UBRAKt UNIVERSITY OF CALiB uRNJi^ DAVIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from • IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/absorptionspectrOOjonerich LlBRAxv UNIVERSITY OF CAL.x uRNJLa DAVIS THE ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS AS AFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE AND BY DILUTION: A QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF ABSORPTION SPECTRA BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER By HARRY C. JONES and J. SAM GUY WASHINGTON, D. C. PXJBUSHBD BY THE CaKNBQIE INSTITUTION OP WASHINGTON 1913 IJNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA? DAVIS CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON Publication No. 190 PRESS OF GIBSON BROTHERS, INC-, WASHINGTON, D. C. PREFACE. The effect of high temperatures on the absorption spectra of nonaqueous solutions was worked out in the Johns Hopkins Univejsity and pubhshed in monograph No. 160. By means of a form of apparatus devised by Dr. Strong, this work has now been extended to aqueous solutions and the results are herein recorded. Our previous work on the absorption spectra of solutions, which has now been in progress continuously for eight years, had shown that the effect of dilution on absorption spectra is much less than had hitherto been supposed. A form of apparatus and method of procedure were worked out by Professor Anderson, one of my former coworkers in this field, and this method has been applied, with unusual skill, by Dr. Guy, to the effect of dilution on absorp- tion spectra. The results that he has obtained are also recorded in this monograph. The grating spectrograph as a means of studying absorption spectra has now supplanted the prism spectroscope. The grating spectrograph, however, has its limitations. The results are photographed. This means that the method is limited to the range of the photographic plate. This is, for the best plates, from about 0.2/x to 0.8/x. It is, however, very desirable to study absorption spectra in the region of wave-lengths which are much greater than O.Sjjl. For this purpose, some method had to be devised which did not make use of the photographic plate. The radiomicrometer was the obvious instrument to use, if it could be built sufficiently sensitive and at the same time with sufficiently short period. This has been accomplished by Dr. Guy. With this instrument the absorption spectra of a number of salts have already been mapped, and some surprising results have been obtained in reference to the relative absorption of free water as compared with water of hydration. It gives me pleasure to express our thanks to Dr. E. J. Shaeffer, who has assisted in making the radiomicrometer readings during the second half of the past year, and who has also aided in the chemical work. Dr. Shaeffer will continue the work on the absorption spectra of solutions, using the radiomicrometer. We are especially indebted to Professor A. H. Pfund for a large number of valuable suggestions, and for frequent advice during the progress of this week. Professor J. S. Ames has kindly placed ample space at our disposal for carrying out this investigation. I am deeply grateful to the Carnegie Institution of Washington for financial aid in carrying out this entire work, and in publishing the results obtained. Without this aid, the work recorded in monographs Nos. 60, 110, 130, 160, and herein could not have been done. Harry C. Jones. m CONTENTS. Chapter I. Introduction 1 Chapter II. The Absorption Spectra of Aqueous Solutions as Affected BY Temperature 5 The Making of a Spectrogram 7 Neodymium Chloride in Water 8 Neodymium Bromide in Water 9 Neodymium Nitrate in Water 9 Neodymium Acetate in Water 11 Neodymium Sulphate in Water 12 Cobalt Chloride in Water 12 Praseodymium Chloride in Water 13 Praseodymium Nitrate in Water 13 Uranyl Nitrate in Water 14 Uranyl Sulphate in Water 14 Uranyl Acetate in Water 15 Chapter III. The Effect of Dilution on the Absorption of Light by Solutions 17 Making a Dilution Spectrogram 18 Neodymium Chloride in Water 18 Neodymium Bromide in Water 20 Neodymium Nitrate in Water 20 Neodymium Sulphate in Water 21 Neodymium Acetate in Water 22 Praseodymium Chloride in Water 23 Praseodymium Nitrate in Water 24 Uranyl Chloride in Water 24 Uranyl Bromide in Water 24 Uranyl Nitrate in Water 25 Chapter IV. The Absorption Spectra of Aqueous Solutions of Certain Salts of Neodymium as Studied by Means of the Radiomicrometer . 29 Method of Procedure 31 Discussion of the Results 36 Possible Explanation 38 Chapter V. The Absorption of Light by Water Changed in the Presence OF Strongly Hydrated Salts, as Shown by the Radiomicrometer. New Evidence for the Solvate Theory of Solution 43 Absorption of Free and Combined Water 43 Hydrated and Nonhydrated Substances 44 Method of Procedure 44 Results 45 Discussion of the Results 52 Explanation of the Results 54 Chapter VI. Absorption Spectra of a Number of Salts as Measured by Means of the Radiomicrometer 61 Mode of Procedure 62 Description of Cells Used 63 Discussion of Tables and Curves 65 Neodymium Chloride in Water 65 Neodymium Nitrate 72 Neodymium Acetate 74 Praseodymium Chloride 76 Praseodymium Nitrate 78 Nickel Chloride 79 Nickel Nitrate 80 Nickel Sulphate 80 Salts of Cobalt 81 Chapter VII. General Summary of Results 85 V THE ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS AS AFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE AND BY DILUTION: A QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF ABSORPTION SPECTRA BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER By HARRY C. JONES and J. SAM GUY vn CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. An investigation of the effect of temperature on the absorption spectra of certain solutions has already been carried out by Jones and Strong.^ The apparatus used was devised by Professor John A. Anderson,^ who worked somewhat earlier with Jones on the absorption spectra of solutions. The solutions were heated in an open vessel, and the temperature could, of course, not be raised much above 100° F. It was found that, even over this range of temperature, the effect of rising temperature was to cause the general absorption of any salt in water to increase, and also to cause the bands to broaden and become more diffuse. The results were entirely unambiguous so far as they went, but were limited by the boiling-points of the solutions in question. Indeed, it was not possible to work quite up to the boiling-point of the solution, since the change in the concentration of the solution resulting from boiUng would have been too great, and there would have been too much gas formed on the quartz windows through which the light was to pass. We wanted to study the effect of rise in temperature on the absorption spectra of solutions to as high temperatures as it was possible to go. For this purpose closed forms of apparatus devised by Anderson' and by Strong* were employed by Jones and Strong^ for nonaqueous solutions. The appa- ratus consisted of a gold-plated steel tube, whose ends were closed with glass windows. This worked very well with nonaqueous solvents up to temperatures of approximately 200° C. Usually before this temperature was reached a precipitate formed in the tube, which prevented work at higher temperatures. Some interesting results were obtained at the higher temperatures with this apparatus. The general effect of rise in temperature is to deepen the color of the solution of an inorganic salt. This is usually due to a widening of the absorption bands. For details in reference to the effect of tempera- ture on the absorption of light by nonaqueous solutions, reference must be had to the Carnegie Institution of Washington monograph,^ where the results in question are published in full. The apparatus used by Jones and Strong for nonaqueous solutions did not work satisfactorily for solutions in water as the solvent. The water vapor, under the high pressure produced within the apparatus, worked its iCam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 130. Amer. Chem. Joum., 43, 37, 97 (1910); 45, 1, 113 (1911). 2Cara. Inst. Wash. Pub. 110, p. 20. Amer. Chem. Journ., 41, 276 (1909). 3 Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 160, p. 28. Amer. Chem. Joum., 47, 30 (1912). ^Carn. Inst. Wash. Pub. 160, p. 29. Amer. Chem. Journ., 47, 30 (1912). 5 Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 160. Amer. Chem. Journ., 47, 27, 126 (1912). •Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 160. 2 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS. way through the layer of gold laid down on a layer of copper electrolytically, rusted the steel, and caused the separation of the gold from the steel walls. To avoid this, the apparatus, which was designed by Dr. Strong,^ was made of brass and will be described in some detail in this monograph. It was plated electrolytically with gold and this adhered firmly to the brass, even when the aqueous solution contained in the apparatus was heated to 200° C. We could work as satisfactorily with this apparatus with aqueous solutions as with the former apparatus with nonaqueous solutions. The work described in this monograph on absorption spectra of aqueous solutions at high temperatures was all carried out in the gold-plated brass apparatus. The results obtained and the bearing of these results on the nature of solution will be discussed later in this monograph. Suffice it to say here that up to 200° the effect of temperature on the absorption spectra of aqueous and nonaqueous solutions has now been studied pretty exten- sively on a large number of salts and a fairly large number of solvents. The effect of dilution on the absorption spectra of solutions was taken up with the following idea in mind: It was long a question as to what is the nature of the absorber of light, say in aqueous solutions. It was at one time supposed that chemical molecules were the absorbers, since these were regarded as the ultimate units in solution. It was supposed that the mole- cules were thrown into resonance by certain wave-lengths of light, and that these were, consequently, stopped; while the remaining wave-lengths passed through the solution and gave to it its characteristic color. When the theory of electrolytic dissociation was proposed in 1886, the view as to the nature of solution of electrolytes underwent a serious change. When electrolytes were dissolved in water, or in any other dissociating solvent, they dissociated into charged parts or ions, and these were the ultimate units in solution. If the solution was fairly concentrated we had both ions and undissociated molecules in the solution, and the question in such cases was, which is the absorber? It was further recognized that a dilute solution of salt often has very different color from a concentrated solution; and, moreover, solutions of nonelectrolytes are often colored, i. e., have the power to absorb certain wave-lengths of light and to allow others to pass on through. It was sup- posed, then, that molecules have the power to absorb light, and ions also have absorbing power. When a concentrated and a dilute solution of an electrolyte had the same absorption spectrum — the same color — it was supposed that the chemical molecule and the ions resulting from it had the same absorption. When the dilute solution had a different color from the concentrated solution, it was thought that the ions were the chief absorbers of light. And since it frequently happens that a dilute solution of an elec- trolyte has a very different color from a more concentrated solution, it was supposed that in dilute solutions of electrolytes the ions are the chief absorbers of light;, since in very dilute solutions of electrolytes there are 1 Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 160. Amer. Chem. Journ., 47, 30 (1912). Introduction. 3 mainly ions and practically no molecules present, it is obvious that in such solutions it is not the molecules which are absorbing light. It must be the ions, since these are the only units present, or something contained within the ions. This was the view of absorption of light introduced by the theory of electrolytic dissociation. We have now gone much farther than this. We now know that the ions are not the ultimate units in a solution of an electrolyte. The simplest ion is very complex. It is made up of a large number of electrons, which are unit negative charges of electricity. There is every reason to-day to believe that the electrons are the real absorbers of light, are the units which are thrown into resonance by the various wave-lengths of light. Granting this, there is still a difference between an ion and the atom or atoms from which it was formed. An ion contains one or more free electrons within it or on it, i. e.y one or more negative charges than would correspond to the positive electricity within the atom. It would be interesting to know whether the free electron or electrons upon the ion have anything to do with its power to absorb light. This can be tested by studying the absorbing power of mole- cules and then the absoi-ption of light by the ions which are formed when these molecules dissociate. It was with this idea in mind that the second chapter of the work described in this monograph was undertaken. A concentrated solution of a salt contains many molecules, and if the solu- tion is sufficiently concentrated there are chiefly molecules and only a few ions present. As the dilution is increased the dissociation increases; the number of molecules becomes less and less and the number of ions greater and greater. The problem, then, is to photograph the absorption spectrum of a very concentrated solution of a salt, the layer being, say, 0.5 cm. deep. Then take the spectrum of a more dilute solution of the same salt; if the dilution is increased 100 times the depth of layer used would be 50 cm. Under these conditions there would be the same number of parts of dis- solved substance in the path of the beam of light; in the second case there would be more ions and less molecules than in the first. By comparing the two spectra we could see whether there is any difference between the absorbing power of ions and molecules, ^. e., whether the free electrons upon the ions have anything to do with their power to absorb light. We then took another step, increasing the dilution of the second solution five times and also increasing the depth of the layer of the solution through which the light passed five times, i. e., making the depth 250 cm. This second diluting still further reduced the number of molecules present and increased the number of ions. By comparing the three spectrograms we ought to be able to say whether molecules and ions have the same or different resonance with respect to light- waves; and, if it is different, to point out in what the difference consists. This would then enable us to determine whether the free electrons upon the ions played any part in the absorption of light. We shall see that ions have somewhat different absorbing powers from molecules, and in what this difference consists will appear later from the text and from the plates. 4 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS. The work done on the absorption spectra of solutions by Jones and Uhler,^ Jones and Anderson,* and Jones and Strong,^ which extended over five years, and in which some 6,000 solutions were studied, all involved the photographing of the various spectra. In this way the positions of the various absorption lines and bands were determined. A question even more fundamental than the positions of the lines and bands is their intensities, and the relative intensities of different parts of the same band. The photographic method gave only a means of dealing qualitatively with this problem. Some general idea could be gained of the relative intensities of the various lines and bands on the photographic plate, but these changed with the time of exposure, the intensity of the light used, and with other conditions, so that we were able to learn very little about the intensities of the various lines and bands by means of the photographic method. Further, the photographic plate is sensitive only between the wave-length 2,000 Angstrom units and 7,600 A.u.,^ which is a comparatively small part of the spectrum. It is especially important to work also into the region of the infra-red. A method was used which dealt quantitatively with the intensities of the various lines and bands. This same method, instead of being limited by the above-named wave-lengths, could be used down into the infra-red to wave-lengths as great as 20,000 a.u. to 30,000 a.u. Indeed, the method can be used for even greater wave-lengths, if solvents can be found that are transparent to the longer waves. This method involves the use of the radio- micrometer. The description of the instrument which we built, the method of work, and the results thus far obtained, will be found on pp. 29 to 93. iCarn. Inst. Wash. Pub. 60. Amer. Chem. Journ., 37, 126, 207 (1907). 2 Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 110. Amer. Chem. Joiu-n., loc. cit. *Carn. Inst. Wash. Pub. 130 and 160. Amer. Chem. Journ., loc. cit. „ ^Throughout this paper we have employed this expression to designate Angstrom units. CHAPTER II. ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS AS AFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE. Jones and Strong^ studied the effect of temperature on the absorption spectra of various nonaqueous solutions up to nearly 200°. The solutions were usually heated until a precipitate formed, which cut off the light and prevented work at still higher temperatures. Some work was also done by Jones and Strong on the effect of temperature on the absorption spectra of aqueous solutions. This was, however, not large in amount and did not extend to very high temperatures. The reason that the work with aqueous solutions was not pushed to higher temperatures was that the form of apparatus then in use did not admit of it. This consisted of a steel tube,- lined on the inside with copper and plated with gold on all of the inner surfaces. This worked very satisfac- torily with nonaqueous solutions, the gold plate adhering firmly to the copper, which, in turn, remained adherent to the steel. When an aqueous solution was heated in the apparatus from 100° to 200° the result was unsatisfactory. The water, under the high pressure, forced its way through the copper and the gold and rusted the iron, as has already been stated. The result was that the copper, with the gold, separated from the steel, and the solutions, after heating for a time, gave the iron reaction. This appa- ratus had the further disadvantage, that when a precipitate formed with rising temperature it was necessary to open the entire apparatus and remove the glass ends in order to clean them. To overcome these difficulties the apparatus shown in fig. A was con- structed by Jones and Strong and used to study the effect of rising tempera- ture on the absorption spectra of aqueous solutions. The quartz ends are fastened into the ends E'. The plunger P has guide grooves instead of guide pins. A part of the plunger is provided with screw-threads for remov- ing it. The entire cap is removed from tube T by unscrewing E', during which the quartz end is untouched. When the ends are removed the quartz window can be easily cleaned. Gold washers were inserted between T and E' and between E' and U. The general arrangement of the apparatus is also shown in fig. A. The cell is kept in a horizontal position, so that any bubbles that may form will rise in the side tube. The spectroscope, containing the grating G, photo- graphic-plate holder C, and slit S, being kept vertically, a 45° quartz prism was used to change the horizontal beam of light into a vertical beam, the beam being totally reflected by the hypothenuse surface of 0. The source of light NG (Nemst glower) or SG (spark gap) was focused by the concave ^Amer. Chem. Journ., 47, 27, 126 (1912). VWd., 47, 30 (1912). b 6 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS speculum mirror M on the slit S. A similar arrangement was used for the fused silica cell. DTS is a double-throw switch, by means of which either the Nernst glower or the spark gap may be thrown in circuit. B is a bal- last, i^ is a variable resistance, by means of which the current in the Nernst glower, as shown by the ammeter A, may be kept constant. OC is an oil- condenser. IC is an X-ray induction coil and R2 is a resistance in the primary circuit of this coil. Fig. a. In a recent paper Merton^ states that he has studied the effect of pressure on the absorption spectra of solutions. This was studied here by Jones and Strong and the results pubhshed in the American Chemical Journal.- The quotation of a paragraph from our earlier paper will show what was found: Some preliminary tests were made with the cells at high pressures. The Cailletet pump belonging to the Johns Hopkins University was used for this purpose, the cell being made so as to fit into this piunp. It was not at all difficult to obtain pressures of 200 atmospheres with water and alcohol solutions. Spectrograms were made of the absorption spectra of neodymium solutions under pressures as high as 275 atmospheres. No effect of pressure was detected. The work at high pressures is easier than at high temperatures, on account of the fact that there is an expansion of the cell due to heating. It should be stated that in all of the work on absorption spectra which has been carried out in this laboratory for the past seven years, a grating spec- troscope has been used. The arrangement of the heated cell, the grating, photographic plate, etc., will now be discussed. 1 Proc. Roy. Soc., (A) 87, 146. « Amer. Chem. Joum., 47, 32, Janiiary 1912, AS AFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE. 7 THE MAKING OF A SPECTROGRAM. The apparatus used throughout the entire study of the effect of high temperature has already been discussed. Two cells were used, one 10 cm. and the other 1 cm. in length, both having the same general design and differing only in length. The cell, placed in a bath suitable for keeping the temperature constant, was arranged as indicated in the diagram, and the source of light so located that the rays, reflected from a concave mirror, passed longitudinally through the cell and formed an image of the Nernst glower on the slit of the camera. The position of the prism is so adjusted as to fill the grating uniformly with light. Holding the eye directly above the grating, in a position later to be occupied by the photographic plate, we could easily tell when the light was falling properly upon the grating. When the cell was correctly adjusted the lights were extinguished and the photographic plate inserted. With the plate in position, the light was turned on and an exposure made at room temperature. The position of the plate was then moved a given distance, and the temperature of the cell raised very slowly, this process being repeated at intervals of about 20° or 25°. It is clear that, with such pressures as are developed by heating water to 200°, it is very difficult to obtain a tight joint between glass and metal. This difficulty, however, has been partly overcome by the special form of apparatus designed by Dr. Strong and described on page 6 of this mono- graph. We were not able to secure a closing that would hold above 200°, but once a good closing was secured it was not necessary to remove the ends for several operations. Great care had to be taken in heating the cell, on account of the difference in expansion of the glass ends, and the metal in contact with them. When the temperature was raised more than 40° an hour the glass ends usually broke. At such high temperatures as we were employing the glass was rapidly attacked by the water; later, when we were using the clear uviole glass, a single heating rendered the glass ends almost opaque, especially if they were allowed to stand for any length of time. It was found that in many cases precipitates would appear in the cell at a temperature slightly above 100°. This precipitate, however, formed rapidly, once it began, and almost as quickly disappeared. By properly regulating the intervals at which exposures were made, the effect of the precipitate could be avoided; hence this effect does not appear on any of the strips photographed. It is probable that slight hydrolysis took place at first, as 2NdCl3 + 3H2O = 2Nd(OH)3 + 3HC1 The presence, then, of a slight excess of hydrochloric acid would hinder the reaction in the direction indicated above by the arrow. Since most hydrox- ides lose water at temperatures above 100°, it is possible that the following reaction would take place: 2Nd(0H),=Nd«0a + 3H,0 8 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS The neodymium oxide, being heavy and very slightly soluble in water, settles to the bottom of the cell, and the solution clears up. In this way it is evident that the solution becomes slightly more dilute as the tempera- ture is raised; but this would lessen the number of absorbers in the path of the beam of light, and thereby produce a narrowing of the bands and could only decrease the effect indicated on the plates. This antagonistic influence could certainly not cause a widening of the absorption bands, with rise in temperature. NEODYMIUM CHLORIDE IN WATER. (See Plate 1.) The solution whose spectrum is given in section A was saturated, the depth of absorbing layer being 1 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 140°, and 165°, respectively. Absorption bands which are unchanged by the range of temperature from 20° to 200° appear at X3800, X4025, X4200, X4325, X4440, X4600, X4690, X4750 and X4820. The double band from X5050 to X5270 is only slightly affected, if at all. The two most interesting absorption bands are those whose centers are near X4275 and X5800. The former of these in strip 1 is very sharp and intense, though only a few a.u. wide. Both edges were well defined. As the temperature is raised the violet edge remains very sharp, while a rapid shading off of the red edge takes place. At a glance the band appears to be less intense in the higher temperature strips, but on close examination it is seen to be more diffuse, the red edge diffusing over a range of about 20 a.u. at the highest temperature. This is exactly in accord with what Jones and Anderson^ had found. They showed that when the number of molecules in the path of light was kept constant, this band remained practically con- stant; while it has been shown by Jones and Anderson and by ourselves that this band changes with dilution, being more intense in the most concen- trated solution. The X5800 band is affected most by temperature as well as by dilution. In strip 1 this band is about 200 a.u. wide, the width increasing regularly as the temperature is raised, until at the highest temperature it is over 250 A.U., or there is a total widening of 50 a.u. The violet edge remains perfectly sharp, while the shading is toward the red end of the spectrum. It occurred to us that whatever effect might be produeed by a rise in temperature, if it was a true temperature effect, the reverse should happen when the solution was allowed to cool. With this in view B was made. The concentration of the solution and the depth of layer photographed in section B were exactly the same as in A. In fact, the same solution was used. As soon as the film A had been exposed with rising temperature, it was removed from the camera and developed. Without even allowing the cell to cool, another film was placed in the camera «Caxn. Inst. Wash. Pub. 110. AS AFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE. 9 and section B made with falling