THE 5LEMEITS BOOX-KEEnNI} JAMES MOMISOI GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c. I SIDNEY HALL'S GENERAL LARGE LIBRARY ATLAS of 53 COLOURED MAPS. New Edition, corrected to 1850. Colombier 4to. £b. 5s. LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class of Sir John Franklin's Expedition. Wiih Map, coloured Plates, and Woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo. 31s. 6d. VII. NICARAGUA; its People, Scenery, Monuments, and the proposed Interoceanic Canal. By E. G. SauiER, late United States' Charge-d' Affaires to the Republics of Central America. With numerous Maps, Plates printed in colours, and Woodcuts. 2 vols, royal Bvo. 31s. Gd. VIII. EOTHEN. ANew Edition,in the Traveller's Library. 16mo. 2s. 6d. ; or in Two Parts, price Is. each. IX. Mme. PFEIFEER's LADY'S VOYAGE ROUND the WORLD. A Selected Translation, by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. In the Traveller's Library. 16mo. 2s. 6d ; or in Two Parts, price Is. each. Mr. S. LAING's JOURNAL of a RESIDENCE in NORWAY in 1834, 1835, and 1836. A New Edition, in the Travellkr's Library. 16mo. 2s. 6d. ; or in Two Parts, price Is. each. XI. Mr. P. H. GOSSE's NATURALIST'S SOJOURN in JAMAICA. With coloured Plates. Post 8vo. 14s. XII. FORESTER & BIDDULPH's RAMBLES in NORWAY in 1848 and 1849. Map, Woodcuts, and tinted Plates. 8vo. 18s. XIII. Sir JOHN F. W. HERSCHEL's OUTLINES of ASTRONOMY. New Edition ; with Plates and Woodcuts. 8vo. 18s. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. * m - 'id tTc/H o / X Co/mjbriJ'fnfjr'reveralSefsof'JiooAs. AJRMAJVGEJ} A€C0RlJ^iWGT09'MESEWT PMACTICE ^ — .^!^~^--p '"^ ' (To-j ^ich is annexed /f^r^_^i^^ ^ >^. ^^^^^^^^x^yri^ ^^=^^v^ *^^-^\ KM I § &^,^CmimTAWT, ^ Of THE UNIVERSITY OF X 'C>ir^ o^' PRINTEl) POR LONONt/W, BllOWW.SC ^- /o b, had of all Bookscllc/:^ 3< TO liENKY BROUGHAM, Esg, M.P Sir, Js, in iJiis Co7nmercial Country, a knowledge of Merchants^ Accounts, and Book-keeping, must necessarily form an essential branch of Education : a work which has for its object the improvement of Youth in these branches, must at all times be acceptable to the Trading Part of the Community ^ and highly deserving of their regard and encouragement. In testimo7iy of your eminent services, in patronising and promoting Education^ whether MeR' cANTiLE or Mechanical, and thereby the moral and inteU lectual improvement of mankind ; the following Treatise on Book-keeping, which has been honoured with very general public approbation^ is respectfully inscribed by. Your most obedient and ♦ very humble Servant, JAMES MORRISON, 190147 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation PREFACE TF an Art or Science is to be valued in proportion to its utility and im- portance, Book-Keeping will hold a very high place in the estimation of a Commercial People. Independent of the pecuniary advantages which accrue to the Man of Business from order in recording his Transactions, Book-Keeping is valuable for its own sake, as it affords an ingenious and complete illustration of the harmony of Method, and the use of Numbers. As the alterations and improvements made in this Edition are nu- merous, the Author will, radier than detail them, describe the work in its present form. In the INTRODUCTION, on Merchants Accounts, the form and method of making out the several Accounts which usually occur in the Business of the Counting-house, are explained and illustrated by Examples. The Work then commences with a view of single eni ry, which affords the most simple idea of the nature of Dt\ and Cr., and of the application of those terms. This Set is extended to three months, and may be suf- ficient for a Pupil who has only the Retail Business in view. Next, the work contains an explanation of the Principles of double ENTRY ; of the use of the several Books used in Business, and of the nature of Personal, Real, and Nominal Accounts in the Ledger. This is done before laying down Rules for Journalizing, because these Rules are in- ierred from the nature of the Entries on the Ledger- Accounts, and there- fore they cannot be properly understood till these Accounts are explained. The RULES for j6;z^^7Z«//:22>?o- are arranged under distinct heads, in order that they may be easily referred to ; and these, it is hoped, are so com- plete, as to extend not only to every Transaction introduced into tlie Sets, but likewise to every case which usually occurs in Inland and Forei sion i ^ Cent J To Postages To Interest'^ Account annexed To Balance carried to New Account Dr INTEREST ^237« 12 » 4 to June 30th 181 da. 150 /, - ff - « ditto u 71 1/ 923»13«10 ,, ditto „ 33 « 371«17«7 IT ditto „ 17 « 250 « - ,, - dis. to July 18th 18 « 663/, 6/,ll » Sept. 23d 85 « 237 923 371 150 46 8 356 ,^2095 ^ 20 14 In calculating Interest on Accounts Current, the usual method is to compute the Interest, first on the sums of the Dr. side, and then on those of the Cr. ; reckoning the time from the day on which the Sums became due, to the time of settlement. INTRODUCTION. 13 where the collective term Sundries occurs in the Ledger, every refer- ence is supplied. in Account Current mth A. B. London, Cr, 1850. Jan. 18 24 15 16 31 30 7 15 26 28 30 By Ashes ^Francis, due 7th March 385 400 200 150 250 6 702 R'n Mar. By your bill on G. Kay, due 26th April ...<..... 10 10 19 April May By Cash received from Henry Watt « By Blake on Lees, due 28th June « By Forbes on Mills 18th July By Return of Premium on ^650 at 1 ^Cent By Net Proceeds oi^O Bales Cotton, due 23d September 5 ^2095 6 2 3 8 8 1 1 11 19 4 I- ArroTTNT rv May April ^385 ,, 8 « 11 to June 30th 115 da f> 200 II -» - u ditto u 76 u 7 400 II -' II — 11 ditto u 65 n 3 June I5O11IO/1- a ditto « 2 u 10 Balance carried to New Account 7 Errors Excepted, London, 30th June 1850. A.B. ^ 20 14 8 We then subtract the Sum of the interest on the one side from that of the other, and the difference ^8 » 19 « 7., being on the Dr, side, is the interest due by Richard Conder, This method is followed in the specimen above given. u INTRODUCTION. II. Method. Dr Side of the Account, 1850. Jan. 1. To^'237 12 4 for 181 da April 20. To 150 « 71 « May 28. To 923 13 10 . 33 „ June 13. To 371 17 7 « 17 « July 18. To 250 « 18 « disct. Sept. 23. To 663 6 II « 85 « disct. Side of the Account, Byj^385 8 11 for 115 da. By 200 1/ 76 „ By 400 1/ QS « By 150 10 « 2 « Dr. 43043 10650 30482 6322 4500 56384 151381 Cr 44326 15200 26000 301 85827 By this second Method we multiply the Sums by the respective num- ber of days, reckoning the time as formerly, and extend the products of the Dr, side, in one column, and those of the Cr. in the other. The dif- ference QSSS^^i when divided by 7300, gives the interest as before. * Of these two methods of calculating interest on Accounts Current, we prefer the second, because it is more expeditious, the interest being calculated only on the difference of the products, which reduces the whole to one division. Men of business, who follow the first method of computing interest, generally use Interest Tables : the want of expertness in calculation may require such helps ; but we would not recommend to young people the assistance of Tables of any kind, excepting those of Compound In- terest and Annuities. Those who have the resolution to reject Tables of Calculation soon acquire a facility in figuring, which seems almost incredible to those who have not made the experiment ; and this faci- lity will not be confined to the calculation of interest alone, but will ex- tend itself to every other branch of Business. * In setting down the products, the Shillings in the product are neglected when below ten, and one is added to the pounds, when they amount to ten or upwards. IS PART I. BOOK-KEEPING, BY SINGLE ENTRY. ■ aw GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND RULES. JjooK-KEEPiNG is the Art of recording the Transactions of Persons in Business, in such a manner as to exhibit a distinct view of the State of their affairs. The mode of keeping Books may be varied according to the pecuUar nature of the Business; but there are, properly speaking, only two methods, which differ materially from each other ; namely. Book-keeping by Single Entry and by Double Ent7y. Single Entry is the most simple and concise method, but it is imperfect, as it contains Personal accounts only. The Ledger, kept on this plan, affords to the owner a knowledge of what debts are due to him, and of what he owes to others, but it exhibits no Account of the quantities of Goods bought and sold, nor of the Stock in hand. This mode of keeping Books is best adapted to Retail business, in which the articles sold are small and numerous. The principal Books used by Shop-keepers, are a Day-Book, and a Ledger *, the forms of which are exhibited in the following specimens, pages 19 and24,&c. The DAY-BOOK, records every transaction by which new Debts are contracted, or former ones discharged. The entries may be made either in the style of Dr. and Cr, as Joseph Crosby Cr., George Bernard, Dr., as in the specimen first page ; or in common language, as Bought of Joseph Crosby, and Sold George Bernard. The following Rule will direct the Learner in distinguishing Dr, and Cr. in any Transaction. The Person who receives any thing is Dr., and the Person *isoho gives or delivet's any thing is Cr. * Besides the above two Books, a Cash-Book is generally kept for entering money received and paid; and in order that the Cash on hand may be checked as often as ne- cessary. — A specimen of this Book is given in pages 52. and 33. When Bill transactions are frequent, a Book of Bills Receivable and Payable will also be necessary for entering Bills lieceived and Accepted. When these are negotiated or paid, the persons concerned are then debited to, or credited by. Cash from the Day-book. 16 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. Thus, if you sell Goods to any Person on credit, he, being the Receiver^ is Dr. for the value ; and when he pays you for them, he, being the Per- son who gives, is O. By the same Rule the Person from whom you purchase Goods on credit, he, being the Delivei^er, is Cr. ; and when you pay him for them, he, being the Receiver, is Dr. The LEDGER * contains an Account for every Person of whom goods are bought, or to whom goods are sold, on credit ; where the Articles for which he is accountable to you, and those for which you are ac- countable to him, are placed on opposite pages, of the same Jblio : the Dr. Articles on the left, and Cr. articles on the right-hand page, in order to show the state of every Person's Account at one view. — The difference between the Dr. and Cr. sides is called the Balance of the Account. Directions for Posting and Balancing. To post the Ledger, first open an Account for every Person occurring in the Day-Booh, and allot such a space as you may think sufficient for subsequent entries. The Titles of the Accounts should be written in a half text hand, and entered in an Index, f Then debit or credit the person for the amount as stated in the Day-Book : that is, write the date of the entry on the margin, and say To Goods, or Cask ; or By Goods, or Cash, as the case may be, insert in the folio column the page of the Day- Book from which you are posting, and the sum in the money column. When the space allotted for any Person's Account is filled up, it must be transferred to another Jblio. Either the sum or difference of the two sides may be inserted in the new Jblio. In order to strike a General Balance, take the difference of every Account, and collect into one Sum the several Balances due to you ; to which add the Cash in hand from the Cash-Book, and the value of the Goods unsold taken by an Inventory, f From this sum deduct the amount of the several Balances owing by you, and the diffhrnce will be your Net Stock, or the clear value of your property. This, compared with your former Stock, will shew the Gain or Loss on the Business since last Balance. Vide the Balance Account in the following Ledger, page 28- * Some Shop-keepers have their Ledger ruled with two Sets of money columns on the same page ; the one for extending the sums of the Dr., and the other for the sums of the Cr. Others, when the business is extensive, keep two Ledgers, one for the J)rs. or those to whom they sell, called the Retail Ledger^ and the other for the Crs., or those from whom they purchase, called the Wholesale Ledger. + The method of entering Accounts in an Index, is explained page 45. j Vide page 5l. SET A. RETAIL BUSINESS. If) DAY-BOOK (A). By Single Entry, LONDON, 4th JANUARY, 1850. (1) Joseph Crosby, London, Cr. By Haberdashery, as ^ Bill of Parcels 6 Edward Lhtnkin, Manchester, Cr. By Amount of Sundry Goods, as ^ B. P. George Bernard, London, Dr. To 25 Yards Irish Linen, @ 4/6 ^ yard 14.- £ 33 57 J. 10 d. Miss Gordon, Blackburn, Dr. To 1 pair Black Silk Stockings, @ 15/ - £ ,f \5 , 3 pairs White ditto ---14/- 22,, .16*- William Fodon, London, Dr. To 2i Yards Superfine Cloth, drab, @ 20/6 <£2 11 .^ Sf ditto ----- blue, @ 24/ 410 ,^ 18- M?x'; Gordon, Dr. To 7;^ Yard Flowered Silk, (^ 15; * This Column refers to the folio of the Ledger, where each ac- count is posted. C 2 12 17 7, 1 12 20 DAY-BOOK BY SINGLE ENTRY. LONDON, 20tli JANUARY, 1850. (2) Lady Derby, Dr. To 2 large Silk Shawls, - @ 60/ 3 large Silk Handkerchiefs, 516 1 Parasol, 3 1 /6 II 16 6 1 11 6 .21, Thomas Edwards, York, Cr. By Broad Cloths, as ^ B. P. Miss Linwood, London, Dr. To 5 yards fine Velvet, - 3 yards Satin, - - - 10 yards Silk Lace, ■23 - (^21/ - 15/6 - 14/ - £5 5 2 6 6 ' // // Richard Stanley, London, Dr. To 1^- yards superfine blue Cloth, @ 23/ £2 3 \\ 2i - - woollen Cord, - - - 10/ 1 5 ,/ 2 - - Kerseymere, - - - - 10/6 1 1 ,, f - - Quiltings, - - - - 10/6 " 7 lOj .27- Lady Derby, Cr. By Cash, in full. -27- Henry Rawson, London, Dr. To 15 yards green Baize, - ^2/5 -■ £l l6 3 33 - Sheeting - - - 1/8 - 2 15 „ 4 11 3 Received on account ----- 3 24 19 6 14 11 17 1 II 3 (3) DAY-BOOK, BY SINGLE ENTRY 21 LONDON, 4th FEBRUARY, 18o0. Thomas Edwards, Dr. To a Bank Bill, remitted him in full - - £23 2 ,^ Discount allowed by him. - - - - 1 17 6"j Francis Buhner, London, Dr. To 6 yards superfine blue Cloth, @ 20/ - £^- „ „ 8 - - ditto - drab ditto - 20/6" - 8 4 6 - - Sarsnet -----10/- S // // // Richard Stanley, Cr. By Cash in full £4 12 Discount allowed him 10- // ^ // Joseph Crosby, Dr. To Cash paid him in full Discount allowed me. £3\ ,f „ 2 10 „ 16. Pringle S{- Fleicher, London, Cr. By Sundry Goods, as ^ B. P. ■22- Nicholas Itoive, Leeds, Dr. To 75 yards Russia Sheeting, @ 2/3 '£8 8 9 50 - - Serge - - - - 2/1 1 - - 7 5 10 Packing - - ^^ 2 5 -26- Miss Gordon, Cr. By Cash received in full - - ~ - - - £8 5 ^^ Abated 4 () £ 24 19 d. 6 17 17 S3 50 10 15 15 17 9P. DAV-BOOK, BY SINGLE ENTRY. (1) LONDON, 3d MARCH, 1850. George Bernard, Cr. By Cash, in full. Edward Dunkin, Dr. To a Bank Post-Bill, remitted him on Account - .10. George Bernard, Dr. To 25 yards Dowlas, - - @ 1/6 30 - - Diaper, - - l/4i £l 17 6' 2 1 3 15 Francis Buhner, Cr. By Cash, received, on his Account, from J. Rainey, 20 Peter JVrangham, Bristol, Dr. To 6 pair Cotton Stockings, @ 4/ - 6 - - Thread ditto - - - 4/9 - 7 - - Kid Gloves, - - - 3/ - 6 Hats, at 8/ 10 o 12/ 14/ 16/ 17/ - .