. JOS. F. BALUTA, B. A. PRACTICAL HANDBOOK OF THE POLISH LANGUAGE CONTAINING: THE ALPHABET-PRONUNCIATION FLUENCY EXERCISES -RULES OP GRAMMAR VARIOUS CONVERSATIONS COMPREHENSIVE VOCABULARY OF WORDS IN DAILY USE NEW YORK POLISH BOOK IMPORTING CO., INC. Copyright, 1915 By The Polish Book Importing: Co., Inc. PREFACE. The fact that there is quite a demand fofr a prac- tical book of the Polish language, has induced the author to prepare the present volume. There are some three million Poles in the United States. They may be found in all walks of life. Many of them speak English, but a great number do not. Per- sons dealing with the latter experience difficulty in making themselves understood. The design of the present volume is to furnish for the use of English- speaking people a handy means for putting them- selves in communication with their Polish fellow- citizens* With the help of this manual the author hope? it will be possible to issue necessary instruc- tions to workmen, servants, etc., to carry on buy- ing and selling transactions, and also to carry on simple conversations on such matters as health, time, weather, war, etc. The bo'ok is divided into five parts. The first part deals with the alphabet and the rules for ac- cent. The attempt has been made to represent each sound as truly and phonetically as possible in En- glish . All use of diacritical marks has been avoided for the sake of simplicity. The greatest difficulty will be experienced in establishing the correct pro- nunciation of the nasal vowels a, , the consonants ii, 1, r, z, and the compound consonants cz, dz, dz, sz, rz;, and szcz. This difficulty may be somewhat over- come by asking a native Pole to produce the sounds slowly and then carefully imitating him. 328358 iv The secodid part deals with the so-called Fluency Exercises. The scheme is explained in detail in the introduction to the series . The author believes that a complete and thorough mastery of this section will help the learner to establish a correct pronuncia- tion and accent of Polish words, and at the same time acquaint him with some of the grammar in a practical way. Grammar is the subject of the next division. Here no attempt has been made to give an exhaust- ive treatise on Polish grammar, but rather some condensed information about the principal points of it. This part may be well used in conjunction with the Fluency Exercises. Perhaps the most useful section of the manual may be found in the fourth part. A glance at the table of contents will shcftv the number of practical phrases and conversations which have been em- bodied here. Care has been exercised to include nothing but practical subjects. The language used is the language of everyday life. It is true that all the possible subjects were not included, the limits of the book did not permit of that, yet there will be found here entfugh material to meet all ordinary occasions . The vocabulary at the end of the book contains a comprehensive list of words in daily use. J. F. B. Brooklyn, N. Y., January, 1915. CONTENTS. Part I. The Alphabet pp. 2-10 A few Cautions p. 10 Rules for Accent p. 11 Example for Pronunciation p. 12 Part II. Fluency Exercises, Description of > p. 14 Sentences 1 to 10 pp. 16-68 Part III. Grammar, Noun p. 66 Pronoun p. 76 Adjective p. 80 Adverb p. 87 Preposition p. 88 Verb p. 92 Concerning Family Names p. 106 Part IV. Common Phrases and Practical Conversations: Simple expressions p. 107 To ask and to answer p. 108 To offer p. 109 To ask p. 110 To grant p. 110 To refuse, to excuse oneself p. 110 To give and receive thanks p. Ill To consult, deliberate, decide p. Ill To affirm p. 112 To deny p. 112 Probability p. 113 Doubt, surprise, admiration p. 113 Contentment, joy p. 114 vi Affliction p. 114 Anger, reproaches p. 114 Greeting, taking leave p. 115 Time, Days, Months, Seasons, Holidays p. 117 The Weather p. 122 Breakfast, Dinner, Supper p. 124 Buying and Selling, Consulting, At the Bakery p. 126 " " Barber Shop p. 127 " " Book Store p. 128 " " Butcher's, Fish Store p. 133 " " Cigar Store p. 135 " " Clothing Store p. 189 " " Doctor's p. 136 " " Dressmaker's p. 145 " " Druggist's p. 150 " " Dry Goods Store p. 172 " " Fish Store, Butcher's p. 133 " " Fruit Store, Grocery ...p. 156 " " Furniture Dealer's p. 153 " " Grocery, Fruit Store p. 156 " " Hardware Store p. 161 " " Jewelry Store, Watchmaker's p. 191 " " Lawyer's p. 163 " " Milliner's p. 170 " " Restaurant p. 177 " " Stationary Store p. 180 " " Shoemaker's, Shoe Store p. 183 " " Tailor's p. 186 " " Watchmaker's, Jewelry Store p. 191 At the Barge Office p. 194 In the Car, Street p. 199 At the Court p. 200 At the Custom House p. 203 " " Immigration Bureau p. 194 " " Labor Bureau p. 205 " " Library, Public p. 206 vii At the Post Office p. 208 " " Railway Station p. 209 " " Renting Rooms, Flats, Apartments p. 211 " " Telegraph Office p. 215 " " Telephone p. 216 Engaging a Servant p. 216 Washerwoman, Servant p. 218 Directions to Servants p. 223 Cleaning a Room, Putting a Room in Order p. 228 Looking for Work p. 229 At the Office p. 232 In the Shop, Machinist, directions to, tools, etc p. 234 Carpenter, directions to, tools, etc p. 240 Mining, tools, etc p. 243 Railroad Hand p. 249 The Day Laborer p. 252 The Farm Hand p. 254 War Express'ons p. 257 Various Signs, pub ic and other p. 261 The Numbers p. 264 Part V. Vocabulary p. 269 The Alphabet PART I. THE ALPHABET ALFABET (AHL-FAH'BET) NOTE: In the pronunciation column ah = a in father; eh = e in met; ih = i in pin; aw aw in law; oh = o in hole; oo oo in pool; gh = g in good; final ly = ly in quickly; an apostrophe ['] shows (a) a slight suspension; as, z'daw'moo, or (b) that the letter or syllable following the apostrophe is Letters Polish Name Polish Word Pronunciation A, a Ah jajo yah'yaw Europa Eh-oo-raw'pah A, 9 Owng ksia.dz kshowndz sk^piec skown'p'yets B, b Beh ryba rih'bah brat braht C, c Tseh CO? tsaw? ciasto chahs'taw e, 6 Cheh cma chmah dbac dbahtch D, d Deh dno dnaw dolina daw-lee'nah E, e Eh koniec kaw'n'yets ser sehr E, e Ehng me,stwo men'stvaw me.ty men'ty F,f Eff figa fee'gah firanka fee-rahn'kah G, g G'yeK ges ghensh noga naw'gah H, h Hah herbata hair-bah'tah hak hahk PART I. THE ALPHABET ALFABET (AHL-FAH'BET) to be separately pronounced but not detached from the rest of the word; as, zboj, pronounced zboo'ee zbooy. All other combinations of letters to be pronounced as in English; as, raj righ, mej may. Translation egg Europe priest miser fish brother what? dough moth to mind, to care bottom valley end cheese manliness lees fig curtain goose leg tea hook Rules and Exceptions The Polish A, a is always pronounced as in the English words father, arm Nasal, very much like ong in song and tongue without the final g- sound. Like French on in the wori bon B, b sounds like the English b Like ts in the word hats; before i like ch in chair Like ch in chin and chew As in English Always like e in bet and met Nasal, very much like ang in the word hang, without the final g- sound. Like ain in the French word pain As in English Always like g in leg As in English; never silent 4 Letters Polish Name Polish Word Pronunciation I, i Ee izba eez'bah indyk een'dick J, J Yaw'tah jagoda yah-gaw'dah jak yahk K, k Kah kapusta kah-poo'stah kolano kaw-lah'naw L, 1 Ell lampa lahm'pah list leest L, 1 Ell lawka lahv'kah wolac vaw'latch M, m Emm makaron mah-kah'rawn marka mahr'kah N, n Enn nos nawss nici n'yee'chee tf,n En'yeh (Second sylla- kamien tancowac kah'm'yen tahn-tsaw'- ble hardly vahtch audible) 0, o Awe noga naw'gah oko aw'kaw 0,6 Awe krehs- stol stool kaw-vah'neh, lod lood or Oo P, P Pen placek plah'tseck Q, q Coo vi Translation room turkey-cock berry how cabbage knee lamp letter, epistle bench to call macaroni postage-stamp nose thread stone to dance leg eye table ice cake Rules and Exceptions Like ee in bee; never like i in fire, or i in fish J, j always like y in yes; never like j in English jaw, juice, etc. K always sounds as in king; it is nev- er mute as in knee, knowledge, etc. More liquid than English 1; nearest approach is 11 in billiards and mill- ion; is never mute as in would, talk, etc; is made by contact of the tip of the tongue with the teeth Almost the same as English 1; al- ways sounded; made by contact of the point of the tongue with the palate As in English; never silent As in English; before i like n in new Like n in new or n in canon. Never used before i Like o in order Like oo in cool As in English Like q in question; usually replaced by kw; used only in words of for- eign origin, mostly Latin 6 Letters Polish Name Polish Word Pronunciation R, r Err rak prac rahk prahtch 8, 3 Ess siostra sklep shawss'trah sklehp &, & T, t U, u Esh Teh Oo slina sliwka taca tak ukrop shlee'nah shleef'kah tah'tsah tahk oo / krawp V, v Fah'oo ulica oo-lee'tsah W, w Voo woda vaw'dah X, x Eeks Xavery (now written Ksawery) Ksa-veh'rih Y, y Ip'sy-lawn or Ee'grehk slony slaw'ny Z, z Zeht E$b zima zownb zhee'mah t, i Zhet zlaz zlahzh Translation crab to wash (clothes) sister store, cellar spittle, saliva plum tray yes seething, boiling water street water Xavier salty tooth winter get off Rules and Exceptions More rolling and more audible than the English r. The point of the tongue must vibrate As in English; before i like sh in shirt Like sh in mesh; never foundbeforei As in English Always like oo in tool or cool Like v in vine; usually replaced by w; used only in words of foreign origin, mostly Latin; is not really a part of the Polish alphabet Always like v in vine. Never used as a vowel. X = ks. Sometimes x h; as, Xeres (hair'ess), Spanish wine. Very few Polish words contain this letter. It is invariably found in words of for- eign origin Like y in slowly, or i in pin. If found in words of foreign origin it sounds like y in yes; as, yard (yard), a yard Like z in zone; before i like z in seiz- ure, or in azure Like z in azure. Never used before i. This sound is made between tongue and palate at a place farther back than z g Letters Polish Name Polish Word Pronunciation t, z Zhet zaba zhah'bali Compound Consonants Ch, ch Tseh hah chleb chudy hlep hoo'dy Cz, cz Tseh zeht or Tscheh czas chahss Dz, dz Deh zeht or Dzeh dzwon dziwny dzvawn geev'nih Dz, dz Dz, di Deh zhet or Dzheh Deh zhet or Dzheh sledz drozdze shledge drawzh'jeh Sz, sz Ess zeht mysz mish 1 9 Translation frog Rules and Exceptions is made between tongue and palate at a place still farther back than z made betwfeen tongue and palate (forward) made between tongue and palate (back) made between tongue and palate (farther back) Compound Consonants bread lean time bell curious, odd herring yeast mouse Ch is practically the same as h; is slightly different, has a milder sound. Sounds as in the Scotch loch A very difficult sound; somewhat like English ch, but made farther back. Tongue and palate (far back) C (tseh), c (cheh), cz (tscheh) Like dz in adze; before i like dz (g). (See next consonant) Like j in jump or g in gem A very difficult sound. Made with tongue and palate, but farther back than dz; dz (adze), dz (gem), dz (dzheh) far back Nearest approach is sch in schot- tische. Made with palate and tongue, but farther back than i (sh) 10 Letters Polish Name Polish Word Pronunciation Rz, rz Er zeht wierzy v'yeh'zhih Szcz Ess zeht tseh zeht szczaw szczur shchahv shchoor The alphabet: a, 3, b, c, cz, c, d, dz, dz, dz, e, t, u (the letter 6 has the same Beware of pronouncing: A any other way than a in father; C " " " " ts " hats (except before i, when it is pronounced like ch in chin) ; G any other way than g in go ; I " " " " ee " see, or i in machine; W " " " " v " vale. Beware of suppressing, in the pronunciation of words, the letters k, 1 and w, which are sometimes mute in English (knowledge, folk, who) . To establish the correct pronunciation of the difficult letters a, , 1, n, r, z, cz, dz, dz, sz, rz and szcz it would be best to imitate them from a Pole. 11 Translation Rules and Exceptions he believes sorrel rat Nearest approach is z in azure. Made by tongue and palate, but a way back Z (z), z (zh), z (zh), rz (zh) = z Combination of sz and cz; pronounced in succession f, g, h, ch, i, j, k, t, 1, m, n, n, o, p, r, s, sz, s, sound as u), w, y, z, z ( rz), z. Rules for the Accent. I. In words of more than one syllable the stress almost always falls upon the syllable before the last, the penult; as, wo'da, pis'mo, wyli'cz^ac. II. The accent falls upon the antepenult, or the third syllable from the end, of most words borrowed from other languages and naturalized; as, arytme'- tyka, mu'zyka. III. In words combined with and enclitic a word which loses its own accent and is pronounced as if it were a part of the preceding word the accent falls upoli the third syllabi^ from the end ; as, ro'bil- bym, robi'lismy. This rule need not be observed too strictly. IV. When the enclitic has two syllables, the ac- cent falls upon the fourth syllable from the end; as, jsze'libysmy, powiedzie'libyscie . V. The last component part of a compound ward 12 usually receives the accent; as, Bialystok', pdzi- wiatr'. Example for Pronunciation. Jesli bieg Yesh'lee b'yeg When the course wypadkow vih-pahd'koof of events dziejowych jeh-yaw'vih'h historical zmusi zmoo'shee compels jaki yah'kee some narod nah'root nation do daw to zerwania z^er-vah'n'yah dissolve wzlow politycznych ven-zloof paw-lee-titch'nih'h the bonds political lacz^cych go lone-chone-tsih'h gaw connecting it z innym narodem i do zaj^cia zeen'nim nah-raw'dem ee daw z,ah-yen'chah with another nation and to assume pasrod mocarstw swiata odrbne- paw'shood maw'tsahrstf shv'yah'tah awd-remb-neh'- among the powers of the earth the sepa- go stanowiska na rowni z innemi, gaw stah-naw-vees'kah nah roov'n'y^e zeen-neh'rnee, rate position on a plane with others, stanowiska do ktorego upowaz- stah-naw-vees'kah daw ktoo-reh'gaw oo-paw-vahzh'- a position to which entitle go prawa przyrodzone i gaw prah'vah pshi-raw-dzaw'i\eh ee it the laws natural (of nature) and n'yah-yoh 13 Boze szacunek nalezny rodza- Baw'zheh shah-tsoo'nek nah-lezh'nih raw-dzah- of God a respect decent jowi ludzkiemu nakazuje mu yaw'vee loots-k'yeh'moo nah-kah-zoo'yeh moo to* mankind requires it przedstawic i wyjasnic swiatu pshed-stah'veetch ee vih-yahsh'n'y^^tch shv'yah'too to declare and explain to the world powody jakie go sklaniaj^ do paw-vaw'dy yak'y'eh gaw sklah-nyah'yoh daw the causes which it impel to podobnego kroku. paw-dawbneh'gaw kraw'koo . such a step. 14 PART II. Fluency Exercises. The Fluency Exercises are employed here co develop the power of using the idomatic forms of the language as fluently and promptly as those of the mother-tongue. This scheme requires that long idiomatic s^en- tences shall be divided into very short sections, and shall be accompanied by their Variations in both languages . The beginner is to commit the sentences and their variations very thoroughly to memory. The foreign variations exhibit the constructions which are lying latent in each sentence. The English variations are designed to convey the exact power of each of the foreign variations, and to show the different senses in which the in- dividual foreign words and combinations can be em- ployed . The variations of each lesson are to be mastered before a new one is undertaken. The slightest hes- itation in the use of a w r ord in any of the variations, absolutely disqualifies the learner from advancing to a new lesson. Every sentence, with its variations, will be found to exemplify some of the rules of syntax, and to contain many inflections; and it will not require a great number of sentences to incorporate them all Method of Procedure. 1st Lesson: The learner should begin by utter- ing the last two words in Section L, then the last three, and so on. When he can utter the whole com- 15 bination he should repeat it loudly and in rapid succession for a short while. Then he should read the literal translation and all the Polish variations of the first section. 2nd Lesson: Section I. and all its variations should to be read in irregular succession a number of times. Then the pupil should alternately read the Polish and translate the English variations one by one. He should also point out, on the English page, each variation as he utters it. During this exercise, he is not to read each English variation aloud before he translates it. 3rd Lesson: The learner should repeat the above exercise until he can translate the variations into Polish as rapidly as he can read them in En- glish. If he can translate them all without hesita- tion, or error of any kind, he may commence an- other section. The same method should be used in learning each new section. 16 FIRST SENTENCE. Dlaczego nie chcesz isc ze mn$ jutro do mego przyjaciela, ktory mieszka nie daleko st$d? No. I. Dlaczego (ty) nie chcesz... Dlah-cheh'gaw (tih) n'yeh htsesh... Why (you) not want... 1. Chcesz. Ty chcesz. Chcesz? Chcesz ty? 2. Nie chcesz. Nie chcesz? 3. Czy chcesz? 4. Czy nie chcesz? 5. Dlaczego chcesz? 6. Dlaczego nie cheesy? No. II. ij'fjf & isc ze mng jutro... eeshtch zeh mnoh yoo'traw . . . to-go with me to-morrow... 1. Czy chcesz isc ze mn$? 2. Ty chcesz isc jutro. 3. Dlaczego nie chcesz isc ze mn$? 4. Czy chcesz isc jutro? 5. Czy nie chcesz isc ze mn$? 6. Dlacz,ego nie chcesz isc ze mn$ jutro? No. III. do brata mego przyjaciela. . . daw brah'tah meh'gaw pshi-yah-cheh'lah . . . to-the brother of -my friend . . . 17 FIRST SENTENCE. Why do you not wish to go with me to-mo(rrow to my friend who lives not far away from here? No. L Why do you not want. . . 1. You want. You do want. Do you want? 2. You do not want. Do you not want? 3. Do you want? 4. Do you not want? 5. Why do you want? 6. Why do you not want? No. II. toi go with me to-morrow. . . 1. Do you want (wish) to go with me? 2. You want to go to-morrow. 3. Why do you not want to go with me ? 4. Do you wish to go to-morrow? 5. Do you not want to go with me ? 6. Why do you not want to go with me to-morrow ? No. III. to my friend's brother. . . ' 18 1. Ty chcesz isc do brata. Chcesz isc do brata? 2. Dlaczego chcesz isc do mego przyjaciela? 3. Dlaczego nie chcesz isc ze mn do mego brata? 4. Nie chcesz isc do przyjaciela mego brata? 5. Dlaczego nie chcesz isc ze mn^ jutro do brata mego przyjaciela? No. IV. ktory mieszKa nie daleko st^d. ktoo'ry m'yesh'kah n'yeh dah-leh'kaw stoned. who resides not far hence. 1. Ty chcesz isc do przyjaciela, ktory mieszka na nast^pnej (nah-stemp'nay) ulicy. 2. Dlaczego nie chcesz mieszkac na tej (tay) ulicy? 3. Czy chcesz isc jutro na Essex ulic? 4. Dlaczego chcesz isc jutro? 5. Ktory mieszka na tej ulicy? 6. Dlaczego nie chcesz isc ze mn$ do brata mego przyjaciela, ktory mieszka na tej ulicy? _ 19 - 1. You want to go to your brother. Do you want to go to your brother? 2. Why do you wish to go to my friend? 3. Why do you not wish to go with me to my brother? 4. Do you not want to go to my brother's friend? 5. Why do you not wish to go with me to-morrow to my friend's brother? No. IV. who lives not far away from here. 1. You wish to visit the friend who lives on the next street. 2. Why do you not want to live on this street? 3. Do you wish to go on Essex Street to-morrow? 4. Why do you wish to go to-morrow? 5. Which (one) lives on this street? 6. Why do you not want to go with me to my friend's brother who lives on this street? Observe : 1. Ty (tih) is the familiar form of the per- sonal pronoun of the second person. It corresponds to the English thou . It may be omitted, as the verb ending shows what person is meant. 2. Czy (chih) is not translated unless it means whether. It simply denotes the interrogative form of the sentence. 3. The interrogative form of the sentence may be inferred by the toi*e of the voice; as, Chcesz. you want.. Chcesz? Do you want? 20 SECOND SENTENCE. Nie mam nic przeciwko temu, azebys mu towa- rzyszyl; bylebys tylko prdko powrociL No. I. Nie mam nic przeciwko temu . . . N 'yeh mahm n'yeets psheh-cheef 'kaw teh'moo . . . Not I-have nothing against this . . . 1. Nie mam nic. 2. Przyjaciel mego brata nie ma nic. 3. Mam brata. 4. Nie mam brata. 5. Czy nie chcesz nic? 6. Nie mam nic przeciwko temu. 7. Czy masz (mahsh) co (tsaw) przeciwko memu przyjacielowi (pshih-yah-cheh-law'vee) ? No. II. azebys mu towarzyszyL . . ah-2;heh'bish moo taw-vah-zhih'shill . . . that-you him accompanied... 1. Ja chc (htseh) azebys mu towarzyszyL 2. Czy chcesz towarzyszyc memu (meh'moo) przy- jacielowi? 3. Dlaczego mass cos przeciwko niemu ? 4. On (awn) mu towarzyszyL 5. Ja nic nie mam przeciwko temu, azebys mu to- warzys^yt jutro. 21 SECOND SENTENCE. I have nothing against yotir going with him, pro- vided you return soon. No. L I have nothing against it ... 1. I have nothing. 2. My brother's friend has nothing. 3. I have a brother. 4. I have no brother. 5. Do you not wish anything? 6. I have nothing against it. 7. Have you any objection to my friend? No. II. that you should accompany him . . . 1. I want you to accompany him. 2. Will you accompany my friend? 3. Why have yoa something against him? 4. He accompanied him. 5. I have nothing against- your accompanying him to-morrow . 22 No. III. bylebys tylko prdko powrocii. bih'leh-bish till'kaw prent'kaw pawvroo'chill . provided-you only soon returned. 1. On powrocil prdko. 2. Czyzes (chih'zhesh) prgdko powrocil od brata? 3. Ja ehc, azebys prdko powrocil. 4. Czy chcesz isc tylko do (daw) brata? 5. Nie mam nic przeciwko temu, azebys mu towa- rzyszyl, bylebys tylko prdko powrocil. THIRD SENTENCE. To nie byla nasza wina, zes pan spoznil si na po- mowilismy panu, ze pociijg ranny odchodz^i o kwadrans na dziewi^t^. No. I. To nie byla nasza wina . . . Taw n'yeh bih'lah nah'shah vee'nah . . . That not was our fault... 1. Czy to byla nasza wina, zes nie powrocil? 2. To byla nasza wina. 3. Czy to moja (maw'yah) wina, ze nie chcesz isc do brata? 4. Nie chc wina. 5. Ona byla u (oo) brata, ktory miesTjka na Essex ulicy. 6. To nie byla nasza wina, ze on nie chcial mu to- warzyszyd. 23 No. III. only provided you return scton. 1. He returned quickly. 2. Have you returned soon from your brother? 3. I wish you to return soon. 4. Do you want to go to your brother only ? 5. I have nothing against your accompanying him, provided you return soon. Observe : 1 . Two negatives serve to make the negation stronger; as, Nie mam nic, I have not nothing. THIRD SENTENCE. It was not our fault, sir, that you were late for the train ; we told you the morning train leaves at a quarter past eight. No. I. It was not our fault. . . 1. Was it our fault that you did not return? 2. It was our fault. 3. Is it my fault that you do> not want to go to your brother? 4. I do not want any wine (literally, of wine). 5. She was at her brother's who lives on Essex Street. 6. It was not our fault that he did not wish to ac- company him. 24 No. II. zes pan spoznil si na poci^g... zhesh pahn spoozh'n'yeel sheh nah paw'chawng . . . that you, sir, were late yourself on the-train . . . 1. Czy pan si spoznil? 2. To nie moja wina, zes si spoznil. 3. Dlaczego si pan spoznil na pofci^g? 4. Moj (moo'ee) przyjadel spoznil si wczoraj (vchaw'rah'ee) . 5. Oby pan prdko powrocil! 6. To nie moja wina, zes pan spoznil si na poci^g. No. III. mowilismy panu . . . moo-vee'leesh-mih pah'noo . . . we-told you-sir... 1. Mowilismy do jego (yeh'gaw) przyjaciela. 2. Mowilismy, ze pan si spoznil. 3. Czy nie mowilismy panu? 4. Czy nie mowilismy panu, ze on sig spoznil na poci^g? 5. Moj brat (braht) mowil (moo'veel) to panu. 6. Czy nie mowilismy panu, ze pan si spozni? No. IV. ze poci^g ranny odchodzi . . . zheh paw'chawng rahn'nih awd-haw'gee . . . that the-train morning leaves... 1. To byl pociag ranny. 2. Czy pan spoznil si na pociag ranny ? 25 No. II. that you were late for the train, sir. . . 1. Were you late, sir? 2. It is not my fault that you were late;. 3. Why were you late for the train, sir? 4. My friend was late yesterday. 5. Would! that you should return soon, sir! 6. It is not my fault, sir, that you were late for the train . No. III. we told yoti, sir. . . 1. We spoke to his friend. 2. We said that you were late, sir. 3. Have we not told you so, sir ! 4. Have we not told you, sir, that he was late. 5. My brother said that to you (or told you that), sir. 6. Did we not tell you, sir, that you would be late? No. IV. that the morning train leaves. . . 1. That was the morning train. 2. Were you late, sir, for the morning train? 26 3. Mowilismy, ze pocisjg ranny odchodzi. 4. Panie (pah'n'yeh), moj brat odchodzi. 5. Czy pan juz (yoozh) odchodzi? 6. To byla nasza wina, zes pan spoznil si na ranny poci^g. No. V. o kwandrans na dziewi$t%. aw kvahn'drahns nah je-v'y one-tone, at a quarter ota nine. 1. Ten poci^g odchodzi z,a kwandrans. 2. Poci^g ranny odchodzi o dziewi^tej (-tay) . 3. Czy pan si spoznil na poci^g, ktory odchodzi o kwandrans na dziewi^t^? 4. Tak (tahk), spoznilem si. 5. Pana brat juz odchodzi. 6. To nie nasza wina, zes pan spoznil si na pd- ci^g; mowilismy panu, ze poci^g ranny od- chodzi o kwandrans na 27 3. We said that the morning train is leaving. 4. Sir, my brother is leaving. 5. Are you going already? 6. It was our fault that yolu were late for the morning train. No. V. at a quarter past eight. 1. This train leaves in a quarter of an hour. 2. The morning train leaves at nine. 3. Were you late for the train which leaves at a quarter past eight? 4. Yes, I was late. 5. Your brother is leaving already. 6. It is not our fault, sir, that you were late for the train ; we told you that the morning train leaves at a quarter past eight. Observe : 1. Pan (pahn) is used in polite address. It means lord or sir. It is usually used with the 3rd person sigular of the verb. Likewise Pani lady, madam ; Panna Miss . It may be simply translated by the English yoM . Pan, pani and panna are very often written with capitals. 2. For the forms zes spoznil si That you were late, and ze spozniles sig That you were late, see Grammar, No. 167. 3. Note the peculiar construction, o kwandrans na dziewiat^, a quarter on nine a quarter past eight. 28 FOURTH SENTENCE. Moj ojciec dopiero co wyszedl, lecz, spo'dziewam si, ze wkrotce wroci nie pozniej jak o dziesi^tej wieczorem . No. I. i Moj ojciec dopiero co wysz,edl. . . Moo'ee oy'chets daw-p'yeh'raw tsaw vih'shedle . . . My father just-now (what) went out. . . 1. Moj brat wyszedl. 2. Czy twoj ojciec wyszedl? 3. Dlaczego on wyszedl? 4. Dlaczego twoj ojciec nie chce isc? 5. Moj pan dopiero co wyszedl. 6. Twoj przyjaciel dopiero co wyszedl ze swym bra- tern. No. II. lecz, spodziewam si . . . letch, spaw-jeh'vahm sheh. . . but I-expect myself. . . 1. Spodziewam si, ze moj przyjaciel wyszedl. 2. Czy to byla nasz;a wina, ze on wyszedl? 3. Spodziewam si, ze pan niechce isc. 4. On spodziewa si cos dostac (daw'stahtch) . 5. Nie mam nie przeciwko temu, azebys z niem wy- szedl:. 6. Lecz pan mu towarzyszyl! 7. Spodziewalem si cos dostac, lecz nie nie stalem . 29 ^ FOURTH SENTENCE. My father just went out, but I expect he will soon return not later than at -nine in the evening. No. I. My father just went out. . . 1. My brother went out. 2. Did your father go* out? 3. Why did he go out? 4. Why doesn't your father wish to go ? 5. My master went out just now. 6. Your friend went out just now with his (cywn) brother. No. II. but I expect. . . 1. I hope that my friend left (went out). 2. Was it our fault that he left? 3. I hope, sir, that you do not wish to go. 4. He expects to* get something. 5. I have no objection to your going out with him. 6. But sir, you accompanied him! 7. I expected to get something, but I got nothing , 80 No. III. ze wkrotce wroci . . . zheh vkroot'tseh vroo'chee . . . that in-a-short-while he will return. . . 1. Spodziewam si, ze pana brat wkrotce wroci /< miasta (z'm'yah'stah). 2. Poszedlem na Essex ulic, lecz wkrotce wrocilem. 3. Mowilismy panu, ze ojciec pana wysz,edl. 4. Wyszedl rano o dziewi^tej. 5. Czy brat pana powroci o dziewi^tej rano? 6. Tak, panie. 7. Dlaczego nie wyszedl, gdy (gdih) mu kazales (kah-zah'lesh) ? No. IV. nie pozniej jak. . . n'yeh poozh'n'yay yahk... not later than . . . 1. Czy wrocisz jutro? 2. Tak, ale (ah'leh) nie prdzej (pren'dzay) jak o drugiej (droo'g'yay). 3. Czy pana siostra (shaws'trah) juz (yooz,h) wro- cila (vroo-chee'lah) ? 4. Nie, panie, jeszcze (yesh'cheh) nie wrocila. 5. On powroci z miasta nie pozniej jak o siodmej wieczorem . 6. Moja pani spoznila si na poci^g dzis rano, wic pcywrocila do domu. 31 No. III. that he will soon return . , 1. I hofce that your brother will soon return from the city. 2. I went on Essex Street, but I soon returned. 3. We told you, sir, that your father went out. 4. He went out at nine in the morning. 5. Will your brother return at nine o'clock in the morning? 6. Yes, sir. 7. Why did he not leave when you told him to (when yota ordered him to) ? No. IV. not later than . . . 1. Will you return to-morrow? 2. Yes, but no sooner than at two. 3. Did your sister return already? 4. No, sir, she did not return yet. 5. He will return from the town nd later than at seven in the evening. 6. My mistress was late for the train this morning and so came home. i 32 No. V. o dziewi^te j wieczorem . aw dzheh-v'yone'tay v'yeh-chaw'rem . at nine in-the-evening. 1. Moj ojciec powroci o dziewi^tej wieczorem. 2. Moja matka powroci o szostej rano. 3. Moj brat powroci w poludnie (vpaw-lood'n'yeh) . 4. Moj a siostra powroci po poludniu (paw-lood'- new). 5. ( Ja) powroc o pol (pod) do pi^tej (pyone'tay) po poludniu. 6. Moj ojciec dopiero co wyszedl, lecz, spodziewam si, ze wkrotce wroci nie pozniej jak o dzie- si^tej godz^inie wieczorem. FIFTH SENTENCE. S^siad mojego wuja byl w sklepie i kupil swemu malemu synowi ladn^ czapk. No. I. S^siad mojego wuja. . . Sone'shahd maw-yeh'gaw vo'o'yah . . . The-neighbcyr of -my of -uncle . . . 1. S^siad mojego wuja towarzyszyl mu. 2. Czy twoj wuj prdko powrocil? 3. Wuj mojego s^siada chce isc z tob$. 4. Dlaczego masz co przeciwko mo j emu (maw- yeh'moo) wujowi (voo-yaw'vee) ? 5. CZjy twoj s^siad byl w domu (vdaw'moo) ? 6. Moj wuj mowil mi, ze Pan si spoznil. 33 No. V. at nine in the evening. 1. My father will return at nine in the evening. 2. My mother will return at six in the morning. 3. My brother will return at noon. 4. My sister will return in the afternoon (this af- ternoon) . 5. I shall return at half past f tfur in the afternoon. 6. My father just went out, but I think he will soon return no later than at nine o'clock in the evening. FIFTH SENTENCE. My uncle's neighbor was in a store and bought his little son a nice cap. No. I. My uncle's neighbor. . . 1. My uncle's neighbor accompanied him. 2. Did your uncle return soon? 3. My neighbor's uncle wants to go with you. 4. Why have any objection to my uncle? 5. Was your neighbor at home? 6. My uncle told me that you were late. . 34 No. II. byl w sklepie . . . bill v skleh'p'yeh . . . was in a-store . . . _ 1. Moj wuj byl w sklepie wczoraj (vchaw'rye) . 2. Czy twoj s^siad byl u twego wuja? 3. Dlaczego twoj brat nie chce isc do (daw) mego sasiada z mojem wujem? 4. Czy pana wuj mieszka w tym domu (daw'moo) ? 5. To byla wina mojego sasiada. 6. Ja bylem w sklepie mojego sasiada. 7. Mojego sasiada sklep jest iadny (lah'dnih). No. III. i kupil swemu syntfwi . . . ee koo'peel sveh'moo sih-naw'vee . . . and bought f or-his f or-son . . . 1. Co pan kupil swemu synowi? 2. Czy syn mojego sasiada byl tu (too) ? 3. Syn pana R. byl w sklepie i kupil cos. 4. Dlaczego nie chcesz isc ze synem mojego wuja? 5. To jest (yest) dla twegtf syna. 6. Co chcesz od syna mojego sasiada? 7. Czy to jest twoj syn? 8. Nie, to jest syn mego przyjaciela. 9. Moj przyjaciel kupil dom od (awd) swego s$- siada. 10. Czy cheesy kupic ten dom? 85 No. II. v^as in a store . . 1. My uncle was in a store yesterday. 2. Was your neighbor at your uncle's house? 3. Why does not your brother wish to go to my neighbor with my uncle? 4. Does your uncle live in this house? 5. It was my neighbor's fault. 6. I was in the store of my neighbor. 7. My neighbor's store is nice. No. III. and bought his son. . . 1. What did you buy for your son? 2. Was the seta of my neighbor here? 3. Mr. R.'s son was in the store and bought some- thing. 4. Why don't you wish to go with my uncle's son ? 5. This is for yotir son. 6. What do you want froln my neighbor's son? 7. Is this your son? 8. No, he is my neighbor's son. 9. My friend bought a house from his neighbor. 10. Do you wish to buy this hotise? 36 No. IV. bardzo ladng, czapk. bar'dzaw lahd'nOh chahp'keh. a-very nice cap. 1. Moj brat kupil mi bardzo ladn^ czapk . 2. Czyja to czapka? (Chih'yah taw chahp'kah) ? 3. To jest moja czapka. 4. Gdzie (g'jeh) jest moja csapka, fcracie (brah'- cheh) ? 5. Czy pan kupil t czapk dla mnie? 6. Nie, panie, ta czapka jest dla panskiego ojca. 7. Moj s^siad byl w mojem sklepie i kupil czapk. 8. Moj syn bardzo lubi t cz,apk, ktor^ pan mu kupil. 9. Dlaczego nie kupiles (koo-pee'lesh) takze (tahk'zheh) dla mnie czapki (chahp'kee) ? 10. S^siad mojego wuja fcyl w sklepie i kupil swe- mu mulemu synowi bardzo ladn^ czapk. 11. Ta czapka jest za mala dla mnie. 12. On kupil mi za mal^ czapk (mah'lone chahp'- keh). SIXTH SENTENCE. Prosz dac dziecku kawalek chleba z maslem i przyniesc mu kubek mleka, poniewaz ono jest bar- dzo glodne i spragnione. No. I. Prosz dac dz^ecku . . . Praw'sheh dahtch jets'koo... Please give to-the-child. . . 37 No. IV. a very nice cap. 1. My brother bought me a very nice cap. 2. Whose cap is this? 3. It is mine. 4. Where is my cap, brother? 5. Did yoto buy this cap for me, sir? 6. No, sir; that cap is for your father. 7. My neighbor was in my store and bought a cap. 8. My son likes very much the cap which you have bought for him. 9. Why did you not buy a cap for me also? 10. My uncle's neighbor was in a store and bought his small son a very nice cap . 11. This cap is too 1 small for me. 12. He bought me a cap which is too small for me. SIXTH SENTENCE. Please give the child a piece of bread and butter, and fetch it a cup of milk, as it is very hungry and thirsty. No. I. Please give the child. . . 