educated, *lTt%^l"srM^, V. a. to card cotton or wool, [thorax. f*t"^?", s.a cage, a bird-cage, the ribs, the f'^T?, V. a. to strike, beat, hammer, punish. fs>f^?T, s. a beating, a striking, a hammer- tM^^^I? s. a mason's floor-rammer, [ing. f*1^1, s. a sort of cake : v. a. to cause to beat or hammer, to beat, hammer out. f*1^t?r, s. a beating, the causing to beat or hammer : a. beaten, hammered out. fpf^Tfvftt, s. reciprocal beating, [a fish. IM^T^, s. pulp of rice made into a paste ; ft^j''*1^, s. peevishness ; a tingling, an fvt^Jvt^l^ V, a. to itch, tingle, [itching. f*1^, 5. the back ; the same with f^f^. f^t'^C^t^JSl, s. a knapsack, bundle, [back. ft^tf^tf^, ad. one after the other, back to f*1v5l, s. a raised floor, a stool, a portico. [Vff^5^, s, the name of an edible plant.^ f^tlYj s. a stool, a terrace, the pedestal of f*fc|T^, s. name of Shiva's bow. [an idol. fs^rS, s. a mass, lump, ball, funeral cake. f^t^'^r^^'V? ^- Arabian preserved dates. f^?3TrT5?T, s. the offering of a funeral cake. f^f^, s. a mass, lump, ball, funeral cake. f^^it^^, a. become a mass or ball. f^^it^^, a. made up into a mass or ball. fW^cT, brass ; -U^, brazen, made of brass. f-s^^l, s. a father ; -ITI^I, parents, [ma. j^Ttsr^, s. a paternal grandfather ; Brah- t^f^T^^, s. a paternal grandmother. f *t^, a. paternal : s. a father. fH^ -^^, -f^?frifvf cT, s. a crowd, a multitude, [ease. fs>(c^;§f,5.1ampstand, candlestick, [beads. f*t*tT:>, s. fiends, demigods with horses' f]% *?tl^t3t, s. a virago, a masculine woman. «^\f>.?f, 8. in ffram. the masculine gender.* *'J^\»^c^, a. going to men, loose, wliorish, ^J\7\';9f,8. a snake like earthworm. vf 5i V. a, to wipe, to mb off, to wipe oflT. vf^ij^s. a wiping, a wiping or rubbing off. vj"^!, V. a. to cause to wipe, or rub off. <^5T5J| 8. the causing to wipe or rub off, «£w, 8. purulent matter, pus. ^ »ir?, a. full of purulent matter. *f;&t, s. a heap, a hoard, wealth, cash, a stock or capital in trade. [goods. •s^^l^il^, 8. wealth, substance, capital, ^ ^"^T^ll, «. possessing wealth, rich. *f ^^, 8. a bundle, a packet, a parcel. «f ^5Tt?1, 8. round hand (in writing). ^"^^j 8. the anus. ^1^ L 232 ] t' »J^j1, a. low, mean, despicable : s. abut- «t^]t^?:1, s. a button-bole, a loop. [ton. *J^, s. tbe name of a species of fisb.' «J\51, s. a store-house ; seller of vegetables. «t^, V. n. to be infected with maggots (as «J^^, 5. a pond, pool, tank, [an ulcer). *tf ^^U it- belonging to a pond. «tJ%f, s. tbe featber of an arrow. 9^-^^s. a bull: a. eminent, chief. ^p^^ s. the tail of an animal. *J^, V. a. to ask, enquire, to interrogate. «T^1, V. a. to cause to ask or interrogate : s. a question, enquiry ; ^J^t?" =^?r«l, to question a person, enquire of a person. «Jgl, s. a rotten rag, a rag, a fragment. «^5i, s. a heap, a heap of grain or the like. *j;;-t'5TT^, a. increasing to heap, plenty. «t^, s. a joining of the hands, a pair, a «J^5, V. a. to burn, to burn away, [cover. *^\5^, s. a burning, a kindling. f s, a prior owner, [forocitod. *3^^T*tf, a. in regular order; chronic. ^'J^^I^fif, from antiquity, or a former time. ^^T^^l, s. a former state or condition. ^^RT^i,«. the twentieth mansion in the ^<^1^, 5. the forenoon, morning, [zodiac. <^^9, a. eastern, easterly. fs^l, s. rice soaked and flattened. 'sj'ij-t, s. the earth, the base of a triangle. ^■^■£.,5. the porcine deer ; a drop of water, 's^^, a. asked, interrogated, questioned. ^%, flat surface, the back, page of a book. <^^^.c^^, s. the processes of the spine. ^^tl, ad. behind the back, behind, in the ^^1, s. a page, the page of a book. [rear. ^^T^q'<3>, s. the vertebra of the back. C^^, s. mire, mud, the voice of a duck. C-s^^C^f^, s. the quacking of a duck. C*T5, 8. a screw, a spiral motion, intricacy, perplexity, an intricate scheme. C*^5<^15, s. a machination, intricacy. C<^51, V. a. to screw : s. an owl. [intricate- C^51*3T5r, a. a diseased mass protruding from gf, a, prep, in comp. it gives the idea of an increased degree or greater excellency of the action or thing. [displayed. SJiai^, manifest, evident, plain, notorious, St^f^^, a, displayed, laid open, apparent. 2t^7r«l , 8. a treatise, a chapter, a section of a book, the subject of a treatise, an af- fair, an introduction to a book, a pro- logue or prelude, a poetical fiction. 2l^?r«^?, belonging to a treatise, belong- ing to tho subject matter of a book. £f^f^^, a. made to exceed : «. a surplus. 2t^TTS, a. tall, stout, strong, robust, stupen- dous, excellent, best : ». trunk of a tree. 2t^T'i^t?r, a. gigantic, large-bodied, [ner. gj^t?", s. a sort, a kind, a method, a man- £t^T^Rc*f^, 8. a particular sort, [other. 2f^T?rT^?r, 8. another sort : a. dissimilar, £|^T?rT^C?r, ad. otherwise, in another man- St^T^, 8. a noted time ; a long time. [ner. £J^T*f, 8. expansion, diff'usion, manifesta- tion, light, illumination, revelation, dis- covery, an appearance, ; -^, to reveal. £t^T*t^,a. shining, illuminating, display- ing, publishing, visible : 8. a publisher. gJ^T^t^lil, -^, *. the property of mani- festing or displaying. U^S' SJ^T*t^-T?l, a^J«T^^J,riV/l*I^, a. appearing, shining, radiant. 2(^1*TJ, a. discoverable, capable of being revealed or made manifest, visible. gt*T*T3'51i «• visibility, manifestness. 2f^ *• 0- ^fto made of the tail of Tar- tar ox ; a section or chapter in a book. gj'^e'ip, *. a mentioning, a declaring. 2t^f%'3, a, spoken, declared, explained, mentioned, revealed. [real, true. S^flj a. right, genuine, proper, veritable, & [ 238 ] £t^ £l^lv5l, -^, *. rectitude, veracity, genu- ineness, reality, propriety, accuracy. gf^^^C^t, ad. rightly,properly, veritably, £lf ^T^f, a- the same as S^fl. [truly, gf^t^, s. original and unformed matter, nature, disposition, a subject. £J^1^2tT*1"^? «• elastic, springing back. £f^1%R^, a. natural, effected by nature, gj^"^, good, excellent, eminent, superior gf^"^^], goodness, excellency, superiority' £fC^l^,s.theforearm; door-frame, [ment. Si"^^, s. attempt, beginning, commence- £t:§5-f^, a, attempted, begun, commenced. gf :^|^^1, s. a being attempted or begun £rra»3["5, rt. ardent, zealous courageous, powerful, majestic, dignified, glorious. St^Tf, s. a deputy, substitute, repre- 2fi%^3i^, 5. amutual deposit, [sentative. gji^-s^sgpj s. an enemy, an adversary, a contrary thesis or proposition, [crease. Stt%*f^,*. the first day of the moon's in- retaliated or revenged, [tile, inverted. £tt^*f f?5", «. obtaining of a thing, accora- £tt^^2^9 adverse, opposite, contrary, hos- £fi%^ri^1, -^, s. opposition, contrariety. £:jt%^t^,5. retaliation, revenge, areflected image, a picture, worship, reverence. £ti^%p6|^ ad. always, at every moment. £t1%f^'^, a. dismissed, rejected, opposed, repelled, resisted, calumniated, sent. £t^9f ir^, 8. a going back, areturning. Stt^itt^, a. going back, returning, [to. gl^^^'5, a. received, accepted, assented £ti%^^, s. a spitting-pot; a receiving. £j^^5^?, or £tt^5^T5J, a. acceptable, fit to be accepted or received. 2tt^5rr^^, (t- obtaining, receiving: s. a person who receives gifts or presents. £j1%Tlt^, 8, a blow in return, resistance. ^I'^sY, a* western, west : s. the west. plishment of an object, acquirement, ad- vancement, promotion, success, acqui- sition, knowledge, ascertainment, the acknowledgomentof a charge, fame, re- putation, renown, a demonstration. Sjf^'^ft^^, or 2lt%*fT^^, a. ascertaining, workingconviction,accomplishiug,giv- ing success, demonstrating. [ation. 2t1%*^W, 8. every stop, every place or situ- SI^*fS, a. effected, accomplished, advan- ced, demonstrated. [motion. Sffl^^Zl, s. success, demonstration, pro- 2jf^, a. providing for, nourishing, supporting, protecting, preserving: s. a protector, a provider, a benefactor. £f^«tTc?^^1, -^, s. the circumstance of being a nourisher or protector. £tt%*tTc^^,*. the nourishing, maintaining, or succouring of a person, the preserv- ing or providing of a person. £tf^*frc^;|t?, £tf^*1T«^5, 0^. proper or re- quiring to be maintained or nourished. gjf^S'S^lf^^, O" provided for, maintained, nourished, protected, preserved. £tfl«^Tt%^l5 5. a protectress, benefactress. £jt%^cT, 5. a retribution, a reward, recom- pense, a remuneration, a retaliation. gfns^^S, £f f5^5^, s. a reply, an echo. g^f^^^,^?", ad. every year, yearly. £fT%^^, 5. an impediment, an obstacle. glflS^W^) ^- obstructing, hindering, im- peding, opposing, resisting. Stfj^^^^l,-^, s. an obstruction, an im- pediment, opposition, resistance. gfl^^T^J, £tf%^t^, s. an answer, a reply. Sjf^^lW, 8. a reply, an answer, litigation, a pleading in reply, a rejoinder. gjf^^tfW^I, -^, s. the office of a respon- dent, litigation, a pleading in reply. Sft^^tfTt, <7. replying, rejoining, pleading in reply: s. a respondent, pleader, [ing. £tfl5^T^^, a, resisting, opposing, prevent- £tf^^Tvr^^1, -^3^, s. opposition, resistance. £tt%^T^, a. opposing : s. an opponent. £t1%^T^, fl^. neighbouring : s, neighbour. £tf^lt'3, 5. a reflected image, a picture, an image, a shadow, a resemblance, [out. Stn-f^f^^, a. typified, reflected, shadowed £t1%C^T^, s. a reflected or opposite idea. £lf%C^T^^, a. opposing an idea. £tl%^1j5. a conception, understanding, in- tellect, an idea, light, splendour, reflect- ed light, boldness, confidence, [wise. £jf5'5tf%^, O" bold, confident, intelligent, gff^^, s, a bondsman, a security, a surety. £jf%?]1, Stf^'STt^, 5. an image, a likeness, an idol, a picture, a reflected image. gfn&^t^j ad, every month, monthly. £jf%^f%'^«.|aresemblance,image, likeness. gffs^^jS. retaliation, revenge, resistance, a strenuous endeavour, a desire, wish, comprehension : a. acting aright, retali- ating, resisting, making efforts, [ance. Stf^^^T'^r, a counterpart,opposition,resist- 2jf^C^tf^^1,5. partnership, mutual union, co-operation, coadjutorship. Stf^C^Tf^-^l^?'^, s, co-operation. gfr^C^T^j^^- co-operating, counteracting : s. a coadjutor, a partner, a second self, one who counteracts. [image. 2|1^^'!?f, s. a representation, a likeness, an £tf^?5's^'^, a. resembling, substituted. 2tf%C^T'5J, s. a blocking up, a besieging. £f1%C^T51'^, a> blocking up, besieging. £l"f^C«^T"5r, a. contrary to the naturalcourse or order, against the hair or grain, re- verse, inverted, low, base, depraved. £|"fi;C^T^^, a. born of a woman of a supe- rior tribe by a man of an inferior one. £ti%*nT?, s, a catarrh, cold, phlegm. 2ft%^^, 5. a promise, engagement, assent. gf pjsp^, a. engaged by promise,promised, assented to, agreed to, accepted £tftf^'5, a. forbidden, prohibited, denied. gjf^C"^'^, a, prohibition, a denial. 2jf^C^*<^, s. denying, prohibiting. 2tl%^1, *. fame, renown, celebrity, appro- bation, reputation, consecration, [ous. 2ff%^tP^^5, a. renowned, famous, illustri- 2jf^1%^, a. celebrated, famed, renowned, applauded, consecrated, 2tf^1%5l, a. possessing wealth, wealthy. gff^'^^^, a. smitten in return, resisted. gfra^^l, s. one who returns a blow, a re- £:tn5f^\7f1, s. revenge,retaliation. [sister. 2l'n5f^\f5T^, a. injured in return. St^^, 5. a member, a limb, a part. £f vjt^T?", 8. a thing done in return for some other act, a retaliation, remedy, relief. gjit^t^J, retaliable,remodiable, curable. £f^^«l, s. the waiting for or expecting of gfi\^1, s. expectation, waiting.[a thing. gf^f^^, a, expected, waited for. [ern. gf^st, s, the west quarter : a. west, west- 2riJi [ 241 ] 2r«f filvSl^, «• known, famed, renowned, cele- brated, venerated, delighted, past.gone. Slitf'5, s. fame, notoriety, knowledge. £f^c^,5. abundance, sufiiciency, adequacy. £t?J, a. given, presented ;/ J^ T?", s. a grateful return, a retumof £t^J<^^^^,£t^I*f^r?ft, a. helping, help, ing in return for a kind action, gratefuL f|^J*t^'5, a. done as a grateful return. 2J^^J^fw^,«. advised or instructed in ro- £tv|T'pfCR*T, 8. advice in return. [turn. £t^J*1CW*t^, a. giving advice in return. £J"^]^, s. the morning twilight, the dawn. £tC^J^, ad. every one, each, each one. .?fClJ^^J, a. credible, worthy of credit. 24iir?r, «. the first, first, chief, principal, prior, previous ; in arith. first product. S^^^S, (id. in the first place, firstly, pre- £f<4r^>n^^, 8. a capital crime, [viously. £t'/l'5n^?l3',a. embryo: *. a foetus, embryo. gt^ifcsr, ad. in the first place, firstly. 2Iiirc"srT^*11ff, a. first-born, first-produced. 2J, gJC^rTwt, a. causing excessive joy. StC^lffflS, a. ghuMoned, cheered, elated. St?"?, ad. purified, holy, pious, sanctified. tl^in, «.an endeavour, effbrt,Iabour, care. St?T«l, *. a going, an exit, a departure. St5^, s. propitiousness, gracious- ness, kindness, favourableness, compla- cency, clearness, brightness, [nance. gf^^^Vr^, a. having a pleasing counte- Si^\^v. a. to produce, to bring forth. £t^^, s. bringing forth, production, birth. gf^^C^Pf^l, s. pains of labour, [velocity. S^^Jj s. dimension, extent, width ; speed, St^^T, ad. suddenly, forcibly, violently. gf^tW, s. grace, favour, kindness, the food which is offered to a god, orts, leavings. St^TWfft'^, favoured, received into favour. gf^T^C^T^, s. a pensioner. gf^tfff 3, «. graciously bestowedjfavoured. gt^tfw^3, s. an honorary dress. gt^TW^, a. showing favour or kindness. gj^l^d"^, s. dress, embellishment, decora- gfTTtf^^, a. finished, decorated. [tion. gf^t^, '^' ^- "to extend, to spread out. g^^Fft^, s. width, extent, expansion, [ing. gf TTl?r«l, s, the act of expanding or unfold- gf7Ttf^-5, a. extended, expanded. gffyf^, a. clear, current, plain, evident, noted, renowned, famous, celebrated. gff'Tf^, s. fame, celebrity, notoriety. gf ^, s. a mother ; a spreading creeper. gf^l^l, a. recently delivered of a child : 8. a woman in child-bed. [tion, offspring. gf^l^, s. a bringing forth, birth, produc- gj^t%^1, a. newly delivered of a child. gj^t^, s. the palm of the hand, a palm. gf^^, s. a stone, a gem, bunch of flowers. gl^^^f*t^, gf^?"^?, a- stony, rocky. gf^t^, s. a mentioning, a relation, a story, a topic, the introduction of a topic. gtlil^^l, 8. an introduction, a commence- ment, a prologue, aprelude. [of topics. gt^T^:^C^, ad. by successive introduction g|'^t^^5, a, related, mentioned, told. gf^t?r, s. width, breadth. S^WS, a. prepared, ready, prompt, said, re- vealed, declared, praised, panegyrized. gf^'S^I, -^, s. preparedness, readiness. gj^,5. a set of utensils, a suit of clothes, width, table-laud, a particular measure. gf'^T^, s. a departure, a going, a marching or setting off ; -^, to depart, to go. gf^W^, s. a sending, a dispatching. gf^M^?, ^^T*tJ, a. fit to be sent or dis- gf^tf^^, a. dispatched, sent, [patched. gfl%^, a. departed, gone, set off'. gf^^«1, s. a spring, fountain, the discharg- ing of urine, an oozing, a perspiring. gt^T^, s. the expelling of urine, urine. gf^^, smitten, killed, defeated, repelled. gf^?", s. fourth part of the day or night. gf^t?^1, 5. the office of a watchman. gj'5:'ft, s, a watchman, sentinel, a sentry. gj'5;^'l s. he who strikes or beats, a slayer. gf^^*", s. gladness, joy, hilarity, gf^t?r? V. a. to strike, to smite, to beat. gj-^t «• oldness, agedness, anti- 2tl]5t^^^,*» ancient method: «. approved gj|]^^1,5. antiquity. [by the ancients. £tT15t?"j s. a wall, a fence wall, enclosure. gJT^'^'j, s. sufficiency, plenty, abundance. £JT^T*f ^T, «• a sort of religious penance ; a particular sacrifice ; a kind of marriage. £fT^, a. learned, wise, skilful, clever. £IT^15', -"^9 S' erudition, skill, wisdom. gff-^1%, s, the open hands joined, [death, gfr*!, s. breath, life, the spirit, soul; -^JT^f, SfT6i'5Jt^r?', s. ocean of love ; name of a book. CSfsfl", ct' loving, affectionate. [beloved. C2t?^, or C^»-dear, greatly beloved; outstripped. C£t"^J, «. fit to be sent: s. a messenger. C£fT ^, a. spoken, said, uttered, declared. CgfT^ei , s. a sprinkling ; the slaughter or immolation of animals for sacrifice. C£(T^'^?,j5^^f^'?f, s. one of the seven fabled con- tinents in Hindu geography. ^^, s. a raft, a float, a frog, a monkey, a sheep, a jumping, leaping, a plung- ing, diving, a floating, swimming ; a declivity, a piece of water, an enemy. ^ic^^^, s. plunging ; a going by leaps or ^Ic^T^^I, s. Eng. platina. [jumps. ^^T^^, a. overflowing, inundating. ^^'\'^^, s. a deluge, a flood, inundation. ^^l^^,a. overflown, immersed, flooded. ^'^^I, s. the spleen, the spleen disease. ^^^i a. overflowed ; jumped, leaped : s. a gallop, a leap ; a grave accent. ^|c5;^'5'»f t^, s. a gallop, a going by leaps. ^, the 22nd consonant : intj. puh, tush. ■^^, V, 71. to fail, to miscarry, to mock the expectation, to disappoint. *^^1,*. a chink, a crack, fissure. *TM*r, a. apparent, manifest, known. frp^, 8, a prop, a shore, a lever, a bambu lever, a sharp pain or stitch in the side. fTi>as7"J«ri, s. sudden pain in the side. frp^^l, 8. a stanchion, a prop, a lever. frfr^l, a. pale, faded, light-coloured, insi- pid, saltless, weak (as tobacco, etc.). fTi5f%,«. agoing in a cir- cuit, a turning to and fro, a shifting. frpi if^i, s. a turning ; a plastering. f^P^ Tf *• *^® fringe of a piece of cloth. TPf.71, V. n. to shout, to call aloud, to hoot. TP 15^, 8. a vacant space, vent-hole, fissure. ■5P^T?^, 8. the action of blowing, fbling. T^1, V. a. to blow, to exorcise, to kindle. TPi'p?, *. able wing, exorcism, [exhausted. TP?r, r. n. to be wholly spent, finished or TPj«i, *. a being wholly expended or finish- ed, a being spent or exhausted. CTjSJT [ 250 ] CTpt\? *Ti5^JITf, s. leisure, opportunity, time. "^p^rl, V. a. to exhaust, to finish entirely. ^ s. a skein of thread or silk. C^«l, <:^«t1, s. foam, froth, scum, spume. C^6j^tirT«rt, s. froth and gruel. [ses. C^f«),s. raw sugar, a cake made of molas- CTpfeic^, a. foamy, frothy, foaming. *C^^?^t^5 «. wisdom, sagacity, craftiness. CTp:5^t^, a, wise, sagacious, crafty. CTp^^t^^Sl, s. a being non-plussed. C"^?r, ad. again, back again : s. a peril, a disappointment, a reverse ; -^T, to re- peat, recapitulate ; -CW«^, to look again, to review; -'^\, to meet with obstacles. C^8T5i1, *. a carrying, the bearing of a bur- den, a flowing, passing away, [region. ecting a meal by the fall oi a buirs tosticlcB. ^^R, s. the provoking a person to speak. ^^tfs?^, a. tiakative,garruloaa. [rage-; ^^^ft, 8. a mutual prating, a talking i» ^^^, rt. talkative, garrulous, prating. ^9f [ 252 ] TT^ ?^, ^^^^Tf^9 ?r^^f^, s. talkativeness, garrulity, prattle, gabble, a grumbling. 7[Z^^^\ V. a. to murmur, to talk much. ?"^^1^, 8. a talking, a murmuring. ^^^f%1l1,«. talkative, garrulous, prating. ^:S5, a. curved, crooked, awry, distorted, sinuous, tortuous, askew, churlish. 7I5»9ft^5 d" tortuous, zigzag, flexuous. ^I^'Jl, s. crookedness, distortedness, churl- ^^fls^l^j a, squint-eyed. [ishness. 5i:^^tW, a. crook-footed, bandy-legged. ^^JTl, 8. a he-goat. ^^^, s. a she-goat. * a- utterable, proper to be spoken. ^5^1, 8. discord, wrangling, quarrelling, ^5^^, or ^5^5 a. obedient, subordinate, ^5l, 8, a word ; -^5, altercation, a dispute. ^^?ri, s. a large kind of travelling boat ; a species of grain (Panicum spicatum), *?Sil^ a. right, proper, true, accurate. *^WT"^, s. a mercer, a linen-draper. ^■^Sft^, a. base-born, vile, of bad caste. ^^sSflvSt, 8. a being base-born, baseness. ^i^, 8. thunderbolt, diamond : a. adaman- —6 tine, hard, impenetrable, cross, forked. ^®f^^^, s. a clap of thunder. ^H'^tT'ri; *• an appellation of Indra. ^li^T^, 8. the fall of a thunderbolt. ?