temperature. In B the temperatures were 165°, 140°, 115°, 95°, and 70°, the highest temperature being nearest the numbered scale, which is not accurately adjusted. A study of the original film shows changes only in bands X4275 and X5800; and this change is exactly the reverse of that shown by these same bands in ^. The X4275 band appears in strip 1, with a sharp violet edge and shading off toward the red over a range of 15 or 20 a.u. As we pass to the succeeding strips in the direction of falling temperature the red edge becomes sharper and sharper, until in strip 5, which represents the lowest temperature, the band assumes its normal sharp edge on the red side and covers less than 10 A.u. The X5800 band narrows uniformly from the red end as the tem- perature falls, the total narrowing being about 40 a.u. NEODYMIUM BROMIDE IN WATER. (See Plate 2.) The concentration of the solution used in making the negative for A was 1.66 normal; the depth of cell, 1 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 120°, 140°, 175°, and 190°, respectively. This plate seems to have had just the proper length of exposure for the given concentration, and every known neodymium absorp- tion band appears on the negative in excellent condition. With the bromide, as with the chloride discussed in plate 1, only X4275 and X5800 show appre- ciable changes with rise in temperature. The X4275 band, which has both violet and red edges sharp in strip 1, feathers out toward the red end of the spectrum as the temperature is raised. The X5800 band widens toward the red as much as 60 a.u. The concen- tration of solution used in making B was 0.166 normal, one-tenth that of A; the depth of absorbing layer was 10 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 135°, 155° and 190°, respectively. This is probably the best negative produced in this part of the work, and the bands X4275 and X5800 show well the char- acteristic changes spoken of above. The widening of band X5800, though well marked, is not so great as in A, the total change being about 40 a.u., as compared with 60 a.u. in the former. If such a band be due to mole- cules this is what we should expect, since, B being a more dilute solution, the total number of molecules is less than in A. Hence, any change associated with molecules would be more clearly apparent in A. This is in accord with changes produced in this same band by dilution. NEODYMIUM NITRATE IN WATER. (See Plates 3 and 4.) The solution used in spectrogram A, plate 3, was saturated, the depth of cell being 1 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest to the numbered scale, were 15°, 40°, 65°, 115°, 140°, and 165°, respectively. The exposures were not as long here as in the previous plates, in order to bring out more clearly the group of bands between X4200 and X4800. The change in the X4275 band is here especially marked. At 15° this band is very sharp and intense, while at 165° it has become broad and hazy, being 10 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS about 30 A.u. wide. The X4425 band shows a widening of about 15 a.u. over the range shown in this plate. The broad bands with the centers near X5125 and X5800 show most marked changes. In each case the most marked change is almost entirely toward the red end of the spectrum, the violet edge of the band remaining almost unchanged. This is the case especially with the Xo800 band. The concentration of the solution used in B, plate 3, was one-tenth satu- rated, the depth of the cell being 10 cm. The temperatures, beginning next to the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 120°, and 145°. Although the total number of absorbers in B are the same as in il, yet it is seen that the change in the bands is far greater in A, i. e., where the concen- tration is greatest. Only the X5800 band shows appreciable change in B, and even this does not widen more than 40 a.u. The concentration of the solution used in making the negatives of A, plate 4, was one-tenth of saturation, the depth of absorbing layer 10 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 140°, 165°, and 190°. Aside from the shght tendency of all the absorption bands to become a little more diffuse at the higher temperatures, though not more intense, there is no marked change in any band except X4275 and X5800. The former of these, as we go toward the higher temperatures, remains perfectly sharp and constant on its violet edge, while there is a regular shading toward the red end of the spectrum. Again, the greatest change takes place in band X5800, the violet end remaining fixed and the red edge widening between the first and last strips to the extent of about 50 a.u. All the exposures of this plate were made as the temperature of the cell was raised. The identical solution used in A was photographed in B, plate 4, the cell, intensity of light-source, and all of the apparatus remaining unchanged, the only difference being that the exposures of B were made at regular intervals as the temperature of the cell was lowered. The temperatures of the successive strips in B were, beginning with the strip nearest the num- bered scale, 190°, 165°, 140°, 115°, 95°, 70°, 45°, 20°. The original films shew A and B to be exactly the reverse of each other. Just those changes produced in A by a rise in temperature are reversed by the corresponding fall of temperature in B. Of course this is only qualita- tive, since we can establish no definite quantitative relations from the photo- graphic plates. In order to do this, energy measurements must be made, not only on each band, but on different parts of the same band. Such work is now in progress. This would be very difficult to do with a narrow band like X4275, but should be comparatively simple with band X5800. Band X4275, which in strip 1 appears broad and hazy on its red edge, gradually acquires the characteristic sharp intense edges as the temperature falls, until in strip 8 it is only about 8 a.u. wide. The total change in band X5800 is a narrowing of about 60 a.u. There is no sudden or decided change between any two successive strips, but, on the contrary, so far as the photo- graphic plate is able to show, the change is a gradual one. AS AFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE. 11 NEODYMIUM ACETATE IN WATER. (See Plates 5 and 6.) In plate 5 we have photographed the change in the absorption bands of neodymium acetate, produced by rise in temperature, section A, and by the corresponding lowering of temperature, section B. The concentration of the solution used for both negatives was one-tenth of saturation; the depth of absorbing layer was 10 cm. The temperatures of the strips in A, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 120°, 140°, 160°, 190°. This nega- tive shows changes in bands X4275 and X5800; the former, as in the other plates on the study of the effect of temperature, shows a marked shading towards the red, while the remainder of this band virtually remains fixed. The X5800 band widens rapidly toward the red, as the temperature is raised, the total amount being about 80 a.u. All the absorption bands with the acetate are more intense and broader than for the same concentration of any of the other salts of neodymium studied. The acetate is not nearly so soluble as the other salts, nor is the dissociation so great, yet we find in A, which is the spectrogram of a one-tenth saturated solution of neodymium acetate, greater changes than for the saturated solution of the chloride. This is in accord with the results obtained from the effect of dilution; this, it will be seen, was greatest with the acetate. This tends to strengthen the view that the bands X4275 and X5800 are in some way associated with the molecules. In B of this plate there is given the spectrogram of the same solution as the temperature was lowered. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the spark spectrum, were 190°, 165°, 145°, 125°, 100°, 75°, 50°, 25°; the cell and arrangement of apparatus were the same as in J.. The nega- tive shows changes the reverse of those discussed in section A. The X4275 band gradually assumes the sharply defined edges as the temperature falls, and strip 8 of 5 corresponds exactly to strip loiA. In a word, there has been no permanent change produced by heating the solution. This change in the width of the absorption bands could not have been produced by any substance dissolved from any parts of the apparatus, as there is no reason to suppose that this should disappear as the solution was cooled. It seems, then, that the broadening is solely a temperature phenomenon. Plate 6 was made to show the relative effect of rise in temperature on a solution of neodymium acetate, as compared with the same concentration of neodymium chloride. The concentration in each case was one-tenth sat- uration, the cell depth being 10 cm. The temperatures in A (neodymium acetate), beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 40°, 60°, 80°, 100°, and 125°, respectively. The temperatures in B (neo- dymium chloride), reading in the same order from the strip nearest the spark fines, were 15°, 40°, 65°, 90°, 115°, 140°, 165°, and 190°, respectively. A comparison of the two sections of this plate shows, first, that for the same concentrations of the two salts the absorption bands are wider and more pronounced with the acetate than with the chloride. In each of these plates only the X4275 and X5800 bands show appreciable 12 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS change with rise in temperature. While the percentage change in the former of these two bands is perhaps greater, this shows very poorly on the prints from the original films. The X427o band is very sharp at the lower temperatures, but shades rapidly towards the red as the temperature is raised, the X5800 band, which is most affected by temperature changes, showing decidedly more widening with the acetate than with the chloride. This is exactly what we should expect if this band were associated with the undissociated molecules of the salt in question. The acetate, being a salt of a very weak acid, is dissociated considerably less than the chloride, and con- sequently the change is greater in the case of the acetate where there are present a larger number of molecules. The facts, then, are : The number of molecules in a given concentration of neodymium acetate is greater than in the corresponding concentration of neodymium chloride. Hydration decreases with rise in temperature. The band X5800 is more marked in the acetate than in the chloride, and widen- ing with rise in temperature indicates that it is in some way associated T\dth the hydrated molecules. NEODYMIUM SULPHATE IN WATER AND COBALT CHLORIDE IN WATER. (See Plate 7.) On account of the slight solubility of neodymium sulphate in water, only the saturated solution was studied. The depth of cell was 10 cm. and the temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 75°, 90°, 115°, and 140°, respectively. It is seen that the first four strips of A (neodymium sulphate) show the regular widening of X4275 and X5800. In strips 5 and 6 all of the bands decrease in width. This is especially noticeable in bands X5800, X5100, and X5225. This is no doubt due to the fact that some of the salt crystallized out at this temperature, and the solution consequently became more dilute. When the cell was opened it was found that nearly all of the salt had crys- tallized out. It is, however, obvious that the sulphate presents no exception to the general rule that the bands widen with rise in temperature. This is cer- tainly true up to 115°, at which temperature the crystals form rapidly, and the effect of increase in dilution more than overcomes the counter effect of rise in temperature. B is the spectrogram of a solution of cobalt chloride, 1 cm. deep and 0.25 normal. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 12°, 32°, 52°, 76°, 92°, 112°, 132°, and 152°. This plate shows an intense absorption in the violet up to X3600; also a broad, hazy band with its center near X5100. On account of the haziness of the cobalt bands, it is difficult to discuss them in detail. The change produced by rise in temper- ature, however, is very slight. The cobalt salt was hydrolyzed very greatly at the higher temperatures, and this also interfered with the study of it^ absorption. AS AFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE. 13 PRASEODYMIUM CHLORIDE IN WATER. (See Plate 8.) A represents the effect of rise in temperature on the absorption spectra of a 2.56 normal solution of praseodymium chloride, the depth of cell being 1 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest to the numbered scale, were 20°, 50°, 80°, 100°, 120°, 140°, and 160°, respectively. The orig- inal film shows general transmission from X3400 to X4350, with the sharply defined absorption band extending from X4300 to X4750. There is faint transmission near X4550. There is practically no change in either edge of this band as the temperature of the solution is raised. There is a slight widening of that band whose center is near X4825. The X5900 band changes less than 25 a.u. over the entire range of temperature studied. B is the absorption of a solution of the same salt, having a concentration of 0.256 normal and a depth of layer of 10 cm. The temperatures, begin- ning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 40°, 65°, 90°, 115°, 140°, 165°, and 190°, respectively. There are well-defined bands having their centers near X4425, X4650, X4820, and X5900. None of these bands shows any appreciable change with rise in temperature. PRASEODYMIUM NITRATE IN WATER. (See Plate 9.) The concentration of the solution used in making A was 2.6 normal; the depth of cell, 1 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 12°, 32°, 52°, 72°, 92°, 112°, 125°, and 145°, respectively. In the ultra-violet the absorption extends to about X3500 in strip 1, but rapidly increases as the temperature is raised, until in strip 8 there is com- plete absorption as far as X3800. There is a very intense double absorption band from X4350 to X4725 with faint transmission near X4540. This transmission rapidly decreases as the temperature is raised, and entirely disappears at a temperature slightly above 100°. The X4650 band widens towards the red end about 25 a.u. Band X4825 shows a total widening of about 30 A.u. over the range of tem- perature studied. The orange band near X5900 shows a uniform total wid- ening of about 25 a.u. From this plate it is seen that none of the praseo- dymium bands shows very marked change with rise in temperature; at this concentration all of them become slightly wider at the higher temperatures. In section B of this plate is given the spectrogram of a 0.26 normal solu- tion of the same salt, the depth of the absorbing layer being 10 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 135°, and 165°, respectively. On this plate, bands appear which have their centers near X4425, X4650, X4825, and X5900; the ultra-violet absorption bands near X3500. None of these bands shows any appreciable change over the range from 20° to 165°. The plate which was used to study the effect of dilution upon this same salt reveals the fact that only in the most concentrated solutions were the bands affected at all, while in the dilute solutions all the bands remained unchanged. Plate 9 shows that temperature also has a slight effect only in 14 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS the concentrated solutions, while in the dilute solutions the bands remain unchanged. In a word, rise in temperature and decrease in dilution produce the same effect upon solutions of praseodymium nitrate. URANYL NITRATE IN WATER. (See Plate 10.) The concentration of the solution used in making A was 0.2 normal, the depth of layer being 1 em. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the spark spectrum, were 20°, 40°, 60°, 80°, 100°, and 120°, respec- tively. In every strip the exposure to the entire spectrum was made for 30 seconds, a screen cutting off all wave-lengths beyond X4500 was inserted, and the ultra-violet end exposed an additional 8 minutes. Since all the uranyl bands occur in the violet and ultra-violet end of the spectrum, where general absorption is greatest, due to precipitates formed by heating the solutions, etc., it was found very difficult to obtain satis- factory results. So far as this plate shows, there is no decided change in any particular band. The entire series seems to widen as the temperature is raised, and at the same time the center of the band is slightly shifted toward the red end of the spectrum. The general absorption, ending near X3500 in strip 1, advances rapidly towards the red as the temperature is raised. The broad diffuse edges of all the bands shade uniformly into each other, until at the highest temperature they appear as one broad, hazy absorption band, extending from X3800 to X4300. At least a part of this is due to general absorption. In section B is given the absorption of a 0.02 normal solution of uranyl nitrate, the depth of absorbing layer being 10 cm. The red end of the spec- trum, beyond X4500, was exposed 8 seconds, while the ultra-violet below X4500 had an exposure of SJ minutes to the same source of light. The tem- peratures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 140°, and 165°, respectively. Eleven bands occur between X3500 and X4600. As the temperature is raised, all the bands become more diffuse and broader; the band whose center is near X4180 seems to be most affected. The red edge of the band shades towards the red end of the spec- trum as much as 25 a.u. The effect produced on this band by elevated tem- peratures is more marked than in any of the other bands. There is very broad and hazy absorption around X5100, X5600, and X6200. This increases with rise in temperature. It has been found very difficult to give an exact description of what takes place in any uranyl band as the temperature is raised, since the edges of the bands are so hazy and the general absorption so marked in the region of the spectrum at which these bands occur. Only the general statement can be made that all uranyl bands become more diffuse with rise in temperature, and in the band X4165 there is a decided shading on the red edge. URANYL SULPHATE IN WATER. (See Plate XL) The concentration of the solution used in making A was 0.166 normal and the depth of cell 1 cm. The respective temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 90°, 115°, 135°, 155°, AS AFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE. 15 and 185°. The part of the spectrogram above X4550 was exposed 40 seconds, while below that wave-length the exposure was 10 minutes. The apparent band extending entirely across the spectrogram near X4550 is the edge of the screen used in making the long exposure on the violet end of the spectrogram and must not be confused with an absorption band. Absorption bands X4175 and X4325 have their centers shifted towards the red end of the spectrum about 25 a.u. The red edges of bands X4325 and X4550 shade rapidly towards the red. The well-marked band X4750 remains unchanged throughout the spectrogram. The encroachment of the general absorption in the ultra-violet towards the red causes band X3625 to disappear above the fourth strip, while band X3750 is scarcely visible above strip 5. All bands below X4500 become very diffuse as the temperature is raised, and at the highest temperature are hardly more than a single broad, hazy absorption band extending from X4000 to X4400. Section B is the spectrum of a 0.02 normal solution of uranyl sulphate, the depth of absorbing layer being 10 cm. The respective temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 140°, and 165°. The exposures were 8 seconds in the visible part of the spectrum and an additional exposure of 4 minutes to the ultra-violet. The same changes described in A take place here, i, e., a strong general absorp- tion in the ultra-violet beyond X3500, and increasing towards the red as the temperature is raised. The most marked widening is in bands X4100, X4200 and X4350; in each the center shifted slightly towards the red. Such is also the case with the red edge of band X4600. The X4750 band remains fixed throughout the spectrogram. The very broad, hazy bands around X5100, X5600, and X6200 appear, and are not appreciably affected by changes in temperature. URANYL ACETATE IN WATER. (See Plate 12.) In plate 12, A shows the effect of dilution, B of temperature. The con- centrations of the solutions used in A, beginning with the strip farthest removed from the numbered scale, were 0.25, 0.125, 0.062, 0.042, 0.0025, and 0.0005 normal. So far as we can judge from this plate, none of the absorption bands changes. Beer's law seems to hold to the dilution 0.0005 normal. B shows the effect of rise in temperature on a 0.02 normal solution of uranyl acetate. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, and 140°. The exposures at that part of the spectrum having a wave-length greater than X4500 was 8 seconds, while an additional exposure of 3 minutes was given to the ultra- violet end. Every one of the nine bands shows a slight widening with rise in temperature. While in strip 1 the bands are well marked, they appear much more diffuse as the temperature is raised. The apparent change in the band near X4475 is probably due to the screen used to cut off the visible spectrum, while additional exposure was made to the ultra-violet region. CHAPTER III. EFFECT OF DILUTION ON THE ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY SOLUTIONS. The question as to the effect of dilution on the power of solutions to absorb light is an old one. This question became especially prominent at the time the theory of electrolytic dissociation was proposed. In dilute solutions of electrolytes there are practically only ions present, very few molecules existing as such. All of the properties of such solutions are the properties of the ions contained in them. Therefore, the power of these solutions to absorb light must be due to the ions present in them. This was the reasoning in vogue and the conclusion drawn. It was at the same time freely recognized that molecules in solution have the power to absorb light. This was shown by the fact that solutions of non-electrolytes, or completely unionized substances, are often colored ; and color in solution means selective absorption of light. The result of the conclusion drawn from the theory of electrolytic disso- ciation was that an enormous amount of work was done on the absorption spectra of dilute solutions of both electrolytes and non-electrolytes. Ostwald carried out an elaborate investigation on the relation between color and dis- sociation, and pubUshed the work under the title ''IJber die Farbe der lonen."^ A large number of salts were brought within the scope of this investigation — salts of an acid having a colored anion, with colorless cations, This is illustrated by the various permanganates, hydrogen, sodium, ammo- nium, magnesium, zinc, cadmium, etc. Ostwald showed that these salts of any given acid had essentially the same spectra. In a similar manner, he studied salts of fluorescein, eosin, iodoeosin, rosolic acid, diazoresorcinol, etc. Ostwald then reversed the process and compared the salts of a given colored base with colorless acids, thus studying the salts of p-rosaniline with acetic, chloric, benzoic, hydrochloric, nitric, butyric, salicylic, lactic, etc., acids and finding practically the same absorption spectra for all of these salts. From the standpoint from which he undertook his investigation, Ostwald may be said to have solved the problem of the role of ions in the absorption of light, as far as that could be done with the prism spectroscope. The problem that we studied was of a different nature. It had to do with the absorption spectra of ions relative to that of the molecules from which they were formed. Some earlier work of Jones and Anderson^ had shown that if molecules have different action on light from ions, the difference is so slight that there would be no hope of detecting it by ordinary means, even with a grating spectroscope . This problem was attacked in the following manner : 1 Zeit. phys. Chem., 9, 579 (1892). « Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 110. 17 18 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS. MAKING A DILUTION SPECTROGRAM. Before entering upon a detailed discussion of the spectrograms, it is wise to state briefly the method used in making any given spectrogram. Throughout all the work done on the effect of high dilution on absorption spectra, under the conditions of Beer's law, only three exposures were made for any given spectrogram, i. e., only three dilutions were compared. The depths of cell in all cases were 0.5 cm., 50 cm., and 250 cm., the dilution being increased 100 times between the first two solutions and 5 times between the last two; or a total dilution of 500 times between the first and last solution. Smaller depths of cell than 5 mm. were not used, on account of the large percentage error in measuring such depths. Much difficulty was experienced in getting sufficient light through the longer cells to fill the grating completely; nor was this possible unless the tube containing the solution was constantly moved backwards and forwards so that the image of the source of light was moved along the slit of the camera. By such a procedure the surface of the grating could be illuminated fairly uniformily, and the exposures gave good results on the photographic plate, as is shown by the spectrograms. In order to insure complete illumination of the grating a uniform pro- cedure was adopted. The longest cell, containing the most dilute solution, was first placed in position, the light passed through, and the image of the Nernst glower sharply focused on the slit of the camera in such a manner as to throw as much light as possible on the grating. By holding the eye in the position later to be occupied by the photographic plate, we could easily tell when the grating was properly illuminated. After everything was properly adjusted the lights were extinguished and the plate inserted in the camera. Great care was taken not to move any parts of the apparatus, the camera was closed, the source of light again turned on, and the exposure made. It is clearly seen that in making any spectrogram, using three cells differing in length so markedly, we virtually had three different sources of light, and, consequently, the length of exposure sufficient to give comparable results on the photographic plate had to be determined by a long series of trials. In the case of the longest cell, expos- ures as long as several minutes were made, while with the shortest cell only a few seconds were necessary to give good clear spectrograms on the photo- graphic plate. The remaining procedure was essentially the same as that described by Jones and Anderson^ and by other workers in this laboratory. NEODYMIUM CHLORIDE IN WATER. (See Plate 13.) The concentrations of the solutions used in making the negative for A^ beginning with the one whose spectrum is farthest from the spark spectrum, were 2.05, 0.0205, and 0.00401 normal, respectively, the corresponding depths of absorbing layer being 0.5 cm., 50 cm., and 250 cm. iCarn. Inst. Wash. Pub. 110. EFFECT OF DILUTION ON ABSORPTION OF LIGHT. 