88 1. Prdsz dac dziecku spac (spahtch). 2. Prosz pana, ja chc swoje dziecko. 3. Czyje to dziecko? 4. To jest mojego brata dziecko. 5. Maniu! (Mah'n'yoo) daj (die) dziecku spokoj (spaw'kooee). 6. Czy to* dziecko spi (shpee) ? 7. Dziecko mojej s^siadki jest bardzo ladne. 8. To nie byla wina dziecka. No. II. kawalek chleba z maslem . . . kah-vah'lek hleh'bah zmahss'lem . . . a-piece of -bread with butter. . . 1. Pros^ dac dziecku kawalek chleba. 2. Maniu! czy dalas (dah'lahsh) dziecku chleba? 3. Prosz dac mi masla. 4. Ja chc chleba z maslem. 5. Moj syn nie chce chleba. 6. Dlaczego on nie chce jesc (yeshtch) ? 7. Czy pan ma swieze maslo (shv'yeh'zheh mah'- slaw)? 8. Prosz mi dac kawalek chleba z maslem. No. III. i przyniesc mu kubek mleka... ee pshih'n'yeshtch moo 1 koo'bek mleh'kah . . . and to-bring him (it) a-cup of -milk. . . 1. Czy mam (mahm) przyniesc chleba takze? 2. Prosz ci (cheh) , przynies dziecku kubek mleka. 3. Ja nie chc tego kubka. 39 1. Please let the child sleep. 2. Please, sir, I want my child. 3. Whose child is this? 4. It is my brother's child? 5. Mary, let the child alone! 6. Is this baby sleeping? 7. My neighbor's child is very nice. 8. It wasn't the child's fault. No. II. a piece of bread and butter . . . 1. Please give the child a piece of bread. 2. Mary, did you give the child some bread? 3. Please give me softie butter. 4. I want some bread and butter. 5. My son doesn't want any bread. 6. Why does he not want to eat? 7. Have you fresh butter? 8. Please give me a piece of bread and butter. No. III. and fetch it a cup of milk . . . 1. Am I to bring some bread also? 2. Please bring the child a cup of milk. 3. I dcfti't want this cup. 40 4. Temu kubkowi (koob-kaw'vee) nic nie brakuje (brah-koo'yeh). 5. Moj sasiad ma swieze mleko. 6. Dziecko nie chce jesc chleba be2j masla. 7. Daj mu wielki kubek swiezego mleka. 8. Dlaczegcy twoj wuj nie przyniosl (pshih'n'yoosl) chleba? No. IV. poniewaz ono jest glodne... paw-n'yeh'vahzh aw'naw yest glaw'dneh . . . because it is hungry . . . 1. Czy pan jest glodny? 2. Tak, jestem bardzo (bar'dzaw) glodny. 3. Prosz jesc. 4. To dziecko jest bardzo glodne. 5. Moja siostra byla bardzo glodna wczoraj, ponie- waz nic nie jadla (yah-dlah) caly (tsah'ly) dZjien (jane). 6. Dlaczego pan nie je? 7. Bo (baw) nie jestem glodny. 8. Bdziesz glodny, poniewaz nic nie jesz. 9. Nie dawaj (dah'vie) dziecku juz (yoozh) wi^cej (v'yen'tsay) jesc, poniewaz nie jest tak bar- dzo glodne. No. V. i spragnione. ee sprahg-n'yaw'neh . and thirsty. 41 4. There is nothing the matter with this cup. 5. My neighbor has fresh milk. 6. The child does not want to eat bread without butter. 7. Give him a big cup of fresh milk. 8. Why didn't your uncle bring the bread (or, some bread) ? No. IV. because it is hungry. . . 1. Are you hungry, sir? 2. Yes, I am very hungry. 3. Please eat. Help yourself, please. 4. This child is very hungry. 5. My sister was very hungry yesterday, for she did not eat anything the whole day. 6. Why don't you eat, sir? 7. Because I am not hungry. 8. You will be hungry, because you are not eating anything. 9. Don't give the child any more to eat as it is not so very hungry. No. V. and thirsty. 42 1. On jest bardzo spragniony. 2. Dziecko chce mleka, poniewaz jest spragnione. 3. Daj dziecku kubek wody (vaw'dih). 4. Czy nie ma tu gdzie wody? 5. Prosz nie dawac (dah-vahtch) mu wody. 6. Czy to 1 jest mleko czy woda? 7. To jest mleko z wod$ . 8. Proszg dac dziecku kawalek chleba z maslem i przyniesc mu kubek mleka, poniewaz ono jest bardzo glodne i spragnione. SEVENTH SENTENCE. Moj kochany Janie! Musisz odwiedzic syna tego dobrego starego czlowieka; biedny chlopiec zlamal so'bie prawa nog dwa dni temu. No. I. Moj kochany Janie ! Moo'ee kaw-hah'nih Yah'n'yeh ! My dear John ! 1. Janie! czy idziesz (ee'jesh) do domu? 2. Czy pan mnie kocha, panie Janie ? 3. Twoj syn musi mnie odwiedzic (moo'shee mn'yeh awd-v'yeh'geetch). 4. To jest kochane dziecko! 5. Czy ko'chasz to male dziecko? 6. Dlaczego nie chcesz, isc ze mn$, Janie ? 7. Jan spoznil si na poci^g i powrocil do domu . 8. Janek jest synem mego s^siada. 9. Janku! czy byles juz u swego wuja? 43 1. He is very thirsty. 2. The child wants some milk as it is very thirsty. 3. Give the child a cup of water. 4. Is there not softie water here somewhere ? 5. Please don't give him any water. 6. Is this milk or water? 7. It is milk with water. 8. Please, give the child a piece of bread and but- ter, and fetch him (it) a cup of milk, as it is very hungry and thirsty . SEVENTH SENTENCE. My dear John, you must visit the son of that goo'd old man; the poor boy broke his leg two days ago. No. L My dear John. . . 1. John, are you going home? 2. Do you love me, (Mr.) John? 3. Your son must pay me a visit. 4. That is a dear child! 5. Do you love that little baby? 6. Why don't you wish to go with me, John? 7. John was late for the train and returned home. John n^ssed his train and returned home. 8. Johnnie is the 3011 of ?ny neighbor. 9. Johnnie, were you at your uncle's already? 44 No. II. musisz odwiedzic pilnego syna . . . moo'shish awd-v'yeh'geetch peel-neh'gaw sih'nah . . . must to- visit the-diligent son. . . 1. Syn twego s^siada jest bardzo pilny. 2. Nie musisz jemu tego dawac. 3. Twoj syn musi juz isc do domu. 4. Czy dom jego syna jest na tej samej (sah'may) ulicy ? 5. B^dz pilny, synu. 6. Czy chcesz odwiedzic ze mn$ mego s^siada? 7. Dlaczego twoj syn nie jest pilny? 8. Twoja matka i twoja siostra rnusz^ nas odwie- 9. Czy on nie chce odwiedzic swoich s^siadov/ (svaw'ee'h sone-shah'doof) ? 10. Twoj syn nie jest tak pilny jak moj . 11. Czy nie odwiedzisz mnie? No. III. tego* dobrego starego czlowieka . . . teh'gaw daw-breh'gaw stah-reh'gaw chlaw-v'yeh'kah . . . of-that good old man... 1. Syn tego czlowieka jest bardzo dobry. 2. Czy ona chce isc z, tern starem czlowiekiem? 3. Czy twoj syn powrocil od tego starego wieka? 4. Kto jest stary? 5. Co jest dobre? 6. Moja siostra nie jest tak bardzo stara. 45 No. II. you must visit the diligent son. 1. Your neighbor's son is very diligent. 2. You must not give him that. 3. Your son must go home already. 4. Is the house of his son on the same street? 5. Be diligent, my soft. 6. Do you want to visit my neighbor with me? 7. Why is not your son diligent? 8. Your mother and your sister must pay us a visit. 9. Does he not want to visit his neighbors? 10. Your son is not so diligent as mine. 11. Won't you visit me? No. IIL of that good old man . . . 1. That man's son is very good. 2. Does she want to go with that old man? 3 Did your son return from that old man? 4. Who is old? 5. What is good? 6. My sister is not so very old. 46 7. Nie kazdy (kahzh'dih) stary czlowiek jest do- bry. 8. On jest nic dobrego. 9. Czy nie masz CGI dobrego w swoim sklepie? 10. Czy ty musisz isc do tego starego czlowieka? No. IV. biedny chlopiec zlamal sobie prawa nog . . . b'yed'nih hlaw'p'yets zlah'maal saw'b'yeh prah'voh naw'geh.. the-poor boy broke for-himself right leg... 1. Czyj chlopiec zlamal sobie nog? 2. Chlopiec mego biednego s^siada zlamal sobie rk (ren'keh). 3. Co za biedny chlopiec! 4. Idz scflbie do domu, moj chlopcze. 5. Jak ty zlamales swa nog? 6. Chlopiec, ktory zlamat sobie nog, mieszka w sasiednim (vsone-shed'n'yeem) dofmu. 7. Czy dalas cos temu biednemu chlopcu? 8. Ci (chee) chtopcy nie sa wcale (vtsah'leh) pil- ni (peel'n'yee). 9. Czy to moj a wina, ze ten biedny czlowiek zla- mal sobie nog? 10. Ktos mi mowil, zes zlamal sobie praw$ 11. Czy to tak, moj panie? 12. Dlaczego nie odwiedziles swego s^siada? 13. Gdybys tam nie poszedl, nie zlamalbys nogi ? 14. Tu mozna (mawzh'nah) sdbie nogi polainac (paw-lah'mahtch) . 47 7. Not every old person (man) is good. 8. He's a good for nothing. 9. Haven't you something good in your store? 10. Must you go to that old man? Must yooi pay that old man a visit? No. IV. the poor boy broke his right leg ... 1. Whose boy broke his leg. 2. The boy (son) of my poor neighbor broke his arm. 3. What a poor boy! 4. Go home, my boy. 5. How did you break your leg? 6. The boy, who broke his leg, lives in the neighboring (next) house. 7. Have you given the poor boy something? 8. These boys are not diligent at all. 9. Is it my fault that this poor man broke his leg? 10. Somebody told me that you broke your right arm. 11. Is it so, (my) sir? 12. Why didn't you visit your neighbor? 13. If you had not gone there, you would not have broken your leg. 14. One can break his legs here. 48 No. V. dwa dni temu . dvah dn'yee teh'moo. two days ago . 1. Dwa dni temu moj przyjaciel zlamal sobie (leh'voh) nogg. 2. Gdzie on byl? 3. Byl u mojego biednego Ojca. 4. Widzialem (vee-jah'lem) go dwa dni temu na Park ulicy. 5. Czys widzial mego brata? 6. Czy widZ|iales mojg, siostr? 7. Czy pan widzial, jak on sobie zlamal nog? 8. Szkoda (shkaw'dah) mi tego biednego chlopca. 9. Co> za szkoda! 10. Moj ojciec mowil mi, ze jego dobry przyjaciel zlamal sobie lew^ rk przeszlego tygodnia. 11. Moj kochany Janie! Ty musisz odwiedzic syna tego dobrego starego czlowieka; biedny chlo- piec zlamal sabie praw^ nog dwa dni temu. 12. Jeden dzien temu (jane) . 13. Siedem dni temu (dn'yee). 14. Szjesc tygodni, miesicy, lat, wiekow temu. (Sheshtch tih-gaw'dn'yee, m'ye-shen'tsih, laht, v'yeh'koof teh'moo). 15. Jeden tydzien, miesi^c, rok, wiek. (Yeh'den tih'jane, m'yeh'shawnts, rawk, v'yeck.) EIGHTH SENTENCE. Chociaz mysl, ze mam dosyc pienigdzy, by za- placic twoj i moj rachunek, jednakze daj mi, jezeli mozesz, kilka dolarow i troch drobnych. 49 No. V. two days ago. 1. Two days ago my friend broke his left leg. 2. Where was he? 3. He was at my poor father's house. 4. I saw him on Park Street two days ago. 5. Did you see my brother? 6. Did you see my sister? 7. Did you see, sir, how he broke his leg? 8. I am sorry for that poor boy. 9. What a pity! 10. My father told me that his good friend broke his left arm last week. 11. My dear John, you must visit the son of that good old man; the poor boy broke his right leg two days ago. 12. A day ago. 13. Seven days ago. 14. Six weeks, months, years, centuries ago. 15. A week, a month, a year, a century (or an age) . EIGHTH SENTENCE. Although I think I have enough money to pay your bill and mine, still let me have, if you can, a few dollars and some change. 50 No. I. Chociaz mysl ze mam dosyc pieni^dzy. . . Haw'chahzh mih'shleh zheh mahm daw'siteh p'ye-ny'en'dzih... Although I-think that I-have enough money . . . 1. Czy masz dosyc pienidzy na dzis (geesh) i (ee) jutro (yoo'traw) ? 2. Mysl, ze mam. 3. Chociaz mysl to samo, jednakze powiedz (pawVyedz) bratu, by (bih) przyniosl wicej (pshi'n'yoosl v'yent'say). 4. Mysl, ze to jest bardzo 1 tadne. 5. Chociaz mysl, ze mam dosyc jedmj, ksiazk (kshownzh'keh), jednak powiedz sluz^cemu (sloo-zhone-tseh'moo), by przyniosl mi drug^ (droo'goh). 6. Czy ten kubek jest czysty (chiss'tih) ? 7. Nie, nie mysl ze jest. 8. Kubek kawy nie dosyc dla mnie i mego* brata; mysl, ze chcemy dwa kubki. 9. Czy nie masz dosyc kawy ? 10. Mam dosyc kawy, lecz (letch) nie mam dosyc mleka . 11. Powiedz shiz^cemu, zeby zaniosl wody mojej siostrze w tern kubku, ktory kupilem dla niej wczoraj . 12. Mysl, ze b^dziemy (ben-jeh'mih) potrzebowac duzo pienidzy. No. II. by zaplacic twoj i moj rachunek. . . bih zah-plah'cheetch tvootee ee mooee rah-hoo'neck... in -order ttf-pay your and my account . . . 51 Although I think I have enough money. 1. Have you enough money for to-day and to- morrow ? 2. I think I have . 3. Although I think so toa, tell your brother to fetch more. 4. I think this is very nice . 5. Although I think I have enough with one book. tell the servant to bring me another . 6. Is this cup clean? 7. No, I don't think it is. 8. One cup of coffee is not enough for my brother and me. I think we want two. 9. Have you not enough coffee ? 10. I have enough coffee, but I have not enough 11. Tell the servant to bring some water to my sister in the cup which I bought for her yes- terday . 12. I think we shall need much money. No. II. in order to pay your bill and mine. 52 1. Co za dhigi rachunek! 2. Moj jest o wiele (awe v'yeh'leh) mniejszy (mn'yay-shih). 3. Prosz mi dac mego brata rachunek . 4. Ja chc zaplacic swoj rachunek dzisiaj. 5. Nie mam dosyc pienidzy, by zaplacic twoj i moj. 6. Chc isc do banku po poludniu i przyniesc wi- cej. 7. Czy masz dosyc, by zaplacic twoj i moj ? 8. Tak, mysl, ze wystarczy (vih-star'chih) . 9. Dlaczego nie zaplaciles rachunku twej siostry? 10. Bo nie mialem dosyc pienidzy na zaplacenie swego 1 nawet. No. III. jednakze daj mi... yed-nahk'Ziheh die mee... yet give to-me . . . 1. Czy masz pieni^dze? 2. Daj mi dwa dolary. 3. Nie mog ci nie dac, poniewaz nie mam przy (pshih) sobie (saw'b'yeh)- 4. Nie mysle, ze bd mial dosyc na zaplacenie inego rachunku. 5. Mog ci dac wicej, jezeli (yeh-zheh'lee) chcesz. 6. Daj mi ten kubek, prosz ei. 7. Chcial siedem dolarow, chociaz mu nie byly po~ trzetne. 8. Czy mozesz dac mej sidstrze pic (p'yentch) dolarow jutro? 53 1. What a long bill! 2. Mine is much smaller. 3. Please, give me my brother's bill. 4. I want to pay my bill to-day. 5. I have not enough money to pay yours and mine. 6. I want to go to* the bank this afternoon and get more. 7. Have you enough to pay yours and mine? 8. Yes, I think I have enough. 9. Why didn't you pay your sister's bill? 10. Because I did not even have enough to pay my own. III. still give me ... 1. Have you any money? 2. Give me two dollars. 3. I cannot give you anything as I have nothing with me. I cannot give you any as I have none with me. 4. I don't think Til have enough to pay my bill. 5. lean give you more if you wish. ; 6. Give me that cup, please. 7. He wanted seven dollars, although he did not need them. 8. Can you give my sister five dollars to-morrow? 54 9. Dlaczego twoj s^siad nie chcial dac czapki me- mu synowi? 10. Czy mozesz mi kupie cz,apk za jakie dwa do- lary? 11. Moj przyjaciel dal pic dolarow biednemu czlo- wiekowi, ktorego spotkal (spawt'kahl) na ulicy . 12. Czy twoj wuj ma duzo pieni^dzy? No. IV. jezeli mozesz... yeh-zheh'lee maw'zhesz . . . if yoli-can... 1. Daj mi trzy (tshih) dolary, jezeli mozesz. 2. Czy twoj a matka dala ci pienidzy? 3. Dlacz,ego twoja siostra nie placi swego ra- chunku ? 4. Czy ty myslisz, ze on ma pieni^dze. 5. Nie, ja nie mysl tego. 6. Ja wiem, ze masz pieni^dze. 7. He pieni^dzy made? 8. Nie mamy bardzo wiele przy sobie, lecz w do- mu mamy bardzof wiele. 9. Czy to ten wuj, ktory ma tyle pienidzy? 10. Tak, ten sam. 11. Czy ty nie widziales czasami mojego ojca? 12. Widzialem go. Byl tu w sklepie pr^ed chwil$ (pshed hvee'lone) i kupil ksiazk dla twej siostry. 13. Czy to twoja k^z^a? 14 Nie, to mego brata. 15. Dlaczego ten shii^cy nie idzie po pieni^dze? 55 9. Why did your neighbor not want to give the cap to my son. 10. Can you buy me a cup for about two dollars? 11. My friend gave five dollars to a poor man whom he met on the street. 12. Has your uncle much money? No. IV. if you can . . . 1. Give me three dollars, if you can. 2. Did your mother give you some money? 3. Why doesn't your sister pay her bill? 4. Do you think he has money? 5. No 1 , I do not think so. 6. I know you have money . 7. How much money have you? 8. We haven't much with us, but we have very much at home . 9. Is it the uncle who has so much money? 10. Yes, the very one. 11. Did you not see my father, perchance? 12. I saw him. He was here in the store a mo- ment ago and bought a book for your sister. 13. Is this your book? 14. No, it is my brother's. 15. Why doesn't that servant go for the money? 56 16. Czy on ma isc ptf pieni^dze! 17. Tak, ma mi przyniesc sto (staw) dolarow z banku. No. V. kilka dolarow i troch drobnych. keel'kah daw-lah'roof ee traw'heh drab-nih'h. a-few of-dollars and some of-change 1. Moze masz troch drobnych? 2. Jezeli masz drobne, to mnie ich daj . 3. Jezeli nie mozesz mi dac dziesigc (jeh'shentch) dolarow, to daj mi chociaz troteh drobnych. 4. Chociazbym mial, to bym ci nie dal. 5. Dlaczego nie cheesy mi dac kilka dolarow? 6. Poniewaz sam ich nie mam. 7. Czy dalbys mi dolara, gdybys go mial? 8. Twoja siostra da mi ten kubek, ktory ty kupi- les dla nie j . 9. Prosz dac temu panu sto dolarow. 10. Czy pan nie ma troch drobnych przy sobie ? 11. Mam, moj panie, ale nikomu je nie dam. 12. Czy on rzeczywiscie (zheh-chih-veesh'cheh) ni- komu nie nie dal? 13. Chociazby chciaJ, to nie moze, bo sam nie ma ani (ah'n'yee) jednego (yed-neh'gaw) centa (tsen'tah). 14. Chociaz mysl, ze mam doteyc pienidzy na za- placenie twegcy i mego dlugu, Jednakze daj mi, jezeli mozesz, kilka dolarow i troch drob- nych. 57 16. Is he to go for money! 17. Yes, he is to bring me a hundred dollars from the bank. No. V. a few dollars and some change. 1. Maybe you have some change? 2. If you have any change, give it to me. 3. If you can't give me ten dollars, then, at least, give me some change. 4. Even if I had it, I wouldn't give it to you. 5. Why don't you want to give me a few dollars? 6. Because I have none myself. 7. Would you give me a dollar if you had it? 8. Your sister is going to give me the cup which you have bought for her. 9. Please give this gentleman a hundred dollars. 10. Have you not a little change with you? 11. I have, sir,, but I shall not give it to anybody. 12. Did he really not give anybody a thing? 13. Even if he wants to he can't, because he hasn't even a cent himself. 14. Although I think I have enough money to pay your bill and mine, yet give me, if you can, a few dollars and some change. 58 NINTH SENTENCE. Ktora godzina jest teraz? piata? Nie je- stem pewny. Ty nigdy nie wiesz, ktora godzina jest. No. I. Ktora godzina jest teraz? Ktoo'rah gaw-gee'nah yest teh'rahss? What hour is now? 1. Teraz jest pierwsza (p'yairv'shah) godzina. 2. Czy oil tu byi o pierwszej god^nie? 3. Tak, ale pana nie bylo w domu . 4. Powiedz mi, kto tu byl o drugiej (droo'gay) godzinie . 5. Nie wiem panie, poniewaz nie bytem w domu caly (tsah'lih) dzien. 6. Czy teraz jest druga (droo'gah) ? 7. drugiej godzinie moj wuj ma isc ze mmj, do 1 sklepu . 8. Ktora pani byla z tob$? 9. Czy pani wie, ktory czlowiek mowil pani, ze te- raz jest pierwsza. 10. Jestem tu juz (yoozh) dwie godziny. 11. Dlacz,ego kupiles tak^ mal^, czapk? 12. Nie moglem dostac wikszej (v'yen'kshay) . 13. Mowili mi, ze za godzin dadz^ (dah'dzawn) mi znac (znahtch). 14. Juz jest cztery godziny (chteh-ri gaw-gee'ni). No. II. Nie jestem pewny. N'yeh yes'tem pehv'nih. Not I-am sure. 59 NINTH SENTENCE. What time is it now? Five o'clock? I'm not sure. You never know what time it is. What time is it ncyw? No. I. What time is it now ? 1. It is one o'clock now. 2. Was he here at one o'clock? 3. Yes, sir, but you were not at hotaie. 4. Tell me, who was here at two o'clock. 5. I don't know, sir, as I was out the whole day. 6. It it two now? 7. At two o'clock my uncle is to go to a store with me. 8. Which lady was with you? 9. Madam, do you know which person told you that it is one o'clock now? 10. I have been here two hours already . 11. Why did yota buy so small a cap? 12. I could not get a larger one . 13. They told me they would let me know in an hour. 14. It is four hours already. No. II. I am not sure. 60 1. Nie jestem pewny, czy to on czy me. 2. Czy pan jest pewny, ze pan dal mi pic dola- row? 3. Jestem bardzo pewny. 4. On nie jest bardzo pewny siebie. 5. Mo wit mi, ze przyjdzie na pewno. 6. Czybym byl taki pewny siebie, gdybym o tern dobrze nie wiedzial? 7. Jestem pewny, ze ona tu byla o siodmej (shood'may) godzinie. 8. Moj do'bry wuj na pewno mi kupi ladn^ czapkg i kilka ksi^zek. 9. On napewno zapozniL 10. Gdybys tylko wiedzial co ja mam dla ciebie! 11. Jestem pewna, ze panu juz zaplacilam. 12. Czy to pewne? 13. Nie zawsze moze bye czlowiek pewny. 14. Tys pewnie go widzial u mnie. 15. Czy to twoj dolar czy moj, siostro? 16. Pewnie twoj; nie wiem. 17. Jestem pewny, ze dziesi^ta juz wybila. 18. Jedenasta juz dawno wybila. 19. On mnie wybil z,a nie. No. III. Ty nigdy nie wiesz. Tih n'yeeg'dih n'yeh v'yesh. Yo^u never not you-know. 1. Czy wiesz, ze bylem w twoj em domu dzisiaj ? 2. ktorej godzinie? 3. O dziewi^tej rano. 4. Dlaczego tak wczesnie? 61 1. I am not sure if it is he or not. 2. Are you sure, sir, that yo"u gave me five dol- lars? 3. I'm very sure. 4. He's not very sure of himself. 5. He told me he would come for sure. 6. Would I be so sure of myself if I did not know well about it? 7. I am sure she was here at seven o'clock. 8. My good uncle will surely buy me a nice cap and a few books. 9. He was late for sure. 10. If you only knew what I have for you! 11. I am sure, sir, that I paid you already. 12. Is that a sure thing? 13. One can not always be sure . 14. You must have seen him at my house. 15. Sister, is that yotir dollar or mine? 16. Maybe it's yours. I don't know. 17. I am sure that it struck ten already. 18. It struck eleven long ago. 19. He hit me for nothing. No. III. You never know. 1. Do you know that I have been at your house to-day? 2. At what time? 3. At nine in the mdrning. 4. Why so early? 62 5. Balem si, ze ci nie zastan? w domu . 6. No, i na pewno mnie nie zastales. 7. Czy nie wiesz, ktora godzina jest? 8. Moj zegarek stanal. 9. Moze zepsuty? 10. Nie, zapomnialem go nakr^cic. 11. Ty nigdy nie wiesz^ ktora godzina jest. 12. Czy ofti o tern wiedza? 13. Czy twoj przyjaciel wie, ze ciebie nie ma w domu? 14. Ja mysl, ze wie, lecz nie jestem pewny. 15. Mozebys poszedl do niego i powiedzial mu, ze bd w domu dopiero jutro, o siodmej godzi- nie wieczorem. 16. Gdybys przyszedl tTOch^ pozniej, nie zastalbys mnie. 17. Dok^d ty idziesz? 18. Musz bye u mego bankiera o jedenastej. 19. Idzieniy do tego starego czjowieka, ktory miesz- ka na Second Avenue. 20. Czy ty wiesz, ze twoj s^siad ma tyle pienigdzy, ze kupil sobie nowy dom. TENTH SENTENCE. Dlaczego nie pozwolono ci wejsc do pokoju twe- go brata? Poniewaz ma osp, a ospa jest chorob^ zarazliwa, jak wiesz. No. I. Dlaczego nie pozwoloho ci wejsc... Dlah-cheh'gaw n'yeh pawz-vaw-law'naw chee vayshtch . . . Why not it-was-allowed to-you to-enter... 1. Nie pozwolono mu wyjsc z domu. 2. Dlaczego ci nie pozwolono? 63 5. I was afraid I would not find you at home . 6. Well, and you surely did not find me at home . 7. Do you not know what time it is ? 8. My watch has stopped. 9. Perhaps it is broken ? 10. No?, I forgot to wind it. 11. You never know what time it is. 12. Do they know about that? 13. Does your friend know you are not at home? 14. I think he knows, but I'm not sure . 15. Maybe you wolild go to him and tell him that I shall be home to-morrow, at seven in the evening. 16. If you had come a little later you would not have found me at home. 17. Where are you going? 18. I must be at my banker's at eleven . 19. We are going to that old man who lives on Second Avenue. 20. Do you know your neighbor has so much money that he bought himself a new house. TENTH SENTENCE. Why were you not allowed to enter your brother's room? Because he has small-pox, and small-pox is contagious, you know. No. I. Why were yo*u not permitted to go ... 1. He was not permitted to leave the house. 2. Why weren't yoM allowed? 64 3. Dlaczego nic chcesz wejsc? 4. Czy ci nie pozwolono tarn wejsc? 5. Wejdz. 6. Dlaczego nie mam wejsc. 7. Bo ci nie pozwolono. 8. Pozwclono mi wyjsc na ulic. 9. Wejscie wzbronione. 10. To nie jest to wejscie. 11. Nie pozwolono im wejsc dtf domu. No. II. do pokoju twego brata... daw paw-kaw'y oo tveh'gaw brah'tah . . . ttf of-the-room of -your of -brother. . . 1. Nie pozwolono jego siostrze wejsc do pokoju. 2. Pozwol mi isc do niego. 3. Jutro pozwd ci, lecz dzisiaj nie. 4. Mam pozwolone wejsc do tego pokoju. 5. Nikomu nie pozwalam wchodzic do mego pc*- koju. 6. Dla czego nie pozwolono twemu bratu wejsc do srodka? 7. Nie wicm. 8. Nawet wtedy nie pozwdilbym ci wejsc tarn. 9. Ten pan chce widziec twego fcrata. 10. Nie pozwolono temu panu go widziec. No. III. Poniewaz ma osp . . . Paw-n'yeh'vahzh mah awss'peh . . . Because he-has small-pox... 1. Ktomaosp? 2. Moj brat. 3. Czy twoj przyjaciel ma osp? 65 3. Why do you not wish to enter? 4. Were you not allowed to enter there? 5. Go in. Enter. 6. Why shouldn't I go in? 7. Because you are not permitted (to enter). 8. I was permitted to 1 go on the street . 9. No admittance. 10. That is not the entrance. 11. They were not allowed to enter the house. No. II. into your brother's room . . . 1. His sister was not allowed to enter the room . 2. Let me go to him. 3. I shall let yoli to-morrow, but not to-day. 4. I have permission to enter that room . 5. I do not permit anyone to enter my room. 6. Why wasn't your brother allowed to go 1 inside ? 7. I don't know. 8. Even then I wouldn't allow you to enter there . 9. This gentleman would like to see your brother. 10. This gentleman was not allowed to see him. No. III. Because he has the small-pox... 1. Who has small-pox? 2. My brother. 3. Has your friend small-pox? 66 4. Moj brat jest w tym pokoju. 5. Co on tarn robi ? 6. Lezy w lozku, ma osp. 7. Nie pozwolono nikomu wchodzic do pokoju, gdzie byla ospa. 8. Nie mog do niego isc, poniewaz on ma osp . 9. Chloftiec naszego s^siada mial osp. 10. Czy ty wiesz, ze moj ojciec ma osp? 11. Siostra mej zony nie chce do nas przyjsc, po- niewaz moj syn ma osp . No. IV. a ospa jest zarazliw^ chorob%. ah awss'pah yest z ) ah-rahzh-lee'vo > h haw-raw'boh . and small-pox is infectious disease. 1. Czy wiesz, ze ospa jest zarazliw^? 2. Nie wchddz do tego pokoju, mozet jeszcze zarazic. 3. Moj brat zarazil si od swego przyjaciela, kto- ry choruje na osp. 4. Teraz tyle ludzi nie umiera na osp jak po- przednio . 5. A to z jakiego powodu? 6. Ludzie wiedz^ wi^cej o tej chorobie i wystrze- gaj^ si jej. 7. Nie pozwolono 1 mu mieszkac 2j sw$ rodzin^, po- niewaz chorowal na osp. 8. Znam wiele ludzi, ktorzy mieli ospg. 9. Czy pan nie wie, ze tarn nie wolno wchodzic? 10. Dlaczego nie pozwolontf ci wejsc do pokoju twe- go brata? Poniewaz ma osp, a ospa jest chorob^ zarazliwa, jak wiesz. 67 4. My brother is in that room . 5. What is he doing in there? 6. He is lying in bed; he has the small-pox. 7. Nobody was allowed to enter the ro'om where there was small-pox. 8. I can't visit him as he has small-pox. 9. Our neighbor's boy had small-pox. 10. Do you know that my father has small-pox? 11. My wife's sister does not want to call at our house, because my son has small-pox . No. IV. and small-pox is an infectious disease. 1. Do you know that small-pox is contagious? 2. 't go into that ro'om, you might catch the Disease . 3. My brother caught the disease from his friend who is sick with the small-pox. 4. Now so many people do not die of small-pox as bef o're . 5. For what reason? 6. People know more about this sickness and guard against it. 7. He was not allowed to live with his family, be- cause he had the small-pox. 8. I know many people who had the small-pox. 9. Do you not know, sir, that you are not per- mitted to enter there? 10. Why were you not permitted to enter your brother's room? Because he has the small- pox, and small-pox is a contagious disease, you know. 68 GRAMMAR. THE NOUN. 1. There are three Genders in the Polish language, the masculine, the feminine, and the neuter. 2. Nouns before which the word "ten" can be used, are of the masculine gender; as, ten ojciec the father, ten kwiat the flower, ten koii the horse . 3. Nouns before which the word "ta" can be used, are of the feminine gender; as, ta matka the mother, ta woda the water, ta sarna the deer. 4. Nouns before which the word "to" can be used, are of the neuter ^gender; as, to dziecko the child, to imie, the name, to krzeslo the chair. 5. The words, ten, ta, to, do not correspond to the Eng- lish definite article; they serve to indicate only the gender of nouns. 6. Generally speaking, most nouns ending in a con- sonant are masculine, those ending in the vowel "a", fem- inine, and those ending in the vowel "o", neuter. 7. There are two Numbers, the singular and the plural. Formerly there was a dual number (denoting two objects); at present it is used only with the three nouns, oko eye, ucho ear, and rejka hand. 8. There are seven Cases, the nominative, the genitive, the dative, the accusative, the vocative, the instrumental, and the locative. 9. Answers the question 1. Nom. Who or what? 2. Gen. Whose or whereof? 3. Dat. To or for whom or what? 4. Accus. Whom or what? 5. Voc. (Case of the person addressed.) 6. Instr. With whom or what? (The case denoting as- sociation with.) 7. Loc. Where? (Used with the prepositions in, about, after, on, by.) 10. Besides the above questions, certain prepositions serve to indicate what case is used, or is to be used. 11. There are three Declensions: 1. The declension of masculine nouns. 2. The declension of feminine nouns. 3. The declension of neuter nouns. 12. THE MASCULINE DECLENSION. This declension includes nouns of the masculine gender which end in a consonant; as, wol an ox, plot a fence, krol a king, piec a stove, Amerykanin an American, and diminutives ending in "o;" as, Jozio Joey, Franio Frankie. I. 13. Masculnie nouns ending in a hard consonant (t, d, s, z, k, g, p, b, f, n, m, 1, r, ch, h) are declined as follows: A. Aniol An angel. Singular. Plural. 1. Aniol an angel 1. Aniol-owie angels Aniel-i Aniol-y 2. Aniol-a of an angel 2. Aniol-6w of angels 3. Aniol-owi to an angel 3. Aniol-om to angels 4. Aniol-a an angel 4. Aniol-y angels M Aniol-6w 5. Aniel-e!* O! angel 5. (Same as 1.) O! angels 6. Aniol-em (with) an angel 6. Aniol-ami (with) angels 7. (w) Aniel-e* (in) an angel 7. (w) Aniol-ach (in) angels 15. * In the 5th and 7th cases of this declension hard consonants usually change to soft ones when followed by "e" or "i". 1. plot 2. plot-u 3. plot-u 4. plot 5. ploci-e!* 6. plot-em B. Plot A fence. Singular, a fence of a fence to a fence a fence O! fence Plural. 1. plot-y fences 2. plot-6w of fences 3. plot-om to fences 4. plot-y fences 5. (Same as 1) 0! fences (with) a fence 6. plot-ami (with) fences 7. (w) ploci-e* (in) a fence 7. (w) plot-ach (in) fences * See No. 15. 70 II. 17. Masculine nouns ending in a soft consonant (c, c, dz, dz, dz, sz, z, s, z, 1, rz), are declined as follows: 18. A. Krol The king. Singular. 1. krol 2. krol-a 3. krol-owi 4. krol-a 5. krol-u! 6. krol-em 7. (w) kr61-u Plural. 1. krol-owie, krol-e 2. krol-ow, krol-i 3. krol-om 4. krol-e, krol-6w 5. (Same as 1st case) 6. krol -ami 7. (w) krol-ach B. the king of the king to the king the king OJ king (with) the king (in) the king the kings of the kings to the kings the kings 0! kings (with) the kings (in) the kings 19. Piec The stove. Singular. 1. piec a stove 2. piec-a of a stove 3. piec-owi to a stove 4. piec a stove 5 . piec-u ! O! stove Plural. 1. piec-e stoves 2. piec-6w of stoves 3. piec-om to stoves 4. piec-e stoves 5. piec-e! O! stoves 6. piec-em (with) a stove 6. piec-ami (with) stoves 7. (w) piec-u (in) a stove 7. (w) piec-ach (in) stoves III. 20. Masculine nouns ending in the suffix "in" are declined as follows: 71 21. Amerykanin An American. Singular. 1. Amerykanin an American 2. Amerykanin-a of an American 3. Amerykanin-owi to an American 4. Amerykanin-a an American 5. Amerykanini-e ! 0! American 6. Amerykanin-em (with) an American 7. (w) Amerykanini-e (in) an American Plural. 1. Amerykani-e Americans 2. Amerykan-6w of Americans 3. Amerykan-om to Americans 4. Amerykan-6w Americans Amerykan 5. Amerykani-e ! O! Americans 6, Amerykan-ami (with) Americans 7. (w) Amerykan-ach (in) Americans IV. 22. Diminutives in "o" are declined like the noun "krol" in the singular (see above). Singular. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jozio Jozi-a Jozio-owi J6zi-a J6zi-u! J6zi-em (w) Jozi-u Joey Joey's to Joey Joey Joey! (with) Joey (in) Joey THE NEUTER DECLENSION. 23. This declension includes neuter nouns ending in "o" preceded by a hard consonant, and in "e" or "e." preceded by a soft consonant, I. 24. Neuter nouns ending in "o" preceded by a hard con- sonant are declined as follows: 25. 72 Kolo A wheel. Singular. Plural. 1. koio a wheel 1. kol-a wheels 2. kol-a of a wheel 2. kol of wheels 3. kol-u to a wheel 3. kol-om to wheels 4. kol-o wheel 4. kol-a wheels 5. kol-o! O! wheel 5. kol-a! O! wheels 6. kol-em (with) a wheel 6. koi-ami (with) wheels 7. (w) kol-e (in) a wheel 7. (w) kol-ach (in) wheels II. Neuter nouns ending in "e" or "e," preceded by a soft consonant are declined as follows: 27. A Pole A field. Singular. Plural. 1. pol-e a field 1 , pol-a fields 2. pol-a of a field 2 . pol of fields 3. pol-u to a field 3 . pol-om to fields 4. pol-e a field 4 . pol-a fields 5. pol-e! O! field 5 . pol-a ! 0! fields 6. pol-em (with) a field 6 . pol-ami (with) fields 7. (w) polu (in) a field 7 . (w) pol-ach (in) fields B 28. Imi . A name. Singular. Plural. 1. imi-e a name 1 . imion-a names 2. imieni-a of a name 2 . imion of names 3. imieni-u to a name 3 . imion-om to names 4. imi-e. a name 4 . imion-a names 5. imi-e.! O! name 5 . imion-a! O! names 6. imieni-em (with) a name 6 . imion-ami (with) names 7. (w) imieni-u (in) a name 7. (w)imion-ach (in) names THE FEMININE DECLENSION. 29. This declension includes feminine nouns ending in "a" and "i"; as, baba an old woman, pani a lady, or in 73 soft consonants; as, kosc a bone, twarz the face. Mas- culine nouns ending in "a"; as, siuga a man-servant, fam- ily names ending in "o"; as, Chodzko, and collective nouns are also declined according to this declension (but only in the singular). I. 30. Nouns ending in "a", and "o" preceded by a hard consonant, are declined as follows: A. 31. Baba An old woman. Singular. 1. bab-a an old woman 2. bab-y of an old woman 3. babi-e* to an old woman 4. bab-e. an old woman 5. bab-o ! O! old woman 6. bab-a. (with) an old woman 7. (w) babi-e* (in) an old woman Plural. 