®tT^57, a. short, hardy, and resolute. ?M^T^, 8. a thunder-stroke, unforeseen ^^T^, 8 the precious opal. [calamity. ^^T"5J|JT, a. crosswise, zigzag ; 8. recipro- cal multiplication. [lude. ^?^, V. a. to deceive, to impose on, to de- ^?|s^, a. fraudulent, swindling, deceiving, crafty : s. a knave, a deceiver, an im- postor, a cheat, a rogue, a jackal, ^^^, s, the deceiving of a person. ?"?^5Tl, s. deceit, swindling, an imposition, fraud, a cheat, roguery, knavery. ^SP»?t^.:Ql, 8. a swindler, rogue, deceiver, an impostor, a cheat, a knave. ^9^517^:^^, ad. fraudulently, deceitfully. ^9psr|-^^.«. ayear ;-^<^T, yearly, every year. ^<^^?ri^C^, ad. in another year, yearly. t^^M? s. in gram, the present tense. ^^gVl^lJil, -^,s. present existence, abeing. ^fc , 8. a candle, a lamp, a wick, a tent, a ;5"f^''^^''^^, s. a pair of snujffers. [bougie. ^fct^, a. been, become, existed. ^4gY, a. being, existing, standing. ?f^cnr, s. a circle, a globe, a ball, a sphere, a pea, a ball or bullet of earth, a marble for play, a pellet, a bullet, [cal, round. ;T^o^T^T'?r,'^G"^T^i%,«?. globular, spheri- ^40^c^l^t%7i\tSr{W, s. conglomeration. ^■^'jT^i'Tf, s. a candlestick, a lamp-stand. ^'^'•', s. a road, a path ; the eyelash, ^^^ V. a. to increase, to grow, to enlarge. ^^"^j ^^STT^, a. increasing, growing, pros- ^^'Vi, s. an increase, a growth, [pering ^^"^•R'Tt^Tja. increasing, improving, grow- ing, having a tendency to grow. ^^'ift?, a. capable of increase. [ven. ^f^%, fl!.increased,grown, expanded, tliri- ^f%^ a. growing, having a tendency to become large, improving. [increase. ^f^;^:5l, -^, 8. the having a tendency to *^f¥, s. a kind of sweetmeat. ^^%, s. a kidney bean.* [blockhead. 8^f the off ering of a sacrifice. ^f^^^, a. feeding on sacrificial food : 8. a ?r^%rt. strong, vigorous, powerful, [crow. ^c^^J^T, s. an ox, a bullock. [simmer. ^c^, V. a, to wallop, to bubble, to boil, to ^c^s, s. a simmering, bubbling, boiling. ?r«5o^, *. the bark of a tree ; fish- scale. ^?^1, V, a. to make a liquid wallop in boil- ing : a. heated, boiling, warm, tepid. ^^tiijS.aboiling, making aliquid bubble. ^95t ^*^, a. pretty, beautiful, captivat- ^^^n, s. the bit of a bridle, a rein, [ing- ^cTJ^^, s. a whiteant ; an ant-hill. ^M, s. a weight equal to two rattis. 7M^, 8. a cowherd, a milkman ; a cook. ^^■^, a. beloved, amiable, dear, desired. ^^Ic^, a. pertaining to raja Ballal Sena. ^Pt, s. a climbing plant, [tion, control. ^*t,i^, s. the spring ; the small-pox. ^^^f ^, to dress. ^3^f?5:fTi^, 8. the putting on of clothes. ^3I^c^T^, 8. foppery, pride of dress. ^3f^^T'?t, a. foppish, proud of dress. ^3T^f?r, s. a tent, a clothier's warehouse. ^^^?", 8. another thing, not the same. ^■^, V. a. to carry a burden, to bear a load, to flow (as a stream), to blow (as the wind), to pass away (as time), to draw (a plough, etc.), to convey. ^^s, 8. a carrying of a burden, a flowing, ablowing (of wind), a passing away (of time), circulation or motion of blood. «^t^, «. a carrying of burden ; porterage. ^^^, a. portable, light ; flowing. ^■5J^t5i1, 8. provoking language. ^T^J^l^^l, s. a reproof, a reproach. ^I^]2tC?I?f, 8. a communication, an in- ^[^J^ft^^, a. disobedient. [junction. ^t^J^s^JT*!, «. in gram, the syntax. expressing, speaking, declaring, expressive, plain : s. a speaker. ^l^^\5l, -^, s. expressiveness. ^T5^*1W,*. a word expressing a given idea. ^1^\51,5. uncultivated land ; a colt, a foal. ^t^fs^^, a- scriptural ; verbal, enjoined, expressed, mentioned, expressible. ^151, t>. a. to explain. ^T5t^, s. an expla- ^tM«^, «• talkative, garrulous, [nation. ^l^T5^v5l, -«a, s. talkativeness, garrulity. ^lf5^, a, expressing, expressive, verbal, vocal, oral, expressible in words. 55Tf^^, a. mentioned, expressed, said. ^tB5l, s, the young of an animal. ^T^J, a. expressible, attributable, predica- ble, declinable (as an adjective,) vile, contemptible : s. the word or idea to be expressed, a predicate. ^fS V. a. to assort, select, to pick out, to separate from, to choose out. [things. ^^, X. desiring or wishing for a thing. ^T>^^?, or^lf^vS^J, a. desirable. ^T"^!, s. a wisli, a desire, a propensity. ^tr^'^, a. desired, wished for. Zl\, V. a. to rub in a mortar or on a grind- iii«^ stone, to grind paint or spices. ZT^, s. a road, a way, path. Tl^^, 8. a grinding, pounding,trituration. ^T^^l, s. ground spices for cookery. ■^T^Jlt, s. a woman who grinds spices. ^T^^t\5, s. a highwayman, a robber. ^t^*n\Ft. 8. a highway robbery. ^t^'s^Tvf^, a. robbing on the highway. Tt^. s. a grinding ; a betel-box ; name of a ^■t^Tf;*4n5T,«. plate for a betel-box. [fish.* ^1^Tf%, s. a chisel, a carpenter's chisel. ^Wi^,a. windy, tempestuous, boisterous. ^T^4i, a. flatulent, windy, rheumatic. ^]f35T,a. false, vain, absurd, futile ; abol- ished, rejected, null, void. [of wax. ^tv5t, 8, a candle, wick, bambu rod, stick ^t^^T^I, 8. a chandler, a candle-seller. «. edible species of goosefoot. ^1(.^T^«1,5- hysterics, convulsion, spasm. ^rt'SJ? s. strong wind, a gale, a storm, a tempest ; a boaster, a braggadocio. ^T^^^J, s. fondness, affection, love. ^t^TTST, s. cow-pasture, cow-pen, cow-shed. ^tW, ad. after : s. deduction ; -W1, to de- duct, to subtract ; -^^. to be deficient. ^t^, s. a word, a sentence ; a contradiction, a dispute, discord ; resentment, [cian. ^TW^, a. speaking : s. a speaker, a musi- ^tW^, s. the playing on an instrument. TTfTl^Ii!i1,s. areasoning, discussion, dispu- ^TW'^, s. a cloud, continued rain, [tation. ^tW«n 1, 5. gold thread, lace, cloudy weather. ^tWrTlir a. rainy, connected with rain. ^TW^^^TC^^T^I, s. an ephemera. ^TWl, 8. a forest, a desert, a marsh, a fen. ^tWt^'^TW, s. a dispute, a controversy. ^t^l'ST, s. an almond; a sail. ^T^t^^f^, «• a sort ol flat sweetmeat. ^lWT^%^lWl^?n, «• oval, almond-shaped. ^l1^$, «. extorted, made to be uttered. ^lt5t?n, s, a snake-catcher, a hunter. ^Ttft, a. speaking, pleading : s. a plaintiff, ^tF\5, s. a large bat,* flying fox. [a suitor. ■^tWJ, s. musical instrument, instrumental ^TWJ^^,*'- a musician. [music. T1WJ'ST*B, s. a concert of music, harmony. ^ICWjIWJ^, s. a confused sound of music; a concert, symphony. [-C^ ^fi], a queen. ^lW^1-"^IPf1, a prince ; -^1^^ a princess : *^T'Pf*TT!5:1, s. a king, a sovereign. ^t^*TT^, s. a kingdom, a government. ^f?!f, «?. a. to hinder, to frustrate. ■^T5f<5, a. hindering, preventing, obstruct- ing : s. impediment ;hinderer, prevent- er ; a disease preventing conception. ^T^f^^l,-^, s. opposition, hindrance, pre- vention, obstruction, detention. ^15^1, s. pain, an obstruction, an impedi- ment, a hindrance, an opposition, a de- tention, stop, a clog to an undertaking. ^t^T^, s. Krishna's birth-day songs. ^t^Tf^, s. a shoemaker's scraping tool. ^t ^- a father : mG.'^\'»\XPSi^ Oh father ! ^t«TC^^M,Oh father! father! (excla- mations of pain, suffering, or surprise). ■^T*1^^, a. sowing : «. a sower, seedsman. ^ ' «t^T«tj*' an exclamation, father ! father ! ^T^t^il, s. parents, father and mother. ^t-s^U^t^ 8. a father ; ^T*X|^?',Oh father ! ^l<^t, 8. a large oblong pond, a lake. * ■ f^l, s. a coarse kind of cloth, o *^T<3, 8, a section, a chapter, a subject, a head, an affair, business, a scope. ^T^"^, ^t^^^^*tt,«- a species of basil.^ ^^T^"?,, s. an item, article, account, busi- ness, an affair : ad. on account of. ^T^^t, a. belonging to an article. ^t^if^, a. loquacious, talkative. ^T^iJ^^lj -^, 8. loquacity, garrulity. ^T^?^t,s. a cook ; -I^TW, s. vain or useless expence ; an ac- ft,5. a female crow. ^I?, s. the wind, air, air of the body, hy- pochondria, flatulency ; the god of wind. ^T?C^Tci , s. the north-west point, [fleet. ^T^T-JtI^, s, motion of the wind : a. swift, ^^?l9f ^, a. inflated ; hypochondriac, flatu- ^t?\^cTj, a. like wind, unsubstantial, [lent. ^T?iac^^^7, 8. old age, senility. ^T^^f"^^, «. living on usury : 8. an usurer. ^l^rj, a. resistible, preventible, prohibita- ^1^J^T«I, a. suffering resistance. [ble. ^Tf^^, a. yearly, annual. ?Tt5T, 8. a child, a boy, infant ; hair, hair of the privities ; a tail : a, infantine. Tr^ s. an excuse, a pretence, evasion, *^t^T?', «. beauty, elegance, thespring:a. *^T5Tc^, a. reinstated ; prosperous, [out. ^Tft^, s. an army, legion, a cohort, a bat- talion : a. fern, facing, flowing, [officer. ^Tfl:^*^^, s. a general, a commanding ^T^?r, a. without, external, out, outside ; -^; to exclude, to expel, turn out ; -'^^ to come forth, to proceed from. ^tf^fr^t^, s. the direction of a letter. ^if^C^, ad. out of doors, without, outside. ^if^^Jp^.^'lj s. a straggler, a rambler. ^T^, s. the arm, a fathom. ^t^\5, V. a. to turn back, to return. ^T^^^, s, a returning, a turning back. t^«p1 [ 265 ] firn. ^t'B;^, a. situated on the arm, brachial. ^l^J, a. external, outward ; portable ; -^1, to go forth, to ease nature,to go to stool. ^I^jf^m, s. the expulsion of the froces. ^T^J'SaT^, «. the knowledge of external ^T^J^T^) 8. a privy, a jakes. [objects. ^, s,prep. conveying the idea of excel- lence, tliough sometimes of privation. t^^Tlt,*. delay; the interest of money. ^^f^, 8. a tail of hair, a plait of hair. t?r\*t^, a. twenty ; -^^, the twentieth. Hi^9 f"^^^ s. a perforation, a hole, a bore. f^5f , V. a. to pierce, to perforate, to bore. ft5^^, s. a piercing, a perforating, boring. fts^f^^l? «. piercing, perforating. [oi)en. ^^5, a. blown, expanded, opened, spread f^^^,rt!. formidable, horrible, hideous, dis- torted: «. jeopardy, danger, fear, awe. t^^^^W^, a. having a distorted face. [ed. f^<[j^T^'t?", \^<-^^f'^^ a. distorted, deform- t^^^T, a. confused, confounded, agitated, defective, imperfect, impaired, out, of order, withered, waned, decayed. ^7^r\^^a. deformed, crippled, maimed. t^^*^, a. optional, admitting two forms : s. an alternative, an option ; a doubt. t^^f«>f^, a. admitted as optional t^^f*T^,a. expanded, opened (as a flower). t^^l, t^'^,v. a, to sell, to vend,to be sold. ^^TS, ct. saleable, vendible lad. for sale. i^^-T?r, 8. a change of form or nature, a transmutation, transformation. change, alteration, deterioration, disease, sick- nessjpassiou, feeling, emotion, danger- ous symptoms of a disease. [i)raved. ^^J^:«lt?» or f^:y?n:T^^1, 8. a desire to conquer, rivalry. t^ fp'»ft^,«. desirous of victory, oniulating. t^f^U, (I. subdued, conquered, overcome ; t^C^^^J,o. conquerable, [fanned, wafted. t^C®^1, s. a conqueror, a victor. ^^, a. wise, learned, clever, skilful, intel- ligent, experienced. [skilfulness. f^^n, 8. wisdom, experience, cleverness, f^^|>3,s. inforinatioif, a declared opinion, a representation of circumstances. ^^T'S, a. known, understood, famous, no- ^^531151, «. one who knows. [torious. ^^Tsi, 8. science, knowledge, learning. t^^T^f^, giving information, publishing, conveying knowledge : s, an advertiser. t^^^T*tiT, 8. a making known, a. demon- strating, a publishing, advertisement. t^^r^5^*t5, 8. a petition, an application. f f " to mutter, to mumble. t^^^%^C:F)^,rt. duformed,di8torted, ugly. t^<«., or t^R, a. knowing, wise, versed in, t^i\, ». a detail. [acquainted with. I^l!3l, 8. criticism, discussion, refutation, a dispute, a debate, a contention, con- troversy, wrangling, an argument. ^li^, a, stretched, extended, uxiKiuded : *, a stringed instrument. 1%3?'«l, 8. a giving, distributing, tliu giv- ingof alms, alms, a largess, a donation. l^^^^'iT, a, giving alms, distributing. ^1'^j 8. an inference, a reasoning, discus- sion, deliberation, consideration, a con- jecture, an apprehension, a doubt. r^T,^'6j, 8. act of discu.ssing or reasoning, t^lSi^, or {^^21,5. a span, [an inferring. ttl5T^, «. the warp of cloth, an awning, a canopy, an expansion, a spreading out, a verse of 4 lines of 8 syllables each. *l%3Tt?'4r, 8. under date. ^^^, a. displeased, dissatisfied, averse. fevjl^, 8. dissatisfaction, displeasure. t^^5^, 8. satiety, disgust, indifference. t^"5", a. acquired, investigated, known, fa- mous : 8. wealth, property, substance, f^^. contrary to enstom, irrogular. ^W1?I, «. aparting with good wishes, leave of absence, leave to depart, dismissal ; -^, or -Tfl, to dismiss, permit to depart. f^5 [ 268 ] f^JTl f^^tft, s. a leave of absence, a dismissal, a present given at the dismissal. ■|%Ttl?, V- «• to tear, to lacerate. [tion. t%Prt?", s, a crack, a rent, a chink, a lacera- f^Pf I?:^, rending, tearing, cleaving, split- ting : s. that which rends, tears, etc. 1%Wi?:*l,s. the splitting, cleaving, rending, or tearing of a thing, a lacerating. f%WT?"«rt?, t^- that may be torn, lacerable. f^Wtf?"^? «. cleft, split, torn, lacerated, f^f^^, s. intermediate point of the com- f^fW^5 ci' known, acquainted with. [pass. f^i^t^f? ^* torn, rent, split, cleft, lacerated. J7^WJ[, a, wise, intelligent, learned, clever. t%"F?rif, s. lapis lazuli, a precious gem. f^CW^, 8. a foreign country. [stranger. f^CWnt, (I. foreign, strange : s. a foreigner, f%^, a. i)ierced, perforated, penetrated, f^f^^cj', a. having the ears bored, [taut. f%WJ'5n^5 «• existent, existing, present, ex- f%W]"srT^^51, -^, s. existence, presence. f?ffJl, 5. science,art,literature, knowledge, learning, xjhilosophy; -•^T7^.'^;^^^ R^T^. f^WJt^t^l, s. a tutor, teacher, instructor. f^WJlWT^, s. the giving of instruction. f^wn^^"^, s. an order of demi-gods. [ence. t%pTj1^'^Tt5^^, RWJT^Jl^.the study of sci- f%WJl^l'>ft*T, s. one eminent in science, a philosopher, a doctor in philosophy. ■R^JT. or ftrTt^E., s, a country ; Europe. R^tvSt, a. of Europe, or, of a country, European, English ; -^T^, the common potato ;^ -CST^j the common myrtle.^ |%c^l7r, ttciTt^, s. alloting, a giving away. f^^T*t, V. n, to lament, to bewail. t^'5nt*t, s.lamentation, a loud mourning, a complaint, cry of distress, [mourning. f^'?TTvf<5j l^'fil'^, a. lamenting, bewailing, ]%r)t^^'§1, s. one who bewails or laments. RiiTT, s. enjoyment, felicity, sport, pas- time, amorous dalliance, wantonness. Rc^I^^, a. sporting, dallying. [sual. f^STT'ft, a. enjoying, happy, dallying, sen- t%l%,f^cTt, f^t%^f% s. division, allotment, arranging or allotting, an assignment. Rt%3itfTp^, a. according to arrangement, R^^^l, the arranging of different parts of any business : a. arranged, allotted. f^c^;^>^, a. dissolved, melted, extinct. RC^T^, d. private, uninhabited j defunct. f%Ci^T<5^, s. viewing, seeing. [ceived. f%(;«?Tf%^, «. seen, viewed, surveyed, per- RCc^t^, a. against the hair or grain, re- versed, contrary : s. the reverse, [sion. {^C^TTsrf^^^l, an inverse operation, inver- t%C«TT^^, or fecntsilfT^, a. base-born. 1%C^t^t;S?"rr^rt^,*.Hcparation, disunion, disjunction, f^'St, a. all, universal : *. universe, [noise. r?Tf<53P, wicked, vile ; #. a hound ; sound, f%^^"S^1, 8. the sun ; architect of the gods. f^^'ftf?*^, a. dilhcult to please, [of Shiva. f^'^STT*fT^, 8. a confidant, a trustworthy f^^T^'^t^, 8. a ground of tnist or confi- dence, a proper object of faith or trust. R'tl^, a. tru.sting, believing, trusty, hon- est, trustworthy, faithful. tlTStt^J, a. worthy of confidence, honest, f^C'StCW^ 8. the clitoris. [trustworthy. f^CTSt?", 8. the Lord of all, Shiva's name. f^^, 8. poison, virus, venom, water, the fibres of the stalk of the lotus, myrrh. f^^^f^qS, rt. poisonous, mixed with poison. R^IT* ^^ f^^^?", «. destroying the effect* of poison, acting as an antidote. f^^f«J, 8. poison, venom, virus. f^^S, <». dejected, sad, pensive, cast down, ^■^11^, -^, 8. dejection, sadness. t^^ [ 274 ] 1^^1 |%^Sl^W^,r^^Sl"^'5r, orflr^nt^^,«. having a dejected countenance, dejected. f?r^ -^c^T, -^^> mortal, deadly ; -?f ?r, vene- mous : a snake ; -^\^, the fang of a ser- pent ; -Tf 1^1, -WT?l^, a poisoner ; -'^^T^, a drinking of poison ; -2JC^sf, *. a kneeling posture. ^t^),». seedjSemen virile, heroism, energy, valour, spirit, power, courage, activity. ^t^'j^PT, ^t^'j*n'T\, «. heroic, energetic, courageous, spirited, powerful, active. € ^ 5, «. the name of a shrub and its fruit.* ^t^«n, 8. a kind of sweetmeat, a comfit. ^4s, 8. the breast, the stomach, cheat, bo- som ; aconvexity, a gibbosity ; courogo. ^^^Ki^sri, 8, a jacket, a waistcoat. ^\?1 [ 276 ] in Z?^.^], s. breast, stomacli : a. coarse (rice). i^^, s. powder of any thing, [breast. ^^^mTv5, s. wrapping of a cloth over the ^^*r5T, or ^^^T^l, s. the colic. ^^.t^1%, «4.*breast to breast. [eel. ^^t^,^^^,«-bold, courageous, undaunt- il5^,s.a butcher; -r immerses. ^51, V. a, to immerse, to baptize, to dip, to squander: s.an old man ; immersion, a swamp : a. dipped, immersed ; old. 7'?T^^«^t, s. the thumb, the great toe. ^^T^^I't^itr^^nj^. very old, superannuated. ^vjT^f, s. the immersing of athingin water. ^^tl^5 s. an immersion, a dipping. ^^Tl^Ul, s. a baptist, one who immerses. ^^t^llj^^m^lj ^?T^, s. senility old age. ^1%,*. an inundation, a sinking, drown- ing ; five gandas or 20 canris. [woman. 7^, a. overflowing ; fern, old : s. an old 7ytC9fT'5^1«l,5. the name of a small plant.^ ^^,fl5. known, understood, perceived, felt: s. one of the Hindu philosophers. 7|%,s. understanding, perception, an idea, j udgment, sense, intelligence, sagacity. ^1%^t*r, s. the loss of understanding. ^PSi'STQl, -^05, ^. wisdom, knowledge, saga- city, intelligence. [sagacious. ^f^^T^, sensible, intelligent, sage, wise, ^f^'^f^jS. knowledge andunderstanding. , s. the sector of a circle. ^"5!^, 8. a circumstance, a detail of parti- culars, a report, tidings, intelligence, a topic, a subject, history, a tale, a story. ^^I^f^'^4, s. a written detail, a report. jf^J,*. a maintenance, wealth, an estate, a pension, a grant, goods, a livelihood, aprofeesion, a gloss, a comment, an ex- planation, an exposition, existence. ^fec^T^, 8. the living upon a stipend. if^C^T^Tl", a. living upon pension, [pose. ^9i1,useless,futile : ad. in vain, to no pur- ^<4lT a. unproportioned, out of order. *C^^TW^, a. rude, presumptuous. *C^=3JT*^T^, a. immoderate, profuse. *C^^^'^1?, a. dishonourable, mean, base. * C^^f^lW, a. uncultivated, not inhabited. *C^^T?rT^,«. unhealthy, sick, ill, uneasy. C^^t?rtii>, s, sickness, illness, a disease. ♦c^^'ii^^?!?', a. incautious, imprudent. C^t'«f^*iTC"5<^?^T?',careless,incautious, imprudent, inattentive, inadvertent. *'C"?r'«f5rt?r, or C^'4r5i1^'^,«r. unleavened. *CJ, s. the text of the veda. C, a. void of honour or respect. C^^^5T:5t, 5. dishonour, disrespect. ^C^^f^t"?!?", a. inattentive, careless, silly. C.^^f*T?It^, s. inattention, carelessness. '^*<:^C^T'*T, a. insensible, senseless, insane- C^^, a, expressing passion or feeling, indicative, making clear or plain. 58[J^^, s. a mark, a sign, a token, a spot, a consonant, a condiment, the beard. ^J"^^lj ^J^^Tf fe, s. SL rhetorical figure, a sarcasm, irony, [verse, reciprocity. ^]f\5^^, s. a misfortune, a calamity^ a re- ^)t%Zi5»5r, s. inversion, opposition, contra- riety, repugnance, a reverse, [gressing. ^jt^:^^, a. inverting, reversing, trans- ^g-jt^;^!^, a. inverted, reversed, opposed. ^J^-St^j-^^"^? ^' annoyed, vexed,agitat- ed,troubled,distressed,alarmed. [held. ^3l^t?