19 For B the concentrations used were 1.025, 0.01025, and 0.00205 normal. The depths of layer were the same as used m A. It is seen that the dilu- tions are just one-half those of the corresponding layers in A. . The concentrations of solutions used in making C were just half of those in S, i. e., 0.512, 0.00512, and 0.00102 normal. In the entire plate, as in all the dilution work, the most dilute solution is always nearest the spark spectrum. Since very much of the finer detail and several of the narrowest bands are lost in reproducing and printing the films, our discussion is always based upon the original photographic film. Lines will frequently be discussed which do not appear on the printed plates, but which are very clear and dis- tinct on the photographic film. A study of A shows complete absorption in the violet up to X3350, then slight transmission for about 50 a.u. The faint hazy band X3400 and the well-defined band X3450-X3600 are not affected by the change in dilution. Hazy bands appear at X3820, X4040, and X4200. Their intensities do not seem to be affected by dilution. The beautiful sharp band X4275 is slightly more intense in the most concentrated solution. The effect of dilution, if any, on the bands X4325, X4440, X4600, X4690, X4750, X4820 is not measur- able. On the original film they appear slightly broader, but not more intense, on the third strip. Bands which have their centers near X5100, X5200, and X5800 are decidedly affected by dilution, the former two appearing distinctly as independent bands in the most dilute solution, diffuse with a single broad band with the center near X5150. There is the greatest change between the second and third strips (in discussing any plate, strip 1 is always nearest the spark lines). The broadening of these bands with increase in concentration, both of which have rather hazy edges, is fairly uniform, i, e,, they widen both towards the red and violet ends of the spectrum. The intense band which extends from X5690 to X5850 is affected very markedly by concentration, the widening being almost entirely towards the red end of the spectrum. The violet edge is hardly affected, while the wid- ening towards the red is about 50 a.u. Here also the change in the width of the band is greatest where the change in concentration of the solution is greatest. There is a very faint band, X6225, which appears slightly more diffuse in the most concentrated solution. The concentrations of the solutions used in B are just one-half those of A, and it is seen that some of the smaller bands are lost, while the broader ones have split into two or more smaller bands. In this film, bands near X3425, X3475, X3520, X3575, X4275, X4340, X4450, X4700, X4750,X4820,X5100,X5120, show no change with dilution. The broad band X5700-X5825 shows a widen- ing of about 25 A.u. , being the only band which is changed by concentration. C of this plate is the spectrogram of solutions twice as dilute as those of B. No band on this plate shows any appreciable change produced by dilution, except probably a slight widening of X5750. 20 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS. We then see, from a study of this plate, that in A bands X4270, X5100, X5200, and X5750 narrow with dilution, the amount of change being in the order given; that is, least in XolOO and greatest in X5700. In B there is an appreciable change in oxAy X5750, while in C none of the bands are affected by dilution. NEODYMIUM BROMIDE IN WATER. (See Plate 14.) The concentrations of the solutions used in making negative A^ beginning with the solution whose spectrum is farthestfromthescale, were 1.66, 0.0166, and 0.0033 normal; the corresponding depths of absorption layer being 0.5 cm., 50 cm., and 250 cm., respectively. The concentrations used in making B were half of those of J., and those of C half those of B. The same range of cell depth was used in all three sec- tions of this plate, viz, 0.5 cm., 50 cm., and 250 cm., respectively, beginning with the strip farthest from the spark lines. In A , characteristic absorption bands appear at X3400, X3525, X3800, X4275, X4450, X4700, X4750, X4800, which are hardly affected by change in dilution, except for a slight increase in the intensity of band X4275 in the most concentrated solution. The three bands, X5090, X5120, and X5210, narrow uniformly with dilution, the greatest change being between strips 2 and 3, where the change in dilu- tion is the greatest. With the bromide, as is seen in plate 14, the effect of dilution is most pronounced in band X5750. The shading is almost exclu- sively towards the red, the violet edge remaining practically unchanged. This edge shows no change between strips 1 and 2, yet the red edge is widened as much as 30 a.u. In 5, where the concentrations were 0.83, 0.0083, and 0.00166 normal, respectively, the depths of absorbing layer were the same as used in A, There is no measurable change in any of the absorption bands except the band whose center is near X4800. This band shows the characteristic nar- rowing with dilution, as the dilution is increased. The total change is not greater than 20 a.u. Band X5200 is shghtly more intense in the third strip. When we reach the dilution used in C, which is four times that of J., any change due to dilution has disappeared except a narrowing of probably 10 a.u. between the third and second strips. Taking plate 14 as a whole we see, first, the narrowing due to increased dilution is most marked in A, less in B, and least in C. This is seen to be the same order as their respective concentrations. Considering an indi- vidual section, we find the most pronounced narrowing where the change in dilution is greatest — that is, between strips 2 and 3. NEODYMIUM NITRATE IN WATER. (See Plate 15.) The concentrations of neodymium nitrate used in making negative A of this plate, beginning with the strip farthest from the numbered scale, were 2.15, 0.0215, and 0.00430 normal, the corresponding depths of absorbing layer being 0.5 cm., 50 cm., and 250 cm., respectively. EFFECT OF DILUTION ON ABSORPTION OF LIGHT. 21 In discussing the absorption bands of this, as well as other plates through- out this paper, we do not attempt to give the exact position of the band in question, as has previously been done by many workers; but we simply indi- cate the position of the band by selecting a wave-length near its center. For instance, in speaking of band X5800, we mean that broad band extending from X5700 to X5850. This is not confusing and saves space and time in the description of any plate. This is probably the best plate we have illustrating the effect caused by dilution. Bands which are hardly affected over the range of dilution given in A are located at X3525, X3820, X4440, X4620, X4750, X4830. In strip 3 the well-defined band X4275 is more diffuse, though probably not so intense. This is in keeping with the behavior of this same band as shown by other salts of neodymium, though probably a little more marked. There is faint transmission at X5100 for about 10 a.u. In strip 3, representing the most concentrated solution, the bands X5090 and X5125 have so broadened that they coalesce. The X5220 band widens uniformly towards the red and violet as the solution becomes more concentrated. Band X5800, which is most affected by dilution, shows a total change of probably as much as 70 a.u., the shading being largely towards the red. In strips 1 and 2 the violet edge is hardly changed, while in strip 3 it is prob- ably shifted 20 a.u. On the original film these three strips show abso- lutely the same development, hence are directly comparable. Section B represents the absorption of neodymium nitrate. Beginning with the strip farthest from the numbered scale, the concentrations are 1.075, 0.01075, and 0.00215 normal, the corresponding depths of cell being the same as in A. In this section only a few bands need be discussed. Bands X5090 and X5125, which appear as distinct bands in strips 1 and 2, have slightly broadened so as to form a single hazy band whose center is near X5120. The X5750 band narrows as much as 40 a.u., almost the entire change being between strips 2 and 3. In C, the X5750 band alone is noticeably changed, narrowing about 20 a.u. from strip 3 to strip 2, but is not changed in the last dilution, i. e., from strips 2 to 1. NEODYMIUM SULPHATE IN WATER. (See Plate 16.) A gives the absorption spectra of a solution of neodymium acetate. The concentrations of the solutions used, beginning with the strip farthest removed from the numbered scale, were 0.5, 0.01, and 0.002 normal. The corresponding depths of cell were 1, 50, and 250 cm. This additional plate of neodymium acetate was made to study the effect of exposure on the apparent widening of the bands with concentration. Strip 2 was more exposed than strip 1, and strip 3 had a longer exposure than strip 2. Nevertheless the X5800 band has widened as much as 50 A.u. between the first and third exposures. In view of the unequal exposures of these strips, it is not thought advisable to discuss the other bands. These 22 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS. results show that difference in exposure can not account for the changes in the widths of the bands in question. Spectrograms B and C of this plate give the absorption of solutions of neodymium sulphate. On account of the slight solubility of this salt, we observe only slight changes in any of its absorption bands. The concentrations in B were 0.1, 0.004, and 0.0008 normal; the corre- sponding depths of cell being 2, 50, and 250 cm. The concentrations in C were 0.1, 0.001, and 0.0002 normal, and the corresponding depths of cell were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm. In both B and C, those bands having their center near X3500 appear well defined and remain unchanged both in position and intensity as the dilution is changed. The bandX5750 widens with concentration in A as much as 25 a.u. ; it remains practically unchanged in B, where the solutions are more dilute. The plate brings out the fact already mentioned, that only the more con- centrated solutions show marked change, either with change in temperature or with change in dilution. NEODYMIUM ACETATE IN WATER. (See Plate 17.) The concentrations of solutions used in making A of this plate were sat- urated, one-hundredth saturated, and five-hundredth saturated, the corre- sponding depths of cell being 0.5 cm., 50 cm., and 250 cm., respectively. The most dilute solution is nearest the numbered scale. This plate was made with very long exposures, to see if the apparent widening of the bands could be due to the difference in the amounts of light falling upon the photographic plate. In such a procedure the most concen- trated solution was given the longest exposure and yet had the broader bands. It is possible to narrow any given absorption band by lengthening the time of exposure, but this can not account for so large a difference as is shown by strip 3 of section A. Even in this section it is seen that the third strip has wider bands than either of the other two strips of this section, not- withstanding the fact that the actual exposure of the strip is greater. Thus we see that the difference of exposure can not account for the changes in the width of bands such as we have noted. In section A the violet group of bands in the region X3500 came out beau- tifully. Such is only the case when quite a long exposure is made. Indeed, in order to show these lines clearly, the exposure must be long enough to destroy those fine, sharp lines in the region of X3800 to X4600. Hence, in this plate the latter group of lines do not appear distinctly, though traces of them can be seen on the original film. The hazy bands X3300 and X3400 appear on this plate and remain un- changed by dilution. The three bands, X3460, X3500 and X3540, remain perfectly constant throughout the section. Band X5120, which appears broad and diffuse, shows no change. Band X5210 narrows about 10 a.u. from the third to the second strip, and remains unchanged with the next dilution. The broad EFFECT OF DILUTION ON ABSORPTION OF LIGHT. 23 band X5750 narrows about 40 a. u. from the third to the second strips, and about 15 A.u. with the next dilution. The concentrations used in B were again just half those in A, the most concentrated solution being one-half saturated, with succeeding dilutions of 100 and 5 times, respectively; the depths of cell, beginning with the strip farthest removed from the scale, were 0.5 cm., 50 cm. and 250 cm. Again, only bands X5220 and X5750 are changed, but with the acetate the change extends farther with the more dilute solutions. In a word, the nar- rowing of the bands with dilution is more marked in B and C than in the case of the chloride, bromide, and nitrate. The group of bands near X3500 is not altered with dilution. The concentrations used in C are again half of those in B, and the corre- sponding depths of cell the same as used throughout this plate. Their respec- tive sequence is the same. In this spectrogram only band X5750 changes, and, indeed, this is the only salt of neodymium with which a change with dilution has been noted in so dilute a solution. This band narrows about 20 a.u. Neodymium acetate, being the salt of a weak acid, is of course less dis- sociated at any given concentration than a salt of a strong acid. This salt approaches complete dissociation much more slowly than the others studied. Spectrograms A, B, and C show also that the changes caused by dilution are more marked and extend into more dilute solutions than with the chloride, bromide, or nitrate. In a word, the changes in the absorption bands due to dilution seem to follow the change in dissociation; that is, they are a direct function of the number of molecules present. PRASEODYMIUM CHLORIDE IN WATER. (See Plate 18.) The concentrations of solutions used in making A, beginning with the strip farthest removed from the numbered scale, were 2.56, 0.0256, and 0.00512 normal, the corresponding depths of absorbing layer being 0.5 cm., 50 cm., and 250 cm., respectively. The absorption is complete in the ultra-violet up to about X3100. The bands of praseodymium are for the most part broad and have well-defined, sharp edges. The violet edge of band X4450 is very sharp and unchanged by dilution, while the hazy red edge is hardly affected. Band X4675 narrows towards the violet about 20 a.u., while band X4830 is entirely unchanged. The broad band X5900, with slightly hazy edges, shows a total narrowing of about 25 A.u. The concentrations of B and C, beginning with the strips farthest from the numbered scale, are 1.28, 0.0128, and 0.00256 normal and 0.64, 0.0064, and 0.00128 normal, respectively. The corresponding depths of absorbing layer were the same as in A. None of the bands is affected by dilution, and we may say that Beer's law holds very well for praseod3^nium chloride, except for bands X4675 and X5900 in the most concentrated solutions. Even here the change is very slight and not to be compared with corresponding changes with dilution in salts of neodymium. 24 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS. PRASEODYMIUM NITRATE IN WATER. (See Plate 19.) The concentrations of the solutions used in A, beginning with the strip farthest removed from the numbered scale, were 2.6, 0.026, and 0.0052 nor- mal; the corresponding depths of cell being 0.5, 50, and 250 cm. The concentrations in B were just half of those in A, and those in C were half of those in B. None of the absorption bands shows any change with dilution in either B or C. In A there is a slight change in the X4450 and X4650 bands. Each of these bands widens about 20 a.u. with concentration over the range of concentration studied. With praseodj-mium nitrate, as with, the chloride previously discussed, there is only very slight change in the absorption with change in dilution. URANYL CHLORIDE IN WATER. (See Plate 20.) The concentrations of solutions used, beginning with the strip farthest removed from the numbered scale, were 1.363, 0.682, 0.341, 0.227, 0.01363, and 0.00272 normal; the corresponding depths of cell being 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 50, and 250 cm. In making this spectrogram, no additional exposure was made in the ultra-violet. The last fom* strips, one being nearest the numbered scale, were each exposed 30 seconds to the Nernst glower. The first two strips, on account of the length of cell used, had to be exposed a much longer time. In this, as in all other cases, the length of exposure was governed solely by the time required to give a clear print on the plate. There is complete absorption of all the light having wave-lengths shorter than X4500, well-defined bands with rather hazy edges appearing near X4700 and X4900. There is also rather diffuse absorption near X5500 and X6100. The two last-named bands are too ill-defined for detailed discussion. The X4700 band shows marked widening with increase in concentration, the change being greater towards the red end of the spectrum. The entire band is about 50 a.u. The X4900 band shades off rapidly towards the red end of the spectrum, but not so much as the band X4700. The greatest change is between strips 5 and 6, i. e., where the change in dilution is greatest. The concentrations in B were just half of those in A. Starting with the strip away from the scale, they were 0.685, 0.340, 0.170, 0.1135, 0.00685, and 0.00136 normal. The depths of the cell were the same as in A, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 50, and 250 cm. The changes produced by dilution, as shown in B, are much less marked than in A. Indeed, this would be expected, since the concentrations of the solutions were less. There is, however, a gradual widening of both X4600 and X4700 bands as the solution becomes more concentrated. The greatest change is in strips 5 and 6. URANYL BROMIDE IN WATER. (See Plate 21.) The concentrations of the solutions used in making A, beginning with the strip farthest removed from the numbered scale, were 1.365, 0.682, 0.341, 0.227, 0.01365, and 0.0027 normal, the corresponding depths of layer being 0.5, 1, 2, 3; 50, and 250 cm. EFFECT OF DILUTION ON ABSORPTION OF LIGHT. 25 This spectrogram shows complete absorption in the violet to about X4500, with a well-defined band near X4700. The latter widens uniformly with increase in concentration. It is scarcely visible in strip 1, but becomes about 75 A.u. wide in the top strip. The most concentrated solution (strip 6) shows decidedly more absorption towards the red. The change in both of these bands is decidedly the most pronounced between strips 5 and 6, i. e., where the percentage change in dilution is greatest. B contains the absorption spectra of a series of solutions whose respective concentrations are just half of those in A, the corresponding depths of absorbing layer being the same as in A. There is faint transmission near X3800, with complete absorption of all of the wave-lengths from this region to X4400. None of the bands shows any change with dilution. In a word. Beer's law seems to hold perfectly for these dilutions. URANYL NITRATE IN WATER. (See Plate 22.) The concentrations of A, beginning with the strip farthest removed from the numbered scale, were 1.55, 0.775, 0.387, 0.269, 0.0155, and 0.0031 nor- mal, the corresponding depths of cell being 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 50, and 250 cm. In B, the concentrations were just half of those in A, the same depths of cell being employed. The negative of A shows the bands with special clearness. In strip 1 there is complete absorption of the violet to X4500. This gradually recedes towards the red, with increase in concentration amount- ing to as much as 100 a.u. The X4700 band widens about 20 a.u. There is a sharp band, X4878, which widens slightly with increase in concentration. B shows faint transmission around X3750, with broad, intense absorption to X4350. Absorption bands, which are unchanged by change in dilution, appear at X4550, X4700, and X4850. The only change in the bands on this plate is a slight encroachment on the red of the broad violet absorption in strip 6. The results recorded on this plate are in complete accord with those of plates 20 and 21, which are the corresponding absorptions of uranyl chloride and uranyl bromide. A , in all three of these plates, represents the most con- centrated solutions, while B represents half the concentrations in A. Most of the bands in A show well-marked widening with increase in the concen- tration, while in B the change is scarcely detectable. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Plate 1. A. Neodymium Chloride in Aqueous Solution. Concentration, saturated. Depth of layer, 1 cm. Respective temperatures, 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 140°, and 165°, with lowest temperatures nearest spark lines. Exposures made on rising temperature. B. The same solution used in A, with exposures made as cell cooled. Depth of layer and concentration the same as in ^i. Temperatiues, 165°, 140°, 115°, 95°, 70°, respectively. Highest tem^peratures nearest spark lines. 2. A. Neodymium Bromide in Aqueous Solution. Concentration, 1,66 normal. Depth of cell, 1 cm. Respective temperatures, 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 120°, 140°, 175°, 190°. Lowest temperature nearest spark spectra. B. Neodymium Bromide in Aqueous Solution. Concentration, 0.166 normal. Depth of cell, 10 cm. Respective temperatures, 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 135°, 155°, and 190°. Highest temperature nearest spark spectra. 3. A. Neodymium Nitrate in Water. Concentration saturated; depth of cell, 1 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 15°, 40°, 65°, 115°, 140°, and 165°, respectively. B. Neodymium Nitrate in Water. Concentration, one-tenth saturation, depth of cell, 10 cm.; temperatures, 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 120°, and 145°, respectively. Lowest temperature nearest the numbered scale. 4. A. Neodymium Nitrate in Aqueous Solution. Concentration, 0.1 saturated. Depth of layer, 10 cm. Temperatures, 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 140°, 165°, 190°. Exposures made as temperature was raised. Lowest temperature nearest spark lines. B. The same solution of neodymium nitrate as used in A . Concentration and depth of layer identical with A. Temperatures, 190°, 165°, 140°, 115°, 95°. 70°, 45°, and 20°. Exposures made on falling temperatures. Highest tempera- tures nearest spark lines. 5. A. Neodymium Acetate in Water. Concentration, 0.1 saturated. Depth of cell, 10 cm. Trace of acetic acid added to prevent precipitation. Tempera- tures, 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 120°, 140°, 160°, and 190°. Exposures made on rising temperature. Lowest temperature nearest spark line. B. Solution, depth of cell and concentration the same as A. Temperatures, 190°, 165°, 145°, 125°, 100°, 75°, 50°, and 25°. Exposures made on falling temperatures. 6. A. Neodymium Acetate in Water. Concentration, one-tenth saturation; depth of absorbing layer, 10 cm. The temperatures, beginning with strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 40°, 60°, 80°, 100°, and 125°, respectively. B. Neodymium Chloride in Water. Concentration one-tenth saturation; depth of cell, 10 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 15°, 40°, 65°, 90°, 115°, 140°, 165°, and 190°, respec- tively. 7. A. Neodymium Sulphate in Water. Concentration was saturation, cell depth, 10 cm. Temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 75°, 90°, 115°, and 140°. ^ B. Cobalt Chloride in Water. Concentration, 0.25 normal; depth of cell 1 cm. Temperatures, 12°, 32°, 52°, 76°, 92°, 112°, 132°, and 152°, respectively. The lowest temperature was nearest the numbered scale. 8. ^. Praseodymium Chloride in Water. Concentration, 2.56 normal; depth of absorbing layer 1 cm. Temperatures, beginning with strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 50°, 80°, 100°, 120°, 140°, and 160°, respectively. B. Praseodymium chloride in water. Concentration, 0.256 normal; depth of cell, 10 cm. Beginning with the strip nearest numbered scale, the temperatures were 20°, 40°, 65°, 90°, 115°, 140°, 165°, and 190°, respectively. 9. A. Praseodymium Nitrate in Water. Concentration, 2.6 normal. Cell depth, 1 cm. Temperatures, 12°, 32°, 52°, 72°, 92°, 112°, 125°, and 145°. Lowest temperature nearest spark lines. B. Praseodymium Nitrate in Water. Concentration, 0.26 normal. Cell depth, 10 cm. Temperatures, 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 135°, and 165°. Lowest temperature nearest spark lines, 26 DESCRIPTION OP PLATES. 27 10. A. Uranyl Nitrate in Wulur. Concentration, 0.2 normal. Cell depth, 1 cm. Temperatures, starting with strip nearest spark lines, were 20", 40°, 60°, 80°, 100°, and 120°, respectively. B. Uranyl Nitrate in Water. Concentration, 0.02 normal. Depth of cell, 10 cm. Temperatures, starting with exposure nearest spark hnes, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 140°, and 165°, respectively. 11. yl. Uranyl Sulphate in Water. Concentration, 0.166 normal. Depth of cell, 1 cm. Temperatures, beginning nearest spark Hnes, 20°, 45°, 70°, 90°, 115°, 135°, 155°, and 185°, respectively. B. Uranyl Sulphate in Water. Concentration, 0.02 normal. Cell depth, 10 cm. Respective temperatures, beginning nearest spark lines, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, 140°, and 165°. 12. A. Uranyl Acetate in Water. The concentrations, beginning with the strip most removed from the numbered scale, were 0.25, 0.125, 0.062, 0.042, 0.0025, 0.0005 normal, respectively; the corresponding depths of absorbing layer were 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 50, and 250 cm. B. Uranyl Acetate in Water. Concentration, 0.02 normal. Depth of cell, 10 cm. The temperatures, beginning with the strip nearest the numbered scale, were 20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 115°, and 140°, respectively. 13. A. Neodymium Chloride in Water. Concentrations, 2.05, 0.0205, and 0.00401 nor- mal. Respective depths of cell, 0.5, 50, and 250 cm. Most dilute solution nearest spark lines. B. Neodymium Chloride in Water. Concentrations, 1.025, 0.01025, and 0.00205 normal. Depths of cell, starting with strip farthest from spark lines, were 0.5, 50 and 250 cm., respectively. C. Neodymium Chloride in Water. Concentrations, 0.512, 0.00512, and 0.00102 nor- mal. Depths of cell, beginning with strip farthest removed from spark lines, were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. 14. A . Neodymium Bromide in Water. Concentrations, 1.66, 0.0166, and 0.0033 normal. Corresponding depths of ceU, 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. Most dilute solution nearest spark lines. B. Neodymium Bromide in Water. Concentrations, 0.83, 0.0083, and 0.00166 normal. Corresponding depths of cell, 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. Most dilute solution nearest spark Unes. C. Neodymium Bromide in Water. Concentrations, 0.415, 0.00415, and 0.000803 normal. Corresponding depths of cell, 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. 15. A . Neodymium Nitrate in Water. Concentrations, 2.15, 0.0215, and 0.00430 normal, respectively. Corresponding depths of cell were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. Most dilute solutions nearest spark lines. B. Neodymium Nitrate in Water. Concentrations, 1.075, 0.01075, and 0.00215 normal. Corresponding cell depths were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. C. Neodymium Nitrate in Water. Concentrations, 0.537, 0.00537, and 0.00107. Corresponding depths of cell were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. Most dilute solutions nearest spark hnes. 16. A. Neodymium Acetate in Water. Concentrations, 0.5, 0.01, and 0.002 normal; the corresponding depths of absorbing layers being 0.1, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. B. Neodymium «Sulphate in Water. Concentrations 0.1, 0.004, and 0.0008 normal, the corresponding depths of cell being 2, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. C. Neodymium Sulphate in Water. Concentrations, 0.1, 0.001, and 0.0002 normal. Depths of cell, 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. In each case, the most dilute solution is nearest the numbered scale. . 