1. bab-y old women 2. bab of old women 3. bab-om to old women 4. bab-y old women 5. (Same as 1st case) O! old women 6. bab-ami (with) old women 7. (w) bab-ach (in) old women * B softens to b(i) before e. B. 32. Matka A mother. Singular. Plural. matk-a the mother 1. matk-i the mothers matk-i of the mother 2. matek of the mothers matc-e* to the mother 3. matk-om to the mothers matk-e. the mother 4. matk-i the mothers matk-o! 0! mother 5. matk-i! O! mothers 6. matk-a. (with) the mother 6 7. matc-e* (in) the mother 7 * The change from k to c is matk-ami (with) the mothers . matk-ach (in) the mothers occasioned by the ending e. -74 r II. 33. Nouns ending in "a" or "i" preceded by a soft con- sonant; as, kania a kite (a bird), pani mistress, lady, are declined thus: A. 34. Kania A kite (a bird). Singular. 1. kani-a a kite 1. kani- 2. kani of a kite 2. kan 3. kani to a kite 3. kani- 4. kani- a kite 4. kani- 5. kani-o ! OIkite 5. (San 6. kani-a. (with) a kite 6. kani- 7. (w) kan-i (in) a kite 7. (w) B 35. Pani A lady. Singular. 1. pani a lady 1. pani- 2. pani of a lady 2. pan 3. pani to a lady 3. pani- 4. pani-$ a lady 4. (Sair 5. pani! O! lady 5. (San 6. pani-^ (with) a lady 6. pani- 7. (w) pani (in) a lady 7. (w) Plural. kites of kites m to kites kites (Same as 1.) 0! kites (with) kites i-ach (in) kites Plural. ladies of ladies m to ladies as 1.) ladies (Same as 1.) 0! ladies (with) ladies (w) pani-ach (in) ladies III. 36. Nouns ending in a soft consonant are declined thus: 37. A. Kosc A bone. Singular. Plural. I. kosc a bone 1. kosc-i bones 2. kosc-i of a bone 2. kosc-i of bones 3. kosc-i to a bone 3. kosci-om to bones 4. kosc a bone 4. kosc-i bones r>. kosc-i ! 0! bone 5. kosc-i! O! bones 6. kosci-3 (with) a bone 6. kosc-mi (with) bones 7. (w) kosc-i (in) a bone 7. /yrr\ lfQACiow dwoch gruszek 85 3. dwom panom dwu nozom dwu gruszkom dwom nozom dwom gruszkom 4. dwoch panow dwa noze dwie gruszki 5. dwaj panowie! dwa noze! dwie gruszki! 6. dwoma panami dwoma nozami dwiema gruszkami dwu nozami 7. (w) dwoch panach( we) dwoch nozach (w) dwu gruszkach (w) dwu nozach (w) 2-ch gruszkach 93. Obydwaj, obydwa, obydwie (both) is declined in the same manner as the above. 94. TRZEJ, CZTEREJ TRZY, CZTERY (3, 4). Personal Form. Impersonal Form. Trzej bracia (three brothers) Trzy lokcie, slowa, panic (three yards, words, ladies) 1. trzej bracia (three brothers) trzy lokcie, slowa, panic 2. trzech braci (of the 3 bros.) trzech lokci, slow, pan 3. trzem braciom (etc.) trzem, etc. etc. 4. trzech braci trzy 5. trzej bracia! trzy 6. trzema bracmi trzema 7. (w) trzech braciach (w) trzech 95. NOTE: Dwoch, trzech, czterech may be used in- stead of dwaj, trzej, czterej. 96. PIEc, SZEC, SIEDM -99 (5, 6, 7 to 99). These numerals and the adjectives kilku (a few), kilka- nascie (several), wiele (many), ile (how many), tyle (so many), etc., have a separate declension of their own in two forms depending whether the numeral is used alone or in conjunction with a noun; as, Dalem jalmuzne. pie.ciom (I gave alms to five), and, Dalem ja!muzn pie.ciu zebrakom (I gave alms to five beggars). 97. When used by itself it is declined as follows: Personal Form. Impersonal Form. 1. pi^ciu (kilku, ilu) pie.6 2. pi^ciu pi^ciu 3. pi^ciom pi^ciom 4. pi^ciu pie.6 5. pi^ciu pie.6! 6. pi^cioma pi^cioma 7. (w)' pi$ciu (w) pi^ciu 86 98 When used with a noun, its only case ending is u, but the noun is inflected; as, Personal Form. Impersonal Form. Pie.ciu chlopcow Pie.c siostr, koni miast (five boys) (five sisters, horses, cities) 1. pie.ciu chlopcow pie.6 siostr, koni miast 2. pie,ciu chlopcow pie,ciu siostr, koni miast 3. piciu chlopcom piciu siostrom, koniom, miastom 4. pie.ciu chlopcow Same as nominative 5. pie,ciu chlopcami Same as nominative 6. pie.ciu cn!opcami pi^ciu siostrami, koiimi, miastami 7. (w) pie.ciu chlopcach (w) pie,ciu siostrach, koniach, miastach 99. Oboje (both, two of them), troje (three of them), czworo (four), pie.cioro (five), kilkoro (a few), etc., are de- clined as follows: 1. Czworo ludzi (four people) 2. czworga ludzi (of the four people) 3. czworgu ludziom (to the four people) 4. czworo ludzi (the four people) 5. czworo ludzi! (four people!) 6. czworgiem ludzi (with four people) 7. (w) czworgu ludziach (in four people). 100. STO, DWIEsCIE, TRZYSTA (100, 200, 300). When sto (hundred) is used alone, it is declined as a noun of the neuter gender; as, Singular Plural Dual 1. sto sta scie (dwie-scie) 2. sta set stu (dwu-stu) 3. stu stom stu 4. sto sta scie (dwie-scie) 5. sto sta scie 6. stem stami stoma 7. (w) cie (w) stach (w) stu 101. If "sto" is used as a numeral, then it is declined so: Personal and Impersonal Forms. 1. stu chlopcow sto kobiet 2. stu chlopcow stu kobiet 3. stu chlopcom stu kobietom 4. stu chlopcow sto kobiet. 87 5. sto chiopcow! sto kobiet! 6. stu chlopcami stu kobietami 7. (w) stu chlopcach (w) stu kobietach 102. DWIEsCIE (200). Personal and Impersonal Forms. 1. dwustu me,zow dwiescie koni 2. dwustu me,zow dwustu koni 3. dwustu me.zom dwustu koniom 4. dwustu mzow dwiescie koni 5. dwiescie me,zow dwiescie koni 6. dwustu me,zami dwustu konmi 7. (w) dwustu m^zach (w) dwustu koniach 103. TRZYSTA (300). Personal and Impersonal Forms. 1. trzystu me.zow trzysta koni 2. trzech set or trzystu m. trzech set or trzystu koni 3. trzem set or trzystu m. trzem set or trzystu konioir 4. trzech set or trzystu m. trzysta koni 5. trzysta me^zow! trzysta koni! 6. trzystu me.zami trzystu konmi 7. (w) trzech set or trzystu (w) trzech set or trzystu ko- m^zach niach 104. Czterysta (400) is declined like trzysta. 105. Pie.cset, szescset, etc. (five hundred, six hundred, etc.) are declined like pic (five) with the addition of the syllable "set". 106. Tysi^c (a thousand) and mil j on (a million) are declined regularly like nouns of the masculine gender, the first according to the paradigm "krol", and the latter accord. ing to paradigm "aniol". (See Nos. 18 and 14 respectively.) THE ADVERB. 107. The adverb is used to modify the meaning of a vorb, an adjective or another adverb. 108. Most adverbs are formed from adjectives, but there are many formed also from nouns, verbs, prepositions and numerals; as, ranek (noun) morning, rankiena (adv.) in the morning, widziec (vb.) to see, widocznie (adv.) ev- idently, co (pronoun) what, czemu (adv.) why?, dobry _ 88 (adj.) good, dobrze (adv.) well, jeden (numeral) one, jednakowo in one way, in the same manner, za tern (prep, and pro.) after that, zatem (adv.) consequently. 109. Most adverbs of manner and degree admit of com- parison. Such adverbs are generally compared like adject- ives. 110. Wolny (adj.) slow, wolniejszy slower, najwolniej. szy slowest. wolno (adv.) slowly, wolniej slower, najwolniej slowest, glosny (adj.) loud, glosniejszy louder, najglosniejszy loudest; glosno (adv.) loudly, glosniej louder, najglosniej loudest, slodki (adj.) sweet, stodszy sweeter, najslodszy the sweetest; slodko (adv.) sweetly, slodziej more sweetly, najslodziej most sweetly. biegly (adj.) skillful bieglejszy najbieglejszy; biegle (adv.) skillfully bieglej najbieglej. 111. The Positive Degree of the adverb is formed from the adjective by subsituting the ending "o" or "e" for the adjective ending "y" or "i". 112. The Comparative Degree is formed from the pos- itive by adding the consonant "j" to adverbs ending in "e"; by changing the final o to e and adding "j". For the sake of euphony certain consonants before the ending "ej" become softened; as, glosno, glosniej slodko (slodkiej), slodziej. 113. The Superlative Degree is formed by prefixing the syllable "naj" to the comparative degree. THE PREPOSITION. 114. Prepositions are used with the genetive, dative, ac- cusative, instrumental, and locative cases. Some prepositions are used with only one of these cases, others with two, others with three. 115. The prepositions u at; od from; do to; dla for; bez without; take only the genetive. 116. Ku (k) towards, takes only the dative. 117. Przez through, across, during, takes only the ac- cusative . 118. Przy at, near, by, about, takes only the locative. 89 119. Przed before, mie.dzy among, nad above, over, on, pod under, of, take the accusative and instrumental. 120. W in; o about, by, at, of; na on; po according, up to, in, through, after, over, take the accusative and the locative . 121. Mimo in spite of, notwithstanding, near, takes the genetive and accusative. 122. Z (ze) of, from, out of, native of, takes the gen- etive and instrumental. 123. Za under, in, in time, after, behind, for, in- stead of, in place of, out of, outside, by, takes the genetive, accusative and instrumental. 124. The chief relations expressed by the prepositions are place and time; but they express also cause, origin, means, agency, condition, purpose, and other important ideas. The original force of the preposition shades off into many meanings . EXAMPLES IN THE USE OF PREPOSITIONS. 125. U. U Rzymian. Among the Romans. Mieszka u mnie. He lives at my house. U dworu. At the king's court. 126. Od (ode). On jest wyzszy ode mnie. He is taller than I. Od poczatku stycznia. Since the beginning of January. Urn art od zimna. He died with cold. 127. Do. Czy chodzisz do szkoly? Do you go to school? Przybyl do New Yorku. He arrived at New York. Do czego zamierzasz? What have you in view? Dom spaUl sie. do szcze.tu. The house burned down to the ground. Odwiedzam go raz do roku. I visit him once a year. Ta suknia-jest tobie do twarzy. That dress suits you well. Daj mi lyzeczke. do herbaty. Give me a tea-spoon. 128. Dla. Tu jest pasza dla bydla. Here is some fodder for the cattle. 90 129. Bez. Nie moge, czytac bez ksi^zki. I cannot read without a book. 130. Ku. Wojsko maszerowalo ku Krakowu. The army was march- ing towards Cracow. 131. Przez. Uczylem sie, przez cal^, godzine,. I studied during the whole hour. On uczynil to sam przez si. He did that of his own accord . Zostal zabity przez zolnierza. He was killed by a soldier. Zrobil to przez wdzi^cznosc . He did that out of gratitude. Przex morza plyne,li do Ameryki. Across the seas they sailed to America. 132. Przy. Nie mam pienidzy przy sobie. 1 have no money about me. Siedzial przy stole i jadl. He was sitting at a table and eating . 133. Przed (przede). Wysta.pil przed wszystkich. He stepped out in front of all. Stal przede mna,. He stood before me. 134. W. Wpadl w rzeke,. He fell into the river. K^pal sie, w rzece. He was bathing in the river. 135. 0. Musisz myslec o innych tez. You must think of others too. Jest o glowe, wie.kszy. He's taller by a head. Zebrak prosit o jalmuzne. The beggar asked for alms. O czem mowisz? What are you speaking about? Spotkam cie. o drugiej godzinie. I'll meet you at two o'clock . Czy slyszales o tern? Did you hear about it? Zyl o chlebie i o wodzie. He lived on bread and water. 136. Na. Idz na obiad. Go to your dinner. 91 Mam tu sukno na surdut. I have here some cloth for a coat. Wojsko idzie na nieprzyjaciela . The army is marching against the enemy. Na moj koszt. At my cost. On jest zly z natury. He's bad by nature. Umr z glodu jezeli mi nie dasz cos jesc. I'll die of hun- ger if you don't give me something to eat. Ten stol jest zrobiony z dejbowego drzewa. This table is made of oak wood. 137. Za. Za krola Jana. In king John's reign. Za panowania krola Jana. During king John's reign. Be,de. u ciebie za godzine. I shall be at your house in an hour's time. Polacy walczyli za ojczyzne. The Poles fought for their country . Prowadzila 33, za re,k. She led her by the hand. He za.da Pan za to ? How much do you want for this ? Idz tarn za mnie. Go there in my place. Stal zaraz za mna,. He stood right behind me. Powiesili go za morderstwo. He was hung for murder. 138. Po. Ubrany po angielsku. He is dressed after the English fashion . Wszystko idzie po jego woli. Everything goes according to his will. Byl po szyje. we wodzie. He was up to his neck in water. On chodzi po muzeach. He visits the museums. Jezdzi po kraju. He travels through the country. Czy juz po lekcyi? Is the lesson over? 139. Mimo (pomimo). Przeszedt mimo mnie. He passed near me. Pomimo deszczu wyszedlem na ulice.. Notwithstanding the rain I went out on the street. Ja to zrobie, pomimo tego. I'll do it in spite of that. 140. Z (ze). Zka.d idziesz? Where are you coming from? On jest rodem z Warszawy. He's a native of Warsaw. 92 THE VERB. 141. The Polish verb has two Voices, the active, and passive . 142. There are four Modes, the indicative, imperative, infinitive, and conditional. To them are added, in the con- jugation of the verb, the participles. 143. There are four Tenses, the present, past, past per- fect and the future. The past perfect is rare and unimport- ant in Polish and may usually be replaced by the past. 144. Many verbs have different forms in the same tense differing in meaning. There is a form for completed action action finished at once; as, sia.sc (to sit down), for in- completed action action not yet finished or still continuing or progressing; as, siadac (to be in the act of sitting) and for frequentative action action taking place often; as, sia- dywac (to be in the habit of sitting). 145. The indicative mode is the only one which contains all the tenses. 146. The conditional mode has two tenses, the present denoting an action which may take place in the near or far future, and the past denoting a supposed action in past time. 147. The imperative mode is not conjugated, but like the other modes it may denote completed, incomplete or frequen- tative action; as, pisz (write now and continue writing), pi- suj (write sometimes or often), napisz (write and finish writing). 148. There are two forms of the participle, the declin- able, and indeclinable. The declinable is declined for num- ber, gender, and case. 149. There are present, past, and future participles. 150. There are three Persons. 151. There are two Numbers, as in nouns. In some cases the plural has two forms, the personal and the imper- sonal . 152. The Stem of a verb is its fundamental part, from which its various tenses are formed. The stem of kochac (to love) is kocha, of slyszec (to hear), slyszy, of gasic (to quench), gasi, of krajac (to cut), kraje. 152. There are three Conjugations. 93 153. Verbs whose stems in the 3d pers. sing, end in "a", belong to the First Conjugation; as, znam (to know), stem zna, miec (to have), stem ma. 154. Verbs whose stems in the 3d pers. sing, end in "y" or "i", belong to the Second Conjugation; as, slyszec( to hear), stem siyszy, gasic (to extinguish), stem gasi. 155. Verbs whose stems in the 3d pers. sing, end in "e", belong to the Third Conjugation; as, myc (to wash), stem myje, pisac (to write), stem pisze. THE VERB "BYc" TO BE. Infinitive Mode. Present Tense. 156. Bye to be. Participles. 157. Present Tense. a) Declinable: bd$cy, a, e being. b) Indeclinable: bd$c being. 158. Past Tense. a) Past perfect: bywszy having been. b) Past: byl, a, o having been. c) Passive: byly, a, e been. 159. Future Tense a) Indeclinable: maj^c bye about to be. b) Declinable: maj^cy, a, e bye about to be. Indicative Mode. 160. Present Tense. Jestem I am Jestes Thou art Jest He is Jestesmy We are Jestescie You are S^-They are. 161. Past Tense. Masc. Fern. Neuter Bylem, bylam I was Byles, bylas Thou wast Byl, byla, bylo He, she, it was 94 Personal. Bylismy Byliscie Byli 162. Impersonal (See No. 52.) bylysmy We were bylyscie You were byly They were Future Tense. Beds Bdziesz Be.dzie B^dziemy B^dziecie Beds I shall be Thou wilt be He will be We shall be You will be They will be Conditional Mode. 163. Masc. Bylbym, Bylbys, Byiby, Personal Bylibysmy Bylibyscie Byliby 164. Present Tense. Fern. Neuter bylabym bylabys bylaby, byioby I should be Thou wouldst be He, she, it would be Masc. Bylbym byl, Bylbys byl, Impersonal (See No. 52.) bylybysmy We should be bylybyscie You would be bylyby They would be Past Tense. Singular. Fern. Neuter Bylabym byla Bylabys byla I should have beer Thou wouldst have [been Bylbybyl, Bylabybyla, Byloby byto He, she, it would [have been Plural. Personal Impersonal (See No. 52.) Bylibysmy byli, bylyby byly, We should have been Bylibyscie byli, bylybysmy byly, You would have been Byliby byli, bylybyscie byly, They would h. been 165. The personal endings for the verb "bye" to be, and all other Polish verbs are as follows: 95 Singular. Plural. 1. m 1. my 2. sz, s 2. cie 3. ( t, extinct, found on- 3. n (primitive nt) ly in word "jest") which after the dropping Of. of the t, and combining with the preceding vowel, became the nasal "a," 166. These endings are added direct" y to the stem or with the help of certain vowels; as, by! e m bylem, I was. 167. Since the forms bylem, byles, etc., are compound, their endings can be separated from them and added to the preceding word; as, "gdy bylem" (when I was) can be changed to "gdym by!". My bylismy = mysmy byli, etc. etc. THE FIRST OR "A" CONJUGATION. ACTIVE VOICE. Infinitive Mode. Present. 168. Dbac to care, to heed. Indicative Mode. 169. Present Tense. Dbam I care Dbasz Thou carest Dba He cares Dbamy We care Dbacie You care Dbaja. They care 170. Past Tense. 1. Dbalem (Masc.) I cared Dbalam (Fern.) I cared 2. Dbales (Masc.) Thou caredst Dbaias (Fern.) Thou caredst 3. Dbal He cared Dbala She cared Dbalo It cared 1. DbaliSmy (Pers., see 52.) We cared Dbalysmy (Impersonal) We cared 96 2. Dbaliscie (Pers.) You cared Dbalyscie (Impers.) You cared 3. Dbali (Pers.) They cared Dbaly (Impers.) They cared 171. Past Perfect Tense. 1. Dbalem byl (masc.) I had cared Dbalam byla (fern.) I had cared 2. Dbales byl (masc.) Thou hadst cared Dbalas byla (fern.) Thou hadst cared 3. Dbal byl (masc.) He had cared Dbala byla (fern.) She had cared Dbalo bylo (neuter) It had cared 1. Dbalismy byli (Pers.) We had cared Dbalysmy byly (Impers.) We had cared 2. Dbaliscie byli (Pers.) You had cared Dbalyscie byly (Impers.) You had cared 3. Dbali byli (Pers.) They had cared Dbaly byly (Impers.) They had cared 172. Past (Impersonal). Dbano It was cared, heeded They cared, they heeded 173. Future Tense. 1. Be.de. dbal, a, o, or dbac I shall care 2. Be.dziesz dbal, a, o, or dbac Thou wilst care 3. Be.dzie dbal, a, o or dbac He will care 1. Be.dziemy dbali (pers. form), dbaly (impers. form), or dbac (pers. & impers. form) We shall care 2. Be.dziecie dbali (pers. form), dbaly (impers. form), or dbac (pers. & impers. form) You will care 3. Be.d$ dbali (pers. form), dbaly (impers. form), or dbac (pers. & impers. form) They will care 174. Conditional Mode. Present Tense. 1. Dbalbym (masc.) I should care Dbalabym (fern.) I should care 2. Dbalbys (masc.) Thou wouldst care Dbalabys (fern,) Thou wouldst care 97 3. Dbalby He would care Dbalaby She would care Dbaloby It would care 1. Dbalibysmy (pers.) We should care Dbalybysmy (impers.) We should care 2. Dbalibyscie (pers.) You would care Dbalybyscie (impers.) You would care 3. Dbaliby (pers.) They would care Dbalyby (impers.) They would care 175. Past Tense. Bylbym dbai (masc.) I should have cared Bylabym dbala (fern.) I should have cared etc. etc. or or Dbalbym byi (masc.) I should have cared Dbalabym byla (fern.) I should have cared etc. etc. 176. Imperative Mode. 2. Dbaj Care (thou) Dbajze Care (thou) 3. Niech dba Let him care 1. Dbajmy Let us care Dbajmyz Let us care 2. Dbajcie Care (ye or you) Dbajciez Care (ye or you) 8. Niech dbaj^ Let them care Participles. 177. Present. Dbaj^c (indeclinable) Caring Dbaj^cy, a, e (declinable) Caring 178. Past. Dbal Cared 179. Past Perfect. Dbawszy Having cared 180. Future. Maj$c dba6 (indeclinable) About to care Maj^cy, a, e dbac (declinable) About to care 181. Gerund. Dbanie Caring 98 THE SECOND OR "I (Y)" CONJUGATION. ACTIVE VOICE. Infinitive Mode. 182. Present. M6wi6 (to say, to speak) Liczyc (to count) Indicative Mode. Present Tense. Licz I count Liczysz Thou countest Liczy He counts Liczymy We count Liczycie You count Licz^ They count 184. Past Tense. M6wilem (m.) I spoke Liczylem I counted 183. Mowie. I speak Mowisz Thou speakest Mowi He speaks Mowimy We speak Mowicie You speak M6wi$ They speak Mowilam (f.) I spoke Mowiles (m.) Thou spokest Mowilas (f.) Thou spokest M6wil (m.) He spoke Mowila (f.) She spoke Mowilo (n.) It spoke Mowilismy (p.) We spoke M6wilysmy (i.) We spoke M6wiliscie (p.) You spoke Mowilyscie (i.) You spoke Mowili (p.) They spoke M6wily (i.) They spoke Liczylam I counted Liczyles Thou countedst Liczylam Thou countedst Liczy} He counted Liczyla She counted Liczylo It counted Liczylismy We counted Liczylysmy We counted Liczyliscie You counted Liczylyscie You counted Liczyli They counted Liczyly They counted 185. Past Perfect Tense. Mowilem by! I had spoken Liczylem by* I had counted Mowilam byla I had spoken Liczylam byla I had counted etc. etc. (Compare with No. 171.) 186. Future Tense. Be,de. mowil, a, o or mowic Bde, liczyl or liczyc" I shall count etc. I shall speak Be.dziesz mowil, a> o or m6- wic Thou whilst speak B^dzie mowil, a, o or m6wic He will speak 99 Bedziemy mowili (prs. form.) Bedziemy liczyli or liczyc m6wily (impers. form.) or We shall count mowic We shall speak etc. B^dziecie mowili ( pers. form. ) mowiiy (impers. form.) or mowic You will speak Beda, mowili (pers. form.), mowily (impers. form) or or m6wic They shall sp. (Compare with No. 173.) Participles. Conditional Mode. 187. Present. Mowilbym I should say Liczyibym I should count etc. etc. (Compare with No. 174.) 188. Past. Bylbym mowil ( m. f . ) I Bylbym liczyl I should have should have said counted etc. etc. or, or, Mowilbym byl Liczylbym byl etc. etc. (Compare with No. 175.) 189. Imperative Mode. Mow Speak (thou) Licz Count Mowze Speak (thou) etc. Niech mowi Let him speak Mowmy Let us speak Mowmyz Let us speak Mowcie Speak (ye) Mowciez Speak (ye) Niech mowia, Let them sp. Participles. 190. Present. M6wia,c (indie.) Speaking Liczyc Counting Mowi^cy, a, e (dec.)--Speak'g Licza,cy, a, e Counting 191. Past. M6wil Smid Liczyl Counted 100 192. Past Perfect. Mowiwszy Having spoken Liczywszy Having counted 193. Future. Indeclinable. Majac m6wic About to sp. Maja.c liczyc About to count Declinable. Maja.cy, a, e mowic About Maja.cy, a, e liczyc About to to speak count 194. Gerund. Mowienie Speaking Liczenie Counting THE THIRD OR "E" CONJUGATION. ACTIVE VOICE. 195. Infinitive Mode. Czesac (to comb). Indicative Mode. Present Tense. Czesz I comb Czeszesz Thou combest Czesze He combs Czeszemy We comb Czeszecie You comb Czesza, They comb 196. Past Tense. Czesalem (m.) I combed Czesalam (f.) I combed etc. etc. (See No. 170.) 197. Past Perfect Tense. Czesalem byl (m.) I had combed Czesalam byla (f.) I had combed etc. etc. (See No. 171.) 198. Past (impersonal). Czesano It was combed, they c. 199. Future Tense. Be.de, czesal, a, o or czesac I shall comb B^dziesz czesai, a, o or czesac Thou wilst comb B^dzie czesal, a, o, or czesac He will comb etc. etc . (See No. 173.) 101 ^ ' Conditional Mode. 200. Present Tense. Czesalbym I should comb etc . etc . 201. Past Tense. Czesalbym byl I should have combed or Bylbym czesal etc. (See No. 175.) 202. Imperative Mode. Czesz Comb (thou) Czeszze Comb (thou) etc. etc. (See No. 176.) Participles. 203. Present Tense. Czesza,c (indecl.) Combing Czesz^cy, a, a (decl.) Combing 204. Past Tense. Czesal, a, o Combed 205. Past Perfect. Czesawszy Having combed 206. Future Tense. Maja,c czesac (indecl.) About to comb Maja,cy, a, e czesac (decl.) About to comb 207. Gerund. Czesanie Combing PASSIVE VOICE. 208. The passive voice consists of the auxiliary verb bye to be, and the passive past participle ending in ny, a, e, or ty, a, e. Infinitive Mode. 209. Bye chwalonym, bitym To be praised, beaten. Indicative Mode. 210. Present Tense. 1. Jestem chwalony, bity (m.) I am praised, beaten Jestem chwalona, bita (f.) I am praised, beaten Jestem chwalone, bite (n.) I am praised, beaten 102 2. Jestes chwalony, a, e, bity, a, e Thou art praised, beaten 3. Jest chwalony, bity He is praised, beaten Jest chwalona, bita She is praised, beaten Jest chwalone, bite It is praised, beaten 1. Jestesmy chwaleni, bici (pers.) We are praised, beaten Jestesmy chwalone, bite (imp.) We are praised, beaten 2. Jestescie chwaleni, bici (pers.) You are praised, beaten Jestescie chwalone, bite (imp.) You are praised, beaten 3. S$ chwaleni, bici They are praised, beaten S$ chwalone, bite They are praised, beaten 211. Past Tense. 1. Bylem chwalony, bity (masc.) I was praised, beaten Bylam chwalona, bita (fern.) I was praised, beaten 2. Bytes chwalony, bity (masc.) Thou wast praised, beaten Bylas chwalona, bita (fern.) Thou wast praised, beaten 3. Byl chwalony, bity He was praised, beaten Byla chwalona, bita She was praised, beaten Bylo chwalone, bite It was praised, beaten 1. Bylismy chwaleni, bici (pers.) We were praised, beaten Bylysmy chwalone, bite (imp.) We were praised, beaten 2. Byliscie chwaleni, bici (pers.) You were praised, beaten Bylyscie chwalone, bite (imp.) You were praised, beaten 3. Byli chwaleni, bici (pers.) They were praised, beaten Byly chwalone, bite (impers.) They were praised, beaten 212. Past Perfect Tense. (There is none.) 213. Future Tense. 1. Be^de. chwalony, a, e I shall be praised, beaten 2. Bdziesz chwalony, a, e Thou wilt be praised, b. 3. Bdzie chwalony, a, e He, she, it wi 1 ! be p., b. 1. B^dziemy chwaleni, b'ci pers.) We shall be praised, b. Bdziemy chwalone, bite (imp.) We shall be praised, b. 2. B^dziecie chwaleni, bici (prs.) You will be praised, b. Bdziecie chwalone, bite (imp.) You will be praised, b. 3. Be.d{| chwaleni, bici (pers.) They will be praised, b. B yairv'shome). An hour, minute, sec- Godzina, minuta, sekunda (Gaw-gee 7 - ond. nah, mee-noo'tah, seh-koon'dah). Two hours, three min. Dwie godziny, trzy minuty i cztery utes and four sec- sekundy (DVyeh gaw-gee'ny, tshih onds. mee-noo'ty ee chteh'rih seh-koon'- dih). Seven hours, eleven Siedem godzin, jednascie minut i dwa- minutes and twen- dziesciapie.c sekund (Sheh'dem ty-five seconds. gaw'gin, yed-nah'sh'cheh mee / noot ee dvah-jesh-chah-p'yentch' seh'- koond). How long have you Jak dlugo pracowales? (Yahk dloo'- worked? gaw prah-tsaw-vah'lesh ? ) A day, a week, a Dzieri, tydzien, miesia.c, rok (Jane, month, a year. tih'jane, m'yeh'shownts, rawk). The whole day, week, Caly dzien, etc. (Tsah'ly jane, etc.) . month, year. Two, three, four days, Dwa, trzy, cztery dni, tygodnie, mie- weeks, months, sia.ce, lata (Dvah, tshih, chteh'ry years. d'n'yeh> m'yeh-shown'tseh, lah'tah). Five, six, etc., days, Pie.c, szesc, etc., dni, tygodni, miesie.- weeks, months, cy, lat (P'yentch, sheshtch, etc., years. d'n'yee, tih-gawM'n'yee, m*yeh- shen'tsih, laht). What day is it to- Ktory dzien jest dzisiaj? (Ktoc/rih day? jane yest gee'shy?) Monday, Po: liedzialek (Paw-n'yeh-jah'leck). 119 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. What day will it be to-morrow, after to- morrow ? What day was it yes- terday? Where were you last night, last week, last month? This morning I have been at my friend's house, and at noon in the park. Where are you going this evening? I shall stay at home. When are you going away? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- day, Friday, Satur- day, Sunday. When did you see him? Last Monday, Tues- d a y, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Wtorek (V'taw'reck), sroda (Shraw'dah), Czwartek (Chvahr'teck), Pizitek (P'yown'teck), Sobota (Saw-baw'tah), Niedziela (N'yeh-jeh'lah). Ktory dzien bdzie jutro, pojutrze? (Ktoo'rih jane ben'jeh yoo'traw, paw-yoo'tsheh ? ) Ktory dzien byl wczoraj? (Ktoo'rih jane bill v'chaw'rye?) Gdzie byles wczoraj wieczor, zeszlego tygodnia, zeszlego miesi^ca? (G'jeh bill'esh v'chaw'rye v'yeh'chure, zeh. shleh'gaw tih-gaw'd'n'yah, zeh- shleh'gaw m'yeh-shown'tsah ? ) Dzis rano bylem u swego przyjaciela, a wpoludnie w parku (Geesh rah'- naw bill'em oo sveh'gaw pshih-yah- cheh'lah ah v'paw-lood'n'yeh v'pahr- koo). Gdzie idziesz dzis wieczor? (G'jeh ee'jesh geesh v'yeh'chure ? ) Pozostan^ w domu (Paw-zaw-stah'- neh v'daw'moo). Kiedy odjezdzasz? (K'yeh'dih awed- yezh'jahsh ? ) W poniedzialek, we wtorek, w srode,, w czwartek, w pia,tek, w sobot^, w niedziel (V'paw-n'yeh-jah'leck, veh vtaw'reck, v'shraw'deh, v'chvahr'.. teck, v^p'yown'teck, v'saw-baw'teh, v'n'yeh-jeh'leh). Kiedy go widzates? (K'yeh'dih gaw vee- jah'lesh ? ) (ju-i^LT * G-Q_J&% Zeszlego poniedzialku, wtorku, zeszlej srody, zeszlego czwartku, pi^tku, zeszlej soboty, niedzieli (Zeh-shleh'- gaw paw-n'y^h-jahl'koo, v'tore'koo, zeh'shlay shraw'dih, zeh-shleh'gaw 120 ch'vahr't'koo, p'yown't'koo, zeh'- shlay saw-baw'tih, n'yeh-jeh'lee). When will it arrive? Kiedy to przyjdzie? (K'yeh'dih taw pshih'ee'jeh?) Next week, month, Na drugi tydzien, miesia.c, rok (Nah year. droo'ghee tih'jane, m'yeh'shownts, rawk) . When did you arrive Kiedy Pan przybyl do Ameryki? in America? (K'yeh'dih Pahn pshih'bill daw Ah- meh'ricky ? ) Last January, Feb- Zeszlego Stycznia, Lutego, Marca, ruary, March, April, Kwietnia, Maja, Czerwca, Lipca, May, June, July, Sierpnia, Wrzesnia, Pazdziernika, August, September, Listopada, Grudnia (Zeh-shleh'gaw October, November, Stitch'n'yah, Lew-teh'gaw, Mahr- December. tsah, KVyet'n'yah, Mah'yah, Chairv'tsah, Leep'tsah, Shair'- p'n'yah, Vzhesh'n'yah, Pahzh-jair- n'y e e'k a h , Least-awe-pah'dah, Grew'd'n'yah). January, February, Styczen, Luty, Marzec, Kwieclen, Maj, March, April, May, Czerwiec, Lipiec, Sierpien, Wrze- June, July, August, sien, Pazdziernik, Listopad, Gru. September, October, dzien (Stih'chain, Lew'tih, Mah'- November, Decem- zhets, KV'yeh'chain, My, Chair'- ber. v'yets, Lee'p'yets, Shair-y'yen, V 7 z h e h's h e n, Pahzh-jair'n'yeek, Least-awe'pahd, Grew' jane ) . There are four sea- Jest cztery pory roku: (Yest chteh-ry sons: paw'ry raw'koo: Winter, Zima (Zhee'mah), Summer, Lato (Lah'taw), Spring, Wiosna (V'yawss'nah), Autumn. Jesien (Yeh'shen). Winter begins in De- Zima zaczyna sie, w Grudniu, wiosna cember, Spring in w Marcu, lato w Czerwcu, a jesien March, Summer in w Wrzesniu (Zhee'mah zah-chih'- June, and Autumn nah sheh V'grew'd'nyoo, v'yawss'- in September. nah Vmahr'tsoo, lah'taw V'chairv'- tsoo, ah yeh'shen V'zhesh'n'yoo). 121 Work-day. Holiday. Why are you not working to-day? It's a holiday. What holiday? New Year's. New Year's eve. Lent. Good Friday. Advent. Christmas. Easter. When is your birth. day? Name's-day ? Vacation ? It is night already. Daybreak. Dawn. Dusk. Morning. Noon. Fore-noon. Afternoon. Evening. Midnight. Do you work at night ? Yes, I go in the even- ing and come home Dzien powszedni (Jane paw-vshed'- n'yee). wie,to ( ShVyen'taw) . Dlaczego nie pracujesz dzisiaj ? ( Dlah- cheh'gaw n'yeh prah-tsoo'yesh gee'- shigh?) Jest swie.to (Yest shVyen'taw). Jakie swie,to (Yah'k'yeh shVyen'- taw?) Nowy Rok (Naw'vih Rawk). Wilja Nowego Roku (Veal'yah Naw- veh'gaw Raw'koo). Wielki post (V'yell'kee pawst). Wielki pia.tek (V'y^ll-kee p'yown'- teck). Ad went (Ahd'vent). Boze Narodzenie (Baw'zheh Nah- raw-dzeh'n'yeh) . Wielkanoc (V'yell-kah'nawts). Kiedy 33, twoje urodziny? (K'yed'dy soh tvaw'yeh oo-raw-gee'nih ? ) Imieniny ? ( Ee-m'yeh-n'yee'nih ? ) Wakacye ? ( Vah-kahts'yeh ? ) Jest juz noc (Yest yoozh nawts). Swit (Sh'veet). Zmrok (Z'mrawk). Zmierzch (Z'm'yehzh'h ^final h sound- ed). Poranek ( Paw-rah'neck ) . Poludnie ( Paw-lood'n'yeh ) . Przed poludniem (Pshed paw-lood'- n'yem). Po poludniu (Paw paw-lood r n'yoo) . Wieczor (V'yeh'chure). Polnoc (Pool'nawts). Czy pracujesz w nocy? (Chih prah- tsoo'yesh v'naw'tsih?) Tak, id we wieczor, a przychodz^ do domu o swicie (Tahk, ee'deh weh 122 at daybreak. v'yeh'chure, ah pshih-haw'dzeh awe sh'vee'cheh). It is early, too early, Jest wczesnie, za wczesnie, pozno, za late, too late. pozno (Yest v'chesh'n'yeh, zah poozh'naw, zah poozh'naw). The weather. What sort of weather is it? It is fine, very cold, freezing. The sun is shining. It is raining. The air is very clear. It is a sultry day. It is getting cloudy. It is thundering. It lightens. It is beginning to rain. Is it still raining? It has rained the whole day. I was outside and got wet through to my skin. Didn't you have an umbrella ? The sky was so bright that I didn't think it would rain. Jaka jest pogoda? (Yah'kah yest paw-gaw'dah ? ) Jest pi^knie, bardzo zimno, marznie (Yest p'yenk'n'yeh, bar'dzaw zheem'naw, mahrz'n'yeh). Slonce swieci (Slawn'tseh shVyeh'- chee). Deszcz pada (Deshtch pah'dah). Powietrze jest bardzo czyste (Paw- v'yeh'tsheh yest bar'dzaw chiss'- teh). Jest parny dzien (Yest pahr'nih jane). Zachmurza sie. ( Zah-h'moo'zhah sheh ) . Grzmi (G'zh'mee). Blyska si (Bliss'kah sheh). Deszcz zaczyna padac (Deshtch zah- chi'nah pah'dahtch). Czy deszcz jeszcze pada? (Chili deshtch yesh'cheh pah'dah). Deszcz pada! caly dzien (Deshtch pah'dahl tsah'ly jane). Bylem na dworze i przemoklem na wskros (Bih'lem nah dvaw'zheh ee psheh-maw'klem nah v'screwsh). Czy nie miales parasola? (Chih n'yeh m'yah'lesh pah-rah-saw'lah ? ) Niebo bylo tak pogodne, ze nie przy- puszczalem, ze b^dzie deszcz padal (N'yeh'baw bi'law tahk paw-gawd'- neh, zheh n'yeh pshipoosh-chah'lem, zheh ben' jeh deshtch pah'dahl). 123 It is very windy. Jest bardzo wietrzno (Yest barMzaw v'yetsh'naw). It is foggy. I can't Pogoda jest mglista. Nic nie moge, see anything. widziec (Paw-gaw'dahyestm'glees'- tah. N'yeets n'yeh maw'gheh vee'- jetch). L| JMHI Yes, but it is not cold. Tak, lecz nie jest zimno. Bylo o wiele It was much colder zimniej wczoraj (Tahk, letch n'yeh yesterday. yest zheem'naw. Bih'law awe v'yeh'- leh zheem'n'yay v'chaw'rye). But it is so damp; it Lecz jest tak wilgotno; jest gorzej niz is worse than cold. zimno (Letch yest tahk veel-gawt'- naw; yest gaw'zhay n'yeezh zheem'- naw). What sultry weather! Co za parne powietrze! Zaledwie mo- We can hardly zemy dychac (Tsaw zah pahr'neh breathe. paw-v'ye'tcheh! Zah-ledVyeh maw- zheh'my dih'hahtch). It is snowing. snieg pada (Sh'n'yeg pah'dah). It hails. Grad pada (Grahd pah'dah). We had a big snow- Mielismy wielk^ zawieruch^ (M'yeh'- storm. leesh-mih v'yell'koh zah-v'y^h-roo'- heh). The weather is very Pogoda jest niestala (Paw-gaw'dah changeable. yest n'yeh-stah'lah). Don't you think it's Czy nie sa,dzisz, ze jest za cieplo w very warm for the tej porze? (Chih n'yeh sown'geesh, season? zheh yest zah chep'law v'tay paw'- zheh?) Yes. This is the warm- Tak. Jest to najcieplejsza wiosna ja- est spring I can re- k^ pami^tam (Tahk. Yest taw nigh- member, chep-lay'shah v'yoss'nah yah'koh pah-m'yen'tahm) . Let us go and see how Chodzmy zobaczyc jak jest na dworze things look out of (Hawdge'mih zaw-bah'chitch, yahk doors. yest nah d'vaw'zheh). 