£1 ^ . 1 8 6 1 1 . 3 17 6 :22- Francu' Buhner, Dr. To 1 dozen Chip Hats, at 3/ 5/ 7/ 8/6 10/6 151 17/ 19/ 21/ 23/ 24/6 26/ each. ---.-. 25- Henry Rarvson, Dr. To 20 yards Lawn, - - - @ 3/6 - - ^'3 10 23 - - Gauze, - - - . 2/ - - 2 6 6 pairs Women's Hose, - Sj6 - - 11 -2S- Nicholas Rowe, Cr. By 25 yards Russia Sheeting, returned at 2/3 £ 2 l6 3 Cash received in full, ----- 12 1 Discount allowed him. ----- ,.199 I s. d. I 12' 6 25 18 9 10 11 19 17 15 (23) INDEX TO LEDGER A. By Single Entry. Tol. B Bernard, Geoi'ge ------ i Bulmer, Francis ------ 2 Balance. ------ 3 Fvl. LinwoocI, Miss - - - - - - - 2 Crosby, Joseph D Dunkin, Edward -..-.. i Derby, Lady ------] E Edwards, Thomas ------ 2 F Fenton, WiJliam ------ i G Gordon, Miss Pringle & Fletcher, R Rawson, Henry ------ 2 Rowe, Nicholas ------ 3 Stanley, Richard w 1 c 4- Wrangliam, Peter 24 LEDGER, BY H) 1850. Feb. 10 March Jan. March Jan. Jan. 16 Jan. 20 Dr. JOSEPH CROSBY, To Cash, &c. Dr. EDWARD DUNKIN, To a Bank Post-Bill To Balance, carried to new Ledger - Dr. GEORGE BERNARD, To Goods, ----___- To ditto. - -------- Dr. MISS GORDON, To Goods, -------- To ditto. - -------- Dr. WILLIAM FENTON, To Goods. -----.---- Dr LADY DERBY, To Goods, --------- fol £ s. d. 3 33 10 11 4 25 // 1 32 5 6 — — . _— 57 5 6 1 5 12 6 4 3 18 9 9 11 3 ] 2 17 1 5 12 6 8 9 6 1 7 J 3 2 8 8 If UNIVERSITY OF 0) SINGLE ENTRY. 25 ISoC Jan, Jan. London, By Goods Manchester. By Goods March Feb. 26 March 31 Jan. 26 London. By Cash. By Balance, carried to New Ledger BlacJiburn. By Cash, &c. London. By Balance, carried to New Ledger of Derby. By Cash - fal. Cr. S3 10 Cr. 57 Cr. 12 18 11 Cr. Cr. Cr. 26 LEDGER, BY («) 1850. Feb. Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Dr. THOMAS EDWARDS, To a Bank Bill, &c. Dr. To Good J. MISS LINWOOD, Dr. RICHARD STANLEY, To Goods. Jan. March Feb. March March 31 Dr HENRY RAWSON, To Goods, To ditto. - Dr. FRANCIS BULMER, To Goods, To ditto. - Dr. PRINGLE & FLETCHER, To Balance, carried to new Ledger - d. 24 19 14 11 17 17 8 26 50 15 (2) SINGLE ENTRY. £7 ib.30. Yor/r. Cr. fol i .y. d. Jan. 21 By Goods -------- - - - 2 24 19 6 Lofidon. Cr. i ! i Maich 31 By Balance, carried to New I>edger - — — — 2 i i 14 " 6 London. Cr. Feb 6 Rv Pnsh -.-.-... 3 4 17 A Lo7idon. Cr. Marcli 31 By Balance, carried to New Ledger - • . - - 2 8 8 3 London, Cr. Marcli 1.5 31 Rv fn*;?! --- _-_--. 4 2 10 16 // 3 1 6 By Balance, carried to New Ledger ~ ~ 26 3 6 London. Cr. Feb. 16 By Goods - - 3 50 If) II 2a LEDGER, BY (s; fol. £ .9. d. 1850. Dr. NICHOLAS ROWE, Feb. 22 To Goods -------- --_ 3 15 17 It Dr. PETER WRANGHAM, March 20 To Goods ------------ 4 7 11 II Dr. BALANCE.* Marcli IS To George Bernard, - due to me - - Fol. To William Fenton, - - ditto - - - - To Miss Linwood, - - ditto - - - - Fo Henry Rawson, - - ditto - - - - To Francis Bulmer, - ' - ditto - - . - To Peter Wrangham, - - ditto - - . - 1 1 2 o 2 3 3 7 14 8 16 7 18' 1 11 8 3 n 9 3 6' 3 f) // Amount of debts due to me To Goods, &c. in Shop, as ^ Inventory - Page To Cash in hand, as ^ Cash-Book, - - Page i^ 57 83 271 14 6 1 3 2 // Total of Debts, Goods and Cash — 412 1 5 * See Directions for Balancing, page 16. (3) SINGLE ENTRY. 29 fol. £ s. d. 1850. Leeds. Cr. March 28 hy Cash and Goods returned, &c. - - - - 4 15 17 II Brhtol Cr. March 31 By Balance, carried to New Ledger ~ - - - 3 7 11 II BALANCE. Cr. March 31 By Edward Dunkin, - due to him - - Fol. By Pringle & Fletcher, - ditto - - - - 1 2 32 50 5 15 6 II Amonnl qf debts owing by me By Cash in hand at the commencement of my \ Business, as ^ Cash-Book f 83 300 6 II Net Gain in three Months.* - - - - — 29 It II 6 11 412 1 5 • See Chech on the following page. 30 INVENTORY of GOODS in SHOP, 31st MARCH, I80O. Children's Handkerchiefs 2 dozen and 2 Cambric ditto - 1 4< Muslin, Green Ground 12 yards - Superfine Cloth, Blue 7 Cotton Stockings, White 1 2 pairs Silk ditto Silk Velvet, Green Flowered Silk Satin - - - Lace - - - Kerseymere - Quiltings Sheeting (Russia) - § 8yf) - I8;f) - 1/S - 167, - 3/9 - 10/6 - I'V. - 13/,,, - 12/, - 11/. - 7/, - 616 - 1/. Furniture in Shop, as ^ account paid Wm. Binn Fire Irons and Fender - £ s. d. £ s. d. If 18 5 4 8 ] // // 5 12 II 2 5 II 2 12 6 11 5 // 13 // n 10 4 II 5 10 II 3 10 1 14 H 1 5 It 21 15 II 1 10 6 CHECK ON THE PHECEDING BALANCE. 60 23 £83 G 21 Amount of Charges^ £ s. d. Cash-Book - - 19 1. '5 10 DISCOUNTS. Allowed to me 4 7 C )y me t 9 3 , 1 Q 3 16 17 Nrr Gain - 29 ,, 7 11 £45 18 6 Amount of Goods sold ^ Day £ s. d. Bimk - - 111 2 „ do. for Cash 41 5 10 152 7 10 -do. on hand 60 Deduct amount Purchased 8 212 8 6 166 10 Whole Gain i^ 45 18 6 In the above Check we collect on one side, the amount of the Sales from the Dai/'Bookf as also those from t!ie Readtf-moneij and Retail Sales-Book, given in page 18, and from the amount of these, we subtract the amount of the Purchasfs, — the difference, consequently, is the Whole or Gross Gain, when the amount of the Sales exceeds that of the Purchases, as in the above instance. Against this we oppose the Charges attending the business, taken from the Cash-Book ; and the Discounts allowed to and by you, as stated in the Day- Book. The Difference between this sum and the other side must be equal to the 'Net Gain, if free from error. — See preceding page, Net Gain, £29 1 1, as above. PETTY CASH-BOOK.* 31 1850. Paid. £ s. d. £ s.d. Jan. 7 Postage of a Letter - - - _ u 9 12 I Stone Moulded Candles // 14 16 A Waggon Coals - - - - - 1 1 If 20 Postage of Two Letters If 2 H Enlercd ^ Cash-Book ~ ~~- 1 18 a Feb. 4. Carriage of Goods - _ - - If 13 9 1 Postage of a Letter _ - - - If 1 6 16 Porterat4e of Goods If If 10 Entered ^ Cash-Book ~ . 16 I March 4 Porterage of Goods - - - - It 6 14 Carriage of Goods - - - - | If 10 S 20 Postage of Letters - - - - It 2 9 26 Porterage of Goods - - - - It V 10 29 Carriage of Goods - - - . | It 5 91 Entered cf Cask-Book\ ~~"i -1 » « » ^ Month. The Petty Cash Book is added up, and the amount expended is carried to the credit side of the Cash-Book. Thus, in the month of January, the Sum expended as above \s £\ 18 5, which we carry to the credit side of the Cash-Book at the end of that Month, as in tlie following Cash-Book, and so of the other Months. * The above is a Specimen of a Petty Cash-Book, which will be suffi- cient to shew the Learner how such a Book is kept At the end of each, see above. S2 CASH-BOOK. IfinO 1 26 27 31 1 6 26 28 1 10 15 28 31 Dr. Cash. £ s. d. Jan. To Stock for Money in hand this day - - - - To Lady Derby, received in full - - - - - To Henry Rawson, received in part, see D. B. - To Ready-money Sales, received this month - - 300 8 3 16 8 1 II 11 2 327 9 2 Feb. To Balance, from last month ------ To Richard Stanley, received in full - - - - To Miss Gordon, received in full - - - - _ To Ready-money Sales, received this month - - 298 4 8 10 1 12 5 9 6 II II 6 321 8 u March To Balance, from last month --_--- To George Bernard, received of him - - - - To Francis Bulmer, received to account - - - To Nicholas Rowe, received in full - - - - To Ready-money Sales, received this month - - 262 5 10 12 14. 14 12 II 1 15 11 6 II 2 305 3 7 CASH-BOOK, 33 ISoO. Cr. ' Cash. 1 ^ s. d. 21 1 1 4 298 15 10 18 3 1 II 6 5 9 6 Jan. 4 6 31 4 10 28 6 22 31 By Furniture for Shop, paid Wm. Binn, ^ Account By Fire Irons and Fender ---_-__ By Petty Charges, paid this month - - - _ By House Expenses, - - do. - - - - - By Balance in hand, carried to next month - - 327 9 2 Feb. By Thomas Edwards, paid him in full - i. - By Joseph Crosby, paid him in full - . . - By Petty Charges this month -«---. By House Expenses - do. ------ By Balance f to next month ------ - 23 31 3 262 2 16 15 14 H 1 11 321 8 " IMarch By Edward Dunkin, paid him on Account - - By Stationery Account, paid Crosby - - - - By Petty Charges this month - By House Expenses do. ------- By Balance in hand --------- 25 2 1 5 271 10 12 1 H 1 6 305 3 7 ( 34 ) o o pq m w < in >< ;?; c ;?; <: < H p^ 1 p^- Ol -* t- ^ r ^. ^ ^ (O ^ 1" c^^ 00 Tf* Ti4 G^ IS c o CO -«?« o< t- CO i-H CO i-t ^CO CO ^ C^ Tf( CTi Tj« O ^ O? G^ »0 ^ 5; ^ ^ CM «0 C^ Oi ^ r^^ r-K ri\ 0< O) rH CO CO -^ I C7i ^^ 0^ G^ CO G^ JO ^co oj ^ 5; C>< l-H »o G^ i: Tj» CO CO i: CO t- I— ( I— I 5; ^ ^ 5: OiCO G^ r-l t^ »0 ^ CO i: !s 5s 5; rH 00 CD -^ -* o: OiG< »0 i; 00 i; 5: Si ^ S: •T3 O? 00 lO .-• 5s ss G^ t-- CO •+^ GO 00 CO "* r-l 12 Ci CO CO Oi =i 1:- 0^ O -<* =s Tf( i-( tP CO i: o -g o ^ CO =; i-i :s: ^ G^CO ^ 5: I-H i: rH rH ^S: i; 1 C W \ oo 1 C b- "^fl O^ G^ CO I-H CO r-4 CO 5: 5: 5: :i :i 0< O (N CiO I-H i~> t- -* CO 00 x^ 5: 5: 5;r-( i: -H ^ CO Oi ^ « a, 2 « o 1 — . A ? f-. b2 •5l 11 ^^ ^'tS -gi 3 2 4:J^ "TS »H a'-H ir^ =5 >i «l :ae 1^ ^s f, , *^ o ts ^>ca O M OS (U n] D ^ ^ .» t* c« * be «J ^^ tA c-a r3 •'^ = (U Kl 53 -^ *j -^ "ii - OJ ^ P^ r: ., bO ^ ^ ^ P = 2 -.% ^S-^ 't §1 '^ , c« > cc «4-i • S o », O ^ ^' fc^ o o 5 G -O ^ t! o .2 o « o c3 o Si* ~ (1) O vide Day Book), £ 4 £ 1032 124 289 21 212 2 6 117 178 81 21 4 370 8 50 lie 500 266 10 11 11 56 CASH-BOOK ENTRIES. Ofi 31 112 50 135 20 2 21 73 17 54 156 145 212 37 9 18 -2 s. 3 15 10 14 9 6 10 16 7 13 10 6 6 5 12 15 7. Paid Duty, Freight, & Charges on 8 Casks Madder, from Rotterdam ?^ Jessie 8 37 Paid my Bill, No. 65, to J. Fielding & Co Received Rent of my House at Windsor Q8 Received payment of Bill, No. 167j J- Burry _ Taken for House Expenses this Month Paid Charges, as ^ Expense Book this Month _ March S Soldfor Cash66\hs. Mule Twist 6 ci Received Payment of W. Fenton's Account on Discount — net... (vide Day Book) - Paid J. Penman, my Clerk, 3 Month * Salary 10 Received from Thomas Allwood, the Balance of his Account 17 3 Paid mv Rill No 7R nn Dlsronnt .T Fieldiner & Co's 8 3 Received SI Davs' Discount .*•..... • oo Discounted at my Banker's, Thomas All wood's Bill, No. 165, due 8th April Discount 17 days q Ord & Davis having failed, I have taken up their Bill, No. 163, due this Day., ' Lost my Pocket Book, containing Bank Notes to the Amount of 5^35 « 10 u Paid Charges for Advertising 1 « 10 « 28 - Paid Charges on Goods shipped ^the Hopewell for Hamburgh 31 4 Paid for House Expenses this Month 6 Paid Charges '^Expense-Book this Month , 1 DAY-BOOK B. ( 59 ) DAY-BOOK B. LONDON, 4th JANUARY, 1850. (11 Sold Johti Howie Sp Co. 75 bundles Water Twist, at 3 months 11 Sold Sheldon Sf Sons, 3 Casks Spanish Madder, at 3 months 18 Received from Richard Conder, ^ the Frances, from New York, 65 casks Pot, and 45 casks Pearl Ashes, agreeable to my order, amounting <^ invoice to 1713 dollars 9 cents. @ 4/6 ^ dollar 4th February- The Jessie is arrived from Rotterdam, and has brought me 8 casks Madder, from Spencer S;- Croft, ^ my order, as #* invoice ------------- 11 Sold William Fenton, 48 bundles Water Trvist, 5 ^ cent, discount for cash 12 Sold Thomas Allwood, 56 bundles Water Twist £^666 4 casks Dutch Madder 1 53 199 14 Bought of Samuel Johnson, 618 bundles Water Twist, as ^ bill of parcels - - 18 Received from Robert Runcorn Sf Co. Manchester, 440 lbs. India Twist — 5 ^ cent, discount, for bill at 2 months from 18th Prox°. amount #* invoice- ----- £ 116 s. 12 117 5 385 8 272 8 77 3 240 6 877 12 452 8 11 60 DAY-BOOK, 20th FEBRUARY, 1850. (2) Sold Sheldon S^ Sons, 5 casks Spanish Madder, at 4 months - - ^205 19 8 13 ditto Pot-ashes, at 2 ditto 6l 15 6 22 Norris Sf Bell's bill, No. 159, due this day not being paid, I have protested, the same ---------- £145 11 8 Expenses of protest --------- //lO// ■23 Bought of James Fielding Sf Co. 20 bales of West-^India, and 3 ditto of Georgia Coiton-mool, as ^ B. P. Bought of Samuel Johnson, 400 bundles Water Twist, as ^ B. P. 26 The Discount allowed by James Fielding S^ Co. on their account, paid this day, is --------- ■27- Sold Edward Wesfon, Manchester, 20 casks Pearl-ashes, at three months -5th March.- The Discount allowed to William Fenton on my account re- ceived this day, ig--- --_ ■14- Paid to James Fielding S^ Co. bill. No. 170, on Sheldon ^ Sons, due June 17, on account --------- 18 Sold Goodwin ^ Blake, Bristol, 171 bundles Water Twist, at 3 months Sold Sheldon Sf Sons, 2 casks Spanish, and 4 ditto. Dutch Madders, to pay in 2 months - - £ 267 d. 15 146 684 575 14 112 10 10 267 282 17 15 11 241 3 (^) DAY-BOOK, 12th MARCH, 1850. 61 Discount allowed by Robtrt Runcorn Sp Co. on their account, settled by bill this day, is --------- —26 Sold Robert Runcorn ^ Co. Manchester, 14 bales Fernany° , and 3 ditto Georgia Cotton wool, at 3 months - - - 28 Shipped on board the Hopewell, Rankine, for Hamburgh, for account of Richard Conder, New York, and con- signed by his order to Murray & M'Nab, of Ham- burgh, 10 bales ^Fa 1 5 8 22 4 3 6 TitT Rir'ViQrrl r^/^llf1»'I' ________ ■ SO 7 6 Contra. Cr. Jan. Mar. 1 8 Rv Stork ---_.--. 1 6 370 112 1 1 By Bills Receivable - - No. 1 69 482 2 // 92 LEDGER. (5) Dr. Sheldon & Sons, London. 1850 Jan. Feb. Mar. To Madder ^ 2 To Sundries ------------ 3 To Madder £ 117 267 241 626 Dr. Ashes. Jan. To Richard Conder - - - ■ To Cash - - - paid Charges 45i 6r) 45 65 385 81 466 13 Dr. Interest. Jan. 12 Feb. 16 Mar. 5 22 31 To Cash 4 To Ditto ^ 4 To William Fenton ---------- 4 To Cash ------------- f) To Profit and Loss ---------- 8 2 //| 8 // 611 3 17 6 /'' (i 9 30 13 II 37 Dr. House Expenses. Jan. Feb. Mar. To Cash 2 To Ditto 4 To Ditto 6 21 20 18 59 12 (5) LEDGER. 