n \. -i GEORGE SELWYN AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES. VOL. I. ISAAC FOOT LIBRARY :mai 'OEsgg ®i?Ec«\3ffloeros3:i&3s;s^osaE)ole, " is not unentertaining : 172 MARIA GUNNING. Duke Hamilton is the abstract of Scotch pride ; he and the duchess, at their own house, walk in to dinner before their company ; sit together at the upper end of their own table ; eat off the same plate ; and drink to nobody beneath the rank of earl. Would not one wonder how they could get anybody, either above or below that rank, to dine with them at all? I don't know whether you will not think all these very tri- fling histories; but, for myself, I love anything that marks a character strongly."* On the 17th of January, 1758, the Duchess was deprived of her husband by death, and on the 3rd of March, the following year, became the wife of Colonel John Campbell, afterwards Duke of Argyll,! thus uniting the two great houses of Hamilton and Campbell. On the 20tli of May, 1776, in the life-time of her second hus- band, she was created Baroness Hamilton, of Ham- bledon in Leicestershire, in her own right. The Duchess was also one of the Ladies of the Bed- chamber to Queen Charlotte, whom she accompa- nied to England from Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, pre- vious to her marriage with George the Third. Considering that personal beauty was the sole dowry of the Duchess of Hamilton and Argyll, * Walpole's Letters, vol. ii. p. 449. t John, ninth Earl and fifth Duke of Argyll, Colonel of the first regiment of foot- guards, and a field-marshal in the army. He died May 24, 1806, in his eighty- seventh year. DR. I. WALL. 173 it is remarkable that the untitled daughter of an Irish gentleman should have been the wife of tM'o dukes, and the mother of four. By her first husband she was the mother of James- George, seventh duke, and of Douglas, eighth Duke of Hamilton ; and, by her second husband, of George- William, sixth duke, and of John- Douglas-Edward-Henry, seventh and present Duke of Argyll. Lady Charlotte Bury, — rnatre pulchrd Jilia imlclirior, — is another surviving child of the beautiful Duchess of Hamilton and Argyll. The death of the Duchess took place on the 20th of December, 1790. DR. I. WALL TO GEORGE SELWYN. Croome, August 8, 1760. SIR, I HAVE spent almost all my time at this place since my lord went to London, and, indeed. Lady Coventry has been so extremely ill, so much worse than when you saw her last, that she wanted all the attendance I could give her. For two or three days, the oppression on her breast, and the sickness at her stomach were excessive, but these were at last happily removed by some medicines, which, indeed, operated a little roughly, but it Mas a necessary severity, for she could not have lived without it. She has now for tAVO or three days com])luiiied of a pain in her side and across the 174 DR. I. WALL. breast, which I look upon to be muscular, and a sort of spasmodic rheumatism. Excuse me for using terms of art, but I don't know how to express myself without them. Her pulse, notwithstanding this, has, for three days last past, been very remark- ably slower; her feverish heats less than usual. She is extremely weak. Yesterday morning a letter came from the Duchess of Hamilton, directed for Lord Coventry. She knew the hand, and un- luckily opened it. Hinc illae lachrymse ! The duchess had too plainly explained her sen- timents of Lady Coventry's condition ; had lamented her as a sister whom she should never see ; had entirely given her up, ex])ressing her concern as for one already in the grave. You, who know how apt Lady Coventry is to be affected, may easily conceive the anguish which such a letter would occasion. Indeed, it did almost kill her. I was called to her, and found her almost fainting and dying away. However, she soon after recovered, and I took my leave ; but after I was gone the same scene was several times renewed. Her attendants thought her expiring. In their hurry, they despatched an express to my lord, who I suppose will, in consequence of that, be here this evening. However, she has had a very good night, and is tolerably well this morning. I make no excuse for being so minute, because I believed GILLY WILLIAMS. 175 it would be most agreeable to you that I should be so. I am very sorry to find that your Malvern waters have not as yet reached you. I enquired of JMr. Davis, before you left Croome, if they were sent, and he assured me they were. The person they were sent by was Bartlet ; I have again sent to Davis about it. ]\Iy best compliments wait upon Mr. Williams. I am, sir, your most obliged humble servant, I. Wall. GILLY WILLIA]MS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Tunbridge Wells, July 18. [1762.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I FIND this place so very entertaining, that I shall stay here near a week longer than I at first intended ; and if you find London uninhabited, as I suppose by this time it must be, and will come down hither, I will most certainly return with you on Sunday next. The Naylors will receive you most hospitably, and feed you with venison till your cold constitution is warmed to a pitch to be useful to them. At the head of our quality is Lady Ladd,* who * Probably Mary, daughter of Ralph Thrale, Esq., and widow of Sir John Ladd, Bart., of Warbleton, Sussex. She is fre- quently mentioned in the early period of Madame D'Arblay's Memoirs. 176 HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. will divert jou more than if she had been better taught ; better fed, you will allow, she could not be. Among the men, very luckily for me, is Vaughan, who laughs so much at the very odd exhibitions here, that sometimes they are j^eevish. If you were a man of intrigue, I would have men- tioned the Duchess of St. Alban's,* who bears no small part in the entertainment, for very often her Grace, after being well fortified with negus, will dance a minuet by herself. Biddy shall make soups for you ; the widow shall receive you, and nobody will be more glad to see you than. Yours most sincerely. HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. Henry Fox, first Lord Holland, (who for many years was the friend and correspondent of George Selwyn,) was the youngest son of Sir Stephen Fox, whose name so frequently occurs in the social and political annals of the reigns of King Charles the Second and King James the Second. Sir Stephen Fox, the founder of his family, and the transmitter of a name which more than one * Jane, sole daughter and heir of Sir Walter Roberts, Bart., of Glassenbury, Kent, and wife of George third Duke of St. Alban's. She died December 16, 1778. HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. 177 of his descendants has rendered illustrious, had, originally, it is said, been a chorister-boy in Salis- bury Cathedral. By industry, however, and regu- larity of conduct, he advanced himself to be the favourite of his sovereign. During the exile of Charles the Second, he filled the appointment of Treasurer of the Household to that monarch, and was the first person to announce the death of Crom- well to Charles, as he was playing at tennis with the Archduke Leopold and Don John. At the Restoration, he received the appointment of Clerk of the Green Cloth, and subsequently filled the posts successively of Paymaster General of the Forces, and a Lord of the Treasury. As a courtier, he was distinguished by his prudent conduct and bis fidelity to his sovereign ; and De Grammont styles him " one of the richest and most regular men in England." Sir Stephen Fox was twice married. His second wife was Christian, daughter of the Rev. Charles Hope, of Nasely, in Lincoln- shire, whom he married in his seventy-seventh year, and by whom he was father of Stephen, first Earl of Ilchester, and of Henry, the subject of the pre- sent' memoir, who was born after his father had attained to his eightieth year. Henry Fox, of whom we are now treating, was born in 1705, and commenced his studies at Eton, where he was the contemporary of his future politi- cal rival, the great Lord Chatham, of Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, and the celebrated Henry Field- VOL. L N 178 HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. ing. His youth appears to have been passed in frolic and extravagance, and his passion for the gaming-table very nearly wasted his patrimony. He united, hovrever, with his libertinism a taste for graver pursuits, and, indeed, ambition was no less his characteristic than a love of pleasure. He was returned to Parliament for Hendon, in Wiltshire, in March, ] 735, and at the age of thirty-two was appointed Surveyor-General of the Board of Works. In the Parliament which was summoned to meet on the 25tli of June, 1741, he was returned as member for Windsor, for which borough he sat during successive parliaments, till his elevation to the peerage in May, 1762. In the " Broad-bottomed Administration," formed by the Pelhams, in 1743, Mr. Fox was appointed a Lord of the Treasury; and the following year still further advanced his fortunes by a run-away marriage with Lady Caroline Lennox, eldest daugh- ter of Charles second Duke of Richmond, and great-grand-daughter of Charles the Second. It may readily be imagined that the surreptitious marriage of the eldest daughter of their house with the son of a chorister, or, as Horace Waljjole designates him, " a footman," should have given no slight offence to the family of Lennox. Walpole writes to Sir Horace Mann, May 29, 1744, " Mr. Fox fell in love with Lady Caroline Lennox ; asked her, was refused, and stole her. His father was a footman ; her great-grandfather a king : liinc UIce HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. 179 lachrymce ! all tlie blood royal have been up in arms. The Duke of jMarlborough, who was a friend of the Richmonds, gave her away. If his Majesty's Princess Caroline had been stolen, there could not have been more noise made. The Pel- hams, who are much attached to the Richmonds, but who have tried to make Fox and all that set theirs, wisely entered into the quarrel, and now do not know how to get out of it. They were for hindering Williams, who is Fox's great friend, and at whose house they were married, from having the red ribbon ; but he has got it, with four others, the Viscount Fitzwilliam, CalthorjDe, Whitmore, and Harbord." Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, who had been his schoolfellow at Eton, and at whose house he was married, thus addresses him shortly after his nujitials : Such are the nights that I have seen of yore ; Such are the nights that I shall see no more ! When Winnington and Fox, with flow of soul, With sense and wit, drove round the cheerful bowl. Our hearts were open'd, and our converse free, But now they both are lost, quite lost to me. One to a mistress gives up all his life, And one from me flies wisely to his wife ; There proves the highest joys that man can prove, The joys of truth, and of alternate love. Each happy in his different path goes on, Pleased and content ; I, pensive and alone, Rejoice at both your fates, but mourn my own. In 174G JMr. Fox was appointed Secretary-at- War, and sworn of the Privy Council. In 1755 N 2 180 HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. he was appointed Secretary of State, but, not- withstanding that he possessed the confidence and favour of the King, he was compelled to resign the appointment the following year to his great rival, Mr. Pitt. " The persons," says Coxe, (speak- ing of the resignation of the Duke of Newcas- tie,) " who now aspired to the management of the House of Commons, were INIr. Fox and Mr. Pitt, whose parliamentary abilities had for some time divided the suffrages of the nation ; who had long fostered recij^rocal jealousy; and who now became public rivals for f)ower. Both these rival statesmen were younger brothers, nearly of the same age ; both were educated at Eton ; both more dis- tinguished for classical knowledge ; both commenced their parliamentary career at the same period, and both raised themselves to eminence by their su- perior talents ; yet no two characters were ever more contrasted. Mr. Fox inherited a strong and vigorous constitution ; was profuse and dissipated in his youth ; and, after squandering his private patrimony, went abroad to extricate himself from his embarrassments. On his return, he obtained a seat in Parliament, and warmly attached himself to Sir Robert Walpole, whom he idolized ; and to Avhose patronage he was indebted for the place of Surveyor-General of the Board of Works. His marriage, in 1744, with Lady Caroline Lennox, daughter of the Duke of Richmond, though at first displeasing to the family, yet finally strengthened HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. 181 liis political connexions. He was equally a man of pleasure and business, formed for social and convivial intercourse : of an unruffled temper and frank disposition. No statesman acquired more adherents ; not merely from political motives, but svrayed by his agreeable manners, and attached to him by personal friendship, which he fully merited by his zeal in promoting their interests. He is justly characterized, even by Lord Chesterfield, ' as having no fixed principles of religion or mo- rality, and as too unwary in ridiculing and ex- posing them.' As a parliamentary orator, he was occasionally hesitating and perplexed, but wdien warmed with his subject, he spoke with an ani- mation and rapidity which appeared more striking from his former hesitation. His speeches were not crowded with flowers of rhetoric, or distinguished by ])rilliancy of diction, but were replete with sterling sense and sound argument. He was quick in reply, keen in rej^artee, and skilful in discern- ing the temper of the House. He wrote without effort or affectation ; his public despatches were manly and perspicuous, and his private letters easy and animated. Though of an ambitious spirit, he regarded money as a principal object, and power as a secondary concern." In 1757 Mr. Fox was appointed Paymaster of the Forces, which office he retained till the commencement of the reign of George the Third. On the Gth of May 17G2 he obtained a peerage for his wife, as l^aroncss 182 HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. Holland, and on IGtli of April 1763 he himself was created Baron Holland of Foxlej, in Wiltshire. Lord Holland was distinguished by a refined taste, a classical mind, and a love of the fine arts ; and to these qualities we may add conversational wit, a kind heart, and a generous disposition. Lord Chesterfield writes to his son, 8th March, 1754, " I am not sorry for the promotion of Mr. Fox, as I have always been upon civil terms with him, and found him ready to do me any little services. He is frank and gentlemanlike in his manner ; and, to a certain degree, I really believe will be your friend upon my account ; if you can af- terwards make him yours upon your own, ta7it mieuoer The private charities of Lord Holland were considerable ; he was an attached and con- siderate husband, and was almost criminally indul- gent to his children. He is said to have en- courao-ed his sons in the frolics and indiscretions o of youth, and, indeed, when his second, and after- wards celebrated son, Charles James Fox, was in his fifteenth year, is reported, during their resi- dence at Spa, to have supplied him with a certain number of guineas every night to enable him to enjoy the excitement of the gaming-table. There existed, in more than one respect, a close resemblance between the character of Lord Hol- land and that of his gifted son. They were both inordinately ambitious ; both had impaired their health and fortunes in the pursuit of pleasure ; HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. 183 Ijotli had conceived a fatal addiction to the gaming- table ; both were eminently distingnislied by their talents as statesmen and their oratorical powers ; and both were attached to the cause of literature, and were writers of trifling but elegant verse. In one particular quality, however, that of prudence, there remained a wide difference in their charac- ters. The vices of the father expired with his youth; he succeeded in his object of enjoying place and power, and died the possessor of con- siderable wealth. On the other hand, the son continued a libertine almost to the last ; with all his talents and ambition, he was in the possession of power only for a few months; and, moreover, instead of acquiring a fortune, he squandered every guinea on which he could lay his hand. Though certainly far from being of a hoarding or niggardly disposition. Lord Holland grew to be insa- tiable in the pursuit of wealth, and, indeed, while holding the lucrative appointment of Paymaster of the Forces was loudly accused of a criminal appro- priation of the public money. " In his earlier life," says Walpole, " ^Ir. Fox had wasted his fortune ill gaming ; it had been replaced by some family circumstances, but was small, and he continued profuse. Becoming a most fond father, and his constitution admonishing him, he took up an at- tention to enrich himself precipitately." * At one * Memoirs of the Last Ten Years of George the Second, vol. ii. p. 40 L 184 HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. period, so convinced were the public that Lord Holland was accumulating a large fortune by un- justifiable means, that in an address from the city of London he was openly styled " the public de- faulter of unaccounted millions." That Lord Hol- land availed himself of the perquisites and advan- tages of office in an undue and improper man- ner is not at all unlikely, but that he was guilty of the actual and sweeping frauds of which he is accused in the epigrammatic proscription of the city of London, there is certainly more reason to doubt. Whatever were the means by which he enriched himself, he appears to have justified them to his own conscience, and they certainly in no decree lessened him in the esteem of his friends. In the last years of his life, Lord Holland amused himself, at a vast expense, in building his fantastic villa at Kinsgate, situated in a dreary spot near Margate in Kent. It was this circum- stance which drew forth from Gray the poet the following lines, which have seldom been surpassed either in bitterness or poetical power : — IMPROMPTU, Suggested by a view of the seat and ruins of a deceased nobleman, at Kingsgate, Kent, in 1766. Old, and abandon'd by each venal fi-iend, Here Holland form'd the pious resolution. To smuggle a few years, and strive to mend A broken character and constitution. On this congenial spot he fix'd his choice ; Earl Goodwin trembled for his neighbouring sand ; HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. 185 Here sea-gulls scream, and cormorants rejoice, And mariners, though shipwreck'd, dread to land. Here reign the blustering north and blighting east ; No tree is heard to whisper, bird to sing ; Yet Nature could not furnish out the feast, Art he invokes new horrors still to bring. Here mouldering fanes and battlements arise. Turrets and arches nodding to their fall ; Unpeopled monast'ries delude our eyes. And mimic desolation covers all. " Ah ! " said the sighing peer, " had Bute been true. Nor M — 's, R — 's, B — 's friendship vain, Far better scenes than these had bless'd our view. And realized the beauties which we feign. Purged by the sword, and purified by fire, Then had we seen proud London's hated walls ; Owls would have hooted in St. Peter's choir, And foxes stunk and litter'd in St. Paul's." Such is the language in which Lord Holland was spoken of by his political opponents. As a specimen, however, of the very different feelings with which he was regarded by those who mingled with him in social life, we will insert the following verses, addressed to him by his early schoolfellow and friend. Sir Charles Hanbury Williams : — To speak and charm in public, friend, is thine ; The silent arts of poetry are mine ; And when some striking thought affects my mind, I rest not till to paper 'tis consigu'd. Then, with a parent's fondness, I behold INIy child escaped from memory's treacherous hold ; And smooth'd in verse, and harmonized in rhyme, I dream 'tis placed beyond the reach of time. 186 HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND, 'Twas your desire, (perhaps your flattery too) — My verse, ray fame, if any, springs from you ; And here I pay my tribute where 'tis due. Your smiles were all my vanity required; Your nod was all the fame that I desired. All my ambition was, to gain your praise, And all my pleasure, you alone to please. Lord Holland died at Holland House, Kensing- ton, July 1st, 1774, in the sixty-ninth year of his age, and was buried at Farley. He was survived by his widow only twenty-three days, and by his eldest son only six months. His children were Stephen Fox, who succeeded as second Lord Hol- land ; Henry, who died young ; Charles-James, the celebrated statesman ; and Henry-Edward, a gene- ral in the army, and colonel of the 10th regiment of foot, who died in 1811. THE RIGHT HON. HENRY FOX TO GEORGE SELWYN. September 19, 1762. DEAR SIR, Monsieur de Nivernois (Lord Shelburne thought) was to dine, if not lie, at Ingress ; and I was misinformed too about Lady Bolingbroke and the quarrel. I find since, you know nothing of it.* * This has evidently reference to the unfortunate misunder- standing between Lord and Lady Bolingbroke, which terminated in a divorce in 1768. The lady subsequently remarried Topham Beauclerk, Esq., and is now better known as Lady Diana Beau- clerk. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 187 I believe I was not misinformed about Lord Lincoln,* though indeed very little informed ; nor shall I be more so till I get to London : you may, I believe. I shall not go there the sooner on that account, but I like the situation Mr. Hogarth has put me in so well, that I fancy I shall stay here longer than I intended. I hope not to come to town till peace, or no peace, is certain. The odds are now three to one for it, you say : be so good as to let me know as they increase or decrease in your opinion. f I hope, for better reasons than merely to inform me, that you have a better guess now than I have sometimes known you have. I cannot flat- ter you with an opinion that any event can bring your attendance | on the 9th to be dispensed with. Till then, and, soon after that, for a month, you may be absent. To-morrow you will be at the King's elbow, or the Queen's, if that is a better place, in St. George's Hall.§ As I remem- ber, that was a fine sight in 1730. * Henry, ninth Earl of Lincoln, and first Duke of Newcastle of his family, died February 22, 1794. See ante, October 20, 1741. -|- The treaty of peace with France was signed at Fontainbleau on the 3rd of November. Mr. Fox was a strong advocate for the measure, and afterwards defended it with all his eloquence against the arguments of Mr. Pitt in the House of Commons. J In Parliament, which, however, did not assemble till the 25th of November. § Alluding to the approaching ceremony of the installation of Prince William, third son of Frederick Prince of Wales, and of 188 HENRY FOX, LORD HOLLAND. I return you Mrs. Power's letter. Would Lady T. have been very angry if you had suffered her to pass for the benefactress ? Lady Coroline makes her best compliments, and thanks you for your conduct. Your other inclosed paper I shall keep. What does the author mean by Villustre smig dont la France reclame Voricjine f I fancy he thinks him descended from the Regent, Duke of Bedford, and so from the Capets ! but that would be by the French : I don't understand it, I join with the mayor in his good wishes, being apprehensive that your friends the French are not so low as Mr. Pitt* and his mob represent them, and that, if this peace is halloed and frightened away, she will not readily or soon come back again. Adieu ! dear sir : I hope you dined at Lord Thomond's ; f and I hope too that Mrs. Power looks as pretty as her letter, though I tliink that would not signify much to you. Yours ever, H. Fox. P.S. You talk slightingly of an Islington turn- Lord Bute, as Knights of the Garter, which took place at Wind- sor on the 22nd of September, 1762. * Afterwards the celebrated Lord Chatham, and now the great political opponent of Mr, Fox. His famous oration against the peace with France, on the ground as unsafe, impolitic, and unsound, is well known. f Windham O'Brien, created, November 29, 1756, Baron of Ibrickan, and Earl of Thomond in Ireland. He was member of Parliament for Minehead, Lord Lieutenant of the county of Somerset, and a member of the Privy Council. GILLY WILLTAMS. 180 pike, whicli (as the end of your journey at least) mav as well be let alone. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. White's, Saturday night. [1762.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I AM sorry to hear by your letter of this morning, that your return was at present sine die. The town is not as yet full, but, for the quantity and quality, diverting. Lord Hardwicke is relapsed ;* Jack Yorke,f the dancer, told me this morning he had a bad night, but was something easier, and as they begin to speak with that mystery which usually attends men of consequence in those circumstances, he may be worse than we imagine. Charles Towns- hend is to be in opposition, but he is to be against AYilkes ; for the Peace and for the Cyder. \ I have not yet seen my Lady [Townshend]. I have called at Whitehall, but she is still at George's.^ Report says all proceedings in the lower courts * The celebrated chancellor. He died on the Gth of March, 1764. t The Hon. John Yorke, the chancellor's third son. He died in 1769. X Charles Townshend o])j)oscd tniuisters both against ihe Peace and their persecution of Wilkes, but he supported them in the Cider Bill. § The Hon. George Townshend, afterwards first Marquis Townshend. See ante, October 1, 1746. 190 GILLY WILLIAMS. are stopped as to Wilkes, and the Commons are to take it up, by a message from tlie King, and expel him. Lord Sandwich and Gower* keep open house. All that are in town dined to-day with the lat- ter, where we have ate, drank, and laughed, most immoderately. Half a dozen of the lowest class of figure-dancers have folloM'cd our friend Coventry from Paris, and send billets to him every night from Suffolk Street. I wish you could see Lord Clive'sf face, that is over against me while I am writing ; I think it would match your Shafto partly for beauty. Lord Holland will be in town either to-morrow or Monday. With all his houses, he has none to put his head in, but has taken a lodging in Pall Mall. Calcraft walks in the Park every morning arm-in-arm with Colonel Barre. Our friend Harry is peevish, and retired to Strawberry till the meeting. Pray make my best compliments to Lord March and the Ton- dino, and believe me to be Yours, &c., &c. * Granville, second Earl Gower, and first Marquis of Staf- ford, was born in 1721. He held several high appointments under the state, and died October 26, 1803. f Robert, the great Lord Clive, died 22nd Nov. 1774. 191 JOHN GEORGE MONTAGU. John George ]\1ontagu, fourth Enrl of Sand- wicli, (to whom there are references in this, and several subsequent letters,) Avas born in Novem- ber 1718, and, in 1741, married Judith, daughter of Charles first Viscount Fane, by whom he had one son, who succeeded him as fifth Earl of Sandwich. Lord Sandwich is now princi- pally known to posterity from his connexion with INliss Ray, who was shot ])y the Rev. Mr. Hickman, while she was stepping into his lord- ship's carriage at the entrance to Covent Garden Theatre. He was, however, a person of consider- able note and importance in his day. He was educated at Eton, and afterwards at Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge. He quitted the university in 1735, without having taken a degree, and the following year proceeded on a voyage round the shores of the Mediterranean, his account of which was afterwards published by his chap- lain, the Reverend John Cooke, with a memoir of his life prefixed. Shortly after liis return to England he took his seat in the House of Lords; in December 1744 he was appointed a Lord of the Admiralty; in November 174G Minister Ple- nipotentiary to the States General, and after- wards to tlie Congress at Aix la Cha])elle ; in 192 JOHN GEORGE MONTAGU. February 1748 he was nominated first Lord of the Admirality, and sworn of the Privy Council ; in December 1755 joint Vice-Treasurer of Ire- land ; in 1763 he was appointed Ambassador-Ex- traordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Court of Spain ; in April following, he was again nomi- nated First Lord of the Admiralty ; and the fol- lowing August, one of the principal Secretaries of State, which office he resigned in July, 1765. In August 1770 he was again appointed Secretary of State, which post he exchanged in January 1771 for that of First Lord of the Admiralty, which he retained till the downfall of Lord North's Administration. In social life, Lord Sandwich was distinguished by his convivial habits, his love of music, and his conversational powers. He was essentially a man of pleasure, and carried libertinism even to the verge of the grave. Wilkes, in his " Letters to the Electors of Aylesbury," styles him the " most abandoned man of his age." He had been a mem- ber of the celebrated Franciscans,* who practised their impure orgies at Medmenham Abbey, near Marlow in Buckinghamshire ; and Churchill, in his poem the " Candidate," exclaims — Search Heaven, search Hell, the Devil cannot find An agent like Lothario to his mind. It was the misfortune of Lord Sandwich to * See ante, 12th November, 17 15. JOHN GEORGE MONTAGU. 193 preside at the head of the Board of Admiralty during the least prosperous period of our naval annals. He has, however, the merit of having extended his warmest patronage to the celebrated navigator, Captain Cook ; to naval officers he was always accessible, and his manner to them was invariably gracious and conciliating. One of his peculiarities was, his giving notice to the numer- ous candidates for professional advancement, that he paid no attention to any memorial that ex- tended beyond a single page. " If any man," he said, " will draw up his case, and will put his name to the bottom of the first page, I will give him an immediate reply : where he compels me to turn over the page, he must wait my pleasure." Another amusing anecdote is recorded of him. When ]\Ir. Eden, afterwards Lord Auckland, de- serted the standard of Fox for that of Pitt, he sent, in justification of his apostacy, a circular letter to his former political colleagues. The reply of Lord Sandwich was sufficiently laconic : " Sir," he said, " your letter is before me, and will pre- sently be behind." Lord Sandwich died on the 30th of April 1792, in his seventy-fifth year. VOL. I. 194 WILLIAM DOUGLAS, EARL OF MARCH, Afterwards JDuke of Qiueensherry. In the course of the subsequent correspondence will be found a series of letters from the extra- ordinary and still famous personage, who forms the subject of the present memoir. As mere li- terary compositions, or as exhibiting specimens of epistolary talent, they possess, perhaps, but slight claims to notice. However, the reader, perhaps, will be little inclined to regret their admission into the present pages, inasmuch as they throw a light on human character, and on the manners and habits of a past age ; and exhibit, in a striking point of view, a strange mixture of strong sense and kind feeling with almost unequalled libertinism and sensuality, William Douglas, third Earl of March, and af- terwards fourth Duke of Queensberry, was born in 1725. He succeeded his father as Earl of March in 1731, and his mother, as Earl of Ruglen in 1748. On the accession of George the Third, he was appointed a Lord of the Bedchamber ; in 1767 he was made Vice- Admiral of Scotland ; and in October 1778, on the death of his cousin Charles, third Duke of Queensberry, the friend and jmtron of Gay, succeeded to the dukedom and princely DUKE OF QUEENSBERRY. 195 estates of Qiieensberry. In 1788, after having- held the appointment of a Lord of the Bedchamber to George the Third for nearly twenty-eight years, the Duke was suddenly deprived of his post. Ima- gining, like many others, that the mental malady under which the King was then labouring Avas a confirmed madness, he deserted the standard of Pitt for that of Fox and the Prince of Wales, and voted in opposition to the minister. It is need- less to add, that the King recovered his intellects, and the Duke of Queensberry was dismissed. Though distinguished by no extraordinary talents, and with slender claims to be regarded as an ob- ject of public interest or attention, the Duke never- theless continued to be the " observed of all ob- servers," almost from his boyhood to extreme old age. His passions were for women and the turf; and the sensual devotedness with which he pursued the one, and the eccentricity which he displayed in the enjoyment of both, added to the observation which he attracted from his position as a man of high rank and princely fortune, rendered him an object of unceasing curiosity. He was deeply versed in the mysteries of the turf, and in all prac- tical and theoretical knowledge connected with the race-course was acknowledged to be the most accomplished adept of his time. In his youth he was in the habit of riding his own matches, and in the art of horsemanshi]) there were l)ut few professional jockeys who could compote with him. o2 196 WILLIAM DOUGLAS, His famous match with the Duke of Hamilton, and that of the machine which long- continued to bear his name, are still matters of notoriety. Among the numerous occasions on which the name of the Duke of Queensberry came before the public in connexion with sporting matters, may be mentioned the circumstance of the following- curious trial, which took place before Lord Mans- field in the Court of King's Bench, in 1771. The Duke of Queensberry, then Lord March, Avas the plaintiff, and a JVIr. Pigot the defendant. The ob- ject of the trial was to recover the sum of five hundred guineas, being the amount of a wager laid by the Duke of Queensberry with Mr. Pigot, whe- ther Sir William Codrington or old JNIr. Pigot should die first. It had singularly happened that Mr. Pigot died suddenly the same morning, of the gout in his head, but before either of the parties interested in the result of the wager could by any possibility have been made acquainted with the fact. In the contemporary accounts of the trial, the Duke of Queensberry is mentioned as having been accommodated with a seat on the bench ; while Lord Ossory, and several other noblemen, were examined on the merits of the case. By the counsel for the defendant, it was argued that, (as in the case of a horse dying before the day on which it was to be run,) the wager was invalid and annulled. Lord INlansfield, however, was of a dif- ferent opinion ; and after a brief charge from that DUKE OF QUEENSBERRY. 197 great lawyer, the jury brought in a verdict for the plaintiff of five hundred guineas, and sentenced the defendant to defray the costs of the suit. It was in connexion with such, and even less reputable connexions, that the name of the Duke of Queensberry was chiefly familiar to the world. However, he united, with a passion for the race- course and the gaming-table, a taste for all the elegancies and refinements of life. He was un- questionably one of the most finished gentlemen of his day ; his high-breeding was never questioned ; and for nearly half a century his dress and equi- page were regarded as the models of good taste by a host of obsecpiious admirers. Nor is this the highest praise that can be awarded him. Deficient neither in wit nor in general information ; with a passion for music, and a redeeming taste for li- terature and the fine arts, and deeply versed in the knowledge of human nature and mankind, there was no individual who, independent of his high rank and noble fortune, had the art of ren- dering himself more generally popular in every society. The life of the Duke of Queensl^erry, it must be admitted, w^as a long career of profligacy, compris- ing little beyond the personal history of a man of pleasure, and distinguished ])rinci|)ally by traits of exceeding libertinism, and by some eccentric pe- culiarities in his pursuit of sensual enjoyment. Few, however, are utterly and irredeemably bad ; 198 WILLIAM DOUGLAS, and therefore, in the private charities of the Duke of Queensberry, and they were not inconsiderable, in the vast sums which he subscribed for the further- ance of great national purposes, and in his personal good-nature, we gladly recognize a partial atone- ment for his otherwise insensate and libidinous career. At the period when he succeeded to the Queens- berry titles and estates he was in his fifty-fourth year ; and, with the accession of rank and fortune, seems to have ceased his intimate connexion with the turf. He was formed but for the enjoyment of two societies, those of London and Newmarket, and when the latter ceased to possess its wonted charms, he confined himself almost entirely, in the decline of life, to the society of the clubs, and to the voluptuous and enervating pleasures which are alone to be obtained in a great city. His estates in Scotland, and even his splendid seat at Ames- bury in Wiltshire, — charming as the latter is in situation, convenient on account of its distance from London, and rendered classical both as the work of Inigo Jones and from its connexion with Prior, Pope, and Gay, and the charming literary society with which the famous Duchess of Queensberry delighted to surround herself, — were rarely visited by the inactive voluptuary. His house in Picca- dilly, and his villa at Richmond, became the easy and favourite resorts of the superannuated libertine ; and here were enacted those frequent scenes of DUKE OF QUEENSBERRY. 199 splendid vice, of almost oriental voluptuousness, and, indeed, of deliberate sensuality, of which delicacy precludes a detail. Latterly, circumstances estranged the Duke of Queensberry even from the enjoyment of his surburban villa, and he confined himself entirely to his mansion in Piccadilly. It seems, that not- withstanding- the considerable charities which he dispensed at Richmond, and the sums which his magnificent mode of living circulated in the neigh- bourhood, the inhabitants were ill-advised enough to institute against him a vexatious suit at law, for the recovery of a few yards of ground, which, unconscious of any invasion of parochial rights, he had taken into his enclosure. Conscious how great a benefactor he had been to tlie place, the Duke quitted Richmond in disgust, and hereafter con- fined his vices and vast expenditure solely to the metropolis. Although the habits and morality of the Duke of Queensberry were entirely of the Epicurean school, he has, nevertheless, some unworthy claims to be regarded in the light of a philosopher. His animal s])irits were proof against the encroachments of senility and disease ; and, to the last, women, the opera, and the society of a few chosen friends, afforded a panacea for the loss of youth and vigour, and fur the increasing infirmities of old age. Though attached to tlio luxuries of the table, his indulgences were ever regulated by i)rudence ; and, 200 WILLIAM DOUGLAS, indeed, to his habit of enjoying his pleasures by rule may be attributed the longevity to which he attained. He professedly despised the opinion of the world, and as long as he secured the enjoyment of the moment, cared little whether his conduct was deprecated or approved by mankind. In old age, though deaf with one ear, and blind with one eye, he still retained the cheerfulness of youth, and seems to have confined himself to one single object, the enjoyment of the small remnant of life which remained to him. Sir Nathaniel Wraxall, who was well acquainted AA ith the Duke of Queensberry in his latter years, has bequeathed us a curious portrait of him at the close of life : " Few noblemen," he says, " have occu- pied a more conspicuous place about the court and the town, during at least half a century, under the reigns of George the Second and Third. Like Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, he pursued pleasure in every shape, and with as much ardour at four- score as he had done at twenty. After exhausting all the gratifications of human life, towards its close he sat down at his residence, near Hyde Park Cor- ner, where he remained a spectator of that moving scene, which Johnson denominated 'the full tide of human existence," but in which he could no longer take a very active part. I lived in almost daily habits of intercourse with him, when I was in London, during the last seven years of his pro- tracted career. His j^erson had then become a DUKE OF QUEENSBERRY. 