^, a. excepted, withdrawn, with- ^3^Crt%?5JT«l, in use, under customary use. ^jr«15t?5, a. changed from, corrupted. ^jf%^l?r, s. a change of state, fornication, ^jf%^l^«rt, s. an adulteress. [adultery^ ^jftM^'t, adulterous, whorish. [wasting. ^J?, 8. outlay, expenditure, expenses, a ^3?I^^1, s. one who spends, a spendthrift. ■^T?r^^, ^JlI^, V. n. to break, fracture ; to change. ^^^, ^4^, a. breaking, changing money. 'w^^, s. a breaking, settling, a changing. 'Sft^, d' broken, changed (money). ^^, s. a warrior ; an outcast ; a goblin. ^^, best, excellent : s. a learned man, a philosopher ; an encomiast ; an enemy. ^^I^f^J, s. a philosopher, a learned man. ^fe^, s. gibberish, nonsensical talk, an echoing, putrefaction, rottenness. ^\F, s. a large boat of burden, [tation. ^\5?l^?'t^3l, a. timid, fearful. [fear. ^?W*f ^5 ^ilW"^, «. alarming, frightful. «?ICW O'd, from or because of danger or ^^£ft^9 CI" timid, fearful, alarmed, [fear, ^ vourer of her husband (abusive term). ^tl5T?r^Tft, s. one who beats her husband. ^Tl^, s. splendour, brightness. [rice. ^t^5 «. living upon rice, pertaining to ^T^^5 serving for mere food : rice-eater. ^Tj, s. an Indian month containing part of August and part of September. ^tj-^^, -C^'t,*. a younger brother's wife. ^1^, V, a. to cleanse rice from its husk. ^Ti^,5. the trumping up of a story ; error, ^t^1^?r1,s. one who husks rice, [mistake. ^T^l, V. a. to cause to husk, to pound. ^T^t^, *. the causing to cleanse rice, etc. : a. pounded, husked. [for husking. ^T^T1»T, s, husking of grain ; wages paid ^^, s. the sun : ^t^ff?, the sunrise. ^T*^9 V. n, to reek, to throw up steam. m]z I 289 ] ^tir ^t*f, «. vapour, steam, gas; -^^,10 reek. «T*t^t?t^, a. mouldy, fusty, musty. ^T^T'Kf^, s. a kind of boiled cake. ^R, V. a. to be anxious, to poudor, con- template, reflect on, consider, think. ^T?r, s. a state, condition, a circumstance, a predicament, entity, an innate pro- perty, a disposition, nature, a meaning, drift, a purpose, an intention, a scope, a reality, a probability, familiarity, fe- male intidelity, the state of the mind, emotion, passion,amatorysentiment,an act,an action, birth, a movement, a ges- ture, wanton sport, pastime, the world. ^T^^, s. external expression of amatory ^RC5T?", s. a plagiarist. [sentiments. ^1^^1,5. thought, reflection, anxiety, care, cogitation, a contemplation, concern, apprehension, uneasiness; -^^to think. ^t^^6Vf, V. a. to suffer, to enjoy, feel. [ing. ^^, bowed down, curved, crooked, stoop- WSi^ V, a. to interpolate, to foist in. ^Wj 8. the arm, the side of a plane figure. ^^Tf, ^^^i ^^^sr, 8. a serpent, a snake. ^®^^^, 6". a peacock, an ichneumon. ^Si^, s. a foisting in of any thing, [corn. ^Sil, s, food, a meal, a refection, parched ^>^, v.nAo enjoy, to experience pleasure. ^"^•^5 8. the enjoying of a thing, eating. ^^1, V. a. to entertain another, to treat. ^^1^9 a- enjoying, possessing, having. ^% s. extirpation, excision, ruin, wasting. ^"^^I^, s. a rumblinf? in the bowels. ^\5^^^1, V. n. to whisper ; to bubble up. ^v^^f^, s. a bubbling up ; a whispering. ^«l, V. a. to broil, to bake, to roast, to fry. ^«11, s. parched grain : a. fried, parched. ^f«t, s. a widow's garment, [mankind. ^?r^, s. a world, a sphere, water, heaven, ^^^C^l'^;^, a. fascinating the world. ^^C^"^^, 5. the Lord of the world. ^^Cy?T^5^^^5«. the atmosphere, the sky, heaven, the sethereal region, [hollow. ^51, s. mildew, smut of corn : a. internal, ^JlT^Tl^l, a. smutty, mildewed, blighted. ^^, ^ wggering,ostenta- ^^1, 8. a particular sort of sugar, ^c?, V. a. to mistake, err, forget, omit. ^9T, «. an error, a mistake, a blunder, an oversight, forgetfulness. ^9T^1,s. a spring of water ; an incantation. ^^5T, s. the making of a mistake or error, the forgetting of a thing. ^^1, V. a. to mislead, deceive, circumvent, tempt,fa8cinate,dupe, delude, inveigle. ^911^^,8. the misleading or deluding of a person, a deceiving, a circumventing. 2 p 2 ^9IT^, 8. a deceiving, a misguiding. ^^f^, *. the seed-pillar of the jak-fruit. ^^1, 8, soot, lampblack ; corn, [a bribe. ^^, 8. chaff, bran, liusk ; -C^T^fl, to give ^, V. 71. to be, to oxiat : «. the earth, land, ground, the base of a triangle, a place, a bite, a i)lace of abiding, a Hindu hell. ^^t, a. ground : 8. land, ground, plauta- ^^^^»M, 8. an earthquake. [tion. ^J^'^-T^fv?, ^t ^1-511, 8. name of plants.' ^^St^, or ^^f*'^, 8. an earthquake. ^CTfTcT, 6'. the globo of the earth, geogra- ^C^fT»TRWJ1, 8. geography. [pliy* ^l^ir, terrestrial, moving on land, ["water. ^5j«^^^, amphibious, living on land and ^^, a. been, gone, past : «. a goblin, phan- tom, ghost, evil spirit, a devil, a demi- god, an apparition, a being, an exist- ence ; -"5:151, -^Tvjl, to cast out a devil. ^^5^Tc7, 8. in gram, the preter tense. ^^2^' ^* possessed by an evil spirit. ^"55^^"*rt, s, 14th lunar day in Kartik. ^15|t the nourishing of the world. ^Vj35^, 8, a name of Sita, wife of llama. ^51^, a. earthen. ^siiR, a. much, many. ^t^, s, the earth, land, ground, the base of a triangle or other plane tigui*o, the ground of a drawing j -€iT^, death. ^f5t^»w, *. an earthquake. [course, ^t^^l, 8, a preface, the ground of a dia- ^l^^, rt. produced in the earth, oartU* born : «. a vegetable, the planet Mors. ^?S, ad, much, many, repeatedly, again. ^^, 8. pride, a boast, a brag, bouiaUjj^, c^^ [ 292 ] c-^-^] ^^^t?r, s. boasts and brags, vainglory. ^f^,«. much, many, excessive, exceeding, important : «(?. plentifully, abundantly. ^M'^^9 s. tbe bark of a kind of birch used '^ for huka snakes, and in lieu of paper.* ^Cc^l5^5 s. the earth, habitation of men. ^e^?5l,s. a fountain, a spring; incantation. ^^cj,6\ the putting on of jewels, a dress- ing, ornamenting, a jewel, dress, orna- ment, embellishment, decoration. Ng^^t?, ci. capable of embellishment. ^■^1, s. an ornament, a trinket, a jewel, dress ; -^, to adorn, to dress. ^f%^, a. adorned, ornamented, decked. ^■^, s. chaff, bran, husk, tegument. ^■^t"^, s. a king, a sovereign, a landlord. >a^f^, s. a frown, contraction of the eye- brows ; hypocrisy, deceit. ^^, s. son of Brahma, Shukra, regent of planet Yenus, a precipice, table-land. ^W,s. large black bee ; a lecher ; a gold- ^9f ?*1^, d' the plant ^Trst^, s. nourishment, maintenance ; pay, wages, pension ; a capital, principal. ^^j, s. a servant, a dependent, a slave.^ >5f^, s. a whirlwind, an eddy, a whirlpool ; swoon, fainting, vertigo, giddiness. ^% ad. much, exceedingly, eminently. nS^, a. baked, parched, fried, grilled. C^^C^^j s. the barking of a dog. [dicule. C^^&t V. a. to make faces, to grin, to ri- C^, identified with error or mistake. gf^, 8. dizziness, giddiness, vertigo, stu- por, fainting, a sceptic, a whirling, an error, mistake, a whirlwind, an eddy. ^f^snT^ST, 8. a being afiected with giddi- ness, stupor, fainting, forgetfuluess. ^C^, ad. through mistake, inadvertently. ^^, a. fallen from virtue, fallen from an office, depraved, degraded, corrupted ; X^arched, baked, fried, grilled. [tion. ^^11.1, 8. corruption, depravity, degrada- ^^1, 8. an adulteress, a bad woman. ^^T5T?r, 8. a depraved line of conduct. ^^ L 294 ] TTl! ^^t5T^, tt.lieterodox, acting depravedly. ^^T^9 ^^*1"^1, s. dex^ravity, pollution. ■^^f^^l, s. jealousy of a wife. >5tli'^, s. tlie bile, the bilious humour. ^T^1, s. a brother ; -9f«i, brethren, [phew. v^tvS'^'f^, ^T'^*^^, s. a brother's son, ne- N» t\5^^^, ^T^$^^\cZo.'s daughter, niece. ^T^? s. a brother, a uterine brother. N»T^^^3l) s. a brother's daughter. ^»T^^, «. produced from a brother : s. a brother's son ; a nephew ; fem. ^Tn|;§j1. ^t^-®il?l1,-'5^^,-^^, s. a brother's wife. ^t^f¥^?1, s. the same with ^T^f^^^t ^T^^J, brother's son, nephew ; an enemy. ^T^'^^^r, s. a husband's elder brother. ^t;5\?r, a. fraternal, brotherly : s. a ne- phew, a brother's son. [error. >5T^, a. wandering, mistaken, fallen into ^tf%, s. a mistake, an error, a delusion, a blunder ; -:^C^, by means of error. ^11%^^^, ad. erroneously, by mistake. ^f^^,«.misleading,causing error or mis- take : s. a magnet, loadstone ; a cheat, a swindler ; ashakal, a jackal. ^, s. the eye-brow. [bidding aspect. T^^f^", ^C^' «i", a frown, angry look, a for- T^«l, s. a foetus, embryo, an unborn child. T^«|'^, a. procuring abortion. [brow. ^^■^^j^^f^,^. a frown, distortion of the iTj the twenty-fifth consonant in the al- phabet : V, a. to churn, to agitate. ^^5 8. a ladder, the Indian harrow. TT^cT, s. dirt, filth : ll^^l, dirty, filthy. ^^, s. honey ; -"Sitc^, a species of yam.^ ^^^1, ^^5^, s. a tree from the flowers of which a spirituous lic^uor is made.^ "Sf^M^, s. a honeycomb, a bee-hive. "51^^^, s. the name of two birds.^ ^^\^,s. a crown, diadem, marriage crown. ^^^tfS!, s. the common honey-bee. "ST^^c^l, s. the name of a species of fish."* 'T^^j s. anis-seed and its plant.* ^^c^n, cVt«ol, s. a kind of coarse mat. "SI^^, "ST^S^, s. churning, act of churning. ■5J^ «. crisp, crumping, dried, brit- ^^\^, s. a mufcf(xuito. irwf^, s. a fish. ^^^, V. 7V, to be immersed, to be involved. ^^. [ 205 ] ira •inT^ s. a bud, shoot, ear of corn, a spike "Sr^l, 8. a species of grass. [of flowers, ■srf®^, or Xf^^l, 8. the Indian madder.* "Sff^?", 8. a ring with bells for the ankle. *5if%c^, A', ajourney, day's march, an inn. "sr^rT, a. beautiful, agreeable, pleasing. *^'^f, 8. a temple, a house, a booth. tr^5T, 8. a circle, a halo, a sphere or globe, an orb, the disk of the sun or moon, a ball or globe, headman of a village. "srri^t^stTr, a. circular, orbicnlate, round. ^ts«h1", s a society, congregation, church. ^^1, ^^i s. a kind of sweetmeat, [plated. ^fh^, a. overlaid, covered, adorned, gilt, ir^?P, s. a frog ; .^<^, (met.) a secret place. ^?S?r, 8. the rust of iron, dross, scoriro. Tf% a prohih. part, used in composition. "sriS, s. a method, mode, manner, sect, sen- timent : a. alike, similar, resembling. H^ST,*. method, way;atext,textofabook. ir^Tr«^1, a. drunk, intoxicated: *. a drunk* ^^C^W, s, a distinct sect, schism, [ard. TT'j'si^, ad. of one mind, of one sect. close up the ridge: 5''^W<51, to wink, j *iri5fOT, 8. a translator, an interpreter. -sm [ 296 ] ^^J ^r^t^^tft, ^^t5J^tC?r, ad. according with a particular manner or method. ^^T^?^, s. another manner, opinion, sect, or party, an alteration : a. altered. ^^T^<^t^^, a, altered, changed, modified. ^'5t^C'^,«c?. otherwise, in another method. ^^I^«^^^, s. the receiving or professing of the sentiments of a particular sect. ■5T^t^«^^, d. professing the principles of a particular sect, sectarian. "ST^t^^, s. that which is customary or not : a, approved and disapproved. ■5T^T^1%,5. approbation or disapprobation. ■Sft^, 5. opinion, the mind, will, inclination, imagination ; a pearl. [ranged. "Sjt^s^S, "srt^f^^, a. delirious, crazy, de- ^f^t^f'^f^, «• intelligent, reflecting, judi- "5^1%^^, s. a mistake, an error. [cious. TTI^^T^, a. wise, reflecting, judicious. "Sfl^Ct^, a. injudicious, unintelligent. "Sfsst, s. opinion, mind ; a sect, a party. "src^, ad. according to, agreeably to. "STq, a. inebriated, intoxicated, drunk, over- come with joy, eager. [enthusiasm. "ST'esSl,-^, 5. intoxication, folly, eagerness, ■sreTTt^^c^l, s. a variety of plantain.^ ^^^% s. a bug, a flea, a louse, [meaning. *5r«.cT^, s. a scope, a desire, an opinion, a ■sr!5.c^^, having a scope or wish, desirous. 'ST^.^fT, envious, grudging, covetous, nig- gardly : s. envy, malice ; a musquito. ■sr"?,^!, s. a fish ; one of the puranas ; the fish-formed Yishnu. [ther of Yyasa. ■sr«^^]5T^1, a. having fishy scent : 5. the mo- ■Jf^^jf^i^l, s. coarse sugar, sugarcandy. "5r<5>^jT^^t^, s. an incarnation of Vishnu. iT^iT, V. a. to churn, to agitate violently. ■sr^itJT, s. a churning, agitating, stirring. "Sfl^^, a. churned : s. buttermilk. "sr^^l, s. the name of a famous town. TTW, wine, spirituous liquor, inebriety, in- toxication, pride, arrogance, insanity, passion, desire, pleasure, enthusiasm. TKTW^, s. an opiate, a narcotic medicine, an inebrious prating, a confectioner. HW^c^j s. an elephant in rut. [tobacco. IIW^, s. an intoxicating drug smoked as TTTf^t, s. one addicted to the use of madat. "srW^, s. exhilarating ; Indian Cupid ; the ■5lTT^t^f^l%, s. a plant,'^ its root, [spring. ■5TW?I*f^T^1,5. a provocative medicine ; the female of the Indian cuckoo, [liquor. ^W^l, s. a species of parrot ; spirituous irwl^^^, staggering with liquor, reeling, ^W^T^, s. alcohol, spirits. [drunk. *5TTTt^, s. a circumference, centre, seat, station, a minister : s. the coral tree.^ ■siW^I, s. wine, spirituous liquor. ■5rt^^T^^,^WJ^^, s. a tavern, an alehouse. ^1^^l^^^«j, s. salt of Tartar. ^wl?, pro7i. my, mine. "STTtJ, s. wine, spirituous liquors. 'STftJsTt^, s. a vintner, a tavern-keeper. ■srifMj s. a sot, a tippler, a drunkard. ^WJfsf?, «. fond of liquors, addicted to "STPf J"sr*i, s. yeast, barm, froth. [wine. 'SIWJ'^T'^I, s. a tavern, a dram-shop. "sr^, s. honey, nectarious juice of flowers, wine, spirit made of grapes, [of lime. ^^^■^5 s. the humble bee, a lover ; a sort "ST^fC^t^, s. a honeycomb, hive, testicles of ^5Jf^|f*i--5, s. a confectioner. [a goat. il^srf^^^l, or "sr^^f, s. the honey bee. TT^sr^r, a. sweet, honeyed, mellifluous. ^5rf5itc^^, s. SL climbing plant.* i[5![^(^^1, or ^0?T5:f, s. liquorice. ■SfScT^, a. sweet, agreeable, melodious, mel- lifluous : s. sweetness, syrup, treacle. ^5f:^l»1, -^, s. suavity, sweetness. ^?Ct?^1, s. the same as ^^^, aniseed. "ST^jf?^, s. sweetness, the taste of sweet- ^M"f*Tcn1, s. the honey-stone. [ness, ^s^T^ff^, s. a name of Krishna. ^5^j, s. the midst, the middle or inside of a thing, a centre, the waist, an interval, a kind of metre ; ten thousand billions. ■5r5:fJCW*t, s. the waist; the middle part, the centre of a circle ; India, Bengal. "ST^jj^^, a. between, included, situated or standing between, inward, internal : s, a mediator, an arbitrator, an umpire. ^5:fjir, "sr?;!!^*?,, a. middling, intermediate, included, central,temperate. [equation. "5^5^J"5«^, s. middle term in an algebraic I ^R [ 297 ] ^^^1 irVfJ^JItiS:^, outrages of the middle class. T^SO^I, or IJ^OI, s. the middle finger ; a girl arrived at the age of puherty. "ST^O -?l3r, 8. midnight ; -:?^t«, the earth. TTSfJ^, a. central, situated between, within, inward : s, a mediator, an umpire. "STVrj^lSl, s. a middle state, mediatorship. "Sr5d"]^5T, "57^7^*^", s. the centre, internal or inward part, the midst. [betwixt. ^5:fJ^CcT, ad. inwardly, within, between, "srvrj^T^^^, s. mediatorship, arbitration. ■5f^jff[^, a. central, inward, standing be- tween, interposing, intervening. "ST'^TJi^ 33^, s. the mesentery. ■5r^)T^3^?r«l*if^, s. the centrifugal force. ^^fJM'iT^ft, a, centrifugal. ^5f;if%yi^6i*Tre^, s. the centripetal force. ^r^C«iTff J^, a. about to die, going to die. ♦5r, s. the air, wind, god of wind ; north- ■5r??«.C^T*l5 8. the north-west quarter. "ST^<.f^?1, expulsion of wind backwards. "Sf^-^t^, s. desert land, barren land. "sr?P^, 8. a species of monkey ;* a spider. ^^Ht^T, 8. a cobweb, a spider's web. "si^^t, 8. a female monkey. "Sj^'jl, s. rust, oxide of iron, dross, slag ; -^f^Tl, or -*f^l, rusty, drossy. *irf^, 8. will, wish, inclination, pleasure. "ST^T, «. earthly, mortal: 8. a man, man- kind; the earth; -<^^, or -C«^Ti-vT?^^, 8 marble, [to the quick. iI^^T^r, s. the core, quick, vital part. TT^^ls^^, a. touching to the quick, sharp, 5T^TS «. vide "SrS^'t, anise-seed. ^C^5i^,a. magnanimous, liberal, generous. ^C^^, 8. Indra, the ruler of swarga and the gods ; the nortliern ghdts. ^^*t, Tici^'^^, 8. titles of Shiva. ITC^T^, 8. a great or fierce bull. ^C^K-st^, 8. an aquatic plant." ^C^T^*tT^, *. a great outrage or violence. ^C^T^'I^, 8, a feast, a great festival. "src^T^^T^, 8. great pei-severance or ener- ^C^tfff^, 8. the great ocean, [gy of mind. ^^IW?, a. prosperous, dignified : s, final liberation, a lord, pride. ^\f, V. a. to ask, to pray for, to beg. "STT^It, *. a woman, an old woman, a crone. ^T^, ^t^ll, -Pt^, ^I «. middling, central. "SITC^, ad. in the midst, within, in. ^T^^T, J. a dentifrice, tooth-powder. M^U *. glue and bottle powder applied as a starch to the silk of a paper- kite. ^^, a. slow, sluggish, bad, inert, "srt^, earth, soil ; -^T^l, an earth-digger. ■srT%5T, 8. naphtha, earth-oil. ■STI^, 8. a field, plain, meadow, common, pasture : v. a. to smooth a plank, [ed. "STT^l, 8. buttermilk, sourmilk : a. smooth- ■5lT25T»r5 8. a smoothing : a. smoothed. ^I^JJRSI'StI, 8. land belonging to a plain. TTtt^, belonging to or situate in a plain. T(W5y ad. in the field; -^1, to ease nature. ■sitC^I, stiff, slow, inert, scarcely movable. ^T^, V, a. to thrash corn, tread out corn ; to rub or grind (medicine). [paste. "Srr^9 *• a i'^^t» ^ flo^^ j rice-gruel, starch, TTT^^, 8. the thrashing of corn, a rubbing. "STT^t^, *• a thrashing, rubbing, grinding. "STI^fJ^^I, 8. a thrasher of corn, a grinder. "sHv^l, V. a. to stamp or tread down, to thrash, to cause to be thrashed, ^tv^^, a. trampled, stamped, thrashed : «. a stamping, a trampling, a thrashing. "SfT^ll^, 8. trampling, treading, stamping. ^T^^^l, or "Slt^'^l, 8. a kind of grain.* ^f?, 'Ttfv^, 8. a double tooth, grinder, the ■sntYri^^'it, s. a maxillary gland, [gums. "STIh^^, s. a youth, a hobbledehoy. TsrTf«llC^'on. my, mine. ^■^^5 s. scurf, scab, scale. *irt^c^^, a, fit for business, active. irl^?n1, Trt^^*5,, s. an affair, a business, ne- :5Jt"5l1, s. a maternal uncle. [gotiation. ■5rt^tv|'?r1, a- of an uncle ; -"^fVrjft, or -^1^, an uncle's daughter or son. "STt^t*!^?", s, husband's or wife's mother's ilt^t*tt^yl', s. their wives. [brother. ifl"^, ^T'STT^Rt, s. a maternal uncle's wife. T]"t?rl, s. fraud, fascination, magic, illusion, a trick, deceit, wickedness, villainy, a deception, idealism, want of reality or substance.vanity; affection, tenderness, love, attachment, sensibility, a woman. Trt?T®?tcT, s. the net of illusion or magic. ^t *• fear of a pestilential disease. 'srT??^5, ^t? , ^t^t^, «. the wind, air. ■srirtC5W, #. Fort, a hammer, [mridanga. irt^fif^, *. a player on the drum called 'Tt''*^, *. softness, mildness, politeness. *irT9f, merchandise, wares, goods, proper- ty ; a hero, a wrestler, a snake-catcher ; the whirling cord of a spinning wheel. ■srt^«8rT^1, 8. a storehouse. [holder. "STl^^^lfT^, *. one who pays tribute, a land- ^T^^^T^, 8. the rent of land, [perty. "srt^^tt^JT, 8. a security or surety for pro- ^Tc^^lt^jft, *. suretiship for property. ^t^T^, 8, a parterre, a flower-garden. "srt^^, name of Lakshml ; three shrubs." ^T^'^l^, s. boasting, a throwing down tho gauntlet ; -"srHT^ to boast, to challenge. ^To^l, 8, a wreath, a necklace, a garland, a rosary, neck-beads ; a cocoanut shell. ^T5^tt:5lf%, 8. the rotula, the kneepan. ^t^t^i^, a decided, adjudged, settled. "^■STK^J, a. discriminable, decidable. *^5r, 8. a commencement, the mouth, face, aperture, opening : a. foremost, first, initial, chief, principal, pre-eminent ; -■^t^, to veil, cover the face ; -5f ^, or -c^t^, to salivate, itch the mouth ; -"^T^, or -■srt «. cleanness of the mouth, sharpness, pungency, flattery. ^•iTC^tf^, s. dryness of the face. [fle. ^sr, ad. face to face, front to front, vis a vis : s. a dispute, a wrangling. ^•^TT^^, s. a propitious or favorable look (a term of flattery) ; saliva, spittle. T|«4[t'?, :^«ftrt3^5 s. a muzzle, a mask, a gag. ^•^tt^^, s. saliva, spittle, drivel. T^^) s. a sprout, a shoot, a germ. [nent. ig" «. imprest, sealed, stamped. ^t^3, s. a machine to print or stamp im- pression, a printing press. ^T^S'ftr, s. litharge, (Plumbi oxyde). 