93 Contra. Cr. 1850 Feb. Mar. By Bills Receivable By Ditto - - - By Balance - - No. 166 - 170 £ 117 267 241 626 3 Contra. Cr. Feb. By Sheldon & Sons - By Edward Weston By Prqfil and Loss - By Balance, on hand 20 25 45 13 52 65 6\ 112 2 290 466 Contra. Cr. Feb. Mar. By James Fielding & Co. -------- 3 By Robert Runcorn &Co. -- 5 By Cash 14 22 37 Contra. Cr. Mar. 31 By Profit and Loss 59 12 94 LEDGER. (6) Dr. Charges. 1850. Jan. 31 Feb. 28 Mar. 31 28 31 To Cash 2 To Ditto --- 4 To James Penman ------_._- 5 To Cash - 6 To Ditto £ 4 2 17 9 2 37 Dr. Spencer & Croft, Rotterdam. Feb. 12 To Bills Payable - - No. 77 272 Dr. Samuel Johnson London. Mar. Po Bills Payable, No. 79, 80 Fo Balafice - - - - - 504 948 1452 17 19 Dr. Robert Runcorn & Co. Manchester. Mar. 18 To Interest - - - //To Bills Payable, No 81 26ITo Cotton Wool - - 22 429 428 880 (^>) LEDGER. 9j Contra. Cr. '1850. Mar. By Norris & Bell - By Richard Comkr By Piq/ii and Loss £ s. 3 II 10 [) 9 5 S 27 o 37 4 ! 1 i Contra. Cr. Feb. By Madder 272 Contra. Cr. 25 By Cotton Yarn By Ditto - - 877 575 1452 19 Contra. Cr. Feb. Mar. By Cotton Yarn By Balance 452 428 880 96 LEDGER. (7) Dr. NoRRis & Bell, London. 1850. Feb. 22 3 146 s. 1 d. 8 Dr. James Penman my Clerk. Mar. 6 To Cash - - paid him 3 months salary - - - - • 5 17 10 // Dr. Goodwin & Blake, Bristol. Mar. 18 Tn Cntton Yarn ........... 5 282 11 6 ■ Dr. OliD & Davis, London. Mar. 22 To Cash - - paid their bill 6 212 6 // (7) LEDGER. 97 Contra. Cr. Mar. 31 8 £ 146 s. 1 d. 8 Contra. Cr. iMar. 1 31 By Charges -.---------- 5 17 10 J/ Contra. Cr. Mar. 31 Bv Tialfince •■■i----..---- 8 282 11 6 Contra. Cr. Mnr ^1 Rv Unlnnrp ..a^B. •••..•«■. 8 212 6 II 98 LEDGER. (8) Dr. Commission. 18501 Mar. 31 To Pro/it and Loss Dr. Profit and Loss. Mar. To Cash fol, To Ashes ------------- To House Expenses ---------- To Charges -_-..------- To Slock for net gain --------- 37 2 59 27 178 304 Dr. Balance. Mar. 31 To Cash, for money in hand ------- fol To Bills Receivable, for No. l66, l68, I69, and 171. To Cotton Wool, for 20 Bales on hand - - - - To Cotton Yarn, for value on hand - - - - - To House at Windsor --------- To Counting-House Furniture ------- To Richard Conder - --------- To Sheldon & Sons ---------- To Ashes, for 77 Casks on Iiand ------ To Robert Runcorn & Co. -------- To Norris & Bell To Goodwin & Blake - --- To Ord & Davis Amount of my Effects. ----- ;1087 745 5S3 987 841 78 525 241 290 428 146 282 212 6402 (8) LEDGER. 99 Contra. Cr. 18501- Mar. 28 By Richard Conder Contra. Cr. Mar. By Madder - fol, By Cotton Wool ,--- By Cotton Yarn ----------- By House at Windsor --------- By Interest ------------ By Commission ------i----- 60 23 135 50 SO 4 30418 // Contra. Cr. Mar. By Bills Payable, for No. 77, 78, 79, 80, and 81, fol. By James Fielding & Co. -------- By Evans & Bayley ---------- By Samliel Johnson ---------- Amount of my Debts. ------- By Stock for my net Capital ------- 1356 416 22 948 2744 6402 H 2 SET C. ON COMMISSION OR AGENCY TRADE ; Or, when a Person buys and sells on another's Account. h3 ( 103 ) PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON THE SUBSIDIARY BOOKS FOR SET C. Cash-Book In receiving and paying Money on Discount, the full sum or amount of the account is first entered ; and then a second entry is made for the discount on the opposite side of the Cash-Book, The incidental Charges on the Business is entered once a month ; the amount of which is supposed to be taken from a Petty-Cash-Book kept for that purpose. The Balance of Cash on hand of the preceding month is carried to the following month. Bill-Book. — In order to give the learner a distinct idea of the nature of the Bills received or accepted, and thereby to enable him easily to enter them into the Bill-Book, we have circumstantially narrated these in the Bill Trans- actions. Account-Sales-Book. — We have given two forms for drawing out an Account of Sales, The form, with the several charges, on the first or lefC^hand page, and the particulars of the sale on the opposite side, in the manner of Dr. and Cr., is best adapted for West-India produce. Day-Book. — In this Book we have entered the amount of the purchases, to avoid the necessity of keeping an Invoice-Book inivard, or Book of Purchases, which is according to the practice of some Counting-houses. To connect the Journal entries, we have also inserted a statement of the Shipments, and Sales on commission. This will greatly simplify the Journal- izing to the Learner. 103 CASH-BOOK ENTRIES FOR SET C. April 1st, 1850. Balance of Cash on hand from former Cash-Book : 8 To Accommodate Thomas Allwood, I have retired his Bill No. 165, due this Day , 11 Paid Freight and other Charges on 40 Pieces Osnaburghs, re ceived ^ the Sally, from Montrose, to sell on Account of ColHns & Greenhill 12 Discounted at the Banker's T. All wood's Bill, No. 172, due 11th July The Discount is 13 Paid Charges on Goods shipped -^ the Anne for New York.... 15 Paid my Bill to Spencer & Croft, No. 77. Received from Henry Watt on account of Rich. Conder. 18 Paid Charges on Goods f^ the Isabella for Hamburgh . ^ 20 Paid my Bill, No. 78, to Richard Conder. Paid Freight and other Charges on 200 pieces Linen, received ^ the Union, O'Hara, from Dublin, to sell on Account of James Forbes & Co 26 Received Cash for Bill, No. 171, George Kay. 30 Paid for House Expenses this Month Paid sundry Charges ^ Petty Cash-Book this Month, -May 2d. Paid Hume & Coleman ... Discount allowed by him 1087 M5 s. I d. 10 10 147 1 1 272 200 5 150 13 13 16 400 23 271 3 u 4 104 CASH-BOOK ENTRIES. - May 7th. Paid Charges on Goods shipped ^ the Hibernia for Dublin — 9 Paid Freight and Charges on 450 pieces Muslins, received from Collins & Greenhill ^ the Jean, from Montrose, to sell on their Account • 10 Paid my Bill, No. 82, to Samuel Johnson. Paid Charges on Goods shipped j- the Triton for St.Kitts. 12 Received Cash for Bill No. 166, Sheldon & Sons. Bought ^1200 Stock in the Three j- Cents, (fp 59J ; Brokerage i^cent 18 Received from Sheldon & Sons in full of Madder. 19 Received payment of Bill No. 168, J. Howie & Co. Received Cash for Debentures ^ Isabella. 21 Paid my Bill No. 81, to R. Runcorn i& Co. 22 Paid Customs, Freight, and Charges on 40 Puncheons Rum (in Co.) f Nancy from Liverpool 24 Received payment of Bill No. 169, C Dvvyer. Sold for Cash 50 Pieces Muslins, on account of Collins & Greenhill 30010 8 117 720 241 116 56 429 152 112 3 12 ,2 16 6 1 30 Paid for House Expences this Month Paid for sundry Charges, f Petty Cash-Book 70 27 4 10 CASH-BOOK ENTRIES. 105 June 1st. Paid Hume & Coleman amount of Noble*s Bill, returned for non-payment _ 4 Received payment of Bill No. 177, R. Runcorn & Co. Paid my Bill No. 79, to S. Johnson. 7 - Paid Duty, Freight, and Charges on 20 Bales Cotton, f Fanny 8 Received from Sheldon & Sons in full of Madder Discount allowed him 13 Paid my Bill No. 83, to J. Fielding & Co. Paid Rent of Warehouse for half a Year 15 Received Cash for Debentures f Hibernia. — 17 Paid my Bill No. 80, to S. Johnson 18 Sold ^600 Stock, @ 61| f Cent. ; Commission _ 22 Paid additional Charges on Rum (in Co.) at delivery 25 Received on account of E. Weston, Manchester, ^650 which I have this day remitted him, with Moffat's Draft at par, after deducting my i f- Cent. Commission 28 Received payment of Richard Conder's Bill No. 178 Received a Dividend of 3/6 f ^ on ^212 6 from the Estate of Ord&Dale 30 Paid my Clerk's Salary for 3 months, due this day. jPaid for House Expences this Month I Paid sundry Charges ^ Petty Cash Book, d! s. d. 130 15 428 9 2 203 6 6 80 5 115 10 4 10 120 16 25 - 10 14 5 300 16 - 367 10 - 4 5 10 3 9 ~ 150 10 - 37 3 - 33 6 8 20 14 _ 5 11 9 106 BILL-BOOK ENTRIES FOR SET C. April 7th, 1850. Accepted Samuel Johnson's Draft in favor of Wise & Yates this day, @ 1 mo, No. 82 8 Received Thomas Allwood's acceptance No. 172, in conse quence of retiring his Bill, No. 165, including Interest 10 Goodwin & Blake have given me their draft on Richard Noble dated March 27th, @ 2 mo. No. 173 16 James Fielding & Co. have drawn on me the following Bills which I have accepted, payable to : John Kay, April 10th, @ 2 mo, No. 83 Sam. Smith, « 12th, (g) 3 mo, „ 84 Norris & Bell having been necessitated to suspend their pay ments, have offered to pay 20/ ^ a^, with interest, as follows ; One instalment of 5/ ^ £^ and two of 7/6 each, which I have agreed to, and received the Bills, viz. Their Draft on, and accepted by E. Brown March 6th, @ 4 mo, No. 174 Ditto do. 6th, (g) 6 mo, « 175 Ditto do. 6th, (S) 9 mo, « 176 May 4th. Received from Robert Runcorn & Co, their Draft on H. Tooke, 1st inst, (3) 1 mo, No. 177 8 Accepted Sheldon & Sons' Draft on me in favor of Tim. Watts, (g) 2 mo. No. 85 Samuel Johnson has drawn on me a Bill in favor of H. Blount, (g) 50 da, No, 86 15 Accepted two Bills on Account of Moss & Benson, to the fol- lowing : David Young, May 10th, @ 2 mo, No. 87 Veize&Son, « 10th, (g) 3 mo, u 88..... d£ 300 14*: 130 120 295 d. 10 \S 16 19 37 56 428 458 64B 400 227 BILL-BOOK ENTRIES. 107 May 16th. Received from Richard Conder two Bills of Exchange, viz. J. Blake on Lees & Co., payable to M. Tindal (g) 40 da. sight. No. 178 W. Forbes on J. Mills, payable to H. Bird (g) 60 da. sight. No. 179 June 10th. James Forbes & Co. have drawn on me a Bill in favor of Patrick O'Brien, 6th inst, (S) 3 mo, which I have accepted. No. 89... : 16 Goodwin & Blake have remitted me their Draft on J. Smith, 3d inst, @ 1 mo, No. 180 _ 17 Accepted Collins & Greenhill's two Drafts in favor of R. Ritchie, Jmie 12th, @ 3 mo, No. 90 J.Sheldon, „ 12th, (S) 3 mo, « 91 18 Received from Holford, Rucker, & Co. a Bill drawn by Moses Reiss on Sol. Sheldon, payable to their order, June 2d, at Usance, No. 81 . 28 Received from William Bancroft a Bill drawn by R. Hooly on Moses Parry, payable to Henry Shore, dated 3d May, @ 31 da. sight, No. 182 d. 150 250 10 150 283 220 140 150 350 14 CASH-BOOK C. no CASH-BOOK (C). Dr. CASH Received. 1850 Apr. To Balance in hand ----____._, To Bills Receivable, No. 172, T. All wood, due July 11, To Richard Conder, received of H. Watt - - - - . To Bills Receivable, No. 171, G. Kay Entered Journal, p. 2. 1087 14.7 200 400 1834 1.5 4 Dr. CASH Received. May 2 12 18 19 I 24 26 To Balance, from last month ------__ To Interest, for discount allowed by Hume & Co. - - To BillsReceivable, No. I66, Shekfon & Sons - - _ To Sheldon <5* Sons, received in full of Madder - - - To Bills Receivable f No. 16'8, J. Howie & Co. - - . To Debentures, received drawback ^ Isabella - - - To Bills Receivable, No. I69, C Dwyer, due June 8 - To Muslins on Commission, received for 50 pieces ^ Jean, sold this day ---------.. Entered Journal, p. 4. 1217 3 117 241 116 112 70 1934 6 9 Dr. CASH Received. June 1 4 8 15 18 25 To BaUnce, from last month -------- To Bills Receivable, No. 177, R. Runcorn & Co. - - To Sheldon Sf Sons, received in full of Ashes - - - To Debentures, received drawback ^ Hibernia - - - To Funded Property, sold ^600 Stock, @ 6l| and ^ - To Commission, for ^ ^ cent on receiving ancf remitting ) £690 on account of E Weston - ----- j To Bills Receivable, No. 178, Richard Conder ,. - - To Ord 4- Davis, received a dividend of 3/6 ^£ on £212 6 Entered Jounial, v. 8. £ s. d. 9 1 1 428 9 2 120 1, // 10 14 5 367 10 // 3 9 . 150 10 // 37 3 // 1126 16 8 CASH-BOOK (C). Ill CASH Paid. Cr. 1850 Apr. 12 IS 15 18 20 // 30 Bif Thomas Albvood, paid his bill for his accommodation By goods onCommission, paid on Osnaburga, ^ Sally from > Monlrose ------------ j By Interest, for discount on bill No. 1 72. - - - - - By Charges, <|f Ann, for New York ------ By BilLs Payable, paid No. 77, Spencer & Croft - - By Charges, ^ Isabella, for Hamburgh - - - - - By Bills Payable, paid No. 78, R. Conder - - - - By Goods on commissi paid on Linen, ^ Union, from Dublin By House Expenses, paid this month ------ J^ Charges, paid ^ Petty Cash-book ------ By Balance, carried to next month ------- Entered Journal, p. 2. £ 145 1 1 272 5 150 8 23 3 1217 1834 15 4 CASH Paid. Cr. May 3] By Hume Sf Coleman, paid balance of their account - By Charges, ^ Hibernia, for Dublin - - - - - By goods on Commisn paid on Muslins, ^ Jean, from Montrose Bij Bills Payable, paid No. 82, S. Johnson - - - - By Charges, ^ Triton, for St Kitt's By Funded Property, bought ^1200 Stock, in the S^l cent. Consols, at 59} ^ cent. — Brokage ^ ^ cent, j By Bills Payable, paid No. 81, R. Runcorn & Co. - - By Rum 6 mo Vide Sales Book, page 1. 'Shipped ^ the Hlbernia, Thomas Howie, for Dublin, by order of James Forbes 8^ Co. and to them Consigned : 300lbs. Cotton Yarn , ^186 « 52 Barrels Pot Ashes 247 « Paid Charges at Shipping 3 « Insured on a^450(g) 2 qp Cent \ Policy 13/9 3 Commission on ditto, \ ^ Cent Vide 1. B. page 3. 10«7"6 2 « 5 // - The Drawback on the Ashes shipped ^ the Hibernia, is. Furnished Collins 8^ Greenhill, of Montrose, with an Account Sales of their 40 pieces Osnaburghs, ^ the Sally, and charged them, Warehouse Rent , ^ - » 4 « 3 Commission, 5 "^ Cent on ^169 8 « 9 « — The Net Proceeds due them,is 156 « 1 « 5 Vide S. B. page 1. 130 565 264 46 169 449 10 15 13 164 14 (3) DAY-BOOK, 9th MAY, 1850. SI Sold Thomas Alltvood, 100 Pieces Linen, on Account of J. Forbes & Co. pay- able (g) 4 mo Vide S. B. page 2. 10 Sold Robert Runcorn Sf Co, Manchester, 7 Bales Cotton, payable (g) 3 mo , Shipped, as an Adventure, on board the Triton, James Noble Master, for St. Kitfs, consigned for sale to William Ban-, croft, Merchant there, on Account and Risk of Thomas Allwood and the Shipper, each one-half; Sundry Goods ^ Invoice ^6^1 « 17 // 4 Charges at Shipping 8 « 3 « 6 Commission 2^ "^ Cent 17 Premium on ^^770 (g) 6 Guineas ^p^Cent. Policy 44/, insured with the London Assurance Company 50 Commission on ditto at ^ ^ Cent 3 Vide I. B. page 4. 17 3 10 14 17 12 Sold Sheldon 8^ Sons, 200 Pieces Cossae Muslins, Greenhill, @ 4 mo Vide S. B. page 3. on Account of Collins & 15 Received -^ the Nancy, from Liverpool, 40 Puncheons Rum, ordered from Moss Sf Be?isoJi, in Co, with H, Hume and S. Johnson, each ^ share, who allows me 2^ '^ Cent, on the Sales, for managing the same. Amount ^Invoice... Sold Hume Sf Coleman, 200 Pieces Muslins, on Account of Collins & Greenhill, @ 4 mo Vide S. B. page 3. 20 5: Sold Henri/ Hume, I 100 Pieces Linen, on Account of J. Forbes & Co. pay- ! able (g) 4 mo Vide S. B. page 2. 