124 Breakfast, dinner, supper. Is breakfast ready? Is the dinner ready? Is the supper ready ? You come just in time. I have a good ap- petite. Do you take tea or coffe? chocolate? I prefer tea. What may I offer you? Here are some rolls and toast? Do you like your cof- fee strong or weak ? Take some more bread, sugar, milk, cream, ham. Will you have some fresh eggs ? I have come to dine with you. You are welcome. Will you take a little soup? No, thank you. Czy sniadanie jest gotowe? (Chih sh'n'yah-dah'n'yeh yest gaw-taw'- veh?) Czy obiad jest gotowy? (Chih awe'- b'yahd yest gaw-taw'vih ? ) Czy kolacya jest gotowa? (Chih kaw. lahts'yah yest gaw-taw'vah ? ) Przychodzisz w sam czas (Pshih-haw'_ geesh v'sahm chahss). Mam dobry apetyt (Mahm daw-brill ah-peh'tit). Czy pijesz herbate. czy kawe.? czeko- lad? (Chih pee'yesh hair-bah'teh chih kah'veh? cheh-kaw-lah'deh ? ) Wole, herbate, (Vaw'leh hair-bah'teh). Co moge. ci podac (Tsaw maw'geh chee paw'dahtch?) Tu sa, bulki i grzanki (Too soh bool'- kee ee g'zhahn'kee). Czy lubisz mocna. kawe. czy slab%? (Chih loo'beesh mawts'noh kah'veh chih slah'boh?) Wez wi^cej (Vezh v'yen'tsay) chleba (hleh'bah), cukru (tsoo'crew), mleka (mleh'kah), smietanki (shWyeh-tahn'kee), szynki (shin'kee). Czy chcesz swiezych jaj? (Chih h'tsesh sh'v'yeh'zhih'h yah'ee?) Przyszedlem do was na obiad (Pshih- shed'lem daw vahss nah awe'- b'yahd). Jestes bardzo poz^dany (Yes'tesh bar'dzaw paw-zhone-dah'nih) . Czy chcesz troche, zupy? (Chih h'tsesh traw'heh zoc/pih?) Nie, dzi^kuje. (N'yeh, jane-koo'yeh). 125 I would rather take a piece of beef. Please hand (pass) me the pudding, vegetables, spinach, cauliflower, peas, lettuce, bread, potatoes, cabbage, white bread, rye bread. Table, chair, chairs, table-cloth, napkin, napkins, knife, knives, fork, forks, spoon, spoons, cup, cups, saucer, saucers, glass, glasses, tea-pot, coffe-pot, butter-dish, sugar-bowl, sugar-tongs, Wolalbym kawalek wolowiny (Vaw- loll'bim cah-vah'leck vaw-law-vee'- ny). Prosze mi podac (Praw'shehmeepaw'. dahtch pudding (pudding), jarzyny ( yah -zhih'nih ) , szpinak (sh'pee'nahk), kalafior (kah-lah'f'yore), groch (graw'h h sounded), salate. (sah-lah'teh), chleb (hlep), kartofle (car-taw'fleh), kapuste, (kah-poos'teh), bialy chleb (b'yah'ly hlep), zytni chleb (zhit'n'yee hlep). Stol (Stool), krzeselko, krzeselka (ksheh-sell'- caw, ksheh-sell'kah), obrus (awe'broos), serweta, serwety (sair-veh'tah, sair-veh'tih), noz, noze (noozh, naw'zheh), widelec, widelce (vee-deh'lets, vee- dell'tseh), lyzka, lyzki (lizh'kah, lizh'kee), filizanka, filizanki (fee-lee-zhahn'. kah, f ee-lee-zhahn'kee ) , spodek, spodki (spaw'deck, spawd'- kee), szklanka, szklanki (sh'klahn'kah, sh'klahn'kee), imbryk do herbaty (eem'brick daw hair-bah'tih), imbryk do kawy (eem'brick daw kah'vih), maselniczka (mah-sell-n'yeetch'- kah), cukiernica ( tsoo-care-n'yee'tsah ) , szczypce (sh'chip'tseh), 126 plate, plates, dish, dishes, tray, water-bottle, cruet-stand. I want a loaf of bread. This bread is stale. Haven't you any fresh bread? White or rye bread? Pumpernickel. Have you any rolls? French rolls? cracknels ? corn bread? potato bread? white, brown, rye bread? How much for this cake? Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five cents . Ill take one. Pies- apple pie, talerz, talerze (tah'lezh, tah-leh'- zheh), polmisek, pohniski (pool-mee'seck, pool-mees'kee) , taca (tah'tsah), karafka (kah-rahf'kah), serwis, z octem, z oliwa, (sair'vees, z'awts'tem, z'awe-lee'voh). At the bakery. Chc bochenek chleba (Htseh baw- heh'nek hleh'bah). Ten chleb jest czerstwy, czy nie ma Pan swiezego chleba? (Ten hlehp yest chair'stvih, chih n'yeh mah Pahn shVyeh-zheh'gaw hleh'bah?) Pszenny czy zytni chleb? (Pshen'nih chih zhit'n'yee hlehp ? ) Czarny chleb (Chahr'nih hlehp). Czy ma Pan bulki? (Chih mah Pahn bool'kee?) rogaliki ? ( raw-gah-lee'kee ? ) obwarzanki ? ( awb'vah-zhan'kee ? ) chleb z kururydzy? (hleb z'koo-koo- rih'dzih ? kartoflany chleb? (car-tawff-lah'. nih hlep?) bialy, czarny, zytni chleb? (b'yah'_ ly, char'nih, zhit'n'yee hlep?) He kosztuje ten placek? (Ee'leh kawsh-too'yeh ten plah'tseck?) Pi^c, dziesi^c, pi^tnascie, dwadziescia, dwadziescia pi^c centow (P'yentch, j e h's h e n t c h, p'yent'nahsh'cheh, d v a h-j e s h'c hah, dvah-jesh'chah p'yentch tsen'toof). Wezm^ jeden (Vezz'meh yeh'den). Pasztety (Pahsh-teh'tih ), pasztet z jablek (pash'tet z'yah'- bleck), 127 peach pie, pasztet z brzoskwin "(pash'tet z'b'zhawss'kveen) , plum pie, pasztet ze sliwek (pahsh'tet zeh shlee'veck), cocoanut pie. pasztet z kokosowego orzecha (pash'tet z'kaw-kaw-saw-ve'gaw aw-zheh'hah). Please, give me the Prosz mi dac caly pasztet, tylko pol whole pie, only a pasztetu (Praw'sheh mee dahtch half a pie. tsah'ly pash'tet, till'kaw pool pash- teh'too) . At the barber shop. A shave, please. Take a seat, please. I'm in a hurry. One moment, sir . You're next. Please, cut my hair. Do you want them cut short? Quite short. Not too short. Should I cut them with a machine? No, sir, with the scissors. How do you want your hair combed, dry? A little bay rum, please. Prosz mi ogolic (Praw'sheh m'yeh aw-gaw'leetch) . Prosz zaja,c miejsce (Praw'sheh zah'_ yowntch m'yays'tseh). Spieszy mi si (Sp'yeh'shih mee sheh). Zaraz, Panie, Pan jest naste.pny (Zah'- rahz, Pah'n'yeh, Pahn yest nah- stemp'nih). Prosz mi ostrzydz wlosy (Praw'sheh mee awe'stshidz vlaw'sih). Czy chce Pan miec je krotko ostrzy- zone? (Chih h'tseh Pahn m'yetch yeh kroot'kaw aw-stshih-zhaw'- neh?) Zupelnie krotko (Zoo-pel'n'yeh kroot'- kaw). Nie za krotko (N'yeh za h kroot'kaw). Czy mam ostrzydz maszyna.? (Chih mahm aw'stshidz mah-shih'noh ? ) Nie, Panie, nozyczkami (N'yeh, Pah'- n'yeh, naw-zhitch-kah'mee). Jak mam wyczesac wlosy, na sucho? (Yahk mahm vih-cheh'sahtch vlaw'. sih, nah soo'haw?) Nieco wody laurowej, prosz^ (N'y^'- tsaw vah'dih lah-oo-raw'vay, praw'- sheh). 128 Vaseline. Pomatum. Hair Tonic. Talcum powder. Trim the mustache a little, please. How's that? Side-whiskers. Beard. Mustache. How much do I owe you? Ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, forty, fifty cents. Thank you. Wazelina (Vah-zeh-lee'nah). Pomada (Paw-mah'dah). Olejek do wlosow (Aw-leh'yeck daw vlaw'soof). Puder (Poo'dare). Prosz? obrownac nieco wa.sy (Praw'- sheh awb-roov'nahtch n'yeh'tsaw vown'sih). Czy to wystarczy? (Chih taw vih- star'chih?) Bokobrody ( Baw-kaw-braw'dih) . Broda (Braw'dah). Wa.sy (Vown'sih). He Panu si? nalezy? (Eel'yeh Pah'noo sheh nah-leh'zhih?) Dziesi?c, pi?tnascie, dwadziescia, dwa- dziescia pi?c, trzydziesci, czterdzie- sci, pi?cdziesia.t centow (Jen'. shentch, p'yent-nahsh'cheh, dvah- jesh'chah, dvah-jesh-cha'p'yentch, tshih-jesh'chee, chtair-jesh'chee, p'yen-jeh'shownt tsen'toof). Dziekuj Panu (Jane-koo'yeh Pah'- noo). At the book store. Have you a History of the U. S. in Polish? Have you a practical book in Polish? I want to learn Pol- ish. I employ a great many Polish men and women in my factory and could make good Czy ma Pan History? Stanow Zjedno. czonych w polskim je.zyku? (Chih mah Pahn Hees-tawr'yeh Stah'noof Z'yed-naw-chaw'nih'h v'pawl'skeem yen-zih'koo ? ) Czy moge. dostac tu praktyczna. meto- de. je.zyka polskiego? Chcialbym si? nauczyc po polsku. Zatrudniam wie- le Polakow i Polek w mej fabryce i taka ksi^zka przydalaby mi si? (Chih maw'geh daw'stahtch too prahk-titch'noh meh-taw'deh yen. zih'kah pawl-sTc'yeh'gaw ? H'chahl'. 129 use of a book like that. I believe you could. A great many other people have come here for a similar book. As far as we know there is no good book of that sort in the market. A book of that kind will soon be pub- lished. Here it is. You will find it very prac- tical. This book fills a long felt want. You must know, there are something like 3 million Poles in the U. S. You'll find them in all walks of life. In some places there are whole Polish col- onies. bim sheh nah-oo-chitch paw pawl'- skoo. Zah-trood'n'yahm v'yeh'leh Paw-lah'koof ee Paw'leck v'may f ah'brih-theh ee tah'kah k'shownzh'- kah pshih-dah-lah'bih mee sheh). Wierz Panu. Wiele innych os6b py- talo si o podobn^ ksia.zk (V'yeh'- zheh Pah'noo. V'yeh'leh een'nih'h aw'soop pih-tah'law sheh awe paw- dawb'noh k'shownzh'keh ) . Tak dalece jak nam wiadomo, niema zadnej dobrej ksia.zki tego rodzaju do nabycia (Tahk dah-leh'tseh yahk nahm v'yah-daw'maw n'yeh'mah zhahd'nay daw'bray k'shownzh'kih teh'gaw raw-dzah'yoo daw nah-bih'- chah). Ksia.zka tego rodzaju be.dzie wkrotce wydana (K'shownzh'kah teh'gaw raw-d'zah'yoo ben'jeh v'kroot'tseh vih-dah'nah). Oto jest. Przekona sie. Pan, ze jest bardzo praktyczna (Aw'taw yest. Psheh-kaw'nah sheh Pahn, zheh yest bar'dzaw prahk-titch'nah) . Bylo brak takiej ksia.zki. Musi Pan wiedziec, ze jest okolo trzech milio- now Polakow w Stanach Zjednoczo- nych. Znajdzie ich Pan przy roz- maitych robotach. W niektorych miejscach 33. cale polskie kolonje (Bil'law brahk tah'k'yay k'shounzh'- kee. Moo'shee Pahn v'yeh'jetch, zheh yest aw-kaw'law tsheh'h mill- yon'oof Paw-lah'koof v'Stah'nah'h Z'yed-naw-chaw'nih'h . Z'nigh'jeh ee'h Pahn pshih rawz-mah-ee'tih'h raw-baw'tah r h . V'n'yeh-ktoo'rih'h m'yays'tsah'h soh tsah'leh pawls'- k'yeh kaw-lawn'yeh). 130 A great many of the Poles do not under- stand or speak Eng_ lish. This makes it very hard for their employers to com- municate with them properly. By means of this book it will be possible to give them simple direc- tions and instruc- tion about their work, and to warn them in respect to danger and health. Do you keep maps? Please show me a map of America, the United States, Europe, England, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Russia, Sweden, Africa, Wiekszosc Polakow ani nie rozumie, ani nie mowi po angielsku. To spra- wia pracodawcom trudnos6 porozu. mienia sie. z nimi nalezycie. Za po- moca, tej ksia.zki be.dzie mozna u- dzielic im zwyklych wskazowek i objasnien dotycza.cych ich pracy, i ostrzedz ich przed niebezpieczen- stwem i utrata. zdrowia (Vyenk'- shawshtch Paw-lah'koof ah'n'yee n'yeh raw-zoo'm'yeh, ah'n'yee n'yeh moo'vee paw an-g'yells'koo . Taw sprahVyah prah-tsaw-dahv'tsawm trood'nawshtchpaw-raw-zoo-m'yeh'. n'yah sheh z'n'yeh'mee nah-leh- zhih'cheh. Zah paw-maw-tsoh tay k'shownzh'kee ben'jeh mawzh-nah oo-jeh'leetch eem z'vick'lih'h v'skah- zoo'veck ee awb-yash'n'yain daw. tih-chown'tsih ee'h prah'tsih, ee aws'tsheds ee'h pshed n'yeh-bez- p'yeh-chains'tvem ee oo-trah'toh Czy ma Pan mapy? (Chih mah Pahn mah'pih ? ) Prosze. mi pokazac mape. (Praw'sheh mee paw-kah'zahtch mah'peh) Ameryki (Ah-meh'ricky), Stanow Zjednoczonych (Stah'noof Z'yed-naw-chaw'-nih'h) , Europy (Eh-ooraw-pih), Anglii (Ahn'glee'ee), Francyi (Frahn'tsih'ee), Wloch (Vlaw'h), Niemiec (N'yeh'm'ets), Hiszpanii (Hish-pah'n'yee'ee), Rosyi (Raw'sih'ee), Szwecyi (Shveh'tsi'ee), Afryki (Ahf'ricky), 131 Asia, Australia. Let me have a pocket guide book for the city, a map of the city. We have books on philosophy, political economy, history, botany, zoology, natural history, geology, mineralogy, chemistry, physics, mechanics, architecture, art, poetry, theology. Books of bookkeeping, business letters, stenography. Have you any books for children? An illustrated ABC book. Picture-books for lit- tle children. Azyi (Ah'zih'ee), Australii ( Ah-oos-trah'lee'ee ) . Prosze. mi dac kieszonkowy przewod- nik miasta, mape. miasta (Praw'- sheh me dahtch k'yeh-shawn-kaw'- vih psheh-vawd'n'yeek m'yahss'tah, mah'peh m'yahss'tah). Mamy ksia.zki w dziedzinie (Mah'- mih k'shownzh'kee v'jeh-gee'n'yeh ) filozofii (fee-law-zaw'fee'ee), politycznej ekonomji (paw-lee-titch'. nay eh-kaw-naw'mee'ee), historyi (hees-taw'rih'ee), botaniki (baw-tah'n'yee-kee), zoologji (zaw-aw-law'ghee'ee), przyrody (pshih-raw'dih), gieologji ( ( g'yeh-aw-law-ghee'ee ) , mineralogji (mee-neh-rah-law'- ghee'ee), chemji (heh'mee'ee), fizyki (fee'zickee), mechaniki ( meh-hah'n'yee'kee ) , architektury ( ahr-hee-tek-too'rih ) , sztuki (shtoo'kee), poezyi (paw-eh'zih'ee), teologji (teh-aw-law'ghee'ee). Ksi^zki do buchalterji (K'shownzh'kee daw boo-hahl-tair'yee), korespondencji handlowej (kaw-res pawn-den'tsih'ee hahn-dlaw'vay), stenograf ji ( steh-naw-grah'f ee'ee ) . Czy ma Pan ksia.zki dla dzieci? (Chih mah Pahn k'shownzh'kee dlah jeh'- chee?) Elementarz z obrazkami (Eh-leh- men'tahzh z'awb-rahz-kah'mee ) . Ksi^zki z obrazkami dla malych dzie- ci (K'shownzh'kee z'awb-rahz-kah'. mee dlah mah'lih'h jeh'chee). 132 Interesting story Zajmuj^ce bajki (Zah'ee-moo-yawn'- books. tseh bah'ee'kee). Description of travels. Opisy podrozy (Aw-pee'sih paw-droo'- zhih). School books. Podre.czniki szkolne (Pawd-rentch- n'yee'kee shkawl'neh) . We also keep books Mamy takze ksi^zki przez (Mah'mih by tahk'zheh k'shownzh'kee pshez) French, francuskich (frahn-tsoos'kee'h), German, niemieckich (n'yeh-m'ets'kee'h), Polish, polskich (pawl'skee'h), English, angielskich (ahn-g'yell'skee'h), Italian, wloskich (vlaws'kee'h), Russian, rosyjskich (raw-sih'ees'kee'h) and Hungarian au- i we,gierskich autorow (ee ven- thors. g'yairs'kee'h ah-oo-taw'roof). A manual of the Eng_ Podr^cznik do angielskiego je.zyka lish language. Pawd-rentch'n'yeek daw ahn-g'yell- sk'y eh'gaw yen- zih'kah ) . A manual of the Pol- Podre.cznik do polskiego je,zyka (Pawd_ ish language. rentch'n'yeek daw pawl-sk'y eh'gaw yen-zih'kah). A manual of the Podre,cznik do francuskiego, niemie- French, German, ckiego, hiszpanskiego j^zyka (Pawd- Spanish language. rentch-n'yeek'kee do frahn-tsoos- k'yeh'gaw, n'yeh-m'yets-k'yeh'gaw, hish-pahn-sk'yeh'gaw yen-zih'kah) . We haven't got it in Nie mamy tego na skladzie, lecz mo- stock, but we can zemy sprowadzic to dla Pana order it for you. (N'yeh mah-mih teh'gaw nah sklah'. jeh, letch maw-zheh'mih spraw- vah'geetch taw dlah Pah'nah). Please, send it to me Prosze. mi je wyslac poczt^ (Praw'- by mail. sheh mee yeh vih'slahtch pawtch'- toh). Here's my address. Oto moj adres (Aw'taw moo'ee ah'- dress). I wish to subscribe to Chce. zaprenumerowac pismo (H'tseh zah-preh-noo-meh-raw'vahtch pees'- maw), 133 a magazine, a monthly, a weekly, a daily. Have you any music for the piano, violin, mandolin, guitar, flute? A song. Exercises. Method. miesie.cznik ( m'yeh-shentch'n'yeek) , ?> ty godnik ( tih-gawd'n'y eek ) , dziennik (jane-n'yeek). Czy ma Pan nuty na fortepian, skrzypce, mandoline,, gitare,, flet? (Chi mah Pahn noo'tih nah fore- teh'p'yahn, s'k'ship'tseh, mahn-daw- lee'neh, ghee-tah'reh, fleht?) Piosenka ( P'yaw'sen-ka) . cwiczenie (Ch'vee-cheh'n'yeh). Metoda (Meh-taw'dah). At the butcher's, fish store. Please give me a half a pound of bacon, two pounds of round steak, leg of lamb, five pounds of veal chops, two pounds of sau- sage, a pound of lard, some soup meat. Beef, veal, pork, mut- ton, lamb. Have you any good chickens, ducks, geese ? How much is chicken a pound? Twenty-five cents a pound. Prosz mi dac pol funta sloniny (Praw'sheh mee dahtch pool foon'- tah slaw-n'yee'nih), dwa funty wolowiny (dvah foon'ty vaw-law-vee'nih) , cwiartk skopowiny (chVyahrt'keh skaw-paw-vee'nih) , pie,c funtow kotletow ciele.cych (p'yentch foon'toof kawt-leh'toof cheh-len'tsih'h), dwa funty kielbasy (dvah foon'ty kVell-bah'sih), funt szmalcu (foont shmahll'tsoo), nieco mi^sa na zup (n'ye'tsaw m'yen'- sah nah zoo'peh). Wolowina, ciel^cina, baranina, skopo- wina (Vaw-law-vee'nah, cheh-len- chee'nah, bah-rah-n'yee'nah; skaw- paw-vee'nah). Czy Pan ma dobre kury, kaczki, g^si? (Chih Pahn mah daw'breh koo r ry, kahtch'kee, ghen'shee ? ) He kosztuje funt kury? (Ee'leh kawsh-too'yeh foont koo'ry?) Dwadziescia-pi^c centow funt (Dvah- jesh'chah-p'yentch tsen'toof foont). 134 Roasting chicken. Kura do pieczenia (Koo'rah dawp'yeh- cheh'n'yah)- Soup chicken. Kura na zup (Koo'rah nah zoo'peh). Fricassee chicken. Kura na potrawke. (Koo'rah nah paw- trahff'keh). Would you like to Czy by Pani chciala Jadnego indyka? have a nice turkey ? (Chih bih Pah'n'yee h'chah'lah lahd-neh'gaw een-dih'kah ? ) Yes, please let me see Tak, prosz mi go pokazac (Tahk, one. praw'sheh mee gaw paw-kah'- zahtch). Please weigh this one. Prosze. zwazyc tego (Praw'sheh zvah'- zhitch teh'gaw). It weighs ten, eleven, On wazy dziesie.c, jednascie, dwana- twelve, thirteen, scie, trzynascie, czternascie, pi^t- f ourteen, fifteen, nascie, dwadziescia funtow (Awn twenty pounds. vah'zhih jeh'shentch, yed-nahsh'- cheh, dvah-nahsh'cheh, tshi-nahsh'- cheh, chter-nahsh'cheh, p'yent- nahsh'cheh, dvah-jesh'chah foon'- toof). That's too big for me. Jest za duzy dla mnie (Yest zah doo 7 - zhih dlah m'n'yeh). To clean a chicken, Wyczyscic kur, ryb (Vih-chish'- fish. cheech koo'reh, rih'beh). Fish, pike, Ryby, szczupak (Rih'by, shchoo'pahk), carp, karp (carp), trout, pstr^g (pstrowng), perch, okun (aw'koon), tench, lin (leen), eel, we.gorz (ven'goozh), herring^, sledz (shledge), sardines, sardynki (sahr-din'kee), oysters, ostrygi (aw-stri'ghee), crawfish, rak (rahk), lobster, homar (haw'mahr), flounder, fladra (flone'drah), salmon, loso^ (law'sawsh), mackerel. makrela (mah-kreh'lah). 135 At the cigar store. Do you smoke? Take a cigar then. Thank you, I don't smoke cigars, I on- ly smoke cigarettes. Well, take a cigarettes. What kind do you smoke ? Any kind provided they are not too strong. Take Egyptian or Turkish cigarettes. They are generally light. Don't you smoke ci- garettes ? No, I smoke cigars, and sometimes a pipe. You shouldn't smoke such strong cigars; they will hurt you. Smoking is always harmful, but I don't think cigars are as bad as cigarettes, because you don't inhale the smoke. Czy palisz? (Chih pah'lish?) Wez cygaro wtedy (Vezh tsih-gah'raw vteh'dy). Dzie.kuj ci, nie pale, cygarow, tylko pal papierosy (Jane-koo'yeh chee, n'yeh pah'leh tsi-gah'roof, pah'leh till'kaw pah-p'yeh-raw'sih). box of No, to wez pudelko papierosow (Naw, taw vezh poo-dell'kaw pah-p'yeh- raw'soof). Jakie palisz? (Yah'k'yeh pah'leesh?) Byle jakie, byle nie byly za mocne (Bih'leh yah'k'yeh, bih'leh n'yeh billy zah mawts'neh). Wez egipskie lub tureckie papierosy. One 33, zwykle slabe (lekkie) (Vezh e-gheep'sk'yeh loop too-rets'k'yeh pah-p'yeh-raw'sih. Aw'neh soh zvick'leh slah'beh). Czy ty nie palisz papierosow? (Chih tih n'yeh pah'leesh pah-p'yeh-raw'- soof ?) Nie, ja pal cygara, a czasami fajk (N'yeh, yah pah'leh tsih-gah'rah, ah chah-sah'mee f igh'keh) . Nie powinienes palic takie mocne cy- gara, one ci zaszkodz^ (N'yeh paw- vee-n'yeh'nesh pah'leech tah'k'yeh maw'tsneh tsih-gah'rah, aw'neh chee zah-shkaw'dzoh). Palenie jest zawsze szkodliwe, lecz nie s^dze^ azeby cygara byly tak szkod- liwe jak papierosy, poniewaz czlo- wiek nie zaci^ga si (Pah-leh'n'yeh yest zah'vsheh shkawd-lee'veh, lehtch n'yeh sone'dzeh, ah-zheh'bih tsi-gah'rah bil'ly tahk shkawd-lee'- veh yahk pah-p'eh-raw'sy). 136 Please let me have a Prosze. mi dac pudelko cygar, papie- box of cigars, cigar- ros6w (Praw'sheh mee dahtch poo- ettes. dell'kaw tsih'gahr, pah-p'yeh-raw'_ soof). How much is that He kosztuje ta fajka tarn? (Ee'leh pipe over there? kaw-shtoo'yeh tah figh'kah tahm?) Only fifty cents. Tylko pie.cdziesiat centow (Till'kaw p'yen-jeh'shownt tsen'toof). What tobacco do you Jakg. tabak radzi mi Pan wzi^c do advise me to take palenia wfajce? ( Yah'koh tah-bah'- for my pipe? keh rah'gee mee Pahn v'zhowntch daw pah-leh'n'yah v'f igh'tseh ? ) I advise you to take Radz Panu wzia.c te.. Jest to najlep- this. It is the best sza jaka jest (Rah'dzeh Pah'noo on the market. v'zhowntch teh. Yest taw nigh-lep'- shah yah'kah yest). Is it very strong? Czy jest bardzo mocna (Chih yest bar'dzaw mawts'nah?) No, it is very weak. Nie, bardzo slaba (N'yeh, bar'dzaw slah'bah). All right, I'll try it. Dobrze, sprobuj j$ (Daw'b'zheh, sproo-booVeh yoh). Do you give coupons. Czy daje Pan kupony? (Chih dah'yeh Pahn koo-paw'nih?) Yes, sir, here they Tak, Panie, tu one sa. (Tahk, Pah'- are. n'yeh, too aw'neh soh). Thank you. Dzikuj Panu (Jane-koo'yeh Pah'- noo). Don't mention it. Nie ma za co. Przepraszam (N'yeh mah zah tsaw. Psheh-prah'shahm). At the doctor's. Where is there a doc- Gdzie tu mieszka doktor? lekarz? tor here? (G'jeh too m'yesh'kah dawk'toor? leh'kahzh?) There is one two Jest jeden dwie ulice nizej (Yest yeh'- blocks below? den dVyeh oo-lee'tseh n'yee'zhay). When does doctor Y. Kiedy doktor Y. przyjmuje? (K'yed- receive? dy dawk'toor Y. pshih'ee-moo'yeh?) 137 From 10 A. M. to 4 Od dziesiatej (10) rano do czwartej P. M. and from 7 (4) po poludniu i od siodmej (7) P. M. to 10 P. M. do dziesia.tej wieczor co dzien z wy- every day except ja.tkiem niedzieli. W niedziel tyl- Sundays. On Sun- ko od osmej (8) do jednastej (11) days the hours are rano (Awd jeh-shown'tay rah'naw 8 A. M. to 11 A. M. daw chvahr'tay paw-paw-lood'n'yoo only. ee awd shood'may daw jeh-shown'- tay v'yeh'choor tsaw jane z'vih. yownt'k'yem n'yeh-jeh'lee . V'n'yeh- jeh'leh till'kaw awd oos'may daw yed-nahss'tay rah'naw ) . What is his fee? Jakie jego honoraryum? (Yah'k'yeh yeh'gaw haw-naw-rahr'yoom ? ) One dollar if you call Dolara u niego w kancelaryi (Daw- at his office, and lah'rah oo n'yeh'gaw v'kahn-tseh- two dollars if he lahr'yee), calls at your home, a dwa dolary jezeli on przyjdzie do Pana domu (ah dvah daw-lah'ry yeh-zheh'lee awn pshih'ee'jeh daw Pah'nah daw'moo). Do you think he is a Czy s^dzi Pan, ze on jest dobrym dok- good doctor? torem? lekarzem? (Chih sown'gee Pahn, zheh awn yest daw'brim dawk-taw'rem ? leh-kah'zhem ? ) An excellent one. Znakomitym (Znah-kaw-mee'tim). Ring the bell. Prosz dzwonic. Zadzwon (Praw'sheh dzvaw'n'yeetch . Zah'dzvawn ) . Please ring the bell Prosze. zadzwonic raz, dwa razy once, twice. (P r a w's h e h zah-dzvaw'n'yeetch rahz, dvah rah'zih). The bell is out of or- Dzwonek popsuty. Prosze. pukac der. Please knock. (Dzvaw'neck paw-psoo'tih. Praw'- sheh poo'kahtch). Is the doctor in? Czy Pan doktor w domu? (Chih Pahn dawk'toor v'daw'moo?) Yes, sir, madam. Tak, prosz Pana, Pani (Tahk, praw'- sheh Pah'nah, Pah'n'yee). Step right in. Prosze. wejsc (Praw'sheh vayshtch). 138 No, sir, madam. Nie, prosze. Pana, Pani (N'yeh, praw'- sheh Pah'nah, Pah'n'yee). He just went out, but Co dopiero wyszedi lecz powroci za he'll be back in jakie dziesie.6 minut, za chwil$ about ten minutes, (Tsaw daw-p'yeh'raw vih'shed letch in a short while. paw-vroo'chee zah yah'k'yeh jeh'- shentch mee'noot, zah h'vee'leh). Please take a seat. Prosze. siadad. Oto kilka gazet, jezeli Here are a few Pan zechce czytac (Praw-sheh shah'- papers if you wish dahtch. Aw'taw keel'kah gah'zet to read. yeh-zheh'lee Pahn zeh'h'tseh chih'- tahtch). Doctor, I feel very Panie doktorze, czuje. si bardzo cho- sick. ry (Pah'n'yeh dawk-taw'zheh, choo'- yeh sheh bar'dzaw haw'rih). What is the matter? Co Panu jest? dolega? (Tsaw Pah'- noo yest? daw-leh'gah ? ) Have you any pain? Czy Pan miewa boleSci? (Chih Pahn m'yeh'vah baw-lesh'chee ? ) Yes, sir. Tak, Panie (Tahk, Pah'n'yeh). Where does it pain Gdzie Pan czuje b61? (G'jeh Pahn you? choo'yeh bool?) Here, there, Tu, tarn (Too, tahm), in the head, w glowie (v'glaw'v'yeh), in my chest, w piersiach (v'pyair'shah'h), in the side, w boku (v'baw'koo), in the heart, w sercu (v'sair'tsoo), in the lungs, w plucach (v'ploo'tsah'h), in the stomach, w zol^dku (v'zhaw-lownd'koo), leg, arm, shoulder, w nodze, w ramieniu, w srodku inside somewhere. gdzies (v'naw'dzeh, v'rah-m'yeh'- n'yoo* v'shrawd'koo g'jesh). I feel a pain all over Boli mie. cale cialo (Baw'lee m'yeh my body. tsah'leh chah'law). I have caught a cold. Zazibi!em si (Zah-zhem-bee'lem sheh). I am hoarse. Ochryplem (Aw-h'rip'lem). I have a sore throat. Gardlo mi? boli (GarMlaw m'yeh baw'lee). 139 Do you cough? Yes, sir, so much that I can't sleep. I have a catarrh. My neck is stiff. I feel very weak. I can hardly stand. Please bare your arm, leg, neck, chest. Undress yourself. Have you headaches, madam ? Yes, no. Often? Almost every day. I suffer from giddi- ness. How's your appetite, sir? Good? Bad? Not so good. Not very good. I have no appetite at all. I didn't eat anything for three days. Czy Pan kaszle? (Chih Pahn kahsh'- leh?) Tak, Panie, tyle ze nie moge, spac (Tahk, Pah'n'yeh, till'yeh, zheh n'yeh maw'geh spahtch). Mam katar (Mahm kah'tar). Szyja mi zesztywniala (Shih'yah mee zeh-shtiv-n'yah'lah) . Czuje. sie, bardzo slaby. Zaledwie mo- g stac (Choo'yeh sheh bar'dzaw slah'bih . Zah-led'v'yeh maw'geh stahtch). Prosz obnazyc ramie, noge., szyj, piersi (Praw'sheh awb-nah'zhitch rah'm'yeh, n a w'g e h, shih'yeh, p'yair'shee). Prosz si rozebrac, obnazyc (Praw'- sheh sheh raw-zeh'brahtch, awb. nah'zhitch). Czy Pani cierpi na bol glowy? (Chih Pah'n'yee chair'pee nah bool glaw'- vih?) Tak, nie (Tahk, n'yeh). Cze.sto? (Chen'staw?) Prawie co dziefi (Prah'v'yeh tsaw jane). Cierpi na zawrot glowy (Chair'p'yeh nah zah'vroot glaw'vih). Jaki Pan ma apetyt? (Yah'kee Pahn mah ah-peh'tit?) Dobry? Zly? (Daw'brih? z'lih?) Nie zly (N'yeh z'lih). Nie bardzo dobry (N'yeh bar'dzaw daw'brih). Nie mam zadnego apetytu (N'yeh mahm zhahd-neh'gaw ah-peh-tih'- too). Od trzech dni nie nie jadtem (Awd tsheh'h d'n'yee neets n'yeh yahd'- lem). 140 I am shivering with Mam dreszcze (Mahm dresh'cheh). cold. I am burning with Jest mi gora.co (Yest mee gaw-rone'- heat. tsaw). I feel sick in my Czuje, nudnosc (Choo'yeh nood'- stomach. nawshtch). Please show me your Prosze, pokazac je.zyk (Praw'sheh tongue. paw-kah'zahtch yen'zick). Your tongue is coated. Jzyk jest oblozony (Yen'zick yest aw-blaw-zhaw'nih) . The pulse is regular, Puls jest regularny, nie regularny irregular. (Pools yest reh-goo-lar'nih, n'yeh reh-goo- 1 ar'nih). Please tell me what is Prosze, mi powiedziec co mi jest ? the matter with (Praw'sheh mee paw-v'yeh'jetch me? tsaw mee yest?) Sir, madam, you have Pan, pani cierpi na (Pahn, pah'n'yee chair'pee nah ) Chlorosis, Blednice, (Bled-n'yee'tseh), Inflammation of the Zapalenie pluc (Zah-pah-leh'n'yeh lungs, ploots), Pleurisy, Zapalenie ophicnej (Zah-pah-leh'- n'yeh aw-ploots'nay), Peritonitis, Zapalenie kiszek (Zah-pah-leh'n'yeh kee'sheck), Appendicitis, Zapalenie slepej kiszki (Zah-pah- leh'n'yeh shleh'pay keesh'kee), Constipation, Zatwardzenie (Zah-tVahr-dzeh'- n'yeh), Jaundice, Zoltaczk^ (Zhool-tahtch'keh), Chronic catarrh, Chroniczny katar (H'raw-n'yeetch'- nih kah'tar), Rheumatism, Reumatyzm (Reh-oo-mah'tizm), Asthma, Astme,, Dychawice, (Ahst'meh, Dih. hah-vee'tseh), Consumption. Suchoty (Soo-haw'tih). The child has whoop- To dziecko ma koklusz (Taw jets'kaw ing cough, mah kaw'kloosh), Scarlet fever, Szkarlatyne, (Shkar-lah-tih'neh), Small-pox, Ospe, (Awss'peh), 141 Brain fever, Croup, Adenoids, Meningitis . I'm afraid, sir, that you'll have to un- dergo an operation for cancer in the throat, appendicitis, polyp in the nose. Shall I recover soon, doctor ? What diet must I keep? You must not eat raw meat, etc. (See ar_ tides of food). The recovery is very slow. If you can't afford to cure yourself at home, you must go to the hospital. How much do I owe you? Contagious sickness. Epidemic . Zapalenie mozgu (Zah-pah-leh'- n'yeh mooz'goo), Krup (Kroop), Adeno jdy ( Ah-deh-naw'ee'dih ) , Zapalenie blony mozgowej (Zah- pah-leh'n'yeh blaw'nih mooz- gaw'vay). Obawiam sie., ze Pan musi sie. poddac operacyi na raka w gardle, zapale- nie slepej kiszki, polipa w nosie (Aw-bahVyahm sheh zheh Pahn moo'shee sheh pawd'dahtch aw-peh- rah'ts'yee nah rah'kah v'gar'dleh, zah-pah-leh'n'yeh shleh'pay keesh'- kee, paw-lee'pah v'naw'sheh). Czy pre.dko wyzdrowieje,, Panic dok- torze? (Chih prend'kaw vih-zdraw- v'yeh'yeh, Pah'n'yeh dawk-taw'- zheh?) Jak^ diet mam zachowac? (Yah-koh dee-eh'teh mahm zah-haw'vahtch ? ) Nie powinien Pan jesc surowego mie.- sa etc. (N'yeh paw-vee'n'yen Pahn yeshtch soo-raw-veh'gaw m'yen'sah, etc.) Wyzdrowienie idzie bardzo powoli Vih-zdraw-v'yeh'n'yeh ee'jeh bar 7 - dzaw paw-vaw'lee). Jezeli Pan nie ma srodkow, aby sie. leczyc w domu, musi Pan isc do szpi- tala (Yeh-zheh'lee Pahn n'yeh mah shrawd'koof ah'bih sheh leh'chitch v'daw'moo, moo'shee Pahn eeshtch daw shpee-tah'lah) . lie jestem Panu dluzny za porade.? (Ee'leh yes'tem Pah'noo dloozh'nih zah paw-rah'deh ? ) Zarazliwa choroba (Zah-rahzh-lee'vah haw-raw'bah). Epidemia (Eh-pee-deh'm'yah). 142 Cataract. Chilblains. Corn. Headache . Toothache. Earache . Dislocation . Eruption . A broken bone. Contusion . Boil, Abscess. Pimple . Medical establishment Clinical hospital. Lying-in hospital. Ambulance . Sister of charity. Nurse . The chief physician. Katarakta oczna (Kah-tah-rahk'tah awtch'nah). Odmrozenie ( Awd-mraw-zheh'n'yeh) . Nagniotek, odcisk (Nah-gn'yaw'teck, awd'cheesk). B61 glowy (Bool glaw'vih). B61 zejbow (Bool zem'boof). B61 uszu (Bool oo'shoo). Wywichniencie ( Vih- vee'h-n'yen'cheh ) Wyrzut (Vih'zhoot). Zlamana kosc (Z 1 ah- mah'nah kawstch). Sthiczenie (Stloo-cheh'n'yeh). Wrzod (Vzhood). Krosta (Krawss'tah). Dom zdrowia (Dawm zdrawVyah). Klinika (KleeVyee-kah). Instytut polozniczy (Een'sti-toot paw- lawzh-n'yee'chih ) . Ambulans (Am'boo-lahnss). Siostra milosierdzia (Shawss'trah mee-law-shair'jah) . Pielegniarka (P'yeh-leng-n'yar'kah) . Lekarz naczelny (Leh-kahzh nah- chel'nih). A telephone call. Is this Dr. Brown's office? Yes . Who is this ? I wish to talk to Dr. Brown . This is Dr. Brown talking to you . Dr. Brown is out, but Czy to jest biuro Dr. Browna? (Chih taw yest b'yoo'raw dawk-taw'rah Brow'nah ? ) Tak. Kto to? (Tahk. Ktaw taw?) Chce. rozmawiac z Dr. Brownem (H'tseh rawz-mahVyahtch z'dawk- taw'rem Brow'nem). To ja Dr. Brown mowi do Pana (Taw yah dawk'toor Brown mooVyeh daw Pah'nah). Pana doktora niema, lecz ja moge, wy- 143 I can take your sluchac Pana za.danie (Pah'nah message. dawk-taw'rah n'yeh'mah v'daw'moo, letch yah maw'geh vi-sloo'hahtch Pah'nah zhown-dah'n'yeh). I am John Polski. The Jestem Jan Polski. Moje dziecko jest baby is very sick. bardzo chore. Czy moze Pan doktor Will you please przyjsc natychmiast? (Yes'tem come at once? Yahn Pawl'skee. Maw'yeh jets'kaw yest bar'dzaw haw'reh. Chih maw'- zheh Pahn dawk'toor pshih'eestch nah-tih'h'm'yahst?) What is the matter Co dziecku jest? Co mu dolega? with it? (Tsaw jets'koo yest? Tsaw moo daw-leh'gah ? I don't know . It has a Nie wiem . Ono ma wysoka. gora.czke. high fever. (N'yeh v'yem. Aw'naw mah vih- saw'koh gaw-rowntch'keh ) . I will come very soon, Wkrotce przyjde, Panic Polski Mr. Polski. (V'kroot'tseh pshih'ee'deh, Pah'n'yeh Pawl'skee). What is your ad- Jaki jest Pana adres? (Yah'kee yest dress? Pah'nah ah'dress?) 633 Mansfield Place. 633 Mansfield PL (633 Mansfield PL) Your baby is very Pani dziecko jest bardzo chore, Pani sick, Mrs. Polska. Polska (Pah'n'yee jets'kaw yest bar'dzaw haw'reh, Pah'n'yee Pawl'- skah). If you are not careful, Jezeli Pani nie bdzie bardzo ostroz- it will die. na, to ono umrze (Yeh-zheh'lee Pah'n'yee n'yeh ben'jeh bar'dzaw awss-trawzh'nah, taw aw'naw oom'- zheh). You must keep it out Nie musi Pani je zostawiac na sloficu of the hot sun. (N'yeh moo'shee Pah'n'yee yeh zaw_ stah'v'yahtch nah slawn'tsoo). Do not bounce it up Niech Pani je nie podrzuca w ten spo- and down in that sob (N'yeh'h Pah'n'yee yeh n'yeh wav - pawd-zhoo'tsah v'ten spaw'soop). Keep it very quiet. Ono musi miec zupehiy spokoj (Aw'- naw moo'shee m'yetch zoo-pel'nih spaw'koo'ee). 144 Feed it nothing but Nie dawac mu nic do jedzenia oprocz milk. mleka (N'yeh dah'vahtch moo n'yeets daw yeh-dzeh'n'yah aw'- prootch m'leh'kah). Sometimes give it a Od czasu do czasu moze mu Pani dac little water, but not troche, wody, lecz nie wody z lodu ice water. (Awed chah'soo daw chah'soo maw'- zheh moo Pah'n'yee dahtch traw'- heh vaw'dih, letch n'yeh vaw'dih z'law'doo). Wash out that bottle Trzeba wymyc te, butelke, przed kaz- everytime you feed dem karmieniem i po (Tsheh'bah her. vih'mitch teh boo-tel'keh pshed kahzh'dem kar-myeh-n'yem ee paw). You have tuberculosis, Ma Pan suchoty, lecz moze Pan bye but you can be wyleczony (Mah Pahn soo-haw'tih, cured. letch maw'zheh Pahn bitch vih-leh- ehaw'nih). Do not breathe im- Nie oddychaj Pan zepsutem powie- pure air. trzem (N'yeh awd-dih'high Pahn zeh-psoo'tem paw-v'yeh'tshem). Stay out of doors all Przebywaj Pan na powietrzu jak naj- you can. wi^cej (Psheh-bih'vigh Pahn nah paw-v'yet'shoo yahk nigh-v'yen'- tsay). Sleep with your win- W sypialni miej Pan zawsze okna sze- dows wide open at r ko otwarte (V'sih-p'yahl'n'yee night. Ta'yay Pahn zah'v'sheh awk'nah sheh-raw'kaw aw-tvahi/teh). Eat plain food. Jedz Pan zwykly pokarm (Yedz Pahn zVik'ly paw'carm). Boil the dishes you Trzeba wygotowac naczynia, ktore use. Do not wash Pan uzywa. Nie powinno si ich them with other myc z innemi talerzami (Tsheh-bah dishes. vih-gaw-taw-vahtch nah'chih'n'yah, k'too'reh Pahn oo-zhih'vah. N'y^h paw-veen'naw sheh ee'h mitch z'een. neh'mee tah-leh-zhah'mee ) . 