'sif^iS, sealed, imprest, printed, cut, closed ^iji^lipl, s. profit, perquisite, [(as flower). "SIJ^T^, s, a huka mouth-piece. [giver. ■^t^, s. a Hindu sage, a philosopher, a law- *'Sll^^, 8, a master, a patron, a lord. TI^R^t^j, s. the sayings of philosophers. *5T;t3^, *. a scribe, a tutor, a teacher, a writer, a secretary. [arbitrator. *II^^:^T5, a. equitable, just : s. a judge, an *^^S^©T, s. the inside, the interior, the country in opposition to the city. *iITi5, a. gratuitously, freely, gratis. *"SlTPt, 5. a law-giver, a judge. "Siin^l, s. a desire for freedom or liberty. U^"^, a. desirous of emancipation. [die. ■si^-^1, s. the approach of death, a desire to ■5i:§[^',a. about to die, at the point of death. *^^5t, 8, a cock, fowl, bird ; fcm. "JITsft. *^?r5l , -zfHf , s. a bastion, a rampart, a bat- *^?r^1, 8. a preserve, a confection, [tery. *^?^^, s. a patron, a guardian, a protec- tor; -^1^1, like a patron or guardian "sr^rsi^, 8. a flute, a fife, a pipe, a whistle^ *^?rTt%^1, "Sr^, 8. dignity, rank, honour. *^^TW, s. a desire, a wish, an inclination, *^t?W, 8, a disciple, a pupil. [a design. "^^9 *• a small drum, a tabour. [viff, *^J^^i s. coxcomb flower ;" a cock ; ftm, *"5lHt1, a. dead : 8. a corpse ; •"^fTT'T, a ple- beian, an undertaker ; -Ji\, litharge.' "Si^T?", 8, corpse, dead body ; -^\, litharge.* *iI5!t?5T'5,, *. a meeting, an interview. *i[c^^, s. a kingdom, a country. ■sisj^fif^rl', a. territorial, provincial : *. go- vernment, supremacy, political affairs. ^■sic^T^,^. delayed, postponed, spun out. "SIc^lT^, s. a tune ; f^\, best asa foetida. *5l*t^5'5,, s. trouble, labour, pain, toil. *'Sl*f1%«T, a difiicult, intricate, hard, *"5r*V<^,5, dark bay colour ; the trussing of a fowl J -■^t^f, to pinion, to truss. Tj-^cT, 8. a pestle, pestle of a rice-mortar. ■Jl^c^^tC^, ad. in torrents, heavy (as rain), H^, s. the scrotum, a testicle. "Sl^^ft, s. in a7ia. the testes, [testicles. ■5I^^53"f^%^^^^, s, the ligament of the "Sl^^R^ft^^, s. in a7ia. the septum scroti. "Si^U^, a. gelt, gelded, castrated, [tion. "5I^^^T5^, *. a castrating, gelding, castra- •si^*|?lj, a. gelt, castrated : 8. a eunuch. ■si^i^S^^^, 8. the tunica vaginalis, •s^^t^t^, ad. fist to fist, fisticuffs. "SIW, 8. the clenched fist, a handful, a grasp, the hilt, handle, [with the fist. "Slt^CTrTsr, 8. quack medicine ; a striking "^f^^^^, 8. the act of clenching the fist. *iI^ *. rough draught of a writing. *^^TC^^,5. a companion, an aid-de-camp. *^^tC^fg-, a. bereft of sensation, senseless, ^'^st^t?, s. the epilepsy, falling sickness. ^^'ic s. a crucible, a melting pan. il^r, s. deer, stag, antelope, a beast, game* ^^f^^l, "ST^f^^il, s. mirage, illusive scene. ^^■5^0%, s. a shakal, a jackal. [eyed. ^^^il^, ^^Cc^t^^% ^vft#l, a.fe7n. ftiwn- ^•jf ^Tf%5 ^^tiT^, s. musk, a bag of musk. ^^^J, «. game, hunting ; a butt in archery. ^5f?l1, s. the chase, diversion of hunting. a9fTi, s. Brahma ; a jackal, a hunter. ^•yf^t^, ^C^^, s. the lion, king of beasts. ^'>f*tT^^, s. a fawn, the young of a deer. ^5t*rt«^1, *, a stable for deer, a deer park. ^^rf*T?rl, 8. the fifth mansion of the zodiac. ^^r'*^^, s, a buck's horn, hartshorn. ^?ft^,5"^,^^^1,*f*r"<^,*t*ft,5. the moon. ^9t"t»T, s. the name of a species of fish.* . ^^tsn?, s. a park, a forest, hunting place. ^f^^, «. hunted, chased, pursued, sought. ■srfft, 5. a doe, female deer ; the epilepsy. ^\5, s. one of the names of Shiva. [lily. ■^^It^, 8. the stalk of the lotus or water- cn^ [ 811 ] cirtf '^•(t«l^, a. waterllly, an assemblage of lotus. X'>ff^, a. earthen, made of clay, T^, g. earth, clay, mould, soil. ^"5, a. dead, deceased, defunct. •5j^?li^,a. dying, nearly dead, almost dead, *r-5^9ij, a. like a dead person. [legacy. Ti^lj, a, bequeathed, given at death : 8. a '5^'?t?r, a. bereft of his wife : 8. a widower. "^Igft?, «. almost dead, like one dead. '5^T^'?r, a, after death, after the demise of. "SfI^, s. death, decease, demise, dying. '5f^ s. an agreement for any work including materials and workmanship. CUt^, s. liberation, freedom, beatitude, final emancipation. C^T^^T^, s. the knowledge or idea of the liberation of spirit from matter. C"5rT^*I, 5. liberation, final beatitude, eman- cipation, death ; a letting out (as blood). C^^2tM, a. possessed of final beatitude. C^t^£ttt%, s. the acquisition of beatitude. C"5If5r, a. vain, useless, ineffectual, abandon- ed, left : s. a fence, a hedge ; tuberose. C^W, s. a blossom ; moustache, whiskers ; C^T5^, a. freeing, liberating, [a nib, point. C5lt5^^, V. a. to twist, twist round, wring. CSrT5\5, a, a sprain, a twist, a wrench ; -Vfl, to twist ; -c^T5^, to sprain, to wrench. C^t^^Sl, V. a, to twist, to wrench : s. a twist, a sprain, a wrench ; -^1, to twist, sprain. C^t^vFt'T, s. the twisting or wrenching of a limb : a, twisted, wrenched. C^t5\Ftt^, s, a sprain, a twist, a wrench. CTTt^^T, s. a liberating, a forgiving, a deli- vering from, a wiping or cleansing. C^tl5^1, s. pair of pincers, tweezers, tongs. C^^^^^j (^. capable of being liberated. C^t^n?[^5^, ^5ff, s. a jew's-harp. [in a fort* C^T?5T9r, 8. lines of entrenchment, lines C5iT^^1, 8. preserved fruit, confectionary. dt^, 8. price, value; a blossom. [ler. CSri"^'^, 8. a robber, a freebooter, a swind- C"sri^«l, 8. swindling, withholding the due. C^lT^, V. n. to lose sensation or reflection, to be fascinated, stupified, or fainted. C^t^, 8. loss of sensation or reflection, stu- pefaction, infatuation, fascination, delu face ; verbal, oral ; pretended, outward- *C^r^1j 8. a village, a district ; a wave. *C^^W, present, existing, standing near, *C»i 15, 8. death, decease, demise, [found. C^T^tW, a. usual, of daily use : 8. a custom, C^rfra^, a. uric, relating to urine, [usage. C^^, a. silent, tacit : 8, silence, sadness, gloominess ; -"^^S, a vow of silence. C?i^^^?fft%, 8, a silent consent. C"sfj^, a. silent, reserved, taciturn. Ciftc^, ad. in silence, taciturnly, [thers. Csn^rc^I*?, 8. a fan made of peacock's fea- Csft^e^l, 8. the name of a fine fish, csftf?, the same with ^^^'^'3^, s. a species of fig-tree.* ^^C^l^, ^^C^Wt, s. an altar for sacrifice. ^^t^, 5. an essential part of a sacrifice, ^■^stof, a, having sacrifice for its object. ^^TrJ, ad. as deserved, as is suitable. ■^^t^f^, ad. as you like, as you please. ^oTTof, a. real, genuine, correct, just, right, ^oTt^^l, s. vide ^t^t^fj. [proper, true. TT^itt^J^^I? s. one who speaks the truth. ^TI5:rJ, o. as is possible, to the utmost, to the extent of a person's power. ^Qlt^T^, ad. according to the place. TTC^c^, ad. as you please, as you like, ^C^T^, a. as much as you please, enough, plenty, abundant, copious, ample. ^, s. a priest, a sacrificing priest. ■JTtS'^Tl, s. priesthood, office of a priest, Tlt^^, s. the performing of a sacrifice. TTt^j, a. proper to be offered in sacrifice. ^Tf^'<^, ci, of a sacrifice, sacrificial. '^rt'S, ct. past, gone, departed, escaped. Trt^'^1, 5. torment, anguish, pain, agony. TrT"$^T^?", a. painful, causing torment or ^l^^Tfrt^l, s. a tormentor. [agony. TTT^^Tsr, a. old, spent, worn out, impaired, used, rejected, abandoned, faded. ^:$1, s, a husband's brother's wife. [ing. ■^T^T, ?r^?fT^^, -^T\p), 8. a vein, an ^■e^^^, 8. a stopping of blood, [artery. ■?^^^^, a. red, blood-colour, [the blood. TTe't^^T?", 8. a change or diseased state of ^^e^wTsf ^, 8. a morbid discharge of blood from the uterus, lochia, issue of blood. irVTTr, a. bloody, full of blood, pjlood, ^r^C'sri'P^, *. a phlebotomist,one who let« ^^C5lT«P«l, *. phlebotomy, the act of let- ting blood ; -^y to phlebotomise. ^^^^, ^^^"5, a. bloody, full of blood, '^H*^^, ?r^TS^, a. smeared with blood, ^■^F^T^, 8. an hemorrhage. [bloody, §?, a. produced in liquids : 8, an animal- cule produced in liquids ; blood. ^^^?r, *. fever arising from indigestion. ^^^Tf, 8. grain or provision for an army. ^3ff?T, 8. a tasting, taste ; a festering, rot- ting ; dampness ; sound, noise. ?r^^1, i%^1, 8. the tongue, organ of taste. ^^C5Tf:5^.1, 8. red arsenic. [tongue. ?"^C^f^?I, 8. the organ of tasting, the ^3F^^«., or ^^^1^, a. tasteful, juicy, wuU- 5, a. sapid, savoury, juicy. ?^^1S?, s. quicksilver, mercury. ?r^C*TT5d:?T, 8. borax ; vide C^lT'SlT^ri. t5S, a. angry, passionate, irascible. rT9f'^#^, ad. passionately, angrily. '^I'»f3i^?*l, s. the restraining of passion. "^T9fT^, a. blind with anger. [irritable. ■^T^fTf^^j^T^T^^, a. passionate, irascible, ^^T^fT^T'jfl', 5. anger, exhibition of passion. ?'t^I«T, the same as ^M^. [tion of tunes. ?rifV(«ft, s. in music, a female personilica- ■?rT^, a. passionate, irascible, irritable. ^T'ift'^^, a. become passionate or irascible. ■<[f^^, s. Rama, the descendant of Raghu ; uninvited guest ; a fortune-teller. rt'^^C^T'^rTc^, a fish (Silurus pelorius ?) ?:t^, s. tin ; paint, colour ; -^Tt^, solder, a ?:T?r^1, s. leaf tin, tinfoil. [soldering. I Ttw [828 ] TW ?rt9f 1, «. tin : a. red, scarlet : v. a. to coloiir, to dye ; -5i^?l, a common potherb.* ?rT^TC5T?f1, a red. ?rT5rrf«l?I1, 8. a dyer. ?rt^Tf^r*l1^, 8. the sovereign of a king- ^■tSiJtfV*^^!, 8 sovereignty. [ment. ■3rtliJtf%%^, a. installed into a govern- ^T^JTr^r."^"^, *. the installation of a king. «^. in the night, by night. ?rTfl5, s. night ; -^t«i1, blind at night. ?rt1%5'^1, s. a bat, an imp, a goblin, [time, ^tffl, ?rl^, s. a night, night ; -^Tc^, night ?rTf^5^, a. prowling by night : s. a bat, an imp, a goblin, ghost, a night-prowler. '^■[f^C'^f'»r, uight, the setting in of night ; a thief, a robber, a watchman, a guard. ^T^SJ^, «. blind at night. ?"t"v^JW^l5 s. the disease of night blindness. ?rt^t^, s. a logical conclusion. 7rt5:f1, s. the 16th mansion in the zodiac ; the favourite mistress of Krishna. ?"Tf^^1, s, the mistress of Krishna. ^t^1, s, the cooking of food, cookery. ?rT^T^«t^, i. a word used in a pecu- liar but well known sense. ^<^, V. a, to plant, to geminate. ^«t, 8. a form, shape, manner, mode, spe- cies, kind, nature, beauty, an appear- ance, a semblance, declension of a noun, conjunction of a verb, the inflection of nouns or verbs, a discrete quality, an unit, an integer, a figure, image, a play, a dramatic poem ; in vomp. like, resem- bling, identically the same. [rical. <5«f(1, 8. silver ; -c^, silver, made of silver. ?5*tT^T*T, 8. the striking of the key note before singing or playing a tune. ?{f«it, 8. a silver coin, a rupee ; a monkey. J5^7, «. silver ; -?!?, silver, made of silver. ?5'^7T5!rj^, *. the master of the mint. Cf*flf%, tf^l, V. a. to twine, fold, stick, to wrap. ^*f^T^, s. a twining together. v^'Z., a. small, little, minute : iT5T, s. bringing into contact, a smear- ing, applying, the landing of a boat. ^t^^TTT^, 8. a port, a landing place. *c^T'»ri^, 8. a bridle, rein, halter, the bit of a bridle ; -"^T^r^l, to champ the bit. e^t^rt^tf^, ad. in contact, close to, adjoin- ciTf^f, 8. contact, junction, [ing, abreast. o!t^^, 8. lightness, levity, smallness, insig- nificance, alleviation, minuteness. s^t^'ft, a. sparing, frugal, faring hard. c^t^cT, 8. a plough ; -W!S, a plough-beam, c^T5?'o^"^Tc^, 8. plough-share, [plough-ox. c^T^5^1, 8. a cultivator, ploughman, tiller, a 5lT3f c^T'»T?P, 8, a plough bullock. c^T5ft^ s. a flower plant.* [lust. c^1cn[^l, s. excessive desire, covetousness, c^f^fji^, a. covetous, inordinately desir- v\'\v\X s, slaver, saliva ; sir, master, [ous. c^T^^tt^^. «. referring every thing to fate. clTt%5}, s. sweetness, flavour, agreeable- ness, beauty, loveliness, pleasure. v\]^, s. redness ; -"511, a fistula, a cancer. c^lc^^, c^je^ill, a. sputtering : s. a driveller, *cn% s. a corpse, dead body, [sputterer. ^T^j cnT^IJ, s. singing and dancing, dalli- ance, wantonness, unseemly gesture. c^T^^, dancing, dallying, using unseemly c^tcyjJpt^^, s. a gimlet, auger, [gestures. ^Ts^lj s. lac, sealing-wax ; -^T'St, stick-lac. t%^, 8. a plundering ; a tossing about, a wallowing or rolling about, [vanished. 5J^, obsolete, concealed, eflfaced, extincfc ^Tjs, V. a. to catch a flying ball, etc. ^5i) «• coveted, desired. [hunter. «]^?5, a. greedy, avaricious : 8. a fowler, a 3?^, V. n. to be desired, to be coveted. ^^, «. desirous, covetous, avaricious, ^^, 8. a species of red parrot." ?J?rl, a. lame of hand, maimed. [lops, 5jf^^, a. flabby, wrinkled, hanging in col- ^^■Sl, 8. a spider ; -^^, or -IftST, a cobweb. 2T'5T^5^(t=5'R, 8. a spider's web, a cobweb. C?T, voc. part, take ; the calling or setting C^^, 8. paste, starch. [of a dog. C^\^, C<5T\^, a. naked, unclothed, bare. C'^\f^, 8. the same as C^^f^, which see. CS^\^JTt"s^7r, 8. a mouse. C9T^\F1, 8. a rag. CvT^\5Jl^TTr, or C^I^^Jl, 8. a hyena. CcT**!^, 8. a writer, a scribe, a painter. C^ s. name of Shiva, Brahma, [ing. Cclt^'t^'^tlj s. reproach or censure of the CcTt^^?!^ «^' visible, survey able, [world. Cc^T^^?1, a. dissolute, lewd, lascivious. CriT^^tW, s. a common report, a rumour. Cc^T?l»^?, s. a fear of public opinion. C«^T^^ '^, s, a mob, crowd, concourse. C5^t^I^?r, s. another world ; death, [dead. C^t^t^?"^^, a. gone to another world, C^t^l^. C«11^*T, a. hairy, shaggy, woolly. C9It5rC2£t«i^, 8. a row of hairs extending from the breast to the navel. Cvjt^^^, C^T^^^'*!^ s. hairs standing erect through fear or surprise, horripilation. C5lT5ir?ts, s. idem, C9i]'sr\f^^, a. having the hair standing erect througli fuar or surprise, horrific. C5!f5rtf^^ *• a blacksmith, an iron founder. C«^T^f «f, Cc^T^T"^?", s. iron filings, [anvil. C'^Rgjt^^l? «. an iron image, a smith's C»TI^"5T?, «. iron, made of iron. [iron. Cc^T^l, s, iron ; -^, the scoriae or rust of C«^T^t^^^9 «• chalybeate, [smith's shop. Cc^T^T?r, s. a blacksmith ; - s. a shell-worker, [geon's Qg^. '*\^^, s. a large pearl shaped like a pi- *t^^f^, 8. the sound of a conch. *t^^?"> s. a giant killed by Krishna. *I^Tf%5 s, the temporal and frontal bone. *lf^^, s. a highly irascible woman, a vixen, a virago, an apparition, a fairy. *t^, s. the wife of Indra ; --s^ft^, Indra. «teit^, s. a porcupine, hedgehog, [radish. ^if^^ljS. a tree^ its root is used as horse- *I^^<^^, s, an intrigue, an artifice. *1^1, s. the matted hair of an ascetic. *if^$, a. stale, mouldy, musty. "ift? «. wild turmeric -^ also, vide *f^. *1^, a. artful, crafty, knavish, over-reach- ing, deceitful, swindling, wicked. ^t'^^l, craftiness, artifice, knavery, deceit. ^t^^T^?"*!, s. deceitful or knavish conduct. *t^, s. mango-scented ginger.'* '^^5, s. collusion ; a, the same as *t^1. ■^tvS'^l, a. tall, slender : s. a canoe. ■*t^1, a. small, little, minute, slender, thin, *fv5t'5., im. sd. expressive of a quick motion. *tf^W3l, a. thin, slender, tall, long. *r\5*Tf%, s. a kind of sauce or gravy. *r«l, s. hemp plant, ^ hemp ; -^?f3, tow. *T«i^T5j*fS^15t%, s. twine, thin hemp cord. *t!3, s. a eunuch ; a clown ; a bull at liber- *fQ"5l5 s. emasculation, castration. [ty. '^tal, s. a clown, a bumpkin, a boor. *r^, a. a hundred ; -^«l , hundred- fold ; -^TT, the hundredth ; -Sfl, -21^l, s. a hundred, a collection of a hun- *t^:^\^, s. a name of Indra. [dred. *T^^, s. a destructive engine, a cannon, ^t^-^tfoj-^, a. following many doctrines. *t"5*1^Wt, s. a centipede, a julus. [zodiac. *t^f%"^1, s. 25th mansion of the Hindu *t^^ moving as a reptile : s. a reptile. *t^'1? ^, a. produced from the body. 'tm [ 336 ] *tt^ *t?r^?'^*l> s. the staking of the body, ma- ceration of the body. [body, death, *t?^?"*1"'5^, or *f^, a. bodily, corporeal, material. *tt??, a. horny, corneous ; -^5jr, a cornea. *trij^oT, a. eminent, dignified ; 8. a tiger. *TT5?, 8. a shawl j an edifice ; a gallows, a gibbet, stake on which criminals are impaled ; a timber tree ;» a kind offish.* *tT^^T^1, 8. the remains of tlie footstalks of the leaves of Phoenix sylvestris. *rT^*f«it, *tT«1*^T^'>, «. name of a plant.' *TT«11, 8. a house, a hall, a room ; a wife's brother, (also used as an abusive term). *TlcTT^, 8. a skewer, a brimstone match. *tt«^T^, s. a wife's brother's wife. *tT5^lT;«fl, 8. a wife's brother's son ; fern. *flt^, 8. a kind of winter rice. ["TT^jlt^. «ttf^'5lT^1, a. annual, yearly. *nt% «. the same as *tt^J. [punish *tt^1> 'V' CL* to discipline, reprove, correct, *rT^?T, 5. a disciplining, a reproving, cor- *tt^tt^, s. correction, discipline, [recting. *ttf^^, O" disciplined, controlled, correct- ed, reproved, punished, chastised. *ttf%, discipline, correction, award, chas- tisement, punishment ; -fft^l, chastiser. wtT^J'^'i «. worthy of punishment. '^ttS, s. a sacred book, a law, a treatise on laws or maxims, a science, religion. ■^ttS^^Q^j s. the truths of the shastras. *lt3^f5^<, «. lawless, unrestrained. *ft3[W€l> S' one acquainted with the shas- tras or sacred books, a philosopher. *tT3 -"sr^, -^"S^^, «. approved by the shas- *tt3f^"^, «. proved by the shastras. [tras. *tt3T^, s. the true intent of the shastras. *ft5t?, a. according to the shastras. ^TtC^T^, a. declared in the shastras. '*tT^J a. disciplinable, corrigible, punish- **tt!^, s. a king, a sovereign. [able. f*t^t^, s. the name of a flower tree.-^ f*t\"*t^1, s, the name of a timber tree.^ f^oFt, s. a parting of hair on the forehead. f^^j f*ff^¥'^^, a wreath, chaplet, tiara. f*f^\5, s. a root, a fibrous root, an origin. *f*r^"5tt^, s. a revenue officer of a division. f*t «. having horns, horned, f*T^T*l, s. snot, mucus of the nose. I fnirl [ 339 ] r«T* f*t5^'5l, 8. an iron rod to clean huka-tubo. fn^, V. to jingle : f*\^^, jingle, jingling. f*rf^v5, a. jingling, sounding, sonorous. f*f^, 8. dregs, refuse, sediment, dross. f*f^f*T\5l, V. n. to tingle, to feel cliilly, to feel cold as on the access of a fever. f*t^f*r\^Tf^, f^TvJPT^, 8. a tingling, the hair standing on end, horripilation. f*t\5l", 8. a ladder, a step, a flight of steps. f*t^, a, whetted; reduced, made thin. f*t^T^, s. a pillow, cushion, bolster, that side of the bed where the head lies. f*tf^5T, a. slack, dilatory, inactive, relax- ed, remiss ; -^1, -^, vide t^tR^TJ. [ty. f*t^, 8. Shiva ; an apple ; welfare, prosperi- f«T^^v^^*l^, or f*T^?rif^, s. a religious fast observed in Magha in honour of Shiva. f*t^5jT^, 8. the milkvvhite opal. f*T^«0t, 8. the city of Benares. [Durga. f*(^1, s. a shakal, a jackal ; Shiva's wife, f*t^t^, f*T^^^, 8. Shiva's wife, Durga. f*T^Tc^?I, 8. Shiva's temple ; a cemetery. f*Tt^^, 8. a palankeen, a palki, a litter. f*tf%'?r, 8. a tent, a camp ; -^, to encamp. f*IC^T^?r, 8, an estate devoted to Shiva. f*T"sr, 8. a kidney-bean, a legume. f«f^?1, 8. the silk* cotton tree.^ [bean. f*\^'\, f*I^, «. a legume, a pod, a kidney- f*!*!"^, s, the head of the bed, place where a person's head lies when he sleeps. f*t?ITcT, 8. a jackal, shakal ; -#T^1, a plant.'