134 207 d. 13 772 303 627 252 10 153 138 DAY-BOOK, 20th MAY, 1850. (4 Sent James Forbes 8^ Co. an Account Sales of their 200 Pieces Linen, ^ the Union, and charged them for : Warehouse ....^ -« 7 « 3 Commission 5 ^ Cent, on Sales l^ « 7 « 8 The Net Proceeds due them 264 « 2 « 23 Sold Samuel Johnston, 4 Bales Cotton, @ 4 mo 26 6 Sold for Cash, 50 Pieces Muslins, on Account of Collins & Greenhill... Vide S. B. page 3. Entd, C. B. Furnished Collins 8^ Greenhill, of Montrose, with an Account Sales of their Muslins, ^ the Jean, and charged them for Warehouse Rent £ - „ 15 « 8 Commission on the Sales 26 « 8 « 3 The Net Proceeds due them, is 593 ,/ 7 « - 30 Sold Sheldon 8f Sons, 25 Casks Pearl Ashes 3} ^ Cent, for Cash. 31 Goodwin Sf Blake* s Draft on R. Noble, No. 173, indorsed Hume & Coleman, the 2d inst., is th'is day returned by them for non-payment ^^130// 15 « - I have therefore sent it back to G. & B. and charged them with expenses of protest -«10// - The Return of Premium on ^650 at 1 ?[^ Cent, for con- voy and arrival of the Fanny, insured the 6th inst. with LoJidon Assuraiice Co. on Account of Richard Con der, is ^ 278 114 70 16 d. 11 620 120 10 11 131 6 10 (5) DAY-BOOK, 13th JUNE, 1850. 139 13tli June. Sold Evans 4* Bailey^ 30 Puncheons Rum, (in Co.) (g) 2 mo. Vide S. B. page 5. 20 Sold Robert Runcorn 8f Co., Manchester, 20 Bales Cotton, on Account of R. Conder, @ 3 mo..«... Rendered Richard Conder, an Account Sales of 20 Bales Cotton, ^ Fanny and charged him for Warehouse & Brokerage s£ 4«11;/10 Interest on Duty & Freight... 1„ l„ 7 Commission 2^ ^ Cent ,-,, 20// 4// 5 The Net Proceeds due him, is 702/, 19// 5 22 Sold Thomas Allxvood, 10 Puncheons Rum (in Co.) @ 3 mo. The Rum in Co. being now all sold, I close the several Ac- counts as under, viz. My Commission on Sales, 2§ ^ Cent ^22^ S* Henry Hume for his ^ of profit 26// 18// Samuel Johnson for his J- of ditto 26 // 1 8 // Pro^^ 4* Lo55 for his ] of ditto 26// 18/, r/c?g S. B. page 5. 28 Received an Account Sales from William Bancroft, for the Goods consigned him last month, as an Adventure in Co. with Thomas Alhvood, each one-half: The Net Proceeds Amount to , Thomas Allwood's one-half of the Profit is ^97 // 3 „ 6 And my one-half of ditto * 97 i» 3 /, 6 Ord <5* Davis having obtained a discharge for 17/6 ^ Pound, with security, to be paid by different instalments, I have agreed to the same ; therefore my Loss on ^212 « 6 at 2/6 t^ £, is i£ 667 808 17 728 220 102 966 194 17 18 26ilO 9 140 DAY-BOOK, 30th JUNE, 1850. (6) 30 Closed Richard Conder's Account Current, Postage of Letters paid by me £-» Qu 5 Interesf^ for, due thereon 8»19« 7 END OF DAY BOOK C. Previous to the Balancing of my Books, I have this day taken an Inventory of the Goods in my Warehouse, and have on hand, 335 lbs Indian Twist, value 5^34<1,, 3/, 5 138 Mule Twist, do 41«19«10 308 Bundles Water Twist, do 428<, 6« 811 9 3 * See Specimen, in the Introduction, page 12. JOURNAL C 142 RULES FOR JOURNALIZING, MONTHLY. To Journalize the CASH-BOOK, say Cash Dr. to Sundries, viz. To the several Accounts which follow on the Dr. side. Sundries Dr. to Cash, viz. Several Accounts on the Cr. side of the Cash-Book. N. B. Class together similar Entries on either side. To Journalize the BILL-BOOK, say Bills Receivable Z)r. to Sundries. To the several Persons on whose account the Bills were received. Sundries Z)r.9. to Bills payable, viz. The several Persons on account of whom the Bills were accepted. N. B. After the names add the Nos., and the time when the Bills fall due. To Journalize the DAY-BOOK* make Goods Dr, to Sundries, For the several Purchases made during the month. Sundries Drs. to Goods, For the Sales during the month. For insurances Effected : 1st. For Goods Exported, the Entry is Insurance Dr. to the Office with whom insured, Or, Dr. to Sundries, if more Offices than one. N. B. The Account of Insurance is understood to be already Credited for the same from the Invoice-Book. 2d. For Goods Imported, the Entry is The Person (on whose Account the Insurance has been made) Dr. to Insurance — or If your own Goods, they are Dr. to Insurance, N. B. Narrate the particulars, as the rate of Premium and Polrcy, name of Vessel, &c. • The Rules given under Shipping Goods Abroad, and Goods on Consignment, are sufficient to direct the Learner to Journalize the Invoice-Book, and AccoanT-SALES- BooK, to which we refer him. 143 JOURNAL (C). (1) LONDON, April, 1850. Sundries Drs. to Stock, For the following Balances in my favor, the 31st ult. trans- ferred from Ledger B. Cash for balance in hand Bills Receivable for the following Bills in hand, viz No. 171, Geo. Kay due April 26 a^400 « - « - 166, Sheldon and Sons May 12 117 « 5 « 2 168, John Howie & Co.... 19 116 „ 12 „ 6 169, Charles Dwyer June 8 112 « 1« House at Windsor Goods '^ Inventory Counting-house Furniture Sheldon & Sons London Norris &z Bell Ditto Ord and Davis Ditto Robert Runcorn & Co Manchester. Goodwin & Blake Bristol Richard Conder New York,, Stock Dr. to Sundries, For the following Balances against me, the 31st ult. trans- ferred from Ledger B. To James Fielding & Co London,, To Evans & Bayley Ditto To Samuel Johnson Ditto To Bills Payable.. .for the following Bills unpaid, viz. No. 77, Spencer & Croft.. .due April 15 ^272 „ 8 « 3 78, Richard Conder 20 150 79, Samuel Johnson June 4 203 80, Ditto 17 300 6«6 16 I, - 81, R. Runcorn & Co May 21 429 ,. 16 « - 1087 745 841 1811 78 241 146 212 428 282 525 6402 18 14 18 17 3 1 6 9 11 17 416 22 948 1356 2744 211 T44 JOURNAL. LONDON, April, 1850. (2) 12 26 15 8 11 20 12 13 18 SO 15 20 30 8 10 16 7 16 Cash Dr, to Siinclries, For the following Sums received this month. To Bills Receivable No. 172 ^147 « 7 — 171 400 „- To Richard Conder. Sundries Drs. to Cash. For the following Sums paid this month. Thomas AUtvood paid his bill Goods on Commission,,.'^ Sally, from Montrose ^4 « 5 « 4 ^ Union from Dublin... 8 « 16 « 1 Interest for discount on a bill Charges ^ Ann, for New York g£\ „ 13 „ 6 ^ Isabella, for Hamburgh 5 « 13 « 4 ^ Petty Cash-Book 3 ,, 13 „ 1 Bills Pai/ahle No. 77, ^272 „ 8 — 78, 150 « - House Expenses this month. Bills Receivable Dr. to Sundries. For Bills received of the following this month To Thoinas AUtvood No. 172, due July 11 To Goodwin &; Blake,,. — 173, May 30 To Norris Sf Bell — 174, c.July 9 175, Sent. 9 176, Dec. 9 ^37 « 4, ^ 56 u 5, 8 56 „ 19, 4 Sundries Drs, to Bills Pay able. For Bills accepted to the following this month. SamuelJohnson No. 82, due May 10 James Fielding 8^ Co, — 83, June 13 120 « 16 84, July 15 295 « 19 £ !*. 547 200 747 145 13 1 10 422 23 61' 147 130 19 11 150 428 300 416 71 JOURNAL. 145 (3) LONDON, April, 1850. 4' 5 14 3 13 6 Goods Dr. to Sundries, For Amount bought of the following this month. To Hume S^ Coleman ^405 « 12 To Sheldon 8^- Sons 458 » 9 Richard Conder Dr. to Sundries. For Amount of Invoice of printed Goods, ^ Ann, for New York, as ^ L B. p. 1. To Goods 335 « 10 « 4 To Charges '. I « 13 « 6 To Commission 10,/ 5u7 To Insurance 24 « 8 « 2 18 18 8 16 13 i 18 HoLFORD, RucKER, & Co. D?: to Sundries, For Amount of Invoice of printed Goods, ^ Isabella, for Hamburgh, as ^ 1. B. p. 2. To Goods (less drawback) ^346 » 5 ,, - To Charges 5 » 13 « 4 To Commission.,.., 12 « 1//- To Insurance 9 « 13 « - Debentures Dr. to Goods, For Amount of Drawback on Goods, f^ Isabella, D. B. Sundries Drs, to Interest, For Amount included in Bills received of the following, D.B Thomas Allwood a^l - 17 « 6 N orris S^ Bell 4// 7//4 Insurance Dr, to Evans & Bayley. For the following Insurances made with them this mo. D.B. Premium on ^^370 on Goods '^ the At- ) ^qa c, q lantic, to New York, 5Guin w cent... S ' ' Ditto on ^380 on Goods ^ Isabella, to f o i q _ Hamburgh, 45/ ^ cent j ^ " 1^ « - d. 864 37l|i7 1 I 373 56 12 6 4110 34 146 JOURNAL. 1850. (4) 2 12 19 24 18 19 26 Cash Dr. to Sundries. For the following Sums received this month. To Interest To Bills receivable No. 166 .=^^17 « 5 « 2 — 168 116 „ 12 „ 6 — 169 112 « 1«- 2 7 10 31 9 10 21 12 22 31 4 16 To Sheldon 8^ Sons To Debentures ....»., To Goods on Commission, Goods on Commission ^ Jean, Dills Payable No. 82 . — 81 . from Montrose. Sundries Drs. to Cash. For the following Sums paid this month. Hume Sf Coleman paid them Charges ^ Hibernia, for Dublin. ..^3 « 2 « 5 ^ Triton, for St. Kitt's... 8 « 3 « 6 * ^ Petty Cash-book 4 « - « 2 300 « 10 « - 429«16«- Funded Property ^1200 in the 3 ^ Cents, at 59^ Rum in Company charges on 40 puncheons House Expenses this month , Bills Receivable Dr, to Sundries. For Bills received of the following this month. To Robert Runcorn & Co. No. 177, due June 4... To Richard Conder — 178, — June 28 56^153 « 10- 179, _« July 18 240 « -i 9 10 15 Sundries Drs. to Bills Payable. For Bills accepted to the following this month. Sheldon Sf Sons No. 85, due July 1 1 Samu^ Johnson — 86, — July 1 Moss 4- Benson — 87, — July 13 ^400//- 88, — Aug. 13 227 « 9 3 345 241 56 70 716 274 15 5 730 720 152 27 1925 428 400 828 15 18 3 2 19 17 6 5 6 458 648 627 1734 JOURNAL. 147 (5) LONDON, May, 1850. 7 10 10 7 20 James Forbes & Co. Dr. to Sundries. For Amount of Invoice, ^ the Hibernia, for Dublin, as f»> L B. pa. 3. To Goods ^433 «8«6 To Charges 3 ./ 2 « 5 To Insurance 10«7"6 To Commission 2 « 5 « Adventure to St. Kitt's in Co. Dr. to Sundries. For Amount of Invoice, ^ the Triton, for St. Kitt's, con- signed to "William Bancroft, to sell on account of Thomas Allwood and myself, each one-half, as ^L B pa. 4. To Goods ^691//17«4 To Charges 8« 3«6 To Commission ^1// 7«- To Insurance , 50// 14// 2 NoRRis & Bell Dr. to Goods on Commission. For Amount of 40 Pieces Osnaburgs, '■^ the Sally, and sold for account of Collins & Greenhill, at 6 months, as ^ S. B. page 1 Goods on Commission Dr. to Sundries. To Charges ^- « 4 // 3 To Commission , 8// 9«- To Collins Sf Greenhill, for Net proceeds of 40^ Pieces Osnaburgs, ^ Sally, as ^ S. B. > 156 u 1 ii5 pa. 1. ) Sundries Drs. to Goods on Commission. For Amount of 200 Pieces Linen, ^ the Union, and sold for account of James Forbes & Co. S. B. pa. 2. Thomas Allwood,., iOO Pieces at 4 months ^134 // 13 « - Henri/ Hume 100 at 4 months 153 « - // - l2 i£ d. 449 772 169 164 14 287il3 148 JOURNAL. LONDON, May, 1850. (6) 20 12 15 26 6 23 10 30 Goods on Commission Z)r. i^o Sundries, To C^ar^^5.. ^- „ 7 « 3 To Commission 14. „ 7 « 8 To James Forbes S^ Co- for Net proceeds of ^ ^^ . ^ 200 Pieces Linen, ^ Union, as fi^ S. B p 2. f ^^'^ " "^ " " Sundries Drs. to Goods on CotJimission. For Amount of 400 Pieces Muslins, ^ the Jean, and sold on account of Collins & Greenhill, S. B. p. 3. Sheldon Sf Sons 200 Pieces at 4 months a^303 « 6 « 8 Hume Sf Coleman. ..200 at 4 months 252 « 10 « - Goods on Commission Dr. to Sundries. To Charges sS - To Commission 26 To Collins atid Greenhilly for Net proceeds of 450 Pieces Muslin?, ^ Jean, as g^ S.B. J- 593 p. 3. Jt proceeds 1 I, as ^ S.B. >- 15 « 8 8«3 7«- IlUME & CoLKMAN Dr. to BUls Receivable. For No. 173, being Goodwin & Blake on Richard Noble, due May 30th, paid them on account, D.B Goods Dr. to Hume 8^- Coleman. For Amount bought of them as f B.P. Sundries Drs. to Goods. For Amount sold this month. SamuelJohnson 9 Bales Cotton at 2 mo.i^264 « 3 « 2 4 — do. 2mo. 114«1«6 Robert Runcorn 8j C 0.1 — do. 3mo Sheldon and Sons....„25 Casks Ashes, 31^^ Cent, for Cash £ s. d. 278 16 11 5bb 16 620 130 ms 10 15 13 11 378 207 120 705 JOURNAL. 149 m LONDON, May, 1850. 6 6 7 10 8 "2 15;^ 9 31 31 J 6 Richard Conder Dr. to Sundries. For Cost of Insuring ^650 on 20 Bales Cotton ^ the Fanny, from New York to London, at 6 Guineas ^ Cent, to return 1 ^ Cent, for Convoy and Arrival, policy 38/6 ^ D. B. To London Assurance Company ^42 « 17 « 6 To Commission., Sot 2^ ^ Cent 3 « 5 « - Insurance Dr. to Sundries. For the following made this month, ^ D. B. To Evans 8^ Bailey ... Premium on ^450 on Goods ^ Hibernia, for Dublin, at 2 f>' Cent, and policy To London Assurance Company ... Premium on ^770 on Goods ^ Triton, for St. Kitt's, at 6 Guineas ^ Cent, and policy Debentures Dr. to Goods, For Drawback on 52 Casks Ashes ^ the Hibernia, D. B. Rum in Company Dr. to Moss Sf Benson, For 40 Puncheons, bought of them (in Company with H. Hume and S. Johnson, each } Share) and received this day ^ the Nancy, from Liverpool, amount as ^ Invoice D. B Goodwin & Blake Dr. to Sundries, For their Draft No. .173, on R. Noble, due 30th, returned them with Protest for Non-payment, "^ D. B. viz. To Hume Sf Coleman„.fov Bill paid them jtl30 « 15 * To Charges for protesting it - „ 10 u - London Assurance Company Dr. to R, Conder. For return of Premium on ^650 at 1 ^ Cent, for Convoy and Arrival of the Fanny D. B d. 46 10 50 61 10 14 627 131 5 10 L d 150 JOURNAL. LONDON, June, 1850. (8) 4 1 28 — 8 3 15 8 18 5 25 7 28 3 1 4 13 17 7 8 13 30 22 30 Cash Dr. to Sundries. For the following Sums received this month. To Bills Receivable No. 177 5^*428 « 9 « 2 178 150«10 „- 8 To Sheldon 8^ Sons in full of Ashes To Debentures drawback ^ Hibernia To Funded Property!/ ^600 in the 3 ^^ Cents, at 61| To Commission i ^ Cent, on 5^690 To OrdSf Davis Dividend of 3/6 ^ ^' Sundries Drs. to Cash. For the following Sums paid this month. Hume 8^ Coleman paid them Bills Payable No. 79 ^203 „ 6 „6 ' 83... 120 . 16 « - 80 300 „ 16 .,- Goods on Commission,,,'^ Fanny, from New York Interest discount allowed Sheldon & Sons. Charges paid Warehouse Ilent..5^'25 « - « - ^ Petty Cash-Book... 5 ./ 11 « 9 Rum in Company paid Charges at delivery... House Expenses this month Profit Sf Loss Clerk's Salary to this date Bills Receivable Dr. to Sundries, For Bills received of the follow^ing this month. To Goodwin 8f Blake No. 180, due .July 6 To Holfordf Rucker Sf Co 181, — 5 To William Baficroft 182, —24 Sundries Drs. to Bills Payable. For Bills Accepted to the following this month. James Forbes Sf Co No. 89, due Sept. 9 Collins Sj- Greenhill 90, — 15. ..^220,, 10 91, — 15... 140;, - £ .. i! 578 19 2 120 _ _ 10 14 5 367 10 _ 3 9 — 37 3 - 1117 15 7 130 15 - 624 18 6 80 5 4 10 - 30 11 9 4 5 10 20 14 _ 33 6 8 929 2 2 283 1 150 — — 350 5 - 783 6 - 150 14 360 10 - 511 4 _ JOURNAL. 151 (9) LONDON, June, J 850. 20 20 13 22 22 28 28 R. Runcorn & Co. Dr. to Goods on Commission, For amount of 20 Bales Cotton ^ Fanny, and sold for Ac- count of R. Conder, at 3 mos. as ^ S. B. p. 4..., 30 Goods on Commission Dr, to Sundries. To Charges #4? . To Interest * 1 « To Commission 20 » To R. Conder for Net proceeds of 20 Bales! ,_^^ Cotton ^ Fanny, due Sep. 23, ?