145 Do you know what a Czy Pan wie co to zarodek jest? germ is? (Chih Pahn v'yeh tsaw taw zah- raw'deck yest?) Some germs are very Niektore zarodki 53 bardzo niebez- dangerous. pieczne (N'yeh-ktoo'reh zah-rawd'- kee soh barMzaw n'yeh-bez-p'yetch'- neh). A germ cannot be Nie mozna zarodka widzied goJem o- seen with the naked kiem (N'yeh mawzh'nah zah-rawd'- eye. kah vee'getch gaw'lem aw'k'yem). There are dangerous Sa. niebezpieczne zarodki wtem co Pan germs in that which wypluwa (Soh n'yeh-bez-p'yetch'- you raise from your neh zah-rawd'kee v'tem tsaw Pahn lungs . vih-ploo'vah ) . What you spit should To co Pan wypluwa powinno bye spa- be burned. If it is lonem. Jezeli sie. tego nie spali to not burned, it will ono wyschnie a zarodki dostan^ sie, dry, and the germs do powietrza (Taw tsaw Pahn vih- will get into the air. ploo'vah paw-veen'naw bitch spah- law'nem. Yeh-zheh'lee sheh teh'- gaw n'yeh spah'lee taw aw'naw vis'h'n'yeh ah zah-rawd'kee daw- stah'noh sheh daw paw-v'yet'shah). Then you will take Potem Pan je znowu wezmie z powie- them into your trzem do pluc (Paw'tem Pahn yeh lungs again. znaw'voo vezh'm'yeh z'paw-v'yst'- shem daw ploots). You could be well W sanitarium by sie. Panem najlepiej cared for at a sani- opiekowali (V'sah-n'yee-tahr'yoom tarium. bih sheh Pah'nem nigh-leh'p'yay aw-p'yeh-caw-vah'lee) . I think it will be best Sa.dze., ze najlepiej be.dzie dla mnie for me to go to a udac si do sanitarium (Sown'dzeh, sanitarium. zheh nigh-leh-p'yay ben' j eh dlah m'n'yeh ooMahtch sheh daw sah- n 'yee-tahr'yoom) . At the dressmaker's. I want to have a Chce. da6 sobie zrobic sukni^ (H'tseh dress, dahtch saw'b'yeh zraw'beetch sook'- n'yeh, 146 a morning-dress, an afternoon-dress, an evening-dress, a ball-dress, a wedding-dress, made. Please let me see the new fashions. I like this style very much. I can make it as you wish it. Would you like to have it trimmed with lace, with jet, with silk, with embroidery, with velvet, with satin? I leave that entirely to you. Allow me to take your measure. I would like to have it by next Sunday. Do you think you can have it ready. Surely . szlafrok (shlaf'rawk), suknie. spacerowa. (sook'n'yeh spah- tseh-raw'voh), suknie, wieczorowa, (sook'n'yeh v'y eh-chaw-raw'voh ) , suknie, balowa, (sook'n'yeh bah-law'. voh), suknie, slubna. (sook'n'yeh shloob'- noh). Prosze, mi pokazac nowe zurnale (Praw'sheh mee paw-kah'zahtch naw'veh zhoor-nah'leh). Lubie. bardzo ten fason (Loo'b'yeh bar'dzaw ten fah'sawn). Moge. zrobic tak jak Pani sobie zyczy (Maw'geh zraw'beetch tahk yahk Pah'n'yee saw'b'yeh zhih'chih). Czy Pani zyczy sobie miec sukni^ o- zdobion^ koronk^ (Chih Pah'n'yee zhi'chih saw'b'yeh m'yetch sook'- n'yeh awz-daw-b'yoh'noh kaw- rawn'koh), gagatem (gah-gah'tem), jedwabiem (yed-vah'b'yem), haftem (hahf'tem), aksamitem (ahk-sah-mee'tem), atlasem ? (ah-tlah'sem ? ) Polegam zupelnie na guscie Pani ( Paw-leh'gahm zoo-pell'n'yeh nah goosh'cheh Pah'nVee). Niech Pani pozwoli mi wzia.6 miar (N'yeh'h Pah'n'yee paw-vaw'lee mee vzhowntch m'yali'reh). Chcialabym j^ miec na przyszla. nie- dziel^. Czy Pani sa.dzi, ze Pani j^ wykonczy na ten czas? (H'chah- lah'bim joh m'yetch nah pshish'loh n'yeh-jeh'leh. Chih Pah'n'yee sown'- gee, zheh Pah'n'yee yoh vih-kawn'- chih nah ten chahss?) Napewno (Nah-pev'naw). 147 I'll try my best. Be.de. sie. bardzo starac (Ben'deh sheh bar'dzaw stah'rahtch). What will be the He be.dzie kosztowac? or: Jaka be.dzie cost? cena? (Ee'leh ben'jeh kawsh-taw'- vahtch ? Yah'kah ben'jeh tseh'- nah?) That depends on the To zalezy od fasonu (Taw zah-leh'- style. zhih awed fah-saw'noo). Ten, fifteen, twenty, Dziesie.6, pie.tnascie, dwadziescia, pie.- fifty dollars. dziesia.t d o 1 a r 6 w (Jeh'shentch p'yent-nahsh'cheh, dvah-jesh'chah, p'yen-jeh'shownt daw-lah'roof) . It is dear. To drogo (Taw draw'gaw). It is not cheap. To nie tanio (Taw n'yeh tah'n'yoh). It's a reasonable price. To jest umiarkowana cena (Taw yest oo-m'yahr-kaw-vah'nah tseh'nah). If you give me satis- Jezeli mie, Pani zadowoli, to zawsze faction, I shall al- do Pani przyjde. (Yeh-zhe'lee m'yeh ways come here. Pah'n'yee zah-daw-vaw'lee, taw zahv'sheh daw pah'n'yee pshih'ee'- deh). When should I come Kiedy mam przyjsc przymierzyc suk- to try on my dress? n i? (K'yed'dy mahm pshih'eeshtch pshih-m'yeh'zhitch sook'n'yeh ? ) In a few days. Za kilka dni (Zah keel'kah d'n'yee). In two days. Za dwa dni (Zah dvah d'n'yee). Next week. W przyszlym tygodniu (V'p'shish'lim tih-gawd'n'yoo). Any day next week. Byle ktorego dnia w przyszlym tygod. niu (Bih'leh ktoo-reh'gaw d'n'yah v'p'shish'lim tih-gawd'n'yoo). Is my dress ready for Czy moja suknia jest gotowa do przy- trying on? miarki? (Chih maw'yah sook'n'yah yest gaw-taw'vah daw pshih- m'yahr'kee?) Yes, madam. Tak, Pani (Tahk, Pah'n'yee). Put it on, please. Prosze. wlozyc (Praw'sheh vlaw'. zhitch). You have cut it too Wycie.la Pani za nizko (Vih-cheh'lab low. Pah'n'yee zah n'yeez'kaw). 148 It is not cut low enough . The waist is too tight, too loose, It is too short in the waist. Too long. The waist has wrin- kles. It cuts me under the arms. The sleeve is not sewed in right. The skirt is too long, too short. You must make it longer, shorter, nar. rower, wider. That's easily done. It fits badly, well. Now it's just right, neither too tight, nor too wide. I hope you are satis- fied with the work ? Very much. You may consider me as one of your regular cus- tomer. Nie jest dose nizko wycie.ta (N'yeh yest dawshtch n'yeez'kaw vih-chen'. tah). Stanik jest za ciasny, za szeroki (Stah'n'yeek jest zah chahss'nih, zah sheh-raw'kee). Stan jest za krotki (Stahn yest zah kroot'kee). Za dlugi (Zah dloo'ghee). Stanik zmarszcza si (Stah'n'yeek z'mahrsh'chah sheh). Cisni mi pod re.kawami (Cheesh'- n'yeh m'yeh pawed ren-kaw-vah'- mee). Re.kaw zle wszyty (Ren'kahf zhleh vshih'tih). Spodnica jest za dhiga, za krotka (Spawd-n'yee'tsaw yest zah dloo'gah, zah kroot'kah). Musi j^ Pani podhizyc, skrocic, zwe.- zic, poszerzyc (Moo'shee yoh Pah'- n'yee paw-dloo'zhitch, skroocheetch, zven'zheetch, paw-sheh'zhitch) . To latwa sprawa (Taw laht'vah sprah'vah). Lezy zle, dobrze (Leh'zhih zhleh, daw'bzheh). Teraz w sam raz, ani za ciasna, ani za szeroka (Teh'rahz v'sahm rahz, ah'n'yee zah chahss'nah, ah'nVee zah sheh-raw'kah). Mam nadziej^, ze Pani jest zadowol- niona z roboty? (Mahm nah-jeh'- yeh, zheh Pah'n'yee yest zah-daw- vawl-n'yaw'nah z'raw-baw'tih ? ) Bardzo. Moze mnie Pani uwazac za swoj^ stal^ klientk (Bar'dzaw. Maw'zheh m'n'yeh Pah'jj'yee oo- vah'zhatch zah svaw'yoh stah'ioh klee-ent'keh). 149 Thank you, madam. Stuff, goods. Woolen goods. Silk goods. Light summer goods, Velvet. Satin. Real lace. Imitation lace. Lining . Ribbons . Buttons . Dress, waist, skirt. Collar, belt. Flounce . Thread, thimble, needle. To sew. To alter. To stitch. To hem. To cut. Scissors . Hooks and eyes. Pins. Tape. Braid. Whale-bone . A skein of silk. Dzie.kuje. Pani n'yee). (Jane-koo'yeh Pah'- Materya (Mah-ter'yah). Materya welniana (Mah-ter'yah vel- n'yah'nah). Materya jedwabna (Mah-ter'yah yed- vahb'nah). Lekka materya letnia (Leck'kah mah- ter'yah let'n'yah). Aksamit (Ak-sah'meet). Atlas (Aht'lahss). Prawdziwe koronki (Prahv-gee'veh kaw-rawn'kee ) . Nasladowane koronki (Nah-shlah. daw-vah'neh kaw-rawn'kee). Pods zewka ( Pawed-shef f 'kah ) . Wstazki (Vstownzh'kee). Guziki (Goo-zhee'kee). Suknia, stanik, spodnica (Sook'n'yah stah'n'yeek, spawd-n'yee'tsah ) . Kolnierz, pasek (Kawl'n'yezh, pah'- seck). Falbana (Fahl-bah'nah). Nici, naparstek, igta (N'y^e'chee, nah- pahr'steck, eeg'lah). Szyc (Shitch). Przerobic ( Psheh-raw'beetch ) . Zaszywac (Zah-shih'vahtch). Obrebiac (Awb-ren'b'yahtch). Ci^,c, krajac (Chowntch, krah'yahtch). Nozyczki ( Naw-zhitch'kee ) . Haftki i pe.telki (Hahft'kee ee pen- tel'kee). Szpilki (Sh'peel'kee). Tasiemka (Tah-shem'kah). Wstawka ((V'stahv'kah). Fiszbin (Fish'bean). Pasmo jedwabiu (Pahs'maw yed-vah'- b'yoo) . 150 At the druggist's. Please give me ten cents worth of cas- tor oil. Peppermint, of pep- permint . Essence of pepper- mint. Lime-water, of lime- water . Spirits of camphor, of spirits of cam- phor. Please make this med- icine for me. Have you a doctor's prescription ? Here it is. When will my med- icine be ready? Pills. Powder . Salve. Please give me some- thing for a head- ache. Take this. This will help you. Are you sure this stuff won't affect the heart? Prosz mi dac rycyny za dziesi^c cen- tow (Praw-sheh mee dahtch rih- tsih'nih zah jeh'shentch tsen'toof). Mie.ta, mie.ty (M'yen'tah, m'yen'tih). Krople mi^towe (Kraw'pleh m'yen- taw'veh). Woda wapienna, wody wapiennej (Vaw'dah vah-p'yen'nah, vaw-dih vah-p'yen'nay). Spirytus kamforowy, spiritusu kam- forowego (Spee-rih'toos kahm-faw- raw'vih, spee-rih-too'soo kahm-faw- raw-veh'gaw). Prosz mi przygotowac to lekarstwo (Praw'sheh mee pshih-gaw-taw'- vahtch taw leh-kar'stvaw). Czy ma Pan recept od doktora? (Chih mah Pahn reh-tsep'teh awd daw-ktaw'rah ? ) Prosz . Oto jest (Praw-sheh. Aw'taw yest). Kiedy b^dzie gotowe moje lekarstwo? (K'yeddy ben'jeh gaw-taw'veh maw'yeh leh-kar'stvaw ? ) Pigulki ( Pee-gool'kee ) Proszki (Prawsh'kee). Masc (Mahshtch). Prosze mi dac cos od bolu glowy (Praw'sheh mee dahtch tsawsh awd boo'loo glaw'vih). Zazyj Pan to (Zah'zhih'ee Pahn taw). To Panu pomoze (Taw Pah'noo paw. maw'zheh). Czy jest Pan pewny, ze to nie dziala na serce? (Chih yest Pahn pev'nih, zheh taw n'yeh jah'lah nah saii/- tseh?) 151 Absolutely sure. Have you any good remedy for falling out hair? We have a few, but this is the best. How much is it a bot- tle? How much for this medicine ? Ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five, fourty, f ourty - five, fifty, sixty, seventy - five cents. One, two dol- lars. Do you keep mineral waters ? Yes, sir. What kind? Any kind. Please give me some benzine, turpentine, glycerine . I'd like to have some Zupelnie pewny (Zoo-pell'n'yeh pev'- nih). Czy ma Pan jaki dobry srodek przed- ciw wypadaniu wlosow? (Chih mah Pahn yah'kee daw'brih shraw'deck psheh'cheev vih-pah-dah'n'yoo vlaw'- soof?) Mamy ich kilka, lecz ten jest najlep- szy (Mah'mih ee'h keel'kah, letch ten yest nigh-lep'shih). He kosztuje flaszeczka? (Ee / leh kawsh-too'yeh flah-shetch'kah ? ) He za to lekarstwo? (Ee'leh zah taw leh-kar'stvaw ? ) Dziesie,c, pi^tnascie, dwadziescia, dwa- dziescia pie.6, trzydziesci, trzydzie- sci pi6 (35), czterdzesci (40),czter- dziesci pi^c (45), pi^dziesi^t (50), szescdziesiat (60), siedemdziesi^t pi^c (75) centow. Jednego dolara ($1), dwa doiary ($2) (Jeh'shentch, p 'y ent-nahsh'cheh, dva- jesh'chah, dvah- jesh-ch ah'p 'yentch, tshih- jesh'- chee, tshih- jesh-chee'p'yentch (35), chtair-jesh'chee (40) , chtair-jesh'- chee p'yentch (45), p'yen-jeh'- shownt (50), shesh-jeh'shownt, (60), sheh-dem-jeh'shownt p'yentch (75) tsen'toof. Yedn-neh'gaw daw- lah'rah, dvah daw-lah'rih). Czy mozna tu dostac wody mineralnej (Chih mawzh'nah too dawss'tahtch vaw'dih mee-neh-rahl'nay ? ) Tak, Panie. Jakiej? (Tahk, Pah'n'yeh. Yah'k'yay?) Byle jakiej ( Bih-leh-yah'k'yay ) . Prosze, mi da6 benzyny (Praw-sheh mee dahtch ben-zin'nih) , terpentyny (ter-pen-tin'nih), gliceryny ( glee-tseh-rin'nih ) . Chcialbym dostac dobrej trucizny na 152 good poison for rats and mice. Strychnine . Potassium Cyanide. Be very careful with this. It's a deadly poison . Please give me a jar of vaseline. A purgative. An emetic. Elder-flower. Sage. Dried raspberries. Dried bilberries. Court plaster. Bandages . Balsam. Bug-killer. Cough medicine. Corn cure. Various articles: Tooth-brushes. Soap. Perfumed soap. Thermometer. Rubber nipple. szczury i myszy (H'chahll'bim daw'. stahtch daw'bray troo-cheez'ny nah shchoo'rih ee mih'shih). Stry chm'na ( Strih'h-n 'yee'nah ) . Cyankali (Tsih-an-kah'lee). Prosze, bye bardzo ostrozny z tern. To jest bardzo silna trucizna (Praw- sheh bitch bar^dzaw aw-strawzh'ny z tern. Taw yest bai/dzaw sheel'nah troo-cheez'nah). Prosz mi da6 s!6j wazeliny (Praw'- sheh mee dahtch sloo'ee vah-zeh- lee'ny). Srodek przeczyszczaja.cy (Shraw'deck psheh-chish-cha-yone / tsih) . Srodek na wymioty (Shraw'deck nah vih-m'yaw'ty ) . Kwiat bzowy (Kv'yaht b'zaw'vih). Szalwja (Shahl'v'yah). Suszone maliny (Soo-shaw'neh mah- lee'ny). Suszone borowki (Soo-shaw'neh baw- roof'kee). Faster (Plahss'tare). Bandaze (Bahn-dah'zheh). Balsam (Bahl'sahm). Srodek przeciw robactwu (Shraw'- deek psheh'cheef raw-bathts'tvoo). Lekarstwo od kaszlu (Leh-kar-stvaw awd kah'shloo). Srodek przeciw nagniotkom (Shraw'- deck psheh'cheef nah-gn'yawt'kawm) Rozne rzeczy (Roozh'neh zheh'chih): Szczoteczki do zejbow ( Shchaw-tetch'- kee daw zem'boof). Mydlo (Mih'dlow). Pachna.ce mydlo (Pah'h-nown'tseh mid'law). Termometr ( Ter-maw'metr) . Cycek gumowy (Tsihtsek goo-maw'- vih). 153 Nursing bottle. Flaszeczka do mleka (Flah-shetch'kah daw mleh'kah). Tooth powder. Proszek do zbow (Praw'sheck daw Tooth paste. zem'boof). Face powder. Puder (PooMare). Take a tea spoonful, Zazyc lyzeczk od herbaty, stolowa. table spoonful, ev- lyzke,, co trzy godziny (Zah'zhitch ery three hours. lih-zhetch'keh awd hair-bah'tih, staw-law'voh lizh'keh, tsaw tshih gaw-gee'nih). Take a pill, tablet, Zazyc jedna, pigulke., jedna. tabliczke., powder, every half jeden proszek co pol godziny (Zah- an hour. zhitch yed'noh pee-gool'keh, yed'- noh tah-bleetch'keh, yed'den praw'- sheck tsaw pool gaw-gee'nih). Two pills, tablets. Dwie pigulki, tabliczki (DVyeh pee- gool'kee, tah-bleech'kee). Two powders. Dwa proszki (Dvah prawsh'kee). Every hour. Co godziny (Tsaw gaw-gee'neh). Every two hours. Co dwie godziny (Tsaw dVyeh gaw- gee'nih). Two times a day. Dwa razy na dzieri (Dvah rah'zih nah jane) . 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. times 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. razy na dzien, or dzien- a day. nie (3, 4, 5, 6, etc. rah'zih nah jane jane'n'yeh). Call again. Prosz cze,ciej (Praw'sheh chensh'- chay). At the furniture dealer's. We would like to buy Chcemy kupic mebli do czterech pokoi some furniture for (H'tseh'mih koc/peech meb'lee daw a four room flat. chteh'reh'h paw-kaw'ee). I can't pay cash. Nie mog zaplacic gotowk^ (N'yeh maw'gheh zah-plah'cheetch gaw- toof'koh). Very well, you may Bardzo dobrze, moze Pan wzia.6 na pay on the install- wyplate. (Bar'dzaw daw'b'zheh, 154 ment plan. maw'zheh Pahn v'zhowntch nah vih- plah'teh). That would suit me. Zgadzam si na to (Z'gah'dzahm sheh nah taw). How much cash do He zadatku zada Pan? (Ee'leh zah- you require? daht'koo zhown'dah Pahn?) You may pay ten per Moze Pan da6 dziesie.c procent z ra- cent of your pur- chunku, a reszt wyplatami tygod- chase and the rest niowo po dwa dolary, lub miesie.cz- in instalments of nie po osm dolar6w (Maw'zheh two dollars a week, Pahn dahtch jeh'shentch praw'tsent or eight dollars a z'rah-hoon'koo, ah resh'teh vih-plah- month. tah'mee tih-gaw-dn'yaw'vaw paw dvah daw-lah'rih, loop m'yeh- shentch'n'yeh paw aw'shem daw- lah'roof). I prefer to pay Wol splacac* miesie.cznie (Vaw'leh monthly. splah'tsahtch m'yeh-shentch'n'yeh). All right, just as you Bardzo dobrze, jak Panu wygodniej wish. (Bar'dzaw daw'b'zheh, yahk Pah'- noo vih-gawd'n'yay). What would you like Co by Pan chcial do sypialnego poko- for the bedroom? ju? (Tsaw bih Pahn h'chahl daw sih-p'yahl-neh'gaw paw-kaw'yoo ? ) The room is not very Pokoj nie jest bardzo duzy. Sa.dze,, ze large. I think a bed, lozko, komoda, szafa i krzeslo ko- a bureau, a ward- lysza,ce wystarczg, (Paw'koo'een'yeh robe, and a rocking yest bar'dzaw doo'zhih. Sown'dzeh chair will be zheh loozh'kaw, kaw-maw'dah, enough. shah'fah ee ksheh'slaw kaw-lih- shone'tseh vih-star'chih ) . For the dining room Do jadalnego pokoju wezmiemy stol we'll take an exten- rozsuwalny, szesc kszeselek, fotel i sion table, 6 chairs, kredens (Daw yah-dahl-neh'gaw an arm chair and a paw-kaw'yoo vezh-m'yeh'mih stool sideboard. rawz-soo-vahl'nih, sheshtch k'sheh- seh'leck, faw'tell ee kreh'dens). For the parlor four Do bawialni cztery krzesla, kanape, chairs, a sofa, two dwa male krzeselka, stoliczek i dy- little easy chairs, a wan (Daw bah-v'yahl'n'yee chte'rih 155 centre table and a rug. The kitchen will have the least, a little table and two wood- en chairs. New furniture. Second-hand furni- ture. A dining-table with several leaves. Oak, walnut, maple, ash, mahogany table. Cane-bottomed chairs with high backs. To match in color, shape. Different kinds of wardrobes . Book-case . A desk. A writing desk. Chest of drawers. Bureau . Suit consisting of a sofa and four arm- chairs . Beds. Single, double, plain, k'shess'lah, kah-nah'peh, dvah mah'- leh kshe-sell'kah, staw-lee'check ee dih'vahn). Do kuchni trzeba najmniej, tylko ma- ty stol i dwa drewniane krzeselka (Daw kooh'h'n'yee tsheh'bah nigh'- m'n'yay, till'kaw mah'ly stool ee dvah drev-n'yah'neh ksheh-sell'kah) Nowe meble (Naw'veh meb'leh). Stare meble (Stah'reh meb'leh). Stol rozsuwalny o kilku blatach ( Stool rawz-soo-vahl'nih aw keel'koo blah'- tah'h). Debowy, orzechowy, klonowy, jesiono- wy, mahoniowy stol (Dem-baw'vih, aw-zheh-haw'vih, k 1 a w-n a w'v i h, yeh-shaw-naw'vih, mah-haw-n'yaw'- vih stool). Krzesla wyplatane z wysokiemi pore.- czami (Kshess'lah vih-plah-tah'neh z'vih-saw-k'yeh'mee paw-ren-chah'- mee). Dobrac kolorem, ksztaltem (Daw- brahtch kaw-law'rem, k'shtahl'tem). Rozmaite szafy (Rawz-mah-ee r teh shah'fih). Bibljoteka, Szafa do ksia.zek (Beeb'l- yaw-teh'kah, Shah'f ah daw kshown'- zheck). Biurko (B'yoor'kaw). Stolik do pisania (Staw'leek daw pee- sah'n'yah). Komoda (Kaw-maw'dah). Garnitur skladaj^cy si^ z kanapy i czterech foteli ( Gar-n'yee'toor sklah-dah-yone'tsih sheh z'kah-nah'- pih i chteh'reh'h faw-teh'lee). Lozka (Loozh'kah). Pojedyficze, podwojne, zwykle (Paw- 156 made of wood, brass, iron. Dressing-table. Washing-stand . Card-table. Larder. Couch stuffed with h o r s e-h air, sea- weed. Springs . Curtains . yeh-deen'cheh, paw-dvooy'neh, zvih'_ kleh), drewniane, mosizne (drev-n'yah'- neh, maw-shenzh'neh), zelazne (zheh-lahz'neh). Gotowalnia (Gaw-taw-vahl'n'yah). Umywalka ( Oo-mih-vahl'kah ) . Stolik do gry (Staw'leek daw grih). Szafa kuchenna (Shah'fah koo-hen'- nah). Szezlong wylcielany wlosem, tra. w$ morsk^ (Shez'long vih-sh'cheh- lah'nih v'law'sem, trah-voh morse'- koh). Spre.zyny (Spren-zhih'nih). Firanki (Fee-rahn'kee). At the grocery and fruit stores. What do you wish, madam ? Please give me three and a half pounds of granulated sugar, a pound of lump sugar, two pounds of cof- fee, and a half a pound of tea. A box of cocoa, a bar of chocolate, large size. Eight cans of pre- served peaches. How much a can? Czego sobie Pani zyczy? (Cheh'gaw saw'b'yeh Pah'n'yee zhih'chih?) Prosz mi dac trzy i pol funta cukru (Praw'sheh mih dahtch tshee ee pool foon'tah tsoo'crew), cukru w kawalkach (tsoo'crew v'- kah-vahl'cah'h h sounded ) , dwa funty kawy, i (dvah foon'ty kah'vih, ee) p61 funta herbaty (pool foon'tah hair-bah'tih). Puszk kakao, tafl czekolady, duz$ tmfl (Push'keh kah-kah'awe, tahf'- leh cheh-caw-lah'dih, doo'zhome tahf'leh). Osm puszek marynowanych brzkoskin (Awe'shem poo'sheck mah-rih-naw- vah'nih'h ( f in a 1 h sounded) b'zhawss'k'veen) . Po ile puszka? (Paw ee'leh push'- kah?) 157 A quart of potatoes. lOc a quart. A pint of vinegar. 5c a pint. An ounce of pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, thyme, red pepper, mustard. Two, three ounces. A bag of salt. A bag of flour. A bottle of salad oil A bottle of milk. A quart of milk. A package of corn, starch, farina, borax, noodles . A can of salmon, sardines, lobster, shrimp, Kwarte. kartofli (Kvahr'teh car-tawf'- lee). lOc (Dziesie.6 cent6w) kwarta (lOc (Jeh'shentch tsen'toof kvar'tah). Pol kwarty octu (Pool kvar'tih awts'- too). 5c (Pie.c centow) za pot kwarty (P'yentch tsen'toof zah pool kvar'- tih). Jedn^, uncye, pieprzu (Yed'noh oon'- ts'yeh p'yep'shoo), cynamonu (tsih-nah-maw'noo), imbiru (eem-bee / roo), gozdzikow ( s awzh-gee'koof ) , macierzanki ( mah-cheh-zhahn'kee ) , pieprzu tureckiego (p'yep'shoo too- rets-k'yeh'gaw) , musztardy ( moosh-tar'dih ) . Dwie, trzy uncye (D'v'yeh, tshih oon'. ts'yeh). Worek soli (Vaw'reck saw'lee). Worek maki (Vaw'reck moan'kee). Butelk oliwy (Boo-tell'keh awe-lee'. vih). Butelk mleka (Boo-tell'keh mleh'- kah). Kwarty mleka (Kvar'teh mleh'kah). Pudelko kukurydzy (Poo-dell'caw koo. koo-rih'dzih), krochmalu (craw'h-mah'loo (h in first syllable sounded), pszennej kaszy (pshen'nay kah'- shih), boraksu (baw-rahk'soo), makaronu (mah-kah-raw'noo). Puszk? (Push'keh) lososia (law-saw'shah), serdynek ( sair-dih'neck) , raka (rah'kah), raczkow morskich (rahtch'koof morse'keeh'h ^final h sounded), 158 peas, grochu (graw'who), lima beans. bobu (baw'boo). A jar of jelly. Sloj konfitur (Sloo'ee kawn-fee'toor). A bottle of extract, Buteleczke. ekstraktu (Boo-teh-letch'- keh ex-trahk'too), vanilla, wanilowego (vah-n'y^e-law-veh'- gaw), lemon. cytrynowego (tsih-trih-naw-veh'- gaw). Five bars of soap for Pi6 kawalkow mydla za dwadziescia 20c. centow (P'yentch kah-vahl'koof mih'dlah za dvah-jesh'chah tsen'- toof). A loaf of bread. Bochenek chleba (Baw-heh'neck hleh'- bah). A pound of crackers. Funt sucharkow (Foont soo-hahr / - koof). A quarter of a pound <5wierc funta sera (ChVyairtch foon'. of cheese, tah seh'rah), Swiss, Szwajcarskiego ( S h'v i g h-t s a h r- sk'yeh'gaw), Cream, Smietankowego ( Sh'm'yeh-tahn- kaw-veh'gaw), Store cheese, Sera amerykanskiego (Sehr'rah ah- meh-rih-kahn-sk'yeh'gaw) , Limburger. Limburskiego (Lim-boors-k'yeh'. gaw). A dozen of eggs. Tuzin jaj (TWzheen yah'ee). Half a dozen. Pol tuzina (Pool too-zhee'nah). A can of syrup. Puszk syropu (Push'keh sih-raw'- poo). How much is it a can, He kosztuje puszka (Ee'leh kawsh- too'yeh push'kah), a box, a pound, pudelko, funt (poo-dell'kaw, foont), a half of a pound, pol funta (pool foon'tah), an ounce, uncya (oon'tsih-yah), a bag, a bar, a worek, tafia, kawalek (vaw'reck, piece, tahf'lah, kah-vah'leck), a tin, a can, puszka (push'cah), ss, a jar, sloj (sloo'ee), 159 a dozen, a half- dozen, a pint, a quart, a gallon, a peck, a bushel, a barrel, a basket, a bottle, a package, a slice, a carton? Have you fresh butter, eggs? Please deliver the things this after- noon. Here's the ad_ dress . Very well, madam. Various articles: Rice, Maccaroni, Potash, Ammonia, Washing fluid, Blueing. Sauce. Tomato catsup. Vinegar. Peanut butter. Beets. Oat meal. tuzin, pot tuzina (too'zheen, pool too-zhih'nah), pol kwarty, kwarta (pool kvar'tih, kvar'tah), galon (gah'lawn), cwierc busz ] a, garniec (chVyairtch bush'lah, gar'n'yets), buszel (bu'shell), beczka (betch'kah), koszyk, butelka (caw'shick, boo. tel'kah), pudelko (poo-del'caw) , platek, karton (plah'teck, canton?) Czy Pan ma swieze maslo, jaja? (ChihPahn mah shVyeh'zheh mah'- slaw, jah'jah?) Prosz^ przyslac mi te rzeczy popohi- dniu. Tu jest moj adres (Praw'sheh pshih'slahtch mee teh zheh'chih paw-paw-lood'n*yoo . Too y e s t moo'ee ah'dress). Dobrze, prosz Pani (Daw'b'zheh, praw'sheh Pah'n'yee). Rozne rzeczy (Roozh'neh zheh'chih): Ryz (Rizh), Makaron (Mah-kah'rawn), Potaz (Paw'tahzh), Amoniak (Ah-maw'n'yahk), PJyn do prania (Plin daw prah'- n'yah), Modre, farbka (Maw'dreh, fahrb'- kah). Sos (Sawss). Sos pomidorowy daw-raw'vih). Ocet (Awe'tset). Maslo z orzechow zheh'hoof). Buraki (Boo-rah'kee). Kasza owsiana (Kah'shah off-shah'- nah). (Sawss paw-mee- (Mah'slaw zaw- 160 Breaddust. Olives . Sauerkraut. Carrots. Cauliflower. Asparagus . Spinach. Cabbage. Beets. Horseradish . Lettuce. Cucumbers . Radish. Mushrooms . Fruits Grapes, Apricots, Peaches, Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Huckleberries, Melon, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Lemon, Orange, Figs, dates, Nuts Hazelnuts, Thiczony chleb (Tloo-chaw'nih h'lep). Oliwki (Awe-leev'kee). Kwaszona kapusta (Kvah-shaw'nah kah-poos'tah). Marchew (Mahr'heff). Kalafjor (Kah-lah'f'yore). Szparagi (Shpah-rah'ghee). Szpinak (Shpee'nahk). Kapusta (Kah-poos'tah). Brukiew (Broo'k'yeff). Chrzan (H'shahn). Salata (Sah-lah'tah). Ogorki (Aw-goor'kee). Rzodkiew (Zhawd'k'yeff). Grzyby (Gzhih'bih). Owoce (Aw-vaw'tseh ) Winogrona (Vee-naw-graw'nah), Morele (Maw-reh'leh), Brzoskwinie ( B'zhawss-kvee'n'yeh), Jablko (Yahp'kaw), Gruszka (Groosh'kah), sliwka (Shleef'kah), Winnie (Veesh'n'yeh), Maliny (Mah-lee'nih), Jezyny (Yeh-zhi'nih), Poziomki (Paw-zhawm'kee), Agrest (Ah'grehst), Porzeczki (Paw-zhetch'kee), Czarne borowki (Chahr'neh baw- roof'kee), Melon (Meh'lawn), Kawon (Kaw'vawn), Melon (Meh'lawn), Cytryna (Tsih-trih'nah), Pomarancza (Paw-mah-rahn'chah), Figi, daktyle (Fee'ghee, dahk-tih'- leh), Orzechy ( Aw-zheh'hih ) , Orzechy laskowe (Aw-zheh'hih lahss-kaw'veh), 161 Walnuts, Orzechy wloskie (Aw-zheh'hih vlawss'k'yeh), Almonds. Migdaly (Meeg-dah'ly). At the hardware store. Can you fit a key to Czy moze Pan dorobic klucz do tej this padlock, or klodki, czy tez musze. kupic nowa.? must I buy another (Chih maw'zheh Pahn daw-raw'- lock? beech klootch daw tay klood'kee, chih tezh moo'sheh koo'peech naw'- voh?) I think I can make a Sg-dze,, ze moge, dorobic klucz do niej key for it. (Sown'dzeh, zheh maw'geh daw- raw'beech klootch daw n'yay). I would like to have Chcialbym kilka hakow, srubek i ome hooks, screws gwozdzi rozmaitej wielkosci and nails of differ- (ITchahl'bim keel'kah hah'koof, ent sizes. shroo'bek ee gvawzh'gee rawz-mah- ee'tay v'yell-kawsh'chee) . Please give me two Prosze, mi dac dwie mosi^zne zawiasy brass hinges and a i mosizn$ antabe, (Praw'sheh mee brass door knob. dahtch dVyeh maw-shen'zhneh zah- v'yah'sih ee maw-shen'zhneh ahn- tah'bih). I am very sorry, I Bardzo mi przykro, ze nie mam zad- haven't any that nych tej wielkosci (Bar'dzaw mee size. pshick'raw, zheh n'yeh mahm zhad'. nih'h tay v'yell-kawsh'chee). Tools Narz^dzia (Nah-zhen'jah ) Saw, Pilka (PeePkah), hammer,. mlotek (mlaw'tek), chisel, dluto (dlew'taw), screwdriver, srubczyk (shroob'chick), plane, hebel (heh'bel), ax, toporek (taw-paw'reck), oil-stone, oselka (aw-sel'kah), oil-can, oliwiarka (aw-lee-vVahi/kah) , knife, noz (noozh), pliers. obc^zki (awb-tsenzh'kee). 162 Cooking utensils Iron pots of various sizes, kettles, enamelled sheet- iron stewing pans, sheet-iron pails, basting-laddie, strainer, colander, a skimmer, Other articles a smoothing iron, a coffee mill, a chopping-knife, a pitcher, a boiler. Wire- Iron, brass, copper. Rope, cord, dishes, plates, cups, saucers, knives and forks. Do you keep razors? Naczynia kuchenne (Nah-chi'n'yah koo-hen'neh ) Garnki zelazne rozmaitej wielkosci (Garn'kee zheh-lahz'neh raw- zmah-ee'tay v'yell-kawsh'chee), kocielM ( kaw-chell'kee ) , rondle z blachy zelaznej emaljowane (rawn'dleh z'blah'hee zheh-lahz'- nay e-mahl-yaw-vah'neh), blaszane kubly (blah-shah'neh koob'. ly), .czerpak (chair'pahk), durszlak (door'shlahk), lyzka durszlakowa (lish'kah door- shlah-kaw'vah), lyzka do zbierania szumowin (lish'- kah daw z'b'yeh-rah'n'yah shoo- maw'veen) . Inne rzeczy (Een'neh zheh'chih ) zelazko do prasowania (zheh-lahz'- kaw daw prah-saw-vah'n'yah), mlynek do kawy (mlih'neck daw kah'vih), siekacz (she'kahtch), dzban (d'zbahn), sagan (sah'gahn). Drut (Droot ) ielazny, mosi^zny (Zheh'lahz'ny, maw-shenzh'nih) , miedziany (m'yeh-dWyah'nih). Powroz (Paw'vrooz), sznurek (shnoo'reck), naczynia (nah-chi'n'yah), talerze (tah-leh'zheh), kubki, filizanki (koob'ki, fee-lee- zhah'kee), podstawki (pawd-stahv'kee), noze i widelce (naw'zheh ee vee- dell'tseh). Czy ma Pan brzytwy? (Chih mah Pahn b'zhit'vih?) 163 Yes, sir, we have a Tak, Panic, mamy bogaty wybor brzy. fine assortment of tew i innych ostrych narze.crzi (Tahk razors and other Pah'n'yeh, mah'mih baw-gah'tih cutlery . vih'boor bzhih'tef f ee een'-nih'h aw'. strih'h nah-zhen'gee). How much is this pen- He kosztuje ten scyzoryk? (Ee'leh knife? kaw-shtoo'yeh ten s'tsih-zaw'rick ? ) That is too dear for Ten jest za drogi dla mnie, czy nic me, haven't you any ma Pan tanszych (Ten yest zah cheaper ones? draw'ghee dlah m'n'yeh, chih n'yeh mah Pahn tahn'shih'h ? ) This is the cheapest Tanszych juz nie mamy (Tahn'shih'h we have. yoozh n'yeh mah'mih). We handle only the Sprzedajemy tylko towar najlepszego best grade of goods. gatunku (Spsheh-dah-yeh'mih till'- kaw taw'vahr nigh-lep-sheh'gaw gah-toon'koo). Is there anything else Czy jeszcze co sobie Pan za.da? (Chih you want ? yesh'cheh tsaw Pahn saw'b'yeh zhone'dah ? ) I guess that is all. Zdaje mi si, ze to wszystko (Zdah'- yeh mee sheh, zheh taw vshisst'- kaw). Thank you. Dzikuj Panu (Jane-koo'yeh Pah'- noo). Call again, please. Prosz cz^sciej (Praw'sheh chensh'- chay). At the lawyer's. What can I do for Czem mog i chclalbym zaplacid wish to pay for it. za ni$ (Z'goo-bee'lem k'shownzh'- keh ee h'chahl'bim zah-plah'cheetch zah n'yoh). 208 How much must I He sie, nalezy? (Ee'leh sheh nah-leh'- pay ? zhih ? ) I would like to renew Chcialbym ponownie wypozyczyd te, these books. ksi^zki (H'chahl'bim paw-nawV. n'y e h vih-paw-zhih'chitch teh kshownzh'kee ) . Please reserve (title Prosze. rezerwowac ( ) dla mnie of book) for me . (P r a w's h e h reh-zehr-vaw'vahtch (....) dlah m'n'yeh). We'll notify you when Damy Panu znac jak tylko ksi^zka sie. the book is here. tu pojawi (Dah'mih Pah'noo znahtch yahk till'kaw k'shownzh'kah sheh too paw-yah'vee). Please get this book Prosze, postarac sie, dla mnie o te, for me from an- ksi^zke, z innej bibljoteki (Praw'- other branch. sheh paw-stah'rahtch sheh dlah m'n'yeh awe teh k'shownzh'keh z'een'nay beebl'1-y aw-teh'kee ) . Are there any Polish Czy sa. tu polskie ksi^zki na polkach ? books on the ( Chih soh too pawl's' k'yeh shelves? k'shownzh'kee nah pool'kah'h?) No. Nie. (N'yeh). Yes, we have a Polish Tak, mamy polski oddzial takze (Tahk, section too. mah'mih pawl'sTcee awd'jahl tahk'- zheh). At the post office. How far is the post Jak daleko sta.d poczta? (Yahk dah- office from here? leh'kaw stoned pawtch'tah?) Right on the next cor. Zaraz na nast^pnym narozniku (Zah'- ner. rahz nah nah-stemp'nim nah-rawzh. n'yee'koo). Thank you. Dzi^kuj^ Panu (Jane-koo'yeh Pah'. noo). Will you please give Prosz mi dac dwie dwucentowe marki, me two two - cent pie.c jednocentowych marek i osm stamps, five one. kartek pocztowych (Praw'sheh mee cent stamps, and dahtch dVyeh dvoo-tsen-taw'veh eight postal cards. mahr'kee, p'yentch yed-naw-tsen- taw'vih'h mah'reck ee aw'shem kahr'teck pawtch-taw'vih'h). 209 I wish to have this letter registered. All right. 12 cents, please . I want to send a money order. Domestic or Interna- tional ? For Poland. All right, fill this blank out. How much postage must I pay on this parcel ? Let me have it. Ill weigh it. Will you please weigh this package for me? Chcialbym wysiac ten list rekomendo- wany (H'chahl'bim vih'slahtch ten leest reh-kaw-men-daw-vah'nih ) . Dobrze. Dwanascie centow, prosz (Daw'bzheh. Dvah-nahsh'cheh tsen'- toof, praw'sheh). Chcialbym wyslac przekaz pocztowy (H'chahl'bim vih'slahtch psheh'kahz p awtch-taw'vih ) . Domowy lub mie.dzynarodowy ? (Daw- maw'vih loop m'yen'dzih-nah-raw- daw'vih ? ) Do Polski (Daw Pawl'skee). Dobrze. Prosze. wypehiic ten blankiet ( Daw'bzheh . Praw'sheh vih-pell'. n'yeetch ten blahn'k'yet). He mam oplaci6 za ten pakiecik? (Eel'yeh mahm aw-plah'cheetch zah ten pah-k'yeh'cheek?) Prosze. mi go podac. Zwaz go (Praw'- sheh mee gaw paw'dahtch. Zvah'- zheh gaw). Prosz mi zwazyc ten pakunek (Praw'sheh mee zvah'zhitch ten pah-koo'neck). At the railway station. I want a ticket for Westwood, N. J. One way or return? How much is the re- turn ticket? One dollar. One way it will cost you sixty cents. Chce. bilet do Westwood, N. J. (H'tseh beel'yet daw Westwood, N. J.) W jedna. strong czy zwrotny? (V'yed'. noh straw'neh chih z'vrawt'nih ? ) He kosztuje zwrotny bilet? (Eel'yeh kawsh-too'yeh zVrawt'nih beel'. yet?) Jednego dolara. W jedna. strone. be.- dzie Pana kosztowad szescdziesi^t centow (Yed-neh'gaw daw-lah'rah. V'yed'noh straw'neh ben'jeh Pah'- nah kawsh-taw'vahtch shesh-jeh'- shownt tsen'toof). 210 Then give me a re- Prosz mi dad zwrotny bilet (Praw'- turn ticket. sheh mee dahtch zVrawt'nih beel'- yet). Here it is sir, madam, oto jest, Panic, Pani (Aw'taw yest, Pah'n'yeh, Pah'n'yee). Where can I have my Gdzie moge. zostawic swoje bagaze ? baggage checked? (G'jeh maw'geh zaw-stah'veetch svaw'yeh bah-gah'zheh ? ) At the office opposite. w biurze naprzeciw (V'byoo'zheh nah- psheh'chiv). Please let me have a p rosz m i dac tabelke. kolejowa. time table. (Praw'sheh mee dahtch tah-bel'keh kaw-leh-yaw'voh) . Thank you. Dziekuj Panu (Jane-koo'yeh Pah'- noo). Hurry up. There is Spiesz si Pan Tam .j est Pana poda ^ your train. (S^'yesh sheh Pahn. Tahrn yest Pah'nah paw'chowng). The train will soon p oc ia.g odchodzi zaraz (Paw'chowng s ^ ar ^* awed-haw'gee zah'rahz). The train starts at 2 p oc i^ g odchodzi o drugiej, jest lepiej o'clock; it is better ^ zaraz (p aw / c howng awed-haw'- to go right away. gee awe droo'g'yay, yest leh'p'yay eeshtch zah'rahz). Where's the smoking Gdzie jest wagon dla pal^cych ? (G'jeh car yest vah'gawn dlah pah-lown'tsih'h ? ) The car near the en- T en Wag0 n przy lokomotywie (Ten S me vah'gawn pshih law-kaw-maw-tih'- v'yeh). Have your tickets p r osz miec bilety gotowe (Praw'sheh ready, ladies and m ' ye tch beel-yeh'tih gaw-taw'veh). gentlemen . Here's my ticket, con- Tu jest moj bilet, Panie konduktorze ductor: (Too yest moo'ee beel'yet, Pah'n'yeh kawn-dook-taw'zheh ) . How long does the J a k dlugo pocia,g zatrzymuje si? train stop? (Yahk dloo'gaw paw'chowng zah. tshih-moo'yeh sheh?) Five, ten, fifteen min- Pi6, dziesi^6, pi^tna^cie minut utea. (P'yentch, jeh'shentch, p'yent- nahsh'cheh mee'noot). 211 A half an hour, an hour. Conductor . Engineer. Locomotive . Train. A car, cars. Station. Platform. Ticket office. Baggage office. Railway station. A sleeper car. Entrance, exit. No smoking allowed. No trespassing. Danger! Stop, look and listen. Refreshment room. Lunch room. Express train. Mail train. P61 godziny, godzin (Pool gaw-ge / - nih, gaw-gee'-neh). Konduktor (Kawn-dook'tore). Maszynista (Mah-shih-nees'tah). Lokomoty wa ( Law-kaw-maw-tih'vah ) . Pocia.g (Paw'chowng). Wagon, wagony (Vah'gawn, vah- gaw'nih). Stacya (Stah'ts'yah). Per on (Peh'rawn). Biuro sprzedazy biletow (B'yoo'raw s'p'sheh-dah'zhih beel-yeh'toof ) . Biuro do przechowania pakunk6w (B'yoo'raw daw psheh-haw-vah'. n'yah pah-koon'koof). Dworzec kolejowy (Dvaw'zhets kaw- leh-yaw'vih). Wagon sypialny (Vah'gawn sih- p'yahl'nih). Wejscie, wyjscie (V a y s h'c h e h, vih'eesh'cheh). Palic nie wolno (Pah'leetch n'yeh vawl'naw). Nie wolno przechodzic (N'ydi vawl'- naw p sheh-haw'geetch ) . U w a z a c . Niebezpieczenstwo ! (Oo. vah'zhahtch . N ' y e h-b e z-p'y e h- chains'tvaw!) Staii, patrz i sluchaj (Stahn, pahtsh ee sloo'high). Pokoj Jadalny (Paw'koo'ce yah-dahl'- nih). Ekspresszug (Eks-press'tsoog). Poci^g pocztowy (Paw-ohowmg Fawtch-tawMh) . Renting rooms, flats, apartments. Have you a room to let, madam? Chih ma Pan! pok6J do wynajcia? (Chih mah Pah'n'yee daw vih-nah-yen'ehah?) 212 Yes, sir, I have a few. No, sir, I have none left. I rented all of them. Do you wish to have a front room, or a back room? I don't care where it is as long as it is a quiet one. I have one on the first, second, third, fourth floor. Parlor floor. That's too high for mee. I would like to have two rooms, a bed- room and a parlor. A bath-room. How much do you charge a week, a day, a month? Five, eight, ten, twelve dollars a week with board. With breakfast. Tak, Panie, mam kilka (Tahk, Pah'- n'yeh, mahm keel'kah). Nie, Panie, nie mam zadnego. Wszy- stkie wynaje.te (N'yeh, Pah'n'yeh, n'yeh mahm zhahd-neh'gaw. Vshist'- k'yeh vih-nah-yen'teh ) . Czy Pan sobie zyczy pokoj frontowy, czy tez pokoj od tylu? (Chih Pahn zhih'chih saw'b'yeh paw'koo'ee frawn-taw'vih, chih tehzh paw'. koo'ee awd tih'loo?) Nie dbam gdzie on jest, byle tylko byi w mm spokoj (N'yeh dbahm g'jeh awn yest, bil'yeh til'kaw bill v'n'ym spaw'koo'ee). Mam jeden na pierwszem, drugiem, trzeciem, czwartem pie.trze (Mahm yeden nah p'yairVshem, droo'g'yem, tsheh'chem, chvahr'tem p'yen'tsheh) Parter (Pahr'tare). To za wysoko dla mnie (Taw zah vih- saw'kaw dlah m'n'yeh). Chcialbym miec dwa pokoje, sypialni? i bawialny pokoj (H'chahl'bim m'yetch dvah paw-kaw'yeh, sih- p'yahl'n'yeh ee bah-v'yahl'nih paw'. koo'ee). Lazienka (Lah-zhen'kah). He Pani liczy? (Eel'yeh Pah'n'yee lee'chih) tygodnio wo ( tih-gaw-d'n'y aw'vaw ) , dziennie (jans'n'yeh), miesi^cznie ? (m'yeh-shentch'- n'yeh?) Pi^c, osm, dziesi^c, dwanascie dolarow tygodniowo z wiktem (P'yentch, aw'shem, jeh'shentch, dvah-nahsh'. cheh daw-lah'roof tih-gaw-d'n'yaw'- vaw z'veek'tem). Ze iniadaniem (Zeh sh'n'yah-dah'- n'yem)). 