17. A. Neodymium Acetate in Water. Concentrations, saturated, '0.01s and 0.002», where s represents a saturated solution of the salt in water at 25°. Corre- sponding depths of cell were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. B. Neodymium Acetate in Water. Concentrations, 0.50s, 0.005s, and 0.001s (s being a saturated solution as above). Corresponding depths of cell were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm. C. Neodymium Acetate in Water. Concentrations, 0.25s, 0.0025s, and 0.0005s. Corresponding depths of cell were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. 18. A. Praseodymium Chloride in Water. Concentrations, 2.56, 0.0256, and 0.00512 normal, respectively. Corresponding depths of cell were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm. B. Praseodymium Chloride in Water. Concentrations, 1 .28, 0.0128, and 0.00256 nor- mal. Corresponding depths of cell were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. C. Praseodymium Chloride in Water. Concentrations, 0.64, 0.0064, and 0.00128 nor- mal. Corresponding depths of cell were 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. 28 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS. 19. A. Praseodymium Nitrate in Water. Concentrations, 2.G, 0.026, and 0.0052 normal, respactively. Corresponding depths of cell, 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respec- tively; most dilute solution nearest numbered scale. B. Praseodymium Nitrate in Water. Concentration, 1.3, 0.013, and 0.0026 normal; cell depths, 0.5, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. C. Praseodymium Nitrate in Water. Concentration,"^ 0.65, 0.0065, and 0.0013 nor- mal; cell depths, 0.5, 50, and 250 cm. In each case the most dilute solu- tion is nearest the numbered scale. 20. A. Uranyl Chloride in Water. Concentrations, 1.363, 0.682, 0.341, 0.227, 0.01363, and 0.00272 normal Depths of cell, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 50, and 250 cm., respec- tively. B. Uranyl Chloride in Water. Concentrations, 0.685, 0.340, 0.170, 0.1135, 0.00685 and 0.00136 normal, corresponding depths of absorbing layers being 0.5, 1, 2, 3. 50, and 250 cm. The most dilute solution in each case is nearest 21. A. Uranyl Bromide in Water. Concentrations, 1.365, 0.682, 0.341, 0.227, 0.01365, and 0.00273 normal. Corresponding depths of cell, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 50, and 250 cm. Most dilute solution nearest scale. B. Uranyl Bromide in Water. Concentrations, 0.682, 0.341, 0.171, 0.113, 0.00682, and 0.00136 normal. Corresponding depths of cell, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 50, and 250 cm. 22. A. Uranyl Nitrate in Water. Concentrations, 1.55, 0.775, 0.387, 0.269, 0.0155, and 0.0031 normal. Corresponding depths of cell, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. B. Uranyl Nitrate in Water. Concentrations, 0.775, 0.387, 0.193, 0.134, 0.00775, and 0.0015 normal, respectively. Corresponding depths of cell, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 50, and 250 cm., respectively. PLATE CAMPBELL ART CO., CLI2A8ETH, N. J. QQ CAMPBEll. A»T CO.. flllMfTH. PLA PLATE 4 CD PLATE 5 :»MPPrLL ART CO.. €LI7*<1FTH, ■. J. PLATE 6 ^K^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^^m^"''^ "^^^^^H Pi^B • ( 1- *• ■ O ^L.. -' T ^^^HHft bL.'-..^^'' ^^^^^^^^^^Hj^gjBj^Mjiii liiiHHi 1 OO ^^^^^^^H^^^^KJ (t) ^^^^B tr, ^^^^^H ■ CM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^H ^ ^^^^^^H CO HHillHiHiHlH ^ CAMPSEll «»t CO.. eil»«HrTK. pt K. 00 ' n 1 ! ■- « Bh « »- V 1^ ♦ ^^ ^c E- »>J K* le B o ^_ u Lm^mm^mmt y w CO 1 K~ (0 1 ID T m iMi ^^^^^^^^^^^H; Oi H|P^^^^^^^^^^^ ITl ^^^^1 ^* ^^Wfe" o I' in ^p^~ CD •■ ^p" t pB=_ li ■H^ ■T H^ ^-- ^ tu ■i^ i 1 O ■^^^^^^■^^f 1^" 00 rr> }^ ■* o »N rr o fo £ li- a» QQ CAMPSELL ART CO., ELIZABETH, N J. PLATE 8 AMPBEL< ART CO. ELI2ABETH. N. ^^LATE 9 QQ IPBELl APT CO.. ELIZABETH, N. J. PLATE 10 i^HHHHH ts TTnT E-- *> 1' F |-3 1 1 i r «> i~ 00 : « — r>4 Mi r" i- ^ r ^ ] iH 1 "1- fi^ 1 " 00 : 1 ; '^ HH^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Et' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^d CM CO r . QQ CAMPBELL ART CO. FLI7ABFrN PLATE 11 tXJ PBFIL ART CO., ELI7ABFIH, N. J. 03 CAMP8CI.L ART CO.. EIIZA8ETH. N. J PLATE 13 QQ CAMPBfLL ART CO.. ELIZABETH, ». J PLATE 14 I o i^Q C«HP8Fll *Bt CO . ni/»8FtH N PLATE 1 ■ Ts I - <0 : s ■ 00 in E E PB O :- ^ O CO ^ M S ro f\j Q 10 m 1 n 1 5 O »0 ■ ■ ■ 00 ^ 1 s CD ^ 00 _ ^ ^^B ro ^^^B rr ^^B Q "1 ^^H OS CM IhI <* QQ CAM»>BEtft ART CO. FLI.'AnFTH N ■ r F 00 1- 1 "^ o 00 IT) «0 t in Oi s 00 1 ^ o . 00 ^ m d }^ ^^H CO ^^H ^^H O ^^H 09 CM IBj 1 OQ CAMPBFll ART CO.. FlIIABFTN QQ AMPdELL ABT CO., ELI2A8ETH. N J. PLATE 18 OQ CAMPIIFIL ART CO., ELIZABETH. II . PLATE 19 CAMPBELl ART CO.. EUrZABETH, PLATE 20 t'-tJ QQ CAMPBFLL ART CO.. ELIZABETH, N. J. QQ IPBELU ART CO., ELIZABETH, PLATE 22 QQ «»r CO.. tll2*8(TM, CHAPTER IV. ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF CERTAIN SALTS OF NEODYMIUM AS STUDIED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER. The radiomicrometer is simply a thermo-element attached to a loop of thin copper wire suspended in a magnetic field. One of the greatest diffi- culties in constructing this element is to obtain copper wire free from all magnetic metals. If perfectly pure copper wire could be found, an instru- ment could be constructed of almost any desired sensibility. A very good specimen of small copper wire was furnished us by Leeds and Northrup, of Philadelphia. This wire was dipped in dilute nitric acid and the exterior dissolved away until the ^vire was of proper size. The removal of the outside coating of the wire removed practically all of the magnetic mate- rial from it, this material probably being iron from the dies through which the wire was drawn. It was not a simple matter to construct a satisfactory thermo-electric junction. The alloys used in making this junction were 90 parts bismuth and 10 parts tin, and 97 parts bismuth and 3 parts antimony. The method of making the thermo-electric junction and of soldering it on to the ends of the loop of copper wire we owe to Professor A. H. Pfund.^ Fine strips of the alloys were obtained in the following manner: A few grams of the alloy in question were fused in a vessel free from all magnetic material, and then thrown tangentially upon a clean and smooth glass plate. In this way strips of the metal were obtained of almost any desired thickness. Some were too thin to handle, those used being about 1 mm. wide, 0.01 mm. thick, and about 5 mm. in length. The thermo-element was made by soldering an end of a strip of one of the above-named alloys to an end of a strip of the other, the whole having the form of a letter V. The two free ends of the V were soldered to the two ends of the loop of copper wire. The soldered surfaces were blackened to absorb the energy more completely. At the end of the loop of copper wire opposite the thermo-element a light glass rod is fastened. This carries the mirror and is suspended from above by a quartz fiber. The mirror employed was about 4 sq. mm. This entire system, consisting of thermo-element, loop of copper wire, and mirror, weighed about 20 mg. It was suspended by means of a quartz fiber so that the loop hung between the poles of a strong magnet. Phys. Rev., 34, 228 (1912). Phys. Zeit., 13, 870 (1912). 30 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF CERTAIN SALTS This entire system was suspended in the interior of a glass tube, the tube being closed by a ground-glass stopper, and provided with suitable windows for exposing the junction and observing the mirror. The upright tube was provided with a side tube for evacuation, and by a method devised by Pro- fessor Pfund a very high vacuum could be obtained and maintained for any desired length of time. By suitably turning the ground-glass stopper in the top of the glass tube, the loop of copper wire, mirror, and, indeed, the whole system, could be made to occupy any position relative to the magnets, even after the entire system had been evacuated. The whole apparatus was supported upon a leveling stand and packed in cotton to protect it from external radiation, the thermal junction alone being exposed to the radia- tion in question. The sensibility of the instrument used can be seen from the following data: It had a full period of 8 seconds, and with a candle at a distance of a meter gave a deflection of 15 cm. when the light was allowed to fall on the junction after passing through a glass window. When the apparatus was pumped out and the radiomicrometer thus sus- pended in a vacuum, the deflection for a candle at a distance of a meter was 50 cm. Since glass absorbs just about half the energy emitted by a candle, our radiomicrometer, when provided with a rock-salt window and exposed to a candle at a distance of a meter, would give a deflection of about 100 cm. How our instrument compared with the radiomicrometers constructed and used by other investigators can be seen from the following table, taken in part from the paper by Coblentz '} Table 1. Investigator. Whole period in seconds. Deflection in cm. per sq. mm.; candle 1 m. distance. Boys, Phil. Trans. (A) 180, 159 (1889) . . . Paschen, Wied. Ann., 48, 275 (1893) Lewis, Astrophys. Joum., 2, 1 (1895) . . . Coblentz, Bull. Bur. Stand., (1 Sept. 1907) Coblentz, Bull. Bur. Stand., (1 Sept. 1907) Jones and Guy 10 40 20 40 25 8 7 7 0.9 3.0 1.3 3.6 6.0 8.0 25.0 (vacuo) 50.0 (vacuo) rock-salt window. Jones and Guy Jones and Guy The magnetic control due to small amounts of magnetic impurities in the copper wire was, of course, greater the more sensitive the instrument. For this reason the radiomicrometer was not used in a vacuum. The length of the quartz fiber was so chosen that a candle at a distance of a meter gave a deflection of 16 cm. The half period was 4 seconds. This sensibility was found to be quite sufficient for work in the red and infra-red, and even for wave-lengths as short as 4,500 a.u. The measurement could be carried out quickly and the magnetic disturbance was practically negligible. » Bull.lBur. Standards 4, No. 3. AS STUDIED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER. 31 When the thermo-j unction was exposed to the radiation and the source of energy removed, the instrument returned to its original zero position to within 0.5 mm. In most cases several readings were made for a given amount of radiation, and these usually agreed to within 1 per cent. The source of energy was a Nernst glower attached to a storage battery, the amperage being 1.2 and the voltage 110. This was found to be very con- stant, successive readings in the same position of the spectra agreeing well with one another. The vessels used for holding the solutions were made of brass and gold plated. They were about 4 cm. in diameter and of the desired thickness. The ends were made of the best optical glass. Vessels of the same thickness gave practically the same deflection both when empty and when filled with water. METHOD OF PROCEDURE. The light from a Nemst glower was rendered parallel by a lens, then passed through the vessel containing the solution, and allowed to fall on the slit of a Hilger spectroscope. The solution was first inserted into the path of the light, and then the pure solvent, this being done without disturbing the adjustment. By means of a movable framework, first the vessel containing the solution and then that containing the solvent were interposed in the path of the beam. A metal screen interposed between the Nernst glower and the vessel containing the solution allowed the light to pass through the solution only when an observation was being made. By this means the thermo- electric junction was exposed to the radiation only long enough to read the deflection of the mirror. The light, after passing through the solution and the slit of the spectro- scope, fell upon the prism of the Hilger spectroscope. A second slit was inserted in the spectroscope instead of the eye-piece. The light passed from the prism through this second slit, and was then focused on the thermal junction of the radiomicrometer. The Hilger spectroscope contained a milled head, graduated so that the wave-lengths could be read off directly. By suitably turning this head any desired wave-length could be thrown upon the junction of the radio- micrometer. The width of the slit used in the visible part of the spectrum was 0.4 mm. In the infra-red, where there is far more energy, the slit width was cut down to 0.22 mm. A series of readings was carried out as follows: The vessel containing the solvent was first placed in the path of the beam of light, the screen removed, and the deflection of the mirror noted. Then the vessel containing the solution was put in the same place that was formerly occupied by the vessel contaming the solvent, the screen removed, and the deflection again noted. The prism was then turned slightly by means of the gradu- ated and calibrated head, and a new wave-length allowed to fall on the jimc- 32 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF CERTAIN SALTS tion. By repeating this procedure any wave-length could be allowed to fall on the junction. If we represent by I the deflection with the solution in the path of the beam of light, and by/o the deflection with the solvent in the path of the light beam, the percentage of light which passed through the solution would be represented by I/Iq. In tables 2 to 5 we have the ratio of I/Iq. Table 2. — Observed Transmission of Neodijmium Chloride Solutions. X N.-3.43. N.=3.43. N. =0.857. N. =0.427. X N.=3.43. N.=3.43. N. =0.857. N. =0.427. D.=2.5mm. D.=5mm. D.=10mm. D.=20mm. D.=2.5mm. D.=5mm. D.=10mm. D.=20mm. 486 72 67 80 70 676 71 62 63 57 492 83 72 82 74 678 78 67 61 495 67 61 61 66 681 85 75 74 76 499 38 25 40 41 685 89 91 97 89 501 26 13 29 30 691 92 90 99 90 503 15 8 13 16 699 88 74 97 89 505 9 2 7 12 706 65 37 91 84 506 10 1 11 11 710 49 20 80 75 509 13 2 13 14 714 33 8 47 57 513 13 4 10 17 719 18 1 29 27 515 10 6 2 8 722 7 1 8 5 516 6 2 4 5 724 4 1 518 10 4 13 14 729 6 3 520 23 11 31 29 733 14 14 522 36 18 45 42 737 26 26 5 3 525 52 23 62 56 741 38 41 17 16 530 83 78 92 84 745 50 51 42 36 535 96 95 94 89 750 57 51 64 59 544 92 95 91 87 755 59 41 79 75 550 97 98 80 79 760 54 32 84 79 556 69 59 69 70 765 45 16 75 73 559 56 41 50 53 769 33 6 57 55 563 36 22 26 33 772 21 34 30 565 20 7 9 12 776 12 14 15 567 7 4 1 2 781 9 4 4 572 2 786 10 4 577 1 1 1 1 792 17 16 2 579 2 2 3 2 798 28 29 6 29 583 6 2 11 9 802 44 48 16 12 585 12 3 23 20 806 54 64 34 29 587 27 8 42 37 811 63 78 59 51 589 41 26 63 55 818 76 83 79 75 592 59 45 79 69 823 78 81 91 87 595 75 62 90 81 833 70 52 95 91 597 85 77 92 86 836 61 34 90 89 600 91 90 95 89 840 51 23 80 80 609 93 92 94 88 845 45 14 62 64 611 93 92 92 87 850 37 11 37 39 614 92 90 93 87 855 34 9 20 18 622 90 79 91 82 860 33 12 16 13 629 95 88 94 84 866 38 26 23 26 638 96 99 98 91 872 42 37 41 38 643 96 99 98 92 878 59 53 43 46 650 97 99 99 92 883 67 73 54 51 657 86 82 99 90 889 73 83 65 59 660 77 60 95 87 894 81 90 76 65 662 70 49 91 80 900 92 98 90 87 666 62 37 75 68 927 96 100 100 96 670 62 36 60 54 958 100 100 100 100 672 62 60 57 48 AS STUDIED BY MEANS OF THE KADIOMICROMETER. 33 Table 3. — Observed Transmissions of Neodymium Bromide Solutions. X N. = 1.68. N. = 1.66. N. =0.415. N. =0.208. X N. = 1.66. N. = 1.66. N.=0.415. N. =0.208. D.=2.5mm. D.=5mm. D.=10mm. D.=20mm. D.=2.5mm. D.=5mm. D. = 10mm. D.=20mm. 486 64 44 84 83 672 71 52 69 67 492 64 46 81 84 676 67 57 68 70 495 60 35 73 76 678 67 73 75 76 499 38 22 54 53 681 71 77 83 80 501 29 11 45 43 685 82 89 87 90 503 2 9 33 26 691 95 92 92 93 505 17 7 21 25 699 82 80 95 92 507 15 4 26 25 706 72 60 93 91 509 17 9 30 29 710 55 45 88 83 513 18 6 28 25 714 38 28 72 67 515 13 6 21 14 719 21 11 48 39 516 9 4 11 10 722 12 6 19 8 518 16 7 28 25 724 7 2 6 1 520 28 12 39 41 729 10 6 1 522 43 19 55 51 733 19 11 2 1 525 53 32 66 73 737 32 21 8 12 530 71 54 89 86 741 45 30 26 25 535 79 57 100 93 745 59 40 49 49 544 84 65 100 94 750 67 49 73 69 555 77 48 95 93 755 67 50 92 80 556 69 47 86 77 760 62 47 100 83 559 57 37 73 62 765 51 37 95 79 563 42 23 51 39 769 40 25 82 66 565 21 12 26 17 772 28 16 59 44 567 9 3 10 5 776 18 9 37 24 572 3 2 2 1 781 18 6 17 8 577 3 1 3 3 786 15 7 5 1 579 6 2 9 10 792 21 12 3 1 583 6 5 17 21 798 33 21 10 9 585 24 11 29 36 802 46 27 23 24 587 39 23 47 51 806 57 35 44 42 589 55 34 63 67 811 69 45 64 63 592 69 63 72 77 818 76 62 83 82 595 75 61 86 81 823 80 66 98 91 597 78 65 91 89 833 77 58 94 94 600 83 73 93 95 836 68 53 91 91 605 87 73 92 94 840 58 44 82 82 614 86 74 94 92 845 50 34 69 70 622 88 76 85 84 850 47 28 48 46 629 88 78 90 86 855 43 24 33 25 638 91 83 92 93 866 47 27 36 38 643 92 98 94 94 872 53 34 48 52 650 91 90 94 92 878 61 42 56 60 657 88 83 93 94 883 69 48 63 64 660 81 72 90 91 889 75 67 70 71 662 79 62 87 85 900 87 69 87 92 666 74 66 78 78 958 97 84 98 100 670 68 50 70 66 34 ABSOKPTION SPECTRA OF AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF CERTAIN SALTS Table 4. — Observed Transmissions of Neodymium Nitrate Solutions. X N.=2.95. N.=2.95. N. =0.736. N.=0.368. X N.=2.95. N.=2.95. N. =0.736. N.=0.368. D.=2.5niin. D.=5mm. D.=10mm. D.=20mm. D.=2.5mm D.=5TnTn. D.=10mm D.=20mm. 486 492 495 499 80 71 61 39 95 93 74 49 80 76 60 45 672 676 678 681 67 75 78 85 53 51 71 77 61 60 65 76 61 61 64 77 " "25" 501 16 23 38 37 685 88 82 86 84 503 11 14 25 17 691 88 87 92 90 505 4 7 25 7 699 81 78 94 91 507 9 4 19 11 706 64 51 86 86 509 17 4 23 14 710 36 33 80 78 513 11 4 21 14 714 26 16 65 65 515 13 2 16 6 719 11 8 35 39 516 7 3 10 4 722 6 2 . 14 10 518 13 4 12 8 724 4 1 2 3 520 28 5 27 26 729 8 1 522 41 7 43 37 733 17 4 525 53 15 55 54 737 33 11 3 3 530 83 39 83 79 741 42 21 11 12 535 86 72 91 92 745 52 25 29 30 544 87 85 88 87 750 56 40 50 50 555 75 82 78 78 755 56 42 68 66 556 58 67 69 71 760 45 34 78 75 559 35 54 54 55 765 35 26 76 74 563 15 38 32 35 769 23 15 61 61 565 3 25 14 16 772 13 7 40 39 567 1 12 5 3 776 8 3 20 23 572 6 2 781 7 2 8 15 577 2 3 786 12 3 1 2 579 3 2 3 1 792 19 7 1 1 583 4 7 6 798 33 14 3 5 585 12 1 13 16 802 48 26 12 11 687 26 1 27 26 806 59 41 27 27 589 44 7 43 44 811 61 54 47 46 592 64 14 62 62 818 75 70 71 65 595 81 27 75 77 823 74 74 88 81 597 89 42 84 85 833 63 64 98 92 600 92 58 89 92 836 52 54 98 89 605 98 82 88 91 840 42 40 82 75 614 85 87 88 91 845 39 29 76 69 622 85 86 87 84 850 36 22 48 46 629 86 85 91 86 855 39 18 28 23 638 643 89 94 97 98 94 96 866 872 53 59 28 37 30 41 25 36 ' "92'" 650 93 90 95 95 878 66 45 52 45 657 78 85 95 100 883 75 58 59 53 660 71 85 90 91 889 82 67 68 62 662 67 74 84 83 900 88 81 91 83 666 62 67 73 74 958 95 100 100 100 670 64 60 61 61 i AS STUDIED BY MEANS OP THE RADIOMICROMETER. 35 Table 5. — Transmission oj Neodymium Acetate; Transmission of Neodymimn Sulphate. ^ N.=0.84. N.=0.84. N.=0.118. X N.=0.84. N.=0.84. N.=0.118. D.»2.5mm. D.=5 mm. D. = 10mm. D. =2.5 mm. D.=5 mm. D. = 10mm. 486 86 "Ta" 89 1 672 87 83 91 492 88 90 95 676 88 84 92 495 93 85 98 678 90 88 94 499 83 65 97 i 681 94 93 95 501 73 50 86 1 685 96 90 95 503 67 39 78 691 98 94 96 505 55 29 72 699 93 88 97 507 57 31 72 706 89 67 98 509 53 40 73 710 72 47 97 513 57 35 80 714 52 27 94 515 52 26 62 719 35 12 83 516 39 12 55 722 21 3 58 518 36 19 67 724 14 4 42 520 44 33 79 729 22 14 31 522 59 53 89 733 34 28 31 525 72 70 92 737 49 42 40 530 83 91 100 741 64 60 59 535 96 96 100 745 79 74 78 544 98 96 100 760 86 78 89 555 94 93 100 755 88 74 94 556 88 81 100 760 87 64 96 559 85 69 95 765 76 47 97 563 66 39 85 769 59 32 94 565 46 21 63 772 42 17 86 567 27 5 38 776 28 8 75 572 12 28 781 22 9 50 577 4 29 786 25 17 29 579 3 1 42 792 26 29 25 583 8 3 55 798 51 43 40 585 19 12 69 802 63 59 53 587 32 23 81 806 77 72 74 589 48 40 93 811 86 83 84 592 62 50 97 818 91 88 92 595 76 73 100 823 95 89 95 597 85 90 100 833 94 87 96 600 91 98 100 836 95 66 96 605 97 97 98 840 77 63 95 614 99 96 97 845 68 46 94 622 99 96 94 850 63 46 83 629 94 95 97 855 66 47 71 638 98 93 100 866 73 63 71 643 96 92 99 872 78 74 81 650 99 93 99 878 82 82 85 657 93 87 98 883 90 87 88 660 91 80 98 889 93 90 89 662 89 80 98 900 96 96 90 666 88 82 93 958 98 100 99 670 86 80 93 36 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF CERTAIN SALTS When we first began to investigate any given salt we made a preliminary survey of its spectrum, noting the approximate positions of the absorption lines and bands. We then made our observations very close together over the regions in which the preliminary survey had indicated the presence of lines and bands. The number of absorption lines and bands, as is well known, is very great in the case of neodymium compounds, and these lines and bands frequently have very sharp edges. This made the work with this substance very difficult. The proper width of slit and position had to be chosen or a considerable error would result. Given a slit width which was approximately the same as that of an absorption line, a very slight move- ment of the slit or prism would change very greatly the total amount of energy falling on the thermal junction. Take the neodymium band X4275, which is very intense but narrow. On both sides of this band there is a region of almost perfect transparency. If the slit width necessary to give the desired deflection was greater than the width of this band, light would pass through around the edges of the band, and an error, which might be of very considerable magnitude, would result. With substances which did not contain such fine lines and bands the work would be much simpler. The entire spectrum from wave-lengths X4000 to X20000 was observed at intervals of from 20 a.u. to 50 a.u., except in the regions where the pre- liminary survey indicated the absence of absorption lines and bands. An examination of table 2 will show at X486 a transparency [of 72 per cent, which rapidly decreases, reaching the first minimum at X505. There the transparency amounts to only 2 per cent. The transparency then increases a little and quickly drops to 6 per cent at X515. The transparency then increases, becoming nearly complete at X535. We have here, then, a double band with greater absorption on the red side. Other minima appear at X572, X730, X786, and X860. Bands X730, X786, and X860 do not appear on the photographic plate, and the last two seem never to have been detected before. The above wave-lengths are given as in the tables. The salts of neodymium were studied as far as X20000, but beyond Ifi there seems to be complete transparency. The absorption of water is, as is well known, very great in the region X12000 to X20000. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS. The results are plotted in figs. 1 to 11. The abscissae are percentage trans- parencies, the ordinates are wave-lengths. These curves, since they repre- sent the transparencies of the solutions in question, are called transmission curves. Figs. 1, 2, and 3 represent the transparency of solutions of neodsmiium chloride expressed in terms of Beer's law. If we represent the concentration by N and the depth of layer by d, Nd= constant AS STUDIED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER. 37 The concentration reprebentcd in fig. 1^ is 3.43 normal, in fig. 2 it is 0.857 normal, and in fig. 3 it is 0.427 normal. The depth of layer represented by fig. 1 is 2.5 mm., by fig. 2 it is 10 mm., and by fig. 3 it is 20 mm. The con- centration and depth of layer were thus varied so as to keep Nd constant. If the solvent plays no role in the absorption, the three sets of curves must fall directly over one another, i. e., be identical, since the number of absorb- ing parts in the path of the beam of light is kept constant. A comparison of the curves shows that, in general, the more concentrated the solution the less the transparency and the broader the absorption bands. In the more dilute solution the intensity of the bands is greater. This comes out very clearly in the red and infra-red region, where there is greater accuracy of measure- ment. Take the three absorption bands, X730, X785, and X860. In curve 1 the minima of these bands are approximately 4, 9, and 33 per cent, while the minima in curve 2 are much less. In fig. 2 the bands X730 and X785 reach the abscissa, which means that there is no transmission. At this dilu- tion the band X860 has still considerable transparency, as will be seen by the fact that it remains a considerable distance above the abscissa. The band X860 does not reach the abscissa even at the dilution represented in fig. 3. All of the bands manifest the above phenomena, the change in intensity being greatest where the change in dilution is greatest, i.e., from curve 1 to curve 2. With increase in dilution the position of the middle of the band is displaced toward the region of greater wave-length. Similar results were obtained with neodymium bromide, and these are plotted in curves 4, 5, and 6. The concentrations and depths of layer were varied so that the product of the two remained constant. The work with the bromide was, therefore, done in terms of Beer's law. The concentra- tions used were 1.66 normal, 0.415 normal, and 0.208 normal, the correspond- ing depths of the solution being 2.5 mm., 10 mm., and 20 mm. We find here the same general changes in the intensities of the bands as with the chloride. The more dilute the solution the more intense and the narrower the band. This is shown by comparing figs. 4, 5, and 6. In fig. 4, which represents the most concentrated solution of the three, the bands are the least intense. In fig. 5 the opacity of two of the bands has become complete, shown by the fact that these touch the abscissa. Neodymium nitrate was also studied and the results are plotted in curves 7, 8, and 9. The concentrations used were 2.95, 0.736, and 0.368 normal. The depths of layer were 2.5 mm., 10 mm., and 20 mm. Band X570, curve 7, appears to be an exception to the general relation pointed out above, connecting intensity and width of band with dilution. This was the first band studied by means of the radiomicrometer, and com- paratively small deflections were observed in this region of the spectrum. * Our attention was drawn to the existence of these bands in the infra-red by Pfund, who had already mapped them radiometrically for neodymium nitrate. 