201 ruin : but not so his mind. Seeing only with one eye, hearing- very imperfectly only with one ear, nearly toothless, and labouring under multiplied infirmities, he possessed all his intellectual faculties, including his memory. Never did any man retain more animation, or manifest a sounder judgment. Even his figure, though emaciated, still remained elegant ; his manners were noble and polished ; his conversation gay, always entertaining, generally ori- ginal, rarely instructive, frequently libertine, indicat- ing a strong, sagacious, masculine intellect, with a thorough knowledge of man. If I were com- pelled to name the particular individual who had received from nature the keenest common sense of any person I ever knew, I should select the Duke of Queensberry. " Unfortunately, his sources of information, the turf, the drawing-room, the theatre, the great world, were not the most pure, nor the best adapted to impress him with a favourable idea of his own species. Information as acquired by books, he always treated with contempt ; and used to ask me what advantage, or solid benefit, I had ever derived from the knowledge that he sup])osed me to possess of history; a question which it was not easy for me satisfactorily to answer, either to him or to myself. Known to be immensely rich, destitute of issue, and unmarried, ho formed a mark at which every necessitous man or woman throughout tlie metrppolis directed their aim. It 202 WILLIAM DOUGLAS, is a fact, tliat when he lay dying, in December 1810, his bed was covered with billets and letters to the number of at least seventy, mostly, indeed, addressed to him by females of every descrijition and of every rank, from duchesses down to ladies of the easiest virtue. Unable, from his extenuated state, to open or to peruse them he ordered them as they arrived to be laid on his bed, w^here they remained, the seals unbroken, till he expired. " JMany fabulous stories were circulated and be- lieved respecting him ; as, among others, that he wore a glass eye, that he used milk baths,* and other idle tales. It is, however; a fact, that the Duke performed, in his own drawing-room, the scene of Paris and the goddesses. Three of the most beautiful females to be found in London pre- sented themselves before him, jirecisely as the divinities of Homer are supposed to have appeared to Paris on Mount Ida : while he, habited like the Dardan shepherd, holding a gilded apple in his hand, conferred the prize on her whom he deemed the fairest. This classic exhibition took place at his house opposite the Green Park. Neither the second Duke of Buckingham, commemorated by Pope, whose whole life was a voluptuous whim, nor any * There are many persons still living who remember the almost universal prejudice against drinking milk which prevailed in the metropolis, in consequence of its being supposed that this common necessary of life might have been retailed from the daily lavations of the Duke of Queensberry. DUKE OF QUEENSBERRY. 203 other of the licentious noblemen his contemjio- raries, appear to have ever realized a scene so analogous to the manners of that profligate period. The correct days of George the Third were reserved to witness its accomplishment." The celebrated William Wilberforce used to mention, that, when a young man, he was invited to dine with the Duke of Queensberry at Rich- mond. " I always observe," he used to say, " that the owners of your grand houses have some snug corner in which they are glad to shelter them- selves from their own magnificence. I remember dining, M'hen I was a young man, with the Duke of Queensberry, at his Richmond villa. The party was very small and select ; Pitt, Lord and Lady Chatham, the Duchess of Gordon, and George Selwyn, (who lived for society, and continued in it till he looked really like the wax-work figure of a corpse) were amongst the guests. We dined early, that some of our party might be ready to attend the Opera. The dinner was sumptuous, the views from the villa quite enchanting, and the Thames in all its glory ; but the Duke looked on with indifference. ' What is there,' he said, ' to make so much of in the Thames? — I am quite tired of it, — there it goes, flow, flow, flow, always the same."' " * In the last years of his life, the Duke of Queens- berry reluctantly withdrew himself from the society * Lii'f of Wilhcrfbico, vol. iii. \>\). 41G, 417. 204 WILLIAM DOUGLAS, of the clubs in St. James's Street, and confined himself almost entirely to his mansion in Piccadilly, and to the society of a few chosen friends. His love of music, however, or rather, perhaps, his passion for the figurantes in the ballet, appears to have long survived his powers of enjoyment, and, to the close of his long career, he was almost constantly to be seen in his box at the Opera. In fine sunny weather, it was the custom of the Duke of Queensberry to seat himself in his balcony in Piccadilly,* where his figure was familiar to every person who was in the habit of passing through that great thoroughfare. Here, (his ema- ciated figure, rendered the more conspicuous from his custom of holding a j^arosal over his head,) he was in the habit of watching every attractive form, and ogling every pretty face that met his eye. He is said, indeed, to have kept a pony and a servant in constant readiness, in order to follow, and ascer- tain the residence of any fair girl whose attrac- tions i)articularly caught his fancy. In addition to retaining in his household a French physician, (who, moreover, is said to have been * The London residence of the Duke of Queensberry was situated close to the corner of Park Lane, overlooking the Green Park. It has since been divided into houses, which are now the residences of the Earls of Cadogan and Roseberry. There are many persons who may remember the flight of steps descending from the first floor into the street, (constructed for the con- venience of the Duke of Queensberry in his latter days,) which have only within the last few years been removed. DUKE OF QUEENSBERRY. 205 employed by him in the prosecution of his liber- tine amours,) the Duke of Queensberry is known to have conferred a large salary on his medical attendant, the late INIr. Fuller of Piccadilly, on the condition that the latter should keep him alive. The Duke, it may be remarked, was not singular in this uncommon mode of rewarding his physician. AYhen Lord JNIacartney was in China, the Em- peror once expressed his surprise to him that the English should be so foolish as to fee their me- dical attendants wdien they were ill. " For my part," he said, " I always pay them when I am well, and as they get no remuneration when I am sick, they are pretty certain to do their best to keep me in health." At the close of life, when suffering under an accumulation of j^ainful disorders, the Duke of Queensberry occasionally betrayed an irritability of manner, which his natural high-breeding and good-nature subsequently rendered matter for self- reproach. " As he had too sound an understand- ing," says Wraxall, " not to despise every species of flattery, we sometimes entered on discussions, during the course of which he was not always master of himself. But he knew how to repair his errors. I have now before my eyes his last note to me, written by himself in pencil, only a short time before his death. It runs thus: — " ' I hope you will accept this as an apology for my irritable behaviour when you called this 206 WILLIAM DOUGLAS, morning. I will explain all when I see you again/ " The Duke of Queensberry died, unmarried, on the 23rd of December, 1810, at the age of eighty- six. " Notwithstanding," says Wraxall, " the li- bertine life that he had led, he contemplated with great firmness and composure of mind his approaching end, and almost imminent dissolution ; while Dr. Johnson, a man of exemplary moral conduct, and personally courageous, could not hear the mention of death, nor look, without shudder- ing, at a thigh-bone in a churchyard. The Duke of Queensberry, like Sheffield Duke of Bucking- hamshire, might have said with truth, — Incertus morior, non perturbatus." Notwithstanding the advanced age of the Duke, it was said that he would have lived longer but for his imprudent indulgence in eating fruit. In consequence of the great wealth left by the Duke of Queensberry, and the number of persons interested in its distribution, his decease caused a considerable sensation in the metropolis. In ad- dition to his large landed estates, which devolved on the Duke of Buccleuch and Sir Charles Douglas of Kilhead, of whom the latter succeeded to the Marquisate of Queensberry, his personal property amounted to nearly a million of money. To Lady Yarmouth, the present Marchioness of Hertford, and her husband, the late Marquis, he not only DUKE OF QUEENSBERRY. 207 bequeathed the sum of one hundred and fifty thou- sand pounds, his two houses in Piccadilly, his villa at Richmond, and all the furniture which they contained, but Lord Hertford was also named his residuary legatee, by which it was supposed that a further sum of two hundred thousand pounds might eventually devolve on him. To Lord Douglas the Duke bequeathed one hundred thou- sand pounds ; to the Duchess of Somerset, inde- pendent of her husband, ten thousand pounds ; to the Countess of Dunmore ten thousand pounds ; to Lady Anne Hamilton ten thousand pounds ; to Lady Hamilton five hundred pounds a-year ; to General Charles Crawford ten thousand pounds, to General R. W. Crawford five hundred pounds a-year ; to INIr. James five thousand pounds ; to M. Pere Elvizee five thousand pounds ; to General Fitzpatrick five hundred pounds a-year ; to Ge- neral Picton five thousand pounds ; to Mr. Douglas one hundred and fifty thousand pounds ; to Colonel Thomas twenty thousand pounds ; to Viscount Sid- mouth five thousand pounds ; to Lady William Gordon ten thousand jDounds ; to Sir James Mont- gomerie ten thousand pounds ; to the Governors of the Lock Hospital five thousand pounds ; to the Governors of St. George's Hospital five thou- sand pounds ; and to the Cheque Clerk at Coutts's Bank, who kept his account, six hundred pounds a-year. It is remarkable that, though the Duke of 208 WILLIAM DOUGLAS, Queeiisberry provided in a very liberal manner for all his male domestics, he made not the slightest provision in his will for any of his female ser- vants ; neither did he bequeath any legacy to his medical attendant, Mr. Fuller, though the latter, for some years, had slept almost constantly by his bed-side.* To one Du Bois, who had been his house-steward for thirty years, he left three hun- * Mr. Fuller subsequently brought an action, in tbe Court of Common Pleas, on the 11th July, 1811, against the executors of the Duke of Queensberry, for the recovery of ten thousand pounds, the amount of remuneration which he claimed for his professional attendance on the Duke during seven years. " Mr. Serjeant Vaughan opened the case on the part of the plaintiflf. In the year 1803 his Grace of Queensberry had parted with his former apothecary, and it became necessary to look for another. He was seventy-eight, and subject to a diversity of complaints, and being attacked by a severe illness, it was ne- cessary to look for a person on whom he could depend. Mr. Fuller was established as a medical man in a great way of bu- siness. He had received seventy guineas for services, during thirty-seven nights, but that sum was independent of the present demand. His Grace was pleased with Mr. Fuller, and being subject to a vertigo, he was apprehensive that some error would be committed by those who had the care of him, and unless he had the service of a medical man, he might be lost. Mr. Fuller was under the necessity of making personal sacrifices to attend, by the Duke's order, and when he (the learned Serjeant) should show that Mr. Fuller was in great business, the Jury would say that he ought not to suffer by neglecting that business to attend on the Duke, He attended till his Grace's- death in 1810, and in the course of seven years he slept one thousand two hundred and fifteen nights in his Grace's house ; during that time he also made nine thousand three hundred and forty visits, of two hours each, comprising in the whole a prodigious portion DUKE OF QUEENSBERRY. 209 dred pounds a-year ; to his liead groom, John Radford, two hundred pounds a-year, Avith his horses and carriages ; to his confectioner, one Bur- rell, two hundred pounds a-year ; to his footman, Michael, two hundred pounds a-year ; to his Italian valet one hundred pounds a-year ; and to Signer Salj^eitro, who had been leader of the band at the Italian Opera, one hundred pounds a-year. There were also bequests to three French ladies, of some of time. His Grace insisted on his attendance at all times. He was called up in the course of the night by desire of the Duke, and the Duke, on these occasions, would not let him go to bed, keeping him many hours confined in a dark room, and it was only when the Duke fell into a doze that he could get to his bed. Mr. Fuller had affixed to these exertions the reward of ten thousand pounds as a recompense, which had met the approba- tion of the Earl of Yarmouth, who possessed a considerable pro- portion of the one million one hundred and twenty thousand pounds left by the Duke at his death. " Michael Gummo, John Kettridge, and Louis Du Bois, ser- vants to the late Duke of Queensberry, proved that the plaintiif was constantly about the Duke's person. " The Earl of Yarmouth, Sir Henry Halford, Dr. Ainsley, and Mr. Home, deposed that the charge was reasonable, con- sidering the sacrifices made by the plaintiff. Mr. Serjeant Shepherd contended, on the part of the executors, that the plaintiff's demand could not be discharged without the decision of a court of law. He attributed the present claim to a disap- pointment which the plaintiff had sustained by not receiving a legacy from the Duke. " The Judge left the Jury to decide whether the Duke had promised to remunerate Mr. Fuller for his services, as in that case he could recover a moderate reward for his assistance. The Jury retired from the box, and on their return, found for the plaintiff — Damages seven thousand five hundred pounds." VOL. I. P 210 THE EARL OF MARCH celebrity, of one thousand pounds each. The will contained no less than twenty-five codicils, and the legacy-duty alone is said to have amounted to one hundred and twenty thousand pounds. On the 31st of December the duke's remains were pri- vately interred under the communion-table in a vault in the chancel of St. James's Church, Picca- dilly. They were attended to the grave by his exe- cutor, ]Mr. Douglas, and were accompanied by all the male domestics attached to the duke's household. THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. Seymour Place, 20th October, 1762. MY DEAR GEORGE, I HAVE received all your letters. You make me wish very much to be with you, but I scarce think it will be possible, though I should like to come, were I to stay but a week. The Rena* has not quite fixed her setting out, but I believe it will be in ten days at furthest. As to any news from here concerning politics, or the administration, you are sure to have better * A beautiful Italian woman, the mistress of Lord March. Horace Walpole writes to General Conway, from Strawberry Hill, 9th September, 1762, " I have had Lord March and the Rena here for one night, which does not raise my reputation in the neighbourhood, and may usher me again into the North Briton." Lord March, as will be seen by the subsequent cor- respondence, entertained a stronger and more lasting regard for the Rena than for any other of his numerous mistresses. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 211 information from the duke and duchess than I can give you. I shall let Lord Huntingdon * know, that you are thought to have a better pronunciation than any one that ever came from this country. Augustus Hervey will be appointed Colonel of Ma- rines, and Keppelf will have a flag. I dine to-day with Lady Hervey, I have visited Lady Mary Cha- beau,} and had a note from her. How monstrously you envy me ! This is all you can do at your return, and perhaps more. This cursed peace, that I have expected every day for these two months, I begin now to despair of. Hervey is waiting for me, so I shall finish this epistle after dinner. I have just returned from the Hotel de JMilady [Hervey]. At dinner. Lord and Lady Stormont,|| Mrs. Dives, Stanley, Morris, Augustus [Hervey],^ * Francis, tenth Earl of Huntingdon, to whom Akenside has addressed one of his Odes : But thee, O progeny of heroes old ! Thee to severer toils thy fate requires. He died October 2, 1790. f Augustus Keppel, afterwards the celebrated admiral, created, in 1782, Viscount Keppel. He was second son of William, second Earl of Albemarle, and died unmarried in 178G. + See post, October 26, 1762. § Lady Mary Chabot, daughter of John Paul Howard, fourth Earl of Stafford, and wife of the Count de Rohan-Chabot. She died in May, 1769. II See ante, January 12, 1752. ^ Augustus John Hervey, afterwards third Earl of Bristol, and a vice-admiral. He was the first husband of the celebrated Miss Chudleigh, who married, in his life-time, Evelyn Piorre- V 2 212 THE EARL OF MARCH. and myself. Never was anything so French as her dinner, and the manner of its being served. It is a charming house, and as I have rather a par- tiality for the French, I am very glad to have the entre. Horace Walj^ole, who was in town yes- terday, tells me I am in great favour, and I always have a great deal of prejudice for those that like me, which is one of the reasons why I love you more than anybody else. I intend sending your gazettes of the King and Queen by Stanley, if he goes before the Tondino.* Monsieur de Nivernois f is the most agreeable man in the world. The more I see him the more I like him. He is not yet got into his new house. I never had an opportunity of seeing Miss Newton, so I have not been able to make your excuses. Metham recruits but slowly. He assures us he is to be married to ]\liss (I forget her name, — Lady Jane Coke's heir,):]: as soon as he is recovered, and has told the Tondino that he is immediately to ask for a peerage. Perhaps he may be satisfied with point, the last Duke of Kingston, for which offence she was tried in Westminster Hall by her peers. Lord Bristol died December 23, 1779. * Another mistress of Lord March, of whom frequent notices will be found in the subsequent correspondence. f The Duke de Nivernois, the French ambassador at the court of St. James's. :J: Lady Jane Wharton, sister of the celebrated Philip Duke of Wharton. She married, first, John Holt, Esq., of Redgrave, in Suffolk ; and, secondly, Robert Coke, Esq., younger brother of Thomas Coke of Holkham, created, in 1744, Earl of Leicester. THE RIGHT HON. H. FOX. 213 an Irish one — Lord Viscount Montgomery and Baron ]Metliam of North Cave. None of your acquaintances are in town ; scarce a number of any sort to make either a dinner or a supper here. I am just now going to Duchess Hamilton's, who is much better. Yours most affectionately, M. & R. THE RIGHT HON. HENRY FOX* TO GEORGE SELWYN. 26th October, 1762. DEAR SELWYN, I WISH to God Rigbyf may find you asleep. He will take care it shall not be in a circle des heaux esprits ; but I imagine jNIad. Geoffrin J to be all delicacy, to speak no louder or quicker than Lady Stafford, and to push les bemw sentiments jus- qiCa ce que on ne s''entend plus. What a contrast you will have between Rigby and a petit maitre, at first ! but he will improve ; but I beg you to con- sider that a little roughness, and a louder voice than is polite, are necessary, and don't bring him into the H. of Commons perfectionne, as I don't doubt you will be. Lady Holland, § T reckon, must trust * Afterwards Lord Holland. f The Right Hon. Richard Rigby. See ante, p. 50. He was now the intimate friend of Lord Holland, but circumstances afterwards led to their estrangement. \ See post, December 2, 1705. § On the 6th of May Lady Carolhie I'ox bad been created Baroness Holland in her own right, Mr. Tox still remaining a commoner. 214 THE RIGHT HON. HENRY FOX. to your goodness for admittance at Lady Hervey's ; I foresee you the greatest favourite there. What should I write any more for ? Rigby will tell you everything worth your hearing, grave or comic ; and believe him if he assures you that I am, with the sincerest affection, Yours, H. Fox. [Lady Hervey, who is referred to in this and some subsequent letters, was Mary Lepel, Lady Hervey, so celebrated for her wit, beauty, and vivacity, which rendered her, in her youth, the brightest ornament of the court of George the First. She was the daughter of Brigadier- General Nicholas Lepel, and at an early age became JVIaid of Honour to Queen Caroline, then Princess of Wales, to whom, on her accession to the throne, she was subsequently aj^pointed Mistress of the Robes. Pope and Voltaire have celebrated her beauty and wit, — the latter in English verse, — and Gay exclaims, in his verses to Pope, on the termi- nation of his translation of Homer — Now Hervey, fair of face, I mark full well, With thee youth's youngest daughter, sweet Lepel. But the most pleasing tribute paid to her beauty and wit, is unquestionably afforded by the following lively copy of verses, said to be the joint compo- sition of the celebrated Earls of Chesterfield and Bath : The Muses, quite jaded with rhyming, To Molly Mogg bid a farewell ; MARY LEPEL, LADY HERVEY. 215 But renew their sweet melody, chiming To the name of dear Molly Lepel ! Bright Venus yet never saw bedded, So perfect a beau and a belle, As when Hervey the handsome was wedded, To the beautiful Molly Lepel I So pow'rful her charms, and so moving. They would warm an old monk in his cell ; Should the Pope himself ever go roaming, He would follow dear Molly Lepel ! If to the seraglio you brought her, Where for slaves their maidens they sell, I 'm sure, though the Grand Seignior bought her, He 'd soon turn a slave to Lepel ! Had I Hanover, Bremen, and Verden, And likewise the Duchy of Zell, I 'd part with them all for a farthing, To have my dear Molly Lepel I Or, were I the King of Great Britain, To choose a minister well, And support the throne that I sit on, I 'd have under me Molly Lepel I Of all the bright beauties so killing, In London's fair city that dwell. None can give me such joy, were she willing, As the beautiful Molly Lepel I What man would not give the great ticket, To his share if the benefit fell, To be but one hour in a thicket With the beautiful Molly Lepel ! Should Venus now rise from the ocean. And naked appear in her shell, She would not cause half the emotion That we feel from dear Molly Lepel I 216 MARY LEPEL, LADY HERVEY. Old Orpheus, that hushand so civil, He foUow'd his wife down to hell ; And who would not go to the devil. For the sake of dear Molly Lepel 1 Her lips and her breath are much sweeter Than the thing which the Latins call mel ; Who would not thus pump for a metre, To chime to dear Molly Lepel ! In a bed you have seen pinks and roses, Would you know a more delicate smell. Ask the fortunate man who reposes On the bosom of Molly Lepel ! 'Tis a maxim most fit for a lover, If he kisses he never should tell ; But no tongue can ever discover His pleasure with Molly Lepel ! Heaven keep our good king from a rising. But that rising who 's fitter to quell. Than some lady with beauty surprising, And who should that be but Lepel ! If Curll would print me this sonnet, To a volume my verses should swell, A fig for what Dennis says on it. He can never find fault with Lepel ! Then Handel to music shall set it. Through England my ballad shall sell ; And all the world readily get it, To sing to the praise of Lepel ! Lord Chesterfield writes to his son, on the 22nd of October, 1750, " Lady Hervey, to my great joy, because to your great advantage, passes all this winter at Paris. She has been bred all her life in courts, of which she has acquired all the easy good- R. MACKRETH. 217 breeding and politeness, without the frivolousness." And again he writes, on the 28th of February following, " The word pleasing always puts me in mind of Lady Hervey. Pray tell her that I declare her responsible to me for your pleasing; that I consider her as a pleasing Falstaff, who not only jdeases herself, but is the cause of pleasing in others." In October 1720 she became the wife of the celebrated John Lord Hervey, and died 2nd September, 1768, having recently completed her sixty-eighth year. R. MACKRETH * TO GEORGE SELWYN. White's, April 5th, 1763. SIR, Having quitted business entirely, and let my house to the Cherubim, who is my near relation, I humbly beg leave, after returning you my most grateful thanks for all favours, to recommend him to your patronage, not doubting, by the long experi- ence I have had of his fidelity, but that he will strenuously endeavour to oblige. I am, sir, Your most dutiful, and much obliged humble servant, R. Mackreth. * Proprietor of " White's." 218 EARL OF MARCH. THE EARL OF MARCH * TO GEORGE SELWYN. Newmarket, Wednesday Morning. [April, 1763.] MY DEAR GEORGE, It is decided to stay here to-day, to-morrow, and Friday, in order to dine in London with you at Old Almack's, if you are not engaged, or at your own house, whichever you like best. Let them know at my house that I shall be in town between three and four. You talk to me of Wilkes' affair as if I had been in London. f I only know that he deserves to be put in the pillory for his abuse of Government, and I shall be very glad to hear that he is severely punished. I have lost a little, on the whole, by the last meeting. Adieu ! till Friday. Yours most affectionately, M. & R. P.S. As my coach-horses will not be in town, I wish you would order your servant to hire a coach for the Tondino, that she may have an equipage for Ranelagh. * Afterwards Duke of Queensberry. f On the 23rd of this month Wilkes published the memorable No. 45 of the North Briton, in which he commented on the King's speech with such unlicensed bitterness, that he was arrest- ed and sent to the Tower. 219 THE HON. MRS. HERVEY. Anne, daughter of Francis Coghlan, Esq., a counsellor of law in Ireland, had the misfortune, in 1744, to become the wife of the Hon. Thomas Her- vey, second son of John, first Earl of Bristol. ]\Ir. Hervey, or, as he was usually styled, "Tom Her- vey," was not the least remarkable member of that former generation of the Bristol family, to whose eccentricities Lady Townshend referred in her well- known remark, that " God had made men, women, and Herveys." He figures as a strange compound of wit, talent, and reckless profligacy ; to which may be added, a perversion of intellect, which bordered closely on insanity. One of his peculiarities was that of making frequent appeals to the public, in matters which had reference entirely to his domes- tic differences and private concerns. These appeals were usually made in the form of a printed circular letter, which he distributed among his more inti- mate friends. His letter to Sir Thomas Hanmer, written after his elopement with Lady Hanmer, is well known ; but it was chiefly his printed attacks on his unhai)py wife which displayed to the world the thorough malignity of his nature, and the de- pravity of his heart. Two of these attacks, the one a letter to Lord Shclburne, and the other ad- dressed to Colonel Burgoyne, are now before the 220 THE HON. MRS. HERVEY editor ; and are distinguished by an indecency of language and an indelicacy of detail, as well as by the basest aspersions of private character, and even an exposure of secret j^hysical infirmities, which are only to be accounted for on the supposition that their miserable author laboured under partial insanity. It is to one of these infamous attacks that Mrs. Hervey alludes in the following letter. Mr. Hervey died on the 20tli of January, 1775. " Though a vicious man," remarked Dr. Johnson, "he was one of the genteelest men that ever lived." THE HON. MRS. HERVEY TO GEORGE SELWYN. Bond Street, May 25th, 1763. Mrs Hervey presents her compliments to Mr. Selwyn, and shall be infinitely beholden to him, if he will take the trouble to get for her some- thing Mr. Hervey has got printed in relation to her, the particulars of which she cannot learn, but is informed, at large, contains most scandalous abuse of her. She is not certain whether he has sent it to Arthur's, but knows it has been read at Saunders's. She is sensible no delicate or prudent person would chuse to draw this extraordinary gen- tleman's resentments and scurrility on himself; therefore she pledges her veracity to Mr. Selwyn, that she will never confess that she had the least assistance from him, if he will be so compassionate TO GEORGE SELWYN. 221 as to get this shameful pamphlet for her ; for with- out seeing it she must remain in the utmost dilemma as to her proceedings. INIrs. Hervey's relations (who have great good- ness and justice towards her) have kept her in igno- rance of this matter, from -their reluctance to give her new affliction ; but in an affair, where character is in question, she can accept no guide but lawyers ; and, till she sees the horrid libel, cannot know whether she is injured enough to be redressed, but believes the law can defend her from no slander from ]Mr. Hervey, but a denial of her marriage. She is incapable of wishing to retaliate any wrongs on him, or inflicting any punishment that might come within her power. All she wishes is a release fi-om a house he has made dangerous to stay in? and should this pamphlet help her to the means, she will pardon every other consequence of it, and be for ever grateful to Mr. Selwyn if he will procure it for her. She is told there are letters in it Mr. Hervey says he wrote to her. She has every one she ever did receive now in her posses- sion, and thinks it so improbable he should have preserved copies, that she fears they may be dis- graceful fictions she ought not to let pass for letters accepted by her. Poor Mr. Johnson disdains con- cealment when conscience is in question, but till she sees the pamphlet, she knows not how he can help her, and dare not send for him to this house. 222 THE HON. MRS. HERVEY. Mrs. Hervey has been told Lord Beaucliamp has now this strange work in his hands, and that Lord Ilchester also has it ; so she thinks Mr. Selwyn cannot fail to get it. She is really made so nervous by all this disgrace to herself, and morti- fication to Mr. Hervey's family, but her hand shakes too much to write, and her head is in such pain and confusion she scarcely knows what she does write. She hopes Mr. Selwyn will pardon the great liberty she takes with him. [The individual alluded to in this letter as " poor Mr. Johnson," is unquestionably the celebrated Dr. Samuel Johnson, whose partiality for the Hervey family, and more especially for the memory of his early friend, Henry Hervey, the elder brother of Mr. Thomas Hervey, is well known. Dr. Johnson, more than twenty years after the date of the foregoing letter, speaking to Bos well of his youth- ful associate, Henry Hervey, observed, " He was a vicious man, but very kind to me : if you call a dog Hervey, I shall love him." The little information which we possess in regard to Johnson's participation in the matrimonial misunder- standing of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hervey, is thus recorded by Boswell : " The Hon. Thomas Hervey and his lady having unhappily disagreed, and being about to separate, Johnson interfered as their friend, and wrote him a letter of expostulation, which I have not been able to find ; but the substance of THE HON. MRS. HERVEY. 223 it is ascertained by a letter to Johnson in answer to it, which JNIr. Hervey printed. The occasion of this correspondence between Dr. Johnson and Mr. Hervey, was thus related to me by Mr. Beau- clerk : ' Tom Hervey had a great liking- for John- son, and in his will had left him a legacy of fifty pounds. One day he said to me, ' Johnson may want this money now more than afterwards : I have a mind to give it him directly : will you be so good as to carry a fifty-pound note from me to him V This I positively refused to do, as he might perhaps, have knocked me down for insulting him, and have afterwards put the note in his pocket. But I said, if Hervey would write him a letter and enclose a fifty-pound note, I should take care to deliver it. He accordingly did write him a letter, mentioning, that he was only paying a legacy a little sooner. To his letter he added, ' P.S. I am going to part imtli my wife.'' Johnson then wrote to him, saying nothing of the note, but remonstrat- ing with him against parting with his wife.' " " When I mentioned to Johnson this story," adds Boswell, " in as delicate terms as I could, he told me that the fifty-pound note was given to him by Mr. Hervey in consideration of his having written for him a pamphlet against Sir Charles Hanbury \yilliams, who, Mr. Hervey imagined, was the author of an attack upon liini ; but that it was afterwards discovered to be the work of a garreteer, who wrote 224 THE HON. MRS. HERVEY. ' The Fool : ' the pamphlet therefore against Sir Charles was not printed."" " This," observes Mr. Croker, " is not inconsistent with Mr. Beauclerk's account. It may have been in consideration of this pamphlet that Hervey left Johnson the fifty pounds in his will ; and, on second thoughts, he may have determined to send it to him. It were, however, to be wished that the story had stood on its original ground. The accej^t- ance of an anticipated legacy from a friend, would have had nothing objectionable in it ; but can so much be said for the emi^loyment of one's pen for hire, in the disgusting squabbles of so mis- chievous and profligate a madman as Mr. Thomas Hervey ?" The circumstance of Sir Charles Hanbury Wil- liams having, in his inimitable lampoons, frequently attacked the celebrated John Lord Hervey, the elder brother of Mr. Thomas Hervey, may probably have induced the latter to believe that Sir Charles was also the author of the pamphlet, which he had engaged Dr. Johnson to answer. The real author of the pamphlet, as we are informed by Mr. Croker, was a Mr. William Horsley, whose ephe- meral literary reputation died with himself] GILLY WILLIAMS. 225 GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. 14th June, 1763. MY DEAR GEORGE, This place is already as thin as a country village : Bully,* and his wife, are gone lovingly to Lydiardjf but he has taken a house in Windsor Forest, and "Cliveden's^'; proud alcove" is again fitting up for the reception of modern wantons. It is so long since the Richmond masquerade,^ I had almost forgotten to mention it. Shelly sent me a ticket. It was a very line sight, but not other- wise entertaining ; no remarkable event, only old Gunninsr in a Grecian sailor's habit, and there was a white-satin priest, who from his not unmasking * Lord Bolingbroke. In the course of these letters he will be found usually denominated by this familiar abbreviation. See post, July, 1766. t Lydiard Tregoze, in Wiltshire, the ancient seat of the Bolingbroke family in that county. I Cliveden, near Maidenhead, where, it is unnecessary to re- mind the reader, that the witty George Villiers, Duke of Bucking- ham, wantoned with his abandoned mistress, the Countess of Shrewsbury, whose husband he had killed in a duel. Gallant and gay in Cliveden's proud alcove. The bower of wanton Shrewsbury and love. Cliveden was afterwards the residence of Lady Orkney, the mistress of William the Third, and subsequently of Frederick Prince of Wales, It is now [1843] the residence of Sir George Warrender. § A splendid masquerade, given by the Uuke of Richmond at his house in Privy Gardens, on the 4th of June, the birth-day of George the Third. VOL. I. Q 226 GILLY WILLIAMS. the whole night was taken for Lord Bath,* but proved at last to be . Lord B. is returned from Harrowgate, and says he finds such thorough con- tent and happiness in a private life, that it is con- jectured he never will embark again in the stormy ocean of politics. Wilkes and his crew seem to have worn them- selves out. Temple f is retired to Stow, and all the contents and non-contents seem inclined to hold their tongues till they meet at Westminster. Will Hervey died of an apoplexy at Wanstead. He had hunted in the morning, and was in a boat on the water, talking to Mr. G. Grenville, when he was taken speechless, and expired presently. To show you that Mr. Thomas Hervey is alive and well, I have enclosed you an advertisement, which he published but yesterday against his wife, not- withstanding its date. Let me hear you are well the first opportunity, and believe me to be, Yours ever. To G. A. Selwyn, Esq., at Mr. Foley's, Banker, at Paris, The following is the advertisement alluded to in this letter : — "Bond Street, May 4, 1763. "Whereas, Mrs. Hervey has been three times * William Pulteney, the celebrated statesman and wit, was created Earl of Bath July 14, 1742, and died June 8, 1764. See post, 10 July, 1764. f Richard, first Earl Temple, K.G. He died September 11, 1779. THE EARL OF MARCH. 227 from home the last year, and at least as often the year before, without either my leave or privity ; and likewise encouraged her son to persist in the same rebellious practises ; I hereby declare, that I neither am nor will be accountable for any future debts of hers whatever : she is now keeping forci- ble possession of my house, to which I never did invite, or ever thought of inviting her, in all my life." Thomas Hervey." THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. Tuesday, after dinner. [June 1763.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I RECEIVED your letters from Paris at the lodge, where I stayed the w^hole week. I won the first day above 2000/., of which I brought off about 1500/. As all things are exaggerated, I am sup- posed to have won at least twice as much. I can say nothing to you about Paris or Spa, because I am quite undetermined, and there is always something to do here that I wish to stay for. The Duchess of Hamilton sets out for Paris Wednesday week, and the Duke and Duchess of Ancaster * will go about the same time. I was to-day at Leicester House, to kiss hands for the * Peregrine, third Duice of Ancaster, and his Duchess, Mary, daughter of Thomas Panton, Esq., afterwards Mistress of the Robes to Queen Charlotte. Q 2 228 THE EARL OF MARCH. riband. Lady Augusta* inquired after you in the most gracious and good-humoured manner that can be imagined. She said you had saved your fine coat for the king's birth-day. I told her I was sure you would not be so economical upon another occasion,! ^^^ ^^^^ jou intended to re- turn on purpose to pay your respect to her. The masquerade was very numerous and very fine. Old Gunning | was there in a running- footman's habit, with Lady Coventry's picture hung at his button-hole, like a croz> de St. Louis.^ Tom Hervey has advertised his wife, which advertise- ment Williams is to give you an account of. The Bedfords are all arrived. Lord Tavistock dined * The Princess Augusta, eldest child of Frederick Prince of Wales, and sister of George the Third, was born July 31, 1737, and was remarkable for personal beauty, and the gentleness of her disposition She married, on the 16th January, 1764, the hereditary Prince of Brunswick Wolfenbuttle, and died in Eng- land, on the 22nd March, 1813. + Alluding to the approaching marriage of the princess, which took place in the month of January following. '^ John Gunning, Esq., of Castle Coote, county of Roscom- mon, father of the beautiful Lady Coventry, and of the Duchess of Hamilton. § The gay world was very nearly being disappointed of this splendid entertainment, by the sudden illness of the Duke of Richmond. Horace Walpole writes to George Montagu on the 1st of June, " There has been a sad alarm in the kingdom of white satin and muslin. The Duke of Richmond was seized last night with a sore throat and fever ; and though he is much better to-day, the masquerade of to-morrow night is put off till Monday. Many a Queen of Scots, from sixty to sixteen, has been ready to die of the fright." — Walpole's Letters, vol. iv. p. 284. GILLY WILLIAMS. 229 here to-day, with d'Uson and M. de Fleury. INIadaine de Boiifflers was at Lady Mary Coke's for two days in the Ascot week ; she is now at Sion Hill. I have eat so much dinner that what I have already Avritten makes my head ache, so I am just going to take a walk in the park, it being now past eight, and the finest evening that ever was. I will write again soon, and more intelligibly, and when I know wdiat I intend doing, I will let you know it. Tondino e in collera, dicendo die la littera non e andata subito. Farewell, my dear George ! Yours most aifectionately, JMarch & R. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Saturday, June 18. [1763.] Ten thousand thanks to you, my dear George, for your long letter, which I will pretend to re- turn by equal quantity. Poor Paris ! if it was not for a Grimaldi, and a few extravagant heirs ap- ]iarent from England, you might as well live in the provinces. I wonder at your assurance in talk- ing of staying till the wxdding. Surely you reckon without your host, for I really believe you will not see March till you meet him on this side of, what the sailors call, the herring-pond. He gave a breakfast and concert yesterday to the Bouffler;* * La Comtcsse de Boufflers. See post, p. 233. 230 GILLY WILLIAMS the Bladens were not there, having retired for the summer season into the country. Panton said it went oif rather heavy, and he himself came to eat strawberries at Betty's,* long before it was finished. Your child Nanny,f for I'll call her nobody's else, (and, indeed, she ought to have been laid at your door,) is the better for the sea air. The little boy ^ is just come up to school, and says his sister is the admiration of the whole place ; this you will believe, though its father neither knows nor cares anything about it. You will not be surprised at Willis losing wagers. He has lost a very extraordinary one at Oatland's, for 20/., in running against Jack Shel- ley,^ who was to have his hands tied behind him. * A celebrated fruit shop in St. James's Street, where men of fashion met to discuss the gossip of the day. + Lady Anne Coventry, second daughter of the beautiful countess, was born in 1756, and consequently at this period was in her eighth year. It will be seen by subsequent letters, that Selwyn, who loved children almost as much as he delighted in executions, took a singular interest in this little girl, and indeed regarded her with almost as much aflfection as if she had been his own child. Lady Anne grew to woman's estate, and married, first, in 1778, the Hon. Edward Foley, which marriage was dis- solved in 1787 ; and secondly, Captain Samuel Wright. ij: George William, afterwards seventh Earl of Coventry. He died March 26th, 1831. § John Shelley, Esq., father of the present (sixth) baronet. He was the eldest son of Sir John Shelley, Bart., of Maresfield Park, Sussex, by Margaret, daughter of Thomas Lord Pelham, and sister of the first Duke of Newcastle, the celebrated minister. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 231 You see how great men can trifle ! Scipio and others have done it, which old Peachy always ob- served on those occasions. Coventry dined yester- day at Claremont.* The dinner consisted of Lord Spencer,! the Rockinghams, little Villiers, Lord Lyttelton:j: ~and his son, General Mostyn, and his- lordship. The whole play lay between his grace and the general, who, they say, defended himself with a wonderful presence of mind. Coventry is going down to Crome, with Jack Shelley, Powerscourt, and the whole Richmond click, to entertain Lady Kildare,^ who is drink- ing tlie waters at Malvern. This party will put Mr. Shelley held, at different periods, the appointments of Keeper of the Records in the Tower, Clerk of the Pipe, and Treasurer of the Household. He was also a member of Par- liament, and a Privy Counsellor. In September 1771 he suc- ceeded his father as fifth baronet, and died on the 11th of Sep- tember, 1783. * At this period the residence of Thomas, first Duke of New- castle, the celebrated minister. t John, first Earl Spencer, father of the beautiful Duchess of Devonshire, and celebrated, if not immortalized, in verse, by his son-in-law William, fifth Duke of Devonshire : All posterity should know How pure a spirit warmed the dust below. I George, first Baron Lyttelton, the author of the " Monody," and of the " History of Henry the Second." His son, here alluded to, was Thomas, second Baron Lyttelton, the hero of the celebrated ghost- story. § Amelia Mary, daughter of Charles Lennox, second Duke of Richmond, and wife of James, twentieth Earl of Kildare, afterwards first Duke of Leinster, She died in 1814. 232 GILLY WILLIAMS. even the mountain in motion. I was glad to hear so good an account of Lord Holland, for I shall always think myself obliged to him, and most certainly to you for making me so. Our Short- grove party begins next week. March and Dick Vernon begin to whisper about some sweepstakes at Huntingdon, where, I believe, you have not been since you lent that kindly assistance to D. Hamilton. You will very soon see the Duchess and Lord Lome, though I believe they move im- mediately southward. Bateman and his wife are preparing for the Spa. The Duchess of Marl- borough* is better, though some disagreeable operation is still to be performed. I have not positively resolved on my destination for the sum- mer, though in the autumn I hold myself engaged to you at Crome and elsewhere ; but in the mean time let me hear often from you, for no one can love you and esteem you more than, Yours ever. P.S. Lady Townshend gave us yesterday a din- ner, which Clanbrassilf was to have given, with Keith. Poor man ! he seems going on a much longer embassy to the next world, and had scarce breath enough to answer half the questions re- lating to Peter and his humane consort. * Caroline, daughter of John fourth Duke of Bedford, and wife of George, third Duke of Marlborough. She died in 1811. f James Hamilton, second Viscount Clanbrassil in Ireland, was advanced to the earldom of Clanbrassil November 13, 1756. He was a member of the Privy Council, and Chief Remem- brancer of the Court of Exchequer, MADAME DE BOUFFLERS. 233 [La Comtesse de Boufflers, whose name occurs in this and in several subsequent letters, was a person of considerable celebrity in her day. Not content with a reputation for wit, gallantry, and fashion, and with being regarded as a leader of the bo7i ton in Paris, she was eager in acquiring literary fame. During her stay in England she paid a visit to Dr. Johnson, the particulars of which were thus related to Boswell by Topham Beauclerk : " When ^ladame de Boufflers was first in England, she was desirous to see Johnson ; I accordingly went with her to his chambers in the Temple, where she was entertained with his conversation for some time. When our visit was over, she and I left him, and were got into Inner Temple Lane, when all at once I heard a voice like thunder. This was occasioned by Johnson, who, it seems, upon a little reflection, had taken it into his head that he ought to have done the honours of his literary residence to a foreign lady of quality, and, eager to show himself a man of gallantry, was hurrying down the staircase in violent agi- tation. He overtook us before we reached the Temple Gate, and, brushing in between me and Madame de Boufflers, seized her hand and con- ducted her to her coach. His dress was a rusty- brown morning suit, a ])air of old shoes by way of slippers, a little shrivelled wig on the top of his head, and the sleeves of his shirt and the kuees of his breeches hanging loose. A consi- 234 EARL OF MARCH derable crowd of people gathered round, and were not a little struck by this singular appearance." Horace Walpole says of Madame de Boufflers — " She is very sensible, and has a measured elo- quence that is just and pleasing, but all is spoiled by an unrelaxed attention to applause : you Avould think she was always sitting for her picture to her biographer." She was the mistress of the Prince de Conti, and is said to have been ex- tremely anxious to be made his wife.] THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. Seymour Place, Tuesday, 21 June, 1763. MY DEAR GEORGE, Voiis etes charmant pour les commissions, and the best correspondent in the world ; I like every- thing you have sent me as well as if I had chose them myself. INIy tailor, Davenport, is going to Paris in a few days. I have given him directions about my clothes, and I have desired he will consult you, which I do that he may not impose upon me as to the price, which you will take care of. My going abroad appears every day more uncertain, so that I am very glad you went without staying for me. I have not seen the Duchess of Bedford and the Duke, only for a few minutes at court. They TO GEORGE SELWYN. 235 are now at Woburn. JNIadame de Boufflers went there last Sunday, and from thence she goes to the Duke of Grafton at Wakefield.* I have some thoughts of going to Woburn on Thursday : that is a visit I must absolutely make, and I should like to have done it when Madame de Boufflers was there : perhaps I may find her. The Mar- grave d'Anspach, and a great many foreigners, are to dine here to-morrow. I believe you was gone before the Margrave came. You know he is very nearly related to the royal family, and a sovereign prince. JNIy dinner is a rebound of one we had at Eglinton's. I saw Williams this morning at White's ; he inquired after you. Coventry is going in a few days to the country to entertain the Duke of York,f who is to make him a visit in his way to Scarborough. Pray make my best compliments to M. de Nivernois. The little Tondino is now writing you a letter. She has had a spiriti bas- sini. Adieu, my dear George ; I have a visit to make the Duke of Queensberry, who goes to- morrow to Scotland. It is past six, and I am not yet dressed. Yours, March & R. * Wakefield Lodge in Whittlcbury Forest, Northamptonshire, the seat of the Duke of Grafton. t Edward Augustus Duke of York, brother of George the Third. He died at Monaco in Italy, September 1 7, 1 767, at the age of twenty-eight. 236 MISS MARY TOWNSHEND. Miss Mary Townshend was born on the 24th of March, 1734. She was the daughter of the Hon. Thomas Townshend,* by Albinia, daughter of Colonel John Selwyn, and was consequently niece to George Selwyn. Several pleasing and sensible letters of this lady will be found in the present collection. MISS MARY TOWNSHEND TO GEORGE SELWYN. Frognal, 23 June. [1763.] DEAR SIR, I HAD the pleasure of receiving your very kind and obliging letter on Saturday. The Duke of Richmond's masquerade, I hear, succeeded ex- tremely well : everything was magnificent and well- conducted. The mask whose ingenuity I hear most of was Mr. Augustus Hervey, who was per- fectly disguised, and attacked everybody, Miss C.f * See ante, p. 132. t Evidently Miss Chudleigh, afterwards the celebrated Duchess of Kingston. Mr. Augustus Hervey, who afterwards succeeded as third Earl of Bristol, was her husband. At this period they had been married nineteen years, though, from peculiar and prudential motives, both parties connived in keeping their union a secret. MISS MARY TOWNSIIEND. 237 not excepted. I was not without amusement that evening, though I had excused myself going to the ball, as INIiss Pelham was so good as to come here for that night, and was very good com- pany. I hope you will not forget the visit to St. Cyr,* that you promised me to make, to search * St. Cyr, it is almost needless to remark, was the famous and splendid establishment of Madame de Maintenon, for the gratu- itous education of three hundred young ladies of family and small fortune^ for which she herself drew up the rules, and where she secluded herself from the world after the death of her husband, Louis the Fourteenth. Horace Walpole, in a letter to George Montagu, gives the following interesting account of a visit which he paid to St. Cyr in 1769 : — " The first thing I desired to see was Madame de Maintenon's apartment. It consists of two small rooms, a library, and a very small chamber, the same in which the Czar saw her, and in which she died. The bed is taken away, and the room covered now with bad pictures of the royal family, which destroys the gravity and simplicity. It is wainscotted with oak, with plain chairs of the same, covered with dark blue damask. Everywhere else the chairs are of blue cloth. The simplicity and extreme neatness of the whole house, which is vast, are very remarkable. A large apartment above, (for that I have mentioned is on the ground floor,) con- sisting of five rooms, and destined by Louis Quatorze for Ma- dame de Maintenon, is now the infirmary, with neat white linen beds, and decorated with every text of Scripture by which could be insinuated that the foundress was a queen. The hour of vespers being come, we were conducted to the chapel ; and, as it was my curiosity that had led us thither, I was placed in the Maintenon's own tribune, my company in the adjoining gallery. The pensioners two and two, each band headed by a nun, march orderly to their seats, and sing the whole service, which I confess was not a little tedious. The young ladies, to the number of 238 MISS MARY TOWNSHEND for some vestige of our old friends. I was in the right not to accept of your invitation to go to Paris, as I should appear so very ancient by inquiring after peojile all of the last age. For your sake I wish I had profited more by their acquaintance, and was capable of making a trifling letter amusing. The most remarkable event I have heard of since your departure, is the arrival of a French officer with a leaden coffin and a young child, who went directly to Lord Luxborough's house, and told him that the coffin contained his child, two hundred and fifty, are dressed in black, with short aprons of the same, the latter and their stays bound with blue, yellow, green, or red, to distinguish the classes ; the captains and lieu- tenants have knots of a diiFerent colour, for distinction. Their hair is curled and powdered, their coiffure a sort of French round- eared cap, with white tippets, a sort of ruff and large tucker ; in short, a very pretty dress. The nuns are entirely in black, with crape veils and long trains, deep white handkerchiefs, and fore- head cloths, and a very long train. The chapel is plain but very pretty ; and in the middle of the choir, under a flat marble, lies the ■ foundress. Madame de Cambis, one of the nuns, who are about forty, is beautiful as a Madonna, The abbess has no distinc- tion but a larger and richer gold cross ; her apartment consists of two very small rooms. We were shown some rich reliquaries, and the corpo santo that was sent to her by the Pope. We were then carried into the public room of each class. In the first, the young ladies, who were playing at chess, were ordered to sing to us the choruses of Athaliah ; in another they danced minuets and country-dances, while a nun, not quite so able as St. Cecilia, played on a violin. In the others, they acted before us the proverbs, or conversations, written by Madame de Maintenon for their instrue- TO GEORGE SELWYN. 239 who bad married him since she left England, and had died in child-bed of the child he had brouffbt with him. Lord Luxborongh, though he had never heard of the marriage, without further inquiry has taken officer, leaden coffin, and child into his house, and is very fond of them all. I doubt that none of our poor half-pay captains will find out such an ingenious way of providing for themselves. All here desire to be most kindly remembered to you. tion ; for she was not only their foundress but their saint, and their adoration of her memory has quite edipsed the Virgin Mary. We saw their dormitory, and saw them at supper ; and at last were carried to their archives, where they produced volumes of her letters, and where one of the nuns gave me a small piece of paper with three sentences in her handwriting. I forgot to tell you that this kind dame, who took to me ex- tremely, asked me if we had many convents and many relics in England. I was much embarrassed, for fear of destroying her good opinion of me, and so said we had but few now. Oh ! we went to the apothicaire, where they treated us with cordials, and where one of the ladies told me inoculation was a sin, as it was a voluntary detention from mass, and as voluntary a cause of eating gi-as. Our visit concluded in the garden, now grown very venerable, where the young ladies played at little games before us. After a stay of four hours, we took our leave." — Walpole's Correspondence, vol. v. p. 257. 240 THE EARL OF MARCH. THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. Hotel de Tondino, Saturday morning. MY DEAR GEORGE, , When I returned from Lord Shelburne's,* I was quite surprised to find you were gone. I did not get up till near two, and I promised to be there at three ; dinner being ordered at that time that Madame de Boufflers might be in time for the play. I found them at dinner when I came ; Lady Mary C. and Monsieur and Madame d'Uson. I expected it would have been a larger party. I am now just setting out for Newmarket. The Tondino is a good deal better ; and, as she thinks the air of the country will do her good, 1 shall take her with me, though I return to-morrow. I have called on M. de Nivernois to take leave, but he was not up, so I shall call again. The d'Usons and Boufflers are set out this morning upon their jDrogress. Adieu, my dear George. Yours very sincerely and affectionately. * William, second Earl of Shelburne, the friend and follower of the great Lord Chatham. He became first minister on the death of the Marquis of Rockingham in 1782, but retired from office on the accession of Mr. Pitt, by whom he was created, in 1784, Marquis of Lansdowne. His death took place May 7, 1805. GILLY WILLIAMS. 241 GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Wednesday, June 29, 1763. MY DEAR GEORGE, Till I received your last, I was afraid you had either broke your banker, or kept up so little correspondence with him, that he never delivered your letters. I find your plan is again altered, and that you do not go to Spa with Lord Holland. That place must be a complete colony of English. Parties are making, from Privy Counsellors down to tavern ^v alters. Lord and Lady Bateman* set out to-morrow ; Jack Sebright f the next day ; Lord and Lady Spencer the day following, and I think I heard the Nailors intended to open a pharaoh-bank in the bishopric of Liege. Coventry is just gone down to Crome to open his house for Lady Kiklare, (Sec, who are drinking the jSIalvern waters. The Duke of York sets out, and lies a night or two with the peer to-morrow, on his way to Scarborough ; and who do you think * John, second Viscount Bateman in Ireland, M.P. for Wood- stock, Lord Lieutenant of the county of Hereford, a Privy Counsellor, and Master of the Buckhounds. He married July 10, 1718, Miss Sambrooke, daughter and coheir of John Sam- brooke, Esq., and niece of Sir Jeremiah Sambrooke, of Gubbins in Hertfordshire. f Sir John Sebright, Bart., a lieutenant-general in the array, married, in 1766, Sarah, daughter of Edward Knight, Esq., of Wolverley in Worcestershire, by whom he was the father of the present (seventh) Baronet. He died in March, 1794. VOL. I. R 242 GILLY WILLIAMS he takes, of all his gay companions, as his ser- vant in that journey ? — why, the Baptist ! * Had Bully f been in town, I think it highly probable that he would have been invited to be of the party. In a fortnight he returns, and his present intention is to set out immediately for Paris. Bathing agrees with your child, ij^ and I believe the swelling will disperse without an operation. March is well, and I believe will continue jogging on in the dust till Huntingdon races. The Rena and his lordship make frequent excursions to New- market, for, as Lord Beaulieu || observes, at this time of the year nothing is pleasant in this town but the country about it ! Madame Blewflower, as oar Mob calls her, has been at Woburn. Lord Tavistock conveyed her; but, as to the temper of * The Hon. Henry St. John, a Groom of the Bedchamber, and subsequently member of Parliament for Wotton Basset, and a colonel in the army. He attended the Duke of York to Italy in 1767, and on the death of his Royal Highness at Monaco, it fell to the melancholy lot of Colonel St. John, then a young- man of pleasure, to escort the remains of his master to England. The origin of his by-name, " the Baptist," by which he is frequently designated in these letters, it is unnecessary to point out. f Lord Bolingbroke, elder brother of Henry St. John. (See post, July 30, 1766). Horace Walpole speaks of the two bro- thers as " Lord Corydon and Captain Corydon." Lord Boling- broke was thought to have been too much in the good graces of the beautiful Lady Coventry. J Lady Anne Coventry. II Edward Hussey, the husband of the beautiful Duchess of Manchester, (see ante, October 1, 1746,) created, May 4, 1762, Baron Beaulieu, of Beaulieu, Hants. TO GEORGE SEL\\^'N. 243 her host, her opinion of the place, or the gallan- tries she met there, I am totally ignorant. We have had a most martial review in Hyde Park of all the Guards. N. Berkeley* said they behaved incomparably well, but for the particulars of which I must refer you to Lord Tavistock, who, without l^rejudice or partiality to my countrymen, I will pronounce to be a much prettier man, take him for all in all, than any exotic you can produce in your peregrinations. t You are cursed close as to your politics. I want to hear the true "Calcraft quarrel. By a word or two in your last, I am apt to think that all mi- nisterial ideas have not totally subsided in your friend, ;|; and that coelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt. I lioj^e the Spa will agree so well with your cousins, Lord Robert Bertie and his sposa, that a child may be the consequence of it ; a report of that sort would give some alarm at Frognal-ll There is no news of Cadogan as yet. * Norborne Berkeley, afterwards Lord Bottetourt. He died, unmarried, in 1770. The title is now merged in the Dukedom of Beaufort. See post, January 8, 1765. t Francis, Marquis of Tavistock, son of John Duke of Bed- ford, was born in 1739, and died, in the life-time of his father, in 17G7. The circumstances of his melancholy end will here- after be detailed. \ Mr. Fox, recently created Baron Holland of Foxley. II Lord Robert Bertie, third son of Robert, first Duke of Ancaster, married, April .'3, 17G2, Chctwynd, daughter and co- heir of Montagu Viscount Blundell in Ireland, by whom he had no issue. i{ 2 244 GILLY WILLIAMS He is certainly built more for Holland than Paris, and I do not wonder at the preference which he gives to his compatriots. I think you give yourself airs as to the Princess,* and the fine things she says of you. I believe that Lady Charlotte only humbugs you to make you smuggle some lace, and not to serve her as you did the last time in regard to the doll. If the following makes you laugh as much as it did me, my pains are answered in copying it. Bunny -f- wanted a cook ; takes one that advertized herself ; writes to her late master, Lord Berkeley of Stjat- ton's brother, for her character, and desires the answer may be directed to Lord Coventry in Gros- venor Square, which comes as follows : — " Sir, or madam, the first letter of the name does not distinguish the sex. Cath. York is the best cook I have had in twenty years or more, that I have kept house. She may have lived here about ten months. I believe her very honest, not extra- vagant in the kitchen ; she is very clean. Her temper is like charcoal, which kindles soon, and sparks to the top of the house. She is passionate, and ungovernably wilful in her own way. We had many quarrels, and bore many faults for the sake * Apparently the Princess Augusta. See ante, June, 1763. + Apparently Sir Charles Bunbury, recently married to the beautiful Lady Sarah Lennox, daughter of the Duke of Rich- mond, TO GEORGE SELWYN. 245 of the table. The final quarrel was, my wife, ae- eordinff to custom, sent her maid to see the other maid's candles out. Cath. York bolted her door, and denied her entrance. I do not charge her with drinking, but with being as impetuous as if she did drink. I was afraid we might be burnt in our beds. I am, &c., &c., C. Berkeley." * Will not this jewel of a man make a better cor- respondent than Tom Lane? When you return we will inquire after every servant that has left him since he kept house. I will give you a Newgate anecdote, which I had from a gentleman who heard it. He called on P. Lewis the night before the execution, and heard one runner call to another, and order a chicken boiled for Rice's supper ; but, says he, you need not be curious about the sauce, for you know he is to be hanged to-morrow. That is true, says the other, but the Ordinary sups with him, and you know he is a hell of a fellow for butter ! If the Continental air has not altered you, this will please you, at least I have known the time when you have gone a good way for such a morsel. I know your economy, so I will never trangress the bounds of a single sheet, though I could go somewhat further in a fresh one, by telling you * Charles, third son of William, fourth Lord Berkeley, of Stratton. He married, in 1745, Frances, daughter of Colonel .lolin West, and died iii 1765. 246 THE EARL OF MARCH how much I love you, how much I wish for you, and how sincerely I am, My dear George, ever yours. P.S. Lord Digby was of the Thomond party, and desires to be remembered to you. Lady Wal- degrave * has declared herself not with child, A turtle will be dressed to-morrow. To George Augustus Selwyn, Esq., at Mr. Foley's, Banker, at Paris. THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. Seymour Place, 1 July, 1763. MY DEAR GEORGE, Upon my return from Newmarket last Wednes- day I found your letter, by which I find you wholly despair of me. Whether I shall come or not is rather uncertain. If I do, it will be immediately after Huntingdon, which is the last week in this month. * Maria, the beautiful Lady Waldegrave, second daughter of Sir Edward Walpole, K.B., and grand- daughter of Sir Robert Walpole. She married James, second Earl of Waldegrave, a man much older than herself, but apparently distinguished by every endearing and estimable quality. Lord Waldegrave dying April 28, J 763, had left her a widow only a few weeks previous to the date of this letter, and apparently with the prospect of her becoming the mother of a posthumous child. She subsequently married, in 1766, William Henry Duke of Gloucester, brother of George the Third, and died in 1807. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 247 ^ I did not go to Woburn, so I have that visit to make. This week I have been in waiting, and to-day, being Friday, I have nothing fnrther to do. The King did not take his Lord of the Bedchamber to the review last JNlonday, so that I had that day and Tuesday at Newmarket. The horse-guards are to be reviewed next INIonday ; Elliot's the JNIonday following. Since this letter was begun I have been at Madame de Boufflers, who returned last night from her expedition to Woburn and Wakefield, and seems perfectly satisfied with everything here. Beauclerk was at AVoburn. She goes on Sunday to stay a week with Lady Ilolderness at Sion Hill in Lord H.'s absence,* who sets out to-morrow for Yorkshire, and the 23rd for Paris. Williams suspects you begin to be a little seccatored, and that you would like as well to sit down to Saunders' turtle, which is just going to be served up, as to any dinner you can have where you are. I know of nothing new or entertaining to send you. Every- thing goes on as when you left us, and I am always, as much as it is possible. Your faithful and affectionate friend, M. & R. * Robert d'Arcy, fourth and last Earl of Ilolderness, grand- son of the celebrated Duke of Schomberg. He married Mary, daughter of Francis Doublet, member of the States of Holland, and died in 1778, when the earldom of Holderness became extinct. 248 GILLY WILLIAMS GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Clifford Street, July 6, 1 763. MY DEAR GEORGE, You write such pamphlets to March and the Countess, that I receive my scrap of paper without the least thankfulness. We dined in Seymour Row yesterday, and agreed your time could not be crowded with amusements, when you had so much left vacant for your pen and ink. Cadogan * is come back, and I think much more a Dutch than a French man. He holds Paris and all its pleasures cheap, and prefers our English circulation of the bottle after dinner. As I am now going to ask a favour of you, I wish you may be at leisure enough to attend to it. Mrs. Mack, and her sister set out for Paris to-day. You know the helpless condition of two women in such a place without a man to protect them ; therefore, whatever little offices you can do for them in the friendly way, I will most thankfully acknowledge. I should imagine they will be with you at the time you receive this letter. Their first intention was for the Spa, * The Hon. Charles Sloane Cadogan, afterwards third Baron, and subsequently created Earl Cadogan. He died April 3, 1807, in his eightieth year. Lady Hervey says of him, " he has an ex- cellent understanding, is a man of worth and principle, and gains more by being well known than most people." — Lady Hervey s Letters, p. 303. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 249 but Cadogan's account lias changed their route for Paris. We had a singular accident yesterday at our review in Hyde Park. jNIy Lord Steward was mounted on a most vicious stone horse, who very soon dismounted his lordship ; after which he seized on Sir W. Briton, whose mare he embraced so closely, that in the scramble poor Sir William's nose was beat flat to his face. He is now in a Inost languishing condition, and will make his next appearance as like your nephew JNIidleton* as your nephew is to ma chere chere. I can send you no particular account of the Crome girls,f as he is in the country entertaining the Duke of York ; there is not one person left in town who knows such people exist. I have not yet fixed mv destination for the remains of the sum- mer ; but at all events I shall hold myself en- gaged for Crome and IMatson in October. Horry :i: is taken u]3 with nursing his niece, who bore a most painful operation on her breast very * George, third Viscount Midleton. He married, in 1752, Albinia, daughter of the Hon. Thomas Townshend, and niece to George Selwyn. Lord Midleton died the 22nd of September, 1765. ■\ Lady Mary and Lady Anne Coventry. % Horace Walpole. In his letters dated at this period, there are some very interesting notices of the last moments of Lord Waldcgrave, and of the fortitude displayed by his young widow. Lady Waldegrave, it is needless to remark, was the niece of Ho- race Walpole. 250 GILLY WILLIAMS heroically. I believe General Waldegrave * will very soon be declared a successor to the earldom and the moveables thereof. Though I suppose you are up to the throat with soup and the truffles of Perigord, yet we have our dainties too ; and since no less than six turtles are dressed in a day at Cornhill, I believe you would condescend to sit a messmate with our alderman f for a day or two. We are very successful in stealing a plate from them, without paying the tax of keeping them company. Adieu, my dear George ! I am ever yours, &c. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Monday, July 18, 1763. MY DEAR GEORGE, How very different, at present, is your amuse- ment and that of your friends ! You are convers- ing with men of beard and wisdom, while Lord March and I are up half the night with people of a profligate character, singing the " Blue Bells of Ireland," and other songs equally impure and vulgar. I think you cannot expect after this to * John, brother of the late lord, succeeded as third Earl of Waldegrave. He was a General in the Army ; Governor of Ply- mouth ; and Master of the Horse to Queen Charlotte. He died October 22, 1784. f Alderman Harris of Gloucester. See ante, 14 Nov. 1751. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 251 see him at Paris, which I o^\'n I rejoice at, as it will in great measure hasten the pleasure of seeing you here. We have agreed you love to be coddled in a coach with an old dowager, so expect to see you in the Lorn convoy ; and don't be surprised if you meet old Duke Scapin on the road in a mask, making some certain family demands with a pistol. Cov.* is returned to town ; he stays to relieve the distresses of half a dozen half-starved vestals, and then talks of setting out for France. As he is full as helpless as either of the women I have consigned to you, he will equally want your assist- ance. His errand is to buy furniture, to talk of tapestry and glasses, and to pay for importing a worse thing than an English courier could have helped him to. He told us last night his estate was ten thousand per ann., with a debt of fifty. T suppose you would be willing to add to [the] incumbrance very considerably for your own little girl. I have sent them the dolls, and their father visits them on Friday next : they are both much better for the sea-water. I met the poor Countess' f Mrs. White in the street this very morning with her stomach up to her chin. She inquired lovingly after you ; I fancy she wants to be taken into your asylum with Kitty. This city, with our court, is not half so * Lord Coventry. f Maria Gunning, the beautiful Lady Coventry. VOL. I. R fi 252 GILLY WILLIAMS. full as yours without it. There is nobody at White's : our jovial club meets at the Star in Garter. Topham Beauclerk is come to reconvey the Boufflers. She is out of patience with our politics, and our ridiculous abuse on every person, who either governs or is likely to govern us. By March's account of her, I dare say she will be infinitely entertaining on her return, with her remarks on a set of people, I suppose, as diiferent from her own as Hottentots. I have notified the presents which Lord Holland is to make to my Lady and Horry.* The latter is gone a progress into Northamptonshire to Lady Betty Germaine's. Is it not surprising how he moves from old Suffolk on the Thames to another old goody on the Tyne ; and does not see the ridicule which he would so strongly paint in any other character ? Believe me to be, my dear George, Ever yours, &c., &c. [The reader, perhaps, will hardly agree with Williams, that any ridicule is to be attached to Horace Walpole for the homage which he is known to have paid to the venerable, and once celebrated ladies here referred to. Lady Betty Germaine (who, sixty years previous to the date of this letter, had been celebrated in the lively verses of Swift) was the second daughter of Charles, * Horace Walpole, and apparently his niece, Liidy Waldegrave, afterwards Duchess of Gloucester. GILLY WILLIAMS. 253 second Earl of Berkele}% and widow of Sir John Germaine of Drayton, Northamptonshire, who, at his death in December, 1718, bequeathed her his lars'e estates. Her whole life was distin<>:nislied by acts of goodness and generosity ; while her wit, her good-humour, and unvarying cheerfulness ren- dered her one of the most charming companions of her time. Horace Walpole, in describing to George JNlontagu * his " progress " into Northamp- tonshire, referred to by Williams, has left us an interesting picture of Drayton. " I rummaged it,'' he says, " from head to foot, examined every spangled bed and enamelled pair of bellows, for such there are ; in short, I do not believe the old mansion was ever better pleased with an in- habitant since the days of Walter de Drayton, except when it has received its divine old mistress. If one could honour her more than one did before, it would be to see with what religion she keeps up the old dwelling and customs, as well as old servants, who you may imagine do not love her less than other people do." Lady Betty died at an advanced age, December IG, 1769, bequeathing the greater part of her estate, together with her name, to Lord George Sackville, so celebrated for the disagreeable notoriety which he obtained by his conduct at the battle of Minden. The other " goody," as Williams thought i)roper to call her, was the celebrated Henrietta, Countess • Letters, vol. iv. p. 289. 254 THE HON. C. S. CADOGAN. of Suffolk, mistress of George the Second ; a lady possessed of no less amiable and agreeable qualities than her friend Lady Betty Germaine. Her resi- dence at Marble Hill, on the banks of the Thames, (of which Lords Burlington and Pembroke de- signed the house for her, Lord Bathurst and Pope laid out the gardens, and Swift, Gay, and Ar- buthnot superintended the household,) rendered her a near neighbour of Horace Walpole's, and from her lips he gathered much of that agreeable gossip which is to be found in his charming " Re- miniscences." Lady Suffolk died in July, 1767, at the age of seventy-nine.] THE HON. CHARLES SLOANE CADOGAN TO GEORGE SELWYN.* Caro mio Monsieur, Your amici. Milord Ashburnham, and il Signor Gulielmo, dine with us in a family way to-morrow. Voidez vous inmiger la soupe avec questi Signori f Servo humilissimo, Cadogano, detto Vauder Duggan. Thursday niglit., late. * See ante, p. 248, note. GILLY WILLIAMS. 255 GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Tuesday, July 19. [1763.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I WROTE to you yesterday, since wliicli, I have heard an account of a treaty of marriage, announced here yesterday by Lord Essex, which I believe will surprise you as much as it did the company he told it to. Lord Digby is very soon to be married to JNIiss Fielding. Thousands might have been won in this house, on his lordship's not knowing that such a being existed.* If you hold your intention of setting out with Lord Lome, you may be here in a fortnight, which will be before I leave London for the last time. In a few days we go to Shortgrove ; shall return the beginning of August, and then shall set out with Willis for Ashburnham, wheatears and sea-bathing. Lord Pomfret is dying of a violent fever :f a strong delirium is apprehended. Lord Lincoln has a sore throat, which has filled this room to-night ; having disappointed a large jiarty which was to have made the tour of Sussex with him. * Henry, seventh Baron and first Earl Dig^by, married, in 1763, to Elizabeth, daughter of the Hon. Charles William Fielding, son of Basil, fourth Earl of Denbigh. See post, 4 August, 1765. t George, second Earl of Pomfret. He survived till 9 June, 256 THE EARL OF MARCH The Duke of York expressed the highest satis- faction at Crome. Powerscourt was there, and all the invalids from Malvern, consisting of Lady Kildare, IMrs. Pitt, Lord W. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Grey. In short every one, whom Dr. Wall de- clared sound enough to be carried so far, dined there, and it was the merriest hospital that had been seen for some time. There is no news. Politics stand much as they did in spite of all the abilities of discontent and opposition. Mynheer Cadogan is with his wife, getting a seventh son.* JNIarch says he intends to write to you this post, and as I love you as much as he does, I am determined for this time to be a better correspondent. Adieu ! my dear George ! I think of October with pleasure, as we shall most certainly pass it together. THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. Tuesday, July 19th, 176^5. MY DEAREST GEORGE, I SHALL send the message and things by Lady Holderness, who sets out on Thursday, and has promised to take them. Madame de Boufflers goes on Saturday. They all dine with me to-morrow, and I go the next day to Newmarket, and from thence to Hunting- * In the Peerages there is no record of Lord Cadogan having been the father of more than six sons. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 257 don which begins next INIonday. There is no such thing as lampreys at this time of the year, and they will keep, to be sent here, as the Che- rubim * assures me, upon thorough information. All my stockings have been seized, by not being taken out of the paper and rolled up, which would have made them pass for old stockings. It is extremely uncertain when the marriage f will be, but I should think undoubtedly not sooner than the latter end of September, there- fore do not order any clothes for me till I write to you again. I have fixed nothing about moving to France. Lord Coventry talks of being at Paris in three weeks. I have been all the morning at Peter- sham with Madame de Boufflers. She dined at Sion Hill. The Duke of Queensberry, Essex, and Harvey, dined wdth me, so that I have not had a minute to myself all day, and for fear this should be too late for the post, I have only time to add, that I am always yours most affectionately, M. & R. * See ante, 5 April, 1763. f The marriage between the Princess Augusta, sister of George the Third, and the Prince of Brunswick Wolfenbuttle, which took place on the 1 6th of January following. VOL. I. 258 THE HON. HENRY ST. JOHN. The Hon. Henry St. John was the second son of John second Viscount St. John ; brother of Frederick, the second Viscount Bolingbroke, the " Bully " of these letters ; and nephew of the celebrated Lord Bolingbroke, the minister of Queen Anne. ]Mr. St. John, or, as his friends familiarly designate him, " the Baptist," was a man of wit and pleasure, but aj)parently gifted with some better qualities than those of the mere man of fashion. Several agreeable letters from him will be found in the present collection. He subse- quently represented Wotton Basset in Parliament; became Groom of the Bedchamber and Aide-de- camp to King George the Third, and was Lieu- tenant-Colonel of the 67tli Regiment of Foot. He married, August 22, 1771, the eldest daugh- ter of Colonel Thomas Bladen, sister of Harriot, Countess of Essex, and died Ajiril 4, 1818. THE HON. HENRY ST. JOHN TO GEORGE SELWYN. Scarborough, July 24, 1763. MY DEAR SIR, I HAD the pleasure of yours a few days ago, informing me of your having bought and sent to THE HON. HENRY ST. JOHN. 259 Calais the applique, for the Duke of York. I am upon this occasion, as I have been before upon many others, much obliged to you, and wish you would still give yourself the further trouble of writing to your correspondent at Calais, to whom you have sent it, to desire him to direct it, " ]Mr. ]\Iinett, at Dover," mentioning it is for me, and I am sure ISIinett will get it passed safely at the Custom House for me. You will be pleased to make Foley pay for it, and place it to my brother's account. I am satisfied it is du dernier gout, and the Duke is well pleased to hear that it is coming, and so pretty, though he certainly will not be able to wear it at the marriage, as he sets out about the 15th of next month for the JNIediterranean. I am very happy to attend him in his travels in Italy, a country I wanted much to see, and by no means a bad opportunity of seeing it. We go to town in a week, in order to pre- pare om'selves for our expedition. I fear it will not be my fate to see you for some time ; at least not till next spring. I shall always wish to hear of your health, and shall be happy to obey your commands in any country I may pass through. I hope Paris amuses you as much as it did me when I was last there, and you must be very happy. I often think how pleasantly I passed my time there. Je vous prie de vous charger de mes s 2 260 GILLY WILLIAMS compliments tres sinceres a Madame de Coislin. I should be glad to hear from you once more before I set out, if you can find leisure in so dissipated a place. I am most sincerely yours, H. St. John. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. White's, Thursday, August 4, 1763. If the heavens are as unfavourable to the Con- tinent as to us islanders, you have passed this month more to your satisfaction in a warm capital than we have done in our green fields, where we have been wet to the skin three times a-day at least. I wished for you much last week at Short- grove. The Rena called there by herself on her return from March, who set out from Newmarket to Huntingdon. She met Lord Coventry, Cadogan, and me. The universal gallant was infinitely enter- taining, but in every other respect as innocent and harmless as you would have been, my dear ; so I think the song says. When she went off in the morning, she found she had as little to fear from us as from a parcel of old eunuchs. March, I hear, has lost at Huntingdon. I sup- pose party, that spoils everything with us, spoiled that, and from a very jovial meeting, converted it to a dull one. I have been looking for the TO GEORGE SELWYN. 