213 Without breakfast. Full board. I will take this room, these rooms. You must pay for the room in advance. If you need anything, please ring the bell. Please let me have the keys. I would like to see the rooms you have to let. All right. Please step this way. How many rooms are there ? Three, four, five, six, seven, eight rooms and bath. A large kitchen. A small bedroom. A dark servants' room. A ligh dining room. Is there any gas here. Gas and electricity. Bez sniadania (Behz gh'n'yah-dah'- n'yah). Kompletne stolowanie sie (Kawm- plet'neh staw-law-vah'n'yeh sheh). Zajm ten pok6j, te pokoje (Zah'ee 7 - meh ten paw'koo'ee, teh paw-kaw'- yeh). Musi Pan zaplacic z gory za pokoj (Moo'shee Pahn zah-plah'cheetch z'goo'rih zah paw'koo'ee). Jezeli Pan czego potrzebuje, prosz^ dzwonic (Yeh-zheh'lee Pahn cheh'- gaw paw-tsheh-boo'yeh, praw'sheh dz'vaw'n'yeetch ) . Prosz mi dac klucze (Praw'sheh mee dahtch kloo'tcheh). Chcialbym zobaczyc te pokoje, ktore s^ do wynaje.cia ((H'chahl'bim zaw- bah'chitch teh paw-kaw'yeh, ktoo'. reh soh daw vih-nah-yen'chah). Bardzo dobrze. Prosz^ za mn^ (Bar'- dzaw dawb'zheh. Praw'sheh zah mnoh). lie pokoi jest (Eel'yeh pak-kaw'yee yest?) Trzy, cztery, pie.c, sze6, siedem, os"m pokoi i lazienka (Tshih, chtair'rih, p'yentch, sheshtch, sheh'dem, aw'- shem paw-kaw'ee ee lah-zhen'kah). Duza kuchnia (Doo'zhah kooh'n'yah). Maly pokoj sypialny (Mahlih paw'- koo'ee sih-p'yahl'nih ) . Ciemny pok6j dla sluz^cej (Chem'nih paw'koo'ee dlah sloo-zhown'tsay). Jasny pok6j stolowy (Yahss'nih paw', koo'ee staw-lawMh). Czy jest tu gaz? (Chih yeet too gahss ? ) Gaz I elektryka (Gahss ee eh-leck'- trih'kah). 214 Cold and hot water. Hall, stairs. On the stairs. In the hall. These rooms are very airy. The rooms are large and high, and they are very light as this is a corner house . There are too few windows . Where is the yard ? How much a month are these rooms? Ten, twelve, fifteen, twenty-five, thirty, fifty, seventy - five dollars a month. fhe rooms are very dirty. Can't you have them painted and repapered be- fore we move in? Everything will be re- paired and made right. Zimna i gora.ca woda (Zheem'nah ee gaw-rown'tsah vaw'dah). Sien, schody (Shane, s'haw'dih). Na schodach (Nah s'haw'dah'h). W sieni (V'sheh'n'yee). Te pokoje maja. bardzo duzo powietrza (Teh paw-kaw'yeh mah'yoh bar'_ dzaw doo'zhaw paw-v'yet'shah). Pokoje sa, duze i wysokie i sa, bardzo jasne, poniewaz dom jest narozny (Paw-kaw'yeh soh doo'zheh ee vih- saw'k'yeh ee sown barMraw yahs'- neh, paw-n'yeh'vahzh dawm vest nah-ra'wzh'nih) . Za malo okien jest (Zah mah'law aw'- k'yen yest). Gdzie jest podworze? (G'jeh yest paw- dvoo'zheh). He na miesia.c placi si za te pokoje? (Ee'leh nah m'yeh'shownts plan'- chee sheh zah teh pa\v-kaw'yeh ? ) Dziesi^c, dwanascie, pi^tnascie, dwa- dziesciapi^c, trzydziesci, pi^cdzie- si^t, siedemdziesi^tpi^c dolarow na miesiac (Jeh'shentch, dvah-nahsh'. cheh, p y yent-nahsh'cheh, dvah-jesh- c h a h'p'y e n t c h, tshih-jesh'chee, p'yen-jeh'shownt, sheh-dem-jeh'- shownt daw-lah'roof nah m'yeh'- shownts). Pokoje sa. bardzo brudne. Czy nie mo- ga, bye wymalowane i wytapetowane zanim si wprowadzimy ? (Paw- kaw'yeh sown bar'dzaw brood'neh. Chih n'yeh maw'goh bitch vih-mah- law-vah'neh ee vih-tah-peh-taw. vah'neh zah'n'yeem sheh v'praw- vah-gee'mih ? ) Wszystko b^dzie naprawione i dopro- wadzone do porzadku (V'shisfkaw nah-prah-v'yaw'neh ee daw. 215 Signs: Room to Let. Rooms to Let. Furnished Rooms to Let. Rooms, Apartments to Let. All Mod- ern Improve- ments. Cold and Hot Water. Gas and Electricity Elevator. Steam Heat. Inquire of the Jan- itor. To call the bell-boy, ring bell once. praw-vah-dzaw'neh daw p a w- zhownd'koo). Napisy, szyldy: (Nah-pee'sih, shill'- dih: ) Pokoj do wynaj^cia (Paw'koo'ee daw vih-nah-yen'chah). Pokoje do wynajecia (Paw-kaw'yeh daw vih-nah-yen'chah). Meblowane pokoje do wynaj^cia (Meh-blaw-vah'neh paw-kaw'yeh daw vih-nah-yen'chah). Pokoje, Apartamenta do wynaje.cia. Wszelkie nowoczesne udogodnie- nia. Zimna i gora.ca woda. Gaz i elektryka (Paw-kaw'yeh, Ah. pahr-tah-men'tah daw vih-nah- yen'chah. Vshell'k'yeh naw-vaw- chess'neh oo-daw-gawd-n'yeh'. n'yah. Zheem'nah ee gaw-rown'- tsah vaw'dah. Gahz ee eh-leck- trih'kah). Elewator ( Ee-leh-vah'tore ) . Ogrzewanie para. (Aw-gzheh-vah'. n'yeh pah'roh). Zapytac si Str6za (Zah-pih'tahtch sheh Stroo'zhah). By zawolac chiopca, dzwonic raz (Bih zah-vaw'lahtch h'lawp'tsah, dzvaw'n'yeetch rahz). At the telegraph office. Where is the nearest Gdzie jest najblizszy urza.d telegra- telegraph office, ficzny ? (G'jeh yest nigh-bleezh'shih oo-zhownd teh-leh-grah-f eetch'nih ? ) Maty kawalek drogi sta.d (Mah'lih kah-vah'leck draw'gee stoned). About five blocks Z jakie pie.c ulic nizej (Z'yah'k'yeli down this street. p'yentch oo'leets n'yee'zhay). I wish to send a tele- Chc poslac telegram (H^tseh paw'- gram. slahtch teh-leh'grahm). please ? A short distance from here. 216 Write on this blank, please . How much will it be? The rate is three cents a word. Can I telegraph in Po- lish? Yes, sir. I wish to prepay the answer. How long must I wait for it? About a half an hour. Prosz wypelnic ten blankiet (Praw'- sheh vih-pell'n'yeetch ten blahn'- k'yet). He be,dzie kosztowac? (Eel'yeh ben'- jeh kawsh-taw'vahtch ? ) Taryfa jest trzy centy od slowa (Tah- rih'fah yest tshih tsen'tih awd slaw'vah). Czy mog telegrafowac po polsku? (Chih maw'geh teh-leh-grah-faw'. vahtch paw pawls'koo?) Tak, Panic (Tahk, Pah'n'yeh). Chc oplacic odpowiedz . Jak diugo b- d musial czekac na nia.? (H'tseh aw-plah'cheetch awd-paw'v'yedge . Yahk dloo'gaw benMeh moo'shahl cheh'kahtch nah n'yoh?) Okolo pol godziny (Aw-kaw'law pool gaw-gee'nih). At the telephone. Hello. Who is this? Is this Central ? Yes, what is your number ? 4131 Orchard. Hello! Who's there? This is the Polish Book Importing Co. Will you kindly call Mr. Y. to the tele- phone ? All right, hold the wire a minute . Kto tarn? Centralia? (Ktaw tahm? Tsen-trahl'yah?) Tak, jaki numer prosze.? (Tahk, yah'- kee noo'mair praw'sheh?) 4131 Orchard. Kto to? (Ktaw taw?) Tu jest Polska Ksie.garnia Importowa (Too yest Pawl'skah Kshen-gahr'- n'yah Eem-pore-taw'vah). Prosz przywolac pana Y. do telefonu (Praw'sheh pshih-vaw'lahtch Pah'- nah Y. daw teh-leh-faw'noo). Dobrze, prosz^ zaczekac chwil (Daw'- bzheh, praw'sheh zah-cheh'kahtch h'vee'leh). Engaging a servant. Employment Agency. Biuro Stre.czen Pracy (B'yoo'raw Stren'chain Prah'tsih). 217 I would like to engage a servant, two ser- vants, several ser. vants . A cook (woman), a chamber-maid, a general house- keeper, a servant-maid, a nurse, a wet nurse, a governess, a cook (man), a man-servant, a butler, a coachman, a chauffeur, a valet. Miss, Mrs. Y., please step this way. What can you do? I am a cook, madam. Have you a recom- mendation ? have one from my last place. I staid there four years. Let me see it, please. Chc naj^c sluza.ca., dwie shiza.ee, kil- ka sluza.cych (sluzbe.) (H'tseh nah'- yowntch sloo-zhown'tsoh, dVyeh sloo-zhown'tseh, keel'kah sloo. zhown'tsih'h ( sloozh'beh ) . Kucharka (Koo-hahr'kah), poko jowka ( paw-kaw-yoof kah) , gospodyni (gawss-paw-dih'n'yee), s!uza.ca (sloo-zhown'tsah), nianka (n'yan'kah), rnamka (mahm'kah), bona (baw'nah), kucharz (koo'hahzh), siuza.cy (sloo-zhown'tsih), piwniczy ( peev-n'yee'chih ) , woznica (vawzh-n'yee'tsah), szofer (shaw'fare), lokaj (law'kigh). Panno, Pani Y., prosz tu przyjic (Pahn'naw, Pah'n'yee Y., praw'sheh too pshih'eeshtch). Co Pani potrafi robic? (Tsaw Pah'- n*yee paw-trah'fee raw'beetch?) Jestem kuchark^, prosz^ Pani (Yes'- tem koo-hahr'koh, praw'sheh Pah'- n'yee). Czy ma Pani swiadectwo? (formal) (Chih mah Pah'n'yee shVyadets'- tvaw ? ) Czy macie swiadectwo? (informal) (Chih m a h'c h e h shVyah-dets'- tvaw?) Mam jedno z ostatniego obowi^zku. Shizylam tam cztery lata (Mahm yed'naw z'awss-taht-n'yeh'gaw ow- baw-v^yownz'koo . Sloo-zhih'lahm tahm czteh'rih lah'tah). Prosze mi je pokaza6 (Praw'sheh mee yeh paw-kah'zahtch). 218 This is a very good recommendation. How much wages do you expect? Fifteen, twenty, thir- ty dollars a month. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten dollars a week. All right, you can be- gin to-morrow, to- day, at once . To jest bardzo dobre wiadectwo (Taw yest barMzaw daw'breh shVyah- dets'tvaw). He piacy za.dacie? (Ee'leh plah'tsih zhown-dah'cheh ? ) Pie.tnacie, dwadziescia, trzydziesci dolar6w miesie.cznie (P'yent-nahsh'- cheh, dvah-jesh'chah, tshih-jesh'. chee daw-lah'roof m'ye-shentch'- n'yeh). Pie.c, sze6, siedm, osm, dziewie.6, dzie- sie.c dolar6w tygodniowo (P'yentch, sheshtch, sheh'dem, awe'shem, jeh'- v'yentch, jeh'shentch daw-lah'roof tih-gaw-d'n'yaw'vaw) . Bardzo dobrze, mozecie rozpocz^c sluz- b od jutra, od dzisiaj, zaraz (Bar'- dzaw daw'b'zheh, maw-zheh'cheh rawz-paw'chowntch sloozh'beh awed yoo'trah, awed gee'shigh, zah'rahz). The washerwoman. I am the washer- woman. I came to do your washing. I'm going away to the country Sunday, so a 1 ! the clothes must be washed and iron- ed by Saturday. Can I count on you? It's a short time, ma'am, but 111 do my best. Jestem praczka.. Przyszedlam wyprac Pani bielizn^ (Yes'tem prahtch'coh. Pshih-shed'lahm vih'prahtch Pah'- n'yee b'yeh-leez'neh). Wyjezdzam na wies w niedziele., wie.c wszystka bielizna musi bye wypra- na i wyprasowana na sobote, (Vih- yezh'dzhahm nah v'yesh v'n'yeh- dzheh'leh, v'yents vshisst'kah b'yeh- leez'nah moo'shee bitch vih-prah'- nah ee vih-pras-saw-vah'nah nah saw-baw'teh). Czy mog na Pani^ liczyc? (Chih maw'geh nah pah'n'yoh lee'chitch?) To jest kr6tki czas, prosz^ Pani, lecz postaram sie (Taw yest kroofkee chahss, praw'sheh Pah'n'yee, latch paw-sta'rahm sheh). 219 Very well, here's the basket of clothes. You have here eight men's shirts, two night-shirts, two sheets, four pillow cases, sixteen towels, six dishcloths, six undershirts, six pairs of draw- ers, two table-cloths, twelve napkins, four aprons, two night gowns, four petticoats. eight pairs of stock- ings, one and a half doz- en handkerchiefs, six pairs of socks. How much do you charge for wash- ing? I charge 30c for a dozen pieces, shirts extra, 12c a piece. Bardzo dobrze, tu jest kosz z bielizn^ (Bar'dzaw daw'b'zheh, too yest kawsh z'b'yeh-leez'noh). Ma Pani tu osm mezkich koszul (Mah Pah'n'yee too awe'shem menz'keeh'h kaw'shool), dwie nocne koszule (dv'yeh nawts'- neh kaw-shoo'leh), dwa przeScieradia (dvah pshesh- cheh-rahd'lah), cztery powloczki (chteh'rih paw- vlootch'kee), szesnascie r^cznikow (shess-nahsh'- cheh rench-n'yee'koof), szesc scierek (sheshtch shcheh'reck), szesc koszul spodnich (sheshtch kaw'shool spawd'n'yeeh'h), szesc par kaleson6w (sheshtch pahr kah-leh-saw'noof ) , dwa obrusy (dvah awe-broo'sih), dwanascie serwetek (dvah-nash'- cheh ser-veh'teck), cztery fartuszki (chteh'rih fahr- toosh'kee), dwie koszule nocne (dv'yeh kaw- shoo'leh nawts'neh), cztery spodnice (halki) (chteh'rih spawd-n'yee'tseh ( hahl'kee ) , osm par ponczoch (awe'shem pahr p awn'chawh'h ) , tuzin i pol chustek do nosa (too'- zheen ee pool hoos-teck daw naw'- sah), szesc par skarpetek (sheshtch pahr skahr-peh'teck), He Pani liczy za pranie? (Ee'leh Pah'- n'yee lee'chih zah prah'n'yeh?) Licz<* trzydziesci (30) cent6w od tu- zina kawalkow, koszule m^skie oao- bno, po dwanascie (12) cento" w od 220 That is very dear. Can't you do it cheaper ? Well, one must take into account that the soap, blueing, starch, washing soda, and coal or gas cost money. Do you charge any- thing extra for mending ? Very little. Then mend the shirts, sew on the buttons, and darn the stock- ings. Don't use any chem- icals like chloride of lime . They spoil the clothes. Please iron the shirt, fronts carefully. I brought your clothes, madam. I am glad you got sztuki (Lee'cheh tshih-jesh'chee tsen'toof awed too-zhee'nah kah- vahl'koof, kaw-shoo'leh mens'k'yeh aw-sawb'naw, paw dvah-nahsh'cheh tsen'toof awed shtoo'kee). To jest zbyt drogo. Czy nie moze Pa- ni zrobic tego taniej? (Taw yest zbit draw'gaw. Chih n'yeh maw'- zheh pah'n'yee zraw'beech teh'gaw tah'n 'yay ? ) Trzeba wzia.c pod uwage., ze mydlo, f arbka, krochmal, soda, wgle i gaz kosztuja. pieni^dze (Tsheh'bah v'zhowntch pawed oo-vah'geh, zheh mih'dlaw, fahrb'kah, kraw'h'mahl, saw'dah, ven'gleh ee gahss kaw- shtoo'yor p'ye-n'yown'dzeh). Czy Pani liczy co za naprawki? (Chih Pah'n'yee lee'chih tsaw zah nah- prahv'kee ? ) Bardzo malo (BarMzaw mah'law). Wtedy prosz naprawic koszule, przy- szyc guziki i pocerowac ponczochy (V'teh'dih praw'sheh nah-prah'- veetch kaw-shoo'leh, pshih-shitch goo-zhee'kee ee paw-tseh-raw'. vahtch pawn-chaw'hih). Prosz nie uzywac zadnych chemikalji takich jak chlorek. One psuja. bie- lizn^ (Praw'sheh n'yeh oo-zhih'. vahtch zhahd'nih'h heh-mee-kahl'- yee tah'keeh'h yahk hlaw'reck. Aw'- neh psoo'yoh b'yeh-leez'neh). Prosz^ uwaznie prasowac gorsy koszul (Praw'sheh oo-vahzh'n'yeh prah- saw'vahtch gawi/sih kaw'shpol). Przynioslam Pani bielizn (Pshih- n'yawss'lahm Pah'n'yee b'yeh-leez'- neh). Bardzo mnie cieszy, ze Pani skoficzyla 221 them finished on time. I'll have to look over the wash. Why didn't you take out this stain? I tried to, but it wouldn't come out. The collars and cuffs of the shirts don't seem to be very clean . You must be more careful next time. Also don't starch my petticoats so much. I don't like them so stiff. You must wash these pieces over again. The clothes look very clean. I am very much satisfied with your work. Come next Tuesday at ja. na czas (Bar'dzaw mn'yeh cheh'_ shih, zheh Pah'n'yee skown-chih'lah yoh nah chahss). Musze. ogl^dnac bielizne, (Moo'sheh aw-glawnd'knowntch b'yeh-leez'. neh). Dlaczego Pani nie wywabila tej pla- my? (Dlah-cheh'gaw Pah'n'yee n'yeh vih-vah-bee'lah tay plah'. mih?) Staratam sie., lecz nie moglam jej ode. prac* (Stah-rah'lahm sheh, letch n'yeh maw'glahm yay aw-dep'- prahtch). Kolnierze i mankiety u koszul nie wy- glsidaj^ bardzo czyste (Kawl-n'yeh'- zheh ee mahn-k'yeh'tih oo kaw'shool n'yeh vih-glown-dah'yoh barMzaw chiss'teh). Musi Pani bye wi^cej ostrozna na dru- gi raz (Moo'shee Pah'n'yee bitch v'y e n t s a y aw-strawzh'nah nah droo'gee rahz). Prosz takze nie krochmalic tak moich spodnic. Nie lubi tak mocno na- krochmalone (Praw'sheh tahk'zheh n'yeh krawh-mah'leetch tahk maw'- eeh'h spawd'n'yeets. N'yeh loo'b'yeh tahk mawts'naw nah-krawh'h-mah- law'neh). B^dzie musiala Pani je wyprac jeszcze raz (Ben'jeh moo-shah'lah Pah'- n'yee yeh vih'prahtch yesh'cheh rahz). Bielizna jest bardzo dobrze wyprana. Jestem bardzo zadowolona z Pani roboty (B'yeh-leez'nah yest bar'- dzaw daw'bzheh vih-prah'nah. Yes'- tem bai/dzaw zah-daw-vaw-law'nah z'Pah'n'yee raw-baw'tih). Prosze. przyji6 znowu na przyszly 222 7 o'clock in the wtorek o godzinie si6dmej rano morning. (Praw'sheh pshih'ee'shtch znaw'voo nah pshish'lih vtaw'reck awe gaw- gee'n'yeh shood'may rah'naw). I'll have the clothes Bielizna be.dzie stala namoczona w ready soaking in baljach (B'yeh-leez'nah ben'jeh the washtubs . stah'lah nah-maw-chaw'nah v'bahl'- yah'h). This faucet is for hot Ten czop jest od gora.cej wody, a ten water, and this one od zimnej (Ten chawp yest awed for cold . gaw-rawn'tsay vaw'dih, ah ten awed zheem'nay). Let more water into Wpusc* wie.cej wody do b a 1 j i the tub. (V'pooshtch v'yen'tsay vaw'dih daw bah'lee'ee). This water is not hot Ta woda nie jest dose gora.ca (Tah enough. vaw'dah n'yeh yest dawshtch gaw- rawn'tsah). Heat some more on Zagrzej wie.cej na piecu i wlej do tej the stove and add it wody (Zah'g'zhay v'yen'tsay nah to this water. p'yeh'tsoo ee vlay daw tay vaw'dih). Stove. Piec (P'yets). Gas stove. Gazowy piec (Gah-zaw'vih p'yets). Clothes line. Linka do bielizny (Leen'kah daw b'yeh-leez'nih). Clothespin. Szpilki drewniane do bielizny (Sh'peel'kee drehv-n'yah'neh daw b'yeh-leez'nih). Wringer. Maszyna do wyzymania (Mah-shin'- nah daw vih-zhih-mah'n'yah). Clothes basket. Koszyk do bielizny (Kaw'shick daw b'yeh-leez'nih). Ironing board. Deska do prasowania (Des'kah daw prah-saw-vah'n'yah) . Sad iron. Zelazko do prasowania (Zheh-lahz'kaw daw prah-saw-vah'n'yah). Electric iron. Elektryczne zelazko do prasowania ( Eh-lek-tritch'neh zheh-lahz'kaw daw prah-saw-vah'n'yah). Gas iroa. Gazowe zelazko do prasowania (Gah- 223 Pulley. Hook. Pole. You put too much blueing in the water. Hang the clothes on the line. Hang the clothes out in the yard. On the roof. Get out on the fire- escape. Pull the line towards you. Don't lean out so far. Be careful and don't fall out. zaw'veh zheh-lahz'kaw daw prah- saw-vah'n'yah). K61ko, kra.zek ruchomy (Kool'kaw, kro wn'zheck roo-h aw'mih ) . Hak (Hahk). Slop (Sloop). Wlozylas za wiele farbki do wody (Vlaw-zhih'lahsh zah v'yeh'Pyeh fahrb'kee daw vaw'dih). Powies bielizne. na lince (PawVyesh b'yeh-leez'neh nah leen'tseh). Wywies bielizne. na podworzu (Vih'- v'yesh b'yeh-leez'neh nah paw- dvoo'zhoo). Na dachu (Nah dah'hoo). Wyjdz na ganek zelazny (Vih'eedge nah gah'neck zheh-lahz'nih). Cia.gnij powroz do siebie (Chowng'- n'yeey paw'vrooz daw sheh'b'yeh). Nie wychylaj si^ tak daleko (N'yeh vih-hih'ligh sheh tahk dah-leh'kaw). Uwazaj abys nie wypadla (Oo-vah'- zhigh ah'bish n'yeh vih-pahd'lah). Directions to servants. Please . Come here. Go there. Please, come here. Go to the butcher's, baker's, grocer's, delicatessen store, fish markt t, Prosze, (Praw'sheh). Chodz tu (Hawdge too). Idz tarn (Eedge tahm). Prosze, tu przyjsd (Praw'sheh too psih'eeshtch). Idz do rzeznika (Eedge daw zhezh- n'yee'kah), piekarni (p'yeh-kahr'n'yee), sklepu korzennego (skleh'poo kaw- zhen-neh'gaw), sklepu delikates6w (sklep'poo de-li- kah-teh'soof), sklepu ryb, 224 drygood* store, hardware store, drug-store. Make the fire in the stove . Put more coal into the furnace. Put the carbage, ashes, papers out on the street. Peel the vegetables. Put same water on to boil. Fry the meat, steak, chop, fish. Make some coffee, tea, chocolate. Set the table for breakfast, dinner, supper. Wash the dishes. Sweep and scrub the kitchen floor. Open the window. Shut the windows . Wash the windows. Be careful. Don't fall out. Clean the kitchen, sklepu blawatnego (skleh'poo blah- vaht-neh'gaw), sklepu zelaznego (skleh'poo zheh- lahz-neh'gaw), apteki (ahp-teh'kee). Zapal w piecu (Zah'pahl v'p'yeh'tsoo). Wsyp wie.cej we.gli do pieca (V'sip v'yen'tsay ven'glee daw p'yeh'tsah). Wystaw zlewki, popiol, papiery na uli- ce. (Vih'stahv zlehv'kee, paw'p'yool, pah-p'yeh'rih nah oo-lee'tseh). Ostruz kartofle (Aw-stroozh car- tawf'leh). Nastaw wody do zagrzania (Nah'. stahv vaw'dih daw zah-gzhah'- n'yah). Usmarz mi^so, befsztyk, kotlet, ryb (Oo-smahzh m'yen'saw, behf'shtick, kawt'let, rih'beh). Ugotuj kawy, herbaty, czekolady (Oo- gaw'too'ee kah'vih, hair-bah'tih, cheh-kaw-lah'dih) . Zastaw stol na sniadanie, obiad, kola- cy^ (Zah-stahv stool nah sh'n'yah- dah'n'yeh, a w'b'y a h d, kaw-lah'- ts'yeh). Pomyj statki (Paw'mih'ee staht/kee). Zamiec i wyszoruj podlog^ w kuchni (Zah'm Vetch ee vih-shaw'roo'ee pawd-law'geh v'kooh'nee ) . Otworz okno (Aw'tvoozh awk'naw). Zamknij okna (Zahm'k'nee'ee awk'- nah). Umyj okna (Oo'mih'ee awk'nah). B$dz ostrozna. Nie wypadnij ( Bohndge aw-strawzh'nah . N'yeh vih- pahd'n'yse'ee) . Oczygd kuchni? (Aw'chistch kooV- n'yeh), 225 bedroom, parlor, hall, yard, stairs to-day, to- morrow, this morn- ing, this afternoon. Sweep the sidewalk, the floor, the kitchen, the yard, the rugs. Take out the rugs In- to the yard, beat and sweep them. Make the beds. Dust the furniture. Polish the floors. Cover the piano. Polish the brass work. Dress the children, and send them off to school. Wash yourself. Dress yourself. Comb yourself. Give the children something to eat. Give the child its (paw'koo'ee sih- (paw'koo'ee bah- (Zah'- hawd'- pokoj sypialny p'yahl'nih), pokoj bawialny v'yahl'nih), sien (shen), podworze (paw-dvoo'zheh), schody (s'haw'dih ) dzisiaj, jutro, dzis rano, popohidniu (gee'shigh, yoo'traw, geesh rah'naw, paw-paw-lood'n'yoo). Zamiec trotuar (or chodnik) m 'yetch traw'too-ahr (or n'yeek), podloge, (paw-dlaw'geh), kuchnie. (koo'h'n'yeh), podworze (paw-dvoo'zheh), dywany (dih-vah'nih). Wynies dywany na podworze, wytrzep je i zmiec je (Vih'n'yesh dih-vah'- nih nah paw-dvoo'zheh, vih'tshep yeh ee zWyetch yeh). Posciel lozka (Paw'shtchel loozh'kah). Oczysc meble z kurzu (Aw'chishtch meb'leh s^koo'zhoo). Wyfroteruj podlogi (Vih-fraw-teh'- roo'ee pawd-law'ghee). Nakryj fortepian (Nah'krih'ee for- teh'p'yahn). Wyglansuj mosi^2:ne kawalki (Vih- glahn'soo'ee maw-shenzh'neh kah- vahl'kee). Ubierz dzieci i wyslij je do szkoiy (Oo'bVezh jeh'chee ee vih'shlee'ee yeh daw sh j kaw'lih). Umyj si (Oo'mih'ee sheh). Ubierz si (Oo'b'yezh sheh). Uczesz si (Oo'chesh sheh). Daj d?.ieciom cokolwiek do jedzenla (Dign jeh'chawm tsaw-kawl'v'yeck daw yeh-dzeh'n'yah). Daj dziecku jego sniadanie, obiad, ko 226 breakfast, d i n n er, supper. Wrap up the lunch for them. Put clean clothing on them. Put the children to bed. Take the baby out in- to the carriage. Wash and iron the clothes . Hang these clothes out on the line. Get me some stamps, a newspaper, a cigar, cigarettes, some fruit. Fetch me a glass of water, a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, some lemonade. Bring me my eye-glasses, the medicine, the cushion, a pen, ink and paper, lacy? (Digh jets'koo yeh'gaw sh'n'yah-dah'n'yeh, aw'b'yahd, kaw- lah'ts'yeh). Zawin im ich przek^ske. (Zah'veen eem ee'h pshe-kownss'keh). Wdziej im czyste ubranie (V'jay eem chis'teh oo-brah'n'yeh). Poloz dzieci spac (Paw'loozh jeh'chee spahtch). Wez dziecko na swieze powietrze (Vehzh jets'kaw nah shVyeh'zheh paw-v'yeh'tsheh) . Wypierz i poprasuj bielizne. (Vih'- p'yezh ee paw-prah'soo'ee b'yeh- leez'neh). Wywies te ubrania na lince (Vih'- v'yesh teh oo-brah'n'yah nah leen'- tseh). Przynies mi (Pshih'n'yesh mee ) kilka marek (keel'kah mah'reck), gazet (gah-zeh'teh), cygaro (tsih-gah'raw), papierosy (pah-p'yeh-raw'sih), nieco owocow (n'yeh'tsaw aw-vaw'- tsoof). Przynies mi (Pshih'n'yesh mee ) szklanke, wody (shklahn'keh vaw'- dih), filizank^ herbaty (fee-lee-zhahn'- keh hair-bah'tih), filizanke, kawy (fee-lee-zhahn'keh kah'vih), nieco limonady (n'yeh'tsaw lee. maw-nah'dih). Przynies* mi (Pshih'n'yesh mee ) moje okulary, binokle (maw'yeh aw-koo-lah'rih, bee-naw'kleh), lekarstwo ( leh-kahr'stvaw) , poduszk^ (paw-doosh'keh), pioro, atrament i papier (p'yoo'raw, an-trah'ment ee 227 the book from up- stair, a cup, a glass, a knife, a fork, a spoon, a brush, a broom, a hammer, a screw-driver, a few nails. Hand me the needle, the thread, the thimble, the scissors, my embroidery work, my pocketbook, a hankerchief . Answer the door-bell. Shine these shoes. Brush my clothes and hat. Hand me my coat, hat and cane. Hold this for a while. Get the coach, car- riage, automobile ready. Take me to Wana- ksia.zk z gory (kshownzh'keh z'goo'rih), kubek, filizank (koo'beck, fee-lee- zhan'keh), szklank ( sh'klahn'keh) , noz (noozh), widelec (vee-deh'lets), Jyzke (lish'keh), szczotk ( shchawt'keh) , miotl (m'yawt'leh), mtotek (mlaw'teck), srubczyk (shroob'chick), kilka gwozdzi (keel'kah gwazh'- gee). Podaj mi (Paw'digh mee ) igl? (eeg'leh), nici (n'yee'chee), naparstek ( nah-pahr'steck) , nozyczki (naw-zhitch'kee), moje wyszywanie (maw-yeh vih- shih-vah'n'yeh), moj pugilares (moo'ee poo-ghee- lah'ress), chusteczk^ do nosa (hoo-stetch'keh daw naw'sah). Zobacz kto dzwoni (Zaw'bahtch ktaw dVvaw'n'yee). Wyglansuj te trzewiki (Vih-glahn'- soo'ee teh tsheh-vee'kee). Oczysc moje odzienie i kapelusz z ku- rzu (Aw'chishtch maw'yeh aw-jeh'- n'yeh ee kah-peh'loosh z'koo'zhoo). Podaj mi moje palto, kapelusz i lask (Paw'digh mee maw'yeh pahl'taw, kah-peh'loosh ee lahss'keh). Trzymaj to chwil (Tshih'migh taw hVee'leh). Miej kocz, powoz, automobil gotowy (M'yay kawtch, paw'vooz, ah-oo- taw-maw'beel gaw-taw'vih ) . Zawiez mi do Wanamakera, na Sie- 228 maker's, 70th St., demdziesia,t^ ulice., do Pan Y. (Zah'_ Mr. Y. v'yezh m'yeh daw Vah-nah-mah. k'yeh'rah, nah Sheh-dem-jeh-shown'- toh oo-lee'tseh, daw Pah'nah Y.) Jedz wolno, wolniej (Yedge vawl'naw, vawl'n'yay). Jedz pr^dko, pr^dzej (Yedge prend'. kaw, pren'dzay). Nie jedz tak pre.dko (N'yeh yedge tahk prend'kaw). to Zanies ten list na poczte. (Zah'n'yesh ten leest nah pawtch'teh). Ride slowly, slower. Go fast, faster. Don't go so fast. Bring this letter the post-office. Cleaning a room. Putting a room in order. Do you know how to clean a room? What do you do first ? Open all the windows. Take out all the small things, chairs, stools, stands, into the hall, into the next room. Shake out the cur- tains . Take the rugs out- doors . Shake the rugs and leave them to the air on the grass, or on the line. Czy umiesz oczyscic pokoj? (Chih oo'- m'y e s h aw-chish'cheetch paw'- koo'ee?) Co sie. pierw robi? (Tsaw sheh p'yairv raw'bee ? ) Otworz wszystkie okna (Aw'tvoozh vshisst'k'yeh awk'nah ) . Wynies wszystkie male przedmioty (Vih'n'yesh v'shisst'k'yeh mah'leh pshed-m'yaw'tih ) , krzesla (kshes'lah), stolki (stawl'kee), postumenty, do sieni, do nast^pnego pokoju (paw-stoo-men'tih daw sheh'. n'yee, daw nah-stemp-neh'gaw paw. kawk'yoo). Wytrzep firanki (Vih'tshep fee-rahn'- kee). Wynies dywany na dwor (Vih-n'yesh dih-vah'nih nah dVoor). Wytrzep dywaniki i zostaw je na po- wietrzu, na trawie, albo na lince (Vih'tshep dih-vah-n'yee'kee ee zaw'staw yeh nah paw-v'yet'shoo, nah trah'v'yeh, ahl'baw nah leen'- tseh). 229 Cover up the furni- ture which you can- not carry out. Sweep the floor. Dust everything. Wash the windows, the woodwork and the floor. Bring in the rugs. Dust the furniture. Put the furniture in place again. Put the little things where they belong. Don't touch the pap- ers on the desk. Where does this stand belong ? Where is the broom? May I move the bed? Ponakrywaj te meble, ktorych nie mo- zesz wyniesc (Paw-nah-krih'vigh teh meb'leh, ktoo'rih'h n'yeh maw'- zhesh vih'n'yeshtch). Zamiec podloge. (Zah'm'yetch paw- dlaw'geh). Oczysc* wszystko z kurzu (Aw'chishtch v'shisst'kaw z'koo'zhoo ) . Umyj okna, futryny i podJoge. (Oo / - mih'ee awk'nah, foo-trih'nih ee pawd-law'geh). Poprzynos dywaniki (Paw-pshih'- nawsh dih-vah-n'y ee'kee ) . Poscieraj kurz z mebli (Paw-sh'cheh'- righ koozh z'meb'lee). Poustawiaj meble na ich miejscu zno- wu (Paw-oo-stah'v'yigh meb'leh nah ee'h m'yays'tsoo z'naw'voo). Pokladz te male rzeczy, gdzie one na- lez^ (Paw'klahdge teh mah'leh zheh'chih, g'jeh aw'neh nah-leh'- zhoh). Nie ruszaj papierow na biurku (N'y e h roo'shigh pah-p'yeh'roof nah b'yoor'- koo). Gdzie ten postument nalezy? (G'jeh ten paw-stoo'ment nah-leh'zhih ? ) Gdzie jest miotla? (G'jeh yest m'yawt'lah?) Czy mog? posun^c 16zko ? (Chih maw'. geh paw-soo'nowntch loozh'kaw? Looking for work. Czy Pan jest kierownikiem tej fabry- ki? (Chih Pahn yest k'yeh-rawv- n'yee'k'yem tay f ah'brickee ? ) Tak, Panie. Co moge dla Pana uczy- nic? (Tahk, PahVyeh. Tsaw maw'- geh dlah Pah'nah oo-chihVyeetch ? ) I am looking for work. Szukam pracy (Shoo'kahm prah'tsih). you the foreman of this factory? Yes, sir. What can I do for you? 230 What can you do? What is your trade, occupation ? What is your profes- sion, business? I understand carpentry, blacksmithing . I am a blacksmith, a carpenter, a locksmith, a machinist, an engineer, a cabinetmaker, a patternmaker, a plumber, a coppersmith, a mason, a printer, a lithographer, a common laborer. I am a jeweler, a watchmaker, a tailor, a barber, a butcher, a baker, a tanner, a shoemaker, a painter. I am a miner, a paver, a sculptor, Co Pan potrafi robic? (Tsaw Pahn paw-trah'f ee raw'beetch ? ) Jakie Pana rzemioslo, zaje,cie? (Yah'- k'yeh Pah'nah zheh-m'yass'law, z ah- yen'cheh ? ) Jakim jest Pana zawod, zatrudnienie ? (Yah'keem yest Pah'nah zah'vood, zah-trood-n'yeh'n'yeh ? ) Znam si na (Znahm sheh nah) ciesielstwie ( cheh-shells't Vyeh ) 9 kowalstwie (kaw-vahls'tVyeh). Jestem (Yes'tem ) kowalem ( kaw- vah'lem ) , ciesla. (chesh'loh), slusarzem (shloo-sah'zhem), rnaszynistg, (mah-shih-n'yees'toh), inzynierem (een-zhee-n'yeh'rem), stolarzem (staw-lah'zhem), modelarzem (maw-deh-lah'zhem), olo wnikiem ( aw-loov-n'yee'k'yem ) ^ kotlarzem (kawt-lah'zhem), mularzem (moo-lah'zhem), drukarzem (droo-kah'zhem), litografem (lee-taw-grah'fem), zv/yczajnym robotnikiem (zvih- chigh'nim raw-bawt-n'ye-e'k'yem). Jestem (Yes'tem ) jubilerem (yoo-bee-leh'rem), zegarmistrzem (z e h-g a h r-mees'- tshem), krawcem (krahv'tsem), balwierzem (bahl-v'yeh'zhem), rzeznikiem (zhezh-nVee'kVem), piekarzem (pVeh-kah'zhem), garbarzem (gahr-bah'zhem), szewcem (shef'tsem)), malarzem (mah-lah'zhem). Jestem (Yes'tem ) gornikiem (goor-n'yee'k'yem), brukarzem (broo-kar'zhem), rzezbiarzem (zhezh-b'yah'zhem), 231 a stone-cutter, a bartender, a cook, a wheelwright, a chemist, a teacher, a farmer, a gardener, a paperhanger, a bookbinder, a bookkeeper, a driver. I am a servant, a dressmaker, a seamstress, a milliner, a governess, a waitress, a nurse. Very well. I have a place for you. How much wages do you expect? Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, kamieniarzem (kah-m'yeh-n'yah'- zhem), szynkarzem (shin-kah'zhem), kucharzem ( koo-hah'zhem ) , stelmachem (stel-mah'hem), chemikem ( heh-mee'kem ) , nauczycielem (nah-oo-chih-cheh'- lem), r olnikiem ( r awl-n'yee'k'yem ) , ogrodnikiem (aw-grawd-n'yee'- k'yem), tapicerem (tah-pee-tseh'rem), introligatorem ( een-traw-lee-gah- taw'rem), buchalterem ( boo-hahl-teh'rem ) , woznicg, (vawzh-n'yee'tsoh), Jestem (Yes'tem ) sluzac^ (sloo-zhown'tsoh), krawczynia, ( krahv-chih'n'y oh ) , szwaczk^, (shvahtch'koh), modniarka, (mawd-n'yahr'koh), bonsj (baw'noh), shig^ do stohi (sloo'goh daw staw'- loo), niank^, (n'yahn'koh). Bardzo dobrze . Mam dla Pana miejsce (robote,) (Bar'dzaw dawb'zheh. Mahm dlah Pah'nah m'yays'tseh (raw-baw'teh). Jak^ plac za.da Pan ? ( Yah'koh plah'- tseh zhown'dah Pahn?) Pi^c, szesc, siedem, osm, dziewi^c (P'yentch, sheshtch, sheh'dem, aw'- shem, jeh'v r yentch), dziesi^c (jeh'shentch), jednascie (yed-nahsh'cheh), dwanascie ( dvah-nahsh'cheh ) , trzynascie (tshih-nahsh'cheh), czternascie ( chtair-nahsh'cheh ) , pie,tnascie ( ( p'yent-nahsh'cheh ) , szesnascie (shess-nahsh'cheh), 232 seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, thousand dollars a week, a day, a month, a year. I can give you only ten dollars a week; perhaps more later. I accept it. siedmnascie ( sheh-dem-nahsh'cheh ) , osinnascie (aw-shem-nahsh'cheh), dziewitnascie (jeh-v'yent-nahsh'- cheh), dwadziescia (dvah-jesh'chah), trzydziesci (tshih-jesh'chee), czterdziesci ( chtair- jes'chee ) , pie,dziesiat (p'yen- jeh'shownt), szescdziesiat ( shesh- jeh'shownt ) , siedmdziesiat (sheh-dem- jeh'- shownt), osmdziesia.t (aw-shem- jeh'shownt) , dziewi^dziesiat (jeh-v'yen- jeh'- shownt), sto (staw), tysia.c dolarow (tih-shownts daw- lah'roof), na tydzien (nah tih'jane), tygodniowo ( tih-gawd-n'yaw' vaw ) , na dzien (nah jane), dziennie (jen'n'yeh), na miesi^c (nah mVeh'shownts), miesie.cznie ( m'yeh-shentch'n 'yeh ) , na rok (nah rawk), rocznie (rawtch'n'yeh). Mog Panu ofiarowac tylko dziesi^ dolarow na tydzien; moze wi^cej pozniej (Maw'geh Pah'noo aw-f 'yah raw'vahtch til'kaw jeh'shentch daw- lah'roof nah tih'jane; maw'zheh v'yen'tsay poozh'n'yay). Przyjmuj or zgadzam si? (Pshih'ee moo'yeh or zgah'dzam sheh). At the office. This way to the office, Prosz te.dy do biura (Praw'sheh ten'- please. dih daw b'yoo'rah). Please take a seat. Prosze. siadac (Praw'sheh shah'- dahtch), 233 Thank you. What is your name? John Polski. How old are you? Twenty-eight. Are you married? No, sir. Single. Have you any rela- tions here in Amer- ica? A younger brother. Do you drink? Very little. Very seldom. I am very glad to hear that. We want only sober men in our shop . Be here at eight on Monday morning. We finish work here at half past four in the afternoon. ! shall be early on the Panu (Jane-koo'yeh Pah'- noo). Jak si Pan nazywa? (Yahk sheh Pahn nah-zih'vah ? ) Jan Polski (Yahn Pawl'skee). He ma Pan lat? (Eel'yeh mah Pahn laht?) Dwadziescia osm (Dvah-jesh'chah aw'shem). Czy Pan zonaty? (Chih Pahn zhaw- nah'tih ? ) Nie, Panie, jestem kawalerem (N'yeh, Pah'n'yeh, yes'tem kah-vah-leh'- rem). Czy ma Pan jakich krewnych tu w Ameryce? (Chih mah Pahn yah'- keeh krehv'nih too v'Ah-meh-rih'- tseh?) Brata mlodszego (Brah'tah mlawd- sheh'gaw). Czy Pan pije? (Chih Pahn pee'yeh?) Bardzo malo (Bar'dzaw mah'law). Bardzo rzadko (Bar'dzaw zhahd'kaw). Bardzo mi przyjemne slyszed to (Bar'- dzaw mee pshih-yem'n'yeh slih'- shetch taw). Wtasnie potrzeba nam tylko trzez- wych ludzi w naszej fabryce (Vlahsh'n'yeh paw-tsheh'bah nahm til'kaw tshezh'vih'h loo'gee v'nah'- shay fah'brih'tseh). Staw si Pan tu w poniedzialek o 6s- mej zrana (Stahv sheh Pahn too v'- paw-n'yeh-jah'leck aw oos'may z'rah'nah). Konczymy robot? tu o pol do pi^tej (half to five) po pohidniu (Kawn- chih'mih raw-baw'teh too aw pool daw p'yown'tay paw paw-lood'. n'yoo). na czas w dziefi oznaczony (Ben'- 234 appointed day. Good morning, sir. Good day, sir. Come here. Do you know how to run a lathe? a milling machine? a planer? a shaper? Yes, sir, I can, but the lathe is my special- ty. I can also work as a vise-hand. Have you your tools with you? No. sir. Then go to the tool- room and ask the man in charge to give you a set of files, a hammer, an angleplate, a center-punch, a chisel, deh nah chahs v'jane aw-znah-chaw'- nih). - Do widzenia Panu (Daw vih-dzeh'- n'yah Pah'noo). The machinist. Chodz Pan tu (Hawdzh Pahn too). Czy umie Pan robic na tokarni? (Chih oo'm'yeh Pahn raw'beech nah taw- kar'n'yee ? ) na f rez maszynie ? (nah frezz mah'- shih-n'yeh?) naheblarce? (nah heb-lahr'tseh?) na nut maszynie? (nah noot mah'- shih-n'yeh?) Tak, Panie, umiem, lecz tokarnia jest moj^ specyalnoscia, (Tahk, Pah'- n'yeh, oo'm'yem, letch taw-kar'n'yah yest maw'yoh spe-tsih-yahl-nawsh'- choh). Potrafie takze pracowac przy szrub- sztaku (Paw-trah'f'yeh tak'zheh prah-tsaw'vahtch pshih shroob- shtah'koo). Czy ma Pan narz^dzia ze soba. ? ( Chih mah Pahn nah-zhen'jah zeh saw'- boh?) Nie, Panie (N'yeh, Pah'n'yeh). To idz Pan do skladu narze.dzi i po- pros Pan dozorc^ o komplet pilni- kow (Taw eedge Pahn daw sklah'- doo nah-zhen'gee ee paw-prawsh Pahn daw-zoor'tseh aw kawm'plet peel-n'yee'koof ) f mlotek (mlaw'teck), plat^ winklow^, (plah'teh veen-klaw'- voh), znacznik (or punktak) (znahtch'- n'yeek (poonk'tahk), messel (or przecinak) (meh'sel (psheh-chee'nahk), _ 235 inside calipers, outside calipers, dividers, a steel-scale. That is not the way to do that. You must measure from here. Hold that center- punch firmly. Please let me have your hammer for a moment . Here it is. Move it over more to the left, to the right, to the front, to the back, forward, backward . Hold on, till I see if we have set it right. Go ahead. Stop the machine. Let the machine go now. That is very fine work, poor work. taster wewne.tr zny (tahs'tair vehv- nenttsh'nih), taster zewne.tr zny (tahs'tair zeh. vnentsh'nih), szpic cyrkiel (sh'peets tsihr'k'yel), linijk stalowa. (lee-nee'ee'keh stah- law'voh). To tak si nie robi (Taw tahk sheh n'yeh raw'bee). Powinien Pan mierzyc st^d (Paw-vee'_ n'yen Pahn m'yeh'zhitch stownd). Trzymaj Pan ten centerek silnie (Tshih'migh Pahn ten tsen-teh'reck sheel'n'yeh). Prosz mi podac swoj nilotek na chwi- 1 (Praw'sheh niee paw'dahtch svoo'ee mlaw'teck nah hvee'leh). Prosz. Oto jest (Praw'sheh. Aw'taw yest). Posuii to wi^cej na lewo (Paw'soon taw v'yen'tsay nah leh'vaw), na prawo (nah prah'voh), na front (na frawnt), do tylu (daw tih'loo), naprzod (nah'pshood), do tylu (daw tih'loo). Poczekaj, az zobacz^ czy ustawilismy to dobrze (Paw-cheh'kigh, ahzh zaw-bah'cheh chih oo-stah-vee'leesh- mih taw daw'bzheh). Dalej! or Mozesz zacz^c robic (Dah'- lay! or Maw'zhesh zah'chowntch raw'beech). Zatrzymaj maszyn^ (Zah-tshih'migh mah'shih-neh) . Pusc maszyn^ w ruch teraz (Pooshtch mah'shih-neh v'roo'h teh'rahs). To jest bardzo dobra robota (Taw yest bar'dzaw daw'brah raw-baw'- tah), zla robota (zlah raw-baw'tah). 