* f*t?r, 8. the head, the top part ; a nerve, sinew, vein, artery, a blood-vessel, any tubular vessel of the body ; a furrow. f«t?rs, 8. the head ; -^'^, the vertigo. f*T «. behaving in a polite or ur- bane manner, acting like a gentleman. f*f^J, s. a disciple, a pupil, a scholar. f*f5'Jl&1, -^9 s. discipleship, pupilage. f*t^, s, flame, an ear of corn, a whistle, a hiss ; -Wl, to whistle, to hiss. f*t^?r, V. n. to feel, to feel the sensation of cold : s. horripilation. f*!^?, V, n. to feel, feel a gratifying or disagreeable sensation : 5, horripilation. f*t^?"T«l, s. the feeling of a gratifying or disagreeable sensation. [the wind. *ft=^?", s. rain, thin rain, rain driven by *f\^, ad, quickly, speedily, immediately, hastily : a. soon, speedy, quick, rapid. '«Tl"^9f,"*rt^*»fI^,«. swift, fleet, rapid, pas- 'Tt^^fSTSj, a. idem : s. a quick pace. [sing. *?t^, «. cold, frigid : s. cold, cold weather, cold season, coldness, the moon ; -^to?, the cold season, winter ; -f*t^, rock salt. *Tt3^c!T^^, a. wintery, of the cold season. ^tl^vpt, s. a garment for the cold season. *Ft^ -^^, -■^^, «. afraid of cold, chilly. wj^^Sc^, a. cool, cold, refreshing : s. green vitriol or sulphate of iron, coldness, fri- gidity, chilliness, the moon, turpentine. ^35^31, s. coolness, frigidity, coldness. 'Tl'^c^^T^, s. a fine sort of Sylhet mat. ''it^c^^'^, s. a cold collation ; a goddess. '^^^^I, s, smallpox ; goddess of smallpox. *Tt^«^,». a swelling in the axils or on the "fhste"', a. cold, aff'ected by the cold. [arm. ''fl^T'gr, s. crystal, the moon gem. *ft^^T?r, s. a quailing, a thrilling. *ft^, s, rum made from molasses. wftcf, a. fallen off (as leaves,) shrivelled, withered, emaciated, lean, thin, slender. "^Ft^^l, s, emaciated or withered state. **Ttf«f, s. an offering, a meat-offering. ■xfl^'i s. the head: ^ft^'cij, s. a helmet. *t1"?f^, s. a helmet ; a skull ; judgment. *VtcT, s. the bias or inclination of the mind, a tendency, an inclination, a bias : a. en- dowed with, possessed of, tending to. *Tt«^^, a. tending towards, inclined to. wftc^'51, -^, s. a tendency or bias of the mind, a good tendency or inclination. 'Tlt^^, a. learned, acquired by study. wrl"*t, s. a hiss, a whistle ; -W1, to whistle ^St? s- a legume, a pulse ; -^c^tt", peas. "it, s. dry ginger ; -l%"^^, a gingerbread. ^\F, s. a proboscis, elephant's trunk, [ler. ■^yt, ^f^^, s. a dramseller, vintner, distil- ^^, V. n. to become dry, to be exsiccated, to wither, to fade, to heal, to shrivel. ■?9^, s. parrot ; -Ctr?, the son of Vyasa. ^^^J(1, s. China root (Smilax China). ■^^^f?rl, s. the planet Venus. ^?PJT, s. a becoming dry, a withering, a fading, the healing of a wound or ulcer. iQ^jafl, a. dr}^, sapless, withered, lean. *^^^, s. thanks ; -^"^TfTtj thanksgiving. ^^1, V. a. to dry, to dry up, evaporate, to cause to shrivel or waste : a. dry, dried up, emaciated, lean : s. drought, dr3'ness. ^^T^Jl, or ^^1 1^, s. dryness, withering. ^^T^, s. a drying up, withering, the caus- ing of a thing to dry up or waste. ■'S^Tt^^II, ci. drying : s. one who drys. ^^^^, dry, dried, lean ; -"STlWj dried fish. ^^f\F?I1, «. shrivelling ; *"5rl, to shrivel up. 15^, sour gruel, vinegar ; a bitter potherb. ^e'iRt) s. bitter condiment or sauce. "^f^, s. dryness, a shrivelling up, a con- sumption ; pearl-oyster, cockle, shell. ^Pe^^l, s. sorrel ; a pearl-oyster (Ostrea ^f^^5 "^^1, s. a pearl. [ephippium). ^5i», a. white : s. the planet Venus ; semen ; -C^T^, vesiculseseminales ; -'^Ij, Friday. ig^, a. bright, white, pure : s. whiteness. ^^■^1, -^, s. whiteness, brightness, purity. ^^*f^, s. the light or lunar fortnight. ^^■^#\?I, of the light or lunar fortnight. ^f^^l, s. whiteness, brightness, purity. ^^, V. a. to smell : s. beard of corn or grass. ■Q^l, V. a. to cause to smell : 5. a smelling. ^5^1, s. correction, a table of errata. ^f^, a. pure, clean, cleansed, purified, cor- rect : s. Agni, fire; a tried friend, purifica- tion by ablution, moral purity, holiness, virtue, goodness, accuracy, correctness. ^f5^ *'• an awn, spiculae, a bristle, [class. *15, wfTfl, 5 a shiidra, or man of th-e 4th wfj^-sa:, s. the duties of the shudra tribe. *tffT«!t, "^T^, s. a female of shudra caste. *r^1, s. shambles, slaughter-house, [lems. 'tg^, s. circumcision : *tf^, a class of mos- *r5^J, fl^. lonely, desert, empty, void, blank, vacant, hollow : s. the atmosphere, a va- cuum, a dot, cypher, an odd ; -"J^, emp- ty house ; -vjl, -^, emptiness, vacuity ; -■^tW, atheism ; -^TW^, an atheist : -■^t^T, an empty place ; -"^^j empty-handed. *t5r, 5. a niggard, a miser. [caterpillar. *t5^, s. a horn, a mountain-peak, a sign, a mark, sovereignty, mastership, eleva- tion, an artificial fountain or jet-d'eau. ■»5^t^^, s. the same with f*T^t^1. "s^s^T^TjS. passion, love, copulation j in^Joe- try J the sentiment of love. ■>J^5|^«?t?, a. audible, fit or proper to be ^^(;«ir^?r, s. the organ of hearing,theear. ^^C*lT*t^^, «. proper or fit to be heard. v£|ir, s. fatigue, weariness, labour, toil, ex- ertion, diligence, military exercise. 2*[^^t^?',«.distressed with toil or fatigue. ^'Sr^^^, ad. with toil or fatigue. ^Sf^s^^, a. supporting fatigue, unwearied . ;2*(ir^t^J5 d' accomplished by toil. ^^T<5t^?r, «. unwearied, very laborious. 2£l"5TTt%'5, «. connected with toil or fatigue. SElTTt^^, a. sedulous, assiduous, laborious. 2£t^, «. laborious, sedulous, assiduous, di- - ligent, industrious, painstaking. 3*tt^9 s. an offering made to deceased an- cestors at appointed times. tStt^^, a. belonging to the shraddha. 2£tT5, fatigued, wearied, tired, exhausted. ^tf^,s. fatigue, weariness, languor, lassi- ^tf^^'fT, a. fatiguing, wearisome, [tude. ^t^«l,«. connected with hearing: s. the sense of hearing ; an Indian month con- taining part of July and part of August. 2£tt^«l 2jv5J^, a. known by the hearing. 2£|T^ei^?, ^StT^^I"?"!, a. audible, proper to be spoken in the hearing of another. 3£ttft^, a. caused to be heard, spoken in another's hearing. [dible. ^t^J, a. audible, proper to be made au- ^5 s. fortune, prosperity, success ; a name of Lakshmi the goddess of prosperit}- ; glory, beauty, elevation, consequence, splendour. When prefixed to a person's name it means glorious, illustrious, %^, (id, orderly, in a line or row. C^«ft^^, a. in a row, arranged in lines. C^«rl^l5, a. disposed in ranks or rows. C^fif, a set of distinct substances placed in order, consequence, progression, C^f^5ff«i^, or c^r<"^^, s. the sum of ali the terms in progression. C^<12, s. prosperity, beatitude. C£\^, a, best, chief, prime, superior. C^^^l, -^^ s. superiority, excellence. C^%T^^, s. a principal seat, a chief seat. C^tft, s. the hip, the loins, the rump. fin [ 845 ] ^?. catttf^^'^''^'\, 8. a variety of hogweed.* s. a brahman versed in the vedas, C^^, a. prescribed by the vedas. ?t^, a. slack, loose, flaccid, remiss : 8. slackness, indifference, carelessness. ?tra^?, ?l!^J, a. praiseworthy, laudable, deserving of applause. [one's self, ^t^l, s. praise, aj^plause, an eulogy, priding ^f^, a. praising, applauding, puffing. f?t^, ci. embraced, connected, joined. ^*f^, s. the elephantiasis or swelled leg, C?t^, s. an irony, sarcasm, a double en- tendre, a speech admitting of a double meaning, a jest, a pun ; an embrace, union, junction, contact, presence. C'^e^«j,a. white coloured : *. wiiite colour. C^JTg^^l,*. tlie white cockscomb flower.* CSt^iri^, 8. a species of mustard.* ^, the Slst consonant in the alphabet. ■^^ a, six ; .^«f, a kind of lute. ^^^, a, six, six-fold. g^^5^, s. the six prescribed duties, viz, 1. adoration, 2. sacred duty, 3. alms- giving, 4. sacrifice, 5. giving instruc- tion, and G. receiving lawful gifts. ^^^C, thirty-six : ^^Ji|\«fQ^, 30th. double meaning, a sarcastic poem. C?t^£f^^, 8. a composition or set speech intended to convey a double meaning. C?t^^5^, C?f^^t^J» s. an irony, a sarcasm, a double entendre, a word admitting of double meaning, a jest, a pun. C^^'^, a. destroying phlegm or cold. C?t^^, C?t^1, 8. a catarrh, serum, rheum, a cold, phlegm, the phlegmatic humoui*. C?tt^, s, a stanza, a verse of poetry. •*rr^?PT^T^lf^, 8. a mutual spouting of C?tr^5f?', s. plagiarism. [verses. C?rr^5lT, 5. breath, respiration, a sigh ; asthma. 'JttJT^T^, ^^r. prefix meaning six. ^\J3f, 8. six parts of the body collective- ly, viz. the two hands, the two feet, the head and the loins ; the six sciences ap- pendant to the vedas, viz. 1. grammar, 2. prosody, 3. astronomy, 4. pronun- ciation, 5. the meaning of unusual terms, and 6. the religious ritual. ^^*l^t%, a. eighty-six : «. the passage of the sun from Aquarius to Pisces, from Taurus to Gemini, from Leo to Virgo, and from Cancer to Sagittarius. ^^*?tl^^^, a. the eighty-sixth. ■^^T^^T, a. six-faced : 8. a name of Kartik. "^:$8"«i, a. six-fold, six times. '^^^vrl,"5r^J^Vf, a. six sorts or kinds, [sixth. "5^^/35"\*t^, twenty-six ; -'S^r, the twenty- ^^$^1J, a. six-armed, hexagonal: *. a hexa- gon, a quadrilateral and two triangles. "^^"^N?^, *• a rustling noise, titillation. ^\^1 [ 346 ] Ti\cni ■^;g, s. a eunuch ; a bull at liberty. "g"Sl^^, O" ninety-six ; -^STT, ninety- sixth. ^^, a. sixty ; -^"ST, the sixtieth. -^1^^, a. belonging to or connected with sixty, ripening in sixty days. ^^, a. the sixth ; -%rl, of six sorts, six-fold. :g-^, a. the sixth (lunar day) : s. Durga. "^T^^, «. sixty, threescore ;-§?«!, sixty fold. "tt ^, "^?S, *• a bull, an ox, a bull at liberty. ■5t^*ft??P5^? «• belonging to or connect- ed with six generations. f^\F^9 s. a whoremonger, a catamite. C'^'C^^M^I, 5- a ceremony observed on the sixth day of the birth of a child. CTt\5*t5 «. sixteen. [ingredients. C"^T\5*tT^, «. composed of sixteen parts or C^tcT, a. sixteen ; -fiP, the sixteenth. C"5T«^^t^1? a. complete, full, entire, the whole : s. sixteen annas or a rupee. Tf is the thirty- second consonant : when used as 2l prefix, it mQdAi^with : v. a. to bear, to endure, to suffer, to support. *^^^5 s. a groom ; fern. 7\t7\i^. ^^, s, a female companion or friend, a female namesake ; also, a signature. *^^^t^, s. a rider : ^^^1?^, a vehicle. *^^^t«^? 5. an interrogation, a question. *y[^Wt^?"9 s. a merchant, trader, [chant. ^>SWT^ annual, yearly, 3^\^1W, s. a report, news, an intelligence, notice, information. ^\7rtWft'^1? cid. by or through a report. ^\f, a. causing to contract, shrivel- ling, contracting : in ana. a s])hincter. yiC^|5^«»^J, 5. a scate, scate fish. ^^ L 310 ] 15 »TC^tl5^, a. contracting, shrivelling up. Tl'spsr, 8. a bridge ; a changing of station. ^^si«|, s. tho removing Irom one station to another (chielly applied to the passing of the sun from one sign to the next) ; transition, transposition, concurrence. ^^T^, passed from one station to another. ^I^r%, 8. a passing from one station to an- other ; a sun's entering on a new sign, at which time the Hindu montlis begin. ^t^^^a. abridged, compressed, conden- sed into a small compass, brief. 51CvS^«t, 8. an abridgment, a compendium, brevity ; -?F, to abridge, to shorten. ^C\g^^'^^,«. abridging : she who abridges. ^Cvg^:^^, a. comprisable in nn abridg- ment or compendium. [a few words. TTCI^*^^"^!, 5.one who expresses much in 3^^J1, s. a number, a calculation, a reck- oning, an account, a muster, a sura. 3^^]T^, a. numbered, enumerated, calcula- 7[^Jtl5'TJ, a. calculable, numerable [ted. 3^^JR, *. an enumerating, a calculating. ^^JTRWJI, s. arithmetic, science of num- ^^%|7tW^1,s. an arithmetician. [ber. ^C'^J^, a. calculable, numerable. ^^, s. company, society, an association, a meeting, a joining, the junction of rivers ; -WT^, to secede, quit a society. T^^^lj «. lonely, quit of society. 1^<5, a. collected, united, adequate, pro- per, relevant, probable, likely, consist- ent, appropriate, applicable, apposite. ^^■J^'s^, 8. an appropriate or apposite ac- ^Sfli^J?, 8. economy, frugality. [tion. ^^i;?J?^5«!. economical, frugal. 5TWt^9 8. society, an association, a meet- ing, an agreement with, an accession to a party, a person's income or means. ^^CWT"^, 8. an evil of, or a fault in, society. 3i5f^, *. meeting, association, a concoui*se, a coming together, a junction, union, the meeting of friends or lovers, the connection of the sexes, copulation. 7\^, a, accompanying, attending, going with, uniting with, attached to : ». a companion, an associate, an attendant. J1^"5> «. sung in a choir : *. choral songf, a public entertainment consihting of song, dancing and music, a concert. ^sTt^if^^Jl, 8. the science of singing in a f^^'^ia, «. the science of music, [choir. **l^i', ». a bayonet, a musket*dagger. 3Fiw^, a. concealed, hidden, suppressed, closely concealed, kept secret. [cy. Tf\^J'^, «. concealment, sujtpression, priva- ^5^^5, a. collected, compiled, gathered. ^C5f, ad. with, in company with, in society ^C^T*^^, a, concealing, hiding. [with. ^9?T*t^, 8. concealment, suppression, ^CSTt-s^ift?, or yiCWT*1J, a. concealable, ^??TI, 8. a companion, an associate. ^W^, 8. a collection, a compilation, a se- lection, a taking, a seizing, assent, a promise, the clenching of the fist. yi?f5;«l,». the collecting of things together, the compiling of a book, a catalogue. ^?f^-lY?, ^5?Tl^?L ^^l^J, a. capable •t> »ti "^ of being gathered or collected. ^Sffsr, 8. a battle, war, conflict, an attack. TT5iflir^*r^, a. skilled or eminent in war. JT5jf]^^, s. a collector, a compiler. Jivg^r, s. an assemblage, a flock, a multi- tude, a collection, a heap, a quantity. ^"S^eT^, 8. a crowd, a conflux of people, close contact, adhesion ; a pimp, a pander. ^>85^5i, 8. an accession to a party, a meet- ing, an occurring, the acceding to a proposal, an adhering, a cohering. ^>S5^^1,«. a meeting, a junction, a union, a concurrence in sentiment, or of cir- cumstances, an occurrence, accession, close contact, adhesion, cohesion. ^T^f^^l, 8. a bawd, a procuress. ^>S?rf^?, a. concurred with, occurred, fal- len in with, acceded to, met, joined, fallen out together. [a pimp. ^)5B^, «. a concourse, a crowd, a conflux ; 5»I>8?rii, a. solid, impervious, condensed. ^^f5, an assemblage, a multitude, a heap, a collection, the composition of words, a formation of compound terms. ^Ut^^, a. startled, vigilant, alert ; -^, to spring game, to awaken, to stimulate. TTQjsl [ 350 ] ^^1 Ti5^, a. connected with moving creatures. 3F15^T5^, «. universal, current, connected with movable and immovable things. Ti5^, a. moving, able to move, mobile, ac- 7\^\ a. true, right : ^M^, s. truth, [tive. 3Tf^^? ci' thoughtful, anxious, careful. ^fs^, 5. a counsellor, friend, companion, 3Fi!pt, s. the wife of Indra. [an associate. ^^v5, a. sensible, feeling, vigilant, wary. ^CS'^^, a. sensible, animate, aroused. TCS"^, a. strenuous, zealous, active, [ly. ^^f^:^, a. well-disposed, acting virtuous- if^WT^'^^, s. the existent, good, wise, and happy, an appellation of the Deity. 5^^, a. clear, pellucid, pure, transparent. ^^c^, beneficent, generous, kind, liberal. Tj^s^^l, s. beneficence, generosity, bene- volence, liberality, kindness. ^fs^J, a. fault}'-, blameworthy, guilty. ^^^, a, moist, wet, watery, marshy. ^^T^, a. wakeful, awake, vigilant, wary. y[^T^, 8. a similar kind, genus, or class. 'i^T^?!, a. similar, belonging to the same kind, genus, species, class, or tribe. ^^T^?^*!!, s. similar particles of matter. ^l^t^, s. a porcupine, hedgehog, [vivify. ^«^^,alive, living, extantj -^,to revive,re- ^CliT?"} «. hale, strong, able, powerful. ^^^, a> springing from virtue or truth. ^■^JT, 5. a good man, a virtuous person. T^SSrl, s. outfit, furniture, equipage, orna- ments, apparatus, armour, dress, accou- trements, harness; -f?rf*f^, harnessed. 3^fef\5, a. armed, accoutred, dressed. ^Si^^, a. sick of a fever, feverish. 3i^, s. a joint, joining. ^^, a. furnished with a commentary. ST^^, Tj^^l, V. a, to run away : s. a small WS^ V. a. to putrify, to rot. [huka-snake. TT\5^, s. a highway, a road, a street, way. ^\5^1, a. long and narrow, oblong, perpen- dicular : a. slipknot : V, to run away. ^\^^^^, s. a lane, alley, narrow passage. y(\^?f\F, s. practice, conning, hj rote, a com- TT\5^j1, s. a canoe. [mitting to memory. ^^1, «. rotten, putrid, musty, tainted : v. a, to cause to rot or putrify, to macerate. ^f^^fJl, ci. thin and tall : 5. a canoe. TT\5TT\F, 7T\5TT\FT5T, s. a tingling, itching sen- ^v5^\5l, V. n. to tingle, to itch. [sation. ^\5^\ft, a. dry, parched, friable, crisp. 7fi5,,«. existent, being, good, true, virtuous, excellent, best, venerable, respectable, wise, learned, fit, proper, firm, steady : s. the omnipresent and all-wise God. T[is,, or yjTf 9 CL' good, real, genuine, true. TT:5^,fl6?. continually, always, even, perpe- tually : a. eternal, continual, perpetual. ^l^\55l^"?r, s. a perpetual fever. y^^"^, a. seventeen : ^^^ffP, seventeenth. 3^^^^, s. a carpet, a carpet or cloth work- ed as a chessboard to play upon. ^^?r^,game of chess ; -"^T^, chess-player. ^^5^ a. investigating, reasoning, acute, vigilant, on the alert, careful. ^^?^^1, s. acuteness, sagacity, vigilance. ^^^, a. having a bottom, bottomed. 5f^1, or yj^^, s. a co-wife, a rival wife. ^"5J [ 351 ] ^^ ^€t, «. virtuous, chaste, pure : s. one who burns on her husband's funeral pile. ^iTt^l, -^, s. chastity, female purity. ^^<^, a. connected with a sacred place : 8. fellow student or disciple, a classmate. ^^■^5 ^^^, a. thirsty, greedy, covetous, rapacious, avaricious. [riant. ^C^ST, a. vigorous, fertile, splendid, luxu- j^i^^iit^P, «■ eloquent : s. a good speaker. ^^^■5^,^. a good act, piety, charity, virtue, worship, homage, a respectful saluta- tion, a welcome to a guest, courtesy, fu- neral obsequies, purificatory ceremony. ^<5,^£tt^*T^, s. the opposite or contrary rea- sons by which two propositions one de- claring the existence and the other the non-existence of a thing are defended. ^*.2t^^, s. a good topic. 5i«,"sri, s. a step-mother ; masc. ^<^^^, ^15J, a. true, real, genuine, sincere : s. truth, an oath, a demonstrated conclu- sion : ad. yes, verily, truly, indeed ; -^, to aver, to affirm, to promise, to swear ; -litir, to believe, admit a thing as true. ^^J^^I?", s. ratification of a bargain, an earnest given to bind a bargain, pledge. 'l^J^Sl, -^j *. truth, reality, certainty, the truth of any proposition or assertion. '^^Jgjl^syl,*. an affirmation, firm promiao. Tf\1]7ilf], 8. a speaker of truth. JflJ^lst, *. the motlier of the sage Yy&sa, ^"SJTf^, a. faithful to what is spoken, speaking the truth, truth-speaking. ^^K^T^,*. conviction, [name of a king. ^v5J^^, true, veracious, honest, sincere : *. ^^J'^mi, 8. one of Krishna's wives. ^l^J^TTt, a. speaking the truth. ^15}^^, s. the first of the four Hindu ages. ^^J^^,a. aiming at truth : 8, Bharata. ^^T^l*t, 8. ruin, perdition, destruction. ^X]T^15, s. trade, commerce, a mixed sys- tem of truth and falsehood. yi"ii,s. sacrifice, oblation ; liberality, muni- ficence, fraud, cheating j a house. ^^i^S, s. an assembly, a meeting. ^W^, ad. always, continually, perpetually. ^l!f^, orri'JWsr, 8. a house, a residence. yiPf?, a- compassionate, merciful, kind. 3lfr^, or ^f*lT^ir^l:, a. suspicious, sceptical, doubtful-minded. [debt. yfpSt^T^f, s, a doubtful meaning; disputed ^CJt^f, s. news, a design, information, a re- port ; a kind of sweetmeat, [suspicion. yiC**f'^, 5. a doubt, uncertainty, scepticism, ^C^ff^^"^, exercising doubts, suspicious. ^Cft^Rf^f^, ^C*ii^^^, a. vide 7\z^i!t. ^Vl\ [ 353 ] ^T\ 'TC^^"?