38 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF CERTAIN SALTS The remaining bands of neodymium nitrate, however, show the same rela- tions that have been pointed out for the chloride and bromide; with increas- ing dilution the intensities of the bands increase and the centers seem to be displaced somewhat towards the longer wave-lengths. We then have three salts, neodymium chloride, neodymium bromide, and neodymium nitrate, all of which show a marked increase in the intensity of the absorption bands with increase in dilution, when the product of con- centration and depth of layer is kept constant, i. e., when the conditions demanded by Beer's law are fulfilled. POSSIBLE EXPLANATION. It is well known that a resonator vibrates more strongly if excited by the vibrations from one single vibrating resonator of the same pitch than when set into vibration by a large number of resonators, one of which has the same period as its own, and the others slightly different periods. In other words, if several vibrators are near one another, every one exerts a certain influence on its neighbors. The result is that no one of them has exactly the same period as the original resonator. The presence of one vibrator seems to exercise a damping influence on the other, and causes it to vibrate with a period slightly different from its normal period. We thus have less perfect resonance. The absorption of light by solutions appears to be a resonance phenomenon. In a concentrated solution the vibrators are relatively close to one another and mutually affect one another. The result is an imperfect resonance, and consequently the absorption bands are less intense in the more concentrated solution. The vibrators are farther removed from one another in the more dilute solutions, and in most cases are probably surrounded by large amounts of water of hydration. The damping effect would not be so pronounced, and a resonator would have greater freedom to vibrate in its own period. In such cases we would have a more nearly perfect resonance, and the resulting absorption bands would be more intense. This tentative explanation seems to account for the observed facts. Subsequent work has shown that a part of this effect can be explained as due to the fact that the slit width was not infinitesimal. Fig. 10 is plotted from the results for neodymium sulphate, and fig. 11 from those for neodymium acetate. The concentration of the sulphate is 0.118 normal, and of the acetate 0.84 normal. The length of the solution of the sulphate is 10 mm., and of the acetate 2.5 mm. The absorption of the acetate, for a given concentration, is much greater than that of any other neodymium salt thus far studied. This agrees with the results obtained photographically. The absorption of water beyond Ifx is very great, as has already been stated. If we are working with very concentrated solutions and use a "water'' vessel of the same thickness as the "solution" vessel, it is obvious that the results would not be comparable. Take the 3.43 normal solution AS STUDIED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER. 3d of neodymium chloride; it contains, for a given thickness, only about 90 per cent as much water as the same thickness of pure water. It is, then, obvious that in the longer wave-lengths a correction term must be introduced for this difference. This was practically negligible with salts of neodymium, since these do not seem to have any bands in the region where water has appre- ciable absorption. Salts of praseodymium have bands in the infra-red, at least as far as 2/x. In such cases the above correction must be introduced. This correction can be introduced in either of two ways. We can take the specific gravity of the solution and from the concentration calculate the amount of water present. We can then use a "water" vessel of suitable thickness. For example, if the very concentrated solution in question contains only 90 per cent of water, and we use a vessel for the solution which is 10 mm. thick, we must use a vessel for the water which is only 9 mm. thick. In this way the beam of light is made to pass through the same amount of water both in the case of the solution and of the solvent, and the absorption due to water is, therefore, the same in the two cases. The second method of procedure is to allow the "water" vessel and the "solution" vessel to be of the same thickness, and to apply mathematically the proper correction to the results obtained. 40 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF CERTAIN SALTS 0.6// 0.7/i FiQ. 5. AS STUDIED BY MEANS OF THE liADlOMlCliOMETEK. 41 0.6 ju. 0.7 /LL Fig. 8. 0.5/x 0.6/z 0.7// Fig. 9. lOOl- 80 60 40 20 01 0.4// 0.5// 0.6/i 0.7/W Fig. 10. 0.8// 0.9;/ 1.0// CHAPTER V. THE ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY WATER CHANGED IN THE PRESENCE OF STRONGLY HYDRATED SALTS. AS SHOWN BY THE RADIOMICROMETER— NEW EVIDENCE FOR THE SOLVATE THEORY OF SOLUTION. The use of the radiomicrometer in studying the absorption spectra of cer- tain substances has already been discussed by Jones and Guy.^ The radio- micrometer was used for studying the absorption spectra of solutions rather than the grating spectrograph and the photographic plate, because it enabled us to measure not only the positions of the different lines and bands, but also to study quantitatively their intensity; and also because it made possible the study of the absorption spectra of solutions over a much greater range of wave-lengths than the photographic method. In building a radiomicrometer adapted to this work — that is, with suffi- cient sensibihty and with a short period — one of the greatest difficulties, as already mentioned, was to obtain copper wire free from iron. This was a necessity, since the presence of an appreciable quantity of iron in the copper gave rise to a "magnetic control" which rendered the instrument unstable and the zero-point inconstant. This difficulty was for the most part over- come, due to the kindness of Messrs. Leeds and Northrup of Philadelphia and of R,. W. Paul of London. Both of these houses furnished us with copper wire so free from iron that the "magnetic control" could easily be regulated. By means of this wire and the thermo-electric junction already described, a most sensitive radiomicrometer was built, which at the same time had a very short period, and with this instrument work was done with salts of neodymium and praseodymimn, the results of which were recorded in the Physikalische Zeitschrift.^ ABSORPTION OF FREE AND COMBINED WATER. At the beginning of the academic year 1912-13 the absorption spectra of solutions of a large number of salts of different metals were mapped out and compared with the absorption of water, using the same depths of water as the water in the various solutions. The depth of water in the solution was determined from the concentration of the solution and from its specific gravity. It was soon found that the absorption of the solution was less^ and in many cases very much less than that of the layer of water having a depth equal to the depth of the water in the solution. The above result is directly at variance with everything that was known at the time. The dissolved substance could not have less than no absorp- tion of light, the assumption having been made up to this time that in an 1 Phys. Zeit., 13, 649 (1912). * Ibid., 13, 651 (1912). 43 44 ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY WATER CHANGED aqueous solution the water present absorbs just as much as pure, uncom- bined water. It became at once obvious that we could not measure the absorption spectrum of a solution, subtract from it the absorption due to water, and conclude that the remainder was the absorption due to the dissolved sub- stance ; since the water in the solution has very different absorption from an equal amount of pure, uncombined water. We then carried out a number of experiments in cells whose depths could be easily and accurately adjusted, with different substances, in the following manner: The absorption spectra of a number of different substances were first measured, then the absorption spectra of water having the same depths of layer as the water in the solutions. For certain substances the pure water was more opaque than the solutions, and for other substances the water was more transparent. The percentage transmission — that is, the deflection of the radiomicrometer for the solution, divided by the deflection for water — for the first-named substances amounted to more than 100 per cent. Pure water had a different absorption from an equal depth of water in the solution, and since this difference varied from one dissolved substance to another, it is obvious that this method was not the one to be followed. It would be very difficult, not to say impossible, to interpret the results obtained by dividing the radiomicrometer deflections for the solution by those for pure water. We should simply be obtaining the transmission of the solution in terms of pure water, which was not what was desired. What we want to know is the actual absorption or transmission of the solu- tion, and then that of pure water having a depth of layer that was just equal to that of the water in the solution. These two sets of results could then be compared with one another. HYDRATED AND NONHYDRATED SUBSTANCES. In this earlier work we had, however, noted that solutions of those sub- stances which are largely hydrated are more transparent than pure water having the depths of the water in the solutions in question. Solutions of nonhydrated substances, or of only shghtly hydrated substances, provided the substances themselves do not absorb light, are not more transparent than pure water having the same depths as the water in the solution. It would seem from this observation that water combined with the dissolved substance had less absorption of light than pure, uncombined water. To test this quantitatively the following procedure was adopted. METHOD OF PROCEDURE. A solution of the substance in question was prepared of known concen- tration and its specific gravity determined. This solution was placed in one cell set to a depth of say 21 mm. Some of the same solution was then placed in another cell set to a depth of say 1 mm. Light of a known wave- length was then passed through the one solution and the deflection noted. Light of this same wave-length was then passed at once through the other IN THE PRESENCE OF STRONGLY HYDRATED SALTS. 45 solution and the deflection in this case also noted. The deflection produced when the deeper solution was in the path of the beam of light was then divided by the deflection produced by the shallower solution, and this gave the absolute transmission of the solution of the substance in question of known concentration, having a depth of layer of 20 mm. This process was repeated for the different parts of the spectrum, chang- ing the wave-length of light from reading to reading by only a small amount. The object of using the two depths of the same solution, and then dividing the deflection produced by the deeper layer by that obtained when the more shallow layer was in the path of the beam of light, was to eliminate any effect of reflection from the glass ends closing the cells containing the solu- tions, and also to eliminate any changes in the total amounts of energy sent through the solution, due to slight changes in the intensity of the Nernst glower. From the specific gravity of the solution and its known concentra- tion, the amount of water in a layer of the solution, say 21 mm. in depth, could easily be calculated. Similarly, the amount of water in a layer of the solution which was 1 mm. deep, could also be calculated. Water was then introduced into two cells, and the cells so adjusted that the difference in depths was exactly equal to the depth of the water in the layer of the solu- tion, which was 20 mm. deep. The deflection for the water in the deeper cell was then read for any given wave-length of light, and then, at once, the deflection when the light was passed through the more shallow layer of water. The deflection for the deeper layer was divided by the deflection for the shallower layer. The result was the absolute transmission for water with a depth of layer just equal to the depth of water in the solution in question. RESULTS. -~^ The above results for the solution are plotted as one curve and those for water having the same depth as the water in the solution as another curve, wave-lengths being abscissae and transmission ordinates. A comparison of the two curves shows at once whether water in the free, uncombined con- dition or the same depth of water in the solution in question is the more transparent. The data obtained by dividing the deflections produced by the deeper solutions by those for the shallower, and, similarly, by those for water, are also given in tables 6 to 10. These are the data from which the accom- panying curves were plotted. The substances studied were chosen from the standpoint of their power to solvate or to combine with the solvent in which they were dissolved. In all of the work recorded in this paper the solvent used was water. We were practically limited, in this phase of the work, to those substances which themselves have little or no power to absorb light, and which are both color- less in the visible part of the spectrum, and have little or no absorption in the regions in which the absorption bands of water occur. 46 ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY WATER CHANGED We selected for these substances with Uttle or no hydrating power, salts of potassium and ammonium. The potassium salts studied were the chlo- ride and nitrate. Ammonium chloride and nitrate were also investigated. For the salts with large hydrating power, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and aluminium sulphate were used. These salts were shown, from our earlier work, to be among the most strongly hydrated substances with which we are familiar. Two depths of layer of each solution of every Table 6. X KCl, 4N. I/h H2O. 1 1 NH4C1,4N. Ilh H2O. NH4NO3, i 3.12 N. i Ilh H2O. 711 97 97 92 98 1 95 98 724 96 95 91 96 97 98 741 95 95 90 92 96 96 760 93 95 86 92 91 95 776 92 95 85 88 92 94 798 94 95 88 96 91 95 818 92 95 87 96 92 96 836 94 93 87 96 91 94 855 91 90 86 93 89 92 878 92 90 86 91 90 93 900 90 89 84 87 89 88 922 87 86 82 86 86 90 947 82 84 79 82 82 83 958 77 78 73 72 73 79 964 75 73 69 70 70 71 969 65 65 64 63 66 67 974 58 56 67 68 68 69 979 51 50 62 62 60 64 982 47 46 46 46 44 46 985 41 45 43 43 40 44 991 39 43 41 43 39 43 1,007 39 43 41 42 39 44 1,013 40 42 39 44 ! 41 44 1,019 42 46 40 46 42 44 1,025 41 42 44 49 45 48 1,032 49 49 44 49 48 49 1,037 53 62 66 66 62 53 1,042 56 66 63 68 66 55 1,046 59 60 67 67 67 60 1,059 63 62 68 66 60 65 1,065 68 67 62 67 64 65 1,072 71 68 64 68 66 69 1,078 74 72 67 67 66 72 1,085 75 73 67 66 68 74 1,100 77 75 68 72 69 78 1,113 76 76 69 72 69 78 1,138 75 72 68 70 68 72 1,148 70 69 64 66 64 71 1,158 64 63 62 64 59 64 1,165 58 59 58 68 66 60 1,172 52 51 50 60 63 52 1,179 1 42 40 40 40 38 41 1,186 ' 29 28 29 26 29 30 1,193 18 19 19 19 18 19 1,200 13 16 14 13 12 17 1,206 i 10 12 12 13 9 13 1,213 10 11 10 12 9 13 1,220 10 11 10 11 9 12 1,227 10 11 10 11 9 12 IN THE PRESENCE OF STRONGLY HYDRATED SALTS. 47 substance investigated were employed, in order to bring out the two most important water-bands in the region of the spectrum used. This could not be done by studying only one depth of solution, since the depth which was necessary and sufficient to bring out clearly one of these water-bands would not bring the other out in the way desired. By using the two depths of solution, and studying them in the manner above described — that is, by the differential method — we were able to study both of the water-bands as produced, on the one hand by the pure solvent, and on the other by the solution. In tables 6 to 10, under X, are given the wave-lengths of light that were passed through the solution; and under 7/7o the percentage of transmission, on the one hand, of the solution; and on the other, of water having a depth exactly equal to that of the water in the solution. Table 7. X KCl, 4 N. Ilh HjO. NH4C1,4N. Ilh H,0. NH4NO,, 3.12 N. Ilh H,0. 1,085 85 86 79 87 81 88 1,100 87 88 ! 80 92 81 93 1,113 86 87 1 79 86 84 86 1,138 81 85 1 79 84 81 84 1,148 79 82 77 84 78 84 1,158 80 79 74 81 76 81 1,165 76 77 71 77 72 77 1,172 72 71 66 70 67 70 1,179 64 62 69 62 61 62 1,186 51 51 52 50 50 50 1,193 41 43 42 44 40 44 1,200 35 38 37 40 34 40 1,206 37 36 35 37 32 37 1,213 30 34 30 36 32 36 1,220 30 35 29 35 34 35 1,227 30 34 30 35 32 35 1,233 30 33 28 35 31 35 1,241 30 34 29 34 31 34 1,248 31 34 28 33 1 31 33 1,250 33 34 30 34 32 34 1,255 34 35 30 36 32 36 1,268 34 35 31 37 32 37 1,270 37 37 38 38 38 38 1,285 38 38 33 38 33 38 1,295 39 38 32 38 33 38 1,300 41 38 32 39 34 39 1,308 42 39 32 41 35 41 1,316 41 39 32 40 34 40 1,323 42 37 32 38 34 38 1,330 40 37 32 37 33 37 1,338 40 35 30 35 ! 31 35 1,346 36 33 28 36 ! 30 36 1,352 34 29 26 29 j 27 29 1,358 29 26 23 27 I 25 27 1,365 25 22 21 23 21 23 1,372 20 18 17 20 17 20 1,387 13 12 12 11 10 11 1,404 7 7 7 8 7 8 1,418 3 4 4 3 3 3 1,430 2 2 3 2 2 2 1,445 1 1 1 48 ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY WATER CHANGED In table 6 the depth of layer of all the solutions was the difference between 21 and 1, i. e., 20 mm. The depth of water was in every case the same as that of the water in the solution in question. The depth of layer of the solutions given in table 7 was the difference between 11 mm. and 1 mm., i. g., 10 mm., and was only half of that in table 6. The object of this was to bring out more prominently the second water-band. The depth of water used was in every case the same as that of the water in the solution. Table 8. CaCl., MgCl2, Al2(S04)3, X 5.38 N. I/Io H2O. 4.96 N. H2O. 1.012 N. Ilh H2O. 710 94 98 95 98 95 93 724 92 98 98 98 95 95 741 90 95 95 98 94 93 760 87 94 94 98 92 93 776 88 93 92 97 93 95 798 91 96 93 94 92 90 818 93 99 90 90 93 92 836 92 97 1 92 95 92 92 855 90 93 ! 91 90 1 90 91 878 90 90 1 91 93 91 90 900 89 92 ! 88 92 89 90 922 86 91 88 91 85 86 947 87 84 : 84 86 82 81 958 78 79 1 76 78 76 73 964 75 73 82 76 72 66 969 70 68 75 69 68 61 974 65 62 68 65 64 55 979 59 53 61 56 58 48 982 51 49 48 51 53 42 985 48 49 54 45 51 40 991 44 46 1 48 49 47 39 1,007 42 46 1 46 48 46 38 1,013 42 46 1 45 50 46 39 1,019 43 49 1 44 51 44 40 1,025 47 50 1 46 44 46 43 1,032 52 53 51 54 46 45 1,037 55 55 52 56 52 50 1,042 58 59 56 58 53 53 1,046 62 62 59 65 55 55 1,059 66 65 63 67 55 68 1,065 71 70 69 70 62 63 1,072 74 72 71 75 60 65 1,078 75 74 71 76 64 69 1,085 78 76 76 79 65 70 1,100 80 77 i 78 79 67 72 1,113 79 78 i 80 81 67 74 1,138 77 75 1 77 78 64 67 1,148 74 71 1 75 77 60 65 1,158 69 65 1 73 73 57 55 1,165 66 62 65 65 55 53 1,172 61 52 61 58 50 43 1,179 54 41 52 44 45 34 1,186 42 30 43 32 34 22 1.193 32 21 32 24 25 15 1,200 22 17 23 18 20 12 1,206 16 16 18 17 16 10 1,213 13 15 16 18 14 9 1,220 12 13 14 15 11 10 1,227 12 13 14 16 12 8 IN THE PRESENCE OF STRONGLY HYDRATED SALTS. 40 The depth of layer of the solutions given in table 8 was the difference between 21 mm. and 1 mm., i. e., 20 mm. The depth of water used in every case was the same as that of the water in the solution. In table 9 the depth of layer used was the difference between 11 and 1 mm., I. 6., 10 mm. The object of using the smaller depth of the solution was to bring out more clearlj^ in the case of hydrated salts the second water-band. When salts which are strongly hydrated in aqueous solution are not very concentrated, the difference between the transparency of the salt solution and that of water of the same depth of layer as the water in the solution is not so pronounced. This is what would be expected, since the total amount of water combined with the dissolved salt increases with the concentration of the solution. The data given in table 10 bring out this fact. Table 9. CaCl2, MgCU, Al2(S04)3, X 5.38 N. I/Io H2O. 4.96 N. I/h H2O. 1.02 N. I/Io H2O. 1,085 84 84 82 84 79 82 1,100 84 84 83 84 78 81 1,113 84 86 83 84 78 84 1,138 86 85 82 83 77 83 1,148 82 83 79 80 75 80 1,158 80 79 77 77 73 77 1,165 78 76 77 75 70 73 1,172 76 72 74 70 66 69 1,179 72 65 71 64 63 68 1,186 63 55 62 52 55 48 1,193 64 45 56 46 49 39 1,200 45 40 48 42 43 34 1,206 38 39 42 40 38 30 1,213 35 39 39 38 36 29 1,220 33 36 37 88 34 28 1,227 32 36 36 38 32 28 1,233 31 35 34 37 32 28 1,241 32 35 34 34 31 28 1,248 32 35 34 37 1 31 28 1,250 33 35 34 38 1 31 28 1,255 33 37 34 38 31 28 1,268 35 38 33 38 30 29 1,270 37 39 34 39 30 30 1,285 38 40 35 40 30 31 1,295 40 40 35 40 1 30 32 1,300 42 41 36 41 1 30 32 1,308 42 41 37 42 30 33 1,316 45 41 39 42 30 33 1,323 47 40 39 41 28 33 1,330 46 39 40 40 27 32 1,338 45 37 38 38 27 30 1,346 42 35 38 36 24 27 1,352 40 32 34 33 22 24 1,358 37 29 33 30 20 21 1,365 33 25 29 26 18 19 1,372 29 21 25 22 15 15 1,387 19 13 18 15 10 9 1,404 12 10 12 11 7 5 1,418 7 6 7 9 4 3 1,430 3 3 4 3 2 2 1,445 2 1 1 1 1 1 50 ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY WATER CHANGED The depth of layer of the different solutions for which the results are recorded in table 10 was the difference between 21 and 1 mm., i. e., 20 mm. The results are, therefore, comparable with those recorded in table 8, the difference being a difference in the concentrations of the solutions used. The difference between the transmission of the solution and that of water at the same depth as the water in the solution is very much less for the more Table 10. CaCla MgCl, AIjCSO*), X 2.69 N. I/h HaO. 2.48 N. I/h H2O. 0.508 N. I/h H2O. 710 96 94 95 95 97 96 724 95 96 93 96 98 96 741 95 95 90 95 95 93 760 94 96 92 95 95 95 776 93 97 93 95 95 95 798 90 98 91 95 96 96 818 93 97 91 93 95 96 836 91 96 89 93 93 95 855 91 92 88 92 92 92 878 90 92 84 90 90 91 900 88 90 84 88 89 86 922 89 92 81 86 82 85 947 82 86 78 83 78 80 958 75 79 72 76 73 75 964 70 74 1 70 73 68 69 969 65 69 62 64 62 62 974 58 61 58 58 57 54 979 50 52 50 51 50 46 982 44 47 46 46 46 42 985 40 43 42 43 43 40 991 39 41 ' 40 41 41 39 1,007 38 40 1 41 42 40 40 1,013 39 42 ! 40 44 40 40 1,019 40 43 40 44 41 41 1,025 43 45 44 41 43 43 1,032 45 47 i 47 44 45 46 1,037 48 50 ; 50 46 47 48 1,042 51 52 1 52 48 49 49 1,046 66 56 ! 56 54 53 54 1,059 61 59 1 58 55 60 59 1,065 65 64 ! 64 62 59 62 1,072 69 67 1 67 64 63 65 1,078 70 69 69 67 65 69 1,085 72 72 72 68 68 72 1,100 73 73 73 71 69 73 1,113 72 74 74 72 68 74 1,138 72 74 74 70 67 72 1,148 66 69 69 67 64 67 1,158 67 62 62 60 58 62 1,165 57 58 58 58 54 54 1,172 52 51 53 52 47 46 1,179 46 39 42 42 39 35 1,186 30 27 31 27 28 25 1,193 20 19 21 20 20 16 1,200 13 14 15 15 14 12 1,206 1 12 11 12 13 12 10 1,203 1 11 11 12 12 11 10 ],220 11 10 11 11 11 10 1,227 10 9 10 10 10 9 IN THE PRESENCE OF STRONGLY HYDRATED SALTS. 51 dilute than for the more concentrated solutions; this is what would be expected in terms of the solvate theory applied to the phenomenon in question. Considerable work was done in comparing directly the transmission of a solution and that of water having the same depth as the water in the solu- tion in question. The deflection of the radiomicrometer as given by the solution is in the column marked" Deflection of solution," and the deflection as given by water having the same depth as water in the solution is given in column ''Deflection of water." Table 11. X Deflection of solution of Ab (SOi),. Deflection of water. Deflection of solution of KCl. j Deflection of water. \ Deflection of solution of Ab (SOi)*. Deflection of water. Deflection of solution of KCI. Deflection of water. 710 50 61 53 53 1,037 91 84 112 108 724 58 58 56 56 1,042 92 92 119 116 741 62 63 67 68 1,046 99 99 125 120 760 72 72 77 77 1,059 105 105 141 136 776 75 76 88 90 1,065 109 112 150 145 798 83 83 98 99 1,072 114 119 159 153 818 82 82 108 109 1,078 118 125 164 158 836 93 94 116 116 1,085 122 132 168 164 855 97 97 124 124 1,100 128 140 176 172 878 105 105 129 130 1,113 129 142 178 175 900 105 105 140 138 1,138 127 142 174 170 922 112 112 140 140 1,148 123 131 164 162 947 113 113 142 142 1,158 112 118 161 159 958 109 106 136 136 1,165 108 111 157 154 964 107 100 129 125 1,172 99 94 132 126 969 104 93 118 116 1,179 87 74 107 100 974 98 83 108 106 1,186 68 49 73 66 979 93 73 92 92 1,193 54 35 50 48 982 82 66 83 83 1,200 42 26 34 36 985 80 64 78 80 1,206 35 23 29 32 991 78 62 78 80 1,213 30 21 25 30 1,007 78 65 78 81 1,220 28 20 24 29 1,013 74 65 81 85 1,227 26 19 24 28 1,019 77 68 84 88 1,241 24 19 23 26 1,025 80 75 96 96 1,255 23 18 26 27 1,032 84 77 100 101 The results obtained for aluminium sulphate having a concentration 1.02 N, and for potassium chloride 4 N are given in table 11. The depth of solution used was 20 mm., and the depth of water that of the water in the solutions in question. Duplicate measurements were made with the radiomicrometer for nearly every solution of all the substances worked with at the various wave-lengths studied. It was found that readings for the different solutions of the same substance having the same concentration were, for a given wave-length, different from one another to the extent of somewhat less than 2 per cent. From this it seems fair to assume that the error in our work was not greater than 2 per cent. 62 ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY WATER CHANGED DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS. An examination of the tables of data for potassium chloride, ammonium chloride, and ammonium nitrate — that is, for those substances which, in aqueous solutions, combined with very little water, as was demonstrated by the freezing-point method, shows that for all wave-lengths studied the solu- tion, and water of the same depth as the water in the solution, have prac- tically the same transmission. The dissolved substance does not combine with the solvent water, and the water in the solution has almost exactly the same effect upon light as so much pure water would have. This is exactly what would be expected from our knowledge of the absorption of light by dissolved substances and by the solvent. When we began this work we supposed, as others had done, that the water in the solution, whether it was combined with the dissolved substance or not, would have the same power to absorb light as so much pure solvent water. We shall now see that such is not the case. The results for the above-named substances were not plotted in the form of curves, since the curve for water and for the solution would practically coincide with one another, the dissolved substance having very little absorp- tion over the region of wave-lengths studied in this investigation. When we turn to the data in tables 8 and 9 very different relations mani- fest themselves. These are the data for calcium chloride, magnesium chlo- ride, and aluminium sulphate, that is, for salts which, in aqueous solution, are strongly hydrated, as was shown by the earlier work in this laboratory.^ The solution in these cases is often more transparent than the same amount of water that is contained in the solution. That these relations may appear the more clearly, the results obtained for the above-named salts are plotted as curves in figs. 12 to 17. Fig. 12 is the curve for calcium chloride having a depth of 20 mm. This was obtained by dividing the deflection produced by 21 mm. of the solution by that pro- duced by 1 mm. of the solution. On the same sheet we have the curve for water having a depth equal to that of the water in the calcium chloride. This curve for water was also obtained by the ''differential" method, i. e., by dividing the deflections produced by the deeper solution by those obtained with the more shallow solution, the difference in the depths of water in the two cases being just equal to the depth of water in 20 mm. of the solution in question. Fig. 13 is the curve for calcium chloride with a depth of layer of 10 mm. (11 — 1). The data from which the curve was plotted are contained in table 9. The smaller depth of solution was used, so that the water-band between 1.2/z and 1.3/i would come out more distinctly. The results for this solution, like those for all the others, are compared with the absorption of a depth of water equal to that of the water in the solution. The absorption of the water, in this as in all other cases, was obtained by the "differential' • method. 1 Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 60. IN THE PRESENCE OP STRONGLY HYDRATED SALTS. 