261 newspaper, to send you your nephew jNIidleton's* speech at the Surrey meeting. He talks of cruel insinuations of his unaltered loyalty, and his steady adlierence to the good of his country, &c., &c. I own I sleep easier in my bed, to think there is so much disinterested, independent loyalty left among us. Jack Sebright f has thrown INIr. Pitt out of Bath ; in short, the great man has quarrelled with his constituents for addressing on the peace, and swears he will never again represent a set of wretches, who think so very differently from him. Lord Digby has come to town, I believe, to consummate.^ He has stole this match upon us, and shut us out of a very comfortable house, where we had promised ourselves many a cod and oyster- sauce for the winter. It is looked on as a cer- tain thing that you will return with Lord Lome * Albinia, eldest daughter of the Hon. Thomas Townshend, and niece of George Selwyn, married April 25, 1752, George, Viscount Midleton, in the kingdom of Ireland. See ante, 6 July. t Sir John Sebright, Bart., a lieutenant-general in the army, and colonel of a regiment of infantry. He died in r\Iarch, 1794. X See ante, 19 July. Horace Walpole writes to Colonel Conway, August 9th, " Lord Digby is to be married imme- diately to the pretty Miss Fielding ; and Mr. Boothby, they say, to Lady Mary Douglas. What more news I know, I cannot send you ; for I have had it from Lady Denbigh and Lady Blandford, who have so confounded names, genders, and circum- stances, that I am not sure whether Prince Ferdinand is not going to bo married to the hereditary Prince." — Walpole's Letters, vol. iv. p. 293. 262 GILLY WILLIAMS and the duchess, but when will that be ? I shall set out to-morrow morning for Ashburnham, and shall go from thence to Brighthelmstone,* if I can get any tolerable accommodation. Lord Coventry says he left the children well there, but not, as he thinks, much mended in those complaints for which they were sent there.f I look on his visit to have been as much out of form as affection, and having satisfied the public, he leaves the rest to God Almighty. He talks of setting out next week for Paris, and is now hiring a French ser- vant to pay his post-horses. Don't think of in- troducing him to any part of the great world, for he is determined to be as private as an up- holsterer, and to pass his time in buying glasses and tapestry, for a place in which he never sees himself, but he wishes himself, and all belonging to it, at the devil. How do my friends like their situation ? I am much obliged to you for the care you have taken of them, as I am convinced my recommending them to you will be of infinite use to them. This place is quite deserted, though the Queen's delivery, * Brighton, just at this period, was dawning from a small fishing-village into an indifferent watering-place. t The children of Lord Coventry, by the beautiful countess, were, Lady Mary Alicia, born in 1754, and married in 1777 to Sir Andrew Baynton, Bart., from whom she was divorced in 1783; Lady Anne, Selwyn's favourite, divorced from the Hon. Edward Foley, in 1787 ; and George William, afterwards seventh Earl of Coventry, tlie father of the present (eighth) Earl. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 263 which is expected now every day,* keeps a few of the court corps at White's. Pray, my dear George, till you come, continue to write, and direct to Clifford Street. I am ever yours, G. I. W. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Brighthelmstone, August 22. [1763.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I RECEIVED yours last night, which has been entirely put out of my head by the arrival of a messenger this morning, with an account of Lord Egremont's death. f I think he said when he left London my lord was alive ; but 1)y their sending for the child I suppose it is by this time deter- mined. I told you in my last how long I intended to stay. The regimen of sea-bathing agrees so per- fectly well with m&, that as long as the weather will give us leave I propose to follow it. After tliat I will be at your service, either for JVIatson, or any other place you have most inclination for. I suppose by that time our old quarters at Crome will be ready for us, and the Peer returned with * Queen Charlotte was delivered of the late Duke of York on the IGth of this month. t Charles, second Earl of Egremont, Secretary of State in 1701, on the resignation of Mr. Pitt. He died on the preceding day, viz. 21 August, 1763. 264 GILLY WILLIAMS his various purchases, at which his chaplains will stare egregiously. You talk of a meeting at Aber- gavenny's, as if I was either Miller or Dupree, and could command the house when I wanted to make it convenient to me. God knows, I never had the most distant invitation to it. As to the lodgings in this place, the best are most execrable, and what you would find now, I believe not habitable, though possibly Mademoiselle would let you, for a night or two, have that bed with the children, which their father had, the whole house being their own. 1 believe they will stay till October. Nanny looks remarkably hand- some, and has a bloom from the salt water, which any person, totally indifferent to her, would ad- mire. Their maid confines them too much, by their father's order, for they are never seen with other children, though there are some of their own age and condition. Our company consists of Fanny Pelham,* old Brudenel, and his wife ; Peachy and family ; Colo- nel Clinton ; Colonel Philipps, &c., &c. I have named you those whom you know ; the rest are numerous, but vulgars. From the pleasantness of the place, and the health I have already established here, I never liked any situation better. As this * Daughter of the celebrated minister, Henry Pelham, bro- ther of Thomas first Duke of Newcastle. She was born August 18, 1728, and died possessed of great wealth, at her seat at Esher in Surrey, on the 10th of January, 1804. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 2G5 vacancy in the Secretary's office will occasion some promotions, let me have the earliest intelligence, and remember the post comes to us every day. Adien. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Brighthelmstone, August 2i). [17G3.] MY DEAR GEORGE, Many thanks to you for your letters, though I do not think yoii so punctual a correspondent in England as you was at Paris. However, I will not ])unisli you by keeping you in suspense about your child, for, as I go every morning into the sea with her, I can form a muscular survey of her. I assure you she is perfectly well, and appeared to-day rather to advantage as to her complexion, for she bathed next to a blackamoor. It would as- tonish you to see the mixture of sexes at this place, and with what a coolness and indifference half a dozen Irishmen will bathe close to those whom we call prudes elsewhere, such as Charlotte Tufton,* &c. ; and can you imagine Lady Catherine f will ever appear on the beach, when there are such * Lady Charlotte Tufton, born in September 1728, was the second daughter of Sackville, seventh Earl of Thanet. She died May 12, 1803, in her 70th year. t Probably Lady Catherhie Tufton, sister of the seventh Earl of Thanet, and aiuit of Lady Charlotte. There was a rumour, VOL. I. s 5 266 GILLY WILLIAMS. indelicacies staring her in the face ? 1 do not be- lieve you will come, but if you do, on notice, I can secure a good tolerable bed for you. Some peoj^le looked important last post, and said Mr. Pitt had been two hours with the Kino- the preceding Saturday. If it was true, how much of the conference has transpired ? I have heard from Lord Thomond,* and most sincerely feel for him. Is it not cruel, that two brothers who loved one another, and really lived together like brothers, must be sej^arated, when so many are left, who are torments to themselves and to everybody else ! Heaven seems to have a strange partiality for my friends, for it takes them to itself with a wonder- ful predilection. I don't think the Trentham party must be a bad one. If you go, God bless you, but till you do, let us hear from you. about this period, that she was to be married to Dr. Dunean, one of the King's physicians. On the report being mentioned to George Selwyn, " How often," he said, " will she repeat that line of Shakspeare, ' Wake, Duncan, with this knocking, — would thou couldst I ' " — Walpole's Letters, vol. iv. p. 138. Dr. Duncan, on the 5th of September, married Lady Mary Tufton, a younger sister of Lady Catherine, and aunt of Lady Charlotte, and was created a baronet August 9, 17G4. See post, July 29, 1764. * See ante, 19 September, 1762. LORD HOLLAND. 267 LORD HOLLAND TO GEORGE SELWYN. Aubigny, October^ 5, 1763. DEAR SELWYN, I HAVE had, by the same messenger who brought me yours, full accounts of the late trans- action, and I believe true. I will give you the account given me of that Sunday, when I see you ; I must not write it in this letter which goes by the post. Lord IMansfield* had nothing to do with it, nor, as I believe, knew more, or sooner, anything of the matter than you did. Do you know that his lordship had a great share of Pitt's invective be- stowed on him? And here, after a thousand thanks to you for your letter, I drop all politics that may not go by the post, till I see you, when I will tell you all I know of them, with the trait I mentioned. Had it been from a political friend only, I should be ashamed to be hurt by it. No politics will or can mortify me. I thought this man's friendship had not been only political. I loved him, and whether to feel or not to feel, to despise or grieve on such an occasion, be most worthy of a man, I wont dis- pute ; but the fact is, that I have been, and still am, whenever I think of it, very unhapjiy.-f- * William, the first and celebrated Earl of Mansfield. -j- The person who is here so feelingly alluded to, is evidently the Right Hon. Richard Rigby, whose political apostacy, in con- junction with Lord Gower and George Grenville, and the con- 268 LORD HOLLAND I sent Betty a present by Lord Bateman,* which he tells me she received very graciously indeed. She advised me against going into the House of Lords,! ^^^^ ^o did you ; and very wisely, if I retained any further views of ambition. But it was to cut up that by the root, and with that in- tention, and, after deliberation with that intention, that I did it; and Lady Caroline and I find great reason now to be glad that it was done. You are not well, I am afraid, with Lady Townshend, not to have seen her since you came to London : I have heard nothing from her. Another table was sent from Paris before I left it ; but if you want anything, I shall neither want opportunity nor incli- nation to send or bring it to you. I was very sorry sequent alienation of whose friendship appears to have been most sensibly felt by Lord Holland. In a poem, privately printed, en- titled " Lord Holland returning from Italy, 1767," I find the following lines : Slight was the pain they gave, and short its date ; I found I could not both despise and hate. But Rigby, what did I for thee endure ? Thy serpent's tooth admitted of no cure. Lost converse, never thought of without tears ! Lost promised hope of my declining years ! Oh I what a heavy task 'tis to remove The accustom'd ties of confidence and love I Friendship, in anguish, turn'd away her face. While cunning Interest sneer'd at her disgrace. * See ante, 29th June, 1763. f On the 16th of April Lord Holland had been raised to the peerage by the title of Lord Holland, and Baron of Foxley, in the county of Wilts. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 269 yoii was gone from Paris, but how could I be angry, or, as Lord March did not come, surprised ? Charles* is, I hear, again a jDerfect schoolboy in dress. JNIadame de Coislin calls him son jeune amoureiLVy and enquires after him very kindly, and after you too ; but the mauvais j)laisants talk so, that, if it comes to her ears, it will soon make her prefer the tr op jeune au trop froid amant. T tell her I am amant too ; but I am le trop vieu.v, she finds, I doubt not, of the unexceptionable sort ; with whom, however, Charles may one day roll, though you and I never shall. Madame GeofFrin is vastly civil, and Lady Hol- land and she grow every day more amiable in each other's eyes, which will certainly not hurt you there. If the Parliament meets before Christmas, I come a week before the meeting, to come back with Charles, and return with him after the holydays. What more I can do must be considered then ; but I hate London, and London hates me. I will be there as little as I can, and when there, as much with you as Lord March will permit. I wish you had both come here. Here is a large and good house, in a fine country and a fine climate, and in the midst of a most extensive scigneurie.-\ * The celebrated Charles James Fox, the favourite child of his father, now in his fifteenth year. \ Lord Holland was at this period the guest of his brother-in- law, Charles third Duke of Richmond, at Aubigny, in France ; a territory which the duke inherited from his great-grandmother, Louise de Queroualle, Duchess of llichmond, the celebrated 270 WILLIAM VAREY, ESQ., You would have been most welcome to the duke and duchess, and have diverted yourself I think : I am sure you would Lady Caroline, and done me more good than even the climate, which has done me a great deal. Stephen* gives his compliments, but says you left Paris in a shabby manner : he is a great favourite with everybody.! WILLIAM VAREY, ESQ., TO GEORGE SELWYN. Ixworth Abbey, Feb. 10, 1764. DEAR SIR, This morning I received your kind letter, which gave me that sort of pleasure that every one feels upon finding themselves remembered where they wish not to be forgot. My absence from London prevented my seeing the ruffles. I dare say I shall like them, but the price is so trifling that it is of no consequence. I shall be obliged to you for four pair of Valenciennes, as good as people w^ear when they dress, but not too deep. The price I shall not regard, as they are always handsome and in fashion. mistress of Chai-les the Second, of which monarch his grace was the great-grandson. * Stephen Fox, the eldest son of Lord Holland, whom he succeeded in his titles as second Lord Holland. He married Lady Mary Fitzpatrick, daughter of John, Earl of Upper Ossory, and died on the 26th of December, 1774. ■f The conclusion of this letter is unfortunately lost. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 271 I congratulate you upon the reception I hear your friend* has had at court. He cannot fail of beins: well received wherever he is known, and in France he cannot want recommendations. I desire my comjiliments to him, and hope he kept up the credit of the English sportsmen at Comiiiegne. IMadame la Comtesse I hope is well, and le pmivre Raton.^ Cannot you find a French artist to supjily that bit of tail he lost in Hyde Park? I take it for granted you have made a trip to Madame de Sevigne's^ estate, in order to compare the ancient map of it with its present situation, and will read her letters again with double pleasure, from having accurately surveyed the spot where tliey were wrote. I am so retired here that I dare say I know less of what passes in London than you do. Williams and I passed a fortnight together at Ashburnham. We often talked of you, and as often wished you with us. Mrs. Boone has been, and is, very ill, but I hope her case is not desperate, and would have you bring the box by all means. I wish you health to enjoy the gay scenes that surround you, and am Your most sincere friend, and humble servant, Wm. Varey. * Lord March. + Selwyn's favourite dog. He is frequently mentioned in the subsequent correspondence. X Selwyn, like Horace Walpolo, was an ardent admirer of Madame de Sevigne and her celebrated letters. 272 THE EARL OF MARCH. THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. Fontainbleau. You desire to know what I intend to do, which is more than I can tell myself, but I shall certainly be here on Sunday, and for some days afterwards. I supped at Berringhen's the first night ; the next day made my visits, but found nobody but mother Praslin. She asked me to supi^er, and has sent me another card since, so that I find I am quite well there. I sup to-night with the Prince Soubize ; to-morrow, with Madame de Choiseul; and Mon- day, with the Duke de Chartres ; in short, there is business for every night, and I am in no danger of being on the pave. I dined to-day at what is called no dinner, at Madame de Coingnie's. The Queen * asked Madame de Mirepoix, Si elle n'avoit pas beaucoup entendu medire de Monsieur Selwyn et elle? Elle a repondu, Oui, beaucoup, Madame. — Xen suis bien aise dit la Reine. Moniii will be excessively glad to see you. I have not had time to go to see him, though he is but a mile from here, and has pressed me very much to come. Pray say something for me to the little Tondino, if I should not have time to write. I was not quite well this morning, and could not get uj), or I should have wrote to you both. Farewell, for I must go out. Yours, &c., &c. M. & R. * Maria Leczinski, daughter of Stanislaus, King of Poland, and Queen of Louis the Fifteenth of France. Selwyn is more than once mentioned as being a personal favourite with her. CAPTAIN ROBERT DIGBY. 273 P.S. There was no room taken for Fox, so I have taken the best I could get in this house, which is not a very good one, but there are lodg- ings enough to be had. CAPTAIN ROBERT DIGBY. Robert Digby, at this period a captain in the navy, was a younger son of Edward, third son of "William fifth Lord Digby, by Charlotte, only surviving daughter of Sir Stephen Fox, Knt., and sister of Henry first Lord Holland, the celebrated minister. He was born on the 20th of December, 1732 ; was promoted to be Rear-Admiral on the 19th of March, 1779, and died an Admiral of the Red, in 1814. This letter contains an interesting allusion to the recent marriage of Lady Susan Fox (eldest daughter of Stephen, first Earl of Ilchester, and niece of Lord Holland) to O'Brien, the actor, or, as the Peerages complaisantly style him, William O'Brien, of Stinsford, co. Dorset, Esq. Horace Walpole, in a letter to the Earl of Hertford, dated the 12th of this month, details some curious par- ticulars respecting this unfortunate marriage. "You will have heard of the sad misfortune that has hap- pened to Lord Ilchester by his daughter's marriage with O'Brien the actor. But, perhaps, you do not VOL. L T 274 CAPTAIN ROBERT DIGBY know the circumstances, and how much his grief must be agg-ravated by reflection on his own credulity and negligence. The affair has been in train for eighteen months. The swain had learned to coun- terfeit Lady Sarah Bunbury's hand so well, that in the country Lord Ilchester has himself delivered several of CBrien's letters to Lady Susan ; but it was not till about a week before the catastrophe that the family was apprised of the intrigue. Lord Cathcart went to ]\Iiss Reade's, the paintress : she said softly to him, ' ]\Iy lord, there is a couple in the next room, that I am sure ought not to be toge- ther ; I wish your lordship would look in.' He did ; shut the door again, and went directly and informed Lord Ilchester. Lady Susan was exam- ined, flung herself at her father's feet, confessed all, vowed to break off* — but — what a but ! — desired to see the loved object, and take a last leave. You will be amazed ; — even this was granted. The parting scene happened the beginning of the w^eek. On Friday she came of age, and on Saturday morn- ing — instead of being under lock and key in the country — walked down stairs, took her footman, said she was going to breakfast w^ith Lady Sarah, but would call at JNIiss Reade's : in the street, pre- tended to recollect a particular cap in which she was to be drawn, sent the footman back for it, whipped into a hackney chair, was married at Co- vent Garden church, and set out for Mr. O'Brien's villa at Dunstable. My lady— my Lady Hertford ! TO GEORGE SELWYN. 275 what say you to permitting young ladies to act plays, and go to painters by themselves V * CAPTAIN ROBERT DIGBY TO GEORGE SELWYN. Hotel de Tours, April 19th. [17G4.] DEAR SIR, I WOULD with pleasure have sent your letters a leur adresse, had they come to my hands. I fancy Lord Holland has, (though I forgot to ask him,) for he told me, a few days after, that he had a letter from you, and that you desired I would in- quire for a house for you. I wish you had been a little more particular about the price, and whether it must be garni, or whether you would have furni- ture from the tapissiers. However, I shall make what inquiries I can, and let you know if I meet with anything that I think will do for you, garni or not. If you could come into these lodgings, at the same price I have them, you would be better lodged, I think, than in any house here ; but the master of the house, to whom I have been talking about it, says he will not let them again under four- teen louis per month. I give but eleven. Perhaps you may recollect them, the green appartement, au premier. As I have not made a great acquaintance here, I cannot tell you what is generally said of M. * Walpnlo's Letters, vol. iv. p. 405. T 2 276 CAPTAIN ROBERT DIGBY. D'Eon's book,* for I believe few people have seen it. Though Lord Holland has one, I have never been able to get a sight of it yet. He lends it about by the hour ; it is so much inquired after. You will probably see him the latter end of next week, and then, if not sooner, hear his opinion ; I shall therefore say nothing of him, but that, ex- clusive of grief for this unhappy affair, I never saw him better. I hope the journey will be of service to him, for at present he is exceeding low-spirited, but has no other complaints. Stephen Fox, who is at other times very cheerful and good-humoured, goes with him as far as Kingsgate, which will, I fancy, be a great comfort to him. I do not intend staying here above ten days or a fortnight longer, and as I intend returning by Brussels, shall pro- bably miss the pleasure of seeing you either here or in England, which, give me leave to assure you, is some mortification ; for nobody more sincerely wishes your happiness, and to have the honour of being better acquainted, than, your very humble and most obedient servant, Robert Digby. P.S. I suppose you have heard of Madame Pom- padour's death. She seems already almost as much forgot as if there never had been such a person, f * See post, 10 July, 1764. t Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour, the celebrated mistress of Louis the Fifteenth of France, died April 14thj 1764, at the age of forty-two. 'Ill THE HON. GEORGE LANE PARKER. The Hon. George Lane Parker was the second son of George, second Earl of Macclesfield. He was born on the 6th of September, 1724, and at the pe- riod of his letter to Selwyn was a colonel in the first regiment of foot guards. On April 30th, 1770, he ^vas advanced to the rank of major-general, and, on August 29th, 1777, was promoted to be a lieu- tenant-general. He was also colonel of the 20th regiment of foot, and for some time member of Parliament for Tregony. He married in May, 1782, the widow of Sir Cottrell Dormer, and died Sep- tember Gth, 1791. This letter commences with some interesting particulars relating to the will of William Pulteney, the celebrated Earl of Bath, who died on the eighth of the preceding month, at the age of eighty-two. Lady Ilervey writes to the Rev. Edmund Morris shortly after the Earl's de- cease, " Lord Bath's leaving me no little bauble, in token of remembrance, did not surprise, and con- sequently could not vex me. He was a most agree- able companion, and a very good-humoured man ; Init r, that have known liini above forty years, knew that he never th(jught of any one when he did not see them, nor ever cared a great deal for those he did see. T am sorry he did not leave poor Johnstone wherewithal to make her easy, as she 278 HON. GEORGE LANE PARKER was not only a near relation who wanted his kind- ness, but the daughter of a man to whom he had essential obligations, and professed to love. I wish he had left Mrs. [Elizabeth] Carter the forty pounds a-year you mention, but she is not named in his will ; whilst he lived he made her several presents, and, as I have been told, solicited a pen- sion for her from the Crown. She has great merit, but very little money, and as he saw her often, and profited by the one, it is pity he did not furnish her with the other. He has left an immense for- tune to a brother he never cared for, and always, with reason, despised ; and a great deal to a man he once liked, but had lately great reason to think ill of. I am sorry he is dead ; he was very agree- able and entertaining ; and w^henever I was well enough to go down stairs, and give him a good dinner, he was always ready to come and give me his good company in return. I was satisfied with that. One must take people as they are ; perhaps hardly any one is in every respect just what they should be."* HON. GEORGE LANE PARKER TO GEORGE SELWYN. London, July 10th, 1764. DEAR SIR, In obedience with your commands, I trouble you with this letter, which (had I not absolutely * Lady Hervey's Letters, pp. 307, 308. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 279 promised to send you an account of Lord Bath's will, and D'Eon's trial) I should not have done, as T am informed by Lord March, that he designed to write to you by this post, and he will undoubtedly send you as full and particular an account of every- thing as I possibly could do. That I may not, therefore, take up any more of your time than is absolutely necessary, I will enter upon the two subjects without any further preface, and only relate the mere facts, as well as the best information I can get. Lord Bath, I find, has given everything to General Pulteney, (recommending to him to leave the Bradford estate to JVIr. Coleman, who in that case is to take the name of Pulteney,) except the interest of nineteen thousand pounds, and the lease of Lord Egremont's house, which he has given to Mr. Coleman for his life. The lease of Lord Egremont's house he has further entailed on Coleman's children, if any, and afterwards on the Lakes and their children, and on Mr. Douglas and his children ; so that it can never be bought up by the Egremont family. He has given Mrs. .Johnstone,* his niece, four thousand pounds ; to Mr. Douglas five hundred pounds and his library ; to Mrs. Montagu, a ring he used to wear, and his * Miss Pulteney, niece of Lord Bath, had married William, se- cond son of Sir James Johnstone, Bart. On the death of General Pulteney, in 1767, she inherited the vast wealth accumulated by Lord Bath, and at the same time her husband, who succeeded to the baronetcy in 1797, adopted the surname of Pulteney. 280 HON. GEORGE LANE PARKER wife's ear-rings ; to the bishops of Rochester and Bristol one hundred pounds each ; to Lord Pul- teney's girl thirty pounds per annum, and his ser- vants three years' wages. He has not mentioned Mrs. Sear or Charles Price. So much for Lord Bath. With regard to D'Eon, he was tried on JMonday. The information laid against him was for libelling Guerchy,* both in his private and public character ; in his private, by accusing him of forgery, and attempting to corrupt people to seize his papers ; in his public, as repre- senting him as unfit for the character he sustained. D'Eon pleaded not guilty. The Attorney-General, in opening, took notice that this prosecution was carried on at the suit of the Crown, who thought, as this was the common cause of all the foreio-n ministers, it was necessary to make an example of a person, who had attacked the character of one of them in so scandalous a manner, by an infamous libel. One Dixon, a printer, was produced, who proved that he printed twelve hundred copies of the book, and produced a receipt from D'Eon, wherein he acknowledged to have received sixty guineas for what he called his work. D'Eon had no council to plead for him. Lord Mansfield then said but little ; only observing, that in case they * The Comte de Guerchy, who had recently been appointed the French ambassador to the Court of England. Horace Wal- pole speaks of de Guerchy as being actually " adored " in this country. He died at Paris, September 1 7th, 176 7 TO GEORGE SELWYN. 281 found it a libel, it was a very great aggravation ; the crime being against a person in the character Guerchy is in here. The jury, without going out, found him guilty. These are all the particulars I have been able to collect in relation to the two things you desired I should inform you of, in which perhaps you may think I have been too tedious and minute, though, as I know your curiosity, I think you will excuse my erring on that side. Believe me to be, dear sir, ever yours, George Lane Parker. [The strange story of the Chevalier d'Eon is thus related by jNIr. Croker in his notes to Horace Wal- pole's letters to the Earl of Hertford : " This sin- gular person had been secretary to the Duke de Nivernois' embassy, and, in the interval between that ambassador's departure and the arrival of M. de Guerchv, the French mission to our court devolved upon him. This honour, as INIr. Walpole intimates, seems to have turned his head, and he was so absurdly exasperated at being superseded by M. de Guerchy, that he refused to deliver his letters of recall, set his court at defiance, and pub- lished a volume of libels on M. de Guerchy and the French ministers. As he persisted in with- holding the letters of recall, the two courts were ol)liged to notify in the London Gazette that his mission was at an cikI ; and the French govern- 282 CHEVALIER D'EON. ment desired that he might be given up to them. This, of course, could not be done ; but he was proceeded against by criminal information, and finally convicted of the libels against M. de Guer- chy. D'Eon asserted, that the French ministry had a design to carry him off privately ; and it has been said that he was apprised of this scheme by Louis the Fifteenth, who, it seems, had entertained some kind of secret and extra-official communication with this adventurer. He afterwards continued in ob- scurity till 1777, when the public was astonished by the trial of an action before Lord Mansfield, for money lost on a wager respecting his sex. On that trial, it seemed proved beyond all doubt that the person was a female. Proceedings in the Par- liament of Paris had a similar result, and the soldier and the minister was condemned to wear woman's attire, which D'Eon did for many years. He emi- grated at the Revolution, and died in London in May, 1810. On examination, after death, the body proved to be that of a male. This circumstance, attested by the most respectable authorities, is so strongly at variance with all the former evidence, that the French biographers have been induced to doubt whether the original Chevalier d'Eon, and the person who died in 1810, were the same; and they even endeavour to show that the real person, the Chevaliere, as they term it, died in 1790 : but we cannot admit this solution of the difficulty ; for one, at least, of the surgeons who examined the CHEVALIER D'EON. 283 body ill 1810, had known D'Eon in his female habiliments, and he had for ten years lived un- questioned under the name of D'Eon."* Hannah Moore, who met the Chevaliere d'Eon late in life, gives the following- account of this extraordinary person : — " On Friday I gratified the curiosity of many years, by meeting at dinner Madame la Che- valiere d'Eon : she is extremely entertaining, has universal information, wit, vivacity, and gaiety. Something too much of the latter, (I have heard,) when she has taken a bottle or two of Burgundy ; but this being a very sober party, she was kept entirely within the limits of decorum. General Johnson was of the party, and it was ridiculous to hear her military conversation. Sometimes it was, ' Quand j'etais colonel d'un tel regiment!' then again, ' Non, c'etait quand j'etais secretaire d'am- bassade du Due de Nivernois,' or ' Quand je nego- ciais la paix de Paris."' She is, to be sure, a pheno- menon in history ; and, as such, a great curiosity. But one d'Eon is enough, and one slice of her quite sufficient."]! * Walpole's Letters, vol. iv. p. 322, note, t Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 15G. 284 GILLY WILLIAMS GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Brighthelmstone, July 23rd, 1764. I HAVE been expecting, my dear George, a line from yqu for several packets, with the advice of your having joined your foreign friends, of whom by this time you may be as heartily tired as you was of your English ones ; though not quite so much at home as to tell them so. Hans Stanley is governor of the Isle of White, and Lord Frederick Campbell * comes into the Admiralty. Are not you d d sorry for Lord Lome's son ? The poor duchess now will never be the mother of two dukes, which I thought the whimsical disposi- tion of fortune once intended.f The Congress at Stow opens this day ; and of all the King's servants, you may easily guess our friend Coventry would be the only one to attend it. I hear it is to last a * Third son of John, fourth Duke of Argyll ; a privy coun- sellor and Lord Registrar of Scotland. He married Mary, (widow of Lawrence, fourth Earl Ferrers, who was hung at Tyburn for the murder of his steward,) which lady was burnt to death at Coomb Bank, in Kent, in 1807. ■f John Lord Lome, afterwards fifth Duke of Argyll, had married, March 3, 1759, Elizabeth Gunning, (widow of James Duke of Hamilton,) by whom he was the father of George William, the late Duke of Argyll^ and of the present (seventh) Duke. Williams seems to imply that some accident had happen- ed to the infant son of Lord Lome, but there is no trace of such an event. It has already been mentioned that the Duchess of Hamilton, the daughter of a private Irish gentleman, became successively the wife of two dukes and the mother of four. See ante, p. 173. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 285 week, with Ashburnliani,* Offley, Tommy Pelliam,f Besboroiigh, ^c, &;c.:j: Old Bath left above a million sterling behind him. Bet Thompson, Billy Varey, and Chas. Price, were three of his pall-bearers, though neither of them a legatee. The stupid old general ^ has everything, and, with everything, takes possession of the toad-eaters likewise. The physicians seem to be more serious about the Duke of Devonshire's last attack than they at first appeared to be. I can say no more, but God bless you, and Adieu ! [Horace Walpole writes to the Earl of Hertford, shortly after the date of the foregoing letter, " The letters yesterday, from Spa, give a melancholy account of the poor Duke of Devonshire : as he cannot drink the waters, they think of removing * Jolin, second Earl of Ashburnham, was born in 1724, and married, in 1756, Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Ambrose Crawley, Esq., an alderman of London. He died on the 8th of April, 1812, in his eighty-ninth year. ■f Thomas Pelhara succeeded his cousin, (Thomas first Duke of Newcastle,) as Baron Pelham in 1768, and in 1801 was created Earl of Chichester. He filled, successively, the appoint- ments of a Lord of the Admiralty, Comptroller of the House- hold, and Keeper of the Great Wardrobe, and died on the 6th of January, 1805. X William, second Earl of Besborough, married Caroline, daughter of William Cavendish, third Duke of Devonshire, and died on the 11th of March, 1793. He was father of the present (third) Earl. § General Fulteney, the only brother of Lord Bath, died at Pulteney House, Piccadilly, 26th of October, 1767, in his eighty- second year. 286 LORD HOLLAND him, I suppose to the baths of Aix-la-Chapelle ; but I look on his case as a lost one. There's a chapter for moralizing ! but five-and-forty, with forty thousand pounds a-year, and happiness where- ever he turned him ! My reflection is, that it is folly to be unhappy at anything, when felicity itself is such a phantom." William, fourth Duke of Devonshire, K.G., was born in 1720, and married in March, 1748, Lady Charlotte Boyle, third and youngest daughter of Richard, Earl of Burlington and Cork. His Grace, in 1751, was appointed Master of the Horse, and a Privy Counsellor; in 1754, Lord High Treasurer of Ireland, in 1755 Lord-Lieutenant of that kingdom, in 1756 First Commissioner of the Treasury, and, the following- year. Lord Chamberlain of the Household. His death took place at Spa, on the 2nd of October, 1764, in the forty-fourth year of his age.] LORD HOLLAND TO GEORGE SELWYN. Kingsgate, July 29, 1764. DEAR SELWYN, My Lady is charmed with you, you talk so much of Stephen,* and wishes you to write often. She wishes you to bring her a piece of broad, and a piece of narrow white ribbon ; beau hlanc, c'est assez. We saw the china you speak of at * Stephen Fox, Lord Holland's second son^ and his successor in the title. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 287 Poiriers, and know it by your description, not your drawing ; it is Sevre cliina, and Lady Ilches- ter,* I fancy, M'ill not be very desirous of it. You was likely to give a good account of D'Eon, who had forgot that he had been (as he says) aide- de-camp, and most strongly attached to Broglie. T must suppose you never read his book. The reason which he gives why the ministers took the com- mand from Broglie, is the most offensive, and, to the French Court, the most impertinent thing in it. If flattery can make him a favourite there, he must be so, and I hear he is. Stephen has seen Beaiicoup : why did he not wait on you then ? But as JNIadame Geoffrin is seldom out of town, we wonder you do not mention her. If Lady Holland's and my united and well concerted endeavours have failed there, I shall wonder and be sorry ; if you have been fickle, neither. I do not guess what D' Eon's sentence will be, but I have long thought he is not himself, nor has materials for a sul>ject to keep the curiosity of our public alive: Mine, whilst I am here, is quite asleep, nor dreams of London. I fear I cannot furnish you with one anecdote : all the news I hear is, that Dr. Duncan * is a baronet. * Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Strangways Horner, Esq., of Mells Park, Somersetshire, and wife of Stephen Fox, first Earl of Ilchester. She died in 1792. -j- William Duncan, M.D. He married, September 5, 1703, Lady Mary Tuflon, eldest daughter of Sackville, seventh Earl of Thanct, and was created a baronet August 9, 17G4. See ante, August 29, 17G3. 288 LORD HOLLAND. Pray ask Stephen if he gave one of my books to the Duchesse de Coss6, and what became of the other. Give 7Jies tendres souvenirs, with as much sensibilite as is requisite, to every soul you meet. M. Lauragais' letter to ]Mr. Churchill would have furnished an excellent article in poor Sir Charles Williams's treatise, to show that the French were the most impolite people in Europe.* He had got together many curious instances; this would have made a great figure amongst them. Make Lady Holland's and my best compliments to Lord and Lady Hertford, Lord Beau champ, Mr. Churchill, and Lady Mary,t and make them in English ; and to Mr. Hume,;]; and with great sincerity ; which word, being the truth, is worth very many tendres amities, attachements eternels, &c. Adieu ! Yours ever, Holland. A Monsieur, Monsieur G. Selwyn, chez Monsieur Foley, Banquier, Rue St. Sauveur, a Paris. * See ante, 12 January, 1752, where the same opinion is held in a lively but sensible letter of Mr. Thomas Scrope, one of Selwyn's earliest friends. + Lady Mary Churchill, natural daughter of Sir Robert Wal- pole, for whom he procured the rank of an Earl's daughter. She married Colonel Charles Churchill, a natural son of Mrs. Old- field the actress, by General Churchill, son of an elder brother of the great Duke of Marlborough. X David Hume, the historian, was at this period secretary to the Earl of Hertford, the English ambassador at the Court of France. GILLY WILLIAMS. 289 GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Brighthelrastone, July 30. [1764.] MY DEAR GEORGE, This packet brings very serious advice indeed. I received a notification in form last night, that Nanny would very shortly bend her knee to Bab St. John,* as her mother-in-law. God grant this woman long life, or the poor children will have more odd uncles, aunts, and cousins than any people of their condition in Europe. I shall see him in a few days, and shall hear more particulars, but I was not willing this ship should sail without your knowing as much as I do. I begin to suspect the stamina of those descended from our dear friend the countess. Her children have not had an hour's perfect health since they have been here. Nanny is just recovered from the chicken-pox, and has now a violent inflammation in one of her eyes, though I hope a proper care will prevent any evil consequences. Coventry says the Stow party ended but badly ; the weather bad, the wine bad, and the ceremony intolerable. I am just returned to this ])lace from Jack Shelley's, where we have lived as well for a few days as if old had been in Abraham's * Lord Coventry remarried, September 27, 1764, Barbara, daughter of John, tenth Lord St. .John of Bletso. She died in 1804. VOL I. U 290 GILLY WILLIAMS bosom. There is a degree of good-nature in the heir-apparent, which makes one forgive all his vanity, nonsense, &c. You would laugh at our collection, though I assure you we are much obliged to France for sending us twice a-week some very extraordinary exotics. Barbers, milliners, barons, counts, arrive here almost every tide, and they stay here till their finances are so exhausted, that they decamp 2ipon the stage-coach, and not in it. Lord Percival * told me he saw you and the Rena, and that Lord March was expected. I hope, for your sake, he is arrived. Our King has had a fall from his horse, but not hurt. You shall hear by the next packet ; till then. Adieu ! GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Brighthelmstone, August 18, 1764. MY DEAR GEORGE, The master of the packet brought me your letters together yesterday morning, for which I thank you, being very sincerely glad that you and Lord March pass your time so much to your satis- faction. You will be very angry if I do not begin with an account of your children, who, in my opinion, con- tinue still much out of order. The youngestf es- * John James, afterwards third Earl of Egmont. He died February 22, 1822. f Lady Anne Coventry. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 291 pecially, has such an inflammation in one of her eyes that she can scarce open it. You will see their father before 1 do, and he will explain what he thinks of them, and what he intends to do with or for them. His journey to Paris is on the old tapestry account, where he will not stay above a week, and returns to be married, for certain, before Michael- mas. Our King has most graciously acceded to the match, and told the Earl she was the wisest, piiidentest, handsomest of his subjects. You have so many deep politicians with you, that I believe I need not tell you that it is my opinion that the Administration stock rises. The hand of Providence seems stretched out for them. Lord Hardwicke* is gone : Leggef is now at the very last gasp, and the Duke of Devonshire is on his road for the Spa, having had frequent returns of fits, which the faculty call nervous, because they do not know what to make of them. Lord Besborough, John Cavendish, and Fitzherbert, are in his grace's suite. It is given out he is to stay about a month, and to return, like the army, in high spirits.:]: * Philip Yorke, first Earl of Hardwicke, the celebrated chan- cellor. He died March C, 17G4. f The Right Hon. Henry Bilson Legge, fourth son of Wil- liam first Earl of Dartmouth. He was three times Chancellor of the Exchequer, and in Eebruary 1748 was appointed Envoy Ex- traordinary to the King of Prussia. He survived the date of this letter only three days, expiring August 21, 17G4. I The Duke died at Spa in little more than six weeks after the date of this letter, 2 October 17G4. V 2 292 GILLY WILLIAMS Charles Townshend* employs his summer in wri- ting pamphlets, and has just published one of the best that has yet made its appearance, entitled a " Defence of the Minority on the Question relating to Warrants." Among my invalids, I forgot to mention Lord Temple.f During the whole Stow party he was confined to his chair with a leg very disproportionate to his feet, about the size of my body. This is said to be a scorbutic gout, but I hope to God it will be nothing worse, and take his brother out of the House of Commons ; for in that case, except Jack Shelley should turn and take the lead, I know not who is equal to it.:}: Hans Stanley is by this time on your side of the water, in jDcrfect good humour with his patent of Governor of the Isle of Wight. Lord Carnarvon has resigned the Bedchamber, but declares he does not mean hostility. As to Lord Holland, I hear he is at Margate, but in what humour, either as to mind or body, I know not. Lady Catherine and Fanny ^ have been at this place about a fortnight, but yesterday, a ship came * The celebrated Charles Townshend, the minister and wit. + Richard first Earl Temple^ and uncle of George first Marquis of Buckingham. He died September 11, 1779. J Had Lord Temple's illness ended fatally, it would have transferred his celebrated brother, George Grenville, (at this pe- riod First Lord of the Treasury) to the House of Lords. § Probably Lady Catherine Tufton and Miss Frances Pelham, who are both mentioned in previous letters as occasional visitors at Brighton. See 22 and 29 August 1763. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 293 off the coast from the Levant, M-liicli the old ^voman thought might have the plague on board, so she packed up all her things, and set out with her family in the middle of the night. I see so much trouble likely to attend my finery, that I beg leave to be off from the suit of velvet, and will content myself with our home manufacture of some sort or other. Pray make my best com- pliments to Lord JNIarch, and believe me to be. Ever yours, &c., &c. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Brighthelmstone, August 25, 1764. MY DEAR GEORGE, I CAN recollect no news since my last. This has been our race week, and Jack Shelley has acted the part of his uncle in his grace's absence.* He has talked to everybody about everything, and has tried to keep up those spirits, which, as my Lord Clarendon says, " grow rather languid in their expectations of the reversion of the Crown." IVIr. Legge diedf yesterday morning at Tunbridge Wells, and Hans Stanley is talked of to succeed him in the county. The pattern of velvet you sent me is so pretty, that it has made me alter my * Mr, Shelley was nephew, on the mother's side, of Thomas first duke of Newcastle, the celebrated minister. See ante, June, 1763. f See ante, 1 8 August. 294 GILLY WILLIAMS intentions, and determines me to risk the vigilance of the Custom House officers ; but the master of the packet here tells me he can do it with much more ease and security, therefore I wish you would order the suit of clothes immediately, and send them, well packed, directed to Captain Killick, to be left with Mr. Ballard at Dieppe. Dick Cox is here, and says, if you will buy him a set of dishes and plates of the blue and white china, which you brought over last year for your mother, he will give you as many dinners off them as you will condescend to accept of Remember me to the Earls of JVIarch and Coventry, and be- lieve me to be, my dear George, Ever yours, &c. &c. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Brighthelmstone, September 11. [1764.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I WAS very sorry when I saw the face of our smuggling captain and he brought me no des- patches from you. The letter which Coventry wrote the Sunday after the express, 1 have received, M'hich contains some very cold inquiries after the children, whom he seems to leave to Providence and me. Children often recover their o-ood looks as surprisingly as they lose them, and I hope Nanny will do the same ; but at this instant all TO GEORGE SELWYN. 295 her beauty is gone, and she looks Hke a poor miserable object. They are to stay till the end of the month, and then to go down to Crome with their step-mother. Your ivory tops are most shabby affairs indeed ; indeed they are such, I believe, as Lord Hard- wicke's daughter receives from her relations. Lady Something Grey* is here, and I wish to God you could see her equipage. Two of the most mi- seraljle lean mares, tied to a hackney-coach, will not cause much distress in twenty thousand per annum. Your nephew Midleton f and my lady have been in the neighbourhood on a visit to Tom- my Pelliam, but, as none of the minority were (where I could wish them) in the sea, he did not do this place the honour of a visit, but retired to Pepper Harrow, after declaring there would be a change shortly in the Administration. This arrangement was: Lord Northumberland, First Lord of the Trea- sury, and Bowlby his Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Duke of York, on his arrival, went first to his mother, then to his Majesty, and directly from them to Mr. Foote's.J You see, ccelum non ani- mnm mutant. ]\Ir. Legge told a very fat fellow * Apparently Lady Henrietta Cavendish Bentinck, second daughter of William second Duke of Portland, and wife of the Hon. George Harry Grey, fifth Earl of Stamford. She died on the 4th of June 1827. f George Viscount Midleton, married to Selwyn's niece. See ante, 4 August 17G.'J. :j; Sanuiel VooW, \\\c (clcliraU'd cuniedian. 296 LORD HOLLAND who came to see him the day he died, " Sir, you are a great weight, but let me tell you, you are in at the death." I do not believe any of your d d monsieurs would go off the stage so gal- lantly. If you had sent my finery to Dieppe time enough for my friend to have clapped them on board the last trip, I should by this time have been in possession. Now I begin to fear the Cus- tom House will make free with them, and that I shall see one of their little boys at play in my birth-day clothes. I shall stay here a week longer. Let me know in your next when you imagine you shall leave Paris. I do not expect you to be certain, as nothing is less so than the kite you are tied to. God bless you both, and Adieu, &c. &c. &c. LORD HOLLAND TO GEORGE SELWYN. Kingsgate, September 23^ 1764. DEAR SELWYN, This waits your landing with an invitation of sincerity, and not of compliment; and I will be so sure that you will accept it, that, till I see you, I shall say nothing of Hume's* absurdity, Horry's * See post, 2nd of December 1765, David Hume was at this period Secretary to the British embassy at Paris, where his repu- tation as an historian and a philosopher had procured him a most flattering reception, and where Mason, in his " Heroic Epistle," speaks of him as '< drunk with Gallic wine and Gallic praise." TO GEORGE SELWYN. 297 pamphlet,* kc. Tell Lord IMarcli that he may break- fast or dine here, as well at least as at an inn, and lie at Margate, two miles off, as well as at Canter- bury. But we dine exactly at two ; so you will have full time to go to Canterbury after your coffee, if that is what you choose. Lady Caroline is not here, but will be to-morrow, and very glad to see Lord jVIarch and you and ask after her friends at Paris. Yours ever, Holland. P.S. Hor. may write another pamphlet, for I hear the Duke of Grafton has turned the duchess out, (though she is brave, and has seen service,) without assigning a reason. [Horace Walpole writes to the Earl of Hertford, on the 9th of the month, " You ask about what I had mentioned in the beginning, the dissensions in the house of Grafton. The world says they are actually ])arted : I do not believe that, but will tell you exactly all I know. His grace, it seems, for many months has kept one Nancy Parsons,f one * Horace Walpole, during the preceding month, had published a pamphlet in defence of his friend Marshal Conway, who had recently been dismissed from his employments for opposing the Ministry in the House of Commons during the prosecution of Wilkes. f The connexion of Nancy Parsons with the Duke of Grafton has been immortalised by Junius. " The example," he says, " of the English nobility may, for aught I know, sufficiently justify the Duke of Grafton when he indulges his genius in all the fashionable excesses of the age; yet, considering his rank and station, I think it would do him more honour to be able to deny 298 LORD HOLLAND. of the commonest creatures in London, once much liked, but out of date. He is certainly grown un- commonly attached to her, so much, that it has put an end to all his decorum. She was publicly with him at Ascot races, and is now in the forest ; I do not know if actually in the house. At first, I concluded this was merely stratagem to pique the duchess ; but it certainly goes further. Before the duchess laid in, she had a little house on Richmond Hill, whither the duke sometimes, though seldom, came to dine. During her month of confinement he was scarcely in town at all, nor did even come up to see the Duke of Devonshire. The duchess is certainly gone to her father. She affected to talk of the duke familiarly, and said she should call in the forest as she went to Lord Ravens- worth's : I susjiect she is gone thither to recrimi- nate and complain."* Augustus Henry, third Duke the fact than to defend it hy such authority. But if vice itself could be excused, there is a certain display of it, a certain outrage to decency and violation of public decorum, which, for the benefit of society, should never be forgiven. It is not that he kept a mistress at home, but that he constantly attended her abroad. It is not the private indulgence, but the public insult, of which I complain. The name of Miss Parsons would hardly have been known, if the First Lord of the Treasury had not led her in tri- umph through the Opera House, even in the presence of the Queen. When we see a man act in this manner, we may admit the shameless depravity of his heart, but what are we to think of his understanding?" — Letter to the printer of the Public Advertiser, 22nd of June, 1709. * Walpole's Correspondence, vol. iv. p. 448. GILLY WILLIAMS. 299 of Grafton, was publicly separated from his duchess (Ann, only child of Henry Liddell, Lord Ravens- worth) about three months after the date of Wal- pole's letter; and on the 23rd of JNIarch, 17G9, their marriage was dissolved by an act of parlia- ment, which received the royal assent. The duke shortly afterwards married Elizabeth, third daughter of the Rev. Sir Richard Wrottesley, Bart., Dean of '\A^indsor ; and his injured and charming duchess, about the same time, became the wife of the Earl of Upper Ossory. Several pleasing letters from her, after she had become Countess of Upper Ossory, will be found in the subsequent corres- pondence.] GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Clifford Street, Septr. 29. [1764.] MY DEAR GEORGE, You may talk as you please of what you have seen and heard since we i)arted, but I would not have given up my last night's supper for the whole put together. The earl brought his new countess to JNIargaret Street the night after the consumma- tion.* You know him so well, that I dare say you are perfectly master of his words and actions on such an occasion ; and as for her ladyship, it was all })rettinoss, fright, insi})idity, question, and aii- * Lord Coventry's marriage with Lady Barbara St. .John took j)lai;c on the 27th, two days previous to the date of this letter. 800 GILLY WILLIAMS swer, which neither gold stuffs, diamonds, a new chair, with a very large coronet in the centre, like the Queen's, — neither of these, I say, had power to alter; and as my friend was never cut out for decent and matrimonial gallantry, a very awkward air made them both as entertaining a couple as ever 1 passed an hour with. They are to be intro- duced at court on Sunday, and to set out for Crome the next day. Her toad-eater for the summer is a Miss Houblon. Nanny seems as much frightened as when she was delivered over to Mademoiselle from Kitty. I wish she may fall now into as good hands, for I believe Mademoiselle Comte's reign is short. He has already told me her French is very impure, and her orthograj^hy worse. He may possibly have an- other who may excel her in both, and rob the house into the bargain. The countess has three thousand for her fortune, for which she has a rent-charge of eight hundred pounds. She has now a cough, so we may probably expect black Brookes to be trotting over with a prayer-book before the year is out. I will tell you now what will become of me. I shall set out to-morrow for Bunny's; shall stay there a few days ; and from thence go through Bath to my sisters in Devonshire, and, at the end of the month, shall return through Bath to Crome, and thence to London. I believe you will approve of my not interrupting the honeymoon, in which I TO GEORGE SELWYN. 301 think a third person has very little to do. Bully was yesterday so very attentive to me at White's, that I believe he intends to crave leave to visit his kinswoman.* The Baptist f has recovered his fatigue, and been so well nursed at Lydiard,^ that there is no appear- ance of his having been for a whole twelvemonth together on a post-horse. I have been for two days, since I returned to town, at Strawberry. The Duke of Devonshire's illness seems to have sunk Horry's spirits prodigiously. He expects the re- surrection of INIr. Pitt, as the Jews do the coming of the IMessiah, and, for all I can see, with as much reason. Everything political goes on as well as he could wish it. There has not been the least foun- dation for any ill-humour at Woburn, but all har- mony and unanimity ; in short, the whole state army is in high spirits. Charles To^\^lshend's pamphlet is well answered. The writer, I do not know who he is, has proved that Charles has gone altogether on false facts, which you know is uncommon, and has gone through the whole with such spirit, that it is much the best performance that has ever appeared on our side. Horry has published Lord Herbert's * Lord Bolingbroke and Lady Barbara St. John were severally descended from Sir Oliver St. John, of Penmark, Glamorgan- shire, who died in 1437. t The Hon. Henry St. John, J Lydiard Tregoze, in Wiltshire, the seat of Lord Boling- broke. 302 GILLY WILLIAMS Life, with a very extraordinary Dedication to Lord Powis. I have not read it, reserving it for the post-chaise, but I am tokl nothing is more odd and entertaining.* My Lady f is creaking along in her okl coach between London and Paddington for ever. Be- tween the King's ministers that ruin her country, and the late lord's executors that plunder her join- ture, she is in one constant alarm, and her con- versation an uninterrupted thread of abuse. As for the Duchess of Grafton, she is at her father's, * The Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, written by him- self, printed in quarto at Strawberry Hill. Horace Walpole, in a letter to Geoi'ge Montagu dated 16th July, 1764, informs us of the circumstances under which this celebrated piece of auto- biography first saw the light, and also affords a clue to the " extraordinary Dedication " referred to by Williams. " I found it the MS.) a year ago at Lady Hertford's, to whom Lady Powis had lent it. I took it up, and soon threw it down again, as the dullest thing I ever saw. She persuaded me to take it home. My Lady Waldegrave was here in all her grief; Gray and I read it to amuse her. We could not get on for laughing and screaming. I begged to have it to print : Lord Powis, sensible of the extravagance, refused — I insisted — he persisted. I told my Lady Hertford it was no matter ; I would print it, I was determined. I sat down and wrote a flattering Dedication to Lord Powis, which I knew he would swallow : he did, and gave up his ancestor. But this was not enough ; I was resolved the world should not think I admired it seriously, though there really are fine passages in it, and good sense too : I drew up an equi- vocal Preface, in which you will discover my opinion, and sent it with the Dedication. The Earl gulped down the one under the palliative of the other, and here you will have all." — Walpole's Letters, vol. iv. p. 430. ■f Probably Lady Townshend. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 303 and, according to all accounts, to come no more to Eiiston ; but my belief is, her pride must sub- mit, and everything will be accommodated. The Duke of Cumberland goes from Newmarket to Euston, and all the sjiorting court follows him. Various are the reasons given for your friend's* bilkino- Newmarket. Intrigue is the substance of all our conjectures, and we wish him Lord Co- ventry's vigour to complete his wicked intentions. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Clifford Street. [Oct. 1764.] You will certainly want to know how the children relish their new relation. I will give you a trait of Nanny that pleased me. When JNIademoiselle broke it to them, Maria cried, and the little one said, " Do not cry, sister ! If she is civil to us, we will be civil to her ; if not, you know we can sit up in our own rooms, and take no notice of her." There is a degree of phi- losophy in this infant that I do not think age can improve. A board of General Officers have sat on John- son and Lyttelton, and, as I am informed, have determined the affair in .Johnson's favour. This is what neither you nor I care one farthing about. As to what concerns us more nearly, we shall pass * Lord March. 304 GILLY WILLIAMS a Christmas week over a fowl and bacon with Branch at Matson. I shall have a passion for the party, and I am sure you have done the old house sufficient honour to sigh after it, in all the pleasures of the Court of Versailles ; but Nanny would tell us, it is not all that nonsense that makes us happy. I subscribe to Sir W. Temple, except " old wood to burn, old friends to converse with, and old books to read,"* all the rest is not worth one farthing. God bless you, and adieu ! To George Selwyn, Esq., at Mr. Foley's, Banker, a Paris. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Spring Hill, October 8th. [1764.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I HOPE you have received my last, which gave you as early an account as I could get of the nuptials. The ceremony and consummation being reputably passed, they set out for Crome, where Bunny f and I dined with them yesterday. You are so little interested about the master and mis- tress of that house, any further than they relate to Nanny, that I will not presume to mention them till I have told you her little ladyship seems happy, * Dr. King, in his agreeable Anecdotes of His Own Time, attributes this saying to Alphonso, King of Arragon. t Apparently Sir Thomas Charles Bunbury, Bart., of whom there is frequent mention in the subsequent correspondence. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 305 and tolerably reconciled to her new mamma. As to her humour appearing in her eye, and in different parts of her face, it is exactly as it %yas, and is likely to continue so, as I find tlie jihysical tribe are not to be in fashion there, or ever again con- sulted. I like the behaviour of the children much, and likewise the propriety of Bab's behaviour to them ; but you would have laughed to have seen what a hearty kiss the little one would often give Made- moiselle, as looking upon her as the only real friend she had in the family. You can easily imagine such a scene wanted a second person, equally ac- quainted, equally interested, and equally disposed to enjoy it : if you had been at our party, it would have been complete. There is no possibility of saying more of her at present, than that she is very pretty : the rest is all grimace ; but as to his lordship, he certainly surpasses all you can conceive of him : his plantations, his house, his wife, his plate, his equipage, his — &c. &c. &c. — are all topics that call forth his genius continually. We went to church with them, and the curiosity of all the neighbouring parishes would not have displeased you. T thought I could hear, among the crowd, some odious comparisons ; and these were all in favour of our old friend,* who lies very (piietly in the neighbourhood. I do not love to deal in horoscoi)es, but his lordshij) will certainly tire of * The late beautiful Countess of Coventry. VUL. I. X 806 GILLY WILLIAMS this plaything, as he has done of all he has hitherto played with, and be plagued with the noise of the rattle when he is no longer pleased with blowing at the whistle. He means to instruct by lectures in his table-talk, and by drawing pictures of good and bad wives. You know how he succeeded in the last ; God grant him better success in his pre- sent plan. When your name came upon the carpet, I said you had so little attended to beauty, that I am sure you did not know her by sight. I thought this might remove any report of your disappro- bation, if there ever had been any. She has a toad-eater, a Miss Houblon, who seems to me to have sense enough to see a little ridicule in the -whole thing. All our advices from the metropolis are in favour of Administration. The dirt thrown upon it seems to have recoiled upon its adversaries, and even our friend Coventry now talks of JMr. Gren- ville, and mentions some conferences he has had with him, like his confidential walks with the old King in the closet. I suppose you have had ex- presses about Newmarket. The papers had killed his Royal Highness,* but as he is out of order, he is of course in danger, as all those bodies must be on the slightest attack. Ran by f was sent down * William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, the hero of Cul- loden. He survived till the 31st of October, 1765. f A celebrated surgeon. He attended Sir Robert Walpole in his last illness ; was Serjeant-Surgeon to the King, and a Fellow of the Royal Society. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 307 to him : the -wound in his leg is said to be the present complaint. I do not see Lord IMarcirs name in the list: has he ^vithdra^yn his horses, or do they subsist under Fox Vernon's name ? Bully is victorious. The next mare he may christen Barbara,* and send his groom with her to the Boar's Head, in INIother Holcombe's neighbourhood. I shall leave this place to-morrow morning ; shall go through Bath to my sister's in Devonshire ; and have promised to return to Crome, in my way to London. Lord Thomond and Cadogan will not be much in town till the Parliament meets, which will certainly be in Janu- ary; and they have hinted there will always be a very good fire and a piece of beef at Sliortgrove, to which w^e shall be most heartily welcome. I hope to God, George, you will take a sufficient fill of all the stuff and trumpery which you have been engaged in for these last four months, and for which you are no more formed by nature than you are for a INIethodist preacher. Do come and live among your friends, who love and honour you, and, believe me, none among them loves you more than, Yours ever, &c. &c. * The Christian name of Lord Coventry's new Countess. X 2 308 THE EARL OF MARCH. THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. Newmarket, Thursday, Oct. 1765. MY DEAR GEORGE, I HAD your letter yesterday, and you would have heard from me sooner had I had any good news to send you. The rich people win every- thing. Sir J. Lowther* has won above seven thousand. Maxwell will bring you an account of our bad success with Scapeflood. It cost me much less than I expected, but more than I can afford, for I am at this time, as you know, ex- ceeding poor. I am very sorry to hear that you are still throwing out f as well as me. I fear, if luck does not come soon, it will only find us at five pound stakes, and it must be a d d long run to bring us home at that rate. Adieu ! my dear George ! I will not think of desiring you to come here, because I do not know that you like it, and I shall see you in London on Monday. I have one little push to make on Saturday. Adieu ! Yours, M. & R. * Sir James Lowther, Bart., created, 24 May, 1784, Earl of Lonsdale. He married, 7 September, 1761, Margaret, daughter of John Earl of Bute, and died 24 May, 1802. f At hazard. GILLY WILLIAMS. 309 GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Crome, Saturday, 19 October, [1764.] I HOPE by this time my last has reached you at Orford's, or wherever your kite has carried you. We go on just as you left us, saving- that great want of whist and swabbers. There is a noble miscreant in the coop at Worcester. He has only robbed his uncle, who kept him out of charity ; then fired his house, when the whole family was asleep, and run away with three damsels by the light of it. I met the Wrottesleys in the middle of the town, and, let me tell you, a JNIaid of Honour s face at Worcester is no very common spectacle.* I have seen you in spirits at a Lon- don face, though it was that of the Ordinary of Newgate. As to your question about Don Quixote, Horry * They were two sisters, Maids of Honour to Queen Charlotte, and daughters of the Reverend Sir Richard Wrottesley, Dean of Worcester. The eldest, Mary, died unmarried December 1 7, 1769; Harriet, the youngest, married, in 1779, General William Gardiner, brother of Luke Viscount Mountjoy, and died Decem- ber 4, 1823. In " Earl Delawar's Farewell, on resigning the place of Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen," we find — • Ye maids, who Britain's court bedeck, Miss Wrottesley, Tyron, Beauclerk, Keck, Miss Meadows and Boscawen I A dismal tale I have to tell ; This is to bid you all farewell ; Farewell ! for I am going, c^c &c. VOL. I. X 3 310 GILLY WILLIAMS says Lord Herbert was a Don Quixote with the austere j^hilosophy of Plato : he does not tell you Plato was a Quixote. I wish most heartily he had the managing of other old family stories ; two or three such books in a quarter would make us read your Dr. Carne, (if that is his name,) for I never heard of him in my life. We know no- thing of His Royal Highness [the Duke of York] going into Wales ; he is now at Plymouth's,* to the surprise of this whole county, who know enough of the host not to wonder at the guest. What is the matter with Burgoyne?f — if any- thing, I am more concerned for him than for Monseigneur the Dauphin. I can figure no being happier than Horry. Monstrari digito prwtereun- tium has been his whole aim. For this he has wrote, printed, and built. To this we owe Lord Herbert, and I hope in future shall owe much more diversion. We see nothing of old Argyll | in the papers. Was she ever sick ? * Other Hickman, fourth Earl of Plymouth^, married, in 1750, Katharine, daughter of Thomas Lord Archer, and died 20 April, 1777. + James Burgoyne, well known as a man of pleasure, and from his lively dramatic writings ; but still better known as Lieutenant-General Burgoyne, and from his compulsory surren- der to General Gates at Saratoga: — Burgoyne, unconscious of impending fates. Could cut his way through woods, but not through Gates. General Burgoyne died at his house in Hertford Street, Lon- don, 4 August, 1792, and was buried in the cloisters of Westmin- ster Abbey. i Jane, daughter of Thomas Warburton, Esq., of Winnington TO GEORGE SELWYN. 811 GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Bath, November 1> 1764. MY DEAR GEORGE, Your last letter met me at this place on my return from my western tour, and very glad I was to hear you kept up your spirits so well. T am at this place encircled with Irish and West Indians, whose brogue and black language I would not wish to exchange for the most re- fined speculation of the President Henault.* The Duke and Duchess of Bedford are here ; I dine with them often. I can give you no account of the children, having heard nothing from Crome since I left it ; and as we are ad- vancing in November, the weather gloomy, and the Worcestershire roads worse, I propose going to London from hence directly, without seeing how the lovers look, though the honeymoon is past. The earl was to have been in waiting this week, but whether he sends the scripture excuse, or goes in person, I know not. Rigby is returned. He is afraid of coming to Bath, lest the gout should lay hold of him, but meets our family when it returns to Woburn As to the state of politics, I hope it to be " majority for ever ! " There is such a cursed in Cheshire, and widow of John second Duke of Argyll. The duchess, who had been a Maid of Honour to Queen Anne, died on the 16th of January, 1767. * See post, December 2, 1765. 312 GILLY WILLIAMS. murrain among the factions at Wildman's that the hand of God seems stretched out against them. The poor Duke of Devonshire has left his children under the guardianship of George, Frederick, and John,* jointly. Is it possible they can agree for one week ? He has left Conway five thousand,f and two hundred to Lord Strafford.:}: Lord Rockingham's youngest sister has just married her footman, John Sturgeon.§ Surely he is the very first of that name that ever had a Right Honourable annexed to it. I made the Duchess of Bedford laugh yesterday, with the story of Lord March's handsome Jack wanting to go to live with Lady Harrington. Had he met with a Wentworth, he must have made his for- tune infallibly. Sir Onesiphorus Paul 1| and his Lady are the * Lords George, Frederick, and John Cavendish, the duke's brothers. -j- The celebrated Marshal Conway. The bequest was made in the following codicil, in the duke's own handwriting : " I give to General Conway five thousand pounds, as a testimony of my friendship to him, and of my sense of his honourable conduct and friendship for me." j^ William Wentworth Earl of Strafford. He married Lady Anne Campbell, daughter of John Duke of Argyll, and died in 1791. § Lady Henrietta Alicia Wentworth, youngest daughter of Thomas first Marquis of Rockingham. She was born December 7, 1737, and married, about this period, her footman, William, or, as the Peerages style him, William Sturgeon, Esq. II Onesiphorus Paul, Esq., of Rodboroiigh in Gloucestershire, was created a baronet 3 September, 1762, and died 21 Septem- ber 1774. TO GEORGE SEL^VYN. 313 finest couple that has been seen here since Bath was built. By the bye, her ladyship drinks most d bly. They have bespoke two whole-length pictures, which some time or other will divert us. His dress and manner are beyond my paint- ing ; however, they may come within Mr. Gains- borough's : that is the painter by whom, if you remember, we once saw the caricature of old Winchelsea. S. Fanshawe and Willis are both here, not for an appetite, but for the effects of too good a one. I go for London in a few days, and shall take old Execution Southwell in my post-chaise as a com- panion. I write this in a full coffee-house, and with such materials, that you have good luck if you can read two lines of it. Adieu ! GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Clifford Street, Nov. 10, 17G4. MY DEAR GEORGE, I NEVER write to you but that I hope it will be the last, and that we are to see you again in your native country, which has its charms, let fashion and affectation say what they please to the contrary. I am just returned to the metropolis from the west, and in my ])assage assisted at the closing of old Poulett's eyes, for he died three days after I 314 GILLY WILLIAMS left him. He made an end like Falstaffe, " bab- bling of green fields." What he has done with his fortune has not yet transpired.* This place is as deserted as it generally used to be in Angnst ; half a dozen old courtiers at White's ; as many young ones at the Maca- roni's ;t the rest of the world hunting or shooting. Our peer is to continue at Crome till after Christ- mas. He says his countess and the girls are well, but enters into no particulars. The weather al- tering so much for the worse, and the gloom of November setting in, I could not prevail on my- self to plough my way home from Bath through the d d deep roads of Worcesterhire, for which reason you will think me a worse correspondent than usual, as Nanny cannot be mentioned. But since you have applied to the fountain-head for that sort of intelligence, I hope her father takes care to give you due satisfaction. The girls talk of nothing but the match between Lord 'Rockingham's sister and her footman, John Sturgeon. Never so much and discretion met together, for she has entailed her fortune with as much circumspection as Lord Mansfield could have * John, second Earl Poulett, died November 5, 1764. f The Macaroni Club was the " Crockford's " of the last century. Walpole speaks of it, in one of his letters, as " conoi- posed of all the travelled young men who wear long curls and spying-glasses." It comprised, however, the men of rank and pleasure of the day, and, were the term " dandy " not obsolete^ it would be synonymous with that of " Macaroni " in the last age. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 315 done, and has not left one cranny of the law un- stopped.* It is supposed she is with child by him, for they used to j)ass many hours together, which she called teaching John the mathematics. I be- lieve we know some ladies who would not dislike taking in some Irish pupils, and in return would pay as well for their instruction. Bully read me an extract out of one of your letters the other day. Contrary to all expectations, his affairs thrive in the hands of Comjiton. He wins so much at Newmarket, that he looks upon it as one of his best farms, and one indeed that will bear no price at market. Your inquiry after the Duchess of Grafton may be answered, that they will most certainly come together again. Will not Ravensworth's f account of it be entertaining, and more so for being unintelligible ? * Horace Walpole writes to Lord Hertford, Nov. 1, 1764, " Lady Harriet has mixed a wonderful degree of prudence with her potion, and, considering how plain she is, has not, I think, sweetened the draught too much for her lover : she settles a single hundred pound on him a-year for his life ; entails her whole fortune on their children, if they have any ; and, if not, on her own family ; nay, in the height of the novel, provides for a ^separation, and ensures the same pin-money to Damon, in case they part. This deed she has vested out of her power, hy send- ing it to Lord Mansfield [who had married her aunt,] whom she makes trustee ; it is drawn up in her own hand, and Lord Mans- field says it is as binding as any lawyer could make it. Did one ever hear of more reflection in a delirium ! " — Walpole's Letters, vol. iv. p. AGO. t Henry Liddell, first Lord Kavensworth, the father of the Duchess of (irafton. He died 30th January, 1784. 316 RIGHT HON. THOMAS TOWNSHEND. I give you a thousand thanks for my velvet. I am told it is the prettiest in the world, and has not suffered in the least from the rude hands of my smuggling captain. Rigby was forced to bring his clothes on his own and his servants' backs. RIGHT HON. THOMAS TOWNSHEND.* Thomas Townshend, the " Tommy Townshend " of Goldsmith's " Retaliation," f was the eldest son of the Hon. Thomas Townshend, (son of Charles second Viscount Townshend,) by Albinia, daughter of Co- lonel John Selwyn of Matson, and sister to George Selwyn. He was born in February, 1733. During the time he remained a Commoner, he represented the borough of Whitchurch in four Parliaments, and for more than thirty years enjoyed a suc- cession of important and lucrative posts. He had been one of the Clerks of the Household to Georo-e the Third, when Prince of Wales, on whose ac- cession to the throne he was appointed one of the Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth, which' post he resigned in 1762. In July 1765 he was made a Lord of the Treasury, and subsequently held the appointment of Secretary at War. On the change which took place in the government, in * Afterwards Viscount Sydney. f Though fraught with all learning, yet straining his throaty To persuade Tommy Townshend to lend him a vote. RIGHT HON. THOMAS TOWNSHEND. 817 July, 1782, in consequence of the death of Lord Rockingham, he was nominated one of the prin- cipal Secretaries of State, which situation he re- tained, with the exception of a few months, till June, 1789. On the 6th of IMarch 1783 he was created Baron Sydney of Chislehurst, and on the 9tli of June 1789 was advanced to a Viscountcy. For his success in public life, he seems to have been indebted rather to family and parliamentary influence, than to the possession of extraordinary talents. However, as he was distinguished by steady abilities, and was a bold, able, and unembarrassed speaker in parliament, these qualities, added to his family influence, rendered him a valuable acqui- sition to his party. The manner of his death, which took place at his seat at Chislehurst, in Kent, 13th June 1800, is thus related in a contemporary no- tice of the event : " Returning from his morning ride, he went into the garden, and walked round the pond to see his ducks, as was his usual custom, and then returned to the parlour, desiring his ser- vant to bring him pen and ink, saying he would write to his attorney to inform him when he should be in town. After writing, ' Sir, I shall be — ,' his lordship fell back in his chair in a fit. His eldest son, who was with him, called for assistance, but to no purpose : the last words his lordship spoke were, ' Give me my draught ;' in three mi- nutes afterwards he expired." * * Annual Register for 1800, p. 62. 318 RIGHT HON, THOMAS TOWNSHEND RIGHT HON. THOMAS TOWNSHEND TO GEORGE SELWYN. Frognal, November 11, 1764. DEAR SIR, Your reproaches to me for not sending you any news have certainly the appearance of justice ; though it was not in my power to do it, as Lon- don was so empty when I wrote last, that there was no tittle-tattle stirring, or, at least it was such very small talk that it would not bear carriage as far as Frognal ; but, if I may believe the pre- sent conversation of the town, I have cause to re- turn the complaint, as you have omitted informing me of a marriage which is here said to be agreed on between Lord March and Lady Anne Conway,* and we give that reason for his being absent from Newmarket last meeting. I shall not be surprised if the report is contradicted : if it is true, I be- lieve he has made a good choice. A sister of Lord Rockingham's has much outdone Lady Susan O'Brien.t She has married her footman and drop- ped her title, and, with most extraordinary discre- tion, has put her fortune into trustees' hands, and entailed it on her family in case she has no child, except an annuity of an hundred a-year, which she has settled on Mr. Sturgeon. * Eldest daughter of Francis, first Marquis of Hertford, born in 1744. She married Charles Moore, first Marquis of Drogheda. f See ante, pp. 273, 274'. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 819 Another important event, is the marriage of INIiss Hunter to a Dr. Delap, with whose sister she boarded. It is said, that her father has added two liiindred a-year to her other settlement. INIathias has received your letter, and told me that he would make all possible inquiries concern- ing the imjiortation of your baggage. The strict- ness of the Custom House officers still continues. jNIr. Rigby brought one fine suit of clothes, which he saved by wearing it when he landed. JNIr. Elliot saved a coat and waistcoat by the same means, but not having taken the precaution for the breeches, they were seized and burnt. JMy brother imagines that Count Brull has been in England before, and that he is already acquaint- ed with him. I have recommended to him sub- mission to jNIadame GeofFrin's decisions, but I hope, for the sake of my friends, that she does not admit many to be of her academy, who are capable of making so very flat compliments as those of the jMarquis de Brancas. I do not think we shall stay here longer than the end of this month ; and, may be, not so long, if the weather continues so bad as it is at i)resent. As soon as I go to town, I shall obey your com- mands, and go and see your pictures. JMy grand- mother and I arc extremely obliged to you for your offer about the china, but we arc deter- mined not to have tlie boxes opened till we have the pleasure of seeing you, which we would flatter 320 GILLY WILLIAMS ourselves is not far off. She orders me to give lier love to you. The family desire to be kindly remembered to you. Farewell. A Monsieur, Monsieur Selwyn, chez Monsieur Foley, Banquier, a Paris. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. White's, November 13. [1764.] MY DEAR GEORGE, You make me of that consequence by your frequent couriers and despatches, that I wish, for both our sakes, they did not open our correspond- ence at the Secretary's office. I should not dis- like to see an English and a French Willis em- ployed in decyphering and giving meaning to that which originally had none at all. They have been so taken up these moonlight nights at Crome, in returning their wedding visits, that I have heard nothing from thence since I came to town. You have made me such a coxcomb by that very pretty velvet, that I wish you would let me trouble you to buy two pair of point-ruffles, not ex- ceeding five pounds each pair, and pray let them be shallow, and not in the Hippesley way. Old Poulett lias left all to his brother Vere,* who is an acquisi- * Vere Poulett succeeded his brother, November 5, 17G4, as third Earl Poulett. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 321 tion to the ministry ; as I hear he has been a pamphleteer, though as yet only to the benefit of the trnnkmaker and pastrycook. Horry told me last night, he intended to be at Paris in Fe- bruary. It is a d d cold time for a patriot to leave us in, but, take my word for it, Lady Mary's * promotion to Windsor has had its due operation. AYliom do you think they have married Lord INIarch to? — no less a person than Lady Anne Conway ; and as she is fifteen,! ^'^^^ IMadame D. fifty, the honourable proposal gains more credit than the intrigue. The Master of the Rolls, (the English one, not Rigby,) tumbled out of his chair last Sunday at church, and is, they say, in eMremis.X Prince William's J title is to be Gloucester ; that of Lancaster interfering too much with the rights and privileges of that duchy. He is to have the exact * Lady Mary Churchill, Walpole'a half-sister, (see ante, July 29, 1764,) had been recently removed from being housekeeper at Kensington Palace, to be housekeeper at Windsor Castle. \ Lady Anne Conway was born August 1, 1744, and, conse- quently, was at this period in her twenty-first year. The mar- riage never took place, \ Sir Thomas Clarke, Master of the Rolls ; died shortly after the above was written. § Prince William Henry, brother of George the Third, born November 15, 1743, and created Duke of Gloucester November 17, 1764. He married, September 6, 176G, Maria, daughter of Sir Edward Walpole, and widow of .lames Earl of Waldegrave, and died August 26, 1805. VOL. I. Y 322 GILLY WILLIAMS establishment of his brother the Duke of York. The Duke of Marlborough will have the riband, if it goes out of the royal family. Poor Wolly is dead. He died of a cold pigeon- pie for want of Willis's assistance. I spoke to Lord Holland, at court, last Sunday. He looks well in the face, but is weaker in his limbs than ever I saw him. Horry Walpole dined there yesterday, and says his stomach is totally gone. I find the pre- sent topic of abuse, instead of Asliton, Rigby, &c., is the Woburn family. De Beaumont* has breakfasted with him at Strawberry. He is now as much a curiosity to all foreigners as the tombs and lions. You will be glad to hear the Duchess of Ha- milton is breeding again ; so there is a chance for another lusiis naturce, and Gunning may still unite those great rival houses. George Pitt kissed hands last Sunday for Plenipotentiary, and is not to carry over his credentials till IMay.f The town is emp- tier than it usually is at Midsummer ; scarce a * M. Elie de Beaumont was born at Caventan, in Normandy, in 1732; was admitted an advocate at the French bar in 1762, and died in 1786. Though incapacitated by physical infirmities from attaining to excellence as a pleader, he, nevertheless, ac- quired a lasting reputation by the beauty and eloquence with which he drew up his memorials, and more especially his famous one in favour of the unfortunate Calas family. In private life he was distinguished by the liveliness of his wit, and by kindness of heart. -j- George Pitt, Esq., of Strathfieldsay, created, in 1776, Baron Rivers. In 1761 he was British Envoy at Turin, and, in 1770, Ambassador extraordinary to Spain. He died May 7, 1803. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 323 patriot left, or a Cavendish to whisper. Egmoiit is reduced to a soliloquy, or, to what is Morse, to Cholmondley. The little Edgecombe is as like the old Edgecombe* — as they more properly said of the Pouletts — as two peas. You shall now hear from me frequently. God bless you, my dear George, and adieu ! GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. White's, 1 Dec. [1764.] I WONDER what the devil you do with yourself, sic raro scrihis ! I do not believe vou think I have a penny left in my pocket, that you will not put me to the expense of a letter, but wait till a d d odd animal joins the IMaearonis to save me twelvepence postage. Pray tell Lord INIarch, that I am this moment come from the opera, and the knowing ones agree, nothing like Manzolif has been imported into this country for ages. Signora Scotti is pretty, but her voice scarce strong enough to reach three benches from the orchestra. But I * George, first Earl of Mount Edgecombe, He had recently become a father, his only son, Richard, the late (second) Earl, having been born September 13, 1764. + Dr. Burney mentions Manzoli's voice as " the most powerful and voluminous soprano " that had been heard on the English stage since the time of Earinelli. " The lovers of music," he says, " were more unanimous in approving his voice and talents than those of any other singer within my memory." y 2 324 GILLY WILLIAMS can tell you something which, as Lord Bacon says, Mill come more home to vonr business and bosom. Old Harrington's robbery is found out. His porter was the principal thief, who let in a cheesemonger, and another not yet taken, who divided the spoil. A watch and some of the ]3late are returned. The cheesemonger is the evidence, so the porter will go alone in the cart : they were discovered nego- tiating one of the bank-notes at Chester * No army on earth was ever in higher spirits than our Administration. Opposition seems on its death- bed. The Yorkes have left it. Charles Yorke has been squeamish, and would not return to his old post again, but kisses hands next Wednesday for a bre- vet of precedency at the bar. He has acted, as most lawyers do out of their business, with as much absurdity, and as little knowledge of the Avorld, as a fellow of a college. The Duke and Duchess of * The circumstances of the robbery, which was committed nearly a twelvemonth previous to the discovery of the culprits, are thus detailed by Horace Walpole, in a letter to the Earl of Hertford : " The house of Harrington has supplied us with new matter of talk. My lord was robbed, about three o'clock in the night, between Saturday and Sunday last, of money, bills, watches, and snuff-boxes, to the amount of three thousand pounds. Nothing is yet discovered, but that the guard in the stable-yard saw a man, in a great-coat and white stockings, come from there- abouts at the time I have named. The servants have all been examined over and over to no purpose. Fielding is all day in the house, and a guard of his at night." — Walpole's Letters, vol. iv. p. 332. — One Bradley, an accomplice, was subsequently admitted a witness for the prosecution ; and on his evidence the porter, John Wisket, was hanged, in January, 1765. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 325 Grafton are separated, though the articles are not yet agreed upon between them. General Conway is to treat in favour of the duke, and old Ellison for the duchess : it is thought she will retire upon her jointure. Coventry comes in about a fortnight. He says concisely, the children are well ; but as he corresponds with you, and you are satisfied, I suppose he has been more particular. The dow- ager's birthday was full and well dressed.* People say Lord Holland looks well ; but I think he breaks very fast, and has more of the old man in his speech, which you remember was remarkably quick and lively. God bless you, my dear George ! When you have nothing else to do, let me hear from you — see you, I suppose, I never shall. &c., &c. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Tuesday, Dec. 4. [1764.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I WROTE to you on Saturday last, and told you all the news in that scrap of paper. Sir John Fielding's f is crowded every morning with the * Augusta Princess of Wales, the mother of George the Third; born 19th of November, 1709. -|- Sir John Fielding, the chief police-magistrate, half-brother of the celebrated Henry Fielding, the novelist. Though blind from his youth, he was distinguished by the activity and sagacity with which he discharged the functions of his office. He was the author of several tracts on the Penal Code, and was conspicuous 326 GILLY WILLIAMS choice spirits of both sexes. Both the thieves are now taken, and have confessed the whole of Har- rington's robbery. The porter let them in, and concealed them under his own bed, and then as- sisted them in breaking open the bureau. He is certainly the most proj)er turnkey for the door he waited at, since a more impudent, abandoned dog- never existed. Have you not great expectations on your return, from the account Ravensworth will give of the separation of his son and daughter?* J confess I am sorry for her, since, from the first step of the ladder she falls to the bottom. I want to propose to my ladyf to have a club of them; she herself in the chair, supported by Lady Talbot | and Lady Mary Coke.^ I think they might grow as formi- dable as the Macaronis at least, and put all do- mestic felicity out of countenance. Now I have mentioned the Macaronis, I can tell you that it for the benevolent zeal with which he pi'omoted the interests of several public charitable institutions. He was knighted in 1761, and died in 1780. * The Duke and Duchess of Grafton. f Probably Lady Townshend. :}; Mary, daughter of Adam de Cardounel, Esq., of Bedhampton Park, in the county of Southampton, and wife of William first Earl Talbot. She died in 1787. § Lady Mary Coke was the fifth daughter of John second Duke of Argyll, and, in 1747, became the wife of Edward, Viscount Coke, who died in 1753, in the lifetime of his father, Thomas Earl of Leicester. She subsequently, as there is every reason to believe, was married to Edward Duke of York, brother of George the Third. Lady Mary was possessed of extraordi- TO GEORGE SELWYN. 327 flourishes much. Drogheda* plays immensely deep, and with as little skill as you do. Bully was chose last night; Lord Gower went from White's to his election. Yorke kisses hands to-morrow for his patent of precedency.f The language which passed between him and his grace at Claremont:]: was rather more acrimonious than courtlike, and properer for Bil- lingsgate than a drawing-room. Whenever old Tilbury resigns the seals, he Avill most undoubtedly succeed to them.^^ Charles Townshend says he shall hold out one more campaign, but I believe nary personal beauty, and preserved to a very advanced age the cheerfulness and vivacity for which she had been distinguished in her youth. She died 30th of October, 1811. * Charles first Marquis of Drogheda, died December 22, 1821. t Charles Yorke, second son of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. He had previously held the appointment of Attorney-General, not being at the time a King's counsel ; and consequently on his resignation, in 1763, he was compelled to return to his former position at the outer bar. It was in order to remedy this ano- maly that yir. Yorke was granted a patent of precedency next after the King's counsel. :{: The first Duke of Newcastle, the celebrated minister. The high words which seem to have arisen between his grace and Mr. Yorke may have originated in the latter having been refused the appointment of Master of the Rolls, which had recently become vacant by the death of Sir Thomas Clarke. S The prophecy of the elevation of Charles Yorke was subse- quently fulfilled. On the 17th of January 1770 he was appointed Keeper of the Great Seal and Lord High Chancellor; and at the same time a patent was ordered to be prepared, creating him a peer, by the title of Lord Mordcn. He died suddenly, however, three days afterwards, before the patent could be com- pleted. 328 RIGHT HON. THOMAS TOWNSHEND. that will depend on the offers which Administration shall make him. That Monsieur de Beaumont, whom I mentioned dining with Horry, was the advocate that has made so much noise in that family which was executed for the murder of their son at Toulouse ; Caylus I think their name was. Now, prithee, my dear George, in your next, name some time when it is likely we may see you. You may eat boiled chick- ens and kiss Raton as well on this side of the water as on the other ; and if March does, as he has the credit of doing, you must be more alone there than here. &c., &c. RIGHT HON. THOMAS TOWNSHEND TO GEORGE SELWYN. London, December 11, 1764. DEAR SIR, The embarras of removing, and the business which always presents itself on first coming to town, has prevented my acknowledging as soon as I ought to have done, the receipt of your last. My grandmother caught no cold with her journey, and has been in perfect health since she came to town. I am sorry that it has not been in my power to go to see your pictures, and am afraid I shall not be able to send you any account of them before you return, as I am going to nurse my sister, who has miscarried, in the country, and my stay there depends on her health. If you can bring over any regulations for the GILLY WILLIAMS. 329 police, which are not contraband, they will be ex- tremely acceptable, as the good people of London have taken much of late to house-breaking. An ample confession has been made concerning the robbery committed last year at Lord Harrington's ; the porter and another man will be hanged. Lady Harrington is in great spirits with the discovery. She has received some odd compliments upon the occasion, which you will easily guess. The town is as yet very empty, but the few of the bon ton who are here are entertained with balls once a-week at the sensible Mrs. Pitt's,* who has had an additional pension given her of five hundred a-year. ^Irs. Poyntz has mortified me by going out of town just as I came to it. I hear from those who have seen her that she much imjn-oved by her travels. The Archbishop of Paris is par- ticularly in her good graces. My grandmother and my father desire me to send their love to you. I am, dear sir, yours most affectionately. A Monsieur, Monsieur Selwyn, chez Monsieur Foley, Banquier, a Paris. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Wednesday, December 12, 1764. I FIND, my dear George, if neither Macaronis nor French are on the road, our correspondence * Miss Anne Pitt, sister of the great Lord Chatham. (See ante, 14 July, 1743.) This was her third pension. 330 GILLY WILLIAMS stops ; so unwilling- are you to put me to sixpence charge, when I assure you I would expend a much larger sum to hear you was well. To hear you are happy I hardly expect, till you are got among your old friends, who have known you longer, and therefore like you better than any exotic you have met with. Lord Northumberland* wants to hear from you : on a tapestry commission, I think it was. He talked so much to me about something, tliat be- fore he had finished his discourse I had forgot the subject. Downe's f child is to be christened this evening. The sponsors I know not, but his three names made me laugh not a little, John Christopher Burton. I wish to God when he ar- rives at the years of puberty he may marry Mary Joseph ina Antonietta Bentley. I have heard of a book of Wilkes's, published at Paris. It seems, he abuses King, Lords, and Commons, venalis popuhis, venalis curia, &c. I am glad he is of your side of the water; and further * Sir Hugh Smithson, who married the heiress of the Percys, and who (on the death of his father-in-law, Algernon Duke of Somerset,) succeeded, by letters patent, to the earldom of Nor- thumberland. He was created a duke in 1766, and died June 0, 1786. According to Horace Walpole, Sir Hugh Smithson had " the misfortune of being coupled with the blood of a man that either let or drove coaches — such was Sir Hugh's grandfather I" Letters, vol. ii. p. 321. t John, fourth Viscount Downe. The child in question was christened " John Christopher," and succeeded as fifth Viscount Downe, in 1780. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 331 I care not. We have got such an opera, that tlie King- and Queen have been two Saturdays fol- lowing. Manzoli* is ravishing; people, with and without ears, are dying for him. The Dutchman f is at the Almack house every night. You have no loss, as Quinze is everything, no Hazard. Drog- heda is the game bear. We talk of filling up twelve vacancies in the old club by lists ; I shall keep a jjlace for Lord jNIarch, and will engage as many as I can, if that proposal should take place. Lord Tavistocki supped there last night ; he is by much the most amiable being I ever saw, young or old. He asked me if you was not supposed to be much emaciated from your bunch of grapes dinner ; but my dear George, do begin to use yourself to eat before you come to us, or you will die of a surfeit in a fortnight. * See ante, 1 December. Horace Walpole writes to the Earl of Hertford on the 3rd, " Manzoli is come a little late, or I think he would have had as many diamond watches and snuff-boxes as Farinelli had." Manzoli, however, as it subsequently proved, had no reason to complain that his talents were not appreciated by the British public. According to one of the public journals of the period, " Siguier Manzoli, the Italian singer at the Hay- market, got no less, after paying all charges of every kind, by his benefit last week, (March, 1765,) than one thousand guineas. This, (added to a sum of fifteen hundred pounds which he has al- ready saved,) and the remaining profits of the season, is surely an undoubted proof of British generosity. One particular lady com- plimented the singer with a two hundred pound bill for a single ticket on that occasion." f The Hon. Hans Sloane Cadogau. See ante, July 6, 1763. X See ante, June ;,'[), 1763. 382 GILLY WILLIAMS Lord Exeter, the first week after he landed from Italy, had an epileptic fit.* Horry Walpole whis- pers now and then with a Cavendish, but I think he seems rather to be ashamed of his company. He is going- to make an addition to Strawberry, consisting of a Gothic Museum. I think, as Bays says, " that will be a stroke," and the contents of it beyond any repository in the world. &c., &c. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. [December, 1764]. Indeed, my dear George, you will infallibly lose the fans, if Lord March does not speak to some of the ministers on your side of the water, to or- der their couriers to take them. Lord Sandwich told me last night he had used his utmost endea- vours, but at this time the reciprocal search is so very exact, that he sees no probability of sending them. Spain has made a regular and formal com- plaint, on their embassadress, Madame Masserano, losing twenty. The Earl of Coventry and his countess came last night. He says the children are well ; that is, I suppose, for anything he knows to the con- trary. * Brownlow, ninth Earl of Exeter, He survived till Decem- ber 26, 1793. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 333 You will love the Duchess of Bedford* a§ well as I do, for begging the old Privy Seal, which, on the delivery of the new one, is the Duke of INIarl- borough'sf perquisite. She intends to frame it, and Horry Walpole is to write the inscription for it. It is singularly circumstanced, that the same seal should have been her father's, her husband's, her brother's, and her son's ! ^ Harrington's porter was condemned yesterday. Cadogan and I have already bespoken places at the Brazier's, and I hope Parson Digby^ will come time enough to be of the party. I presume we shall have your honour's company, if your stomach is not too squeamish for a single swing. I called yesterday on my lady, || and she is going to have an execution of her own. Draper, the butler, that bloodhound after a corpse, has turned out the d dest thief in the world. She says she finds several hundred pounds unpaid, which he ought to have discharged. He has fled for the * Gertrude, daughter of John Earl Gower, and wife of John fourth Duke of Bedford. t George thii'd Duke of Marlborough. He married, 1762, Lady Caroline Russell, only daughter of the Duchess of Bedford, and was appointed Lord Privy Seal April 22, 1763. :{: The persons here alluded to, were John and Granville, first and second Earls Gower; John Duke of Bedford; and George Duke of Marlborough ; who were successively appointed to the office of Privy Seal, in 1741, 175.5, 17G1, and 1763. § The Rev. William Digby, grandson of William fifth Lord Digby. See post, April 12, 1766. II Lady Townshcnd. See post, July 10, 1765. 334 GILLY WILLIAMS same, but Mr. Fielding and his myrmidons are after him, and her ladyship not Ijeing very com- passionate, he must go the gallows. Our Princess of Brunswick * is brought to bed of a daughter. I believe, if it had been a son, the Opposition would have lighted up their windows. Since I begun this, I have seen the countess and the children. They are all well, and her lady- ship is in a fair way to increase her nursery. The Duke of Gloucester has professed a passion for the Dowager Waldegrave. f He is never from her elbow. This flatters Horry Walpole not a little, though he jjretends to dislike it. I believe we shall lose our Strawberry Christmas, for he talks of going to Woburn and Goodwood. Pray remem- ber, George, this is the fourth letter I have wrote to you since I received one from you. I wish the Monsieurs at h — 1 for keeping you. Adieu. For George Selwyn, Esq., at Mr. Foley's, Banker, a Paris. GILLY WILLIAMS TO THE EARL OF MARCH. Tuesday, December 18. [1764.] I HAD despaired, my dear lord, of ever being- able to send the fans which I had bought for you, when I received a very civil note last night from * Sister of George the Third. + They were afterwards married, but not till September, 1766. TO THE EARL OF MARCH. 335 Lord Sandwich, that with great difticulty ho had prevailed on Guerchy to undertake the convey- ance of them, and you will most certainly receive them by the first French courier that goes from hence ; indeed, our English Secretary deserves your thanks for the very active part he has taken to oblige the ladies.* As it is now the common question in all assem- blies, when you and your fellow-traveller will re- turn, I believe they may be answered, that next month will infallibly bring you, though nothing is less expected than a turbulent and busy season. How the lords may attend their parliamentary duty I know not, but the Bedchamber was so ill supplied, that Bob Bertie f was left in pawn for a month. There is no stranger arrived lately but Andrew Mitchell:]: from Berlin, who is to tell the story of the King of Prussia at all the next dinners which will be given for these next six months. People did not like our new Countess of Coventry, at Sa- turday's opera, near so well as the old. She did not make noise enough, and sat as private and pale-faced as Miss Ilolman ; I am not sure our friend George would not have compared her to Scrimpshire. It appeared, on the conviction of Lord Harrington's porter, that he had offered to * Lord Sandwich was at this period Secretary of State, -j- Lord llobert Bertie. See ante, October 16, 1747. I Sir Andrew Mitchell, the well-known diplomatist. 336 GILLY WILLIAMS shoot her ladyshij), as a troublesome useless b , that would leave no stone unturned to find out the culprit : there might be a good Grub com- posed for his dying sjjeech. You have sent Gre- ville* home a better dressed author than he went. He talks of Voltaire, and gives some hints as if we were soon to taste of that fund of knowledge he has imbibed. Nothing can be more complaisant and well-bred than the parting of the Duke and Duchess of Graf- ton. No lovers ever met with greater decorum ; a correspondence is established, and they are to live in friendship till their death : the Opposition are afraid of losing either, and therefore commend both. Horry Walpole told me he sat an hour with her yesterday, and nothing could be more sensible or unaifected than her conduct. I believe she is rather fatio-ued with her constant messmate the old General Ellison,f as it is the only thing in breeches she has as yet been familiar with. My paper will admit of no more than bidding you, my dear Lord, adieu ! * Fulke Greville, Esq., eldest son of the Hon. Algernon Gre- ville, second son of Fulke, fifth Baron Brooke. He was the author of a work entitled " Maxims and Characters," in the style of Rochefoucaultj and husband of Mrs. Greville, the authoress of the " Ode to Indifference." f He had been selected by the duchess to adjust the terms of her separation from the duke. General Conway acted as agent on the part of his grace. 337 THE EARL OF TYRONE.* George, second Earl of Tyrone, was created an English peer by the title of Baron Tyrone, of Ilaver- ford West, in 1786, and on the 19 th of August, 1789, was advanced to be Marquis of Waterford. He married, in 17()9, Elizabetli, daughter and heiress of Henry INIonk, of Charleville, Esq., by a daughter of the first Duke of Portland, and died 3rd December, 1800. The present marquis is the grandson of this lord. THE EARL OF TYRONE TO GEORGE SELWYN. London, Dec. 20. I DID not recover my sea-sickness enough to enable me to obey your commands from Dover, where we were very well treated by the officers, who, after having searched our trunks very strictly, made every allowance which could be reasonably expected, and did not insist on confining us to a single suit, on seeing we had nothing which had not been worn. I mention this jmrticularly, be- cause the captain of the ship will either lose or spoil anything you commit to his care. They neither attempted to search us nor our servants, which I was much pleased at, as I could not help blushing at the ridiculous figure we made in our * Afterwards Marquis of Watorford. VOL. I. Z 338 GILLY WILLIAMS fine clothes. You must wear your gold, for not even a button will be admitted. We were not stopped on the road, though we were told we should, and had nothing searched in London but what we sent by the stage. I have not yet been at Almack's, and am sorry I am not sufficiently acquainted here to inform you of any occurrences which might give you pleasure. I shall be very glad when you come, and am, with great regard, Your most obedient servant, Tyrone. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Christmas-day. [1764.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I THANK you for your last, though I do not like some part of it, and, indeed, do not under- stand it. How the devil can a Lord of the Bed- chamber,* and also one in your worship's situation, stay ex regno in defiance of the meeting of Par- liament and the Queen's birth-day? You must certainly have mistaken the month, and I am de- termined to read it the first week in Jaimary, instead of the month that follows it. How you fare upon the Continent, I know not, but with us it is one of the coldest Christmases I ever passed. * Lord March. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 339 I hope the Earl of JNIareh takes care to keep him- self warm with the largest — — of the jNIost Christian King's subjects; but you, wlio lie whole nights alone, what you can do to amuse yourself is, and will be, a mystery to me. You will be glad to hear, for the children''s sake, that Lord Coventry has bought Sir H. Hunlock's house in Piccadilly. He gives ten thousand guineas for it, and takes possession at Lady Day. The little ones will have much better air in those attics than in those d d lodgings they at pre- sent inhabit. I have told you Nelly O'Brien has a son. It was christened yesterday. Bunny and his trull were sponsors. Now for his name ; guess it if you can ; it is of no less consequence in this country than Alfred ; but INIagill was so drunk he had like to have named it Hiccup ! The Duchess of Grafton has bought Sir Charles Bunbury's house in Upper Grosvenor Street. She is at present in St. James's Square, and is chiefly visited by Wildman and his friends. Willis has left a card, and I believe intends to pluck a pigeon with her. George Monson is come, and looks tolerably well. A piece of his nose is gone, and he limps a little, but that is not much. He re- ceives his visitors at his brother's in Albemarle Street, but he lies every night with his wife at Little Holland House. Do you think P. passes his Christmas as well at Besan^on as he did in Bedfordshire? Sir Charles Coote, an Irishman, is z 2 340 GILLY WILLIAMS to entertain this year, but I believe the gambols are not as yet begun, for Secretary Sandwich is still in town. Let me know, in your next, whether you have received the fans, and whether the ladies like them. Jersey is returned, and not near so crabbed as he went; I think he sees more ability in Mr. Grenville than formerly. Pray tell Lord March, that I wish you both the merriest Christmas that Englishmen can enjoy, though for your lives you cannot be as merry as Frenchmen till you are as mad as they. GILLY Vl^ILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Friday, January 4, 1765. MY DEAR GEORGE, Possibly you may care so little about it as not to know the Parliament meets the 10th, and that making a good arrangement of troops on that day, will be half the battle. Not one of the Dispo- sition but what is already arrived, from the Mar- quis of Rockingham to Midleton * and George Onslow.f The Marquis supped last night at White's, and blushed at Willis's request to be helped to some sturgeon; the other's good stomach got the * George, third Viscount Midleton, nephew to George Selwyn. See ante, 6th July, 1763. f George, afterwards fourth Baron, and first Earl of Onslow, Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey, Treasurer of the Household, and a Lord of the Bedchamber. He married, in 1753, Henrietta, daughter of Sir John Shelley, Bart., and died 17th May, 1814. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 341 better of his breeding, and he totally forgot the name of the varlet that run off with his sister.* I am glad you have wrote to the stout Earl.-f- He seemed to think you had forgot him, and the countess might have ordered one of the nine foot- men that jDrecede her chair, ;|; to have thrown you into the dirt for it. Pray tell Lord ]March, if he abuses us for want of society, it is from not know- ing us. Have we not every house open every night, from Cornely's || to IVIrs. Holman's ? every one of which, by the bye, will fully satisfy your Russian bear. JNIrs. Anne Pitt gives regularly a weekly ball, and she is about the pitch of Madame Geoffriu. As for the Lady Hervey, § she is reserved entirely for wits, of which the only symptom they give the * Alluding, of course, to the unfortunate marriage of the Marquis's sister with her footman, William Sturgeon. t Of Northumberland. J Walpole mentions, in a letter dated December preceding, that Lady Northumberland had recently made an addition of an ei(//tt/i footman. The heiress of the Percys was, apparently? a person of little learning and less delicacy. " The stoi-y I am going to tell you," writes Walpole, " will divert you much. There was a vast assembly at Marlborough House, and a throng in the doorway. My Lady Talbot said, ' Bless me, I think this is like the Straits of Thermopylae!' My Lady Northumberland replied, ' 1 don't know what street that is, but I wish I could get my through.' I hope you admire the contrast." — Walpole's Letters, vol. v. p. 13. II Mrs. Cornely's, or Corneille's, was a fashionable place of public amusement in Soho Square : Mrs. Holman's also seems to have been a place of anmsement, but of a less reputable kind. § The celebrated Mary Lepel, widow of John Lord Ilervey. Sec ante, p. 214. 342 GILLY WILLIAMS. world is, excluding' you from their circle ! Poor Lady Coventry makes an excellent mother, but, God help her ! a most unworthy successor to the bustle and uproar which followed that name for- merly. If he had married Miss JMazey, she could not have appeared in a more j^rivate and undis- tinguished character. I dined last week with her at the Duchess's,* Avho affected a tear even at the sound of her name. She has already begun to cough, and I reckon by next autumn Brookes will be on his palfrey, recommending her to the bosom of Abraham. Coventry has given us one dinner in Margaret Street, and has been most excellent in his old way of disputation. JNIy Lord Chamberlain was of the party, at whose house we have our next rebound. Once more, do not say we want society. We dine to-morrow at Charles Townshend's. What he is now I knoAv not, but the last time we saw him he had no acrimony in him, but seemed rather looking towards the Pay Office, which, I suppose. Lord Holland will soon quit, either by a natural or political death. I give a breakfast on AVednesday next, the morn- ing the porter makes his exit. If Parson Digby is in town I shall send him a card ; he is our Ordi- nary on all these great occasions. I have not seen my lady for this week past. She is totally taken up with the investigation of Draper, * Elizabeth Gunning-, Duchess of Hamilton, sistei* of the former and beautiful Lady Coventry. MISS MARY TOWNSHEND. 343 wlio, I believe has parts enough to keep himself out of her clutches. Old Betty Germaine is dying,* and her door is surrounded with Lysters. &c., &c MISS MARY TOWNSHEND TO GEORGE SELWYN. London, Jan. 8, 1765. DEAR SIR, I HAVE been confined with a cough ever since I returned, therefore have not been able to ven- ture ma poitrine delicate at the painter's, to look at your pictures. I saw Mrs. Anne Pitt f the other day in a circle, and my maiwaisc honte Angloise would not permit me to give the intelligence you sent. She informed us of a match which was just declared ; Lord Shelburne \ to Lady Sojiliia Car- teret. We expect that the Richelieu An(/lois will bring us over a Countess of March, but we are in doubt whether it will be Madame de Gisors or Lady Anne Conway. JNIy sister desires mc to thank you for the kind permission you have given her to employ you to get *■ Lady Betty Germaine. She survived till December 16, 1769. See ante, p. 252. f Sister of the great Lord Chatham. See ante, 14th July, 1 J'iS. ^ William Earl of Shelburne, afterwards the celebrated mi- nister, created Marquis of Lansdowne in 1784. He married, shortly after the date of this letter. Lady Sophia Carteret, daughter of John Earl Granville, and died May 7, 1805. See ante, p. 240. 344 MISS MARY TOWNSHEND. anything she wants at Paris ; but her patriot prin- ciples will not allow her to encourage the manu- factures of "so formidable friends." I played with her boys at the French games you were so good as to give them, which were of much use and amusement to them. Lord Coventry has bought Sir H. Hunlock's house in Piccadilly for ten thousand pounds, and is to pay seventy-five pounds per annum ground- rent. The beauty of the new countess was for some days set above that of your old friend, and at present, with equal injustice, she is scarcely al- lowed to be pretty. It is reported that our youngest Princess is betrothed to the Prince Royal of Den- mark.* She promises to be tall, and is a good likeness of the Princess of Brunswick. Dr. Ro- binson, Bishop of Kildare, is expected to be de- clared Primate of Ireland. Accounts came yes- terday of Lord Shannon's death :f it was occa- sioned by the gout in his head. My father and my grandmother send their love to you, and join with me in wishing you many hapj^y new years. Believe me to be, dear sir. Most aifectionately yours, &c., &c. P.S. The King has declared his sister's intended * Caroline Matilda, youngest sister of George the Third. Her misfortunes, after she became Queen of Denmark, have rendered her history familiar with every one. She closed her short, but troubled career, at Zell, March 10, 1775, at the age of twenty-four. f Henry, first Earl of Shannon, died 27th September, 1764. THE HON. HENRY ST. JOHN. 345 marriage. Lord Townshend * moved, and Lord Bottetourt f seconded it, in the House of Lords. THE HON. HENRY ST. J0HN| TO GEORGE SELWYN. Sackville Street, Jan. 11, 1765. MY DEAR SIR, I SHOULD not have intruded on the gay mo- ments you now pass your time in, had not my brother intimated to me your obliging request of hearing from me ; and what served to encourage my writing, was the curiosity which you expressed to hear of Waistcotfs execution, § which my bro- ther and I went to see, at the risk of breakinff our necks by cHmbing up an old rotten scaffolding, which I feared would tumble before the cart drove off with the six malefactors. However, we escaped, and had a full view of Mr. Waistcott, who went to the gallows with a white cockade in his hat, as an emblem of his innocence, and died with the same hardness as appeared through his whole trial. * George, the celebrated Marquis Townshend. See ante, 1st October, 1746. f Norborne Berkeley, Lord Bottetourt, in whose person was revived the Barony of Bottetourt, which had been considered ex- tinct since the reign of Edward the Third. He died, unmarried, in 1770. \ See ante, 24th July, 1763. § John Wisket, executed for the burglary committed at Lord Harrington's in December, 176 J. He is the porter who has so often been alluded to. 346 THE HON. HENRY ST. JOHN I hope you have had good sjDort at the Place de Greve,* to make up for losing the sight of the execution of so notorious a villain as Lady Har- rington's porter. Mais laissons Id ce discours histe ! and let us talk of the living and lively world, that you now and have so long inhabited. You are now in the midst of the Carnival at the gayest town in the world, and I doubt not but you enjoy tout ce que la gala^iterie la plus raffinee peut inspirer de tendre et d^agreable. I should be exceedingly hajij^y to partake of the amusements you are engaged in ; but as that cannot be, I cannot help having the selfish wish that you will soon leave those giddy, enchanting scenes, for the more grave, splenetic ones of London, as it is so long since I had the pleasure of your company. I was yesterday at the opening of Parliament, where Mr. Conway worked himself into a rage at his last year's dismission,t which produced some repartees from JNIr. [George] Grenville, not quite * The Place de Greve, so celebrated from having been drenched with the blood of the victims of the French Revolu- tion, was the spot where criminals were executed in Paris till within the last few years, when the scene was changed to tlie Barriere d'Arcueil, or de St. Jacques, at the extremity of the Rue St. Jacques ; a much more retired quarter of the French capital. t In April 1764, General Conway had been removed from his post of Groom of the Bedchamber, as well as from the com- mand of his regiment, for voting against the Administration, on the celebrated question of General Warrants. In a letter to his TO GEORGE SELWYN. 347 SO warm, however as the former.* I siipjiose your friends dispense with your attendance, as the war is not likely to be so warm, or the success of it so doubtful, as last year. Our friend JMonson-j- looks very well, and the same as ever. His nose and legs have suffered by the war, but have not dis- fio'ured him so much as it would have done another man. JNIy brother desires you would be so good as to send him some very good Provence oil, if you can find such a thing at Paris. He makes you a thou- sand apologies for giving you the trouble, and begs your pardon. If you are not already loaded with commissions, which I am sensible are not in general very agreeable, I own I should be ex- ceedingly glad if you would order for me one dozen pair of silk stockings ; eight pair of them to be of the finest white silk that can possibly be made, and four pair of a lightish grey; the feet to be ex- brother, the Earl of Hertford, he styles his dismissal " the harshest and most mijust ever offered to any man on the like occasion." " I never," he says, " gave a single vote against the ministry, except in the questions of the great constitutional points of the Warrants." * The ostensible subject of the debate was the delay, on the part of the Court of Spain, to pay the Manilla ransoms. -j- George, third son of John, first Baron Monson. He was at this period colonel of the 96th regiment of foot, and had recently highly distinguished himself at the capture of Manilla, and on other occasions. He died in Bengal, a brigadier- general, in 1777. See ante, 12th January, 1752, and post, 19th March, 1765. 