-^^, s. the resolving of doubts, the clearing up of suspicions, [suspicious. ^C*5f^, a. doubting, uncertain, sceptical, ^^t^, s. distillation, a mixing, a joining, adhering, combination, intimate union, a sustaining, supporting, a recovcM-ing ; an aim, a guess, a tracing, seeking, a search, scrutiny ; a boundary. ^^T^5T^?T,«. a searching, tracing, seeking. ^^^9 «. searching, aiming, guessing. T^t^^^, a, made an aim or scope. ^WT9T,a. efficacious, effectual, successful, fruitful, profitable, advantageous. ^CTpei, a, foaming, attended with froth, *JIC"?pW,«. white. JiC^SJ^fl, «. whitelead. *JT^T?f, 8. the peach fruit. [a reason. *f\7iy a. all, the whole, entire. ^^^, a cause, >I^\*T, a. attended by a race or family. yf^ [ 354 ] 7\JJ Ti3T«f, a. of the same class in society, homo- geneous, of the same colour, coloured. Ti^v^^a. strong, vigorous, powerful, energe- ^JTC^t^, a. lustful, lascivious, lewd. [tic. ^;55, or ^^t^,«. clad, clothed, dressed. ^f^5f J, a. scientific, learned, erudite. ^I^^?r, a. humble, '^f ^, a. petiolated. ^f%C*t^, c^. special, circumstantial. *^^5", ^^^, s. patience, forbearance. *^^^, a. green, fresh : s. a green colour. ^f f^"^) (^- reckoned with interest. *^^^;^5 s. an edible plant, vegetable. ^^J, a. left (not right) : s. the left hand. ^■^J'TT^, using the left hand equally well with the right : s. a name of Arjuna. ^^H, a. timorous, fearful, timid. [lord. 7i^-(f<^], :^£f^^l, a. having a husband or Tj^l, s. a company, assembly, a session, a meeting, a royal court, the sitting of the king in council. [moderator. ^"ST^t^, s. a president, a chairman, a ^«T3^^, Tf^t^Tf, a. having a right to sit in an assembly, belonging to an assembly. 3^ »t^5 a, having a place in an assembly. ^^J, social, polite, civilized, fit for society. 7t;^'»^, a. frowning, distorting the brows. ^"ST, «. like, similar, same, equal, even, level, smooth ; all, whole, entire, full, complete, good, virtuous, proportional. ^■ST^f^^Wj s, the temperate zone. ^T^^'^f, s. an equi-diagonal tetragon. 7l?r^, cid. before, in presence of, in sight : a. near, evident, visible. [own eyes. Tf5i^^«f^, s. a seeing of a thing with one's ^"ST^fT^, s. an excavation which will con- tain a solid with regular sides. ^"ST^^^, s. a compounded perfume, [full. Tf^rsi, a. all, the whole, entire, complete, T^sr^^'^TT, s. an equilateral quadrangle, a T[^^\|^^'§f, s. a square. [square. ^^C^W»t? (i' having like denominators. TfH^, s. a set of fools or blockheads, a pack ^ST^I, s. fame, reputation. [of beasts. 37ir®j1, s, a society, an assembly, a meet- ing, an association, fame, celebrity. TfTi^, s. knowledge, comprehension, sense. ^■51^^, a. proper, right, earnest, accurate, virtuous, good, experienced : 5. proprie- ty, consistency, fitness, truth, accuracy. Tiir^l, s. equality, similarity, sameness, completeness, evenness, equilibrium. ^^Tx^c^J, ci. alike, similar, equal, same. T{irx55!j^1, s. equality, similarity. ^irf^^l?, s. an equilateral triangle. ^^W^ff? «• viewing all alike, impartial. , Tf^lf TW*Tt^, s. a dodecahedron, [of sides. ^^ff rt^lijS. a rhomboid with equal pairs ^T^ff ^Sf, a. equilateral : s. a rhomboid having two equal sides. ^^5i"Tv|, s. health, an equilibrium of the elementary parts of the body. T'srl^f^, a. excessive, exceeding. [dary. 7f?i^, s. a limit, an end, a frontier, a boun- ^^^^S, ^"sr^t^jfljc?, all around, all about, on every side, wholly, altogether. ^"51^, s. a connection with or following as a consequence, the receiving of a per- son into his former rank of society after he has made atonement for hisTault. ^^f%^, ct. possessed of, endued with, ef- ^^St^t?", «. homogeneous. [fected by. TT'ST^^^, a. coeval, being of the same age. ^^^T^, s. a multitude, assemblage, a col- lection, aggregate, a junction, combina- tion, union, concord, the connection or comprehension of species in a genus. '^'Sl^t?!^^^, 5. the connection or relation of qualities with the subject, the con- nection of the species with the genus. ^"ST^tflT^t^*! , 5. the material cause, or the material of which a thing is made. TT'ST^t^t, (^' mixing, blending, assembling, collecting under one head, comprising. Ti'sri:;li?ftl-1, s. a person who gives, bestows or communicates traditions. 7fwf>jpfl5[,s. a giving or bestowing, a com- municating ; in gram, the dative case. 7i»=^ff1^?, «^. communicable, bestowable. ^*5>(W1?, s. traditional doctrine : s. gang, a party, a body, a band of musicians. Tt^^, 5. a year, an lera. 3i^5.7^T, 5. a whole year, a year. yT^^^"^*!, a. annual, yearly, perennial. 7\^^, s. connection, relation^ natural or es- sential connection of a property or qua- lity with a substance, fitness, propriety ; in yr«w. the possessive case : «. fit, pro- per, right, connected, adjunct, inherent. TI'J^, a. related to : 5. a wife's brother. ^^Wt?,^?. appertaining to, connected with, possessed by, relating to, relative. 71^f^C^T*f5 8. a cover or lid. [guished, *;f^7p^TlT, a. exalted, dignified, distin- x^^f?"^, a. annual, yearly, [mundane. ^T\^t^^, a. secular,worldly, of the world, ^t^f3*r,thirty- seven : ^T^f^«n, the 37th. ^IC^I, C^v|, ^y s. a bridge, [of betel-leaf. ^tf5, a. new, fresh, recent ; -*n. effecting, accomplishing : s. one who accomplishes an undertaking. T[t5:f7r, s, an accomplishing, the effecting of a purpose, an expedient, njeans, the iiir strument or means for accomplishing. | ^T5^^1, s. eff'ort, entreaty, worship. ^T^^f^', a. worthy of being accomplished. ■^l^^ln, a. possible, accomplishable. jl ^T'f^, a. effected, accomplished, prevailed on, persuaded, well-versed, [suadable. ^tfV^?;j, a. accomplishable, possible, per- ^Tl%^, ^t'It^ 'TtVfJ^lJ, a. corresponding with power : ad. to the utmost of one's ability. ^T'tfJ^TifJ^I, 8. urgent entreaty. ^^jf^f^, *. success, success in an object. ^T' a, having its constituent parts. 3 A ^t?r?r5, a. vertebral as applied to animals. •JltTt^t, interj. brave ! well done ! bravo ! ^T^"?*!), *. an encouragement, applause. >Tt1^3t, ». the gayatri or hymn to the gun. ♦J!t^^, or Tfi^jf, *. witness, testimony, a confirmation, proof; -^, to prove. ^T^J4, ^T^T^, a. confirmed, established, settled ; -^, to prove, to establish. ^t^, 8. the third veda ; conciliation. >Tt5l^, 8. a whetstone, a grinding-stono. ^isr^T, 8. one who chants the S4ma veda. ^T^ift, 8. things, articles, materials, goods. ^"Sr^^J, a. right, proper, good, virtuous : 8. reconciliation, agreement, union. ^t^JT, or JFfTirCTW, 8. the Sama veda. JfT^^, a. bordering, neighbouring ; 8. a chieftain, a military officer, retinue. 'it^tir^s, a. temporary, sejisonable, adopt- ed to particular times or seasons. Tt^^fj, 8. capability, strength, power. ^tsicll, ^TiTT^, V. a. to take care, to keep in safety, to recover from sickness, etc., to attend, to be careful, to ward off. ^T^«^t^, 8. attention, care, a warding^oflF, a recovering : a. carefully kept. ^t^Tf^^, «. belonging to a society, cohn munity, or fraternity, [or community. ^Tirir®^^1, *. the belonging to a society ^T^TJ^Tf>f ^?r«l J, 8. a being in the same pre- dicament or condition. [al, vulgar. ^t^t^T, a. common, general, ordinary,usu« ^tsrt JTT^t^^l, *. a common prostitute. TT^T^J^'^T, 8. a general fluid of the body. ^tsrt^, s'. care, caution, attention, careful ^Tf^11?, V. n. to boil, to be boiled. fjTl?^, s, a boiling, a being boiled. f^®1, V. a, to boil, to cook by boiling. f^®T^, s. a boiling: a. boiled, sodden. fs^vJPI^, 8. a tingling, a tingling sensation. fJT^, a. white, light, bright. fj^f^ifcT, a. slack : f>lfir«^iri, «• slackness. f^iWl, s. a gift of rice, etc. to a guest. fsTHf, 8. an African, a negro, a Caffre. ^«tf^,«.hemp leaves, an intoxicating drug. f5I^,a. effected, accomplished, concluded, boiled, cooked, prepared, made ready : 9. a sortof demi-gods ; -*t?f^) holy mau. 3 A 2 f%^^t%5T, #. rice which has been cleansed from the husk by previous boiling. f^^^t'rl, 8. a border, a margin, a limit, an end, a boundary, a frontier. ^"Slt*?", s. another border or boundary. ^Tt^P, or :^^1, s. lead. ^^, s. a plough. ^, an insepar. part, giving the idea of excellence when prefixed to a noun, and of ease or facility when joined to verbals : a. good, excellent, easy. ^1% [ 364 ] ^-H; ^i^, 5. a vintner, a distiller, a liquor-man. ;fl^, *. the space between a river's shoal where the water runs in a slow stream. :§Pf^, a. beautiful, handsome, good. ;|w^, «./. ?^ew-* s. name of a tree^ used as ;^fsf, *. two species of waterlil j.^ [fuel. :Ff%5^tt?C^'cT, s. a cocoanut the woody shell of which is easily separated, [waterlily. ^|%^tc^^, s. the edible root of a species of ^"^^j a. easy, easily done, practicable. ^^"5^1, a. virtuous, good, benevolent, dili- Tf^c^, a. liberal, benevolent, [gent, active. ^^"STt^, s. a fine son, a docile or pleasant ^^?^JT, a. noble, most noble. [child. ^^^j, a, well done, easily done : s. a good deed, virtue, merit. [tuous work. T[^1%, s. a good or auspicious act, a vir- ^^t%«t3, ^r3lT51'^, s. the means of obtaining plea- ^^•^^t^Jj ci' easily accomplishable. ^•^rc^^J., a. easily attended or served. ^•«f^?[f's^, ^•^t^^s, a. identified with, or strongly resembling pleasure. [ness. ^'^rT'^'5;, productive of pleasure, or happi- a3^*4rtt%5^T5:, ^•«ft^T\SJ^1, s. a desire of plea- ^fffo s. a devotee, a doer of austerities. I115?r1, a. fine, good, beautiful. [tainly. ''^^tS, ad of course, consequently, cer- ^^rf, 5. the foundation of a building, a division of the infernal regions. ^■JT^, a. nice, savoury, palatable, tasteful. '1 5t^9 «• very keen or sharp, very pun- gent, acutely painful. ^v^@, s. high pleasure or gratification. ^C^^5{^, *. great splendour or energy. *^^, s. interest, usury ; -C);2t^^, «. very gracious, highly favorable. ^2f ^TW, s. great grace or favour. ^2tt*tTj«- easily obtainable or procurable. ^C"^«l, 8. yeast, barm, froth. ^^55T, 8. a good or elegant language. ^^^4^, 8. a lizard ; also, a goddess. ^^?r, a good boon or gift, a good blessing. ig[^«f,5.gold,a gold coin, goldmohur ; a fine colour, a good rank or class in society. ^^fff^, a. golden : 8. a tree (Cassia iistula). ^^ *• ^ form, a fashion, a countenance, visage, a portrait, an appearance. ^?r^'5:ToT, 8. a coroner's inquest, a judicial investigation of murder or robbery. 1J^15, a. greatly enjoyed, well-pleased. 35^^ ns, s. great pleasure or enjoyment. ^^^ «• indolent, lazy, slow, dilatory : s indolence, laziness. ^f%f^T"^, ^f^^'<1, s. indolence, laziness. ^'^, a. well situated, placed in comfort- able circumstances, hale, healthy, easy. ^^^1, -^, s. healtli, ease, comfort. ^r^^, a. very firm or stable, steady, still. ^g;^^, a. clear, distinct, evident, very plain, intelligible, articulate. '5^^?pC<^, ad. clearly, distincth'', plainly, evidently, intelligibly, articulately. ^^•^t, «. a good or auspicious dream. ^^^, *. an agreeable sound : a. fine- toned. ^^T^, a. well-tasted : s. a good taste. ^f^^, a. fast held, satiated, satisfied, fit, right, kind, friendly. *^t^c^, s. the dogstar, the star Sirius. ^tic^^^'jC'^T^ffWiJ, 8. the dogdays. ;>j^if, 8. a friend, an associate, ally, crony. ;]g^^^tt^, 8. a present, largess ; a rarity. C^^f5^, 8. a tailor, one who sews. C^1^5?j, s. kindness, good-naturedness, be- nevolence, civility, goodness, honesty. ^C'Tt'fl, 8. trade, commerce, articles. *C^WT^?", s. a merchant, a trader. C'l'lWt^f ft"5T^rTf5^T^f«J, 8. a febrifuge, a kind of C^'l^t^J^^^. 8. borax. [fever pills. C^TH, t>. handsome, pleasing, gentle, pla- cid, quiet, kind, mild, soft, sacre'd to the moon, lunar : 8. Mercury. C^it?", a. solar, belonging to the sun. C^'t?ri{M"^, 8. the solar system. C^W^> *• fragrance, perfume, scent, odour, beauty, reputation, fame, character. C^'^TTirt^. 8. a solar month. C>rt^, 8, Saturn, or the son of Sun. [nesa. C^^^^, 8. excess, excellence, beauty, fleet- C^'t^^Tr«5r"5, a. excessive, abundant, excel- C^'l^t^'^r, 5. friendship, intimaev. [lent. ^1^ [ 870 ] ^^ C^ft^TPfJ, 9. friendship, intimacy, amity. C^'t^^^^^j *• a breach of friendship. •%^^ s. Kartika, the general of the gods, ■%^, s. the shoulder, the head of the hu- merus, the body, the trunk of a tree, a large branch ; a section, a chapter. ^'^f^'? s. the shoulder bone (scapula). ■s^c^f 1^, 8. slip in speaking, a lapsus lin- ■^rTJT, ci. slipping, tripping, erring, [guse). ^5T^, s. a slipping, a falling, erring, skip- ping of words or letters, a moral slip. ^c^;ft^, a. liable to slip or mistake. ^fsnij, a. slipped, mistaken, fallen, [der. %7{^ the female breast, the pap, dugs, ud- ■5^^^?, s. the two breasts. [or udder. ^iq^ft^, ^^J'S'fT^, s. sucking of the breast ■^:3'j^t^, '^^J'^T?t, a. sucking the breast. ■^^f ^, ^^T^, s. the nipple of the breast. ■^^^^, s. a man who has large breasts. ^^if^^T, s. the pressing of a woman's ■^1^:5, s. the rattle of thunder, [breasts. ■^51 J, s. milk; -^^, feeding at the breast. ^5?r, 8. praise, an eulogium, a panegyric, applause, flattery ; ^, to eulogize. ^■^^, s. a cluster of blossoms, a bunch, a bouquet, nosegay, thyrsus, a multitude. ■^?[<^T?rK4T, s. carnal commerce, coition. 3t^'ST^5 s, feminine nature ; a eunuch. ^I^^JI, s. the murder of a woman. ^^?r«fJ5 s, seduction; adultery, rape. ^w t 371 ] Hrf) t5«l, a. female, feminine, effeminate : *. a man who is governed by his wife. 5J\*T, 8. the female parts of generation ; the anther of a flower. %, a. standing, situated, (used in comp. as the last member of a compound word). ^f%15, ^f^^» a. stopped, ceased, obsolete. ^9f. a. concealed, deceitful, swindling. ^f^^, s. an altar made of sand, a square piece of sacrificial ground, a boundary. ^«^^, an architect, master mason or car- penter, mason, carpenter, stone-cutter. ^f?r^, a. old, aged, steady, firm : s. an old ^f^ 4", a. very thick or corpulent, [man. 'i^, 8 place, situation, dry land, a text in a book ; -^Sfyf, --s^^, a flowering shrub. ^5^5fr, ci. moving or living on dry land. ^^^J^, ^^^^, a. fallen fi'om a place or ^ri*f^, s. a way by land. [situation. ^CT^, s. a place, land, a valley. ^cTt?, a. of a place, of the land, terrestrial. ^I6i, s. a lopped or pollard tree ; Shiva ; a pillar, a post, a stake or pin. [fixed. ^]1^J, ^I'T?"^, f^t'^^^'t, a. giving continuance, making permanent. f^l^^t*1^, a. elastic : s. a supporter. f^t^^T-Pt^^l, -«, *. elasticity. f^^^I*f^, 8. elasticity, a being elastic. f^^, a. steady, firm, steadfast, stable, set- tled, fixed, permanent, still, calm. [^^^■J^, *• * steady pulverizer ; in al^ff' bra, a general divisor. [determined. f%?rr5^, steady-hearted, firm of purpose, f^?r^^,«. very steady, very firm or stead- fast, durable, permanent. f% ^' exercising affection or tender- C^^^^t^, s. an object of affection, a favou- C^^C^I^tJ, a- worthy of affection. [rite. C"^^, a. unctuous, agreeable, affectionate, tender-hearted. [a vibration. Ti^*5f, s. a shaking, a trembling, agitation, 5^*tt^^, «. shaking, trembling, agitating. 7f?\^7{, s. a trembling, a quaking, a flut- tering, agitation, vibration. ^*^5^?I, a. agitable, vibratory. [ing. ^^iif^f*!"^, «. shaking, trembling, vibrat- ^f*ff ^5 «. shaken, agitated, vibrated. ^R^^l, s, defiance, a daring, a challenging. ^^'t<5t^^9 '1^^'^t^T'^rt, treating with de- fiance, provoking, challenging, daring. '^'^■f^ ^5 a. defied, dared, challenged. ^*f, s. touch, touching, contact, feeling ; -^, to touch, to feel, to come in contact. . ^*f^, a. touching, coming in contact. ^■*f •T> s. a touching, a feeling. [gible. 3T^'*n^?r, ci. fit to be felt or touched, tan- ^*n;^lir^, a. contagious, infectious. ^*fl€t^? «. past feeling, intangible. 7i5>{^, a. clear, evident, manifest, plain. ,5}s>t^?r^1, s. a plain speaker. [plainly. .^^ -^t^, -^taft, a. speaking clearly or ^^C^t^j 5. clear knowledge or idea. ■ypt^?5C'^, ad. clearly, plainly, evidently. ■sT^^t^t^fj s. having clearness or plainness for an object : s. a clear object, [poses. ^^T^^l, s. clearness, plainness of pur- ^^TC^, ad. for clearness or plainness. 7}^%'^^^61, s. a making clear or plain. ^^^1^^, a. made clear or plain. ^^^^5 a. become clear or plain. ^t^^, s. a plant (Plantago ispagoola). ^ *i J 5 «. tangible; -^1, -^, tangibility. 5^^, a. ^touched, brought into contact. ^^1, 5. a wish, a desire, longing, hope. Tpf^l^gji^^, a. producing wishes or desires. W ■^Ti%f*t^, a. desirous, longing, eager. 5^^, s. the hood of a serpent ; alum. yj^pff"^, s. crystal, quartz ; -"^^j crystal pil- 3i5pf^^"5r?r, a. crystal, quartzose. [lar. 3^"I^<5T^, f^^^?rt, 5. alum, f^^, s. the buttocks, the posteriors. 3T?^\5, a. swollen, extended, enlarged ; risen in wealth or importance. [perity. 3T??t1^, s. a swelling, enlargement ; pros- y^t^^"^, a. causing a swelling or enlarge- ment ; causing prosperity, [breaking. 5^^, ^^JT, s. a bursting, a cracking, a yjj^^iisGTj s. precise area, superficial con- 3^1^:5, a. burst opened, manifest, [tent. 3^?t> «. akibe, tumour, swelling ; a fruit.^ 5l?^j%^, s. a spark of fire, a drop of water. ygp^Qj^, s. thunder, a clap of thunder. ^iSpf^, s. a palpitation occasioned by sur- prise or joy, alacrity, expansion, exci- tation, stimulation, utterance. 51?p}%lr^^, a. exciting, stimulating. ^iSpf«"5It»r, exciting, stimulating, palpitat- (;yj?pt^^, s. aboil, a tumour, abscess, [ing. C1?5t^JT, s. a rupture, a hernia, a bursting, a rending ; a gimlet, an auger. ^7[j V. a. to recollect, to remember. ^^^JT^, a. producing gold, auriferous. ^^^f«i^, s. a money-changer, money scri- ^«f^nce, freedom. ^T'«rjT?, s. an inaudible reading of the veda, a reading to one's self. ^T5d7T?^,«5. reading to himself: *. a person who reads the veda ; a tradesman. ^T^, s. sound, noise. ^I"^, s. sleep. ^T9,5.the mind, thought, intellect; a cave. ^T**f?"t«f, «. a person's own crime. ■^T»T%^, a. natural, inherent, innate. '^if^^fl?, «. one's own scope or object. ■^ir*i5^t^9« a person's own wish or desire. 'jrfir^l, or ^ifsr^, s. mastery, ownership, lordship, sovereignty, possessorship. ■^t -iY, s. a husband, master, owner, a lord, sovereign, a spiritual guide, a god. ^T'Sgr'V, s. a person's own acquisitions. ^lf^5, self-acquired. [ject or interest. ^t5f,«. self-interested : «. one's own ob- ^T'if^t^r, a. selfish, self-interested. ^^*f^v5l, 8. self-interestedness, selfish- TtC^, ad. for the sake of self. [ness. ^T^J, s. health, ease, comfort, relief, good f^Ky ad. hey, what ! is it true ? [health. ^^?«1, s. an acknowledging, a consenting, an agreeing to, a confessing. 'It^,^! s. one who acknowledges or con- fesses, one who consents to a thing. ^^T^, s. an acknowledgment, consent, agreement, confession, acquiescence. ^^i?f), ^'r'T?r^, o. confessing, acknow- ledging, consenting to, acquiescing. ^^l^J, ^^■?r*it?, a. requiring to be con- fessed, acquiesced in, or consented to. ^^"5, a. confessed, acknowledged, acqui- esced, consented to, promised, engaged. ^?, a. own, private ; -^'t^'j, one's own ■'^iiiTcii, s. a flock of geese. ^\^, s. a duck, a goose. [rectitude. *^^,«. just, true, right :*. justice, truth, *5f^^^, 8. narration, a detail of parti- culars, a relation, an explanation. *^f%5J, 8. a physician, a doctor, [wrong. *^^^1^^, ad. for nothing : a. right or *^TS"^, digestion ; -^, to digest, embezzle. ^■^^, a. digestive, promoting digestion. ^^, 5. a market, a fair ; -CST?", a market- ^^f^c^lf^sl, 8. a harlot ; a whore, [thief. ^^, V. a. to move backwards, to recede. "5!