63 Fig. 14 is the curve for magnesium chloride having a depth of 21 — 1 = 20 mm., and the corresponding water-curve. The data from which these curves are plotted are given in table 8. Fig. 15 is the curve for magnesium chloride having a depth of 1 cm., also obtained by the ' 'differential" method. These data are taken from table 9. Fig. 16 is the curve for aluminium sulphate having a depth of 21 — 1 = 20 mm., and the corresponding absorption curve for water. Fig. 17 is the curve for aluminium sulphate having a depth of 11 — 1 = 10 mm., and the corresponding water-curve. Fig. 12 shows the relative absorption of water and of the solution of cal- cium chloride having a concentration of 5.38 normal and a depth of 20 mm. The corresponding water-curve is marked throughout by the symbol H2O. The solution is the more transparent from 0.9/jl to nearly Ijul. The water then becomes the more transparent over a short region of wave-lengths. From 1.05/i to 1.2]JL the solution is the more transparent. In this region the solu- tion becomes as much as 25 per cent more transparent than the pure water, as can be seen by comparing the points on the ''water" curve with the corre- sponding points on the curve for the solution which are vertically above the points on the water-curve. The water becomes appreciably more trans- parent only at and near the bottom of the "water-band" having a wave- length of approximately 1/jl. This is the effect that we would expect to get if the dissolved substance exerted a "damping" effect on the absorption of light by water. It will be recalled that the salts which do not form hydrates show, in aqueous solution, practically the same absorption as the corresponding amount of water. It would, therefore, seem reasonable to account for the differences in the case of nonhydrating and strongly hydrating salts as due to the water of hydration, or the water that, in this case, is combined with the calcium chloride. The curves in fig. 13 are for a smaller depth of the same solution of cal- cium chloride. This figure brings out the same general relations as was shown in fig. 12. The water-curve in the region 1.25/x is above that of the solution, showing that water in this region for the shallower depths of solu- tion is more transparent than the solution. The additional feature brought out by this figure is the water-band in the region 1.4 to 1.5/i. After the first- named water-band is passed the solution becomes more transparent than the water and remains so until the wave-length 1.42 is reached. Here both the solution and the water are practically opaque, as is shown by both the curves approaching the abscissas. The curve for magnesium chloride having a depth of 20 mm. is almost exactly a duplicate of that for calcium chloride having the same depth. Practically the only difference worthy of mention is in the region froml.O/x to l.ljLt. In the case of magnesium chloride the water remains the more transparent over this region of wave-lengths. In the case of calcium chlo- ride the solution is the more transparent over this region. The difference 54 ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY WATER CHANGED in the transparency of the water and the solution throughout this region is, however, not very great. From l.ljw towards the longer wave-lengths, as we come down the descending arm of the curve towards the second water- band, the water in the case of the magnesium chloride (as in the case of cal- cium chloride) becomes much more opaque than the solution, the differences here being of the same order of magnitude as those with calcium chloride. Fig. 15 gives the results for magnesium chloride with a depth of layer of 1 cm., and the same relations hold as in fig. 14, for the relative transparency of the water and of the solution. The water becomes the more transparent from 1.22/x to 1.34/x. For the longer wave-lengths the solution becomes more transparent until the region lAljj, is passed. For wave-lengths longer than 1.41/x the transmission of both solution and water is practically zero — that is, they both become opaque to the longer wave-lengths. The results in fig. 16 bring out some new features of interest and impor- tance. These are the results that were obtained with aluminium sulphate. The new feature shown by the curve for aluminium sulphate, as compared with those for calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, is that at the minimum of the curve corresponding to wave-length Ijjl the solution is more transparent than the corresponding water. Beyond the wave-length 1.04/x the water becomes the more transparent with aluminium sulphate as with magnesium chloride. Beyond the wave-length 1.1 7/x the solution becomes more transparent in this case as with magnesium chloride and calcium chloride. If we turn to fig. 17 the relations are as follows. In the region of 1.2/x the water is the more opaque. From 1 .29/;t to 1 .36/x the water becomes the more transparent. From 1.36ju to the longest wave-length studied, the solution again becomes more transparent than the corresponding layer of water. An examination of all the results thus far obtained bearing on this prob- lem leads us to conclude that the greater transparency of the solution as compared with the water in the solution must be due to some action of the dissolved substance on the solvent water. The question remains, what is this action? EXPLANATION OF THE RESULTS. We have seen from our earlier work on the absorption spectra of solutions, which has been in progress in this laboratory continuously for the past eight years, that the solvent can have a marked effect on the power of the dis- solved substance to absorb light. This was first shown by Jones and Anderson,^ and a large number of examples of this effect have since been found by Jones and Strong.^ We interpreted the effect of the solvent on the power of the dissolved substance to absorb light as due to a combination between a part of the liquid present and the dissolved substance. This enabled us to explain a large number of facts which were brought to light for the first time by our investigations of the absorption spectra of solutions. Many of the phenomena which were thus explained, it seemed, could not be 1 Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 110. « Cam. Inst. Wash. Pubs. 130 and 160. IN THE PRESENCE OF STRONGLY HYDRATED SALTS. 65 explained in terms of any other suggestion that has thus far been made. In a word, the solvate theory of solution as proposed by Jones about a dozen years ago, Ho supplement the theory of electrolytic dissociation in order that we might have a theory of the real solutions which we use in the laboratory, and not simply a theory of ideal solutions as the theory of electrolytic dis- sociation alone must be regarded, has served good purpose in explaining the phenomena that have been previously observed in connection with the absorption of light by solutions of dissolved substances. We are inclined to explain the phenomena recorded in this paper by means of the same theory. For solutions of those substances which have been shown by entirely different methods not to hydrate to any appreciable extent, the absorption of light by the solution and by a layer of water equal in depth to that of the water in the solution, is the same almost to within the limit of experimental error. For those substances which have been shown to form complex hydrates, however, the absorption of light by their solutions and by a layer of water equal in depth to that of the water in the solution is very different. The water in these solutions is usually more opaque to light than the solution — or, in other words, a solution is more transparent than the water that is present in the solution. The most rational explanation of this phenomenon appears to be that the part of the water that is combined with the dissolved substance has a smaller power to absorb light than pure, free, uncombined water. The fact that we are able to detect the difference between the water in the solution and pure water, by its action on light, we regard as good evidence that water in the solution is different from pure, free water. This difference, it seems to us, can be readily accounted for by the theory that a part of the water present in the solution is in combination with the dissolved substance. We have carried out similar investigations with aluminium nitrate, but the concentration of the strongest solution that could be obtained was not suflSi- ciently great to show the phenomenon in question. We therefore do not incorporate the results obtained with this substance. That the solutions must be very concentrated to show clearly the phenomenon with which we are dealing is seen from the results given in table 10. Here the solutions of the three salts in question that were used are more dilute than those for which the results are tabulated in tables 8 and 9. An examination of table 10 will show that the phenomenon in question does not manifest itself to anything like the same extent as with the more concentrated solutions. This is exactly what we would expect in terms of the solvate theory of solu- tions. The more concentrated the solution the larger the total amount of the water present combined with the dissolved substance. If combination between water and the dissolved substance explains the facts recorded in this paper, then the larger the amount of water present that is combined with the dissolved substance the more pronounced the phenomenon in question. » Amer. Caiem. Joum., 23, 89 (1900). >( 56 ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY WATER CHANGED The results obtained with aluminium sulphate bring out the same facts shown by calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, and also that water is more transparent in the region I.Ijjl and more opaque at l/i. That the sul- phate should not agree throughout with the chlorides is really not surprising, since the sulphates show abnormal results in almost every particular. This is probably due, in part at least, to the large amount of polymerization which the sulphate molecules in general undergo in the presence of even water as a solvent. It should also be remembered in the present connection that while calcium chloride and magnesium chloride crystallize with only 6 molecules of water, and are therefore only largely hydrated, aluminium sul- phate crystallizes with 18 molecules of water and is therefore very largely hydrated. The results in table 11 are the radiomicrometer deflections for a solution of aluminium sulphate and those for water having the same depth as the water in the solution in question, and the corresponding data for potassium chloride. A comparison of the two columns for potassium chloride and its corresponding water shows that the two are almost equally transparent to all the wave-lengths studied. A comparison of the aluminium sulphate with its corresponding water brings out the phenomenon that we are now discussing in a very pronounced manner. One other relation of a general character should be pointed out. The curves (figs. 12 to 17) show that the addition of salt to water shifts the absorption towards the longer wave-lengths. This is analogous to what had already been found by Jones and Uhler,^ Jones and Anderson,^ Jones and 70 60 50- 40- 30 20 H20 X^^^^^^^\ 1 VhzO^^^ \ • H^oU CaCl2,5.38N. \\ r Depth 2 cm. r 1 v= 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fia. 12. » Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 60. * Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 110. IN THE PRESENCE OF STRONGLY HYDRATED SALTS. 57 Strong/ and Guy and Jones,^ when the absorption of salts as affected by the water present was studied. It was found that rise in temperature and increase in the concentration of the solution both tended to shift the ab- sorption of the salt towards the longer wave-lengths. The effect of rise in temperature and the increase in the concentration of the solution tended to simplify the hydrates in combination with the particles of the salt. The resonator within this simplified system seems to vibrate so as to shift the absorption bands towards the red. The effect of the salt on the absorption of the water is the same as that of rise of temperature and increase of concentration on the absorption of the dissolved substance. We would naturally look for a similar explanation of the two sets of phenomena. It has been suggested by Dr. Guy, that the effect of the salt on the absorption of light by water may be due to the breaking down of the associated molecules of water by the dissolved sub- stance. This would be in keeping with the fact established by Jones and Murray,^ that one associated substance when dissolved in another associated substance diminishes its association. In terms of this explanation, however, it is a little difficult to see why non- hydrated salts, such as were used in this work, do not also diminish the asso- ciation of water and cause a shifting of its absorption bands towards the longer wave-lengths. It may be that the effect of the dissolved substance in breaking down the association of the water is pronounced only in the case of water of hydration or the water that is combined with the dissolved sub- stance, and that the explanation offered above is fundamentally correct. 1^ » Cam. Inst. Wash. Pubs. 130 and 160. » Amer. Chem. Journ., 30, 193 (1903), 2 Amer. Chem. Journ., 49, 1 (1913). 58 ABSORPTION OF LIGHT BY WATER CHANGED 80 H2O \ /;?= ""^ 70 I \ Hit)/' \ 60 \ // Vi 50 V y/ \\ 40 HzOU 30 MgCl2.4.96N. Depth 2cm. ^ 20 0.9 1.0 1.2 Fig. U. MgCl2,4.96N Depth 1cm. IN THE PRESENCE OF JSTKONGLY HYDRATED SALTS. 59 80 70 60 50- 40 30- 20- HzO Al2(S04)3,I.OI7N. Depth 2cm. 0.9 I.O 1.2 Fig. 16. 1.15 Al2(S04)3,I.OI7N Depth 1cm. i!2 1.5 Fio. 17. CHAPTER VI. ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NUMBER OF SALTS AS MEASURED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER. The results tabulated and discussed in Chapters IV and V, which are con- cerned with the energy measurements of the absorption spectra of solutions by means of the radiomicrometer, were made by comparing the intensity of a given source of light (after passing through the solution) with the intensity of the same source of light after passing through an equal depth of water. In a word, the depths of cells in each case were the same. As has already been stated, a cell whose depth was 1 cm. was filled with the solution and placed in the path of the beam of light and the deflection of the instrument noted; then a cell of the same depth was filled with the solvent and interposed in exactly the same position as the former cell, and the deflection of the instrument again noted. Denoting the former by I and the latter by 7o we get the ratio I/Io, which represents the percentage transmission of the solu- tion as compared with water. Such a procedure was repeated at frequent intervals throughout the spectrum, locating a series of points through which the transmission curves could be drawn. Certain phenomena presented themselves throughout the course of this investigation, which suggested a more careful study of some of the absorp- tion bands located in the infra-red portion of the spectrum; and at the same time it was thought advisable to map the absorption spectra of some of the more common salts of cobalt, nickel, etc., in terms of Beer's law; since up to the time of this investigation no satisfactory quantitative study of the infra-red spectrum of these salts had appeared. In order to make a careful study of the exact intensity of the various por- tions of any given bands, it is clear that we are dealing with a much more complex and intricate problem than simply with the location of the band; and on this account it was necessary to improve our apparatus and at the same time to exert more care, if possible, in carrying out any given operation. It was early found that if we desired to study that region of the infra-red spectrum in which water had considerable absorption, we must not compare our solutions with an equal depth of layer of water, as noted above; but with a depth of layer equal to the water in the solution, which in the most con- centrated solutions was much less than the actual depth of the cell containing the solution — a part of the cell's depth being occupied by the dissolved sub- stance. Even when such a correction was made, it was found that for a given wave-length, in the water absorption bands, the solution gave greater deflections than did the solvent, i. e., that in such regions the solution was actually more transparent than an equivalent depth of water. 61 62 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NUMBER OF SALTS Kemembering that the solutions with which we were then working, i. e., solutions of salts of neodymium and praseodymium, were strongly hydrated, it was thought that in view of the fact that at least a part, and in the con- centrated solutions a considerable part of the water present was there as water of hydration, it would be advisable to study the effect of colorless hydrated salts upon the absorption of water. This chapter of our work has been sufficiently discussed elsewhere in this monograph, and will be taken up here only to state that these experiments showed clearly that there were many variables to be considered. We have, first, the effect of the solvent on the absorption of the solute ; and, secondly, the effect of the solute upon the absorption of the solvent. In addition to these, there was, of course, the absorption of the solvent and the solute inde- pendently. Such being the case, we would not be obtaining comparable results for various dilutions of any solutions in terms of Beer's law, even if we did compare each dilution with an equivalent amount of water. It is clear that by so doing we would not be getting comparable ratios, since the solvent and the solute were mutually affecting each other's absorption; and this effect would not be the same for the different dilutions of the same salt. MODE OF PROCEDURE. It is, however, possible to get the exact transmission of a given depth of solution by a method of differentiation. If we placed in cell ^11 mm. of a solution and in cell B 1 mm. of the same solution, the ratio representing the respective deflections of the instrument, when these cells are alternately placed in the path of the beam of light, should give the absorption or trans- mission of (11 — 1) or 10 mm. of the solution. Since, if we let A be the percentage absorption of a unit's depth of layer of the solution, and Jo the initial intensity of the light impinging upon the sur- face, we get A/o = amount of light absorbed by first unit layer of the solution. Then, Iq—IqA - 7o(l — ^) = light incident upon surface of second unit layer. Denoting this by /i, we get h = h-IoA=Io{l-A) OT^ = l-A Considering again the third unit layer, we get, by similar reasoning, Ii—IiA = amount of light incident upon its surface. Denoting this by hj we get J2=/i-7iA=7i(l-A) but Ii = Io{l-A); therefore, /2 = 7o(l-A)2; hence 7„ =Io(l-Af. We can then, by this process, obtain transmissions for given depths of solution and for varying concentrations. This was the method adopted throughout this chapter of the work. AS MEASURED BY MEANS OF THE RADlOMICROMETER. 63 DESCRIPTION OF CELLS USED. In all cases where we were dealing with different depths of layer, it was necessary to use cells adjustable in length. A very satisfactory form of cell was devised and used throughout the latter part of this work. It consisted essentially of two brass cylinders telescoping neatly into each other. The external diameter of the outside cylinder was about 2| inches, and the thick- ness of the walls was in every case about 2 mm., which was sufficient to with- stand handling without danger of changing the shape of the cell. Into the ends of each cylinder there was sealed, by means of Wood's metal, a glass plate about 1 mm. thick, made of the very best optical glass. In all cases the glass plates were so nearly parallel as to show interference fringes ; and both cells gave the same deflections, either when empty or filled with the same solution and placed in the path of the light before the radiomicrometer. After adjusting the glass ends and fixingthemsecurely by meansof Wood's metal, the entire cell was first plated with silver, being taken out of the plating-bath from time to time and polished to a bright surface with the finest crocus paper. On top of this silver coating a heavy plating of gold was deposited. The distance between the glass plates fastened to the ends of the telescoping cylinders, which determined the depth of layer of solution used, was in all cases fixed by gold-plated washers, whose thickness had been accurately measured to 0.001 inch by means of a vernier caliper. Before any series of readings was made, the positions of the two cells was so adjusted in the sliding carriage as to give equal deflections, when alter- nately placed in the same position before the radiomicrometer, in that part of the spectrum where neither the solute nor solvent had any absorption; and from time to time throughout the experiment duplicate readings were made on this point to see that the cells had not changed their relative positions. In case any change was noted, a duplicate series of readings was always made. Such readings upon the same cell usually agreed to about one division of the scale, which corresponded to about 1 to 2 per cent, depending upon the throw of the instrument. In the midst of the very intense absorption bands,where the deflections of the instrument were small, reaching zero at many points, the error resulting from any drift in the instru- ment or reading of the scale was greater than the mean error given above. In nearly all cases new solutions were made up and the results duplicated, so that the tables and curves below represent a mean of several series of readings. In most cases the agreement was very satisfactory, usually the difference not being over 3 per cent. Since any change in the position of the prism was a determining factor in the portion of the spectrum which fell upon the thermo-j unction, and since in the very intense, sharp bands of the neodymium salts any slight change in the position of the prism would make a great difference in the final results, great care had to be exerted in setting the head reading of the spectroscope. Such difficulties were not met with in solutions where the absorption bands were broad and diffuse, as in salts of cobalt, nickel, etc. 64 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NUMBER OF SALTS In studying the changes which might occur in any band, it is of course necessary that all conditions be as nearly as possible the same. One of the most important factors here is that of the width of the slits of the spectro- scope. With those solutions whose absorption bands are broad and diffuse, not having such well-defined edges as with the salts of neodymium and praseodymium, this is not such a determining factor. Should the band be very narrow — say approaching that of the width of the slit necessary to be used in order to secure reasonable deflections of the instrument — it is seen that any slight change in the slit will make a large difference in the amount of light falling on the thermal-junction. Considering a concrete example, let us suppose that the slit-width is just equal to that of the absorption band, under a given dispersion. If, now, the band and the slit exactly coincide, it is evident that no light will be falling upon the junction, this being indicated by zero deflection of the instrument. If, on the other hand, the slit is slightly wider than the band, some light will enter around the edges of the band; and, though the narrow band may act- ually have complete absorption at a given point, it would not be indicated by the instrument, since some Ught is entering around the edges of the band. Denoting the deflection of the instrument for a cell of 2 mm. depth of a solution of X concentration by A, and the same for 1 mm. of the same solution by B, we get, by the differential method discussed above, the ratio A/B for the intensity of the light transmitted by (2 — 1) or 1 mm. of the solution in question. By a similar reasoning we get the ratio A' jB' for the value of the trans- mission of a solution of concentration —, using absorbing layers 21 mm. and 1 mm., respectively. While such a method is theoretically and mathe- matically correct for infinitely narrow slit-widths, and practically so for bands which are wide in comparison with the necessary slit-widths, yet in the case of very sharp, narrow neodymium bands it has been found not to give comparable results. The reason for this is clearly seen in the light of the facts discussed above. Let us consider the ratios AjB and A' /B'. In the first case we are deal- ing with concentrated solutions, where the absorption bands are broad; hence B is small, and, in case the slit-width is comparable with the width of the absorption band, B will be very much smaller than J5', since B' is only 1 mm. of an— ■ concentration solution. In a word, B, which is 1 mm. of the more concentrated solution, has 20 times the number of absorbers as has an equal depth represented by B' , and a decrease in the denominator of the fraction means an increase in its value. While the ratios A/B and A'/B' give the transmissions for 1 mm. of a a; solution of concentration x, and 20 mm. of a solution of concentration — respectively, provided the slits are narrow; yet in the visible part of the AS MEASURED BY MEANS OF THE RADlOMICROMETER. 66 spectrum, where such wide slits had to be used on account of the small amounts of energy in this region, these ratios are not comparable. For this reason we have confined the larger part of our work on neo- dymium compounds almost entirely to wave-lengths greater than0.7/z. In all the following tables and curves representing these data, constant slit- widths of 0.2 mm. have been used. This was the minimum width which could be employed, in order to get reasonable deflections throughout the spectrum from 0.7/x to 1/x. Experiments have shown that any error result- ing from slit-widths would not amount to more than 3 or 4 per cent through- out this region. The source of light was, as in the previous chapters, a Nernst glower carry- ing about 1.2 amperes, and the current kept constant by means of an adjust- able slide-wire resistance. The source of current was a large number of storage cells, and this was never allowed to vary over 0.01 ampere. Great care was exerted in keeping the current constant while obtaining a single ratio, since this is really the only time in which a slight change in current density was dangerous. DISCUSSION OF TABLES AND CURVES. NEODYMIUM CHLORIDE IN WATER. Table 12 gives the observed transmissions of solutions of neodymium chloride in water. In all the tables the following four dilutions have been studied, the depths of cell being, generally, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mm., respec- tively; and the concentrations being made so as to keep nXd = k. In column 1 of each table there is given X, taken at such intervals as the solu- tion in question required. In those portions of the spectrum where the transmission was complete, or very nearly so, these intervals were greater than in those regions where there were absorption bands. Reading from left to right in this table, beginning with column 2, there are given the absorptions for solutions of the following concentrations: 2.141, 1.07, 0.535, and 0.267 normal, respectively; the corresponding depths of absorbing layer being 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mm., respectively. In every case the transmission was obtained from the ratio — - — , where x is 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mm., respectively. In all cases the concentrated mother-solution was carefully made up, its concentration determined by a gravimetric precipitation of the metal , and the succeeding solutions made by diluting measured parts of the mother-solution. Observations are given here over only that portion of the infra-red spec- trum from X6800 to XIOOOO. It is in this region that the most pronounced neodymium bands occur. It was thought advisable not to go further into the infra-red, since beyond Ijjl the general absorption due to the solvent is very marked. This would, of course, interfere with a quantitative study of any band occurring in this region, since it is impossible to separate the two absorptions, previous work having shown that they are not additive. 