«)' S. B. p. 4 j '^"^ " 11 1 4 19 Sundries Drs. to Rum in Company, For Amount of 40 Puncheons sold the following, S. B. p. 5 Evans Sf Bayley 30 Pun. at 2 months... . d£667 « - » - Thomas All-wood 10 at 3 220 ,, - , Rum in Company Dr, to Sundries, For the following to close that Account, ^ S. B. To Commission for 2h W Cent, on Sales.. ..^^22 a 3 « 6 To H. Hume for his I of gain 26 « 18 « 4 To S, Johnson for his ^ of gain 26 « 18 « 4 To Profit 4* Loss for my ^ of gain 26 « 18 « 4 W. Bancroft Dr. to Adventure to St, Kitt's in Co, For Net Proceeds of the Goods consigned him, as ^ Account Sales received this day D. B Adventure to St. Kittys in Co. Dr. to Sundries, For the Balance of that Account due as follows. To Thomas Alltvood his I of gain... ^97 « 3 « 6 To Profit Sf Loss...., my A of gain...,.., 97 » 3 « 6 Profit and Loss Dr. to Ord Sf Davis. For 2/6 ^ sS, being the Amount lost by them, and which I have discharged this day f^D. B Richard Conder Dr. to Sundries. For Postage of Letters and Interest due on his Acct. D. B. To Charges s^- « 9 u 5 To Interest 8 « 19 « 7 17 d, 8 728 887 17 102 966 18 194 26 10 L 4 152 JOURNAL. LONDON, June, 1850. (10) £ s. d. _ _ 6 31 6 7 71 9 7 102 16 8 149 6 144 5 5 13 15 1 307 1 - 268 8 9 197 14 6 1183 15 -. 841 14 _ 811 9 3 78 17 6 303 6 8 169 — _ 148 12 3 600 7 10 351 6 4 257 9 6 352 10 126 1 8 1015 19 9 223 12 4 335 15 5 616 4 - 7613 16 — 2541 8 8 313 3 4 87 1 8 356 13 1 388 18 5 3926 10 10 7613 16 - 30 30 SO 30 SO 10 Profit & Loss Dr. to Sundries, For Balancing the following Accounts to this date. To Goodwin & Blake To Charges To House Expenses Sundries Drs. to Profit Sf Loss. For Gain on the following Accounts to this date. Goods Commission Interest Profit and Loss Dr. to Stock. For Balance of the former Account, being the Net Amount of my Gain for the last three months To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To Balance Dr. to Sundries. For Closing all Accounts that Balance in my favor. Cash on hand Bills Receivable, — Bills in hand • Hous6 at Windsor Goods ^ Inventory Counting-house Furniture Sheldon & Sons Norris & Bell Ord & Davis Evans & Bailey Samuel Johnson Thomas Allwood Funded Property Henry Hume Robert Runcorn & Co Holford, Rucker & Co James Forbes & Co William Bancroft Amount of my Effects. Sundries Drs. to Balance. For Closing all Accounts wherein the Balances are against me. Bills Payable, — Acceptance unpaid Hume & Coleman London Assurance Company Richard Conder Collins & Greenhill Stock, Net Capital, .f OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LEDGER C 155 INDEX TO LEDGER C. A Fol. Allwood, Thomas 4 Adventure to St. Kitt's, in com- 1 pany with T. Allwood & Self, V 9 each one-half. } B Bills Receivable 1 Bills Payable 1 Bancroft, William 10 Balance 10 c Cash 1 Counting-house Furniture.... 3 Conder, Richard 6 Charges 7 Commission 7 Collins & Greenhill 10 D Debentures.. 8 E Evans & Bailey 4 F Fielding, James & Co. 4 Funded Property 5 Forbes, James & Co 10 G Goods Account 2 Goodwin & Blake 6 Goods on Commission 9 H Fol. House at Windsor , 2 Hume & Coleman 3 Hume, Henry 5 Holford, Rucker&Co 6 House Expenses 8 I Johnson, Samuel 4 Insurance 7 Interest 8 L London Assurance Company,...,,,,. 5 M Moss & Benson ».... 9 N Norris& Bell 3 o Ord & Davis 3 P Profit &Loss 8 R Runcorn, Robert & Co 6 Rum, in company with H. Hume 1 ^ and S. Johnson, each ^ share.. J s Stock 1 Sheldon & Sons 3 }56 LEDGER. (1) Dr. Stock. 1850 Apr. June To Sundries - - - - To Balance for net capital £ 2744 3926 6670 13 Dr. Cash. Apr, 1 SO May 3\ June SO To Stock - - - - To Sundries this month To Sundries - - do. To Sundries - - do. 1 1087 7 10 ^ 747 7 6 4 716 19 // 8 1117 15 7 \sm 9 u Dr. Bills Receivable. Apr. May June To Stock - To Sundries To Sundries To Sundries 745 428 828 783 2786 15 Dr. Bills Payable. Apr. May June To Cash ---------. To Ditto ■ To Ditto ■ To Balance for Bills not due or not paid 422 730 624 2541 4319 0) LEDGER. 157 Contra. Cr. 1850 Apr. June By Sundries - - - - - By Frofit 8^ Loss for net gain 6'402 268 667013 Contra. Cr. Apr. May June By Sundries this month By Sundries - - do. By Sundries - - do. By Balance on hand - 617 1 925 929 197 ^msi 11 Contra. Cr. Apr. May June By Cash - - - - By Ditto - - - - By Hume & Coleman By Cash - - - - By Balance - - - 547 345 130 578 U83 2786 15 Contra. Cr. Apr. May June By Stock - By Sunch'ies By Sundries By Sundries 1 1356 2 717 41734 511 4319 158 LEDGER. (2) Dr. House at Windsor. 1850 Apr. 1 1 To Stock 1 841 s. 14 d. Dr. Goods account. 1850 Apr. May June 1 30 4 30 To Stock Value ^ Inventory....... 1 3 6 10 1811 864 565 149 18 1 13 5 4 4 6 To Hume & Coleman , To Profit and Loss 3390 13 7 LEDGER. 159 Contra. Cr. ;i850 June 30 By Balance. 10 481 14 - Contra. Cr. Apr. May June By Richard Conder ByHolford, Rucker, & Co By Debentures By James Forbes & Co By Adventure to St. Kitt's in Co. By Sundries By Debentures By Balance ... Value on hand 6 7 10 335 346 56 433 691 705 10 811 3390 10 4 5 2 8 13 160 LEDGER. (S Dr. COUNTING-HOUSE FuRNITURE. 1850 Apr. To Stock 78 17 Dr. Sheldon & Sons, London. To Stock To Bills Payable - - - - - To Muslins on Commission To Ashes ------- Apr. May 241 458 303 120 1122 Dr. NoRRis & Bell London. To Stock To Interest ------ To Osnaburgs on Commission - Apr. May 146' 4 169 319 Dr. Ord & Davis, London. Apr. To Stock 212 (^) LEDGER. 161 Contra. Cr. 1850 June By Balance 10 78 d. 6 Contra. Cr. Apr. May June By Goods By Cash - By Ditto - By Balance 458 24 120 303 122 Contra. Cr. Apr. June By Bills Receivable By Balance - - 150 16'9 319 Contra. Cr. June By Cash - - By Profit & Loss By Balance 37] 3 2610 148 12 212 162 LEDGER. (0 Dr. James Fielding & Co. London. Apr. 16 To Bills Payable £ 416 Dr. Evans & Bayley, London. June 31 Fo Rum in Co. 667 Dr. Samuel Johnson^ London. Apr. May To Bills Payable lo Ditto - - To Goods -' 300 648 378 327 Dr. Thomas Allwood, London. Apr. May June To Cash To Interest - - - _ To Goods on Commission To Rum in Co. - - - 145 1 134 220 502 (^^ LEDGER. 163 Contra. Cr. 1850 Apr. Bv Stock ct' 416 Contra, Cr. Apr. May 1 30 7 June SO By Stock - By Insurance By Ditto - By Balance 22 34 10 600 66: Contra. Cr. Apr. 1 June 22 30 By Stock - - By Rum in Co. By Balance 948 26 351 1327 Contra. Cr. Apr. 8 June 28 30 By Bills Receivable - - - - By Adventure to St. Kitt's in Co. By Balance ------ 2 9 10 147 97 257 7 3 9 ( f ( 502 11 ( H 2 164 LEDGER. (5) Dr. Funded Property. 1850 May 12 To Cash £ 720 s. d. n i; Dr, Hume & Coleman, London. iMa June To Cash To Goods on Commission To Bills Receivable - - Jo Cash To Balance - - - - 274 252 ISO 1.30 313 1102 Dr. London Assurance Company. May June To Richard Concler To Balance - - 7 10 6 87 10 1 8 1 93 11 8 Dr. Henuy Hume, London. May 20 To Goods on Commission (5) LEDGER. 1(J5 Contra. Cr. 18501 June ] By Cash - By Balance 8 10 352 720 Contra. By Goods - - By Ditto - - - - By Goodwill & Blake Cr, Apr. May 405 56'5 130 1102 Contra. Cr. May By Richard Conder By Insurance - - 42 50 93 II Contra. Cr. June 22 30 By Rum in Co. By Balance m3 9 10 26 126 153 166 LEDGER. (Q Dr. Robert Runcorn & Co. Manchester. To Stock ----- To Goods ---------- To Goods on Commission ------ ^1850 Apr. May June £ 428 207 808 1444 d. 2 1 8 11 Dr. Goodwin & Blake, Bristol. Apr. May To Stock - To Sundries 282 131 413 16 Dr. Richard Conder, New York. To Stock To Sundries ---------- To Ditto To Sundries ---------- To Balance ---------- Dr. Holford, Rucker & Co. Hamburgh. 18 To Sundries - Apr. May June 1 3 7 9 10 525 371 46 9 356 1309 Apr. 373 12 (6) TFDrrF.R 16: Contra. Cr. 1850 May June By Bills Receivable By Balance - - 1015 1444 11 Contra. Cr. Apr. June By Bills Receivable 2 By Ditto 8 By Projit S^ Loss 10 1.^0 283 // 413 15 1 // 16 Contra. Cr. Apr. May June By Cash By Bills Receivable - - - - By London Assurance Company By Cotton on Commission - - Contra. June By Bills Receivable By Balance - - 200 400 6 702 1309 19 8 10 150 223 373 Cr. 12 12 M 4 168 Dr. LEDGER. Charges. To Cash To Ditto To Ditto Apr. May June 2 4 8 £ 10 15 30 s. 19 6 11 5Q 17 Dr. Commission. June 10 1441 5 5 141-, 5 Dr. Insurance. Apr. May 30 To Evans & Bayley. 31 To Sundries 1 3 31. 1 7 61 1 95 2 LEDGER. 169 Contra. Cr. June IsJBy 18!By ^JBy lOBy 7|By 20 By 26By 31|Bv 20,By 30 By By Richard Conder , Holford, Rucker, & Co James Forbes & Co Adventure to St. Kitt's in Co. Goods on Commission Goods on Commission Goods on Commission Goodwin & Blake Goods on Commission Richard Conder Profit 4" Z.055 ^ s. 3 1 13 3 5 13 5 3 2 5 8 3 5 - 4 6 - 7 6 - 15 7 -10 9 411 9 - 9 10 31 6 56|l7 1 d: 6 4 5 6 3 3 8 10 5 7 Contra. Cr. Apr. May June 13 By 18 By 7 By lOlBy 7By 20By 26By 6By 25By 20By 22By Richard Conder Holford, Rucker, & Co James Forbes & Co Adventure to St. Kitt's in Co. Goods on Commission Goods on Commission Goods on Commission Richard Conder Cash Goods on Commission Rum in Company 3 10 5 3 12 1 5 2 5 5 21 7 5 8 9 6 14 7 6 26 8 7 3 5 8 3 9 9 20 4 9 22 8 144 5 — Contra. Cr. Apr. May By Richard Conder By Holford, Rucker, & Co By James Forbes & Co By Adventure to St. Kitt's in Co. s 24 8 3 9 13 5 10 7 5 50 14 95 2; 1 1 lYO LEDGER. (?) Dr. Debentures. i«50 Apr. May To Export Goods To Ashes - - ■ Dr. Interest. Apr. June To Cash - - To Ditto - - To Profit ^ Loss 2 1 16' 8 4 10 10 13 15 20 1 Dr. House Expenses. Apr. May June To Cash To Ditto To Ditto 2 23 Ij 4 27 3 8 20 14 71 9 Dr. Profit & Loss. June To Cash - - - - To Ord & Davis - - To Sundries - - - To Stock, for Net gain (8) LEDGER. 171 Contra. Cr. 1850 xMay June By Cash By Ditto 56 10 66 Contra. Cr. Apr. May June By Sundries ------------ 3 By Cash - 4 By Goods on Commission -------- g By Ricliard Conder ---------- g 6 3 1 8 20 Contra. Cr. June 30 By Pro/it S^ Loss 10 71 Contra. Cr. June By Rum in Co. ---------- - 9 By Adventure to St. Kitt's in Co. - - - - - - g By Sundries ------------ 10 26 97 317 431 10 172 LEDGER. , (9) Dr. Adventure to St. Kitt's in Co. 1850 May June To Sundries To Ditto - £ 772 194 966 Dr. Goods on Commission. Apr. May June To Cash - - paid Charges ^ Sally and Union- - To Ditto - - paid Ditto ^ Jean To Sundries for N. Proceeds, &c. of 40 Ps. Osnaburgs To Sundries for N. Proceeds, &c. of 200 Ps. Linen To Sundries for N. Proceeds, &c. of 450 Ps. Muslins To Cash - - paid Charges ^ Fanny - - - - To Sundries for N. Proceeds, &c. of 20 Bales Cotton 13 5 164 278 620 80 728 1891 7 4 Dr. Rum (in Co.) May 22 |l5 June 22 22 To Cash - - - To Moss & Benson To Cash - - - To Sundries - - 152 627 4 102 887 Dr. Moss & Benson, Liverpool. May. 15 To Bills Payable 627 9 "■ (9) LEDGER. 173 Contra. Cr 185C June 28 Rv Wini'im R'liirroft _--_-- __ .0 966 9 d. II Contra. Cr. May June 26 7 W 15 20 By Cash, received for 70 Pieces Muslins, ^ Jean - By Norris & Bell, for 40 Pieces Osnaburgs - - - By Sundries - - for 200 Pieces Linen - - - - By Sundries - - for 400 Pieces Muslins - - - By R. Runcorn & Co. for 20 Bales Cotton - - - 4 5 5 6 9 70 169 287 555 808 II 1, 13 16 17 II II II 8 8 1891 7 4 Contra. Cr. June ^^ Ru Sliinci pipi ___•_____.._.• 9 887 // // Contra. Cr. May 15 7 627 9 // 174 LEDGER. (10) Dr. James Forbes & Co. Dublin. 1850 May June 7|To Sundries - 10 To Bills Payable £ 449 150 599 Dr. Collins & Greenhill, Montrose. June To Bills Payable To Balance 8 10 360 388 749 Dr. William Bancroft, St. Kitt's. June 28 To Adventure to St. Kitt's in Co. 966 Dr. Balance. June 30 To Sundries ^ Journal. 10 7613 16 (10) LEDGER. 171 Contra. Cr. 1850 May June 20 By Linen on Commission 30 By Balance - - - - 6 10 264 335 699 Contra. Cr. May By Osnaburgs on Commission By Muslins on Commission - 156" 593 749 Contra. Cr. June By Bills Receivable By Balance - - .1 350 616 9QQ Contra. Cr. June 30 By Sundries ^ Journal. 10 7613 16 END OF LEDGER C. SET D. ON PARTNERSHIP, Or when two or more Persons join their Capitals in Trade. N C 179 ) ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES AND RULES. CHAP. V. ON PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTS. PARTNERSHIP is when two or more persons unite in Trade, and agree to divide the Profits, or sustain the Losses arising from the concern, according to their respective shares in the Capital, The methods of stating Partnership Accounts usually given by writers on Book-keeping, and which are taught in most Schools, being obsolete and useless in business, it is unnecessary to enumerate them, we shall therefore proceed to state such as are approved and followed in modern practice. The Books of a Copartnery should be kept as if they belonged to one person only, but the plural number should be used, We, us, and ours, instead of /, me, mine, and the like. When the Capital is fixed upon to be employed in the Business. Sundries Drs. to Stock (in Co.) Each Partner — for his share or proportion. When these Shares are paid in. Cash (or the article received) D7\ to Sundries. To each Partner — for his share. In general, one account is sufficient for each Partner, and it sliould be kept in the same manner as that of any neutral person. If the Capital be increased, the entries are the same as at commence- ment ; if it be decreased, the entries are reversed. At Balancing the Books, if the business has been successful, and the profits are to be divided, enter Profit and Loss Dr. to each Partner for his share of gain. When the Profit is to be applied to increase the Stock, enter Profit and Loss Dr. to Stock for net gain.