^, s. violence, rapine, outrage. ^t^, 8. a receding, falling back, retreat. ^^l,v.o. to cause to move backwards ; 8. a causing to move backwards. ■^^T^, ad, on a sudden, accidentally, sud- denly, unexpectedly, easily, forthwith. ^^, V. a. to slip, to falter, to stumble. ^^5^1, V. H, to roll on uneven ground. ^v55v$tf^?1, rough, uneven, up and down. ^^ [ 3^6 ] ^fir ^vp^v^t^, s. a being confused or puzzled. ^^VfvJ, s. haste, hurry, bustle, confusion. ^\5?r1%?1, a- speaking in a noisy and hur- ^vsVf^?!, a, rustling, brittle, [ried way. ■^\5^?r^v??r, s. hurried and inarticulate talk. ^^S^\5,m.sSC^^tSC5T, ad. idem. "tl, ad. yes, certainly : intj. make haste ! take care ! let it not be ! God forbid ! #T^, 8. breath, breath emitted by drowsi- ness, gaping, yawning. "^t^, V. a. to drive, to call, to shout ; *. a call, a shout, a bawling, outcry. ■^I^^, ^T^fST, 8. the driving an animal, a calling, a shouting, a bawling. ^r^t^91, 8. one who drives, or shouts. "tW, V. a, to drive, to cause to drive : *. a driving, a calling : a. driven, called. ^T^t^, 8. a causing to drive, a driving. T|[^"?r, V. a. to hoist, to pull up, to shout, to call, to assent : ». assent. P"g. ^T^T?l1%, 8. a reciprocal shouting or driv- ^rCj^, V. n. to sneeze, to emit wind by nose. tIT55T,«. the act of sneezing, sternutation. ^tfir [ 378 ] ■^Wi 4t^1, V. a. to provoke sneezing, to cause to i]f^, s. a sneezing, [sneeze : s. a sneezing. ^T^, V. a. to walk, to go afoot. tt^^T, s. a walking, a going afoot. "tt^, V. a. to walk, to cause to walk. ^l^t^,5. the causing a person to walk. ^t^ s. the knee ; -5fT\53T, a kneeling down. ^Tv^«Tf,5. a hole or cavity at the bottom of a pond to which the fish resort. ■^T\51,«. a large pot, a boiler, a caldron. "ttfj, s. a pot for cooking food, a pan, ^Tf^^f^, s. pots and pans, cooking uten- tTl%tl^1j s- "fc^e Indian magpie.^ [sils. ■^f^, V. n. to pant, to breathe short : s. steam ; panting, breathing short, [ing. ■^l^fTs^, 5. breathing short, panting, wheez- ■^Ml, 'V. a. to pant, to wheeze, to be tired ■^T^tTt^j s- a panting, a wheezing, asthma. ■^T^tTf^^T^t, s. a wheezing cough, asthma. ■^^T^tt^tf^f, s. a violent panting. "t;!^ , V. a. to laugh, to smile ; to cut. ■^T^, s. the same with ■^\7f . [collar-bone. "tl^sfl", s. an ornament for the neck ; the ■^T^ll, t). a. to cause laughter : a. white ; cut but not entirely divided (applied to wa- ter-melon, etc.) : s. a drake, a gander. ■^Tf%, it^, s. laughter ; a duck, a goose. *5ff%^, s. a governor, a ruler, a judge ■^Tt^sIY, s. rulership, government. ■^t^^, s. the name of a tree.^ ■^T^5^t^1, s. the holly-leaved Acanthus.^ ■^I'^ir, s. a shark, a voracious sea- fish. *^T®t'S>, s. necessity, need, a wish ; prison. ■^t^l, «. destroyed by rain or floods (ap- plied to crops of corn or other plants). ^t^I^, S' a barber, a scarifier. ■^t^Tsr?., s. the shaving of a person. *^T^T, 8. a losing, failing, suffering loss. ^T^l, V. a, to lose, to cause to lose : a, lost. ■^T?rT«l, 8, the losing of a thing : a, lost. ■5:t^tf«l, s, the losing of a thing. 3 c 2 ^t?nff, «. a species of pulse." ■5;it?^, 8. the running of blood thro' the nose ; the hemorrhoids, piles, [fraud. ^T?f^, a. taking unlawfully or by force or ■^T^, 8. affection, kindness, love, [fraud. ^T^, a. liable to be taken by force or ■5:1^, 8. a plough, the rudder or helm of a boat ; a state or condition ; a. present. ■5;T^?Pl, a. light, mild, vain, empty, weak.. *5t«T5R, 8. St, kid, a lamb. *515TT^, a. lost, weary, fatigued, [mals. *^T5^M, a. right, lawful : 8. killing of ani- ^T^Ts^C-TT^, s. a sweeper, a privy-cleaner. ^Tc^t^c^, 8, poison, venom, virus. ^Tl%, a. present, recent : «. a rudder, helin. *5Tf^5r, 8. garden cresses.* ^Tt%?1,a. belonging to a plough : *. a tiller, a ploughman ; -9f^, a plough bullock. ■^T^?lt^T*f , s. a kind of harmless snake. *5t^^1, 8. a kind of sweetmeat. ^tc^?", or^tc1^^^?r, 8. a confectioner. ^t^, V. n. to laugh, to smile, simper* i^^T^, 8. laughing, laughter, smite. ^TT^f^?!, a. laughing, lively, funny, jovi- al :«. a laugher, a playful person. ^t'!!, V. a. to cause to laugh : a. white. ^tf^T, 8. laughter, smile, simper, [cloth. *5Tf^?1, 8. a border, margin, the hem of *^Tf^^, «. custom on goods, port duties. ■^Tf^^c^W^^, 8. board of customs. ■^tf^c^Y, a. subject to custom or duties. ^ K?1, 8. a sickle, a scythe. ^T^J, 8. laughing, laughter, smile, [face. ^T^^^JT, a. smiling faced : a smiling ^T^J?r^, 8. the sentiment of jocularity. ^^jK^, 8- a sea of laughter. ^f^ClJTf^, intj. ah ! it is all over with me. 15;T?1, i/ii'y alas ! alas ! «.a class of demigods. ^T^T^TIT, 8. loud lamentation, wailing. ^I^W^T^t^, *. a noise of lamentation. ttc*ir1 [ 380 ] i)^ t^, an imphatic particle, indeed, truly ; also, a sound expressive of laughter. f^^, or f^W, s. asafoetida. ■^\^, V. a. to injure, hurt, to do mischief. f^^Ti^, a. injurious, hurtful, malicious. f^\^^, s. injuring or hurting of a person. ftvTfl, harm, injury, hurt, malice, mischief. f^\^T^?r, a. injuring, hurting, molesting. ft\^T^^1, s. an injurer, one who hurts. f^^f^'^, ci. hurt, injured, molested. f5\TiJ, a. liable to be hurt or injured. f^\^, f^\^^, a. injurious, hurtful, mali- cious, mischievous, noxious, ravenous. f^5"f%,s. a hiccup ; -^^^, rise of a fit of f^st^f^f^^r, s. a fit of hiccup. [hiccup. f^^, s. a Hindu ; fern, ft^^. f??It^, s. an enigma, a riddle, a puzzle. *f5^^^, ft'^iri^, vide C^^ir^, &c. fl;^1, s. a hiccup, a fit of hiccup. ft^, or f^^l^^'T^, s. asafoetida. ftwo^, s. Vermillion. [fruit. tt^cft, ?:t^'t^, s. the egg-plant and its ft^J^^, s. a hiccuping, a sobbing. *f5^^1, s. a eunuch, a hermaphrodite. t^^^t, s. the sera of the Muhammadans. f^v§?cT,«. a tree ;^ -^T'5t^1, an incorrigible t^lff^"^TWt^, s. the cashew nut. [villain. f5^^, s. cuttle-fish bone. *ftc?sT^1,s. a swing, a cradle. [good. fl:^, s. benefit, advantage, welfare: a. held; t^^^^"l, s, a beneficent person. [cent. t^^^T?^^, flvS^t?"^, a. doing good, benefi- f^^^^l, s. a person who speaks benefici- ally, a moral instructor, a good adviser. ftvS^t^J, s. good advice, or conversation. ft«^T^ *• ^ loud and frightening sound. *^^^, 8. presence, appearance ; sir, Mr. ^^fTt, s. an attendant : a. attending. *^^^, s. an argument, altercation, dis- putation, pertinacity, obstinacy. ^^^, a. disputatious, pertinacious, ob- stinate : 8. an obstinate person. ^^, an expression of contempt. ^^«^T^, im. sd. expressive of a sudden scuffling noise, or of a speedy motion. ^B^^T^, s. the grumbling of the bowels. ^^, V. n. to crowd together. [bustle. ^:5, a. rude : s. a crowd, multitude, uproar, ^^5^1, ^\5^1, 8. a bolt, a bar, a bar for a door or gate, a fastening. ^\5^, «. a woman who flies from her hus- band to her father's house. ^^5"^, 8. a sudden falling with a crash : f,tw. 8d8, expressive of the noise made by baboons. ^*tT^, a. resolute, brave, undaunted. *^M?^, s. the heart, viz. the fleshy mass ^it, a. perishing in a moment. ^ei2t^1, s, lightning, a flash, a momentary splendour or brilliance. '^«l^^, causing hunger. [famished. ■i^5^1v|f, s. a throw, a cast, a load which is carried to a place at one time, a throw (of a casting net), a stroke of an oar. C^*1*l, s. a casting, a throwing, a rowing. C^*f sY, s. an oar, a paddle ; a net. C^'^v[\a. proper to be cast or thrown. C^*1^wrT;gitc7, s. a casting net. C^'tl, V. a. to provoke to anger, to make a person distracted : a. vexed, provoked, angry, passionate, distracted, foolish. CTFt^l [ 385 ] CV? CV<>ft«l, s. act of provoking, a diatracting. C^^, s. happiness, good fortune, welfare. C^iT'^^, 8. same as "t'P^fs^. [basket. C'^^, a. happy, fortunate : 8. a trinket- C'5^?lT?f^, s. a rower, a waterman, a danfi. C^l, s. the refuse of sugar-cane after the juice has been expressed by the mill. C^f^^, 8. a giant-killer, a cruel person. C^T«11, s. a particular kind of spear. C^tf«l, or C^T *• a pigeon- house, a dovecot. C^T'^5T«T, s. side roof of a thatched house. C'5»T*t1j «• a hair- knot tied on the top of or behind the head of a woman. CVt<^t^, a. having a haii^knot, having Huilicieut hair for a huir-knot. C^T^, *. excitation, ntimulation, confu- sion, perplexity, distress of mind. C^Tl>^?r«, C^T^«PT?t, CVTBHii^, a. ex- citing, stimulating, agitating the mind. C^fStt^^, CPTf©^, 8. agitated, excited, CS^f% C«5»V?t, 8. the earth, [stimulated. C^J, 8. honey, water, liquid. C^^sr, 8. an airy room on the top of a house ; wove silk or linen, silk cloth. C^l?r, C^)|ft, 8, the shaving of the head ^1, 8. the earth. [or beard. C^^, 8. venom, poison, virus ; sound. APPENDIX ^^^fP? s. a full stare at any thing. ^^r^5<11, a. penniless, very poor. ^^c^;T, a. genuine, inartificial. '^^**^^1, s. machination, ill design. ^51^$^^, 8. the utmost degree of distress. 'Sl^t^, a. the same with ^^T^. ^^**t^, 8. misfortune, ill luck. ^^'5tT?r, 8. the ocean ; a tortoise. ^^:5^^1, ^^^S^r't, a. unsuccessful. ^C;^?, a. not purchaseable, dear. ^?ip"sr, a. unable, impotent, insufficient. ^^^•'STt^l, s. myrobalan rosary or neck- ^^5^^SITc^1, 8. the alphabet. [lace. ^^t^*^, 8. a degree of latitude or longi- '^^T^, 8. an axletree, an axis. [tude. ^^I^, a. unforbearing, persevering. ^^lf%, a. idem : 8. impatience. 'Si'^lf^, 8. childish whim, caprice, fancy. ^•^•S, a. unbroken, whole. ^f^r^T, a. whole, all, entire. <5jftf^j5!T, a. fire-like, haughty, passionate. ^f^^^'H^, 'Slftt^^W, «. a violent pain. '5if^f*T'4n, flame of fire ; name of a plant.* ^?tJ^15T?r, a. violently passionate, furious, mad with rage : 8. a furious person. ^^?f, 8. (a child) in arms. [body. "^W^rt^j «. a cosmetic, coloui'ing for the 8 D ^^t^, partnership, collusion, chicanery. '^^f^SJ, ^ijf%aiT«J *. a guard for the thumb or finger, a thimble. ^r^Trf^TI, a. prompt in action. '3lf5r£f§', 8. a continuation of the world. '5lf5i"irtl5, s. a knowledge of the properties of the mysterious syllable ^s, namely, ^, ^ and IT. ^f5i'Cc^t ci. replying, responding, quoting. ^^5r^, a, permitted, allowed. ^^C?TIW^5 s. cheerful approbation. '^^^M, s. tautology, repetition. "^^^T?, s. repentance ; ancient enmity. ^5*T?t? penitent, feeling regret, [pline. ^^^ttT^, s. a giving rules, order, disci- ^"J^TT^Ij s. a teacher, a disciplinarian. ^^^f*t^,docile, teachable, subject to rules. ^^-5^, a. wet, overflowed : s, a buffalo. "^^^j not affected with ; untrue,: s. false- ^C'?l^.*rs^ ad. by large numbers, [hood. ^^ [ 887 ] ^^^T^t^J, 8. a divided attention. ^t^^J, 8, want of union or unity, discord. ^C^^fsiS, s. unfitness, inaptitude. ^^S^^, 8. privacy, secresy. ^lS£f^, a. acquainted with the heart. ^'^S^^l, pregnant, with child : a, name of a tree (Seniiearpus anacardium). '5I^f<5 8. the end of the night, [sion, ^•st^r^fT, a. continual, continued. '^'^?'T^, a. guilty, criminal. ^*lt^fC5, a. immature, unripe. ^*tt?^T^W*Tf , a. imprudent, improvident. ^*^t?«i1l1, 8. an unmarried woman. ^■^^f^^lT, a. distant ; narrow, strait. "Sj^t^^, a. vexed, mortified, annoyed. ^^CfTFJS, ad. another day, the morrow, '^*1^JI% a. insufficient, unlimited. 'Si'^Ti^r), s. the right-hand side. ^*f^5^^, *. murder, slaughter. ^"^I"^^!, ■SI's^i?;!, 8. a murderer. ^^^«1, 8, a robber, thief, plunderer. '^si^ttlTj «. unworthy : *. a mean vessel. '!5T*»ft»T, 8. the anus ; air inhaleil. ^*ftf ??, flf. unrestrained, self-willed, ^^^j 8. destruction, a hindrance. ^«tt?r^, unable, incapable, incompetent, ^-c^t^^^l, s. inability, incompetency. ^fvf5, ^f*f^, conj. vide ''Sifvf. [father. ■^fs^^^, a. fatherless, not pertaining to a ^f*f^T^, *. a covering, concealing. ^*ft^^, 8. a catarrh, cold. 'Si^jM", 8, bread, a cake of flour. ^z [ 388 ] ^^ ^•5^^, a. unasked, unsought. [liloquy, «SI'S^^tJ%^T^, unrequired discourse, a so- ^C-s^?, ci. unpotable, unfit for drinking. ^C*f*t^j ^- inexpert, not handsome. ^C-p^t^^, ». not deformed, not beardless. ^C'stt?f^» 5. unmanliness, cowardice. ^^s?f^, s. the sea, the lord of waters. ^£t^t;^, s. a shrub, a bush. 'Slgfci^, s. want of affection, inaffability. ^£t*1^9 unaffable, unfriendly, [peerless. ^£t^C"sr?, ^£t1%^T^5^J, a. incomparable. ^£ft%^, a. of no renown, infamous. ^gfRI^, a. infamous ; --s^W, an obsolete "^Cgft?, «• unmarried ; timid. [word. ^Cgft^lj ci.fem. unmarried : s. a spinster. '3J^^q|"ST, s. fulsome flattery, low talk. 'SI^^?", s. sweepings, refuse, a dunghill. ^^^^''^, s. a spinning-wheel ; excision. ^^?5c75T, s. an incorrect calculation. "^^^1%^, «. dishevelled ; contemned, ^^^^•^j s. needless fear, timidity. ^^^%?T, s. querulousness, complaining. ^^^^^, ^^^^?T, s. hideous groaning. ^■<[^^, a. expelled, rejected, removed. ^"^^^^f s. clamorous weeping. ^^;:^\5iT, s. improper play. [rage. 'Sl^C^flSl S!f , a. unreasonable anger, fury, ^^^5!f1, s, a ravenous appetite. ^^■^t>fv5, ravenous, ravenously hungry. ^^•«r^^, s. a digging, a piercing. '^^4fT^5, s. a cavern, a pit. ^^•Jfsr, s. knowledge, acquaintedness. ^^^fiTJ, ^^'Jtsi^?, a. knowable. ^^^%^, ^^^f^^l, 5. a veil. ^^^I^^j a. veiled. ^^C^T^?", «. imperfectly perceived. ^^C9tt?^S, s. the raising of a weapon to ^^5r^^9 s, bad construction. [strike. ^^^^, disrespect; drought; elephant's ^^^1^5, murder, a fatal blow, [forehead. '^^^cf, s. a whirling, a whirlpool. "^^^T*!, s. a disagreeable smell. '^^(;T5^Wt^C^W5 s. the whole of any thing. ^^^«f, cf" superannuated, old, worn out. ^^^\*r, s. a crest, an earring, a gem, gold, wealth, a ray of light, a halter or rein, th« tie of a yoke for oxen. ^^Wt^, s. an oblation, an offering. ^^T*^' «. regretted, lamented. ^^WJ, «. unutterable, unspeakable, ^ goddesses reckoned divine ener- 'SlTfJJT, selfishly voracious, greedy, glut- tonous, luxurious, not emulous. ^T^^T5:f, ad. half and half, by halves. ^T5if^*tTf^?1, 8. half a head-ache. ^T^^^t^^, a. half a fool, weak, foolish. 'SlT^^tT^^t^?!, inclined to idiocy, foolish. ^t' cap-a-pie, from bead to foot. ^t^tT^T, s. an assembly of drunkards. ^T^H"^, s. a chaplet for the bead. '^t^, or ^t^, s. a wen. ^f^^^, s. a receptacle, a vessel. ^T^T^I"^, s. a thread reel. ^t^5T, a. muddy, sinful, guilty, foul. ^Tl^^5t?r, a making apparent ; a reviling. ^Tf%5lt?4>, s. one who uses incantations. ^Tf^5:flt^^, ^' relating to a dictionary. '5|t?C^I'5r, a sacrifice to ensure longevity. '^T^^? straightness, rectitude, honesty. 'Sll^^f^, ^to'^T^f, ^Tq%^, s. a groan, a shriek, a cry of distress. [ern sea. 'Slt'^Jl^^', country from eastern to west- ^Irf^, s. a putrefying ; a going home. 'SlTc^K^lteiT^, s, nonsensical talk, a fool- ish or ridiculous reply. [safe. •^IcT-ittt^j a clothes-horse, a shelf, a meat- '^T^^T'^T^I, s. cotton leaves impregnated ^T^?j licked, lapped, eaten, [with lac. ^Ic^J^I, a. fresh, unsalted, insipid. ^T*ft(^^) s. a serpent, a snake. ^t^^, «. swift, fleet : s. an arrow, the '^W^^, s. completion, finis. [wind. ^t^t?I, s. an appellation ; a lawsuit aris- ing from a squabble for gambling, t. ^^\S, a. solid, not porous : s. a Mud of reed. ^,^\S1, s. a bandicoot ; a kind of grass. ^^C^^?r, «. mutual, reciprocal. ^^, 8. an elephant. ^^;;r, s. in music ^ the concord of two notes. ^. ^*t1, «. the beam of a plough. [God. ^■*^?C^^1, s. the service or worship of ^"St^t^l, s. a command of God. [God. ^tft?, a. near ; married ; arrayed. ^% a. sown, disseniiiiated, strewed. ^^iR, s. a departing, a disappearing j ^W ^T*«iT, to depart, disappear, vanish. ^^, a. straight, uneonnected. [and land. ^^?I5^, a. amphibious, living in water ^^^, s. a lintel, the upper part of a door- ^^S^na^l, s. a pearl necklace. [frame. ^ s, a groaning, a moaning, a wailing. ^C^IcT, s. a surge, a wave, a billow, ^c^^^, s. a being delighted. »i)^^T?r, a. closely attentive, intent. "il^^T^T, s. unison, harmony in music. vil<5^^), s. a kind of lute, snake-catcher's ^^^ilj ad. relating to this, of this. [lute. ^?r^, '6?[T^^?P, s. vide vS^T^. >&'sll^fj^<5, a. relating to a deposit. ^. ^5lf?, 5. a razor ; a barber. z^W^f a. foul, vile, ugly. ^W^f?, s. a court of justice. ^^C^Tc?, s. a spittoon, a pikdan. ^C^T5^, s. a person of a degraded caste. ^^^^^, s. a twinging, throbbing, a clatter. ^^*tT<1, s. a part of the llig-veda. ^f^^R, s. a drying up, healing (as a sore). <&^^\5, s. a rattling or thundering noise. ^^JTvS , s. a crackling or crunching noise. ipeiTW, s. a goldsmith j a sage, a Muni. ^f«l^, s. a shriek, a piercing cry. ^e^^t«T, s, the Indian bread-fruit tree.* ^^^^], s. the iris of the eye. ?r'C^Tf«l, ^«it, ^«l^, *. the elbow. ^^^?p, s. a crow ; fern. ^7[9^. ^7[^V^^ s. a vessel of joiijed open hands. ^^^fe|, or «?t57r^, 8. a topaz. «l\c^^, 8. the large black ant. «J\JT^^, 8. a ceremony on conception. «J\'5, 8. manhood, virility. s. the lord of life, a husband. i2tt^?"l*t, s. a morning meal, breakfast. gfTCWt^, a* evening, of the evening. 2tt'^'*t^T, s, a long wearisome road. £fT"^*f^^5 «. dead, deceased, defunct, gft^'^cj, s. an outer garment, a screen. 211^^, a. screened : s. an outer garment, ffit?!'^?", »• pleasing, amiable, affectionate. 7i^ [ 897 ] 1^C5 C2t^5T,«. a l)anging,swinging,being pcnd- C2flT^t*?r, a- gbost like, like a goblin, [ent. C^tt^^'^T?', 8. great zeal, ardour. C^t«.^tT^, 8. an instigator, a stimulator. CftllX15'5^^1, 8. tlie wife of an absentee. ^^, s. the sacred fig- tree. «1?f^9t, s. whatever goes by leaps. TP^TvPl, s. assertion, thesis ; a baulking. Tp^Tp^t*!, boasting, bragging, swaggering^ ^?i3(^f^, s. special parts of the vedas. TpcT^^T^^, s. Dol-jatr^, the festival of hull. Tpt^l, s. a hole, rent, chink, fissure. Tpt^'"^T^j a. apart, separately. Tj35f^, 8. a blossoming, a swelling out. C^1, *. the itch, a ringworm. ^5T^, a. intervening, interval. ^C5t$^, «• carefully sought. ^^ [ 398 ] 1:^^] ^m^, a- solitary, lonely, private. ^fSfcT, a. mixed with rice-water. ^^*f, s. a bunch ; a profligate, ^^-sft, 8. a tree. ^C^'t^r, a, confused, disconcerted. . t%v5^, a. false, untrue, unsubstantial. ^^«^, s. one of the Hindu infernal re- ^'^^j a. having slaked the thirst, [gions. j^;5*t, a. impudent, audacious. ^;g"^, a, affrighted, terrified. ■^^cT, a. of an opposite party. t^Tf^^, a. censorious : s. a detractor. I^C^^I, s. a malignant enemy. 1^Tj^jt%, s. light, a sunbeam, energy. t^CjT^, s. malevolence, malice. t^5jT?r^, s. an ordinance ; a prescriber. t^ pirn's,, a. according to precept. ^Sf^, a, agitated, sifted, ventilated. fisf^Tf, s. Rahu, the ascending node. t^%f^, a. destitute, distressed, afflicted. ^^5^^5 s. agitation, trembling. f%^^, a. upheld, sustained, propped. I^VTt^, s, the plaiting of the hair. It^t^l, s. a shoe, a boot. t^^t?T5^5 a. without difficulty, easily. t%^t(;*ti^*5r, a. almost destroyed. 1^^T^T5f, a. involuntary, unwilling, ^t^^fu^, a. conclusive, decisive. I^t^'^t'5, s. a fall, downfall, calamity. ^t^C?rr?f, s. an appointment, installation. ^♦TJ"^, a. placed in order, deposited, ^"s^tl^^l, 8. a blister on the foot. t^«tc^, a. abundant, much, plentiful. t^Tr-M, a. expanded, open, blown. ^^T^, 5. banishment : a. unclothed. ^C^TFl, s. a bridegroom, a husband. ■^^^5i, a. born after division of property. ^^T^^, s. the sun, fire. ^■^tf^^S, a. spoken, expressed ; doubtful, t^^f^^l, s. fear, object of terror. ■^CwT^T, «. foolish, demented, crazy. ^:Kr% a. fascinated, infatuated. t^C^I^I, s. a liberator, a deliverer. 