348 THE HON. HENRY ST. JOHN. ceedingly long, and the legs to be of the same size as your own. There is no difficulty in passing them, if already washed and marked ; but I will not give you that trouble also, but will endeavour to find some opportunity of getting them safe here. I beg my compliments to Lord Ossory,* if he is at Paris; and should you ever meet with my former fair correspondent, Madame Coislin, je vous prie de lid faire mille amities. It is time, my dear sir, to close this tedious letter, and hope for your forgiveness in troubling you so much, and beg leave now to assure you I am, my dear sir. Your most obedient and most faithful servant, H. St. John. [The question referred to in this letter, of the legality of issuing general warrants, (that is to say, warrants of arrest in which no particular indi- vidual is named, but by which the officers of the Crown are empowered to seize any number of sus- pected persons,) occupied for a considerable time the attention of Parliament and of the country ; and had its origin, as is well known, in the sweep- jug warrant issued on the 26th of April, 1763, for the arrest of the authors, printers, and publishers, of the forty-fifth number of the North Briton, in which the character of George the Third was j)erso- * John Earl of Upper Ossory. He subsequently married the divorced Duchess of Grafton, and died 1st February, 1818. JOHN WILKES. 849 nally attacked. Accordingly, three days afterwards, Kearsley, the avowed publisher of the paper, Balfe the printer, and the celebrated John Wilkes, the author of it, were arrested ; and the latter, after undergoing an examination before the Secretary of State, was hurried off, in a coach, to the Tower, where he w^as committed to close imprisonment ; and his friends, and even his counsel and solicitor, were refused admittance to him. At the same time, his house was searched, and his papers seized and taken possession of by the Government. The detention, however, of Wilkes in the Tower was of brief duration ; for, on the 3rd of May, he obtained a writ of Habeas Corpus, and was brought before the Court of Common Pleas, in Westminster Hall. Here he defended himself with great cool- ness and confidence ; and, on a second hearing, the Lord Chief Justice Pratt delivered the joint opi- nion of the Judges, that " though the commitment of ]Mr. Wilkes, and the general warrant, were not in themselves illegal, being justified by numerous precedents, yet, that jNIr. Wilkes was entitled to his discharge by virtue of his privilege' as a member of Parliament : inasmuch as the privilege of Parlia- ment could be forfeited only by treason, felony, or breach of the ])eace ; while JNIr. Wilkes stood accvised only of writing a libel, which did not come under the head of any of the crimes defined, but which, at most, had but a tendency to disturb the peace." Wilkes was immediately discharged from 350 JOHN WILKES. custody, to the enthusiastic delight of a great mass of the people, but a prosecution for libel was forth- with instituted against him by the Attorney- General. The perfect confidence and self-possession displayed by Wilkes throughout the whole of these proceedings, is exemplified by more than one anecdote. On his discharge from confinement, dis- covering that, in addition to his private papers, a silver candlestick had been abstracted from his bedchamber, he addressed the following laconic epistle to the Secretaries of State, Lords Egremont and Halifax : " My lords, on my return from Westminster Hall, where I have been discharged from my commitment to the Tower under your lordships' warrant, I find that my house has been robbed, and am informed that the stolen goods are in the possession of one or both of your lord- ships ; I therefore insist that you do forthwith return them to your humble servant, John Wilkes." To this impudent epistle Lords Halifax and Egre- mont replied, that his expressions were scurrilous and indecent, and that, as far as regarded the abstraction of his private papers, they had been seized on account of his being the author of an infamous and seditious libel. — Further proof of Wilkes' self-confidence is afforded by the following anecdote. After his arrest, having been compelled by the messengers to accompany them to his own house, he there found Churchill, the poet, whose connexion with the North Briton rendered him GILLY WILLIAMS. 351 liable, under the general warrant, to arrest and imprisonment. Wilkes, however, perceiving his friend's danger, and that the messengers were not aware of Churchill's person, addressed him with great presence of mind as INIr. Thompson, and by this means saved him from sharing his own fate.] GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. White's, Friday, Jan. 11, 1765. It is not I alone, but all your friends, nay, the King himself, who have expressed themselves with some concern that you still continue to run after gewgaws and hunt butterflies, when your presence is absolutely wanted at Westminster. I have autho- rity for mentioning the surprise of the Royal Per- sonage, and Lord Gower desires me to acquaint you with it. The session opened yesterday. Lord Towns- hend and Bottetourt moved in the Lords ; Lord Wentworth and Tom Pitt* in the Commons. Their lordships separated without the least demur. Lord Temple was ill and absent ; (Alderman) Beckford was tedious, and Conway violently passionate, but chiefly in his own cause, and called the removal of himself the most profligate measure that ever * Thomas Pitt, Esq., nephew of the first Earl of Chatham, created Baron Camelford, December 30, 1783. He was the father of Thomas, second and last Lord Camelford, who was killed in a duel with Captain Best, in 1804. 352 GILLY WILLIAMS was attempted. Sir W. Meredith gave notice that he had a motion to make on Tuesday se'night, so the old story of the warrants will be told over again ; the only grievance that ill-humour can suggest, and which they will spin out with as much real regard for the constitution of this country as Madame Geolfrin. I should have told you, that the mover in the Lords, and the seconder in the Commons, distinguished themselves very much. You would not have liked your old friend George, he dusted the French so much. Guerchy * was there, but had not enough of the language to be thoroughly apprized of the distress of his country till it was explained to him in the evening. Nor- borne + was all thanks and emptiness for having been admitted into the House ; that the Speech was incomparable, the King incomparable, and the peace incomparable. At the rehearsal on Wednesday night, of the Speech, at Lord Halifax's, Lord Lich- field came extremely drunk, and proposed amend- ments and alterations, to the no small amusement of the company. Pomfret'sf head was naturally as hot as the other's accidentally, and he seconded him, so, between them both, the evening ended much more sprightly, than those meetings usually do. Lord Shelburne will soon be married to Lady Sophia Carteret ; every preliminary is settled, and * The French ambassador. f Norborne Berkeley, Lord Bottetourt. X George, second Earl of Pomfret, died June 9, 1 785. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 353 it will take place long before that of the Prince Royal of Denmark and our Caroline Matilda. You -will see the speech at Lord Hertford's, and that alliance mentioned in it. You may tell him, his brother* sets out in the month of jNIarch, like a lion, and I believe will end as like it in the Iamb way. Mrs. Boone died at Bath on Wednesday morning ; Charles is of course inconsolable. I called on Lord Holland this morning, and when I told him that I should write to you by this post, he desired me to enclose his commission for a snuff- box. I read him your paragraph on good breeding, which I am sure was true, and pleased him. I beg your pardon for having got as far as two sides of my letter without mentioning Nanny. She looks well and healthy, though one eye appears to be considerably less than the other. Their step- mother behaves so well to them, that I wish her indulgence may not, in the end, prove worse than a little wholesome reserve and moderate restraint. She knows our peer too well not to be partial to the boy ; who, indeed, deserves at present all they can do for him. T met mother Gunning f last week at Soho. She told me, though she could not go to the woman, she should be glad to see the children, and desired I would tell my Lord * General Conway, only surviving brother of Francis first Earl of Hertford, at this period ambassador at Paris. -j- Bridget, daughter of John Bourk, Viscount Mayo in Ire- land, and mother of the first, and beautiful Lady Coventry. She was housekeeper of Somerset House, and died 7 June, 1770. VOL. I. 2 A 854 GILLY WILLIAMS. SO. It is feared old Gunning will die, and defeat all the smuggled finery of the Earl and Countess for the ensuing birth-day. I am confident one White's evening between him and Lord Gower beats all the stuff and nonsense of your exotic suppers ; and as for your whist, there is Mostyri and Reynolds shall play as execrably ill as any two you shall produce, yourself one. I have a great mind, in return for your parties, to tell you I go to-night to Northumberland House. By the bye, why did not you write when you said you would ? I told him of it, and he seemed chagrined at the disappointment. There is a rot among the Irish governors. Old Shannon is dead,* and your friend Bowes is ap- pointed one of the Justices in his room. The Duke of Bedfordf is tied by both legs to his couch by the gout. The Marchioness of Tavistock advances happily in her pregnancy. The Duke of Cumber- land has been at death's door, in a lethargy, but by every kind of dram, and many blisters, he is at present better, though it is supposed such an amendment can be but of short continuance. ^ Har- rington's man was hanged last Wednesday. The dog died game, went in the cart in a blue and * Lord Shannon had been fifteen times one of the Lords Justices of Ireland. See ante, 8 January. -^ John, fourth Duke of Bedford, the celebrated minister. He died 15 January, 1771. J William Augustus Duke of Cumberland, the hero of Cullo- den, died on the 31st of October following. LORD BYRON. 355 gold frock, and, as an emblem of innocence, had a white cockade in his hat. He ate several oranges in his passage, enquired if his hearse was ready, and then, as old Rowe used to saj, was launched into eternity. Your mother looks well from her window. Ducie* tells me they want you at Gloucester about the succession to Bell's place, who is in eMremis. JSIake my best compliments to your fellow traveller, and believe me to be, my dear George, Ever yours. WILLIAM LORD BYRON. [The principal topic referred to in the next let- ter, is the celebrated duel between Lord Byron and ]\Ir. Chaworth, which took place at the Star and Garter tavern in Pall INIall, January 26, 1765. Horace Walpole writes, the day following, to the Earl of Hertford, "The following is the account nearest the truth that I can learn of the fatal duel last night. A club of Nottinghamshire gen- tlemen had dined at the Star and Garter, and there had been a dispute between the combatants, whether Lord Byron, who took no care of his game, or Mr. Chaworth, who was active in the association, had most game on their manor. The company, however, had apprehended no conse- * Mathew Morton, second Baron Ducie, Lord Lieutenant of the county of Gloucester. He died December 25, 1770. 2 A 2 356 LORD BYRON. quences, and parted at eight o'clock ; but Lord Byron, stepping into an empty chamber, and send- ing the drawer for Mr. Chaworth, or calling him thither himself, took the candle from the waiter, and bidding Mr. Chaworth defend himself, drew his sword. Mr. Chaworth, who was an excellent fencer, ran Lord Byron through the sleeve of his coat, and then received a wound fourteen inches deep into his body. He was carried to his house in Berkeley Street ; made his will with the great- est composure ; and dictated a paper, which, they say, allows it was a fair duel, and died at nine this morning. Lord Byron has not gone off, but says he will take his trial, which, if the coroner brings in a verdict of manslaughter, may, accord- ing to precedent, be in the House of Lords, and without the ceremonial of AVestminster Hall. George Selwyn is much missed on this occasion, but we conclude it will bring him over."* William, fifth Lord Byron, the great uncle of the illustrious poet, was born in 1722, and married, in 1747, Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Shaw, Esq., of Bes- thorpe Hall, in Norfolk. By this lady he had one son, William ; who had also an only son, who was killed in Corsica in 1794 ; thus opening the succes- sion to the great poet. The latter years of Lord Byron's strange life were passed, in the language of Mr. Thomas Moore, " in a state of austere and almost savage seclusion." His death took place at Newstead Abbey, 19 May, 1798, in his seventy-seventh year.] * Walpole's Letters, vol. iv. p. 491. MISS MARY TOWNSllEND. 357 MISS MARY TOWNSllEND TO GEORGE SELWYN. London, February 8. [1765.] DEAR SIR, I HAVE this moiiieiit had the pleasure of receiving a letter from you, and, as you desire to hear from me before you set out, I would not omit answering it this post, lest my letter should be left to the mercy of les Messieurs Todds de Paris. You have escaped sitting in the House of Commons till near six in the morning, on the Legality of General Warrants, by staying so long at Paris. I believe there has been no other business of importance, yet, when you hear that Lady Townshend* has been arrested, and has com- plained of a breach of privilege to the House of Lords, you will lament your absence from Lon- don at this time. She wished to employ either the Duke of Newcastle or Lord Cornwallis to make her complaint, but she says one was too * Audrey, daughter of Edward Harrison, Esq., and widow of Charles third Viscount Townshend. (See ante, p. IGO.) She was arrested in the streets at the suit of a house-painter, whose bill she refused to pay in consequence of its being- double the amount of the estimate he had sent in to her. The attorney, who had given the order for her arrest, was afterwards ar- raigned at the bar of the House of Lords, for seizing the person of a peeress in her own right, but, after a severe reprimand, was dismissed on making a humble submission and paying the cus- tomary fees. 358 MISS MARY TOWNSHEND. old and the other too young ; therefore she desired Lord Winchelsea to undertake it. Mr. Chaworth was a much more poj^ular man than his adversary, which I believe has inclined people to give hints which they had not much foundation for. The coroner has brought his verdict in manslaughter, and there is no reason to doubt the duel having been a fair one. Lord Byron is to be tried in the House of Lords. Lord Shelburne was married on Sunday. Lady G. Lennox asked me the other day, if I could persuade you to bring her half a dozen small tam- bour-needles. As I then did not imagine I had time to write to you, I refused the commission, but as you are so good as to make me a general offer, I take the liberty of desiring these for my friend. In return, I will choose chip hats, or any other English bagatelles^ for any marquise that you please. Marsh Dickinson died of the General Warrants, and the Duke of Bridge water chooses Lord Hincli- inbrooke in his room. Mr. Eyre is chosen at Salisbury in opposition to Mr. P. Bathurst, who lost it by two votes. The Macaronis have de- molished Young White's by admitting almost the whole Club, and are themselves in danger of being deserted in their turn by their members being chosen into the Old Club. Mr. Beauclerk has had that honour, and Mr. R. Vernon is chosen at last. Your friends in Burlington Street desire GILLY WILLIAMS. 359 to be most kindly remembered to you ; my grand- mother in particular. She is very well. Yours most affectionately. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Friday, Feb. 22. [1765.] Though I am out of your sight, I hope I am not out of your mind. For God's sake, when you had altered your intentions, and did not think of coming any more to England, why did you not tell me so, and I would have been as regular in my correspondence as ever ? INIany are the events which have happened since I wrote last, but they are stale, and have been already digested, so I will not repeat them. I suppose Byron has told you himself, that he intends to surrender as soon as Westminster Hall is ready for him. It will be a shew for a day to the Queen and the foreign ministers, but cannot pos- sibly be attended with any ill consequences to the culprit. Lord Holland has been very near death for these three days, with his old suffocation. I have sent this morning, and he is something better, though most people imagine it will be a hard run thing l^etween him and the Duke of Cum- berland, who is most certainly in as bad a way as anything alive can be. 360 GILLY WILLIAMS If ever you condescend to look again upon this poor unhappy and divided country, you will see we are a little imj^roved as to gaiety. There is now opened at Almack's, in three very elegant new-built rooms, a ten-guinea subscription, for which you have a ball and supper once a week for twelve weeks. You may imagine, by the sum, the company is chosen ; though, refined as it is, it will be scarce able to put old Soho* out of countenance.i* The men's tickets are not trans- ferable, so, if the ladies do not like us, they have no opportunity of changing us, but must see the same persons for ever. The House of Commons was called over last Wednesday, and Rigby made * Alluding evidently to Mrs. Cornely's fashionable assemblies in Soho Square, the origin, apparently, of Ranelagh and the Pan- theon. + *' The new assembly-room at Almack's was opened the night before last, and they say is very magnificent, but it was empty ; half the town is ill with colds, and many were afraid to go, as the house is scarcely built yet. Almack advertised that it was built with hot bricks and boiling water : think what a rage there must be for public places, if this notice, instead of terrifying could draw anybody thither. They tell me the ceilings were dripping with wet ; but can you believe me, when I assure you the Duke of Cumberland was there ? nay, had a levee in the morning, and went to the Opera before the assembly. There is a vast flight of steps, and he was forced to rest two or three times." — Horace Walpole to the Earl of Hertford, February 14, 1765. As Williams' letter, eight days afterwards, speaks of the Duke of Cumberland, as " certainly in as bad a way as anything alive can be," it is not improbable that his illness was caused by the indiscretion alluded to by Walpole. The duke died on the 31st of October in this year. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 361 your excuse by saying you was in France on par- ticular business. Pray write to him, and thank him, and when you write next to me, give me some sense, as the boys say, that I may answer for you as often as you are attacked ; for I love you, and hate most d bly to hear you abused, without having a Mord to answer in your defence. Court, city, country, all cry out on him * that keei)S you abroad, and it requires more tongues than ever the Rena was in possession of, to suc- ceed as his advocate. The children in jMargaret Street are complain- ing again. IMaria will have her glands opened at last, and so be marked for life ; but they talk of no operation yet for Lady Anne. The count- ess looks broad about the hips, and will, about the end of the nine months, do credit to our friend,* who goes on just as usual, opposing and disputing with every person, every night, at the old Club, to the no small surprise of some new members, who have had i)erseYerance enough to be duly elected, viz. Tophani Beauclerk, James Walters, Sir Geo. Pigot, and Dick Vernon. On finding them in such good-humour, I started Lord JNJarch, but they swore he was now a foreigner, and rejected him. I wish you may be able to read this scrawl, but I am this moment going to dine * Lord March. \ Lady Coventry was brought to bed, on the 20th of June following, of the Hon. John Coventry, who died in 1829. 362 LORD HOLLAND with Boone the widower, and shall lose my dinner, if, without the further ceremony, I do not bid you Adieu ! LORD HOLLAND TO GEORGE SELWYN. March 12, 1765. DEAR SELWYN, Are not you a very extraordinary gentleman ? You say that you will come away in ten days, and in the same letter desire me to write you news. Just so you served me last September, and be- cause my letter could not reach you at Paris, I sent a letter to Dover, where I suppose it still is. This time I will take a different way, and suppose you have no thoughts of leaving Paris ; and, therefore, I am to desire you, in Lady Holland's, Lady Louisa Conolly,* and Lady Sarah Bunbury's f names, to take them a box above stairs at the French comedy, for two months from Easter. Lady Sarah is here, and M. de Guerchy, who has just gone, has told us that the comedy continues this year after Easter. * Lady Louisa Augusta Lenox, daughter of Charles second Duke of Richmond. She was born November 24, 1 743, and married, December 30, 1758, Thomas Conolly, Esq., of Castle- town, in Ireland. f Lady Sarah Bunbury was the younger sister of Lady Hol- land and Lady Louisa Conolly. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 3G3 The ladies leave this town on Easter Monday. T, with Charles,* shall sail to Calais, sup there, and return alone to Kingsgate. I hope JNIadame de Couslin will make Charles more welcome than formerly : I am not in the least afraid that you should stand in his way, as she must be sated with you by this time. Dupre, a French master that the late Lord Downe and you used to talk much of, has joined with De Verger in swearing to an accusation of Guerchy for offering them money to assassinate D'Eon.f The grand jury of London found the bill. Nobody believes it, and I am afraid they v,'i\\ not go on : if they do, it must end in their confusion. What your friend Dupre's mo- tive is, I do not hear guessed. Lord Abergavenny's! story was told so ill for him, as hardly to be credible. Yesterday and to-day I hear it said that it is made up, and that she is with him at his house in Sussex. When you come * Charles James Fox, Lord Holland's youngest son, now in his seventeenth year. f Early in this month the Chevalier d'Eon had obtained fresh notoriety, by preferring a charge against the Count de Guerchy, for conspiring with others to murder him. D'Eon actually con- trived to suborn three witnesses, who swore to the fact, and the consequence was that a bill of indictment was found against M. de Guerchy at the sessions at Hicks's Hall. :{: George, fifteenth Baron, and first Earl of Abergavenny. (See ante, p. 80.) He married, February 5, 1753, Henrietta, sister of Thomas Pelhani, first Earl of Chichester, and widow of the Hon. Richard Temple. 364 RIGHT HON. RICHARD DIGBY here you will know the truth. Guerchy does not allow such an expression as leche-frite in the sense you use it : he says it is a sop in the pan. Adieu ! Yours, Holland. A Monsieur, Monsieur George Selwyn, chez Monsieur Foley, Banquier, Rue St. Sauveur, a Paris. RIGHT HON. RICHARD DIGBY TO GEORGE SELWYN. St. James's Place, 12th March, 1765. DEAR GEORGE, Last Saturday I received your letter, and though I feel very much disposed to answer it, yet I should be more so if Williams did not tell me that you are to leave Paris before my letter can reach you. I Avill, however, trust to a few more of INIarch's delays, and begin by telling you that I wish you to buy the cliiffoniere you mention, and draw upon me for the money, as I intend to make a present of it to the Duchess of Bedford. Her Grace would be glad to have her jesuite sent to the Custom House, and pay the duty for it. So much for my Paris commissions, if you receive this in time; which I should not doubt, indeed, from your expressions to me, but Williams says he has much better intelligence of your motions, for the Rena's maid has wrote to Coulii to say she is to be in London the IGth of this month. T suppose neither March nor you will be sur])rised TO GEORGE SELWYN. 865 to hear that your staying at Paris all the winter has procured you abuse in plenty, which you do not care one farthing for, if you are as wise as 1 take you to be ; but I hope seriously that JMarcli has not neglected to make some apology at St. James's for his waitings. We have wanted neither of you ministerially, for the Opposition is reduced as low as I wish it to be in the House of Commons, and, literally speaking, quite out of doors at the House of Lords, for Lord Temple never goes there. But 1 should be seriously sorry that March should suffer for want of attention to his master.* He is, blessed be God, quite recovered, and gone out to- day in his post-chaise to take the air. Abergavenny's story is as much a mystery here as at Paris. He has been making love to my lady's maid, I believe, and her ladyship is gone out of town sulky, but I do not find they are parted. f Both he and your friend Lord Downe continue to counte- nance and support that little rascal Dui)r6, though he is one of the three Frenchmen who swore to iSIonsieur de Guerchy's conspiracy before the grand jury. A noli prosequi is issued from the Attorn ey- * Lord March was a Lord of the Bedchamber to George the Third. f " The town says that Lord and Lady Abergavenny are parted, and that he has not been much milder than Monsieur de Seillem on the chapter of a mistress he has taken. I do not know the trutli of this ; but his lordship's heart, I believe, is more inflammable than tender." — Horace Walpole to Lord Hertford, February 12, 1765. VOL. I. 2 A 7 366 DR. GEM. General upon that business, which is the only me- thod, and the only remedy too, which the wise laws of this country admit as a satisfaction for an aifront of this atrocious nature. The old club flourishes very much, and the young one has been better attended than of late years, but the deep play is removed to Almack's, where you will certainly follow it. I hope one story about you both is false, which is, that you have lost im- mense sums at play. Lord Byron's trial is fixed for the 16th of April, in Westminster Hall. Though you have but little chance of an execution, yet, if that event does not bring you, I shall despair of ever seeing you again. Pray give my best wishes to March, and believe me very truly and sincerely Yours, Richard Rigby. DR. GEM. Dr. Gem was an English physician, who settled, and, for many years, was resident at Paris. He was a correspondent of Horace Walpole, who says of him, that he was " no less esteemed for his pro- fessional knowledge, than for his kind attention to the poor who applied to him for medical as- sistance." GILLY WILLIAMS. 307 DR. R. GEM TO GEORGE SELWYN. Thursday evening. [1765.] DEAR SIR, The Baron D'Olbach and I intend ourselves the pleasure of waiting on you to dinner to-morrow. The Baron * has not the least objection to ]\P della Rena's being of the party, for nothing prudish enters into his character. I shall be very proud of the honour of meeting Lord March, as I may not per- haps have any other opportunity of seeing him during my stay here. I am, dear sir. Your very aifectionate humble servant, R. Gem. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Friday, March. [1765.] MY DEAR GEORGE, If you have not absolutely forgot there is such a place as England, I should put you in mind that there is a very interesting period drawing near, which I hope your friend JVIarch will not treat with that neglect which he has done everything * Gibbon, who was introduced to the Baron d'Olbach at the house of Madame Geoffrin at Paris in 1763, merely speaks of him, in a letter to his father, as a man of parts and fortune who gave regular dinners twice in every week. — Miscellaneous Works, p. 235. 368 GILLY WILLIAMS that has been transacted in this island for these last six months. As Byron is now in the Tower, his trial will be in Westminster Hall in about six weeks, and, for God's sake, take care that he an- swers to his name on that occasion, or he will be thought to be of no consequence, either in this or any other country. It makes me quite peevish to hear the things that are said of you both, and to be without power of reply. Our King has been out of order for these three or four last days with his old complaint in his head, but has found benefit by bleeding, and is at present well.* Lord Holland (as old Lord Car- lisle says in the Strafford Letters) does not yield yet to (joodmayi Mors. He has certainly parried this stroke, though I do not take his dissolution to be far off. I believe Charles Townshend to be of the same opinion, and in all probability will be his successor. What say you to your friend Aber- gavenny? Did you think those turtles, that were always on the same perch, would have ever fought ? I think he might have made love to his nursery- maid anywhere else, and his wife need not have run away from him to have told the whole town of it. In short they have both acted like a couple of * The Quarterly Reviewer for June 1840, observes, " In April 1765 his Majesty had a serious illness: its peculiar cha- racter was then unknown, but we have the best authority for be- lieving that it was of the same nature as those which thrice after afflicted his Majesty, and finally incapacitated him for the duties of government." TO GEORGE SELWYN. 3G9 fools, and Jemmy Plum, by affecting the part of a mediator, has made the breach wider. Little Hiiski reports Lord JNIarch to have won two thousand louis of a German at billiards. I did not know he was more an adept at that game than you are at any other, but I think you are both said to be losers on the whole, at least Betty says that her letters mention you as pillaged. Our female Almack's flourishes beyond description. If you had such a thing at Paris, you would fill half a quire of flourished paper with the description of it. Almack's Scotch face, in a bag- wig, waiting at supper, would divert you, as would his lady in a sack, making tea and curtseying to the duchesses. If you should want to continue your travels for some time longer, you had better join the Chud- leigli,* who is setting out for some famous waters in Bohemia. They are thought to be the greatest contractors, and she the properest subject for its contracting powers. Report says Lord Bristol is dying at Bath ;f if so, between the new Earl and the Countess of Bristol, I the town will not want diversion for some * Afterwards the famous Duchess of Kingston. f George WilHam, second Earl of Bristol. He survived till March 20, 1775. I Had Lord Bristol been actually dead, it would have ele- vated to the Earldom his brother Augustus John Hervey, who was privately married to Miss Chudleigh, the " new Countess" here alluded to. The fact of her marriage was strongly sus- pected at the time, and vv;is afterwards clearly proved at lu-r VOL. 1. '^ B 370 GILLY WILLIAMS time. The Duke of Cumberland has submitted to have more drains opened, and while the discharge from them continues, will find relief, but nothing- can keep that very diseased body long above ground. I shall regularly write to you once a-week, till you once more tell me you are coming ; but, in fact, shall not expect you till I see you. Yours ever, &lc. &c. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. White's, Tuesday, March 19. [1765.] I DO most seriously assure you, my dear George, that I have not felt a more satisfactory pleasure for some time, than when I learned this was likely to find you at Calais on your way home.* I found two of yours when I came home last night, one of the 7th, and the other of the 13th, and as these equinoctial gales may possibly keep you a few days longer away among the , I shall fol- low your Irish directions, and send this to the house which has been burned down these three months. I think our friend George JVIonsonf is the only topic I have talked to you about lately ; nor would trial for bigamy in Westminster Hall, after she had profligately remarried the Duke of Kingston. * It appears by one of Walpole's letters, that George Selwyn and Lord March arrived in England at the beginning of April, after being wind-bound at Calais for nine days. ■f See ante, January 11, 17C5. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 371 you easily imagine his friends see as little of him as they do of the nabobs, his former companions. He lives shut up with Lady Anne,* and is going to settle for life in some remote county. I have spoke to him but once ; he has never been at White's, and not twice at the House of Commons. As we cannot have the best of the brothers, T wish she had married them all three, and removed, what we think nuisances, into some snug incestu- ous colony by themselves. There is not the least chance of either hempen or silken halter in Byron's process, though it will last three days, and probably be as well at- tended as if the fate of the country depended upon it. He is in Wilkins's apartment; walks about the garrison with a warder, and makes public dinners for Lady Falmouth and JNIiss 8en- nisheri, three days in a week. How different from the recluse life we have known passed in those walls. I suppose you have heard the grand jury of Middlesex have found a bill of indictment against Guerchy for an attempt on D'Eon's life. Two of the three witnesses were Vergy and Dupre. It is sto]iped by a noli prosequi, but T think the wit- nesses should not be let off so easily. Tf ])oor * Lady Anne Vane, danghtcr of Honry Earl of Darlington, and widow of the Hon. Charles Hope Weir, son of the Earl of Hopotoun, remarried, about this period, the Hon. (ieorge Mon- son, the early friend of (ieorge Sclwyn. See ante, 12th .Tanuarv, 1752, and I 1th January, 170.). 2 « 2 372 GILLY WILLIAMS Downe had been alive, I believe he would have talked to one of them pretty roundly on the sub- ject. Horry Walpole has now postponed his journey till May. He procrastinates on this side of the water as much as March on the other. To tell you the truth, as I believe he has no great cor- diality for his Excellency,* he is not very impa- tient to see him. How do you think he has em- ployed that leisure which his political frenzy has allowed of? In writing a novel, entitled the " Castle of Otranto," and such a novel, that no boarding-school jMiss of thirteen could get half through without yawning. It consists of ghosts and enchantments ; pictures walk out of their frames, and are good company for half an hour together; helmets drop from the moon, and cover half a family. He says it was a dream, and I fancy one when he had some feverish disposition in him. I called on Lord Holland yesterday morning. He is extremely weak and feeble in his limbs, but looks better, and breathes easier, than before his last plunge. Lady Holland, Lady Sarah, and Louisa Conolly, set out in a fortnight for Paris, and he, for tlie sake of the voyage, goes with them as far as Calais. * The Earl of Hertford, at this period ambassador at Paris. Horace Walpole was not very distantly related to him, and it is to this nobleman, during his embassy at Paris, that many of Walpole's charming letters are addressed. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 373 His JNIajesty has not been well enough yet to come out to his levee. You see our Queen has turned poetess ; at least the newspapers have made her the author of no bad copy of verses, which Horry AValpole swears he knows to be authentic. I have seen but little of the children, though I hear they are very happy and comfortable. The Countess is extremely good to them ; rather too much so, for they are ungovernable for want of contradiction. You will laugh at her plan of life when you know it, as it seems a studied and affected contrast to her predecessor. You may tell Lord iVIarch his cousin, the Duchess of Hamilton, is by much the handsomest woman in London, and his cousin, the Marquis of Lome, keeps open house. That one should happen again,* and the other should happen at all, is rather surprising. Charles Townshend was a candidate for the Pay OfKce if death had taken your friend, [Lord Hol- land,] so I suppose there died his opposition. As to my lady,f she has been employed between be- ing seized by bailiffs, and seizing upon the ])ailiff's, all this winter. Old Winchelsea moved her breach of privilege in the House of Lords, and did it with great good-humour. Your nephews are at present the only support of Wildman's. The " Post Of- * The Duchess of Hamilton (the beautiful Elizabeth Gun- ning) had been recently ill, and it had been thought unlikely that she would recover either her beauty or her health. f Lady Townshend. 374 I. SHAFTO, ESQ. fice" speaks like a Cicero, and begins with O mores, tempora ! He gave White's such a duster in his last exordium, for their profligacy, their gaming, and every species of debauchery, that I expected the next grand jury would have presented them. Pray do not leave the shoes behind you. Unpack the box, and let John put them in his pocket ; if he bribes the Custom House officers, I will re- imburse him. The Duchess of Grafton goes no- w^here but to church. May every good wind blow you and JVlarch safe to all your friends ; and among them, believe me no one is more sincerely so than Yours ever. P.S. Your house is papered and painted, and looks very neat, and very English. I. SHAFTO, ESQ., TO GEORGE SELWYN. 1 July, 1765. DEAR SIR, I HAVE this moment received the favour of your letter. I intended to have gone out of town on Thursday, but as you shall not receive your money before the end of this w^eek, I must post- pone my journey till Sunday. A month would have made no difference to me, had I not had others to pay before I leave town, and must pay, therefore must beg that you will leave the whole before the week is out, at White's, as it is to THE EARL OF MARCH. 375 be paid away to others to wlioiii I have lost, and do not choose to leave town till tliat is done. Be sure you could not wish an indulgence I should not be happy to grant, if in my power. Newmarket is next week, and I must be pre- pared ; you know how necessary it is, and part of the money I owe is to those who will want it against that time. I should be glad to get out of town on Friday, if vou could contrive it, as I want much to get to Newmarket this week. To- day I dine out of town; shall return to-morrow against dinner, and beg to know from you, if I can get away on Friday. I am, most truly yours, I. Shafto. THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELVVYN. Sunday Morning. [17(35.] When I came home last night I found your letter on my table. So you have lost a thousand ])ounds, which you have done twenty times in your life-time, and won it again as often, and why should not the same thing happen again? T make no doubt that it will. 1 am sorry, how- ever, that you have lost your money; it is un- pleasant. In the meantime, what the devil signify the le fahle de Paris or the nonsense of White's ! You may bo sure they will bo glad you have lost your money; not because tliey dislike you, but because they like to Uuigh. Tiny shall certainly 376 THE EARL OF MARCU. not have that pleasure from me, for I will even deny that I know anything of it. As to your banker, I will call there to-mor- row ; make yourself easy about that, for I have three thousand pounds now at Coutts\ There will be no bankruptcy without we are both ruined at the same time. You may be very sure all this will soon be known here, since everybody knows it at Paris ; but if you come as soon as you intend, perhaps you may be here first. All that signifies nothing ; the disagreeable part, is having lost your money ; Almack's or White's will bring all back again. How can you think, my dear George, and I hope you do not think, that anybody, or anything, can make a tracasserie between you and me ? I take it ill that you even talk of it, which you do in the letter I had by Ligonier. I must be the poorest creature upon earth — after having known you so long, and always as the best and sincerest friend that any one ever had, — if any one alive can make any impression upon me, when you are concerned. I told you, in a letter I wrote some time ago, that I depended more upon the continuance of our friendship than anything else in the world, which I certainly do, because I have so many reasons to know you, and I am sure I know myself. Tuesday, after the Opera. By your letter, which I had this morning, I find you were to set out last Sunday. I fear the roads I. SHAFTO, ESQ. 377 are so very bad, that you will not be here so soon as you imagine. A rebound of our dinners with Charles Townshend is to be at my house on Satur- day ; we shall be all happy if you come in time to make one. Farewell, my dear George, — I am afraid of being too late for the post. &c. &c. I. SHAFTO, ESQ., TO GEORGE SELWYN. July 4th, 1765. DEAR SIR, I INTENDED to have spoke to you last night, but had not an opportunity, in regard to the one thousand pounds you owe me. Your money I relied on, which has made me lose more than I otherwise should have done, and which I must pay before I leave town. On Monday early I must at all events go to Newmarket, and hope it will not be inconvenient to you to leave the money for me at White's either to-morrow or next day. If you cannot so soon, I must beg the favour that you will give me your note, ]iayable to me on order in a fortnight or three weeks, and I can get it dis- counted at my banker's. I should not have men- tioned this affair to you, could I with convenience to myself do without it ; therefore I flatter myself you will excuse this application. I am, yours sincerely, T. SlIAFTO. 