- If there has been a Loss on the Business, the last entries are reversed No other Entry is necessary until some of the Partners are leaving the concern, or until an alteration in the shares take place ; in either case the books should be previously balanced, and each partner's account closed. The business of a West-India Merchant, who is in part owner and husband of several ships, affords very great variety in the transactions ; and to render that variety as extensively useful as possible, we have made the present set a Company Concern. As the Subsidiary Books in tne preceding set are given complete, it is presumed by this time that the Leiu-ner fully understands the method of journalising them ; on this account, as well as to avoid extending the work, we have given only the Journal and Ledger, which are sufficient for exhibiting the method of stating Partnership Accounts. N 2 180 PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTS. REMARKS ON THE FOLLOWING SET: JOUKNAL. This Book commences with the articles of a former Balance, supposed to be transferred from a preceding Ledger. The goods received to sell on Commission in a West-India business being generally bulky, we have opened separate accounts for each ar- ticle. This is preferable to opening accounts for the goods received by each vessel, because fewer accounts in general are necessary ; besides the amount of the sales of each article is seen at one view, together with what remains on hand at taking a Balance. It is remarkable that no writer on this subject has mtroduced either at the opening or closing of the Books, examples of consignments on which money has been advanced for charges, although a very common case in real business. By avoiding transactions of this kind, the fallacy of the method of stating the charges, adopted by some late writers, does not appear. In order to shew the proper method, we have introduced examples of consignments on hand at the opening of the books. These accounts being charged with every outlay previous to the former Balance, are afterwards debited for the charges arising from the disposal of the goods, such as Interest and Commission. The difference of the two sides consequently must be the charges remaining unpaid (if any) and the sum for Warehouse or Cellar-rent, * and these accounts are closed by transferring the same to the Cr. side of Charges, f This should al- ways be done when any of the Goods on Commission are sold. In the month of September more consignments are received, on which the usual charges at landing are paid, and therefore entered to the Dr. of these respective accounts ; but agreeable to a writer above alluded to, who says his ** arrangement is according to the approved practice of the first Counting-houses,"" these would have been carried to the general ac- count of Charges, and consistently enough, with what that account should exhibit, the difference of the two sides at Balancing carried to Profit and Loss. % Agreeable to the practice of the best regulated Counting-houses, we * This article of charge is in general not an outlay, as one of the writers above al- luded to, invariably makes it. t See month of August, Journal, page If/]. % Or granting he had not carried the whole of the balance of this account to Profit and Loss, he must have only supposed that such a part belonged to his employers, and carried the same to Balance Account accordir)gly. We say supposed, for it would be but guess work to select from the general mass of charges upon the business that pro- portion for which his employers were accountable. To some his method may appear at first view to be both systematic and correct, but the experienced Accountant will consider it rather an idle speculation of a mere theo- rist, than an improvement of modern practice. REMARKS ON THE FOLLOWING SET. m have charged Interest on all Accounts, whether real or personal, * and estimated the Balances of those of the former, at what is considered their present value. This is always necessary, in order to take an ac- curate and satisfactory Balance. It is particularly so in Partnership concerns, previously to any partner leaving the business, or new ones being admitted ; because if this be not attended to, the Profits or Losses will appear so much greater or less, as the interest may be either in fa- vour of, or against the Balance. LEDGER. The accounts in this Book are opened by placing together all accounts of the same kind. This arrangement will be found exceedingly useful in extensive trade, as we have occasion frequently to look into accounts of a particular class at the same time. I'he only accounts that require any farther explanation are. Stock, and the Partners Jccounts. STOCK is considered as a Joint-account, to be divided at such periods and in such proportions as are directed by the articles of Copartnery ; previous to which the Balance should always include the amount or value of the Company's estate, both Real and Personal. The PARTNERS ACCOUNTS are kept in the same way as those of any other person : they exhibit only the money paid to, or any other articles received from the concern for private use, together with the in- terest on their respective shares, and the sum allowed as a salary to the {partner who manages the business, llie Balances are carried forward ike any other personal accounts, until the profits be divided, or an al- teration in the shares take place, or the term of the copartnery expire, previous to any of which these accounts must necessarily be closed. It is not necessary that the Profits or Losses at every General Balance appear at the respective accounts of the partners in the Ledger : it is sufficient to note these under the Stock Account, as we have done, until a general division of that account takes place. In fixed Companies it is usual to keep what is called a Sederunt or Docquet Book, containing an Abstract of every General Balance taken from the Ledger, and which statement is closed by the lespective shares of each partner, the amount of these being the Balance of the Stock Account in the Ledger. This abstract is signed by each of the partners in terms of the contract. * It may be here noticed, that no interest is computed on such accounts as are ei- ther considered as decreasing in value, or where the interest is settled for at a future period : of the latter description are Funded projwrh/^ and share in liopework, the in- terest of both, when received, is posted from the Cash-Book to the Cr. side of the In- terest Account. This method should always be adopted with regard to money borrowed on bond or the like, where the interest is paid annually or half yeaily. N 3 C 182 ) TERMS OF COPARTNERY. The following is an Inventory of our Effects, both Real and Personal, being a List of the Balances in our favor and against us : Henry Thornton and John Gordon, transferred from a preceding Ledger, dated 30th June: each concerned in the following proportions, viz. Henry Thornton three-fourths, and John Gordon one-fourth Share. The Business to be carried on under the Firm of Thornton and Gordon, and to be managed by John Gordon, for which he is to be allowed ct*400 ^ annum in name of salary. JOURNAL 1). Containing all the Transactions in Trade, of THORNTON AND GORDON, Merchants in London. M EXTRACTED MONTHLY FROM THE ^%. ,4 A^ Cash-Book C^Jji^r-^^lif'^r^^'' Bill-Book %Zi.'U^-J^^K4^ Purchase-Book ^ iK^ ^^Xp Invoice-Book, X, ^>^t^-vv* r^^ '- / j' ^^*^ Account-Sales-Book, and ^^i^^l^^j^^ -^ Day-Book. Q^l^^^-t'^.Mk^^/^^'^'y^/^ Commencmg July \sty 1830. JOURNAL D. ^U^^^iJi^ 114 184 JOURNAL. LONDON, July, 1850. (10) 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 10 9 9 7 7 8 SuNDRiRS Drj. h96 Ship Britannia, our One-fourth. Dr. July Sep. To Stock - - To Sundries - To Profit ^ Loss 1 15 627 7 123 757 Rope- WORK Company, our One-sixth. Dr. July To Stock 450 COUNTING-ROOM AND CELLARS. Dr. July Sep. To Stock - - To Sundries - - (Interest) 1 14 650 8 658 (^) LEDGER. 209 Contra. Cr. 1850 Sep. By Cash 9 By Ditto - 12 By Sundries 13 By Balance ------------ i6 897 357 740 2600 4596 Contra. Cr. Aug. Sep. By Cash - By Balance 5 16 157 600 757 19 ^9 Contra. Cr. Sep. SO By Balance Contra. 16 450 Cr. Sep. 30 By Balance 16 658 210 LEDGER. W Sugar on Commission. Dr. 1850 July Aug. Sep. To Stock - To Sundries To Charges To Cash To Sundries 845 1229 8 2083 314 ^079 3394 1 1 1 Rum on Commission. Dr. July Aug Sep. To Stock - To Sundries To Charges To Cash To Sundries 381 6*70 9 1061 73 388 46J 14 8 Cotton on Commission. Dr, July Aug. Sep. 15 To Stock - To Sundries [To Ditto - To Charges To Sundries 13 139 317 378 3 839 16" Mahogany on Commission. Dr. July Sep. To Stock - - - To Thomas Kilgour To Sundries - - To Ditto - - - 1 226 60 318 (i) LEDGER. 211 Contra. Cr. 1850J Aug. 31 Sep. 30 By Sundries By Balance 16 2083 3394 11 Contra. Cr. Aug. Sep. By Sundries By Cash - Sep. 30 By Balance 16 922 138 1061 461 14 Contra. Cr. July Aug. Sep. 20 30 By William Todd By William Todd By Balafice 16 378 460 839 16 Contra. Cr. Sep. 30 By James Forbes & Co. By Balance - - - P2 258 60 318 19 212 LEDGER. (5) Merchandise. Dr. 1850 July Aug. To Stock - To Sundries £ 235 1671 1906 16 Charges. Dr. July Aug. Sep. To Cash To Ditto To Ditto 6 8 60 7415 5 Interest, Dr. Aug. Sep. To Cash - - To Sundries - To Profit Sf Loss 1 200 47 248 14 // Commission. Dr. Sep. 30 To Projit S^- Loss 115 203 10 4 203 10 (5) LEDGER. 213 Contra. Cr. 1850 Sep. 20 // 30 By Sundries - By Debentures By Balance 1746 132 27 1906 16 Contra. Cr. Aug. Sep. By Sundries -----. By Ditto - By Ditto By Proprietors of Hope Estate By Prqfii Sf Loss 21 37 2 // 12 74 15 5 Contra. Cr. July Aug. Sep. 5 20 27 1 31 // 30 By Cash By Cotton on Commission - By Cash By Cotton on Commission - • By Rum on Commission - • By Sugar on Commission - ■ By Cash By Sundries ------ By Proprietors of Hope Estate 40 1 22 1 5 16 54 100 5 248 14 6 4 // 6 3 7 s 9 10 Contra. By Cotton on Commission - • By Insurance -----. By Cotton on Commission - ■ By Rum on Commission - ■ By Sugar on Commission - • By Insurance -----. By Sundries ------ By Mahogany on Commission > By Sundries ------ By Proprietors of Hope Estate vS Cr. July Aug. Sep. 20 26 30 91 9 18jl7 11 10 11 10 54 7 12! 2 4 // I 203 10 4 214. LEDGER. Debentures. C^ Dr. ISoO July Sep. To Stock - - To Merchandise 180 132 313 Insurance. Dr. July Aug. Sep. To Sundries - - - - To Ditto To Ditto To London Assurance Co. To Profit Sf Loss - - - 385 331 218 107 // 1044 10 Duties. Dr. Sep. 30 To Cash 2804 Profit & Loss. Dr. Sep. To Cash To John Gordon - - - - To Sundries - - - - - To Slock in Co. for Net Gain 52 100 12 1141 1306 (6) LEDGER. 215 Contra. Cr. 1850 July Sep. By Cash Sj By Ditto g; By Balance ------------ l6 £ 103 6*7 132 313 Contra. Cr. July Aug. Sep. By Sundries ------------ 4 By Ditto 7 By Ditto ----- 10 By Ditto 11 385 331 218 108 1044 10 Contra. Cr. Sep. 15 By Sundries 13 2804 Contra. Cr. Sep. 30 By Sundries 15 1306 1306 p 4 216 LEDGER. (7) Matthew Good air, Jamaica. Dr. 1 1850 July Aug. Sep. To Stock - - To Bills Payable To Sundries - To Commusion To Sundries - 204 136 249 1 S 595 Waller & Co. Jamaica. Dr. July Sep. To Stock - - To Insurance - To Bills Payable To Sundries - To Commission To Sundries - To Balance 637 214 350 184 3 8 38 143810 4 Mures, Fordyce & Co. Jamaica. Dr. July Sep. To Bills Payable To Insurance - To Sundries - To Coinmission To Sundries - 330 11:^ SSS 1 6 785 15' 9 13 John Hanson, Jamaica. Dr. July Sep. To Insurance - To Bills Payable To Commissiofi To Sundries To Balance 4 58 7 4 10 225 15 // 13 1 2 7 14 II 13 9 16 43 12 10 329 11 6 Cr) LEDGER. 217 Contra. Cr. July Aug. Sep. By Bills Receivable - - By Sugar on Commission ~ Balance - - - - SO By 150 430 15 595 d. Contra. Cr. July 8 Aug. 9 1 20 Sep. 15 26 By Cash By Bills Receivable - - - By Cotton on Commission - By Rum on Commission By Insurance - - - - - By Mahogany on Commission 150 279 180 524 84 220 43810 4 Contra. Cr. July Aug. Sep. By Stock - - - - . By Rum on Commission By Insurance - - - . By Balafice - - - - 520 117 44 103 785 Contra. Cr. July Sep. By Cotton on Commission By Insurance 306 22 329 11 218 LEDGER. (8) Hope Estate in Jamaica, our One-third. Dr. 1850 July Sep. To Stock - To Sundries 3175 39 32} 5 Proprietors of Hope Estate. Dr. Aug. Sep. To Cash I'o Insurance To Sundries To Ditto - 173 208 739 302 1424 John & Archibald Sidney, Jamaica. Dr. Au^. 23 1 r- 1/ Sep. 10 20 30 II To Cash - - To Bills Payable To Ditto - - To Sundries - To Commission To Sundries - 5 42 14 6 390 14 10 120 // 11 440 1 13 2 15 14 II 16 997 // Francis Barlow, St. Kitt's. Dr. July Sep. To Bills Payable To Commission To Sundries To Balance 250 1 II 205 457 (8) LEDGER. 2ia Contra. Cr. 1850 Sep. 30 By Proprietors of Hope Estate Bt/ Balance ------ 97 3117 3215 Contra. Cr. Aug. Sep. By Sugar on Commission -------- 7 By Bills Receivable ---------- 10 By Insurance ------------ 730 625 68 16 12 1424 Contra. Sep. By Proprietors of Hope Estate By Balance ------ Cr. 14 16 194 802 16 997 //H Contra. Cr. July Aug. By Stock By Cotton on Commission 272 184 457 220 LEDGER. (9) James Forbes & Co. Dublin. Dr. 1850 July Aug, Sep. 26 To Stock ------ To Rum on Commission To Mahogany on Commission 1 8 640 500 258 1^99 Richard Mortimer, Bristol. Dr. July Aug. To Stock - - - - - To Sugar on Commission 725 522 1247 17 10 10 William Ainsworth, Manchester. Dr. Aug. Sep. To Rum on Commission To Balance - - - • 8 16 201 120 322 Brookes & Spencer, Birmingham. Dr. Sep. To Ship Minerva To Balance - 12 16 9^ 423 m LEDGER. 221 Contra. Cr. 1850 Aug.] Sep. 9 Rv Tlill« Ppppivflhlp .....-.-.I 5 10 16 640 500 258 s. 10 5 8 II II 9 1399 3 9 Contra. Cr. July 1 Sep. 2 3 9 Rv "Rillc Rppfivahlp __.------- 15 725 522 15 2 // // // 10 fi Rv Dlttn __--_--__---- By Profit Sf Loss - - - - - 1247 17 10 Contra. Cr. Aug. 1 1 By Merchandise .--------■.- 6 322 10 5 322 10 5 Contra. Cr. July 1 Rv ^fr»pTf .__«••••••••>•- 2 423 16 // 423 16 // ^J22 LEDGER. (lo; William Todd, London. Dr. 1850 July Aug. To Stock To Cotton on Commission To Cotton on Commission Jt .y. d. 210 12 II S78 10 10 460 10 3 1049 IS I Smith & Tindal, London. Dr. July Sep. To Cash - - To Ditto - - To Ship Minerva 108 2S6 124 469 13 Ash & GuRNEY, London. Dr. July Aug. To Cash - - - -^ . To Rum on Commission 53 220 273 10 10 Thomas Kilgour, London. Dr. July Sep. To Cash - - To Ship Minerva To Balance - • SO 82 29 142 vlO) LEDGER. 22S Contra. Cr. 1850 Aug. Sep. By Cash - By Balance 5 16 210 839 1049 13 Contra. Cr. July Aug Sep. By Stock - - By Merchandise J5y Balance 2 6 16 108 236 124 469 Contra. Cr. July Sep. By Stock - By Balance 2 16 53 220 273 Contra. Cr. July By Stock - By Mahogany on Commission 140 1 142 16 13 224 LEDGER. (11) London Assurance Company Dr. 1850 Sep. To Insurance To Balance 10 16 £ 1561 // 486 642 James Hazard, London. Dr. Sep. To Insurance To Balance 10 16 62 89 152 Jones & Coleman, London. Dr. Sep. To Cash 399 Henry Hume & Son, London. Dr. Sep. 8 To Cash 611 (11) ZjEDGER. 225 Contra. Cr. 1850 July Aug Sep. 10 31 20 4 7 in ct 222 107 .V. 4 18 17 d. II 6 6 Rv Ditfo _---------- __ Rv Ditto «.---------__ ■ 642 /• // Contra. Cr. July Aug 6 2 By Insurance ------------ Rv Ditto ------------- 4 7 55 97 10 4 // 4 152 15 CoNTiiA. Cr. Aug. 3] By Merchandise ----------- 6 399 7 6 ' Contra. Cr. Aug 31 By Merchandise ----------- 6 611 9 6 226 LEDGER.