66 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NUMBER OF SALTS The work in the visible region of the spectrum was limited by the slit- widths necessary to be used, which has been mentioned and discussed above. We have rather chosen a limited portion of the infra-red, over which we could work without altering either the intensity of the light or the slit-width, which was in all cases 0.2 mm. The curves representing table 12 are given in figs. 18 to 21 inclusive. The percentages of transmission are plotted as ordinates, while the wave- lengths are given as abscissae. An examination of these curves shows three pronounced minima, representing the three absorption bands, with their centers near X7300,^ X7950, and X8700, and less-marked bands near X7150 and X9000. The latter of these small bands is possibly due in part to the Table 12. — Percentage Transmission oj Neodymium Chloride Solutions. X D.=2.5mm. D.=5mm, D. = 10min. D.=20mm. X D.=2.5mm. D.=5mm. D. = 10mm. D.=20inm C.=2.141N. C. = 1.071. C. =0.635. C. =0.267. C.=2.141N. C. = 1.071. C. =0.535. C. =0.267. 686 93 88 88 86 800 15 10 8 6 693 95 95 95 94 805 24 23 22 18 698 96 96 96 94 809 40 39 38 37 704 96 96 98 94 814 58 58 58 53 708 96 93 95 92 819 80 78 78 76 712 92 93 95 88 825 89 91 91 82 716 88 89 88 85 830 93 92 93 88 720 81 78 81 81 834 94 95 95 88 723 64 62 63 56 839 93 93 93 87 726 32 31 25 23 845 91 92 91 86 730 7 7 5 6 850 87 86 87 78 733 856 75 73 71 66 737 861 54 46 43 40 741 5 2 1 2 867 29 21 18 16 746 18 14 12 5 ! 872 28 24 23 18 751 36 39 29 28 1 877 40 39 40 34 755 54 55 52 49 \ 882 53 48 52 47 759 75 74 72 68 i 888 60 59 60 53 763 85 85 83 81 ! 894 Gl 59 61 56 767 84 86 85 83 ! 900 67 66 66 59 770 79 81 80 76 906 80 78 79 71 774 67 73 65 61 912 90 92 89 79 779 47 45 45 40 917 96 93 94 86 783 29 27 20 24 923 98 97 96 86 787 22 10 10 7 1 928 98 90 96 84 791 i 933 98 96 96 81 796 938 98 94 90 75 absorption of the solvent; but since its intensity does not increase markedly with dilution, it is more probably a doublet. Considering the curves repre- senting all four dilutions, we see that the X7300 and X7900 bands show com- plete absorption over a considerable range of wave-lengths, and any change in intensity could not be very noticeable. The X8700 band, however, has its minima gradually lowered as we pass from curve 18 to curve 21, ^. e., in the direction of increasing dilution. This phenomenon has been noted else- where in this monograph, and a possible explanation of it based upon a theory of resonance suggested. A closer and more exact study has shown that, although the phenomenon is a real one, yet it is probable that it may 1 The wave-lengths in the above and following tables are given, in general, to only three places. AS MEASURED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER. 67 in part be due to the combined effect of the sUght water absorption and, even a more important factor, the sHt-widths, as discussed above. The regions of maximum transmission occur near X7600 and X8400, and solutions of neodymium chloride become almost completely transparent beyond 1/x, except for the general absorption of the solvent. Slight absorp- tion bands occur in this region, one near 1.5/x, but they are so masked by the intense water absorption that it was found impossible to make a quanti- tative study of them. lOu 75 50 25 Neodymium Chloride Cell Depth 2.5mm. Concentration 2.141 N, 0.65/i 0.7// 0,75/^ 0.8a Fig. 18. 0.85/u OSju ].M )00 75 50 25 0.65// Neodymium Chloride Cell Depth 5i Concentration 1.071 N. O 75// 0.8// Fig. 19. 0,95// From a comprehensive study of the four curves representing the absorp- tion spectra of concentrated solutions of neodymium chloride, it seems probable that Beer's law holds quantitatively for the infra-red region, except for such slight changes as have been fully discussed above. 68 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NTTMBER OF SALTS Since, as mentioned above, the absorption bands with their centers near X7300 and X7950, in solutions of such concentrations as are given in table 12, reach complete absorption, and as in such cases it would not be easy to 100 §75 25 0.65a Neodymium Chloride Cell Depth iOmm. Concentration 0.535N. 0.75a 0.8/i Fig. 20. 0.95a 100 3 75 5 O ;2 50 z 25- 0.65,^ Neodymium Chloride Cell Depth 20mm. Concentration 0.267 N. 0.95// detect any change in their intensity, it was thought advisable to make a study of a series of more dilute solutions of the same salt. The results of this experiment are given in table 13. Reading from left to right, the concentrations are 0.536, 0.267, 0.133, and 0.067 normal, respec- AS MEASURED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER. 69 tively, the corresponding depths of absorbing layers being 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mm., respectively. Here again it is seen that the conditions of Beer's law are adhered to. The results are graphically represented in figs. 22 to 25, inclusive. These curves show minima in about the same positions as did the 100 3 75 ?i 50 25 Neodymium Chloride Cell Depth 2.5mm. Concentration 0.536 N. 0.65// 0.7/u 0.75// 0.8m FiQ, 22. 0.85a 0.9m 0.95// 100 75 50 25 Neodymium Chloride Cell Depth 5mm. Concentration 0.267N. 0.65// 0.7// 0.75// 0.8// Fig. 23. 0.85yU 0.^ 0.95/f curves representing the more concentrated solutions, but since the solutions are more dilute, they are accordingly more transparent; hence the minima in the curves are not so pronounced. The maximal absorption occurring near X7300 and X7900 are at about 25 per cent. 70 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NUMBER OF SALTS It will be noticed that beyond O.QjU all of the curves drop sharply with dilution, which is due entirely to the increasing absorption of the water. Figs. 22 to 25, inclusive, show just what might be anticipated from figs. 18 to 21, a lowering of absorption maxima as we pass towards the more dilute solutions. This change is most marked in the X8700 band, and 100 75 ^ 50 (J < z UJ Ql 25 Neodymium Chloride Cell Depth 10 mm. Concentration 0.133 N 0.65;/ 0.7/^ 0.75// 0.8m Fig. 24. 0.85// 0.9// 0.95// 100 75 50 25 Neodymium Chloride Cell Depth 20 mm. Concentration 0.067 N 0.65// 0.7/i 0.75/i 0.8^ Fig. 25. 0.85// 0.9m 0S5// it is in this region that the absorption of the water is most pronounced, although a 20 mm. layer of water in this region has at no point over 10 per cent absorption. The change in the intensity of the absorption band is greater than this amount, but it seems probable that this, together with the added correction for the slit-widths, may account for the phenomenon, and that Beer's law holds for the dilute solutions of neodymium chloride. AS MEASURED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER. 71 Table 13. — Transmission of Neodymium Chloride Solutions (Dilute). -V D. = 2.5mm. ^ C.=0.536N. 1 D.=5mm. D. = 10mm. D.=20mm. X D.=2.5min. D.=5mm. D. = 10mm. D.=20mm. C.=0.267N. C.=0.133N. C.=0.067N. C.=0.536N. C.=0.267N. C.=0.133N. C.=0.067N. 686 92 95 94"" 92 800 45 39 38 39 693 93 95 95 97 805 64 59 57 57 698 97 95 95 97 809 78 72 71 70 704 98 95 96 97 814 85 84 82 82 708 98 95 97 98 819 92 91 88 88 712 100 98 96 96 825 100 94 94 94 716 100 98 98 92 830 100 96 94 93 720 96 94 89 89 834 100 94 94 92 723 85 84 83 84 839 100 96 93 91 726 59 54 58 53 845 98 95 94 91 730 42 41 40 34 850 97 94 90 89 733 31 29 26 25 856 92 87 84 83 737 25 24 20 22 861 78 77 74 70 741 28 29 29 29 867 70 64 62 60 746 47 44 51 44 872 64 60 59 56 751 69 65 65 60 877 74 71 68 66 755 85 82 82 78 882 84 80 76 75 759 93 86 90 86 888 89 84 82 78 763 97 90 92 92 894 90 84 83 79 767 97 95 90 92 900 91 88 86 81 770 97 93 90 89 906 95 90 87 83 774 91 86 87 84 912 98 95 90 84 779 79 76 78 74 917 100 96 92 85 783 69 61 59 56 923 100 96 93 84 787 47 39 38 34 928 100 95 92 84 791 23 24 20 18 933 100 94 94 83 796 28 25 23 23 938 100 94 95 78 Table 14. — Transmission of Neodymium Nitrate Solutions. X D.=2.5mm. D.=5mm. D. = 10mm. D.=20mm. X D.=2.5min. D.=5mm. D. = 10mm. D.=20mm. C.=2.010N. C. = 1.05 N. C.=0.525N. C.=0.262N. C.=2.010N. C.=1.05 N. C.=0.525N. C.«0.262N. 686 86 88 85 78 800 12 10 6 6 693 93 96 91 89 805 21 19 14 15 698 93 96 93 93 809 35 33 30 30 704 96 94 93 91 814 49 49 47 47 708 95 96 96 88 819 63 67 65 64 712 89 90 94 89 825 79 80 79 77 716 84 88 88 82 830 82 88 89 82 720 78 79 78 78 834 92 92 93 85 723 80 63 61 58 839 96 94 94 89 726 40 33 30 28 845 92 91 91 85 730 14 14 10 9 850 87 84 85 77 733 856 76 70 72 65 737 861 61 57 63 47 741 11 4 867 43 36 35 32 746 12 15 6 6 872 30 27 26 22 751 22 23 22 17 877 31 30 28 25 755 38 39 40 38 882 43 42 41 36 759 60 60 62 55 888 55 52 51 48 763 75 75 74 70 894 65 60 59 61 767 80 80 83 79 900 68 66 66 62 770 75 75 79 75 906 77 75 75 67 774 64 66 68 62 912 86 84 83 75 779 47 47 48 44 917 94 90 97 83 783 32 32 29 26 923 98 92 90 84 787 16 10 13 9 933 100 96 88 86 791 11 8 2 5 938 100 96 83 77 796 72 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NUMBER OF SALTS NEODYMIUM NITRATE. Table 14 gives the percentage transmission for solutions of neodymium nitrate. Column 1 gives the respective wave-lengths at such intervals as the solutions required. Reading from left to right, we find the percentage transmissions for the following concentrations: 2.010, 1.050, 0.525, and 0.262 normal, respectively, the corresponding depths of absorbing layers 100 75 50 25 0.65yW Neodymium Nitrate Cell Depth 2.5 mm. Concentration 2.01 N 0.75/U 0.8/x Fig. 26. 0.95/i 100 75 50 25- Neodymium Nitrate Cell Depth 5 mm. Concentration 1.05 N 0J5$M 0.7a 0.75// 0.8/a Fig. 27. 0.85ya 0.9// 0.95a being 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mm. Figs. 26 to 29, inclusive, represent these results, the abscissae being wave-lengths and the percentage transmissions being given as ordinates. It is seen that the absorption bands in the nitrate solutions, as with those of the chloride discussed above, show three minima at X7300, X7950, and X8750. The nitrate bands are not as intense as those AS MEASURED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETEK. 73 of the concentrated solutions of the chloride given in figs. 18 to 21. This is what we should expect, since the concentrations of the nitrate solutions are not so great. However, two of the absorption bands reach zero trans- mission. A comparative study of any of these bands in the succeeding curves shows that, just as was found with the chloride bands, they become 100 75 50 25 Neodymium Nitrate Cell Depth 10 mm. Concentration 0.525 N 0.65a 0.7// 0.75m O.Bju- Fig. 28. q.85/1 0.9a 0,95a 100 75 50 25 Neodymium Nrtrate Cell Depth 20 mm. Concentration 0.262 N 0.65a 0.75a 0.8a Fig. 29. 0.95a more intense with dilution. The decided decrease in the transmission in the regions of the spectrum beyond Ifx is undoubtedly due to the increasing absorption of water as the solution becomes more dilute. The other slight deviations from Beer's law are not greater than could be accounted for by the corrections mentioned under the discussion of the chloride curves. 74 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NUMBER OF SALTS NEODYMIUM ACETATE. Table 15 gives the results obtained for solutions of neodymium acetate in water. The concentrations, reading from left to right, were 0.G17, 0.308, 0.154, and 0.077 normal, respectively, the corresponding depths of absorbing 100 2 75 in '-' {.■5 < I 50 25 Neodyrnium Acetate Cell Depth 2.5 mm. Concentration 0.6I7N 0.65/^ 100 0.7/^ 0.75// Fig. O.Su 30. 0.85m 0.9m 0.95m 75 ^50 25 Neodymium Acetate Cell Depth 5 mm. Concentration 0.308 N 0.65m 0.7m 0.75// ^«/ Fig. 31. 0.85m 0.9m 0.95m layer being 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mm., respectively. The results in this table are plotted in figs. 30 to 33, inclusive. The percentage transmission and wave-lengths are represented, respectively, by the ordinates and al)r<^is?[e of the curves. AS MEASURED BY MEANS OF THE KADIOMICROMETER. 75 The minima of transmission fall at approximately the same positions as with the chloride and nitrate solutions discussed above, i. e., at X7300, X7950, and X8750. As indicated by the photographic method, the solutions of neo- dymium acetate have greater absorbing powers for a given concentration than either the chloride or nitrate. 100 75 »- 50 lij UJ UJ CL 25 Neodymium Acetate Cell Depth 10 mm. Concentration 0.154 N 0.65/U 0.7a 0.75/^ 0.8/Z Fig. 32. 0.85// 0.9m 0.95/1 100 75 50 25 Neodymium Acetate Cell Depth 20mm. Concentration 0.077 N 0.65// 0.7// 0.75// 0.8// Fig. 33. 0.85// 0.9// 0.95// The small band near X7000 appears slightly more intense with the acetate than with equal concentrations of the other salts; and the more intense bands X7300, X7950, and X8750 show the same general tendency to have their minima lowered with increasing dilution. This set of curves shows in a marked way the rapid increase in the absorption near X9500, which is due to the water present in the solution and illustrates the difficulty that is met 76 ABSOKPTION SPECTRA. OF A NUMBER OF SALTS with when working with aqueous sohitions at greater wave-lengths than Ifx. Even over the range of wave-lengths at which we have worked, it is seen that the absorption due to water is a disturbing factor. Table 15 . — Trans7nissions of Neodymium Acetate Solutions. X D.=2.5mm.;D.=5 mm. D. = 10mm. D.=20mm. ; a D.=2.5mm. D.=5 mm. D. = 10mm. D.=20mm. C.=0.617N.jC.=0.308N. C.=0.154N. C.=0.077N.| A C.=0.617N.1C.=0.308N. i C.=0.154N. C.=0.077N. 686 98 97 94 94 800 27 ■: 28 27 28 693 92 91 93 95 805 57 46 44 46 698 97 97 96 93 809 69 ! 63 62 64 704 98 100 92 93 814 74 \ 76 73 75 708 96 i 98 92 96 i 819 90 i 83 83 82 712 100 ; 96 94 96 825 92 1 89 86 87 716 100 i 94 90 94 830 92 93 92 91 720 94 90 90 94 834 98 1 98 92 91 723 87 , 87 79 76 839 96 97 94 90 726 69 64 60 57 845 97 97 90 88 730 44 36 32 30 850 95 96 90 87 733 22 22 18 21 856 95 94 84 83 737 24 17 14 15 861 91 83 77 71 741 30 23 22 25 867 72 69 65 67 746 41 39 34 35 872 62 60 56 53 751 52 55 52 55 877 66 67 58 57 755 71 71 65 67 882 71 72 66 66 759 81 84 81 82 888 83 i 82 76 75 763 90 91 87 88 894 87 84 81 78 767 93 93 89 87 900 91 88 84 79 770 94 90 87 89 906 92 90 87 83 774 89 88 83 84 912 94 ; 90 90 82 779 72 74 74 75 917 96 1 93 89 85 783 62 63 59 55 923 97 I 96 94 86 787 45 40 37 32 933 99 95 91 83 791 24 21 17 18 938 99 95 92 77 796 22 17 17 14 PRASEODYMIUM CHLORIDE. Solutions of praseodymium salts are not of great interest from our stand- point, in those regions beyond the visible part of the spectrum. It was found that such solutions were transparent in the infra-red end of the spec- trum as far as 1.5, except two very weak bands which fall just in the midst of the intense water-bands. Since, at this point, a very thin layer of water is almost completely opaque, it is evident that it would be impossible to study aqueous solutions in this region, especially dilute solutions. As shown by the photographic plate, praseodymium salts possess two groups of bands in the visible spectrum, one in the green near X4600 and another near X5900. Since the amount of energy at the former wave-length is so very small, the width of slits necessary to be used was too large to give satisfactory results. Such bands could, of course, be detected, but the deflections of the instrument at this part of the spectrum are very small, and, hence, relatively large errors would occur in making the readings. For these reasons we have confined our attention to a careful study of the one band which has its center near X5900. Table 16 gives the observed transmissions for the four dilutions of solutions of praseodymium chloride. AS MEASURED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER. 77 In column 1 there is given X taken at such intervals as the graduated head of the spectroscope would permit. Reading from left to right, the respective concentrations were 1.377, 0.688, 0.344, and 0.177 normal, the corresponding depths of absorbing layer being 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mm., respectively. Table 16. — Percentage Transmissions of Praseodymium Chloride Solutions. X D. = 2.5mm.iD.=5 mm. D. = 10mm. D.=20 mm. X D.=2.5mm. D.=5 mm. D.=10 mm. D.=20 mm. C. = 1.377N. C.=0.688N. C.=0.344N. C.=0.177N. C.-1.377N. C.=.0.688N. C.=0.344N. C.=0.177N. 506 100 100 100 100 587 60 59 55 56 618 100 98 100 100 589 45 46 40 40 530 100 98 100 100 592 35 35 32 33 544 99 99 99 98 595 35 34 34 33 556 99 99 99 98 597 43 43 42 42 563 100 98 100 98 600 56 56 56 56 565 99 99 98 97 602 69 69 68 69 567 97 100 98 97 605 81 82 81 81 572 97 99 95 97 607 90 92 88 88 577 96 98 93 95 611 93 94 93 94 579 91 92 90 92 614 97 99 95 97 583 85 86 84 80 629 98 100 97 98 585 77 76 70 72 In terms of Beer's law, the curves representing these tables should be iden- tical. Such curves are represented by fig. 34. Beginning with the curve nearest the left and proceeding towards the right, the succeeding curves rep- resent the four dilutions of praseodymium chloride as given in the preceding paragraph. 100- 75- 50 25 Cell Depth 2.5 mm. Concentration 1.37 7 N Cell Depth 5 mm. Concenrration0.688N Cell Depth 10 mm. Concentration 0344 N Cell Depth 20 mm. Concentration 0.177 N 0.55m Q.6/U 0.55/z 0.6/z 0.55/z Fig. 34, 0..6/Z 0.55ju 0.6/jL The curve representing the most concentrated solution is nearest the left of the figure. It is seen that these curves are identical to within the limits of experimental error; the slight increase in the absorption with dilution is to be attributed to the slit-width correction. The slit-width was in every case 0.4 nrni. Water has no absorption in this region. 78 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NUMBER OF SALTS The results recorded in these curves are in agreement with previous photo- graphic results. The minimum in transmission, which in each case is about 30 per cent, occurs near X5900. The total deviation from Beer's law over the dilution studied is not over 3 per cent, which is well within the experi- mental error in this portion of the spectrum. PRASEODYMIUM NITRATE. Corresponding results for solutions of praseodymium nitrate are given in table 17. The concentrations of the solutions, beginning on the left and reading towards the right, were 1.282, 0.641,0.320, and 0.160 normal, respec- tively, the corresponding depths of absorbing layer being 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mm., respectively. Table 17. — Percentage Transmission of Praseodymium Nitrate Solutions. X D.=2.5mm. D.=5 mm. D.=lOmm. D.=20mm. X D.=2.5mm. D.=5mm. D. = 10mm. D.=20mm. C.=1.282. C. =0.641. C. =0.320. C. =0.160. C. = 1.282. C. =0.641. C. =0.320. C. =0.160. 506 100 100 99 100 587 62 60 60 58 518 98 98 100 100 589 48 46 46 45 530 100 100 99 99 592 40 40 38 36 544 99 98 100 100 595 37 36 36 36 556 99 98 100 98 597 44 44 44 42 563 99 99 98 97 600 56 56 56 54 565 96 100 98 96 602 68 67 68 67 567 98 100 98 97 605 79 82 79 80 572 95 97 96 95 i 607 87 89 89 88 577 93 92 94 93 i 611 91 92 94 92 579 90 92 90 91 1 614 95 95 97 96 583 83 86 85 83 ! 629 98 98 99 98 585 73 74 72 72 1 Cell Depth 2.5mm. Concentration 1.282 N Cell Depth 5mm. Concentration 0.641 N Cell Depth 10 mm. Concentration 0.320N Cell Depth 20mm. Concentration I60N 0.55/^ 0.6m 0.55m 0.6m 0.55// Fig. 35. 0.6m 0.55m 0.6m The results are plotted in fig. 35. Reading from left to right, there is shown the effect of increased dilution on solutions of praseodymium nitrate and such concentrations and depths of absorbing layers as were mentioned above, the most concentrated solution being nearest the left of the figure. AS MEASURED BY MEANS OP THE RADlOMlCROMETER. 79 As with the curves representing the sohitions of praseodymium chloride, these curves show that Beer's law holds quantitatively for solutions of the nitrate. Neither the position nor the intensity of the band is altered more than the limits of error of our work for the range of dilution studied. It may be recalled that this is in exact agreement with the photographic results recorded elsewhere in this monograph. SALTS OF NICKEL. Table 18 gives the percentage transmission of the nickel salts studied. Beginning at the left of the table, column 1 gives X, taken at such intervals as the solutions required, and reading towards the right are the results for the following salts: nickel chloride, depth of cell 3 mm., concentration 2.74 normal; nickel nitrate, depth of cell 5 mm., concentration 1.68 normal ; nickel sulphate, depth of cell 5 mm., concentration 1.108 normal, respectively. Curves representing these results are given in figs. 36, 37, and 38. Table 18. — Percentage Transmissions of Solutions of Nickel Salts. Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel X chloride. nitrate. sulphate. X chloride. nitrate. sulphate. D.=3 mm. D.=5mm. D.=5mm. D.=3 mm. D.=5 mm. D.=5 mm. C.=2.74 N. C. = l.68N. C. = 1.108 N. C.=2.74 N. C. = 1.68 N. C. = 1.108N. 544 71 69 81 1 796 16 20 33 556 64 69 79 ; 805 18 24 40 563 62 65 76 1 814 22 31 44 565 60 61 73 825 28 36 49 577 56 57 68 I &34 32 40 55 583 52 50 66 ! 845 36 46 58 587 47 46 61 i 856 41 48 64 592 40 40 60 I 867 46 51 66 597 34 33 40 877 49 52 68 602 26 28 43 888 51 56 69 607 22 22 37 900 53 56 68 614 17 17 33 912 54 56 67 618 12 12 26 923 52 51 64 625 10 9 23 933 50 48 62 632 8 6 18 938 47 44 59 638 5 6 15 965 42 38 52 643 3 4 12 966 36 - 30 44 650 4 12 978 30 24 38 662 3 10 990 26 20 33 676 2 10 1002 22 16 28 693 9 11 1012 20 14 24 755 7 8 10 1 1023 15 9 22 770 7 8 18 1 1035 13 8 20 779 11 13 20 ! 1047 9 4 17 787 14 17 30 1 1060 6 4 14 Nickel Chloride. Fig. 36, the curve for nickel chloride, shows an increasing absorption from 70 per cent transmission at X5200 to complete absorption at X6300. From this point there is complete absorption to the regions X7200, and then a gradual increase in transmission, reaching a maximum of 53 per cent near X9000, then decreasing again to zero transmission at XIOOOO. As has been shown photographically, the visible spectrum of salts of nickel consists of intense broad absorption bands both in blue and red, 80 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NUMBER OF SALTS showing a single region of transmission, extending to about X6500 in the red. It is interesting to note that by means of the radiomicrometer we are able to study another region of transmission which reaches a maximum near X9000. From this point the absorption rapidly increases until the region of water absorption is reached. It was not possible to determine whether the solu- tion again became transparent beyond this point, on account of the water absorption. 50 25 0.5;u Nickel Chloride Cell Depth 3mm Concentration 2 74N 0.6a •01m 08// Fig. 36. 118 Nickel Nitrate. Fig. 37, w^hich represents the second column of table 18, gives the trans- mission, as observed, for a solution of nickel nitrate, concentration 1.68 nor- mal and 5 mm. absorbing layer. This j&gure is almost exactly analogous to the curve for nickel chloride, just discussed in the preceding paragraph, and shows maxima at X5400 and X9000. There is complete absorption in the region X7000 and beyond l.ljit. Figs. 36 and 37 represent approximately equal amounts of the chloride and nitrate respectively, and are very similar. 75 50 0.5/z NicUel Nitrate Cell Depth 5 mm. Concentration 1.68 N Q&u 0.7m 0.8a 0.9m Fig. 37. Nickel Sulphate. The curve representing the last column of this table is given in fig. 38. The concentration of nickel sulphate was 1.108 normal, and the depth of absorbing layer was 5 mm. It will be seen that this solution is slightly more dilute than the other two solutions of nickel salts studied; and that in no AS MEASURED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOMICROMETER. 81 region does the curve representing the transmission reach complete absorp- tion. Maxima in transmission appear near X5400 and X9000 and minima of about 8 per cent at X6900 and XI 1000. Readings were not made at greater wave-lengths with any of the nickel salts, on accoxmt of the intense water absorption slightly beyond this region. No striking or characteristic difference is noted in the absorption as shown by the three curves representing the three salts of nickel studied. Each of them shows maxima and minima in about the same region of the spectrum. S50 < 0.5a 0.6m 0.7// 0.8a Fig. 38. OSju Um SALTS OF COBALT. The photographic plate shows that in the visible region salts of cobalt have a strong ultra-violet absorption, a band in the orange near X5000, and increasing transmission from the center of this band toward the longer wave-lengths. It was interesting to see whether solutions of cobalt salts were completely transparent beyond the limit of sensibility of the photo- graphic plate, or if such solutions again showed absorption bands in the infra-red. It was also of interest to know whether equal concentrations of the different salts showed the same or different absorption bands. With this idea in view, the solutions of five salts of cobalt were studied. In each case the concentration was 0.347 normal, and the depth of absorbing layer 10 ram. The results are given in table 19. Beginning at the left are given, in their respective order, the observed transmissions for 10 mm. of solution of the following salts: cobalt chloride, cobalt bromide, cobalt nitrate, cobalt sul- phate, and cobalt acetate. The results of table 19 are plotted as transmission curves in figs. 39 to 43, inclusive. A study of these curves shows that they are very similar, all having maxima of transmission at the following points : X5950, X7800, X91 00, and X10,600. In general, for all the salts of cobalt studied, the transmission curves rise rapidly from X5000 to X5900, where the transmission reaches about 65 per cent. The curves show a broad but slight absorption over the 82 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NtJMBER OF SALTS region near X6500, and reach a maximum transmission over tlie region near X7000 to X8000. The curves then descend, showing a series of small absorp- tion regions near X8400, X8900, and X9800. The last of these absorption bands shows a fairly sharp edge toward the shorter wave-lengths. Beyond X10,500 the absorption increases rapidly until the region is reached where water is practically opaque. Table 19. — Transinissions of Cobalt Solutions. Cobalt chloride. Cobalt bromide. Cobalt nitrate. Cobalt sulphate. Cobalt acetate. X D. = 10mm. D. = 10mm. D. = 10mm. D. = 10mm. D. = 10 mm. C. =0.347 N. C. =0.347 N. C. =0.347 N. C. =0.347 N. C. =0.347 N. 544 12 1 21 20 14 15 556 19 33 31 26 31 572 39 50 35 48 53 583 48 61 64 57 59 589 59 68 68 62 69 592 63 74 73 67 72 605 68 74 77 67 72 614 70 74 77 68 74 622 72 74 79 68 75 632 72 75 84 69 76 640 72 75 76 70 77 650 73 76 79 71 76 660 73 78 81 72 80 667 74 78 82 74 83 678 79 82 85 77 84 686 80 84 88 79 85 693 81 85 90 88 88 708 84 87 91 81 89 720 84 89 91 82 92 730 85 87 92 83 89 741 88 88 88 82 91 755 87 89 89 83 91 767 87 i 92 89 82 92 779 88 89 89 84 90 791 90 89 89 83 90 805 91 89 87 84 89 819 88 88 84 83 90 834 87 87 83 83 86 850 88 86 76 80 86 867 88 95 95 80 85 882 84 84 82 79 83 900 84 81 77 76 84 917 83 1 82 79 77 82 933 78 77 79 73 78 949 70 69 70 66 70 966 68 55 56 54 56 984 51 i 49 50 47 52 1,002 49 48 50 ^ 49 1,018 51 50 50 47 52 1,035 51 1 50 53 50 52 1,053 48 1 50 56 49 52 1,072 46 : 46 50 44 48 1,091 41 41 46 40 41 1,109 34 35 39 34 36 1,123 29 31 35 30 32 1,136 24 25 23 24 25 1,147 17 21 14 16 19 1,162 12 12 13 11 12 1,174 9 10 11 10 10 1,187 9 9 10 9 9 1,202 8 8 ^ 8 10 AS MEASURIiD BY MEANS OF THE RADlOMlCROMETER. 83 100 Cobalt Chloride Cell Depth lOmm. Concontra-tion 0.347 N O.JM 0.6m 0.7^ O.SyU 0.9/z Fig. 39. 1.1/. 1.18 100 50 Cobalt Bromide Cell Depth lOmm. Concentration 0.347 N 0.5m 0.6m 0.7m 0.8// 0.9/. Fig. 40. 1./Z l.lA 1.18 100 50 25 Cell Depth lOmm. Concentration 0.347 N 0.5m 0.6// 07/< 0.8// Fig. 41. 0.9m 1.