236 That is not very good. You ought to know how to do that, to temper, to draw the temper, to sharpen, to grind, to set, to mark off, to cut off, to drill, to punch, to file, to test, to polish, to scrape, to clean, to oil, to draw (with pen- cil), to draw (pull), to attach, to fit, to lift, to plane, to shape, to find. Tools: Rule. Dividers. Punch . To nie jest bardzo dobre (Taw n'yeh yest bar'dzaw daw'breh). Powinienes wiedzied jak to zrobic ( Paw-vee-n'yeh'nesh v'y e h'j e t c h yahk taw raw'beetch), hartowac (hahr-taw'vahtch), odhartowad ( awd-hahr-tak'vahtch ) , naostr zyc ( nah-aws'tshitch ) , ostrzyc, toczyd (aws'tshtich, taw'- chitch), wyszykowac, ostrzyc (vih-shih-kaw'_ vahtch, aws'tshitch), odznaczyc ( awd-znah'chitch ) , odcia.c (awd'chowntch), swidrowac, wiercic (shvee-draw'- vahtch, v'yair'cheetch ) t przedziurawic (psheh-joo-rah'- veetch), gladzic (glah'geetch), probowac (proo-baw'vahtch), gladzid, polerowa6 (glah'geetch, paw-leh-raw'vahtch ) , skrobac ( skraw'bahtch ) , oczyscic (aw-chish'cheetch), naoliwic (nah-aw-lee'veetch), rysowac ( rih-saw'vahtch ) , ( cho wng'knowntch ) , przyczepic, przymocowac (pshih- cheh'peetch, p s h i h-maw-tsaw'- vahtch), dopasowac (daw-pah-saw'vahtch), podniesc (pawd'n'ycshtch), heblowac (heh-blaw'vahtch), nadac ksztalt (nah'dahtch kshtahlt), znalezc ( znah'leshtch ) . Narz^dzia: (Nah-zhen'jah): Calowka (Tsah^oof'kah). Cyrkiel (Tsihr'k y yehl). Dziurownik (Locheisen) (Jew-rawv'- n'yeek). 237 Hinge Vise. Parallel Vis*. File Handle. Angle-plate . Wrench . Monkey Wrench. Pipe Wrench. Crowbar . Hammer. Riveting Hammer. File. Smoothing File. Rasp. Flat file. Round file. Half-round file. Three-cornered file Hand file. Hack-saw . Plummet. Level . Cold chisel. Riveting punch. Surface plate. Imadlo zawiasowe (Ee-mahd'law zah-v'yah-saw'veh) . Imadlo rozsuwa'ne (Ee-mahd'law rawz-soo-vahl'neh) . Trzonek drewniany (Tshaw'neck drev-n'yah'nih). K^townik (Winkel) (Kown-tawv'- n'yeek). Klucz (Klootch). Klucz francuski (Klootch frahn- tsoos'kee). Klucz cewny (Klootch tsehv'nih). Lorn, or Dr^zek zelazny (Lawm or Drown' zheck zheh-lahz'nih ) . Mlotek (Mlaw'teck). Mloteczek zaklepnik (Niethammer) (Mlaw-teh'check zah-klep'n'yeek). Pilnik (Peel'n'yeek). Gladzik (Glah'geek). dzierak (Zh'jeh'rahk). Pilnik plaski (Peel'n'yeek plahs'- kee). Pilnik okr^gly (Peel'n'yeek aw- krown'glih). Pilnik polokr^gly (Peel'n'yeek pool- aw-krown'glih). Pilnik tro jk^tny ( Peel'n'yeek troo'ee-kownt'nih) . Pilnik rczny (Peel'n'yeek rentch'- nih). Pilka metalowka (Bogenfeile) (Peel'kah meh-tah-loof'kah). Pion (P'yawn). Poziomnica (Wasserwage) (Paw- zhawm-n'yee'tsah ) . Przecinak (Meissel) (Psheh-chee'- nahk). Przyci^gacz (Nietenzieher) (Pshih- cown'gahtch). Rownia (Richtplatte) (Roov'n'yah). 238 Reamer . Scraper. Gauge . Wire gauge. Screw gauge. Pliers. Flat nose plier. Round nose plier. Wire cutting plier. Gas plier. Rasp. Oil stone. Dies and taps. Trammel points. Hand drill. Ordinary drill. Center Drill. Counter sink. Inside calipers. Outside calipers. Rozwiertnik (Ausreiber) (Rawz- v'yairt'neek). Skrobak (Skraw'bahk). Sprawdzian (Sprahv'jahn). Sprawdzian do drutdw (Sprahv'jahn daw droo'toof). Sprawdzian do srub (Sprahv'jahn daw shroop). Szczypce, kleszcze (Sh'chip'tseh, klesh'cheh). Szczypce plaskie (Sh'chip'tseh plahs'k'yeh). Szczypce okr^gle (Sh'chip'tseh aw- krown'gleh). Szczypce do przecinania drutu (Sh'chip'tseh daw pshe-chee-nah'- n'yah droo'too). Szczypce do rur (Sh'chip'tseh daw roor). Tarnik (Raspel) (Tar'n'yeek). Oselka (Schleif stein) (Awsel'kah). Narzynadla i Narzynacze (Schneid- backen u. Schneidbohrer) (Nah- zhih-nahd'lah ee Nah-zhih-nah'- cheh). Znacznik slupkowaty (Parallelreis- ser) (Znahtch'n'yeek sloop-kaw- vah'tih). Wiertarska korba (Bohrkurbel) (V'yair-tahrs'kah kore'bah). Wiertak zwykly (Lochbohrer) (V'yair'tahk zvik'ly). Wiertak odsrodkowiec (Centrum- bohrer) (V'yair'tahk awd-shrawd- kaw'v'yets). Nawiertnik (Senkbohrer) (Nah- v'yairt'n'yeek). Taster wewn^trzny (Tahs'tair veh- v'nentsh'nih). Taster zewn^trzny (Tahs'tair zeh. v'nentsh'nlh). 239 Machine . Lathe. Drilling machine. Center. Chuck. Lathe dog. Nut wrench . Lathe tools. Screw gauge. Screwdriver. Wire. Copper wire. Iron wire. Steel wire. Brass wire. Sheet metal . Sheet iron. Sheet brass . Sheet copper. Sheet aluminum. Sheet lead. Steel, iron, copper, brass, aluminum, bronze, lead. Please fetch me a piece of wire, sheet, copper . Maszyna ( Mah-shih'nah ) . Tokarka (Taw-kar'kah). Wiertarka (V'yair-tahr'kah). srod, sedno (Shrood, sed'naw). Uchwyt (Oo'h'vit). Sercowka (Sair-tsoof'kah). Klucz nakr^tkowy (Klootch nah- krent-kaw'vih ) . Noze, toczniki (Naw'zheh, tawtch- n'yee'kee). Sprawdzian zwojowy (Sprahv'jahn zvaw-yaw'vih). Wkr^tak, szrubczyk (Schrauben. zieher) (V'kren'tahk, shroob'- chick). Drut (Droot), Drut miedziany (Droot m'yeh-jah'- nih). Drut zelazny (Droot zheh-lahz'nih). Drut stalowy (Droot stah-law'vih). Drut mosi^zny (Droot maw-shenzh'- nih). Blacha (Blah'hah). Blacha zelazna (Blah'hah zheh- lahz'nah). Blacha mosi^zna (Blah'hah maw- shenzh'nah). Blacha miedziana (Blah'hah m'yeh. jah'nah). Blacha aluminjowa (Blah'hah ah- loo-mee-n'yaw'vah) . Blacha olowiana (Blah'hah aw-law. v'ya-h'nah). Stal, zelazo, miedz, mosi^dz, alumi- njum, bronz, olow (Stahl, zheh-lah'- zaw, m'yedge, maw'showndz, ah-loo. meen'yoom, brawnz, aw'loof). Prosz^ mi przyniesc kawalek drutu, blachy miedzianej (Praw'sheh mee pshih'n'yeshtch kah-vah'leck droo'. too, blah'hih mVeh-jah'nay). 240 Cut these beams all one size. This board is too long, make it shorter. Lay the floor in this room. Shingle the roof. Did you finish the stairs ? Put in the window frames here, on this floor. Where is your saw? Whose chisel is this ? Is this your hammer? Your tool-chest is on the first floor. Come here and help carry this beam. Nail that better. Who did this work? I don't know. I think it was Mr. Y. Tools: Tool chest. The carpenter. Zrobic te belki jednakowej dlugosci (Zraw'beetch teh bell'kee yed-nah- kaw'vay dloo-gawsh'chee ) . Ta deska jest za dluga, skroc ja. (Tah des'kah yest zah dloo'gah, skrootch yoh). Polozyc podloge w tym pokoju (Paw- law'zhitch pawd-law'geh v'tim paw- kaw'yoo). Dach pokryc gontami (Dah'h paw'- kritch gawn-tah'mee). Czy skonczyles schody? (Chih skawn- chih'lesh s'haw'dih). Wstawic okna tu, na tern pie,trze ( V'stah'veetch awk'nah too, nah tern p'yen'tsheh). Gdzie jest twoja piika? (G'jeh yest tvaw'yah peel'kah?) Czyje to dhito? (Chih'yeh taw dloo'- taw?) Czy to twoj mlotek? (Chih taw tvoo'ee mlaw'teck?) Twoja skrzynia z narz^dziami jest na pierwszem pi^trze (Tvaw'yah s k s h i h'n'y ah z'nah-zhen-jah'mee yest nah p'yairv'shem p'yen'tsheh). Chodz tu i pomagaj niesc t belk^ (H a w d g e too ee pam-mah'guy n'yeshtch teh bel'keh). Przybij to gwozdziami lepiej (Pshih'- bee'ee taw g\ r awzh-jah'mee leh'- P'yay). Kto zrobil to? (Ktaw zraw'beel taw ? ) Nie wiem (N'yeh v'yem). Zdaje mi si, ze Pan Y. (Zdah'yeh mee sheh, zheh Pahn Y.). Narze,dzia : ( Nah-zhen'jah) : Skrzynia do narze,dzi ( Skshih'n'yah daw nah-zhen'gee). 241 Work bench. Stol roboczy (Stool raw-baw'chih). Workshop. Warsztat (Vahr'shtaht). Dividers. Szpic cyrkiel (Shpeets tsihr'k'yell). Calipers. Taster (Tahs'tair). Chisel, chisels. Dhito, dluta (Dloo'taw, dloo'tah). Flat chisel. Dluto plaskie (Stemmeisen) (Dloo'- taw plahss'k'yeh). Wooden vise. Imadlo drewniane (Holzschraub- stock) (Ee-mah'dlaw drev-n'yah'. neh). Glue pot. Klejarka (Kleh-yahr'kah). Pliers. Szczypce (Sh'chip'tseh). Hand drill. Kolowrotek (Kaw-law-vraw'teck). Knife. Krajak, noz (Krah'yahk, noozh). Oil stone. Marmurek, oselka (Mahr-moo'reck, aw-sell'kah). Tape measure. Miara skurczowa (M'yahr'rahskoor- chaw'vah). Hammer. Mlotek (Mlaw'teck). Mallet. Drewniak, mlotek drewniany (Drev'- n'yahck, mlaw'teck drehv-n'yah'- nih). Spokeshave. Osnik (Awsh'n'yeek). Wooden horse. Pacholik (Pah-haw'leek). File. Pilnik (Peel'n'yeek). Rasp. Tarnik (Tar'n'yeek). Saws. Pily (Pee'ly). Cross-cut saw. Pila poprzecznica (Pee'lah paw- pshetch-n'yee'tsah ) . Plummet. Pion (P'yawn). Reamer . Rozwiertnik ( Rawz- v'yairt'n'yeek ) m Hand ax. Siekiera (Sheh-k'yeh'rah). Scraper. Skrobaczka (Ziehklinge) (Skraw- bahtch'kah). Angers, bits. Jwidry (Shvee'drih). Hatchet. Topor (Taw'poor). Try square. Wgielnica prosta (Ven-g'yell. n'yee'tsah prawss'tah ) . Mitre square. Wegielnica ukosna (Ven-g'yell'- n'yee'tsah oo-kawsh'nah). 242 Planes. Smoothing plane. Block plane. Plane iron. Screwdriver. Grind-stone . Marking tool. Letter punches . George, help me put this board up on the rack, please. What kind of wood is this? This is oak, beech, maple, chestnut, pine, fir, hemlock, mahogany, walnut, hard pine, soft pine, ebony, ash, larch, red fir, birch, willow, linden . I must tell the fore- man that we are short of Wiorniki, heble (V'yawr-n'yee'kee, heb'leh). Ogladnik (Aw-glahd'n'yeek). Bocznik (Bawtch'n'yeek). Wiornikowy noz (Hobeleisen) (V'yawr-n'yee-kaw'vih noozh). Wkr^tak, srubczyk (Schraubenzieh. er) (V'kren'tahk, shroob'chick). Osla (Awss'lah). Znacznik (Znahtch'n'yeek). Alfabet stalowy (Ahl-fah'bet gtah- law'vih). Jerzy, prosz cie., pom6z mi wlozyd te. deske. na drabk (Yeh'zhih, praw'- sheh cheh, paw'moozh mee vlaw'- zhitch teh des'kehnahdrahb'keh). Jakie to drzewo? (Yah'k'yeh taw dzheh'vaw?) To jest d^b (Taw yest dowmb), buk (book), klon (klawn), kasztan (kahsh'tahn), sosna (sawss'nah), jodla (yawd'lah), cykuta (tsih-koo'tah), mahon (mah'hawn), orzech (aw'zheh'h), sosna twarda (sawss'nah tvahr'dah). sosna mie.kka (sawss'nah m'yenk'- kah), heban (heh'bahn), jesion (yeh'shawn), modrzew (maw'dzhev), swierk (shVyairk), brzoza (bzhaw'zah), wierzba (v'yezh'bah), lipa (lee'pah). Musz powiedziec naczelnemu, ze nie mamy juz (Moo'sheh paw-v'yGh'" jetch nah-chel-neh'moo, zheh n'yeh 243 oak, maple, pine. You must not leave those shavings here. They must be swept up every day. Put some fresh glue into the glue pot. Be careful how you put that varnish on. The varnish is too thick. Add a little turpen- tine to it. Not too much though . What shall I do now? Stain these chairs with a mahogany stain . mah'mih yoozh) dejbowego ( dem-baw-veh'gaw) , klonowego (klaw-naw-veh'gaw), sosnowego drzewa (sawss-naw-veh'- gaw dzheh'vah). Nie musisz tu zostawiac wiorow (N'yeh moo'shish too zaw-stah'- v'yahtch v'yaw'roof). Trzeba je pozamiatac co dzien (Tsheh'- bah yeh paw-zah-m'yah'tahtch tsaw jane). Wloz nieco swiezego kleju do klejarki (Vloozh n'yeh'tsaw shVyeh-zheh'- gaw kleh'yoo daw kleh-yahr'kee). Uwazaj, azeby lakier by! dobrze polo- zony (Oo-vah'zhigh, ah-zheh'bih lah-k'yair bill daw'bzheh paw-law- zhaw'nih). Lakier jest za ge.sty (Lah'k'yair yest zah ghen'stih). Dolej nieco terpentyny do niego (Daw'lay n'yeh'tsaw tair-pen-tih'- nih daw n'yeh'gaw). Ale nie za wiele (Ah'leh n'yeh zah v'yeh'leh). Co mam robic teraz? (Tsaw mahm raw r beetch teh'rahz?) Pofarbuj te krzeselka mahoniow^ far- b^ (Paw-far'boo'ee teh ksheh-sell'- kah mah-haw-n'yaw'voh far'boh). Mining. I am a miner. Jestem gornikiem (Yes'tem goor- n'yee'k'yem). G6rnictwo jest moim zawodem (Goor- n'yeets'tvaw yest maw'eem zah- vaw'dem). I wish to get work in 2ycz sobie dostac roboty w tej kopal- this coal mine. ni wegla (Zhih'cheh saw'b'yeh daw'- Mining is my profes- sion. 244 stahtch raw-baw'tih v'tay kaw- pahl'n'yee ven'glah). Have you experience Czy ma Pan doswiadczenie w gornic- in mining? twie? (Chih mah Pahn daw- shVyahd-cheh'n'yehv'goor-n'yeets'. tVyeh?) For a year I had the Przez rok bylem zatrudniony jako job of an engineer rnaszynista w kopalni towarzystwa in the Lehigh Val- Lehigh Valley w Pennsylvanji ley Coal Company's Pshehz rawk bih'lem zah-trood- mine in Pennsyl- n'yaw'nih yah'kaw mah-shih-n'yees'- vania. tah v'kaw-pahl'n'yee taw-vah-zhis'- tvah Lehigh Valley v'Penn-sil-vah'- n'yee). Tunneling, crosscut- Robota okoio budowy tuneli, chodni- ting and sinking of kow poprzecznych i pogle.biania shafts is my spe. szybow jest moja. specjalnoscia. cialty. t (Raw-baw-'tah aw-kaw'law boo. daw'vih too-neh'lee, hawd-n'yee'- koof paw-pshetch'nih'h ee paw-glem- b'yah'n'yah shih' boof yest maw'yoh speh-tsih-yahl-nawsh'choh) . Do you know how to Czy umie Pan si obchodzic z maszy- work with boring nami do wiercenia? (Chih oo'm'yeh machines? Pahn awb-haw'geetch sheh z'mah- shih-nah'mee daw vVair-tseh'. n'yah?) Yes, sir, I understand Tak, Panie, znam ten rodzaj pracy i this kind of work maszynerji (Tahk, Pah'n'yeh, and the machinery. z'nahm ten raw'dzigh prah'tsih ee mah-shih-nair'yee) . I worked with hyd- Pracowalem hydraulicznemi wiertacz- raulic box drills. kami skalnemi (Prah-tsaw-vah'lem hih-drah'oo-leetch-neh'mee v'yair- tahtch-kah'mee skahl-neh'mee). Do you know how to Czy Pan wie jak si zachowac w ko- act in a mine palni napelnionej palnemi gazami? charged with in. (Chih Pahn v'yeh yahk sheh zah- flarnrnable gases? haw'vahtch v j kaw-pahl'n'yee nah. pell-n'yaw'nay pahl-neh'mee gah- zah'mee ? ) 245 Do you realize the danger? Do you know how to avoid an explosion? I will give you a job, but always be sober and follow the instructions given you. Tools used in mining: Pick, hoe or flat pick, needle, hammer, sledge hammer, shovel, wheelbar- row, ax, bit, meas- ure, tape meas- ure, oil can. Various things Grease, lubricating oil, cotton waste, wire, copper, iron, steel Czy zdaje Pan sobie sprawe. z niebez- pieczenstwa? (Chih zdah'yeh Pahn saw'b'yeh sprah'veh z'n'yeh-bez. p'yeh-chen'stvah ? ) Czy wie Pan jak unikna.6 eksplozji? (Chih v'yeh Pahn yahk oo-n'yeek'- knowntch ex-plaw'zee'ee ? ) Dam Panu robote,, lecz ba.dz Pan za- wsze trzezwym i poste,puj Pan we. die instrukcyi sobie danej (Dahm Pah'noo raw-baw'teh, letch bowndzh Pahn zah'v'sheh tshehzh'vim ee paw-stem'poo'ee Pahn veh'dleh een. strook'tsih'ee saw'b'yeh dah'nay). Narze,dzia uzywane przy gornictwie: (Nah-zhen'jah oo-zhih-vah'neh pshih goor-n'yeets'tVyeh) : Kilof, motyka (Kee'lawf, maw-tih'- kah), igta (eeg'lah), mlot (mlawt), mlot do rozbijania (mlawt daw rawz-bee-yah'n'yah ) , szufla, taczki, siekiera, ostrze do swidra, miara, miara skurczowa, oliwiarka (shoof'lah, tahtch'kee, sheh-k'yeh'rah, awss'tsheh daw sh'veed'rah, m'yah'rah, m'yah'rah skoor-chaw'vah, aw-lee-v'yahi/- kah). Rozne rzeczy (Roozh'neh zheh'- chih ) Tluszcz (Tlooshtch), olej do smarowania (aw'lay daw smah-raw-vah'n'yah) , odpadki bawehiy do czyszczenia (awd-pahd'kee bah-vell'nih daw chish-cheh'n'y ah ) , drut (droot), miedziany, zelazny, stalowy drut 248 wire, bucket, pail, powder, dynamite, fuse, caps, squib, rope, wire rope, iron, steel, nails, light, matches, lamp, Davy lamp, ladder, drill, scraper, stamper, car, carload, boring machine, tools, tool box, Rail, steel rail, wood- en rail. Tie, nail or spike, sleeper. Prop, cap, wedge. Post, sill, mine tim- bering. Shaft timbering, tim- (m'yeh-jah'nih, z h e h-1 a h z'nih, stah-law'vih droot), wiadro (v'yah'draw), wiaderko (v'yah-dare'kaw), proch (praw'h), dynamit (dih-nah'meet), lont, kapiszony, lont do zapalania naboju (lawnt, kah-pee-shaw'nih, lawnt daw zah-pah-lah'n'yah nah. baw'yoo). lina, lina druciana (lee'nah, lee'nah droo-chah'nah) , zelazo, stal (zheh-lah'zaw, stahl), gwozdze (g'vawzh'jeh), swiatlo, zapalki (shVyaht'law, zah, pahl'kee), lampa (lahm'pah), lampa Davyego (lahm'pah Dah- vih-eh'gaw), drabina ( drah-bee'nah ) , swider, lyzka (shVee'dare, lizh'kah), st^pel (stem'pell), wozek, ladunek wozka (voo'zeck, lah-doo'neck vooz'kah), maszyna do wiercenia (mah-shih'- nah daw v'yair-tseh'n'yah), narz^dzia, skrzynia do narz^dzi (nah-zlien'jah, skshih'n'yah daw nah-zhen'gee), Szyna, szyna stalowa, szyna drewnia- na (Shih'nah, shih'nah stah-law'vah, shih'nah drehv-n'yah'nah ) . Wia,zadlo, gwozdz, prog kolejowy (V'yown-zahd'law, g'voozhge, proog kaw-leh-yaw'vih) . Podpora, kapa, klin (Pawd-paw'rah, kah'pah, kleen). Odrzwl, prog, oprawa kopalni (Aw'- drzvee, proog, aw-prah'vah kaw- pahl'n'yee). Oprawa szybu, cembrowanie (Aw- 247 bering work. prah'vah shih'boo, tsem-braw-vah'- n'yeh). Colliery, breaker. Kopalnia we,gla, gniotownik (Kaw. pahl'n'yah ven'glah, gVyaw-tawV- n'yeek). Boiler, valve, safety, Kociel parowy, klapa, klapa bezpie- valve. czenstwa (Kaw'chell pah-raw'vih, klah'pah, klah'pah bez-p'ye-chens'- t'vah). Ventilator, airshaft. Wentylator, szyb wentylacyjny (Ven- tih-lah'tore, shib ven-tih-lah-tsih'ee'- nih), Shaft, adit, tunnel, Szyb, sztolnia, tunel, chodnik, chodnik drift, crosscut. poprzeczny (Shib, shtawl'n'yah, too'nel, hawd'n'yeek, hawd'n'yeek p aw-p shetch'nih ) . Mouth of the adit, Ujscie sztolni, ujScie tunelu (Oo'eesh'- mouth of the tunel. cheh shtawl'n'yee, oo'eesh'cheh too- neh'loo). Bottom of the shaft, Spod szybu, rza.p (Spood shih'boo, sump . zhowmp ) . Compartments of the Przedzialy szybu (Psher-jah'ly shih'- shaft. boo). Level. Poziom (pie,tro) (Paw'zhawm (p'yen'. traw). Windlass, steam-hoist. Winda re,czna, winda parowa (Veen'- dah rentch'nah, veen'dah pah-raw'- vah). Cage, safety-cage. Klatka, klatka bezpieczenstwa (Klahf- kah, klaht'kah bez-p'yeh-chens'- tvah). Bell, wire, copper Dzwonek, drut, drut miedziany wire. (D*zVaw'neck, droot, droot m'yeh- jah'nih). To ring the bell. Dzwonic (D'zVaw'n'yeetch). Mule barn, mule, mule Stajnia dla mulow, mul, poganiacz driver, harness. mulow, szory ( Stah'ee'n'yah dlah moo'loof, mool, paw-gah'n'yahtch moo'loof, shaw'rih). Miner. Gornik (Goor'n'yeek). Cap, jacket, boots, Czapka, zakiet, buty, buty nabite 248 hobnail boots, rub- ber, boots, rubber coat, dinner pail, lamp. Miner boss. Door tender. Helper. Carpenter. Engineer. Blacksmith . Overseer . Foreman . Surveyor. Boss or manager. Government inspector of mines. Vein, stratum, bed. Coal, coal-oil, carbon, iferous formation. Sandstone, shale. Mineral, metal, stone, rock. Gold, silver, copper, lead, quick-silver. Gas, water, air, steam. Pump, steam-pump, ventilating fan . To atach a fuse. gwozdziami, buty gumowe, plaszcz gumowy, blaszanka, lampa (Chahp'_ kah, zhah'k'yet, boo'ty, boo'ty nah- bee'teh g'vawzh-jah'mee, boo'ty goo. maw'veh, plahshtch goo-maw'vih, blah-shahn'kah, lahm'pah). Dozorca gornikow (Daw-zoor / tsah goor-n'yee'koof). Odzwierny (Aw-jVyair'nih). Pomocnik (Paw-mawts'n'yeek). Ciesla (Chesh'lah). Maszynista (Mah-shih-n'yees'tah). Kowal (Kaw'vahl). Dozorca (Daw-zoor'tsah). Sztygar ( Sh'tih'gahr) . Miernik (M'yair'nVeek). Zarza.dca (Zah-zhowndz'tsah). Rza.dowy inspektor kopalni (Zhown- daw'vih een-speck'tore kaw-pahl'- n'yee). yla, warstwa lawica (Zhih'lah, vahrs'tvah, lah- vee'tsah ) . W^giel, olej skalny, w^glowa forma- cya (Ven'g'yd, aw'lay skahl'nih, ven-glaw'vah fore-mahts'yah). Piaskowiec, I u p e k (P'yahss-kaw'. v'yets, loo'peck). Mineral, kruszec, kamien, skala (Mee'_ neh'rahll, kroo'shets, kah'm'yen, skah'lah). Zloto, srebro, miedz, olow, rt^c (Zlaw'- taw, srehb'raw, m'yedge, aw'loof, Stench). Gaz, woda, powietrze, para (Gahz, vaw'dah, paw-v'yet'sheh, pah'rah). Pompa, pompa parowa, wachlarz wen- tylacyjny (Pawm'pah, pawm'pah pah-raw'vah, wah'h'lahzh ven-tih. lah-tsih^ee'nih) . Przyczepic lont (Pshih-cheh'peetch lawnt). 249 To drill, bore. Wiercic (V'yair'che'etch). To load a car. Naladowac wozek (Nah-lah-daw'. vahtch voo'zeck). To get into the cage. Wejsc do klatki (Vayshtch daw klaht'- kee). To sharpen the tools. Naostrzyc narze.dzia (Nah-awss'- tshitch nah-zhen' jah ) . The railroad hand. Boys, take the Chlopcy, wezcie klucze, oskardy, szuf. wrenches, picks, le i taczki i chodzcie za mn^ shovels, and wheel- (H'lawp'tsih, vehzh'cheh kloo'cheh, barrows and follow awss-kahr'dih, shoof'leh ee tahtch'- me. kee ee hawdge'cheh zah mnoh). Do you see that hole Widzicie t dziure. tarn ? Ona musi bye there? It has to be zapelniona, a ten grunt musi bye filled up, this zrownany ( Vee-gee'cheh teh jew'- ground must be lev- reh tahm ? Aw'nah moo'shee bitch eled. zah-pel-n'yaw'nah, ah ten groont moo'shee bitch zroov-nah'nih). You don't handle the Pan nie trzyma oskardu wlasciwie pick properly. (Pahn n'yeh tshih'mah awss-kahr'- doo vlahsh-chee'v'yeh). Look here! Do it this Spojrzyj Pan tu! Rob Pan w ten spo- way! You must use sob! Pan musi uzyc troche, sily some strength. (S'poy'zhee'ee Pahn too! Roop Pahn v'ten spaw'soop! Pahn moo'shee oo'- zhitch traw'heh shee'lih). You must give a man Pan musi czlowiekowi dac sposobnosc a chance to get his zlapac powietrza (Pahn moo'shee breath. chlaw-v'yeh-kaw'vee dahtch spaw- sawb'nawshtch zlah'pahtch paw- v'yet'shah). There is no time for Tu niema czasu na odpoczynek (Too taking rest here. n'yeh'mah chah'soo nah awd-paw- chih'neck). This is terribly hard To jest okropnie trudna robota. 2aden work. No man can czlowiek nie wytrzyma be.da.c pop- stand being hurried dzanym tak wiele (Taw yest aw- so mueh, krawp'n'yeh trood'nah rawbaw'tah* 250 Zhah'den chlawVyeck n'yeh vih. tshih'mah ben'downts paw-pen- dzah'nim tahk bar'dzaw). I am used to hard Jestem przyzwyczajony do cizkiej ro- work, but this is too boty, ale to jest zbyt wiele dla much for me; I am mnie; jestem bardzo zme.czony very tired. (Yes'tem pshih-z'vih-chah-yaw'nih daw chenzh'k'yay raw-baw'tih, ah'- leh taw yest z'bit v'yeh'leh dlah m'n'yeh; yes'tem bar'dzaw zmen- chaw'nih). All right, go home, Dobrze, idz Pan do domu, odpocznij take a good rest and dobrze i przyjdz jutro rano (Daw'- come to - morrow bzheh, eedge Pahn daw daw'moo, morning. awd-pawtch'n'yee daw'bzheh ee pshih'eedge yoo'traw rah'naw). No, sir. I have no in- Nie, Panie, nie mam zamiaru przyjsc tention of coming jutro (N'yeh, Pah'n'yeh, n'yeh back to-morrow. mahm zah-m'yah'roo pshih'eeshtch yoo'traw). Why not? Dlaczego nie? (Dlah-cheh'gaw n'yeh?) You expect too much Pan wymaga za wiele od robotnika. from a working Pan chce, zeby czlowiek zapracowal man. You want a sie. na smierc. Prosze, mi dac moj man to work him- rachunek (Pahn vih-mah'gah zah self to death. Please v'yeh'leh awed raw-bawt-n'yee'kah . give me my time. Pahn h'tseh, zheh'bih chlawVyeck zah-prah-tsaw'vah 1 ! s h e h n a h sh'm'yairtch. Praw'sheh mee dahtch moo'ee rah-hoo'neck). Coal. W^giel (Ven'g'yell). Windlass. Winda r^czna (Veen'dah rentch'nah). Steam-hoist. Winda parowa (Veen'dah pah-raw'. vah). Pail. Wiaderko (V'yah-dare'kaw). Ladder. Drabina (Drah-bee'nah). Powder, dynamite. Proch, dynamit (Praw'h, dih-nah'- meet). Fuse, caps. Lont, kapiszony (Lawnt, kah-pee- shaw'nih). 251 Squib. Rope, wire rope. Iron, steel. Nails. Drill, scoop, stamper. To bore, to drill. To level. To sharpen; a file. Pick, hoe. Hammer, shovel, wheelbarrow . Car, carload. To load. Measure, tape line, oil can, cotton waste. Sledge hammer. Ax, bit, boring ma- chine . Tools; to sharpen tools; tool box. Rail, steel, rail, wood, en rail. Tie, spike, sleeper. Pulley, prop, wedge. Lont do zapalania naboju (Lawnt daw zah-pah-lah'n'yah nah-baw'yoo). Lina, lina druciana (Lee'nah, lee'nah droo-chah'nah). zelazo, stal (Zheh-lah'zaw, stahl). Gwozdzie (G'vawzh'jeh). swider, lyzka, ste.pel ( Sh'vee'dare, lihzh'kah, stem'pell). Wiercid (V'yair'cheetch). Wyrownac* (Vih-roov'nahtch). Ostrzyc; pilnik (Awss'tshitch; peel'- n'yeek). Kilof, motyka (Kee'lawff, maw-tih'- kah). MIot, szufla, taczki (M'lawt, shoof'lah, tahtch'kee). Wozek, ladunek wozka (Voo'zeck, lah. doo'neck vooz'kah). Ladowac ( Lah-daw'vahtch ) . Miara, miara skurczowa, oliwiarka, bawelna (M'yah'rah, m'yah'rah skoor-chaw'vah, aw-lee-v'yahr'kah, bah-vell'nah). Mlot do rozbijania (M'lawt daw rawz- bee-yah'n'yah). Siekiera, ostrze swidra, maszyna do wiercenia ( Sheh-k'yeh'rah, aws'- tsheh sh'veed'rah, mah-shih'nah vVair-tseh'nVah) . Narz^dzia; ostrzyc narz^dzia; skrzy- nia do narze,dzi (Nah-zhen'jah; aws'tshitch nah-zhen'jah; skshih'- n'yah daw nah-zhen'gee). Szyna, szyna stalowa, szyna drewnia- na (Shih'nah, shih'nah stah-law'vah, shih'nah drehv-n'yah'nah). Wijizadlo, gwozdz, pr6g kolejowy (V'yown-zah'dlaw, gVoozhge, proog kaw-leh-y aw'vih ) . Kr^zek ruchomy (winda), podpora, klin (Krown'zheck roo-haw'mih 252 Day shift. Night shift. Do you want a job ? (veen'dah), pawd-paw'rah, kleen). Robota dzienna (Raw-baw'tah gen'. nah). Robota nocna (Raw-baw'tah nawts'- nah). The day laborer. Yes, sir, I'm a rail- road hand. Come with me. Here is a shovel and a pick; there is a crowbar. You must dig a ditch for gas pipes and water pipes. You must work hard. Can you work fast? Yes, I am strong. Do you want the ditch deep? The handle of the shovel is too short. I can't use it. Give me the spade. Here it is and hurry up! Czy chcecie roboty? (Chih h'tseh'cheh raw-baw'tih ? ) Tak, Panie, jestem robotnikiem kole- jowym (Tahk, Pah'n'yeh, yes'tem raw-bawt-n'yee'k'yemkaw-leh-yaw'. vim.) Chodzcie ze mna. (Hawdge'cheh eh mnoh). Tu jest szufla i oskard; tarn jest dra.g zelazny (Too yest shoo'flah ee awss'kahrd; tahm yest drowng zheh- lahz'nih). Musicie wykopac row dla rur od gazu i dla rur od wody (Moo-shee'tcheh vih-kaw'pahtch roof dlah roor awed gah'zoo ee dlah roor awed vaw'dih). Musicie pracowac cie,zko (Moo-shee'- cheh prah-tsaw'vahtch chenzh'kaw). Czy mozecie pracowac pre.dko? (Chih m a w-zheh'cheh prah-tsaw'vahtch prend'kaw ? ) Tak, jestem silny (Tahk, yes'tem sheel'nih). Czy row ma bye glejboki? (Chih roof mah bitch glem-baw'kee ? ) Trzonek szufli jest za krotki (T'shaw'- neck shoof'lee yest zah kroot'kee). Nie moge, jej uzywac (N'yeh maw'geh yay oo-zhih'vahtch). Dajcie mi szpadel (Die'cheh mee shpah'dell). Oto jest, spieszcie sie, (Aw'taw yest, sp'yesh'cheh sheh). 253 The men here are no good; I want a good straight ditch. Is this wide enough? Certainly, you under- stand the job. Ail right! I'm glad to get the job. Begin to work. You can stop working now. Dig a hole out here. Fill up this ditch. Shovel this dirt into the cart. What are you doing? I'm mixing some cem- ent. All of you, come here. Help him move that stone . The boss calls you. What does he say ? He says to come right away. Ci ludzie nie sa. zdatni; chce, dobry prosty row (Chee loo'jeh n'yeh soh zdaht'n'yee; h'tseh daw'brih prawss'- tih roof). Czy ten jest dose szeroki? (Chih ten yest dawshtch sheh-raw'kee). Ma si? rozumiec, wy rozumiecie robo- te, (Mah sheh raw- zoo'm'y etch, vih raw-zoo-m'yeh'cheh raw-baw'teh). Dobrze! (Daw'bzheh!) Ciesze, si?, ze mog? dostac t? robot? (Cheh'sheh sheh, zheh maw'geh daw'stahtch teh raw-baw'teh). Zaczynajcie robic (Zah-chih-nigh'cheh raw'beetch). Mozecie przestac pracowac teraz (Maw-zheh'cheh psheh'stahtch prah- tsaw'vahtch teh'rahzz). Wykopcie tu dziur? (Vih-kawp'cheh too jew r reh). Zasypcie ten row (Zah-sip'cheh ten roof). Wrzuccie t? ziemi? do wozu (V'zhootch'cheh teh zheh'm'yeh daw vaw'zoo). Co wy robicie? (Tsaw vih raw-bee'- cheh?) Zporz^dzam cement (Z'paw-zhown'_ dzahm tseh'ment). Chodzcie tu wszyscy (Hawdge'cheh too vshis'tsih). Pomozcie mu posuna,c ten kamien ( Paw-moozh'cheh moo paw-soo'- nowntch ten kah'm'yen). Dozorca was wola (Daw-zooi/tsah vahss vaw'lah). Co on mowi? (Tsaw awn moo'vee?) On mowi, ze macie zaraz przyjs6 (Awn moo'vee, zheh mah'cheh zah'rahz pshih'eeshtch). 254 Where must I go? Gdzie mam isc? (G'jeh mahm eeshtch?) To the office. Idz do biura (Eadge daw b'yoo'rah). What is your trade? Are you a farmer? No, but I understand farm work. I can feed the hogs, milk the cows, yoke the oxen and drive them, clean the barn and stack the hay. I can work in the orchard, gather the apples, sort them, put them in barrels for the market, or to store in the cellar. I can plow and sow seed. I can do a little of ev- erything . The farm hand. Jaki jest twoj zawod? (Yah'kee yest t'voo'ee zah'vood?) Czy jestes farmerem? rolnikiem? ( Chih yes'tesh f ahr-meh'rem ? rawl- n'yee'k'yem 7 ) Nie, lecz rozumiem sie, na rolnictwie? (N'yeh, letch raw-zoo'm'yem sheh nah rawl-neets'tVyeh). Moge, (Maw'geh ) nakarmic wieprze (nah-kahr'meetch v'yep'sheh), doic krowy (daw'eetch kraw'vih), zaprza.dz woly i powozic je (zah- pshowndz vaw'lih ee paw-vaw'. zheetch yeh), oczyscic stodol i ulozyc siano (aw- chish'cheetch staw-daw'leh ee oo- law'zhitch shah'naw). Moge. (Maw'geh ) pracowac w sadzie (prah-tsaw'- vahtch v'sah'jeh), zbierac jablka ( z ? b 'yeh'rahtch yahp'- kah), gatunkowac je (gah-toon-kaw'. vahtch yeh), pakowac je do beczek na targ albo do zachowania w piwnicy (pah- kaw'vahtch yeh daw beh'check nah tahrg ahl'bow daw zah-haw- vah'n'yah v'peev-n'yee'tsih). Umiem orac i siac (Oo'm'yem aw'- rahtch ee shahtch). Umiem wszystkiego troche, (Oo'. m'yem v'shist-k'yeh'gaw traw'- heh). 255 I will give you a trial. Milk the cows and drive them to pas- ture. Water the cattle. Feed the chickens and the calves. Give these turnips to the cows. To-day you may sow barley seed in the field near the barn. To-morrow you may plow the next field this side of the fence . You will find the plough in the shed and the oxen in the stalls. Can you tell me where to find the barley seed? I will show you where everything is. We will go first to the barn. Here you see the stalls for the cattle and horses . Let us now go to the dairy. Here is the shed where the tools of the farm are kept. Wezme, cie, na prob (Vehz'meh cheh nah proo'beh). Wydoj krowy i wype.dz je na pastwi- sko (Vih'doo'ee kraw'vih ee vih'- pendge yeh nah pahst-vees'kaw). Napoj bydlo (Nah'poo'ee bid'law). Nakarm kury i ciele.ta (Nah'carm koo'_ rih ee cheh-len'tah). Daj t brukiew krowom (Die teh broo'. k'yeff kraw'vome). Dzisiaj mozesz zasiac jczmieri w polu blisko stodoly (Gee'shy maw'zhesh zah-shahtch yentch'm'yen v'paw'loo blees'kaw staw-daw'lih). Jutro mozesz zorac pole z tej stro- ny plotu (Yoo'traw maw'zhesh z'- aw'rahtch paw'leh z'tay straw'nih plaw'too). Znajdziesz plug w szopie a woly w o- borze (Z'nigh'jesh ploog v'shaw'- n'yeh ah vaw'lih v'aw-baw'zheh). Czy moze mi Pan powiedziec, gdzie jest nasiennie jeczmienne (Chih maw'zheh mee Pahn paw-v'yeh'- jetch, g'jeh yest nah-shen'neh yentch-men'neh ) . Pokaz^ ci gdzie wszystko jest (Paw- kah'zheh chee g'jeh v'shisst'kaw yest). Pierw pojdziemy do stodoly (P'yairv poo'ee-jeh'mih daw staw-daw'lih). Tu jest stajnia dla bydla i koni (Too yest stah'ee'n'yah dlah bih'dlah ee kaw'n'yee). Teraz idzmy do mleczarni (Teh'rahz eedge'mih daw mleh-chahr'n'yee). Tu jest szopa, gdzie wszelkie rolnicze nazdzia sa. zlozone (Too yest shaw'pah, g'jeh v'shell'k'yeh rawl- 256 Farming tools the harrow, the hoes, the rakes, the spades, the shovels, the plough, the pitchforks, the scythe, the cultivator. The man is here to cut the wood. Tell him to right away. begin First he must saw the logs into lengths of two feet, then split them and pile them up in the woodshed. The axe is dull. Then sharpen it on the grindstone. Have I split enough wood? No, we use a lot. We use many bundles of kindling wood n'yee'cheh nah-zhen'jah soh zlaw- zhaw'neh). Narz^dzia rolnicze (Nah-zhen'jah r awl'n'y ee'cheh ) brona (braw'nah), motyki (maw-tih'kee), grabie (grah'b'yeh), szpadle (shpah'dleh), szufle (shoof'leh), plug (plook), widly (vee'dlih), kosa (kaw'sah), kultiwator ( kool-tih-vah'tore ) . Przyszedl czlowiek, ktory ma porajbac* drzewo (Pshih'shed ch'lawVyeck, ktoo'rih mah paw-roam'bahtch d'zheh'vah). Powiedz mu, zeby zacza.1 ra.bac (Paw'- v'yedz moo, zheh'bih zah'chohll roam'bahtch). Pierw ma poprzecinac okr^glaki na kawalki dwie stopy dlugosci, a potem porajbac je i ulozyc je w budzie (V'p'yairv mah paw-psheh-chee'- nahtch aw-krown-glah'kee nah kah- vahl'kee dVyeh staw'pih dloo'gaw'_ shchee, ah paw'tem paw-roam'bahtch yeh ee oo-law'zhitch yeh v'boo'jeh). Siekiera jest t^pa (Sheh-k'yeh'rah yest tem'pah). To j^ naostrz na osle (Taw yoh nah- awstsh nah awsh'leh). Czy narajbalem dose drzewa? (Chih nah-rowm-bah'lem dawshtch dzheh'- vah?) Nie, my uzywamy duzo drzewa (N'yeh, mih oo-zhih-vah'mih doo'- zhaw d'zheh'vah). My uzywamy wiele wi^-zek drzewa do rozpalania i trzaski takze (Mih oo- 257 and the chips too. Please, pick up some chips. Take an armful of wood to the kitchen. All right. I'm chopping the wood very small. Yes, it is small enough . I want you to clean up the yard. Empty the ashes. Rake up the dried leaves . Burn up the rubbish. Put manure on the strawberry bed and clean the paths. I understand. zhi-vah'mih v'yeh'leh v'yown'zeck dzheh'vah daw rawz-pah-lah'n'yah ee tshahs'kee tahk'zheh). Prosze, uzbierac troche, trzasek (Praw'- sheh ooz-b'yeh'rahtch traw'heh tshah'sek). Zanies pelne ramie drzewa do kuchni (Zah'n'yesh pell'neh rah'm'yeh dzheh'vah daw koo'h'n'yee). Dobrze (Dawb'zheh). Ja r^bie, drzewo na bardzo male ka- walki (Yah rowm'b'yeh dzheh'vaw nah bar'dzaw mah'leh kah-vahl'. kee). Tak, te sa. dose male (Tahk, teh soh dawshtch mah'leh). Chce. azebys oczyscil podworze (H'tseh ah-zheh'bish aw-chis'cheel paw. d'voo'zheh). Wysyp popiol (Vih'sip paw'p'yool). Zbierz grabiami suche liscie (Zb'yezh grah-b'yah'mee soo'heh leesh'cheh). Zpal smiecie (Z'pahl sh'm'yeh'cheh). Pokryj gnojem ogrodek z poziomkami i oczysc sciezki (Paw'krih'ee gnaw'- yem aw-groo'deck z'paw-zhom-kah'. mee ee aw-chishtch sh'chezh'kee). Rozumiem (Raw-zoo r m'yem). War. Battle. Victory. Defeat. Europe. Eropean war. What caused the war? War expressions. Wojna (Vaw'ee'nah). Bitwa (Beet'vah). Zwy ci^stwo ( Z'vih-chens'tvaw ) . Porazka ( Paw-rahzh'kah ) . Europa (Ee-oo-raw'pah). Europejska wojna (Eh-oo-raw-payss'- kah vaw'ee'nah). Co spowodowalo wojn^? (Tsaw spaw- vaw-daw-vah'law vaw'ee'neh ? ) There are more causes Jest wi^cej przyczyn niz jedna (Yest 258 than one. Thousands of people have lost their lives. Thousands of people are suffering ter- ribly. The enemy, enemies. Hostile invasion. To open hostilities. To declare war. The Allies. The warring nations. England, France, Russia, Belgium, Japan, Servia . Germany, Austria, Turkey. London . Dover. v'yen'tsay pshih'chin n'yihzh yed'- nah). Tysia.ce ludzi zgine.io (Tih-shown'tseh loo'gee z'ghee-neh'law). Tysia.ce ludzi cierpi strasznie (Tih- shown'tseh 1 o o-g e e c h air'p e e strahsh'n'yeh). Wrog, wrogowie (V'rook, v'raw-gaw'- v'yeh). Wrogi najazd (V'raw'ghee nah'- yahzd) Rozpocza.c kroki nieprzyjacielskie (Rawz-paw-chowntch k r a w'k e e n'yeh-pshih-yah-chells'k'yeh) . Wypowiedziec wojne. (Vih-paw-v'yeh'- getch vaw'ee'neh). Sprzymierzeni ( S'pshih-m'yeh-zheh'- n'yee). Panstwa, ktore tocz^ wojn (Pahn'- stVah, ktoo'reh taw'choh vaw'ee'- neh). Anglja (Ahn'g^Fyah), Francja (Frahn'ts'yah), Rosja (Rawss'yah), Belgja (Bell'g'vah), Japonja (Yah-paw'n'yah), Serbja (Sair'b'yah). Niemcy (N'yem'tsih), Austrja (Ah'oos'tr'yah), Turcja (Toor'tsyah). Londyn (Lawn'din). Dower (Daw'vare). Englishman, English. Anglik, Anglicy (Ahn'gleek, Ahn- glee'tsih). Paryz (Pah'rizh). Francuz, Francuzi (Frahn'tsooz, Frahn-tsoo'zhee ) . Moskwa (Maws'kvah). Rosjanin, Rosjanie (Rawss-yaV- n'veen, Rawss-yah'n'yeh). men. Paris. Frenchman, French- men. Moscow. Russian, Russians. 