* (12) John Panton, London. Dr. Aug. Sep. 4 30 To Sugar on Commission -------_ To Ship Minerva ------.----- 1 ! ^ 8 24() i 5:> it d. 8 9 203 6 5 Dennison Si Son, London. Dr. i Aug. 10 To Sugar on Commission -------- 8 777 6 1 Edward Hemming, London. Dr. Aug. 15 To Sugar on Commission -- - 8 5SQ 19 10 Balance. Dr. Sep. 30 Tn Siimflri/'* — - - • >_•-«'« m ■> - ifi 19746 12 1 m) LEDGER. 227 1 Contra. Cr |i»50 iSep. 30 ! ^ 6 S03 i i s. 6 d. 5 1 J Contra. Cr. Sep. 30 6 777 6 1 Contra. • Cr. 1 Sep. 1 30 5 5SQ 19 10 Contra. Cr. 1 Sep. 30 19746 12 I Q 2 END OF LEDGER D. 229 APPENDIX: CONTAINING, I. QUERIES, with their ANSWERS, on Bills and Merchants' Accounts. 1. Wnat is nicant by a Receipt ? Ans. A Receipt is a written acknowledgement of having a sum of money, or a bill, in settlement of an Accomit. 2. What is meant hy a Bill ? Ans, A Bill is a written obligation to pay a certain sum at a specified time. 3. Hoto many kinds of Bills are there ? Ans, Two: Inland and Foreign Bills. 4. What is an Inland Bill ? Ans, A Bill payable in the same Country where it is drawn. 5. How are Inland Bills distinguished? Ans. Into Drafts and Promissory Notes ; the former containing an order, and the latter a promise. 6. How many persons are generally concerned in an Inland Bill? Ans. Two : The Drawer and Acceptor. 7. Who is meant by the Drawer ? Ans. The Person to whom tlie Bill is made payable, or who recovers the sum or value of the Bill. 8. Who is vieant by the Acceptor ? Ans. The Person on whom it is drawn, and who pays the Value when due. 9. What is meant by accepting a Bill ? Ans. Signing your name under that of the Drawer, by which you bind your- self to pay it when due, as having received the value. 10. What is meant by indorsing a Bill? Ans. The Holde- of a Bill, before he can pay it away, when it has been made payable to his order, must indorse it, (by writing his name on the back of it, across the paper or stamp, and against the end of the line) being in effect a proaiise to pay, (if the Bill be duly presented,) should the Acceptor j or an3 of the preceding Indorsers fail. 1 1 . How many kinds oj^ Indorsations are there ? Ans. Two : Blank and Special Indorsements. 12. What is meant by a Blank or General Indorsement, Ans. Writing your name only on the back of the bill. 13. What is meant by a special indorsement ? Ans. When the Holder names the person to whom it is indorsed, the Bill is said to be specially indorsed. ci 3 ^230 QUERIES ON INLAND BILLS. 14. Which of the two Indorsements are to be preferred in remitting Bills f Ans. A special indorsement ; because, should the Bill fall into impro- per hands, the person's name to whom it is indorsed must be Forged before it can be negociated, and consequently fraud or imposition is prevented as much as possible. 15. When the Term of a Bill is expressed in Months, vohether are Calendar or Lunar Months understood ? Ans. Calendar Months are always understood. 16. Explain this by an Example. Ans. Suppose a Bill, dated on the 1st January, and made payable at one month after date, the term or Month expires on the 1st February ; and if a Bill be dated on 1st February at one month's date, the term expires on the last or 28th of February, in common years, but on the 29th in leap years. 17. What is understood by Days of Grace? Ans. Days of Grace are a certain number of days granted after the term of the Bill is expired. Three days are allowed in Great Britain. 18. Are Days of Grace allotvedon Bills drawn at sight? Ans. No : They must be either paid, or protested, when presented. 19. If a Bill falls due on a Sunday, or any holiday at the Bank, when must it be paid? Ans. On Saturday, or the day before the holiday. 20. Is a Bill dated on Sunday considered valid? Ans. No : at least Bankers will not discount such, as it is presumed no busi- ness was transacted on that day. 21. What is meant by getting a Bill discounted ? Ans. To discount a Bill means to procure Cash for it before it falls due. 22. How is this done ? Ans. By indorsing the Bill to any person or banker, who pays the money, deducting Interest for the time it has to run. 23. When a Bill is made payable at so many Weeks after date, how is the time of Payment known ? Ans. By allowing seven days to the week, and reckoning the number of days from the date of the Bill. 24<. PVhat is meant by protesting a Bill? Ans. A Protest is an instrument in writing (taken by a notary public) in favour of the holder of the Bill, which is not duly accepted or paid. 25. When should a Bill be presented for payment ? Ans. Upon the last day of Grace, and within bank hours. 26. When ought a Bill to be protested, if not paid? Ans. 'Ihe evening of the day on which it falls due, or last day of grace. 27i What is the consequence should the Holder neglect to protest the Bill in due time ? Ans, He loses recourse against the Drawer and Indorsers, and can sue the Acceptor only for payment. 28. When ought Inland Bills not paid to be returned? Ans. Inland Bills may be kept fourteen days, but not longer. 29. Hovi soon can payment of a Bill be inforced after it has been protested ? Ajis. a charge may be given immediately, and six days thereafter the Ac- ceptor or his property may be attached. 30. For what length of time is a Bill infoixe ? QUERIES ON FOREIGN BILLS. 231 Ans. A Bill continues effectual for six years, although not regularly pro- tested ; and forty years when duly protested. 31. What is meant bi/ a ¥oREiGT- Cent, which his business has yielded during the six months ? 5. At the dissolution of a Company Concern, the Partners agreed to divide their Effects as follows : A. is to take the Goods on hand, valued ^ In- ventory ^728 ,/ 15, at 10 ^ Cent, discount. B. Collects the open Accounts, amounting to j^521 „ 13 „ 4, which are assigned to him at 15/ ^ Pound. And C. debits himself for the Bills in hand ^ sBMO „ 1 1 „ 3 on being allowed 1^ f^ Cent, for Commission and Risk. How will Ac- counts stand betwixt them, A. having 4 shares, B. 3 shares, and C. 2 shares of the business ? 6. On the 1st July, 1825, Our one-third share of Hope Estate, in Jamaica, stood indebted to us ^3175 „ 6 „ 2 sterling : on the 2d August our Part- ners, in Jamaica, J. & A. Sydney, advise us that they have shipped 60 Casks Sugar, ^ the Minerva, to London, which we have insured with the London Assurance Company, on ,^^1700, at 9 Guineas '^ Cent. Policy 5/Q ^ Cent, (to return 4 '^ Cent, for Convoy and Arrival) 5^^165 ^ 6 h 6 and we charge \ ^ Cent. Commission on the sum insured, ^8 „ 10 : they also advise that they have shipped 20 Hhds Sugar, ^ the Neptune, to Bristol, for sale, which we have also insured with the London Assurance Company, on ^600, at 5 Guineas ^ Cent, certain, Policy 33/ ^31 „ 13 our Commission i ^ Cent. ^3. On the 17th we accepted J. & A. Sid- ney's two Drafts, the one ^^120,, 14 due 2d October: the other, EAEKaSES rOR PRACTICE. 247 ^170, due 12th October, on their own account. Qn the 18th we pay J. Craig, ^ receipt, on account of the Estate, ^173 „ 15. On the 20th, we sell to sundry Persons 25 Hhds. Sugar, which had formerly been on hand ; the net proceeds of which amount to ^^^730 « 16 « 3. On the 23d we paid Smith ^ order on their account, ^42 „ 14-. On 10th September we ac- cept on their account, their Draft ^ ^120, due 2d November. On the 15th September, the Minerva arrives safe with Convoy, and we charge the London Assurance Company for the return of Premium at 4 ^ Cent. ^68. On the 20th, we ship off Goods ^ the Dolphin, for account of the Estate, which amount with Charges, Commission, and Insurance, to ^739 ./ 6 // 2, and on their own account. Goods to the amount of ^'440// 1. On the 25th, the Agents at Bristol inform us of having sold the 20 Hhds. and enclose us Bills for the proceeds, amount a^625 « 2. — Required a state of these transactions made up to 30th September, with the other Partners, including interest. The Interest on our Stock is ^39 " 13 « 10: we charge ^ fk' Cent. Commission on our Disbursements, which is ^^4; for Postage of Letters 12/6. The balance of Interest due us on the trans- actions of the Estate is ^5 « 19 « 10. We charge J. & A. Sidney i '<^ Cent. Commission on their transactions, ^2 > Cent. " To guard a person's interest" is to protect his property, and watch over his concerns. INVENTORY, an account or catalogue of effects ; a schedule. INVOICE, a paper sent off with goods exported on commission, or for the shipper's own account. JERQUING, of a ship, is a search performed by an officer of the customs (called Jerquer) after she is unloaded, to see if there are no unentered goods concealed. JETSAM is when a ship is in danger of being sunk, and, to lighten her, the goods are thrown into the sea, and the ship notwithstanding perishes. JOURNAL, a book in which is recorded the transactions of the Day-Book, and the subsidiary ones, having the Drs. and Crs. pointed out, in order to post them with more ease into the Ledger. K. KAY, Key, Quay, a wharf or building of stone by the water side, in a sea- port, for loading and unloading goods. KEYAGE, the money or toll paid for loading or unloading goods or mer- chandize at a key or wharf. LAGAN is when goods are cast into the sea to lighten a ship, and which are so heavy that they sink to the bottom, and therefore the mariners fasten to them a buoy or cork, to enable them to find them again. LAND-WAITER, an officer of the Custom-house, whose duty it is, upon the landing of merchandize, to take an account of the same. LAST AGE, the ballast or lading of a ship ; sometimes the word is used for garbage, rubbish, &c. LEAKAGE, an allowance in the customs granted to the importers of liquors, which are supposed to have received damage in their passage. LEASE, a contract by which, ifi consideration of some payment, a temporary possession is granted of houses or lands. COMMERCIAL TERMS. 263 LEDGER is the principal book of accounts kept by merchants and trades- men, in which the state of every person's account is seen. LEGACY, a bequest or gift of money, goods, or chattels by testament. LEGATEE, the person to whom a legacy is bequeathed LETTER of Advice, a letter giving notice of any transaction, siich as advising your correspondent that you have drawn on him, shipt goods to his order, &c. LETTER, or Power of Attorney, a writing which empowers one person there- in named to act for another. LETTER of Credit is where a merchant or correspondent writes a letter to another, requesting him to credit the bearer with a certain sum of money. LETTER of Licence is a written permission granted to a persoti under efti- barrassment, allowing him to conduct his affairs for a certain time without being molested. LETTERS of Marque are commissions granted to captains or merchants in time of war, to make reprisals on the ships of the enemy. LETTERS Patent, a privilege granted to an inventor, to entitle him ex- clusively to enjoy the advantages of his invention for a term of years. LICENCE, a legal permission to carry on some branch of business on which a duty is laid. LIEN, a claim or attachment on any property which a person has in his pos- session, for a debt due to him from the owner of the property. LIFE ANNUITIES, annual payments to continue during any given life or lives. LIGHT BILLS, charges paid to the Trinity House, London, for light-houses, buoys, &c. k LIGHT-HOUSE, a tower situate on an eminence upon the sea coast, or at the entrance of some port or river, for the direction of ships in dark nights, by means of some sort of illumination, as fire, candles, or lamps. LIGHTERAGE, money given for loading or unloading a ship by means of a boat or lighter. LIQUIDATION means the winding up of a business, such as paying and re- ceiving all debts relating to the concern. LOAN, any thing lent on condition of being returned; or sums, generally of large amount, borrowed from individuals, or public bodies, for the service of the state, and which form part of the national debt. See Stocks. LOT, a portion or parcel of goods. This term is usually applied to any parcel of goods put up at once at an auction or public sale. M + MANIFEST, a regular list of a ship's cargo, containing the mark and No. of each separate package, the names of the persons to whom they are con- signed, which paper must be signed by the master of the vessel, before any of the goods can be landed. MANUFACTURE, an article produced by labour or machinery from any raw material. MANUFACTORY, denotes a place where several artificers are making any commodity, or article of merchandize. s 4 264 EXPLANATION OF MART, a place of public traffic ; a great market or fair. MATUHrry, in Bills, is when they become due, or payable. MAXIMUM, the highest price of any article, as fixed by some law or regu- lation. MERCHANDIZE, all sorts of goods which may be bought or sold. MERCHANT, a wholesale dealer in all sorts of goods on his own account. MINIMUM, the lowest price of any article, as fixed by some regulation. MINT, the place where the public or current money is coined. MONEY, metal coined for the purposes of commerce. MONOPOLY, the sole power or privilege of selling any commodity, whereby any person, or bodies politic or corporate, are sought to be restrained of any freedom they had before. MORTGAGE, a pawn of land, or tenement, or any thing moveable, laid or bound for money borrowed. The person borrowing the money is called the mortgager, and the lender the mortgagee. MULETS, fines laid on ships or goods for the maintenance of consuls, garri- sons, &c. MUTUAL DEBTS, when two traders are indebted to each other, one debt may be set off against the other, and in case of bankruptcy, mutual credits, as well as mutual debts, may be set off. MUTUAL PROMISE is when one person promises to another to pay money, or do some other act, and he, in consideration thereof, promises to do a certain act, &c. N. NATIONAL DEBT is a debt due by any whole Political Community, as re- presented by their legislature and government. NAVY BILLS. See Bills, Navy. NET PROCEEDS, the sum which goods produce after every deduction is made. NET WEIGHT, the weight of any commodity, after every deduction is made, and for which the price is charged. NON-CLAIM is where a creditor neglects to make his claim within a proper time, in which case he cannot enforce his demand. NOTARY-PUBLIC, a person duly appointed to attest deeds and writings ; he also notes or protests bills of exchange, inland and foreign, and pro- missory notes, when refused or returned. NOTE, a memorandum, or a written order for money. NOTING is the act of a Notary when a bill or draft is not duly honoured, or, in other words, refused acceptance or payment. o. OBLIGATION is a bond containing a penalty with a condition annexed, either for the payment of money, performance of covenants, or the like. OBLIGEE, he to whom a bond is made payable. OBLIGER, the person who enters into a bond, or he by whom it is to be |lh,id. COMMERCIAL TERMS. 