// Um 84 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF A NUMBER OF SALTS Fig. 42, representing the curve of transmission of cobalt sulphate, appears slightly different from the curves of the other salts of cobalt, having better- defined bands in the region of X8000. 75 50 25 Ce If Depth 10 mm. Concentration 0.347 N 03a 0.6// 0.7// 0.8// 0.9// Fig. 42. '•/" 1.18 too 75 50 25 5a 0.8a Fig. 43. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL SUMMARY OF RESULTS. The work on the effect of temperature on the absorption spectra of solutions was extended to aqueous solutions, the range in temperature being from ordinary temperatures up to about 200°. For this purpose a special form of apparatus was constructed, made of brass and lined on the inside with gold. This was for the purpose of preventing the hot vapor under high pressure from coming in contact with any metal except gold. With this apparatus the absorption spectra of aqueous solutions could be studied up to 200°, just as well as the spectra of nonaqueous solutions in the apparatus used by Jones and Strong, and described in Publication of the Carnegie Institution of Washington No. 160. With neodymium chloride the following bands remain unchanged by temperature over the range from 20° to 200°: X3800, X4025, X4200, X4325, X4440, X4600, X4690, X4750, X4820. The double band X5050 to X5270 changes very slightly. The bands X4275 and X5800 show marked changes, the red edge widening and becoming more diffuse. The X5800 band widens as much as 50 a.u. toward the red, the violet edge remaining sharp. With the neodymium bromide, as with the chloride, only X4275 and X5800 show any marked changes with rise in temperature. The band X5800 widens for the bromide 60 a.u. from 20° to 190°. The X4275 band, for neodymium nitrate, shows a marked change, widen- ing towards the red. The X4425 band widens about 15 a.u. from 15° to 165°. The bands X5125 and X5800 show marked changes towards the red. The change was greatest in the most concentrated solutions, although the total number of absorbers in the path of light was kept constant. The bands X4275 and X5800 for neodymium acetate show marked changes on the red side, the latter widening as much as 80 a.u. The acetate bands, for a given concentration of salt, are the most intense of all the neodymium bands. When the solution was cooled down, the absorption spectra went through exactly the reverse changes as when the temperature was raised. Since the acetate band, X5800, is more intense for the same concentration than for neodymium chloride or nitrate, and since the acetate is less dis- sociated than the neodymium salts of the strong acids, it appears probable that this band is in some way connected with the molecules. The sulphate of neodymium shows the same temperature effect as the other salts of this element. The effect of temperature on the absorption spectra of cobalt chloride is very slight. There is a slight widening of the band of praseodymium chloride whose center is near X4825. The X5900 band undergoes slight change with tem- 85 86 ABSORPTION SPECTliA OF SOLUTIONS. perature, but from 20° to 160° it changes less than 25 a.u. There is no appreciable change with temperature of the l^ands whose centers are near X4425, X4650, and X4820. The above-described temperature changes take j^lace only in concentrated solutions. In very concentrated solutions all of the praseodymium bands show a slight widening with rise in temperature. We shall see that increase in dilution affects the bands of praseodymium salts only when the solutions are fairly concentrated. Thus, rise in temperature and increase in concen- tration produce the same effect on the absorption spectra of solutions of praseodymium nitrate. The effect of rise in temperature on the absorption spectra of solutions of uranyl nitrate is a general widening of the bands, with a slight shift of the center towards the red. The general absorption ending near X3500 moves rapidly towards the red with rise in temperature. All of the eleven bands between X3500 and X4600 become more diffuse and broader with rise in temperature, the X4180 band being most affected. The red edge of this band shifts as much as 25 a.u. from 40° to 120°. The uranyl sulphate bands X4175 and X4325 have their centers shifted towards the red about 25 a.u. for a temperature range of from 20° to 185°. The band X4750 remains unchanged, while the red edges of X4325 and X4550 shade rapidly towards the red. All bands below X4500 become very diffuse as the temperature is raised, and at the highest temperatures are a single, broad, hazy absorption band extending from X4000 to X4400. The most marked widening is in the uranyl sulphate bands X4100, X4200, and X4350, the center of each of these bands being slightly shifted towards the red. The broad, hazy bands X5100, X5600, and X6200 are not appreci- ably affected by changes in temperature. None of the uranyl acetate bands seems to undergo change with dilution; all of the nine bands on the plate undergo change with rise in temperature, becoming more diffuse. While some of the absorption bands of solutions are practically unaffected by temperature, many of them widen as the temperature is raised. The effect of rise in temperature is not to produce a symmetrical widening of the bands, but most of the widening is towards the red. The violet edge of the band usually remains pretty sharp. The red edge widens out, becoming more hazy and diffuse. The effect of dilution on the absorption of light by solutions was early studied by Ostwald and others, especially in connection with the theory of electrolytic dissociation. It was known that both molecules and ions in solution absorb light, and the question was whether they have the same or different absorption. It was not possible to answer this question satis- factorily by means of the prism spectroscope. It has been possible to solve this problem by means of the grating. Jones and Anderson had shown that if molecules and ions absorb differ- ently, the difference is slight. We therefore worked over a wide range in GENERAL SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 87 dilution, comparing the absorption of a concentrated solution with one 500 times as dilute. The neodymium chloride bands X3400, X3450 to X3600 are not affected by change in dilution. The sharp band X4275 is more intense in the most con- centrated solution. The bands near X5100, X5200, and X5800 are markedly affected by dilution, the former two appearing as distinct bands in the most dilute solution. The broadening of these bands with concentration is fairly uniform, both towards the red and the violet ends of the spectrum. The intense band from X5690 to X5850 is greatly affected by concentration, widening almost entirely towards the red. This widening is about 50 a.u. When a more dilute solution was used to start with, the broad band X5700 to X5825 is the only one which widens with increase in concentration, the widen- ing being about 25 a.u. When a still more dilute solution is used as the starting-point, there is no appreciable change in any of the bands with increase in concentration. With neodymium bromide, with increase in concentration there is a slight increase in the intensity of X4275. The bands X5090, X5120, andX5210 narrow uniformly with dilution. The greatest change is in band X5750, which widens towards the red as much as 30 a.u., the violet edge remaining practically unchanged. When half the concentrations were used, the only band affected by dilution is the one near X4800, which widens with the con- centration as much as 20 a.u. When all of the dilutions were again doubled, there was practically no difference between the absorption spectra of the various dilutions. The effect of dilution on the absorption spectra of neodymium nitrate is probably greater than on any other neodymium salt. Then bands X5090 and X5125, in the most concentrated solution, have so broadened as to become one band. The band X5220 widens uniformly towards both the red and violet with increase in concentration probably as much as 70 a.u. Starting with a different concentration, the X5750 band widens as much as 40 a.u. as the concentration is changed. When the original solution was still more dilute, only the X5750 band changed appreciably. The band X5750 of neodymium sulphate widens with concentration as much as 25 A.u. It remains unchanged if the initial solution of neodymium sulphate is more dilute. A number of the bands of neodymium acetate change with the dilution. The X5210 band narrows about 10 a.u. with the first change in dilution, and then remains unchanged with further increase in dilution. The broad band X5750 changes about 55 a.u. with the change in dilution studied. When only half the initial concentrations were used, only the bands X5220 and X5750 underwent change. With neodymium acetate further increase in dilution produced still further narrowing of the absorption bands. When one-fourth the initial concentration was used, the band X5750 underwent change, narrowing about 20 a.u. This is the only salt of neodymium in which a change in a band was noted at such a high dilution. 88 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS. The X4675 band of praseodymium chloride narrows towards the violet about 20 A.u. with increase in dilution, while the broad band X5900, under the same conditions, shows a narrowing of about 25 a.u. When more dilute solutions are employed, none of the bands shows any change with dilution. The changes in the two bands X4675 and X5900 with dilution are much less than with the corresponding bands of neodymium. The two bands X4450 and X4650 of praseodymium nitrate widen about 20 A.u. with increase in concentration in very concentrated solutions. In the more dilute solutions there is no change. The X4700 band of uranyl chloride shows marked widening with increase in concentration, especially towards the red end of the spectrum. The X4900 band also shades off rapidly towards the red end of the spectrum. When more dilute solutions were used, both X4600 and X4700 gradually widen with increase in concentration. The X4700 band of uranyl bromide widens uniformly with increase in the concentration. When a more dilute solution was employed as the starting- point, none of the bands changed with dilution. The absorption of concentrated solutions of uranyl nitrate is complete to X4500. With increase in concentration this gradually recedes towards the red, amounting to as much as 100 a.u. The X4700 band widens under the conditions about 20 a.u. The sharp band X4875 widens slightly with increase in concentration. In the more concentrated solutions of uranyl salts many of the bands change with change in the dilution, while in the more dilute solutions there is scarcely any change at all. The introduction of the radimnicrometer into this work converted it into a quantitative study of the absorption spectra of solutions. The grating spectroscope and photographic method were very efficient in locating the positions of the absorption lines and bands from wave-lengths X2000 to about X7600 ; and the photographic method gave some approximate idea as to the intensities of the various lines and bands. This method is, however, only roughly quantitative, and is very limited in the range of wave-lengths to which it can be applied. The radiomicrometer provides us with a quantitative method for studying the intensities of the various lines and bands, and also greatly extends the range of wave-lengths that can be studied. In the earlier work mth the radiomicrometer much time and labor were expended in perfecting the instrument, especially in constructing a sensitive radiomicrometer with a short period. Dr. Guy accomplished this very successfully. The earlier work was practically limited to the study of the absorption spectra of solutions of neodymium salts — ^neodymium chloride, bromide, nitrate, and acetate. The results were plotted in what is known as transmission curves, which express the percentage transmission for the different wave-lengths. Solu- tions of different concentrations of a given salt were studied, the depth of GENERAL SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 89 layer of the solution varying inversely as its concentration. The product of the depth of layer times the concentration is a constant. If the solvent plays no r61e in the absorption, then the transmission curves for the different concentrations of any given salts must fall directly over one another — the different curves would be the same curve. We found that, in general, the more concentrated the solution the less the transparency and the broader the absorption bands; this is exactly what we obtained mth the grating spectroscope and the photographic method. But in the more dilute solution the intensity of the bands was greater. We observed further, that with increase in dilution the middle of the band is dis- placed towards the longer wave-lengths. The same general changes with dilution in the absorption spectra of solu- tions of neodymium bromide were observed as with the chloride; the more dilute the solution the narrower and more intense the bands. The bands of neodymium nitrate, in general, show the same changes with dilution as those of the chloride and bromide. With increase in dilution the intensities of the bands increase, and their centers are displaced somewhat towards the longer wave-lengths. The three salts of neodymium, then, all show an increase in intensity with dilution. A possible explanation of this phenomenon, based upon reson- ance, has been offered. It is a well-known fact that a resonator, when excited by vibrations from a single vibrating resonator having the same pitch, vibrates more strongly than when set into vibration by a large number of resonators, one of which has the same pitch as its own and the others slightly different periods. In a word, if several vibrators are near together, every one exerts a certain influence on the others. The result is that no one of them has exactly the same period as the original resonator. Each resonator damps the other and we have less perfect resonance. In a concentrated solution the resonators are relatively close together and mutually affect one another. The result is imperfect resonance and the absorption bands are less intense in the more concentrated solution. In the more dilute solution the vibrators are farther removed from one another and are surrounded by large amounts of water of hydration. The damping effect would thus be diminished. In such cases we would have more perfect resonance and the resulting absorption bands would be more intense. Subsequent work has, however, shown that a part of this effect can possibly be explained as due to the fact that the slit-width used was not infinitesimal. It was found by the radiomicrometer, as with the grating spectroscope and photographic plate, that for a given concentration the acetate absorbs much more than any other salt of neodymium. One of the most interesting facts thus far established by means of the radiomicrometer is the effect of the dissolved substance on the absorption spectra of water. We noted that aqueous solutions of hydrated salts were often more transparent than pure water. This is obviously a very remarkable fact, and we at once took up its careful study. We compared 90 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OP SOLUTIONS. the absorption of aqueous solutions of strongly hydrated salts with the absorption of a layer of water equal in depth to the water in the solution through which the light was passed. We then carried out similar experi- ments with salts which, in the presence of water, combine with only a small amount of it. In a word, we compared the absorption of light by water with the absorption of an equal depth of water in aqueous solutions of strongly hydrated salts, and the absorption of light by water with an equal depth of water in aqueous solutions of salts which are scarcely hydrated at all. The nonhydrated salts with which we worked were potassium chloride, ammonium chloride, and ammonium nitrate. It was necessary in all of this work to choose salts which themselves have little or no absorption in the region in which water absorbs, i. e,, in the infra-red. It was found that aqueous solutions of the above-mentioned compounds showed the same absorption of light as water having the same depth as the water in the solu- tions in question. This is exactly what would be expected. The dissolved substance and the solvent do not combine with one another to any appre- ciable extent, and it would be very difficult to see how either could appre- ciably affect the absorbing power of the other. When we turn to the strongly hydrating salts, very different relations manifest themselves. The salts of this class that were studied were cal- cium chloride, magnesium chloride, and aluminium sulphate. In the case of a 5.3 normal solution of calcium chloride, the solution is the more transparent from 0.9^t nearly to 1/z. The water then becomes the more transparent for a short distance. From 1.05/z to 1.2/zthe solution is the more transparent, becoming as much as 25 per cent more transparent than the pure water. The water becomes more transparent than the solution only at and near the bottom of the "water-hands" at approximately Ijjl. This is what we should expect if the solute exerts a damping effect on the absorb- ing power of water. When a smaller depth of the solution of calcium chloride is used, the water in the region 1.25/z is more transparent than the solution. From this band on to the longer wave-lengths the solution becomes more transparent than the water until 1.42/x is reached, when both solution and water are practically opaque. The results for magnesium chloride are essentially the same as those obtained for calcium chloride. The main difference is that from 1.0/x to l.ljit, in the case of magnesium chloride, the water is more transparent; while for calcium chloride in this region the solution is the more transparent. The difference between water and the solution of magnesium chloride in this region is, however, not great. For wave-lengths longer than l.lju, the solu- tion of magnesium chloride, like the solution of calcium chloride, is more transparent than the water, the difference for the two salts being of the same order of magnitude. When a smaller depth of layer of the solution was used, the water was the more transparent from 1.22fjL to 1.34/i. For the longer wave-lengths the solution was the more transparent. GENERAL SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 91 The curve for aluminium sulphate brings out this new feature; at Ijj, the solution is more transparent than the water. Beyond 1.04/z the water is transparent to 1.17 jjl, beyond which the solution is the more transparent, as with magnesium and calcium chlorides. In the region 1.2/i water is the more opaque when a shallower layer of solu- tion is used. From 1.29/jl to 1.36/z, water is the more transparent; beyond 1.36jLt the solution is the more transparent. The explanation of these remarkable results is that they must be due to some action of the dissolved substance on the solvent. That the solvent can affect the absorption spectra of the solution was first shown by Jones and Anderson ;i and a large number of examples of this same action has since been found by Jones and Strong.^ The action was satisfactorily explained as due to a combination of the solvent with the dissolved substance, and this explanation accounted for many facts which could not be otherwise satis- factorily explained. This theory of solvation in solution has aided us in explaining many phenomena which the theory of electrolytic dissociation alone could not account for, as has frequently been pointed out. The same solvate theory of solution seems to aid us in explaining the facts just discussed. Those substances that do not form hydrates when in the presence of water show normal results as far as absorption spectra are con- cerned. Their solutions have the same absorption as so much pure water, the substance itself showing no absorption. It is the hydrated salts, and only these, which give the abnormal results herein recorded. The combined water seems to have less power to absorb light than free or uncombined water. This would account for all of the facts observed. It should be noted that the presence of the salt shifts the absorption of the water towards the longer wave-lengths. It was earlier observed that rise in temperature and increase in concentration shifted the absorption of the salt towards the longer wave-lengths. The effect of rise in temperature and of increase in concentration is to simphfy the hydrates existing in the solution. This simplified resonator shifts the absorption towards the red. The effect of the salt on the absorption of the water is the same as rise in temperature and increase in the concentration of the solution on the absorption of the dissolved substance. It may be that the dissolved substance diminishes the association of the solvent and thus simplifies the resonator. This may be true especially with the water of hydration or the water combined with the dissolved substance. This new line of spectroscopic evidence bearing on the solvate theory of solution is regarded as probably the most direct that we have or can hope to obtain in favor of the view that there is combination between solvent and solute. In studying the absorption spectra of salts, the intensity of the light after passing through the solution of the salt in question, was compared with the 1 Cam. Inst. Wash. Pub. 110. » Ibid., 13J and 160. 92 ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF SOLUTIONS. intensity of the light after passing through a depth of water equal to the water in the solution in question. The absorption spectrum of neodymium chloride shows three pronounced minima representing the three absorption bands with their centers near X7300, X7950, and X8700, and less pronounced bands near X7150 and X9000. The latter may be due in part to the solvent; for all four dilutions studied the X7300 and X7900 bands show complete absorption over a considerable range of wave-lengths. The minimum of band X8700 is gradually lowered with increasing dilution. The maximum transmission of solutions of neodymium chloride occur near X7600 and X8400, these solutions becoming almost completely trans- parent beyond Ijjl, except for the absorption of the solvent of this region. It seems that Beer's law holds, in general, for the infra-red absorption of solu- tions of neodymium chloride. The minima in the curves for the more dilute solutions of neodymium chloride are in about the same positions as those in the more concentrated solutions, but the solutions being more dilute are more transparent; hence the minima are not so pronounced. The maximal absorption occurs near X7300 and X7900. The X8700 band has a minimum transmission of 64 per cent. There is complete transmission in the regions X7200, X7600, X8300, and X9300. The drop in all of the curves beyond 0.9jLt is due to the absorp- tion of the water. With further increase in the dilution of the solution, there is a lowering of the maxima. The change is most pronounced in the X8700 band, and here the absorption of the water is the most pronounced. The absorption of the water together with the correction for slit-width may account for this change, and Beer's law may hold for the dilute solutions of neodymium chloride almost as well as for the more concentrated. Neodymium nitrate shows three minima at X7300, X7950, and X8750. The nitrate bands are not as intense as those of the chloride, the solution of the nitrate not being as concentrated as that of the chloride. The nitrate bands, like those of the chloride, become more intense with increase in dilution. The absorption of water becomes more and more pronounced beyond Ijjl. The minima for solutions of neodymium acetate fall at approximately the same positions as with the chloride and nitrate. Solutions of neodymium acetate, as indicated by the photographic method, show greater absorbing power than those of either the chloride or nitrate. The X7000 band is slightly more intense in the acetate. The more intense bands X7300 and X7950 show the same tendency to have their minima lowered with increasing dilution. There is a rapid increase in the absorption near X9500, due to the water present in the solution. Solutions of praseodymium salts are transparent in the infra-red as far as 1.5/x, except two verj^ weak bands which fall in the midst of the intense water bands. Praseodymium salts have two groups of bands, one in the green GENERAL SUMMARY OF RESTJT.TS. 93 near X4600 and another near X5900. We have limited our investigations to the latter band, on account of the small amount of energy transmitted at X4600. The curves representing the absorption of different concentrations of praseodymium chloride are identical to within the limits of possible experi- mental error. The results obtained with the radiomicrometer are in accord with those found by the grating and photographic plate. The minimum in each case occurs near X5900. The total deviation from Beer's law, as shown by solutions of praseodymium chloride, is within the limits of experimental error. The curves for praseodymium nitrate show that Beer's law holds here as well as for the chloride. Solutions of nickel chloride show an increasing absorption from X5200 to X6300, where it is complete. Complete absorption extends to X7200. Transmission increases to X9000, then decreases to zero at XIOOOO. The visible spectrum of salts of nickel consists of intense broad absorption bands in the blue and red, having a single region of transmission in the red, extend- ing to about X6500. By means of the radiomicrometer we could study the region of transmission near X9000. Beyond this we could not go because of the absorption of the water. The absorption of nickel nitrate closely resembles that of the chloride. There is maximal absorption at X5400 and X9000. There is complete absorp- tion in the region X7000 and beyond l.lju. The solution of nickel sulphate studied is sHghtly more dilute than the chloride and nitrate. In no region is there complete absorption. There is maximal transmission near X5400 and X9000, and minima at X6900 and XI 1000. Readings were not extended beyond this region on account of the intense absorption of the water. The three salts of nickel studied have just about the same absorption spectra, the curves sho^ving maxima and minima in just about the same regions of the spectrum. Salts of cobalt in the visible region have a strong ultra-violet absorption. There is a band in the orange near X5000, and increasing transmission towards the red. The infra-red absorption of solutions of cobalt salts was studied, and the absorption of the chloride, bromide, nitrate, sulphate, and acetate compared. The transmission curves for all of these salts have maxima at X5950, X7800, X9ld0, and XIOGOO. The transmission curves for all of the salts of cobalt studied rise rapidly from X5000 to X5900. The curves show a broad, slight absorption over the region near X6500, and reach a maximum transmission from X7000 to X8000. There is a series of small absorption regions near X8400, X8900, and X9800. Beyond X10500 the absorption increases rapidly to the region where water is practically opaque. The curves for cobalt sulphate are slightly better defined than those for the other cobalt salts. «EC 7 '^ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL mm ■,M LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-50m-8,'66(G5530s4)458 N2 474287 Jones, H.C. The absorption spectra of solutions. PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY QC437 PSL Aiint j i LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS if74287 Call Number: QC437 Jones, H.C. The absorption spectra of solutions. J78