1^C^t^9 s. fascination, stupefaction. t^TJ»T^, 8. a course of destiny. ^T'»TJ'5T^1, a. adventuring, risking. ^iJjinsT, a, invested with rays : s. the sun. ^To used. ^Tfsi^, a. elegant, adorned. V. "5r^?rT^ir, *. the sea, the ocean. 'SrCWi^'5, a. tipsy, intoxicated, drunk. ^^^^, *. oblation of curds and honey. ■sjSfjf^Sf, a. of a middling kind. ^T^f^i i^irTc^, a. radiant : s, the sun. TQt^^^, 8. a measuring line. ^. ^:^^3, 8. the brahminical thread. ^Cisf^?!, a. of subdued senses. ^^T^9|f^<^, ad. in whatever way. tr 8- malt liquor, beer. ^^T^f, *. rice gruel, rice frumenty. ^!^^, a. youngest, very young. ^tf^, s. a stick, a staff, a wand, a club. ^T^l, *. a stick, a staff, a walking-stick. r^^si.1, 8. Jehovah, God Almighty. ^1^, 8. Jesus, the Redeemer of mankind. ^^•^^, 8. Jesus Christ, the Saviour. ?". s. a bier, a hearse. *r^?", s. a barbarian, a savage. 'T^^^, s. knowledge of sounds ; the ear. *f?t^ , ci. sleepy, drowsy. *ft^F^^T^, s. the same with ^t?r?"t^l^. ^ttc^l"^^, s. the same with ^1?F^r»Tt;. f*tC^T55?r, s. a mountain, a rock. ■RcclT^, a. following several trades. ^\;^'sr, s. a passage, a pass, a bridge. ^\^t^, ci' passed over, transferred to. 'i\^Tf%, s. sun's entrance into a new sign. 3T\f^^, ». abridged, condensed, brief. ^\CW*t, s, brevity, a compendium. 3F]\3?ff*tC^T^J, a. capable, able, qualified. ■^^'^fW, 8. a wild beast. f^ff, a. expanded by heat, sodden. ^. 15;JTJ1, a. snappish, snarling, surly. i^^CtfTTt?", 8. an assistant ; a weapon, ■5:"5*tT5fTt^, 8. the extremities. ^JITPtJT, 8. a puffing and blowing. ^1, intj. alas ! 8. a gaping, yawning. ^T"^^, 8. stocks, wooden fetters. ■^I^H', 8. loss, failure, defeat. ■^[Tt'G^, s. a rudder, a helm. ■^t^T^T^^, 8. a ploughman, a tiller, ^t^l, 8. intoxicating liquor; poison, ■5:Tf3T^f^, 8. laugh and sport, merriment, ■^t^^^ill, a, always laughing, merry. 1^C«aT^, 8. a cool breeze, flc^t^, 8, a wave, a billow, a breaker. NOTES. ScientifiG Names of Birds ^ Beasts^ Fishes ^ BeptileSy Trees, Page 2. — 1 & 3 Aquillaria agallocha. 2 & 4 Amaris agallocha. 5 Plumbago zeylanica. 4. — 1 Morinda tinctoria, used in dyeing. 5. — 1 Eclipta prostrata. 2 Cytisus cajan. 7. — 1 Periplooa indica, or Asclepias pseudasar- sa. 2 Hedysarum alhaji. 8. — 1 Arundo bifaria ? 15. — 1 Nymphsea lotus. 17. — 1 Viz. the fruits of Terminalia chebula, Phylanthus emblica, and Menispermum cordifolium. 2 Taraarindus indicus. 20. — 1 Jonesia Asoca. 2 Physalis floxuosa. 25. — 1 Helicteres Isora. 2 Calotropis gigantea. 3 Juglans regia. 34.— 1 Spondias mangifera. 2 Olupea prinoidea o^Omelin, and Clup^o apalike of Lacephde. 35. — 1 Tamarindus indicus. 2 Eupatoriom Aya Pana. 37 — 1 Carpopogon pruriens, Eoxh. 2 Cymbi- dium tossaloidea. 3 Cucurbita lagonwia. 4 Prunus triflora. Page 40.— 1 Nympbaja coerulea; also. Asparagus racemosus. 41. — 1 Coccinella of several species. 2 Wngh- tea antidysenterica, 3 Vitex negondo. 4 Clupea alosa. 42. — 1 Termes bellicosus. 44. — 1 Ficus glomerata. 47. — 1 Ficus glomerata. 51. — 1 Sacchai-um cylindricum. 52. — 1 Andropogon muricatum, 57. — 1 Ricinus communis. 2 Alpinia oarda- momum, 3 Cyprea caput serpentis. 58.— 1 Gallinula nictycorax 2 Vi*. Xiria indica, Verbena nodiflora, and Hibiscna esculenta. 3 Hibiscus rosa siuensiB. 59. — 1 Lutianus scandens, Lac^pide j Feroa vagabuuda, Buck. Mss» 60. — 1 Esox scolopax, Buck. Mss. 2 AUangiam hexapetalum. 3 Momordica mixta. 4 Baa« hiuia variegata and purpurea. 5 Lanios excubitus. 6 CeDsalpiiiia bon4pooeila« [ 402 ] Tage 7 Wrightea antldysenterica, Brown ; also, Calotropis gigantea, Brown. 8 Feronia elephantium. 61. — Artocarpus integrifolia. 62. — 1 Musa sapientum. 2 Cucurbita lagenaria 3 Viz. Butea frondosa, Datura metel, Mesua ferrea, and Bauliinia variegata. 4 Pcero- spermum acerifolium. 5 Datura fastuosa. 64. — 1 Nelumbium speciosum. 2 Carrisa Ca* randas. 65. — 1 Nerium odorum. 2 Bucco corula. 3 Mo- mordica carantia. 4 Ardea nivea ma- xima. 5 Falco halietus. 6 Asclepias dominata? 66. — 1 Convolvulus repens. 68. — 1 Crinum zeylanicum. 2 Rhyzopbora gym- norrhiza. 3 Lacerta scutata ? 4 Cucumis utilissimus. 5 Amomum zedoaria. 69. — 1 Amaranthus spinosus. 2 Quercus ar. mata. 3 Artocarpus integrifolia. 4 Turdus jocosus, Buch. ; Lanius jocosus, Latham. 70. — 1 Psittacus accipitrinus. 2 Commelina bengalensis; and C. salicifolia. 3 Bauhinia variegata. 4 Datura metel. 5 Pious medius, and some other species. 6 ^schy- nomene paludosa. 71. — 1 Plotosis anguillaris, Lacepede : Silurus unitus, Buch. Mss. 2 Cyprinus niloticusj Linn. 3 Scolopus glariola j Tringa gla- riola of Latham. 72. — 1 Gossipiumofseveral species. 2 Averrhoa carimbola, 73.— 1 Cassia or senna sopbora. 2 Sorex coeruleus, the bite of which is supposed to be mortal. 3 Eugenia jambolana. 4 Sesamum indicum. 5 Ocymum sanc- tum. 6 Datura fastuosa. 7 Sylvia Kala Phutkee, Buch. Mss. 74. — 1 PerdJx olivacea. 2 Cyprinus atratus. 3 Phaseolus max. 4 Saccharum sponta- neum. 5 Tantalus denudatus, Buch. Mss. 76. — 1 Mureena apterygia, Bmc/v. Mss. ; Synbran- che of Lacepede. It is said that the bite of this fish is mortal to cows. 2 Strych- nos nux vomica. 3 Boswellia thurifera. 4 Acheiris Kookoor Jihwa, Buch. Mss. 5 Conyza terebinthina, and some other species. The dogs are fond of smelling this plant before they pass urine. 6 Cuculus castaneus, Buch. Mss, Page 78.— 1 Falco halietus. 2 Hedysarum irifloruni. 79. — 1 Boswellia thurifera. 2 Cucurbita pepo. 3 Aloe perfoliata. 4 Nymphsea esculenta, and Nymphsea rubra. 5 Cyprinus Koor- chi, Buch. Mss. 80, — 1 Zizyphus jujuba. 2 Capparis spi. nosa. 3 Poa cynosuroides. 4 Carthamus tinctorius. 81. — 1 Zizyphus jujuba. 82. — 1 Plumbago zeylanica. 2 Mirabilis jalapa, and Poinciana pulcherriraa. 3 Ocymum pilosum. 4 Antilopa cervicapra. 5 Pan- danus odoratissimus. [trispinosus. 83. — 1 Yerbesinia calendulacea. 2 Holocentrus. 84. — 1 Anas casarca. 2 Paspalum Kora. 3 Hedysarum triflorum. 86. — 1 Serratula anthelmintica. 87. — 1 Falco halietus. 2 Mimosa catechu. 88. — 1 Yiverra zibetha. 89. — 1 Clupea fornicata, 2 Cucumis melo, 3 Mugil protuberans, Buch. Mss. 4 Phoenix sylvestris. 90. — 1 Peroa setacea, or Trichopodus Kolisha, Buch. Mss. 2 Andropogon muricata. 3 Saccharum spontaneum. 95. — 1 Lathyrus sativus. 2 Ardea cinnamomea. 97. — 1 Pelecanus onocratulus. 2 Pothus oflELcinalis. 98. — 1 Premna spinosa. 99. — 1 Viverra Gunda, Buch. Mss. 2 Andre, pogon schoenanthus. 3 Artimisia indica^ 4 Echites caryophyllata. 5 Gardenia florida. 100.— 1 Cucumis momordica. 2 Ficus cordifolia. 3 Rhizophora decandra. 4 Silurus ascitus. 5 Dipterocarpus incana. 102. — 1 Pelecanus onocratulus. 103. — 1 Silurus ascitus, Linn. ; Pimelodes bar- batus, Lac4pede. 2 Capsicum annuum. 104. — 1 The white and red variety of the Boer- haavia diflfusa. 2 Diospyros glutinosa. 3 Arundo bengalensis. 4 Vultur Coroman- deliana. 105.— 1 Lacerta striata. 2 Anethum Panmo- rium. 3 Aquillaria agallochum. 4 Alpinia cardamomum. 5 Abrus precatorius. 106.— 1 Capparis sepiaria. 2 Perdix Coro- mandelica. [ 40.3 ] Vl'JC lo7. — 1 Aroca catechru 108. — 1 Chrysanthemum indicam. 2 Narois- BUS tazetta. 3 Impaticns balsamica. 4 Monispormum glabrum. 5 Ficus Gooloo- reea. ^6 Plumoria acuminata 7 Ooymum caryophyllatum. 8 Mimosa famesiana. 9 Sturnus Gosalica, Buck. Mss. 109. — 1 Tagetes patnla, and Tagetes erecta. 2 Tribulas lanugiuosus. 111. — 1 Ajuga disticha. 116. — 1 Aloe perfoliata, var. succotrina. 117. — 1 Phaseolus lobatus. 2 Deeringia celo- sioides. 3 Anas casarca. 4i Tetrao mfa, Linn. ; Perdix rufa, Lath. 118. — 1 Bauhinia acuminata. 120. — 1 Chrysanthemum indicum. 2 Michelia Champaca. 3 Jasminum grandiflorum. 122. — 1 Zeus oblongus. 2 Musa sapientum. 3 Amaranthus polygamus. 4 Muscicapa laticauda. 5 Hemionitis cordifolia. 124. — 1 Dillenia indica. 2 Perdix rufa. 125. — 1 Trichosanthea anguina. 2 Achyran- thes lappacea. Mystus Chitula, 4 Plum- bago rose£t and zeylanica. 126.— Buchanania latifolia. 2 Gentiana Che- rayta. 3 Falco ater. 127.— 1 Triphasia aurantiola. 2 Eumex vesi- carius. 3 Diosoorea globosa. 128. — 1 Mangifera indica. 2 Ophiocephalus aurantiacus, Buch, Mss. 3 Gobius Bod- darti. 129. — 1 Cyprinus cultrata, Buch. Mss. 136. — 1 Euphorbia chamajsyce. 2 Portulaca meridiana. 3 Cicer arietinum. 137. — 1 Dalrympelia pomifera. 2 Valeriana Jatamansi. 138. — 1 Andropogon bicolor. 2 Hibiscus rosa sinensis. 139. — 1 Eugenia jambolana. 2 Andropogon sac- charatum. 140. — 1 Elaeocarpus seiTata. 142. — 1 Jasminum grandiflorum. 2 Eugenia jambolana. 3 Eugenia alba. 4 Dolichos lignosus. 143. — 1 Lagerstroomia regina. 144. — 1 Celtis orientalis, 2 Cuminum cymi- num. 8 Jasminum auriculatam. 4 Justicia nasuta. 3 F 2 Page 145. — 1 Trochas porspectiv^aa. 149.— 1 Lofih aontangala. 2 Ardea Ooromaiu deliana. 3 Passiflora citrifulia. 150. — 1 Taboma)montana coronaria. 151. — 1 Melochia corcborifolia. 152. — 1 Teirodon Bceleratns. 2 Silnraaatcita ? 156. — 1 Cyprinus barbigcr, Buch. Mss. 2 Tringa goensis. 157.— 1 Tringa goensis. 2 Podiceps Doobaroo, Buch. Mss. 3 Artocarpns lacucha. 4Ama« ranthus lividus. 159. — 1 Ipomea grandiflora. 162. — 1 Polynemus paradisens. 163. — 1 According to some, Xanthocymus pic- torius ; according to others, Diospyros to- mentosa. 2 Luffa acutangula. 3 Aloe per- foliata, var. succotrina. 4 Cucurbita ci- trullus. 5 Falco fasciatus, Buch. Mss. 6 Ipomea quamoclit. 165. — 1 Corypha taliera. 166. — lBorassusflabelliformis.2Mimo3adulcia. 167. — 1 Sinapis patens ? 2 Corchonis capsu- laris, var. viridis. 3 Tamarindua indicus. 4 Sesamum orientale. 5 Cucurbita lage- naria, var. punctata. 168. — 1 Loxia rosea, and L. alba. 2 Cucurbita lagenaria. 169. — 1 Morns indica and other species 2 La- thyrus sativus. 3 Tamarindus indicus. 4 Euphorbia antiquorum. 5 Laurus cassia, 170. — 1 Momordica monadelpha. 172. — 1 Viz. Terminalia chebula, T. bellerica, and Phyllanthus emblica. 173. — 1 Hibiscus mutabilis. 174. — 1 Achyranthes lanata. 2 Turdnssaularis, Carey ; Gracula saularis, Linn. 175. — 1 Croton polyandrum. 177. — 1 Panicum stagninum, 2 Parra indica P 178. — 1 Cassia alata. [^Lath. 181. — 1 Ligusticum Ajwaon. 183 — 1 Impatiens balsamina. 2 Certhia «ey- lanica. 184. — 1 Hedycbium coronarium. 185. — 1 Panicum dactylou. 186.^-1 Andropogon sacchoratus. 2 Piuoa lou- gifulius. 189.— 1 Vitia vinifera. [ 40jt ] Page 192. — 1 Corlandrnm sativum. 194. — 1 Luffa pentandra. 195. — 1 Hibiscus esculentus. 197. — 1 Amaranthus prostratus, A. lanceolatus, A. oleraceus, A. fasciatus, and A. spinosus. 2 Cedrela Toona. 3 Halicacabum cordio- spermum. 198. — 1 Arundo tibialis. 199. — 1 Nelumbium speciosum. 2 Arundo Karka. 3 Valeriana Jatamansi. 200. — 1 Mesua ferrea. 2 Bauhinia anguina. 3 Cyperus pertenuis. • 4 Mimosa pudica. 5 CaBsalpinia bonduccella. 6 Euphorbia anti quorum. 201. — 1 Perca nebulosa, BttcTi. Jfss, ; Holocentra, LacSpede. 206.— 1 Melia Azad-dirachta. 210. — 1 Kyllingia mbnooepliala. 2 Stryohnos potatorum. 212. — 1 Yitex negundo. 213. — 1 Indigofera tinctoria 2 Coraclas indica. 3 Nymplisea cyanea. 4 Simia ferox. 5 Psit- tacus Lory. 214. — 1 Silurus porosus. Buck, Mss. 2 Annona squamosa. 216. — 1 Gryllus migratorius. 2 Yiz. long-pep- per, its root, Piper chuvya, Plumbago zeyla- nica, and dry ginger. 3 Viz. the twigs of Spondias mangifera, Eugenia jambos, j^gle marmelos, Citron, and Eeronia ele- phantum. 217. — 1 Trichosanthes dioica. 218,-1 Nelumbium speciosum, 220.— 1 Hibiscus populneoides. 223. — 1 Butea frondosa. 224. — 1 Ophidium punctatum, Buch. Mss. 225. — 1 Silurus sagittatus, Buch. Mss. 226. — 1 Corchorus olitorius and C. capsularis. 2 Polygonum flaccidum, 227. — 1 Plectranthus aromaticus. 2 Flacourtia cataphracta. 3 Pelecanus fusicollis. 228. — 1 Trapa bicornis. 2 Silurus asotus. 3 Erythrina fulgens. 229.— 1 Mugil latus, Buch. Mss. 2 Beta ben- galensis. 3 Erythrina fulgens. 230. — 1 Trigonella corniculata. 231. — 1 Buchanania latifolia. 2 Pentaptera tomentosa. Page 232. — 1 Cyprimis chrysoparus. 235. — 1 Carica Papaya. 248. — 1 Grewia asiatica. [dica. 249. — 1 Corvus balicassius. 2 Cucumis momor- 250. — 1 Clupea ensiformis. 251. — 1 Flacourtia sapida. 2 Csesalpiniasappan. 252. — 1 Eicus indica. 2 Perdix olivacea, Buch. 253. — 1 Eicus indica. 2 Trigonella fcBnum grecum. 3 Artocarpus lacucha. 4 Aconitum ferox. 5 Zizyphus jujuba. 6 Eagara Bud- runga. 254.— 1 Basella rubra. 2 Felis caracal. 3 Cur- cuma zedoaria. 255. — 1 Terminalia bellerica. 256. — 1 Dolichos catjang. 257. — 1 Bucco corula and B. philippensis. 259. — IMerops philippensis, andMerops viridia- 2 Cyprinus radiatus. 3 Justicia adhatoda. 260. — 1 Jatropha curcas. 2 Ealco nisus. 3 Ealco calidus. 4 Panicum spicatum. 361.— 1 Cyprinus Bata, Buch. Mss. 2 Cicer arietinum. 3 Turdus melanocephalus, Carey ; Oriolus melanocephalus, Linn. 4 Citrus decumana. 262. — 1 Vespertillio vampyrus. 2 Ocymum pilosum. 3 Embelia ribes. 263. — 1 Loxia philippensis. 2 Siphonanthus indica. 3 Solanum melongena. 264. — 1 Cyprinus denticulatus, Buch. Mss. 2 Anas creeca. 3 Eosa centifolia. 266. — lLettsomianervosa.2Tragiainvolucrata. 272. — 1 Solanum tuberosum. 2 Myrtus com- munis. 3 -<5]gle marmelos. 274. — 1 Lettsomia nervosa. 275. — 1 Flacourtia sapida. 276. — 1 Ruelliaringens, 2 Lanius emeria, imu. ; Turdus emeria, Carey. 277. — 1 Bambusa spinosa. 278. — 1 Solanum melongena. 2 Andropogon muricatus. 280. — 1 Jasminum zambac, flor. plen. 281. — 1 Silurus pelorius. 2 Boa constrictor. 283. — 1 Solanum iudicum. 287. — 1 Semicarpus anacardium. 2 Andropo- gon aciculatus. 288. — 1 Mugil cephalotis, also Cyprinus muUus, Buch. Mss. 2 Cyprinus ariza, Buch.' s My sore. [ 405 ] Page 289. — 1 Perdix chinenaia. 290. — 1 Verbesinia calendulacea. 291. — 1 Convolvulus reniformis and Kempforia rotunda. 292. — 1 Betula Bhoorja. 2 Coins Vaoti, HamtU ton's Fishes. 3 Porca nebulosa, Bitch. Mss. ; Holocentra, Lacipede. 4 Ricinus com- munia. 5 Oleum ricini. 294i. — 1 Dioscorea aculeata. 2 Bassia longi- folia. 3 Certhia zeylanica, and C. cruon- tata. 4 Cyprinus Morala, Hamilton's Fishes. 5 Anethum Panmorium. 6 Zea mays. 7 Doliclios gladiatus. 8 Lettsomia nervosa. 295.— 1 RubiaMunjistha. 2 Fringillaamandava. 296. — 1 Musa sapientum. 2 Kempferia angus- tifolia. 3 Erythrina fulgens. 4t Asclepias volubilis. 297. — 1 Euphorbia ligularia. 298.— 1 Graculareligiosa. 2 Vangueria spinosa. 299. — 1 Simia erythrina. 300. — 1 Jasminum zambac. 2 Ervnm hirsutnm, also, Cicer lens. 301. — 1 Nelumbium speciosum, var. alba. 2 Ne- lumbium speciosum. 302. — 1 Eleusine ^gyptiaca. 2 Trichosanthes palmata, also, Cucumis colocynthus. 3 Si- lurus batrachus, Linn, ; Macropteranoton granuillar, Lacepede. [phala. 303. — 1 Eleusine corocana. 2 Ardea leucoce- 304. — 1 Gsertnera racemosa. 2 Arum indicum. 305. — 1 Jasminum grandiflorum,Echites caryo- phyllata, and Gaertnera racemosa. 2 Euge- nia Malaccensis. 3 Phaseolus radiatus. SOS. — 1 Saccharum Munja. 309.— 1 Cyperus rotundus. 2 Celosia cristata. 3 Plumbi oxyde. 310.— 1 Cyprinus Mrigala, Hamilton's Fishes. 311.— 1 Trigonella fcenum grecum. 312. — 1 Lawsoniainermis. 2 Annona squamosa. . 314. — 1 Ficus glomerata. 315. — 1 Ligusticum Ajowan. 317. — 1 Jasminum auriculatum. 319._1 NymphoBa rubra. 2 Pterocarpus san- talinus. 3 Nelumbium speciosum. 821. — 1 Musaparadisiaca. 2 Allium aaoalonicum. 322. — 1 Apiuminvolucratum. 2Sinopi8ramosa. 823.— 1 Amaranthus atropurpureus. 2 Ama- ranthus gauge ticus. ^ Page 324.— 1 Colambaindica. 2Capraimborbi8. Buch. Mas. 3 Ocymum gratiaaimum. 4 Musa paradisiaca. 5 Much used in Uindu Mate> ria modioa. 6 Sapindns of several species. 7 Pimelodus Rita, Hamilton's Fishes. 325.— 1 Cyprinus Rohita, Hamilton's Fishes. 2 Elaoocarpus ganitrus. 3 Meleagris satyra. 4 CluBtodon argna, LacSphde. 327.— 1 Cyprinus denticulatus, or C. Rohits, of Hamilton, 328. — 1 Mimosa pudica. 2 Psittacna minoo. 3 Bixa orellana. 4 Urtioa nauclifolia. 5 Eugenia caryophyllata. 6 Limonia scan- dens. 7 Boswellia thurifera. 329. — 1 Viz. Gloriosa superba, Commelina sali- cifolia, Nama repens, and Jussiena repena. 330. — 1 Ophiocephalus Lata,flami7ion*s Fishes; Ophiocephale Karaivey, Lacephde. 2 Frin- gilla amandava. 3 Nerium odorum. 4 Can- na indica, var. rubra. 331.— 1 Phyllanthus longifolia. 2 Portulaca oleracea and meridiana. 3 Psittacus Lory. 332, — 1 Annona squamosa. 2 Symplocos race- mosa. 3,Dolicho3 sinensis. 334. — 1 Falco ponticerianus. 2 Hyperanthera Morunga. 3 Curcuma Zerumbet. 4 Cur- ^ cumaAmhuldi. 5 Crotolariajuncea. 6 As- paragus racemosus. 335. — 1 Cyprinus Sophore, Hamilton's Fishes. 2 Psidium pyriforme and maliforme. 3 Sac- charum Sara. 4 Cyprinus Sarana, Hamil' ton's Fishes. 336. — 1 Anethum Sowa. 337. — 1 Turdus macrourus. 2 Panicum fru- mentaceum and colonum. 3 Helix ampul- lacea. 4 Viz. Gracula religiosa, and Turdus Salica. 5 Shorea robusta. 6 Ophiocephalus Wrahl, Hamilton's Fishes. 7 Hedysarum gangeticum. 8 Turdus Salica. 9 Nymphaea lotus. 338.— 1 Nyctanthes tristis. 2 Dalbergia Sis- 800. 3 Trapa bispinosa. 4 Silums Singio, Hamilton's Fishes. 839.— 1 Bombax heptaphylla. 2 Argemone Mexican a. 343._1 Crotolaria juncea. 2 ^schynomene paludosa. 344. — 1 Turdus macrourus. 2 ^gle marmelos. 345.— 1 Nerium odonim. 2 Boerhaavia diffusa. 3 Celoaia cristata. 4 Sinapis glauca. [ 406 ] Page 358, — 1 Viz. Kakkola, cloves, agallocliuni, and gum benjamin. 2 Cana indica. 359, — 1 Consisting of Moora, Valeriana Jata- mansa. Calamus aromaticus,Koorlia, a kind of moss called Sliileya,turmeric,red sanders, dried ginger, Machelia Cliampaca, and Cj- perus rotundus. 2 Sinapis dicliotoma. 362. — 1 Cuculus melancholicus. 2 Ardea Sa- runga, Carey. 3 Ardea Sibirica. 4 Turdus Salica, Buch. Mss. The natives of Bengal, however, apply tbe name to the female par- rot. 5 Shorea robust a. 6 Ophiocephalus Wrahl. 7 Turdus Salica, £uch. Mss. 363. — 1 Rosa glandulifera. 364. — 1 Herritiera minor. 2KymphgBacyanea, and N. esculenta. 366. — 1 Marsilia quadrifolia. 368. — 1 Hibiscus phceniceus. 2 Helianthus an- nuus. 3 Rosa glandulifera. 4 Zizyphus scandens. 369. — 1 Corvus venatorius, Buch. Mss., perhaps Gracula cristatella, Limi. 2 Cyprinus aura- tus. 3 Phaseolus aureus. 4 Sarcostema viminalis. 5 Serratula anthelmintica. 371. — 1 Hibiscus mntabilis, 372. — 1 Cucumis momordica. 377. — 1 Terminalia chebula. 2 Phlomis zeyla- nica, 3 Oriolus melanocephalus, Linn. ; Turdus melanocephalus, Carey. 378. — 1 Corvus mendicantium. 2 Croton poly- andrum. 3 Acanthus cilicifolius. 4 Ardea Argala. 5 Cissus quadrangularis. 6 H« -io- tropium indicum. 379. — 1 Echites dichotoma. 2 Columba Hari. ala. 3 Phaseolus mungo. 4 Lepidium sativum. 380. — 1 Barringtonia acutangula. 2 Phoenix paludosa. 3 Cotyledon laciniata. 381. — 1 Psittacus sinensis. 2 Achyranthea asp era. 383. — 1 Typha elephantinum. 384, — 1 Oldenlandia biflora, and perhaps one or two more species. 385. — 1 Gloriosa superba. 390. — 1 Arum bulbiferum. 2 Pentaptera tomentosa. 393, — 1 Artocarpus integrifolia. 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