265 OFFICE, a place where business is transacted. OMNIUM, a term used among Stock-jobbers, to express all the articles included in the contracts between Government and the original sub- ORDNANCE DEBENTURES, Bills issued by the Board of Ordnance for the payment of Stores, &c. purchased for that department. ORDER, a direction from one house to another, to effect certain Purchases, &c. upon limited or unlimited conditions. PACK or Package, any quantity of goods tied up for carriage. The latter term also denotes the charge made for tying up the goods. PACKER, a person who carries on the business of packing goods. PAR OF EXCHANGE, is the intrinsic value of the money of one country, compared with that of another, with respect both to the weight and fineness. PARCEL, a term applied both to small packages of wares, and to large lots of goods. In this last sense, 20hhds. of sugar, or more, if bought at one price, or ill a single lot, are denominated " a parcel of sugar." PARTNERSHIP, is when two or more persons unite in trade, and agree to participate in the profits or losses according to their respective shares in the capital employed in the concern. PART-OWNERS, persons concerned in ship-matters, and who have joint shares therein. PASS IN CONFORMITY, or " to state in conformity,'' is to acknowledge that an account transmitted is correct. PAWN, a pledge lodged for the security of the payment of a sum of money borrowed. PAWNBROKER, a person who advances money upon pledges, for which he is allowed interest after the rate of 25 f^ Cent. i. e. Sd. ^ shilling. PAYEE, the person to whom a bill is made payable ; and also the person en- titled to receive payment of any sum of money. PAYER, he who binds himself to the payment of bills, bond, or any sum of money, either verbally or in writing. ''PENALTY, a forfeiture for disobedience to certain laws or regulations : a I rn>w ii ^penalty also is usually annexed to secure payment of money, the per- formance of certain covenants in a deed, articles of co-partnership, &c. PERMIT, a license from the Excise, for persons to remove exciseable articles, denoting that the duties have been paid. PERPETUITY, the number of years' purchase to be given for an annuity which is to continue for ever. -'PES AGE, money paid for weighing goods or any merchandize. PIERAGE, money paid by masters of ships for the use of a pier. PILOT, a person employed to conduct ships over bars and sands, or through intricate channels, into a road or harbour. PILOTAGE, money paid for piloting a ship. POLICY OF ASSURANCE, the deed or instrument by which a contract of assurance is effected. PORTAGE, money paid for sailors' wages while in port: also money paid fx)r the use of a port in shipping or landing goods. ^66 EXPLANATION OF PORT-SALE, a sale of goods upon the key. POST-ENTRY. When goods are weighed or measured, and the nrierchant has got an account thereof at the custom-house, and finds his entry already too small, he must make a post or an additional entry for the surplusage. POSTING, in Book-keeping , is the mode of transferring articles from the Journal, or the subsidiary books, to, the Ledger. POUNDAGE, the customs and other duties, payable on all goods imported (except those free of duty or liable to tonnage) ; being in most cases levied at so much in the pound, or ^ Cent, on the respective values. PRE-EMPTION, a first buying, or buying before others. PREMIUM, the money paid an underwriter for ensuring the safety of ships, goods, houses, &c. PRICE-CURRENT, a list of the various articles of merchandize in the market, with the present prices annexed to each. In most of the great commercial cities and towns lists of this description are generally pub- lished once or twice a week. PRIMAGE, a certain allowance paid by the shipper or consignee of goods to mariners and master of a vessel for loading the same. PRINCIPAL, the capital sum due, or lent, in opposition to interest. It also means the head of a Firm, or commercial house. PRISAGE, is that custom or share that belongs to the King, out of such mer- chandize as are taken at sea by way of lawful prize. PROCURATION, is where a merchant empowers his clerk or agent to write his signature or Jlrm, in accepting or indorsing bills, &c. PRO FORMA, a term generally applied to a paper shewing the terms or charges attending any particular business, as Pro Forma Account Sales, &c. PROMISSORY-NOTE, a note of hand purporting the payment of a certain sum, at a stated period. PROTEST, a paper made out by a Notary Public, declaring a bill has been presented for acceptance or payment, and was refused Q. QUARANTINE, the time that a ship suspected of infection is restricted from intercourse with the shore : it also means the duty imposed on ships for the purpose of quarantine, QUAY, or Key, see KAY. QUEST-MEN, persons appointed to inquire into abuses, especially such as relate to weights or measures. QUOTATION, a term generally applied to a list of the prices of Exchange. QUOTED ON BOARD, means the price for which a merchant agrees to put goods on board, free of expenses of shipping, to the buyer. R. RE-ASSURANCE, a contract which the first assurer enters into, in order to relieve himself from those which he has incautiously undertaken, by throwing them upon other underwriters, who are called re-assurers. COMMERCIAL TERMS. 2G7 REBATE, is an allowance in the purchase of goods, for prompt payment. see Discount. RECEIPT, an acknowledgement in writing of having received a sum of money, or other value ; and is either a voucher for an obligation dis- charged, or one incurred. RE-EXCHANGE, or Re-change, the price of a new exchange, due upon a bill that comes to be protested, and must be refunded by the drawer, or indorser. REFRACTION, is a deduction from the weight of goods for damages. REFUNDING, the paying back of the money received in consideration of a contract, the conditions of which have not been fulfilled. REGRATING, buying any wares or victuals, and selling them in the market or fair. RELEASE, is the relinquishment of any right of action, which a man has, or may claim, against another. REMITTANCE, a sum of money sent either in bills of exchange or other- wise, from one house to another. RENEWAL OF A BILL, is the cancelling a bill or promissory note due, and accepting another at a certain date in lieu thereof. RESPONDENTIA, a rontract by which money is borrowed on the security of goods and merchandize, the same as in Bottomry on the security of a ship. RESTITUTION, is that when money has been paid wrongfully or by mis- take, the person so paying has a right to demand it back. RETAIL, is a dealing in commodities, in small quantities. RETURNS, a term expressing the value in goods or in money, returned by the consignee of a cargo or parcel of goods to the consigner : the term also means, a return or remittance of bills. RETURN OF PREMIUM, the whole or part of the premium of an insurance which is given back in terms of the Policy. REVENUE, signifies the produce arising from any possessions. Thus the public revenue of a kingdom is the produce of its imposts, in shape of rents, taxes, duties, &c S. SALVAGE, an allowance made for saving a ship or goods, or both, from the danger of the seas, fire, enemies, &c. SAMPLE, a small quantity of an article at a public or private sale, as a spe- cimen of the commodity. SCHEDULE, in commerce, the statement of a Bankrupt's aifairs, delivered by him to the Commissioners appointed to investigate his case. SEARCHER, an Officer of the Custom-house, whose business is to search all ships outward bound, to see whether any prohibited or uncustomed goods are on board. SEA- WORTHY, is when a ship is, in every respect, fitted for her destined voyage. SEIZURE, an arrest of some merchandize, moveable or other matter, either in consequence of some law, or express order of the government. SET-OFF of Mutual Debts, is where tradesmen are mutually indebted, one debt may be set against the other ; and in case any action be brought, 26S EXPLANATION OF notice is to be given of the particular sum or debt intended to be set off" against another. SMUGGLING, the act of importing or exporting goods without payment of the Customs, or Excise duties. SOLIDITY, the character which a mercantile house bears as to property. SOLVENT, a person in trade, who is able to pay his debts. SPECIE, coin as distinguished from paper money. STANDARD, a weight or measure of admitted authority, and by which others are adjusted. It is also taken for the rule of fineness at which gold and silver are fixed by the King to be coined. STAPLE, a place of public sale, or a town or city having such a place. STAPLE-GOODS, such as are sold at a staple; or the principal produce of a country; and also, goods not being liable to perish, as wood, lead iron, &c. STOCK, a fund raised by a Commercial company to be employed in trade; in Book-keeping it denotes the Owner, or Owners of the Books. Stock is a term likewise applied to the Capitals of the Bank of England, and of the East India and South Sea Companies, &c. STOCKS, or Public Funds, are the debts of Government, for which interest is paid from revenues set apart for the purpose. The mode of raising supplies for the State by borrowing money from individuals or public bodies, and levying taxes for the payment of the interest, is called the Funding System ; and the loans thus raised constitute the National Debt. STOCK-BROKER, a person employed to buy or sell shares in the Joint Stock of a Company, or in the Public Funds. STOCK-JOBBER, a person who deals in the public Funds on his own account. STORAGE, warehouse rent. SUBSIDY, an aid or tribute granted to the King by a tax on grounds, lands, &c. It also means a foreign supply or grant. SUPERCARGO, a person employed by Merchants to go a voyage, and over- see their cargo or lading, and dispose of it to the best advantage. SURETY, is when one person becomes bound that another shall pay a certain debt, or perform a certain act. SUTTLE, is the weight of goods after Tare is allowed, and when farther de- ductions are to be made, such as draft or tret. TALLY, a cleft piece of wood to score any account or reckoning upon. TARE, an allowance for the weight of the bag, box, cask, or other package in which the goods are packed up. TARIF, or tariff, a table or catalogue containing the names of different kinds of Merchandise, with the duties to be paid. TELLERS, clerks in public offices, who reckon, receive, and pay money TIDE-WAITERS, or Tidesmen, officers appointed by the Custom-house, to remain on board Merchants' vessels while they have any customable goods on board. TONNAGE, a custom or impost due for Merchandise brought or carried in Tons from, or to, other nations after a certain rate ^ ton. It also means the burden or number of tons which a ship carries. COMMERCIAL TERMS. 269 TONTINE, a scheme upon which annuities for lives are granted, with the benefit of survivorship. TRAFFIC, a general term for Trade, Commerce, Barter, or Exchange. TRANSFER, the act by which one party makes over or assigns his right, interest or property, to another. TRANSIT, a Custom-house warrant to pass. TRET, an allowance on the weight of goods for waste, usually 4lbs. on every 104, or -sVth part of the suttle ; but this allowance is now seldom given. It is allowed in the draft or tare. TRONAGE, a custom or toll for weighing goods. TRUSTEE, a person who has an estate, or money, put or trusted in his hands for the use of another. TUNNAGE, an impost of so much ^ tun of 252 gallons on liquors imported or exported, U. ULLAGE, signifies so much of the contents of a cask, or other vessel, as it wants of being full. UMPIRE. When two arbitrators cannot agree, in settling a dispute, an appeal is made to a third person named, whose decision is final. UNDERWRITER, is an insurer who subscribes his name to policies of in- surance on Ships, Merchandize, ace. USANCE, the usual term or time at which a Bill of Exchange is drawn. USURY, consists in taking more than five '^ Cent, for the loan of money when the obligation to repay is absolute. V. VALUE, to value in a mercantile sense, is to draw a Bill ; the words *<^ value received," or "value in account," are also mentioned in every Bill of Ex- change, although not essential to their validity. VELLON, a money in which accounts are kept in many parts of Spain. VOUCHER, a document or paper proving that some payment has been made, or other transaction effected. w. WAREHOUSE, a receptacle for Wares and Merchandise. WAREHOUSED, or Bonded Good;«, certain articles which, on being landed are warehoused, upon bond being given for the payment of duties, &c. WHARF, a bank or quay for landing goods at, as also for shipping off from. WHARFAGE, money paid for the use of a Wharf, r?We Keyage. OF THE UNIVERSITY ^ OF London : SpoTTisvvoonK.s and Shaw, New-street- Square. ELEMENTARY WORKS, COMMERCIAL, MATHEMATICAL, AND MECHANICAL, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. PRIMTEO FOR LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. 1. A CONCISE SYSTEM OF COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, Adapted to modern Practice; with an Appendix, containing a Series of Queries comprising the Substance of the Mercantile Law and Practice, with regard to the Negotiation of Bills of Exchange and Drafts. To which are subjoined Ar- tificers' Mensuration^ and the Application of the Square and Cube Roots, Sf-c. By James Morrison, Accountant. New Edition, 12mo. price 4*. 66?. bound. 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