259 Brussels . Belgian, Belgians. Japanese. Servian, Servians. Poland. Pole, Poles. Polish. Warsaw. Lodz. Brody. Lowicz. Radom. Kalisz. Sandomierz. Galicia. Lemberg. Przemysl . Jaroslaw. Rzeszow. Prussia. Posen. Danzig. Breslau. River. San River. Vistula River. Warthe River. To invest. To besiege. To capture. They captured 3,000 soldiers . The terrain battle. of the Bruksela (Brook-seh'lah). Belgijczyk, Belgijczycy (Bell-ghee'ee'_ chick, Bell-ghee'ee-chih'tsih). Japonczyk, Japonczycy (Yah-pawn'. chick, Yah-p awn-chih'tsih ) . Serb, Serbowie (Sairb, Sair-baw'- v'yeh). Polska (Pawl'skah). Polak, Polacy (Paw'lahk, Paw-lah'- tsih). Polski (Pawl'skee). Warszawa (Vahr-shah'vah). Lodz (Loodge). Brody (Braw'dih). Lowicz (Law'veetch). Radom (Rah'dawm). Kalisz (Kah'leesh). Sandomierz (Sahn-daw'm'yezh). Galicja (Gah-lee'ts'yah). Lwow (LVoof). Przemysl (Psheh'mish'l). Jaroslaw (Yah-raw'slahv). Rzesz6w (Zheh'shoof). Prusy (Proo'sih). Poznan (Pawz'nahn'ee). Gdansk (G'dahnsk). Wroclaw (Vrawts'lahv). Rzeka (Zheh'kah). Rzeka San (Zheh'kah Sahn). Wisla (Vees'lah). Warta (Vahr'tah). Zablokowac ( Zah-blaw-kaw'vahtch ) . Oblegad (Aw-bleh'gahtch). Wzi^c, pojmad (V'zhowntch, paw'ee'- mahtch). Oni pojmali trzy tysi^ce zohiierzy (Aw'n'yee paw'ee-mah'lee tshih tih. shown'tseh zhawl-n'y eh'zhih ) . Teren bitwy (Teh'ren beet'vih). 260 Minister of war. Lord chancellor. Ambassador. Soldier, soldiers. Non-commissioned of- ficer. Corporal . Sergeant . Adjutant. Lieutenant. Major. Captain. General . Commander. Commander-in-chief. General staff. Patrol . Infantry. Cavalry . Artillery. Cannon. Musket. Bayonet. Sword . Gatling-gun . Powder. Bomb. Mine. Fort. Trench. Battle ship. Submarine boat. Aeroplane . Airship. Minister wojny (Mee-n'yee'ster vaw'ee'nih). Kanclerz (Kahnts'lezh). Ambasador ( Ahm-bah-sah'dore ) . fcohrierz, zolnierze (Zhawl'n'yehzh, zhawl-n'yeh'zheh ) . Podoficer (Pawd-aw-fee'tsair). Kapral (Kah'prahl). Sierzant (Sheh'zhahnt). Adjutant (Ahd-yoo'tahnt). Porucznik ( Paw-rootch'n'y eek ) . Major (Mah'yore). Kapitan (Kah-pee'tahn). Jeneral ( Yeh-neh'rahl ) . Wodz (Voodz). G16wnodowodza.cy (Gloov'naw-daw- vaw'dzown'tsih ) . Sztab jeneralny (Shtahb yeh-neh- rahl'nih). Patrol (Pah'trawl). Piechota (P'yeh-haw'tah). Kawaler ja ( Kah-vah-lair'yah) . Artylerja (Ahr-tih-lair'yah). Armata ( Ahr-mah/tah ) . Bron (Brawn). Bagnet (Bahg'net). Miecz (M'yetch). Mitrale j za ( Mee-trah-lay'zah ) . Proch (Praw'h). Bomba (Bawm'bah). Mina (Mee'nah). Fort (Fort). Row, szafice (Roof, shahn'tseh). Okre.t wojeny (Aw'krent vaw-yen'- nih). Okr^t podmorski (Aw'krent pawd- morse'kee). Aeroplan, latawiec (Ah-eh'raw-plahn, lah-tah'v'yets). Statek powietrzny (Stah'teck paw- 261 v'yetch'nin). Truce. Zawieszenie broni (Zah-v'ye-sheh' n'yeh braw'n'yee). Peace. Pokoj (Paw'koo'ee). Various signs, advertisements. Public Signs: Visitors not allowed. Danger . Look Out for the Cars. Street Closed. No Fast Driving on this Bridge. No Loitering. Na Admittance. No Trespassing. No Smoking. Keep off the Grass. Wait until the Car Stops. PushPull. Entrance Exit. Hands Off. Napisy Publiczne: (Nah-pee'sih Poob-leetch'neh : ) Zwiedzaj^cym w s t p wzbroniony (ZVyeh-d ah-yown'tsim v'stemp v'z'braw-n'yaw'nih) . Niebezpieczenstwo ( N'yeh-bez-p'yeh- chain'stvaw). Uwazac na tramwaje (Oo-vah'zhahtch nah trahm-vah'yeh). Ulica zamknie.ta (Oo-lee'tsah zahm- kn'n'yen'tah). Szybka jazda wzbroniona na tym mo- s"cie (Shib'kah yahz'dah v'z'braw- n'yaw'nah nah tim mawsh'cheh). Nie wa!sa6 si (N'yeh vah-len'sahtch sheh). Wste.p wzbroniony (V'stemp v'z^braw. n'yaw'nih). Nie wolno przechodzic (N'yeh vawl'- naw psheh-haw'geetch). Palenie wzbronione (Pah-leh'n'yeh v Vbraw-n'yaw'neh ) . Nie wolno chodzic po trawie (N'yeh vawl'naw haw'geetch paw trah'- v'yeh). Zaczeka6 az tramwaj stanie (Zah- cheh'kahtch ahzh trahm'vigh stah'- n'yeh). Pchn^c Poci^gna^c" (PTi'nowntch Paw-chowng'nowntch) . WejScie (Vaysh'cheh. Wyjicie (Vih'eesh'cheh). ProszQ tego nie rusza^ (Praw'sheh teh'gaw n'yeh roo'shahtch). 262 Please do not Handle. Information Bureau . Ticket Office. Do Not Feed the Animals . Spitting on the Floor is Prohibited by Law. House to Let. Apartments to Let. Floor, Flat to Let. Hot and Cold Water. Gas and Electric Light. Steam-heat. Elevator. All Modern Improve- ments . House for Sale. For Sale. Wanted experienced sewers . Wanted a cook. Wanted girls to learn millinery. Wanted experienced Prosze. nie brae do reki (Praw'sheh n'yeh brahtch daw ren'kee). Biuro informacyjne (B'yoo'raw een- f ore-mah-tsih'ee'neh) . Biuro biletow (B'yoo'raw bee-leh'- toof). Nie karmic zwierz^t (N'yeh car 7 - meetch zVyeh'zhownt). Plucie na podloge, zakazane przez prawo (Ploo'cheh nah paw-dlaw'- gheh zah-kah-zah'neh pshez prah'- vaw). Dom do wynajecia (Dawm daw vih- nah-yen'chah). Apartamenta do wynajecia (Ah-pahr- tah-men'tah daw vih-nah-yen'chah). Pietro do wynajecia (PV^n'traw daw vih-nah-yen'chah) . Gor^ca i zimna woda . Oswietlenie ga- zein i elektryka,. Ogrzewanie par^. Elewator ( Gaw-rawn'tsah ee zheeni'nah vaw'dah . Aw-sh Vyeh- tleh'n'yeh gah'zem ee eh-leck-trih'- koh. Aw-g'zheh-vah'n'y^h pah'roh. Eh-leh-vah'tore). Wszystkie nowoczesne dogodnosci (V'shist'k'yeh naw-vaw-chess'neh daw-gawd-nawsh'chee) . Dom na sprzedaz (Dawm nah s'p'sheh'dahzh). Na sprzedaz (Nah s'p'sheh'dahzh). Potrzeba doswiadczonych szwaczek ( Paw-tsheh'bah d a w-s hVy a h d- chaw'nih'h sh'vah'check ) . Potrzeba kucharki (Paw-tsheh'bah koo-hahr'kee). Potrzeba dziewczyn do uczenia si$ modniarstwa (Paw-tsheh'bah jehv'- chin daw oo-cheh'n'yah sheh mawd- n'yahrs'tvah). Potrzeba dziewczyn do poslugi w po- 268 waitresses at once; good pay. Situation Wanted. Girl for general housework, to as- sist with children; no washing and ironing . Shave lOc. Haircut 15c. Shampoo lOc. Shoes and Boots Shined 5c. Suits Made to Order, $30. Sale. A Great Sale. Bell out of Order. Knock on the Door. Please Ring the Bell Once, Two Times. Not in. Will be back in. . .min.,. . .hrs. For Men. For Women. Out of Order. Stop, Look, Listen. koju jadalnym; dobra zaplata (Paw. tsheh'bah jehv'chin daw paw-sloo'- ghee v'paw-kaw'yoo yah-dahl'nim; daw'brah zah-pl ah'tah ) . Poszukuje zaje,cia (Paw-shoo-koo'yeh zah-yen'chah). Dziewczyna do domowej roboty, do dzieci; bez prania i prasowania (Jehv-chih'nah daw daw-maw'vay raw-baw'tih, daw jeh'chee; bez prah'n'yah ee prah-saw-vah'n'yah). Ogolenie lOc (Aw-gaw-leh'n'yeh lOc). Ostrzyzenie 15c (Aw-stshih-zheh'- n'yeh 15c). Wymycie wlosow lOc (Vih-mih'cheh vlaw'soof lOc). Oczyszczenie trzewik6w lub but6w 5c ( Aw-chish-cheh'n'yeh tsheh-vih'- koof loop boo'toof 5c). Ubrania na obstalunek $30 (Oo-brah'- n'yah nah awb-stah-loo'neck, $30). Wyprzedaz (Vih-psheh'dahzh). Wielka wyprzedaz (V'yehl'kah vih- psheh'dahzh). Dzwonek zepsuty (DVvaw'neck zeh- psoo'tih). Prosze, zapukac do drzwi (Praw'sheh zah-poo'kahtch daw d'zh'vee). Prosz zadzwonic raz, dwa razy ( P r a w's h eh zah-d Vvaw'n'yeetch rahz, dvah rah'zih). Nienia nikogo w domu. Be.de, z po- wrotem za minut, godzin (N'yeh'mah n'yee-kaw'gaw v'daw'- moo. Ben'deh z'paw-v'raw'tem zah . . .mee'noot,. . .gaw'dgeen). Dla me.zczyzn (Dla menzh'chiz'n). Dla kobiet (Dlah kaw'b'yet). Zepsute (Zeh-psoo'teh). Stan, patrz i sluchaj! (Stahn, pahtsch ee sloo'high!) 264 Walk Your Horses. Stairs; up; down. Downstairs. Upstairs . Hats trimmed here. Cheap. Best Quality. Open Day and Night. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen . Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-one. Twenty-two . Prowadzic konie powoli (Praw-vah 7 - geetch kaw'n'yeh paw-vaw'lee). Schody; do g6ry; na dot (S'haw'dih; daw goo'rih; nah dool). Nadole (Nah-daw'leh). Ugory (Oo-goo'rih). Tu sie ubiera kapielusze (Too sheh oo-b'yeh'rah kah-peh-loo'sheh). Tanio (Tah'n'yaw). Najlepszy gatunek (Nigh-lep'shih gah-too'neck). Otwarte w dzien i w nocy ( Aw-tVahi/. teh v'jane ee v'naw'tsih). The numbers. Jeden (Yeh'den). Dwa (Dvah). Trzy (Tshih). Cztery (Chteh'rih). Pic (P'yentch). Szesc (Sheshtch). Siedem (Sheh'dem). Osm (Aw'shem). D ziewie.6 ( Jeh' v 'y entch ) . Dziesi^c ( Jeh'shentch ) . Jednascie ( Yed-nahsh'cheh ) . Dwanascie ( Dvah-nahsh'cheh ) . Tr zynascie ( Tshih-nahsh'cheh ) . Czternascie ( Chtair-nahsh'cheh ) . Pi^tnascie (P'yent-nahsh'cheh). Szesnascie (Shess-nahsh'cheh). Siedemnascie ( Sheh-dem-nahsh'cheh ) . Osmnascie (Aw-shem-nahsh'cheh). Dziewi^tnascie (Jeh-v'yent-nahsh'- cheh). Dwadziescia ( D vah- jesh'chah ) . Dwadziescia jeden (Dvah-jeh'chah yeh'den). Dwadziescia dwa (Dvah- jesh'chah dvah). 265 Twenty-three. Dwadziescia trzy (Dvah-jesh'chah tshih). Twenty -four. Dwadziescia cztery (Dvah-jesh'chah chteh'rih). Twenty-five. Dwadziescia pie,c (Dvah-jesh'chah p'yentch). Twenty-six. Dwadziescia szesc (Dvah-jesh'chah sheshtch). Twenty-seven. Dwadziescia siedem (Dvah-jesh'chah sheh'dem). Twenty-eight. Dwadziescia osm (Dvah-jesh'chah aw'shem). Twenty-nine. Dwadziescia dziewie.c (Dvah-jesh'chah jeh'v'yentch). Thirty. Trzydziesci (Tshih- jesh'chih). Fourty. Czterdziesci (Chtair-jesh'chee). Fifty. Pie.cdziesiat (P'y en- jeh'shownt). Sixty . Szesdziesiat ( Shesh- jeh'shownt ) . Seventy . Siedemdziesiat ( Sheh-dem- jeh'- shownt). Eighty. Osiemdziesia.t (Aw-shem- jeh'shownt). Ninety. Dziewie.dziesiat (Jeh-v'yen- jeh'- shownt). Hundred. Sto (Staw). Two hundred. Dwiescie (DV'yehsh'cheh). Three hundred. Trzysta (Tshih'stah). Four hundred . Czterysta ( Chteh'rih-stah) . Five hundred. Pie.cset (P'yentch'set). Six hundred. Szescset (Sheshtch'set). Seven hundred. Siedemset (Sheh'dem-set). Eight hundred. Osmset (Aw'shem-set). Nine hundred. Dziewie.cset (Jeh'v*yentch-set). Thousand. Tysiac (Tih'shownts). Two thousand. Dwa tysia.ce (Dvah tih-shown'tseh). A million. Miljon (Meel'jon). Two millions. Dwa miljony (Dvah meel-yaw'nih). Five millions. Pie.6 miljon6w (P'yentch meel-yaw'- noof). The first. Pierwszy, a e (P'yairv'shih, a h, eh). The second. Drugi, a e (Droo'ghee, ah, eh). The third. Trzeci, a e (Tsheh'chee). 266 The fourth. The fifth. The sixth. The seventh. The eighth. The nineth. The tenth. The eleventh. The twelfth. The thirteenth. The fourteenth. The fifteenth. The sixteenth. The seventeenth. The eighteenth. The nineteenth. The twentieth. The twenty-first. The twenty-second. The thirtieth. The fourtieth. The fiftieth. The sixtieth. The seventieth. The eightieth. The ninetieth. The hundredth. The twohundredth . The threehundredth. The thousandth. The two thousandth. The last. Czwarty, a, e (Chvahr / tih). Pia.ty, a, e (P'yown'tih). Szosty, a, e (Shoos'tih). Siodmy, a, e (Shood'mih). Osmy, a, e (Oos'mih). Dziewiaty, a, e (Jeh-v'yown'tih). Dziesia.ty, a, e (Jeh-shown'tih). Jednasty, a, e (Yed-nahss'tih). Dwunasty, a, e (Dvoo-nahss'tih). Trzynasty, a, e (Tshih-nahss'tih). Czternasty, a, e (Chtair-nahss'tih). Pie.tnasty, a, e (P'yent-nahss'tih). Szesnasty, a, e (Shess-nahss'tih). Siedemnasty, a, e ( Sheh-dem-nahss'- tih). Osmnasty ( Aw-shem-nahss'tih ) . Dziewie.tnasty ( Jeh-v'yent'nahss'tih ) . Dwudziesty (Dvoo-jess'tih). Dwudziesty pierwszy, a, e (Dvoo-jess'- tih-p'yairv'shih) . Dwudziestydrugi, a, e (Dvoo-jess-tih- droo'ghee). Trzydziesty, a, e (Tshih-jess'tih). Czterdziesty, a, e (Chtair-jess'tih). Pi^cdziesi^ty, a, e (P'yen-jeh-shown'- tih). Szescdziesi^ty, a, e ( Sheshtch- jeh- shown'tih). Siedemdziesi^ty, a, e (Sheh-dem-jeh- shown'tih). Osmdziesi^ty, a, e ( Aw-shem- jeh- shown'tih). Dziewi^cdziesi^ty, a, e ( Jeh-v'yen-jeh- shown'tih). Setny, a, e (Set'nih). Dwusetny, a, e (Dvoo-set'nih). Trzechsetny ; a, e (Tsheh'h-set'nih). Tysig,czny, a, e (Tih-showntch'nih). Dwutysia.czny, a, e (Dvoo-tih- showntch'nih). Ostatni (Aw-staht'n'yee). 267 A half. One half. One third. Two thirds. The third part. The fourth part. Three fourths. The 50th part. The 1000th part. One and a half. Five and three eights, Simple . Double . Treble. Once. Twice. Thrice. Fourfold . Fivefold. Tenfold. A hundredfold. Thirty times. 100 times. A pair. A dozen. A score. Three-score. A sixty.. A hundred, A thousand, Polowa ( Paw-law' vah). Jedna polowa (Yed'nah paw-law'vah). Jedna trzecia (Yed'nah tsheh'chah). Dwie trzecie (DVyeh tsheh'cheh). Trzecia cz^sc (Tsheh'chah chenshtch). Czwarta cze.sc ( Chvahr'tah chenshtch). Trzy czwarte cze.sci (Tshih chvahr'teh chensh'chee). Piec*dziesia,ta cze.sc (P'yen-jeh-shown'- tah chenshtch). Tysia.czna cze.s"c (Tih-showntch'nah chenshtch). Jeden i pol (Yeh'den ee pool). Pie.6 i trzy osmych cze.sci (P'yentch ee tshih oos'mih'h chensh'chee). Pojedynczy, a, e ( Paw-yeh-din'chee, ah, eh). Podwojny, a, e (Paw-dvoo'ee'nih). Potrojny, a, e (Paw-troo'ee'nih). Raz (Rahz). Dwa razy (Dvah rah'zih). Trzy razy (Tshih rah'zih). Czworaki, poczw6rny (Chvaw-rah'kee, paw-chVoor'nih) . Piecioraki, pi^ciokrotnie (P'yen-chaw. rah'kee, p'yen-chaw-krawt'nih). Dziesi^ciokrotny (Jeh-shen-chaw- krawt'nih). Stokrotny ( Staw-krawt'nih ) . Trzydziesci razy ( Tshih- jesh'chee rah'zih). Sto razy (Staw rah'zih). Para (Pah'rah). Tuzin (Too'zheen). Dwudziestka (Dvoo-jess't'kah). Kopa (Kaw'pah). SzeSddziesiatka ( Shesh- jeh-shownt'- kah). Setka (Set'kah). (Tih'showntg), 269 ENGLISH-POLISH VOCABULARY. NOTE: In the pronunciation of words ah = a in father; eh e in met; ih = i in pin; aw aw in law; oh = o in hole; oo = oo in pool; gh = g in good; final ly = ly in quickly; an apostrophe ['] shows (a) a slight suspension; as, z'daw'mop, or (b) that the letter or syllable following the apostrophe is to be separately pronounced but not detached from the rest of the word; as, zboj, pronounced zboo'ee = zbooy. All other combinations of letters to be pronounced as in English; as, raj righ, mej may. absolutely zgola, absolutnie (z'gaw'lah, ahb-saw-loot'- n'yeh) about okolo, o (aw-caw'law, awe) above nad, na gorze (nahd, nah goo'zheh) according to wedhig (veh'. dloog) account rachunek (rah-hoo'- neck) accountant buchalter (boo- hahl'ter) address adres (ah'dress) to address adresowac (ah- dreh-saw'vahtch) to address oneself zwracac si do kogo ( zvrah'tsahtch sheh daw caw'gaw) to advance awansowac, po- suwac si naprzod (ah- vahn-saw'vahtch, paw-soo'- vahtch sheh nah'pshood) advice rada ( rah'dah ) to advise r a d z i 6 (rah'- geetch) afraid boj^cy si (baw- yone'tsih sheh) to be afraid bac si (bahtch sheh) after za, potem (zah, paw'- tem) afternoon popoludnie (paw- paw-lood'n 7 yeh) afterwards potem, pozniej (paw'tem, poozh'n'yay) again znowu ( znaw'voo ) age wiek (v'yeck); old age starosc (stah'rawshtch) ago juz temu (yoozh teh'- moo); ten years ago dzie- si^c lat temu (dzheh'- shentch laht teh'moo) to allow dozwolic (daw- zvaw r leetch) ally sprzymierzeniec (spshi- m'yeh-zheh'n'yets ) alone sam (sahm) already juz (yoozh) also te (tehzh) although c h o c i a z (haw'- chahzh) always zawsze (zahv'sheh) 270 ankle kostkaunogi (cawss'- t'kah oo naw'ghee) another inny, drugi (een'- nih, droo'ghee) answer odp owiedz ( a w d- pawVyedge) to answer odpowiadac (awd- p aw-v'y ah'dahtch ) to amuse bawic (bah'veetch) to amuse oneself bawic sie. (bah'veetch sheh) amusement z a b a w a ( zah- bah'vah) apple jablko (yahp'kaw) apple-tree j a b I o n (yah'- blawn), n as first n in onion to approve pochwalac (paw. hvah'lahtch) army armia (ahr'm'yah) around wofcolo (vaw-caw'- law) to arrange u r z a d z i c (oo. zhone'geetch) to arrive przybyc (pshih'- bitch) to ask pytac, prosic (pih'- tahtch, praw'sheetch) as long as tak dlugo jak (tahk dloo'gaw yahk) as soon as skoro (skaw'raw) to assure zapewnic (zah- pehv'n'yeetch) at last nakoniec (nah-kaw'. n'yets) at least p rzynajmniej ( pshih-nigh'm'n'yay ) at once razem (rah'zem) attention uwaga (oo-vah'- gah); to pay attention u- wazac, shicha6 (oo-vah'- zhahtch, sloo'hahtch) auction licytacya (lee-tsih- tah'ts'yah) auction sale w yprzedaz ( vih-psheh'dahzh ) B. bad zly (zlih) to bake piec (p'yets) baker piekarz (p'yeh'kahzh) bald lysy (lis'sy) bank bank (bahnk) banker b a n k i e r (bahn'. k'yair) to be bye, istnie (bitch, east'n'yetch) to be back wrocic (vroo'- cheetch) to be mistaken myli6 si$ (mi'leetch sheh) beautiful piekny (p'yenk'- nih) beauty pie.knos6 (p'ycnk'- nawshtch) because p o n ie w a z (paw. n'yeh'vahzh) to become stac si (stahtch sheh) bed lozko (loozh'kaw) beer piwo (pee'vaw) before przed, zanim (pshed, zah'n'yim) to begin zaczynad (zab-chi'- nahtch) beginning pocz^tek (paw. chone'teck) behind ^w tyle, za (v'tih'leh, zah) to believe wierzyd (v'yeh' 271 to belong nalezec* (nah-leh'- zhetch) below pod, na dole (pawed, nah daw'leh) beside przy (pshih) besides o p r 6 c z (awe'- prootch) the best najlepszy (nigh- lep'shih) better lepszy (lep'shih) between mie,dzy (m'yen'- dzih) big- duzy (doo'zhih) birth urodzenie ( o o-r a w. dzeh'n'yeh) birthday urodziny pi. (oo- raw-gee'ny) bold Smialy (shm'yah'ly) book ksi^zka (k'shownzh'- kah) bookbinder introligator ( een-traw-lee-gah'tore) bookseller ksie.garz (kshen'- gahzh) born u rodzony ( oo-raw- ny); to be born urodzic si (oo-raw'geetch sheh) to borrow pozyczac od kogo (pa w-z h i h'chahtch awed kaw'gaw) both oba (awe'bah) bottle butelka (boo-tel'kah) bound wia.zac, zobowia.zac, o p r a w ic (v'yone'zahtch, zaw - baw - v'yone'zahtch, awe-prah'veetch) boundary granica (grah- n'yee'tsah) box pudelko, loza (poo-dell'- kaw, ^w'zhah) boy chlopiec (hlaw'p'yets) boyhood mlodociany, w i e k mlodzieficiiy (mlaw - daw- chah'ny, v'yeck mlaw-jane'- chih) C. Calf ciel, lydka (cheh'leh, lid'kah) to call wolac (vaw'lahtch) car ^wagon (vah'gawn) care troska (trawss'kah) careful troskliwy (trawss- k^ee'vy) carefulness t r o s k 1 iwos6 ( trawss-klee'vawshtch ) careless niedbaly (n'yeh- dbah'ly) carelessness n i e d b a lose* ( n'yeh-dbah'lawshtch ) to carry niesc (n'yeshtch) ceiling sufit (soo'feet) certain pewny (pev'ny) certainly napewno (nah. pev'naw) chair ^krzeslo (kshess'law) change z m i a n a, drobne (zm'yah'nah, draw'bneh) cheap tani (tah'n'yee) cheese ser (sair) child dziecko (jets'kaw) children dzieci (jeh'chee) Christmas Boze Narodzenie (Baw'zheh Nah-raw-dzeh r - n'yeh) church kosciol (cawsh'chool) citizen obywatel (awe-bih- vah'tel) clean czysty (chiss'ty) to clean czyscid (chiss'- cheetch) closet szafa (shah'fah) 272 clothes ubranie pi. (oo- brah'n'yeh) coat kurtka (koort'kah) cold zimno (zheem'naw) comb g r z e b i e n (g'zheh'- b'yen), n as first n in onion to comb czesac (cheh'sahtch) to come p r z y j 6 6 (pshih'- eeshtch) to come back wr6cic (vroo'- cheetch) comfort wygoda (vih-gaw'- dah) comfortable dogodny (daw- gawd'ny) conductor konduktor (kawn. dook'tore) to continue trwa6, dalej ci$- gna.6 (tr'vahtch, dah'lay. chawng'kno wntch ) conversation rozmowa ( rawz-maw'vah ) to copy kopiowac, naslado- w a c (kaw-p 'yaw'vahtch, nah-shlah-daw'vahtch ) corner rog, zak^tek (roog, zah-cone'teck) to cost kosztowac* (kawsh- taw'vahtch) cough kaszel (kah'shell) to count obliczac (awe-blee'- chahtch) country kraj, wies (cry, v'yesh) crazy szalony ( shah-law'ny ) a cross krzyz (k'shizh) cross m arkotny ( mahr- cawt'ny) to cry plakac, wola6 (plah'- kahtch, vaw'lahtch) to cut ciac (chowntch), ow as in own. D. to damage uszkodzic (oo- sh'kaw'geetch) to dance t a n c z y 6 (tahn'- chitch) dark ciemny (chem'ny) darkness ciemnosc (chem'- nawshtch) day dzien (jane) dead martwy (mahr'tvih) dear drogi (draw'ghee) death smierc ( sh'm'y airtch ) debt dlug (dloog) to demolish zburzyc (zboo'- zhitch) deck biuro (b'yoo'raw) to destroy zniszczy6 ( z'n'yeesh'chitch) dictionary slownik (slawv'- n'yeek) to die umrzec (oom'zhetch) difference r6znica (roozh- n'yee'tsah) difficult trudny (trood'ny) dinner obiad (awe'b'yahd) dirty brudny (brood'ny) disagreeable nieprzyjemny ( n'yeh-pshih-yem'ny ) dish polmisek, p o t r a w a (pool-mee'seck, paw-trah'- vah) to disturb p r z e szkadzad (pshesh-kah'dzahtch) to do czynic, robic (chih'- n'yeetch, raw'beetch) dog pies (p'yes) door drzwi pi. (d'zhvee) down ^na do! (nah dool) 278 drawer szuflada (shoof- lah'dah) to dress ubierad (oo-b'yeh'- rahtch) to dress oneself ubierac sie. (oo-b'yeh'rahtch sheh) to drink pic (peach) during p o d c z a s (pawd'- chahss) dust kurz (koozh) E. each kazdy (kahzh'dy) ear ucho (oo'haw) early wczesnie (v'chesh'- n'yeh) to earn zarobic (zah-raw'- beetch) earth ziemia ( zheh'm'y ah ) east wschod (vVhood) easy latwy (laht'vy) to eat jesc (yeshtch) eaten z jedzony ( z'yeh- dzaw'ny) edge ostrze, krawe,dz (awe'- stsheh, krah'venge) egg jaje (yah'yeh) eight osm (awsh'm) elbow lokiec" (law'k'yetch) eleven jedenacie (yeh-den. nahsh'cheh) else inny (een'ny) emperor cesarz (tseh'sahzh) employment zaje,cie ( z a h- yen'cheh) empty pr6zny (proozh'ny) end koniec (kaw'n'yets) ending zakonczenie (zah- kawn-cheh'n'yeh ) to engage wynaj^d, zaja6 (v i h-n a h'yowntch, z a h'- yowntch), ow as in own engine maszyna (mah-shih'.. nah) England A n g 1 i a ( Ahng'- 1'yah) English a ngielski ( ahn- g'yell'skee) Englishman anglik (ahn'- gleek) English woman angielka (ahn-g'yell'kah) to enjoy uzywac* (oo-zhih'- vahtch) enough dosyc (daw'sitch) to enter wejsc* (vayshtch) entire caly (tsah'ly) entrance wch6d ( v'hood ) envelope koperta (kaw-per'_ tah) equal ro wny ( roov'ny ) errand k o m i s, poselstwo (kaw'mees, paw-sell'stvaw) error pomylka (paw'mill'- kah) to escape M m k n a, 6 (oom'- knowntch) evening w i e c z 6 r (v'yeh'- choor) ever zawsze (zahv'sheh) every kazdy (kahzh'dy) everyday kazdego dnia (kahzh-deh'gaw d'n'yah) everything wszystko (v'shist'kaw) everywhere wsze.dzie (v'shen'jeh) exact akuratny ( a h-k o o. raht'ny) example przyklad (pshih'- 274 klahd); for example na przyklad (nah pshih'klahd) except-opr6cz (awe'prootch) exchange gielda, wymiana g'yell'dah, vih-m'yah'nah) to excuse-przebaczyc (psheh- bah'chitch) exhibition wystawa (vih- stah'vah) exit wyjscie (vih'eesh'cheh) to expect spodziewac sie., o- czekiwac (spaw-jeh'vahtch sheh, awe-cheh-kee'vahtch) expense koszt (kawsht) expensive-drogi ( draw'ghee ) experience doswiadczenie ( daw-sh Vy ahd-che'n'yeh ) to explain wyjasnic (vih- yahsh'n'yeetch) external zewn^trzny ( zev- nentsh'ny) extreme 1 y nadzwyczaj ( nahd-zvih'chigh ) eye oko (awe'kaw) eyebrow brew ( bref f ) eyelash rze.sa (zhen'sah) eyelid powieka (paw-v'yeh'- kah) eyesight wzrok (v'zrawk) F. face twarz (tvahzh) to faint mdlec (m'dletch) fair pie.kny, jasny (p'yenk^- ny, yahss'ny) to fall upasc (oo'pahshtch) false falszywy (fahl-shih'- vy) family rod zina ( raw-gee'- nah) fan wachlarz (vah'h'lahzh) far daleko (dah-leh'kaw) farm far ma (fahr'mah) farther dalej (dah'lay) fast szybki (shib'kee) to fasten przymocowa6 ( pshi-maw-tsaw'vahtch ) fat tlusty (tloos'ty) father ojciec (oy'chets) father 1 and ojczyzna (oy- chiz'nah) fault bla.d, wina (blown'd, vee'nah) February luty (loo'ty) fee oplata (awe-plah'tah) to feed karmic (kai/meetch) feet stopy (staw'py) fellow czlowiek, towarzysz ( chlaw'v'yeck, t a w-v a h'- zhish) fellow-countryman rodak (raw'dahk) fever febra, gor^czka (feb'- rah, gaw-rowntch'kah), ow as in own few malo (mah'law); a few kilka (keel'kah) field pole (paw'leh) fifteen pi^tnascie ( p'yent- nahsh'cheh) fifteenth pi^tnasty ( p 'y ent- nahss'ty) to fight walczy6 ( vahl'- chitch) file pilnik (a tool), (peel'- filings opilki pi. (awe-peel'- kee) to fill napehiic, nalac (nah- pell'n^yeetch, nah'lahtch) to find z n a 1 e 6 6 (znah'- leshtch) 275 to find oufr^wynaleic, wymy- Sle6 (vih-nahleshtch, vih- mish'letch) fine cienki, ladny (chen'kee, lahd'ny) finger palec (pah'lets) to finish skonczyc (s'kawn'- chitch), n as the first n in onion fire ogien (awe-g'yen) fire-engine sikawka (shee- kahv'kah) first pierwszy (p'yerv'shih) fish ryba (rih'bah) to fit pasowac, dobrze lezec (pah-saw'vahtch, d a w'- bzheh leh'zhetch) five pie.6 (p'yentch) to fix umocowac*, naprawic (oo-maw-tsaw'vahtch, nah- prah'veetch) flag flaga (flah'gah) f lame-plomien ( plaw'm'yen ) , n as the first n in onion flannel flanela (flah-neh'- lah) flat plaski (plahss'kee) flatiron zelazko do praso- wania (zheh-lahss'kawdaw prah-saw-vah'n'yah ) flesh cialo, mie.so (chah'law, m'yen'saw) floor podloga, pi^tro (pawd- law'gah, p'yen'traw) ground floor parter (pahr'- ter) flounder (a fish) fl$dra (flown'drah) flour m^ka (moan'kah) flower kwiat (k'v'yaht) fluently p I y n n i e, biegle (plinVyeh, b'yeg'leh) fly mucha (moo'hah) to fly latac (lah'tahtch) food-pokarm, zywnosc (paw'- karm, zhiv'nawshtch) foolish ghipi (gloo'pee) foot stopa, noga (staw'pah, naw'gah) for dla, po, poniewaz (dlah, paw, paw-n'y e h'v a h z h) ; what for dla czego, poco? (d 1 a h c h e h'g a w, paw'- tsaw?) to forget zapomniec (zah- pawm'n'yetch) to forgive przebaczy6 ( p sheh-bah'chitch ) fork widelec ( vee-deh'lets ) formerly dawniej (dahv'. n'yay), przedtem (pshed'- tern) fortnight dwa tygodnie (dvah tih-gaw'dn'yeh) forty czterdziesci (chter- jesh'chee) four cztery (chteh'ry) fourteen czternascie (chter- nahsh'cheh) fourth czwarty, cwiartka (chvahr'ty, chv'yart'kah) fox lis (lease) frame rama (rah'mah) France Francya (Frahn'. ts'yah) French f rancuzki (f rahn- tsoos'kee) Frenchman-Francuz (Frahn- tsoos) Frenchwoman Francuzka (Frahn-tsoos'kah) 276 fresh Swiezy (shVyeh'zhih) friend przyjaciel (pshi-yah'- chell) from z, od (zz, awed) front front (frawnt) fruit owoc (awe'vawts) to fry smazyc (smah'zhitch) frying-pan patelnia (pah- tel'n'yah) fuel opal (awe'pahll) full pelen (pell'en) fullgrown dorosly (daw- rawss'ly) funeral pogrzeb (paw'- g'zheb) funnel lejek (leh'yeck) furnace piec (p'yets) to furnish dostarczyc, ume- b 1 o w a c (daw-stai/chitch, oo-meb-law'vahtch ) furniture meble (meb'leh) further dais zy, dalej (dahl'- shih, dah'lay) G. gain zysk, korzysc (zissk, kaw'zhishtch) gallon galon (gah'lawn) gang kupa, zgraja (koo'pah, z'grah'yah) garden ogrod (awe'grood) garlic c z o s n e k (chawss'- neck) garment odziez (awe'jezh) garret strych (strihli) garter podwi^zka (pawed- v'yownss'kah) gas gaz (gahz) gate brama, wrota (bran'- mah, vraw'tah) gelatine zelatyna (zheh-lah. tih'nah) generous hojny (hoy'ny) gentleman dzentelman (jen'-teP-mahn) German niemiecki (n'yeh- m'yets'kee) to get nabyc, dostac, stac sie, (nah'bitch, daw'stahtch, stahtch sheh) to get away zemkna.c (zem'- k'nowntch) to get drunk upic si (oo'- peetch sheh) to get ready przyszykowac ( p shih-shih-kaw'vahtch ) to get rich wzbogacic sie, (vVbaw-gah'cheetch sheh) to get rid pozbyc sie, (pawz'- bitch sheh) to get tired zm^czyc sie, (z'men'chitch sheh) to get up podnies'c sie, (pawed'n'yeshtch sheh) to get well wyzdrowiec (vih- zdraw'v'yetch) to get wet zmokna,c (zmaw'- knowntch) gimlet swider ( shvee'dare ) ginger imbier (eem'b'yair) girl-dziewczyna, panna (jehv- chih'nah, pahn'nah), sluz^- ca (sloo-zhone'tsah) to give dawac (dah'vahtch) to give notice uwiadomid ( oo-v*y ah-daw'meetch ) to give back oddad (awed'- dahtch) glass szklo, szklanka, fwier- ciadlo (shldaw, sh'klahn'. kah, zhVyehr-chahd'law) 277 glove r^kawiczka (ren-kah- veetch'kah) glue klej (clay) glycerine gliceryna (glee- tseh-rih'nah) to go isc, jechac* (eeshtch, yeh'hahtch) to go out-wyjs"6 (vih'eeshtch) to go away odejsc (awe'- dayshtch) God Bog (Book) godfather kum (koom) godmother kumoszka (koo- mawsh'kah) gold zloto (zlaw'taw) good dobry (daw'brih) golden zloty (zlaw'ty) goose ge.s (gensh), g as in bag gouge dluto do wydra,zania rowkow (dloo'taw daw vih- drone-zhah'n'yah rawf 'coof ) grammar gramtyka (grah. mah'tih-cah) to grant-zezwalac (zeh-zvah'- lahtch) gray siwy, szary (shee'vih, sha'rih) great wielki, duzy (v'yelV- kee, do'zhih) green zielony, niedojrzaly (zheh-law'nih, n'yeh-doy- zhah'lih) to grind m 1 e c, ostrzyd (m'lehtch, awss't'shitch) grocer k u p i e c korzenny (koo'p'yets kaw-zhen'nih) grocery handel korzenny (hahn'del kaw-zhen'nih) to grow rosna.6* (rawss'- knowntch) grown up dorosly rawss'lih) to guess domyglac si mish'lahtch sheh) (daw- (daw- habit z wy cza j ( zvih'chigh ) hair wlos, wlosy pi. (vlawss, vlaw'sih) half poi (pull) hall sala, sien (sah'lah, shen), n as first n in onion hammer mlotek (mlaw'- teck) hand reka (ren'kah) handwriting-charakter pisma (hah-rahk'tare pees'mah) handle r 3 c z k a, ucho (rowntch'kah, oo'haw) to happen trafic* si (trah'- feetch sheh) happiness szcz6cie (sh'chensh'cheh) harbor port (port) hard twardy (tvahr'dih) to harm szkodzic (sh'kaw'- geetch) harm krzywda (k'shiv'dah) hasp skobel (skaw'bel) hat kapelusz (cah-peh'- loosh) to have miec (m'yetch) hay siano (shah'naw) he on (awn) head glowa (glaw'vah) health zdrowie (zdraw'. v'yeh) to hear siyszed, slucha^ (Blih'shetch, slo(/hahtch) heart serce (sehr'tseh) 278 heat gora.co (gaw-rown'- tsaw) heavy cie. zki ( chenzh'kee ) heel pie.ta, obcas (p'yen'tah, awb'tsahss) to help pomagad (paw- mah'gahtch) help pomoc (paw'mawts) hen kura (koo'rah) her jej (yay) here tu, tutaj (two, too'. tigh) here is tu jest (too yest) here are tu s$ (too sown) herring sledz (shledge) hers jej (yay) high wysoki (vih-saw'kee) him jemu, go (yeh'moo, gaw) himself on sam (awn sahm) hinge zawiasa (zah-v'yah'- sah) hip biodro ( b'y awd'raw ) his jego (yeh'gaw) to hit uderzyd (oo-deh'- zhitch) hod koryto do wapna (kaw- rih'taw daw vahp'nah) to hold trzymad (t'shih'- mahtch) hole dziura (jew'rah) holiday swito (shVyen'. taw) home dom, mieszkanie (dawm, m'yeBh-kah'n'yeh) ; at home w domu (v'daw'- moo) hone oselka (awe-sell'kah) honest rzetelny ( zheh-tell'. nih) hook hak, haftka (hahk, hahft'kah) horse koii (cawn), n as first n in onion horseradish c h r z a n (h'shahn) hot goracy (gaw-rawn'tsih) hour godzina (gaw-gee'nah) house dom (dawm) hausemaid shiza.ca (sloo- zhone'tsah) how jak (yahk) how long? jak dhigo? (yahk dloo'gaw?) how many ile (ee'leh) how much wiele (v'yeh'leh) however jakkolwiek (yahk- callVyeck) to hurry spieszyc si (s'p'yeh'shitch sheh) hurry up! pr^dzej! (pren'- dzay!) to hurt zranic, obrazic (zrah'n'yeetch, awe-brah'- zheetch) to hurt oneself skaleczyc sie, (skah-leh'chitch sheh) husband ma.z (mownzh) I. I ja (yah) ice lod (lood) idle pr6znujacy (proozh- noo-yone'tsih) if jezeli (yeh-zheh'lee) ill chory (haw'rih) illness choroba (haw-raw'- bah) impossible niemoiliwy ( n'jreh-mawzh-lee'vih ) in we, w (veh, v') 279 (sklawn'- inch cal (tsahl) inclined skionny nih) to increase powie.kszyc ( paw-v 'yenk'shitch) indeed istotnie (ees-tawf. n'yeh) infant dziecko (jets'kaw) instead zamiast ( zah'. m'yahsst) into w, do (v' daw) to introduce wlozy6, przed- stawic (vlaw'zhitch, pshed- stah'veetch) introduction przedmowa, przedstawienie (p s h e d- maw'vah, pshed-stahVyeh'- n'yeh) iron zelazo ( zheh-lah'zaw ) it ono (awe'naw) J. jam.-powidlo (paw-vee'dlaw) jar butelka (boo-tel'kah) job robota ( raw-baw'tah ) to join-zl^czyc* (zlone'chitch) to joke zartowac (zhahr- taw'vahtch) to jump skoczy6 (skaw'- chitch) K. to keep trzymad, zachowac ( tshih'mahtch, zah-haw'- vahtch) to keep sclent m i 1 c z e 6 (meel'chetch) to keep still stad cicho (stahtch chee'haw) kept trzymany (tshih-mah'. nih) key klucz (klootch) to kill zabic* (zah'beach) kind dobry, laskawy, rodzaj, gatunek (daw'brih, lahss- kah'vih; raw'dzigh, gah- too'neck) ^ kindness grzecznosc -* ( gzhetch'nawshtch) king krol (krool) to kiss calowac* (tsah-law'- vahtch) kitchen k u c h n ia (coohV. n'yah) knee ^kolano (kaw-lah'naw) to kneel kl^czec* (klen'- chetch) knife ^n6z (noozh) knob klamka (klahm'kah) to knock pukac" (poo'kahtch) to know wiedziec*, umie6, z n a c (v'yeh'jetch, o