378 THE EARL OF MARCH THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. MY DEAR GEORGE, I HAVE received from Bob, as I imagine, for I had no letter, but a cover in which there was nine hundred and fifty guineas in notes, payable to my order. As there wanted another fifty pounds to make up the thousand, I was afraid there might have been some mistake, but as I shall pay none of them without endorsing, it will be of no con- sequence whether it is so or not. I continue to lose everything I ])lay for. I dine at Guerchy's on Sunday. Yours, M. & R. THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. MY DEAR GEORGE, I HAVE lost my match and am quite broke. I cannot tell you how much. I am obliged to you for thinking of my difl^iculties, and providing for them in the midst of all your own. Let me hear soon. Yours very affectionately, March & R. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 379 THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. Newmarket, Monday morning-. MY DEAR GEORGE, Lord Edward brought me your letter yester- day. I was always afraid of having some bad accounts of you, though Bunbury told me you was higher than ever; but your bill of play lately has been so very desperate, that half an hours bad luck was more than sufficient to lose a greater sum than you have lost. I should be sorry, indeed, if I thought anything I could have done would have saved you. If you imagine it would, I believe you are mistaken, and then it only would have been an additional mor- tification. The weather has been so very fine, that I have continued here in hopes it would do me good. My intention is to be in town on Wednesday ; to leave Newmarket after the race on Tuesday, and sleep at Hockerel. Think of the ceiito pen- sieri ! The having no debts to pay does not make the proverb worse, and in tlic midst of your mis- fortunes, if you compare yourself to those you meet at Almack's, you arc j)orhaps the luckiest man there in point of ]>lay. Adieu ! Yours very sincerely, ]\I. & II. 380 LORD HOLLAND LORD HOLLAND TO GEORGE SELWYN. July 9, 1765, DEAR SELWYN, I LANDED at Calais here at 8 last night, safe, with your suit of clothes. In the next place, you will be glad to hear Lady Holland, though not after so quiet or good a passage, arrived safe at Dover last night : I expect her here in an hour. Le Prince de Chimee would come to London for a week or ten days, so Stephen* was forced to go with him, and they are half way to London by this time. Your letter, I think, speaks a change certain ; and stability they may well promise themselves. There is no mystery in the thing. Make whom they will ministers, the Parliament will follow ; and what has happened these last six weeks is (if I mistake not) a very strong security against more unnecessary changes at Court. I hope nothing is likely to happen that will vex or af- fect you. I only hope Sir Charles Bunbury has not lost his Paris place, and dropped, as I fear he has, between two stools. I hear he was sup- posed, by some at Paris, to have been in the wrong to me. I beg you would do him the jus- tice to say, that there is nobody I have less reason '' Stephen Fox, Lord Holland's eldest son, and his successor in the title. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 381 to complain of than liiin : I except no man what- ever ; not even him I am writing to. I beg my love to Hor. Walpole : I cannot wish him joy of the gont ; I am very sorry he is afflicted with it. Politics seem to be taking the turn he would choose.* Do not let the task be thought too arduous by his friends : possimt quia posse videntur is truer nowhere than when applied to ministers : I will find him an o])portunity to write to me soon by a safe hand. INIay I beg of you to write to me by the post ; though by the post not too warily? I have another thing to ask of you, and very earnestly, but I believe in vain. Leave off play ! you are a fool at it. 'Tis not quite so bad as Affligio ; nor are you so cer- tain to lose with him, but you are as certain not to win of Price ; and Lord INIarch I cannot think advises that. Ever yours, dear Selwyn, most affectionately, Holland. P.S. What will Lord G. Sackvillc be ? — Paymas- ter? If Lord Temple or Pitt, or the old Witch of Blomesbury had died some time ago, it had been something ; but there is no use in the 1). of Bol- * At the time when Lord Holland was writing this letter the celebrated Rockingham administration was forming; and the fol- lowing day it was known that Marshal Conway, the bosom friend of Horace Walpole, was appointed one of the Secretaries of State. The circumstance of his friend's advancement is dwelt upon by Walpole with great elation in his letters. 882 GILLY WILLIAMS ton's shooting himself:* it brings Perry to one's inind. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. White's, Julj 10. [1765.] MY DEAR GEORGE, The event of the day is, that the King declared to his ministers that he had no further occasion for their services, but had sent for Mr. Pitt, who was to have full powers to form that which he thought ca- pable of carrying on the government. This, Lord Rockingham promulgated at his levee. This has set every chair and chariot in town in motion, and has sto])ped Jack Shelley f and Lord Coventry from their Paris expedition. I was never more angry with this great man's ^ gout than at present. He will be so long on the road, that we shall be weary of asking questions, and hearing for answer from Willis that nothing has triinspired. He is to have full powers, and, as * Charles, fifth Duke of Bolton. He committed suicide on the 5th of this month, by shooting himself through the head. The ball entered the right ear, came out at the upper part of the left side of the head, and was found in his nightcap. An inquest was held on his body at the King's Arms Taveini in Bond Street, and, on the evidence of his physician, the Jury returned a verdict of lunacy. -f See ante, June 18, 1763. :j: Mr Pitt. He declined becoming a member of the new ad- ministration. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 383 dictator, may take his administration either from AVhite's, Ahiiack's, or Betty's. Tlie next article of my journal is, that Lady Townshend was robbed yesterday of five hundred and fifty pounds in bank notes. She kept them in the drawer of a little table, and in a room to which nobody had access but Molly, the niece of Dorcas, and her upper footman, who used to pay her bills, and by that means knew where she kept her money. It seems these two have kept up a constant corres- pondence with Draper, her old thief,* who lives now in Ireland, and to whom, without the least doubt, they have remitted the money. You would like the house at this instant better than ever ; JNIetho- dists, constables, Fieldings, turnkeys, &c., &c. She sleeps with one of Fielding's men in the next room. Horace Walpole has been called to the council, to apjdy to Lord Hertford for a melius inquirendum in Ireland after this Draper, who lives with a Mr. Burke. He says he is glad of this edaircissemenU as it will deliver all those he wished well to out of a very disagreeable state of servitude ; and, indeed, he has all along been in that respect very consistent. I am afraid Lady Holland's old friend continues in his tergiversations, for no longer ago than last night, vide avuncidum nostrum intranicm istuin locum., vul(/o dictum St. James's Park, hord instante decimd : proh pudor, iuversique mores! I write this to ])er- * Scf ante, p. ;].3;3. 384 LADY ANNE COVENTRY plex Lord Grantham,* who may probably open the letter. I found him with my lady at Whitehall to-day. He w^as desired to do nothing less than to open every letter that was left at Lombard-street, to detect Draper and all his correspondents. We have not your foresight, for we know neither the date nor number of the notes they have stolen. LADY ANNE COVENTRY TO GEORGE SELWYN. [The writer of this letter had only recently com- pleted her eighth year.] Brighthelmstone, 13 Juillet, 1765. MONSIEUR, Nous vous sommes infiniment obligee, ma soeur et moi, du present que vous avez eu la bont^ de nous envoyer. Nous esperons que vous tiendrez la promesse que vous nous avez faite de nous venir voir ici. Nous avons une chambre a votre service. Nous nous portons fort bien, en attendant le plaisir de vous voir. Jai celui de me dire. Monsieur, votre tres humble, Anne Coventry. [The deep interest conceived by Selwyn in the offspring of his deceased friend, the beautiful * Thomas, first Baron Grantham, who is better known in history as Sir Thomas Robinson, had recently been appointed one of the Postmasters-General. He died September 30, 1770, after a long life, the greater part of which was employed in the public service. TO GEORGE SEL\N^'N. 385 Countess, induces the editor to transcribe another brief epistle from the pen of his young favourite, which seems to have been preserved by him as aifording evidence of her amiable disposition : — March 4, 1770. MY DEAR NURSE, This is the only opportunity I have of writing you a line to let you know we are all well. I am sorry that I have not time to write a line to your poor Polly. INIy love to her, and tell her I will not forget her when I grow up : I will remember you likewise, you may depend upon it. I long to see you, but longing will not do. I had not time to write to you that time you went to Mr. Burgess. He told me you were very well. If I can know how you are in two or three days time I shall be con- tented ; so adieu ! I am your ever loving friend, Anne Coventry. To Mrs. Slielton, at the Earl of March's, in Piccadilly, London. [It has already been mentioned, that Lady Anne Coventry married, on the 20th of October 1778, Edward, second son of Thomas Lord Foley, which marriage was dissolved by act of Parliament, in 1787. She subsequently re-married, on the 15th of July 1788, Captain Samuel Wright.] vol.. I. i: c 386 LORD HOLLAND LORD HOLLAND TO GEORGE SELWYN. Kingsgate, July 19, 1765. DEAR SELWYN, Yours of the 12tli was a charming letter, and miofht well excuse you from writinof ao-ain in haste. If being very thankful for it, is being worthy of it, I am. Charles brought your cloths ; you say, if it was the green ? Had you any other at Calais ? It is unlucky I did not know it, if you had, for I could have brought anything, and I shall certainly never go again. I was sick, for the first time, going. It was necessary to come back ; I was not sick ; but when I go again unnecessarily I wish I may. Stephen brought his Prince * to dinner here on Wednesday ; carried him to Dover, and a lucky wind wafted him away next morning. I hope Stephen's news is true, that Williams has a com- pensation. I am heartily glad of it if he has ; and I hope it will comfort you under your concern for the piteous sight you saw at St. James's. You think the King ill advised to quarrel with those who really love him. Mj dear Selwj^n, how can you think that at this time of day ? Pray do not forget the stories told of the former ministers. * Evidently the Prince de Chimee, mentioned in a former letter. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 887 Notwithstanding they deny them, I may perhaps take the liberty to believe some of them. I have not the least suspicion of Charles Price's honesty. He may be as innocent and foolish at play as you are ; and you may win, but then I am told he cannot pay you if you do. As to Lord March, I believe him to be a man of as much honour as any man; but every one who was at Paris lays the playing with Affligio to his door, and I hear his lordship still defends him. God forbid I should suspect any ill design : upon my honour I do not ; but I have no patience with such a travel's as there must be in his way of think- ing, who can doubt of Affligio's being a sharper; and I heartily wish Stephen had never heard it doubted. Now, dear Selwyn, I had better not have said this, and if I had a little of that insincerity, which the Duchess of Bedford told Lord Ophaly* she feared it was impossible to acquit me of, I should not. What, Selwyn, do you think she could mean ? But you are not of a onake to be a confidant there. Adieu ! when you have a minute to write, you can write to nobody who will be more pleased with, or who deserves more any mark of your fiivour. Yours ever, Holland. * George Earl of Offaly, eldest son of James first Duke of Leinster. He died, in the life-time of his father, on the 2Gth of October following. 2 c 2 388 THE EARL OF COVENTRY. THE EARL OF COVENTRY TO GEORGE SELWYN. Crome, 3rd August, 1765. DEAR GEORGE, I HAVE refused so many ajjplications to let the little boy* leave Marybone, that I must beg of you not to ask it. There is no one but Duchess Hamilton [his aunt] has liberty to send for him, and it would be very inconvenient to extend that privilege any farther. This place is burnt uj) to a degree which I never remember before. I am particularly sorry for it, as I expect Lord Lytteltonf here every minute, who you know is an elegans locorum spectator. Ex- cept the usual country visits draw me from hence (and they are absences only of a day) I think I shall reside here till the second week in Septem- ber, and if you should grow weary of town in the course of that time, you will be sure to find Your faithful and obedient, Coventry. * Lord Deerhurst, afterwards seventh Earl of Coventry, now in his eighth year. Many years afterwards he had the misfor- tune to lose his sight by the bursting of a fowling-piece. He died March 26, 1831. f George, first Lord Lyttelton, the author of the " Monody," and of the " History of Henry the Second." He died August 22, 1773. LORD HOLLAND. 389 LORD HOLLAND TO GEORGE SELWYN. Sunday morning, August 4. [1765.] A SCRUPLE in office suspends Lord Digby's kissing bands till Wednesday.* I am sorry for it. When it is done I shall be very happy indeed, and beg you will let those, who will be sorry for it, know how much I am so. The confidence Pitt has in himself, has done more for liim than his parts and eloquence. The excessive self-conceit of Grenville, that could make his writers call him (if he did not write it himself ) the greatest minister this country ever saw, as well as his pride and obstinacy, established him. It did not hurt him that he had a better oj)inion of himself than he, or perhaps anybody else, ever deserved ; on the contrary, it helped him ; but when the fool said upon that, " the King cannot do without me" hoc nocuit. Adieu ! dear Selwyn. Yours ever, Holland. [The celebrated George Grenville, whose cha- racter Lord Holland attacks with so much bitter- ness, had been driven from his post as first minister on the lOtli of the preceding month. How dif- * Henry, seventh Baron Digby in Ireland, was advanced to be a Peer of Great Britain on the 13th of this month. In 1790 he was created Earl Digby, and died December 9.5, 1793. Lord Digby's mother was Charlotte, daughter of Sir Stephen Fox, and consequently he was nephew to Lord Holland. 890 GILLY WILLIAMS ferent from the language in which he is here spoken of, is the fine encomium in wliich Burke has en- shrined his name. " With a masculine understand- ing, a stout and resolute heart, he had an appli- cation undissipated and unwearied. He took public business not as a duty he was to fulfil, but as a plea- sure he was to enjoy; and he seemed to have no delight out of the House, except in such things as someway related to the business that was to be done within it. If he was ambitious, I will say this for him, his ambition was of a noble and generous strain : it was to raise himself, not by the low, pimping politics of a court, but to win his way to power, through the laborious gradations of public service ; and to secure himself a well- earned rank in Parliament, by a thorough know- ledge of its constitution, and a perfect practice in all its business." Mr. Grenville, who rose by suc- cessive gradations from being a junior Lord of the Admiralty to the post of Prime Minister, died November 13, 1770, at the age of fifty-eight. He was second son of Richard Grenville, Esq., and younger brother of Richard, first Earl TemiDle.] GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Tunbridge Wells, August 8th. [1765.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I RECEIVED both your letters this morning, for which I thank you, and liojie I shall never TO GEORGE SEL^TN. 391 be beast eiioiigli to forget what I owe you for the zeal and activity which you express to serve me. Some card must, I think, turn up in one's favour, and as for the people who hold the bank, I remember it is your maxim to win from your enemies, and that makes you never set March at hazard. The next time you see me will be in weepers ; but do not be in a hurry. I have had the mis- fortune to lose my poor brother Greathead. This place is dull and deserted beyond description ; not one woman of fashion or an Irish Dean to keej) up its reputation. Her Grace of Grafton does not appear. Old Pulteney * is the only gallant, and seems to play the part of Volpone, and will starve at his death those whom he has fed with expecta- tion in his life-time. The rains, which autumn generally supplies us M'ith most plentifully, are setting in, and will make the cross-road from this place to Brighthelmstone impassable for a carriage. I jDropose therefore to be in London on Sunday evening, and after I have supplied myself with black apparel, I will set out with you for Brighthelmstone, or any otlier phice that you shall prefer to it ; only remember tliat Tuesday sev'night is the day fixed for the children * General Henry Pulteney, the only brother of the celebrated Lord Bathj and the inheritor of his large fortune. (See .ante, July 10, 17G4.) He died at Bath House, Piccadilly, October 26, 1767, in his eighty-second year. 392 LORD HOLLAND to leave it. Poor Mrs. F. continues much as she was. If there is any alteration I think it is for the worse ; and what with tliis sick house, the alteration of the weather, the times, this place, &c., &c., I could sit in an evening and cry " heigh ho !" between Tom Hervey and Bully; but I flatter myself that Si jnale nunc, et olim non sic erit. I feel myself as pedantic as Draper * in a pamphlet. Let us sup together, my dear George, on Sunday night, till when, adieu ! LORD HOLLAND TO GEORGE SELWYN. Kingsgate, August 16, 1765. DEAR SELWYN, Lord Digby is a peer, and I am perfectly content. Stephen Digby f I place as you do, and Lord Hillsborough:}: cannot be placed to my account : Lord Halifax brought him in, in 1763. He was * Sir William Draper, chiefly celebrated for his unlucky con- troversy with Junius in defence of the Marquis of Granby. He died at Bath January 8, 1787. t A younger brother of Lord Digby, and a colonel in the army. He afterwards married, on the 1st October, 1771> Lady Lucy Strangways Fox, youngest daughter of Stephen Earl of llchester, elder brother of Lord Holland. :j: Wills Hill, second Viscount Hillsborough in L-eland, had been raised to the peerage of England by the title of Baron Harwich in Essex, on the 20th of November 1756. Lord Holland alludes to his having been appointed First Commissioner of Trade and Plantations in September 1763. On the TO GEORGE SELWYN. 893 very well with the last ministry ; too wise to be of their opinion, and they had been wiser had they consulted him ; but in a political inquisition he could not be found under my name, though he loves me, and I love him very well. I am under sincere concern for his dear Countess,* whom I give over, and I fear with great reason. She will be as great a loss to him as any man ever met with ; and I am sorry he has not his place, if that might, by employing him, have at all diverted his thoughts from a melancholy that will sit heavy on him, and is no small weight on my spirits. If you could say any thing certain concerning the Duchess of Queensberry,f it were more than any other body could. I did not tell you what Sir James Lowther said as certain ; but, to be sure, Lord March knows what is in his way, if there is any thing, and how to remove it. Charles was come away before he received my letter. In one of yours you say stories were told of the late ministry's behaviour to the King, which 20th of January 1768 he was appointed Secretary of State for the Colonies, which post he retained till August 1772, when, on his retirement, the King advanced him to the Earl- dom of Hillsborough. * Margaretta, only surviving daughter of Robert Earl of Kildare, and sister of James first Duke of Leinster. She sur- vived the date of Lord Holland's letter about five months, expiring at Naples on the 15th of January, 1776, in her thirty- eighth year. f See ante, 30 March, 1745. 394 LORD HOLLAND exceeded all belief, and were as strongly denied as they were asserted. Now, my dear Selwyn, furnish me with some of those stories that exceed belief, to entertain Sandwich, who still says he will come here. I don't know Lord Rockingham,* but if he says he intends something for Williams, has he learnt so much of the D. of N. that it can be doubtful?! I wish the Duke of Grafton may be in the right, for whatever regard is paid to me and my friends I shall be glad to receive and return. What looks best like it, is Ellis; unless, perhaps, that was the Duke of Cumberland's doing. Was it so, and will he have a Vice-Treasurership of Ire- land ? We are very glad Grenville is taken some care * Charles, second Marquis of Rockingham, distinguished by his upright conduct as a statesman and his amiable qualities in private life, was born on the 13th of May 1730. On the 10th of this month he had been appointed to the post of First Lord of the Treasury, in the room of George Grenville. This post, however, he found it impracticable to retain without the support of Mr. Pitt, and accordingly he resigned the premier- ship on the 1st of August, 1766. On the resignation of Lord North, in March 1782, he was again advanced to the chief direction of affairs, and died in office on the 1st of July fol- lowing. f Alluding to the celebrated minister the Duke of Newcastle, whose promises were little to be relied upon. Sir Robert Walpole said of him, "his name is Perfidy;" and his col- league Lord Chatham designated him in still plainer terms, " a very great liar." The Duke died on the 17th of November, 1768, at the age of seventy-five, having filled successive situa- tions, either in the Court or State, for a period amounting to forty-six years. TO GEORGE SELWYN. 395 of. Do you know Gordon, who by this means is, 1 suppose, upon the pavef Madame de INIasseran is to breakfast at Holland House when Lady Hol- land returns. She desires to know if she must necessarily ask JMonsieur de Seillern. I think of Pitt as you do : it is well for him there are so many Hume-Campbells.* When you say you could not come with Madame Bentheim, but will take some other opportunity, have you really any such design? Indeed you will be more than welcome. I have not yet, from what has been done, been able to judge who are ministers. If I knew, I would wish they would shew their regard to me by doing something clever for you. You can't get any thing for me, I believe ; else I give you leave to sell me for a small favour to yourself. Tell Lord Bolingbroke to take Jupiter's advice : — Follow, and you '11 see her soon appeased ; For I, who made her, know her inmost state ; No woman, once well pleased, can truly hate. She has been well pleased, I hope : let him follow, court, and prevail M'itli her to be so again.f * Hugh Hume- Campbell, third Earl of Marchmont (one of the representative peers of Scotland, and Lord Keeper of the Great Seal in that country), and his twin brother, Hume Campbell. They were possessed of no mean talents, resembled each other closely in their characters and disposition, and were so alike in their persons that it was difficult to distinguish one from the other. \ This was written in the early stages of the niatriniouial di (Terences between Lord and Lady Bolingbroke, which led to their separation and subseciuent divorce. 396 GILLY WILLIAMS I need not leave it them, dear Selwyn, — I have given my children a great love for you in my life- time ; and yet I assure you I have enough left to last me abundantly as long as I live. Yours ever, Holland. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Ashburnham, 19 August, [1765.] MY DEAR GEORGE, I WILL venture to return you thanks for your two letters, though it is possible my directing them to Matson may make you not receive them so soon as I could wish. You seem to me, in the first page of one of your letters, to be talking in your sleep ; but, after all, you must take me with all my faults, since I promise to love you with all yours. Varey and I shall leave this place on Monday next, and indeed with regret ; for I do not recollect I ever passed an August month more to my satisfaction. It is literally living on the fat, and with the fat of the land ; and the deep ruts in the park, made by frequent airings, prove that we, the inhabitants, thrive by our delicious viands. Why do not you speak out as to Lord Gower? Is he to come in or not?* I'll never believe it till I read it in * Granville, second Earl Gower, had resigned his post of Loi'd Chamberlain on the removal of the Grenville adminis- TO GEORGE SELWYN. 397 the Gazette, and look upon it as thrown out only to amuse. If you had said the E. of Northumber- land, I should have attended to you. Pray send me word to Brighthelmstone how Bell and Harris* do, not forgetting the old woman and Renaud.f By all accounts, Lord Holland will not live to reach his destination ; and so far from o-oino* to Naples, you will not even go to Lyons. No, you will be lingering about till the Newmarket week in October, and then say it is the pleasantest season to go there. From thence you will proceed to Naylors, after supping in three or four of the common rooms in Cambridge. I shall expect to see your autumnal face when I return from the sea, and nobody will be more glad to do so than Yours ever, &c. 6cc. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Brighthelmstone, August 22. Nothing, my dear George, could surj^rise me more than the letter you enclosed, and I am cer- tainly at a loss to know what step should be taken tration in July, and remained without office till December 1707, when he was appointed President of the Council. * Alderman Harris of Gloucester, a great favourite with Selwyn and his friends. See ante, 14 November, 1751. f Selwyn's housekeeper at Matson, 398 GILLY WILLIAMS about it. If Charles* should think we are joking with his patronage and protection, he will give us his Grace of Bolton's opposition in the shape of cold water. The worst of all is, that people who are very apt to laugh, are never imagined to be serious ; and I am afraid the ridiculous part of the request will be laid altogether to our door. Would an explanatory letter to him be prof)er ? God send that this accident, which at another time would have infinitely diverted us, may not be attended with some untoward circumstances. I am deter- mined, for the future, that not only my conversa- tion, but my correspondence, shall be yea, yea, or nay, nay. I found your stick this morning, which shall be conveyed to you by the first safe hand that goes from hence. Lascelles, the Yorkshire member, landed yesterday in the packet from Dieppe, and has brought the prettiest watch for Lady Coventry I ever saw. It has all the taste and eleo-ance which Dulac and others say our friend the Earl is so remarkable for. I think, about autumn, we must be toad-eaters enough to swear to this, or to any thing else that liis chaplains advance. Lascelles made me laugh by telling me he had brought over some manuscripts which treat of the longitude : they are to be delivered to you, and * The celebrated Charles Townshend. (See ante, 23 Jan. 1748.) He had recently been appointed Paymaster-General and Chancellor of the Exchequer. TO GEORGE SEL^^TN. 399 you are desired to explain tliem properly to the commissioners appointed by Parliament for issuing the reward. I don't think they can make you a mathematician but by the same degrees the mock doctor was made. Fanshawe set out this morning. He will arrive in London the very quintessence of wheatears ; for he has eat nothing else for this week past, and it is feared he has destroyed the species. You may tell JMarch that Fanny P[elham]* was much disappointed that her old friend did not come with us. She has not been in humour since ; but by the breadth of her hat, and the depth of her cap, she contrives to shew no more of her face than of . Pray send me word what you in- tend to do as to our fat friend. I wish heartily we had both what we want ; but I am so much like Charles Vernon, and the rest of the world, that I would willingly be served first. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Brighthelmstone, Friday morning, Seven o'clock. MY DEAR GEORGE, You deserve my best thanks for thinking of me so much, ^and being such an excellent corres- pondent. * Sister of the celebrated minister Henry Pelhani, and niece of the Duke of Newcastle. See ante, 22 August, 1703. 400 GILLY WILLIAMS I have sent your stick by Mr. Lascelles this morning-, and could not let him go without joining a letter of mine with those manuscripts of the French mathematician, which I hope will deserve your patronage. As to Lord Fortescue, I thought he had neither parts nor spirits to go out of the suicide door.* Bully's being so curious an in- quirer looks remarkable. I remember a man seeing a military execution in Hyde Park,f and when it was over, he turned about and said, " By G — I thought there was more in it !" He shot himself the next morning ! Now as to Charles [Townshend], if he comes, which I a little suspect ; and if, after you have told him the state of his recommendation, you think my appearance necessary, I will be up in twelve hours. For God's sake, take pains in the explana- tion of our Welch friend's request, and do not let him imagine we have even a smile upon our faces. Could not .my lady [Townshend] be of use ? She has made me the most friendly offers. Could not we make Harcourt write to her? If Lord Rock- ingham should be at York races during Charles's coming, we should be much out of luck. * This passage requires some elucidation, which the editor is unable to aflFord. The Lord Fortescue, who must be here alluded to, was Matthew, second Baron Fortescue, who suc- ceeded to the title on the 2nd of May, 1751, and died on the lOth of July, 1785. t The scene of military executions was within the railings of Hyde Park, close to Cumberland gate. THE DUKE OF RICHMOND. 401 The bearer of this is at this instant giving such a description of his life at Paris, and his tour after it, that would divert you beyond imagination. How- ever, he is this instant getting into his chaise, so, my dear friend, adieu. THE DUKE OF RICHMOND TO GEORGE SELWYN. [Charles, third Duke of Richmond, had recently been appointed Ambassador Extraordinary to the Court of France. In JNIay 1766 he was appointed one of the Secretaries of State; in 1783 Master of the Ordnance ; and in 1796 was advanced to be a Field Marshal. The Duke, who was distinguished by his noble encouragement of the fine arts, died December 29, 1806, in his seventy-second year.] Whitehall, Saturday Morning, Aug. 24, 1765. MY dear sir. As I presume your friend the Baron d'Olbach only wants me to carry to France for him his libels, b — y and irreligious books, T take it for granted they will not take up much room. If therefore the box is not too large, I shall with pleasure obey your commands. I am, my dear Sir, ever yours most sincerely, Richmond and L. P. S. Let him send the box to my house at Whitehall. VOL. I. - J» 402 GILLY WILLIAMS THE EARL OF COVENTRY TO GEORGE SELWYN. Croome, Aug. 26, 1765. MY DEAR GEORGE, I SUPPOSE 1 am oblig-ed to you for the letter I had from Lord IMarch this morning, oifering to take my waiting the first of next month, in exchange of his own, which is not till the 29th. I have accepted it with thanks, and have signified as much to the Earl by this night's post, yet as letters sometimes miscarry, and the occasion is important, I wish you would repeat to him that his proposal is most agreeal^le to me, and that I shall depend upon him, as he may upon yours, very sincerely, Coventry. P. S. I shall not trust you in a post-chaise with Nanny a year or two hence. GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Brighthelmstone, Friday Night. MY DEAR GEORGE, I HOPE this finds you safely returned from Woburn, where I doubt ]\Iarch's perseverance to stay longer than a day or two at furthest. You have said and done everything' so much as I wished, that I do not think a London journey necessary. I have wrote to Charles to thank him, and mentioned in my letter all that a week's conversation could have informed liim of. I am not apt to be very TO GEORGE SELWYN. 403 sanguine in these matters, but I think, in this instance, my patron seems so much in earnest, that nothing is surer than the success of his negotiation. I am entirely of your way of thinking, that was I so unlike a beggar as to have my choice, I should wish not to be continued in my old office, lest I should be giving my friends so much trouble, in the future ministerial vicissitudes, that iu the end they should be heartily tired of me. No lover was ever more impatient to hear of his mistress, than I am of Lord Rockingham's return. The rapidity of one conversation of Charles's would do me more good than an epistle twice as long as old Bell's. Let me know in your next whether you hold your resolution of setting out for Matson on Sunday the 8th. I shall have completed my watering by the Sunday following, and in three days after that I will eat a carp with you cheek by jowl with Alderman Harris. I do not go to Ashlmrnham. I had a letter from him yesterday, in which he desires me to take him a house in this place, where he is to come next week, in order, I believe, to bathe his Countess. They succeed Pembroke* in his lodgings, and will add much to my amusement. I shall prefer his cook to Shergold's, iu which de- cision T am sure of Willis's vote. * Henry tenth Earl of Pembroke, afterwards a general in the army, was born in 1734. In 1756 he marriea- nied by one from Cadogan, who tells me you dined witli him, and was covered with Raton's* hairs. I hope the Countess owns you have done justice to him, for, in fact, you have thought of nothing but that little son of a b since you saw her last. I told Nanny what you have brought for her, though by the by she does not deserve it, for, from the want of all restraint and contradiction, she grows so intolerably passionate, that I wish one time or other she does not hurt her sister. She constantly throws the cards in her face, if she is not perfectly satisfied with her hand, as if she was the daughter of the Bishop of London. AVe escaped the Dukes of York and Gloucester by one week. We are told they passed by Mother Ilolman's in their way to Lord Plymouth's. If they come here, which is in the chapter of accidents, the party will be as entertaining as anything of that sort can be. Your d d Dumpy lost us Bunny's company last Sunday. lie ran away from the public day, though black Brookes Mas the oidy person mIio graced it. I am heartily glad * George Selwyn's dog, apparently a gift IVnm Lady Coventry. 412 GILLY WILLIAMS. you met with my friend Lord Tliomond. A laugli now and then does infinite good, and takes away any humour tliat is apt to breed with phlegm and disappointment. The success of my Padrone Charles [Townshend] pleases me. The old cat will leave him so im- mensely rich, that I hope it will give his requests the weight of commands. What says my Lady to this accession of wealth ? I suppose she has swelled it to a royal appanage. I am much obliged to you for the cloak; it comes most opportunely, as the weather seems to call for it. If fortune should bring you again into this part of the world, we might return to town through Bath, and make our bows to the Duchess of Bedford. Has Horry wrote ? You do not know how popular he is. Will they not be surprised in France to find all our wits without s ? * My best compliments to Lord March. Adieu. THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. Wednesday morning, 6 o'clock. MY DEAR GEORGE, I AiAi just preparing to conduct the poor little Tondino to Dover, and as I shall hardly be able to write to you there, I shall endeavour to say two or three words to you while she is getting * Horace Walpole set out for Paris at the beginning of Sep- tember, THE EARL OF MARCH. 413 ready. I am sure you will bo good to her, for I know you love me ; and I can desire nothing of you that I shall feel so sensibly as your notice of her. She will tell you all my intentions, and I shall write to you when I am more composed. My heart is so full that I can neither think, speak, nor write. How I shall be able to part with her, or bear to come back to this house, I do not know. The sound of her voice fills my eyes with fresh tears. My dear George, J'ai le caeiir si serve que je ne suis hon (i present qua plcurer. Farewell ! I hear her coming, and this is perhaps the last time I shall see her here. Take all the care you can of her. Je la recom- mende a vous, my best and only real friend. Fare- well ! farewell ! What she will tell you is really what I intend. THE EARL OF MARCH TO GEORGE SELWYN. White's, Friday night, post time. MY DEAR GEORGE, I HAVE this moment received your letter from Newark. I wrote to you last night, but I quite forgot Raton. I have not had liim to sec me to- day, having been the whole morning in the city with Lady II., but I have sent to your niaii' Bully ! Though I cannot pity him, yet T think * A treatise entitled " Advice to a Daughter," by (Jeorpo Savile, Marquis of Halifax, the distinguished statesman of tin- reign of Charles the Second. f See ante, ^rd July, 174-.5. 41 G GILLY WILLIAMS he should in all his practice know so much of the human heart as to despair of retrieving it when once it is alienated and otherwise engaged. With what he offers, she will have less than the Rena,* and you may propose an apartment next to the widow Harris at Matson. We have returned our visits these last moon- light nights. The dinner at Sir R. Wrottesley's f was not a bad one. That jumble between leather and prunella would have entertained you. The maid of honour :j: is at Blenheim, and I suppose e secretis in this paper controversy ; and as she is retained for the house of Trentham,^ she breathes not peace. You would have pitied Lady ]\Iary. Sick, and as like Taaffe as it is possible, though at the same time well-bred, and in every action discovering a superiority to the savages she was en- compassed with. The Bishop was as usual all sketch and outline in his discourse ; said you lost a great opi^ortunity of not appearing with your sword-bearer before H. R. H. ; and Mrs. Johnson, with a wriggle and grimace, looked as at your name as Mrs. Villiers or Brenton would have done. * This refers, apparently, to the allowance given to the Rena by Lord March, on her ceasing to be under his protection. f The Rev. Sir Richard Wrottesley, Bart., Dean of Worces- ter, was born in 1711. He married Lady Mary Gower, daugh- ter of John, first Earl Gower, and died 1769. X Miss Wrottesley. See ante, 19th October, 17(54. § The seat of Lord Gower in Staffordshire. TO GEORGE SEL^^TN. 417 AVliat do you mean by saying you will come back to Crome, and go to town through Bath? If you really mean it, I will be of that party A\ith all my heart, and will not fix upon any plan till I hear further from you. I like our hostess * better and better every hour I am with her ; indeed she is the very best thing in petticoats I ever saw in my life. If you can leave JNIarch, &c. &c., we shall still have a tolerable fortnight together be- fore we meet in that d — d scene of confusion, which everybody declares London will be for the next six months. Adieu ! GILLY WILLIAMS TO GEORGE SELWYN. Crome, Nov. 2. [1765.] MY DEAR GEORGE, You are certainly the very worst corre- spondent that ever wrote from London to his friend in the country. If T had not received other ad- vices, we should have heard nothing of that very material event that happened in Grosvenor Street on Thursday evening.f I hope, in your next, that you will be explicit as to the consequences that are likely to ensue from it; how it will afloct ad- ministration in general, and how i)articuiar parts * Lady Coventry. f The death of the Duke of Cumberhuid. lie expired at his house in Upper Grosvenor Street on tlii' .ilst of October. VOL. I. - ^' 418 GILLY WILLIAMS. of it You know we are miserable politicians in this house. Sir J. Peachey himself, or Harris of Gloucester, never heard of things later, or deduced worse reasonings from state premises. I do not like to hear that you set out for Bath with Bully. I fear I shall have scarce spirits enough to cross the country with these winter blasts in one's teeth by myself; but I shall wait for Monday's post before I come to any deter- mination on that subject. This family will stay till the last week in this month. The little Wrot- tesley, as I told you, comes either Monday or Tuesday. You may be safely trusted in the next room to her, for I do not believe you would quit Raton's bells for any other avocation whatever. Mother Holcombe is sitting by me, and inquiring what you did at Newmarket. I have told her that you have acquired immense sums at play, but have squandered them upon women. She replies it is well it is no worse. I hope your conference with Lord Rockingham will fully answer your pur- pose. Adieu ! END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. London : Printed by S. & J. Bentley, Wilson, and Fley. 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